2003/12/152003 -213
Council met on Monday, December 15, 2003 at 4:30 p.m. for the purpose of
discussing the Offer to Purchase (Matovic) from the City, Part of Falls Industrial Park.
All members of Council, with the exception of Alderman Kerrio, who had a conflict
of interest and Alderman Wing, who was away due to illness, were present. Alderman
Selina Volpatti offered the Opening Prayer.
The City Solicitor referred to the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and reviewed
the changes that had been executed as outlined in Schedules A B.
Communication No. 247 Stanley Avenue Business Park Association. The
communication advises that the Stanley Avenue Business Park Association supports the
sale of surplus lands contingent on the issues outlined in their correspondence, dealing
with the industrial base, the truck access routes, the buffer zone, truck turn around,
residential development, property values and aesthetics.
His Worship Mayor Salci received indication that Ms. Italia Gilberti, Solicitor, was in
attendance on behalf of the applicant.
Mr. David Allen, Chair, Stanley Avenue Business Park Association, advised that the
membership of the Stanley Avenue Business Park Association were in support of the
proposed sale of surplus lands and of the proposed development of a golf resort complex
by Fallsview Golf Inc., and requested that an Industrial Representative be assigned to sit
on the City's Beautification Committee to represent their industrial interests.
Ms. Gilberti advised that the Conditions as stated on "Schedule B" were acceptable
and that the applicant had no concerns and was looking for Council support of the Offer
of Purchase.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman loannoni, to accept
the Offer of Purchase. Carried Unanimously.
Council Chambers
December 15, 2003
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman loannoni, that
leave be granted to introduce the By -laws and the By -law be read a first time.
A by -law to authorize the execution of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale
with 1149962 Ontario Limited respecting the sale of lands being Lots 26 to
33, 37 to 41, Block C, Block B, Part of Block A, part of Anderson Crescent
and part of Don Murie Street on Plan —67, comprised of approximately 61
acres more or less.
2003 -214 A by -law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its meeting
held on the 15 day of December, 2003.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman loannoni, that
the following By -laws be now read a second and third time.
2003 -213
Letters of Condolence
A by -law to authorize the execution of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale
with 1149962 Ontario Limited respecting the sale of lands being Lots 26 to
33, 37 to 41, Block C, Block B, Part of Block A, part of Anderson Crescent
and part of Don Murie Street on Plan —67, comprised of approximately 61
acres more or less.
2003 -214 A by -law to adopt, ratify and confirm the actions of City Council at its meeting
held on the 15 day of December, 2003.
Underground Reconstruction Work
Alderman Pietrangelo remarked that in 2001 the City committed its share of funding for the
reconstruction of Montrose Road between Highway 420 and Thorold Stone Road. All
underground work had been completed; however, to date, the Region has not gone ahead
with the road works. The work is not slated until 2006.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Pietrangelo, seconded by Alderman Morocco, that
a letter be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Niagara, requesting that they expedite
the road reconstruction work from Montrose Road to Highway 420. Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman loannoni, that a
letter of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late Dr. Clarence Arthur (Cam) Kyle.
Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman loannoni, that a
letter of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late Mary E. Connor. Carried
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti, seconded by Alderman loannoni, that a
letter of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late Donald Bruce Jackson. Carried
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Volpatti seconded by Alderman loannoni, that the
meeting be adjourned. Carried Unanimously.