Minutes1960 4;;~i;'~:~!q''i~ ~'~;~ ~ :'~Y;~ f d T h' Council hold in the Court Room of on Monday, January 4th, 1960 at '- i 11. a .m. All the members of the Council and the member of the Public Utilities Com- mission took the Declaration of Office before the Clerk, A. C. Huggins. The Gavel of Office was then presented to the Reeve who announced that the 1960 Council was now officially constituted. Rev. W. D. Stenlake of Southminster United Church gave the Prayer of Invoca- tion for the 1960 Council. Reeve Mitchelson then gave the following Inaugural Address: I would like to preface my second Inaugural Address with a tribute to the men who served with me on the 1959 Council. It was a pleasure and privil~ to work with them for the benefit of the people of Stamford Township. As you would expect there were wide differences of opinions on many problems but I would like to state that when the facts and statistics that had a bearing on each problem had been studied in terms of "the greatest good to the greatest number", the decisions made, were in my opinion, in the best interest of the ratepayers. I would like to state that each member of Council worked dil- igently in the interests of the ratepayers, in many cases over and beyond the call of duty, and in my opinion are entitled to the gratitude of the people whom they served. As a result of Election Day, Monday, December 7th, there is one change of personnel in the 1960 Council. Councillor Bates decided not to seek re-election but he can feel that during 1959 he served ably and well and I feel that his ability and interest in municipal affairs should he used in some capacity to which his talents are suited. On behalf of the 1960 Council, and the people, I would like to welcome back the people's choice, Councillor A- G. Bridge. Last year he said "I am just taking one year's rest." He has kept his word and once again his long experience as Councillor, Reeve and Warden is at the disposal of the people of Stamford T~qnship. DUTIES OF AN ELECTED COUNCIL: The duties of elected representatives are many and varied. They are expected to exercise local policy control and general administrative super- vision throughout the entire range of local government undertakings. Be- sides the services which they oversee directly, they must accept the over- riding responsibility for a variety of other services where the immediate control lies with some appointed board, commission, committee, or authority. periodically the elected representatives appoint all or most of the members of such governing bodies .... some from their own ranks, some from outside. The Municipal Council receives financial reports on' all their operations, provides much of their funds and has an opphrtunity to consider many of their major policy proposals before they are implemented. In some instances, the elected representatives have the power of veto, in others, their authori~ is less. MUNICIPALITIES CREATED BY pROVINGIAL LEGISIATION: The rights of local self-government come from the PrOvince. provincial legislation tells the civic authorities what they may do, or must do, and often specifies in detail how a service is to be organized and carried out. the local authority has some freedom of choice .~ In .al~ost every und~rtaking, coupled with a measure of Provincial direction. Certain services which municipalities provide are, in reality, partnership undertakings carried out in co-operation with the Province. To a considerable extent, civic services are subsidized through Provincial grants of one type or another. APPRECIATION TO HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS AND THEIR STAFFS: The Public Utilities Commission and their staff who supply the water and electrical services we require are to be complimented. Especially when the weather causes the conditions it caused last week. We must not forget to thank the many individual citizens who serve on the following: the Arena Board, the Welland and District Health Unit, the Library Board, the Housing Authority, The Committee of Adjustment, the Niagara Regional Development Association, the Court of Revision, the Niagara Peninsula-Conservation Authority and the Niagara District Airport Commission. Another group of fine-spirited citizens who services give us all peace of mind is the group of men who serve in Stamford's Fire Departments. Under the direction of the Fire Committee, the men of the three Fire Departments render service of such a high calibre that the Underwriters set Stamford's fire rate at the same figure as the adjacent City. This predominantly volunteer fire service deserves the thanks and support of all of us. The sincere thanks of Council must be expressed to the Niagara Falls EveningReview the Niagara Falls (N.Y.) Gazette and Radio Station C.H.V.C. for their cont;ibution in communicating the activities and decisions of Council to the people of the area. All of the people referred to in the appreciations just expressed, render the kind of service that~.helps to make Stamford To~mship a well balanced and desirable place in which to live. The thanks that I have just expressed must fade into insignificance compared to the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that each and everyone of them must feel at having contributed to making. their co,a~unity Just a little better place to live in. ENGINEERING DEPARTMEME IIIGHLIGHTS: Under the able superintendence of the Township Engineer, a road Programme amounting to $200,000 for Maintenance, $135,000 for Construction and $62,000 for Supplenentary for a total of $397,000 was efficiently carried out. The following main traffic arteries were extended to a 36, ~idth of Pavement~ (1) completed widening Dunn Street from Dorchester Road to '. To accomplish the work that was achieved in 1959 required the dedication and hard work of a competent staff. I would be remiss indeed if I did not draw the effort and loyalty of the staff to your attention, and the attention of the people of Stamford Township, and praise and thank them on your behalf. Without their efforts, we as residents would not be able to enjoy the services we demand in a fully modern community. The Clerk, A. C. Huggins, the Engineer, Conrad Eidt, the Treasurer, R. W. Daws, the Assessor, Ben Prior, the Building Inspector, Arthur Bradley, the Plumbing Inspector, W. Pattison, as heads of their respective depart- ments, have done yeoman service. The Police Commission, and the men on the Force under Chief Con- stable John Cunningham, deserve our thanks for the manner in which they have preserved law and order and the many other kindnesses men of the law perform. d R d 2 Dot hester Road from Lundy's Lane to the Queen Eliza eth DECLARATION OF POLICY: Drurmno ( ) e b h t s r are toedoo~ . ' Wen he 1959 Council amended the Declaration of Policy it included this . suggestion along with the following more important changes: (1) increased The following rural roads were improved or re-constructed thus keeping standards for roads, (2) sidewalks on both sides of R2 subdivisions, (3) prepayment in cash for all services or if the subdivision is large, pre- desirable balance between urban and rural improvement in our roads system: Garner Road, Welland Line Road, Kalar Road, Whirlpool Road. The above work required the construction of 16.2 miles of road and the surface treating of 29 miles of road. In addition to the above, the Roads Department constructed the roads in fourteen (14) registered subdivisions. Other services constructed during 1959 were: 2.99 miles of sewermains, 3.91 miles of watermains, 1.10 miles of curb faced sidewalks and 5.03 miles of sidewalks. In the Parks Department the regular park maintenance programme was carried on making these areas available for recreation. The A. G. Bridge Park was opened to the public with the newly constructed washrooms, store room facilities and the new backstop. WINTER WORKS PROJECTS: As in former years the Federal Government will contribute 50% and the provincial Government 25% towards the labour costs on approved projects. The remaining 25% and material costs must be borne by the Township. Approval of projects to the estimated costs of $121,687 has already bee~ received and other projects have been submitted for approval. Sixty men were kept working to the end of May and 40 men are now ' working at approved projects. When the work commenced, priority was given to heads of families receiving Municipal welfare assistance, The 1959 Council feels this programme is of practical assistance to those who are feeling the acute unemployment situation most keenly. BUILDING PERMIT HIGHLIGHTS: The Building Inspector issued Building Permits to a total value of $7,039,470. This is almost one million more than 1958, but if the value of the new Secondary School on the pitton property which is not taxable is deducted, the figure is roughly $6,000,000 which is the-average for the last five years. .~ I would like to point out that despite the fact that Council withheld approval of new subdivisions until the Declaration of Policy had been amended and despite the fact that a tight money policy resulted in the Central Mortgage and Housing Authority reducing the amount of money avail- able for home mortgages, the number of residential units completed in 1959 (315) was almost the same as in 1957 (342) and 1956 (339). The largest numbers completed in the last 5 years was 1958 (441) ani 1955 (448). ASSESSMENT DEPARII4ENT HIGHLIGHTS: The total taxable assessment in 1959 was $50,220,300 and has increased by $1,844,152 to a 1960 total of $52,064,452. This may seem like a sub- 'r,~ stan~ial increase but in actuality is not ~nou~h to p~ovide the additional · ,l~?i services required. payment for units of approximately 50 lots. Protection of the purchaser and the difficulty experienced by Council in collecting funds when needed for the installation of services forced this position upon Council. PLANNING: By-law 2031 and the Official Plan were the beginnings of the planning approach to the needs of Stamford Township. By-law 2350 passed this year consolidated By-law 2031 and all subsequent amendments. This year the Councils made sufficient funds available for the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board (which includes Niagara Falls, Stamford and Chippawa) to hire a full time professional planner. The advice of such a qualified person is just as essential to Councils as the advice of Solicitors, EngineerS, Clerks, Health Officers, etc. The work and efficiency of the Planning Board has increased because the Planner's services are now ~ailable and this accomplishment together with the establishment of an office and the proper facilities met with the full s~pport of the 1959 Council. If the well-planned municipality that we of this generation envisage and wish to pass on to our children and our children's children is to become a reality, we must continue to support sound planning principles. TOURIST AND INDUSTRIAL PROMOTION: The tourist and industrial promotion activities that are carried out on behalf of the people of Stamford are done by the Chamber of Commerce and are supported financially by the three Councils. Last year at the Inaugural Meeting, Deputy Reeve Keighan suggested Stamford should con- sider having its own Industrial Commissioner and recently he has revived the suggestion. From reports in the press we are aware that the Industrial Committee of the Chamber of Commerce has some suggestions to make to the e0uncils. The facts involved in this problem must be squarely faced and in all probability will be resolved in terms of economics. In a municipality that is growing and developing like Stamford, it is imperative that we obtain as much industrial and commercial assessment is possible so that we may reverse the unfavourable balance of residential ~0 industrial and commercial assessment that has been ~aking place since 1954. HYDROAND TAXATION: - In 1958 Stamford received approximately $186,000 from the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario as a grant in lieu of taxes under the Power Commission Act. In 1959 it is estimated that the grant in lieu of taxes will be almost $250,000. Of this amount $45,000 will be the grant allowed on the Generating and Transformer Stations as a result of a 1959 amendment to the Power CDnm~ission Act which allows $2.00 per square foot 'of ground floor space. This is the additional payment Hydro Officials promised in 1958 if and when an equitable fermula could bc worked out. ThUs equitable formula ~oes not conform to the Provincial Assessment Manual which the Government acc.ep.t p ' h t' and transformer stations are entitled to full number one roblem a d '11 ' · PROBLEMS FOR T · $ . o ue e outside maximum and have exceegded the Chippawa and Stamford Councils early in 1960. The decision on this report In addition to this our mill rate has been increasing each year for will be one of the most important that the Council will have to make. Stamford Council co-operated with the other two Councils to take the necessary steps to gather the facts that wouldjdetermine whether a merger was in the best interests of the people. The Committee engaged the Firm of Deacon, Arnett and Murray, a top ranking consulting and planning Firm and requested that Fred Page Higgins (an equally competent accounting firm) be retained to do the financial analysis. The recommendation that they bring in, and all the details leading up to their recommendations, must be given the closest scrufiiny from Stamford's point of vi~¢. The content of the report must be put in a simple form so that the public may become familiar with the important advantages and disadvantages of a possible merger. The co-operation of Stamford in proceeding with the other Councils to study factually whether merger is in the best interests of all the people does not relieve it of its responsibility to c~itically analyst the report to see if it is in the interest of Stamford ratepayers. In fact it is its duty to do soo~ (2) Bus Problem - The decision of the N.S.& T. to give the Councils of Niagara Falls and Stamford the required 12 mo~ths notice to discontinue its bus service as of August 31st, 1960 created a serious problem. The opinion of Council after much consideration was that it felt.the better solution was to have a private company, preferably one experienced in the transportation the past decade. This fact together with the high cost of borrowing for mnicipal purposes adds greatly to the amounts that must be levied for operating purposes. I strongly recommend that all current expenditures be considered" carefully and capital borrowings curtailed to the lowest possible figure and that the Stamford District Board of Education, the Public. Utilities Cemmission and Council get together to conclude the preliminary work done on a 5 year capital budgeting plan. The Municipal magazine "Civic Administration" in its December issue published some figures from a report by Eric Finnis of the Canadian Tax Foundation and they are significant enough to reprint here. Percentage of Total Taxes Collected Year Federal Provincia~ Municipal 1933 39% 19% 42% 1942(War) 80% 10% 10% 1958 62% 21% 17% Thus the cycle has been completed in 25 years with the municipalities euchered from first to third place. Little wonder that the organizers of Federal-Provincial finance conferences are not too anxious to add muni- Jpalities to the invitation list. There is a hint that a Federal-Provincial municipal finance conference field, take over the Franchise and failing that, to consider setting up a my be held in 1960. All municipalities should press for this and insist that publicly operated transportation system jointly with the City of Niagara Falts.l.nthorough factual and complete look should be taken at the present situation ith'the purpose of moving in the direction of achieving "a now deal on taxes" When a Joint committee had been set up with the members of the Niagara ~ s the report referred to so clearly indicates is needed. Falls Council, the thinking and decisions were the same as Stamford's Council. . For the information of residents of Stamford Township I propose to be The opinion that this area cannot function without'a transportation system was endorsedby the property owners of Stamford when they voted about 2 to 1 on the question "Are you in favour of the principle of the Municipal' ity operating a public bus transportation .system Jointly with the City of Niagara Falls?" This problem, which is common to many municipalities on the North American European Continents, must be squarely faced up to and solved. We hope it can be solved by having private enterprise take up the Franchise but if it cannot, then it is evident that Stamford's'residents are in fayour of the only alternative, the principle of a public bus system operated Jointly with the City of Niagara Falls. (3) EnlarRfi~ Council - The 1959 Council was in favour of enlarging the Council' by two members and having them elected on a staggered term. The ers favoured this~ " recommendation by a majority of approximately 2 to 1. my office at the Township Hall at the conclusion of the school day at p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays of each week to be available 0 confer with the general public and officials of the Municipality and to erform other functions required of the Reeve. In addition to the set hours hat I will be in my office, I realize that there will be many other calls m my time, and these can be arranged to the mutual satisfaction of those mncerned. The services which local governments provide nowadays have become business. Local affairs demand much time and energy from a].l elected 'ePresentatives. It is obvious from all the foregoing that the respon- ~ibility for conducting the affairs of Stamford to-day requires the '0'operation of ma~y people who are keenly interested ill their m~nicipality. It is the sincere wish of the members of the 1960 Council that they have the they have the capacity to grasp the essentials of large-scale and complex undertakings, the ability to reach sound decisions on important matters and the good sense to refrain from unwarranted interference with the day to day work of the permanent officials. Addres~ 1. Keighan MacBain "THAT the excellent Inaugural Address given by Reeve E. E. Mitchelson be recorded in the minutes of this meeting. Reeve Mitchelson then called upon the members of Council to give short addresses: Deputy- Reeve Keighan · Deputy-Reeve R. F. Keighan Mr. Reeve, Members of Council, Special GuestS, and Ladies and Gentlemen: I do believe that the Reeve has covered very completely the events that took place in 1959 and no doubt the effect of what we did will be felt for years to come. We hope that what we did will be in the best interests of Stamford Township. Before con~nent- ing further on the Reeve's remarks, I realize that this is an Inaugural Meeting, but I happen to be an individual that when I am disturbed about something, I have to say what I want to say. This is something that is very important to Stamford Township and which seems to becoming a practice and an expensive one as has been shown this past year. It is rather ironic and serious that at the end of 1958 We had a member return to Stamford Council who was a member of a law firm who was a very capable person, but I cannot accept a person taking a seat on Council when that seat has been gained, according to the Municipal Act, in an illegal way. At the end of 1958 the Township was being prosecuted by Martin,Calvert,Bates & Sheppard and that prosecution was still in progress. According to the Municipal Act the following shall not be eligible to be elected to the Municipal Council: "a person who, either himself or by or with or through another, is counsel or solicitor in the prosecution of any claim, action or proceedinS aginst the corporation or in opposing or defending any claim, action or proceeding by the corporation." This was going on when Mr. Bates was elected to Council. I cannot accept this and I ~ cannot accept the opinion of our acting solicitor that this fact would not influence the Ontario Municipal Board in .any decision they make, because you should know by now that we are facing action against the Corporation by the same law firm of Martin,. Galvert, Bates & Sheppard. It is getting to be a habit and I must say something about it as your representative because you are the people who are going to pay for any damages, costs,ere.that arise. I am very sorry that i have to bring these things out now but it is of the utmost importance and the peopleshould be acquainted with it. Asfar as 1960 is concerned, I want to assure the Reeve and members of Council that I will do as I have done in the past, that anything I feel that is important toStamford I will do my best at all times. Councillor can be carried out during the year. I wish to express my apprecia- Allan ContRtion to the Officials and Staff and other bodies for the co-operaticn given to Council. I hope we will have that same good will during the year just beginning. I sincerely hope we will all have the best of health and strength to carry out the many duties, and I wish everyone a prosperous and happy year in 1960. Councillor Bridge Councillor MacBain Councillor Allan CouncilloK J. N2 Allan gave the following remarks: Mr. Reeve, Members of Council, Ladies and Gentlemen: The Reeve and Deputy-Reeve both have covered very well what has "~ taken place during the past year and I will not dwell on that. I wish to congratulate the Reeve on his InaugUral Address. He ,. has covered many points and suggestions and I hope many of them Standing Committees Councillor Councillor A. G. Brid~e gave the following remarks: Mr. Reeve, Members of Council, Ladies and Gentlemen: I have no intention at this time to discuss the Inaugural Address of the Reeve as I want more time to go into the details before making comments. I have one suggestion with regard to the bus transportation question. I do not know who was responsible for submitting question 4 to the ratepayers in the form in whi.qh it was submitted as a money by-law. It was not a money by-law,,it was simply a plebiscite and should have been voted e~ by all the people of the Township and it would have had a much larger majority fayour it. Again, I will not attempt to comment upon the Reeve's Address until I have had sufficient time to study it, and possibly next week I will have something to say about it. I want to pass a word of commendation upon the work of the Public Utilities Commission in the recent storm. On the whole, Stamford Township did very very well in that storm and it speaks very well for the Public Utilities Commission employees. I listened to the remarks of the Deputy-Reeve regarding the law suits and that is one of the questions~ I intend to ask. I hope you all have a good time at Uncle Sam's and I wish everyone a very very'happy New Year. Councillor A. A. MacBain gave the following remarks: Mr. Reeve, Members of Council and Ladies and Gentlemen: When you are the last speaker and when you are the junior member of Council there is not much you can add to the fine words already spoken, I just want to wish everyone in the Township a very happy and prosperous 1960, and also to Reeve John MacKenzie of Chippawa and thank him for taking the timeoff to come to our Inaugural Meeting. 2. Allan MacBain "THAT the following Members of Council be designated! as Chairman of the 1960 standing committees of Council: Reeve E.E.Mitchelson Property, Sidewalks, Deputy-Reeve R.F.Keighan Finance, Fire, Councillor J.N.Allan Councillor A.~.Bridge Councillor A.A.MacBain All members of Council Committees name~." Sewer,Lights,Cemeteries, Roads, Welfare, Parks,Traffic, to be members of the Carried. After the above resolution was read and Mr. Mitchelson asked if all the members were in favour, Councillor Bridge took the floor and stated that he had not been consulted about the committees, and that the list had been already been completed and typed, and that be had particularly wanted to be Chairman of the Finance Committee, and that he did not think it was fair that he had not been consulted. Reeve Mitchelson then stated that he would like to give his interpretation of the facts. He advised that during the five years he had been on Council and served under Mr. Bridge that never once had he presented a list of the committee chairmen and the list had Bridge stated that Mr. Bridge was aware of this and that he had asked Cont'd each member of Council what particular c~mmittees they were interested in. Mr. Mitchelson also stated that he had called at Mr. Bridge's home on Wednesday and told him that the Council members would like to meet and discuss the committees. Deputy- Reeve Keighan stated that members of Council had been polled and had voted that he return as Chairman of Finance. He also advised that it would have been a relief to have someone else as Chairman of the Finance Committee, as it had entailed a great deal of work over the past year. Reeve Mitchelson then stated that Deputy-Reeve Keighan had been appointed as Chairman of Finance by a vote of the Council members and that this was a real tribute to the work he has done. Councillor Bridge again stated that he had never said he would like to be on the Roads Committee, and that Deputy-Reeve Keighan had told him he would like to be off the Finance Committee, and that he would have liked to be the Chairman of Finance because he felt it was a job which would require more brains than past years. Councillor Bridge stated he would like to go on record as not being in, favour of the resolution. Boards & 3. MacBsin Commissions Allan "THAT the following members of Council be appointed as Stamford Council's representatives to the organizations and Boards-named hereunder: Greater Niagara Survey Committee-Reeve E.E. Mitchelson and Deputy-Reeve R.F.Keighan, Arena Board-Reeve E.E.Mitchelson and Councillor A,A. MacBain, Cancer Society-Councillor J.N..Allan, Chamber of Commerce-Deputy-Reeve R.F.Keighan, Councillor J.N. Allan, Chamber of Commerce Industrial Committee-Deputy- Reeve R.F.Keighan, Councillor A.A.MaCBa~n, Chamber of Commerce Tourist Committee-Deputy- Reeve R.F.Keighan, Councillor J.N.Allan, Chamber of Commerce Traffic Committee-Councillor A. A. MacBain, Civilian Defence Committee-Councillor 3.N.Allan, Court of Revision - Reeve E.E.Mitchelson. Hospital Committee - Councillor A.A. MacBain, ~ Humane Society - Councillor A. Ao MacBain, Welland & District Health Unit-Reeve Mitchelson, Niag.Falls & Suburban Area'Planning Board - Reeve E.g. Mitchelson, Greater Niagara Railroad Re-location Committee' Councillor A.G.Bridge, Deputy-Reeve Keighan, Greater Niagara Unemployment Committee-Deputy- Reeve Keighan, Councillor A.G.Bridge, .Niagara District Airport Committee-Councillor J. N. Allan, Niagara Regional Development Assoc.-Councillor A. A. MacBain, Niag.Peninsula Conservation Authority- Reeve Mitchelson, Stamford Library Beard - Councillor A.G.Bridge." Author~loa 4. Allan to sign Bridge .che~ues, Carried. "THAT Reeve E.E.Mitchelson and Treasurer K.W.Dawe be authorized to sign all cheqges, promissory notes and other banking forms on behalf of the Township of Stamford." Carried. Rev. Stenlake ~ 5, Adjourn Reeve Mitchelson Jan.4,1960 _Pr_esent 7t6. Allan Bridge Keighan MacBain "THAT a sincere vote of thanks be given to Rev. W, D, Stenlake, Minister of the Southminster United Church, Stamford Township, for the Prayer of Invocation given at this Inaugural meeting of Council." Carried, "THAT we do now adjourn to meet at the Township Hall on Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Reeve Mitchelson s~ated that on behalf of the 1960 Council he wished to thank most sincerely the public for their interest in attending the 1960 Inaugural Meeting. He said that th~.1960 Council is dedicated to serve the people, and that it was obvious that there would be differences of opinioA, and that it was his sincere hope that the decisions made would be in the best interests of all the people. Meeting Adjourned. A Regular Meeting of Council was held January 7th, 1960 at 7:30 P.m. Minutes ~ 1. MacBain . Allan Su__bscriptions ^ 2. Clerk Bembe-KshiPs ~ 3. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. G, Bridge A, A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meeting held December 28th, 1959 and the Inaugural Meeting held January 4th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. Bridge Allan Keighan MacBain "'THAI' we authorize the Clerk to take out sub- scriptions of the following Municipal magazines for members of Council and all Department heads: 1. The Municipal World, 2. Civic Administration." Carried. "THAT we authorize memberships to the following Municipal organizations for the year 1960 at the fees indicated: Ontario Municipal Association- $50,00, Ontario Good Roads Association - $25.00, L~tario Traffic Conference - $10 Ontario Mayors & Reeves Association-at fee to be levied, Urban-Rural Municipal Association-At fee to be }a e -ricers Association- ee included fee $30.00." _ Carried. Girls Work Board Kerrio Hockey 5. progranm}e C.N.R.Bonds ~ 6. Allan Keighan "THAT Council approve the request of the Niagara Falls Girls Work Board to hold their annual Tag Day on Saturday, May 7ths 1960, which Board also includes Stamford Township." petition re: Catchbasin Carried. Allan Keighan "THAT we authorize an advertisement on behal£ of Stamford Township in the Stamford Kerrio Hockey Club programme, at a cost of $100.00~" Carried. Keighan Bridge "THAT the Treasurer be authorized to purchase $2,550.00 worth of C.N.R.(Canada (~aranteed) BondB to mature in Dec. 1964, at a yield to the Township of ~.92%, since the amount of $2,551 will not be required to be used for the installa. tion of street lights until some time in the future." .Carried. Out.Good " 7. Allan Roads Conv. Keighan "THAT two Council members who wish, along with Officials, be permitted to attend the Ontario Good Roads Convention in Toronto, Feb.22,23, & 24." Garried. PCO Services ~' 8. MacBain Bridge "THAT the Reeve and Clerk be instructed to execute our Pe~t Service renewal contract at the new rate as set forth in the letter of PC0 Services Limited da~ed'-November 25th, 1959." Carried. Bus problem A~pointments- Boards & Commissions Council received a letter from the local Union of the'Amalgamatd Association of Street Electric Railway and Motor Coach Employe~s of America dated January 5th, 1960 wherein it was indicated that the older buses were having more breakdowns than suggested by Mr. F.S.Dingle, Vice-President of the C.N~R. Mr. R.P.Paige, Vice-President of the Union was also present at the meeting and he mentioned'that in addition to having difficulty in maintaini~ the o~d buses on the routes, difficulty was being experienced with the heaters in the buses and in consequence, passengers were not as comfortable as in the new buses which had been taRen off the Niagara Falls run. After considering the matter, the Clerk was instructed to forward the letter to the Joint Transportation Committee for attention. In addition to this action, Council suggested that the Solicitor check the private Act granting the N.S.& T. the bus Franchise, to determine if there are any provisions which might govern the accommodation provided in the busesbeing operated. Council instructed the Clerk in respect to certain appointments to various Boards and Commissions. Thes~ iuBtructions will · be incorporated in a by-law which will be brought in to Council later in the month. Keighan Allan Playground v~10. MacBain equipment Allan Temporary ~' 11. MacBain Assistant Allan Foreman B_l~g. Inspector 12. Allan Keighan Brookfield- '~ 13. Allan _Clare Cresc. Keighan -~-law 2457 ~ 14. Keighan MacBain "THAT the request of residents who petitioned Council for approval of connecting a 6" concrete ",main into an existing catchbasin be granted, to be carried out at their expense and maintained by them, and that the location be as set down in their letter of January 5th, 1960, the connection to the catchbasin to be under the supervision of the Engineer." Carried. "THAT the playground equipment o~ed by the Secord Subdivision Association and offered to the Corporation for use an~qhere in the Township, be accepted,and the Engineer be requested to pick up and store the equipment when he receives a copy of the Association's resolution permitting the Association to dispose of the equipment." Carried. "THAT Mr. assistant foreman on the Winter Works Projects after his vacation which will be about Feb.lst, 1960, until the completion of our Winter Works Programme on the Engineer's recommendation. The Engineer ha~ing pointed out to Council that the George Warden be employed as a temporary position was made known Co our employees and the only applicant does not have sufficient experience,.. and that such experienced men are not usually 'Recorded vote requested by Councillor A.G.Bridge: Ayes: Atlan~ MacBain, Mitchelson Nayes: Bridge, Keighan. .~= Resolution Carried. . "BY-~W No.2457,1960 A By-law to authorize ;;:~. the construction of certain works as local " improvements under the provisions of the Local ,~ Improvement Act ." Read a third time and "THAT we approve of the report from the Engineer re: flooding in the Brookfield-Clare Crescent district, and same to be sent to all residents interested." Carried. "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector for Building Permits issued in the month of December in the amount of $79,850.00/" Items Tabled V.O.N. ~ Leslie Weisz Watermain- Montrose Rd. Boyardee ~ P 1 an Plan 188 J~ O.M.B. HearinKs ~etter filed Tothfaluse Increase Council AdjoUrn. Jan.7,1960 The following items on the Agenda ~ere ordered tabled: 1. Letter from the Victorian Order of Nurses advising that they had vacated the building on the west side of the Township Hall in December, 1959. The vacancy was referred to the Chairman of Property for investigation and report to determine how the building might be best used. 2. Letter from Leslie Weisz of 2911 Barker Street request- i~garbage pick up twice a week for his apartment houses at 2167 and 2181 Dorchester Road. The matter was referred to the Engineer for a further report after he has an interview with Mr. Weisz. 3. Letter from M. T. Stelmaszynski requesting the extension of a watermain on Montrose Road was referred to the Engineer' for a report. 4. Memorandum from the Engineer dated January 7th re: garbage service for the new Boyardee Plant on Pettit Ave. was referred to.~the,'Council Industrial Committee for a report. 5. Letter from the Engineer outlining various alternative costs for servicing Registered Plan 188. _Present Finance Genera 1 R~oads 6. The Clerk presented a Memorandum advising that the Ontario Municipal Board would hold hearings at the Township Hall in respect to the following matters: Hearing of Restricted Area By-laws 2445, 2446, 2447, 2448 as well as the application ! Relief submitted by F.A,Branscombe to have a hearing in connection with an application to have the second part of the Town & Countri Estates property registered. The followinK letter was ordered filed: Letter from the Township Solicitor advising that judgment had been signed against Joseph Tothfaluse, Andrew Tothfaluse an~ Andrew Tothfaluse St. on December 29th, 1959 in the amount of $8,121.91 together with costs, to provide estimated sidewalk costs for Registered Plan 157. A certified cheque in the amount of $1,347.00 signed by Martha and Andrew Tothfaluse was forwarded with instructions that it be credited to the amount, owing on the Judgment. The Solicitor presented a draft act to'present to the legis' lature along with applicable peeitions~ to increase the membership of the Municipal Council from five to seven members, ~e forms were drawn up on the basis-that the term of office would be for a two year term on the staggered basis, with the Reeve running each year. After considerable discussion the Solicitor was instructed to revise the Act and petitions to only provide for an increase in Council membership from five to seven members. No action in respect to term of office or a staggered system will be taken at the present time, and will be deferred until later· in the year. 15. Keighan MacBain Finance ~..Lester Snow Access reads Petition "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday,Januarl llth, 1960 at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meetin8 Adjourned Hour ll: ~0 p om. A Regular Meeting of Council was held on January llth, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. 1. Keighan MacBain Keighan Allan 3. Keighan MacBain E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Fluante Committee and pass · s" account . Carried· "THAT the statement of General Accounts.dated January 8th, 1960,as presented, be acc'~pted and the accounts be paid amounting t~\$219,858.93.,, Carried. "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated January 8th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to\$18,722.06.,, 4. Keighan Allan Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated January 8th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to\$1,931.38.,, 5. Allan Macgain Carried, "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. Mr. Legtar Snow of 2584 Riall Street addressed Council in respect to an application for a garage license he submitted to operate a new establishment on Part Twp.Lot 188, Welland Line Rd. just west of Drummond Road. He indicated that some time in the future it was likely that a salvage yard might be established in conjunction with the garage. After some discussion of the application, Council decided to table the matter one week to permit members of Council to inspect the premises where it is proposed to operate from. In view of the fact that the location is in an area zoned Industrial (2), the Solicitor will be asked for an opinion if it is mandatory that a license be granted in such a case if all requirements of the Township are complied with. Mr. Wm.Romanowtch of 1300 Montrose Road addressed Council in respect to a petition signed by 68 persons which Council received, close up access to the ~ueen Elizabeth Way via Montrose and Thorold Stone Roads. Mr.Romanowich pointed out that the petition- era have substantial ~Dv~Rtm~nt~ on ]and Jn the= u~e~n~tv ~nd ~ access is closed at these routes it would be detrimental to their property and materially affect their function and value. The Reeve informed Mr,Romanowich that the 1959 Council had strongly objected to the proposals of the Department of Highways and he expected that the 1960 Council would do the same. ~~petition He advised that the Highway proposals will be r.eferr.ed to :'~" '~ i~gd~I:~; Cont'd the Ontario Municipal Board for a hearing at which time the Township and all persons objecting to the proposals would have an opportunity to be heard. The Reeve recommended that the petitioners engage counsel to place their objections before the Board. A copy of the petition will be immediately for- warded to the Department of Highways and another copy will be presented to the Ontario Municipal Board at the time the hearing is scheduled. petition ~ 6. Keighan MacBain "THAT the petition of residents in opposition to the closing of accesses to the Queen Elizabeth Highway in the areas set down in the petition received by Council on January llth, 1960, be forwarded to the Dept. of Highways." A.Carlesso Carried~ ~.~ ' Gr .Niag. ~ 10, MacBain C. of C. Keighan park ~'11. Commission Mr. Albert Cariesso requested Council to take action to · r e A.Carlesso ~ 7. C.N.R. & Garner Rd. Keighan MacBain "THAT the Clerk and Engineer be authorized to proceed with the necessary advertising as a local improvement the installation of sewer and water on St.George,McMicking and Gore Stree with the understanding that Mr.Carlesso who has made the request will pay for the cost of the advertising, and the fees of the O.M.B," Carried. A letter from the Twp.SolicitoF advised that the C.N.R. does not oppose the application of the Township to extend Garner Road over the C.N.R. Right-of-way, providihg the Township bears all costs of roadway development and maintenance together with the cost of installing automatic protection if the Board of Transp0rl should so order. Members of Council felt that the cost for installing any automatic protection device should be on the same basis as any other Railway crossing and the Clerk was ', directed to have the Solicitor so advise-t~e Railway Board and the C.N.R.. 8. '~'MacBain Allan "THAT our Clerk and Engineer be instructed to ~ prepare the necessary by-laws for local improve'! ments for watermain on Montrose Road from the existing main 'to McLeod Road." Carried. W.M. on Montrose Tenders- ~' 9. Allan Materials Bridge "THAT the Engineer be requested to call for tenders for all materials, outlined in his suggestions as presented~ tenders to close 2 p.m., Feb. 8th, 1960." Carried. t~I 5~ C. of C. Commerce reviewing their activities for the year 1959 and I~ ii~ · ' " suggesting certain alterations for the future. After discussi~E , ~' ~[ the letter carefully, the following resolution was passed: · ". . k. '"'. ....·7= ' ' '7 " ' -=. '.· ""i .... Keighan MacBain Appointment ~ 12. Bridge ~,to Parks Keighan Commission Sheep loss ~ 13. Allan Keighan _Sheep valua~mrs. 14. Increase ~ 15 · Bridge MacBain Bridge MacBain ~"THAT our Clerk be requested to write to the Clerl~ of City of Niagara Falls and the Village of Chippawa to ascertain if their respective Councils would be desirous to meet with our Council at a special meeting to discuss indus- trial development and the matters arising out of the Chamber of Commerce letter dated the 30th day of December, 1959,and that if the other two .~ Councils are agreeable to a meeting our Clerk ~'~ attempt to fix a date and place for the meeting agreeable to the three Councils." Carried. "T}~T since it was indicated by the Minister of Labour for. Ontario, Mr.Chas.Dale], who is also Chairman of the Niagara Parks Commission, that Stamford should be protected against any tax loss as a result of Oak Hall and the adjoining property being taken out of taxation after its purchase by the Park Commission, that the Clerk be authorized to write the Chairman of the Park Commission and suggest that Stamford Council is anxious to learn if Stamford will be receiving some form of grant or taxes to make up for the several thousand dollars which Stamford was · receiving at the time of the purchase as taxes." Carried. "'THAT a letter be sent to Premier Frost and Mr. George Bukator,M.P.P. requesting that considera- tion be given to the appointment of a member of the Stamford Council to the Niagara Parks Commission, pointing out the fact that the City of Niagara Falls has a life member now, and two other residents of Niagara F~lls are also on the Commission, but Stamford with considerable more territory, have no representative." Carried. "THAT the sheep loss sustained by Harold Brown on Dec.22,1959, be paid in the amount of $30.00 as valued by Albert A,Misener and Edgar E,Thompson acting in the capacity of sheep valuers." Carried. "THAT the list of sheep valuators as presented by the Clerk be a proved" Carried. "THAT this Council does approve the Act and petition pertaining to the increasing of the number of this Co~u~cil from five to seven, and that the Clerk be iustructed to prepare the necessary by-law." Carried. _.:;. - i!'~]~ !'~' Allan . "THAT a By-law be prep re ~r presentation at i ~]f :~ ,; ' ' the next regular meeting making it .cDmpulsory l!7'!~l: for all dogs to be compel ed to wear a collar, · ~, .. Carried · Mobile ~ 17. Bridge EQuipment Allan to which must be attached the 1960 Township dog tag, and that the Human Society be instructec to pick up all dogs running loose, that do not conform to this by-law." Present "THAT the Township Engineer be ordered to have prepared a complete list for each member of the Council of all mobile equipment now owned by the Municipality, stating the age, and if possible, a statement of probab~ replacements, or if new equipment is or has been considered." Carried. Items Filed The following items on the Agenda were ordered filed: Twp.of Tilhury 1. Letter from George Bukator, M.P.P. re: Twp. of Tilbury resolution requesting increase in grants for con~nunity centres and ~renas. C. of C. Civic Night Bus Trans- portation 2. Invitation from the Niagara Fells Jr. Chamber of Commerce advising that their annual Civic Night Dinner would be held Wednesday, Janua~ 27th, at 7:15 p.m. at the Park Hotel. Council accepted the invitation and as many members as possible will attend. 3. Communication from the Twp. Engineer advised that the next meeting of the Joint Committee on bus transportation would be held on January 12th, 1960 at ~3:30 p.m, Items Tabled The foliowinE items on the Agenda were ordered tabled: Plan 188 1o Communication from the Township Engineer which outlined alternative costs for servicing Registered Plan 188.. Application- Assess.Dept. 2. Applications for the position of clerk in the Assessment~ Office were referredto a committee of the Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, Chief Assessor and Clerk, to bring in a ~econm~ndation at the next meeting. Adjourn 18. Keighan MacBain "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, January 18th, 196'0 at 7:30 p Carried, Meeting AdJ ourned. Hour 10: 30 p .m · Minutes 1. Finance A Regular Meeting of Council was held on January 18th, 1960, aC 7:30 p.m. Supplemen- 3. tary Accts. Finance 4. Miss Ka~e ~ 5. Durdan taxi ~Drtv_E!~er E. E. Mitchelson R o F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor. Allan Bridge Keigban }~cBain "THAT the minutes of the meetings held January 7th and llth, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." Keighan Bridge Keighan Bridge Bridge Keighan Carried. "THAT the statement of Supplementary General Accounts dated January 15th, 1960 as presen- ted, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $24,895.65." Carried. "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. "THAT a letter of condolence be sent to the relatives of the late Miss Kate Durdan, so long a bulwark in the education circle of the City of Niagara Falls." Allan Keighan Carried. Bridge Keighan "THAT the application for a Taxi-cab Driver's License from Ronald Higgs of 562 Lee Avenue, Niagara Falls, Ont. be approved and license granted." Carried. "THAT a notice be inserted in the local paper, or that printed notices be sent to all licensees, that their 1959 license has expired, and that renewals must be applied for and granted before the end of February, 1960, or in default, the provisions of such license will be placed in tile hands of the Police Dept. for operating such a business without the proper authori~." Carried. the recommendation of the SoliCitor in her ~I: letter to Council of January 18th, 1960, in respect to the complaint that the heating system in the N.S. & T. buses being used in the Township at the present time, has broken down." Carried. Dumoulin Sewer Services Committee on 9ana! work. A letter from the Solicitor dated January 18th clarified the right of Council to grant or refuse any type of license applied for. The opinion was requested when an application was submitted by Mr. Lester Snow for a garage license at the last meeting of Council. When the application first cam~ before Council last week, it was tabled to permit members of Council to examine the proposed location of the garage on Welland Line Road on Twp. Lot 188 and to secure the opinion from the Solicitor. When the matter was discussed it was determined that a road had never been constructed on the Welland Line Road in front of the property indicated and that it would cost a considerable amount of money to construct a road on this right-of-way. Accordingly, the following resolu, tion was passed: 9. Keighan Bridge "THAT the application for a Public Garage License from Mr. Lester Snow be not granted at this time." Carried. Mr. Leonard Dumoulin of 3641 Rysdale Street addressed the Council in respect to the Township's proposal to provide his property on Rysdale Street with sewer services. He stated that the Engineer had advised him that the Township would undertake the work under the Winter Works Programme on con- dition that he pay an amount of ~641.00 in cash. He expresse~ his objection to paying anything in cash and reiterated a previous request to have the sewer constructed on his street as a local improvement, and the charges therefore assessed against the owners who would benefit. The Reeve advised him that Council considered the offer made to him was reasonable and fair and it was as far as the Township would go. Mr." Dumoulin said that he had checked with the other owners to see if they would pay their proportionate amount in cash for ~the sewermain, but only one had agreed to pay a small amount. He was requested to consult with the owners again to determin;~ if some arrangement could not boreached. 10, Keighan MacBain "THAT the Reeve be authorized to appoint 2 members of Council along with the Engineer to be Stamford's representatives on a com- mittee of Stamford, Niagara Falls and Chippawa representatives, to meet with representatives of the Ontario H.E.P.C. to get together factual information which would help to determine whether or not there is any practical way in which the capping of the old Hydro Canal could be accomplished for the purpose of filling in the open cut by the land fill method," Carried, Committee St.Light - Carborundum Industrial Lots. Chef Boyardee .P. lant ~ Clerk in .~ Assrant. i~ 0ffice. v.o .N. · Bldg. Bd.of Edu- cation Pebentures The Reeve appointed Deputy-Reeve Keighan and Councillor J. N. Allan to represent the Council on the Committee proposed in the above resolution, relative to closing the old Hydro Canal. 11. Allan Keighan "THAT the F.U.C. be asked to install one additional street light at the Canadian Carborundum Co. as requested by Mr. A. C. Knapp of the Carborundum." Carried. In response to a question raised by the Clerk, Council made the following decision: In all cases where lots in the Industrial Subdivision, regi- stered as Plan 160 and owned by the Township, are turned'b~ck to the municipality by purchasers, that they be expected to pay full taxes on the lands purchased during the time the property was held in their name. If the land was only vested in their name for a portion of the calendar year, they be expected to pay a proportionate amount of the year's taxes. Councillor MacBain reported that he had certain discussions with the officials of the Chef Boyardee Plant, relative to the disposal of tin cans and other salvage from their Plant. As the result of these discussions, he understood that satisfactory arrangements had been concluded with a local salvage dealer to pick up the tin cans and other salvage and remove them from their plant property, Reeve Mitchelson advised that the special committee to consider applications for the position in the Assessment Office would bring in a definite report at the next meeting. 12. MacBain Keighan "THAT this Council accept the recommendations of the Chairman of Property as set forth in his report of January 18th, 1960, with regard to the future use of the building formerly used by the V.O.N." Carried. An application from the Stamford District Board of Education requested approval of Debenture issues for the following purposes: 1. $175,000. for six class rooms and a kindergarten to be erected on the Dunn Street site in Stamford To~mship, 2. $320,000. for 8 regular classrooms, home economics, manual arts, and a general purpose room on a site located in Lot 44, Township of Stamford, 3. $125,000. for four regular classrooms and a general purpose room as an addition to the King George V School in Chippawa. The letter from the Board indicated that it had received ten- tative approval by the Department of Education for the several -projects, with Project 1. apprnVed for $140~000-, Project 2 approved for $220,000., and Project 3. approved for $100,000. The letter advised that the debenture rate required to pay for these projects based on 7% interest over 20 years would represent an increase of .74 mills. After consideration of the request the following resolution was passed: ' prepare 13. Keighan By_laW.. Allan "THAT the application of the Stamford District Board of Education be approved as.submitted, and that the Clerk be authorized to prepare the necessary by-laws." Carried. By-law 14. Allan 2463. Bridge "BY-lAW No. 2463, 1960. A By-law to declare the desirability of undertaking certain works as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a first, second and third time and passed. County Crest Items Table~ Mobile Equipment Projects At this juncture of the meeting the Reeve and Deputy-Reeve pre- sented Councillor A. G. Bridge with a County Crest and Badge with the words "Warden - 1958" inscribed thereon. The badge and crest had been presented to all former Wardens of the County, and the Reeve and Deputy-Reeve made the presentation on behalf of the County of Welland. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled: 1. Report dated January 18th from the Engineer regarding mobile equipment of his Department. The report was tabled to give an opportunity to members of Council to study the report. 2. Report from the Engineer dated January 18th advised that five more winter works projects had been approved by the Federal and Provincial Governments, with the exception of the watermain sug- gested for Montrose Road. The other ~ems wer~ held over until a report is submitted showing the total cost of works undertaken under the Winter Works Programme to date, with details on the grant expected from the Government and the cost to the Township through the Mill Rate and the issue of debentures. Grant to 3. Letter from the Niagara Falls Chgpter of the Canadian Council Council of of Christians and Jews requesting a grant of $850.00 was referred Christians to the Budget Committee and the Joint Meeting of the Councils of & News. Niagara Falls, Chippawa', and Stamford are held later. in the month. ; Home & 4. Letter from the Martha Cullimore Home & School Association School Assocdated January 14th requesting sidewalks in the vicinity of the school was referred to the meeting at which local improvements for the current year will be considered. Reg.Plan 5. Report from the Engineer dated January 6th giving estimated 188. costs of services for Reg. Plan 188. Dead Tree 6. Letter from Mr. Ross Pridham of 2870 8tamford Green Drive concerning the removal of a dead tree, was tabled to permit the Engineer to examine the tree and bring in a report. Parks 7. A letter from Mr, Arthur Parks, of 2846 Drummond Road request. requesting an amendment to the Zoning By-law to permit the erection of a green house on his property, was referred to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board for consideration and ~ec~mmendation, Borough of Stamford, England. Adjourn, { ' Jan.18,1960. No. 5 Present Mi_~nutes v~ 1. i]Finance ~ 2. Roads ~ 3 · 'Stationery i%A~Scount. 8. A letter dated January llth from the Borough of Stamford, England, indicated that they were celebrating their 500th Anniversary of the granting of the Charter to the Town 'on February 12th, 1961, and invited all municipalities with the name of Stamford to determine if they would like to be associated with the commemoration in some permanent manner. The Reeve appointed a committee of Deputy-Reeve Keighan and Councillor MacBain, the Clerk and Engineer, to consider the letter and bring in a recommendation to Council. 15. Allan Keighan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Mon.,Ja~nuary 25th, 1960 at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned.~ 1960 Hour 10:35 "P .M. ' I '~ ' C l~rk A Regular Meeting Of the Council was held on January 25th, at 7:30 p .m. Keighan MacBain E. F, Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge Councillor A. A. MacBain Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meeting held January 18th, 1960 be adopted as presented." Keighan MacBain Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." Keighan MacBain Carried. Keighan Alla~ "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated Ja'nuary 22nd, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $2,284.23." Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated January 22nd, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $7,900.74." Carried. Councillor Bridge questioned the payment of two stationery accounts to National Cash Register Co., and inquired whether tenders had been called for the supply of the new stationery requirements. The Reeve stated that a committee had been formed last year to deal with this matter and a report will be presented at the next Council meeting. Steve Chanady, 28 1 Drummond Rd. re res ent '~ private property and that at this time ~e A & P Stores, Portage Rd. N., (grocery) ~l are una de ~o d~te~aine whether or not the Mary Patriquin, 4223 Stanley Ave., (grocery) ~ treedisbtl~Z a~. t at while we are not pre- Lindon Flowers, 2704 Dorches er R .(grocery) ' pare a is -ime at least, to remove the Loblaw's, 2175 Dunn St. (grocery) - tree, the householder may if he wishes, Fred Galle, 1 Royal Manor Drive (grocery) Rachel Jackson, 1985 North St. (grocery)." ~' ~ Winter 14. Keighan ,~ Works MacB~in "TI~T the Engineer be authorized Hawker & 8. Allan ~' Pedlar Keighan "T~T the applications for Hawker & Pedlar Licenses from the following be approved the subsidized Winter Works Programme, as outlined in his report dated Jan. and licenses granted: F. L- Bro~, 2571.Cleveland Ave., Don W. Johnson, 4522 B~ve=d~s Rd." Gabtied. ~ ,Improve- Bridge "T~T we accept our Engineer's suggestion Barbershop ~' 9. MacBain License. Keighan "T~T the application for a Barbershop Licehse are to be const~cted as Local Improvements from Walter Salach, 1078 St.. Paul Ave. be ~ on St.George, Gore St. and McMicking St. approved and license granted." Carried. . Nelson ~ 10 · Bridge Hawke~ Allan "T~T the application fo= a Hawker & Pedlar License License from N. Nelson, 3626 Kalar Road ' be not g~anted." Gar~ied. ~ amount of money spent on advertising these proclamations be R~fre~h- ~ 11. MacBain ment Ke~ghan "T~T the application for a Refreshment Veiled. vehicle license from John Chotka, ~56 Welland Ave., St.Catha~ine~, be app~ov~d 3 Proc- 16. Keighan and license granted." lamations Allan "T~T the Clerk be au~horized to enter into Carried~ a Joint proclamagion with Niagara Falls and Chippawa to advertise a proclamation in and, 3rd, Minor Hockey Week." Carried. JW"' ' ];=;'~".k*'~ ::~ u e remazn er o e proper y o~mers were no in agreemen T.Brant ~ 17. Bridge Allan Assoc. J~ 18. Allan Memb. ership Keighan CommitteeAllan Dog Tax By-law No. 2465. owners when they made connection to the sewermain. "THAT the recommendation of the Special Committee re: appointment to the Assess- ment Dept. be approved and T. Brant Jr. be so appointed." Carried. "THAT this Council take out membership in the Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers Association of Ontario at a cost of $10.00." Carried. "THAT for the reasons set forth in a letter of resignation received from Councillor A. G. Bridge dated Jan. 25th, 1960, that Council accept the resignation." Carried. Councillor Bridge suggested that an increase in the dog tax · fees be made. The remainder': of the Council did not agree with his suggestion and the matter was filed. 20. MacBain Keighan "BY-lAW No. 2465, 1960. A By-law to ratify the execution of petitions to the LegiSlative Assembly of the Province of Ontario and the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, and sub- mission of a Private Bill to the Legislative Assembly of the ProVince of-Ontario." Read a first, second and third time and passed. By-law No. 21. Keighan 2469. · Allan "BY-lAW'No. 2469, 1960. A By-law to appoint Sheep Valuators for the Township of Stamford for the year 1960." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Items Filed[ ~tatement Leasebuy Joint Meeting The following items on the AKenda were ordered filed: 1. Financial statement of the Welland & District ltealth Unit for the year 1959. 2. Copy of letter to Leasebuy 1. td. from the Department of Planning & D~/e!opment wherein they note they do not recommend approval of the subdivision plan to the Minister. ! 3. Letter from the City of Niagara Falls advising that the .'; Joint meeting of the Councils of Niagara Falls, Chippawa, and , Stamford will be held on January 28th a~ 7:30 p.m. d Health Unit ~eport. Co-ordin- ating Com. ~ 4. Monthly report for December, 1959 from Dr.L.WoC.Sturgeon of the Welland & District Health Unit. 5. Minutes of the Public Utilities Co-ordinating Committee held on January 13th, 1960. Fire Courses. Assessment 'I Charts. ~! Plan 188 !4 Items ~ %ab 1 ed: ~d Dept.H~gh- ,q ways ~Plans 4 ~aEsement PC ~! Fir ~t e~orks 6. Letter from the Director of the Ontario Fire College con- cerning the various courses to be presented during 1960. This letter is to be referred to the Fire Committee. 7. Three charts prepared by the Assessment Department indicating the trend in assessment over the period 1954 to 1960. 8. Report of C.H.Eidt~ Engineer re: estimated cost of services within Reg. Plan 188. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled: 1. Letter from the Department of Highways wherein they sub- mitted several proposals concerning the design of the inter- section of Thorold Stone Road and No. 8 Highway and O'Neil Street and No. 8 Highway. Their proposals were discussed at some length and the Council requested that the Engineer submit his design for these two intersections. 2. Letter from the Ontario H.E.P.C. wherein they submitted an easement covering the construction of a catchbasin and storm sewer. It was suggested that the agreement be referred to the Solicitor for her consideration. 3. Letter from the Greater Niagara Home & School Council re- garding the placing of cards in stores indicating the fireworks regulatiDns. It was requested that a report from the'Clerk be prepared on this matter. Grant - Cancer ~ociety. ~Y-law No. 2464. 3 BV-laws. ~d. Educat. ~pp o intm ent to Roads ~mmittee 4. Letter from the Greater Niagara Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society requesting a grant for the year 1960. This matter will be referred to the Budget Committee. 5. By-law No. 2464 re: appointments of representatives to various Council committees and Organizations. This by-law was tabled in view of the resignation of Councillor Bridge as Chairman of the Roads Committee. 6. By-laws 2466,2467,2468 re: approval of applications of the Stamford District Board of Education. The Council requested additional information on the amount of Department grants, etc. Council met in committee to deal with the appointment of the Chairman of the Roads Committee. It was suggested that Councillor Allan be appointed Road Chairman for the year 1960 along with his other various committees. Councillor Bridge will remain as Chairman of the Welfare Committee only. A d3 ourn Jan.25,1960. Present 22. Allan Keighan ~hamber of Commerce Merger? ~epor~. Cost Breakdown "THAT we do now adjourn to meet again February 1st at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. H r: 9:50 P.M. ~Deputy Clerk A Joint Meeting of the Municipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls, the Village of Chippawa and the Township of Stamford was held January 28th, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall. City of Niagara Falls: F. J. Miller I. McCallum, H. C. Morton A. J. McKinley G. Martin C. Gregory 3. G. White C. Swayze W. S. Orr · D. C. Patten ,'[ S. Price Village of Chippaws: H. J. Clarke J. Charlebois J. Ives G. Kulka R. T. N. Gallan Mayor Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman City Manager City Clerk City Engineer Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Clerk Township of Stamford: E. E. Mitchelson ; R. F. Keighan "' J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge A. A. MacBain C. H. Eidt A. C. Huggins Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Engineer Clerk The first item discussed was a letter from the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce dated December 30th, 1959 which submitted four alternative plans for an industrial programme for the area in 1960. During the discussion of this letter the following were mentioned: 1. The possibility that the merger 'survey report might include some recommendations relative to industrial promotion. 2. The Chamber report did not give any breakdown of cost in respect tO the various su6gestions made. Industrial Promotion Committee Canadian Court] Christians & Jews ~:H.E.p .C .Canal i~lsc, Grants inner of ',h_amDions 3. It was indicated that Mr.W.A.Merriott acted in the capacity of industrial commissioner a number of years ago. Mr. Ballard, a pensioner of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, also did industrial promotion work, as did Mr.T.S.Scott, former City Manager. Martin Keighan "THAT a Committee of two members of Council and an Official, of each of the three Municipalities, .is be appointed to study all phases of industrial promotion and report back to the three Councils." Carried. Their request indicated that the $850.00 amount would be divided proportionately among the three municipalities. McKinley Charlebois "THAT the three Councils approve the work pro- posed by the Niagara Falls Chapter of the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews, and - urge the citizens of the Greater Niagara Area to support the campaign, but that the Chapter be advised that the municipalities are not in a position to' make the grant suggested in view of local needs and our inability to provide the funds." Carried. ~ote: When the final vote was taken on this resolution 10 members supported the resolution and six voted against. The third item on the agenda was a suggestion submitted by the Greater Niagara Winter Employment Advisory Committee relative to the capping of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission Canal. Gregory 'McKinley "THAT two members and the Engineer be appointed from each Council to prepare a brief and make an appointment with Mr.J.S.Duncan,Chairman of the H.E.F.C.of Ontario, to determine what action if any,might be taken to re-cap the Hydro Canal." The second item on the Agenda for discussion was a letter from the Niagara Falls Chapter of the Canadian Council. of Christians and Jews wherein a request was made for a aonation of $850.00 to assist the Chapter in raising the sum~ of $8500.00. Mayor Miller reminded the meeting that a Joint Committee to study miscellaneous grants for organizations serving the Greater Niagara area had been appoin~] i~ 1959 and it had brought in recommendations for the payment of grants to the Organizations named, on a proportionate basis. It was agreed that the Joint tommitts should be appointed in 1960 and each Council was asked to appoint their representatives. Alderman George Martin, Chairman of the Joint Co~nittee in arranging for the Dinner of ~a~pion~ reported that the dinner would be held Friday, February 12~h at the Bru~k Ho~el, conmencing at 6:30 p.m. He stated that approximately 190 guests were expected and that Rev.Dick Jones,Director of the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews would be the guest speaker, He also advised that crests had been purchased to present to the various persons being honoured on that night. Present Minutes A8 soc. for Retarded Children Stamford Bd. of Education McCalltun Gregory "THAT the meeting do now adjourn.~ Carried. Meeting Adjourned A Regular Meeting of Council was held February 1st, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Allan Bridge "THAT the minutes of the meeting held January 25th, 1960 be adopted as printed." · Stamford Bdo Of Education Coni'd i Pt.Twp.Lot 37 Alex Laughlin Carried. Miss Patricia Newson, Secretary of;the Greater Niagara Associa- tion for Retarded Children,a~teDd~ ~he meeting and spoke in connection with the Association's request for a Municipal Grant for the year 1960. She advised that the Association have 48 children at Bellhaven School ranging in age from 5 to 20 years. 'Robert Hunt- Complete facilities exist for the teaching of academic su.bjects, Side yards home economics, etc. The Aspociation receive Provincial grants for pupils up to 18 years of age. She mentioned that the Group is now included in the United Appeal. Any donations received are subtracted from the funds provided by the United Appeal. It is expected that the United Appeal will provide over $8,000 to the Association in 1960. Council ordered that the letter from the Association be tabled and considered at the time are discussed during 1960 Budget deliberations. In response to a request of Council, the following members of the Stamford District Board of Education artended the meeting to provide further information in respect to the request for the debenture issue in the aggregate principal amount of $620,000.00: Mrs. A.W.F.McQueen, Mr.E.K.Raham, Mr.Fred Rutland, Mr!.J.S. Hetherington, and Secretary, R. A. McLeod. In response to guestions raised by members of Council, Mr.Raha~ advised that the present classroom cost amounts to $25,000,00 and grants are made on the basis of $20,000.00 per classroom. He mentioned that grants for school sites are available on the basis of one-half the assessed value of property, and a comparatively small grant is av~ilable for transportation. Mr. Raham compared building costs between the years 1950 and 1960 with the grants received. He stated that building costs 'Sewermain RYedale St. ~airdressing [axi Owner He mentioned that basic specifications for schools had not changed in the last decade but the eoven~ment was paying smaller grants per classroom. As the result of discussion it was generally agreed by the members of the Board and by the Council that a concentrated effort should be made to secure higher education grants from the Province, and press for assistance in the form of grants from the Federal Government. The Reeve expressed Council's appreciation to the members for attending the meeting and clarifying their request for debenture issue. Mr. Alex Laughlin of Toronto addressed the Council in respect to his proposed subdivision in Part Twp.Lot 37 being located on the east side of Portage Road. He advised Council that he had experienced some difficulty in arranging finances for the development of the plan, but these arrangements had now been completed and he was prepared to proceed with the registration of the plan and the development of the property.~ He advised that he was familar with the new 1959 Declaration of Policy governing new subdivisions and he was prepared to develop the subdivision on the basis of that Declaration. He also advised that he was prepared to underw~te the expenses of connecting .'t the Stanley Avenue watermain estimated at approximately $4,000.00. He understood this action was necessary to provide sufficient pressure and circulation to the area where his property is located. The question of developing approximately 50 lots in his property was proposed on the basis that sufficimt watermain pressure existed for 50 houses. The matter was tabled by Council on the understanding that the entire question would be discussed at a future meeting. When it is discussed, the possibility of proceeding with a part of the subdivision will ii=~ be carefully considered. ,:' Mr. Robert Hunt addressed the Council and advised that he had expressed his Objection in respect to the revision of the definition of "side yard" as expressed in By-law 2448 heard by i'i"" the O. tarioBoard on anuary 6th. ,r. mentioned that the present requirement created a hardship for ,i owners with small lots. The Reeve advised Mr. Hunt that facilities existed to apply for relief in respect to the side yard requirements on small lots. Applications for relief could be submitted to the Committee of Adjustment. Mr. Leonard Dumoulin again addressed the Council in respect with the Engineer and Clerk during the week to determine an apportionment of the cost of the sewermain between the owners License from Irene L.DouElas,2260 Thorold Road be approved and license granted." Keighan , . !'THAT the application for a Taxi -cab ~mer ' s ,'r · - License from Hans G.Steinert,1987 St.Mary's had increased and the basis for grants hsd decreased from Street be approved and license granted." · j= ;~ ," '. $23,000. per classroom to $20,000. per classroom. Mr.Rutland advised that the present basis of paying grants on the $20,000..' Carried. ~i~fCi~]=~ ~"" halls, furnace rooms, teacherrs rooms, and other facilities, .~i%~,InsDector 4. Keighan : MacBain "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector for Building Permits issued in the l' ~"=" month of January in the amount of -~ --.,., =' '<*~" 'I . . $408a/~0.00|' Carried, /~.bf~' . '.' ] · ' .: : . · .. . ...- · ,.,. . . ~ Horace Kilman 5. Bridge Keighan Kinerrs Club 6. Allan Bridge M: T. '. Stelmaszynski "THAT a letter of condolence be sent to the family of the late Horace Ktlman, so long a -Municipal Official in the County of Welland? Carried. "THAT this Council grant permission to the Kinerrs Club to hold a Tag Day in Stamford Township on Friday evening, April 29th and Saturday, April 30th, 1960." Carried. A letter from Mr.M.T.Stelmaszynski,proprietor of the Montrose Motel, was received wherein he indicated that he was prepared to pay the estimated cost of $475.00 to have the watermain on Montrose Road extended to his property. The following resolu- tion was passed pertaining thereto: Watermain 7. Montrose Rd. MacBain Keighan "THAT Council authorize the Engineer to con- struct the watermain along Montrose Road ~ from McLeod Road 100 feet south at an estimated cost of $475.00 upon receipt of the said am0~I from the owner of the Montrose Motel in accordance with his letter to Council of Jan, 31st, 1960." Carried. 0 · MacBain Keighan "'THAT this Council authorize our Clerk,Solicito and Engineer to attend the meeting on February 12th, sponsored by the Department of planning & Development and that Council request our Planning Director to attend this meeting als0.' Carried. Keighan .MacBain "THAT the Clerk be authorized to enter into a joint proclamation with the City of Niagar, a Falls and the Village Of Chippaws to declare the week of Feb.7th e0 Feb0!3th,1960 as Boy Scout Week, also the week of Feb.14th to Feb, 20th,1960, as Kin Week, and the Junior Chamber of Commerce annual "Outstanding Young Man of the, Year" contest." Carried. Dept.Planning & Development Keighan Allan "THAT we authorize payment of the following National Cash Register invoices amounting to Eleven Hundred and Sixty-seven Dollars and Sixty Cents, for stationery & equipment.: No. 75045 .... · .... $569.75 No. 75055 ...... ... 30.00 No. 75047. ....... . 351.95 No. 75054 ......... 210.00 No.H213579,......o 5.90 $1167.60 ,, Carried, Proclamations 9. National Cash Register Co. 0nt.Traffic 11. Conf .Assoc. Stamford Bd. ~ 12. of Education Committee Representatives .By-law 2466 Keighan MacBain MacBain Keighan "THAT the Treasurer be authorized to pay Stamford's Membership fee in The Ontario 'Traffic Conference Association at the newly established rate of $50.00." Carried. "THAT the Corporation make the payments to the Stamford District Board of Education and the Separate School Board required by Section 83A of the Schools Administration Act, 1954, from .the trailer camp license fees collected by this Corporation in 1959 and in future." Carried..'. As the result of a joint meeting held with the C6uncils of the City of Niagara Falls and the Village of Chippawa on January 28th, the Reeve appointed the following representatives of 'Stamford to the committees mentioned hereunder, and decided upon by the Joint Committee: 1. Reeve E. E. Mitchelson, Deputy-Reeve Keighan and the Clerk were appointed to the joint committee set up to study industrial promotion in the'Greater Niagara Area and reportiback to the three Councils. 2. Deputy-Reeve Keighan,'CoLuncillor Allan and the Engineer were appointed to the joint committee to consider the capping of the H.E.P.C.Canal and prepare a brief to be presented to Mr. J.S~ Duncan, Chairman. 3. Deputy-Reeve Keighan, and the Clerk were appointed to the Joint Committee to consider grants to various organizations working in the Greater Niagara area and recommend the amount of grant and the appor~ionmne~t thereof to the Council. 13. Allan MacBain "BY-LAW No. 2466, 1960. A by-law to approve an application from the Stamford District Board of Education (Dunn St.site)." Note: recorded vote requested by Councillor Bridge. Ayes: Allan, MacBain, Keighan, Mitchelson. Nayes: Bridge. Read a ~irst, second & third time. and passed. ]~-law 2467. 14. ~-law 2468 15.' ~-law 2470 ' 16o Allan MacBain Allan MacBain Keighan .Bridge "BY-LAW No. 2467,1960. A by-law to approve an application from the Stamford Distri~ Board of Education (King George V School)." Read- a first, second and third time and passed. "B~-LAW No. 2468,1960. A by-law to approve an application from the Stamford District Board of Education (School,Lot 44)." Read a first second'and third time and passed. "B~'law No. 2470,1960. A by-law to provide for the borrowing of money pending sale of debentures." Read.a first, Second and third time and passed. By-law 2474 By-law 2464 Items tabled Niag.Falls & Sub.Area P1. Bd. Budge t Poli~ College Grants in lieu of taxes Stamford Horticultural Society Borough of Stamford Re~.PlaR 226. 17. Allan Keighan 18. Keighan Allan 19. Keighan Allan 20. MacBain Allan ;"BY-LAW No.2471,1960. A by-law to appoint a member on the Corporation's Committee of Adjustment." Read a first, second and third time and passed. The following Orders from the Board of Transport Connnissioners for Canada were received: "BY-LAW No.2473,1960. A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between The Hydro-Electric Power CommiSsion of Ontario and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford dated the 7th of January, 1960." Keadla first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No.2474,1960. A by-law to regulate the use of land and character,location and use of structures." Read a .first, second and third time and passed. I Transport ]0rders Drunmlond Rd. Crossing. ;Montrose Rd. l~Crossing. "BY'LAW No.2464,1960. A by-law of e to various committees." Read. , and third time and passed. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons stated hersunder: 1. Letter dated February lst,1960 from the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area planning Board enclosing a copy of their Budget and requisition resulting therefrom for the, year 1960. It was directed that this matter be tabled for con~ deration at the time meetings are held on the current budget. ~. Copy of a letter from M~gistrate J.L.Roberts addressed to the Manager of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce in rega~i to the location of a proposed police college was table~, and the Clerk was instructed to secure information as to the date submissions on this matter should be made_to the Attorney- General. 3. Letter ~rom Mr.George Bukator, M.P.P. in regard to grants paid in lieu of taxes on Hydro and Niagara P~rks properties, was tabled and directions issued that a full .statement in resp~ to~ this matter be prepared for submission to Mr. Bukator, 4. Letter from the Stamford Horticultural Society requesting a grant of $1,000. for the year 1960 was referred to the Budget Committee. 5- Letter from Mr. A. B. Fry of 2303 Lundy's Lane was referre to the Traffic Committee for study and report. Minutes 6. Letter from the Borough of Stamford, England was referred to a special committee for consideration. 1960. 7. Request of the Kleincap Construotion Ltd. to have sewer a~ water mains installed in Section F of Reg.Plan 226 was tabled in order that information might be secured from the Governmen~ as to whether the project can be undertake~ under the Wintcr Works Incentive Programme. The Solicitor will also be asked if the Township might undertake the work in accordance with the provisions set out by the two Governments. 1. Order No. 100298 dated January 25th, 1960 ordered the C.N.R. to install, within nine months of the date of the order, and thereafter maintain, two flashing light signals and one bell in lieu of the existing wig wag signal at the Railway crossing at Drummond Road. The order further provided that 80% of the cost of installing the said protection or the sum of $7,112.00, whichever is the lesser, shall be paid out of the Railway Credit Crossing Fund. 12~% shall be paid by the Town- ship and the balance of the cost shall be paid by the C.N.R. The cost of maintenance and operation of the protection shall be borne and paid 50% by the Township and 50% by the C.N.R. 2. Order No. 100153 dated January 8th, 1960, approved'of the protection as installed at the crossing of the C.~.K. & Montrose Road. ' 21, Keighan blacBain "TItAT we do now adjourn to meet again on bionday evening, 8th of Feb. at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hour: 11:35 P.M. A Regular hiesting of Council was held on February 8th~ at 7:30 p.m. Clerk 1960 E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge A, A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Allan Bridge "TI~T the minutes of the meetings held January 28th and February 1st, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried, Keighan Bridge "TI~T we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." Carried. Keighan Allan "Tt~T the statement of General Accounts dated Feb~mary 5th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amountin~ to $196,143.87." Carried. Roads. 4. Allan Keighan "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated February 5th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $11,567.73." Rqlief 5. Bridge Keighan Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated February 5th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $510.15." Financ~ 6. Keighan Bridge Carried. "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Licenses 7. Allan MacBain Carried. Tenders ] Stone '~ F.O.B.Job. ,*t Stone , F.O.B.Pit Garage Lic. 8. MacBain Keighan Tenders "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Steve Krizsan, 2437 Thorold Rd.(Restaurant) H Stephen Zappia,2713 Lundy's Lane Dillon & Rose Laronde, 3138 Drummond Rd. Louis Ferencz, 3280 Lundy's Lane Louis Bolus, Q.E.Way & Mountain Rd. Rod Giguere, 4166 Woodbine St. (Grocery) Emeri Szabo, 3663 Woodbine St. George L~vallee, 3196 Stanley Ave. John D. Scott, 1706 Dunn St. Edwin Robins, 2673 Drummond Rd. G.Capitano & Sons,3122 Drummond Mrs.Margaret Prior, 61 Portage Rd.S Horst Schulz, 3170 McLeod Rd. (Service W. North, 2538 Drummond Rd. Louis Bolus, Q,E.Way & Mountain Rd. John Mignelli,2299 Murray St.(Dealer in Sec Hand Goods) Chas. H. Ellah, 402 portage Rd.N.(Barbersho[ Lillian p.'fhompson, 400 Portage Rd.N, - (Hairdressing).."' Carried. "THAT the application for a public Garage License from Galloway & Griffiths Ltd., corner Dorchester & Margaret St. be not approved." Carried. The Engineer advised Council that tenders for the supply of equipment to the Township of Stamford for the year 1960 had been opened in the afternoon in the presence of Councillor J. N. Allan, He provided statements summarizing all tenders received ~or the various materials. Prior to dealing with 'tenders, Mr. Ted Willis of the National Sewer pipe Ltd. quested pemnission to withdraw his Company's tender on vitrifi] slay pipe. In making this request me advised Council that C em ent FOB Job. Gravel,Sand, Fill,Scr.Sand, F0B Pit & F0B Job Cement 'F0__B Pit Surf. Treatm. -& Penetrat. Tar Cold tender on vitrified clay pipe had been made in error and that his Company was only interested in supplying the concrete type of pipe. After discussion, Council agreed that the National Sewer Pipe Co. would be permitted to withdraw their tender on vitrified clay pipe. 9. Bridge Keighan 10. MacBain Keighan 11. Keighan Allan 12. MacBain Ke~ghan 13o Bridge Keighan 14. Allan Bridge 15. MacBain Keighan "THAT the tender for the supply of stone, F,O.B. Job, be split between Stam-Falls Trucking and V. Kiemele, subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways." Carried. "THAT the tender for the supply of stone, F.O.B. Pit, be given to Walker Bros.' Quarries and Queenston Quarries, trucks to haul from closest quarry, subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways." Carried. "THAT the tender of Stam-Falls Trucking for cement, F.O.B. Job, be accepted for the year 1960 at $4.14 bbl." Carried. "THAT the tender of Calaguiro Bros. for the supply of gravel, sand, fill, and screened sand, both F.O.B. Pit and F.O.B. Job, be accepted for the year 1960, subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways, being the lowest tender." Carried. "THAT the tender of F. Eastland Fuels be accepted for the supply of cement for the year 1960, F.O.B. Pit, at $4.00 bbl." Carried. "THAT the tender of Eastland Bros. for surface treatment and penetration be accepted for the year 1960, subject to the approval of the Dept.of Highways." Carried, "TI·L~T the tender of Currie Products Ltd. for 'Far Cold Patch in drums F.O.B. Store- house, be accepted for the year 1960, subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways. (.346 per gal,)" Carried.. . . ,, asphaltic cold patch for the year 1960 ':~'~ :l:"'?' ~ ~.~,' be accepted subject to the approval of ,. '~ li-.ti~:! ,. Z,.~' the Dept. of Highways." Asphaltic 17. Allan Cold Patch Keighan FOB Storehs. Fur.Fuel & 18. MacBain Kerosene Keighan Transmis. 19. Allan Oil Keighan Min.Oil,Hoist 20. Oil,Chas.Grease Anti-freeze Keighan Bridge Motor Oil, 21. Bridge Gas - 1 & 2, Allan Diesel Fuel Vitrified 22. MacBain ~ile Allan Carried· "THAT the tender of Imperial Oil Ltd. for asphaltic cold patch in drums, F.O.B. Storehouse, be accepted for the year 1960, subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways." Carried. "THAT the tender of Gunning Oil Ltd. for furnace f~el and kerosene for the year 1960 be accepted subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways." Carried. "THAT the tender of Imperial Oil Limited for Transmission Oil for the year 1960 · be accepted subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways." Carried. "THAT the tender of the British American s ea and Anti-freeze, for the year 1960, be accepted subject to the approval of the Dept.of Highways." Carried· "THAT the tender of Cities Service Oil L~d. for Motor Oil, Gasoline - Grade 1 and 2, and Diesel Fuel for'the year 1960, be accepted, subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways'." Carried° "THAT the tender of E.Weightman and Sons for the supply of Vttrified Tile for the year 1960 be accepted." tarried. Sewer Pipe 23. MacBain 6,9,10,12, Allan 15,18 in. "TI~T the tender for the supply of Con- crete Sewer Pipe of 6", 9" 10" 12" , , , 15" and 18" D]ameter for the year 1960 be awa~rded to Canadian Marietta (Ontario) Ltd." Carried. · Sezer Pipe (t_21-72 in. i PiRe !CaS. tings ]Hydrant s, "!Valves & ~B0xes. v. alves 10xes ~o. rk lental :ui~en t ~8e8 sot t s 8 · 91 0. Bridge Allan Kei~han MacBain Bridge Allan MacBain Keighan HacBain Allan Allan MacBain Keighan MacBain Keighan MacBain Ketghan MacBain "TIL~T the tender of A. Cope & Sons Ltd. be accepted for the supply of Concrete Sewer Pipe for 1960, for 21 to 72 inch diameter, inclusive." Carried. "THAT the tender of Stanton Pipes (Canada) Ltd. be accepted for the supply of Bell & Spigot and Tyton Water Pipe for the year 1960." Carried. "THAT the tender of Niagara Foundry L'td. be accepted for the supply of Sewer Castings for the year 1960."' Carried. "THAT the tender of Canada Valve & Hydrant Co. Ltd. be accepted for the supply of Hydrants, Tapping Valves and 10" and 12" Valve Boxes for the year 1960." Carried. "TI4AT the tender of Niagara Plumbing Supply Co. Ltd. be accepted for the supply of Valves for Watermains for the year 1960." Carried· "THAT the tender of J. R. Ferguson Co. for the supply of Valve Boxes for the year 1960, be accepted·" Carried· "TtLAT the tender of Cedarvitle 'Free Experts be accepted for tree trimming & tree removal." Carried. "THAT the Engineer be authorized to contact~ when rental equipment is necessary to be used, the lowest bidder in each case for the particular equipment required; and if his equipment is not available, the bidder nex~ in line is to be contacted." Carried, "TI[~T the annual report of the Assessor be accepted and placed on file." Carried. _.. . _- Geo. Dudla Brookfield- ~lare S~.~er Leonard Ave. Parking. Biamonte Pk. Parking Humane Soc. Meeting. 2 Mcmbers_ Kleincap - Sec.F, Plan 226 Andrews Gravel Pit Mr. George Dudla addressed Council in respect to a rental problem he is experiencing with a tenant employed by the To~0ship. bit. Dudla was advised to take the matter up with the Township Clerk· 33. Keighan MacBain "THAT Council endorse the recommendations of the Engineer as set down in his letter of Feb. 8th, 1960, re: the Brookfield-Clare Avenue sewer problem." Carried. 34. MacBain Keighan 35. MacBain Keighan 36. Keighan [~cBain "THAT the recommendation of the Traffic Committee re: parking of cars in the vicinity of Fry's Drug Store at Leonard Ave. be accepted, and that the Solicitor be authorized to prepare the necessary amendment to the present by-law." Carried. "THAT our Clerk be instructed to prepare a by-law to prohibit parking on the east side of Biamonte Parkway as sho~rn on the sketch dated the 8th day of Feb. 1960, prepared by our Engineer." Cazried. {Police !- ! ~CNR - Kalar Rd. Crossing Fabled Items ]Q, E .Way 'Access Contr. G. B. Hopkins ~r0perty ~nnexation 01.B Hearings ~L Feb. 29 - "TIL~T the Reeve appoint 2 members of Council i.[1.A.Branscombe to attend a meeting of the Humane Society /Iarch 1st - represe~'a ' , and City Council rep- t trves ~ ]L 2462 resentsrives, to study the dog situation ~ in this area." Carried. ~j The Reeve appointed Councillors Bridge and ~cBaln to meet with the Humane Society. ' ~, 37. Keighan MacBain "TIIAT the Clerk be authorized to notify the Kleincap Construction Co. that they cannot proceed with installing the ser- vices in Section F of Plan 226 under the Winter Works programme as a participant; and that the subdivider confirm in writ~g that he intends to proceed under the sub- divider's agreement with the To~nship, which states that the entire cost of these services shall be paid for by the subdivider in cash prior to the start of installation, and that upon receipt of such confirmation, that the Engineer be authorized to call tenders for the work." Carricd. Councillor Bridge requested Council to take action to have the old gravel pit operated by Irvine Andrews located on the East side of No. 8 Highway filled in with garbage and refuse ieb.8 1960 by means of the land fill method. As the result of the discussion which took place on the matter, the lieeve appointed a committee of the Deputy-Reeve~ the Engineer and himself to contact the Niagara Fails City authorities to detemnine if some satisfactory a~rangement could not be worked out in re- spect to the filling in of the pit. Councillors J. N. Allan and A. A. ~.iacBain were authorized to attend a meeting called by the Chamber of Commerce to consider the possibility of having a proposed Police College established in this area. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb.10th at 4 p.m. Council received a'copy of Order No, 100349 dated January 29th, 1960 from the Board of Transport Commissioners of Canada which directed the CoN.R. to install two flashing lig~ signals and one bell at their crossing at Kalar Road within nine,months from the date of the Order. ~ The following items on the Agcnda were ordered tabled: 1. Engineer~s report relative to proposed access control of the Queen Elizabeth Way. 2. Letter from Mr, J. B o Hopkins concerning property owned by him at the corner of Churches Lane and Stanley Avenue. 3. Letter from the Township of Crowland requesting support of a resolution dealing with the costs involved in annexation proceedings. 4. A Notice of Hearing from the Ontario Municipal Board which appointed February 29th at 11 a.m. for the continuation of the Hearing in respect to an application to register property described as Town and Country Estates owned by Mr.F.A.Branscombe, A second notice from the Board advised that a Hearing would be Held in respect to By-law No. 2462 on March 1st at 9:15 a.m. Both Hearings are scheduled to be held in the Police Admin- istration Building, 38. Keighan MacBain "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, February 15th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meet ing Adj ourned Hour: 11:30 P.M. Pres.ent. A Regular Meeting of Council was held on February 15th, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. ~inutes 1. Keighan Allan Licenses 2. Keighan MacBain Licenses 3. Allan Bridge J.A.Climenhage E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge ;A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meeting held February 8th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. "THAT the applications from the following be approved and licenses granted: Pauline Ecker,1461 Lombard Avenue (Hairdressing) Madeleine Pridham,2870 Stamford Green Drive Jacques Ducharme,2239 Thorold Stone Road " Sam Lee, 1286 St.Paul Avenue (Restaurant) Joseph Kryzanowski,2901 Drummond Rd. (Grocery) R.Montgomery, 315 Portage Rd.N. (Refreshment) Fred Eastland Fuels, 249 Park St. (Fuel Gunning Oil Ltd.,1470 Drummond Rd. John Meats Coal Co.,601 Erie Ave, " Champion Oil Co.,272 Victoria Ave. " ~ J.~ .Climenhage 3. i~,A.Clime, nhage 4. i~PDlication 'i Mr.Climenhage advised that Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation is not prepared to recommend mortgage units for houses on Keiffer Street in view of the information secured from the · Planning Board and the Clerk relative to zoning. He requested that a letter be written outlining the zoning for Keiffer Street. The Clerk advised that a letter along the lines requested by Fir. Climenhage had been wL~ten on February llth, and after reading this letter Council agreed that the information requested by Mr. Climenhage had been supplied, As the result of further questions by Mr.Climenhage he was informed that at the time he requested services in 1959 he was advised that the area was zoned as Industrial (1) on the Official Plan and that in view of this planning he was urged not to proceed with a residential develop- ment on Keiffer Street even though the particular zoning by-law passed prior to 1955 permitted that type of development.. Keighan ' , MacBain "THAT the application of J.A.Clim~nhage Develop- ment Ltd. respecting Plan dated 15 Feb. 1960, for 11 lots be not disapproved, subject as follows: Sidewalk on Dorchester, all services on Cherry- hill Drive, and a conveyance of part of draft lot 11 equivale~ to 5% of the lands in the said plan, all according to the Policy declared in 1'959." Carried. 5. MacBain Bridge "THAT the applications from the following be approved and licenses granted: Hector Fang~at,2352 High Street (Taxi-cab Polish National Union,1681 Thorold Stone Road (Public Hall) Stamford Women's Institute,154 Portage Rd.N.- (Public ~all)." Carried.. :areford Fire- 6. Allan 'ion' s Ascot. Keighan Mr. J. A. Climenhage addressed the 'Council in respect to the.. following matters: 1. The question of conveying 5% of land for'the balance of ~ Cherrywood Acres subdivision which he proposed to develop, and be~gcomprised of 113 lots. Mr.Climenhage mentioned that 5% of the lands wo~ld actually.work out to 1.53 acres but he advised that he was prepared to convey an area of 2.75 acres to the ship in the north-west corner of the property for.park purposes providing that he only be required to pay for one-half of the service costs adjacent to the park lands on a road shown as lan 223 "Cherrygrove Road". He felt that he should not be responsible for any service costs in respect to Dorchester Road. The matter was referred to a committee of Councillor A.A.MacBain, Engineer, G.H.Eidt, and the Planning Director for a report. 2. Mr. Climenhage requested permission to register 11 lots on the Cherrywood Acres plan which front on Dorchester Road. He explained that sewer services have been installed to these lot~ and advised that he would be willing to convey 5% Of the land park purposes. Resolution No. 4 was subsequently passed con' cernin8 this request. Carried. "THAT our Clerk be requested to write to C.M.H.C. and Mr. Climenhage to the effect that the lots on Keiffer Street are zoned residential and referring them to the proper by-law, a copy of which is to be enclosed." Lost,-. "T1L~T the Stamford Volunteer Fireulan's Assoc- iation be given permission to hold their annual carnival, on the dates, and conditions as stated in their request." · 7. MacBain Keighan 8. Keighan MacBain Carried. "THAT this Council grant to The Greater Niagara Copmdittee for World Refugee Year, permission to hold a Tag Day on May 26th, 27th and 28th, 1960." Carried. "TI~T the recommendation of the B]-dg.lnspector dated Feb.llth re: set-backs in Plan 223 be approved and the Clerk and Solicitor be authorized to start proceedings to accomplish this." Carried. 9. keighan e~ MacBain "THAT this Council endorse the resolution of Crowland Township contained in their letter of Feb. 5th, 1960, and that our Clerk write to the Premier, the Minister of Municipal Affairs, and our local member informing them of our support of the resolution. Carried. A.E.Parks '~ 10. Keighan 4 Niagara Parks Application Allan "T1L~T we accept the recommendation of the !~ Com,n.b~eetinf~_ Niagar~ Falls & Subur an Area Planning . Board in respect to the application of hCarr~ ~ Arthur E. Parks, Pt.Lot 160, Dru~nond Road, ' ~ and that the Solicitor be inst~cted to ' ~ Items Ambulance 11. Allan ~ Tabled Agreement MacBain "THAT this Council renew the contract with ~ Wm.G.Booth Roger llunt re: Ambulance Service at the same terms and conditions as 1959." Library Report. Report. Picture Extension of Franchise By-law No. 2476. By-law No. 2477. Q.E,Way ~ief Carried. Councillor Bridge presented a report of the Stamford Public Library Board meeting held on February llth, 1960. As the result of the report the following resolution was submitted and passed: 12, Bridge MacBain "TI~T the report of the Stamford Library be received and that the items enumerated in the minutes be referred to the Finance and Budget Committee." Carried. Reeve blitchelson dedicated a composite picture of former Township Officials for hanging in the Township Hall. The Officials in the picture are as follows: The late M. F. Ker, To~cnship Engineer from 1922 to 1957. The late G. blunro, Township Treasurer from 1923 to 1950. The late W. C. LaMarsh, Township Solicitor from 1950 to 1957. Mr. Dave Alair, Township Clerk fro~1925 to 1943. 13. MacBain Allan "THAT our Clerk be instructed to prepare the by-law required under the Act to provide for the extension of the Municipal Franchise, in accordance with the question submitted to the electors at the last Municipal Election." ~arried. 14. Allan Bridge 15. MacBain Keighan 16. Keighan Macgain "BY-LAW No. 2476, 1960. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 15th day of February, 1960, between the Cor- poration of the Township of Stamford and Eastland Brothers." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Symphonic Band Police Bldg. Chippaws Resolution Orchard Park s hool wan "BY-LAW No. 2477, 1960. A By-law to amend By-law No. 1592 (1952) as amended." Read a first, second and third time and passed, "THAT the Engineer and Solicitor be authorized :- to prepare a Brief to p.resent Council's case at the Ontario Municipal Board tiesring re: ~ accesses to the Queen Elizabeth ltighway." '~ Carried. ~ ' Appeal Grant ~EPC Road Feb,15 1960. Commit tee Keighan ';' .... ; "TI~T Council request the privilege of lneeting with the ~iagara Parks Commission at their next meeting t:o discuss certain matters of mutual interest which should be dealt with without delay." carried. Bridge The following items on the Agcnda x.mre ordered tabled: 1. Letter of resignation by l. ir. Wi]] iam G. Booth from the Niagara Regional-Development Association. 2. Letter from St.Ann's SSn~Lobonic Band of Niagara Falls was referred to the Budget Committee. 3. Letter from the Stamford Police Commissio~ requesting certain renovations of the .]?olice Administration Building. 4. Letter from the Stamford Branch of the Canadian Legion No. 479, requesting a grant for the year 1960. 5. Letter from the Village of Chippawa requesting endorse- ment of their resolution re: Legislation to permit municipal- ities to fix municipal assessments or taxes for ratepayers who are pensioned or recipients of fixed incomes. It was decided that this matter should be referred to the next meeting of the blunicipal Councils'of the City of Niagara Falls~ the Village of Chippawa, and the Township of Stamford. 6. Letter from the Principal of Orchard Park Public School requesting the construction of a sidewalk in front of the school on the west side of Dorchester Road. This matter was referred to the Budget Comuittee for consideration. 7. Letter from the Greater Niagara United Appeal requesting a grant for the year 1960 was referred to the Budget Comnittee. 8. Letter from the IIydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario re: Haulage Road and other properties in the Township of Stamford. This matter was referred to the Budget Committee. 18. Allan Keighan "TI~T we do now adjou~m to meet on Saturday, February 20th at 10 a.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Hour F bl At the conclusion of the meetlng, Council met in committee and the Clerk pz'usenL~d a r~por~ ~howin~ ~atls~icat iufoz- marion relative to assessment and taxes on Niagara Parks Commission and Hydro-Electric Power Goremission of Ontario Committee lands, compared with lands o;~ned by the Canadian Niagara ]Eventide Home Meeting Power Company, for the calendar year 1959. The information . was supplied to Council in order that policy could be de- cided in respect to the type of information which has been requested by Mr. George Bukator, M.P.P. relative to grants in lieu of taxes on Parks and Hydro lands. As a result of a study of the report by Council, the following Policy was decided upon: Parks Comm. 1. This Council is o£ the opinion that the Niagara Parks Commission should pay full Real Property Taxes and Business Taxes on all commercial lands and buildings, including the golf course, within the Parks system operated by it. H.E.P.C. 2. The following policy was clarified in respect to Hydro- Electric Power Commission properties: (a) Hydro should be required to pay full Real Property and Business Taxes on all lands and buildings o~¢ned by them, together with the applicable bu~ness taxes. This tax to be on the same basis as private mercantile concerns. (b) That we express our objections to the basis of the flat rate of $2.00 per square foot applied to ground floor areas used to pay a grant in lieu of taxes on generation and trans- former buildings. This objection to be based on the fact that such a rate is not equitable nor comparable to the raue suggested by the Provincial Manual of assessment for indus- trial and other types of buildings, (c) Hydro grants should at least be paid on the same basis recognized by the Federal Government for Crown owned property. (d) Hydro grants should include full educational payments on the assessment prepared on the basis of the provincial Manual. Submission ~Adj ourn Feb.15,1960, 10. Present It was agreed that the Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Clerk be authorized to complete a submission for a presentation of the above matters to the local member. There being no further committee business the meeting adjourned. "' ~t t' Reeve " '~ Clerk' A Regular Meeting of Council was h&ld Saturdays February 1960 at 10:00 a.m. E. E. Mitchelson. R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Minute~ Allan Keighan "T[IAT the minutes of the meeting held 15th,!960 be adopted as printed." Carried. :i' Brigadiers Hill and Chapman and Major Ted Bruce of the Salvation Army artended the meeting and were granted permission to address the Council. Brigadier Hill explained that they were here in connection with the campaign the Salvation Army propose to conduct in this area to assist in financing the Eventide Home recently opened in Niagara Falls. He mentioned that the Home w~ll, accommodate 193 persons which includes 20 staff members. The Government made a grant of $750.00 per bed for remodelling the old buildings which amounts to roughly $150,000.00. The renovat~d,e building has cost approximately $450,000.00 and the Army will have a deficit of approximately $200,000.00 to $250,000.00 to take care of. At the present time Brigadier Hill advised that they have about 38 persons in residence. The Home will employ about 40 persons with about $150,000.00 per year being spent in this area for supplies, materials and merchandise. Accommo- dation is available for married couples as well as single men and single women. The City of Niagara Falls is ~eing aAked for a grant of $25,000.00 and the Township is being asked for a grant of between $15,000.00 and $20,000.00. The Brigadier mentioned that the payment for any grant decided upon could be spread over three years. Major Bruce then spoke and gave information in respect to the operation of the Eventide Home. He mentioned thatt the patients were charged according to their means. If their only income was old age pension, this was accepted and each patient was given back $10.00 per month to take care of their personal needs. 'The actual cost of maintenance for each person was $3.00 per day or $91.53 per month. If patients have sufficient means they are required to pay for their maintenance at the cost rate. The Home is not set up as a nursing home. All patients must be able to go to the dining room for meals. The Major extended an invitation to members of Council to visit the Home sometime at their convenience. Brigadier Chapman then spoke and gave information in respect to the proposed campaign to raise funds to take care of the deficit resulting from the establishment of the Eventide Home. He advised that the Army p~opose to conduct a campdiSh in June to raise $105,000.00 of which $40,000.00 is expected to be raised by direct public appeal. The balance will be raised by other methods including a request to the County Councils of Welland, Lincoln and Haldimand, and also the Councils of the City of Niagara Falls, the Village of Chippaws and the Township of Stamford~ for grants. He indicated the priority would be given to patients from the greater Niagara Area and that the public campaign would be conducted in June of this year. He agreed to forward a letter outlining his request for a grant. The Reeve, in thanking the officers of the Army for their presentation, advised that tile Township would actually be paying approximately 25% of the County grant and this fact would have to be taken into consider- ation at the time the Arm's considered. y request for a donation was being 2. MacMain Allan plan dated the 4th day of March, 1959. 2. That pursuant to Section 26 (6) of the Planning Act, we accept cash in lieu of 5% of [~;:~:::[:'~'~ ~"' discussion having an area of at least six acres and that this acquisition be der eontinuou, study by our Council." "'Carried.~.~ ~ ,- .· Financ~ 3. Allan Keighan Relief 4. Keighan Allan Roads. 5. Keighan Allan General 6. Keighan Allan Finance ~ 7. Allan Keighan Taxi Owners ~ 8. Allan MacBain Wm.G.Booth John Tanner Welland Etealth Unit "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated February 19th,1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $8,851.68." Carried. "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated February 19th,1960 as presented,be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $8,608.59." Carried. :"~tamford Bd. =:Of Education budget =By-law 2475 ! By-law 2478 i Stor~ sewer- Twp .Lot 148 "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated February 19th,1960 as presented,be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $129,601.44." Carried. "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. "THAT the applications for Taxi-cab Owners Licenses~from the following be approved and licenses granted: Jack V. Robinsoh, 2105 Montrose Road, Ernest Goldstone, 1535 portage Road N." Carried. As a result of the resignation by Mr. Wm. G. Booth as Stamfori representative on the Niagara Regional Development Associatio~ It became necessary to appoint a replacement, and the followil ,~resolution was submitted: 9. MacBain Allan EarkinK by-law I[ems Tabled ~wker & Pedlar ~ ,Niag, Church ~seball Assoc. E.Way Road "THAT Council appoint John Tanner to the Niag~ Regional Development Association and that tn~ necessary by-law be.amended." Ployees' Carried. ~sion Council received the January report from the Director of the Welland-'& District Health Unit. Several sections of the were devoted to inferior housing and remedial action which could be taken. It was suggested that this matter be referre to the 1961 Council for consideration and study. i0. MaCBaln Allan arist Comm. "THAT we accept the conditions set forth in H.E.P.C. letter of Feb,12th, 1960, with regard to the storm sewer outlet on Township Lot No. 148." Carried. ~ icipal The Stamford District Board of Education advised by letter that information in respect to 1960 Grant Regulations are not expected until after March 1st. It requested information as to an acceptable date for the submission of its budget requirements in view of the grant problem. It also invited a representative of the Council to its Budget meeting to provide Council with first-hand infozmation concerning their current budget. Deputy- Reeve R. F. Keighan was appointed Council's representative to attend the Board's Budget meeting. 11. Allan Keighan 12. Keighan MacBain "By-LAW No.2475,1960. A By-law to appoint members to the Stamford Public Library Board for the year 1960." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No.2478,1960. A By-law iuthorizing an application to The Ontario Municipal Improve- ment Corporation for the purchase by it of certain debentures." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 13. MacBain Keighan "TtlAT the necessary by-law be amended to prohibit ~arking on the North and South sides of Morrison Street for a distance of 150 feet from the east side of Stanley Avenue and that such portion of Morrison Street be divided into three lanes by means of painted white lines." Carried. The FollowinR Items on the Agenda were ordered Tabled: 1. Application for a Hawker & Pedlar License from Michael Andrecyk of 1327 Dorchester Road. 2. Request for grant from the Greater Niagara Church Baseball Association. This request will be referred to the Budget Committee. 3. Letter from the Department of Highways enclosing a copy of a public Notice which will be mailed to all affected property owners involved in the proposed road closings at the Queen Elizabeth Way. It was noted that the Public Hearing in connect~n~ with the road closings will be heard by the Ontario Municipal Board on March 21st, 1960 at 1:30 p.m. at St. Martin's Church Hall, corner Dorchester Road and High Street. 4. Report in connection with the employees' pension plan will be referred to the Budget Committee. 5. Request for grant from the Tourist Committee of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce will be referred to the Budget Committee. ~. Consideration of proposals made by Mr. A. C. Laughlin for development of a proposed subdivision of Part Twp. Lot 37, 7. A By-law to extend the Municipal Franchise. . Keighan · "THAT we do now adjourn to meet again Feb, carried. aour lZ:l p.m. ' G ~k Regular Hee~fng of Council ~as held on Feb~a~y 29th~ 1960 ~.resent Minutes Licenses E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge Councillor .-i A. A. MacBain Councillor 1. Allan Keighan "THAT the minutes of the meeting held Feb- ruary 20th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. 2. Allan ' Keighan "THAT th~ngapplications for licenses from the lollowl be approved and licenses granted: .~ Sewer & water 1 ' ' , . a ' sF pl s ~ - Booth Petroleum Limited, 1934 Victoria Ave. J Donald Fehrman, RR~bl, Welland St.Catharines Fuel Oils, 51 Dunkirk St.,. _~ St.Catharlnes :. Niagara Fuel Oils Ltd., Thorold Continental Bread Co., 253 Merritt St., St.Catharines ' ' (Hawker & pedlar)j '!' Borden's Dairy, 1195 Magdalen St. ~Milk Ve~ Morris Greenspan, Beaverdams Koad (Salvage Eugene Nickel 29 Portage Rd N (Restauran Victor Takach, 2345 Lundy's Lane , Louis BoluS,'2732 Portage Road " Harry Manson, 3611 Lundy's Lane " Kobert Milinkovich, 1942 Stanley Ave. N." Cyanamid of Canada Ltd. Welland Plant Ken Bush, 335 Portage Rd.N.(Grocery-baked H.R.& E. Johnson, 927 St.Paul Ave. (Gro~ Serge Kisluk, 2871 O'Neil St. C & S Construe- Frank Betik, 2442 Portage Road " ~fon Martin German, 2611 Lundy's Lane " Ernie DeVito, 1497 Portage Koad " Norman Biederman, 2218 Gulp Stree~ .James Hetherington, 2878 Riall St. " C.S.Campbell, 2235 Drummond Road " Falls Pharmacy ~1, 1~19 Drummond Rd.(Refre~ Falls Pharmacy ~2, 2671 Drummond Rdo ,, .~W_eed Inspector Fry's Pharmacy, 2303 Lundy's Lane ~:"'~ "' (Refreshment) Ernie DeVito, 1497 Portage Rd. (Service Station) Lococo & Repa, 1201 Drummond Rd. " Harry Manson, 3611 Lundy's Lane " '; Carried. As a result of a letter received from the Chief Constable, the Clerk was directed to advise Mr. F. W. Reid that the conditions of his salvage yard on Katar Road were not acceptable to Council and in consequence, a license to operate could not be granted. Mr. A. C. Laughlin addressed the Council in respect'to a proposed subdivision of Part Twp.Lot 37. He reminded'Council that they had agreed when he interviewed them'last that his proposed subdivision would be considered at an early date. He mentioned that the problem is a serious economic one to him and again reiterated that he would agree to develop the sub- division in accordance with the 1959 Declaration of Policy governing subdivisions. He asked if a decision in respect to the registration of the 53 lots which can be serviced can be made soon. In view of the fact that a hearing in respect to another subdivision was in progress before the Ontario Municipal Board, the Solicitor advised that no action be taken in respect ~o the Laughlin Subdivision until such time as the hearing is concluded. The Reeve advised Mr. Laughlin that the matter of his subdivision would be considered as soon as possible after the present Hearing is completed. Consideration of the plan will be in committee and the Engineer suggested it would be helpful if a draft plan showing the 53 lots could be prepared to assist the Council in their deliberations. The Engineer supplied members of Council with a statement of the tenders received and opened at 2 p.m. for the construct- tion of proposed sewer and water mains within Registered Plan 226. He explained that only Damore and C & S Construction Co. Ltd. had tendered in strict accordance with our "Instructions to Bidders". He mentioned that Cashmore Contracting (Niagara) Limited had submitted a tender but instead of supplying the name of a bonding company as called' for in the Instructions to Bidders, they had submitted certified cheques from the subdivider who owns the property where the work is to be carried out. and method of bidding took p].ace and it was decided that the Cashmore tender could not be considered. It was indicated during the discussion that future tender calls should clearly point out that only insurance bonds will be accepted and that any letters from bond companies agreeing to bond a contractor must be over the seal of the company. The Engineer suggested that the letter relative to the bond might be included in a specialenvelope containing l~tters of reference, etc. 3. Allan MacBain A lengthy discussion in respect to form of tender. "THAT the C & S Construction Company's i, ('?:"I., !,i;! ~' '" tenders be accepted for the sewer and water ;~ ',: ,4,- `!`~~' ' main eont .acts, their tender bei,g the '.:. Carried. I ! !~ ,: ] ,, l~ , ~ ' - 7' As the result of a ques. tionnaire from the Department of ,: .'. '.': ....:.-. k. ......YearL__...:.. . --"~' ...... ~:./~ ..1 . ~ Achievement 5. MacBain Award Dinner Keighan Lioness Club 6. Keighan Allan Assoc.of Mayors 7. & Reeves MacBain Keighan Library Board 8. Bridge Allan "THAT we forward a copy of Mr. Mosesr letter of February 22nd, 1960, to the H.E.P.C. and that our Clerk write to Mr. Moses to acknow- ledge and thank him for his letter." tarred, "THAT Council approve the payment of $715.52 to the City of Niagara Falls as our share of the Greater Niagara Achievement Award Dinner~ as allowed for in the 1959 Budget." Carried. "THAT the Niagara Falls Lioness Club be grant~ permission to conduct their annual broom ~ drive in the Township commencing the 1st day ~i of March,1960." ~j Carried. '~ "THAT the Reeve be authorized to attend the Annual Conference of the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves at Cornwall on June 22,23rd and 24th." Carried. "THAT in accordance with the request of the Stamford Library Board the sum of $5,000.00 be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer t0ba taken of~ the annual grant." :~iag .Parks ~C0mmission · Items Filed iI~utv Free Shops By-law 2481 9. Keighan Allan By-law 2482 .10. MacBain Keighan Increase Wtmn. Montrose Rd. Items Tvbled M_.AndrecVk Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2481,1960. A By-law. to authorize the borrowing of $1,300,000.00." Read a fi~ second and third time and passed. ~ BYLLAW No.2482,1960. A By-law to amend By-l~ No.I592 (1952) as amended." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 11. Keighan MacBain "THAT the Engineer be authorized to increase the size of the watermain to be constructe~ on Montrose Road between the Bissell plant and McLeod Road from 6" to 8" at an estima[~ cost of $1,600.00 and that this cost be budgeted in Public Works Account for 1960." Carz~d ~ The following items on the A~enda were ordered Tabled: 1. Application for Hawker & Pedlar License from Michael Andrecyk. This application will remain tabled until such as the applican~ attends a Council meeting and provides the informa~ion requested. jvil Servants b.29 1960 2. Letter from the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority "' relative to 1960 requisition will be referred to the Budget Committee. 3. Letter from the Salvation Army requesting a grant for the Salvation Army Eventide Home was referred to the Budget Committe~ 4. Letter from the Stamford Township Employees Local Union No. 425 relative to the 1960 contract. It was agreed to meet the ~ Negotiating Committee of the Union on Monday, March 7th at 6:30 p.m. in the Towsship Hall to review the proposals made for the current contract. Development Ltd. relative to a proposed subdivision of 11 lots on Dorchester Road in the area adjacent to Cherrywood.'Acres. The Reeve appointed a committee of Deputy-Reeve ~eighan; Councillor, A.A,MacBain~ the Solicitor, the Engineer and tile Clerk, to consider the new type of agreement prepared in connection with this subdivision on the basis of the new Declaration of Policy, and report to Council at the next meeting. 6. Letter from the General Manager of the Niagara Parks Commission advised thatthe next meeting of the Commission would be held on March ltth or 12th, and in response to our request, representatives Of Council could attend the meeting and discuss the problem which has been raised. The exact date of the meeting will be advised later. By-law re: execution of an agreement between J.A.Climenhage ' ;' The following items on t~e agenda were ordered Filed: 1. The Clerk reported on a meeting sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce that the Solicitor and himself had artended on Wednesday, February 24th at the Main Street Library in respect to the proposed establishment of duty free shops in the Greater Niagara area. After hearing the report Council decided that no action be taken and the corespondence was ordered filed. 2. No action was taken in respect to a letter from the Secretary of the Civil Servants Commission relative to a request of the Civil Servants for salary increases and the letter and other information was ordered filed. 12. Allan Keighan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, March 7th at 6"30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Reeve Hour p.m. Clerk 3rd, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. present. Chairman Bus Trans- portation Committee present from City of Niagara Falls: F. Miller Mayor C. Gregory Alderman G. Martin Alderman I. McCallum Alderman A. J. McKinley Alderman H. Morton Alderman C. Swayze Alderman J. White Alderman W. S. Orr City Manager D. C. Patten City Clerk S. Price Engineer H. Dickson Treasurer present from Village of Chippawa: J. MacKenzie Reeve H. Clarke Deputy-Reeve G. Kulka Councillor J. Charlebois Councillor J. Ives Councillor R. T. N. Callan Clerk ;Reserve 12 ibuses 'i ~resent from Township of Stamford: E, E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. A. MacBain C. H. Eidt A. C. Hugging Reeve Deputy-Reeve 'Councillor Councillor Engineer ' 'Clerk The meeting was chaired by Mayor F. Miller After the meeting was opened, the Mayor advised that the firs[ item of business would be a report from the Bus Transport~ti0e Committee established by the Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford. ,Alderman McCallum, Chair' ,man of the Transportation Committee, repqrted that the Commitl ~'had made a survey of several bus systems being operated in Ontario and it pointed to the fact that very few systems operi on a profit. His committee recommended that 31 passenger bust were best suited for our district and it was felt that the buses should be of the type manufactured by the General Motor! Corporation. It was not considered practical to make any arr%~[ ments to purchase the present N.S.& T. buses operating in thi~ area. The Committee was of the opinion that 12 buses were adequate to provide service in the area. The Chairman advise' iN0t Liable ! ~lndustrial p, 'romotion ofC %0mmunication !ndustrial ~romotion that no bids had been received to operate the service from rivate sources. In some cases where private companies oPerat{ %ransportation systems in municipalities, they are subsidized sy~te~ fo~ [he'~lty of Niagara Falls and the Township o~ and that authority be given to reserve 12 buses from the Get motors Corporation. This authority was requested in View ofe~ fact that the type of bus required is'only manufactured every two years and if they are not ordered now they could not be secured until 1962. It was indicated that the cost to put the buses and provide garage and other facilities would amount to $225,000.00. This amount was broken down at $168,000.00 for buses and the balance of $57,000.00 for garage and other facilities, The Committee also recommended that an experienced person be engaged to make a complete survey of the district to determine the service required, some~ me during the month of ApxiL Alderman C.Gregory Reeve E.Mitchelson "TF~T the Bus Transportation Committee be authorized to have 12 bnses reserved, in writing, from General Motors Corporation, and that the recommended survey be made by the expert suggested." Carried. It is understood that in making the reservation for the 12 buses that the ~o municipalities are not made liable in an~'v~y. The Committee was authorized to continue to function, and among other things, to consider and report to the Joint Councils on the following matters: 1. Manner of financing the transit system. 2. Composition of Commission and if it is to be elected or appointed. 3. Legal matters respecting Private Bill, etc. The members of the Councils of Niagara Falls and Stamford were polled and the unanimous view was expressed that a subsidy would not be paid to a private enterprise to operate the system. The opinion was expressed that if a transportation system must be subsidized it was preferable to subsidize our ovm system. The next item for discussion was Industrial Promotion. The City Clerk advised that he had received a letter from the Chamber of Commerce to the effect that a representative would not be in attendance from the Chamber. The letter explained that it was felt that the industrial promotion and other matters could be discussed better if a representative from the Chamber was not in attendance. Alderman G.Martin Alderman C.Gregory "THAT the communication from the Chamber of Commerce re: attendance at the meeting be received and filed." Carried. Reeve Mitchelson then reported on behalf of the Joint Committee set up by the three municipalities to consider industrial promotion. He advised that several meetings of the Committee had been held and the Chamber had advised that it was not for 1960 only, on the same basis as 1959, and that a committee be authorized to continue a study of industrial matters during 1960. After conailerable discussion, the foll~ving resolution was submitted: interested in continuing with industrial promotion work. The ~!~' Reeve recommended that in view of the fact that the merger report,.= will be brought in this year, and the problems which exist in respect to Township finances and area transportation, that the k Chamber of Conm~erce be requested to carry on industrial promotion Deputy-Reeve H.Clarke Alderman I.MaCal!um "T~A~T the thrcc Joint Councils advise Chamber of Commerce that we are prepared to continue industrial promotion for 1960 on the same basis as 1959 which provided a total grant from the three municipalities~., Of $10,000.00." ":" "~ ... , '.. .'.'. . .' promotion Cont'd Tourist Committee Committee Grant Tourist Committee "Location .Niagar. a" Film Ayes and Nayes on this reso tion wer. ~ . cllled which resulted in the following vote.~' ' A_y._~: Reeve Mitchelson~Councillor Allan. /. ' Reeve MacKenzie ,Deputy-Reeve Clarke ,Cou~ci!l ~ planninR Bd, Ives,Charlebois & Kulka,Aldermen Gregory; / Martin ,McCallum~McKinley ,Morton, Swayze. ~ Nayes.: Deputy-Reeve Keighan,Councillor MacBain, Alderman White. Carried. The meeting then considered a request of the Greater Niagar~ Chamber of Commerce Tourist Committee for a grant of $18,000.00 for their 1960 requirements. After discussion, the following resolution was submitted: Alderman McKinley Alderman Morton Alderman McCallum Councillor MacBain "T!~T the three Municipal Councils approve of the request for $18,000.00 submitted by the Tourist Committee on the same basis of payment as 1959." The motion was lost - seven members were i: favour of the resolution and nine were "THAT the three municipal Councils agree t0 a payment of $16,000.00 to the Tourist Committee to be divided on the same basis as 1959." Ayes and Nayes were called which resulted in the following votes: NiaKara Falls Council: Six Aldermen voted in favour of the resolution~ and Alderman White voted "Naye". Chippawa Council: Four members voted again! 'the resolution a~d one voted in fayour, MacKedzie voted "Aye", Deputy-Reeve Clarke and the thre~ Councillors voted "Nays". Stamford Council: Three members voted for the resolution and one voted against, Mitchelson,Councillors MacBain & Allan "Aye" and the Deputy-R~eve voted "Nays". The combined votes tailed ten in favo~r, six opposed. Mayor Miller declared the resolutiou Alderman White Deputy-Reeve Clarke "THAT we do not entertain the request of Chamber of COmmerce Tourist Committee to supply 10 copies of the film entitled "Location Niagara"," A recorded vote was requested which in eight members in favour and eight Mayor Miller cast the deciding vote as being in favour of the resolution and it Carried. The voting showed five representatives Chippawa in layout, four from Stamford opposed, four in Niagara Falls in favour, and four in Niagara Falls opposed. Prohibit Campaigns ~Huma Society ~ ne .xed !nts The requisition of the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board for an amount of $29,964.00 required for the year 1960 was tabled. Alderman White -Alderman Mortou "THAT the request of the Niagara Falls Suburban Area Planning Board be approved as submitted." Carried. The request of the Greater Niagara United Appeal for a 1960 grant was tabled. Alderman Gregory Alderman McCa!lum "THAT the three Councils approve of the request as submitted by the United Appeal for a grant for ~he year 1960." Carried. The request made to the Councils by the United Appeal to prohibit campaigns other than their own, in the month of October was considered. Alderman McKinley ~lderman Morton' "THAT the suggestion of the United Appeal re: Prohibiting campaigns other than -. their o1~ in the month of October, be not complied with." Carried. The request for funds from the Niagara Frontier Humane Society was considered next~ and the following motion was presented: Alderman Martin Councillor MacBain "THAT a committee of Aldermen Martin & Swayze from the Council of Niagara Falls, Councillors Kulka & Charlebois from Chippawa, and Councillors MacB~in and Bridge from Stamford, meet with the Society as soon as possible and discuss all aspects of dog control by-la~ and other enforcements, and report back to the Councils as soon as possible." Carried. A resolution from the Village of Chippawa relative to the suggestion that the Legislative Assembly provide permissive legislation for municipalities to fix municipal assessments and/or taxes for ratepayers who are pensioned or recipients a fixed income, was discussed and after an explanation from Councillor Charlebois, the following resolution was passed: Councillor MacBain Reeve MacKenzie "THAT the Chippawa request re: fixed assessments, etc. be tabled to permit the representatives of the Village to re-draft their msolution for presen- tation to the next ].oint meeting of the three Councils." Carried. ,,! . Ad i ourn Deputy-Reeve Clarke Councillor Ives "THAT the meeting do now adjourn." Meeting Adjourned Mar. 3rd, 1960 ' ' ~ ~ ~ Reeve Clerk No. 13 A Regular Meeting of Council was held on Monday, Marcb. 7th, 1960 at 7.:30 p.m. Present E.E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve ~er J. N. Allan Co~cillo~ A. G. Bridge Councillor A. A. MacBain Co~cillor Minutes 1. Allan .... Keighan "T~T the minutes of the' meetings held February 29th and March 3rd, 1960, be Driver adopted as printed ." Carried. Finance 2 ~ Allan ' Keighan "T~T we do now 'adjourn to go into Finance Co~ittee and pass accounts." sh Carried i zes General 3. Keighan Allan "T~T the statement of General Accounts dated March 4th, 1960 as presented~ be accepted and the accounts be paid to $299,628.83." Carried. Roads 4. Allan Keighan "T~T the statement of Roads Accounts March 4th,1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts. be p~id amounting t0 $10,522.00 ." Carried. R~l.ief 5. Allan Keighan "T~T the statement of Relief Accounts dated March 4th,1960 as presented, accepted and the account~ be paid to $354.88." Carried. ' ~ 6. MacBain ' ' Allan "T~T the Co~ittee on Finance do now and reeve the bu~nese of Council." ' Carried. / .~.~ ...::...~, -- ......... .. . ~.. '. t . .... . %. Bridge Allan 8. MacBain Allan MacBain' Allan 10. MacBain A~n 11. Bridge A~an "THAT the following application for licenses be approved and licenses granted: W.L. Houck Coal Co.,1893 Main St. (Fuel Dealer) Moore~IcCleary Ltd.,Thorold ,, Aldo & Muratori Fuels Ltd.,1200 Montrose Rd. " Ivart Fjelfort,1728 St.Paul Ave. (Barbershop) Wm.Abbott, 2245 Lundy~s Lane " Riganelli Brothers Baker,16 Ormond St.S. Thorold (Hawker & Pedlar Mammy's Bread Company,24-34 Sanford Ave.N., Hamilton ,, Alex Dawson,R.R.~3,Dorchester Rd.(Slaughterhouse) Andrew Kiesz,1473 Highland Ave. (Grocery) Misse~ Ashcroft,Coaley & Price,9 Portage Rd.N." Emil Kalcic,l105 St,Paul Ave. (Kefresb. ment) R.T.Stewart,2636 Barker St. (Grocery) .George Harrold,1501 Drummond Rd. ~ " DeMol's Bakery,243 Drummond Rd~(Groc-Baked Goods) George Rodgers,1681 Thorold Stone Rd.(Restaurant) Peter Georgieff,2463 Portage Rd.S. " Alice DeMarsh,2309 Drummond Rd. " Carried. "THAT the application for a Taxi-cab O~mer's License from James G.Ros~ 1703 Thorold Stone Rd. be approved and license granted." Carried. "THAT the application for a Taxi-cab Driver's License from Wm. J. Williston, 1652 Main St. be approved and license granted." Carried. "THAT our Clerk be requested to write to the family 'of the late Mrs. LaMarsh and e~press the condolences of Council and Officials." Carried.' "THAT we accept the report of the Building · Inspector for Building Permits issued in the month of February in the amount of $32,700.00." ' Mr. Ross Barr attended the meeting on behalf of the J.A, Climenhage Development Ltd. and requested approval to register 18 lots located on the East side of Allanthus Avenue shown edged in red on a proposed plau of subdivision for that area, prepared by N.J,;S~Bt~,OLS, and dated Feb~ary 25th,1960~ and referred to as Brentwood Acres '. The Engineer advised that the Plannin~ Board had approved of the registered plan of 18 lots ~nd he ~ indicated that no pLob em existed in conneceion with service8 and the subdivision could be taken care of in accordance with the 1959 , - . - _ ~7~. j.A.Climenhage 12. plan MacBain Keighan Can.Bldg. 13. Keighan Officials Allan Conference Statutory 14. Allan Grant Bridge Tenders for 15. MacBsin Dormant Allan Sprayin% 16. Bridge Keighan Investigation 2632 Dunn St. "THAT the J.A.Climenhage Development Ltd. plan of 18 lots on Ailanthus Avenue dated Feb.25th, 1960, be not disapproved, subject to the usual terms and conditions and subject also to Council's present Declaration of Policy in regard to subdivisions Carried. "THAT the Bldg.Inspector and one member of Council be authorized to attend the 1960 Conference of Canadian Building Officials April 4th, 5th,6th, 1960." Carried. "THAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to petition the provincial Government for the statutory grant under the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act on expenditures m~de during the year 1959 amounting to a total of $406,288.73." Carried. "THAT the Engineer be authorized to call for the dormant spraying of elm trees on road allowances (urban) within the Township of Stamford for the control of Dutch Elm disease,' Carried. "THAT the Sanitary Inspector and Bldg.Inspect0r be asked to bake an investigation of the conditions at 2632 ~unn Street. The mover has been told that the ~arage is being used for living, and that the same condition exists in the basement, and to report at the next counci meeting." - Carried. American Water 17. Works Assoc. 9onventipn Allan Keighan "THAT two officials of the Engineer's along with one member of Council who may be permitted to attend the Canadian Section the American Water Works Association in Buffalo, N.Y., Ap=il 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th, 1960." Carried. ,'~. LaMarsh & LaMarsh 18. MacBain Bridge "THAT the firm of LaMafeb & LaMafeb be pal amount of $100o00 for the Deeds their prepared in conneotion with the transfer of the unopened road allowance closed up By-law No. 2184, and conveyances By-laws 2328, 2356 and 2438." carried. :ems Tabled public Garage Ken Fox Side-yards & Frontage Misc. Grants 0urn 1960 14 The following items on the A~_g/enda were ordered Tabled: 1. An application for a Public Garage License for premises at 1983 Franklin Avenue from Kenneth Fox and Harley Vaughan. The Plumbing Inspector will be asked for a full report on this business and the manner in which it was operated since 1952. 2. Letter from the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board relative to side-yards for accessory buildings, and frontag~ on public streets. The recommendations made were generally acceptable to Council but before taking action on same, it was directed that a report from the Solicitor be secured. 3. Letter from the Clerk of the City of Niagara Falls giving statement in respect to miscellaneous grants common to the three municipalities of the Greater Niagara Area which were recommended by theJoint Committee of the three CounQils. ~he report will be considered by the Budget Committee.~' 19. Allan Keighan mTHAT we do now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, March 9th at 7 p.m." Carried° Meeting Adjourned Hour 9:35 p.m. A Special Meeting of Council was held Wednesday, March 9th, 1960 in the Clerk's Office of the Township Hall at 7:00 p.m. for Budget Consideration E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge Councillor A. A. MacBain Councillor The meeting was called to consider the following items proposed to be included in the 1960 Municipal Budget: 1. Consideration and various organizations, Boards, etc. for funds review of requests for grants froin and requests from certain Commissions, to operate during the current year. 2. Consideration of the Stamford Police Conmd. ssion Budget · for the year 1960. 3. Consideration of the Stamford Fire Conduittee Budget the year 1960. 4 Consideration of Arena Financing. 5. Consideration of the 1960 Sewer Area Mill Rate~ Council took the ~llowing action in respect to the above matters: after certain changes were made. · .,............= _.... ........ Action taken cent { d Arena roof Adjourn 2 The Stamford police Commission Budget· was approved. /N0.16 3. The Council decided that it could not approve three extra would provide one more man at each station and provide a man t0 supply relief for holidays, fire inspection, and other purposes, 4. The Clerk was instructed to contact the Arena Board and request the submission of an operation budget for the year 1960. ~pu~se It was tentatively agreed that the To~.,mship Treasurer should act as Treasurer for the Arena Board and in this capacity he could ~Welfare act as liason official between the Board and the Council, ~Schools 5. After a discussion took place in respect to the purchase 0f certain Hydro property located on the East side of Stanley Aveate in Tovmship Lot 59 for a future sewage disposal plant, it was lagreed to provide for the payment of land amounting to $27,41~0 in the current Sewer Area Budget. It was determined that the estimates of the Engineer, together with the cost of the propenl would mean a mill rate of slightly over 7.17 mills. ~e To~mship Engineer was requested to bring in a report in respect to the condition of the Arena roof. If it is found when the report is made up that repairs are necessary, estimates are to be provided. Tee meeting adjourned at approximately 11 o~clock p.m. ~Salvation !ArmF Debenture Debt Society Meeting Adjourned. Mar.9,1960 No. 15 A Special Council Meeting was held on Thursday, March 10th,1960 in the Clerk's Office of the Township Hall at 4:30. p.m. for the purpose of discussing various f~atures of the 1960 Municipal Budget Present public Works ADJO~. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge A. A. MacBain - Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor CounCillor . Councillor .Lights The Township Engineer reviewed his .estimates for the followin8 public Works accounts with Council:. Roads, Public Works, Streets, Engineering Administration, Sidewalks, Ashes & Garbage, Sewers, Parks~ Cemeteries. After consideration of the various estimates, tentative was given after certain changes had been made. The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:10 p.m. Meeting Adjourned .Hour 7:10 p.m, taken A Special Meeting of Council was held on Friday, March llth, 1960 at 4:00 p .m. in t~e Clerk's Office, Township Hall. E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge Councillor A. A. MacBain Councillor The meeting was called for the purpose of considering the following items for the 1960 Municipal Budget: 1. Consideration of Welfare Estimates for the year. 2. Review of the Public School, Separate School, and High School requisitions for the year 1960. 3. Consideration of the request of the Salvation Army. for a grant of $20,000.00 4. Review of Debenture debt payments for which the munici- pality is liable in the current year. 5. Councillors A. A. MacBain and A. G. Bridge reported on the meeting of the Joint Committee set up by the City of Niagara Falls, the Village of Chippaws and the Township of Stamford, to consider the Humane Society grant for the current year. They advised that afterconsidering the activities of the Society and the financial requirements that they would recommend that an amount of $18,000.00 be allo~ated to the Society for the year 1960 and that the cost be paid on a percentage basis determined on population and assessment. This would amount to the following payments for each of the three municipalities; City of Niagara Falls - $7,819.00, Township of Stamford - 9,152.00, Village of Chippaws - 1~029.00 $18,000.00 The recommendation is contingent upon the three municipalities establishing by by-law that all dogs must be tied up for an 8 month period from March 1st to October 3tst inclusive and that the fees for dog tag~ b~ increased from the present $2.00 & $4.00, to $3.00 and $5.00. 6. Councillor Allan, Chairman of Street Lights, reported that the cost for street lights in 1960 would be $54,655.00 on the' basis of street lights installed as of December 31st, 1959, plus the ones ordered in 1959 and still to be installed. He submitted a proposed list of streets where street light improvements might be considered for the current year. In submitting the list Councillor All~n stated Chat it included streets which would ' complete certain areas where modernization of lighting facilities had been carried out during the last two or three years. The 'statement showed that the additional annual cost involved for the- lights proposed would be $6,960.00 and that the capital costs to provide same would be $34,800.00 The following action was taken in respect to the above items: q 1. Welfare estimates ~ere approved. 2. The requisitions from the School Boards will be tabled until such time as 1960 Mill Rates are established. { Adjourn March 11,1960 No. 17 Present Purpose 'Consideration Grant [~ublic [ ] The Salvation Army grant was Cabled for further consideratii,. Public 4. The statement relative to Debenture Debt payments during the year 1960 was tabled for information purposes. 5. The report of Councillors MacBain and Bridge relative to the Humane Society was tentatively adopted on the understanding that the recommendation would be accepted by all three Municipal Councils. 6. It was decided to tentatively include an amount of $60,000. in the 1960 Budget for Street Lighting improvements. The details for the programme are to be worked out later on. 9urp o s e s ~' ~0nt'd i The meeting then adjourned. Meeting Adjourned Hour p .m. cf rk ~'Xire. Dept. r Pqlice A Special Meeting of Council was held March 12th, 1960. E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge Councillor A. A. MacBain Councillor The meeting was called for the purpose of continuing with Budger discussions. Consideration was ~iven to ~he items indicated hereunder and directions and resolutions passed .pertaining thereto· 1. The request of the Salvation Army for a grant of to assist in the capital expenditures incurred in remodelling the old hospital to adapt it for use as a home for'elderly citizens, now known as the Salvation Army Eventide Home. DurtR the discussion of this matter it was pointed out that the County of Welland operate a similar establishment called Sunset Haven. This Home is operated by the levy of taxes on munici' pallties throughout the County, which results in the Township of Stamford paying approximately 25% of the Debentures and operational costs. MacBain Allan "THAT we tentatively approve a grant to the Salvation Army for The Eventide Home, of ~4,000 for 1960 and that this Counci~ recommend to the 1961 and 1962 Councils that they make like gra~ Carried. 3. The use made of cash payments from funds collected in lie of the 5% condition for public purposes since such payments weee made from 19~0, was discussed at some length· It was determined that part of the funds ~ollected had been used for municipal park improvements which could be considered as capital expenditures. However, since the Act states that such funds shall be expanded only for the purchase, with the approval of the Minister of the Department of Planning & Development, of land to be held and used by the municipality for public purposes, it was decided that the Township should comply with the Act in this respect, and the following resolution was passed: "THAT Council authorize the transference of $32,311.81 from the Accumulated Reserve Account to the Reserve Account for Public Purposes." MacBain Allan Carried. 3. Budget for Fire Department. It was temporarily decided that if additional paid fireman are to be hired, that they will commence their duties as of May Ist,1960. The Fire Budget will be adjusted accordingly. 4. A letter from the Secretary of the Stamford Pblice Commission requesting that provision be made for the renovation of the dark room which is used in connection with photographic work at the Police Administration Headquarters, the installation of curtains to replace the present blinds in the Court Room, and the painting of the exterior of the building. In addition to this letter, the Engineer had previously drawn to the attention of Council that repairs would have to be made to the roof of the building. On the basis of the information supplied by the Engineer, it was decided to allow $1200.00 for repairs to the dark room, $60.00 for roof repairs, and $700.00 for exterior painting of the building. These allowances ~ill be included in the draft budget being prepared for the year 1960. 5. The Engineer presented a report in respect to the condition of the Arena roof and suggested methods as to remedial action which should be taken to preserve the roof. As a result of his report it was decided to include an amount of $1,652.00 in the current budget to take care of the repairs necessary. 4iag'Indusb~16. The Clerk was instructed to secure information from the t~lations Niagara Industrial Relations Institute at St.Catharines in respect to wage comparisons for Union employees of the Township as compared with the wages paid by contractors, mercanti~ and industrial concerns. MacBain Bridge "THAT the meeting do now adjourn." Carried. Meeting Adjourned · ~ 7 ~eeve Hour Clerk No. 18 present_ Minutes. Licenses A Regular Meeting of Council was held Monday, March 14th, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. G. Bridge Councillor A. A. MacBain Councillor 1. Keighan Allan "THAT the minutes of the meetings held March 7th, 9th, lOth, llth and 12th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. 2. Bridge Allan "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Enterlake Fuel Oils Div.of Canadian Oil Cos.Ltd St .Catharines (Fuel Dealer), Michael Melymuka, 2875 Thorold Stone Road, (Fuel Dealer), A. Tazio, 1723 Dunn Street (Gr0cez Martha Robertson, 2434 Bellerue St. Frank Postl, 2854 Lundy' s Lane Ralph Agosto, 3174 Dz-,mmond Road (l Corp.of St.Martin's Church, Cot. High and Dorchester Rd. (Public Hall)." Carried· CNR signals at Kalar Rd. p0K By-law public Garage 3. Bridge Kaighan "THAT a Public Garage License. be issued to Messrs. K. Fox and H. Vaughan at 1983 Franklin Avenue." Carried. Road inter- T~e Engineer advised that Mr. J. Ford, project Design Engineer section treat- of the Department of Highways, would.like to meet the members merits of Council on either Thursday or Friday of this week to discuss Township road intersection treatments at No. g Highway. It was agreed that the Council would meet with Mr. Ford on F;iday, March lath at 3:30 p.m. at the Township Hall. Asphalt 4. Keighan Worksho~ Allan .,~ "THAT the Engineer be authorized to send 2 members of the Engineering Staff to the Workshop" to be held in Toronto on March 21s~, 22nd, 1960." Carried. 2362 Dunn St. Sanitary Inspector B_ldR. Insp ec tot CNR signals In a letter dated March 8th, the Canadian National Railways · at Kalar Rd. forwarded five paper prints of their Plan No. SD3949 dated February 16th, 1960 showing the proposed installation of light signals to be installed at the C.N,R. Crossing at Kalar Rd. as provided for in Order No. 100349 dated January 29th issued by the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada. The "details of the installation shown on the blueprint were found to be satisfactory and the following resolution authorized the Reeve and Clerk to sign approvals on behalf of the Township on the ace provide on t.e b ueprints. !}i,.,.:-.,.!:l , " ......., --...· Mutual Aid Fire Service i A88OC, Keighan MacBain Bridge MacBain "THAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with the Board of Transport Commission, in respect to the installation of Flashing light signals at the Kalar Road crossin~ in accord with the specifications and plan submitted to Council on March 8th, 1960." Carried. "THAT our Solicitor be instructed to prepare a new by-law to regulate the keeping and running at large of dogs incorporating the provisions of our by-law 1194 as amended, insofar as the provisions thereof are not contrary to the following changes and additions: (a) That the paragraph in our new by-laW which is to take the place of the old paragraph eleven provide that dogs shall only be permitted'to run at large in November, December, January and February. Kb) That license fees be changed to $3D0 for males and spayed females and $5.00 for females regardless of how many dogs any one owner may Own. (c) That the by-law provide that anyone applying for a license for a spayed female submit a certificate of a veterinarian as proof that the dog being licensed has been spayed." . J Carried. At the request of Council the following reports were received in connection with the premises described as 9362 Dunn Street: 1. The Sanitary Inspector of the Welland & District Health Unit advised that he had inspected the premises and advised that the building on the East side of the dwelling is occupied by two adults, but no one is living in the basement of the dwelling. He further advised that there would not appear to be any nuisance from a public health point of view. 2. Mr. A. J. Bradley the Building Inspector advised that there is no evidence of occupancy of the basement of the dwelling at the present time, but the garage is being used for h~bitation. He advised that a directlye to the owner of the premises was issued on November 10th, 1959 ordering him to cease renting the building on the East side of the dwelling, but. to date action had not been taken. Mr. W. F. Diamond the owner of the premises artended the meeting and advised that he would take immediate steps to order the tenants of the garage building to vacate and that he would comply with t~e.requirements of the TownShip. 7. Keighan MacBain "THAT Council support the recommendations of the Welland County Mutual Aid Fire Service Associa- tion re: suggested additional precautions to be taken by the St.Lawrence Seaway Authority in the~ area of the Welland Canal in respect to a possible fire hazard that could exist there in the event of a fire on a ship while in the Canal ,r i as set down in their letter of March 7th, 1960." 'i Carried. '~ ' ' ' Dept. of Highways Local Counil of Women By-law 2479 By-law 2483 By-law 2484 Assessors First Baptist Church Parks Commission Tax Arrears 8. Allan Keighan "THAT the Department of Highways be requested to transfer an allotment of $2,198.62 from Bridges and Culverts Construction to Roads Maintenance, and an allotment of $2,541.74 fr~ Bridges and Culverts Maintenance to Roads Maintenance, and an allotment of $1,344.60 from Roads Construction to New Machinery within the Township's 1959 normal expenditure by-law No. 2355." Carried. 9.. MacBain Keighan "THAT we pay the affiliation dues of $3.00 to the Local Council of Women, and that Mrs. E. E. Mitchelson be appointed as Council's representative for the year 1960." Carried. 10. MacBein Allan Bridge Allan 12. Allan Keighan 13. Bridge Keighan "BY-LAW No. 2479, 1960. A By4aw to provide for the extension of the Municipal Franchise." Read a first, second and third time and passed. By request, Councillor Bridge asked that he be recorded as voting against By-law 2479. March 14, 1960 ib. 19 nt Press "BY-LAW No.2483, 1960. A By-law to authorize t~ Rod & Gun constructio~ of certain works as local improve. Club ments under the provisions of The Local ment Act.~ Read a first a~d second time. Aren.____ea "BY-LAW No. 2484, 1960. A By-law to axthorize execution of an Agreement dated the 12th day of March, 1960 between John A. MacKenzie and Patricia T. MacKeBzie and the Township of Read a first, second and third time and "THAT the assessors be instructed to enquire, when they. are assessing single family whether or not there is more than one family living in the dwelling, and to make a record this and report to Council at a later date." Carried. taken .Item No. 1 14. Keighan MacBain "THAT the request of the First Baptist Church re: erecting a sign on Drummond Road be to be under the direction of the Engineer." Carried. The Clerk was instructed to contact the Chairman of the NiaSara Parks Commission in respect to the matter of taxes on the Oak Hall property which the Commission acquired in the year 1959. At the request of Councillor Bridge the Solicitor was asked to submit a report in respect to the action Council might take t0; advertise a list of owners with tax arrears on their properties-. Allan MacBain "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, March 15th at 7 p.m. for Budget Consideration." Carried. Reeve Meeting Ad3 ourned Clerk Hour 9: 50 p.m. A Special Council Meeting was held Tuesday, March 15th, 1968 at 7:00 p.m. Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge A. A. MacBain A special meeting of Council was held on Tuesday, March 15th at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing certain aspects of the 1960 Budget and the following items were studied: 1. Request from the Stamford Rod and Gun Club for a grant to assist the Club with their Real Property Taxes. 2. The Arena budget was submitted by the Arena Board at the Council's request. Estimates ef General Revenue for the year 1960. After careful study the following action was taken by Coundl in respect to the above items: 1. The following resolution was passed in respect to Item 1.: MaaBain Keighan "THAT Council cannot entertain the request of Stamford !RodZ and Gun Club during 1960." Carried. 2. It was noted that the estimated Arena deficit as of December 31st, 1960 would be $9,764°78. This amount included a provision for an evaporative condenser at a cost of $5,500.00. The deficit together with the estimate made by the Engineer -.for' too~ repairs ~olthe Arena would"m~ah' ~hat ~he Township'would. have to'inClude an'amount of $11,41~.78 for Arena purposes. : It'was'decided ~o include this amount in the Township budget ion the Understanding that it will be considered when the final budget is studied. 3. The only change made in the General Township Revenue estimates was an increase in the estimate for dog taxes which was changed to $4,000.00 as the result of the increase in the fees for dog licenses proposed under a pending by-law Mr. Barrett Mar.15,1960 No. 2O Present 1960 Union Contract Approval of Suggestions requesting an extension of the lease arrangement for Lot 9 in the Township Industrial subdivision was tabled and Mr. Barrett will be requested to meet with Council at 7 p.m. March 21st for the purpose of discussing his proposal in detail. 4. A letter from the Barratt Spun Concrete Poles Ltd. '!l Suggestions Cont' d. "THAT the meeting do now adjourn," Carried. Meeting Adj ourned Allan MacBain ! Suggestions cont' d Reeve Hour ,// Clerk A Special Meeting of Council was held on Wednesdays March 16th, 1960 at 7:00 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Study Made. Council considered the proposed amendments for the 1960 Contract as submitted by the Township Employees Local Union No. 425. Comparisons of Municipal rates as compiled by the Niagara Industrial Relations Institute war@ studied along Adjourn with the increase in the cost of living since 1959. From statistics available~ it appeared that the cost of living had advanced 1.1% from last year. This percentage expressed in terms of hourly rates means approximately 2¢ per hour, The principal of the 2¢ per hou~ increase for all Union Employees was agreed upon with the exceptioR of certain adjustments for key personnel or junior staff. It was further agreed that all members of the Union were to be placed on hourly rates and their remuneration ad3usted accordingly. It was agreed the Assistant Foremen should be taken out of the Union and paid a salary of $4510.08 per year which is the equivalent of $2.16 per hour. Mr. Harold Watson is also to be taken outs'0f the Union and paid a salary of $5250.00, and he will be classi{ 21 as an Accountant. The Assistant Foreman and Mr. Watson will longer be Union members after April 1st, 1960 when the mentioned proposals are to become effective. March 16, 1960. The Union suggested 15 amendments to the 1960 Contract. Gouncil indicated that approval mould be given to the suggestions: l. The amendment to Section (11) of the Agreement to provide that employees directed to work prior tos or after their regularly assigned hours in any one day shall be paid time and one-h~lf for overtime so worked. Draft of Estimates Le: TwD,Rate 2. An addition to Section 12 to provide that whenever change in Job content in any classification takes places new ra~es pay shall' be negotiated between ~he Corporation and the Union. In addition to the above items, it was noted that the ':~ Union requested an amendment to Section 13 of the Agreement to provide for a holiday on Easter Monday. Their request in this connection which included other declaratory holidays, left out a previous holidy which the members of the Union were given, that being "Civic Holiday". Council agreed that a] Holiday for Easter Monday could not be granted, but the 10 holidays provided for in the previous Agreement including Civic Holiday, would still apply. Requests for wage increases from the Foreman and Public Works Superintendent, and by the Municipal Auditors were then con- sidered in respect to salaries for Statutory Officials and Officials exercising managerial functions. It was generally agreed that the 2¢ per hour principal should be applied in respect to all such employees with certain exceptions. Rates for salaries officials and those exercising managerial duties, along with the Auditiors and Solicitor, were set, and instruc- tions given to bring in an appropriate by-law. During. the discussion of this By-law, it was agreed that Mr~ Robert' Beach would be promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief Assessor and a by-law confirming this rank will be prepared for presentation. During the discussion of wages and salaries it was agreed that salaries and wages for all classifications of employees should be carefully studied during the year 1960 and maximum and minimum salaries should be established for every type of work in order that employees would have a clear under- standing of salaries and wages that might be expected for any one Municipal job. 'The meeting adjourned until 4 p.m. March 17th, 1960. Meeting AdjOurned. .,,. Reeve A Special Meeting of Council was held on Thurdsay, March 17th, 1960 at 4:00 p.~. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The Chairman of Finance submitted a draft of the Revenue and Expenditure Estimates relative to the Township Rate, along with estimates of the total Mill Rate. The estimates showed an increase in the General Township Mill Rate in Sewer Areas to be 6.7 Mills. After careful consideration of the entire budget and the matters pertaining thetaros the following changes were made: (a) The estimates of road expenditures were reduced by the correspondin change made in the Government Grants for same~ The $6,000.0~ amount for a library site was deleted, and other changes were authorized in the Public Works Accounts. Changes, Cont'd Meeting Adjourned March 17,1960. No. 22 Presen~ Minutes. After final consideration of the various items, the Chairman'! Licenses less, if possible. During the meeting, Council adjourned at 5:40 p.m. for lunch and re-assembled at 6:45 p.m. The meeting then adjourned to meet on Monday, March 21st. Meeting Adjourned , Hour P.M. ,: , -l.: l .. ,.,' ,' ~ R6gu~a~ ~ee~ng o~ Goune~ was he~d on ~onday~ ~rch ~960 a~ 7:30 V.m. ~.~ E. ~. ~che~son Reeve :-~ ~. ~. ~an Councillor .~vv~ca~on A. A. MacBain Councillor 1 · Allan ~cBain "T~T the minutes of the meetings held %.=~ ~rch 14~h and 15th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. ~nanc~ Relie~f Genera______! goad____.qs 2. Keighan Allan 3. Keighan Allan " 4. Keighan Allan 5. Keighan Bridge 6. Keighan Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finan. Committee and pass accounts." Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated March 18th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amougl ins to $8,205.22." :' Carried.· "THAT the statement of General Accounts · dated March 18th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amOUnting to $222,134.20." Carried. "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated March 21st, 1960 as presented, accepted and the accounts be paid amounting tO $11,311.01." Carried~ ,,T}L~T the Committee on F~nance ~ now arise and resume the business Council." Carried. ~ '7-.':7' '.."'" .......... · .."~ T0thfaluse S~bdivision Residents Presentat ion 9f BudRet 7. Bridge Allan "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses , granted: Mot-Heat Fuel Oils Ltd., 225 Queenston St., St.Catharines (Fuel Dealer) Milan Raosavljevich, 2395 Portage Rd.S.~ (Barbershop), John Wiley, 2237 Lundy's Lane (Grocery) Thomas C. Haley, tl Portage Rd.N., (Retail Meat), Harvey Empey, 2116 Dunn St. (Retail Meat) JimWong, 3196 McLeod Road (Restaurant) Lorne Bestward, 2253 Lundy's Lane, (Restaurant), Niagara German Canadian Club, Garner Road, ,. (Public Hall), Bruce T. Fraser, 1960 Dorchester Road, · (Taxi-cab Driver) ." .. - Carried. A report from the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board dated February 29th, 1960 was received in respect to an application made by Mr. Sam DeLorenzo to re-zone the South-west corner of Valley Way at Portage Road to permit Commercial (1) use. The Board advised that the application had been carefully studied, and after due consideration it was decided to not recommend the application to Stamford Council for approval. Mr. Sam DeLorenzo was in attendance at the meeting and spoke in respect to the application. He stated that in his opinion the property which the application covered was no longer residential in character. He pointed to the fact that a gasoline service station existed on the East side of Portage Road, a Church existed on the corner opposite him, and a greenhouse was in operation to the South of his premises. After a discussion of the matter, Council decided to take no action and the repor~ from the Planning Board was ordered filed. Mr. Douglas Hilts, 3665 Wayne Street, addressed the Council and requested information as to when sidewalks might be constructed in the Tothfaluse Subdivision registered as Plan 157. He stated that practically all the lots in this subdivision were developed and in view of the fact that service costs had been paid in the purchase price of the property, he and the other owners in this subdivision felt that sidewalks should be provided. Mr. Lo~me Jackson from - the same subdivision was also present and he stated that a number of lots in this subdivision had been transferred to Mr. F. A. Branscombe. The Reeve advised that a legal action had been taken against the subdivision o~mer and a judgment had been secured through the county Court. He stated that when this Judgment is satisfied and the necessary funds received, the Township will proceed with the sidewalk construction. At this Juncture of the meeting, the Reeve advised that the usual report from the Chairman of Finance would be received in connection with the 1960 Budget and the rates levied in conformity therewith. He then called on Deputy-Reeve R. F. Keighan and the Deputy-Reeve gave his Budget address which is a part of the official 1960 Budget. After the Deputy- Reeve's address and the presentation of the Budget, various members of Council spoke in respect to the Bud et, and finally, the foll~qing resolution was submitteR and passed: By-law No. 2846,1960. Government Education Grants- Dept.Highways DesiRn. Canadian petrofina Application Keighan Allan Keighan MacBain "BY-LAW No. 2686, 1960. A By-law fixing the rate to be levied and collected on the rateable property of the Township of Stamford to pay the current expendi- · tures of the Municipality for the year 1960." Read a first, second and third time and passed. i ~ R .W . Dawe ~!Ret irement AND WHEREAS this revision has the effect of reducing public school grants by ~Unpaid $36,000. and the secondary school grants ~ !Taxes by $14,000. in the Stamford District Board of Education under what they would have been if 1959 grant regulations were app 1 i ed; AND WHEREAS the municipalities included in the jurisdiction of the Stamford District Board of Education have been subject to rapid development in the past few years which has and still is, increasing our debenture debt for educa. tion at an alarming rate; AND WHEREAS it is being unfair that the grant structure for education should be so designed that school grants are actually reduced over the previous sys~ for paying grants; this ~ r THEREFORE, be it resolved that 0rde 12 Council forward a vigorous protest con- 'uses cerning the reduction in provincial gra~.' for elementary and secondary schools to the Honourable Minister of Education f0: the ~rovince of Ontario and the local · member of Provincial Legislature. The protest should point out that the reduc"i tions in the grant structure can only result in hampering the development of a proper educational system wIiich parrico' · larly affects the suburban municipaliris included in the. Stamford District B0'ard praying of of Education." lm ' Carried. '. Trees. "WHEREAS the system regulating Govern- ment educational grants in the Province of Ontario has been revised in 1960; A letter was received from the Department of Highways dated March 15th which advised that the Department was now con- sidering a revised design for the intersection of Montrose Road at the Queen Elizabeth Way near Mountain Road. An application from the CanadianPetrofina Ltd. to purcha!e Lot 47 in the Industrial Subdivision of the Township, regl' stored as Plan 160, was tabled in order that a represen~atl~ of the Company might explain their proposed operations for this property in more detail. The Cler~ was instructed to secure information concerning the assessment on underground storage tanks from the Assessment Department. Chamber 10. Bridge Allan 11. Bridge ~h~cBain 12. Keighan ~cBain 13. Keighan Allan 14. MacBain Allan "THAT in view of the fact that there has been no presentation of the proposed merger between Stamford, Chippawa, and Niagara Falls, that Robert Dawe, the present Treasurer of Stamford Township, and who under the present pension set-up iS due to retire Sept. 1st, 1960, that his retirement date be and hereby extended until the same date in the year 1961, and that the Pension Department be notified." Carried. "THAT in view of the fact that at the end of the year, the unpaid taxes due to the Municipality of the Township of Stamford amounted to approximately the sum of' $273,000. which has already be~n expen~ed, that a good-sized advertisement be inserted in such papers as may be considered at once, that if the delinquent taxpayers do not pay up their taxes, plus the interest accrued, their names and amount of arrears, as well as addresses, will, if it is legal, be published in the local newspaper. The time limit for the paying of taxes shall be the first week in the month of June, 1960." Carried. "THAT the request of the Transportation Com- mittee to place a firm offer for 12 buses with General Motors, for the reasons out- lined in their letter of March 18th, 1960, be given, and also, that permission be granted to the Committee to set up a bus transit Commission, and that permission be granted for a small committee to approach the Ontario Municipal Board." Carried. "THAT the tendered price of Hawkey Tree Expert Co. re: spraying of Elm trees, be accepted, being the lowest tender submitted." Carried. "Tt~T we accept the report of the Chamber of Commerce dated March 15th, 1960, and that payment of $50.00 requested therein to help cover the expenses of the Committee be authorized." Carried, Mrs.Smith Vacation Adjourn to Saturday. Ad i ourn. March 21,1960. lqo, 93 15. Allan Keighan 16. Keighan ~cBain "THAT the retirement date for the follow- ing named official be deferred for a period of one year as indicated here- under: Nam__e Retirement Date Extended Arthur J. Bradley, Building Inspector. December 1st, 1961," Carried. "THAT Mrs. Smith of the Assessing Department be granted permission to take her 2 weeks vacation from March 28th to April llth, 1960 and that she be given a leave of absence fro: April llth to April 15th without pay for thil additional week, since this request seems to be supported by the Chief Assessor, Carried. In view of the fact that the time had reached 10:30 p.m. and there was still considerable more business to attend to on the Agenda, it was decided to adjourn and complete the balance of the Agenda at a special meeting on Saturday, March 26th, 1960- 17. MacBain Bridge "THAT we do now adjourn to meet again on March 26th at 10:00 a.m." ~ Bartart (1.) ~-~ C__ont'd. 0.M.B. letter Order-in- Counc i 1. County By-law, Carried. Meeting Adjourned. HOur 10:30 P.M. A. Speciat Meeting of Council was held on Saturday, March 1960 at 10:00 a.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge A. A. MacBain By-law No. 2487. Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The meeting was called for the purpose of completing the Agenda of Council originally slated for March 21st. The Agenda on that date was only partially completed and the special meeting was called to finish the business which included Agenda Items 17 to 31 inclusive. Bartart LeaSe 1. Keighan MacBain By-law No. 2488. By-law No. Objection to Beetion 87 of "THAT Council renew the lease agreement Ae~.~esement Act. which It has with Bartart Spun Concrete plan Poles Ltd. in respect to Lot No. 9, [ 160, and that this renewal be retroactive to cover the year 1959, and extended to cover that portion of 1960 which would be , .... continued covered in the existing lease of 1958, and that $165.00 per year for 1959 and 1960 be paid, and that Mr. Barratt be notified that a definite decision be forthcoming from his Company re: purchas- ing the lot by November 1st, 1960." Carried. Council received the following information in respect to our application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval to issue Debentures in the principal amount of $495,000.00 for the purpose of constructing and equipping new public schools on Dunn Street and on Tow~nship Lot 44: h 1. Letter from the Ontario Municipal Board dated blarch llth granting tentative approval to permit the Board of Education to prepare final plans and specifications and call tenders. 2. Order-in-Council No. 1128-60 dated MarCh 10th, 1960 advising that the Lieutenant Governor in Council approves of the purchase by the Ontario Municipal Improvement Cor- poration of Debentures in the principal amount of $495,000.00 for public school purposes. Council received. a letter from the Clerk of the County of Welland enclosing By-law No. 3108, being a by-law to raise a sum of money by assessment to meet the general expenses of the County of Welland for the year 1960. It was noted that the Mill Rate for General County Purposes was 2.8922 and the Mill Rate for Roads was 2.41, making a total Mill Rate of 5.3022. This Mill Rate levies the following amounts from the Township of Stamford for the year 1960: General ................... $ 600,061,25 Roads ..................... $ 500~016.45 Total ...................... ~1~100,077.70 2. Keighan MacBain "BY-lAW No. 2487, 1960. A By-law to appoint a Road Superintendent in the Township of Stamford in the County of Welland." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 3. Keighan Allan "BY-lAW No. 2488, 1960. A By-law to provide, for the 1960 Expenditures on Roads in the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 4. Allan Bridge 5. Keighan MacBain "BY-lAW No. 2489, 1960. A By-law to provide for the 1960 Supplementary Expenditures on Roads in the Township of Stamford, in the · County of Welland." Read a first, second and third time and passed. !'THAT the Council register an objection to the Minister of Municipal Affairs re: the amendment to Section 87 of the Assess- ment Act, subsection B~ and that the Minister be r~q~ested to receive a delegation of ........ cont inuea .... ];~t2~i~!p " /. Licenses Objection 5. Council to meet with the Minister, prior to the final reading being given to this ~/(Coni'd) Continued. section of the Act." Items Tabled Wanless St. Dog By-law Exempt lands Adjourn. March 26,1960. No. 24 presen~ Minutes Licenses_ Carried. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled: 1. Letter from Mr. F. A. Branscombe requesting street lighting for Wanless Street within Registered Plan 158. 2. Draft By-law for regulating and prohibiting dogs · running at large and for imposing license fees. This By-law was considered by Council and the Solicitor was instructed to make certain revisions. 3. A By-law to exempt certain lands from taxes imposed by special assessment in respect to sewers in Stamford Sewer Area. The Clerk is to bubmit a report in respect to sewer frontage exemptions. 6. MacBain Keighan "THAT we now adjourn to meet on March 28th, 1960 at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. A Regular Meeting of Council was, held on March 28th, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson R: F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge A. A. MacBain ' Allan MacBain ,; w.L.Houck :" CNR Prints Q Allan MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve' ." Councillor ~, Welfare Councillor .Meeting - ' · Councillor iADril 20th. "THAT the minutes of the meetings held March 16th, 17th, 21st, and 26th, 1960, be adopted as printed." APpraisal on Hvdro Land. Carried. 2. Allan MacBain 3. Keighan Allan 4. Allan K~ighan 5. Keighan Allan 6. Keighan MacBain 7 · Bridge MacBain "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Steve Olah, 246 portage Rd. North - (Refreshment Vehicle), T.W. & W,R, Sauder, 1795 Thorold Road' Canadian (Fuel Dealer), ,~rar~ Week Nick Cuviello, 2689 Drummond Rd. .:. · ~ _ (Barbershop), R.W.Glintz, 2920 Ka!ar Rd. (Slaughterhou~'- R.W.Glintz, 2920 Kalar Rd. (Retail Meat)- J. w. Meadows, 205 Portage Road North - (Refreshment), J. W. Meadows, 5 Portage Road North - (Refreshment), Joseph Domjan, 3209 Drummond Rd. (Refresh- ment), Sin~son' s Pharmacy, 3279 Lundy' s Lane - (Refreshment) , Mrs.Mary Poweley, 3230 Lundy's Lane - (Refreshment), A & W Drive-In, RRt~i, Canboro Rd. - (Restaurant), Steve Olah, 246 Portage Road N. (Restaurant).' Rainbow Dairies, 414 Portage Road S. - (Restaurant), Kaspar Schankula, 3805 Lundy's Lane.~ (Restaurant), E.S. Daniels, 4278 Thorold Road (Grocery), P.G. Smith, 3572 Lundy's Lane (Grocery)." Carried. "TI~rf we extend our wishes for a quick and complete recovery to Mr. W. L. Houck, M.P., ? 'who is convalescing in a hospital in Toronto following surgery." ,~ Carried. "THAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the blueprints numbered SD3034A and dated March 7th, 1960 showing the proposed installation of flashing light signals at the crossing of the C.N.R. tracks at Drummond Road as provided for in Order No. 100298 dated January 25th, 1960." Carried. "THAT the Welfare Administrator, Deputy- Welfare Administrator and members of Council be authorized to attend the One- Day Meeting scheduled for April 20th at 10 a.m. in the Park Hotel." Carried. "THAT.the Clerk be authorized to have an appraisal made of property owned by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission located within Part Township Lot 57, comprised of approximately 19.4 acres." "THAT the Reeve be authorized to proclaim the week of April 3rd to 9th as Canadian Library. Week in the Township of Stamford." Canadian ~etrofina Lots Adjacent to Hodgson Ave Oppose Bill 124o Mr .A. Emmett Widening of No. 8 Highway Engineer Call Tenders, etc. MacBain Allan 9. MacBain Keighan 10. Allan MacBain "THAT the application of Canadian Petrofina Ltd. for a lot in our Industrial Subdivision namely Lot 47, be refused." Carried. Carried. "THAT our Solicitor be instructed to write to Matthews &Matthews and Logan & Knight with regard to the lots adjacent to Hodgson Avenue informing them that before Council will deal with their applications, the Council ought to be supplied with a request from the subdivider for the dedi- cation of the 1 foot reserve in question, along with a statutory declaration or affidavit setting forth any consideration that has or will pass from the applicants to the Tothfaluse Bros., or Mr. Tothfaluse St., or any one on their behalf." "THAT our Solicitor be instructed to attend before the Municipal Bills Committee on March 29th to oppose that part of Bill 124 purporting to amend Section 87 (lb) of the Assessment Act by adding thereto subsection (lb)." Carried. Mr. Allan Emmett of 213 Portage Road N. a~dressed the Council in respect to a water condition existing on the sidewalk in front of his premises. He stated that he had been advised that since the sidmqalk was on a road allowance controlled by the Department of Highways, the Township could not take any action. In response to a question raised by the Reeve, the Engineer stated that he had already directed the workmen of his Department to take remedial action to drain the water off the sidewalk. 11. Keighan MacBain "THAT tentative approval be given to the ~ Dept. of Highways for the widening of No. 8 Highway to a 40 foot width of pavement with curbs & gutters, with the understanding that final plans will be forwarded to the Township for final Carried. 12. Allan Bridge 13 · MacBain l~eighan "THAT the Engineer be instructed to proceed with the three items as outlined in his memorandum to Council dated March 8th." Carried, Weed Spray School. The Assistant Road Foreman and Weed Inspector were . authorized to attend a Weed Spray School being held at the Welland Fair Grounds on Wednesday, April 6th commencing at 10 a.m. "TE~T permission be given for a different member of our Engineering Dept. to attend the three courses referred to in our Engineer's letter of March 28th, as recommended by the Engineer." Carried. Arena Comm. 14. Keighan Treasurer MacBain By-law No. 15. Allan 2485. MacBain By-law No. 16. Keighan 2472. MacBain Progress on Consolidating By-laws. Tothfaluse JudRment "THAT the Township Treasurer be appointed as Treasurer of the Arena Commission, and that the Commission be so notified, and that the necessary by-law be prepared." Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2485, 1960. A By-law to exempt certain lands from taxes imposed by special assessment in respect to sewers in Stamford Sewer Area." R~ad a first, second and third t~me and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2472, 1960. A By-law to license and regulate owners of public garages, and for fixing the fees for such licenses, and for revoking such licenses, and for imposing penalties for breaches thereof and for the collection thereof." Read a first,second, and third time and passed. A letter was received from our Solicitor reporting on progress in respect to the study being made by the Planning Director and herself to endeavour to consolidate all the restricted area by-laws in one by-law. In response to a question raised by the Solicitor, Council directed that immediate arrangements be made to proceed with amending the by-law in connection with the A.E.Parks application, and the set-backs in the V.L.A.Subdivision registered as Plan No. 223. The Solicitor by letter dated March 28th, reported on the Tothfaluse Judgment and the usual method employed to proceed in such cases. Items Tabled The following items on the A~enda were ordered tabled: Wanless St. Meet with ~ocal UE Union Purchase road' allowance from HYdro. 1. Letter from Mr. F. A. Branscombe requesting street lights for Wanless Street in Registered Plan 158. 2. Letter from the Local Union of the United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of Canada requested permission to meet Council on Monday, April 4th. The request of the Union was granted and they will be asked to meet with Council at 7 p.m. prior to the regular meeting on April 4th. 3. Letter from the Township Solicitor relative to the purchase of a road allowance from the Hydro in Township Lot 158 between Dunn Street and Corwin Crescent· The Solicitor advised that some difficulty in title was being experienced as a result of certain old crossing rights. The Hydro has been ~8k~d for information in respect to the crossing rights and when this is received the Solieitor's letter will be considered further. _Ad i ourn. March 28,1960. No. 25 present purpose proposals Two Amendments ..: Ad]ourn_ 17 · MacBain Keighan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet again at 9:00 a.m. on April 2nd, 1960." Reeve Carried. Meeting Adjourned. April 2nd,1960. . H~Dur 1 ' 0 P.M. A Special Meeting of Council was held on Saturday, April 2nd, 1960 at 9 a.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge A. A. b~cBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor. The meeting was called for the express purpose of submitti~ the Council's offer to the Stamford Township Employees Union, Local 425, in respect to the 1960 Contract. Copies of letters indicating Council's reaction to all pro- posals made by the Union were supplied to members of Council and the members of the Negotiating Committee. Each proposal made by tile Union was considered and full reasons were giva in respect to the Council's offer and decision on all questions. After all sections of the letter to the Union were carefulll discussed, the Reeve asked the Clerk to explain two other items which would have to be copsidered in the 1960 Contracl have to be rescinded. This section provides that an may continue his approved medical care Coverage after retire' ment, by pre-paying, for one full year, the full' cost of th~ plan. He stated that the physicians' Services Incorporated would not enter into such an agreement for employees after retirement and as a consequence, the section should be delet from the next Agreement. The Clerk'also advised that Sectil 14 of the Agreement relative to Sick Leave would have to be amended to conform to By-law No. 2455 as amended by By-lm~} 2461, being a by-law to establish (1) a plan of sick leave credits and (2) a plan of sick leave credit gratuities for employees of the Township of Stamford. There being no further business scheduled, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Meeting Adjourned. Hour: 10: 15 P .M. No. 26 Present bleeting with UE Union. dorse Request. inures A Regular Meeting of Council was held on Monday, April 4th, 1960 at 7:00 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. G. Bridge A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Council met one-half hour earlier for the purpose of meeting the members of the Local Union of the United Electrical Radio & Machine Workers of America. Mr. Bob Merrill acted as spokesman for the members of the Union, and explained that the silve_rware industry in this area is experiencing extreme difficulty which results from the imports of stainless flatware and hollow-ware from other countries. He stated that the importing of these products from outside Canada is seriously affecting the industry generally, ~nd its' employees. He mentioned that the working forces of the two companies located in the Greater Niagara Area had been reduced drastically and in consequence, employees with'con- siderable seniority were being laid off. tle suggested that this situation is serious and requested the co-operation of Council in placing the matter before the Federal authorities to endeavour to have legislation passed to correct the situation. After a full discussion of the matter the follow- ing.resolution Was passed: 1. Keighan MacBain 2. Allan Bridge 3. Bridge Allan 4. Keighan Allan 5. Keighan Allan "THAT Council endorse again, the request of the members of Local 505 of the United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America, who represent the workers of the International Silver Company for a meeting with Officials of the Canadian Government who have authority and control over silver- ware imports to Canada." Carried. ."THAT the minutes of the meeting held blarch 28th, 1960, be adopted as printed." Carried, "TI~T we do now adjourn to go into Finance .Committee and pass accounts." Carried. "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated April 1st, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $10,981.89," Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated April 1st, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amount- tng to $870.56." Carried. General 6. Keighan MacBain "THAT the statement of Finance 7. Keighan Bridge Licenses 8. Allan Keighan General Accounts dated April 1st, 1960, as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amount- ing to $152,589.26." Carried. "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of.Council." Carried. "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Emil Kalcic, 1105 St.Paul Ave. (Serv.Station Peter I.Faite, 1590 Stanley Ave. Gunning Oil Ltd., 1470 Drummond Rd. Gunning Oil Ltdo, 169 Stanley Ave. Gunning Oil Ltd., 2531 Po~tag¢ Road, Gunning Oil Ltd., Garner at McLeod Rd. Michael Melymuka, 2875 Thorold Stone Rd. Erle Cotton, 16 Portage Rd. S. T.W. & W.R. Sauder, 1795 Thorold Rd. T.W. & W.R. Sauder, 4375 Lundy's Lanel James Nicholls, 1014 Drummond Rd. Sam Elsie, 355 Portage Rd. N. E. S. Daniels, 4278 Thorold Road Albert Forbes, 3517 Thoreld Stone Rd. Ross Cain, 11 Drummond Road Reginald 0akes, 2331 Thorold Stone Rd. Mrs.Norma Cornell, 3174 Drummond Rd.(. Mrs.Janet Cottom, 2144 Dunn St. ( Falls Vie~ Hose Brigade, 1786 Dunn St. - (Public Hall), , Horst Fleming, 2033 Ross Ave. (Taxi Driver) Russell H. Drew, 827 Fourth Ave. Douglas J. Milne, 378 Fifth Ave.(Taxi A.Desormeau, 636 Simcoe St.(2)-Sightaeeing O~,rner)." "- Carried. Building 9. .Permits. Allan Bridge "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector for Building Permits issued during the month.of March in the amount of $178,950.00o" · Carried.   D 'Arty Cropp Mr. D'Arcy Cropp addressed the Counc{1 in respect to zoning regulations applicable to Registered Plan 108. He stated Mr. Climenhage had purchased the lots fronting on Keiffer Street but was unable to secure mortgages in view of the fact that the adjacent property was zoned for industrial purposes, The Reeve advised Mr. Cropp that the Township weuld permit residential development on Keiffer Street but indicated that Council had strongly advised Mr. Climenhage not to proceed with his residential proposal at the time it was first suggested. After further discussion, the majority of Council D 'Arcy Cropp Cont ' d Dennis Price, 1819 Silverwood Crescent Jim Auld Highland Ave. D.S.T. Copies of Auditor's R_~Rort. McLeod Rd. ~i~n. 7ho~s.Dran~ 11. Bridge MacBain indicated that the problem was kno~.zn to the developer prior to the installation of any sezvices and that in view of this situation, the nmjority of Council indicated that they would not favour a zoning change for this district. The Reeve advised Mr. Cropp that they could make direct application to the Planning Board or the Department of Planning & Development and the Ontario Municipal Board for a change, if they were so disposed. Mr. Dennis Price, 1819 Silven,Food Crescent, addressed Counci{ and advised that considerable difficulty had been experienced in bringing a car to his home to transport his daughter, who had a broken collarbone, to the Hospital. lie mentioned that the road conditions were quite poor. The Engineer stated that the winter weather had deteriorated all the To~,znship roads but that arrangements had been made to do some work $n the Baldin Subdivision and it was expected that this work would make tile roads in this area passable. Mr. Jim Auld of 1614 Highland Avenue advised Council that the road at the corner of Division Street and Highland Avenue was higher than the sidewalk and in consequence, sidewalks were constantly flooded and road materials were x~ashed over the sidewalk onto his property. Cou'ncil agreed that the Engineer should check the complaint and report back for the next meeting. 10. MacBain Allan "THAT Daylight Saving Time be observed in the Township of Stamford from April 24th to October 30th in the year 1960; clocks to be turned fortyard one hour at 12:01 a.m. on April 24th." Carried. ."THAT the Cleric be authorized to have printed 150 copies of the Auditor's report." Carried. Council received a letter from The Ontario Municipal Board 'advising that our application to construct certain sewer and water mains as proposed under Construction By-l~ No. 2483 had been approved. 12. Keighan Allan 13. Keighan Bridge 14. Allan Keighan "THAT the Engineer be authorized to approach the Dept. of Highways in respect to the placing of a sign at McLeod Road and the Queen Elizabeth Way directing Tourists to the Falls by way of McLeod Road." Carried.- tl "TI1AT the Clerk be authorized to place Mr. i' ~.~; Thomas Brant Jr. of the Assessing Dept. on I' ,:~ ' the list of those who receive care allowance, ,f~i'~ ~-, on the same basis as other members of tile ~ Assessing Dept." Carried. ~: ~l. '.' "BY-~A,w. No 2490 1 ^- . B -law No' ' , ~ · A By-law to amend · !i~s (1959) as amended bein a . ... ' .' '. '. .... , : , .......~. ~ ,] By-law 2491 ~y-law 2492 Items Tabled Jos. Jas inev ic ius Plan 166 Belmont Ave. Sign. Belmont Sidewalks 20 Royal Manor Drive. Debentures Adjourn April 4,1960. 15. Keighan MacBain "BY-LAW No. 2491, 1960. A By-law to authorize the execution of a lease dated the 4th day of April, 1960, between the Corporation of the Township of Stanford and Alexander C. Barrett." Read a first, second and third time and passed 16. Bridge blacBain "BY-lAW No. 2492, 1960. A By-law for regulat- ing and prohibiting dogs running at large, seizing, impounding and killing the same and for imposing license fees." Read a first, and second time. The following ~tems on the Agenda were ordered tabled: 1. Letter from Joseph Jasinevicius of 215 Windermere Road re- questing construction of this road located in a new subdivision adjacent to Orchard Park. A survey will be made to determine the number of dwellings either erected or in the process of erection, as well as the number of permits which have been issued. This survey will be reported to Council at a future meeting. 2. Letter from the River Realty Development Ltd. requesting on behalf of the ~ers of Lots within Registered Plan 166 to have the subdivider's agreement changed in such a way that the water and sewer is to be installed by the ox~ers under cash pa~nent, and sidewalks to be constructed by local improvement at some future date with road costs to be entirely paid by the To~.mship. It was decided that the applicant should submit evidence that the individual o~mers of lots in Plan 166 are prepared to pay cash for services. When this information is supplied, Council will further consider the request. 3. Letter from Mr. J. D. Cairns, 1570 Belmont Avenue, requested the installation of a sign near the entrance of Belmont Avenue on Lundy's Lane to indicate that acdess to the Queen Elizabeth Way cannot be reached through this street. The letter was re- ferred to the Chairman of Traffic and the Engineer for a report. 4. Letter from Mr. J. D. Cairns, 1570 Belmont Avenue, requested re-consideration of a petition submitted in 1959 to construct curb faced sidewalks on both sides of Belmont Avenue from Lundy's Lane to the northerly limit of the subdivision. This'request was tabled and will be considered at the t~e local improvement con- struction for the current year is dealt with. 5. Letter from George H. Foster of 21 Royal Manor Drive com- plaining about the premises at 20 Royal Manor Drive occupied by George Seibel. Council instructed the Building Inspector to mak~ an inspection of the premises in the light of the allegations and to report his findings. to Council.. 17. Keighan ities Corp. Ltd., re:-a e u . $28,945.67 to be purchased at an interest rate of 6~% at $98,50 per $100.00 Debenture, as sub mitted in their letter of April 1st, 1960." Carried. 18. Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monda , A~ri Bridge llth at 7:30 p.m. unless sooner called ~y Reeve." Carried. Meeting ~djourned. Hour P.M. Cler No. 27 Present P_urpose Appointed Appointed ~ppointed Report from ~hairman Joint bleeting of the Municipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford, held at the City Hall on Thursday, April 7th~ 1960 at 8:15 p.m. From the City of Niagara Falls: Mayor F. Miller, AIderman J. White, Alderman H. Morton Alderman C. Gregory Alderman G. Martin Alderman A. J. McKinley Alderman Io McCallum AIderman C. Swayze W. S. Orr, City Manager, S. Price, Engineer, H. Dickson, Treasurer, "', D. C. Patten, Clerk. ~,.~ From the Township of StamfOrd: Reeve E. E. Mitchelson, Councillor J. N. Allan, Councillor A. G. Bridge, Councillor A. A. MacBain, C. H. Eidt, Engineer, A. C. Huggins, Clerk. The meeting was chaired b,y Mayor Miller and after calling the meeting to order he advised that the meeting had been called for the express purpose of considering certain reports from the Transportation Committee, but before dealing with these reports, he asked the meeting to appoint two members from each Council to consider an ambulance situation that arose recently. The meeting agreed to this suggestion. Alderman McKinley Aiderman Gregory- "THAT the Mayor be authorized to appoint two members of the City Council to study the ambulance problem." This motion was voted on by members of the City Council and Carried. The Mayor appointed Alderman-~rtin and Alderman McKinley to the Committee. Councillor Bridge Councillor MacBain "THAT the Reeve appoint two members from the To~mship Council to study the ambulance problem." Members of the Twp. Council voted on this resolu- tion and it was Carried. The Reeve then appointed Deputy-Reeve R. F, Keighan and Councillor A. A. MacBain to the Committee. Mayor Miller then asked Alderman Ian McCalluB Chairman of the Transportation Committee, to report on behalf of this Committee. The AldenDan advised that his Committee had given considerable thought to the organization of a transit com- mission and after due consideration, the Committee reco~m.ended that the commission be comprised of six persons which would include the Mayor of Niagara Falls, the Reeve of the Township of Stamford, two members to be appointed by the City Council, and two members to be appointed by the Township Council. Recommendation Adopted. Alderman McCallum Alderman Gregory "THAT the recommendation of the Trans- portation Committee be adopted in respect to the transit commission and it be agreed that such a conm~ission should be comprised of six persons, namely, the Mayor of the City of Niagara Falls, the Reeve of the Town- ship of Stamford, two members to be appointed by the City Council of Niagara Falls, and two members to be appointed by the Stamford Township Council." This resolution was carried by a vote of six in favour, and four against. Two Persons The question of the persons to be named to the commission by the two Councils was next discussed and the following resolution voted on: Transit Commission Alderman Martin Councillor Bridge "THAT all the names recommended to the Committee for members of the transit commission be referred back to the two Councils for consideration." An amendment to this resolution was moved by Alderman McCallum and seconded. by Alderman White as follows: Names Submitted Alderman McCallum Alderman White "THAT the names selected by the Committee for the transit commission members be submitted at this meeting." This amending resolution was carried by a vote of seven in favour and four · a ga not. The original resolution lost by a vote off four in favour and eight against. Appoint- ments. Alderman McCall~n then advised that the Committee recommended the following appointments to the commission: City of Niagara Falls: George Mowers, John Mears. Township of Stamford: Earl Davey, Jack MacKenzie, Approved Councillor MacBain Councillor Allan "THAT the recommendation of the Transpor- tation Committee re: appointment to transit commission of Earl Davey and Jack MacKenzie.for Stamford Township, be approved." This Resolution was Carried after a vote of three in favour and one against. Appoint- ment s. Alderman MeCallum Alderman White "THAT the recommendation of the Trans- portation Committee re: appointments to transit commission of George Mowers and John Meats, for the City of Niagara Fallsm be approved." This Resolution was Lost. Discuss Matter Appoint- ments. Prepare Plans. Adjourn. Some of the Aldern'len expressed objections to the fact that all recommendations for membership to the commission had · not been reported and it was finally decided that the City Council would retire and discuss the matter in committee. Upon returning to the joint meeting, the following resolution was then submitted: Alderman McCallurn Alde~nan Swayze "THAT the City Council again vote on the recommendation of the Transportation Committee and that the appointments of George Mowers and John Mears for the City of Niagara Falls be approved." This resolution was carried. after a vote of five in favour and'B~o against. "THAT the Transportation Committee prepare plans for the transit commission and report these plans to the two Councils for individual study, it being understood that after the two Councils consider the reports, a joint meeting will be held." Alderman Martin Alderman Gregory Carried. "THAT the meeting do now adjourn." Carried. Alderman Martin, Alderman McKinley April 7,196o:7 ) Present Meeting Adjourned. · Reeve Hour P .M. Regular Meeting of Council held April llth, p,m. Minutes 1. Allan MacBain Licenses 2. Allan " Kelghan 1960 at 7:30 E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meetings held March 28th, April 2nd, 4th and 7th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. "TI~T the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses Clerk granted: Margaret Cormoily, (Hairdressing), 2379 Lundy's Lane - E. Hope, 2191 Thorold Road (Restaurant), .~z.' i~ ~= Pearl Biamonte, 2570 Frederica St. (Restaurant) ;~,.~ ~ .f '. ~. j . ,. ·. ,. · continued ,~ ;fv. ".'i~ Ray Beckerr, Town & Country Plaza, Portage Rd. N. - (Restaurant) D. Manella, Stamford Green Shopping Plaza, O'Neil St. (Restaurant), Mrs. Ella O'Connell, Stamf. Green Shopping Plaza, (Restaurant), Biamonte Bros. & M. Swec, 3906 Lundy's Lane - (Restaurant), Dominion Stores Ltd., 2460 Lundy's Lane - (Restaurant), Stamford Super Save, 449 Portage Rd. N. (Grocery), Dominion Stores Ltd., 2460 Lundy's Lane - (Grocery), J.DeForge & Sons, 1981 Dunn St. (Grocery) Don McDonald, 2499 Lundy's Lane (Refreshment) Gordon Welstead, 2555 Lundy;s Lane (Refreshment) Mrs. C. Hedden, 477 Portage Rd. N. (Refreshment) Ray Beckett, Town & Country Plaza, Portage Rd.N. - (Bowling Alley), Biamonte Bros. & M. Swec, 3906 Lundy's Lane - (Bowling Alley), D · Susin, 3 184. Drummond Road (S errice Station) Don McDonald, 2499 Lundy's Lane (Service Station), W. Langford, 516 Portage Road N. (Service Station). A. Barnhart, 516 Portage Road N. (Service Station), Gordon Welstead, 2555 Lundy~s Lane (Service Station), Wm. Stevens, Q.E.Way 6 Mountain Rd. (Service Station), Alvin B. Fenton, 1903 McLeod Rd. (Taxi Driver) A. Desormeau~, 636 Sirecos St. (Sightseeing Owner)." Carried. Stamford Key Club. The Reeve welcomed a large group of Stamford Key Club members who artended the meeting as observers. Aldo & A representative of the Firm of Aldo & Muratori Fuels Ltd. at~ Muratori_ the meeting and requested permission to install two 20,000 gal. overhead storage tanks on their property located on the East side of Montrose Road Just north of the CNR tracks. The representative was advised that the area was zoned in such a way that this type of structure could be erected but before doing so, he would require a permit from the Building Inspector. If the Inspector is satisfied with the proposed installation and it complies with Provincial Acts, etc., a permit could be issued. It was decided that the matter was one for the. Building Inspector to process. Wesley Mr. Wesley Julie of 1257 Portage Road N. addressed Council and Julie advised that Calaguiro Bros. were taking top soil off the property next to his which is located on the West side of Portage Road. He expressed the thought that such.an operation might have a detrimental effect on his property. After discussi0~ Mr. Julie was advised ~hat this was a matter between himself an~ the Calaguiro'Brothers. If he thought that his property would be damaged as a result of the Ca!aguiro operation, he should refer ~he!matter to his Solicitor. Sign on Belmont Committee on Subdivisions Members of Committee ASSeSSOrS~ Meeting. Directional Sign. Mayfair Drive~ Subdivision Payments i.lacBain Allan Keighan MacBain "TI-IAT our Engineer be instructed to erect a sign at the intersection of Belmont Avenue and Lundy's Lane to read as follows: "Local Traffic Only". Carried. "THAT the Reeve be authorized to appoint a permanent committee to deal with matters pertaining to subdivisions and present their recommendations and findings to Council." Carried. The Reeve appointed Councillor MacBain and himself, along with C. H. Eidt, Engineer, Miss J. V. L~Mar~h, Solicitor, and A. C. Huggins, Clerk, as the Standing Committee to deal with subdivision matters and report thereon to Council. A meeting of this Committee was scheduled for Thursday, April 14th at 4 p.m. to consider the Cariesso and Climenhage plans and Agreements pertaining thereto. 5. Allan · MacBain "TILAT Council authorize our Assessor and Deputy Chief Assessor to attend the annual meeting of their Association on May 16th to 18th at Sudbury~ Ontario." Carried. "THAT the Stamford United Church be granted permission to erect a directional sign on Thorold Stone Road and St. Peter Street, to be erected under the direction of the Engineer, subject to County approval." 6. keighan MacBain Carried. Mr. Earl Parker of 2333 Mayfair Drive addressed the Council and advised that the wheels on the road grader were creating conditions on Mayfair Drive which made it difficult for him to have access and egress from his driveway. The complaint was referred to the Engineer for consideration and remedial action if possible. "T}~T our Clerk write to each of the seven parties referred to in the Schedule attached to his letter of April llth, ]960, demanding pa~nent of the balance owing within two weeks fro~ the date of the Clerk's letter to them and report back to Council after the expiration of the two week period," Carried. 7. MacBain Keighan Merger Survey Items Tabled. Adjourn. April 11,1960. I No. 29 ~ Minutc~s The Clerk advised that the Merger Survey Committee had receive~ the final report from the Consulting Firm e£ Deacon, Arnett & Murray. As a result of a study of the report, a few altera- tions will be made and certain essential infomnation is required from the Provincial Government relative to grants. After these arrangements are completed, the Committee would like to meet with the three Municipal Councils of Niagara Falls, Chippawa and Stamford at a joint session in committee of the whole, on Friday, April 29th at 7 p.m. at the City Hall when the Report will be officially submitted and an opportunity afforded to discuss it in detail with the Consultants who would be present. On May 6th it is proposed to have a meeting with the represen- tatives of Boards, Commissions, and other bodies who submitted information for the Report. Prior to the meeting with the Councils, members will be provided with copies of the final Report on April 25th in order that it might be carefully examined prior to the Joint Meeting. The date for the Joint Meeting was accepted as satisfactory by Council. The following items on the Agenda were tabled: 1. Third reading of By-law No. 2483 relative to Local Im[ Construction. 2. Third reading of By-law No. 2492 dealing with dogs,. 3. A proposed plan of subdivision submitted by Albert Carlesso was referred to the Standing Committee to Study Subdivisions· 4. The proposal for the Brentwood Acres Subdivision was referred to the Standing Conmmittee to study subdivisiQns. 5. Letter from the Township Solicitor re: Proposed Crossing of the CNK at Garner Road. This matter will be referred to the Road Committee and studied at the time of their annual spring road inspection. ~ 8. Allan Keighan "T}L~T we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, April 19th at 7:30 p.m." Carried.. ; Meeting Adjourned. Reeve Regular bleeting' of Council was held on Tuesday, 196Q at 7:30 p.m. Hour/C!~' P.M. . · I~l ~ · erk. April !9th, E, E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J, N. Allan A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Allan Keighan "'I"HAT the minutes of the meeting, held ' April. llth, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. Licenses Licenses Licenses B .Olitvie [.Mitchinson Mile 2. Allan Keighan 3. Keighan Allan 4. MacBain Keighan "TI~T the applications for licenses fron~ the following be approved and licenses granted: John Nagy, 3104 Lundy's lane (P~estaurant) Dell's Dairy, 24-93 Orchard Ave. (Hilk V,qndor) Rainbow Dairies, 414 Portage Kd. S. (~,iilk Vendor] John C. Fenner, 2820 Drummond Rd. (i~ublic Garage - T)~oe "A John Newman, 445 Portage Rd. S. (Public Garage - Type "A") Lundy's Lane Car Harket, 2300 Lundy's Lane - (~ublic Garage - Type "A") Delaney's Tire & Service Centre Ltd., 332 Drummond Read (Public Garage - Typ,e. "BII) John Newman, 435 Portage Rd. S. - (.Public Garage - T)~e Carried. "TI{AT the application for a Taxi-cab Owner's License from Lorne N. Phelps, 2134 Prospect St. be approved and license granted." Carried. "TI-~T the applications for 5 Sightseeing O~.zner's Licenses from George Lavalies, 3197 Stanley Ave. be approved and licenses granted." Carried, Mr. Barney Ogilvie addressed the Council on behalf of the Stamford Rod and Gun Club and expressed objection to the dates Council propose that dogs be prohibited from running at large· He suggested that the dogs should be permitted to run at large after October 15th, rather than October 31st as specified in the proposed by-lm~. His reason for making this suggestion was to facilitate hunting in the Township during the latter part of October.- It was agreed that the matter would be referred to the Solicitor to determine if any allowance could be made for dogs used for hunting purposes, Mr. William Mitchinson addressed the Council in respect to an account he had received for sidewalk charges, in respect to his plan registered as No. 212. He advised Council that costs could not be collected for I,ot No. 3 at this time, since the agreement called for such payments at the time of transfer or at the time a building permit was applied for, whichever he first. He also objected to the clause in the agreement which provided that he had to pay 50% of the road construction costs for St.Andrew, McMicking, and St.George Streets. The account rendered to Mr. Mitchinson will be rc~vised in respect to Lot No. 3, but it was agreed that the agreement entered into would have to be somplied with in every respect indluding the payment for roads. Mr. T. P. Knight addressed Council on hehal~ of the Knight Bolton Co. Ltd. on McLeod Road. In addressing Council, he requested permission to construct an asphalt one-quarter mile track at the South-west corner of the Company's property which would be used for the purpose of testing, demonstrations, etc. of spor~ cars and go-karts. He also suggested that go-kart ~ Mile Track Welfare Officers' Assoc. Convention Y~S Men~s Sale. o~ners might use the track under established "Go-Kart Club" Rules. Council recognized that the property was in an Industrial (2) area, and the members expressed no objections to the installation of the track other than tO say that noisy races would not be permitted on Sundays. 5. Allan Keighan 6. MacBain Keighan - Minor Hockey 7. Keighan Banquet. Allan Tree Pro~ramme Amendment No. 6 to Official Plan. By-law 2__492. By-law 12. i 4.83. By-law 2496. "THAT the Welfare Administrator and the Deputy-Welfare Administrator and the Chair- man of Welfare, be authorized to attend the Annual Welfare Officers' Association Con- vention being held in Hamilton, June 13th, 14th and 15th." Carried. Items Tabled. "THAT permission be granted to the Niagara Falls Y's Men's Club to sell bagged inorganic fertilizer for the purpose of raising money for youth work." Carried. "THAT we accept the invitation~ the Stamford Minor Hockey Association to attend their annual Banquet being held on Saturday, April 23rd at the Memorial Hall." Carried. 8. MacBain Keighan "THAT Council approve the tree planting pro- gramme proposed by the Stamford Horticultural Society in their letter to us of April 18th, 1960." Carried. 9. MacBain Keighan "THAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the application for approval of Amendment No. 6 to the Official Plan of the Niagara Falls'Adjourn. & Suburban Planning Area. Said amendment ~n- eluding four items of Change." Carried. 10. MacBain Keighan "BY-LAW No. 2492, 1960. A By-law regulating and prohibiting dogs running at large, seizing, impounding and killing the same, and for imposing license fees." Read a third time and passeS. April 19,1960. 11. Allan Keighan "BY-LAW No. 2496, 1960. A By-law to authorize No. 30 the execution of a deed dated the 25th day of August, 1959, from the Corporation of the Township of Stamford to The Hydro-Electric Present Power Commission of Ontario." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Keighan Allan "BY-IAW No. 2483, 1960. A By-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local improvements under the provisions of The Local }improvement Act." Read a third time and passed. The followin~ items on the Agenda were tabled: 1. Revised Tenders for the construction of sidewalks, curb- faced walks, and curbs, x~ere presented to the Council for approval by the Engineer. It was agreed that the members would check the Specifications of the tenders and the matter would again be considered at a future meeting. 2. Letter from the Stamford Tox~nship Employees Local ,Union No. 425, requesting a meeting with Council on Apri~ 20th at 7 p.m. Due to other commitments, members of Council were not able to meet with the Union, but it was agreed to meet with the Negotiating Committee at a special meeting to be called for Saturday, April 23rd at 10 a.m. 3. A complaint from Nicholas Grandoni relative to salvage materials blo~en on his property-from the salvage yard operated by Greenspan. The Clerk was instructed to request the Police Department to take action to have the condition in the com- plaint rectified immediately and if such cannot be arranged, the operator of the salvage yard is to be advised that Council anticipate taking action against him. When this complaint was considered, a report of the Police Department indicated that the salvage yard was not being operated in a satisfactory manner. 4. Letter from the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board enclosed a draft restricted area by-law restricting the area of the Township south of Lundy's ]Lane. This By-law was prepared at the request of Stamford'Council and it was decided to study same at a special meeting called for Saturday, April 30th, commencing at 9:30 a.m. "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Saturday, . April 23rd at 10:00 a.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. 13. MacBain Allan Hour P.M. 2 Reeve ' A Special Meeting of the Council was held on April 23rd, 1960 commencipg at 10:18 a.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. A. MacBain Roeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor. Purpose At the request of the Stamford Tox~nship Employees Federal Union No. 425, Council met with the Negotiating Committee relative to the 1960 Contract. Mr. Acton Applica- t ions. Mr. Acton, a National Union representative, addressed the Council on behalf of the Negotiating Committee and submitted a brief relative to the 1960 Contract. At the conclusion of the presentation of the brief, Council asked if the Union was in a position to make any counter proposals in respect to the offer made by the Council. The Committee requested permission to retire and discuss the matter and ~en the members came back to the Council Chamber after a short meeting, Mr. Acton quested Council to grant the Union additional time to re-consider the matter and to provide time to permit sufficient research in order that a further submission might be made. Council agreed to the request on the understanding that further submissions from the Union would be received sometime within the next few days. Deputy-Reeve R. F. Keighan advised Council that the Fire Com- mittee would like to invite applications to fill the three positions for new permanent firemen. He stated that the Com- mittee would like to call for such applications on the basis of the salary schedule set up by the Fire Committee at a meeting held March 1st, 1960 which was referred to Council. After the Deputy-Reeve made his request, some discussion took place in respect to the relevant values of comparative positions in the Police Department. It was agreed that any new firemen employed would have to have previous fire department experience, and that the classification of salaries approved by the Committee was on the basis that employees under any classification would have previous experience. It was also agreed that members of the Fire Department worked a 45 hour week, while the members of the Police Department only worked a 40 hour wee~. Advertise 1. Keighan Allan Ad~l.ourn 2. MacBain Allan "THAT the Clerk b~ authorized to advertise for three permanent firemen at the wage rate established as a result of Council discussions during the budget, an~ as re- quested by the Fire Committee; that Council. advertise at this time;japplications to b~ in the hands of the Clerk not later than 2 pom. daylight saving time, on Friday, May 6th, 1960." " Carried· "TI~AT we do now adjourn to meet again April 25th, 196D-at 7:30 p.m." Reeve Carried. Meeting AdJ ourned · Hour 12: 28 P .M. No. 31 A Regular Liesting of Council was held on April 25th, ., "' "':' ' ' · Present M inu t e s Finance E. E. 14itchelson K. F. Kei~han J. N, Allan A. A. MacBain A. G. Bridge Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Allan Keighan "THAT the minutes of the meeting held April 19th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried· Bridge Allan "TItAT we do now adjourn to go into'Finance Committee and pass accounts.u Genera_______! Relief goa~s. Fi__nance Licenses Allan Bridge Keighan Bridge Allan Bridge ,. Bridge Allan MacBain Allan Carried. "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated April,22nd, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $243,080.57." Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated April 22nd, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $7,551.93." Carried. "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated April 22nd, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $12.951.26." Carried. "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. "THAT the applications from the following for licenses be approved and licenses granted: Sam Anzovino, 2178 Dunn St. (Barbershop), Syd Levy, ItollFood Drive-in, Kalar Rd. - (Restaurant), James D. Jones, 5624 Lundy's Lane (Semite Station), Don Dewey, 3685 I.undy;'s Lane (Service Station. John Serotiuk, 3227 Dorchester Rd. (Public Gara~ - Type ,,A,,~ P G. Smith, 3572 Lundy's Lane (Public John Serotiuk, 3227 Dorchester Rd. (Public Garage - '.{.'~e "B") , Robert Morris, 549 Cataract St.(Tax~ D~ver) '~' Carried, .i]_ - "'-'~r ". , - ... .. _ --~~ _ Public Hall 8. Allan Lic ens es MacBain "THAT the following applications for Public Hall Licenses from the Stamford District Board of Education, 1773 Drummond Road, be approved and licenses granted: Stamford Collegiate Institute, 1775 Drummond Road, Greendale Public School, 1504 Mentress Road, Princess Margaret Senior Public School, 2624 Culp St., James Morden Public School, 3112 Dorchester Road, Falls View Public School, 1781 Dunn St., Princess Elizabeth Senior Public School, 751 Drummond Road, Martha Cullimore Public School, 845 St. Andrew Ave., A. N. illyet Secondary School, 2338 O'Neil St.' Carried. Taxi Owner 9. Allan Keighan "THAT the application for a Taxi-cab Owner'~ License from Henry E. Moore, 2327 Stamford Green Drive be approved 6n condition that a copy of a policy in respect to a 1957 Ford be secured by the Clerk's Office." Carried. Drummond Rd. Area. Mrs. G. Capitano and bit. 1{. Cornell of 3i22 Drummond Road and 3138 Drummond Road respectively, attended the meeting and addressed Council in respect to conditions existing on Drummond Road in front of their places of business. They alleged that young people~have their cars constantly parked along this section of Drunnnond Road and that clients have difficulty in securing access to'their business establishments They advised that the young people were creating noise and disturbances and that ~he situation sometimes existed until 2:30 in the morning. They alleged that the young'people sat around their places of business and the use of bad language was common practice. Beer bottles were sometimes found along the road allowance after the young people leave. The members of Council were sympathetic to the problem ~nd instructions were given to take the matter up with the Chief Constable and 'that he be advised to take any action necessary to remedy the situation and that a report be submitted to Council in respect to this problem. N.J.Sunstrum 3 Plans. Mr. N. J. Sunstrum addressed the Council in respect to two subdivisions of J. A. Climenhage Development Led. and one subdivision of Albert Cariesso. He suggested some delay was being experienced in processing these plans. The Reeve advised that the subdivision committee will be making a report in respect to these plans at the next meeting of Council and if the report is accepted it is expected that the necessary agreements can be executed by the owners and the Township shortly after. When the agreements are completed, the To~- ship will be in a position to finally clear the plans. Austerity 10. lqacBain Week. Bridge Watermain on 11. Allan Stanley Ave. Bridge By-law No. 12. Keighan 2493. [~cBain By-law No. 13. Keighan ~494. Allan By-law No. 14. Keighan 2495. Allan By-law No. 15. Allan 2497. Keighan Items Tabled. "TII~T this Council publish a proclamation pertaining t'o 'h, vor]d Refugee Year Austerity Week" and that Council in recognition of the good work being done by this Comn~ittee, and to encourage our residents to support the Co~ttee~ grant to the Comn~ittee the sum of $100.00.' Carried. "THAT this Council approve of the installation of an 18" ~atcn~lain on Stanley Avenue as outlined in the communication from the City Engineer, and under the conditions outlined in the request." ", Carried. "BY-I~ No. 2493, 1960. A Ey-]ax~ to provide for the issue of Debentures in the prin- cipal amount of $13,640.51 to pay the cost of const~cting certain sidewalks as local improvements." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2494, 1960. A By-law to pro- vide for the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of $15,305.16 to pay the cost of constructing certain sewermains and watermains as local improvements." Read a first, secnnd and third tinme and passed. "BY-IAW No. 2495, 1960. A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $28,945.67 to pay the cost of constructing certain local improvements." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2497, 1960. A By-law to appoint Assessors for the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. The follm~ing items on the Agenda wer____~e tabled: 1. Letter fro~,~ Martin, Calvert, Bates & Sheppard re: restrictions on property described as 2374 Lundy's Lane in particular reference to tourist camp operation. It was ordered that tbis matter be referred to the Solicitor for a study of the by-laws regulating the property referred to and that a report in this connection be submitted to Council at their scheduled meeting on April 30th. 2. Letter from the Sanitary Inspector of the Welland & District Health Hntt re: garbage collection at apartment building located at 2181 Dorchester Road, was referred to the Engineer for consideration. Items Tabled Meetings. 3. Letter from the T~.mship Clerk reporting on accounts receivable from subdividers for construction carried out in subdivisions during the year 1959. It was directed thai: the matter be referred to our Solicitor and that she be asks to write aoletter to the ~fners in arrears advising them that legal action would be taken after one week if their accounts are still unpaid. 4. The proposed specifications for cu~ and sidewalk con- struction were tabled until information regarding public liability insurance can be secured and reported on. The Clerk reminded Council concerning the following meetings: 1. Hoering of the Municipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls, the Village of Chippawa, and the Township of Stamford, will be held Friday, April 29th at 7 p.m. in the City Hall, for the purpose of receiving the final report of the Merger study prepared by Deacon, Arnett & Murray. 2. Meeting of Council to be held at the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board Office on Saturday, April 30th at 9:30 a.m. for the purpose of discussing a proposed con- solidated restrictive area by-lmv for the urban properties south of Lundy's Lane and West to the Hydro-Electric Power Commission Canal. No. 32 ~diourn. 16. MacBain Keighan · "THAT we now adjourn to meet again on Saturday, April 30th at 9:30 a.m. at the Planning Board on Drummond Road at Murray Street, and at 7 p.m. on Friday, April 29th, 1960." Carried. Committee bIeeting. Council met in committee ~t the conclusion of the regular meeting and Reeve Mitchelson reRorted that the Bus Trans- portation Committee had met with blr. L. R. Cumming, Deputy Minister of the Department of Municipal Affairs in respect t0 the transportation problem and the necessity of ~stab!ishing -a Transit Conmission. He explained that Mr. Gumming advised that the City of Niagara Falls and the To~-nship of StamfOrd should proceed with haste to have a private bill prepared t0 establish a b~nicipal Transit System. The members. of Council jagreed with the recommendation of the Deputy Hinister and the Township Solicitor was requested to ~repare a private bill "'in conjunction with the City Solicitor, to establish a Trans- portation Commission for the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford.' The private bill to be ready to submit to the Legislature at their Fallsession. There being no further business, the connnittee meeting - adjourned, Heeve Meeting Adjourned. Hour: 9: 50 P .M. Clerk B~port. A Joint Meeting of the Municipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls, the Village of Chippawa, and the To~nship of Stamford was held at the City Hall on Friday, April 29th, 1960 at 7:35 p.m. Representation from F. J. Miller C. Gregory G. Martin I. McCallum A. J. McKinley H. Morton C. Swayze J. White W. S. Orr D. C. Patton S. Price H. Dickson the City of Niagara Falls: Mayor Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman City Manager City Clerk City Engineer City Treasurer. Representation from the Town~ E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan A. A. MacBain C. H. Eidt Miss J. V. LaMarsh A. C. Huggins Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Engineer Solicitor Clerk. Representation from the Vill~ J. MacKenzie Reeve H. Clarke Deputy-Reeve J. Ires Councillor J. Charlebois Councillor R.T.N.Callan Clerk D. E. Taylor Auditor. Repr~sentatives from the Cons~ Mr. p. Alan Deacon of Deacon, Arnett & Murray, Mr. D. D. Irwin of Fred Page Higgins & Company. The meeting was chaired by Mayor F. J. Miller. The Mayor opened the meeting and welcomed the representatives from the other municipalities and Mr, Deacon and Mr. Irwin. He explained the purpose of the meeting and then requested the report from Alderman G. Martin, Chairman of the Merger Survey Committee. Alderman Martin reviewed the history of the Com- mittee from the time it was appointed in 1957 up to the present time.. He stated that the Consultants had been engaged to prepare a report to determine if a merger of the three municipalities would be in the public interest. The report had been prepared in t~7o sections, the first, or preliminary report, having been submitted to Council in June, 1958, with the second part to be submitted by the Consultants at this meeting. He stated that the Committee; as such, ~cre not maklr~ any recommendations and all statements appearing in the Report were the responsibility of the Consultants. then called on Mr. p. Alan Deacon to present the report }le of his Firm. Mr. Deacon proceeded to present the final report dated March, 1960, and stated that the report had been com- pleted in five sections. He then discussed Part 1. of the Report Cont'd_ Report Received. Council. Thanks. Meeti~- May 6~h A d] ou~z April 29,1960. April 29,1960. Report headed "General Comments". At the conclusion of this section, he requested Mr. D. D. Irwin to submit Part 2. of the Report, being "Financial Considerations". Mr. Irwin then submitted this part of the Report. At the conclusion of each section, a question and answer period ensued. The follow- ing sections of the Report were then given by Mr. Deacon: Part 3 - "Conclusions and Recommendations". This part of the Report was presented in the following sections: 1. Terms of Reference, 2. Greater Niagara Falls Area, 3. Local Planning Area, 4. Amalgamation Area. 5. Niagara Peninsula Area. At the conclusion of the presentation, a further question and answer period took place. At the conclusion of this period, Mr. DeaCon stated that regardless of action that might be taken in respect to the Regional Area, the amalgamation of the com- ponent parts of the Greater Niagara Falls Area should be arranged for in the near future. Alderman Martin Alderman Morton "THAT the report of the Consultants be re- ceived and tabled and referred back to the respective Municipal Councils and that the Merger Committee continue in an advisory capacity and that a further Joint Meeting be arranged after the individual Councils have studied the Report." C~rried. The Secretary was instructed to invite the members of the Willoughby Township Council to participate as observers at the meeting scheduled for May 6th at 7 p.m. at the City Hall. Alderman Martin expressed the thanks of the Committee to the members of the Councils, the OfficiAls, Boards, Commissions, & Public Bodies, along with the Consulting Firm, for their co- operation in completing the comprehensive report. The Committee advised that'a meeting had been arranged for ~ Friday, May 6th at 7 p.m. at the City Hall for the purpose of explaining the Report to the members of the Boards of Educationt the Separate School Boards, Public Utilities Comissions, Planning Boards, and other Public Bodies. All members of Council were invited to attend. There being no further business, it was moved by Alderman Martin and seconded by Alderman Gregory that the meeting adjourn, and this resolution was carried. Meetin~ Adjourned. Hour PgM. No. 33 ~urpose Adjourn. · to May 3rd. Aprll 30, 1960. A special Meeting of Council was held at the Office of the Planning Board at 2383 Drummond Road, on Saturday, April 30th, 1960. The meeting was called for the purpose of considering a draft by-law prepared by the Planning Board to consolidate the old restrictive by-laws of the Township on that portion of the Township between the Queen Elizabeth Way and McLeod Road, and being East of the Hydro Canal. Mr. Conroy Dowson, Director of the Planning Board, was present and at the invitation of Reeve Mitchelson, he explained the draft by-law which he had prepared, in detail. During the discussion of the by-law, the following decisions were made: 1. Section 8 - The definition of single family dwellings is to be enlarged by permitting two boarders or roomers,. 2. Schedule B - Section 61 - To be amended by providing that the first floor of a one storey dwelling shall have a minimum of 800 square feet, rather than 900 square feet. 3. Section 6, subsection 6. - To be amended to define side yards're: one Soot overhangs from by-law requirements. 4. Section 6, subsection 3. - This section to be enla;ged to include schools for separate school supporters. 5. Section 7.- This section to be amended to provide clause for existing properties. 6. Apartment Buildinas. - The definition and requirements for apartments to be amended to provide that 50% of basements in such buildings must be reserved for storage facilities for the tenants of the apartments. It was also decided that the By-law should contain some reference to the height of buildings. All provisions of.the by-law had not been completed at 1:30, and the meetix~was adjourned on the understanding that the balance of the proposed by-law would be studied on Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. at the Planning Board Offices. The meeting then adjourned. Meeting Ad3ourned. Hour Reeve ' No. 34 PeMe ' ' '% 'Clerk A Regular Meeting of Council was held on Monday, May 2nd, 1960 at 7:30 Allan ' Kaighan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R..F. KatEban. . .Deputy?Re~ve J. No AlIan Councillor A. A,. MacBain -., Councillor e "THAT the minutes of the meetings held April 23rd and 25th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. Licenses Sightseeing License Building Report. J. Leckie. .. 2.- Keighan Allan "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Wm. Leach & Donald Tannahill, 2787 Dor- chester Rd. (Service Station), John Bedard, 2579 Thorold Stone Rd.(Service Station) , Ken White, 1877 Morrison St. (Public Garage - Type "A"), Allen Truck Equipment Ltd., 388 Portage Rd. S.- (Public Garage - Type "A") R. D. Rand, 4236 Beaverdams Rd. (Public Garage - Type "A"), A. Sapieha, 2410 Drummond Rd. (Public Garage - Type "A") , Nicholas Poohack, 1181 Drummond Rd. (Public Garage - Type "A"), R.D.Rand, 4236 Benverdams Rd. (Public Garage - Type "B"), A. Kerlow, 4214 Lundy's Lane (Public Garage - Type "B"), Don 3. Arnott, 2095 Dunn St. (Public Garage - Type "B") , C.E.Merritt, 3263 Montrose Rd. (Public Garage - Type "B"), Cupolo's Body Shop, 1570 Stanley Ave. (Public Garage - Type "B"), A. Sapieha, 2410 Drummond Rd. (Public Garage o Type "B") Nicholas Poohack, 1181 Drummond Rd. (Public Garage - Type "B") , Kenneth Niven, 4006 Thorold Stone Rd. (Public Garage - Type "B")." 3. Allan Keighan Carried. "THAT the application for a Sightseeing Owner's License from Vincent J. Rocco, 1316 Ferry St. be approved and license granted." : - Carried. :, 4. MacBain Keighan "THAT we accept the report of the Building InSpector for Building Permits issued during the month of April in the amount of $467,175.0( Carried. Mr. J. Leckie of 231 Allanburg Road, Thorold'South, addressed th Council in respect to an application he had made for a building permit to erect a residence on the V.L.A. S~division registered as Plan No. 223. He mentioned that some difficulty existed in respect to front and side yard requirements. It was explained that Council had passed a by-law .to reduce the front yard req~ir ments from 50' to 35' in the case of lots ironring on Kalar Road and 25 feet in respect toall other lots within the Plan. This By-law ~as been referred to the Ontario Municipal Board with a request for 'a Hearing, but to date an appointment has not been scheduled. The Clerk advised that the side yard requirement for Plan 223 was 20 feet, in view of the fact that the area is lo- cated in an Agriculture (1) zone. He advised that the Veterans J. Leckie Cont'd 3138 Drummond Rd. R. Hunt /Park a;ea) ,.Dr.Petrullo. Advertising Guide. Land Act authorities had written a letter included as Item No. 8 on the Council Agenda requesting that the side yard requirement be reduced to 6 feet and that Mr. Hugh Lamb, Supervisor for the Veterans Land Act would visit the Township on Tuesday and discuss the matter with the Building Inspector and the Clerk and after the discussion takes place with the two officials, Council decided that Mr. Lamb should be invited to zhe Council Meeting which will take place at 2:30 p.m. at the Planning Board Chambers. Mr. Robert Hunt of 1847 Vine Street addressed the Council and stressed.that a park was badly required in his area between No. 8 Highway and Stanley Avenue. He asked if the Provincial Act passed at the last Session of the Legislature would entitle the Township to a 50% grant in connection with the establishment of new parks. Councillor MacBain, Chairman of the Parks Committee, advised that he had studied the particular Act which was passed and in his opinion the grant would not apply for parks established for a local municipality. He indicated that the grants would be eligible for district parks established under a Conservation Authority or similar organizations. He also advised Mr. Hunt that he is studying the possibility of providing a park in that area and that he hopes to make a definite recommendation to Council in this connection some time during the year. Dr. Charles Petrullo of 1703 Lombard Street addressed the Council in respect to an increase of assessment and taxes on certain lands he has lying bet~ween Montrose Road and the Queen Elizabeth Way between Graham Street and Lundy's Lane, He mentioned that the assessment had been increased from, $1175. to $3075. resulting in an increase of taxes from $60.75 in 1959 to an amount of $217.00 in 1960. He stated he hadnot received an assessment notice and felt that some mistake had been made in increasing the assessment so greatly. He was a~ised that Council had no power to adjust the assessment or taxes and it was recommended that he make application to the Township Court of Revision which would consider the application he might make. Mr. Guenter Stuebner addressed the Council in respect to a tourist advertising guide proposal he would like to have installed at certain tourist camps, restaurants and other business places throughout the Township. He produced sketches of the proposed directory which would be erected in the front of the buslungs places which co-operated in the venture. After'discussion of the matters it was felt that · the proposal should be submitted to the Chamber of Commerce Tourist Committee for consideration. This Committee is to invite Mr. Stuebner to the meeting a~ the time his proposal is scheduled to be discussed. Mrs. Rose Laronde, operator of the Clans Restaurant at 3138 Drummond Road addressed the Council in respect to the com- plaints received by Council from residents of that area a week ago concerning the behaviour of teenage children in that district. She indicated that the reports submitted to Council were exaggerated and that as a rule, the '~eenage children were well behaved, when they visited her business establishment. The Reeve advised Mrs.Laronde that the com- plaints had been referred to the Police Department for in- vestigation and remedial action and that Mrs. Laronde would be at liberty to submit any additional information to the Police that might be helpful. Tempor y Employees Repairs Repeal Resolution Grant on Oak Hall Property. Purchasing Agents Meeting. Health Dept.Reports Take Action, MacBain Keighan Keighan Allan MacBain Allan Keighan MacBain MacBait Keighan Allan Keighau Allan "THAT our Engineer be authorized to proceed with the hiring of temporary employees for the parks, cemeteries and road departments, on the basis of need as in the past, and that our Engineer be authorized to employ Mr. H. Willick, a former Township employee who receives only a small pension." Carried. John Park 12. Letter of A.G.Bridge. "THAT the Engineer be authorized to proceed -with about $5,500.00 worth of sidewalk repairs which are necessary at this time, providing the contract price will be the same as last year, and since time as indicated by the Engineer, is an important consideration." Carried. MacBain Keighan "THAT the resolution passed by this Council on March 21st, 1960, and set forth in our Clerk's letter of April 29th, 1960, be and the same is hereby repealed." Carried. "THAT Council acknowledge'receipt of a total grant in lieu of taxes of $7,300.00 for the year 1960, from the Niagara Parks Commission re: the Oak Hall property & buildings purchased,by the Parks Commission; and that we thank the Commission for this considera- tion; and that Council express the hope that this same type of consideration be given for future years; and point out that while the grant for this year is.for $7,300.00 it is still short of actual taxes by $174.18." ~ Carried. "THAT we accept, with regret, the resig- nation of John Park from the Stamford Public Library Board. The effective date of the resignation to be as of August 31st, 1960." Carried. "THAT the Manager of Stores be authorized to attend the Purchasing Agents Meeting Windsor on May 13th, 1960." A letter of resignation from the Municipal Council of the Township of Stamford submitted by Councillor A. G. Bridge and dated May 2nd, was read by the Clerk. Councillor Bridge gave several reasons for his resignation and concluded his letter by stating that his physical condition would not permit him to continue as a member of Council. Members of Council expressed regret that Councillor Bridge was unable to continue on Council, and the following resolution was passed: , Carried. "THAT the co~munication from Mrs. Murphy be referred to the Health Dept. for a report, and also the similar condition in the Delta Subdivision°" Carried. ,t "THAT our Solicitor be instructed to take the necessary legal proceedings on accounts receivable from subdividers for construction carried out in 1959 and presently in arrears. Carried. Accept 13. MacBain Resignation f Allan Climenhage ~4: MacBain Draft Plan K_eighan Climenhage 15. MacBain Draft Plan Keighan . Carlesso 16. MacBain -Draft Plan Keighan "THAT we accept the resignation of Councillor A. G. Bridge, with regret, as of May 2nd, 1960, and that the Clerk extend the thanks of the Council and citizens of Stamford Twp. at large to Mr. Bridge for the many years of service he gave to the Municipality as a member of Council and Reeve, and wish him a long and enjoyable retirement." Carried. "THAT we approve in principle the draft subdivider's agreement prepared for a proposed plan of subdivision ~med by J. A. Climenhage Development Limited, comprised of 10 lots fronting on Dorchester Rd. and being located in part of Block "D", Plan 876, and part of Twp. Lot 96, subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs being obtained in respect to the cash pa)~ent suggested for the 5% for Public Purposes." Carried. "THAT we approve in principle the draft subdivision agreement prepared for a pro- posed plan of subdivision owned by J. A. Climenhage Development Limited, comprised of 18 lots fronting on Allanthus Ave. and beinglocated in Township Lots 160 and 173 and part of Block 39, according to the plan of the Falls Company Lands, subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs being obtained in respect to the cash payment suggested for the 5% for Public Purposes." Carried. "THAT we approve in principle the draft subdivider's agreement prepared for a pro- posed plan of subdivision owned by Albert Cariesso, comprised of 11 lots frontin~ on ~/~arlesso ~ Cont'd By-law No. 2498. Items Tabled. Garbage & NPC VLA - Reg. Plan 223 Agreement - Keg.Plan 166. Dog Licenses Destroy Old Records 2181 Dorchester Rd. J~m= 16. Gore, St. George and McMicking Streets, and being located in Lots 59, 60, 61 and 62, according to Registered Plan 1791, subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs being obtained in respect to the cash payment suggested for the 5% condition for Public Purposes." Carried. 17. Keighan Allan "BY-LAW No. 2498, 1960. A By-law to pro-. vide for the borrowing of money pending sale of debentures." Read a first, second and third time and passed. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons indicated: 1. Letter from the Township Engineer relative to the Niagara Parks Commission using the facilities of our garbage disposal area. The Engineer was directed to discuss the use of our disposal area with the officers of the Niagara Parks Commission and report to Council at a future meeting. 2. Letter from the Soldier Settlement & Veterans Land Act Authorities re: Reg. Plan 223 dealing with side yards. This matter will be discussed at a meeting between the V.L.A. Authorities, the Building Inspector, and the Clerk on Tuesday, May 3rd at 1:30. The results of the discussion to be reported to Council at a meeting scheduled for 3:30 p~m. at the Planning Board. 3. Letter from the River Realty Development Ltd. requesting that the subdivider's agreement pertaining to Reg. Plan 166 be changed to provide that the sewer and water is to be installed by the owners under cash payment before work is started. Reads are to be installed at the expense of the Township and sidewalks are to be installed at a later date under the Local Improvement Act. The matter was referred to the Solicitor with the request that a draft agreement be pre- pared which should be submitted to the Subdivision Committe~ and ultimately reported on to Council. 4. A letter from the Township Treasurer relative to the sale of dog licenses under the revised dog by-law passed recently by Council. Council directed that the Solicitor prepare an amending by-law to provide that thecertificates referred to would not be effective until January, 1961. The Clerk was requested to advise the Humane Society accordingly. 5. A letter from the Stamford DistriCt Board of Education requesting that the Township pass a by-law authorizing the destruction of old records. This matter was referred to the Auditor, Solicitor and the Glerk for a report. 6. A report from the Sanitary Inspector of the Welland & District Health Unit re: the complaint regarding garbage handlin~ at the premises at 2181 Dorchester Road. The Engineer reported that there were about 185 apartments in the Township and he estimated that each apartment would have about three units containing garbage. On this estimate it would take his Department from one-half to three-quarters of a day 2181 Dorchester Cont'd 1715 Glenholme Adams & Argyle Ayes. Liability Insurance Adjourn. May 2nd, No. 35 ~e~ent Mr. Qorfield to provide an extra pickup every week. He suggested that apartment owners should provide enclosed areas for garbage storage. Council requested that the Engineer give this matter further consideration and submit a report thereon at a future meeting. 7. Letter from the Engineer relative to litter at property located at 1715 Glenholme Avenue. From a photograph produced by the Engineer it was noted that an improvement had been made in respect to the appearance of the property but it will be investigated during the course of the road inspection to be held later in the month. 8. Letter from the ~qp. Clerk to Council dated May 2nd re: stopping up Adams & Argyle Avenues, Reg. Plan 79. This report was accepted as satisfactory by Council. .The Solicitor will be requested to prepare an appropriate~by-law 'to establish the price and authorize the offering of half the street allow- ances to the adjacent owners. The Solicitor discussed liability insurance in respect to contracts between the Township and contractors for local improvement road construction. It was decided that $100,000. · insurance would be satisfactory for average size jobs. If the work was of major proportions, Council should ask for increased coverage. 18. MacBain " Keighan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, May 3rd at 3:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adj ourned Hour P.M. A Special Meeting of the Council was held on Tuesday, May 3rd, 1960 at 3:30 p.m. at the Offices of the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board. E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor S. Cotfield Councillor A. A. MacBain Councillor I~ediately prior to the commenc~nent of this meeting, Mr. 8tmeon Corfteld was sworn in as a Councillor by Clerk, A. C. Huggins to replace the vacancy resulting from the resignation of A. G. Bridge. The meeting was called to continue the study of draft by-law prepared by the Planning Board to console. date numerous old restrictive by-laws of the Township in that portion of the Municipality betwcen the Queen Elizabeth Way and McLeod Road, ,r~.J,t}~.~ tj ~;i~: [' ~::- .' '~- the Hydro Canal on the West and the City of Niagara Falls on the East. Mr. Conroy Dowson, Director of the Planning Board, was present, and carefully explained the interpretative clauses ,, · . i~i. ._ . . .~.. _ and the uses set out in the by-law. During the discussion, ~";r ""'.: ]~I,~ :'.[ ... '. . == ,~ ' purpose the question of fence heights was raised. It was felt tha~ Hearings are held, the by-law can be approved by Council if found ""' ,~ !] ~ <r' ]~. ]~ = ~' ;z~i~ height and type of fences throughout the Township- The form ~.:. ih of this by-law will be considered by Council at a later date. ' at 5:40 p.m. ~ ~57.~ ~. !~ .:. Complete The Hour of 6 p.m. having arrived, it was decided to adjourn May 4,1960. Meeting Adjourned. Meeting Adjourned. Study to meet on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Board Offices to complete the study of the By-lawo ~ The Meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. .,_/ . t Reeve .our 6:0a P.M. Clerk No. 36 Present Purpose Suggestions A Special Meeting of Council was held on Wednesday, May .4th, 1960 at the planning Board Offices at 2383 Dm,~nond Road, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor, E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Cotfield A. A. MacBain The meeting was called for the purpose of continuing the study of the draft restrictive by-law prepared by the Planning Board covering the property lyingtbetween McLeod Road on the South, the Queen Elizabeth Way on the North, the Hydro Canal and the V.L.A. Subdivision on the West, and'the City of Niagara Falls on the East. At this meeting, the following changes in the use of land were pointed out by Mr. Dowson, Director~ of the Planning Board who' was present: ~ 1. Reduction of the Commercial Zone l~cated.at the intersection of Dunn Street and Drummond Road. 2. Change in status of the lands along Lundy's Lane. Public ~eetinRs. No. 37 gresent Minute~ Niagara Township Water Test Sink Test Well F in an c e Road_.as Council did not express any particular objections with the change suggested in Item 1. above, but were strongly of the opinion that no change in zoning classification should be made in respect to the property on Lundy's Lane between Drummond Road and Dorchester Road. The only suggested change for this area was to the effect that the zoned area should be adjusted to take in all rear yard lots ironring on Lundy's Lane. In addition to thi~ section of Lundy's Lane it was agreed that the change in classifi cation should be made to cover the tourist establishment use of land from the Hydro Ganal to Brookfield Avenue. A great deal of discussion took place in respect to other pro- visions of the By-law. It was finally agreed that Council would request the Planning Board to hold public meetings in connectio~ with the proposed by-law. The meetings would be for the purpose of hearinS any objections to the proposal. After the hearinSs Hour: 5:40 P .M. A Regular Meeting of Council was held on Monday, M~X 9th, 1960 at the Township Hall commencin~ at 4:30~p.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Cotfield. " Allan "THAT the minutes of the meetings held April 29th, 30th and May 2nd, 3rd, and 4th,,1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. A delegation from the Township of Niagara comprised of Reeve ': Harry Dawson, Mr. Clayton Dean, Chairman of the Water Committee," and R. B. Erwin, Township Engineer, addressed the Council and requested permission to test drill for water in part of the lands purchased to widen the Niagara-Stamford Town Line Road adjacent to Highway No. 8. In speaking on this matter the Township representatives indicated that the tests would be carried out on the Township side of the boundary road just East of No. 8 Highway. After discussion, the following resolu- tion was submitted and voted~on: 2. MacBain Allan "THAT Niagara Township be authorized to sink a test well at the south-east corner of Number Eight Highway and To~m Line Road. The exact position to be fixed in consul- tation with our Engineer." Carried. 3. Allan MacBain "THAT we do now adJounl to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." Carried. 4. Keighan Cotfield "TFAT the stat~ent of Roads Accounts dated May 6th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and :he accounts bopaid amountin~ to $13,260.67." Carried. Relie_____jf Genera~ Finance Licenses 5. Keighan Allan 6. · Keighan Allan 7. Cotfield Allan 8. Keighan Allan "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated May 6th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $665.94." Carried. "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated May 6th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amount- ing to $173,365.13." Carried. Conttd Dept. of Highways Designs "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume.the business of Council." Carried. "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Douglas Taylor, 248 Portage Rd.N. (Barbershop) Leona Roy, 2247 Lundy's Lane (Hairdressing) p. Yerich, 1410 Buchanan Ave.(Restaurant) George Lavallee,1544 McLeod Rd.(Restaurant) Michael Ricci, 2546 Buchanan Ave.(Restaurant) Niagara Parks Commission, Golf Course Lunch Room (Restaurant), Niagara Parks Commission,Niagara Glen Restaur' ant (Restaurant), Niagara Parks Commission, Table Rock House, (RefreShment Stand), Frank Palko, 2053 Thorold Road (Service Station), A.Limmert & I.Hamilton, Queen E..Highway - (Service Station), Wesley B. Styles, 435 Portage Rd.S.(Public Garage - Type "A"), A. Jacobi & Son, 2225 Lundy's Lane (Public Garage - Type "A"), G. & Wm. Nagy, 3600 Lundy's Lane (Public Garage - Type "A"), Carmen & Wm. Nagy, 3600 Lundy's Lane. (Public Garage - Type "B"), A. Jacobi & Son, 2225 Lundy's Lane (Public Garage - Type "B"), George Green, McLeod at Drummond Rd.(Public Garage - Type "B"), A. Metlet & R. Biggar, 2717 Drummond Rd. (Public Garage - Type "B"), Harold Edgar, 34 Portage Rd.8. (Public Garage Type "B"), George Ansell, 1856 Highland Ave. (Public Garage - Type "B") , Herbert Brown, 2532 Bellerue St.(Public Garage - typ~ "B:); Alfred E. Fisher, 1788 Glenholme Ave.-(Public Garage - Type "B"), Joseph DomJan, 3209 Drummond Rd. (Public Garage - Type "B"),' Kenneth Fox & Ha~leyVaughan,'1983 Franklin Ave. -(Public Garage - Type "B") (Res, 8 continued..... .... Meeting May 18th. Police Ad Convention Point Edward. By-law 2499. By-law 500. By-law 2501_.___z.. · Lucerne Hotels Ltd., 2267 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp)." Carried. A letter from the Department of Highways advised that as a result of the Hearing held by the Ontario Municipal Board it had been determined that our Council and the residents in the area of Montrose Road and Mountain Road at the Queen Elizabeth Way were opposed to the location of the grade separation at MOntrose Road and the proposed closing of roads intersecting the Queen Elizabeth Way. As a result of the Hearing, the Department has prepared various alternative designs and are prepared to propose a new design which they believe will be satisfactory to those concerned. The letter indicated that the Department representatives would like to discuss the new design with membersof.Council, the Township ~nd County Engineers, sometime after May 17th, before the matter is referred to the Municipal Board. The following resolution was passed in this connection: 9. Corfield Keighan 10. Allan MacBain 1! · MacBain Allan 12. Allan Corfleld "THAT the Clerk notify W. R. Kinnear, Planning LiaisonEngineer of the Dept. of Highways that Stamford Council can meet with him on Wednesday, the 18th of May in Township Hall at 3:30 p.m." Carried. "THAT the request from the Public Relations representative, Wm. A. Gillies, be received, and we agree to the request." Carried. Corfield Allan "THAT Council authorize Councillor Corfield to attend the Convention of Ontario Assoc- iation of Urban Rural Municipalities at Point Edward on May 13th and 14th." Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2499, 1960. A By-law to amend By-law No. 2492, 1960." ,Read a first, second and third time and passed. 14. MacBain Allan · "BY-LAW No. 2500, 1960. A By-law to fix a price for the sale of Adams Avenue and Argyle Avenue, as sho~rn on Registered Plan 79 and to fix a period for the sale.thereof to abutting owners." Read a first~ second and third time and passed. "BYeLAW No. 2501, 1960. A By-law to amend By-law 2490 (1960)." Read a first, second and third time and passed. By-law 2502. Street Lights Unemployed Items Tabled Reg. Plan 166. George Seibel. Flooded Areas. 15. Keighan Corfield' 16. Allan Keighan "BY-LAW No. 2502, 1960." A By-law to amend By-law No. 2350 (1959) as amended, being a by-law to regulate the use of lands; and the use, location, spacing, height, and area of buildings and structures within the Township of Stamford." Read a first,second and third time and passed. "THAT the P.U.C. be asked to install and change street lights at the following locations: 1 - 100 Watt at 2894 Garner Road, Fluorescent Lights on Portage Rd. between North and Kitchener Streets, 1 - Mercury Light on the corner of Thorold Rd. & Montrose Road, 1 - 300 Watt on Lorne Street, Fluorescent Lights on Maitland~" N.P.C. & Disposal Area & 1715 Glen- holme Ave. Adjourn. Firemen Carried. 17. Keighan Cotfield "THAT the Clerk be authorized to write to Labour Minister Start stating that Stamford Council is fully aware of the increase in the number of unemployed in the area, and that Council hopes that the Federal Govt.is prepared to do something more to financially assist the unemployed rather than have the cost to provide assistance fall to the Municipality which is already overburdened financially, and that a suggestion submitted by the Rtecording Secretary of Local 536 UE, Mr. Jack Parker, that the Federal Govt.give consideration to the possibility of extend- ing the period for receiving Unemployment insurance Benefits be eonsidere~ on a limited basis." .Carried. The following items on the ABenda were tabled: Item 6. Estimated cost to install sewer and watermains through- out the portion of Reg. Plan 166 not developed° In view of the fact that the sewermain is required to be constructed past the frontage of Lot 48 on Sheldon Street which has a residence thereon and sewer service is being secured By means of a sewer rental agreement, it was agreed that the Engineer should con- sult with the o~ner of LOt 48 and bring in a subsequent report concerning the manner in which this lot should be considered in the costing of the sewermain. Item 12. Letter from Mr. George Seibel relative to his premises located on' Royal Manor Drive. It was determined that action could not be taken on this letter until a further report was received from the Building Inspector. Item 16. 'A l'etter from the Welland & District Health Unit relative to flooding conditions at the rear of 2835 Wills Stree~ and in the Delta Subdivision. This matter will be referred to th~ next meeting of Council. May 9,1960. No. 38 Present ~.urpose Truck Chassis & Cab. Dump Box, Sander,etc. Item 17. A letter to the Township Engineer re: Niagara Parks Commission using the Township disposal area for garbage'and refuse and the matter of the condition of the yard at 1715 Glenholme Avenue. Both matters will be referred to the next regular meeting of Council. 18.. Allan Corfield "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Saturday, May 14th at 9:30 p.m. unless sooner called' by the Reeve." Carried. At the conclusion of the meeting, Deputy-Reeve Keighan stated that 32 applications for the position of three per- manent firemen had been received by the Township 'and asked if Council would like the Fire Committee to,examine' the appli- cations and make a recommendation. Council agreed to the suggestion and the Deputy-Reeve stated that recommendations would be submitted at the next meeting. Meeting Adj ourned · Hour: 6:25 P.M. A Special Meeting of Council was held Saturday, May l~th, 1960 at 9:30 a.m. 4 E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor S. Corfield Councillor A. A. MacBain Councillor The meeting was called for the purpose of considering tenders received on May 9th for certain equipment. The tenders received were listed on booklets for the information of Council and after careful study of all ~enders received, the following resolutions were passed: 1.. MacBain Gotfield "THAT the tender of Galloway & Griffiths for a 1960 model truck chassis and cab be accepted subject to the approval of '.~he Department of Highways at a price of $5300.00, being the lowest tender." Carried. 2. Cotfield Allan "THAT the tender of Eastern Steel Products for a reversible dump box, sander and hydraulic snow plough barn_~ese be accepted subJ act to the approval of the Department of Highways at a price of $3,783.05, being the lowest tender." Carried, .'7 MaeBain Cotfield Trac tot. 4. Keighan Allan Tractor. Side Mowing Machine Garbage Chassis Pickup .T.ruck. Panel Truck 5. Cotfield Allan 6. MacBain Keighan 7. MacBain Cotfield 8. Allan Keighan 9. MacBain Keighan 10. MacBain Gotfield "THAT the tender of Victoria Motors for a 1960 3/4 Ton Pick-up Truck be accepted subject to the approval of the Depart- ment of Highways for a price of $2,155.00." Carried° "THAT the tender of Gordon Dickson Equip- ment for a 1960 Industrial Tractor be accepted subject to the approval of the Department of Highways at the tendered price of $13,650.00." Carried. "THAT the tender of Love & McDougall for a 1960 Model Industrial Tractor and side mower he accepted subject to the approval of the Department of Highways at a price of $2,850.00." Carried. Station Wagon 11. Cotfield Keighan Rotary Mower. 12. Keighan MacBain Rotary Mowers. 13. Corfield b~cBain Radio Labs . Keighan MacBain "THAT the tender of Stamford Garage for a one side mowing machine to be ~ounted on existing tractor no. 26 be accepted subject to the approval of the Department of High- ways at the tender p~ice of $635.75." Carried. Transit 15. MacBain Keighan J'THAT the tender of Victoria Motors for a 1960 model chassis for garbage packer be accepted at a price of $5,124.00." Carried° · "THAT the tender of Fruehauf Trailer Com- pany for a 1960 garbage packer be accepted at a priqe of $5,255.00." Carried. Adjoum!. Inspection Tour "THAT the tender of Lincoln Motors Limited for a 1960 3/4 ton pick-up truck be accepted at the tendered price of $2,188.00." Carried. "THAT the tender of Victoria Motors for a 1960 model panel truck be accepted at o 0" a prlcc of ~9 3 8 0 Carried. "THAT the tender of Galloway & Griffiths for a 1960 Model Station Wagon at a price of $2,920.00 be accepted." Carried. "THAT the tender of Duke Lawn Equipment. for one 70" rotary mower be accepted at the price of $525.00." Carried. [) "THAT the tender of Duke Lax~n' ~quipment for two 24" heavy duty, rotary mowers 'be accepted at a.price of $798°00 being the lowest tender." Carried. "THAT the tender of Radio Labs for one 25 watt base station, two remote control units and two 25 watt mobile units be accepted subject to the approval of the Department of Highways at a price of $2,794.50." Carried. "THAT the tender of Martlin & Lawrie for one new model 5~" Engineers transit with extension tripod suitable for Municipal Engineering Surveys be accepted at a price of $322.65." Carried. 16. MacBain Allan "THAT we now adjourn to meet again May 16th at 7:30 p .m." Carried. After adjournment, Council proceeded on an inspection of Township roads, public buildings and other inspections throughout the Township. During their inspections, among others, the following were examined: 1. Inspection of recently constructed sewage settling tank at Stanley Ave. and Cree~ Rd. 2. Inspection of proposed extension of Carlton Ave. from Cotwin Crescent to Dunn St. 3. inspection of property at 1715 Glenholme Ave. 4. Inspection of roof on .Tpwnship Arena. 5. Inspection of Namac Subdivision, Reg. Plan 210, road construction within the subdivision. showing the Inspection Cont'd May 14,1960. No. 39 Present Deputy-Reeve Actinn Reeve 6. Inspection of proposed construction on Gore Street and St.George Street. 7. Proposed construction on the Niagara-Stamford Town Line Road, from Stanley Ave. to Melrose Drive. 8. Inspection of proposed extension of Garner Rd. across C.N.R. tracks near Warner Road. 9. Inspection of proposed culvert construction on Garner Road near Mountain Road. 10. Example of ditch blockage due to lack of culverts on McLeod Road between Beechwood Road and Garner Road. Montrose Road. / 11. Inspection of two culverts, one to be extended and one to be re-constructed on McLeod Rd. between Kalar Rd. and , Reeve A Regular Meeting of Council was held Monday, May 16th, at ?;30 p.m. Clerk 1960 E. E. Mitchelson Ro F. Keighan 'J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The Reeve was late in arriving at the meeting and the following resolution was passed to appoint the Deputy-Reeve to act in the Reeve~s absence: ~ 1. MacBain Allan "THAT Deputy-Reeve Keighan be acting Reeve until the arrival of the Reeve. Carried. :, Licenses Cont'd Sightseein~ 4. Geo.Basile M.inutes 2. Allan Cot field "THAT the minutes of-the meeting held May 9th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. ~eev,e, Licenses Reeve Mitchelson arrived at the.meeting and assumed the Reeve's chair. 3. Cotfield Allan "THAT the applica~ions for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: George Baslle,2385 Drummond Rd.(Barbershop) W.Hamilton, Thorold Stone Rd.(Restaurant) Jerry Dmyterko,2033 Thorold Rd.(Public Garage' Type "N') Norman Fairlie, Z161 Thorold Rd.(Pubiic Garage" Type "N') Carl Minor, 1877 Morrison St.(Public Garage- Type "B") Jerry Dmyterko,2033 Thorold Rd..(Public Garage' Type "B") Doris Goldfinch, 4870 Lundy's Lane Petition to Ee-zone Plan 215 MacBain Keighan Norman Fairlie, 2161 Thorold Rd.(Public Garage-. Type "B") Mr.& Mrs.A.Wai~e,1450 Kitchener St.(Tourist Camp) Irene Toth,3797 Lundy's Lane(Tourist Camp) Mike Poczos Jr.,2247 McLeod Rd.(Tourist Camp) Kaspar Schankula,2471 Stanley Ave.(Tourist Camp) P. Yerich, 1410 Buchanan Ave.(Tourist Camp)' Michael Ricci,2546 Buchanan Ave.(Tourist Camp)' Carried. "THAT the application for a Sightseeing Driver's License from Laureat BloDin, 1379 Stamford St. be approvedland license granted." Carried. The Council received a petition from certain residents in the vicinity of 2370 Drummond Road which stated that they consented to that property being re-zoned from Residential to Commercial to enable Antonio Basile to carry on the operation of a barber shop. Mr. Wm. Booth, Solicitor for Mr. Basile, was present at the meeting and stated that he appreciated that a similar application had been submitted to the Council and the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board previously. He stated that he was making an application to effect the re-zoning on a slightly different basis which would include the following items: 1. The applicant will provide off street parking facilities on the North side of his property flanking on Murray Street. The Solicitor estimated that a proper driveway to the parking area would be constructed. 2. The applicant is prepared to change the appearance of the building from a residential appea;ance to a commercial appearance. This to be achievedby revising the existing building° 3. If considered desirable, the applicant would include the entire block fronting Drummond Road between Murray Street and Dixon Street in his application. In submitting his remarks, = Mr. Booth informed Council that in his opinion Drummond Road would eventually become a commercial street and at the present time, certain commercial properties exist in the immediate ;" vicinity of the property he is applying to have re-zoned. I;' 5. Keighan Cotfield "THAT the petition by residents in the vicinity of Murray Street and Drummond Road to re-zone the property known as 2370 Drummond Road, from R(2) to Commercial (1) be forwarded to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board for consideration. Carried. Mr. C. H. Mahoney of the Legal Firm of Sullivan, Mahoney, Gordon, Chapman & Beard of St.Catharines read a letter to Council in respect to the Township's claim for $852.79 for sidewalks constructed within Registered Plan 215. The letter alleged that the Township owed the Climenhage Company ( ...... Cont'd) ~~/plan 215 Transient photoRraphers Tar ' Certificates 'Lapproximately $4500.00 in respect to plan 215 and earlier plans 'of subdivision. The letter requested a full and complete statement of the monies paid to the Township on account of the Climenhage subdivisions and the monies used for the purpose of the various works required to be paid for under the subdivider's agreement. It was ordered that the letter be tabled and the matter studied and a report brought in to Council at their next meeting. Baseball ~ehedule Approve ~chedule 6. Keighan Allan "THAT the Solicitor be authorized to prepare a draft copy of a by-law to license non- .resident transient photographers." Carried. · 7. MacBain Cotfield "THAT our Treasurer be instructed to charge $1.00 for each tax certificate issued and the monies collected be credited to the general revenue of the municipality as in the past." Carried. A memorandum tom the Clerk advised that an amendment had been made to the Municipal Act whereby the provision to license trailers had been amended by increasing the maximum license fee to $20.00 per month in respect to each trailer. Council re- quested that the Clerk prepare a report on the revenue received from trailer licenses in the year 1959, showing therein the manner in which the fees were distributed. Tothfaluse Judgment Solicitor's Account. By-law No. 2504. Fireman A report from the Stamford Fire Committee of which Deputy-Reeve Keighan is the Chairman, ~ms read which advised that 32 appli- cations had been received ~for the position of three permanent fireman. The Committee advised that after careful review and scrutiny, it would recommend appSin~ment of the following appli- cants ,*as 4th class permanent fireman at a salary rate of $3805.38 per annum: James Konkle ...... Lundy's Lane Fire Department,' ., Harvey Lewis ...... Falls View Fire Department, ~ Gilbert Neufeld ..... Stamford Centre Fire Department. The report further recommended that the duties of the fireman commence as soon as possible. In submitting the recommendations it was pointed out that all three applicants have considerable fire department experience and each has been a member of Stam- ford Fire Departments .for a number of years. By-law No. 2503. Items Tabled. Approve Recommend. 8. Keighan Cotfield "THAT the recommendation of the Fire Com- mittee re: appo~ltment of 3 new permanent fireman as set down in their letter of May 10th, 1960, be approved." W .L .Houck Park 9 · MacBain Keighan Carried. "THAT our Solicitor be instructed to prepare ~a By-law naming the new proposed park at Valley Way and Arthur Street the W. L. Houck Park in memory of the late Mr. Houck who served this area for more than twenty- five years as Mayor'of the City of Niagara Falls, a member of the Provincial House, and Cabinet, and a member of the Parliament of Canada." Carried. Councillor A. A. biacBain, Chairman of the Park Committee, submitted a report dated May 16th concerning the proposed schedule of use by various baseball teams of the Municipal Park facilities for the 1960 season. 10. MacBain Allan "THAT Council approve the Chairman of Parks recommendations dated May 16th and the attached schedule with regard to the use of our parks for 1960." Carried. The Township Solicitor presented a report dated May 13th advising that Judgment against the Tothfaluse BrOs. for sidewalk services within Registered Plan 157 had ~een paid in full in the amount of $8,121.91 the amoWat of 't~e Judgment, plus $167.05 the interest and tax costs. 11. MacBain Allan "THAT our Treasurer be instructed to pay our Solicitor's account for Solicitor and client's costs and disbursements arising from a Supreme Court action by this Cor- poration against Joseph Tothfaluse et al." Carried. 12. Allan Cotfield "BY-lAW No. 2504, 1960. A By-law to dedi- cate certain lands as portions of a public highway to be named Ailanthus Avenue." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 13. Keighan Cotfield "BY-lAW No. 2503, 1960. A By-law to change the name of Oscar Avenue as shown on Regi- stered Plan 67 to Allanthus Avenue." Read a first, second and third time and passed. The followinB items on the A enda were ordered tabled: 1. Letter from the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board re: Consolidated Restrictive Area By-law for the Stamford south district. This communication will be studied by Council and considered at the next regular meeting. 2. An application for a Salvage Yard License from F. W. Reid was tabled until a report was received from the Chief Constable. 3. Copy of minutes of a meeting held by the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board on April 29th. It was noted that an application for a conveyance of Part Twp. Lot 25 re: Parker & Dell, was approved subject to satisfactory arrange- ments being made with the Township regarding payment of ser- vices for sewer: water, and s~d.ewalk faci!ities~ The Engineer was asked to consider this aspect of the approval and bring in a report to Council at their next meeting. 4. A report from the Engineer in respect to service costs !i! '=. :~ 'j, .-' for the undeveloped portion of Registered Plan ].66. The information in the report met with the approval of Council "~i: "i' i~f ,' , . , ~, ,. ',____ . .. '. . -,:' .. , ' , , r , . . .~ '. ,. ' Items Tabled C ont 'd and it was ordered that the matter be referred to the Solicitor in order that an agreement could be prepared as requested by the owners of the subdivision. 5. Letter from the Department of Highways dated May 13th advised that the Department did not feel that there should be any change in the existing signing on the Queen Elizabeth Way at McLeod Road intersection. It was agreed that the Engineer should make arrangements to have Council meet with the District Engineer in order that the matter of directional signs and certain matters pertaining to Highways 8-& 20 could be discussed. 6. Letter from J. A. Climenhage requesting a meeting with Council. 7, Letter from R. W. Daws enclosing communications from John W. Criger, Principal of Victoria Public School relative to a supplementary traffic light at the intersection of Portage Road and Stanley Avenue, was referred to the Township Traffic Committee for a report. 8. Letter from Jacques Ducharme of 2666 Glengary Street dated May 16th was referred to the Engineer to have a photograph taken and a report on the condition ofthe property referred to. 9. Letter from the Local Branch of the United Electrical Radio & Maehlne Workers of America enclosing copies of a brief sent to the Dominion Government earlier this month in connection with the Japanese and United States impo~ts of Hollow-ware. It ~as noted that arrangements have been made for representatives of the Union and Municipal representatives to meet with Finance Minister Fleming on May 27th. 10. Letter from the Twp. Treasurer relative to applications received for the position opening up in the Treasury Depart- ment. It was decided that the applicants for this position would be considered by a committee comprised of Deputy-Reeve Keighan, Councillor Cotfield, and the Treasurer.' 11. A draft of a Private Act respecting the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford relative to the establish- ment of a Greater Niagara Transit Commission was tabled to permit the members of Council to study its provisions. It will 'be discussed at the next regular meeting. present Q.E.Way Design. Auditor's Report. Subdivider's ARtcements. Adjourn., 14. Keighan MacBain May- 16, 1960. "TI~T we do now adjourn to meet on Wednesday, May 18th at '3:30 p.m., 1960, D.S.T." /-~., . , " Ree/e Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Hour r ,M, Clerk Adjourn. May 18,1960. A Special Meeting of Council was held on Wednesday, biay 18th, 1960 at 3:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Jo N. Allan Councillor S. Corfield Councillor A. A. MacBain Councillor. Reeve M. Swart of Thorold Township who is Chairman of the Welland County Road Committee was present along with County Engineer, Wilfred Smith. Mr. W. R. Kinnear, Planning Liaison Engineer of the Department of Highways was present and ex- plained a revised change of design in respect to the proposed access control of the Queen Elizabeth Way at Mountain Road. He produced a Department of Highways Plan which was indicated as Scheme No. 2, bearing No. DM4748-2. He explained the design by saying that it provided for a complete fly-over on the Queen Elizabeth Way, and service roads.on both sides at Mountain Road, with a 3/4 interchange at Mewburn Road. The interchange would provide access and egress on the East side of the High- way and egress only on the West side of the Highway. Council received explanations to several questions asked, and Mr. Kinnear requested Council to advise if the revised plan was generally acceptable. Individual members of Council indicated that the revised plan was an improvement over the original but no definite action was taken and it was finally decided that a copy of the plan would be left in the Township Engineer's Office for study. Mr.'Kinnear advised Council that his Depart- ment will be requesting the Ontario Municipal Board to hold another hearing in respect to the revised plan. The Council would then have an opportunity to express their support or objections to the proposal. The next phase of the meeting dealt with the submission of the printed copies of the Auditor's Report by the Township's Municipal Auditor, Mr. D0 E. Taylor & Company. The Auditor gave a comprehensive review of all important features appear- ing in the Report and stressed certain remarks made in the preface of the Report. After a complete discussion of the report, ~he Reeve thanked the Auditor for his explanations and the Auditor expressed his appreciation at being invited to a Council meeting for the purpose of discussing the report. The Solicitor and Clerk then discussed certain aspects of subdividerew agreements in respect to the payment for services. At the conclusion of the discussion, the Solicitor, Engineer, and Clerk were authorized to discuss the individual agreements with certain subdividers to determine if some practical report could be made to Council in respect to the difficulty of dealing with service charges and payments for services under the agreements on file. The Officials are to report back to Council as soon as possible. There being no further business, it was moved by Councillor 'Cotfield and Seconded by Councillor MacBain that the meeting adjourn. Resolution Carried. Meeting Adjourned. ltour !~ ~ ;~ o. 41 A Regular Meeting of Council was held on May 24th, 1960 at Presen.t.. 4:30 p.m. Minutes. 1.. Allan Corfield E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Cotfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meetings held May 18th, 16th and 14th, 1960 be adopted as "printed." Carried. Finance 2. Cotfield Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." Licenses 7. Cont ' d Salvage 8. Allan Yard. MacBain Licenses 9. MacBain Corfield Carried. Relief 3. Cotfield MacBain "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated May 20th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $6,803.61." Carried. Roads 4. Cotfield MacBain Geqera~ 5. Cotfield ·Allan "THAT the statement of R6ads Accounts dated May 20th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $9,050.83." ~ Carried. "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated May 20th, 1960 as presented~ be accepted and the accounts be paid amount- in~ to $44,916.%5." Carried. ~ Tenders 10. Corfield MacBain TaR Day 11. MacBain Cotfield Finance 6. MacBain Gotfield Licenses. 7. Cotfield Allan "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council.". Carried. "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Bill Wozniak, 1254 St.Paul Ave.(Public Garage - Type '~"], Bill Wozniak, 1254 St.Paul Ave.(Public Garage - Type "B"), Ernest & Mary Grant, 3939 Lundy's Lane - (Tourist Camp), Antonio Bignucolo, 2663 Stanley Ave~ - (Tourist Camp), Mary & Joseph Jamesty, 3074 Lundy's Lane - (Tourist Camp), Cora M. Craig, 3034 Lundy's Lane - '(Tourist Camp), Res. 7 continued ....... Chamber of 12. MacBain Commerce. Keighan Niagara- 13. Corfield Stamford Allan Town Line. E. A. Dominik, 4405 Lundy's Lane - (Tourist Camp), Stanley Modrzynski, 4445 Lundy's Lane - (Tourist Camp], A.Solose, 2609 Portage Rd.S.(Tourist Camp) D.Georgeiff & Son, 2463 Portage Rd. (Tourist Camp), Antonio Bignucolo, 2663 Stanley Ave. - (Refreshment)." Carried. "THAT the application for a Salvage Yard License from F. W. Reid, 1207 Kalar Road be granted." Carried. "THAT the applications for Taxi-cab Licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Robert Frechette, Cataract Ave.,Niag.Falls- (Taxi-cab Driver), Jack Edward Barr, 2164 Dunn St.(Taxi-cab Driver), Erhard Marks, 2371 Margaret St.(Taxi-cab Owner) ." Carried. "THAT the Engineer prepare plans and specifi- cations for calling tenders for paving of Dorchester Rd. as covered by supplementary Road By-lmq No. 2489." Carried. "THAT Council approve the request of the Greater Niagara Baseball Association Tag Day on June 25th, 1960." Carried. "T}~T Council proclaim the week of June 6th as Chamber of Commerce Week and that we insert a proclamation in our local paper at the cost of the Chamber." Carried. _ i "THAT Queenston Quarries Ltd. be granted per- mission to use the Township of Stamford portion of the Niagara-Stamford Town Line Road as a full load road during half load season, providing Queenston Quarries Ltd. supply thirty-five per cent. of the stone required for constructing the road." Carried. S treat Lights Stems Tabled.. 14. Allan Cotfield "THAT 200 Watt Street Lights be installed in the Delta Subdivision, on Richmond Crescent, also on Waters Street between Richmond Crescent and Ann Street, also on Wanless Street - 2 or 3 lights (fluorescent)." Carried. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled: 1. Letter from Broderick & Burnerr re: Barratt & Industrial Bank. 2. Request from the Stamford Township Employees Local Union for a meeting. It was agreed to meet the Negotiating Committee of the Union on Saturday, May 28th at 10 aJm. for the purpose of further considering the 1960 Contract. 3. Letter from Logan & Knight re: one foot reserves, Plans 203, 213 and 215. A By-law will be prepared by the Solicitor in connection with this matter and submitted at the next meeting. 4. Letter from the Hydro-Electric Power Commission re: asking price for certain property the Township is interested in in Part Township Lots 56, 57 & 59. The matter was referred to Councillor MacBain, Chairman of the Special Committee originally set up to deal with the matter of this property. 5. Letter from the City of North Bay re: resolution concerning taxation costs. It was directed that this letter be referred to the Stamford District Board of Education and the Separate School Board to secure their observations. 6. Letter from River Realty Development Ltd. requesting the construction of Windermere Road in Registered Plan 224. It was agreed that this work could not be undertaken until the ground is dry and the necessary payment made. It was dir.ected that a draft amendment be made to the agreement to cover such construE- tion and that the Engineer bring 'in a report in respect estimates as to cost~ 7. Letter from the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board dated May 16th re: Draft By-law to consolidate restrictive area by-laws for the area of the Township between the Queen Elizabeth Way and McLeod Road. The changes.outlined in the letter will be studied by individual members of Council and considered at a future meeting. 8. Letter from the City of Niagara Falls relative to a report from the Joint Ambulance Committee will be tabled until such time as the recommendation made by the Colmnittee can be explored. 9. Letter from J. A. Climenhage Development Ltd. r&questing pemuission to discuss several items of a proposed subdivision agreement with the Township. Ad.i ourn 15. May 24,1960. No. 42 Pres. ent Accident Claim Release Private Bill Adjourn. May 25,1960. Corfield Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet Wednesday, May 25th at 3:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Hour 6: 00 P.M. Reeve Clerk A Special Meeting of Council was held on WedneSday, May 25th, 1960 at 3:30 p.m. ~ E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The Engineer gave details in respect to an accident which occurred between a Township truck and Mrs. June Grimwood, and recommended that the suggested Release and Discharge Form forwarded by the British America Assurance Co. be executed on behalf of the Township. As a result of the explanation made, the following resolution was offered and passed: 1. Corfield MacBain "'THAT the Clerk be authorized to sign the Release and Discharge Form fonqarded by the British America Assurance Co. in the amount of $78.00 of which the Township is to pay $50.00 and the British America Assurance Co. $28.00; the said Release to be signed in connection with an accident between a Township truck and Mrs. June Grimwood." Carried. The Council then reviewed the proposed Private Bill to establish a Greater Niagara Transit Commission for the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford. The Bill was considered in detail and some sections discussed at considerable length. Four minor amendments were filmlly made to the draft and the Solicitor was requested to consider the matter of what might constitute disqualification of an appointed member of the Commission, and bring in a report to Council in respect to same at the next regular meeting. The hour having reached 6:00 p.m. it was moved by Councillor MacBain and seconded by Deputy-Reeve Keighan tha~ the meeting adjourn. Resolution Carried. 14o. 43 Present P_urpos. e. Adjourn. May 28,1960. No. 44 present Minutes Licenses k A Special Meeting of Council was held Saturday, May 28th, 1960 at 10:00 a.m. E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor S. Corfield Councillor A. Ao MacBain Councillor The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the 1960 Agreement with the Negotiating Committee of the National Union of Public Employees Local No. 425. Mr. Acton, a Negotiating Representative of the National Union of Public Employees, acted as spokesman for the Negotiating Committee and submitted a lengthy brief explaining in detail the various requests made by the Union and the reasons for making same, together with comparisons of rates and conditions in other municipalities and local employment circles. Discussions of the Brief con- tinued until 12 p.m. At that time, the Reeve on behalf of the Council advised the Union that their brief would be studied and a further meeting would be held in respect to the Contract at a future date. Members of Council then adjourned for lunch and re-convened in Council at 1:00 p.m. at which time further study was given to the brief submitted by the Employees Union. After a lengthy discussion, certain decisions were made in respect to the requests made and the Engineer and Clerk were requested to prepare a report and statement indicating how the several suggestions and adjustments considered would affect the current municipal budget. The hour having arrived at 2:45 p.m. it was moved by Councillor MacBain and seconded by Councillor Allan that the meeting adjourn. Resolution Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Key Hour: 2:45 P.M. Clerk A Regular Meeting of Council was held on May 30th, 1960, commencing at 7:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson J, N. Allan S. Corfield A, A. MacBain Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor. Allan MacBain "THAT the minutes of the meetings held May 24th, 25th and 28th, be adopted as printed." Carried. Cotfield Allan "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Vincent Penna, 2689 Lundy's Lane (Barber- shop,) Mrs. D. G. Smith, 1705 Highland Ave.(Tourist Home), Licenses Driver's Licenses Windermere Road. Signals - Portage & Stanley. Bd.of Educ. Approval. (Cont 'd) 3. Cotfield Allan 4, MacBain Allan 5. MacBain Cotfield ,6. Corfield Allan' Stamford Mote] Ltd., 1334 Kitchener St .- (Refreshment) , T.A.Jamieson, 2755 Portage Rd.- (Refreshment) Terrace Hotel Court Ltd. ~ 2585 Lundy's Lane- (Refreshment) Paul Nagy, 1554 Murray St. (Tourist Camp) A. Nagy & C. Nash, 2361 Buchanan Ave. - (Tourist Camp) Louis Ferencz, 3280 Lundy's Lane (Tourist' Camp) , Stanley Lessey, 3737 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp) , Terrace Hotel Court Ltd., 2585 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp), Paul Schwartz & Steve Breiten~ach, 3895 Lundy ' s Lane - (Tourist Camp) Steve Vorkapich, 3611 ~ndy's Lane - ~l. (Tourist Camp), P. Nykulak & M. Kryworuchko, 1544 McLeod Rd. - (Touris'~- Camp) Stamford Motel Ltdo, 1334 Kitchener St. (Tourist Camp), A. Toth, 4661 Lundy's Lane, (Tourist Camp) T.A.Jamieson, 2755 Portage Rd. (Tourist Camp) , Christene Cresswell, 2689 Lundy's Lane - (Hairdressing)" Carried. "THAT the application for Sightseeing Driver's License from Arthur S. Wing, 2000 Montrose Rd. be approved and license granted." Carried. "THAT we accept the Engineer's recommen- dations With regard to the extension of Windermere Road contained in his letter to Council dated May 25th, 1960." Carried. "THAT we accept the recommendations of the traffic committee to remove the signal lamps at the intersection of Portage & Stanley and that stop signs be erected on Stanley Avenue making it a stop street and that the parking by-law be amended accordingly." Carried. "THAT the Clerk be authorized to prepare a by-law and the final approval be applied for from the Ontario Municipal Board, as requested by Stamford District Board of Education." Carried. Health Unit painting- By-law .2505. By-law 2506. By-law 2507. By-law 2508 · _ Dorchester Rd,Paving License Rqfus~d. Items Tabl.~d. Petition 7. Corfield Allan 8. Allan MacBain 9. MacBain Allan 10. Corfield MacBain 11. Allan M~acBain 12. MacBain Allan I Dept.of "THAT Council authorize the Engineer to pro- Highways teed with the painting of the District Meeting. Health premises at Twp. Hall." Carried. 13. Cotfield MacBain "BY-LAW No. 2505, 1960. A By-law to dedi- cate certain one foot strips of land as sho~n upon Registered Plans 203 and 213 as portions of Public Highways." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2506, 1960. A By-law to author- ize the execution of an agreement dated the 30th day of May, 1960 between J. A. Climen- hage Development Limited and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No, 2507, 1960. A By-law to author- ize the execution of a lease dated the 30th day of May, 1960, between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford, as Lessor, Bartart Spun Concrete Poles Limited as Lessee, and Alexander C. Bartart as Releases,'l Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2508, 1960. A By-law to author- ize th~ execution of a consent to the mort- gage of a Lease dated the 24th of February, 1960, betwee~ Barratt Spun Concrete Poles Limited and the Industrial Development Bank." Read a first, second and third time and passed. ' ,. "THAT the Engineer be authorized to call for tenders for the asphalt paving of Dorchester Road from Lundy's Lane to the Q. E. Way. Tenders to be received up until 12-noon, 20 June, 1960." Carried. "THAT the application for a Hawker & Pedlar License from Joe Arcuri, 519 Harriett St., Welland, be refused." Carried. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the re~s.ons indicateS: - -. 1. Petition from the residents of the district of Wills Street and Piva Avenue requesting the Township to take action to remedy the flooding conditions which exist on certain vacant lots on Plan 171 frontin on Piva Street. The En inset was asked to investigate tee complaint and bring~n a complete report to Council at the next meeting. Parking on St .Andrew Chippawa Resolution Parker & Dell Carlesso & Climenhage Meeting. Local Improy em ent s Planning Board Draft By-law. Irvin Andr~qs. Borough of ~tamford. Ottawa 2. Report from the Engineer dated May 27th re: appointment with the representative of the Department of Highways to discuss the matter of signing at the intersection of the Queen Elizabeth Way and McLeod Road. The report indicated that an appointment had been made to meet the representative of the Department on June 1st. Council indicated that this date was not satisfactory and the Engineer will endeavour to make an appointment for Wednesday, June 8th at 3:30 p.m. 3. Letter from the Stamford District Board of Education dated May 26th requested Council to prohibit parking on the narrow portion of St.Andrew Avenue leading in from Stamford Green Drive: It was ordered that this letter be referred to the Traffic Committee for investigation and report. 4. Letter from the Village of Chippawa dated M~y,24th enclos- ing a resolution of the Chippawa Council p~ssed April 25th regarding cost of education. It was ordered that the resolution from Chippawa be referred to the next joint meeting of the Municipal Councils of Niagara Falls, Chippawa, and Stamford. 5. Memorandum from the Engineer re: Consent application C-44 - Parker & Dell, Part Lot 25, Dorchester Road. It was ordered that the report be tabled until the matter of payment for services can be discussed with the principals by the Clerk° 6. Letter from Mr. Albert Carlesso dated May 26th, and letter from Mr. J. A. Climenhage asking for meetings with Council relative to certain proposed subdivisions. It was agreed to meet both subdividers at the next meeting of Council scheduled for Monday, June 6th at 7:30 p.m. 7. Statement regarding 1960 proposed local improvement construction. This report will be studied by members of Council and considered at a future meeting. 8. Letter from the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board dated May 16th which was previously referred to Council, relative to the draft restrictive by-law re: Stamford South consolidation. This letter was ordered tabled until the next meeting. The Clerk was requested to invite Irvin Andrews, owner of the sand pit located at No. 8 Highway, to the meeting of Council scheduled for June 6th, for the purpose of discussing his operation of the pit, and his proposal for having the pit filled in. The Reeve commended the Niagara Falls Evening Review for the excellent article which appeared in their Paper on page 2. in respect to the Borough of Stamford, England. The material for the article was compiled from certain information left at the To~mship Hall by Councillor A. A. Jeeves', Reeve Mitchelson gave a verbal report on the trip that he and Mayor Miller made to Ottawa last Friday with members of Local 505 of th~ UniCed Electrical Radio & Machine Workers of America, relative to importation of silverware products from Ottawa pont 'd Ad~ ourn. May 30,1960. No. 45 Presen____~t ConsideratioB Re-convene Decision Meeting at Chipp~wa. Japan and the United States. He advised that Mr. Donald Fleming, Minister of Finance of the Federal Government, gave the group an excellent hearing and the information conveyed by him was most encouraging in view of the fact that it indicated that imports from Japan particularly, were going to be decreased by approximately 33% during the next year. Allan blacBain "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, May 31st at 3:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Reeve Hour: 10:00 P.M. Clerk Special Meeting of Council held Tuesday, May 31st, 1960 in the Clerk's Office of the Township Hall commencing at 3:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Cotfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Cbuncillor The meeting was called for the particular purpose of deciding what action should be taken in connection with the Merger Report prepared by the Consulting Firm of Deacon, Arnett & Murray, to determine if a merger of the municipalities of the Village of Chippawa, the City of Niagara Falls, and the Township of Stamf0rc would be in the public interest. The preliminary report submitted in 1958 and the.final report,' submitted in April, 1960 were considered in detail and at great length. " ~ The Council adjourned the meeting at. 5:45 p.m. for dinner and · re-convened back in the Council Chambers at 7 p.m. Discussions ,%continued in respect to the report with many questions being asked and answered. At 10:15 p.m. it was finally agreed that the Municipal Council of the Township of Stmnford would accept the merger report of the Consultants in principle, subject to certain personal reser- vations, and that it is prepared to explore the definite recom- mendations made by the Consultants on Pages 53and 54 of the final report. The Reeve was asked to prepare a statement con- cernin~ the Council's position as outlined at this meeting. It was agreed that the Council would meet with the Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the Village of Chippawa at the Chippa~a To..~n Hal! on Thursday, J%me 2n~ at 7:~0 p.m. ~nd that the Reeve be authorized to submit the Council's reaction to the reports, in writing. The written report will be submitted to each Councillor prior to its submission to the Joint Meeting. Local Improve- ment Programme Adjourn. After the matter of the merger reports was concluded, the Engineer and Clerk discussed proposed local improve- ment construction for the year 1960. A proposed list of 11 local improvement projects was considered and the schedule was ordered tabled until certain information con- cerning sidewalks was investigated by the Chairman of Sidewalks. The particular matters in this connection to be reported on are the request for sidewalks submitted bM the Separate qchool Board for the Cardinal Nextnan School off Beaverdams Road, and the St.Gabriel Lalemant School near Sinnicks Avenue. When the reports concerning the school requests are submitted, the local improvement pro- gramme will be further considered by Council. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Meeting- Adj ourned. May 31,1960. No. 46 Hour: Re~ve A Joint Meeting of the Municipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls, the Village of Chippawa, and the Township of Stamford was heid June 2rid, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. in the Chippawa Town Hall. Eresent Present from the City of Niagara Falls: F.J.'Miller, Mayor I. McCallum Alderman H. C. Morton Alderman A. J. McKinley Aldentan G. Martin 'Alderman C. Gregory Alderman C. Swayze Alderman W. S. Orr City Manager D. C. Patten City Clerk S. Price City Engineer Present from the Village. of Chippawa: J. MacKenzie H. Clarke J. Charlesbois J. Ives R. T. N. Callan D. E. Taylor Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Clerk Auditor Present from the Township, of Stamford; E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve J, N. Allan Councillor S. Cotfield Councillor A. A. MacBait Councillor C. H. Eidt Twp. Engineer A. C. Huggins Twp. Clerk. [- Niagara Falls Resolution. Chippawa Decision Cont'd Resolutions Committee Dissolved. Draft Bill Transit Commission Statement of Stamford TwP. Statement of ChtDpawa. Chippaws Decision. Reeve MacKenzie welcomed the representatives from the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford to the recently renovated Village Council Chambers. He advised that the meeting had been called for the purpose of receiving the decisions of the three Municipal Councils in respect to the Merger Report prepared by Deacon, Arnett & Murray, the Consultants engaged to determine if a merger of the three municipalities would be in the public interest. The Heads of the three municipalities then called upon their Clerks to read the official decisions of the individual Councils. A true extract of the ~ffitten decisions in the order received, is quoted hereunder: 1. Copy of Resolution passed by the Council of the City of Niagara Falls on May 19th, 1960. "RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls go on record to the effect that it is prepared to, at the next joint session of the three Area Councils, discuss the procedure of an application to the Ontario Municipal Board concerning amalgamation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed." Carried Unanimously. 2. Statement signed by all members of the Council of the Township of Stamford resulting from a meeting held on the Merger Report on May 31st: "The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Stamford has accepted, in principle, the report prepared by the Consulting Firm of Deacon, Arnett & Murray to determine if a merger of the City of Niagara Falls, the Village of Chippawa, and the Township of Stamford, is in the public interest. In accepting the report in principle, subject to certain personal reservations by individual members of the Council, it is under. stood that we are prepared to explore, with the view of implem. enting, the definite recommendations included in the report, and in particular, those recommendations made on Pages 53 and 54 of the final report. It i~ 'the considered opinion of Coun¢ that the report has been well prepared and provides a clear pattern for the systematic planning and the orderly developm~ of the municipalities concerned, over a period of 10 years.. The recommendations for regional planning (Section V) are worthy of continuing study and this should be undertaken as recommended. The report was authorized by the three Municipal Councils on a voluntary basis in 1958 and it is the opinion of Council that all three individual Councils should have the opportunity and right to determine if their municipality is interested in proceeding with the implementation of the recom- mendations made by'the Consultants. If any one or more of the municipalities feel thatit or they do not wish to proceed f~rther, it or they should have the right to withdraw." 3. Copy of Resolution passed by the Council of the Village 0f Chippawa: "At a special meeting of the Council of the Village of Ghipp~ held in committee May 13, 1960, it was the unanimous opinion of all present that Chippawa should oppose the proposed merger." Joint Meeting Thanks to Committee .ApDrec iation Education Costs. After the reports wcrc read, the Mayor of Niagara Falls asked the Chippaws representatives if they would be in favour of continuing the study in view of the fact that they had con- tributed to the original cost of the reports. The Chippaws representatives stated that they were not interested in pro- ceeding further with the study but proposed to submit the matter to the Chippaws electors at their election in December This procedure will be followed regardless of any approaches the City of Niagara Falls and the To~.~ship of Stamford might make to the Ontario Municipal Board concerning a possible merger. After some discussion, the following resolutions were passed in respect to the merger reports: Reeve J. blacKenzie Deputy-Reeve R.Keighan "THAT the ~.ierger Committee appointed by the Municipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls, the Village of Chippawa, and the Township of Stamford, De dissolved." carried.~ Alderman McCallum asked if it would be possible to arrange for a meeting of the ~nicipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford at the earliest possible date to consider the draft private bill proposed to be submitted to the Legislature in connection with the establishment of a Transit Commission, for the two Municipalities. 5 Aideman Martin Alderman McCallum "THAT a Joint Meeting of the Municipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the Town- ship of Stamford be held on Tuesday, June 7th at 7 p.m. at the City Hall for the purpose of considering the proposed Private Bill and other matters relative to the establishment of a Transportation Commission and to provide an opportunity to consider what further action should be taken in respect to Merger Report in the light of decisions disclosed at this meeting." Carried. Councillor MacBain Alderman Gregory "THAT a vote of thanks be exten- ded to the Merger Committee for work carried out during the period the Merger Report was under preparation." Carried. Alderman Martin, Chairman of the Merger Committee, expressed the appreciation of the Committee for the resolution of thanks. A Resolution from the Village of Chippaws requesting the Government of Ontario to enact Legislation to remove the burden of financing the cost of education from the basis of real property assessment and to provide a province- wide scheme of direct income taxation for school purposes on all wage earners in order to equitably apportion the Education Costs, cont'd Ambulance Services. Thanks Adjourn. June]2,1960. No. 47 Eresent Minutes Finance cost of education among property owners and non-owners alike, according to their ability to pay, was then con- sidered by the meeting. Considerable discussion took place in respect to this resolution ranging from the business of Corporation taxes in the resolution, to the possible loss of local autonomy if the Government assumed full education costs. The Council of the City of Niagara Falls had referred the resolution to their Board of Education for a report and preferred not to take any action until this report was received. The Village and the Township had referred the resolution to a Joint Committee of the three Councils. It was finally decided to table the motion with the suggestion that the matter be referred back to the Chippawa Council for further consideration. Deputy-Reeve H. Clarke brought up the question of ambulance services and asked if any discussions had been carried on with the Hospital Board concerning the possibility of it taking over these services. Councillor MacBain advised that he had the matter under advisement and hoped to have a Special Committee of the Hospital Board set up in the near future to consider the possibility of taking over the ambulance services. He suggested that this was a matter that should be developed slowly and diplomatically, but hoped that some con- clusions would be arrived at before too long. Reeve Mitchelson expressed the thanks of the meeting to Reeve John MacKenzie and his Council for the use of their Council Chambers and the facilities provided. 4. Alderman Gregory Deputy-Reeve Clarke. "THAT the meeting do now adjourn." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Hour} . - P .M. . Reeve '.. Clerk A Regular Meeting of Council was held on Monday, June 6th, ' 1960 commencing at 7:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor ~ 1. Allan MacBain "THAT the minutes of 30th, 31st and June as printed." the meetings held May 2nd, 1960, be adopted Carried. J 2. Keighan MacBain "THAT we do now adJpurn to go into Finance Committee and pas~ accounts." Carried° General Keighan Corfield Roads ~ 4. Keighan Corfield Relief ~ 5. Keighan Corfield ~inance .~ 6. Keighan Corfield Licenses ~. 7. Keighan MacBain "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated June 3rd, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $101,369.89." Carried. "TI{AT the statement of Roads Accounts dated June 3rd, 1960, as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $9,049.04." Carried. "Tt~T the statement of Relief Accounts dated June 3rd, 1960, as. presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $364.04." Carried. "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: John Fedor, 3350 McLeod Rd.(Refreshment) tt.Reinhart, 1551 Valley Way (Refreshment) Frank Mottola, 1345 Slater Ave.(Refreshment) Rennie Langille, 129 Stanley Ave.(Refreshment) Wayside Motels Ltd., 1384 Kitchener St. (Refreshment), John Fedor, 3350 McLeod Rd. (Tourist Camp) I. Hulbert & A. Anderson, 3742 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp), F.H.Clement, 1521 Dorchester Rd.(Tourist Camp) John J. McGibbon, 87 Stanley Ave.(Tourist Camp), Tony Mrsich, 3800 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp) J.M.Leskiw & Son, 4646 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp) William Recchia, 1511 Kitchener St. (Tourist Camp) H.Reinhart, ].55] Valley Way (Tourist Camp) Mrs.E.Lorenzo, 1265 Lorne Ave.(Tourist Camp) Wayside Motels Ltd., 1384 Ritchener St.- (Tourist Camp), Rennie Langille, 129 Stanley Ave.(Tourist Camp) John Nagy, 3104 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp) }'rank Borse, 3225 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp) Louis Bolus, Q.E.Way & Mountain Rd.(Tourist Camp) Frank Mottola, 1345 Slater Ave.(Tourist Ca,~p) S~,,,f~rd Centre Volunteer Firemen Assoc., 37 Longburst Ave. (Public Hal. l) Jerry Sembay & Steve Kiss, Kalar Rdo(Salvage Yard) Warren Racey, 2390 McLeod Rd.(Dealer in Second ~ Hand Goods)." Carried, Sightseeing ~ 8. Corfield License. Keighan Sightseeing ~ 9, Allan Licenses Keighan Taxi ~ 10. MacBain Licenses. Keighan Taxi ~ 11. Corfield Owners Keighan "THAT the application for a Sightseeing O~ner's License from Dorothy J. Mallette, 1969 Atlas St. be approved and license · granted." Carried. Building Permits "THAT the applications for Sightseeing Driver's Licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted; Walter Lessey, 3737 Lundy's Lane, Douglas Wallace, 4101 Beaverdams Rd." Carried. Cariesso Subdivision "THAT the applications for Taxi-Driver's Licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Ronald Moore, 764 McDougall~ Crest., Derek Huntington, 2135 Barker St., David Bicknell, 572 Simcoe St., Joe Dumele, 1647 Main St. William James White, 679 Second Ave. Alvin Moore, 1127 Victoria Ave. Donald Dwyer, 1769 Victoria Ave. Vincent G. Kalcic, 850 Buckley Ave. Ronald W. Mace, 1601 Byng Ave. Gifford McRae, 1947 Gladstone Ave. Charles Peddle, 1797 Robinson St. Harold D. Gregg, 1287 River Rd. James A. Cote, 1951 Dunn St. O. Murgay Bateman, 2681 Dunn St. Harry Jolley, 2381 Churchill St. Lorne Albers,. 2336 Taylor St. Edward Sherren, 2341 Skinner St. Willis Fleming, 317 Buttrey St. James R. Jackson, 823A McRae St. George H. Mclnnis, 2470 Murray St. Michael Oushue, 685 First Ave. Albert Carminers, 1700 Spring St. James M. Cowan, 1~75 Palmer Ave. Clement A. Bates, 718 Frances Ave. Albert E. Olive, 2120 Buchanan Ave. Richard W. Friesman, 3712 Badger Rd. Richard Drew,.1659 Lombard Ave. Carl Prince, 325 Portage Rd. S." Andrews Sand P it. Wm.E,King Carried. "THAT the following applications for Taxi Owner's Licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Rolland Brousseau, 2137 Lundy ' s Lane, Alex Eged Jr., 1422 Hamilton St., Victor Graham, 1385 %~idale Ave., Michael Jancshi, 2257 Allen Ave., Harley Kendrick, 3403 Drummond Rd. James S. Manson, 1527 Palmer Ave., Frank Palko, 2314 Monroe St. William Peters, 919 St.George Anton Pils, 679 Second Ave. Robert K. Walsh, 2165 Perkins Edwin Wright, 2136. Arad St." Carried. ! S idewa lk R~eport. 12. Keighan Corfield "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector for Building Permits issued in the month of May in the amount of $276,250.00." Carried. Mr. Albert Carlesso of 2823 Wills Street, appeared before Council in respect to the development of Part Lots 59, 60 and 61. He stated that the proposed service costs to subdivide this property were too great and would make it impossible for him to sell thelots at a reasonable price. He requested Council to alter the service costs respecting curbs and gutters. After discussion on the matter, the Reeve stated that the service costs had been based on our present Declaration'of Policy and that Council was unable to deviate from t~e Polic~. He advised that if Mr. Cariesso wished to subdivide this property he would have to abide by the agreement. Mr. Irvin Artdraws artended the meeting at the request of Council and advised that he had measured the depth of the water at the deepest part of his sand pit and found it was only 10 feet deep. He estimated that it would take him approximately 4 months to have the Cyanmnid fill the pit, and that he was also securing fill from 6ther sources. He advised that he had constructed steel posts 3 to 5 feet apart with no gaps in the fence and that he was no longer removing gravel from the pit. He sub- mitted a petition signed by 27 residents in the Portage Road and Harvey Street area wherein they stated they were in favour of using the pit for a sanitary controlled dumping area for waste products. Mr. C. P. Wilson of 989 Portage Road N. advised that his property was adjacent to the Andtaws pit and stated that there was absolutely no fence on the South side of the pit nor along St.Paul Avenue, and that the sides of the pit were very steep. He felt that the To~mship By-law re: fencing, etc., was a reasonable one and should be enforced in this instance, since a dangerous condition existed. It was generally felt by the members of Council that this condition had been going on for over a year and that Mr. Andrews had not taken action to correct the dangerous situation. It was stated that the Council is obligated to cn.force the requirements of the By-law and Mr. Andrews should either sell the property or correct the situation !. immediately. It was mentioned that the City of Niagara Falls had made an offer to fill the pit by the land fill method, but apparently Mr. Andrews had not accepted their offer. Mr. Wm. E. King of 2507 Ash Street appeared before Council in respect to applying for a salvage yard license to operate a yard on certain property on Kalar Road. Ile was advised to con- tact the Township Officials regarding this application. He also requested a license to operate an ambulance service in Stamford Township. Miss LaMarsh advised that the Township does not have a license by-law governing the operation of ambulances, and thought it might be desirable to have such a by-law. The Reeve advised Mr. King that at the present time a license to operate such a service was not necessary. He advised Mr. King that the Township subsidized the operation of the Hunt's Ambulance Service by Agreement. A report of the Chain,an of Sidewalks was presented to Council wherein he recommended that the Township undertake as a local improvement, the construction of the following ordinary side- walks which had been requested by the Separate School Board: r Sidewalk Report Local Impr. Tenders. Cecil Lundy. J .Arcuri License. Bond for Plan 209. S t. Andrew Ave. Parking. B y- law 2509 (a) On the North side of Beaverdams Road from the North Lia~it ' By-law of Registered Plan 157 to Watson Street. I..... 2510. (b) On the West side of Sinnicks Avenue from Coholan Street to the North Limit of Lot 101, Registered Plan 109. 13. Corfield Keighmn "THAT the Engineer be authorized to call for tenders for the construction of Local Im- provements and cash payment sidewalks, curb-faced sidewalks, curbs, and curbs and gutters. Tenders to be received by the Clerk up until 12 noon on the 4th of July, 1960." Carried. ~14. Keighan Corfield "TI{AT the recommendation of the committee in respect to the hiring of Mr. Cecil Lundy, to a position in the Treasurer's Office, be approved by Council." Carried. Mr. Joseph Arcuri artended the meeting in respect to deliver- ing his soft drinks in Stamford Township if they were ordered by telephone from his Welland business address. In a letter from the Solicitor, it was stated that our By-law No. 1149 prevented this type of operation without a license. Previously, Mr. Arcuri had submitted an application 'for a Hawker & Pedlar's License which the Council had refused. 15. Allan MacBain "THAT ~e approve of a reduction in the Employer's Liability Assurance Corporation Limited Bond held for the Cooper Subdiv- ision, registered as Plan 209, from a figure of $28,000.00 to a figure of $11,544.00. This approval is given for the reason that a good part of the con- struction has been carried out in this subdivision." C.arried. v,,16. Allan Cotfield "THAT we agree to the report from the Traf- fic Committee re: no parking, on west side of St.AndrewAve. between Stamford Green Drive and south limit of school property, and signs be placed accordingly." Carried. 17o Corfield Keighan "BY-lAW No. 2509, 1960. A By-law to pro- vide for licensing, regulating and govern- ' ing Photographers and other persons who for gain use photographic cameras or other similar devices." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Potter .Agreement By-law 2511 Items Tabled. Ford Motor Co. Consolida- tion By-law Speeding Adjourn. Committee MacBain Corfield "BY-LAW No. 2510, 1960. A By-l~.; to authorize the execution of an agreement dated the 6th day of June, 1960, between River Realty Development Limited, and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford.l' Read a first, second and third time and passed. By-law No. 2511 respecting the execution of an agreement between W, A. Potter and others re; Registered Plan 166, x.;as presented to Council. Miss LaMarsh reviewed the contents of the agreement attached to the by-law. After considerable dis- cussion, it was agreed that the Tox,mship would not execute the agreement untilithatbeen signed by all the."owners concerned, and the cheque deposited in the Clerk's O~fice., ' 19. Allan Keighan "BY-LAW No. 2511, 1960, A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement dated the 6th day of June, 1960, between Wilfred A. Potter, as subdivider, the Corporation of the Township of Stamford, and Abraham Willms, Daniel Willms, Albert H. Tiplin, Kathleen Tiplin, Robert A. Wilson, and Edith M. Wilson, as O~ers." · Read a first, second and third time and passed. The following items on the ~genda were ordered tabled: 1. Report from the Township Engineer regarding the road con- struction on Wills Street and Piva Avenue within Plan 171. The Engineer was requested to discuss this matter with the subdivider and bring in a report to Council. 2. Letter from the Ford Motor Co. of Canada requesting the supply of domestic water to their proposed plant in Crowland Township. The Reeve appointed the following committee to bring c set . on. is eue t: ep t -Reeve K i h Councillor 3. Letter from the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board dated May 16th re: Draft By-law of Stamford South Consolidation. Councillor Cotfield stated that he had received a com- plaint regarding speeding of cars near the Sinnicks Avenue park. It was requested that a report be brought in on this matter. 20. MacBain Allan "TI-~T we do now adjourn to meet on June 7th at 7:00 p.m." Carried. Council met in committee at the conclusion of the meeting to discuss a draft submission to be forwarded to the Stamford Township Employees Union. After several minor changes, the Cuuucil agreed to ~he offers to be made to the Union. i Roads in Plan 158 Adiourn. June 6,1960. Present Purpgs~ Draft Bill The question of proof to be submitted to Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation respecting the cost of roads in Registered Plan 158 was submitted to Council. It was suggested that the surplus of money resulting from sewer and water main con- struction in this Plan be used for the balance of road work required. The Council recommended that an amending agreement be prepared in order that this surplus could be used for road work. Meeting Adjourned. Deputy Clerk HoBr: A Joint Meeting of the Municipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford was held in Council Chamber of the City ltall on June 7th, 1960 commencing at 7 p.m. Township of Stamford: Reeve E. E. Mitchelson DepuFy-Reeve R. F. Keighan Councillor J. N. Allan Councillor S. Corfield Councillor A. A. MacBain Miss J. V. Leiarsh, Solicitor, City of Niagara Falls: Mayor F. Alderman Alderman Aideman Aiderman Alderman Alderman Miller, I. McCallum, H. C. Morton~ A. J. McKinley, G, Martin, C. Gregory, C. Swayze, Alderman J. White Mr. W. J. McBurney, City Solicitor. ~.The Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford met in Joint session for the purpose of discussing the draft Private Bill to establish .a Bus Commission and the pos- sible implementation of the Merger Survey Report. His Worship, Mayor Miller, called the meeting to order suggesting briefly its purpose and called on Alderman McCallum, Chairman of the Joint Bus Transit Committee to take over. DRAFT PRIVATE BILL Alderman McCallum stated that there were several points at issue as of the moment and felt that the most satisfactory method to deal with this problem was to have the Clerk read the Draft Bill section by section and then any differences could be adjusted at that'time. _ The Clerk proceeded to read the Draft Bill, sections 1, 2 and part of 3, At this point, Miss LaMarsh, Solicitor for the Town- ship of Stamford, advised the assembled Council Members that she' had, at the request of the Township Council, prepared a draft of Draft Bill Cont'd Shareholders Defined Vacant Adopt List ~uorum Fares Section 4(e) Section n (1) Mayor Miller Reconsider suggested qualifications and disqualifications which might be applied to Commission members. Following the reading of the items of qualifications, it was agreed by both Councils that in accordance with the draft the qualifications were satisfactory. The draft list of disqualifications was then perused and with reference to 1-C of the said draft, it was ordered on the motion of Aidtristan ~iartin and Alde~mmn McCallum that this clause be deleted. This motion was carried with Aldermen Morton and Gregory opposed. With reference to the last paragraph of the suggested list of disqualifications, it was ordered on the motion of Alder- man Martin and Deputy-Reeve Kcighan that shareholders be defined in accordance with Section 56, Sub-section 3A of The Municipal Act. This motion was carried e~a~imously. Following further discussion with reference to disqualifica- tions, it was agreed by both Councils that a clause should be inserted to provide that a seat of a ~[ember of the Commis- sion become automatically vacant if any of the disqualification; as listed should arise. It was then ordered on the motion of Aldencan blartin and AldermanMcCallum that the suggested list of disqualifications, as anended, be adopted and together with the qualifications as agreed upon, be included in the Draft Bill. This motion was carried with Aldermen Morton and Gregory opposed. The perusal of the Draft Bill was then continued. With reference to Section 3(f) of the Draft Bill, it was ordered 'on the motion of Alderman Gregory and Alderman Morton that one of the quorum referred to must be a head of a Council. This motion was carried unanimously. With reference to Section 4(d) of the Draft Bill, it was ordered on the motion of Aldemnan Martin and Alderman Swayze that "after the initial fixing of fares for the proposed Transit System, that any changes in fare proposed by the Commission would be sub- 'ect to the approval of the two Councils. Ayes: Martin,Swayze ~orton,White,Gregor ~Corfield Allan. ~ayes: Miller,Mitchelso~, McCallum,Keighan,Mc[~nley,Mac~ain. Motion carriedl With reference to item 4(e) of the Draft Bill, it was unanimously agreed that the words "with the approval of the City and Township Councils" be added. With reference to item 11(1) of the Draft Bill, it was unanimously agreed that the word "land" be included at the end of the first line. It was then ordered on the motion of Alderman Martin and Alderman Swayze that the Draft Private Bill, as submitted and as amended, be approved and the Joint Committee be empowered to proceed with the necessary steps to obtain approval therefor. This motion was not put at this t~ne and His Worship, Mayor Miller, then advised the assembled Members that in view of the action taken this evening with reference to the fare question, he did not intend to sit on the Commission as a Member, reiterating his previous statement that he did not want and could not condone politics entering into this situation. Miss LaMarsh, then pointed out that if the Mayor intended to carry out his statement and not sit as a Member of the Commission, it would result in the draft of the Private Bill having to be amended in several instances. Following some discussion on the subject during which Councillor MacBain expressed his regrets that the Mayor had seen fit to take this position and suggesting that he might possibly reconsider, Bus Matters Employees Delivery Negotiate ten minutes in order to discuss the situation. Upon the return to the Council Chamber of the Members of the two Councils, Reeve Mitchelson stated that it would seem that an impasse had been reached and that for the good of both municipalities it would have to be resolved but that he realized since the amendtents to Section 4(d) and 4(e) of the Private Bill had been voted on, that there was not too much that could be done at this meeting. He did, however, most sincerely suggest to ttis Worship, blayor Miller, that he reconsider his action so as to enable carry%ng on of the procedure to establish the Bus Commission. His Worship the Mayor, then advised that although he was still of exactly the same opinion as he had previously stated~ he did not want to do anything that would harm the area and would therefore consider carrying on for the present with the possible taking of the action he had suggested, at a later date if the Council control seemed to be assuming too large a propmrtion. His Worship then put the motion moved by Alderman Martin and Alderman Swayze that the Draft private Bill, as submitted and as amended, be approved and the Joint Committee be empowered to proceed with the necessary steps to obtain approval therefor. The motion was carried with Deputy-Reeve Keighan contrary. The Draft Private Bill having been dealt with, Alderman McCallum then advised the Councils that there w~re several items with reference to the buses which would have to be dealt with very promptly and requested approval for the Joint Committee to pro- ceed with these things and it was ordered on the motion of Alderman McKinley and Aidcretan Swayze that the Joint Committee be empowered to proceedswith the question of curtains, colour of buses, upholstery and tires, so that no unnecessary delay on the buses would be occasioned and that the Joint Committee in dealing with the tire question, give some thought to the pro- osition of tires on a rental basis. This motion was carried unanimously. Alderman McCallus then enquired as to the wishes of the' Councils! concerning the retention under the new Commission of the Canadia~ National employees and it was agreed that this matter be left as at present until such time as the Commission is properly functioning and serious consideration can be given.' Alderman McCallus then referred to the extended delivery date which is now October or November lot, and suggested that there should be some negotiations tO obtain temporary service from the N.S. and T. until such time as the local buses would be in operation. It was then ordered on the motion of Councillor MacBait and Alderman Gregory that the Joint Committee be empowered to negotiate with the N.S. and T. along the suggested lines and report back to the respective Councils. This motion was carried unanimously. Alderman McCallum then referred to the suggestion by Mr.Foster in his survey that consideration be given to a rental arrange- ment with Canada Coach for space and service and it was agreed that this matter be left until such time as the Commission is properly functioning and if there is considerable delay in getting the Commission functioning that the Committee should enquire along these lines together with the appointees on the i Commiss on. state Licenses. that the Joint Committee obtain as much information as they can from Canada Coach and/or others as to inter-state licenses. This motion was carried unanimously. Re-appoint Committee Draft Public Meeting. Chairman Adjourn. SURVEY REPOET In connection with the Merger Survey ~ieport and the possible action of the Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the To~mship of Stamford, His Worship Mayor Hiller suggested that it would be advisable to re-appoint a Joint Committee which had previously functioned in this regard and that the Solicitors be included. He then appointed Aldermen Martip., and McKinley, the City Managent, City Clerk and the City Solicitor as >4embers for the Cityof~iagara Falls. Reeve Mitchelson then advised of concurring with the Mayor's suggestion and that he would take the same action with reference to representatives from the Township of Stamford. It was then ordered on the motion of Aiderman White and Alder- man Morton that the Joint Committee consider the preparation of a draft for the perusal of the Councils and approval, setting out some ideas as to what form implementation of the merger might be in, if eventual action is taken along these lines. This motion was carried unanimously. Alderman Morton then brought up the question of the possibility of a public meeting for the consideration of the Merger Report at which time it would be desirable to have Mr. Deacon and Mr. Irwin present for explanation and it was ordered on the motion of Alderman Morton and Gregory that such a public meeting be arranged by the two Councils; the cost of such to be borne jointly and that members of the Joint Merger Committee be empowered to approach Mr. Deacon and Mr. Irwin at that meeting scheduled for to-morrow night under the sponsorship of the Chamber of Commerce, to ascertain x.~en they would be able to attend the proposed public meeting. This motion was carried unanimously. Alderman Martin then advised that he had been asked to attend the meeting sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow evening as the Chairman of the Joint Committee, pointing out that at the moment he was not properly acting in this capacity, and it was o~dered on the motion of Reeve Mitchelson and Deputy-Reeve Keighan that Alderman Martin be empowered to attend the Chamber meeting in the capacity of Chairman of the Joint Merger Committee. This motion was carried unanimously. There being no further business, it was ordered on the motion of Aldermen White and Morton that the meeting adjourn. Reeve A Special bleeting of Council was held on Wednesday, June 8th, 1960 in the Engineer's Office at the To~ship }{all commencing a t 3: 3.0 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBait Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Council]or Councillor Present Purpose Signs Q .E .Way No. 8 ttighway Adjourn. 50 Present Mi. nu.t. es Licenses June 8,1960. Present from the Department of Highways Mr. D. Cornell, Mr. H. Lyons. The meeting was called for the particular purpose of discuss- ing the signing problem at the intersection of McLeod Rd. and the Queen Elizabeth Way, with Mr. D. Cornell and Mr. H. Lyons of the Dept. of Highways. Council pointed out that McLeod Road leads almost directly to the Falls and that if a sign indicating that this was one of the routes to the Falls was put at this location, some of the north bound traffic would turn off on McLeod Rd. and relieve some of the congestion on Lundy's Lane and on Roberrs Street. Mr. Lyons reported that signing along the Queen Elizabeth Way is now done as a science called "Free Way Signing", whereby the clever loafs are signed. He stated that there was still some standard signing along the Queen Elizabeth Way, particularly in the St.Catharines area. After hearing the viewpoint of Council, Mr. Cornell agreed to discuss this with Mr. Richardson and indicated that they would approach the ~affic section whose apprG val must be sought before any signs can be erected. He also stated that they would be interested in the County's view- point. Mr. Cornell then brought up the problem of providing lights in the underpass on #8 Highway which goes under the C.N.R. tracks. The Township, in the early part of 1959, asked the Dept. of Highways to consider this problem and Mr. Cornell was wondering whether we were considering the possibility of flashors or interior lighting of the tunnel. To date, most of our com- plaints have been cause~ by pedestrians going through the tunnel after dark and we, therefore, advised Mr. Cornell that our main concern was for the provision of lights in the tunnel itself. He agreed to consider this further. The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p,m. .7o _ / Reeve A Regular Meeting of Council was held on June 13th, 1960 at 7:30 p .m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Ketghan J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Keighan Corfield "T[[~T the minutes of the meetings held June 6th, 7th and 8th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carricd. MacBain Allan "TI~T the applications for Licenses from the following be approvcd and licenses granted: Bill HolJak, 4988 Lundy's Lane (Refreshment Stand), William Hartley, 2359 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Home), Licenses Cont'd Sightseeing License. Solose & Indian Village. Dy-law 2512 Bertha Binschedler, 1540 Buchanan Ave.- (Tourist I1ome), John Paulo, 3029 Lundy's Lane (u~ourist llome) Ann Rienzo, 1248 Roberts Street(Tourist llome) lqrs.D.Everett, 4003 Lundy's Lane (Tourist llom~) Walter Peace, 2319 Lundy's Lane (Tourist ilome) Barbara biihalovits, 2735 Lundy's Lane - (Tourist Home) Janlos Tiller, 2843 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Home) Edna Baxter, 2644 Lundy's Lane (Tourist itoine) Veima &- blaurice Foreman, 4123 Lundy's Lane - (Tourist Camp) Albert Frenette, 4674 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp) · ' S .Kovinich, 4627 Lundy ' s, Lane (T~ourist Camp) Bill Holjak, 498~ J. undy's Lane (Tourist Camp) Mrs. Wilson, 2112 Thorold Rd. (Tourist Camp) S.Fowler, 187 Stanley Ave. (Tourist Camp) Winnifred Branscombe, 2374 Lundy's Lane - (Touri st Camp) Anna Konkos, 1703 Thorold Stone Rdo (Tourist Camp) Emil Kalcic, 1105 St.Faul Ave.(Tourist Camp) Robert Nichols, Victoria Ave.('Faxi-cab Owner) Marcel Brousseau, 1889 Clark Ave. (Taxi-cab ~¢ner) Walter Dubas, 3016 Dorchester Rd.(Taxi-cab Owner) James Damato, 1669 Buchanan Ave. (Taxi-cab Owner) Aubrey Smith, 291 Sirecos St. (Taxi-cab Owner) Ernest McCracken, 2096 Churchill St.(Taxi- cab Driver) ." Carried. .MacBain Allan "Tt~T the application for a Sightseeing Owner's License from Albert ~.~rchie, 2585 Russell St. be approved on condition that a copy of his insurance policy be submitted to the Clerk's Office." Carried. Mr. A. Solose, the proprietor of the ltorseshoe Falls Cottages, appeared at the Council Meeting in respect to a letter he had submitted complaining about the noise, smoke, etc., emanating from the Indian Village adjacent to his property. lte stated it was discouraging to see tourists drive away from his tourist accommodations because of this situation. Ite requested Council to inspect the Indian Village. Council felt that this matter could be solved if both owners would work together on the prob- lem and perhaps mutual benefits could be derj~ed from such co-operation. Council directed that a letter be written to the operator of the Indian Village requesting his co-operation with Mr. Solose on this matter and enclosing a copy of Mr. Solose's letter to Council. 4. Corfield Keighan "BY-LAW No. 2512, 1960. A By-law to declare the desirability of undertaking certaiD works as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a first, second and third time and passed. By-law No. By-law No. 2514. By-law No. 2515 By-law No. 2516. Compensation Committee Garner Road Allowance Riley - Sidewalk Mashford _Sidewalk Bus Comnission Deficit. 5. Allan Keighan 6. Keighan HacBain "BY-LAW No. 2513, 1960. A By-law to appoint members to the Stamford Public Library Board for the year 1960." Read a first, second 7. Allan MacBain and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2514, 1960. A By-law to appoint persons to various committees." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 8. Keighan Corfield "BY-LAW By-law first, No. 2515, 1960. A By-law to amend 1592 (1952) as amended." Read a second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2516, 1960. A By-law to amend By-law No. 2047." Read a ~irst, second and third time and passed. The Engineer requested that a committee be set up to discuss the matter of Township employees in receipt of Workmen's Compensation benefits. Reeve Mitchelson designated Deputy- Reeve Keighan, Councillor S. Corfield, and the Engineer, to this committee. The Engineer advised Council that the Emergency Winter Works Programme had completed certain work o~ the extension of Garner Road at the North end of the Township. He recommended that the Township acquire a 100 foot right-of-way rather than the usual 66 foot allowance, to insure no spill-over of the required fill on private property. The Council agreed to this recommendation and suggested that the ~olicitor be empowered to secure the 100 feet required for the right-o~-Way from the individual owners. Mr. W. Riley, 3857 Beaverdams Road, addressed.Council in respect to the proposed sidewalk being constructed on the North side qf Beaverdams Road in front of his property. He ~xplained to ' Council he had a frontage of approximately 650 feet, a~d the frontage taxes for the sidewalk, along with his other taxes, would be prohibitive for him to pay. Council advised Mr.Riley that he has the right to object to-the construction of this walk by filing an objection with the Ontario blunicipal Board within 21 days of the first publication of Council's Notice of Intenti0~ to construct the various local improvements in 1960. Council informed Mr. Riley that the proposed walk was requested by the Separate School Board and the T~nship Sidewalk Committee had approved of the .location. Mr. Riley was also advised that he should contact the Township Officials respecting cost, etc., to subdivide his property on Beaverdams Road if he so desires. Mr. M. Mashford, 3840 Beaverdams Road, addressed the Council in respect to the construction of the sidewalk on Beaverdams Road. lle stated he had a frontage of approximately 600 feet on the South side of Beaverdams Road, and wondered if the sidewalk woul~ be constructed on his side of the Road as a result of Mr. Riley's objections. Council Informed h~u thaL they had decided ~o acceF~ the Sidewalk Committee report wherein it was recommended that the sidewalk be constructed on the North side of Beaverdams Road since there are several large trees located on the South side. Deficit Cent ' d Paul's Haulage Items Tabled Simons Garage Queensway Gardens Sign Deputy-Reeve Keighan made the observation that he wondered if all the ratepayers of the Township realized that as a result of the decisions made at the Joint Council Meeting, any deficit in Be ~ y s Club Meeting. the operating expenses of the Bus Transit Commission, would have to be paid by the said ratepayers. He questioned if the approval of the Municipal Councils to increase bus fares was a good idea. "THAT the Building Inspector be authorized to write a letter to the proprietor of Paul's Haulage re: operating a trucking business contrary to a Township By-law." Carried. 9, geighan Corfield The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled: 1. Application for a Public Garage Licemse from Andrew Simons for property located at the South-east corner of Dunn Street and D~mmmond Road, since the applicant did not appear at the meeting. 2. Letter dated May 27th, 1960 signed by Albert Cariesso, Julius Klein and Jacob Lepp, was presented to Council wherein they requested permission to erect a sign advertising Oueens- way Gardens Subdivision on the East side of the road allowance to Dianne Crescent. The Engineer advised that the sign had already been erected and it was obstructing the view, and the Building Inspector had received a complaint regarding the location of the sign. Council suggested that the ]~ngineer dis- cuss the re-location of the sign with the Contractors and submit a report to Council on the matter. 3. Letter from Mr. Frank C. Cullimore, Campaign Chaincan of the Fund Raising Conmmittee of the Greater Niagara Boy's Club, requesting a meeting with the Finance Committee to discuss a contribution to the building fund. Council suggested that they meet with the Fund Raising Conm~ittee at 7 p.m. on June 20th. Piva Ave. Grading 4. A report from the Township Engineer respecting the grading of Piva Avenue within Plan 171 was received. The Engineer advised that the subdivider was willing to make arrangeulents with the Township to do the necessary grading and to place the excess material on the low lots to help prevent flooding con- ditions. The }Engineer advised that he had requested the sub- divider to submit a letter to this effect, but to date had not received same. Parking on Portage S. Adiourn. Con~ittee 5. A petition from residents of the Portage Road South area between Prospect Street and North Street was presented which requested that "No Parking" signs be erected. This matter was referred to the Traffic Committee for a report. 10. Keighan Gotfield "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, June 20th, 1960 at 7 p.m. with the Optimist Club repre. sentatives." Carried. Council met in committee after adJour~maent, and the following items were discussed: Consolida- tion By-law Doctor's Offices. Solicitor Opinion Draft By-law. Ad.] ourn June 13,1960. ~ 51 Present Committee Bo's y C 1 1. A formal Notice of filing of an application before the Ontario Labour Relations Board between the National Union of Public Employees, Local 425, and the Township of Stamford, was presented to Council, respecting conciliation services. Council directed that Miss LaMarsh represent the Township on this Hearing and requested the Clerk to submit a reply to the Application For Conciliation Services, on behalf of the Township. 2. Mr. Conroy Dowson, Planning Director, artended the meet- ing in respect to the Draft By-lmv known as the Stamford South Consolidation. He reviewed the various items in a letter dated June 13th, 1960, and the Council agreed to same with the following exceptions: (a) Members of Council felt that a Doctor should be allowed to occupy rooms as an office in a residential area. As a further restriction to this type of operation, the majority of Council recommended that sufficient parking area for approxi- mately five cars be made a requirement. (b) The Council requested the Solicitor to give a legal opinion as to the contents of Item 3. of the Additional Con- siderations, dated June 3rd, 1960. The Council requested tha~ Miss LaMarsh prepare a draft by-law on these various matters for presentation at the next Council meeting. There being no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. A Regular Meeting of Council was held on June 20th, 7:00 p.m. Meeting Adjourned Hour: 11:20 P .M. DeputyT C 1 erk 1960, at E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Council met in committee at 7:00 p.m. with Messrs. E. Davey, D. C. Elsley, and Frank C. Cullimore, in respect to a request the Fund Raising Committee of the Boy's Club of Greater Niagara had made for a grant to assist with capital expenditures in connection with their building fund. The representatives of the Boy's Club advised that the campaign to raise funds had fallen short of the objective and petitioned Council for a grant to assist with the deficit. Members of Council were s~npathetic to the request and expressed appreciation concerning the work the Club propose to carry out among the young people of Greater Niagara, but advised the representatives that the current budget did not include a grant to their Club for 1960. It was indicated during the discussion that the building would be taxable and ~axes would have to belevied. The thought was expressed that perhaps a grant might be made in lieu of taxes after the buildin[ Boy's Club -, Cont'd Regular Session. Minutes Finance Relief .Roads .General F_jinanc e Licenses is completed and an assessment made. No definite action will be taken until such time as the building is completed and ready to operate. It was decided to take no definite action at this time but when the building is assessed and taxes, further discussions could take place. Counci]. then adjourned from committee and met in regular. open session. 1. Allan Corfield "TI~T the minutes of the meeting held june 13th, 1960 be adopted as printed." 2. Allan Corfield Carried~ "TtL~T we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass Accounts." Carried. 3. Corfield Allan "TX-~T the statement of Relief Accounts dated June 17th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $~,025.82." Carried. 1 1 4. Allan MacBain 5. MacBain Allan 6. Allan Corfield 7. Corfield MacBain "Ti~T the statement of Roads Accounts dated June 17th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $17,604.02." Carried. "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated June 17th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to$47,105.72." Carried. "TIL~T the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. "TIL~T the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Melva Dell, 2240 McLeod Rd. (Hairdressirg) Andrew Simons, 2095 Dunn St. (Public Garage Type A) Allen Sherren, 234]. Skinner St.(Taxi~cab Driver) Lance C]egg, 1522 Victoria Ave. (Taxi-cab Owner~ George F. Thompson, 2966 Dell Ave(Taxi-cabO~meri Ilarry McClurg, 1482 Glenholme Ave. (Taxi-cabO~er David Kierstead, 2t35 Barker St.(Taxi-cab Driver~ Carried. ~~f License : ' '. Garage- · , i ..~ Breedon ,:'t i ::2' '~ '!';' '; ~:Garage- I, S imons. 8. Corfield blacBain 9. MacBain Allan 10. Corfield MacBain Taxi Driver 11. Allan Corfield Taxi Driver 12. ·Allan MacBale Photographer 13. MacBain Allan Belme - 3 14. Keighan llunting Corfield Licenses Tenders Bailey- Drope Pav "TI~T the application for a Sightseeing O~mer'~ License from Ben Kroeker, 10 Spring Garden Blvd., St.Catharines, be approved and license granted." Carried. "TItAT the application for a Public Garage Type "A" License from Cecil Breedon, 2538 Drummond Road, be refused." Carried. "THAT the application for a Public Garage License from Andrew Simons, Cot. Dunn & Drummond, be refused." Carried. "THAT the application for a Taxi-cab Driver's License from Robert Robertson, 1703 Thorold Stone Road be approved and license granted." Carried. "TI~T the application.for a Taxi-cab Driver's License from Allen Evans, 2302 Churchill St. be refused." Carried. "THAT the applications for Photographers'. Licenses from the following be refused: Robert Kiellor, 62 Dale Ave., Toronto, Jack Brewer, 1132 Eglington Ave.,Toronto." Carried. "TI~T the request~of Mr. John Belme of the Drummond Cycle and Sports Shop to obtain a liceDse to sell Termship Hunting Licenses be approved, subject to the usual conditions." Carried. A summary of the tenders received for the paving of Dorchester Road from Lundy's Lane to the Queen Elizabeth Way was tabled. The tender of Bailey-Drope Paving Limited was the lowest tender received and the following resolution was passed in this connec- tion: 1.5. Allan FmcBain "TI-~T the tender of Bailey-Drope Paving Ltd. for asphalt paving of Dorchester Rd. be accepted, being the lowest tender received, subject to the approval of the Department-of Ilighways." Carried, indian Village Mr. Erich Jobst of the Indian Vii lags located at Fa]] s View artended the meeting and explained the operations of his business at this location. After seas discussion concerning certain of the operations, Council reiterated their foz~uer view that i,lr. Sobst and the operator of the adjacent tourist estab- lishment should get together and work out some type of amicable arrangement. Piva Ave. A 16. Calaguiro Watermain By-law sl7. By-law 251_j_a Street ~iRhts Beechwood 9olf Club HacBain Allan "TIbeT our Engineer be instructed to 5~,rade Piva Avenue as requested by ilir. Piva upon paSnnent into our Treasurer's Office of the estimated cost, namely the sum of $150.00. !f the esti- mated cost is in excess of ~be actual cost, the surplus is to be returned to bit. Piva after Bhe completion of the..v~ork, and vice versa." Carried. 17. Corfield Keighan "TIL~T we authorize the Solicitor to prepare a standard water rental agreement for the con- struction of a 2" private watermain from St. Paul Ave. to the west ]imit of Dominic Ca!aEuiro property on Mountain Road by appli- cant, subject to County approval." Carried. 18. Allan Keighan 19. MacBain Allan 20. Allan MacBain "BY-LAW No. 2517, 1960. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement datcd the 7th of June, 1960 between The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and The Corporation of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2518, 1960. A By-law to authorize ;,. the execution of conveyances dated the 20th day of June, 1960 to Carl O. Thiel and Habel M. Thiel, Iloward Mqrley Pew and Alice Esther Pew, Leo Deoda Dumais and blaryon Grace Dumais, and Aldo Gallins and Nora Gallind." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 21. MacBain Allan "TIL~T the report of the Chairman of Street Lights dated June 20th, 1960, be accepted re: partial street lighting prograham for 1960." Carried. , . ,.. "TItAT our Cleric be requested to answer the letter from the Deputy Provincial Sccretary's Office dated the 10th day of June, 1960, to the elfcot that this Corporation has no objection to the incorporation of a company under the name "Stamford Beechwood Golf Club Limited". Carried. ~'~E~S o l'ic it or ' s .: . ~.i~:i i Items ,, ~! Lake Erie I Pollution Portage Rd. Traffic Roof. Maraldo Property Ad:, Gum. 22. MacBain Allan The "Tt~T Council authorize paFnent of our Solicitor's Account in the mnount of $5,600.00 and disburse- ments in the amount of $740.20." Carried. following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons indicated: 1. Correspondence in connection with the proposed extension of Carlton Avenue from Con~in Crescent to Dunn Street. The question of old right-of-ways over the proposed road allowance was dis- cussed at some length and finally, the Solicitor was directed to proceed with the preparation of the By-law to authorize purchase of the property from the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario for a price of $592.00. 2. Letter from the Association of Welland County Conservation Clubs relative to the Province of Ontario cancelling drilling rights in Lake Ontario as a result of delegations to Queens Park protesting the possible oil pollution and damage to the fishing industry and approving similar drilling rights in Lake Erie as compensation. It was agreed that the matter be tabled until such time as the report can be secured from the Local Conservation Club, 3. A report from the Traffic Committee suggesting restrictions as to parking on the West side of Portage Road between Prospect Street and North Street was tabled, and it was directed that the matter of parking be referred to the Police Department with the thought in mind that illegal parking on the West side of Portage Road be checked. 4, A report from the En'gineer relative to the deterioration of the Arena roof was tabled until.further investigations are completed. 5. Letter from the ToWnship Solicitor in connection with the, matter of restrictions on Lundy's Lane affecting'the use of' property formerly owned by bIaraldo. It was agreed that ~en~ers of Council should be supplied with a copy of this report and the matter will be fully discussed at the next meeting. · 23. Corfield Allan "TI~T we do now adjourn to meet at the call of the Reeve at 7.:30 p.m., Monday, June 27th, 1960." Carried Meeting Adjourned. Hour: P,M. 52 Present Minutes Licenses A Regular Meeting of Council was held on June 27th, 1~60 at 7:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. ~. Allan S. Corfield A. A. l.lacBain Reeve 'Deputy-l~eeve Councillor CouncilJot Councillor Corfield Allan "T|~T the minutes of the meetin% he].d June 20th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Keighan Corfield Carried. "TItAT the app]ications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Harold Finbow, 1B Royal Manor Drive (Victualling - Grocery) , Audrey Marsh~ 2408A Stan]ey Ave. (ilairdressing) Mrs.Rose Parker,2116 Prospect St. (Tourist Ilome) Harriet Scheu, 4158 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Ilome) 'Angeline DeVi~o~ 2791 Lundy's Lane (Tourist llome) Myrtle SloggeCC, 3014 Lundy's Lane (fourist Home) Mrs. A. Willjams, 2634 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Ilome) Mrs. George Laslo, 2780 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Ilome) Peter Warlo, 2502 Lundy'8 Lane (Tourist ltome) Mrs. Ross Dell~ 2553 Orchard Ave. (Tourist ltome) Martha Marquis, 2942 Lundy' s Lane (Tourist ltome) Sophie Rybalko, 1528 Buchanan Ave. (Tourist Camp) Harriet Scheu, 4158 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp) Carmen &Wm. Nagy, 3600 Lundy's Lane (Tourist C amp ) Win. M. Va~lstine, 1442 Dixon St. (Tourist Camp) A. Molnar, 270] Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp) Doris Darlington, 2000 Murray St. (Tourist C amp ) Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Robins, 2645 Drummond Rd. (Tourist C~p) Kel Brine, 4625 Lundy'm Lane (Tourist Camp) Joseph Benvenuti, 1679 Kit~hener St. (Tourist Reeve C 1 e rk C am p ) A. DePasquale, Montrose Rd. (Tourist Camp) Mary Benyo, 1947 Thorold Stone Rd. (Tourist Camp) Roy H. Shantz, 16 Portland St. Thorold - (Sightseeing Driver) Paul Bonnette, 535 Ellis St. (Sightseeing Driver) ." Carried. License 3 · Cotfield Keighan "TI~T the application for a Photographer's License from'Edgar Grimm, 2062 Carlton Ave. be approved." Carried. Mr. Smith- Wales The Reeve welcomed Hr. E. A. Smith, a member of the Swansea Borough County Council of Wales, as an observer to the meeting. Mr. Smith is vacationing in this area and he is visiting relatives in the Termship. Noble Benson Mr. Noble Benson of 852 Fortage Road asked if subsidization of th~ b~nicipal transportation system would be referred to the Municipal electors for voting. He was advised that By-laws have been passed by the ~nicipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford to authorize a Private Bill being submitted to the Ontario Legislature. The question of expenditures incurred to establish the Transit Commission will be referred to the Onta~'i0 Hunicipal Board and it is expected that a Hearing will be held i~ connection with the matter at which any objections to the proposal can be made. Alvie Wilson Mr. Alvie Wilson addressed Council and made the following sugges- tions: 1. Ite suggested that the Ward System be established when the Council is enlarged to seven members in 1961. 2. lie suggested that the matter of a bIerger with the City of Niagara Falls be referred to the electors at the election this December. Fences. He also requested information in respect to farm fences along road allowances and asked if the Township pays half the cost for building such fences. He ~as advised that the policy of the Town- ship was such that the only pa~nents that are made is in cases where land is secured for road widening purposes. If fences exist at the time additional land is secured for widening the road, the b~nicipality will move the fence back to the new line. Ileximer Avenue Signs. Pfilf Waterline X_Zrays. Mr .Wa t s on A.Solose. Mr. Anthony Solose of 2609 Portage Road addressed the Council in respect to a petition from the residents of Falls View'~herein it Was alleged that objectionable noises and smoke emanate from the Indian Village recently established in that area by Mr. Erich Jobst. He mentioned that the noises from tom-toms and the dancing ~ontinued until 9:30 at night and that these sounds, together with the smoke nuisance created a problem for the tourist establishment, operators in the vicinity. Mr. Solose was asked if he had dis- cussed the matter with Mr. Jobst and he stated that he had not. Members of Council suggested that action might be taken under the anti-noise by-law but recommended that in view of the fact that it was a private matter between two neighbours, that the best solution might be to work out an amicable arrangement between the operator of the Indian Village and the tourist establishment owners. In making this recommendation, the petitioners were advised that the zoning in the area permits the operation of an enterprise such as the Indian Village. Merger Members. Lots 7,8, 4. Keighan Corfield "TllAT Council authorize the Solicitor to prepare the necessary by-law to permit the establish- men} of a fuel oil depot at a location in the Industrial Subdivisiom, subject to the usual agreement and subject to tile erection of a camouflage-satisfactory type Of fence, so that the oil tanks would not be Bee from the Street. By-law 2519. blr. John Prinzen to sell Stanlford I~ ~ghan Allan 6. Corfield Allan 7. Cotfield Keighan o. i. lacBain Allan 9. Keighan MacBain 10. Keighan I,~cBain HacBain at}ended the ineotiDg nnd exi.]ained hi~ ~eque~t Ilunting and i.'ishinS Licenses. "T[i~T the request of blr. Jnl:n Vrlnza~ for iaission to sell Stamford Eunt.jng ~nd t.'ishiD% Licenses at his Sports ~,-. C~,c!e ",hop 1;o granted since his gpo~ts Shop is the onqy oxw ]~J?'t gramford which does not have this p~ivl] ego. This pe~misslon is given subject to the usual conditions." Carried. "TIL~T "Caution" signs be ercci(ed on lle:~itnc~' Ave. at the fol] ov;ing inters~ct:;on:3: ilargaret, Attlee, Churchill-and Skinner Streets." Carried. "TIL~'F [it. Frill be granted permission to install a private one inch water]ine f~or,IBo~na~d and Ruth Brown on the west side of Allanthus Ave. after the proper Water Agreement has been signed." Carried. "TItAT all new eraployees of the Tovrnship be required to have a chest x-ray within thirty days of the commencement of their employment." Carried. "TI-~{T Council commend Mr. liarold Watson for having successfully completed the examination for Second Year Instruction in the Municipal Clerk and Treasurer Training Course, and that Hr. Watson be authorized to enroll in the Third Year Course as set dovm in the letter from the Training Course Committee, dated Juxm 24th, 1960." Carried. "TItAT Council suggest to the I.ierger Committee, that the Committee be enlarged to include the Tmvnship Auditor, bit. De]. Taylor as a member, since he has kept abreast with the Report and the Heetings held thereon, and would be able to advise the Committee on the financial aspects of the Report prepared by Mr. Ixwin, C.A." Carried. "BY-lAW No. 2519, 1960. A By-law to authorize the execution of a conveyance from the llydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario dated 25th January, ].960 to the Tovn~ship of Stamford." Read a first~ second and third time and passed. ~i!~'~y- law Concilia- tion Meeting. Tabled. Arena Roof. Barbers Brockton Park. Sidewalk- Beaverdams Road. Lands for Recreation- al Uses. Account of Irwin. Civil De fence. Keighan Allan "BY-LAW No. 2520, 1960· A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 27th day of June, 1960 between Dominic Calaguiro and Calaguiro Bros. Limited and the Corporation of the Tox.mship of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Letters received from Mr. W. j. bicGuire, Conciliation Officer, appointed by the Department of Labour to conciliate between the Tovrnship and the Local Union, advised that a meeting had been called for Wednesday, June 28th at 10:30 a.m. i. lembers of Council, the Township Solicitor, the Engineer, and Clerk, will be in at t enderic e. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons indicated: 1. Letters from the ~. Engineer and Murray-Brantford Limited relative to repairs to the roof of the Arena. The Engineer was asked to endeavour to secure the original contract for the Arena and detennine the specifications in respect to shingles. 2. Letter from the Local Barbers Union No. 910. The Cleric was requested to discuss the subject matter of the letter again with the Local Union. 3. Petition from the residents of Silvem~ood Crescent in the Brockton Park Subdivision requesting the construction of curbs, sidewalks and roads. The Clerk advised Chat the subject matter of the petition would be discussed with the developer in the course of the next 10 days. 4. Petition from propert~ owners on Beaverdams Koad protesting the construction of a sidewalk on the North side of Beaverdams Road from Watson Street to the ~rorth Limit of Plan 157. The Engineer was requested to bring in a report as to the cost of constructing a stone path in lieu of a sidewalk, ann whether or not he would have funds available in his Budget.' 5. Letter from Mr. H. A. Logan suggesting that the Township arrange for the purchase of suitable land for the eventual con- struction of outdoor swimming and recreational facilities. This matter will be referred to the Planning Board by Councillor ;~acBain, Chairman of the Parks Commission, and the Engineer. 6. Letter from the Township Solicitor relative to an account of $175.00 from Douglas D. Irwin in respect to witness fees at the time the River Realty Development Limited Hearing relative to the Town & Country Estates was heard by the Ontario Municipal Board. The Chairman of Finance is to report on this matter at the next meeting. 7. Letter from Charles Blunt, Co-ordinator of Emergency Measures Organization, advising that the sound survey for siren installa- tions in Stamford To~nship was now complete and will be discussed with the '[ownship Engineer at a meeting scheduled for Fonthill, June 29th at 2 p.m. The Engineer ~.;il! report to Council after th~ meeting takes place. Adiourn. Corfie]d Keighan "TI~T w~ do Dox.x adjourn to meet on iqonday, July 4 at 7:30 Carried. S lqeeting Adj ou~'ned June 27,1960. 53 Presen_._____[t Minutes A Regular Meeting at 7:30 p.m. 1. Corfield Keighan ilour P.l.i. l<eeve '. '., . ~ of Council was held on July 4th, 1960 E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Cotfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meeting held June 27th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Kerrio Tender. Licenses. R_,Hunt. 2. Corfield Keighan 3. Corfield Keighan Carried. "THAT the tender of Kerrio Contracting Co., 1200 Mentress Rd. be accepted for the con- struction of sidewalks, curb faced sidewalks and curbs, being the lowest tender received. ($22,422.10) ." Carried. "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: George Lavalies, Portage Rd. S. {Indian Village) Restaurant, ' Mrs.A.Damato, 2101 Prospect St.(Tourist Home), Mrs. Jennie Oupolo, 1352. Stanley Ave.(Tourist Home), Mrs.F.Kennington, 2021 Prospect St.(Tourist Home) Fred Jo Podhorn, 2434 Stanley Ave.'(Tourist Camp) S. Hoch, 3514 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp) Robert Carson, 4691 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp) Grace & Covelli, 3429 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp)~, Mrs. J. Gillis, 4721 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp) Garnet A. May, 3765 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp)." Carried. Mro Robert Hunt of 1847 Vine Street artended the meetl~ and asked the following ~uestions: 1. Is it necessary to have a vote taken in respect to the merger matter? 2. The intention of Council in respect to the establishing of a staggered term for Council. ~~ e e ' ILf~/.,.;I~/~'iriR- Hunt The R ev answered question 1. by stating that the Ontario Munici- ~!~.~ !r! Cont'd pal Board could deal with an application in connection with the ., '.~{~/ merger matter with or without a vote of the ratepayers~ and stated that further information is required before Council could make N.Benson Bldg. Permits. Sir en Locations any definite recommendations concerning the proposal. The Reeve replied to the second question by stating that Council has the term of Council under consideration and a definite decision will be made some time before long. Mr. Noble Benson of 852 Portage Road artended the meeting and in addressing Council suggested that one public meeting was not sufficient to explain the merger proposals to the Stamford public. He felt that it required several meetings and suggested that the meetings of the Merger Committee be made public. Mr. Benson was advised that the Municipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and Stamford Township will be kept posted on the progress being made by the Merger Committee in respect to their further studies. 4. Allan MacBain "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector for Building Permits issued in the month of June in the amount of $412,550.00." Carried. Beaverdams Road Sidewalks. Tenders No.8 Signs. , Arena Mr. Charles Blume, County Co-ordinator of the Emergency Measures '~ Roof____:_. Organization, artended the meeting and he and the Township Engineer advised concerning the proposed locations for siren installations in the Township and the City of Niagara .Falls. In explaining the locations, a map was produced to indicate the distance that the sound from each siren could be readily heard. The Officials advisedI that the Organization proposed to install sirens at the following ~ By-law locations: ~ ~ 2_521. · ' Locations ; ! Rosen ~ Li~ne.s.~.. 1. Township of Stamford. e , (a) Stamford Green. (b) Pettit Avenue in the vicinity of the Baptist Church.. (c) H.E.P.C. right-of-way at Dorchester Road. ,' :, By-law City of Niagara Falls. 2_5522. (a) The Armouries located at the comer of Victoria Avenue and Armoury St. (b) H'.E.P.C. right-of-way at Ferry Street. "THAT Council approve of the recommended locations= by the E.M.O. for the sound siren installation ~ By-law of that organization in the Township of Stamford,' 2523~ as set down in their letter of June 23rd, 1960." 5. Keighan Gotfield Carried. ~ Hydro ~ro~er~y. The Reeve requested the Engineer to inspect the premises owned by Philip Rosen located on Buchanan Avenue. In making the request he stated he had received complaints concerning the condition in which the property was being maintained. Deputy-Reeve Keighan suggested that traffic lines be painted at the intersection of the Queen Elizabeth Way and Stanley Avenue. This proposal was approved by Council and the Engineer was instructed to have appropriate lines painted. 6. Corfield Keighan 7. MacBain ..Allan 8. Cotfield Keighan 9. MacBain Keighan 10. Allan Keighan 11. Cotfield Allan 12. Allan MacBain 13. ,MacBain Keighan "THAT the report of Engineer re: stone walk on Beaverdams Road be approved and proceeded with, and hhat this amount be withdrawn from the Local Improvement Programme for the year." Carried. "THAT the Engineer be authorized to call tenders for the construction of Sewermains and Water- mains within Rag. Plan 166. Tenders to be received by the Clerkup until 12 noon, 25 July, 1960." Carried~ "THAT the Engineer contact the Highway Dept. in reference to having caution signs placed on No. 8 Highway near the Canal Bridge, as there is g teat danger due to so many children going to the Cyanamid Pool." Carried. "THAT the Engineer be authorized to call tenders for roofing the two top hips of the Stamford Memorial Arena. Tenders to be received by the Clerk up until 12 noon, 18th July, 1960." Carried. "BY-lAW No. 2521, 1960. A By-law to authorize ~he execution of a conveyance dated the 4th day of July, 1960, from the Corporation of the Township of Stamford to Robert Douglas Gale." Read a firsts second and third time and passed.. "BY-lAW No. 2522, 1960. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 4th day of July, 1960 between John Pfilf and Mary Pfllf and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-lAW No. 2523, 1960. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 4th day of July, 1960 between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and Bailey-Drops Paving limited." Read a ,first, second and third time and passed. "THAT the following action be taken in respect of the Hydro property on the east and west side of Stanley Avenue: (a) That with regard to the property on the east sides our Solicitor be instructed to (continued....... HYd;°d 13. (Continued) prepare an offer for the purchase of the same Con ' ) ' at the price of $1400.00 per acre. A deposit of $200.00 to acco ,y the offer which ,ount shall be applied on account of the purchase HEPC & Weisz Properties ,. Items Tabled. 'i price if the purchase is completed, otherwise to be retained by the vendor as liquidated damages to cover their survey and legal costs. That this offer provide that the transaction be closed on April 30th, 1961, at which time payment is to be made in full. The offer to provide specifically that the offer is con- ditional upon the approval of the same by the 1961 Council before January 30th, 1961, other- wise to be null and void. (b) That with regard to the property on the west side of Stanley Avenue, our Clerk be instructed to prepare a letter to the proper official of the H.E.P.C. to the effect that the 1960 Council has gone on record as recommending to the 1961 Council the purchase of this prop- erty, and that it is hoped that the purchase can be arranged in 1961." Carried. 14. MacBain Keighan "THAT an option be obtained on the H.E.P.C. add Weisz proposed park property on payment of $50.00 down on each, at the best price the Chairman of Parks can bbtain." Carried. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons stated: 1. Letter from Mr. Amedeo Piva in connection with the $150.00 required for the Township to grade Piva Avenue and place extra fill on Lots 30 and 31. In view of the fact that Mr. Piva i~ ' requesting permission to make the payment on a monthly basis, the Engineer and Clerk were requested to have a conferends with him to work put some satisfactory arrangement. 2. A letter and By-law from the County of Welland advising the equalized assessment for the Township on which the 1961 County taxes will be based. It was noted that Hydro assessments had been added to the equalized assessment for Stamford Township and that grants received by other municipalities from Federal sources had not been included. The Solicitor was requested to consider the provisions of the Act in respect to this matter and submit a report. 3. Letter from the Solicitor relative to an account for $175.00 received from D. D. Irwin of the Firm of Fred Page Higgins and Co. for evidence given at the O.M.B. Hearing in connection with the River Realty Development Ltd. application to proceed with the second part of the Town and Country Subdivision. This account was referred to ~he Chaiman of Finance for a report. 4. Letter from the Solicitor in regard to the zoning of the Maraldo property located on the South side of Lundy's Lane. report is to be considered at the next'meeting. This 5.'Letters from the City of North Bay, the Stamford District Items Tabled Cont'd. Concilia- tion Meeting. Board of Education, and the Separate School Board, relative to the Province of Ontario assuming the full cost of educa- tion. These letters were tabled to permit Council to study the entire question further. 6. A communication from W. J. McGuire, Conciliation Officer of the Department of Labour advising that the Conciliation Meeting is to be convened on Tuesday, July 12th, 1960 at 10:30 a.m. at the Township Hall. Members of Council, the Engineer, Solicitor, and Clerk, will attend this meeting. Adtourn. 15. Present ~inutes 1. Finance 2. Roads 3. RJlief 4. General 5. Cotfield Keighan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet again July llth or at the call of the Reeve." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Reeve Hour: P.M. Clerk A Regular Meeting Of Council was held on July llth, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Cotfield Allan "THAT the minutes of the meeting held July 4th, 1960 be adopted as printed. Carried. Corfield Allan "THAT Council do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee andpass accounts." Carried. Allan MacBain "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated July 8th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $22,376.41." Carried. Allan Cotfield "THAT the Statement of Relief Accounts dated July 8th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $737.00." Allan Cotfield Carried. "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated July 8th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to Carried. {' "j' Financ___Je 6. MacBain Allan "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council. Carried. Licenses Golden Horse- Shoe Kest. A.E.Parks 7. MacBain Allan "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Mike Glavcic,4444 Lundy's Lane (Victualling- Restaurant), Mrs.M.Garrett, 1810 Dorchester Rd.(Tourist Home), Mrs.Alice Misener,1795 Byng Ave.(Tourist Home), Chas.Pearson,2526 Portage Rd.(Tourist Home), Mrs.R.Tamasky,1784 Depew Ave.(Tourist Home), Mrs.C.Leys,2371 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Home), Miss Winnifred Branscombe,2374 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Home), Mrs.J.Okinczyc,3838 Montrose Rd.(Tourist Home), Mike Glavcic,4444 Lundy's Lane,(Tourist Camp), John Karai,3895 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp), Paul S~vriga,3558 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp), George Fischer,1743 Thorold Rd.(Tourist Camp), Morris Underhill,2392 Hawkins St.(Taxi-cab Owner), · Kenneth S.Smith,372 Glenwood pl.(Sightseeing Driver)." Carried. Mr. Guy Millward of 1845 Woodland Boulevard, represented a group from that area of the Township and protested about the noise emanating from the Golden Horseshoe Restaurant located at 2713 Lundy's Lane. He stated that the residents of. Woodland Boulevard immediately behind the restaurant and the neighbours on both sides and across the street, ~ere being caused considerable annoyance as a result of conditions caused by the patrons of the restaurant. He stated that such noise as "Hollywood~mufflers, squealing of tires, loud music from the restaurant, young people operating cars commonly referred to as "Hot Rods", and noise from the use of garbage cans. He also indicated that at times some young boys gather at the back of the restaurant and shoot trap. Mrs. Mihalovits of 2735 Lundy's Lane addressed the Council and indicated that the noise was such at times that occupants of adjacent houses could not sleep until 2 or 3 in the morning. During the discussion which took place, the suggestion was made that most Of the complaints probably resulted because of the late closing hour of the restaurant. The Clerk was finally directed to write the operator of the restaurant and advise him that possession of a license carried with it the responsibility for the conduct of a business establishment. The operator will also be requested to take action to curb the noise and other nuisances complained of by the neighbouts. The matter will also be referred to the Police Commission for action. Mr. A. E. Parks of 2620 Drummond Road, addressed the Council in respect to the proposed re-zoning of his property to permit the operation of a greenhouse. He was advised that the Ontario Municipal Board had appointed August 18th for a Hearing in connection with the by-law which would permit the operation of his greenhouse. Earl Sunstrum C&S Construct. A.B.Ogilvie Drilling Lake Erie J.Andres & ~.Rosen Welfare Mr. Earl Sunstrum of Basswood Crescent addressed Council and requested information as to when roads and sidewalks would be constructed on his Crescent. He also mentioned the weed condition which exists in his particular area. He was advised that a meeting will be held with the subdivider soon to discuss the matter of road and sidewalk construction. The weed problem will be referred to the Weed Inspector. Mr. Fermino Susin of the C & S Construction Company discussed the matter of a tender he had made for Sewer and Water con- struction in Registered Plan 226. He suggested that in view of this tender it was not necessary to call for additional tenders for sewer and water construction. The Solicitor advised that a contract to legalize the tender had never been drawn up since the subdivider had not provided the fund~ required to carry out the construction. In the absence of a contract, the subdivider did not have any grounds for opposing another call for aewer and water tenders. Mr. A. B. Ogilvie, Secretary of the Stamford Rod and Gun Club attended the meeting and spoke in respect to a letter received from George Bukator, M.P.P. relative to drilling operations in Lake Erie and also in respect to a letter the Council previously had received from the Association of Welland County Conservation Clubs. On behalf of his Club he recommended that Council endorse the letter from the Association of Welland County Conservation Clubs since his Organization considered that drilling projects would be injurious to the water quality, the fish population and the recreational facilities of the excellent beaches. As one of Stamford's representatives on the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, he gave a resume of their project called the "Long Beach Conservation Park. He indicated that the park had a lake frontage of 2200 feet along which a fine beach existed. The authority had employed a superintendent and five labourers who were engaged in completing roads, providing change-houses, and tables for the convenience of the public. Five life guards had also been engaged and were on hand to provide safety for the public. The Reeve thanked Mr. Ogilvie for his report, on behalf of the Council, ~nd recommend- ed that the people of Welland County use the facilities provided. 8. MacBain Allan "THAT our Clerk be instructed to write to the parties referred to in the letter of the Con- servation Clubs of June 14th, endorsing the resolution attached thereto, objecting to drilling on Lake Erie." Carried. 9. Cotfield Allan "THAT action be taken against Mr. Andres, 3036 Dorchester Road, and Mr.'P. Rosen, 1529 Buchanan Ave., in regard to cleaning up their properties in accordance with the By-law." Carried. Council received a statement setting out welfare costs from January 1st to June 30th, 1960 compared to the various Budget estimates for this service. It was noted that welfare was being granted to 49 employable heads of families and that 367 persons received direct relief during the month of ~une. Resolution re 10, MacBain Grant in lieu Allan of taxes "THAT the attached resolution, signed for the purpose of identification by the mover hereof, be and the same is hereby approved, and shall be presented to the Welland County Council and the Ontario Municipal Association for their adoption and support thereof." Carried. L;t. dy' a Lane Fire Debt, A. A. MacBain Resolution approved by the Municipal Council of the Township of Stamford for submission to the Ontario Municipal Association. WHEREAS Municipalities received grants in lieu of taxes from otherwise non-taxable government agencies for their use and occupancy of lands within such municipalities; AND WHEREAS such grants are rarely equivalent to taxes based upon assessment of the said lands and municipalities are thereby penalized in the loss of revenues; AND ~tEREAS by the 1960 Amendment, Section 87 (lb) of the Assess- ment Act provides that the evaluation of all properties for which payments in lieu of taxes are paid by the Crown in right of Ontario or any Board, Commission, Corporation or other Agency thereof, or the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, shall be added to the aggregate valuations of the municipality for the purpose of County rates which are required to be paid by the municipality to the County; AND WHEREAS the Assessment Act provides by Section 237 thereof for payment in lieu of t~xes or services rendered by the Crown in right of Canada to a municipality, but does not contain a provision requiring the same to be added to the aggregate valua- tion of the municipality for the purpose of County rates; AND WHEREAS the inclusion of payments in lieu Of taxes from' ehe Crown in right of Ontario and the exclusion of payment~ in lieu of taxes from the Crown in right Of Canada operates as a gross inequity; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Stamford resolves: (a) THAT the Legislative Assembly of the province of Ontario -be petitioned to amend Section 87 (lb) of the Assessment · !Act to add after *'by the Crown in right of Ontario", the words "and in right of Canada'*; (b) THAT thiS~Resolution be presented to the Ontario Municipal Association in convention assembled to request its formal adoption and support, and to the Council of the County of Welland for its endorsation. 11. Allan MacBatn "THAT we accept the invitation from the Lundy~ Lane Fire Dept. and all members of Council attend if possible." Garried. OB-CC-40 12. Allan Rates Corfield By-law 13. Corfield 2524. Allan By-law 14. MacBain 2525. Allan By-law 15. Allan -2.526. Corf. ield Increased . .16. Corfield Speeds. Allan "TItAT we accept the OB-CC-40 rates for Town- ship equipment used in the Road Department and that Engineer be authorized to purchase new equipment for which tenders have been accepted to the value of $28,373.80." Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2524, 1960. A By-law to authorize the const~n~ction of certain works as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a first and second time. .' ' "BY-LAW No. 2525, 1960. A By-law to provide for the borrowing of money pending sale of debentures." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2526, 1960. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the llth day of July, 1960 between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and Kerrio Contract- ing Company." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "THAT the Engineer be instructed to contact the Highway Dept. in reference to the increase in speeds on Lundy's Lane, and ask that they be changed to original speed of 30 miles. Also, ask for lights controlling traffic at Montrose and Lundy's Lane." Carried. Items Tabled The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons indicated: Dust - No. 8 Highway. Sign - QEW & McLeod. 1. Letter from Mrs. A. H. Tiplin re: dust nuisance along No. Highway. The Engineer was requested to discuss the complaint with representatives of the Department of Highways to see if some arrangement can be made for remedial action. 2. Letter from the Dept. of Highways re: sign at the inter- section of the Queen Elizabeth Way and McLeod Road, The letter will be referred to the County of Welland for their assent and the Engineer was requested to reply to the letter from the Highways Department. 3. Letter from the Clerk relative to the use of interest earned on Perpetual Care Capital funds to provide permanent driveways throughout the Cemetery. This matter was tabled until certain approval can be secured from the Department of Health. 4. Letter from the Sun Oil Company Ltd. relative to their extension of a sidewalk in front of the property which they recently acquired from the Veterans Land Act Authorities, included in Registered Plan 223 and fronting on Lundy's Lane. 5. Letter from the Solicitor relative to an account incurred as a result of the Town & Country Subdivision liesring before the Ontario Muntci al Board. A report will be brou ht in on this matter by the Ehairman of Finance at a future m~eting. Perpetual ~are Funds Sun Oil Co. Hearin biaraldo Draft Cons. By-law. Adi ourn. 6. Letter from the Solicitor relative to restrictions on the former Maraldo property on Lundy's Lane. This matter will be discussed with the Consolidated Restrictive By-laws for North and South Stamford. 7. The Draft Consolidated Restrictive By-laws for North and South Stamford were tabled and will be considered at a special meeting to be called by Council. 17. Allan MacBain "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, July 18th at 7:30 p.m. or if sooner called ' by the Reeve." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Hour: 9:45 P.M. July 11,1960. ~- ~ ~ ~/~~L~ ./ ~ Reeve Clerk 55. ASp a of Council was held Tuesday, July 12th, 1960 at 10:30 a.m. in Stamford District Board of Education Board Room, in connection with conciliation proceedings requested by the National Union of Public Employees, Local 425. The conciliation proceedings were authorized by the Department of Labour in accor- dance with The Labour Relations Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 194 as amended by 1954 Chapter 42. ~.resent Mr.Acton Miss LaMarsh Conclusions Easter Monday. E. E. Mitchelson J. N. Allan S. Cotfield A. A. MacBain W. A. Actgn W. J. McGuire Alphonsus MacKin~on J. W. Wilson Cecil Goring William Ellison Stanley Klipich J.V. L~4arsh C. H. Eidt A. Co'Huggins Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Conciliation represen- tative for the National Union of Pub.Employees Conciliation Officer appointed by the Dept~ of LaboUr President, Local 425 Secretary, Loca~ 425 Treasurer, Local 425 Neg.Com. Local 425 Neg.Com. Local 425 Twp. Solicitor 'i~p. Engineer Twp. Clerk On behalf of Local Union 425, Mr.. Acton outlined the points at issue in respect to the renewal of the contract which expired on March 31st, 1960o In outlining these issues he presented the views of the Union. Miss LaMarsh, acting as spokesman for the Township Council, ex- pressed the municipal position in respect to the items under dispute After several private conferences of the Employees Union and the Township Council, the following conclusions were reached and agreed ~pon by both sides in respect to thc i~ucs in dispute: 1. The contract is to include Easter Monday as a legal paid holiday. Union Conf. H.g.Watson Operation & Maintenance Female Clerks Janitor~ Medical Care Letter of Intention Weekiv Pay Sick leave Adjourn July 12,1960 56. Pr,__esent 2. The Council agreed to add Schools, Seminars and Conferences to the section dealing with leave of absence for Union delegates to attend Union Conferences. 3. Agreement was reached that Harold E. Watson is to be with- drawn from the Union but the three Assistant Foremen are' to remain as members of the Union. 4. In respect to operation and maintenance, it was agreed that when employees work as machine or diesel operators for 75% of the time employed they will be paid on the basis of 100% of the wages called for by such employment. If their employmenu on machines is less than 75% of the full time they are to be paid at the higher rate only for the time a~tually worked on the machines. ' 5. Agreement was reached in respect to rates of pay for the Female Clerks and employees of the Engineering Department. 6. The rate of pay for Janitors is to remain at the level originally suggested by the Council. 7. It'was agreed that Section 15(b) in the old agreement dealing with medical care for retired employees should be rescinded as the Township is unable to provide these arrange- ments through Physicians' Services Inc. 8. The Council agreed to give the Union a letter of intention in respect to the following items: (a) To inaugurate the system for weekly pays on Friday of each week commencing January 1st, 1961. (b) The Council will study the by-law governing Sick Leave and Sick Leave Credit Gratuities to determine if the applicable by-law can be amended to provide benefits similar to that being granted by neighbouring municipalities. After the above agreements were made it was decided that the negotiating Committee would refer the decisions reached at the meeting to their membership and the Solicitor agreed to prepare a draft agreement in accordance with all the decisions reached and submit same to the Union and Council for their perusal and execution if satisfactory. There being no futher business the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Meeting Adjourned Reeve Hour 6: O0 P.M. A Regular Meeting of Council was held Monday, July 18th, at 7:30 p.m. . Clerk 1960 E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Cotfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Minutes 1. Corfield Allan "THAT the minutes of the meeting held July llth, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. Licenses 2. Corfie!d Allan "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Albert Futo, 2537 Stanley Ave.(Tourist Camp), Ivan Popovich,4780 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp) Clarence E.Thompson,750 McDougall Cres., (Taxi-cab Driver), Bertalan Kossuth, 1475 Robinson St. (Taxi- cab O~ner)," Carried. Tender- 3. Corfield Arena Keighan "THAT the tender of Parent Roofing of Dorchester Road for roofing part of the Rink be accepted at a price of $1803.50." Carried. Sidney St. 4. Ke[ghan Corfield "THAT the Engineer be instructed to block off the one foot reserve at the easterly end of Sidney Street." Carried. J.N.~llan Park 5. MacBain Keighan "THAT the new Township Park at the corner of Stanley Avenue and Welland River Boulevard be and the same is hereby named "The John N.Allan Par~' in recognition of his twenty-two years service on Stamford Council and that the Chairman of Parks arrange for an informal opening of this Park on Sund~y, July 24th.at 1:30 p.m." ,' ·-~ Carried.~' Munro Park 6. MacBain Keighan "THAT the new Township Park at Katar and Rideau near the new Westlane High School be and the sam~ is hereby named "The Gustavus (Gue) Munro park" in recognition of the late Mr. Munro's twenty- seven years service to the Township as Treasurer and that the Chairman of Parks arrange for an informal opening of this Park on Sunday, July 24th at 4:00 p.m." Carried.. Garner Rd. 7. Cotfield extegsion Keighan "THAT re Garner Road extension, Council agrees to purchase 100 ft. in lieu of 66 ft. Price of 100 ft. ~ $1500.00 as right-of-way over railway tracks on Garner Road from north limit of Township Lot 8 to Warner Road." Carried. Items Tabled The following items on the agenda were table for the reasons indicated: ,Petition 1. Petition from the residents of Montrose Road and Green's Corner re establishment of a park ~nd swimming pool in that area. The Chairman of Parks will take the matter of a park Petition Cont'd Cemetery Driveways D.D.Irwin Account Maraldo Merger Committee H.E .p .C .- Carlton Ave. Ad__i ourn July 18, 1960 Present in this area under advisement and the provision of a swimming pool will be referred to the 1961 Council. 2. Letter from the Township Clerk re the use of interest earned on Perpetual Care cemetery funds to construct asphalt driveways in the cemeteries. This letter was tabled until further information is secured from the Department of Health. 3. Letter from the Township Solicitor re an account of D.D. Irwin of Fred Page Higgins & Company. The account was rendered in connection with the hearing held by the Ontario Municipal Board in respect to the application to register the second part of the Town and Country Estates subdivision°.' The account is to be considered by the Chairman of Finance who wfll report thereon to Council. '-' 4. Letter from the Township Solicitor re restrictions applicab~ to the Maraldo property on the south side of Lundy's Lane. This matter will be dealt with by the Council when the consolidated restrictive by-law~,prepared by the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board, are,considered at a special meeting to be held shortly. The Clerk advised Council in respect to the following matters: 1. That the Merger Committee would meet the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs on Wednesday, July 20th, 1960 for the purpose of discussing the recommendations made by the Consultants engaged to bring in a merger survey. 2. That the Township had received a deed from the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario required for the extension of Carlton Avenue from Con~in Crescent to Dunn Street. A by-law to dedicate this property along with four other parcels of property secured for this extension will be prepared for the next meeting. It is expected that preliminary grading operations on this extension will commence very shortly preparatory to the actual road construction. 8. Cotfield Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, July 25th, at 7:30 p.m. unless sooner called by the Reeve." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hour 8:38 P.M. A Regular Meeting of Council was held Monday, July 25th, at 7:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor A. A. MacBain Councillor S. Cotfield Councillor 1. Allan Cotfield "THAT the minutes of the meetings held July 12th and 18th, 1960 be adopted as printed," Carried. Finance. 2. Allan Corfield "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." Carried. } E.S.Fox Relic! Genera.! Roads. Financ_.___.__~e Licenses Cashmore- Sw*main tender Cashmore- Wm'main tender E.S .FOx.. 3, Corfield MacBain 4- ,MacBain ~llan 5. MacBain Allan 6. MacBain Cotfield 7. Corfield Allan 8. Cotfield Keighan 9. Corfield Keighan "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated July 22nd,1960, as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $6,576.26." Carried. "THAT the statement of General accounts dated July 22nd,1960, as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $256,849.82." Carried. "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated July 22nd, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $10,452.95." Carried. "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Clara Stern, 537 Portage Rd.N. (Hairdressing), Biamo~te Bros.& J.Strange,3~02 Lundy's Lank (Tourist Camp), Frank parker, Montrose at Mountain Rd.(Touris~ Camp), John F. Mallett,1440 Houck Drive (Sightseeing Driver), Stephen Sherlock, 4864 Lua~dy's Lane (Sightseeing ~er)." Carried., mTHAT Council accept the tender of Cashmere Construction Co. of $3471.06 more or less for sewermain constructinn being the lowest tender at the unit prices tendered." Carried. "THAT Council accept the tender of Cashmere Construction of $970.80 more or less for water' main construction being the lowest tender, at the unit prices tendered." Carried, Champion Oil Tag Days- 11. Cancer Society Civic Holiday 12. PlbR.InsDector 13. PavinR tenders 14. By-law 2527 15. Offer of 16. Mr, Donald Kennedy addressed the Council on behalf of E.S.Foz ~Items Tabled Plumbing & Heating in connection with the barricade which Council authorized to be placed on the east end of Sidney Street. tie 'Capri . advised that trucks of the company and delivery trucks used the ,- Motel front entrance of their establishment from Valley Way. There were nc trucks using Sidney Street. The only vehicles using this street were, perhaps, half a dozen cars owned by the employees. The Engineer was directed to investigate the possibility of providing access from Sidney Street to the employees of the company and Mr. Kennedy was requested to contact the petitioners to see if some mutual arrangement could be w6rked out. 10. Keighan Allan "THAT Council agree to the request of Champion Oil Co. to return Lot #7 in the Industrial Sub- division to the Township, which was recently purchased by the Company, and that all expenses Incurred be paid by the Comp~qy, and that the Solicitor be authorize~ to prepare the necessary · deed. .' Corfield Allan "THAT the request from the Greater Niagara Unit Canadian Cancer Society for tag days on Sept.29 and 30 and Sat., Oct. 1, be granted." Carried. Allan MacBain "THAT Aug. 1st be declared Civic Holiday in Stamford To~mship and M~icipal Offices be closed." Carried. Keighan Corfield "THAT the Plumbing Inspector be authorized to attend the Annual Association of Plumbing Inspec- tors and Affiliates being held at the Empress Hotel, Peterborough, Ont; from Sept.20-23,1960." Carried. Keighan Corfield MacBain Corfield MacBain Keighan "THAT the Engineer be authorized to call tenders for asphalt paving of cemetery driveways. Tenders +' to be received up until 12 neon, 8th August,1960."' Carried. .!. "BY-LAW No. 2527, A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement dated the 25th day of July, 1960 between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and G.Parent Roofing. Read a firs,t, second and third time and passed. "THAT Council approves the offer of purchase between the Corporation and Leslie Construction and Investment Limited and that the Clerk be directed to bring in a by-law fu~ the execution of the said offer on August 2nd, 1960." Carried. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons indicated: , 1. A letter from the Capri Motel owner requesting the removal of trees on a vacant lot. The Engineer will investigate this request and report to Council at the next meeting. D.D.Irwin Marald____~o Stamford South & North Niag.Pen. Cons.Authority Items Filed Cemeteries Fed.Prop. Assessments July 25,1960 58. Present Purpose Leslie 2. A letter from the Township Solicitor re: account from D.D.Irwin. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Irwin and point out that a $75.00 payment has been made on this account. 3. Letter from the Solicitor relative to restrictions on the Maraldo property. This matter will be considered by Council at a special meeting to be held July 26th. 4. Letter from the Planning Board relative to restrictions for Stamford South and Stamford North. The proposed by-laws will be cons ide~ed by council at a special meeting to be held July 26ti 5. Letter from the Niagara peninsula Conservation Authority 1960 levy on Stamford Township. This letter was referred to the Finance Committee. The followinK items on the A~enda were ordered filed: 1. Letter from the County Clerk relative to the inspection of cemeteries through~ut the County. By-law 528. Zoning By-law · 2. Letter from the County Clerk advising that the Township resolution relative to assessments of Federal properties and the use of same for equalization purposes had been approved by the County Council and their endorsation fom~arded to the Ontario Municipal Association. 17. MacBain ·Allan "THAT we now adjourn to meet again August 2n~, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. or at the call of the Reeve." Carried. Meeting Adjourned July 26,1960. ~resent Hour 9:00 P.M. ' / ' Reeve . . ' Clerk A Special Meeting of Council was held on July 26th, 1960 cormhen- . cinK at 4:00 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Cotfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The Reeve explained that the purpose of the meeting was to consider the final Consolidation of the Stamford South Zoning By-law. He pointed out that the Planning Director proposed certain changes in the By-law as the result of the public meeti~ and subsequent meetings of the Planning Board. The meeting woul~ also consider the Stamford North ~onsolidated Zoning By-law and if acceptable, the Planning Board would arrange for a publid meeting much the same manner as the meeting held in connection with the Stamford South By-law. Before proceeding with the study of the By-laws, the foll0~e ing resolution was passed in connection with an option to purchase property from the Leslie Construction and Investment Limited: M_inutes L_icenses MacBain Allan "BY-lAW No. 2528, 1960. A By-lm~ to author- ize the execution of an Offer to Purchase dated the 28th day of July, 1960, between Leslie Construction and Investment Limited and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. The Reeve then called on Mr. C. Dowson, Planning Director, for the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board, and he explained fully the changes in the Stamford South Zoning By-law which the Board recommended as a result of the public meeting and other subsequent considerations. He also explained the draft by-law for the Stamford North Zoning By-law. After con- siderable discussion, members of Council agreed with the amend- ments proposed for the Stamford South By-law. S~bject to a few monor changes, they also agreed with the Board's proposal for the Stamford North By-law. It was understood that Council would pass the Stamford South By-law at the next regular meeting and submit same to the Ontario Municipal Board for a public hearing. The Planning Board will arrange for a public meeting in connec- tion with the Stamford North Zoning By-law and make further recommendations in respect to this by-law at a future meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Reeve Clerk A Regular meeting of Council was held on August 2nd, 1960 commencinR at 7:30 p.m. i. -Allan Corfield E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor S. Corfield Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meeting held July 25th, 1960 be adopted as printed." 2. Keighan Allan Carried. "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Robert Muscarella, 1796 Valley Way - '(Service Station), George Protulipac, Thorold Stone Rd. (Victualling - Fruits & Veg.) H. Mashford, 658 Drummond Rd. (Victualling - Fruits & Veg.) Mrs. tt. Lamb, 2768 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Home) Mrs. Roy Factley, 1238 Roberrs St. (Tourist ltome) William Romanowich, 1300 Montrose Rd0 - (Tourist Camp) Coy W. Dodman, 2040 Dixon St. (Taxi-cab Owner)." Carried. .tL ~ of . K g an Sidney Mr. Gordon March of 2099 Sidney Street and a group of residents ~ 6 ei h ptreet.~ of this Street, artended the meeting and discussed the matter . I Cotfield of closing off Sidney Street at the Easterly end. Mr. March of the Street retained since vehicles using the Street to gain access to the Fox plumbing & Heating building created a nuisance by ! By-law 7. Corfield raising dust from the road, etc. The Engineer reported that he ,i 2530. Allan had made a survey of the situation at the direction of CoUncil andwhile his investigation was not completed in full, he understood from Mr. Kennedy of the plumbing Company, that arrangements were being made to provide entry to their prop- By-law 8. Corfield arty through 'a neighbour's lot. The Reeve finally informed ! 2531. Keighan the group that Council would retain the barrier at the Easterly end,of Sidney Street. Glenholme Mr. Elmer Jacobi of 1354 Glenholme Avenue addressed the Council & Bellevue in respect to the condition which existed at the dead end of Glenholme Avenue at the corner of Bellevue Street. From the information supplied by Mr. Jacobi, and a report from the By-law ~. Cotfield Engineer, it appears that there are two old cars located on 2532. Keighan Glenholme Avenue Street allowance. As a result of the dis- cussion which took place, the Clerk was requested to write to Mr. Brown, the owner of the cars, and ask him to remove the cars from the road allowance. John Juhas Mr. John Juhas of 1974 Scott Street addressed the Council in respect to an application he had made in respect to a photo- grapher's License. He indicated that his work consisted of By-law 10. Corfield taking pictures of events such as weddings, etc., and develop- 2533. Allan ing the pictures in book form. It was decided that in view of the fact that his home was located in a residential area that a license could not be granted. ,: Insurance 3. Corfield i~ on equipment Keighan "THAT the Clerk be authorized to sign ~i .document re: Motden ~ Helwig Limited By-law 11. Allan , Insurance Adjuster for Engineering equip-. ~534. Keighan ! ment, as outlined in their letter of i July 25th, 1960." Carried. ! i postal Die. 4. Keighan ' i Cotfield "THAT Council order a new die for our i postal Meter for the purpose, set down ~! in a letter dated 3uly 26th, 1960 from !~ the Chamber of Commerce at a cost of By-law 12, Allan I ~i not more than $15o00," 2535. Corfield . ' Carried. i! of Council who wish, i~ Crowland The Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, and any members J! MeetinK. were authorized to attend a meeting called by the Council of (. the Township of Crowland for August 10th at 8 p.m., for the . purpose of discussing the existing condition of the beaches !~By-law 13. Allan i within the County of Welland, ,~2536~_~_ Keighan !i By-law 5. Cotfield ~, 2529. Allan "By-LAW No. Z529, 1960. A By-law to , -~ authorize the execution of an Agreemen~ between The Corpora~ion of the Township of Stamford and The National Union of !{ public Employees - Local No. 425, dated !i the 25th day of July, 1960." Read a .I first, second and third ~Lme.aud passed, "THAT the letter of intent be approved, re: the Union, as prepared by the Solicitor." Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2530, 1960. Being a restrictive area By-law." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2531, 1960. A By-law to rescind various restricted area by-laws and to remove certain lands within ,the Township of Stamford from tie provisions of By-law No. 2350 as 'amended." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2532, 1960. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 2nd August, 1960, between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and Cashmore Contracting (Niagara) Limited." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2533, 1960. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 2nd day of August, 1960 between The Corporation of the Township of Stamford and Cashmore Contracting (Niagara) Limited." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2534, 1960. A By-law to fix the salaries and allowances of the Statutory Officials of the Township of Stamford and to fix the salaries and allowances of other employees not being members of the National Union of Public Employees - Local No. 425." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2535, 1960. A By-law to dedi- cate certain lands as portions of a public highway to be named Carlton Avenue," Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2536, 1960. A By-law to desig- nate public park and playground lands, being Block "D", according to Plan regi- stered as No. 223 for the Township of Stamford as "The Gustavus (Gus) Munro Park." Read a first, second and ~hird ~e and passed, Roads. 4. Allan By-law 14. Keighan ' Corfield "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts ~537. Cotfield "BY-lAW No. 2537, 1960. A By-law to - designate as a public park and play- dated August 5th, 1960 as presented, ground certain lands within Township be accepted and the accounts be paid Lot 219 as "The John N. Allan Park." amounting to $50,202.67." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Carried. Stems The following items on the Agenda were tabled for the General 5. Cotfield Allan "THAT the statement of General Accounts Tabled. reasons indicated: CNR 1. Letter from the Stamford Centre Fire Department re: Crossing. C.N.R. Crossing at Dorchester Road. The Engineer was in- structed to consider the matter referred to by the Department and bring in a report at the next meeting. Buchanan 2. Letter from the Oakes Drive Motel Limited re: unopened Finance 6. Cotfield Ave. Road road allowance connecting the East side of Buchanan Avenue Allan "THAT the Committee on Finance do now Allowance near Range 12. The Company are anxious to purchase this arise and resume the business of Council." property from the Township if it can be closed up. The Engineer and Clerk were requested to bring in a report in ~ Carried. connection with this request at the next meeting. Licenses. 7. Corfield Keighan "THAT the applications for licenses from Ad~urn.. 15. Corfield Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet again the following be approved and licenses on Monday, August 8th, unless sooner granted: Howard Kelly, Stamford Tw~.(Taxi-cab called by the Reeve." · Carried. Driver) S. H. Bateman, 1463 Valley Way (3) Taxi- 1 cab Owner), - August ~,1960 ~4 ~/} ~ i ~ Zp ;~ ~ ~ ' Camp) ." 60. A Regular Meeting of Council was held on Monday, August 8th, Dealer 8. Keighan Corfield "THAT the application for a Dealer in 1960, commencing at 7:30 p.m. _~ Second Hand Goods License from Louis Mignelli, 2561 Ralph Avenue, be approved Present E.E. MitchelsoB Reeve ,~ R. F Keighan Deputy-Reeve :, · a condition that the truck will at no J. N, Allan Councillor ~ time be p~rked on the street." Councillor S. Corfield Carried. Minutes 1. Allan " Cotfield "THAT the minutes of the meetings held Building 9. Corfield July 26th andAugust 2nd, 1960 be adopted as printed." ing Inspector for Building Permits issued Carried. in the month of July, 1960 in the amount of $500,597.00." Finance. 2. Allan Cotfield "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." ~ndivtduals The following individuals addressed Council.in respect to the Carried° matters indicated: Mr.Knapp- 1. Mr. A. C. Knapp of 2063 Brookfield Avenue, addressed Relief 3. Cotfield Brookfield Council in respect to flooding conditions alleged to occur at Ket~han "T~T the stat_m~..ent of Relief Accounts dated August 5th, 1960 as presented, be ' the co~e~ of Brookfield Avenue and Barker Street. The accepted and the accounts be paid amoun~ extent by opening a sewer connection at Brookfield Avenue. The ing to $234.21." Reeve requested the Engineer to survey the situation and 'bring Carried, -' in a eomp et report for the next meeting. .... ~ .- .. .. ...."!-~---~'.., ., .~. . . ..,,.'.';. .' {, I ~,,h,usu.hl[~ -,'( i,nl ~dlLeh m,i-~ht bu L~k~n Lo pl,'uvJ. du ~.~].j,u]: Lu t.hr ~'~. c¢c':~. :~-:¢: ~,~ ~szussion, it ~ds directed that tht ~'::e~ ~ :~f~::~. :0 :b,e T~:shi? Solicitor for a report- of the Drops Farina C. fer the pavi~ at L~d} ': this bei~ the lowes~ r~e. ive~, a~ ~e ~it rate oi ~i i ] cy-Drope ~,r'l ester l,~ix i n;:, . 13, Allan CorfielC l;. Mr.J.Hughes, 2. Mr. J. H. Hughes of 1951 prospect Street informed Council and cellar during the spring of this year. Council agreed r ~ that the only way the problem could be corrected was for the connect with the Township sewer. It was agreed, however, that the Engineer should survey the matter and bring in a report concerning action which might be taken to provide relief to the owners affected. J.Thompson, Shirley Ave. Mr.Gamble Ambulance H.R.Johnson Encroach- me~ts. 3. Mr. John Thompson of 1146 Shirley Avenue, and Mr. Charles Davies of 1159 Shirley Avenue, addressed Council in respect to flooding conditions their area has experienced during the recent li heavy rains. In addressing the Council in this matter they reminded Council that the o~rners in this section had submitted a petition apropos the flooding, at the last Council meeting. Council directed the Engineer to study the area and determine what remedial action should be taken. The report will be sub- mitted to Council and the owners will ultimately be advised. 4. Mr. Hugh Gamble of the Airflight Ambulance Service, addresse the Council and asked if arrangements could be made to utilize his ambulance service in our municipality. The Reeve advised Mr. Gamble that the ambulance question was being considered by a special committee and it was expected that the committee would report their findings to Council in the near future. 5. Mr. Hugh R. Johnson spoke in respect to a letter sub- mitted by the Legal Firm of McBurney, McBuri~ey & Durdan relatbe to the encroachment of a building owned by him on McMicking Street and St.Paul Avenue road allowances. According to the surveyor's sketch attached to the Solicitors' letter, it showed the deepest encroachment on McMicking Street to be 13'2%". This measurement gradually tapers down to 4'11". The encroach' ment on St.Paul Avenue was shown tO be 1'5%". Mr. Johnson explained that a mortgage on his property was pending but before the deal could be completed he was required to have some assur. ante from Council that the encroachment of the building could continue. After some discussion, it was directed that the matter be referred to the Township Solicitor for a report, ~The Township Engineer will also consider the matter and report to Council. " Drops Paving ~0. Allan Tender. Keighan Writ against 11. Keighan !ownship. Gotfield "THAT the Tender of the Drops Paving Co. be accepted, for the paving at Lundy's Lane Cemetery, this being the lowest tender received, at the unit rate of $6.30 per ton.". Carried. Allan Keighan "THAT the Solicitor be instructed to act on behalf of the Township in respect to a Writ served against the Municipality, dated August 3rd, 1960." Carried. "BY-lAW No. 2538, 1960. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 8th day of August, 1960 between, the Corporation of the Township of Stam° ford and Drops Paving and Construction Ltd." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Bailey-Drope Dorchester paving. Pay periods Items T.abled. Lutheran Church Sick Leave Credits. Closing of Dixon St. ~.qarden Pietz 13. Allan Cotfield 14. Corfield Allan "THAT the tender of Bailey-Drope Paving Ltd. for asphalt paving of Dorchester Rd. be extended northerly to the C.N.R. tracks, subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways. Approximate tonnage of asphalt - 805 tons." Carried. "THAT Council concurs with letter from the Clerk in respect to paying all Town- ship employees up to and including the Monday preceding the Friday pay day. This will mean all employees will be paid for a two week period in 1960 from Tuesday to Monday inclusive, for each pay period and pay days to be every other Friday on a bi-weekly basis. The smne principle is recommended on a weekly basis commenc- ing January 1st, 1961." Carried. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for ~he reasons indicated: 1. Letter from Our Saviour Lutheran Church re: installation of sidewalks around Church property. This matter will be discussed with the subdivider and an endeavour made to secure funds to carry out the sidewalk construction. 2. Copy of a letter addressed to the Twp.Employees Union - Local 425, relative to sick leave credits. The Reeve appointed a committee of Deputy-Reeve Keighan, Councillor Corfield, and the Clerk, to study the sick leave benefits and bring in a report to Council. 3. Letter from Oakes Drive Motel re: the closing up of that portion of Dixon Street East of Buchanan Avenue. The Clerk advised that Council had considered a by-law to close up this portion of Dixon Street in 1952, but the by-law had never been passed. He pointed out that in the event that the street is closed, the adjacent owners would each have the opportunity of purchasing 50% of the road allowance abutting the property. Council ordered that the foll~qing action be taken: (a) The owner of the Oakes Drive Motel to be advised con- cerning his option to purchase 50% of the street allowance in the event it is closed up. (b) Contact the H~dro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario to determine their interest in closing the Street. (c) The Engineer to report on the advisability of closing the road allowance. (d) The Clerk to arrange to have the weeds cut on the road allowance° Mr. Paul Pietz, Warden of the County of Welland, was in attendance at the meeting and was warmly welcomed by Reeve Mitchelson. The Warden indicated that he was endeavour- ing to visit each of the municipal councils in the County during the year, and brought greetings from the County Council. August 8,1960. 61 presen______~t 15. Allan Copfield Minutes.. Licenses Mr.KnapP Scott i! Subdivision. :.::-'i! "THAT the meeting adjourn until the next regular meeting or until called by the Reeve." Carried. '3 R.Hunt Meeting Adjourned. P eM' A Regular Meeting of Council was held on Monday, August 15th, 1960, commencing at 7:30 p.m. Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor · Councillor E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Copfield Grading Dorchester Road. Grade Crossing. .i W.Worville. ~ ! Allan Cotfield "THAT the minutes of the meeting held August 8th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. Allan Corfield "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted:~ Oliver S. Scott, 374 portage Kd.N. (Victualling -,Restaurant), p. G. Smith, 3572 Lundy's Lane (Service Station), Mrs. N. Coleman, 2542 Gulp St.(Tourist Home)." Carried. Mr. A. C. Knapp of 2063 Brookfield Avenue attended the meeting in respect to flooding conditions which'recently occurred in his area of the Township at the corner of Brookfield Avenue and Barker Street. The Engineer reported that this situation had been investigated and he was of'the opinion that if a s~qer connection of approximately 8 feet was made between two sewermains on Brookfield Avenue approximately between Clare Crescent and Barker Street, that some. temporary relief would be provided and it should reduce the flooding conditions in Mr. Knapp's area. The Engineer also reported in respect to the flooding conditions 'which occurred in the Scott Subdivision and as a result of the two reports, the following resolution was submitted and passed: Sp~ed Limits. Increase Group Ins. ~ T.~Brant 3. Keighan Cotfield "THAT the Engineer be authorized to pro- ceed with his recommendations to attempt ~ Purchasing to correct flooding conditions in the E AKent. Scott Street subdivision and the Brookficlt~ area, as outlined in hi8 report of August 15th, 1960." Carried. Mr. Robert Hunt addressed the meeting and asked if the Township had a by-lm~ in respect to poll tax. The Reeve replied that a number of years ago such a by-law had existed but it had been rescinded and at the present time, the Township did not have a by-law to tax single men a poll tax. By letter dated August 15th, the Engineer reported in connec- tion with grading Dorchester Road by the C,N.R. Tracks, as requested by the Stamford Centre Volunteer Firemen's Assoc- iation. His report indicated that the estimated cost to carry out the work required-would be $1272.48. 4. Corfield Keighan "THAT the recommendation from the' Engineer re: Grade Crossing on Dorchester Road be accepted, and referred to next year ' s Council." Carried. 5. Corfield Keighan "THAT a letter of sympathy be sent to the family of the late William Worville, who was a loyal employee of this Town- ship for so many years, expressing the sympathy of Council." Carried. Corfield Allan "THAT Council agree with contents of letter from R. E. Richardson, District Engineer, re: speed limits on Lundy's Lane. We advise the Engineer to ask Mr. Richardson to kindly visit with our Engineer with a view of having traffic conditions at Montrose Kd. and Lundy's Lane looked into." Carried. 7. Keighan Corfield "THAT the Clerk be authorized to make the necessary arrangements with the Confed- eration Life Association to increase the Group Life Insurance benefits by $1,000.00 for all eligible Township employees new enrolled in the plan." Carried. 8. Allan Keighan. "THAT the recommendation of the Chief Assessor be accepted, that Mr. T. Brant Jr. be enrolled as a member in the Ontario Assessment Officers' Association, and the fee be paid by the Township for the course,. at a cost of $50.00°" Carried~ Cotfield Allan "THAT Council authorize the Purchasing Agent to attend the O.M.A. Convention on Tuesday, August 30th, 1960 at Prudhon~ne's Garden Gentre." Carried. South End ~ '10. Keighan Post Office. Allan "THAT the Clerk be authorized to contact the Post Master General, drawing to his attention the need for a Postal Station at the South End which it was tentatively suggested might be possible by the Post Master's representatives in a previous meeting, when the Unemployment Office was built on Main Street. Emphasis should be placed on the need for this in view of recent thefts of many cheques from the wail." Carried. 62 Present Painting ~ 11- Keighan F.V.Fire Cotfield Hall. "THAT the Engineer be authorized to call tenders for the painting of the interior and exterior of the Falls View Fire Hall." Carried. Items The following items on the Agenda were tabled for the reasons Tabled. indicated: J.W.Gardiner ~ 1. Letter from J. W. Cardiner re: installation of sidewalks in Registered Plan 164. This matter will be included in the report to be made by the Engineer and Clerk respecting services for subdivision, at the next meeting of Council. VanAlstine ~ 2. Letter from Mr. Wm. M. VanAlstine re: closing of that por- tion of Dixon Street east of Buchanan Avenue. This letter will be taken under advisement at the time further reports are re- ceived from the adjacent owners and the Engineer. OMB Approval ~ 3. The Clerk reported that the Ontario Municipal Board had advised that the Local Improvement programme for sidewalks and one watermain proposed for 1960 had been approved. The total amount of debentures in this work will be ~ightly less than $10,000.00. Prospect St. ~ 4. The Engineer reported on the flooding conditions referred Flooding. to by Mr. J. H. Hughes on prospect Street at a recent meeting, · He advised that the problem had been studied and that plans had been prepared and recommendations made to Mr. Hughes and the other owners involved indicating how the matter could ~ ~ corrected and what steps,should be taken to alleviate the obl Adjourn. 12. Corfield ' Keighan "THAT we do now adjou~m to meet on Monday, August 22nd unless ordered to meet earlier by the Reeve." Carried. Purpose Discussion Period. Provincial Grants. tLibrary 0fficials A Joint Meeting of the bIunicipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the To~mship of Stamford was held on August 19th, 1960 co~rsencing at 8:00 p.m, at the Council Chambers of the City Hall. City of Niagara Falls: Mayor F. J. Miller Alderman I. McCallum, Alderman H. C. Morton, Alderman A. J. McKinley, Alderman G. Martin~ Alderman C. Gregory, Alderman C. Swayze, Alderman J. White, City Manager, W. S. Orr, City Clerk, D. C. Patten. Township of Stamford: Reeve E. E. Mitchelson, Deputy-Reeve R. F. Keighan Councillor J. N. Allan Councillor S. Corfield Councillor A. A. MacBain Township Engineer, C.H.Eidt, Township Clerk, A. C. Huggins. Mayor Miller acted as Chairman, and explained that the meeting had been called for the purpose of receiving a report from the Merger Committee in respect to certain reconnnendations and a request for further authority to continue with its studies. He then requested the Secretary of the Merger Committee to read the prepared report, copies of which had been supplied to all members and officials of both Councils. After the Secretary read the report, which requested certain authorities to proceed with the Merger Study and made certain recommendations in the event that merger takes place, the Mayor opened the meeting for general discussion. During the discussion period, the following questions were raised and answers given as indicated: 1. Mayor Miller requested infomnation as to the status of Provincial grants if merger takes place. Alderman Martin, Chairman of the Merger Comnittee, advised that grants would continue on the same scale for a period of five years and then decrease by 20% per year for the next five years until the City status had been reached. 2. In 'response to a question raised by Alderman Gregory, the meeting was advised that the wo~d "elected" where it appears under the heading of Public Library Committee in the first page, should have read '~ppointed". 3. Alderman Morton asked for reasons as to why the recommendation only suggested the merger of the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford. He expressed the thought that it would be desirable to include that portion of Thorold Township between the westerly boundary of Stamford Township and the Welland Canal. Alderman Martin replied that the Committee felt that merger of the two municipalities should take effect first, and in the interim, the planning area could be extended in order that development could be controlled and our economic region defined. ~ - ............ be submitted ~.,'~i¢"~ferendum 4. Alderman Gregory asked if a referendum would t + to the electors on the question of a merger. Alderman Martin advised that the Deputy-Minister of Municipal Affairs had informed the Committee that a vote was unnecessarY. He added that the Committee were not making any recommendation to this question at the present time and expressed the thought that ultimate action in this regard should be taken by the two Councils · Number on 5. Councillor MacBain, Alderman Morton, and Councillor Cot- Council. field, raised questions in respect to the proposed number of eight councillors to be elected to the council. They indicated that it might be desirable to have a larger council to prop- erly represent the enlarged area. Chairman Martin replied that '~ the Committee thought that a Mayor and eight councillors under ~,,, Council-CitY Manager type 9f Government might be adequate, but ""! i agreed to refer the matter back to the committee for further ~ ~ study. Alderman McKinley, a member of the Committee, stated that the Deputy-Minister of Municipal Affairs had expressed the thought that nine on a council would be satisfactory and that · ~.. ! , ~: if the membership is too large, the Municipal Council could ., become cumbersome· He also re-affirmed that the Deputy-Minister ~. had stated that a vote of the ratepayers was not necessarY· Mayor Miller suggested that the number of members of council of the municipalities listed on page 18. of the Final Merger I Report should be secured. .' proposed Councillor MacBain and Alderman Morton moved a resolution that l Resolution paragraph 4. on page 2. be amended by subst,Curing the figure . "10" where the figure "8" occurs, and "5" where the figure ,J occurs, in respect to the number of members of council. This ! motion was finally withdrawn.~ ;i Alderman Gregory ~ Report "THAT the re~ort of the Merger Survey Received. Councillor Corfield .. Committee be received and the Committee be authorized to proceed with items ~ ~i requested, and further, that the recom- mendations made in the Report be approved with the exception of item 4. dealing , with the composition and method of ii election for Council.. Stem 4. to be fur ther study and a subsequent rep Joint Ambulance Committee Industrial Committee Joint Carried UnanimouslY' Councillor MacMain advised that.the Joint Ambulance Committ~ set up by the Councils of Niagara Fails, Chippawa, and Stamford,' would like an opportunity to submit a report on the ambulance ~:~ question to a Joint Meeting of the three Councils. Reeve Mitchelson advised that the Joint industrial Commitce of which he is thai=man, would like a similar opportunity to submit ~ repo=t on future industrial promotion· It was finally agreed that a Joint Meeting of the three Municipal Councils would be held on Thursday evening, Septembe~ 1st at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall. The meeting to be sub]ec~ ~( the approval of the Council of the Village of Chippawa. Thanks. Adjourn. Alderman Martin expressed the thanks on behalf of the blerger Conm~ittee for the attendance of the members of the two Councils on such short notice· Alderman White Alderman Morton "TIi~T the meeting do now adjourn." P~eeve 63 Present Minutes. Finance ~oad____~s Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Relief Hour P .M. A Regular Meeting of the bZunicipal Council was held on Monday, August 22nd, 1960, commencing at 7:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor S. Corfield Councillor A. A. MacBain Councillor Corfield Allan "TIIAT the minutes of the meeting held August 15th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. Corfield Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." Carried. Allan MacBain "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated August 19th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $26,823.71." Carried, Corfield Allan "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated August 19th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $6,322.27." Carried. Keighan MacBain "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated August 19th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $221,666.46." Carried. Corfield MacBain "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. cont' d Lorenzo Gatto Application License Refused. Licenses Cemetery Funds. Express Deliveries Truc___ k Mr. W. J. Meanley of 2084 Dixon Street presented a petition on behalf of 22 residents in the Dixon, Locus, Edward area of the Township, which requested relief from flooding conditions which occurs every time there is a heavy dow~pour of rain. The Engineer was requested to consider this area in his report and recommendations to alleviate flooding conditions at various locations in the Township. Mr. E.Gatto of 1710 Churches Lane, addressed the Council in respect to an application for a Hawker & Pedlar's License to permit him to sell shoes made in Italy, to residents of the Township. The Council indicated that it was not favourable to issuing such a license in view of the fact that this type of operation would conflict with business carried on by retail establishments located in the Municipality. The following resolu- tion was then passed: 7. Keighan Allan "THAT the application for a Hawker & pedlar License from Lorenzo Gatto of 1710 Churches Lane be not approved." Carried. 8. Allan MacBain "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Joe Zarra, 3572 Lundy's Lane (Barbershop), Syd Levy, 2536 Thorold Road(Victualling - Restaurant), M.T.Stelmaszynski,3273 Montrose Rd.-(Vic- tualling - Restaurant) M.T.Stelmaszynski,3273 Mont~ose Rd.-(Tourist Camp), J.Bomans, 3770 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp) Mrs.Jack Warden,3130-Montrose Rd.(Tourist Home) Peter Struk,4911 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Camp), peter Struk,4911 Lundy's Lane (Victualling-poP) Roland Doucet,4511 ~undy's Lane(Tourist Camp), Roland Doueet,4511 Lundy's Lane(V Carried. 9. Allan MacBain "THAT the Treasurer be authorized to transfer the earned interest on the cemetery perpetual care funds in the amount of $5,846.09, to the general operating account for the cemeteries, In authorizing this transfer it is understood that the funds transferred will be used for th care of'cemetery lots in the Lundy's Lane and Presbyterian Cemeteries." 'Carried. 10. MacBain Keighan "THAT our Clerk be directed to write to the Express Traffic Association requesting that express deliveries be extended to Kalar Rd. off Lundy's Lane, to serve the new Westlane Secondary School." Carried. Letter from Galloway & Griffiths advised that the Chrysler Corporation could not supply the truck chassis and cab which they tendered on and which was accepted by the Municipal Council In advising on this matter they stated that'delivery could be made if the Township was satisfied with a substitution of a 5,000 pound front axle in place of a 7,000 pound axle as ordered. It was determined that the 5,000 pound axle was not satisfactory and the following resolution was passed: Motorville 11. Keighan Tender Corfield Ker St. & 12. Corfield Carlton Ave. Kelghan SiKns. R.D.Gale 13. Corfield & Lot 7. Allan Items T_abled. Civilian Defence B.¥-law Chateau-Gai ~ewers Dixon Street Sale of ~ayk Lands "TIL~T Council accept the tender of Motorville Car Sales for the supply of a truck chassis and cab for the sum of $5,693.47 and that the previous order from Galloway & Griffiths be cancelled, due to fact they 'cannot meet our specifi- cations for this chassis & cab." Carried. ... "THAT a stop sign be placed on Ker Street and Franklin St. as Franklin is a through street, and at the intersection of Carlton St. and Corwin Crescent, and that an appropriate By-law be prepared to permit." Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2539, 1960. A By-law to author{ze the Corporation of the To~mship of Stamford to accept a conveyance of Lot 7, Plan 160 from Robert Douglas Gale." Read a first, second and third time and passed. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons indicated: 1. Letter from the Civilian Defence Headquarters at Welland enclosing a model by-law to establish and maintain an emer- gency measures Civilian Defence Organization. Attached to the by-law was a written opinion by the County Solicitor rela- tive to the form and context of the document. It was ordered that the by-law and letter from the County Solicitor be referred to the Township Solicitor for consideration and report thereon. 2. Letter from the Chateau-Gai Wines relative to sanitary sewer facilities. This matter will be referred to the Engineer for study and report. 3. Letter from Michael Ricci advising that he was prepared to purchase one-half of that portion of Dixon Street lying East of Buchanan Avenue if it was closed up. The question of closing this unopened street allowance was tabled until further infor- mation was secured from the Hydro and the Township Engineering Department. 4. Letter dated August 16th from the Hydro-Electric Power Co~nission of Ontario advising that the Commission had approved of a sale to the Township of approximately 4.62 acres of land within Township Lot 56 which the Council propose to use for time establishment of a park. The Clerk advised that the Department of Municipal Affairs had requested ~ppraisals of this land and the land owned by Leslie Cons=ruction and Investment Ltd. and that such appraisals had been secured and forwarded to the Department. The matter was tabled until final approval is secured from the Department to purchase the park lands proposed. Winter Works proBrar~me 0.M.A. Resolutions. Adiourn. Aug.22,1960. 64 5. Letter from the Department of Municipal Affairs enclosing details of the Municipal Winter Works Incentive programme for 1960-61. The information was tabled to permit the Engineer to study same and bring in recommendations for a winter works programme. 6. A pamphlet setting out 129 resolutions which will be con- sidered by the Ontario Municipal Association at its Convention at prudhommes from August 28th to 31st inclusive, was tabled to permit members of Council to study the resolutions se~ out. 14. Corfield Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet again at the call of the Reeve." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Reeve ' / ~ Clerk A Regular Meeting of Council was held on Friday, August 26th, 1960 commencing at 4:00 p.m. C.Lundy ~ 5. -Course. /\ Dixon St. 6. Report. By-law ~ 7. 2524. Items Tabled. Keighan b~cBain "THAT Mr. Cecil Lundy of the Treasurer's staff be authorized to take the course for training of [~nicipal Clerks and Treasurers conducted under the auspices of Queen's University, the cost of $60.00 to be paid' by the Municipality." Carried. Keighan Corfield "THAT the recommendations contained in the Engineer's report of August 26th re: closing of Dixon St. road allowance be approved and placed on file." Carried.~ Keighan Corfield "BY-lAW No. 2524, 1960. A By-lm~ to authorize the construction of certain works as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. Read a third time and passed. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons indicated: Prese.n~ Minutes. 1. Victualling 2. License 1659 Byng 3. & 2842 Lundv ' s Lane Sewage & Sanitation Conv ent ion Cotfield Keighan MacBain Keighan Cotfield Keighan Cotfield MacBain E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan S. Cotfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor "THAT the ~inutes of the meetings held August 19th and 22nd, 1960 be adopted as printed." .' ' Carried. "THAT the application for a Victualling (Restaurant) License from Mrs. Shirley Pulver & Mrs. Helen Ireland, Town& Country Plaza, be. approved.and license granted." Carried. No. 20 Highway. Industrial Sign s. A_jdiourn. 1. Letter from the Traffic Control Engineer of the Department of Highways dated August 23rd, 1960, advising that they would be pleased to meet ~ith Township officials with respect to traffic problems on No. 20 Highgay. The Engineer will make arrangements fo~ the date of this meeting. 2. Letter from the Industrial Department of the Chamber of Commerce dated August 25th, concerning a sun, ey which had been made of signs featuring industrial lands available for sale or lease. This matter will be discussed with Mr. J. A. Montgomery Manager of the Industrial Department, at the next meeting of Council on September 6th. 8. Keighan MacBain "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on '.['uesday, Sept. 6th at 7:30 p.m. or until called by, the Reeve."' Carried. "THAT a letter be sent to 1659 Byng Ave. Meeting Adjourned. asking cars be'taken off Township right-of- way, and that lot.be cleaned up to confo~n Hour: 5:00 P.M. with surrounding property. A letter also Reeve' '~ Clerk Ca~ried', '~' , ~ , "THAT the Engineers one member of his staff and one member of Council be authorized to attend the Sewage & Sanitation Convention in Niagara Falls on October Z3rd to 26th, 1960." Carried. present Chairman Purpo. s.q ~mbulance A Joint Meeting of the Municipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls, the Tovmship of Stamford, and the Village of Chippawa was held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall on Thursday, September 1st, 1960 at 7:30 p.m. City of Niagara Falls Mayor Franklin J. bliller, Alderman I. McCallum, Alderman C. Alderman G. Alderman C. Alderman A. Alderman G. Swayze, Martin, Gregory, J. McKinley, White, Alderman H. Morton, City Manager, W. S. Orr, City Clerk, D. C. patten, City Engineer, S. price, City Treasurer, H. Dickson. Township of Stamford. Reeve Edward E. Mitchelson, 'Deputy-Reeve R. F. Keighan, Councillor J. N. Allan, Councillor S. Cotfield, Councillor A. A. MacBain, T~. Engineer, C. H. Eidt, Twp. Clerk, A. C. Huggins. Village of Chippawa Reeve J. W. MacKenzie, Deputy-Reeve H. Clarke, ~ Councillor James Ives, Councillor George Kulka, Village Clerk, R. T. N. Callan. The meeting was chaired by Mayor F. J. Miller. In opening the meeting the Mayor explained that the meeting ~ had been called to consider the reports from the Joint Committee set up for Ambulance Service, Tourist & IBdustrial, and Trans- portation System. AMBULANCE SERVICE Mayor Miller then called on Councillor A. A. MacBain, Chairman of the Joint Ambulance Committee, to present his report on Ambulance Service for the Greater Niagara area. Councillor MacBain read a comprehensive report on ambulance service and concluded the report by stating that the Councils would have the following alternatives in providing for ax~ulance service: (a) Continue the ambulance service as it is at present. (b) Increase the subsidy substantially to the present operat- or and expect in return a hi~her standard of ambulance service. (c) Enter, themselves, into the business of operating a municipal ambulance service. He stated that in the opinion of the Committee, the present operator, Mr. 11unt, is diligently trying tQ provide the best Ambulance Cont'd TOURIST & 3NDUSTRIAL ambulance service finances will pe~nit. Itis vehicles are not first class and he does not employ sufficient full time men. · The Committee is further of the opinion that co~pctition would not improve ambulance service in the area and it predicts that the present subsidy for this service will have to be rancreased next year even to maintain the present se~xice. In respect to the second alternative, the Co~rsittee has in mind a considerably higher type of service than presently available, which envisages the operator being required to have three drivers available at all times in order that the first ambulance can be dispatched with its driver and helper immediately upon receipt of a call and if another call came in there would at least be a driver for the second unit and he could pick up a spare helper before pro- ceeding to an accident. This type of coverage to be available on the basis of 24 hours a day. To provide this service a new first class ambulance would have to be supplied tq the op'erator at a cost to the Councils of $12,000.00. It was suggested that each unit be equipped with radio in order to operate more efficiently. To carry this programme out, a subsidy each year would be about $27,500.00 after the installation of the radios. In respect to the third alternative, the report suggested that the cost might be $60,000.00 per year. During the discussion which took place on the report, Alderman McCallurn asked for information concerning the frequency of two accidents at one time. Councillor MacBain stated that this information could not be answered. In response to a question raised by Alderman Swayze, it was reported that the Ilunt Ambulance Service had 324 calls from January 1st to April 27th, 1960. About 35% of these calls were paid by the patients using the service. On motion of Alderman Morton and Alderman Swayze, l, lr. Hugh Gamble was given an opportunity of addressing the meeting. This motion was carried. In addressing the meeting, Mr. Gamble stated he has a qualified St.John's Ambulance man to operate his ambulance and suggested that Mr. Hunt did not have qualified operators, and that both operators be given an opportunity to prove the type of service which could be rendered. He stated that three full time men would be required and that a grant of $9500.00 should be adequate. The gran~ would be in addition to charges to be made for each ~ call at the present time. He stated that he has two ambulance units with an emergency unit available. Alderman Martin asked Mr. Gamble to provide a full statenlent in respect to how an ambulance service could be operated on a grant of $9500.00. Mr. Gamble agreed to provide the statement requested. On motion of Alde~an McKinley, seconded by Aldez~nan Gregory, Mr. King was permitted to address the meeting. This motion was carried. Mr. King stated he operates an ambulance service and has been able to collect all fees in connection with ambulance calls. Ilc stated that he would like his share of ambulance busiaess result- ing from Hospital calls. The Mayor concluded time discussion on ambulance, and thanked the Committee for the report. lie suggested that each Council dis- cuss the report at their separate meetings and that the matter . be re-discussed at a Joint meeting of the three Councils after the Labour Day Holiday. 'TOUIJlST AND INDU.STRIAL At the invitation of the Chairman, Reeve E. E.'Mltchelson, ~hairman of the Joint Tourist and Industrial Committee, presented a detailed report on'Tourist and IndustriaL.activiti~e.~c report advised -- (Cont'd next page) Tourist & Industrial Cont'd. Bus Trans- portation that the Chamber of Commerce had suggested an annual budget of $21,140.00 for Tourist promotion and $18,375.00 for Industrial promotion, a total of $39,515.00. tte advised that the past operations of both Committees had been studied, along with the suggested budget submitted by the Chamber of Commerce, and as a result, the Conm~ittee desire to report as follows: 1. The Committee is unanimous in recommending against an increase in money provided for tourist and industrial promo- tion from $26,000.00 in 1960 to $39,515.00 for 1961. The Committee feels that over a fifty percent increase in one year cannot be considered. 2. The Committee respectfully suggests that the increase in 1961 should not exceed ten percent which means that the total for both committees would not be in excess of $28,600.00. 3. The Committee recommends that no definite portion of the tax rate be allocated for tourist and industrial promotion, but that the money necessary be supplied yearly by the Councils holding office. It is felt that the proposal of the Chamber would establish a very undesirable precedent and would undoubtcdl spread to other grants. 4. The Committee is hesitant to agree that an Assistant blanagcr for tourist promotion is required at the present time, at a salary of approximately $6,000.00 per annum. 5. The Committee is not unanimous in a recommendation to Councils concerning operations for 1961. Some of the members feel that %ndustrial promotion should be handled directly under control of Councils, with the establishment of an Industrial Commissioner and staff in offices separate fr6m the Chamber premises. These members feel that a reasonably successful pro- gram could be carried out for approximately $18,000.00 for the year 1961. These members are convinced that greater effort shoul be made to promote Industrial expansion and less effort directed for Tourist Promotion. Other members of the Committee f~el that the Chamber of Commerce have done extremely well respecting both tourist and industrial expansion and favour requesting the Chamber to contim the operation of both Committees, subject to the following condit] (a) That if a grant of $28,600.00 is made for the year 1961, $14,300.00 be used for Industrial Promotion and $14,300.00 for Tourist Promotion. (b) That the municipal representatives on each committee be give a greater share in developing policies and that the conduct of the affairs of the Committees be more in line with the responsi' bilities due to partners than in the present method of presenting policies already determined on for the information of municipal representatives. Since a considerable proportion of the money required for both tourist and industrial promotion is provided the municipalities, their representatives are entitled to par- ticipate in the development of policies. Reeve Mitchelson explained that complete unanimity existed in respect to items 1 to 4, but his Committee were in disagreement in respect to item 5. After some discussion of the report, it was agreed that this matter was one to be discussed by the three Coun~lls in separate ~ess!on. _when conc~,mions were reached, th~ matter can be taken up at a future Joint meeting. BUS TRANSPORTATION Alderman McCallum submitted a report of the Joint Bus Committee set up by the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford Bus Trans- portation Cont ' d. He reviewed the actions of the Con~nittee in respect to con- ferences held with the Minister of the Department of Municipal . Affairs and his Deputy, on August 29th, during the O.%LA. Convention at Prudhommes. As a result of the conference, the Honourable William Warrender had agreed to write a letter to the two Councils which would provide the authority to proceed with the operation of the Bus Transportation System, and that a Transit Commission would be recognized. He stated that his Con~nittee would like authority to proceed with the following matters: 1. To call upon the services of the Bus Commission for advice and help, but until the Commission is ready to operate that the Committee carry out the following points. 2. To arrange a loan in the amoun~ of $100,000.00 for"each Municipality, with the banks of the Municipalities. ' 3. We have been advised that our buses will be in Windsor on the 9th of September, 1960. We, therefore, request that the Committee be empowered to hire temporary drivers to bring these buses to Niagara Falls and to arrange temporary insurance cover- age for this trip. 4. That members of the Bus Committee and the Bus Commission inspect these buses at Windsor before they are turned over to be returned to Niagara Falls, on September 9th, 1960. 5. That permission be granted for the Committee to advertise for and to hire a manager for the Bus Co~mnission and determine an equitable salary for the Manager. 6. That the Committee be empowered to hire operating personnel in order to operate this Bus System. Also, if any of the present C.N.R. Personnel are hired that the Committee be given power to investigate the possibilities of transferring their Pension Payments to our na~ System. 7. Pe%~nission to purchase tickets, transfers, fare boxes and other items which may be required for the operation of the bus service. 8. To negotiate for garage space, office space, service facilities and insurance. 9. To make necessary arrangements to cover our Bus System with insurance,to obCain P.V, Licenses, and to take care of other items which may come up from time to time. To arrange as soon as possible to sell advertising space. 10. To arrange a joint inspection and reception co~mnittee for our buses on the 10th of September, 1960. The City Manager advised that Mr. Lorne Cureruing, the D,qputy Minister of Municipal Affairs had phoned him in respect to a letter he had w~'itten to the Heads of the two Councils. The letter advised that the Dcpartmeng and the Goverm.enc have studied the proposed bill to set up the Transit Commission and that they will not oppose the Bi] 1 when it is presented in Legislature. The letter will also include a retroactive sec- tion to cover costs incurred, etc. Further, that the Greater Niagara Transit Commission will be recognized by the Government. The City Manager complimcnted Reeve MitchelJon on setting up the conference with Mr. Warrender and Mr. Cureruing during the Convention. Bus Trans- portation Cont'd Meeting Adiourn. Sept.l,1960. 6. Present Minutes. Financ______Je Relief Roads___._._~. General It was moved by Alderman McCallum, seconded by Councillor Cor~ield that the report from the Joint Bus Committee be received, and all affairs be turned over to the Transit Commission as soon as possible· This motion was carried unanimously. It was agreed that the tenn of the appointees made to the Transit Commission by the two Councils would be detelm~ined by each Council at a later date. The Mayor thanked Alderman McCallum and his Committee for the report and in turn, the Alderman extended his thanks to the members of the Committee and the Secretary· It was moved by Alderman McCallum and seconded by Alderman White that the meeting adjourn. This motion was carried· Meeting ~djourned. Hour P.M. Clerk A Regular Meeting of Council was held on Tuesday, September 6Uh, 1960, commencing at 7:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBain~ Reev~ Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor. Allan Cotfield "THAT the minutes of the meeting held August 26th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. Allan MacBain "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts·" Carried. Keighan Allan "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated September 2rid, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $518.54." Carried. finance Licenses Building Permits Industrial Signs. Signs ADDroved 3274 Merritt Avenue. K e ighan MacBain "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated September 2nd, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $9,528.12." Carried. Keighan Cotfield "TIL~T the statement of General Accounts dated September 2nd, 1960,as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $ 249,930.16." C~rried. Keighan MacBain "TItAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. Keighan Allan "TIIAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Mrs. Naomi Garter, 2674 Lundy's Lane (Tourist Home), Mrs. Cora M~qburn, 1626 Mewburn Rd.(Tourist Home)." Carried. Allan Corfield "TI~T we accept the report of th~ Building Inspector for Building Permits issued during the month of August, 1960 amounting to $246,650.00." Carried. 'Mr. Joseph Montgonlery, Industrial Manager of the Chamber of Commerce, addressed Council in respect to the possibility of securing pe~mmission of having industrisl signs placed on the industrial property owned by the To~,mship and on certain main streets and highways entering the municipality. He stated that three signs would be desirable on the industrial property owned by the Tox.rnship. These signs would have to be paid for~ but approximately 10 signs required on the streets and highways entering the municipality could be supplied and installed by the Consumer's Gas Company free of charge. As a result of the discussion which took place in respect to signs advertising Stamford for industrial purposes, the following resolution was presented and passed: 9 · Keighan MacBain "TIL~T the suggestion of Mr. Joe ~,Iontgomery, Industrial Promotion Representative, be supported by Council re: Industrial signs on the Queen Elizabeth Highway, and certain Kings Highways in the Township, at no cost to the Township." Carried. Mrs. Jeanne Labont~ of 3274 Merritt Avenue addressed the Council in respect to a petition signed by 51 residents of 1,1errinn Avenue and McLeod Road, which petitioned Council to grant a license to Mrs. Labont~ to operate a beauty salon in her residence. located at 3274 Merritt Avenue· Mrs. Labont~ pointed out that pa3anents on her property were high and that this cost, coupled with the rent she was required to pay for the beauty shop she operates at 1850 Ferry Street in Niagara Falls, made it difficult for her to meet her obligations. The Reeve pointed out that Mrs. Labonte's residence is in an area of the Township zoned as Residential (2), and such zoning prohibited the operation of a beauty salon· After some discussion on the matter, it was directed that the petition be referred to the Niagara Fa!~s & Suburban Area Planning Board for a report after a study is made of ~he petition and the area involved. S ilvenqood Crescent · Mr. Douglas Beesley addressed the Council on behalf of himself and two other owners on Si]vez~,ood Crescent in the Baldin Sub- division. He requested information concerning the date when roads and sidewalks would he fully constructed on their Street which was fully developed. It was pointed out that the sub- divider could not be called upon to complete sidewalks and curbs throughout the subdivision until such time as 80% of the lots were built upon. This percentage has not been reached, but the By-law No. 17. Allan 2540. Keighan Reeve pointed out that the subdivider has stated that he wants to complete all road and sidewalk construction in this subdivision this year. It is expected that definite information in respect to securing the necessary funds to carry out the construction will be available in a few days. Apple Day 10. MacBain Keighan Cemetery 11. Corfield Convention Keighan Garner Rd. 12. Corfield Crossing. Keighan G.Kirley 13. Corfield Library Keighan Board. Amendment 14. Allan No. 9. Keighan Italf Track 15. Keighan Corfield 1960 Election 16, "THAT this Council approve Sept. 24th, as Boy Scout Apple Day." 1960 Carried. "TI{AT a member of Engineer's Dept. and Chairman of Cemetery Cormnittee be delegated to attend Ontario Cemetery Convention." Carried. "THAT the Board of Transport Commissioners be requested to issue an order for a public crossing on Garner Rd. as covered in their letter of 26th August, 1960." By-law No. 18. Corfie].d 2541. Allan Caledonia 19. Allan Lights. Cotfield Communica- tions. Ilydro hand Carried. "THAT Mr. G. Kirley of 2186 Dorchester Road be appointed as a member of Library Board to replace Mr. Park." Carried. ."THAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the application for'approval of Amend- ment No. 9 to the Official Plan of the Niagara Falls & Suburban Planning Area." Dept.of Municipal Affairs Letter Carried. "TIL~T the Engineer be authorized to purchase a half track for one of our tractors for snow ploughing purposes for the sum of $448,50." Carried. Paving of Dorchester North. MacBain Keighan "Ttt~T at the necP~her ]960 Municipal Election the Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and five councillors be elected for only one year in view of the fact that if the staggered temn was adopted only two Councillors would be elected in December, 1961, if merger does not ta~e place on January 1st, 1962." Carried. items Painting "BY-IAW No. 2540, ]960. A By-law to amend By-law 1874~ 1954) as amended, to designate a part of Franklin Avenue and Co~.xin Crescent as through streets." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2541, 1960. A By-lax.7 to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 29th day of August, 1960 between the Corporation of the To~.mship of Stamford and Joseph Toth- faluse and Andre~,~ Tothfaluse jr.': ~cad a first, second and third time and passed. "TI.~T the P.U.C. be asked to inst~ll street lights on Caledonia Street-between Weaver Ave. east to where built p S Carried. The following communications were received relative to the matters indicated: 1. Letter dated September ].st from the Property Department of the Hydro-Electric Power Comxnission advising that the Commission had approved the sale of approximately 193~ acres of land in Part Township Lots 57 and 59 for a consideration of $1400.00 per acre. The Township is interested in this land for sewage pur- poses and approximately one-ha] f the cost for the purchase has been levied in 1960 and the balance will be levied in 1961 if approved by next year's Council. The deal with the Hydro is contingent on securing the approval of next year's Council. 2. Letter from the lionDurable W. K. Warrender, Minister of the Department of b~nicipal Affairs relative to the proposed Greater Niagara Transit Commission. He advised that as a result of several discussions held between the representatives of Niagara Falls and Stamford that neither his Department nor the Gove~nment would oppose in principle the joint application of Niagara Falls and Stamford for special legislation to provide for the establishment of a Transportation Commission to be known as the Greater Niagara Transit Comnission. The letter also advised that it will be necessary to give the legislation a retroactive effect to ratify arrangements and commitments which have been, and will be, necessary in advance of the final passage of the Private Bill. 3. Letter from .the Department of Itighways dated September lot, authorized the extension of a hot mix paving contract to cover asphalt paving of Dorchester Road from the Queen Elizabeth Way north to the C.N.R. tracks at an additional cost of $5,181.50. The work willbe proceeded with shortly by the Bailey-Drope Paving Limited, the Company that secured the original contract for the paving of Dorchester Road between the Queen Elizabeth Way and Lundy's Lane. -The following items on the Agenda were tabled for the reasons indicated: l. 'Fenders for painting the interior and exterior of the Falls View Fire Hall. The Fire Committee is processing the tenders received and a recommendation'will be made at the next regular meeting of Council. Chamber proposal. Johnson Encroachment Taxi Licenses. Sewer for Chateau- Gai Wines Ken~ Avenue Water Pressure Bill No. 120. Draft By-law re: Civil Defence 2. A letter from the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce relative to the proposal made at a joint meeting of the three Municipal Councils in respect to Tourist and Industrial Develop- ment. The letter requested that any action be deferred until such time as the matter can be discussed by the Board of Direc- tors of the Chamber. The deferment was agreed upon but the Chamber will be asked to submit an official reply to the pro- posals advanced within the next two or three weeks. 3. Letter from McBurney, McBurney & Durdan enclosing type of by-lawwhich their client would consider satisfactory in respect to the encroachment of certain buildings ox.med by Hugh R. Johnson on Township road allowances. The By-lm~ sug- gested by the Legal Firm would be referred to the Township Solicitor for a report. 4. Letter from the Township Solicitor re: the possibility of limiting the number of licenses for taxi-cabs, etc. The Reeve agreed to discuss the possibility of limiting the number of licenses for taxies with the Stamford Police Commission at their next meeting scheduled for later this month. 5. Report from the Engineer relative to the possibility of extending s~,;er services to the Chateau-Gai Wine Company. A committee of the Reeve, Chairman of Sewers, and the Engineer, were appointed to develop the matter further. 6. Letter from the Crawford Fittings (Canada) Ltd. relative to the low water pressure for their plant located in the Industrial Subdivision on Kent Avenue. The Engineer recommended that the watermain on Kent Avenue should be extended through on Kent to the North end of Belmont Avenue. This extension would provide better pressure and circulation and could be installed for approximately $11,300.00. ~It was agreed that this would be a desirable project to consider under the Winter Works programme and the Company is to be advised acco*dingly. 7. Letter from the Select Committee on Expropriation inviting comments on Bill No. 120, being an Act entitled Th~ Land Com- pensation Act 1960. The letter and Bill will be fo~.mrded to the Solicitor for a report. 8. Letter from the Township Solicitor reporting on the draft by-law submitted by the County Council to establish and maintain an Emergency Measures Civilian Defence Organization. This report was tabled until the next meeting of Council. Adjourn. 20. Cerfield Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet again at the call of the Reeve." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Sept.6,1960. Hour: P ' ' Clerk 67. Present Deputy- Reeve . Sign at Motel. Keiff~r St. Residences. Bldg.Offic. Conference Flooding ReDort. A Special Meeting of Council was held on Thursday, September 8th, 1960 commencing at 8:00...p.m. E. E. Mitchelson F,. F. Keigban J. N. Allan S. Cotfield A. A. blacBain Reeve Deputy.-P !~eve Counc il Council lot Councillor 1. 1.lacBain Allan "TIL~T in the absence of the llceve that the D,eputy-lleeve take the chair." Carried. 2. MacBain Keighan "THAT our Building Inspector be authorized to issue a Building permit fo~.' a neon sign to the owner of the Triple I.[ 1,lotel." Carried. The Building Inspector addressed the Council in respect to applications for six building pen~its by Jas. Climenhage, for residences on Keif-fer Street as sho~.m on Registered Plan 108. He reminded Council that the area was zoned Industrial on the Official Plan and requested authority to deal x.zith the appli- cations. In discussing the h~atter, Council pointed out that a restricted area by-law passed at the time the Plan was registered pennitted the erection of single family dwellings on lots frout- ing this Street. In the Scope Section of Consolidated Restric- tive By-law 1,,o. 2350 it provides that all restrictive by-laws passed prior to By-law No. 2350 shall remain in full force and effect. In consequence, although the To~n~ship Council objects to residential development on this Street, we are in a position that a building pentit cannot be refused. in view of the dis- cussion which took place at the public hearing of the proposed Stamford North Restrictive By-law, the Reeve advised that he would confer with Mr. Climenhage and point out Council's objec- tion to residential construction, as well ~s the fact that a difficulty might be experienced later on when the new Zoning By-law for Stamford North is passed. 3. Keighan Corfield "THAT the Building Inspector and one member of Council be authorized to attend the Ontario Bldg. Officials Association Conference in Windsor on October 6th & 7th, 1960." Carried. At the request of the Reeve, the Engineer submitted a comprehensive brief relative to bas~nent flooding in various areas of the Township. Th~ report was carefully reviewed and many questions were asked by the members of Council. It was noted that the Engineer recommended that Items 1 to 5 in the Report be included in the 1960-61 Winter Works Progranm~e. All five items will be included in a proposal for a Winter Works Programme which the Engineer will be submitting to Council at an early date. After the study of the brief had been completed, the Reeve and members of Council expressed their thanks to the Engineer for the efforts of the Engineering Department and h4,n- self for completing the excellent report. Plan No. !56. Adjourn: 'i' Sept.8,1960. present Minutes Licenses At the request of Mr. Frank E. Heximer, the sidewalk re- quirements specified in the Agreement for Registered Plan 156 were studied. As a result of the study, it was determined that if the affected owners would sign waivers to the effect that sidewalks be built on Dell Avenue North of i4argaret Street, anti that a curb only be built on the East side of Joyce Avenue, that the Council would agree to an amenchnent to the subdivision agree- ment. Mr. lteximer is ~o be advised accordingly. 4. Corfield ·Allan "THAT the meeting do now adjourn." Carried. Meeting Adj ourned . Hour: 10:20 P.M. A Regular Meeting of Council was held on September 12th, commencing at 7:30 p.m. 1. Allan Corfield 2. MacBale Keighan Clerk 1960 E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Cotfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "T[~T the minutes of the meetings held Septem- ber 1st, 6th and 8~h, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. Public 3. Allan Gara~%e Lic. Keighan St.Andrew Avenue Sidewalk. "TI{AT the applications for Taxi Licenses from~ the following be approved and licenses granted: Harold Williams, 845 Stanley~ve. (Taxi-cab Driver), Wm. L. Robertson, 2434 Bellevue St. (Taxi-cab Driver), Leo J. DeMarsh, 1813 Leonard Ave. (3) Taxi- cab ~,mer), James C. Manson, 1527 Palmer Ave. (Taxi-cab Driver)." Carried. "THAT the application for a Public Garage License from Vingenzo DelGobbo, 3537 Thorold Rd. be approved and license granted."~ Carried. Mr. Robert Thomas of 101 St. Andrew Avenue and a delegation of residents from this Street attcnded the meeting and Mr. Thomas addressed the Council on their behalf in respect to the elevati0m~ of the sid~qalk which was recently constructed on St. Andrew Aven' St.Andrew Sidewalk Cont'd. Painting Tenders. Traven Son. Gamb 1 e _Ambulance 'Fires & Tubes Account l'lanning Doard. By-law No. .;543. lte advised that the residents of his Street were unhappy with the elevation of the walk since it gives the appqarance of their properties being low. He also stated that they con- sider the height of the sidewalk c~;eated a dangerous hazard for children and that drainage problems will Be created. At the request of the lieeve, the Engineer explained that in his opinion~ the dwellings erected on this Street wcL'e not bui]t to the requirements of the Township since their cellar elevation should have been related to the cro~.m of the road metal. lie also stated that practically all sidewalks in the Township are constructed in such a way that they are 6" above the crox.~a of the road. In this particular case, drainage had been provided by installing tiles under the sidewalk. The Engineer mentioned that the Engineering Suz~ey Party x.~ill contact the o~,,~.ers o£ property along this street and make suggestions to overcome any difficulties that they might have. The Reeve, Chairi~an of Sidewalks, and Engineer, will carry out an inspetition of this sidewalk and report back to Council. During the discussion of this matter by Council, the suggestion was made that the Solici- tor prepare a By-law which will provide that contractors must build basements to an appropriate elevation which will be related to the crown of the read. The four tenders for painting the interior and exterior of the Falls View Fire Hall tabled from last week were considered, and the following resolution passed pertaining thereto: 4. Keighan Corfield "TIL~T the Tender of Traven & Son, Crmqford St., Stamford ~.~. re: painting of the Falls Vi~ Fire IIa]l be accepted, according to prices submitted, since this would seem to be a realistic price for the work to be done, as compared to the lowest tender." Carried. Mr. Ilugh Gamble attended the meeting in respect to a letter written by the Legal Finn of Matthews & Matthews to the Tox.mship, relative to ambulance service. The :leeve advised Mr. Gamble that the letter from his lawyers would be considered at the time Council further studies ambulance service. 5. Keighan Corfield "TI{AT we authorize the payment of one-half of the account submitted by De]aney's 'Fire & SeFvice Centre Ltd. for tires and tubes required for the new bu:~es of the Municipal Transportation System, in a total amount of $6,650.46." Carried. Mr. Conroy~ nowson, Director of the Niagara Fails & Subnrban Area Planning Board, artended the meeting and addressed Council in respect to the proposed By-law to consolidate restrictions concerning the use of property for the nrban part of Stamford Township between the Queen E]izabeth Way and Mountain Road, explained several features of the By-law and advised that a ~cond By-law would cancel the old restrictive by-laws governing development of the urban area included in the new By-law. 6. Allan MacBale "BY-lAW No. 2543, ]960. A By-law to amend By-law 2530 (].960)." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 2544. Allan "BY-I~W No. 2544, 1960. A By-law to rescind ' certain restricted area By-laws and to remove certain lands within the To~rnship of Stamford from the provisions of By-law 2350 (1959) as amended.~' P. ead a first, second, and third time and passed. B.~nne. r 8. Keighan MacBain By-law. By-law 2542 .._ "THAT the request of J. A. Climenhage, to place a banner across Drummond Rd. at CherrFgood Road, from Sept. 17th to Oct. 16th, 1960, be approved, subject to usual conditions established in previous years." Carried. The following By-law was passed to appoint Fir. H. G. I(ir] to the Stanlford Public Library Board in place of Mr. John H. who has moved from the Municipality: Concert 9. MacBain Allan 10. Corfield Keighan. "BY-LAW No. 2542, 1960. A By-law to amend By-law No. 2513, 1960." Read a first,second and third time and passed. "T[L~T Council agrees to sponsor tile Concert to be given by St.Ann's SFnphonic Band of Niagara Falls. Concert to .be given on Thurs- day evening, Sept. 22rid. An Ad be placed in The Evening Review giving place and time.II Carried. Loan to Transit Comm. 11. MacBain Corfield "TI~T the Corporation loan to the Greater ara Transit Commission the sum of Five Thousand Dollars," Carried. :, Informe- r ion. Re-Hearing Dept. of It iKhways. Select Committee Johnson Encroach- ment, The following infom~mtion was received by Council: 1. Letter from the Ontario Municipal Board addressed to the Town' ship Solicitor and dated September 9th advised that an Appoint- 'meet for re-hearing the Department of Highways application for closing roads crossing the Queen Eliz~oeth Way had been set for October 4th at 10:30 a.m. at the Stamford Police Administration Building. The Clerk was requested to contact the local Member and endeavour to arrange an appointment With the Minister of Highways in order that the Townshtp's objection to the proposal of the Highways can be submitted. 2. The Township Solicitor reported orally in respect to the Notice and proposed Bill. No. 120 which had been received from the Select Co~nittee on Expropriation appointed by the Legis- !ature~ 3. The letter from the encroachmen{ on McMicking Stm Johnson Encroach- ment Coni'd. School & 01.~ Approval Items Tabled. Cyanamid Dust. Gamble Letter. Nestlane Sidewalk. Wanless St. Founda- tion. the type of by-law proposed by the So} icj. tors. Tt was agreed that the type of by-law submitted was not an acccptab]~ and that the matter would have to he tabled until we receive some advice from the Department of llighways as to their recep- tion of the encroachment on No. 8 llighway. 4. Lc, ttcr from the Stamfo~:d District Board of },;ducation advised that the tenders had been received for the construction of the proposed new public school on Dorchester ~oad North. The Board has accepted the lowest tender submitted by n:~gnuco]o % Sons the amount of $270,110.00. ihis amount, together with arcbitect's ~ee~ equipment, and other charges, will h~akc np a tote} of $320,000.00 on which tentative approval bad been received from the Ontario blunicipal Board earlier this year. '['he Clerk was directed to make arrangements to secure the Eoard's final approval. ' The following items on the Agenda were order~ed 'tabled for the reasons indicated: 1. Letter from John Prohaszka of 2148 Coho]an Street re: Cyanamid dust. This lettin: is to be fo~qarded to the Cyanamid Company. When a reply is received the matter will be considered further. 2. Letter from Flatthews & F[atthews re: Ga~nb]e Ambulance Service. This letter will be considered at the time ambulance service in general is being studied. 3. Letter from tile Stamford District Board of Education re- questing the construction of a sidewalk on the South side of Lundy's Lane from the existing walk to the entrance of the Westlane Secondary School. The ]Engineer will consider this request and report to Council at a future meeting. 4. Petition from the residents of Wanless Street re: open foundation. This matter will be referred to the Building Inspector for attention, and a copy of the petition will be fon~arded to the owner of the lot where the open excavation exists. F Civil Defence Or~aniz. Winter ~,'jorks Trailer & Tent Site. 5. Letter from the Township Solicitor re: Emergency Measures Civilian Defence Organization. It is understood that this matter will be considered by the County Council in the near future and our representatives will report back after it receives consideration. 6. Report from the Township Engineer suggesting works which can be undertaken under the Winter Works Programme. It was decided to study this report at a special meeting which will be held Monday, September 19th 'at 4 p,m. 7. Letter from MacBain & S].ovak re: estabtisht,lent of a trailer & tent site on 'Uox%rs. ship Lot 134 on the north side of Lundy's I.anc, The subject matter will be referred to-the Board o£ Ilealth and the Township Solicitor for reports. ,,. ,, ,,,,,, ,! , < ,.,,, Allan "TU_AT x. Te do now adjourn to meet on Nonday, . September 19th at 7:30 p.m. unless called Prcscnt E.K. r',litchnl son earlier by the Reeve.n II F. Kaiqhan Deputy'-"~eve :~ J.N. Allan Ceu~cLllo;: - ; A A. Macgain Councillor Meeting Adjourned. ', ' Hour: 9:45 P.M. ~ Corfield "q'l~T the n;Znutcs of the nactLn% bald , ) ~.~}~ ,~ September 12th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Sept.12.1960. .> Clerk ~ Carried. Reeve ~ "TI~T we do noxv adjourn to So' into Finance Cornre(tree A Meeting of Council was held in Committee on September 19th, ' Allan M~etin5 1960, commencing at 4:00 p.m. in the Engineer's Office of the ~ Committee and pass accounts." 0nly. Termship Ilall. Present E.E. Mitchelson Reeve %~ Relief ~ Alien R. F. Keighan Deputy-Reeve J, N. Allan Council!or ! I~eighan "TI~T the statement of Relief Accounts dated S. Corfie]d Councillor '{ September 16th, ]960 as !:resented, be i accepted and the accounts be paid amounting A. A. MacBain Councillor ,/ to $4,543.71." :{ Carried. i I P. oads 4. Corfield .] Allan "TI~T the st2tement of Roads Accounts dated ~ September 16th, 1960 as presented, be ~ accepted and the accounts be paid amounting , Carried. j General 5. Keighan ] Allan "Ti~T the statement of Canetel Accounts dated September 16th, ]960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amount- ing to ~310,766.63." j Winter t Carried. Works ' Finant e 6. HacBain proposals. , Cor~ield "TI~T the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. Ad.']ourR · Mrs.Lundy, Mrs. Made]iRe l.undy was present at the meeting in respect Montrose to a letter and l, ptition wh.[d~ she had presented rcquostin8 Road. an amendment to the zoning by-law to permit the establishment , of a hairdressing business at her residence located at 2230 ~ ' 2 P. an No. 1.08, for ind strial use. The Reev~, advi:w~d Mr. 'Cropp ~~ :j that by laws p,ovlding for land uoe and ~nclud~ The meeting was called for the purpose of considering suggested winter works projects submitted by the Engineer in a report dated September 12th, 1960, and to discuss the matter of the City of Niagara Falls using certain Hydro lands located on the North side of blountain Road for the land fill method of disposing of garbage and rubbish. Mr. W, S. Orr, City Manage~ of Niagara Falls, was present and he submitted blueprints showing the location of the ]and ~.Thich the City propose to use to dispose of.garbage and rubbish to operated on the land fill scheme. After hearing Mr. Orr's planarion and reading his letter dated ,September 19th, 1960, Council gave tentative approval to the project, 'pending the pletion of formal agreements. ' The To~mship Engineer then reviewed the proposal of 21 projects suggested for the Winter Works programme. After consial- the two Senior Gover~en~s to undertake the work under the 1,iun~- cipal Win~er Works Incentive Programme - 1960-61, The meeting then adjourned, Meeting Adjourned, Plan 108 Zoning, Cent ' d. Sidewalk & Path~ L .Lane. Re-llear ing Q.E .Way roads . · had been fon,~arded to the Ontario Municipal Board for a tlearing. When the Board schedules a date for the Hearing of these by-laws, Mr. Cropp would have an opportunity to officially express his objections. 7. MacDale Keighan "TitAT the Engineer be authorized to construct the 200 feet of concrete sidewalk in front of the Sun Oil property on Lundy's Lane and 407.4 feet of cinder path sidewalk adjoining thereto." Carried. 'j'i C of C Board Meet i~F~. · ~ B y - 1 aw f: 2545. A communication from the Department of Ilighways dated Sept.- ember 14th enclosed a plan showing proposed road closings at the Queen Elizabeth Way, and a Notice of a re-hearing by the O.M.F~· of this matter which will take place on October 4th, 1960 at 10:30 at the Stamford Police Administration Building. At the same tiu~? that this information was received, Council was notified that the local Member~ Mr. George Bukator~ had made arrangements for Council to meet with the Minister of Highways on Thursday, September 22nd~ at 2:30 p.m. It is the intention of Council to express its objec- tion to the Minister concerning the plans proposed for tile inter'- section of 14ountain Road and the Oueen Elizabeth Way. It is the considered opinion of Council that the design is not in the pub- lie interest and that trouble will be experienced in later years if the proposal is permitted to become a reality. Represent 8. MacBain .'l~.rp. Allan P .V .0. 9 · MacBain L ic ens e. Allan Ad re: Itealth Unit "THAT our Solicitor be requested to represent the Township at the O.bI.B. Hearing to be heard Oct. 4th~ 1960, at 10:30 a.m." By-law 2546. By-law 2547. Items Tabled. Carried, "TI~T the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation, an ~pplication for a Public Vehicle Operating License~ in concert with the City of Niagara Falls, for the Greater Niagara Transit Com-~ mission." Carried. 10, Keighan MacBain Twp. Property 0.E .Way. Jr. "A" Ad. Plumb ing ~oard. "THAT Council subscribe to an ad in the Evening Tribune in the amount of $25.00 re: '- the official opening of the new Welland and Meeting District Health Unit Bldg. in WelIand, since with we as a municipality .are associated with the i Union Health Unit, and that the Clerk be authorized "l to prepare the appropriate copy." Wan].ess foundation Carried, Councillor CoPfield was de] cgated to attend the P. oard of " "' =~'~'' f Director ~s meeting of the Cbsmbcr of Commerce sc1~edul. ed for Wednesday~ September 21st at 12:15 at the Sheraton-Brock Hotel. 11. CoPfield A 11 an "BY-lAW No. 2q'..5, ]960. A ~y-]aw to dedic,gt~ c~rtain 1-foot strips o~ ]~d being parts of Toxn~sh~p lot 133 for tbe Tox.mr;bip of qta'nford as portions of Fuh]!c hi%hx.xal~ ! hewn as ~od%sor~ Avenue." ]2cad a first, second and third time and passed. 12. CoPfield Keighan "BY-LAW No. 2546, ]?60. A ny-]ax.z to authorize contributions by the Corl~oration of .payments not to exceed q0 per ce~:t for insuranc~ pre- miums for employees of the Corl~oration." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 13. CoPfield Allan "BY-IAW No. 2547, 1960. A ~y-]ax.~ to authorize th~ execution of a Petition to ]'he Honourab~, the l,ieutenant-Governor of Ontario and to the Honourable, the Legislative Assembly of the 'Province of Ontario.!' Pesd a first, second and third time and passed. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons indicated: Plan 188. A report from the Building Inspector indicated that the open fou~da~io~ located on ;-;anl-~s Street which had been objected to by residents of this Street, had been taken up with the owner who commenced work to grade and stone surface the property, and late-r on a fence will be erected around the property. The Inspector c0rl~ School sidered that no danger would exist when these arrangements are I completed. 1. Letter from Herbert Michel re: proposed purcbsse of 'l.'ox.ajship property near the intersection of the Queen E] i:;abeth Way and Dorchester Road. The Rngineer was directed to bring in a report togc~ther with a b]uellrint of the property involved~ in connection with the feasibility of offering the property for sale. 2. Letter from Nick ~.loss on behalf of the Niagara Fails Jr. "A" Hockey Team, requesting the Township to take out advertising space in the Ilockey Programme. This letter was referred to the Chairman of Finance for a report. 3. Letter from W. K. Pattison, Plumb in% !nspc~;tor, r~questing Council to appoint new members to the Plumbing Examining Board in view of the fact that two members have died and the set-vice:3 of Dr. I,. W. C. Stur%con are not available. This request will be taken under advisement and considered at a future meeting. 4. Letter from the Stamford lownship Employees Local Union No. 425, requesting a meeting with Council. Council will meet with a committee of the Union at 7 p.m. previous to the regular Council meeting on September 26th or October 3rd. 5. Letter from the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area P]onning Board requesting answers to certain questions raised by Leasebuy I.td. in respect to l'lan ]8g originally reg.;.sternd by A]e'c Kovacs. The Clerk wil] reply to the letter pointing out the zoning situation in respect to the passage of recent by-]:~ws, together with a request thatmore !~fn~'.mlz'ion be nupp] Led in reapcot to the possihl{~ t, developmeut of the ].and for potential industrial users. Deputy-Reev~ Keighan submitted a statement in respect to the high cost per room for school construction. The statement pointed out that the Department of Education is not paying grants in re- spect to the total cost of the school, and ] iraits thetr grant par- ticipation on a gross cost of $20 000.00 per room. The statement ! Waters instructed that the Building Inspector be requested to bring in School ~uggested that the Government should be urged to make their gro~t~ Costs, on the total construction cost of class ~:ooms Another item svnj- ~ !l~ permit a complete report concerning the application to move the resi- Cont'd. gested was that the Department make available to School Boards ~ Cont'd dence. The report to be in for the next meeting scheduled for sets of plans for individual schools. If plans can be provided~ :.~ October 3rd. architect, supe~ision, and other fees, would be reduced from : 6% to 2%. During the discussion of the statement, Mr. Donald e Camichael Mr. John R. Camichael of 750 Ontario Ave. addressed the Chapman, a local Architect, who has designed several schools fe" License. meeting in respect to an application for a Hawker & Pedlar's Stamford, came into the Hall and addressed the Council, directing License he had submitted to permit him to sell bibles to house- several remarks to the Deputy-Reeve. After some discussion of holders throughout the To~ship. After hearing Mr. Camichael, the matter, Council agreed with the suggestion of the Reeve thPt ~] the following resolution was submitted and passed: a joint meeting be held with the members of the Stamford Distr5ct Board of Education at an early date in order that a full discues- Not 3. Cotfield ion of the grant structure and other matters, can be taken up. Granted. Keighan "T~T the application for a Hawker & Pedlar License from John R. Camichael, 750 Ontario Adi ourn. 14. MacBalD Ave., be no~ granted." .. Cotfield "Ti~T we do now adjou~m to meet on >Ionday, , Septembcr 26th at 7:00 unless called earlier Carried. by the Reeve." Carried, Parking- Mr. Taylor Deans of 2136 Carlton Ave. addressed Council in Carlton respect to parking problems which exist at the intersection of Meeting Adjourned. & Culp. Carlton Ave. and CulD Street as a result of the operation of the Optimist Youth Centre. He stated that cars frequently park in liour: P.[.i. front of driveways to property, and that parking on both sides of the streets created traffic hazards. After discussion, fi~e ~e ~a~¢ Co~ee~ ~e ~eet, a~d ~e C~e~ Co~s~ab~e~ ~o~ ~ ~ · ,2 . ~ ~ C~e~k asked ~ ~ei ~o~ 8~e ~o~e ¢o~e~a~o~ ~o ~e ~se o~ ~e ~. ~. A]ta~ Co~nc~o~ : Ca~e~. S. Co~el8 Cou~c~llo~ Minutes 1. MacBain j Works proposed local improv~ents which could be undertaken as Winter ...... Allan '~TI~T the minutes of the Committee bieeting d Pro~ects Works Projects during the winter of 1960-61. The projects and Regular Meeting held September 19th, :' ~ included in the report were discussed at a previous meeting 1960, be adopted as printed." and the following resolution was submitted and passed pertaining Carried · ~, ~pprov.a,1 5. Corfield Keighan "T~T the necessary by-law be prepared to Licenses. 2. Cotfield Keighan "TI~T the applications for licenses from the support and approve the Winter Works and Local Station), Carried. O~ille Caughill, 15 portage Rd,N, (Barber- Peanut 6. Allan Shop) ." Carried. < Drive~ MacBain "T~T the report from the Kinsmen Club re: : Annual Peanut Drive, be granted." Waters Mr, Douglas Waters of 3218 Dorchester Road addressed the permit. Council and advised that the Building Inspector was not preparcd; Carried. present site, on property o~ed by Mr. Waters. lte stated that ~ with Corfi$1d "T~T Council arra~e an early meeti~ with ~ when he found that the sills were not in good condition. Mr. ~ agreed upon at the last Council Meeting, to Waters stated that he was quite prepared to have new sills con- ~ discuss the Construction costs per room in strutted under the Souse and asked if any arrangements could 1}~ ~ schools bet~ built in Stamford and made to secure the pemntt. After discussing the matter, Council., and that the meeti~ b~ open to the Press and ~ Radio' ~'nd any of the public who desire to a~ten~. Carried. Date of Meet ink Tax 1960 Tax Sales. St· Lights.. Ad in pro~ramme Chamber ~OUr . By-law By-law 25.49.... Dept. Highways Conference MacBain Allan '-. Council suggested that the Clerk endeavour to arrange the ~ Dept. meeting with the Stamford District Board of Education on Wednesday, ] Highways Oct. 12th or Thursday, Oct. 13th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council cont'd. Chambers. As a result of a statement received from the Treasurer, in .~ respect to lands liable to be sold for arrears of taxes, the following resolution was submitted and passed: 9 · Allan MacBain uTHAT the Treasurer forward to delinquent tax- payers whose lands are to be offered for sale for unpaid taxes, a final notice before pro- ceeding with the 1960 tax sales." 10. Keighan Cotfield Carried. 11. Keighan MacBain "THAT the P.U.C. be asked to replace the 100 Watt Bulbs by 200 watt, on Atlas Street; also on Francis St. between. Carman-and Atlas; also ~o fill in vacant spots with 200.Watt brackets andsbUlbs in. these.Iotations; also, on Mountain ~rom No. 8 Highway west~to Dorchester Road with 200 Watt fixtures." Carried. "THAT Council agree to the placing of an Ad in the Junior "A" Hockey programme, at a cost not to exceed $50.00." Carried. MacBain A~lan "THAT the Chairman of the Traffic Committee, Mr. Corfield, be authorized to attend the Chamber of Commerce delegation tour of the off-street parking in Elmira, New York, as Stamford's representative." 'Carried. Re-Hearing 0ct.4th. Property· Items Tabled. Trailer Site. Land in Twp.Lot .156. expressed, in respect to the Department's proposal for partial interchange at Mountain Road and the Queen Elizabeth Way. He indicated Lha~ ~he committee had submitted uhe Council's thoughts in respect to a complete interchange at this location. He ad- vised that the Minister promised to consider the entire matter after he receives detailed reports from the staff. The Minister indicated that there was considerable cost involved to carry out the proposal advanced by Council, but advised that the door was not closed in respect to our suggestions. Councillor MacBain suggested that the committee discuss the possibility of phasing the work in such a way that a complete interchange would ultimately be erected. This possibility will be considered by the Department. After some discussion of the matter, the Engineer was requested to prepare a draft letter to the Minister of Highways which will outline the thinking and suggestions of Council in respect to this problem. The Engineer is to have the report completed ~y,noon, Wednesday, and the members of Council may examine it after that time. If found satisfactory, it will be dispatched to the Minister. The Township Engineer submitted a verbal report, together with a sketch of the property owned by the Township at the north- east intersection of Dorchester Road and the Queen Elizabeth Way traffic circle. He indicated that a transformer station had been erected on this property by the Public Utilities Commission, and that part of it was required for maintenance and operation of a sewage settling tank near the property. He considered that the property might be required by the Township at some future date for municipal purposes and suggested that the property should be retained at this time. The suggestion of the Engineer to retain the property was approved by Council and the person enquiring about the possibility of purchasing the property will be advised accordingly. The following items on the Agenda were tabled for the reasons indicated: ... 1. Correspondence in connection with an application submitted by Mr. Wm. Slovak of the office of MacBain & Slovak, on behalf of a client, in connection with the establishment of a trailer and tent site on Part Twp. Lot 134. Included in the correspondence were letters from the Welland & District Health Unit and the Township Solicitor which advised that the soil was not suitable for septic tank operation and that the proposal was contrary .to existing by-laws of the Township. The Legal Firm was requested to supply additional material concerning the number of trailer sites proposed and the maximum number of tenting sites which could be located. 2. Letter from Mrs. Lena Bailey of 1816 Byng Ave., wherein the Township was asked if they were interested in purchasing approxi- mately 10% acres of land in Township Lot No. 156, immediately south of Badger Road. The communication was ordered referred to the Chairman of Parks, and the Engineer, for a report. 13. Allan Corfield "BY-LAW No. 2549, 1960. A By-law to authorize the execution of a Ouit Claim Deed from The Corporation of the Township of Stamford to Charles William James and his wife, Janet Craig James, and dated the 22nd September, 1960." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Councillor MacBain reported on a conference that Councillor Corfield, Engineer, C. H. Eidt, and he had with Mr, Fred Cass, provincial Minister of Highways, when Gouncil's objections were ' i' . I. rL . = !- "BY-LAW No. 2548, 1960. 'A By-law to author- ize the purchase by the Corporation of the Township of Stamford from Leslie Construction and Investment Limited, of Part of Township Lot No. 56 for the Township of Stamford for park purposes." Read a first, second and third time and passed. The Clerk reminded Council concerning the re-hearing before The Ontario Municipal Board in connection with road closings at the Queen Elizabeth Way, scheduled for October 4th, 1960 at 10:30 a.m. at the Stamford Police Administration Building. The Solicitor and as many members of Council as possible, will attend the Hearing, and the Solicitor will act as spokesman for the Township. · i · {.~' '~ * 120. "being an Act to make uniform: th.e proc.edu. res. for dete.r~.lnlng, !. :~i!. !' i:" ' compensation for the exproprlat~on or ~n3ur~ous affect.~on of '~ ~!4=!~ '~ i lands by public authorities". This Bill is to be considered y .!' .!'/':]i. '~ ' the Provincial Legislature at its next session. It was or.der.ed ~ "~!~'~. '~[ that the matter be referred to the Ontario Municipal Assoczat~on 7~' '!'i i.!:': !'~i thinking of the Council on this matter to be communicated to 7:! .M?.! ~ . Mr. Hardy, the Secretary of the Association. l', Winter 145 of the Niagara Falls Civic Employees Unions, deploring the employees Plumbing Board. low wage rates being paid to the Winter Works employees. This letter was tabled until such time as the matter can be discussed with the representatives of the Township of Stamford Employees Local Union No. 425. Items Filed. Bus Com. License 5. Communication from the Plumbing Inspector re: appointments to the Plumbing Examination Board. The Plumbing Inspector will be asked to attend the next regularly scheduled Council meeting at 7:00 p.m., in order that the matter of appointments might be discussed. The following items on the Agenda were ordered filed: Private Bill re: BUs Com. Adtourn. 1. Letter from the Canadian National Railways wherein they advised that the Railway and the Cdn. National Transportation Ltd. will not oppose any application made by the Greater Niagara Transit Commiss- ion for the right to operate a bus service in this area. It was indicated that the City Solicitor had made application for the license which would be required by the Commission. plbg.Inspec. Mr. W. K. pattison, the plumbing Inspector, addressed Council in committee, regarding changes to be made on the plumbing Examining 'Board. He suggested that the following persons be appointed to the Board: Norman Irvine, tlugh Detlor, Dr. A. Frowhein, C.tt.gidt. Council agreed with Mr. Pattison's suggestions and requested that an appropriate by-law be prepared to appoint these men~ers to the Board. Councillor MacBain Minutes HairdressinK 2. Sept. Z6,1960. 71 1659 Byng Ave. 2. Letter from the Township Solicitor advised that the petition to the Legislature to enact a Private Bill to permit the establish- ment of the Greater Niagara Transit Commission, had been forwarded to Government authorities in Toronto, and that arrangements had been completed for the publication of the necessary notice con- coming the Private Bill in the public press and the Ontario Gazette 14. Cotfield Keighan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet again Monday, Oct. 3rd, at 7:00 p.m. ~nless called earlier by the Reeve." Carried. cler Meeting Adjourned. 'Hour: P.M. A Regular Meetin~ o~ Council was held October 3rd, 1960 at Councillor MacBain suggested to Council that the Township endeavcur to secure certain property south of the Orchard Park area for a Township park and requested that the Chairmau of Parks make the necessary arrangements. E. E. M'ltchelson ~. F, Keighan J, N. Allan A. A. MacBain MacBain Keighan "THAT the minutes of the meeting held-September 26th, 1960 be adopted as printed." ' Carried. 7:00p.m. Allan Keighan "THAT the application for a Hairdressing License from Shirley T~vender, 2890 Drummond Road be approved and l~cense granted." Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor ~ D. Waters Trailer & ~nt site Carried. Mr. W. D. Miller of 1658 Prince Edward Avenue acted as spokesman for a group of residents, respecting the condition of the house at 1659 Byng Avenue, and presented a petition to Council signed by 29 residents of the area. He stated the house was in a poor state of repair with rubbish littering the grounds, and also, that ~he garage was in a dangerous condition. The following resolution was passed in this connection: 3. Keighan MacBain "THAT the Building Inspector be ordered to investigate the condition of the premises · known as 1659 Byng Avenue, and that he be given the authority to notify those in charge of looking after the property, to clean it up and correct any hazardous condition that ezists there~ as indicated in pictures shown to Counciltonight." Carried. Mr. Douglas Waters of 3218 Dorchester Road, again appeared before Co~Lqcil requesting a final decision as to whether a moving permit would be granted to him by the Building Inspector. Mr. Bradley gave a verbal report on the condition of the house and stated that the dwelling was over one hundred years old and the sills were in an advanced state of decay. He considered the building at the present time is ~nsafe and advised that the Township Engineer had also examined this house. Because of the type of construction, Mr. Bradley informed Council that the house could not be repaired. Gotmcil agreed to issue a moving permit to Mr. .~aters' if the necessary alterations could be made to the house so that it would conform to the present Building Code. If these alterations cannot be -e~orme~- a movin~ permit will not he issued~ Councillor MacBain requested permission from the Reeve to be excused] from the discussion which took place on the following matter and this requestswas granted. tent site Councillor MacBain G.N .C .E. Credit Union Hu~h Gamble Fred Page Higgins C.M.Jacklin Mr. Wm. Slovak appeared on behalf of his clients respecting the Z'~i E~ngineer proposed tourist trailer and ~nt site on Canboro Road. He sub- mitted more detailed information on the operation of this business, He raised two objections, namely, that drainage is not a major problem; and, his client Was purchasing 17 acres of property and could choose another site for the camp within this area. He stated that the motels in this area use more water than would be used at the proposed trailer and tent site, and also that the camp would not be operated in the early spring or late fall when surface drainage of water could become a problem. Mr. John Matthews appeared on behalf of the vendor of this property, Mrs. Alma Badger, and submitted a copy of a letter from Mr. Ernest Smith. P.Eng., wherein he stated that there was little difference in the soil condition of this property and the V.L.A.Subdivision, and it was his opinion that drainage would not become a problem. Mr. Matthews stated that his client owns a favourable piece of "LInd ' " land and does not want the property labled eslrable · He pointed out to Council that there were 12 motels in operation in this area and suggested that the proposed operation of a tourist trailer and tent site could also be operated satisfactorily. After discussion, Council requested that the two lawyers present their submissions in writing to the Clerk, and further considera- tion would then be given to the matter. At the conclusion of this discussion, Mr. MacBain returned to the Council Chambers. Mr. Arthur Strange artended the meeting and addressed Council respecting the request of the Greater Niagara 'Civic Employees Interim Credit Union for payroll deductions for employees of the Township [! Payment of Stamford. The petition and letter from the Credit Union was tabled pending a meeting with the Township Glerk and Credit Union Officials, regarding procedure~ etc. Mr. Hugh Gamble of the Airflight Ambulance Service artended the meeting and inquired when a decision of Council would be reached respecting ambulance service. Mr. Gamble was informed that the matter would have to be discussed by a Joint Meeting of the three Councils, and he would be advised of the date of the meeting~ 4. Keighan Allan "THAT the balance of the.account of Fred page Higgins and Company, in the amount of $175.00 '~' re: preparatory work,and three trips,and three attendantes at the O.M.B.Hearing between the owners and developers of The Townand Country Subdivision, and the Township of Stamford, be approved for payment." Carried. Fare Boxes Twp.Union Xmas Party By-law 2550 By-law 2551 5, Keighan Allan "THAT authority be granted to loan the ~ection screens and polling booths to Mr.C,M.Jacklin, Returning Officer of ~he Bleatoral District of Niagara Falls for use at the By-Election scheduled for October 31st,on condition that they are returned in geod ~epair; further tha~ permission be granted to use the Council Chambers at the Township Hall for Court of Revision purposes on October 20,21,22 and 25, on the understanding that the rent of same will be on the basis'of $20.00 per day." Carried. 6. MacBain Allan 7. Keighan MacBain 8. Keighan MacBain 9. Allan MacBain 10. Keighan MacBain 11. Allan MacBain 12. Keighan Allan "THAT we accept our Engineer's report of October 3rd,1960, and that we instruct him to set up the system therein suggested, on an experimental basis and the results of the new system be reported to Council when available." Carried. "THAT if we secure the fare boxes, that the Clerk be authorized to notify the Canadian National Railways that the present bus service may be discontinued as of Oct.14th,1960, 12 midnight, and the Greater Niagara Transit Commission commence operation on Oct~.15th,1960, and a joint Council meeting wit~ the City of Niagara Falls be held on Oct.llth,1960 at 9 p.m. at the Township Hall respecting a progress report on the operation of the bus system." Carried° "TIL~T the Stamford Township .Employees Local '~nion be notified that Stamford will participate in the Annual Christmas Party, on the same basi~ as last year, to the extent provided for in the 1960 Budget." Carried, "THAT we petition for interim payment of the statutory grant under the Highway Improvement Act on expenditures in the year 1960 in the total amount of $204,181.46." Carried. "BY-LAW N0.2550=1960. A by-law to declare the desirability of undertaking certain works as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW 2551, 1960. A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 3rd day of October, 1960, between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and River Realty development Limits4, and Frank A, Branscombe and Mildred Branscombe." Read a first, second and third ~ime and passed. "THAT we enter into a Sewer Rental Agreement with Mr. Georffrey Hawthorn which would permit him to make a sewer connection on Diaane Street 'for an annual charge of $25.72 per year, subject to Mr~ Haw~hnrn nhtai,~ing a regiater~d ment for such purpose from the adjoining owner, the expense involved in putting in the sewer, and any other expense to be paid for by Mr? Hawthorn." Carried. II. By-law 2552 13. Radio equipment Radio Labs Water rental agreements Filed st . drew Sidewalks Mayor Swanson Niag.Reg.Dev. ASSOC. Bldg.0ff. ~! Conference {! .SgcietY. Eng. -Memo Humane Society ~ Board Order Keighan '~ MacBain "BY-LAW No 2552,1960 A by-law to authorize '~! the execution of an Agreement dated the 3rd ~ day of October, 1960, between the Corporation ~ of the Township of Stamford and Traven & Son." Read a first, second and third time and passed, ~e Engineer reported that the order for the radio equipment from Radio Labs had been placed on May 17th,1960 but the manufacturer of this equipment would not ship same to this Company, and delivery date, according to the tender,_was ten days. He stated that Radio Labs had obtained the necessary licenses. The following resolution was then passed in this connection: "THAT Radio Labs be informed that unless the equipment in question is delivered in seven days, we will consider that they have committed a breach of contract and we will consider the same to be null and void." Carried. 14. MacBain Allan Tabled 9. Board of Transport Commissioners Order No. 102373 dated September 19th, 1969 wherein it was declared that the crossing of the C,N.R. at Garner Road is a public crossing and the cost of the work is divided between the Railway Grade Crossing Fund, the C.N.R. and the Township of Stamford. Chairman of Sidewalks The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons indicated: C&S Final Beltnee 1. Report from the Chairman of Sidewalks respecting parking of Bo's cars near the Optimist y Club at the corner of Carlton Avenue and Gulp Street, wherein he recommended that both sides of Carlton Avenue from Gulp Street to Barker Street be included in our Parking By-law and that a key for the parking area in the A.G.Bridge Park be made available to the Director of the Club so that when necessary, this parking lot can be ~sed. The Deputy-Clerk reported on certain Water Rental Agreements respecting the watermain construction on Montrose Road by Kings- way Transports.' TWo hO~es have'b~en connected to this watermain and the necessary water rental agreement has not been signed by owners. Council requested the'Engineer to bring in a further rep0~I t i ma ter{t ms on ohoang e the Agenda were ordered Filed: 1. Minutes of the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board Meeting held on September 23rd. 2. Report of the Chairman of Sidewalks respecting the con- struction of a sidewalk on St.~Andrew Avenue. 3. Letter from Mayor Swanson of St~mford,.England, regarding the Quincentenary Celebrations in 1961. 4. Letter frDm the Niagara Regional Development Association respecting the brief prepared by the Committee, and extending. an invitation to Council to attend a meeting on October 12~h "' at the Barclay Hotel in Welland· 5. Booklet of the proceedings of the 1960 Building Officials Conference held in April, 1960. 6. Letter from~the'Canndiet Cancer Society, advising that Councillor Allan was agai8..named,to. their Board, of. Directors' .- 2. Letter from Mr.W,G.Booth respecting the final release of C & S Construction Co. in connection with certain sewer and water tenders made earlier in the year. Cnuncil directed that the Solicitor prepare the necessary by-law to e~ecute this document. COSt 3. An account Of General Motors Products of Canada Ltd. for Stamford's share of the cost of the buses, was tabled, pending the results of the road tests which are to be completed on October 7th. 4. Letter from W. T. Robb, 190 Portage Road S., respecting building requirements for side yards, and also, the dust from the Cyanamid Company. The matter concerning side yard require- ments was tabled until the O.M.B, Hearing in respect to Stamford North & South Consolidated By-laws, and the complaint about the dust was tabled until a report on this matter is received from the Cyanamid. 15. Allan Keighan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, Oct.llth at 4 p.m. unless sooner called by the Reeve." Carried. for-~-~he current year. 7. Memorandum from the Township Engineer re: construction of a sidewalk in front of certain properties within Registered plan 72 Reeve Meeting Adjourned 210, along with a petition signed by four persons in this area, requesting that the sidewalk be not constructed this year. The Engineer advised that the. estimated cost of this work had been secured from tile subdivider and suggested that the difference ~.~ pries in not constructing the sidewalk in 1960 be charged to the individual lot owners. Upon receipt of this information, the individual owners decided to withdraw their request that tile sidewalks not be constructed this year. Minutes 8. Letter from the Niagara Frontier Humane Society advising that the week of October 3rd to 8th was "Be Kind To Animals WeeW'. - Deputy Clerk A Regular Meeting of Council was held on Tuesday, October llth at 4:00 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor ~. Corficld .Councillor A. A. MacBait Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meeting held October 3rd, 1960 be adopted as printed." 1. Allan Corfield Carried.. Finance Corfield Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass acc.ounts." Radio Equipment General 3. Roads 4. Relief 5. Finance 6. Licenses 7. Taxi-cabs Louis Bpl.us. BldK,Permits General Motors Corfield Allan Allan Corfield Cotfield Keighan Allan CorEield Cotfield Allan Carried. "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated October 4th,1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $289,846.55." Carried. "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated October 4th,1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $28,250.02." Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated October 4th,1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $763.95." Carried. "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. "THAT the applications for l{censes from the following be approved and licenses granted: John F. Bennor, 402 portage Rd.N. (Barbershop) Charles Munday, 197 May Ave0(Taxi-cab Driver) William E.Knight,2510 Barker St.(Taxi-cab Driver)," Carried. Reeve Mitchelson advised the members of Council that the matter of limiting the number of taxi-cab licenses was tabled by the Stamford police Commission at their recent meeting since the Commission felt that it was too late to consider this matter for the current year and suggested that it be ~onsidered for the coming year. Mr. Louis Bolus of the Stork Motel, along with several other motel owners on the Queen Elizabeth way, artended the meeting and requested information as tO an appeal being made on the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board in respect to the Mountain Road and Queen Elizabeth Way interchange. He stated that the motel owners anticipated a decrease in business of at least 75% when this interchange was completed. The Solicitor was requested to prepare a report on what type of appeal may be made on the Board'$ decision. 8. Allan Cotfield 9. Keighan Allan By-law 2553 By-law 2556 By-law 2555 By-law 2556 By-law 2558 Winter Works Hedge clippings "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector for building permits issued in the month of September in the amvtmL of $20~450.00," Carried. "THAT the Township Treasurer be authorized to issue a d~eque payable to General Motors product of Canada Limited for $g2,056.,betng half the cost of the buses purchased for the Municipal transportation system."' [ .A.J. BradleV Filed 8'Cotfield- · Cemeteries 10. Keighan Cotfield 11. Keighan Allan 12. Allan Keighan "THAT the tender for the supply of Radio Telephone mobile equipment be awarded to "Niagara Mobile Radio" fox· Marconi equipment, also, Engineer be authorized to arrange for the rental of four additional mobile radios on a rental purchase agreement. The tender price agreed to is $2,794.00 and rental units are $25.00 per month each." Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2553, 1960. A by-law to authorize an extension to the Waten.;orks System of the Township of Stamford°" Read a first and second time. . · "BY-LAW No.2554,1960. A by-law to authorize extensions to the Sewerage Systems in Stamford Sewer Area." Read a first and second time. 13. Corfield Keighan "BY-LAW No.2555,1960. A by-law to amend By-law 1972 (1955)." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 14. Keighan Allan "BY-LAW No.2556,1960. A by-law to authorize the Corporation of the Township of Stamford to execute a Final Release to Fermino Susin carry- ing on business under the firm name of C & S Construction Company." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 15. Allan Corfield "BY-LAW No. 2558,1960. A by-law to amend by-law 1592 (1952) as amended." Read a first, second and third time and passed. The Engineer advised that he anticipated receiving approvals this week on several projects of the Winter Works Programme and that we could commence one crew at work on October 17th if Council approved of this suggestion. Council recommended that no work be commenced until the meeting with the Local Union 425 takes place respecting the hourly rate of pay for the employees on the Winter Works programme. The Engineer requested permission for Township employees to secufe clippings of California privet from his own property and also ~inese elm clippings from ~he proper~y of one of the Township Foremen, at no cost to the Township, in order that these clippings may be used as a hedge around certain sewage tanks. Council agreed to this request. Mr, A. ~. Bradley, the Building Inspector, reported on the Ontario Building Officials Association Annual Meeting held in Windsor and stated that the Department of Municipal Affairs was preparing a Code on min~m,,m ~tandards of o~cupancy and maintenance of dwcl.litEd' and presented a copy of tile Code to Council. lie requested that Council study this report and consider passing such a by-law. The folio_wing items on the_A~en~ were ordered filed: 1. Report from Councillor Corfield on the Alu~ual Convention of The Ontario Cemeteries Association. S.Kovinich Emergency Measures Organization Ont.Water Resc.Conf. W.T.Robb Tabled By-law 2557 Adiourn 0ct.11,1960 73 City Hall Present 2. Letter from Mr. S. Kovinich of 4627 Lundy~s Lane wherein he alleged certain drainage conditions on C.N.R. property. CouncL1 recommended that this matter be fomqarded to the Local Agent of the C.N.K. for his information since it was a private matter not affecting the Township. 3. Letter from the Emergency Measures Organization of Ontario respecting a Conference on Civilian Emergency Planning to be held in November, 1960. No representative from the Township will attend this Conference since the County of Welland will have representation. 4. programme of theOntario Water Resources Conference to be held an October 19th in London was received and Council decided this Conference would be of no interest to our municipality. 5. Letter from W. T. Robb, 190 portage Road S., concerning side yard width, and also, the Cyanamid dust nuisance. A report from the Cyanamid of Canada Ltd. was presented regarding this matter. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons indicated: 1. By-law No. 2557, respecting an agreement with the City of Niagara Falls re: garbage disposal area, was tabled until more particulars respecting traffic routes, etc. are secured. present Transit Commission Also present were the following representatives on the Transit Commission: City of Niagara Falls representatives: 1~. Corfield Keighan "THAT we do now adjourn to m~et at City Hall at 9 p.m. this evening." Carried. Meeting Adjourned · Reeve Deputy C~erk A Special Meeting of Council was held on October llth, 1960 at 9:00 p.m. A Special Meeting of Council was held at the City Hall commencing at 9 o'clock. Representatives from Stamford Township: Reeve, E. E. Mitchelson, Deputy-Reeve, R. F. Keighan, Councillor, J. N. Allan, Councillor, S. Corfield, Councillor, A. A. M~cBain, Township Engineer, C. H. Eidt, Deputy Clerk, Miss M. L. Adsms. R~Dr~scntatiyes frnm Niagara Falls: Mayor, F. 3. Miller, Alderman ~. Gregory, Alderman G. Martin, Alderman I. Mceallum, Alderman A. J. McKinley, Alderman C. Swayze, Alderman H. Morton, Alderman G. White. Mr. George Mowers, Mr. John Meats. Township of Stamford representatives: bit. Earl Davey, Mr. Jack MacKenzie- Report on Transit Comm. Reeve M_itchelson Ad_Journ Acting Manager, Mr. Leslie Storr. Mayor Miller acted as Chairman of the Meeting an~ called' upon Mr. George Mowers who gave an interim report on the operation of the Transit Commission. Mr. Mowers advised that the operation of the Greater Niagara Transit Commission would commence on October 15th, and this was only made possible through the complete co-operation of all concerned, and especially through the efforts of Mr. C. H. Eidt, the Acting Secretary of the Commission. Mowers informed the meeting that Mr. Eidt had notified the Commission that be wou].d be unable to perform this service after Dec.31st, 1960. Mr. Mowers stated that the Commission had not received an Interstate Commerce Commission License to operate in Niagara Falls, New York, and the Canada Coach Lines will provide a connecting service to Niagara Falls, New York. He estimated that it may take approximately one year to secure this license. The Commission has decided to discontinue Zone fares between the two Municipalities as presently in operation under the N.S.& T. system, He stated that the present schedules and routes will be maintained and a new route was being established to provide service to the Eventide Home, the General Hospital and the Medical Arts Building. He advised that office space ha~ been rented on Park Street and that the buses will be stored and serviced at the Canada Coach Lines garage. He stated that the present N.S.& T. staff had been employed by the Commission and that employee benefits will be provided. He stated that road tests had been completed and the buses had met the specifications as tendered for, and that it would be in order for the municipalities to pay the account for the buses. Reeve Mitchelson extended a vote of thanks to the representatives appointed by the City and the Township for their work on the Commission. On a motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Gregory, the meeting was then adjourned. 74 P_____resent ~p.Union Committee A.R.Macklem Minutes Licenses 3.HermessaY A Regular Meeting of Council was held on October 17th, at 6:30 p.m. 1960 Abandon NYC Railway Line E0 E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBait Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Council met in committee with members of the Negotiating Com~nitte~ of the Stamford Township EmployeesT Union Local 425 and Mr.W.A. Acton, representative of the National Union of Public Employe~s. Mr. Acton Spoke on behalf of this group and requested that the Council consider increasing the hourly rate of wages paid to the men employed on the Winter Works programme from $1.25 to $1.45. He stated the increase would only cost the municipality a difference of $.05 per hour for each man because of the sub- sidy paid for wages by the provincial and Federal Governments on these programmes. 1te advised that at the present time there was a difference of 36% between the hourly rate paid for these employees and the regular Township labourers. He stated that the Union had also requested the City of Niagara Falls to increas their hourly rates of the Winter Works employees. After dis- cussion the Reeve advised that this matter will be taken under consideration by Stamford as well as jointly with the City of Niagara Falls. Mr. A. R. Macklem presented to Council a draft plan of an industrial subdivision described as Part Township Lots 171,161 and 157 adjacent to the Queen Elizabeth Way and McLeod Road. He stated that he wished to develop this property as a commercial subdivision and at the present time had made contacts with five · ~oncerns to be located within this subdivision. Members of Council agreed that each commercial subdivision presented to Council be treated on its own merits.and suggested that Mr. Macklem submit his plan to the Department of planning & Develop' ment in the normal manner. 1. Allan Cotfield 2. ,* Allan MacBain "THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting and Special Meeting held OCtober llth, 1960 adopted as printed." -- Carried. "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Norman Henderson,1289 Florence Ave.(TaMi-cab Driver), Kenneth Kinnaird,755. McDougall Cresc.(TaMi-, cab Owner)." Carried. Mr. James Hennessey of 785 Drummond Road artended the meeting and requested the support of the Council in opposing the abandonment of the New York Central Railway Line from Niagara Falls to Niagara-on-the-Lake. He stated that he represented a group of 1.nnal people who were interested in developing this line for the use of fruit growers in this area. He indicated that he had contacted premier Frost and the Department of Highways recently and they did not wish the abandonment of this Railway, Mr. HennasBey informed Council that a hearing on this matter would be held at the City Hall on October 19th at 10:00 a.m. and the County of Lincoln was opposing the abandon- ment and requested that Stamford send a representative to attend this Hearing to also present opposition. Deputy Reeve Keighan A,&F,Basile Basile [' PoDpV Drive ~Po~Dy Day Wm ,Walker ~- ~yd Jew Keighan Corfield "TI~AT in view of a recent submission by a Mr. James Hermessay of 785 Drummond re the abandon- ment of the N.Y.C.Railway Line which runs from Churches Lane to Niagara-on-the-Lake which would seem to indicate that there is a definite need and use for this line, that Council authorize a member of Council to appear at the Board Hearing to be held Oct. 19th to oppose the abandonment of this service." Carried. Deputy-Reeve R. F. Keighan was appointed as Stamford's representative to this Hearing. Mr. W. G. Booth attended the meeting wherein he once a~n opposed the decision of the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board not to rezone the property of Antonio & Filomena Basile described as 2370 Drummond Road. He stated his client was willing to provide off street parking and change the appearance of the building from Residential type to Commercial type building. He requested that a recorded vote by the members of Council be taken on this question. After considerable discussion the7 following resolution was passed: 4. Keighan Corfield "THAT the recommendation of the Planning Board in respect to an amendment application by Antonio & Filomena Basile of 2370 Drummond Rd. to fezone the property outlined in the appli- cation to permit the operation of a Barbershop there be not s~ported~ an~] that Council support the appl{.cation subject to the fulfillment of the conditions outlined by Mr. Booth on behalf of his client~ and subject to the restrictions affecting the type of Commercial use being requested." Recorded Vote:- Ayes - Keighan, Cotfield, A!lan~ Nayes - Mitchelson~ MacBait. Carried. Mr. Robert Hunt of 1847 Vine Street presented a letter from the Canadian Legion Stamford Branch No 479 respecting a Poppy Drive and also requested that a committee be appointed to make arrange- ments for the November llth Memorial Service. 5. Keighan Corfield "THAT the Stamford Branch of the Canadian Leg].on ~,479 be g~ven permission to conduct thelr annual' ~ ppy y on Nov. 4th and 5th, 1960." Carried. Mr. Wm. Walker and Mr. Syd Levy requested the Council tn submit to the electors at the next municipal election, the following question: "Are you in favour of the Township of Stamford seeking legislation to legalize the showing of motion pictures and the performanne of concerts and plays in theatres on Sunday?" Mr. Walker stated that similar requests had been made in the cities of St.Cathartnes, Hamilton, Brantford and Toronto,and the Niagara Falls & District Labour Council also presented the same request to the City of Niagara Falls for their consideration. The matter was tabled pending the decision of the City of Niagara Falls. Bus Deficit 6. MacBarn Keighan Winter Works 7. Keighan Cotfield Assessors' 8. Cotfield Fall Meetin~ Keighan Credit Union 9. Allan Day MacBain Cot field Education By-law 2557 11. MacBain Allan 12. Allan Xetghan 13. Cotfield Allan "THAT our Treasurer be authorized to pay to the Canadian National Railways the sum of $595.50 being the Township's share of the September deficit of the C.N.R. in the operation of their bus system as per out agreement with the C.I,I.K," -, Carried. "THAT the Engineer be authorized to start a crew of 10 men on our Winter Works programme, up until Dec.31st,1960; which might be in- creased starting in 1961; and that those who are hired be selected on the same basis as 1959; those on relief first." Carried. "THAT Council grant the request of Chief Assess01 to attend Fall Meeting of Assessing Officers Association inDundas along with one other Assessor." Carried. "THAT we agree to a joint proclamation be pub- lished in the Niag.Falls Evening Review Oct.20 as Credit Union Day." .Carried. "THAT the P.U.C. be asked to install new street lights on Kitchener Street between portage Road and Stanley Street, left over from last year's program; also, install 1-300 watt light on Roger Crescent, 3 -300 watts on Wilson Cres' cent and 1 - 300 watt On Wendy Drive; also 3 - Fluorescent lights on Leeming Street between Leonard and Highland Avenues and 1 Fluorescent light on Carlton between Cotwin Crescent an~ Dunn St. providing it can be placed on the ezisting Ontario Hydro pole.". Carried. "THAT Council authorize a joint proclamation designating the week of Nov. 6th to 12th as Education Week.". Carried. "BY-LAW No, 2557, 1960. 'A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 1st day of October, 1960 between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and the Co~porati0n of the City of Niagara Falls." Read a first, second 8nd third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2559, 1960. A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement dated the 17th day of October, 1960between River Realty Development Limited and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time add passed~ Lena Bailey Councillor MacBain reported on the property offered by Mrs. Bailey comprised of 10.553 acres fronting on Badger Road. He 'stated that at the present time he could not foresee use of this land for park or other purposes and stated that the Township was not interested in purchasing this property. The Council agreed with the recommendation of the Chairman of Parks and requested that Mrs. Bailey be informed of the decision of Council. Mountain Rdo Interchange Miss J. V. LaMarsh presented a report as to what type of appeal is available from the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board for its decision respecting the Hearing on the Mountain Road inter- change. She pointed out there were two types of appeal; one on a question of law to a Court of Appeal, and two, on the whole question of Policy to the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, "The Cabinet". Miss LaMarsh stated that she believed that .there is no ground on which to base an appeal and after d~scussioh, Council recommended that a copy of the Solicitor's letter be forwarded to the motel owner who had requested that an appeal be made. Tabled The followinK items on the A~enda were ordered tabled__.' Wd, InsRector 1. Report from Mr. Mitchell, Weed Inspector, respecting an account of $5.00 for cutting weeds on property owned by Mrs.Lily McCourtie on portage Road North. Council requested that additional information be secured as to how the $5.00 account was calculated. Gltmenhage Dev .Ltd. 2. A letter from J. A. Climenhage Development Ltd. re: service costs in connection with the sale of two lots on Dorchester Road. The Engineer was requested to submit ~he statement on the service COSTS. Filed The followin~ items on the Agenda were ordered filed~ 0nt. Ed. ,AS8oc , E.W.RoKers 1. Letter from Ontario Education Association respecting the 1961 Public Speaking Contest was filed since the County of Welland participates in this contest. 2. Letter from Mr. Edward W. Rogers thanking the Cotmcil for the co-operation in providing the A. G. Bridge park for the annual Track and Field Meet. Planning Bd. Minutes United Appeal ~urlin~ Clu~ 0MB.ApprOval N~w schopl 0ct.17,1960 3. Minutes of the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board meeting held October 6th. 4. Letter from Greater Niagara United Appeal thanking Council for the 1960 grant. 5. Letter from the Niagara Falls Curling Club re: Couneil's participation in th~ Official Opening of the Curling season. =,6. Letter from the Ontario Municipal Board wherein they approved of the capital expenditure in the amount of $320,000.00 for the construction and equipment of a new public school on Lot 44, Dorchester Road North. 14. Corfteld Ketghan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, Oct. 24th at 4:00 p.m. unles~ so~n~ ~alled by th~ Reeve." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. OUr : , m. Deputy Clerk Reeve 75 present Minute. s. A Regular bieeting of Council was held on October 24th, 1960 UN1OEF Canvass at 4:00 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Items Tabled. 1. Allan Corfield "THAT the minutes of the meeting held Oct- ober 17th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Board of Education Meeting Carried. 6. MacBain Allan "THAT this Council authorize a UNICEF Canvass on Oct. 28th, 29th & 31st." Carried. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons indicated: 1. Letter from the Stamford District Board of Education re: pro- posed meeting with Council for the purDose of discussing school construction. This letter will be considered at a meeting when all members of Council are present. License. Tent and Trailer Site. Street Lights in Plan 223. Tenders · Littered - --ties Prup~ 2. Corfield Allan "THAT the application for the following license be approved and license granted: Wallace Shelton, 2520 Barker St. (Taxi-cab Driver) ." Carried. A communication from Dr. L. W. C. Sturgeon, Director of the Welland & District Health Unit was read in connection with the proposed establishment of a tent and trailer site on Part T~. Lot 134 owned by Mrs. Alma Badger. Mr. John Matthews and Mr. Wm. Slovak were present in the capacity of Solicitors for the Vendor and purchaser of the property. Copies of Dr.Sturgeon's report were handed to the Solicitors at the meeting and they requested that the matter be tabled and considered at the next regular meeting of the Council. Their request was agreed to the matter will be considered at the meeting of Council schedub for October 29th, when it is expected a full Council will be present. ~ 3. Allan MacBain "THAT the publi6 Utilities Commission be requested to install eleven street lights within the Veterans' Land Act Subdivision, · Registered Plan 223, in accordance with a report from the Chairman of Street Lights." Carried. 4., Cotfield Allan "THAT the Clerkbe authorized to call for tenders to purchase Township of Stamford Debentures, in'the principal amount esti- mated at $53~,518.82, required to finance certain local improvements, settling basin and school construction. The tenders to be in by 3 p.m. November 7th, 1960 and all submissions are to state interest ~ra~eS and prices~" Carried. 5. Corfield Allan Dept.of Highways Meeting. 2. Letter from the Department of Highways indicating that Traffic representatives of the Department would like to meet with members of Council sometime during the week of~ November 14th. It was agreed that Council would meet with the Highway representa- tives on Tuesday, November 15th at 3:15 p.m. at the Township Hall. Chateau- Gai .~ewer. 3. Communication from Chateau-Gai Wines relative to sewermain service. This matter was referred to the Sewer Committee for consideration and report. HEPC Kiosk 4. Letter from the'Hydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls requesting permission to place a transformer kiosk in the north- west corner of the parking ar~a behind the Township Hall. Infor- mation will be secured concerning the type of construction and if all lines will be underground. If the info~nation is satisfac- tory, a draft agreement will be prepared for submission to Council. Question to Rate- ~ayers. 5. Letter from the Niagara Falls & District Labour Council re: submitting a question to the ratepayers to legalize the showing of motion pictures and the performance of concerts and plays in theatres on Sundays. This matter was tabled until the next regu- lar meeting of Council. Joint Council Meeting. 6. A request from the City of Niagara Falls for a joint meeting on November 1st was not agreeable. Arrangements will be made to have such a meeting later on in November. Cupolos Cycle An application from Cupolo's Cycle and Sport Shop was received for permission to sell Township hunting licenses. In view of the fact that there are six outlets for the sale of Township hunting licenses at the present time, it was considered that additional outlets were not necessary and the request was refused. Adjourn. 7. MacBain Allan "T1{AT.we do now adjourn to meet on Saturday, October 29th, 1960 at 9:00 a.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Nour 5:25 P.M. "THAT a letter be sent to Mr. A. Henderson, oct.24,1960. ~'. ~!.~/P~'~Yc'./~t ~___ ~ 2796 Dunn Street re: complaint of litter Sencer~''~ [ Reeve Clerk around his property, also to Mr. T. P '! ~ 2806 Dunn Street." ' ~ · . Carried. .' held on October 29th, 1960 at 76A Regular Meeting of Council was. i,~, 9:00 a.m. E. E Mitchelson Reeve present ' R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBain Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Minutqs. 1. Corfield Allan Finance 2. Corfield Allan Relief 3. Allan Corfield Roa~ 4. Keighan Corfield Finance Basile Applica- t ion. "THAT the minutes of the meeting held on October 24th? 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Com- mittee and pass Accounts." Carried· "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated October 28th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $7,610.49." Carried. "THAT the statement' of Roads'Accounts dated October 28th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $19,370.31." t Carried. 5. Keighan Cotfield "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated October 28th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting.to $260,988.08." ~ Carried, 6. Cotfield .M~.cBain "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume'the business of Council." Carried, A communication from Wm. G. Booth, the Solicitor for Antonio and Filomena Basile of 2370 Drummond Road, pointed ou~ that Section 14 of the Planning Act requires a vote of two-thirds of all members of Council in cases where a Planning Board does not concur in a pro' posal for re-zoning. Mr. Booth mentioned that this requirement would mean a vote of four members of Council and requested that the matter be re-considered, A letter from the Township Solicitor also stated that two-thirds of the Council would be required to vote on the amendment and that three voting in favour of the amend' ment did not constitute two-thirds of the Council. After some dis- cussion of the two letters, the following resolution was submitted and passed: Basile Applica- tion. Basile Applica- tion, Basile Applica- tion. Inspect Site. Keighan Corfield "THAT Council rescind a previous resolution dated Oct. 17th, 1960 re: the Basile applica- tion to the Planning Board." Ayes: Councillor S. Corfield, Deputy-Reeve ii. F. Keighan, Councillor A. A. MacBain, Councillor J. N. Allan. Nayes: Reeve E. E. 1,iitchelson." Carried. After the previous resolution was passed, Mr. Booth addressed the Council and requested that the matter be again considered. Mrs. R. McNeillie of 2176 Murray Street and Mrs. A. Matthews of 2382 Drummond Road were also present and spoke in opposition to the amendment proposed by Mr. Booth which would permit the operation of a barbershop at the South-east corner of Drummon~ Road ~nd Murray Street. After considerable discussion, the following resolu- tion was passed: 8. Keighan Corfield "T1~T the recommendation of the Planning Board re: the Basile application be not approved; and that the request of the applicant to .re-zone his property be supported; subject to all the requirements of the zoning classi- fication being requested." Ayes: Councillor S. Corfield, Deputy-Reeve R. F. Keighan, Councillor A. A. MacBain, Councillor J. N. Allan. Nayes: Reeve E. E. Mitchelson. Carried. The Reeve advised that members of Council in company with B. F. Miller, the Sanitary Officer, inspected the proposed site for the establishment of a tent and trailer camp on Part Township Lot 134 owned by Mrs. Alma Badger. Mr. John Matthews addressed Council on behalf of his client, Mrs. Badger, and stated that Mrs. Badger was concerned about protecting the good name of her property. Mr. Matthews referred to his letter and the two sketches prepared by Ernest Smith. He mentioned that the Medical Officer of Health in his report, did not suggest that the establishment of such a camp would be impossible. Mr. Wm. Slovak was also present on behalf of the urchasers Mr. Murray and Mr. Travers. He indicated that the purchasers would"install a satisfactory sewage system which would perform properly. He also pointed out that the site is to be used as a camping site in the summer months and is not to be considered as a permanent trailer area. After considerable discussion, it was .agreed to table the matter until the next regular meeting of Council. Ado~t~ 9. Corfield Allan "T[~T we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, November 1st, at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Hour 11:50 A.M. Clerk Minutes 'A Regular Meeting of Council was held November 1st, 7:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy. Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor · .S. Corfield Councillor A. A. MacBain Councillor 1. Corfield MaeBain Licenses 2. Corfield M~Bain Bldg. Pe~mits 3. Corfield MacBain Trailer site 4. Allan .Keighan Sunday movies 5. MacBain Ketghan ~i~ CN R e 6. Corfield Allan 1960 at "THAT the minutes of the meeting held on October 29th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Edgar Currie, 3649 B,dger Rd.(Taxi-cab Driver). Carried. "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector for Building Permits issued in month of October, 1960 in the amount of $664,900.00." Carried. the "THAT we approve of the application of Mr. W.S, · Slovak of MacBain and Slovak, Solicitor for Kenr~h Travers and Mr. Lloyd Murray to amend the Official Plan, and amend the zoning to permit the establishment of a trailer tent site on Part Township Lot 134 located near the corner of Lundy's Lane and Kalar Road, and further that the applicant be requested to process An application for an amendment of the Official Plan ~hrough the Niagara Falls a~d .Suburban Area Planning Board. The approval 'of this application is given on the understand' ing that the applicant will carry out the following details prior to applying for a municipal license: (1) That satisfactory arrangements will completed for the construction of an adequate se tic tank with proper drainage system. (2~ That the license required for the camp may be rescinded at any time if the Health authorities are dissatisfied with the function' ing of the sanitary facilities and general conditions." Carried. "THAT a by-law be prepared authorizing the following question to be placed before the Stamford electors at the. time of the next Municipal election: '~re you in favour of the To~mship of Stamford seeking le islati0n to legalize the showing of motion p~ctures and the performance of concerts and plays in theatres on Sunday?" Carried. "THAT Council authorize the si ning of pipe line Agreements with the Canadian National Railways for wa~ermain crossings of C.N.R. , Tracks for Stanle~ Ave. and Kent Ave. extended' Carried, Miss J.V. 7. Keighan LaMarsh Allan Mr. Climenhage 8. Corfield ~ Allan Purchasing 9. Keighan Agents' Work- MacBain shop Orientation 10. 'MacBain Seminar Corfield Tourist 11. Keighan Seminar MacBain Youth Week 12. Keighan Cor~ield ~v-law 2560 13. Allan MacBain ~ounty of Peel 14. Keighan Corfie~ "THAT this Council officially dongratulate Miss Judy LaMarsh on the honour bestowed upon her by the Electors in the Niagara Riding; in electing Miss LaMarsh to represent the Riding as our Member of Parliament at Ottawa; and that Council wish Miss LaMarsh every success in the task that she has taken upon her should~ that of representing all the people in the Niagara Riding to the very best of her ability~"n Carried. "THAT the Clerk submit to Mr. Climenhage the estimated costs of service to two lots as submitted by the Engineer." Carried. "THAT the Manager of Stores be authorized to attend the Purchasing Agents' Workshop in Cooksville on the 4th of November, 1960." Carried. "THAT Council authorize the Clerk, Engineer, Fire Chiefs, and Councillor Allan to attend the Orientation Seminar November 9th and 10th, 1960." Carried. "THAT the representatives of the Tourist Committee for Stamford be authorized to attend a proposed Tourist Seminar on Wednesday, Nov. 30th at Niagara Falls, Ontario." Carried. "THAT Council declare in a joint proclamation with the City and Chippawa, if possible to arrange, "Youth Appreciation Week" from Nov. 14th tO Nove. 20th." Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2560, 1960. A by-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a first and second time. "THAT Council support the resolution of the County of Peel in respect to grants for hospital construction from the Dominion and Provincial Governments, as outlined in their letter of Oct. 26th, 1960." Carried. Finance -- particular, new construction costs. That the '4 Board be invited to set two possible dates for the meeting and that they be informed that we Peter Neufeld 16. Tablea Cross Walk Victoria Sch. Corfield Keighan would have no objection to their architect and officials attending with the Board. It is the hope of this Council that such meeting will lead to a better understanding by both bodies of problems that both face." Carried. "THAT a letter be sent to Peter and Eva Neufeld, 1064 Dorchester Road, that their property must be cleaned up immediately." :1 Adiourn. Carried· The following items on the Agenda were tabled for the reasons indicated: 1. Report from Councillor Corfield, Chairman of the Traffic Committee re: recommendation to paint a cro~s walk on portage Road, and the suggestion that a traffic guide be employed to direct children across this Road. The matter will be referred to the Police Commission for consideration. 17. Corfield Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, November 7th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. General. Roads Relief Einance Bell,Con,n- lock & Co. Tender Nov.l,1960 78 'presen__~t A Regular Meeting of Council was held on November 7th, 7:30 p .m. Meeting Adjourned Hour 10: 15 P .M. 1960 a~ E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Cotfield A. A. MacBain Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Remembrance ~aV Service School Bus 10rchard Park. .Speed Limit Minute~ 1. Allan MacBain "THAT the minutes of the meeting held Novem' bet lot, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried, Corfield Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass Accounts." Carried. Keighan Cotfield "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated October 31st, 1960 as presented, be accep- ted and the accounts be paid amounting to $24,817.74." .~- Carried. Keighan Corfield Keighan Corfield Keighan Cotfield Keighan Allan "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated October 31st, 1960 as presented, b&'~ccep- ted and the accounts be paid. amounting to $19,853.66" Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated November 7th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $69.25." Carried. "TINT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. "THAT we accept the tender of Bell,Gouinlock & Company, Limited, to purchase $535,904.35 Township of Stamford Debentures, bearing interest at the rate of 5-3/4% at a rate of $97.80 per Hundred. The Debentures to mature from December lst~ 1961 to December lot, 1980. Carried. Members of Council were supplied with a programme for the Remembrance Day Service scheduled for Friday, November llth at 11 o'clock at the Cenotaph in front of the Memorial Arena. Mr. Alex McCallum was present at the meeting on behalf of the Stamford Legion and he and all members of Council urged the citizens of Stamford to attend the service. blr. Harry Roberrs of 2993 Thorold Stone Road addressed the Council and presented a petition making the following re- quests: 1. Provision of a school bus for the children attending the Orchard Park Public School, or arrange for transportation of the pupils through the Greater Niagara Transit Conm~ission. 2. Reduction of the'speed limit from 50 miles to 30 or 35 miles per hour. School Bus Orchard Park. Speed Limit In presenting the petition, Mr. Roberts pointed out that Thorold Stone Road is a main artery with considerable traffic which presented a problem for young children going to and from school. The Reeve advised that the Township Council did not have any jurisdiction in respect to the requests made in the petition, but by agreement of Council, the Clerk was in- structed to refer the subject matter of the petition to the Stamford District Board of Education, the Greater Niagara Transit Commission, and the County of Welland. Walter Mepham 8. Welfare Costs Christmas Party Meeting County Engineer's Association MacBain Allan "THAT our Clerk be requested to write to the family of the late Walter Mepham, expressing our condolances." Carried. A comparative statement of actual welfare costs compared to the current Budget for the months of July, August and Septem- ber was tabled for the consideration of Council. The Clerk advised that the total number of recipients for the month of June to September inclusive, showed a decrease from that of 1959. He advised that the Welfare Department felt that this trend was the result of the large Winter Works programme which the Township initiated in the winter of 1959-60. As a result 0f · the employment given many men qualified for unemployment insur- ance through these months and were able to maintain their fam- ilies. In response to a letter from the Stamford T'ownship Employees Local Union 425, Council agreed that temporary employees on pension and four temporary summer help employees should be included in the employees Annual Christmas Party. 9. Keighan Corfield "THAT the Engineer be authorized to attend the annual Meeting of the County Engineer's Association of which he is a member, meeting to be held on November 24th, 25th~ 1960." Carried. Street 10. Allan ~ MacBain Light ~, Timothy Cres. Report, Chief Assessor "THAT the P.U.C. be asked to install 1 - 300 Watt Bracket and Bulb Street Light on Timothy Crescent, providing satisfactory ar- rangements are made with the subdivider, als0 place one additional 200 watt light on Booth Street, at south end of Street." Carried, In response to the request made early in the year, Mr. B. R. Prior, Chief Assessor presented a report which indicated that his Department had made a su~ey of single residential build- ings with two families living therein. 'His survey indicated that there were 25 single family dwellings in the Township with two families living therein. The Report was filed by for future information. Mobile Telephones By-law No. 2561 By-law No. 2567 Course - Traffic Control Equip. Tabled Realtors' Commission. H.E.P.C. Farm F~nce A~dJourn NoV.7,1g60 11. Corfield Keighan "THAT the Engineer be authorized to rent two mobile telephones for trucks driven by foremen. The rental rate to be $25.00 per unit on a rental purchase agreement." Carried. 12. Allan Keighan 13. MacBain Allan "BY-LAW no. 2561, 1960. A By-l~ to auth- orize the execution of an Agreement between the Canadian National Railways and the Corporation of the Township of Stmuford dated November 7th, 1960." Read a first, second and third time and passed...'· "BY-LAW no. 2567, 1960.' A By-law to pro- vide for the taking of the vote of the electors on a question." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 14. Keighan Corfield "THAT the Engineer be authorized to send one of his Dept. employees to a 3 day course in Toronto t6 study the operation and main- tenanc~ of Traffic Control Equipment." Carried. The following items on the Agenda were tabled for the reasons indicated: 1. Letter from the Industrial Department of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce suggesting that the ToWnship should pay realtors a commission when they were responsible for sales of lots in the Industrial Subdivision to any mercantile concern. The Solicitor will be asked to report on the validity of paying a commission on the sale of Township property. Letter from the Hydro-Electric Power Commission relative to the ~ provision of a farm fence between the Hydro right-of-way and the ·~i property the Township is acquiring in Township Lot No, 56 for ~] park purposes, 15. Corfield Allan "TItAT we do now adjourn to meet again November 14th at 7:30 p.m." Carried Meeting Adjourned Reeve c'i'er 79 Present MERGER Committee Merger . Ad.j ourn Nov.9,1960 80 P.resent Minutes Barbershop License A Special Meeting of Council was held on November 9th, 1960 at 4.45 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBain Report of A..B.Ogilvie Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The Reeve explained that the purpose of the meeting was to con. sider the request of the Merger Committee for an estimated budget for the year 1962 with the applicable estimated Mill Rates. He advised that the Merger Committee would like to have this information for the purpose of submitting a complete report, in respect to the matter of merger, to the Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford, in the near future. After considerable discussion on the matter, the following resolution was submitted and passed: 1. MacBain Allan "THAT the Township Council is not favourable to the proposal of the Merger Committee to hse stamford To~mship prepare a projection and estimate of the 1962 comparative Budget for merger purposes, until such time as the 1961 Township Budget is approved by Council." Carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Meeting adj ourned A Regular Meeting of Council was held on November 14th, 19 , at 7:30 p .m. ,\ 1. Cotfield Allan E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBain -. Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "TttAT the minutes of the meetings held November 7th and 9th, 1960 be adopted as printed," Carried, Allan Cotfield "THAT the application for a Barbershop License from James Roeca, 537 Portage Road N. be approved and license granted.?; Carried. Signs on St.Patrick Ave. Arena in sp ec t i on Condolence Letters. Hydro & _P..ark. Insraiment Dates. Real Estate ~ommissions Mr. A. Barnett Ogilvie, Council appointee to the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, gave a comprehensive written report dated November 14th concerning the activities of the Authority during the year 1960. When he concluded the report, members of Council discussed the operations of the Authority with Mr. Ogilvie, and finally, Reeve E. E. Mitchelson expressed the thanks of the Council to Mr. Ogilvie for his very excellent report. 3. Corfield Keighan 4. Cotfield Keighan 5. Corfield Allan "T[1AT report of Traffic Co~muitEee Chairman, S. Corfield, re: Caution Signs on St. Patrick Ave. at Stamford Green Drive, be accepted, and signs installed; and that signs reading "Caution - Children 9tossingl' be erected on St. George Av~eo a~ Stamford Green Drive." Carried. 6. MacBain Allan "T[~T the Engineer be requested to make an inspection of the Arena, at the request of Memorial Arena Commission.!' Carried. 7. Keighan MacBain "THAT a letter of condolence be sent by the Clerk to the relatives of Arthur Halsey, Wa~e Ferguson, and Reginald Eidt." Carried. 8. MacBain Corfield "TI~T the ~eeve and Treasurer be authorized to issue a cheque in the mnount of $11,828.00 in favour of the Hydro-Electric Power Comuission of Ontario in pa~nent for 4.581 acres of property within Township Lot 56 required for park purposes." Carried. "THAT Council authorize the Solicitor to prepare a by-law to increase the instalment dates for the paying of Municipal taxes, from 2 instahnent dates as at present, to 4 instalment dates, with the first payment becoming due on May ].st and thereafter, July 1st, September 1st, and November 1st, and that clauses A,B, & C. in the report of Nov. 14th, ].960 submitted by the Clerk be included, in respect to interest charged on tax arrears and prepa~uents." Carried. "TI~T our Clerk be instructed to write to each of the Real Estate F~.rms in Niagara Falls, B~'a~nford, and Chippawa, pointing ou~ continued- Real Estate Commissions C ont ' d By-law No. 2568. By-law No. 2569. By- law No. 2570. plowmen~s Assoc. Grant. Items Tabled. Radios for Fire Trucks 8. (Cont ' d) that in the future it will be tile practice '!~ N.Falls of Council to pay real estate commissions · to realm-ors who sell lands owned by the !~ Hydro - Agreement Municipality. It is to be noted that thi,~; action carried out a request of the Indus.- trial Committee of the Chmnber of Commerce and in the main deals with the sale of our industrial lots, subject to the qualifica~ tions in the last paragraph of the Solicit0r's letter dated November 14th, 1960." Carried. Notc_____L. Deputy-Reeve Keighanabstained from voting on the above Resolution. 9. Allan Keighan 10. Cotfield Reighan "BY-LAW No. 2568, 1960. A By-law to appoint polling Places, Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the Township of Stamford and to unite certain adjoining Polling Sub- divisions and to establish one Polling place for the purpose of the 1960 Municipal Electicz Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-IAW No. 2569, 1960. A BS-law ~o authorize the execution of Amendment No. 1, dated Oct- ober 26th, 1960 to the Group Life Insurance policy G.3814 issued by' the Confederation Life Association to the Corporation of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2570', 1960. A By-law to authorize the e~ecution of an Agreement dated the 14th of November, 1960 between J. A. Climen' hage Development Limited and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. j' 11. Allan Corfield "TI[~T a donation of '$75.00 be made to the Welland County plo~nen's Association in view of the fact the Plowing Match was held in the Township of Stamford for 1960.'l Carried. 12. Corfield Allan Adiourn. Nov.14,1960. 81 Present The following items on the Agenda were tabled for the reaso~s indicated: ' 1. Correspondence in connection with the proposal to purchase radio equipment for 'township fire t~cks in ~onnection with the Mutual Aid programme operated under the Emergency Measures Organization. This matter will be discussed by the Reeve and Deputy-Reeve a~ the meeting of County Council R~heduled for November 15th, and our representatives will bring back a rcP to Council on this matter at the next meeting. 2. Proposed by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation and the ttydro-Electric Commission of Niagara Falls. The proposed agreement will be fo~arded to the Commission for their perusal. If they advise that the fonn of the Agreement is satisfactory, it will be processed at a future meeting. 13. Corfield Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, November 21st at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adj ourned Hour: 9: 20 P. b'l 't A Joint Meeting of the Municipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls, the Village of'Chippawa, and the Township of Stamford, hel8 on Wednesday, November 16th at 7:30 p.m. at the City llall. Present from the City of Niagara Falls: Mayor Franklin J. Miller, Alderman I. McCallum, Alderman C. Swayze, Alderman G. Martin, Alderman C. Gregory, Alderman A. J. McKinley, Alderman G. White, Alderman H. Morton, City Manager, W. S. Orr, City Clerk, D. C. Patten, City Engineer, S. Price. Present from the Township of Stamford: Reeve E. E. Mitchelson, Deputy-Reeve R. F. Keighan, Councillor J. N. Allan, Councillor S. Cotfield, Councillor A. A. MacBain, Twp. Engineer, C. H. Eidt, Twp. Clerk, A. C. Huggins. Present from the Village of Chippaws: Reeve J. W. MacKenzie, Deputy-Reeve H. Clarke, Councillor James Ives, Councillor Jos. Charlebois, Village Clerk, R. T. N. Callan. The meeting was chaired by Mayor bliller. After thanking the representatives for their attendance, the Mayor proceeded with the five items on the Agenda. progress Report Item No. 1. - Progress Report of the Urban Renewal Com- :-i of Urban Renewal mittee of the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Boar.!. i: Committee of After this report was read it was moved by Alderman Mart:: ~: Planning Board. and seconded by Deputy-Reeve Keighan that a committee of the Urban Renewal Committee be heard. This motion was iI Ambulance Matter. carried. Mr. Conroy Dewson, Director of the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board, spoke on behalf of the Committee and explained the purpose of the Report and the necessity of taking the initial steps to undertake the comprehensive traffic study. He advised that the urba~iize~ area would include Niagara Falls, Stamford, and Chippaws. It was moved by Alderman Gregory and seconded by Alderman MdCallum that the City of Niagara Falls take the necessary steps, through the Department of Highways, to institute a transportation survey study and that the costs for such. survey to be paid by the three municipalities be detcr,u.nez at a later date. This motion was carried. (Councillors Ives and Charlebois of Chippaws voted against the Item No. 2. - Ambulance Matter. This item referred to the report of the Joint Ambulance Committee, submitted to the three Councils on September 1st, 1960. The Mayor advised that the individual Councils had been asked to consider this matter and asked what conclusions had been reached bF their respective Councils. Reeve E. E. Mitchelson advised that the Tox~nship had considered the matter and that agree ment had been reached in respect to the following: 1. That only one ambulance service be subsidized. 2. That it appears that the subsidy for ambulance service should be increased for 1961. 3. That the matter o~ increase of subsidy be referred to the 1961 Council. 4. That an ambulance by-law be prepared to govern the operation of ambulances. Reeve MacKenzie of Chippawa, after a poll of his CounCil members, advised that the Village would go along with the suggestions made by Reeve Mitchelson of Stamford Township. The City Council had not ~eached'definite conclusions on this matter. · ~ Winter Works It was moved by Alderman Martin and seconded by Deputy-Re~ Clarke, that the mnbulance matter be referred back to the original Ambulance Comnittee and it secure information on the type of service to be supplied by the three operators.. and the estimated cost of such service, and any other deter. considered desirable. In making such study the Committee is asked to determine if other municipalities call for tenders on such service and if any operators in other municipalities operate withou~ subsidy.· This motion was carried. Item No~ 3~ - Rates of .~v fi~r ]:~heurer~ on Winter Works Programme. Reeve E. E. Mitchelson reported that the Tower ship agrees to pay winter workers at the rate of $1.45 per hour. Reeve MacKenzie advised that his Council had no~ considered the matter. in consequence, he was not in a position to express an opinion. The City Council did not . .. ~ ... (Continued) Winter Works cent ' d have a report on this question but the Mayor agreed that his Council would consider the matter in their own Council and would advise the other two municipal itics concernlug any decision reached. Iu was moved by Alderman >lcKiu]ey and seconded by Alderman Swayze, tha[~ the nlatter of pay for Winter Works Employees be referred to the Negotjat;uS mittee of the City Council. (Mcnlbcrs of the City Council only, voted on this matter, and it was carried.) Grants to the Tourist & Industrial Committees. Item No. 4. - Grants to the Tourist 6: ]ndustria] Committees of the Chamber of Commerce. It was moved by Alderman McKinley, seconded by Aldemuan Morton, that the report of the Special Committee appointed to deal with grants to the Tourist & industrial Committee, be adopted and that the Committee be empowered to meet with representatives of the Chamber of Commerce for further discussions~and top'oft back to the Councils. The voting on this resolution was nine in favour and five against. Against: Aldentan Gregory, Deputy- Reeve Clarke, Reeve blacKenzie, Deputy-Reeve Keighan, Councillor MacBain. For: Alderman 1. McCallum, Aidemush C. Swayze, Alderman Martin, Alderman Uhite, Councillor Allan, Councillor Cotfield, Councillor Ives, Councillor Charlebois, Reeve E. E. Mitchelson. 1961 Convention Luncheon. Item No. 5. - Request of the Community Planning Department at Ottawa for consideration to participate in a Luncheon for a 1961 Convention.scheduled for Niagara Falls. It was moved by Deputy-Reeve Clarke, seconded by Alderman Gregory, that the request of the Community Planning Department for consideration to participate in a luncheon for a Convention scheduled in Niagara Falls in 1961, be referred to a joint meeting of the 1961 Councils. This motion was carried. Adjourn. There being no further business it was moved by Alderman Martin and seconded by Deputy-Reeve Clarke, that the meeting adjourn. This motion was carried. Meeting Adjourned. NOv. 16,1960 · ~2 P__resent Minutes F inane e 'E. E, Mitchelson Allan Cotfield R. F. l{eighan ~2 N. Allan Cotfield A. A. MacBait ~Reeve l)eputy-k{ecvc ] Counch.ler "T}L~'E the minutes of the mcet]ng hcld Nov. 14th as printed be adopted." Carried, Cot field Allan "TILA'f wc do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." Carried. Keigl,an YmcBain "TILAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated November ].Sth, ]960 as }resented, bc~ accepted a~d t c, a o~nts ~e paid z General Relief Finance License Claim for 'Fools. Len Hawk i n s. Meeting with lton.Macaulay, re: Hydro Grants. 4. Keighan MacBain 5. Keighan MacBain 6. Corfield Allan "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated November 18th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $365,579.95." Carried. "TI{AT the statement of Relief ~ccounts dated November 18th, 1960 as presented, be accel'l~ ted and the accounts be paid ~L~ounting to $9,389.19." Carried. "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. 7. Allan Corfield "THAT the applications for licenses from the following be approved and licenses granted: Robert Morris, 587 Kalar Rd.(Taxi-cab Carried. 8. Allan Cotfield "THAT the Clerk be autho. rized to sign a Proof of Loss form in respect to a theft of tools from the Township. The cla~ to be in the amount of $25.00." Carried. Mr. Len Hawkins addressed th~ Council in respect to an account for weeds which his father, Leonard Hawkins, had ceived from the Township for having weeds cut on Part Twp. Lot 60, comprised of 12.75 acres, at a cost of $48.00.· 1.if. llawkiDs stated that he could not understand the reason that the Weed Inspector insisted on cutting the weeds on his father's pr'op- erty when the same action was not carried out in respect to adjacent properties. It was decided to request the Weed ,specto~: for a report on this matter and also ask for his attendance at the next meeting of Council scheduled for Saturdai The Committee appointed to meet with the Honourable Robert Macaulay, Minister of Energy Resources, relative to Hydro gra~t! reported concerning a conference which was held with the Min- ister on Tuesday, November 15th. The report indicated that the Committee had presented a statement which showed a com- parison of grants in lieu of taxes paid by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario as related to taxes paid by the major industries in the Township. TIme statement showed that the several industries listed with an acreage estimated at acres paid a total of $574,603.00 for education in the year as compared Uo the grant paid by the llydro on 3296 acres amount' of $141,946.00. It was pointed out that if ltydro paid full taxes for education on the transfo~mr and generating stations, that the To~ship would receive in excess of $825,00p for education. The Committee advised that the Minister shows considerable interest in the new approach to the matter of gran~ question on Hydro proper~ies as related to education, b (Contin Meeting with Hon.Macaulay Cont'd Welland County Flute & Drum Band & Ken Koz. Traffic Signal at Montrose & Lundy's Lane Hermes Programme Fire Dept. VehiCles. Items Tabled Let 39, Plan 160. Public he advised that if any changes are made in respect to the grant situation that it would have to apply to a].~ muni- cipalities which have Hydro properties and buildings. Minister stated that the iuformation the Committee had '.;ub- mitted would be carefully studied by the Commission and himself and he requested additional statistical information to assist with the study. The additional information being prepared and will be forwarded to the Minister at the earliest possible date. 9. Keighan Allan 10. Corfield MacBain. 11. MacBain Keighan "THAT we extend our thanks to the Uc].land County Flute & Drum Band for providing music at the Annistice Day Service and to Mr. Ken Koz who acted as Bugler at the service. As an expressio~n of oui' apprec- iation, a grant bc made to the Iqclland County Flute & DrLm~Band in the smue amount as 1959, and that a grant of $5.00 be made to Mr. Koz." Carried. "THAT the report of Traffic Committee re: traffic signal at Montrose Road & I,undy's Lane be accepted and tJ~e Engineer be authorized to proceed with the necessary installation of the Traffic Signal at Thorold Stone Road and Drummond Road & Portage Road, after the appoval of the Dept. of Transport has been obtained." Carried. "THAT our Clerk be requested to write to the Hermes Club and extend to the Club Council's thanks, and the thanks of the people of this Township for the fine play- ground supervision programme provided by the Club in 1960 as in the past." Carried. 12. Keighan Allan "TIi~T the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign a certificate in respect to equipping three St~unford Fire Department vehicles with radio equipment in connec- tion with the Mutual Aid Programme operated under the Emergency Measures Organization." Carried. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons indicated :_________~ 1. Offer to purchase Lot 39 in the !,Adustria] registered as Plan 160, from Lorne Morris. This Offer will be referred to the Industrial Committee and thoir report will be submitt'-cd to Council at its next mce~'ing. 2. Letter from the United Electrical Radio &. Machine Workers of America requesting that December: 26th, 1960 and January 2nd, 1961 be proclaimed public holidays. The Clerk will secure info~n tion in respect to this ma~ter and report at ~he next mcet~ ~ ~ ~. . rig. ~ ~'~ ' Basile 3. Letter from the Director of the Niagara Falls & Suburban 'i apDlication Area Planning Board relative to the Basile application for ' re-zoning and an amendment to the Official Plan. This applica- ; tion was tabled until the Board gives a decision in respect to the application for a change of use in respect to the Badger property. Adiourn. 13. Allan MacBain "THAT the meeting adjourn and the next meeting be held Saturday, November 26th at 9:30 a.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. NOV.21,1960. 83 Presen~ Hour: 9: 3 0 P.M. Clerk ~ A Joint Meeting of the Municipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford was held in the City Hall, On Friday, November 25th, 1960 at 8 p.m. Present from the City of Niagara Falls: Mayor Franklin J. Miller, Alderman 1. McCallum, Alderman C. Swayze, Alderman G. Martin, Alderman C. Gregory, Alderman A. J. McKinley, Alderman G. White, Alderman H. Morton, City Manager, W. S. err, City Clerk, D. C. Patten, City Engineer, S. Price, City Treasurer, H. Dickson. Present from the Township of Stamford: Reeve Edward E. Mitchelson, Deputy-Reeve R. F. Keighan, Councillor J. N. Allan, Councillor S. Cotfield, Councillor A. A. MacBain, Twp. Engineer, C. H. Eidt, Twp. Treasurer, R. W. Daws, T~. Clerk, A. C. Huggins. Mayor Miller chaired the meeting and explained that tbc purpose of the meeting was to receive a Report from the Joint Merger Committee. Its thanked all representatives for attend- ing the meeting and then asked Alderman George Martin to pro- ceed with the presentation of the Repo~'t. Report Tabled Purpose of Meeting ._ Aldex~nan Martin then requested the Secretary to read the comprehensive Report prepared by the Merger Committee. '.['he report of the Committee was then read by the Secretary and the City Clerk in respect to pages 1 to 34. Aldemnan Martin then called on the Township Engineer who described the recom- mended boundaries for the new municipality with the aid of large blueprints. Reading of Report. Thanks to Boards~ etc. Adj onrn. Nov.25,1960. g4 .Present 'bjjinutes Weed Cuttin~ Benson It was moved by Aidshaman ~,h~rtin and seconded by Deputy-Reeve Keighan, that the ~ic~port subn~i'-cd by tt the Mcrger Com~i~tee be received and tabled for the considera- tion of the members from the t~.,~o Councils and that the Chairman of the Co~m~ittee be authorized to call another Joint Meeting of the two Councils after sufficient time has elapsed to Der~it the members to stud the Ke~ort. This motion was carried unan~h~ous]y, A]dcn~au~ ~a~'t~n t~c~ asl~cd The Mayor then extended the thanks of the meeting to the bierget Committee, the Commissions, Boards, Public Bodies, and all Officials and staffs who made the report possible. !t was announced that a copy of the report would be sent to all Boards & Commissions who co-operated in sub- mitting the infoL~nation required. ", It was moved by Alde~an Gregory, seconded by Councillor Corfield that the meeting adjourn. This motion was carried. bleeting Adj ourned. t!our P.M. A regular meeting of Council was held on Saturday, November 26th, 1960 commencing at 9:30 a.m. Reeve Deputy-lleeve Counc illor Councillor Counc illor Allan Macgain E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan 'S. Corfield A. A. MacBain "TI~T the minutes of the meetings held on November 16th and 21st, 1960, be adopted as printed." Carried. Mr. Lcn Hawkins and Mrs. Lily McCourtie were in atten- dance at the meeting and addressed Council in respect to accounts which they both received for weed cutting ordered by the Weed Inspector on their properties. They complained that while the weeds were cut on their properties, adjacent owners were not called upo~ to have weeds cut on their properties. Members of Council indicated that the policy in respect to cutting weeds and the reinova] of same should be enforced irapartially throughout the Township. The C] erk was directed to take the matter up with the Weed inspector and it was suggested that a committee be set up to consider the matter of weed control for 1961. After the committee is formed, the entire matter should be discussed with the County Weed inspector. Mr. Noble Benson addressed the Council and expressed his regrets at the small turnout of ratepayers who artended the Joint Meeting of the Municipal Councils on November 25th at which time the Merger Committee submitted their report. 11c asked if the mcrger matter would be submitted to the electors and was advised that such .a' decision would ........ continued... ,!':' .t2, N. Bensoni>,:i;. ': Cont' d ~?i~ ii~i ~ "~. !.~ Report of ~ ,5 ~ . Arena. · , ... Realty t%~.!~ ,~ ~ Letter. ? i, '!ijii,,i :.f!, i, 'i!;. i:Boxing Day . f~ "~Y Hydro i'i Conveyance Poehack application Note: be the responsibility of the two Municipal Councils at the time the merger report is discussed, sometime after the elections. 2. Corfield Keighan "THAT the Engineer's Report re: inspection of Arena be rece~xed and the Engineer be asked to fonqard the report to the Arena Commission." Carried. 3. Keighan MacBain "TI~T the Engineer be instructed to reply t0 a letter from Mr. F. Branscombe of River Realty Development Ltd. dated November 22nd, 1960, and state what the position of the Municipality is, regarding this matter, and draw Mr. Branscombe's attention to the pertinent sections of agreements made with him, confirming our position." Carried. 4. Keighan Corfield "THAT the Reeve be authorized to declare Monday, Dec. 26th as Boxing Day.x: Carried. 5. MacBain Cotfield "THAT our Clerk be instructed to reply to the H.E.P.C. letter of Nov. 23rd, 1960, to the effect that we will accept a con- veyance df the property in question subject to the conditiops set forth in their letter if the title to the property and the actual terminology of the reservations in the con- veyance meet with the approval of our Solicitor." Carried. Allan Cotfield "THAT we agree with the proposals from the Planning Board re:.the Poehack amendment application." Carried. - Deputy-Reeve Keighan abstained from voting on the above Resolution. C. 7. Allan Corfield "TItAT the P.U.C. be requested to transfer the 300 Watt street lights from O'Neil Street, also from Stanley Street between Portage Roai and Dunn Street, and from Woodland Ave. and place same on McLeod Road between Drummond . Road and Porte e, and other lemtions previ0u! ordered for the8 tyne ~f light; and install. fluorescent lightin~ on O'Neil, Woodland, Stanley." Carried By-Law .8. Allan No. 2572 Corfield "BY-LAW No. 2572, 1960. A by-law to pro- vide for the adoption of an amendment to the Official Plan." Read a first, second, and third time and passed. Note: - Councillor MacBain abstained from voting on the above Resolution. By-Law 9. Keighan No. 2562 Corfield "BY-LAW No. 2562 1960. A By-law to author- ize the issue of Debentures in the principal mnount of $495,000.00 for public school purposes." Read a first, second and third time and passed. By-Law No. 2563 10. MacBain Kei~han "BY-Law No. 2563, 1960. A By-law to author- ize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of $19,090.83 to pay the Read a first, second and third time and passed. By-Law 11. Corfield No. 2564 Allan "BY-Law No. 2564, 1960. A By-law to author- ize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of $8,429.69 to pay the m Read a first, second and third time and passed. By-Law 12. Allan ~o. 2565 Keighan "BY-lAW No. 2565, 1960. A By-Law to author- ize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of $13,383.83 for an extension to the sewerage system in Stamford Sewer Area." Read afirst, second and third time and passed. By-Law 13. Keighan No. 2566 MacBain "BY-LAW No. 2566, 1960. A By-law to author- ize the issue of Debentures in the aggreg- ate principal amount of $535,904.35 for various purposes." Read a first, second and third time and passed. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for the reasons indicated: 1, A letter from the Township Treasurer enclosing a bill from Harold Smith, bailiff, for legal fees he incurred as a result of action taken against him by Mr. T. Stelmaszynski in respect to the collection of a business tax which he had been instructed to collect by the Township. The communication will be referred to the Tow~ship Solicitor for a report. 2. Application for Type "A" and "B" Public Garage Licenses from Mr. Frank Edwards. The Clerk was instructed to secure further information concerning this application and report to Council. 3, Letter from Mr. F. Sirmais of 832 Mentress Road re: flooding conditions, was referred to the Township Engineer for a report. 4. Letter from the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board re: the Possible use of Lots 9 and 10, Keg. Plan 178, Portage Rd., for mn~seum Purposes. This comnunication will be tabled until such time as the Historical Society determines further action. "~ !! 5. Option to purchase Lot 39, Industrial Subdivision, registered as Plan No. 160. The Deputy-Reeve advised that he and the Clerk had discussed the possible use of the lot with Mr. Morris and reconmended that the offer be tabled until such time as Mr. Morris provided Council with definite infor- mation in respect to the type of building which he proposed to construct. 6. By-law No. 2571, authorizing the execution of an agreement with the Niagara Falls Hydro Commission was tabled to consider the matter of safety precautions which should be taken to protect the public from any danger. Ad.iour~ 14. Corfield Keighan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet again at the call of the Reeve." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Nov.26,1960. Clerk RESULTS OF NObill'~JFiOiq I'~ETING HELD MONDAY, NOVEbLBEI~ 28th, 1960 AT THE TOWNSItlP IJALL, REEVE NOMINATED iiOVED BY D'Arcy Cropp U.M. Deans Robert F. Keighan W. 1,1. Deans Edward E. Mitchelson J. MacKenzie DEPUTY-REEVE ~ COUNC ILLORS · BOARD OF PuBLIc COMMISSION John Nelson Allan Murdock N. Ross Wm. M. VanAlstine W. ~. Deans J. Audsley W. Riley Andrew P. Admns Emma 14. Bearss Simeon Corfield Alfred Henry Cropp Ruth Grieves Robert Itunt A. A. MacBain M.Ozzie Mallette [~rray G. Mashford Barnett Ogilvie Dr. II. R. Potter Robert I. Prior Murdock N. Ross Walter G. qcott George A. Sexsmith SiiCONDED BY Calvin J, Bessey Lily May McQueen Earl K. Raham W. J. Kent J. E. Clement J. McBurney D. Cropp N. Benson K. Cumberland John K. Brown James Wincott W. K. i. lann M. McA1]ister T. R. Cauld W.J. Kent J. E. Clc~acnt W.. M. Deans J. Mitchlnson II. 1). Ilowe Mrs. R. Preston Mrs. M. Fields N. Ua] 1 A. Galley J. C]emen~ S. Corfield N. Bionda H. llowc W. VanAlstine J.V. llobb R. Jones F. Wallcer Mrs. i'icBurney J. blcBurney C. Bessey T. Brant J. Audslcy J. Mann G. Niven II. ll{4tzhaucr T. W. Brant A. I1. Walker D, Cropp W, M. Deans K. Patterdon N, Benson A. B. Fry G. Welstead A, l.lhite I1, Stewart R. D. Ilowe J.E. CIcment , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , OFFICE For Reeve Deputy-Reeve For Council 5 to be elected. i' i.. For Board of Education - 2 to be !ii elected. For Public Utilities Commi s s ion - 1 to be elected. QUALIFIED AND GOII,IG TO TIlE POLLS DECEbBER 5th, 1960 - l0 a.m. to 7 p.m. ADDRESS OCCUPATION Robert F. Keighan Edward E. 1.litchelson 2670 Dorchester Rd. 2509 St. John Street Real Estate School Teacher John Nelson Allan Win. M. VanAlstine! 1624 Dunn Street 1442 Dixon Street Retired Raib~,ay Conductor Railway Engineer Andr~v P. Adams Emma M. Bearss Simeon Corfield Alfred Henry Cropp Ruth Grieves Robert Hunt Arthur A. MacBain M.Ozzie Mallette Murray G. Mashford Barnett Ogilvie Dr. H. R. Potter Robert I. Prior Murdock N. Ross Walter G. Scott Geo~.Sexsmith 300j' Dunn Street 2277 St. John Street 1633 Prince E~vard 417 Drummond Road 362 Dorchester Rd. 1847 Vine Street 818 Shirley Avenue 1969 Atlas Street 3840 Beaverdams Rd. 4100 Beaverdams Rd. 3037 Thorold Road 749 Dorchester Rd.N. 2983 Ann Street 2304 Maranda St. 2285 Stamford Green Driv[ Stationary Houserife Retired Farmer Stationary Eng. Housewife Stationary Eng. Lawyer Manager production Clerk Office Manager Vet. Surgeon Retired Police Officer Insurance Agcn~ Clerk Calvin J. Bessey Lily May McQueen Earl K. Raham 2395 Lundy's Lane 2077 Conqin Avenue 2546 Co~in Cresc. Retired Housewife Sec.-Treas- T.G.Bright John K. Brown James Wincott 2605 En.;in Crescent 1691 Arthur Street Instrument- Technician Electrical Contractor. REEVE DEPUTY-P~EEVE COUNC ILLOIIS BOARD OF EDUCAT ION 'PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION QUESTION SUbR.L~RY OF TCWNSII!P OF STJj.~OZD ELECTIO~i ]IZSULTS - DECEiiDEiI 5th~ 1960._ Elected for 1 yr. (1961) Edward E. Mitch¢lson 4287 Robert F. Keighan 3067 John No Allan 4257 Wm. M. Va~Alstine 2973 Elected for 1 yr. (1961) Harland R. Potter A1 MacBain 3233 Simeon Corfield 3118 George A. Sexsmith 2337 Walter G. Scott 2267 Murdock N. Ross 2207 Robert I. Prior 2118 Murray Mashford 2073 Barnett Ogilvie ].975 Ermna Bearss 1819 Robert Hunt 1773 Ruth Grieves 1702 Ozzie Mallette 1387 Alfred Cropp 983 Andrew P. Adams 840 Lily May McQueen 3818 Earl Raham 34 20 Calvin J. Bessey 2347 Elected for 1 yr. (1961) Elected for 1 yr. (1961) Elected for 1 yr. (1961) Elected for 1 yr. (1961) Elected for 1 yr. (1961) Elected for 2 yrs.(1961 & 1962) Elected for 2 yrs.(1961 & 1962) Elected for 2 yrs.(1961 & 1962) James Wincott 3759 John K. Brown 3147 "Are you in favour of legalizing the show- ing of motion pictures an.d the perfomnance of concerts and plays in theatres on Sunday?" 4336 - "Yes Votes" in favour of Question. 2633 - 'INo Votes" opposed to Question. , , , , , ~'~ , , , , , , , , , , Total Number of Voters eligible to vote for Council ............. Percentage of Eligible Voters who voted for Reeve at 1960 Election ,.,...,,,,,,,,,.,..,,,,,...,....,,,,,,.,..,,.,..,,,,.,., Percentag~ of Eli~Ibl~ El~ctors ~o voted at 1°59 :Slcction Percentage of Eligible Electors who voted at 1958 Election ,, Percentag~ of Eligible Electors who voted at 1957 Election ...... 16,292 45.138% 41.302% 35. 188% Present Minutes Building ermits Garage License. Hawker & Pedlar License· Finance Ge_ncral Relief. A regular 14eeting of Council was held on Wednesday, December 7th, 1960 commencing at 7:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson Reeve R. F. Keighan Deputy-Keeve J. N. Allan Councillor S. Corfield Councillor A. A. MacBain Councillor MacBain Corfield "TIL~T the minutes of the meetings held ;November 25th and 26th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. MacBain Corfield "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector for Building Permits issued in the month of November in the amount of $594,460.00." Carried· Allan MacBain "THAT the application for a Public Garage License Type "A" & "B" from Frank W. Edwards, 2095 Dunn St. be approved." Carried· Corfield Allan Cotfield MacBain Keighan MacBain Keighan MacBain Keighan MacBain "T[L~T the application for a Ilawker & pedlar License from rlurton L. Eli,s, 40 Monck St ,Catharines, be approved ." " Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." Carried, "TI[AT the statement of General Accounts dated December 2nd, 1960 as presented, lc accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $51,192.16T". Carried, "TItAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated December 2nd, 1960 as presented, be accepted and tile accounts be paid ~uoun~i~g to $29,392,64." Carried, "TIh~T the statement of Relief Accounts dated December 2nd, 1960 as presented, bc accepted and the accounts be paid amounti~S to $789.34." Carried· t Finance 9. Cotfield l.lacBain Clean up 10. Cotfield properties Allan Ilolidays. 11. Macgain Keighan "T~T tile Co.nmittce on l~inance do now arise an~] resume tile business of Council.:i Carried. Sun Oil Co. 12. IqacBain Allan "TUAT the C~ crk be author{zf~d tn notify the property ovmers as menttoncd :~n letter, to c].can up property to conform with other properties in the area. l'rop- erty is located on corner of O'Neil St. and Portage Carried. "TID. T the resolution of Nove~nber 26, ]960~ pertallying to Chr{ stmas aud Few Year ' s Uolidays be aud the satne cinded, and that our employees be entitled to refrain from work ou December 26th and 27Ch, 1960, and Jan. 2nd, 196]., pursuant to the Bill of Exchange Act and the Town- ship agreement with Local (j 425." Carried. "TItAT we accept the recotmnendotion of the Chairman of Traffic, col~ta.Lned ~n his letter to Council dated November 29th, 1960, and that the Sun Oil Co. Ltd. be informed of Council's position on this matter." Carried. Seat Tax 13. Corfield , on buses. Allan Con~ittee Wm, B rowll w~Dter Works Pay, "THAT the ',cove appoint a Committee to meet with bU.n:Kster of Transport along with representative of Transport Commission re: tax on buse-s ovmed by the City and Stam- ford Township~ as Council opposes this tax." Carried. The Reeve appointed a Committcc of Deputy-Keeve Keighan, Councillor Allan~ and himself in respect to tile above resolution. 14, Allan Keighan "TILAT a letter of condolencc be tforwardod to the fam.L].y of the late Wm. Brown who " acted as a !)<qmty l~ettn~i,~,g Officer at ~ Tova~ship elections for maIly years," ~ Carried, 15, l[eighan MaGBain "TUAT Count [.]. attthorize thr F. nginecr to .: pay the employees on the W,Lnter Worl{n progrnm a ra~e of $] .45 per hour,tel:to- y active to 1)ec.6th, 1960, ~t begD~ under- P stood that aft{ur considerin;% the centrib- f utions received from the Frdcral and . .....cont.Lnued- Winter Works Fay (Cent' d) By-law No. 2554.,1960. By-law No. 2573. By-law No. 2574. Backhoe trices. Items Tabled plumb ing Regulations [<ovac S Subdivision Sewer Outlet in Part Tw~ .Lt .10B. 15. (Cent ' d) means that the Township's share of the increase will be 5¢ per hour." Carried. 16. Allan Cotfield 17. MacBain Allan 18. Corfield Keighan "BY-LAW No. 2554, 1960. A By-law to author- ize extensions to the S~erage system in Stamford Sewer Area." Read a third t~ne and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2573, 1960. A By-law to desig-. hate as a public park and playground certain lands within Township Lot 56 as "The blerle F. Ker Park". Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2574, 1960. A By-law to author- ize the execution of an Agreement dated the 15th day of ]December, 1960 between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and the Corporation ~ the City of Niagara Falls." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 19. Keighan Cotfield "TltAT the tender of Damo~e Bros. Ltd. re: backhoe prices for winter works projects, be accepted by Council, it being the lowest price submitted, at $1,275. per month, based on a 40 hour week." Carried. The following items on the Agenda were tabled for the reasox~s indicated: 1. Letters from Dr. A. E. Berry re: amended plumbing regu]a' tions and a letter from the T~qnship Plumbing Inspector ther&0n, The mnended plumbing regulations will be referred to the Term- ship Solicitor and a draft by-law will be prepared to bring the regulations in line with To~a~ship by-laws. 2. Letter from the Community Planning Branch of the Department of Municipal Affairs re: revised plan of the former Kovacs property to be used for industrial purposes. This matter was referred to the special committee for subdivisions with the request that a report be submitted in respect to the proposal as soon as possible. 3. Letter from the Property Department of the Hydro-Electric Power Con~ission of Ontario relative to our request for stornl sewer outlet on Hydro property in Part Twp. Lot 108. The con- ditions expressed in the Hydro letter were approved and the Engineer was authorized to make arrangements for an eas~nent agre~nent. Adjourn. Dec.7,1960. ~6 20. A]lan Corfield "TItAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, Dec. 12th at 7:30 ' ~ /' Reeve ' Carried. l, iceting Adj ourted. Hour: I Dec crab er A Regular hiesting of Council was held on Monday, 12th, ].960 commencing at 7:30 p.m. Presen_____~t E. E. [litchclson R, F. Kegthan J. N. Allan S. Corfield A. A. MacBain DepuEy-lleeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Minutes Licenses Public Garage Licenses. BoxinF. Day 1. !.iacBain Allan 2. Corfield Keighan 3. Allan , Keighan 4. MacBain Keighan 5. Keighan Corfield 6. MacBain Allan "TILAT tile m:;.nu~es of the mcet:ing held December 7th, 1960 be adopted as printed." Carried. "TItAT the applications for licenses from the following be appreved and licenses grant cd: Mrs. Clare Taylor, 346 Portage Road N. (ttairdress ing), Donald D. Marlcau, Queenston (Taxi-cab Driver) ." Carried. "TI{AT the applications for a Public Garage Type "A" & '~B" License from John N{':~nan, Cot, Stanley & Arthur Sts. be approved." Carried. "TItAT Council declare Tuesday, the 271h day Da ." of December, 1960; as Boxing y Carriud. "TItAT the account for the annual Christmas party o~ the Stamford Employ{ms l,ocal Union No. L:2j, be al~proved for payment, as provided for in the 1960 Budget." Carried. "TItAT our ]']nF:hmer be requested to fol~ard to tit{-, l){,~pat'tn~ent of Transport ODe further prin~ of CIte plan as uulml:Ltted wlth his ....... continued- Traffic Lights- (Cont;d) Bailiff ' s Account. Joint Ambulance Report. Insurance Commissions C .N.R. Deficit By-law 2560. By-law 2575. 2. (Cont ' d) letter of ~]ovc. mber 28th as requested in the Department's letter of December 9th, 1960, and Set plans approved for the remainder of our traffic lights." Carried· Allan Corfield "TI~T we accept the report of the Solicitor relative to Bailiff, Harold Smith's account and that Mr. Smith be advised that no liability could be attached to the To~ship in respect to the account he sub- mitted." Carried, MacBain Cotfield "T}~T we accept the report of the Chairman of the Joint Ambulance Committee dated the 12th day of December, 1960." Carried. Corfield Allan "T}~T we approve of the list of insurance agencies included in the letter from Collins & Elsley, in respect to the dSs- tribution of commissions for the year 1960~ on condition that ~1]. agents nalucd in the letter dated Decenter 8th, 1960~ have current provincial licenses." Carried. Cotfield Keighan "TItAT Council approve of the revised account from the C.N.R. and Stmnford Township's share of $395.00 be paid; and the Engineer be thanIced for his interest in this matter." ~' Carried· Corfield Keighan Allan MacBain "BY-IAW No. 2560, 1960. A By-law to author' ize the con,struction of certain works as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2575, 1960. A By-law to author' Zoning B ~ - law (Cent'd) By- law 2553. Adjourn. Dec.12,1960. P_resent It ! ize the purchase by The Corporation of the. q:ownship of Stmnford from the ilydro-Electrxc] ;ower Commission ofof',:%; Ship Lot No. 56 for the .~o~loh3,p of ot~Tad and third ~ime and pass~u. The following items on the Agenda were ordered tabled for dm reasons indicate~j: " ,~ ... 1. Letter dated December 9th from the Niagara Falls & Sub- .. urban Area Planning Board re: proposed by-law to zone certai~n~ :.: property lying between Montrose Road and the Queen. Elizabetl "=, ........ (Continu~d)"'~ as Industrial. An appropriate by-la\.? will be prepared in connection with this item and uili be submitted to Council at their next regular meeting. 2. By-law No. 2553, authorizSng an extension of the water- works system. The third read.:_ng of this by-law was withheld until easement rights are secured through the !!eightman property, required to extend the watermain on Kent Avenue south to Belmont, "TI~AT we do now adjourn to L~eet again Monday, Dec. 19th, 1960 at 7:30 p.m., unless sooner called by the Reeve.." Carried. 14eeting ~dj ourned. 13. Allan Keighan Ilour: C: 15 P .i-i. / ( R~eve A Joint i, Ieeting of the Muhicipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford was held in the City Hall, on Monday, December 12~h~ 1960 at O:4C p..m. City of Niagara Falls: Mayor Franklin J. Miller, Aldenaan I. McCallurn, Alderman C. Swayze, Alderman G. Martin, Alderman C. Gregory, Alderman A. J. McKinley, Aldez~nan G. l.Haite, Alderman tt. Morton, City Manager, W. S. Orr, City Clerk, D. C. Patten, City Engineer, S. Price, City Treasurer, 1t. Dickson. Aldennan-elect, Faho blartin. T__oownship of Stamford: Reeve Edward E. Mitchelson, Deputy-Reeve R. F. Keighan, Councillor J. N. Allan Councillor S. Corfield Councillor A. ~. MacBain ltugh Couch, Solicitor, C. 1t. Eidt, 'l~zp. Engineer, A, C. Huggins, Twp. Clerk Councillor-elect Dr. 11. R. Potter, Councillor-elect George SexsmLth, Councillor-elect Walter Scott. Mayor Miller chaired the meeting. ~i'~ ~// After welcoming the Council members and officials, of Stamfi~d, . f i tt P an ~ ~nsult ' · ' ,e's ~ · .. ~I tions in reconm~endations on pages 33 , -' Re oft ~ '~i.. ~L Reports. and also pages 33, 34, & 35 of ~le C t s F~na! . ~ Questions Resolution Questions were asked by Aldermen Gregory, Morton & Swayze in respect to the Mill Rate structure and services to indus- tries" of the portions of municipalities to be annexed. Alderman Martin replied to the questions and then requested the To~.mship Engineer to show the boundaries of the proposed City on large plans which had been prepared. After hearing an explanation of the plans from the Engineer, further questions were asked by the members of both Councils and were replied to by the Chairman. There being no further discussion, the following resolution was submitted: Prcscnt Minutes new Members Adlourn. De~.12,1960. Alderman Martin Deputy-Reeve Keighan "TI~T we, the Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the Tox,mship of Stamford, now assembled in joint session, adopt the report of the Merger Committee ~ated the 25th day of November, 1960, and that we author' ize the Merger Committee to prepare the necessary ~oint or separate an~li' c~tions as may be required to implemen:~ their recommendations in the said report, ~nd that the Co~mnittee be authorized to employ such~professi°~al help in the preparation of the appli- cation or applications as-they or their professional advisors may deetn advisable, but that the application or applications be not filed with the Ontario Municipal Board or no othc~: Official steps be taken to actually make the application or applications until the said application or applica' tions have been approved by the two 1961 Councils." This resolution was carried unanim' Finance General ously, with all membe~:s of both Councils voting in favour. The Alde~mmn-elect of Niagara Falls and the three Councillors' elect of Stamford Township were then polled and they indica~e~ that they were in favour of the motion. The Mayor extended the thanks to Alderman Martin and his Co~it~ee for their excellent and compreh~ns~rve report. q'hc Aldemuan replied and thanked the members of his Committee. It was then moved by Alde~an Morton, seconded by Alderman McKinley that the meeting adieus. Th%s resolution was c 'Meeting Adj ourned, ' . ..', ' ," ".. A ~,legular Meeting of Council was held on December ]gth, i960 conu~encin;~ at 7:3C j;.z:~o 1. Corficld Allan E. E. "itcl-mlson it. F. S. A. A. NacBain 2. Corfield Allan Dol/uty-~,ceve Counc~: ] ] or Councillor "TqA'i~ tlnc minutes of Joint l.hn!ic~pal Council ~ ~e~ ~:.u~ and tile ~ ~tt] :It ~leeti't~S hold December 12th be adopted as printed." Carried. , "TiIAT x'z? do ~Iow adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." 3. Keighan Corfield ' Carried. "TII~T tile statenerr of General Accounts dated December 16th~ ]960 ~s presented, accc?tcd ar,d the accounts be paid anleunting to $7~8~979.05." Carried. ~oads_ Relief F inane e 4. .Keigha~ Corfield 5. Keighan Cotfield 6. MacBain Corfield "TI~T the statement of ]lov. ds Accounts dated December 16th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $22,710.07." Carried. Cred:Lt Union 7 · AIlan Dcduct ions MacBain "T~T the statement of %e].icf Accounts dated December 16th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $9,081.55." Carried. Lorne "T1L~T tile Committee on Finance do now arise and resume tile business of Council." Carried. "THAT this Council aUrees to payroll deduc- tions of culployecs in the Credit Union, under the conditions aJ set forth in the letter from the Clerk." Carried. Mr. Lorne Morris addressed Council building he proposes to erect on Lot 39, Plan 160, if the Township approve of the sa],~- of this lot located ]n the Industrial Subdivtsnlon. After hearin,~; thL Eng]ncer's report in respect to the design and typc of building to be crectcd, Lores Morris Cont ' d. Stclmaszynski Do It Now Ad. Gas Installa- tions. Carlton Ave. Parking. By-law No. 2576. By-law No. 2577. By-law No. .?-j53. Council indicated that the building was satisfactory and the Clerk was authorized to have a deed and by-law prepared to convey the lot in question. Mr. M. T. Stelmaszynski addressed Council in respect to a seizure of a milk mixing machine by Che bailiff in connection with a warrant to distrain for taxes, and also in connection with flooding conditions which occur on his property. Aftek' some discussion of both matters, the Reeve advised Mr. Stel- maszynski that he would discuss the seizure with the bailiff and Engineer to det~n~ine if some settlement of the matter could be resolved. The Reeve requested the Engineer to bring in a complete repor~ relative to the drainage matters referred to. 8. Keighan Corfield "TI~AT Stamford Council participate as a sponsor in an "ad" to be published in the Niagara Falls Evening Review re: the "Do It Now" campaign being promoted by the Greater Niagara Winter Campaign Advisory Committee." Carried. 9. Keighan MacBain "TI{AT the resolution from Sudbury re: having a thorough review of the procedures of licensing, inspection and enforcement in connection with gas instalIations, be endorsed, and the Minister be notified; and that the Plumbing Inspectbr be requested to report on how these requirements are dealt with at the local levels" Carried. 10. MacBain Allan "THAT the parking situation on Carlton Avenue be referred to the Traffic Committee to re-study the s~ne." Carried. 11. Allan r, Corfield 12. Cotfield Allan 13, Allan Corfield "BY-lAW No. 2576, 1960. A By-law to amend By-law 2350 as amended." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-lAW No. 2577, 1960. A By-law to author~' ize the execution of an Agreement dated the 21st day of November, 1960, between E. Weightman &;oms Ltd. and The Corporation of the Township of Stsfaford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. ~B¥-].AW No, 2553, 1960. A B~-law to autho;:- ize an extension to the Waterworks System of the To~'mhip of S~muford," Read a third time and passed. By-] aw No. 2578. Dy-law No. 2579. By-law No. 2580. Inaugural Meeting. Tax Instahnents Welfare Allowances Bonus Press & ~(adio 14. A]lan Corfield 15. Corf5 old Allan 16. Cotfield blacBain 17. Corficld Keighan 18. MacBaix: · Corfield 19. MacBain Keighan 20 · Macgain A 11 an 21, Kcighan MacBain "BY-IAI7 No. 257q, ].o6a. A I~y-]ow to provide for tile ]~o~7~fouf_ng Of mO~lay pend:'~g salc of l)~l~n~tuwcS." head a firut} second and third time and passed. "BY-i.e'7 llo. 2570, 1.9e-D. A the first meeting of the Council of the Corpoi'atio['~.l' !loo, J ~: first~ second and third time and pasctd. "BY-L&U Nn. 2580, IC~. l^ ;;y-.la\v .t-o aukbovine the/.ucchase of cer~sa:rn ] m~d~ from ?i1 Eobcrt Grimwood amid G~rtrude E. Crimwood to enable the cons~:~;uc~ion of right-of-v.,ay on ~a!uer rLoad and 't:he Canadian Not:jona]_ l'.ailx.my." Read a first~ second aud third time aud passed. -"TII~_T the inaugurst:Lou :%cetjng be held on j~In. 3rd in 1'o] _~ce Administration Building at Grecn's Co~ners~ a~ g p.m." Carried. "TI~T Council allprove the !,ayment oG tnxQs by %lur instalmcnts starting in the. year 1961." Carried. "TIIAT a Christmas allowance on the same basis as last year be paid to people on we] fare and those on winter works who have not received their first full pay." Carried. "TIIAT Department lieads, .qtatutory employees, and all non-uniou employees be paid a bonus of :)50.00 each in apprcc:jation of the over- Cime worked without extra remuneration during the year 1960." Carried. "'flL/~'.l: Council approve a ,'p:ant to rcprcscn- Eatires of the Presr: and Radio who cover the publicjty of the Council meetings, ~nd Council busfncss, on the same basis as the ~=n ~n nn he th,' Niagara Falls 1~ grant: Evening Review; $50.00 to Rad:i.o Statj.on CllVC and Q25.00 ~o the 14lagare Falls Gazette." Carried, t .' $ ::!: '\i~ ~ Tabled The following items on the Agenda were tabled for the reasons lEems. Right-of- Way. Open cut Canal. Adjourn. Dec.19,1960. Present. Minutes indicated: 1o Letter from the Regional Property Officer of the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario advising that the Cola- mission will transfer a certain right-of-way in Part Lot 95 to the Township for a nominal sum of $1.00. The Engineer was requested to consider this matter and report to Council. 2. Letter from the Winter EmploDnent Campaign Committee suggesting that representations be made to the Itydro-Electrjc Power Commission of Ontario to have the open cut Canal re-capped. This matter was referred to the first joint meeting of the Municipal Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the To~nship of Stamford. 22. Corfield Allan "TItAT we do now adjourn to meet on Wednesda5;, Dec.. 28th at 7:30 p.m. unless sooner called by the Reeve." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Hour: 11: 20 P .hi. A Regular Meeting of Council was held on December 28th, 1960 Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor commencing at 7:30 p.m. E. E. Mitchelson R. F. Keighan J. N. Allan S. Cotfield A. A. MacBain 1. MacBain Cotfield "THAT the minutes of the meeting held Decem- ber 19th, 1960 be adopted as' printed." .k Carried. Finance 2. Corfield MacBain Roads 3. Keighan Cotfield General 4. Keighan Cotfield "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." Garried. "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated December 28th, 1960 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amountin~ to $9,080.35." Carried. "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated December 28th, 1960 as presented, be acceP' ted and the accounts be paid amounting to $60,626.38," Carried. Finance Taxi Licenses Mr.& Mrs. Nemeth. Street Lighting- ~maS. By-law No. 2581. By-law No. 1582. 5. -Corfield Keighan 6. MacBain Corfield 7. Keighan MacBain "THAT Council contribute as its share of the cost for Christmas Street lighting to the South End Business and Professional Men's Association - $50.00." Carried. 8. Allan MacBain "BY-lAW No. 2581, 1960. A By-law to amend By-law 2530 aS amended." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Note:- Deputy Reeve Keighan abstained from voting on the above Resolution. e Allan Keighan "BY-lAW No. 2582, 1960. A By-law to author- ize the execution of an Agreement dated the 14th day of November, 1960 between J. A. Climenhage Development Limited and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford, and to rescind By-law No. 2570 (1960)." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Nemeth of 2626 Dorchester Road addressed the Council in respect to securing a building permit for prop- erty fronting on Dixon Street near the corner of Orchard Avenue. They indicated that the frontage of the property was 95 feet with a depth of 60 feet. They requested information as to the reason why a building permit could not be granted. The Reeve advised the Nemeths that the depth of the lot was such that the Twp. building and zoning requirements could not be complied with and as a result, the Building Inspector could not grant a building permit. He suggested that either the Nemeths or the proposed purchaser make an application to the Committee of Adjustment to determine if authority would be granted for a building permit. The Nemeths thanked the Council for the consideration given, but left a list of certain prop- erties which they alleged the rear yard requirements had not been complied with. It was decided that the matter would be referred to the Building Inspector for investigation and report. Carried. "THAT the application for a Taxi-cab Driver's License from Charles Hall, 2539 Dunn St. be approved and license granted, and that the application for a Taxi-cab Driver's License from Samuel Fisher, 2398 Doreen Drive be approved and license granted." ." Carried. ~ ."THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." By-law No. 10. 2583. By-law No. 11o 2584. By-law No. 2585. Transit Cornsis · Bill Deputy- Reeve KeiKhan · Items 'tabled..._ Cdn.Heme Food Prod· Ltd. water Rates. Sewer Riser -St.Paul Ditches - Lots 98 to !18.. Cotfield Allan "BY-lAW No. 2583, 1960o A By-law to author- ize the execution of a conveyance from the Corporation of the Township of Stamford to Lorne B. Morris dated the 28th day of December, 1960." Read a first, second and third time and passed. MacBain Keighan u. By-lAW No. 2584, 1960. A By-law to author- ize the execution of an Agreement dated the 28th December, 1960 between River Realty Development Limited, The Corporation of the Township of Stamford, and Frank A. Brans- combe and Mildred Branscombe." Read a first: second and third time and passed. Keighan Allan 13. MacBain Allan "BY-LAW No. 2585, 1960. A Byelaw to author- ize the execution of an Agreement dated the 28th December, 1960 between W. So Walters Construction Limited, The Corporation of the Township of Stamford, and William Stewart Walters and Daisy Waiters." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "THAT the necessary steps be taken to amend the Greater Niagara Transit Commission Bill now before the Legislature to make it un- necessary for the Commission to pay seat tax on P.C.V. licenses." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 14. MacBain "THAT Council take this opportunity to thanR d P Corfiel ' De uty-Reeve Keighan for his services to the Township during the past year and in · . particular, his services as Chairman of Finance, and to wish him a happy and pros- · perous 1961." i Carried. The following items on the Agenda were tabled for the reasons. °consumption for their new plant. A rep be requested from the Public Utilities Commission. 2. Letter from Lindlay Robinson dated Dec- 19th relative to blockage in the sewer riser which services his home at 725 St.Paul Avenue. This letter will be referred to the appro' priate Council Committee of 1961, for attention. 3. Letter from the River Realty Development Ltd. dated Dec. 12th relative to a proposal to close in the ditches fronting Lots 98 to 118. The Engineer will consider the proposal of the Company and bring in a complete report to a future me6~i~ Of Council. Access Right-of- Way. 4. Report from the Township Engineer dated Dec. 23rd rela- tive to a proposal of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission to convey an access right-of-Way in part Township Lot 95 extending from Portage Road for a distance of approximately 275 feet, to the Township. This matter will be referred to to the 1961 Council for attention. Seat Tax on Buses. 5. Letter from the City Clerk of Niagara Falls enclosing a report from Alderman Ian McCallum regarding the matter of seat tax on Greater Niagara Transportation buses. The report indicated that the Minister of Transport was favourable to having the Private Act applied for by the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford relative to the Transit Commission amended to provide that the two municipalities are in effect a metro area. If this change is made in the Bill and'~pproved by the Legislature, it will not be necessary to~pay a seat tax. The suggested amendment to the Private Bill will be referred to the Township Solicitor for attention. Adjourn. 15. Cotfield MacBain "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on January 3rd at the Inauguration Meeting to be held at the Police Commission Administration Building at 8:00 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Hour: 10:40 P.M. Clerk