Committee Room #1
January 2, 1979
Council met in Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, January 2, 1979 at
6:30 p.m. All members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman
-Sobol. Aldermau Puttick presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole arose without reporting.. ~ · · ' · · ~.
Council Chambers
January 2, 1979
Council met on Tuesday, January 2, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Sobol. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
Alderman Dilts offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera,
that the minutes of the meetings held on December llth, 1978 and December 18th,
1978, be adopted as corrected. Carried Unanimously.
Communication No. 12 - Mr. F. Tassone and Others - The communication requests
the reinstatment of snow removal on all City sidewalks.
The City Clerk advised that Mr. Tassone had been called to work and was
unable to attend, however he had requested Council's consideration of the
reinstatement of snow removal on all City sidewalks.
Alderman Cheesman pointed out that the policy on snow removal on sidewalks
had been in effect for some time, ind suggested that the previous material
'considered by Council on this matter be forwarded to Mr. Tassone to explain
the City's position with respect to sidewalk snow removal. His Worship, Mayor
Thomson felt .it might be advisable to have the previous material assembled
and made available to both Mr. Tassone and the members of Council, with a
full discussion to be held on the matter when Mr. Tassone could be present.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Fera, the City Solicitor
advised that under the provisions of the Municipal Act when dealing with
liability, gross negligence on the part of the municipality would have to
be proven if an accident occurred as a result of children walking on the
roadway because sidewalks were not cleared. The City Solicitor further
advised that if an icy condition existed for some time, the City might be
obligated to do something about it, however the City was not obligated to
plough sidewalks.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded
by Alderman Cummings, that the previous material on this matter be assembled,
cepies made available to Mr. Tessone and the members of Council, and further
that the matter be discussed at a subsequent meeting when the petitioners
are present. Carried Unanimously.
~. D. Lyman of the Social planning Council was granted permission to
address Council on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman
Mr. Lyman advised that the Social planning Council was primarily
Cummings. rounded the S P C was visualized
ion When first
nt planning wing for the Ci y stated that although
as an ~ndep many
the City could turn to the S.P.C. for advice. Mr- Lyman
nearly 100% of the funding continued to come from the City, the S.P.C. was
called upon less and less for advice. While funds were channeled into
worthwhile projects such as Talefriend, information Niagara, etc., the City
was faced with other problems. Council could have used expert advice, however
the S.P.C. had stepped back into the background- Mr. Lyman stated that the
Social planning Council is a human resource available to assist the City.
Reference was made to several of the problems being experienced in the City
such as arson, housebreaking and difficulties with the young people in the
cou~unitY, and Mr. Lyman indicated that the Social planning Council felt as
responsible as the City and the person on the street, for not taking action
sooner to deal with these problems- Mr. Lyman pointed out that the City has
the development of a social plan that could guard against future problems,
indicate where financial resources should be directed, and increase effectiver
as well as eliminate duplication with public and private agencies- Mr. Lyman
suggested that City Council and the Social planning Council spend more time
together in preparing a social plan that could make life easier and would
insure the qualify of life for all future citizens of:Niagara Falls-
During the discussion following Mr. L~man's presentation, several
members of Council commented on the relationship between the City and the
Social planning Council. Mr. Lyman provided additional information in
response to a number of questions raised on the function of the Social
Planning Council, and the type of projects with which the Social planning
Council would be involved.
Following further discussion, His Worship~ Mayor Thomson commented that
the Social Planning Council had accomplished a great deal by bringing these
matters to the attention of Council. The Mayor felt that the City's
relationship with the Social planning Council would improve in the future,
and he commended the people of the Social planning Council for assisting
in the planning and organizing of many worthwhile projects.
Communication No. 13 - Polish National Union of Canada - The con~nunication
requests the City to withdraw its appeal of the Committee of Adjustment
decision to grant the Polish National Union of Canada a minor variance with
respect to parking. The communication advises that once the appeal is
withdrawn, seventy parking spaces will be provided on adjacent leased Hydro
property, and in the event the Hydro lease is terminated, the basement
banquet facilities will be closed until other parking arrangements can be
provided to the satisfaction of the City.
Mr. J. Townsend representing the Polish National union of ,Canadh, was
ranted ermission to address Council on the motion of Alderman Fern, second~
banquet operation ~ the basement of the hall would be discontinued until
such time as suitable parking could be provided. ,Mr. Townsend pointed out
that the City's license for the hall is issued ~n a yearly basis, and this
could be terminated in the event the land leased for parking purposes was
no longer available.
Report No. 38 - Alderman A.A. MacBain, Chairman of the Special Conm~ittee
The Committee reports on the matter of possible legislation to limit the number
of motor vehicles permitted to be parked on residential lots and prohibiting
or controlling the parking of buses, trucks and recreational vehicles on
residential lots.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
the report be tabled until the January 15th, 1979 meeting of City Council.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 14 - Ministry of Revenue Property Assessors - Re: Special Occasion Permit.
The conununication requests Countills approval to obtain a special occasion
permit in order to serve refreshments in conjunction with the annual hockey
Alderman Cummings expressed his concern over the serving of alcoholic
beverages at an arena when there would be children around. The Alderman
pointed out that an arena is a special place where children are almost always
present, and suggested that having liquor served at an arena was not the
proper atmosphere for children.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
request be approved subject to similar approvals being obtained from the Fire
Department, Regional Police, Health Unit and the L.L.B.O. The motion Carried
with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others voting in favour.
No. 15 - Chairman, Niagara Transit - Re: Niagara Chair-A-Van. The communication
provides an update report on the operation of the Niagara Chair-A-Van service
during 1978.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler~ seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the communication be received and filed, and further that a letter of conunendation
be forwarded to the Chairman of the Commission for providing the Chair-A-Van
service. Carried Unanimously.
No. 16 - Mr. M. Swart, MPP for Welland/Thorold - Re: Restructuring of Hydro
in Regional Niagara. The communication comments on the proposed restructuring
of hydro service in Regional Niagara.
ORDERED on the motlonof Alderman MacBatn, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 17 - Niagara Regional Health Unit - Re: Toxocara Canis. The communication
provides information on the common roundworm infection found in dogs in response
to a ~equest by Council.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that Alderman Sobol had requested
this information, and since she wa~ unable to be present at the meeting, he
suggested that the matter be tabled.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the communication be tabled. Carried Unanimously.
No. 18 -Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs - Re: 1979 Provincial Transfers
to Local Governments. The communication provides advance information on the
1979 Provincial transfers to local governments.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Herrerr, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 19 - Mr. B.H. Bedford - Re: Pigeon Control. The communication requests
the consideration of Council in establishing pigeon control legislation.
Alderman Puttick advised that it was his understanding the appeal could
be withdrawn in the event suitable parking arrangements were provided for
hall. Since the parking requirements were now being met, Alderman puttick
felt the appeal should be withdrawn. In response to several comments made ~ ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
by the Alderman, the Planning Director provided additional information. a report be prepared acquainting members of Council and Mr. Bedford with the
action taken on this matter previously, and further that the City Clerk
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman puttick, seconded: attempt to resolve the complaint. Carried Unanimously.,
Variance APPlicat~
by Alderman Schisler, that the Cityss appeal a~ainet Minor~
A-86/78 for the Polish National Unio~of Canada, be withdrawn. Carried .....
The City Clerk advised that an attempt had been made several years ago
to enact such legislation, however few persons were in favour of such legislation
and it was then decided that it would be easier to deal with such complaints 9n
an individual basis rather than to pass a by-law for the entire City or any"
defined area.
No. 39 - City Manager - Re: A~-13/78 and Amending By-law No. 78-123, E.
Rinderlin - Proposed Restaurant Northwest Corner of River Road and Ellis
Street. The report advises that the applicant has requested that the
application be withdrawn. The report recommends passage of two by-laws to
repeal the by-law adopting the required Official plan amendment and to repeal
the zoning by-law amendment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously. See By-laws 79-1 and
No. 40 - City Manager - Re: AM-18/78, Moretta Estates Subdivision, West Side of
St. Paul Avenue, Draft Plan 26T-74072 (Revised)- The report recommends passage
of the zoning amendment by-law respecting the revised plan of subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schtsler, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously. See Resolution No. 9
See By-law No. 79-3
No. 41 - Planning Director - Re: Decision of Niagara Escarpment Commission on
Fruitbelt Trucking Inc., North Stanley Avenue, West Side, South of Highway #405.
The report advises that notice has been received from the Commission of its
approval for a portion of the site (storage area for baled peat moss fertilizer)
and subject to a number of conditions.
Alderman Puttick felt that approval of this application could result in
complaints from the residents of Bevan Heights particularly regarding possible
odours and noise from the trucks. His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that
this is an excellent location compared to the First Avenue property. The
Mayor further advised that the site is a substantial distance from Seven Heights
and the prevailing winds would be to the east in the other direction. In
response to a further question by Alderman Puttick, the Planning Director
indicated that the Niagara Escarpment Commission would be willing to listen
to any of the Cityis comments on the proposal, such as the provision of
buffers. °~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Fern, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 42 - City Manager - Re: Bossible Purchase of Winnifred Street Road Allowance.
The report recommends that staff be authorized to take the necessary steps to
close the subject road allowance and offer same to Mr. Porthast (adjacent
property owner) at a fair market value, which has been determined by an Opinion
of Value dated September 21/78 at $16,500.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 43 - City Nanager - Re: Encroachment - Front Btreet and Daly Street, Former
Village of Chippaws. The report recommends approval of the request for the
subject encroachment and preparation of a by-law authorizing the encroachments
upon compliance of certain conditions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Wallman,, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously. .'
No. 44 - City Manager - Re: Northwest Recreation Project. The report recommends
that Council enter into an agreement with the Stamford Centre Volunteer
Firemen~s Association regarding the title of two/thi[ds of the 100 acres to be
purchased from Ontario Hydro.
Alderman MacBain referred to the problems presently being studied with
respect to the life of the existing landfill site~ and askedwhether-or not
it would be advisable to refer this matter to the Special Committee on the
Landfill Site to determine whether or not these lauds might be needed for an
extension of the Landfill Site, The Director of Municipal Works advised that
the City has approval to extend the site on a further sixty-two acres, but
this approval does not include the lands under consideration for the Northwest
i' Recreation Project. His Worship, Mayor Thomson also indicated that if the
~'~ ~, matter were held up further, the City could run into further financing charges.
,~' ~he CityManager stated that the Alderman's concerns would be protected.
· . ~ ' In response to a question raised by lldermanMarrett, the City Manager
~ advised that the Wintario f~unds are anticipated within the next .few weeks,
. . ,
and in the meantime, the Cityis and the Association's contributions will
be held in escrow until the Wintario funds are received. Alderman Dilts
stated-that Wintario funds are still taxpayers' money, and that the funding
should have been on a fifty/fifty basis.
Following further comment and information provided by members of staff,
it was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the report
be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Cummings abstaining
on a conflict of interest, Alderman Dilts voting contrary, and all others
voting in favour.
See By-law No. 79-4
No. 45 - City Manager - Re: Request for Parking on Magdalen Street. The report
recommends passage of a by-law to permit parking on the southerly side of
Magdalen Street between Victoria Avenue and Ellen and that both sides be metered
with a maximum of two hour meters.
The Director of Municipal Works provided additional information in
response to several questions raised by Alderman Puttick.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-laws No. 79-8
and No. 79-9
No. 46 - City Manager - Re: RyersonMarket Area - N.I.P. The report recommends
that City Council establish a Steering Committee and that the Steering
Committee meet as soon as possible to commence implementation of the plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the'report be received and adopted, and further that Aldermen Marterr and Orr
be appointed to the Steering Committee. Carried Unanimously.
No. 47 - City Manager - Re: Connection of Storm Sewer Lateral at 7967/7975
Sarah Street. The report recommends preparation of an appropriate agreement
indemnifying the City against any loss or damages to persons or property and
relieving the City from any responsibility for maintaining, reconstructing
or cleaning the subject lateral, that the agreement be registered on title
of the two properties, and subject to Council's approval of this procedure,
that the requested connection be made.
Alderman Dilts commented that this has been a problem area for a number
.of years due to the fact the catchbasins on either side are higher than the
street, causing water to collect on the roadway. Although the street had been
paved during the summer, the problem had not been solved. The Director of
Municipal Works stated that if the problem had only been water on the roadway,
grading would have eliminated the problem. This work was being done at the
request of the owners.
Alderman Puttick felt that even though the owners could not hold the
City responsible in the event of a blockage or back-up, there would be
~maintenance problems and expenses the City would be faced with due to the
shallow nature of the storm sewer on Sarah ~ereet. The Design & Construction
Engineer advised that the matter had been discussed by the Staff Management
Committee because of the maintenance concerns, and it was accordingly decided
that because of the anticipated problems, there should be some type of
agreement on record protecting the City from possible claims. It was further
advised that while in most cases this type of installation would alleviate
the problem, in this case, the problem could continue.
Following further comment, it was moved by Aldermnn Puttick, seconded
by Alderman Fete, that the matterbe tabled for further discussion, and that
the residents involved be in attendance at the Council meeting when the
matter is again considered. Carried Unanimously.
No. 48 - City Manager - Re: Winter Sand. The report reconm~ends that the
remainder of the present stockpile of winter sand material be Used, and requests
Council~s guidance on the type of material to be purchased for the remainder
of the winter season.
Alderman Dilts stated that the material used by the Region was considerably
liner than the type used by the City. The Alderman felt that the coatset
material would not give the same amount of coverage as would liner sand, and
that the build-up of this material on the strccts could cause problems when
City equipment cleaned it ~p in the spring. His Worship, Mayor Thomson
- 6 -
agreed that the build-up of the material on the roadways and boulevards was
incredible, and suggested that when reviewing the coot, clean-up and damage
to boulevards must also be taken into account. The Mayor also asked if the
sand could not be tendered on a Regional basis in order to get a better
price. The Director of Municipal Works indicated that sand is not usually
purchased under a Regional tender. With respect to the existing material,
the Director of Municipal Works suggested that the existing stockpile be
used, and that a finer type of sand be purchased for comparison purposes.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cummings, the Maintenance and
Operations Engineer advised that if the current weather improves, the
existing stockpile could last another month. The Director of Municipal Works
advised that a meeting was being arranged on winter control, and this matter
could be discussed at that meeting.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Schisler, seconded
by Alderman Dilts, that the existing stockpile of winter sand be used, and
that a meeting on winter control be held prior to the purchase of additional
material. Carried Unanimously-
No. 49 - City Manager - Re: Restrictions on City Bridge Structures. The
report outlines certain recommendations with respect to the Whirlpool Road
bridge over the HEPC Canal, Willowdell Road bridge over Tee Creek, Gonder
Road bridge and Miller Road bridge.
The Director of Municipal Works provided additional information in
response to several questions raised.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Schisler,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 50 - City Manager - Re: Highway #420 Signing. The report recommends
endorsement of two suggestions regarding signing at the intersection of
Highway #420 and Stanley Avenue and that the Ministry of Transportation and
Communications be requested to include these changes in the tender call
slated for January 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBalu, seconded by Alderman Fete, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimousl~L·
No. 51 - City Clerk - Re: Railway Relocation Committee. The report advises
that five appointments are necessary for the Railway Relocation Committee, and
that a meeting of the Committee will be held on January 11, 1979 at 11:00 a~m.
ORDERED on the motion 6f Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Fete, that
Aldermen Chessman, Binsperger, MacBain, Marterr and Orr be appointed to the
Committee. Carried Unanimously.
No. 52 - City Manager - Re: Vaccaro's Kestaurant. 'The report reconmeuds
preparation of a by-law and agreement for a cash payment in lieu of providing
parking spaces for the subject property.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Fetes that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 53 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
In response to questions raised by several members of Council, the City
Treasurer provided information on Cheques #1739, #1761, #1772, #1819, #1845,
#1901 and #1934.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick concerning Cheque
#1895, the City Treasurer advised that this cheque was payment for the renewal
of the Globe & Mail newspaper for 1979. The City Manager advised that the
Treasury Department, Clerk's Department, Planning Department, Building and
Development Department, the Mayor*s Office and C~ty Manager'.s'office received
a copy of the 0lobe &Mail. This newspaper provides up-to-date information
on various government decisions that are sometimes not reported by the rest of
the media. Alderman Puttick felt that the subscription should be cancelled
and any persong wishing copies should purchase them individually.
Alderman Cheesman pointed out that the Globe & Mail plays a major role
in the daily life of a municipality or large corporation as a medium of
communication on a daily basis between governments. The Alderman felt the
number of newspapers could be reduced but not simply cancelled.
Following further discussion, it was moved-'byAlderman Chessman, seconded
by Alderman Dilts, that the Globe &Mail subscription be reduced to four
newspapers. The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cheesman, Dilts, Hinsperger and Wallman.
NAYE: Aldermen Cummings, Fera, MacBain, Merrett, Orr, Puttick and Schisler.
It was then moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the Globe & Mail subscription be cancelled. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cummings, Fera, MacBain, Merrett, Orr, Puttick and Schisler.
NAYE: Aldermen Cheesman, Dilts, Hinsperger and Wallman.
It was moved by Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report, as amended, be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 9 - SCHISLER - MERRETT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-3 for the
rezoning of lands on the west side of St. Paul Avenue and the north side of
Riall Street, conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara
Falls Planning Area, as amended and approved by the Minister of Housing;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read
a first time:
No. 79-1 - A By-law to repeal By-law No. 78-122 adopting Amendment No. 98 to
the Official Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area..(AM-13/78,
E. Rinderlin)
No. 79-2 - A By-law to repeal By-law No. 78-123 amending Byelaw ~o. 5335, 1955.
(AM-13/78, E. Rinderlin)
No. 79-3 - A By-law to amend By-laws Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960 of the
former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as
amended. (AM-18/78, Moretta Estates Sub'd.)
No. 79-4 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land to the Stamford Centre
Volunteer Firemen's Association. (Northwest Recreation Project)
No. 79-5 - A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $5,000,000.00.
No. 79-6 - A By-law to provide for appointments to various boards, commissions
and committees.
No. 79-7 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
No. 79-8 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790 being a by-law for the regulation
of traffic. (Parking on Magdalen Street)
No. 79-9 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 72-132 to provide for the use of parking
meters on streets. (Meters on Magdalen Street)
Carried with Alderman
Cummings abstaining on
a conflict of interest
on By-law No. 79-4 and
all others voting in
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that the
.following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-1 - A By-law to repeal By-law No. 78-122 adopting Amcndment No. 98 to
the Official Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (AM-13/78,
E. Rinderlin)
No, 79-2- A By-law to repeal By-law No. 78-123 amending By-law No. 5335, 1955.
(AM-13/78, E. Rinderlin)
No. 79-3
No. 79-4
No. 79-5
No. 79-6
No. 79-7
No. 79-8
No. 79-9
- g -
- A By-law to amend By-laws Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960 of the
former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Palls, as
amended. (AM-18/78, Moretta Estates Sub'd.)
· - A By-law to authorize the sale of land to the Stamford Centre
Volunteer Firemen's Association- (Northwest Recreation Project)
- A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $5,000,000.00.
- A By-law to provide for appointments to various boards, commissions,
and committees-
- A By-law to provide monies for general purposes-
- A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790 being a by-law for the regulation~
of traffic. (Parking on Magdalen Street)
- A By-law to amend By-law No. 72-132 to provide for the use of parki~
meters on streets- (Meters on Magdalen Street)
Carried with Alder!~
Cummings abstainin]
a conflict of inte~
on By-law No. 79-4'
all others voting~
Alderman Cummings asked if there were any tabulations available on the
cost of the Inaugural Dinner. The City Clerk advised that he would be prepari
a report outlining the exact costs involved.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cummings, Alderman Fera
indicated that the Planning & Development Committee dinenet party would also
be on a "pay-as-you-go" basis this year.
Alderman Cheesn~au referred to the report on the Railway Relocatio~ meeti~
scheduled for the next week and pointed out that the time set for the meeting
was 11:00 a.m. The Alderman pointed out that he was interested in attending
this meeting, however due to his work schedule, it was almost impossible for ~
to attend morning meetings. His Worship, Mayor Tho.mson advised that the
meeting had been re-scheduled to the morning due to a conflict with another
scheduled meeting that he had to attend, and that in future, care would be ta~'
to have meetings scheduled for as late in the day as possible.
Alderman Cheesman gave a brief verbal report on the various plans being
made in recognition of the City's 75th anniversary, and advised that he hoped
to have school children as well as several persons knowledgeable in the histo~'
of the City involved in these plans.
Alderman Dilte advised that he had received a number of calls from
residents in Chippaws regarding the speed of cars travelling over the bridge
over Lyona Creek. The Alderman suggested that the speed limit sign be moved
to the west end of the bridge, which would hopefully eliminate any problems
that could be experienced with increased summer traffic. ·
Alderman Schisler advised that a number of residents in the south end
of the City are unable to have copies of the local newspaper delivered to
their homesm and occasionally are unaware that the day for their garbage
collection had been changed due to a holiday. The Alderman requested that
staff investigate some other means of providing advance notice to those
residents. : ~
Alderman Puttick advised that it had been his understanding Niagara
Square was to provide its own compacting service and arrange for private
pick-up of garbage. The Alderman stated that the City's vehicles have
to make many trips to remove the garbage and refuse from the plaza, and if
this service were provided privately, there could be a substantial savings
in time and equipment. It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by
Alderman Chessman, that a report on the matter be prepared for consideration
at a future Council meeting. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Puttick advised that he had noticed an item in the B.I.G.
Committee minutes for an expenditure relating to recovery of expenses for
the distribution centre, and asked what this expenditure involved. His
Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that there was litigation involved in the
matter, and that a report would be made to Council in Committee of the Whole.
Alderman Puttick asked if there would be any advantage to have certain
intersection improvements made at the corner of Thorold Stone Road and Stanley
Avenue, such as traffic lights, to facilitate movement of traffic emanating
from the Municipal Service Centre. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer
agreed that there were delays with vehicles attempting to make left turns on
to Thorold Stone Road, and suggested that the matter could be investigated.
The Director of Municipal Works indicated that both roadways are under the
Jurisdiction of the Region, and that the Region could be asked to comment
on the matter. It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Chessman,
that the Region be requested to comment on possible improvements at the
subject intersection to facilitate better traffic movement. Carried UnanimouslX·
Alderman Wallman referred to two items discussed earlier during the
meeting relating to clearing of snow from sidewalks and the removal of winter
sand material spread during sanding operations, and suggested that if citizens
expect Council to show restraint in spending, some effort would have to be
made on their part to cope with these situations.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that Mr. Domenic Morabito would be
operating a multi-cultural radio station, and suggested that Council should
endorse this undertaking. It was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded by
Alderman MacBain, that a letter of endorsement be sent to Mr. Morabito
indicating Council's support of the proposal. 'Carried Unanimously.
His Worship, Mayor Thomsonstated that there had been criticism made
~about the liaison between Regional representatives and City Council, and
suggested that a portion of a meeting be set aside every two months to
discuss Regional matters.
It was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera~ that
Alderman Puttick be appointed. to serve on the Finance Committee. Carried
It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman 0rr, that Alderman
Hinsperger be appointed to the Recreation Commission. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Cummings suggested that in the future, some consideration be
given to appointing another member of Council to the Social Planning Council.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that there were several matters of
importance to the City on which a particular member of Council could make it
- 10 -
their responsibility to keep up-to-date on the progress of the matter, and
also to make periodic status reports to City Council. Such matters would
be Shriner's Creek, draft zoning by-law or the proposed drainage policy.
The Mayor requested that a member of Council volunteer to take over this
responsibility with respect to the Shriner's Creek project- Alderman MacBain
felt it might be advisable for the Mayor to speak to the different members of
Council and determine which members have a particular expertise that would
be more appropriate for a specific project. His Worship, Mayor Thomson
indicated that he would give the matter further consideration and report back
to Council.
The Director of Municipal Works advised that in processing Land Division
Committee decisions involving conditions imposed on behalf of the Municipality!.
a check is made to determine if all conditions requested by the City have
been included in such decisions. With respect to the subject severance,
it was the opinion of the Director of Municipal Works that the decision of
the Committee did not include all requirements of the City. The application
was for a small easement for a gas line into the complex, and the intent was
to sever this easement and deed it to the Gas Company. The City had requested
an agreement with the applicant satisfying the City's needs for sanitary sewer
and watermain easements. This condition was not included in the decision of
the Lend Division Committee. The Director of Municipal Works recommended
that Councilauthoriz~Jstaff to appeal the decision of the Land Division
Committee on Severance Application B-602(78) for Foxhead Inn Limited, with
the proviso that the appeal can be withdrawn if a suitable agreement can be
negotiated with Foxhead Inn Ltd., and that Council be advised of any further
actions on this matter. It was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by
Alderman Chessman, that the recommendation of the Director of Municipal Works
be adopted· Carried Unanimously·
It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by Aldermen Cheesman, that the
meeting adjourn· Carried Unanimously·
Committee Room #1
January 15, 1979
Council met on Monday, January 15, 1979 at 6:30 p.m. in Committee of the
Whole. All members of Council were present. Alderman Orr presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the
arose without reporting.
the Committee of the Whole
Council Chambers
January 15, 1979
Council met on Monday, January 15, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present. His Worship,
Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman. Alderman Fera offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the minutes of the meeting bald on January 2, 1979, be adopted as printed.
Carried Unanimously.
Mr. R. Meuser was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fera. Mr. Menset stated that it was
unfortunate that private properties in residential areas are increasingly used
for outside storage or parking of trucks, trailers, tractors and buses which
are a part of businesses conducted elsewhere, and that no provisions were made
to prevent this from happening when the existing rules and regulations for
strictly residential areas were established· Mr. Menset felt if this trend
is allowed to continue, residential areas would sooner or later become commercial
in nature· Since no provisions were made, Mr. Menset felt that people using
a section of their residential properties~for storage or parking of such vehicles
could not be blamed, however he pointed out that the majority of residents work
very hard to keep their lawns and properties attractive· Mr. Menset felt if
Council decided to drop the entire issue of parking vehicles on residential
properties, the problem would not be solved and would become worse· In
discussing this matter with numerous citizens, Mr. Menset found the majority
were strongly against the trend of allowing the appearance of residential
areas becoming commercial or industrial in nature· Mr. Meuser offered the
following recommendations to assist in the matter: 1) Do not restrict the
number of cars in driveways, but establish a reasonable ratio of front lawn
area to driveway area to avoid excessive widening of driveways; 2) Prohibit
placing vehicles on front lawns; 3) Do not prohibit small trucks which are used
for strictly private purposes, but limit the truck size or capacity to one half
of a ton and the number of trucks to one per residence; 4) Prohibit large trucks
and tractors, trailers and buses regardless of capacity and whether they are
used for business or private purposes, but make allowance for extreme hardship
cases; 5) Do not prohibit recreational vehicles, but do not permit them on
front lawns and limit their size in relation to the size of the property~ 6) Do
not prohibit occasional parking of vehicles used for commercial purposes; and
7) If it is felt that making allowances in hardship cases might get too involved
and create fairness problems, allow existing conditions to remain as long as
the residence does not change hands. In conclusion, Mr. Mesuer stated that it
- 2 -
does not appear to be an easy task to establish in detail a by-law which is
fair to the citizens on both sides of the issue, however it would be well
worth the effort it if led to the stopping of the trend of residential
- neighbourhoods taking on a commercial character due to outside storage or
parking of commercial vehicles. Mr. Meuser requested that Council not wait
until the issue developed into a crisis for another Council to handle, but
to take the lead and work out a reasonable compromise backed by legislation.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Chessman, Mr. Meuser
indicated that he was aware of the public meetings held in November on this
matter, however he was unable to attend. Alderman Cheesman stated that
Mr. Meuser's comments were appropriate, however the November meetings would
have been the time to bring them before the public- With respect to the
comment that this issue could become a crisis, Alderman Chessman pointed out
that the Special Committee had discovered there was no crisis and that there
was no real concern by the vast majority of the community. Mr, Meuser
stated that the petition submitted with seven hundred names did not represent
the vast majority of the population. Alderman Chessman stated that while
the petition represented a fraction of the population, during the public
meetings, no contrary opinion was expressed by the public and the overwhelming
demand was to leave conditions as they presently exist. With respect to
hardship cases, Alderman Chessman felt the Council could end up with a weekly
tribunal trying to determine such hardship cases.
An individual in the Chambers felt it was unfair for Mr. Meuser to make
these comments and suggestions after the meetings were held. The gentleman
pointed out that many residents artended the public meetings, and he could
not understand where Mr. Meuser got his information that the majority were
in favour of restrictions, when there had been such strong opposition at the
The City Clerk advised that Mr. Montgomery had been unable to attend the
meeting, and suggested that the matter be tabled.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the.
deputation be tabled. Carried Unanimously.
Mr. T. Hrtstow was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fern. Mr. Hristow advised that
in 1963, a twtnning committee was established in Niagara Falls. The first
attempt at twinning was with the Island of St. Vincent, however this was
unsuccessful due to extreme political changes. Mr. Hristow advised that there~'
is still interest and suggestions for the twinning of'Niagara Falls, and if
Council approved the renewal of efforts in that direction, the committee
could create an Juiciest among the citizens of the City in selecting a
city to twin with Niagara Falls. His Worship, Mayor Thomson commented that
there had been several suggestions on this matter and suggested that the
City of Mainz, Germany could be referred to the twinning co~ittee for
consideration. Alderman Cummings agreed that twinning with Mainz could be
discussed, particularly in view of the City's involvement with Germany in
the past years. His Worship, Mayor Thomson requested that Mr. Hristow keep
Council up-to-date on his efforts, and suggested that he may want to come
back and request participation from Council in the future.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that the Twinning Committee be re-established under the direction of
Mr. NTistow to investigate the twinning of another with city with Niagara
Falls. Carried Unanimously.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson extended a welcome to the 22nd Niagara Scout
Troup from~hippawa in attendance at the meeting.
Report No. 54 - City Manager - The report recon~nends that Council approve in
principle tile proposed changes in speed limits on the CNR-Welland subdivision~
line, subject to acceptance by the City of the cost sharing arrangement as it
relates to affected City roads.
Alderman Chessman referred to a comment in the report made by the
Canadian Transport Commission that trains passing through the llontrose Road
crossing would not be travelling faster than forty miles per hour, and
advised that he had been at the crossing recently and had noted that trains
were travelling much faster than forty miles per hour at this crossing.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cummings, the City Clerk
advised that all regulations concerning trains, other than the sounding of
whistles at certain crossings in the City, were beyond the jurisdiction of
the City. Such regulations are the responsibility of the Federal Government.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 47 - City Manager - The report recommends preparation of an appropriate
agreement indemnifying the City against any loss or damages to persons or
property and relieving the City from any responsibility for maintaining,
reconstructing or cleaning the subject lateral, that the agreement be registered
on title of the subject properties, and subject to Council's approval of this
procedure, that the requested connection be made.
Mr. W. Tiffin was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Cummings. Mr. Tiffin advised that this
problem had been going on for fourteen years and the reason the drain had been
installed was to remove water from the rear yards. Mr. Tiffin indicated that
he and Mr. Bullied had been told years ago that if they would place the pipe
out to the roadway, it would be connected to the storm sewer. In 1977, the
pipe was installed, however it was not connected to the storm sewer. Mr. Tiffin
advised that he contacted Alderman Dtlts about the problem, following which the
City sent a letter stating that if he and Mr. Bullied agreed to certain
conditions, the pipe would be connected to the storm sewer. Mr. Tiffin further
advised that he and Mr. Bullied could not agree to absolving the City from all
claims arising from personal property damage on City property. His Worship,
~yor Thomson stated it was his understanding that Mr. Tiffln and Mr. Bullied
had agreed to the City's conditions. Mr. Tiffin indicated that he was willing
to take responsibility for the pipe on his property, but not the pipe going
into the storm sewer. Mr. Tiffin also felt this agreement should not be
registered on the title of his property.
Alderman Dilts disagreed with the statement in the report that the
residents had not contacted the City prior to construction of the pipe, and
pointed out that the City was aware of this fact when sidewalks were constructed
on Sarah Street. During construction, a drain was installed under the sidewalk
by the City for this purpose. Alderman Dilts stated that Mr. Tiffin and
Mr. Bullied have taken the drainage to the City's property, and he felt it was
the City's responsibility to install the pipe on City property. While the
Alderman agreed the sewer was shallow, he did not feel the City should hold
the residents responsible for the drainage pipe on City property.
Alderman Puttick was critical of the fact the City would be faced with an
expenditure of $450 to make the necessary connection when there was no guarantee
the problem would be alleviated. The Alderman suggested the matter be tabled
to allow further discussion on finding a more appropriate solution.
The Director of Municipal Works advised that the City was not recommending
against the installation of a catchbasin. If the piping from the backyards is
connected to the storm sewer, there is a problem. The storm sewer is very
shallow and there is a very good chance the connection could freeze. The
Director of Municipal Works further advised that if a pipe is connected from
private property into the storm sewer, and the pipe freezes and causes a back-up
on to private property, the City should be absolved from that responsibility.
It was also pointed out that in 1967, local improvement storm sewer and road
construction was scheduled for this area, however the work was turned down by
the residents. The Director of Municipal Works felt a catchbasin should be
installed at this location because of the ice conditions.
Alderman Puttick felt there was no point in Council authorizing the
preparation of the agreement, since Mr. Tiffin had indicated he was not
agreeable with the City's conditions. Aldermen Chessman and Schisler pointed
out that the agreement would have to be satisfactory to both the residents
and the City, and if agreement cantlot be reached, the matter would be reported
back to Council.
Following further co~nent, it was moved by Alderman Schisler, seconded
by Alderman Cheesman, that the report be received and adopted- The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Chessman, Cummings, Dilts, Fera, Hinsperger, Schisler, Sobol
and Orr.
NAY.__~E: Aldermen MacBain, Merrett, puttick and Wallman.
Report No. 38 - Special Con~ittee - The report recommends that the City not
pass any legislation of any kind to control the number of motor vehicles that.~
may be parked or stored on a residential lot, or to prohibit or control the
parking of trucks, buses or recreational vehicles on a residential lot.
Alderman MacBain referred to the suggestion made by Mr. Meuser that
recreational vehicles not be parked on front lawns, and pointed out that whil,~
it would seem the suggestion would have a lot of merit, this was considered
by the Committee and dismissed for a number of reasons. The Alderman pointed
out that if an individual had a large lot and spacious driveway, Mr. Meuser's
suggestion would be acceptable, however there are many lots in the City with
thirty-five to fifty foot frontages. prohibition of parking such vehicles
in front of the home would result in a prohibition on them parking on their
lots altogether due to the size~ Alderman MacBain stated that the vast
majority feel a man's home is his castle, and people want to do with their
home what they want, unless there is direct injury to the neighbout- It
was the feeling of the Committee there was no such direct damage, and that
the citizens of Niagara Falls did not want anymore restriction on the
enjoyment of their property unless there is good reason.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Chessman, thai
the report be received and adopted. · Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 55 - City Manager - The report recommends that the City Road Needs
Study be officially presented at the Council Committee meeting of January 22,~
1979 by the consultant.
ORDERED on the mo~ton of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Orr, that th
reportbe received and adopted. Carried Unanimously- .
Report No. 56 - City Manager - The report recommends that the offer made by
Mr. V. Cant of the Niagara Falls Invitational Racing Pigeon Club to elim~nate~
pigeon nuisance be accepted and that both he and Mr. B. Bedford be thanked
for their effort in attempting to solve the problem pf pigeon nuisance of
stray pigeons without the formality of enacting and ~nforcing a by-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Wallman, tha'l
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 57 - City Manager - The report recommends that the submission by
the ONE Insurance Agency Limited for the provision of errors aud omissions
insurance to cover all employees aud members of Council be purchased. The
report advises that an amount of $1.00 will be deducted from the allowance
paid to members of Council as a premium for their coverage.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 20 - Mr. J. Broderick - Re~ Niagara Falls Regional Headquarters Proposal.
The communication provides information in response to the brief prepared by
tim Preservation of Agricultural Lands Society on the .Cityts proposed site fo
Regional Headquarters.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cunnings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the communication be referred to the Regional Council. Carried Unanimously.
No. 21 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: 150th Anniversary of the
Welland Canal. The conlnunication requests the participation of the City in
observance of the 150th anniversary of the Welland Canal.
ORDERED on the motion of Alde~nan Cummings, seconded by Aldexman Cheesman, th
the communicationbe referred to the City~s 75th Anniversary Committee. Ca.r.r.
No. 22 - Chamber of Commerce - Re: Civic Wage Brief. The communication
provides information in response to the City staff report on the Chamber
of Commerce civic wage brief.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the communication be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried
No. 23 - Canadian Union of Public Employees - Re: Civic Wage Brief. The
communication comments on the civic wage brief prepared by the Chamber of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Fete, that
the communication be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried Unanimously.
No. 24 - Federation of Canadian Municipalities - Re: people-to-People Petition
for National Unity. The communication presents a petition on National Unity
for the participation of the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that the
communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 25 - Ministry of Transportation & Communications - Re: Load Limits on
Municipal Bridges. The communication requests that the City pass by-laws to
limit the loads on structures rated less than 18 tons, and that signs be
posted accordingly.
The Director of Municipal Works referred to a report adopted by City
Council at the previous meeting that dealt with this specific matter, ~nd
pointed out that the necessary by-law had been prepared as outlined in the
communication. It was suggested that the communication therefore be
received and filed.
Alderman Puttick expressed concern about the safety of the Portage Road
bridge over the Hydro Canal, recently re-opened at the request of area
businesses- The Alderman indicated that he had received information that
the bridge was unsafe and that there was a danger of a car falling through
the structure. The Director o~ Municipal Works stated that he had recently
had a car weighed at Queenston Quarry and found the weight of a normal size
car to be 2.68 tons. He had written to the Region pointing this fact out,
and requested the Region to determine if the bridge would hold this weight.
The Director of Municipal Works further advised that the Region had an
investigation of the bridge done by a structural engineer to determine the
safety of the bridge.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that if there was any safety hazard
with the bridge, he was sure the Region, regardless of political comments,
would close the bridge immediately. In response to a question raised by
Alderman Cummings, the Mayor advised that snow removal and sanding operations
on the bridge are done by hand.
Regional Councillor Mitchelson indicated that the concerns expressed by
Council are the concerns of the Region as well. The Director of Engineering
for the Region has indicated that the bridge will be examined on a regular
basis, and if there was any imminent danger, he would close the bridge on his
own a~thority and report to both the City and Regional Councillors.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman. Fete, seconded by
Alderman Orr, that the communication be received and filed..'Carried Unanimously.
No. 26 - Mrs. J. Smart - Re: "Stoop and Scoop" Legislation. The communication
requests that council consider the establishment of "stoop and scoop" legislation
in Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the commuuication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report updating
this matter. Carried Unanimously.
· No. 27 - Association of Hunicipalities of Ontario .- Re: 1979 Membership. The
commuuication provides the 1979 membership invoice to the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the annual membership fee of $1726.41 be paid. Carried Unanimously.
No. 28 - Canadian League for the Liberation of Ukraiue - Re: Flag Raising.
The communication requests that the Ukraiuian National Flag be flown in front
of the City Hall for one week commencing January 22, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the request be approved. Carried Unanimously.
No. 58 - His Worship, Mayor Thomson - Re: Aldermanic Appointments. The
report advises that Alderman Chessman has been appointed to be responsible
for the Shriner's Creek project, Alderman Fern for the Draft Zoning By-law
and Alderman Dilts for the proposed drainage plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cheesman,
that the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously-
No. 59 - Alderman A.A. MacBain - Re: Finance Conunittee.. The report recommends ·
approval of guidelines for the Finance Committee.
Alderman Sobol asked if it would be possible when certain items considers
by the Finance Committee which are of interest to the entire Council, that the,
whole Council be present during the Committee meeting. His Worship, Mayor
Thomson advised that such items would be considered by the entire Council,
and emphasized that the Finance Committee is strictly a committee to advise
Council, with no decision making power. The Mayor further indicated that any
matters of an important nature would be directed to Council immediately.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBalm, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 60 - Alderman C. Chessman - Re: Niagara Falls 75th Anniversary Committee.!'
The report provides information on plans for observance of the City's 75th
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Merrett, thati
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 61 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-38/78, Frontier Ford Sales
Ltd., 4523 Drummond Road, North Side Cherrywood Road. The report recommends
approval of the rezoning application subject to Development Control, and that~;
Council certify by resolution that the application conforms to Official Plan
Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved
by the Minister of Housing.
Alderman Orr advised that he had received a call QlLthis matter regardingi
site problems at the subject intersection and asked if something could be donel
to alleviate this problem. The Planning Director indicated that this problem~
would be discussed during consideration of the site plan by the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No,~
See By-law No. 79-
No. 62 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-39/78, 379515 Ontario Ltd.,a
North Side Morrison Street. The report recommends approval of the fezcuing
application subject to Development Control and that Council certify by
resolution that the application conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28
of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister
of Housing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Fern, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
'See ReSol~tion Not'
See By-law No. 79-
No. 63 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: Annual Housing Review 1979.
The report recommends approval of the 1979 Annual Housing Review.
Alderman Chessman asked why Mr. Macklem of the Planning & Development
Committee had voted contrary to the recommendation of the Committee. AldermaT
MacBain advised that he spoken to Mr. Macklem on this matter, and Mr. Macklem
had been concerned over the large number of lots available 'for permits and
whether the Planning Department had given enough significance to the fact the
number of starts during the next three years might not be as heavy as suggest~
in the report, Mr. Macklem had also been concerned as to whether the popular:
increase factor used in the report was too generous.
Mr. Macklem wee granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett. Mr. Macklem felt that plann:
is dictated by policies set by the Federal and Provincial governments, and
pointed that during the past five years, it can be found the number of lots
coming on-stream have been dictated by generous financial contributions by
beth levels of government. Mr, Macklem stated that these programs have cease(
and the municipalities were now back on their own. Also of concern to
Mr. Macklem was his belief that the future growth of the City will not be
caused by industry, but the type of growth more dependent upon the City.
Mr. Macklem felt the .7% growth factor suggested by the Planning Department
was not accurate, and that .0% would be more in line. In summary, Mr. Macklem
stated he was not really in disagreement with the report. The Planning
Director also commented that the report outlines educated projections, not
commitments for financing or servicing. Additional information was provided
by the Planning Director in response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick.
Regional Councillor Mitchelson advised that there was to have been sums
of money made available in 1979 by the Provincial and Federal governments,
however due to differences of opinion, only applications for funding will be
accepted during 1979, with the transmission of funds to the Province and
local municipalities in 1980. In response to a question raised by Alderman
MacBalm, Councillor Mitchelson indicated that both levels of government are
in the process of changing programs. The R.R.A.P. and A.H.O.P. programs
will now be called the Community Services Program, and details have not been
finalized as yet.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 64 - City Manager - Re: Chippaws Community Secondary Plan. The report
recommends approval of the Chippaws Secondary Plan as the Cityts policy for
future urban development in Chippaws and northeast Willoughby, to be used
to guide staff and Council in making decisions on development proposals
and municipal improvements. It is further recommended that copies of the Plan
be sent to the Regional Municipality of Niagara for review and concurrence.
Alderman Puttick referred to a proposal several years ago to install
a section of sanitary sewer on Sodom Road to permit development of lands in
this area. The Alderman felt that development at that time was premature,
and that if the sewer was to be constructed, the cost should be the developerrs
responsibility. Alderman Puttick asked if this area was still considered to
be premature for development, and if servicing would still be the responsibility
of the developer. The Director of Municipal Works advised that negotiations
had been held with the developer and tentative agreement had been reached to
pay for the cost of the sanitary sewer to the limits of the urban development
boundaries. Council had approved the expenditure for oversizing of the sewer,
with the monies to come from the Expansion & Renewal Fund. Since that time,
additional engineering work was done and the Region has made an approach to
determine if the developer is willing to pay the additional cost. The Director
of Municipal Works advised that the City will be approached as well with
respect to oversizing costs, however no tax dollars would be used by the City
for this purpose.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 65 - City Manager - Re: Consent and Minor Variance Applications by Anne
Csele, Former Railway Right-of-Way in Willoughby & Crowland Area. The report
recommends that Council confirm the actioo.:-taken by staff to appeal the
subject decision of the Land Division Committee, and that further severances
and minor variances be objected to and appealed if granted.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that this matter was quite serious
and that he had received calls from citizens expressing their concerns. Farms
in this area were split by the railway right-of-way for a number of years,
and the land was now being sold privately and the farm owners were not being
given an opportunity to purchase the land. The Mayor stated that if this
land was fenced, the farmers would have to travel considerable distance to
maintain all of their lands.
Aiderman Schisler stated that in his opinion, the lots being created
would not make good building lots and should not be permitted because there
are no services available. Alderman Sobol expressed concern .over the fact
the City was not sent a copy of the Land Division Committee decision until
the appeal period had expired. His Worships Mayor Thomson stated this had
been an oversight due to the election and Christmas holidays.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Schisler,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 66 - Recreation Commission - Re: Training Institutes. 'l~e report
recommends the attendance of the Director of Recreation at the Great Lakes
Park Training Institute in Angels, Indiana from February 18-22, 1979, and
the attendance of the Deputy Director of Recreation at the Ontario RecreationI
Society in Ottawa from January 24-27, 1979.
Alderman puttick questioned the necessity of attending such seminars,
particularly in view of the topics to be discussed.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman MacBath, that
permission for attendance at the subject training institutes be denied, and
the report be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following vote:~!
AYj: Aldermen Cummings, Dilts, Fete, MacBain, Merrett, Orr, Puttick, Sobol
and Wallman.
NAYE: Aldermen Chessman, Hinsperger and Schisler.
No. 67 - Recreation Commission - Re: Community Resources Centre Appointment.
The report recommends that Mr. Cecil Amadio be appointed to the Centre
Committee of the Community Resources Centre.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Schisler,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 68 - City Manager - Re: Expenditure for the Acquisition of Land for the
Greater Niagara Transit Commission. The report advises that a by-law has
been.prepared to authorize an expenditure for the acquisition of land for use l
in connection with the bus maintenance and storage facility of the Greater
Niagara Transit Commission, for the consideration of Council.
Alderman Sobol asked if the City was satisfied all of the problems with
respect to claims against the lands had been solved. The Deputy City Solicitc
stated that as indicated in the report, the City Solicitor was not prepared
to certify title to the property, and that there were several outstanding
matters. His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that because this land will
not affect the existing building or the addition to be built, it was felt
the property acquisition should proceed. Alderman Chessman also cowensured "
that there was a monetary incentive in proceeding with purchase of the land
at this time since the City stood to gain a substantial grant to make the
proposed expansion possible.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
the report be received and filed, and the by-law given the necessary readings.~
The motion Carried with Alderman MacBain abstaining on a conflict of interestl;
and all others voting in fayour.
No. 69 - City Manager - Re: Mr. Romeguano on Willoughby Drive. The report
offers two alternatives in providing access to Mr. Romagnano's property on
Willoughby Drive: 1) That Mr. Romagnano pay the entire cost of making the
improvements to the roads with the work to be carried out to the direction,
specifications and satisfaction of the Director of Municipal Works; and 2)
That the part of the roads required by Mr. Romeguano for access be stopped
the right to terminate the lease at any time.
Mr. J. Nicoletti, solicitor for Mr. Romsgnano, advised that he
had enough time to discuss wit'h his client the costs involved in the alternat:
outlined in the report. Certain amounts had been mentioned with respect ~o
the first proposal, however Mr. Nicoletti advised that his client was not
certain of the exact costs involved if he supplied the material and did the
work himself. Mr. Nicoletti requested theft his client 'be allowed additional
time to investigate the costs involved. I.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson suggested that a letter should be sent to
the M.T.C. requesting an extension on the.closing of Willoughby Drive and
Morningstar Roads to permit Mr. Romeguano enough time for construction.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman .Fore, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the matter be tabled, and further that the M.T.C. he requested to grant a
further extension on the closing of Willoughby Drive and Morningstar Road.
Carried Unanimsusly.
No. 70 - .CJtlM!nJF~ - Re: 1978 Local Improvement Program. The report
advises that petitions have been received with respect to three items includel
in By-law No. 78-204, for the 1978 Local. improvement Program: 1) Item 4,
Asphalt pavement, curbs and gutters and storm drains on Rysdale Street; 2)
Item 1, Storm Sewer on Windormers Road; and 3) Items 2 & 3, Asphalt pavement,
curbs and gutters and sto~m ~l'tains on Pettit Avenue. The petition with
respectS, to Item 4 was~s,u~fl¢lantly. silXned~ however the petition and letter
received with respect to Items 1, 2 and 3 were not sufficiently signed. The
report recommends that Item 4 be deleted from the by-law and application be
made to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the remaining work.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Herrerr,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 12
No. 71 - City Manager - Re: Grant in Lieu of Taxes, Whirlpool Rapid Bridge.
The report recommends that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee
in order that preparatory work on a new request to the Province can be
undertaken immediately.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman bchisler, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 72 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Sale of Ontario Hydro Lands, Part of Range
19 & 20, Falls Company Plan. The report recommends that Ontario Hydro be
notified that the City is not interested in purchasing the subject lands in
order that the lands may be disposed of for development purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 73 - City Manager - Re: Ontario Housing Corporation Agreement Rent
Supplement Program. The report recommends that the municipal subsidy agreement
be extended for an additional five years and passage of a by-law to authorize
an amending agreement to this effect.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-13
No. 74 - City Manager - Re: Acquisition of Lands for Phase II Northwest Recreation
Project. The report advises that an objection has been received to the City's
application for approval of the subject land acquisition on the basis the
acquisition cost is excessive and in order to resolve this concern, it is
recommended that the City Manager be given authority to obtain an independent
appraisal of the lands to be acquired.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 75 - City Manager - Re: Railway Relocation Study. The report recommends
that a public meeting be held at the Niagara Falls Public Library at 7:30 p.m.
on Tuesday, January 30, 1979 on this-matter. The report advises that for those
persons unable to attend in the evening, staff will be available at the Library
during the afternoon of January 30th, 1979.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Chessman, His Worship, Mayor
Thomson indicated that the meeting would be advertised in the Niagara Falls
Review, the St. Catharines Standard and the Welland Tribune.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Chessman,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 76 - City Manager - Re: Downtown Parking Lots. The report recommends
that the City Manager be authorized to call tenders for the demolition of the
building at 4443 Huron Street, and to place granular material so that
additional off-street parking will become available in the downtown.
ORDERED on.the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 77 - City Manager - Re: Sylvia Place Parking Lot. The report recommends
that a by-law be prepared to making certain changes in employee pa~king on the
southerly section of the Sylvia Place parking lot.
Alderman Cheesman stated that persons affected by this by-law had brought
this matter to his attention, and were not very happy about the matter being
approved by Council before they had a chance to read the report or review the
by-law. The Alderman suggested the matter be tabled until the next meeting.
The Director of Municipal Works advised that the by-law would not submitted
until the next Council meeting, which would leave a period of two weeks for
interested persons to review the suggested changes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Herrerr, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 78 - City Manager - Re: Taxi Stands on Clifton Hill. The report recommends
that the Region. be advised the City has no objection to a taxi stand on the
- 10 -
north side of Clifton Rill between Falls Avenue and River Road, provided
nO horse drawn carriages are eliminated, to a maximum of three spaces.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler~ seconded by Alderman Dilts,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 79 - City Manager - Re: Ontario Good Roads Annual Conference. The
report recommends: 1) That three members of the Municipal Works be
authorized to attend the O.G.R.A. Conference (including the Construction
Superintendent and Streets Superintendent); 2) That one member of Council
be authorized to attend the Conference; and 3) That as many members of
Council as possible attend the one day seminar for Councillors on February
26, 1979- The conference will be held in Toronto from February 26th to
February 28th, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following
vote: ~m
AYE: Aldermen Cheesman, Dtlts, Merrett, Orr, Schtsler and Wallman. ,
NAYE: Aldermen Fera, Hinsperger, MacBain, Puttick and Sobol.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
Alderman Puttick be authorized to attend the Conference. Carried Unanimously~
NOTE: Alderman Cummings was absent when the vote was
taken on this matter.
No. 80 - City Manager - Re: Site Plan Approval, Proposed Addition to Betty's
Restaurant on Sodom Road. The report recommends approval of the subject
revised site plan as submitted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 81 - City Manager - Re: Ontario Housing Corporation Agreement for 120
Senior Citizen Units on Portage Road (Portage Green Subdivision). The reporti
recommends passage of a by-law to authorize an agreement between Ontario
Housing Corporation and the City relating to 120 senior citizen units on
the easterly side of Portage Road opposite St. John Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seco?~d by Alderman Wallman, tha~
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79!,
No. 82 - City Manager - Re: Canadian National Servocentre Program. The
report advises that the application by C.N.R. for changes in the Servocentre
Program, confirms or formalizes the situation which has been in effect locall
for approximately ten years. It is recommended that the report and applicati
be received and filed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 83 - Alderman M. Sobol - Re: City Landfill Site. The report recommends t
a public meeting be held on February 6, 1979, at a locationnot yet determine
Once arranged, the place and time will be advertised in the local newspaper.
Alderman Sobol advised that the purpose of the report was to keep C~unc~
informed of the progress of the Landfill Site Committee. There were us
recommendations in the report and Alderman Sobol stated the only matter
settled was that the lifetime of the existing site must be extended.. The
Alderman commented that there may be no other choice but to exclude non-
putrescible material from the site, and that consideration would be given -
to providing a non-putrescible site in the City depending on the Regishis
plane to have one or two central landfill sites. The Director of Municipal
Works advised that the Region t8 investigating the poss~btlity of a central
landfill site, and has established a technical committee composed of staff
from the Cities of Thorold, Welland, St. Catharines arid Niagara Falls, to
investigate long range aspects.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman gobol, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 84 - City Clerk - Rex Advisory Report. The report lists a number of
letters received from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Ontario Hydx
Canadian Niagara Power Co., Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation, Ministry
of Transportation & Communications, Regional Municipality of Niagara and the
Social Planning Council!: It::is~ecOmme~nded ~hat the report be received and
- 11 -
Aldermen Merrett referred to the letter from the M.T.C. concerning the
· resurfacing contract for Highway #420, and commented that the Ministry did
not appear to be concerned with the City's tourist-commercial traffic. The
Alderman felt the City should take further action by contacting Mr. Kerris,
the City's Provincial representative, and having the complaint brought
directly to the attention of the Minister. Alderman Puttick pointed out
that the contract had been awarded, and that a delay could result in the
contract having to be re-tendered with the possibility of a higher price
having to be paid. Hie Worship, Mayor Thomson suggested that staff contact
the District Engineer to outline the concerns of the City and the tourist
industry. The Director of Municipal Works also suggested that the City
could work with the contractor in an effort to reduce inconvenience to
motorists as much as possible.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cheesman regarding the
Con-Rail storm drainage works, the Director of Municipal Works indicated
that the City would be using additional monies from the Expansion and Renewal
Fund to offset the additional cost. The City became aware of possible funding by
C.M.H.C. after the construction by-law had been approved, so there had been
no original commitment for funding by C.M.H.C.
Alderman Cummings referred to the letters from the Social Planning
Council, and stated that since he was the Council representative on the Social
Planning Council, he would continue to have information and reports on the
activities of the S.P.C. sent to Council periodically.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded
by Alderman Orr, that the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 85 - City Manager - Re: Building Permits. The report provides a breakdown
of the permits issued by the Building & Development Department for the month
of December, 1978 as compared to 1977.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by'Alderman Wallman, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 86 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
The City Manager and City Treasurer provided additional information in
response to questions raised on C~eques #2009, 2023, 2029, 2042, 2049 and 2072
by several members of Council.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick on Cheque #2038,
the City Manager advised that the expenditure was not for a conference but
attendance at an International City Management Association meeting. Alderman
Puttick felt the City Manager should reduce his involvement in such committees
and associations, particularly in view of the many important matters and
serious problems requiring attention in the City. The City Manager advised
that the I.C.M.A. is very important to municipal administrators, in that it
provides information and data on all aspects of municipal administration.
The City Manager also pointed out the~mportance of seminars and conferences
to all businesses and municipalities and keeping up to date on new practices
and improving knowledge of the staff and elected officials involved. His
Worship, Mayor Thomson felt that the report requested on confersaces and
committees should be brought to Council as quickly as possible for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman gobol, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No, 10 - FERA - DILTS - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-10, for the rezoning
of lands on the northwest corner of Drummond Road and Cherry~ood Road, conforms
to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, as amended
and approved by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal of ~he Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 11 - ORR - FERA - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the Ct%y
of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-10 for the rezoning of
Lot 13, Block N, Registered Plan 35 on the north side of Morrison Street,
conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area,
as amended and appro~ed by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous!X
- 12 -
No. 12 - FBRA - SOBOL - RESOLVED that proposed By-law No. 78-204, being a
By-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local improvements
under Section 12 of The Local Improvement Act, which was read a first and
second time at the meeting of Council held on October 16th, 1978, be
amended as follows:
1) By striking out the figures $405,000, $102,001, $194,236 and
$108,763 in the first, second and fourth lines, respectively,
of the foerth recital and inserting in lieu thereof $295,000,
$61,643, $150,783 and $82,574 respectively;
2) By striking out "1 to 5, inclusive" in the second line of the
sixth recital and inserting in lieu thereof "1, 2, 3 and 5";
3) By striking out "2 to 5, inclusive" in the third line of the
seventh recital and inserting in lieu thereof "2, 3 and 5"'
4) By striking out "1 to 5, inclusive" in the third line of
section 3 and inserting in lieu thereof "1, 2, 3 and 5";
5) By striking out "2 to 5, inclusive" in the second line of
section 4 and inserting in lieu thereof "2, 3 and 5";
6) By striking out the figures "15,308, 23,036 and 11,656" in
Item 2 of Schedule "A" under the respective headings for
Estimated General City Share, Estimated Urban Service Areas'
Share and Estimated Owners' Share and inserting in lieu
thereof "16,508, 23,436 and 10,056";
7) By striking out all of Item 4 of Schedule "A";
8) By striking out the totals "$405,000, $102,001, $194,236 and
$108,763" at the bottom of the first, second, third and
fourth columns of figures in Schedule "f' and inserting in
lieu thereof "$295,000, $61,643, $150,783 and $82,574",
9) By striking out "1 to 5 inclusive" in the first line of Item
B of Schedule "N' and inserting in lieu thereof "1, 2, 3 and
and that application be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for an order
approving the construction of the local improvement works in accordance
with the said proposed by-law, as so amended, and the borrowing of money
therefor and the issuance of debentures therefor by The Regional Municipality
of Niagara for an amount not exceeding $295,000~AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimou?
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read~
a first time:
No. 79-10 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530~ 1960 of the former Township
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-38/Ti
Frontier Ford)
No. 79-11 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955, as-amended. (AM-39/78,
379515 Ontario Ltd.)
No. 79-12 - A By-law to authorize an expenditure for the acquisition of land
by the Greater Niagara Transit Commission.
No.. 79-13 - A By-law to authorize an amending agreement with Ontario HouS~__ng
Corporation. (Rent Supplement Frogram)
No. 79-14 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Ontario Housing Corporat
respecting 120 senior citizen housing units on Portage Road.
No. 7.9-15 - A By-law to allow the maintaining and.-using of a building which
encroaches on Daly Street and Front Street.
No, 79-16 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
No. 79-17 - A By-law restricting the weight of vehicles passing over certain
Carried with AId.
MacBain abstaini'
a conflict of in
and all others
in fayour.
- 13 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-10 -
A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-38/78,
Frontier Ford)
No. 79-11 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955, as amended. (AM-39/78,
379515 Ontario Ltd.)
No. 79-12 -.A By-law to authorize an expenditure for the acquisition of land
by the Greater Niagara Transit Commission.
No. 79-13 - A By-law to authorize an amending agreement with Ontario Housing
Corporation. (Rent Supplement Program)
No, 79-14 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Ontario Housing Corporation
respecting 120 senior citizen housing units on Portage Road.
No. 79-15 - A By-law to allow the maintaining and using of a building which
encroaches on Daly Street and Front Street.
No. 79-16 -
No. 79-17 -
A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
A By-law restricting the weight of vehicles passing over certain
Carried with Alderman
MacBain abstaining on
a conflict of interest,
and all others voting
in favour.
Alderman Merrett indicated that he had artended the seminar for newly
elected councillors held in Brantford recently. The Alderman stated that one
of the sessions dealt with conflict of interest and municipalities, and he
suggested that it could be a topic worthy of discussion at a future Council
Alderman Puttick referred to the notice of hearing for a minor variance
by the Mall of the Mist Motel requesting relief from the by-law requirements
for setback from 25' to 6', and suggested that the variance seemed to be
excessive. The Alderman asked if staff were reviewing this matter. ~1~e
Director of Municipal Works indicated that he was not familiar with that
specific application, however the application would be reivewed prior to
the hearing. J
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that City staff had issued a challenge
to the Council to compete in the Y.M.C.A. Swim-a-thon. The Mayor indicated
that Aldermen Cummings, Merrett, Orr and himself would be challenging the
City team comprised of S.R. Price, G. Farrell, S. Olszewski, P. Copeland and
J. Peck.,
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that the City of Port Colborne had
recently carried out a water detection survey of their water distribution
system, and had been able to reduce the gallonage purchased from the Region,
thereby reducing costs. The Mayor suggested that a report be prepared for
Council on how this type of'study is carried out, the costs involved and
whether or not such a study would be useful in reducing water consumption.
It was moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman MeTtart, that the
matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carried
- 14 -
It was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
Council Chambers
January 22, 1979
Council reconvened in formal session on Monday, January 22, 1979 following
a meeting of the General Committee. All members of Council were present. His
Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, the City Solicitor
advised that there is a time period of three years involved on approved
properties before a municipality can register a certificate for tax arrears.
The decision of Council in Committee of the ~ole was to sue for arrears, and
this action can be taken as early as fourteen days after taxes are due, as a
debt which can be recovered.
Alderman MacBain asked if there should be some mention in the resolution
of the previous owners of the property, since there were arrears owing prior
to the sale of the property. The City Solicitor advised that this suggestion
had been passed on to the City's Toronto counsel, however the resolution was
worded in such a way that it did not restrict counsel from following what had
been suggested.
Alderman Cheesman stated it was his understanding that the Committee of
the Whole had given authority to the City Solicitor to act in accordance with
the recommended advice of the Toronto counsel, and asked if the course of
action outlined in the resolution had been on the advice of the Toronto counsel.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that Council's resolution had been to
accept only full payment, and if full payment was not made, the action outlined
in the resolution was to be taken.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Fera, the City Solicitor
indicated that the action taken to sue for recovery of the arrears was not on
the advice of the Toronto counsel.
Following further comment, the following resolution was voted upon:
No. 13 - CUI~INGS - ORR - RESOLVED that Messrs. Weir and Foulds be instructed
to commence an action in the Supreme Court of Ontario at once for the arrears
of taxes for the years 1974, 1975, 1976 and 1977, and penalties and interest
thereon owing to The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls in respect of
the property at 4431 Victoria Avenue (Roll No. 1-7-169) owned by Samray Limited;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be her,to affixed.
Carried Unanimously
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that he had received a call from
Mr. V. Kerrio, the City's Provincial Representative, offering his services to
the City in contacting the Minister of Transportation & Communications with
respect to the resurfacing of Highway #420. The Mayor advised that Mr. Kerrio
would make the concerns of the City and the tourist industry known to the
Minister. The City Manager advised that discussions had been held with
officials of the M.T.C. and the contractor who will be performing the work.
Both the Ministry and the contractor indicated that it would be best to have
the work completed prior to July 15th. The City Manager further advised that
Mr. Kerrio's assistance in making these concerns known to the Minister would
help as well.
Alderman Cummings advised that he had received complaints regarding the
bus stop on Dorchester Road across from Towers Department Store. Due to the
amount of snow on the roadway, a safety hazard had resulted for the persons
waiting for a bus at this stop. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer advised
that he would call the Region in the morning and request that the snow be
cleared at this location.
Alderman Chessman asked if two matters could be discussed at the next
Finance Committee meeting. The first item dealt with the 75th Anniversary
of the foundlug of Niagara Falls, and Alderman Chessman pointed out that
there would be costs involved in suitably observing the event. His WorshiP, l~
Mayor Thomson felt that the various persons interested in participating
in the preparations should meet with the Special Committee and prepare a
budget for the consideration of the City. The Mayor also felt that it
would be in order to contact local industries for possible manpower and
financial participation-
Alderman Chessman also asked if the Finance Committee could reviow the
matter of attendance at conferences, workshops and seminars. The Alderman
felt the present way of dealing with each conference or workshop individually
was not appropriate, and that the Finance Com{nittee could consider a generali
policy and come up with suggestions over a long term- His Worship, Mayor
Thomson pointed out that a full report on this matter has been requested
from staff for consideration of the Finance Committee-
It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
ComMittee Room #1
January 29, 1979
Council met on Monday, January 29, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee of
the Whole. All members of Council were present. Alderman MacBain presided
as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole arose without reporting.
Council Chambers
January 29, 1979 .
Council met on Monday, January 29, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All.members of Council were present. His
Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman. Alderman Hinsperger offered
the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera,
that the minutes of the meeting held on January 15, 1979, be adopted as
printed. Carried Unanimously.
His Worship, MAyor Thomson presented awards on behalf of the United Way
of Niagara Falls to the employees of the City for the amount of their total
donations. An award was also presented to Mr. P.J. Brennan, Deputy City Clerk
for co-ordinating the campaign among City employees. The Mayor advised that
this year's United Way Campaign reached its objective under the General
Chairmanship of Mr. S.R. Price, City Manager.
The City Clerk advised that Mr. Brownhill was ill and unable to be
present at the meeting. It was further advised that the deputation would
be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of Council.
Representatives ofthe Ministry of the Environment Mr. M.B. Foley,
Mr. H. Gidamy and Mr. S. Eaton, were granted penntssion to address Council
on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts. Mr. Foley
advised that the purpose of the deputation was to convey the Ministry's
concern relative to the establishment of residential uses where noise problems
are anticipated. Mr. Gidamy provided a detailed background of the proposed
development of the lands at Lundy's Lane and the Q.E.W. A slide presentation
on the problems of noise pollution and how it can be combatted with the
erection of walls and berms was given by Mr. Eaton. It was pointed out that
such walls and harms greatly increase the costs for residential development~
not only for the initial installation but for continuing maintenance after.
Mr. Eaton stated that other alternatives would include the construction of
walls as noise barriers, but this also is high in cost. Both berms and walls
have an adverse influence upon drainage in an area. Mr. Eaton advised that
another alternative was to erect a type of building adaptable to the use of
acoustical walls designed in such a way to minimize the effect of noise. An
example of such a building would be horseshoe shaped with a courtyard facing
- 2 -
Belmont Street. In reply to a question raised, Mr. Eaton indicated that
a commercial building is more adaptable to noise prevention construction
than several single family dwellings-
Mr. P. Pasquet was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Cummings- Mr. pasquet advised that
he has been a resident on Belmont Avenue for twenty-seven years and has not
experienced any problems caused by traffic noise from Lundy's Lane or the
Q.E.W. He pointed out that the residents wished only to have a high quality
residential area extended by the development of the subject lands.
At the conclusion of the discussion, His Worship, Mayor Thomson thanked
the Ministry of Environment representatives for providing City Council with
the detailed technical information required to deal with development in such
Report No. 87 - City Manager - The report recommends payment of the account
of Messrs. Fagken & Calvin for legal services in acting for the City on the
subject application, in the amount of $11,909.71.
Alderman Puttick questioned the wisdom of approving the payment of the
account at this time, in view of certain unsettled aspects of the situation~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the report be tabled until the next meeting. Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Altarman Merrett, that
the report of the planning & Development Committee dealing with AM-26/78,
be brought forward for consideration at this time. Carried Unanimously-
No. 88 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-26/78, M. Aiello, Southwest
Corner of Montrose Road and Mulhern Street. The report recommends denial of
the application to permit the construction of a neighbourhood variety stoke.
Mr. J. Rocca, solicitor for the applicant, was granted permission to
address Council on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera.
Mr. Rocca advised that the application had been in process for almost five
years and had been before the Committee of Adjustment on three occasions.
Originally the application had been for an apartment complex, however the
application now covers a simple variety store. Mr. Rocca advised that his
client suffered from a foot ailment which my become disabling,. and his
main concern was how he would take care of his family in the future. The
lot in guestion is 80' x 85', and the proposal calls for a variety store
1200 sqi ft. in area with parking for six vehicles. Mr. Rocca stated that
the site plan had been altered to provide an entrance on Mulhern Street.
It was pointed out by Mr. Rocca, that the one objection raised dealt with
the fact there is already one variety store in the neighbourhood, and while
many comments had been made on the principle of free enterprise, some
opposition had been spearheaded by the owner of the existing variety store.
Mr. Rocca felt that most customers would walk to the proposed store and
there would not be any considerable increase in traffic in the area. It
was Mr. Rocca's opinion that the difference of opinion was strictly between
his client and the owner of the other variety store, and that a person who
wants to earn a livelihood should not be prevented from doing so.
Mr. B. Sinclair, solicitor for the existing variety store owner in the
area, was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Alderman
Cummingss seconded by Alderman Marterr. Mr. Sinclair described the existing
variety store in the area and stated that residents had a right to expect
proper planning so that additional commercial proposals would not be allowed
in areas where there are 8u~[icient commercial undertakings. It was
Mr. ginclair's opinion that damage is done to everyone by allowing too
emny commercial enterprises in a given area.
Mr. K. McLeod, owner of the adjacent property, was granted permission
to address Council on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman
Merrett. Among the concerns raised by Mr. McLeod, was the fact that a
variety store would be built next to his home. Mr. McLeod stated that he
would not have built his home in this location if he had known a variety
store would be permitted next door.
Alderman Cheesman asked if there was any loss of land involved which
prevented Mr. Aiello from proceeding with an apartment building proposal, as
it might have been better for him to invest in the apartment complex originally
planned. Mr. Rocca replied in the negative, stating it was Mr. Aiello's
choice to proceed with the variety store.
Alderman Fera reviewed the discussions that had taken place when the
application had been heard before the Planning & Development Committee, and
expressed the opinion that in spite of all the talk about free enterprise,
he felt the objections were not so much against the variety store as against
Mr. Aiello himself.
Alderman Sobol commented that it was the primary function of the
Planning & Development Committee to provide guidance and protect the property
of all residents of the City. Alderman Wallman agreed with Alderman Sobol's
comments and stated that the City's rules must be adhered to and enforced.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by
Alderman Merrett, that the application be approved. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Fern, Hinsperger, MacBain, Merrett, Orr, Puttick and Schisler.
NAYE: Aldermen Chessman, Cummings, Dilts, Sobol and Wallman.
See Resolution No. 14
No. 29 - Niagara Falls Public Library Board - Re: Chippawa Branch Library.
.The coumnunication requests that Council advise whether the expansion or relocation
of the Chippaws Branch Library is to be reviewed this year, and the status of the
project as related to the capital and operating budgets.
Alderman Puttick suggested that the matter be referred to the Finance
Committee, and that the Library Board supply the Committee with detailed
background information to assist in their consideration of the request.
Alderman Dilts indicated that he had made some inquiries and in his
opinion, it would not be advsiable to spend any more funds on the Chippawa
library facilities at this time. The Alderman stated that he would be
interested in knowing the cost of a new building, and felt that Alderman
MacBain's previous suggestion of investigating the possible use of the
Niagara South recreation complex property for this purpose, was an excellent
idea. Alderman Dilts advised that he was opposed to spending any more money
on the existing building, although he d~d agree there was not sufficient
space at present.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson mentioned that the secondary plan for the
former Village of Chippaws' contained a recommendation regarding library
facilities, suggesting that a new library site of about two acres be acquired
in a location central to the area, since the long term needs of the community
would not be serviced by the existing site, even with proposed additions.
Alderman MacBain suggested that representatives of the Board be invited
to attend a meeting of the Finance Committee to discuss the matter further,
and that a report be prepared so that the groundwoFk could be done more
effectively. The Alderman emphasized that the Library Board must realize
that the City cannot continue the way it has in the past. Library costs in 1978
amounted to $659,400 and Alderman MacBain felt they could soon be closer to
the one million dollar point. The Alderman was not opposed to the branch
facility in Chippaws, and while the obligation to the residents of Chippawa
was recognized, he felt the City could not continue to spend unlimited funds
on libraries.
Alderman Chessman noted that it is a well known fact that the population
was becoming older all the time, resulting in more and more leisure time~ and
the libraries are not only for young people and students. Alderman 0rr stated
that in his opinion, there was a definite need for a new library in Chippawa,
however the Council must examine its priorities and p!ace such items in their
proper perspective. . .... 4
His Worship, Mayor Thomson suggested that staff provide Council with
a full report, obtain a full presentation from the Library Board, and submit
this information to the Finance Committee for consideration-
Mr. Frank Lewis, Chairman of the Library Board, stated that he wanted
to assure AldermanMacBain and all other members of Council, that the Board
was well aware of spiralling costs and was not spending any money foolishly.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded
by Alderman Dilts, that staff be instructed to provide full background
information on the subject matter prior to its submission to the Finance
Committee. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 89 - City Manager - The report provides information outlined in
previous Council reports. The report recommends that a copy of the backgrounq
material be forwarded to Mrs. J. Smart, together with an explanation of the
investigation taken to date on this matter.
Communication No. 17 ~ Niagara Regional Health Unit - The communication
provides information on the com.w~n roundworm infection (Toxocara Canis) found
in dogs, in response to la request by Council.
Alderman Sobel suggested that both items be dealt with Jointly, due to
their similar nature. The Alderman commented on the remarks by the Medical
Officer of Health, and took exception to his claim that Toxocara Canis
infections are not considered a serious problem, since they are certainly
occurring in Ontario, but are not being reported. Alderman Sobel felt that
Council should take action to minimize the contact of children with dogs by
banning dogs from public parks and playgrounds, and that a report be
obtained on the possibility of enacting and enforcing a stoop and scoop by-la~!
The Alderman also felt the Humane Society should~ contacted to determine if
information on this problem could be given out when dog licences are applied
for by residents.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the reeommendatidns outlined by Alderman Sobel be adopted. Carried Unanimousif
Report No. 90 - City Manager - The report advises that the 1979-1983 capital
budget has been reviewed in detail by the FinanCe Committee, which recommends
unanimous approval to Council.
Alderman MacBain commented that the budget, as presented, was designed
by staff and he wished to give credit to those members of staff involved in
the preparation of the document. The Alderman advised that there had been
many reductions and deletions from the original proposals, resulting in a
$3,000,000 reduction by the year 1982. It was further advised that there'
would be constant monitoring of the economic climate to watch the trend.
Despite the fact there had been a $3,000,000 reduction in the debt by 1982,
AldermanMacBain pointed out there has still been an increase in the City's
debenture debt over the five years in question, which makes it clear how cs~ef
the City would have to watch economic indicators over the next twelve months.
The Alderman also advised that in 1983, $1,000,000 more per year would be
required to service this debenture debt, requiring fourteen mills alone from
the current tax rate. There is still a problem in the City with storm
drainage, as well as a serious watermain leakage, and .Alderman MacBain stated
there was not as much allocated in the Budget for this purpose as Council
would have liked. The Alderman cautioned that Council might have to change
its priorities, and perhaps allocate more towards storm sewers and new waterm~
Alderman Merrett referred to the amount shown for the Ryerson/Market NIP
Area and asked if this project could be deleted and the project undertaken eve
a number of years using funds from the current budget. The Director of
Municipal Works replied that the project to date had not been approved, and
that a report would be considered later in the meeting regarding an objection
received to the Clty~s application for approval. It was further pointed out
that the City could at any time decide to undertake any capital project using
current funds despite the fact a by-law had been passed and approved by the
Ontario Municipal Board. The Deputy Treasurer and Budget Director indicated
~hat an amount had been provided in the current budget to oover capital
expenditures and that no connnitment had been made against that amount to date.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson commented that the Capital Budget was basically a
plan of what projects the City would like to undertake during the next five
years, and that each item would be dealt with individually by Council during
that period. The Mayor thanked the Finance Committee for the effort made in
reviewing the Capital Budget, and reiterated his wish that Council examine
capital projects again and re-assess them as they are s{~mitted for consideration.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded
by Alderman Chessman, that the 1979-1983 Capital Budget be approved and
referred to the Regional Municipality of Niagara for transmittal to the
Ontario Municipal Board. Carried Unanimously.
No. 30 - Ministry of the Environment - Re: Amendments to The Environmental
Protection Act. The communication invites comment from the Municipality on
the proposed legislation prior to its consideration during the next session
of the Legislature.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman MacBain,
that the conununication be referred to the Municipal Works Department for the
preparation of a report. Carried Unanimously.
No. 31 - Canadian National Institute for the Blind - Re: 1979 CCB Ontario
Division Conference. The communication requests financial assistance towards
additional costs to the CNIB in 1979 in connection with the subject conference.
Alderman MacBain suggested that when the matter was considered by the
Finance Committee, that consideration also be given to establishing a policy
with respect to contributions towards conferences and conventions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the conununication be referred to the Finance Committee, and further that the
Finance Committee review the establishment of a policy on the matter. Carried
No. 32 - Mr. G.0. Davis - Re: Traffic on Glengate Street. The communication
outlines traffic conditions on Glengate Street, and suggests that the corner
of Glengate and Maplewood be made into a four-way stop intersection.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that
the communication be referred to the Municipal Works Department for the
preparation of a report. Carried Unanimously.
No. 33 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Portage Road Bridge over the
HEPC Canal. The communication advises that the Region is not prepared to
change the existing two ton limit on the subject bridge, and further that
the M.T.C. will be carrying out an inspection of the bridge and making
recommendations on the structure.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the communication be received and fif~d. Carried Unanimously.
No. 34 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Road Changes Associated with
Proposed Expansion of Marineland and Game Farm on Portage Road. The communication
provides information on proposed road changes in connection with the expansion
of Marineland and Game Farm on Portage Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 35 - Ftore's Disposal Service - Re: Landfill Site. The communication
requests permission to make a proposal to the local business associations and
the City to remove from places of business any waste paper or cardboard which
would normally be disposed of as garbage.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
a meeting be set up between the Landfill Site Comm%ttee, City staff, local
business associations and Mr. Fiere to discuss the proposal further. ~arried
No. 36 - Ministry of Energy - Re: Energy Conservation in Ontario Municipalities.
The communication outlines efforts being carried out by the Ministry to
encourage increased energy conservation in Ontario Municipalities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the City undertake an energy conservation program and that the offer of the
Ministry to supply additional information be accepted. Carried UnanimousllLL
No. 37 - Rotary Club - Re: 1979 Skate-A-Then. The communication extends an
invitation to the Mayor, City Manager, City Hall Department Heads, staff and
City Council to participate in the 1979 Skate-A-Then being sponsored by the
Niagara Falls Minor Notkey Association and the Niagara Falls Rotary Club on
February 3, 1979.
At the request of His Worship, Mayor Thomson, Aldermen Merrett and err
agreed to act as co-chairmen in co-ordinating the City's participation in the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman err, that the
invitation be accepted, and that the City's participation in the event be
co-chaired by Aldermen Mettart and err. Carried Unanimously.
No. 38 - Volunteer Bureau - Re: Volunteer Appreciation Week. The communicati~
outlines plans of the Volunteer Bureau to co-ordinate Volunteer Appreciation
Week from April 29th to May 5th, 1979, and requests the City's participation
in observance of the week.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cunnnings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, tha~
the City participate in Volunteer Appreciation Week, and further that the
requested proclamation be approved subject to the established policy. Carried,
No. 39 - Mr. D. Marinelit - Re: Balmoral Court Subdivision. The communication4
requests Council's approval for a six month extension on the draft plan appro~
of the subject subdivision by the Ministry of Rousing.
ORDERED on the motion Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
request be approved. Carried Unanimously.
No. 91 - City Manager - Re: Severance Application B-19(79) for J. & G. Sibbald
on Lincoln Road. The report recommends that the subject Land Division Conunitt[
decision be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board in order to allow a
presentation on this matter Justifying the City's~policy for road widening
rural areas.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 92 - City Manager - Re: Exemption of Lots 106 and 107 in Plan M-61 from
Part Lot Control. Toe report recommends passage of a by-law exempting the
subject lots from part lot control, and that any costs arising from the
No. 97 - City Manager - Re: Garbage Collection - Niagara Square. The report
provides detailed information relative to the collection of garbage at Niagara
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 98 - City Manager - Re: Chippawa Public Utility Commission Proposed
Capital Expenditure. The report recommends approval of a request of the
Chippawa Public Utility Commission to issue a debenture for improvements to
the electrical power distribution system and street lighting system in the
former Village of Chippawa in the amount of $20,000, subject to receipt of
Ontario Hydro assent.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 99 - City Manager - Re: By-law No. 78-231, Ryerson-Market Redevelopment
Area. The report advises of an objection received by Mr. F. de Burgh-Thomas
to the subject by-law, and recommends that the objection be forwarded to the
Ontario Municipal Board for consideration.
In response to a number of questions raised respecting the objection,
information was provided by members of staff. It was advised that the Ontario
Municipal Board would require that a full explanation be provided for the
various items of concern raised in the objection.
Mr. F. de Burgh-Thomas was granted permission to address Council on the
motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman MacBain. Mr. de Burgh-Thomas
quoted figures from newspaper advertisements wherein it was indicated that the
coat of the project had risen from $400,000 to $1,040,000, and expressed his
concerns over the expenditure in light of current economic conditions.
The City Clerk confirmed that Mr. de Burgh-Thomas' statement that the
cost had increased was correct and that it would be improper to attempt to
supply answers to all of the concerns raised because of the possibility of
an Ontario Municipal Board hearing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that'the repgrt be received and adopted. Carried Unanimousl3.
No. 100 - Committee of Adjustment - Re: Time of Committee of Adjustment
Meetings. The report advises that Committee of Adjustment hearings will be
held at 7:00 p.m. commencing February 6, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
, 't
No. 103 - City Manager - Re: Watermain Construction on River Road, Contract
W.I. 17-78. The report recommends approval of the request by the contractor
changes in the contract documents: 1) That the Director of Municipal Works and
Niagara Parks Commission are satisfied with the proposal of the contractor; and
2) That the City Solicitor is satisfied with the contractor's insurance
coverage for any damage to persons or property because of the operations and
any other requirements which the City Solicitor may feel necessary.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-
No. 95 - City Manager - Re: 1979 Tenders. The report recommends that tenders
be called for the supply of certain services, materials and clothing required
by various civic departments throu~mut the year.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fete, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No, 96 - City Manage~ - Re: Availability o~ Surplus Properties -MTC and Publi
Works Canada. The report recommends that both bodies be notified that the
is not interested in accepting their offers for surplus property, and in the
case of the MTC, that the Ministy; be asked to notify the ad]oining residents
the availability of the land.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Diltss that
the repo~t be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
registration of the by-law following its approval by the Region, be paid by
the applicant. t that the information be noted, and the report received and filed. Carried
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
passage of by-laws to provide for the interim levy of taxes for 1979, and
No. 93 - CityManager - Re: Appointment to Niagara College Board of Governors.
The report recommends that the appointment by-law be amended to preyida for a purposes prior to adoption of the 197~ budget estimates.
of Applied Arts & Technology. '
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alde~manMarrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 94 - City Manager - Re: Bambi Estates & Bambi Estates Extension Plans
.subdivision, R.P. H-,S andM-,,. i No, 102- City Manager -Re: Falls IndustriAl Park Extension. The report
authorizing an amending agreement e o s u on recommends approval of a Request for Reserve by Mr. Mimi C. Blameate on Lot 8
inspection services for the subdivisions. in the Falls Industrial Park Extension until April 15, 1979 and that City
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that staff be authorized to process the Request.
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unauimous.ly. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Uuanimously.
No. 104 - City Manager - Re: Amendments to Procedural By-law. The report
recommends passage of a by-law to provide for certain amendments to the
Standing Rules of Council to reflect the decision of Council to hold
General Committee meetings, deleting the necessity of reading of minutes,
and providing that the General Committee shall report its findings to the
City Council for further consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79~2!
No. 105 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
The Director of Municipal Works provided information in response to a
question raised by Alderman Cummings regarding snow removal of parking lots.
Alderman Herrerr requested a breakdown by departments of magazine subscriptions
received at City Hall during a 12-month period.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
abstaining on a conflict of interest with respect to Cheque No. 2235, and all
others voting in favour.
No. 14 - FERA- MERRETT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Nl'~gara Falls hereby certifies that the application of M. Aiello for
the rezoning of part of Lot 15, Registered Plan 62, situated on the southwest
corner of Montrose Road and Mulhern Street, conforms to Official Plan Amendment
No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, as amended and approved by the Minis;
of Housing; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Fete, Ninsperger, MacBain, Herrerr, Orr, Puttick and Schisler.
NAYE: Aldermen Chessman, Cummings, Dilts, Sobol and Wallm~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
leave be granted to introdUce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read
a first time:
No. 79-18 - A By-law to designate certain land not to be subject to part
lot control. i'~
No. 79-19 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an amQnding agreement with
B.E.N. Developments Limited.
No. 79-20 - A By-law to provide for an interim levy of taxes.
No. 79-21 - A By-law to provide for the collection of interim tax~s.-for the
year 1979.
No. 79-22 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Vaccaro's
Italian Garden Limited respecting parking facilities.
No. 79-23 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 72-148, as amended, to provide for the
Standing Rules of Council.
No. 79-24 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 78-111 regulating the parking of
vehicles on a portion of the Sylvia Place Parking Lo~.
~O.. 79-25 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried with Alder~
Puttick abstaining
a conflict of inte:
on Cheque #2235 0f
others voting
ORDI!t~D on the motion of Aldensan Sobol, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
follo~ing by-laws be no~ read 'a sscond~ and third times
No. 79-18 - A By-law to designate certain land not to be subject to part lot
No. 79-19 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement with
B.E.N. Developments Limited.
No. 79-20 - A By-law to provide for an interim levy of taxes.
No. 79-21 - A By-law to provide for the collection of interim taxes for the
year 1979.
No. 79-22 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Vaccaro's
Italian Garden Limited respecting parking facilities.
No. 79-23 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 72-148, as amended, to provide for
the Standing Rules of Council.
No. 79-24 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 78-111 regulating the parking of
vehicles on a portion of the Sylvia Place Parking Lot.
No. 79-25 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried with Alderman
Puttick abstaining on'
a conflict of interest
on Cheque #2235 of
By-law 79-25, and all
others voting in favour.
Alderman Cheesman suggested that several members of Council be assigned to
study certain municipal works items appearing on the Council agenda, prior to
discussion at the meetings., such as operating costs and finances with respect
to arenas.
Alderman Cheesman reported that it had been brought to hi8 attention by
a citizen that the "No Smoking" regulations were being ignored at the arenas,
and are not being enforced. When the citizen in question remarked on this to
an employee of the arena, the employed answered in a vulgar and offensive
manner. Alderman Cummings stated that any person with a complaint regarding
arena staff should take the complaint to the arena manager and make a formal
complaint. The Alderman also stated that the "No Smoking" regulations are
being enforced by staff to the best of their~ility, with a warning for a
first offenos and removal from the arena if smoking is continued. The City
Manager was asked to investigate the matter of the abusive:behaviour of the
arena employee.
Alderman MacBain suggested that the Mayor send a letter of thanks to the
Niagara Parks Commission for allowing the citizens of Niagara Palls to use
Commission property for cross-country skiing free of charge.
Alderman Puttick requested that the subject of boat ramps on the Welland
Ittver at Ch~ppawa be reviewed.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson thanked members of Cotmcil and staff for their
participation in the recent Swim-A-Thon and reported that almost $1,000 in cash
and pledges had been raised in the event. The Mayor requested that all pledges
be brought in as quickly as possible., ~
His Worship, Mayor Thomson suggested that Council consider the possibility
of installing a suggestion box in the City Hall, perhaps in the front lobby.
- 10 -
The Nayor remarked that many persons might take advantage of the opportunity
of submitting suggestions, who normally would hesitate to make the suggestions
verbally. Alderman Dilts commented that he had considerable experience with
such a system, and felt there was a great deal of merit in the proposal.
was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by AldermanMacBain, that Alderman Di~
act as Chairman of a committee to study the advantages and disadvantages of
having a suggestion box in the City Hall. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Puttick suggested that a specific time be set aside at Council
meetings for citizens to address Council on matters of municipal interest,
rather than having to write a letter requesting permission to do so. His
Worship, Mayor Thomson replied that no person had ever been denied the right
to address Council and he felt this would never happen.
The City Clerk commented that it was necessary to determine the amount
of time required for the agenda on Fridays p~ior to the meetings, and this
might be difficult to arrange if persons attending Council did not give
advance notice.
It was moved by Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
Committee Room #1
February 12, 1979
Council met on Monday, February 12, 1979 at 7:15 p,m. in Committee of the
Whole. All members of Council were present. Alderman Dilts presided as
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the Whole
arose without reporting. .-~'~-~
Council Chambers
February 12, 1979
Council met on Monday, February 12, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present. His Worship,
Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman. Alderman MacBain offered the Opening
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the minutes of the meetings of January 22nd and 29th, 1979, be adopted
as printed. Carried Unanimously.
Mr. J. Negrych was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett. Mr. Negrych advised that
in 1951, he suffered a serious heart attack and was confined to bed for five
months. Because of his heart condition, Mr. Negrych stated that snow removal
presents a problem to him, especially when City ploughs fill in his driveway
with snow from the roadway. Mr. Negrych advised that as soon as two or three
centimetres of snow falls, salt is spread on the roadways and shortly after,
the plough comes along and pushes the snow into his driveway. If Just snow
were piled up, it would not pose as much of a problem, however Mr. Negrych
stated that the salt causes the snow to form into a hard ridge, making removal
very difficult. Mr. Negrych stated that in Winnipeg where he lived prior to
retirement, the ploughs cleared the snow first and then spread sand and salt
so that ridges did not form when snow was pushed into driveways. With respect
to the City's policy of assisting heart patients in removing snow from driveways,
Mr. Negrych stated that he did not feel he should call his physician e~ery time
his driveway is filled in by the ploughs. Mr. Negrych also stated that the
sidewalk plough does not push the snow onto the boulevard, but onto his lawn.
Mr. Negrych suggested that members of the Municipal Works Department should
be sent to other areas to study the different ways in which snow removal is
The Maintenance & Operations Engineer stated that a mixture of sand with
10% salt is spread on the roadways. The ploughs are then sent out, followed
again by the sand/salt mixture. The Engineer agreed that in places with
heavy snow accumulations, the ploughs are dispatched first, since the accumu-
lations are usually closer to a foot of snow, on which sand and salt would
have no effect. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer further advised that
the City seldom spreads pure salt on the roadways, usually only when extreme
ice conditions exist on a main throughfare. The Director of Municipal Works
also explained that City staff have studied snow removal methods used iu
'other.locations, however not out of the Frovince.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson referred to a meeting held in early January
on winter control, and commented that it was unfortunate Mr. Negrych was not
in attendance when such matters were discussed. The Mayor requested the
Maintenance & Operations Engineer to contact Mr. Negrych and provide a full
explanation of the City's snow removal operations.
Mrs. M. Healey was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cbeesman. Mrs. Healey advised that
she wished to address Council concerning the lack of service provided by the
Humane Society. On Christmas Eve, ~s. Healey and her husband were travelling
to Welland and found a small puppy running loose along the roadway. After
picking the puppy up, Mrs. Healey advised that they returned home and called
the Humane Society. Upon calling the shelter, she was told no one could pick
the dog up for at least an hour, and if it were taken to the Shelter, there
would be no one at the building. Mrs. Healey then took the puppy to the
Police Station and had an officer call the Shelter. On another occasion,
Mrs. Healey called the Humane Society to report a dog had followed a member
of her family home, and was told that the drivers were going to lunch, and
no one would be able to pick the dog up until after the lunch hour. The call
was made aC 11:40 a.m., and M~s. Healey felt there was no reason a driver
couldn't take a few minutes of his lunch hour to pick up the animal, and make
the time up later. The dog was finally picked up at 1:30 p.m., at which time
Mrs. Healey advised the driver of a pack of dogs near the Valley Way School.
The driver did not drive anywhere near the School after leaving Mrs. Healey's
home. Mrs. Healey stated that she had called the Humane Society on a number
of occasions regarding this same pack of dogs, and had been advised to catch
and restrain the dogs. Mrs. Healey felt this was not her responsibility, and
pointed out that the drivers are paid $6.00 to $7.00 per hour to carry out
this duty. Reference was made to a request of several aldermen previously for
a comparison of costs with other Humane Society operations, and Mrs. Healey aske
if these figures were ever obtained. Mrs. Healey also raised the following
questions: Why the manager of the Hx,m~ne Society is allowed to use as his
personal transportation, one of the largest panel truckd~ith no sign on it,
or equipment; 2) Why Dr. T. Morgan receives all Humane Society business; and
3) Why the manager of the Humane Society did not return calls.
Mr. E. Stewart, manager of the Humane Society, was granted permission to
address Council on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Merrett.
Mr. Stewart advised that the Humane Society was operated on a twenty-four per
day, seven days per week basis. There are five full time people employed by
the Society earning $15,000 to $16,000 per year, and Mr. Stewart pointed out
that the City's grant of $80,000, of which a portion i~ for the mortgage, does
not cover the Society's costs on a seven day a week basis.
Mrs. J. Jartort, President c~f the Humane Society, was granted permission
to address Council on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Fera.
Mrs..Jarrett advised that Dr. Morgan provides his services free of charge to
the Society, and that was why he acted as the Society's veterinarian. With
respect to the manager's use of an unmarked truck, Mrs. Jartort explained that
in cases of animal abuse, the unmarked vehicles is used in much the same way
as an unmarked police cruiser to investigate complaints. Mrs. Jartart also
extended an invitation to Mrs. Healey to attend a meeting of the Board of Dfrecto
to discuss the concerns raised.
Alderman Schisler stated that there is a misconception that the City provide{'
a grant to the Humane Society. The Alderman explained that it is not a grant,
payment for services rendered. The Society is not under the Jurisdiction of the
City. .
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that a meeting was being arranged
with representatives of the City, Council and the Humane Society, and suggested
that Mrs. Healey attend the meeting, which would be open to the public, in order
to obtain the answers to the questions she had raised. Alderman Dilts agreed
that the meeting was the best way to clear any problems up. The Alderman felt
that the City was paying for animal control, and that perhaps some form of
-agreement could be ~orked cut, setting out ~hat the City expected in the form
of animal control.
Mr. D. Crows, solicitor for the Niagara Falls District Ambulance Service
Committee, was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Alderman
Merrett, seconded by Aldernmn Cummings. Mr. Crowe stated that the ambulance
service in Niagara Falls was run by the Ministry of Health, however there has
been talk of the service reverting to a privately operated function or some
other alternative. Service at the present time is highly professional and
run through the auspices of the hospital. Special programs, such as the
coronary program, are interwoven with hospital services, and Mr. Crowe felt
that any change in the system would decrease the level of service and
expertise, or the ambulance service's ability to co-operate with the hospital
and Heart Niagara. Mr. Crowe advised that the alternatives are somewhat
limited if the Ministry of Health divests itself of running the ambulance
service program in Niagara Falls. The service would either be privately run,
or run directly by the hospital. In the brief prepared by ths Committee, the
alternatives set out are mostly in conjunction with what has been recommended
to the Ministry and available pursuant to the Ambulance Act. Mr. Crowe
advised that the Committee recommended one of these alternatives rather than
a privately run service or a service run through the Hotel Dieu Hospital.
Mr. Crowe assured Council that the Committee members were not concerned over
their employment, because they are highly trained and because of their
expertise, their employment through private sources or the Ministry is all
but assured to them. The concern involved the decrease in service as a
result of the Ministry divesting itself of the service. Mr. Crowe asked that
Council petition the Ministry, on behalf of the citizens of Niagara Falls, to
refrain from taking any steps with respect to existing services until other
alternatives are reviewed or considered. It was suggested that the service
be kept under the direction of the Ministry, or tha~ it be run by the City
directly through'the hospital or Fire Department, or as an overall regional
emergency service organization and program. Mr. Crowe stated that under the
Ambulance Act, the Municipality does have the power to directly establish an
ambulance service. The service would not cost the City directly a great
amount of money since it is almost 100% funded by the Ministry. Mr. Crowe
commented that if the intent was to reduce the number of provincial civil
servants, the service would still exist but not as civil servants. This
would accomplish nothing except in numbers and statistics. Mr. Crowe requested
that Council petition the Ministry to allow further input and perhaps the
establishment of a committee of Council to work in conjunction with the
Niagara Falls District Ambulance Service Committee, Heart Niagara, the hospital
and other volunteer groups and the Fire Department to explore alternatives
to retain the service in Niagara Falls. Mr. Crowe pointed out that there has
been a suggestion of an overall regional system, however it was felt there
should be certain autonomy in Niagara Falls in order to allow the service to
continue in its present form. There is a coronary program, which is highly
technical and specialized, and if the ambulance service were lost in Niagara
Falls or control passed on to another group, the program could be lost in
the City. In response to a question raised by Alderman Cheesman, Mr. Crowe
stated that representation has been made to the Council, the Province, the
local Provincial representative, together with presentations to the hospital,
by the hospital and by the Committee.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson agreed"~hat a committee of Council to work
in conjunction with the other groups involved would be most appropriate.
Aldermen Dilts, Cheesman, Orr and Mayor Thomson offered to serve on this
special committee.
It was moved by Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that Council
endorse the brief of the Niagara Falls District Ambulance Service Committee,
petition the Ministry to refrain from taking any further steps until other
alternatives are reviewed, and establish a special committee to work in
conjunction with the various groups involved. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 106 - City Solicitor - The report provides information on the
proposal for settlement submitted by Messrs. Broderick, McLeod, Clifford,
Marineill & Amadio on behalf of their clients. The report advises that if
the proposal is acceptable to Council, the authorizing by-law may be passed.
Alderman Fera commented that he had been opposed to the project because
of the way it had been handled, however since the City's chances for success
in court were slim, he felt he had to support the settlement proposal. The
Alderman felt it would be pointless to oppose the project, lose the court
case and still have the wheel built. Alderman Sobol also pointed out that
further legal action against York Harmover could be leaving the City open
'to a lawsuit amounting to millions of dollars, and for that reason, she felt
the settlement should be accepted.
Mrs. D. LeReverend was granted permission to address Council on the
motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera. Mrs. LeReverend
was critical of the fact that some of Council~s decisions are made outside
the Council Chambers by prior arrangement. Mrs. LeReverend asked if the
proposal had merit, why was it necessary to sneak approval through for the
largest ferris wheel in North America calling it a minor variance. Concern
was expressed by Mrs. LeReverend that if approval was given, Council would
be taking an irreversible step to further cheapen this area of the City.
While Council was concerned with litigation costs, Mrs. LeReverend pointed
out the additional servicing and policing costs involved with the proposal.
Mrs. LeReverend asked Council to place the City and its people first and
to withhold approval of the amusement park in Maple Leaf Village. Alderman
Fera stated that it would make no sense to fight the proposal in court when
there is little chance of the City winning and that it would be a waste of
taxpayers~ money.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson pointed out that Council had taken action to
have the decision of the Committee of Adjustment set aside with respect to
the height of the wheel. The amusement park itself is zoned correctly, and
Council was not in any way approvtng the project by withdrawing its
legal action. Alderman Chessman agreed with the Mayor and pointed out
that Council was not evaluating the project on its merits in making its
decision to withdraw the application for Judicial Review. The Alderman also
commented on a number of the concerns raised by Mrs. LeReverend, and pointed
out that the matters of servicing and parking were the responsibility of the
City and not York Harmover. Alderman Chessman explained that according to
the courts, regardless of whether Council was aware of the proposal originally,.
because officials of the City were aware of the proposal, the City would be
held responsible for the decision under the law. For that reason, Alderman
Chessman felt the City had little choice but to accept t~e 3ettlement, and
hope that the development Of Maple Leaf Village would be a credit to the City.
Alderman Cummings stated that he was not happy with the way the matter
was handled by staff, Cmuncil and York Hansover. The Alderman pointed out
that there had been an article in the newspaper following the Committee of
Adjustment decision regarding a mystery building that had been approved, and
no question was made at that time. There was a twenty-one day appeal period
however no appeal was made by Council. The Alderman felt there was
responsibility on all sides, and in view of the possible costs the City
could face in continuing legal action, there was no alternative but to accept
the settlement. His Worship, Mayor Thomson took exception to Alderman Cunnning's~
comments and stated that the Council should take no responsibility for the
matter. The Mayor stated that he was not satisfied with the outcome of the
issue and felt that not enough information was brought out to implicate those
involved. His Worship, Mayor Thomson agreed that the City had come to the
point that it must accept the settlement and carry on.
Alderman Puttick was curious as to why the information made available in
the last several weeks wasn't brought out sooner as to where the City stood-
if the legal action were to proceed. The Alderman commented that in considering
the matter, he felt the City was lucky to be getting out of it at all.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Puttick,' seconded by
Alderman Dilts, that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-law, and the by-law be read a
first time:
No. 79-26 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Maple
Leaf Village Ltd.
Carried Unanimous1:
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Barrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the by-law be now read a second and third times
~o..?9-26 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Maple
Leaf. Village Ltd.
Carried UnanimousiX
Report No. 87 - City Manager - The report reconmends payment of the account
of Messrs. Fagken & Calvin for legal services, in the amount of $11,909.71.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Chessman,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 107 - City Manager - The report requests that Council either accept
the advice of the Ministry of the Environment with respect to noise control
measures and direct staff to prepare changes to Amendment #97 as requested;
or to reject the Ministry's advice and inform the Ministry of Housing accordingly.
Alderman Sobol felt that Council should not reject the advice of the
Ministry of the Environment since it would be letting future Councils down
if a residential zone is permitted. The Alderman suggested that by meeting
the M.O.E. requirements for noise abatement, the City could end up saving
money that would be required at a later date to provide sufficient sound
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cheesman, the Director of
Municipal Works indicated that it would be the responsibility of the owner
of the land to erect whatever requirements were necessary, since the City
did not normally become involved in erecting sound barriers. The City Solicitor
advised that if there were a plan of subdivision on the land, one of the
conditions of approval would likely relate to some form of noise barrier.
The standard practice would be to have such a condition included in the
subdivision agreement that is registered against title of the land.
Following further con~nent, it was moved by Alderman Csmmings, seconded
by Alderman Dilts, that Council reject the advice of the Ministry of the
Environment with respect to noise control measures and inform the Ministry
of Housing accordingly. The motion Carried with Alderman Sobol voting
contrary, and all others voting in layout.
Report No. 108 - City Manager - The report advises that the City is being asked
to change its policy to fund approximately two-thirds of the $675,000 estimated
to be required, however the proposal by the Developers does not provide any
assurances that the City would recover any of its contribution.
Report No. 109 - City Manager - The report sets out certain alternatives that
Council may wish to consider in deciding on an appropriate policy with respect
to the financing of that portion of the total cost of the subject project which
is not subsidized by the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority.
: His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that he learned prior to the meeting,
that the Ontario Municipal Board had made a decision with respect to the urban
boundaries, and some of the landowners in the area will be affected by the
decision. The Mayor advised that Parcels #53, #73 and #74 will not be included
in the urban boundaries. Parcels #52, #54, #55, #56, and #67 will be included
in the boundaries. The Mayor further advised that another factor affecting
any decision that would be made by Council, is that there is less than $100,000
in uncommitted funds in the Expansion & Renewal Fund. There had been a
suggestion that monies in the Fund be used to help finance a portion of the
The Director of Municipal Works indicated that while the balance in the
fund showed a certain amount, there have been commitments made by Council,
such as the Conrail drainage channel project, that would reduce the balance.
· The Design & Construction Engineer stated that while the commitments were
not spent, if deducted from the fund, left a balance of $83,000.
Alderman Puttick felt that because of these developments, there would
have to be further meetings held with the developers since the O.M.B. decision
would be affecting the financial contributions of certain land owners. The
Alderman also expressed concern that the Niagara Peninsula Conservation
Authority would not 'hold its share of the project cost indefinitely. His
Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that there has been an extension granted
on the options to purchase lands necessary for the project by the Niagara
Peninsula Conservation Authority. The Mayor also stated that because of the
drastic changes that have taken place, the matter should be referred back
to staff for further meetings, and it might be necessary to have a special
meeting of Council due to the time restrictions. Mayor Thomson commented
that the City was committed to the project since all development in the area
was contingent on the Shrinerts Creek Project.
Alderman Chessman suggested that in future, when staff are discussing
the Expansion & Renewal Fund, to refer only to the uncommitted funds in the
account to avoid misunderstandings.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded
by Alderman Schisler, that the matter be referred to staff for further
discussions with all parties involved. Carried Unanimously.
No. 40 ~ Niagara Falls Blackhawks Hockey Club - Re: 1979 Tournament. The
communication requests Council's approval for a special occasion permit in
conjunction with the 1979 Tournament.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the request be approved, subject to similar approvals being obtained
from the Regional Police, Health Unit and L.L.B.O. Carried Unanimously.
No. 41 - Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Re: Provincial/Municipal
Financial Relations. The communication expresses concern at the deterioration
in Provincial/Municipal financial relations.
ORDERED on the motion of A/derman C,,mmings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the communication be tabled until the next regular meeting of Council to allow
Council sufficient time to consider fully the request of the Association. The
motion Carried with Alderman Chessman voting contrary, and all others voting
in fayour.
No. 42 - Old St. John's Stamford Heritage Association - Re: Request for Grant.
The cou~nunication requests a grant of $4,000 towards the restoration of Old
St. John's Church.
ORDERED on the motion of-Alderman Cun~ings, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that
the communication be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried Unanimously.
No. 43 - Niagara Women in Crisis - Re: Request for Grant. The communication
requests a grant of $1,500 for the Niagara Women in Crisis program.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that the
communication be referred to the Finance Committee. .C_arried Unanimously,
No. 44 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Appointment to Land Division
Committee. The communication advises that the Regional Planning Committee
will be considering appointments to the Land Division Committee and requests
the City's nomination for one person to fill a three year term on the
Committee. -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merre~t,
that Mr. p. pasquetts name be submitted to the Region as the Cityts nominee
for the Regional Land Division Committee. Carried Unani.mously,
No. 45 - Stamford Centre Volunteer Firemen's Association - Re: Annual Carnival
The communication requests Permission to operate the annual carnival on June
13, 14, 15 and 16, 1979 and to operate rides and concessions during the carnival.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the request be approved. The motion Carried with Alderman Cummings abstaining
on a conflict of interest, and all others voting in fayour. ' '
No. llO- Sis Worship, Mayor Thomson - Re: Presentation of Agency Budgets.
The report advises that agencies requesting grants make a budget presentation
to the Finance Committee. Each group will have a further opportunity to
,attend a budget discussion by City Council at the general committee meeting
- and again when the Operating Budget will he finally approved by Council.
Members of Council not officially appointed to the Finance Committee may
attend meetings of the Conunittee when budgets are being considered.
Alderman Cummings asked if members of Council would be allowed to
participate in the discussions when the a~eneles present their budgets to
the Finance Committee. AldermanMacBain felt that when the Finance Connnittee
is in operation, like any other committee, only the members would participate
in discussion. The Alderman suggested that if someone had a special interest
on a particular item, they could be invited to make comments, however if the
meeting is going to be open for general discussion, the Finance Committee might
as well be disposed of and turned into a committee of the whole of Council.
Alderman Merrett expressed concern that the members of Council not on the
Finance Committee would not have an opportunity to carry out a detailed study
of the budget at the committee level. Alderman Chessman pointed out that like
other committees, all matters would be reported to Council, and every
opportunity is allowed for a full discussion and debate by the full Council.
The Alderman felt that opening of the Finance Committee meeting to full
discussion by all members of Council, would be defeating the purpose of the
His Worship, Mayor Thomson assured the members of Council that all groups
requesting grants from the City would be in attendance at the General Committee
meeting of Council so that those members not on the Finance Committee will have
an opportunity to review the grants with representatives of the various
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously,
No. 111 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-36/78 and Official Plan
Amendment No. 104, J. & G. Miszk, 8911 Sodom Road (Betty's Restaurant). The
report reconnnends approval of the application subject to the entire site being
placed nnder Development Control and that the Official Plan Amendment be
adopted by by-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 15
See By-laws 79-27 and
No. 112 - City Manager - Re: Oakes Drive Motel Limited and Amendment Application
A-147. The report recommends passage of two by-laws, one to implement the
decision of the Ontario Municipal Board by a zoning by-law amendment, and to
authorize the execution of a site plan agreement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-laws 79-29 and
No. 113 - City Manager - Re: Purchase of Land by the City from Ontario Hydro and
Resale to Board of Governors for Niagara College. The report recommends passage
of a by-law to authorize the purchase of lands from Ontario Hydro and the resale
of same to the Board of Governors of Niagara College for the purpose of a
constructing a driveway to provide accese~from Oakwood Drive to the proposed site
for the College's campus.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-31
No. 114 - City Manager - Re: Land Division Committee Application B-351/78,
Josephine Upper, 6827 Garner Road. The report recommends passage of a by-law
to authorize the execution of an agreement with Josephine Upper, and a by-law
to alter the boundaries of the Urban Service Area of the City. The report
further recommends that the Ontario Municipal Board be notified that the City
is withdrawing its appeal from the decision of the Land Division Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman MacBaiu, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
.See By-laws 79-32 and
No. 115 - City Manager - Re: Niagara Frontier Humane Society. The report
advises that requests have been received from the Humane Society for an
aldermanic appointee to the Society's Finance Committee, and for proposed
changes in the City~e existing Dog Control By-law. The report recommends that
both matters be referred to a meeting with representatives of the Society,
members of City staff and the Soctety~s Aldermanic appointee for full discussion,
with a request that a report and recommendations be prepared for Council.
Alderman Dilts felt it was not necessary for a second aldermanic appoint-
ment to the Society- His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that the Society has
indicated a willingness to arrange their Finance Committee meetings to
coincide with Alderman Dilts' schedule, so that a further appointment to the
Society would not be necessary.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 116 - City Manager - Re: Possible Disposal of Surplus Municipal Lands,
South Side of Gallicget Street between Drummond Road and Portage Road. The
report reconnnends that the Municipality agree to the dedication of a 1-foot
reserve and daylighting triangles for the widening of Drummond Road. Council's~
direction was requested on whether or not the Region should acquire the 20-foot~
road widening strip at market value.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that
the Municipality dedicate the 1-foot reserve and daylighting triangles to the
Region, and further that the Region be requested to acquire the 20-foot road
widening strip for Dru-~ond Road, at market value. Carried Unanimously.
No. 117 - City Manager - Re: Telephone Service Former Crowland Township Area.
The report recommends that the procedure for receiving collect calls from those
areas of the City served by the Welland exchange, be continued.
Alderman Schisler indicated that occasionally, persons calling collect
from this area of the City have experienced difficulty in having the calls
accepted. The Alderman suggested that all personnel involved in the switchboars
operation be instructed to accept the collect calls from those areas of the
City served by the Welland exchange. Alderman Wallman also pointed out that
not all persons are aware of this service, and requested that some form of
notification be given to such residents.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Dilts was absent when the vote was taken-on
this matter.
No. 118 - City Manager - Re: Moretta Estates Proposed Subdivision, Revision #2.
The report recommends adoption of the revised proposal subject to the conditions
imposed on the plan approved on October 2, 1978, and subject to the assurance
that the formal revised plan will provide daylighting comers at Marco Crescent
and Panorama Drive.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously. ~
NOTE: Alderman Dilts was absent when the vote was taken on
this matter.
No. 119 - City Manager - Re: Establishment of a Uniform Fee for Copying Services.~
The report reconmends that Council require all Departments to impose a charge
25¢ per sheet for copying service.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman C~,mmings, that~,,
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE~ Alderman Dilts was absent when the vote was taken on
this matter.
No. 120 - City Manager - Re: City of Niagara Falls Bond and Money Insurance
Policy, The report advises that the City of Niagara Falls holds a Bend and Mom~
Policy No. 4-74-07-79 covering employee dishonesty and loss of money and
the report be received and filed. The motion Carried with Alderman Merr;tt
abstaining on a conflict of interest, and all others voting in fayour.
No. 121 - City Manager - Re: Falls Industrial Park Extension. The report
recommends that Council approve the Request for Reserve of'Lot 13 in the Falls
Industrial Park E~tenalon to Mr. A. Kalaycioglu until April 25, 1979, and that
City officials be authorized to process the request·
ORDERED on the metion gohnl, seconded by Alderman Wallma~ that the report
be received and adopted. Carriad Unanimously.
No. 122 - City Manager - Re= O.M.F.P.O.A. Conesfence and Seminar. The report
recommends the attendsnee of the Director of Fire Prevention Bureau at the
subject conference to be held in Kitchener from April 3 to 6, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Fete, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 123 - City Manager - Re: M.E.A. Annual Meeting. The report recommends
that two Engineers from the Municipal Works Department be authorized to attend
the subject meeting for a period of two days.
The Director of Municipal Works provided additional information in
response to a question raised by Alderman Fera.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Schisler,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 124 - City Manager - Re: Take-Home City Vehicles. The report recommends
that the present policy of personnel taking City vehicles home, be continued.
Alderman Puttick indicated that he was not satisfied with the report,
and that he wanted to review the written submissions prepared by each of
the employees who take City vehicles home. The Alderman felt that there
could be a reduction in the number of vehicles taken home resulting in a
cost-savings to the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be tabled for two weeks for additional information. Carried
No. 125 - City Manager - Re: Luudy's Lane - Q.E.W. Interchange. The report
provides information from the Region on why the subject interchange should
not be reopened, and recommends that the original request of the N.R.T.A. be
received and filed, and that the Association be notified of Council's action
on this matter.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 126 - City Manager - Re: Transportation Safety Association Awards 1978.
The report recon~nends: 1) That forty-eight drivers be permitted to attend the
banquet to be held on April 7, 1979, and further that the Mayor or his designate
and one member of supervisory staff also be authorized to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 127 - City Manager - Re: M.T.C. Subsidies for 1979. The report recommends
ratification of a staff request to the Ministry for a meeting to discuss the
subsidies for 1979, and further that the Mayor be authorized to arrange an
additional meeting if required.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 128 - City Manager - Re: West Meadow Subdivision. The report recommends
that the Board of Education deal direc~l~ with the developer of the subject
subdivision with ~espect to servicing costs of lands they own within the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 129 - City Manager - Re: Regional Solid Waste Management Advisory Cormnittee.
The report requests the appointment of a member of Council on the Regional
Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
Alderman MacBain be appointed as the City's representative on the Regional
Solid. Waste Management Advisory Committee. Carried Unanimously.
No. 130 - City Manager - Re: Public Works Week for 1979. The report recommends
participation of the City in the Public Works Week with the Region to be held
fromMay 23 - 27, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 131 - City Manager - Re: Conrail Drainage Channel, Contract D.C. 01-79.
The report recommends approval of certain procedures to be followed that are
different ~rom the normal procedures followed with contracts.
The Director of Municipal Works provided additional information in
responsa to, nn er of qu,stions raised rrgarding the oontract. .
- 10 -
No. 132 - City Manager - Re: Ice Resurfacer. The report recommends the
purchase of the Kelly ice resurfacer at a cost of $18,500.00 £or the Jack
Bell Arena.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Dilts, the Projects and
Services Engineer indicated that all three of the tenders met the specifications
requested, and although there were slight differences in the three machines,
they were not enough to Justify purchasing the more expensive Zambont machine.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, the Projects & Services
Engineer advised that the previous machine was declared too dangerous for use.
The machine from the Lionts rink was transferred to the Jack Bell Arena, and
the old machine had to be stored outside the Arena, at which time it sustained
considerable damage by vandals.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No.
No. 133 - City Manager - Re: Demolition of 4443 Huron Street. The report
recommends that the tender submitted by Richard Collee Trucking for the demolitk
of the subject building, be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. li
No. 134 - City Manager - Re: AM-33/77, J. & A. Karklins, West Side Sodom Road.
The report recommends passage of a zoning amendment by-law to incorporate the
changes in the revised plan of subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-34
No. 135 - City Manager - Re: Street Lighting on Morrison Street. The report
recommends that the invoice of Niagara Falls Hydro for the balance of the cost
of street lighting on Morrison Street, in the amount of $2_%,917.85, not be paid
at this time since no authorization was forwarded to Niagara Palls Hydro for
the work, and further that the matter be referred to the 1979 budget discussions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 136 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Morrison Street. The report advises of
a request received from Mr. C. Ferguson for the removal of parking on one side
of Morrison Street between Cryslat and St. Clair, and recommends that no change
be made to the parking regulations on this section of Mo~rison Street, and
that Mr. Ferguson be so advised.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson suggested that the residents in the area be
polled to see if they are in agreement with the suggestion made by Mr. Ferguson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Faro, that the
report be tabled and referred back to staff to poll the area residente~and
determine their wishes. Carried Unanimously.
No. 137 - City Manager - Re: Parking, Nabisco Foods. The report recommends that
parking be prohibited at all times from the northwesterly Side of Lewis Avenue
from Centre Street 275' southwesterly.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Faro, seconded by Alderman Dilts~ that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 138 - City Manager - Re: Extension of Development Plan ApproVal, King's Inn
Motor Lodge, 5525 Ferry Street. The report recommends approval of a request for
a two year extension to the previously approved Development Plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 139 - City Manager - Re: Development Plan Approval, Proposed Beauty Salon am
Dwelling Unit, 6959 Lundy~s Lane. The report recommends approval of the subject
development plan as submitted.
ORDEPaD on the motion of Alderman Cheesman~ seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
.the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 140 - City Clerk - Re: Advisory Report. The report attaches communications
from the Regional Municipality of Niagara and the Ministry of Transportation
and Communications. It~is recommended that the information in the letters be
noted and the report received and filed.
OBDBRKD on the motion of Alderman Cun~ings, seconded by Alderman Sobol, .that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
..... 11
- 11 -
No. 141 - City Manager - Re: Building Permits. The report provides a breakdown
of the building permits issued for the month of January 1979, as compared to
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 142 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
The City Treasurer provided additional information regarding Cheques #2354,
2400, 2427, 2548, 2552 and 2554 in response to questions raised by Aldermen
puttick, Sobol, Cummings and b~cBain. Alderman MacBain requested the City
Treasurer to provide him with additional information regarding Cheque #2548,
as he felt there should be more control over such expenditures at the Arenas.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 143 - City Manager - Re: Parking Problem - Burdette Drive Cul-de-Sac. The
report recommends that Mr. L. Edwards be requested to refrain from parking his
vehicles on the cul-de-sac over night, and that he be requested to provide
off-street parking on his own property or elsewhere.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that there is a problem with the parked
cars, however Mr. Edwards had advised that there had been an agreement with
respect to a driveway, and this is being disputed by the Region. The Mayor
suggested that the report be withdrawn and that an effort be made to resolve
the problem.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be withdrawn. Carried Unanimously.
No. 15 - CHEESMAN - MERRETT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City ef Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-28 for the rezonin~
of lands on the west side of Sodom Road, will conform to Official Plan Amendment
No. 29 of the Niagara Falls planning Area, once Amendment No. 104 is approved
by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 16 - CHEESMAN - SCHISLER - RESOLVED that the quotation submitted by Kelly
Sales Limited for the supply of an ice resurfacer, be accepted at the quoted
price of $18,500,00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 17 - FERA - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by Richard Collee
Trucking for the demolition of the building at 4443 Huron Street, be accepted
at the tendered price of $3,150.00; AND~he Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried Unanimous_~/
No. 18 - SCHISLER - CHEESMAN - RESOLVED that the Corporation of the City of
Niagara Falls hereby petitions for subsidy under the provisions of The Public
Transportation and Highway Improvement Act on expenditures made during the
year 1978 in the amount of $3,254,566.97; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed. Carried Unanimoussly
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read
a first time:
No, 79-26 - SEE PAGE 4
No. 79-27 - ~ By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Official
Pla~ of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.'(AM-36/78, J.& G. Miszk)
No. 79-28 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 395, 1966 of the former Township of
Willoughby, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-36/78,
J. & O. Miszk)
..... 12
No. 79-29 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Oakes Dri~
Motel Ltd.)
Oakes Drive Motel Limited and Michael Ricci.
No. 79-31 - A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land from Y
the sale thereof to the Board of Governors of Niagara College of
Applied Arts & Technology.
No. 79-32 - A By-law to alter the boundaries of the Urban Service Area of the Ct
No. 79-33 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Josephine
No. 79-34 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 395, 1966 of the former Township of
Willoughby, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-33/77,
J. & A. Karkltns)
No. 79-35 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried Unanimous/),
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-26 - SEE PAGE 4
No. 79-27 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Official
Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (AM-36/78, J. & G. Miszk)
No. 79-28 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 395, 1966 of the former Township of
Willoughby, now in the City of Niagara FalIs,-~s amended. (AM-36/78,
J. & G. Miszk)
No. 79-29 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now,in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Oakes Drive
Motel Ltd.)
No. 79-30 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Oakes Drive Motel Limited and Michael Ricci.
No. 79-31 - A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land from Ontario Hydro and
the sale thereof to the Board of GOvernors of Niagara College of
Applied Arts & Technology.
No. 79-32 - A By-law to alter the boundaries of the Urban Service Area of the CiU
No. 79-33 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Josephine
No. 79-34 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 395, 1966 of the former Township of
Willoughby, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-33/77,
J, & A. Karklins)
No. 79-35 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Cheesman suggested that the matter of attendance at conferences
and workshops be referred to the Finance Committee. His Worship, Mayor Thomson
indicated that a report was being prepared for the consideration of the Finance
-Committee. Alderman Cu~saings referred to a copy of a letter he had received
from the Ontario Building Officials Association advising that the Building and
Development Co-ordinator had been elected to the Association's Board of Directots,~
The Alderman asked how much time would be involved in Association work. The
City Manager indicated that it would likely involve attendance at four meetings
during the year. The Mayor requested that staff involvement in associations
also be included in the Finance Committee's report.
..... 13
- 13 -
Alderman Fera advised that he had been contacted by residents of Robarts
Street concerning the family living at 4908 Roberrs Street. This matter had
been brought to Council's attention previously, however the problem is still
continuing. The Alderman advised that other residents in the area are being
bothered with broken windows and damage to their homes, and in one instance,
a child required fourteen stitches to close a wound caused by a child living
at the property in question. Alderman Fera presented a petition signed by
residents in the area requesting that the family find another area to live.
Alderman Sobol advised that she had become involved in the problem as well,
and had attended a meeting with some of the residents and representatives of
the M.T.C. The spokesman for the M.T.C. had indicated that he would work
with the City as well as doing anything the Ministry could do on its own.
The Property Standards Officer was to inspect the property to determine if
the house at 4908 Roberrs Street complied with the provisions of the Property
Standards By-law. It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Sobol,
that the matter be investigated and reported back to Council- Carried
Alderman Orr asked when the City-wide commercial update would be presented
to Council. His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that the report would be
presented to a Joint meeting of Council and the Downtown Board of Management
in the near future.
Alderman Orr referred to a recent rezoning application approved by City
Council for the property at Cherrywood Drive and Drummond Road for Jim Blair
Motors to permit the parking of trucks and vans. The Alderman advised that
there had been an accident at this intersection on the weekend, apparently
caused by the parked trucks obstructing the view of on-coming traffic.
Alderman Orr advised that the persons involved would be coming to the next
meeting of Council on this matter.
Alderman Puttick asked for a clarification of assessment figures quoted
in the B.I.G. Committee minutes. The City btanager indicated that the figure
quoted of $750,000 was high, and tha~ a more accurate figure would be closer
to $500,000-
Alderman Puttick questioned the need for including Switzerland in the
upcoming European Industrial trip to be taken by Mr. J. Montgomery. Alderman
Merrett explained that the visit to Switzerland would only involve one day,
and that a meeting had been set up with a firm interested in discussing the
City's industrial lands. His Worship, M~yor Thomson also advised that a
definite itinerary has been set up for the tour, and appointments made with
industries indicating a serious interest in locating in Canada.
Alderman Schisler advised that the Streets Department was sanding roads
after a small amount of snow had fallen, following which a plough would come
along and remove the sand. The Alderman felt there was no reason why the
plongh should come along fifteen minutes after the sander and remove the sand
that had Just been spread. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer advised
that it was not possible for the sander to go through its whole assigned route
and return to ploughwithin fifteen minutes. The Director of Municipal Works
indicated that the City was planning on reducing its sanding operations.
Although the truck does return to plough the roadway, the Director of Municipal
Works stated that this was not done within fifteen or twenty minutes of the
sanding operations.
Alderman Dilts stated that according to the City's policy and procedural
manual, the Sanitation Department picks up and removes dead animals between
the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The Alderman indicated that he would like
to see the City establish same guidelines as to what the Humane,Society is
expected to carry out in the form of animal control, so that the City would
know what services they were paying for on animal control. Alderman Schisler
pointed out that the City does have a by-law covering animal control. Alderman
DilCs felt that the by-law was not quite definite on which functions were the
responsibility of the Society, and suggested that an agreement should be
prepared setting out exactly what the City expected in the form of animal
control. The Alderman suggested that the sale of dog tags could be handled
in the same fashion as hunting or fishing licences, through several outlets
in the City. It was agreed that these suggestions would be discussed at the
upcoming meeting with respresentatives of the Humane Society and the City.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that the Region reviews on a regular
basis the different banking services available in order to determine the most
advantageous rates and banking charges. The Mayor suggested that this could
be reviewed by the Finance Committee. It was moved by Alderman Puttick,
seconded by Alderman Orr, that the mercer of banking services be referred to
the Finance Committee. Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Dllts, that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole. Carried Unanimously.
a.i. coLLlf s6N;
Committee Room #1
February 12, 1979
Council met in Committee of the Whole on Monday, February 12, 1979, foilowL
a regular meeting of CounCil. All members of Council were present. Alderman
Dtlts presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the Whole
arose without reporting. k · & ' · · ·
COBB,_, vv w 'J '
Council Chambers
February 12, 1979
Council reconvened in regular session on Monday, February 12, 1979, followi~
a meeting in Committee of the Whole. All members of Council wer~ present. His
Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman. '
The meeting adjourned.
coLimso ,
Committee Room #1
February 26, 1979
Council met on Monday, February 26, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee of the
Whole. All members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman
Puttick. Alderman Wallman presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the
arose without reporting.
presented, the Committee of the Whole
Council Chambers
February 26, 1979
Council met on Monday, February 26, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Puttick. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
Alderman Merrett offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
the minutes of the meeting of February 12, 1979, be adopted as printed. Carried
Report No. 144 - City Manager - The report provldes information on the project
as a result of the Ontario Municipal Board decision on the Urban Area Boundaries
and the proposal of the developers to contribute $256,259.61 towards the
'Report No. 145 - City Manager - The report advises that seven developers owning
approximately 460 acres are willing to contribute $522,000 of the estimated cost
of $675,000, leaving a balance of approximately $153,000. The report requests
direction of Council on the following points: 1) Does Council wish to assume
the approximately $153,000 presently uncommitted for the project on the conditions
set forth by the developers, with the knowledge this figure is subject to possible
increase; 2) If Council wishes to assume the $153,000, from what source of City
funds should the amount be taken; 3) IF the City assumes the $153,000, does
Council wish the "Declaration of Policy for Development of Subdivisions" to be
amended in order to allow the City to try to collect the amount paid by the
City from those land owners who have not contributed to the project; and 4) Is
Council agreeable to the City Manager advising the N.P.C.A. that sufficient
funds will be made available for the project and that the Authority may proceed
with the next phase of the project, and that expropriation proceedings on those
lands required for the project on which negotiations have not been concluded,
may be commenced with the City to pay 50% of the expenses including final land
costs for the lands expropriated.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that it was necessary for Council to
make a decision on the matter, since the property options for lands required
.for the project will expire on February 28, 1979, and funding from the Province
could be lost if the project did not proceed soon. The Mayor pointed out
that all development west of the Q.E.W. was contingent on the project. Reference
was made to the suggestion that the City consider development in the southern
portion of the City, however Mayor Thomson indicated that costs for servicing
in this area of the City will be higher than servicing costs for lands in the
Shrinerts Creek area.
Mr. F. Burchef of the Ministry of Housing provided members of Council with
a brief history of the Ministry's involvement in the Shriner's Creek project.
Mr. Butcher conmented that the developers have made connnitments, and City Councfi
has shown good faith in its intention to proceed with the project, and if the
monies allotted in the fiscal year were not spent, they would be lost. The
Provincets share of the project was ready and available with the first part to
be spent in this fiscal year and the balance next year. Mr. C. Leuty of the
Conservation Authority stated that the Authority has an agreement with the City
and would not proceed until the City wishes to proceed with any phase of the
project. Mr. Leuty conmented that if there were delays, costs would increase.
In response to a question raised by theMayor, Mr. Leuty indicated that there
is funding available for the project this year.
Mr. F.A. Branscombe thanked the Council, the Ministry of Rousing and the
Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority for all the work done to bring the
project to this point.
Alderman Fera indicated that he had been concerned about the Monroe Extensi~
Subdivision not being included in the acreage contributing to the cost of the
project, however since the Shriner's Creek project would result in the greatest
good for the greatest number, he would support the project. 'In response to a
question raised by Alderman Fera, His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that the
City could not guarantee that impost funds can be collected in the future. The
Mayor further advised that although the City had not experienced difficulty in
the past in collecting fees, the Legal Dept. had felt it should be noted there
was no guarantee these monies would be collected.
Alderman Cheesman reviewed the City's involvement with the project in the
past years and pointed out that Council has been forced to take rapid action
because of the deadlines approaching. The Alderman urged Council to support
the project in view of the fact development of the northwest"lluadrant of the
City was dependent on the proposal proceeding. The decision being made by
Council would have an effect on the City for the next twenty or thirty years.
Alderman Cheesman also pointed out that the City was getting a good deal on
the project cost. With a tqtal project cost of over one million dollars, less
the Provincial contribution of 50%, and the developers' contribution of 38%,
Alderman Cheesman stated that the Cityts portion was approximately 12%, with
the expectation that the investment would be recovered through imposts. The
Alderman indicated that he had received a call from a realtor asking why the
City should contribute towards the development of lands west of the Q.E.W. to
facilitate construction of homes, when this did not take place east of the
Q.E.W. Alderman Cheesman pointed out that development on the east did not
require from developers, the same kind of contribution the City has asked from
developers to the west.
Additional information was provided by His Worship, Mayor Thomson and the
City Manager in response to several questions raised by Alderman Schisler.
Alderman Schisler indicated that the interest plus the balance in the Expansion
and Renewal Fund totalled $83,000, and commented that he felt the City should
net have to fund its share of the project totally from the current budget. The
Alderman suggested that the Council should look a little further than the
information presented, and pointed out that while there are monies in the Fund
presently committed, some of the projects might not proceed during 1979. The
City Treasurer advised that the interest in the Fund was shown so that Council
would know costs have inflated since the commitments were original!y made. The
$59,000 interest was set aside to alleviate inflationsty trends for'the commitme:~
in the Fund, since all projects have a greater cost now than when originally
Alderman MacBain suggested that funds could be used from the current budget
in the event all or part of the $153,000 could not be taken from the Expansion
and Renewal Fund.
Alderman Dilts pointed out that if the City did not proceed with the
assistance of the developers at this time, the City could end up spending at
least its share looking after existing development in the area.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson con~ented that staff has worked very hard on
the project, attending meetings and preparing reports. The Mayor conended
staff highly ~or what has been accomplished. The developers have indicated
their good faith and have come through to indicate the need for the project.
Mayor Thomson also commended the property owners in the area who were responsible
for the environmental hearing due to concern for protection of their properties.
Mr. Bircher and Mr. Leuty were also thanked by the Mayor for their assistance
in bringing the project to this stage.
~. G. Schneider of N.P.H.B. Land Developments Ltd., thanked the Mayor
and Council for making the project a reality.
Following further conment, the following resolution was passed:
No. 19 - MACBAIN - HINSPERGER - RESOLVED that the following answers and
directions be given to the City Manager with respect to his Report of February 26,
1979, on the Shriner's Creek Project with authority to proceed accordingly:
1) Page #1, (1) - That River Realty Development Limited would contribute $1,134
per acre on all of its lands within the Shriner's Creek drainage
area and the Region's Urban Areas Boundaries except its lands
comprising the Monroe Extension I Subdivision.
2) Page #1, (2) - That River Realty Development Limited's contribution be made
by letter of credit in favour of the City, deposited with the
City on demand.
3) Page #2, 1. - That the Council assume approximately $153,000 that is presently
uncommitted for this project, on the conditions that the
developers who are now willing to contribute have set forth
(including the freeze of impost fees to present levels for the
lands of the developers now contributing within this area) and
with the knowledge that the $153,000 figure is subject to
possible increase.
4) Page #3 2.a. - That in the event all or part of the $153,000 that is presently '
uncommitted for this project cannot be obtained from the
Expansion & Renewal Fund, that the funds be taken from the
current budgets for 1979 and 1980 with a reserve(s) required
to be established for this purpose.
5) Page #3, 3. - That the City in assuming the approximately $153,000 for this
project which has not been heretofore cormnitted, amend the
"Declaration of Policy for the Development of Subdivisions" in
order to allow the City to try to collect, at some future date,
the amount paid by the City for this project from the owners
of land in the Shriner's Creek drainage area and the Region's
Urban Areas Boundaries who have not contributed to the project.
6) Page #3 4.a. - That the City Manager be directed to advise the Niagara Peninsula
Conservation Authority that sufficient funds will be made
available for this proJe(~ and that the Authority may proceed
with the next phase of the project.
7) Page #3 4.b. - That expropriation proceedings on those lands required for the
Shriner's Creek Project on which negotiations to purchase have
not been concluded may be commenced with the City to pay 50% of
the related expenses of expropriation including final land
costs for the lands expropriated.
AND FURTHER that the developers' share in cash and River Realty Development
Limited's Letter of Credit be obtained at the earliest possible date, that Council
be advised when both are received, and with these specific items, that the report
of the City Manager be adopted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously
Communication No. 46 - St. Ann's Church - The communication requests permission
to hold weekly Bingo on M~ndays instead of Wednesdays.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett, His Worship, Mayor
Thomson indicated that because of the previous controversy and discussions held,
it was felt such requests should be brought to the attention of Council. At
that time Council felt that if a group wanted to change its night for Bingo,
the..decision was up to that group.
Alderman Merrett indicated that St. Patrick's Church held their bingo
on Monday evenings, and hoped that the change by St. Ann's bingo would not
affect St. Patrick's bingo adversely.
Mr. S. Mach of the Stamford Lions Club stated that if St. Ann's could
not compete with two opposing bingos on Wednesdays, what evidence was there
that changing to Mondays with three other bingos would improve their position.
Mr. Much felt that other groups would start changing nights, resulting in
a "leap-frog" situation. The Stamford Lions Club had made certain commitments
for the betterment of the City, and Mr. Mach commented that with increased
competition, the Lions Club Hall and Park might now not be possible, since
the Club's financial participation will be greatly reduced.
It was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
request of St. Ann's Church to hold Bingo on Monday nights, be approved. The
motion Carried with Alderman C,mmings abstaining on a conflict of interest,
and all others voting in favour.
Report No. 146 - City Solicitor - The report provides information on the Ontario
Municipal Board decision with respect to the Region's urban area boundaries.
The report recommends that Council make a decision on what submissions, if any,
should be made on behalf of the City with respect to the O.M.B. decision, to
the Regional Planning & Development Committee meeting on February 28, 1979.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Sobol, the City Solicitor
indicated that the City retained two engineering experts during the hearing,
and the charge for this service was approximately $4,000. The other expenses
involved staff time, however no costing had been made on staff time.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
no submissions be made to the Regional Planning & Development Connnittee, and
further that the City Solicitor be commended for his efforts on behalf of
the City. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 147 - His Worship, Mayor Thomson - The report recommends passage
of a by-law authorizing the ~cceptance of a proposal by Mackenzie, Wilson and
Associates to provide appraisal and negotiation services for the Kyerson
Market Redevelopment Area.
Alderman Schisler felt the fee for the appraisal was quite high, and
asked if the City hired only one appraisal group or if an attempt was made
to get the best price. His Worship, Mayor Thomson pointed out that the fee
was not simply for an appraisal but for negotiation services for property
acquisition. Alderman Orr indicated that the firm has done satisfactory work
for the City in the past. The City Manager advised that the cost was $12,300
iu response to a question raised by Alderman Fete.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Or/, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Un~nimously.
See By-law No. 79-34
No. 47 - Greater Niagara Transit Commission - Re: Statement of Affairs for the
Year 1978. The communication provides information regarding the operation of
the Greater Niagara Transit Commission for the year 1978, including the statemenl2
of affairs. "
Mr. Mowers, Chairman of the Co~unission, provided additional information
in response to several questions raised by members of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the communication be accepted as submitted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 48 - Niagara Chair-A-Van - Re: Statement of Affairs for the Year 1978.
communication provides information regarding the operation of the Niagara
Chair-A-Van service for the. year 1978, including the statement of affairs.
Mr. Mowers, Chairman of the Management Board of Niagara Chair-A-Van,
provided additional information to the members of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Herrerr, that
the communication be accepted as submitted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 49 - Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority - Re: ~ple Syrup Days.
The communication extends an invitation to the members of Council to attend
the annual Press and Council Open House onMarch 1, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the invitation be received with thanks, and that as many members of Council as
possible attend the function. Carried Unanimously.
No. 50 - Joe Moretta Investments Ltd. - Re: Garbage Collection. The communication
expresses concern over the possible establishment of a dumping fee charge for
the sanitary landfill site.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
communication be referred to the Sanitary Landfill Site Committee. Carried
No. 51 - Lions Club - Re: Rainbow '79 Convention. The communication requests
permission to hold a parade in conjunction with the convention to be held in
June, and to erect a tent behind the "Nearly New" Shop at the southeast corner
of Park Street and Erie Avenue for half a day during the parade.
The City Clerk indicated that the site requested by the Lions Club was
not owned by the City, and that staff would attempt to find another suitable
location for the Lions Club. Alderman Cheesman also indicated there may be
another parade on June 3rd, and suggested the Lions Club be so advised.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the request be referred to staff in order to assist the Lions Club in finding
another site for location of the refreshment tent. Carried Unanimously.
No. 52 - Niagara District Airport Commission - Re: Extension of Municipal
Agreement. The communication requests that Council consider an extension
to the present municipal agreement to .December 31st, 1989 with an option
for renewal for a further ten-year period.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
Council approve the extension subject to similar approval being received from
all participating municipalities. Carried Unanimously.
No. 41 - Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Re: provincial/Municipal
Financial Relations. The communication, which was tabled from the previous
meeting, requested support of the AMO Statement with respect to the Provincial
. announcement of 1979 transfer payments to municipalities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cunnnings, that
the resolution of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario be endorsed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 53 - Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning - Re: Public Hearings.
The communication advises of public hearings to be held during March on the
question of the need for additional bulk power facilities in the area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
communication be referred to staff to ensure that all interested parties are
aware of the public hearings. Carried Unan~fmously.
No. 54- Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Regional Niagara Advisory
Housing Committee. The communication requests the appointment of a representative
from the City on the subject Committee.
Alderman Sobol asked if the appointee had to be a member of Council, and
suggested that possibly a member of the Planning & Development Committee might
wish to be appointed to the Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that the
communication be referred to the Planning & Development Committee, subject to
confirmation from the Region that the appointee does not necessarily have to
be a member of Council. Carried Unanimously.
No. 55 - Niagara Symphony Association - Re: Request for Grant.'The communication
requests a grant from the City to help the Association operate and reduce its
accumulated deficit.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, the Director of
Recreation indicated that the Recreation Commission provides a grant to the
Association based on the number of young people living in Niagara Falls that
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Aldermau Dilts, that
the communication be referred to the Finance Committee, Carried Unanimouslx.
No. 56 - Niagara Parks Commission - Re: Queen Victoria Park Traffic. The
communication invites a representative of the engineering staff of the City
to attend various meetings that will be held to consider all aspects of a
traffic study commenced by the Queen Victoria Park Traffic Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the Director of Municipal Works, or his alternate, be appointed to represent
the City on the Queen Victoria Park Traffic Committee. Carried Unanimously.
No. 148 - Alderman Chessman - Re: Niagara Falls 75th Anniversary Committee.
The report provides information on the progress of the Committee for the past
Alderman Chessman invited the comments of the members of Council within
the next few weeks, on the proposed plans for the observance of the City's
75th Anniversary.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman err, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 149 - Recreation Commission - Re: Area Recreation Board Appointments. The
report recommends confirmation of various appointments to the Area Recreation
Boards. The report also requests the appointment of an alderman to each of the
area boards.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and adopted, and further that Alderman Dilts be appointed
to the Niagara South Area Board, Alderman Cummings to the Niagara Northwest Area
Board and Alderman Orr to the Niagara Central Area Board. Carried Unanimously.
No. 150 - Recreation Commission - Re: Crosswalk at the Niagara Falls Lion's
Club Outdoor Skating Rink and Swimming Pool. The report recommends that Council
take the appropriate action to have a safe crossing area on Dr,nnmond Road at
the Niagara Falls Lion's Club outdoor skating rink and swimming pool.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Minsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously7
No. 151 - Recreation Commission - Re: Issuance of Permits on Sunday Morning.
The report recommends that permits may only be issued by the Recreation Commissic
for Sunday use after 1:30 p.m., and that special permission to use municipal
athletic fields or parks prior to 1:30 p.m. on Sundays may be authorized by
Council in accordance with the Lord's Day Act.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson expressed his concern regarding the scheduling
of athletic events in the City's park system on Sundays. The Mayor felt it was
not unreasonable to have people maintain their relationship with the churches,
and if the policy is established, the door would be left open for groups coming
to Council requesting special permission for events on Sundays.
Alderman Cummings indicated that he agreed with the Mayor in principle,
however expressed his concern that occasionally with a special event such as
a championship tournament, in order to get all games in, a Sunday morning
has to be used. Alderman Cummings felt there should be some provision for
such events, since if a major event were lost because there was no allowance
for Sunday events, this would result in a loss of revenue to both the groups
involved and the City. Alderman Merrett agreed and pointed out that many of
the organizations depend on the revenue from such events to support their
In response to a question raised by Alderman Sobel, the City Clerk advised
that according to the Ontario Lord's Day Act, it is contrary in law to permit
Sunday sports before 1:31 p.m. on any event to which admission is charged. It
would therefore be contrary to the Act to permit anyone to hold an event and
charge admission before 1:31 p.m.
Alderman Chessman commented that if Council makes allowance for certain ~'.
exceptions, decisions would constantly be required on whether or not to permit
special events on Sundays. The Alderman suggested that those groups coming
to t~e City know the rules and should live by them.
Alderman Dilts advised that he had been approached by a member of a local
church expressing concern on this matter, particularly the practice of schedulint~,
minor hockey practices on Sunday mornings. Aideman Fera felt that many parents
want to take their children to church serviues on Sunday, and that this one
one hour is very important to them.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Hinsperger, the Director of
Recreation indicated that no charge can be made, so that if a group wanted to
use an athletic field, it would have to come to Council for special permission.
The event could be a church service, or the "Indian Weekend", and no matter
who used the field, no charge for admission could be charged during that time
in accordance with The Lord's Day Act.
Alderman err pointed out that there is a competitive market in sports,
and many other municipalities are vying for tournaments this summer. The Alderman
felt that unless there was provision for Sundays, the City would not be
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded by
Alderman Cummings, that the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: ~ldermen Cummings, Dilts, Hinsperger, MacBain, Merrett, err, Schisler
and Sobel.
NAYE: Aldermen Cheesman, Fera and Wallman.
No. 152 - Recreation Commission - Re: Amendments to Rules and Regulations for
Issuance of Permits for Usage of Municipal Athletic Fields. The report
recommends certain amendments to the Rules and Regulations for the use of
City parks and athletic fields.
ORDEP~D on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 153 - Recreation Commission - Re: Carnivals, Exhibitions and Tournaments
on City Owned Lands. The report reconnnends certain amendments to the policy
on Carnivals, Exhibitions and Tournaments on City Owned Parks.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 154 - Recreation Commission - Re: Banners, Buttons and Crests. The report
recommends approval of the policy respecting the practice of giving out banners,
buttons and crests.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 155 - Recreation Commission - Re: Programming Municipal Arenas. The report
recommends that Council grant the Recreation Commission authority to program the
arenas as is done with Municipal athletic fields, therefore bringing all user
groups together to familiarize one another with what is being planned with
tournaments and regular programs, to be established in advance on a program
Alderman err agreed that the idea of centralizing the scheduling of events
for the arenas had merit, however he felt that the report did not provide
'sufficient information on how this change would affect the Arena staff. The
Alderman felt that the effect of the report~ould be to transfer more
responsibility on the Commission, and duplicate existing Jobs. Alderman Orr
requested that a further report be prepared, with comments from the Projects
and Services Engineer on the matter.
Alderman Hinsperger pointed out that this same practice is followed with
municipal parks, and it was not intended to leave theArena Managers out of
the programming for arenas. The intent of the policy was to have both Arena
Managers working together with the Commission staff in setting up schedules
for the Arenas. Alderman Cummings advised that with the parks, the Commission
advertises for use of the parks, and then sets a schedule at the beginning of
the year. What has happened in the arenas, particularly with minor hockey,
occasionally a major tournament is arranged, and the minor hockey lost ice
time without prior notice.
Alderman Merrett felt the parks policy worked well, however agreed that
additional information on the matter would facilitate members of Council in
making an appropriate decision.
It was moved by Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that the
report be tabled for further information. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Chessman, Dilts, Fare, MacBain, Merrett, Orr, Schisler, Sobel
and Wallman.
NAYE: Aldermen Cummings and Minsperger.
No. 156 - City Manager - Re: Tax Arrears. The Finance Committee recommends:
1) That 63 tax delinquent accounts receive a letter from the City Treasurer
requesting action within 30 days and upon further report of the City Treasurer,
certain accounts would be invited to attend the Finance Committee meeting; and
2) That the Government of Ontario be petitioned to amend the penalty and
interest rate on overdue taxes.
Alderman Merrett expressed his concern that the tax arrears had been all0wel
to reach such proportions, and suggested that the City was going to have to get
tough with tax delinquents. The Alderman asked how the City expected the ~
average taxpayer to pay his taxes when large firms don't. Alderman Sobol
agreed that the City was at the stage when such action was necessary, and
suggested that Council consider the possibility of using an incentive to get
people to pay taxes ahead of time.
Alderman MacBale advised that he wished to disassociate himself with the
recommendation of the Finance Committee concerning the sixty-three tax delinquen[~
The Alderman did agree with increasing the permissable interest rate on arrears,
Alderman MacBain stated that the tax arrears amounted to almost $4 million, and
predicted that the figure would rise to $5 million in one year. There are sixty.
three taxpayers owing the City $2.5 million, and Alderman MacBain was critical
of the fact the Finance Committee was now suggesting that letters be sent to
each of these taxpayers. The Alderman pointed out that these people had been
sent letters by the Treasurer, and another letter was not going to make any
difference. Alderman MacBale commented that his prime interest was the financial
integrity of the City, and asked how the City could expect the home owner to pay
his taxes every year when he knows sixty-three taxpayers alone owe $2.5 million.
Reference was made to action taken in Buffalo, whereby delinquent taxpayers were~
given so many days to settle the account, otherwise their names would be
published in the local newspaper. Alderman MacBaiu suggested the following
action: 1) That Council recognize there is a crisis; 2) Advise the deliDqUent
taxpayers that their names and amounts owing will be advertised in the press;
and 3) Get a liaison person on the project to go to a local legal flrmwith
authority to take whatever action necessary to recover arrears, and have Council~
and staff iu particular keep their hands off the arrears aud°~top protecting
these people. This person would report back to Council every month for one yearl
and in the second year, it could be done every three months.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson stated that the Finance Committee has tried to
work out a plan through the City Treasurer that will take action. Writs have
been issued to recover arrears. The Mayor indicated that he had suggested
increasing the interest rate on penalties so that the City was not a financial
institution for persons not paying taxes. The Mayor felt Council was taking
positive action by giving these people thirty days so they ~ould know the City
was serious. Mayor Thomson stated that the City was being fair initially,
after that time a full report would be prepared giving names and amounts.
Alderman Fern disagreed with the suggestion that names be advertised in the
newspaper, and commented that he would not want to be responsible for ruining
a person'.s reputation. Alderman Fern indicated that he favoured Alderman Sobol's
suggestion of giving people an incentive to pay their taxes.
Alderman Cheesman advised Council to use the word "crisis" with a great
deal of caution. The Alderman agreed that on a national basis, he would agree
there was what could be considered a financial crisis, however he pointed out
that the City did not create that situation. Municipal levels of government
are the most restrained amongst all levels of government. In defence of staff,
Alderman ~heesman stated that members of staff have not been allowed to tell
the Council in detail, the hurdles they have faced in attempting to ~ollect
arrears. Of the total amount of arrears, $1 million is owed by two corporations.~,
One of these properties is Samray, and because of the fire difficulties were
being experienced iu collecting the arrears. The other account involves
legal proglems, and Alderman Cheesman stated that all the letters and newspaper
articles written would not change that reality. The Alderman indicated that
many of the smaller businesses are experiencing financial difficulties, however
most of them are law abiding citizens and would pay their taxes if they could.
Alderman Cheesman advised that the inflation factor has made it advantageous
for people to use the City as their bank.
AldermanMerrett agreed that these individuals should be given a chance
to react before the City took further action to recover the arrears. The Alder~~'
felt there was a serious problem with the arrears, and pointed that his business~
Could not be operated with this amount of money in the accounts receivable,
The City Manager indicated that he and the City Treasurer have been
concerned about the tax arrears. The situation has improved over what it could
have been in the last couple of years, and this may not be apparent to many
people. The City Manager advised that Niagara Falls was in the top 20% in
financial health in the Province and in Canada. In 1975, the City had one
of the lowest rates of taxation based on the same house throughout Canada.
In 1978, the taxes levied were $28.8 million. Of that amount, $26.44 million
was collected, amounting to 92% of the taxes issued. The City Manager
stated that of the $3.9 million in arrears, $3.523 million is guaranteed by
property. The City Manager stated that he was strongly in favour of the
recommendation that the delinquent accounts be given thirty days, following
which interviews should be held with those individuals and the Finance Committee
and Council. The City Manager also indicated that he was not adverse to
advertising the arrears in the press.
Alderman Schisler was critical of the fact that there were arrears owing
since 1970. The Alderman stated that many of these corporations would rather
put their money into investment and let their taxes fall into arrears. With
respect to business tax, Alderman Schisler felt the businesses should close
until the taxes are paid. The City Treasurer advised that the arrears system
is worked through part time staff, and that the system needed permanent staff
with full authority resting in the Treasury Department to get the job done.
With respect to the premium on property taxes, the City Treasurer stated that
the wrong persons were taking advantage of the prepayment. Those persons
who would normally pay their taxes on time were making the prepayment, and
the City Treasurer advised that the money is only with the City for three
months, and the interest for that period is not that attractive.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded
by Alderman Fera, that the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried
with Alderman MacBain voting contrary, and all others voting in fayour.
See Resolution No. 21
No. 157 - City Manager - Re: Rental of Landfill Site Equipment. The report
recommends the inclusion of certain amendments in the contract specifications
for rental of equipment for the landfill site, and calling of tenders.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 158 - City Manager - Re: Maple Leaf Village Changeable Readograph Sign.
The report recommends approval of the subject sign.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 159 - City Manager - Re: Watermain on Murray Hill. The report recommends:
1) The construction of the subject watermain be included in the contract of the
Niagara Parks Commission, with the City responsible for payment of that portion
of the contract; and 2) That construction lay6ut, inspection and general
administration of the contract for the City's portion of the work be assigned
to the consulting engineering firm of DeLeuw Cather, with reimbursement in
accordance with the A.P.E.O. schedule fee basis, time plus expenses. An upset
limit of $2400 would be established for construction layout and inspection,
and an upset limit of $1,000 for general administration and co-ordination of
the works.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 160 - City Manager - Re: Request - Niagara Falls Boxing Club. The report
recommends passage of a by-law to permit boxing tournaments to be held on Sundays.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fern, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-40
No. 161 - City Manager ~ Re: Participation in Metric Conversion Program. The
report recommends that the City of Niagara Falls participate in the Region's
metric conversion program for the year 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Cunnnings, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 162 - City Manager - Re: Resignation - City of Niagara Falls Board of Museums.
The report advises of the resignation of Mrs. G. Penney from the Board, and
recommends that COuncil,fill the vacancy created by the resignation, and that
- 10 -
a letter of conmendation be sent to Mrs. Penney in appreciation for her
service to the con~nunity.
ORDERED on the motiou of Alderman Wallman, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and adopted, and that Mr. David Mckenzie be appointed
to the Board of Museums. Carried Unanimously.
No. 163 - City Clerk - Re: Report of the General Committee. The report
recommends ratification of the following action taken by Council in General
Committee: l) That the Retail Market Demand and Facilities Distribution Study
be referred to the Downtown Board of Management and City Staff, and further
that Mr. A. Crate prepare a report on how the City should use the Study as
the instrument to proceed positively; 2) That a special committee be establishei
to consider grants available and possible agreements between Mr. Quinn and the
City with respect to possible renovations to the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson and Aldermen Cummings, Fete, Hinsperger, Orr and
Wallman will serve on the committee. It was further directed that the comments
of Mr. Quinn with respect to the operation of the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena
be referred to staff for the preparation of a report; 3) A verbal update on
the progress of the Shriner's Creek Project was given by the City Manager;
4) An information report respecting parking for the Maple Leaf Village complex
was given to members of Council, it was directed that the report be received
and filed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 164 - City Manager - Re: Westway Estates Proposed Subdivision. The report
recommends approval of a request from Croup 2 Development Limited for the
Ministry of Rousing to provide an extension to the draft plan approval of the
subject subdivision for a period of one year to April 15, 1980, and that the
Ministry of Rousing be notified accordingly.
ORDERED on the motion ofAlderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman C,mmings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 165 - His Worship, Mayor Thomson - Re: Freedom of the City to the Lincoln
and Welland Regiment. The report recommends that Council grallt the Freedom of
the City to the Lincoln and Welland Regiment on June 3, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cur~nings, seconded by Alderman Herrerr, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 166 - City Manager - Re: Resolutions from Other Municipalities.
1) City of Thorold - Petitioning the Workmen's Compensation Board to recognize
certain deficiencies in the current method of paying compensation to volunte~'
fire fighters.
Recommendation - That the resolution be endorsed and thaI City of Thorold
notified accordingly.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cun~ings, that
the recommendation be adopted. Carried Unanimously.
2) Township of Hinchinbrooke - Requesting the Province to apply Winratio profite~:
for payment of health care and education.
Recommendation - That the resolution be received and filed.
ORDEBED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Dllts, that the~
recommendation be adopted. Carried Unanimously.
3) To~u of Lincoln - Petitionlug the Ontario Government to have the Municipal ~
amended to allow municipalities to charge interest at the rate of 1½% per
month on overdue taxes.
Recommendation - That Council endorse the resolution recommended by the City'~
Finance Committee that the existing legislation be changed to allow
municipalities to charge interest on tax penalties at a rate not-exceeding
24% per annum.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallman, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the resolution be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
4)!Regional Municipality of Feel - Requesting the Province to introduce legislet[
to implement a three-year term for elected municipal officials in areas whe[t'
Regional Gevernment is in place.
Recommendation - For the consideration of Council.
ORDEB~D on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the resolution be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following
~YE: Aldermen Chessman, C~!mm~ngs, Dilts, Fera~ Hiusperger, MacBain, Oft,'
8ch~sler and Wall~sn.
NAYE~ Aldermen Merrett and Sobol.
~) 'C'ity of Kttchener - Requesting new legislation covering the use of trail
bikes or other such motorized recreational vehicles.
Recon,~endation - That the resolution be endorsed.
OKDERED on the motion of Aldex~an Dilts, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that[
the recommendation be adopted. Carried Unanimously.
- ll -
6) Regional Municipality of Ramilton-Wentworth - Requesting the Ministry of
Transportation & Communications to provide annual statistics on vehicle
registration, etc.
Recommendation - That the resolution be received and filed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the recommendation be adopted. Carried Unanimously.
7) City of Kitchener - Requesting the Provincial and Federal Governments to pass
legislation prohibiting strikes and work stoppages by public service employees.
Recommendation - That the resolution be supported insofar as it relates to
specific essential services, i.e. ambulance service, etc.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
recommendation be adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Cheesman voting
contrary, and all others voting in favour.
8) City of Guelph - Requesting the Province to extend and expand the Ontario
Downtown Revitalization Program.
Recommendation - That the resolution be endorsed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
recommendation be adopted. Carried Unanimously.
9) City of Windsor - Requesting the Province to rescind the requirement of a
municipal audttor's statement of 'final costs prior to the payment of grants
for major water and sewage projects.
Recommendation - That the resolution be endorsed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
recommendation be adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 167- City Clerk - Re: Advisory Report. The report attaches conununications
from the Regional Municipality of Niagara and the National Film Board of Canada.
It is recommended that the information contained in the communications be noted
and that the report be received and filed.
Alderman Dilts advised that he was not satisfied with the explanation of
the Region regarding the speed limit signing on Lyon's Creek Road, however he
would pursue the matter on his own.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 168 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
The City Manager provided information on Cheques #2847 and #2791 in
response to questions raised by Aldermen Cummings and Schisler.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 20 - CHEESMAN - SOBOL - RESOLVED that pG~suant to the Public Transportation
and Highway Improvement Act, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara
Falls hereby requests an allocation of supplementary subsidy monies for public
transportation in the amount of $7,164.00 for the Transit Operating Assistance
Program; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 21 - SOBOL - MERRETT - RESOLVED THAT WHEREAS Section 527, Subsections 3 and
4 of The Municipal Act restricts municipalities to a maximum charge of 1% per
month on past due current taxes; and Section 553, Subsections 1 and 2 restricts
municipalities to a maximum charge of 12% per annum on tax arrears;
AND WHEREAS this restriction is no longer realistic due to prevailing prime
bank rates being equal to this charge;
AND WHEREAS this restriction has made it more difficult to collect taxes when
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Niagara Falls petitions the
Government of Ontario to amend these Sections of the Municipal Act to permit the
penalty on current taxes to be set by by-law up to 2% per month, and that
interest on tax arrears be allowed to be set by by-law up to 24% per annum;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to other Ontario
Municipalities for endorsation and support; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be he~eto affixed.
Carried UnanimoUsly
- 12 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cheesman,
that the following by-law be now read a third and final time:
No. 78-204 - A By-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local
improvements under Section 12 of The Local Improvement Act.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that le~
be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read a first
No. 79-36 - A By-law to authorize the acceptance of a proposal of the firm of
Mackenzie, Wilson & Associates to provide appraisal and negotiation
services for the Ryerson/Market Redevelopmeet Area.
No. 79-37 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Richard
Collee Trucking and Excavating Ltd. for the demolition of a building.
No. 79-38 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulation
of traffic. (Lewis Avenue)
No. 79-39 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
No. 79-40 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 72-162. (Boxing on Sundays)
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-36 - A By-law to authorize the acceptance of a proposal of the firm of
Mackenzie, Wilson & Associates to provide apprais~ and negotiation
services for the Ryerson/Market Redevelopmeet Area.
No. 79-37 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Richard
Collee Trucking and Excavating Ltd. for the demolition of a building.
No. 79-38 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulation
of traffic. (Lewis Avenue)
No. 79-39 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes'.'
No. 79-40 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 72-162.
(Boxing on Sundays)
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Cummings advised that due to thawing conditions, Mr. C. Carter
of 3812 Garner Road was experiencing severe flooding problems on his property.
The Alderman advised that there is a culvert in front of Mr. Carter's home
which runs under the roadway, however the culvert is plugged on the other side.
Alderman Cummings suggested that some relief could be obtained by clearing
the ditch so that the culvert can drain properly. Alderman Cummings also
advised that adjacent lands are draining on to Mr. Carter's property as well,
and suggested that a member of the Municipal Works Department inspect the
property to determine if remedial action can be taken. His Worship, Mayor
Thomson indicated that the problem is quite serious since it involves water
draining across private lands. It was moved by Alderman Cun~nings, seconded
by Alderman 8chisler, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation
of a report. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Cummings advised that the Portage Road bridge over the HEPC Canal
was closed, and asked if any notification had been given to the City. Alderman
Herrerr advised that the bridge was closed for repairs on a temporary basis.
- 13 -
Regional Councillor Smeaton advised that a report was adopted by the
Regional Headquarters Site Committee, reconunending that a definite date be
set be set for bringing this matter to the Regional Council. Councillor
Smeaton indicated that it is getting closer to the time when a decision on
the matter will be made, and that the City's proposed site is one of the
sites under serious consideration. Councillor Smeaton felt the City had a
very good chance of having its site chosen as the location for the new
Regional Headquarters.
It was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
~~ ~A~N~
Committee Room #1
March 12, 1979
Council met on Monday, March 12, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee of the
Whole. All members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman
Fera. Alderman Schisler presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole arose without reporting.
Council Chambers
March 12, 1979
Council met on Monday, March 12, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present at this
time, with the exception of Alderman Fera who arrived during the course of
the meeting. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman. Alderman Orr
offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Wallman,
that the minutes of the meeting held on February 26, 1979, be adopted as
printed. Carried Unanimously.
Mr. J. Chew of the U.S. Olympic Trials Marathon Committee, was granted
permission to address Council on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by
Alderman Merrett. Mr. Chew advised that in 1980 on May 24th, the United States
Olympic marathon trial is to be held between Buffalo and Niagara Falls, Ontario.
Due to the success of the Skylon Marathon race, the Committee was successful
in obtaining the bid for the event over oth~ cities in the United States.
Mr. Chew felt the event would be significant from a tourist standpoint, and
advised that the American broadcasting network, N.B.C. would be sending a
considerable number of camera crews not only for the event itself, but to
take pre-airing tnfor~tional type films. It is also expected that there would
be Japanese, German and British television corporations recording the event
in its entirety. The race would begin in Buffalo, over the Peace Bridge to
Fort Erie and along the Canadian side finishing at Niagara Falls. Mr. Chew
asked for Couneil's support and endorsation of the event.
Alderman Puttick stated that he had received a telephone call to the
effect that it was doubtful the Niagara Parks Commission would give permission
to close the Niagara River Parkway for the event because of the long weekend.
Mr. Chew stated that the Committee was aware that the event would take place
on the long weekend, and suggested that the Commission might not have a true
understanding of what was involved in an Olympic trial marathon race. The
actual time involved in closing the road would not be in excess of twenty-five
minutes. Mr, Chew also indicated that should this problem be insurmountable~
the alternative would be to hold the race on the American side.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that the Niagara Parks Commission has
not actually discussed the event as yet. The ~yor pointed out the obvious
advantages of such an event to the City and the Region in general due to the
extensive media coverage all over the world. The Mayor also explained that
there was quite a difference between the Olympic trial and the Skyion Marathon
race which took quite some time to complete. The length of the race would
be only a few hours in total, and would not involve closing of the Parkway
for as long a period of time. Mayor Thomson felt that it would be overlooking
the entire point by worrying about a few cars. There would be a considerable
number of people drawn to the area because of the event, which would have
obvious benefit to the tourist industry in the City. Mr. Chew advised that
the race would start at 10:00 a.m. and would finish no later than 12:30 p.m.
Because of the prevailing winds, it was anticipated that there would be
world-record performances seen.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson suggested that the members of the Committee
speak to Alderman Puttick, who is the City's representative on the Niagara
Farks Commission, to provide him with detailed information on the event prior
to the Commission meeting.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded
by Alderman Merrett, that a letter indicating Council's support of the 1980
Olympic Marathon Trial, be forwarded to the Niagara Parks Commission. Carried
Report No. 169 - City Manager - The report includes the submissions of the
members of staff who are allowed to have City vehicles at their houses for
direct attention to their duties.
Alderman Puttick agreed with one of the submissions, that a take-home
City vehicle could be considered a benefit, particularly by those members of
supervisory staff who do not receive overtime pay for work performed after
regular working hours. The Alderman felt the report should be received and
filed, and suggested that the employees involved be cautioned to use the
vehicles only for the purpose intended.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Aldermaz~Cnmmtngs, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 57 - Mrs. E. Schumacher -'Re: Brian Crescent. The communication asks that
the name of Brian Crescent not be changed, and also that a review be made of
the ut~mhering system which does not correspond with the City~s grid system.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that the Planning Director is in
agreement with Mrs. Schumacher's comments on the numbering system, and has
suggested that the matter not be referred to the Street Name Committee. The
Mayor suggested that the numbering problem be referred to staff for review.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the communication be referred to staff for a review of the numbering system.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 58 - International Joint Commission - Re: Public Hearing on Ice Boom. The
communication advises that a public hearing will be held on March 13, 1979 to
receive public comment on the operation of the Lake Erie Ice Boom.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 59 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Annual Housing Review, 1979.
The communication provides information on the annual housing review, 1979 as
requested by theMinistry of Housing.
Alderman Puttick suggested that a copy of the communication be forwarded
to Mx'. Crate and L. Smith a Associate8 who were involved in the market research
study. The Planning Director indicated that he would ensure the consultants
received a copy of the report. Alderman Cummings also suggested that a copy
of the study be forwarded to the Social Planning Council for their use.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 60 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Niagara Regional Transportation
Review. ~le communication requests the co-operation and assistance of the local
municipalities in carrying out a Transportation Review for the Niagara Region.
Alderman Chessman asked if the work of the Railway Relocation Committee
would be integrated with the Transportation Review. His Worship, Mayor
Thomson confirmed that this would be done. Alderman Chessman pointed out
that the communication made reference to the amount of time being spent on
the project by Regional staff, and suggested that the cost of staff time
involved in the project should be considered in any recommendation to be made.
The Planning Director advised that it was estimated that six man weeks of
Planning staff time would be required, and he was not sure if there was any
financial reimbursement to the City.
Alderman Puttick referred to a study undertaken a number of years ago,
in which one of the recommendations dealt with one-way traffic on Centre Street.
The report was approved by Council and the one-way traffic was instituted,
however after several weeks, Council directed that two-way traffic be reinstated.
The Alderman felt that if the City was going to participate in such programs,
Council should stand by its decision.
The Director of Municipal Works briefly explained the transportation review
would form part of the Region's Policy Plan. A study would be done for each of
the four major municipalities with traffic zones being established. Input would
be required from each of the municipalities, particularly from the Planning
Department as to the type of development to take place in the traffic zones.
The Planning Director felt the review would be of benefit to the City in that
it would produce information and guidance on all future proposals. The Planning
Director agreed with Alderman Puttick that Council should have strong regard to
the recommendations in the report.
Regional Councillor Mitchelson provided additional information with respect
to the Transportation Review.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesmmn, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carried
No. 61 - Mr. P. Pasquet - Re: Land Division Committee, Region of Niagara. The
report provides information on the operation of the Committee during 1978.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
information be accepted as submitted, and the communication received and filed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 62 - Mr. D. Warner, M~P, Scarborough-Ellesmere - Re: Pits and Quarries Control
Amendment Act, 1978. The communication requests support of legislation respecting
abandoned pits and quarries.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson suggested that this matter be investigated
further, since even operational pits and quarries could pose some hazard to
the public. The Mayor suggested that he would like to see further input
after contact has been made with the Province on the matter.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the communication be referred to staff for comment.' Carried UnanimouSly.
No. 63 - Federation of Canadian Municipaliti~ - Re: FCMMembership Fees 1979-80.
The communication advises of the 1979-80 msmbarship fees in the amount of $2,453.40.
Alderman Puttick asked what benefits the City enjoyed as a result of being
a member of the Federation. The City Manager explained that the majority of
municipalities in Canada are members and are able as a body to make representation
to the Federal Government mainly, and present an annual brief to the Cabinet.
The Federation prepares reports on various aspects of municipal government, such
as grants, transportation, housing, urban renewal and finance. The City Manager
also advised that efforts were being made to have the 1981 conference of the
Federation in Niagara Falls. Alderman Puttick suggested that because of the
newer members of Council, the matter should be referred to the Finance Committee.
Alderman Cheesman agreed that there was a need to review the financial
implications of decisions, but felt that this particular deciciSion went to the
very root of identity as a municipality in the Province and the Country. The
Alderman cautioned that if Council was going to have to go to Committee on
whether the City would be a part of the Canadian municipality family and to
share in its benefits, then he felt the Council was drifting into a dead ended
isolation. Alderman Chessman felt that membership in the Federation was
symbolic of the City's sense of obligation to the whole of Canada, and urged
members of Council to approve renewal of the membership, Alderman Sobol
stated that the Federation represents all Canadian municipalities, and that
the:municipality had a great stake in what goes on in the Country.
Regional Councillor Mitchelson advised that the Federation had a bearing
on the recently announced Community Grants & Services Program which would
provide funding to municipalities for housing and services in Ontario.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the membership fee be paid. Carried Unanimously.
No. 64 - F. (Bert) Nero Realty Limited - Re: 150 Acres of Land West of Kalar
Road and North and South of Thorold Stone Road - Cornwill Investments Limited.
The communication requests Council to support an appeal of the Ontario Municipal
Board decision on the Regional Urban Areas Boundaries as it affects the lands
owned by Cornwill Investments Limited.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that the appeal period on the O.M.B.
decision has expired, however he understood that Cornwill Investments has made
an appeal to the Cabinet on the matter. Due to the extenuating circumstances,
the Mayor felt it would only be fair to have the matter referred to the City
Solicitor for a full report.
The City Clerk explained that Mr. Nero would not be able to attend the
meeting until later in the evening.
The Planning Director pointed out that the reference in Mr. Noro's letter
to zoning was incorrect, and that the statement should refer to lands designated
in the Official Plan as residential, not zoned residential.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the communication be referred to the Legal Department for preparation of a report.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 65 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Five Year Capital Forecast.
The communication advises that the Regional Finance Committee will be recommendi~,
approval of the City's five year capital forecast, to the Regional Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 171 - City Manager - Re: Committee of Adjustment Application A-7/79,
D. & V. Sunstrum, 4073 Longburst Avenue (Stamford Town & Country Florists).
The report advises that this is the third extension granted on the subject
property without any consideration for parking, and asks if Council wishes
an appeal to be filed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 172 - City Fmnager - Re: Committee of Adjustment and Land Severance
Application Procedures. The report provides information on the procedures
presently used in dealing with pending applications which are being processed
through Committee of Adjustment and Land Division Committee rather than
through the Planning & Development Committee and Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 173 - City Manager - Re: Circus World, 4848 Clifton Hill. The report
advises of an application received for a permit to erect a large wall sign on
the face of the Circus World building, which is greater than the sign area
permitted under the Sign By-law.
Mr. N. Thompson of Jones Neon Displays was granted permission to address
Council on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman C,,mmings.
Mr. Thompson presented a drawing showing the location of the sign as it would
appear on the front of the museum building. Permission was being requested
to put individual letters on the front of the building varying in height
from 5'4" for the letters "C" "S" "W" and "D" to 4' for the balance of the
letters. The sign would be internally illuminated. In response to a number
of questions raised, Mr. Thompson explained that there is a railing above
the facing of the building and the sign would be flush with the top of the
railing. One of the reasons for the sign being larger than what is permitted
under the by-law, is the fact the building runs on two planes. The sign
would be visible in context with the building.
No. 170 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-40/78, C. & A. DeGiorgio,
West Side Stanley, South of McLeod Road. The report recommends approval of
the application subject to deyelopment control and subsequent to the Conrail
Channel. The report further recommends that a similar agreement be entered
into for the building of the Hotel as for the previous application, and that
Codncil certify by resolution that the application conforms to Official Plan
Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved
by the Minister of Housing. ,~
The Director of Municipal Works explained that this application differed
from the previous application on McLeod Read in that temporary drainage of the
property could be handled through the drainage system to the south, and then
it could be connected once the Conrail Drainage Channel and storm sewers are
constructed. The application on McLeod Road was tied directly into the Conra~l
Drainage Channel. The Director of Municipal Works advised that it would be
appropriate for the development to drain to the south through the existing
drainage system if the applicant wanted to proceed with development quickly.
The Deputy City Solicitor also advised that the by-law provided for entering
into an agreement for the purposes outlined by the Director of Municipal Works.
Building permits could be issued in the event such an agreement were entered
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cheesman, }~yor Thomson
advised that all of the parking requirements were being met within.the applicants
boundaries. The Planning Director further advised that part of the lands on
which parking was provided were Hydro lands, and this fact had been included
in tile report for Council's information.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, the Director of
Municipal Works advised that there would be no cost to the City in tax dollars
for the project. There would be extensions installed under the special charges
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
application be approved subject to Development Control and passage of an appropr~
resolution certifying that the application complies with Official Plan Amendment
No. 28, and passsge of the zoning amendment by-law.' Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Cummings expressed concern that the flashing lights could cause
traffic congestion since it would attract the attention of drivers travelling
along Clifton Hill. Mr. Thompson pointed out that each light flashes on its
own on a totally random flash. This would not create the impression of a
running light. The size of the bulb is an 11 watt sign bulb, very small in
size and not a high power bulb.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded by
Alderman Dilts, that the application be approved, subject to an amendment to
the Sign By-law. Carried Unanimously.
No. 174 - City Manager - Re: Landscape Plan Approval, Proposed Pyramid Place
Buchanan Avenue and Robinson Street. The report recommends approval of the
subject landscape plan as submitted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman MacBain,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 175 - City Manager - Re: Site Plan Approval - Frontier Ford Sales Ltd.,
Drummond Road at Cherrywood Avenue. The report recommends approval of the
subject site plan as submitted.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Chessman, Mayor Thomson
advised that provision has been included in the site plan to improve the
site distances at this intersection.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 176 - City Manager - Re: Snow Removal on City Sidewalks. The report
refers to a request received from Mr. Tessone to reinstate snow removal on
all City sidewalks. The report recommends that if Council is in favour of
continuing the present policy, that Mr. Tessone be provided with an explanation
of the City's present position, particularly with reference to the costs
incurred for this service.
Mr. Tessone was gr~nted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Cummings. Mr. Tessone pointed out that
it is dangerous for children to walk to school on the roadway, and asked how
much the City was saving by not clearing amow from the sidewalks. The Maintenance
No. 2L and Operations Engineer advised Chat the cost would be $50,000 since sidewalk
See Resolution
See By-law No, . · .... 6
in subdivisions is slower than other areas, plus there is the damage to
lawns. Mr. Tassone felt even if the City had to spend $50,000, it was
worth the expenditure to protect the lives of children.
Alderman Puttick felt that the City should review its policy, not to
necessarily reinstate all sidewalk snowploughing, but at least review the
Mr. J. Cullins advised that he felt the City did a good job clearing the
streets, however as far as sidewalks were concerned, he had seen smaller
municipalities in Alberta and Quebec doing a better job. Mr. Cullins pointed
out that he clears private lots in the mornings, and it scares him when he
is driving heavy equipment on the streets with children walking on the road.
Such heavy equipment is unable to stop quickly, and it would be impossible
for a young child to climb a snow bank to get out of the way should a plough
be unable to stop.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded
by Alderman Dilts, that the report be received and filed. The motion Carried
with Alderman Puttick voting contrary, and all others voting in favour.
No. 177 - City Clerk - Re: AM-33/77, Objection to Zoning Amendment By-law No.
79-34, J. & A. Karklins. The report advises that an objection has been
received following circulation of the subject by-law.
Alderman Cheesman commented that the objection does not appear to be a
normal letter of objection, since the objection seemed to be founded on the
fact the individuals were not notified. The Planning Director advised that
public meetings were held with respect to the Secondary Plan, at which time
the Karklins proposal was discussed. Alderman Chessman suggested that staff
invite the individuals in to discuss the proposal and determine if the
objection could be withdrawn.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
an attempt be made to satisfy the objection, and if the objection cannot be
withdrawn, that it be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Boa~. Carried
NOTE: Alderman Fera arrived at the meeting.
No. 178 - City Manager - Re: Agreement between B.E.N. Developments Limited and
the City amending Subdivision Agreement for the Bambi Estates Plan of Subdivisi~
The report recommends passage of a by-law to permit the issuance of building
permits on all lots in the subdivision excepting Lots 75-78 inclusive prior to ,
the construction of an acoustic barrier on the easterly limit of the subdivision,
and that no acoustic barriers be required along the northerly and southerly
boundaries of the plan of subdivision.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Chessman, the Deputy City
Solicitor advised that the Ministry of the Environment wished to assure the
berm is constructed, and their way to insist is to withhold building permits
on the four lots. It was further advised that one berm is presently under
construction and almost completed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-~~:
No. 179 - City Manager - Re: Methane Gas at Houck Park. The report recommends
acceptance of an estimate of Hydrology Consultants Ltd. for installing five
probes along the east side of Houck Park and sampling the existing.system.
Nayor Thomson indicated that Mr. Pingue had provided his own consultant
who carried out an investigation when ~le ground was frozen. The Mayor stated
it was his understanding such work must be done when the ground is frozen and
pointed out that the ground would be thawing now. The Mayor also asked if
any contact was made with Mr. Pingue to determine the cost of his survey and
whether the City could participate with Mr. Pingue~s consultant rather than
carry out its own survey. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer advised that
the investigation done for Mr. Pingue was made within the apartment building.
What the City must determine is if the existin8 system was functioning
effectively and at the same time determine whether there is enough methane along
the west side of Noack Park that some work should be done there. It was
that the existing system would suffice, and if not, the presence of methane
gas in the park could develop into a dangerous situation.
Alderman Puttick indicated that he had been against the initial probing
that was done several years ago and at that time had suggested that the advice
of a local engineer be taken, that would involve the use of ditches to handle
the gas problem. The Alderman was critical of the fact the venting done earlier
was not solving the problem and the City was going to probe again. Alderman
Puttick felt the matter was a bottomless pit and the consultants would never
solve the problem.
The Maintenance & Operations Engineer advised that there was a proposal
to dog ditches and fill them with stone. The consultant advised against this
scheme because it was necessary to exhaust the methane gas within the area.
The venting system was suggested as a solution for the eastern side, and it
may prove that this system can draw the methane from the entire area, however
there is no guarantee. The consultant had also suggested that the system be
monitored after several years in order to determine whether the system was
functioning as such, otherwise it would be a question of putting a similar
simple system on the west side or a fan house on the east side and then using
the existing vents for the entire system.
In response to a question raised by Mayor Thomson, the Director of
Municipal Works commented that the consultant did not feel money should be
spent on the system on a large scale. With the use of fans, the work could
be done in three phases. The first phase would involve vents on the east
limit of the park. The second phase would involve vents on the west side if
necessary, and the third phase would be fans. The Director of Municipal
Works further advised that the vents on the east side went down to a depth
of 50' to draw the methane gas out, and that was the reason for not using
the trench suggestion. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer also advised
that the ground is frozen adequately at this time to allow the work to be
carried out, and that the consultant was prepared to move quickly.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded
by Alderman Dilts, that the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Chessman, Cummings, Dilts, Fera, Hinsperger, MacBain, Merrett,
Orr and Wallman.
NAYE: Aldermen Puttick and Schisler. See Resolution No. 23
See By-law No. 79-43
NOTE: Alderman Sobol was absent when the vote
was taken on this matter.
No. 180 - City Manager - Re: West Meadows Subdivision, File 26T-74083. The
report recommends that Council approve the extension of draft plan approval
on the subject subdivision for a period of one year to May 20, 1980, and advise
the Ministry of Housing Subdivisions Branch accordingly.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 181 - City Manager - Re: Rental of Equipment for the Landfill Site. The
report recommends that the tender by Nisus Equipment at $18.30 per hour for a
front-end loader and $16.40 per hour for a bulldozer be accepted, provided that
satisfactory evidence complying with City requirements supplied when said
units are delivered to the Site.
In response to several questions raised by Alderman Schisler, the Maintenance
and Operations Engineer advised that the Equipment Superintent has inspected the
equipment, however it cannot be weighed because it has been taken apart. The
equipment will be weighed when it is put together again to ensure it satisfies
the weight requirements. It was further advised that the equipment will not be
accepted unless it satisfies the City~s specifications and the contractor is
aware of this fact. If the equipment does not meet specifications, the contractor
will have to produce equipment which does satisfy the City's requirements. A
performance bond has also been included in the contract documents, as well as
provision for reimbursement to the City of extra cost in renting other equipment
in the event the contractor cannot supply satisfactory substitute equipment in
the case of a breakdown.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 24
See B~-law No. 79-44
No. 182 - City Manager - Re: Contract D.C. 01-79, Conrail Drainage Channel
Construction. The report recommends acceptance .acceptance of the unit prices
submitted by Damore Bros. Limited on the following basis: 1) Under item 2
of the contract, the contractor would dispose of the topsoil and organic
material at the Falls Industrial Park Extension as specified in the contract;
and 2) Under Item 6 of the contract, the excavated material will be disposed
of at the Falls Industrial Park Extension Subdivision.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that the City will receive M.T.C.
subsidy for this contract, and the $153,000 required for the Shriner's Creek
project can now be taken from the Expansion & Renewal Fund rather than from
the operating budget at no expense to the taxpayers.
Alderman Schisler asked at what location would the contractor have dispose~
of excavated material if the City had not instructed it be taken to the Industr~
Park Extension. The Director of Municipal Works indicated that the location weul
be at the choice of the contractor, and that the material could be sold if
that was the choice of the contractor. In response to further questions raised,
the Director of Municipal Works explained that the excavated material will be
monitored on the basis of excavation. The $30,000 expenditure to be placed in
the parks budget for fill material would replace the amount normally included
in the budget for fill requirements throughout the City. It was felt this
arrangement would be good for the City in the long run. The Mayor also indicat~
that this expenditure would eliminate the normal budget request for fill materi~
during the next few years.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 2!
See By-law No. 79-45
No. 182 - City Manager - Re: Street Lighting on Stanley Avenue, Ferry Street to
Portage Road. The report recommends that expenditures concerning street lighti~
on Stanley Avenue be referred to the 1979 budget discussions, and requests that
Council ratify authorization to Niagara Falls Hydro for the relocation of four
existing poles to allow construction to continue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman C~m~nings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously. __
No. 183 - City Manager - Re: Water Rates. The report recommends passage of a
by-law to increase water rates by 5% effective June 1/79, and to increase the
charges for installation of ~/4" water services to $400 from $350 and to $450
from $400 for rock and frost excavations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-4~
NOTE: Alderman Chessman was absent when the vote was taken on this matter.
No. 184 - City Manager - Re: 1979 Water Supply System Operating Budget. The
report recommends adoption of the 1979 operating budget for the water supply
system of the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Cheesman was absent when the vote was taken on this matter.
No. 185 - City Manager - Re: Encroachment at 4593 Queen Street. The report
recommends approval of the encroachment and passage of the necessary by-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman 8obol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-~
No. 186 - City Manager - Re: School Board Re-Subdivision of Lands.' The report
recommends adoption of five recommendations concerning the application of the
City'8 existing Declaration of Policy on Subdivision Development when subdivistel!
are created on blocks of land formerly under the ownership of various School
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 187 - City Clerk - Re: Report of the General Committee. The report
recommends ratification of the following action taken by Council in General
Coumittee: 1) That a report on the feasibility of charging organizations a
fee for the use of municipal athletic fields be received and filed; 2) That
Council endorse ~he request of Niagara Falls Hydro that Metearb Inc. be
provided electrical power as a direct customer of Ontario Hydro; 3) That the
date of the first Niagara Falls Flyers home play-off game be designated
"Niagara Falls Night at the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena".
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Merrett~ that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 188 - City Manager - Re: Building Permits. The report provides a breakdown
of permits issued by the Building & Development Department for the month of
February 1979 as compared to 1978.
Alderman Merrett asked that in future, the building permit report include
a list of major commercial permits that are issued. The City Manager provided
the members of Council with a summary of the major permits issued during
February, and indicated that this list would be provided with the report in
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 189 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 22 - ORR - DILTS - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-41 for the rezoning
of lands situated on the west side of Stanley Avenue, south of McLeod Road,
conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area
as amended and approved by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 23 - MACBAIN - DILTS - RESOLVED that the estimate submitted by Hydrology
Consultants Ltd. in the amount of $2,300 as the upper limit, for installing
five probes along the east side of Houck Park and sampling the existing system,
be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried with Aldermen
Puttick and Schisler
voting contrary, and
all others voting in
No. 24 - MERRETT - DILTS - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by Nisus Equipment
for the rental of equipment at the Landfill Site, be accepted at the tendered
price of $18.30 per hour for a front-end loader and $16.40 per hour for a
bulldozer, subject to satisfactory evidence ~he equipment complies with City
requirements upon delivery of the units to the Site; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 25 - SOBOL - ORR - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Damore Bros.
Limited for the construction of the Conrail Drainage Channel, be accepted at
the tendered price of $1,792,219.15; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-!aws be read a
first time:
No. 79-41 - A By-law to amend By-laws Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960 of the former
Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.
(AM-40/78, G. & A. DeGiorgio)
No. 79-42 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement with
B.E.N. Developments Limited. (Bambi Estates Subdivision)
· 79-43 - A By-law to authorize the acceptance of a proposal of Hydrology
Consultants Limited to investigate the effectiveness of the gas
control system at Houck Park.
..... 10
- 10 -
No. 79-44-
No. 79-45-
No. 79-46-
No. 79-47-
A By-law to authorize an agreement with Nisus Construction Limited
for the supply of equipment for the Ctty's Sanitary Landfill Site.
A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Damore Bros.
Limited for the construction of the Conrail Drainage Channel.
A By-law to allow the maintaining and using of a building which
encroaches on Queen Street.
A By-law to amend By-law No. 75-20 as amended, to regulate the supply
of water and to provide for the maintenance and management of the
waterworks and for the imposition and collection of water rates.
No. 79-48 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried with Aldermet
Puttick and Schisler
voting contrary on
By-law 79-43, and al~
others voting in fay
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that the
following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-41 - A By-law to amend By-laws Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960 of the
Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Palls, as amended.
(AM-40/78, G. & A. DeGiorgio)
No. 79.42 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement with
B.E.N. Developments Limited. (Bambi Estates Subdivision)
No. 79-43 -
No. 79-44 -
A By-law to authorize the acceptance of a proposal of Hydrology
Consultants Limited to investigate the effectiveness of the gas
control system at Houck Park.
A By-law to authorize an agreement with Nisus Construction Limited
for the supply of equipment for the City's Sanitary Landfill Site.
No. 79-45 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Damore Br0s.
Limited for the construction of the Conrail Drainage Channel.
No. 79-46 -
A By-law to amend By-law No. 75-20 as amended, to regulate the suppl~
of water and to provide for the maintenance and management of the
waterworks and for the imposition and collection of water rates.
No. 79-48 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried with Alderm~
Puttick and Schisler
voting contrary on
By-law 79-43, and all
others voting in fav~
Alderman Merrett advised that he had received a petition from the MAin
and Ferry Business Association requesting that signs be erected on Lundyts Lane
and on Ferry, and also that new parking development be investigated. The
signing request had been brought to the attention of Council in the Fall,
however it appeared the matter had bogged down at the Region. Ymyor Thomson
advised that he had checked into the delay at the Region, and that the matter
would be considered at theMArch 22nd meeting of Regional Council. Alderman
Merrett indicated that with respect to the parking request, representatives
of the Municipal Parking Coumittee and the Transit Commission had met and
would be considering reducing the size of a number of bus stops on Main Street.
This. reduction could result in the possibility of an additional twenty new
parking spaces. The Alderman further indicated that the matter would be
reported to Council follo~ing the next Parking Committee meeting.
..... 11
- 11 -
Alderman Merrett advised that the Boys Club would be holding a swim-a-thon
on March 30th, and requested the Mayor to try and set up a team of members of
Council and staff to represent the City.
Alderman Cummings referred to the drainage problem he had inquired into
at the previous meeting of Council, and asked if any contact had been made with
the individual involved. The Director of Municipal Works advised that a
report would be prepared on the matter in two weeks. The Maintenance & Operations
Engineer also advised that an investigation had been carried out of the complaint,
and pointed out that the problem involved water draining across private lands.
The Design & Construction Engineer confirmed that Mr. Carter was contacted on
the matter.
Alderman Cummings referred to the recent change in procedure at the Niagara
Falls Arena where all payments for expenses were being made by cheque, and asked
if this procedure would be extended to all City arenas. The City Treasurer
confirmed that this will become the procedure at all arenas.
Alderman Sobol referred to various complaints on a property on Roberts
Street, and the efforts being made to have the problem cleared up. The Alderman
advised that while driving along Roberts Streets several days previously, she
had been appalled by the condition of a number of properties, particularly now
that the snow has melted. Many of the properties have dead trees and branches
strewn across the yards, and the Alderman asked if some action could be taken
to have the area cleaned up. It was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded by
Alderman Chessman, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of
a report. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Fera advised that he had received a number of calls from persons
who had recently received a tax bill, and were not sure what percentage of their
total tax bill they would be paying. The Alderman also asked if it would be
possible to mail the bills once, instead of twice, and show on the bill the
dates when the payments are due. The City Treasurer advised that the recent
bill was an interim tax bill based on 50% of the previous year's rate. It
would not be possible to list all insraiment dates or the complete balance of
the tax bill until the budget is struck and the mill rate established. In
response to further questions raised by Alderman Fera, the City Treasurer advised
that all budgets must be passed, not only th%.City's but the Region's and the
School Boards, and the City must have a revised assessment roll before a final
tax bill can be mailed out. Prior to 1970, one bill was prepared before the
first of'April, however when the Province assumed responsibility for assessment,
the billing took place later in the year. With respect to showing on the interim
bill the percentage of the previous year's taxes, the City Treasurer felt it
might be confusing to some taxpayers because the bill was actually for the current
yearts taxes.
The City Manager also indicated that he had met recently with the Assessment
Commissioner and had again asked if it was not possible to have the Assessment
Review Court start in November or December. The Assessment Department is now
revising all assessments, and it is frustrating for municipalities to try to
get the Department to use a more effective system. The City Manager advised
that in New Brunswick, budgets were completed in November and approved in
December for the following year's taxes, and he saw no reason why this same
procedure could not be followed in Ontario.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson explained to Mr. Nero who was representing
Cornwill Investments, that Council had referred the request for support of an
appeal on the O.M.B. decision on the urban boundaries, to the Legal Department
for a full report. Mr. Nero indicated that this would not be acceptable
since the appeal period would expire in several days. The Deputy City Solicitor
stated that the date for appeal had passed,,and~since Mr. Lebovic had mde
- 12 -
a petition to the Cabinet, it was up to Council whether there should be a
reply to Mr. Lebovic's petition. The Deputy City Solicitor further stated
that the City should be served with a copy of the petition so that the City
can reply to the petition. That information would be conveyed to the Cabinet
and it would be considered along with the petition.
Alderman Fera felt Council had a moral obligation to support Cornwill
Investments, since the firm had made a contribution toward the Shriner's Creek
project, and would now be unable to develop its lands because they have not
been included in the urban boundaries. The Alderman also pointed out that
the City would be expropriating Mr. Lebovic's lands, and if Mr. Lebovic were
to fight the City's action, there could be long delays involved.
Alderman Puttick felt that the Cabinet would not move that quickly, that
there would not be time for staff to prepare a report on the matter. The Alderm
agreed there might be some moral obligation, but pointed out that he would not
want to make any decision without the benefit of additional background material
from staff.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson suggested that since the appeal period had
expired, the matter could be referred to staff for a report as soon as possible,
and to allow Cornwill Investments the opportunity to make a full presentation
to Council at that time.
It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the matter
be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Dills, that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole. Carried Unanimously.
· . , tin cLE "
Committee Room #1
?'March 12, 1979
Council met in Committee of the Whole on Monday, March 12, 1979 following
a regular meeting of Council. All members of Council were present. His Worshipl
Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the
arose without reporting.
, the Committee of the Whole
Ziiis&Ni aI 'cLE
Council Chambers
March 12, 1979
Council reconvened in formal session on Monday, March 12, 1979, following
a meeting in Committee of theW~X~AA'al,~embers of Council were present. His
Worship, Mayor Thomson preside'
The meeting adjourned.
~/~e~~ ~ ~ I'
~, ·
Committee Room #1
March 26, 1979
Council met on Monday, March 26, 1979 at 6:30 p.m. in Conmittee of the
Whole. All members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman
Hinsperger. Alderman Puttick presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Ifnole arose without reporting.
~LLI~S~NZ ~I*'C~E~
Council Chambers
March 26, 1979
Council met on Monday, March 26, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present, with the
exception of Alderman Hinsperger. His Worship, ~yor Thomson presided as
Chairman. Alderman Puttick suggested that Council resolve to do the best Job
it can for the Municipality.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts,
that the minutes of the meeting of March 12, 1979, be adopted as printed.
Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 190 - City Solicitor - The report advises: 1) That the City has been
served with a ~it of summons in an action commenced at the Supreme Court of
Ontario by Cornwill against the City and the N.P.C.A. for an interlocutory
injunction and a permanent injunction restraining the City and the N.P.C.A.
from expropriating lands in Township Lots 69,.36, 99 and 104 of the former
Township of Stamford. All or part of these lands will be required for the
improvements proposed in the Shriner's Creek Project; 2) That a request has
been received from Cornwill for a refund of monies previously deposited
with the City in connection with the Shriner's Creek Project; and 3) The
relief requested in the petition to the Cabinet by Cornwill, is consistent
with the position taken by the previous Council and submissions made on
behalf of the City at the O.M.B. hearing. It also appears from statements
in the petition that Cornwill is now prepared to make some concessions with
respect to buffering. Council's instructions on whether a submission should
be made by the City to the Cabinet in support of Cornwill's petition was
Communication No. 66 - Miss J. Grandoni - Outlining opposition to Council
supporting the appeal of Cornwill Investments for an extension of the urban
boundary to include property west of Kalar Road and north and south of Thorold
Stone Road.
Alderman Puttick suggested that in view of the injunction being sought
by Cornwill Investments, the City should not support the petition to the
Cabinet. Alderman Fera asked if Cornwill would withdraw the injunction if the
City were to support the petition to the Cabinet. Mr. Nero, representing
Cornwill Investments, indicated that he did not have authority to answer that
question on behalf of Cornwill Investments. In view of the importance of the
Shriner's Creek Project, Alderman Fera suggested that the matter be tabled
until the question can be answered.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, the City Solicitor
indicated that it would be in order for Council to defer action pending
additional information.
It was moved by Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
report be tabled for two weeks. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Chessman, Cummings, Dilts, Fera, MacBain, Merrett, Orr and
NAYE: Aldermen Schisler, Sobol and Wallman.
Report No. 191 - City Manager - The report reconmends that the $39,159.36
standing to the credit of Cormwill Investments Limited for the Shriner's Creek
Project, be refunded to that company.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be tabled for two weeks. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 192 - City Solicitor - The report provides an update on the status
of the draft zoning by-law and recommends that a Joint meeting of Council and
the Planning & Development Committee be held on or after May 15th for the
purpose of considering and discussing the revised by-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fern, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 67 - Township of Wainfleet - Re: Welland River. The c~mmuntcation extends
an invitation to attend a meeting to review and discuss levels of the Welland
River on April 10, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fern, that
representatives of Council as well as staff attend the proposed meeting.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 68 - Downtown Board of Management - Re: Sign on Victoria Avenue South of
Palmar Avenue. The communication requests that an overhead sign be erected
on Victoria Avenue south of Hunter Street designating a direct route to the
Downtown and an alternate route.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the request be endorsed and referred to the Regional Municipality of Niagara.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 69 - Mr. and Mrs. R. Locis - Re: Sand and Salt on City Roads. The
communication outlines difficulties experienced as a result of the sand and
salt placed on roadways during winter control operations.
N0.70 - Mrs. J. Anonychuk - Re: Sand and Salt on City Roads. The communication
outlines difficulties experienced as a result of the sand and salt plac~d on
roadways during winter control operations. --0'
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that he understood a report is being
prepared for staff on this matter for submission at a future meeting o~
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, the Maintenance and
Operations Engineer indicated that City crews are presently sweeping the streets
and the accumulated material is being stored at the Service Centre to be used
on road shoulders and other suitable locations during the year. Sidewalks are
being swept only in the business areas.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Herrerr, that the
communications be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 71 - Niagara Resort & Tourist Association - Re: Directional Signing. The
communication requests the installation of directional signs at the intersectloP
of Portage and McLeod Roads and the intersection of Stanley and McLeod, and
atall exits from Harineland parking facilities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that the
request be endorsed and referred to the Regional Municipality of Niagara.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 72 - Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board - Re: Surplus Lands.
The communication advises of various surplus Board lands, and asks that the
- 3-
City indicate whether or not it is interested in purchasing any of the surplus
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. The
motion Carried with Alderman Fera abstaining on a conflict of interest, and
all others voting in favour.
No. 73 - Mr. A.F. Sheppard - Re: Corfield Road. The communication requests
that Council consider the contribution of lands by Marineland to the City of
a portion of its northerly property to permit the relocation of Corfield Road,
thus providing a better link between Portage Road and Stanley Avenue in
conjunction with the development of McLeod Road and Stanley Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carried
No. 74 - Alderman N.J. Puttick - Re: Appointment to N.R.T.A. The communication
advises that Alderman Puttick is unable to continue as the Council appointee to
the N.R.T.A. due to employment commitments, and requests that a replacement
aldermmnic appointee be designated.
Alderman Puttick advised that he had spoken to Alderman Hinsperger on the
matter, and they had mutually agreed to switch their appointments so that
Alderman Hinsperger would serve on the N.R.T.A. and he would serve on the
Niagara Promotion Association.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the appointment by-law be adjusted accordingly. Carried UnanimousiX.
No. 75 - Ministry of Housing - Re: Workshops on Various Ministry Programs.
The communication advises that the Ministry has organized a series of
workshops to provide municipalities with an opportunity to discuss various
programs with appropriate officials.
Alderman Cummings requested that a copy of the material be forwarded to
the Social Planning Council. The Planning Director advised that the workshop
for the Niagara area will be held the next morning, and there would not be
sufficient time to notify the Social Planning Council. It was further advised
that the Planning Director would be meeting with a committee of the S.P.C.
in several days, and he would brief the members of that committee on the
proceedings of the Ministry workshop.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that one of the workshops would deal
with the new Main Street Program, and suggested that this matter be investigated.
The Planning Director stated that this program dealt only with municipalities
having populations of 30,000 and under.
Alderman Sobol stated that she would like to see a report on the outcome
of the workshop for information purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, s~aonded by Alderman Chessman,
that interested members of Council and staff attend the workshop. Carried
No. 76 - Lincoln and Welland Regiment - Re: Freedom of the City. The
communication thanks the Mayor and Council for the honour extended to the
Regiment in offering the Freedom of the City to the Regiment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the communication be referred to the Cityts 75th Anniversary Committee.
Carried Unanimously,
No. 193 - City Manager - Re: Consent Items. The report requests approval of
the format of the "Consent Itemat' report.
1) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Report DEP-1118, Comparison of Water
Production and Sewage Flows.
Recommendation - Receive and file.
2) Ministry of Transportation & Communications - Re: Program for Support for
Transportation of the Physically Disabled.
Recommendation - That a letter of appreciation be forwarded to the Ministry
for its support of the Program.
3) Crystal Beach Community Association - Re: Requesting the entry of the City~s
float in the Crystal Beach Alpsfeet Parade.
Recommendation - The request has been included in the tentative 1979 schedule
for the Float and a report requesting Council'e approval of the 1979 schedule
will be submitted following determination of current budget estimates.
4) Chippaws Lions Club - Requesting permission to have a Beer Tent on the
July 1st weekend at the Lions Park.
Recommendation - That the request be granted providing the appropriate
approvals are obtained from the Fire Department, Police Department and
5) General Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star - Soliciting the Ctty's
participation in a souvenir progr~mme-
Recommendation - That a one-half page advertsement be approved and that
staff prepare and submit for consideration a policy dealing with the ,
matter of participating in souvenir programmes for conferences and
6) Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Announcing a seminar on political
technical trade offs in municipal water and waste management, in Toronto on
April 27th and 28th, 1979.
Recommendation - That any member of Council interested in attending the
seminar notify the Director of Municipal Works as soon as possible.
7) Kidney Foundation of Canada - Falls Chapter - Requesting permission to
hold a door-to-door canvas from May 26 - June 2nd, and a flag raising
ceremony and flying of the Foundation flag during June, "Organ Donor
Recommendation - That permission be granted.
8) Chippaws Co-operative Nursery School - Requesting permission to use Cummingt0n
Square on May 26, 1979 or June 2, 1979 alternatively in case of rain.
Recommendation - That approval be granted, providing proof of sufficient
liability coverage is submitted by the organization and that the
Municipality be named as an additional insured on the policy.
9) Chippaws Watershed Association - Monthly Bulletin - Notice of Meeting.
Recommendation - That the information be noted and the bulletin received
and filed.
10) Niagara Promotion Association - Inviting Mayor Thomson to be Honorary
Chairman of the Blossom Festival Parade, and designating the period from
April 28th -May 27th, 1979 as "The Blossom Festival".
Recommendation - That the requests be approved.
Alderman C,mmings requested that a copy of the communication from the
Ministry of Transportation & Communications regarding support for transportation
of the physically disabled, be forwarded to the Social Planning Council.
ORDERED on the motio~ of AldermanMacBain, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted, and the format approved for future reports.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 194 - City Manager - Re: 1978 Annual Report - N~agara Falls Fire Department.
The report provides information on the activities of khe Fire Department during
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fore, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 195 - City Manager - Re: Procedures for the Review and Processing of Regional
Policy (Official) Plan Amendments. The report recommends that the Region be
informed that Council approves the proposed procedures conditional upon the
detail of the procedures (as outlined in the report) being clarified; and
that Regional Planning staff consider a meeting of local representatives of
municipality planning staffs in order to review and clarify the procedures.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report bereceived and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 196 - City Manager - Re: Parkland Requirements for the Munro and Lundy's
Neighbourhood Westlane Community. The City Clerk requested that the report be
withdrawn in order to permit additional consideration by Planning Department
staff and the Recreation Commission.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be withdrawn. Carried Unanimously.
No. 197 - City Manager - Re: Fire Department Uniform Tender. The report
recommends acceptance of various bids for the supply of Fire Department
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No.
No. 198 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for Materisis 1979. The report recommends
acceptance of various bids for the supply of various materials required during
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cheesman, the Director of
Municipal Works advised that granular material is used on various roadways
throughout the Municipality, as well as any other use required during the
year. ~ny roadways in the rural area call for granular material, and such
material is used during road construction and repair.
Alderman Sobol asked if there were any paint the City could purchase
for traffic line striping that would last longer, since the existing paint
wears off rather quickly. The Director of Municipal Works stated that on
occasion the City has purchased material which will last longer, however this
is not a paint, but a material itself for experimentation. The paint however
is used in accordance with M.T.C. specifications. In response to a question
raised by Alderman Puttick, the Director of Municipal Works explained that
the price per gallon included labour and material. The paint can also be
purchased on a gallonage basis, and this will be included in a separate tender.
The Purchasing Agent advised that the cost of the paint was $5.50 per gallon
purchased. Alderman Puttick asked if the City had a machine that could
apply the striping. The Purchasing Agent advised that there are two machines,
however both are quite old. The Region handles traffic line striping for
the main roads. The Director of Municipal Works advised that the City's
tender was used mainly for stop bars and parking wells. The Region's
equipment is used to do the centre-line striping.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously-
See Resolution No. 27
No. 199 - City Manager - Re: Ontario Home Renewal Program. The report
recommends passage of a resolution authorizing an application for maximum
funding of $232,380.58 towards the City's extended participation in the
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cheesman, the City Treasurer
advised that the rates and terms of the loans are geared to income. The
interest rates would range from 0% to 8%, and terms from six months to twenty
years. There are forgivable portions on the loans. The Director of Municipal
Works further stated that this is an extension of the existing program and
the funds will clear up the present applications on file.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fete, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 28
No. 200 - City Manager - Re: Spring Rubbish Collection. The report recommends
that the Spring Rubbish Campaign be organized according to previous instructions
of Council, to commence on April 23rd, 1979 and the campaign limited to
one collection on each route. The report further recommends that the date
and procedures be advertised in the local newspaper and on CJRN.
Alderman Schisler pointed out that there are residents in the southern
:'area of the City who are unable to have the Niagara Falls Review delivered to
their homes, and asked if some other type of notice to those residents could
be arranged. Alderman Sobol suggested the use of a flyer to notify those
residents. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer also stated that notice
would be announced on the local radio station as well.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson stated that the campaign seems to be held
quite early in the year, and pointed out that the weather does not always
make it possible for residents to clear their yards of rubbish and brush.
The Mayor suggested that perhaps the campaign could be held later to make
sure all residents have ample opportunity to get out in their yards. The
Maintenance & Operations Engineer stated that many residents start placing
brush and rubbish at the roadside over the Easter weekend, and if the
campaign were held later in April or in early May, the material ends up
being spread around the streets. Several calls have been received already,
and the Maintenance & Operations Engineer stated it was a compromise between
having the campaign the second or third week in May rather than now.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted, and further that some form of notice be
arranged for those residents in the south portion of the City who are not
able to have the local newspaper delivered. Carried Unanimously.
No. 201 - City Manager - Re: Contract with Canadian Corps of Commissionaires.
The report recon~nends passage of a by-law to authorize an agreement with the
Canadian Corps of Conmissionaires respecting wages and car allowances.
Alderman Cummings asked if this matter should have some input from the
Finance Committee- Mayor Thomson indicated that the cost is completely
subsidized through the Parking Fund, and further that the Parking Committee
had reviewed the contract in detail.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Herrerr, seconded by Alderman Sohol, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-49
No. 202 - City Manager - Re: Application for Refreshment Vehicle Licence. The
City Clerk advised that the application for the Refreshment Vehicle Licence had
been withdrawn by the applicant.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 203 - City Manager - Re: Ascot Woods Ext. 1 Subdivision. The report
recommends approval of a request for an extension of the draft plan approval
of the subject subdivision for a period of one year to May 7, 1980.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman C,,mmings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 204 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Bruce Crescent Plan of Subdivision. The
report recommends preliminary approval of the proposed plan subject to six
conditions, and that Council certify by resolution that the proposal conforms
to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, as
amended and approved by the Minister of Housing.
Alderman C, mmtngs asked if the decision to accept cash in lieu of park
lands had been reviewed by the Recreation Commission. The Planning Director
advised that input is always received from the Recreation Commission automaticalZ
on such matters.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.~'
See Resolution No. 29
No. 205 - City Manager - Re: Subdivisions Backing Onto Existing Road Allowances.
The report recommends. approval of several changes to the Declaration of Policy
for Development of Subdivisions to reflect the use of municipal facilities on
existing roadways which abut proposed subdivision developments when the City or
Region insists that lots "back" onto the existing roadway.
The Director of Municipal Works briefly explained the proposed changes
and advised that the intent of the policy was to have every lot in a subdivision
pay for any services in the immediate or distant future on roads that front or
flank a subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman C,,~mings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 206 - City Manager - Re: Energy Conservation. The report outlines the
program- that have been undertaken by the City regarding energy conservation
in its operations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderma~ Herrerr, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 207 -C~ty Manager - Re: Watermain on Murray Hill - Amended Report. The
report recommends: 1) That the unit prices submitted by the lower tendeter,
Provincial Construction (Niagara) Ltd. for this work be accepted by Council
and the Niagara Parks Commission advised accordingly; 2) That the difference
between the actual expenditure on this watermain construction project and the
amount of $30,000 approved by the Ontario Municipal Board be charged to water
supply system account #32203 (contribution to Capital Budget projects); 3)
that a copy of the report be forwarded to the Niagara Parks Commission; and
4) That the City agree to indemnify the Niagara Parks Commission against all
claims for damages and costs which the Commission may become liabile for by
reason of anything whatsoever arising out of that portion of the contract
!reciting to the work being done for the City.
ORDERED on the marion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman MacBain
abstaining on a conflict of interest, and all others voting in fayour.
No. 208 - City Manager - Re: Falls Industrial Park. The report recommends
approval of the sale of Lot 25, R.P. 243 from Donrado Properties to Kerrio Ltd.
subject to Mr. Kerrio agreeing to be bound by the City's usual covenants and
restrictions for lots in the Falls Industrial Park, and further that the Legal
Department be authorized to prepare an appropriate by-law consenting to the sale
as well as rescinding By-law No. 78-103 with respect to the sale of this
property to David Hutchinson (In Trust).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 209 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
The City Manager and City Treasurer provided additional information in
response to questions raised on Cheques #3048, #3088, #3113, ~3129, #3171, #3193,
#3195, #3235, #3236 and #3260.
With respect to Cheque #3314 in the amount of $700,000, Alderman MacBain
stated that he understood what the amount was for and why it was done, however
he was concerned over the legality of the City borrowing monies from anyone
other than through normal debentures or the City's bank. The Alderman felt
such practices could become a sloppy way of doing business. The City Treasurer
advised that the Region could raise these monies at a better rate than the
City. The loan was secured at an interest rate below the prime rate. The
City Treasurer also advised that the authority for such a loan was contained
in the borrowing by-law passed early in 1979.
It was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
a legal opinion be obtained on the legality of the City borrowing from the
Region or any other facility other than through normal debentures or the
City's bank. Carried Unanimously.
It was then moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
the report be received and adopted. Tke motion Carried with Alderman Merrett
abstaining on a conflict of interest on Cheques #3051 and #3128, and all
others voting in favour.
No. 26 - FERA - MERRETT - RESOLVED that the following tenders submitted
for the supply of Fire Department Uniforms be accepted:
Complete Uniforms
Sainthill Levine Uniforms $10,605.32
Clip-On Ties
Audibert's Men's Shop
Perma-Press Trousers
Fishmnn's Men's Shop
Audibert*s Men*s Shop
; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 27 - CHEESM_~N - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the following tenders submitted for
the supply of various materials required during the period 1979-80 be accepted:
Tires, Tubes & Tire Repairs - Firestone Canada Limited
Hot Mix Asphalt - Queenston Quarries and Northland Bitulithic Ltd.
Asphaltic Cold Patch - Queenston Quarries
Granular Materials - To be purchased from the low bidder at the source closest
to the site used. When two prices are equal for the same product, purchase of
same will be divided as equally as possible.
Gate Valves - Emco Supply ~
Valve Boxes - 5' - ~.R. Ferguson
6' - Emco Supply Limited
Tapping Valves & Sleeves - Canada Valve
Oxygen,-Acetylene & Propane - Niagara Welders Supply
Supply & Apply of Traffic Line Striping - Provincial Pavement Marking
Cement, Lime and Seal Bond - Weightman (Chippaws) Limited
Ready-Mix Concrete - Weightman (Chippawa) Limited
; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 28 - CHEESMAN - SOBOL - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby authorizes the City Clerk to apply to the Ministry
of Housing for a Provincial Grant in the amount of $232,380.58 for the fiscal
year 1979 to 1980 for the purpose of making loans to owners of real property
used for residential purposes to assist in the repair, rehabilitation and
improvement of dwelling units pursuant to The Housing Development Act and the
regulations and subject to the limitation thereof;
AND FURTHER THAT the City Clerk is hereby authorized to apply for an accountable
advance of $116,190.29 and the Corporation agrees to account for this amount
and apply for further payments through the submission of quarter yearly activity
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls
hereby agrees to comply with the Housing Development Act and the regulations
thereunder in the administration of the Ontario Home Renewal Program; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 29 - FERA - SOBOL - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City
of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that the development of 2.97 acres of land
located north of McLeod Road at the extension of Bruce Avenue, conforms to
Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, as amended
and approved by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 30 - CHEESMAN - MERRETT - RESOLVED that pursuant to the Public Transportation
and Highway Improvement Act, the Council of the Corporation of the City of
Niagara Falls hereby .requests an allocation of subsidy monies for public
transportation in the amount of $300,000 for the Capital Assistance Progrannne
and $275,079 for the Transit Operating Assistance programme; AND the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 31 - SOBOL - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the Program of Proposed Expenditures
for Highway Improvements for the year 1979 dated March 26, 1979, be adopted as
presented in the total estimated cost of $3,882,400, with an estimated subsidy
of $1,660,000; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 32 - CHEESMAN - FERA- RESOLVED that the Program of Proposed Supplementar~
Expenditures for Highway Improvements for the year 1979 dated March 26, 1979,
be adopted as presented in the total estimated amount of $4,523,500, with an
estimated subsidy of $1,282,600; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried UnanimousiX
No. 33 - FERA - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be sent to the
family of the late Mr. Ted Bennett, a respected member of the Community; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 34 - MERRETT - FERA- RESOLVED that best wishes be extended to Mr. Cec pare,
who will he leaving the Niagara Falls Business & Industrial Growth Agency Inc.,
for his contribution to industry in the City of Niagara Falls; AND the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousll
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman 8obol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
leave he granted to introduce the foilswing by-laws, and the by-laws be read
a first time:
No. 79-49 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with the Canadian Corps of
Commissionaires (Hamilton).
No. 79-50 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 6661, 1964, as amended, with respect
to signs in the City of Niagara Falls.
No. 79-51 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried with Alderman
Merrett abstaining on
a conflict of interest
on Cheques #3051 and
#3128 of By-law 79-51,
and all others voting
in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-49 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with the Canadian Corps of
Commissionaires (Hamilton).
No. 79-50 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 6661, 1964, as amended, with respect
to signs in the City of Niagara Falls.
No. 79-51 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried with Alderman
Merrett abstaining on
a conflict of interest
on Cheques #3051 and
#3128 of By-law 79-51,
and all others Voting
in favour.
Alderman Cummings asked when a report will be submitted to Council regarding
the drainage problem on Garner Road he had brought to the attention of staff
several weeks ago. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer advised that the
survey crew would be setting levels in order to establish if the City can be
of any assistance and if so, whether the City has to go the entire length
of the border across there since there is only 20" in the culvert for the
drainage of the W-4-2 watercourse. There are also legal questions involved,
and once all aspects of the matter have been reviewed, a report will be
submitted to Council, likely at the ~ext regular meeting.
Alderman Cummings asked what is done with the stone that has been left
on the roadway during winter maintenance, after it has been collected. The
Maintenance & Operations Engineer advised that the material is stockpiled
at the Municipal Service and used wherever possible, i.e. parking lots.
Alderman Cummings advised that during the past week, he had received
several calls regarding the Humane Society. Apparently a person hired by
the Humane Society was walking up and down Sheldon Street asking children if
any persons in the area owned dogs. The person would then go to those
houses and ask if the owners had purchased their dog tag for the year. If
the dog tag had not been purchased, the owner would be sold one. The Alderman
indicated that in one instance, a resident who worked evenings, had been
awakened by this person to determine if a dog tag had been purchased. The
resident had purchased a tag earlier, and this information was on record at
the Humane Society. Alderman Cummings asked why the Humane Society sent
people to homes x~hen there is a record at the shelter of the tags issued;
were high school students employed for this purpose and how are they paid.
Alderman Cummings also indicated that when calls were placed to the Humane
Society, the receptionist advised that the calls would be returned, however
no calls were returned.
- 10 -
Alderman Dilts advised that he would check into the matter, and asked
if the names and addresses of the residents complaining could be supplied
to him. It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that Alderman Dilts obtain the information to the questions raised at the
next meeting of the Niagara Frontier Humane Society Board of Directors.
Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Puttick referred to a request he had made earlier regarding
the upcoming industrial trip to be taken by Mr. J. Montgomery, concerning
a proposed side-trip to Switzerland, and asked if there were any further
information on this matter. Mr. A. van der Harst of the B.I.G. Agency
advised that his understanding was that there will be no trip to Switzerland.
The Canadian Embassy had been unable to arrange the contacts required, and
it was decided that there would be no trip to Switzerland-
His Worship, Mayor Thomson referred to pamphlets distributed to the
members of Council regarding the upcoming Industry and Government seminar
to be held at the Sheraton Brock Hotel in the City, and advised that
invitations had been sent to all industries in the area. The Mayor hoped
there would be an excellent turn-out for the seminar.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson referred to the fact that residents living
in the Crowland area of the City have to call long distance to reach numbers
in the north part of the City. The Mayor indicated that he had spoken
officials of Bell Canada, and it appears that toll free calling between
Welland, St. Catharines and Niagara Palls, if all municipalities involved
are willing to participate. This had been attempted in the past, however
Welland was not willing to participate at that time.--~fheMayor further advised
that there would be a minimal increase to Niagara Falls and St. Catharines
residents, and a possible additional charge of 30¢ per month per residence
customer in Welland. Mayor Thomson pointed out that there has been a
substantial change in the Welland Council since the time it was previously
considered, and in speaking to the Mayor of Welland, it was determined that
he had no objection to the proposal. Mayor Thomson suggested that a
resolution be prepared requesting the endorsement of the Cities of St. eatharin~
and Welland that would allow Bell Canada to go ahead and provide full details
on the matter.
It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that an
appropriate resolution on the matter be prepared for consideration at the
next regular Council meeting. Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Aldet~nan Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the meeting
adjourn to Committee of the Whole. Carried Unanimously.
Committee Room #1
March 26, 1979
Council met in Committee of the Whole on Monday, March 26, 1979 following
a regular meeting of Council. All members of Council were present. Alderman
Puttick presided as Chairman. .
Following consideration of the items presented, it was moved by Mayor
Thomson, seconded by Aldermsn Dilte, that the Committee of the l~hole rise and
report. Carried Unanimously.
COUNCI~ ~.".,~ '
Council Chambers
March 26, 1979
Council reconvened in formal session on Monday, March 26, 1979, following
a meeting in Committee of the Whole. All members of Council were present. His
Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
No. 210 - City Manager - Re: Sale of Wigley Property, 7801 Portage Road.
The report reconnnends the conveyance of ten feet of a triangular parcel of
City owned lands to the Region for road widening purposes and that the
remainder be conveyed to the abutting property owner at 7801 Portage Road.
The report further recommends that all responsibility for the conveyance,
i.e. preparation of reference plans, deeds, etc., be borne by the adjoining
owner and the Region.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
.. !
Council Chambers
April 17, 1979
Council met on Monday, April 17, 1979 at 8:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present. His
Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman. Alderman Schisler offered the
Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the minutes of the meeting of March 26, 1979, be adopted as printed. Carried
Mr. V. Audibert was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Orr. Mr. Audibert advised that his
firm had lost the tender for supply of "Perma Press Trousers" under the Fire
Department Uniform Tender, to another firm from out-of-town, by a total amount
of $6.25. Mr. Audibert felt that Council should consider amending the City's
tendering policy so that in such cases where the differential is so small,
the tender should remain in the City and be awarded to a local business.
Mr. Audtbert .further explained the benefits of having a local firm supply
uniforms to the City, such as quicker service, less delivery time and the
fact no long distance telephone charges would be incurred in arranging for
deliveries, etc.
Alderman Schisler sympathized with Mr. Audibert, however pointed out
that by accepting only local tenders, the whole concept of tendering would
be defeated. Alderman Dilts advised that he could not see how the policy
could be changed locally unless all municipalities in adjoining municipalities
had similar policies. The end result would be hurting businesses in Niagara
Falls that bid in other areas. f
Alderman Merrett stated that Council had to take into consideration the
cost of deliveries, and commented that he did not want to vote on the matter
until he had seen the City's tendering policy.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, Mr. Audibert indicated
that he did not tender on out of town contracts.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Dilts, seconded by
~Alderman Schisler, that the City remain with its existing policy on tendering.
The motion Carried with Alderman Merrett voting contrary, and all others
voting in layout.
Mr. G. Schneider of N.P.H.B. Land Developments Ltd., was granted permission
to address City Council on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman
Orr. Mr. Schneider indicated that his firm and other developers had agreed
on the Shriner's Creek project and the contributions to be made. One land
owner in the area does not want to sell lands necessary for the project,
resulting in a delay in development for all other land owners in the area.
Mr. Schneider asked if it was possible for development tO proceed on the Ascot
Woods Subdivision, and pointed out that the services and retention pond in
the earlier stage were more than sufficient to handle the addieional houses.
The firm of Dames & Smith would be preparing a report on the servicing
required for the subdivision, and Mr. Schneider indicated that these findings
would be reported to Council once available.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a r~eport. ~a~rie~d_
No. 77 - Downtown Board of Management - Re: Use of Queen Street. The
communication requests the use of Queen Street for a sidewalk sale on
May 19, 1979 and that Queen Street be closed to traffic from Erie Avenue
to Victoria Avenue. Permission was also requested to hold a beer tent in
the Centennial Square and a Horse Show on the recently acquired Parking
Lot on the north side of Huron Street between Ontario and St. Clair.
Alderman Chessman indicated that he did not a beer tent was not a
fitting use for the Centennial Square. Mrs. L. D'Ascenzo advised that
public washrooms had to be provided with the beer tent, and the City Hall
was the only facility in the Downtown area suitable. Mrs. D'Ascenzo also
advised that the Board was requesting a small amount of funding towards
the various events planned in conjunction with the "Country Fest" celebrations.
Mr. H. Smith also advised that while washrooms were available at the Market
Area, other plans had been made for use of that site. Both Mr. Smith
and Mrs. D'Ascenzo provided additional information in response to questions
raised. His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that the request for funding
had been included in the 75th Anniversary Committee budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the requests be approved. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Orr retired from the meeting.
Report No. 190 - City Solicitor - The report provides information on request
of Cornwill Investments Limited for support of their petition to the Cabinet
and advises of action taken by Cornwill Investments since the original
request was made.
Communication No. 66 - Miss J. Grandoni - The conm~unication expresses
opposition to Council supporting the appeal of Cornwill Investments for an
extension to the urban boundary to include property west of Kalar Road and
north and south of Thorold Stone Road.
Communication No. 78 - F. (Bert) Nero Realty Limited - The communication
advises that Mr. Lebovic feels that since his lands are at present outside
the development area, he would be weakening his claim for an appeal of the
O.M.B. decision if he were to withdraw the injunction to stop the City's
expropriation of his lands.
Alderman Fera stated that he felt the City had a moral obligation to
try and help Mr. Lebovic due to the fact he has co-operated to the utmost
particularly in the Shriner's Creek Project. It was the Alderman's
understanding that the question of buffering had been a concern to the City,
and Mr. Lebovic had now indicated such buffering would be provided. Alderman
Fera further pointed out that the City had supported Cornwill Investments
during the Ontario Municipal Board hearings, and would not be changing that
position by supporting the firm now.
Alderman Wallman advised that he had inspected some of the lands in
the area and found the ground to be exceptional compared to farm lands in
the south end of the City. Alderman Sobol indicated that she was in fayour
of retaining the boundaries as set in the O.M.B. decision. Adequate buffering
was required, and Alderman Sobol agreed with the O.M.B. decision that Kalar
Road was the best buffer in the area. Alderman Chessman agreed that the City
had supported Cornwill Investments during the hearing, however the City and
developers had their day in court, and to grant this.request would be to
question the wisdom of the entire decision.
Alderman Fera commented that the agricultural aspect' would apply to the
whole of the Shriner's Creek area, not Just the lands of Cornwill Investments.
The Alderman felt that the City had given Cornwill Investments a rough time
when other developers were "getting away with murder", such as for the
subdivision on Thorold Stone Road where the developer got away without paying
$10,000 at the expense of other developers. Alderman Puttick felt that no
developers were getting away with anything that he did not know about.
Cormwill Investments was asking Council to support an appeal to the Cabinet,
and on the other hand had forced the City to expropriate land necessary for
the Shriner's Creek Project,by asking more for the lands than they were
Following further conment, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by
Alderman Herrerr, that the report and co~mnunications be received and filed.
The motion Carried with Alderman Fera voting contrary, and all others voting
in fayour.'
Report No. 191 - City Manager - The report recommends that the $39,159.36
standing to the credit of Cornwill Investments Limited for the Shriner's Creek
Project, be refunded to that company.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson asked if it would be premature to refund the
money if the appeal to the Cabinet was successful. The Deputy City Solicitor
advised that the refund was requested by the firm, however as far as the City
was concerned, it could wait until the decision of the Cabinet was made.
Mr. B. Nero stated that it may take two or three years before the matter
is settled, and Mr. Lebovic wanted his monies refunded.
ORDERIED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 211 - City Manager - The report recommends passage of a by-law to
authorize an agreement between the City and River Realty Development (1976) Inc.,
Group 2 Development Limited, N.P.H.B. Land Developments Limited, Walco Developments
Limited, Foxhill Properties Limited, Gike Incorporated, George Schneider ~01dings
Limited and George Schneider Construction Company Limited and the Niagara
Peninsula Conservation Authority respecting the Shriner's Creek Project.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-58
Report No. 212 - City Manager - The report advises that an application for a
building permit has been submitted by York Mannover for the erection of the '
ObservationWheel at Maple Leaf Village.
Alderman Puttick conmented that he had been told the lights on the wheel
would light up the area for four or five blocks. The Building & Development
Co-ordinator indicated that he had not been aware of this fact, and that he
would check into the matter immediately to take the necessary precautions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 213 - City Manager - The report recommends that if Council approves
in principle a new branch library for the Chippawa community, that funds be
placed in a reserve account for that purpose. A sum of $50,000 per annum as
requested by the Library Board would~be realistic to finance and build such
a facillty for 10,000 people in about ten years. This would give the Clty and
~the Library Board time to select a site and develop detailed plans.
Alderman Dilts did not see how Council could provide any monies this
year in view of earlier budget discussions, and suggested that the matter be
referred to the 1980 budget discussions.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson suggested that the report be used as a working
document to look for facilities in the future. The Planning Director agreed
that it was not the intention of staff to direct this expenditure to the 1979
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
report be received and retained as reference for future consideration'of Library
facilities in Chippawa. Carried Unanimously.
No. 79 - Mr. F.B. Leslie - Re: 1979 B.I.G. Agency Budget. The communication
expresses concern over the proposed cuts to the 1979 B.I.G. Agency Budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the communication he received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 80 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Proposed Solid Waste Reduction
Facility. The communication advises of discussions held with the Ontario Paper
Co. regarding a possible waste reduction plant.
No: 81 - Regional Municipality of Nia2ara - Re| Sol.id Waste Disposal and
Niagara Energy from Waste Product. The conmunication provides information
on the participation of the Region in solid waste management, and outlines
resolutions passed by the Regional Public Works & Utilities Committee on
this matter.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the communications be referred to the Special Landfill Site Committee for
further consideration. Carried Unanimously.
No. 81 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Request for Guide Signing in
the Main and Ferry Business Area. The communication advises that the Region's
street name policy is currently under review and that a response to a request
for advance street name signing on Lundy's Lane at Main Street will be
forthcoming once the policy has been set. The communication further advises
that if the City wishes to provide additional signing to other businesses or
commercial areas, the Region is prepared to install signs at the City's expense.
The Regional Public Works & Utilities Committee will be reviewing with the City
tourist signing in Niagara Falls with a view to identifying any deficiencies
or needs and developing specific programs, policies and procedures therefor.
Alderman Merrett asked what time frame was involved in the Region's plans.
The Director of Municipal Works indicated that a meeting will be scheduled to
review the whole matter, and more information would be obtained at that time.
Reference was also made to a request for signs for the Palmar Avenue area,
however the Mayor indicated that this request was separate from the request
referred to in the communication. The Director of Municipal Works also advised
that the request was for an overhead sign and was quite expensive.
Alderman Puttick referred to a request for a sign on Murray Hill leading
out of Queen Victoria Park, and indicated that the Niagara Parks Commission
would be considering that request shortly. Alderman Puttick also asked about
a sign posted on the Sylvia Place parking lot restricting parking. The Mayor
indicated that Council had approved an area being set aside to derive revenue
fromManpower employees parking on the lot, however problems were being
experienced and the system might be discontinued. ~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Puttick, that
the communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report, and
further that copies be sent to the Main & Ferry Business Association and the
N.R.T.A. Carried Unanimously.
No. 82 - Ontario Traffic Conference - Re: Annual Conference. The communication,
advises of the Conference scheduled for May 6 - 9, 1979 in North York, and
requests the participation of the City in the conference.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fare, that
Alderman Puttick and one member of staff be authorized to attend the conference.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Fare, Hinsperger, MacBain, Merrett, P. ut~ic~, Schisler and
NAYE: Aldermen Chessman, Cummings and Sobol.
NOTE: Alderman Dilts was absent when the vote was taken on'
this matter.
No. 83 - Greater Niagara Falls Ministerial Association - Re: Sunday Sports. The
communication expresses concern over the granting of permits for Sunday sports.
No. 84 - St. Andrew's United Church - Re: Sunday Sports. The communication
expresses concern over the granting of 'permits for Sunday sports, particularly
for the use of Oakes Park.
No. 85 - Mr. N. Armitage - Re: Sunday Sports. The communication expresses
concern over the granting of permits for Sunday sports.
No. 86 - Mrs. W. AndTee - Re: Sunday Sports. The communication expresses
concern over the granting of permits for Sunday sports.
No. 87 - Queensway Church - Re: Sunday Sports. The communication expresses
concern over the granting of permits for Sunday sports.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that the spokesman for the various
Churches, organizations and individuals expressing concern, was unable to be
present, and requested that the matter be deferred for one week.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dilte, that
the matter be tabled for one week. Carried Unanimously.
No. 88 - Social Planning Council - Re: Resignation of Mr. G. Morwood. The
communication advises of the resignation of Mr. G. Morwood as Executive
Director of the Social Planning Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 89 - Niagara Falls & District Labour Council - Re: Chamber of Commerce.
The communication expresses concern over the interference of the Chamber of
Commerce in the possible dismissal of the City Manager.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 90 - Niagara South Board of Education - Re: 1979 Operating Budget and
Educational Levy. The communication advises of the 1979 operating budget and
the education costs assessed to the ratepayers for 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
communication be received and filed. The motion Carried with Aldermen Cheesman
and Sobol abstaining on a conflict of interest, and all others voting in favour.
No. 91 - Niagara Falls Family Y.M.C.A. - Re: Special Occasion Permit. The
communication requests the permission of the City to operate a beer tent on
Palmar Park on May 18 - 21, 1979. ~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Merrett, .that
the request be approved subject to similar approvals being received from the
Regional Police, Fire Department, Health Unit and L.L.B.O. Carried Unanimously.
No. 214 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-42/78, J.A.C.K. Holdings
Ltd., Stanley and Spring. The report recommends approval of the application
subject to Development Control and that Council certify by resolution that
the application conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls
Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Housing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 35
See By-law No. 79-53
No. 215 - City Manager - Re: Sanitary Landfill Site Committee. The report
recommends that Council endorse the action taken by the Sanitary Landfill Site
Committee that the City will have no use for a "borrow pit" for non-putrescible
garbage use.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 216 - City Manager - Re: 1979 Tenders for Grass Seed, Sod & Traffic Paint.
The report recommends acceptance of lenders received from Otto Pick & Son
and Vaughan Seed Company for the supply of grass seed, from Niagara Marion
Sod for the supply of sod and from Niagara Paint & Chemical for the supply of
~traffic paint.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 36
No. 217 - City Manager - Re: Landfill Site Equipment. The report advises that
both pieces of equipment supplied by Nisus Construction Limited for use at the
City Landfill Site, have met specifications and have been accepted for use.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Cheesman was absent when the vote was taken
on this matter.
No. 218 - City Manager - Re: Flooding, 3812 Garner Road. The report advises
of action taken to assist in the drainage problem being experienced at 3812
Garner Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Chessman was absent when the vote was taken
on this matter.
No. 219 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for Rental of General Purpose Equipment 1979.
The report recommends that the schedule of tenders be used starting with the
economically lowest rate for equipment available and suitable when required
for City operations.
The Maintenance & Operations Engineer provided additional information in
response to a number of questions raised.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Aldermen Chessman and C'Jmm~ngs were absent when the vote was
taken on this matter.
No. 220 - City Manager - Re: Lot Grading and Drainage Policy for Future
Subdivisions. The report recommends that the report be tabled and that members
of Council review same during the next weeks; that staff be authorized to
distribute copies of the reports to developers, builders and other interested
parties; and that a meeting be held with developers and builders to obtain
comments and input on May 3, 1979.
Alderman Dilts asked if the meeting could be delayed for a number of
weeks due to the importance of the issue. His Worship, Mayor Thomson suggested
that the meeting be scheduled for June 7th, 1979.
The Director of Municipal Works provided additional information in response
to a number of questions raised by members of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the meeting with developers and builders be held on June 7, 1979, and that the
report, as amended, be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Merrett was absent when the vote was
taken on this matter.
No. 221 - City Manager - Re: 1979 Community Renewal Seminar. The report
recommends the attendance of a member of Council and two members of the
Building & Development Department at the subject seminar to be held in Toronto
from April 22 - 24, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Herrerr, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 222 - City Manager - Re: International Federation of Municipal Engineers
Congress. The report recommends that Council endorse the action taken by the
previous Council in authorizing the Director of Municipal Works to attend the
New York segment of the subject conference.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Herrerr, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 223 - City Manager - Re: Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs. The report
recommends the attendance of the Fire Chief and three Area Chiefs at the
subject conference to be held in Cornwall from May 6 - 10, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 224 - City Manager - Re: Lease to Niagara International Centre Limited of
Warren Avenue Road Allowance. The report recommends passage of a by-law to
assign of the lease by Niagara International Centre Limited to Canadian Pacific
Hotels Limited for the Warren Avenue road allowance.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
· See By-law No. 79-5j
No. 225 - City Manager - Re: Metric Conversion. The report provides material
on metric conversion.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cummings, tha:
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 226 - City Manager - Re: Policy on Curb Cuts and Driveway Adjustment Char
The report reconnnends approval of the policy for curb cute and driveway
Alderman Puttick pointed out that Council should support staff in
the policy.
OBDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, ths~
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 227 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Conveyance of "Turn-Arounds" to the
Corporation of the City of Niagara Palls. The report recommends that the
-7 -
City accept the proposed land transfers from the Seaway Transport Canada
at no cost to the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 228 - City Manager - Re: 1979 Conference Provincial Association of
Committees of Adjustment and Land Division Committees. The report recommends
that three membership subscriptions in the Association be authorized for the
Committee of Adjustment and that two members, together with the Secretary-
Treasurer be authorized to attend the conference to be held in Sarnia from
June 3-6, 1979 and that they be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 229 - City Manager - Re: Policy re Subscription to Conference and Convention
Programmes. The report recommends adoption of a policy for subscriptions to
conference and convention programmes.
In response to a question raised by Alderman MacBain, the City Manager
indicated that five or six requests of this nature were anticipated during
the year.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 230 - City Solicitor - Re: Temporary Borrowing from the Regional Municipality
of Niagara. The report advises that borrowing from the Regional Municipality
of Niagara complies with all legal requirements set out by the Municipal Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 231 - City Manager - Re: Chippawa Public Utilities Commission Proposed
Capital Expenditure. The report recommends that a by-law be given two readings
by Council for the issuance of debentures in the amount $20,000, the total
cost being $27,500 for improvements to the electrical power distribution and
street lighting systems in the former Village of Chippawa.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-52
No. 232 - City Manager - Re: Consent Items.
1) United Way - Requesting Council's approval of the participation of Mr. D.
McArthur in the 1979 United Way Campaign.
Recommendation - That the request be approved.
2) Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs - Regarding an inquiry of Miss J. Laws
relative to the Ryerson-Market Redevelopment Project.
Recommendation - That a meeting be held with Miss Laws and City staff in
order to have a full explanation 9f the project provided.
Kingsgrant Ltd., Thor-West Niagara Falls Ltd. and Waters, Cotfield & Meredith
Regarding a proposed name change - Ontario Avenue to Palmet Avenue.
Recommendation - That the connnunications be referred to the special Street
Name Committee.
4) Niagara Redwings - Expressing appreciation to the Mayor and Council for the
co-operation received during the recent Ladiest Hockey Tournament.
Recommendation - Receive and file.
5) Chief Donald Harris - Extending an invitation to the members of Council to
inspect the new central communications system.
Recommendation - That Chief Harris be thanked for the invitation and as many
members of Council as possible attend.
6) Ministry of Housing - Expressing appreciation for Mr. R.W. Rodman's
participation on the Joint Ministry of Housing/Municipal Engineerst Association
Liaison Committee.
Recommendation - Receive and file.
7) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Revised Quality Standards - Traffic
Maintenance Activities.
Recommendation - Receive and file.
8) Crawford, Smith & Swallow - Financial Statements of the Public Library Board
for the year ended December 31, 1978.
Recommendation - Receive and file.
His Worship Mayor Thomson and the City Manager provided information on the
request from the United Way in response to a question raised by Alderman Fera.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 233 - City Manager - Re: Building Permits. The report provides information
on the permits issued for the month of March 1979, compared to 1979, and outlint
the permits issued during the month having an estimated construction value of
$50,000 or more.
Alderman Merrett asked how often during the course of the year it was
necessary for stop work orders to be issued for various violations. The City
Manager estimated that two or three times a month such action was necessary,
however in some instances, the delay involved only several hours to straighten
out any problems. Alderman Merrett asked if he could be notified as soon as
possible of any stop work orders issued. Alderman Puttick indicated that
unless there was some specific reason, he did not want to be notified of every
stop work order issued. His Worship, Mayor Thomson felt that if such
information was to be given out, it should be directed by Council. It was
moved by Alderman Merrett that members of Council be notified as soon as
possible of any stop work orders issued by the Building & Development Departmem
The motion was not seconded.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 234 - City Manager - Re: Conrail Drainage Channel - Temporary Closing of
parts of Dorchester Road and Part of the Chippawa Parkway. The report recommend=
passage of a by-law to authorize the temporary closing of part of Dorchester
Road and publication of a notice of intention to pass a by-law to close parts
of Dorchester Road and Chippawa Parkway.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 56
No. 235 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends paymen:
of the municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman C,,m~tngs, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 236 - City Manager - Ro: Spring Rubbish Collecti~. The report advises that
due to inclement weather, the spring rubbish collection scheduled to commence 0n
April 23rd, 1979 was cancelled, and recommends that the campaign now commence
,on May 7, 1979.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, the Director of
Municipal Works advised that notices will be placed in the mail boxes of reside~
.in the south end of the City when sanitation crews are making their normal
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 237 - City Manager - Re: Pipe Crossing Agreement with C.N.R. in Connection
with the Construction of a 48" Diameter Storm Sewer on Swayze Drive. The report
recommends passage of a by-law to authorize a pipe crossing agreement with CNR
for the installation of the subject storm sewer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 35 - FERA - MERRETT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Palls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-53 for the rezoning
of lands on the northwest corner of Stanley Avenue and Spring Street, conform
to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Palls Planning Area, as amende~
and approved by the Minister of Hou8ing; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 36 - FERA - CUt~4INCS - RESOLVED that the following tenders submitted for
the supply of grass seed, sod and traffic paint, be accepted at the prices
Orass Seed - Otto Pick & Son
Vaughan Seed Company
.Sod - Niagara Marion Sod
Traffic Paint - Niagara Paint & Chemical
; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslZ
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read
a first time:
No. 79-52 - A By-law to authorize improvements to the electrical power distribution
system and street lighting system of the City.
No. 79-53 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955, as amended. (AM-42/78,
J.A.C.K. Holdings)
No. 79-54 - A By-law to authorize an assignment of a lease. (Warren Avenue Road
Allowance - Canadian Pacific Hotels)
No. 79-55 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a pipe crossing agreement with
Canadian National Railways Company.
No. 79-56 - A By-law to authorize the temporary closing of part of Dorchester Road.
No. 79-57 - A By-law to authorize a contract of insurance with Scottish and
York Insurance Company Limited. (Municipal Errors & Omissions)
No. 79-58 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with River Realty Development (1976)
Inc. and others and the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority
regarding the Shriner's Creek Project.
No. 79-59 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
By-law No. 79-52, be now read a second time:
No. 79-52 - A By-law to authorize improvements to the electrical power distribution
system and street lighting system of the City.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that the
following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-53 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955, as amended. (AM-42/78,
J.A.C.K. Holdings);
No. 79-54 - A By-law to authorize an assignment of a lease. (Warren Avenue Road
Allowance - Canadian Pacific Hotels)
No. 79-55 - A By-law to authorize the~xecution of a pipe crossing agreement with
Canadian National Railways Company.
No. 79-56 - A By-law to authorize the temporary closing of part of Dorchester Road.
No. 79-57 - A By-law to authorize a contract of insurance with Scottish and York
Insurance Company Limited. (Municipal Errors & Omissions)
No. 79-58 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with River Realty Development (1976)
Inc. and others and the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority
regarding the Shriner's Creek Project.
No. 79-59 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Cummings advised that it had been brought to his attention that
when a liquor licerice is granted for various occasions, such as weddings, etc.,
it had been the practice of the L.L.B.O. to send a liquor inspector to inspect
the permit and the amount of alcohol on the premises. In the last month, this
inspection has been carried out by uniformed Regional Police officers, on one
occasion during a wedding reception. Alderman Cummings advised that this was
- 10 -
upsetting to the guests at the wedding reception, and suggested that if this
inspection is to be the responsibility of the Regional Police, that this duty
be carried out by plain-clothes police officers. It was moved by Alderman
Cummings, seconded by Alderman Puttick, that a report be prepared on the matter.
Carried Unanimously.
In response to a ?estion raised by Alderman Puttick, His Worship, Mayor
Thomson indicated that Alderman Orr had been called away from the meeting on
a medical emergency.
It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Carried Unanimously.
COMMI%: _~
· w -v . ~ ' Committee Room ~1
April 17, 1979
Council met in Committee of the Whole on Monday, April 17, 1979 following
a regular meeting of Council. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Orr. Alderman Puttick presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the presented, the Committee of the Whole
arose without reporting.
The meeting adjourned.
Council Chambers
April 17, 1979
Council reconvened in formal session on Monday, April 17, 1979 following
a meeting in Committee of the Whole. All members of Council were present with
the exception of Alderman Orr. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman..:
Council Chambers
April 23, 1979
Council met on Monday, April 23, 1979 at 7:45 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Schisler. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as
Chairman. Alderman Sobol offered the Opening Prayer.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented a retirement watch to Mr. L. Carlini
who retired from the City after nearly twenty-five years of service. A 25-Year
Plaque was presented to Mr. M. Massolin.
Mr. T. Hristow was granted permission to address City Council on the
motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Orr. Mr. Hristow advised
that following his last presentation to Council, two meetings were held on
the selection of a city to twin with Niagara Falls. Both meetings were
poorly attended, however at the first meeting a motion was passed that the
City of Niagara Falls twin with the City of Mainz, Germany. Mr. Hristow
commented that the basis of twinning is to establish contacts and a friendly
relationship based on the different national origins, religions and traditions.
One of the main reasons behind the suggestion to twin with Mainz, Germany,
was due to business, and Mr. Hristow felt that although business could be
one of the reasons for twinning, it should not be the prime motivating force.
Mr. Hristow stated that he would like Council to decide if a move should be
made to twin with Mainz, Germany, or if other avenues should be explored
in order to make twinning more representative of the City.
Alderman Cheesman agreed that the concept of twinning should not only
involve industrial growth, but cultural, social and language relations, and
commented that it would be wonderful if the City could establish close
liaison with Mainz without having the association based on business. The
Alderman offered to work with the Committee in order to investigate the
matter further.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson stated that the City does have industrial ties
with Germany, and this had been the reason for the suggestion of twinning with
Mainz, particularly because of the many similarities between the two cities.
The Mayor suggested that the matter be deferred until such time as the B.I.G.
~gency could comment on the matter.
Mr. Hristow pointed out that twinning with a city does not stop that
city from twinning with another. The City of Mainz has twinned with three
other cities in three different countries, and Mr. Hristow stated that if
Niagara Falls were to twin with Mainz, there was no reason why other cities
could not be considered afterwards.
Following further conment, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded
by Alderman Chessman, that the matter be tabled until the B.I.G. Agency has
an opportunity to comment. Carried Unanimously.
Reverend J. Griffen of St. Andrew's United Church, was granted permission
to address Council on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Cummings.
Reverend Griffen stated that he felt St. kndrew's Church would have a problem
with special permits being issued on Sunday mornings, particularly with Oakes
Park~ since it has the best facilities for sports in the City. There would be
the noise problem during Church services, and when tournaments are held on
Sunday mornings, members of the Church have to be at the Church parking lot
by 6:00 a.m. to prevent spectators from using the Church parking lot. There is
also a problem with broken beer bottles and refuse being littered on the Church
property during tournaments. Reverend eriffen stated that besides the direct
effect on St. Andrew's Church in particular, the question of Sunday sports
presented a problem to all churches in the City. It was felt that parents
and their children should be able to participate in organized sports without
having to make a choice between religion and sports. Reverend Grlffen felt
it was unfair for organized sports in the City to schedule games and practices
on Sunday mornings when they have seven days a week and twenty-four hours a
day for this purpose, and the Church only has two or three hours on a Sunday
morning. Reverend Griffen stressed the importance of spiritual development
as well as physical development for children, and suggested that the Church
and organized sports cease to be rivals and work together.
Mr. N. Armitage urged Council not to issue permits for games and practices
on Sunday mornings, and stated that any change would pose a threat to the
religious life of families. Mr. Armitage asked Council to recognize its
responsibility to the Church and religious life of the City as well as to the
recreational life of the community.
Alderman Cheesman pointed out that many organizations come to the City
for funds, while the Church doesn't ask for anything except several hours on
a Sunday morning. Alderman Chessman felt Council should return to the
previous policy of issuing no special permits on Sunday mornings.
Alderman Cummings agreed that during Church hours, parks should not be
used for organized sports, however expressed his concern for major tournaments
that occasionally are rained out on a Saturday. The Alderman suggested that
it could be made clear to the organizers of such tournaments that activities
cannot be scheduled for Sunday mornings, but that there should be some provision
made for special circumstances. Alderman Merrett acknowledged the significance
the Church plays in the lives of children and stressed that it was not his
intention to have both sports and the Church compete. The Alderman explained
that many organizations depend on major tournaments for funds, and such a
decision by Council could present a hardship.
Alderman Puttick noted that Reverend Griffen had_gj[fere~ to work with
the City in special instances, and suggested that if a problem came up, he
was sure it could be worked out. Reverend Griffen confirmed that his Church
would not be opposed to working something out with the City in such a case.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded
by Alderman Wallman, that the City~s policy on scheduling events for parks
and athletic fields be changed so that no special permits would be issued
on Sunda~'mornings for City parks.and athletic fields. Carried Unanimously.
Mr. T. Stelmaszynski of the }fontrose Motor Inn, was granted permission
to address Council on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman
Orr. Mr. Stelmaszynski stated that at his business, he had a very small area
set aside for camping in addition to other services on two or three acres of
land. Amendments were made to the City's camping park by-law providing that
all parks must be closed from November 1st to April 1st. This change was made
as a result of several permanents residents being found at one park during
a change in ownership. Mr. Stelmaszynski pointed out that there are American
holidays in November and February when campers do come to the City. As a
result of presentations made, the by-law was amended so that camps can remain
open from March 15th to November 30th, however Mr. Stelmaszynski pointed out
that many campers come to the City during December, January, February and
March regardless of weather. Mr. Stelmaszynski requested that the by-law now
he amended so that camping parks can remain open all year. Reference was
also made to annual inspections carried out by the City, and Mr. Stelmaszynski
was critical of the fact his facilities were inspected annually, and yet no
changes had been made since his camping park had opened. With respect to
licerice fees, Mr. Stelmaszynski stated that he had previously paid a license
fee of $1.00 per camping lot, however this had been amended to an annual fee
of $100 regardless of the number of lots iu the park. Since he had only twelve
lots on his property, Mr. Stelmaszynski felt this was unfair when other camps
had several hundred lots for camping. Since other businesses pay taxes
to size and facilities, Mr. Stelmaszynski felt this principle should apply to
licence fees as well. Mr. Stelmaszynski advised that several years ago, the
City had finally been successful in having signs erected along the Q.E.W.
directing motorists to camping facilities. These signs were taken down in
November because of the City*s restriction that all camping parks must close,
however Mr. Stelmaszynski pointed out that not all of the signs were removed,
and he felt there was some private interference involved.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that a meeting had been set up for
all camping park operators in the City, and hopefully some agreement could be
reached and reported back to City Council. The Mayor requested that
Mr. Stelmaszynski be present at the Council meeting when this report is
discussed and that he be provided an opportunity to comment on the results
of the meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carried
No. 92 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Chippawa Secondary Plan.
The communication requests that the City review the density standards used
in the Chippawa Secondary Plan with the view to increasing the variety and
affordability of housing.
Alderman Dilts stated that a lot of work had gone into preparing the
Chippawa Secondary Plan, involving both staff and public input. The Planning
Director agreed that the Secondary Plan was worked on very hard by the
Planning & Development Committee and suggested that the comments of the
Region be referred to the Committee and subsequently back to City Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the communication be referred to the Planning & Development Committee.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 93 - Mr. G. Vasko - Re: Drainage Problem on Brian Crescent and McGill
Street. The communication advises that the residents feel it is the responsibility
of the City to rectify the drainage problem that was created as a result of the
development of the Dell Subdivision.
Mr. G. Vasko was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Orr. Mr. Vasko advised that both the
developer and contractor feel they are not responsibile for the drainage
problem, and that they had lived up to the provisions of the subdivision
agreement. Since the City does not have sufficient by-laws to enforce proper
elevations, Mr, Vasko felt it was the City's responsibility to rectify the
.drainage problem. It was also pointed out that the contractor is in the
process of selling Lot 8, and with the construction of a house on the lot,
the existing drainage problem would be aggravated. In response to a question
raised by Alderman Puttick, Mr. Vasko stated that the former Mayor had
at first suggested the neighbouts get together to try and work out the problem,
however it was practically impossible to tear down fences to install a lateral
to the catchbasin. Mr. Vasko pointed out that there was no neighbourhood
dispute over the problem, and the residents felt the problem was created by
the developer and contractor. The second time the matter was brought to
the attention of Council, it was suggested that City staff come up with a
report on a cost sharing arrangement. The contractor and the developer were
not prepared to pay their share, and the residents did not feel they should
be responsibile for the entire coat.
Alderman MacBain commented that the problem had been in existence for
quite some time, and he would like to see it cleared up. The Alderman asked
the Mayor to appoint a special committee of three Council members to come up with
a recommendation at the Council level after input from staff. Alderman Puttick
commented that the City should either maintain its present policy on drainage
problems or put several million dollars in the budget and take care of all
the drainage problems in the City, The Alderman did not feel that Council
could set up a committee to come in with an opinion on one property, and that
for the City to correct the problem itself would be creating a precedent.
Mr. Vasko felt that the problem did not exist until the City developed
the Dell Subdivision, and that when he had purchased his house, there had
been no drainage problem. The City by approving development of the subdivision
had stopped the natural drainage. Alderman Puttick suggested that Mr. Vasko
consider taking legal action. Mr. Vasko replied that he felt the City should
pay for the work and sue the subdivider for recovery of the monies expended.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded
by Alderman Puttick, that a special committee be established to review the
matter and prepare recommendations for the consideration of Council. Carried
Unanimously. .
It was agreed by Council that His Worship, Mayor Thomson and Aldermen
Dilts, MacBain and Puttick would serve on the Committee, with Alderman Dilts
acting as Chairman.
No. 196 - City Manager - Re: Park Land Requirements for the Munro and Lundy's
Neigbbourhood, Westlane Community. The report recommends that staff be directe~
to take action to secure a site of three acres for park purposes in the vicinitl
of the Charnwood Subdivision, and that investigation of lands for parks purposes
include the investigation of: (a) the possibility of resubdividing some of the
O.R.C. property in the subdivision; (b) the possibility of obtaining property
presently reserved for school use; and (c) other vacant lands if (a) and (b)
are not found to be feasible.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 238 - Recreation Commission - Re: 1979 Park and Boards of Education Athletic
Field Reservations. The report recommends that the reservations for municipal
and Board of Education athletic fields be assigned as contained in the attached
schedule and that official permits be issued.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 239 - City Manager - Re: Settlement with Local 133, Canadian Union of
Public Employees. The report recommends acceptance of the following settlement:
1) 6.05% across-the-board increase retroactive January 1, 1979, the term of
the agreement being one year; 2) $65 one-time lump sum payment to all permanent
employees; 3) Six weeks' vacation after 32 years; 4) Safety show allowance
of $22.50 per annum; 5) Removal of Remembrance Day as a paid holiday to be
substituted by a "floating holiday". The total package represents an
increase of 6.43% of payroll.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cheesman, the City Treasurer
advised that the cost of the settlement amounted to ~2,050. Alderman Cummings
commended the work of the Management Negotiating Committee in arriving at a
good settlement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Cheesman,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-60
No. 240 - City Manager - Re: M.T.C. Property RoberrS Street and Private
Property Behind Victoria Avenue. The report provides information on the
action taken by the Building & Development Dept., Health Department and the
M.T.C. regarding the subject properties.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 241 - City Manager - Re: Co-operative Fertilizer Tender - 1979. The repor.t
recommends the acceptance of various tenders for the supply of fertilizers in
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No.
No. 242 - City Manager - Re: Quotation for Plumbing and Electrical Services for
City Buildings. The report recommends the acceptance of quotations received
from A~vance Plumbing & Heating for plumbing services, and from Barnes Electric
Limited for electrical services. '
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Herrerr, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 243 - City Manager - Re: Annual Equipment Report. The report provides
statistical information and costs for operation of vehicles and heavy equipment
in 1978.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 244 - City Manager _ Re: Proposed '~ount Forest Mark II" Subdivision. Tile
report recommends that the firm of Kerry Howe Limited be retained for the
necessary engineering work on the subject subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted."Carried Unanimousl~.
No. 245 - City Manager - Re: Resale by Donrado Properties Inc. to Vincent A.
Kerrio and Vincent G. Kerrio of Lot 25 in the Falls Industrial Park. The
report recommends passage of a by-law to authorize an agreement with Donrado
Properties Inc. to Vincent A. Kerrio and Vincent G. Kerrio for the resale of
Lot 25 in the Falls Industrial Park.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cheesman, the City Solicitor
indicated that the by-law specified Vincent A. Kerrio and Vincent G. Kerrio
rather than Kerrio Ltd., since that was the manner in which the firm wished
to take title.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-61
No. 246 - City Manager - Re: Development Plan Approval for Proposed Candy
Manufacturing and Retail Outlet, 6853-6863 Lundy's Lane. The report recommends
approval of the subject development plan as submitted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 247 - City Manager - Re: City Float. The report recommends the entry of
the City float in various parades at a cost not to exceed $4000.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera, tha~ :
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 248 - City Manager - Re: Ontario Arenas Association Course. The report
recommends the attendance of the Manager of the Stamford/Jack Bell Arenas at
the subject course to be held in Guelph from May 6 - 11, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 249 - City Manager - Re: Canadian Building Officials Association Conference.
The report recommends that a member of the Building & Development Department
be authorized to attend the subject conference to be held in Cornerbrook,
Newfoundland from ~hy 14 - 17, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 250 - City Manager - Re: Morrison Street Parking. The report advises that
in response to a request for comments on parking changes to the residents on
Morrison between Crysler and St. Clair Avenues, of the six replies received,
four different opinions were expressed. The direction of Council was requested.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and filed and that no changes be made on the present
parking regulations on Morrison Street. Carried Unanimously.
No. 251 - City Manager - Re: Parking Changes on Regional Roads. The report
recommends that the Region be requeste'd' to provide two additional metered
parking spaces on the southerly side of Ferry Street adjacent to the Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce at the intersection of Main Street, and the
elimination of one metered parking space immediately northeast of the
entrance to 5863 Victoria Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Dilts was absent when the vote was taken
on this matter.
No. 252 - City Manager - Re: One Foot Reserve in Reg. Plan 240. The report
recommends passage of a by-law to establish Block "A" Registered Plan 240,
as a part of Bonnie Street. '
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No, 253 - City Clerk - Re: Consent Items.
1) Canadian Mental Health Association - Requesting that the week of April 30 -
May 6, 1979 be proclaimed Mental Health Week.
Recommendation - That the request be approved subject to the established
policy on proclamations.
2) Volunteer Bureau - Extending an invitation to tour the Community Resources
Centre during May 1'- 3, 1979 in conjunction with Volunteer Appreciation Week.
Recommendation - That the invitation be accepted with thanks, and that as
many members of Council as possible attend.
3) Regional Municipality of Niagara - 1979 Regional Tax Levy. "
Recommendation - For the information of Council,
4) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Comparison of Water Production and
Sewage Flows by Municipality for the month of March, 1979.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
5) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Change of Names of Regional Roads.
Reconmendation - For the information of Council.
6) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Housing Sites Inventory for the Niagara
Region as of December 31, 1978.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
7) Ontario Municipal Fire Prevention Officers Association - Advising of the
election of Mr. J. Simon as Vice-President of the Association.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 254 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends
payment of the municipal accounts.
The City Treasurer provided information with respect to Cheques ~3628
and #3711 in response to questions raised by Alderman Puttick.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 37 - CUMMINGS - ORR- RESOLVED that the following tenders submitted for
the supply of fertilizer be accepted:
Louth Niagara Orchards Ltd. - $1,257.75 for Items #3 & #4
Wen-Hal Limited - $2,089.55 for Items #2 & #6
Canadian Industries Ltd. - $1,235.70 for Items #1, #5 & #7
; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws and the by-laws be read
a first time:
No. 79-60 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the
Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and the Canadian Union of
Public Employees, Local 133.
No. 79-61 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Dourado Properties Inc. and
Vincent A. Kerrio and Vincent G. Kerrio regarding the resale of
Lot 25 in the Palls Industrial Park.
No. 79-62 - A By-law to establish a one foot reserve block as a public highway.
No. 79-63 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ....
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-60 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the
Corporation of the City of Niagara Palls and the ~anadian Union of
Public Employees, Local 133.
No. 79-61 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Dourado Properties Inc. and
Vincent A. Kerrio and Vincent C. Kerrio regarding the resale of
Lot 25 in the Palls Industrial Park.
No. 79-62 - A By-law to establish a one foot reserve block as a public highway.
No. 79-63 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried UnanimouslZ
Alderman Herrerr requested a report on the statue of work on the
- 7 - """V ............
reconstruction of Highway #420. The Director of Municipal Works stated that
the rate of progress appears to be reasonable, however he would check on the
Alderman Cummings asked when the report on tax arrears would be presented
to Council. His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that the matter would be
considered by the Finance Committee once the budget discussions have been
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that the Board of Directors for the
H,,mnne Society has established a building committee for their new facility
and has asked that the Building & Development Co-ordinator serve on that
committee. In response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett, the Mayor
indicated that most of the work has already been completed and Mr. Johnston's
involvement would be minimal. It was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by
Alderman Fera, that the Building & Development Co-ordinator be authorized to
serve on the Niagara Frontier Humane Society Building Committee. Carried
His Worship, Mayor Thomson stated that when appointments were made to
the various boards and committees in December, some persons were appointed
to committees that did not necessarily have a great deal of experience or
knowledge that could be of assistance in a particular committee's function.
One such committee was the Committee of Adjustment, and the Mayor felt that
time should be taken to have the members of the Committee briefed by various
officials in the City Nall on the policies, proccduras and past circumstances
with respect to operation of that Committee. Mayor Thomson pointed out the
importance of the decisions the Committee must make, and asked that Council
authorize the various officials in City Hall involved in the work of the
Committee to brief the newer members of the Committee of Adjustment. It
was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the recom-
mendation of His Worship, Mayor Thomson be adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Dilts advised that Mr. Bullied and Mr. Tiffin of Sarah Street
had contacted him regarding the drainage problem in front of their properties.
When this matter had last been before Council, it had been indicated that a
storm sewer was required on City property, but the two individuals had been
opposed to signing any agreements to take responsibility away from the City
should the sewers back up on to their property. They had now been asked to
come to the City Hall respecting this~Agreement. The Design & Construction
Engineer stated that Council directed that some type of agreement be prepared
and that the agreement be signed prior to the sewer being installed. The
D~rector of Municipal Works aldo advised that he felt it would be desirable
on the roadway as far as the agreement if there was going to be a connection
from their property since there could be problems. If the City's catchbasin
were to freeze and the sewer backed up into the residents' pipe, they could
sue the City.
Alderman Dilts pointed out that the residents had brought the storm
drainage out to City property, and it was not fair to ask them to sign an
agreement protecting the City. The Director of Municipal Works stated that
if the residents would be satisfied with a catchbasin, part of which would
be their system, there would be no problem. However, if they want the
system completely on their property, there would have to be an agreement.
If the catchbasin is on City property and the lead freezes, the problem
would then be on the road allowance. Alderman Dilts felt that this would
be acceptable to the residents, and advised that he would notify them
Alderman Dilts referred to the drainage problem experienced by a
Mr. Maxfield on Lamont Avenue, and stated that it had been the decision of
Council that staff would contact the developer in an effort to resolve the
problem. The Alderman stated that it did not appear any progress had been
made on the matter. The Director of Municipal Works stated that there should
have been some contact made with the developer and indicated that he would
check into the matter further. There was a condition in the sale of lots in
that area that the owners would not obstruct any drainage system set up. The
developer had told the property owner who had obstructed the system to remove
the blockage. It was the understanding of the Director of Municipal Works
that the resident in question was to have removed the blockage, however it was
indicated that the matter would be investigated further.
The Personnel Officer announced that Local 528, Niagara Falls Professional
Fire Fighters had Just notified him that the proposed settlement reached by
the negotiating committees had been ratified. The terms of the settlement
were: 1) 5.25% increase across the board retroactive to January 1, 1979, and
a further 3.1% increase effective July let, 1979.2) 5 weeks vacation after
20 years, 6 weeks vacation after 30 years; 3) Inclusion of a Technological
Change clause.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Orr, that leave
be granted to introduce the following by-law and the by-law be read a first
No. 79-64 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Niagara Falls Professional
Fire Fighters, Local 528 of the InCeraa~ional A~socia~ion of FiFe
Carried Unanimousl!
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cuwanings, that
the following by-law be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-64 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with.._Niagara'Falls Professional
Fire Fighters, Local 528 of the International Association of Fire
It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
meeting adjourn to budget session. Carried Unanimously.
Council Chambers
· April 23, 1979
Council reconvened in formal session on Monday, April 23, 1979, following
a meeting in budget session on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by
Alderman Cummings. All members of Council were present with the exception of
Alderman Schisler. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that the
1979 Operating Budget, as amended, and the 1979 Parking Fund Budget, be ado
Carried Unanimously.
- 9 -
It was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the meeting adjourn.
.... '
J.~NSON,~'C~E~' '
Committee Room #1
April 30, 1979
Council met on Monday, April 30, 1979 at 7:15 p.m. in Committee of the
Whole. All members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen
Orr and Sobol. Alderman Merrett presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole arose without reporting.. ,~AAau,a ,
Council Chambers
April 30, 1979
Council met on Monday, April 30, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Orr. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
Alderman Wallman offered the Opening Prayer.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented certificates for 1978-79 training
courses to Mr. J. Cerminara, Mr. I. Hayward, Mr. F. Higgins and Mr. F. Mazzei.
Mr. A. Judge, Mr. M. Cerminara, Mr. N. Walroth, Mr. N. Hare, Mr. S. Hotton,
Mr. J. Bernardi, Mr. Z. All, Mr. D. Foster and Mr. S. Toth who were not present
at the meeting will also receive certificates for training courses successfully
Report No. 255 - City Manager - The repprt states that if Council approves the
development of new subdivision lands within the Shriner's Creek drainage area
prior to award of the control dam contract, the following points should be
given serious consideration: 1) The Minister of Housing should be requested to
change the conditions of approval for the subdivisions to allow the development
of the subdivisions before the Shriner's Creek scheme is implemented; 2) The
Regional Municipality of Niagara should be petitioned for a similar approval;
3) A suitable condition should be included in the Subdivision Agreements to
ensure that any new policy of Council relating to backyard drainage forms part
of the Subdivision Agreement; 4) The subdividers must agree to indemnify the
City against any lo88 or claim resulting from this approval relating to any
drainage type complaints; claims from contractors resulting from stop work
orders because of any injunctions etc., any other claims for damages; 5) The
Developer of the subject subdivision should also agree to one or two lots being
left in the existing subdivision for implementing some type of sedimentation
control for the entire development of properties, including the next phases
of the Ascot Woods Subdivision construction.
Mr. J. Long of Damas & Smith, consulting engineers for N.P.H.B. Lend
Developmeats Ltd., was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Wallman. Mr. Long stated that the
lands owned by N.P.H.B. Land Developments originally consisted of approximately
110 acres, of which 75 acres immediately adjacent to Kalar Road have been
developed. When the lands were proposed for development, the ShrineriB Creek
problem was ideatilled end in order to overcome objections on ~uereased
run-off and sedimentatiou pick-up from the development~ it was decided to
eliminate a number of lots from the subdivision and construct a retention
pond. There is a large area which has normal size pipes entering the pond and
a very small pipe out of the pond. The discharge rate is slower than normal
because of the smaller pipe. Mr. Long explained that the same rate of run-off
that existed prior to development of the land, had to be maintained. The
preliminary design for the system was somewhat overdesigned, and during a receE{
detailed review, it was found that the retention pond could adequately accommo-,
date run-off from the extended area and not allow any more discharge from the
pond than it is currently allowed to discharge. With respect to sediment
control, Mr. Long explained that what is presently provided in the Ascot Woods
Subdivision is a small example of what will be Shriner's Creek, damming back
the creek and holding off storm run-off and sediment control. There are three
areas of sediment control that the subdivision offers: 1) a retention pond;
2) a storm sewer system (which has been designed for a much larger drainage
area); and 3) small sediment areas at each of the catchbasins where the lots
drain through the installation of straw bale dams. The straw bale dams would
act as filters to prevent sediment from running into the sewer system.
Mr. Long advised that N.P.H.B. Land Developments Ltd. would further agree to
sodd all lots as a requirement of development. The existing sewer would be
cleaned of silt in order to act as a trap for further siltation. It was
felt that with the sodding of lots, sedimentation traps at the catchbasins
siltation pick-up in the sewer system and the retention pond, a very
considerable effort would be made to control run-off and sedimentation.
Mr. Long stated that with these measures, there would be no effect on Shriner's
In response to a question raised by Alderman MacBain, the Director of
Municipal Works stated that Ascot Woods is the only subdivision in the City
with a retention pond. The anticipated depth of water would be 3' under
design conditions and the entire area would be fenced as a means of control
as far as children are concerned. The flow rate would be 20 c.f.s. and it
would not take long for the water to drain out. Mr. Long stated that a peak
storm on an average of one every year would drain in less than thirty minutes
following the end of the storm.
The Director of Municipal Works explained that he could not make a
recommendation on the request since he had given evidence at hearings that
no new development would take place until implementation of Shriner's Creek.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson asked if the circumstances of the lsat three
months would have changed that position since the hearing. The Director of
Municipal Works replied that earlier there had been no financing scheme
approved, however since the last hearing date, Council had agreed to pay
its share of the total scheme as had the Niagara Peninsula Conservation
Authority. ,..,
Alderman Puttick asked if approval of the request would give cause to
those individuals who previously objected to do so again. The Director of
Municipal Works stated that was the reason the City had asked for indemaificati~
The Deputy City Solicitor stated that in view of the fact the condition now
reads implementation of Shriner's Creek, certainly an amendment to the conditi~:i'
imposed by the Minister would be necessary. That could open up another run of
those who may object to the new condition.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cheesman, the Director of
Municipal Works stated that Lots 70 and 71 running west of Lexington Court
would contain an easement to accommodate the 72" diameter storm sewer. Those
lots would be held off until such time as an entire plan has been developed
and the City would then use that area for open channel and ~edimentation tra
similar to Shriner's Creek providing sediment control for the whole subdivistPon.!-
Alderman Chessman commented that approval of the request could be
considered as a precedent as far as the Taro and Sunnyaide Subdivisions were
concerned. The Alderman asked if there had been any discussion reSarding the
possibility of those subdivisions having the same kind of retention pond.
The Director of Municipal Works explained that there are different types of
control, but both subdivisions should be under the same kind of control as
far as sedimentation was concerned. It was further advised that the Ontario
Municipal Board had notified the City that the solicitor for the developers
of Sunnyside Subdivision had requested a hearing on whether the subdivisions
should be allowed to proceed in spite of the condition.
Alderman Sobol stated that she felt the word "implementation" meant the
system would be in operation, The Alde~nmn referred to a similar situation
involving the Ramada Inn application when the applicants had requested
relief from the condition on the storm sewer system being in operation, and
Council hnd allowed the proposal to proceed providing the contract was awarded.
Alderman Sobol asked if it was the policy of the City that award of the
contract be the definition of the word "implementation". The Director of
Municipal Works stated that the word "implementation" allowed for an
interpretation of the contract being called and awarded. The lands have
been acquired, all costs are known and the only thing to stop construction
would be a strike with the contractor being unable to complete the job.
Construction in the subdivisions would parallel construction of the control
Alderman Schisler asked what assurance there would be that there would
be no increase in water flow, and pointed out that many of the residents
along Shriner's Creek now complain because water is cutting away their banks,
and the force of the water is washing away trees and bushes. Mr. Long stated
that the amount of water coming out of the pond is controlled by the pipes on
the discharge side, and he was not aware that since the retention pond had
been constructed that the pipe had discharged. If there were a severe storm
and the retention pond was not adequate, it would overflow. Mr. Long was
satisfied that that type of stormwould only occur once every ten or fifteen
years. The system was not designed for more severe conditions when none of
the system would work. Alderman Sobol stated that one of the complaints from
residents was that the rate of discharge was too fast and their properties'
were flooding even though there is the retention pond. Mr. Long advised that
the retention pond has retarded run-off compared to the run-off prior to the
pond being built. In response to a further question, Mr. Long stated that
the level of the pond was just a few inches at this time.
Alderman Schisler stated that he did not feel he could support all
three subdivisions, and suggested that approval could open the door for all
developers in the area. Mayor Thomson pointed out that the subject subdivision
involves a very small development and the developer was planning to put the
retention pond on their property. In the agreement regarding construction
of Shriner's Creek, acknowledgement was made of the difficulties of the
builders if the project did not proceed immediately, and Council had passed
a resolution advising the City would assist the developers as quickly as
possible to ease their financial burden. The Mayor felt this was not the
same as other developments who cannot retain the water on their own property.
Alderman Cheesman indicated that he ~as sympathetic with the request
since the term "implementation" was the City's word and the definition was
the City's. Mr. Long had shown that the area if allowed to develop would
make no greater burden upon the system than there is at present. The Alderman
was also concerned with the long term financial implications for the developers
if the project sits idle much longer, and the eventual cost to home owners.
Alderman Chessman stated that as far as the other subdivisions were concerned,
requests from those developers would be~ considered on an individual basis.
Alderman Puttick agreed that the City had to co-operate with the developers
at this point because of the investments made. The Alderman suggested that
if there were objections and another hearing was required, the City could
back off at that point. Alderman Puttick felt there was no sense in putting
the City to further cost.
In response to a question raised by the Mayor, Mr. Long explained that
large bales of straw would be placed around the catchbasins which would allow
water to percolate through and stop sediment. They will be maintained and
replaced as needed.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded
by Alderman Cummings, that development of the Ascot Woods Stage II, Phase I
Subdivision be allowed to proceed prior to the implementation of the Shriner's
Creek Alternative 8 scheme, subject to the five conditions outlined in the
report, and also subject to the developer sodding all lots in the proposed
subdivision. Carried Unanimously.
Mr, A. van der Harst was granted permission to address Council on the
motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman CubninEs. Mr. van der Harst
advised that the Board of Directors of the Agency had discussed the possible
twinning of Niagara Falls with Mainz, Germany on several occasions. The
Agency supported the suggestion of twinninE with Matnz, and Mr. van der Harst
stated that although Mainz has twinned with several other cities, that is
not unusual. Twinning with Mainz would be important not only from a cultural
and social point of view, but because of the advertising Niagara Falls would
receive in Germany as a result. Mr. van der Harst felt that with the great
efforts being made to attract industry from Europe, such a move would be
in the best interests of the City. It was also pointed out that when a city
is chosen an an undeveloped country for twinning, quite often assistance is
asked in setting up municipal government. Mr. van der Marst requested that
Council support the suggestion, and since Mr. Montgomery was presently in
Europe, he could report to the Council of Mainz directly.
In response to a suggestion of Alderman Puttick regarding visits to
Germany, Mayor Thomson stated that if there was a twinning situation with
Mainz, there would be encouragement for individuals to visit that city,
however it would not be official and would have nothing to do with any
member of Council.
Alderman Puttick asked if Mr. Hristow had abandoned his efforts in
selecting a city to twin with Niagara Falls. The Mayor explained that he
felt Mr. Hristow was still working on this matter, and pointed out that
since Mainz had twinned with other cities, there was no reason Niagara
Falls could not do the same thing. Alderman Chessman agreed it was quite
in order for cities to have links with other cities, and suggested that
this could be considered as one of the many activities planned on the
occasion of the City's 75th Anniversary.
Following further conmeat, it was moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded
by Alderman Merrett, that an official letter be sent to the Mayor of Mainz
confirming the willingness of the City of Niagara Fails to twin. Carried
Unanimously. Alderman Cummings requested that Mr. Hristow be notified of
Council's action as soon as possible.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that he ha~'~een notified by the
Provincial representative, Mr. V. Kerrio that the reoganization of municipal
hydro electric services in Regional Niagara will be considered by the
Province the next day. Because of their knowledge, the Mayor advised that
he had requested members of the Niagara Falls Hydro Commission to make a
presentation to Council on the matter.
Mr. G. Burley was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings.. Mr. Burley advised that
he had appeared before Council previously to obtain Council's support for
the retention of the local Hydro Commission, and Council had been quite
co-operative in the past. Mr. Burley explained that the Commission would
like to keep the present Commission intact as well as the Chippawa Public
Utilities Commission. This would result in a seven person commission
including the Mayor to implement the organization of the now Niagara Falls
Commission, the Chippaws Public Utilities Commission, the Canadian Niagara
Power Company and the 640 rural customers served by Ontario Hydro, under
one commission. Mr. Burley advised that the Commission will be in
attendance when the Bill is presented, and would like the support of Council
in recommending that the Niagara Falls Commission and the Chippaws P.U.C.
merge until the election of a Commission in 1980. The present Commissions
would be in effect until the end of 1979 regardless of what action the
Province takes. Mr. Burley pointed out that if a new Commission is establishet
the new members will not have the experience of the present'Commissioners that
would be necessary to oversee the reorganization to take plane. The present
Commission has been working on the reorganization for seven years. Mr. Burley
also commented that the Bill states that one of the Commissioners would
represent the 640 rural customers, and he could not see the necessity of
this since once the new commission takes over, all customers in the City will
pay the same rates.
It was moved by Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman ~cBain, that
Council support the continuation of the amalgamated Commissions until the
election of a new Co~nission in 1980. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 256 - City Hanager - The report recommends passage of byelaws
to provide for the appropriations for the year 1979, to fix the rates of
taxation for 1979 and to provide for the levying of taxes, to provide for
the collection of taxes for the year 1979, and to grant a municipal tax
credit for the assistance of elderly residents of $100.
Alderman Chessman stated that he was under the impression that new
sources of tax revenue would not be used for municipal expenditures, and
at the end of the year would be recognized as new money not already spent.
The Alderman felt there should be a policy that new sources of revenue
as they come on stream, be held in reserve until such time as they are
explicitly released by Council. If there are matters of great concern,
Alderman Cheesman felt they could be dealt with when and if they occur,
however these new monies should be considered as new revenue and should
not be reflected in the expenditures of the year. ,Mayor Thomson agreed
with Alderman Cheesman's and commented that because of the budget discussions,
he hoped there would be no overspending on any budget until such time as it
is brought to Council's attention, and done at the direction of Council.
Alderman Merrett suggested that when a department appears to be running
into an over-budget situation, the matter should be reported directly to
the Finance Committee or Council before any funds are spent.
Alderman Puttick stated that the procedural by-law with respect to the
duties of the City Manager, outlines specifically that he is to bring to
Council the financial picture of the City. The Alderman stated that when
the Finance Department was painted, he had known where the money came from
and that it had been shifted around. Mayor Thomson stated that there had
been a report to Council suggesting that funds be used for that purpose.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded
by Alderman Merrett, that the matter of new revenue through additional
assessment, and overspending on budgets, be referred to the Finance Committee
for consideration. Carried Unanimously.
It was then moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-laws Nos. 79-65,
79-66, 79-67 and 79-68.
Report No. 257 - City Manager - The report recommends that staff be authorized
to use the procedure in existence for site plans under Development Control, which
is routinely used to cover landscaping, setbacks, road widenings, parking, road
paving, etc. in consultation with the Niagara Escarpment Commission and other
agencies in order to cover the City's concerns.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman ~ummipgs, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. T~e motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary, and all others voting in favour.
Report No. 258 - City Manager - The report advises that Klydel Holdings Inc.
and Deltan Realty Ltd. are requesting the Ontario Municipal Board to rehear
Referral Area Nos. 48, 49, 50 and 51 located in the City of Thorold.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 259 - Mayor Wayne Thomson.~---The report advises that the public
hearing concerning the City Manager will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, MAy 7,
1979 in the Council Chambers. Due to the importance of the matter, all members
of Council are expected to be attendance.
His Worship, Mayor ~lomson stated that he had been advised that Alderman
Orr had gone on vacation and would not be back for the hearing on MAy 7th. Due
to the importance of the matter, the Mayor felt that all members of Council
should be in attendance and suggested that the date of the hearing be changed
to May 14th, 1979.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cummings, the Mayor stated
that he had been advised of Alderman Orr's absence by telephone earlier in the
day, and that a message had been left for the Alderman to call as soon as
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that the public hearing concerning the City Manager be held on Monday, May 14tb
1979. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 260 - Mayor Wayne Thomson - The report advises that a Joint meeting
of Council and the Planning & Development Committee will be held on Wednesday,
May 23, 1979 at 4:30 p.m. to review draft zoning by-law. All members of
Council are requested to be in attendance.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 94 - Local Businesses - Re: Proposed Charges, Sanitary Landfill Site.
The communication expresses objection to the proposed charge fees for dumping
material at the sanitary landfill site.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
communication be referred to the Landfill Site Committee to deal with at the
next meeting of the Committee. Carried Unanimously.
No. 95 - Mr. A.F. Shoppard - Re: John Allan Park. The communication advises
that Marine Wonderland & Animal Park Ltd. has expressed an interest in acquirin.
the 26 acres of land at the corner of Stanley Avenue and Chippawa Parkway
known as John Allan Park at a fair appraised value.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carrio:
No. 96 - Fairline Boats Ltd. - Re: Tariff Board Repe-r~ on Pleasure Craft. The
communication protests the continuation of the Tariff Board Report on pleasure
craft and the Order in Council in its present form now that larger boats are
being produced in Canada.
His Worship, Ma~or Thomson suggested that the communication be referred
to staff to prepare a suitable resolution requesting the Federal Member of
Parliament and the Federal Government to review and possibly make Canadian
pleasure craft manufacturers as competitive as foreign builders.
Alderman Puttick suggested that the matter be discussed with officials
of the Niagara Falls Business & Industrial Growth Agency Inc. who may be able
to provide additional assistance.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that the
matter be referred to staff and the Niagara Falls Business & Industrial Growth
Agency Inc. Carried Unanimously.
No. 97 - Niagara District Health Council - Re: Ambulance Service, City of
Niagara Falls. The communication states that any comment on the possible
divestment of the service by the Ministry of Health is premature, and advises
that the Niagara District Health Council cannot support the City's request
that no change be made to the present ambulance delivery system.
Mayor Thomson stated that as a result of the previous discussion on this
matter and the Council's resolution asking that the present service be
continued, the communication from the Health Council had been received. The
Mayor pointed out that the Health Council indicates that the City's comments
are premature, and then through a survey indicates that the service be put
out to private entrepreneurs, totally and completely contrary to what Council
was trying to do.
Mr. A. Hicks of the Niagara Falls Ambulance Service, was granted
to address Council on the motion of Alderman Herrerr, seconded by adennan
Cunmings. Mr. Hicks stated that he had a copy of the statistics prepared in
1977 which were based on call volume in the years 1971-74, and indicated that
he had opposed the statistics'at that time. The survey was prepared by
students from Niagara College, who Mr. Hicks felt had no idea of howan
ambulance service should be operated. Mr. Hicks co~nented that of all his
employees~ only two had not written their Provincial examinations, and those
two would be writing this July. Mr. Hicks felt no other service in the
peninsula could compare to the Niagara Falls Service. If and when the Ministry
of Health decides to divest itself of the Niagara Falls ambulance service,
Mr. Hicks stated that he would tender a proposal to the Ministry to take over
the service so that the City can continue to enjoy the services provided at
Regional Councillor Mitchelson stated that the Health Council was
requested by the ~nistry of Health to prepare the study. No action has been
taken on the study to evaluate the degrees of health and ambulance service
throughout the Region. Mr. Mitchelson further stated that under no circumstances
should there be a lowering of quality of the service, and it was his understanding
the ~nistry had not made any decision to divest itself of the services.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by
Alderman Fera, that the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 261 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: City Representative on the
Regional Niagara Housing Advisory Committee. The report recommends the
appointment of Mr. A. ~hcklem in addition to the Planning Director to the
Regional Niagara Housing Advisory Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 262 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: Planning Department Annual
Report 1978. The report provides information dealing with the planning and
development which took place in the City of Niagara Falls in 1978 and indicates
trends for the years ahead.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Aldermen Chessman and Cummings were absent when the vote
was taken on this matter.
No. 263 - City Manager - Re: Niagara Region Transportation Review. The
report recommends that the Regional Planning Committee be advised that Council
concurs with Planning Department staff contributing time to the Region~s
Transportation Study.
ORDERED on the motion of klderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Puttick, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Aldermen Cheesman and Cummings were absent when the vote
was taken on this matter.
No. 264 - City Manager - Re: By-laws to Remove Part Lot Control - Request of
Seifried Builders. The report recomme~hs approval of a procedure for review
of requests to remove part lot control where established lots are being
changed to permit enlargement or reduction of lot size or re-arrangement of
established lots in plans of subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Cummings was absent when the vote was taken on
this matter,
No. 265 - City Clerk - Re: By-law 78-231, Acquisition and Clearance of Land
in the Ryerson-Market Redevelopmerit Area. The report advises that the Ontario
Municipal Board has appointed Thursday, May 31st, 1979 at 11:00 a.m. in the
City Hall Council Chambers for the hearing of all persons ~nterested in
supporting or opposing the subject application.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 266 - City Manager - Re: 1979 Joint Annual Conference of A.W.W.A. and
O.M.W,A. The report recommends the attendance of two members of staff and one
member of Council at the subject conference to be held in Mamilton from
May 27 - 30, 1979.
Alderman Schieler felt that many of the matters considered at a conference
of this nature would be rather difficult for laymen to comprehend, and the
attendance of an alderman would not be of as much use as members of staff.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cheesman
that two members of staff be authorized to attend the conference. Carried
No. 267 - City ,Manager - Re: Municipal Fire Departments Instructors'
Association. The report recommends that the Director of Training and
Assistant Training Officer be authorized to attend the subject seminar to
be held in Hamilton from May 28 - 30, 1979.
Alderman Chessman referred to one of the topics for a workshop discussion
entitled "Some Coping Tactics for Stress and Anxiety" and asked how this topic
entered into the conference. Alderman Puttick advised that he had recently
watched a news prograrmne concerning police officers, and the stress and
anxiety experienced by the families of such employees, and suggested that
similar problems could be experienced by Fire Department employees and their
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 268 - City Manager - Re: Annual Conference - Purchasing Management Associat:~i
of Canada. The report recommends the attendance of the Purchasing Agent at the
subject conference to be held in Calgary, Alberta from June 6 - 8, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fete, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 269 - City ~nager - Re: Ontario Arenas Association Conference. The
report recommends the attendance of two members of staff and one member of
Council at the subject conference to he held lust. Catharines from
June 22-24, 1979.
Alderman Cummings suggested that rather than a member of Council attending!
that the Arena Foreman be authorized to attend the conference.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Herrerr, that
three members of staff, one of whom will be the Arena Foreman, be authorized
to attend the conference. Carried Unanimously.
No. 270 - City Manager - Re: Special Tourist Edition, Niagara Falls Review.
The report advises that the Niagara Fails Review has been asked to subscribe
to a full page of the special edition at a cost of $~,,812.32 or a one-half
page at $1,406.16.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and filed, and the City not participate in the Special
Tourist Edition. The~ motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cummings, Dilts, Puttick, Schisler, Sobol and Wallman.
~AYE: Aldermen Chessman, Fera, Hinsperger, MacBain and Herrerr.
No. 271 - City Manager - Re: Falls Industrial Park Extension. The report
recommends that Council approve the request for reserve on Lot 1 in the Falls
Industrial Park Extension to Mr. R. Spironello until July I7, 1979 and that
City officials be authorized to process the reserve.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 272 - City Manager - Re: Contract R.C. 25-78, Glenview N.I.P. Area
Watermain, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, Road Reconstruction and Sidewalk
Repairs. The report recommends approval of a proposal to install a sanitary
sewer subject to four conditions.
Alderman Sobol asked why the City would not be re-tendering the work since
the contractorts intended installation was different than what was requested
in the contract documents. The Director of Municipal Works stated that the
tender was awarded at the end of 1978 for replacing the existing sewers, and
the contractor had moved certain pipe on to the site and found the soil
conditions much more adverse than had been anticipated. Th~ approach was
then made to the City with the suggested alternative scheme. In response
to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, the Director of Municipal Works
stated that the contractor will have to dig shafts down into the ground and
place the plastic pipe through the shafts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and adopted, Carried Unanimously.
No. 273 - City Manager - Re: 1979 Operating Budget - Portage Read from
Delaware to Stanley. The report recon~ends that Portage Road from Delaware
to Staniey be taken out of the 1979 cold planing and asphalt overlay program
and this street be treated with a modified double surface treatment in 1979;
that Frederica Street from Drun~nond to Glenholme and Simcoe from Crysler to
Palmet be put back again in the 1979 asphalt overlay program; and that
consideration be given in future budgets for the inclusion of Portage Road
from Delaware to Stanley for complete road reconstruction.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett, the Director of
Municipal Works stated that 3/8" stone is used for normal surface treatment,
however for modified double surface treatment uses 1/2" or less to absorb
more emulsion material, with a second layer of 3/8" stone.
Alderman Puttick asked if the work on Frederica Street would be done
after construction on the Q.E.W. has been completed. The Director of
Municipal Works stated that the Q.E.W. construction is expected to be completed
by June 15th and the work on Frederica would take place after that time.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 274 - City Manager - Re: Stop & Yield Signs. The report recommends
preparation of a by-law to allow the erection of a yield sign on the eastbound
approach of Corry Crescent and Rapelie, and the erection of stop signs on
the westbound intersection of Bosserr Road at Beck Road, at both the eastbound
and westbound approaches of Bossert Road at King Road and on both the westbound
and eastbound approaches of Marshall Road at Ort Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No._275 - City Manager - Re: Intersection of Glengate and Maplewood. The
report recommends that no change be made in the control of the intersection
of Glengate and Maplewood and that a copy of the report and attachments
be forwarded to Mr. G. Davis who had requested a four-way stop at the subject
Alderman Herrerr stated that despite the technical information supplied
on the use of stop signs, he felt the installation of a stop sign would slow -
traffic down on this street. The Director of Municipal Works stated that
according to studies made, vehicles accelerating after having stopped for a
stop sign, were found to be travelling as fast, if not faster, within 250 ft.
of the stop sign, than if there were no stop sign at all. In other words,
nothing was achieved by erecting a stop sign and causing traffic to be
moving faster for a certain portion of the roadway. The question of energy
conservation could also be considered a factor in not erecting further stop
signs. Alderman Herrerr felt that the four-way stop should be tried because
of the safety hazard at the intersection.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that a four-way stop be installed at the intersection of Glengate and
Maplewood, and the report be received and filed. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE; Aldermen Cummings, Dilts, Fera, Hinsperger, MacBain, Herrerr, Puttick,
Sobol and Wallman.
NAYE: Aldermen Chessman and Schisler.
No. 276 - City Manager - Re: Parking Meters. The report recommends that
Council confirm the action of staff in purchasing 42 double-headed meters and
14 single-headed meters in the amount of $18,873.82.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 277 - City Manager - Re: Guide Signs. The report recommends that the
request of the Main & Ferry Business Association for the erection of a guide
sign.at the intersection of the Niagara Parkway with Murray Hill be forwarded
to the Niagara Parks Commission for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 278 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
Alderman Puttick suggested that either Cheque #3797 or #3798 be withdrawn,
which was the cheque for registration of himself at the Ontario Traffic Conference
since he would not be going. The City Treasurer advised that Alderman Herrerr
would be attending the conference, and the amount was for registration.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
- l0 -
No. 98 - Niagara Falls Lions Club - Re: Rainbow ~79 Lions Convention. The
conununication requests permission of the City to apply for a liquor licence
'to be run in conjunction with dances to be held on June let, 2nd and 4th, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the request be granted subject to similar approvals being received from the
Fire Department, Regional Police, Health Unit and L.L.B.O. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cununings, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read a
first time:
No. 79-65 - A By-law to provide for the appropriations for the year 1979.
No. 79-66 - A By-law to fix the rates of taxation for 1979 and to provide for t[
levying of taxes.
No. 79-67 - A By-law to provide for the collection of taxes for the year 1979.
No. 79-68 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 74-84 to authorize the granting of a
municipal tax credit for the assistance of elderly residents.
No. 79-69 - A By-law to provide for the remuneration of the Mayor.
No. 79-70 - A By-law to authorize the conveyance of land to Leonard William
Wigley and also to authorize the conveyance of land to the Regional
Municipality of Niagara.
No. 79-71 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried with AIde
all others voting
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chsesman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-65 - A By-law to provide for the appropriati~ps for the year 1979.
.No. 79-66 - A By-law to fix the rates of taxation for 1979 and to provide for
levying of taxes.
No. 79-67 - A By-law to provide for the collection of taxes for the year 1979.
No~ 79-68 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 74-84 to authorize the granting of a
municipal tax credit for the assistance of elderly residents.
.N°· 79-69 - A By-law to provide for the,remuneration of theMayor.
.No, 79-70 - A By-law to authorize the conveyance of land to Leonard William
Wigley and also to authorize the conveyance of land to the Regional
Municipality of Niagara.
No. 79-71 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes, ,
Carried with Alder~
Puttick voting contl
on By-law 79-69,
all others voting
Alderman Cheesman referred to plans made in honour of the 75th Anniversary
of the City and in recognition of the Lincoln & Welland Regiment for June 3, 19i
The. Freedom of the.City will be extended to the Regiment at 10~00 a.m.,
- 11 -
by a service at Christ Church at 11:00 a.m., and a luncheon at the Niagara
Falls Club.
Alderman Cheesman advised that there are three stop signs within the
area of St. Clair and Jepson near the Palmer Avenue extension, and asked
if one could possibly be removed now that the extension of Palmer runs through
to the Downtown area. The Director of Municipal indicated that he would
check into the matter.
Alderman Puttick advised that he had received a call from a physically
handicapped person in the process of selling her home. The person involved
was a senior citizen and was trying to move into an apartment, but she could
not find proper acconunodation. The Alderman stated that there are many
persons who are physically handicapped that wish to live on their own, however
due to the lack of adequate facilities, it is difficult to find living
quarters that are suitable. Alderman Puttick commented that Hamilton
and Toronto have by-laws indicating that so many units in a building must
be suitable for persons in wheel chairs, and suggested that Council give
consideration to such a by-law. The Alderman further stated that he knew
of three persons who would be happy to address Council on the matter. It
was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that the
matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carried
Alderman Merrett stated that he had suggested earlier that a meeting be
held to discuss the conflict of interest provisions in the Municipal Act, and.
asked if arrangements could be made to arrange such a meeting. The City
Clerk advised that he had copies of the presentation made at the seminar
for new councillors, and indicated that Council set a date for the meeting.
Alderman Fera asked if consideration could be given to removing a part
of the parking restrictions on Kitchener Street in the area of the hospital.
Parking at the Professional Building was becoming crowded, and additional
parking was required. It was moved by Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman
Puttick, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a report.
Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Cummings advised that MrZ'S. Robefro who lives on the corner
of MoRse and Ottawa, was experiencing a problem with the sewer backing up
into his basement. The Mayor stated that the matter had been referred to
staff for a report. Alderman Cummings indicated that he felt the report
made by staff was not acceptable. The City sewer which is 35' from
Mr. Robertors house backs up into his basement, and when the City comes
down to clear the sewer, the obstruction is reached in the middle of the
road, not on his property. In contacting the Service Centre, Alderman
Cummings stated that the explanation given was that there is not a great
enough fall from Mr. Roberto's house to the main sewer. Alderman Cummings
explained that the house had been there for 33 years, and that no problem
had started until 9 years ago. Under the sewer by-law, any part of the
sewer lateral on public streets will be maintained or repaired at the Cityts
expense. Alderman Cummings asked if there could be a further report on
the matter and that Mr. Robefro be contacted. Alderman Puttick stated that
one of the suggestions in the report was that Mr. Roberto run his bathroom
tissue under the tap, and if it does not break, he should change the brand
since the paper could be blocking the line. The Alderman also advised that
Mr. Robefro was not aware that hie lateral was level with the sewer.
Alderman Puttick felt that the City could not tear up the street and lower
the sewer to accommodate Mr. Robefro, but that some effort should be
made to help solve the problem. The Director of Municipal Works stated
that the individual should be responsible for his line right out to the
sewer, and the intent was if repairs are necessary on the City eider the
City would take care of them, but if the problem is caused by something
inside the building, it is the ownerrs responsibility... The sewer itself on
- 12 -
McRae was very shallow and the Director of Municipal Works felt that was
part of the problem. It was further advised that frequent flushing would
help, and if something is put in that will plug the line, it does not
matter which side of the street line the blockage is found, it is the owner's
responsibility. The Director of Municipal Works further stated that according
to the record of occurrences, blockages have occurred usually once a year,
and the problem was not constant. It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded
by Alderman Puttick, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation
of a report. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Wallman advised that he had received a number of calls from
persons asking about the proposed wrecking yard on Willoughby Drive, and
when Council would be making a decision on the matter. The Planning Director
advised that the solicitor for Mr. Todd was experiencing legal difficulties
in the matter, and it was suggested that the matter could be updated at the
next Planning & Development Committee meeting. It was moved by Alderman
Wallman, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that the matter be referred to the
Planning & Development Committee. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Wallman stated that when access from roads to the west of
the Q.E.W. was closed by the M.T.C., people living in that area were experienci~j
difficulties in having things delivered and explaining exactly how to get to
their homes. The Alderman asked if it would be possible to have signs in
the general area directing people to the roads running east and west of the
Q.E.W. so that people coming to the area can locate residences in the area.
It was moved by Alderman Wallman, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that the
matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carried Unanimousl~
It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderm~n Merrett, that a
regular meeting be held on May 7, 1979, that the special hearing regarding
the City Manager be held on May 14, 1979, that no regular meeting be held
on May 22, 1979 and that the Joint meeting of Council and the Planning and
Development Committee be held on May 23, 1979, and that a regular meeting
of Council be held on'May 28, 1979. The motion Carried with Alderman
Cummings voting contrary, and all others voting in favour.
It was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole. Carried Unanimously.
Committee Room #1
April 30, 1979
Council met in Co~tttee of the Whole on Monday, April 30, 1979 following
a regular meeting of Council. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Orr. Alderman Herrerr presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole arose without reporting. ,, ~,,
- 13 -
Council Chambers
April 30, 1979
Council reconvened in formal session on Monday, April 30, 1979 following
a meeting in Committee of the Whole. All members of Council were present with
the exception of Alderman Orr. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
The meeting adjourned.
'C&iI, SSN' &i'Y'CiEi'Y
°' '
Committee Room #1
May 7, 1979
Council met on Monday, May 7, 1979 at 6:30 p.m. in Committee of the Whole.
All members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen Merrett and
Orr. Alderman Macgain presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the Whole
arose without reporting.
Council Chambers
MAy 7, 1979
Council met on Monday, Pl&y ~, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen Merrett and Orr. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as
Chairman. Alderman Chessman offered the Opening Prayer.
Alderman Puttick referred to the matter dealt with at the last Council
meeting regarding the possible sale of John Allan Park and the reconnnendation
of Council that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a
report. The Alderman hoped that the essence of the report should not be
on the sale of the property, but rather that the City may retain the park,
and suggested that the matter was not a staff decision. Mayor Thomson stated
that the solicitor for Marine Wonderland & Animal Park Ltd.' had expressed
the interest in purchasing the park, and that the request was referred to
staff because of a difference of opinion on the amount of use of the lands.
The Mayor agreed that at this point the ~mpression has not been given that
the land will be sold, since the matter requires a Council decision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the minutes of the meetings held on April 17th and April 23rd, 1979, be
adopted as printed. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Cummings stated that at the last meeting, the sewer problem on
McRae Street was brought to the attention of Council, and was referred by
Council to staff for the preparation of a report. Only himself and Alderman
Puttick had received a copy of the report, when the request had been for all
members of Council to receive a report. Alderman Cummings stated that in the
original report, the indication was that Mr. Roberto's lateral was level with
the aewer. A survey team was sent out to the property to determine whether
the line was level. The house has existed for over thirty years and problems
have only been experienced for the last nine years. Alderman Cummings felt
this indicated there was a problem in the ground. The report indicated
that of all the times the line was cleaned out, at no time did the blockage
occur on Mr. Roberto's property. According to the sewer by-law, the portion
of the lateral on City property will be maintained~ repaired or replaced at
the City's expense. Alderman Cummings indicated his disappointment with the
report provided, and the fact the report for the entire Council was not
ready for submission.
Alderman Puttick stated that he had spoken to the Maintenance and
Operations Engineer earlier in the day, and he had indicated that there
had not been sufficient time to have the report prepared. There was new
information that there had been a blockage at seventeen feet, which had never
been mentioned previously. The Alderman stated that every time a new report
was written on the matter, the information changes, and was of the opinion
that the attempt is being made to have the by-law changed so that the City
ts not responsible.
The Maintenance & Operations Engineer stated that the latest information
he had received was on the Friday afternoon of the previous week, and he had
been unable to prepare a report in time to have it sent out to the Council.
In September of 1977, there was a blockage found at fourteen feet from the
clean-out, and the problem encountered is that with the equipment used to
clean laterals, it is difficult to determine exactly where the blockage is
located. The equipment can actually push the blockage ahead. The Maintenance
& Operations Engineer stated that on April 26th the sewer was cleaned completely
from the house to the main sewer, and it was now a question of whether the City
should dig now or wait and see if the problem continues. If a single hole is
dug, the cost would be $800, however if it must be determined whether the
problem is between the main and the property line, the cost could be as high
as $1800. If the problem is not on the City section, Council would have to
decide who would pay the cost.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cummings, the Maintenance and
Operations Engineer stated that the crew cannot tell whether the cleaning
equipment has pushed the blockage from private property onto the City's section,
since the blockage will only lodge in the pipe when there is enough sewage
in front. The last time there was a blockage at this property was nineteen
months previously and on two previous occasions they were two years and twenty
months apart. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer indicated that this
problem can occur within half a year or within two years, and is not uncommon
anywhere in the City. In response to a question raised by the Mayor, the
Maintenance & Operations Engineer indicated that he had planned to attend the
meeting for several other items, however Alderman Puttick had asked him to
attend and give a verbal explanation on why the repotJ;_on the matter was not
sent out on the previous Friday.
Alderman Schisler suggested that the hand-type cleaner be used since it
could clear up the problem of exactly where the blockage is located. The
Maintenance & Operations Engineer advised that the equipment referred to was
quite small and could easily go over the blockage.
Alderman Puttick stated that he had originally learned that the drop from
the manhole cover to the house was six feet, however staff were now saying
that the drop was two and a half feet from the hous~ to the sewer. The
Maintenance & Operations Engineer stated that it would have to be determined
whether the lateral had been attached to the main sewer with a riser or
dropped abruptly at the main sewer, and since he had no record of who had
built the house, there was a problem in determining how the connection was
made without digging.
Mr. S. Robefro was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fete. Mr. Robefro stated that
each time he had called the City has come up with different excuses, such as
using the wrong kind of bathroom tissue, asking the residents not to put
sanitary napkins in the toilet, or that if roots were causing the problem,
they would come back on the machine. Mr. Robefro stated that he had never
seen roots come back on the machine, and agreed that the problem could be a
bad Joint. Mr. Robefro requested that the City fix it if on the City side,
and he would take care of his side. Alderman Sobol asked if any of Mr. Robertol
neighbouts were experiencing similar problems, however Mr. Robefro did not
know if this was so. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer asked if Mr. Robert~
had seen the installation of the lateral. Mr. Roberto stated that hie father
had, and the Maintenance & Operations Engineer indicated that he would speak
to the father in an attempt to determine what type of connection was made.
t{ayor Thomson indicated that several minor matters had to be dealt with
prior to the public hearing on May 14th, and suggested that a report could be
brought in at that time. Alderman Cummings stated that he understood why the
second report had not been ready, but asked why the other members of Council
did not receive copies of the original report. The Maintenance & operations
Engineer stated that he had misunderstood Council's request at the previous
meeting, thinking that the report would be to provide additional information.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
staff prepare a report for consideration in one week. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 279 - City Manager - The report recommends: 1) That Council confirm
its interest in approximately five acres of the Mount Carmel Site and inform
the Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board; 2) That Council request
the Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board to provide an appraisal
price for the Mount Carmel property as soon as possible; 3) That Council request
the Niagara South Board of Education to extend the time for making an offer on
the Falls View site until June 22nd due to the recent interest of Niagara
College in the Mount Carmel Site; 4) That staff be instructed to report on the
Niagara College interest in the Mount Carmel site as soon as possible; and
5) That staff be instructed to ascertain that the Hydro right-of-way is
available for municipal recreation in connection with the proposed park land
and Father Hennepin School.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Fera
abstaining on a conflict of interest, and all others voting in favour.
Report No. 280 - City Manager - The report recommends that the Canadian Transport
Commission be advised that the City is willing to share the cost of circuit
reduction at the Swayze Drive crossing at a cost to the Municipality of $987.50.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Fera, the Deputy City Clerk
stated that the reduction will take place as soon as the circuit work has been
done on all crossings to the east and west. The speed cannot be reduced until
such work has been done.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that .
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 281 - City Manager - The report recommends that Council approve
the request for a wall sign to exceed the area permitted under the sign by-law,
and that the appropriate resolution be passed.
Mr. J. Lobko of Donald N. Chapman's office, was granted permission to
address Council on the motion of Alderman Cunnnings, seconded by Alderman Fera.
Mr. Lobko referred to the display of the sign posted in the Council Chambers
and noted that the plan was self-explanatory. The colour sho~m on the bottom
of the display will be the colour of the wall, and the letters will be beige,
with the symbol used for Maple Leaf Village to be in the colours shown. The
height would be approximately one hundred and twenty feet.
Alderman Puttick stated that he would like more time to look at the
location of the sign and commented that he was aware of other people that
had requested signs not as large and there had been concern expressed.
~yor Thomson suggested that arrangements be made with Chapmants office
to go down to the location and view the area where the sign is proposed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Chessman,
that the report be tabled to allow the Council an opportunity to view the
location of th~ proposed sign. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 282 - Alderman M. Sobol - The report recommends that a second
public meeting be held in conjunction with the Landfill Site Committee meeting
on May 16th, in the Council Chambers, and that notice be advertised in the press.
Mayor Thomson stated that the public hearing regarding the City Manager
would be held on May 14th, and there was a possibility the hearing could
continue over several days. The Mayor suggested that the date of the public
meeting on the Landfill Site be postponed for a short time.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the date of the public meeting be changed to M~y 24, 1979, and that the report,
as amended, be receive{ and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 99 - Social Planning Council - Re: Meeting on Social Aspects of Railway
Relocation. The communication extends an invitation to Council to attend a
a meeting on the relationship of social and physical planning, one of the
items which will be considered is the social impact analysis of proposed
railway relocation for Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the communication be received and filed, and as many members of Council
as possible attend. Carried Unanimously.
No. 100 - Niagara Falls Bridge Commission - Re: Proposed Tramway. The
communication expressed opposition to the proposed aerial tramway across the
Niagara River between Niagara Falls, New York and Niagara Falls, Ontario.
Alderman Dilts stated that he could not agree with ther-Con~nission
that revenue would be lost because of the cable car. The Alderman felt that
such a project would do nothing but good for the City and when the matter came
to Council he would give the project his full support.
Alderman Fera stated that the first time the matter came before Council
he had been opposed, and he would continue to oppose the matter in the future.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Fore, that the
communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 101 - Progressive Conservative Association, Niagara Federal Riding - Re: Use
of Cummington Square. The communication requests permission to use Cummington
Square in order to introduce Candidate Jake Froese to residents in the Chippawa
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman M~n~ seconded by Alderman'Sobol, that
permission be granted. The motion Carried with Alderman Chessman abstaining
on a conflict of interest, and all others voting in favour.
No. 102 - Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs - Re: Local Improvement Act.
The communication requests the comments of the Municipality with respect to
the amendments to the Local Improvement Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fore, that
the communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carried
Unanimously. ___
No. 103 - Mr. G.S. Marr, Jr. and Others - Re: Sidewalks. The communication
requests that sidewalks be constructed on Jupiter Boulevard with curbs next
to the road's edge.
Alderman C%,mmings noted that the communication states that 100% of the
residents are in favour of this request, and since there would be no difference
cost, he could see no reason why the request could not be approved immediately.
Alderman Sobol commented that staff must have wished' to comment further on the
matter, or there would not have been a recommendation to refer the matter to
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fore, that the
communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. The motion
Carried with Alderman Cummings voting contrary, and all others in favour.
No. 104 - Niagara Parks Commission - Re: Establishment of Commercial Properties
on Niagara Parkway. The communication confirms the long standing policy of the
Commission in opposition to any further commercial or industrial development of
lands bordering on the Niagara Parkway and further rezoning of residentiai lands
to commercial or industrial uses and the grunting of access to or from any new
commercial or industrial sites.
Nayor Thomson commented that even though the Commission does an excellent
Job in attempting to keep the Parkway in its most natural state, he did not
agree personally with the subject policy of the Commission and felt the
Commission should deal with each application individually rather than to
adopt a blanket resolution in opposition to any development. The Nayor
pointed out that in some instances, there could be valid planning reasons
for a development, however under the policy, nothing would be permitted.
Alderman Puttick stated that when this matter had been discussed by the
Commission, he had requested that it be tabled until such time as he had an
opportunity to contact the municipalities involved. The Commission had not
felt this necessary, and had confirmed the policy. The Alderman advised that
the Commission considered at the same meeting~ a proposed motel on River Rued,
and had oppoaed the proposal on the basis of the policy.
Nayor Thomson advieed that there had been a new motel in the Chippawa
area that had attempted to Set a second access, and the policy atate~ that
no new access even from an existing motel would be granted. The Commission
had suggested that because the motel was adjacent to the Water Treatment Plant,
that application be made to the Region to obtain access. The Region had not
been opposed providing the Commission was not opposed. The Mayor felt that
the position taken by the Commission would stifle development, and he hoped
this was not an attempt to monopolize the tourist business for the Commission's
own ends. The Mayor suggested that the matter be referred to the City Solicitor
for a report on the legality of restricting uses and whether or not the Commission
can carry through its policy.
Alderman Puttick stated that the Commission's main objection bad been that
the motel was on a curve, and in regard to a canopy constructed. The Alderman
advised that he had requested that the members of ths Commission drive by and
look at the building since taking the canopy off the building would destroy the
whole look of the building. The members of the Commission would not do so, and
there was now an order for the canopy to be torn down. With respect to the
curve, Alderman Puttick stated that he had reminded the Commission of the
curve at Fallsview for the Incline Railway.
Following further conment, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded
by Alderman Dilts, that the communication be referred to the City Solicitor
for an opinion on the legality of the policy of the Commission. Carried
No. 283 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: ~-4/79, City of Niagara
Falls and Niagara South Board of Education, Bast Side Dorchester Road. The
report recommends approval of the application, and that Council certify by
resolution that the application conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28
of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister
of Housing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 38
See By-law No. 79-~2
No. 284 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: ~M-8/79, V. White, 6631 Thorold
Stone Road (Gales Gas Bar). The report recommends approval of a site plan
agreement prior to approval of the application subject to Development Control
and that Council certify by resolution, that the application conforms to
Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended
and approved by the 1/dnister of Housing.
Mrs. E. Gordon advised that she had several letters from some of the
residents on St. Peter who were in objection but were unable to attend the
meeting. It was ~s. Gordon~s understanding that some of the people who
were in favour of the application at the' Planning & Development Committee
meeting did not live in the area, although one individual who lived in another
area did own a property nearby. Mrs. Cordon indicated that she objected very
strongly because there is a great deal of traffic at the moment, and even
though there are signs posted prohibiting trucks from using St. Peter, they
use the street constantly. In response to a question raised by Alderman Fera,
Mrs. Gordon stated that the application would not necessarily increase traffic,
but it would do nothing to enhance her property. She pointed out as well that
rather than proceeding down to the traffic lights at Stamford centre, trucks
will go down St. Peter and out the other way. Mrs. Gordon also felt there
would be noise from repairs, likely until late at night.
Alderman Fera doubted that conditions would be any worse than they are
at present if the application were approved, and in fact, he felt the proposal
would improve the area. The Alderman felt that Mr. ~ite should not be denied
the right to earn a living.
Alderman Dilts stated that his main concern was the fact more residential
property in the City was being zoned commercial, when the Downtown Study had
indicated that the City had more commercial property than was required. The
Aldern|an was also concerned over the limited number of parking spaces,
particularly when large gas tankers would be delivering gasoline.
Alderman Sobol commented that ehe had approved of the application because
the business would be a one-man operation. The Alderman did not feel the proposal
would be adding to the problem of commercial space in the City, and in looking
at the e~te~ she could not see that it was suited for anything better.
addition, Alderman Sobel had asked the applicant previously if he was going
to service trucks at the garage, and the applicant had indicated he would not.
The Alderman pointed out that there would still be tankers unloading gasoline
whether or not the application was approved.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, the Planning DirectoI
advised that road widening would only be taken in front of the applicant's
property. The Design & Construction Engineer further stated that if future
applications were received, similar requests for road widening strips would
be made, however in this instance, the road widening applies only to the
property in question.
Alderman Puttick stated that the traffic on St. Peter is unbearable at
times, and even though signs were erected to prohibit truck traffic, the
majority of trucks ignore the sign particularly in the morning. The Alderman
also stated that no garage operation was going to have planters and flowers
when cars could be parked there to be serviced. Alderman Puttick felt that
cars would be parked on the streets waiting to be serviced.
Mr. R. Spirehello, agent for the applicant, was granted permission to
address Council on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman
Hinsperger. Mr, Sptronello advised that the property presently has a two-bay
service garage which is presently vacant. Mr. White's intention is to operate
the service garage as the sole mechanic. Mr. Spirehello commented that he
could not see how a service station would increase traffic on St. Peter and
-suggested that with strict control on the location of driveway entrances and
the installation of islands, traffic could be controlled to an acceptable
level. With respect to parking, Mr. Spirehello stated that cars could not
be parked a~l over the lot because it would interfere with the sale of gas.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, Mr. Spirehello advised
that he doubted one mechanic could handle as many as ten cars in one day, and
that perhaps seven or eight cars could be double-parked on the property.
Alderman Cheesman expressed concern over Mr. Spironello's suggestion of
double-parked vehicles when the site plan called for five parking spaces.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Hinsperger, seconde~
by Alderman Dilts, that the application be denied. The motion was Defeated
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Chess.man, Dilts, Hinsperger, Puttick and Wallman.
NAYE: Aldermen Cummings, Fore, MacBain, Schisler, Sobel and Mayor Thomson.
It was then moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Sobel that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cummings, Fore, MacBain, Sobel, Schfsler and Mayor Thomson.
NAYE: Aldermen Chessman, Dilts, Ninsperger, Puttick and Wallman.
No. 285 - City Manager - Re: Pits and Quarries Control Amendment Act. The
report provides additional information concerning a request for support of
a proposed amendment to the Pits and Quarries Control Act, 1971. It is
recommended that the communication from the Borough of Scarborough be received
and filed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 286 - City Manager - Re: 41st Conference - Association of Municipal Clerks
and Treasurers. The report recommends the attendance of the City Clerk and
City Treasurer at the subject conference to be held in Toronto from June 17th
to June 20, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 287 - City Manager - Re: 42nd Annual Conference - Federation of Canadian
Municipalities. The report recommends the attendance of Mayor Thomson at the
subject conference to be held in Quebec City from June 3 - 6, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of AldernmnMacBain, seconded by Alderman Hineperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 288 - City Manager - Re: Lot 23, Falls Industrial Park. The report
recommends approval of the purchase of Lot 23 in the Falls Industrial Park
by Mr. Larry Vaughan fur the sum of $30,250.
ORDERED on the ~otion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79~
No. 289 - City Manager - Re: Regional Trunk Watermain Extension from blontrose
Road to Dorchester/Oldfield Roads. The report recommends that the City's share
of the subject construction in the amount of $9,826.30, be approved for payment
from the Expansion and Renewal Fund.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cumnings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Dilts was absent when the vote was taken on
this matter.
No. 290 - City Manager - Re: Aldemmanlc Representatives - Chamber of Commerce.
The report requests that Council appoint five members as the aldermanic
representatives to the Chamber of Commerce.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cummings, the City Manager
advised that the cost of membership in the Chamber was $500 per year.
Mr. van der Harst advised that the membership fee is based on the number of
persons employed by a firm, not the number of voting delegates. The me~ers
are required to meet once a year to elect the Chamber's Board of Directors.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Schisler,
that Aldermen Cummings, Dilts, Fera, Sobel and Wallman be appointed as the
aldermanic representatives to the Chamber of Commerce. Carried Unanimously.
No. 291 - City Manager - Re: Possible Disposal of Surplus Municipal Property
South Side of Gallinger Street between Drummond and Portage. The report
recommends that staff be authorized to obtain appraisals on the subject property
as well as the 10' widening strip required by the Region.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 292 - City Manager - Re: Guide Signing. The report recommends that the
Region be advised to erect guide signing to the Main & Ferry business area
McLeod Road at Stanley Avenue and advance guide signing for Main Street at
the City's expense.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 293 - City Manager - Re: Building Permits. The report provides a
description of permits issued in April having an estimated building value over
$50,000, as well as a breakdown of all permits issued during the month of
April, 1979 as compared to 1978.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dllts, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 294 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
The City Treasurer provided additional information on Cheques #3884, #3887,
#3888, #3891, and #3895 in response to questions raised.
Alderman Puttick asked for an explanation of Cheque #3918. The City Treasurer
advised that the cheque was in payment for the installation of mufflers on three
vehicles. Alderman Puttick asked that the cheque be held, and that a report be
supplied on a breakdown of the invoice.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Schister, that
Cheque #3918 bd deleted for payment, and that the report, as amended, be received
and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick abstaining on a conflict
of interest on Cheque #3918, and all others voting in favour.
No. 295 - City Manager - Re: 4737 Fourth Avenue, Mr. J.J. McKinnon. The report
provides information on the history of the subject property, and etatea that
based upon all of the history of the matter, it would appear an amendment to
the zoning by-law would be required to permit any type of commercial operation
to take place at this location.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. '296 - City Manager - Re: Firemen's Park Extension. The report recommends
that the City pay the 1979 taxes in the estimated amount of SlaG00 for the period
January l, 1979 to the date of registration.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fete, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion qarried with Alderman Cummings
abstaining on a conflict of interest, and all others voting in fayour.
No. 297 - City Manager - Re: Lots 51 and 52, Falls Industrial Park. The
report recommends that the Legal Department be authorized to repurchase Lots
51 and 52 in the Falls Industrial Park for $48,752.
In response to a question raised by Alderman MacBain, the City Manager
stated that the account containing funds from the sale of lands in the Falls
Industrial Park is one of the few continuing accounts. All monies from the
sale of such lands are held in the account, and used for servicing costs in
the subdivision. The City ~tanager further indicated that the balance in
the account was around $180,000 the last time he checked, and was collecting
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman MacBain,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-8C
No. 38 - SOBOL - FERA - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-72 for the rezoning
of part of Township Lot 188, situated on the east side of Dorchester Road,
conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area
as amended and approved by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 39 - FERA - SOBOL - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-lawNo. 79-73 for the rezoning
of lands situated on the northwest corner of Thorold Stone Road and St. Peter
Avenue, conforms to Official Flan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls
Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be he~eto affixed. Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cummings, Fern, ~cBain, Sobol, Schisler and Mayor Thomson.
NAYE: Aldermen Chessman, Dilts, Hinsperger, Puttickand Wallman.
No. 40 - FBRA - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded
to the family of the late Mr. John Egli, father of Mrs. Rosemary Sharpe of the
City Clerk's Department, and a respected member of the community; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 41 - SOBOL - CUb~INGS - RESOLVED that the Weed Inspector of the City of
Niagara Falls be directed to cause noxious weeds or ~eed seeds on any
aubdivided portion of the Municipality and lots not exceeding ten acres, whether
or not the lots are part of a subdivision, to be destroyed in the manner
prescribed in the regulations made under The Weed Control Act; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 42 - SCHISLBR - WALLMAN - RESOLVED THAT WHEREAS numerous requests have beem
received by the Council of the City of Niagara Falls to eliminate the long
dietenos charges made on intra-eity calls incurred by those residents of the
Municipality living in the former Township of Crowland; and
WHEREAS representatives of Bell Canada have indicated that such charges could
be eliminated by the enlargement of the existing extended area service to
include the City of Welland;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVBD that the Council of the Corporation of the City
of Niagara Falls hereby petition Bell Canada to re-examine the feasibility of
enlarging the existing extended calling area to include the City of Welland;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Councils of the City of~ St. Catharines
and the City of Welland be asked to endorse this request; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed. '
Carried with Alderm~
Hinsperger abstainin
on a conflict of let
and all others votin
ORDERED on the motion of A~derman Cuwmtngs, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read
a first time:
No. 79-72 - A By-law to amend By-laws Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960 of the
former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as
amended. (Ai~-4/79)
No. 79-73 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (~M-8/79,
V. ~ite)
No. 79-76
No. 79-77
No. 79-78
No. 79-74 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Gale*s Gas Bars Limited.
No. 79-75 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial
Park. (Lot 23 - L. Vaughan)
- A By-law to authorize a renewal of the lease of the old City Hall.
- A By-law to amend By-law No. 7531, being a by-law to provide for
the erection of stop signs at intersections. (Bosserr Road,
Marshall Road, Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood Crescent, Glengate Street)
- A By-law to amend By-law No. 6340 providing for the erection of Yield~
Right-of-Way signs at certain intersections in the Municipality. ;
(Corry Crescent)
No. 79-79
No. 79.-80
- A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
- A By-law to authorize the repurchase of lands in the Falls Industrial
Park. (Lots 51 and 52)
Carried with Aldermen
Cheesman, Dilts, Hins-
perger, Puttick and
Wallman voting contrary
on By-laws 79-73 and
79-74, and all others
voting in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that the
following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-72 - A By-law to amend By-laws Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960 of the
former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as
amended. (AM-4/79)
No. 79-73 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-8/79,
V. White)
No. 79-74 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Gale*s Gas Bars Limited.
No. 79-75 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial Park.
(Lot 23, L. Vaughan)
No. 79-76 - A By-law to authorize a renewal of the lease of the old City Hall.
No. 79-77 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 7531, being a by-law to provide for the
erection of stop signs at intersections. (Bosserr Road, Marshall Road,
Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood Crescent, Glengate Street)
No. 79-78 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 6340 providing for.the erection of Yield
Right-of-Way signs at certain intersections in the Municipality.
(Corry Crescent)
No. 79-79 - A By-law to provide monies for General Purposes.
No. 79-80 - A By-law to authorize the repurchase of lands in the Falls Industrial
Park. (Lots 51 and 52)
Carried with Aldermen
theeamen, Dilts, Hins-
perget, Puttick and
Wallman voting contrary
on By-laws 79-73 and
79-74, and all others
voting in favour.
- 10 -
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, Alderman Wallman
indicated that he had distributed copies of a newspaper article regarding a
proposal by the Town of Fort Erie to locate a sewage lagoon in the former
Township of Willoughby. The Alderman indicated that he wanted the members
of Council to be aware the matter was being considered, and that there would
likely be opposition to the proposal. Mayor Thomson provided some additional
information, and indicated that a rezoning application had been received
earlier in the day on the matter. The matter would have to come before Council
and there would be full opportunity for discussion prior to any decision being
It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that a
message of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. Tom Brant,
a respected member of the community. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Cummings stated that he had thought the rubbish pick-up would
be commencing after the long weekend, and he had seen the notice in the newspap~
that it would be commencing shortly. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer
stated that the collection started this week and would be completed the next
week. The collection was originally scheduled for the weeks following Easter,
however due to inclement weather, was postponed for several weeks.
Alderman Sobol advised that she had spoken to many people who were very
concerned with vandalism in parks. The Alderman state.._d that she would like to
see a report showing the costs to the City in repairing the damage caused by
vandals, whether or not the incidents of vandalism were increasing, and what
steps can be taken to prevent or discourage vandalism in the future.
Alderman Cummings suggested that input be obtained from the Recreation
and the Social Planning Council. It was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded by
Alderman Schisler, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of
a report. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Puttick referred to a matter dealt with by Council at the
previous meeting regarding the Niagara Falls Hydro Commission, and its
request for support in the continuation of the present Commission until
elections were held in 1980. The Alderman felt that Council might have
dealt with the matter without the benefit of sufficient information, and
suggested that the matter be reconsidered. It was moved by Alderman Puttick,
seconded by Alderman Fete, that the matter of support for continuation of the
Niagara Falls Mydro Commission be reconsidered. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Puttick urged Council to review the matter in more detail,'
and perhaps have additional information prepared for the consideration of
the members. Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Puttick,
seconded by Alderman Minsperger, that the matter be tabled for further
information, Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
Council Chambers
May 14, 1979
Council met on Monday, ~y 14, 1979 at 4:00 p.m. to consider general
business, prior to a Public Hearing regarding the continued employment of
Mr. S.R. Price, City Manager. All members of Council were present.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman. Alderman MacBain offered
the Opening Prayer.
No. 281 - City Manager - Re: Maple Leaf Village Sign. The report recommends
approval of a large wall sign on the face of the Sheraton Motor Inn, and that
an appropriate resolution be passed.
OP~ERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be tabled for two weeks. Carried Unanimously.
No. 298 - City Manager - Re: Sewer Lateral at 5342 McRae Street. The report r-
provides information regarding blockages of the sewer lateral at 5342 McRae
Street, and requests direction of Council regarding the work to be done and
the responsibilities for the cost in Mr. Roberto's case, and whether or not
the by-law should be amended to assign costs in similar future cases.
Alderman Cummings indicated that he felt the City had a responsibility
' to correct the problem, since it appeared the blockages were occurring on City
property. The Alderman felt the City should dig up the lateral and find out
the cause of the blockages. Alderman Puttick expressed concern that a
precedent could possibly be set if the City were to dig up the lateral in
this case. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer stated that according to
the by-law, all an individual has to do is submit a request in writing to
the City for such work to be done, however there is no provision in the by-law
to indicate that the City will not be responsible for the cost if the fault
was not on City property. In all previous situations, the fault was on City
property, however in this case, it. was not certain exactly where the problem
was located.
Alderman Schisler felt it should be made clear that if the fault were
found on Mr. Roberto's property, the cost of repairs would be his responsibility.
Mayor Thomson stated that Mr. Roberio had indicated he would be willing to pay
if the problem were found on his property.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Fare, the Maintenance
and Operations Engineer stated that in ~6st cases, the City's equipment gets
stuck at a certain point and if the blockage is measured to be within the
road allowance, it was the City's responsibility. In this case, the cutter had
cut through every time, making it impossible to determine exactly where the
problem was occurring.
Alderman Puttick suggested that the City work in consultation with
Mr. Roberio to arrive at an appropriate solution. The Alderman agreed that
the sewer should.be dug up, however he was concerned that there could be a
precedent set, unless a suitable arrangement could be worked out with Mr. Roberio.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by
Alderman Dilts, that the City, in consultation with Mr. Roberio, excavate and
determine the cause of the problem· Carried Unanimously.
The Director of Municipal Norks suggested that the entire matter of future
similar circumstances he considered by the Finance Committee. Alderman Dilts
stated that he could see no reason the matter should be referred to the Finance
Committee, since problems of this type were either the responsibility of the City
because the Engineering Department had not done the work correctly, or the
fault was on the owner's property. The Director of Municipal Works stated that
the intent in referring the matter to the Finance Committee was the fact the
existing byelaw allows anyone with a plugged sewer to request the City to
excavate to determine if there is a break. It was felt the entire matter,
particularly the question of cost, should be considered by the Connittee.
Alderman Dilts was still of the opinion the City should look at each case
individually and to ensure the problems are not created by the Municipality.
The Director of Municipal Works stated that it could not necessarily be said
that the City had created a problem on a private sewer lateral, it could be
caused because the lateral is too old, or the problem could be with the sewer
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by
Alderman Fete, that the matter be referred to the Finance Conmittee. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cummings, Fera, Hinsperger, }~cBain, Merrett, Orr, Puttick,
Schisler and Wallman.
NAYE: Aldermen Dilts and Sobol.
No. 299 - City Manager - Re: Bill 29, An Act to Provide for Municipal Hydro
Service. The report provides additional information regarding the Hydro's
application to the Legislature to have the Niagara Falls Hydro Commission and
Chippawa Public Utilities Con~nission combined as one Commission to hold office
until November 30, 1980.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the support indicated by City Council for continuation of the Niagara Falls
Hydro Commission and Chippawa Public Utilities Commission until November 30,
1980, be withdrawn. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Dilts, Fera, Ninsperger, MacBain, Merrett, Orr, Puttick,
Sobol and Wallman.
NAYE: Aldermen Cummings and Schisler.
No. 300 - City Manager - Re: Contract S.T. 2-79, Surface Treatment of Various
City Streets. The report recommends acceptance of the prices submitted by
NorJohn Contracting Ltd. for the subject contract, to a total amount not to
exceed the budget amounts of $175,000.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 4~
NOTE: Alderman Cheesman arrived at the meeting. See By-law No. 79-81
Verbal Report - Mayor Wayne Thomson - Re: Rubbish Col~ction.
Mayor Thomson advised that the Service Centre had received a considerable
number of calls regarding the rubbish collection, and the fact material which
was picked up previously, was now not being collected. Many of the calls were
from senior citizens who were unable to dispose of such material themselves and
felt they were being treated unfairly. Mayor Thomson indicated that he was not
in fayour of the City having to remove such items as refrigerators, hot water
tanks, and other major appliances, however he asked if Council would consider
allowing the City's policy to not be as detailed as ~t is at present, at least
for senior citizens.
Alderman Puttick advised of a call he had received from a resident who
had placed a bundle of tree limbs six feet in length and fourteen inches in
diameter out for collection, and the City crew would not put the bundle on
the truck. According to the by-law, a copy of which was on the truck, only
bundles four feet long would be accepted. The resident in question had offered
to place the bundle on the truck himself, however this was not permitted.
The Alderman further advised that upon calling the Service Centre, a foreman
was sent out to the property, cut the bundle in half and called the truck
back to pick it up. While the Alderman was not critical of the employees
involved because they had adhered to the provisions of the by-law, he felt
the entire problem could have been solved using common sense.
The Maintenance and Operations Engineer stated that By-law 6867 was very
clear on exactly what materials can be collected. The amount placed in the
budget for the rubbish collection was less than in 1978 due to the decision
made by Council to limit the collection to those materials permitted under the
By-law. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer further explained that mere small
items can be held in the truck than large, and if a truck has to return to pick
up other items, time is lost on the route. With respect to residents placing
materials on the trucks themselves, the Maintenance & Operations Engineer
advised that this was not permitted because of the possibility of injury.
Alderman Dilts referred to an incident where an elderly lady had cut
branches off a pine tree that were three feet in lengthy but were not bundled,
however the erew would not pick up the branchea and left a card in the mailbox
explaining what materials would be collected. The Alderman felt that the
by-law should be used as a 8uldeline to work by, and suggested that employees
use common sense when making collections. Alderman Dilts also felt it was
a waste of money in having a special rubbish collection, and that such materials
should be picked up on the regular garbage routes.
Alderman Sobol advised that the Landfill Site Cosnittee was considering
such problems, particularly the disposal of refuse, and suggested that the
matter be referred to the Landfill Site Committee. Mayor Thomson pointed
out that the two-week rubbish collection was presently underway, and suggested
that Council agree to permit some leniency particularly with senior citizens
until new guidelines were established. Alderman Sobol further suggested that
the matter could be left to staff to use their own discretion.
Alderman Puttick felt it was unfair to leave the matter to the discretion
of staff without Council providing some direction. The Alderman agreed that
the matter could be reviewed by the Landfill Site Committee, and that perhaps
in 1980 consideration could be given to providing more money in the budget to
handle the rubbish collection.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded
by Alderman Dilts, that the matter be referred to the Sanitary Landfill Site
Committee. Carried Unanimously.
No. 43 - CUMMINGS - MERRETT - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Norjohn
Contracting Limited for the surface treatment of various City streets, be
accepted, with the total amount not to exceed the budget amounts of $175,000;
AND the Seal of the Corporation' be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
It was moved by Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the meeting
adjourn to the public hearing respecting the continued employment of Mr. S.R. Price,
City Manager. Carried Unanimousill ~A~.
: Council Chambers
May 14, 1979
Council reconvened in formal session on Monday, May 14, 1979, at 7:30 p.m.
All members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as
No. 301 - City Manager - Re: Temporary Closing until July 31st, 1980 of Parts
of Dorchester Road and The Chippawa Parkway, Conrail Drainage Channel. The report
recommends passage of a by-law to authorize the subject road closings.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-82
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read a
first time:
No. 79-81 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with NorJohn
Contracting Limited for surface treatment of roads.
No. 79-82 - A By-law to stop up and close parts of Dorchester Road and the
Chippawa Parkway until July 31st, 1980.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-81 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with NorJohn
Contracting Limited for surface treatment of roads.
No. 79-82 - A By-law to stop up and close parts of Dorchester Road and the
Chippawa Parkway until July 31st, 1980.
Carried Unanimously
It was moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cunmings, that
the meeting adjourn to the Public Hearing respecting the continued employment
of Mr. S.R. Price, City Manager. Carried Unanimously.
Cormmittee Room #1
May 28, 1979
Council met on Monday, May 28, 1979 at 6:00 p .m. in Committee of the Whole.
All members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen Fera and
Puttick. Alderman Hinsperger presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the Whole
arose without reporting. ~..
Council Chambers
May 28, 1979
Council met on Monday, May 28, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering'general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen Fera and Puttick. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided.
as Chairman. Alderman Cummings offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
the minutes of the meetings held on April 30th, May 7th and May 14th, 1979, be
adopted as printed. Carried Unanimously.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented Achievement Awards to the members of
the A.N. Myer Junior Jazz Band, under the direction of Mr. Gord Smaliwood. The
members present to receive awards were Mark Dunn, Andy Paganin, Sandy Ritson,
Jamie Barnes, Kenton Zavitz, Bill Melymuka, Mike O'Doherty, ~lldy Kaye,
Creg Rodman, Mark Slinn and Pater Harris.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented a citation and silver medal of the
Royal Canadian Humane Association to Private J.L. Walsh. The Mayor advised
that Private Walsh rescued a three year old boy, a two year old boy and their
father from a burning building on July 20, 1978.
Report No. 301 - City Manager - The report recommends that the provision now
requiring mandatory closing of camping establishments between November 30th
and March 15th be deleted, that the current license fee structure remain as
is, that inspections be continued of camping establishments, but that an effort
be made to have the inspections carried out at an earlier date, and that
meetings be held between camping establishment operators and the Fire Inspection
Department regarding specific items in the controlling by-law.
Mr. Stelmaszyneki advised that he was still of the opinion the licence fee
for campgrounds should be set on a more equitable basis, and suggested that there
be one ltcence for tourist establishments. With respect to inspections,
Mr. Stelmaszynski explained that he did not object to inspections, however he
felt it was a degrading situation for highly trained professionals with nothing
else to do, having to inspect such plumbing facilities. Mr. Stelmaszynski
also objected to the fee charged by Ontario Hydro for its annual inspection
despite the fact he had only ten electrical outlets. The City Clerk commented
that during the meetings held with campground operators, the strongest argument
for inspections was put forth by the operators themselves who took the approach
that for the safety of the travelling public, such inspections assured that
the establishments would be operated at a standard considered acceptable by
the Municipality.
Alderman Chessman felt that ~. Stelmaszynski had a point regarding the
annual fee for the electrical inspection, and suggested that Ontario Hydro be
contacted and asked for an explanation or Justification of the charge.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded
by Alderman Orr, that the report be received and adopted, and further that
Ontario Hydro be requested to provide an explanation of the fee charged for
annual electrical inspections. The motion Carried with His Worship, Mayor
Thomson indicating his opposition, and all others voting in favour.
Report No. 302 - City Manager - The report outlines the reasons sidewalks are
constructed at the standard location, and recommends that sidewalks be construe
at the standard location, and the requests of the residents be denied.
Mr. J. Gatecliff was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Merrett. Mr. Gatecliff advised that
in many cases, single driveways allow only one vehicle to be parked, making it
necessary for visitors to park on the roadway. Mr. Gatecliff felt that with
three or four foot boulevards, more vehicles could be parked in the driveways
eliminating the safety hazard of parked cars on the roadway. Another resident
felt that of the ten reasons outlined in the report, seven or eight could be
considered insignificant reasons for constructing sidewalks at the standard
His Worship, Mayor Thomson suggested that the residents set up a committee
provided to the residents prior to a meeting. In response to a question raised
by Mr. Gatecliff, the Mayor advised that there would be sufficient time for
the residents to meet with staff prior to construction.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
residents establish a committee to meet with City ?taff on the matter. Carried
Unanimously. -
Report No. 303 - Planning & Development Committee - The report recommends:
1) That the number of multiple units not be increased; 2) That the percentage
of multiple units for rental accommodation be increased to about 50% (680 units
of 1,360 multiple units and 680 units of 7,290 total units); 3) That the
transportation policies requested by the Regional Public Works Department be
included as requested; and 4) That no action be taken in the Secondary Plan
on the suggestion to incorporate the priority for development since that is a
function of the Official Plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No, 304- City Manager - I~: Availability of Surplus M,T.C. Properties, Part
of Lot 2, 1st Cross Concession, Former Township of Willoughby. The report
recommends that the Ministry be advised the Municipality has no immediate use
for the subject lands, and further that the Ministry be advised of the Region's
interest in the possible acquisition of Parcel No. 2 for a waste stabilization
No, 305 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Waste Stabilization Pond - Town of Fort
Erie. The report advises of an application received from the Town of Fort
to rezone lands for the operation of a waste stabilization pond for the
8tevensville-Douglastown residents. Direction of Council was requested on
the manner in which the application should be processed.
Alderman Wallman referred to the reasons put forth by ~ort Erie on the
suitability of the site for a waste stabilization pond, and indicated that
he took exception to the statement that the site was isolated. The Alderman
pointed out that there are residents living one quarter mile downwind, and
the Q.E.W. would pass within a few feet of the site. In visiting Smithvilla,
the Alderman had spoken to residents who were very unhappy with a similar
facility. The creek near the facility has not had fish in it since before the
lagoon went into operation. Alderman Wallman presented a petition signed by
forty-eight area residents who are opposed to the proposed location, and in
particular, with the effluent draining into the Niagara River.
Alderman Chessman indicated that he sympathized with the residents, however
he was not prepared to make a decision on the matter without further information.
The Alderman pointed out that such facilities are a necessary fact of life, and
cautioned Council against becoming parochial minded in such matters.
The Planning Director advised that the purpose of the report was to
advise of the application, and to seek direction on what procedure should be
followed in processing of the application. It was further advised that Council
did have authority to deal with the application, however the normal route of
having the Planning & Development Committee deal with the matter was also
Alderman MacBain agreed that the matter should be brought to Council'-s
attention initially, however he indicated that he would prefer to have the
input of the Planning & Development Committee, as well as comment from an
engineering aspect prior to making a decision. The Director of Municipal
Works commented that at the Committee meeting, the Town of Fort Erie could
have their consultants present to explain the proposal. If Council dealt
with the application immediately, without the benefit of hearing the Town's
submission, the City could be in a very unfavourable position if the matter
were appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. Following the normal procedure,
the City could not be accused of not giving the application a fair hearing. ·
Alderman Schisler stated that there was a lot of open land available in
Fort Erie for such a facility, and he did not see why Niagara Falls had to
accept a facility that would be serving residents of another municipality.
The Alderman suggested that if the Town of Fort Erie had an opportunity to
have a large industrial complex, they would not put it in the City of Niagara
Falls. Alderman Merrett agreed that if the facility were for the residents
of Fort Erie, the lagoon should be located in Fort Erie, and commented that
he could see no use in referring the application to the Planning & Development
Commt tree if Council intended to deny the application anyway.
Mr. L. Wale was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Schisler. Mr. Wale advised that he
had installed the majority of river shore wells for many of the homes along
the Niagara Parkway which have no other source of water supply. Pollution
of the River will go to the shores an~'get into the wells, and the additional
pollution from a sewage lagoon would only worsen the situation. Mr. Wale
further stated that the Town of Fort Erie was presently building a treatment
plant, however it was not large enough to handle the sewage from the Stevensville
Douglastown area. In 1969, Mr. Wale advised that the former Ontario Water
Resources Commission held hearings on proposed sewage lagoons, and at that
time turned down applications on two occasions.
Mrs. J. Douglas commented that the population is too dense and the land
too low for a sewage lagoon. As a result, many of the residents experienced
flooding every several years. Mrs. Douglas further stated that in the ten
years this area has been part of the City, the only further service she has
received was garbage collection, and to allow an evil smelling lagoon at her
back door and run effluent across her front door would be adding insult to
Following further comment, a motion was made by Alderman Wallman and
seconded by Alderman Schisler, that the application be denied. A subsequent
motion was made by Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman gobol, that the
matter be referred to the Planning & Development Committee. The motion to
refer, which took precedence, Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Chessman, Cummings, Dilts, Hinsperger, MacEsin, gchisier and 8obol.
~AYE: Aldermen Merret~, Orr and Wallman.
It was then moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that the report dealing with surplus H.T.C. properties, be received and
adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 105 - Mr. C.H. Esseltine - Re: Damage to Car, April 17, 1979. The commun-
ication advises that a claim for damage sustained to a car will not be paid by
Royal Insurance on the basis that the City is not considered to be liable.
Mr. Easeltint expresses the opinion that the claim has been unjustly handled.
The City Clerk advised that he was concerned that a City employee had
authorized a tow truck to remove Mr. Esseltine's car, and indicated that he
would like to investigate that aspect and whether any assurance was given thatl
the City would henour the claim. Mr. Esseltine indicated that he would wait
until the report had been prepared on the matter.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carri~?
No. 106 - Mrs. M. Healey - Re: Niagara Frontier Humane Society. The communica
expresses dissatisfaction with the lack of service rendered by the Niagara Fro~
Humane Society.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that Mrs. Healey wished to address
Council on this matter at the meeting to be held on June 11, i~9. Mrs. Heale}i
stated in answer to a question asked prior to the meeting, that she had receiv~
calls from residents concerning lack of response from the Humane Society. Sew~
of these residents had indicated that they had been advised to call Mrs. Heal~
by members of Council.
Alderman Schisler felt that nothing would be gained by bringing the matte:
to Council, and suggested that the Council representative on the Society take
Mrs. Healey to a Board of Directors meeting as a guest to discuss these proble
with personnel, he felt it should be discussed in Committee of the Whole. His
Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that he would make the determination if the
matter dealt with personnel and should be discusse~"in Committee of the Whole.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Herrerr, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the matter be referred to the June llth, 1979 Council meeting. The motio:
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cummings, Dilts, Minsperger, MacBain, Herrerr, Orr, Sobel and
NAYE: Aldermen Cheesman and Schisler.
No. 107 - Mr. J.R. Lococo - Re: Rubbish Collection. The communication enclose.
a bill incurred in having material disposed of which the City would not pick u~
during the rubbish collection.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cheesman, Mr. Lococo advised
that the materials the City would not collect were lx4' pieces of wood and
pieces of corrugated metal used for fencing. Alderman Cheesman stated that
these are the type of materials the City should not be involved in collecting.
The Alderman had no objection to the City removing brush and debris from yards
following the winter months, but he did not feel the City should remove applia~
furniture or construction materials. Nr. Lococo felt he should not have to
remove these materials since he did not have a truck and he paid taxes for
this service. Alderman Cheesman replied that the City was not in the cartage -
business, and that residents who have items of furniture and construction
materials delivered, should also arrange to have them carted away.
The City Clerk commented that the average ratepayer would feel that he is
entitled to certain services, and suggested that a letter of explanation be sa
to Mr. Lococo outlining the reasons for the City's policy, and that if Mr. to0
was still unsatisfied, that he be allowed to address Council again.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that
a letter of explanation of the City's policy on rubbish collection be provided
to Mr. Lococo. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 306 - City Manager - The report recommends that Council approve the
interpretation of the simplementation of Alternative 8 of the Shrinerts Creek
Environmental Impact Study" as the date of contract award for the project, and
that a copy of the report be sent to the Regional Municipality of Niagara and
the Ministry of Housing for information and/or any comments.
Alderman Sobel stated that Shriner's Creek was an environmentally sensitive
area, which was the reason for the impact study. The Alderman advised that
farmers downstream were having problems at present, and she felt in all fairness
to the existing residents, the control dams should be functioning before homes
were built.
Alderman Schisler felt that if subdivisions were allowed to proceed, the
City would be faced with lawsuits. The Alderman felt that no subdivisions should
be permired until the project was functional, and advised that he had received
calls from residents indicating that the system in Ascot Woods Subdivision was
not working properly.
Alderman Cheesman stated that the recommendation of the report was based
on the assumption that construction of homes in the subdivision would parallel
construction of the control dams. The intent of the recommendation was to
reduce delay in construction of new housing, which would result in a lesser
cost to the home owners in the long run. Alderman Schisler stated that the
danger involved was that the minute a house is constructed, the ground would
no longer take its share of water, and the residents downstream are very
concerned about a serge. '
The Director of Municipal Works advised that Council approved the cost-
sharing on the basis that development would not be held back, and the recommendation
of the report was in line with that thinking. It was further explained that the
retention pond to the east of Kalar Road operated on the same principle as the
Alternative #8 scheme, in that the culvert runs through the dam itself and Kalar
Road would be compared to the dam itself. The pond area is for the water to
back up into. That concept has been approved by the Ministry of Natural
Resources to control the volume of water.
Alderman Merrett commented that the project has had enough unnecessary delays,
and he felt that with the engineering staff, the construction could be monitored
closely enough to ensure that development of subdivisions and construction of the
system proceed at the same rate.
It was moved by Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that the
report be received and filed. The motion was'Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Schisler and Sobel.
NAYE: Aldermen Cheesman, Cumm~Rgs, Dilts, Hinsperger, MacBain, Merrett, err
and Wallman.
It was then moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AY__E| Aldermen Cheesman, Cummings, Di_Lts, Hinsperger, MacBain, Herrerr, err
and Wallman. '
.NAYE: Aldermen Schisler and Sobol.
Report No. 281 - City Manager - The report recommends approval of large wall
sign on the face of the Sheraton Motor Inn, and that an appropriate resolution
be passed.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that he had spoken to Alderman Puttick,
who was i11, and the Alderman had requested that this matter be deferred again.
Alderman Herrerr stated that members of Council had viewed the proposed location
for the sign several weeks ago, and he could see no reason in delaying the
matter further. The Alderman indicated that this type of mural is becoming
quite popular in Toronto and other cities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Herrerr, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Dilts
voting contrary, and all others voting in favourV
See Resolution No.. 4!
Report No. 307 - City Manager - The report recommends that Council approve the
inclusion of suitable wording requiring subdividers to meet the conditions of
the future policy in subdivisions ~hich are processed prior to the adoption of
a new Backyard Drainage Policy by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman NacBain, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 308 - City Solicitor - The report recommends payment of the final ,
account of Messrs. Fasken and Calvin for legal services in acting for the City
on the subject application.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 309 - Deputy City Solicitor - The report provides an opinion on the
legality of a resolution passed by the Niagara Parks Commission in opposition
to any further commercial or industrial development of lands bordering on
the Niagara Parkway and in granting or allowing access to or from any new
commercial or industrial sites.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the report be tabled for two weeks. Carried Unanimously.
No. 108 - Niagara Transit - Re: Transit Service to Niagara Square. The
communication advises in response to a request by Council, that no other
transit route in the City makes a profit, and that other business areas
of the City were not asked to contribute towards the deficit because no other
routes in the City lose as much money as the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
night service to Niagara Square.
Alderman Dilts presented a letter from Mr. D. Torok of Niagara Square
providing additional information in response to a number of points made in
the letter from Niagara Transit.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried {~l'animously.
No. 109 - Greater Niagara Baseball Association - Re: Use of Parks on Sunday
Mornings. The communication requests permission to commence tournament baseba~
games at Oakes Park and Houck Park at 10:00 a.m. on July 15, 1979 and August
Alderman Chessman stated that several weeks previously, Council made a
decision that no permits would be issued for sport events on Sundays prior to
1:30 p.m. In the Aldermanws opinion, circumstances had not altered in any
way to warrant granting the request, and he suggested that an explanation be
provided to the Association of the policy, and that the request be denied.
Alderman Cummings pointed out that when the policy had been adopted by
Council, he had voted in favour because of a comment made by Reverend Griffen
that there be room for compromise in certain situations. The Alderman pointed
out that many of these tournaments have taken place for years, and it would'
be impossible to get all the games in without some compromise. ~lderman Mettel
and Orr both indicated that the effect of the policy would force some teams to
play on Sunday mornings regardless of the decision made by Council. 'Al'derman
Merrett further suggested that granting approval of the use of Rouck Park wouli
not present a problem to St. Andrew's Church, and that approval of the use of
Oakes Park could be granted subject to events not being scheduled pri6r to noel
Hie Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that there had been a number of peopl
very concerned about Sunday sports, and felt an opportunity should have been
provided to those persons to comment on the request.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by
Alderman Sobol, that the request be denied. The motion was Defeated with the
following vote: ...
AYE: Aldermen Chessman, Sobol and Wallman.
.NAYE: Aldermen Cummings, Dtlts, Hinsperger, MacBain, Merrett, Orr and Schfsler
It was then moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
the request be approved, subject to no events being scheduled prior to noon at
Oakes Pork. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen C~m~tnge, Dllts, Rinsperger, MacBain, Merrett and Orr.
NAYS: Aldermen Cheesman, Sobol and Wallman. ~
No. 110 - Chamber of Commerce - Re: Proposed No-Smoking By-law. The communication
requests that Council formally discontinue all plans to introduce a No-Smoking
By-law within the Municipality.
Mr. T. Rigby of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Ontario Supreme
Court had ruled that the Toronto by-law was invalid because it places the
responsibility of enforcement of the by-law upon the proprietor. The City
of Toronto is now proposing to make enforcement the responsibility of by-law
enforcement officers. Mr. Rigby felt that for the City to hire enough by-law
enforcement officers to enforce the by-law would be an extreme expenditure,
and commented that Council appeared to have enough problems to resolve without
creating new ones or taking action which could give rise to further problems.
Mr. Rigby requested that Council abandon the idea of implementing a no-smoking
Alderman Sobol suggested that the special committee studying this matter
should meet again to review the matter and report back to Council on whether
the City should continue plans for a no-smoking by-law.
Alderman Chessman felt that to refer to the matter as being unimportant
and to suggest that Council had better things to do was an incorrect appraisal
of the problem. The Alderman felt that the Chamber should be on the side of
the United Nations, of our medical authorities and on the side of statistics
which come back to the fact smoking is most hazardous. Alderman Cheesman did
not feel that by allowing clean air in certain places for people to breathe
was a frivolous matter. With respect to the ruling on the Toronto by-law,
Alderman Cheesman pointed out that it is the responsibility of establishments
selling alcoholic beverages to enforce those regulations. The Alderman stated
that there is a large number of people looking to the Council for protection
and relief from the effects of smoking. In response to a previous suggestion
regarding non-legislative steps to control smoking, Alderman Cheesman felt that
such measures would not take place, and that the problem has reached the point
that laws are needed. Alderman Cheesman indicated that he intended to pursue
the matter in the future.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 111 - Mr. K. Kristiansen - Re: Dominion Store Plaza. The communication
outlines various problems being experienced by residents to the rear of the
Dominion Store Plaza on Drummond Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carried
No. 112 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Business and Industrial
Development. The communication requests comments from the Municipality
concerning the role of the Region in tJ~e industrial promotion field.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the communication be referred to the Niagara Falls Business & Industrial Growth
Agency Inc. for comment. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Orr was absent when the vote was
taken on this matter.
No. 113 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Request for Signing Marineland
Area. The communication advises that the Region is not prepared to sanction the
use of "food, fuel and accommodation" signing within urban areas, that the Region
is presently undertaking a comprehensive review and assessment of tourist
signing needs in the Niagara Falls area including the development of appropriate
signing to direct tourists in the Chippawa and Portage/McLeod areas, and that
the Region will give consideration to the request for overhead guide signing
at such time as the overall signing needs in this area have been determined.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Orr was absent when the vote was
taken on th~e matter.
No. 114 - Downtown Board of Management - Re: River Road Entrance to Downtown.
The communication requests that Council approve the necessary City staff to act
on a committee reviewing improvements to the River Road entrance to the Downtown
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummin s that
representatives of the Planning and Engineering Departments be authorlieS to
serve on the Committee. Carried Unanimously.
l: Alderman Orr was absent when the vote was .8
~ken on this matter. ""
No. 115 - Ontario Livestock Protective Association - Re: Request for Grant.
The communication requests a grant of $100 to assist the Association in reducinl
livestock thefts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
a grant of $100 be given to the Ontario Livestock Protective Association. Car
NOTE: Alderman Orr was absent when the vote was taken
on this matter.
No. 116 - Guaranty Trust - Re: Liquor Store,on Main Street. The communicatior~
requests support of the City for the retention of the Main Street Liquor Store.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that he had not heard any comment
that the L.L.B.O. was contemplating closing the store, however he suggested
that the Board be contacted to determine the status of the Main Street Store.
The City Manager indicated that he had spoken to Mr. Lindsay of the Guaranty
Trust, and agreed that the businesses in theMain Street area should be
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the L.L.B.O. be contacted regarding the Main Street Liquor Store, and that the
City be on record as supporting the continued operation of the Store. Carried
No. 117 - National Secretaries Association - Re: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary
Banquet. The communication requests that the City sponsor a luncheon to be
held in conjunction with the District Conference.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett, the City Clerk
indicated that the City has had very limited participation in such functions
in the past. It was felt that a precedent could be set by hosting a banquet
in a City such as Niagara Falls where ~o many conferences and conventions are
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett that
the request be denied, and further that His Worship-~,Mayor Thomson contact
the Association to express the Cityis best wishes for the conference. Carried
No. 118 - Paul O'Brien Electric - Re: John Allan Park. The communication
expresses opposition to the proposed sale of John Allan Park to Marineland.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the communication be referred to the special committee presently investigating
the request to purchase John Allan Park. Carried Unanimously.
No. 119 - Mr. C.W. Beresh - Re: Niagara Volunteer Bureau Incorporation. The
communication requests that Council, by resolution, consent to the proposed
name of Niagara Falls Volunteer Bureau Inc.
Mr. Beresh explained that the Ministry of Consumer & Commercial Relations
felt the use of the word "bureau" would connote governmental involvement, and
it was therefore necessary to obtain approval of the City of Niagara Falls.'
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the request be approved. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No.
No. 120 - Mr. Jake Froego, M.P. Elect - Re: Matters of Mutual Concern.
communication extends an invitation to meet with the Council to discuss matters
of mutual concern.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, thai
Mr. Froese be thanked for his invitation to meet with Council as matters of
mutual concern arise. Carried Unanimously.
No. 121 - Niagara Regional Health Unit - Re: Approval of New Lots for Septic
Tank Construction. The communication requests comments of the municipality
on reports being circulated regarding approval of new lots for septic tank
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cun~ings, that
the commu~ieation.be referred to staff.-for-the,preparation of a report. Carrio
Unanimously. ·
No. 310 - City Manager - Re| AN-30/78, S. Todd, 9874 Willoughby Drive. The
~p~.~t advises that certain problems are being experienced by the applicant's
solicitor in obtaining clearances due to encroachmerits on an adjoining lot,
and once these problems have been resolved, a by-law will be presented to
Council for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 311 - City Clerk - Re: AM-42/78, Objections to Zoning Amendment By-law
No. 79-53, JoA.C.K. Holdings. The report advises that two letters of objection
have been received following circulation of the subject by-law.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Sobol, the Mayor indicated
that the usual procedure followed when objections are received to a circulated
zoning by-law, is to meet with the objectors and the applicant, and attempt to
resolve the objections and avoid the delay and expense of an O.M.B. hearing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
an attempt be made to resolve the objections, failing which the objections and
re-affirmation of Council's approval of the application would be fom~arded to
the Ontario Municipal Board. Carried Unanimously.
~9. 312 - City ~anager - Re: Development Applications - Procedure for Informing
Council. The report advises of a procedure to be followed whereby developments of
an unusual or contentious nature are brought to the attention of Council. ..'
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 313 - Planning & Development - Re: Metric Conversion of Planning Documents.
The report recommends acceptance of the schedule of metric conversion of
planning documents.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 314 - City Manager - Re: T.V. Sewer Inspection & Hydraulic Cleaning of .
Sewers and Culverts. The report recommends acceptance of tenders from Superior
Sewer Service for T.V. inspection and from Bob Robinson Construction for
hydraulic cleaning of sewers and culverts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 46
No. 315 - City Manager - Re: Rodent Control in the City of Niagara Falls 1979-80.
The report recommends acceptance of the quotation by P.C.O. Services Limited
for one year from July 1, 1979 for rodent control in the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 47
See By-law No. 79-83
No. 316 - City Manager - Re: Rental of~quipment for Weed Control. The report
recommends acceptance of the tender submitted by Mr. Earl Murchie for weed
control in the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 48
See By-laws 79-84 and
No. 317 - City Manager - Re: Contract S.R. 4-79, 1979 Sidewalk Repairs. The
report recommends acceptance of the tender submitted by Steed & Evans Limited
for 1979 sidewalk repairs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously. ,
See Resolution No. 49
See By-law No. 79-8T'
No. 318 - City Manager - Re: Contract R.C. 5-79, Finished Road Construction in
Dorchester Gardens Subdivision. The report recommends acceptance of the tender
submitted by Steed & Evans Limited for the subject contract.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimousl~.
See Resolution No. 50
See By-lawNo. 79-8~'
No. 319 - City Manager - Re: Contract A.C. 6-79, Asphalt Overlay Program. The
~aport recommends acceptance of the tender submitted by Northland Bitulithic Ltd.
for the subject contract.
- 10 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman C-mmings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No.
See By-law No. 79-.
No. 320 - City Manager - Re: Ice Resurfacer for Jack Bell Arena. The report
recommends that the City purchase an ice resurfacer for the Jack Bell Arena
from Resurfice Corporation at a price not to exceed $20,750.00, delivery from
Alderman Dilts stated that he could see no rush in ordering the ice
resurfacer, since it would not be required until September, and suggested that
the City stay with the lower price on the previously ordered equipment and
wait until it can be shipped by the supplier. The Projects & Services Engines:
explained that in requesting bids on the equipment, the City had asked that
those bidding specify how long it would take to supply the equipment. Kelly
Sales Ltd., the previous supplier, had been unable to supply the equipment
w4~h~n the specified time as well as within extensions granted. The Projects
and Services Engineer felt that it would be harmful to the City's tendering
procedure to accept equipment from a bidder who had been so tardy in making
delivery. In response to a question raised by Alderman Dilts, the Projects
and Services Engineer stated that the original equipment had met specification,
however because of past experience with Kelly Sales Ltd. in being unable to
supply equipment, it was felt necessary to take the precaution of requiring
a specific delivery date.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No.
No. 321 - City Manager - Re: Stop Signs. The report recommends passage of a
by-law to allow the erection of stop signs on Misener Road facing northbound
and southbound traffic at its intersection with Young Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wallman,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-!
No. 322 - City Manager - Re: Cemetery Rates. The report recommends preparati0:
of the necessary b~-law to amend the cemeteries by-law and tariff of charges ir
accordance with revised rates to become effective September 4, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cu~nings, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 323 - City Manager - Re: Street Sweeping. Th~ report recommends that
the additional $15,000 required to complete this year's street sweeping be
taken from the ditching section of the budget.
Alderman Wailman stated that the Willoughby area is difficult to drain
without ditches. Since the ditching was now behind, the Alderman felt the
additional funds required should be found elsewhere. The Director of
Municipal Works agreed that ditching was necessary, however he felt this wa~
one area where funds could be transferred from, another being gravel resurfac~
Mayor Thomson asked if this was an indication of the problems involved
with the new type of sand used, and made reference to the number of complaints
being received this year. The Director of Municipal Works explained that
part way through the year, the City had switched to the liner material which
met M.T.C. specifications. The Streets Superintendent also advised that the
new type of material packed more easily than the previous material used, and
when the sweeper goes over a certain area, the sand packs underneath making
it difficult to remove. In response to a further question of the Mayor, the
Streets Superintendent advised that the end cost was not offsetting the use
of the sand as yet, since the liner material cost more per ton than the materi~
being used. The Streets Superintendent also pointed out that the additional
$15,000 required not only reflected the cost of sweeping this material from
the roads, but increased rental rates as well.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Dilts, the Streets Superinte
explained that the rental rates are set by the M.T.C. and subsidized at the r~
of 50%. The equipment used is owned by the City and is not rented. It was
further advised that there were other areas of the budget affected more 8erio~
than the sweeping section by the increased rates set by the Ministry. The
Director of Municipal Works explained the system used by the Ministry for
subsidizing equipment, and stated that the City took advantage of the increased
equipment rental rates in order to be eligible for the increased subsidy.
Alderman Schisler commented that if ditching was going to be reduced, there
was no point in doing the gravel resurfacing since the road surface would
deteriorate without proper ditching. The Alderman suggested that the the City
patch with gravel, continue the originally scheduled ditching, and use the
funds from the gravel resurfacing section of the budget to complete the street
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Schisler, seconded
by Alderman Wallman, that funds required for street sweeping be taken from the
gravel resurfacing section of the budget, that gravel patching be done instead
of resurfacing, and that the ditching be carried out as scheduled in the budget.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 324 - City Manager - Re: Leadership Dynamics Executive Seminar. The report
advises that the Building & Development Co-ordinator has requested authority
to a~tend the subject seminar to be held in Williamsburg, Virginia from June 13th
to 16th, 1979.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, the City Manager
advised that the City did not have a policy regarding staff attendance at .
conferences out of the Country. Alderman Cheesman pointed out that the request
was not to attend a conference but a seminar, which was designed to improve
the expertise of a member of staff in leadership. The Alderman felt it was
very desirable to have quality leadership, and felt the advantages to be gained
were worth the expense.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and filed and the request denied. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cummings, Dilts, Hinsperger, MacBain, Schisler, Sobol and Wal~man.
NAYE: Aldermen Chessman, Merrett and Orr.
No. 325 - City Manager - Re: R.R.A.P. Budget Allocation. The report advises
that C.M.H.C. has recently increased the amount of funds available to the City
for processing of Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program applications
from $S0,O00 to $187,000.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 326 - City Manager - Re: Severance Application B-234(79) for the Estate of
R.E.A. Stewart on Drummond Road. The report recommends that the decision of
the Land Division Committee on the subject application be appealed to the Ontario
Municipal Board in accordance with Council's policy and the requirements of the
City of Niagara Falls. It was further recommended that staff be authorized to
discuss the matter with the applicants, with a view to obtaining the road
widening without the necessity of a he~ing by the Ontario Municipal Board.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 327 - City Manager - Re: M.T.C. Subsidy on Conrail Drainage Channel Project.
The report advises that formal approval has been received from the Ministry of
Transportation & Communications for subsidy on the Conrail Drainage Channel
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 328 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Amendments to Local Improvement Act and
Repeal of Three Other Statutes. The report recommends that the Ministry of
Intergovernmental Affairs be advised that the City of Niagara Falls has no
objection to the proposed amendment to The Local Improvement Act or to the
repeal of The Fire Extinguishment Act, The Fire Guardians Act and The Vacant
Land Cultivation Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted, Carried Unanimously.
No. 329 - City Manager - Re: Closing of Corfield Road and Related Traffic Matters.
The report advises that a meeting will be held with Regional officials, City
officials, representatives of the consulting engineers for Marineland and
representatives of Marineland to discuss the plans on the possible closing of
Cotfield Road.
- 12 -
Alderman Dilts indicated that he would be interested in attending the
meeting once arranged. The Director of Municipal Works requested that any
member of Council-interested in attending the meeting, contact the City Clark.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallman, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 330 - City Manager - Re: Investigation of Collapse of the Little Mississipp
Drain System at 3654 Bridgewater Street. The report reconmends that the City
pay half the cost of repairs to the subject drain, with Mr. J. Gruyich the owns:
paying the remainder of the cost plus finish landscaping and sodding, at the
estimated cost of $500.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 331 - City Manager - Re: Conveyance of Lands - Prince Edward Avenue. The
report recommends passage of a by-law authorizing the conveyance to F. Grossi
Construction Ltd. of certain lands forming part of Prince Edward Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-9
No. 332 - City Manager - Re: Lot 2, Falls Industrial Park Extension. The
report recommends approval of a reserve on Lot 2, Falls Industrial Park by
Mr. K. Willjams until August 16, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 333 - City Manager - Re: Lot 20, Falls Industrial Park Extension. The
report recommends approval of a reserve on Lot 20 and granting of first refusal
on Lots 21 and 22 to Mr. B. Truscott, until August 15, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 334 - City Manager - Re: Water Conservation. The report, submitted at
the request of the Finance Committee, reviews the need for water conservation
as previously approved by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be tabled for two weeks. Carried Unanimously.
No. 335 - City Manager - Re: Easement Agreement with Ontario Hydro for 48"
Diameter Storm Sewer, Lot 56, City of Niagara Falls. The report recommends
passage of a by-law to authorize the execution of the subject easement agreemen'~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-9m~
No. 336 - City Manager - Re: Four Month Statement of Revenue and Expenditure.
The report provided information on revenue and expenditures for the tax
supported services, water supply system and parking fund for the period
January 1, 1979 to April 30, 1979.
Alderman MacBain mentioned that the tax arrears problem would be referred
to the Finance Comm4ttee when meetings resume on a regular basis. The City
Manager indicated that the matter would be on the uganda for the next meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 337 - City Clerk - Re: Consent Items.
l) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Stevensville-Douglaet6wn Sewer System,
Town of Fort Erie.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
2) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Comparison of Water Production and Sewage
Flows by Municipality for the month of March, 1979.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
3) City of Niagara Palls Board of Museums - Invitation to view the display of
early Niagara Falls prints at the Lundy's Lane Historical Museum.
Recommendation - That the invitation be accepted, and as many members as
possible attend.
· 4) Indian and Northern Affairs - Heritage Preservation Program.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
5) Stamford Centre Volunteer Firemen's Association - Requesting permission to
operate a tournament at Firemen's Park and to operate a beer tent.
Recomendation - That the request be approved, subject to similar approvals
being received from the Regional Police, Fire Department, Health Unit and
- 13 -
In response to a question raised by Alderman Dilts, the City Manager
advised that funds were approved by the Finance Committee for repairs to the
Stamford Hall.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Cummings
abstaining on a conflict of interest on item #5,"and all others voting in favour.
No. 338 - City }~nager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends
payment of the municipal accounts.
The City Treasurer and City Manager provided additional information on
Cheques #4130 and #4137 in response to questions raised by Aldermen Cummings
and Merrett. In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, the
City Treasurer indicated that as of the previous week, the City had not had
to borrow money to pay grants to the various agencies funded by the City. It
was further advised that generally, most of the agencies had not received
their full grant as yet.
ORDERED on the motion of Sobol, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the report
be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 44 - MERRETT - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the application of York Harmover
for a wall sign of an area in excess of one hundred and fifty square feet, but
not to exceed one thousand and sixty square feet, be approved; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried with Alderman
Dilts voting contrary
and all others voting
in favour.
No. 45 - MACBAIN - CHEESMAN - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls hereby consents to the incorporation of a corporation
under the name of NiagaraFalls Volunteer Bureau Inc.; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 46 - SOBOL - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by Superior Sewer
Service at 23.8¢ per foot for T.V. inspection and $40.00 per hour for delay be
accepted, and further that the tender submitted by Bob Robinson Construction at
6.7¢ per foot for hydraulic cleaning of sewers and $240.00 per day for cleaning
of culverts be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 47 - SOBOL - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by P.C.O. Services
for rodent control, be accepted at the.quoted price of $1,680.00, plus $1.00
per extermination on private properti~s; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 48 - SOBOL - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by E. Murchie
for the rental of equipment for weed control, be accepted at the quoted prices
of: 1) $20.00 per hour for truck or towed sprayers under 150 gallons; 2) $20.00
per hour for truck or towed sprayers over 150 gallons; 3) $7.00 per hour for
spraying with a portable tank; 4) $15.00 per hour for 40 h.p. tractors with
7 ft. sickle bars and ll ft. rotary mowers; 5) $15.00 per hour for tractors of
not less than 55 h.p. with 7 ft. sickle bars and 11 ft. rotary mowers; 6) $15.00
per hour for 40 h.p. tractors with 7 ft. sickle bars and 10 ft. rotary mowers;
7) $15.00 per hour for rotorflier, plough and disc; and 6) $7.00 per hour for
labour with scythe; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousix
No, 49 - SOBOL - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Steed
and Evans Limited for the 1979 sidewalk repair contract, be accepted at the
tendered price of $40,646.60; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslZ
No. 50 - SOBOL - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Steed
and Evans Limited for finished road construction in Dorchester Gardens Subdivision,
be accepted at the tendered price of $79~324.15; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. ·
Carried Unanimousl~
- 14 -
No. 51 - SOBOL - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Northla~
Bitulithic Limited for the 1979 Asphalt Overlay Contract, be accepted at the
tendered price of $72,686.65; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 52 - SOBOL - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the quotation submitted by the
Resurfice Corporation for the supply of an ice resurfacer, be accepted at the
quoted price of $20,750.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~l
No. 53 - SOBOL - DILTS - RESOLVED that a get well message be sent to Mr. Otto
van Deurs, the Maintenance & Operations Engineer; AND the Seal of the Corporati4
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously{
No. 54 - SCHISLER - SOBOL - RESOLVED that pursuant to the Public Transportatioz
and Highway Improvement Act, the Council of the Corporation of the City of
Niagara Falls hereby requests an allocation of subsidy monies for transportati~f
of the physically disabled in the amount of $8,198 for the Combined Capital anl
Operating Assistance Programme; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimousl?
No. 55 - CHEESMAN - MaCBAIN - RESOLVED that a get well message be sent to
Alderman N. Puttick; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl7
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read a'
first time:
No. 79-83 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with P.C.O.
Services Ltd. for rodent control services.
No. 79-84 - A By-l~w to authorize the execution of an agreement with Earl Murd!
for mowing weeds on private lots.
No. 79-85 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Earl Murc~
for chemical weed control. t
No. 79-86 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Steed and
Evans Limited for sidewalk repairs.
No. 79-87 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Steed and
Evans Limited for the construction of roads.
No. 79-88 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Northland
Bitulithic Limited for the application of hot mix asphalt overlays;
on certain streets in the City of Niagara Falls.
No. 79-89 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 7531, being a by-law to provide for ti
erection of stop signs at intersections. (Misener Road at Young Re.
No. 79-90 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a conveyance to F. Grossi
Construction Limited of certain lands formerly forming part of
Prince Edward Avenue.
.NO. 79-91 - A By-law to authorize the purchase of an easement from Ontario Eyd
for a storm sewer. '
No. 79-92 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
No. 79-93 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Ethel Culp.
No. 79-94 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Damore Br
Limited amending an agreement between the City and Damore Bros. Li
dated December 18th, 1978 for the construction of watermains, sani
sewex'msins, read construction and sidewalk repairs in the Glenvi~
Netghbourhood Improvement Area.
Carried Unanimous!
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-83 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with P.C.O.
Services Ltd. for rodent control services.
No. 79-84 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Earl Murchie
for mowing weeds on private lots.
No. 79-85 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Earl Murchie
for chemical weed control.
No. 79-86
No. 79-87
No. 79-88
No. 79-89
No. 79-90
- A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Steed and
Evans Limited for sidewalk repairs.
- A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Steed and
Evans Limited for the construction of roads.
- A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Northland
Bitulithic Limited for the application of hot mix asphalt overlays
on certain streets in the City of Niagara Falls.
- A By-law to amend By-law No. 7531, being a by-law to provide for the
erection of stop signs at intersections. (Misener Road at Young Road)
- A By-law to authorize the execution of a conveyance to F. Grossi
Construction Limited of certain lands formerly forming part of
Prince Edward Avenue.
No. 79-91 - A By-law to authorize the purchase of an easement from Ontario Hydro
for a storm sewer.
No. 79-92 -
No. 79-93 -
No. 79-94 -
A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
A By-law to authorize an agreement with Ethel Culp.
A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Damore Bros.
Limited amending an agreement between the City and Demote Bros. Limited
dated December 18th,.1978 for the construction of watermains, sanitary
sewermains, road construction and sidewalk repairs in the Glenview
Neighbourhood Improvement Area.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Dilts referred to a decision made by Council previously to
establish a special committee of Council to review the by-laws for the Humane
Society, and asked if there were any members of Council interested in serving
on such a committee. Alderman Hinsperger and Mayor Thomson offered to serve
on the Committee with Alderman Dilts.
Alderman Merrett advised that he had received a number of calls regarding
vandalism in the Westfield Court area. The Alderman explained that previously,
the Regional Police had assigned a specific officer to patrol the area, however
similar action had not been repeated in subsequent years. The Alderman asked
if an explanation could be obtained from the Chief of Police as to why the past
program was discontinued of having a full-time police officer on patrol, and
what steps he feels can be taken to reduce vandalism and theft. Alderman
Merrett also suggested that the East Niagara Housing Authority also be contacted
for suggestions. It was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman
Cunm~ings, that Chief Harris of the Regional Police and the East Niagara Housing
Authority be contacted on this matter. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Merrett advised that he had received calls from a number of
businesses in the Victoria Avenue area, complaining about the condition of the
retaining wall adjacent to the railroad tracks on Victoria Avenue between
Clifton Hill and Palmet Avenue. The Alderman asked if some steps could be
- 16 -
taken to have the area cleaned up and the wall painted. The Director of
Municipal Works indicated that he would contact the Railway authorities on
the matter.
Alderman Merrett advised that he had received calls from residents on
St. y Street regarding cars parking on the street overnight in the area
of the Sinnicks Street apartment building complex. The Alderman requested
that staff contact the Regional Police and ask them to enforce the overnight
parking regulations.
Alderman Sobol referred to a study sbeing undertaken by the Region on the
feasibility of a waste reduction facility to provide energy to sell to Ontario
Paper. The Region at present is attempting to obtain the necessary approvals
from the various Provincial Ministries, in particular, the Ministry of Energy.
The Alderman advised that the Region requires the approval of the municipaliti,i
involved for using municipal garbage in the facility. The Alderman indicated
that such approval would be in principle, and subject to the projected future
cost of disposing garbage not exceeding landfill site costs in the future.
The Director of Municipal Works advised that the Sanitary Landfill Site Committ
had a ty c na g nw an
"price was right" and subject to the City using its own site m i ef~
becoming involved in the operation of such a facility. In response to a
question raised by Mayor Thomson, the Director of Municipal Works stated that
the Region would assume the cost of the study in the amount of $100,000, and
will also require a guarantee of garbage· It was moved by Alderman Sobol,
seconded by Alderman MacBain, that the City approve in principle, the Region
being involved in solid waste disposal with a view to the City of Niagara Fall.
providing sufficient garbage for the use proposed by the Region, subject to th.
prices of disposal being competitive and the
City s landfill site being used
completely prior to garbage being supplied for the Region's proposal· Carried
It was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Orr, that Council
adopt a summer schedule of meeting every other week during July and August.
Carried Unanimously. Mayor Thomson indicated that a schedule would be prepare,
for the approval of Council at the next meeting. ~
His Worship, Mayor Thomson commented that all members of Council were
not able to be present at the meeting between Council and the Planning and
'Development Committee, at which time the draft zoning by-law was presented..
The Mayor advised that several members of staff had spent a consiberable
amount of time in preparing the by-law, in particular, Mr. H.R. Young,
Mr. A. Creaves, Mrs. J. Peck, Mr. D. Savriga and Mr. A. Pierson.
The Planning Director requested that any members of Council having any
questions on the by-law, call the Planning Department, at which time explanatic
will be provided as soon as possible.
HiS Worship, Mayor Thomson referred to the decision reached by Council
on May 14th, 1979 regarding the continued employment of the City Manager, and
noted that at that time Council had indicated that certain guidelines would
be established outlining the responsibilities of the City Manager, in patticult
with respect to confidentiality. TheMayor further advised that he had been
approached by the firm of Stevenson & Kellogg, with an offer to assist the
Council in establishing the necessary guidelines. Mayor Thomson felt that
the Council did not have the necessary expertise required to set down such
guidelines, and suggested that a management consulting firm such as Stevenson
and Kellogg could provide a fair and reasonable way of handling the matter.
In accordance with the action of Comm4 tree of the Whole, the Mayor requested
that Council authorize Stevenson & KellogS to submit a proposal for the
preparation of guidelines. Alderm~n Schisler suggested that firms other than
- 17 -
Stevenson & Kellogg be given an opportunity to submit proposals for Council's
consideration. The Mayor indicated that Stevenson & Kellogg would onlv be
submitting an initial presentation, at no cost to the City, and that o~her
firms could be invited to make proposals as well. It was moved by Alderman
Merrett, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that in order to carry out the decision
of the Council reached at a public hearing held on May 14th, 1979 relative
to the possible dismissal of the City Manager, that the firm of Stevenson &
Kellogg be invited to submit a proposal for the preparation of guidelines
respecting the discharge of the duties of the City Manager, together with a
policy relative to confidentiality arising out of the function of that office.
Carried Unanimously.
Alderman MacBain reminded members of Council that regular meetings of the
Finance Committee would resume on May 30th, 1979.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cummings, Mayor Thomson
advised that members of Council were invited to attend the ceremonies to be
held on June 3rd, 1979 at which the City would extend to the Lincoln and
Welland Regiment, the Freedom of the City.
It was moved by Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cunmings, that
the meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
· CO ,
Committee Room #1
June 11, 1979
Council met on Monday, June 11, 1979 at 6:00 p.m. in Committee of the
Whole. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen
Cummings, Hinsperger and Puttick. Alderman Fera presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the presented, the Committee of the Whole
arose without reporting.
Council Chambers
June 11, 1979
Council met on Monday, June 11, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen Cummings, Hinsperger and Puttick. His Worship, Mayor .
Thomson presided as Chairman. Alderman Dilts offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the minutes of the meeting held on May 28, 1979, be adopted as printed. Carried
His Worship, Mayor Thomson outlined for the information of the members of
Council, the act of bravery performed by Mr. Brian Clegg, in rescuing a person
involved in a boating accident in the Kenora area. Mr. Clegg, together with
another helicopter operator, were instrumental in saving lives during a flight
from Winnipeg to Thunder Bay. The presentation was made in recognition of the
successful efforts of Mr. Clegg in saving a life.
Mrs. M. Andres, was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Wallman. Mrs. Andres criticized Council
for the apparent lack of integrity in ignoring the previously adopted policy
of not allowing sports activities on Sundays prior to 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Andres
pointed out that Council may have contravened the provisions of the Lord's Day
Act. Mrs. Andres also noted that Council represented the entire City, not Just
those residents involved in sports activities on Sundays. If Council was
powerless to enforce such policies, Mrs. Andres asked why the policy was adopted
in the first place. Mrs. Andres stated that some coaches tell the children on
their teams if they do not play, they will be taken off the team, and schedule
games on Sundays regardless of the policy. Mrs. Andres felt it was harmful
lesson to children by teaching them to ignore laws, and requested that Council
return to the previously adopted policy without loopholes or .concessions.
Reverend J. Griffen was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Merrett. Reverend Griffen stated that
he had offered to co-operate on such matters if inclement weather were to occur,
however there had been no inclement weather involved in the approval granted by
Council for the recent tournament. The decision had been made by Council not to
allow sports on Sunday mornings, and Reverend Griffen stated that Council had
ignored its own policy without allowing others opposed to Sunday sports an
opportunity to comment, and permission was granted without change or an
amendment to the policy. Reverend Griffen also pointed out that such action
was contrary to the provisions of the Lord's Day Act, and asked if Council
was above this law.
Alderman Herrerr stated that the word "co-operation" had been the cause
of the problem. The Alderman had felt after the original discussion, that
there was room for compromise. Alderman Merrett pointed out that the league
had likely invited teams from outside the City and had set the schedule for
games based on Council's approval. The Alderman also commented that he did
not appreciate remarks made that the Council did not care, and pointed out that
he would not be serving on Council if he did not care.
Mr. Bob Hanna of the Greater Niagara Baseball Association indicated that
letters had been sent out to the various teams, setting out the scheduled dates
and times in accordance with the approval given by Council. Permission had
been granted on the understanding no games would take place at Oakes Park prior
to noon. Mr. Hanna stated that arrangements must be made well in advance in
order to fit all games into the schedule, which was difficult even if the
weather remained favourable. Mr. Hanna explained the schedule of games for
the tournament and advised that three games were scheduled for Sunday.
In response to a question raised by Mayor Thomson, Reverend Griffen
commented that if only three games were being played on Sunday, there was no
reason they could not be played later in the afternoon. With respect to Houck
Park, there were problems being experienced by Grace Gospel Church with noise
from that park. Reverend Griffen felt he could not back down on the issue,
other than to co-operate in the event of inclement weather. Rev. Griffen state~
that he would like to see the policy enforced and an effort made to re-plan
the tournament, and offered his co-operation in the event of poor weather.
Alderman Schisler stated that according to the policy, there would be
no sports on Sunday mornings, and if any groups wanted exemption from the
policy, they had to apply to Council. The Alderman_.~ointed out that Council
and the Association had tompromised on the use of Oakes Park, and had tried
to do what was best for the con~unity.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Orr, Mr. Hanna stated that
the age group of the players for the one tournament was fifteen and sixteen,
and ages ranged from seven to thirteen for the other tournaments. Alderman
err pointed out that the Clergy of the City had agreed with the Minor Hockey
Association that children over thirteen could play on Sunday mornings.
The Alderman asked if this rule applied to hockey,~ why not baseball, and
pointed out ether areas where the Church had relaxed in recent years. Alderman.
err commented that the onus was not on Council to determine whether children
should go to church or become involved in sports activities, that was the
responsibility of their parents. With respect to the agreement with Minor
Hockey, Reverend Griffen stated that was the closest compromise the Clergy and
Minor Hockey had been able to reach. Reverend Griffen also referred to the
Lord's Day Act which stated that no sporting events could D_e held on Sundays.
for which an admission fee was charged.
The City Solicitor advised that it is unlawful to engage in any public
game or contest for gain, price or reward, or to be present thereat, or to
provide, engage in or be present at any performance or public meeting at
which any fee is charged, directly or indirectly, either for admission or
for any service or privilege, under the Federal Lord's Day Act. The Provincial
regulation provides for exemptions, provided they are played after 1:30 p.m.
in the aftermoon. The Solicitor further advised that the original decision
made by Council was in accordance with the Lord's Day Act:
His Worship, Mayor Thomson offered to work with Reverend Griffen and the
organizers of the Tournament in an effort to resolve the problem. Reverend
and Mr. Hanna agreed to meet with the ~yor on the matter.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by
Alderman Dilts, that the Mayor meet with Reverend Griffen and the Greater Niag]
Baseball Association to minimize the impact of the tournament, and further that
Council reconfirm the earlier policy with respect to sports activities on Sunds
The motion Carried with the following vote!
A~Ez Aldermen Cheesman, Dilts, Fera, MacBain, Sobol and Wallman.
NAYE: Aldermen Merrett, Orr and Schisler.
In addition to the comments made by persons in attendance, letters were
received in opposition to Sunday sports activities from Reverend Griffen,
Mrs. M. Andres, L. Kitchen, Mr. & Mrs. A. Heximer, Pastor H. Gordon of Grace
Gospel Church, Mrs. G. Wade, P. err, and Miss K. Dabald. It was moved by
Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman err, that the letters be received and
filed. Carried Unanimously.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that Mrs. M. Healey, who had indicated
that she wished to address Council regarding the Niagara Frontier Humane Society,
had agreed to meet with a committee of Council to make her presentation.
Report No. 339 - City Manager - The report provides information on a meeting
held with area residents, and recommends that sidewalks be constructed at the
standard location.
Mr. R. Hicks was granted permission to address Council on the motion ~f
Alderman err, seconded by Alderman Merrett. Mr. Hicks stated that the letter
submitted by the Safety Council dated May 28, 1979, was an exact copy of the
letter written several years previously, and questioned whether the Safety
Council was really that concerned about the matter. Mr. Hicks quoted statistics
he had obtained which indicated that more persons were injured or killed when
coming out from behind parked cars, than persons injured or killed while standing
on sidewalks. ~. Hicks stated that boulevards widths of ten feet would not
permit two car depth in driveways. While he realized that if one car was parked
in the garage there was room, he pointed out that it is not always practical·
to have a car parked in the garage at all times. Mr. Hicks stated that an
official from the M.T.C. had been of the opinion that municipalities should
provide sufficient room in driveways for parking at least two cars. With respect
to the Niagara Falls Hydro cable, Mr. Hicks stated it was apparent the City had
a way of meeting such a cost, or that Hydro was not that concerned if they did
not intend to place concrete above the cable. Reference was also made to a
petition by residents of Mount Forest Lane requesting that no sidewalks be
constructed, and the City had approved this request. Mr. Hicks requested that
Council allow the same courtesy and approve the residents' request. In response
to a question raised by Alderman Sobel, Mr. Hicks indicated that there is a
distance of thirty feet between his garage and the sidewalk. His car was
eighteen feet in length which did not leave enough room for another car to park
without blocking the sidewalk.
Mr. T. Welch was granted permissign to address Council on the motion of
Alderman err, seconded by Alderman Fera. Mr. Welch stated that he was opposed
to a reduced boulevard of two and a half feet in width. He indicated that the
original question was sidewalks versus no sidewalks, and he felt there had to
be sidewalks constructed in the subdivision. Mr. Welch felt the residents
basically wanted a large front lawn for appearance sake, and commented that
even if there were room for two cars to park in a driveway, there was no
guarantee they would not be parked on the street anyway. Regarding the comment
on the Safety Council, Mr. Welch suggested that there had been no change in
the letter because the Safety Council had not changed its opinion on the matter.
Mr. Welch was not impressed by the statistics quoted, stating that statistics
were not important compared to the life of one child.
Several other residents addressed Council, both in fayour and in opposition
to the request for reduced boulevard widths. The Director-of Municipal Works
provided inf6rmation in response to comments made and questions raised by the
residents. Mr. T. Stevenson of the Safety Council confirmed that the he was
still of the opinion there should be boulevard sidewalks for the safety of
children and pedestrians. Mr. Stevenson also explained that one of the greatest
safety hazards involved children playing in driveways.
Alderman Fera asked if it would be possible to compromise and provide a
four ft. boulevard. The Director of Municipal Works explained that in order
to grant the request, it would be necessary to place the sidewalk in such a
position to avoid fire hydrants and street light poles, resulting in a two and
a half ft. boulevard. Alderman Dilts stated that he would want to know if there
was any additional costs involved, particularly if maintenance were required
on a hydrant. The Director of Municipal Works explained that any maintenance
problems would involve the watermain, which would be under the relocated
sidewalk. Alderman Dilts stated that he had no objection to gran ing the
requests of the residents if there was no additional cost to the Municipality
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Fete, seconded
by Alderman Merrett, that staff be requested to prepare a further report
outlining the cost of relocating the sidewalk, and that the requests of the
residents be granted if there is no additional cost to the Municipality.
Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Sobol felt there could be problems with lot sizes in new subdivis
particularly in comparison to some of the larger homes being built on these lot
It was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the matter be
referred to the Planning & Development Committee for consideration. Carried
Report No. 334 - City Manager - The report, which was tabled from the previous
meeting, reviews the need for water conservation as previously approved by
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Communication No. 122 - Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority - The
communication advises that the Authority is ready to complete the project as
soon as all necessary lands have been assembled.
Alderman Sobol asked who would bear the brunt of flooding damage if the
work is not finished prior to Spring. The Director of Municipal Works stated
that the Authority was now responsible for the pro3~ct, and would have to deal
with that matter.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
Mr. A.C.J. Van der Harst of the Niagara Falls Business & Industrial Growt~
Agency advised that at a recent meeting, the Agency discussed the advantages
and disadvantages of Regional involvement in the ~ndustrial development field.
It was the recommendation of the Agency that the Region establish an industrial
advertising programme, acquire an industrial developer to be paid for and used
by those communities of the Region without industrial development of their own,
with input to be limited to assistance at the request of a municipality.
Mr. Van der Marst stated that the Agency felt that representatives of the Rcgf:
the local members of Regional Council and the Agency should meet as soon as
possible to discuss the City's concerns with respect to Regional involvemen~
in the industrial development field. While the City has had success in its
industrial development program during the past sixteen years, Mr. Van der Harst
did not feel enough information has been gathered by the Region to be in a
position to assume responsibility for industrial development, or even to
co-ordinate those programs already in existence. Mr. Van der Narst suggested
that copies of the Battelle Study could be made available to the Region on a
coat-sharing basis.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson stated that as of the last meeting, the Region
has set aside funds for an entire study. The study would be a Joint effort
between the Province and the Region, to study industrial promotion within the
Region and also to determine what role the Region will play in industrial
promotion. The Mayor stated that the City and the Agency would have ample
opportunity for input and discussion.
It was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
comments of the Niagara Falls Business & Industrial Growth Agency be forwarded
to the Region, with a request for a meeting of the officials involved.
Carried Unanimously.
Mr. Van der Rarst referred to a recent request by Council on The status
of the Distribution Centre lands~ and advised that at that time, he had not
been in a position to comment since the matter was involved in litigation.
On May 31, 1979 after settlement of the lawsuit between the Agency and Klydel
Holdings, Mr. Van der Harst advised that the Agency was able to repurchase the
lands in accordance with the agreement. It was further advised that Klydel
Holdings was recently purchased by York Harmover, and that firm had been
extremely helpful in bringing the matter to a conclusion. Mr. Van der Harst
stated that the Agency has purchased the property at a cost similar to the
initial cost six years ago, and indicated that the Agency will be asking to
meet with Council in the near future to discuss future costs of the strategically
located site.
No. 123 - Mr. B. Sinclair - Re: Niagara Frontier Humane Society. The
communication requests: 1) That Council reconfirm the Municipality's election
not to purchase the Society's property on Stanley Avenue; 2) To approve the
sale of Lot 48 from Donrado Properties Inc. to the Niagara Frontier Humane
Society (instead of Marine Wonderland & Animal Park Ltd.); and 3) Sanction
of Council to amend the Agreement dated November 5, 1979 to incorporate the
new Lot 48 purchase.
Mr. Sinclair was not aware that Council had not seen the new plans o~ costs
for the new building to be constructed, and advised that copies could be made
available to staff to ensure the Citv's requirements were satisfied. There
were also several existing agreement~ relating to mortgage obligations, and
this information could be made available to Council. Mr. Sinclair stated that
the first two requests had been approved by Council in the past, with the
exception of the conveyance to the Society, and requested that Council provide
some direction on the matter.
Alderman Dilts advised that he had discussed the matter with the Deput~
Solicitor and other members of Council previously. The Alderman pointed out
that the committee of Council recently established to review the operation of
the Humane Society could deal with this matter as well.
Mr. A. Sheppard, solicitor for Marine Wonderland & Animal Park, indicated
that not only would the new building be at least as good or better than the
existing building, but the land would include three and a half more acres than
the present property occupies, with room available for future extensions.
In response to a question raised by the ~yor, Mr. Sinclair indicated
that the transaction would be carried out as an exchange. Lot 48 was worth
considerably more and the building would be constructed at the expense of
Marine Wonderland & Animal Park. Mr. Sinclair advised that the Society required
that Council reconfirm general agreement on the transfer and determine whether
a new agreement or amendment to the agreement was required.
It was moved by Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the matter
be referred to the Special Committee reviewing Humane Society operations.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 340 - City Manager - Re: Walkway Between Frontenac Woods Subdivision and
Frontenac Woods Extension Subdivision. The report advises that if Council is
of the opinion a sidewalk and fencing work should be completed this year for
the subject walkway, it will be possible to use $3500 from savings on a section
of the roads budget, and absorb the remaining 8600 cost as a possible over
expenditure in the sidewalk or fencing budget when the work is actually completed
and final costed.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that residents have been bothered by
motorcycles using the walkway area on which no sidewalk or fence has been
installed. Mrs. Mancuso who lived adjacent to the walkway, indicated that
there was no fence up, and there was enough room for a car to drive through.
Mrs. Mancuso stated that this had actually happened, and fire wood stored on
her property had been taken.
The Director of Municipal Works advised that walkways were not intended
only for pedestrians, but as a means of emergency access into a cul-de-sac area.
If there were an emergency situation and the entrance to a cul-de-sac was blocked,
the walkway would be used to get emergency vehicles in to the area. It was
suggested that movable type posts could be erected at the entrance to the
walkway to prevent access by motorcycles and cars. These posts could be knocksi
down or removed in the event of an emergency situation. The Director of
Municipal Works advised that the developer would be installing the fence as
soon as possible.
Mr. F. Pingut advised that he had told his tenants that a fence would be
constructed in the Spring, and when nothing was done, several tenants had moved
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Orr, seconded by
Alderman Fera, that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Merrett stated that the City has had other problems with walkways
and suggested it might be worthwhile to have the Engineering Department and
Planning & Development Committee review the policy on walkways. It was moved
by Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that the matter be reviewed
in conjunction with the emergency services. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Cheesman was absent when the vote was
taken on this matter.
No. 3~1 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-41/78, Dr. T.C. Morgan,
Northwest Corner St. Paul Avenue and O'Netl Street AND Official Plan Amendment
No. 103. The report recommends that the application be approved subject to
Development Control for this specific use, otherwise to revert to single
family residential use, and further that Council certify by resolution that
the application will conform to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara
Falls Planning Area after Amendment No. 103 has been approved by the Minister
of Housing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No,
See By-laws 79-95 z
Verbal Report - Extension of Sidewalk on Bender Hill.
Mr. J. Lobko qf D. Chapman's Office, was granted permission to address
Council on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Schisler.
Mr. Lobko referred to a plan posted in the Council Chambers, showing the
location of the temporary railway crossing from Palmet Avenue to Bender Hill.
It was advised that Maple Leaf Village would like to upgrade the area to
make it more presentable, by closing the temporar~ construction entrance
and extending the curb faced from its present terminus at the east limit of
the York Mannover property to the new parking area entrance on gender Hill.
~his would involve widening of the roadway by six or seven feet. Mr. Lobko
stated that t~ple Leaf Village would assume the cost of construction, and
the City would maintain it in the future. The Director of Municipal Works
Stated that the developers wished to have the construction completed by
June 22nd in time for the opening of Maple Leaf Village. It was also
indicated that staff had no objection to the request.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett, the Director of
Municipal Works stated that the temporary crossing would be closed when
construction was complete, and that it was felt the crossing should not
remain open from a congestion point of view.
In response to a question raised by the Mayor, the Fire Chief indicated
that he was in fayour of having the erossing remain open, which would provide
access to Sheraton Annex and several other motels on Phillip, Hiram and John
Pollowing further comment, it was moved by Alderman Dilts, seconded by
Alderman Merrstt, that the request be approved as submitted, Carried Unanimo~
No. 124 - Liquor Control Board of Ontario - Rel Main Street Liquor Store. The
communication advises that it is intended to keep the Main Street Liquor Store
open for at least another year.
Alderman Nerrett suggested that the Board be requested to notify the City
~hen a decision is made to close the store.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the communication be received and filed, and that the Liquor Control Board
of Ontario be requested to provide the City with notice prior to closing of
the Store. Carried Unanimously.
No. 125 - Field-Springer Disaster Relief Fund - Re: Request for Financial
No. 126 - Village if Iron Bridge - Re: Request for Financial Assistance.
No. 127 - Project Recognition - Re: Request for Grant.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman }~cBain, seconded by Alderman Cheesman,
that the communications be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried Unanimously.
No. 128 - Mr. W.H. Beer - Re: Sidewalk on Portage Road. The communication requests
that the City extend the existing sidewalk on Portage Road fromMarineland to
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Schlsler, that
the communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carried
No. 129 - Mr. J. Matthews - Re: Proposed Name Change for Burdette. The '
communication advises that forty residents of the portion of Burdette Drive east
of Drummond Road object to the proposed name change.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the communication be referred to the Street Name Committee. Carried Unanimously.
No. 130 - Greater Niagara Transit Commission - Re: Delays at C.N.R. Crossings.
The communication requests the assistance of the City in dealing with C.N.R.
on delays at railway crossings.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Schisler,
that staff be authorized to contact C.N.R. to resolve the problems being
experienced by the Transit Commission. Carried Unanimously.
No. 131 - Ontario Hydro - Re: Annual Inspections of Camping Establishments.
The communication provides information on the need for annual inspections of
camping establishments, and the fee charged for such inspections.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the communication be received and filed, and a copy forwarded to Mr. Stelmaszynski
of the Mantrust Motor Inn. Carried Unanimously.
No. 132 - Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs - Re: Zero Base Budgeting.
The communication provides information of a general nature on zero base budgeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
communication be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Sobol retired from the meeting.
No. 133 - Miss Dominion of Canada Pageant - Re: Annual Pageant. The communication
requests that the City sponsor the usual luncheon held in conjunction with the
annual pageant.
Alderman Merrett felt the request should be approved due to the publicity
the City receives from the pageant on a national basis.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the request be denied. The motion par.tied. with Alderman Merrett voting contrary,
and all others voting in favour.
No. 134 - Mr. R.A. McLeod - Re: Resignation from Planning & Development Committee,
The communication advises of Mr. McLeod~s resignation from the Planning and
Development Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the resignation be received with regret and a letter of appreciation directed
to Mr, MeLted for his contribution, and further that the names of those who
previously indicated an interest in serving on the Committee, as well as any
new requests, be provided for Council~s consideration at the n~xt meeting.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 135 - Maple Leaf Village - Re: Fireworks Display. The communica~ion requests
permission to hold a fireworks display on June 22, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman OfT, that the
request be approved on the understanding all requirements of the by-law are met
and in particular that the City is either named a co-insured on policies purchased
or held harmless for any accidents which may arise from the display. Carried
No. 342 - Alderman C. Chessman - Re: 75th Anniversary Celebrations. The
report provides an update of plans for the City's 75th Anniversary celebrations
Alderman Chessman indicated that plans were being considered for some
type of municipal picnic, or homecoming weekend to be held in September.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 343 - City Manager - Re: Purchase of New Equipment. The report recommends
acceptance of various tenders for the purchase of new automotive equipment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Dilts
abstaining on a conflict of interest, and all others voting in fayour.
See Resolution No...
No. 344 - City Manager - Re: Protective Clothing Tender - 1979. The report
recommends acceptance of the low tender submitted by Mueller Dry Goods Limited
for the supply of protective clothing for municipal employees.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. ~
No. 345 - City Manager - Re: Co-Operative Garbage Bag Tender 1979. The report
recommends acceptance of the tender submitted by PCL Packaging Limited for the
supply of garbage bags.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No.f
No. 346 - City Manager - Re: Contract W.I. 7-79, Watermain Installations on
Various City Streets. The report recommends that acceptance of the unit prices
submitted by Covello Brothers Ltd. for the subject c"~ntract.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No.I
See By-law No. 79-9'
No. 347 - City Manager - Re: Sewer Lateral at 5342 McRae Street. The report
advises that faults were found on both sides of the property line, and that
the necessary repairs have been made.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded 5~ Alderman Chessman, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 348 - City Manager - Re: Fire Trucks Exiting from McLeod Road No. 2 Fire
Station. The report recommends that the Region be requested to provide some
type of red light warning device to be erected on McLeod Road approaching the
Fire Station.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera, that'
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 349 - City Manager - Re: Mount Forest Mark III Proposed Subdivision. The
report recommends approval of the proposed plan subject to three conditions.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, the Director of
Municipal Works advised development of the subdivision was not subject to
implementation of the Shriner's Creek Project. Although water will flow into
Shriner's Creek, the subdivision was considered infilling'of a previously
approved section of a plan of subdivision and the run-off from that land would
have been more than the proposed plan would produce.
Mr. F. Grandont was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Chessman. Mr. Grandoni stated that
in the last year, those people downstream from development have been watching
Council approve various other developments. Reference was made to an Ontario
Municipal Board decision on this matter which stated that further applications
would be held up until proper control had been introduced. Mr. Grandoni stated
it was his understanding development would be controlled and according to the
Ontario Municipal Board decision, control dams would be in place and working
before further development took place. Mr. Grandoni stated that if one walked
along the Creek, one would see where the banks were eroding since the heavy
rains of last November. The flood plain was eroding as well as the soil from
around the roots of trees near the banks. Mr. Grandoni stated that once the
trees fall into the Creek, there would be nothing to hold the bank and the
farmers' fields would continue to wash away. Mr. Grandoni felt further
subdivision development should wait until the flood control dams were in place.
According to recommendations in the Shriner's Creek report, Mr. Grandoni stated
that silt could be controlled on the subdivision site by having a small holding
pond in the subdivision to allow water to pond and go into the storm sewer and
catch some of the silt. With respect to the Ascot Woods Subdivision,
Mr. Grandoni said that the developers want to proceed with the south section
and he suggested that the pond should be checked and a culvert installed for
control. Mr. Grandoni indicated that the culverts on Kalar Road were designed
for high springs flow, but would not accept such flows all summer long.
Mr. Grandoni asked that Council reconsider granting approvals for further
subdivision development until proper control was in place.
The Director of Municipal Works stated that with regard to the O.M.B.
decision, the condition that further applications be held in abeyance until
a proper scheme was implemented, dealt with applications for further expenditures
of money. The scheme was introduced in 1975, and further applications for
expenditures have been held in abeyance. The Director of Municipal Works
explained that the subdivision was considered infilling in an area where the '
run-off coefficient was higher than what was being proposed. There would'be
less flow from the scheme than another. On the suggestion regarding silt control,
the Director of Municipal Works agreed that some type of control could possibly
be carried out, such as excavation around buildings being constructed to allow
an opportunity for the water table to recharge. The Director of Municipal
Works commented that a similar method of control would be incorporated into
other subdivisions in the area which would help keep some of the silt out of
catchbasins. Mr. J. Kaufman of Sunnylea Construction Ltd., indicated that
his firm would co-operate in any possible way to prevent silting, and pointed
out that water must lie for a few hours following rain, while people want
it to disappear in half an hour.
Mr. Crandoni suggested that dams be built before the City channelizes the
W-5-2 and W-5-3 Watercourses, and commented that he could not see how construction
could take place before the dams were built.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by
Alderman Wallman, that the report be received and adopted. Carried UnanimoUsly.
No. 350 - City Manager - Re: Valley Way West Proposed Subdivision. The report
recommends approval of a request for a six month extension of the draft plan
approval until February 16, 1980, and that the Ministry of Housing be advised
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 351 - City Manager - Re: Kingsview Proposed Subdivision. The report
recommends approval of a request for a six month extension of the draft plan
approval until November 16, 1979, and that the Ministry of Housing be advised
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Ch-esman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 352 - City Manager - Re: Development Plan Revision - Ontario Housing
Corporation on Bucklay Avenue. The report recommends approval of the subject
development plan revision as submitted.
The City Manager provided additional information in response to a question
raised by Alderman Chessman.
ORDERED on the'motion of 'Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilta, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 353 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Centre Street. The report recommends
passage of a by-law to prohibit parking on the northeast side of Centre Street
from Lewis Avenue to a point 150 feet northeasterly.
ORDERED On the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fera~ that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 77Z98
No. 354 - City Manager - Re: Twoera Plaza, Oshawa Group "Fencing". The report
advises of a request from the Oshawa Group for relief from fencing requirements
- 10 -
due to maintenance problems, and suggests that the fence should not be relocateS.
on City Property. The report further advises of problems being experienced by
residents to the rear of the plaza with racing cars and suggests the use of
asphalt bumps to eliminate this problem.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, that Oshawa Group not be permitted
to relocate the fence on City property, that the existing fence be maintained
in accordance with the provisions of the existing site plan, and further that
it be suggested to Oshawa Group that asphalt bumps be constructed in certain
areas to alleviate the problem with racing vehicles. Carried Unanimously.
No. 355 - City Manager - Re: Base Failure on Creek Road west of Crowland Avenue.
The report recommends that the firm of Dominion Soil Investigation Inc. be
engaged to carry out a sub-service investigation on the Creek Road at an
estimated cost of $2300.
The Director of Municipal Works provided additional information in response
to a question raised by Alderman Schisler.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 356 - City Manager - Re: Implementation Agreement - Ryerson/Market Neighbout.
hood Improvement Area. The report recommends passage of a by-law to authorize
an agreement with the Ministry of Rousing, covering the Provincial contribution
toward the implementation of the Ryerson/Market Neighbourhood Improvement Progr~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-99
No. 357 - City Manager - Re: Assumption of Portion of Bridgewater Street. The
report recommends approval of the assumption by the Niagara Parks Conmaission
of a portion of Bridgewater Street between Cummington Square and the Niagara
Parkway, and that the Municipality continue to maintain the sidewalk, subject
to the City being given an easement on the road allowance in order to maintain
services, i.e. sewer, water.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded"~y Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 358 - His Worship, Mayor Thomson - Re: Public Works Committee. The report
provides information. on the possible establishment of a Public Works Committee.
Due to the workload involved in such a committee, Mayor Thomson felt the
report should be tabled until all members of Council were present.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconde~ by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be tabled for two weeks. Carried Unanimously.
No. 359 - City Manager - Re: Schedule of Meetings for Summer Months. The report
recommends adoption of the following summer schedule of Council Meetings:
June 18th - Informal Joint Meeting of Council and Recreation Commission,
June 25th, July 9th, July 23rd, August 7th, August 20th and September 4th,
with the regular schedule to resume as of September 4th, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 360 - City Clerk - Re: Resolutions from Other Municipalities.
1) Ontario Building Officials Association Inc. - Requesting that appropriate
amendments be made to the building codes in Canada, and specifically the
National Building Code of Canada to provide for the continued economic
viability of such buildings and the preservation of their architectural and
heritage features, as such may be affected by the application and enforcement
of such codes. .
Recommendation - That the resolution be endorsed,
2) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Requesting the International Joint Cornmiss
to review all discharges into the potable water supply and initiate appropri3
action to reduce toxic chemical discharges.
Recommendation - That the request of the Region be endorsed.
3) .City of Nepean - Requesting the Minister of Consumer Affairs & Commercial
Relations to incorporate a requirement for leak detection systems into the
Gasoline Handling Act,
Recommendation - That the resolution be endorsed.
4) City of 8arnia - Requesting the Provincial Government to establish criteria a
a framework with which arbitration boards may deal and establish criteria for
individuals who may be appointed as arbitrators,
5) Town of Tecumseh - Requesting the Attorney General of Ontario to enact
- 11 -
legislation requiring a 48-hour "cooling off" period during which a person
be allowed to cancel an agreement of purchase and sale.
6) City of Guelph - Objecting to an announcement of the Federal Government that
grants be made available for arena improvements to any city obtaining an NHL
Recommendation - That the resolution be received and filed.
7) City of Kitchener - Requesting the Provincial Minister of Revenue to amend the
enumeration system so as to include therein an annual dog census.
Reco~nendation - That the resolution be received and filed.
8) City of Waterloo - Requesting the Province to return to municipalities the 7%
sales tax collected from Cable T.V. Companies in direct proportion to the amount
collected in each municipality.
Recommendation - That the resolution be endorsed.
9) Borough of Scarborough - Requesting the Province to place a five year moratorium
on the use of aluminum wire.
Recommendation - That the resolution be endorsed.
10) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Requesting the Provincial Government to
consider redirecting revenues derived from lotteries from mainly recreational
and cultural programmeg to programmes of higher municipal and provincial
Recommendation - Receive and file.
11) City of Sudbury - Requesting an amendment to the Discriminatorv Business ~
Practices Act, 1978 to exempt municipal corporations from the "geographical
location" provisions therein.
Recommendation - That the resolution be endorsed.
Alderman Wallman referred to the resolution from Regional Niagara regarding
discharges into potable water supply, and questioned how the proposal to
locate a waste retention pond in the City of Niagara Falls, with effluent to
drain into the Niagara River, would fit into the Region's reasoning. The City
Clerk indicated that this proposal would be part of the study requested.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman ~cBatn, mconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 361 - City Clerk - Re: Consent Items.
1) Pyramid Place - Requesting permission to hold a fireworks display on July 1,
Recommendation - That the request be approved on the understanding all
requirements of the by-law are met and in particular, that the City is
either named a co-insured on the policies purchased by Pyramid Place, or
held harmless for any accidents which may arise from the display.
2) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Proposal Amendment #1 to the Regional
Niagara Policy Plan.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
3) Brock University - Re: Recyclers' Guide for Regional Niagara.
Reconunendation - For the information of Council.
4) Greater Niagara Softball AssociatioD - Re: Niagara Invitational Fastball
Recommendation - That approval be granted to operate a beer concession subject
: to similar approvals being received from the Regional Police, Fire Department,
Health Unit and L.L.B.O.
5) ~nistry of Community and Social Services - Re: Senior Citizens' Week,
June 17 - 23, 1979.
Recommendation - That the week of June 17 - 23, 1979, be proclaimed Senior
Citizenst Week and that the Municipality underwrite the cost of advertisement.
6) Ability Centre - Expressing appreciation for co-operation of the City during
the rubbish collection.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
7) Stamford Centre Volunteer Firemen~s Association - Re: Horseshoe Tournament.
Recommendation - That as many members of Council as possible participate in
the tournament.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Herrerr, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 362 - City Manager - Re: Building Permits. The report provides information
on the permits issued by the Building & Development Department for the month of
May 1979, as compared to 1978.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that the
report be received and filed. .Carried Unanimously.
No, 363 - City Manager - Re| Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Herrerr
abstaining on a conflict of interest on Cheque//~nd all others voting in
- 12 -
Report No. 364 - City Manager - Re: Non-Union Salaries 1979. The report
recommends the following increases: First line supervisors and non-union
secretaries 6.45%, ES 4-6.2%, ES 5-6.0%, ES 6 - 5.5%, ES 7 - 5.3%, ES 8 -
5.1%, ES 9 - ES 17 - 5.0%, retroactive to January 1, 1979. The report
further recommends that the Deputy City Clerk be reclassified from Level
ES 6 to ES 7, and passage of a by-law respecting benefits applicable to
non-union employees to include deletion of Remembrance Day to be replaced by
a "floating" holiday and six weeks vacation after 32 years.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the report be received and adopted, and further that the Personnel Officer be
requested to study the Job description of the Secretary to the Mayor, prepare
a new Job description, nomenclature and salary range. Carried Unanimously.
the supply of new automotive equipment be accepted:
1) S.M.I. Industries - One latest model 20 cu. yd. packer - $14,327.30
2) Autoland Chrysler - One 1979 Model Sedan - 5,435.00
- Three 1979 Model Sedans - 16,820.40
- Two 1979 Model Pickup Trucks - 12,679.50
- One 1979 Model Van - 7,152.95
3) Archer Truck - Two 1980 Model 25,500 lb. Ch_._assis 27,456.20
- One 1980 Model 32,000 lb. Chassis 20,477.66
4) Yorkview Ford - One 1980 Model 10,000 lb. Dump Truck 9,504.81
; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 56 - FERA - ORR- RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City
of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-96 for the rezoning of
lands on the northwest corner of St. Paul Avenue and O'Neil Street, will confo~
to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, once a
further amendment is approved by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl}
No. 57 - FERA - SCHISLER - RESOLVED that the following tenders submitted for
conflict of interes
and all others voti
in favour.
No. 58 - FBRA - 8CHISLER - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by Mueller Dry
Goods Limited for the supply of protective clothing for employees, be accepted
at the total price of $16.35 per shirt and pant set, and $14.88 per pair for
coverails; AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl!
No. 59 - FERA - SCHISLER - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by PCL Packaging
Limited for the supply of polyethylene garbage bags, be accepted at the prices
quoted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 60 - FERA - SCHISLEH - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Covello
Bros. Limited for the installation of watermains onvarious' City Streets, be
accepted at the tendered price of $136,881.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. -
Carried Unanimousl!
No. 61 - FERA - DILTS - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be sent to the
family of the late Mrs. Catherine Puttick, mother of Alderman Puttick, and a
respected member of the community; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimousl
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fern, that
following by-law be now read a t[~ird and fimal time:
No. 79-52 - A By-law to authorize improvements to the electrical p~wer
distribution system and street tighting system of the City.
Carried Unanimous1/
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read
a first time:
No. 79-95
No. 79-96
- A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Official
Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (AM-41/78, Dr. T.C. Morgan)
- A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-41/78,
Dr. T.C. Morgan)
No. 79-97
No. 79-98
No. 79-99 - A By-law
Right of
No. 79-100 - A By-law
- A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Covello Bros.
Limited for the installation of watermains. (Contract W.I. 7-79)
- A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulation
of traffic. (Centre Street)
to authorize an agreement with Her }~jesty the Queen in
Ontario represented by the Minister of Housing.
to authorize the execution of agreements for the hydraulic
of sewers and culverts and the television inspection of '-
No. 79-101 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a lease with the Minister of
Transportation and Communications. (Parkette on Victoria Ave.)
No. 79-102 - A By-law to establish ice surface rental rates for City Arenas.
No. 79-103 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
No. 79-104 - A By-law respecting sick leave credits, pensions and other benefits
for employees.
Carried with Alderman
Merrett abstaining on
a conflict of interest
on Cheque #4466 of
By-law 79-103, and all
others voting in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that the
following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-95 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Official
Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (tM-41/78, Dr. T.C. Morgan)
No. 79-96 - A By-law to amend By-law~N.o. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-41/78,
Dr. T.C. Morgan)
No. 79-97
No. 79-98
No. 79-99
- A By-law to
Limited for
- A By-law to
of traffic.
authorize the execution of an agreement with Covello Bros.
the installation of watermains. (Contract W.I. 7-79)
amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulation
(Centre Street)
- A By-law to authorize an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right
of Ontario represented by the Minister of Housing.
79-100 - A By-law to authorize the execution of agreements for the hydraulic
cleaning of sewers and culverts and the television inspection of
No. 79-101 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a lease with the Minister of
Transportation and Communications. (Parkerrs on Victoria Ave.)
No. 79-102 - A By-law to establish ice surface rental rates for City Arenas.
No. 79-103 - A By-law to provide monies for 8eneral purposes.
No. 79-104 - A By-law respecting sick leave credits, pensions and other benefits
for employees.
Carried with Alderman
- 14 -
Merrett abstaining~.
a conflict of inte~
on Cheque #4466 of
By-law 79-103, and ll
others voting in f~
Alderman MacBain submitted a resolution he had prepared relating to
municipal financing, and requested that the matter be discussed at the next
regular meeting, at which time he would explain his proposals.
Alderman Fern advised that he had received complaints regarding the schoo~
crossing on Morrison Street by St. Maryts School. The Alderman indicated that
cars travel quite fast along this section of Morrison Street, and the crossing
guard was having a problem in getting children safely across the street.
Alderman Fern suggested that the Region be contacted to determine if some type
of advance warning device could be installed to warn motorists to slow down
and stop for the school crossing. It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by
Alderman Cheesman, that the matter be referred to staff. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Fern advised that he had received complaints from residents in
the area of McLeod Road and Hawkins Street regarding motorcycles racing up
that the Regional Police be asked to investigate the n o t
action. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Merrett advised that he had received calls regarding the time
clock at Oakes Park that has not been operating for some time· Mayor Thomson
indicated that the matter would be checked into.
Alderman Merrett advised that Niagara District Airport was holding an
open house, and all members of Council were invited to attend. The Alderman
requested that any members interested in attending, notify the City Clerk.
It was moved by Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
special committee reviewing a possible smoking by-law, be re-established,
and further that Aldermen Chessman and Sobol be re-appointed to the
Committee, Carried Unanimously, - ~
Alderman MacBain reminded members of the Finance Committee that the
Committee would be meeting weekly throughout the summer. The Alderman also
advised that it was imperative that as many members as possible attend the
meeting to be held on June 13, 1979, since arrangements have been made for
9ther persons to attend the meeting.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that he had received numerous complaint
about the mowing of the small greenbelt areas at the end of cul-de-sacs. The
Mayor indicated that while the weeds have been mowed, nothing has been raked,
and people are uo longer viiling to cut and rake these areas themselves. Mayor
Thomson advised that the annual cost of cutting the grass in cul-de-sacs was
$14,000 and with new development taking place, maintenance would become a maJoI
expenditure. The Mayor suggested that the matter be referred to staff to
prepare a report on how this escalating cost can be eliminated. Alderman
MacBain suggested that the City could also include the problem of snowplowing
costs in cul-de-sacs which is also an expense to the Municipality, The
Director of Municipal Works stated that one method of solving the problem
would be to eliminate the islands in cul-de-sacs, while this would not be
- 15 -
as aesthetic, it would be effective. The Director of Municipal Works also
suggested that the report could include comment on the desirability of cul-de-sacs
themselves. It was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carried
It was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole. Carried Unanimously.
LLINS~N ....... 4
Committee Room #1
June 11, 1979
Council met in Committee of the Whole on Monday, June 11, 1979, following
a regular meeting. All members of Council were present with the exception of
Aldermen Cummings, Hinsperger, Puttick and Sobol. Alderman Fern presided as
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the Whole
arose without reporting. . ,~ ~&aa a ~
Council Chambers
June 11, 1979
Council reconvened in formal session on Monday, June 11, 1979, following
a meeting in Committee of the Whole. All members of Council were present with
the exception of Aldermen Cummings, Hinsperger, Puttick and Sobol. His Worship,
Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
The meeting adjourned.
i.'caLi sa:
Council Chambers
June 18, 1979.
Council met on Monday, June 18, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen Cumanings, Fera and Orr. His Worship, Mayor Thomson
Presided as Chairman.
No. 136 - Chippawa Lions Club - The communication requests permission of the
City Council to conduct a fire works display on July 1, 1979, in conjunction
with the Canada Day celebration and the celebration of the 75th Anniversary
of the Incorporation of the City of Niagara Palls. The event will take place
on properties owned by the Ontario Hydro and the Niagara Parks Commission at or
ncar Kingabridge Park and both parties have granted the Lions Club permission
to use their properties for this event.
It was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the request of the Chippawa Lions Club be granted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 137 - Maple Leaf Village - The communication, from Messrs. Broderick,
McLeod, Clifford, MarineIll & Amadio, on behalf of Maple Leaf Village, re-
quests the temporary closing of part of Falls Avenue on Saturday, June 23rd,
from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., to assist in connection with the formal opening
of Maple Leaf Village. Mayor Thomson stated that actually the time period
would probably be from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m., and although the closing might
create some small inconvenience, it would certainly not result in any major
disruption of traffic in the area and there will be no interference with
access to the Rainbow Bridge or traffic on Clifton Hill. Mr. Dante Mari-
nellt was in attendance on behalf of the Maple Leaf Village owners, to
answer any questions from Council.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman MacBain,
that the request for a temporary closing of part of Falls Avenue on Saturday,
June 23rd, be granted, and the relevant By-law appearing on tonlght's ageride
be given three readings. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-105
No. 138 - Senior Citizens' Association - Mr. Lou Harris requested permission
to address Council respecting increase in Cable T.V. rates from $2.35 to $7.00,
particularly as it affects residents of Bucklay Towers, senior citizens apart-
ment building. /
It was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
Mr'. Harris be permitted to address Council.
Mr. Harris batlined the problem and indicated that it has caused
a great deal of concern among the senior citizen groups of this community.
The original cost of $2.35 per month per apartment, was added to the occupant~s
rent and paid by post-dated cheque. Mr. Harris read a communication from Arm-
strong Communications advising tenants of the increase to be effective July 1,
1979. It was pointed out that the increase from $2.35 to $7.00, plus 7% tax,
represents an increase of over 300%, which the senior citizens feel is entirely
out of order. Many of the senior citizens a~e ill or crippled and they rely
on theirTV to keep them in touch with the outside world, and they are certainly
not in a position to pay this increase. Mr. Harris pointed out that the Housing
Corporation will not permit an antenna on the roof of the building.
Mayor Thomson directed that the Clerk prepare an appropriate resolu-
tion to the Minister of Housing, Claude Bennett, protesting the changes.
A meetinS is being arranged with representatives of the Senior Citi-
zens' Association, City staff, representatives of the East Niagara Housing
Authority, for the beginning of next week, after discussions have been held
with Mr. Gee of A tro Communications at a metin
onWsdn. sday, Ju.~0, ~79, in the main'lounge at Bu~kI~yb~c~h:~.at 3:00 ,...
It was moved by Alderman Herrerr, seconded by Alderman Dtlts, that
the Mayores directions be carried out. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Aideman Sobol,
that leave be granted to-introduce the following By-law, and the by-law be
read a first time.
No. 79-105 - A By-law to ~ose a portion of Fall~ Avenue to vehicular traffic
on a temporary basis.
Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Schisler,
that the following by-law be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-105 - A By-law to close a portion of Falls Avenue to vehicular traffic
on a temporary basis.
Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Puttick, that
the meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
Members of Council adourned to Con~nittee Rooms 2_and 3 for a general
discussion with members of the Recreation Commission.
Committee Room #1
June 25, 1979
Council met on Monday, June 25, 1979 at 4:30 p.m. in Committee of the
Whole. All members of Council were present. Alderman Dilts presided as
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the Whole
arose without reporting. - & · ~
Council Chambers
June 25, 1979
Council met on Monday, June 25, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present. His Worship,
Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman. Alderman Fera offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the minutes of the meeting held on June 11, 1979, be adopted as printed. Carried
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented retirement watches to Mr. D. Luca, who
retired in May after twenty-three years of service, and Mr. W. McShane who also
retired in May after twenty-five years of service.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented a 25-Year Plaque to Mr. W. McShane
who retired in May after completing twenty-five years of service with the
Corporation, and to Mr. W. Culp~ of the Fire Department who had also completed
twenty-five years of service.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented certificates to Mr. D. Hall and
Mr. V. DelVecchio who successfully completed the O.B.O.A. Basic Building Officer
Course recently.
Representatives of the Minor Softball Association presented Mayor Thomson
with a Minor y Softball button in recognition of Minor Softball Week~
June 25 - 29, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
week of June 25 - 29, 1979, be proclaimed Minor Softball Week in Niagara Falls.
Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 365 - PlanninS & Development Committee - The report recommends
denial of the ap~lication for a 90-unit motel.
Communication No. 139 - Mr. J. Prentice - The communication suggests that
the application be tabled to allow more time to get an answer from the Ministry
of Transportation & Communications regarding plans or changes to take place in
the subject area.
Communication No. 140 - Mrs. W. Ruch- The communication expresses objection to
the subject application.
Communication No. 141 - Mr. A. Smith and Others - The communication and petition
express objection to the subject application.
Communication No. 142 - Mr. J. Marr- The communication expresses objection to
the subject application.
Communication No. 143 - Mr. D. Marinelli - The communication requests an opportul
to address Council on this matter.
Communication No. 144 - Mrs. C. Porter and Others - The petition expresses
objection to the subject application.
Communication No. 145 - Mrs. H. White and Others - The petition expresses
objection to the subject application.
Communication No. 146 - Mr. & Mrs. J. Prentice - The communication expresses
objection to the subject application.
Communication No. 147 - St. Catharines District Real Estate Board - The
communication indicates that Mr. John Prentice is no longer employed as a sales
representative with the St. Catharines District Real Estate Board.
Communication No. 148 - Mr. P, Shepherd and Others - The petition expresses
support of. Ithe subject application.
Mr. D. Marinelli, solicitor for the applicant.~was granted permission to
address Council on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Orr.
Mr. Marineill advised that the proposal was for the erection of a one hundred
and thirty unit motel, consisting of forty double units and fifty single units.
The site, which has forty-eight thousand square feet and four hundred feet of
frontage on River'Road, is bounded by John Street and Philip Street. The site'
plan was prepared by Mr. D. Chapman's office, and was designed with the
intention of maintaining the historic and residential flavour of the area.
Mr. Marineill stated that the general contours of the land would be maintained
with two, three and four storey sections depend~g on which portion of the
property the rooms are constructed. No elevators would be required for any
portion of the proposal. Considerable landscaping would be done and it was
intended that the design would not necessitate the destruction of mature trees
on the site. Mr. Marineill indicated that Planning Department staff had origins
felt the initial proposal as presented was too intensive a use for the site base
on the fact parking and green area were not sufficient, however the applicant wa
prepared to enter into a development control agreement which would reflec~ the
requirements of City staff. Parking would be provided on a ratio of one space
for each 1.3 units, which was higher than the requirements of the zoning by-law.
The applicant would also agree to the provision of a 5% green area which would
necessitate reduction of the scope of the development. Mr. MarineIll advised
that the site has been the subject of several applications by Mr. J. Brown. -
The Official Plan indicates that the area is considered stable residential whic~
should be maintained, and states there is insufficient evidence to suggest any
change should be granted. Comments on the Central River'Road area prepared
as a result of the previous applications, indicate there are three hundred and
eighteen housing units and of that, two hundred and twenty-eight are single
family constituting 72% of the housing in the area. On the basis of that
calculation, the conclusion was reached that the area was mainly single family
in nature. Mr. Yatrinelli stated that on River Road itself between John Street
and Morrison Street, there are fifty-four lots. Of this amount, twenty-seven
are single family, six are duplexes, two are multi-family, twelve are tourist
homes and one is institutional. Single family residences represent 52%, and
tourist homes represent 23%. Nr. Marineill felt the figures indicated that the
major use on River Read was not single family since 48% represented ether uses.
Another point of concern to the Planning & Development Connittee was the effect
of fnture M,T,C. plans for the extension of Highway #420. The Committee had
requested staff to contact the M.T.C. to determine a time table on when the'
proposed plans would be implemented, The Ministry had no time table that could
be provided, and had indicated no objection to the proposal. Property requirem
- 3-
would be indicated when a building permit is requested, and M.T.C. approval of
the site plan would be required. Mr. Marinelii suggested that approving the
application could be a means of having the M.T.C. formulate plans earlier.
With respect to the concern of residents regarding parking of buses on River
Road, Mr. ~rinelli indicated that the applicant would be willing to have a
no parking provision in front of the proposal. Mr. Marinelli referred to a
comment made that there are other available tourist commercial lands for
development in the City, however he pointed out that the subject property was
ideal for a tourist-commercial use and his client was not willing to develop
other lands designated by the Municipality. In closing, ~Ir. ~rinelli stated
that the proposal would generate $65,000 in tax revenue compared to the $5,000
generated at present, and would create ten permanent jobs.
Mr. E. Blackadder, solicitor for the Niagara Parks Commission, was granted
permission to address Council on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by
Alderman Merrett. Mr. Blackadder stated that the Niagara Parks Commission
acknowledges that Council is in charge of determining what planning of land in
the City will be, and to encourage good planning concepts not only in Niagara
Falls, but particularly adjacent to Niagara Parks Commission lands. The
Commission was incorporated to ensure the Falls were developed in a proper way
and to allow visitors to see them and enjoy the surrounding beauty. Visitors
can enjoy themselves, have good lodging and food, and hopefully leave tourist ~
dollars in the City. Mr. Blackadder advised that the Niagara Parks Commission
has the responsibility of maintaining the beauty of the Falls and to ensure
they are displayed in the most professional and attractive way possible, as well
as to develop the lands along the Parkway. To achieve this goal, Mr. Blackadder
stated that it is not a new policy of the Commission to oppose commercial
development along the Commission's highways, and that the policy has been in
existence since 1926. It was the opinion of the Commission that since traffic
in the Park system has increased to almost double since 1963, an application
for a high density motel would only add to the traffic congestion already in
existence. The Commission felt this application was the first step in the .
ladder for River Road becoming another Clifton Hill. Mr. Blackadder added that
the Commission thought that Michael's Inn was to be the last application approved
on River Road, and hoped the subject application would not be used to divide the
common interests of the City and the Commission and force the City and Commission
to take opposing sides. The Planning & Development Committee heard many individuals
comment on the fact representatives were sent around to induce residents to sign
documents stating they would not oppose the application on the basis the Niagara
Parks Commission was not objecting, and Mr. Blackadder stated that when these
residents learned the Commission was opposed, they withdrew their support.
According to press coverage of the application, Marcel Dionne and other hockey
players were involved in the proposal, however Mr. Blackadder stated that upon
doing a search of the charter of the company, the names of Marcel Dionne or
A1 Eagleson could not be found, and he questioned whether in fact they were involved.
Mr. J. Brown commented before the Planning & Development Committee that he had
spent months and years trying to build on the subject lands, and he had felt
there had been discrimination in theepast. Mr. Blackadder stated that he had
been under the impression Mr. Brown had owned these lands, however there is an
~offer to purchase between Mr. Brown and a numbered company for the unconditional
sale of the land, and at the time of the meeting, Mr. Brown was not the owner
of the lands. It was also stated that the application referred to ninety units
in the motel, however a significant number were double units. Mr. Blackadder
asked that the application be turned down, and that the City continue to work
with the Niagara Parks Commission for the preservation of Niagara Falls. In
response to a question raised by Alderman Fete, Mr. Blackadder stated that the
Commission had opposed the Michael's Inn rezoning before the Planning and
Development Committee, City Council and the Ontario Municipal Board. When the
rezoning was approved despite the Commission's objections, an effort was made
to work with the applicant to provide suitable parking conditions.
Alderman Puttick referred to a comment made by Mr. Blackadder that the
policy of the Commission regarding development of lands adjacent to Commission
lands dated back to 1926~ and asked if it was not true that the Commission had
recently passed a resolution to the effect the Commission would oppose further
rezonings for commercial and industrial development along their lands.
Mr. Blackadder refused to answer the question and pointed out that Alderman
Puttick as a representative of the Commission, had taken an oath not to divulge
Commission matters, and whatever occurred during the meeting of the Commission
occurred within closed doors of the Commission and was covered under the oath.
Mr. Blackadder further commented that Alderman Puttick had made known information
arising from a Commission meeting, and that if the Alderman chose to break his
oath~ that was his concern and he would not help him. Alderman Puttick stated
item six of the Commission's policy states that the Commission will support
those things that are compatible with the Niagara Parks Commission and tourism
and he asked Mr. Blackadder if he felt that by asphalting land in the Chippaws
area to move traffic back into Commission lands was considered compatible.
Mr. Blackadder stated that his purpose in attending the meeting was to express
the Commission's opposition to the rezoning application, not to make personal
comment or opinion on other matters. Alderman Puttick stated that since
Mr. Blackadder was speaking on a matter over which Council had jurisdiction, he
felt it was fair to discuss matters over which the Commission had Jurisdiction
Mr. Blackadder stated that the Commission retained the firm of Richard Strong
Associates when lands were expropriated south of Queen Victoria Park, and that
firm had recommended in the best interests of the Commission, to acquire those
lands. Mr. Blackadder further commented that whenever commercial development
took place adjacent to Niagara Parks Commission lands, a conflict arises since
the commercial development exploited the adjacent park lands.
~lderman Dilts asked if each application was considered by the Commission
on its merits, or if all applications were dealt with under the blanket policy
Mr. Blackadder advised that the Commission does have the blanket policy, howev
each application is considered individually on its merits. [
Mr. Marineill stated that the allegations made by Mr. Blackadder were ver~
serious and he felt he should respond. With respect to the agreement of purch~
and sale between the numbered company and Mr. J. Brown, the agreement would
appear to be unconditional and was accepted on December 26, 1978. Mr. ~mrinel,
stated that what Mr. Blackadder failed to advise Council was that the agreemen
does not close until August 1, 1979, and that in reality, Mr. Brown was and
still is the registered owner of the property. If the application were denied
the best Mr. Brown might have would be a lawsuit to force the purchaser to
purchase the property. In response to the statement that Marcel Dionne was no
shown as a director of the company, Mr. Marinelli advised that the records wou~
not indicate the names of the shareholders of the company, only the directors.
In any event, Mr. Dionne's business manager was a director of the company.
Mr. Marineill denied that the proposal had ever.b~en described as a ninety unf,
motel and pointed out that the site plan states there will be fifty single and
forty double units, resulting in one hundred and thirty units in total. As fa
as any dealings with the public, Mr. Marinelli stated that he had not been
present during discussions between the applicant and the residents. The resid.
may have agreed to sell their properties on the basis of representation made
that the Niagara Parks Commission was in favour of the proposal and that the
proposal would go through. Mr. Marineill was very concerned at the use of any
arbitrary power and in particular the Commission's policy of no commercial
development along the River. While an opportunity is provided for a person to
make a presentation to the Commission, there is no reason to expect there is
a chance a proposal would be approved. Mr. Marineill also commented that when
it suited the purposes of the Commission, a green park area adjacent to the
Falls would be tuned into a parking lot, but when an individual wanted to mak,
reasonable use of an area removed from the Falls, the Commission talked in
terms of maintaining harmony and preservation of the area.
Mr. J. Marr was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Dilts. Mr. Herr stated that he would lik,
to withdraw a statement he had made regarding Mr. John Prentice and to publicl-
apologize to Mr. Prentice for this statement which was made as a result of a
misinterpretation of a letter from the St. Catharines Real Estate Board. ~'
Mr. A. Smith was granted permission to address Council on the motion of '
Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Dilts. Mr. Smith seated that the area ha'
been zoned residential, and six times in the past eight years the residents haI
the residents to have the zoning in continual turmoil by not maintaining the
established zoning. Mr. Smith stated that traffic on Ontario Avenue the previ
weekend was down to single lane because of parked cars, and a near fatal accid,
had occurred in front of his home. Comment was aldo made on the stability of
rock structure in the area, and the effect construction of the proposal could
have on the area. Mr. Smith felt Council should not reverse the decision of
the Planning & Development Committee and stressed the importance of good plann
to protect the future. Reference was also made to one hundred and ninety acre
in the City zoned tourist commercial that would bo suitable for such a
Mrs. D. Durden was granted permission to address Council on the motion oft
Alderman Puttick, seconded by AldermanNaeBaim. Mrs. Durden sta~ed that
-5 -
River Road had been a desirable residential area in the past but that circumstances
have changed over the years. ~hny properties have deteriorated, and noise from
helicopters, motorcycles and tour buses have made the area undesirable for
residential living. Homes as private residents are slow to sell, frequently
becoming apartments or multiple family dwellings which rapidly deteriorate because
of absentee landlords. Mrs. Durden stated that between her property and Ellis
Street, there were two empty lots in a state of neglect, two buses and a truck
on one, and the corner property at Seneca was in a complete state of disrepair.
Mrs. Durden asked if this was the best land use for the area, and suggested that
this entire section of River Road be considered for rezoning. Mrs. Howatson,
another area resident, agreed with the comments made by Mrs. Durden regarding
deterioration of the homes in the area, and stated that she was in favour of some
commercial type of development coming into the area to clean it up.
Alderman Puttick stated that he had been through the area recently and had
never really noticed the back lots with abandoned cars and weeds. The Alderman
felt that people would not buy these homes and refurbish them to their original
state because of the undesirability of the area for residential living.
Alderman Puttick also commented that anyone with the money to take on this kind
of development would have to have a proven financial background, and would not
build just another motel, but a properly landscaped project to fit into the area
better than the present adjacent uses.
Alderman Marrett stated that his initial objection was due to the traffic
patterns that could be a problem with future M.T.C. changes, and he had wanted
more information from the Ministry. The Alderman felt the area would not revert
to the gracious residential area it once was, and that consideration had to be
given to the future. Alderman Merrett also felt the position of the Niagara
Parks Commission with respect to commercial development was unreasonable, and
suggested that both the Planning & Development Committee and the Commission
meet and formulate a policy for the development of River Road.
Alderman Dilts and Fera expressed their displeasure with the manner in
which the Niagara Parks Commission had dealt with the application, and indicated
their support of the proposal.
Alderman Cheesman referred to the petitions presented on this matter, and
commented that he was far more impressed by the words of Mrs. Durden than by a
petition signed by residents living in other areas of the City. While those
residents might be very interested in preservation of the area, they did not
have the direct personal concerns and interests of the area residents. The
Alderman felt the River Road area should be considered in its entirety and a
policy for development formulated, and then individual applications would be
Alderman Sobol felt Council should address itself to planning on River
Road, and stated that she considered_~he application to be premature on those
~ Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded
by Alderman Hinsperger, that the application be approved. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cummings, Dilts, Fete, Hinsperger, Merrett, Orr, Puttick and
NAYE: Aldermen Cheesman, HacBain, Sobol and Wallman.
It was then moved by Alderman Herrerrs seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the Planning Department staff correspond with the Niagara Parks Commission in
order to hold discussions between the Planning & Development Committee and the
Niagara Parks Cormlesion on future development of River Road. Carried Unanimously.
Report No, 309 - Deputy City Solicitor - The report provides an opinion on the
legality of a resolution passed by the Niagara Parks Commission in opposition
to any further commercial or industrial development of lands bordering on the
Niagara Parkway and in granting or allowing access to or from any new connercial
or industrial 8ires.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman HacBain, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 358 - His Worship, Mayor Thomson - The report provides information
on the possible establishment of a Public Works Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the report be tabled. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 334 - City Manager - The report, which was tabled from a previous
meeting, reviews the need for water conservation as previously approved by
Alderman MacBain conmented that while people might not like it, water
restrictions were inevitable. The restrictions were not as a result of a scar~
of water, but due to the water distribution system of the City and the lack of
funds available to improve the system adequately. Due to the on-going progran~
of restraint, Alderman MacBain could not foresee there being sufficient funds
within the next few years to carry out all of the necessary improvements to thE~
system, and he suggested that restrictions-would be necessary unless there was
an exceptionally rainy summer.
Alderman Dilts agreed with the comments in the report and stated that
Council would have to weigh the necessities and luxuries and set priorities fo~i
the future. The Alderman commented that he was in favour of the use of water
meters and suggested that consideration should be given prior to budget time
to this matter. Alderman Dilts felt water meters would pay for themselves and
would be a further means of conserving water. The disadvantage to the flat
rate system was that senior citizens on a fixed income pay the same water bill
as a family of five or six, or a residence with a swinnning pool.
The Director of Municipal Works explained that water restrictions are
normally caused by a shortage of water of an emergent nature. Restrictions all
the water supply to be built up for fire fighting purposes particularly, while
water conservation discourages the waste of water, such as the watering of la~
during the daytime. According to the Niagara Parks Commission, watering of
lawns in the early morning or evening hours was ]~re efficient and more boneill'
than daytime watering. The Director of Municipal Works also advised that at tt
time, the system was very close to requiring water restrictions. It was agreel
that meters would pay for many of the improvements necessary for the system.
The Director of Municipal Works explained that the Region's new trunk watermait
should improve the system, and it was planned to do hydrant tests in September
to determine if water pressure will increase.
Alderman Merrett stated that water restrictions were imposed until the
end of September and many people felt they were~unnecessary after Labour Day.
The Director of Municipal Works indicated that the previous year after the
first or second week in September, staff re-assessed the need for the
restriction and subsequently it was cancelled. It was further indicated that
restrictions would be re-assessed at the beginning of September this year as
Alderman Sobel commented that there is a problem with water pressure.and
conservation, and questioned which should have the greater priority. The
Alderman stated that she would like to see emphasis placed on allocating funds
to improve water pressure in the City.
Alderman Fera noted that the question of water meters had been discuss~H
on a number of occasions, at which time it had been explained that the City
could not afford the initial cost of water meters. The Director of Municipal
Works stated that it would cost approximately $2 million to install meters
throughout the Municipality.
After further discussion, it was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by
Alderman Dilts, that Council reconfirm the imposition of water restrictions
between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. until September 1st, 1979, at
time the need for continued restrictions will be re-assessed, Carried Unanim0
No. 366 - City Manager - Re: Meadowale Extension Proposed Subdivision. The r
recommends approval of the proposed plan subject to five conditions, and also
Council certify by resolution+ that the development conforms to Official Plan
Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Plannin8 Area as amended and approved by
the Minister of Housing.
Mr. W. 81ovak, solicitor for the developer, was granted permission to
address Council on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Cummings.
Mr. Slovak stated that he wishedlto discuss with the Council the walkway and
alternate means of access raised in the report. The subdivision lands were
purchased by the developer from the Niagara South Board of Education including
a ten ft. strip of land which joins the lands to Mitchell Avenue. The strip of
land would have been intended as a walkwav had the Board constructed a school.
Mr. Slovak stated that when the proposal was considered by the Planning and
Development Committee, it was mentioned that this strip o~ land was an existing
walkway, and he stated that it was not an existing walkway. The neighbours on
both sides of the walkway have maintained this property in the past. Mr. Slovak
stated that the request of the Municipality is not only for a walkway but a
vehicular access route, and the concern of the residents was how to control use
of the walkway by motorcycles, mini-bikes and hot redders. Of the twenty-seven
lots in the subdivision, Mr. Slovak advised that three lots ironted on Freeman
Street so that actually there were twenty-three lots in the cul-de-sac for the
purposes of the Fire Department. According to the Declaration of Policy for
Development of Subdivisions, which Mr. Slovak considered to be a guideline, there
are two types of footpaths: one to provide emergency access with a minimum of
ten ft. in width and one for pedestrians six ft. in width. Mr. Slovak stated
that the policy does not set out any criteria or rule on the location of
walkways, and whether in fact walkways are mandatory. Mr. Slovak felt that to
impose the walkway would affect the saleability of the lots in the subdivision,
and for the size of the development, he questioned whether a walkway should
really be imposed.
The Director of Municipal Works advised that the walkway was not shown
on the plan attached to the report since the developer had not included it, and
it was being imposed as a condition of approval. The intent in having walkways
into cul-de-sacs was to provide a walkway and secondly for emergency access.
The Director of Municipal Works indicated that C.M.H.C. feels it necessary to
have a secondary access into a cul-de-sac, not necessarily open for traffic
as a roadway, but to permit an emergency vehicle such as a Fire Department pumper,
if the main access into the cul-de-sac were blocked. The Director of Municipal
Works recognized the problems involved with walkways and suggested the use of
some type of posting system at the entrance. The Fire Chief indicated that such
posts had been installed at the Buckley Avenue complex and could be knocked down
by his equipment in an emergency. The Fire Chief further explained that there
could be a situation where Fire Department vehicles are blocking the intersection
to a cul-de-sac, and an ambulance would have to have an alternate access in order
to remove injured persons.
Alderman Merrett stated that for the day-to-day practicality, walkways
were a nuisance because of mini-bikes, etc., and he felt they should not be
included in plans of subdivision.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Chessman, the Deputy City
Solicitor commented that he did not feel the City could be held liable by
residents in the event of a fire i~ a walbay were not provided in a subdivision.
Such conditions are imposed by virtue of the Planning Act which gives the
Minister the right to impose certain conditions. The City could not invite
liability if access was not required as a condition of approval. Alderman
Chessman asked if the City could still be held liable if the Minister imposed
such a condition and the City did not comply. The Deputy City Solicitor stated
that in such a circumstance, the City could be liable.
The Planning Director stated that for many years walkways have been desirable
in cul-de-sacs for the convenience of the residents, to save them from walking
long distances between different areas of a subdivision. It was also advised
that walkways have been included in C.M.H.C. guidelines for many years, and
while C.M.H.C. might not refuse to insure a mortgage if a walkway was not
included, this stipulation had been included in the guidelines for a reason.
C.M.H.C. could take the position that if an individual wanted a mortgage insured,
their guidelines must be followed. The Planning Director also pointed out that
the same conditions have been applied to other subdivisions throughout the City.
The Director of Municipal Works stated that if Council did not want the walkway ~3
included, the same consideration should be given to the Mount Forest Mark III
Subdivision which was also a Board of Education block of land, where a similar
walkway was included.
In response to a question raised by Alderman MacBain, the Fire Chief
advised that his vehicles could get into the cul-de-sac through the walkway.
He also stated that the walkway could be used as an exits as well for residents
in the cul-de-sac in the event of an emergency situation,
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Sobel, seconded
by Alderman Dilts, that the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried
with Alderman Puttick voting contrary, and all others voting in favour.
No. 367 - City Manager - Re: Mount Forest II Subdivision. The report recommend~
approval of a one-year extension of the draft plan approval until August 19, 19~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 368 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Drummond Park Village Subdivision. The
report recommends approval of the partial registration of the plan subject to
six conditions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 369 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Ground Sign, Town & Country Plaza on
Portage Road. The report recommends approval of a request to increase the heig~
of the present ground sign at the Town & Country Plaza in order to allow space
on the sign for advertising for the A & P Store in the Plaza.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No.
No. 370 - City Manager - Re: Sidewalks on Jupiter Boulevard, Olden Avenue, Greet
Boughs Road and Woodgate Street. The report advises that there would be a cost
of $35,400 involved in relocating sidewalks as requested by the residents,
as a result of providing additional cover over Niagara Falls Hydro underground
Communication No. 149 - Residents of Green Boughs Road, Olden Avenue and
Woodgate Street. The petition states that certain residents would prefer to
have the sidewalks constructed with 10 ft. boulevards as outlined in the plans
for the subdivision and as preferred by the Greater Niagara Safety Council.
Mr. R. Hicks was granted permission to addre~Council on the motion of
Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Cummings. Mr. Hicks presented a letter
on behalf of a resident of Olden Avenue requesting that his name be removed
from the petition requesting the ten ft. boulevard, because he had misunderstood
the intent of the petition. Mr. Hicks also advised that an individaal who had
purchased a new home in the subdivision was also in favour of the reduced
boulevards. With respect to the additional cost involved in covering the
hydro cable, Mr. Hicks asked if it was absolutely necessary, or if this was
only the preference of Niagara Fails Hydro. The Director of Municipal Works
stated that this point had been double checked, ~nd the Niagara Falls Hydro
Commission have indicated the additional cover would be required.
Mr. T. Grease was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Fore, seconded by Alderman Orr. Mr. Gross indicated that some of the
residents in the subdivision have been waiting three years for sidewalks, and
'it would be Fall before construction would be completed. Mr. Grease asked .that
the sidewalks be installed at the standard location so as to improve the
appearance of the streets and increase property values. The Director of MuniciF
Works explained the timing of construction for sidewalks, curbs and g~tters,
will all be included in one contract with construction likely to commence in
August and to be completed in October.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman MaeBain, seconded by ,;
Alderman Dilts, that the requests for reduced boulevards b~ denied and that
sidewalks be constructed at the standard location. Carried Unanimously.
No. 371 - City Manager - Re: Tenders - Gasoline, Diesel Fuel & Lubricants. The ~
report recommends that Gulf Oil Company be awarded the gasoline, diesel fuel and
lubricant tender.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 6
No. 372 - City Manager - Re= Fire Department Hose. The report recommends that
the firm of C.E. Hitkey Company be awarded the tender for the supply of Fire
Department Hose.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. f
No. 373 - City Manager - Re; Contract W.I. 8-79~ Watermain Insta!!atiens on
Main Street from Willoughby Drive to Eodom Road. The report recommends:
1) That any necessary funding required for the contract in excess of the
approved $140,000 allocated under By-law 76-258, be financed from the 1979
Operating Budget Account #32203 (Contribution to Capital Budget Projects); and
2) That the unit prices submitted by Covello Brothers Limited be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 65
~ee By-law No. 79-106
No. 150 - Mr. J. Palin and Others - Re: Carroll Avenue. The communication
requests the assistance of City Council with respect to problems experienced
by truck traffic entering the Bright Canning Company warehouse from Carroll
Avenue, and also the lights on the Carroll Avenue side of the warehouse.
}fr. Palin and 1Jr. Krutecky stated that they were unable to get out of
their driveways at times, and that the lights from the warehouse shone into
their windows through the night. His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that ~
the matter will be investigated and a report prepared for the next meeting
of Council.
ORDEF~D on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a report to be considered
at the next meeting of Council. Carried Unanimously.
No. 374 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: Proposed Street Name Changes.
The report recommends: 1) That Council authorize advertisement of a proposed
by-law once a week for four consecutive weeks in the local paper after which
time Council will arrange for a special meeting to hear presentations from
the public on the proposed street name changes by-law prior to enactment; and
2) That a request be sent to Welland Council to obtain their agreement to
the proposed change of that section of Creek Road which lies within the City
of Welland so that it conforms with the name change proposed for that section
within the limits of the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 375 - City Manager - Re: Collection of Cardboard in the Downtown Business
Area. The report recommends approval of a proposal by Mr. F. Fiere to collect
cardboard, if separated from other wastes, free of charge from the downtown
area, as it has recycling value.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that
the report be received and adopte~. Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the meeting
adjourn to Committee of the Whole. Carried Unanimously.
.&& · aaa
/S.~.'CSLLI~SaN' 6I~'C~E~'"
June 25, 1979
Council met in Committee of the Whole on Monday, June 25, 1979, during a
regular meeting of Council. All members of Council were present. Alderman
Dilts presided as Chairman.
It was moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the Committee of the Whole rise and report in formal session on the action taken
- 10 -
in Committee of the Whole. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting
contrary, and all others voting,~ =
... OLL , ~I~'CLE~~
Council Chambers
June 25, 1979
Council reconvened in formal session on Monday, June 25, 1979 following
a meeting in Committee of the Whole. All members of Council were present.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman. The meeting continued.
No. 151 - Mr. D. Sheedy - Re: Sunday Sports. The conmunication commends the
actions of City Council, representatives of the Greater Niagara Baseball Associa
and the Greater Niagara Ministerial Association for resolving the conflict that
had arisen ovsr Sunday sports.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 66 - MACBAIN - CHEESMAN - RESOLVED that inasmuch as the Greater Niagara
Baseball Association has withdrawn its request fo~L.permission for the use of
City Parks prior to noon on Sunday mornings;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the action taken at the Council meeting of
May 28, 1979, with respect to this request, be rescinded; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 152 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re:t1979 Annual Conference of the
Roads and Transportation Association of Canada. The conununication requests the
approval of Council for the attendance of Alderman MacBain, at the subject
conference to be held in Regina, Saskatchewan from September 17 - 20, 1979.
Alderman MacBain requested that the communication be withdrawn from the
ageode and indicated that he would deal with the matter personally.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Aldet~nan Hinsperger,
that the communication be withdrawn. Carried Unanimously.
No. 153 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: School Crossing on Morrison
Street at St. Mary's School. The cor~nunication advises that the use of flashing
lights or other auxiliary warning devices at school crossings is non-standar~
and cannot be recommended and suggests that the Regional Police be contacted
in an attempt to correct the problem by means of selective enforcement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman gchisler, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the Regional Police be contacted in an attempt to correct.the current situation.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 154 - Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs - Re: Public Utilities Amendment
Act, 1979 and The Municipal Amendment Act, 1979. The communication requests
comment from the Municipality on the subject Bills.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report, Carrie~
No. 155 - Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs - Re: Regional Municipalities
Amendment Act, 1979. The communication requests comment from the Municipality
on the subject Bill.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. garried
- 11 -
No. 156 - Mrs. D. Pierrynowski - Re: Niagara Falls Residents on Bell Canada
Welland Exchange. The communication requests assistance of the City in
eliminating long distance charges for those residents in the City on the
Welland exchange.
Alderman Dilts indicated that he had learned that Bell Canada may be
making some changes in the not too distant future that could assist these
residents of the City. His Worship, Mayor Thomson stated that he had been
dealing with Bell Canada on this matter, and the City was following the action
recommended by Bell Canada.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the City Clerk provide an explanation of the City's action on this matter to
date. Carried Unanimously.
No. 157 - Ministry of Housing - Re: Ontario Home Renewal Programme. The
communication advises that the Ministry has approved the City's application
for a Provincial grant for the current 'fiscal year, and that an accountable
advance in the amount of $58,095.14 has been made.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 158 - Ministry of the Solicitor General - Re: Re-entry of United States
"Skylab". The communication advises of arrangements made in preparation of
the anticipated re-entry of Skylab into the earth's atmosphere.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the Municipality participate in teh emergency program proposed by the Ministry.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 159 - Niagara Falls Oldtimers Hockey Association - Re: Annual Tournament.
The communication requests permission of the City to run a beer tent at the
Association's annual tournament to be held at Ker Park from July 18 - 22, 1979
in conjunction with the Niagara Falls Oldtimers Fastball Club.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, the City Clerk stated
that the tournament would have to be cleared through the Recreation Commission,
and suggested that Council's approval be given to subject to the approval of the
Commission as well. It was further indicated that the approval would not extend
to the Sunday morning during the tournament. Mayor Thomson also advised that
the beer tent would not be permitted to operate prior to noon under Provincial
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the request be approved subject to similar approvals being received from the
Recreation Commission, the Regional Police, Fire Department, Health Unit and
the L.L.B.O. The motion Carried with Alderman Chessman voting contrary, and
all others voting in favour.
No. 376 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-2/78, J. Angotti, Ferry
Street and Victoria Avenue. The report recommends approval of the application
subject to Development Control and that the items mentioned by City staff and
the Region be cleared up and any major discrepancies be brought to the
Planning & Development Conmittee for final approval.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously,
See Resolution No. 67
See By-law No. 797107
No. 377 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: Draft Zoning By-law and
Necessary Official Plan Changes, Public Meeting Schedule, The report recommends
approval of the arrangements made for publicity on the draft zoning by-law and
necessary Official Plan changes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 378 - City Manager - Re: Contract D.C. 01-79, Conrail Drainage Channel
Siphon Structure. The report recommends approval of the extension of the shut
down of the Regional trunk watermain to July 12, 1979, and that a copy of the
report be sent to the Regional Municipality of Niagara.
ORDERED oti the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Aideman Dilta, that the
report be received and adopted, Carried Unanimously,
No. 379 - City Manager - Re: Surplus School Board Properties Falls View/Mount
Carmel Sites and St, Francis School. The report recommends that the Niagara
- 12 -
South Board of Education be informed that the City is no longer interested in
purchasing the Falls View surplus property; and that staff proceed as Council
directed to prepare to purchase five acres of the Mount Carmel Site for use in
combination with Father Hennapin School and the H.E.P.C. right-of-way.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 380 - Alderman C. Cheesman - Re: Laying of Corner Stone, Old Stone Inn.
The report advises of au invitation extended to the City Council to attend the
occasion of the laying of the Corner Stone of the Old Stone Inn on July 4th,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 381 - City Manager - Re: Vacancy - Planning and Development Committee. The
report requests that Council appoint a person to fill the vacancy created by the,'
""';:';: ;: :;' ;.?' 7';;:: :77,:'ZZ;Z?. :'::Z: ,,. [
1 , J r
Committee. Following several ballots taken, Mr. K. Angle was chosen to fill
the vacancy on the Planning & Development Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that~.
Mr. K. Angle be appointed to the Planning & Development Connittee. Carried
No. 382 - Alderman A.A. MacBain - Re: Requests for Donations. The report
reconunends that no contributions be made to the Village of Iron Bridge and Fieldl~
Springer Disaster Felief Funds as well as Project Recognition.
Alderman Sobel indicated her disappointment that some effort could not be
made to provide some kind of donation to the disaster relief funds, and stated
that if the situation were reversed and Niagara Falls was in need of funding,
she would feel badly if other municipalities took this same attitude.
Alderman Cheesman agreed that some kind of gestur.~eshould be made to assist
these municipalities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBeth, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote :I
AYE: Aldermen Cummings, Dilts, Rinsperger, MacBain, Merrett, Orr and Schisler.
NAYE: Aldermen Chessman, Fera, Puttick, Sobel and Wallman.
No. 383 - City Manager - Re: 1979 M.T.C. Subsidy Allocation. The report advises
that the Minister of Transportation and Communications has authorized a supplemet
subsidy allocation to the City in the amount of $150,000 for construction of ate'
sewers, and requests that the Ministry be requested to have the extra monies in-'
cluded in the "normal allocations" from the M.T.C. near the beginning of the yea~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, the{
the report be received and filed, Carried Unanimously.
No. 384 - City Manager - Re: Your Host Motor Inn Limited, Minor Variance
Application A-32/79. The report advises of the subject Minor Variance gr~nted
to permit the construction of a seven storey motor hotel with a height of fifty
feet on Stanley Avenue and a height of approximately sixty-five feet on
Buchanan Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously. --
No. 385 - City Manager - Re: Mount Forest Mark III Plan of Subdivision, Agreemen
with Sunnylea Construction Limited and Kerry T. Howe Limited for Engineering
Services. The report recommends passage of a by-law to provide for the firm of
Kerry T. Howe Limited to carry out the engineering services for the subject
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No, 79-10
No. 386 - City Manager - Rel AM-17/79, MarSus gecurities Limited, Proposed
Rezoning from Parking to Water glide, Northwest Corner of Dunn Street and
Stanley Avenue. The report advises of an application recently submitted to
the City to change the zoning from "Parking" to "Tourist Commercial" in order
to permit an outdoor amusement described as a water slide.
OBDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dtlt8, that the
report be received and filed, Carried Unanimously,
- 13 -
No. 387 - City Manager - Re: Canadian Institute of Planners. The report
recommends that the Planning Director be authorized to attend the subject
conference to be held in Halifax, Nofa Scotia from August 5 - 9, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 388 - His Worship, Mayor Wayne Thomson - Re: Downtown Revitalization Project.
The report recommends acceptance of a proposal by Mr. AoV. Crate for a Downtown
revitalization project, subject to the necessary legal agreement and detailed work
programme, including timing, being prepared and entered into.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 389 - City ~nager - Re: Proposed Land Severances .- Crowland Avenue. The
report recommends that Council authorize a letter to be sent to the Land Division
Committee indicating that Council is opposed to the approval of four applications
(B-275/79, B-276/79, B-277/79 and B-278/79)to create four lots on Crowland Avenue
and a remnant parcel fronting on Yokum Road, at such time as they are reconsidered
and, if approval is given, that staff be authorized to appeal the decision to
the Ontario Municipal Board.
The Director of Municipal Works provided additional information in response
to a question raised by Alderman Schisler.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 390 - City Manager - Re: Perkins Street. The report recommends preparation
of the necessary by-laws to revert Perkins Street to a two way operation and to
prohibit parking on both sides.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Merrett
abstaining on a conflict of interest, and all others voting in favour.
No. 391 - City Manager - Re: Annual Conference - Association of Municipalities
of Ontario. The report advises that the City is entitled to five voting
delegates at the subject conference to be held in Toronto from August 19 - 22,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
AIdeomen Fern, Merrett, Orr, Puttick and Mayor Thomson be authorized to attend
the conference. Carried Unanimously.
No. 392 - City b~nager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 393 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Conrail Drainage Channel Property
Requirements from Ontario Hydro. The report recommends that Council authorize
payment to Ontario Hydro of an amount of $10,080 for easements and property
acquisitions required from Ontario Hydro for the Conrail Drainage Channel.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted, Carried Unanimously.
No. 62 - MACBAIN - MEREETT - RESOLVED that the application of Group 2
Development Limited for a ground sign at a height not exceeding 29 feet 3 inches
above grade, be approved; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimousl. Z
No. 63 - SCHISLER - SOBeL - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Gulf Oil
Company for the supply of gasoline, diesel fuel and lubricants, be accepted at
the prices quoted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousll
No. 64 - SCMISLER - SOBeL - RESOLVED that the quotations submitted by C.E. Hickey
and Sons for the supply of Fire Department Hone, be accepted at the following
prices~ 1) 14 - 100' Lengths 4" Hi-Vol Fire Hose Coupled Storz - $6,146.00;
2) 4 - Soft Lengths 1~" "Red-Chief" Fire Hose Coupled Pyrelira - $516,00| and
3) 3 Adapters 4" Storz to 2~" Fenmle - $207,00; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous1/_
- 14 -
No. 65 - SCHISLER - SOBOL - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by
Covello Bros. Limited for the installation of a watermain on Main Street
from Willoughby Drive to Sodom Road, be accepted at the tendered price
of $149,703.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous!j
No. 66 - SEE PAGE 10
No. 67 - FERA - DILTS - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-107 for the rezonint
of lands on the north side of Victoria Avenue, east of Ellen Avenue, conforms
to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, as
be hereto affixed.
a i
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the resolution be tabled. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Fera, that leavet
be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read a firs~t
No. 79-106 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Covello'
Bros. Limited for the installation of watermains.
No. 79-107 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955, as amended. (AM-2/78,
No. 79-108 - A By-law to authorize the execution of agreements respecting thei:
Mount Forest Mark III Subdivision.
No. 79-109 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried Unanimous~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the following by-laws be now read a second an~ third time:
No. 79-106 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Covello'
Bros. Limited for the installation of watermains. ~
No. 79-107 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955, as amended. (AM-2/78, J.;
No, 79-108 - A By-law to authorize the execution of agreements respecting the
Mount Forest Mark III Subdivision.
No. 79-109 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried Unanimous'
Alderman Dilts stated that he had received a number of calla regarding
Bridgewater Street, indicating that a number of vehicles have gone into the
River, The Alderman suggested that the area be reviewed and that considerstic
be given to the possibility of installing a guard rail and/or additional sign
Alderr~n Puttick advised that he had repeatedly asked to have trucks stow
from using St. James and St. Peter Avenues for gaining entrance into the Town
and Country Plaza on Portage Road. The Alderman advised that staff have cont~
representatives of the Plaza to no avail. ~he Aldermen suggested that a sign
Could be placed at the rear of the stores that no trucks are allowed on sithal
- 15 -
St. James or St. Peter. The Director of Municipal Works advised that he
understood there was a truck prohibition on St. Peter however he did not think
there was a similar prohibition on St. James. Alderman Puttick indicated there
were signs posted on both streets. It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded
by Alderman Merrett, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation
of a report. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Puttlck advised that persons using Palmer Park, park their cars
on Sixth Avenue near the railway tracks and cross the tracks to get to the Park.
The Alderman indicated that the residents were experiencing problems because
of this practice, and in one instance, a child was nearly hit by a car which had
backed up onto a lawn. It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Htnsperger, that the Y.M.C.A. be contacted in an attempt t~_resolve the problem.
Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Puttick stated that during his recent stay in the Hospital,
he had been advised by a number of nurses of problems in the hospital affectin~
the efficiency and morale of the staff. The Alderman stated that according
to his information, there had been a drop in efficiency as far as patient care
was concerned, which could have very serious consequences. Due to cutbacks in
Provincial funding, there had been a suggestion made that the Hospital might
have to go to the public for additional funding in order to maintain a certain
level of service. Alderman Puttick also advised that an efficiency study had
been undertaken at the Hospital recently. The Alderman suggested that Council
request a meeting with the Board of Governors of the Hospital to discuss this
problem, and that representatives of the various associations of the Hospital
be invited to attend as well.
Alderman Dtlts stated that the Board of Governors has expressed many of
the same concerns as Alderman Puttick due to the reduction in Provincial funding.
The Alderman pointed out that this had been one of the reasons for the recent
problem with the local ambulance service. Alderman Dilts was confident that
the Board of Governors would welcome the opportunity to sit down and discuss
the matter with Council, and suggested that the City could assist the Hospital
with these problems.
Alderman Cummings agreed that the morale was very low among the nurses and
orderlies at the hospital, and stated that no fnll-time nurses are being hired,
only part-time nurses. The Alderman was concerned that the high service the
City has enjoyed in the past could reach the point that citizens are suffering.
Alderman Cummings also commented on the efficiency study that is being carried
out and advised that employees are even being timed and questioned at all hours
and while they are attempting to provide patient service.
Alderman Cheesman pointed out that 80% of the cost of operating a hospital
is manpower, and in order to keep within the budget, this was the item that had
to be reviewed very closely. While it was a very difficult period of time from
one administration to another, Alderman Cheesman did not feel this necessarily
meant a lower quality of service, and that the purpose of the study was to
ensure a certain standard remained.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by
Alderman Cummings, that the Board of Governors of the Greater Niagara General
Hospital be requested to meet with Council to discuss the matter. Carried
Aldermen Sobol advised that the intersection of Kalar Road and Beaverdams
Road had been slated for improvement by the Region, however she had heard nothing
further on this matter for some time. The Alderman asked that staff check into
the status of these improvements.
Aldermen Fera asked that Council give some consideration to the replacement
of Alderman Orr on the Planning & Development Committee. Aldermen Orr indicated
that he found it difficult to attend all of the Committee meetings due to many
commitments that he had. ~hiyor Thomson suggested that the members ofcGl~ncil
- 16 -
consider the matter and deal with the appointment at a future meeting of
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that it was now official that the
Niagara Falls Coca Cola Bottling Plant will be closing their Iocal facilities
and operating out of Hamilton in the Fall. The Mayor indicated that this had
been a long term plan, and there would be no change in the decision.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that after many months of discussions,
an agreement has now been reached on payment of the tax arrears owed by Samra~
for the Bridge Street and Victoria Avenue properties. The ~yor indicated tlul
the payment was not for the full amount owing, however Council had taken this
action on the advice of legal counsel, Mr. M. McQuaid. ~yor Thomson thanked~
Mr. McQuaid for the job done and for his many hours of involvement.
The City Solicitor advised that a by-law had been prepared for consideraN
of Council, to authorize the execution of an agreement between the City and
Samray. The agreement deals with the procedure the present time on, and the
arrangement for Samray to pay an amount of $357,200. This amount would be paitl
in two installments, $50,000 upon signing of the agreement, with the balance c.~
$307,200 to be paid when a demolition permit is issued for the Victoria Avenud~
building. The City Solicitor further advised that the payment will be in
satisfaction of the tax arrears and discontinuance of the City's action in t
Supreme Court of Ontario against Samray. The agreement would also deal with
the demolition of the building, and it was proposed that blasting will be used'
for the ~3or part of the demolition.
Alderman Puttick asked what the total amount of tax arrears was on the
Samray property. The City Treasurer advised that $442,000 was the amount on
the City's writ. Alderman Puttick stated it wa_Esobvious he could not change
the Council's mind on the matter, but he felt the agreement would haunt Counci~
down the road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-law, and the by-law be read a
first time:
No. 79-110 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Samray
Carried with Alder
Puttick voting cot
and all others
in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Orr, that tht
by-law be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-110 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Samray
Limited. '-
Carried with AldeI
Puttick voting co~
and all others vot
in favour.
It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that the
mee~iBg adjourn, Carried Unanimously.
Committee Room #1
July 9, 1979
Council met on Monday, July 9, 1979 at 6:00 p.m. in Committee of the
WTaole. All members of Council were present. Alderman Cummings presided as
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole arose without reporting. ~ · · ' · a.
a/i.'c&i isoH; &i 'ciEi'
Council Chambers
July 9, 1979
Council met on Monday, July 9, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present. His Worship,
Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman. Alderman Hinsperger offered the Opening
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Aldernmn Wallman, that
the minutes of the meetings held on June 18th and June 25th, 1979, be adopted as
printed. Carried Unanimously.
Mr. C. Johnson was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger. The motion Carried with Alderman
Merrett abstaining on a conflict of interest, and all others voting in fayour.
Mr. Johnson presented a brief to th~ members of Council signed by the businesses
and residents of Perkins Street. In explaining the history of Perkins Street,
FAr. Johnson advised that the street was originally open to two-way traffic,
~however the people petitioned the former T~nship of Stamford Council to have
traffic limited to one way. The residents and businesses on Perkins Street were
very upset upon reading the article in the newspaper stating that the businesses
wanted the streetschanged to two-way traffic. Mr. Johnson indicated that he
contacted each person on the street, and no one had been aware of the change.
It was explained that Perkins Street was only eighteen ft. wide, and during the
winter it was very difficult for cars to get through the street because of
the snow. Mr. Johnson questioned where the snow would be placed if the street
were open to two-way traffic, and commented that since the City had a by-law
preventing persons from pushing snow on to City property, he did not want City
snow ploughed on to his property.
The Projects & Services Engineer explained that he had been contacted by
Alderman Merrett on behalf of the businesses in his office building st the corner
of Drummond Road and Perkins Street. There was inconvenience to businesses in
the area caused by one way traffic and it was agreed that there would also be
inconvenience because of the additional traffic that could be attracted to the
street. The Pro~ects & Services Engineer stated there was no question the street
was quite narrow and sub-standard, however the street will allow two cars with
parking prohibitions on both sides. It was not felt that a large voluate of
traffic would use Perkins as a through street between Drummond and Portage.
The Projects & Services Engineer commented that the issue was the inconvenience
tO the businesses versus the inconvenience to the people in the neighbourhood.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson indicated that he had been presented with a
petition from Mr. R. Merrett, signed by twenty-two persons representing ten
businesses in the area.
Mr. H. Merrett was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts. The motion Carried with
Alderman Merrett abstaining on a conflict of interest, and all others voting
in favour. Mr. Merrett stated that his main reason in requesting two-way
traffic was for the safety of vehicles turning off Drummond Road on to
Perkins Street. Of the many cars that turn down Perkins Street, Mr. Merrett
estimated that half notice it is one-way, stop abruptly, and then attempt to
back out onto Drunnnond Road which sooner or later would cause a serious accide~
Mr. Herrerr stated that the other half continue on down Perkins Street anyway,
Mr. Herrerr stated that many of the people turning into his office building
must also back out onto Drummond Road which is hazardous. Perkins Street
is one of the least travelled streets in the City, and Mr. Herrerr felt that
by making it two way, there wouldn't be that much more traffic on the street.
Alderman Cummings commented that one of his concerns had been cars coming~
off Perkins Street and attempting to make a right hand turn onto the bridge,
which would be almost impossible.
Mr. W. Feiguth of Crest Furniture advised that if he did not clean out th~
corner of Perkins and Portage in the winter, it would not be possible to get
the street. He pointed out that it was difficult to get through Perkins Stre~
with one car, let alone two. Presently with cars backing out of businesses
Perkins, when another car comes along it drives right over the residents' yarq
Mr. Fetguth did not feel Perkins should be changed to two-way traffic and
advised that even though there is no parking permitted on either side of the
street, cars park along the road ~nyway. Many times Mr. Feiguth's customers
cannot back out of his parking lot because of cars parked on the road, and it
has been necessary in the past to call the police when the owners of the cars
would not co-operate and move them.
In response to a question raised by Alde~man Puttick, the Projects and
Services Engineer advised that businesses are inconvenienced because there is iI
no access to the driveways from Drummond Road. Traffic must cross over to
Portage Road for access to Perkins Street. The recommendation to change Perk'
to two-way traffic was made on the basis that very small changes in traffic
volumes were e~pected. It was felt that no one would make the through trip
often enough to cause problems. The Projects & Services Engineer further ind
that there was an existing parking prohibition imposed by the former Township
Stamford, however the existing signing would not allow the City to prosecute.t
It was suggested that new signs be erected as~ soon as possible. Alderman Sobs!
also suggested that the signs on Drummond Road indicating that Perkins Street
one-way, should be updated.
Following further connnent, it was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded bl
Alderman Hinpserger, that Perkins Street remain as a one-way street. The moti
Carried with Alderman Fera voting contrary, Alderman Herrerr abstaining on a
conflict of interest, and all others voting in favour,-
Report No. 394 - City Manager - The report advises of a request from the Niag~
Bscarpment Commission for comments on the subject application.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Sobol, the Planning Director
advised that the zoning for the subject site was mostly industrial, however th
Official Plan shows one part of the site as being tourist commercial, and the
other being agricultural. The Planning Director further advised that it was
recommendation that the application be considered at a Planning & Development
Committee hearing due to concerns raised by adjacent property owners at an
hearing on the first phase of the development.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman theeamen, that t[
application be referred to the Planning & Development Committee. Carried
Unanimously. '
Report No. 395 - City Manager - The report recommends that Council indicate tc
~ha Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board that it' is not intere~
in purchasing the St. Francis School site and building, and therefore must
release its interest in acquiring the property.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson stated that it was directed by Council in
Committee of the WHole, that the firm of Stevenson & Kellogg be retained to
prepare guidelines with respect to the duties of the City Manager and in
particular with respect to confidentiality, in accordance with the decision
reached by Council at the May 14th, 1979 Public Hearing regarding the continued
employment of the City Manager.
Alderman Puttick felt the matter should be deferred for several weeks and
gone into in more depth. The Alderman felt that members of Council knew what
they expected from the position and the preparation of guidelines could take
a long period of time. Alderman Puttick suggested that he could give his input
to the matter in half an hour. The Alderman also suggested that the recommendations'
made in the Sego Report be reviewed. Mayor Thomson pointed out that the Sego,
Report had nothing to do with the City Manager's position, but other areas of the
City Hall operation, and that there were no guidelines with respect to the
operation of the City Manager's function in the City.
Alderman Sobol suggested that the City Manager take an active part on the
compilation of the guidelines, since his input would be crucial to the matter.
Mayor Thomson agreed that this input was required not only from the City Manager
but all members of Council and City Department Heads.
It was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that the
firm of Stevenson & Kellogg be retained to prepare guidelines relative to the
office of City Manager, including a policy relative to the matter of confidentiality
of those items brought to the attention of the City Manager, the work to be
undertaken in accordance with the submission dated -Jun~ 27, 1979 by Stevenson
and Kellogg outlining the work to be done, at an estimated cost not exceeding
$6,000.O0. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary, and all
others voting in favour.
No. 160 - Downtown Business Association - Re: Sidewalk Sale. The communication
requests that Queen Street be closed on July 28, 1979 from Erie Avenue to Crysler
Avenue, and that parking in the Downtown be free as well.
The City Clerk advised that it will be necessary to pass a by-law to authorize
the temporary closing of Queen Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that the
requests be approved. Carried Unanimously.
No. 161 - Downtown Business Association - Re: Fall Feet. The communication
requests that Queen Street be closed to traffic on August 25, 1979 from Erie
Avenue to Victoria Avenue, that parking in the downtown be free as well, that
snow fence be erected on both sides of Queen Street along the curb, and that
permission be granted to operate a beer tent in the Centennial Square.
The City Clerk advised that it will be necessary to pass a by-law to
authorize the temporary closing of Queen Street.
Alderman Cummings suggested that Centennial Square was not an appropriate
location for the operation of a beer tent. Mayor ~omson indicated that a beer
tent was in operation in Centennial Square during the "Country Feet" celebration
in May, and that no problems were experienced at that time. Mr. H. Smith of
the Downtown Business Association advised that the beer tent was very well
supervised previously and worked out very well. The only change would be to
provide additional garbage disposal units for the area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Herrerr, seconded by Alderman Ninsperger, that
the requests'be approved. Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Orr, seconded by Aldemnan Herrerr, that the first
item listed under Reports~ be moved forward for consideration. Carried Unan~mot~aly,
No. 396 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Hot Air Advertising Balloon, Pyramid
Place. The report advises of an application received from 5400 Robinson Stre~
Ltd., owners of Pyramid Place, to erect an enclosure to house a hot air ballol
to be used for advertising purposes.
Mr. B. Hunter of Pyramid Place was granted permission to address Council
on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Merrett. The motion Carr~
with Alderman Sobol abstaining on a conflict of interest, and all others ~
in favour. Mr. Hunter advised that the balloon was not actually filled with
hot air, but helium. Pyramid Place has three main attractions, one of which
the Bear Jamboree and one of the bears in the Jamboree is used as the major
advertising vehicle in the newspaper and on radio. Mr. Hunter stated that it
was proposed that the balloon be used to advertise Pyramid Place itself, and
particular, the theatre and film "To Fly". The balloon would be multi-colour~
and limited to a height of one hundred and fifty feet, and would be used for
advertising purposes only. In response to a question raised by Mayor Thomson!~
Mr. Hunter indicated that he only had a sketch of the balloon, no drawings
were available. The balloon will be manufactured by a balloonist in the
manufacturing business, nineteen ft. in diameter with the longest portion bei~
thirty-seven ft. high. It would not be used to transport people up and down
for rides, merely to advertise the film "To Fly".
The Deputy Building & Development Co-ordinator stated that the enclosure
will be situated on the property line between Pyramid Place and the Skylon ann
will occupy two parking spaces. The applicants would supply documentation
from adjacent property owners and the various agencies involved in approval
the balloon. The City can only regulate the enclosure since it is defined
a structure under the Building Code. The Deputy Building & Development
Co-ordinator explained that other than through the provisions of the sign by-I
the City had no regulations on the balloon.
In response to questions raised by Alderm..~_n Cheesman, Mr. Hunter stated
that the Pyramid Place logo would appear on the balloon and there would be
reference to the film "To F1"
y , since the film will eventually be changed.
Alderman Merrett commented that Pyramid Place was an excellent attracti0~
however he could not approve of a balloon flying over that part of the City.
Alderman Puttick commented that he would like more information or a drav
before he made a decision on the matter. The Alderman was particularly inter
in where the balloon will be and how it will~be anchored. Mr. Hunter indicat
that the enclosure has no access to the balloon so there would be no way ape
could climb up the rope and into the basket. The balloon would meet Departme
of Transport regulations, as well as tethering and winching procedures. The
Deputy Building & Development Co-ordinator indicated that the enclosure would
fully removed from all other buildings. There will be a structural slab to ~
the balloon will be moored, and all plans on file have been designed by an
architect from Toronto and a Professional Engineer of Ontario. As a conditi0
of issuance of the permit, information will be required confirming the fact t
mooring cable and any equipment used to raise and winch in the balloon would
certified by a Professional Engineer. In response to a question raised by
Alderman Chessman, Mr. Hunter explained that the balloon is illuminated and
retrieved every night at the close of business. The lighting device will~be
inside the balloon and will create a glowing effect as opposed to a spot ligh
The device will be restrained so that it cannot move t9 the side of the balls
In response to a question by Alderman Schisler, Mr. Hunter explained that hal
cannot explode, so there is no danger of explosion at a11.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by
Alderman Fera, that permission be granted for the use of the balloon for
advertising purposes. The motion Carried with AldermenMacBain and Herrerr
voting contrary, Alderman Sobo! abstaining on a conflict of interest, and all
others voting in favour.
See Resolution No
CO}~[UNICATIONS - Con't...
No. 162 - Association of Municipalities of O~tario - Re! Nominations for the
Board of Directors. 'The con~nunicetion advises that the Nominating Committee
the Association will be meeting to consider raceemendations with respect to t
1979-80 Board of Directors, and requests that the names of interested lnd~vid
be forwarded to the Association as soon as possible.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 163 - Niagara Falls Music Theatre Society - Re: Building Improvements. The
communication requests a reduction in rent from $500 per annum to $1 per annum
to allow the Society to obtain grants available to carry out certain capital
improvements to the building.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the communication be referred to the Finance Committee for consideration. Carried
No. 164 - Township of Dover - Re: Financial Assistance for Flood Victims. The
communication requests that consideration be given to providing financial
assistance to victims of the Thames River flooding in b~rch.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the request be denied. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cummings, Dilts, Hinsperger, MacBain, Merrett, Orr, Puttick and
NAYE: Aldermen Chessman, Fera, Sobol and Wallman.
No. 165 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Regional Budget Guidelines. ~
The communication requests the comments of the Municipality regarding a resolution
of the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake concerning budget guidelines for the Regional
Municipality of Niagara.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded By Alderman Dilts, that the
matter be referred to the Finance Committee to prepare a recommendation for the
consideration of Council. Carried Unanimously.
No. 166 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Public Works Week. The
communication expresses appreciation for the involvement of the City in the
Regional Public Works Week.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 167 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Analysis of General Purpose
Debenture Debt and Tax Arrears as of December 31, 1978. The communication
provides information on general purpose debenture debt and tax arrears for the
Region and Area Municipalities as of December 31, 1978.
Alderman Merrett commented that according to the schedules listed in
the communication, the City was not in a favourable position in comparison with
several other municipalities within the Region. The Alderman suggested that
priority be placed on collecting the tax arrears in order to improve this
situation. His Worship, Mayor Thomson also commented that the City has long
been known at the Region for not being the best tax collector in the Region,
and hopefully that will be improved.~y the end of the year,
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, Mayor Thomson indicated
that th~ City*s Collector of Property, Business Tax and Water Accounts had proper
identification, and was required to present this identification when dealing with
the public.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 168 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Proposed Tree Planting on
Morrison Street Extension. The conmunication advises that the Region's commitment
for tree planting will be honoured for the Morrison Street Project, with the
work to commence in the Pall when all road work is completed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fare, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 169 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Regional Niagara Water and Sewer
Servicing Review Status Report. The communication provides information on
the status of the Water and Sewer Servicing Review for Niagara.
ORDERED on the information of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera~ that
the communication bereceived and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 169 - Consumerts Gas Co. - Re: Ontario Energy Board Application for Rate
Increase. The communication advises of an application to the Ontario Energy
Board for an Order approving Interim rates effective August 1, 19~9 reflecting
the increase in the cost of gas purchased from TransCanada Pipelines Limited.
Atderman Fera asked if the City would be objecting to the new rates along
with other municipalities, or If there was a group organized Co represent
municipalities who wish to oppose the increase. Mayor Thomson indicated that ~
in previous years there have been organized efforts for all municipalities fol~
Bell Canada increases, however he did not recall a similar action against gas ~
rate increases. The City Clerk indicated that the Association of Municipality
of Ontario had sponsored an action opposing Bell Canada increases. With resp~4
to the subject rate increase, the City Clerk advised that the procedure invol~
in filing objection was quite complicated. Alderman Fern commented that
rates increase every year and the process of objection is so complicated thet~
would Just let the matter go, while Consumer's Gas takes advantage of the
situation since it is an essential service that people cannot do without.
The Alderman suggested that the City Clerk determine if there is any organize~(
opposition to the rate increase, and if so, Council could Join in.
Alderman Chessman stated that Alderman Fera was thinking of the helpless~
that is felt iu relation to Bell Canada which is a monopoly. Cousumer's Gas ~
a distributor of energy, and as long as O.P.E.C. manages to increase the prict
of oil, all other energy suppliers will raise their rates in order to take
advantage of the increase. The Alderman felt that people have to accept the
reality that increases will continue, and he doubted that there would be any
Provincial wide move to oppose the increase. Alderman Sobol pointed out that
the application related to natural gas, not the price of oil. Alderman Chees~
replied that when the price of oil increases, suppliers of other forms of ene~
raise their prices to he competitive. The Alderman also co~waented that theresa
was no idea of how much it could cost the City to oppose the increase.
Mayor Thomson indicated that if there was a cost involved, he would poll
the members of Council individually on the matter. Following further discuss~
it was moved by Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that the City Cleri~
determine if there is any organized opposition to the proposed rate increase,
and if so, that Council lend its support to that opposition. The motion CarrI
with Alderman Chessman voting contrary, and all others voting in fayour,
No. 397 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Site Plan Revision, Glengate Collision,8~
Mr. Dominic D'Addio, 4420 Drummond Road. The report recommends that the
applicant be given permission to make the revision to the approved Site Plan ~
remove a section of two ft. fencing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fern, that tj
report be received and adopted, subject to no damage to adjacent properties.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 398 - City Manager - Re: Gate Valve Purchases. The report recommends
acceptance of the tender submitted by Canada Valve Ltd. for the supply of
various sizes of gate valves.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously. See Resolution No.,
~o. 399 - City Manager - Ks: Interest on Tax Arrears. The report recommends -
passage of a by-law to authorize an increase to he charged on tax arrears, ot|
then the current year of 1~% per month commencing August 1, 1979, and 1~% per
month for current year's tax bills effective January 1~ 1980.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson and the City Solicitor provided additional
information in response to questions raised by Alderman Fera. The City MansE
also indicated that the Province had recently amended legislation to permit
Municipalities to charge the higher rate of interest.
ORDERED on the motion of Alde~men Fern, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that~
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79
No. A00 - City Manager - Re: 1978 Expenditures in Excess of Estimates. The '
report provides information on 1978 expenditures in excess of budget estimate~
and new or ever budget revenue gained during the year.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MaeBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, t
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 401 - Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee - Re: Bxperieuc
'79 Programme. The report advises that a grant has been received from the Mi
of Culture & Recreation for a student to research and process properties to b
designated, and also to co-ordinate the activities of the Committee with the
City's 75th Anniversary Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman ~chisler, th
the report be received and-adopted.~C_srried Unanimously,
No. 402 - Recreation Commission - Re: lOth Anniversary and Annual Report of
the Recreation Connnission. The report provides information on the activities
of the Recreation Commission during the year 1978.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
a message of appreciation be forwarded to the Commission, and further that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 403 - City Manager - Re: Annual Report of the Municipal Works Department.
The report provides information on the activities of the Municipal Works Department
during the year 1978.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 404 - City Manager - Re: Break-Ins and Vandalism Landfill Site. The report
recommends that an alarm system at the three buildings at the Sanitary-Landfill
Site be purchased from Bomar Security.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett, the Sanitation and
Sewer Superintendent advised that considerable damage has occurred as a result
of vandals breaking into the buildings at the site. On several occasions, the
office was broken into and ransacked, an electric wall clock and fire extinguishers
were stolen, light fixtures and a toilet were smashed, a water purifier was torn
off a wall, and extensive damage was done to locks and lockers in the compactor
building. The best locks that can be purchased have been obtained, windows were
welded shut and barred with reinforcing rod, unused outside doors were welded
shut and an exterior washroom was eliminated in order to improve security at the
site. Alderman Merrett did not feel the alarm system would solve the problem.
The Alderman indicated that through his experience, he knew that the police
do not respond as quickly as other times, and if alarms were continually ringing
at the Landfill Site, the police would not rush to answer a call at the Site.
Alderman Marrett stated that he would prefer to see more precautions taken than
having an alarm system installed.
The Sanitation & Sewers Superintendent indicated that an amount of $1800 had
been spent to date in repairing damage. $2200 had been allocated in the operating
budget for building maintenance, and that amount is almost depeleted. It will
then be necessary to use part of other surplus monies if the damages continue.
Alderman theeamen felt that an alarm system would provide some kind of
deterrent to vandals, and that the City now had a chance of having these vandals
apprehended, The Alderman felt it was not sufficient to pay for the repairs,
but to stop the vandalism in the first place.
Alderman Puttick pointed out that increased police and Duty Foremen patrols
has not discouraged vandals at the site, and with so many places to hide, the
alarm would only warn vandals to hide faster. The Alderman suggested the use of
a portable office that could be taken back to the Service Centre in the evenings.
Alderman Sobol disagreed with AlderSnan Puttick's comments and commented that if
a loud enough alarm went off, a vandal's first instinct would be to get off the
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, the Sanitation and
Sewers Superintendent indicated that staff had requested both an outright purchase
price and a rental price for comparison purposes. The purchase price would
include installation. Mayor Thomson asked if the alarm would be connected to
the Bomar system. The Sanitation & Sewers Superintendent indicated that the
price quoted was for a loud alarm only, and that there would be an additional
cost to hook into the system, Alderman Cheesmon indicated that he had assumed
the alarm was connected to the Bomar system. The Aldernmn felt a loud alerm only
could be a nuisance to the area residents~ and suggested that a silent alerm to
the Bomar system would be of more benefit. The Sanitation & Sewers Superintendent
indicated that such a system would be much more expensive. The use of dogs was
also considered~ however since young children play in the area, it was felt
someone could be hurt. Mayor Thomson suggested that the dogs be placed only in
the buildings, however it was indicated that the dogs could possibly ge~ out and
injure someone.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded
by Alderman Merrett, that the report be received and filed, and further that a
subsequent report be prepared in several months outlining steps to further
secure the buildings and the effectiveness of such action against vandalism.
The motion Ca.rried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cummings, Dilt8, Fera, Hinsperger, MacBain, Merrett, Orr and Puttick.
NAYE~ Aldermen Cheeaman, Schisler, Sobol and Wallman.
No. 405 - City Manager - Re: Schedule of Meetings for Summer Months. The repor
recommends that the schedule of meetings for the month of August be revised to ~
provide for meetings on August 13th and August 27th, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that t~
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 406 - City Manager - Re: Land Division Committee Consent No. B-235/79, Agr~
between Marineland & Animal Park Limited and the City. The report recommends
passage of a by-law covering conditions of approval for the subject consent
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that tL,
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79~
No. 407 - City Manager - Re: Bills 101, 103 and 114. The report recommends th6{
information regarding Bills 101 and 103 be received and filed, and that the
Municipality formally object to the passing of Bill 114, in particular to the
deletion of the present right of appeal of the Municipality to the O.M.B.
objecting to the imposition of a sewer rate by the Region.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that th4~
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously..
No. 408 - City Manager - Re: Closing of Corfieid Road. The report recommends:
1) That Council approve in principle the closing of Corfield Road subject to t~
Municipality's requirements; 2) That the necessary advertisement be placed in
the press indicating that Council will hear any objectors at the Council meeti~4
on August 27th, 1979; 3) That the Region be officially notified of Council's
out discussions with adjacent property owners h f 1
Road lands and to engage the services of an accredited appraisor if required;
and 5) That the City Manager be instructed to report further on these matters
at the Council meeting of August 27th, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimo__usly.
No. 409 - City Manager - Re: Roads Needs Study. The report recommends approval!
of an additional amount of $2,236.78 for payment to W.L. Sears & Associates Lt~
for printing of the study, and that the Ministry of Transportation & Communicat
be requested to. provide a 75% subsidy on this amount.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Aldermmn Merrett, that~
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No~l
No. 410 - City Manager - Re: Heavy Trucks on ~t. James and St. Peter. The rep~
advises that heavy traffic is prohibited on both roadways, and that contact
been made with representatives of the shopping centre in the area and the Regic
Police to take the necessary enforcement steps.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 411 - CityManager - Re: Appointment of Accounts Supervisor. The r~port
advises that Mr. Thomas W. Smith C.A., has been appointed to the position of
Accounts Supervisor effective July 30, 1979.
Alderman Dilts indicated that he had been opposed to this appointment
since he felt an employee within the ranks could have been promoted.
Alderman Puttick commented that he did not feel a chartered accountant ~
necessary to collect taxes~ and predicted that within sixty days, there would l
internal problems in the Department. The Alderman felt that this appointment
would discourage City employees from trying to better themselves by applying fl
]obs of this calihre. While his comments could be considered interference in a
staff decision, Alderman Puttick felt a chartered accountant was not necessary
for a position that would involve going out and collecting taxes. The Aldermal
· elt there were several City employees that had applied for the Job that had t
ability to do the work.
Alderman Fera stated that it was his understanding that the City would n
replace a person who was retiring follo~ing discussions on economy of the City
~e City Manager stated that he had not made any statement that this position
was not needed. l~e position is definitely required in the Tax Department, ant
the action to obtain a replacement was discussed with the Finance Con~nittee.
The employment advertisement did not specify that a chartered accountant was
required to fill the position. The City ~nager advised that it has been the
policy of the City for fifteen years that the best, most qualified person applying
for a job is hired. The City Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer and Personnel Officer
were unanimous in their choice of Mr. Smith, who happened to be a chartered
accountant which was considered a plus for the City. The City Manager further
indicated that within several years there will be a number of retirements in the
Treasury Department, and the position of Accounts Supervisor would be involved
in the positions at that time. One supervisor will be eliminated and staff were
looking ahead when the City Treasurer will retire in ten years. The City Manager
stated that the position of Accounts Supervisor was very important, and in the
opinion of staff, Mr. Smith was the best qualified applicant and he happens to
be a chartered accountant. The City Manager further indicated that if the City
did not hire the most qualified person, then the whole philosophy used in the
past would be a serious change that he would be very concerned over.
Alderman Dilts felt that staff could be cut through the use of computers,
and con~ented that the report he had asked for on computers had been brief and
uninformative. The Alderman also referred to a report he had requested on the
number of employees in the City per taxpayer in comparison with other municipalities
which he had never received. The City Manager indicated that this report would
be forthcoming. Alderman Dilts stated that he was under the same impression a§
Alderman Fore, that through retirements, staff would be reduced. The Alderman
recognized that the position could not be eliminated, however he felt the position
could have been filled from existing staff.
In response to several questions raised by Alderman Cummings, the City
Manager indicated that if necessary, the Accounts Supervisor would go out and
talk to people about delinquent accounts. The main purpose of the job involved
the entire process of taxation of the City through assessment, the tax rate,
acquiring money, etc. The procedure is supervised by the Accounts Supervisor
under the direction of the City Treasurer. In response to a question raised by
Mayor Thomson, the City Manager advised that one employee of the Transit Commission
and two City employees applied for the position. One of the City employees
subsequently accepted outside employment, and the other had no experience in
the Treasury Department whatsoever. Mr. Smith in comparison had a considerable
number of years in the business field.
Alderman MacBain noted that the City of Niagara Falls operates under the
City Manager form of government and has hired a Personnel Officer. The Alderman
did not feel a Council meeting was the place to hire an employee since it was
not fair to management, City employees or prospective employees of the Corporation.
Under the existing administration, department heads are hired with the consent of
Council, but all other positions are hired through the City Manager. The Alderman
stated that the City ~nager had, as a courtesy, reported to the Finance Committee
of the retirement of Miss Matthews, and the importance of the position was
discussed at the Committee. The City Manager then made arrangements to hire a
replacement. Alderman MacBain tommounted that this is the point where monies come
in, in addition to the keeping of records on tax rolls, taxes owing and personnel.
In addition to the finance work, the Accounts Supervisor must supervise the
~personnel in the Tax Department. Alderman MacBain stated that he was in fayour
of improving the City's middle management, and in fairness to the City Manager,
he felt this was a step in the right direction. The Alderman was not opposed
to the fact Mr. Smith was a chartered accountant, and felt it was not easy to be
over-qualified in these times. Alderman MacBain was not happy with the tax
collection and he indicated that he would like to see the situation improve.
It was also pointed out that if the new appointee did not work out satisfactorily,
it was the responsibility of the City Manager, the City Treasurer, the Deputy
Treasurer and the Personnel Officer. Alderman MacBain did not feel one could
say after a quick telephone call, that there would be trouble in the Department.
The Alderman stated that he was not an administrator and he did not have the
expertise to be involved in the hiring of employees, nor was the Council paid to
do so. Administration was the responsibility of the City Manager. Alderman
MacBain commented that he did not want to see the Mayor ~xo is the chief executive
officer, become the chief administrative officer since there is a division there,
and he did not feel it would be anymore proper for the Mayor to be involved in
hirings. Alderman MacBain stated that Council was trying to get into the
administration of the City at the part it should not, and pointed out that Council's
responsibility was to make policy. There was enough work for the Council to do
on policy without trying to run the day-to-day operation of tim City.
Alderman Wallman stated that while the appointee would not be a department
head, he would be well qualified to become such in the future. The Alderman
felt the City should proceed with the appointment.
- i0 -
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded~
by Alderman MacBatn, that the report be received and filed. The motion Carri~
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Chessman, Cummings, Hinsperger, MacBain, Merrett, Orr, Schisle
Sobol and Wallman.
NAYE: Aldermen Dilts, Fera and Puttick.
No. 412 - City Manager - Re: Addition to Niagara Falls Memorial Arena. The
report recommends ~hat the City participate with Mr. R. Quinn in the financing~
an addition to the dressing rooms and storage area to a maximum amount of
$15,000; that the Legal Department be authorized to prepare an appropriate
agreement with Mr. Quinn on the cost-sharing arrangement, and that a presentat~
be made to Council at an early date so that a complete discussion can take
on the possible design and financing of an expansion of the Arena building.
His Worship,tMayor Thomson and Alderman Cheesman provided additional
information in response to a question raised by Alderman Sobol.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 413 - Loan Review Committee - Re: Applications for Assistance. The report
recommends approval of twelve applications received for assistance under the
Ontario Home Renewal Program.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 414 - City Manager - Re: Building Permits. The report provides informati~
and a breakdown of the permits issued by the Building & Development Department
for the month of June, 1979.
Alderman Merrett asked if there were any provisions in the Municipal Act
preventing the City from issuing a building permit to an individual who owed
substantial tax arrears in the municipality. The City Manager stated that he
was not aware of any such provision, and as falas he knew the City would have
to issue any such permit requested. Alderman Merrett suggested that the
Province be petitioned to have the Municipal Act amended to provide for such
a regulation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallman, seconded by Alderman Sobol~ that t~
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded hy Alderman MacBain, that
report be prepared on the issuance of building permits on properties with tax~
in arrears. Carried Unanimously.
No. 415 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payme~
of the municipal accounts.
The City Treasurer provided additional information on Cheques #5093 and
#5117 in response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Ruttick
abstaining on a conflict of interest on Cheque #4947~ and all others voting ir
No. 416 - City Manager - Re: Falls Industrial Park. The report recommends th~
sale of Lots 51 and 52 in the Falls Industrial Park to Dorcy Ashflash Canada 1
at a price of $85,870, and that the Legal Department be authorized to prepare
the necessary legal documents to finallze the transaction.
The City Manager advised that the City had been working with Ashflash on
its proposal to expand its operation. A brief was presented to the firm throL
the Niagara Falls Business & Industrial Growth Agency to Mr. W. McMullan, the
Vice-President and General Manager, on the proposed site in the Falls Industr:
Park outlining the benefits of locating in Niagara Falls. Several sites in tt
~arkwere offered, however it was learned that the firm was considering locat.
in Toronto. The City Manager indicated that Mr. McMullan was contacted and
within an hour, information was prepared on Lots 51 and 52 as well as a compar
of the taxes between Nia8ara Falls and Toronto. The taxes on the same buildil
in Toronto were considerably higher than in Niagara Falls. The decision was
msde to locate in the Falls Industrial Park, and the City Manager strongly
recommended that Council approve the sale of the lands.
Alderman Puttick commented that congratulations were in order, and asked
the Niagara Falls Business & Industrial Growth Agency was involved in the
- 11 -
negotiations with Ashflash. The City Manager indicated that he had been working
with the Agency on the matter, however while Mr. Nontgomery was out-of-town, he
had been more involved. Now that Mr. Montgomery had returned, the Agency would
take over. Alderman Puttick asked if the City Manager would be back in City Hall
now. The City Manager said this was the type of development the City needed,
and felt several hours of his time was well worth it. Effective irmmediately the
Agency would be taking over the project.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the resolution be referred to the Finance Committee for consideration. Carried
No. 68 - PUTTICK - FERA - RESOLVED that the application of 5400 Robinson Street
Limited to use a helium filled balloon for advertising purposes to a maximum
height of one hundred and fifty feet (150'), be approved; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried with Aldermen
MacBain and Merrett
voting contrary, Alderman
Sobol abstaining on a
conflict of interest,
and all others voting
in favour.
No. 69 - CBEESMAN - SOBOL - RESOLVED that the quotation submitted by Canada
Valve Limited for the supply of various sizes of gate valves, be accepted at
the prices quoted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 70 - CUMMINGS - MERRETT - RESOLVED that the Ministry of Transportation and
Communications be requested to provide 75% subsidy on the additional cost of
$2,236.78 required to finalire the City of Niagara Falls Roads Needs Study; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto ~ffixed.
Carried UnanimouslZ
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read a
first time: ~
No. 79-111 - A By-law to provide for interest on tax arrears.
No. 79-112 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with }~rineland & Animal Park
No. 79-113 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-6 providing for appointments to certain
Boards, Commissions and Committees. (K. Angle - Planning & Development
No. 79-114 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried with Alderman
Puttick abstaining on
Cheque #4947 of By-law
79-114, and all others
voting in fayour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that the
following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-111 - A By-law to provide for interest on tax arrears,
No. 79-112 - A By-law to authorize anagreement with Marineland & Animal Park
No. 79-113 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-6 providing for appointments to
certain Boards, Commissions and Conmittees. '(K. Angle - Planning~
and Development Committee)
No. 79-114 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Puttick a
on Cheque #4947
By--law 79-114, am
others voting in
Alderman Chessman stated that literally tens of thousands of Vietnamese
people are forseeking their life in Viet Nam and taking to boats in the hope
of finding homes elsewhere. To these people, life in boats is better than in
Viet Nam, which was a terrible indictment on that nation. The Alderman noted
that Viet Nam was actually accepting money in order to enable the boat people
to leave. Alderman Cheesman stated that he was not recommending that Council
spend any money directly or that the matter be taken up as part of Council's
responsibility, but since the Council has a certain moral stature, a
co-ordinating power could be exerted. By the City becoming interested did n0~
mean that Southeast Asians would be locating in Niagara Falls, or that they
would become the responsibility of the City. There are persons and groups
concerned and waiting for some sort of co-ordinative action. Alderman Cheesn~M
advised that on Thursday, July 12, 1979 at 8:00 p.m., a meeting would be held~
· the Drummond Branch Library for all persons in the City would like to attend ~
find out information on what can be done to co-ordinate local interest. A
staff member of the Social Planning Council has volunteered his professional
services, and a local bank is prepared to accept money for the "Operation Life
Line" project. Alderman Chessman asked that Council endorse the local efforts
towards alleviation of this problem; that Couh'dtl do what it can to stimulate
action at the Federal level and send communications to the Minister of Immigra~
asking that he expedite procedures by which persons are interviewed, to the
Minister of National Defence requesting that he consider using Armed Forces
aircraft to assist in the transport of these people and to the Minister of
External Affairs requesting that Canada review aid to Viet Nam and divert the~
funds to the assistance of persons fleeing the country. Alderman Cheesman not~
that there were many reasons why Canada should not become involved such as
unemployment, and land space for living, but when people are at the point of
drowining, he felt the problem could not be ignored.
Alderman Puttick suggested that contact should be made with Mr. J. Froese
the local Member of Parliament, and that he be requested to contact the Feder~'
Ministers personally. Alderman Chessman stated that Mr. Frosee should be
contacted as well as Mr. V. Kerrlo the Provincial Representative~ and the loc~
clergy. The Alderman commented that much of the efforts will be done through
local groups, not large government structures. '
Mr. H. McDonald advised that he was the local co-ordinator of the efforts
to assist the Vietnameee boat people. While private sponsorship of refugees~
encouraged, it would also be possible if someone wished to donate funds, this
could be done through a local Church or Synagogue or service club because with[
that type of backing, the process is speeded up. His Worship, Mayor Thomson
offered the services of his office to assist the local'effort.
It was moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Orr, that Council
endorse the efforts of local groups seeking ways to alleviate problems of the
Southeast Asian Boat People, and that contact be made with the Ministers of
Imm~gration, National Defence and External Affairs, asking that immigration
procedures be expediteds that Armed Forces aircraft be used for transport,
that the ~overnment consider diverting funds to Viet Nam to the helping of the~
refugees, and that the Council's concern be expressed to the local Member of
Parliament and Member of the Legislative Assembly as well as the local Clergy.
Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Merrett asked if staff were aware of the progress on the reconst
tion of HiShway ~420 and when the work would be finished. The Design & Constr
- 13 -
Engineer advised that the work was to have been completed by June 30th, and
was now behind schedule. It was further indicated that the progress of the
work would be checked.
Alderman Merrett noted that every year around this time, farmers complain
about the lack of labour available to pick crops, and with the Niagara Region
being so dependent on the agricultural industry, this presents a serious problem.
The Alderman commented that some farmers have been forced to plough their crops
under because of the lack of labour, and yet at the same time, the Country is
faced with staggering unemployment rates. Labour must be imported in order to
harvest the fruit crops. It was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded by
Alderman Wallman, that a communication be sent to the Minister of Employment
and Immigration advising of Council's concern over the lack of labour, and
further that the criteria used in granting unemployment insurance benefits be
re-examined, especially in this area, because of the high unemployment and
lack of labour available for picking crops. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Puttick submitted a letter he had received from a resident who.
had hedges damaged during a sewer contract, and asked that the matter he
Alderman Puttick advised that he had received complaints from residents
on Lowell Avenue regarding a skateboard facility that had been erected for the
use of children. The Alderman commented that while the facility was an
excellent form of recreation for children, it was becoming a nuisance to the
area residents. The possibility of moving the facility had been discussed,
and the people involved had agreed that it could be moved as long as it w~s
relocated in an area where it would not be destroyed by vandals. Alderman
Puttick stated that Fern Park had been suggested, since the residents in that
area of the City had a great deal of respect for the park equipment. The
City Manager was requested to make arrangements to have the facility moved
to Fern Park.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that a reception would be held for
Gordon Singleton at Niagara Square on the evening of July lOth, 1979.
Mr. Singleton won two gold medals at the Pan-American Games in bicycling.
The Mayor urged the members of Council to attend the reception in honour
of Mr. Singleton's success at the Games.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that numerous people owning dogs take
them to Cakes Park for exercise, and allow the animals to run loose. The Mayor
stated that people using the new track facility are being bothered by dogs
running loose, in addition to the problem of dog excrement. The Mayor suggested
that Council consider some kind of policy under which dogs would not be allowed
in certain high use parks, such as Cakes Park. The City Manager felt the
matter would be somewhat controversial and suggested a by-law might be the best
way of handling the problem. Alderman Sobol suggested that since there would
be controversy on the matter, Council should go all the way and institute a
"stoop and scoop" by-law. Mayor Thomson commented that such a by-law had been
suggested in the past, however there would be problems with enforcement and he
could see no reason to pass a by-law that cannot be enforced. The Mayor suggested
that the previous material on this topic be made available to the newer members
of Councils and that a full discussion be held. The possibili~y of designating
certain parks where people can walk their dogs was suggested.
Alderman Herrerr suggested that Ker Park, which is also a high use park,
be considered under such a by-law. Alderman Fera felt it was irresponsibility
on the part of the owners if dogs are running loose. The Mayor stated that
dogs are taken in the park whether on leach or not, and secondly they are allowed
to run loose.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded by
Alderman Dilts, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a
report. Carried Unanimously.
- 14 -
It was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole. Carried Unanimously.
· .'calNsa:
Committee Room #1
July 9, 1979
Council met on Monday, July 9, 1979 in Committee of the Whole following
a regular meeting of Council. All members of Council were present. Alderman
Cumm{ngs presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole arose without reporting· , ,alala~,
Council Chambers
July 9, 1979
Council reconvened in formal session on Monday, July 9, 1979, following
meeting in Committee of the Whole. All members of Council were present. His
Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
The meeting adjourned.
Committee Room #1
July 23, 1979.
Council met on Monday, July 23, 1979 at 6:30 p.m. in Committee of the
Whole. All members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman
Orr. Alderman Chessmen presided as Chairmen.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole arose without reporting. ..~aa
Council Chambers
July 23, 1979.
Council met on Monday, July 23, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
constderir~ general business. All members of Council were present with the
-exception of Alderman Orr. His Worship, MAyor Thomson presided as Chairman.
Alder~a. nMacBain offered the OpeninS..Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummin~s,
-that the minutes of the meeting held on July 9, 1979, be adopted as printed.
Carried Unanimously.
Mrs. Laura Johns was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Sobel,. seconded by Alderman Cummings. Mrs. Johns, on behalf of the
Local Council of Women, who are celebrating their 60th anniversary this year,
invited the Mayor and Members of Council to Join the organization at the home
~f Miss Ruth Redmond, Bellev~e Terrace, on Thursday, July 26th, 1979, at 2:30 p.m.
to mark this occasion. Mayor Thomson urged all members of Council to make an
effort to attend, and thanked Mrs~ Johns for,the invitation..
Mr. Wayne Bench of 7535 Wanless Street was granted permission to address
Cpunctl on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings. Before
hearin~ Mr. Bench's com-u, nts, MAyor Thomson indicated that he had had discussions
with Nr. Walker and his associates and was assured the oil would be down in the
subject area within 24 to 48 hours. Mr. John Walker confirmed that the situation
will be taken care of within 48 hours. Mr. Bench was advised that if the work
Was not carried out to his satisfaction .he could return to Council at the next
tabular meetin~and report, further..
Mayor Thomson introduced a letter received from Mr. N. W. Walker of
Woodington Systems Incorporated. The letter outlined the proposal of
Woodtn~ton Systems to .construct a bulk liquid storage system on property
located on the Niagara Escarpment. The firm receives a water soluble oil
from local industries, which is placed'in a pond where separation of the oil
and water takes place. The oil is then skimmed off and placed in storage
tanks for re-use in road oiling. Mr. Walker, who spoke on behalf of the
application, indicated that the firm wished .to proceed with the construction
the tanks. Re also confirmed that the project would require the approval of
Ministry of the Environment as well as the approval of the Municipality. Alde~
msn MacBain expressed concern that the matter be handled on short notice
without the benefit of backaround information.
ORDEKED on the motion of AldermanMacBain, secon4ed by Alderman Sobs1,
-that the matter .be tabled for t~o weeks and that a further .report be .pre-
sented at the next regular Council meeting. CARRIED UI~NIMOUSLY.
Report No. 417 - Alderman Dills - EMPLOYEE SUQ~ESTION PROGRAM - The report
outlines research carried out by Alderman Dills in connection with the Employe
Suggestion Box proposal and recommends that Council consider the introduction
of an Employee Suggestion Plan to be put into effect on October 1, 1979, on
an experimental basis for'one year. Alda~nan Dills referred to the condition~
enumerated in his report and mentioned the importance of a Committee being
' set up'compriSing two elected and tw6 appointed officials who would revie~
all suggestions and make recommendations to Council on cash awards. Mayor
Thomson suggested that this Connittee be made u~ of Alderman Dills, City
Clerk J. L. Collinson, A. L. Jobey, Personnel~fficer, and the Mayor. Alder~
CumminBs remarked that there should be input from different levels, as, in
cases a foreman, for instance, would have a better understanding of a work
situation than management. Alderman Diite agreed that the Committee would hat
· ~"to ha~e input from the various departments before 'deciding'Upon
a suggestion. 'Alderman Fera inquired as to what criteria were to be used to
determine the amount of the award. Alde~n Dills replied that one-fifth of
the first yearns savings to the MuniCipality might be considered a good figure
up to a maximum of $500.00s but added that the Committee might want to revise
this figure. In any event, the various ramifications would have to be dis-
cussed fully prior to making any firm decisions."
~ ,, ORDERED on the "motion of Alderman thee'amen, secOnded by Alderman Cummings
the .report ~e received .and adopted and 'that the Committee '6'6~0nduct further
^ study on ~his matte~ be comprised of Alderman Dilts j J. L. Coil!neon,
and mS W. orship _ yor,'T o O.n. ' nimou?l .
Report No. 418 - City Manseer o il~FORMATION 'RELATING TO'T~'NUNBER OF PER-
declared that the report did not provide the information that he had ~equ~ste~
~-. as he wanted details regarding the number of taxpayers per City employee, and
added that he Was obliged to ask for another report which he hoped would be
-_ ZZready for the next reSular Council'mmetin~.~ Mr. Pricepointed out that in
this type of report you most compare cities of comparable ~ize to reach an
.~equ!table' fi_8~re, but'a~reedto prepar~'a further'report for the.next'Council
,=m~e~$n~. ','f . .-- . .' .'. - .......... .
Ordered on the motion of Alderman Dills, seconded by Alderman"Fera that
the report be received and filed and that"a further report be 'submitted at
the next Council meeting, providing information as to the ratio of permanent
City employees to thepopulationof th~ municipality, t as compared with othel
· 'area municipalities. Carried unanimeusl~.
UNFINIStiED BUSINESS continued .....
Report No. 419 - Report of the Planning & Development Co~nnittee - AM-15/79
The City Clerk read a report of the Planning and Development Conunities
reco~ndinB that the application by the Town of Fort Erie be denied. Vayor
Stella Ziff and members of the Council of the Town of Fort Erie were present
in Council Chambers, along with representatives of the Public l~orks Department
of Regional Niagara, a representative of the Ministry of the Environment,
to express their views on this matter. Alderman MacBain, who is acting as
solicitor for the owners of the adjacent property, declared a conflict of in-
terest and abstained from the discussion. The City Clerk then read a letter
from Mr. Stan Pettit, Chairmen of the Regionws Public Works and Utilities
Committee, requesting that the recommendation of the Planning & Development
Committee,be rejected, and further, that Council agree to initiate a zonir~
[.by-law amendment ~o permit the waste stabilization pond construction, subject
of course to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board.
It wee moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Metfelt, that'
Mayor Stella Ziff of Fort Erie be granted permission to address Council. Mayor
Ziff thanked Council for the opportunity to speak publicly on this important
issue and, referring to a vritten presentation, proceeded to comment on portions
of Mr. Greaves~ report. Mrs. Ziff contended that the report mentioned a serious
health problem in Fort Erie but failed to take into account that it is the
faulty septic systems in the area which, over many years prior to and since
the creation of the enlarged Town of Fort Erie in 1970, has caused a serious
health problem necessitating the construction of a dewer system. Contamination
from non-functioning septic systems and from polluted ditches has created a
hazard not only to the Town of Fort Erie but to the City of Niagara Falls.
This health problem, Mrs.life continued, has been well documented by the
Niagara Regional Health Unit. Mrs. Ziff concluded by urging City Council
to give the application faycurable consideration.
On the motion of Alderman~ Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fete, Mr. Stan
Pettit was granted permission to address Council. Mr. Pettit indicated his
support of. the application by the Town of Fort Erie and expressed the opinion
that, based on studies by the Region~s Public Works Department, this would
be the best solution for the entire area. Mr. Pettit stated that the choice
of Site ~3 will entail some cost savings. The costs are. spread over all the
municipalities within the Region which participate, and would have to be
· shared, of course, by the City of Niagara Falls. The mmtter of pollution is
one of a very serious nature. In the case of Stevensvtlle and Douglastown,
concern has been expressed for the past 8e, eral years, and the cleaning up
· of Black Creek would certainly improve the pollution problem in the Niagara
River. The pond is already the~e, as you are aware,and is located near the
area which is to be serviced; the land is already owned by the ttinistry of
Transportation and Communications and the site can handle future growth from
the City of Niagara Falls, should this occur soma time in the future. Mr.
Pettit pointed out that soma consideration should be given to the availability
~ of grants.~ The Region has Considered the availability of 8rants for 1979 and
this should be acted upon without delay, in order not to miss out on them. Mr.
· the ~ propose 1 ..
It was moved by Alderman So~ol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
Alderman Earl Beam of Fort Erie be granted permission to address Council.
· Mr. Beam reviewed Soma of the problems faced by Fort Erie, Stevensville and
- DouglaStown over the past years, prior to the establishment of Regional
favourable consideration to the application, for the benefit·of all concerned.
ReSionat Councillor Edward Mitehelson addressed Council at this point,
asking for support of the Fort Erie proposal. As a member of the ~ub?,ic Works
GEEABE NIAC~BA 6'~IqXRAL HOSPITAL BOARD OF COVERMOPS nical aspects of the situation and in the lon8 run, stated that a decision has
to be made on the basis of the technicel 'information that is before Council.
· ld,.,, i.tr ue . l,tt.r fro. th, .rd of
Nia2Sra Canoral B~spital with rappact to a proposed meeting between City Count are not functioning at 'the present tim as well aaL they should; Black Creek
man Cheatman. stabiltsation pond if carried out four hundred feat i to the riv r and i-
oRDmo o. th, ,t,, ^ld,,,, nil,..,co .d by
the matter be tabled for two weeks. Carried unanimously. '
Report No. 419 - continued .....
consideration to approval of this application. We have been provided with thei~
technical facts and the implications are very siSnificant- Mr. Mitchelson als~
pointed out that there arefour waste stabilization ponds in the Region st this. i
time and they are all working well. The decision must be made on the facts the
are presented to us, and in view of the technical facts which have been presenl
Mr. Mitchelson declared himself to be in favourof making Site 3 available to
Town of Fort Erie,.emphasizing that it would be in the best interests of the RI
as e whole, and urged the City Council to support the application of the Town
of Fort.Erie. ·
At this point, Councillor Cook of the Town of Crimsby, spoke briefly to
Council,stating that Grimeby had one of the larger lagoons in the Niagara Regi~
and mentioned that Crimsby is caught in the Urban Boundary restrictions. Coun~t
tiller Cook wanted to be put on record as supportingMayor Ztff and her associ~
ales in this application.
Miss G. Casehate of the Ministry of the Environment announced that a pub11
hearing will be held under the Environmental Act an~ any persons who have any
objections to the proposal will have an opportunity to speak. ,
Regional Councillor William Smeaton expressed the opinion that it is dif-
ficult to differ from the facts presented in the various technical reports we
have before us, ~fnether they be from the Regional Public Works Department or
the Planning and Development Co~mittee, and stated that he did not think it
wonld be possible for the Public Works Department to reconrnend anything else
· in the circumstances. The decision rests, however, with the elected people,
who have to make a political decision based on facts, and it most be acceptabl~
· to the elected. individuals. Mr. Smeaton continued by stating that the bottom
,'line, to put it very-bluntly, is whether it is.acceptable to the people Who el
ted you. The difference in the money for the different alternate sites is not
of grave importance. The Health Unit has a very serious problem with regard
to 'faulty septic tanks throughout the entire_Niagara Region.
In conclusion, Mr. Smeaton stated that we cannot fault any of the persons~
.who have appeared before Council tonight, including the Town of Fort Erie, but?
indicated that he found himself very doubtful that a decision.in fayour of thif
. propoeal~odld be acceptable to the people of Niagara Falls. "
Itwas moved by Alderman, Cheee"~, seconded by Alderman C,_,~ings, that Dr~
Burkholder. M.O.H. for the Niagara ReSion- g~antea permisafo~ to ~ddrass Co
He stated that there is,.legfslationwhtch ~rderS.the Municipality to take the
'aessary steps to eliminate mslfunctfoning septic tanks - the alternative would,
'be.veryexpa~sfva and he'would~mUCh'~prefer ~hat the long'term solution be appz
At this point, Mr. Also Greavee, Planning Director for Niagara Falls,
· .stated that he wished to clarify the Plannfng Department's ~erformance in this~
matter and stated.that they had in fact supplied tremendoUS.emount, e o~ infer-
' ' mat ion on' the ' sub J act. '. ' ..... - ' '
It was moved by Alderman Sobel,- seconded by Alderman Chessman that Mr.
Wales be permitted to address Council. -Mr. Wales stated that'he has been in
the plumbingbuSinass'-forcloee tO'fifty years and in his opinion a"laEoon?
- is'nothingmera-thana'"saptfc tank~without a cover", and asked~hy'th6 townap
of Stavensville have to be punished with a sewaSs lagoon.. Mr..WaleS stated
that he was strongly opposed tb the proposal.
On tha mOtfonof Aldarman O,"wninSs, seconded,by Aldarman Merrett, Mr. Bls
-Bobartsonwae granted permission to address Council. Mr. Robertson-stated the
ha wished to go on record as strongly opposing the installation of a sewage
lagoon at Site #3, and that ha wished to correct some impressions that had bee
given. It imd been indicated, for example, that there was little or no oppo-
sition from residents of Niagara Falls. As a matter of fact there is a petiti
signed by some Curly~eight residents'who are on the downstream side of Black
.... 'Oreek. expressinS their opposition to the proposal. Mr. Robertson indicated t~
h~'WAs not In any way opposed to the' Town of Fort Eriass efforts' to imprnva it
-conditions', hewaver, the views of the Planning & Development Cosflies should
" certainly ~arry soma' weight themmuch am they have spent a great deal of time
af~ort on thil matter end~ unless there are come new find~ga, Council should
! act on their Idvice. Mr. Robertson st~on/ly cried that Council' be guided in
...... their 'decision toni2ht by the 'advice og their plannin~ & Development Gon~nittee
Report No. 419 continued .....
It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Metfelt, seconded by Alderman
' ' Cummings that Mr. John Matthews be erected permission to address Council.
Mr. Matthews, solicitor for the Werner Foundation, expressed opposition to
*' the proposal on behalf of his clients, who are owners of property adjacent
~o ~ite ~3. Mr. Matthews indicated that his understanding from the Proctor
'& Redfern Report ~as that the four to six schemes are technically feasible
"and the costs for all fall within a reasonably narrow margin, thus financing
is not an important issue. Mr. Matthews suggested that the laSoon be established
in the Fort Erie area.
On the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Wallman, Mrs~
Helen Macintosh was granted permission to address Council. Mrs. Macintosh,
a resident of the Black Creek area, stated her opposition to the site and
wanted to make it clear that the objectors were not "cottagerS" or su~nner
people, but lived there all the year round.
It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Metfelt, seconded by Alderman
Chessman,that Mrs. A. C. Douglas be granted permission to address Council.
Mrs. Douglas expressed the opinion that Mr. Beam was mixing economics .and
good neighbout policy, while by the came token the residents of Douglastown
were paying for oversized watermains. Mrs. Douglas stated that, in her
opinion, they should forget about economics and good neighbout policy and
Just be decent people.
On the motion of Alderman Cummin§s, seconded by Aiderun Wallman, Miss
Catherine Macintosh was granted permission to address Council. Miss Macintosh
stated that althouEh Council miEht think her rather young t~ be addressing
Council, nevertheless She did live in Blagk Creek area and must breathe
the polluted air, and it appeared to her that if Site ~3 is not chosen FOrt
Erie will probably go back to their own people, and Niagara Falls residents will
not have to suffer.
It was ordered on the motionof Aidorphan Fera, seconded by Alderman Wallman,
that. Mr. Ted Armstrong be permitted to address Council. Mr. ArmsirenE voiced
his opposition to the proposal and questioned the mention of 1,500 people; he
"referred to the 200 lots proposed for development in Douglastown and mentioned
that there is atrailer park proposed for the DouglastoWn area as well. Mr.
.Armstrong stated that he understood the land is not of any use for anything,
but believes the Ministry of N~ura~ Resources are attempting to make this
area into'a wildlife sanctuary. He pointed out that Stevensville andDouElastown
both have monicipal water supply and mentioned the cost of chemical treatment
of water. Another point of concern was that the base of the lagoon is below the
water table level in the area. If contamination occurs, who is going to clean
up the wells and who is going to supply the residents with water? Mr. ~rmstronE
,went on'to state that the Region gums down a Niagara Falls 10catleo for a Uni-
versity site-or Regional headquarters,,but does approve sewage ponds or lagoons.
Mr. Con Eidt, Director of Engineering for the Niagara Region clarified
~ertain points which will be taken care of at the open meeting.which will be :'
held with the Ministry of the Environment, and memtioned that although we are .
..talking about approximately 2,000 people, we are planning furl,563. This is
"dry" industry in Fort Erie and we are proposing two 12-acre cellS. We have been :i
told that there will be no explosion of industry or population. Mr. Eidt noted
"that this seems to be a long-term scheme and proceeded to explain soma of the J
.,problems which would be encountered. For instance, the water table is low, there
are at least twelve feet of clay, and so there would be nO penetration of the water
Aldermen Puttick indicated that he was prepared to make a motion to approve
the'applicatiOn of Fort Erie as outlined, and Alderman Hinsp~rger stated that he
'~would second the motion. Aldeman Dills concurred with Mr, Puttick's remarks
and stated that one would have to agree with the experts. Alderman Fera stated
that he hadmsde a tour of the area and failed to notice any odour problem.
Alde~manMarratt remarked that he had bean in attendance at the Planning &
· :-Development Committee discussions and since he felt there would not be any
2real advantages to Site ~, he would not be in favour of this location. Alder-
man Chessman remarked that he has had no conplaints whatsoever from persons in
Niagara Falls concernin.~ this matter and fmrthernote ~o matter What site is
selected there will be objections from netghbourin~ property owners. Alderman
Chessman remarked that when the meetings are held with the Ministry of the Env~
merit the questions regarding the environmental aspects should all be answered.
Alderman Wailman remarked that he had had many calls from residents who do not
object to havin~ the lagoon but.d~ object to the location; also, x~ith respect
to the odour problem, the residents who live close by state there is definite1!
an odonr problem. Alderman Schisler stated that it had already been stated t~
the City of Niagara Falls cannot use this Iotalion, however he felt that
. money should be spent to improve the system in the Tours of Fort Erie. Alderman
Schisler recalled that in 1960 the people in this area wanted to have a Iagoon
but were turned down, He concluded by indicating his opposition to the appli-
cation. Alderman Sobol stated that, in general, she concurred with Alderman
Schisler's comments and, in her. opinion, Fort Erie is here because the Provtnc~
has not put in the proper facilities, and stated that she would notbe in lava4
_ of approvinE the application
ORDERED on the motion bf Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hinsperiti
that the application Of Fort Erie be approved and the report. received and file;J
Alderman MacBain declared a conflict of interest and abstained from. the vote.
AYe.: Aldermen thee_smart, Dills, Fete, Hinsperger, Puttick
NA.Y~.: Aidermen Schisler, Merrett, Sobol, Cummings, Wallman
(Mayor Thomson voted in favoUr o] the motion) Carried
Report No. 420 - City Manager - CARROLL AVENUE COMPLAINTS - The report concen
a petition received from Carroll Avenue residents with respect to truck traf[~
-entering ~heBright Canning Company warehouse from Carroll Avenue and also the
. property. Nro J. Palin was in attendance end in reply to a question from Maim
Thomson replied that the situation has not ~mpr~ved in~the past several weeks.
Mr. H. A. Lamb, was asked to report on his findings ~n the situation and stat~
that this appeared to be a very difficult.situation for the plant to control.
He will be checking further and expects to contact Mr. Palin shortly..Nayor
-Thomson suggested a meeting be held with Mr~ Pal. in and representatives of Brigf
tanners prior tb July 27th, Mr. Palin was in agreement with this suF~estion.
ORDBRED on the.motion of Alderman Metfelt, seconded by AldermanCummings i'
that the report be.received and filed and that a meeting be arranged between ~
Mr. J. Palin, representatives of Brights.s Ca~neIs_andHis WorshipMayor Thomsoi;
prior to Fr!day,.July 27th, 1979. Carried Unanimously.
'_V ]~OTE: Alderman Puttick retired' from the meeting at this point~
.. .. Report No.'~l -UPlanning & DevelOpment Co~enittee -AH-30/78, S. TODD.
9874 WILLOUOHBY DRIVE -.The report, for the informration of CoOncil, outlined
· recent developments in this matter and advised that Mr, Henderson, solicitor f
.- Mrs, Todd, has requested that the matter p~oceed to Council, Mr. Beresh, re-
presentinS.residents of Willoughby Drive andSsaver Road, was in attendance s~
. was granted permission to address Council on.the motion of Alderman Wallman,
~. seconded by Aldersman NatTell,' Mr, Beresh stated that one issue that requires
.. . clarification is the m~her of objectors.who have been complaining about ~his
..operation since 197~, The~Deputy City Solicitor remarked that.~r, Young's con.
cern~relateS to advice from Council as to.What.details. they wish to.have incl~
in the By-law before he proceeds to prepare the draft by-law, Alderman Chess
.... comn~_nted that this is ~ ~l~ssic_example o~ the.importance o~ the..Ci~y~s upho
municipal by-laws, '
ORDERED on the motion of AldermanBarrett, seconded by Atderman MacBain,
.... that ehe~sport be received and filed and that Nr. Henderson be notified that
.. _the matter will be.dec~ded St themeSinS,of Co~nci! scheduled ~o~-Au~ust l~th,
_+ . 'Carried unanimously.
. ~' Report No. ~22 - Mayor Thomson - Being an 'eXplanatory report on the'status of
CLOSING OF CORFIELD ROAD. The report explains that this'proposal would result
notbinS ere than the relocation~of Cotfield Read fiottherly ~rem its ~tesent 1~
- ~,0~ .and!no cheese of name for the ~oadway is proposed.
"' OPaEBB1) On the'~tion of Alderman Cheesman~ seconded by Alderman Dills,
'that the report he'received and filed.' "'Carried unanimously. '~
-7 -
No. 171 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Portage Road Bridge over
E.E.P.C. Canal - for the information of Council and comment to Region.
Alderman Chessman commented that very few vehicles are observing the speed
limits at the bridge and some attention should be given to this problem.
Alderman Metfelt observed that the Police have been enforcing the speed limits
much more closely in recent weeks, however he suggested that the Region's report
be tabled and that staff report on details as to cost sharing and other factors
to determine if there are any alternatives. Alderman MacBain stated that when
we have the report we should have abailable a large plan of the area, showing
the advantages and disadvantages. Alderman Schisler expressed the hope that
the report will detail the amount it would take to replace the bridge, as com-
pared to rehabilitating it. Mr. C. R. Eidt, Director of Engineering for Regional
Niagara, who was in attendance at the meeting, pointed out four factors which
must be acted upon (a) take steps to avoid the problem of trucks and speeding
(b) keep the traffic in the centre of the bridge to protonS its lifespan
(c) enforce the weight restrictions (d) plan to purchase small maintenance
~ equipment to assist in prolonging the life of the bridge.
.ORDERED on the mellon of Alderman Merrett~ seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be tabled and that Staff be requested to prepare a detailed raporb
on cost sharin~ and other factors to determine if there are any alternatives
· which could be considered. Carried Unanimously.'
'It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman kerreli, that three
reports be moved formard for consideration (Nos. 21,'24 and 25 under "REPORTS").
No. 423 - City NanaRer - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision by Ten Partners Develop-
ment Limited "Drummond Park Village" - MOH File 26T-76088. The report outlines
amendments to certain conditions to be included in the Subdivision Agreement
for the VDr,,-.-ond Park Village" Subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Natfelt, seconded by Alderman Dills, that the
report be received and adopted ~nd the recommended amendments approved.
Carried unanimously.
No. 424 - City Manager - He: Portage Road Sidewalk and Lighting. The report
~concerns a letter received from Mr. William H. Beer of 7936 Sarah Street, who
requests consideration of the installation of a sidewalk on Portage Road between
Marineland and the former Village of Chippawa, and adequate lightinS for the
said area. The report recc~,_mends that no chan~es be made to the liShtin8 and
that the possibility of a sidewalksand cycle path be referred to the Finance
Committee for consideration in the 1980 OperatinS Budget. Mr. Beer was in at-
'tendance at the meetin8 and was so advised,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Dills, that
'the .report be r~ceived and the recommendations adopted, Carried Unanimously,
No. 425 - CityManager - Re: Timing of Deposits for Municipal Services in
Development of Subdivisions - Charges for existin8 services and Engineering
Fees. The report outlines changes proposed to be made to the existinS De-
claration of Policy for Development of Subdivisions in order to make it more
economically feasible for Developers to proceed with subdivision development
in stages within the City of Niagara Falls.'
ORDERED on the ~otion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted and that a revision of the wording of the
relevant portions of the Declaration of Policy will be submitted to a subsequent
me. sting of CoUncil-for adoption..' Carried Unanimously,'
No. 172 - Sudbury Region Disaster Reitef Con~ittee - Re: Request for Donation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by A{aef~n C~e~s~n, that
the communication be received and filed.
~TE - Aldermen MacBain, Chessman, Puttick, Cu.rmin~s, Dills, Hinsperger, Metreal
NAYE- Aidemen Wallman, S0bol, Fera. Carried.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, sedonded by Alderman Chessman, that
durtn~ the 1980 Budget discussions consideration be given to setting aside an
amount in order to grant requests for emerEency relief~ Carried unanimously.
No. 173 - Mr. Bob Lavelie - Re: Slo-Pitch Tournament. The communication reques ~'
permission for a beer tent at.the Niagara South Recreation Centre on Sodom Road ~
on August 19, 20, 21, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Dills, that the
request be approved subject to similar approvals being obtained from the
Regional Police, Fire Department, Health Unit and L.L.B.O. Carried unanimously
No. 174 - Niagara Shoppin2News - Re: AdvertlainE. The cou~nunications request
.the City to consider placing municipal advertising in the e~iagara ShoppinE Ne~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Metreal, seconded by Alderman Chessmen, that[
t t o na ed
the Canada Relief Society.
OREERRD on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Metreal, that
the communication be referred to the Mayor~s office for a further report.
Carried unanimeusly.
No. 176 - Ministry of Consumer and Com~ercial Relations - Re: Amendment to
Regulation 647 of the Provincial Plumbing Code.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fare, that
.the Comunication ~e received and filed. Carried unanimously.
No. 426 - Lottery Licensing OffiCer - Re: Proposed Bingo Lottery, St. Anthony
Parish. The report requests Countills consideration of the application.
ORDERED O~ the ~otion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Aldex~an Herreta, that
the report be received and filed. Carried unanimously.
No. 427 . City Manager - Re: quotations covering the supply and delivery of
paper products. The report contains a reconuehdation by the Co-Operative
Purchasing Committee that the quotation by MarshalllFaper Products be accepted.
Alderman Sobel declared a conflict of .interest on this matter and abstained fr~
the vote. ' ' '
ORDEPaD on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman Schieler, that the
report be TeceiVed and adopted...Carried unanimously._
No, 428 - City Mana2er - QuOtation for Radial Con~ressor. The report re&ommenal
that the quotation submitted by Safety Supply Company in the amount of $9,023.~]
be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Schisler& ~that the
.report .be received and adopted. Carried unanimously.
No. 429 - City Manager - Re: Quotations for the supply and installation of two
~12", Class t~" Chimney Vents. The report recommends that the tender submitted t,'s
B. S. Fox Limited in the amount of $4,610.00 be accepted. "
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alde~nan Schisler, that the
report .be received and adopted. Carried unanimously.
No. 430 - Alderman Chessman - Re: City's .75th Anniversary Celebrations.
The report su~narises planned activities in conjunction with the celebration
the Cityss 75th Anniversary and asks for Countlies input before any definite
are;finalised. Aldermmn'Cheesman addressed Council briefly in this regard.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fare, that the
report be received and filed. Carried unanimously. '
NO. '~31 - City Manager - Re: Ontario Legislature Bill 24, Environmental Protect~
Act Amendment. The report reco.~ude that Bill 2~ be endorsed by Council and
that the Ontario Minister of the Environment be commended for the introduction ~t
this Bill, and further, that the Minister of the Environment be requested that
REPORTS - continued...
No. 431 - City Manager - Ontario Legislature Bill 24 (conlid)
.~.the local autonomy and the right of a Municipality to respond and in~ttate
immediate action should be recognized, since ~n many cases it may not be practical
to wait for the Ministry to move in and take control of the situation because of
the urgency of the matter. In this respect the Municipality should be tom-
· pensated for its efforts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sob01~ seconded by Alderman Fete, that the
report be rece.~ved and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 432 - City Manager - Re: Purchase of New Equipment - 1979. The report
concerns tenders for one Vacuum Street Sweeper and recomends that the second
low tender, submitted by Wheels, Brakes and Equipment, be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Aldeman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 433 - Ctt~'Mana~er - Re: Referral of Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan
of the Niagara PlanningArea (Regional Policy Plan) to the Ontario Municipal
Board. The report deals with certain chan~es made to the P~lfcy Plan by the
Region, and recommends that a letter of clarification be sent to the Ontario
Municipal Board and to the Minister.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Wallmen, that th~
-report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 434 - City Manager - Re: Niagara South Board of Education Surplus School
Property - Victoria School at Portage and Stanley. The report reconm~ends
that the Niagara South Board of Education be advised that the City has no
municipal requirement for the Victoria School property.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Chessman,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 435 - City Manager - Re: Proposed amendment to the Swimming Pool Fenc~
By-law. The report advises that a proposed amendment to the Swimming Pool Fence
By-law appears on tonight~s ageride and requests Countills approval. The pro-
posed amendment is not to be retreattire and would only be effective on new
_fencing installed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dills, that
the,report be re=sired and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-115
No. 436 - City Manager - Re: Additions to the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena -
Agreement between Rag Quinn Limited and the City of Niagara Falls. The report
advises that appearing on tonight~s agenda is a by-law to authorize the tityes
execution of an agreement with Reg QuimnLimited respectin~additione proposed
.-for the Niagara Fails Memorial Arena, and requests Council to give the necessary
approval to the By-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman Dills, that the
report be received aBd adopted. my Carried Unanimousl},.
See By-law No. 79-119
No. 437 - City Maeager - Re: Closing of a Portion of Queen Street to vehicular
~]utraffic on July 28, 1979. The report deals with a request of the Downtown Board
of Management to close the portion of Queen Street between Erie Avenue and Crysler
Avenue to vehicular traffic on July 28th, in order to permit the holding of a side-
walk sale.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman Dills, that the
report be,received and adopted.~'~ ., Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-116
· No. 438 - City Solicitor - Re: Provincial Gas Franchise Agreement - the report
provides infor~ation to Council regarding the agreemnt with the Provincial Gas
Company on the changes requested by the City in the proposed new franchise agree-
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman 8ch{sler,~seconded by Aldermen Metreal, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
REPORTS - continued
No. 439 - City Manager - Re: Lot 8, Falls Industrial Park Extension.
The report recom~nds that City Council authorize the sale of Lot 8, Registere~
Plan M-67, to Mr~ Mimi Constantine B~amonte'at a price of $15,965.00, and that
a 5% reel estate commission of $798.25 be paid to Mr. Artists of Royal Trust
his commission on the sale of this property.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Herrart, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the followtn~ volt
A..YE - Aldermen theesmart, Cummings, Dilts,'Fera, Rineperger, MacBain, Marfelt,
Puttick, Sobol, Wallman.
NAYE- Alderman Schisler
Sac By-law No. 79-117
No. 440 - City Manager - Re: Lot i3, Fails Industrial Park Extension.
The ~eport recommends that City Council authorize the sale of Lot 13,
Plan M-67, to Mr. A. Kalaycioglu at a price of $17,840.50. Register~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesm~_n, seconded by Alderman Fera~ that
the r~port be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.~
See By-law No. 79-118
No. 441 - City Manager - Re: Falls Industrial Park Extension - Xgreemente of
Purchase and Sale. The report advises Council that the form of Agreement of
Purchase and Sale being used for the sale of lots in the Falls Industrial Park
Extension is substantially the same as the form that was used for the' Falls
Industrial Park~ With the exception of certain changes in vording that ere
necessary under the Land Titles system. The changes are set out in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Metfelt, seconded by Alderman Cummin~a, that
the report be received and adopted. The mellon eartied with the followin~ vote.
AYE - Alde~nen Chessman, Cummings, Dills, Fern, Hinsperger, MacBain, Martart,
Puttick, Sobol, Wallman..
NAYE- Alderman Sch~sler." '
No. 442 - City Manager - Re: Land Division Severance B-338/79, George and Rose
Admiral - Wii10dell Road. The report provides~formation to City Council with
respect to an application of George and Rose Admiral fora la~d severance, and
action taken by Staff concerniu~ the app!ication.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman CUmmings, that the
~eport be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
nager- s ernnce Ap,lic,tion ra. M.
ip C Parkway. The report rsquestsCouncil*s support of this appli-
cation for consent on the basis of proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 71 and
the proposed Comprehensive Zoning By-law, with~ the conditio~ that a'minor
variance be obtained from the Committee of Adjustment.
..... ORDEREB On the motion of Alderman Soboi, seconded by Alderman Dills, that the
~aport be received and adopted. Carried Unanimeusly.
No./~ - City Manager - Re: Availability'of Surplus Regional Property acquired
for the Mo~rison St./portage Road Relocation Project. The report deals with
offer received ~rom Regional Niagara e~ three parcels of land which were ac-
quired by the Region for the Norrison St./Portage Rd. reloeetion project, and
which have nov been declared surplus to~their requirements.' The report recom-
~'mends that theRegiones offer not be accepted, inasmuch as ~h~ Hunicipality
has no immediate use for any o~ the parcels evallama.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MaeBain, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the.re,oft be received and adoptad~ , Carried unanimeusly. l:
No. ~/+~ - City Nanseer - Re: Balmoral Court Subdivision -'Fila'26T-24772.
The report concerns a request by the owners of Balmurn1 Court Subdivision to
the Ministry of HoUsing to grant a sixmonthss extension of the draft plan
· approval until January 26th, 1980, and recommends that City Council concur
with the request and that the.NiniS~ry_o[ Rousin~,.Subdivisions ~raneh, be
advised ~eeordingly. '
'~ORDERED on theemotion of Alder=an Fare, aeOonded by Alda=manCheesman, that
the report ba received and a~o~t~d~ Carried Unanimously,
- 11 -
REPORTS - continued
No. 446 - City Manager - Re: Jack Bell Arena Mezzanine. The report concerns
a proposal from the Niagara Falls Minor Hockey Association respecting the mezza-
nine area of the Jack Bell Arena. The Association would like to finish this area
at their expense and then lease the area back from the City. The report recom-
mends that City Council approve this proposal in principle, that the Minor Hockey
Association be authorized to proceed with the necessary design work and that
City Manager be authorized to prepare the necessary agreement or agreements for
consideration of Council at a subsequent meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Metfelt, that
the report be received and adopted and referred to the Recreation Commission for
'info~mation:purposes. Carried Unanimously.
No. 447 - City Manager - Re: Stamford Arena Ice Surface. The report deals with
proposed renovations at the Stamford Arena and recommends that the City Manager
be authorized to invite tenders from qualified companies, because of the special-
-'feed nature of the work.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen MacBain, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that the
report be received and adopted and that the matter be referred to the Recreation
Commission for information purposes. Carried Unanimously.
No. 448 - City Manager - Re: Heating System for Community Resources Centre.
The report advises Council regarding renovations to the heating system"at the
Community Resources Centre. Mr. Cec Amedio, a member of the Community Resources
Centre Management Committee and Don Snyder, Construction and Contract Control
Superintendent, who have been involved in the planning of this work ~ave con-
eluded that it is necessary to hire a consultant to provide the necessary
specifications for the Work Order. The report recommends that the firm of
-White, Mossop and Erling Limited be hired by the City to provide the consulting
Services, the cost of which would be included in the $15,000. [tgure which was
allocated in the Recreation Budget Capital Account for this purpose.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderumn Chessmen, seconded by Alderman MacBain,. that
the report be received and adopted Carried Unanimously.
No, 449 - City Manager - Re: Resolutions from other Municipalities. The report
lists a number of resolutions. received from various Ontario Municipalities,
dealin~ with matters of municipal concern and submits connents and a recommen-
dation regarding each resolution.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dills, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
'No. 450 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommnndS payment
of the municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fern, that the
~report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously..
No. 71 - CUI~rlNGS - FERA - RESOLVED that this Council.approves the expenditure
by Greater Niagara Transit Commission of the sum of $1,500.00, in addition to
the purchase price for the land described in By-taw No. 79-12, for a complete
release of all interest and claime of T. Edward Galloway in part of said land
-and withdrawal of his appnal to the Ontario Municipal Board from the decision
.ofthe Land Division Committee on Consent Application B-150/79.
Carried, with Alderman
MacBain abstaining on a
conflict of interest, and
all others voting in fayour.
- 12 -
ORDERED on the motion of Aldet~nan Cummings, seconded by Alderman Chessman,
that leave be granted to introduce the 'following by-laws, and the by-laws be
read a first time:
No. 79 - 115 ~ A By-law to amend By-law No. 73-159 as amended by By-law
No. 73-186, respecting the' fencing of privately' o~ned'
swimming pools.
No. 79 - 116 - A By-law to close a portion of Queen Street to vehicular traffic
No. 79 - 117 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial ~
' Park Extension (Lot 8).
No. 79 - 118 - A By-law to authorize the sale of. land in the Falls Industrial
Park Extension (LOt 13).
No. 79 - 119 - A By-law to authorize. the execution of an agreement'with Rag.
Quinn Limited.
· No. 79 - 120'- A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried~ with Alderman
Sbhisler voting contra~
on By-laws No. 79-117
79-118, and all others
'votin~'in favour.
-No, 79 -'115
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Fera, seconded by AldermnMerrett, that
the followin~ by-laws be now read a second and third time: '
- A By-law to amend By-law No. 73-159 as amended by Byalaw
No. 73-186, respectin~ the fencin~ of privately'owned
aw~mmit~ ppols.
No. 79 - 116
- A By-law to close a portion of Queen Street to vehicular traffic
No. 79 - 117'- A By-la~ toauthorize the sale of land in the'Falls Industrial
Park Extension (Lot 8). ~.
No.. 79 - 118 - A By-law to authorize the sale of'land inthe Falls'Industrial
Park Extension (Lot 13).
No. 79 - 119 - A By-lay to authorize the execution-of an agreement with Rag. Quinn Limited. '
No. 79 - 120- A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
parried, with Alderman
Schisler voting contra~
on By-laws No~ 79-117 a0
79-118, and all others
votinR in favour.
Alder~enMacBain brought to Council's attention a problem which has beancreat~~
by the owners of the fox~er Monroe farm at the corner of Thorold Stone Road an~'
the Queen Rlisabeth ~ay. They have installed a berm to cut down the noise, but
this has resulted in a tremendous problem with dust at this corner, which is ,
"a~fectin~ the nearby residents. Also, young people are riding their motorbikes~
over new roods which
have been roughly constructed in the area Aldermen Mac
requested that staff investigate the problem with the hope of ~indin~a solut
- 13 -
NEW BUSINESS continued ...
Alderman theeamen presented a large "75th Anniversary" sign for Council's
inspection and stated that there are a dozen or so of the signs which will
be erected in various strategic locations throughout the City, with one sign
to be placed on the outside of City Hall.
Alderman Chessmen reported that considerable interest has been shown by various
individuals, organizations, etc., in the City, who are desirous of helping the
"boat people". Several parishes in the City have made plans to sponsor families,
and other projects are underway to help these unfortunate people. Miss Crystal
Hutchinson of the City's Social Planning Council is acting as co-ordinator and
can be reached at 356-2482, if any further information is required.
Aldermen Cummings noted that Oakes Park was left in a very heavily littered~and
untidy condition followin~ the recent Interuationsl Celebration of Indian Tribes
from both sides of the border. The Alderman asked for a report on the costs of
cleaning up the park after being left in such a condition.
Aldermen Cummings stated that the N.S. & T. right of way behind his residence
is overgrownwith weeds and asked if arrangements could be mode to have this
property cleaned up.
Aldermen Cummings reported that the empty lot across from the Lotteridge Tire
property on Drummond Road is over8rownwlth weeds and asked that this condition
be corrected.
Mayor Thomson stated that his attention had been called to the fact that
boats were being operated on the Welland River at Chippaws at excessive rates
of speed. The speeding boats are a hazard to nearby swimmers. There is a
municipal by-law prohibittn~ excessive speeds by boats on the Welland River,
but apparently i~ is not bein~ enforced to the fulleat extent. The City
Solicitor is working on this problem at the present time. The mettot will
be thorouShly investigated and ajceport will be presented to Council at a
subsequent meeting.
Aldermen MacBain announced that a meeting of the Finance tomfates will be
held in Committee room ~l at City Hall on Wednesday, July 25th, 1979, at 4:00
It was moved by Aldermen Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
meeting adjourn.
Council Chambers
August 7, 1979
Council met on Tuesday, August 7, 1979 at 4:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen Chessman, Cummings, Orr, Schisler and Sobol. His Worship,
Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
The Projects & Services Engineer explained that at the Jack Bell Arena,
two compressors are used for ice surfaces at both the Jack Bell Arena and the
Stamford Arena. Because of repairs to be made to the ice surface at the
Stamford Arena, various programmes scheduled to begin shortly had been set
for the Jack Bell Arena. One week previously, the larger of the two compressors
used to cool the refrigerant for the ice surfaces broke down. The ice was
subsequently lost at the Jack Bell Arena and it was necessary to move the
summer skating school to the Niagara Falls Arena. Various other scheduled ,
programmes were also accommodated elsewhere. The Projects & Services .Engineer
advised that there were two courses of action open to have the Jack Bell Arena
back in operation as soon as possible. The first alternative would be to
repair the existing equipment, and several contractors with large enough equipment
to do this work, have been requested to inspect the compressors and provide
quotations. The other alternative would be replacement of the compressor, and
proposals have been invited from various refrigeration contractors. Any new
equipment ordered would be from a firm's existing stock since the ordering period
on this type of equipment is much too long. The Projects & Services Engineer
advised that quotations on both repair and replacement would be reviewed with
firms experienced in refrigeration, and a determination would be made on'which
alternative to follow. It was estimated that the cost of repairs would be
between $2,000 and $5,000, while the cost of replacement would be $15,000 to
$25,000. The Projects & Services Engineer provided additional information
in response to a number of questions raised by members of Council. It was
advised that a report reconmending the course of action to be taken would be
prepared for the next meeting of Council.
The City Manager referred to a report approved by City Council in July
which authorized the sale of Lots 51 and 52 in the Falls Industrial Park to
Dorcy Ashflash Canada Ltd. At that time, City Council authorized the City
Solicitor to prepare the appropriate legal documents to finalize the
transaction. When it was learned that a special meeting would be required
to deal with the compressor breakdown at the Stamford/Jack Bell Arenas, it
was felt that the necessary by-law to authorize the sale of the land could
be presented to Council in order to allow the firm to proceed quickly.
Alderman Puttick asked if it was reasonable to assume that there are
many industries in Toronto unaware that they can operate their businesses
much cheaper in Niagara Falls. The City Manager explained that not every
type of industry would find the same differential in taxes. Industries are
rated on a percentage use of the building, and different rates are applied
to different types of industries. In the case of Dorcy Ashflash Canada Ltd.,
the tax rate was more favourable in Niagara Falls. The City Manager further
explained that the main differential was the price of land, which was much
less expensive in Niagara Falls than in Toronto.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson also commented on the actual comparison in
assessment and taxes between Toronto and Niagara Falls, and suggested that
this type of comparison could be used by the Business & Industrial Growth
Agency in attracting industry to the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
leave be Branted to introduce the following by-law, and the by-law be read a
first time:
No. 79-121 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial
Park. (Lots 51 & 52 - Dorcy Ashflash Canada Ltd.)
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the following by-law be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-121 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial
Park. (Lots 51 & 52 - DorcyAshflash Canada Ltd.)
Alderman Puttick asked if there was any additional information available
on the documents that were removed from City Hall concerning Maple Leaf Villag
and how the City had become involved in the matter. His Worship, Mayor Thomse
stated that the only information he had was that the R.C.M.P. had come into
City Hall with a warrant and took various plans and documents dealing with
Maple Leaf Village.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
coLh 'eli':
Council Chambers
August 13, 1979
Council met on Monday~ August 13, 1979, for the purpose of considering
general business. All members of Council were present with the exception of
Aldermen Chessman and Merrett. His Worship, Mayor Wayne Thomson presided as
Chairman. Alderman Hinsperger offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
the minutes of the meeting held on July 23, 1979, be adopted as printed.
Carried Unanimously.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented Achievement Awards to the members of
the Niagara Falls City Employees SIc-Pitch Team who won the Ontario Municipal
Employees Sic-Pitch Championship in Etobicoke during July of 1979. Awards were
presented to Mr. V. Scaringi, Mr. D. Jones, Mr. V. Del Vecchio, Mr. K. ~brningstar,
Mr. F. Higgins, Mr. S. Horton, Mr. E. McDonald, Mr. M. Murray, Mr. W. Gates,
FAr. B. Wilsack, FAr. W. Hunter and Mr. S. Mirabelli. Mr. J. Morocco, Mr. F.
Meredith, Mr. S. Davis, Mr. B. Burger and Mr. J. Morocco who were unable to
attend the meeting, will also receive awards. Following the presentation,
FAr. V. Scaringi of the team challenged the Mayor and Council to a sic-pitch
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented Idr. Gordon Singleton with a medallion
in recognition of his achievements at the Pan-Am Games in Puerto Rico this year.
Mr. Singleton thanked the Mayor and Council for the medallion, and indicated that
he hoped to do even better for Niagara Falls in upcoming competitions.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented a retirement watch to Mr. William Gibson
who had commenced his employment in 1949, and had worked in the Sanitation Department
as a driver during most of his career with the City.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented Mr. Hector LaPierre with a 25-Year
Plaque in recognition of his service with the Niagara Falls Fire Department.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented a scroll to Captain Joe Ralph of the
Niagara Falls Fire Department in recognition of his successful efforts in rescuing
a City resident from a burning building. The Mayor comnnented that while a fire
fighter's work frequently involves him in hazardous situations, the actions of
Captain Ralph in entering a burning building and placing his own life in danger,
was considered above and beyond the call of duty.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that item
number twenty-two under reports be brought forward for consideration at this time.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 451 - Alderman A.A. MacBain - Re: Financial Assistance for National or
International Competition. The report of the Finance Cownittee recommends that
funds be mde payable as follows to assist with transportation costs involved in
national or international competition and not conflict with any regulations of
the Amateur Sports and Olympic Mandate:
$200, and Gordon Singleton - $500.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Fern, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Monika Draeger - $200, Laurie Hersom. ~
Humane Society, and indicated that his own personal feelings on the matter did
not reflect Mrs. Healey's ideas on regionalization. The Mayor suggested that
members of Council express their opinions on the proposal and indicate whether
or not they are in favour.
Communication No. 177 - Residents of Bell Crescent - The communication advise%
of problems experienced by residents of Bell Crescent in connection with the
Little Mississippi drainage system, and requests the installation of proper
and catchbasins to alleviate the problems.
Mr. K. Liddiard was granted permission to address Council on the motion ~
Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Sobol. Mr. Liddiard advised that resideutah:
approached the City a year ago through Alderman Dilts on the matter, and staffi,
of the Engineering Department had been sent to inspect the system. Following~
the inspection, a letter was sent to the residents which was not considered
be satisfactory by the residents. The problem was left to sit over the winter;
months, and in the spring, a second approach was made to the City. Mr. Liddia~
indicated that a second crew was sent out to inspect the system, and one of
solutions offered was to landscape the ditch with sod or grass in a manner ths~l
would still be used as a ditch, however the grass could be cut. Mr. Liddiard~
stated that this solution did not solve the problem, since after rain, the
will sit in the ditch and it is impossible to cut the grass. Mr. Liddiard
suggested that with the installation of proper culverts, the residents would
able to grade the land and have use of all their property. Because of the sl0~
of some of the lots, the residents have difficulty in properly landscaping thei~
properties. In some cases, the residents have lost twenty or thirty feet of
because of the drainage ditch. Mr. Liddiard suggested that if the City would
continue on the culverts that were installed on the first section of Bell Cresol
the residents could properly landscape their lots and have full use of their r~
yards. Mention was also made of four vacant lo.._ts on Bell Crescent filled with
rubble and weeds, and it was requested that these lots be cleared properly.
Mayor Thomson referred to a special committee established recently dealin
with drainage matters, and suggested that an on-site meeting be set up with
members of the. committee. The committee would then be able to review the matt
and prepare recommendations for the consideration of Council. Mr. Liddiard
indicated that this approach would be satisfactory to the residents.
It was moved by Alderman Dilts, seconde~ by Alderman Fera, that the marts
be referred to the special committee on drainage matters. Carried Unanimously
Mrs. M. Healey was granted permission to address City Council on the motii
of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Dilts. Mrs. Healey stated that she ha~-
received a letter from the City Clerk advising of complaints received on the
constant barking of her dogs. Mayor Thomson asked if the letter had anythingl~
do with regionalization of the M-m~ue Society, since this was the purpose giv~
in the request to address Council. Mrs. Healey indicated that she. coald deal
with regionalization of the Humane Society first. Mrs. Healey proposed that
Humane Society become a regional operation. The existing shelters within'the
Region could be retained as local depots until a central depot could be built
decided upon. M~mbers of Council from all of the area. municipalities could be
represented on a hoard, and hopefully problems could be resolved this way.
Mrs. Healey indicated it was her understanding a number of communities within
the Region were complaining about animal control, and a regional humane socie~!'
could be a solution to these problems. Alderman Sobol msked Hrs. Healey if
had approached Regional Council initially to determine the Regton's feelings
on a regional humane society. Mrs. Healey indicated that she had not spoken
y r o gional Counctl~ however she had spoken to a number of Humane
an membe 8 f Re
Societies within the Region that all seem to have problems at different times
with animal control. Mrs. Healey offered to get letters from the different
municipalities indicating their feelings on the proposal. Alderman Puttick
suggested that perhaps Mrs. Healey could prepare a brief containing the
of the various municipalities, and submit this to the Region. The Alderman
commented that this was not a matter that Council could support without
study and cost estimates.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson pointed :out that he did not want Mrs. ~ealey
Set the impression that City Council was in fayour of re6ionalization of the
Alderman Fern commented that he was not in favour of a regional humane
society, and commented that although the City has problems with animal control,
a regional humane society could present even more problems.
Alderman Schisler stated that he could not support a regional humane society.
The Alderman compared a regional humane society with the Regional Police, indicating
that there would not be enough employees to go around for proper patrols. The
service would be just as bad, if not worse, unless the Region pays top dollar for
the service.
Alderman Sobol felt the Council should not act upon the suggestion at all,
and suggested that Mrs. Healey go directly to the Region. The City could then
review the comments of the Region and act at that time. Mrs. Healey stated
there was no point in getting letters from anybody if the Council did not support
the proposal. Mayor Thomson stated it was Mrs. Healey's decision on whether
or not to obtain statements from other municipalities.
Mrs. Healey stated that she was back to square one with her problem, and
referred to a letter she had received from the City Clerk concerning a complaint
made about her dogs barking. Mrs. Healey explained that there are dogs running
loose in the area, and these dogs cause her dogs to bark. She further indicated
that she did not wish to end up with a court action, and asked how she could
resolve the problem. In response to a question raised by }~yor Thomson, Mrs.
Healey stated that nothing is done to curb the dogs running loose in the area
of Inglis Drive along Homewood Avenue to the F.H. Leslie Pool.
Mayor Thomson indicated that the only thing the City can do is to refer
the complaint about dogs running loose to the Humane Society and ask the Society
to investigate. The Mayor asked Mrs. Healey if she knew who owned the dogs.
Mrs. Healey indicated that she knew the owners of some of the dogs, however she
had tried to report this to the Humane Society and got no response, even after
calling Mr. Stewart the Manager at home.
Mrs. J. Jarrett of the Humane Society indicated that this was not the first
complaint Mrs. Healey has had with the Humane Society. Mrs. Jartort advised she
had canvassed the area during the weekend, and after speaking to twenty-seven
different persons, she had not found one person to confirm the complaint about
a pack of dogs running loose. The general complaint appeared to involve the
constant barking of Mrs. Healey's dogs.
Mrs. Healey asked who was complaining about her dogs barking. Mayor Thomson
stated that it would defeat the purpose of people telephoning on any complaint if
the City were to give out the names of complainants. Such a practice could
start neighbourhood feuds all over the City, and Mayor Thomson stated that if the
complaint were legitimate, the matter would be investigated and the complainant
would remain anonymous. Mrs. Healey stated that there were two people living
in her neighbourhood that let their dogs out loose at midnight when coming home
from work, and there were three dogs in the park after midnight every night.
Mayor Thomson stated that the Humane Society would be asked to investigate
the complaint of dogs running loose on a regular basis. Mrs. Jartort suggested
that it would be helpful if Mrs. Healey could supply the names and addresses of
the persons allowing their dogs to run loose.
Report No. 452 - City Manager - The report advises of a resolution submitted by
Alderman Dilts to the Finance Committee regarding future operation of the Humane
Society, and submits same to City Council for further consideration.
Report No. 453 - Alderman C. Cheesman- The report comments on the resolution
submitted by Alderman Dilts to the Finance Committee.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that there had been a meeting held earlier
with respresentatives of the Hnm~ne Society regarding the transfer of the Humane
Society to the uew building in the Palls Industrial Park. The Mayor indicated
that it became evident very early in the discussions, that the solicitor for
the H,,m~ue Society had not had an opportunity to study the resolution prior te
the meeting. After studying the resolution, the Society~s solicitor indicate~
that he was not in fayour of it, and requested an opportunity to study the
resolution further and submit a counter proposal which would be more acceptaM
to the Society. The Mayor further advised that the Society is of the opinion
they are in a legal position of not having to accept the terms of the resolutL
at present, and it was agreed that sufficient time would be provided for the
Society to review the matter, and the special committee would meet with
representatives of the Society once a counter proposal has been prepared.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded by
Alderman Cummings, that the matter be tabled until the solicitor for the Humam
Society has had an opportunity to prepare a counter proposal. Carried
His Worship, Mayor Thomson referred to a recent unfortunate incident when
a young boy was killed by dogs in the City. At that time, two dogs were
quarantined at the H,,m~ue Society by the Health Unit. It was subsequently
learned that these particular dogs were not involved in the attack on the youm
boy, and in fact had been quarantined an hour and a half before the incident
took place. The dogs were, however, held in the same manner as the other dogs
involved in the attack. The Mayor advised that the owners of the dogs have
been notified that they will be responsible for the cost of the quarantine of
the dogs, approximately $165, however the owners do not feel they are responsi~
nor do they have the money to pay the Society's bill. Since the quarantine
period will expire prior to the next meeting of Council, Mayor Thomson felt
the question should be resolved as to whether or not the owners should be char~
the $165 fee. The Mayor explained that the Public Health Act is quite specifi
that a municipality will be responsible where there is a quarantine of~a dog
ordered by the Health Department when there is h,,msn involvement. There was
no human involvement with the two dogs in que~t. ton, however as a safety factor
they were quarantined. The City Solicitor advised that where a person has bee
bitten by a dog and the dog is quarantined for suspected rabies, a municipalit:~
may have to pay the costs involved. Since the dogs quarantined were not invole
in the attack, the City Solicitor did not feel the City was responsible for
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, Mayor Thomson advie:~
that the $165 bill would be payable to the Humane Society.
Mr. Bob Green of the Humane Society was granted permission to address
Council on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Wallman. Mr. Gre~
advised that the dogs were impounded an hour and a half prior to the incident
involving the young boy. The dogs apparently had killed a puppy, and were
impounded for that reason. Mayor Thomson stated that dogs cannot be quaranti~zJ
because of an attack on another animal, there has to be h,~nn involvement.
Mayor suggested that the dogs were quarantined by mistake, and that the. owners
should not be charged for that mistake. In response to a question raised by
Alderman~C,~nmings, the Mayor advised that the dogs were quarantined by order
the Health Unit. Alderman Cu~waings did not feel the City should be responsibl
for the cost because of the mistake made by the Health Unit.
In response to a question raised by Alderman MacBain, Mayor Thomson stat~
that the dogs had been licenced.
Aldezman Schisler suggested that Council have a full report on the matter
before making a decision. Mayor Thomson stated that if Council waited for a
full report, the dogs would be at the Humane Society for another two weeks
resulting in an even higher bill. .;
In response to a question raised by Alderman Sobol, the City Solicitor
explained that authority for'the charge was quoted as regulation 703 of The
Public Health Act. This regulation states that where a person has been
by an animal and there is suspicion of rabies, the animal shall be confined
at the expense of the municipality. The information now indicated that no
person was bitten by the dogs in question, and therefore this regulation woul~
have no application to the Municipality being responsible for the charging of
keeping.the dogs at the Humane Society,
I~s. J. Jarrett of the V,,~ne Society advised that the dogs were
by the Health I hair, and that the 8ociety had no objection to the dogs being
returned to the owners. As far as the bill was concerned, Mrs. Jarrett
suggested that the $165 be split by the City and the Society as an alternative.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded
by Alderman Sobol, that the $165 quarantine fee be shared by the City and the
· Humane Society, and that the dogs be returned to the owners. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Dilts, Fera, Hinsperger, MacBain, Orr, Puttick, Sobol and
N~YE: Aldermen Cummings and Schisler.
Communication No. 178 - Greater Niagara General Hospital - The communication
suggests a meeting with the three members of Council serving on the Board of
Governors of the Hospital, Mayor Thomson and members of the Executive Committee
of the Hospital's Board of Governors, on the understanding that the purpose
of the meeting would be to answer any general questions concerning hospital
based treatment services as they may be affected by provincial constraints in
the foreseeable future.
Alderman Fern commented that the reason given by the Hospital for saying
they will meet with the City's representatives on the Board rather thah the
Council, was that operation of the hospital was under their Jurisdiction.
The Alderman mentioned several problems at the hospital that he had been made
aware of, and felt the situation was serious enough that the Board should meet
with the entire Council.
Alderman Puttick stated that he had originally requested the meeting with
the Board of Governors of the Hospital, and had prefaced his request with the
hope that Council could assist the Hospital in obtainiu~ financing to relieve
their problems. The Alderman advised that the problems at the hospital bad now
been brought to the attention of a group in Toronto and will be dealt with by
the Ontario Legislature. Alderman Puttick indicated that all tapes and documents
concerning complaints at the Hospital will be studied and considered in October,
and suggested that the Board he thanked for the invitation, and the letter be
received and filed.
Alderman Sobol stated that she had gotten the impression the Board was
diplomatically saying no to a meeting with the Council, and suggested that it
appeared from the letter that the Board had something to hide and did not want
Council to know about it. Alderman Sobol also commented that if the Board had
no intention of discussing specifics of the hospital operation, what exactly
could be discussed since the complaints involved the operation of the hospital.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson stated that the Council is responsible for the
City and although it has no direc~ responsibility for the operation of the Hospital,
the Council could be considered derelict in its responsibility by leaving the
problem to the Province. The Mayor stated that he did not want someone in
· Toronto asking his questions, and felt that if the Board would not meet with
the entire Council, the meeting should at least be held with the Cityzs
representatives on the Board.
Alderman Puttick commented that his intention was that Council could assist
the Hospital in obtaining additional funding to resolve existing problems. The
problems seemed to be of a monetary nature, and the Alderman indicated that there
was no one on the Board with sufficient influence to assist in obtaining the
type of financial aid the,~ospital required.
Alderman MacBain stated that the Board did not wish to discuss the
day-to-day operation of the hospital, and that Council did not have the expertise
to get into this type of discussion. It was tile Alderman's understanding from
the original discussion, that the problem was of a financial nature caused by
restraint at the Provincial level. The hospital is taking certain steps and one
was the study done by consultants on how to operate with less expenditures and
increase efficiency. AldermanMacBain suggested that Council had not gotten
its request across to the Hospital Board clearly enough. The intention had been
to determine if the Board was not getting the funding it required to maintain
the necessary level of service, and if not, to try and assist the Board in
obtaining sufficient funding. Alderman MacBain felt it was wrong to give the
impression that Council wanted to interfere in the operation of the hospital,
The Alderman felt Council should take advantage of the meeting offered, and
suggested that Alderman Putt~ck could take Alderman Chessman% place at the
meeting, since Alderman Chessman was out of town at the moment. Alderman
Puttick indicated that he would not attend the meeting, and felt the matter
should be left to the Province to handle. Mayor Thomson indicated that
Alderman Cheesman would be back prior to the meeting and would be able to att~j
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Puttick,
seconded by Alderman Sobol, that the communication be received and filed. Thi~
motion was Defeated with the following vote: ~
~YE: Aldermen Puttick and Sobol.
NAYE: Aldermen C.mm~ngs, Dilts, Fera, Hinsperger, MacBain, Orr, Schisler and
It was then moved by Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the iuvitation for the Council representatives and the Mayor to meet wit!;
the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors of the Greater Niagara
General Hospital, be accepted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cummings, Dilts, Hinsperger, MacBain, Orr, Schisler and Wall~
NAYE: Aldermen Fera, Puttick and Sobol.
Report No. 454 - City Manager - The report requests Council's direction on
whether staff should proceed with a zoning by-law amendment in view of the f~.~
the applicant is unable to obtain a deed or encroachment agreement.
Mr. A. Henderson, solicitor for the applicant, was granted permission to
address Council on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummingi~
Mr. Henderson stated that the rezoning application had been approved by the
Planning & Development Committee in November of 1978, and the matter was not
submitted to Council since there was an encroachment of Mr. Todd's building
the adjacent property to the south. Mr. Henderson advised that after all ef£ ·
his office had not been successful in obtaining a deed or non-encroachment
agreement, however the adjacent owner has at no time objected to Mr. Todd's
application, and the tenant has supported the application. The resorting wool~
permit certain specific uses which are not a~wed under the existing rural
zoning. The only uses requested are for the storage of vehicles and servici~{
grease and oil only of vehicles in the building in addition to the towing
business. Mr. Henderson stated that those persons who refer to the applicati~{
as permission. to operate a wrecking business, did not understand the !
distinction between a wrecking yard and a storage area. The type of storage
business arises only out of towing of vehicles on the property and temporary
storage of the vehicles until claimed by the original owner or the insurance
company directs that they be disposed of at a wrecking yard. At that time,
the vehicles would be removed from Mr. Toddle property. Mr. Henderson did no~
feel the proposed use would greatly affect the surrounding neighbourn~ use of
their lands. Of the three immediate properties, Mr. Campbell who owns the h~
to the south is not, objecting and his tenant supports the application, there ',
is the Allen property to the north which is vacant, and the Coules property
which is one more to the north. Mr. Henderson did not feel the proposed use v~
affect the Coules or Alien properties, especially when there will be ~ proper
fence constructed around the area where any cars will be stored. The cars
would not be visible from Willoughby Drive or Weaver Road at present, and onctI'
the fence was constructed, they would be hidden at all times. The former CNR
right-of-way is densely bordered by bush and the Todd property would not be
visible to properties on the east, even though a fence will be constructed.
Mr. Henderson explained that Mr. Todd was heavily dependent upon the business,
to support his family. The fact that business has increased also points to
the fact that residents in Chippaws are also dependen~ on this service, in
addition to the Regional Police and the Ontario Provincial Police.
With resp
to development of residential properties in the area, Mr. Henderson fe~et
would be developed through row development rather than subdivisions.
right-of-way would not lend itself to a plan of subdivision, and even if it
could be developed, lonB range planning for the Chippaws area indicates that ~
subdivision development of these lands would .take place for ten years.
Mr. Henderson felt that Council had to weigh the livelihood of Hr. Todd and b~
family and the use of the business to the residents of Chippawa against those
persons truly affected if the uses are permitted. Mr, Henderson felt only
persons were directly affected, and one of the two persons supports the appli
Mr. Todd's property and therefore the slight encroachment of the building wool
then be inconformity with the by-law. Secondly, if Council could allow Mr. T~
a reasonable period of time, six to eight weeks, he would knock down the sout~
portion of the wall encroaching and build a new wall along the boundary line.
In this way, the building would be entirely on Mr. Todd's lands.
Mr. B. Todd was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Cummings. Mr. Todd stressed that the
application was not for a wrecking yard, and he would not operate a wrecking
yard in the future. Mr. Todd stated that he needed the business to support
his family and carry on his livelihood.
Mr. B. Willett, the adjacent resident, was granted permission to address
Council on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Cummings.
Mr. Willett advised that he has lived next door to Mr. Todd for a year and
has never heard any noise that has disturbed him. The property is kept very
neat and Mr. Willerr stated that he has never seen wrecks in the yard.
During the past several weeks, Mr. Willett advised that he was in ~r. Todd's
garage and saw that his torches were stored behind other things and were not
being used at all. With respect to the proposed fence, Mr. Willett felt that
a nine ft. fence would give the impression that a wrecking yard was being
operated and could be considered an eyesore.
Mr. C. Beresh, solicitor for area residents, was granted permission to ~
address Council on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Ferao
Mr. Beresh stated that in 1974, City Hall received over twenty-one complaints
from locaI residents about storage and servicing of vehicles on the Todd
property contrary to the zoning by-law. No action has ever been taken to
enforce the by-law and prohibit the operation going on. Mr. Beresh indicated
that at one time legal action was contemplated, however because of a misunder-
standing by some residents, the action did uot take place. Since the
Planning & Development Committee~s review of the application, Mr. Todd had
experienced difficulty in proceeding with the application. Mr. Beresh
stated that one issue was the cost and expense of reloc~ting the business
to another area. Since processing of the application, Mr. Beresh indicated
that Mr. Todd had spent money for surveying and legal expenses, and even
further legal expenses would be involved if the application is dealt with
by the Ontario Municipal Board. There would be the additional expense of
erecting a new fence and knocking down the south wall of the existing building.
Mr. Beresh etated that his concern was for the residents in the area, who
wish to protect the investment they have made in their homes. Mr. and Mrs.
Coules have lived in the area for a number of years, and are now contemplating
moving because of what is developing and will continue to develop. Mrs. Allen
had planned to build a home on the vacant lot adjacent to Mr. Todd, however
if the application is approved, there is no possible way she will build there.
Mr. Beresh distributed pictures taken from the backyards of the homes on Weaver
Road. One of the pictures showed a pick-up truck being stripped of parts in
Mr. Todd's yard last October. It was pointed out that Regional Planning staff
have recommended against the application, the Ministry of the Environment has
advised against passing of the application because it could lead to the creation
of a derelict motor vehicle site, and the application does not conform with the
,City's Official Plan. Mr. Beresh felt if the application were approved, there
was a strong possibility it could turn into a wrecking yard. Mr. Beresh
stated that Council must make e decision on whether such a operation should be
allowed to exist between established residences. It was advised that the
area residents were not attempting to put Mr. Todd out of business, they simply
objected to the storage of vehicles on the land. Mr. Beresh suggested that
Mr. Todd relocate to an area with an industrial designation that would be more
acceptable, such as an existing lot used for storage of cars elsewhere in
Mr. F. Maraldo was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fore. Mr. Maraldo stated that Mr. Todd
was presently operating a service station, and he could see no reason why
some type of arrangement for storage of vehicles could be worked out there rather
than rezoning of the land. Mr. Maraldo felt there must be some way to accommodate
the business without affecting a number of people.
Mr. J. Coules was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Dilts. Mr. Coules asked what protection
he would have if the land is rezoned and Mr. Todd sells the business to someone
else. Mr. Coules stated that he had bought his home on Willoughby Drive and
hoped to retire there, however if the adjacent property were rezoned, he felt
he could not retire and live there in peace. Mr. Coules indicated that he
felt the area was a good place to live, but if the rezoning were permitted, his
property would devaluate by $10,000,
.. il
Mr. D. Mackenzie was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Cumanings, seconded by Alderman Wallman. Mr. Mackenzie stated tha~
this application could be considered the tip of the iceberg, since Willoughby
will be the next area of the City to be developed. Applications for rezoning
will be before Council for the next fifteen, twenty or fifty years until the
City is fully developed. Mr. Mackenzie felt that even if an application for~
wrecking yard were approved, there were several within a mile or two being
operated as economical and viable enterprises. In previous applications of
spot rezonings, Mr. Mackenzie stated that in almost all cases, Council had
dealt with them on the basis of self-sufficiency, and should follow that
precedent in this case. Mr. Mackenzie suggested that in the future, the
residents objecting to this and future applications would be the first people
to sell out at a profit when high-price developers come in to the area. With
respect to the complaint that properties would devaluate, Mr. Mackenzie statei
that historically this is not the case, and in fact, the fact the Todd proper:i~
was being improved would make the other properties worth more. Mr. Mackenzie
felt there would be objectors every time there was a rezoning in this area.
With respect to derelict vehicles, Mr. Mackenzie stated that there are numeral!
farms with derelict equipment that could be considered as much an eyesore.
Alderman Wallman disagreed that only a few people would be affected by
the rezoning, if approved. The Alderman felt everyone in Willoughby with run
property would be affected because there are many more lots open for this typ~J
of development. The Todd property had been violating the zoning by-law for
years, and Alderman Wallman did not feel Council should rezone the property b~
it is easier to rezone than it is to enforce the by-law. With respect to the
encroachment, Alderman Wallman expressed concern that there could be a
ft. encroachment in Willoughby, and asked if a building permit had been issueit
and if the building had been inspected.
Alderman Schisler referred to the suggestion that Mr. Todd construct a m4
wall that would conform to the lot line, and felt that because of what this c]
do to the building, Mr. Todd might as well look for another location.
the b a c h h
fact that Mr. Todd relies on the business to support his family.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Fare, the City Solicitor
explained that the Planning Department proposed to include in the by-law
amendment, the uses which would be storage of cars, greasing and oiling of
vehicles and operation of the towing business. Only those added uses plus
uses permitted under the existing zoning would be permitted. Alderman Fera
stated that his main concern was that Mr. Todd had been operating illegally
for a number of years, and in effect, had made a fool of Council and the Plan~
and Development Committee. The Alderman did not, however, feel that Council
should deny him the right to make a living,
In response to a question raised by Mayor Thomson, the City Solicitor
stated that a by-law could be prepared covering the lands that Mr. Todd owns.!'
Alderman Rinsperger indicated that the building could be moved the proper
distance from the lot line, and the by-law would fezone the Todd property
rather than the encroachment.
Alderman Puttick asked if a building permit was issued for the encrnachJ
building, and if the building was inspected during construction. Mr. Hender~
advised that a building permit was obtained. His Worship, Mayor Thomson furl
indicated that the inspectors would only inspect the building, not check lot
lines, however it would be to the advantage of the owner to ensure his build]
was within his lot line. Alderman Puttick did not feel that Mr. Todd's mak]
a living should not enter into Council's discussion, since he had operated t|
business knowing it was violating the zoning by-law. The Alderman felt this
type of business should be considered the same as any industry, and operated
a primarily industrial area. Alderman Puttick felt the area should be
considered residential and pointed out that a great deal of money had been
spent to provide schools, services, etc. in the hope that people would deve~c
in that area.
Following further discussion, it was moved by tlderman Hlnsperger, secon
by Alderman Fera, that the application be approved, subject to proper setback]
of the encroaching building. The motion was .Defeated with the following vote'
AYE~ Aldermen Dilts, Fete, Hinsperger, Orr and Schisler.
'.NAYHI Aldermen C~m~eings, MacBain, Puttick, Sobol, Wallman and Mayor Thomson.
Report No. 455 - City Manager - The report provides information relating to
the ratio of employees to population for all municipalities in the Region.
Alderman Dilts commented that the report was excellent and provided a
great deal of detail, however he was still concerned with the number of persons
employed by the City compared to other municipalities. The Alderman agreed that
Niagara Falls was providing services not provided by other municipalities,
however he suggested that possibly Niagara Falls was supplying services that
were not required in times of restraint. As an example, Alderman Dilts stated
that for vehicle maintenance, Niagara Falls employs thirteen persons, while
St. Catharines employes eight. Alderman Dilts suggested that the Finance
Committee review the various areas of service with a view to making reductions,
and possibly end up with a savings.
Alderman Puttick suggested that the matter be referred to the 1980 budget
discussions. The Alderman further connnented that the only area that can be cut
is staff, since all City services are provided by employees. This would result
in people being laid off, and Alderman Puttick was not in favour of massive
lay-offs. The Alderman stated that the budget had been cut to Council's
specifications this year, and that any changes should be considered during the
next budget discussions. Unless there was a significant increase in assessment,
the only way to reduce expenditures is to lay off staff.
Alderman Dilts agreed that laying off people does not solve anything, since
the taxpayer eventually pays the unemployment benefits these employees will
receive. The Alderman suggested that Council review upcoming retirements, and
possibly not replace certain positions where an employee has retired. As a
further example, Alderman Dflts stated that the City's equipment section has
twenty employees, and yet no other municipality has employees under that heading.
Alderman Puttick commented that one would have to compare this cost to what
other municipalities are paying outside garages to do this work.
Alderman Sobol stated that if Council were to agree or disagree to lay off
staff on the basis of the report, six months would have to be spent going around
to the other municipalities in looking at the services they provide compared to
what the others have. The Director of Municipal Works agreed that it is not
sufficient to compare staff numbers, and that one must consider what those
employees are doing in individual departments compared to what services are
provided by other municipalities. As an example, it was advised that another
municipality may employee one person for every 3/4 of a mile, while Niagara
Falls employees one for every 1.21 miles. The Director of Municipal Works also
explained that Niagara Falls performs work that other municipalities do not,
and employees and equipment are required for such operations.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded
by Alderman Hinsperger, that the report be received and filed, and referred to
the 1980 budget discussions. The motion Carried with Alderman Dilts voting
contrary, and all others voting in fayour.
Report No. 456 - City Manager - The report recommends that Council, pursuant to
Section 636 (1) of The Municipal Act, strike off the tax roll the balance of the
outstanding taxes for the years 1974 to 19~7 under Roll Nos. 1-7-169 and 1-6-29,
and that the Treasurer be directed to strike these outstanding taxes off the roll.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, the City Manager
advised that the amounts to be written off will be split by the Region, the
School Board and the City, with the City's share amounting to $40,500,
His Worship, Mayor Thomson stated that it was unfortunate that the City had
to accept this loss, and it would be difficult for the average taxpayer to
understand this.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 457 - Planning & Development Committee - The report recommends that
Council approve the application of Fruitbelt Trucking Inc. to the ~|iagara Escarpment
Commission, subject to a development agreement with the City.
- 10 -
- 11 -
The Director of Municipal Works provided additional information on
servicing, in response to a question raised by Alderman Sobol.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Patrick
voting contrary, and all others voting in favour.
NOTE: Alderman Hinsperger was absent when the vote was taken on
this matter.
It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that the
second item under ~'Reports" be moved forward for consideration at this time.
Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 458 - Planning Director - Re: AM-12/77, Former Augurusa Subdivision,
West Side of Portage Road, North of Harvey Street. The report recommends
passage of the zoning amendment by-law concerning the subject subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Aldermen Dilts and Hinsperger were absent when the vote was
taken on this item.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
By-law No. 79-124 be moved forward for consideration at this time. Carried
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-law, and the by-law be read
a first time:
No. 79-124 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township
Stamford, now in the City of Niagar_~aFalls, as amended. (AM-12/77,
Former Augurusa Subdivision)
Carried Unanimousl!
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that the
following by-la~ be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-124 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-12/77,
Former Augurusa Subdivision) ~
Carried Unanimous~
It was then moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded byAlderman Hinsperger, thai
the third item under "Reports" be moved forward for consideration at this time.
Carried Unanimously. I
Report No. 459 - City Manager - Re: Conmittee of Adjustment Application A-45/7!
William Sauder, 3230 Portage Road. The report requests the direction of Counc~
on whether or not an appeal should be made against the decision of the Conunitte
of Adjustment iu approving the subject minor variance.
Mr. W. Sauder was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman lIinsperger. Mr. Sauder stated that he
trying to create a lot in order to build a single family residence for one of
his sons. Mr. Sauder did not understand how the new 'lot could be considered
landlocked when he owned both pieces of property. In response to a question
raised by Alderman MacBain, Mr. Sauder stated that the only adverse cormeats
made to his application were from an adjoining neighbout who was concerned
the driveway changing to the fourplex.
The Senior Planner stated that the City was not objecting to a variance
which would allow a lot with lesser frontage than normal, but the fact the
variance would result in the frontage of the fourplex being reduced to that
of a single family lot. In effect, the fourplex then exceeds the 0fficial Pl~
density standards. In response to a question raised by Mayor Thomson, the
Senior Planner stated that if Mr. Sauder retained ownership of the other lot,
the new lot would not be considered landlocked, however it was hie understana~
they were owned by other family members. Mr. Sauder indicated that he owned
both lots in question. The Senior Planner stated that the severance that would
create the new lot, which would be inaccessible to be developed on its own, was
the concern of staff.
In response to a further question by Alderman MacBain, Mr. Sauder indicated
that the fourplex was owned by his sons.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by
Alderman Hinsperger, that the decision of the Committee of Adjustment on the
subject application not be appealed. Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that the
tenth item added under "Communications" be brought forward for consideration at
this time. Carried Unanimously.
Communication No. 179 - Mr. D. Piasecki and Others - Re: Noise Problem - Houdini
Museum on Clifton Hill. The communication requests that the City take action to
enforce the provisions of the Anti-Noise By-law (#7535, 1967) against the noise
emanating from the Houdini Museum on Clifton Hill.
Mr. D. Piasecki was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Wallman. Mr. Piasecki advised ~hat the
signatures on the petition were taken directly from the location where the noise
occurs, and it was not necessary for him to solicit names. In fact, Mr. Piaseckl
stated that if he had further time, he would have been able to obtain thousands
of signatures on the petition complaining about the noise. In referring to the
noise problem, Mr. Piasecki stated that the noise was a considerable nuisance,
and was in fact driving people away from the area. In response to a question
raised by Alderman Fera, Mr. Piasecki stated that this is the second year this
noise problem has existed, and although he had not verified it, he had heard
there had been a complaint last year.
Following further con~nent, it was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by
Alderman Fera, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a
report. Carried Unanimously.
Communication No. 180 - Woodington Systems Inc. - The communication requests
approval of the construction of a closed tank system to replace the open ponds
now in use for separation of a water soluble oil mixture received from local
Hie Worship, ~yor Thomson thanked Aldermen Dilts, MacBain and Wallman for
visiting the site at Walker Bros. Quarries and discussing the proposal with
Ministry of the Environment officials.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
Municipality not object to the proposal of Woodington Systems Inc. to construct
a closed tank system to replace the system now in use. Carried Unanimously.
No. 181 - Bell Canada - Re: Provision of Additional Services in Clifton Hill/
Falls Avenue Area. The communication requests permission of the City to carry
out certain work to provide additional servicing along Falls Avenue and Clifton
Hill during the tourist season.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
request be approved, subject to notification and approval of the Regional
Municipality of Niagara. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Hinsperger declared a conflict of interest and
abstained from voting on this matter.
No. 182 - Chamber of Commerce - Re: Proposed Regional Headquarters. The
communication expresses the continued support of the Chamber of Commerce for the
Niagara Falls site fo= the proposed Regional Headquarters.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that the
communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 183 - Niagara Falls Review - Re: Proposed Historical Anniversary Edition.
The communication requests that the City participate in the Review's Historic~
Anniversary Edition.
The City Clerk advised that the cost of a full page advertisement was
$530, a half page advertisement $264 and a quarter page advertisement $132.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman C-mmings, that the
City participate in the edition with a quarter page advertisement. The motion
was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cummings and Puttick.
NAYE: Aldermen Dilts, Fera, Hinsperger, MacBain, Orr, Schisler, Sobol and
It was then moved by Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Orr, thatl~
City participate in the edition with a half page advertisement. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Dilts, Fera, Hinsperger, MacBain, Orr, Schisler, Sobol and
NAYE: Aldermen Cummings and Puttick.
No. 184 - Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board - Re: Mount Cam
School Site. The communication requests the deletion of the approximate
southern five acres of the site from the public notice of sale, that the valuat~
of the land remain confidential until after August 24, 1979, and that a definfi
reply from the City on the purchase of the land be provided by August 30, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Minsperger, that
the communication be referred to staff in order that the requests may be
considered in conjunction with a report to be presented at the next Council
meeting. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Fera declared a conflict of interest and abstained
from voting on this item.
No. 185 - Township of West Carleton - Re: Reques"[ for Financial Assistance.
The communication requests financial assistance as a result of severe d~m~ge
sustained by residents due to the rising waters of the Ottawa River.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, th~ a
the communication be received and filed. The motion Carried with the followi~ ,
AYE: Aldermen Cu.nings, Dilts, Hinsperger, MacBain, Orr, Puttick and SchishI ~
NAY__E: Aldermen Fete, Sobol and Wallman.
No. 186 - Mr. F.E. Benson - Re: Kitchener Street School Pupils Reunion. The
communication requests a contribution from the City to offset the expense of
making the reunion a part of the City's 75th anniversary celebration.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
communication be referred to the City's 75th Anniversary Conmittee. Carried
No. 187 - Mr. V. Hamone - Re: Widening of Grey Avenue. The communicatio~
requests that Council consider widening Grey Avenue to properly facilitate
two-way traffic.
The Director of Municipal Works suggested that the residents submit a'
sufficiently signed petition requesting the Municipality to do this work under
the Local Improvement Program. Although Mr. Hamone has indicated that the
residents on the west side were willing to relinquish a' portion of their propel
to facilitate the widening, the Director of Municipal Works advised that a
substantial part of these properties would be required, and it would be necess~
for the residents to deed this property to the Municipality.
Alderman 8obol suggested that one possible solution would be to make the
street one way, which would be a much less costly solution. The Director of
Municipal Works agreed that this alternative could be practical since there are
other north/south streets in the area.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded by
Alderman Wallman, that a letter be directed to Mr. Hamone suggesting that the
residents submit an appropriate petition under the Local Improvement Act, and
asking if the residents would consider dedicating the necessary lands required
to widen the road to the Municipality, and further that the residents consider
the possibility of establishing Grey Avenue as a one way street. Carried
- 13 -
No. 188 - Mr. R. Jeanneret - Re: Use of Air Horns at Arenas. The communication
requests that Council pass a by-law outlawing air horns from closed buildings
such as the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
communication be referred to staff for a report commenting on the possibility of
imposing and enforcing regulations to prohibit the use of air horns in those
arenas owned by the Municipality. Carried Unanimously.
No. 189 - Niagara Resort & Tourist Association - Re: Directional Signing on
Highway #401. The communication requests the assistance of Council along with
Mr. V. Kerrio to obtain directional signing to Niagara Falls on Highway #401.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
Council endorse the request of the N.R.T.A. and authorize the Mayor to meet with
the Minister of Transportation & Communications along with Mr. V. Kerrio and
representatives of the N.R.T.A. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Sobol declared a conflict of interest and abstained
from voting on this matter.
No. 460 - City Manager - Re: Annual Report of the City Manager.
provides information on the 1978 civic operations of the City.
The report
Alderman Sobol suggested that the report comment on problem areas for the
City in future years, such as vandlaism, social problems, etc. in order to
provide a complete picture of the City's operations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MaCBain, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 461 - City Manager - Re: Closing of Winnifred Street and Sale to Beryl Porthast.
The report recommends passage of a by-law to authorize an agreement for the sale
of Winnifred Street to Mr. & Mrs. Porthast and with Mr. & ~s. Brown releasing
any interest they may have in any part of the roadway.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-laws 79-122 and
No. 462 - City ~nager - Re: Reserve and Reserve Funds. The report provides a
listing of all reserves and reserve funds held by the City.
ORDERED on the motion of .alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 463 - City Manager - Re: 1978 Financial Statements. The report provides
information on the 1978 financial statements for the City, along with the unqualified
report of the municipal auditor, Crawford, Smith & Swallow.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cvmm~ngs, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 464 - City Manager - Re: Six Month Statement of Revenue and Expenditure.
The report provides information on the six month statement of revenue and
expenditure for tax supported services, water supply system and the parking
operation for the period ended June 30, 1979.
His Worship, thyor Thomson provided additional information in response to
a question raised by Alderman Puttick.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman C,,mmtngs, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 465 - City bhnager - Re: Closing of Portions of Queen street, ontario Avenue,
Crysler Avenue and Buckley Avenue to Vehicular Traffic on August 25th. The
report recommends passage of a by-law to provide for the temporary closings of
the subject streets in order to permit the holding of a "Fall Fest" by the
Downtown Board of Management.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman gchisler, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-125
No. 466 - City l. hnager - Re: 49th Annual Conference of the Ontario Plumbing
Inspectors Association. The report recommends the attendance of the Senior
Plumbing Inspector at the subject conference to be held in Niagara Falls from
September 16 - 19, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
- 14 -
report be received and adopted, and further that the Senior Plumbing Inspecto!
be commended for his efforts in having the Annual Conference held in Niagara
Falls. Carried Unanimously.
No. 467 - Mayor Wayne Thomson - Re: Warning System for Toxic Spills. The
report requests authority of Council for theMayor to contact representatives
of Niagara Falls, New York in order to establish a reciprocal warning system
in the event of toxic spills.
ORDERED on the motion ofAlderman Fera, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 468 - City Manager - Re: Site Plan Approval, Minor Variance Application A-
Your Host Motor Inn Limited. The report recommends approval of the subject
plan as submitted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Aldermau Fera, that t~
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 469 - City Manager - Re: Sidewalk Construction - Seventy-Day Adventist Ch~
on Belmont Avenue. The report recommends that the money deposited in 1965 by
the Seventh-Day Adventlet Church for sidewalks in the amount of $238.70 be
rebated, subject to a satisfactory release by the Church.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 470 - City Manager - Re: Contract R.C. 9-79, Finished Road Construction in
Mount Forest Subdivision and Service Lateral Construction in Mount Forest Marb
and Sunnyside Subdivision. The report recommends acceptance of the unit pric.
submitted by D.L. Stephens Contracting Niagara Limited for the subject contraD
and passage of a by-law to authorize an agreement with Sunnylea Construction
providing for that firm to indemnify and save the City harmless in the event
their proposed subdivision is either not registered or changed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fern, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution N0,
See By-law No. 79~
and 79-128
No. 471 - City Manager - Re: Contract R.C. 10-79, Finished Road Construction
Solar Subdivision. The report recommends acceptance of the unit prices submtt~
by D.L. Stephens Contracting Niagara Limited for the subject contract.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
~ See Resolution N0.~
See By-law No.
It was moved by Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that the
meeting continue on past ll:00 P.M. as provided in the Procedural By-law.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 472 - City Manager - Re: 1979 Roads and Transportation Association of
Canada Annual Conference. The report recommends the attendance of one member
of the Municipal Works Section and one member of Council at the subject
conference to be held in Regina, Saskatchewan, from September 17 - 21, 1979.
Alderman NatBath indicated that he would be participating in a panel
discussion at the conference and had not intended that' the City would be
responsible for the cost. Mayor Thomson stated that the report was recommendi
the attendance of a member of Council and staff~ and he felt it only fair that
Alderman MacBalu's expenses in attending the conference be paid by the City.
The Mayor also pointed out that six members of Regional Council were attending
the same conference.
Alderman Puttick felt that since the area municipalities participate in
co-operative tenders, he could see no reason why engineering knowledge gained
at a conference could not be shared as well. The Alderman felt that only
Alderman MacBain should be permitted to attend, and that those persons from
the Region attending the conference share the technical knowledge gained with
the area municipalities.
- 15 -
and that was why he had recommended that one member of staff be permitted to
attend the conference.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded by
Alderman Wallman, that the report be received and adopted and that Alderman
MacBain be authorized to attend the subject conference. The report Carried
with Alderman Puttick voting contrary, Alderman MacBain abstaining, and all
others voting in favour.
No. 473 - Finance Committee - Re: Walnut Street Fire Hall. The report
recommends approval of a request to lease the former Walnut Street Fire Hall
for $1.00 per year to the Niagara Falls Music Theatre Society subject to the
following conditions: 1) That a new lease be prepared providing that the
Niagara Falls Music Theatre Society will undertake to invest $1,000 per year
in capital improvements to the building; 2) That all improvements to be
undertaken by the Society be approved by the City; and 3) That a new lease
be for a maximum term of five years.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 474 - City Manager - Re: Advertising - Niagara Shopping News. The report
recommends that the Municipality continue its policy of placing certain
advertising in the Niagara Shopping News and further that the Municipality
enter into a volume agreement with the Niagara Falls Review for 50,000 agate
lines per year. The report further recommended that a subsequent report be
prepared at the end of the contract year outlining the savings which arise as
a result of the contract arrangement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 475 - Finance Committee - Re: Tile Drainage. The report recommends that
the City pass a by-law in the prescribed form authorizing 'the Municipality,to
borrow up to $100,000 for the purposes of making loans available under the
Tile Drainage Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Wallman
abstaining on a conflict of interest, and all others voting in favour.
See By-law No. 79-129
No. 476 - City Manager - Re: Rental of Regional Property. The report recommends
that the City notify the Region that it has no objection to property bounded by
Allen Avenue, Robinson Street, Stanley Avenue and Murray Street being leased on
a short term basis.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman MacBain
abstaining on a conflict of interes~ and all others voting in fayour.
No. 477 - City Manager - Re: Lot 2, Falls Industrial Park. The report recommends
=approval of a request for an extension to reserve Lot 2 in the Falls Industrial
Park Extension by Mr. Ken Willjams to November 16, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 478 - City Manager - Re: Sale of Lot 30, Falls Industrial Park. The report
recommends passage of a by-law to permit the transfer of the title of Lot 30 in
the Falls Industrial Park from International Macaroni Limited to Mr. David W.
Jacobs in trust, subject to Mr. Jacobs agreeing to accept all of the City's
requirements as set out in the original deed and to complete before the 31st day
of August, 1980, certain items required by .the original conveyance which to date
remain unfinished.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-130
No. 479 - City Manager - Re: Encroachment - 4668 St. Clair Avenue. The report
recommends that the application of C.J.R.N. 710 Inc. to permit the continuation
of an encroachment of a building on St. Clair Avenue and Queen Street, and
passage of a by-law respecting the subject encroachment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Macgain, seconded by Alderman Dllts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-!31
No. 480 - City Manager - Rex Parking at the Library. The report recommends that
In response to a question raised by Mayor Thomson, the City'Manager edvis
that this was a major conference covering ell aspects of roads and transpo~~
- 16 -
the Region be requested to amend their parking by-law to allow six more
vehicles to park on Victoria Avenue adjacent to the library and that the
City's by-law be amended to allow for two more parking spaces on Morrison
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 481 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Bender Hill. The report recommends
preparation of a by-law to prohibit parking at all times from both sides of
Bender Hill from Ontario Avenue westerly and from the southerly side to allow
25' of clearance on both driveways to the Empress Motel.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 482 - City Manager - Re: Stamford Arena Ice Surface. The report recommend!
that the firm of W. Benson and Son Limited be retained as the contractor for
replacement of the existing brine piping and related works at the Stamford Are
at a cost of $70,423.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, t~
the report be received and adopted.- Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution N0,~
No. 483 - City Manager - Re: Repair to Stamford - Jack Bell Compressor. The
report recommends that the City Manager be authorized to take the necessary
steps to have the compressor at the Stamford-Jack Bell Arenas repaired by the
firms of Denmax Industrial Maintenance and Installations at a cost of $2,200,
Con Rod Specialty ate Cost-of $750 and Clark Engineering at a cost of $1,500,
The Projects & Services Engineer advised that both the alternatives of
repair and replacing the equipment were discussed at length. The most
inexpensive alternative was repair of the equipment at a cost of $4,450 and
replacement would cost approximately $15,000. Replacement of the equipment
would involve removal of the existing concrete base, pouring of a new reinforc~
concrete base to hold the new compressor, and r~val of the existing compress~,
The Projects & Services Engineer indicated that the new types of compressors
are a high speed type of equipment with four or six cylinders which are very
small. The initial cost on the small high speed equipment is quite a bit lower
than the previous equipment purchased, however the life of the equipment is
considerably less than the type of equipment in place at the present time.
The life of the existing is approximately twenty-nine years, while the new
equipment has a life of seven and a half years before the City would have to
spend money on annual maintenance. The Projects & Services Engineer stated
that he had spoken to various firms around the~Province, and it was the opinie:
of experienced contractors that repair of the equipment was the most advantage~
step to take. It was felt that the repairs would be good for three years, tha~
it would be easier to find $4,450 in the budget than $15,000, and the repairs
would ensure compatibility with other existing equipment. In reply to a
question raised by Alderman C-mm~ngs, the Projects & Services Engineer stated
that the existing equipment was fully torn down in the spring of each year.
The breakdown was suspected to have been caused by a sludge block in the.oil
lines, and part of the repair was ensuring the oil lines are open. The Projec~
and Services Engineer assured Council that the breakdown was not caused by lad
of maintenance.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson stated that he had spoken to some of the Arena
personnel, and they had not been initially convinced that repairs were the
correct action to be taken. 'The Projects & Services Engineer advised that
certain Arena personnel had been concerned originally, however after obtaini.~
further engineering opinions from experts in this field, these employees had
favoured the repairs. '
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Pattick, seconded by
Alderman Sobel, that the report be received and adopted. "Carried UnanimousIx.
See Resolution
'No. 484 - City Clerk - Re| Consent Items.
1) HMC Travel Limited - Re~ Permission for Fireworks Display.
Recon~endation - That permission be 8ranted subject to similar approvals
obtained from the Fire Department and Regional Police.
2) Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority - Rez Authority and Council Tour,
September 8, 1979.
Recommendation - That as many members of Council as possible attend the
3) Dorchester Manor Auxiliary - Rez Family Day Picnic.
Recommendation - That as many members of Council as possible ~ttend the
- 17 -
4) City of St. Catharines - Re: 150th Anniversary of the First Welland Canal
Recommendation - That as many members of Council as possible participate in
the festivities planned.
5) Niagara Falls Hornets Hockey Club - Re: End of Summer Festival and Annual
Recommendation - It is recommended that permission be granted to serve beer
and alcoholic beverages at the above events, subject to similar approvals
being received from the Fire Department, Regional Police, Health Unit and
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 485 - City Manager - Re: Building Permits. The report provides a breakdown
of the permits processed by the Building & Development Department during the
month of July, 1979, as compared to 1978.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 486 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the ~
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
abstaining on a conflict of interest on Cheques #52 and #188, and all others
voting in favour.
No. 487 - City Manager - Re: Falls Industrial Park Extension. The report
recommends the sale of Lot 1, Plan M-67 to Niagara Fasteners Inc. at a price
of $29,140, and passage of a by-law to authorize the transaction.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.,
See By-law No.179-132A
No. 72 - SCHISLER - FERA - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by D.L. Stephens
Contracting Niagara Limited for the construction of roads in the Mount Forest
Subdivision and service lateral construction in Mount Forest Mark III Subdivision
and the Sunnyside Subdivision, be accepted at the tendered price of $382,796.47;
A~ND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73 - FERA - WALLM~ - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by D.L. Stephens
Contracting Niagara Limited for the construction of finished roads in the Solar
Subdivision, be accepted at the tendered price of $182,426.50; AND the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 74'- MACBAIN - HINSPERGER - RESOLVED that the quotation submitted by W.
Benson & Son Limited for the replacement of existing brine piping and related works
at the Stamford Arena, be accepted at the quoted price of $70,423.00; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 75 - PUTTICK - SOBeL - RESOLVED that the quotations submitted by Demax
Industrial Maintenance & Installations in the amount of $2,200, by Con Rod
Specialty in the amount of $750 and by Clark Engineering in the amount of
$1,500 for repairs to the Stamford/Jack Bell compressor, be accepted; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 76 - FERA - SOBeL - RESOLVED that pursuant to subsection 4 of section 86 of
The Registry Act R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 409 as amended, the Minister of Housing be
requested to consent to an order being made amending the plan of subdivision
registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of
Welland, now Niagara South on the 30th day of March, 1949 as Plan No. 89 for
the former Township of Stamford by permanently closing Winnifred Street as
shown on the said plan; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
parried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that leave
- 1S -
be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read a
first time:
No. 79-122 - A By-law to authorize an application for the closing of Winnifre.
Street on Registered Plan No. 89 for the former Township of Staq
No. 79-123 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Heribert Porthast and
Porthast and Michael David Brown and Patricia Louise Brown resp~
the sale of Winnifred Street.
No. 79-124 - SEE PAGE 10
No. 79-125 - A By-law to close portions of Queen Street, Ontario Avenue, Cry[
Avenue and Buckley Avenue to vehicular traffic on a temporary b~.
No. 79-126 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with D.L. St~
Contracting Niagara Limited for the construction of roads and
ground services.
No. 79-127 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with D.L.
Contracting Niagara Limited for the construction of roads.
No. 79-128 - A By-law to authorize art agreement with Sunnylea Construction
No. 79-129 - A By-law to raise $100,000.00 to aid in the construction of dra~4{
works under The Tile Drainage Act, 1971. (TWO READINGS ONLY)
No. 79-130 - A By-law respecting Lot No. 30 in the Falls Industrial Park. (Ti~
to David W. Jacobs in Trust)
No. 79-131 - A By-law to allow the maintaining and using of a building which
encroaches on Queen Street and St. Clair Avenue.
No. 79-132 - A By-law to provide monies for gen_~Eeral purposes.
No. 79-132A- A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial
Extension. (Lot 1 to Niagara Fasteners Inc.)
Carried with Alden
Puttick abstainin~
7', ' 9
' I all others voting
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dtlts, that the
following by-law be now read a second time:
No. 79-129 - A By-law to raise $100,000.00 to aid in the construction of drai~
. works under The Tile Drainage Act, 1971.
Carried Unanimousl
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Binsperger, that
following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-122 - A By-law to authorize an application for the closing of Winnifred
Street on Registered Plan No. 89 for the former Township of Stam~
No. 79-123 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Heribert Porthast and
Porthast and Michael David Brown and Patricia Louise Brown respec
the sale of Winnifred Street.
~o. 79-124 - SEE PAGE TEN
No. 79-125 - A By-law to close portions of Queen Street, Ontario Avenue, Crysl
Avenue and Buckley Avenue to vehicular traffic on a temporary b3s
No. 79-126 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with D.L. Ste]
Contracting Niagara Limited for the construction of roads and
underground services.
No. 79-127 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with D.L.
Contracting Niagara Limited for the construction of roads.
- 19 -
No. 79-128 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Sunnylea Construction
No. 79-130 - A By-law respecting Lot No. 30 in the Falls Industrial Park. (Transfer
to David W. Jacobs in Trust)
No. 79-131 - A By-law to allow the maintaining and using of a building which
encroaches on Queen Street and St. Clair Avenue.
No. 79-132 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
No. 79-132A -A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial Park
Extension. (Lot 1 to Niagara Fasteners Inc.)
Carried with Alderman
Puttick abstaining on
Cheques #52 and #188
of By-law 79-132, and
all others voting in
Alderman Dilts advised members of Council of a golf tournament to be
arranged this year and continuing on an annual basis. The Alderman asked
that those members of Council interested in participating in the tournament
speak to him prior to the next meeting of Council, so that arrangements
can be made to purchase a suitable trophy that would be kept in the City's
trophy case on a permanent basis.
Alderman Sobol referred to a complaint she had received concerning a tree
in front of the Crystal Restaurant on River Road that was on City property and
in an unsafe condition. The Alderman requested the Director of Municipal Works
to check into the matter, with a view to having the tree cut down.
It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
,fGi. cou, sos;
Committee Room ~1
August 27, 1979.
Council mat on Monday, August 27, 1979 at 6:00 p.m. in Committee of the
Whole. All members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman
Chessman. Alderman Cunnfn~s presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole arose without reporting.
Council Chambers
August 27, 1979.
Council met on Monday, August 27, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering ~eneral business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Chessman. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as
Chairman. Alderman Dilts offered the openin~ prayer. ~
Mr. Paul Taylor, representing Gike Incorporated, was granted permission
to address Council on the marion of Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman
Sobol. Mr. Taylor posted a sketch of the area and pointed out the location
of the property in question, and indicated that the basic request to Council
is that permission be granted to the developer to build on six particular lots,
based on the fact that the City has been provided with an Irrevocable Letter
of Credit to cover the sanitary lateral and water lateral servicing for the
six lots. Mr. Taylor reviewed the background on this application and noted
that although a similar exemption was rejected approximately one year ago,
in his opinion the situation had changed and that in terms of the actual
increase in drainage involved it is extremely negligible. The Director of
Municipal Works was asked for an opinion on this matter and siaaed that with
'regard to the servicin8 aspect, a contract for the servicing of this par-
ticular area has recently been signed and it is an opportune time for the
servicing of the six lots to be completed. Mr. Rodman referred to the appli-
cation made last year and indicated that he had stated at that time that there
might be further requests from other developers. Mr. Rodman also pointed out
that he felt it would only be fair to have Mr. Grandoni have some say in the
matter, however Mr. Grandoni was not in attendance at this meetin~ to speak for
himself. Mr. Rodman stated that he was not in a position to make a firm re-
commendation on this matter and reminded Council that at the time of the Ascot
Woods Extension discussions and the proposal by Damas & Smith, he had not been
in a position to make a recommendation. Mr. Taylor reiterated that basically
he was requestin~ permission to draw up a subdivision agreement with the City
to register the six lots on title so that buildin~ permits could be issued
god the developer could proceed with the construction of the dwellinSs. Alderman
Sobol inquired about implementation of Shriner's Creek proposals and how this
would affect Hr. Taylor's elient's plans. Hr. Lustig, Deputy City Solicitor,
replied that the first steps in expropriation proceedings have been taken and
that the parties involved have an opportunity to take part in discussions and
express their opposition, ff necessary. It was pointed out that the Regional
Municipality o~ Niagara and the Ninistry o~ Housing would have to be petitioned
to have the necessary, ehax~es made to provisions in the aSreement, before the
City could proceed, ...,,,.2
-2 -
A brief discussion followed on the merits of dealing with this application
in two stages as the the developers' plans caR1 for six dwellings in the first
'(rpresent stage, to be followed by the erection of townhouses to the rear of t~
six lots, at some future date.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
Council approve the request r~cetved from the Solicitor for Gike Incorporated
that the Minister's condition of draft plan approval for the Sunnyside subdivisi
mendations outlined in Alternative No. 8 of the Shriner's Creek Study,
staff he instructed to prepare conditions acceptable to the City and the sub-
divider relative to staging-of the development of the subdivision. The motion
~arried with ~he followtn~ vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cummings, Dilts, Fern, Ninsperger, MacBain, Merrett, Orr, Puttff
,NAYE: Aldermen Schisler, Sobol, Wallman.
- -Report No. 490 -
Manager provides further information with respect to an application by Mr.
Romagnano for a bufldin~ permit on property located on the south-west corner
of Morningstar Road and Willoughby Drive. Alderman Schisler inquired as to
- whether this property is a separate lot or if Mr. Romagnano is attempting to
obtain a severance. He was assured that this is a separate lot. Alderman
Sobol requested information as to the legal description of a "public street".
-ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report, being an information report, be received and filed. The motion
~arried, with Alderman MacBain declarin~ a conflict of interest and abstaining
from the vote, and all others voting in favour.
Report-No. 491
AM-11/79, G. & A. Romeo"Construction Ltd., River Road between John and
Philip Streets -~Proposed Motel Complex
At the Council meeting held on June 25, 1979, Council granted approval to
'the above noted zoning amendment application, which necessitated the pre-
'paration of an Official Plan amendment and an amending by-law, which have
On the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Merrett, Mr. 3. L, ! no~ been placed on tonight's aganda for Council's consideration.
Micoletti, Solicitor for Mr. Romagnaup,was granted permission to address CouncL i ORDERED on the marion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the re oft be received and filed and the matter dealt with under B laws
unanimously ~ - Y- ·
See B
t e v s s s c ' Conmmnication No. IS0 - I See By-law No. ~
· required by Mr. Romeguano. Me advised Council that the access is scheduled to '~ ' ' " ' ' y-laW No..29 - 138
ibe closed by the Department of Highways on September let 1979 and Mr. Romagn~ MayorThomson advised that he4~ad been-informed that a second petition is coming
ihas indicated that he is prepared to co-operate in anywayand.'to share the cos ..... -.
involved in constructing the driveway. Because of the impending closing by t 'in which is contrary to the petition being considered at this meeting, and suggested
the'Department of Mightaye, Mr. RomegUano is anxious to determine what nssista~ that this matter be referred to staff and e meeting arranged with the residents
if any, Council can grant. Mr. Nicoletti expressed the opinion that 'further ~ who have signed both ~etitions, so that a decision.can be reached as to what
discussions should be held with the City and the Department of HighWays to -action must be taken with -respect to the widening of Grey Street. Alderman -
ascertain what is the best method of dealing with this situation. Mayor Tho~
Puttick inquired as. to what could be done regarding the garbage problem at '
noted that several extensions in time have been granted so that Mr; Romeguano ! - .Niagara Farms Market and was assured that this problem is being taken c~re of.
could provide proper access to the property, but there is some reluctance on
the part of the Municipality,'inasmuch as a total"of approximately $60,000 wouI
be required to provide access to one single piece of property. His Worship
suggested that the Department of Highways be asked to grant another extension
and. an attempt be made to find a solution before the winter weather commences.
It appears that when he 'was granted a permit'~o build his house, he signed a
statement that ]~e recognized the fact that he did not have yearnround access
to the property and that he might be faced with certain problems. Alderman
Fera inquired as to what would happen in the event that there was a fire on
the property in question. The Deputy Solicitor~ repl{ed that the Fire Depart-
ment could not be held liable if they could not reach the house.
~ ORDERED on th~ metion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Aldermen Fera,' that the
'Ministry of TranSportation and Cowaunications be petitionad to extend the
· closing d~ta fo~ this partiCaiar roadway and tha~ staff be asked to meet with
Nr, Romegnano and his So%icitor to discuss the matter further and attempt to
~ reach a final solution, The ~otion Carried with the following votei
laermen cu ings, nnte, era., Hinspar et, wau n, Merrett, Orr, Schi I.
· NAYE: Alderman Puttick
'^' Aldermen MacBain declared a conflict of interest and refrained from vOti~
LIMITED - Submittir~ account dated August 9th, 1979 from Messrs. Weir
& Foulds-for legal services to that date in acting ~for.the City with respect
Samray Limited - amount $11,416.46.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Fern, that
ment of the account be approved by Council, -' ~" ' Carried unanimously,
Re ~rt No, 489 - ' . ..
'by Council at its meeting of July 23, 1979, the 'forms1 Order of the Ontario
Board has now been received and it will now be in order for the 'Counnil to
by-law on to-niSht's agenda which authorizes the execution of the franchise
~,~rin the form approved by the Ontario Energy Board,
ORDERED on the metion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
report be received and filed hnd the relevant by-law be given three
Carried unanimously,
See By-law No, 79 - 1~8..
DRDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Dilts,' that the
petition be received and filed and the suggestion of Mayor Thomson be implemented
by staff, Carried unanimously.
.~ommunication No. 191 -
· ORDERED on-the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that inasmuch
as the-complaints re delays originated with the Transit Commission, the letter
..should be referred to the Transit Commission for their comments, Carried unanimously,
Communication No. 192 - .. '
The letter provides information from the Miniatrywith respect to an inquiry
sent on behalf of the Municipality by the Deputy City Clerkwith respect to concern
expressed by Members of Council over the lack of labour to pick fruit on local farms
whi-le, at the came time, the area is.faced with high unemployment, .~he Ministry
gives assurance that a fundamental review of the Unemployment Insurance Act is being
planned, which, it is anticipated, will improve Unemployment Insurance legislation,
ORDERED on the motion o~ Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fera,'that the .
- latter be received and filed. Carried unanimeusly. · .....
"Communication No. i93 - ,.
-~The Environmental Protection Ant. '
The letter ackn~ledges-this Municipalit~'s,'endorsation of :Bill 24 - AnAct to
amend, The Bnvironn~htal Protection Act.
ORDERED on the marion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
~ .letter be received and filed. Carried uusnimeusly. ~'.:.,
o ...... .
No;-- 19~ United Steelworkers .of America, Locals 4151 and 5953 - re: CloSing of
Cotfield Road. The City Clark reported that a meeting is scheduled for September
10th, 1979, to discuss fully the closing and relocation of Corfield Road, and sug-
gested that the matter be considered at that time.
ORDERED. on ~he. motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Hinspargar, that the
communication be received and referred to staff for consideration at the meeting
scheduled for September 10th, 19~9. Carried unanimously.
No. 19~ Residents of Property on Lalamant Road - ~roposed walkway through to
Pheasant l~na. The co"~"unication is si~nnd by several residents of Lalemant Roadwho
object to the construction of a public walkray through to Pheasant Lane. , - 5 -
~. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Marrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
matter be referred to staff for a complete report, following discussions with ! REPORTS
[i the Fire Chief and the Planniu~ Department respectin~ the costs of maintaining
r such walkways. Carried unanimously. No.492 -Planaing & Development Committee - Re: AM-10/79 and Official Plan
Amendment No. 105, Canadian Hungarian Sport and Cultural Centre, South-west
corner Bigger Road and Montrose Road. The report recommends that Council
No. 196 Mrs. Jane Christensen and Mr. Donald Christensen - re: Bush clean-up approve the rezoning and further, that Council certify by resolution that
on adJoinin~ lot to 4402 Lyons Creek Road and information re: sewer installati0n ' the application will conform to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara
schedule. Falls Plannin~ Area after an amendment has been approved by the Minister of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Aldermen Oumm~n~s, that the~ Housing. Council also considered a letter received from The Kossuth Sick Bene-
! communications be referred to staff for a report on both matters. Carried unani fit Society, Branch 2, of Niagara Falls, a Hungarian Group, in which they advise
they were not associated with the applicant for the rezoning application and
also indicated they were not opposed to the proposed development.
No.-197 City of London - Resolution re: lqelfare Into Action Project. The ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
communication solicits the support of this Municipality by endorsatton of a pilot report be received and adopted and that the letter from The Kossuth Sick Benefit
project which the City of London is proposing to sponsor. Alderman Puttick notd Society, Branch 2s Niagara Falls, be received and filed. Carried unanimously.
that, in his opinion~ the comments of the Personnel Offlce=rSheuld be !obtained '
.before. Council lends its support to this project.
:O~DERED on the metion Of Alderman HacBain, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the See By-law No. 79~133
resolution of the City of London be endorsed by this Municipality. The motion and By-law No. 79-134
: Carried, with Alderman Puttick opposed and all others votin~ in favour. See Resolution No. 78
No.493 - Planning Director - Re: AM-12/79 Gike Inc., proposed Sunnyside Sub-
division. The report recommends that Council approve of the application subject to
?' No.. "198 St. Catharines Cam~ineers - re: Request for ~Special Occasion Development Control and that Council certify, by resolution, that the appiication
Peruair' in connection with their annual Grape Festival Camp-out at Niagara Mead~ conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planntn~ Area, as
Campground on the weekend of September 28, 29 and 30th. ' amended and approved by the Minister of Housing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Herrerr, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummin~s, seconded by Alderman Fete, that the
' ,t~equested 'sanctiOn be 'granted. ' '' ' ...... 13artled unanimeusly. ~eport be received and adopted. ' Carried unanimously.
"NO.' 199 Nta~ra Gemff-CeUadian Club - 're: Request for "SpeCial Occasion See By-law No. 79-135
Permit" in ~OTmectton ~ith 'tlfeir OktoberfeSt "festivities to be held on Saturday, . ~
Octo'oer 6, 1979, at the Clubss premises on Garner 'Road. , See Resolution No. 79
'OPa)~REI) on the m~tio~ 0fAlclerman Merrett, leconded by Aldez~mn Dilts, that the
' "reques[ed sanctioh be granted.- -~ ~ ~ . , ~ Carried unanimously. No. 494 - City Manager - Re: AM-26/78, M. Atello, Pt. Lot 15, R.P. 62, south-
~'] ~"~ west corner of Montrose Road and Mulhern Street. The report advises Council
that Mr. Atello has indicated that he now wishes to proceed with this appli-
No. ~00 Y.W.C.A. - Re: Bequest for "Special Occasion Permit" and closing ' cation and that the amondin~ By-law is on tonight~s agenda for Counctl~s con-
" "of part of Culp Street, in connection with a Street dance they are planning for . sideration. On the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummin~s,
.... Erida3~, "September 14th, 1979, 'gilbert ~)f th~ ~ity~s 75th Anniversary Celehhati0~ ,:~ .- Mr. I~. McLeod was granted permission to address Council. Mr. McLeod stated
, ' ~ "'I)RDERED on 'the motioff of Alderman'Sobol, SeConded' b~ Alderman Schisl~r, ~hat the ~ that he had taken steps to determine if certain residents of the neighbourhood
rgquested eanctioh be ~ranted. ~ ' ..... ~ -' ~ ' Carried unenimousl%~. ; ' were in aCresmant wftli his objections to the rezonfng, and had found that many
: , . · '-' ' , were of the same opinion and felt that there was no need for another store at
this particular location. On the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alder-
· No.-~01 ,.z'h "Jake Frosee, M.P. ReJ Con~ratuletions on ~he Occasion'of' the City~s man Marterr, Mr. ~loe Lumker, another nei~hboring resident, was given permission
'75th' Anniversery. "' ~ '" ~o address Council. Me stated that he had Just bought a small store close to
-, ~ ORDERED on the motion of Aldersen Merrett, seconded bT Alderman Fe~, that the
· . the Aiello property~ unaware at the time of purchase that another store was
~ eom~unication be reoeived and -filed. ? ' - ~ ' .~ "Cerried unanimously~ plenned for the area. He indicated that he fs bar&ly making a living from
~ '- e ........... ~ "' , ~ ' ' "'": ..... his business at the present time and certainly could not compete with the
' proposed store. it was moved by Alderman Cummin~e, seconded by Alderman
.... No. 2~2 Ross Barr {onstruction L~d. -te: re~uest in-amend By-law 78-200 'Cuamin~s, that Mr. Richard Maraldo be granted permission to address Council.
to permit construction Df ~part~aent buildin~ ~n- MoLeod Road. ' A report'-of the ' , "Mr. Maraldo stated that he lives across from the proposed store, has three
City Manager appears on tonight's egende which clarifies Mr. Bsrr's request end i small children, and is concerned for the'iT safety as. e result of the increased
· ,-,, ,,,,,,,,o,,, ,,.,...,,,..,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,. ,.. ,,,,,o .,,,., ,,,, ,. ,,, ,....,.,
. :o o T;=n Matter, '..cned., % Ald: to __. hon.e on. qui.t street and i..trongly o,po.ed to the prope.ed
..... · ' * · q ,.', Ject to the ~nnditions ~ tlin zoning. · -
gran · '-
report Cerried unant/ously. "ORDRRED on the motion of Alderman Hera, seconded by Alderman Marfete, thee the
~'~ ....... ' ' ........ ' ' ' ...... report be received and filed and thee the amending by-law be given three readings.
No. 21)3 John Vandsteluye - te: placing ~ signs at the' corner of"Palmar The motion Carried with the ~ollawin8 vote:
Avenue and Victoria Avenue for the direct purpose of di~erting tourist traffic ~ ~ ' AYE: Alder~n Fete, Hinsperger, MacBain, Metfete, Orr, Puttick, 8chisler, Wallman.
~rom a portion of Victoria Avenue is objected to by Mr. Vandersluys, who conten~' '. ~NA"~: Aldexmmen Dilts, Cummings, Sobol. ' '
that the proper ray would be to show 'Palmar Avenue as an alternate route. / ~ ·
ORDERED ON THE IiDTXON o~ Alderman Metfete, e~conded by Aldex~nan C,mminga, that .' See By-law No. 79-136
' ~he matter ,be'.'refer=ed t~ Staff for r report~ - ,-, c ~'Ca~rted ~unanimously. I: No. 495 - City Manager - Re: Sale of Used Equipmont. The report advises
',- ~.-'~ ~, ' ,~ r-- - -- ~' ' ~ ...... ! ~ ....... ' < ' ...... " "~' ' ~'~ :'~ ' ~ Council of an invitation received from the Regional Municipality of Niagara for
· ~ ' !"' =' '=' ": "·' "~" '^ .... ' ' ~ ~ " "' I the City to participate at ~heir equipment auction sale, scheduled for Saturday,
'~ ......... ' ~:' ~ ~ ^ "'~ ........ ~"~^ ' 'September 29th, 1979 at the Regional Roadway Patrol Yard, Sann Road, Beamsville9
· "'. .~,:...~.5 ' 'and recommends that the invitation be accepted.
- ~-: - ' - ~--.~ -.,: -.. ~I ~ 'ORDEHED on the motion of Alderman gchisler, Seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
"'.Y.' ~ .' ' · !-~-~"" "' = - ' " ~' ~' ..... '' "~"'~ ."' ~eport be received and adopted. " ' Carried unanimously.
-7 -
No. 496 - City Manager - Re: Copoperative Tender, Anti-freeze and Related
Products. The report recommends the acceptance of tenders for the supply bf
anti-freeze and related products', from the following suppliers:
Ontario Auto Supply Anti-freeze in 45 gel.drum.
..... Ontario AUto Supply i Anti-freeze in i gel. can
. ' ' ' ' Fallsway Automotive - Windshield Washer Concentrate
Fallsway Automotive - Gas Line, 6 0z.
Castle Products - Quick Start
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman Marterr, that the
report be received and adopted. ' " Carried unanimously.
See Resolution No. 80
No. 497 - City Manager - Re: Exemption of Lots 23, 24 and 25 in Plan M-61
from Part lot Contrbl. The report reco.r~nds that Council pass the by-law
on tonightis agenda exemptfn~ Lots 23, 24 and 25 in Plan M-61 from Part lot
Control, and that any costs arisin~ from the registration of the by-law,
followin~ its approval by the Regional Municipality of Niagara be paid by
· the applicant.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Fare, that the
~eport. be received an~adopted .... Carried unanimously
See By-law No. 79-150
No. '498 - City Manager - Re: l]xemption of certain Lots in Plan 260 from part
lot control. The report recom.~nds that Council give three readings to the by-
law appearin8 on the agenda for tonightts meetin8 exemptin~ certain lots ~n
Re~istered Plan 260 from part lot control, and further~ that any costs arisi~
from the re~istrat~ of the b~l~ fo11~i~ its approval by the ReS~oul
Mun~cipality of Niagara be assund by the applicants.
O~E~D on the ~tion of Alde~n Sobol~ seceded by Aldemn Fare, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried u~nimouslv.
" ' - ' ~ -See B~-l~No. 79~151
No.~499 CitY~uRer- Re: Closl~of 8orf~eld Road. The report provides
Council with ~rther info~t.ion re~ard~'the required d~scussions-w~th
Jetant property ~ers which _ns ori~iul~y~sc~dul~ for Au~ust' 27~ 1979.
Unfortuutely,' the'f~rst advertise~nt ~n by-the n~er announc~ the
~et~n~ was incorrect and ~tns necessar~ to ~n a seco~-~vertise~nt..As
a res~lt~ any objectors w~11 be hurd by Cacti1 at ~he ~eti~ ~o. be held.
on SapteneT 10th~ 1979. One of the condit~ons o~ the closi~ of Corf~ld Rd.
~ Will be the pr~is~on of an alte~te roadway be~een Porta~e Road and Stanley
.. Ayehue. This re.way will have to cross-the Conr~l spu~ l'ine a~-this ~ns
~t thS~ilway TranspDrt Co~ittee of t~ Caudian Transport Com~si~Lll
Mve to appr~e this n~public crossi~. ~e re~rt rec~uds t~t. an appli-
cation to the~ilway Tzansport Coattee be autho~ed to p~v~ ~r a n~
C~ssin8 on the ~p~r~..roa~y ~d for the closi~of. the cro~i~ at Car-
field Road.
'O~E~D on theftion of Alde~n H~perg~, se~nd~ by'Alde~n 0~, tha~
~ repo~ be .re~ved ~nd ~o~ed ..... Carried u~uimously.
No. ~.- city~er ' Re: Imposition of Spe~d ~its on the Welland River.
.~e re~r~ outlines procedures required co i~lemnt restrictions on' the speed
~'f boats Usi~ the Wella~ River a~ reco~udatChe foll~i~ action
ramdial steps= (a) An i~itation be ~tended to all interested persons to,submi~T]
their counts reSardh
using that section of the Welland River lyingwithin the'City of Niagara Falls.
~ All submissions to be received not la~er than September l~th. (b) That'a copy
of this ~eport and invitation to submit their con~ents he mailed to those or-
S~nteations having an obvious interest in this matter, i.e. Greater Niagara
Boating Club.and the ~eSional Police. (c) That a specialCommittee of Council
· eo~posed of the Mayor and two members evaluate the replies received and prepare
· Wpecific rec~ndations.in. order to enable Council to preparean appropriate
resolution for submission to the Miniart7 of. Natural Resources. Aldermen Metrace
.end D~lts were appointed to act with Mayor Thomson on the special committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermsn Merrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
~eport 'be 'received and adopted, ' Carried unanimously.
No. 501 - City Manager - Re: Safety Renovations - Paterson Workshop,
former Chippaws Town Hall - As requested by Niagara Falls Fire Department.
The report advises Council of a meeting held recently at the Paterson Workshop
to discuss several concerns which the Fire Department had expressed regarding
' the safety of this building. The meeting was stranded by Mr. John MacDonald,
Deputy Recreation Director, Mr. R. Stokes of the Niagara Falls Fire Department,
Mr. Don Snyder of the City Engineering Department and Mrs. Lennox, a volunteer
with the Paterson Workshop. Several of the items which were discussed had been
included in the 1979 Budget and this work has now been completed. There were,
however, additional items as outlined in the report, which were not budgeted
for this year and in order to place this building in a safe condition an ad-
ditional amount of $600.00 will be required. The report recommends that
Council grant approval to proceed with this additional work with the under-
standin~that the budget, as approved, may be exceeded by approximately $600.00.
During the brief discussion which took place, Aldermen Merrett raised a question
as to why the necessary renovations have not been done before. The City Manager
replied that because of the increasin~numbers of persons using the Workshop,the
Fire Department had expressed concern and requested that the chan~es be made
so that the building will conform to the latest regulations of the Fire Marshal.
-ORDERED on the marion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimeusly_= '-
No. 502 - City Manager - Re: The use of air horns at Arenas. The report
outlines the problems encountered at the local arenas during thehhockey season
by spectators blowin8 air horns. This practice has increased during the past
few years to the point where they now have reached an injurious level. The
· report reco~nds that the by-law appearing on tonightis agenda, intended to
limit the use of high pressure objectionable air horns or sirens, at City
arenas, be given three readings.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermenMacBain, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried unanimously..
See By-law No. 79~14__6.
No. S03 - City Manager - Re: Encroachment - 6588 Ash Street. The report
deals with a request from the legal firm of Bredcrick, McLeod, Clifford, Marinelit,
& Amedio for ~he passin~ of a by-law to permit the continuation of an encroach-
-mont of a buildin~ on the Ash Street road allows and recommends that the
application be approved..i:m The required by-law/~T~ealt with at the next
regular meetin~ of City Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Dtlts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried unanimously
NO..~04.- City Manager - Re: Major Junior *~" Hockey Club Agreement. The
report recommends that Council approve new provisions outlined in the report
relating to an agreement with Rag QuinnLimited, owner of the Niagara Falls Flyera
Hockey Club. 'Alderman Dilts expressed the opinion that this matter should have
been referred to the Finance Committee some time ago for clarification, and to
provide more time for members of Council to study the new provisions. Mayor
Thomson stated that the Flyers will coran~nce their new season early in September
and Courtcilia decision should not be delayed Coo long, Alderman Sobol expressed
her agreement with Alderman Dilts and asked for an explanation of the changes as
they compare with the provisions of last yearns agreement. Ttje City Treasurer
explained the chan~es one by one as. they are outlined in the report, giving an account
of what the actual changes will mean in terms of revenues received, etc. Alderman
CmmminCs raised a question concerning concession rights and was assured that the
-.ICitYts procedures. in this respect are comparable to those in other franchises.
Alderman Wallman expressed concernwith respect to the advertising program and
the City Treasurer referred to the report and indicated tha~ Item 3 should read
~'ae City will contribute up to an advertising expense of $8,000.00." It was
also pointed out that the present contract is still in effect and there is
notbinS to prevent the Flyere from taking to the ice. Alderman Puttick observed
~hat there appears to be no glaring loss in revenue to the Municipality ahd
~uSgested that Council approve the report without delay.
. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that the
~eport be received and adop.ted and the authorizing by-law be given the necessary
three readings. ..... Carried unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-147
No. 505 - Recreation Commission - Re: Gus Munro Park. The report submits
to Council a proposed plan for Cue Munro Park between Westwood and Rideau Street!
and requests Council's approval of the plan, including the relocation of the
toboggan hill, as the official plan for the development of the Cus Munro Park.
ORDEPaD on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fare, that the
report be received and adopted and further, that congratulations be sent to the
students and Staff of Westlane Secondarywho.were involved in preparing this
plan for the park. Carried unanimously.
No. 506 - CityManager - Re: Stop Sign on Jepson at St. Clatr Avenue. The
report reco,-~nds that the necessary by-law, which appears on tonight~s ageuda,
be passed to allow the removal of the stop s/gn on Jepson at its intersection
with St. ClairAvenue.
· ORDERED on the motiou of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried unanimously.
See By-law No. 79 - 141
No. 507 - City ManaRer - Re: Repair of Sewer Laterals. The report provides
information to Council with respect to the repair of sewer laterals within the
road allowances and outlines certain recomm-ndations regarding possible modifi-
cations to the Operations Budget, because of the uncertainty of the said works.
The report specifically asks that Staff be authorized to exceed the current
"1979 Budget of $13,700.00 for repairs on sewer laterals within road allowances
and furthers that Staff be authorized to postpone some budget sewer work as needs
in order to recover said excess cost and thus stay within the total sewer budget,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderm-n Schisler, seconded by Alderman Dills, that the
report be received and adopted, with the proviso that if the amount is going to
be substantially over the budgeted amount, Council most be so notified.
Carried unanimously.
No. 508 - City MansRer - Re: Transfer of Licenee Agreement - Pall St. Road
· Allowance: The report advises that Mr. Gerald W..3~Intosh has requested trans~l
of the licenee agreement he holds with the City for the Pall Street road-allowant
to Mr. Fred Taylor, and recommends that Council approve of the transfer and that
Mr. Taylor be required to execute the usual licenee agreement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Fare, that~the
report be received. and adopted. The motion Carried, with Alderman err declari~
a conflict of interest and abstaining from the vote, and all others voting in
-9 -
No. 512 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: Proposed Official Plan
Amendments 107 and 110. The report submits proposed Official Plan Amendments 107
and 110 for Council's consideration and approval. By-laws to adopt these amend-
ments have been prepared and appear on tonight's agenda.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted and that the relevant by-laws be given the
necessary three readings. Carried unanimously
See By-law No. 79-137
and By-law No. 79-139
No. 513 - City Manager - Re: Timing of Deposits for Municipal Services in
Development of Subdivisions - Charges for existing Services and Engineering Fees.
The report submits a revision of the wording of portions of the Declaration of
Policy for Development of Subdivisions and recommends that Council, by resolution,
adopt the suggested changes in the Declaration of Policy.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the r~pert be received and adopted. Carried unanimously
- No. 514 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Subdivision Agreements re: Mount Forest
Mark II, Ascot Woods Ex. 1, I~rummond Park Village Plans of Subdivision. The
report provides Council with detailed information with respect to some of the
major changes which.have been incorporated in these subdivisions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the report be referred to Committee of the Whole for consideration.
-' " Carried unanimously~
No. bl~ ' City Manager - Re:Municipal Accounts. The report recommends
payment of the municipal accounts. The City Treasurer provided additional in-
formation on Cheque No. 612 in response to a question by Aldet~mn Cummings, and
on Cheque No. 491 in response to a question by Alderman Sobel.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried unanimously.
No. 77 - MERR~i~' - DILTS - RESOLVED Chat a message of'condolence be sent
to t~e family of the ~late Joe Brunaau, a valued Municipal employee, who passed
away during the past week.
Carried unanimously.
No. 78 FERA - ~RPai~T - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No.. 79 - 134 for the rezoning
of lands at the south-west corner of Biggar Road and Mentress Road, conforms to
Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls-PlanningArea, as amended and
approved by the Minister of Housing; AND the seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
.... Carried unanimously:
No. 509 - City Manager - Re: Ryeteen-Market P~rk. The report preySdes infor-
mation to Council with respect to negotiations with property owners in the Ryers~
Market Park area and lists certain recommendations of the Steering Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman C-n~tngs, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that t~
report be re~erred to Committee of the Whole for~ consideration..Carried unanim0~
.No. 510 - Ctty ManaRer - Re: Purchase of Surplus School Property from Welland
County Roman Catholic Separate School Board, Mount Carmal Site, Allanthus Avenue.
The report provides ~ouncil wt~h information respecting negotiations between the
.City and the Welland COuntyyRoman Catholic ~eparate School Board for the purchase
~ b~ the CitT ofapprOXimately five acres of land on Allanthus Avenue, for park
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Metfelt, seconded by Aldernan Cummings, that
the report be teeaired and filed, and the relevant by-law appearin~ on tonight~s
· 'e a n . e lain
v~ting in. favour.
· . See BV-IowNo. 79 - 1
No. 511 - City HansRat - Contract 'G.C. 12-79 - Underaround Services in
Drummnd Park Village Subdivision - 8tags 1. The report recommends that the cnie~
prices submitted by Provincial Construction (NiaSara) Limited be acceptads subJet;
to the execution of the Subdividetea ASreemant and also the indemnifying agreem~
No. 79 - ~NGS - ~ERA - RESOLVED that 'the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-lewNo. 79 - 135 for the rezoning of
lands on the south side of Soholfield Road and part of the closed road allowance
between Township Lots 34 and 35 and Township Lots 45 and 46, conforms to Official
Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, as amended and approved
by the Minister of Housing; AND the seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried unanimously.
No. 80 - FERA - NERRFrr - RESOLVED that the tenders from the following s~ppliers
be accepted for the supply of Anti-freeze and related products:
Ontario Auto Supply - Anti-freeze in ~5 gel. drums
Ontario Auto Supply - Anti-freeze in I gel. cans
and that the authorizing by-law appearinS on toni~ht~e nSenda, be 8ivan ~hreei " ' Fallmy Automotive - Windshield Washer Concentrate
· - ,,ll__y Automolly,- Ca, Lin,. o,.
s~n the motion of Alderman Fera~ seconded by'Alderman Schisler, that the Castle Products Quick Start
report be received and adopted. Alderman MacBoin declared a conflict of AND
interest on this item and abstained from the vote, The motion Carried~ with all the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
others vetinS in fayour. , ~ Carried unanimously,
" See By-law No. 79-1~ -.
· 9 "
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
leave be grantad to -introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read a
first time:
No. 79 - 133 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of Amendment 105 to the
Official Plan of the Niagara Falls Plannin~Area.
No. 79 - 134 - A By-law to amend By-law 1538 (1958).of the former Township of
Crowland, as amended.
No.'79 - 135 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960, as amended, and By-law
77-198. (Cike Inc.)
- No. 79 - 136 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960, as amended. (Aiello)
No..-79 - 137 - A By-lawlto-provide for the adoption of Official Plan Amendment
No. 107.
No. ~9 - 138 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of Official PlanAmendment
No. 108.
-No. 79 - 139-- A By-law to provide for the adoption-o~ Official Plan Amendment
No. 110.
No. 79 - 140- A By-law toSmendJBy-law 3790, as-amended. (Morrison St. parking
No, 79 - 141 - A By-law to amend By-law 3791, as amended. (Re: Jepson St.)
No. 79 - 142 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with N.P.H.B. Land
Developments .Limited and others.-
No. 79 - 143 - A By-law to authorize a'subdivisioa-agreement with Sunnylea
.Construction Limited.
No~ 79 * 144 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with Ten Partners
Development Ltd.
No. 79 - 145 - A By-law to authorize an Agreement with Provincial Construction
(Niagara Falls) Limited for underground services in Dv,~.~_nd Park
-No. ~? - 146 -,~ ~y-t,a~o p~qhlbit air horns and sirens in City arenas.'
No., 79 - 147 - A Sy-law to authorize an agreement with Rag QuinnLimited.
No. 79 - 148 ~ A By-law to authorize a franchise agreement with Consume_ret
Company. ' ' ' ' " ...... ~ -
No. 79 - 149 '- A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land for park purposes.
No.. 79'- 150 ~ A By-law to designate certain land not to be subject to part
control (Plan M-61).
No..79 - 151 - A By-law to designate certain land not to be subject to part
"control. (Pl~n'260) ' - '
No. 79 - 152 - A By-law to amend By-law 73-22 reSardin~ ~emeteries.. , ,.'
No. 79 - 153 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
No. 79 -'1~4 - A By-law to lmemi By-lawNo. 5335, 1955, as amended. (Romeo Const,
& Wallmen opposed
-By-law No. 79-135; Aldermen
Dilte, Sobel & Cummings
~oBy-law79-136; Aldermsi
daclarin~ a conflict of
on By-law79 - 145 and
fwm the vote; Alderman Fore
declaring a conflict of
on By-lawNo. 149 end
from the vote, all others
in favour.
- 11 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
following By-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79 - 133 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of Amendment 105 to the
Official Plan of the Niagara Falls Planeing Area.
No. 79 - 134 - A By-law to amend By-law 1538 (1958) of the former Townshiv
of Crowland, as amended.
No. 79 - 135 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960, as amended, and By-law
77-198 (Gike Inc.)
No. 79 - 136 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960, as amended. (Aiello)
· No. 79 - 137 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of Official Plan Amendment
No. 107.
No. 79 - 138 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of Official Plan Amendment
No. 108.
· No; 79'-'139 -'A By-law to provide for the adoption of Official Plan Amendment
No. 110.
No. 79 - 140 - A By-law to amend By-law 3790, as amended. (Morrison St. parking
No. 79 - 141 - A By-law to amend By-law 3791, as amended. (Re: Jepson St.)
No. 79 - 142 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement' with N.P.H.B.
Land Developments Limited and others.
No. 79.-'143 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with Sunnylea
Construction Limited.
No. 79 - 144 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with Ten Partners
Development Ltd.
control. (elan 260)
No. 79 - 152 - A By-law to amend By-law 73-22 regardir~ cemeteries,
No. 79 - 153 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
No. ~9.- 154 - A By-law to amend 3y-law No. 5335, 1955, as .amended.
No. 79 - 145 - A By-law to authorize an Agreement with Provincial Construction
(Niagara Falls) Limited for underground services in Drunnnond
Park Village.
No. 79 - 146 - A .By-law to prohibit air herfie and sirens in City arenas.
No. 79 - 147 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Reg Quinn Limited.
No. 79 - 148 - A By-law to authorize a franchise agreement with Consumers! Gas
No. 79 - 149 - A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land for park purposes.
No. 79 - 150 - A By-law to designate certain land not to be subject to part lot
control. (Plen M-61)
No. 79 ~ 151 - A By-law to d~signate certain land not to be subject to part lot
(Romeo Const.)
Carried, with Aldermen Sobel, Schisler & Wallmen
opposed to By-law No. 79-135; Aldermen Dllts, Sobel
& Cummings opposed to By-law 79-136; Alderman NacBain
declaring a conflict of interest on By-law 79-145 and
abstainin~ from the vote~ Alderman Fera declarin8 a
conflict of interest on By-law No. 149 and abstainiu~
from the vote, all others vetin2 in ~a~our...
~ 12 -
Alderman Puttick informed Council that he had had discussions with a
person interested in establishing a ski run through the use of refuse. The
same person also indicated interest in the possibility of using Clifton Hill
in conjunction with a Winter Festival. Mayor Thomson pointed out to Aldernmn
Puttick that a special committee of Council has had the matter of converting
refuse into a ski run unde~ consideration for soma time.
It was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded,by Alderman Sobol, that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whoe~aA
.. ~ a .. Carried unanimously.
" Committee Room ~1 .I
August 27, 1979.
Council met in Committee of thaW hole on Monday, August 27, 1979 follo~i~'
a regular m acting of Council. All members of Council were present with the ex-
caption of Alderman Chessman. Alderman O,-~,in~s !srssided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, it was moved by Aldernm:
MacBain, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the Committee of the-klhole..arise and
report. ~ a i a a ~
Carried unanimously.
Council Chambers
AB~ust 27, 1979.
Council reconvened in formal session on Monday, August 27, 1979,
following a~eeting in Committee of the Whole. All members of Council were
present with the exception of Alderman C~eesman ,ang:.Alde~man Puttick.. Mayor
Th~sen presided as Chairman.' ' ·
VERBAL REPORT - CITY CLERK - The City Clerk reported that the City has received
an offer to purchase the former Police Building on ZimmermanAvenue from the
firm of Chatsworth Holdings in Trust, in the amount of $75,000.00. The firm pro'
poses to use the building for a rest or convalescent home and willirOn
to spend up to $200,000 on renovations.
ORDERED on the motion of AlderwanMacBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
City accept the cash offer of Chatsworth HoldinCs in Trust, in the amount of
subject to them arranCing a marriage, for the former Folice Buildin~ on Zimme
The motion Carried
- 13 -
VERBAL REPORT - CITY MANAGER - The City Manager advised Council that last November
the Fire Chief had asked if he would care to attend a Course dealing with ali facets
of the Fire Department operations, which will be held at Gravenburst, Ontario, next
week. Mr. Price stated that inasmuch as the Fire Chief had brought this to his
attention, he was compelled to brin~ it to Council~s attention and advise them of
his willingness to attend, if Council so approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman HfnsperEer, that the
City Manager be authorized to attend the Course at Gravenhurst. The motion Carried
with Alderman Puttick opposed and a11 others votina in fayour.
Report No. 509 - City ManaKer - Ryerson-Market Park. The Building & Development
Co ordinator referred to a map of the park area and outlined the plans for each
section of the proposed park. Mr. Johnston then proceeded to bring Council up to
date on negotiations with the area property owners and indicated that t~enty-one
of the owners have reached an agree.~ent with the City and twenty-one Options to
Purchase have been signed. There are three other properties, the o~nlers of which
have agreed to sell, but an agreement has not yet been reached on the sale price,
there being a difference of $36,000 between what the three parties are asktn~ and
what the City has offered. Counciles approval is requested to pick up the aforesaid
t~enty-one options, and that negotiations be continued for at least another three ,
· onths with the other three parties with whom an a~reement has not yet been reached.
ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Thomson, seconded by Aldermsn Merrett, that the City
close on September 4th, 1979, with the twenty-one properties, and proceed with the
Ryerson-Market N,~'.P. Project. Carried unanimously.
Report No. 514 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Subdivision Agreements. The Deputy
City Sollcitor referred to a report on tonightss a~enda with regard to subdivision agree-
ments for the proposed Mount Forest Mark III, Ascot Woods Extension I, and Drummond
Park Village (Ten Partners), Plans of Subdivision, which provides Council with de-
tailed information with respect to soma of the major chan~es which have been incor-
porated in these subdivisions. Mr. Lustig provided further clarification for Cbuncil
with respect particularly to the provision in the report relatin~ to "grading and
clearing of lots".
ORDERED on the ~otion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that the
information contained in the report be received and noted and the report be filed.
Carried unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman HinsperCer, that
the meetin~ adjourn.
Carried unanimously.
. '..
Council Chambers
September 4, 1979
Council met on Tuesday, September 4, 1979 at 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen Orr and Schisler. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as
His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that several meetings previously, an
arrangement was made between Mr. Reg Quinn owner of the Niagara Falls Flyers
Hockey Club and the City whereby an addition would be made to the existing
dressing room at the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena thereby freeing other space
in the Arena that could be used by the City. City Council at that time agreed
to participate with Mr. Quinn in the cost of this work, with the City's share
being a fixed amount of $15,000. The Mayor indicated that plans and specifications
were prepared by Donald N. Chapman Associates and tenders were called. The
lowest tendered price was $56,000. Mayor Thomson stated that considerable
work was done to try and reduce this figure, and with the inclusion of other
related work, the figure was reduced to $52,000. This information was discussed
with the Chairman of the Finance Committee, Alderman MacBain, staff and the
Mayor and it was suggested that the City attempt to work out a suitable
arrangement with Mr. Quinn so that this necessary work could proceed. The
Mayor advised that there are funds available that would not affect the budget
that would allow the project to proceed.
The Projects & Services Engineer advised that with the City participating
in the project, the City's share of the higher price would be fixed at $26,000.
If the project cost runs higher than that amount, Mr. Quinn would be expected
to assume the additional cost. In the budget, an amount was set aside for
contingency purposes at the Arena. An amount of $6,600 remains in that fund
and in addition, from previous years are amounts set aside in special purpose
reserve funds for parks and developments totalling $26,000. These reserve
funds were established in the event the City had an opportunity to purchase
park lands or for emergency work required during the year. An amount of $5,000
is also available in the major facilities and development account, and $12,092
is left in the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena accounts for improvements at the
Arena. The Projects & Services Engineer stated that there was a total of
approximately $49,700 available from which to draw, that would not affect the
mill rate. It was the recommendation of staff that the $6,600 remaining in
the 1979 hUdget plus the balance from the reserve'funds mentioned previously,
be used to do the work
Alderman Puttick asked if any funds were being included for the provision
of additional public washrooms. The Projects & Services Engineer stated that
no funds were being used for this purpose, and the funds were primarily being
spent because of the arrangement under which Mr. Quinn would be sharing the
cost. Mayor Thomson agreed that public washrooms were a high priority, however
the work was only being done because of Mr. Quinn's offer to participate in
the cost. The work being undertaken had nothing to do with the overall
rejuvenation of the facility.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Sobol, the Projects & Services
Engineer indicated that the monies in the reserve funds had not been set aside
for any specific purpose, and that there were no works planned that would not be
done because the monies were being spent on the Arena.
Alderman MacBnin outlined his involvement in the discussions prior to
the Council meeting. The Alderman indicated that he was in full agreement
with the expendituze of $26,000 which will be matched by Mr. Quinn and result
in ,52,000 worth of improvements to the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded
by Alderman Chessman, that the recom~nendation of staff be adopted. Car.tied.
Mayor Thomson that another matter that was considered during discussions
on the renovations at the Arena, was the possibility of using a portion of
the reserve funds to install new safety glass at the Niagara Falls Arena.
The Mayor stated that it had been brought to his attention that the existing.
situation at the Arena was very dangerous, and at least four accidents had
occurred because of the poor quality and low level of the existing safety
glass. The estimated cost to do this work was $5,000, and Mayor Thomson
felt because of the safety hazard, the work should be done this year.
Mr. R. Quinn of the Niagara Falls Flyers Hockey Club stated that he had
become very concerned after seeing several people get hit by pucks. The
existing safety glass was bent back, and pucks hitting the glass would defle{z
into the seats at a much lower level than if the glass were straight. Anoth~
problem being experienced was that people from the audience had actually
grabbed the sticks of some of the taller hockey players when they were near
the boards. Although both he and the City had insurance, Mr. Quinn stated
that he felt the glass was unsafe and that injuries would continue to occur
if remedial action was not taken. Another problem with the existing glass,
which is plastic, is that it scratches quite easily and thereby reduces the
visibility to patrons seated behind the glass trying to watch the games.
The type of material being considered for replacement of the existing glass,
was a tempered glass which would reduce the visibility problem and still
protect those patrons seated behind.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, the Projects and
Services Engineer stated that a great deal of maintenance was required in
straightening the existing glass prior to each game. If the new glass were
installed, this maintenance time could be used elsewhere in the Arena. In
response to a question raised byAlderman Cummings, the Projects & Services
Engineer stated that the height of the glass would be increased to 30" from
the existing 20", and would deflect any pucks over the heads of the patrons
seated behind. The framing for the glass would be drilled down into the
boards thereby eliminating the problems experienced in the past with the
glass bending back.
Mayor Thomson asked if the glass at the.~s required replacement. The,~
Projects & Services Engineer stated that he would like to replace the ends,
however that would involve a major expenditure. Mr. Quinn had agreed that th
ends could wait for another year to be replaced, since they were high enough]'
that the safety problem was not a factor. The Projects & Services Engineer
stated that quotations had been called, and he would like to review the varie{
quotations. Because of a timing problem, it was hoped that work could comme~
on September 10th, 1979. For this reason, the Projects & Services Engineer
recommended that the City Manager be authorized to accept the lowest quotatiE
received, to a maximum of $5,500. The necessary monies for this work would ~
taken from the same sources that will be used for the renovations at the Are1
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded'
by Alderman Cheesman, that Council authorize the City Manager to accept the
lowest quotation for replacement of the safety glass at the Niagara Falls
Memorial Arena at the maximum amount of $5,500. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, th
leave be granted to introduce the following by-law, and the by-law be read
first time: .
No. 79-155 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a~ amending agreement wi
Reg Quinn Limited.
Carried Un~nimou-~.~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MecBain, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
the following by-law be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-155 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement wit
Reg quinn Limited.
Carried Unanimouj'
Alderman Merrett asked if any consideration had been given to removing
the water restrictions. Mayor Thomson advised that the restrictions had bee~i
removed that morning.
Alderman Puttick referred to a recent article in the local press connnenting
on the possibility of two alternate sites being considered in Niagara Falls for
the proposed Regional Headquarters, and asked if Mayor Thomson had any further
information. His Worship, Mayor Thomson advised that although Regional Council
had selected the Mack School of Nursing building in St. Catharines, he was sure
that once all costs involved were available, Regional Council would have to
reconsider its choice. At that time, the Mayor was certain that the Niagara Falls
site would be reconsidered. In the meantime, Mayor Thomson did not feel that
the matter should sit idle, and he advised that he had, on his own, investigated
another site. The Mayor felt the City should have an alternate site available
to present to Regional Council if the Region does not proceed with the Mack
School of Nursing building. Mayor Thomson stated that any proposal developed
on an alternate site would be presented to City Council before it is presented
to the Region. The Mayor indicated that he was excited about the prospects of
this alternate site, and if the Mack School of Nursing building is turned down,
the City has the presently proposed site as well as an alternate site to
present to the Region.
It was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, Chat the
meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
Committee Room #1
September 10, 1979
Council met on Monday, September 10, 1979 at 6:00 p.m. in Committee of the
Whole. All members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Orr.
Alderman Chessman presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the Whole
arose without reporting. . .~..
Council Chambers
September 10, 1979
Council met on Monday, September 10, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Orr. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
Alderman Cummings offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the minutes of the meetings held on August 7th, August 13th, August 27th and
September 4th, 1979, he adopted as printed. Carried Unanimously.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented a retirement watch to Miss Gert Matthews,
the retiring Tax Supervisor, who had completed forty-four years of service to the
Municipality upon her retirement on August 31, 1979.
Mr. J. Long representing Mr. R. Redekop, was granted permission to address
Council on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings. Mr.
Long advised that his client, Mr. R. Redekop, had asked him to examine the small
subdivision he owns, Mount Forest ~rk II. The subdivision consists of approximately
nine acres of land and would involve forty-five single family lots. The plan of
subdivision has received draft plan approval and is one of the subdivisions being
held up becamse of the problems on Shriner's Creek. Mr. Long advised that he had
been asked to come up with a modification to the drainage system which might
permit development of the lands prior to implementation of the project. When
discussing the matter with City officials, Mr. Long advised that certain criteria
was set in designing the modifications to the drainage system. The system must
not permit a greater discharge from the land than it would currently discharge
in its undeveloped state. The lands in question are quite far up the watershed
and in fact have an insignificant effect on the system. The City's criteria
however was used in the design. The second criteria was to minimize sediment
r~n-off from the subdivision, particularly during construction. The area
currently drains through storm sewers constructed as part of phase one of the
Mount Forest Subdivision. It was proposed that the storm sewers that will come
out of the subdivision would in fact be initially oversized so that instead of
constructing a 24" diameter sewer coming out of the existing sewers to the east,
it would be enlarged to 48" diameter and the sewer going north on Grouse Lane
would also be enlarged to 48" diameter. A control valve would be installed on
the sewer system and would minimize the flow into the existing system to less
than half of the sewer system capacity. In order to minimize sediment run-off
it was proposed that in any approval of a subdivision agreement, there would
be a requirement for controlling sediment on each of the catchbasins in the
subdivision by the construction of straw filter bales to prevent silt from
entering the system. At the same time, swales in the subdivision would be
sodded, and it would also be a rquirement of approval that the subdivider sod
all lots iu~nediately following construction of the homes. Mr. Long stated
that Mr. Redekop was prepared to agree to these conditions being incorporate~
into the subdivision agreement. Mr. Long felt that from an engineering stand;~
these measures would not aggravate the conditions in the Shriner's Creek syste
and would meet the criteria of the City.
In response to several questions raised by Alderman Chessman, Mr. Long
indicated that the control valve on the sewer system, which was adjustable,
could be opened when the Shriner's Creek system was completed. During constn.
the valve would be checked regularly, since that is when there would be the
run-off. 0nce construction was completed, the valve could be loft unattended.~
Alderman Puttick felt that Council would continue to be faced with requei.a
of this nature to get around the policy of the City. The Alderman stated thai=
it had been his understanding that when Council had dealt with earlier reques[
it was on the basis that granting approval would not be creating a precedent,['
The Director of Municipal Works stated that Council had considered the preyion
request on Ascot Woods Subdivision on its merits, and any other requests sh0ul
also be considered on their merits. The request for this particular su d' '~
Was made, and the Director of Municipal Works had advised the developer
a presentation to Council. The subdivision in question was throught to be
last one involved, since it was so remote. When the original request on the!'
subdivision was presented, the Director of Municipal Works had asked that it
re-designed to extend the system and provide more capacity. The Director of
Municipal Works stated that he could not make a recommendation on the request,!
since he had given evidence at various hearings on Council's position at thst'~
time, that no expenditures would be made and development would be held until
the Shriner's Creek plan was implemented.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, Mr. Long advised
that the major silting problem occurred during construction. At the templetic
of construction, the system should be cleared out and this should be a
condition in the subdivision agreement that the contractor constructing the
system would be responsible for cleaning the system out twelve months after
completion. Mr. Long stated that if the system became silted during construcM
the control valve would not be opened, and the system would be cleaned out
Al erman Chessman stated that while the request appeared to be an attemp~l]
to get around the intent of the policy of the City, he felt it was not. Ifi~
Alderman felt this request was not asking for any lightening of restriction tl
what Council had allowed on the Ascot Woods Subdivision. The only difference
was that this system would be underground in a larger storm sewer system.
was also made to similar requests for relief received from other developers,!
as the berming relief in Bambi Estates Subdivision. Alderman ~heesman also
reminded members of Council that the sooner houses are built, the better off
the ultimate buyer will be, since the longer the hold-up on development, the
greater the cost will be to the home buyer.
Alderman Dilts co~nented that the City was faced with continuous proble~
with drainage end he questioned how much this new development was actually
needed considering the number of building permits isisned so far in 1979. The
Alderman suggested that this development could be premature, and indicated
that he could not support the request to proceed unless Engineering staff agr,~
there would not be problems,
Alderman Merrett felt the developer was showing a genuine interest in t~
Shriner's Creek problems~ consideringthe considerable expense he had gone to
in order to control the run-off and silting problems.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, ~r. Long stated
any delay in developins the subdivision would result in additional costs of
least $12~000 to $15,000. The delay would cause additional carrying costs
the developer and the increasing construction costs in the future. i
Puttick stated that the Cityts policy on subdivision development provides the
developers assume the cost of servicing for premature development, The A~de
asked if the City would be involved in the costs of servicing at a later date.
The Director of Municipal Works stated that premature development usually
involves construction downstream before the City is ready to proceed with
construction of such facilities. The development could be considered premature
in that there is no retention or siltation facility downstream, however the
scheme would involve an enlarged system and the developer would pay for that
system. The developer would be living within the City's policy on premature
development in that respect. If the development is approved by Council, it
would be subject to an indemnity agreement with the Municipality in the event
legal action was taken against the City for allowing development to proceed
prior to the Shriner's Creek project. The costs are all to the subdivider,
not the Municipality, and the agreement would keep the City non-liable.
Alderman Puttick felt that if there were problems, Council and City staff
would have to face the brunt of criticism, and unless someone could assure
him that allowing development to proceed would not contravene the intent of
the O.M.B. decisions on Shriner's Creek, he could not support the request.
Alderman Fera stated that whether a request involved six lots or forty-five,
Council was still going against its original policy, and the requests would have
to stop at some point.
Alderman Sobel stated that she was concerned not only with this request,
but in previous requests, the existing residents who would have something to
lose if something went wrong, were not present.
Alderman Cheesman stated that once construction begins with this system
in place, it would not allow further discharge downstream than at the present
time, if the consultant was correct. On that basis, Alderman Cheesman felt
the City was not violating the intent or principle of the Shriner's Creek
scheme by allowing development to proceed, and was Justified in supporting the
developer's request.
Alderman Schisler pointed out that once homes and roads are constructed,
there would .be stormwater that could no longer be absorbed into the ground,
and there would have to be more run-off from the subdivision. Mr. Long stated
that the system was designed using peak times of run-off. The valve would be
open to allow 5" of depth of water through the 24" pipe, calculated on the basis
of the 48" sewer being full. Some rainfalls would bring an increase in water
through the system, but the principle concern was that there be no increase
during peak storms. Mr. Long stated there would be an increase with light
storms, but this would not be a problem in terms of storm drainage.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded by
Alderman Merrett, that Council concur with the request of the developer, subject
to the conditions outlined, and that permission be granted to initiate the
construction phase of the subdivision. The motion was Defeated with the following
~YE: Aldermen Cheesman, Cummings and Merrett.
NAYE: Aldermen Dilts, Fore, Hinsperger, MacBain, Puttick, Schisler, Sobel and
Report No. 516 - City Manager - The report advises that appointments are required
for a new Mydro Commission to be made up as follows: Mayor, four additional
members who are qualified electors in the Municipality, one of which shall be
a member from the existing Niagara Falls Hydro-Electric Commission, at least
one member from the existing Chippawn Public Utilities Commission, at least
one member who resides outside the area presently supplied with power by the
two existing Commissions and one other qualfiied elector.
Alderman Cummings suggested that an advertisement be placed in the press,
similar to the advertisement placed earlier advising of vacancies on various
boards and committees, so that interested individuals would have an opportunity
to apply.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Aldermen Fern, that
the report be received and filed, and that a notice be placed in the press
,advising of the vacancies. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 517 - City ~anager - The report recommends that Council meet
with the Planning & Development Committee on September 26, 1979 at 4:15 p.m.
to continue discussion on the Draft Zoning By-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 518 - City Manager - The report advises of investigations carried
out on the complaint regarding noise from 4983 Clifton Hill. The report
recommends that the petition and report be received and filed, and a copy
be sent to the complainant for his information.
Mr. D. Piasecki was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cheesman. The motion Carried with
Alderman MacBain voting contrary, and all others voting in favour. Mr. Piasea
advised that he had prepared a brief containing information he had compiled.
Alderman Schisler asked Mr. Piasecki if there was litigation pending on
this particular matter. Mr. Piasecki stated that the litigation had been
commenced after he had submitted the petition to Council, however the litiga~Z ~
was a separate issue to the petition. Alderman Schisler felt that if litigat~ ~
was in any involved in the matter, it should not be discussed by Council. ~i '
Alderman pointed out that such discussion could hurt Mr. Piasecki and anybo~ ~
else involved in the litigation.
Mis Worship, Mayor Thomson stated that Mr. Piasecki would be wise to
withdraw any comment until the litigation had been concluded. Also since the
report indicated that after the investigation, the noise was not felt to be
out of line in comparison with other activities in the area, and since tourisz ~
activities would be tapering off in the Fall, the Mayor felt there was no
urgency in dealing with the matter. Mayor Thomson suggested to Mr. Piasecki ]
that he return and speak to Council after the litigation had been settled.
Alderman Puttick asked if it was procedulally correct not to allow
Mr. Piasecki to address Council further, when a motion had been passed to alli
him permission to speak. Mayor Thomson felt the question of litigation was
valid and should be considered by Council. Alderman Fera also stated that he
would not have made the motion to allow Mr. Piasecki to address Council if he
had realized there was litigation involved in the matter.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Schisler, second~
by Alderman Hinsperger, that the matter not be heard at this time, and that
Mr. Piasecki be allowed to appear before Courtoil when the litigation had bees
concluded. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 519 - City Manager - The report recommends approval of a proposal
regarding the sale of Cotfield Street to Marineland, and pass a by-law auth0r'~.
the closing of part of Cotfield Street, after hearing any person who claims
that his land will be preJudicially affected by the by-law and applies to be
Alderman Schisler stated the report indicated that Marineland would pay
any costs involved in obtaining the releases, and such costs would be creditei
against the purchase price of the lands. The Alderman questioned how this
could be considered to be payment of all costs involved by Marineland, when
the costs would be deducted from the purchase price of the lands. The project]
and Services Engineer explained that when the lands were originally purchased
it was done so under a policy that allowed Rydro to Sell the lands for road
purposes at approximately half the then market value. The deed required that
the City use the lands for roadway purposes only. If the City wishes to
use the lands for any purpose, such as selling to Marineland, the City would
have to obtain a release from the condition in the deed, and pay additional
monies to Hydro. The City would then'be in a position to sell the lands to
Marineland at fair market value. The Projects & Services Engineer further
explained that if the City were to charge Marineland the cost of obtaining
the releases and to pay fair market value for the land, Marineland would in
effect~ be paying more than fair market value for the land.
In response to a.question raised by Alderman Puttick, the Projects and
Services Engineer stated that staff had reported on item of the July 9th
report attached, at the last regular meeting of Council and had advertised
accordance with Provincial regulations. The subject report was submitted in
response to the fifth item.
Mr. A. Sheppard, solicitor for Marineland, indicated that the matter had
been dealt with most expeditiously by the City and expressed his appreciation
to Council and staff for their co-operation. All aspects of the matter had
been dealt with, although the parties were still somewhat apart on the matter
of the appraisal. Mr. Sheppard asked that unless there were any objections
to the closing of the road, that Council advance the by-law for consideration
at this time.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman ~cBain, seconded by
Alderman Dilts, that the report be received and adopted, and the by-law moved
forward for consideration at this time. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-law, and the by-law be read a
first time:
No. 79-156 - A By-law to stop up and close and to authorize the sale and
conveyance of part of Corfield Street.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that the
by-law be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-156 - A By-law to stop up and close and to authorize the sale and
conveyance of part of Corfield Street.
Carried Unanimously
Report No. 520 - City Manager - The report provides information on the cost
estimates involved in the work requested by the residents: 1) $2,600 if the
wor~ is carried out on Lots 1 to 4 inclusive only; and 2) $5,600 if the work
is carried out on Lots 1 to 7 inclusive plus a certain distance beyond Lot 7.
These costs would not include sodding of the ditch once covered.
Mayor Thomson asked if the $600 in the subdivision account for sodding
were used towards the cost of this work, and the residents performed the sodding,
would the expenditure for alternative #2 be reduced to $5,000. The Director
of Municipal Works agreed that the cost could be reduced to $5,000.
Alderman Dilts pointed out that the residents had not created this problem,
and since there had been no problems with the covered section of the drainage
ditch further up on Bell Crescent~ he could see no reason not to do this work.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Dilts, seconded by
Alderman MacBain, that the necessary work be carried as outlined under Alternative
No. 2. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 521 - City Manager - The report recommends that Council retain its
present policy as stated in the Declaration of Policy for Development of
Alderman Herrerr indicated that he still did not agree with the use of
walkways as emergency access into culs-de-sac. The Alderman felt that the
cul-de-sac entrances were wide enough to permit emergency vehicles access, and
were not worth the aggravation they cause to adjacent residents with vandalism,
The Planning Director advised that he had received an opinion from the
City Solicitor that Council could pass a by-law under Paragraph 58, Section 352
of the Municipal Act prohibiting motetired vehicles on pedestrian walkways.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Sobel, the Fire Chief stated
that he was in agreement with the policies of C.M.H.C. with respect to emergency
access into culs-de-sac. The Fire Chief explained that there could be a
situation where sewer or watermain construction was going on at the entrance
-7 -
to a cul-de-sac, and if there were an emergency in the cul-de-sac, the
residents would not be able to get out, nor would emergency vehicles get in
without an emergency access. While there hod been a suggestion that
emergency vehicles could use the Hydro right-of-way, the Fire Chief advised
that one fire truck weighs over fifteen tons and it would sink to the hubs
on this type of soft ground. This would also necessitate fire fighters havi~
to drag fire hose quite a distance which would waste valuable time.
Mayor Thomson stated that if culs-de-sac were eliminated as much as
possible in the future, the use of walkways would not present as much a
problem to the City as it does now. Also with the passing of a by-law
prohibiting motorized vehicles and the use of additional fencing, existing
problems could be reduced.
In response to a question raised by Alderman MacBain, the Director of
Municipal Works stated that while construction of underground services usually
would not block the entire entrance to a cul-de-sac, there could be a situati~
with breaks in a watermain in several locations where an entire entrance coul~
be blocked. In the event of sewer repairs or installations, there would be a
deep cut in the road involved. The Director of Municipal Works also pointed
out that in the event of a gas main explosion, there could be no guarantee the
street would not be completely cut off. While this type of situation would
not be considered a strong possibility, they must be viewed as a probability
and allowance must be made for them in subdivisions. Alderman MacBaiu stated
that on the basis of the information given by the Fire Chief and the Director
of Municipal Works, he would reluctantly go along with the recommendations in
the report. The Alderman stated that there is great inconvenience to the
residents involved and to the City with respect to maintenance, however he
appreciated the necessity of walkways in culs-de-sac. The Alderman hoped the
through discontinuance of culs-de-sac in the future, this problem would be
Alderman Dilts agreed that walkways were required, however the major
problem was enforcement of the restrictions ont_~te walkways against motorized
vehicles. The Alderman felt that walkways could be considered a convenience
to the residents if the enforcement problems were solved. Mayor Thomson
stated that the City of St. Catharines uses chains in walkways to discourage
their use by motorized vehicles.
Works stated that the intent would be to virtually exclude culs-de-sac in
the future, however there would be certain types of plans that could only
be properly designed with the use of culs-de-sac, in which case walkways
would be required. The Planning Director stated that their use would be
discouraged wherever possible, and if a particular situation came up where
use of culs-de-sac could not be avoided, approval of both the Planning and
Development Committee and Council would be required. In response to a
question raised by Alderman Sobol, the Planning Director explained that
originally they were considered desirable, however with the increasing
regulations such as walkways and emergency access and the further misuse
of walkways, culs-de-sac were becoming a problem.
Alderman Cheesman commented that although culs-de-sac were throught to
be a means of making the best use of subdivision lands, there were many
good reasons for not having them. The Alderman felt that the layout of a
subdivision using culs-de--sac was confusing, and he looked forward to new
subdivisions changing to a modified grid system of streets.
Alderman Merrett commented that culs-de-sac were desirable in that they
provided a quite area in which to live with little traffic. With respect
to the problem of walkways which are required in culs-de-sac, the Alderman
suggested that the matter be considered at an early date so that Council
can take some action to resolve the existing problems.
Alderman Puttick cautioned Council against taking any action to completely
eliminate culs-de-sac on the basis of one complaint several weeks previously.
The Alderman felt that the public and developers should be allowed to add
some input before Council made a decision. Mayor Thomson stated that there
had been many complaints over the years because of vandalism and use of
walkways by motorized vehicles.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded'
by Alderman Fera, that the Declaration of Policy on Subdivision Development
be amended to provide that culs-de-sac will not be permitted in future
subdivisions, except on the recommendation of the Planning & Development
Committee and approval by Council. Carried Unanimously.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded
by Alderman Schisler, that the report be received and adopted. The motion
Carried with Alderman Merrett voting contrary, and all others voting in favour
Report No. 522 - City Manager - The report provides information in response to
a request from residents adjacent to the walkway between Lalemant Road and
Pheasant Lane.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Macgain, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and filed and copies sent to th~petitioners. Carrie~
Report No. 523 - City Manager - The report recommends: 1) That staff adopt ~
design approach which will attempt to avoid and discourage wherever possible,
the use of culs-de-sac in new subdivision designs other .than in exceptional
cases where the shape or topography of a parcel of land provides good reasons
for the inclusion of such a feature. This information would be circulated to
all parties involved in subdivision design so that they would be aware of it
prior to commencement of design work; 2) That the use of right angle fences
across walkways~ or suitable replaceable posts system be seriously considered
for all walkways together with "No motorized vehicle" signs. Use of chains
could also be considered; and 3) That the City Solicitor investigate the
feasibility of a by-law being enacted which would ban motorized vehicles (0the~
than emergency vehicles) from walkways and enable actiou to be taken against
Alderman MacBain felt that Council had to take a position much stronger
No. 204 - Residents of Pheasant Lane - Re: Sidewalks. The communication
requests that Cormoil reconsider proposed plans to install sidewalks on
Pheasant Lane.
Mr. T. Ryan was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Merrett. Mr. Ryan stated that as outlined
in the petition, the residents do not feel sidewalks are needed on Pheasant
Lane. It was felt that sidewalks would infringe on the residents~ driveways
and cars would end up being parked on the roadway which would narrow the
travelled portion of the road, particularly in the winter time. In response
to a question raised by Alderman MacBain, Mr. Ryan advised that 100% of the
residents on Pheasant Lane had signed the petition requesting that sidewalks
not be constructed.
Alderman MacBain stated that cost-wise, he was in favour of not constructing
sidewalks, however according to the Declaration of Policy on Subdivision Develop-
ment, this street would normally have had sidewalks installed and monies would
have been deposited by the subdivider for this purpose. The Alderman pointed
out that this matter could be questioned by new residents in the future, and
suggested that Council handle the matter with caution.
Alderman Merrett suggested that when setting criteria sof sidewalks in
future subdivisions, the City should look not only at the length of the street,
but the size of the lots because of the problems experienced with cars parking
in the driveways. The Director of Municipal Works also suggested that the
volume of pedestrian traffic could be a consideration and pointed out that
there would be a difference in the number of pedestrians on a street with a
few houses as compared to a street with an apartment building. The Director
of Municipal Works also advised that this type of situation would be coming
up regularly, since all new subdivisions have included culs-de-sac. In
than staff had suggested by not permittin~ culs-de~sac in any future plans o{ response to a question by Alderman Puttick, the Director of Municipal Works
subdivision. advised that the monies deposited by developers for sidewalk construction
should be kept in reserve. It was also explained that even though such monies
Mayor Thomson asked if it would be possible for the City to totally mlSht be kept on hand, the cost of providing sidewalks in built-up subdivisions
eliminate culs-de-sac from future subdivisions. The Director o~ Municipa]L
with driveway entrances and sodded boulevards was much greater than the cost
of constructing sidewalks in a new subdivision.
Following further consideration, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, second~ii
by Alderman Fera, that sidewalks not be constructed on Pheasant Lane, as
requested by the residents. Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Wallman, seconded by Alderman l,~cBain, that the
third item under "Reports" and By-law No. 79-157, be brought forward for
consideration at this time. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 524 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-5/79, Niagara Falls
Hydro, Pt. Twp. Lot 164, West Side of Kalar Road. The report recommends that
Council approve the application subject to Development Control, and that
Council certify by resolution that the application conforms to Official Plan
Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, as amended and approved
by the Minister of Housing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Herrerr, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 81 - MACBAIN - MRRRETT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-157 for the
rezoning of part of Township Lot 164, situated on the west side of Kalar Road,-
conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area,
as amended and approved by the Minister of Rousing; AND the Seal of the
Corporation' be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Herrerr, thai
leave be granted to introduce the following by-law and the by-law be read a
first time:
No. 79-157 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2350, 1959 of the former Township
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Palls, as amended. (AM-5/79,
Niagara Falls Hydro)
Carried Unanimous]
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that the
following by-law be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-157 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2350, 1959 of the former Township ot
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Palls, as amended. (AM-5/79,
Niagara Palls Rydro)
· Carried Unanim0usl~.
It was moved by Alderman
Merrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts that the n~
item under "Reports" be moved forward for consideration at this t~me. Carri
Report No. 525 - City Manager - Re: Portage Road Bridge over R.E.P.C. Canal.
The report provides information on cost estimates for repair of the subject
bridge. It is recommended that the report be received and filed, or if Counc~.~
feels otherwise, that a committee of Council and staff and perhaps residents
be established to look into the matter further.
Alderman Herrerr felt that Council should establish the Committee to
consider this matter further because of the importance of the bridge to the
area residents. In response to a question raised by Alderman M~cBain,
Mayor Thomson indicated that by establishing the Committee, Council was not
suggesting at this time that funds be included in the 1980 budget for further
details on the engineering and cost estimates for the repair and/or
of the bridge. Alderman Herrerr offered to serve on this Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
a committee be established of Council and staff and area residents to review
the matter of the Portage Road Bridge over the H.E.P,C. Canal. Carried
Unanimously. '
-9 -
No. 205 - Oxford, Brant, Haldimand/Norfolk Disaster Fund - Re: Request for
Financial Assistance. The communication requests financial assistance for
damage sustained by residents during a tornado in August.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the communication be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Chessman, Cummings, Dilts, Fern, Ninsperger, MacBain, Merrett,
Puttick and Schisler.
~AYE: Aldermen Sobol and Wallman.
No. 206 - Coalition on the Niagara Escarpment - Re: Niagara Escarpment Commission.
The communication extends an invitation to meet with the Council to explain the
objections of C.O.N.E.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Herrerr, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the communication be received and filed, and a message of thanks be sent to the
organization. Carried Unanimously.
No. 207 - Mayor B. Franklin, City of Nepean - Re: Disaster Relief Assistance.
The communication requests financial assistance for damage sustained by residents
during a severe storm in July.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Merreltt, that
the communication be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Cheesman, Cummings, Dilts, Fera, Hinsperger, MacBain, Herrerr,
Puttick and Schisler.
~AYE: Aldermen Sobol and Wallman.
No. 208 - Niagara Falls Canucks Jr. B Hockey Club - Re: 1979 Canucks Programme.
The communication requests that the City take out an advertisement on the inside
front cover of the 1979 Canucks programme.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the City place an advertisement in the 1979 Canucks Programme at a cost of
$300.00. Carried Unanimously.
No. 209 - Nabisco Foods - Re: Nabisco Foods/Niagara Falls Arena Parking Lot.
The communication requests that Council consider the installation of additional
lighting in the Nabisco Foods and Niagara Falls Arena patrons parking lot.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 210 - Y.W.C.A. - Re: Invitation to Street Dance. The communication extends
an invitation to the members of Council to attend a street dance to be held
on Friday, September 24th, 1979 on Culp Street in conjunction with the City's
75th Anniversary celebrations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Herrerr, seconded by Alderman Ninsperger,
that the communication be received and filed, and as many members of Council
as possible attend the function. Carried Unanimously.
No. 526 - City Clerk - Re: AM-12/77, Objection to Zoning Amendment By-law 79-124,
Fortunato Augurusa. The report advises that one objection has been received as
a result of circulating the subject zoning amendment by-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the City Clerk attempt to resolve the objection, failing which it be referred
to the Ontario Municipal Board. Carried Unanimously.
No. 527 - City Manager - Re: AM-41/78 and Official Plan Amendment No. 103,
Dr. T. Morgan, Northwest Corner of O'Neil Street and St. Paul Avenue. The
report advises that concern has been expressed by the Ministry of Culture
and Recreation that the subject application fails to recognize heritage
In response to a question raised by Alderman Fern, the Planning Director
advised that the building involved in the subject application was not
considered to be of historical significance. Alderman Merrett asked why
this concern had not been expressed to the applicant prior to this time,
since the application had been approved by Council three months previously.
The Planning Director indicated that he suspected a local individual had
- 10 -
contacted the Ministry on this matter. The Planning Director stated that the
Ministry was testing out a new policy of intervening in rezonings involving "
buildings or area of historical significance, however he felt that Council
would not attract an Ontario Municipal Board hearing if the report was received
and filed.
Alderman Cheesman stated that although he appreciated the Ministry's
concern, he felt that communities could not remain in an unchanged state
indefinitely. The Alderman pointed out that there are many communities in
England which prove that such uses can be made compatible with existing
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 528 - Alderman N. Puttick - Re: Oktoberfest Niagara. The report advises
that the City of Niagara Falls will have its first official Oktoberfest from
October 5 - 20, 1979.
Alderman Puttick distributed copies of a brochure prepared which outlined
the various activities planned for Oktoberfest Niagara. The Alderman commended.~
those people involved in the preparation of the brochure and the planning of
the various events scheduled.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seoonded by Alderman Cheasman, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 529 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Regional Policy for the Preparation of
Survey Plans for Land Dedication. The report recommends that Council indicate
its approval of the proposed Regional policy for preparation of survey plans
for land dedication, and that Council adopt a similar policy.
The City Solicitor provided additional information in response to several
questions raised by Mayor Thomson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman 'Hinsperger,
that the policy be adopted in principle, subJef. i~to further discussion during
Council's 1980 budget discussions. Carried Unanimously.
No. 530 - City Manager - Re: Committee of Adjustment Application A-60/79, A. &
Vandenbert, 13080 Montrose Road. The report advises that an application has be
received for a minor variance for the purpose of extending a building which is
presently used for a butcher shop and allowing the extended area to be used as
slaughter house or abbatoir. In the staff review of the application, it was
felt that such a use could be objectionable and should have the full review
process of circulation, agency comments, Plan~ing Committee, staff and Council
review, and further the Jurisdiction of the Committee to deal with the
was questioned.
The Planning Director reco~ended that this application be processed as a
zoning amendment, since it was felt the Committee of Adjustment did not have
Jurisdiction to approve an extension for a new use. The Planning Director
provided additional information ~n response to several questions raised~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the subject application be processed as a zoning amendment. Carried
No. 531 - City Manager - Re: Purchase of Rotary Mowers. The report recommends
acceptance of tenders submitted by Turf Care Products and Blair Mower & Marine
for the supply of rotary mowers for use in the Parks & Cemeteries Department.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No.
No. 532 - City Manager - Re: Fall Workshop, Ontario Chapter of Municipal
The report recommends the attendance of the Purchasing A~ent at the subject
to be held in Peterborough from October 17 - 19, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts~ that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 533 - City Manager - Re: Contract G.C. 11-70, Sewer and Watermain Installat
and Base Road Construction in Mount Forest Mark IlI Subdivision. The report
reco~nends acceptance of the unit prices submitted by Caligiuri and Sons
Construction and Excavating Limited for the subject contract.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman Cunmaings, that thee
report be:received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
gee Resolution No.
See'By-law No.
- 11 -
No. 534 - City }~nager - Re; Monroe Extensien 1 Proposed Subdivision. The
report recommends approval of a request to grant a one year extension on the
draft plan approval of the subject subdivision until November i0, 1980.
Alderman Puttick asked if this was the subdivision containing the berm
that had caused dust problems to area residents. The Director of Hunicipal
Works indicated this was the subdivision involved, and the be~ had been
placed at that location likely because there were materials available at
the time that could be used for the harm.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report he received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 535 - City Manager - Re: Rainbow Gardens Proposed Subdivision. The report
recommends approval of a request to grant a one year extension on the draft
plan approval of the subject subdivision until October 10, 1980.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Zheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 536 - City Manager - Ks: Sign By-laws. The report reconm~ends the establish-
ment of a committee of the ~yor and members of Council to study the various
sign by-laws in existence and make a recoFmendation back to Council. ~
ORDERED ~n the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously~
No. 537 - City Manager - Re: Revised Rules of Procedure on Restricted Area
By-laws. The report advises of a new procedure to be followed whereby
restricted area by-laws municipalities having an Official Plan in effect can
either submit their zoning by-laws to the O.M.B. for approval or allow by-laws
to come into effect without O.M.B. approval providing no objections have been
received. Comprehensive zoning by-laws such as the draft Zoning By-law should
still be submitted to the O.M.B. for approval as should all amendments to
comprehensive by-laws which have not received O.M.B. approval. Zoning by-laws
establishing use, density and development standards in proposed plans of
subdivision should not be passed by Council until after draft plan approval.
The report recommends that the Council direct the Clerk to give notice of
zoning by-laws in accordance with Ontario Regulation 597/79 wherever appropriate
and that Mayor Thomson be authorized to forward a letter of commendation to
the Ministry of Housing for their efforts in expediting the processing of
rezoning applications.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fern, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 538 - City Manager - Re: Sylvia Place Lot. The report recommends that
the by-law controlling the employee section of the Sylvia Place lot be rescinded
and that any funds paid to cover leased parking after the first quarter be
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
- No. 539 - City Manager - Re: Grassybrook Park. The report recommends that the
supply and erection of two steel bridges at Grassybrook Park be done by A-1
Steel Works at a cost of $18~758, plus any applicable taxes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 84
No. 540 - City I,~nager - Re: Niagara South Arena Glass. The report recommends
that Rotomatic Display Products Ltd. be authorized to provide and install 6~
high 5/8" tempered glass at both ends of the Niagara South Arena.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, the Projects and
Services Engineer stated that the glass to be removed from the Niagara Falls
Arena could be used on the one side at Niagara South, however the tender was
for glass to be installed at both ends of the ice surface.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 85
No. 541 - City Manager - Re: Sale of Surplus Properties at 6142 and 6269 Burdette
Drive. l~e report recommends that the Region be advised the City has no use for
the subject properties.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
..... 12
No. 542 - City Manager - Re: Schedule of Council Meetings. The report
recommends that Council resume the normal schedule of meetings with regular
meetings every other Monday at 7:30 p.m. and General Committee sessions on
the alternate Mondays. The regularly scheduled meeting for October 8th woui~
be held on October 9th due to Thanksgiving Day.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman pilts, that
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 543 - City Manager - Re: 106-4-N5-1 (Parking Structure), Brockfield
Apartments, 5552 Heritage Drive, Site Plan Agreement. The report recommends
approval of the subject site plan as submitted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 544 - City Manager - Re: Watermain Installation on Sophia Street, Former
Village of Chippawa. The report recommends that the City's share of the cos:
of this watermain be financed from the severance impost fund Account #3302.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Sobol, the Director of
Municipal Works stated that only the firm of Covello Bros. Limited had been
asked to quote a price on this work since he was already working on a City
watermain contract on Main Street in Chippawa. Since the contractor was
already on the site, the watermain installation on Sophia Street was considerS,
to be au extension of the City's contract.
Alderman Sobol stated that she realized it was practical, but she did ni!
agree that only one person should be asked to bid on work for the sake of
convenience. The Director of Municipal Works stated that he appreciated the
Alderman's concern and explained further that the cost of the work would be ~1
paid through impost funds and not using City funds.
No. 545 - Mayor Wayne Thomson - Re; "Man-A-Mile" Race. The report provides
information on the "Man-A-lOLls" Race to be l~rid in conjunction with the City'
75th Anniversary celebrations, and suggests that members of Council considerif
appointing a team to represent the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fore, that
the report b~ received and filed.. Carried Unanimously.
e o~ ~ ra 1 t provide
fo rio bet
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and filed. Carried ~nanimously.
No. 547 - City Clerk - Re: Consent Item.
1) Niagara South Hoard of Education - Re: New Assessment Equalization Factor!4
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
2) Secretary of State for External Affairs - Re: Canadian Aid to the Republil~
of Viet Nam.
Recommendation - For the information of Council. '
3) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Comparison of Water Production and
Sewage Flows by Municipality.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
4) Ministry of the Attorney General - Re: Ontario Court System.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
5) Niagara South Oldtimers Hockey Club - Re: Second Annual Niagara South
Oldtimers Hockey Tournament.
Recommendation - That permission be granted to operate a beer concession
during the tournament, subject to similar approvals being obtained from
the Niagara Falls Fire Dept., Niagara Regional Police, Health Unit and
the L.L.B.O.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 548 - City Manager - Re~ Building Permits. The report provides informer
on the permits issued by the Building & Development Department for the month
August, 1979 as compared to 1978.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded hy Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and filed. parried Unanimously,
No. 549 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recon~ends
of the municipal accounts.
- 13 -
The City Treasurer and City Manager provided information on CheGues #750,
#752 and #872 in response to questions raised by Aldermen Puttick and Soboi,
and information in general on grants in response to a ouestion raised by
Alderman Merrett. ' ~
Alderman MacBain requested that in future, the accounts report also show
the signature of the City Treasurer and his recommendation that the accounts
be paid. The Alderman felt that since the Treasurer was the statutory officer
responsible for the accounts, his recommendation should appear on the report
to indicate that he had reviewed the accounts.
The City Manager indicated that both he and the Treasurer reviewed the
accounts prior to submission to Council, however the report would be prepared
in the manner suggested by Alderman MacBain in the future.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the format of the accounts report be changed to include the City Treasurer's
recommendation for payment and signature. Carried Unanimously.
No. 82 - MERRETT - DILTS - RESOLVED that the following quotations received for
the supply or rotary mowers for use in the Parks & Cemeteries Department, be
1) Turf Care Products - 5 - 1979 Toro H.D. 25" Power Mowers
Model #23205
2) Blair Mower & Marine - 6 - Lawn Boy H.D. 21" Rotary Mowers
Model #6255
3) Blair Mower & Marine - 8 - 1979 Lawn-Boy Super Commercial
21" Rotary Mower Model #6278
; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 83 - FERA- CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Caligiuri
and Sons Construction and Excavating Limited for the installation of sewers and
watermains and base road construction in Mount Forest Mark III Subdivision, be
accepted at the tendered price of $69,823.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimo~slZ
No. 84 - CDMMINGS - MERRETT ~ RESOLVED that the quotation submitted by
A-1 Steel Works for the supply and erection of two steel bridges at Grassybrook
Park, be accepted at the quoted price of $18,758.00 plus applicable taxes;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimously
No. 85 - CHEESMAN - M~RRETT - RESOLVED that the quotation submitted by
Rotomatic Display Products Ltd. for the supply and installation of 6' high
5/8" tempered glass at both ends of the Niagara South Arena, be accepted at
the quoted price of $10,331.79; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 86 - CUMMINGS - FERA - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be sent to
the family of the late Mrs. Julia Mucicko, a respected member of the community;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried ~nanimous_~Z
No. 8~ - FERA - MERRETT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Fails hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-154 for the rezoning
of lands located on the west side of River Road between John Street and Philip
Street, will conform to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls
Planning Area, once Amendment No. 108 is approved by the Minister of Housing;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimousl~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-la~s be
read a first time:
No. 79-156 - SEE PAGE FIVE
No. 79-157 - SEE PAGE EIGHT
No. 79-158 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Calagui,
& Sons Construction and Excavating Ltd. for the construction of
underground services in the Mount Forest Mark III Subdivision.
No. 79-159 - A By-law to close a portion of Cnlp Street to vehicular traffic-
a temporary basis.
No. 79-160 - A By-law to allow the maintaining and using of a building which
encroaches on Ash Street.
No. 79-161 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried Unanimous'
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fore, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that t'
following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-156 - SEE PAGE FIVE
No. 79-157 - SEE FAGE EIGHT
No. 79-158 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Calagm
& Sons Construction and Excavating Ltd. for the construction of
underground services in the Mount Forest Mark III Subdivision.
No. 79-159 - A By-law to close a portion of Culp Street to vehicular traffic~
a temporary basis.
No. 79-160 - A By-law to allow the maintaining and using of a building which
encroaches on Ash Street.
No. 79-161 - A By-law to provide monies for g~fieral purposes. J.
Carried Unanim0u!~ ~
Alderman Chessman questioned the specifications on parking spaces and
the method used in determining the number of parking spaces required for vari
developments. As an example, the Alderman stated that in Maple Leaf Village
he suspected the number of spaces actually provided and the number of spaces
calculated and shown on the site plan differed quite a bit. Alderman Chess
made reference to the change in parking approved in the site plan for ~he
Brockfield Apartments dealt with earlier by Council. Mayor Thomson explainet!~
that on the Brockfield Apartments, the change was required because of faulty
construction of the parking ramp, and it was only necessary to replace si~
parking spaces. The Mayor also explained that the lot to the rear of the
L,C,B,O, outlet was provided by the owners of that building, The Parking
Committee co-ordinates parking in that area, and posts and bumper guards wer~.i
removed to provide additional parking over and above that required for the
a requirement of the L,C.B,O, that trucks back up to the rear door h .
which requires a great deal of apace, Parking for such developments is requ~
under the zoning by-law, and steps have been taken to show the parking
requirements in the draft zoning by-law more clearly. The Planning Director
provided additional information on this aspect of parking requirements. in
response to a question raised by the Mayor, the Projects & Services Engineer.!
explained that site inspections of parking requirements were carried out by
the Building & Development Department, however he could not comment on the
procedures followed in these inspections.
Alderman Nerrett advised that he had received numerous calls from
living in the Shirley Avenue/Scott Street area concerning charges for storm!
and curbs and gutters constructed as local improvements. The Alderman asked
an explanation could be provided to the residents in the area 'of the charges
- 15 -
The City Clerk advised that all property owners were notified of the City's
intention to construct the local improvements and the residents had an opportunity
to object at that time. The City Clerk also indicated that he would supply
the residents with an explanation and a copy of the original notices that had
been sent out.
Alderman Merrett advised that with the growing popularity of garage sales,
has also come the abuse of this practice by certain individuals who are actually
selling merchandise out of their garages. The Alderman felt that the time had
come for the City's Legal Department to check on problems of this nature.
Mayor Thomson advised that this situation has occurred in the past, and once
the individuals involved had been advised of the fact they would require a
business licence and would also have to collect sales tax on the merchandise
sold, this had usually been the solution to the complaints received. The City
Clerk provided additional information on this matter, and indicated that he
would discuss the problem further with the City Solicitor.
Alderman Merrett asked if the Treasury Department produced a monthly
computer run of the various City accounts. The City Treasurer advised that ~
there were weekly and bi-weekly runs made of the various accounts. In response
to a question raised by Alderman MerEerr, Mayor Thomson advised that the
Finance Committee was told this information was available for their perusal at
any time. Once the Committee has some free time available, the }~yor indicated
this information would be studied on a regular basis.
Alderman Marrett asked if the new meters had been ordered for the areas
in front of the City Hall and the new Library. The Projects & Services Engineer
stated that the meters were on order and that he would check with the supplier
on the delivery dates.
Alderman C,,mmtngs stated that he had received calls regarding the new
roller skating rink on Drummond Road. While the Alderman agreed this type of
facility was needed in the City, he pointed out there were many complaints about
noise, loitering and beer bottles littering the parking lot. ~yor Thomson
advised that he had aCtended the opening night of the facility and had noticed
several of the problems mentioned by Alderman Cummings. The operator of the
facility will be arranging to have off-duty police offiders there on a regular
basis in an effort to eliminate these problems. Alderman Merrett whose business
offices are located on the opposite side of Drummond Road, indicated that he had
become aware of these problems and had discussed the matter with the Regional
Police would be increasing their patrols in the area.
Alderman Puttick advised that he had received complaints from residents
in the area of Kitchener Street and MacDonald Avenue about the speeding of cars
approaching the Q.E.W. Drivers apparently are ignoring the stop sign and are
speeding down MacDonald to get through the green light at the Q.E.W. The
Alderman advised that the residents were suggesting the use of a four-way stop
at this intersection to solve the problem. It was moved by Alderman Puttick,
seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that the matter be referred to staff for the
preparation of a report. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Puttick commented on the fact the Region was installing traffic
lights st the intersection of Thorold Stone Road and Stanley Avenue, and pointed
out that he had been told traffic lights were not required at this intersection
in response to an earlier inquiry. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer advised
that traffic has increased to the point where signals are warranted at this
intersection. The Director of Municipal Works also advised that the Aldermanes
inquiry had been referred to the Region, and the use of lights was the result
of the Region's investigation.
Alderman Puttick advised that he had spoken to various individuals who
shopped in the Main and Ferry business area about the poesibility of having
- 16 -
a stairway or ramp constructed between the businesses on Ferry Street and
the Loblaws parking lot on .Main Street. The Alderman pointed out that this
would not only be a convenience to pedestrians coming off Ferry Street by
not having to walk up and around the corner at Main Street, but would also
provide a means of access for the customers of Loblaws to the businesses on
Ferry Street. Mayor ~lomson stated that the Parking Committee had considere~
the possibility of installing a driveway ramp in this area, however since the
lands in question were privately owned, such attempts had been unsuccessful.
The Mayor did indicate that the property owners could be approached on this
matter again.
Alderman Merrett congratulated Mayor Thomson for having the low net sc0r.
at the City Council Golf Tournament held on the weekend. Mayor Thomson comme~ ~
that the touranment had been very well attended and noted that this would be.~
annual event in the future.
Mayor Thomson stated that a Blue Grass Festival had been held at the
Niagara South Recreation Complex recently, and there had been a parking probl~
during the event. Cars had apparently been parked on the yards of adjacent
property owners and these persons would like something to be done by the City
to prohibit such problems in the future. The Mayor suggested that snow fenc~
could be used as a temporary solution to the problem, however some thought
should be given to a permanent solution in the future. It was moved by Aldem~'
Wallman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the matter be referred to staff f0~
the preparation of a report for a permanent solution, and further that the
problem be temporarily solved with the use of snow fencing. Carried Unanim0~'
It was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded..~by Alderman Chessman, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
Council Chambers
September 17, 1979
Council met on Monday, September 17~ 1979 following a meeting of the
General Committee. All members of Council were present with the exception
of Alderman MacBain. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
Report No. 550 - City I-~nager - Re: Site Plan Approval, Oakes Drive Notel.
The report recommends approval of the subject Site Plan as submitted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Hinsoerger, that-the
City proceed with improvements to the Jack Bell Arena mezzanine at the tendered
cost of $42,008.00, with the City contributing $7,000.00 and the balance of
$35,008.00 being contributed by the Greater Niagara Minor Eockey Association.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 551 - City ~nager - Re: Sale of Lots 4 and 5 -- Falls Industrial Park
Extension. The report reconunends: 1) That Council authorize the sale of
Lots 4 and 5 to ~!ph Powell, In Trust, at a total cost of $86,939; 2) That
the Legal Department be authorized to finalize the necessary documents for
this transaction; 3) That the usual condition of requiring Council's
approval of any re-sale within 5 years of the date of the sale, will not
apply to the sale of these lands to a Company now being incorporated by the
persons in whose favour Mr. Powell is purchasing for "In Trust"; and 4) That
the necessary by-law be given three readings.
The City Manager advised that a group of Canadian businessmen represented
by Mr. Ralph Powell, In Trust, have purchased 10.5 acres of land adjacent to
Lots 4 and 5 in the Falls Industrial Park Extension, a~d wish to 9urchase
these two lots for an industrial plant and offices.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Schisler,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
S~.e_~ByT. law No. 79-162
· No. 552 - City Manager - Re: Reserve for Lot 35, Falls Industrial Park Extension.
'The report recommends approval of a request for a reserve on Lot 35 in the
Falls Industrial Park Extension by Mr. Ralph Powell, acting "In Trust" for
the purchasers. of Lots 4 and 5, as outlined in Report No, 551, until October
lst~, 1980.
ORI)ERBD on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that leave be granted to introduce the following by-law, and the by-law be
read a first time:
No. 79-162 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial
Park Extension. (Lots 4 & 5 - Ralph Powell "In Trust")
Carried Unanimous.l~.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Aldsrman Sobol, that the
by-law be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-162 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial
Park Extension. (Lots 4 & 5 - Ralph Powell "In Trust")
Carried Unanimously
The City Manager announced that a tour had been arranged by the Niagara
Falls Business & Industrial Growth Agency of the Falls Industrial Park and
the Falls Industrial Park'Extension on Tuesday, September 25, 1979. It was
further advised that there would be a bus at the City Hall at 4:30 p.m. to
take the members of Council and the Agency on the tour.
It was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that a messag
of condolence be sent to the family of the late Albert Shennan, former Chief
of Police of the Niagara Regional Police. Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Rinsperger, seconded by Alderman Merritt, that
a message of condolence be sent to the family of the late Mrs. Agnes Monaghan
a respected member of the community. Carried Unanimously.
Mayor Thomson advised that Lord Mayor Jockel Fuchs of MAinz, West Germa~
was planning a visit to Niagara Falls in the near future· The Mayor advised
that it was proposed to have a short meeting in the City Council Chambers to
welcome Lord Mayor Fuchs, followed by a short reception.
Mayor Thomson advised that he had received Mr. A. Macklem's resignation
from the Planning & Development Committee due to health reasons. It was
by Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman SobS, that the resignation be
accepted with regret, and that a letter of appreciation he sent to Mr. Mackl~
for his services to the City. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Chessman requested that an investigation be made of parking
conditions on Pitton Road south of Catalina Street. It was moved by Alderman
Cheesmn, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that the matter be referred to Staff
for the preparation of a report. Carried Unapimously.
Alderman Cummings advised that he had received an inquiry regarding
testing at Houck Park for methane gas. The Director of Municipal Works
advised that there will be a report presented to Council shortly on this
Alderman Fera requested that a report be prepared on the feasibility
of permitting ~arking on Kitebauer Street in the area of the Medical Professi.~
Alderman Cummings advised of the recently completed Leisure Activities
Directory of the Recreation Commission, which had been prepared in
with the Niagara Fails Y.W.C.A., the Niagara Palls Family Y.M.C.A., the Niag
Falls Public Library, Niagara South Board of Education, Boys & Girls Club
of Niagara and the Greater Niagara Senior Citizens Association. Alderman
Cummings indicated that the brochure would be distributed to 25,000 homes
the City at a cost of $4,500.
Alderman Merrett advised that he had received complaints about a vacant
lot on Simcoe Street, where an apartment buildinB had been demolished a year
earlier following a fire. The Alderman advised that in addition to the weeds
the property, it was littered with debris from the fire. While City Hall had
been called previously about the weeds, they had not been cut. The residents
in the area were also experiencing problems with storm water run-off from this
property following the recent heavy rains. The Director of Municipal Works
indicated that he would check into the matter.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
Committee Room #1
September 24, 1979
Council met on Monday, September 24, 1979 at 6:30 p.m. in Committee of
the Whole. All members of Council were present. Alderman Dilts presided as
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole arose without reporting.
Council Chambers
September 24, 1979
Council met on Monday, September 24, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present· His Worship,
Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman. Alderman Cheesman offered the Opening
The City Clerk advised that the minutes of the meeting held on September 10,
1979, had been distributed and could be adopted if Council so wished. ~yor
Thomson suggested that more time be allowed for the members of Council to read
the minutes, and that the minutes be submitted for adoption at the next
regular meeting.
Mayor Thomson advised that there had been severaI meetings held on this
matter during the past week, and it had been agreed there would be an extension
of the time for which full payment of local improvement charges could be made.
The time period had been extended from October 13th to the end of January, 1980.
The City Treasurer advised that the Region would not be selling its debentures
until mid-March, and the City could wait until the end of January for those
residents wishing to make full payment of the charges.
Mrs. D. Jones was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
AJderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings. Mrs. Jones advised that there
were residents present who were not new home buyers, and that not all persons
were residents of Shirley Avenue· Mrs. Jones stated that the residents had
called their lawyers and asked if they could prepare a letter which says that
they had searched the titles of their properties and on checking with the City,
had been told there were no local in~rovements charged against the land. When
the bills for this work were received, the previous owners~ names were crossed
out and the new ownerst names were inserted. Mrs. Jones stated that she had
not been told of these outstanding charges when she purchased her home, and
she felt the bills should be sent to the previous owners. It had been explained
at the Court of Revision that the residents on Shirley Avenue had signed
petitlena requesting that the sewers be installed, and for that reason Mrs. Jones
felt the new owners should not be expscted to pay the cost.
The City Clerk stated that the City was eympathetic to the position of the
residents, however there was very little that could be done about their complaints.
The previous o~ners cannot be billed because they no longer own the properties.
Local improvements are charged against the land and the previous owners no longer
own the land. It was agreed that many of the new o~mers had no earlier indication
that there were local improvements assessed against the lands. Some o~ the
local improvements go back many years. The City Clerk explained that the sts~
sewer on Shirley Avenue was originally petitioned in 1974 by the residents.
procedure followed after receipt of the petition involves a report reconmaendi.~
the work be done, two readings of a by-law to authorize the work and notifica~
to the residents who will be assessed. Notices were sent out advising that t!
City intended to construct certain works and the residents were then given an
opportunity to object.' If no objections are received, the City proceeds with
the work. When all costs are known, the City again notifies the residents of
the costs, and they are given a period of six weeks to pay the entire costs.
The City Clerk stated that there was a time lapse involved between completion
of the work and final notification of the costs, during which persons
the properties involved would not have knowledge of the local improvement
pending. Although the owners' solicitors would receive a tax certificate ire
the City indicating whether or not there were taxes owing, the local improvemd
charges would not show since they cannot be added to the tax rolls until afte:
the Court of Revision is held. The City Clerk advised that there was one way
solicitor could have datermined whether or not local improvement charges were
pending, and that was by specifically requesting this information. In this
respect, the City Treasurer had suggested a new procedure whereby the City
Clerk's Department, the Treasury Department and the Engineering Department we;
have a copy of a list of all properties involved in future local improvement
charges that would be available for public use at all times. The City Clerk
also suggested that lawyers acting in property transactions specifically
this information when inquiring about property taxes.
Mrs. Jones provided copies of letters from some of the lawyers who had
acted on behalf of several new home buyers which stated that the lawyers had
not been advised of the pending local improvement charges. The City Clerk
noted that the requests made of City Hall by the lawyers was for tax
information. At the date of the requests, the local improvement charges had
not been added to the tax roll and the exact amounts pending would not have
been available at that time.
Mrs. Jones commented that it took over t~ee years for the charges on the
storm sewer to be billed to the property owners. At the Court of Revision
hearing, the residents were advised that these bills are delayed in the Engine
Department for some time, so that even if someone specifically requested this
information, it would not have been available. Mrs. Jones felt it was wrong
and possibly illegal for the City to have crossed the previous owners' names
off the bills and substituted the new owners' names instead. Mrs. Jones felt
the new owners should have been told of these pending charges, and should be
given a longer period of time to pay the bills.
The City Clerk noted that the life expectancy of the work done was
years, and that the new owners, if they remain in their houses, would be the'
chief beneficiaries of the services. Mrs. Jones stated that she had not req
that this work be done, nor did she own the property when construction took p~
Mrs. Jones reiterated that she had not been told of these charges when she h'
inquired about the taxes, and had assumed as most people do, that the cost of
such work was included in the taxes. The City Clerk stressed that this
information was available if the solicitors had asked for it. It was also
explained that the owners were not paying the whole cost of'this work, and
fact the Municipality was paying for fifty per cent of the cost. -The Director
of Municipal Works explained that the owners are charged sixty per cent and t~
Municipality pays the remaining forty per cent. In addition to that fort~
per cent, reductions on flankages must also be taken into consideration as
as the cost of constructing the services on those portions of property owned
by the City. This brings the City's share of the total construction cost up
to fifty per cent. Although the City does receive subsidy on its share, the
M.T.C. will not subsidize local improvement contributions. In response to a
further question raised by Mrs, Jones, the City Clerk stated that a solicitor
acting in a property transaction should ask if there are local improvement
charges pending since he is being paid to determine if there are nutstanding
charges against the property,
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, the City Treasurer
stated that this is a case of "buyer'be ware". It is up Co the individual or
his realtor to come to City Hall before signing an offer to purchase in order
to determine as much as possible about the property. Even at the tax certific
stage the buyer is too late. The City Treasurer explained that this
would be made available at either his Department, the Clerk~s Department or
the Engineering Department. In addition, the Treasury Department will notify
of pending charges on the tax certificate. This certificate which normally
shows that taxes are paid up to December 31st of the previous year, will
also include such additional information as the current year's taxes and
any pending local improvement charges. The City Treasurer advised that this
procedure will create a lot of extra work in his Department, and pointed out
that tax certificates are handled by one clerk. The Treasurer again cautioned
buyers to check such information out before making an offer to purchase.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett, the Deputy City
Solicitor stated that most agreements of purchase stipulate that taxes and
local improvements are to be adjusted to the date of closing. It is up to the
solicitor not only to make sure what taxes there are, but any pending charges
there may be. Once a solicitor determines there are local improvement charges,
they should be adjusted to the date of closing.
Alderman Merrett felt that some consideration should be given to these
residents since the local improvement information had not been made available.
The Alderman suggested that the situation could be made easier by extending
the payment period. Mayor Thomson pointed out that the residents have the
choice of paying the full amount or extending the payment over a ten year
period. Alderman Merrett stated that there were interest charges involved in
· the longer payment period and suggested that the full payment period be extended
several more months.
The City Treasurer stated that the City must notify the Region of the
exact balance remaining to be debentured, and that is why a specific cut-off
date is required. Since the Region will be selling debentures in March, the
cut-off period could not be extended past the first of February.
Mr. R. ~achs of Heximer Avenue stated that he had his lawye~ call City
Hall and ask if the local improvement information should have been added to
the tax information, and he was told it should have been ~dded. Since the
City's mistake was admitted, Mr. Zachs did not feel the residents should h~ve
to pay for it. Mr. Zachs also stated that the work on Heximer was completed
over two years previously, and he felt that two and a half years was an
excessive period of time to finally bill the residents. The Director of
Municipal Works explained that it takes at least a year to get all the
information on the entire programme together in order to determine the final
charges. The Court of Revision is usually held in the Fall, however in the
case of Heximer Avenue, the employee who prepares the final costing suffered
a heart attack resulting in the final costing being carried over into the
next year. The Director of Municipal Works further stated that if an inquiry
is received, his Department would indicate whether or not local improvement
charges were pending. Mr. Zachs stated that he had been told at the Court
of Revision that even if a person asked for this information, he would be
passed from one person to another and would not get the information. The
Director of Municipal Works stated that his Department has this information,
and it is available upon request.
Alderman Merrett suggested that a letter could be sent to the local bar
association and real estate association suggesting that their members be
sure to check the local improvement information that will be made available
for public inspection at the City Hall. The City Treasurer stated that a
meeting has been arranged with representatives of these agencies on several
other matters, and that this item could also be discussed at that time.
Mayor Thomson suggested that the question of extending the full payment
period be referred to staff and that a report be submitted at the next
regular meeting. The Mayor invited the residents to attend the meeting on
October 9th when this matter will again be considered.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded
by Alderman Dilts, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation
of a report to be considered at the next regular meeting of Council. Carried
Report No. 553 - His Worship, Mayor Thomson - The report recommends that
Alderman A.A. MacBain, Alderman W.A. Einsperger, Alderman B. Merrett and
Alderman C. Chessman with the Mayor acting in an ex-officio capacity, be
appointed as a Performance Evaluation Work Group to review the standards
of performance of the office of City Manager, and further that the group
be asked to hold its first meeting during the week of September 24th, 1979
to appoint a chairman and to initiate their responsibilities as quickly as
possible. The report further recon~nends that the communication of the City
Manager dated September 17th outlining how his office intends to meet the
guidelines contained in the report of Stevenson & Kellogg, be referred to
the Performance Evaluation Group for its consideration.
Mayor Thomson pointed out that he had wished to be a member of the
Performance Evaluation Group and not nerve only in an ex-officio capacity as
outlined in the report. Mayor Thomson also asked if there was any reason
the City Manager's letter referred to in the report, could not be given to
the presn. Alderman Puttick could see no reason the letter could not be madei
public information. The Alderman conmented that he could not see much changed!
from procedure in the ~ity Manager's letter, however he suggested it be
evaluated by the Work Group as soon as possible.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, t~
the report be received and adopted and further that copies of the Stevenson
Kellogg report and the letter of the City Manager be made available to the p~
Carried Unanimously. .
Report No. 554 - City Manager - The report requestn that Council make the
netcanary appointments for the Niagara Falln Hydro Commission for the term
commencing January 1st and ending November 30th, 1980.
In renponse to a question raised by Alderman Schislar, Mr. G. Buriey
advised that under Bill 29, it is proposed that the new Commission will take
in Chippaws and all of the rural areas prenently served by other authorities.{~,~
It was noted that there had been no applications received from an
individual wishing to serve on the new Commis&~on, representing the area of
the City that is not presently covered by the Niagara Falls Hydro Comminsion~
or the Chippawa Public Utilities Comminsion. Mayor Thomson suggested that
an opportunity to apply. Alderman Schisler noted that any press
the matter will create discunsion in these areas of the City and could
generate some interest in the appointment. The Alderman indicated that both
he and Alderman Wallman could speak to residents in the Willoughby and Crowl~
areas of the City interested in serving in such a capacity.
Following a vote by secret ballot, the following persons were appointed
to the new Niagara Falls Rydro Commission: )~. J. Wintort, )~. A. Somerville!
and Mr. G. Prate.
It was moved by Alderman Hinnperger, seconded by Alderman Schisler, the{
the remaining appointment bs deferred for two weekn. Carried Unanimouely.
It was moved by Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Orr,'that items'
#4~ #5, #18 and #19 under "Reports" be moved forward for consideration a~_th~
time. Carried Unanimously.
No. 555 - City Clerk - Re: A~26/78, Objections to Zoning Amendment By-law
N0. 79-136, M. Aiello. The report advises that as a result of circulation
of the subject by-law, a petition bearing 17 signaturen, an appeal by
Mr. B. Sinclair on behalf of Mr. M. MacGillivray and a letter from
Grocery, were received in objection to the application.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
the objections be referred to the Ontario Municipal Board. Carried Unanim0
No. 556 · City Clerk - Re: AM-11/?9~ Objections to Zoning Amendment By-law
No. 79-154, G. & A. Romeo Construction Limited. The report advises that as
a result of circulation of the subject by-law, three letters in and
several letters and a petition opposing the application were received.
Mr. A. Smith was 8ranted permission to address Council on the motion
Alderman Sobol$ seconded by Alderman C~mm{ngs. Mr. Smith commented that he
was still strongly opposed to the application and felt it would be a serious
mistake to allow a building to be constructed at that location. Mr. Smith
commented on the stability of the rock structure in this area, and warned
that if part of River Road were to collapse because of the construction of
this proposal, it would cause a break in the most famous park system in Canada.
Mr. Smith asked that the matter be settled in the City and not be referred
to the Ontario Municipal Board. Alderman Puttick asked Mr. Smith to supply
the source of his information regarding the stability of the rock structure
in the area, and suggested that this information could be referred to
Mr. J. Harris of the Niagara Parks Commission Engineering Department for
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the letters in favour and in opposition, be referred to the Ontario Municipal
Board. The motion Carried with Aldermen ~cBain, Sobol and Wallman voting
contrary, and all others voting in fayour.
Communication No. 211 - Mr. Marcel Dionne - The communication advises that
Marcel Dionne Enterprises Limited has disassociated itself with the Niagara
River Inn project on River Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman b~cBain, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 557 - City Manager - Re: Flooding in the City of Niagara Fails on
September 14, 1979. The report recommends: 1) That a notice be placed in the
news media indicating that comments will be received from persons affected by
the storm of September 14th, 1979 at the special Council meeting on October 1st,
1979. The intent of the special meeting would be to gain input from the
persons affected by the storm so that thin information can be properly
evaluated by staff; and 2) That the special meeting of October 29, 1979 be
set aside to receive the staff report on this matter.
Mr. R. Lococo of Rousseau Place was granted permission to address Council
on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera. Mr. Lococo
commented that the study carried out several years ago on basement flooding
complaints was in some respects inaccurate, and asked if there was any way an
outside firm could be retained to investigate the problem further. Mr. Lococo
mentioned several areas of the report he considered to be inaccurate, such as
the frequency of such floodings and the amount of rainfall before flooding
occurs, and suggested that with the use of an outside agency, these inaccuracies
could be cleared up. The Director of Municipal Works felt that making such a
broad statement about the report being inaccurate was unfair, however he
nuggested that the possibility of hiring outside services to investigate the
problem further could be discussed by Council at the October 1st meeting.
Several other residents commented on the report and expressed their
views and complaints on the problems they have experienced with basement
flooding. Mayor Thomson stated that a meeting had been arranged to discuss
the entire matter, and suggested that the discussion continue at that time.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded
by Alderman Cu~waings, that the report be received and adopted. Carried
Communication No. 212 - N.P.H.B. Land Developments Limited - Re: Ancot Woods
Extension No. 1. The communication requests that the developer be allowed to
Join a contract already tendered and accepted for the servicing of thirty-six
semi lots in the subject nubdivision.
Report No. 558 - City Manager - Re: Underground Servicing of Ascot Woods
Extension 1. The report recommends that the requent of N.P.H.B. Land Developments
Limited be approved 'and that the unit prices of Contract G.C. 12-79 be extended
to include the underground installations in the subject subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the request be approved, and the report received and adopted. Carried
NOTE; Alderman MacBain declared a conflict of interest and abstained
from voting on this matter.
NO. 213 - Residents of Main Street (Chippawa) - Re: City Property at Rear of
4071 Main gtreet. The communication requests that Couucil have Mr. Mingle
- 6 - 7
clean up the property and not be allowed to build on the property again higher equalized assessment for rural municipalities attracting a higher
unless proper sanitary outlets are installed, or to lease the property to ~ degree of taxation. The Alderman felt that the Province should look closely
Mr. Nick Ruskoff who owns the property at 4071 Main Street adjacent to the at what lands were being farmed and what lands were being held for speculation.
property in question. Alderman Schisler felt that developers holding land for speculation should
pay taxes and that farmers trying to make a living from their lands should
Alderman Macgain asked if authority should be given to terminate the leaii not be penalized.
of the lands if the City is not successful in having Mr. Mingle clear the ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
property as requested. Mayor Thomson felt such action was too harsh, and the report be referred to staff for a report on the impact of equalization as
suggested that Mr. Mingle first be requested to clear the property, and if it affects the City of Niagara Falls. Carried Unanimousiv.
appropriate action is not taken, Council could proceed with further action. -- ·
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, No. 217 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: City of Niagara Falls Stop
that Council request the property be cleared of all debris including piles Sign By-law No. 79-77. The communication advises that items lt3(a), ll3(b),
and footings, and that a report be prepared regarding the future disposition 114 (a), l14(b), 115(a) and llS(b) of By-law 79-77 have not been approved by
of those lands owned by the City and situated between Sophia and Greenwood the Regional Public Works & Utilities Committee, and that the remaining items
Streets. Carried Unanimously. of the by-law have been approved.
No. 214 - Heart Niagara - Re: Fund Raising Day. The communication requests The City Clerk advised that a further letter has been received from the
permission to collect money in an organized fashion f~om motorists at collect/. Region indicating that the matter will receive additional consideration by
points where sufficient number of vehicles congregate, i.e. main traffic lighn ~ the Regional Public Works & Utilities Committee on September 27, 1979.
shopping plazas, etc.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Merrett commented that he had been in other municipalities
where this type of soliciting takes place, and he had found it to cause No. 218 - Mr. P. Grandoni - Re: Official Plan Amendment No. 71. The communication
traffic congestion. The Alderman stated that he would be in favour of the expresses objection to the text changes as proposed in Items one and two,
request if the soliciting did not involve major intersections. ~ Part Fifty-five of Official Plan ~mendment No. 71.
Mayor Thomson advised that a com~nittee had been set up with staff and No. 219 - Mr. P. Grandoni - Re: City of Niagara Falls Zoning By-law. The
representatives of Heart Niagara, the Lions Club and Regional Police to communication makes certain objections and recommendations on the City of
co-ordinate the operation. The Mayor stated that every attempt would be made Niagara Falls Draft Zoning By-law. '
to minimize the effects on traffic, and hopefully the committee could cut d0z ! AND
to a minimum the bother to anybody involved. Mayor Thomson also pointed out ~ No. 220 - Mr. P. Grandoni - Re: Marisa Subdivision. The communication obJegts
that this organization was badly in need of funds, and it was hoped that there ~ to the registration and final approval of the subject subdivision.
were enough volunteers involved to make the project work. ! AND
__ ~ No. 221 - Mr. P. Grandoni - Re: West Meadow Subdivision. The communication
It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Puttick, that the objects to the registration and final approval of the subject subdivision.
request be approved. The motion was Defeated with the following vote: ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
AYE: Aldermen Dilts, Fera, Orr, Puttick and Schisler. ; communications be referred to the Planning & Development Committee. Carried
~AYE:. Aldermen Cheesmmn, Cvmm~ngs, Hinsperger, Macgain, Herrerr, Sobol and ~ Unanimously. -'
~ No. 222 - Greater Niagara General Hospital - Re: Proposed Bed Cuts. The
Alderman MacBain suggested that this committee meet with Heart Niagara { communication requests the support of the City in protesting imposed bed cuts
representatives and attempt to work out another method of collecting donations ~ and requesting a review of Provincial priorities.
Mayor Thomson indicated that he would call th~ persons involved and discuss ~ ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by ~lderman Hinsperger, that
the matter further. 4 the position of the Greater Niagara General Hospital be endorsed and the
appropriate parties notified accordingly. Carried Unanimously.
No. 215 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Bridge over HEPC Canal, Port~ ?
Road. The communication requests the comments of the Municipality on a rep0r~ ' No. 223 - City of Thorold - Re: Niagara Regional Police. The communication
outlining different steps to be taken to alleviate the present rate of. ~ requests endorsement of a resolution requesting consideration by the Province
deterioration of the bridge and reduce maintenance costs. ~ of the establishment of a local police force.
~ ~ ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Htnsperger,
Alderman Merrett felt it was amusing that the Region was considering buyi that the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
a tractor to maintain one bridge. '
~[ No. 224 - Ministry of Housing - Re: Ontario Rome Renewal Program, Fiscal Year
Alderman Dilts stated that he was tired of reading reports on this bridge ~ 1979-80 Allocation, Additional Advance. The communication advises that
when Council had been told months ago by qualified people that the structure ~ municipal requests for funding under this year's program have exceeded the
was unsafe. The Alderman felt that Council should make a decision soon on Provincial budget, and the City's application cannot be fulfilleh at this time.
closing the bridge and start listening to the engineers.. Mayor Thomson ~ The communication states that the dollar value of the Municipality's loan
explained that the decision was made to have the bridge remain open because ~ commitments to homeowners must not exceed the available OHRP funds which it
of the businesses north of the bridge. Since a committee was recently /~ has on hand.
established to deal with this matter, the ~yor felt it would be unfair to ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cunu~ings~
simply make a decision on closing the bridge without considering the matter that the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
further. Alderman Dilts stated that whatever decision was made, it should
be made as soon as possible because the winter season was approaching. No. 225 - Renaissance Family Institute - Re: Family Day, Parents'Manifesto on
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman b~cBain, that Schools. The communication requests that Council proclaim October 14, 1979
the communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. , as Family Day, and that the municipality comment on the Parents~ Manifesto on
Carried Unanimously. Schools.
No. 216 - Regional Municipality of NiaRara - Re: New Equalization ~ Alderman Chessman commented that if Council endorsed the first request,
The communication requests the comments of the Municipality on a report regat~ it could be considered as giving tacit approval to the second request. Although
New Equalization Factors. the intentions of the manifesto were good, the Alderman felt it was a very
i complicatedraatter and that Council would be well advised not to get involved.
Alderman Schisler referred to the comment on PaSs Two of the report sta~ In response to a question raised by Alderman Patrick, Alderman Chessman stated
'that under the new system, farmland is under-assessed and 'will result in a that he was not aware that the matter had been considered by the School Board.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman MscBain,
..... 7 that the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 226 - Spironello and Iseppon Investments Ltd. - Re: Glenview Park. The
communication requests consideration of a proposed land exchange with the Ci~
to allow expansion of the Shady Rest Motel.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a report, along with
comments to be obtained from the area residents. Carried Unanimously.
No. 227 - Central Veterans' Organization - Re: Annual Remembrance Day Service.
The communication requests permission to hold the annual Remembrance Day Serviz
and that the City make the usual arrangements respecting the sound system,
barricades, etc.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the request be granted and that City staff be authorized to make the
necessary arrangements. Carried Unanimously.
No. 228 - Niagara Falls Art Gallery & Museum - Re: Support and Ansistance of
City Council. The communication outlines the following requests: 1) That
consideration be given to financial assistance or municipal tax relief; 2)
That the east service road be re-named Kurelek Drive or any other name so
that visitors can easily locate the museum; and 3) That the City support a
petition to the Postmaster General of Canada in issuing a series of stamps
dedicated to the memory of William Kurelek.
Alderman Cheesman suggested that the request regarding the issue of a
series of commemorative stamps, be referred to the local philatelic society
for comment and possible assistance.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the requests be referred to the Finance Committee, Street Name Committee and
the local philatelic society. Carried Unanimously.
No. 229 - Downtown Board of Management - Re: Downtown Parking. The communicat~
requests that the City approve free off-street parking in all lots in the
downtown on Saturdays effective immediately.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the request be approved. Carried Unanimously."'
No. 230 - Ontario Hydro - Re: Additional Supply to St. Catharines Area. The
communication advises of the preview for local elected and appointed officials
of an information centre program to be held at the Club Rome, Vansickle Road
in St. Catharines on October 1st and 2rid, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
communication be received and filed, and as rn~ny members of Council as possibl,
attend. Carried Unanimously.
No. 559 - City Manager - Re: Co-Operative Tenders - 1) Sodium Chloride, 2)
Fence, Post & Ties. The communication reconmends acceptance of the tenders
submitted by Canadian Salt Co. Ltd. for the supply of sodium chloride,
Wilkinson and Kompass for snow fence, Lennox for the supply of T-Bar Posts,
and F. Powell for the supply of snow fence ties.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fete, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 560 - City Manager s
Fences and Backstops. The report recommends acceptance of the unit prices
submitted by Frost Steel and Wire Co. Limited for the supply and installation
of fences and backstops.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded. by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution
See By-law No.
No. 561 - City Manager - Re: Contract S.S. 15-79, Storm Sewer Construction
Franklin Avenue, Culp Street and Murray Street. The report recommends accc
of the unit prices submitted by William Duffin Contracting Limited for the'
subject contract.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, thst~
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution
See By-law No.
No. 562 - City Manager - Re: AM-2/78, J. Angotti, Ferry Street and Victoria
Avenue. The report recommends ,passage of a by-law to provide ~or the new
designation of a site plan control area instead of a development control area,
as provided in the recent amendment to Section 35a of The Planning Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman }~cBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-163
No. 563 - His Worship, Mayor Thomson - Re: Meeting of City }~yors. The report
advises that Mayor Thomson, the City Manager and Planning Director will attend
a meeting of City Mayors in Kitchener on October 12, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Hinsperge~, that
the information be noted and the report received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 564 - His Worship, Mayor Thomson - Re: Cross Border Emergency Information
Flow. The report provides information on discussions held between local officials
and Niagara Falls, New York officials to arrange for immediate information flow
from one city to the other in any future emergency situations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 565 - City }~nager - Re: Zero Base Budgeting. The report advises that the
Finance Committee recommends that the City not adopt s formalized Zero Base
Budgeting system at this time. ~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 566 - City Manager - Re: Residential Rubbish Collection, Fall Campaign.
The report recommends that the fall campaign in 1979 be carried out between
October 15th and 26th and advertised in the local news media. It was further
recommended that the services of the Ability Centre in Welland be mentioned in
the advertisement as previously done.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett~ Mayor Thomson advised
that the procedure to be followed will be the same as during the spring collection
and as set out in the by-law. The Mayor hoped that Council could get into a
full discussion on the rubbish collection during the 1980 budget discussions.
Mayor Thomson felt the restrictions were too strict, such as bundling of brush
into certain size bundles, and the type of material that would be picked up
during the collection. The Mayor did agree that building materials should not
be accepted during the collection. Alderman Merrett asked if the decision
on whether or not to pick up certain articles was left to the discretion of
the City employee. Alderman Sobol indicated that she had made that suggestion
previously and Council had turned it down. Mayor Thomson indicated that where
a discretionary decision was required, he had been called on the matter.
In response to a further question raised by ~lderman Merrett concerning
the operating budget, the Maintenance & Operations Engineer stated that there
is $18,000 to $19,000 remaining in the operating budget for the rubbish
collection. If the established procedure is followed, there will Just be
sufficient funds on hand to complete ~he collection. If a full collection
had been approved by Council, $70,000 to $80,000 would have been required in
the budget. In 1979, Council approved only $32,500 for both the spring and
fall collections. Alderman Merrett asked if there were any reserves available
that could be used to carry out a full rubbish collection. The Director of
Municipal Works stated that the budget would have to be overspent by $15,000
to $20,000 in order to have a full rubbish collection.
Alderman Merrett asked if there would still be a smaller truck going ahead
of the large trucks indicating what materials would be collected. The Maintenance
and Operations Engineer stated that a foreman goes along the route in advance
to determine the number of trucks required on the collection. This procedure
is considered efficient because no more trucks than necessary are dispatched.
The Director of Municipal Works added that the foreman does not drive along
with the larger truck, but goes ahead to establish the route and determine
the number of trucks required.
Alderman theesmart felt that Council was attempting to re-open the
discussions on the budget which was adopted last spring. The Alderman pointed
out that a great deal of time was spent going through the budget and cutting
various items, such as the rubbish collection. Now that dissatisfaction has
been voiced over the decision for which Council was responsible, the Alderman
feXt it ~as too late to re-open the budget discussions. Alderman Cheesman
also referred to various requests for funds received from municipalities which
- 10 -
had suffered losses through various natural disasters, and the fact Council
could find no funds in the budget to assist. Now that complaints were coming
in, Council was expecting staff to find $15,000 or $20,000 that is not in
the budget.
Mayor Thomson stated that it had been mentioned during earlier discussit
that this system would be used on an experimental basis, and if there were
problems, the rubbish ~ollection could be handled differently in 1980.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded
by Alderman Sobol, that the report be received and adopted. The motion Carri~
with the following vote: "'
AYE: Aldermen Cheesman, Cummings, Dilts, Fera, Hinsperger, MacBain, Puttick
Schialer, Sobol and Wallman.
NAYE: Aldermen Merrett and Orr.
No. 567 - City Manager - Re: Vacancy - Planning & Development Committee.
and Development Committee caused by the resignation of ~. A. c m
Following a vote by secret ballot, Mr. W. Calasina was appointed to the'
Planning & Development Committee.
No. 568 - City Manager - Re: ~intenance of Regional Roads in the City of
Niagara Falls. The report advises of changes made by the Region in expanding
its maintenance of Regional roads to include Victoria Avenue, Bridge Street,,
Clifton Hill and Murray Hill.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 569 - Planning Director - Re: Six Month Report on Residential Development
The report provides a six month review of residential development in the City.
of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermanMarrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and filed. Carried U~e~imously.
No. 570 - City Manager - Re: Property Standards By-law 74-204, M. Popovic ant
R. Lazic, 4444 Simcoe Street. The report recommends pursuant to clause (a)
of subsection 7.10.4 of By-law 74-204, that the Corporation retain a disposall!
service to fo~thwith complete the work which M. Popovic and R. Lazic were
directed to carry out under Order of the Chief Property Standards Officer,
and that pursuant to subsection 7.10.5 of said By-law 74-204, any expense
incurred by the Corporation, its servants or agents in carrying out the work!
aforesaid be recovered in a like manner as municipal taxes.
Mayor Thomson provided additional information in response to a question
raised by Alderman Merrett.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that th~
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 571 - Recreation Commission - Re: Ice Schedules - Municipal Arenas. The~
report recommends adoption of the ice schedule for the Niagara Falls Memorial
Arena, Stamford Memorial Arena, Jack Bell Arena and the Niagara South Arena
and that staff be authorized to inform all applicants.
Alderman Cunnnings stated that the Recreation Commission spent a great
deal of time in preparing the ice schedule, and commended the Commission for
the work done.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett, the Projects and .i
Services Engineer explained that there is not a great demand for use of the
arenas after 1:00 a.m. If the City can make $40.00, it is making money,
however use of the arenas after certain hours would require additional emplo~
There would then be a problem. of what to do with these employees during the
arenas off-season.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cumnings,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 572 - City Manager - Re: Brian Crescent Flooding. The report recommends
that City Council approve the construction cost of $910 to place a sewer
from the front property line to the rear of the properties, with the residefl
paying $375.00 of that cost and the City assuming the balance of $ 35.00.
City will then construct the sewer from the property line to the storm sewer.'
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Cheesman~ seconded by Alderman Minaperge
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
..... ll
- 11 -
No. 573 - City }~nager -- Re: Ontario Huilding Officials Conference. The
report recommends the attendance of the 3uilding & Development Co-ordinator
at the subject conference to be held in Ottawa from September 30
1979. -- October 3,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesuan, seconded by Alderman tilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 574 - City Manager - Re: Jack Bell Mezzanine. The report recoxr~ends
passage of a by-law to authorize an agreement with the Niagara Falls Hinor
Hockey Association providing for the renovation work to the mezzaniae of
the Jack Bell Arena, and that the City ~'~nager be authorized to negotiate
a lease agreement between the City and the Niagara Falls ~vin
.~ or Hockey
Association for use of the mezzanine area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-168
No. 575 - City ~nager - ~e: Cemetery ]lates. The report recommends passage of
a by-law to provide for certain changes in the recently approved cemetery rates.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cu~aings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously. ~
See By-law No. 79-167
No. 576 - City ~nager - Re: Rural Guide Signing. The report recommends: 1) That
guide signs be erected only for those roadways closed at their intersection with
the Q.E.W.; 2) That the guide signs be erected as an interim measure only and
that they be maintained for a period of five years and then removed at the end
of their useful life; and 3) The routes to these roadways be signed along the
most reasonable routes commencing at the Q.E.W. interchanges both north and
south of the closed intersections.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 577 - City Clerk - Re: Consent items.
1) Lord Elgin Vocational School - Invitation to attend 3K Fun Run, October 16,
Recommendation - That as many members of Council as possible attend this
2) Liquor Licence Board of Ontario - E1 Paco's Snacks Restaurant.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
3) Municipal Liaison Conm~ittee - Newslstter~ August, 1979.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
4) Regional Niagara Finance Department .- 1979 Capital Expenditure Quotas.
Recommendation - That the information be noted and the co~.~nunication received
and filed.
5) Fire Prevention Bureau - Fire Prevention Week, October 7 - 13, 1979.
Recommendation - That the request for proclamation be granted.
6) Consumers' Gas - Notice of Rate Hearing, re: application for interim rates.
Recommendation - Receive and file.
7) Niagara District Fire Fighters~ Association - Letter of Appreciation for
Annual Grant.
Recommendation - Receive and file.
8} Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Response to ~'~ite Paper on the
Planning Act and Report on !Iunicipai Conflict of Xnterest.
Recommendation - Refer to appropriate staff for the preparation of comments.
9) Niagara Resort & Tourist Association -United Way Poor Boy Luncheon, November
2, 1979.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
10) Regional Public Works & Utilities Department -. Comparison of water
Production and sewage flows.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
11) Regional Niagara Senior Citizens Department - Sun~ary and Recommendations
of Provinctal-Metro Task Force on the Elderly Persons Centres Act.
Recommendation - The comments of Council should be received in order that
they can be consolidated in a reply to Mr. Rapelie before October 5, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 578 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The =sport recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
The Director of Municipal Works provided additional information on
Cheque ~1083 in response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett.
..... 12
- 12 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried with ~lderman Merrett abstaining
on Cheque #1037 and Alderman Puttick abstaining on Cheque #927.
No. 579 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Campus - Niagara College. The report
recommends passage of a by-law to authorize an amendment to an agreement with
Niagara College to provide that the City's grant of $105,000 apply to the
purchase of the Dunn Street site.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-L
No. 88 - CHEESMAN - FERA - RESOLVED that the following tenders for the supply
of sodium chloride, snow fence, post and ties be accepted:
1) Canadian Salt Co. Ltd. - $19.68 per ton;
2) Wilkinson and K mpass - $39.90 per 100 ft. of Snow Fence;
3) Lennox - $2.50 per 6 ft. of T-Bar Posts
4) F. Powell - $2.64 per 7 ft. of Snow Fence Ties;
; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl
No. 89 - CHEESMAN - FERA - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Frost
Steel & Wire Co. Limited for the supply and installation of fences and backate
be accepted at the tendered price of $31,149.99; AND the Seal of the Corporati
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous
No. 90 - CHEESMAN - MERRETT - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by
William Duffin Contracting Limited for storm sewer construction on Franklin
Avenue, Gulp Street and Murray Street, be accepted at the tendered price of
$160,485.50; AND the Seal of the Corporation be-hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous
Alderman Dilts noted that By-law No. 79-166 to prohibit motorized vehicl
on sidewalks, pathways and footpaths owned by the City, would cover the maj0rf~.
of problems being experienced by residents in the City. The Alderman asked
would be possible to have restrictions coverimg the use of motorbikes on many.
of the Hydro right-of-ways in the City. The Deputy City Solicitor stated that
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman e hat
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws.be read
a first time:
No. 79-163 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-107 respecting By-law No. 5335,
1955, as amended. (AM-2/TB, J. Angotti)
No. 79-164 -
No. 79-165 -
A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Frost
and Wire Company Limited for the supply and erection of fences
backstops in the City of Niagara Falls·
A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with W. Dnf
Contracting Ltd. for the construction of storm sewers on Frankli
Avenue and Gulp Street and Franklin Avenue and Murray Street·
No. 79-166 - A By-law to prohibit motorized vehicles on sidewalks, pathways
footpaths in the'City of Niagara Falls.
No. 79-167 -
No. 79-168 -
A By-law to amend By-law No. 73-22 being a by-law regarding
A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with the
Niagara Minor Hockey Association.
No. 79-169 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
- 13 -
No. 79-170 - A By-law to authorize an amending agreement with the Board of
Governors of the Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology.
Carried with Aldermen
Merrett and Puttick
abstaining on Cheques
#1037 and #927 of
By-law 79-169, and all
others voting in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-163 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-107 respecting By-lm¢ No. 5335,
1955, as amended. (AM-2/78, J. Angotti)
No. 79-164 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Frost Steel
and Wire Company Limited for the supply and erection of fences and
backstops in the City of Niagara Falls.
No. 79-165 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with W. Duffin
Contracting Ltd. for the construction of storm sewers on Franklin ~
Avenue and Gulp Street and Franklin Avenue and Murray Street.
No. 79-166 - A By-law to prohibit motorized vehicles on sidewalks, pathways and
footpaths in the City of Niagara Falls.
No. 79-167 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 73-22 being a by-law regarding
No. 79-168 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with the Greater
Niagara Minor Hockey Association.
No. 79-169 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
No. 79-170 - A By-law to authorize an amending agreement with the Board of
Governors of the Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology.
Carried with Aldermen
Merrett and Puttick
abstaining on Cheques
#1037 and #927 of
By-law 79-169, and all
others voting. in favour.
Mayor Thomson extended an invitation to all present in the Council Chambers
for coffee and a piece of his birthday cake which had been presented to him by
his daughters Layne and Tamara before the start of the CounCil meeting·
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the meeting
ad3oura. Carried Unanimously.
Council Chambers
October 1, 1979
Council met on Monday, October 1, 1979, following a meeting of the
General Committee. All members of Council were present. His Worship,
Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
It was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the proposal for improvements to the River Road entrance to Queen Street, be
given preliminary approval as submitted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 580 - City }~nager - The report presents for Council's consideration
the Annual Housing Review dealing solely with assisted housing programmes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be accepted for transmittel to the Ministry of Housing. Carried
Report No. 581 - City Manager - The report recommends payment of relocation
allowances to tenants of properties prior to closing of the purchase transaction
by the City in order to assist these families.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 582 - City Manager - The report recommends acceptance of the tendered
price submitted by Stamford Plumbing & Heating for changes to the heating system
at the Community Resources Centre.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 91 - CHEESMAN - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the tendered price submitted by
Stamford Plumbing & Heating for changes to the heating system at the Community
Resources Centre, be accepted at the lump sum bid price of $26,880.00; AND the
Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Cheesman advised members of Council that on Sunday, October 7th,
1979 at 6:30 p.m., Niagara Falls will be featured on the New Faces Programme
on Channel 11. Alderman Cheesman further advised that the programme is a
75th 'Anniversary project, and urged all members of Council to watch the show.
It was moved by Alderman Orr, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
Committee Room #1
October 9, 1979
Council met on Tuesday, October 9, 1979 at 7:25 p.m. in Committee of the
Whole. All members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Orr.
Alderman Hinsperger presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the Whole
arose without reporting. ~ ~ · ' & · ~
Council Chambers
October 9, 1979
Council met on Tuesday, October 9, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Orr. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
Alderman Wallman offered the Opening Prayer.
· His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented awards to Miss Monika Draeger,
Mr. Larry Gardner and Mr. Gordon Singleton in recognition of their outstanding
achievements during 1979~ the 75th Anniversary of the City of Niagara Falls.
His Worship, ~yor Thomson presented Nancy Reynolds Eidt, the Niagara Falls
Review reporter who had covered various municipal operations, including City
Council meetings for a number of years, with a gift from the City. Mayor Thomson
advised that Nancy Reynolds Eidt had received a promotion with the Review and
would not be covering the Council meetings in the future.
Alderman Merrett advised that Mrs. D. Jones who had addressed City
Council regsrding local improvements, had questioned the minutes of the
meeting held on September 24, 1979. The Alderman asked that these minutes
be tabled until the question had been clarified.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the minutes of the meetings held on September 10th, 17th and October lat, be
adopted as printed. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the minutes of the meeting held on September 24th, 1979, be tabled.
Carried Unanimously.
Dr. S. Dobbin of Heart Niagara was granted permission to address City
Council on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Sobol.
Dr. Dobbin advised that Heart Niagara is an organization established to help
mverse the statistics existing due to coronary hear~ disease, the disease
of heart attacks. Hembets of this organization are physicians, nurses,
Paramedic8, Fire Fighters, Life Guards and representatives from St. John s
Ambulance who are all involved at one time or another in saving lives.
Dr. Dobbin advised that the group is trying to spread an educational
program throughout the con~nunity on coronary artery disease and teaching
the procedure known as C.P.R. (cardis-pulmonary resuscitation). Heart
Niagara has also been instrumental in starting a rehabilitation program
for heart attack victims, allowing them to get quickly back into Society
and become in as good a condition or better than they were before.
Dr. Dobbin advised that both the Lions Club and the Chamber of Commerce
have supported the organization and their programs. It was further
advised that the Lions Club had proposed a scheme to help Heart Niagara
raise their year's funding in one day, which would involve collection
of donations in an organized fashion from motorists at collection points
where sufficient number of vehicles congregate, i.e, main traffic lights
and shopping plazas.
Alderman Metrent stated that while he approved of the fund raising
efforts for Heart Niagara, he did ' feel that solicitation for donations
at busy intersections created a traffic hazard. Alderman MacBain also
expressed his concern over this proposal, and suggested that the City
could be a party to any action that followed as a result of an accident,
since the City had granted its approval of the scheme. The City Solicitor
advised that such action could be a possibility.
Mayor Thomson advised that when the proposal was discussed several
weeks previously, it had been suggested that the fund raising methods
could be co-ordinated with City staff and the Regional Police to ensure
that any possible problems would be looked after ahead of time. The Mayor
suggested that such a condition be included as part of any approval that
was granted by Council.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Puttick,
seconded by Alderman Dilts, that permission be granted for the Heart
Niagara Funding Program on November 17, 1979. The motion Carried with
the following vote: '
AYE: Aldermen Chessmen, Dilts, Fera, Rinsper~t'T, Puttick, Schisler
and Wallman.
NAYE: Aldermen Cummings, MacBalm, Metrent and Sobel.
Mr. R. Menred of 6543 Delta Drive, was granted permission to address
Council on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fera.
Mr. Menred stated that he was not and never had been a member of the Niagar~
Frontier Humane Society. On the evening of October 2nd, I979 at approximate1!!
5:30 p.m., Mr. Mentad advised that his wlfe had escorted one of their childr~
across the street to visit a friend. On returning home, she was set upon by~
two large dogs. The dogs harrassed her and Jumped at her, pulling on her
clothes. Mr. Menred indicated that his wife did not panic and did not furth~
agitate the animals. Out of concern for the many children living in the
area, Mr. Monrad stated that his wife called the Romans Society to see if
the animals could be restrained. The Society's answering service advised
that nothing could be done, especially if the dogs did not have a current
The Police were called, and although powerless to act except to speak to the
dogs' owners, did advise the owners to keep the animals under control.
Mr. Monrad etated that Mr. Green of the Society called his wife afterwards,
however she had been left with the impression that Mr. Green was more
concerned about animals being spayed or neutered. Upon calling the Society
himself, Mr. Monrad stated that he was advised that Mr; Stewart the b~nager
was on vacation, and further that the Society could only respond to emergenci'~
after hours, such as an injured anlmal or if there was police involvement in
a problem. Mr. Monrad advised that he met with Mayor Thomson and explained
the situation to him. On calling the Society, the ~yor was given the same
explanation by the Society. Mr. Monrad stated that he had a lengthy discnoel!
was based on a shortage of funds for operation. Mr. Mentad stated that he
asked ho~much funding was required to supply complete animal control, and
this information was given to him, as well as the amount of funding the
Society presently received. Upon questioning costs for animal control in
comparative cities, figures for St. Catharines and King County were given a~
Mr. Moa~ad did not feel these were comparable communities. Mr. Menred ale0
asked for a breakdown of costs for animal control and humane work, and there
were no figures available. Mrs. Jarrent had indicated that she had Mr.
pagar during his absence: and felt that either she or the avima! control
officer on duty should have been called, placing the b!a~a on the ensuering
service. Mr. ~nrad had asked Mrs. Jarrett how to take ]egal action against
the owners and was told to speak to Mr. veysey at the Society. Upon arriving
at the shelter, Mr. Monrad advised that he learned ~r. Veysey ~<ss on a day
off, and also that one of the dogs iuvo!ved in the incident ~ith his wife
had been impounded that morning for being at large and was subseenent!v
returned to the o~er. ~{r. ~onrad felt Mrs. Jarrett shoo!d have 'known' that
Mr. Veysey was not on duty. and that the employees at the aPe!tar knew the
impounded dog was the same animal ha had complained about that morning.
Mr. Monrad stated that he still did not knew how tc lay a charge. On speaking
to the re.mere of this particula~ dog~ he had learned t~at they had o~.med the
dog for less than one month and could not pessibly know the a~ima! well enough
to assume it would not hurt anyone. While speaking to the o~mers, the other
dog involved in the earlier incident with his wife~ karrassed another resident
in the area. Mr. Monrad stated that ether neighbouts have had problems with
these dogs, and children in the area were petrified of them. Mr. Monrad
was afraid of the consequences if these dogs were to bother a young child or
a person with a bad heart. On Monday October 8th at 5:10 p.m., a child in
the neighbourhood was bitten by a stray dog. The Humane Society was called,
'and the caller was left with the impression the animal control people would
come out. The animal was caught and put in a garage, and on calling the
Society a second time, the caller was advised that nothing could be done until
the next morning, unless the animal was injured. The caller then told the
answering service that the animal was injured znd a truck from the Society
came out shortly afterward and picked up the animal. On checking into the
matter further, Mr. Mentad stated he had learned a second boy in the area
had been bitten by the same dog. Kr~ YonruE asked if the Humane Society has
money to send a truck out for an injured animal, ~y not for animal control
calls, and commented that the Society did not seem to be able to break down
the two costs or explain why they are losing money for animal ccntro!.
Mr. Menred asked if the Society was using animal control funds for humane work,
and if donations are received, why could this bequest fund not be found.
Mr. Mentad indicated that the gumace Society for Niagara Falls Eew York, has
a $48,750 budget for a City with 80,000 people, and receives an extra
$50,250 to take care of ten other counties. This operation can take care of
up to one hundred aninmls per day. _The Treasurer and b~nager receives
slightly more than $200 per week, attends Council meetings for all supporting
con~nunities, looks after radio and television advertising, runs the S.P.C.A.
and uses the Society vehicle for only Society business. Mr. Menred asked
how the Society would operate a new building with increased costs when it
cannot operate the shelter now. Mr. Monrad asked the following questions:
1) What is considered an emergency; 2) Which takes priority - human safety
or animal protection; 3) If the Humane Society should have responded, why
didn't they; 4) Why has no one from the Society contacted these o~mers; 5) Why
has no one from the Society asked who the owners are; 6) What kind of
protection can the public expect from the City in the future; 7) {~at does
it cost cities of comparable size and population for good animal control;
8) What guarantee is there that in future the public will receive a response
.from the Society; 9) What does it actually cost the Society for animal control;
'10) What is the actual animal control by-law and leash by-law; 11) Does the
City have a contract with the Society; 12) Because the Society blames their
lack of response on the shortage of funds, why then are Society vehicles used
for personal use; 13) I~en the Society is given a description of lost animals,
why are owners not contacted ~en the animals are found; 14) ~at other
source of revenue does the City have and where does the funding go; 15) Is the
Society's used equipment sold to the highest bidder; and 16) Are all services
relating to the Society tendered tc the lowest bidder. Mr. Monrad stated it
was his understar~ing the Humane Society was coming to Council for more money.
In his opinion, Mr, Monrad felt there was no possible way the City could supply
the funding until it is known ~ere these funds are going. Mr. Monrad also
asked if a new shelter was built, would the Hunmne Society be the only
occupant of that building.
Alderman Puttick questioned how this matter had been placed on an agenda
so quickly, when in the past it had usually taken three or five weeks to get
on a Council agenda. M~yor Thomson stated that he had never hear~ of any
person having to wait that length of time to have a matter placed on a Council
agenda, and pointed out that such requests can be handled by the telephone.
The ~hyor asked that names of individuals baring to wait weeks to address
Council, be supplied. taderman Puttick indicated that he would supply such
names in writing to theMayor.
Mrs. S. Girolametto was granted permission to address Council on the
motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts. Mrs. Girolametto
advised that she was speaking on behalf of the residents of the Theresa
Subdivision about a canine problem and horses. This particular complaint
was well known by the Humane Society, Health Department and Regional Police.
Mrs. Girolametto stated that the dog causing problems in the area, had
bitten a neighbour's daughter and the child had to have eight stitches to
close the wound. The Police were called and questioned the owner as well
as the Health Department, however nothing was followed up. The dog was not
taken in to be tested for rabies, and in fact, had not even had any shots
since 1976, Mrs. Girolametto stated that when residents had spoken to the
owner and asked that the dog be kept tied, the owner had suggested that anyone
who was unhappy with the situation should move. Mrs. Girolametto stated
that her son has to walk a block and a half to catch his school bus because
this dog is left loose. Children in the area are afraid to walk past the
house because the dog has knocked children down and bitten them, although
these bites have not drawn blood. Residents walking their dogs have been
chased by this same dog. The dog has gotten into the residents' garbage and
gardens, and any efforts made by the residents to resolve the problem have
met with little or no co-operation from the owner. Alderman Sobel asked if
the Humane Society was called when the child had been bitten. Mrs. Girolamet~
stated that the Humane Society, Regional Police and Health Unit had been
called, however the dog was not impounded.
Mr. D. Crows, solicitor for the Society, explained that there is no
Jurisdiction for the Humane Society to impound a dog because it has bitten
a person. That authority rests with the Health Department, and without
direction from that body, the Society has no right to seize or impound an
animal. Mr. Crows further stated that there are remedies under the Vicious
Dogs Act to deal with dogs that have bitten on more than one occasion,
however those remedies are open to the parents of the children and not
the Society.
Alderman Puttick asked if the problem with the horses owned by the
same individual was still presenting a proble~T'. Mrs. Girolametto confirmed
that this individual owns six horses, five of which are kept in a nearby
field, and one in the single car garage. Mrs. Girolametto stated that once
winter comes, the owner will not be able to leave the horses in the field.
In response to a question raised by Mayor Thomson, Mrs. Girolametto stated
that the horses'would be kept in the garage once winter came.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded
by Alderman Cummings, that both complaints be referred to staff for
investigation and the preparation of a report to be considered at a
subsequent meeting of Council. Carried Unanimously.
Communication No. 231 - Residents of Champlain Drive/Bell Crescent Area - ~a
communication requests that action be taken to solve problems experience~ by
residents due to use of the Canadian Niagara Power Co,-'right-of-way by
Mr. J. Virgin was granted permission to address Council on the'motion
of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger. Mr. Virgin advised
that the residents in this area have a very definite problem with the
constant noise and hartsegment by persons using the right-of-way as a motorcyz~
drag strip and throughway. Residents cannot use their back yards because -~!
of the noise, and when attempts were made to reason with the cyclists, many
people found tomatoes and eggs thrown at their houses .later. The
is used by children on the way to and from school, and Mr. Virgin felt there
was a danger to the children of getting hurt. The excuse given by some of
the cyclists is that there is no other place they are allowed to operate
their motorcycles and mini-bikes without being harrassed by the police.
Mr. Virgin asked that steps be taken to alleviate this problem, possibly
by fencing off the right-of-way, increased patrols and enforcement of noise
control by-laws. In response to a question raised by Mr. Virgin, Mayor
Thomson advised that the Cityts anti-noise by-law applies at all hours.
Mayor Thomson suggested that the matter be referred to staff to
negotiate with Canadian Niagara Power Company in an effort to resolve the
.ORDERED on the motion of Alderman 8obol, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the matter he referred to staff. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 583 - City Solicitor - The report provides information in response
to the request of Mr. D. Crowe for permission of Council on the conveyance
of Lot 48 in the Falls Industrial Park from Donredo Properties to the Niagara
Frontier Humane Society.
Mr. D, Crows was granted permission to address City Council on the
motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings. Mr. Crowe again
requested on behalf of the Humane Society, that City Council give its
consent, pursuant to the restrictions governing land in the Falls Industrial
Park, for the conveyance of Lot 48 from the present registered owner, Dourado
Properties to the Niagara Frontier Humane Society. Although other issues
involving the Society have been raised, Mr. Crows stated that the Society
was only requesting Countills permission for this conveyance. As outlined
in the April, 1979 agreement, Mr. Crows stated that should the City cease to
employ the Society as its agent or if the Society ceased to function as a
Humane Society or wished to sell to a third party, the City had first right
to purchase the present land and buildings. Council was approached earlier
and asked for a waiver of that provision. That waiver was granted at that ~
time, and Council gave permission for the present registered o~mer to convey
their lands to -Marineland in trust for the Humane Society. It was agreed
that b~rineland would provide to the Humane Society, a building equivalent
to or in excess of the existing facilities at no additional cost to the Society.
The request now being made was for the conveyance of this lot directly to
the Society rather than Marineland. Mr. Crowe stated that although there
were many questions unanswered, and he did not suggest that some of the fault
did not rest with the Society, an attempt was being made by the Society to
answer these questions. Mr. Crows requested Council's consent so that plans
can proceed on the construction of the new building. Hr. Crows stated that.
it was the Society's hope that all other questions outstanding between the
City and the Society could be solved before the new building was completed.
Alderman Puttick referred to action taken by Council on }~y 29, 1978
in waiving its interest in the Societyvs existing property and approving the
conveyance of Lot 48 from Dourado Properties to Marineland, and suggested
that the Society might be in a position to obtain this permission through
the courts. For that reason, Alderman Puttick felt the Council should grant
its permission for the conveyance requested by the Society.
Mayor Thomson commented that under the existing agreement, the building
and property would revert to the City should the Society cease to operate as
the City~s canine control agent. The Society has verbally indicated that
there would be no objection to a similar provision in any future agreement,
and the Mayor felt the new building should proceed as soon as possible.
Mayor Thomson stated that the City needs a Humane Society and the Society
could not function without the City, and that the sooner both can
.co-operate, the better off everyone would be.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded
by Alderman Chessman, that the conveyance of Lot 48, Falls Industrial Park
from Dentado Properties to the Niagara Frontier Humane Society, be approved.
The motion Carried with Alderman MacBain voting contrary, and all others
voting in favour.
Report No. 584 - City Manager - The report advises of a request from the
Humane Society for additional funding, and advises there are no funds
available from any known or foreseeable underspending on existing estimates
set in the budget, nor in the form of reserves.
Mr. Crows indicated that he had a letter that will be delivered to
the members of Council that will answer the majority of questions that
have been raised. Mr. Crows further stated that the Society is not requesting
additional funds from the City, simply advising of the level of service that
can be provided with the funding presently available, and clearly time Society
will have to reduce to the level indicated to the Finance Committee.
}hyor Thomson suggested that this matter be discussed at s General
Comtttee meeting of Council in the near future so that there would be
more of an opportunity for full discussion by Council.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconde~
by Alderman Cummings, that the report be tabled to a subsequent meeting of
General Committee. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 585 - City Manager - The report recommends that the zoning by-laws
covering the portions of the former Townships of Willoughby, Crowland and
Humberstone which are now within the limits of the City of Niagara Falls be
amended to include similar requirements as in the draft comprehensive zoning
by-law requiring new building lots to front on improved streets.
Alderman Schisler stated it was his understanding that if a person was
in the right area, he could build a house regardless of whether there was an
improved road available or not, and that the applicant could sue the City for
refusing to issue a building permit if no improved road access was available.
The City Solicitor advised that such a condition was a provision in zoning
by-laws requiring compliance as a condition of obtaining a permit to put up
a building. Certain exceptions are allowed, such as farmbuildings and struct!
The by-law would require Ontario Municipal Board approval if objections were
received. In response to a question raised by Mayor Thomson, the City Solicit
stated that such a provision is a zoning control and would not be covered
under a building by-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Wallman,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution
Report No. 586 - City Clerk - The report requests that Council consider fillit
the outstanding vacancy to the Niagara Falls HyAro Commission to represent
those areas of the City that are not presently serviced by the Chippaws Public
Utilities Commission and the existing Niagara Falls Hydro Commission.
Following a vote by secret ballot, Mr. Dorino Susin was chosen as the
member of the new Commission to represent those areas not presently serviced
by the Chippawa Public Utilities Commission and the existing Niagara Falls
Hydro Commission.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that Mr. Dorino Susin be appointed to the new ~iagara Falls Hydro Commission.
Carried Unanimously.
Communication No. 232 - Niagara Transit - The communication requests approval
of City Council for the awarding of the contract for the construction of an
addition to the garage and storage facility, to Huskey Construction of
Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
approval be granted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 587 - City Manager - The report recommends preliminary approval of
the subdivision subject to nine conditions.
Alderman Sobol asked if further discussions wouldbe held with the develc~
regarding use of culs-de-ssc in the proposed subdivision. Mayor Thomson
indicated that the plan had been in existence for almost twelve years, and
he was not sure whether the plan could be changed at this point. The Planhint
Director pointed out that when Council had considered the report on the use
of culs-de-sac, it was indicated at that time that culs-de-sac would be
discouraged wherever possible. In cases where there are topographical reason!
or mitigating circumstances, the use of culs-de-sac would be permitted when
there were no other alternatives, The Planning Director felt that the
Calaguiro Subdivision fell into this category,
Alderman Schisler felt that the hngth of time the plan had been in
existence should not be a factor, and that the developer should explain to
- 7-
Council why he cannot comply with the culs-de-sac policy. Alderman Puttick
pointed out that the developer had agreed to dedicate more than the 5% park
land required by the City, and he felt it would be unfair to go back and
ask the developer to change the plan at this stage. Alderman Puttick felt
that the names of the streets in the plan should require Council approval.
Mayor Thomson indicated that the developer planned to use family names for
the streets. Alderman Sobol suggested that this matter be referred to the
Street Name Committee. The Planning Director indicated that staff would
review the names and advise Council of any problems.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Aiderman Merrett,
that the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following
vote: - .
AYE: Aldermen Chessman, Cummings, Fera, Hinsperger, MacBain, Merrett, Puttick,
and Sobol.
Aldermen Schisler and Wallman.
Alderman Dilts was absent when the vote was taken on this matter.
Report No. 588 - City Manager - The report recommends that the time limit for
commutation be extended from October 13, 1979 to May 31, 1980 and that
notification by those wishing to take advantage of the extension be received
in the Clerk's office no iater than November 30, 1979.
Mrs. D. Jones asked if the extension applied only to new home owners, and
if the previous owners of properties could be charged for any part of the work.
The City Clerk indicated that the extension would apply to all works covered
by the last Court of Revision. With respect to charging previous owners, the
City Clerk indicated that this could not be done. The City Solicitor confirmed
the City Clerk's explanation and further advised that this.extension would not
apply to any future local improvements or those that have not been dealt wi~h
by the Court of Revision as yet.
Mrs. Jones stated that the residents felt new o~ers should have special
privileges since they had less time of knowing about the local improvements
than other owners. Mayor Thomson stated that the extension was available to
all property owners involved in order to be fair to everyone.
Mrs.' Jones asked what the rate of interest would be for those persons
who do not take advantage of the extended date. The City Treasurer stated
that this could not be determined until the time the debentures are sold.
Mrs. Jones stated that when a lending institution of any kind sends out a
bill, they must state the rate of interest. The City Solicitor pointed out
that such a condition would apply to consumer loans, however the Municipality
was in a different field and was governed by the best rate the Region can
obtain at the time debentures are sold.
Mrs. J. James of Shirley Avenue indicated that at the Court of Revision,
.the rat~ of interest had been figured out to be 11½%. Mrs. James further stated
'that residents had been told there was no way of knowing the approximate cost
of the work, and yet the billed cost was the same as the original estimate.
The Design & Construction Engineer explained that the figures quoted in 1976
had been estimated, and had there been any increase, the City would have absorbed
the difference in cost.
Mrs. James referred to statements made that the residents had petitioned
the works, however in fact, the residents had only petitioned for storm sewers.
Mrs. James also stated that all the residents had assumed the cost for these
works would be covered through property taxes, and that they had been shocked
and surprised to receive a bill from the City. The Design & Construction
Engineer agreed that the residents had requested the storm sewers, however the
City had initiated the curbs and gutters. All residents had been notified of
the City% intention to construct curbs and gutters, as well as the work being
advertised. Mrs. James claimed that none of the residents received this
notice. Mayor Thomson indicated that he would check into this point and
provide an answer to Mrs. James directly.
In response to a further question raised, the City Treasurer indicated
that the problem of new home buyers not being aware of pending local improvement
charges should not arise again. The documents would be available in the
Clerk~s Office, Finance and En~ineering Departments.
Following further discussion, it was moved by AldermanMacBain, seconded
by Alderman Hinsperger, that the report be received and adopted. Carried
Mayor Thomson asked Mrs. Jones which points she was questioning in the
September 24th, 1979 Council minutes. Mrs. Jones indicated that she had no
questions with respect to the discussion on local improvements, and asked if
she could obtain information relating to Report #561 in those minutes.
The City Clerk indicated that he would provide Mrs. Jones with a copy of that
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Merrett~
that the minutes of the meeting held on September 24, 1979, be adopted as
printed. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 589 - City Manager - The report recommends (in accordance with
the wishes of the residents of Grey Avenue) that 1) Grey Avenue not be widened~
2) That Grey Avenue be made one way between Ferry Street and Peer Street in
the southerly direction; and 3) That the existing no parking restrictions
remain in effect.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 233 - Penny Pinching Pete - Re: Proposed March. The communication request!
the assistance of Council in arranging a march in observance of the "Year of
the Child".
The City Clerk advised that later on the agenda is notification of a
proposed walk being arranged by the Boy Scouts. On checking with the persons
arranging this walk, it was learned that the Boy Scouts would be happy to
co-operate with Mr. Ecker in a Joint walk.
Alderman Chessman suggested that the matter did not have to be referred
to the 75th Anniversary Committee as recommended by the City Clerk.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Herrerr, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the communication. be referred to the Recreation Commission to assist in
co-ordinating the proposed walk with the Boy Scouts. Carried Unanimously.
No. 234 - Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Re: Association Activitie!
The communication provides information on the aqtivities of the newly elected
Board of Directors of the Association, and the Association's position on vari0~
Regional Councillor M/tchelson provided additional information regarding
the Provincial/Municipal Liaison Committee in response to a question raised
by Alderman Puttick.
'ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman Cunnnings, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 235 - Niagara Employment Agency - Re: Recycling of Waste Paper. The
communication offers the services of the Agency in collection of waste paper
recycling as well as creating employment for the handicapped of the Niagara
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobel, thaC
the availability of N.B.A. services be referred to all City Departments with
the suggestion that they take advantage of the services offered. Carried
Unanimously. , -.
No. 236 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Cotfield Street. The
communication advises that the Region has no objection to the stopping up and
closing of part of Cotfield Street subject to a suitable permanent easement
being granted to the Region to protect the existing 42" diameter watermain
· on Cotfield Street, and the provision of a temporary alternative road between
Stanley and Portage by the City upon the closing of Corfield Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesmans seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously. j
No. 237 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re| Street Light Energy Rate. t
The communication requests endorsement of a resolution from the Borough of
Scarborough requesting that Ontario IIvdro be requested to establish an
energy rate for street g that wiil provide an incentive to municipalities
li hts
to reduce energy cousumption during certain dark hours, resulting in a
reduction in euergy costs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesmau, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that'the resolution be endorsed. Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Schister, seconded by Alderman Fera, that item
under "Reports" be moved forward for consideration. Carried Unanimously.
No. 590 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: ,~M--23/79 and Official Plan
Amendment No. 112, C. Wilson, Southwest Corner of Baker Road and Q.E.W. The
report recommends approval of the application and the O.~, amendment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 93
See By-laws No. 79T1~3
and No. 79-174
No. 238 - Foundation for Aggregate Studies - Re: The Aggregates Act, 1979.
The communication requests that Council endorse or pass a resolution similar
to that of Memo Township relating to the Aggregates Act, 1979.
Report No. 591 - City M~nager -- Re: Bill 127, The Aggregates Act. The report
recommends adoption of staff comments concerning the new Aggregates Act,
and that copies he fom~arded to the Regional Municipality of Niagara and
the Ministry of Natural Resources.
The Planning Director provided additional information in response to
questions raised by Aldermen Puttick and Wallman.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alder~mn Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Di!ts, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 592 - City Hanager - Re: ~-f--13/79, H, Damore Builders Ltd., Meadowvale
Extension Subdivision. The report recommends passage of the zoning amendment
by-law relating to the subject subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Herrerr, that
~he report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously. See Resolution No. 94
and By.-law No. 79-171
No. 593 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-21/79, Lepp& Sons Builders
Ltd., Lots 62, 64, 55 to 60 inclusive, R.P. M-52, West Side of Pettit Avenue.
The report recommends approval of the application and that Council certify by
resolution that the application conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28
of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister
of Housing.
ORDERED on the motion of Atderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Itinsperger, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No.
See By.-law No. 79-172
No. 594 - City Manager ~ Re: 1979 Tree Planting Program, Contract T.P. 14-79.
The report recommends acceptance of the tender submitted by Gauld Nurseries
Ltd. for the subject contract.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, the Design and
Construction Engineer explained that Ganld Nurseries had quoted the same price
per tree as in the 1978 tree planting contract.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See liesolution No. 96
See By-law No. 79-17_~5
C - 10 -
No. 595 - City Manager - Re: Contract C.R. 16-79, Culvert Reconstruction on
rowland Avenue and Morris Road. The report recommends that the unit prices
submitted by Provincial Construction (Niagara) Limited be accepted, and that
the Director of Municipal Works be authorized to engage the consulting
engineering firm of DeLeuw Cather to provide the necessary layout, inspection
and general administration, as well as the foundation inspection for the
contract. Payment to the consultant shall be in accordance with A.P.E.O.
schedule of fees, at a total estimated cost of $8900, with an upset limit of
$2800 on general administration fees and $300 on foundation inspection costs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. -1
No. 596 - City Manager - Re: Quotation for Drapes. The report recon~nends
acceptance of the quotation submitted by Saks Furniture for the supply and
installation of drapes for various offices on the second floor of City Mall.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution
No. 597 - City Manager - Re: Fencing at Niagara South Recreation Complex.
The report recommends that funds ($3,000) for fencing at the Niagara South
Recreation complex be considered in the 1980 operating budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 598 - City Manager - Re: I.C.M.A. Annual Conference. The report requests
authority for the City Manager to attend the subject conference to be held
in Phoenix, Arizona from October 21 - 25, 1979.
Alderman Hinsperger stated that in view of the guidelines the City Manager
will have to work under, he did not see how the City Manager could take a
week's time off and still come in with guidelines.
Alderman Sobel stated that in the past, there had been reports asking
that various City officials attend seminars outside Canada, and Council had
taken the position that only conferences in Canada should be artended.
Mayor Thomson*indicated that if Council did not authorize the City
Manager's attendance at the conference, he had planned to use his annual
vacation and attend on his own personal time.
It was moved by Alderman Sobel, seconded byeAlderman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cum~ings, Fern, Hinsperger, Puttick, Schisler, Sobel and
NAYE: Aldermen Chessman, Dilts, MacBain and Merrett.
-No. 599 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Engineers Association Workshop. The
report recommends the attendance of two members of the Municipal Works at the
subject workshop to be held in Missisaauga from November 20 - 23, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dtlts, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Schisler
voting contrary, and all others in favour.
No. 600 - City Manager - Re: Seminar at Queen's University. The report
recommends the attendance of the Deputy Treasurer at the subject seminar to
be held at Kingston from November 20 - 23, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 601 - City Manager - Re: Exchange of Lands between the City and Joe Moretu
Investments Limited. The report recommends passage of a by-law to authorize
the exchange of land betswoon the City and Joe Moretta Investments Ltd., as
approved by City Council in 1976.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett~ that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No.
No. 602 - City }~nager - Re: Sunnyside Subdivision. The report recommends
that the developer of the Sunnyside Subdivision be required to construct
surface asphalt and curb and gutters on both sides across the remaining lots
- 11 -
in Stage II so that a properly constructed road from Hourrose Road to
Olden Avenue will be available.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 603 - City Manager - Re: Regional Budget Guidelines. The report advises
that the Finance Committee recommends that the resolution of the Town of
Niagara-on-the-Lake regarding Regional budget guidelines, be received and filed,
and further that a copy of the report be fongarded to the Regional Municipality
of Niagara.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 604 - City Manager - Re: Renewal of Lease Provincial Court Facilities,
4300 Queen Street. The report recommends that the Mayor and City Clerk be
authorized to negotiate a renewal of the lease between Her Majesty the Queen
and the City of Niagara Falls for the Provincial Court facilities at 4300
Queen Street, at an annual rental fee of $54,893.16 payable in advance in
monthly instalments of $4,574.43.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously. ~
No. 605 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Kitchener Street. The report
recommends that no change be made in the parking regulations on Kitchener
Street in the area of the Professional Building.
Alderman Fera referred to the comment in the report that a hospital
official was contacted on this matter, giving the impression the request
for a report was made because employees of the hospital did not have enough
places to park. The Alderman stated that he had requested the report
because the Professional Building has installed a toll gate;at their parking
lot, and although a person must pay 25¢, one still cannot find any parking.
Alderman Puttick agreed that there was a problem in the area due to
the close proximity of the entrance and exit of the Professional Building
to Portage Road, which has been aggravated by the new gates. The Alderman
suggested that there be no parking or standing in that area because people
would be unwilling to pay to park in the Professional Building lot.
Mayor Thomson agreed that Kitchener and Portage was a very congeared area
and if cars were parked on Kitchener Street, there would be a dangerous
traffic condition created, particular because of the emergency vehicles
entering the hospital. Alderman Fern agreed that the area is congested and
hazardous, however he felt nothing was being done to remedy the situation.
Alderman Sobel suggested that the report be referred back to the
Projects & Services Engineer to come in with a report outling alternate
means of solving the problem. Alderman Merrett suggested it might be
worthwhile to refer the matter to the Parking Conmittee to review not Just
this particular intersection but the entire area.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Sobel, seconded by
Alderman Fern, that the report be referred to the Parking Committee. Carried
No. 606 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Portage Road. The report recommends
that the necessary by-law be prepared to prohibit parking on the..easterly
side of Portage Road from St. Paul Avenue to Brooks Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 607 - City Manager - Re: Retirement of Maintenance & Operations Engineer.
The report recommends that the Maintenance & Operations Engineer, Mr. O.
van Deurs, be allowed to work up until his retirement date of October 31~ 1979,
and that he be paid for all his vacation,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cummings~
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 608 - City Manager_ - Re: High Pressure Sodium Lighting Fixtures vs. Mercury
Vapor Lighting Fixtures. The report recommends that Niagara Falls Eydro be
requested to install sodium vapor fixtures on Queen street between River Road
and Erie Avenue and at the intersection of Stanley Avenue and Murie Street on
a test basis.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Wallman~ that the
report be teasired and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
..... 12
No. 609 - City Clerk - Re: Consent Items.
Downtown Board of Management - Re: Closing of Queen Street, October 20/79.
Recommendation - That the request be granted.
Boy Scouts of Canada, Niagara District Council - Re: Super Walk '79.
Recommendation - That the request be granted on the understanding that
similar approvals are received from Regional Niagara, Niagara Parks Commissk~
and Police Authorities.
3) Niagara Falls Family Y.M.C.A. - Re: Oktoberfest Fun Run.
Recommendation - That the request be granted on the understanding that
similar approvals are received from Regional Niagara and Police Authorities,
4) Polka Feet Committee - Re: Polka Fest- October 10 - 14, 1979.
Recommendation - That the invitation be accepted and as many members of
Council as possible participate in the festivities.
5) Dovemead Limited - Re: Superman II Production.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
6) Niagara Square - Re: Permission to Land Helicopter, November 17, 1979,
Recommendation - That the request be granted subject to similar approval
being received from the Department of Transport.
7) Ontario Dietetic Association - Re: Ontario Nutrition Week, October 21-27, t[
Recommendation - That the week of October 21 - 27, 1979 be designated as
Nutrition Week.
8) Regional Municpality of Niagara - Re: Analysis of Operating Expenditures by
all Municipalires - 1978.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
9) Mr. D. Tyagi, Design & Construction Engineer - Re: 1979 Annual R.T.A.C.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 610 - City Manager - Re: Building Permits. The report provides informstier
and a breakdown of the permits isnued by the Building & Development Department
for the month of September, 1979,
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Schisler, seconded by Alderman C.mmings,
that the report be received and filed. CarriedUaanimously.
No. 611 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends paymast
of the municipal accounts.
Alderman theeamen provided additional information on Cheque #1159 in
response to a question raised by Alderman Cummings.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Putti~
abstaining on Cheque #1166, and all others votin~ in layout.
No. 92 - CHEESMAN - DILTS -RESOLVED that this Council intends to pass by-laws
amending the restricted area by-laws for the former Townships of Willoughby,
.Crueland and Humberstone which are applicable to lands now within the limits
of the City of Niagara Palls by making it a requirement that no person shall
erect a building or structure on any lot except upon a lot which fronts or
abuts upon an improved street which shall be defined as follows:
"improved street" means a street which has been constructed in such
a manner so as to permit its use by the general public for the passage
of normal vehicular traffic on a year round basis and, in addition to
the foregoing, in the case of a street that is under the Jurisdiction
of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls, the maintenance of
such street has been assumed by the said Corporation and such street
is eligible for subsidy purposes under The Fublic Transportation and
Highway Improvement Act;
PROVIDED that the above provisions shall not apply to a farm building or a
farm structure which is not to be used for the purpose of human habitation;
AND BE IT FURTIiBRRESOLVED that the City Solicitor is hereby directed to
draft amending by-laws for submission to Council at its next regular meeting;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 93 - SCHISLER- FERA - RBSOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of ths
City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies thnt By-law No. 79-174 for the rezoni~
- 13 -
of lands on the southwest corner of Baker Road and the Q.E.W., will conform
Co Official Plan Amendment No. 29 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, once
Amendment No. 112 has been approved by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~
Carried Unanimously
No. 94 - FERA - I,~RRETT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-171 for the
rezoning of Block "C" of Registered Plan 245, conforms to Official Plan
Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, as amended and approved
by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimoUsly
No. 95 - FERA - HINSPERGER - KESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-172 for the
rezoning of Lots 62, 64, and 55 to 60 inclusive of Registered Plan M-52,
conform to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area
as amended and approved by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouSly ~
No. 96 - SOBOL - WALLMAN - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Gauld
Nurseries Limited for the 1979 tree planting programme, be accepted at the
tendered price of $17,545.80; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously
No. 97 - SCHISLER - FERA - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Provincial
Construction (Niagara Falls) Limited for the reconstruction of Culverts on
Crowland Avenue and Morris Road, be accepted at the tendered price of $45,838.00;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous~y
No. 98 - FERA - CHEESMAN - RESOVLED that the unit prices submitted by Sake
Furniture for the supply and installation of drapes for various offices on
the second floor of City Hall, be accepted at the tendered price of $3,392.07;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws
be read a first time:
No. 79-171 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-13/79,
H. Demure Builders)
No. 79-172 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-21/79,
Lepp & Sons Builders)
No. 79-173 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Official
Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (No. 112, C. Wilson)
NO ·
79-174 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 395, 1966 of the former Township of
Willoughby, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-23/79,
C. Wilson)
No. 79-175 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Gauld
Nurseries Limited for the 1979 tree planting program.
No. 79-176 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Provincial
Construction (Niagara Falls) Limited for the reconstruction of
culverts on Morris Road and Crowland Avenue.
No. 79-177 - A By-law to close portions of Queen Street to vchicular traffic
on a temporary basis.
No. 79-178 - A By-law to authorize an exchange of land with Joe Moretta
Investments Limited.
- 14 -
No. 79-179 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the
regulation of traffic. (Bender Hill)
No. 79-180 - A By-law to provide for the commutation of special rates in
respect of the construction of certain works as local improvements.
No. 79-181 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried with Alder~
Puttick abstaining~
Cheque #1166 of By~lml
79-181, and all
voting in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-171 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-13/79,
H. Demote Builders)
No. 79-172 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-21/79,
Lapp & Sons Builders)
No. 79-173 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Offici~
Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (No. 112, C. Wilson)
No. 79-174 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 395, 1966 of the former Township of
Willoughby, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-23/7!
,,. C, Wilson)
No. 79-175 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Gauld
Nurseries Limited for the 1979 tree planting program.
No. 79-176 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Provinci~
Construction (Niagara Falls) Limited for the reconstruction of
culverts on Morris Road and Crowland Avenue.
No. 79-177 - A By-law to close portions of Queen Street to vehicular traffic
on a temporary basis.
No. 79-178 - A By-law to authorize an exchange of land with Joe Moretta
Investments Limited. ~
No. 79-179 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the
regulation of traffic. (Bender Hill)
No. 79-180 - A By-law to provide for the commutation of special rates in
respect of the construction of certain works as local improvements.
No. 79-181 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried with Aldem
Puttick abstainingi
Cheque #1166 of By~
79-181, and all 0t~
voting in layout.__
Alderman Merrett requested that a report be prepared by the Recreation
Department on the status of Baden Powell Park, and when it will be completed.
The Alderman advised that a number of residents living iu that area had been
waiting for five or six years for the park to be completed.
Alderman C.mm~ngs asked When the report of the consultant would be availa~ '
on the test~g for 8as a~ Rouck 'Perk. The Maintenance & Operation~ ~gineer
,indicated that the report would be available on October 29, 1979.
- 15 -
Alderman Cummings referred to a change made recently whereby part time
employees at the Niagara Falls Arena were now paid by cheque, and asked if
this same system would be instituted at the other City arenas. The City
Treasurer stated that at the beginning of 1980, the Stamford and Jack Bell
Arenas would change over to this system of payment.
~lderman Cummings stated that residents in the area of Stanley Avenue
and Valley Way would like to have traffic lights installed at this intersection.
Since a small industrial plaza was being constructed in this area, the
residents felt congestion would be even worse than at present. The Alderman
referred to the motel on the opposite corner to the plaza, and indicated that
it was his understanding a piece of that property will be coming out so there
would no longer be the sharp jog at the corner. ~ayor Thomscn stated that
he was not aware of any plans to re-+align the intersection, however he suggested
the matter be referred to staff. It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded
by Alderman Dilts, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation
of a report. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Puttick referred to the old urban renewal studies carried out
some time ago, in which it had been recommended that St. Lawrence Avenue be
extended north to Bridge Street. The Alderman felt it would be appropriate
to review this reconnnendation, and commented that this connection between
Queen Street and Bridge Street would generate more traffic to the businesses
on Bridge Street. It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
MacBain, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a report.
Carried Unanimously.
~derman Puttick referred to the recent hiring of the Accounts Supervisor
in the Finance Department, and the fact he had suggested there might be
problems over the hiring of that particular person. The Aldermen indicated
that he had become aware of a number of recent transfers by employees in
that Department, and asked that a report be prepared on the reasons for
these transfers. The City Treasurer indicated that two clerk-typists in
the Finance Department had transferred to the Engineering Department, however
there had been a number of internal transfers within the Finance Department.
The City Treasurer further explained that whenever a higher pzying position
became open, it resulted in a "musical chairs" type of change within the
Finance Department. It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Merrett, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a
report. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Puttick asked if there had been any change in the policy,
whereby the City Clerk's Office made arrangements for reservations for
persons attending conferences and receipts for expenses were returned to
the Finance Department. The City Treasurer indicated that the procedure
followed was to issue a cheque prior to the conference and the person
attending was expected to make his own arrangements directly or through
the association sponsoring the conference. Alderman Puttick asked if
receipts were submitted to the Finance Department following a conference.
The City Treasurer stated that the only receipts submitted to his office
were for one or two day visits not covered by the conference policy. There
are occasions when an employee is required to stay over in another city,
and that person must submit receipts and expense statements. The only other
time receipts are required was if the cheque issued did not cover the cost
of hotel accommodations. Mayor Thomson also explained that the specific
cost of accommodation is usually known prior to a conference, and a cheque
is prepared on that basis.
Alderman Dilts advised that he had reviewed the number of dog bites
reported over the last year and the recent fatality that had occurred where
a young boy had been killed by dogs, and felt the problem had become serious
- 16 -
enough that the City should take further action. The Alderman suggested that
it might be advisable for a meeting to be arranged with officials from the
Police, the Ontario Humane Society and the City's Legal Department to discuss
the problem further. Alderman Dilts stated that it would appear there was
some confusion as to what can be done in the case of a dog bite, whether or
not an animal can be impounded, the authority of the police in such a situation,
etc. Alderman Dilts suggested that such a meeting might be helpful in
trying to correct this problem in the 1980 budget.
Alderman Fera felt that the problems the City was experiencing with
the Humane Society would never be resolved as long as there are persons on
the Board of Directors with personal grudges against one another. TheAlderman
referred to irregularities in proceedings of Society meetings, that he
considered to be inconsistent with normal rules of procedure, which he felt
was an indication there were problems at the Society.
Alderman Merrett felt the City should proceed on this as quickly as
possible, to determine exactly what level of service the City can afford.
Alderman Cheesman cautioned the members of Council against laying all
of the problems on the Society. The Alderman reminded Council that there are
areas over which the Society has no control and no rights on which to act.
It was Alderman Cheesman's opinion that the Society was not responsible for
all of the dog control problems in the City, and that the Society should not
be hriticized because owners are not controlling their pets. The Alderman
commented that there was a great deal of criticism against the Society, but
very little credit is given for the good works the Society does. Alderman
Chessman felt the solution would not be found in dismantling of the Society
or the continued denegration of the Society's work.
Mayor Thomson suggested that Council should start off by contacting
officials of the Ontario Humane Society and obtaining further insight into
the problem, then dealing with the police and whatever other authorities
necessary. ___
Alderman Schisler commented that he did not think the Niagara Frontier
Humane Society was a member of the Ontario Humane Society. The Alderman als0
commented that the City was only buying its animal control services, and if
the City was nor satisfied with the present service, animal f~ontrol should
be tendered out.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Dilts, seconded
by Alderman Merrett, that the City Clerk be di[ected to arrange a meeting
with officials of the Ontario Humane Society o this matter. Carried Unanim0u!!
Mayor Thomson requested that letters of thanks be extended to the team
representing Niagara Falls in the Man-A-Mile Race, as well as the Optimist
Track and Field Club and Maple Leaf Village for their assistance. It was
moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that Council's
appreciation be extended to the individuals involved. Carried Unanimously.
Mayor Thomson requested that letters of congratulation be forwarded
on behalf of Council to the people who participated in the New Faces programme
on October 7th, 1979. It was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by
Alderman Sobol, that letters of congratulation be extended to the individuals
involved. Carried Unanimausly. ..
It was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman C,,mmtngs, that
the meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
Committee Room #1
October 15, 1979
Council met on Monday, October 15, 1979 at 6:45 p.m. in Committee of the
~Pnole. All members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen
Cheesman, Fera and Puttick. Alderman b~cBain presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole rose and reported.
Council Chambers
October 15, 1979
Council met on Monday, October 15, 1979 at 6:50 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen Chessman, Fera and Puttick. His Worship, Mayor Thomson
presided as Chairman.
It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the period of time provided in order to prepare a report on flooding
· problems in various areas of the City, be extended from October 29th to
November 12th, 1979, and that suitable notice be advertised in the local
press. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-law, and the by-law be read a
first time:
No. 79-182 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-177, to close portions of Queen
Street to vehicular traffic on a temporary basis.
Carried Unanimouslx
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman MacBain,
that the following by-law be now read a second and third time:
No, 79-182 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-177, to close portions of Queen
Street to vehicular traffic on a temporary basis.
Carried Unanimouslx
It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that the
meeting adjourn and Council reconvene in Committee of the Whole. Carried
Committee Room #1
October 15, 1979
Council reconvened in Committee of the I,~ole on Monday, October 15, 1979,
following a special meeting of Council. All members of Council were present,
with the exception of Aldermen Cheesman, Fera and Puttick. Alderman MacBain
presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole adjourned to General Committee session.
Council Chambers
October 22, 1979
Council met on Monday, October 22, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen Dilts and Puttick. His I~rship, Mayor Thomson presided
as Chairman. Alderman Sobol offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
the minutes of the meeting held on October 9, 1979, be adopted as printed.
Carried Unanimously.
His Worship, [~yor Thomson presented Mr. G. Atack of the City's Planning
Department with a certificate signifying successful completion of the Association
of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario Municipal Administration Course.
His Worship, ~yor Thomson presented awards to Miss Jackie Mitchell,
accepted by her mother, and Mr. Laurie Hersom, in recognition of their
outstanding achievements during 1979, the 75th Anniversary of the City of
Niagara Falls.
His Worship, bEyor Thomson presented a retirement watch to Mr. D. Harrison
of the vehicle maintenance section, who retired on August 31, 1979 after more than
twenty-two years of service to the Municipality.
His Worship, ~yor Thomson presented a 25-Year Service Plaque to
Mr. R. MAglicic who completed twenty-five years of service to the municipality
this year.
Report No. 612 - City Manager - The report advises that as the City is neither
an appellant nor applicant (respondent) in a hearing to be held by the
Commission as a result of appeals, and since Council's approval and the
Planning & Development Committeets approval of the application for the
development permit have been filed with the Commission and will form part
of the material before the hearing, it is not felt the City needs to be
represented at the hearing.
Mayor Thomson suggested that since the hearing was in the City Hall,
that staff couldstand by in the event additional information is required.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 613 - City Clerk - The report recommends that the action of Council
in General Committee of Beptember 17, 1979 regarding improvements to the
W-5-2 Watercourse be ratified and that any further action with respect to the
approval of By-law 78-36 be terminated, and that the project not be pursued
at this time.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Herrerr,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unauimously.
Report No. 614 - City Manager - The report recommends passage of a by-law
to authorize a new agreement with the College embodying the 1978 agreement
and recent changes requested by the College with respect to a grant from
the City for the establishment of a local campus.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-15~4
Report No. 615 - City Solicitor - The report requests Council if it
would be willing to initiate an amendment to the zoning by-law and Official
Plan if required, and whether Council is agreeable to extending the date
for completing the transaction for a period of three months expiring
January 31, 1980.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Sobol, the City Solicitor
advised that since the City is presently the owner of the land, the purchaser
would expect the City to proceed with the application. The purchaser would
be responsible for supplying the Planning & Development Committee with all
details required. Alderman Sobol suggested that Mr. Spiroff could process
the application himself and purchase the property on the condition a rezoning
can be obtained. The City Solicitor indicated that the offer is subject
to the condition they can use the property for a particular purpose. It
has been the policy of the Planning & Development Committee that either the
the owner can make application or the purchaser can make the application
with the owner's consent. It would be at the direction of Council whether
the City would make the application or the purchaser.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Chessman, the City Solicitor
indicated that he did not want the impression given that Council would pre-judge
the application before full submission was made l~the Planning & Development
Committee. The purpose of the report was to initiate the procedure to be
followed and not to make a decision on the rezoning of the property.
Alderman Fera expressed the concern that Council was in effect indicating
its approval of the application before the application went to the Committee.
Mayor Thomson explained that in the initial discussions, it was suggested that
the use intended would be a permitted use, however since that time the
purchaser has altered the use which make a rezoning necessary. The only
direction requested from Council was on the procedure to be followed for
the rezoning. The City Solicitor further added that he anticipated a full
hearing before the Committee and that the Committee would make a recommendation
to Council on the matter. The reason for the postponement of the closing
date was to allow the application to proceed in the usual manner.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman MacBaSh, seconded
by Alderman Wallman, that the report be received and adopted. Carried
Report No. 616 - City Manager - The report recommends passage of a by-law to
authorize an agreement with Mr. A.V. Crate for his services in preparing
recommendations on downtown revitalization.
The City Clerk read a letter received from Mr. Crate wherein he expressed
his concerns on the possibility of influencing a major department store to
locate in the downtown without strong supporting retail or commercial operations
that might not presently exist. Mr. Crate felt it might be advisable to
examine the prospects of a new convention/recreational centre and associated
facilities in order to determine if it would be possible to further diversify
the central business district and build in new strengths which could compensate
and improve the negotiating position with a major retailer. Both Mayor Thomson
and Alderman Herrerr commended Mr. Crate for his honesty in dealing with the
problem and suggested the matter proceed as quickly as possible.
In response to a question rais&d by Alderman Schisler, the City Solicitor
advised that the agreement provides that the fee is not to exceed $16,500
without prior written consent of the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Herrerr, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried ~nenimously.
See ~y-lawNo.
- 3-
Report No. 617 - Alderman W.A. Hinsperger - The report recommends adoption
and implementation of guidelines for maximum percentages of outstanding taxes
as follows: December 31st, 1979 - 12%, May 1st, 1980 - 11%, December 31st,
1980 - 10.5%, December 31st, 1981 - 9%, and adoption of a follow-up system
for matters referred to staff by Council.
Alderman Hinsperger noted that the figures relating to outstanding taxes
particularly the b~y 1980 figure, are based on the 1979 taxes due the City.
It was the Alderman's understanding that in the past, the City had never been
able to get down as low as 12% or 11% for some time. The City Treasurer
indicated that he believed the rates had not been that low since the 1960's.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by A/derman MacBain,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 618 - City Manager - The report recommends that Hydrology Consultants
be hired to assess the extent of migration along the west side of Houck Park at
a fee not to exceed $1,500 and the survey be carried out in January, 1980 in
order that the findings may be available to decide whether an extension to the
existing system, if any, is needed so that the cost of such work can be
included in the 1980 budget.
Alderman Cummings pointed out the importance of these studies being
conducted in order to ensure not only the safety of surrounding residents,
but persons attending sports functions at Houck Park.
The b~intenance & Operations Engineer provided additional information
on the use of Hydrology Consultants by the City, in response to a question
raised by Alderman Fera.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Schisler
voting contrary, and all others voting in favour.
Report No. 619 - Planning & Development Conm~ittee - l~e report reconm~ends:
1) That Council accept the report of the Planning & Development Committee
in response to inquiries and objections raised by various individuals;
2) That the City Solicitor be authorized to make the necessary revisions
to the draft zoning by-law in accordance with the report; 3) That the final
revised by-law be presented to Council on November 5, 1979 for consideration
and possible enactment; and 4) That the Planning Director proceed with the
necessary revisions to proposed Amendment No. 71 as revised and that these
also be presented to Council for consideration and possible enactment.
}~yor Thomson commended the Planning Department staff, in particular
the Planning Director, and the City Solicitor for their efforts in having
the by-law proceed smoothly to this point.
The Planning Director advised that two points have arisen affecting
the draft zoning by-law. The first aspect is a question by River Realty
on the zoning south of McLeod Road shownby the City as industrial. River
Realty has made several suggestions on what should be designated heavy
industrial and prestige industrial, and would like to see these points
incorporated in the by-law. Secondly, Marineland has questioned the zoning
on their holdings and has suggested an open space designation. The Planning
Director advised that rather than delay the entire by-law, he and the City
Solicitor could review the two requests and report back to Council at the
next meeting with suggested action. The Planning Director felt the City
could satisfy the concerns raised and that he would report back to Council
with suggested alternatives that could be incorporated into the by-law at
that time.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted, and further that the action outlined
by the Planning Director concerning requests of River Realty and Marineland,
be approved. Carried Unanimously.
No. 239 - Special Committee to Assist the Calamusa Family - Re: Support
for Calamusa Family. The communication requests endorsement of efforts to
have the Calamusa Family remain in Canada.
Mayor Thomson noted that petitions received in support of the Calamusa
Family have been signed by 1,196 individuals.
Alderman Cummqngs felt Council should indicate its support of the Calamusa
Family and their attempts to remain in Canada, and that an appropriate letter
be forwarded to the Federal Government advising accordingly. Alderman Fera
indicated his support for the Calamusas' efforts, and pointed out that the
children should be taken into consideration.
Alderman Schisler expressed concern that Council had been requested to
endorse certain statements concerning the Calamusa Family, and pointed out
that he could not swear to certain facts contained in the letter. Mayor
Thomson suggested that it would be more appropriate to support their efforts
to remain in Canada and send a letter to the Federal Government requesting
officials to reconsider the matter.
Alderman MacBain felt it should be made clear that Council's support
was given on the basis of the information presented to Council. The persons
charged with the responsibility of dealing with the matter would hear both
sides of the story, and Council could only base its decision on the side of
the story presented.
Alderman Chessman stated that Council was not qualified to make a
Judgement on the matter before the courts elsewhere where various facts have
been brought. Council could not be aware of all factors involved, and it
would be presumptuous of Council to call upon the court or tribunal to
overturn its decision on the basis of the information presented. Whatever
assistance given by Council would have to be support on the basis of
humanitarian and compassionate grounds. The Alderman pointed out that
there are many persons wishing to come into Canada, who must wait in line
and meet all regulations. Alderman Chessman felt it was important that
the system be safeguarded and equitable.
Mayor Thomson connnented that the request was for support of the City
on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, and suggested'.that Council deal
with the request pn that basis.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded
by Alderman Fore, that Council indicate its support of the Calamusa Family's
efforts to remain in Canada on compassionate and humanitarian grounds, and
further that the Federal Government be requested to reconsider the matter
on that basis. Carried Unanimously.
No. 240 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Amendment 1 to the Niagara
Regional Policy Plan. The communication requests further comments of the
Municipality on a review of Provincial and local comments on Amendment 1 to the
Niagara Regional Policy Plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the communication be referred to staff to determine if any further comments
are necessary. Carried Unanimously.
No. 241 - Provincial Secretary for Social Development - Re: Group Homes.
The communication requests consideration to the development of a policy by
the City to facilitate the establishment of group homes in 'all residential
Alderman Chessman urged members of Council to review the material in
detail, and conmaented that he felt the chief beneficiaries of group homes
would largely be young people from broken homes and with social problems.
The Alderman hoped the City would be able to deal with this matter in a
positive and generous way. The Planning Director stated that the Province's
initiative in this matter was refreshing, and that the City would examine
the concept of group home living very carefully.
ORDERED on the marion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the communication be referred to Planning Department staff and the
Social Planning Council for comment. Carried Unanimously.
No. 242 - Secretariat for Social Development - Re: Ontario Career Week.
The communication requests endorsement of the City for promotion of Ontario
Career Week - October 29 - November 4, 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Schisler,
that Council endorse the designation of the week of October 29 -. November 4,
1979 as Ontario Career Week. Carried Unanimously. , .... 5
No. 243 - Local Council of Women - Re: Discussion on Developing Youth to
be Responsible Citizens. The communication invites members of Council to
attend a panel discussion on October 25, 1979 on "Developing Youth to be
Responsible Citizens".
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the communication be received and filed, and further that thanks be extended
for the invitation and as many members of Council as possible attend. Carried
No. 244 - Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations - Re: Landlord and
Tenant Advisory Bureau. The communication requests that Council consider
continuing the services of Landlord & Tenant Advisory Bureau until July 1,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that the City continue the services of its Landlord and Tenant Advisory
Bureau through Information Niagara, as requested. Carried UnanimouslZ.
No. 245 -Ministry of the Environment - Re: Processed Organic Waste Sites.
The communication advises of applications received for the establishment
of processed organic waste soil conditioning sites in the City of Niagara
Alderman MacBain suggested that the matter be referred to staff for
the preparation of a report. The Director of Municipal Works stated that
the locations indicated by the Ministry were immediately in the area of
fairly extensive hearings the City had been involved in previously. From
an engineering point of view, there was no problem with the proposal,
however the Director of Municipal Works felt the matter should be looked
at from several different aspects, such as legal and planning. Alderman
MacBain agreed that the report should be quite broad in nature and take
all points into consideration.
Alderman Sobol commented that she felt the communication was for
information purposes only and the comments of the municipality were not
being requested. The City Clerk suggested that representatives of the
Ministry could be invited to a meeting to explain the matter. It was
further explained that the permits did not involve storage of processed
organic waste, but use of the material as--a fertilizer to be worked into
the soil.
Mayor Thomson explained that new legislation has been passed which
makes it necessary for permits to be issued to persons wishing to dispose
of sewage sludge on farm property. In the past no permits were issued,
and there was little or no interference unless complaints were received.
The Mayor confirmed that the material would be worked into the soil and
used as fertilizer.
Alderman Schisler suggested that in any approval given, there should
be a condition that the material be worked into the soil within so many
hours. Mayor Thomson stated that permits stipulate the material must be
worked into the soil within twenty-four hours.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman ~cBain, seconded
by Alderman Orr, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation
of a report. Carried Unanimously.
No. 620 - City Manager - Re: East Service Road, Proposed Street Name Change
Suggested by Niagara Falls Art Gallery & Museum. The report recommends that
staff inform the Niagara Falls Art Gallery & Museum that the East Service
Road is proposed to be re-named Oakwood Drive, and that the proposed Street
Name Changes By-law will be dealt with by Council in the near future.
Alderman Wallman suggested that a street number be assigned to the
Museum when the street name is changed. Mayor Thomson indicated that this
would be done automatically.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fore, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 621 - Planning & Development Conunittee - Re: Fees Charged for Processing
Official Plan and Zoning Amendments. The report recommends that the fees
charged for Official Plan Amendments be increased from $100 to $200, for
Zoning Amendments from $100 to $150, and for Draft Plans of Subdivision from
$100 to $150, effective immediately.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 622 - City Manager - Re: Tender on Winter Sand. The report recommends
that the supply, delivery and mixing of winter sand for the 1979-80 winter
season be awarded to Vineland Quarries and Crushed Stone Ltd.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett, the Director of
Municipal Works advised that the material being tendered was approved by
Council over the previously used coarse material. Alderman Merrett noted
that there were problems with dust from this material, and that the material
was difficult to clean off the roads since it could still be seen throughout
the City. Alderman Merrett asked if the cost saving was worth the extra
clean-up time. The Director of Municipal Works explained that the material
involved in the tender was more expensive than the coarse material used
previously. The finer material was chosen by Council because the coarse
material was difficult to remove following the winter. Alderman Merrett
asked if it would be too late in the year to re-tender the supply of winter
sand. The Director of Municipal Works advised that the City can re-tender
since no price has been accepted by Council. It was further advised that
this · material was the same material tendered throughout the Region.
Mayor Thomson asked why this material was not tendered on a Regional
basis. The Director of Municipal Works advised that the City got a lower
price than the Region. In response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett,
the Director of Municipal Works confirmed that there would still be the dust
problem on Regional Roads even though the City might use a different
Mayor Thomson asked if there would be much difference in price between
actual sand and the material being tendered. The Director of Municipal Works
stated that he did not know the actual difference in cost, however explained
that the top of the specification was coarse matWrial and the finer material
was at the bottom. The finer the specification, the more expensive the
material is to manufacture.
In response .to a further question raised by Mayor Thomson, the Maintenance
and Operations Engineer stated that if the City re-tendered, the material
would not be available until three weeks into November. Although there is
stlll approximately fifteen hundred tons of material on hand, If cold weather
and snow set in early, the City could be short of sand.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded
by Alderman Hinsperger, that the report be tabled and that a comparison be
made on the use of actual sand, the previously used coarse material and the
finer material presently on hand. The motion Carried with Alderman Schisler
voting contrary, and all others voting in fayour.
No. 623 - City Manager - Re: Rental of Snow Removal Equipment. The report
recommends that the tender submitted by J.g. Grove & Sons be rejected, and
that the tender submitted by Modern Crane be accepted with the proviso that
the units are operational and available when called out and capable ;f
performing the work required.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the ~eport be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No~
No. 624 - City Manager - Re: Tender for Trucks for Snow Removal. The report
recommends acceptance of all tenders with the proviso that the available
trucks needed be rented in order of their hourly rates per cu. yd. and that
the trucks are suitable for the loaders employed.
Alderman Schisler referred to the statement in the report that the
cost for using City trucks at night when most snow is removed was higher
than using tendered trucks, and asked if it would still be more expensive
if a night shift was set up. The Maintenance & Operations Engineer confirmed
that the cost is slightly higher to use City crews at night than to use
rented trucks. Snow removal is usually conducted five or six t~es per year,
'and it would be very expensive to have a crew standing by, when it is not
known in advance when weather conditions willpermit snow removal operations.
In response to a further question raised by Alderman Schisler, the Maintenance
and Operations Engineer indicated that City trucks would be used on snow
removal, and rentals will be called in as required.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 100
No. 624 - City Manager - Re: Parking in Front of City Hall. The report
recommends passage of a by-law to remove parking restrictions on Queen Street
in front of City Hall, so that meters may be installed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-190
No. 625 - City Manager - Re: Intersection of Glengate and Maplewood. The
report advises that the Region will not approve the erection of a four-way
stop at the subject intersection, and recommends that the by-law authorizing
this four-way stop be rescinded.
Alderman Merrett asked if City traffic by--laws were approved by the
Region on a regular basis. The Director of Municipal Works explained that
the Region assumed authority for approving traffic by-laws from the
Ministry of Transportation & Communications.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Merrett
voting contrary, and all others voting in favour.
No. 626 - City }~nager - Re: Stop Signs. The report recommends preparation
of a by-law to provide for stop signs both northbound and southbound on
Belfast Avenue at its intersection with Mulhern Street and~on eastbound
and westbound Skinner Street at its intersection with Heximer Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 627 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Ontario Avenue. The report recommends
preparation of a by-law to prohibit parking at all times from the easterly
side of Ontario Avenue from its intersection with Eastwood Street to its
intersection with Hiram Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 628 - City Manager - Re: Site Plan Approval, Proposed Addition to Riverdale
Frozen Foods, 10929 Niagara River Parkway. The report recommends approval of
the subject Site Plan as submitted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallman, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the report be received and adopted. -Carried Unanimously.
No. 629 - City Manager - Re: Nine Month Statement of Revenue and Expenditure.
The report provides information on revenue and expenditures for tax supported
services, water supply system and the parking operation for the period ending
September 30, 1979.
Alderman Merrett referred to the miscellaneous administration expense
of $18,322 which included labour and equipment charges relating to parades
and other civic events, for which no specific amount had been included in the
budget, and asked if part of this amount involved the City's 751h Anniversary.
The City Treasurer confirmed that a portion of the amount involved 751h
Anniversary expenditures, however it could be sorted out and those charges
redistributed accordingly. Alderman Merrett stated that he would hate to see
a problem in other years where an event takes place and the City is not
properly charging these amounts to the proper'agencies or sections in the
The Director of Municipal Works stated that for some parades, there is
no specific account to which these expenses can be charged. Staff are
required to erect barricades, remove them later and then clean up after
the event. Alderman Merrett stated that if this was to be a recurring
problem, there should be a specific figure set out in the next budget.
The Director of Municipal Works indicated that this was the intention of
Alderman Cheesman explained that during planning of the City's 751h
anniversary celebrations, trying to determine what expenditures would be
picked up in the budget, was a recurring question. The question wasn't always
answerable, and had the Committee known, this could have been specified.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Sobol, the City Treasurer
advised that the over expenditure on accumulated sick leave credits referred
only to severance pay for unused sick time. The City Treasurer also advised
that the figures on the bottom of Page 3 of the report referring the percentage
of taxes collected, should be corrected to read 87.9% for 1979 and 85.8% for
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 630 - City Clerk - Re: Resolutions from Other Municipalities.
l) City of Kitchener - Requesting that the Minister of Revenue be asked to
review his Ministry's new assessment information program with a view to
providing to municipalities all information previously received in usable
form and at no increase in cost to the municipality.
Recommendation - That the resolution be endorsed and the Province so
2). City of Kitchener - Requesting permissive legislation in order to enable
th~ municipality to sponsor a refugee family.
Recommendation - That the resolution be endorsed.
3) Town of Oakville - Requesting the Province to make required amendments to
the Highway Traffic Act to provide stiffer penalties for speeding, racing
and tailgating on residential streets.
Recommendation - That the resolution be received and filed.
4) City of Port Colborne - Requesting the Region to adjust the water rates
according to the quality of the water provided.
Recommendation - That the resolution be received and filed.
5} Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake - Requesting that the Income Tax Act be amended
to increase the amount of exemption for volunteer firmmen.
Recommendation - That the resolution be endorsed.
6) City of Kitchener - Requesting the Province to remove the Provincial Fuel
Tax for fuel utilized for municipal transit systems.
Recommendation - That the resolution be endor~.
7) City of Kitchener - Requesting the Provincial Government to enact legislati0~
to regulate the ownership and keeping of dogs trained for attack and guard
Recommendation - That the resolution be endorsed.
8) City of Chatha~ - Requesting the Province to reconsider an amendment to the
Municipal Act which would make it mandatory that Council fill a vacancy in
Council by an election.
Recommendation - That the resolution be endorsed.
Mayor Thomson referred to the resolution from Kitchener concerning guard
dogs, and advised that he had been unsuccessful in his attempts to have
Council endorse this resolution. Mayor Thomson felt there should be guidelines
established so that a municipality can pass legislation regulating the keeping
of dogs trained for attack and guard duties.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by AldermanWellman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimousl. y.I
No. 631 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends
of the municipal accounts.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Orr, Mayor Thomson advised
that Cheques ~1398 and ~1512 were for the purchase of the City's 75th
T-shirts, from Calhoun Sportswear in St. Catharines. Alderman Orr asked why
it was necessary to use an out of town firm to provide these shirts, especially
for the City's 75th Anniversary, when many local firms could have supplied the
same product. Alderman Cheesman advised that it was not the shirt itself, but
the printing that could not be done in Niagara Falls. Alderman Orr stated
that he knew of a number of suppliers in Niagara Falls that could have produced
the same shirt. Mayor Thomson requested that Alderman Orr provide the names
of these firms for the next meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Aldgrman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 99 - SCHiSLER - CUI~INGS - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by
Modern Crane for rental of snow removal equipment, be accepted with the proviso
that the units are operational, available when called and capable of performi~
the work required, as follows:
Trucks with Plows - Two (2) at $48.00 per hour;
Front-End Loaders - One (1) 2.5 cu. yd. at $39.00 per hour;
Grader - One (1) at $65.00 per hour;
; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous_~/
No. 100 - SCHISLER - CUb~INGS - RESOLVED that the following prices received
for the supply of trucks for snow removal be accepted with the proviso that
the available trucks needed be rented in order of their hourly rates per cu.
yd. and that the trucks are suitable for the loaders employed:
Warden Construction
Salfi Trucking
J. Baldin
G. White
Cameron Trucking
M. Baldin
Montgomery Bros.
C & R. Haulage
D. Lapierre
D. Skinner
D. G. Bawtinheimer
Single Axle
$17.50 / 3
$19.00 / 1
$19.00 / 1
$19.00 / i
$17.00 / 2
Double Axle
$22.50 / 1
$24.00 / 1
; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
$24.00 / 1
$24.00 / 1
$22.00 / 3
$24.00 / 2
$24.00 / 1
$24.00 / 1
$22.00 / 1
Carried Unanimouslx
Mayor Thomson advised that he had received a request from Mr. N. Romagnano
and his solicitor that By-law No. 79-185 dealing with construction of buildings
frontlug on improved roads, be tabled until they had an opportunity to make a
submission on the matter.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the by-law be tabled. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read
a first time:
No. 79-183 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with the Board of Governors of
the Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology to provide a
grant to Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology.
No. 79-184 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Alexander V. Crate for a
study of downtown revttaltzation.
No. 79-185 - TABLED
No. 79-186 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 1538 (1958) of the former Township
of Crowland, as amended. (Frontage on Improved Roads)
No. 79-187 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 70-69 to regulate the use of land and
the erection and use of buildings and structures in that part of the
former Township of Humberstone which is now in the City of Niagara
Falls. (Frontage on Improved Roads)
No. 79-188 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulation
of traffic. (No Parking - Portage Road)
No. 79-189 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulation
Of traffic. (One Way - Grey Avenue)
No. 79-190 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulation
of traffic. (Parking Meters on Queen Street)
No. 79-191 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried Unanimouslx
- 10 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that the following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-183
No. 79-184
- A By-law to authorize an agreement with the Board of Governors of
the Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology to provide a
grant to Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology.
- A By-law to authorize an agreement with Alexander V. Crate for a
study of downtown revitalization.
No. 79-185 - TABLED
No. 79-186
No. 79-187
- A By-law to amend By-law No. 1538 (1958) of the former Township
Crowland, as amended. (Frontage on Improved Roads)
- A By-law to amend By-law No. 70-69 to regulate the use of land
the erection and use of buildings and structures in that part ofl
former Township of Humberstone which is now in the City of Nia
Falls. (Frontage on Improved Roads)
No. 79-188
No. 79-189
- A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the
of traffic. (No Parking - Portag~ Road)
- A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the
of traffic° (One Way - Grey Avenue)
No. 79-190
No. 79-191
- A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulat~
of traffic. (Parking Meters on Queen street)
- A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Alderman Merrett advised of a recent announcement by the Minister of
Industry and Tourism, that funds have been allocated in the Provincial budget
to provide a new information centre in Niagara Falls. The Alderman advised
that it was the responsibility of the Municipality to present a site to the
Ministry, and the Alderman suggested that a committee of the Mayor, an
and staff be established to pursue the matter. Alderman Merrett offered his
services on such a committee. Mayor Thomson suggested that the intersection
of Stanley Avenue and the Q.E.W. would be a suitable site. It was moved by
Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that a special committee
be established to review possible sites for a tourist information centre in
the City. Carried Unanimously.
Alder~mn Merrett asked whose responsibility it was to have repairs made
to the railway crossings in the City. The Director of Municipal Works advised
that the City would have to request the appropriate railway company tO make
the repairs, andtha railway company would hill half the cost to the road
authority involved. Alderman Merrett advised that crossings on Stanley Avenue
and Swayze Drive were in poor condition, and could damage vehicles using the
crossings.' Mayor Thomson indicated that the Stanley Averide crossing at Unit
Rig was in particularly bad condition and should be repaired. The Director
of Municipal Works stated that in the case of the Stanley Avenue crossing,
the Region would have to be requested to have the repairs made. It was moved
by Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the appropriate
steps be taken to have the crossings repaired. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Schisler commented on the recent passing of former Alderman
A.J. McKinley, and thanked the Mayor's Office for being prompt in sending
messages of condolence to the family.
The Director of Municipal Works advised that he had received a call from
Mr. F. Branscombe, whose firm was involved in the construction of a develo
- 11 -
at the corner of Stanley Avenue and Valley Way. In that development, driveway
entrances will be required. The Director of Municipal Works explained that
during budget discussions, the policy for charges on providing driveway entrances,
which involve removal of curb and replacement of properly constructed
depressions and removal of any existing driveway and replacement with proper
curb, were amended to a cost of $20.00 per ft. for the Municipality to do the
work. When the price was set, it was explained that the City had been losing
money on the previous charges, and it was felt the cost should be paid by the
proponent of the request. With the $20.00 per ft. fee, the City would lose
on some work and gain on others. The Director of Municipal Works advised
that Mr. Branscombe has requested that his contractor be permitted to do the
work himself. The work would involve a 70' driveway and 30' repair. On this
type of work, the City would make money. As of the last week, the City was
$700 ahead on this type of work, however the account can fluctuate depending
on the number and type of requests.
Mayor Thomson pointed out that this project was a substantial development
and asked if the City was placing too many road blocks into the paths of people
investing millions of dollars in the Municipality. The Director of Municipal
Works stated that the City was trying not to lose any money. If the fee for
large driveway entrances were eliminated, the City would lose on the smaller
ones. Mayor Thomson pointed out that it was difficult to justify this cost
to someone, when they can do it for half the City's price. '
AIderman [~cBain suggested the possibility of amending the City's policy
so that it would only apply to entrances up to 50' in width. That way there
would still be enough range to not hurt those reasonably large entrances,
and still make up for the smaller ones without penalizing either. ~yor
Thomson suggested discussing the policy at an upcoming General Committee
session. The Director of Municipal Works advised that one year, the City
could have mostly small requests, however this year there happened to be
a fair number of larger requests. The policy could be discQssed at a future
meeting, however on this particular request, Mr. Branscombe's contractor was'
working in the field at the time, and would like to get on with the work.
In response to Alderman MacBain's suggestion, the Director of Municipal Works
felt the 50' figure would be a reasonable compromise on the understanding the
work would be done under City supervision.
Mayor Thomson suggested that the policy be amended temporarily, and that
the entire matter be reviewed at a future meeting.
It was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
policy on curbs and driveway depressions apply only to those below 50' in
width, and those above can be installed by the owner under the City's
supervision. Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
~eeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
Council Chambers
October 2~, 1979
Council met on Monday, October 29, 1979 in formal session, following a
General Committee Session. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Merrett. His Worship, ~yor Thomson presided as
No. 632 - Ci_jt~aJ.e__r - Re: Community Services Contribution Pro~xam --
Neighbourhood improvement. The report recon-~ends passage of a resolution
directing staff to forward an application to the Community Renewal Branch
of the Ministry of Housing, for funds under the subject Program.
ORDEP~D on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wallman,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No.
No. 633 - ~~_ Re: Storm Sewer Behind Service Centre. The report
recommends that the balance of funds budgeted for installation of the subject
storm sewer, remain in Account #11332 for work inspections to cover unforeseen
expenditures in connection with the study of flooding conditions in various
sections of the City.
The Director of Municipal Works provided additional information in
response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 634 - City Manager - Re: Falls Industrial Park Extension, Plan M.-67, Sale
of Lots 4 and 5 to 426657 Ontario Limited. The report recommends passage of
a by-law to amend By-law 79-162, so that title of the subject lots will be
in the name of 426657 Ontario Limited rather than "Ralph Powell, In Trust".
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Aldex~nan Cheesman,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-192
No. 101 - CHEESMAN - FERA - RESOLVED that whereas notification has been
received from the Ministry of Housing regarding the allocation of funcs to be
used in connection with the 1980 Community Services Contribution Progra~me -
Neighbourhood Component;
AND WHEREAS November 1, 1979 has been established as the deadline for
~submitting applications to the Ministry;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Niagara Falls submit an
application to the Monourable Claude R. Bennett, Minister of Housing, for
the approval of the projects listed below to an estimated cost of $3,840,000.00
with the Federal Government to pay 50% of the cost and the Provincial Government
to pay 25% of the cost and the City to pay 25% of the cost, for the purposes
of the 1980 Community Services Contribution Programme:
1. Soft Services - Land Acquisition and Improvements
of the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena
2. Nard Services
3. Administration
$ 1,700,000.00
$ 3,840,000.00
; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous_,~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Wailman, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-law, and the by-law be read a
first tlme:
No. 79-192 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-162 being a by-law to authorize
the sale of land in the Falls Industrial Park Extension.
Carried Unanimousl}Z
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
following by-law be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-192 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-162 being a by-law to authorize
the sale of land in the Falls Industrial Park Extension.
Carried Unanimously
Mayor Thomson noted that Mr. Otto van Deurs, the Maintenance & Operations
Engineer would be retiring on October 31, 1979, and that this was to be the
last Council meeting he would be attending as a City employee. Members of
Council Joined with Mayor Thomson in wishing Mr. van Deurs a happy retirement.
It was moved by Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
Fire Station No. 1
November 5, 1979
Council met in Committee of the Whole on Monday. November 5, 1979 at
5:00 p.m. All members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen
Fera and Sobol. Alderman MacBain presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole arose without reporting. . .~.
Council Chambers
November 5, 1979
Council met on Monday, November 5, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Puttick. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
Alderman Schisler offered the Opening Prayer.
Alderman Hinsperger advised that on Page 3 of the October 22nd, 1979
Council minutes, the percentage referring to outstanding taxes in Report
No. 617 should be corrected to indicate 10.5% as of December 31, 1980.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the minutes of the meeting of October 15th, 1979 be adopted as printed, and
the minutes of the meeting of October 22nd, 1979, be adopted as corrected.
Carried Unanimously.
Mr. T. Buchanan of the Niagara Falls Lions Club was granted permission to
'address Council on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Orr.
Mr. Buchanan stated that he would like to comment on the recent subject of the
extension of the concession stand at the Niagara Falls Arena. It was explained
that in requesting additional space for the sale of souvenirs, it had not been
the intention of the Lions Club to eliminate the existing popcorn outlet.
Mr. Buchanan advised that the area the Lions Club presently uses for selling
souevenirs is small, damp and does not present the best of conditions. There
is a water leakage in the existing souvenir facility, and Mr. Buchanan explained
that the Lions Club cannot properly store the souvenir Jackets and sweaters in
the concession stand, nor can they be displayed effectively. Mr. Buchanan
pointed out that any money earned through the concession stand is channelled
back into the community, and requested that Council reconsider the request.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Sobol, Mr. Buchanan advised that
the dampness is caused by a crack in the wall which cannot be corrected from
the inside. On the day of a game~ it is necessary that members of the Lions
Club go to the Arena and attempt to dry the area out with space heaters.
Alderman Cummings asked if there would be any additional cost to operate
the popcorn concession in another area if the Lions Club were allowed to extend
their operation into that portion of the concession area. The C~ty Manager
explained that the cost indicated of $1800 was for the extension, and that
the change for the Lions Club would not involve any cost to the City. The
Lions Club would simply be moving into the area presently occupied by the
popcorn concession. Whatever work necessary to accommodate the Lions Club
would have to be undertaken by the Lions Club.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett, Mr. Buchanan
advised that the Lions Club hoped to extend their souvenir stand immediately.
This would provide the area needed to store and display their souvenirs
properly. Mr. Buchanan further advised that the Lions Club has approximately
$8000 worth of souvenirs that must now be stored elsewhere in the Arena.
Alderman Chessman suggested that since the Lions Club does contribute a
great deal in the connnunity, the City should try and meet them half way. The
Alderman suggested that $1800 did not represent a large expenditure in terms
of the monies the City spends ou Arenas. It was moved by Alderman Chessman,
seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that staff negotiate with the Lions Club to
share in the cost of the work.
Mr. Buchanan advised that if the Lions Club had been in a position to
assume the cost, it would have done so. The Lions Club is not in such a
position, and Mr. Buchanan pointed out that with the outdoor skating rink
alone, the Club is $60,000 in debt. While this obligation was accepted by
the Lions Club, Mr. Buchanan stated that the Club could not absorb the cost
of $1800. With respect to any costs for improving the extended area,
Mr. Buchanan stated that the Lions Club would undertake any painting or supplyil
shelves for display purposes.
The Director of Municipal Works advised that the City had been considering
extending the existing concession stand and telscaring the popcorn concession
at one time, however the project had been deferred.
Mayor Thomson suggested that steps be taken to correct the leakage problez
in the wall.
Alderman Chessman commented that since the Lions Club was not able to
share in the cost with the City~ the original motion was of no value. It was
then moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that the
request of the Lions Club be approved. The motion Carried with Alderman Wallm~
voting contrary, and all others voting in fayour,
Mayor Thomson explained that the Volunteer Bureau was requesting an
additional $1,000 to assist in continuing operations for the balance of 1979.
In checking to ascertain if there were funds available for this purpose, it
was determined that $1,000 could he made available from the Social Planning
Council grant. Since the Volunteer Bureau is co-ordinated through the Social
Planning Council, arrangements were made for this amount to be transferred t0
the Volunteer Bureau to allow the Bureau to contieue until the end of 1979.
Mayor Thomson stated that the Bureau's 1980 budget would be considered by
Council during the operating budget discussions.
Mrs. D. Haycock of the Bureau stressed that the request for additional
funding was not due to a mismanagement of money. The Bureau had attempted to
obtain this funding from other sources before coming to Council. Mrs. Haycock
thanked the City for its assistance in obtaining this funding. With respect
to the next year's budget, Mrs, Baycock stated that if the Bureau was
restricted to a ceiling in 1980, including the anticipated maximum increase, 0f
$11,250, it would not be feasible to run a full time service, and possibly the
service would have to be cut back by one half. Mrs, Haycock explained that the
level of service would be affected by the workload and budget, and the
importance of volunteer services in the community was explained. The Bureau
acts as a channel between various agencies and the community, and is utilized
to gain much more effective use of the volunteer power in the community to its
maximum potential. Mrs. Haycock requested that Council consider a reasonable
budget in 1980 for the Volunteer Bureau, and stressed that'it should not be
considered a drain to invest in the future of the comanunity.
In response to a question raised by Alderman CheeseNan, the City Manager
explained that since the Social Planning Council and Volunteer Bureau are two
separate accounts, approval would be required from Council for the transfer
of funds.
It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
Council authorize the transfer of $1,000 from the Social Planning Council
account to the Volunteer Bureau account. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 635 -- Planning Director/City Solicitor -.- The report recommends
that Council authorize the City Solicitor and Planning Director to make
representation on behalf of the City at the forthceming O.M.B. hearing on
the ~gion's Policy Plan Amendment #1.
OP~EF~D on the motion of Alderman Merratt, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 636 .- Planning Director/City Solicitor -- ~he report reco~mmsnds that
Council instruct staff to tahe certain action to implement the new Section 35a
of the Planning Act (as outlined in the report).
The Planning Director advised that this matter was considered a number of
times as Council went through the zoning discussions in May with regard to the
definition of "family" and in Septen~Der when a more comprehensive report was
provided on the changes ~o Section 35a of the Planning Act. The changes now
indicate that any site planning controls would be exerted through a separate
by-law and not through the zoning by-law which is subject to O.M.B. approval.
T. iqe powers of the municipality are spelled out and to some extent will be more
limited than previously. ~ne site p!au control by-law would apply to the various
zones as outlined in the report.
Alderman Chessman referred to Section 6 of the second page of the report
regarding exclusions from site plan controls, and expressed concern that the
City would be deleting control over elevation as it applies to single family
dwellings. The Planning Director advised that the new legislation does not
allow the City to become involved in the study of elevations unless a development
consisted of twenty-five units or more. It was further advised that this
section dealt specifically ~ith the elevations of the buildings and not grading.
Mayor Thomson added that a drainage policy regarding subdivision development
would be handled specifically through a separate by-law.
Following further conm~ent, it was moved by Alderman Ditts, seconded by
Alderman ~insperger, that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
DRAFT ZONING BYo. LAJ~' .~rD OI~ICIAL p],;c~: tME.~]blF~:T NO. 71
Report No. 637 - Planning Director/City Solicitor - The report recommends:
1) ~at CounciI review the aspects of the Marineland zoning and decide which
of two alternative wordings they wish to enact; 2) ~at Council decide on
the matter of imposing Site Plan Control over the Marineland property;
3) That Council give direction on the additional land (northeast boundary
of Norton Company lands) which ~rineland wishes to be included as being
available for outdoor display of aniF~ls, outdoor amusements, transportation
modes, restaurants and souvenir outlets; 4) Enact Official Plan Amendment No.
71; 5) Enact the Draft Zoning By-law; and 6) Instruct staff to prepare copies
in quantity in accordamce with instruction for circulation which will be
obtained from the Ontario Municipal Board.
The City Clerk drew the attention of Council to the revised Page 138
which should replace the page attached to the report and Draft Zoning By-law.
Mr. A. Sheppard was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger. Mr. Sheppard distributed
copies of a letter dealing with the Marineland area, and controls on that site.
The overall zoning designation of the ~rineland property is to be open space
which would include the uses outlined under item #2 (a), (b) and (c) of the
report. As a compromise on ~e request that site plan controls not apply to
the property, Mr. Sheppard proposed that ~rineland would furnish to the City
on a regular basis a master plan of present and future developments of Marineland.
With respect to Fire Department concerns, all access to the property and to
fire hydrants would be proper and adequate and an opportunity would be afforded
.to the Fire Chief to satisfy himself on fire prevention adequacy prior to
issuance of building permits by the Building Inspector. With respect to
drainage, wherever changes in elevations and contours would cause a run-off
of storm or surface waters onto adjoining lands, grading information would
be shown to City staff for information, nssistance and input to Marineland.
Mr. Sheppard explained that if there were a shbstantial change in grading~
losing its rights to c~ntrol the run-off. According to the suggestion of
Mr, Sheppard, the City would only be advised and the Alderman questioned
the City's right of enforcement.
The City Manager indicated that he had perused Mr. Sheppard's submission
briefly, however on reviewing the matter he felt the suggestion in its present
formwas not satisfactory. The City Manager suggested that plans should be
shown to and approved by City staff, in order for the City to have some control.
Mr. Sbeppard indicated that he had no objection to submission of plans to City
staff for approval, however if difficulties arose, the matter would have to be
In response to a question raised by Mayor Thomson, the Fire Chief stated
that he was satisfied with the suggestion regarding Fire Department inspection
of new development.
Alderman MacBain asked if there was any possibility that by dealing with
the Marineland requests, the validity of the by-law could be in danger,
particularly with respect to cases dealing with discrimination. The City
Solicitor indicated that he had been concerned, particularly since it was
proposed in the earlier report that open space be made subject to site plan
control. Marineland was in effect asking for special treatmsnt under the
by-law, and this was a cause of concern.
Mr. Sheppard stated that Marineland is a unique development that cannot
be compared to any other building or development in the City which is more
rigid and inflexible. The contours of the land are changing and planned
development would be changing the site constantly."'
Alderman MacBatn asked if this item were left out altogether, whether the
danger of the whole idea would be removed without upsetting the by-law. The
City Solicitor stated that if it is the wish of Council not to have Marineland
included in the site plan control area, presumably the City would designate
all open space zones, except the Marineland site to be subject to site plan
an exception to the preceding report which stipula~es that site plan control
would apply to open space.
Aldermau MacBain indicated that he was still concerned with the legal
aspects of the situation, and asked if there were no site plan controls on the
site, would the City be in danger of having a huge multiple storey hotel built
on the site. The Planning Director advised that the by-law does have height.
limitations which would cover that aspect of development. The Province has
outlined the powers of municipalities with the new legislation so that in
certain areas, site plans may be requested, and one or more conditions can be
imposed. The main concern of the City dealt with drainage, and that was the
purpose of suggesting the alternative of a private understanding with
Marineland as a compromise. The Director of Municipal Works co~nented that
the area is quite large and there could he problems downstream, however with
the requirement of City approval on grading plans, the situation could be
handled more satisfactorily.
With respect to transportation uses, restaurants, souvenir outlets and
outdoor amusements, Mr. Sheppard indicated that Marineland had capitulated on
· these items and agreed that in the area immediately south of the existing
parking lot, the land would be left as open space to permit parking and not
the others. The Plannin8 Director advised that if Mr. Sheppard's cor~nents
on this point were acceptable, Council could adopt Appendix "A" to the
report dealing with Section 19.1.6 of the By-law.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded
by Alderman Fera, that Appendix cA" to the Council report dealing with: Section
19.1.6 of the ZoningBy-law, be approved. Carried Unanimously.
It was then moved by Alderman 8obol, seconded b Alderman MacBain that
Council accept a non-Planning Act private understandIn8 with Marinelane to
Cover the essential concerns of technical staff respecting site plau~ing contr0l~
-5 -
which would include the three points covered in Mr. Sheppard's latter with
the amendment that grading information would be shown to and approved by
City staff, and further that the balance of recommendations in the report
be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-200
Report No. 638 - Planning & Development Committee - The report recommends adoption
of Official Plan Amendment No. 71 prior to passage of the Draft Zoning By-law.
The Planning Director advised that Amendment No. 71 had been dealt with by
the Planning &DeveIopment Conunittee regularly, and that all moral and legal
responsibilities with respect to publication had been met. The attention of
Council was drawn to a new Part 60 to be added to the Official Plan Amendment
document which would cover the request of Marineland regarding the open space
designation. This will also necessitate changes to Schedules !'A" and "B" of
the amendment to reflect these changes.
The Planning Director provided additional information ih response to a
question raised by Alderman Cheesman regarding Parts 3 and 26 of Amendment No. 71.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted, and further that Part 60 as well as the amended
Schedules "A" and "B' be approved and included in Official Plan Amendment No. 71.
Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-199
Report No. 639 - City Manager - The report advises that the storm drainage system
has been installed in tee Brian Crescen~/McGill Street area, and hopefully the
problem has been resolved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman;Orr, that the
report be received and Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 640 - City Manager - The report recommends adoption of the policy
on guidelines for the collection of tax arrears.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report, as amended by the Finance Committee, be received and adopted.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 246 - Mr. G. Auld - Re: Social Planning Council. The communication commends
the Social Planning Council and its Director for their work in the community.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schister, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
communication be received and filed, and a copy sent to the Social Planning
Council. Carried Unanimously.
No. 247 - Montreal Grey Cup Festival - Re: 1979 Grey Cup Parade. The communication
extends an invitation to the City to participate in the 1979 parade.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimouslx.
No. 248 - Niagara South Federation of Agriculture - Re: Railway Relocation.
The communication advises that the Federation cannot support the reasons stated
for rail relocation in Niagara Falls.
Mayor Thomson advised that this letter had been referred to the Railway
Relocation Committee for consideration of the comments contained therein.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fete, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 249 - City of Thunder Bay - Re: 1981 Jeux Canada Summer Games. The
communication requests financial participation by the City in the 1981 Jeux
Canada Summer Games.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Wallman~ that
the communication be referred to the 1980 operating budget discussions. Carried
No. 250 - Chamber of Commerce - Re: Annual Civic Wage grief. The communication
provides information on the annual civic wage brief carried out by the Chamber
of Commerce, which provides a comparison o~ wages paid ~o municipal employees
and those in the private sector
and other municipal employees in the Region.
Mayor Thomson commented that the brief, if taken in the right light,
can be used to show the status of municipal wages as compared to the private
sector and other municipalities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Cheesman,
that the communication be referred to the City's Negotiating Committee.
Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Sobol asked if it would be possible for the Chamber of Commerce
to provide Council with a report on the effects of the current rates of
inflation and high interest rates on the business community. The Alderman
felt it would be of assistance to Council in considering the 1980 budget and
in planning the economic future of the City. Mr. Milne of the Chamber
indicated that one of the Chamber's committees was presently working on
different aspects of this matter, and in particular was speaking to represen-
tatives of the Federal Government on ways to help out small businesses.
Mr. Milne further indicated that the Chamber was in the research stage at
this time, however he would be pleased to contact local firms to gain
additional information.
It was moved by Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that the
Chamber of Commerce be requested to provide information on the effects of
inflation and high interest rates on local businesses, prior to the end of
1979. Carried Unanimously.
No. 251 - Mr. V. Kerrio, M.P.P. - Re: SCA Chemical Waste Permit to Dump
Effluent into the Niagara River. The communication requests the support of
the City in opposing the issuance of the subject permit to SCA Chemical Waste
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
Council endorse the stand taken by Mr. Kerrio in opposition to the subject
permit. Carried Unanimously.
No. 252 - Mr. V. Kerrio, M.P.P. - Re: Public Awareness Forum on Cleaning up
the Great Lakes. The communication advises of a public forum to be held on
November 10, 1979 at the Sheraton Brock Hotel, on Cleaning Up the Great Lakes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
as many members of Council as possible attend the forum. Carried Unanimously,
No. 253 - Ministry of Transportation & Communications - Re: 1980 Transit
Subsidy. The communication advises of the municipal transit subsidy terms
applicable for 1980 in order that its provisions can be incorporated
in service and budget planning processes for 1980.~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 254 - Ministry of Transportation & Communications - Re: Inspection of
Bridges. The Ministry recommends that Cbuncil consider arranging for a
Professional Engineer to do the analysis of bridges that have been rated
in the 7-9 Ton and 10-17 Ton categories which have not beenBcheduled for
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman MacBain,
that the communication be referred to the 1980 budget discussions. Carried
No. 255 - Calhoun T-Shirts - Re: 75th Anniversary T-Shirts. The communication :
provides infoFmation on the manufacture and supply of the City's 75th Annivers~r
Alderman Orr commented that while there are many'firms in the City which
can supply T-shirts with various types of printing, the reason he had expressed
.concern was that no local firms had been asked or been given the opportunity
to submit quotations. The Alderman hoped that local firms would be given such
an opportunity in the future. Alderman Orr also indicated that his comments
had not been intended in any way to discredit the work of the 75thAnniversary
Committee or Alderman Chessman, who chaired that Committee.
Alderman Cheesman stated that nobody questioned the basic argument that
local merchants should be provided an opportunity to quote on whatever contrac/~ -
the City may call. With respect to the ?bth Anniversary T-Shirts, the Alderman
stated that the Committee had sufficient confidence in the Purchasing Agent
to obtain the best possible price. Since Calhoun not only printed the shirts,
but manufactured the shirts as well, it was felt logical from the start that
to go to the manufacturer would result in the best possible deal. Alderman
Sobol suggested that a letter of thanks be sent to Calhoun T-Shirts thanking
them for the excellent product supplied.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the communication be received and filed, and a letter of thanks forwarded to
Calhoun T-Shirts. Carried Unanimously.
No. 256 - Mr. R. Edmonds - Re: Canine Control Services. The communication
extends the services of a canine control officer to the City.
Mayor Thomson stated that the City was not in a position at this time
to consider the offer. Alderman Cheesman suggested that the letter be kept
on file in the event such services were required.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 257 - Niagara Parks Commission - Re: Traffic in Queen Victoria Park. The
communication extends an invitation to City Council to attend a meeting on
November 20, 1979 regarding the study undertaken on traffic in Queen victoria
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the date be noted, and as many members of Council as possible attend. Carried
No. 258 - Council for Canadian Unity - Re: Canada Week 1980. The communication
requests that the City undertake suitable observance of Canada Week, I980.
Alderman Cheesman suggested that the special committee established several
years ago on Canada Week be re-activated. Alderman Schisler indicated that
he had been involved in the previous committee, and commented that such plans
require more than Council's support to be successful, and that more public
participation was required. The Alderman suggested that the press could assist
in making the project more well known to the community.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
Council participate in the observance of Canada Week, and further that Alderman
Schisler be appointed to the special committee arranging suitable observance.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 259 - Minister of the Environment - Re: Liquid Industrial Waste Treatment
and Disposal Facilities - Woodington Systems. The communication advises that
Walker Bros. Quarry has been selected for the establishment of a limited term
liquid industrial waste treatment and disposal facility proposed by Woodington
Systems Inc.
Mayor Thomson suggested that the Ministry be asked to supply more details
on the proposal in the event the City must make any submissions at future
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the communication be received and filed, and further that the Ministry of the
Environment be requested to supply additional information on the matter.
NOTE: Alderman Dilts was absent when the vote was taken
on this matter.
No. 260 - Stamford 01dtimers - Re: 2nd Annual Oldtimers Hockey Tournament.
The communication requests permission to serve alcoholic beverages in conjunction
with the tournament.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fern, that
the request be approved subject to similar approvals being obtained from the
Fire Department, Regional Police, Health Unit and the L.L.B.O. Carried
No. 261 - Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers - Re: Balloon Blowing Contest,
The communication challenges members of City Council to take part on a balloon
blowing contest on November 13th, with proceeds going to the United Way.
Several members of Council offered to participate in the coaltest.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 641 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-18/79, R. Barons, East
Side of Stanley Avenue, South of Ferry Street. The report recommends approval
of the application subject to site plan control and that Council certify by
resolution that the application conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28
of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister
of Rousing.
ORDEPd~D on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No~E
See By-law No. 79-4
No. 642 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-25/79, R.M. Cushing, Nort~e
Corner of Leeming Street and Dorchester Road. The report recommends approval of
the application and that Council certify by resolution that the application
conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area
as amended and approved by the Minister of Housing.
Mr. B. Mueller was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings. Mr. Mueller indicated that
the area of Looming and Dorchester is a prestigious area containing large
open lots. Mr. Mueller felt an effort should be made to keep such areas
single family in nature.
Alderman Merrett explained that the rezoning would permit an addition
to the Cushing home for their elderly parents. The rezoning was required
since the addition was to include a kitchen. If no kitchen were built, the
addition could be constructed without going through the rezoning procedure.
Alderman Herrerr pointed out that the property would in effect, remain
single family, since only the Cushing family would be living there.
Alderman Cheesman asked if it would be possible at some time in the
future to sever the additional unit since it would be built quite apart
from the existing building. Mayor Thomson pointed ~t that the unit will
be attached to the existing building. The Planning Director advised that
in any event, it would be difficult to obtain a severance since the severed
portion would be too narrow for a separate lot.
Alderman Schisldr felt that whenever a double dwelling is created, it
will be a change in the area and could start other similar changes spreading
throughout that same area. The Alderman also disagreed that the property
would. be considered a single family residence after the rezoning.
Alderman Merrett pointed out that if the application were turned down,
the addition could still be built without the kitchen.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by
Alderman Herrerr that the report be received and adopted. The motion
Carried with Alderman Schisler voting contrary, and all others voting in
fayour. -- .
See Resolution N0.1
See By-law No. 79-~9
No. 643 - Alderman A. MacBale ~ Re: Grant in Lieu of Taxes on International
Bridges. The report recoramends that the Mayor and senior staff meet with
Provincial authorities to connuance negotiations immediately for the
continuation and increase in the annual payments for the Rainbow Bridge and
Whirlpool Rapids Bridge.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Rinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
~No. 644 - City Manager - Re: Sale of Used City Equipment. The report recommends
that from the $23,337.90 net proceeds of the sale, that each department or
section be credited with the amounts in an appropriate account, and further
that the Equipment Section apply $2,958.74 to the current new equipment account
to offset additional Provincial tax charged on equipment ordered in 1978 and
not delivered until 1979. Thereport further reconm~ends that the balance of
approximately $17,400 be placed in the Rquipment Reserve Account to he applied
to new equipment purchases.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimmusly.
- 9 -
No. 645 - ~ity ManaJer - Re: Regional Co-operative Fuel Oil Heating Tender
1979/80. The report recommends acceptance of the Domestic Fuel Oil tender
submitted by Shell Canada Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fore, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 104
No. 646 - City Manager - Re: Recall of Quotation for Rotary Mowers. The report
recommends that rotary mowers be purchased from Pinder's La~m & Leisure.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 105
No. 647 - City ~nager - Re: Ryerson-Market Park Development. The report recommends
acceptance of the tender submitted by Richard Collee Trucking for demolition of
buildings in the Ryerson-Market park area.
ORDERED on thp motion of Alderman Wallman, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 106
See By-law No. 79-195
No. 648 o City Manager - Re: Encroachment - 5663 Leonard Avenue. The report ~
recommends passage of a by-law to allow the continuation of the subject
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman MmcBain, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-196
No. 649 - City Manager - Re: Current Budget Guidelines. The report recommends:
1) A general guideline that the 1980 increases in total expenditures exclusive
of school and region levies, not exceed the 1979 budgeted expenditures by 7.3%;
2) Outside agencies would be asked to submit requests not to exceed 5% of 1979
allotments except in special circumstances that would be considered; 3) Finance
Co~mnittee be presented with budget material to commence its review no later than
February 13, 1980; 4) Each department would show as part of their operating
expenses debt service costs in order to indicate the total cost position for
the function; and 5) Each department budget would be accompanied by a written
narrative briefly describing in a general yet informative manner, the activities
along with any highlights, carried on by that department, as well as a status
report on the number of employees in that section over a five year period.
Alderman MacBain provided additional information on the suggested guideline
for increases of 7.3% in response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded bY Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 650 - City Manager - Re: Capital Budget Guidelines. The report recommends:
1) That the upset limit for net capital spending per year for the period 1980 to
1984 be: $1,500,000 for Tax Supported Works and $200,000 for Water Supply System;
2) Contributions from current budget revenue be set for 1980 at $575,000 for
Tax Supported Works and $125,000 for Water Supply System and each succeeding
year at $700,000 for Tax Supported Works and $150,000 for Water Supply System;
and 3) Budget Review Dates of January 16, 1980 for the Finance Committee,
January 21, 1980 for Council and submission of the final budget to the Region
on January 31, 1980.
ORDERRD on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 651 - City Manager - Re: Transfers in the Finance Department. The report
provides information on recent transfers in the Finance Department.
ORDERlED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 652 - Loan Review Committee - Re: Applications for Assistance. The report
recommends approval of two applications for assistance received under the Ontario
Rome Renewal Program.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 653 - Deputy City Clerk - Re: Consent Items.
1) Niagara Falls Optimists - Re: Youth Appreciation Week, November 12 - 18, 1979.
Recommendation - That the request be approved subSect to the established
policy on proclamations.
..... 10
~ 10 -
2) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Water Production and Sewage Flow
Comparison by Municipality to the end of September, 1979.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
3) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Parking Restrictions on Stanley Avenue
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
4) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Proposed Grade Separation ou McLeod
Road and Stanley Avenue at Conrail.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
5) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: 1979 Regional Tax Levy.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman C-mmings, seconded by Alderman Ford, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 654 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
The City Treasurer and the Director of Municipal Works provided additional
information on Cheques #1623, #1626, #1652, #1827 and #1846 in response to
questions raised by Aldermen Cummings, Schisler and Sobol.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 102 - CHEESMAN - MERRETT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-193 for the rez0n~
of lands on the east side of Stanley Avenue south of Ferry Street, conforms to
Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, as amended
and approved by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 103 - FERA - MERRETT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-194 for the rezoning
of lands on the northwest corner of Looming Street asd, Dorchester Road, confoms
to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Palls Planning Area, as amended
and approved by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried with Alder~
Schisler voting c0nt
and all others votim
in ~avour
No. 104 - FERA - ORR - RESOLVED that the unit pricelsubmitted by Shell Canada
Limited for the supply of domestic fuel oil, be accepted at the quoted price
of $0.683 per gallon; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 105 - FERA - CHEESMAN - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by Pinder's
Lawn & Leisure for the supply of rotary mowers, be accepted as following:
1) Six (6) 1979 Lawn-Boy H.D. 21" Rotary Mowers, Model #6259 -$1,499.71
2) Ten (10) 1979 Lawn-Boy Super Commercial 21" Rotary Mowers - $2,780.61
Model #6280
; AND the Seals of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous~
No. 106 - WALI24AN - CHEESMAN - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by Richard
Collee Trucking for the demolition of buildings in the Ryerson/Morket Park area,
be accepted at the tendered price of $15,150; ~ the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous~
Mr, R. Distefano, owner of the Kingsway ~atel on Lundy's Lane, indicated
that he was not sure whether or not the new zoning by-law would affect the
zoning on his property. The Planning Director advised that Mr. Distefano had
approached staff following a recent meeting and correspondence had been
- 11 -
received from his solicitor regarding the Lundy~s Lane property. It was
further advised that Mr. Distefano's inquiry had become quite complicated
since the land is outside the Regionts urban boundaries in accordance with
the recent hearings.
In response to a question raised by Mayor Thomson, Mr. Distefano indicated
that the recent hearings affected both the motel property and an additional
small acreage having frontage on Lundy's Lane, part of which is zoned tourist
commercial and the balance zoned agricultural. The major part of the motel is
zoned tourist commercial. Mr. Distefano advised that the new by-law would
be changing the property to agricultural which would be totally disastrous
to his family. The motel had been operated profitably this season, even though
the family had no previous motel experience. Mr. Distefano advised that his
family had submitted an offer on the motel in the Fall of 1978 and had taken
possession of the property in May of 1979. The Planning Director advised
that the O.M.B. hearings had been held previous to May of 1979. Mayor Thomson
asked if Mr. Distefano had appealed the decision of the O.M.B. Mr. Dfstefano
advised that he had not been aware of the hearings or the decision earlier,
since he was a resident of Miasissauga and did not receive local Papers
advising of the hearings. -
The Planning Director explained that the existing zoning is tourist
commercial on the motel and the additional land is designated agricultural
or rural. With respect to the existing motel, the Planning Director could
see no problem with zoning once it was included in the urban boundaries.
Mayor Thomson pointed out that the problem does not have any direct
relevance to the new zoning by-law and suggested the matter be referred to
staff for the preparation of a report for the next regular meeting.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Mer~ett, seconded
by Alderman Orr, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation
of a report to be submitted at the next regular Council meeting. Carried
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws
be read a first time:
No. 79-185 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 395, 1966 of the former Township of
Willoughby, as amended. (Frontage on Improved Roads)
NOTE: There were no persons present at the meeting wishing to speak ~n
By-law No. 79-185.
No. 79-193 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955, as amended. (AM-18/79,
R. Barons)
No. 79-194 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-25/79,
R.M. Cushing)
No. 79-195 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Richard
Collee Trucking and Excavating Ltd. for the demolition of buildings.
No. 79-196 - A By-law to allow the maintaining of a retaining wall which
encroaches on Leonard Avenue.
No. 79-197 - A By-law to appoint members of the Niagara Falls Hydro-Electric
No. 79-198 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with Gike Incorporated
(Sunnyside Subdivision).'
No. 79-199 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an mmendment to the Official
Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (Amendment No. 71).
No. 79-200 - A By-law to regulate the use of land and the erection, use, height,
bulk, location, spacing of any other matters relating to buildings
and structures, and to prohibit certain uses of lands and the
erection snd use of certain buildings end structures in various
areas of the City of Niagara Falls. (Draft Zoning By-law)
- 12 -
No. 79-201 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 7531, being a by-law to provide for
the erection of stop signs at intersections.
No. 79-202 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulati~
of traffic. (Ontario Avenue)
No. 79-203 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried with Alder~
Schisler voting tout!
on By-law 79-194,
all others voting
With respect to By-law No. 79-197 appointing members to the Niagara Falls
Bydro-Electric Commission, Mayor Thomson stated that the by-law should include
a section to provide that the members must be elected for subsequent terms.
The By-law was amended accordingly.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-185 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 395, 1966 of the former Township of
Willoughby, as amended. (Frontage on Improved Roads)
No. 79-193 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955, as amended. (AM-18/79,
R. Barons)
No. 79-194 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-25/79,
R.M. Cushing)
No. 79-195 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Richard
Collee Trucking and Excavating Ltd. for the demolition of buildings
No. 79-196 - A By-law to allow the maintaining of a retaining wall which
encroaches on Leonard Avenue.
No. 79-197 - A By-law to appoint members of the Niagara Falls Hydro-Electric
C~mmissisn. (As amended)
No. 79-198 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with Gike Incorporat~
(Sunnyside Subdivision).
No. 79-199 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Offici~
Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (Amendment No. 71)
No. 79-200 - A By-law to regulate the use of land and the erection, use, height,.
bulk, location, spacing of any other matters relating to buildings
and structures, and to prohibit certain uses of lands and the
erection and use of certain buildings and structures in various
areas of the city of Niagara Falls. (Draft Zoning By-law)
No. 79-201 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 7531, being a by-law to provide 'for thi
erection of stop signs at intersections.
No. 79-202 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulati~i
of traffic. (Ontario Avenue)
No. 79-203 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes..-
Carried with Aldermar
Schisler voting co,t~
on By-law 79-194,
all others voting in
Rayor Thomson reminded the members of Council of the City'e Remembrance Day
Serv4ce to be helc['at the Cenotaph on Sunday, November 11, 1979 at ll:00 a.m.
- 13 -
Mayor Thomson reminded members of Council of a meeting of the Regional
Public Works & Utilities Committee on Thursday, November 8, 1979 at 2:30 p.m.
in the Regional Council Chambers, at which time the Portage Road Bridge over
the BEPC Canal will be discussed.
Alderman Sobol advised members of Council that the Sanitary Landfill Site
Committee is now finalizing recommendations for the consideratign of Council.
It was hoped that the report would be prepared and delivered to members of
Council within the next week for perusal, and discussed at the General Committee
meeting of December 10, 1979. '
Alderman Hinsperger referred to recent complaints received from residents
of Chippawa regarding the condition of property owned by the City, and leased
to a Mr. Mingle, and asked if any work has been done to clear up the property.
The City Clerk advised that Mr. Mingle was requested to clear the property,
however he had not checked recently on the status of this work. Mayor Thomson
stated that there was refuse on the property, which had been placed there by
others, which Mr. Mingle had cleared. A large concrete base remains, however
Mr. Mingle wished to build another structure on the base.
Alderman Hinsperger commented that the base was a safety hazard since the
abutment was approximately five ft. high as well as being unsightly. Mayor
Thomson suggested that a report be prepared on the legal rights of the City
in the situation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Binsperger, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carried
The Planning Director stated that staff will be now starting the procedures
for publication of the Draft Zoning By-law as ordered by the Ontario Municipal
Board. It was also advised that staff would be briefed with respect to the status
of existing by-laws and the new by-law, and a report would be supplied to Council
for information purposes in the near future.
Mayor Thomson referred to the proposed Ryerson/Market area park, for which
the City has been acquiring lands, and commented that once completed the park
will be a beautiful and much needed facility for'that area. The Mayor suggested
that rather than calling the facility the Ryerson/Market Park, that the
park be named A.J. McKinley Park in honour of former Alderman A.J. McKinley.
Mayor Thomson advised that Mr. McKinley contributed a great deal to the City,
particular in this area, and in fact had lived in this part of the City for
most of his life.
It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
proposed park in the Ryerson/Market Area be named "A. j. McKinley Park", in
honour of former Alderman A. J. McKinley, a respected and valued member of the
community. Carried Unanimously.
Mayor Thomson thanked the members of the Fire Department for inviting the
Council to the Morrison Street Fire Ball, for dinner and a demonstration of
various pieces of equipment.'
meetinS adjourn. r '
Council Chambers
November 19, 1979
Council met on Monday, November 19, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen Fera, Orr and Sobel. His Worship, ~yor Thomson presided
as Chairman. Alderman Dilts offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the minutes of the meetings held on October 29th and November 5th, 1979, be
adopted as printed. Carried Unanimously.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson extended a welcome to the members of the 6th
Niagara Scout Troup from St. Andrew's Church.
Report No. 655 - City Manager - The report recommends passage of by-laws designating
site plan control areas, and to exempt one-family detached dwellings, semi-detached
dwellings and duplex dwellings in open space zones from the requirement that
location plans and building elevation plans be approved by Council.
The Planning Director and Deputy City Solicitor provide~ additional information
in response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-laws No. 79-204,
79-205, 79-206, 79-207
Report No. 656 - Planning Director - The report advises that by-laws to amend
the zoning by-law and Official Plan have been prepared respecting the application
by the Town of Fort Erie to establish a waste stabilization pond in the former
Township of Willoughby.
Communication No. 262 - Mr. L. Wale - The letter expresses objection to the
proposed lagoon to be situated in Niagara Falls for the purposes of the Town
of Fort Erie.
~ommunication No. 263 - Mrs. A.C. Douglas - The letter expresses objection to
the proposed waste stabilization pond to service the Town of Fort Erie.
Alderman Puttick felt that clarification should be given on two items in
~he letter from Mrs. Douglas regarding cancer deaths in the Niagara Parkway area
and the enormous cost to taxpayers and individuals from a prolonged battle at an
Ontario Municipal Board hearing.
Alderman Cheesman felt the comment regarding cancer deaths was a matter of
scientific question on the connection between these deaths and the state of water
quality. The Alderman advised that Mrs. Douglas felt there was a connection
since the water supply system was contaminated by over fertilization and chemical
treatment of farm lands. Alderman Cheesman suggested this statement may well
merit further attention by medical authorities. With respect to the proposed
waste stabilization pond, Alderman Cheesman commented that some of the objectors
feel the only solution to the problems in Douglastown was a complete link-up
with the sewage system in Fort Erie. The Alderman pointed out that not only
from an e~enomic point of view but for the physical and engineering reasons, it
is not possible to make a complete link-up, and the waste stabilization pond
regarding She cancer deaths should be studied by the appropriate authorities.
Alderman Wallman felt that Fort Erie should go further than a lagoon, and
install a sewage treatment plant or at least a hook-up into the existing plant~
The Alderman expressed concern that industry would be attracted to Stevensville,
and ssked who would police the wastes to be disposed of in the stabilization
pond. Reference was made to the controversy surrounding plans by an American
firm to dump in the Niagara River, and Alderman Wallman noted that in approv~ng
this application, the City would be condoning the dumping of further pollution
in the River. For the benefit of the residents and industries of Fort Erie and
for the future of Niagara Falls, Alderman Wallman felt a plant should be
considered even though it will cost more money.
Alderman Dilts stated that the major concern of the residents was the
fact there will be a drastic increase in the amount of industry in the area, and
if industry started to put chemicals in the lagoon, it might not function properl
The Alderman commented that the residents feel if the lagoon were restricted to
wastes from households, there would not be a problem. Alderman Dilts asked what
control there would be over industry as to what materials can be put into the
lagoon. The Alderman also noted that since industries are now dumping in
Black Creek and nothing has been done to stop this practice, how can this be
prevented with the lagoon.
Mr. M. Helenski of the Region stated that with respect to existing industrie
discharging into Black Creek, there were no means available to the Region to
control this practice. Such controls would be under the jurisdiction of the
Ministry of the Environment. With regard to the municipal system, the Region
does have an industrial waste by-law and a group monitoring waste by actual
sampling. The by-law establishes the specific effluents permitted to be
discharged into the municipal system and treatment facilities, and if they
are not acceptable, arrangements must be made by the industries to dispose of
such discharges in a separate location. Mr. Helenski stated that the Region
is satisfied it can control this situation, and once the point is reached
where the total flows and nature of the discharges reach maximum capability,
the Region would advise that no further expansion would be permitted as a
second form of control. With regard to deaths by cancer in the area,
Mr. Helenski stated that he was not aware of any suc~tatlstics being presented
to health authorities or any connection being made. If the pollution in Black
Creek has contributed to deaths in the area, Mr. Helenski hoped that the new
facility would eliminate that problem by handling the material that has been
pumped into the Creek.
Mayor Ziff of Fort Erie stated that she was concerned to hear in another
municipality that there are problems in the Stevensville area. Mrs. Ziff felt
such problems should have been made known to the appropriate authorities, and
not the Council since the matter was not under tha~ Jurisdiction. The Health
Unit monitors applications for construction and investigates the sewage faciliti
to be used, whether it is a plant, lagoon or septic system. The Health Unit
must be satisfied as to where effluent is going to be discharged. With respect
to discharge into a creek, Mayor Ziff commented that the Ministry of the
Environment would be on the site immediately to investigate. In response to
a question raised by Mayor Thomson, Mrs. Ziff stated that all of the industries
in Stevensvtlle, approximately six, have their own septic systems, and she was
not aware of any discharging into a water way.
Mr. F. Hoffman of Fort Erie indicated that he was representing ten per cent
of the taxpayers in a taxpayers revolt. These taxpayers are opposed to the
proposed lagoon and ask that the matter be reviewed closely. The lagoon would
be designed to serve fifteen hundred people. Mr. Hoffman felt that the lagoon
would permit further development in the Douglasto~nl area, and that it would be
more appropriate to spend the additional money and construct a sewage treatment
plant to handle the larger population.
Mr. Helenski stated that one of the aims of the Region had been to try and
' keep costs down when determining the type of facility to be used to handle the
sewage problems in this area of Fort Erie. The size of the system was designed
specifically to clean up the existing problems, and does provide for some growt~
Those lands receiving benefit from the local system and the treatment facility
will be assessed any costs incurred. Mr. Helenski stated that if there is to be
developmentof lands which would not immediately benefit, those lands would
have to contribute additional sums for any additional expansion. This would
limit the expenditures taxpayers must bear and still provide some flexibility
for growth, but at the expense of the developers.
Alderman Puttick commented that the issue at hand was not the expense of
the proposal, but the amendment to the Official Plan and zoning by-law.
Mr. E. Beam of Fort Erie advised that Stevensville had lost its memorial
hall a year ago. Residents wish to re-build the hall, however a large expensive
septic system will be required if the proposed lagoon is not constructed. With
respect to cancer deaths in the area, Mr. Beam suggested that while he was not
sure what these deaths could be attributed to, at one time residents in this
area did get their drinking water from Black Creek. It had been suggested that
residents clean up their septic tanks, however Mr. Beam pointed out that many
of the systems are forty or fifty years old and with the plentiful supply of
water available today, the small tile beds can't handle the water, particularly
in clay soils. Since the septic tank systems cannot be remedied, Mr. Beam
stated that sewers are necessary. If the lagoon is not permitted in Niagara
Falls, it will have to be constructed in Fort Erie, possibly on a site within
a short distance of the proposed site. Mr. Beam advised that the Niagara
Christian College has a small lagoon working very well, and the Ministry of
the Environment has recently approved a lagoon for the trailer camp on
Netherby Road only several hundred yards from the proposed site. In response
to a question raised by an area resident, Mr. Beam indicated that there are
no industries dumping into the Niagara Christian College lagoon. Mayor Ziff
of Fort Erie indicated that at the moment, the Niagara Parks Commission is
getting ready to hook the Millers Creek area into that lagoon, allowing
expansion so that more facilities can be offered to the people coming to that
Mr. T. Armstrong advised that the lagoon will provide the residents of
Niagara Falls with no benefits, but will subject those residents to the odours
from the lagoon carried by the predominately southeasterly winds. The lagoon
will also discharge effluent into the Niagara River from which residents in
the area of the Parkway draw their water. Mr. Armstrong stated that the
Regional Engineer had indicated that the bottoms of the ponds are currently
below the top of the area's water table and any effluent released into the
water table could cause possible water quality impairment. Mr. Armstrong
referred to the road widening necessary on either side of B~ker Road as well
as a suitable outlet for sanitary sewers, and asked if Niagara Falls would bel
responsible for such costs or if they are calculated in the costs of the
lagoon. It had been stated by Mr. Helenski of the Region that the lagoon
was to service only Douglastown and Stevensville, and Mr. Armstrong asked if
this lagoon was to handle approximately fifteen hundred people, why has so
much money been put into the Douglastown area for the extension and widening of
Netherby Road which dead ends at the Niagara River, a million dollar watermain
and over a million for the lagoon. In addition to these expenditures, it was
Mr. Armstrong's understanding that it will cost the residents of Douglastown
about $1400 initially to hook into the system and another $140 per year for
ten years added on their taxes. Mr. Armstrong stated that Mayor Ztff has been
quoted as saying that the largest prime industrial sites for Fort Erie are in
the Stevensville area. There are presently two hundred registered lots in
Douglastown and one hundred in Stevensville, fifty-two lots behind the proposed
site to be developed as a plan of subdivision, and a trailer park and numerous
businesses are awaiting expansion. Mr. Armstrong stated that the lagoon proposed
in 1969 was for a design period of twenty years and was to use one six-acre
cell with an additional cell of up to six acres upon population increase.
'-The proposed lagoon now is to have three cells for a total of thirty-six acres,
and Mr. Armstrong asked why the size has tripled and major expenditures are
being planned for the Stevensville/Douglastown area if major expansion is not
being planned. Mr. Armstrong stated that the effluent from the lagoon is to
be discharged continuously by means of a pipe system into the Niagara River.
Slnce the current drifts towards shore, any pollutants in the River will
enter the residents' shore wells, not the Stevensville/Douglastown residents'
water supply. At present the water supply is unsuitable for consumption and
residents must bring drinking water in from the City. Mr. Armstrong stated
that the lagoon will be in Niagara Falls and will service the residents of
Fort Erie, however if any problems develop, it will be the Niagara Falls residents
who will be affected. Mr. Armstrong asked if Niagara Falls Council will be
able to control Fort Erie's decisions on who will be allowed to use the lagoon.
During spring run-off, the lagoon could be over capacity and raw sewage could
enter the Niagara River and the wells of residents along the River. Mr. Armstrong
expressed concern that industries from as far as Port Colborne presently
discharging into Black Creek could be allowed to use the lagoon, which could
ultimately affect water supplies. Mr. Armstrong asked where the sludge removed
from the lagoon would be put. In referring to the problems with lagoons in
other cities, Mr. Armstrong asked again how the system can be .properly controlled
and urged Council to deny the application.
In response to a question rasied by Alderman Schisler, Mr. Molenski stated
that the flow into the River will equal the discharge received from the local
system over a twenty-four hour period. In the initial start-up, there will be
total retention of the raw sewage until it has received treatment. After
proper treatment, the lagoon will discharge into the River and the quantity
will equal the flow generated within the area the lagoon serves. Mr. Holenski
stated that there will be a discharge of 600,000 gallons per day, and if the
area were to develop to maximum capability, there could be 1,500,000 gallons
per day. Mr. Holenski stated that the system will have a treatment level higher
than that provided by the Regional treatment plants in existence.
Alderman Schisler asked if there will be chemicals added or if the
sewage would be treated through aeration. Mr, Holenski advised that there
will be aeration treatment occurring naturally through the large area and
exposure to the atmosphere. The only chemicals added will be for phosphate
removal. The system will treat industrial waste as well.
In response to a question raised by Mr. D. Susin, Mr. Holenski stated that
the Region can achieve a higher quality of treated effluent through the lagoon
than through a primary treatment plant. This fact has been substantiated by
the quality of effluent monitored.
Alderman Wallman expressed concern that the lagoon could have run-off
in Spring and during September flooding. Mr. Holenski stated that the height
of the walls will be in excess of the highest level in the lagoon to take care
of any minor fluctuations due to storm water.
Mr. D. Susin stated that he had spent $2,000 for a septic tank system
several years ago, and now the residents of Douglastown and Stevensville are
saying they can't afford to bring their systems up to standard. Mr. Susin
stated that these residents expect Niagara Falls residents to help pay for
the system and are going to put it in the backyards of Niagara Falls residents.
Mr. Holenski stated that from a local collection system, any costs would be
charged back by Fort Erie from the residents receiving benefit. As far as
treatment facilities are concerned, the Region will build and operate the
facilities and the costs are charged back to all area municipalities on the
basis of flow. Niagara Falls flows are approximatel. X_20%, therefore the
capital cost which would be born by the City of Niagara Falls would be 20%.
If the Region initiates a project in the area of $700,000, the percentage the
City would have to bear would be a portion of that. Only those owners
receiving benefit will be charged for the sewer system and treatment within
the urban area. There would be no levy to the residents on the Niagara Parkway.
Mr. Holenski stated that if the Region can construct a more economical system
for urban areas, it is to the benefit of the City.
In response to earlier comments made by Mr. Supin, Mayor Ziff of Fort
Erie stated that the problem in upgrading septic systems was not only the cost,
but the fact the lots are too small for more tile bed to be installed.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by
Alderman Chessman, that the report be received and filed, and that By-laws
79-208 and 79-209 be moved forward for consideration at this time. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Chessman, Cun~aings, Dilts, Hinsperger and Puttick.
NAY__E: Aldermen Marterrs Schisler and Wallman.
NOTE: Alderman MacBain abstained on a conflict of interest.
No. 107 - P~TTICK - CHEESMAN - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-209 for the
rezoning of lands on Part of Lot 2, First Cross Concession i~ the former
Township of Willoughby, will conform to Official Plan Amendment No. 29 of
the Niagara Falls Planning Area, once Amendment No. 111 hab been approved
by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Chessman, Dilts, Hinsperger, Puttick and Mayor Thomson.
NAY___ME: Aldermen Cummings, Merrett, Schisler and Wallman.
NOTE: Alderman MacBain declared a conflict of interest and abstained from
voting on this raatter.
OKDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Ninsperger,
that leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be
read a first time:
No. 79-208 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the
Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (Amendment No. 111, Town
of Fort Erie)
No. 79-209 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 395 of the former Township of Willoughby,
now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-15/79, Town of
Fort Erie)
Carried with the following vote:
Aldermen Cheesman, Dilts, Hinsperger, Puttick and ~yor Thomson.
Aldermen Cummings, Merrett, Schisler and Wallman.
Alderman MacBain declared a conflict of interest and abstained from
voting on this matter.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-208 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Official
Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (Amendment No. 111, Town
of Fort Erie)
No. 79-209 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 395 of the former Township of Willoughby,
now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-15/79, Town of
Fort Erie)
Carried with the vollowing vote:
Aldermen Cheesman, Dilts, Hinsperger, Puttick and Mayor Thomson.
Aldermen Cummings, Merrett, Schisler and Wallman.
Alderman MacBain declared a conflict of interest and abstained from
voting on this matter.
Report No. 657 - City Manager - The report provides information on two
agriculturally zoned sites where processed organic wastes will be utilized as
a soil conditioner.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, Mayor Thomson
advised that the material is to be worked into the soil within twenty-four
hours, and that monitoring of the procedure is the responsibility of the
Ministry of the Environment.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded
by Alderman Merrett, that the report be received and filed. Carried UnanimouslZ.
Report No. 658 - City Manager - The report recommends certain action by Police
Authorities, Canadian Niagara Power Co. and local schools in an attempt to
resolve the concerns of the petitioners.
Alderman Cheesman felt the only persons not involved in attempting to
resolve the problem, are the parents of children using the right-of-way. The
Alderman felt these parents should bear some responsibility, and that Council
should publicly urge these parents to assist in resolving the problems
experienced by residents in this area.
Mayor Thomson pointed out that the Regional Police have been trying to
resolve this problem, and in the event of any offenders being apprehended,
they will be taken to their families and the problem brought directly to the
attention of the parents.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Dilts, seconded by
Alderman Furtick, that the report bs received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 659 - City Manager - The report recommends: 1) That the recommendations
approved by Council at the General Committee session of November 12,. 1979, be
ratified; 2) That staff be directed that a follow-up report(s) on items
referred back to staff on the flooding investigations, be presented to Council
on or before March 31, 1980; 3) Should Council establish a deadline date
earlier than March 31, 1980, staff may be directed to investigate if a
consultant would be able to produce the follow-up report(s) on this matter
by the deadline date so established by Council; and 4) Should Council wish
that this matter be investigated by a consultant in any case, staff be
instructed to get proposals from the consultants on the estimated cost of
such investigations.
In response to a question raised by Alderman MacBain, the Director of
Municipal Works stated that the intention of staff would be to have one aspect
of the report, in particular providing extra capacity for the Chippawa area,
included in the capital budget. With respect to the total report, there will
not be sufficient time to have improvements placed in the budget. It is
intended to have television inspection of sewers included in the current
budget. Alderman MacBain asked if these problems with timing on the budget
would atill be a factor if a consultant were retained. The Director of
Municipal Works explained that the timing would still be a problem due to
the time involved in engaging a consultant and preparing necessary agreements.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, Mayor Thomson stated
that it was not the intention to hire a consultant at this time.
Alderman Dilts indicated that it was his understanding the report was to
include information on the cost of hiring a consultant. The Alderman did not
feel that staff had completely determined the source of problems in the
Chippawa area, and conmented that he wanted a qualified firm to find a solution
to flooding in this area of the City. The Director of Municipal Works stated
that staff could not recommend the hiring of a consultant at this time since
the scope of the problem was not known. Alderman Dilts commented that
connection of window wells and basement entrances to sanitary sewers had not
caused the flooding, and statedthat the size of sewers in the area had to
be increased to prevent future flooding. The Director of Municipal Works
advised that staff had not suggested that window welLs. and basement entrances
had been the cause of the problem in the Chippawa area. It was further
advised that the sewers installed in Chippawa had been done so under an
existing subdivision agreement with the former Village of Chippawa which allowed
the area to develop. The Director of Municipal Works stated that the staff
investigation had shdwninadequacy of the system near the outlet end, and if
this fact had been known earlier, it would have been reported to Council
Alderman MacBats felt the City should not takelsteps to hire a consultant
until it was determined the in-house work was not getting anywhere. The
Alderman assured Alderman Dilts that if by March 31st, 1980 the in-house
studies were not progressing, the matter of retaining a consultant would be
given serious consideration by Council.
The Director of Municipal Works suggested that a committee of Council
could be set up to work with staff on the flooding problems. Alderman MacBain
referred to a suggestion made by Mayor Thomson earlier in the year that one
member of Council be given the responsibility of keeping track of the progress
on a particular matter. The Alderman suggested that Alderman Dilts would be
a logical choice to take on such a responsibility since he was presently
involved in the Drainage Committee. Mayor Thomson suggested that staff could
keep Alderman Diltsinformed of their progress. Mayor Thomson further advised
that he had met with staff and had been surprised to learn that there were
many alternatives that had not been presented to Council to review. The
Mayor felt that the March 31st, 1980 date would give staff a substantial
period of time to do a full investigation, however he suggested that staff
submit monthly reports updating Council on the progress of investigations
'and providing any information that should be brought to the attention of
Council and the public.
Alderman Puttick suggested that these reports could be verbal to save
staff time in preparing and dictating reports. The Director of Municipal
Werks felt that such reports should be written to avoid any misunderstandings
at a later date. It was further advised that any reports submitted would
not provide much detalled information until January.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by
Alderman Cheesman, that recommendations (1)'and (2) of the report be adopted,
and further that monthly status reports be submitted by staff on the progress
of their investigations. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 660 -~_ The report advises that if Mr. Distefano wishes
to pursue the matter, the following applications must be made: 1) to amend
the Regional Official Plan; 2) to amend the Niagara Falls Official Plan; and
3) To amend the new Zoning By-law.
The Planning Director advised that he has arranged a meeting with senior
officials at the Region during the week, to discuss the procedure to be followed
in making application to amend the Region's Urban Boundaries. The Planning
Director further advised that the City cannot amend its zoning by-law for
property outside the urban boundaries.
Mayor Thomson suggested that after the meeting, that the Planning Director
report back to Council and notify Mr. Distefano's solicitor so that a
presentation can be made at that time. Mr. Distefano indicated that this
procedure was acceptable to him.
It was moved by Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted, and further that the Planning Director report
back to Council following the meeting with Regional Officials. Carried
Report No. 661 - City Manager - The report recommends that the supply, delivery
and mixing of winter for the 1979-80 winter season be awarded to Vineland
Quarries and Crushed Stone Ltd. for the prices quoted and that direction be given
by Council on the type of material to be used.
A comparison of the various materials available was on display in the
Council Chambers.
During the discussion on the type of material to be used by the City,
the Director of Municipal Works provided information on the specifications set
by the M.T.C. on winter sand.
Mayor Thomson advised that the heavy coarse material was difficult to
remove from boulevards in the Spring, however it could be easily removed from
the streets. In comparison, the lighter material caked on the boulevards and
was difficult to be removed by the City's street cleaning equipment. In
response to a question raised by Alderman Cheesman, Mayor Thomson stated that
the cost of natural sand was substantially more than the manufactured sand.
Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Schisler, seconded by
Alderman Merrett, that the report be received and adopted, and that the
heavier coarse material be purchased for winter control. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYj: Aldermen Cummings, Hinsperger,'MacBain, Merrett, Puttick, Schisler and
NAYE: Aldermen Chessman and Dilts.
See Resolution No. 108
No. 262 - Niagara Falls Canucks Jr. B Hockey Club - Re: Exhibition Game,
December 8, 1979. The communication requests that the City reduce the hourly
rental fee for use of the Arena on this game, since 50% of the gate receipts
of the game will be contributed to the United Way.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the request be approved. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Dilts was absent when the vote was taken on this
No. 263 - Greater Niagara General Hospital - Re: Parking on Kitchener Street.
The communication expresses concern over the possibility of parking meters being
placed along Kitchaser Street in the area of the Hospital.
Alderman Merrett advised that this matter was being consi~ered by the
Parking Committee, end that invitations would be extended to Dr. Dobbin and
Mr. Hicks of the Ambulance Service to attend the next meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the communication be referred to the Municipal Parking Committee. Carried
No. 264 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Implementation of New
Equalization Factors for Municipal Purposes. The communication provides
information on the implementation of the new Equalization Factors for
municipal purposes.
The City Treasurer provided additional information in response to
several questions raised by Alderman Puttick. Alderman Puttick referred
to the comment in the communication that the only long-term solution
will be in the introduction of market value assessment and property tax
reform, and suggested that Council endorse the position taken by the
Region in requesting the Province to move towards this introduction for
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Herrerr,
that Council endorse the position of the Regional Municipality of Niagara
and urge the Province to move towards the introduction of market value
assessment and property tax reform for 1981. Carried Unanimously.
No. 265 - Residents of St. Lawrence Avenue Area - Re: Stop Signs. The
communication requests that the City consider placing stop signs at the
comer of Jepson Street and St. Lawrence Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cunnnings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 266 - Provincial Secretary for Social Development - Re: Boarding and
Lodging Homes. The communication requests that the Municipality consider
taking steps to regulate boarding and lodging homes so that individuals
using these facilities can be assured that adequate standards are in
operation for their protection.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that the communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report
outlining the advisability of licensing boarding and lodging homes. Carried
Unanimously. __-
No. 267 - Ministry of Housing - Re: Proposed Amendment No. 97 to the Official
Plan for the Niagara Falls Planning Area (Northwest Corner of Lundy's Lane
and Q.E.W.). The communication requests Council to reconsider its decision
to permit residential'development on the subject site.
Mayor Thomson indicated that he had been annoyed to learn the Province
was still insisting that the City consider a different zoning on this property
after Council had agreed to the requests of area residents for residential
zoning. The Mayor was critical of the fact the Province was suggesting the
use of twenty ft. high harms, sixty ft. wide along the length of the site
adjacent to the Q.E.W.
The Planning Director advised that Council could receive and file the
communication and persuade the Province to make a decision instead of continuing
to send letters to the Municipality.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the communication be received and filed, and the Municipality indicate to the
Province its preference of the residential zoning. Carried Unanimously..
No. 662 - Planning Director - Re,' AM-20/79, Proposed T,V. Service Shop at
4189 Drummond Road. The report advises that a request has b~en received from
ths applicant, that the application be referred back to the Planning end
Development Committee for a second hearing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martart, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
~the communication bs referred back to the Planning & Development Committee
for a second hearing. Carried Unanimously.
No. 663 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-30/79, T. Palatin, East
Bide of Willowdell Road. The report recommends approval of the application,
-.; and that Council certify by resolution that the application conforms to
- Official Plan Amendment No, 29 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended
· and approved by the Minister of Housing.
ORDERED On the motion of Alderman Wallman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Sea Resolution No.~
See By-lawNo. 79-2J'
No. 664 - City ~nager - Re: Lyons Creek Road. The report recommends that
Mr. & Mrs. Christensen be sent a copy of the report and that Council petition
the Region to install at least a portion of the trunk sewer required for this
area to establish a proper outlet for the City's sanitary sewer on Lyons
Creek Road.
The Director of Municipal Works provided additional information on
discussions held with Regional Officials on this matter. It was hoped that
the matter will be considered by the Regional Public Works Committee, and
that copies of the report would be forwarded to the City.
Mayor Thomson suggested that copies of the City's report be forwarded
to residents in this area who petitioned for sanitary sewers a number of
years ago, so they are aware the City has again initiated movement on this
matter with the Region.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted, and further that copies be forwarded to
those residents in the area who petitioned sanitary sewers earlier. Carried
No. 665 - City Fmnager - Re: Watermain Installations on River Road. The
report recommends: 1) That the Director of Municipal Works be authorized to
engage Golder Associates to carry out geological investigations and monitoring
for the proposed River Road watermain at an upset limit of $21,000 and the'
City Clerk and ~yor be authorized to sign an appropriate engineering agreement
with Golder Associates; 2) The City Solicitor be authorized to prepare an
easement agreement with the Niagara Parks Conmission for the proposed River
Road watermains; 3) Council authorize staff to transfer certain operating
budget watermain allocations to finance the watermain installation on River
Road from Otter St. to Philip St.; and 4) Council authorize staff to call
public tenders for the installation of an 8" diameter watermain on River
Road from Ellis to Hiram and Bridge to Queen incorporating the Golder
Associates recommendations.
The City Manager provided additional information on the cost of the
consultant's investigations in response to a question raised by Alderman
Alderman Puttick asked if it would not be possible to have the section
of watermain between Bridge and Queen constructed on Cataract Avenue rather
than River Road to avoid the problems of disturbing the rock structure in
the area. The Alderman suggested that the problems with the rock structure
had become a concern as a result of the discussions on the proposed motel
on River Road between John and Philip. The Director of Municipal Works
indicated that the Niagara Parks Commission expressed concern that there be
no danger to the escarpment by any work done in that area. It was felt
appropriate that the City determine what was happening with the rock structure
on this section of River Road before commencing any underground installations.
The Fire Chief also advised that the installations would be beneficial in
~mproving water pressures for fire fighting purposes, since pressures in this
area were very low.
The Design & Construction Engineer stated that even if the main were
constructed on Cataract, he felt it would be advisable to do some investigation
of the rock structure in advance. The intent of the construction is to loop
the watermains on the intersecting streets which presently dead end at River
Road, and improve the water supply needed for fire fighting purposes. By
installing a section on Cataract, bends would be necessary in the main. With
more bends in the main, more pressure is lost, and it is better to have one
continuous alignment.
In response to a question raised by Mayor Thomson, the Design & Construction
Engineer stated that watermains must be separated by at least eight ft. from a
sewermain, and only in exceptional cases are they allowed to be closer than
eight ft.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Dilts, seconded by
Alderman Minsperger, that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 666 - City }~nager - Re: McLeod Road and Stanlcy Avenue Realignment,
Underpass at Conrail Tracks. The report advises of the proposed schedule
for construction of the subject project.
- 10 -
Alderman Merrett suggested it might be of advantage to Council to have
the same presentation made to Council by the Region's consultant, as to the
far-reaching effects on that part of the City. Mayor Thomson indicated that
there have been several presentations on this project in the past.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 667 - City Manager - Re: Parking Downtown. The report recommends that
the City Manager be authorized to take the necessary steps to allow free parking
at all downtown on-street and off-street metered spaces until December 31, 1979.
Alderman MacBain commented that the reason for using parking meters was
to ensure there would be parking available for customers of businesses in the
Downtown area. ~e Alderman stated that he had always suspected that one
reason for meters was to obtain revenue to assist in the purchase of off-street
parking, and he felt there were other means of raising this revenue that could
be used. Alderman MacBain asked if the original reason to provide parking for
customers had logic, why did this logic not apply during the pre-Christmas
season. Mayor Thomson advised that if there were no on-street meters, the
parking spaces would be used by employees of the downtown merchants. The
free parking will only take effect after 3:00 p.m., and employees will have
to find parking elsewhere when they first report to their jobs. The 3:00 p.m.
restriction ensures there will be adequate parking for shoppers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Herrerr, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 668 - City Manager - Re: Fairview Cemetery Greenhouse. The report recommends
that the firm of Lord & Burnham Co. Limited be awarded the supply and erection
of an extension to the-existing Fairview Cemetery Greenhouse at a cost of
Alderman Puttick felt it would be advisable to obtain additional prices
rather than to'award this work to the contractor who had supplied the original
Alderman Dilts asked if it was standard practice for municipalities to
operate a greenhouse, or if the City was supplying an extra and possibly
unnecessary service. The Projects & Services Engineer advised that Niagara
Falls has one of the ~mallest per capita operations on growing its own greenhous
stock. Because of the work of the Niagara Parks Commission in the City, the
greenhouse operation is much less extensive than in other municipalities.
In response to the question raised by Alderman Puttick, the Projects and
Services Engineer stated that the quotation submitted by Lord & Burnham was
done so without that firm knowing how many other bids were being submitted.
It was also felt advisable to have the some firm erect the extension, since
it must be butted immediately adjacent to the existing building. The Only
ether solution would be to have the whole extent of the greenhouse built at
'once, hewever since that opportunity is not available now, the only recommenda-
tion staff could make was for the some firm to erect the extension.
The Director of Municipal Works indicated that if the City were to
re-tender the work and obtain more than one price, the project would likely
have to be deferred. Since one price was already on the table, it would
not be difficult for other firms to submit lower bids.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded
by Alderman Chessman, that the report be received and adopted. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Cheesman, CDmm{ngs, Minsperger, MacBain, Merrett, Puttick,
Schisler and Wallman.
NAYR: Alderman Dilts.
No. 669 - City Manager - Re: Parking Near Westlane High School. The report
recommends that parking be prohibited at all times from the south side of
Catalina Street from Eldorado Avenue to Pitton Road and from the west side
of Pitton Road from Catalina Street to Ethel Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Schtsler,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 670 - City Manager - Re: Mausoleum Request. The report requests that
Council confirm that a municipal mausoleum not be constructed, and further
that the request for a privately owned mausoleum offering crypts for sale
to the general public not be permitted in any City cemeteries.
- 11 -
Mayor Thomson suggested that a copy of the report be sent to the
individual making the request and his solicitor.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 671 -- City Manager - Re: Intersection of ~mcDonald Avenue and Kitchener
Street. The report recommends that no change ba made in the position of the
stop signs at this intersection but that 48" stop signs be used and an existing
"No Parking" sign be relocated, both of which will+ improve visibility of the
stop sign.
Mayor Thomson suggested that flashing lights be used to further improve
the visibility of the stop sign by motorists. The Projects & Services Engineer
stated that the M.T.C. feels flashing lights do not help and are only an
unnecessary cost. It is the Ministry's experience that the lights had no
additional attention drawing factor for motorists.
Alderman Puttick felt the four--way stop would be more effective and
if traffic did back up at the Q.E.W., that problem could be handled later.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded
by Alderman Merrett, that flashing lights be installed on the existing stop
signs, and that the report, as amended, be received and adopted. Carried
No. 672 - City Manager - Re: Traffic Control Signals. The report recommends
that the Region be requested to carry out the necessary study'to determine
the advisability of re-arranging the intersection of Valley Way at Stanley
Avenue and erecting signals. It is further recommended that the Region be
requested to carry out the necessary surveys at the intersection of Portage
and Buchanan to determine whether signals are warranted, with costs to be
billed to the City.
Alderman Puttick referred to a report prepared several years ago which
recommended certain intersection improvements in this general area, and
suggested this report be reviewed before making the recommended requests
to the Region. The Projects & Services Engineer advised that the Niagara
Freeway Interchange was involved in this area, and did involve Valley Way
being closed off in a cul-de-sac. The plan was now very old, and although
many things have occurred in the City affecting that plan, the M.T.C. has
not adopted a new plan to take its place.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 673 - City Manager - Re: 1979 Population Figures. The report advises that
the 1979 population of the City of Niagara Falls has been established by the
Ministry of Revenue at 70,771, ap increase of 217.
Alderman Merrett suggested that the age distribution figures on the
population be referred to the Recreation Commission to assist in planning
of future recreational facilities. The Planning Director advised that
his department does analyze all population trends, and will advise other
departments during the year of these trends.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 674 - City Manager - Re: Annual Update of Regional Road System, 1979.
The report recommends that the Region assume Riall Street from Dorchester Rend
to St. Paul Avenue and Church's Lane from St. Paul Avenue to Stanley Avenue as
Regional Roadways in accordance with the criteria established by the Region.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 675 - City M~nager - Re: Installation of Public Telephone in City Hall
Lobby. The report recommends that a coin operated telephone be installed
in the main lobby of City Hall in accordance with revenue sharing formula
set out by Bell Canada.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Gheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Eartied Unanimously.
No. 676 - City Manager - Re: Request for Extension of Agreement, Foxhead Inn -
City of Niagara Falls - Biblical Wax Museum Ltd. The report recommends approval
of an extension to the subject agreement requiring that existing encroachments
- 12 -
be removed on or before the first day of November, 1980.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded byAlderman Schisler, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 677 - City Manager - Re: Application for Licence of Occupation - Greater
Niagara Boating Club. The report recommends that Council approve the issuance
of a Licence of Occupation to the Greater Niagara Boating Club by the Ministry
of Natural Resources.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 678 - City Manager - Re: Availability of Surplus Ontario Rydro Lands. The
report recommends that Ontario Hydro be notified that the Municipality is not
interested in purchasing surplus Hydro lands on the west side of Dorchester Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 679 - City Manager - Re: Lot 20, Falls Industrial Park Extension. The
report recommends the sale of Lot 20 to Ceramniagara Limited and that the
necessary by-law and legal documents be prepared by the Legal Department.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 680 - City Manager - Re: Fire Department Pumper. The report recommends
that Council authorize the calling of tenders for the supply of a 1050 p.s.i.
pumper and take advantage of a 1979 quotation for delivery of the pumper in
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBath, seconded by Alderman Htnsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 681 - City Clerk - Re: Consent Items.
1) Niagara Escarpment Commission - Re: Invitation to Briefing on the Commission's
Proposed Plan, November 22, 1979 in Coilingwood, Ontario.
Recommendation - That the date and time be noted and any members of Council
interested make arrangements to attend. ~
2) Ontario Plumbing Inspectors Association - Re: Election of M=. N. Downer as
Director of the Association.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
3) Canadian National Railways - Re: Repairs to Road Crossing - Swayze Drive.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
4) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Bridge over REPC Canal, Portage Road.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
5) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Deletion of a Section of Morrison
Street from Regional Road System. I
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
6) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Transfer'of Road Widening, Drummond
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
Alderman Merrett suggested that the residents and businesses in the area
of the Portage Road bridge be advised of the Region's meeting to discuss winter
maintenance on the bridge. Mayor Thomson also suggested it might be advisable
to have representation made by the City to make sure Council's opinion on having
the bridge remain open in the immediate future, if not longer term, known-to
the Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Diltsm that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the.motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
representative8 of Council and Engineering Staff attend the meeting if possible,
and further that interested businesses and residents be notified accordingly.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 682 - City Manager - Re: Building & Development Department Report for
October, 1979. The report provides information relative to permit statistics,
development proposals and other noteworthy data concerning the specific function!
and daily activities of the Building & Development Department.
The City Manager provided additional information regarding permits that
were not issued in October, but will be covered under the November report, in
response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
- 13 -
No. 683 -Ci_!Ltv' Man~.e~_Er _ Re! Municipal Accounts. The report reconnnends pa~nent
of the municipal accounts.
The City Treasurer and City Manager provided additional information on
Cheques #1939, #1966. #2054, #2055, #2056, #2198, #2207 and #2209 in response
to questions raised by ~!dermen Cummings. Puttick and Schisler. With respect
to Cheques #].966 and #2207 for the purchase of batteries. the City Manager
indicated that he would provide additional information to Alderman Puttick.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 268 - Damore Bros. Ltd. - Re: Conrail Drainage Chamnel Contract DC 1-79.
~e communic tion requestS'that the City consider the alternative of disposing
of earth excavation in an alternate location, which will result in savings to
the City on the contract price.
The Director of Municipal Works explained that the contractor was
experiencing difficulty with wet ground conditions in the presently used
disposal site (Falls Industrial Park Extension). If the request of the
contractor is granted, the City could realize a savings of up to $20.000.
In response to a question raised by Mayor Thomson, the Director of Municipal
Works indicated that it was hoped to use some of this material in the'sanitary
landfill site, however due to the savings on the contract, it was felt the
request should be considered.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cheesman, the Director of
Municipal Works indicated it was doubtful the contractor would resume disposing
of excavated material in the original site once weather conditions improved,
and that it would be to the contractor's advantage to continue using the
alternate site.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Chessman,
that the request be approved. Carried Unanimously.
No. 108 - SCRISLER - MERRETT - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by
Vineland Quarries and Crushed Stone Ltd. for the supply of coarse material
to be used for winter sand, be accepted at tbe tendered price of $5.33 per
tonne delivered and $0.55 per tonne for mixing; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried with Aldermen
Cheesman and Dilts
voting contrary, and
all others voting in
No. 109 - WALLMAN - DILTS - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-210 for the
rezoning of lands on the east side of Willowdale Road, south of Marshall Road,
conform to Official Plan Amendment No. 29 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area
as amended and approved by the Minister of Housing; ~D the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 110 - CHEESMAN - SCHISLER - RESOLVED that the petition for interim payment
under The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act on expenditures
made in the year 1979, dated November 15th, 1979, be adopted as presented in the
estimated amount of $3,124,864.00; AND the Seal of the COrporation be hereto
Carried Unanimo_~_~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Etnsperger, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be
read a first time:
No. 79-204 - A By-law to designate certain areas in the City of Niagara Falls
as site plan control areas.
No. 79-205 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-107 as amended by By-law No. 79-163,
being by-laws respecting By-law No. 5335, 1955, as amended.
- 14 -
No. 79-206 -
A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-135 respecting By-law No. 2530,
1960 of the former Township of Stamford, now in the City of
Niagara Falls, as amended.
No. 79-207 -
A By-law to define classes of development that may be undertaken
without the approval of plans and drawings otherwise required under
subsection 4 of Section 35a of The Planning Act.
No. 79-208 - SEE PAGES 4 AND 5
No. 79-209 - SEE PAGES 4 AND 5
No. 79-210 -
A By-law to amend By-law No. 395 of the former Township of
Willoughby, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-30/79,
T. Paletin)
No. 79-211 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dtlts, that
the following byTlaws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-204 - A By-law to designate certain areas in the City of Niagara Falls as
site plan control areas.
No. 79-205 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-107 as amended by By-law No. 79-163
being by-laws respecting By-law. No. 5335, 1955, as amended.
No. 79-206 -
A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-135 respecting By-law No. 2530, 1960
of the former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls
as amended.
No. 79-207 -
A By-law to define classes of development that may be undertaken
without the approval of plans and drawingS'otherwise required under
subsection 4 of Section 35a of The Planning Act.
No. 79-208 - SEE PAGES 4 AND 5
No. 79-209 - SEE PAGES 4 AND 5
No. 79-210 -
A By-law to
T. Palatin)
amend By-law No. 395 of the former Township of
now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-30/79,
No. 79-211 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried Unanimously
The City Manager referred. to the Municipal Works Interim Report provided
with Council material, and advised that if any members of Council have any
questions on the report, members of staff will be available at the next General
Committee meeting to-provide additional information.
Mayor Thomson advised that he had received a petition from Mr. F. Dixon
of Terrace Avenue regarding the construction on Ferguson S~ under the NIP
Programme. The Mayor advised that the complaints involved the condition of
the road, and lumber left on the construction site. Mayor Thomson further
advised that he, the City Manager and staff met with the contractor on the
site, and that progress had been made on the construction and the lumber was
subsequently removed. The petition was withdrawn by the residents who are
satisfied with the action taken.
Mayor Thomson referred to recent happenings involving staff at the Social
Planning Council, and advised that he had received a number of letters on this
- 15 -
matter, however they were not available in time to add to the Council agenda.
Mayor ~Fnomson did not feel it would be advisable for Council to question the
actions of the Social Planning Council without proper information, and indicated
that he would have the letters placed on the agenda for the next regular Council
meeting. In particular, Mayor Thomson advised that a letter had been received
from the Executive Director asking if Council had held any formal or informal
discussions pertaining to the operation or upcoming budget of the Social Planning
Council or that the S.P.C. budget would be cut in 1980. The Mayor felt Council
should give an indication that no discussions have been held.
Mayor Thomson also advised that he had been requested by the Chairman
of the Social Planning Council to attend a board meeting. Mayor Thomson indicated
that he had advised the Chairman that he did not feel it would be proper for him
to attend a meeting, since he was not the Council's representative to the Social
Planning Council, and that he would not attend unless Council specifically
requested that he attend. The Mayor advised that he discussed the matter with
Alderman Cummings who agreed with his decision.
Following further discussions, it was moved by Alderman Dilts, seconded
by Alderman MacBain, that the Executive Director of the Social Planning Council
be advised that there have been no formal or informal discussions by City
Council regarding the 1980 budget allocation to the Social Planning Council.
Carried Unanimously.
Mayor Thomson also referred to a note in the recorded minutes of a
recent Social Planning Council meeting, at which Alderman Cummings had
questioned the authority of the transfer of funds from the Social Planning
Council grant to the Volunteer Bureau. Mayor Thomson advised that he and
the City Manager had discussed the financial request from the Volunteer
Bureau, and since their budget had originally been included in the Social
Planning Council grant and the City had authority to transfer the funds from
one agency to another, the transfer had been carried out to save the City
from attempting to find an additional $1,000 to assist the V61unteer Bureau.
Mayor Thomson stated that the-Executive Director of the S.P.C. was contacted
and informed that the funds were available for this purpose.
Alderman Cummings stated that he had questioned the matter, since the
only person aware of the transfer was the Executive Director. It was felt
the Executive Director should have at least contacted the President of the
S.P.C. and advised him accordingly. Mayor Thomson commented that it was
the responsibility of the Executive Director of the Social Planning Council
to do so.
It was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
Council Chambers
November 26, 1979
Council met on Monday, November 26, 1979 following a meeting of the
General Committee. All members of Council were present with the exception
of Alderman Sobol. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
No. 684 - City Manager - Re: 1979 Capital Budget Projects. The report recommends
passage of by-laws to authorize road reconstruction, storm sewer construction,
local i~provement ~vorks~ sanitary sewer construction and watermain construction.
The Design & Construction Engineer provided additional information with
respect to street lighting in response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick.
The Director of Municipal Works referred to a petitien received from
Mr. S. Creme on the relocated section of Moatrose Road requesting the installa- ,
tion of sanitary sewers. Meetings have been held with Mro Crema to arrange-
some type of agreement with th~ four residents invob~ed to supply an easement
which will keep costs to a minimum. The Director of Municipal Works indicated
that the sewer was to be constructed under the Local Improvement program, however
there may be other residents on Moatrose Road who would object to this approach
and the project could be lost. If the sewer is constructed on an agreement
basis, there could be less problems.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett, the Design and
Construction Engineer advised that Main Street will be comple'tely reconstructed.
In response to a further quest!on by the Alderman, the Design ~ Construction
Engineer advised that he con!d not guarantee there would be no dust problems
from the construction.
Alderman Cheesman noted that the section of Mai~ Street beyond Delaware
wan also in need of rapairs and asksd if any work was scheduled for that
portion. The Director of Municipal Works advised that this work was in
another year of the capital budget.
~o!lowing further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded
by Alderman Chessman, that the repor~ be received and adopted. Carried
No. 685 - City ~nager - Re~ Energy Conservation Proposal by Johnson Controls.
The report recommends: 1) Acceptance of the proposal b~ Johnson Controls for
energy conservation, and that the City Manager be authorized to engage the firm
to carry out the ~¢ork at the tendered price of $!1!000; 2) An amount of $5,500
be included in the 3.980 operating bodget~ with remaining costs to be paid out
of reduced expenditures required for hydro and natural gas; and 3) That the
energy conservation and cost saving program be completed as quickly as possible.
ORDERED on ~he motion of ~!derman MacBsinl seconded by Alderman Dilts~ that the
report be received and adopted. ~ar__[ied Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dtlts, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read
a first time:
No. 79-212 - A By-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local
improvements under Section 12 of ~te Local Improvement Act.
No. 79--213 - A By-law ~o authorize the reconstruction of Main Street from Ferry
Street to Delaware Street.
~o. 79-214 - A By-law to authorize the reconstruction of a sanitary sewermain as
an improvement to the sewage system in the urban service areas of the
City. (Elgin Street)
No. 79-215 - A By-law to authorize the reconstru,ztion of a sanitary sewermain as an
improvement to the sewage,eystmn in the urban service areas of the
City. (Terrace'Avenue)
No. 79-216 -
A By-law to authorize the construction of a storm sewermain as an
improvement to the sewage system in the urban service areas of the
City. (Coholan Street)
No. 79-217 -
A By-law to authorize the construction of a storm sewermain as an
improvement to the sewage system in the urban service areas of the
City. (Drummond Road)
No. 79-218 -
A By-law to authorize the construction of a storm sewermain as an
improvement to the sewage system in the urban service areas of the
City. (Bender Street)
No. 79-219 -
A By-law to authorize the construction of a watermain as an improvere;
to the water supply system in the urban service areas of the City.
(Lundy's Lane)
No. 79-220 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-200. (Hope Fellowship Baptist Church
Carried Unanimously
.ORDERED on t~e motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
following by-laws be now read a second time:
No. 79-212 --A By-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local
improvements under Section 12 of The Local Improvement Act.
No. 79-213 - A By-law to authorize the reconstruction of Main Street from Ferry
Street to Delaware Street.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-214 -
A By-law to authorize the reconstruction of a sanitary sewermain as
improvement to the sewage system in the u~n service areas of the
City. (Elgin Street)
No. 79-215 -
A By-law to authorize the reconstruction of a sanitary sewermain as
improvemen~ to the sewage system in the urban service areas of the
City. (Terrace Avenue)
No. 79-216 -
A By-law to authorize the construction of a storm sewermain as an
improvement to the sewage system in the urban service areas of the
City. (Coholan Street)
No. 79-217 -
A By-law to authorize the construction of a storm sewermain as an
improvement to the sewage system in the.urban service areas of the
City. (Dranmmond Road)
No. 79-218 -
A By-law to authorize the construction of a storm sewermain as an
improvement to the sewage system in the urban service areas of the.
City. (Bender Street)
No. 79-219 -
No. 79-220 -
A By-law to authorize the construction of a watermain as an impreveL
to the water supply system in the urban service areas.of the City.
(Lundy's ~ne)
A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-200. (Hope Fellowship Baptist Churd
~arried Unanimously
Alderman Cheesman reminded members of Council of a presentation to be made _
at the December 10th General Committee meeting honouring those firms who have
· in the City for 75 years and longer. The Alderman advised that a small recepti0~
'will be held following the meeting.
Mayor Thomson advised that he had a resident visit him in his office who
presented him with a petition from residents of Willoughby Drive requesting
that the City take steps to provide raore precautionary methods for Willoughby
Erive, particularly in the area of the bend north of Gunning Drive. Ihe Mayor
indicated that the most recent accident at this location occurred on the weekend,
when a car travelled over the curb, through the fence erected by the City and
~i~'b~'~'~'~$~=~"~J~m'~J!~'~e~' ~"'Mwere damaged in the incident.
The [.~yor ~'~,~.~a~-e~ steps should be taken to prevent future accidents at
this location, through the erection of an appropriate barrier, such as concrete,
and more reflective warning tape. The Mayor also suggested that consideration
be given to having the road re-aligned to straighten out the bend.
Alderman Dilts indicated that he has been aware of the problem for some time,
and advised that now that the roadway has been recently resurfaced, it had become
a speedway.
Alderman Puttick stated that a number of years ago he had suggested the use
of ripples in the pavement at another location in the City, as a means of correcting
a similar problem. The Director of Municipal Works indicated that these ripples
were tried quite extensively and have been found to be ineffective.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Dilts, seconded by
Alderman Merrett, that a suitable barrier be erected and clearly marked with
reflective lettering. Carried Unanimously.
Mayor Thomson advised that he had been contacted by a representative of the
ambulance service advising that two of the City's four ambulances had been taken
off the road because of their dilapidated condition. Periodically, one of these
ambulances is used to transport patients to Toronto, which would leave only one
ambulance to serve the entire City. It was further advised that officials of
the ambulance service had contacted the Ministry of Health earlier, requesting
new equipment without success. Mayor Thomson commented that .he hoped this was
not an indication that the Ministry was trying to get out of ambulance service.
or make operation of the service so difficult that the municipality or other
groups would be forced to take over the service. The Mayor requested that
Council formally request the Ministry of Health to make immediate response to
the request for an additional ambulance, and if no satisfactory reasons are
given, that the Ministry be asked how the City is to handle medical emergencies.
Alderman Merrett suggested that it might be effective for the Mayor to call
the Ministry and speak directly to the Minister of Health.
Alderman Puttick stated that according to the press coverage on the matter,
it had been indicated that the Ministry would be supplying an ambulance within
two weeks. The Alderman felt Council should know all the facts involved before
contacting the Ministry. Mayor Thomson stated that Mr. Hicks from the ambulance
service had contacted the Ministry and had gotten no response whatsoever. In
response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, the Mayor stated that the
Ministry should supply sufficient equipment to bring the service back up to its
?rlginal complement.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded by
Alderman Dilts that Council formally request the Ministry of Health to make
immediate response to the request for an additional ambulance, and if no
satisfactory reasons are given, that the Ministry be asked to suggest how the
City is to handle medical emergencies. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
abstaining on a conflict of interest.
Mayor Thomson advised that he had been contacted by the Local Council of
Women regarding their practice of distributing Christmas baskets each year. The
Mayor indicated that the group had asked if they should go into something else,
and he had felt this volunteer service should continue. The Mayor asked that
Council indicate its support for the Local Council of Women and their services
to the community. It was moved by Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that a letter of support be forwarded to the Local Council of Women for its
volunteer work in the community. Carried Unanimously.
Mayor Thomson advised that he had spoken to an individual recently regarding
the metal container at the Sanitary Landfill Site. This container ~as placed
at the site by a local firm so that individuals could place scrap metal in
the bin separately. The material is then collected by the firm, and the City
is paid the going rate for the metal. According to this individual, a car
has been seen in the Landfill Site on several occasions removing metal from
the bin. Mayor Thomson felt a report should be prepared on who is responsible
for supervising the metal container, and why the attendants at the gate allow
this practice to go on. It was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman
Dills, that the matter be referred to staff for the preparation of a report.
Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
Committee Room #1
December 3, 1979
Council met on Monday, December 3, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee of the
Whole. All members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman
Schisler. Alderman Orr presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole arose without reporting. Carried Unanimously.
Council Chambers
December 3, 1979
Council met on Monday, December 3, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Schisler. His Worship, Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman.
Alderman Puttlck offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the minutes of the meeting held on November 26th, 1979, be adopted as printed.
Carried Unanimously.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented achievement awards to Mr. A. Gemmell
and Mr. G. Holmes of the Niagara Falls Curling Club Intermediate Team for winning
the Ontario Intermediate Championship in Brampton, Ontario. Mr. W. Hoch and
Mr. W. Gillings of the team were not able to attend and accept their awards.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson presented achievement awards to Colin Cromack,
Steve Dee, Robert Desson, Paul Howie, Dean Karachi, Steve Xriszan, John Maiden,
Theodore Mascia, Peter Mazone, Billy Prestia, Steve Palmer, Thomas Roberto,
john Ventresca (Captain), Ciacomo Viiiella, Harold Whittacker (Coach) and
Melvin McClure (~nager), for winning the Ontario Cup in London, Ontario.
Wade Fabian, Doug McClure and Mustafa Sahin were unable to attend and accept
their awards.
His Worship, Mayor Thomson extended a welcome to the members of the First
Stamford Pathfinders Unit.
Report No. 686 - City Manager - The report recommends that the Niagara Parks
Commission be info~aed that the City agrees in principle with Scheme One, and
that consideration be given to providing funds in the 1980 Operating Budget
for the necessary study to resolve parking problems in the Clifton Hill area.
Mr. J. Harris of the Niagara Parks Commission provided members of Council
with a brief baekground of the traffic problems in Queen Victoria Park, leading
up to the retention of DeLeuw Cather, to prepare a master plan of traffic
conditions in Queen Victoria Park. Mr. Harris introduced Mr. B. McKay and
Mr. K. McLean of DeLeuw Cather, and requested Mr. McLean to outline the
various concepts prepared.
Mr. McLean advised that phase one of the report was to establish the need
for improvements in the park. The second phase would involve evaluation of the
problems and preparation of alternatives to meet the established need, with the
third phase being the selection and implementation of a preferred concept.
Using certain design controls, such as the provision of a new parking area south
of Dufferin Islands to avoid detrimental impact on the park area and provision
of a people mover system to transport people from the south parking lot to the
Table Rock House area, three concepts were developed. CONCEPT ONE: This
concept would involve two-way traffic on the parkway throughout its entire
length, however vehicular traffic would operate in two lanes on the west side of
the existing median between .the South Parking Lot and the Table Rock House
area and then continue to operate as it presently does, two lanes on each side
of the median from Murray Hill north to Clifton Bill and on through the Rainbow
Bridge Plaza area. The major difference would be the people mover system,
which would utilize the other two lanes of the Parkway. The curb lane of each
of the two divided roadways from Murray Hill to Clifton Hill would be reserved
for transit use initially for viewmobile operation. In the other direction
through the exclusive left turn lane, the transit vehicles would move south to
the Dufferin Islands area. CONCEPT TWO: This concept is similar to Concept
One between Murray Hill and the Rainbow Bridge Plaza, however south of Murray
Hill, traffic is one-way southbound to the intersection with the Hydro Road.
Northbound traffic in this area would have to leave by the proposed parking
lot to portage Road and would proceed northerly to other destinations in the
City. In terms of transit, the two lanes on the River side of the Parkway
would be used exclusively for transit from the South Parking Lot to Murray
Bill. CONCEPT THREE: This concept involves one-way traffic northbound from
the South Parking Lot to Murray Hill. Southbound traffic would be routed
along a new roadway through the Table Rock Parking Lot onto a reconstructed
Fraser Hill Road access to Portage Road and would then be directed from
this point to the proposed South Parking Lot. The trans~system would use
the two exclusive lanes on the River side of the Parkway. All three concepts
would involve the removal of on-street parking throughout the Park from the
Bydro Road to the Rainbow Bridge Plaza. In terms of cost, external improvements
would involve expenditures of $10,000 for Concept One, $315,000 for Concept Two
and $300,000 for Concept Three. Improvements to the internal road system
involve expenditures of $400,000 for Concept One, $400,000 for Concept Two
and $1,100,000 for Concept Three. With respect to impact on the natural
environment and social environment, Concept One would have little impact
with the exception of impact on vegetation. Concept T~o has moderate impact
on vegetation, residential areas, recreational opportunities, noise concerns
and air quality concerns. Concept Three has substantial impact on vegetation
and moderate impact affecting geology and soils, wildlife, aquatic systems,
aesthetics, archaeological sites as well as noise and air quality concerns.
The reduction of traffic in the Park will Justify the incorporation of the
people mover system to transport visitors from the South Parking Lot northerly.
Mr. McLean s,,mmarized by indicating that all concepts reduced traffic and parking
congestion and provide an opportunity for increased visitation to the Park.
Mr. R. Thompson of the Niagara Resort and Tourist Association stated that
the Association did not wish to indicate support or opposition for any of the
three concepts at this time. It was felt that thepossible economic ramifications~
or implications affecting the rest of the tourist segment had not been
seriously given enough thought, and the Association was requesting sufficient
time to prepare a reply in reply to the Niagara Parks CommissionNaster Plan.
iMr. Thompson indicated there were a number of very critical questions asked
at earlier meetings, at which the Niagara Parks Commission agreed to supply
detailed data and hack-up information, and without that information, the Associat~
was not in a position to give a detailed report to Council. Mr. Thompson
requested that Council allow the N.R.T.A. a period of one month inorder to
prepare a satisfactory report on this very important document. Mr. J. Bredcrick
acting for York Harmover, endorsed Mr. Thompson's comments and stated there
'is not enough information available to make a decision.
Alderman Mcrrett referred to the terminal building to be located at the
South Parking Lot near Narineland, and con~ented that this will be one of the
first places people will visit, and he felt the building could be made into 1
a real welcome centre. This centre could be used to sell the whole City, not
.Just the Niagara Parks Co~ission attractions, and might assist in keeping
visitors in the area longer.
- 3 -
Alderman Puttick pointed out that several of the quotations submitted
on the people.-mover system had to he accepteft by the end of January, otherwise
prices could increase. It was the Alderman's underst~uding that the Commission
did not want the matter delayed until the end of January for that reason.
Mayor Thomson indicated that according to the Commission, the end of January
was not a crucial date since monies were on hand and could be deposited in
an account. interest on these monies would look after any increase in the cost
of the vehicles. ,'~r. Harris of the Cormnission agreed that the financing was
not a major problem~ however the longer the matter takes~ the longer the delivery
time of twelve to eighteen months is delayed, further delaying the project.
Alderman Puttick felt that placing. funds in an account to gain interest
which would be used to pay the increased cost of Purchasing the vehicles, was
poor management.
Following further discussion, it ~as moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by
Alderman Cheesman.~ that the matter be tabled for one month. Carried Unanimously.
-'Report No. 687 -- City Solicitor .- The report recommends amendment to au
agreement to provide that parking for the Sheraton Foxhead Hotel be in
accordance with the new Zoning By-law. The number of parking spaces to be
provided would be 265.
Report No. 688-- City ~nager -- The report provides additional information
on the methods used in determining the number of parking spaces to be provided
for the Sheraton Foxhead ltotel.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the reports be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 689 -- City Manager -- The report recommends: 1) That the City as
o~mer of the subject property, enter upon the land. remove the concrete and
rough grade the lot; and 2) ~en the above action has been completed~ a report
be prepared outlining the future disposition of the subject lot, with
particular emphasis on future uses and limitations on buildings to be erected
on leased lands.
The City Clerk provided additional information concerning the existing
lease in response to a number of questions raised.
OP~EP~D on the motion of Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried I~animous!y.
No. 268(a).George Auld, (b) Janet Atcheson (c) Helen Belie (d) Gertrude Doherty
(e) Karen Glen (f) Irene Ploszczansky (g) Frank Miele (h) A. R. Avery and
(i) Henrietta Mielema.
The con~lunications express concern over the termination of employment of two
employees of.the Social Planning Council.
~hyor Thomson advised that he had received copies of letters sent to the
President of the Social. Planning Council by the selicttors retained by the
persons whose employment had recently been terminated. These letters were
brought to the attention of the City Solicitor, and it was his opinion that
Council should not get involved in the matter for two reasons. The Social
Planning Council is not a committee of Council but a separate organization.
Secondly, the matter may result in a court action and should be left to the
lawyers involved. Mayor Thomson felt it would be advisable for Council to
receive and file the letters.
Alderman Cummings suggested that copies of the letters could be referred
to the Social Planning Council, in the event it has not already received copies
of same. In response to a question raised by Alderm~n Chessman, Mayor Thomson
stated that the Social Planning Council should be made ~mre of the existence
of the letters in that they are now on public record. In response to a further
question by Alderman Puttick, the City Solicitor confil~ed that the letters are
now on public record and there was no reason copies could not b~ provided to
the Social Planning Council.
Mr. R. Meuser indicated that he wished to address City Council regarding
the question of whether there is a need for professional staff at the Social
Planning Council.
The City Solicitor stated that he did not know what Mr. Meuser's comments
would be, however he felt if the matter involved how the Social Planning Council
.should be run, the City Council was not the appropriate body to address.
Mayor Thomson suggested that Mr. Menset should discuss the matter with the
Social Planning Council, however if he wished to make a submission to Council
at budget time when the Social Planning Council grant would be reviewed, it
would be accepted at that time. The Mayor further stated that due to the
possible pending litigation, Council was not in a position to discuss the
matter further.
It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
communications be received and filed, and copies forwarded to the Social Planning
Council. Carried Unanimously.
No. 269 - Mr. D. Delaney - Re: Condition of Conrail Tracks. The communication
expresses concern regarding the condition of the Conrail tracks near Ryerson
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman err, that the
conmunication be referred to the appropriate officials of Conrail with a request
that they take i~mediate action to correct any deficiencies that may exist.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 270 - Town of Fort Erie - Re: Future of Fort Erie Race Track. The communica-
tion requests support of a resolution to the Provincial Government, asking for
assistance in having the operation of the Fort Erie Race Track continue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Sobel, that
the resolution be endorsed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 271 - Mr. D. Hinchliffe - Re: Dynamite Explosions on Nichol's Lane. The
communication requests assistance in dealing with the use of dynamite by
another resident of Nichol's Lane.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Cummings,
that Mr. Hinchliffe be brought up to date on the investigations being carried
out by Police Authorities, and that a further report be-submitted to Council
once the investigations have been finalized. Carried Unanimously.
No. 272 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Portage Road Bridge over NEPC
Canal. The communication advises that various matters dealing with the Portage
Road Bridge will be discussed at the December 6th, 1979 meeting of the Regional
Public Works & Utilities Comnittee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the communication be received and filed, and further that area residents and
businesses be notified accordingly. Carried UnanimouSly.
No. 690 - Planning &.Development Committee - Re: AM-11/78'and Official Plan
Amendment No. 102, Welland Securities Ltd., South Side of Welland River, East
and West Sides of Stanley Avenue. The report recommends approval of the
application subject to Development Control and an amendment to'the'Official
Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
In response to :a question raised by Alderman Puttick, Mayor Thomson advised
that the block of land to be held in reserve, would be used to provide access to
the large five hundred .acre parcel of land to the west of Welland Securities.
The developer of those lands would purchase the reserve block at the time
development will take place. The City Manager indicated that the reserve block
has been appraised and under the agreement, annual increments will be made on
the value of the land until it is purchased by the developer. :This transaction
,will not represent any cost to the City.
In response to a further question by Alderman Puttick, the City Manager
indicated that the type of servicing required would depend on the nature and
extent of any future development. Although interest in the site has been
expressed by various individuals, the City is not presently in receipt of any
definite details on such a development.
".ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
- the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 691 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-32/79, City of Niagara
Falls, 4582 Zimmerman Avenue (Former Police Building). The report recommends
that the subject application not proceed.
Mr. G. Patrick was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of ilderman ~cBain, seconded by Alderman Dilts. Mr. Patrick advised that he
represented a group from Toronto known as Chatsworth Holdings, which has made
an offer to purchase the former police building. The crier is conditional
on the property being rezoned to permit a retirement home. Mr. Patrick felt
there had been some misconception that an "old folks" home wss being proposed,
however it was explained that there is a group of retired professional people
looking for a location outside of Teronto who can afford such accommodations.
This group has specifically requested Mr. Patrick's firm to find a location
in Niagara Falls for such a residence, particnlarly because cf the various
activities available in the area. It was proposed that the building's
exterior would he restored to its natnral state, and the interior would be
converted to provide for thirty-five bedrooms (two persons to a room) with
dining facilities in the adjoining building. Seventy residents in the building
would make it financially feasible. Mr. Patrick stated there was a definite
need for this type of acconmodation as opposed to some of the depressing
conditions in "old folks" homes. With respect to parking, Xr. Patrick stated
that he understood arrangements can be made to lease the adjoining land owned
by Conrail with the same terms provided to the City of Niagara Falls.
Mr. Patrick also stated that there would be no problem due to the close proximity
of the railway tracks, because the building would have double plate glass
windows and the sound would not be heard. Reference was made to the recent
problems in Mississauga due to a train detailmeet, ~nll br. Patrick fe!~ if this
were a major concern~ th~n the City Hall, new Pollee 3uU. iling an~ everything'
else in the Downtown would have to'be relocated. With r,~spect to tl.e objection
by the Downtown Board of Management that the proposal would not conform to
their long term plans, Mr. Patrick pointed ou~ that tb~ building had been
vacant for a number of years and th~ Downto~m 3oard had not indicated any
interest in the building b~fore. Mr. Patrick felt tba~ if the building were
renovated and became an exclusive residence, it might encourage other
individuals to npgrade that part of the City.
In response to a question raised by Aldernan Iferrett, ~. 'Patrick indicated
that the City had leased parking facilities behind the building fro~ Conrail and
in all likelihood, similar arrangements could be made. No definite agreement
had been ~de~ since the agreement of sale has not been accepted as yet.
Alderman Puttick referred to a comment made by ?fr. Patrick regarding
depressing old age homes, and asked if these homes were in Niagara Falls. The
Alderman felt several of the senior citizens bones in Niagara Falls were some
of the finest in Ontario. ~. Patrick indicated that be had visited several
homes in Thorold, and found zhem to be quite depressing. The residents sit
around in chairs and have nnthing to do. ~mile acco,,~odations were good, there
were little or no activities planned. Mr. Patrick offered to take the Alderman
to these residences so that he would understand why the comment had been made.
A!~erman Fare felt the ares was not appropriate for time type of residence
proposed, and suggested that Mr. Patrick: choose a note exclusive arsa of the
Regional Councillor Mitchelson stated that the homes operated by the Region
were of very high character~ and the Region had reaeivsd nothing but 1!raise for
these }residences.
Mayor Thomson explained that Mr. Patrick had ~een referring to several
privately owned homes which were not in the City of Niagara Falls. Alderman
Chessman stated that Mr. Patrick had not been referring to the cbracter or
maintenance of homes, and that he had wanted to create a place where people
can retire which is quite different from the atmosphere in some privately owned
senior citizen homes.
Following :further comment, it was moved by Alderman ~era, seconded by
Alderman Ninsperger, that the report be received and adopted. r.'arried
No. 692 -. City Clerk .- Re: AM.-26/78, ~.estricted Area ~y-law 79-136, M. Aiello,
Prcpoeed Variety Store on Southwest Corner of Montrose F. lul :,lulhern. rne report
advises that the Ontario Municipal Board has appointed January 11, 1.c80 at 10:00
a.m. in the City Is, all Council Chambers for the hearin5 of all parties interested
in supporting or opposing the subject application.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Fern, that the
report be received and filed. Carried IInanimously_.
No. 693 - City Manager - Re: Minor Variance Application A-79/79, A. Csele,
Previous Variance Applications A-2/79, A-93/78 and A-94/78. The report advises
that staff have formally lodged an objection against the subject application,
and requests that Council consider whether the obJection should be withdrawn.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the objection be withdrawn. Carried Unanimously.
No. 694 - City Manager - Re: Provincial Report on Group Homes. The report
advises that the deadline for comment to the Provincial Secretary for Social
Development on a Provincial proposal to encourage group homes in residential
neighbourhoods, has been extended until mid-January.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 695 - Recreation Commission - Re: Houck Park Building. The report recommends
that the Greater Niagara Baseball Association be authorized to use the Mouck Park
building for storage and meetings providing that all renovations are approved
by the Parks Department, at no cost to the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 696 - Recreation Commission - Re: 1980 Program Priorities. The report
requests that Council consider forwarding to the Commission an indication of any
special assignments to be given to the Commission or staff in 1980 prior to the
Commission's program and budget being established.
The Recreation Director requested that any special projects that Council
may wish the Commission to undertake, be referred to the Commission as soon as
possible in order to include appropriate estimates in the 1980 budget.
Mayor Thomson referred to one special project undertaken in 1979, the
75th Anniversary of the City, and thanked Alderman Cheesmsn, the staff of the
Commission and all others involved who worked so hard to make this special
event a Success.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Herrerr, seconded by-R~'derman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and adopted, and further that the appreciation of Council
be extended to the 75th Anniversary Committee and staff of the Recreation
Commission. Carried Unanimously.
No. 697 - Finance Committee - Re: Staff Training, Correspondence and Report
Writing. The report recommends that a course be scheduled early in 1980 and
that an amount of $500 be included in the 1980 budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Minsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 698 - City Manager - Re: 1980 Ministry of Transportation and Communications
Training Courses. The report recommends that six members of staff be authorized
to attend the Ministry of Transportation & Communications Courses.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 699 - City Manager - Re: Seminar on Public Information in Local Government.
The report advises that arrangements have been made with the Region for Mr. J.
Kirby to present a half-day seminar on December 12, 1979 on public information
programmes in local gov~rmment.
Several members of Council indicated an interest in attending such a
seminar, however due to the scheduling of the presentation at 9:00 a.m. on a
weekday, they would not be able to attend. Mayor Thomson suggeeted that after
the initial session, a Saturday could be set aside for those,members of
~Council wishing to participate.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Orr, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 700 - City Manager - Re: Metal Container - Sanitary Landfill Site. The
report provides information in response to a request by Council regardin8
removal of material from the metal container placed at the Sanitary Landfill
ORDERED on the motlon of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Pera, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 701 - City Manager - Re= Closing of Part of Dayman Avenue. The report
recommends passage of a resolution and by-laws respecting the closing and
-7 -
sale of part of Dayman Avenue to J.P. and M.A. Diodati.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried UnanimouS3%'
See Resolution No. 112
See By-laws Nos. 79-227
and 79-228
No. 702 - ~ity ~hnaJ.~__r- Re: 1979 Debt Charges. The report recormnends that
the unused portion of the budgeted debt charges and costs amounting to $137,000
for 1979 be applied to our capital spending in order to further reduce any new
debt to be issued in future years.
The City Manager provided additional information in response to a question
raised by Alderman Puttick.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. ~arr~e_d_U__n~n_~9~s~lX.
No. 703 -.9_~ Manager - Re: Ryerson-Market Park Development, Phase 2. The
report recommends acceptance of the tender submitted by Richard Collee Trucking
for demolition of buildings in the Ryerson-Market Park area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimo~s_~..
See Resolution No. 113
S__e~_By-law No. 79-229
No. 704 - City Manager - Re: Amendment to Fence By-law. ~e report recommends
passage of a by-law to provide for the definition of front lot line and rear lot
line in the Fence By-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried UnanimousiX.
S__e~__B~-law No. 79-230
No. 705 - City Manager - Re: Loblaws Limited - "No Frills". The report recommends
approval of two wall signs for the former Loblaws store at 5772 Main Street.
Alderman Puttick asked if it would be possible to stipulate that the signs
be painted over in the event the store closed again. A representative from
Loblaws indicated that the company would be willing to consider such action
should the store again close. Mayor Thomson requested that the Building and
Development Co-ordinator take note of this suggestion.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried UnanimouslX.
No. 706 - 9tty Manager - Re: Site Plan Approval - Brockfield Apartments, 5552
Heritage Drive. The report recommends approval of the subject Site Plan as
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. 9~rried Una_nimou~l_,v_.
No. 707 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Carlton Avenue. The report recommends
that parking be prohibited from the westerly side of Carlton Avenue from Lundy~s
Lane 285' southerly and from the easterly side of Carlton Avenue from Lundy's
Lane 135' southerly.
Mayor Thomson indicated that this matter had been referred to the Projects
and Services Engineer as a result of complaints by the residents following the
opening of the new restaurant at the corner of Carlton and Lundyls Lane. The
Mayor stated that the usual practice is to survey the residents in the area to
determine their thinking. Mayor Thomson stated that this recommendation would
simply keep cars from parking near the restaurant, and move the parking down
towards the residential section.
Alderman Puttick stated that his understanding of the recommendation was
that the parking prohibitions would facilitate traffic movement from Lundy's
Lane to Carlton Avenue. Mayor Thomson stated that cars are parking right down
Carlton to the residential area which is an inconvenience to the residents.
Mayor Thomson felt the residents should be surveyed to determine their feelings
and that recommendations be prepared following the survey.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman MacBatn, seconded by
Alderman Fete, that the matter be tabled and a further repor~ prepared. Carried
'Unanimously. / . .... 8
No. 708 - City Manager - Re: Parking Lot Plowing. The report recommends
acceptance of various tenders for the plowing of Fire Department lots, arena
parking lots and municipally owned public parking lots.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 11
No. 709 - City Manager - Re: Conrail Operations in Niagara Falls. The report
provides information on Conrail operations in the City, particularly with regard
to rail shipment of hazardous materials.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman C-mm~ugs, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 710 - City Clerk - Re: Schedule of Council Meetings in December. The report
recommends the following schedule: December 3rd - Regular Council Meeting,
December lOth - General Committee Session, December 17th - Regular Council
Meeting, and that no further meetings be held until January 7, 1980, on the
understanding a short meeting can be called should emergency items arise.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Fete, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 711 - City Manager - Re: Driveway Depressions in the City of Niagara Falls.
The report recommends adoption of a policy with respect to driveway depressions
on a one year trial basis, and that the matter be reviewed at a future Council
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 712 - City Manager - Re: One Ft. Reserve in Reg. Plan N.S. 39, Ascot Woods
Subdivision. The report recommends passage of a by-law to establish Block "V"
of Registered Plan N.S. 39 as a part of Post Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
__~ See By-law No. 79-231
No. 713 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Sanitary Sewer on Mentress Road. The
report recommends: 1) Passage of a by-law to authorize the construction of the
subject sewer as an imprpvement to the sewage system in the Urban Service
Areas of the City; 2) Passage of a revised by-law to authorize the construction
of certain works as local improvements under Section 12 of The Local Improvement
Act; and 3) That the City Solicitor be authorized to prepare and present to
Council the appropriate agreements between the City and residents involved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-laws No. 79-22
and 79-222
No. 714 - City Manager - Re: Whirlpool Road Bridge over Hydro Canal. The
report recommends: 1) Retention of DelCan DeLeuw Cather of Canada Ltd. to carry
out phase one investigation and reimbursement for their services in accordance
with the scale of fees suggested by the A.P.E.O., at an upset limit of $6,000;
2) That the City Solicitor be authorized to proceed with the necessary agreement
with the consultant; 3) That the work be carried out using funds from the Eng-
ineering Salaries and Wages account #11300; and 4) That consideration be given
to allocating the necessary funds in the 1980 operating budget for phase two
investigation and repair work on the structure.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cummings, the Director of
Municipal Works stated that weather conditions will permit prgper testing and
.sufficient core samples to be taken for testing.
Alderman Cummings asked if this type of work was ever tendered out, and
commented that there were local finns available capable of doing this type of
work. The Director of Municipal Works indicated that this firm has been
doing most of this type of work for the City. The only other firm he was aware
of to do this type of work was Acres. It was further advised that the work~
would be carried out by the local office of this firm.
.ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanin~usly.
No. 715 - City Manager - Re: Lot 2, Registered Plan M-67. The report recommends
approval of a request for reserve on Lot 2, Plan M-67 from Messrs. F. Joudrey
and S. Campbell until May 26, 1980.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman MacBain, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 716 - City Manager - Re: Lot 47, Registered Plan 243. The report recommends
that Council auahorize a request for reserve from Bomdal Investments Limited
on Lot 47, Registered Plan 243 until June 30, 1980, subject to :five conditions,
ORDERED on the motion of Aldenaan Cu~ings, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 717 .- City Clerk - Re: Consent Items.
1) Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Re: 1980 Guidelines for Municipal
Recommendation -- For the information of Council.
2) Heart Niagara - Re: Letter of Thanks for Assistance on Fund Raising Day.
Recommendation - That a copy of the letter be sent to those departments
assisting in the project.
3) Mr. E. Hunter - Re: Repairs to Dunn Street at Kiwanis Village and Bus Shelter.
Recommendation - That staff be requested to investigate the road condition and
the request for a bus shelter be referred to the Transit Commission.
4) Octoberlest Niagara - Re: Request for Financial Assistance.
Recommendation - Refer to Finance Committee.
5) Regional Municality of Niagara - Re: Market Value Assessment.
Recommendation - That Council support the Regional request for implementation
of market value assessment.
6) Letters from E.P. Lustig, Deputy City Solicitor - Re: Corfield Street.
Recommendation .- For the information of Council.
7) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Construction for Douglastown/Stevensville
Waste Stabilization Facilities.
Regional Municipality of Niag a - Re: Proposed Douglastow~/Stevensville
ar .
Regional Waste Stabilization Ponds.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
8) Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Pumping Stations.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
9) Bruce Trail Association - Re: Niagara Escarpment Commission's Proposed Plan.
Recommendation - That the comments be referred to the Planning Director who
is presently undertaking a review of the latest report on the Niagara
Consumers' Gas - Re: Notice of Application for Phase II of Current Rate Case.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
Coy, Barch - Re: Shriner's Creek Area.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
Chamber of Commerce - Re: 1980 Trade Dollars.
Recommendation - That the request be approved subject to the established policy
on proclamations.
Maple Leaf Village Old Timers - Re: Annual Tournament.
Recommendation - That approval be granted subject to similar approvals being
obtained from Niagara Regional Police, Niagara Falls Fire Department, the
Health Unit and L.L.B.O.
Mrs. A.J. McKinley - Re: Proposed A.J. McKinley Park.
Reconmendation - For the information of Council.
Land Division Committee - Re: Appointments for 1980 Term.
Reconm~endation - For the information of Council.
Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Allocation of 1979 Municipal Tax Dollar.
Recommendation - For the information of Council.
The Director of Municipal Works suggested that the letter from Mr. E. Hunter
also be referred to the Regional Municipality of Niagara, since this section of
Dunn Street is under that Jurisdiction.
Alderman Puttick also suggested that a copy of the letter from the Association
of Municipalities of Ontario be referred to the Finance Conmittee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and adopted, as amended. Carried Unanimously.
No. 718 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts. The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
The City Treasurer provided additional information on Cheques #2374, ~2378
and #2386 in response to questions raised by Aldermen Cummings, Puttick and Sobol.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick abstaining ,i
on Cheque #2480 on a conflict of interest, and all others voting in favour.
10 i'
No. 111 - FERA - MERRETT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-iaw No. 79-225 for the rezoning
of lands south of the Welland River, on the east and west sides of Stanley Avenue,
will conform to Official Plan Amendment No. 29 of the Niagara Falls Planning
Area, once Amendment No. 102 has been approved by the Minister of Housing; AND '
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 112 - CHEESMAN - SOBeL - RESOLVED that pursuant to subsection 4 of section 86
of The Registry Act R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 409 as amended, the Minister of Housing
be requested to consent to an order being made amending the plan of subdivision
registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Wells
now Niagara South, on the 31st day of August, 1950 as Plan No. 109 for the former
Township of Stamford by permanently closing that part of Dayman Avenue lying
north of Vine Street as shown on the said plan; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 113 - SOBeL - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the tendered prices submitted by
Richard Collee Trucking and Excavating Ltd., be accepted at the tendered price
of $16,800.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 114 - FERA - WALLMAN - RESOLVED that the tendered prices submitted by
Jim Black Trucking, Dicon Contracting Limited, SaJer Contracting Limited and
Dominion Paving for plowing of fire department lots, arena parking lots and
municipally owned public parking lots, be accepted at the prices quoted; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the following by-law be now read a third and final time:
No. 79-129.- A By-law to .raise $100,000 to aid in the construction of drainage
works under The Tile Drainage Act, 1971.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Rinsperger, seconded by Alderman Merrett,
that leave be granted to introduce the following by-law~, and the by-laws be
read a first time:
No. 79-229 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Richard
Collee Trucking and Excavating Ltd. for the demolition of buildings.
No. 79-233 ---A By-!a~ to amend By-law No. 77-75 bainR by-.law
height and description of ~aw~u~ fences~ a ~o orescribe the
No. 79-231 - A By-law to estab!i~h a one foo~ reserve block as a ~ublic highway.
No. 79-232 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulation
of traffic. (Catalina Street and Pitton Road)
No. 79-233 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried with Alderman
Puttick abstaining on
Cheque #2480 of By-law
79.-233, and all others
yetlug in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the following by-laws be now read a second time:
No. 79-221 - A B:;-!aw to authorize the construcLion of certain works as local
inprovemants under section 12 of The Local Improvement Act.
No. 79-222 - A By-la;; to authorize the construction of a sanitary seuemain as an
improvement to the sewage system in the Urban Service Areas of the
City. (Montrosa Road.)
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that the
following by.-la'.,;s be now read a second and third time~
No. 79-223 - A By-law to authorize an option agreement with ~;el].and Securities
(1964) Limited for the purchase of land for highway purposes.
No. ~ ~"
,9--,.,.-~ - A By--!aw to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Official
Plan of ~he i]iagara Falls Planning Area. <No. !92 Welland Securities)
No. 79-225 - A By--l.mq to amend By-law No. 395, 1966 of the foruer To~mship of
Willoughby, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AN-11/78,
Welland Securities)
No. 79-226 -- A By-law to ~esignate an area of land in the City of Niagara Falls
as ~ site plan control area.
No. 79-221 -
No. 79-222 -
No. 79-223 -
No. 79-224 -
No. 79-225 -
No. 79-226-
No. 79-227-
No. 79-228-
A By-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local
improvements under Section 12 of The Local Improvement Act.
A By-law to authorize the construction of a sanitary sewermain as an
improvement to the sewage system in the Urban Service Areas of the
City. (Mentress Road)
A By-law to authorize an option agreement with Welland Securities (lI
Limited for the purchase of land for highway purposes.
A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Official
Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (No. 102 - Welland Securiti
A By-law to amend By-law No. 395, 1966 of the former Township of
Willoughby, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-11/78,
Welland Securities)
A By-law to designate an area of land in the City of Niagara Falls
a site plan control area.
A By-law to authorize an application for the closing of part of
Dayman Avenue on Registered Plan 109 for the former Township of
A By-law to authorize an agreement with James Patrick Diodati and
Mary Ann Diodati and Richard Mclntee respecting the sale of part of
Dayman Avenue.
..... 11
No. 79-227 -- A By-.la7 to authorize an application :.-'or the closing of part of
Da3~en ~:cenue on Registered 'Is 199 for the former To~mship of
No. 79-22S - A By-law to authorize sn agreement with James ?atricl; Diodati and
liary ~.ne Diod8.tl and Richard McIntee ~:espscting the se].e 9f part
of Dayman Avenue.
No. 79-229 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreemen:z vith Pal.chard
Collee Trucking and Excavating Ltd. for the demolition of buildings.
No. 79-230 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 77-75 being a by-law'to prescribe the
height and description of l~ful fences.
No. 79-231 - A By-law to establish a one foot reserve block as a public highway.
No. 79-232 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulation
of traffic. (Catalina Street and Fitton Road)
No. 79-233 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried with Alderman
Puttick abstaining on
Chenue #2480 of By-law
79-233, and all others
voting in favour.
- 12 -
It was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
Council in formal session assembled, go on record as unanimously requesting
the City Clerk to write to the Honourable Judy LaMarsh on behalf of this
Council, our employees and all our residents, expressing on behalf of all,
our affection and the high regard in which she is held by one and all in her
native City, and offering our sincerest wish for a full recovery. Carried
Alderman Cheesman referred to the proposal by Chatsworth Holdings to
convert the former Police Building into a retirement home, which had been turned
down by Council earlier in the meeting. The Alderman felt that since there
is a clientele for this type of accommodation, that the City could assist the
firm in finding an. alternate location. It was moved by Alderman Chessman,
seconded by Alderman Orr that staff meet with Mr. Patrick'in an attempt to
locate another site for a retirement home. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Puttick referred to recent announcements regarding increased gas
and fuel oil prices, and expressed concern over the effect of these increases
to the average citizen. The Alderman felt that representation should be made
through the various municipal organizations to the Federal Government to
obtain rational and practical explanations of these increases, and their effects
on citizens. Alderman Puttick expressed particular concern that these prices
were being raised to fill the pockets of one Province to the detriment of all
other-Canadian citizens.
The City Manager suggested that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities
in addition to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario could be contacted
and the concerns of the City made known.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded
by Alderman Fete, that the A.M.O. and F.C.M. be requested to suggest to the
Federal Government that thers be an investigation into rising gas and oil prices,
and that efforts be made to keep prices down so that one Province will not
benefit at the expense of all others. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Fera requested that an appointment be made to replace Mr. E. Stewart
on the Planning & Development Committee, since Mr. Stewart had not artended
many of the Committee~s meetings. The Alderman sympathized with the fact
Mr. Stewart was experiencing personal problems, however he felt the work of
the Committee was important enough that it should not operate with members
missing so many meetings.
Mayor Thomson also expressed concern that Mr. Stewartws absences had been
allowed to continue for so long, and suggested that the matter be considered at
the next regular meeting of Council. It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded
by Alderman Merrett, that the matter be dealt with at the next regular meeting
of Council on December 17, 1979. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman MacBain announced that there would be no Finance Committee meeting
during the week.
Alderman Ctmunings advised that cars are still parking directly in front
of the Niagara Falls Arena, despite efforts by the City to discourage this
practice. The Alderman advised that he has watched children running out of the
Arena without looking, and commented that if something was not done, a child
could be seriously hurt. Alderman Cununings stated that the existing depressions
in the curb are almost asking people to drive up and'park in front.
Alderman Mettart indicated that this matter has been discussed at the
Parking Committee, and the use of barriers had been considered. If a permanent
barrier is erected, this would create a problem for snow removal crews. The
- 13 -
Commissionaire patrols in the area have been increased in order to stop any
illegal parking. Mayor Thomson suggested that the Manager and Foreman at the
Arena could be appointed by-law enforcement officers and could issue tickets.
Alderman Cummings pointed out that there are many times when these employees
would not be present at the Arena, such as during the public skating on weekends.
Alderman Merrett also stated that such action could be a problem with the
City's contract with the Conmissionaires.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded
by Alderman Fete, that the matter be referred to staff for a report. Carried
It was moved by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that a
message of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. Jack Sadl~r
a respected member of the community. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Cummings referred to Mr. J. Sadler who had recently passed away,
and commented that he had been deeply involved in sports activities and had
' helped a great deal in developing the youth of the community. The Alderman
felt the City should keep the names of such prominent citizens on record, so
that parks and new facilities that are developed could be named after these
individuals in recognition of their contributions to the City. It was moved
by Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Merrett that the names of prominent
citizens and deserving individuals be kept on record for future recognition.
Carried Unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Merret~, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried Unanimously.
Council Chambers
Lecember 10, 1979
Council met on Monday, December 10, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. prior to a meeting
of the General Connnittee. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen Orr and Puttick. 11is Worship, Mayor Thomson presided
as Chairman.
No. 719 - Ci~ty 1~mnageE _ Re: River Road Entrance to Queen Street. The report
recommends: 1) Passage of a by-law to authorize an agreement with Hollandia
Nurseries for the construction of a gazebo and related improvements at the
intersection of Queen Street and Cataract Avenue; 2) That the City Solicitor
be instructed to prepare the necessary by-law amending the zoning by-law to
permit these improvements; and 3) That the City Solicitor be instructed to
prepare the necessary by.-law authorizing an alteration to Cataract Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Herrerr, seconded by Alderman Cunnnings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No~ 115
See By-law No. 79-235
No. 720 - City Manager - Re: Official Plan Amendment No. 71. The report recommends
passage of a by-law to provide for corrections to Parts 11 and 55 in Official
Plan ~nendment No. 71 before printing and circulation to the ~,~inistry of Housing
for approval.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-234
No. 721 - City Manager - Re: City of Niagara Falls Restricted Area (Zoning)
By-law No. 79-200. The report recommends approval of notification of the by-law
through publication in the local newspaper and mailing of the newspaper insert
to all non-resident owners, and in addition placement of advertisements advising
residents of the City the dates on which the special insert will be placed
in the newspaper. It is further recommended that special funds be provided
in the 1980 budget to cover the costs incurred.
Alderman ~cBain asked if every effort had been made to determine if there
was any way the City could get around publishing the entire by-law in the press,
such as through the use of small advertisements inviting residents to come down
to City Hall and review the text and plans for the by-law.
The City Clerk advised that the Ontario Municipal Board has consistently
required that a municipality make every effort to notify all property owners
of any changes which affect their property. It was felt that the Board would
not consider the use of such advertisements to be proper notification. The
City Clerk further advised that in another municipality, the Board had directed
that a zoning by-law be printed and tixen mailed to all property owners which
was a more expensive method than the procedure outlined in the report. When
the City approached the Board concerning the method to be used, several alternatives
were proposed, and the method recommended in the report was the most economical
and was accepted by the Board.
Alderman Sobol suggested having several copies made and posted in
strategic locations throughout the City such as in libraries. The City Clerk
did not feel the Board would find this method of notification acceptable.
It was planned to have additional copies available for anybody who wants one.
The City Clerk stressed that the Board insists that the City make every
effort to see every property owner has an opportunity to peruse the by-law.
Once the Municipality has followed the notification procedure approved by
the Board, it cannot be said that the Municipality made no attempt to notify
property owners.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Cheesman, the City Clerk
stated that it will cost the City approximately $22,000 to mail copies of the
by-law to non-resident owners. Arrangements had also been made with the
Assessment Department to have address stickers printed so that individual
envelopes will not have to be prepared. The City Clerk estimated that two to
three thousand property owners would be involved.
Alderman Cheesman asked if it was to be assumed that everyone in the
City whether they receive the local newspaper or not has been notified. The
City Clerk stated that the Board was willing to accept that procedure as
proper notification.
Alderman Schisler expressed concern that residents in the Crowland area
of the City cannot always get the local newspaper delivered. The City Clerk
advised that the by-law will not affect property in Crowland or Willoughby,
only the former Village of Chippawa and the City of Niagara Falls. By virtue
of not affecting the rural areas, the City is not obligated to notify those
Alderman MacBain suggested that a further effort be made to determine
if it would be possible to avoid the large printing and distribution expenditure
as outlined in the report by using small advertisements in the newspaper. If
the Board was not agreeable to this suggestion, then staff could proceed with
the notification as outlined in the report.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by
Alderman Hinsperger, that the City Clerk contact the Ontario Municipal Board
to determine if notification of the by-law could be done through placement of
small advertisements in the local newspaper, and if this procedure is not
acceptable, that staff proceed with the notification as' outlined in the report.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 115 - MERRETT - CUMMINGS - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by Hollandia
Nurseries for the construction of a gazebo and related improvements at the
intersection of Queen Street and Cataract Avenue, be accepted at the quoted
price of $18,638.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read a
first time:
No. 79-234 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-199, being a by-law to provide for
the adoption of an amendment to the Official Plan of the Niagara
Fails Planning Area. (Corrections to Official Plan Amendment No. 71~
No. 79-235 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Nieuwesteeg Nurseries
Limited (Hollandia Nurseries).
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-234 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-199, being a by-law to provide for
the adoption of an amendment to the Official Plan of the Niagara
Falls Planning Area. (Corrections to Official Plan Amendment No'. 712
No. 79-235 - A By-law tO'authorize an agreement with Nieuwesteeg Nurseries
Limited (Hollandia Nurseries).
Carried Unanimously
It was moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
meetins ad]ourn to General Committee Session.' Carried Unanimously.
Committee Room #1
December 17th, 1979
Council met on Monday, December 17th, 1979 at 6:15 p.m. All members of
Council were present with the exception of Alderman Fera. Alderman Puttick
presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole arose without reporting.
Council Chambers
December 17th, 1979
Council met on Monday, December 17th, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All members of Council were present. His Worship,
Mayor Thomson presided as Chairman. Alderman Orr offered the Opening Prayer.
Alderman Puttick referred to an item he had brought up under New Business
at the last regular meeting regarding the price increases for gas and oil, and
asked if any information had been obtained from the Association of Municipalities
of Ontario or the Canadian Federation of Municipalities. The City Clerk
indicated that he had been in contact with the A.M.O., and had hoped information
would have been available for the meeting. Once the information was obtained,
it would be brought to the attention of Council.
Alderman Cheesman advised that a plaque had been presented by the Niagara
German-Canadian Club to the City several weeks previously, in recognition of
the City's 75th Anniversary. Since the Club was celebrating its 45th Anniversary,
it was felt appropriate that the City and the Club exchange plaques. The Alderman
requested that Council accept the plaque with thanks from the Niagara German-
Canadian Club and that it be kept on display in the City Hall.
Report No. 722 - Planning & Development Committee - The report recommends
that the letter from Mr. P. Grandoni objecting to the registration and approval
of the subject subdivision, be received and filed, and further that Mr. Grandoni
be notified when the subdivision is to be considered.
The Planning Director provided additional information in response to a
question raised by Alderman Schisler.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 723 - City Manager - The report recommends passage of a by-law to
authorize an agreement with}~pls Leaf Village Investments Inc. respecting parking
at the Sheraton-Foxhead Hotel.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report bc received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-236
Report No. 724 - City Manager - The report recommends that Council reaffirm its
support of the subject expropriation and that a copy of the report be forwarded
to the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority.
Alderman Puttick stated that he was somewhat surprised to learn that the
Authority had attended the expropriation hearing without any representation from
the City, even though this is the practice. The Alderman also referred to the
statement in the Report of the Inquiry Officer that Cornwill Investments had
not been sought out at the time of the study, and commented that he thought
the firm had been aware of what was going on with the project. Alderman Puttick
also noted that Cornwill had offered the lands required for the project to the
City if their property were included in the Urban Area Boundaries. The Alderman
felt the City should support Cornwill in its attempts to have its lands included
in the Urban Area Boundaries, in order to~avoid the expropriation.
The Deputy City Solicitor advised that with respect to representation at th5
hearing, the City has no standing under the Expropriations Act. The only parties
that can be represented are the expropriating authority, in this case the
Conservation Authority and its lawyer, and secondly, the owner, being Cornwill
Investments and its lawyer. With respect to supporting Cornwill Investments in
their application for inclusion in the Urban Area Boundaries, the Deputy City
Solicitor advised that Council considered a letter from Cornwill Investments
some time ago in which it was requested that Council indicate its support or
approval of Cornwill's application to the Cabinet of an appeal from the Ontario
Municipal Board decision which excluded these lands. At that time, Council did
not support Cornwill's application. The Deputy City Solicitor also stated that
to his knowledge, at no time had Cornwill ever indicated it would donate the
necessary lands to the City free of charge. Cornwill had indicated it would
be prepared to be more reasonable if the City supported the application to the
Cabinet for inclusion of the lands in the Urban Area Boundaries, however there
was never any statement made that the lands would be give' free of charge.
Mayor Thomson was critical of the statements made by Cornwill Investments
during the hearing, and stated that the firmwas well aware of the City's
intentions and had constantly put up stumbling blocks. There was never any
indication given that the lands would be donated to the City. Even after the
hearing there was no indication given that the lands would be donated at no
cost. Alderman Puttick suggested that staff should contact the developer and
determine whether or not the offer to donate the land was factual. Mayor
Thomson stated that Mr. Nero had visited his office recently and had indicated
that he would approach Mr. Lebovic about selling the necessary lands to the
City. The Mayor advised that at that time, he had told Mr. Nero that the
City was not interested in buying the lands since 'the Authority would be
Alderman Puttick suggested that the Minister of Natural Resources might
not approve the expropriation iu view of the Inquiry Officer's report. Mayor
Thomson pointed out that a great deal of money has been expended by the City,
developers and the Conservation Authority in land acquisition, and he could not
see the Minister not approving the expropriation at this time.
Alderman Cheesman suggested that even though the City has no standing in
the hearings, that it 'might be worthwhile to have the Legal Department brief
the Authority so 'that it can respond to some of the questionabl~ statements
made previously. The Deputy City Solicitor stated that the solicitors for the
Authority were well briefed on the background of the matter since both the City
and the Authority were Joined in an action for an injunction by Cornwill
which runs parallel to the hearing. In responding to the application for inJunc
the solicitors for the Authority became well acquainted with the background to t'
matter and prepared a defence in concert with the City*s defence. Cross-examine
tions have been held on the affidavits filed on these matters.
Alderman Cheesman asked if there was anything legally preventing the City
'from making presentation to the Ministry on the history of the matter. Mayor
Thomson stated that every step necessary will be taken to ensure the Minister
is well aware of the Cityve position. The Mayor further stated that the key
to the matter, is that the City is looking for a solution to its existing and
future storm drainage problems. It has always been emphasized that there are
problems existing at the present time, and to .say the project is premature as a
- 3 -
drainage scheme, is coming from someone not fully aware of the facts.
Following further conment, it was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded
by Alderman Sobel, that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 725 - City Manage_r - The report recommends that Council support the
land exchange witK Spirjnello and Iseppon as indicated in their letter of
September 20th, 1979, and further that Spironello and Iseppon Investments Limited
be notified that such an exchange of land would be conditional upon rezoning
Mr. F. Gorgonio was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Orr. Mr. Gorgonio stated that one of
the reasons given for the exchange was to provide a soccer field for the children
of the Glenview Area. Mr. Gorgonio pointed out that during the last few years, both
the separate school and the public school in the Glenview area have closed due to
lack of enrollment. It was felt this was an indication that there are very few
children living in the Glenview area, and in fact, Mr. Gorgonio stated that the
large part of this areals population is made up of retired people. Mr. Gorgonio
stated that at present, the residents of Glenview enjoy an unobstructed view of
the gorge, and are free of vehicle noise and exhaust pollution. If the motel
is extended and a car park built, Mr. Gorgonio felt the comfort and tranquili~y
of the residents would be destroyed. With respect to the ereposed berm to be
built between the proposed motel and the homes'of the residents of Glenview to
prevent vehicle access to the area, Mr. Gorgonio felt that there would be no
guarantee that entrance and exit privileges would not be given to the motel
allowing guests to have the primary use of Leader Lane and Hickson Avenue. In
summary, Mr. Gorgonio felt the proposed exchange would not have a good effect
for the people of Glenview.
Mr. H. Martin was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman err. Mr. Martin stated that park land,
once established, should remain so forever. The people using the park and
residents of the immediate area will be denied the exceptional view of the
gorge now existing by any development in the park. Property values i~ the
area will be reduced by the motel expansion through encroachment of the motel
property. Mr. Martin disputed the statement that the exchange would be on a
one to one basis, stating that the land the developer would acquire was worth
considerably more as a motel site because of the excellent gorge view. With
respect to the soccer field, Mr. ~rtin stated that no one in Glenview has
requested a soccer field, and that this proposal was merely a plum being offered
to sweeten an otherwise sour deal. At the first area meeting, all residents
were not notified, and at the second meeting, only those invited to the first
received notification. Mr. Martin stated that none of the residents were
notified that the matter was to be discussed by Council, and that he had
become aware of this fact when the Mayor had acknowledged receipt of the
original letter of objection. In response to a question raised by Alderman
Schisler, Mr. Martin stated that the developers had shown diagrams indicating
that only a small piece of ].and would be required for the motel, the rest
would be for parking. If the exchange is not approved~ the motel would be
expanded on the existing property and underground parking would be used.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Fera, the Director of
Recreation stated that the separate school grounds had been used for a soccer
field. When the Separate School Board had notified the City of the availability
of this former school site property, staff had approached the Board with a view
to purchasing a portion of the site. The Board wished to sell the property in
total, and when the school site was subsequently sold, the use of the soccer
field was lost. Alderman Puttick in quoting the report, asked how the exchange
could be considered beneficial to the City when so many people were opposed.
The Alderman also felt the soccer field would not be used by people more than
six blocks away. The Director of Recreation stated that at the public meetings,
there were persons in favour of the exchange so that additional lands could
be provided for a soccer field. The Director pointed out that if the developer
were to acquire and develop the property, there would be taxes paid on the
additional property, in addition to the provision of a soccer field, and this
would benefit all parties.
Alderman Cu~nnings asked if the demand for a soccer field still existed since
there were not as many children in the area any longer. The Director of
Recreation pointed out that the soccer and softball playing fields are for all
ages. It was also pointed out that the Glenview area is bounded by the
railway, the River, industrial and commercial lands, and a park with proper
facilities is considered necessary.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Merrett, the Planning
Director stated that without knowing all of the background of the matter, he
felt the proposal appeared to be harmless enough. If the recreational need
was not proven, the Planning Director felt that Council should weigh the
merits of the proposal against any injury to the residents.
Mr. A. Iseppon was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Sobol. Mr. Iseppon stated that the
intent of the proposal would be that development of the building would be in
the same location where existing buildings are now located. Some sections
of the motel are outdated and require renovation or replacement. Mr. Iseppon
advised that the extension would not bring the motel substantially closer to
any of the existing single family residences, and that part of the triangular
piece of land would be excavated to the level of the motel with a berm
constructed between Leader Lane and the development. The property would be
excavated to such a level and the harms constructed to such a height that the
development would be virtually invisible and would be used for parking cars.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Chessman. Mr. Iseppon stated
that his firm would construct two more floors than the motel has;at present,
involving a rise of approximately 16 ft. There would be very little change
in the vista presented to the majority of area residents, with the possible
exception of those people living directly at the base of Hickson. Mr. Iseppon
stated that there is a proposal to the Planning Department to improve the
area at the end of Hickson, so there would be no foreign visual impact to
the residents. The parking area would be excavated to a point where it would
be practically invisible to any point in the neighbourhood.
Alderman Hinsperger felt that since 'sO many residents were objecting to
the exchange, the report should be received and filed.
Alderman Chessman suggested the possibility of dealing with the matter in
some committee arrangement with members of the community and that elevation
plans be prepared for the development so that a decision can be made based on
that information, rather than the residents and Council having no precise
understanding of what is.proposed.
Alderman Hinsperger asked if this proposal is approved, whether there
would be anything to stop the developer at some future date. from blocking off
the view of the gorge to the residents. The Planning Director stated that such
a provision would be a specific condition on the rezon~ng as to the number of
units. It would be a site plan condition which would prevent access from
Leader Lane and impose height limitations.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, Mr. Iseppon stated
that his firm did not own the land, however there is an agreement of purchase
subject to rezoning and the exchange of land with the City. '.Alderman Puttick
indicated that he was not surprised that the developer did not own the lands.
The Alderman stated that he couldn't see the developer going to all the trouble
to develop the lands, particularly in view of high interest rates. The Alderman
stated that if the rezoning is approved, the developer could sell the property
to someone else and make a profit in the future. Alderman Puttick commented
that the City did not need another motel, and that the developer should not be
allowed to build in an area where existing residents would be disturbed.
Mr. Iseppon stated that his flrmwas within its rights in requesting a
rezoning and also to sell the property in the future, if so desired. Mr. Iseppo
indicated that if the property was sold, he hoped to make a profit on the sale.
With respect to the comment that the City did not require more motels,
Mr. Iseppon pointed out that the tax structure of the City is dependent on
the number of motels in existence and the'City would miss the revenue generated
by the motels. As far as the location of the motel, Mr. Iseppon commented that
he could not think of a more logical location for a motel than River Road,
which is one of the most highly used tourist arterial roads in the City. With
:~espeat to dtstur. bing residents, M~. Iseppon stated that his firm had gone to
great lengths in designing the buildings and facilities so that their customers
would not be involved with the residents, even by a footpath. The entire
development would be separated from the residential.area by a fence. In
reponse to a question raised by Alderman 8obol, Mr, Iseppon stated that if the
exchange is not approved, the motel would have to expand on the existing site.
There would have to be a major excavation into the hillside and walls would
b~"constructed which would present a foreign visual impact to the publiC.
Alderman Cheesman suggested that the matter be referred to the Planning
Department and the Planning & Development Committee in order to allow an
opportunity for the public to examine the plans of the proposal in detail.
The Planning Director felt there would be a duplication of meetings if the matter
is referred to the Planning & Development Committee, and suggested that Council
could deal with the proposal in detail on one of the General Committee sessions
in thenear future. It was felt that the controversy was not the planning
aspects of the proposal so much as the sale of park land. Unless a zoning amendment
application is to be reviewed, the Planning Director felt it would be more
appropriate to review the matter during a Council Committee session. Alderman
Merrett agreed and suggested that Planning Department staff could provide input
based on the material presented.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded by
Alderman Hinsperger, that the matter be placed on the agenda early in January of a
General Committee session, with prior notice to the objectors, and that the
developers be requested to make a full visual presentation at that time. Carried
Report No. 726 - City Manager - The report recommends passage of by-laws respecting
the construction and erection of a gazebo and related improvements at or near the -
intersection of Queen Street, Cataract Avenue and River Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
Report No. 727 - City Clerk -- The report provides information on the procedure
initiated to minimize any delays in furnishing reports to Council and to provide
interim reports where final recommendations cannot be made within a predetermined
time period.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Hinsperger was absent when the vote was
taken on this matter.
Report No. 728 - Alderman W.A. Hinsperger - The report outlines certain suggestions
to be implemented under the standards of performance for the Office of the City
Manager, as recommended by the Performance Evaluation Workin~ Group.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Hinsperger was absent when the vote was
taken on this matter.
No~ 273 - Mrs. J. Macearthy - Re: Sidewalks on Drummond Road. The communication
requests the addition of the section of sidewalk on the east side of Drummond Road
over the HEPC Canal to the sidewalk snow removal program.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
request be approved. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Hinsperger was absent when the vote was
taken on this matter.
No. 274 - Mr. E. Sherat - Re: Improvements to Oakes Park Running Track. The
communication requests additional lighting on the west and north sides of the
running track, and snow removal on the two inside lanes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
communication be referred to the Recreation Commission and staff for preparation
of a report with particular emphasis on possible costs of implementing the
suggestions. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: Alderman Hinsperger was absent when the vote was
taken on this matter.
No. 275 - Mrs. E. Culp - Re: 4757 Simcoe Street. The communication requests
that the City consider re-selling the subject property back to the owner.
Mayor Thomson provided additional information in response to a question
raised by Alderman Puttick.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dilts, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that th
communication be referred to staff for the preparation of a report. Carried
No. 276 - Niagara Resort & Tourist Association - Re: Street Name Change - Portage
Road. The communication requests that Portage Road between Main Street and Sakes
Drive be re-named to Main Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the communication be referred to the Street Name Committee with the request for
a report within thirty days. Carried Unanimously.
No. 277 - Hope Fellowship Baptist Church - Re: Proposed Church Site. The
communication expresses appreciation for the co-operation of City Council in
fezsuing of the proposed church site.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Schisler, that the
communication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 729 - Planning & Development Committee - Re:.AM-20/79, L. J. Fitzpatrick
Rehearing, 4189 Drpmmond Road. The report recommends denial of the subject
Mr. D. Sullivan, solicitor for the applicant, was granted permission to
address Council on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Hinsperge
Mr. Sullivan stated that Mr. Fitzpatrick lives on the west side of Drummond Road
which is zoned residential and is zoned residential and designated low density
multi-family residential in the Official Plan. The east side of Dr,,mmond Road is
zoned commercial. Mr. Sullivan explained that his client operated a television
repair business with the majority of the work carried out in a mobile home on
the property, with the major customers being hotels and motels. During the
off-season, he requires the additional income from servicing some sets at home.
The present by-law only permits druggists and medical pra~'Titioners to carry
on businesses in their residences. Under the new zoning by-law, it is required
that the business be carried on in the premises, while Mr. Fitzpatrick has his
in the garage. Also, no sign is permitted and Mr. Fitzpatrick would like to
have a small sign. With respect to sales, Mr. Sullivan explained that in
repairing televisions, it is necessary to carry parts incidental to repairs.
It now appeared that many of the residents would be content with the change in
zoning which would permit him to carry on electrical service repair with some
incidental sales, but no outside change in the building, storage of materials or
employees. FAr. Sullivan stated that a petition has bee~ submitted by thirty-six
persons within three to four hundred feet of the application who have no
objection to the proposal. It was suggested that a sunset provision could be
inserted in the by-law so that the zoning would only apply while Mr. Fitzpatrick
occupied the premises. In this way, residents would not have to be concerned
over future development if the property were sold. As far as complaints concern:
radio and television interference were concerned, Mr. Sullivan stated that
FAr. Fitzpatrick has+ received a clean bill of health from the appropriate
authorities that no interference was being caused by his business. In response
to a question raised hy Alderman Puttick, Mr. Sullivan stated that Mr. Fitzpatrt(
had Owned the-property for four or five years and that he had been aware of the
zoning when the property ~as purchased.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Hinsperger, the Deputy City
Solicitor indicated that provision could be made in the by-law to limit the use
for a particular period of time. It was also advised that this could be
considered setting a precedent if such a provision were granted.
Mr. W. Amadio was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Orr. Mr. Amadio commented that the
suggestion of a sunset provision Just confuses the issue. With respect to the
petition in fayour of the proposal, Mr. Amadio connested that many of the
names on that petition are those of people living on the east side of Drummond
Road and on other streets, and their opinions of those residents was irrelevant.
~r. Amadio also advised that he had a petition to submit from persons who were
asking that their names be withdrawn from the petition supporting the zerosing.
While he had resided in the area for seven year8~ M~. Amadio stated that the
majority of the residents who would be affected by the rezoning, had lived there
for a much longer period of time. These.people were more or less retired,
elderly people who take good care of their premises and.have a high degree of
pride in the condition of their yards and homes. Mr. Amadio stated that
Mr. Fitzpatrick was not new in his trips to the Planning & Development Committee,
and reviewed some of the past applications made on this same property.
In relating the history of 'the area, Mr. ~tn~adio advised that prior to zoning
by-laws, the area was developed for residential use. When the first zoning by-law
was passed the land was zoned residential. When the City adopted its Official
Plan, it designated these lands residential. In 1979, the comprehensive zoning
by-law zones the property as residential. Mr. ~nadio stated that sound planning
practice has dictated that these lands remain residential. The fact the area
across the street is zoned co~aercial only underlines that proposition. Mr.
Amadio stated that the Official Flan allows Council to pass By-laws for persooal
service shops, and a personal service shop is something for use of the neighbour-
hood, such as a barber shop. Mr. !ur.a~io felt that 1.fr. Fitzpatrick wanted a
service shop to service the norzk end of the Cizy, not zhe neighbourhood around
him. It was also felt that the needs of the neighbourhood could be met through
the connnercial zoning, not spot zoning. !.k'. ~adio stated that if Mr. Fitzpatrick
is not prepared to operate his business under the restrictions set do~m for a
personal service shop, he should locate his business in another area.
Mr. Amadio felt it was more equitable for long residents not to have to put up
with such a use, rather than to move out themselves. Mr. Amadio stated that
he personally ~as opposed to the rezoning because of noise problems.
Mrs. Tiplin was granted permission to addrcss Council on the motion of
Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Cheesman. Mrs. Tiplin stated that
the reasons outlined in her letter of objection of September 5th were unchanged.
She expressed her objection to spot development in the City, an6 pointed out
that the City had gone to great expense to provide commercial and industrial
areas for development, and yet did not limit development to those areas.
}irs. Miller was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Eerrett. Mrs. Miller stated that when
she had purchased her home in 1958, she had been advised that ~e area was zoned
residential for single family homes. Mrs. Hiller also expressed concern over
the use of buffer zones as proposed by the applicant.
Alderman Puttick consented that once a single application was approved in
this area, Councils of the future would lean towards the granting of other
commercial rezonings.
Alderman Merrett stated that many times people come to City Hall with an
idea of trying to do something with their property. I~en they approach the
Planning & Development Committee, occasionally they do not understand the
procedures to be followed and the ramifications involved. The ~derman felt
in the case of the subject application, this had been the case, and that
Mr. Fitzpatrick was only trying to make a living.
Following further discussion, it was moved by A!dernmn Puttick, seconded
by Alderman l{acBain, that the report be received and adopted, and the application
denied. ~e motion Carried with Alderman Nerrett voting contrary, and all
others voting in layout.
No. 730 .- Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM--22/79, Kenmore Holdings
(Niagara) Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19, Proposed Kingsview' Subdivision. The report
recommends approval of the application and that Council certify by resolution
that the application conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara
Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Housing.
Mrs. L. Savage was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Herrerr, seconded by Alderman Sobol. Mrs. Savage expressed her concern
over the proposed road pattern of the subdivision and the possibility of future
development. Mrs. Savage asked if this application is approved, if that meant
other two family dwellings can be built on the property. Mayor Thomson explained
that the application dealt strictly with Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19 which will be
changed to two-family, and that if further lots are to have two-family dwellings,
further rezonings would be required. Mrs. Savage asked why no subdivision map
was posted in the area. ~yor Thomson explained that the policy making posting
of such signs mandatory, was uot adopted uetil recently, while the proposed
plan .of subdivision had been in the planning stages for some time. Mrs. Savage
also expressed concern over the future of the creative theme park in the area
if further development is permitted.
Following farther discussion, it was moved by Alde.,lan Fern, seconded by
Alderman Dilt8, that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resoletion No. 116
~ By-law No. 79-239
No. 731 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-26/79, D. & J. Cournoyea,
3456 Portage Road. The report recommends approval of the application and that
Council certify by resolution that the application conforms to Official Plan
Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, as amended and approved
by the Minister of Housing.
~L~yor Thomson stated that he had visited the site of the proposed rezoning,
and had become concerned that the exit of the property would be directly at the
intersection of St. Paul and Portage. The Region had been asked to comment
further, since Regional Roads were involved, and the Mayor provided a copy of
the letter outlining the Region's concerns. According to the letter, the
Region feels that because of the narrow frontage and proximity to the signalized
intersection, the site was unsuitable for an individual commercial establishment,
particularly one with a high vehicle turn over. The Region was also concerned
that the lot was too narrow to permit double bay parking and a driveway to the
rear, which could be a problem with the building setback and parking arrangements
The Region indicated that if the proposal was for a dry cleaning plant rather
than a dry cleaning establishment, they would be prepared to approve the
Mr. N. Young, solicitor for the applicant, was granted permission to
address Council on the motion of Alderman Sobol, seconded by Alderman Merrett.
Mr. Young stated that the application was not for a dry cleaning plant, and
that he had instructions to withdraw any application of that kind. If dry
cleaning was not ~ermitted, Mr. Young stated that his client would prefer to
have a general commercialzbning.
Mayor Thomson stated that this would not solve the problem, since ingress
and egress at the signalized intersection were the main concerns. Mr. Young
pointed out that the entire area is commercial, and that any commercial property
would create ingress and egress problems. In response to a question raised by
Alderman Sobol, Mr. Young indicated that he did not know what type of business
could be establishedthat would not attract traffic. Alderman Sobol pointed
out that a dry cleaning store involves a great deal of traffic with people coming
in every few minutes to pick up clothing. Mr. Young did-~et feel there would
be people coming in with that rapidity with a dry cleaning store.
Alderman Merrett advised that Council was not disagreeing that a commercial
use would not he proper, 9nly that the proposal would create traffic problems.
Mr. D. Marineill, solicitor for Leslie Investments Ltd., was granted
permission to address Council on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by
Alderman Cummings. Mr. Marineill stated his client, owner of the Stamford
Green Plaza, objected to the application on the basis o~ traffic congestion.
Tenants of the plaza have experienced difficulty in exiting from the plaza,
particularly on left turns. Mr. Marineill pointed out that the entrance to
the subject site was only fifty ft. from the stop light, and it would only
require two or three cars stopped at the signal to cause problems with left
turns. With the subject parcel being almost directly'at the point of the
signal light, Mr. Marlnell! felt that only one car stopped at the signal would
cause difficulty. Mr. Marineill also stated that people pick updry cleaned
clothing during peak traffic hours, a time when congestion was at its worst.
Mr. Marineill offered to attend a meeting, if one could be arranged prior to
Council making a decision, to determine what could be done with the site feasibl)
Mayor Thomson suggested that the proper way to handle the matter might be
to defer action until the next regular meeting, and in the meantime obtain the
comments of the Region. The Planning Director offered to get comments from the
Site Planning Technical group in order to have all the technical input required.
Mr. Young stated that no site plan of the proposal had beensubmitted,
since the existing building was to be torn down and a new one erected to comply
with the provisions of the by-law, based on a general commercial zoning.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded
by Alderman Orr, that the matter be tabled pending further'comment,from the
Regional Municipality of Niagara. Carried Unanimously.
No. 732 - planning & Development Committee - Rez AM-27/79, N.P.H.B. Land
Development Ltd., Ascot Woods Extension #1, 26T-75052. The report recomends
approval of the application and that Council certify by resolution that the
application conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls
Planning Area, as amended and approved by the Minister of Housing.
ORDBMD on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded bF Alderman Hinsperger, that.
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No.
~_B~-Zq~No. 7~~24
~'o. 733 - City Clerk -- Re: tU-I-15/78, Objections to Zoning Am, endment By-law No.
79-209, Town of Fort Erie. The report advises that as a result of circulating
the subject by-law, four letters of objection and a petition bearing forty-eight
signatures in objection have been received.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman ScLisler, that
the objections be referred to the Ontario Municipal Board. Carried Unanimously.
No. 734 -- City Clerk .- Re: ~i-25/79, Objections to Zoning Am, endment By-law NO.
79-194, Kobert ~. Cushing. The report advises that as a result of circulating
the subject ~y--law, two letters of objections have been received.
ORDEI~D on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman l~insperger, that
the objections be referred to the Ontario ~unicipal Board. Carried Unanimously.
No. 735 -- City l~nager -- Re: Purchase of Fire Department Pumper. The report
recommends acceptance of the tender submitted by Pierreville 7ire Trucking Ltd.
for supply of a 1,050 gallon Class "A" Single Stage Fire Pumper.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried ~animousi~.
See Resolution No. 118
No. 736 - City Manager - Re: Nabisco Parking Lot Lighting. The report advises
that onstreet 2ighting adjacent to the subject lot has been improved and that
Niagara Falls Rydro is in the process of improving the lighting fixtures on the
lot itself, to correct existing low lighting levels.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 737 - City Manager - Re: 1979 Water Budget Account #32008 and #32100. The
report advises of overspending on the subject accounts, but that other activities
have been partly curtailed to further compensate for any additional expenses
on the already exhausted account. Additional time and material work is
currently being done ca contract work which will further ease aDy additional
The Director of Municipal Works provided additional information in response
to a question raised by Mayor Thomson.
ClYDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Merrett, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 738 - Ci_t~ Mana~_~_r- Re: Interest on 1979 Tax Arrears. The report recommends
passage of a by-law to increase the rate of interest on 1979 tax arrears to 1¼%.
Alderman Schisler stated that he had received complaints about the methods
now being used by the City to collect arrears. The Alderman asked at what point
are overdue taxes considered arrears. ~yor Thomson stated that after the first
interim bill, taxes are considered in arrears if no payment is made. Alderman
Schisler felt that taxes became arrears at the end of the year if no payments
had been made, and that the City should not send letters threatening court
action. The Alderman stated that the taxes owing were 1979 taxes, and that
the City could not touch a person unless the taxes were three years in arrears.
P~yor Thomson pointed out that the new procedure was the subject of a report
recently approved by Council. The City Ireasurer explained that when any tax
insraiment was overdue, the City had the right to collect in any way possible,
and that this procedure had been presented to Council on the recommendation of
the Finance Committee. The procedure involved a series of letters designed to
go after those persons who have arrears outstanding from 1978 and beyond.
According to the Municipal Act, the 6ity can demand payment within fourteen days
of the mailing date of the bill.
Alderman Schisler stated that the 1978 taxes ~ere completely paid on
November 23 in one situation, and the 1979 taxes partially paid with $100.
The Alderman advised that the person in question was an average householder,
and it was her business why she could not pay her taxes. The Alderman also
questioned why there are registration proceedings, if the City is going to
threaten court action prior to three years. The City Treasurer stated that
registration is a last resort used, and is not intended to allow residents three
years of grace to pay their taxes.
Alderman Schisler agreed that taxes shoold be paid, but felt that the
letters being used took the wrong attitude by threatening court action. Mayor
Thomson again pointed out that Council had approved the procedure and that
staff shouldnot be criticized. The Mayor also suggested that it might he
- 10 -
advisable to have the Finance Committee review the contents of the letters
being mailed to property owners.
The City Treasurer also advised that these letters are only sent out
when friendly reminders have met with no success.
Alderman Merrett commented that it is finally hitting home that the City
is very serious about collecting taxes. The Alderman also stated that owners
are given lots of notice that taxes are due, and that the City cannot tell its
creditors that more time is required to meet financial obligations. Mayor
Thomson felt that people should not be given the idea they can let their taxes
go for three years before serious action will be taken by the City.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Chessman, seconded
by Alderman Hinsperger, that the report be received and adopted. Carried
It was then moved by Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Rinsperger,
that the procedure used in collection of tax arrears be referred to the Finance
Committee for review. Carried Unanimously.
No. 739 - City Manager - Re: Establishing Reserves to Complete Projects Budgeted
for in 1979. The report recommends passage of a resolution to establish reserve
accounts for projects budgeted for but not completed in 1979.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cheesman, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See Resolution No. 11
No. 740 - City Manager - Re: Registered Property 77-2, Daniel, Roger and Yvette,
Pt. Lot 220 and 219, Plan 32, Hickson Street. The report recommends, subject
to approval of the Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs, that the subject
property be conveyed by the City to the former owner.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sobol, that.the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
~ See By-law No. 79-24Z
No. 741 - City Manager - Re: Resale of Land - Belmont Avenue. The report
recommends the. resale of the subject land to Mr. M. Christopher for $4,500 which
is equal to the unpaid ta~es on the property for the years 1964 to 1979
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Chessman, seconded by Alderman Fern, that the
report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
See By-law No. 79-24~
No. 742 - City Manager - Re: Ontario Good Roads Association Annual Conference.
The report recommends the attendance of three members of Municipal Works, one
member of Council at the entire conference, and that as many members of Council
as possible attend the one day seminar for Councillors on February 25, 1980.
The conference is to be held in Toronto from February 25 - 27, 1980.
Mayor Thomson indicated that he would like permission to attend the
conference, particularly to see the new officers of the Association installed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Minsperger, that
the report be received and adopted, and further that Alderman Puttick and
Mayor Thomson be authorized to attend the conference. Carried Unanimously.
No. 743 - City Manager - Re: Subdivision Development in Registered Plans 16 and
11 in the former Village of Chippawn. The report recommends that the Director
of Municipal Works be authorized to engage the consulting engineering firm of
R.V. Anderson Associates to undertake the necessary engineering work for the
Servicing of these lands.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Hinsperger, the Director of
Municipal Works explained that these plans of subdivision are located on the
south aide of Cattell Drive to the east of Ares Court.
Mr. J. Kaufman of Kenmore Construction referred to a recommendation made
in the 1979 Report on Investigation of Basement Flooding Complaints, that the
remaining portions of the subject plans be deemed, and expressed his concern
that deeming would make the land worthless by de-registering the plans.
Mayor Thomson explained that deeming is only necessary to go through the channel
of re-negotiating the subdividere agreement to provide for servicing.
..... ll
- 11 -
~lderman Schisler referred to the recomnendztion in the 1979 Report on
Investigation of Easement Flooding Complaints. that no further development in
the drainage area of the undersized sanitary sewers should be perr.~itted until
a suitable outlet is made available, and felt that Council should stick to
this original recommendation.
Alderman MacBain expressed dissatisfaction with the preparation of the
report and hoped that the course on report writing will r. ake futere reports
more understandable.
Following further comn~ent, it was moved by Alde~an Schisler, seconded
by Alderman Sobol, that no further devetcpment'in tke drainage area of the
undersized sanitary sewers be permitted until a suitable outlet is made available.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
.~YE: Aldermen Cheesman, Cammings, Dilts, Fern, Orr, Puttick, Scbisler, Sobol
and Wallman.
NAYE: Aldermen Hinsperger~ MacBain and Merrett.
No. 744 - City Manager - Re: Coronation Recreation Centre. The report provides
information on the status of financing on the Coronation Recreation Centre.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Orr, seconded by Aldem~an MacBain, that the
report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 745 - City Fmnager - Re: Proposed Kingsview Subdivision. The report
recommends that Council approve a one year extension on the draft plan approvai
and that the Subdivisions Branch of the Ministry of Housing be notified
accordingly. The report further reconnnends that staff be directed to consider
a policy with respect to the number of extensions granted or the maximum time
limit for such extensions.
Mayor Thomson stated that construction of storm sewers on Merrett was
being held up because of the delays involved in developing the subdivision,
and that he was receiving complaints regularly from area residents concerning
the condition of the roadways. ·Alderman MmcBain suggested that Council could
advise the developer that no further extensions will be granted,· Mayor
Thomson felt that Council should wait until the proposed policy is presented
which would set a limit on the number of extensions or maximum time limits
for extensions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger,
that the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 746 - City Manager - Re: Falls Industrial Park Extension. The report
recommends that Council approve a request for reserve of Lot 25 in the Falls
Industrial Park Extension to Mr. A. Hooper of Niagara Industrial Instruments
until June 4, 1980, and that City officials be authorized to process this
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by ~lderman Merrett, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 747 - City Manager - Re: Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees.
The report advises of the appointments to expire at the end of 1979, and requests
direction of Council in the filling of the resulting vacancies.
O,.RDERED on the motion of ~derman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Orr, that
advertisements be placed in the local press advising of the appointments to be
made, and inviting interested individuals to apply. Carried Unanimously.
No. 748 - City Manager - Re: Report of the General Committee.
The report recommends ratification of the following action taken by the General
Committee on December 10, 1979: 1) That Recommendation (a) on Page 8 of the
Landfill Site Report be amended to read: Non-putrescible wastes be banned from
the site and a City by-law defining such materials ~e prepared providing however
that any material that can be placed in a garbage bag can be disposed of at
the sanitary landfill site, whether putrescible or non-putrescible, including
· small tree limgs and branches, the diameter of which will be specifically outlined
in the by-law banning the disposal of certain wastes at the landfill site.
2) That Recommendation (b) be revised as follows: Since it is recommended to
ban non-putrescibles, but it is nevertheless desirable to provide Niagara Falls
citizens access to the site to dispose of all their common household refuse, the
Co~ittee recommends that upon providing proof of residehey in the City of Niagara
Falls, the operators of privately owned passenger vehicles and trucks having a
capacity of up to three-quarters of a ton, as well as passenger vehicles towing
2-wheel trailers, be provided access to the sanitary landfill site for the disposal
of all refuse, providing however that the material to be disposed of is contained
in proper garbage begs. The actual details of these restrictions will be more
properly defined in a by-law to be submitted to Council for further consideration;
..... 12
- 12 -
3) That the revised procedures for garbage disposal be reviewed six months
after its implementation; and 4) that suitable releases be prepared for the
media outlining to the publlc that new provisions regarding the use of the
sanitary landfill site will be placed in effect on March 1st, 1980.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sobel, seconded by Alderman Cheesman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 749 - City Manager - Re: Building & Development Department Report for
November, 1979. The report provides current news relative to permit statistics
development proposals and other noteworthy data concerning specific functions
and the daily activities of the Building & Development Department.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Wallman, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 750 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Accounts· The report recommends payment
of the municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 751 - City Manager - Re: Fire Chief. The report recommends the appointment
of the present Director of Training, David T. Kemp, as Chief of the Niagara Falls
Fire Department as of April 1, 1980.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously.
No. 752 - City Manager - Re: Maintenance & Operations Engineer. The report
advises that Mr. H. Woodgate has appointed Maintenance and .Operations Engineer
effective January 14, 1980.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cummings, seconded by Alderman Dilts, that
the report be received and filed. Carried Unanimously.
VEREAL REPORT - Director of Municipal Works - Re: Rental of Equipment for
Winter Control. The Director of Municipal Works advised that a letter had been
received from Calaguiri & Sons Construction and Excavating Limited, offering
the rental of certain equipment for winter control. It ~further advised that
when the recent tenders were called, not many contractors submitted bids, and
it was felt advisable that this additional tender be accepted· The Director
of Municipal Works recommended that the tender submitted by Calaguiri & Sons
Construction and Excavating Limited for the rental of equipment for winter contrc
be accepted at the quoted price of $50 per hour for a grader and $35 per hour
for a front end loader.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Schisler, the Director of
Municipal Works stated that no other tenderors would be hisplaced as a result
of accepting the new tender.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the recommendationbe adopted. Carried Unanimously..
No. 116 - FERA - DILTS - REBOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-239, for the rezoning
of Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19 in the propoaed Kingsview Subdivision, conforms to
Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, as amended
and approved by the Minister of Housing; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed. ,~. Carried UnanimoGSly
No. 117 - FERA - HINSPERGER - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls hereby certifies that By-law No. 79-241 for the
rezoning of lands on the south side of Paddock Trail Drive, immediately south
of and adjacent to Ascot Woods Subdivision N.S. 39, conforms to Official Plan
Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, as amended and approved
by the FAnister of Housing; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 118 - FERA- HINSPERGER - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by Fierreville
Fire Truck Ltd. for the supply of a 1,050 gallon Class "A' Single Stage Fire
Pamper, be accepted at the quoted price of $67,666.00; ~ The Seal of 'the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimousIX
No. 119 - NACBAIN - ~ERRETT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls hereby authorizes ;and directs that the following
..... 13
- 13 -
amounts be established as_ reserves and said amounts be used for the purpose
enumerated hereunder: ~
Budget Code Amount
1) Election Costs 10115 $23,800
2) Fire Truck 10714 30,000
3) Fairview Greenhouse 12623 4,000
4) New Garbage Compactor 11434 35,000
5) Clay Liner for Landfill Site 11508 6,000
6) Replace Sewer on Morrison, Erie to Zimmerman 11608 19,000
7) Replace Sewer in part on Sinnicks 11608 8,000
8) Replace Sewer in part on Fourth Avenue, 11608 5,000
Hamilton to Bridge
9) Franklin J. Miller Park 12164 8,000
10) Housing Studies 12755 6,000
11) Commercial Development on Queen & Erie Entrance 12782 28,000
12) Municipal Drainage Investigation 440 3,000
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Cummings, that
leave be granted to introduce the following by-laws, and the by-laws be read a
first time:
No. 79-236 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Maple Leaf
Village Investments Inc.
No. 79-237 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-200. (River Rd. Entrance to Queen St.)
No. 79-238 - A By-law to provide for the placing of a gazebe, l~ndscaping devices
and other related appurtenances at or near the intersection of Queen'
Street, Cataract Avenue and River Road and the placing of landscaping
devices at or near the intersection of Queen Street and Zinmerman
No. 79-239 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-22/79,
Kenmore Construction)
No. 79-240 - TABLED
NO ·
79-241 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-27/79,
N.P.H.B. Developments)
No. 79-242 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-67 being a by-law to provide for the
collection of taxes for the year 1979.
No. 79-243 - A By-law to authorize the conveyance of land to Roger Daniel.
No. 79-244 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land. (Belmont Avenue)
No. 79-245 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merrett, seconded by Alderman Chessman, that
the following by-laws be now read a second and third time:
No. 79-236 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Maple Leaf
Village Investments Inc.
No. 79-237 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79-200. (River Rd. Entrance to Queen St.)
No. 79-238 - A By-law to provide for the placing of a gazebe, landscaping devices
and other related appurtenances at or near the intersection of Queen
Street, Cataract Avenue and River Read and the placing of landscaping
devices at or near the intersection of Queen Street and Zimmerman
- 14 -
- 15 -
No. 79-239 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara .Falls, as amended. (AM-22/79,
Kenmore Construction)
No. 79-240 - TABLED
No. 79-241 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (AM-27/79,
N.P.H.B. Developments)
No. 79-242 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 79~67 being a by-law to provide for the
collection of taxes for the year 1979.
No. 79-243 - A By-law to authorize the conveyance of land to Roger Daniel.
No. 79-244 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land. (Belmont Avenue)
No. 79-245 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Fera felt that consideration should be given to appointing a
replacement for Mr. E. Stewart on the Planning & Development Committee.
The Mayor advised that the appointments will be advertised in the press, and
he could see no reason for Council to make an appointment without giving the
public the opportunity to submit names.
The City Clerk advised that although this matter had been raised previously,
no definite motion had been made by Council to terminate Mr. Stewart's membership
on the Committee.
In response to a question raised by Alderman Puttick, Alderman Fern stated
that the appointment would be for the remainder of the two year term.
Following further comment, it was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by
Alderman Puttick, that Mr. E. Stewart be replaced on the Planning and Development
Committee. Carried Unanimously.
overhead, including maintenance. The Alderman felt such a study would be
of a far greater scope than could be handled by City staff, and suggested
that proposals be invited by computer firms to present proposals to examine
our needs, requirements and determine whether it further use of computers
is feasible and justifiable. It was moved by Alderman Cheesman, seconded
by Alderman MacBain, that staff investigate the forther use of computers, invite
proposals and return an interim report by the end of June, 1980, and that the
matter be reviewed at that time. Carried Unanimously.
The Planning Director advised that the decision of the Land Division
Committee with respect to the subject application, should be appealed, however
it was not possibleto have a report prepared for Council on the matter.
It was requested that Council authorize staff to file an appeal to the Ontario
Municipal Board of this decision~ A full report wouldzbe presented at the
next regular meeting of Council, and Council could at that time determine
whether or not the appeal should remain. It was moved by Alderman Schisler,
seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that Council appeal the decision of the Land
Division Connnittee respecting the subject application. Carried Unanimously.
Mayor Thomson, members of Council and City staff exchanged best wishes
for the Christmas season and the coming New Year.
It was moved by Alderman Hinsperger, seconded by Alderman Fera, that the
meeting adjourn.
· ' ' o .LiNso ,
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, secondedbyAlderman Dilts, that
Paragraph 3 of the current budget guidelines be amended by deleting the date
of February 13, 1980 for review of the budget by the Finance Committee and
inserting the date of January 15, 1980. Carried Unanimously.
Alderman Puttick suggested that this date could be extended several days
It was moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Hinsperger, that
when the new draft Five Year Capital Budget is prepared pursuant to the presentl'
approved guidelines of November 5, 1979, the City Manager be requested to also
prepare a further supplementary draft five year capital budget wherein the
estimated capital debt will be reduced by $1,000,000 at the end of the said
five year period, provided that to give effect to the reduction of $1,000,000
over the said five year period, no deletions be made with respect to the water
distribution system or any remedial projects proposed to alleviate basement
flooding, either directly or indirectly, and that the supplementary budget shall
set forth in detail the detrimental effect of any of the deletions, reductions
or postponing of additional projects to give effect to the $1,000,000 reduction
proposed for consideration of Council under this resolution. Carried Unanimousl
Alderman Cheesman felt that Council should order a full scale examination
on ho~ the City could be putting its computers to the best possible use, such
as improvements in productivity of manpower, womanpower, speed of collection of
taxes and any processes which could be employed by computers to help reduce