Council Chambers,
January 8, 1973.
In accordance with the provisions of The Municipal Act and By-law
No. 7268 of the City of Niagara Falls, the Council met st 4:15 p.m. in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall. The Council included His Worship Mayor
George Bukator and Aldermen Christensen, Fern, Harrigan, Hunt, Keighan, Mann,
Puttick, gchisler, Smeaton, Thomson, Walker and Wallace.
The Statutory Declarations of Office and Qualifications were filed
with the City Clerk when the Oaths of Office had been taken by His Menour
Judge Johnstone L. Roberrs.
It was then Ordered on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Harrigan that a vote of thanks be extended to His Henour Judge
Johnstone L. Roberrs for administering the oaths of office to His Worship
M~yor Bukator and members of the City Council.
Following the Invocation, it was Ordered on the motion of Alderman
Keighan, seconded by Aldermen puttick that Reverend William Fingland, the
Officiating Clergyman, be thanked for his presentation of the Prayer of
Invocation. -"
His Worship Mayor Bukator then delivered his Inaugural Address . ~
Reverend Sirs, Honoured Guests, Members of Council, Ladies and'Gentlemen:
Several moments, ago,thirteen persons subscribed to an oath of
office which, upon completion, officially established the Council of the City
of Niagara Falls for the years 1973 and 1974. To those present and on behalf
of the members of ~he newly-elected Council, mey I convey our sincere
appreciation for the henour it is to have you share in this meaningful
I believe it has beegoastomary in the past for the newly-elected
Mayor to review in detail the items to be considered by the new Council.While
I intend to mention briefly those items of importance, I have no desire to
helahour the multiplicity of metters that this Council will face during the
next two years. My remerks will not be directed to my fellow members of
Council alone, but rather to each and every resident of the City of Niagara
Falls, for each of us has very important responsibilities to one another
and to our system of local government.
I do not intend to review or cu~n~ent on the previous administration-.
This is a new year - a new term - and a time to look optimistically ahead to
the future.
There has, for the past number of years, been additional emphasis
placed on the importance of citizen participation and involvement in the
function of local government. I suggest to the members of Council that it
is up to us to create a climate that will stimulate a genuine interest in
the municipality by our residents. People have, in the past and will continue
to be, the centre of my interest. It is for these people that local govern-
ment is established and we, as s Municipal Council, must not'degenerate into
a selected group of bureaucrats who, ~mmediately upon election, conveniently
forget their obligation to those represented. I earnestly solicit the support
of each and every resident of this City in Council's efforts - this is the
part you must play - for if we are to build a better place in which to live -
we must do it together.
This Council has today, in assuming the reins of control, been
given responsibility for the operation of the City for the next two years.
Our City is a fine place, a place without.major problems. There are, however,
many challenges that premise to make an exciting term of office. It is upon
these major challe. nges that I should like to dwell !or a few moments.
Of prime importance is the current shopping centre dilemma.
'A consultant has been retained and is presently working with administrative
staff to compile the info~mation necessary to permit conmencement of a
regional shopping centre. I am convinced that the established business
areas csn co-exist with a plaza - there is a place for both. In determining
the size of the approved plaza, full consideration will be given to the
normal expansion of existing business areas, This City has been blessed
with having businessmen who have a genuine interest in preserving the
established business areas. Through a combined effort with the City,
they have been able to prevent the decay that has befallen many of the
downtown areas elsewhere in the Province. Their continued interest is
widened by the self-help program now authorized by the downtown develop-
ment area, 3 proposal whereby the downtown businessmen will improve and
promote the downtown area through a levy made annually against their
properties. It is encouraging to note that a similar proposal is being
processed for the southend area. These programs must be encouraged as
they constitute an excellent example of c~wmuni~Y concern and involvement.
In all facets. of development, this Municipality must develop
an aggressive attitude. It is not enough to sit back and hope for things
to happen - we must '~n~ke things happen". We must build an image of the
City in the minds of industrialists and developers as a progressive,
expanding community. At the present time, there are approximately 2,200
residential lots now under development in proposddDplans of. subdivisions.
This is, I believe, indicative of the potential that is possible. With
our residential development, we must have corresponding industrial.
There is an t~nediate need to establish a greater degree of
co-ordination with the Business and Industrial Growth Committee. I would
like to suggest that, effective immediately, the ~ayor be authorized to
sit as a member of this committee and that a complete review be made of
the current program of industrial development.
During my many years of activity in the various levels of
government, I have been able to establish many lines of co~Eaunication. I
would ask Council's support in the building of bridges to those bodies
with whom we must work. Where existing legislation prohibits the City
from undertaking what it considers to be necessary, then legislation
should be changed. Of particular importance is the granting of tax relief
to persons on fixed incomes. : :
'While on the subject of greater liaison with other governmental
bodies, an immediate requirement is the need for closer liaison with the
Regional Municipality of Niagara. Situations have developed which would
lead one to believe that "the tight hand is unaware of whaC the left hand
is doing". Policies affecting matters of common interest to both C~local
and regional municipality cannot be formulated independently - they must
reflect acceptance by both parties. In this respect, it may be necessary
to schedule periodic meetings with the Regional representatives of the City
or with Regional Councillors. I do not intend to let this City become the
second choice City of the Region, nor do .I believe we should be reluctant
:in questioning the merit of an aspect of legislation governing regional
Certainly an encouraging sign is the cooperation that has been
initiated between our sister city - NiagaraFalls, New York. The urban
renewal program undertaken by that city and the construction Of a convention
centre development will have a major impset on'the tourist industry in both
cities. It is expected that 200 million dollars will be spent on this
project and it has been suggested that interhational reception centres be
established in both cities. To foster Join cooperation, I intend to meet
with the Bayor of Niagara Falls, New York, in order to create better
relationship and coordinate cur efforts in prunoting the Niagara frontier.
Ranking among the more important challenges and certainly requiring priority
,.is the proposed new regional official plan. I cannot over-emphasize the
importance of obtaining a complete understanding of the Region's proposal
and its short and long term effect upon the City of Niagara Falls. The
official plan may well be an excellent vehicle for establishing a new level
of Region-City cooperation. Likewise, the City's proposed new zoning by-law
is long overdue. At present the Municipality is labouring under a number of
obsolete zoning documents. The implementation of the new by-law has dragged
considerably and further processing is an immediate priority.
Regarding recreational facilities, a study should be undertaken
~rm~ediately to determine the need for additional facilities, in particular,
swimming and skating areas. The S.P.I.C.E, program has been successful in
involving some twenty service organizations in recreational needs. In this
manner, the Municipality has achieved diversified representation in deter-
mining recreational requirements. I am convinced that, notwithstanding pending
construction of the satellite arena adjacent to the Stamford Memorial Arena,
a new recreational complex is required, preferably in the southerly area of
the City. As a result of the S.P.I.C.E. program, a proposal is presently
being considered for the construction of a swimming pool in the Mitchelson
Park area of the City.
Before She end of the current month, the members of Council will
be asked to consider a proposed five-year capital budget. Careful consideration
must be given to establishing priorities in order to minimize rising debenture'
debt charges.
To be considered immediately is the Transit Study as prepared by
Acres Consulting Services Limited and the recommendations contained therein.
While any attempt to minimize the amount of annual operating deficit ~ncurred
by the Transit Commission is commendable, service cannot be curtailed simply
because it is not self-sustaining. The principal aim is to provide a service
for those who require it, not necessarily to derive a profit. Associated
with this matter is the decision to continue service to the former Chippaws
area and to amend Urban Service Area No. 2 in order to permit the residents
to carry their share of the coat.
During the 1973-74 construction season, it is expected that work
will be completed on various projects undertaken ~o curtail pollution.
Approximately three and one-half million dollars will be spent in the con-
struction of the low lift pumping station in the former Village of Chippaws,
a new high lift pumping station west of the hydro canal, together with
necessary forcemains and trunk sewermains. The overall effect of this work
will be to eliminate the treatment plant in Chippaws which has exceeded its
intended capacity, the sewage lagoon on the east side of Stanley Avenue north
of the Welland River and the settling tanks on the south side of McLeod Road
on the east bank of the hydro canal. As well as eliminating an existing
pollution problem, the completion of these facilities will enable further
development, particuhrly in the areas south of the Welland River and in the
Dr,,mmond - McLeod area.
In addition to the new pollution control systema previously
mentioned, expansion of water supply systems will be requir~d. Initiating
this expansion will be the construction of the new five million gallon water
reservoir ad]acent to the former N.S.& T. right-6f-way west of Kent Avenue.
While the acquisition of additional facilities such as sewer, water,
entail sizable expenditures, it is necessary that they be undertaken in order
~onmke serviceable land available for-industrial and residential expansion.
The expansion of sewer and water services will no doubt require a
review of the existing rates for both services within the next two years.
The new development arising as s result of the availability of services will
minimize the extent of any increases.
I am sure that during the coming:term, this Council will become
involved'in many issues effectinS the people of this City. It will be necessary
to help bring to fruition projects such as the proposed new public library
which it is hoped will be connenced in the spring, and to undertake thorough
examinations of proposals such as the report of the Steering Co~nittee
of Task Force Hydra and its reco~nendation that municipal hydra commissions
be rationalized into upper tier regional utility co~missions. While the
formation of utility co~missions at'a regional &]~vel may be an ultimate goal
of the Task Force, it would appear to be much more practical and an
immediate remedy to consolidate present utility conmissions to coincide
with municipal boundaries. The continuing existing of the Chippaws Public
Utilities Commission to handle the supply of power to a small segment of
the City seems most impractical, particularly when consideration is given
to other services that are now centralized within the enlarged City. In
any discussions involving utility coomissions, we must continue to speak
on behalf of the basic power users.
From the foregoing, it will become evident that we face a
challenging period ahead. We certainly do not lack an abundance of goals
at which to aim. It is the turning of these goals into achievements upon
which I wish to centre my closing remarks and it is these remarks that are
directed to each and every resident of the City of Niagara Falls, as well
as the Municipal Council.
Firstty, let us tackle the job that lies ahead with enthusiasm,
for enthusiasm is contagious. We cannot build a bigger and better City
in which to work and play if we are pulling in different directions. We
can only achieve greatness as a team working toward a cummon goal.
We live in the greatest City of the world - one that has been
abundantly blessed with unequalled natural beauty - but saying say just
isn't enough. proper recognition of this fact can only be accomplished
through the manner in which we cooperate to make it even greater. As men
are mauldud by their own actions, so also do co~mmunities or nations hold
fate in their own hands.
Let us here and now colleetiv~y resolve to be the masters of
our destinyt
Following the presentation of the Inaugural Address by His
Worship Mayor George Buka~or, it was Ordered on the motion of Alderman
.Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the Mayor's address be
included in the minutes of the meeting.
No. 73-1 - A By-law to provide for aDpointments to certain Boards,
Cc~a~lsA~ans and Committees.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carries Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by
Alderman Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third
.- Carried Unanimously
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by
Alderman Fera that the Council adjourn and reconvene on Tuesday, January 9,
1973, at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers,
January 9, 1973.
Council met on Tuesday, January 9, 1973, for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present. His
Worship Mayor George Bukstor presided as Chairman. Alderman Wallace
offered the Opening Prayer.
The minutes of the special meeting of December 11, 1972 and
a regular meeting held December 18, 1973 were adopted as printed.
Mayor Bukator commented on Alderman Keighan's concern that his
Declaration of Office as an Alderman may not be proper as he had unintentionally
held the Bible in his left hand during the inauguration ceremonies. To
eliminate any doubt, the City Clerk had administered the Oath of Office to
Alderman Keighan prior to the meeting. "
The Kinsmen Club of Chippawa requested permission for a spokesman to address
Council regarding prhposed recreational facilities.fqr the former Village
of Chippaws.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
M3~. D. Susin be granted permission to address Council,
Mr. Susin requested Council to specify that an amount qf $50,000,
allocated in the budget for recreational purposes in the former Village of
Chippawn,be granted to the Kinsmen Club of Chippaws for the specific purpose
of providing an outdoor artificial ice surface and building as the first
phase of a sports complex on the former Starlite property on Sodam Road.
In reply to numerous questions by members of Council, Mr. Susin
providing the following additional information: The Kinsmen Club, with the
support of the Citizens Action Connnittee and the Chippaws Lions' Club,
propose to develop the property as a conununity park; the Kinsmen Club has
applied for Local Initiative Program grant in the amount of $47,000 which
together with the City grant of $50,000, will be used to construct the ice
surface as the first stage of the project; additional funds will be raised
by public subscription; it is intended to proceed with the project with or
without the L.I.P. grant; the building, designed for a future second story
if necessary, will house public washrooms, change rooms, equipment and
storage rooms and a small concession room. Mr. Susin confi~med that the
interested organizations wish to proceed with the ice surface rather than
the swimming pool facilities previously considered by Council.
The Recreation Director, R. Sones, indicated his approval in
principle, of the project as presented. Development of the total area, he
said, has been recoumiended by the Citizens' Action Committee, the Volunteer
Firemen, the Lions' Club and the Kinsmen Club. He suggested the proposal be
presented to the Recreation Cou~ission at their next meeting.
· ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunts seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the Chippaws KinsmenAs proposal to develop an ice skating surface and
supporting building on property located on Sodam Road, be referred to the
City Manager and the Recreation Conmission for a report.
Keport #1 - City Clerk - Referring tothe request of D.D'Addio for a change
in zoning to permit the erection of a public garage for mechanical and
autobody repairs on property located at the south-east corner of Drummond
Read and William Street; advising that four letters of obJection'~aud
twenty-one identical letters in support of the application were received
following the usual circulation of the by-law; requesting the direction
of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report of the City Clerk be received and filed end, notwithstanding the
objections received, Council reaffirm an earlier decision to approve the
application of D.D'Addio and the application, together with the objections
received, be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board for consideration.
Report #2 - City Clerk - Advising that By-law 72-168 passed on September 25,
1972 will permit the construction of four multiple family dwellings on
property located at the soobh-east corner of St.Paul Ave. and Church's Lane;
advising further that the by-law together with the objections received
were forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board and the Board has appointed
Tuesday, Feb.6,1973 at 11:00 e.m. in the Council Chambers for a hearing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that the date of the hearing be noted and the report of the City Clerk be
received and filed.
No. 1 - Ukrainian Con~unity of Niagara Falls and District - Requesting
permission to raise the Ukrainian National Flag at City Hall on Jan.22,
1973 at 10:00 a.m. to connnemorate Ukraines' Independence and Unification;
inviting Members of Council to attend the flag-raisinS ceremony.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fern that
the invitation be accepted with thanks and as many members of Council as
possible attend the ceremonies.
No. 2 - NIAGARA FALLS FAMILY Y.M.C.A. - Requesting proclamation of the
week of January 15-21, 1973 as "Canadian Y Week".
ORDENED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Marrigan
that the communication be received and the proclamation be approved in
accordance with established policy.
No. 3 - Ontario Good Roads Association - Re: 7~ Anniversary Convention,
Toronto, February 26 and 28, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that the connunication be received and filed and Alderman Hunt, one other
member of Council and five members of the Engineering Department be
authorized to attend the Ontario Goods Roads Conference. Naming of the
second member of Council to attend the Conference was deferred pending
an indication of interest by any member. The motion Carried with
Aldennan Puttick voting contrary and all others in,layout.
No. 4 - Ontario Good Reeds.Association - Seminar for Councillors, Ontario
Good Roads Convention, Monday, February 26,1973, Toronto.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that the communication be received and filed and any member of Council
expressing an interest in attending the one-day Seminar be authorized to
do so. The motion Carrie_...~with Alderman PuStick votix~ contrary and all
others in fayour,
No. 5 -.Task Force on Policing in Ontario - Advising that the Task Force
will study the needs, reso~ces and application of police services in
O~tsrio during the cominS years; advising further that hearings will be
conducted throughout the Province with.the location of such hearings
determined by the prior submission of witten briefs no later than
February 1, 1913.
Task Force on Policing - Contd.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and referred to the Regional Municipality of
Niagara requesting the Region to submit a brief on behalf of area
. In response to a suggestion by Alderman Thomson, the City Manager indicated
that he, in conjunction with the Superintendent of Police, would submit
comments to Regional authorities for possible inclusionin. the brief.
No. 6 - Town of Fort Erie - Requesting endorsation of a resolution petitioning
the Provincial Government to establish the first Monday of November as the
date for municipal elections.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the communication be received and the resolution of the Town of Fort Erie
be not endorsed.
No. 7 - Town of Pelham - A resolution requesting the Ontario Good Roads
Association to petition the Ministry of Transportation and Communications
for increased subsidies.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the communication be received and filed and the resolution of the Town
of Pelham be not endorsed.
No. 3 - Planning Administrator - Re: AM-26/72 Admiral Motel, 5911 Clark Ave.
The fezcuing application will allow the owners of the Admiral Motel to use
the bottom portion of the building ironling on Ferry Street for the purpose
of a motel office and store. The amending by-law will also permit a lot,
located south of the existing motel, to be used for tourist commercial
purposes. The report advises that the site plan and conditions for the
site plan agreement have been approved by the Site Plan Technical Cor~uittee
and the Staff Management Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the advisory report be received and filed.
See By-law No.73-7
No. 4 - Planning Administrator - Re: AM-6/71 Stamford Green Investments Ltd.,
west side of Portage Road North. Advising that the proposal is to legalize
a non-conforming uae of property which is part of the Town and Country
shopping plaza and includes a Shell service station; advising also that the
site plan and agreement were considered and approved by the Site Plan
Technical Committee and Staff Management Committee. The agreement provides
that any future changes in the building or driveways of the service station
will be subject to Council's approval of a revised plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded By Alderman Hunt that
the advisory report be received and filed.
See By-law No. 73-9
No. 5 - City MariaSet - Re: Lundy's Lane Widening at Montrose Road. Noting
that a portion of land in front of property owned by the City at the north-
east corner of Lundy's Lane and Montrose Road, previously expropriated for
rounding the corner, was not officially established as a public highway;
advising tha~ inasmuch as Lundy's Lane and Mootrose Roads are now Regional
roads, the Region has requested the City to convey the land to the Region
followinS which the Regional council will pass s by-law to establish the
-lands as a ~ubl~c highwayx ~econ~nending that the request be granted and
the land conveyed to the Regional Municipality for a nominal con~ idaration.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted. ,
See By-law No.73-5
No. 6 - City Manager ~ Re: Bridge Street - Stanley Avenue Intersection.
Referri~S to an earlier decision of Council to authorize the Region to
proceed with the necessary improvements at the intersection of Bridge
St. and Stanley Ave.; advistnS the Region has now accepted a tender for
the proposed road wideninS, curb reconstruction and sidewalk relocation;
recommending that the by-law appearing on the agenda be approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Hsrrigan
that the report be received and adopted.
See By-law No. 73-6
Reports (~°nt'd)na er - Re: purchase of a 5-acre parcel of land in the former
for park purposes. Advxsing that the transaction was
completed in December, 1972 and a by-law to'approve and ratify the acqutsi-
hi .
tion of the land is included in the agenda.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the advisory report of the City Manager be received and filed.
See By-law No.73-3
No. 8 - Git Mama er - Re: Acquisition of land required for outlet for
of Garden St. and
land owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Weaver on the north side
lying between the north limit of Garden St. and the southeasterlY limit of
the H E P C power canal reserve land; advising that the property owners have
fo~ the appraised value
reque~t~d't~t the City purchase the land outright
of $225.00 plus legal fees in the amount of $75.00. The by-law to authorize
the perchase is listed on the agenda.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the advisory report be received and filed. See By-law No. 73-4
No. 9 - City Manager ' Re: By-law for Restriction of Heavy Traffic.
Reco~nding that By-law No. 1011 - 1956 of the former VilAage of Chippaws
prohibiting heavy traffic on Sarah Street be repealed immediately;
reco~nending further that if Council is of the opinion that heavy traffic
be prohibited from Sarah St., Staff be directed to include the street in
Schedule "A" of By-law 72-163 which prohibits heavy traffic on certain
roadways within the City. It was noted that according to the provisions
of By-lsw No. 1011, trucks weighing five tons or more are prohibited on
Sarah Street including road graders for snow ploughing, garbage packers,etc-;
By-law 72-163 describes ,,heavy traffic" as vehicles weighing 10 tons.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
The City Engineer indicated that heavy traffic restrictions on
other roadways will be dealt with as the need arises. Several years ago, he
said, a proposed by-law setting out various truck routes (basically Regional
roads) was set aside by Council. At the present time all Regional roadways
allow truck traffic. information regarding the previously suggested truck
routes will be made available to Council.
No. 10 - City Mama8er ' Re: international Asphalt PaviBg Conference,Bermuda,
February 21 - 25,' 1973. Advising that a special invitation has been extended
to the City Engineer, R.W.Rodman to present the views of the smaller cities
on theMaintenance-Management System relating to roadway construction and a
performance review of pavement resurfactng techniques; recommending that Mr.
Roaman be authorized to represent the City at the Conference.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 11 - City Manager - Re: Housing and Urban Development Assoc~ convention'
January 28 to 31,1973 in Toronto. Reconmmending that the Building Inspector
be authorized to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 12 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of a~plications
to manage sod conduct Bingo Lottery series for the year 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report be received and adopted. '
No. 13-Lottery Licensing Officer - Reco~mending approval of applications to
marmac a~d conduct p~ffle"totteries.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderm~nMann,
report be received and adopted.
seconded by Alderman Munt thet the
-5 -
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 14 - City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Aldernmn Smeaton
that the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 15 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 16 - City Manager - permits issued by the Building Department for
the month of December, 1972.
Mayor Bukator drew attention tothe total figures which indicate an
increase of 4~ million dollars in the value of building permits since
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the report be received and filed.
Alderman Keighan commented on the discrepancy between the
City's cormnercial and industrial assessment and the value of building '-
permits issued. In 1971 assessment was less ~by~ one million dollars
while the report presented to Council indicates building permits i~sued
in the value of seventeen million dollars. The Alderman predicted
serious problems if assessment figures continue to drop while municipal
spending increases. For the benefit of the new Cquncil members, he
requeated a report, in layman's language, setting out what the Council
and the taxpayers are committed to by way of capital expenditures. He
stated that approximately 3~ million dollars, not yet reflected on tax
bills, is being spent on new projects ~uc~d~it~on tobthe~ib~ary~satellite
arena and a water reservoir.
Alderman Keighan asked that the report also indicate the
amount already contributed to the ExpanSion and Renewal Fund by
subdividers for the expansio~ of sewer and water systems and why the
fund is not used for the purpose for which it was designed.
In respect to assessment, the City Manager stated that due
to re-evaluation, the method of assessment will change in 1975 but, in
the meantime, the City is working with the existing system which is not
satisfactory. During the past two months, he said, several ~eetings
have been held with assessment branch officials to clarify several
· matters and it is believed a neWlY-adoPted system of reporting between
the City and the Province will improve the situation. Although some
figures are not as yet obtainable from the Region, Mr. Price
his repQrt will give as good an indication as possible of the projected
capital debt, debt charges and mill rate-increases.
In reply to questions by Alderman Hunt, the City Engineer
advised that no reply has been received from the Welland B~anch of Ontario
Hydro in respect to the suggested lighting of Lyonis Creek Parkway and
Lyon's Creek Road. The matter will be followed up by staff members.
Alderman Christensen reported that a representative of the local
Minor Hockey Association had approached him about the possibility of pro-
riding skate sharpening services at the Niagara Palls Memorial Arena. He
pointed nut that during a recent tournament, the service was not available
for participating teams in the early morning hours. The suggestion was
referred to the City Manager.
Alderman puttick suggested that a park on Robinson Street, now
known as Grey Park, be re-named to henour farmer Mayor Franklin J. Miller.
Alderman Thomson suggested that either the new satellite arena or the
proposed co~munity park in the former Village of Chippaws could be named
in honour of the former Mayor. Mayor Bukator said that his first item of
business as Mayor was to write to the former Mayor commending him for his
many years of excellent service to the City and the public.
A motion by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Harrigan to
refer the suggestions to the City Manager and the City Clerk for consideration
and a report Carried unanimously,
Alderman Thomson referred to Mayor Bukator's inaugural speech in
which he indicated his intention to establish improved relations with the
City of Niagara Falls, N.Y. The Alderman noted that some time ago Mayor
Lackey had arranged a meeting of the two Councils and it was understood
that Niagara Falls,Ontario would reciprocate but this has not been done as
yet. As Council's representative to the Niagara Parks Commission and as a
member of a committee studying sight pollution on both the United States
and Canadian side of the Niagara River, Alderman Thomson suggested that
His Worship Mayor Bukator arrange a similar meeting as soon as possible.
It was moved by Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that Mayor Bukator be requested to arrange a joint meeting of the Councils
of Niagara Falls, Ontario and Niagara Falls, New York and the planning
boards, industrial committees and Chambers of Commerce of both con~nunittes.
The motion Carried unanimously.
Alderman Puttick expressed his concern about the reported expendi-
ture of $500 million dollars of tax money to finance the Olympic Games in
Montreal in 19~6. The Alderman voiced his objections to the City contributing
any funds whatsoever to provide housing for competing athletes. It was his
opinion that if monies were available they should be used for more worthy
projects such as urban renewal, the welfare of senior citizens, etc.
It was then moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Mann
that the City Clerk be directdd to prepare a resolution to decry the amount
of money to be expanded for the 1976 Olympics and to suggest that the
government establish more acceptable priorities for use of the funds. The
motion Carried unanimously.
The resolution will be presented for the consideration of Council
at a future meeting.
Alderman Wallace requested the City Solicitor to provide written
information as to whether it is the responsibility of.the City Council or
the Regional Council to provide the land a~d/or building for a new police
building and provincial courthouse. He also asked the City Manager to
prepare a report setting out the history of the project and stating the
amount the City has already spent for architectural plans and specifications
and the present ownership of such plans and specifications. The Alderm~n
asked for further information concerning the City's acquisition of land in
the Huron,Morrison,0ntario,Erie Avenue area; the purchase price of the
acquired properties and the status of negotiations for the remaining
properties. He enquired if City funds were used to purchase the properties
or if any portion was paid by the federal government through an urban
renewal program. Alderman Wallace asked if the City had made a~plication
for urban renewal funds and requested details and status of the application.
The Alderman explained that inasmuch as Council will become involved in a
proposed five-year capital budget, he wanted to know where this partLcular
project fitted into the proposed budget. Council approved the request for a
report on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Thomson.
Alderman Puttick noted that plans had been prepared and reviewed
by the Superintendent of Police and suggested a letter previously received
from the R~gional Police Co~ntssion in regard to the selection of a site
be made available tothe new members of Council,
- 7-
New Business (Cont'd)
It was moved by Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that the meeting of Council scheduled for January 15, 1972 for the
purpose of considering the Capital Budget, be an open public meeting.
The motion Carried unanimously.
No. 72-172 - A By-law to authorize the construction of a storm sewermain
on Murray Street extended and an outfall to the Niagara River as an
extension and improvement to the existing sewage system in the Urban
Servi~e Areas of the City. (The By-law received a first and second
reading on September 25, 1972)
THIRD READING - Alderman Hunt and Alderman Man.
Carried Unanimously
No. 72-181 - A By-law to authorize the construction of improvements and
extensions to the sewage system in the Urban Service Areas of the City.
(Storm sewermain on Dorchester Road from Caledonia St. to Douglas St.
and on Caledonia St. from Dorchester Rd. to Hater Ave. The By-laW was
given a first and second reading on October t0th,1972)
THIRD READING - Alder~nanMann and Alderman Schisler.
Carried Unanimously
No. 72-214 - A By-law to approve an application of The Niagara Falls Public
Library Board for the issue of debentures in the principal amount of
$1,400,000. (The by-law was given a first and second reading on November 27,
THIRD READING - Aldernmn Schisler and Alderman Hunt.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-2 - A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $4,000,000.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Mann that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-3.- A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land in ~he former
Township of Crowland for park purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderm~n Schisler be granted leave to introduce the
By-law and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the By-law be now given the second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
By-laws (Cont'd)
No. 73-4 - A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land required for
~he Br~kfield Avenue storm sewermain.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Schisler that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce
the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by
Alderman Mann that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-5 - A By-law to authorize the conveyance of land to the
Regional Municipality of Niagara. (Northeasterly corner of Lundy's
Lane and Montrose Road)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by
Alderman Schisler that Aldernmn Smeaton be granted leave to introduce
the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by
Alderman Mann that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-6 - A By-law to authorize the conveyance of land to The
RegionaY Municipality of Niagara. (Southeasterly cOrner'of Stanley
Ave. and Bridge St.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by
Alderman Christensen that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce
the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Christensen that the By-l~w be now given a second and third
reading. Carried Unanimously
~o. 73-7 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement
with Paul Roffner and others. (Admiral Motel, Clark Ave.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Themson, seconded by
Alderm~n Schisler that Alderman Fera be granted leave to introduce
the By-law and the By-law be given the ~ir8~ reading. -.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderm~n Fera, seconded by
Aideman Hunt that the By-law be now given the second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-8 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955, as amended. (Admiral
Motel, Clark Avenue)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by
Alderman Wallace that Alderman Walker be granted leave to introduce the
By-law and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimous.ly
- 9 -
By-taw No.73-8 (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman
Wallace that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No.73-9 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan aguemerit
~with Stamford Green Investments Limited. (Westerly side of Portage
Road, Town and Country Plaza)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce
the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Fera that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-10 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township
of Stamford, now in the City of NiagaraFalls, as amended. (Stamfor~ Green
Investments Ltd., Westerly side of Portage Road)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by
Alderman Hunt that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the
By-law and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by
Aldermen Fera that the By-law be now given the second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-11 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law
and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. on the motion of Alderman Thomson,
seconded by Alderman Hunt.
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
January 15, 1973.
Council met in open session on Monday, January 15, 1973, at 7:30 p.m.
for the purpose of discussing a Five Year Capital Budget Forecast. His Worship
Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman. All Members of Council were present
with the exception of Alderman Puttick.
The City Manager, S. R. Price, explained the purpose of the report
was to give Council an over-view of the City's position and the projected five
year capital budget program. The report indicates a tax supported debt of
approximately $18,500,000 and a self sustaining debt of $4,200,000 resulting
in a total debt of $22,700,000 to which the City is comuitted as of December 31,
An analysis of tax supported City debt indicates the outstanding debt
forecast at the end of the years 1973 to 1977, mostly for projects already
approved. Mr. Price noted the outstanding City debt forecast at the end of
1973 is $9,686,000 and includes an amount of 1.4 million dollars for the new
In reply to questions by Alderman Keighan, the City ~anager sei~
the report indicates the Council-controlled debt and does not include the
education debt, the figures for which are not available at this time. There
are no nmjor expenditures for schools in 1973, he said, and there has been a
substantial decrease in school board budgets for the past two years. The
Deputy Treasurer, R. Lewis, advised that items for which the City is entirely
responsible include pollution control, waterworks, sanitary sewers and pumping
stations. The City's portion of the cost'of other regional projects such as
major roadways and municipal buildings-is basically 21% according to the ratio
of tax assessment which varies each year. The City has control over projects
within the municipality; on Regional undertakings, such as bridges, liaison
is provided through the City's representatives on the Regional Council which
includes Mayor Bukator. The Region is responsible only for the facilities
that are allocated under Bill 174.
At present the municipality must operate under existing assessment
systems, Mr. Price said. In 1975 when equalization is completed, the market
value assessment will be in effect.
It was noted that the City of Niagara Falls is below the suggested
debt limit and is not in a critical position financially. The City has the
second lowest mill rate in the Niagara Peninsula. A comparison of mill rates
for debt charges provided by the Deputy Treasurer, indicates 12 mills for
Niagara Falls, 15 mills for Port Colborne, 12 mills for St.Catharines and
close to 15 mills for the City of Welland.
Expressed as a mill rate, the City's tax supported debt charges
total 7.7 mills, being 4.6 mills for City General and 3.1 mills for urban
service areas. The 1973 budget and future budgets will be in relation to that
The total estimated tax supported debt charges for City debt and
City supported regional debt in the General Area and Urban Service Area is
$1,726,000 which includes 3~ million doll rs for the southend sewer system and
all other projects that have been approved and are under construction. The
mill rate for all tax supported debt charges is 11.9 mills.
The report also provides an analysis of debt supported by water
rates. The 1973~1977 Regional debt supported by Niagara Falls water rates is
not available at this time.
- 2-
The total capital budget for all purposes is $2,525,000.
A statement of unfnnded capital works as of December 1972 refers
to projects approved but not funded as well as projects approved but not
commenced. Included are roads, storm sewermains, sanitary sewermains, local
improvements, water as well as such items as the new library, arena and
structural reinfor~ement~ of the Niagara Falls Arena.
It was pointed out that the budget when passed by Council, will
be forwarded to the Regional Municipality to be consolidated with the
budgets of other area municipalities. Following Regional approval, the
consolidated budget is forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board. The Board's
approval is limited to expenditures for the current year. For this reason,
staff members, for the most part, restricted thei~ connnents on the details
of the capital budget to the years 1973 and 1974.
The City Engineer, R.W.Rodman, explained that the estimates given
are preliminary engineering estimates only. When works are required, the
item must be presented to Council with a full engineering report and detailed
costs. A by-law must be passed for each project. Re pointed out that
major roads in the municipality are regional afterisis and there are not too
many large capital works that are within the City's jurisdiction.
In reply to Alderman Keighan's concern about the City's obliga-
tion to pay 21% of all regional roadwork regardless of the municipality
in which construction or reconstruction takes place, Councillor Mitchelson
sta~ed that regional roads are discussed by the Regional Public Works and
Utilities Conmittee which attempts to spread the work over the entire
Region. Alderman Thomson saggeared that the City seek the snpport of area
municipalities of a resolution petitionleg the Regional Council to consider
· a five or ten year works program so that each municipality wo~ld be assured
of s fair allocation from the Region. While agreeing with the validity of
the suggestion, the City Engineer suggested that the problem is the Region
does not have a five year budget forecast for roads at this time. Eventually
the Region will get into a planning program whereby each municipality will
be more aware of the individual works going on throughout the Region. This
will allow more co-ordination of underground and road projects.
Alderman Wallace noted that during the next two years, apart
from local improvements, the only roadwork suggested is on Morrison Street
from Victoria to Cryslat and from Cryslat to Erie Avenue. The Alderman
questioned the priority given to Morrison Street. The City Engineer
explained the roadway is in poor shape, has exceeded its lifetime and
requires reconstruction to collector standards. The Morrison St.alignment
frnmStanley Ave. westerly is a Regional responsibility end money has been
allocated in the Regional budget to construct Morrison St. from Dorchester
Road to Dr,wnmond Road. The bridge across the H.E.P.C.Canal will be a
Regional responsibility. It is also anticipated that Mg~r,l~son St. when
extended across the Q.E.W. will be a Regional roadway. ...
Three bridges are proposed for 1973 and construction by-laws will
be required: 1) Portage Road bridge over the C.N.R.near Rainbow Dairies;
.2) Robinson St. bridge and 3) Portage Rd. bridge over th~ H.E.P.C.Canal.
The City Engineer advised that the Portage Road bridge over the
C~N.R.railway presently has a five-ton limit. Consultants have been
enraged and eventually the road will be to collector ~oadway standards under
City Jurisdiction.
To date, the Regional Hunicipslity has not accepted' the City's
scheme for bridges over the H.E.P.C. Canal. 'Once a decision has been made, th
width of the Portage Rd. bridge can be investigated. The City has an agreement
with Hydro whereby the Hydro Commission pays the City's share of the con-
struction cost of the bridge itself. Consultants have been retained for
the desi8n work and it is proposed to proceed with this work and negotiate
with the Region as to the width of the structure. This bridge now has an
8-ton load limit in effect.
- 3 -
Bridges (Cont'd)
The Robinson Street presently has a load limit. An application has
been submitted to the Canadian Transport Commission for a proposed cost-sharing
arrangement. Permission has been granted to give estimates to the Ministry of
Transportation and Communications. The municipality gets involved in about 20%
of the cost after subsidy. The City's consultants have prepared preliminary
designs for the proposed bridge.
H.A.Lamb, Projects Engineer, noted that three lots are proposed for
1973: 1. Main Street lot 2. A lot at Crysler and St. Clair Ave. and 3. Lot at
Erie Ave. and Ontario Ave. It is intended that the charges resulting from the
issue of debentures will be paid for by businesses within the specific benefit
areas of the City and not by the general taxpayer. Businesses in the downtown
area are presently paying the actual cost of two existing parking lots on
Huron Street and the same specific area charg~s~are suggested for the three
lots proposed in the budget.
The Main Street lot will be located behind the Main St. liquor store.
The parking lots to the rear of the liquor store, the bank and other establish-
ments have been studied and appraisals nmde. Staff is presently determining
the exact cost of acquiring the properties. Estimates will then be completed
and permission sought to pass a by-law and approve the spegial assessment
arrangements .
Between Crysler and St. Clair A~e. is an existing parking lot which
provides free parking at this time. The acquisition of one duplex house facing
St.Clair Ave. is being investigated. Lots to the rear of all businesses in
the total block will be improved, landscaping undertaken and the control of
entrances improved.
The City owns some property near the ramlway spur which runs from
Erie Ave. towards Ontario Ave. It is proposed to acquire additional property
if it 'is available and re-surface and impr,ove the area to provide more parking.
The program for the year 1974 includes the establishment of parking
lots on Park Street between Ontario and St. Clair; Huron St. between Crysler
and St.Clair and on ParkqS~i between St.lawrence and Crysler.
T. A. Rankin, Design and Construction Engineer, briefly reviewed
the R.V.Anderson report and the various sewers recon~nended to solve existing
problems and' to provide for the future expansion of the City. On tabled maps
he indicated the location of various watercourses running generally north and
south of Thorold Stone Road and west of Montrose Road. -
In 1973, it is proposed to extend Shriner's Creek W-5-1 watercourse
further west to tie into the W-5-2 watercourse and the City is in the process
of buying land for the necessary improvements required to service land east of
the Q.E.W., existing streets in the Dorchester Road area and plans of
subdivision proposed for the area. The budget also includes monies for the pur-
chase of land along the W-5-4 watercourse.
A storm sewermain is proposed along Montrose Road from Lundy's Lane
to Watson Street. The Region will pay the costs of s facility to service a
66 foot road allowance; if the municipality desires to service more than the
road allowance, it will be necessary to pay the additional cost. The budget
provides an amount of $50,000 for this item.
Questioned about an 84" storm sewer to be built from the Canal to
Stanley Ave. South of the pollution plantMr~Rankin advised that the facility
wou~d eventually provide an outlet necessary for the development of lands north
of Riall St. and south of Mountain Road as well as decreasing atom water
going into the treatment plant.
Mr. Rankin also reviewed the projects proposed for future years.
In reply to questions posed by Alderman Keighan, the City
Engineer stated there are monies in the Expansion and Renewal Funds most
of which are connnitted to date. Consideration is being given to using
the remaining funds to provide services to sn area east of the Q.E.W. and
for a watercourse along the Penn Central right-of-way from Stanley Ave.
to the Canal. Fir. Rodman said it is preferable to use the Expansion and
Renewal Funds to meet crises and confirmed that both the Expansion and
Renewal Funds and funds available under the provisions of By-law No. 7611
are used for the purposes intended.
A sanitary sewermain will be constructed on Wiltshire Blvd.
from Oxford to the South Limit and $100,000 have been allocated in the
1973 budget for this purpose. Soil problems have made it necessary to
expend monies to repair the existing sanitary sewer and it is suggested
that plastic liners through the sewer will alleviate this problem. In
addition, it will be racesgary to build a second sanitary sewer to pick
up individual laterals from homes.
Notification has been received the Region intends to recon-
struct Main St. in the former Village of Chippaws and it is considered
advisable to replace old sewers on Main St. from Sarah St. to SodomRd.
at this time.
Anew station is required in the area of McLeod Road and
Dorchester Road to replace the Dunn St. station. Council will be con-
sidering the purchase of land and $15,000 has been allocated in the
budget for this purpose. No land appraisals have been undertaken at this
time. With an objective of completing the station in 1974, $150,000 has
been placed in the budget. In 1975, it is estimated a small addition
to the Morrison Street station will be required and in future .years a new
station will be proposed for the area of Kalar Road north of Lundyls Lane.
When asked to comment, the Deputy Chief S. Thomson advised that
according to a Fire Marehall's survey in 1962, s replacement for the Dunn
St. station was to be provided by the year-1966. The suggested .location
in the McLeod Rd.-Dorchester Rd. area is considered ideal to service the
south end of the City and property should be acquired while it is still
Local improvements include sanitary and storm sewers where they
are non-existent; reconstruction and improvements to existing roadwsys;
curbs and gutters and sidewalk construction on local streets. At a~future
meeting s report regarding the 1973 Local Improvement Program will be pre-
sented to Council and a budgeted amount of $300,000 is considered sufficient.:
Some of the work involves storm sewers on St.John, Colborne and St,Peter
Streets and sidewalks on Buchanan St. fromMurray St. southerly.'and on
Wills Street.
The Planning Administrator said that originally the urban
renewal scheme provided for a market building in the area of Park Street
and Cryslat Avenue. The City proposes a more economical, two-phased plan:
1) Improve a vacant lot at Park St. and Cryslat Ave. and move what was the
original market building; 2)to acquire an existing duplex house on St.Clair
Ave. and establish a small mall on St.Clair Ave. north of Queen St. The
'plan is to provide a market building, sized to demand, in the first phase
and establish parking areas in a fashion that will permit open stalls.
- 5-
As a result of discussions with Council last year, an amount of
$330,000 was allocated in the current year's budget for a recreation complex
somewhere in the City. There is still a question of where the complex should
be located. The Recreation Director, R. Sones, made reference to informa-
tion made available to members of Council regarding the S,P.I.C.E. program
which provided an o~pottunity for service clubs to participate in discussions
regarding recreational facilities in the City. A recreation study previously
submitted listed priorities which included an ice surface for 1972 and also a
swin~ning pool in the Stamford area. Mr. Sones said that although it was not
possible to specify what the recreation complex will be, the designated amount
in the budget would permit al.thorough study by all interested groups.and the
development of a type of recreation facility to meet the needs reconmended in
the recreation study. Mr. Sones also conunented on the advantages of dual
purpose facilities such as double rink surfaces, a pool and rink, schools and
parks, etc.
The City Manager indicated that approval of the allocation would
make it possible for all interested groups to make plans, select a location
and make a recommendation to Council.
An allocation of $400,000 for a new Hydro Conmission building
appears in the 1974 budget by which time a decision will have been nmde
regarding a regional hydro commission as reconE~ended by the Task Force.
The Planning Administrator suggested that with the approval of
Amendment ~43, the City is now in a position to allow development in three
new areas of the City: 1) south of Chippawa; 2) south of Lundy's Lane, west
of the Q.E.W.; 3) west of the Q.E.W., north of Lundy's Lane. Secondary plans
are being prepared for these areas. As indicated in the study "Environment
for Tomorrow", a new park is desirable in'the north-west planning district
and the capital budget provides for a 30-acre park in that area.
Alderman Keighan comnented on the financial position of the Greater
Niagara Transit Con~nission and the cost of servicing equipment because of the
lack of maintenance facilities. It is expected the Transit Study will include
a recormnendation that the City construct a maintenance building for Transport
Commission vehicles and it was noted that grants for transportation purposes
are now available and would provide 75% of the cost of such a project.
It was then moved by Aideman Keighan, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that an amount of $150,000 be placed in the 1974 Capital Budget
{oward the construction of a maintenance building for, transportation purposes.
The motion Carried unanimously.
Watermain construction costs become part of the water charges and
do not affect the mill rate. The proposed replacement of watermains on Main
St. from Willoughby Drive to Sodom Road ties in with reconstruction of Main.'
St. by the Region as well as a report prepared for the Region by Gore and
~tOr~x[eregarding the water requirements in the entire City of Niagara Falls.
Watermain construction along the east Q.E.W. service road fremMcLeod Road
to the existing main is also indicated in the 1973 budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the Capital Budget for 1973, as presented, be approved and forwarded to the
Regional Municipality of Niagara,
The meeting adjourned on the Thomson, seconded by Aldemaan
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
January 16, 1973.
Council met in open session on Tuesday, January 16, 1973, at 7:30 p.m.
His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman. All members of Council
were present with the exception of Alderman Puttick.
Also in attendance: Mr. Dennis Semkiw,Canadian-British Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Mr. Bruce Creamer, Ministry of the Environment
Mr.George Doust, Ministry of the Environment
In June 1972, the City Council engaged the firm of Canadian-British
Engineering Consultants Ltd. to investigate certain problems existing at the
sanitary landfill site situated on the north-east corner of Mountain Road and
Montrose Road. Mr. Semkiw outlined the reasons leading to the preparation of
the report as prepared by his firm and made available to members of Council.
The problem necessitating the preparation of the report was created
by the drainage of leachate from the sanitary landfill site into the headwaters
of Six Mile Creek. In order to minimize the flow of effluent into the Creek,
the municipality constructed storage facilities in order to collect the leachate.
This system had minimal effect. It has now become necessary to extend the ~
landfill operation onto adjacent lands and the Ministry of the Environment has
expressed reluctance to issue the necessary permit until some indication lis
received from the municipality that an effort will be made to reduce or eliminate
the entry of leachate into the Six Mile Creek.
· In-their report,-the Canadian-British Engineering Consultants propose
a system of subdrains for the collection of the flow of leachate from the
existing and proposed fill area; the construction of a pumping station at the
sanitary landfill site and forcemain to the existing sewermain at the intersection
of Mountain Road and Whirfield Avenue.
Alderman Thomson noted that the ,Regional Municipality of Niagara has
authorized a $60,000 study respecting a sanitary landfill area and it may be that
the consultants will reconanend the abandonment of the Montrose Road site. He
suggested that the present site was not suited for a landfill area because of the
high water table. It was his opinion that adoption of the report and the expendi-
ture of funds for the proposed construction of the pumping station and forcemain
could be premature at this time and should be postponed until the contents of the
Regional report are known.
Mr. Creamer indicated that the municipality would require a certificate
of approval for the extension of the existing operation. The City Engineer
conznented on the urgency of the situation and stated that if the report was
adopted at this time, he would hope the pumping station would be constructed in
Following considerable discussion it was moved by Alderman Wallace,
seconded by Alderman Walker that the report on the extension of the landfill
site as prepared by Canadian-British Engineering Consultants Ltd., be accepted
and, further, that city officials be authorized to apply to the Ministry-of the
Environment for a permit to extend the limits of the present sanitary landfill
site. The motion Carried with Alderman Thomson voting contrary and all others
in favour.
Report No. 17 - City Manager - Providing background information relative to the
appointment of two Aldermanic representatives to the Board of Management,
Downtown Business Improvement Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera that Aldermen
Thomson and Christensen be appointed as Counctl's representatives on the Board
of Management, Downtown Business Improvement Area.
- 2-
In a memo to His Worship Mayor Bukator, the City Clerk provided
information regardihg the reasons for the adoption of the Council Committee
meetings and emphasized the value of informal discussions on major items.
The following procedure was suggested:
1. Formal Council Meetings on alternate Mondays.
2. On the off Monday, Council conduct research and analysis sessions to which
the press and public will be invited. The meetings will be completely open
but will be less formal and held in Committee Roems 2 and 3. No limitation
will be placed on the press with respect to reporting.
3. When discussion is required on such items as litigation, personnel matters.
union negotiations, etc. these matters to be discussed in Committee-of-the-
Whole'sessions, held in camera.
The suggestions were unanimously Carried on the motion of
Alderman Keighan, seconded by AldermanChristensen.
' The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. on the motion of Alderman
Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt.
Council Meeting,
January 22, 1973.
Council met on Monday, January ·22, 1973, for the purpose of considering
general bus iness. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman. All
MQmbers of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Puttick.
Alderman Keighan requested that the minutes of the January 9th
meeting be amended to indicate the intent of his remarks regarding connnercial
and industrial assessment. The Alderman had stated that the 1971 assessment
was "less by one million dollars" rather than "less than one million dollars".
The Alderman had also noted that approximately 3~ million dollars, not yet
reflected on tax bills, is being spent on new projects "in addition" to the
library, the satellite arena and a water reservoir.
Alderman Hunt referred to comments made by him during the January
9th meeting regarding street lighting and advised that his enquiry about the
installation of lights was in respect to lighting on Lyons Creek Road rather
than the Lyon~ Creek Road - Lyon~s Creek Parkway intersection as recorded in ."
the minutes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
minutes of the Council meetings held January 8th., January 15th and January 16th,
1973 be adopted as printed; further that the minutes of the January 9th meeting
be adopted as printed with corxections on Page 5, Lines 17 and 43.
Mr. Meuser had requested permission to address Council on the subject
of "Municipal Elections~' The request was approved on the motion of Aldernmn
Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler.
Mr. Meuser asked Council to support the suggestion that the date of'
future municipal elections be changed from the first Monday in December to an
earlier date. He commented on the advantages of an earlier election: better
weather conditions resulting in greater turnouts at the polls and campaign
meetings; for the convenience of elderly citizens; to complement the City's
annual Civic Month activities and to avoid the busy Christmas season. Mr.
Meuser suggested that the City pass and circulate a resolution asking the
provincial government to establish the first Monday in October as the date for
future municipal sleetions and an appropriate change in the governing years.
It was then moved by Aideman Themson, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Mr. Meuser's submission be referred to the City Clerk for a report. The
motion was Defeated with the following vote:
bY.E: Aldermen Fera, Mann, Keighan, Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Harrigan, Smeaton, Schisler, Wallace and Walker.
Report ~ 537 - City Manager (October 10, 1972) - Re: Ontario Hydro Lands,Part
of Lots 9 and 10, WRBF Concession, Twp.of Willoughby (Grassy Brook Area).
Outlining the conditions under which the Hydro Commission will sell the land
and noting the cost to the City would total $10,050 for the 40.20 acre' parcel
and $1,630 for the 3.26 acres. Council adopted the recon~endation that the City
purchase the property and approve the conditions of sale.
Report ~18 - City Manager - Co~enting on the necessity of passing the required
by-law for the acquisition of the Grassy Brook site from Ontario Hydro;
recommending approval of the by-law and that the municipslity convey to Hydro
officisls appreciation for the manner in which priortry was given to the City
for the purchase of the lend.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldevnmn Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeston that the
report be received and adopted and the City purchsse the described property as
soon as possible. SEE BY-IAW NO. 73-1~
- 2-
No. 8 - Chamber of Conmerce - An invitation to members of Council to attend
Board of Directors meetings on a rotating basis; submitting a schednle of
monthly meetings. His Worship Mayor Bukator had artended the January 18th
meeting on behalf of Council and a survey indicated that Aldermen Wallace,
Hunt, Keighan, Hsrrigan, Fera, Thomson and Walker would attend the Board
meetings on a rotating basis.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
-the communication from the Chamber of Connnerce be received and filed.
No. 19 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Pt. Twp.Lot 79,
(Monroe) 27T-22812. Recommending approval of a draft plan of subdivision
subject to seven conditions enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 20 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Part of Twp.Lot
178 (Woodbridge Acres),File No.27T-23449 located south of McLeod Road
4mmediately adjacent to the east bank of the Hydro Canal; recommending
preliminary approval of the draft plan of subdivision subject to fourteen
conditions enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 21 - City Manager - Re: Angelmore (Langendoen), Proposed Plan of
Subdivision, Dorchester Park Extension, west side of Dorchester Road, south
of McLeod Road. Recemaending preliminary approval of the plan subject to
nine conditions enumerated in the report.
ORDERED On the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 22 - City Manager - Re: Revision of Proposed Plan of Subdivision,
Block "B", Plan N.S.11,File No.27T-22813 (revised), between Dorchester Road
on the west, the Q.E.W. on the east and the H.E.P.C. right-of-way on the
north; recommending preliminary approval of the revised plan subject to
five conditions enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 23 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision,Part Twp.Lot 37
(Dalciu), Northwest corner Church's Lane and Stanley Ave., File No.27T-23301.
Recon~nending preliminary approval of the proposed pla~ subject to nine con-
ditions enumerated in the report.
'ORDERED on the 'motion of AIde[man Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 24 - City Mar~ger - Re: Sproule Subdivision, seven lots on the west
side of Dorchester Road, south of Mountain Road (N.S.12). Suggesting an
amendment to the Subdivider's Agreement to permit the issuance of building
permits for the installation of sanitary sewer laterals and water laterals;
recommending that the contract for the work be awarded to L & N Construction
and Excavating of Niagara Falls at the tendered price of $6,843.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that '
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman
Walker voting contrary and all others in fayour.
See Resolution No.1
No. 25 - City Manager - Re: A-2-73, L. & I. Ciammattola, Pt. Twp.Lots 7
and 14, west side of Mewburn Road; referring to an application to the
C~.,ulttee of Adjustment to expand an existing mobile home park to permit
38 additional mobile hums sites; advising that the Cc~ulttee granted the
extension of a legal non-conforming use a.lthough it was the consensus of
City staff that the application 'should not be approved; rec~adending that
Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor to lodge an appeal against
the decision of the Committee of Adjustment on application A-2-73 Luigi
end Ida Oiannattola, owners of Part T~p.Lots Nos.? and 14, located on the
west side of Mewburn Road, north of Mountain Road, on behalf of the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the report be received and adopted. ,
- 3-
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 26 - City Manager - Re: Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities.
Submitting an outline of the structure of the Federation and of activities
during 1972; advising that membership fees are 2.5 cents per capita and
reconnnending approval of the membership fee for the City of Niagara Falls
in-:the,~amount of $1,631.78 based on a population figure of 65,271.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted and the City
continue as a member of the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities,
The motion Carried with Alderman Hunt voting contrary and all others in
No. 27 - City Manager - Re: Use of Street Ends, former Village of Chippaws.
Advising that, in accordance with Council's directions, new agreements for
six street ends have been executed by the licensees and payment of fees
received; recon~nending execution of a by-law authorizing the agreements on
behalf of the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed and the by-law be given the necessary readings.
See By-law No.73-15
No. 28 - City Manager - Re: Adjustment of Assets, former Township of
Willoughby. Advising that, according to an appraisal, the properties
acquired by the former Township of Willoughby through tax sale procedures are
valued at $50,000 which must be credited to taxpayers residing in the former
Township; advising that if the appraised figure is acceptable to Council, 26.7%
will be payable to the Town of Fort Erie and will permit finalization of the
adjustment of assets; recormnending that Council approve the completion of the
adjustment based on the appraisal of $50,000 and the Town of Fort Erie be
asked for their approval.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 29 - City Manager - Re: Use of Lyons Creek School by Recreation Conmission.
Advising that the Board of Education has agreed to a renewal of an agreement
for 1973 to allow the Recreation Commission to continue using the Lyon's Creek
School building through the Willoughby Neighbourhood Recreation Committee. The
authorizing by-law appears later on the agenda.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed.
See By-law No.73~17
No, 30 - City Manager - Reconmending the enactment of by-laws to provide for
an interim levy of taxes for the year 1973 and to provide for the collection
of such taxes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report be received and filed and the by-laws be ~pproved.
See By-law Nos.73-12 & 73-,1,3
No..31 - City Manager - Re: Public Hearings of the International Joint
Commission on Pollution of the Great Lakes. Submitting two letters of notifica- -
tion from the International Joint Conmission in respect to public hearings to
investigate pollution of the Great Lakes system; also submitting a brief
prepared by the Works Engineer regarding the public hearing on January 25,1973
on the matter of pollution of the Great Lakes system from land use activities;
recummending the brief be forwarded to the I.J.C. and representation be made
at the hearing in Toronto to formally present the City's position.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 32 -Cit Manager - Re: City of Niagara Falls Plan for Peace Time Disasters.
Submitting t~e final revised copy of the City's Plan for Peace Time.Disasters
· and requesting Council to review its contents to determine if it is acceptable;
requesting c~,ents prior to the end of January following which a by-law will
be presented to formally adopt the proposed plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
,report be received and tabled until the latter part of January at which time
the comments of Council will be submitted.:
Reports (tout'd)
No. 33 - City Manager - Re: 28' Strip of Laud adjacent to and north of the
former N.S. & T. right-of-way (east side of Dorchester Road). Advising that
the City has an opportunity to acquire the strip of land from River Realty
Ltd.; recon~nending 1) that the Region~scquire a 10' widening across the 28*
right-of-way to permit the necessary sidewalk construction in the area; and
2) that River Realty be advised that the remaining section of the 28' right ~'
of-way is not required by the municipality. :
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schis let, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the report be received and the recommendations of the City Manager be
adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen,"""~unt, Mann, Harrigan, Keighan. Schisler.
~'yE:Aldermen Fera, Smeaton, Walker, Thomson, Wallace.
No. 34 - City Manager - Re: 1973 Tenders. Requesting authority to call
tenders for certain materials and clothing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report be received and filed and tenders prepared and called when the
need arises. The motion Carrie.____jd with Alderman Thomson voting contrary and
all others in favour.
No. 35 - City Manager - Advising that Mr. A. Cserpes, owner of the Rainbow
Motor Court, has requested exemption from By-law 7611 which imposes special !~
charges on certain.classes of buildings with respect to sewer and water
systems; advising further that Mr.Cserpes con~nenced construction of an
additional 15 motel units before a building permit was issued at which time
the special charge of $746.59 was collected. Because the applicant recently
removed 15 cabins he feels he should not contribute in accordance with the
by-law; reconnnending that the request be received and filed and Mr.Cserpes
be advised that the buildings presently under construction, come under the
charges set down in By-law 7611.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Kelghan, seconded by Aldernmn Walker
that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
No. 36 - City Manager - presentation of the Annual Report of the Safety
No. 37 - City Manager - presentation of the Annual reportof the Trench I
· ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
Annual Reports of the Safety Inspector'and the Trench Inspectorbe received
and filed.
No, 37 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recowmendtng approval of applications
to manage and conduct lotteries.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Keighan, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
-- that the report be received and adopted. The motion Csrrle__d with Alderman
Hunt voting contrary and all others in fayour.
No. 38 - City Clerk - Recommending approval of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermanSchisler, seconded by Alderman Ke~ghan that
the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 39 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts..
ORDERED on the motion of Alde~nmn M~nn, seconded by Alderman Fera theft the
report be received and adopted.
No. 1 - THOMSON - H~T - RESOLVED that the contract for 'the installation
of sanitary sewer laterals and water-laterals in the 8proule Subdivision
on the west side of Dorchester Road, south of Mountain Road, be awarded to
L. & N. Construction & Excavating Ltdo at the'quoted price of $6,843.00;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 2 - HUNT - FBRA- RESOLVED that By-law No.72-142 to authorize the con-
struction of certain works as Local Improvements under Section 12 of The
Local Improvement Act, read a first and second time at the meeting of Counc~
held on the 14th day of August, 1972, be amended es follo%%:.# Cont,d.next~
No.2-A I~NN - HUNT - RESOLVED thet't~e'C~u~cil'o~ ih~ ~o~p;~tion of the C~t o{ Niaga4
'c rtif that the a llcation of Group 2 Developments td. for tKe r z nin
Resolution No. 2 (Cont'd)
1) By striking out the figures $530,700, $333,351 and $121,841 in the second
third and fifth lines, respectively, of the second recital and inserting
in lieu thereof the figures $517,900, $327,391 and $115,001 respectively;
2) By striking out "1 to 20, inclusive" in the section line of Section 5 and
inserting in lieu.thereof the words "2 to 6 inclusive and 8, and 10 to 20
3) By striking out "1 to 20inclusive' in the second line of Section 6 and
inserting in lieu thereof the words "2 to 6 inclusive, and 8, and 10 to 20
4) By striking out items 1, 7 and 9 of Schedule "A" under the heading "Four
Foot Ordinary Sidewalks";
By striking out the totals $530,700, $333,351 and $121,841 in the columns
headed "Estimated Cost, "Estimated Urban Service Areas' Share" and
"Estimated Owners' Share", of Schedule '~" and inserting in lieu thereof
$517,900, $327,391 and $115,001; and that the said by-law as so amended,
be now read a third time and passed; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
In reply to a query by Alderman Hunt, the City Clerk advised that
a draft by-law naming appointees to a new Board of Museums is being reviewed
by the City Solicitor and will be presented for Council's consideration in
the near future,
Aideman Hunt suggested that Regional authorities ascerta in what
amount the government will contribute toward the 'cost of the proposed bridge
over the Welland River. The Alderman connnented on the substantial sum set
aside for the con$truction and noted that the government had provided three
fourths of the cost of the bridge spanning the Chippaws Creek.-
Alderman Hunt commented on the cost of consulting services and
questioned why the City found it necessary to engage consultants in view of the
fact that City staff included five competent engineers. In reply, the City
Manager referred to a previous survey and report which indicated that Niagara
Falls has fewer engineers for thel.~o~k that is accomplished, than 60 - 70% of
other cities. He also noted that Niagara Falls is one of the few cities to do
all subdivision design work in order to have better control. Mayor Bukator
indicated that the matter would be fully discussed prior to the-budget meeting.
Alderman Fern reported receiving complaints about parking on both
sides of Emery Street apparently by hospital employees. The Alderman suggested
that consideration be given to imposing a two-hour parking limit on Emery
The matter was referred to the Parking Committee.
Alderman Fera referred to a memorandum from the Greater Niagara
General Hospital concerning the institution of paid parking at the hospital
for visitors and out-patients. The Alderman wished to be recorded as being
opposed to the new policy and suggested that the hospital purchase additional
property for parking purposes~-
-6 -
New Business (toni 'd)
Alderman Keighan expressed his concern about the draft Regional
budget and a recent news story which indicated Regional spending would be
in excess of three million dollars over last year. He noted that the
City's share would be over $500,000 or a four mill increase for local
taxpayers. The Alderman asked if there was sufficient assurance that the
Regional budget would not be "out of line". As me~bers of the Regional
Finance Comittee, Mayor Bukator said that the figure had also "staggered"
he and Councillor Mitchelson. The Chairman,W.F. Match, had assured the
Finance Committee that the b~dget would go back to various co,m~ittees to
have the expenditures cut. The matter will again be discussed by the
Finance Committee at a meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 24th.
Alderman Thomson said he had been able to confirm that the
Assessment Department was being transferred from City Hall to St. Catharines.
The Alderman asked if any steps had been taken to retain the service in the
City for the convenience of residents and because the new City Hall had been
designed to acconmodate the assessment operation. Alderman Thomson was
critical of the service provided since the take-over of assessment responsi-
bilities by the provincial government and the trend toward centralization of
similar services such as unemployment insurance. The City Manager advised
that information about the move had been received late in the week. He had
contacted the Regional Director who indicated he had received orders from
Toronto headquarters that the assessment records in Niagara Falls and
Wellsnd were to be moved to St.Cathatines, It is believed that the space
leased in the City Mall will be used by the field crew now doing the
assessment and re-assessment of the Niagara area. The.lease arrangements
terminate on December 31, 1974.-
It was then moved by Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Walker that the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental
Affairs be advised that the City of Niagara Falls objects strenuously to
a recent decision by the Assessment Division that all assessment records
in the Niagara area he centrslized in the City of St.Catharines as such
action severely reduces the svailability of assessment information to the
ratepayers of the City of Niagara Falls; and be it further resolved that
the Regional Municipality of Niagsra and other area municipalities be
notified of the City's objections and their support solicited. The motion
Carried unanimously. t
Alderman Themeon referred to a booklet recently published by
the Social,Planning Council regarding transportation and other problems
encountered by handicapped persons, The Alderman had received another
government publication which included building suggestions to make it
possible for the handicapped to enter public buildings. The suggestions
can be co-ordinated with the National Building Code and deal with stairway
construction, hand rails, width of doorways and other conveniences. The
Alderman suggested that the book be stud~4~dby the Building Department for
possible implementation of some of the reconmnendations when considering
the construction of government or public buildings. The matter.was
referred to the Building Inspector.
Aldermen Thomson said that if the Kltchener Street School' is
to be closed as rnmoured, the site would be ideal for the future expansion
of the Niagara Falls Nemortal Arena and to provide parking facilities. He
suggested that City offieials investigate the possibility of acquiring the
property if it is to become available. The City Hansget indicated the item
would be discussed at a mating with the Director of Education,
New Business (Cont'd)
- 7-
Alderman Smeaton said he was concerned about traffic hazards at the
entrances to the Town and Country Plaza on Portage Road. The Alderman had been
approached by several residents of the area with a request that control of
access to the plaza be improved. He enquired if there were any plans for the
area in addition to the proposed traffic light st the O'Neil St. - St.Paul
intersection. The City Engineer replied that it is his understanding the
developer is considering closing off one of the driveways and suggested the
traffic light to be installed in 1973, should improve the situation. He also
suggested that the effect of the new traffic light should be studied before
recon~nending additional installations to the Regional Municipality.
Alderman Walker supported an earlier request by Alderman Wallace
that members of Council be provided with an up-to-date report in respect to
.the possibility of obtaining a new police building and courthouse for the City.
Alderman Walker took exception to statements by Chief Sherman that the City of
Welland had first priority in regard to new police facilities. He commented
on the conditions in Niagara Falls police buildings which, he said, "in no
way, shape or form compare to what Welland is complaining about now". The City
Manager said his staff is working on a comprehensive report which will be pre-
sented at the next meeting of Council.
In reply to questtsns by Alderman Christensen, the City Manager said
that, at this time, the City~s only participation in the development of the
C.N.R.property on Bridge Street is to provide information regarding such things
as services in the area, land uses, etc. The City hes cooperated with the
E.N.R. to bring the matter to a stage where concrete proposals are invited. The
.City will have no direct participation until propossls are made public at which
time all assistance possible will be given to the d~velopers.
Members of Council were provided with the Terms of Reference,
Regional Municipality of Niagara Solid Waste Main gement Study for information
purposes. :
No. 72-104 - A By-law to authorize the construction of improvements and
extensions to the sewage system in the Urban Service Areas of the City.
The By-law was read a first and second time on June 22, 1972.
THIRD READING - Alderman Mann and Alderman Hunt. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
~FE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Mann, Marrigan, Smeaton, Walker, Themson,
Wallace and Mayor Bukator.
-~AYE:Aldermen Fern, Keighan and Schisler.
No. 72-142 - A By-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local
improvements under Section 12 of The Local Improvement Act. The By-law was
read a first and second time on the 14th day of August, .1972.
THIRD READING - Alderman Hunt and Alderman Mann.
Carried Unanimously
By-laws (Cont'd)
No. 72-215 - A By-law to authorize alterations to the Stamford Hemorial
Arena. The By-law was road a first and socond time on the 27th day .of
November, 1972.
THIRD READING.- Alderman Thomson and Alderman Fern. The motion Carried
with the following vote~
AYE: Aldermen Fern, Harrigan, Smeaton, Schisler, Walkor, Thomson, Wallaco.
.NAYE:Aldermen Hunt, Mann, Keighan and Christensen.
No. 73-12 - A By-law to provide for an interim levy of-taxes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Wallace that Alderm~n Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law
and the By-law be given the first reading.
~arried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by
Alderman Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-1.3.- A By-law to provide for the collection of interim taxes for
the year 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Fera that Alderman Christensen be granted Eeave to introduce the By-law
and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
,. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by
Alderman Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
' No. 73-14 - A By-law to appoint the members of the Board of Management
for the Downtown Business 'Improvement Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Alderman Fern be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
: Carried Unanimously
=, ,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
No. 73-15 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a license agreements
~ld G. Barnett and others.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Mann be 8ranted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried UnanimOusly
OREEKED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Csrried Unanimously
- 9-
By-laws (Cont'd)
No. 73-16 - A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land in the former Township
o~ Willoughby for park purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimousiX
No. 53-17 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Niagara
South B&~rd of Education providing for the use of the Lyons Creek School
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried UnanimousiX
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman M~nn, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimousiX
No. 73-18 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 72-163, being a By-law to prohibit
heavy traffic on certain highways in the City of Niagara Fates. (Sarah St.)
..... 'ORDERED ~n'the motion of Alderman Mann, SeConded by Alderman
Keighan that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimouslx
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Keighan that the By-law be now given a secondsand third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-19 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 7531, being a By-law to provide for
the erection of Stop Signs at Intersections. (Buckley Ave., Lyons Creek Road,
Ridge Road, McKenaey Road, Morris Road, Kalar Road and Spence Street)
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Mann, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-laW be given the first reading.
Carried UnanimousIX
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Smeaton that the By-law be now given a second end third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-20 - A By-law to amend By-law No.6340 providing for the erection of
~ht-of-Way signs at certain intersections in the Municipality.
(Mitchell Ave. end Freeman St.; Morrison Street snd Kent Ave.; Industrial
St. and Kent Ave.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fern
that Alderman Smeatonbe granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the ~irst reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 10 -
By-law No. 73-20 (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by
Aldernmn Schisler that the By-law be now given a second and third
reading. Carried Unanimously
No. 73-2___.__.~1- A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law
and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Keighan that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Wallace,
seconded by Alderman Thomson.
Council Meeting,
February 5, 1973.
Council met on Monday, February 5, 1973, for the purpose of considering
general business. His Worship Mayor George Bukstor presided as Chairman. Alderman
Wallace offered the Opening Prayer. All Members of Coancil were present.
The minutes of a regular meeting of Council held January 22, 1973,
were adopted as printed on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
His Worship George Bukator welcomed the Guides of the 10th Stamford
Girl Guide Company and the 26th Niagara Boy Scout Group who, together with their
leaders, were in the Council Chambers as observers.
Report #32 - City Manager - Re: City of Niagara Falls Plan for Peace Time Disasters.
Submitting the final revised copy of the City's plan and requesting Council to
review the contents to determine if it is acceptable.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report of the City Manager be received and filed and the Plan for Peace Time
Disasters be approved as presented and referred to the City Clerk for prepara-
tion of the required by-law.
Report ~40 - City Manager - Referring to the presentation on January 9, 1973, of
Mr. D.Susin on behalf of the Chippaws Kinsmen Club regarding the development of
an artificial ice surface on the former Starlira Theatre property on Sodom Road;
advising that at a Joint meeting of representatives of the Citizens' Action
Committee, S.P.I.C.E.Connnittee, Recreation Comnission, City Council and City
Staff, the following motion was passed: That City staff work in conjunction with
the Citizens' Action Cclmnittee and (1) investigate the problems and availability
of land and services in two proposed areas in Chippaws; (2) that City staff and
the Citizens' Action Committee develop a complete recreational plan for this
area, with costing done in stages and (3) that the plan be presented to the
Recreation Commission at their regular monthly meeting of April 17, 1973. The
report requests the approval of the motion by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report of the City Manager be received and the decision of the Joint
committee regarding a recreational plan for the former Village of Chippaws be
No. 9 - Mrs.A.Crawley - Co~nents re: possibility of resuming rear-yard garbage
pick=up service.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomsons seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the eonnnunication be received and filed and City staff be asked for cost estimates
for the rear-yard garbage pick-up service and the matter be discussed at a Council
Conm~ittee meeting prior to the [973Budgetjdiscussions. The motion Carried with
Alderman Wallace voting contrary and all others in fayour.
No. 10 - Aid for Senior Citizens - Submitting a resume of the organization's
program and objectives; requesting the appointment of a Council representative
to the Advisory Board.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
communication be received and the request for an appointee to the Advisory Board
of the Aid for Senior Citizens group be approved. His Worship Mayor Bukator wtll
appoint a Council representative. The motion Carrie_dwith Alderman HarriSan voting
contrary and all others in layout.
- 2-
Communications (Cent'd)
No. 11 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Interim Levy By-law. Sub-
mitting a copy of the by-law which provides for an interim levy against
area municipalities in the year 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and filed and the City Treasurer be authorized
to make payments of the Regional interim levy as required.
No. 12 - Town of Thorold - Re: Composition of conmittee personnel of Regional
Council; soliciting support of s request that the Regional Council consider
enlarging the Finance Committee to include one representative from each area
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 13 - Advisory Task Force on Housing Policy - Requesting submissions
regarding housing conditions in the area and other general matters; advising
that, following receipt of submissions from municipal councils, public
meetings will be held in s number of Ontario municipalities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the conmunication be received and referred to the MByor's Cormnittee on
Housing for preparation of s brief for consideration of the City Council
before being submitted to the Task Force.
No. 14 - Ontario Anti-pove~Conference - Advising that the Conference will
be held February 16 - 18, 1973 in Toronto. Requesting financial assistance
in the amount of $120.00 to cover the costs of two low-income delegates from
the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Themmen, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the communication be received and the City of Niagara Falls support the Anti-
poverty Conference and approve a grant of $120.00 subject to the City and the
Social Planning Council receiving full information and nmterial prior to the
Conference dates; providing also that a full report on the Conference is sub-
During discussion of the matter, Alderman Puttick suggested that
the City Manager in conjunction with the Social Planning Council provide
information regarding the number of impoverishedpersons residing in the City~
of Niagara Falls.
NOT__E: AldermanThomson retired from the meeting at 8:00 P.M. REPORTS
No. 41 - City Clerk - Report of the Council Conmittee Session.
A. Chairm~n for Council Committee Sessions - Recommendation: That until
.further direction, Role 37(2) of procedural By-law No.72-61 be suspended and
His Worship Mayor George Bukator be appointed to act as Chairman for Council
Cotm~ittee meetings. (See Resolution No. 3)
B. Application for Salvage Yard License - Recoamendation: That the Regional
Board of Cmmuissioners of Police be advised that the Council of the City of
Niagara Falls does not object to'the issuance of a salvage yard liceace to
Mr.Gordon Washington, providing the applicant adheres to the undertakings
given by his solicitor, Mr.Robert Abbey. The seven conditions are enumerated
in the report.
C. New Court House and Police Building - Recommendation: That His Worship
Mayor George Bukator, Alderman D. Wallace and Alderman N~ puttick act as a
special co~nittee to meet with His Henour Judge Scott and the members of the
Board of Police Commissioners to discuss the possible erection of new p~lice
facilities in the City of Niagara Falls and, in connection therewith,
administrative staff be directed to prepare a brief outlining the need for
police and court facilities in the municipality. It is further recentheaded
that the special conmittee also be authorized to meet with appropriate
provincial authorities relative to new court facilities.
D. i~e=alta~fo~t of Hearers - Metal Building - Municipal Service Centr~ -
~eco~nnendatton: That Council accept the second lowest bid by Tower Plumbing
' and Heating for the supply and installation of heaters at the Municipal Setvii
Centre at the quoted price of $5,642.00. (See Resolution No.4)
- 3-
Report of the Council Conmnittee (Cent'd)
E. Revised Cemetery By-law - Recommendation: That the cemetery by-law appearing
elsewhere on the ageode be approved and given three readings.(See By-law No.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and the recommendations of the Council Conmittee be adopted.
No. 42 - City Manager - Re: Historical Museums. Reviewing the operation of
the Lundy's Lane Historical Museum and the Willoughby Museum and commenting on
the necessity of co-ordinating the operation of the two museums; suggesting
the by-law to establish the Niagara Falls Board of Museums be passed by City
Council and the various museum societies be asked for alis t of nominees for
possible appointment as men/berg of the Board following which the appointments
will be ratified by by-law.
ORDEIED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aideman Wallace that the
report of the City Manager be received and filed.
See By-law No. 73-23
No. 43 - City Manager - Re: Construction of Queen Elizabeth Way Interchanges
and Service Roads. Advising that the Ministry of Transportation and Con~munica-
tions has requested City Council to approve a set of plans setting out the
assumption, reversion and closing of certain City roads involved in the Q.E.W.
construction program; recommending that the assumption, reversion and closing
of certain roads within the City of Niagara Falls, as described on plans sub-
mitted by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and numbered
P-1915-85, P-2425-142 and P-2425-143, be approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 5
No. 44 - City Manager - Re: Lease to Chippawa Lion's Club for Lion's Park
located between Banring Ave., Welland St., Oliver St. and Gunning Drive. The
report describes some of the maj or improvements initiated by the Lion's Club
and recommends renewal of a five-year lease for the park.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 45 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Epworth Circle. Recommending that parking
be removed from the outside of Epworth Circle at all times and that the Niagara
South School Board be so informed.
During discussion of the subject, the City Manager replied to Alderman
&uttick's questions and described the problems encountered by the residents of
Epworth Circle. Be indicated a report would be forthcoming in regard to the
estimated cost of providing additional parking in the general area. The City
owns 12' of property from the inner curb and, with the cooperation of school
officials, angle parking could be provided on the inner circle. As an alternative,
the purchase of property in the area for parking purposes could be considered if
the expenditure was considered practical. Alderman Patrick expressed concern that
prohibition of parking on Epworth Circle would create similar problems on
a~Jacent streets. Alderman Fera q~estioned the availability of sufficient parking
for studentSduring school hours. The City Manager said that school officials
have indicated that the problem is not serious during daytime hours.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded hy Alderman Hunt that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted and parking be removed from
the outside of Epworth Circle at all times. The motion Carried with the follow-
ing vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Fete, Mann, Smeaton, Schis.ler~ Walker, Wallace,
NAYE:Aldemen Puttick and Keighan.
No. 46 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Morrison St. between Valley Way and
Stanley Avenue. Recommending that an appropriate by-law be passed to prohibit
parking on both sides of Morrison Street from Stanley Avenue to Valley Way at
all times.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Cartie__d with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Fera, Mann, .Smeatpn, Schisler, Walker, Wallace,
Harrigan. :
NAYE:Aldermen Puttick and Keighan.
Reports (Coni'd)
No. 47 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Prince Edward Ave. and First Ave.
Reconnending (1) that parking be prohibited from the west side of Prince
Edward Avenue from Cook Street to Frederica Street at all times and (2)
that parking be prohibited from the east side of First Avenue from Huron Stree~
75 feet northerly.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman
Keighan voting contrary and all others in ~vour.
No. 48 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Portage Road and on Bridge Street.
Recommending (1) that the Region be requested to prohibit parking on the
southerly side of Portage Road from Chippawa Parkway to Norton Street at all
times and (2) that the Region be requested to prohibit parking at all times
on the southerly side of Bridge Street from Stanley Ave. to a point 370 feet
west of Sixth Avenue.
Alderman Keighan spoke about the possibility of the City receiving
many requests for no parking regulations and suggested that solutions to the
problems should be found rather than eliminating parking altogether.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt~ seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Ketghan
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 49 - planning and Development Conm~ittee - Re: AM-37/72 A. Nero, Pt. Twp.
Lots 107 and 114, Dorchester Road and Dawson Street. A rezoning application
to permit a small shopping complex and a gas bar. Recommending that the
application be held in abeyance until soch time as Council makes a decision
with respect to the findings of the Commercial Study.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 50 - Planning and Development Co~nnittee - Re: AM-38/72, M. & C. Bubna,
Lot 7, Plan 653, south side of Ferry Street. Approval of the application
to amend the soning by-law would permit the applicant to develop a motel in
conjunction with an existing motel on property currently occupied by
Harrison Cleaners. Rec~mending (1) approval of the application subject to
a site plan and site plan agreement and that Council certify by resolution
that the application conforms to the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the
Niagara Falls Planning Area after an official plan amendment is enacted by
Council and is approved by the Miniater of Treasury, Economics and Inter-
governmental Affairs; and (2) that the Planning Department be authorized to
prepare the required Official Plan amendment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report be received and adopted. ~
See Resolution No. 6
No. 51 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM-l/73 F.Constantino,
Lot 20, Plan 5, 5050 Ontario Avenue. Noting that the property has a 61 foot
frontage on Ontario Ave. with a depth of 166 feet upon which the applicant
proposes to build a four-unit building. The current standard is 80 feet for
a four-unit building; recommending that the application be denied.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the solicitor for the applicant, Mr. G. Ungaro, be granted permission to
address Council.
Mr. Ungaro exhibited a plan of the proposal to demonstrate how
the building would fit in with the character of the neighbourhood and make
the best use of the property. He drew attention to existing , two and'
three-storey homes in the general area which are now used for multi-family
purposes. Mr. Ungaro asked Council to consider the Official Plan which,
he said, proper'ly sets out what the area is best suited for and the appli-
cation will only change the present two-family des ignation to four-family
use. M~bers of Council questioned why Mr. Constentino was not' represented
st the meeting when the matter was considered. Mr. Ungaro explained that
his client was nnfamllisr with procedures and had not understood that he
had the right to speak. Alderman Keighan, Chairman of the Planning and
Development Cvu,~ittee, stated that at the Cowultras meeting three of five
applicants had not appeared and, follo~ing discussion, a policy was
established whereby applicants will be required to have representation at
the meetings. Alderman Puttick suggested that the proposed review of the
-5 -
Report #51 (Coni'd)
area to determine the suitability if higher density residential should be
undertaken. Alderman Keighan replied that because of the Planning Department's
workload, the study cannot be proceeded with for several months to a year and
it was the opinion of the Connnittee that a decision should be made at this time
rather than have the applicant await the results of the study.
It was then moved by Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report be received and adopted and the application of F. Constantino be
denled. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Mann, Harrigan, Schisler, Keighan.
NAYE:Aldermen Faro, Puttick~ Smeaton, Wallace and Walker.
No. 52 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: Proposed Official Plan for
the Fort Erie Planning Area. Reconnending that no objection be lodged against
the proposed Official Plan and the Clerk of the Town of Fort Erie and the
Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs be so notified.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 53 - City Manager - Referring to an earlier suggestion that a student be
appointed to the Recreation Commission to represent secondary schools in the
municipality; reconmending (1) each of the five secondary schools in the City
be asked to appoint one student to act in an advisory capacity to the Recreation
Conmission and (2) the Niagara Falls Labour Council be asked to designate a
representative to act on the Recreation Cormnisston for the years 1973 and 1974.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wallace that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 54 - Recreation Conmission - Re: 1972 Annual Report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
Annual Report of the Recreation Conm~ission be received and accepted.
No. 55 - City Manager - Re: Demolition Tender. Recommending that the contract
for the demolition of buildings at 4347 Morrison Street, 4358 Huron Street and
4300 Drummond Road be awarded to Collee Wrecking in the amount of $3,150.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
.report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 7
No. 56 - City Manager - Re: Winter Works Program - Fencing. Recommending
acceptance of the following tenders: (1) 500' - 6I high chain link fence, 20'
gate complete in the amount of $1,400 from Frost Steel; (2) Farm fence 9 x 48"
at $2.05 per rod from Lundy Fence; (3) 8' x 6"/4.5 cedar posts at $1.25 each
from W. Haun and (4) 8' x 7"/5.5" cedar posts at $1.75 each from W. Haun. The
report requests authority to purchase farm fence from Lincoln Farm Supply at
$2.10 per rod if the estimated $17.50 unit freight does not cover the fence from
Lundy Fence Co. The total estimated cost of fencematerial. is $3.,0.00.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report be received and adopted. The motion carr~e.d with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all Dthars in favour.
See Resolution No. 8
No. 57 - City Manager - Requesting authority to prepare and call tenders for
the purchase of a new 625 CPM Class '~" Centrifugal Combination Pumper to replace
a pumper presently at Fire Station 6 in the Crowland area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and adopted and authority granted to call tenders for the
No. 58 -.City Manager - Re: Membership - Council pf Public Employers. Advising
that C.O.P.E. has requested that potential member agencies signify their
intention.to become members and designate two representatives, one elected and
one appointed; rec~ending the City Join the Covncil of Public Employers and
Mayor Bukator and the Personnel Officer, Mr.A.L.Jobey, be appointed as official
-6 -
Report #58 (Cont'd)
The City Manager provided information regsrding the purpose of
C.O.P.E. and the participation of the City in the formation of the group.
The personnel Officer, Mr. Jobey, is a Director. The City Manager suggested
the City should be represented in order to be part of the decis~nn~
will be made. Alderman Harrigan questioned the cost of membership and Mayor
Bukator advised that the budget is $6,000 to which members will contribute.
The Regional Municipality has alresdy provided funds. Mayor Bukator said
that when the City is officially represented at a meeting, a report regarding
membership fees could be submitted to Council.
It was then moved by Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted. The motion
was Defested with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Fete, Schisler, Wsllsce, Keighan.
~E:Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Mann, Harrigan, Puttick, Smeaton and Walker.
No. 59 - City Manager - Re: International City Management Association
Con~nittee. Advising that the City Manager has been asked to serve and repre-
sent the province of Ontario on a special eu~mittee to study local government
structures in relation to regionalism; advising that it will be necessary to
attend two or three meetings between now and next Jhly with all expenses
· being paid by the Association; requesting permission to participate as a membe:~
of the ICMACon~nittee on Hegionalism.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report be received and filed. The motion was Defeated with the following
AYE: Aldermen Puttick and Hunt.
~E:Aldermen Christensen, Fete, Harrigan, Mann, Sehialer, Walker, Wallace,
Keighan, Smeaton.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that
the report be received and filed and the City Manager be granted permission
to serve on the special committee of the International City Management Assoc.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE:Aldermen Chri'~tensen, Fete, Marrigan, Mann, Schisler, Walker, Wallace,
Keighan, Smeaton.
.NAYE:Aldermen Furtick and Hunt.
No. 60 - City Manager - Re: Seminar - Governmental Budgeting and Control.
Recommending that the Deputy Treasurer, Mr. R. Lewis, be euthorized to attend
the seminar to be held in Toronto on February 22 and 23, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt .that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. '61 - City Manager- Re: Meeting of the. Ontario Sewer and Watermain
Contractors' Association, February 28, 1973, Toronto. Recu~nending that two
members of the Engineering Staff be authorized to attend the first day. of
£he O.S.W.C.A. meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in layout.
No. 62 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recuum.ending approval of the application
of the Four Square Club to manage'and conduct a Bingo Lottery; also recoMnend-]
ing that the Canadian Council of War Veterans Associations and the Sports
Lottery of Ontario be granted permission to sell tickets in the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alder~.mn Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Walker.
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 63 - City Manager - Re: Lottery Licensing Officer's reports. Recommendin~
that rather than submit regular reports, the Lottery Licensing Officer be
requested to approve routine applications on behalf of Council. It is under-
stood that applications which do not meet the requirements of the Act or are
not of a routine or re-occurring nature, will be brought to the attention of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carri.e,d, with Alderman Wallace
voting contrary and all others in favour.
- 7-
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 64 - City Manager - Building Permits issued during the month of January,t973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report be received and filed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman HerrlEan that the
report be.received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 66 - City Manager - Reconmaendicg payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 3 - SCHISLER - MANN - RESOLVED that until further direction, Rule 37(2)
of Procedural By-law No.72-61 be suspended and His Worship Mayor George Bukator
be appointed to act as Chairman for Council Committee meetings; AND the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 4 - SCHISLER - MANN - RESOLVED that the bid submitted by Tower plumbing
and Heating for the supply and installation of heaters at the Municipal Service
Centre be accepted at the quoted price of $5,642.00; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimousiX
No. 5- SCHISLER - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the assumption, revers ion and
closing of certain roads within the City of Niagara Falls, as described on
plans submitted by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and
numbered P-1915-85, P-2425-142 and P-2425-143, be hereby approved; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 6 - PUTTICK - (~RISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the Council of'the City of Niagara
Falls hereby certify that the application of M. & C. Bubna for the rezoning
of Lot 7, Plan 653, located on the south side of Ferry Street will conform to
the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area after an
Official Plan amendment is enacted by Council and is approved by the Ministry
of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanhnously
No. 7 - ' SMEATON ,.,I, FERA: - RESOLVED that the contract for the demolition
of buildings at 4347 Morrison Street, 4358 Huron Street and 4300 Drtumnond Road
be awarded to Collee Wrecking in the amount of $3,150.00; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 8 - SCHISLER- CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the following tenders be accepted:
1. 500' - 6' high chain link fence,
20' gate complete Frost Steel
· 2. Farm Fence, 9 x 48" Lnndy Fence
3. Cedar Posts, 8' x 6"/4.5 W.Haun
4. Cedar Posts, 8' x 7"/5.5" W.Haun
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
$2.05 per rod
$1.25 each
$1.75 each
No. 9 - PUTTICK - MANN - RESOLVED that WHEREAS His Worship Mayor Jean Drapeau
has publicly expressed a desire for the City of Montreal to host the 1976 Summer
ANDWHEREAS it is quite obvious that the City of Montreal cannot, by itself,
finance this event, thereby requiring heavy subsidization by the Government of
Canada. It has been estimated, based on statistics available from the 1972 Olympic
Games, that the proposed '76 Sm~uner Olympics may cost at least $500,000,000;
AND WHEREAS Mayor Drapeau has acknowledged that, to date, the Organizing Cormnittee
for the Olympics has been guaranteed assistance to the amount of $7,000,000 through
the sale of television rights;
Resolution No.9 (Cont'd)
NOW THEREFOREBE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
urgently requests the Government of Canada to thoroughly examine requests
for subsidization of the 1976 Sunnner Olympics before making connitments to
the City of Montreal,particularlY with respect to the priority of this
expenditure when compared with other national needs;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Government of Canada evaluate any proposed
subsidization in terms of providing athletic facilities on a national scale as
compared to sponsoring a -one-shot" international extravaganza. It is
suggested, if the Government wishes to encourage and promote sporting activitie
far more effective results could be obtained by establishing athletic faciliti~
throughout the entire Nation;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be directed to the
Right Honourable Pierre Elliott Trudeau for his consideration; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The motion to approve the resolution Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Furs, Hunt, Mann, Harrigan, Keighan, puttick.
NA'YE:Aldermen Smeaton, Schisler, Walker and Wallace.
Alderman Wallace suggested that the consultants' first stage
,,Connnercial-Retail Report" would probably not be presented until later in
February after which there would be subsequent further meetings with staff
members and with the developers of the Cansdis and Niagara Square Plazas.
The Alderman stressed the importance of all members of Council being apprised
of the position of staff and to be brought up-to-date on the plans of the
developers. He suggested that in order to save time while awaiting the
consultants' report, meetings could be held with City staff and with repre-
sentatives of Canadia. and Niagara Square so Council would be familiar with
all the material which would lead to a more meaningful understanding and
discussion of the report. The City Solicitor suggested that Staff should
be heard first and given an opportunity to present background information.
It was then moved by Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
HarriSan that the two developers, Niagara Square and Canadia, be sun~noned by
the City Clerk to attend a Committee of Council meeting on February 12, 1973,,~
to make a presentation to Council regarding their respective plaza proposals :~
on the understanding that no decision will be made on the proposals at that
time. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all othezs~
in favour.
Alderman Keighan suggested that consideration be given to con-
sidering "new Business" after the by-laws have been dealt with. The Alderman
was concerned that after lengthy discussions under new business, important
by-lawsmay not be given sufficient consideration. The suggestion was referred
to the City Clerk.
As traffic problems and hazards are created by the parking of
vehicles on both sides of Willoughby Drive and the parking of a large tractor.
trailer on the roadway, Alderman Christensen suggested that consideration be
given to a parking prohibition on both aides of Willoughby Drive in the
Vicinity of Gunning Drive. The matter was referred to the parking Co~nittee.~
Alderman Puttick asked the City M~nager to obtain information
about a snow removal program for senior citizens which. is practiced in the
City of Toronto.
Complaints that car and truck repairs are being carried on in a
residential area (4719 Jepson Street) psrticularly on the weekends, were
referred to the City Clerk. The complaints were reported by Alderman Puttick
- 9-
New Business (Cont'd)
Alderman Puttick noted that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were
looking for outdoor areas or theatres which would be suitable for a pre-
sentation of a special show which is being produced in con]unction with the
R.C.M.P. lO0th Anniversary. The Alderman provided the City Manager with a
newspaper clipping on the subject and suggested that he follow it up and
discuss the matter with Niagara Parks Commission representatives.
Alderman Fera enquired about the development of s proposed park in
the general area of the Mary Ward School on the west side of Dorchester Road
and the possibility of naming the park in honour of Prime Minister Lester B.
Pearson. The City Engineer stated that parks in subdivisions are generally
established after the street pattern has been developed and road grades set.
It was moved by Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Christensen
· that a proposed park on the wes~,'s.ide,o~,Dorchester Road near the/Mary Ward
School be named in honour~'of~the late.~esteY B;,Pearson, former. Prime'Minister
Of Canada.. The motion Carried with the following ~ote,: ~1 : . v.l~
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Fera, Keighan, Smeaton, Schisler and Walker.
bAYE:Aldermen Hunt, Mann, Harrigan, Puttick, Wallace.
Alderman Keighan expressed concern that the design of the ten-storey
senior citizens' apartment building being constructed on Huron Street does not
provide sufficient room for recreation purposes or parking.
It was moved by Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
Foas~biIty of the On~s~o Housing Corporation acquiring land adjacent to the
senior citizens a~artment building on Huron Street for recreation and parking
purposes be considerea by the Mayor'a Committee on Housing at their next meeting.
The motion Carried with Alderman puttick voting contrary and all others in fayour.
Alderman Harrigan engulfed as to when Council could expect a report
from the Greater Niagara Transit Commission regarding the recommendations con-
tained in the Transit Study undertaken by Acres Consulting Services. His
Worship Mayor Bukator indicated that the Connnission plan to discuss some of
the problems with the bus drivers and more information will be available at
the next meeting of Council.
Xlderman Christensen referred to his earlier request for information
regarding the possibility of providing skate sharpening machines at the Niagara
Falls Memorial Arena. The City Manager indicated that information was being
sought regardi~g a new type of machine and the matter would be followed up.
No. 73-2~ - A By-law regard ing Cemeteries.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Cjrried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the. By-law be now given s second and third r~ading.
Carried Unanimously
By- laws
- 10 -
(Con t ' d )
No. 73-23 - A By-law to establish a board to be known as the"City of
Niagara Falls Board of Museums" and to provide for the appointment of members
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderann Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law
and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Fera that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-24 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement
~r House Realty Incorporated- (Registered Plan N.S.-21)
" ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Aldernmn
Smeaton that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading. -
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-25 - A By-law to authorize the execution of e site plan agreement
~as John Hishen and Elizabeth pattitie Hishen. (Gasoline bar on
parts of Lots 3,4,5,6.7 and 30,R.P. 5, former Twp.of Willoughby)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded'by Alderman
Mann that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by
Alderman Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-26 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 395, 1966 of the former Township
~g~by, BqF in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Hiehen)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderumn Mann, seconded by Alderumn
..Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave tointroduce the Byelaw
and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law he now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-27 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township
~ now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.(West side of
Meadowvale Drive, R.P.245)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bchisler, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
- i1 -
B -law No.73-27 Cent'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Puttick that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-2______J8 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 7531, being a By-law to provide for
the erection of Stop Signs at Intersections. (Deletions - McKenney Rd. at
Lyons Creek Road; McKenney Rd. at Ridge Rd.; Morris Road at Ridge Road)
ORDERED on the motion of Aiderman Mann, seconded by Aiderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-29 - A By-law to amend By-laws Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960 of the
former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.
(Angelmore Inv.,west side of Dorchester, south of McLeod)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carrie~ Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-3__0 - ~ By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Fera that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
- 12-
February 5, 1973
Connaittee Room #1
Council met in Connnittee of the Whole at 10:50 p.m. following
the regular Council meeting. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Thomson. Alderman Christensen presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Con~ittee of
the Whole arose without reporting.
Council Chambers,
February 5, 1973.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of
the Whole meeting held February 5, 1973. All members of Council were present,]
with the exception of Alderman Thomson. His Worship Mayo~ George Bukator ~'
presided as Chairman.
Council adjourned on the motion of AldermanMann, seconded by
Alderman Schisler.
Council Chambers,
February 19. 1973.
Council met on Monday, February 19, 1973, for the purpose of considering
general business. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided ss Chairman. Alderman
Smeaton offered the Opening Prayer. All members of Council were present.
The minutes of a regular meeting of Council held February 5, 1973,
were adopted as printed on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
As a member of the City Council's "Broomball Team", Alderman Hunt
presented two trophies to His Worship Mayor Bukator. The team had participated
in a tournament during the Winter Carnival sponsored by the Niagara Promotion
Cou~n. No. 15 - Greater Niagara Transit Cor~nission - Re: Transit Study Recommenda-
tions. Advising that it is expected complete recommendations to Council will be
m~de within the next few weeks and, in the meantime, no changes in routes or
schedules will take place,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, secended by Alderman Thomson that the
connunication be received and filed.
Report No.632 - City Solicitor - Advising of Ontario Municipal Board Decision of
approval Of the CityIs application if By-law 72-107 is amended to include a number
of provisions specified in the decision and tha~ a draft amending by-law will be
forwarded to the Board for approval.
Report No. 67 - City Solicitor - Advising that in accordance with the directions
of the O·M.B., approval of the proposed amending by-law by other counsel involved
in the hearing was requested and has b~en received; recommending approval of the
by-law appearing later in the agenda.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan, that the
report be received and adopted.
See By-law No.73-31
Report No. 68 - City Manager - Re: Chippawa Low Lift Pumping Station. Referring
to a newspaper report about a zoning problem in relation to the proposed low llft
pumping station to be constructed on the north side of the Welland River at the
south end of the City; clarifying some of the points appearing in the article;
submitting reports prepared by the City Engineer and the Building Inspector which
provide background information about the project.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Puttick that the
report be received and filed.
Report No. 69 - City Solicitor - Re: South Side Sanitary Sewer System. Advising
that it is the opinion of City staff that the erection and use of the proposed
pumping station building is not permitted under the existing by-law in an agri-
cultural district; advising also that the Regional Solicitor takes the view that
a building permit is required for the pumping station and is not prepared to
recommend to the Regional Council that the work commence without such a permit.
The report suggests possible approaches to the problem and reconnnenda: (1) that
Council approve a request of the Rgt~naal Solicitor that the City proceed with
an amendment to Zoning By-law 2350, 1959 to specifically permit the construction
of the proposed sewage pumping station and (2) that the City Solicitor be
authorized to inform the Regional Solicitor that the City will support an applica-
tion brought by the Region under the provisions of The Water Resources Act whereby
an O~der of the Ontario Municipal Board would permit the use of the land for
pumpin8 station purposes,
- 2-
Report ~69 (Coni'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report of the City Solicitor be received and the two recomnendations .
contained in the report be adopted.
No. 16 - project Trilliu~ - Submitting a financial statement and a proposed
budget for 1973; requesting a grant of $2,751.30; expressing appreciation for
financial support and encouragement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the .
communication be received and referred to the 1973 Budget discussions.
No. 17 - Social Planning Council - Requesting Council's approval of Supplement
~5 to the National Building Code so that in the future all new buildings
accessible to the public will provide easy access to handicapped persons.
When asked to connnent, the Building Inspector said that building
officials are concerned about adopting the plan for buildings of more than
one storey and the problems that would be created if it became necessary to
evacuate the handicapped during emergencies. Re agreed with Alderman Thomson ~:
that the plan could be adopted for one-storey public buildings. '
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Walker that . .
Mrs. H. A. Spironello be granted permission to address Council. ,
Mrs. Spironello pointed out that hotels and high rise buildings
have adopted fire prevention programs which include plans for the evacuation
of the handicapped. 10.2% of the people residing in the City of Niagara Falls
are handicapped in some manner and public buildings, because of their design,
o them A royal of Supplement No.5, she said, will make
are inaccessible t ' PP a e in the activities of the
it possible for the handicapped to pattitip t
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
connnunication be received and Council enk~se the resolution on Building Standar~
for the Handicapped as prepared by the Social planning Council and, further,
that the City Solicitor be authorized to prepare the necessary by-laws to
incorporate Supplement No.5 to the National Building Code as part of the City'!
by-laws relative to building standards.
No. 18 - N. Watson, Double Deck Tours - Re: proposed Theme park, Pt,Twp.Lot 19,z
Conc.1, east side Willoughby Drive. An assessment of the water supply, aanitai4
sewage disposal, traffic, parking and zoning required for the project; request
ing consideration of the proposal so the developers may prodeed with the
final stages of design.
'ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the conwaunication be received and the conmature and suggest~dna be referred to
staff. L-
No. 19 - Stamford Centre Volunteer Firemen's Assoc. - Referring to the
Associstion'S offer to contribute $35,000 toward an outdoor swi~min~ pool;
requesting that details be finalized and construction begin ohM arch lst,1973~
recommending that gchwenker pools Limited he engaged to construct the-pool.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Ke~ghan, seconded by Alderman
Rarrigan that Mr. R.Atack, be granted permission to address Council.
Mr, Atack, project Chairman, said that the Association is pleased
that the project has been accepted by the City and expressed the desire to
construction commence as quickly as possible.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
City Solicitor be authorized to prepare the necessary agreement to permit
construction of the pool on a cost-sharing basis and to provide for the maint.~
ance and operation of the facility.
No. 20 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Special Committee of the
Regional Council appointed to investigate and report on the matter of a HydroT
Electric Utilities Counission for the Region. Requesting the comments and
'suggestions of area municipal~ties sad connissions regarding the first report
of Task Force Rydro and the submission of the Ontario Municipal Electric Ass<
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thanson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
inasmuch as the Niagara Falls Rydro Comission and the C!~ippawa Public Htilil
Conciseion will be submitting comments, the connunic~tion be received and fil,
- 3-
Communications (Cont',__________~)
No. 21 - Ontario General Contractors Association - Re: Bill 198 - Proposed
Construction Safety Act. Advising that the construction industry advocates the
enactment of Bill 198 and requesting the support of the Municipality.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the communication be received and filed and a copy of the City's resolution
respecting Bill 198 be sent to the Association and they be informed that the
City endorses that portion of their cormnents regarding uniformity of inspection
standards and provincial training of inspectors; further, that the Association
be informed of the successful manner in which inspections and enforcement of
construction safety standards have been accomplished in the City of Niagara
No. 70 - City Clerk - Report of the Council Committee.
Proposed Increase in Rates - Bell Canada. The Council Committee recommends
that Council support the Association of Municipalities of Ontario in their
opposition to the proposed Bell Canada increases providing financial partici-
pation is made on a per capita basis similar to the method used by the
Association in the past.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
recommendation of the Council Committee be adopted. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Fern, Mann, Keighan, Walker,Wallace,Smeaton.
NAYE: Aldermen Thomson, Puttick, Harrigan, Schisler.
Stamford Arena - Structural Reinforcement. Reconnnendation: that authority be
granted to call tenders for the reinforcement of the Stamford Arena with a
closing date of March 6,1973 and an amount of $,~5,000 be provided in the 1973
Current Budget for the work.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
reconnnendation of the Council Committee be adopted.
Preliminary Operating Budget - A three-year forecast of the Operating Budget
prepared for the internal use only of the Province of Ontario. Recommendation:
that the Preliminary Operating Budget for the Fears 1973-1975 be accepted and
forwarded to the Province of Ontario.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderma~Schisler, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the reconnnendation of the Council Cormnittee be adopted. The motion
Carrie_____jdwith Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in fayour.
No. 71 - City Clerk - Advising that the Ontario Municipal Board has appointed
Monday, March 19, 1973 at 11:00 a.m. for the hearing of all parties interested
in supporting or opposing a fezcuing application which would permit construction
of five town house dwellings on the west side of Drummond Road immediately north
of the H.E.P.C.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and filed and the information noted by members of Council.
No. 72 - City Clerk - Advising that the Ontario Municipal Board has appointed
Tuesday, March 20, 1973 at 11:00 a.m. for the hearing of all parties interested
in supporting or opposing a fezcuing application which would permit the con-
struction of a four-unit apartment building, west of an existing apartment
building on the south side of Frontsnat St. at the intersection of Cadham St.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that ire
information be noted and the report be received and filed.
No. 73 - ClaShing and Development Committee - Re: AM-2/73 Stamford Construction
Company, PC.Block A, R.P.56, east side Portage Road. An application for fezcuing
to permit the construction of an 18-unit apartment building on the east side of
Portage Road, north of the N.S.& T, right-of-way, south Of Virginia Stveet~
reconnnending that the application be approved subject to a site plan and site
plan agreement and, further, that Council certify by refiolution that the appli-
cation conforms to the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 'of the Niagara Falls
Planning Area.
Report No. 73 (Cant'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderm~n Wallace, seconded by Alderman Walker that
Mr. D. Marineill be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Marineill noted that the City Engineer had given assurance
that the proposal would not add to flooding on Carroll Avenue and the two
objectors attending the meeting appeared to be satisfied. The site plan, he
said, will provide greater control of the development.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report of the Planning and Development Committee be received and adopted.
motion Carried with Alderman Christensen voting contrary and all others in
favour. See Resolution No.lO
The ~
No. 74 - Planning and Development Conmittee - Re: AM-4/73 J.Broderick in
Trust,Lot 40 and Pt. Lots 37,38 and 39,R.P.42. The applicant proposes to
erect a new gasoline bar and a retail store on property located at the
north-west corner of Prospect St. and Portage Rd.; reconEaending approval of
the commercial portion of the application excluding the gas bar and including
the lands to the rear of the property.
Comm. No.22 - Group 2 Development Limited - Suggesting that the recof,m,endation
of the Planning and Development Committee does not permit the proper develop-
ment of the land; advising that the main purpose of the rezoning was to
legalize the gas bar use and clean up the existing situation without endanger-
ing the present makeup of the neighbourhood.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
report ~f the Planning and Development Committee be received and filed and
the application of J.Broderick in trust be approved including a gas bar, a
retail store and land to the rear of the property being Pt. Lots 37,38 'and 39,
subject to s site plan, site plan agreement and an amendment to the Official
Plan. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Fern, Schisler, Thomson, Walker, Smeaton~ Mayor Buh~
NA"YE:Aldermen Mann, Hunt, Harrigan, Keighan, Puttick,Wallace.
No. 75 - Planning and Development Comnittee - Re: AM-5/73 - D.D'Addto,Lot 17,
Plan 105, 6445 Drummond Road and Carwin Crescent. The application is for a
change in zoning from single family residential to apartment residential;
recommending approval of the application subject to s site plan agreement
conta.~ning a clause that the owner would not object to e Local Improvement pr0gr
for storm sewers with the Corporation and, further, that Council certify by
resolution that the application conforms to the Official Plan Amendment No.28
of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Mann
that the report of the Planning and Development Connittee be received and
adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Hunt voting contrary and all others
in favour.
See Resolution No. 11
No. 76 - Planning and Development Conultras - Re: Official Plan Amendment No.6~
(M. and C. Bubna, to permit motel accon:nodation on the south side of Ferry St.
between Grey Ave. and Sylvia Ptace). -., Recommending the adoption of the amend'
meat to the Official Plan by by-law, modified to read as follows "except that
motel accommodation facilities may be permitted on the south side of 'Ferry St.
(between Sylvia Place and Grey Avenue) on the property affected by rezoning
application AM-38/72."
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Christensen, seconded by Aldermmn Hunt that
the report be received and adopted.
See By-law No, 73-~2
No. 77 - Planning and Development Connittee - Re: Procedures for dealing with
Applications for Rezoning. Recommending a revision of the procedure~ dealing
with rezoning applications as outlined on a chart attached to the report with
the suggestion that the requirement of a survey plan with the original sub-
mission he changed to indicate s legal description.
ORDERED nn the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received end. adopted.
No. 78 - City Manager - Re: S~ste Sharpenera - Niagara Fails Memorial Arena.
Advising ~hat if the arena was to provide this service it would be necessary
to provide quarters for the machinery end to have such quarters staffed; it
- 5-
Report No.78 (Cant'd)
is estimated the cost of providing quarters st the arena would require a budget
of $2,500 to $3,000; submitting information regarding coin-operated skate
sharpening machines and advising that the Arena Manager would have no objection
to the Minor Hockey Association installing the necessary equipment in rooms
provided for them by the arena; recommending that the mettar be referred to
the 1973 Budget Meeting and the Arena Mam ger continue in his efforts to
provide a skate sharpening service in the building.
ORDERED on the motion of Aideman Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Christensen
that the report be received and referred to the Arena Manager for a follow-up
on the availability of the coin-operated skate sharpeners and a report to
Council when more information is available.
No. 79 - City Manager - Re: Acting Deputy Chief, Niagara Falls Fire Department.
Advising of the appointment of Mr. Jack Berr as Acting Deputy Chief effective
February 16, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Aldernmn Christensen
tImt the report be received and filed.
No. 80 - City Manager - Re: Local Initiatives Program. Advising of the approval
of the Mitchelson Park Swin~ning Pool and the SatelliWArena for Local Initiatives
Program grants in the amounts of $7,600 and $27,850,respectively.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and filed.
No. 81 - City Manager - Re: Provincial Municipal Incentive Program. Advising of
the approval of a further expenditure of-$26,760. At the completion of the
program in mid May, 50 persons will have been given approximately 4,400 men hours
of work involving a provincial expenditure of approximately $150,000.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and filed.
No. 82 - City Manager - Re: Guide Signing Q.E.W,-420 Interchange. Recommending
that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications be requested to erect a
sign on the north bound, west bound and south bound approaches to the interchange
indicating that Lundy's Lane traffic should follow the directions to Hwy.20;
recommending further that the Regional Council be requested to nmke the necessary
arrangememts for signs on Montrose Road at its intersection with Lundy'a Imne to
adequately inform motorists.
It was then moved by Alderman Wallace, seconded by Aldermen Walker
that the report be received and adopted with the exception that the first
recommendation be revised to read: "that the Ministry of Transportation and
Cannaunitarians be requested to erect a sign on the north bound, west bound and
south bound approaches to the interchange indicating that Lundy'a Lane 'motel'
traffic should follow the directions to Bwy.20."
During the discussion which followed Alderman Thomson noted that the
City'a past attempts to have ~q?ood,Fuel,Accommodation" signs erected within the
City limits had been unsuccessful because they are not in accordance with the
Department's policy. In reply to questions by Aldernmn Puttick regarding the
possibility of erecting such signs on municipally-owned property, the Projects
Engineer suggested that the eppropriate location for such signing would be at
the Moatrose Road - Lundy'e Lane intersection and this could be undertaken by
the Region. He stated also that, in view of the refusal of the M.T.Cl to erect
food, fuel and acconuuodation signs, motel owners and other businesses on Lundy~Ms
Lane have said they would be satisfied if the signing indicated that Lundy's
Lane and Hwy.20 are actually the same roadway.
The motion on the floor p.arried with the following vote;
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Fern, Mann, Hattitan, Puttick, Smeaton, Schisler, Walker,
Wallace, -
NA__~: Aldermen Thomson, Christensen and Keighan.
No. 83 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Law Enforcement Officers. Advising that
the new contract with the Canadian Co~ps of Commissionaires will cover a two-year
period expiring February 28, 1975 and provides for a general 6% increase for each
year. In addition, the contract makes provis ion for increased wages for the
Warrant Officer and the Patrol Marshall. The report recomnen~adoption of the
new ~erms o~ the agreement and the necessary by-law.
Report No. 83 (Coat'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted. The motion CarrieD with Alderman Walker
voting contrary and all others in fayour.
No. 84 - City Manager - Re: Resolutions from Ontario Municipalities-
1. City of Sault Ste.Marie - A resolution requesting an amendment to The
Canada Elections Act to provide that employers shall be obligated to give
employees up to four hours with pay in which to vote only if the employee
requests time off and if the time requested is justified by the distance
between his place of employment and the polling place. Reco~ending
endorsation of the resolution.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that the resolution be received end filed.
2. City of London - Requesting the estab'lishment of a Capital Aid Program for
the purpose of buying municipal debentures issued for urban transportation
and pollution control purposes at a faycurable rate of interest. Reconunend-
ing endorserich of the resolution.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the resolution of the City of London be approved.
3. City of Stratford - Ob~6cting to an Arbitration Award handed down to the
Stratford police Association and reconunending the enactment of legislation
respecting Arbitration Boards. The report recommends that the resolution
be endorsed.
ORDERED On the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that,
the resolution be referred to the Personnel Director to determine the effect.
of the resolution on the City of Niagara Falls.
4. Town of Thorold - Soliciting support of objections to the recons~endations
contained in the Task Force Hydro Report. Recon~nending that the resolution
be referred to the Niagara Fails Hydro Cor~nission with a request that
comments be forwarded to the special conwnittee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the reco~mnendation be adopted.
5. City of Windsor - A resolution pertaining to a proposed amendment to The
Municipal Act requiring disclosure of election costs.
It was moved by Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schtsler that
the resolution be received and filed. The motion was De.feared with the
following vote:
AYe: Aldermen Hunt, Schisler, Christensen,Smeaton, Thomson~Fera.
NAY.E.:Aldermen !'-,~ Mann, Harrigan, Keighan, Puttick, Walker, Wallace,Mayor
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that
the resolution of the City of Windsor be received and eBdorsed. The motion![
Carried with the following vote: .
AYE: Aldermen Walker, Fern, Mann, Keighan, Hsrrigan, Puttick, Wallace,~
'h NXYE:Aldermen Hunt, Schisler, Christensen, Smeaton, Thomson.
1 72
No. 85 - City Manager - Re: Transper~ation Safety Association Awards - 9 .
Recom~ending that the Awards be presented to 71 eligible drivers at the servic~
centre on a date suitable to the Mayor and members of Council; recommending
further that 38 drivers who have accumulated six or more years of accident-
free driving be authorized to attend the annual banquet as well as Ria Worship
the Mayor, or his designate, and three members of Supervisory Staff.'
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted. '
No. 86 - City Manager - Re: Traffic Transportation Seminar,Toronto,March 1, 2
and 3, 1973. Recommending that two members of Council attend the seminar;
recommending further that the Projects Engineer, A.Lamb, as Vice-President of
the Ontario Traffic Conference, be permitted to attend with all costs being
borne by the O.T.C.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted and Alderman Hunt attend as Council's repre-
sentative. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all
others in layout. It was suggested that Alderman Thomson,as Chairman of the
parkin8 Cons'dittos, should also attend the Seminar,
- 7-
Reports (Coni'd)
No. 87 - City Manager - Re: Ontario Municipal Personnel Association. Recommending
that the Personnel Officer, Mr.A.L.Jobey be authorized to attend the Associationrs
Workshop in Toronto on March 29 and 30,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 88 - Cit~ Manager - Re: Contract S.S.2-73 - Storm Sewer Construction on
Brookfield Avenue, Carden Street, Mouland Avenue and Looming Street.
Recommending that the storm sewer contract he awarded to H.J.Voth & Sons Ltd.
at the total bid price of $72,762.10.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermanHunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.12
No. 89 - City Manager - Re: Contract S.S.3-73 - Storm Sewer and Watermain
Construction on Prince Edward Avenue and Storm Sewer Construction on Cook Street.
Recommending that the tendered price of $133,528.00 submitted by H.J.Voth &
Sons be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.13
No. 90 - City Clerk - An advisory report regarding various communications and
requests submitted primarily for the information of the members of Council.
The report includes two reconunendations: (1) that the Caned inn Fife and Drum
Corps Association be granted permission to use Oakes Park for a National Fife
and Drum Corps Championship event on Saturday, Sept. 15, 1973 and (2) that
the Kinotto Club be granted permission to hold Tag Days on May 25th and 26th,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 91 - City Clerk - Recommending approval of Municipal Licences.
It was moved by Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
The motion on the floor was amended on the motion of Alderman Mann,
seconded by Alderman Christensen to exclude the application of Oriental Carpet
Brokers Ltd. for an Auctioneer Liceace. The amendment to the motion was
Defeated with the following vote:
A~."'~"~ermen Mann, Christensen and Hunt.
~A~E:Aldermen Fera, Harrigan, Keighan, Smeaton, Puttick, Schfsler, Walker,
~homson, Wallace.
The motion on the floor to receive and adopt the report of the City
Clerk Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Fern, Harrigan, Keighan, Smeaton, Puttick, Schisler, Walker,
Thomson, Wallace.
~AYE: Aldermen Mann, Christensen, Hunt.
No, 92 - City Manager - Reconmending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report .~e received and adopted.
No. 10 - THOMSON - MANN - RESOLVED that the Council of t.he Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls certify that the application of Stamford Construction
Company , Pt. Block A, R.P.56, east side Portage Road conforms to the Official
Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as approved by the
Ministry of Treasury, Economics and IntergQvernmental Affairs; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 11- CHRISTENSEN - MANN - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls certify that the application of D. D'Addio, Lot 17,
Plan 105, located at 6445 Drummond Road conforms to the Official Plan Amend-
ment No. 28 of the Niagara Fails Planning Area as amended and approved by the
Minister of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental AffaiFs; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
m e
Resolutions (Cent'd)
No'. 12 - HUNT - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the contract for storm sewer
construction on Brookfield Avenue, Garden Street, Mouldrid Avenue and Leeming
Street, No.S.S.2-73, be awarded to H.J.Voth & Sons Ltd. at the total bid
price of $72,762.10; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 13 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the contract for the construction of
storm sewers and watermains on prince Edward Avenue and storm sewers on
Cook Street, S.S.3-73, be awarded to H.J.Voth & Sons Ltd. at the tendered
price of $133,528.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 14 - KEIGHAN - WALKER - RESOLVED that until further direction, Rule 9
of procedural By-law No.72-148 be modified as follows: "The Clerk shall
cause to be prepared for the use of the members at the ordinary meetings
of the Council and "Order of Business" containing (1) Reading of Minutes;
(2) Deputations; (3) Unfinished Business; (4) Communications; (5) RepOrts;
· (6) Petitions; (7) Resolutions; (8) By-laws; (9) New Business; (10)
Miscellaneous Instructions; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried Unanimousl~
Alderman Fern advised that the planning and Development Conmittee
had voted to continue meeting at two o'clock in the afternoon rather than
have late afternoon or evening meetings. The Alderman said that because he
was unable to attend early afternoon meetings, he found it necessary to
resign as a member of the Con~nittee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the resignation of Alderman Fern from the Planning and Development Committee
be accepted with regret and Aldermen Harrigan be appointed to fill the
Alderman Hunt noted that the City of Niagara Fails owns Navy
Island which is presently leased to the Niagara Parks Cogmission. The Alderman~
suggested that the Island could be developed as a multi-million dollar
recreation park.
Alderman Walker expressed his concern about the number of police
officers who have recently been transferred to other areas within the Region.
He suggested that police officials have apparently adopted a policy of
moving the officers to avoid them becoming too attached to a particular
neighbourhoed. The Alderman suggested that this was opposi~ to the view of
most municipalities where police officers are being moved back to neighboer-
hoods where they are acquainted with the residents and are familiar with
streets, traffic flows, crime patterns and areas of.unrest. He suggested
that when police department personnel are moved the period of adjustment is
reflected in the type of service .the cce~aunity receives. Alderman puttick
that Sec.lla, s.s.3(3) of BIll 174 provides that a member of the Niagara
Regional Police Force may not be assigned without his consent to serve on
a permanent basis at a location in the Regional Area more than five miles
distant from the area municipality in which he was formerly employed. He
suggested that the Board of Police Commissioners be asked for their inter-
pretation of that particular section of Bill 174. Alderman Thenmen said
that although policing is now a Regional matter, the effect of transfers on
police morale and the operation of the department should be a matter of
local concern. Aldemnsn Wallace noted thatalthough there have been transfer!
- 9-
New Business (Cent'd)
in the past, recently the moves are on a "mass basis" and a large number of
police officers are suddenly being transferred from one detachment to another.
It was then moved by Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Wallace
that the City determine, either through the City's representatives on the
Regional Council or the Regional Board of Commissioners of Police, the
rationale for the moving of police officers to various area municipalities
within the Region particularly with reference to the relevant provisions
contained in Sec.ll8 ss.3(e) of the Regional Municipality of Niagara Act,
1968-1969. The motion Carried unanimously.
Alderman Thomson expressed his concern that some means be found to
determine whether the amount of Regional roadwork carried out in area munici-
palities in a specific year, bears any relationship to municipal allocations
to Regional costs. For instance, the City of Niagara Falls contributes approxi-
mately 21% of Regional requirements. At the present time there is no method
by which the City can be assured that a corresponding percentage of Regional
roadwork is, in fact, being undertaken in this municipality. The Alderman spoke
about his unsuccessful efforts to obtain information regarding the total value
of Regional road construction. While he agreed that the percentage might vary
from year to year, it should, over a period of five or ten years, be fairly
equal to the contribution made.
Regional Councillor John Graaskamp commented on the difficulties
that would be encountered in trying to "sift through" the many items in the
Region's operating budget and allocating expenditures to specific municipalities.
He suggested that gre~liaison was needed between the Region and area munici-
It was moved by Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
a resolution be prepared for circulation to the Regional and all area munici-
palities requesting a periodic survey of Regional capital expenditures
relevant to roads and bridges and the allocation of these works to area
municipalities expressed as a percentage of the total expenditure. The motion
Carried unanimously.
In reply to an enquiry by Alderman Wallace, the City Clerk advised
that the matter of a public speaker system for the Council Chambers is being
investigated, prices have been obtained and areport will be submitted to
Council in the near future.
No. 72-202 - A By-law to authorize the reconstruction of Ontario Avenue from
Park Street to Simcoe Street. (The By-law was read a first and second time
on November 6, 1972).
'THIRD READING - Alderman Mann and Alderman Hunt.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-31 - A By-law to amend By-law No.2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (O.H.C. Senior Citizen
Units, Portage Road)
ORDRRED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By.~law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 10-
By-laws (Cont'd)
No. 73-32 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the
bfficial'Plan of the Niagara Falls planning Area. (M. and C. Bubna, Ferry
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Alderman Harrigan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading,
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by
Alderman Wallace that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-33.- A By-law to appoint Stanley Charles Thomson, Acting Fire Chief.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Alderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-laW be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
Barrigan that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Alderman Thomson declared his interest in the matter and abstained from
voting. Carried Unanimously
No. 73-34 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with The Government of Canada
under the Local Initiatiaes Program respecting a swimming pool in
Mitchelson Park.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconed by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law
and the By-law be given the ~&rst reading.
9artfed Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman.
H~rrigan that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-35 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with The Goverr. nent of Canada
under the Local Initiatives Prggram respecting the extension to Stamford
Memorial Arena.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Keighan that Alderman' Wallace be granted leave to introduce the by-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, 8eeo~ded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
~arried Unanimously
No...7.3-)6- A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement With
· Consumers' Gas Co. for heating and water heating.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schtsler, seconded by Alderman
W~llace that Alderman Walker be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman
Wallace that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 11 -
By-laws (Coat'd)
~o. 73-37 - A By-law to establish a plan for the co-ordination of municipal
and regional services and certain volunteer agencies in the event of floods,
hurricans, windstorms, blizzards, landslides, explosions, aircraft or rail
crash, toxic or flammable gas escapes, building or structure collapse,
uncontrollable fires or any other emergency, or the threat of any of the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that Alderman Keighan be granted leave to introduce She By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman
Wallace that the By-taw be now given a second and third readimg.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-38 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Canadian Corpos of
Commissionaires (Hamilton).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Schisler be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Smeaton that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
~o. 73-39 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with H.J.
Voth & Sons Limted for the construction of storm sewermains. (Brookfield
Ave., Garden St., Mouland Ave. and Leeming St.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman gchisler, seconded by Alderman
Keighan that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
.~o. 73-40 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with H.J.
Voth & Sons Limited for the construction ofsewermaina and watermains.
(Prince E~ward Ave. and Cook Street)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
gmeaton that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
B~-laW h~ given the first reading.
~arried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given the second and third readings.
Carried Unanimously
~o. 73-41 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Richard J.
Collee for the demolition of buildings. (4347 Morrison St., 4358 Huron St.,
4300 Drummond Road.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Keighan
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law end the By-law be
given the first reading.
~arried Unanimously
By-law No.73-41 (Cent'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-42 - A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land fromMargaret
Johnstone. (St. Clair Avenue)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
puttick that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law
and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-43 - A By-law to amend By-law No.3~90, for the regulation of traffic.
~Epworth Circle)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to tintreduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading. The motion ~arrie.d. with Alderman
Keighsn voting contrary and all others in layout.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Wallace that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion
Csrried with the following vote:
AYE: kfdermen Christensen, Hunt, Fera, Mann, Harrigan, Smeaton, Schisler,
Walker, Thomson, Wallace.
NAYE:Aldermen Keighan and Puttick.
No. 73-44 - A By-law to amend By-law No.3790, for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera~
that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton~ seconded by Aldernen
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
.No. 73-45 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Harrigan that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman
Fera that the By-law be now given a second and third reading,
Carried UnanimousiX
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldernmn Walker that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
- 13 -
Connittee Room f/l,
February 19, 1973.
Council met in Connnittee of the Whole following the regular
Council meeting of February 5, 1973. All members of Council were present.
Alderman Mann pros ided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Conmittee
of the Whole arose without reporting.
Council Chambers,
February 19,1973.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of
the Whole Meeting held February 19, 1973. All members of Council were
present. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman.
Council adjourned on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Hunt.
Council Chambers,
February 21, 1973.
Council met in special session on Wednesday, February 21, 1973, at 7:30 p.m.
for the purpose of hearing the details of a proposal by Cansdis (Niagara Falls)
Ltd. to establish a shopping centre on Dorchester Road. All Members of Council
were present with the exception of Alderman Puttick. His Worship Mayor George
Bukator presided as Chairman.
Also in attendance were:
John T.pennachetti,President, Canadia (Niagara Falls) Ltd.
Cha~tes (Bud) Chaffey, Vice President, Canadia
Donald N. Chapman, Associate Architect, Niagara Falls
John Matthews, Solicitor, Niagara Falls
Michael McQuaid, Solicitor, Weir & Foulds, Toronto
Murray V. Jones, President,Murray V. Jones & Associates Ltd., Toronto
Peter Walker, Partner, Murray V.Jones & Associates
Henry Fleiss, Architect Toronto
Dean Feltham, Executive Vice President,Western Realty Shopping Centrag.Toronto
Elliot Yarmon, Vice President Western Realty Projects Ltd., Toronto
His Worship Mayor Bukator explained that the meeting had been
arranged to acquaint the new members of Council with the Canadia proposal
and for the developers to provide up-to-date information. A similar meeting
will be held on February 26, 1973, to hear the details of the Niagara Square
Mr. Penachetti reviewed the events leading to the current plans for
the development of a $10 million shopping centre on the Canadia site located
at the northeast corner of Dorchester Road and the Queen Elizabeth Highway. He
spoke about the initial purchase of the property in 1965; the operation and
disposition of the educational attraction "Cansdiana"; the change in zoning
which deleted commercial development in industrial areas and the subsequent
rescinding of the by-law; the firm's association with Bramalea, Subilomar and
R.V.Anderson AsSociates; the decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal regarding
Oshawa \~T~holesale Ltd. vs Canadia (Niagara Fails) Ltd.; the objections of the
Petti~ Subdivision Residents Association and the decision of the Ontario
Municipal Board respecting Cannai Holdings.
Mr. Penschetti announced that "Dorchester Square" will be developed
jointly by Western Realty Shopping Centrag Ltd.' and Canadia (Niagara Falls) Ltd.
on the Dorchester Road site.
Mr.Feltman stated that Western Realty Projects Ltd. is the fourth
largest land developer in Canada having in excess of 7000 acres of land under
development including industrial buildings, office buildings, apartment
buildings, rental housing senior citizen residences and retail shopping.
Western Realty Shopping Centres is a subsidiary of Western Realty Projects..
Since becoming active in the Eastern Canada market the firm has acquired
$4 million dollars worth of land for development in Ontario, A study of the
Niagara Peninsula indicated excellent opportunities for the development of a
full-enclosed mall, particularly in the City of Niagara Falls.
Mr, Yamon commented on the size, scope and activities of Western
Realty Projects. A slide presentation indicated the net land holdings of the
company. The visual presentation featured the company's holdings in Calgary,
Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan Vancouver and White Rock.
The architectural concept of the Dorchester Square proposal was
described by D.Chapman. The site is buffered on the south by the Hydro Electric
Power Canal; on the west by light,clean industry; on the east by Pettit Avenue
and Mr.Chapman suggested that a substantial green area north of the property
would be suitable for a municipal swinuing pool or skating rink. Landscaping
Architecture (Cont'd)
will be used extensively around the perimeter of the plaza and will enhance
approaches to the project. The slope of the land will allow a lower level
for a shopping area; sn all-enclosed recreation. sports-entertainment complex,
two theatres, bowling alley and with sufficient space for other facilities
such aa health clubs, community services, etc. Mr.Chapman stated the con-
struction period will not interru~ existing services or traffic in the area.
Be suggested, because of the svailabilitY of services in the immediate area
the project could be completed on this site sooner than other areas deemed
to be suitable for a regional shopping centre.
Mr. Fliece provided information regarding the design of the
plaza which will include three department stares and one major food store
connected by malls with retail stores on each side. In addition to the
main level, the slope of the property permits the lower level described
earlier by Mr. Chapman. A sky-lit mezzanine on the upper level has a
gallery overlooking the main area and provides access to office facilities.
At each department store there will be s fairly large court each one
decorated differently. Mr. Flieee said the plaza is designed toebe built
in two phases. Two department stares, the supermarket and the main mall
area are included in the first phase. The second phase will provide the
third dep~rtment store, mall stores and the lower level facilities.
The role of Mr.Jones was to investigate the effect of additional
commercial ~pace on existing facilities in the Niagsra Region with con-
sideration being given to the Regional planning program. The draft Regional
Official Plan, population statistics, resources and the ~olume of business
were also studied. On a tabled map of the Niagara Region, Mr. Jones
indicated the plaza site in relation to existing commercial areas. The
',impact study", he said, indicated that Dorchester Square would meet the
needs and desires of Niagara Falls shoppers; will not adversely affect
existing cormnercial development; is easily accessible to all areaS; would
compete for sales presently going elsewhere in the Region; is convenient
to existing and proposed major road systems and can be serviced by public
In accordance with an earlier nmrket study, the Official Plan
Amendment for Canadia contained 190,000 gross lease floor space in the first.
phase and 325,000 sq. ft. in the second phase. Mr. MeQuaid advised that
on-going studies indicated 325,000 sq. ft. of commercial area in the first
phase and 600,000 sq.ft. in the second phase would he ~iable and realistic.
The City Council will be fp~mally requested to amend the Official Plan
amendment accordinglY.!' ~r.' Menuaid indicated that discussions with the
~_~p14~4~_~B_tbp_plBnnin~ Administrator regarding an agreement to
implement the zoning by-law will be resumed.
- 3-
Questions and Answers (Cost'd)
What is proposed for the area where it was originally intended to build
apartment buildings?
Canadia still owns approximately four acres located east of Pettit Ave.
which will not be developed in the first phase. Planning principles indicate
a medium density residential area which will mean no high rise buildings. It
is possible that a townhouse type of development will be designed to act as
a buffer between single family and commercial areas.
Q. Size of site?
A. Approximately 37.6 acres. The final alignment of Pettit Ave. will have a
bearing on the area to be developed.
Q. Floor area of department stores and supermarket?
A. First department store - 90,000 sq.ft.; second department store - 60,000 sq.ft.;
supermarket - 30,000 aq.ft.
Q. Contractors?
A. The developers will follow their usual practice of tendering major projects
to. the construction industry.
Q. Traffic ingress and egress?
A. The indicated entrances and exits at Dorchester Rd., Dawson St. and Pettit
Ave. are subject to change when final plans are completed.
Q. Does W.R.P. have a plaza under construction in Ontario?
A. Dorchester Square is the company's first project in Ontario.
Q. In the partnership of Canadia and Western Realty Projects, who has control?
A. W.R.P. has control.
Q.What is the t~metable for construction?
A.The developer desires to con~ence construction of the first phase as early ~!~ Q'
as possible and the date will be determined by the approval of Council and ,~-. A
the approval of the Minister, Construction could commence twelve months ~ Q.
after approval and continue for a nine to fwelve month period. The only ~.- A.
limitation on proceeding with the project would be ftnalization of a
detailed design and preparation of working drawings,
What guaranty would be provided that Phase 2 would be carried out?
Subject to a major economic trend, Western Realty Projects are prepared to
connit themselves to completion of the secnnd phase as a condition of
Q.MaJor [ensnts?
A.Negotiations are underway. There are two possibilities in the Canadian
Q.Traffic study?
A.An earlier study indicated no traffic problems in the first phase and the
tying in of the second phase with the extension of Morrison gtreet.
Another firm has been engaged~ a study. has been undertaken and discussions
to dace foresee no problems.
How many stores in the completed complex?
It is difficult to state a definite number because of variance in the size
of the stores. The centre mall stores consist of 150,000 sq. ft. of floor
space which may involve 50 to 65 outlets. The stores will be leased by the
Q. Two theatres?
A. There is space for two theatres. The company involved may want to establish
one large theatre or two smaller ones in the first phase.
Q..Swimming pool or skating rink north of the site?
A. The green belt buffering the northern part of the'property would appear to be
the parking area. The developers have indicated they would be willing to deed
the area to the City for such purposes and would permit the City to hook np
to. plaza services.
Amount of office space?
Between 15,000 and 30,000 sq. ft. A detailed study has not been undertaken.
Keiffer St. - Cropp St. grade crossing?
Projects Engineer, A. Lamb, commented on the required grade separation between
the C.N.R. and Dorchester Road. It has not been determined if the structure
will be an overpass or an underpass. In either case, CroppaSt. will be closed
and Keiffer at. will be affected to a limited extent,
How many square feet of floor space is required for s regional shopping plaza?
Mr. Jonesv suggested that the term "regional plaza" lacks definition and said
that Dorchester Square is regional in the sense that it is designed to serve
the regton..Mr.McQuaid noted that the definition of a regional centre formed
a major portion of the hea~dngrbef~re.~Mr. Justice Mouldon in Cayuga and
evidence indicated t hat anything over 350,000 sq.. ft. was a regional centre.
-4 -
Questions and Answers (tout'd)
Cash Penalty Bond if the second phase is not carried out?
The City Solicitor stated that this condition was recommended by the
planning and Development Committee and was part of a proposed development
agreement. A draft agreement was prepared in August of 1972 but Cansdin
officials were not satisfied with the City's proposal at that time. Mr.
penschetti said that Canadia could not accept a condition that was "open-
ended". For example, the costs involved for off-site servicing were not
known. The proposed agreement required that Canadia furnish a letter of
credit which would be forfeited if the developers did not pay off all the
services required by the City, the Region and the Department of Highways.
It was the opinion of the developers that a "top figure" should be set
and the matter had been referred to consultants for a recommendation.
Mr. Joselin addressed Council on behalf of the Pettit Subdivis ion Residents
Association which is comprised of homeowners residing on Bracken, Carolyn,
Heather and the existing protion of Pettit Avenue. A prepared brief,
distributed to members of Council, outlined the Association's objections to
the Canadia proposal. Mr.Joselin suggested that the recommendation of the
Planning and Development Committee that the application be denied and the
approval by a 6-5 vote did not indicate a clear-cut endorsement of the
proposal. He advised that despite the most recent presentation, members
of the Association remain convinced that the Canadia proposal is not large
enough; does not have the required type of tenant; ia not in the best
location; does not provide sufficient space for expansion or secondary
development and does not provide adequate parking for a cou~ercial develop-
ment consisting of 600,000 sq. ft. The speaker also cited increased traffic
on Dorchester Road, Valley Way, Morrison St. and' through the Pe~t~t Ave.
subdivision as reasons for the objections of the Pettit Subdivision Resident~
Association. Mr. Jogolin urged members of Council to not support the propose.
of Canadia.
The meeting adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the
Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker.
motion of Aideman
Council Chambers,
February 26,1973.
Council met in special session on Monday, February 26, 1973, for
the purpose of hearing a presentation by representatives of Niagara Square
Corporation regarding a proposed shopping centre. All Members of Council
were present with the exception of Alderman Hunt. His Worship Mayor George
Bukator presided as Chairman.
Also in attendance were:
Ronald Routledge, President, Mardress Investments Ltd.
Warren Scott, Executive Vice President, Select Properties
J. Long, Damas & Smith Ltd.
D.Greenspan, Solicitor, Greenspan and Vaughan.
Mr. Routledge stated that Mardress Investments selected Niagara
Falls as a site that presented outs tanding opportunities for commercial
development. The land assembly on the two south quadrants of the Queen
Elizabeth Highway - McLeod Road intersection was completed in 1971.
Realizing the potential of the property assembled, Mardress entered into
negotiations with Select Properties Ltd. a subsidiary of Orlando Real
Estate Corporation. Orlando, he said, is one of the largest most successful
developers of industrial real estate in Canada. The joint venture is known
as Niagara Square Corporation and is controlled by Select Properties.
Members of Council were provided with copies of a Niagara Square
brochure, an economic analysis of the shopping centre, a study by Damas &
Smith dealing with all aspects of the traffic situation, the Orlando group's
latest financial statement and an Orlando publication illustrating the type
of building the developers are conm~ttted to build in Phase 1 of the proposal.
Mr. Scott commented on the capabilities of Select Properties,
developers of projects in nmny Ontario municipalities representing a total
value of $18 million. During 1972, he said, the Orlando group started or
completed in excess of one million square feet of industrial space. A slide
presentation illustrated industrial and commercial buildings constructed by
Orlando. Mr. Scott advised that Niagara Square is committed to build~an
25,000 sq.ft, incubator-type mall in the first phase of the commercial develop-
ment. The Niagara Square Industrial Park will ultimately aceorenodate single
tenants and multi-tenant buildings. Industrial park lands will be temporarily
used for the operation of an existing trailer park and will act as a catalyst
for new industry in Niagara Falls. He suggested that Niagara Square repre-
sents an opportunity for the City to provide a fully-enclosed, air-conditioned
modern shopping centre and an industrial complex that will stimulate industrial
and commercial growth and provide the latest innovations of nmll construction
design. Mr. Scott described a "regional shopping centre" as having eight
characteristics: 1)Location; 2)Traffic Accessibility; 3) Geography; 4)Service
Ability; 5) Viability; 6) Compatability; 7) Tenancies and 8) aesthetic design.
Tabled plans illustrated the phasing of the commercial and industrial aspects
of the proposal and the various types of stores contemplated. Included in
the first phase of the shopping centre are two department stores, a food
store, theatre, 40 to 45 mall stores and "common" areas. Phase 2 will provide
an additional two-storey department store, additional mall stores and common
areas. When warranted by demand the developers will proceed with the third
phase which includes a multi-storey office building.
Mr. Long reviewed the traffic analysis undertaken for Niagara
Square. Projected charts and nmps demonstrated traffic accessibility, peak
hour traffic, travel time studies, distribution of traffic to and from the
development, proposed improvements to existing streets and highways, con-
struction of the Q.E.W.-McLeod Road interchange, proposed access to Niagara
Square and four alternative road schemes that have been cons idered. It is
estimated that 9800 vehicles per day will be directed to the shopping area
for the first phase; the complete complex will draw an estimated 22,000
vehicles per day in and out of the area. Studies also indicate that most of
Niagara Falls is within ten minutes of the site with the average t~avelling
time being seven to eight minutes.
- 2-
In regard to services, FIr. Long noted that Niagara Square can
be serviced by either the existing pumping station at the southwest corner
of the interchange or a new pumping station to be constructed in the area.
Existing watercourses have sufficient capacity to handle storm drainage.
The centre can be serviced by an existing watermain on the west side of
of the Q.E.W. as well as a new 12"nmin under construction.
In respect to "timing", Mr. Scott suggested if the project
received Ontario Municipal Board approval by June, 1973, construction
could commence three months later and the centre completed by the fall
of 1974. He advised that although the developers are not in a position
to disclose the names of potential tenants, permission has been granted
to provide information to City Council and staff regarding thirty
interested businesses with the understanding that the names will remain
Mr. Greenspan stated that Niagara Square is the only shopping
centre application to be "legally perfected" the previous Council having
approved an official plan amendment, a resoning by-law and an executed
developer's agreement has been delivered to the City Solicitor. He said
indications are that the O.M.B, will not approve two major shopping
centres in Niagara Falls unless Justified by planning evidence and he
was not aware of any evidence that would Justify approval of both the
Canadia and Niagara Square proposals. Mr. Greenspan urged Council to
approve one application, repeal the other and go before the O.M.B. as
quickly as possible with one proposal. He suggested that in addition
to the opposition of Oshawa Wholesalers, another problem has been created
by the draft Regional Official Plan which, he said, was designed to keep
Niagara Falls as the ,,dormitory" and tourist centre of the Niagara
peninsula with St.Catharines as the commercial centre. He noted that in
the proposed Regional Official Plan, no shopping centre of a regional
character is proposed for Niagara Falls nor are the Canadia or Niagara
Square sites designated as shopping centre areas.
In reply to questions posed by members of Council, ~epresenta-
rives of Niagara Square indicated that no further studies regarding their
proposal were considered necessary. It was suggested that if it was the
intention of the City to present more than one application to the O.M.B.,
an "impact study" would certainly be advisable and necessary. The
industrial incubator space will be built entirely on speculation although
there have been many enquiries as to when the facilties will be available.
Industries that outgrow the incubator acconnnodation are re-located in the
Niagara Square Industrial Park. The company's holdings include property
on which a large industry could be built but such an pndertaking would
require road construction as provided in the developer's agreement. The
developer's agreement with the City provides that the second phase of
the project will not be proceeded with until the trading area or retail
sales potential warrants it. It was confirmed that the developers have
, connnitments from two types of department stores. It was pointed out that
a full line departmant store, a department store that can offer lower
priced merchandise, local merchants and national chains are required.
The City Solicitor confirmed that the Canadia amendment to the zoning
by-law and a developer's agreement have not been completed.
His Worship Mayor George Bukator thanked the Niagara Square
representatives for attending the meeting and for their presentation.
The meeting adjouened on the motion of Alderman Schisler
seconded by Alderman Keighan.
Council Chambers,
March 5th, 1973.
Council met on Monday, March 5th, 1973, for the purpose of considering
general business. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alder-
man Walker. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman. Alderman Schisler
offered the Opening Prayer.
The minutes of the Meetings of Council held on February 19th, 21st~ and
26th, 1973 were adopted as printed on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by
Alderman Keighan.
His Worship Mayor Bukator welcomed to the meeting, members of the Beta
Sigma Phi Sqrority, who were present as observers.
Mr. Pat Fitzpatrick
Mr. Fitzpatrick had requested permission to address Council on the subject
of ~Welfare"· The request ~as approved on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded
by Alderman Hunt.
~ Mr. Fitzpatrick referred to his present situation as a welfare recipient,
and outlined the difficulties he w~s experiencing in attempting to provide the neces-
sities of life for himself, his wife and child on the monthly allowance he received,
vhich is themaximum amount allowable in his case. He statedhe had related his prob-
lem to the Hon. John Clement, M.P.P. and other authorities, and while it was agreed
he was in need of more assistance, it was not possible to grant him anything extra
under the present policies of the Welfare Act. He stated he received an allowance of
$241.00 per month, out of which he paid $150.O0 for rent and utilities, leaving a
balance of $91.00 for food and all other needs. Mr. Fitzpatrick stated his wi~e had
recently been hospitalized for a kidney ailment and she required a more nourishing
diet to prevent a recurrence of her kidney infection. In addition, on his budget,
it was not possible to provide such items as winter clothing. He stated it was pos-
sible that others on welfare could get along on such an allowance providing they were
'not in a critical situation when they went on welfare. He stated he Fas quite will~
ing to work, but pointed out that in order to support his family and in addition pay
for hospital and medical coverage and preseril~cion costs, he would have to earn at
least $125.00 par week.
As a result of Mr. Fitzpatrick's presentation it was suggested that a
review be made of his predicament. It was also generally agreed by Members of Council
that quite possibly his was not an isolated case, and the suggestion was put forward
that the entire welfare system should be looked at.
Comm. L155 - Lyons Creek property owners - Requesting the installation of street light-
ing on Lyons Creek Road between Sodcm Road and the bridge at the Boat Club.
Report 93 - City Manager - Recommending the installation of ten 175-Watt Mercury
Vapour Lighting Units along Lyons Creek Road in the area requested by the petitioners.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt seconded by Aldennan ~emson that the Repor~
be received and adopted.
Report 84 - City Manager - Resolutions received from Ontario Municipalities, includ-
ing a resolution from the City of Stratford recc~mending the anactment of legislation
respecting Arbitration Boards.
Report94 - City Manager - Recommending the endorsation of item 4 of Stratford's res-
olution, being a request for legislation to establish a panel of competent arbitrators
who are con~ersantwith all phases of municipal financing and who will give equal
consideration to both points of view at an arbitration hearing.
It was moved by Alderman Themson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the City ~nager
prepare, for the consideration of Council, a resolution for distribution to other
Cities in0ntario on this City's reccemendations relative to the operation and de-
cisions of arbitration boards; and that the resolution from the City of Stratford be
received and filed. This motion was Defeate__dwith the following vote:
~ Aldermen Hunt, Thomson, Wallace.
Nay?_j AlderS, an Christensen, Fera, Mann, Harrigan, Keighan, Puttiek,.Smeaton, Schisler.
It was moved by Alderman Sineaton, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the Report of
the City F~nager be received and filed. This motion ~ms DeJeate_d with the following
A~e..'. Aldermen Christensen, Fera, ~neaton, Thornsons Wallace.
~ye.: Aldercan Hunts Manas }[arri~an, Kei~han, P~tticks Schisler.
It was O~dered on the motion of Alderman Putticks seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the Repof6 and recc~nendation of the City Manager be received and adoptads cad the City
endorse the request for legislation to establish a panel of competent arbitrators as out-
lined in item 4 of Stretford's resolution. This motion was ~Carri.e.d. with the followin~
Aye.' Aldermen Schisler, Hunt, Mann, Harrigan, Keighan, Puttick, Sineaton.
Nays! Aldermen Chrlstensen~ Fera, Thenson, Wallace ·
(No. 22 - Mr. John T. pennachetti, President, Cansdid (Niagara Falls) Ltd. - Requesting
(a further hearing before Council regarding the Dorchester Square presentation.
'ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderm~n Schisler that the eom-
'munication be received and the spokesman for Canadia be heard by Council. This motion
was Carried with Aldermen Keighan voting contrary and all other members in fayour.
No. 23 ' Mr. B. S. 0nyschuk, Thenson, Rogers Legal Firm - Requesting the opportunity of
addressing Council in respect to shopping centres in Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schlsler, seconded by Alderman Thomson that Mr.
Onyschuk be invited to address Council at the next Council Committee meeting-
This motion was Carried with Alderman Keighan voting contrary and all other members
in fayour.
No. 24 - Mr. P. E. Joselin, ChaiIl~an, Pettit Subdivision Residents Assco.-Commenting on
(Official Plan Amendment proposed by Canadia representatives.
(OP3EBED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Wallace that the com-
(muntcation be received and filed and Mr. Joselin be notified of the next Council
(mittee Meeting in order that he can speak.
Note: It was indicated that the next Council Cc~m~ittee Meeting, scheduled for March
' 12th, 1973, would be held in the Courtell Chambers in view Of the possible
number of persons who would be in attendance.
No. 25 - Greater Niagara SoftbaH Association - Requesting permission to use the Bridge
Street Grounds for the King Sh(~{s Ilmited family carnival for the period May 7th to
13th, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alden~an Schisler that the c~m-
munication be received and the request be granted on the understanding that the carnival
will not operate on Sunday, May 13th, 1973, and that the operator will supplY proof of
cenprehensive tnsurunee coverage.
No. 26 - AGF Fiduciary COunsel Limited - Requesting permission to Furchase Lot 44 and
option Lots 43, 42, 32, 13, 14 for a period of 1~0 days, in the ~alls Industrial Perk.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
communication be received and the City Manager be authorized to negotiate with the
Firm for the l~rchase and option of certain lots in the Industrial Park.
No. 27 - Mr. R. K. MoOserge for Casey Street homeowners - Advising of the concern of
19 families who recently moved into new homes on Casey Street who have reeent3~Y learned
of the construction of an alm~tment building hear their area, and requesting the City
Council to take setion to ha~e the coastmarion of the apartment building discontinued,
and other requests.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the com-
munication be received and filed.
SEE page 8, paragraph 6.
No. 28 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Advising that during the months of March
to June, inclusive, meetings will be held with Municipal Councils and citizens tO dis-
cuss the Regional Niagara Official Plan consultant's working draft document, and sugg-
esting the date of Monday, April end for the meeting with the Niagara Falls City Council.
0REgalED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the cemmunication
be received, and the meeting be held on April 23rd, 1972.
Note: It was subsequentlY noted that the above date is a holiday. The City Clerk
' will contact the Region to select an alternate date.
No. 29 - Niagara Falls Lions Club - Requesting that the City give their consent for
the sub-letting of the Day Care Centre on Drunkend Road and a portion of the sur-
rounding lends, to the Regional Municipality of Niagsra. Such a lease would relieve
the Lions Club of operational cost of the Centre~ and would enable the Lions Club
to proceed more speedily towards the development of the next stage of the proposed
recreational cenplex for the residents of the City.
0ERERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Th~nson that the
communication be received and Council support, in principle, the request of the Lions
Club to attempt to negotiate a sub-lease with the Regional Municipality.
It was understood that this matter would be referred to the City Manager for a report
on the advisability and an~ legal implications involved in the request.
No. 95 - City Clerk - Report of the Council Cummittee
(Alderrash Schisler was absent from the Council Chambers)
A. Extension to Stamford Memorial Arena. The Council C~mnittee recommends the ,ca/l-
ing of tenders for the construction of a satellite arena; the tender call to be
published on March 15, 1973 with a closing date of March ~7, 1973.
ORESBED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
Report be received and reeonmendation adopted. This motion was Carried with
Alderm~n Keighan voting contrary and all other members in fayour.
(Alderman Schisler returned to the Council Chambers)
B- D~m~.ond Road/Portage Road/Morrison Area ROad Network - The Regional Public
Works and Utilities Camm~ttee had invited representatives of City Council to
meet with them on March 6, 1973 at ~:30 p.m. to discuss this matter. The Council
Committee recammends that representatives of the Regional Public Works and Util-
ities C~ittee be asked to meet with City Council on March 12~ 1973, and that
His Worship Mayor Bukator be authorized to negotiate an acceptable date if March
32th is not acceptable to Regional representatives.
0RUERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
recommendation of the Council C~m..ittee be adopted. This motion was Carried with
Alderman P~ttiek voting contrary and a] l other members in favour.
C. Sign at Houdini Hall of F~m~ - The Building Inspector informed Council that an
application had been received from the Houdini Magical Hall of F-m~ to erect a
sign on the former Penn Central Railway station on Victoria Avenue. The Council
C~ittee recommends that the application to erect signs on property known as
4983 Clifton Hill be granted on the understanding that the exterior of the build-
ing will ha renovated in accordance with the sketches submitted in support of the
application, and further, that the City Manager be authorized to contact officials
of Penn Central to discuss the possibility of. re-locating or removing a large
utility post presently situated on Clifton Hill between the building and the rail-
way tracks.
ORDM~ED on the motion of Alderman Sineaton, seconded by Alderman Themson that the
reeomnendations of the Council C~mmittee be adopted.
No. 96 - City Manager - Recommending that the tender of Vince Audibert in the amount
Of $~,160.08 (including Prey. Sales Tax) be accepted for the supply of shirts for the
Fire Department.
ORDERED:on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the Report
be received and recemnendation adotf~ed.
No. 97 - City Mana r - Reco~xnending that the tender of Marshall's Men's Shops
the amount of $6,7~5.68 be accepted for the supplY of Uniforms, and the Tender of
Rosbergs in the amounts of $902.29, $191.00 and $1,0/1.65 respectively, be accepted
for the supply of topcOats, ties and trousers.
0REM~ED on the motion of Alder-m--~ Hunt, seconded by Alderm.n Fera that the Report be
received and rec~andations adopted.
No. 98 - planning and Develolmmnt 0~m~itbee - C~m~ercinl Develol~nent Policy. Recom-
1) Decide upon and proceed immediatelY with one new retail c"m~ercial complex with
an ultimate size of over 500,000 sq. feet of gross leasable area to be developed
in clearly controlled stages in the City of Niagara Falls, adjacent to major
traffic arteries, according to retail market re~uirements.
Encourage modest expansion of retail facilities in the commercially designated
vacan~ and Occupied lands in the Stamford, Drumend and Chippawa e;~;.~nities.
Continued on page
Report No. 98 Continued '
3) Encou/~ge modest expansion of retail facilities in the commercially designated
vacant and occupied lands in the downtown area (Elgin ~ommunit~) and consider-some
additional exlmnsion into vacant land not now designated cc~mercial if and when desir-
able proposals designed to strengthen the function of downtown are submitted.
4) Allow for a new community size retail facility in either the north-west or Westlane
c~mnunities related to the rate of residential develolm~ent in these areas, in a fayour-
able location relative to the new c_-w~rcial complex outlined in Rec~endetion 1 and
consistent with secondarY plans to be prelmred for these districts.
0RDEEED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Ketghan that the Report
and four rec~mnendations be adopted. This motion was Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all other members in fayour.
No. 99 - Planning and Development CCemittee - Commercial Develolm~ent Policy Implemen-
tation, A~-~5/Yl Niagara Square and AM-B/T2 Cansdis- Advising of action required tO
implement the Policy outlined in Report 98.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
Repor~ be received and the four phases of action outlined be adopted. This motion
w~s Carried with Alderman l~xttick voting contrary and all other members in fayour.
No. 100 - City Manager - Review of Industrial Expansion.
0RDFaED on the motion of Alderm~n Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the Report
be received and filed.
No. lO1 - City Manager - Recommending that the Planning Administrator be authorized to
attend the two-day Workshop on Planning, progr~g and Budgeting Systems to be held
in Toronto on March 30~and 31st, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the Report be
received and adopted.
No. 102 - City Manager - Advising of Regional Assessment Department decisions re: staff
and records at the Niagara Palls office at City Hall.
ORD~ED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan that the Report
be received and filed.
No. 103 - City Manager - Recommending that the salary classification of Acting Fire
Chief, S. R. Thomson be established at Step 4 of Level ll, and the salary of Acting
Deputy Chief Barr be established at Step 4 of SalarY Level 9 of the 1972 salary schedule.
OREERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the Report
be received and adopted.
Note: Alderman Thomson abstained from voting on this motion.
No. 104 - City Manager - Recommending that Niagnra Falls Hydro be authorized to proceed
with the 1973 Lighting Improwemont Program to a maximum of $25,000 and that they be
authorized to proceed in 1974'with the com!~letion of the prOgram at an estimated cost
of $15,0OO.
OREEND on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Fera that-the Report
be rezeived and rescemmendatlons adopted.
No. 105 - City Manager - Niagara Palls Board of M~seums Appointees. Advising that it
is necessary for Council to designate five persons and two Alderman representatives to
ze~ve on the Board.
0REMEED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Narrigan that the Report
be received and approved in principle and that the matter of appointments be referred
to C~ittee of the Whole for decision, and the appointments be ratified at a subse-
quent Council Meeting.
No. 106 - Plannin~ & Develolanent Ccemittee - Providing information in respect to cer-
tain subdivision and/or re-zoning applications: N.P.H.B. (Ascot Woods);. Block B -
Casey; Tam Rolling Acres Extension; Schneider ConstructionJ Taro Leawood -Estates;
Ealcin. (See By-laws 73'46, 73'47, 73-48, 73'49, 73'50, 73'51, 73'52) :
OREI~c~D on the motion of Aideman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera that the Report be
received and filed.
No. 107 - City Manager - N.P.H-B. Land Developments Ltd. proposed plan of subdiv-
ision, Montrose Road. Dept. File: 277-92518. Racemending that Council approve of
the request of the applicants concerning the development of a portion of the plan at
this time, subject to the compliance with several conditions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
Report be received and adopted.
No- 108 - City Manager - Proposed plan of subdivision, south side of Beaverdams Rd.,
north of Lundy's Lane, Windsor Park. Dept. File: Z77-23345. Rec~mnending that
the questionnaire form be returned to the Ministry of Treasury, Economies and Inter-
governmental Affairs indicating that the Municipal Council is not prepared to recom-
mend approval of the draft plan at the present time, since the plan is considered to
be prem-ture.
0RED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the Report
be received and recommendation adopted.
No. 109 - City Manager - Recommending that Council authorize the passing of By-law
No. 73-54 to exempt the two-f-m~ly lots in Registered Plan N.S. 18 from part lot
control, in accordance with a request received from solicitors representing Lindev
Corporation Limited.
ORIERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Fera that the Report
be received and recommendation adopted.
No. 110 . City Manager - Federal Capital Pro~ects Fund. Advising of Press Release
dated Feb. 2~, 1973 from the office of the Provincial Treasurer concerning the Fund,
and stating that a request has been made by the City for more definite details such
as definitions of types of projects, the acquiring of applications and the eligibil-.
ity requirements, and that such information is expected shortly.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hm~t that the
Report be received and filed.
No. 111 . City Manager - 1972 Annual Repor~ - Building Department.
0RINSED on the motion of Aldenart Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
Report be received and filed.
No. LLe - City Clerk.- Reem~mending the granting of Municipal Licenses.
0PEERED on the motion of Alderm~- Christensen, seconded by Alderman Narrigan that
the Repor~ be received, adopted, and licences granted.
No. ll3 - City Manager. - Recentending the payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDFaED on the motion of Alderman HUnt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the Report
be received and adopted.
Note: As a result of a question by Alderman Smeaton regarding mileage rates and
all"'gwances, the City Manager indicated he would bring in a report on this matter.
NO. 15 - THOMSON - 8CHISLER - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
hereby petitions the Ministry of Transportation & Camnunications for subsidy under
the provisions of the Public T~ansportation and Nighway Improvement Act on expendi-
totes made during the year 1972 in the mount of $2,16~,863.68; AND the Seal of the CorD-
oration ~e heretO affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-46.
A By-law to amend By-laws Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2~30, 1960 of the former
Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as ~mended.
(Taro - Rolling Acres 1 - Dorchester Road)
0RL~m~D on the motion of Aldenrain;Hunt, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that
Alder~m? Schisler be ~nted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given
the first reading.
C~rried Unanimou~ly
0RE~RED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading..
Carried Unanimously
A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of StemT
ford, now in the City of Niagar~ Falls, as amended.
(Dalcin SubdivisiO~ ' Churches Lane & Stanley Ave-)
ORdeRED on the motion of Alderman Hunt seconded by Alderman Harrigan that Alder-
man Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given the
first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by AldertuRn Hunt that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-48. A By-law to amend By-laws NOB, 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960 of the former
Township of StAmford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.
(Ascot Woods Subdivision - East of Kalar Road, south of Woodbine St. )
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan that Alder-
nan Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given the first
reading. Carried Unanimously
ORREEED on the motion of Alderman Eaun, seconded by ~lderman Schisler that the
By-law be now given a second and third reading-
Carried Unanimously
No. 7B-4~. A By-law to sinend By-laws Non. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960 of the former
I Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as Rm.nded.
0RE~EED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that Alder-
man Narm be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given the first
reading. Carried Unanimously
0RIERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldsrm~.n Harrigan that the
By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-50. A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with Taro properties Incor-
porated. (Leawood Estates Subdivision - I~,nn Street)
OREF~RED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderman Puttick be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
0RD~EED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Keig~an that the
By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 73-51. A By-law to amend By-law No. 25BO, 1960 of the former Township of Stam-
ford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.
(Taro - Leawood Estates, l~lnn Street Subdivision)
0PaF~RED on the motion Of Alderman ~nn, seconded by Alderman Schisler that Alder-
man ~meaton be granted leave-to introduce the By-law and the By-law he given the first
reading. Carried Unanimo~ly'
ONDEEED on the motion of Alderman ~meaton, seconded by Alderman Ha .rrigan that
the By-law be no~ givdn a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-52. A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with George Schneider
Construction Company Limited. (Stamford Green Drive at St.George St. )
ORDEBED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, s~conded by Alderman Sineaton that Alder-
man Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given the
first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORRERED On the motion of Alderman T~omson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
NO. 73-5~. A By-law to authorize the execution of a grant of easement from The
Bydro-Electric Power Cammission of Ontario for a storm sewer and outfall.
ORY~RED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan that Alder-
nan Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given the
first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-54. A By-law to designate certain land not to be subject to part lot control.
' (Lots 1 to 20 inclusive, Plan N.S. 18)
0RESRED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fern that Alder-'
man Keighan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given the
first reading.
Carried ~nanimously
the By-law be
on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-55. A By-law to provide mOnies for general purposes.
ORIJERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Sineaton that
Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law a~d the By-law be given the
first reading.
Carried Unanimously
the By-law be
on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
no~ given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
-shoppin~ Plaza Issue - Dates and Deadlines
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman tIarrigan, seconded by Alderman Wallace
tha~ a deadline of midnight, April 2, 197S he set whereby all Reports are to be in
from all developers to the appropriate City staff departments for their stud~, and
that there be a special meeting of Council held on April 17 at which time ell final '
submissions from all interested parties will be made to Council, and reccemendetions
frUm City Staff will be heard, and a vote taken on each proposal, for a final recom-
mendatiOn to the Ontario Municipal Board for their approval.
It was suggested by Alderman Thanson that an approach be made to the Ontario
Municipal Board ~.,.edlately to have them establish a Hearing Date prior to the summer
Hiring of local labour by outside contractor
Alderman Keighan referred to the Contract with the City and H.J.Voth & Sons
Ltd. regarding the storm sewer instal)-tion on Brookfield Avenue, Garden Street,
Moulend Avenue and Learning Street. He indicated that the contractor was not hiring
the required percentage Of local labour as required in the Contract. The City
Engineer, Mr. R. W. Rodretort, indicated he would look into this matter.
Cherrywood Acres - Traffic Controls.
Alderman Smeaton referred to several intersections in the Cherrywood Acres
Subdivision which he considered to be very hazardous. He requested that the Projects
Engineer review six intersections in this area and report on the justification for con~
tinusace of ~no controls".
New Police Build/ng
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Puttick
that: 1) Mr. D. R. Chalmmn, Architect, be ccmmissioned to meet with Chief Sherman and
Deputy Chief Harris as soon as possible to complete up-dated revisions of the interior
of the proposed new police building, and to complete new plans for that building which
would be suitable to Chief Shennan and Deputy Chief Harris; and 2) that Mr. ChaIxnan be
ccemissioned to obtain sod submit to Council, as soon as available, an up-to-date cost
estimate for the construction of the building.
Objectionable Movies at local theatre
Alderman Harrigan read a letter he had received from six members of the local
ClergY outlining their opinion On the gradual deterioration in the type of movies being
offered to the public in Niagara Falls. The letter specifically reeferred to 2 movies
shown at the Princess Theatre during the previous Week. The questionable aspects of
the lay-out and content of the advertisement for the movies ~nich appeared in the local
press was also mentioned. Alderman Harrigan ms of' ~he.' opinion that'the City Cotgncil
should take a stand and openly disapprove of such movies and advertisements- It was
agreed that the City Clerk would prepera an appropriate resolution for consideration of
Council, which Could be forwarded to the appropriate Government Body for their attention
and c~mnents. It was also indicated that the local theatre manager would be advised of
Council' s opinion dn this matter.
Inspection of Nursing Homes
Alderman Puttick referred to the Report of the Associate Medical Officer of Health
& Assistant Director of the Niagara Regional Health Unit, dated January, 1973. The Repo~
stated that during 1972 new legislation was enacted which provided that inspection of
nursing homes would be done by the Provincial Ministry of Health. In August of 1972 the
Health Unit discontinued regularly scheduled inspections. Alderman Thomson stated that
the small Provincial staff carry out inspections only once a year, as compared to the
more frequent and casual visits previously carried out by the Health Unit. He also
c~mnented on the inadequacy of other areas of Provincial inspections. Alderman Puttick
suggested that City Council back up the Regional Health Unit by advising the appropriate
Provincial Department that the take-over of inspection duties is inadequate.
I~ ~
Eviction - Fort Erie area.
Alderman Puttick referred to a recent eviction case which took place in the Fort
Erie area, as reported in the local press. The Alderman was of the opinion that prier
to this drastic type of action being taken, other social agencies should have been approach'
to render assistance. He suggested that an approach be made to the Crown Attorney to have
him take this suggestion under advisement.
Standardization of Real Estate purchase forms
Alderman Thc~son requested that the City Clerk prepere an appropriate resolution
regarding the standardization of Offer ~o ~urchase forms used by real estate firms.
He suggested that the resolution request that these forms be standardized to include
two seVerere clauses, one regarding the zoning of the existing property, and one regard-
ing the zoning within 300 feet of the particular prOperty. He was of the-opinion that
al~rospective purchaser, having such a form read to him, would be made e~mre of the pos-
sibility of apartment construction or other types of eonSt~Aet.i.o~rioz-tO bu~ln~ a home.
Shelters at Bus Stops for Senior Citizen locations
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
City staff investigate the possibility of erection or shelters at bus stops at senior
sitidea locations in the City (Kiwanis Village, Allanthus Ave., Dorchester Manor, Greater
Nisg&re Senior ditizen~ Aesoc.-Marrison ~ereet),
Opening of Tenders - March 6th, 1973
His Worship Mayor Bukator appointed Alderman Puttick to attend at the Tender
Opening at City Mall on March 6th.
Cc~mittee of A Thousand Letter - W-5-4 Watercourse
The City Clerk advised Members of Council of a letter which had been received
from the Committee of A Thousand earlier in the day. The letter demanded that
operations on the improvement of the Shriner's Creek Storm Sewer System be terminated
forthwith until satisfactory answers were supplied on several questions.
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Keighan that
the letter be referred to the City Engineer to get in touch with the Committee of A
Thousand to provide an explanation of the works.
-Nabisco Company, Niagara Falls, New York
Alderman Christensen stated he had read that the Nabisco Company in Niagara
Falls, New York had purchased a large tract of land for expansion. He wondered
Whether this move would affect the operations of the Niagara Falls, Ontario, plant.
The City Manager, Mr. S. R. Price, indicated he would look into this matter.
Free Bus Transportation for Senior Citizens.
Alderman Fera suggested that as a sign of respect for elderly persons,who
had helped to establish the cc~nunity, they be allowed to travel free on City bus
transportation. It was indicated that this suggestion had come before Council
s~ne time previously, and it was agreed a report on this matter would be presented
for Council' s consideration.
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that
Council adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Ccmmittee Roc~ ~1,
March 5th, 1973.
Council met in Cc~nittee of the Whole following the regular Council meeting
on March 5, 1973. All Members of Councilwere present with the exceptice of Alder-
man Walker. Alderman Harriganpresided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Ccemittee of the Whole
arose without reporting.
Council Chambers,
March 5th, 1973-
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the Whole
Meeting held March 5th, 1973 · All members of Council were present · with the. eXcpp-
'.t~on of.A~dermsn.Walker. '-His Worship. Mayor Bukator presided-
Council adjourned on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann.
Corenittee Rooms 2 and 3,
March 12th, 1973-
Following a Council Committee Meeting on Monday, March 12th, 1973, Council
E-convened in formal Council session, on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Schisler. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor George
Bukator presided.
By-law No. 73-56.
A ~r-law to provide for the establishment and development of an
~Approved Park" in parts of Lots Nos. 9 and 10, Broken Front
Concession, Welland River, of the former To~mship of Willoughby,
now in the City of Niagara Palls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that
Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given the
first reading. (Alderman Pattick voted contl~ry and all other members of Council
voted in fayour).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading. (Alderman Puttick voted con-
trary and all other members of Council voted in favour).
Report 114 - City Manager - Reconunending that the City authorize and direct the
City Solicitor to lodge an appeal against the decision of the Con~ittee of Adjustment
of February 20, 1973, F. Pattison, Consent Application B-12-73.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded byAlderman Hunt that the Report
be received and recommendation adopted.
Septic Tanks - Waters Street, near LaScala Subdivision
Alderman Puttick stated that there were several homes on Waters Avenue
south of Margaret Street still using septic tanks, and he had been informed that some
of the home owners were experiencing difficulties relating to ground saturation, etc.
The City Engineer explained that when the second half of the nearby LaScala Subdivision
is developed, a sanitary sewer which would ser~e these homes, would be extended.
Alderman Puttick questioned whether the time limit for the extension of the subdivision
had passed.
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that a
repor~ be brought in on this problem and what can be done to remedy it.
Mr. Fitzpatrick
Alderman P~ttick referred toM r. Fitzpatrick's presentation at the Council
Meeting of March 5th on the subject of welfare assistance. Some discussion took
place on several matters which had come to light in respect to Mr. Fitzpatrick's situ-
ation. His Worship Mayor Bukator indicated that as suggested by Alderman Patrick
a report be received from the Social Services Department on this matter.
Shriner's Creek Watercourse
Alderman Smeaton referred to the Shriner's Creek Watercourse Project and
the constr~ction work presently under~ay. He stated he had talked to ma~y of the
People involved, and was of the opinion that there was pollution from sources in the
waterway which was killing ducks. He stated the people he had talked to felt they
had not received the answers as requested from the City Staff on this matter, which
had been brought to the attention of the City Council by the Committee of A Thousand
in a letter read at the CouncilMeeting ofMarch ~th, 1973. Alderman S~eaton said
he would like to see the project halted until the City can determine where the pallu-
tion is coming from. The City Engineer stated that staff had talked to Mr. Mitch-
inson of the Committee of A Thousand on March 9th, and in addition, the whole water-
works area had been investigated. The City Engineer said that apparently Mr. Mltch-
inson had one witness who saw a member of the Contractor's firm dump fuel oil down
stream from the site of the work. In addition, the City Engineer advised of an oil
spill on Moatrose Road south of Thorold Stone Road where the oil had gone into the
ditch. This spill, of course, was not on the contractor's work site. The City Engin-
eer ~ms of the opinion that the pollution could occur frcm other areas than the work
site, He explained that the W-5-1 watercourse is one of five branches leading to the
duck sanrustY area, with perhaps 2 or 3 off-shoots. He also advised that over the past
week-end vandals had knocked over a fuel tank on the work site. He stated that action
· would be taken against the contractor if he is causing pollution. It ~ras indicated
that there would be a report on this matter at the next Council Meeting-
T~pe Recorder
Alderman Harrigan requested clarification as to whether a tape recorder
was allowed in the Co~aittee Rooms.
Parking Meters
Alderman Thornleon stated he had been approached about inaccuracy of the timing
mechanism of parking meters in the City. The projects Engineer, Mr. 'Lamb, stated that
some complaints were being received about this matter, and explained three possible
reasons: is:- people are putting a nickel in the meter and are still expecting to re-
ceive an hour' s parking time; the time indicator on the meter face is not pointing to
the B0 minute mark (however the meter would run for the BO minutes); the meter is out
of adjustment. Mro Lamb indicated that all the meters would be checked to deter-
mine their accuracy- He further explained that if a person finds that a meter has timed
out too quickly and as a result receives a ticket, this information should be noted on
the ticket when it is sent in for payment, and City staff will check the meter and if
it is found inaccurate, the ticket will be cancelled.
Shelters at Bus Stops for Senior Citizen locations
Alderman Thomson referred to the conmmnts he had made at the Regular Council
Meeting of March 5th concerning shelters at bus stops for senior citizen locations at
which time a motion had been adopted that City staff investigate the possibility of
erection of shelters at bus stops at senior citizen locations in the City. The Alder-
man pointed out that the Ministry of Transportation & Communications would pay a
subsidy for such shelters, resulting in an approximate cost to the City of around $200.
to $250. The Alderman was of the opinion that it was not necessary for the Transit C~m-
mission to become involved in this matter, and felt that City staff should investigate
this suggestion. It was Ordered on the motion Of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alder-
man Walker that City staff be authorized to investigate the costs, and to suggest loca-
tions, for the erection of shelters at bus stops for senior citizen locations in the
Willoughby Drive parking restrictions
In answer tO a question from Alderman Christensen, the City Manager stated
that it ~s expected that the Parking Committee would be meeting in the near future at
which time the subject of parking restrictions on Willoughby Drive would be considered,
and a report presented to Council.
Ontario Anti-Poverty Conference
Alderman Puttick referred to Coancil's action in approving of a grant of
$120.00 to permit the attendance of two low-income delegates from the City to attend
the Ontario Anti-Poverty Conference in Toronto February 16th to 18th, 197B. He reques-
ted information as to when the requested repor~ would be submitted for Council' s in-
formation. It was indicated that the City Clerk would follow up on this matter.
Plan for Peace Time Disasters
Alderman P~ttick stated that the recently circulated Plan for Peace Time
Disasters should be publicized in order that local citizens might be made aware of
its existence. The City C.lerk indicated that a copy of the report could be supplied to
the local newspaper.
It was Ordered on the motion of monded by Alderman Harrig~n that
Council adjourn to Committee of
Committee Room l/l,
March 12th, 1973-
Council met in Cgamittee of the Whole following the special Council meeting
on March 12th, 1973. All Members of Council were present. Alderman Thomson pre-
sided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the l.~hole
arose, without reporting.
Ccmmittee Room
March 12th, 1973-
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the Whole
Meeting held March 12th, 1973. All Members of Council were present. His Worship
MayOr Bukator presided.
Council adjourned on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Council Chambers,
M~rch 19, 1973.
Council met on Monday~ March 19, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Wallace. His Worship Msyor George Bukator presided as
Chairman. Alderman puttick offered the Opening Prayer.
The minutes of a regular meeting of Council held March 5, 1973 and a
special meeting of March 12, 1973, were sdopted as printed on the motion of
Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson.
Mr. J. Shutler
The request of Mr. Shutler to address Council in respect to the proposed
rezoning of property on the west side of Drunmaond Road was approved on the motion
of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldernmn Fare.
Mr. Shutler advised that in 1969 he had purchased property immediately
to the rear of Lots 128 and 129 on the west side of Drummond Road with the full
knowledge of the 1967 rezoning which permitted a two-storey, 8-unit apartment
building. In 1969 an application for a three-storey apartment building was denied.
In 1972 the property owners applied for a 2-1/2 storey walk-up and it was Mr.
8hutler's understanding that the height of the building would not exceed 25 feet.
Mr. Shutlet expressed his objections to the rezoning by-law appearing later on the
agenda which indicated the construction of a three-storey building. The matter
was referred to the by-laws.
See By-law Nos. 73-64 & 73-65
Report No.l17 - City Manager - Providing information regarding twelve questions
raised by the Committee of A Thousand; a summary of previous action taken and
copies of the engineering report and the notice published in the newspaper;
co~nenting on oarrain general principles such as pollution, protection of the
environment; acquisition of land 1800 feet west of Kalar Road to allow improve-
ments to existing watercourses and protect watercourse branches and cartsin
improvements to alleviate flooding to the east of the Q.E.W. and to allow
infilling of development to the east of the Q.E.W.The report includes a recommenda-
tion that representatives of the Ministry of Environment be invited to investigate
all tributaries of Shriner's Creek Watercourse so that any locations of pollution
lean be ascertained and proper action taken.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the
report beLreoeived and adopted and interested persons be supplied with a copy upon
No. 30 - Niagara Falls Youth Hostel Committee - Requesting City Council to support
the operation of the Niagara Falls Youth Hostel in St.Andrew*s Church, Morrison
Street.The Committee is required to submit a letter of Support from the City Council
when applying for a federal grant.
bRDERED on the motion of Alderm~n Thomson, seconded by Alderman KetMhan that the
co~nunication be received and the request sUproved.
No. 31 - Mrs. Gayle Agnew - Cormnents re: tickets received for ov~rnight parking on
Meadowale Drive.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the communication be received and referred to staff to determine if exceptions can
be made where the situation warrants same. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AY_.~E:Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Fare, Rarrigan, Keighan, gch"""isler, Thomson,Smeaton.
NAY._.~E:Aldermen Walker, Mann and Puttick.
- 2-
Conununications (Coat'd)
No. 32 - Mr. Carl Corby - Requesting the erection of a sign on Furlong Avenue
to indicate children playing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the con~nunication be received and referred to the City Manager with authority
to erect a sign if warranted.
During the discussion, Alderman Thomson suggested that consideration
be given to the establishment of an ,'Information Centre" at City Hall.
Enquiries, complaints, etc. would than be handled by one individual and would
alleviate the complaints about red tape and the passing of such queries from
department to department in City Hall. The City Manager will take the suggestion
under advisement.
No. 33 - T.Biasin,E.Bosco,D.Harrison,R-B°sc°, residents of Niagara Town Line.
Conments re: rezoning by-law proposed by the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake to
permit continuation of quarrying operations in the area; advising that the
writers and the residents of Bevan Heights are requesting s 500 foot set-back
and requesting the assistance of the City Council in any way possible.
The City Clerk advised that the City had received official notification today
regarding the passing of the by-law by the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
communication be received and referred to Staff for consideration.
No. 34 - Greater Niagara General Hospital - Re: Financing of interest charges
on capital funds required to complete the new Ambulatory Care Unit.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the communication be received and referred to the 1973 Current Budget discussions.
Not__~e: Alderman Harrigan declared his interest and abstained from voting.
No. 35 - Chippawa Public Utility Commission - Requesting preparation of.a by-law
to permit the debenturing of $100,000 over a 15 year period for voltage changes
and improvements to the system.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Mann that
'the conmunication be received and Staff be authorized to prepare the necessary
No. 36 - Mr. E.Burger and Others - A petition from residents of Willoughby Dr~e
protesting the payment of charges for pavement and storm sewers frontfag their
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
petition be received and filed and a letter of explenation forwarded to the
No. 118 - City Clerk - Report of the Council Conmafttee.-
A. Presentation of Flow Chart - Shopping Centre Proposals. The Council Committee
recc~nends that Council approve the Flow Chart presented at the Council
Co~snittee of March 12th, copies of w~ich are attached to the report.
Alderman Puttick expressed concern that the passing of the proposed by-law would
reduce the possible uses to be made of the C.N.R. property. The Alderman asked
confirmation from the Planning Administrator that shopping centres would be delete~
from the zoning presently applicable to the property. He also enquired if, in the
event of a proposal for the C.N.R.lands involving substantial commercial areas,
would the City be required to seek O.M.B.approval. The Alderman suggested that,a~
the present time,Council is able to spprove commereisl development aBd possibly
high rise buildings on the site by simply spproving site plans. The.Planning
Administrator replied that present zoning would allow a local shopping centre end
retail stores but would not allow large shopping plazas. Deleting these uses, he
said, would likely result in an O.M.B. hesring if a substantial commercial
component is included in the C.N.R.property. In reply to Alderman Puttick and
Alderman Mann'8 questions regarding the wisdom of relinquishing some of.the use!e~
contravene the policy reoently adopted by Council relative to connnercisl develoP'
ment~ It was the recommemdatien of the Planning and Development Connittee that
specified co~nercial uses be deleted from ell industrially zoned lands and the
policy adopted by Council indicates.that consideration could be given to any
.furtire proposals for additional cemnercial uses adjacent to the downtown business
ares which would "strengthen" the area, When asked to conmeat, the City Solict~0!
confirmed his view had always been that the Municipality should consider only
one proposal at s time. He suggested that, in view o£ the present situation, it
- 3-
Report No. 118 (Coat'd)
would be advisable to concentrate on one proposal rather than "scatter" the City's
efforts. Alderman puttick suggested that if there are objections to the deletion
of certain commercial uses presently permitted on the C.N.R. lands, an Ontario
Municipal Board hearing would result.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
reconnnendation of the Council Committee be adopted and the Flow Chart as presented
be approved.
B. Report of the Select Conmittee of the Ontario Municipal Board. It is recommended
by the Council Committee that Council adopt the recommendation of the Plsnning
and Development Cormnittee and the provincial government be urged to implement
the recommendations at the earliest possible date.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the recommendation be adopted.
C. Report of the Downtown Business Improvement Area Board of Management. The
Council Committee recommends that the municipality levy an amount of $20,000.00
as the 1973 Budget for the Downtown Business Improvement Area as requested by
the Board of Management.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the recommendation of the Council Committee be adopted.
Report No.l19 - City Clerk - An advisory report recommending (1) approval of the
Canadian Ukrainian Committee Parade ohM arch 25,1973; (2) that authority be granted
for the City Float to be entered in the 1973 Blossom Festival Parade and (3)
approval of the proclamation of Weight Watchers Week, April 8th to 14th,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
advisory report be received and adopted.
No. 120 - City Manager - Re: Shopping Habit and Attitude Survey, Referring to a
previously presented Flow Chart which outlined the various steps to be taken in
connection with the processing of shopping plaza appIications; noting that part
of the Flow Chart recommendation dealt with the feasibility and possibility of
conducting a shopping habit and attitude survey; recommending that Council
authorize municipal staff to conduct the survey described in the report and to
retain sssistance with this project in an amount not exceeding $700.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
No. 121 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: Method of Amending the Existing
Zoning By-laws. Specifying the retail commercial uses to be deleted from industrially
zoned lands and submitting a list of the required changes in existing by-laws;
recon~nending approval of the amendment subject to notification of the property
owners prior to the passage of the by-law and further, that Council certify by
resolution that the proposed changes conform to Official Plan Amendments No. 28 and
30 respectively, as amended and approved b y the Minister of Treasury, Economics and
-Intergovernmental Affairs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be 'received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 23
No.122 - City Manager - Re: Notification of Special Meetings of Council. Advising
-that arrangements have been nmde for a Council meeting on Wednesday, March 28th for
the purpose of considering a by-law deleting certain commercial uses from land
presently zoned industrial; .a special meeting on Tuesday April 17th to hear final
submissions from shopping centre developers; suggesting that Council meet with
Regional officials on Thursday, April 26th. to discuss the proposed Regional Official
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, secondsd by Alderman Smeaton that the
report be received and the scheduled meetings of Council be approved.
No. 123 - City Manager - Re: Stamford Memorial Arena - Reinforcing of Roofwork.
:Advising that only one bid was received, namely, a bid of $44,949.53 from the firm
of Vincent Kerrio-Germano Limited. Because the price received is over the budget
allocation and since another interested firm did not'bid due to problems with
acquiring materials, the report recommends (1) quotations be called by way of
invitation bid for all labour and equipment necessary, with the City providing
the lumber required and the contractor supplying all other materisis;
Report No.123 (Cont'd)
(2) that the quotations state that work on the main trusses must be completed pri0~
to June 1,1973, but that work on the lean-tots could be carried out beyond that
date; (3) that City Staff be authorized to purchase the required lumber.
The City Engineer stated that interest in bidding on such projects was
limited and only one bid had been received for similar work at the Niagara Falls
Arena. This bid had been accepted because it was within the amount budgeted.
Tender forms for reinforcing of roofwork at the Stamford Arena had been picked up
by two contractors. The tender submitted by V.Kerrio-Germano Ltd.was higher than
what was estimated and Dominion Construction declined to bid because of the
"eleventh hour" notification regarding substantial increases in the cost of
materials. The Engineer indicated that the Kerrio-Germano firm had included an
extra amount in the bid because the price on lumber had also been increased for
them at the last minute. A letter submitted with their bid indicated that
alternative methods of construction should be discussed since there was a problem
with materials- After discussions with staff and the consultant, a revised price
of $39,435 instead of the bid price of $44,949.53 was suggested by the contractor,
The City Engineer confirmed that the Consultants,W.P.London Associates, had
reconm~ended acceptance of a revised bid from Kerrto-Germano in the amount of
$39,435. This figure is 12.6% higher than the budget estimate and Mr.Rodman was
of the opinion that it would be possible to obtain a substantially lower price
if the City supplied the materials and the two companies be invited to submit
bids again on the new tender basis. He indicated that the standard clause "the
lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted" should be used in this instance
since the revised bid by Kerrio-Germano is still higher than the estimate and a
still lower price probably can be obtained if the contract is retendered on an
invitation basis.
Following further discussion, it was moved by Alderman S~aton,
seconded by Aiderman Thomson that the report of the City Manager be received and
filed and the contract for the reinforcing of roofwork at the Stamford Memorial
Arena be awarded to Vincent Kerrio-Germano Lid.for a revised price of $39,435.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Fer""'7, Mann, Harrigan, Keighan, Puttick, Smeaton, Thoumoo,. Walker.
~E:Aldermen Christensen, Runt and Schisler.
-- See Resolution No. 20
No. 124 - City Manager - Re: Cushioned Seats for Council Chambers. Recommending
the quoted amount of $774.00 submitted by Valley Manufacturing be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt,seconded by Alderman Chrlstensen that the
report of the City Manager be received and filed and the quotation of Lincoln
Furniture,Virgil,Ont.,for the supply of 2"foam rubber cushioned seating for the
Council Chambers be accepted at the quoted price of $585.00. See Resol.No.21
No. 125 - City Manager - Re:Ontario Anti-Pover~yOonference. Submitting a report
from Mrs.C.Carter,a delegate from the City and a report prepared by Mr,J.D.
Falkenhagen,Executive Director,Social Planning Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and filed and a copy of the report and attachments be for-
warded to the Ron.J.T.Clement together with a resolution of Council expressing
.concern about the number of residents existing on incomes considered to be belo~
the poverty level.
No. I26 - City Manager.*- Re: Use of Tape Recorders at Council meetings. Advising
there is no provision in the procedural by-law pertaining to the use of recording
equipment; suggesting that notwithstanding any policy established by previous
Councils, a policy can be approved by the current Council governing the use of
recording equipment in both Council and Couhcil Committee sessions.
It was moved by Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
procedural By-law,No.72-148, be amended to forbid the use of recording equipment
during Council and Council Committee sessions. The motion was Defeated__With the
following vote:
AYE~ Aldermen Rarrigan and Mann.
~YE:Aldermen Christensen,Hunt Fern Keighan puttick Schisler Thomso~ Walker Smeat'
O'~RED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report of the City Manager be received and filed.
No. 127 - His Worship Mayor George Bukator - Advising that notification has been
received that it will not be possible for Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth to
acr, ept the invitation to officiate at the ground-breaking ceremony for the new
Niagara Falls Library.
ORDERED on the motion o£ Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed.
-5 -
Reports (Coni'd)
No. 128 - Director of Recreation - Re: Lyons Creek School. Advising that the
Willoughby Neighbourhood Recreation Committee will now use the Willoughby Township
Hall for cormmunity recreation programs and have requested that the Lyon's Creek
School be no longer used; requesting that the City Council terminate the agree-
ment with the Niagara South Board of Education for the use of Lyon's Creek
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the report be received and filed and the request approved.
No. 129 - City Manager - Re: Development of Corry Crescent in the former Village
of Chippawa. Advising that the estimated cost of providing services as required
by the subdivider's agreementhis $78,381.66 to service 26 single-family lots;
requesting authority to proceed with the development of Corry Crescent in a
similar manner as was done for Usher and Rapeli ie Streets and Kenmmore Con-
struction be required to deposit 100% of the cost of the services.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 130 - Planning and Development Conmittee - Re: AM-9/73 A.Tarczy, Pt.Twp.
Lot 118, south side of Beaverdams Road. A rezoning application to permit the
operation of a metal scrap yard; reconmending that the application be denied.
On March 15, 1973, a letter was received from Mr. B.Sinclair, Solicitor, that
the application was being withdrawn.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report he received and filed.
Alderman Smeaton con~nented on the unsightly appearance of the Tarczy
property and Alderman Hunt said n similar condition existed at the Nelson Lake
property on Marshall Road. Alderman Puttick suggested that both sites be
investigated and the necessary steps be taken to clean up both properties.
No. 131 - City Manager - Re: Mefabership - Council of Public Employers. Recommending
that the City join the C.O.P.E. and that Mayor George Bukator and the Personnel
Officer be the City representatives on the Council. The cost to the City will be
$25.00 for the year 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schialer, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 132 - City Manager - Re: Operation of the Stamford Centre Volunteer Firemen's
Association Swimming Pool, Mitchelson Park. Advising that both the Stamford Centre
Firemen and the Recreation Conmission have approved the establishment of an
Advisory Committee as well as the programming and maintenance of the pool as
outlined in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and. filed.
See By-law No. 73-66
No. 133 - City Clerk - Referring to four plans of subdivision recently approved
by the City Council; advising that before t-he Ontario Municipal Board considers
the by-laws, resolutions are required certifying that each rezoning application
conforms to.the City~s Official Plan; recommending approval of resolutions per-
raining to (1) the application of River Realty Development Ltd. for property
located on the north side of Churches Lane; (2)the application of River Realty
Development Ltd. for property located on the east side of the Q.E.W.,south of
the R.E.P.C.right-of-way; (3) the application of Taro Properties Inc. for
property located on the west side of Dorchester Road and (4) the application of
Niagara Peninsula Home Builders and Land Developments Ltd. for property located
on the east side of Kalar Road, south of Woodbine Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and adopted.
See Resolutions Nos.16,17,18 & 19
No. 134 - City Manager - Re: Appointments to certain Boards, Commissions and
Cor~nittees. Recon~nending approval of a by-law appointing various persons to
.the Niagara District Airport Commission, the. Recreation Commission, the Niagara
Falls Board of Museums and the Examining Board of Plumbers.
0RDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Keighan that the
report be received and filed and the app~intment by-law be passed by Council.
~ee By-law No.73-69
Reports (Coni'd)
No. 135 - Alderman Ivan Hunt - Report on the Ontario Good Roads Convention,
Toronto, Febtesty 26th to 28th, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and filed and Alderman Hunt be commended.
No. 136 - City Manager - Re: Council Chamber Sound Reinforcement System.
Recommending approval of the sound system described in the report and
authorize the installation by Aarco Electronics Ltd. at the quoted price of
$3,943.00 plus applicable provincial Sales Tax.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Aiderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted. See Resolution No. 2~
No. 137 - City Manager - Re: 1973 public Debenture Issue. Recommending that
the City request the Regional Municipality of Niagara to issue debentures in
accordance with the terms and amounts set out in a sohedule attached to the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the report be received and adopted. See Resolution No. 2~
No. 138 - City Manager - Re: Sewermain Extension - Waters Avenue. Recommending
that the developers of the LaScala Subdivision be required to install the section
of sanitary sewermain on Waters Avenue at an approximate cost of $3,500.00;
reoonunending also that the 1973 Local Improvement program include the construc-
tion of the sanitary sewer and laterals r. equired in R.P.137 to serve 6859
Waters Ave. and 6841 Waters Ave. as well as two vacant lots, Nos. 24 and 26.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted,
No. 139 - City Msnager - Re: Intersection of Glengate Street and Maplewood Ave.
Recouphanding approval of the necessary by-law to allow erection of stop signs
on Maplewood Ave. at its intersection with .Glengate Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldennan Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted and, further, that the projeots Enginee~ be
authorized to proceed with the preparation of a policy for the erection of
yield signs similar to that used for stop signs.
No. 140 - City Manager - Building permits issued for the month of FebrUary,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and filed.
No. 141 - City Clerk - Recor~nending approval of Municipal Licenoes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted and licenoes granted.
No. 142 - City Manager - Reco~nendiug payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt,-seconded!by Alderman-Fera. that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 16 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
hereby certify that the application of River Realty Development Limited for the
rezoning of property located on the north side of Charthas Lane .and west side
of Stanley Avenue will conform to Official plan Amendment No. 28 after Amendment
No. 63, which has been enacted by Councll, is approved by the Minister of
Treasury, Economies and Intergovernmental Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corpora'
tion be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously
No. 17 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
hereby certkfy that the application of River Realty Developments Lim~.ed for
the rezoning of property lossted on the east aide of the Queen .Elizabeth Way,
south of the H.E.P.C.Right-of-Way, conforms to Official plan Amendment No. 28
of the Niagara .Falls Planning Area, as amended and approved by the former
Minister of Municipal Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslX
Resolutions (Coni'd)
No. 18 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
hereby certify that the application of Taro Properties Incorporated, for the
rezoning of a parcel of land in Township Lots 45 and 54, located on the west
side of Dorchester Road, conforms to Official Plan Amendment No.28 of the
Niagara Falls Planning Area, as amended and approved by the former Minister of
Municipal Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 19 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
hereby certify that the application of Niagara Peninsula Home Builders and Land
Developments Limited for the rezoning of a parcel of land located on the east
side of Kalar Road, south of Woodbine Street, conforms to Official Plan Amend-
ment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area, as amended and approved by the
former Minister of Municipal Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously
No. 20 ~ SMEATON - THObISON - RESOLVED that the contract for the reinforcing of
roofwork at the Stamford Memorial Arena be awarded to Vincent Kerrio-Germano
Limited for a revised price of $39~435.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
No. 21 - HUNT -CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the City of Niagara Falls accept the
quotation submitted by Lincoln Furniture, Virgil, Ontario for the supply and
installation of 2" foam rubber cushioned seats for the Council Chambers in the
amount of $585.00, Federal and Provincial Sales Taxes included; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 22 - HUNT - FERA - RESOLVED that the quotation submitted by Aarco Electronics
Ltd. in the amount of $3,943.00 for the installation of a sound system in the
Council Chambers be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 23 - CHRISTENSEN - MANN - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls certify that proposed amendments to By-laws Nos. 5335, 974 and 2350 conform
to Official Plan Amendments No. 28 and 30 respectively, as amended and approved
by the Minister of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed·
Carried Unanimously
No. 24 - HUNT - SCHISLER - RESOLVED that the Corporation of the City of Niagara
Falls hereby request the Regional Municipality of Niagara to issue debentures
in accordance with the terms and amounts set out in the schedule attached hereto;
and, further, that the City of Niagara Falls hereby confirm that it has entered
into s contract for, or authorized the con~nencement of all works or projects
included in the schedule; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
: Carried Unanimously
Note Aldernmn Christensen was absent from the Council
' Chambers.
No 25
· ' HUNT - MANN - RESOLVED that the Statement of proposed Expenditures for
Public Transportation and Highway Improvements for the year 1973 dated March 19,
1973, be adopted as presented, in the total estimated cost of $1,321,600.00 with
an estimated subsidy cost of $660,800.00; AND the Seal oE the Corporation be
hereto affixed· "
Carried Unanimously
No. 26 - HARRIGAN - FERA - RESOLVED that WHEREAS sincere concern has been
expressed by the residents of this City regarding the alarming increase in the
amount of distasteful or suggestive material presently being used for advertising
and other allied purposes;
AND WRERAS the exploitation of sex in books, magazines, films and television and
other channels of cc~mmnication appears to be approaching the point of having
few ~es.tri~,tions;
AND W~E~AS the presentat ion of this type of material for general public con-
sumption can be detrimental p~rticularly to young people durinS their formative
Resolution No. 26 (Cont'd)
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
hereby request The Honourable John T. Clement, Minister of Consumer and
Commercial Relations to initiate an immediste revision of present legislation
and regalations relative to censoring in order to improve the quality of
information being used in the various channels of connnunication;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the
Ontario Municipal Association for endcreation; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. Carrie__.__/d
NOTE: Under New Business, Alderman Walker indicated that it had been his
i'~ention to vote against the resolution. It was his opinion that a municipal
Council should not put forth such resolutions. He said the correct procedure
would be for those initiating the resolution to contact the office of the
Attorney General.
Alderman Christensen was absent from the Council Chambers during consideration
of the resolution and, during the New Business portion of the agenda, asked
that he he recorded as voting contrary.
No. 27 - HUNT - SCHISLER - RESOLVED that the City hereby request an allocation
of subsidy moneys under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act,
in the amount of $271,691 for the Capital Asset Assistance Program and
$120,000. for Transit Operating Expenditures, in the total amount of $2~0,000;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Keighan that
By-laws Nos. 73-64 and 73-65 be brought forward for consideration at this time.
No.73-64 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
~ocniak and Wtnnifred Mocniak.
No.73-65 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530,1960 of the former Township of
~, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that
By-laws Nos. 73-64 and 73-65 be referred back to staff for a report.
By-law No. 73-57 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls
· Industrial park to Oneida Ltd.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan
that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the by-law and the
by-law be given the first reading,
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-58 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with Birchwood
~Limited and others (Dorchester Park Extension Subdivision)..
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Aideman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the ~frst reading. ·
Carried UnanimouslY
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
By-laws (tout'd)
No. 73-59 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with River Realty
~eVelopment Limited and Group 2 Development Limited (Dal Cin Subdivision)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-60 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with River Realty
Developm""'~nt Limited and Group 2 Development Limited (Dell Subdivision)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Smeston
that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that theBy-law be now given a second end third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-61 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with River Realty
Developm"""~nt Limited and Group 2 Development Limited (Casey Subdivision)
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Hsrrigan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unsnimously
No. 73-62 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Michael"""'~nbna and Christina Bubna. (South side of Ferry St.., east of Main St.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Puttick be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Mann
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-6_._____j3 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955, as amended.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that Alderman Keighan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Aldernmn Mann
that the By-laws be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimousl7
No.73-64 and No. 73-65 - See Page 8, Line 26.
- 10 -
By-laws (Cost'd)
No. 73-66 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Stamford Centre Volunteer
~iremen's Association respecting a swimming pool in Mitchelson Park.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderman Schisler be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Smeaton that the By-law be now given the second and third readings.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-67 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Schwenker
~uilders Lim~ ed for the construction of a swimming pool and change house.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fern
that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried UnanimoaslY
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading-
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-68 - A By-law to amand By-law No.3790, being a by-law for the regulation
~f trail'ft. (Taxi Stands)
' ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Aldernmn
Christensen/that AldermanIMannlbe granted leave to~in.t~oduce the By-law ~nd
the By-law be given the 'first ~reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensea~
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-69 - A By-law to provide for appointments to certain Boards, Commissions
~nd Committees.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to .introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
_No. 73-70 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fern
that Aldernmn Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By.-Is~
be given the first reading. , . Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded'by Alderman
Christensen that the By-.law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
11 ..... 11.
- 11-
Alderman Keighan paid tribute to the Stamford Centre Volunteer Firemen's
Association for their contribution of $35,000. toward construction of the
Mitchelson Park Swimming Pool. The Alderman suggested the Association should be
highly conunended for their efforts and appreciation expressed for their valuable
contribution in providing recreational facilities in the City.
Mayor Bukator advised that he had named Alderman Thomson to serve as
the City's representative on the Regional Waste Disposal Sub-Committee.
Alderman puttick will represent Mayor Bukator at the presentation of
the City's Safety Awards on March 21,1973.
Alderman Mann commented on the circumstances surrounding a recent fire
in the former Township of Willoughby and suggested that residents of the Chippaws
and Willoughby areas should be notified either by card or letter of the persons
to contact in the event of fire. Alderman Hunt stated that Willoughby residents
had, for some time, been supplied with printed cards listing eight names of
persons to be so notified.
Alderman Fern spoke about the traffic island located at the Ferry St.-
Stanley Ave. intersection and the difficulties encountered by fire trucks and
trailers when attempting to negotiate a right hand turn from .Stanley to Ferry.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
matter be referred to staff for investigation. The motion Carrte~. with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Fern, Harrigan, Keighan,Smeaton,Schisler,Thomson,
NAY.E:AldermenMann and Puttick.
Alderman Christensen referred to flooding problems experienced by
residents of Roosevelt Avenue and enquired if subdivider's agreements specify
that the developer must provide rear yard drainage.
The City Engineer advised that if a subdivider creates a new subdivision
or adds streets to a subdivision he would be responsible for any back yard
drainage problems in accordance with the subdivis ion policy. In Chippawa, he
said, there is a plan of subdivision covered by a subdivider's agreement which
was up-dated several years ago. Mr. Rodman was uncertain if the agreement
previously executed by the former Village of Chippaws included a clause wherein
the developer would be responsible for back yard drainage. This point will be
checked out. The Engineer also indicated that the following policy is used to
alleviate drainage problems on existing streets: The City is responsible for
installing the sewer laterals on the road allowance and individual homeowners
are responsible for the coat of installation of any works required on private
property. The City does assist in necessary field work and design .on required
Alderman Thomson con~nented on the success of the suggestion that the
recreation room at the Stamford Arena be left unlocked for the convenience of
the public'. 133,persons had used the facility and no damage. had incurred other
than a damaged venetian blind. Arena officials will continue to leave the
room unlocked.
Alderman Thomson expressed his concern that nothing had been do~e
to support the efforts of the Queen Street merchants since establishment of
the Downtown Bosiness Improvement Area and a Board of Management- With the
possibility of competition from a sh~pping plaza development, the Alderman
suggested that some method be found to stimulate interest and attract tourists
presently by.passing the Queen Street and Main Street business areas. He
noted thst in the past there have been several ideas and suggestions put forth
regarding improvements to the Queen St. ~ River Rd. area. Alderman puttick
mentioned there had been previous plans for the expropriation of three houses
on the north side of Queen Street as well as other improvements to the
easterly end of Queen St. and suggested the plans could be updated.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that His Worship Mayor George Bukator and the City Manager, S. R. Price be
asked to assist the Board of Management of the Downtown Business Improvement
Area in an advisory capacity· The motion Carrie~ unanimously.
In reply to questions by Alderman Keighan regarding the Ctty's share
of the cost of installing storm sewerfaains in the Casey Subdivision, the City
Engineer explained that funds for the oversizing of such facilities were pro-
vided by the Expansion and Renewal Fund to allow installations over and above
the actual requirements of the subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the meeting adjourn te Connuittee of the Whole.
Committee Room
March 19, 19 B
Councilmet in Committee of the Whole following a regular meeting
on M~rch 19, 1973. All Members of Council were present with the exception
of Alderumn Wallace. Alderman Walker presided as Chairm~n.
Following consideration of the items present, the Coumittee 9f
the Whole arose without reporting.
o 13 -
Conunittee Room ~1,
March 19, 1973.
Council reconvened in open session following the Connnittee of the
Whole meeting held March 19, 1973. All Members of Council were present with
the exception of Alderman Wallace· His Worship Mayor Bukstor presided as
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Hunt.
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
March 26, 1973.
Following a Council Committee Session on Monday, March 26, 1973,
Council re-convened in formal Council session on the motion of Alderman
Barrigan, seconded by Alderman Schisler. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman.
No. 73-71 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2350, 1959 of the former Township
of Stamford, now in
sewage system)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Aldernmn Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unsnimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-72 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Vincent
kerrlo-Germano Limited for structural modifications for the Stamford Memorial
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Walker be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
· Carried Unanimously
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
~ ,(~~ _ ~ Mayor
Council Chambers,
March 28, 1973.
Council met in special session on Wednesday, March 28, 1973, for the
purposes; of considering a By-law to delete certain conmaercial uses from areas
zoned Industrial by By-law Nos. 5335, 1955; 974, 1955 and 2350, 1959. All Members
of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Hunt and AldermamSmeaton,
His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman.
Report No. 143 - City Manager - Re: Reasons for the By-law deleting commercial
uses from industrial zones.
The Planning Administrator, P. Van Belle, explained that notices of
intent to pass the by-law were mailed to all residents within 400 ft. of industrially
zoned areas. He elaborated on the report which was written in response to questions
raised by persons receiving the notices. The industrial zoning by-law, he said,
does not allow a wide range of con~nercial uses and would not permit development of
large shopping centres. A scattering of smaller shopping centres throughout the
City in the various industrial zones, would not materially add to the range of
conmercial facilities available to the citizens of Niagara Palls and is not
desirable. A 1969 by-law deleting commercial from industrial zones was rescinded
to allow a building permit to be issued for the Canadia project. Consequently, the
Ontario Municipal Board would not hear the application for the approval of Cannai.
By neglecting to pass a by-law deleting commercial from industrial zones, the
municipality would be put in the same position as in 1969 and a delayed decision
regarding~mjor con~ereial projects could result.
Mr. Van Belle said the development of smaller commercial projects through-
out the City on presently industrially zoned lands, could inhibit the potential
development of a nmJor commercial complex. He suggested that if such smaller centres
were permitted~i~nCitY~is not apt.to get approval for a large shopping centre. The
existing Official Plan separates industrial from commercial uses and does not allow
both categories on one property. The new draft zoning by-law presently being pre-
pared does not allow a wide commercial range in the existing areas zoned industrial
and the same question will bm.raised when the draft zoning by-law is considered by
Council. Both Niagara Square and Dorchester Square (Canadia) lands are zoned
industrial at the present time. Mr. VanBelleread the list of commercial uses which
will still be allowed in industrial zones as well as the uses to be deleted,
In reply to a question by Alderman Harrigan, the Planning Administrator
stated that, in his opinion, the Ontario Municipal Board would not grant approval
for a regional-type shopping plaza if the proposed by-law is not approved.
All persons indicating a desire to address Council were granted permission
on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fern. The motion Carried
Mr. John Broderick appeared on behalf of Acres and Co. Ltd., T.G.Bright
Go.Ltd., Group 2 Development Ltd. and Branscombe Investments, all owners of land
suited to coummrcial development and affected by the proposed amendment. Mr.Broderick
said his clientsown large areas of vacant land which should be allowed te develop
o~ercially and not be stripped of additional connnercial uses. He suggested that
deletion of possible commercial uses wou~d result in a loss of value. The T.G.
Bright Co., he said, has not yet settled differences with the Department of Highways
and the reduction in usage of the lands would be detrimental to negotiations. Mr.
Broderick advised that his clients are not opposed to a regional shopping plaza nor
do they fayour any one location. Rowever, they do not wish this to be used as an
exouae to strip them of certain land uses. He suggested that Council support only
one shopping plaza proposal and asked that the four lands owned by his clients be
exempted from the proposed by-law.
Mr. William Amadio appeared before Council as solicitor for Dominion
.Paving, Dominion Construction and Cecil and David Amadio. The Amadio lands opposite
the Whirlppol Aereocar, consist of 20 acres, of which 17~ acres located north of
the Thorold Stone Road right-of-way has been developed as a family trailer park
and is zoned industrial. The remaining property south of the right-of-way is
undeveloped. Mr, Amadio spoke about the affect on nearby residences and school
property if commercial uses were deleted and the land used for industrial purposes.
- 2-
Dominion Paving own property on Slater Avenue and Buttrey Street. Mr. Amad io
spoke about expected residential development in the Buttrey Avenue area and
the possibility of his client's lands becoming prime commercial property. The
Dominion Construction Co. has been considering moving to the City's Industrial
Subdivision and deletion of conuneroial uses would affect disposal of their
Thorold Stone Road property. Mr. Amadio said that inasmuch as some commercial
uses will still be permitted, it is feasible the City will have little "pockets"
of cu~mAarcial development in lands that are industrial. He suggested that the
indiscriminate deletion of co~nercial uses is unfair and unjust and not enough
consideration has been given to individual cases. Mr. Amadio also suggested
that the proposed by-law is illegal and violates Section 19 of The Planning Act
which stipulates that a municipality may not pass a resolution that is contrary
to the intention of tha Official Plan. The future land use amp, he said,
designates the lands of his clients as conunercial and the taking away of
coamercial uses would be in violation of that section of the Act.
A motion by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen, to
adjourn for 20 minutes to allow the City Solicitor, the Planning Administrator
and Mr.Amadio to discuss the comments of Mr. Amadio, was temporarily withdrawn
until all deputations were heard.,
Mr. J. G.Graaskamp, a City representative on the Regional Council,
expressed his approval of the proposed by-law which, he said, would provide more
order, control and harmony. He auggeared the City establish a policy to confine
industrial development to one area allowing only those commercial uses which
complement the industrial use. He suggested the City assist those residents
who would be penalized as a result of rezoning or deletion of certain uses.
Such persons, he said, can still go to the Ontario Mu~tcipal Board for approval
of Justified razesings. Councillor Graaskamp also reconm~ended that obsolete
industrial areas be razened to permit high rise apartment buildings to bolster
the vitality of established commercial areas.
Mr. J. V. Simon, owner of property at the intersection of Bridge St,
and Cataract Avenue, spoke about the affect of the by-law on Canadian National
Railway lands the development of which would benefit the area between the
Whirlpool Rapids Bridge and Victoria Avenue. Con~aercial development of this
area, he said, would be a logical extension to the main shopping areaof the
In reply to questions by Mr. James Drotos, the Planning Administrator
advised that land in the Kalar-Woodbine area is presently zoned agricultural
and is not affected by the proposed by-law. Mr.Drotoa received a notice of
intent because he owns property within 400' of an industrial area south of
· t
Beaverdams Road.
The Planning Administrator advised Mr. A, Okinczyc that his property
on Moatrose Road is presently zoned heavy industrial according to By-law 2350.
Mr. Okinezyc indicated his approval of the Niagara Square shopping centre which,
he said, will attract shoppers from outside the municipality and be a convenience
to tourists using the q.E.W.highway.
Mr.J.Sandonato advised that he represents and is associated in the
ownerahip of approxiraately 100 acres of land on McLeod Read near Stanley Street,
The frontage is presently zoned residential and the rear section is zoned
industrial. The proposed d~tetion of commercial uses, he said, will affect the
sale and limit the use of the property. He requested the lands be exempted fro
the proposed by-law.
Mr.V.Johns asked that the industrial designation be removed entirely
from an isolated 4-acre parcel of land on St.Paul Ave. to permit co~Eaercial
development. Re suggested that inasmuch as there are two historical homes in
the area, there would be opposition to any type of industrial development on
these lands.
Mr. J. Vandersluys suggested that it would be impractical to hinder
retail or commercial development of land on the north side of Bridge Street is
view oE the proposed development of the Canadian National Railway property and
the proximity o~ an international bridge.
Mr,V.Kerrio~ representing a construction company located on Moatrose
Road, suggested that the City has reached a stage of hover planning" which dis-
tourages development. It was his opinion that deletion of some c~ercial uses
wou~d be detrimental to the development of many properties,
~ 3 -
Mr. R.Wilsen is the owner of property located between Montrose Road and
the Hydro Canal which is zoned to permit owner-occupied small industry and
commercial and allows the development of small businesses. Mr.Wilson asked that
Council carefully consider retaining the unique zoning of the area.
The City Clerk then read written submissionsreceived from Mr. Paul
Brasscombs; Logan, Knight & McDermid, Barristers; Dr. Donald R. Johnson; R.
Continelli, V.Demetre and Elena DiPardo; Mr.A.Iseppon, Mr. and Mrs.E.Caughell,
Mr. and Mrs. S, Phillips, Mr, Sam Cupolo, Madeline and Rose Cupolo; Mr, Alvie
Wilson and Mr. Alec Greaves, Director of Planning, Regional Municipality of
Alderman Thomson asked the City Solicitor to comment on Mr. Bra~scombe's
letter which questioned the necessity of passing the by-law for several reasons
one of which was the decision of the Ontario Supreme Court in respect to the
Canadia application. Mr. Young noted that it was the decision of the Court that
a regional shopping centre could nut be built on industrially zoned lands. Tbe
City's concern, he said, is that on each industrial parcel, it would be~ossible
to have at least one very large department store. It is the cumulative effect
of this which precipated the proposed by-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
meeting adjourn for twenty minutes to allow the Solicitors making presentations
to confer with the City Solicitor, R. R. Young and the Planning Administrator
to determine the possible illegality of the proposed by-law, particularly with
reference to possible conflict with the intention of the Official Plan.
After conferring with the Planning Administrator and Mr. Amadio, the
City Solicitor confirmed that the Amadio property, the Dominion Paving property
on S~ter Ave. and the McLeod Road lands referred to by Mr. Sandonate were
designated as Tourist-Con~nercial in the Official Plan. He suggested that
appropriate revisions to the by-law be prepared to remove the possibility of
conflict with the Official Plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the meeting adjourn until Monday, April 2, 1973, when the revised by-law
will be considered.
Council Chambers,
April 2, 1973.
Council met on Monday, April 2, 1973, for the purpose of considering
general business. All Members of Council were present. Alderman Keighan
offered the Openin~ Prayer. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as
The minutes of a regular meeting of Council held March 19, 1973 and a
speoial meeting held March 26, 1973, were adopted as printed on the motion of
Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Rarrigan.
His Worship Mayor Bukator welcomed members of the Chippawa Liberal
Ladies Association who were in the Council Chambers as observers.
Mr. B. S. Onyschuk had requested permission to address Council regarding
two proposed shopping centres presently being considered by the Municipality.
Communication #37 - B. S. Onyschuk - Advisillg that the writer is unable to attend
the Council meeting to make submisAions respecting two shopping centre proposals;
requesting the letter be accepted as an objection to both shopping centtea filed
on behalf of the Downtown Business Association, Stamford Green Shopping Centre
Association, The Town and Country Merchants Association, and The Oshawa Group Ltd.
The connnunication indicates that Mr. Onyschuk wishes to reserve the right to nmke
submissions to Council at the meeting of April 17th and requests permission to
address Council following the deputations of Niagara Square and Cansdis (Dorchester
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the
communication be received and filed.
An advertisement in the Evening Review indicated an opportunity would be given
to persons in the audience to make presentations in support or opposition to
the Conmmrcial Development Policy recently adopted by the City Council.
There was no indication from the audience that anyone wished to speak to the
PRESENTATION OF NIAGARA SQUARE - A proposal to establish a shopping centre on
lands located at the intersection of the Queen Elizabeth Highway and McLeod Road.
Mr. Warren Scott, Executive Vice President, Select Properties Ltd.,
said it was the intention of the Niagara Square representatives to emphasize the
planning aspects of the proposal as Council was already aware of the qualifica-
tions of Niagara Square and what has been accomplished in other areas by the
developers. In the absence of the developer's planning consultant, Mr. Scott
read a letter from Mr. Eli Comay in which he sunwnarized the main planning and
locational requirements for major shopping facilities. The letter indicated
the Niagara Square site is preferable and more desirable than the alternate
location at Dorchester Road and the proposed development plan will be Completely
satisfactory for the purpose of establishing a regional shopping centre at the
McLeod Road-Q.E.W. intersection. A brochure distributed to members of Council
is a consolidation of previous meetings and the application and provided all
the facts and figures submitted to Council previously.
- 2-
John Long, Damus and Smith Ltd., dealt with engineering aspects
· ~te, the proPoseMr. ~_road system
of the proposal. projected maps indicated the s
· comaanted on the design of the Q.E.W McLeod Road
interchange descrl
tion; the closing of McLeod Road, the construction of service roads and other
improvements proposed by the Ministry of Transportation and Con~unications. A
suggested plan to build collector roads on either side of the Q.E.W. with ramps
and a recommended traffic scheme are now being discussed with staff and govern-
ment agencies.
The proposed use of Niagara Square holdings, consisting of 158 acres,
includes connnercial, tourist-commercial, industrial sad a trailer park operation
the site of which is zoned for future industrial development. Mr. Long advised
that the total lands had been investigated as far as servicing is concerned and
he described the proposed construction of a sanitary sewer from the development
across the Q.E.W. to a new pumping station presently under construction by the
Regional Municipality of Niagara. The cost of the sanitary sewer is estimated
at $212,000; storm drainage approximately $400,000 and watermain installations
$65,000. These services will be installed by Niagara Square at no cost to the
MunicipalitY, Mr. Long suggested that over-sizing of the facilities at a
relatively small cost to the City would service a much larger area and would
assist in solving problems that exist in an industrial area south of the
development. Due to the size of the site, there are no parking area problems.
As architect for Niagara Square, Mr. R, Mendel spoke about the
location of the department stores, the entrance points, the convenience of
the parking areas, the ability to provide 10% of landscaped area as compared
to the required 5%, the phasing of construction~ the office building intended
to complement the shopping centre proper, the interior mall and the centre
court which would be the heart of the.building.
It was the opinion of Mr. D- Greenspan, Solicitor for Niagara Square,
that the McLeod Rd.-Q.E.W. site is the best location for a regional shopping
centre. Niagara Square has the best chance of being approved by the Ontario
Municipal Board, he said, because ratepsyers are opposed to the development
of Dorchester Square and because of its proximity to the existing Towers'
store on Dorchester Road. There are no built-up areas adjacent to the
Niagara Square site and nearby residential areas can be serviced without
b u existing roadways. Mr. Greenspan s~id
interruption to the neigh o rhood~or
the site, ideally located adjacent to the McLeod Rd.-Q.E.W. interhhange and
having major arterial access, would be a catalyst to industrial development
in the area· He asked Council to make a prudent assessment of the "odds and
chances" of Niagara Square being approved by the Ontarlo Municipal-.Board as
compared to Dorchester Square.
Alderman puttick co~nented on the possible objections to a shopping
centre by residents owning industrially zoned lands which, if s proposed by-
law is approved, will delete certain coamercial uses from those lands. Mr.
Greenspan replied that a statement by M~. Jamieson during the Cannai hearing
made it quite clear that fef Niagara Falls to successfully get approval of
a regional shopping centre, it will have to "clean up" the old by-laws which
permit commercial uses in industrially designated areas, He suggested that
if Council approves a regiohal shopping centre', there is a good poss~bilitY
the Ontario Municipal Board will deal with it in June. In all probabilitY,
the City will know if the plaza has been approved before theproposed amending
by-law is considered bythe Board. In his opinion, Mr. Greenspan said, it is
a ,,pre-condition" to pass the by-law deleting certain.co~mercial uses from
' industrial zones.
pRESENTATION OF DORCHESTER SQUARE - A proposal to establish s 'shopping centre
~n the'east side o£'Dorchester Road, north of the.Queen Elizabeth Highway.
A brochure, made available to members of Council, consisted of s
number of sections including e ldtter fromMr. D. Feltham, Executive Vice-
president, Western Realty Shopping Centrag Ltd.~ sunmari~iug .the highliBhis
· ' d
of the brochure which also provides perspectives of the development; details
land layout for the~alee plan; text snd.coloured perspectives of the inside
mall and a section indicating that Dorchester Square is fully serviced by a
combined sanitary and storm sewer, an existing watermain and has no soil test
problems. Mr. Feltham said a recently completed $30,000 impact study would
not be presented publicly because it would give other competition an unfair
- 3 -
.advantage before the Ontario Municipal Board. However, the Dorchester Square
consultants would be prepared to report verbally to City officials. Is is
proposed to commence construction of ehe first phase of the shopping centre
in 1973 with an opening date in late 1974.
The architect, Mr. tI. Fleiss, said Dorchester Square will contain
three department stores, a supermarket, mall stores, offices and leisure-time
facilities in the first two phases. The retail stores on both sides of the
interior pedestrian mall will open onto the mall area by sliding doors. The
lower level will contain conunity and leisure-time facilities including
theatres, bowling alley, health club and retail outlets catering to family
needs· A second level gallery above the main mall will provide office space.
Mr. Fleiss said Dorchester Square will be a spacious sky-lit centre with
variously designed interior courts at each department store. The central court
will have a pool and landscaping· The site will accommodate 2890 cars and
the developers have started negotiations with Hydra about the acquisition of
an additional 2.5 acres for further expansion of parking. The architect
described the tree-planting program and the screening of adjacent residential
areas by a park and hedge planting. Mr. Fleiss believed that Dorchester Square
should be a very high class and significant centre and a focal point for the
entire Region.
Mr. Feltham indicated that from the response the developers have
received, Dorchester Square will be able to provide in the first phase s full
range of merchandise to satisfy the needs of the conmunity. There has been
sufficient interest by a national firm to provide a wide range of apparel and
fashion stores. There is strong interest on the part of a Junior department
store requiring 20,000 to 25,000 sq. ft. and the response by a home furnishing
company may make it necessary to revise preliminary plans for the lower level.
Mr. Feltham reported that in the first phase it will be possible to provide
twin theatres, a bowling alley, a health club and one or two taverns or
cabarets, subject to the approval of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario.
The traffic consultants talked about the type of increased traffic
movement that may be expected within the general area of Dorchester Square;
she ingress and egress facilities required; the impact of the centre on streets
adjacent to the site; the percentage of trips from each area of the municipality
and the Region; the number of trips generated by the development; future road
patterns of the area; the extension of Morrison Street from Drummond Road to
Dorchester Road; the extension of Valley Way to Pettit; the future widening of
Dorchester Road north of the site; the future grade separation of the Canadian
National Railway tracks on Dorchester Road. It was indicated that the con-
struction of Dawson Street, Ray Street, Pettit and improvements to Cropp
will be fully absorbed by the developer.
Architect, Mr. D. Chapman, said the area bounded by Pettit, Cropp,
the back line of houses on Heather St. and over to the hydra canal, is intended
to be used for two single family lots facing on Gropp St., eight units of
double duplexes on Pettit, an extension to the existing park and 20 duplex and
town housing units. Carolyn St. will be dead-ended with no carry-through to
Pettit. He~pointed out that the planning department, before the site plan is
approved, will have specified requirements for setbacks, sideyards and the
protection bf neighbouring homes.
Mr. M. McQuaid, Solicitor, suggested that the further presentation
fromWestern Realty and Dorchester Square indicates their response to the
concern of ratepayers in the area. He referred to earlier remarks by Mr.
Greenspan respecting the objections of the Oshawa Group who, he said, would
not '~alk away from either application". He suggested the decision of Council
in regard to shopping centrag, will determine the conunercisl pattern and future
development of the municipality for many years. The impact study has been
completed, he said, and the deveIopers have spent a great deal of money and
want an opportunity to present the proposal to the Ontario Municipal. Board to
show that Dorchester Square will be of real benefit to everyone. In respect
to reference made to the legal impact of "going with one cent~e", there has
been some concern among City Solicitors about the possibility of some type of
proceedings against cities by the owners of property affected by zoning changes.
Mr. McQuaid said there is no case where this has been s problem and ~uggested
that re-zonins does not give the property owner that type of right.
Mr. P. E. Joselin said that members of Council are aware of the
position of the Pettit Subdivision Residents Association. He said the
subdivision residents have agreed that the Dorchester Square proposal is not
in itself objectionable, however some major problems remain some of which
specifically apply to Dorchester Square and some would apply to any shopping
centre. Of major concern is the increased traffic on some of the roads in
the subdivision. The Association does not accept the statement that a lot of
the traffic coming from east of the centre toward downtown will use the
Q.E.W.. It is believed traffic will, even with the new interchange, continue
to use Portage Road, Burdette Drive and Cropp Street. Another item of
concern is usage of the land between Pettit and Heather and Mr. Jogolin
indicated that further discussions will be necessary if City Council approves
the Dorchester Square proposal.
Mr. R. Meuser cited many reasons for his support of the Niagara
Square shopping centre including taxes, the number of jobs created as a
result of the commercial-industrial concept, ample space for future expansion
and the location.
It was the personal conviction of Mr. M. Howe that the plaza
selected should be the one that is most convenient to the majority of people
in the con~nunity and suggested that Dorchester Square meets all requirements.
The proposal, he said, has been developed and will be built by local people
and the location is the most central to the conmunity as a whole, more
economically feasible and accessible.
In supporting the Dorchester Square development, Fir. D. McLeod
said the developers have invested more money and own the lands involved, He
coneanted on Mr. Meuser's remarks regarding the industrial aspects of Niagara
Square and noted that the City already has an industrial park and more
undeveloped industrial lands than any other municipality in southern. Ontario.
He questioned the establishment of a lO-storey office building at the McLeod
Road intersection inasmuch as there are hun]re. of sq.ft. of empty office
space in the conmunity. The success of the Towers' operation, he said,
points to logical further development in the same area.
Mrs. Schultz, owner of properties close to both locations,suggested
Council should support local people and approve the Dorchester Square shopping
centre. As a member of a number of women~s associations, Mrs. Schultz
advised that the matter had been discussed and, from a woman's point of view,
Dbzchester Square would be more convenient.
Replying to a question by Alderman Narrigan, Mr. Greenspan advised
that 25% of the land to be developed for Niagara Square is owned outright by
the developers and the balance of the lands are under option, a htandard way
for land to be acquired for developments of this magnitude. $100,000, apart
from land acquisition costs, has already been spent by the developers, repre-
senting anco~mitmant both in business terms and to the municipality.
Councillor 3. Grasskemp said that residents of Niagara Falls are
in favour of a regional shopping centre and have a right to the convenience
of such s facility as well as the Jobs that will become available. The Region
has been advised that they must have a m~rket analysis for the entire area
and Mr. Grasskemp suggested that the time is approaching when Regional
Niagara will be required to approve shopping centrag. If the City could
establish a commercial development policy, he said, there would be no concern
either regionally or provincialIF.
Due to the lateness of the hour, the shopping plaza discussions were
temporarily interrupted for consideration of By-law No. 73-73 on the motion of
Aldermen Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen,
By-law No.73-73 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955 of the City of
Niagara Falls, as amended; By-law No. 2350, 1959 of the former Township of
Stamford, as amended and By-law No.974 of the fommer Village of Chippawa, as
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldernmn Hunt
that Alderman Harrigan be 8ranted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be 8iven the first readInS.
Carried Unanimously
- 5 -
By-law No. 73-73 (Cent'd)
During discussion of the matter, Alderman Fern indicated that while
he was in favour of a regional shopping centre, he did not approve the by-law
because, in his opinion, the City was attempting to get approval of a shopping
centre at the expense of people who have invested money in commercial lands.
Alderman Walker also expressed his view and said that approval of the by-law
puts restrictions on landowners who purchased property for specific purposes.
He was convinced that if the City presented a case to the Ontario Municipal
Board indicating how much industrial and commercial land is available, the
same thing could be accomplished without passing the amending by-law. Alderman
Wallace pointed out that the City Solicitor, the Planning Administrator and
other staff members as well as Mr. Greenspan and Mr. McQuaid agreed that if
a plaza is to be approved, it is necessary to delete certain commercial uses
from industrially zoned lands. Alderman Puttick stated that the City is
con~nitted to providing a shopping centre and he believed that if Council
were not unanimous in their decisions, the City's case before the Ontario
Municipal Board would be hurt.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Narrigan, seconded by Alderman
Mann that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Bunt, Mann, Harrigan, Keighan, Puttick, Smeaton,
~chisler, Thomson, Wallace.
NAYE:Aldermen Fera and Walker.
Mr. I. McCallurn, spokesman for the owners of lands east of the
hydro canal and directely opposite Dorchester Square, endorsed the Dorchester
Square proposal which. he said, would be in accordance with Council's policy
for the thrilling of lands east of the Q.E.W.
Mr. Scott suggested that the establishment of a regional shopping
centre could not be considered as "infilling". Ee suggested also that the
Dorchester Square location wofiad be suitable for a neighbourhood shopping
centre and a convenience for residents in the Dorchester Road area, however
90% of Niagara Square shoppers would be within 15 minutes driving time of the
McLeod Rd.-Q.E.W. site.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Fern
that the meeting adjourn and reconvene on Tuesday, April 3, 1973 at 7:30 p.m.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Alderm~n Christensen, Hunt, Fern, Mann, Harrigan, Keighan, Smeaton, Walker,
NAY__~E:Aldermen Puttick, Thomson and Wallace.
Clerk ~ .~ Mayor
Council Chambers,
April 3, 1973.
Council met on Tuesday,April 3, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering the balance of the April 2nd agenda. All Members of Council were
present with the exception of AldermanThomson. His Worship Mayor George Bukator
presided as Chairman.
Comm.~38 - Donald N. Chapman, Architect - Recommending that the low bid of
Casucci Construction Ltd. not be accepted because of (a) incomplete tender docu-
ments and (b) excessive time required; suggesting several modificstions which
would reduce the cost of the satellite arena by $16~000.00 and suggesting also
that no useful purpose would be served in re-tendering the project. The report
indicates that all future considerations must be based upon the second lowest
tender submitted by Niagara River Construction Ltd.in the amount of $365,000.
Report #144 - City Manager - Re: Report on Proposed Satellite Arena. Commenting
on the purpose and history of the project; the reasons for increase in costs and
financial aspects; recommending that Council accept the revised tender of Niagara
River Construction in the amount of $349,000.00 and that the arena cost not
exceed $365,000.00 including the Architect's fees. The report notes that
acceptance of the reconnnendation requires an additional $109.000.00 and recommends
that this amount be requisitioned from the 1973 and 1974 Operating Budgets and
the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare the appropriate by-law to provide for
the increased gross cost.
Mr. G. Goulty accepted the responsibility for fixing the estimated
cost of the satellite arena and explained the factors that contributed toward
the increased cost. There was also considerable discussion regarding the
rejection of the tender submitted by Phil Casucci Construction because of
incomplete tender documents. The contractor had declared an alternate bid in
respect of the pre-engineered building but provided no supporting data to this
effect. In sddition~ the company required a I30-dsy construction period which
would be beyond the specified completion date. Several members of Council raised
questions regarding the possibility of accepting the Casucci bid in order to
reduce the construction costs further. Mr. Goulty commented on the established
tendering procedure and suggested the City would "lose its credibility,! by such
action. The City Solicitor said that in view of the position taken by the City
in the past, acceptance of an incorrect tender would "destroy Council's integrity
as a Corporation',. In regard to architect's fees, Mr. Goulty said that rather
than 7% of the final contract price, the architect would accept 7% of their
estimated cost.
Alderman Christensen enquired if the contract cost included the con-
struction of the parking lot. The Alderman was advised that the cost of the
parking lot wee not included in the tender-price for the satellite arena.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted and the tender for the con-
struetion of=a satellite arena adjacent to the Stamford Memorial Arena be awarded
to Niagara River Construction at a price of $349,000.00; that the total cost of
the project not exceed $365,000.00 said construction costs and awarding of the
tender to be subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board and, further,
that a total of $109,000.00 be provided in the 1973 and 1974 Current Operating
Budgets toward the cost of this project. The motion Carried with the following
vote: - .
AYE: Aldermen Wslker,Puttick,Harrigan,Fera,Mann,Hunt.
_~AYE:Aldermen Wallace,Smeaton,Keighan,Christensens Schisler.
See Resol.~28 & By-law ~73-79
No. 39 - Niagara Resort and Tourist Association - Advising that the Association
wish to go on record as supporting the City Council in any request that a repre-
sentative from Niagara Falls be appointed the the Niagara Region PolicetcCommission
at the earliest possible opportunity.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt,Fera,Mann,Keighan~k, Schisler,Walker,Wallace.
~:Aldermen Smeaton and Marri~an.
Conm~unications (Coat'd)
No. 40 - Niagara Falls HVdro - Re: In~roved Street Lighting, Bridge and Erie.
Submitting the report of the Chief Engineer in respect to street lighting on
Bridge St. from River Road to Erie Avenue and on Erie Avenue from Bridge St.
to Queen Street and suggesting that a number of fluorescent fixtures be
replaced with mercury yapour fixtures.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
conmunication be received and filed and the proposed.improvement of street
lighting on Bridge Street and on Erie Avenue be approved.
No. 41 - Chamber of Commerce - An invitation for members of the City Council
and Department Heads to meet with Chamber directors and committee chairman
for a presentation of the objectives and activities of the Chamber of Commerce
and to promote mutual respect and assistance. Suggesting that the meeting be
in the Chamber Board Room and Council suggest a suitable time and date.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and filed, the invitation accepted and the time and
date be left to the discretion of His Worship theMayor.
No. 145 - City Clerk - Report of the Council Committee.
1. TOWN OF NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE PROPOSED BY-LAW 319-73. The proposed by-law
to fezone lands owned by Queenston Quarries was considered by the Council
Committee and recommends that the City not submit a fornml objection to
the Ontario Municipal Board but convey to the Board the concern of City
residents living in the general area of the proposed quarry operation.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldenan Mann, seconded by Alderman Keighan that
Council adopt the recommendation of the Council Committee.
recommends approval in principle of the concept of an historical park in
the former Township of Willoughby; that the Willoughby Historical Society be
granted permission to re-locate the frame dwelling presently at Centennial
Park on lands owned by the Municipality on the understanding that the re-
location of the house be carried out in accordance with the requirements
of the Building Inspector; further, that staff be directed to prepare a
report recommending the mechanics to be followed relative to making the
lands available for the proposed use.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Barrlgan
that the recommendation of the Council Committee be adopted.
3. Y.M.C.A. - APPLICATION FOR BING0 LICENeE - Recommendation: that %he
application of the Y.M.C.A. for a licenee to operate a Bingo Lottery on
Clifton Hill be denied.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the recommendation of the Council Committ~e be adopted. The motion Carrie~
with the following vote:
AYE:Aldermen Christenson, Hunt, Fare, Harrigan, Keighan, Puttick, Smeaton,
8chisler, Walker, Wallace.
4o PORTAGE ROAD BRIDGE OVER THE C.N.R. TRACF,8 - Recommendation: (a) that Council
adopt, in principle, Scheme"A" of the suggested alternatives of Proctor and
Redfern; (b) authorize an application to the Canadian Transport Commission,
C.N.R. and the Ministry of Transportation and Connnunications for approval of
the project and for confirmation of available subsidies; and (c) authorize
Staff to obtain opinions of valueon those properties affected by the pre-
liminary design.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace,seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the recommendation be adopted.
Council representative J. Graaekamp addressed Council regarding a decision
of the Regional Council to prohibit parking on both sides of Stanley Avenue
between-the Q.E.W. extension and Ferry St. at all times. He suggested a
complete year-round prohibition was not necessary and that an alternative
could be arranged. The Council Committee recommends that the Regional
Municipality be requested to withh~ld the passing of a by-law prohibiting
parking on both sides of Stanley Ave, at all times, umtil such time as the
City has an opportunity to present its views on the workable alternatives.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman gchisler, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that. the recommendation of the Council Committee be adopted.
- 3 -
Report of the Council Committee (Cont'd)
6. ONTARIO TASK FORCE ON HOUSING POLICY - Recommendation: that the City Council
endorse the brief prepared by the Mayor's Committee on Housing.
ORDERD on the motion of Aldenan Mann, seconded by Aldenan Keighan that
the recommendation be adopted.
7. AN~AL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD DINNER - Recommendation: that Council approve
the holding of the 1973 Achievement Award Dinner on May 24, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldenan Hunt that the
recommendation be adopted.
Report No.146 - City Manager - Re: Acquisition of Property for Roadway and other
Regional Requirements by the Regional Municipality of Niagara. Noting that
the Region will apparently compensate for land required for sewer and water
facilities as well as for road widening.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldenan Christensen, seconded by Alderman Fera that
the report be received and filed.
No. 147 - City Manager - Re: Part Lot 2, Registered Plan 653, west side of
Stanley Avenue between Spring St. and Emery St. Advising that an application
for a building permit to erect a 33 unit motel on the subject property has been
received; reconunending approval of the site plan to penit the issuance of the
building penit.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 148 -City Manager - Re: Lundy's Lane Widening and Lundy's Lane Motel and
Restaurant Ltd. Advising that due to an oversight a quit claim deedl-respecting
a triangular parcel of land at the southeast corner of Lundy's Lane at the
Q.E.W. was not executed and registered; recommending that in order to clear
the owner's title, a by-law authorizing the execution of the quit claim deed
be approved.
0RDERED on the motion of Aldenan gchisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
See By-law No. 73-77
No. 149 - City Clerk - The advisory report provides information regarding
various miscellaneous matters and recommends approval of the proclamation of
"Respect for Law Week", Royal CanadianAir Cadets and the Minor Soccer Assco.
Tag Days; Annual Carnival of the Lions Club of Stamford. Also submitted with
the report is a Chamber of Con~nerce survey regarding priority items; the
monthly report of the Niagara Regional Health Unit and a report regarding the
Ontario Traffic Conference.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 150 - Recreation Commission - Advising that the Recreation Conunission has
accepted the responsibility for the Annual Achievement Awards Dinner~
ORDERED on the motion of Aldenan Christenson, seconded by Alderman Bunt that
the report be received and filed,
No. 151 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for Materials 1973, ReconEending acceptance
of tenders for the supply of various materials required in 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Bunt that Mr.
Bruce Melick be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Melick, representing R.E.Law Crushed Stone Ltd., advised that
the company was low bidder for the suN~a~e treatment contract and intend to
hire as many labourers from Niagara Falls as is possible. Mr. Melick-spoke
about the firm's 35 years experience, the ~mo~nt of equipment available and
their record of service and worl~nanship.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Keighan that
Mr. W. Eastland be granted permission to addresssCouncil.
Mr. Eastland asked Council to consider the bid of the Eastland Company
which was $400. higher, than the quotation submitted by the Law. company. He
pointed out that Eastland Bro8. are the owners of industrial end commercial
property within the City, employ local labour and most of the money remains in
the City.
ORDERED.on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted and the tenders be
approved as submitted
See Resolution No.29
Reports (Con,'d)
No. 152 - City Manager - Re: Quotations for Brush Sections and Gutter Brooms.
Recommending that the prices shown for Items ~1, #2 and #4 on the Summary of
Quotations in the total amount of $2,373.00 submitted by Canadian Wire Brush
Co. be accepted; reconmending further that the price for Item ~3 submitted by
Danline Canada Limited in the total amount of $725.00 be accepted.
ORDERED on the motien of Alderman Schis let, seonnded by Alderman Smeaton
that the report be received and adopted. See Resolution No.30
No. 153 - City Manager - Re: Canadian Building Officials Association 1973
Conference, Regins~Sask.,APril 4 ~ 6 inclusive. Reconnnending that the
Building Inspector be granted permission to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 154 - City Manager -Re: 1973 Convention,Ontario Section,American Water
Works Association. Recormnending that three members of staff from the Engineering
Dept. and one Alderman be granted permission to attend the Conference in
Ottawa, April 29th to May 2nd, inclusive.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the report be received and adopted and Alderman Hunt be appointed as the
Council's representative at the Conference.
No. 155 - City Manager - Re: Conference on Snow and Ice Control, Ottawa,
April 16-18,1973. Reco~nnending that two members of the Engineering Staff be
authorized to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Harrigsn that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carrie_____~d with Alderman puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 156 - City Clerk - Reconnnending approval of Municipal Licenoes
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Keighan that
the report be received and adopted and licerites granted.
No. 157 - City Manager - Reconmmndtng Palnnent of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted.
No, 28 - PUTTICK - WALKER - RESOLVED that the tender for the construction of
a satellite arena adjacent to Stamford Memorial Arena be awarded to Niagara
River Construction at a price of $349,000.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. Carrie____~d
No. 29 - pUTTICK - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that tenders for various materials
required in the year 1973 be awarded as follows:
1. TIRES,TUBES & TIRE REPAIRS - Whitelay Tire Sales
2a~ASOLINE GRAPE 2 - Shell Canada Limited
c)DIESEL FUEL - Texaco Canada Limited
d)FURNACE FUEL - Gulf Oil Company
e) KEROSENE - Gales Gas Bar
3. CEMENT.MASONS LIME & SEAL BOND - Weigh,man (Chippawa) Limited
4. REAOY M11 CONCRETE - Weigh,man (Chippaws) Limited
a) Schedule "A" (1) F.O.B.Job
l. 1/4" Sereeued Dry - Walker Brother8 Quarries
2. 5/8", 7/8" and 2" Crusher Run M~terial - Divided as' equally as
between Queens.on Quarries & Walker Brothers Quarries Limited
3. Pit Run Gravel (Class B) - TCG Mateli. Is Limited
Resolution No.29 (Con,'d)
5. (b) Schedule '~" (2) F.O.B.Job
1.1/4' Screened Dry - Walker Brothers Quarries
2. 5/8", 7/8"Crusher Run Material - Divided as equally as possible
between TCG Materials Limited and Moyer Sand
3. 2" Crusher Run Material - Ridgemount Quarries
4. Pit Run Gravel (Class B) -TCG Materials Limited
Schedule "B" F.O.B.Quarry
1.1/4" Screened Dry - Walker Brothers Quarries
2. 5/8" Crushed Class '~" Material for Area No. 1 -Moyer Sand
3.5/8" Crushed Class "A" Material for Area No. 2 - TCG Materials Limited
4.7/8" Crushed Class ,~I, Material for Area No. 1 -Moyer Sand
5.7/8" Crushed Class '~" Material for Area No. 2 - TCGMaterials Limted
6.2" Crusher Run Material - To be split between Ridgemount Quarries,
Campbell Quarries, Queens,on Quarries and Walker Brothers Quarries
where economically feasible and possible.
7. Pit Run GraveI Class "B" for Area No. 1 - Walker Brothers Quarries
8. Pit Run Gravel Class "B" for Area No. 2 - TCGMaterials Limited
a) Schedule i~,, for Area No. 1F.O.B.Job
1.3", 2", 1" & 1/2", 3/8" Material - Walker Brothers Quarries
2. Stone Dust Material ~ Queens,on Quarries
3. Traffic Bound Material - To be split as equally as possible between
Walker Brothers Quarries and Queens,on Quarries.
b) Schedule "A" for Area No. 2 F.O~. Job
1.3", 2", 1", 1/2", 3/8",Stone Dust & Traffic Bound - To be split as
equally as possible between Ridgemount Quarries and Campbell Quarries
c) Schedule "B" F.O.B.Quarry
1.3", 2", 1", 1/2", 3/8"Material - To be divided as equally as possible
between Walker Brothers Quarries and Queens,on Quarries for Area No.1
2. 3", 2", 1", 1/2", 3/8" Material - To be divided as equally as possible
between Ridgemount Quarries and Campbell Quarries for Area No. 2
3. Stone Dust Material for Area No. 1 - Queens,on Quarries
4. Stone Dust Material for Area No. 2 - To be divided as equally as possible
between Ridgemount Quarries and Campbell Quarries.
5. Traffic Bound Material for Area N . 1 - To be div~ed as equally as
possible between Queenston Quarries and Walker Brothers Quarries.
6. Traffic Bound Material for Area No. 2- T~ be divided as equally as
possible between Ridgemount Quarries and Campbell Quarries.
a)-Schedule "A" for Area No. 1 - F.O.B.Job
1. Screened Pit Sand -Braas Brothers Ltd.
2. Screened Manufactured Sand - Walker Brothers Quarries Ltd.
3. Screened Washed Pit Sand - Walker Brothers Ltd.
4. Screened Washed Manufactured Sand - Walker Brothers Ltd.
5. Fine and Coarse Lake Sand - Eastland Brothers Niagara Ltd.
6. Selected Backfill & Unscreened Fine Pit Sand - To be divided as equally
as possible between Braas Bros.& St.Davids Sand & Gravel
b) Schedule "A" for Area No. 2 - F.O.B.Job
1. Screened Pit Sand - St.David, San~ and Gravel
2. Screened Manufactured Sand - Walker Brothers Ltd.
3. Screened Washed Pit Sand - Mayer Sand
4. Screened Washed Manufactured Sand - Walker BrOthers Ltd.
5. Fine Lake Sand - Eastland Brothers Ltd.
6. Selected Backfill and Unscreened Fine Pit Sand - Mr. G. Allen
c) Schedule "B" - F.O,B. Pit
1. Screened Pi~ Sand - Braa8 Brothers Ltd.
2. Screened Manufactured Sand - Walker Brothers Ltd.
3. Screened Washed Manufactured Sand - Walker Brothers Ltd.
4. Screened Washed Pit Sand - To be divided as equally as possible between
Mayer Sands Walker Bros. Ltd. and TCG Materials where economically
5. Selected Backfill - To be divided as equally as possible between Brass
Brothers and St. Davids And and Gravel. ~
~. gnscreened Fine Pit Sand - Mayer Sand
Resolution No. 29 (Cont'd)
Items 1, 2 and 3 for Hot Mix Asphalt - Queenston Quarries Ltd.
Quarries and }lard Rock Paving Co. where economically feasible and
3) Item 5 for Hauling by Truck - Queenston Quarries Ltd.
4) Stem 1 for Aspbaltic Cold Patch - To be split between Hard Rock Paving
Company and Queenston Quarries Ltd. where ezonomicallY feasible and
5) Item 2 for Asphaltic Cold patch - Queenston Quarries Ltd.
, 6) Item 3 for Asphaltic Cold Patch - To be divided between Queenston Quarries
Ltd. and Hard Rock Paving Co. where economically feasible and possible.
7) Item 4 for Asphaltic Cold Patch - Queenston Quarries Ltd.
3400 lbs. Grass Seed Mixture and 300 lbs. Creeping Red Fescue - Vau~lan
Seed Company
300 lbs. perennial Rye Grass - Drunnnond Hardware
a) Item No. 1 - Analysis 10-6-4 with Chlordane - Gaulds Nursery
b) Item No. 2 - Analysis 4-12-8 - Chemco Spray Limited
c) Item No. 3 - Analysis 10-6-4 with 75% Nitrogen - United Co-Operatives
of Ontario
d) Item No.. 4 - Analysis 9-5-3 with Broad Leaf Control-United Co-Operatives
of Ontario
11. OXYGEN AND ACETYLENE - Niagara Welders Supply
This schedule of tenders is to be used whenever rental equipment is
required for City operations, starting with the lowest price quoted for
each piece of equipment and the rental of machinery is to be divided as
equally as possible when equal bids are involved.
b) SUPPLY. OF TRAFFIC PAINT - Shetwin Willjams Limited
Note: Due to connnitment to Ministry of Transportation, N. tagara paint
~nd Chemical will be unable to supply our requirements fro~April 1,1973
to July 1,1973. Tender not acceptable.
14. HYDRANTS, VALVES, TAPPING VALVES AND SLEEVES AND VALVE BOXES 1) 6" and 8" Hydrants - Triangle plumbing and Heating
~2) 4", 6", 8", 10" and 12" Valves - Triangte plumbing and Heating
3) 6" x 6", 6" x 8", 6" x 12", 8" x 8", 8" x 12", 4" x 6", 4" x S" and
4" x 12" Tapping Valves and Sleeves - Mueller Limited
4) 4", 6", 8", 10" and 12" VaNe Boxes - J, R. Ferguson Limited
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
'gettied Unanimously
Resolution No. 30 - SCHISLER - SMEATON - RESOLVED that the quotations sub-
mitted by CanadianWire Brush Co. for Brush Sections and Gutter Brooms as
indicated on the Summary of Quotations, Items #1, ~2 and ~4 in the total
amount of $2,373.00 be accepted and, further, that the price for Item ~3
submitted by Danline Canada Limtbd in the total amount of $725.00 be accepted;
AND the. Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 31 - MANN - FERA - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy be forwarded to
the family of the late Kenneth Jamieson, Captain, Niagara Falls Fire Depart'
ment and respected resident of the Munictp~!ttY] AND the See1 of the Corpora'
tion be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously
No. 73-73 - A By-law to amend By-law No.5335, 1955 of the City of Niagara Falls,
as amended; By-law No. 2350, 1959 of the former Township of Stamford, as amended
and By-law No.974 of the former Village of Chippawa, as amended.
(Deletion of specified commercial uses from industrial zones)
NOTE: See Page 4, Council Meeting, April 2, 1973.
No. 73-74 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 7531, being a By-law to provide for
the erection of Stop Signs at intersections. (Maplewood Ave. at Glengate St.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman
Keighan that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
~o. 73-75 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with Niagara Peninsula
Home Builders Land Developments Ltd. (Ascot Woods)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by AldermanSmeaton
that the By-law be now given a ~ond and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-76 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with Taro Properties
Incorporated (Rolling Acres Extension)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimousl~
~o~-~3-77 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a quit ~laimdeed to Lundy's
.Lane-Motel and Restaurant Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Keighan that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
~o. 73-7.8 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of=Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimous.ly
- 8'
By-laws (Cont~d)
~o. 73-79 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 72-215 to authorize alterations to
ord Memorial Arena. (TWO READINGS ONLY)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman
Fera that Alderman Walker be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Fera, Mann, Harrigan, Walker, Puttick.
NAY~..:Aldermen Christensen, Keighan, Schisler, Smeaton, Wallace. Carried
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman
Puttick that the By-law be given a second reading.
AYE: Aldermen Runt, Fera, Mann, Harrigan~ Walker, Puttick
~'YE:Aldermen Christensen, Keighan, Schisler, Smeaton, Wallace.
Alderman Walker enqutred about the status of the new police and
court buildings. According to information provided by the City Marsget and
Alderman Wallace, Regional police officials have been provided with the plans
for study and possible interior revisions required. It~is expected that
information will be forthcoming from the Region regarding revised plans and
coat estimates.
Alderman puttick requested that, within two weeks, the Mars ger of
the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena submit a report regarding the means by which
the revenue from the arena will be increased over the next six months. The
matter was referred to the City Manager.
Aldermsn Puttick referred to a recent "Pace" publication which
indicated the Chamber of Conunerce building had been sold. The Alderman
requested information, iu writing, regarding the financial status of the
Chamber. He also enquired if the Chamber had capital funds of its own and
if financial assistance from the City is necessary. The matter was referred
to the City Manager.
Alderman Hunt suggested that inasmuch as the Chamber building has
been sold and the City is paying rent for the industrial committeets
facilities, it would be an appropriate time to move the comnittee ~o City
Alderman Hunt suggested that the City apply oil to the roads earlier
this yesr because of dust conditions that already exist. He noted that in pre.
vious years the oil treatment was not undertaken until the month of May.
Alderman Hunt expressed his concern sbout the number of accidents
occurring at the interchange service road at Sodom Road. The matter had
been brought to the attention of the Department of Highways and some pre-
cautionary measures had been taken. The City Manager indicated he will
continue to follow up the matter.
Alderman Runt noted that the budget for the Conservation Authority
is $841,000, the City's share being $54,500. The Alderman suggested that
information be obtained regarding the actual benefits the City derives as a
result of this expenditure.
Alderman Puttick referred to the results of a survey of a percentage
of Chamber of Conunerce members regarding priority items. One comment suggested
that the Mayor's Conmittee on Housing was a "farce" and the Alderman suggested
that persons criticizing the Committee should be invited to attend meetings to
get the facts. His Worship Mayor Bukator emphasized that the Committee was
doing an excellent job since being re-activated during the current year and,
at the request of the City Council, had prepared a brief for submission to the
Advisory Task Force on Housing Policy. The brief had been endorsed by the
City Council and several members of the Committee, together with the Mayor,
had recently had an opportunity of personally presenting it to the Task Force.
Among other things, the brief recommended the acquisition of large homes in
or adjacent to existing commercial areas for use as geared-to-income family
accommodation. In addition the brief confirmed the success of providing
senior citizen units on the style of the Kiwanis Crescent units. Mayor Bukstor
indicated he was not concerned about the comment submitted to the Chamber of
Conunerce relative to the operation of the Mayor's Committee on Housing.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Council Chambers,
April 9, 1973.
On the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt,
Council adjourned a Council Committee session held April 9th,t973, to meet
in open Council for the purpose of considering several items of business.
His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman. All Members of
Council were present.
Report No. 158 - City Manager - Re: Spring Rubbish Collection. Recommend ing
a three-week spring collection period, running from April 16th to May 4th,
inclusive, be authorized by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
By-Law No.73-79 - A By-law to amend By-law No.72-215 to authorize alterations
to the Stamford Memorial Arena. (The By-law was given first and second
readings on April 3, 1973)
THIRD READING - Alderman Harrigan and Alderman Fera.
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Fera, Mann, Hsrrigan, Puttick, Thomson, Walker.
NAYE:Aldermen Christensen, Keighan, Smeaton, Schisler, Wallace.
By-Law No.73-80 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with
Niagara River Construction Limited for alterations to the Stamford Memomial
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Puttick be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Fera, Mann, Harrigan, Puttick, Thomson, Walker.
NAYE:Aldermen Christensen, Keighan, Smeaton, Schisler, Wallace.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Mann that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Fera, Mann, Harrigan, Puttick, Thomson, Walker.
.NATE: Aldermen Christensen, Keighan, Smeaton, Schisler, Wallace.
Report No. 159 ~ City Manager - Re: Debenture Issue for Satellite Arena
Construction. Recommending, that following the third reading of By-law No.
73-79, the Regional Municipality of Niagara be requested to issue a debenture
in accordance with the terms and amounts set out in the schedule respecting
the construction of the satellite arena.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Fera,Mann,Hsrrigsn,Puttick,Smeaton,Walker,Thomson,Wallace.
.NAYE:AldermenChristensen, Keighan and Schisler.
~ee Resolution No. 33
No. 32 - Keighan - Thomson - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls certify that the application of the Regional Municipality of Niagara for
the rezoning of a parcel of property located on the southerly side of Chippswa
Parkway conforms to the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls
Planning Ares as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs;
AND the See1 of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
- 2-
.Resolutions (Cont'd)
No. 33 - THOMSON - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Corporation of the City of
Niagara F~lla hereby request the Regional Municipality of Niagara to
issue debentures in accordance with the terms and amounts set out in
the schedule attached hereto; and, further, that the City of Niagara
Falls hereby confirm that it has entered into a contract for, or
authorized the commencement of all works or projects included in the
schedule; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
AYe.: Aldermen Hunt,Fera,Mann,Harrigan,puttick,Smeaton,Walker,Th°ms°n'
Schtsler, Wallace.
NAYE:Aldermen Christensen, Keighan and Schisler.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by AldermanChristensen
that the Council session ad]ourn and reconvene in Council Conmittee
Session to consider reports on proposed shopping centres.
Council Chambers,
April 16, 1973.
Council met on Monday, Apr il 16, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general bus iness. All Members of Council were present. Alderman
Harrigan offered the Opening Prayer. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided
as Chairman.
The minutes of the April 2nd, 3rd and 9th, 1973, were adopted on the
motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt with a correction on
Page 2, Line 43 to indicate the motion was presented by Alderman Christensen
and on Page 2, Line 53 to indicate the contrary vote of Alderman Christensen.
Mr. E. M. Blake, Traffic Safety Consultant, Ministry of Transportation
and Communications, presented Certificates of Merit to the City for having achieved
accident free Safety Weeks in 1971 and 1972.
Report No. 160 - City Manager - Referring to the study undertaken by Proctor and
Redfern regarding various means of crossing the Hydro Canal and the Canadian
National Railway Right-of- Way to accommodate the Drummond, Portege,Morrison
Area road network; advising that due to reductions in the original value of
engineering work done to date, the engineering fee was reduced from 200% to 170%
of payroll costs plus expenses and now total $19,862.54; suggesting that in view
of the value of the report to the Regional Municipality, the engineering costs be
shared equally by the City and the Region and, further, that the costs be assessed
against the work now being undertaken on the City bridge crossing the C.N.R. Right-
of-Way on Portage Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the report
be received and adopted.
Report No. 161 - City Manager - Noting that the report of the Projects Engineer
submitted to Council on April 9th indicated it would be necessary to revise the
design of the McLeod Road-Queen Elizabeth Highway Interchange; submitting
additional information in respect to the position of the Ministry of Transportation
and Cormnunications and the design of the interchange.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received a~d filed.
Report No. 162 - City Manager - Advising that the City Clerk was recently served
with a Write of Summons and Notice of Motion in an action brought in the Supreme
Court of Ontario for an in]unction restraining the City from proceeding with
improvements to Shriner's Creek and requiring the preservation of various springs,
plantltfe,wildlife and other natural environmental characteristics; requesting
confirmation of retaining Mr.N.McKay of the legal firm of Martin,Sheppard,Clark,
McKay and Den0uden to defend the action on behalf of the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed and the appointment of Mr. McKay be approved.
Communication No. 42 - Committee of A Thousand - Suggesting the Mayor and Council
tour the property involved in the Shriner's Creek project.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
conmunication be read and, following the reading, it be received and filed.
Report No. 163 - City Clerk - Re: AM-28/72, D.D'Addio. A rezoning application to
permit a public garage on property located on the south-east corner of Drunmwnd
Road and William Street; advising that the Ontario Municipal Board has appointed
May 17th at 10:00 a.m. for the hearing of all parties interested in. supporting
- 2-
Application of D.D'Addio (Cent'd)
or opposing the application.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
hearing date be noted and the report be received and filed.
Report No. 164 - City Clerk - Re: AM-16/72, j.Christensen. Application for
rezoning of property located on the north side of Weaver Road to permit the
erection of four single family dwellings; advising that the Ontario Municipal
Board will hear all parties interested in supporting or opposing the applica-
tion ate hearing, May 2, 1973 at 11:00 a.m.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermanThomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
hearing date be noted and the report be received and filed.
Note: Alderman Christensen declare~ his interest and abstained from voting.
No.43 - Mrs.H.Schulze - Re: Dorchester Square. Submitting petitions signed by
residents of Cropp St., Keiffer St. and a number of H.G.Acres employees which
indicate support of the Dorchester Square Shopping Centre proposal.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 44 - Greater Niagara Senior Citizens Association - An invitation to
participate in the Senior Citizen Olympics, to be held in conjunction with the
Annual Blossom Festival at Oakes Park, May 17, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the coramunication be received, the invitation accepted and Alderman puttick be
responsible for the fielding of a team for the events.
No. 45 - Ontario Retail Gasoline & Automotive Service Asset. - Conments re:
the Asaociation's concern with the marketing trends of the major oil companies
and the retailing of gasoline; suggesting that Council (1) stop the erection
· or the establishment of further gasoline outlets and (2) create a signs by-law
prohibiting all signs on the building or premises of any service station or
gasoline outlet, except the identity sign.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the conmmnication be received and referred to the City Manager for a full
No. 46 - ·Ontario Safety League - Re: New Federal Government regulatiqns regard-
ing the sale of Fireworks. Suggesting that the City's by-law be published two
weeks in advance of the May 21st holiday so all residents will be aware of
local regulations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by AldermanWalker that
the communication be received and a eynopsis of the City'a fireworks regula-
tions be published prior to the holiday.
~l, City Manager - Re: Report of the Planning Department on. the Conmercial
Shopping Habit Survey.
The planning Administrator reviewed the highlights of the study which
indicate that almost 39% of the householders questioned tend to shop
nutaide the City of Niagara Falls for geede other than groceries; that 95% were
aware of the shopping eentre proposals being considered by the City Council;'
the habits of 94% of one group of shoppers qneetioned would be influenced by
the availability of a shopping place within the City; residents are shopping
outside the municipality at this time mainly because of the variety of goods
and stores available elsewhere and parking and location were also important
factors. Mr. Van Belle said that the planning Department. is satisfied that
the commercial policy recently adopted by Council is strongly supported by the
survey. .
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and filed.
No. In0 -
- 3 -
Reports (Cent'd)
No. 166 - City Manager - Re: Valley Way Extension Storm Sewer Easement. Recommending
approval of the by-law authorizing an agreement between Ontario Hydro and the City
for a storm sewer easement required for the storm sewer construction in conjunction
with the Valley Way extension to Bellevue Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted and the By-law approved.
See By-law No.73-84
No. 167 - City Manager - Re: Watermains - Capital Budget. Requesting permission
to have the required by-laws prepared to (1) permit construction of a 16" watermain
on Main St. (Chippawa) from Willoughby Drive to Sodom Road contingent upon the
Region agreeing to include the debt charges as part of their debt charges and (2)
a 12" watermain on the east service road from McLeod Road to an existing 8" water-
main on Montrose Road. The projects have been included in the 1973 Capital Budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and adopted.
No. 168 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Local Improvement Program - 1973.Requesting
approval of a program for the construction of sidewalks, asphalt pavements, concrete
curb and gutters, storm sewers and sanitary sewers on various streets within the
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the report be received and adopted.
The motion was amended on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by
Alderman Wallace that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted and,
further, that City staff be authorized to investigate the possibility of including
the construction of a new asphalt roadway on Sidney Street as part of the Local
Improvement Program.
The motion, as amended, Carried unanimously.
No. 169 - City Manager - Re: Lease with Niagara Parks Commission. Reconnnending
approval of a by-law authorizing the execution of a lease for the use of lands
and buildings owned by the Niagara Parks Commission and used by the Willoughby
Historical Society, located at the south-west intersection of Weaver Road and
the Niagara River Boulevard.
ORDERED on the motion of AIderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and filed and the by-law a~thorizing the execution of the
lease be given three readings.
See By-law No.73-85
No. 170 - City Manager - Re: Regional Policy on Change of Street Names on
Regional Roads. Suggesting the City not object to the proposed policy and the
Region be so advised.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 171 - City Manager - Re: Niagara Falls Fire Department. Reconnnending the
approve 1 of the appointment of Mr. Stanley Thomson to the poe ition of Fire Chief
effective April 1,' 1973. Also advising that Mr. Jack Barr has been appointed
Deputy Chief of the Department effective April 16, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the report
be received and adopted.
.Note: Alderman Thomson declared his interest and abstained from..~oting.
No.172 - City Manager - Providing an explanation of car allowances paid to various
City officials; outlining the recommendations adopted in the year 1967.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
advisory report be received and filed.
No. 173 - City Manager - Re: Chemacryl Plastics Limited. Reconunending (1) that a
12" watermain be constructed on Dorchester Road as outlined in the report at an
eneimated cost of $73,000; the Company'a share being $30,000. and the City's share
$43,000. to be paid for from the Expansion and Renewal Fund; (2) construction of
a roadway on Dorchester Road between Oldfield Road and the plant site; the
company's~share being $17,200. and the City's share of $40,000. to be included in
the 1973 Annual Budget; (3) that the balance of the road construction be done in
the spring of 1974 and an amount of $40,000. be included in the 1974 Annual Budget;
(4) that the City Solicitor be authorized to prepare the necessary by-laws and
agreements with Chemacryl Plastics Ltd. and the H.E.P.C. of Ontario. The report
also notes that the City's share of road construction costs will be subsidized
by the Ministry of Transportation and C~,~unications.
Report No.173 (Gout'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 174 - City Manager - He: Land Sale - Falls Industrial Park. Advising of
the decision of Mr.F.Wilfer, president of Framus-Werks, Germany, manufacturer
of stringed musical instruments, to build a branch plant on six acres of land
in the Falls Industrial Park; recommending that Council approve the sale of
Lots 25, 30, 31 and 32 in the Falls Industrial Park for construction of a plant
by Framus Canada Limited for approximately $24,000.; recommending further that
the City Solicitor be authorized to prepare the necessary documents including
a site plan agreement as required for the transaction,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted-
No. 175 - City Manager - Re: Street Hockey Team. Noting that the Niagara Falls
team has achieved the World's Championship Title; rec~ending that persons or
groups defending a World Championship title be recognized by the City with
financial assistance and the City~s Street Hockey Team should be the first
recipient of such special recognition by the City Counct1.~"ff
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report be received and adopted and an amount of $250.00 be awarded to
the Niagara Falls Street Hockey Team. The motion Carried with Alderman
Schisler voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 176 - Recreation Director - Re: Blossom Festival, MaY 12-19,1973. Advising
that arrangements are being made for the use of certain Regional roadways;
requesting the bagging of meters, closing of roads, the use of Centennial Square
and erection of a review stand and bleachers for the handicapped,in conjunction
with the Blossom Festival activities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report be received and adoptedf~and authorities notified where necessary~
No. 177 - Recreation Director - Re: Crowland Park Operating Committee. Submitting
the names of residents who are acting on behalf of the Recreation Connnis~ton to
develop s park facility in the Crowland area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed.
No. 178 - Recreation Director - Advising that 77 groups have utilized the
facilities of the Niagara South Board of Education and the Welland County
Separate School Board during the past winter; requesting that Council correspond
with each Board expressing theCity's appreciation for the co-operation'and
usage of the schools.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the
report be received and the request approved~
No. 179 - City Manager - Resolutions from Ontario Municipalities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Mann tlmt the
report be received and tabled for further information.
No. 180 - City Manager - Re: 1972 Annual Report of the Engineering Department.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and filed and the City Engineer and staff be coRmended.
No.'lgl - City Manager - Re: Establishment of a policy regarding requests
received from organizations soliciting municipal participation in conve~tion-
programs, annual publications, etc. Reconmmnding (a) the Municipality, upon
receipt of s written request, subscribe to advertisements in convention
programs or similar publications, to a limit of the cost of one half-page or
an amount of $50.00, whichever is the lesser; (b) the event for which the
advertisement is required is to be held within the limits of the City Of
Niagara Fells and (c) prior to the payment of the approved costs, the mdnici-
pality will require s copy of the advertisement together with sn invoice
covering the coat. Where requests are not covered by the policy, the direction
of Council will be required.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
- 5-
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 182 - City Clerk - Advisory Report. The items submitted for the information
of Council include the Annual Report of the Fire Department, the 1973 Regional
Tax Levy, information regarding wholesale water rates for 1973 and a sewage
service rate and a letter of appreciation from the President and Chief Executive
Officer of the Greater Niagara General Hospital, Mr.P.R.Carruthers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
advisory report be received and filed and the information noted.
No. 183 - City Manager - Re: Contract for the Installation of Underground Services
for Leawood Estates, Corry Street and Schneider Subdivisions; recommending
acceptance of the unit prices submitted by Provincial Construction (Niagara
Falls) Ltd. for Contract G. C.8-73.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.34
No. 184 - City Manager - Re: Subdivisions, Current Budget Works and Capital
Budget Works. Requesting authority to call tenders for projects enumerated in
the report.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermanThomson, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and the calling of tenders and closing dates approved.
No. 185 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for Mowing of Weeds on Private Lots and
Chemical Weed Control. Advising that the tenders will be advertised with a
closing date of May 2, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed and the calling of tenders approved.
No. 186 - City Manager - Re: Purchase of a Class '~" Combination Pumper.
Recommending that the tender submitted by Pierreville Fire Truck Ltd. in the
amount of $25,338. be accepted for the purchase of a pumper for Fire Station
#6 in Crowland.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by AldermsaSchisler that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 35
No. 187 - City Manager - Re: Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities.
Recommending that His Worship Mayor Bukator and one Alderman (to be chosen by
the Mayor) together with the City Manager, be authorized to attend the Annual
Conference of the C.F.M.M. in Charlottetown,P.E.I. from June 3rd to 7th,1973,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 188 - City Manager - Recommending that Senior Fire Prevention Officer, Frank
King, be granted permission to attend the annual conference of the Ontario
Municipal Fire Prevention Officers in Timmins, April 25 to 27th,1973; reconunend-
ing further that Fire Chief S. Thomson, Area Chief Gone Somerville, Area Chief
Tom Smith and Area Chief Carl Poirier be authorized to attend the annual
conference of the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs in Hamilton,May 13-16,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Aideman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
~eport be received and adopted.
No. 189 - City Manager - Recom~ending that the Purchasing Agent, John Smyth, be
authorized to attend the annual conference of the Purchasing Management Assoc.
of Canada in Halifax, June 3, 4 and 5, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by AldermanSmeaton that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 190 - City Manager - Building Permits issued for the month of March, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed.
No. 191 - City Clerk - Advising of the applications for municipal licences from
the Canadian Baby Photographers for a Photographer's Licenee; from George and
Cotfine Kilmer, St.Catharines, for a refreshment vehicle licenee and from Mario
Aiello for s hawker end pedlsr licenee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received end the applications of Canadian Baby Photographers and Mr,
Mario Aiello be denied; further, that the application of George and Corrine
Kilmer be tabled for two weeks to provide an opportunity for the applicants to
address Council.
-6 -
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 192 - City Clerk ° Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted and licences approved-
No. 193 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Licenses.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 34 - KEIGHAN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by provincial
Construction (Niagara Falls) Ltd. for the installation of underground services
for Leawood Estates, Corry Street and Schneider Subdivisions, Contract G.C.8-73,
be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 35 - WALKER - SCHISLER - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by pierreville
Fire Truck Limited, Weston, Ontario, for the purchase of a Class "A"
Combination pumper for Fire Station #6, in the amount of $25,338. be accepted;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously
No. 36 - WALLACE - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the next Council Committee
Session be held on Tuesday, April 24th, 1973 commencing at 6:30 p.m.; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. The motion approv~ng the resolution
passed with Alderman 8meaton voting contrary and all others in layout.
No. 37 - THOMSON - HUNT - RESOLVED that Daylight Saving Time be observed in
the City of Niagara Falls from Sunday, April 29th at 12:01 a.m. until 12:01
a.m. Sunday, October 28th, 1973; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried Unanimously
No.73-82 - A By-law to appoint Stanley Charles Thomson, Fire Chief.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Schtsler be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the flrst reading. Carried UnanimouSly
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconed by Alderman
Mann that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-83 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with provincial
Constr~c~ion (Niagara Falls) Limited for the construction of sewermains and
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Keighan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the flrst reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman 'Keighan, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanidously
No. 73-84 - A By-law to authorize the executi6n of a grant of easement from
e~E~'a~- Electric Power Con=ntssion of Ontario for a storm sewer and outfall.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler~ seconded by Alderman Bunt
that Alderman Keighan be granted leave to.introduce.the'By-law and the By-law
be given the fir8t readinB. Curried UnanimouslX
= ·
- 7-
By-law No.73-84 (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimousix
No. 73-85 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a lease with The Niagara Parks
Connnission for the use of lands and buildings on the Niagara Boulevard.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimousl~X
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given the second and third reading.
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 73-86 - A By-Iaw to amend By-law No.73-18, being a By-law to prohibit heavy
traffic on Sarah Street in the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimousix
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Aldermm~Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimouslx
No. 73-87 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimousl%
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given the second and third readings.
Carried UnanimouslZ
In reply to questions by Alderman Puttick, Alderman Christensen stated
he had requested that a copy of By-law 72-74 dealing with the erection of bench
signs be placed in the agenda envelopes for the information of Council members
who may not be familiar with the by-law.
The report of the Transit Cogmission respecting the Transit Study had
been tabled at the April 9th meeting for consideration at the next Council
Committee meeting on April 24th. Replying to questions by Alderman Puttick,
Alderman Wallace gave notice that he proposes to introduce a motion that the
transit study undertaken by Acres Consulting Services be adopted with a few minor
modifications to satisfy such complaints as the lack of service for Eventide Home,
the omission of the Dorchester Manor Home for the Aged as well as service to the
Chippaws area. The Alderman took exception to the complete rejection by the
Transit Commission of a $25,000. report compiled by experts. He requested that,
prior to the next Council Oommittee meeting, City staff somehow categorize the
letters of objection so Council would be in a position to take some action.
It was the opinion of Aldermen Puttick that requests for information
concerning the transit study should he directed to the Transit Coremission. The
deficits, he said, are approved by Council because "it makes good business"
and suggested the transit system would never operate at a profit.
Transit Study (Cont'd)
His Worship Mayor Bukator said the consultants wanted the transit
system to be self-supporting and the reconnnendations contained in the report
would result in the elimination of every bus route which did not show a profit
and thus depriving many residents of bus service. Initially, he said, the
provincial government wanted the snrvey made and had paid 75% of the cost. It
was the decision of the members of the Transit Commission to reject many of
the reconnnendations contained in the Acres' report and continue to provide
bus service where required.
The matter was referred to the City Manager.
Alderman Smeaton referred to a letter recently received from the
Niagara Resort and Tourist Association indicating support of any effort to
obtain City representation on the police Commission. Although the conmlunica-
tion had been received and filed, the Alderman suggested the City should
con~uent on the suggestion inasmuch sam any local businesses, such as taxis
and tour operators, are governed completely by the Commitsalon. Although Bill
174 states that the Con~nission shall be comprised of two representatives
from the Regional Council and two government appointees, it was suggested
the City could, by resolution, indicate a desire for more elected repre-
sentation than appointed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bmeaton, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the City petition the regional and provincial governments for more elected
than appointed representatives on the Niagara Region Board of Police
Commissioners. The motion Carried with Alderman Wallace voting contrary and
all others in layout. Alderman pj6tick aug sated that
with regard to this same matter be reviewe~ by staff. the earlier action of Council
Alderman Wallace noted it was four weeks since Council directed the
architect for the new police buildings to meet with representatives of the
Regional police force in regard to renovating the plans for the interior of
the building and to have costs compiled. It was his understanding that
meetings have taken place and new plans are being prepared. Alderman Wallace
suggested that a report indicating the progress made to date be included on the
agenda of the next Council Con~nittee meeting.
At the suggestion of Alderman Thomson, the drainage problems in Dell
Park will be investigated by the City Manager.
The meeting adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of
Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Mann.
.&& '
Committee Room No.1
April 16, 1973.
Council met in Connnittee of the Whole following a regular meeting
on April 16, 1973. All Members of Council were present. Alderman Walker
presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items present, the Conmittee of the
Whole arose to report.
Council Chambers,
April 16, 1973.
Council reconvened in open seas ion following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held April 16, 1973. All Members of Council were present. His
Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman.
The _.fo_.l lo_.w_.in.~ action_was_taken:
By-Law No.73-88 - A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land in the block
bounded by Huron Street, Ontario Avenue, Morrison Street and Elizabeth Place for
redevelopment purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that Alderman Harrigan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law b~now given the second and third readings.
Carried Unanimously
No.73-89 - A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land in the former Township
of Willoughby for park purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan
that the By-law be now given second and third readings.
Carried Unanimously
The meeting adjourned on th~n of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Christensen. .~ · ..
erk ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Council Chambers
April 17, 1973.
Council met in special session on Tuesday, April 17, 1973 at 7:30 p.m.
for the purpose of hearing presentations by the developers of two proposed
shopping centres, Niagara Square and Dorchester Square. His Worship Mayor George
Bukator presided as Chairman. All Members of Council were present.
Mr. Onyschuk was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of AldermanMann, seconded by Alderman Christensen.
Mr. Onyschuk emphasized that he was not representing the Towers store alone,
but was acting as Solicitor for the Downtown Business Association, Stamford Green
Shopping Centre Association, the Town and Country Merchants' Association and the
Oshawa Group Ltd. The basis of the objections to both Niagara Square and Dorchester
Square proposals, he said, relate around two major matters which have not been proven
(1) whether any additional retail space of the magnitude proposed by both developers
is warranted and (2) to determine if the planning of regional shopping centres is
the duty of Regional Councils; the Region has not developed the necessary plans and
policies nor established the need or the location for additional retail facilities.
The basis of contention, he said relates to a number of points one of which is the
establishment of a policy by the Ontario government respecting large shopping
centres and the implications on existing retail facilities and regional suburban
areas. In addition, the draft Official Plan of the Region does not show additional
regional shopping oentres other than Pen Centre and, according to the Regional
consultants, are not required until after 1986. Mr. Onysehuk submitted that the
impact on the Region of the 539,000 sq.ft. Doral Shopping Centre in Welland will
be inmnense. Also, the Pen Centre in St. Catharines has been increased by an Eaton's
Department store. He suggested that the 'draw' of this Regional shopping centre will
he unparalleled by any centre that may be approved in Niagara Falls. The speaker
also mentioned the proposed Lincoln Mall in St. Catharines, its proximity to the
Queen Elizabeth Way and the widespread effect on existing facilities. In addition
the importance of protecting and developing the central business core isunder-
scored by the City's urban renewal study.
Mr. Onyschuk referred to the City's Official Plan which, he said,
establishes a fundamental policy for the central business district. He expressed
the opinion that neither Dorchester Square nor Niagara Square have given specific
information as to major tenants and suggested that without a full line department
store, of which there are only three - Simpson's, Simpson-Sears and Eaton's - the
proposed centres will only duplicate existing co~nercial facilities and will not
stop the flow of retail dollars to ~he Pen Centre. It was his view that no
existing market study suggests the need for additional shopping centre space of
the size proposed by both developers.
Mr. Onysohuk said the point of his submission was not to attempt to
convince members of Council that there should be no additional shopping facilities
at this time, but rather to indicate his clients' fear and concern about 'the impact
of such developments. The issue, he said, will not be decided at the municipal
level but must be reviewed and decided by the Ontario Municipal Board or another
appropriate level.
An opportunity was given to anyone in the Council Chambers to express
their views in support or opposition to the.two shopping centre proposals.
There was no response from the observers in the Council Chambers.'
- 2-
Mr. D. Feltham, Executive Vice-President, Western Realty Shopping
Centrug Ltd., refuted the statement by Mr. Onyschuk regarding the lack of
impact studies and stated that such a study had been undertaken by the
developers of Dorchester Square at a cost of $30,000. Dorchester Square,
he said, is a 40-acre, 16 million dollar two-level project, the lower level
providing leisure-time facilities and the main level providing s full line
of national retailers to permit one-stop shopping for the residents of the
City. Because of the flexibility of the developers' policy, there is a
possibility that a second major department store will be included in the first
phase. Mr. Feltham also mentioned that according to consultants' reports,
Regional Niagara should proceed with the construction of the Valley Way bridge,
the Morrison Street overpass and the Dorchester Road railway pass regardless
of whether or not Dorchester Square is built. presuming that the Valley Way
bridge will not be constructed iumediately, Mr. Feltham advised that consul-
tants have been requested to provide an alternate scheme. The City's Traffic
Engineer as well as consultants, he said, have concluded that without the
Valley Way bridge, the level of traffic on City streets would still be
acceptable. He advised also that the cost of constructing Pettit, Ray and
Cropp Streets will be borne solely by the developers.
Mr. Feltham asked members of Council to consider the following
reasons for supporting the Dorchester Square proposal:
1. The site is easily accessible and centrally located to conveniently serve
the people of Niagara Falls by foot, public transit and by car.
2. The site will.fit in with the present and future transit system of the
City. '
3. The superior design of the project will provide the finest shopping centre
in the Region.
4. The shopping centre will have one major department store in the first phase
and now has an excellent chance of obtaining a second major department store.
5. The Dorchester Road interchange is built and there will be no delays as a
result of negotiations with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications.
6. The land is under the ownership of the developers.
7. The project will complement the Queen St. business district rather than
destroy it.
8. The availability of four to five acres of additional land for possible
9. Construction could connenee in 1973 and the centre opened in 1974-75.
Mr.M.McQuaid,Solicttor for Dorchester Square, tormented on previous
O.M.B. decisions in respect to yorkdale, Sherway Gardens and other Toronto
developments. He also reviewed the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board
regarding the Doral Shopping Centre in Welland. In each of these c~ses, he
said, it was a major problem to establish whether the impact on the central
business district would occur or not. Ee noted that a report prepared for
the Ontario Municipal Board indicates that an impact study is absolutely
necessary to shopping centre decisions. He said the City's Official Plan
policies, a general guide within which development proposals are evaluated,
encourages consolidation and improvement to existing development east of the
Queen Elizabeth Way. Mr. McQuaid expressed the opinion that the O.M.B. will
approve the Dorchester Square proposal because of (1) the major policy state-
ment contained in the City's Official Plan respecting development east of the
Q.E.W. and (2) the impact study undertaken by the developers.
Mr.T.Oliver,s former resident of Niagara Falls and a major shareholder
in Canada (Niagara Falls) Ltd., commented on the benefits the City would derive
from Dorchester Square and the added advantage of the availability of a large
1 He suggested
adaptable tract of land in the 'hniddle of the market p ace".
statement made that shopping centrug should be peripherally located was a
"delusion 3nd fraud". Other developers, he said, must locate away from the
centre core because they cannot find or afford land of sufficient size to
acconnnodste a shopping centre.
Mr. J. Penachetti reviewed the history of the Dorchester Road site
since its purchase in 1965. He advised that during the period September 1969
to the end of summer in 1972, expenses amounted to $466,625. An additional
$40,000 has ~een expended since January 1973. Re spoke sbout the contri-
bution made by Cansdis to the assessment and development of the City as well
as the industrial welfare of the cutmuunity. Mr. penschetti also commented
on the firm's,partnership with Western Realty and read letters from the Mayor
- 3 -
of Edmonton and the Chief Commissioner of Calgary regarding the reputation,
integrity and accomplishments of Western Realty. Mr. Penschetm said there
was no reason to doubt that Western Realty would perform both commercially
and industrially to provide a showcase shopping centre of which the City
~ould be proud.
Mr. R. Routledge, President of Mardress Investments, said that Niagara
Square will be a conunercial, residential, industrial, recreational complex, the
total holdings being 158 acres allowing for 50.9 acres for shopping facilities;
a 20-acre industrial park, 8 acres for private commercial development and a
40-acre re (reational area which is a holding use for the land until ready for
development industrially. The investment in Niagara Square, he said, is greater
than any other development proposed, being valued at $1g million dollars in
Phases 1 and 2, creating many jobs as well as a $8,900,000 payroll and providing
$810,000 in taxes in the first two phases. During construction, 400 to 500 jobs
will be available and it is intended to use local labour and trades wherever
possible. An investment of 1.3 million dollars in underground services and roads
will open up 3000 acres in the Q.E.W.-Lundy's Lane, Kalar Rd., McLeod Road area
for future residential and industrial development.
Mr. Routledge commented on the advantages of the geographical site,
accessibility, the effect on trends and planning, the availability of funds to
complete the McLeod Road interchange and the non-existence of traffic and
parking problems. He advised the developers are committed to.the construction
of a 25,000 sq. ft. industrial space to accon~nodate small firms which, when ready
for expansion, could be re-located either in the industrial section of Niagara
Square or the City's Industrial Park. The industrial aspects of the proposal, he
said, dovetail with the industrial plans of the City and will act as a catalyst
for industrial development in the south-west area of the City.
Mr. W. Scott, Executive Vice President, Select Properties Ltd., spoke
about the planning and architectural aspects of Niagara Square as well as the
site which, he said, was almost at the geographical centre of the new Regional
boundaries. He described the ampithestre or court as the focal point of the
centre end which would be available for many con~nunity uses. The shopping centre,
he said, is regional in design and will service the area for twenty to forty
years. He asked the members of Council to approve the Niagara Square proposal
and allow the developers to present the proposal to the Ontario Municipal Board.
****!V~ ~
Following the presentations, each member of Council expressed his
personal opinion about the benefits and disadvantages of both proposals end
indicated reasons for supporting either the Niagara Square or Dorchester Square
shopping centre.
It was then moved by Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that the City Council support the proposal for the Niagara Square shopping
centre and direct that all necessary steps be taken to immediately seek the
approval of the 'Ontario Municipal Board for the establishment of Niagara Square
as a new retail commercial complex for the City of NiagaraFalls. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE:Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Furs, Mann, Keighan, l~rrigan,Schisler, Wallace.
NAYE:Aldermen Puttick, Smeaton, Walker and Thomson.
A motion of appreciation and commendation to the City Mars 8er, Mr.
S .R.Price and staff members was moved by Alderman Hsrrigan and seconded by
Alderman Christensen. The motion Carr,ied unanimously.
BY-lAW NO. 73-90 - A By-law to repeal By-law No,72-130 adopting Amendment No,58
to the Official Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
By-law, No.73-90, be unanimously approved by Council to indicate that members of
Council are in full agreement that a regional shopping centre is required in
the City of NiagaraFalls. The motion ~rried with Alderman Puttick voting
contrary and all others in fayour,
By-law No. 73-90 (Cone'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Hsrrigan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the fire reading. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting
contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that the By-law be now given the second and third readings. The
motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderm~n Mann, seconded by
Aldermn Hunt.
Council Chambers,
April 24, 1973.
Following a Council Conunittee Session on Tuesday, April 24, 1973,
Council re-convened in formal Council Session on the motion of Alderman Thomson,
seconded by Alderman M~nn. All Members of Council were present. His Worship
Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman.
Report No.194 - ~ity Clerk ~ Refsrring to By-law No. 73-73 which deleted certain
connnercial uses from industrially zoned lands within the Municipality; advising
that as a result of the circulation of the by-law, nine letters objecting to
the proposal were received; requesting the direction of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report of the City Clerk be received and filed and, notwithstanding
the objections received, Council reaffirm an earlier decision to approve
the passing of By-law No. 73-73 and the By-law, together with the objections
received, be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board for consideration.
The City Engineer reported that certain lands along the western limit
of the City in the former Township of Crowland, acquired by the St.Lawrence
Seaway Authority for a railway right-of-way, are now being disposed of as
surplus property. A watercourse crosses a section of the property and some time
ago, City officials had enquired about the possibility of the City acquiring
an easement at some future date. Information has now been received that the
Authority has included as a condition of any sale, that the municipality be
granted the 50' easement..,a, The City Engineer recommended that the City
accept the offer of the Authority and acquire theeasement for an amount of
$1.00 and agree to absorb the costs of the required survey.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that City Staff be authorized to proceed with the acquisition of a 50' easement
at Netherby and McKenney Roads for a nominal fee of $1.00 and, further, that
the City, at its own expense, survey the easement and supply the St.Lawrence
Seaway Authority with the plans and descriptions necessary for registration of
Communication ~47 - Donald N. Chapman, Architect - Advising that the cost for
revising the plans and updating the cost estimates for the Polioebuilding will
be $2,850.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and filed and Council approve the payment of $2,850.
for revising the plans for the police building and updating the cost estimates.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by
Alderman Christensen.
Council Chambers,
April 30, 1973.
Council met on Monday, April 30th, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present. Alderman
offered the Opening Prayer. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided.
The minutes of the April 16th, 17th, and 24th. Meetings were adol~ed on the
motion of Aldarman Ma~-, seconded by Alderman Fera.
Repor~ 195 - City Manager - AM-29/72, E. Mocniak, Lots 128 & 129,R.P. 235, west
side DDmmond Road, request for change in zoning from Single F~m~ly Residential to
a category which would allow dayelopement of the land to accommodate a 3 storey w~lk-
up, 9 unit apartment buildings.
The City Clerk indicated that a request had been made to have this par~icu/ar appli-
cation tabled for 2 weeks.
OREHEED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the report
be tabled for two weeks.
Report 74 - Planning & Develolmmnt C~mm~ttee . AM4/73, J.Broderick in Trust, Lot
40, Fo. Lots 37,38, 39, Heg. Plan ~. Application to permit erection of gasoline
bar and retail store at north-west corner Prospect Street and'Portage ROad.
Cornre. 22 - Group 2 Develolmment Ltd. - Suggesting that the reC~,m. endetion of the
planning & Develolment C~-~ittee does not permit the proper davelol~ent of the land,
and tha~ the main purpose of the re-zoning was to legalize the gas bar use.
Report 196 - planning & Develol~snt C~m.~ttee - Recnm. ending that Official Plan
Amendment No. 65 (which is necessary to implement Conncil's approval of the application)
be not appreved.
Cemm. 48 - Greater Niagara General Hospital - Advising that the Board of Governors
wish to be on record that they in no way fayour the erection of the subject gas bar.
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Neighan, seconded by Alderman Mann that
Mr. E. Greco be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Greco indicated that he would fayour the new 21~ropos~t over the existing situation,.
~rovided that his own property, located nearby, ~as preteoted. He mentioned the exis-
tence of a piece of land which would ser~e as a buffer zone, and stated that he had
slacken to Mr. Branscombe, the agent for the applicant, With respect to the purchase of~
this ~--'4~ if a s~itabl'e price could be agreed on.
It was Ordered on the motio~ of Alderre.. Puttick~ seconded by Alderman Faun that
HeperC 196 of the Pl-mning & Development Committee be received and reccemendetion
adopted, and the application be not approved. ~is motion was Carried with the -
following vote:
A]Fe: Aldermen Christensen, Ennt, ~..n, Narrigan, Neighan, Puttick, Wellrace.
Na~e: Aldermen Fera, ~meaton, Schisler, Walker, ~emson.
Re~or~ 179 - City Fans~er - Resolutions from Ontario Municipalities.
l) City of Hamilton - Sealing of poruogra~hic material. Recn.w.e~ding that the
resolution be received and filed.
OREF~ED on the motion of Aldezmmn Mean, seconded by Alderman Runt that the recom-
mendation of the City Manager in respect to the Hamilton resolution be adopted.
This motinn was Carried with Aldexman Walker voting contrary and all other members
i~ favoBre
2) City of London - Requesting the biinister of Consumer & ~-~.reial Relations and
the Assoeia~e C~m~ttee of the Natiomal BwLlding ~ode of ~he National Research Council
to initiate a study of the desirability of re~luiring autonatie el~rink~er systems in
high rise buildings. l~eeomendation of (~ity l~n~er - Endorsation of resolution ancl
appro]~riate au~horities be notified.
3) 0ity Of ~t.Catharines - Pet~tioning the Provincial ana Fedara~ 0overnments to
undertake a stucllr of reme6J. al stel)s to reauce the water levels in the (~reat Iakee
~mtem. Beeemendation of City ~anager - Endorsation of resolution.
Bepor~ 1'/'9 oontiauea on lm~'e 2.
Report 179 (cont'd)
(4) City of Brantford - Requesting the Provincial government to place a moratorium
(~n all negotiations and arbitrations regarding supplementarY pensions until an ade-
quate method of funding is found. Reoc~nendation of City Manager - Endorsation of
Iresolution and appropriate authorities be notified.
~15) Town of Thorold - Soliciting suppoxt of reccmnendations made by the Town of
(Thorold relative to Task Force Report No. 1 =Hydro in Ontario'. R~cmndation of
(City Manager =.Endcreation of resolution and Premier William Davis be notified of
Niagara Falls' support of the resolution.
6) City of St.Catharines - Requesting the Provincial Government to amend existing
(legislation relative to~A~nicil~1 elections. Rec~ndation of City Manager. -
(Endcreation of the resolution with the exception of item 7 suggesting that Election
(Day be changed frc~ Monday to Saturday.
(7) City of London - Recommendations relative to the operation of the . Society,
ICity of London. -Recommendation of City Manager - Receive and file. Humane
(8) City of Welland - Requesting an amendment to existing legislation to provide that
(all eligible voters qualify to vote on money by-laws. Recommendation of City Manager -
(endcreation of resolution, and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario be notified.
ORIEBED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
recmndations of the City Manager in respect to items 2) to8) inclusive be received
and adol~ce d. This motion was Carried with the following vote:
~e: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt,'~"~,.Mann, Earri~an, Keighan, Puttick, 5meaton,
Schisler, Walker, Thomson *.
_1~aye'_. Alderman Hallace.
*Note._.j: Aidera Thomson abstained from voting in resl~ct to item 4).
No. 49 - Ontario Anti-Poverty Organization - Requesting pe~nission to present a brief
to Council dealing with the topics of welfare, the Unemployment Insurance Act, and
Family Benefits.
ORE~B~D on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Themson that the com-
munication ~e received and the brief be received by Council on l~y 14th.
~. 50 . Chil~gawa Lions Club - Requesting permission to sell beer and ale at the Annual
Carnival to be held June 21st to 23rd inclusive at the Lions Club field on Welland St.
ON~BED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
c~munication be received and the request granted on the condition. that all necessary
m~ui~lents',of the-'Flre-Eel~l~,-~olice Dept., and L.C.B.O. are complied with.
No. 51 - Minister of Transportation & Ccmmunicetions - Advising of appointment of FAr.
R. W. Roaman, p.Eng., City Engineer to the Municipal Engineers' Adwieory Committee.
OBEYBED o~ the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Harridan that the cammIA~-
ication be received and file~ and Mr.. Rodman be congratulated on his appointment,
No- 52 - Miss Dominion of Cansde Pageant - Re~Aesting that the City subscribe to a one
page advertisement in the Pageant Programs, at a cost of $100.00, as in past years.
O~D on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Waiker that the cc~munion-
tion be received and request granted.
NO. 53 'wit Tomsan & Associates - Advising that the Macdonald Great Export 'A=
Balloon be visitin~ Niagera Falls on May 2let to provide tethered flights for.
civic officials at John Allan Park, at approximatel~ 9 a.m.
OP~B~D on the motion of Alderman Themson, seconded by Alderman Walker that the c0m-
munication be received, filed and as man~ members of Council as possible, attend.
This motion was Carried with the followin~ vote:
: Aldermen C~sen, Hunt, Fern, Mann, Marri~an, ~neaton, .~chisler, Walker,
No. 54 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Drummond-Portage-Morrison Area Road
Network. Report of the Public Works & Utilities Committee.
O~D on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
connunication and report be referred to the City Manager for preporatlon of a report
relative to the Region' s proposals.
No. 197 - City Manager - Murray Hill Outfall Contract, - Progress report of R. V-
Anderson Associates Ltd., as to completion dates of various phases of the contract
by L.J.S. Constraction Ltd.
Mr. J. J. Conlin of the Consulting Firm was present at the Council Meeting.
Ne stated that it was difficult to gauge the contractor' s expected progress since it
~as the first Job they had done. He advised that it was hoped that the work would
he done by May 18th, and stated that the completion time had been set by the Niagara
Parks Commission. Mr. Conlin stated that the contractor was doing a satisfactory
It was Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Christens~ seconded by Alderman Hunt'
that the Report of the City Manager be received and filed.
/~o. 198 - City Manager - Recomnending that the City Council approve the sale of Lot
24 in the Falls Industrial Park to a Division of Burritt and Associates Limited
(Metal Protection Ymdustries Limited), at a sale price of $11,000.
Advising further that there are only two small serviced lots now available for sale
~in the Park, and that detailed Engineering estimates will be prepared for c~npleting
services on Murie Street, Earl Thomas Avenue, two sections of Progress Street and
KAster Road.
ORE on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thanson that the Report
be received and recommendation adopted.
No. 199 - City Manager - Playground signing. Referring to a request received from
a resident on Furlong Avenue requesting the erection of a yello~ diamond-shaped sign
to warn of children at ~lay. in a residential area, and advising that such a sign is
used only to give advance wareLug near a playground area, and is not intended for
othe~ locations. Reco~mending that the City continue to use this standard sign
only in the vicinity of public playgroumde, and that a copy of the report be forttarried
to the resident on Furlong Avenue.
ORE~B~D On the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconde~ by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and recommendation adopted.
No. 200 - City Manager - Lamlman Cemetery. Recommending that the necessary amendment
be made to the 'Abandoned Cemeteries By.law= to include the abandoned Lamtman Cemetery
loonted Just wast of tamer Road, which would provide for its maintenance by the
"0B/EP~D on the motion of Alderman Msmn, seconded by- Alderman Fern that the Report
be received and adented.
No. 201 - City M~nager - Pavement Marking Equil~nent. Recommending the purchase of
a Kel~y-Creswell Pavement Marking. machine at a cost of $1,47~. plus Provincial Sales
OP~ on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the Report
be received and adopted. ,
No. 202 - City Manager - Overnight Parking Prohibition. Advising of a letter recent2~
received ~ City Council frc~ a resident on Meadowvale Drive criticizing a City
By-law which prohibits overnight ~arking. Suggesting that the overnight purking
Prehihition could be indicated on si~s at the major roadway entrances to the City.
Advising · that the Region is presentl~ drafting an overall traffic by-law which will
include a regulation concerning overnight parking, and that until this delft is cem-
plete, no changes be made in the existing City By-law. Reccmaending that the ad-
visory report be received and fileS, and that a col~ of same be sent to the resident
on Meadowvale Drive. ,
OP~ on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
Report be received andsdolled.
No. 203 - City Manager - Advising of request from the firm of A.F.Ather~on and
Associates for the passage of a by-law to exempt par~ of Block "A", Registered Plan
243 fr~n part lot control. Recommending that Council enact a by-law as requested,
~hich ~ca~ld ~ermit the b~n~rs' t~ ohtai~ ~eparate mortgages on each of the semi-
detached units and to sell each of the units individually; further recommending
that any costs aris~-~ from the registration of the by-law following its approval
by the Ministry, be assreread by the applicant.
ORE~EED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera that the Report
be received and adopted. SEE By-law 73-100
No. 204 - City Manager - Surplus Municipal Equilm~ent. Reccmxnending that items of
equilment be sold by tender with a closing date of May 22, 1973.
ORREEED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Th~nson that the Repor~
be received and adopted.
No. 205 - City Manager o Underground Installations for Dorchester Park Extension
Subdivision, Contract G.C. 10-73. Reckrisen8 that the unit prices received from
Covello Brothers I.~m~ted be accepted by Council.
01~ on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Aldenan Hunt tint the Report
be received and recommendation adopted.
~.~ Resolution No. 38
No. 206 - City Manager - Underground Services for Dalcia Subdivision, Contract G.C.
9-7~. Reco~nend~ng that the unit prices received from L. & N. Construction be accep-
ted by Council.
ORESBED on the motion of Alde~n Hunt, seconded by Alderman Wallace that the Report
be received and xec-~mmendation adol~ed.
~ Resolution NO. 39
No. 207 - City Mn_~nger - Rec_~m"~udations re: Niagara Falls SOuth Recreation Complex.
It was moved by Alderman Thmson, seconded by Aldera~. Fera that the Report be tabled
for one week in order to allc~ an on-site inspection by Members of Council of the sites,
and City staff prepax~ a report concerning the value l~r acre of the two sites.
This motion was Defeated with the following vote:
Aye: Aldermen Ford, Harri~m~n~ Kei~han, Thclnson,WallaCe.
Na~e: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, ~n, Patrick, Smeaton, Schislar, WeJw~r.
It wee then Ordered on the m~ion of Alderman ~acmson, seconded by Aldem~- Keighan
that Mr. Earl Allshone be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Allshone of the
Citizens' Action Ccmnittee, stated that a sub-c~e~ttee c~"posod of four chairmen was
in fayour of the Willoughby Drive site over the Sodera Road site, and this decision had
been made following the presentation of facts. Mr. Allebone stated that the Willoughby
Drive site,being closer to the school area,would permit participation by school chil-
dren in certain pro~r~--e at the ~roposed recreation complex.
Plans were posted of the Will~y Drive site and the Sodera ROad site, and explana-
tions ~rovided by the Plann~ Director and City M~_~-ger as to the reasons for ree-
e~_~-~ that Council select the Willoughby Drive site. It was also indicated'that nego-
tiations for the acquisition of the rec~uded site would be carried out on a prof-
essi~l hasis.
Fellowl-=_ e~ discussion on the matter, at which time Members of Council expressed
their o~inioas on the roc~maendetion, it was Moved by Alden WaLlace, seconded by
Alderma~ Thmmon that the matter be tabled for o~e week. This motion was Defeated. with
the foklc~in~ vote:
A~e:. Aldermen Fera, llarrigan, Schinler, Thinson, Wallace.
Re~ve: Aldermen C~ristensen, Hast, ~l~, Neighan, Patrick, Smeaton, Walker.
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman ~n~, seconded by Alderman Puttick that:
That the prel~m~ax7 plans for Phase One of the complex he approved in principle
by Council and that staff be authorized to protare more detailed' plans with estimated
costs so th-~t an application can be made as a project under the Winter Capital Projects
Fond. This motion was Carried with the following v~be:
A~e:. Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, MA.., Keighan, Pubtick, _~m~aton, Schisler, Walker.
RaTe: Aidemen ~era, Harrigan, ThomsOn, Mallace.
No. 208 - City Manager - Advising of the passage of BiLl 209, being an Act to
amend the Tnn~ Titles Act, sad the action taken by the Honourable John T. Clement,
Minister of Consumer and C~mmercial Relations to have Bill 209 amended to provide
that the new regn,~tions will not bec~me applicable until June 1st, 1974; sad recom-
mending that Council, by resolution, extend sincere aPPreciations to Mr. Clement
for his actions in this matter.
ORESBED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderm~n Hunt that a
letter be forwarded to the Honourable John To Clement ex~ressing Council's appreci-
ation for his assistance in this matter.
See Resolution No. 40
No. 209 - City Manager - 50 Townhousing Units - Block A, Registered Plan N.S. ll,
Casey Subdivision. Recommending that Council approve of the Site Plan submitted
in order to pannit the building permit to be issued.
ORE~ED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
Report be received sad reco~,~endation adopted.
The P]nnning Director indicated he would speak to the developer in sa 'effort to
overcome concern expressed to him by a nearby resident, concernLug a portion of the
No. 910 - City Manager - Requesting permission to attend the Ontario Municipal
Administrators' Association Conference in TOronto on Ma~ 17th and 18th, 197~.
ORE~P~D on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Patrick that the
Report be received and request granted.
No. 2ll - City Manager - Recommending that Mr. Terry Smith be authorized to attend
the Central Ontario Chapter of the ToWn Planning Institute Conference on f4~y II, 12
and 13, 197~ at Peterborough.
0RRERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman .~m~aton that the Report
be received and rec~endation adopted.
No. 212 . Plan~n~ Administrator - Recn,~endAticn of P!~nn~ng and Develol~nent Com-
mittee that one elected member and one appointed member of the C~mittee, together
with the Plann!l~ Administrator or one member of his staff, be authorized to attend
the C~..unity Planning Association Conference in Stratford, June 10, 11 and 12, 1973.
0RE.BED on the motion of Alderm~n MAn~,. seconded by Alderm~n Hunt that the Report
be received and adopted.
No. ~13 - City Clerk - Advisory Report. 1) Royal Canadian Legion request to obs&rve
the 36th Annual Pilgrimage of the 40 and 8 Society on May 19th, 1973. 2) United
Nations - request 'to hold a T~g Day on Sopt. 15, 1973. ~)' Niagara Penlnsmla Con-
setration Authority - information from the Authority supplied by Alderram. Hunt, the
City's Aldermanic representative on the Authority.
OR~F~D on the motion of Aldem~. Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that the report be
received and filed. -
No. 214 - City Clerk - Applications for Llcences from: 1) ~eorge and Coriune Kilmer
for a refreshment vehicle liceace to sell ice-cream from a bicycle. 2) Fran~
Cricenti for a ha~ker & pedlar licenee t.o sell cheese, s-l~m!, ~epperoni, olives,'
etc. on a door-to-~oor basis.
It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that Mr. Sid Barish of Thornhill be granted penniesion ~o address Council in respect
· to the aPplisetion for Refreshment Vehicle Linenco. This lc~ioh was Carried with
Aide~,~n Earri~an voting contrary and all other members in fayour.
Mr. Barish, on behalf of Dickie Dee vce-Creem (Canada) t~m~ted, stated that his
firm operates in 37 different cities in Canada. He outlined the policies of the ccm-
1~ in respect to safety, pollution control, etc. He stated that 90~ of the.employees
are students, and if granted a license in Niagara Falls, they anticipated hiring six
students for the 3 to ~ month period of operation. He requested that Council con-
eider granting a licenee on a one year trial basis.
1) FOllowing Mr. Earish's presentation it wee Ordered on the motion of Alderman
Ford, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the application for licenee for a refresh-
ment vehicle to sell ice-cream, be denied. This motion was Carried with the follow-
ing vote: · .
Wa~al~Aldermen Hunt, Fe~a, Mann, Harridan, Keighan, Smeaton, Schisier, Thomson,
Na~e: Aldermen Christensen, Patrick, W-~ker.
2) It was Ordered on the motion of Aldeman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fore ~hat
the appliOattan for a Hawker & Pedlar-Ltcence fr~ Mr. F. Crtcentt be nob granted.
No. 215 - City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
OR~ on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
Repor~ be received, adopted, and licences gr~nted.
No. 216 - City Manager - Rec~snding payment of Municital Accounts.
OP~ on the motion of Alderman 14ann, seconded by Aldexlnan W-lker that the Re~ort
be received and adopted.
No. 38 - p~ICK - HIJJT - BESOLVED that the unit prices received from Covello Brothers
I~ted for underground installations for Dorchester Park Extension Subdivision, Con-
trac~o G.C. 10-73 be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed.
Carried UnanimouslY
No. 39 ' NUET - WALLACE - EESOLVED that the unit prices received from L. & N. Construc-
tion for underground services for Dalcin Subdivision, Contract G.C. 9-73 be accepted;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslY
No. 40 - CERISTEN~EN ' I~ - EESOLVED that a letter of appreciation, on behalf of the
City Council, be forwarded to the Noncurable John T. Clement, Minister of Consumer and
Commercial Relations, for his action in having Bill 209 amended to provide that the
new regoiations in the Act to amend the Iand Titles Act will not become applicable until
June let, 1974; AND the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed.
Carried UnanimouslY
No. ~1 - KSI~AN - HURT - I~ESOLVED that a message of condolence be foxytarried to the
familY of the late Stanley Sills, a former employee of the Municit~litY for many years,
and respected resident of the City; A~ the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed-
Carried UnanimouslY.
No. 72-203 - To authorize the construction of watermains as improvements and extensions
to the water supplY system in the Urban Service Areas of the City.
(Fourth Ave., Broughton Ave., Montrone Road, Elgin St., Fifth Ave., Kent
Ave.) ~
O1~ on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman ~uttick that the
~y-law be given the third reading.
Carried ~mnimouslY
No. 73-6~ and yB-65 - Mooniak application to erec~ an alartment butld!-g on westerlY
side of Drummond Road.
(Taeee two j~.laws were tabled for two weeks)
~ - To authorize the execution of a site plan agreament with Demonic D'Addio
and Mary-D'~,Addio. (south-westerlY corner Cor~in Crescent and D~-"m~ond Rd.)
01~ on the motion of Alderman -M~"n, seconded by Alderman Hunt that Alderman
~Jarri~- ~e ~ranted leave to introduce the By-law. and the By-law be given the first .
reading. Carried Unanimously
O~r~jED on the motion of .Alderman Earrigan, seconded by Alderman 8meaton that
the By-law ~e now given a second and third rea~in~. Carried UnanimounlY
No. 79-92 - To amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of S~qm~ord,
new in the City of Niagara ~alls, as ~_mended. (D'Addio)
ORE~t~j) on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderm~n Fera that
Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
0RI~jPdID on the motion of Alderm~ Christensen, seconded by Aldemn Hunt
that the By-law be no~ given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-93 - To authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with Paulo Bonato
carrying on business under the name of St. rumford Construction Company.
0Pa~sR~D on the motion of Alde~msn Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
Aldermmn Rarrigan be granted leave to introddce the By-l~w and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried UnanimouslY
OREF~qED on the motion of Alderman Earrigan, seconded by Alderman Sineaton
that the By-law be no~ given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimouslY
No. 73-9~ ' To ramend By-law No. 2530, 1960, of the former Township of Stamford,
new in the City of Niagara Falls, as mended. (Bonato, east side
Portage Road)
ORIF~ED on the motion of Alde~n~- Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan
that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reaa4ng.
Carried UnanimouslY
ORESRED on the motion of Alde~m-~ Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Fera that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimouslY
No. 7~-9~ - To authorize the execution of an agreement with Coysilo Bros. Limited
for the construction of sewermains and watermains (Dorchester Park
Extension Subdivision)
ORA~F~aO on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
Alderman Fera be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given
the first reading.
C~rried UnanimouslY
ORESRED on the motion of Alder~. Fera, seconded by Alderm~n Hunt that
the'By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried ~n,~nimouslY
No. 73-96 - To authorize an agreement with ~amuel Gizzie and Angela Glzzie re-
specting l~rking facilities. "
O~n~ED on the motion of Alderm~n Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that
Alderman Sineaton be gra~ted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given
the firs~ reading.
Carried ~nanimounlY
ORIZ21~D on the motion of Alderman Sineaton, seconded by Aldem~, Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimouslY
No. 73-97~ ' To authorize the execution of an agreement with L & N Construction and
Excavati-8 of Ni~~a Limited for the construction of sewennains a~d
watexlnains (De.l Cin Subdivision Contract)
OBr~ED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Keighan
that Alderman Mann be g~anted leave tO introduce the By-law and the By-law be given
the first reading- Carried UnanimouslY
0RE.BED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the By-law be now given a Second and third reading.
Carried ~nanimouslY
No. 73-9~ ' To authorize the execution of an agreement with R. E. law Crushed Stone
limited for surface treatment of roads.
0I~ on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderman Puttick be ~granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given
the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY
01~ on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading. Carried U~animouslY
No. 7B-99 - To authorize the sale of ~,nd in the Falls Industrial Park to Strev Con-
- struction Company Ltd.
OP~ on the motion of Alderm~n Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderm-n Puttick be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given
the first reading.
Carried UnanimouslY
ORE2~ED on the motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 7B-lO0 - To designate certain laud act to be subject to ~ lot control.
(Pa mock A,
OI~D on the motion of AldermAn Thomson, ~con~d bY AlUm S~sler
~t ~ Wa~ ~ ~ed ~a~ to ~t~U~ the ~-~w ~d the ~-~w ~ gi~n
~e first ~nS. Ca~ed ~o~
ORE2BED on the motion of Alderman Wn~qace, seconded by Alderman Sneaton that
the t~-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried ~animo~lY
Proposed By-law to irrovide for the adeption of Amendment No. 65 to the Official Plan
~J.Broderick in t~ust - gas ~ar on portage Road)
It ~as Ordered on the motic~ of Alde~ Mann, seconded by Aldex~an Christensen that
the proposed By-law dealin~ with Amendment No. 65 to the Official P!-~ be deleted
mot on was Ca~-ied with the following ct:
from the Agande. This i v e
Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Mann, ~""x'x'x'x'x'x'x'~an, Keighan, Puttick, WaLlace
~ Aidemen Fete, Sinearch, Schisler, Walker, Thomson,
No. 7B-101 - To provide monies for ~eneral purposes.
~ on the motion of Alderman 8chisler, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alde-r~n-~ Mann be g~anted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given
the first reading. Carried I~antmouslY
OBEgBED on the motion of Alderman M~nn, seconded by Alderman Christensen
~hat the By-law be nc~ given a second and third ~eaain~,
Carried t~nanmously
Toll Booths - Garden City Sk~way
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderm~
Thcmson that the Council of the City of Niagara Palls go on record as opposing
the clostn8 of the Toll Booths at the Garden City Slq~way by the Province. This
motion was. Carried with Alderman Walker l voting. contrary and. all other m~mbers in
An Amendment to the motion was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by
Alderman Mann, that Council advise the Region of its intent to request the Province
to allow the toll booths at the Garden City S~y to remain in operation at the
Regional level. This motion was Defeated with the following vote:
A~e: Aldermen M~-~, Puttick Christensen.
Na~e: Aldermen Hunt, Fera, Harrigan, Keighan, Sineaton, Schisler, Walker, Thinson,
We1 I ace ·
At the conclusion of the voting on the above motions, His Worship Mayor George
Bukator advised he would bring the suggestion of Alderman Puttick before the
Regions3 Council.
Eyclro Bight-of-ways
Alderman Sineaton referred to a proposal of Ontario Bydro to offer to the
City certain right-of-ways to be used for recreational purposes. He stated that
the residents of the City are presentl~ utilizing these areas now, and suggested
that when this matter ccmes before Council that maintenance costs which the City
might have to assume, be made avs~3able.
Procedure for initiation of traffic regulations
Alderman Thanson requested information as to the present procedure involved
ial having. new traffic re~,lations put into. force. Re. sugges.ted. S~ St.reamlining
of the present system at the City and Regional levels might be in order, and re-
quested City staff to consider the matter to determine if the present system could
be revised in an effort to speed up the procedure.
Review of impost fees charged under By-law 7611
It was moved by Aldex~,an Thcmson seconded by Alderman Keighan that a report
be prepared by the City Manager in conjunction ~ith the l~anager of the Industrial
Depar*..ment of the Cham~er of C.---erce and the B.I.G. Cc~mm~ttee, in respect to the
possible el ~mtnation of the impost fee presentl~ charged in accordance with the
provisions of By-law 7611.
Aldermn~ Puttick further suggested that such a report might also include
a review of the present policy requiring dedication of ~ands for ~atercourses, etc.
Fill frcm ~t-nmford Satellite Arena project
Alderman Puttick requested the City Manager to check where the fill frcm
the Arena project was going.
Spring Rubbish Pick-up
Aldera-n Wallace advised that items he had placed out for the annual
Spring rubbish pick-up had not been collected to date. It was indicated that this
matter should he referred to the Sanitation Reparment for action.
8talewalks on Dorchester Road south of Mountain Road.
Alderman Wallace referred to the need for sidewalks on Dorchester Road in
the area of the Role Woods and Dellperk Subdivisions. He stated that children in
this area were required to proceed alo~ Dorchester Road to schools some distance
away. De asked that a report be prelared outlining where sidewalks might best be
located, Whether permanent or temporafT# and the cost factor. ~
C~mnittee Roan No. 1
Apr$1 30, 1973.
Council met in Ccumittee of the Whole following the regular meeting on
April 30~h, 1973- All Members of Council were present. ·
Following consideration. of the items presented, the Committee Of the Whole
arose, without rel~r~ing.
Council Chambers,
April 30, 1973.
Council reconvened in open session following the Cc~mittee of the ~hole meet-
ing held April 30, 1973. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor
~eor~e Bu~ator presided.
It was ordered on the motion of Alderman 14ann~ seconded by Alderman Hunt
seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel ~0[
Council Chambers,
May 14, 1973.
Council met on Monday, May 14, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Hunt. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman.
Alderman Mann offered the Opening Prayer.
The minutes of the April 30th and May 4th, 1973, meetings were adopted
as printed on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by AldermsnChristensen.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Fern tha C Mr.
Dale O'Dell, Co-Ordinator, Ontario Anti-Poverty Organization, Niagara Peninsula
Ges3/tion, be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. O'Dell introduced the marchers of the delegation who read.p~epared
briefs entitled "Unemployment and the Governmentz~s (U.I.C.) Attitude and Treatment
of the Unemployed"; "Family Benefits" and 'Welfare".
Following considerable discussion, it was moved by Alderman Wallace,
seconded by Alderman Smeaton that inasmuch as the Unemployment Insurance Commission,
Family Benefits and Welfareaa~e under the jurisdiction of other levels of govern-
ment, the three briefs presented by representatives of the Anti-Poverty Organization
be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following vote:
· AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Mann, Narrigan, Keighan, Puttick, Smeaton, Schisler,
Walker, Wallace.
NAYE:Aldemaen Thomson and Fern.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Walker that Mr.Ross
Allen, Solicitor, be granted permission to address Council.
Mr.Allen, representing Royal Centre, National Historical Wax Museum,
National Marine Aquarium and Waltzing Waters, referred to an earlier ded~ion by
Council to permit Marineland to place up to 15 benches on various road allowances.
He suggested the benches erected by Marineland are directienal rather than adver-
tising benches which direct the flow of traffic directly to their place of
business. Mr. Allen suggested that his clients should be allowed the same privilege
ef being permitted to erect benches or Council instruct that all benches be removed
save and except those belonging to the Jewish Sisterhood.
Mrs. B. Muetler, spokesman for the Niagara Falls Jewish Sisterhood,
pointed out that for the past 10 years, the organization had the right to place
benches at bus stops in cooperation with the City and the Transit Connnission and
has an agreement to that effect. She suggested that approval of the Marineland
benches would result in numerous similar requests and benches would be placed st
many locations with no restrictions as to design, location, insurance coverage
and maintenance.
The Solicitor for Marinelend, Mr. A. 8heppard, expressed the opinion
that the motion by Council to permit Marineland to install benches does not
contravene the City's by-law which provides that the City may give permission to
e~ect signs, including bench signs, on City-owned property. Me suggested the sign
problem can only be dealt with by the corsnittee established by Council to consider
an overall policy and after disc~ssions with a11 interested parties.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Rarrtgan that a
previous motion passed at the Council Con~ittee meeting of May 7, 1973, whereby
Marinelend was permitted to place up to 15 benches on road ellowsnces be rescinded
and ell benches be removed other than those under the ~urisdiction of the Jewish
Sisterhood, until such time as a special committee complete e study of an overall
policy regarding directionsl signs. The motion Carried with Alderman SehiSler
voting contrary amt all others in fayour. '
Report 195 - City Manager - Re: AM-29/72, E.Mocnlak, Lots 128 & 129, R.P.235,
west side of Drummond Road; request for change in zoning from Single Family
Residential to a category which would allow development of the land to accommodate
a three-storey, nine-unit apartment building. (The report was tabled from the
meeting of April 30,1973)
Mr.J R.Shuttler was granted permission to address Council on the
motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Walker.
Mr. ShuttleTadvised that when he purchased property on Maplewood Ave.
to the rear of the Mocniak lands, he was aware a two-storey building was proposed
for the site and had no objections to the proposal. The rezoning application
would permit a three-storey apartment build~Bg and Mr. Shuttler reiterated his
previous objections to the height of the building. He indicated'he would not
object to a building 25# in height or less.
The applicant, Mr. Mocniak, said the proposed building would be
similar to a three-storey apartment b~ilding on adjacent property which is a
little more than 26' in height. He suggested that the building would not effect
Mr. Shuttler's view because of the slope of the land and he questioned the
necessity of restr. icting the height.
It was then moved by Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the report of the City Manager be received and filed and Council approve the
construction of a 2-½ storey apartment building on Lots 128 and 129, west side
of Drummond Road, and the height of the building be restricted 'to 25 ft. The
motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Alderm~ck, Mann and Smeaton.
~_~__~___YE:Aldermen Christensen, Fern, Harrigan, Keighan, Wslla~e, Schisler, Walker,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Aldelmmn Christensen
that the report of the City Manager be received and filed and the application
E. Mocniak for a razesing to permit the constroction of a three-storey apartment
building on the west side of Drummond Road be approved subject to the height of
~he building being restricted to 27.75 feet; and, further, that Council, by
resolution, certLfy that the application conforms to Official Plan Amendment
No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Fern, Harrtgan, Ketghan, Wallace, Schisler, Walker,
NAYE:Aldermen puttick, Mann and Smeaton. See Resolution No.46
Cams. 54 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Report of the Public Works and
Utilities Committee re: Drummond/Portage/Mortises Area Road Network,
Report 218 - City Manager - Referring to a resolution of the Regional Public
Works Committee respecting the replacement of the Portage Road Bridge over the
Hydro Canal, the preparation of an analysis of the revised area roadway network,
cost estimates for the scheme as proposed by the City of Niagara Palls and the
indication that the Regional Municipality is prepared to assume 50% of the cost
of !;such e study. Recomnending that the City agree with the resolution and the
firm of Proctor and Refern be engaged to do the described work.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson
the report be received and adopted,
Report 219 - Deputy Cit Clerk - Advising that the Ontario Municipal Board has
appointed Monday, June ~th,1973 at 11:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers for the
hearing of all parties interested in supporting or opposing By-law No.73-73.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and filed and the dateof. the hearing noted..
- 3-
No. 55 -~ Smith - Comments re: choice of the Sodom Road location for the
Chippawn Recreation Centre; outlining the benefits of the Willoughby Drive site
and requesting Council to reconsider the decision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the
conmlunication be received and filed. The motion Carried with Alderman Thomson
voting contrary and all.others in fayour. '
No. 56 - Mr._and Mrs. R. Chouinard - A complaint about the operation of minibikes
and motorcycles in the area betwe""""'~n Sophia and Thiebert Street in the former
Village of Chippaws; and a petition bearing the signatures of ten residents of
the area requesting the removal of minibikes and motorcylces from the area between
the Chippawa Pollution Control Plant and Thiebert Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the
communication be received and referred to City Staff for a report; and, further,
that the Ontario Hydro be notified of the complaints as hydro-owned properties
may be involved.
No. 57 - Well_and County Roman Catholic Separate School Board - Requesting that
consideration be given to the constmuction of a sidewalk on the west side of
Stanley Ave. from George Street to Mortises Street for the safety of school
children attending St.Mmry's School on Morrison Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schtsler that
the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
No. 58 - St.J. dohnAmbulanc___~e _ Re: "Save-a-Life- Week. RequeSting permission to
use Centennial Square for the purpose of demonstrating the various metho~ of
artificial respiration on the evening of June 22, 23 and 24th, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fern that .the
communication be received and the request for the use of Centennial Square be
No. 59 - Canada Week Committee - Re: "Canada Week", June 25 to July 1, 1973.
Requesting that the week be observed by proclamation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
ccamnunication be received and the request that the week June 25th to July 1st
be proclaimed as "Canada Week" be applered.
No. 60 - Un ~ro and. Nicoletti - Advising that Niagara Falls sightseeing operators
and drivers have been under constant police =harassment and repeatedly questioned
about complaints of soliciting; requesting that this practice immediately stop or
some meeting arranged between the tour operators, representatives of the Police
Department and the Mayor'a office to resolve the matter.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Fern that the.
coamlunication be received and a copy of the complaint directed to the Niagara Region
Board of Commissioners of Police.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that a
copy of the commueication from the office of Ungaro and Nicoletti be forwarded to
the Niagara Resortsand Tourist Association. '
No. 61 - Nia era Peninsula Fruit & Ve etable Growers' Association - Re: Regional
Niagara Official Plan. Submitting a brief respe~bility of all
levels of government for total agricultural policies omitted from the draft
official plan and subsequent local plans; requesting support of a total approach
to planning of agricultural land.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sehisler, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the
communication be received and referred to the Planning Administrator.
No. 62 - MMC Travel Lt_________~d. - Expressing appreciation for support of the objections
to proposed elimination of reduced air travel fare by Air Canada and CP Air.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the communication be received and flied.
No. 63 - Downtown Mall Conmittee - Re': Proposed mall for a portion of Queen St.,
July 9th~uesting Council'8 support of a request to close
parts of Queen St. and portions of St. Clair and Crysler Avenues as indicated on
a sketch attached to the connunication; requesting that Council pass an appropriate
by-law and an opportunity be given to persons affected to object to such a by-law.
Coranunication No. 63 (Cont'd)
Mr. E. Nickel, owner and operator of the Mayflower Restaurant, 4671
Queen Street, advised Council of recent expenditures to remodel his establish-
ment and provide additional parking. Ne objected to the proposed mall because
the street barricade would nmke it difficult and inconvenient for tourists to
travel directly to the restaurant from River Road and result in a substantial
loss of business. Mr. Nickel indicated.he would raise no objection to the
mall if the barricades were removed after regular store hours. As an alterna-
tive to the Mall, he suggested the City develop an eye-catching gateway with
lights and water fountains at the entrance to Queen St~ from River Road.
Mr. B. Ballet, Chairman of the Mall Connnittee, said the Con~ittee
will meet with all dissenters to attempt to resolve the objections. He agreed
that the Mayflower had a particular problem because of night-time business and
this must be considered, Re could foresee no problem regarding the removal of
the barricades to permit through traffic on Queen street after store hours.
83 downtown businesses had responded to a survey; 77 indicating approval of the
mall and six objecting to the proposal.
Alderman Fera noted the con~nunication mentions the Municipal Act
authorizes the passing of by-laws subject to the approval of the Minister of
Transportation and Conmuuications, but does not provide that persons suffering
damages through loss of business are not entitled to compensation. Mr. Ballet
said the Co~uittee is aware that if someone objected to the mall and their
business suffered because of it, they could claim damages.
The City Solicitor said that while there is pro~is~nl.in exiSt.i~g
legislation to permit the establishment of malls, several municipalities had
obtained special legislation, mallswere authorized and persons were barred from
claiming compensation or damages. He said he was concerned because of the
duration of the proposal - seven weeks. The Association, he said, should have
adequate coverage to protect the City from any claim for damages or compensa-
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
ccamnunication be received and tabled pending the outcome of the meeting of the
Downtown Mall Con~nittee and those merchants who oppose the proposal. The motion
Carried with Alderman Mann voting contrary and all others in fayour.
Staff members were authorized to prepare the necessary by-law for presentation
when the report is received froG the Downtown Business Association.
No. 220 - City Manager - Report of the Council Cor~aittee.
1. ONTARIO MOUSING FAMILY UNITS - A report of the Planning and Development
Co~nittee recommended approval of four sites for O.H.C. family units in
the order of preference: a) Corner of Woodbine St. and an unopened road
allowance (Baldin Ave.); b) North side of Belle~Street; c) Northwest
corner of McLeod and Drunnond Road and d) Northeast corner of McLeod Road
and Dorchester Road.
Recommendation: that the report of the Planning and Development Conlnittee
be received and adopted and the four sites approved, .in principle, in the
order indicated.
TRANSIT STUDY - Recommendation: That the reco~nendations of the Greater
Niagara Transit Conelesion contained in a report dated March 26, 1973 be
adopted with the following modifications: a) the Thursday and Friday
evening service to Chippawn be continued; b) Friday evening service to
Stamford Centre be continued and c) bus routes now terminating at the
easterly end of Bridge Street continue the present practice of turning around
at that point.
3. MARINElAND BENCE SIGNS - Mr.A.F.Bheppard submitted a request that considers-
· tion be given to the re-instatement of Marineland advertising benches and
~.hat Council consider the development of an overall policy regarding
dir~tional.siSns to tourist areas.
Recom~endatiO~:'a)'that.a special c~ittee be appointed to consider, in
depth, the problem of tourist directional signing with a request that ·
reconmendations be 'submitted to Council as quickly as possible; b)'that the
City Manager, Mr.Sheppard and his client, Mr. Holer, arrange for the place-
ment of upto fifteen benches advertising Marineland on road allowances for
e period not exceeding 118 days~ (See Page I for. addirises1 information)
CHIPPAWA RIVER EMERGENCY BOAT PATROL - Recommendation: That en amount of
$10,000 be provided in the 1973 Budget to assist the Chippaws River Emergency
Boat Patrol end the funds be administered through the St.JnhnAmbulance
Association ..... 5.
- 5 -
Re~ No. 22~)
5. HMC.___TRAVEL AGENC__Y - The discontinuation of reduced air fare travel in Canada
unless visitors are travelling on a regularly scheduled flight. The report
advises that in order to have the City's comments available for the hearing
held May 10th, 'a telegram was forwarded to the Air Transport Committee and
supporting infiormatton followed by letter.
Recommendation: That the action taken be ratified by Council.
6..DISTRIBUTION CENTRE - Representatives of the Business and Industrial Growth
Committee submitted a report regarding the establishment of a distribution
centre in the City. Reconnaendation: that the report be received and the
following recon~enda~ms adopted:a) that Council approve, in principle, the
development of a Regional Distribution Centre to be located north of the
CNR tracks, west of Garner Road; b) that the Planning and Development
Committee be requested to consider the preparation of an appropriate Official
Flan amendment and zoning by-law and hold a public meeting to consider comments
for or against the proposal; c) that the B.I.G.Committee be requested to prepare
an appropriate call for proposals and advise Council on the conditions and
selection of the proponent.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report of the Council Connnittee be received and adopted. The motion Carried with
Alderman Wallace voting contrary and all others in fayour. "
No. 221 - City Manager - Re: Land Sales - Falls Industrial Park.
1. Stahlkran Limited. Recommending the authorization of the sale of Lot 16 on
Progress Street to Stahlkran Limited at a price of $4,000. per acre for the
2.76 acres or at a total cost of approximately $11,040. The building permit
would be issued subject to a site plan agreement.
'2. Penna Mix Limited. Recommending that Council approve the sale of Lot 47 to
Perma Mix Limited at a rate of $4,000. per acre for the 10.39 acres or a
total cost of approximately $41,560. Control of the proposed construction
by the City would be achieved by a site plan agreement.
3. Red Bar Woodworking Company. Recon=nending approval of a 120-day option for
Lot 15 on Stanley Avenue, the option price of $200. to be applied against the
s sale price of the lot. The selling price of the 1.04 acres is at the rate of
$4,300. per acre. The issuance of the building permit would be subject to a
site plan agreement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
No. 222 = City Manager - Re: Land and Services - Falls Industrial Park. Referring
to earlier suggestions that it will be necessary to install additional services
in the Industrial Park as well as reviewing the sale price of lots; reconFaending
a) that tenders be'called immediately for Phase Two of the underground services
and base roadways for Earl Thomas Avenue and Progress Street between Earl Thomsas
Ave. and Stanley Ave.; ~nders for underground services to close June 5th and for
base roads on June 19,t973; b) that the remaining 79.65 acres in the Falls Industrial
Park be sold at the rate of $7,000. per acre effective May 15th,1973; c) that the
cost of installing Phase Two services be paid for from revenues from the sale of
the lands.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report of the City Manager be received and ~dopted.
No. 223 - tit Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Kenmore Noldin s Ltd.,
Part Twp.Lot [88, south of Jill Drive, east of Dorchester Road. Recommending
preliminary approval of the proposed.plan subject to e~ght condit'i'6~s enumerated
in the report; and, further, that Council certify, by resolution, that the
application conforms.to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Nifigara Falls
Planning Area.
See Resolution No, 47
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman .Sc'hisler, seconded by Aldermen Christej~.sen
that the report be received and adopted..
Reports (Coot 'd)
No. 224 - City Manager - Re: Sidewalk on Front Street (former Village of
Chippaws.) Advising of the existence of a City sidewalk on a section of property
owned by Mrs.H.Keighan on the northeast corner of Front Street and Norton St.;
advising that investigations indicate no easements or land exchange sgreements
are in existence for the placement of the sidewalk on private property;
recommending the sidewalk be moved from the block of land as much as possible
and constructed adjacent to the curb; a total expenditure of $1,427. is
required for the new stdewslk and for the adquisition of approximately 320
sq.ft. of triangular shaped property on which the curb. is presently located.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by AldermanWalker that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
Not__e: Aldermen Keighan declared his interest and abstained from voting.
No. 225 - City Manager - Re: proposed Construction of M.T.C. between the Welland
River and the South Limit of the City. Co~enting on the negotiations with
representatives of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for certain
works required when road closings are made on various roadways adjacent to the
Queen Elizabeth Way and south of the Welland River; submitting copies of pre-
vious reports and a communication from R.G.Gascoyne,P.Eng-,Regional Director
for the M.T.C. in which he outlines the Ministry's proposals in three stages;
recommending Council'a approval of the proposals described as Stages 1, 2 and
3 in the commhnicatton from Mr.Gaacoyne, dated April 11, 1973, subject to the
comments in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted. See Resolution No.56
No. 226 - City Manager - Re: Rear Yard Pick-up of Garbage. Reviewing the service
and submitting an assessment of costs and additional menpower and funds. required
if the service were to be resumed; rec~muending that no change be made to the
present procedure.
The Works Engineer provided additional information in response to
questions by Aldermen Thomson and indicated the cost for rear yard pick-up of
garbage would be approximately $13.00 per household, per year. He also confirmed
that, upon request and an investigation of the circumstances, the aged and
infirm' are provided the service at no cost. Aldermen Thomson suggested that
perhaps the issue of rear yard pick-up of garbage should be decided by
referendumat the next municipal election.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Wallace that the
report' of the City Manager be received and adopted. The. motion Carried with
Alderman Thomson voting contrary and all others in layout.
No. 227 - City Manager - Re: Drainage Problem - LaScala Subdivision.
Reconnending acceptance of the quotation received from Sebben Construction Ltd.
for the installation of a rearyard catchbasin on the east side of Warden Ave.
in the LaScala Subdivision at the submitted price of $2,100.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 48
No. 228 - City Manager - Re~ Operating Policy of the ParkiriS Connittee.Recommend~
that the procedures for the operation of the Municipal parking Committee.be
amended to provide that parking changes outside the south end, centre area,
downtown area and the hospital area need not be referred to the Couanittee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fera tlmt the
report be received and adopted.
No. 229 - City Manager, - Re: Parking on Britannia Crescent. Recormnending that
parking be removed from the north side of Britannia Crescent from Portage 'Road
163~westerly and from the south side from Portage Road 144' westerly.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 230 - City Manager - Re Parkingon Willoughby Drive. Recormnending that parkim
be prohibited at all times from the northeasterly side of Willoughby Drive for
400~ centre on the curve of the roadway.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomsons seconded by Alderman Christensen that
,the repOrt'he received and adopted..
- 7-
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
representatives of the Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Conunerce be granted permission
to address Council at this time.
Mr.A.Henderson and Mr. P. Lococo appeared before Council to request
financial assistance for a Regional Conference of the Jaycees in Niagara Falls
this weekend. Approximately 450-500 persons will be attending. The organization
had attempted to raise the required amount for a Civic Luncheon but find they are
approximately $1000. short. Mr. Henderson said that the local Jaycees would be
very appreciative of any support Council sees fit to provide.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wallace that the
request be referred to the Budget Meeting. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Harrigan, Keighan, Smeaton, Schisler, Walker, Thomson,
NaYE:Aldermen Mann, Fera and Puttick.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that a
report regarding the;Twinning:,Committee be brought forward for consideration at
this time.
Report No. 231 - Alderman Smeaton - Report on the current activities of the Niagara
Falls Twinning Connittee. Advising that a committee has been set up to promote and
organize the twinning of Niagara Falls with another community and outlining the
Conmittee's course of action; advising further that the committee has decided
.against Mundalisation whereby a percentage of the total tax levy would be given
to a United Nations special fund; under the proposed scheme no monies would be
required to be paid to any organization.
Mr. Ted Hristow, Committee Chairman, spoke about the purpose of the
twinning which, he said, has gained support from citizens and local organizations
and many suggestions have been received as to the Twin City. He spoke about the
importance of the approval of the City Council and the selection of a suitable
Twin City by a special committee comprised of representatives of interes ted
organizations, City Council and citizens. Mr. Hristow suggested the idea of
twinning would be supported by placement of the United Nations Flag beside the
National Flag of Canada at City Hall and the declaration of the City of Niagara
Falls as a World City. It is suggested that flag-raising ceremonies be conducted
on United Nations Day, October 24, 1973 and the day declared as United Nations Day.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Mann that the City
of Niagara Falls be declared as a "City of the World" and be twinned with a sister
City in due time; further that the selection of a Twin City be mede by a special
citizens c,oFwatttee~wtth members of Council participating in the selection.
No. 232 - City Manager - Re: Sidewalk on Dorchester Road. Advising that a sidewalk
will be construction on the east side of Dorchester Road fromMe/ntainRoad to Riall
Street for the next school year in September.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson~ seconded by Alderman Puttick that the
report be received and filed.
No. 233 - City Manager - Re: McLend Road Interchange. Recommending approval of s
resolution appearing later on the sgenda regarding the redesign.:,l of the McLeod
Road interchange with the Queen Elizabet~Way.
OKDERED on the motion of AIderman Puttick, seconded by AIderman Marrigan that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.45
No. 234 - City Manager - Re: Amendments to the Explosive Regulations of The Canada
Explosive Act to prohibit the sale of firecrackers. Advising that "firecrackers"
are defined as fireworks the sole purpose of which is to create noise; suggesting
that in order to have the City~s legislat.ion conform with Federal requirements,
By-law No. 70-86 be amended .
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and~iled and the by-law appearing later on the agenda be
Reports (Coat'd)
No. 235 - City Manager - Re: Federal-Provincial Winter Capital Projects Fund.
Requesting approval of applications under the Winter Capital Projects Fund for
various storm sewers approved by Council in 1973 and 1973 Capital Budget
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 49,49-A & 4Q-!
No. 236 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: 1972.edition of the Annual
Development Report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Aldernmn Wallace that
the report be received and filed.
No. 237 - City Manager - Re: Parks Use Schedule prepared by the Parks Depart-
ment and approved by the Recreation Commission.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by Aldernmn Schisler that
the Parks Use Schedule be approved.
No. 238 - City Manager - Re: Rodent Control. Recormnending that the price received
from Abell Waco Limited in the amount of $1,335. yearly or $111.25 monthly be
accepted for the next year and an appropriate by-law and agreement be executed
as quickly as possible.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldenan Schisler, seconded by Alderman Christen, ca
that the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 50
No. 239 - City Clerk- Re: Advisory Report - Miscellaneous Items.. The report
recommends approval of the Canadian Corps Annual Pilgrimege Parade; the Indian
Defense League parade and use of Oakes Park; the attendance of Council at the
opening game of the Senior '~" Fasthall League and the placing of an sdver=
risemeat in the souvenir program; permission for the Westlane Secondary School
Cheerleading Squad to hold a "Skip-a-Thou" on Centennial Square; approval of
the calling of tenders for certain watermains, underground services and base
roads. The report also includes information regarding the Conference on Snow
and Ice Control; remedial works at the American Falls and information regarding
the clearing and cleaning of the A.Tarczy property on Beaverdams Road.
ORDERED on the metion of Aldemman Puttick, seconded by Aldermen Walker that the
report of the City Clerk be received and adopted.
No. 240 - City Manager - Re: Road and Sidewalk Construction in Queen,way Gardens
and Noella Crescent, Contract R.C.11-73. Reco~nending that the unit prices
received from Steed and Evans Ltd. for the construction of curb and gutters,
surface asphalt and sidewalk construction be accepted.'
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 51
No. 241 - City Manager - S&d~walk Repair Program, Contract S.R.12-73. Reconnnend~g
acceptance of the unit prices received from V.Kerrio-Germano Ltd. for the repair
of various sidewalks.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermanThomson, seconded by AldermanChristense~ that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 52
No. 242 - City Manager - Re: Hot Mix Asphalt Overlay Program, Contract A.6.13-73.
Recommending acceptance of the unit prices submitted by Warren Bitulithic Limited
for placement of hot mix asphalt on certain roadways and other areas.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by AldermenSmeaton. that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 53
No. 243 = City Manager - Re: Tender for Mowing Weeds on Private Property and
Chemical Weed Control, Contract W.C.14-73. Reco~,.nending that the tendered prices
of Earl Murchie be accepted subject to the tendeter enterinS into the necessary
contract documents within. two weeks time.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schialer, s~conded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be tensired and adopted.
'See Resolution No. 54
- 9-
Reports (Coat'd)
No. 244 = City Manager - Re: Municipal Fire Instructors~ Association Conference,
May 28th to 30th,1973 in Hamilton. The report also advises that Mr. Dave Kemp
has been appointed Chief of the Training Division of the Fire Department; reconnnend-
ins that Deputy Chief J.Barr and Chief of the Training Division D. Kempbe
authorized to attend the Conference.
ORDERED on the motion of an [er~ seconded Alderma~
No. 245 - City Manager - Re: Annual Conference, Association of Municipalities of
Ontario, Toronto, August 19-22 inclusive,1973. Ad~ieing that acording to the
Association's schedule, the City is entitled to five voting delegates.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldenan Mann, seconded by Aldenan Mann, seconded by
Alderman Thomson that the report be received and filed and Aldermen Puttick,
Marrigan, Christensen, Walker and Hunt be named as the City's delegates. Alderman
Schisler also indicated his interest in attending the Conference.
No. 246 - City Manager - Building Penits issued for the Month of April, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldenan Fern that the
report be received and filed.
No. 247 - Deputy City Clerk ~ Re: Application of Mr. Charles Snow for a "Hawker
and Pedlar" liceace.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Aldermen Fern that
the report be received and filed and the application denied.
No. 248 - Deputy City Clerk - Recommending approval of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Christen,ca that
the report be received and adopted a~d liceaces granted.
No. 249 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
.ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christen, ca, seconded by AldermenSchisler that
the report he received and adopted.
No. 42 - CHRISTENSEN - WALKER - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy be forwarded
to the family of the late Mrs.Andrew Derhodge, sister of His Worship MayQr George
Bukator; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto.affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 43 - SME~ON - MANN -.RESOLVED that WHEREAS The Regional Municipality of
Niagara Act, 1968-69, provides that the constitution of the Niagara Regional Board
of Commissioners of Police consist of: (a) two members of Regional Council
appointed by resolution of the Regional Council; (b) a Judge of the county court
of the Judicial District of Niagara North or the Judicial District of Niagara South
designated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council and (c) two persons appointed by
the Lieutenant Governor in Council;
AND WHEREAS it is the opinion of this Council that the Board of Commissioners of
Police might better serve the area municipalities if more elected representatives
were included in the Board of Commissioners of Police;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls petition
the Goverrnnent of Ontario to amend The Regional Municipality of Niagara Act,
1968-69, to provide that elected representatives constitute a meJority of the
membership of the Board; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Regional Municipality of Niagara be petitioned to
endorse this request; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The motion approving the resolution Carried with the following vote:
A__~: Aldermen Christensen, Fera, Mann, Puttick, Smeaton, Schisler, Themeon, Walker.
~AYE:Aldermen HarriSan, Keighan and Wallace.
No. 44 - THOMSON - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that WHEREAS it has been brought to the
attention of the Council of the City of Niagara Falls that no standard provision
is required in the conveyance of property to fully inform the purchaser of the
possible uses that mey be mede of surrounding properties;
AND WHEREAS the acquisition of a home ~s the largest and most important single
purchase undertaken by the meJority of ratepayers;
AND WHEREAS meny home purchasers ecquire property on the assumption that the
surrounding 'lands, particularly in new subdivisions, are zoned exclusively for
single-family or similar residentiel purposes, only to find out st a leter date
that certain high=dens&ty residential uses are also permitted;
- 10-
Resolution No. 44 (Coat'd)
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ontario Association of Real Estate
Boards be requestdd to amend Form No.101 '~greement of Purchase and Sale" by
the addition of the following information:
(a) The zoning and permitted uses of the property which is the subject of the
agreement (i.e. the property being purchased)
(b) The zoning and permitted uses of all properties within 300 feet of the
property which is the subject of the agreement; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous ly
No. 45 - SCHISLER - MANN - RESOLVED that WHEREAS the Council of the City of
Niagara Falls has approved a shopping centre in the south-west quadrant of
the interchange of the Queen Elizabeth Way with McLeod Road;
AND WHEREAS this development will alter the traffics movements at this inter-
ANDWHEREAS the existing proposed design can be improved;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls petition
the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to re-design this interchange
as recommended by Dames and Smith Limited, Consulting Engineers and Planners in
their report for Niagara Square Corporation, either as sheen on Drawing No.
7205-W010, Scheme 02 or a similar scheme with the west side service road
crossing McLeod Road at grade; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried Unanimously
No. 46 - WALLACE - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the Council.of the Corporation
of the City of Niagara Falls hereby certify that the application of E. Mocniak
for the rezoning of Lots 128 and 129,R.P.235, situated on the west side of
Drummond Road, conforms to the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara
Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal.Affairs;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The motion approvtng the application Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Fera, Narrigan, Keighan,Wallace,Schisler,Walker,Thems°n!
NA~:Aldermen Puttick, Mann and Smeaton..
No. 47 - SCHISLER - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation
of the City of Niagara Falls hereby certify that the application of Kenmore
Holdings Ltd. for the rezoning of Pt.Twp.Lot 188, south of Jill Drive, east of ~
Dorchester Road, conforms to the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara
Falls Planning Ares as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~
Carried Unanimously
No. 48 - MANN - HARRIGAN - RESOLVED that the quotation received from Sebben
Construction Ltd. for the installation of a rearyard catchbasin including
approximately 150 feet of sewer lateral and all re-instatement, on the east
side of Warden Avenue in the LaScala Subdivision , be accepted at the submitted
pric~ of $2,100.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 49 - THOMSON - WALKER - RESOLVED that WHEREAS the Council of the City of
Niagara Falls deems it expedient to apply for a loan under the Winter Capital
Projects Fund as described in the Memorandum of the Treasurer of Ontario dated
March 1, 1973, in respect of the following project, namely "Ontario Avenue
Storm Sewer", hereinafter referred to as "the project";
AND WHEREAS the project is, in the opinion of the Council, a municipal project
within the meaning of the above-mentioned Memorandum;
AND WHEREAS the project would be a previously planned project or a project
already under way on which construction will be accelerated to create substantial
additions1 employment through to May 31, 1975;
AND WHEREAS the other requiren~nts of the above-mentioned Memorandum have been
complied with;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that application be made to the Treasurer of Ontario
for a loan in the amount of $235,000.00 to assist in the financing of the project
under the Winter Capital Projects Fund; AND the 8ca1 of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
- 11 -
Resolutions (Cont'd)
No.49-A - THOMSON - WALKER - RESOLVED that WHEREAS the Council of the City of
Niagara Falls deems it expedient to apply for a loan under the Winter Capital
Projects Fund as described in the Memorandum of the Treasurer of Ontario dated
March 1, 1973, in respect of the following project, namely, "Various Storm
Sewers": Hawkins St.; Concord Crescent; Damerrs Crescent; Parklawn Crescent;
Winston St.; Jill Drive; Cooper Drive; Marieclaude Ave.; Jordan Ave.; Barker St.;
Dorchester Road frum3ill Drive to McLeod Road; Adams Ave.; Corwin Ave.;Fern Ave.;
Dorchester Road from Douglas St. to Caledonia St.; and Caledonia Street;
hereinafter referred to as "the project";
AND WIfl~REAS the project is, in the opinion of the Council, a municipal project
within the meaning of the above-mentioned Memorandum;
ANDWHEREAS the project would be a previously planned project or a project already
under way on which construction will be accelerated to create substantial
additional employment through to May 31, 1975;
AND WHEREAS the other requirements of the above-mentioned Memorandum have been
complied with;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that application be made to the Treasurer of
Ontario for a loan in the amount of $400,000.00 to asdtst in the financing of
the project under the Winter Capital Projects Fund; AND the Seal of the Corpora-
tion be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 49-B - THOMSON - WALKER - RESOLVED that WHEREAS the Council of the City of
Niagara Falls deems it expedient to apply for a loan under the Winter Capital
Projects Fund as described in the Memorandum of the Treasurer of Ontario dated
'March 1, 1973, in respect of the following project, namely, "1973 Capital Budget
Watermains": East service road from McLeod Road to Montrose Road and Main Street
(Chippaws) from Cunnnington Square to Sodom Road, hereinafter referred to as "the
AND WHEREAS the project is, in the opinion of the Council, a municipal project
within the meaning of the above-mentioned Memorandum;
AND WREREAS the project would be a previously planned project which will not be
accelerated provided the Council undertakes to add to the capital budget a new
or accelerated project at a later date involving the incurfence of capital
expenditures before May 31, 1975 at least equal to the loan under this program;
AND WHEREAS the other requirements of the above-mentioned Memorandum have been
complied with;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that application be made to the Treasurer of Ontario
for a loan in the amount of $170,000.00 to assist in the financing of the project
under the Winter Capital Projects Fund; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 50 - SCHISLER - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the price received fremAbell
Waco Limited for a Rodent Control Program in the amount of $1,335.00 yearly or
$111.25 monthly, be accepted for the next year; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be heretoaffixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 51 - PUTTICK - SMEATON - RESOLVED that the unit prices received from Steed
and Evans Ltd. for the construction of curb and gutters, surface asphalt and
sidewalk construction in Queensway Cardens and Noella Crescent, Contract R.C.
11-73, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 52 - THOMSON - aflIISTEMSEN - RESOLVED that the unit prices received from
V.Kerrio-Cermano Ltd. for the repair of various sidewalks, Contract S.R.12-73,
be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 53 - CHRISTENSEN - SHARON - RESOLVED that the unit pricesshbmitted by
Warren Bitulithic Limited for placement Of hot mix asphalt on certain roadways
and other areas, Contract A.0.13-73, be accepted;AND the Seal ofthe Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 54 - . ..... 12. ~
- 12-
Resolutions (Cont'd)
No. 54 - SCHISLER - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the tendered prices of Earl
Murchie for the mowing of weeds on private property and chemical weed control,
Contract W.C.14-73, be accepted subject to the tenderer entering into the
necessary contract documents within two weeks time; AND the Seal of the Corpora-
tion be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously
No. 55 - SCHISLER - MANN - RESOLVED that the next meeting of the Council
Cvuunittee be held on Tuesday, May 22, 1973, commencing at 7:30 p.m.; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 56 - SCHISLER - WALKER - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls hereby agree to proposals by the Ministry of Transportation and Connnuni-
cations respecting certain financial arrangements and construction timing for
work required when road closings are made on various roadways adjacent to the
Queen Elizabeth Way and south of the Welland River, described as Stages 1, 2
and 3 in a con~nunication dated April 11, 1973, from R.G.Gascoyne,P.Eng.,
Regional Director, Ministry of Transportation and Communications; subject to
comnents contained in a report to the City Council dated May 14, 1973; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-64 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
~dward Mocniak and Winnifred Mocniak.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Waltade:, seconded by Alderman
Keighan that Alderman HartlEan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Aideman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
No. 73-65 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Mocniak)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Aideman
KeiShan that Alderman Harrigan be granted leave to introduce the By-l~w and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Marrigan, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
No..73-103 - A By-law regarding the maintenance, management, regulation, control
and t~king over of certain Cemeteries.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fern that
Alderman Harrigan be granted leave to intmoddce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading,
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harri~an,,second6d.by,Alderman"
Christensen that the By-law be no~ given a second and third reading.
Carried, Unanimously
No. 73-104 - A By-law to amend By-law No.79-86 respecting the sale and setting
o£f of fireworks in the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighsn, seconded by Alderman Fers
that Alderman Christensen be granted leers to introduce the By-law and theB~y-law
be Biven the first rending.
Carried Unanimously
- 13 -
By-law No.73-104 (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Aldezman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Keighan that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-105 - A By-law to authorize improvements to the electrical power distribu-
tion system of the City of Niagara Falls. (TWO READINGS ONLY)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Schis ler
that Aldernmn Puttick be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Puttick, seconded by Aldermen Christensen that the By-law be now given a
second reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-106 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial Park
to Metal Protection Industries Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that Alderman Puttick be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimousl~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 73-107 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Steed and
Evans Ltd. forthe construction of roads and sidewalks.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-108 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Warren
Bttultthic Limited for the construction of hot mix asphalt overlays.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermanSchisler, seconded by Alderman Keighan
that Alderman ChriStensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Gerried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Fern that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-109 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Vincent
Kerrto-GermanO"Ltd, for.e~dewalk repairs,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alde~an that Aldermen Thomson be granted leave to introduce the
By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that the By-law be no~ given s second and third reading.
Carried Unanimous~
- 14-
By-laws (COnt'd)
No. 73-110 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Earl
Murchie for chemical weed control.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Keighan, seconded by Aldernmn
Schisler that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-111 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Earl
Murchie for mowing weeds on private lots.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-112 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Smeaton that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
The trophy for the Annual Dart Tournament was won this year by Alderman
Puttick and Alderman Thomson. His Worship Mayor Bukator accepted the t~ophy and
congratulated the Aldermen.
Mayor Bukator, on behalf of the City, accepted a plaque from the
Historical Automobile Society of Canada presented in appreciation of the
hospitality extended to the organization. The plaque wa8 presented by Alderman
The meeting adJouxned on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by
Alderman Marrigan.
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
May 7, 1973.
Following a Council Connnittee meeting on Monday, May 7th, 1973,
Council re-convened in formal Council Session on the motion of Alderman Mann,
seconded by Alderman Schisler. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Walker, His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as
No. 73-~02- A By-law to amend By-law No. 7531, being a By-law to provide for
the erection of Stop Signs at Intersections. (Buckley Ave. at
Simcoe St.; Lyons Creek Road at McKenney Road; Ridge Road at
McKenney Road; Ridge Road at Morris Road; Kalar Road at Brown
Road and Spence gtreet at Corwin Avenue)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Csrried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that the By-law be now given second and third readings.
Carried Unanimously
No. 217- City Manager - Re: Ontario Traffic Conference and Annual Meeting.
Recon~nending that two members of the Engineering Department and two members
of Council be authorized to attend the Annual Meeting in Oshawa May 27th to
May 30th,1973, inclusive.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Keighan that
the report be received and adopted and Aldermen Thomson and Puttick be named
as the City representatives at the Conference.
Alderman Keighan noted that although Council had denied a rezoning
application to permit the operation of a scrap metal yard on the south side
of Beaverdams Road, the building was apparently being used for the repairing
of cars. In addition, the property had not been cleaned up as directed by
Council. During the past week a fire had erupted on the premises and a
petition had been received from residents of the area. The matter was referred
to the City Manager.
Alderman Puttick conmented on the program for the Senior Citizens'
Olympics and requested the participation of Council. The Aldermsn was granted
an amount of $75.00 for expenses incurred.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Hunt.
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
May 22, 1973
Following a Council Committee meeting on Tuesday, May 22, 1973, Council
re-convened in formal Council Sess ion on the motion of Alderman Christensen
seconded by Alderman Puttick. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Hunt and Alderman Walker. His Worship Mayor George Bukator
presided as Chairman.
No. 250 - City Manager - Re: South End Recreation Complex. Advising that the first
phase includes one building to enclose an ice surface and spectator seating and a
second two-storey building to include dressing rooms for the arena functions and
meeting rooms; provision for 200 parking spaces has also been included. The total
estimated cost for the first phase is $756,000.; advising further that Federal
labour forgiveness loans could amount to an estimated $212,000. and a Provincial
grant for community centres in the amount of $20,000. can be expected, leaving a
municipal expenditure of $524,000. to be financed over 20 years by the Winter
Capital Projects Fund. The report recon~nends an application be made to the
FederaI Government for approval of the South End Recreation Complex under the
Winter Capital Projects Fund.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolutions Nos.57, 58 and 59
No. 251 - Deputy City Clerk - Re: Application of Stamford Construction for the
rezoning of property located on the east side of Portage Road, south of Virginia
Street to permit the erection of one apartment building containing not more than
18 dwelling units; advising that as a result of the usual notification procedure,
· one letter of objection was received; requesting the direction of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and filed and notwithstanding the objection received, Council
reaffirm an earlier decision to approve the application of Stamford Construction
and the application, together with the objection received, be forwarded to the
Ontario Municipal Board for consideration.
No. 57 - KEIGHAN - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation
of the City of Niagara Falls deems it expedient to apply for a losn under the
Winter Capital Projects Fund as described in the Memorandom of the Treasurer of
Oatario dated March 1, 1973, in respect of the following project, namely, "SOUTH
END RECREATIe~COMPLEX", hereinafter referred to as "the project";
AND W}~REAS the project is, in the opinion of the Council, a municipal project
within the meaning of the above-mentioned Memorandum;
AND WHEREAS the project would be a previously planned project or a project already
underway on which construction will be accelerated to create substantial additional
employment through to May 31, 1975;
AND W}~REAS the other requirements of the above-mentioned Memorandum have been
complied with;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that application be made to the Treasurer of Ontario
for a loan in the amount of $736,000.00 to assist in the financing of the project
under the Winter Capital Projects Fund; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously
No. 58 - KEIGHAN - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the drawings for the first phase
of the South End Recreation Complex be referred to City Staff for revisions to
the design in cooperation with the Niagara South Citizens' Action ~ommittee; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
- 2-
Resolutions (Cant'd)
No. 59 - KEIGRAM- ~I{RIgTENSEN - RESOLVED that the Planning and Development
Committee be requested to process an application to rezone property on Sodam
Road (formerly the Starlite Theatre property) to permit "athletic and sports
fields, parks and recreational uses requiring large areas of open space" for
the purpose of establishing the South End Recreation Complex; AND the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 60 - THOMSON - SMEATON - RESOLVED that Alderman R. F. Ketghsn be appointed
as Acting Mayor for the period May 24th, 1973 to June 1, 1973, during the
absence of Hls Worship Mayor George Bukstor; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously
No. 61 - CHRISTENSEN - FERA - RESOLVED that Alderman Wayne Thomson be appointed
Acting Mayor for the period June 2, 1973 to June 8, 1973 during the absence of
His Worship. Mayor George B~kator; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried Unanimously
Aldernmn Puttick referred to an ea~ ier suggestion that a street be
named in banour of Mr. Mike Barto and enquired as to the status of the matter.
The Alderman's enqulry was referred to the City Engineer for further considera-
In reply to questions by Alderman Puttick, the City Manager stated
that during a budget meeting, the Chairman of the Business and Industrial Growth
Conmittee had asked that Mayor Bukator accompany the Industrial Manager, as the
City's representative dur ins the industrial trip to Germany. An amount for the
Mayor's expenses, he said, had b~en included in the Committee'a budgeted figure.
Alderman Christensen commented on the disgraceful appearance of the
vacant Kresge building on Queen Street. The Alderman reported that the owners
would only consider a one-year lease and ~?prospective tenant was unwilling to
expend a considerable amount of money to clean up the premises for a one year
period. Queen Street merchants had indicated willingness to clean the windows
and use the space for display purposes. The matter was referred to the Building
Inspector to contact the owners of the building.
It was suggested by Alderman Thomson that consideration be given to
some method to simplify the processing of individual parking problems which
require the approval of the Parking Committee, the passing of a by-law by
Council and, in some cases, the approval of Regional authorities. As an example,
the Alderman cited a problem encountered by the Niagara Motel on Ferry Street
where trucks constantly park in such a manner as to block the moteles driveway,
The p~oblem, he said, could be solved by the removal of one parking meter and.
the erection of s no parking sign which requires the approval of the Region.
The Alderman suggested that s telephone poll of Parking Committee members and
the implementation of some method at the Regional level to expedite Regional
approval of comparatively simple parking problems would eliminate unnecessary
delays. His Worship Mayor Bukator noted that the City processes applications
for permits for buildings on Regional roadways. The applications are forwarded
to the Region for review and, generally, approval is received within a few days.
Mayor Bukstor suggested s similar procedure would reduce the waiting period.
-3 -
New Business (Cant'd)
The City Engineer confirmed that the resurfaciog of Jill Drive, Cooper
St. and Marieclaude Ave. were included in the 1973 Local Improvement Program and
it is hoped that th_s works will be completed during the current year. The
subject was introduced by Alderman Thomson who advised that residents of the
area h~d petitioned for the work for several years and were now concerned that
the resurfscing of the roadways would again be deleted from the program.
Alderman Thomson reviewed the unsuccessful efforts of the City to
have the Region establish a Landlord and Tenant Bureau to provide assistance
and advice regarding the rights and obligations of both landlords and tenant
He commented on the problems experienced in the City of Sc. Catharines and the
increased number of enquiries and complaints received by the Clerk's office.
The Alderman also referred to a report prepared by the Social Planning Council
which indicated the successful operation of such bureaux in London, Kitchener,
Hamilton, Toronto and Berlington.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
a resolution requesting Regional Niagara to establish a Landlord and Tenant
Bureau be prepared and submitted for Council's consideration at a future meeting.
Alderman Christensen reported many complaints about traffic tie-ups
at the McLeod Road railway crossing as a result of the closing of Oakes Drive
and the one-way system for northbound traffic. Alderman Thomson advised that
the closing of the roadway was necessary because of a rock slide and a report
would be submitted to the Niagara Parks Commission at a meeting scheduled for
Friday, May 25th. The City Maxxeger indicated that major construction was
required to remedy the situation and the road would likely be closed for a few
months. He questioned the present southbound one-way traffic ahd suggested the
Commission should be made aware of the City'a views.
It was then moved by Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Mann
that it be recommended to the Niagara Parks Con~nisston that one-way traffic on
Oakes Drive should be north to Falls View from McLeod Road to the incline railway
entrance. The motion Carrie_._..__/d unanimously. :
Alderman Fera referred to his earlier suggestion that senior citizens
be allowed to use Transit Commission buses free of charge. His Worship Mayor
Bukator will provide further information regarding this matter.
In reply to questions by Alderman Wallace, the City Manager confirmed
that the architect for the police building, D.Chapman, had met with Chief Sherman
and his staff concerning the required changes in the building layout to meet the
revised need of the Regional Police and a consulting firm was preparing cost
estimates. Council had approved an expenditure of $2,850. for revisions to the
plans and the updat~n~ of cost estimates and the architect had been so informed,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
a letter of congratulation be forwarded to the Niagara Promotion Association on
the success of the Blossom Festival activities. Mr, R. 8ones, the Cityes
Recreation Director~ was Co-Ordinator of the events. '
New Business (Cant'd)
A reqnest from the Calvary Church Christian Centre for a grant in
the amount of $1,800. for canonunity programs and services was referred to the
budget meeting.
The meeting adjourned to Connnittee of the Whole on the motion of
Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson.
y er
Council Chambers
May 28, 1973.
Council met on Monday, May 28, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of con-
sidering general business. All Members of Council were present with the exception
of His Worship Mayor George Bukator. Alderman Fern offered the Opening Prayer.
Alderman Keighan, as Acting Mayor, pres ided as Chairman.
The minutes of the May 14th and May 22nd meetings were adopted on the
motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt, that Mr.
S.Kaye, Development Officer, Ontario Housing Corporation, be granted permission to
address Council.
M,l i2 f.
Kaye advised that 22 of the 100 family housing units requested by
the City are under construction in the area of Sinnicks Ave. and Thorold Stone Road.
As a result of a proposal call for the remaining 78 units, four submissions from
n~ '.l~w~{,]~[. poor response, he said, was due to the reluctance
to submit proposals because of existing zoning problems in the City of
Niagsrs Falls aswell as other Ontario municipalities. Mr. Ksye asked City Council
to accept three proposals spproved by O.H.C., namely,
-' (I) 28 units on the north side of Bellevue Street; cost per unit $15,544.00. total
cost $435,220.00 (Fenell Developments Ltd.) '
(2) 30 units east of Dorchester Road; cost per unit $16,660.00. total coat $498,463.00
(Taro Properties inc.) '
(3) 27 units east of Drunnnond Road; cost per unit $16,017.00; total cost $432,485.00
· (Taro Properties Inc,)
A proposal by Taro for 15 units on Woodbine was too costly and was not considered by
r Ontario Rousing. All projects are two-storey townhousing units, containing 2~3,4 and
5 bedrooms, of brick veneer construction and aluminum siding, with full basements and
forced air gas heating. Each of the properties require a zoning amendment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that the three
projects recommended by the Ontario Housing Corporation be approved by Council, The
motinn Carried with Alderman Emeatonsvoting contrary and all others in fayour.
See Resolutions Nos.62,63 snd 64
Mr. Bruce Tomlinson,5765 Highland Avenue, was granted permission to address
Council on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldermsn Thomson.
Mr. Tomlinson submitted a petition of 130 citizens regarding the condition
of Highland Avenue since the installation of a watermain on Highland Ave. from
Lundy's I~ne to Fredrice Street. The complaints included water shutoils for long
periods of time; dust conditional sidewalk damage; failure to re-sod lawns and
boulevards; delays in restoring area to original condition and damage to lawns by
the use of large pieces of asphale and stone for fill purposes. Mr. Tomlinson also
suggested the City review the present practice of awarding contracts to low bidders
because, in some instances, the work was inferior. Alderman Harrigan suggested a
written explanation be forwarded to the petitioners.
Following considerable discussion, it was ORDRRMD on the motion of Alderman
Wallace, seconded by Aldermen Harrigan that the matter be referred to the City
Engineer for preparation of a report to clarify the situation and tO provide infor-
mation regarding the complaints presented by Mr. Tomlinson; the time limit snd
schedule contained in the original contract with Damore Bros.; the amount of money
paid to the contractor to date and what bond is availshie to indemnify the City.
o 2-
Report No. 253 - City Manager - Re: Direction Signing for Tourist Attractions
and amendmen~ to policy regarding Guide Signing on Public Highways. Advising
of a meeting with members of the N.R.T.A. including the Executive Board, repre-
sentatives of the Skylon, the Royal Tower and blarineland; advising further that
it was the genersl opinion of the N.R.T.A, Executive Board that a compromise
solution would be to allow tourist attractions providing at least 800 spaces of
free parking, to Qualify for directional signing along specified public road
allowances; submitting additional information regarding estimated costs and
suggesting the City purchase and place the signs and bill the cost of the work
to the owners of Marineland, the Skylon and the Royal Tower bssed upon the
number of signs erected for each; recormnending the revised policy regarding
guide signing on public highways be approved and forwarded to the Regional for
consideration and endorsation as soon as possible.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report of the City Manager be received and the revised direct~onal
signing policy be adopted providing the costs are prepaid by the tourist
attractions effected and subject to Council'a approval of the design and location
of the directional signs. The motion Carrie____~d with Alderman Walker voting
contrary and sll others in fsvour.
Mr. A. F. Sheppard was granted permission to address Council on the
motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler.
Mr. Sheppard spoke about the urgency of the matter inasmuch as the
volume of business at Marineland had decreased since removal of the bench signs.
He suggested the absence of directional signs was a discourtesy to tourists
who travelled to the City to visit Marineland as a result of extensive adver-
tising. Mr. Sheppard asked that Council approve the erection of attractive
temporary signs until the policy adopted is actually put into effect.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermanThomson, secodded by Alderman Puttick that
the the Building Inspector be authorized to ~ke the necessary arrangements for
the erection of temporary direotional signs pending the adoption of the proposed
policy by Regional officials and the installation of permanent signs.
BY-LAWS 72-138 AND 73-73
Report No. 254 - City Solicitor - Re: By-law No.72-138 (Zoning Amendment for
Niagara Square) and By-law 73-73 deleting certain Con~nerclsl UsFs from Industrial
Zones. Advising of the preparation of a declaratory by-law to the effect that
By-law No.73-73 shall not be deemed to repeal or amend By-law No.72-138.
Recommending that the by-law appearing later on the agenda be given three readings,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldernmn Hunt that the .report
be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Fete, Mann, HarriSan, Schisler, Thomson, Walker,
NAY_JE:Aldermen Puttick and Smeaton. See By-law 73-119
Report No. 255 - City Manager - Re: New Central Library and The Federal-Provincial
Winter Capital Projects Fund. Suggesting that the new library meets the criteria
of the Fund; recommending the Municipality seek approval of a loan in the amount
of $1,400,000 and the required resolution be approved by Councll.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the
report be received and adopted.
~ee Resolution No.65
No. 64 - Petition from residents of First Ave. - Comments re: parking problems
on First A~enne in the vicinity of the Cavefly Hotel.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
co~nunication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
-3 -
Communications (Cont'd)
No. 65 - Chamber of Conunerce - Re: Civic Awareness Committee. Requesting that a
member of Council and one alternate be appointed to the Cormnittee for 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
AIdermen Thomson, Wallace and Harrigan,members of the City's Civic Month Coreultras,
be named as the City's representatives to the Civic Awareness Committee.
No. 66 - Niagara Falls Times Tribune - Advising of the publication of a new weekly
newspaper and submitting statistical information; suggesting that the Times Tribune
be considered an important community medium.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
connnunication be received and filed and City officials take note of the availability
of the publication when considering local advertisements,
No. 67 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Public Participation Program,
Niagara/Lake Erie Transportation Study. Requesting the appointment of a member of
Council to a conmittee established for the purpose of arranging details for public
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick~ seconded by Alderman Fera that the
communication be received and filed and Aldernmn Christensen he appointed to the
Niagara/Lake Erie Transportation Committee.
No. 256 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM-17/73 Distribution Centre,
west side of Garner Road. Recommending the Official Plan and Zoning By-law be
amended to permit the Distribution Centre and that Council certify, by resolution,
that the by-law conforms to the Official Plan after Amendment No.66 has been
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 67
No. 257 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM-11/73 A.Stranges & J.Gigliotti,
Lot 2, R~PLI~2~Pt.Lot 81~R.P.3039, between Casa D'Oro Restaurant and Imperial Motel,
north-west side of Victoria Avenue. An application for a change in the zoning by-law
to permit the construction of a five-storey 24-unit motel and an attached one-storey
restaurant; recon~nending approval of the application subject to a site plan agree-
;lment end that Council certify, by resolution, that the application conforms to
Official Plan Amendment No.28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded b~ Alderman Thouson that the report
be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 68
No. 258 - City Manager - Re: Commercial Development Policy. Recommending the
cormnercial study be formally adopted by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 259 - City Manager - Re: Neighhourhood Plan. Referring to recent residential
developmentin the Bellevue Street; recommending that the Planning and Development
Committee be authorized to arrange a public meeting to consider a proposal for a
neighbourhood plan on property bounded by Drummond Road., the Q.E.W. extension
and the Hydro Canal which may involve the exchange of City-owned land.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the report
be received and adopted.
No, 260 - City Manager - Re: Site Plan Approval for Drummond Terrace Apartment,
5521 Drummond Road. Advising of a request for a building permit to erect an
additional 44 units to the existing ll-unit apartment building; advising farther
that the proposal complies with the zoning by-law requirements and conforms to the
normal requirements for site plans; recommending approval of the site plan as
ORDERED on the motion Of Alderm~homson, seconded by Alderman Walker that the report
be received.and adopted,
Reports Coot*d)
No. 261 - City Manager - Re: Proposed 84" Storm Sewer crossing Q.E.W. Rolling
Acres Extension Subdivision. Reviewing the cost-sharing agreement between the
developer, the City and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications; sub-
mitting a copy of the agreement for the construction of the 84" diameter storm sewer
which provides that the M.T.C. will pay 70% of the actual construction and engineer-
ing costs; requesting approval of the agreement subject to two conditions enumerated
in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted and the agreement approved.
No. 262 - City Manager - Re: Student Summer Employment Program 4. Advising that
the City'e application for a Student Summer Employment Program has been approved
and will involve 25 students and four supervisors to do litter clean-up and main-
tenance work along the Welland River, Lyons Creek, Grassy Brook and other water-
courses during an 8-week period.
Alderman Wallace suggested that full consideration be given to the student
applications for employment already on file with the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report of the City Managersbe received and filed and the program for student
employment be endorsed.
No. 263 - City Manager - Re: Encroachment of building at 4539 Erie Avenue on the
City road allowance. Reconm~ending that the City Solicitor be authorized to prepare
a by-law permitting the encroachment subject to (a) payment of $25.00 to cover
legal costs; (b) a legal description of the premises and (c) a legal description
of the encroachment prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor, together with the
necessary plan of survey.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by AldernumSchisler that the
report be received and adopted subject to the conditions enumerated in the
No. 264 - City Manager - Re: Sidewslks on Stanley Avenue. Recommnnding that the
request of the Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board for the con-
struction of a sidewalk on the west side of Stanley Avenue from George Street to
Morrison Street be referred for consideration in the Local Improvement Program
for 1974.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Runt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 265 - City Manager - Re: Parking Adjacent to Niagara Motel. Referring to a
request for the removal of one parking meter which provides a parking space scross
the frontage of the Niagsrs Motel on Ferry Street. Recommending approval of the
suggestion of the Parking Comtttee that the parking space be removed and any
markings be removed,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Runt that the
report be received snd adopted.
No. 266 - City Manager - Re: Timing of Deposits for Municipal Services - Subdivision
Development. Suggesting changes to the City'a subdivision policy as it relates to
findntis 1 payments to make better use of monies involved; suggesting that the
following cash deposits be made at the time of subdivision registration: (a) Out-
standing municipal charges; (b) payment for park purposes or lend transfer for
parks; (c) a cash deposit equal to the Expansion & Renewal impost on the number
of lots or blocks involved in the first stage of development and (d) a cash
deposit to cover the design fee for the entire plan of subdivision; reconmaending
approval of the suggested changes; also recommending approval of a request by
Group 2 Development that Letters of Credit be returned until such time as Stage 1
of the subdivision can proceed and subject to the new policy.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted; the suggested amendments to the Subdivision policy
approved; the request of Group 2 Development be approved sod the City Solicitor
be requested to prepare the necessary amendment to incorporate the suggested changes,
The motion Carried. with Alderman Puttick rot,inS contrary end all others in layout.
No. 267 - City Manager - Re: Tender for the Purchase of Used Municipal Equipment.
Submitting a stmmmry of prices received for nineteen pieces of equipment and
recommending acceptance of certain prices enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report be received and adopted. See Resolution No.69
-5 -
Reports (Contd)
No. 268 - City Manager - Re: Base Road Construction - Contract R.C-15-73.Recommending
acceptance of the unit prices submitted by Hard Rock Paving Co. for the construction
of base roads on Corry Crescent, Rapelje Street, Leawood Court and Ussher Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.70
No. 269 - City Manager - Re: Annual Conference, Association of Municipal Clerks and
Treasurers of Ontario, Honey Harbour, June 17-20,1973,inclusive. The report
recommends that the City Clerk and the City Treasurer, or their deputies, be
authorized to attend the Convention.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the report
be received and adopted.
No. 270- Recrestion Commission - Re: Ker Park Concession. Recommending that the
concession at Ker Park be operated by one of the minor sports organizations'
auxiliaries. The report advises that the Niagara Girls' Minor Softball League
has agreed to operate the concession.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, ~econded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 271 - Deputy City Clerk - Advisory Report - Miscellaneous items. Recommending
acceptance of an invitation to attend the Dorchester Manor Auxiliary Family Day
Picnic; approval of Niagara Girls' Minor Softball League Tag Days and the proclama-
tion of Senior Citizens Week. The report also provides information regarding the
Welland Rose Festival and advises of a letter of appreciation for the efforts of
City employee, Dominic Brunette. Also submitted was a letter of appreciation from
the United Way.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 272 - Deputy City Clerk - Recommending approval of Municipal Liceaces.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Msnn, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
report be received and adopted and liceaces granted.
No. 273 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fern that the report
be received and adopted.
Connn. No. 68 - A petition from property owners in the Lundy's Lsne-Garner Road area
requesting the City to add the Garner Road crossing to the list of crossings where
the sounding of any engine whistle is prohibited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Aideman Thomson that
Councillor Walter Scott be granted permission to address Council.
Speaking on behalf of taxpayers near the Garner Rced crossing of the
Canadian National Railway, Mr. Scott said the motel operators whose signatures
appear on She petition represent 375 units in the immediate area sod within sound
of the crossing. An additional 400 camping and trailer sites are affected. He
asked that the Garner Road crossing be included in the list of crossings where
the sounding of engine whistles is prohibited. Mr. Scott asked that consideration
be given to the number of visitors affected and the subsequent loss of business by
tourist establishementa in the area. Re noted that the Garner Road crossing is
protected by flashing lights and bells and the nearest crossing at Ka]ar Road is
included in the by-law which prohibits the sounding of whistles.
Alderman Thomson spoke about previous complaints regarding the recent
increased speed of trains on the same line and the damage to nearby homes caused
by vibration. He suggested that the sounding of whistles at Garner Road be pro-
hibited and the speed of the trains be restricted.
In view of technicalities involved and the interpretation of certain
sections of the Railroad Act, the City Manager suggested that the matter be referred
to him for a report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann. that the
m~.tt~.~e.refe~re~ to the City Manager for a report.
No. 62 - PUTTICK - WALKER - RESOLVED that WHEREAS a proposal for the construction
of 28 family housing units of rental accommodation has received the approval of
the Board of Directors of Ontario Housing Corporation and was presented to
Niagara Falls Municipal Council on May 28, 1973; BE IT RESOLVED that the Corpora-
tion of the City of Niagara Falls agrees to the construction of 28 family units
by Fennell Developments Ltd.at a total cost of $435,220.00, said units to be
constructed on the north side of Bellevue Street as outlined in a presentation
made by representatives of Ontario Housing Corporation; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 63 - PUTTICK - WALKER - RESOLVED that WHEREAS a proposal for the construction
of 30 family units of reDtel accormnodation has received the approval of the Board
of Directors of Ontario Housing Corporation and was presented to the Niagara
Falls Municipal Council on May 28, 1973; BE IT RESOLVED that the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls agrees to the construction of 30 family units by
Taro Properties Inc. at a total cost of $498,463.00, said units to be constructed
on the east side of Dorchester Road as outlined in a presentation made by repre-
sentatives of Ontario Housing Corporation; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
No. 64 - PUTTICK - WALKER - RESOLVED that WHEREAS s proposal for the construction
of 27 family housing units of rental acconmodation has received the approval of
the Board of Directors of Ontario Housing Corporation and was presented to the
Niagara Falls Municipal Council on May 28, 1973; BE IT RESOLVED that the Corpora-
tion of the City of Niagara Falls agree to the construction of 27 family units
by Taro Properties Inc. at a total cost of $432,485.00, said units to be
constructed on the east side of Drummond Road as outlined in a presentation made
by representatives of Ontario Housing Corporation; AND the Seal of the Corpora-
tion be hereto affixed.
No. 65 - SCHISLER - WALKER - RESOLVED that WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation
of the City of Niagara Falls deems it expedient to apply for a loan under the
Winter Capital Projects Fund as described in the Memorandum of The Treasurer of
Ontario dated March 1, 1973, in respect of the following project, namely "NIAGARA
FALLS PUBLIC LIBRARY" heroinafter referred to as "the project";
AND WHEREAS the project is, in the opinion of the Council, s municipal project
within tile meaning of the above-mentioned Memorandum;
AND WHEREAS the project would be s previously planned project or a pro'ject already
~ .
substa tl
under way on which construction will be accelerated to create n al addi-
tional employment through to May 31, 1975;
ANDWHEREAS the other requirements of the above-mentioned Memorandumhave been
complied with;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that application be made to the Treasurer of Ontario
for a loan in the amount of $1,400,000.00 to assist in the financing of the
project under the Winter Capital Projects Fund; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 66 - CHRISTENSEN - MANN - RESOLVED that the Weed Inspector of the City of
Niagara Falls be directed to cause the noxious weeds or weed seeds on any
subdivided portion of the municipality, and lots not exceeding ten acres whether
or not the lots are part of the subdivision, to be destroyed in the manner pre-
scribed in the regulations made to The Weed Control Act; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 67 - MANN - HARElOAN - RESOLVED that the CeuUetlf:~f,,the Corporation of the
City Of Niagara Falls hereby certify that the application of the City of Niagara
Falls for the fezcuing of property situated on the west side of Garner Road,
will conform to the Official Plan after Amendment No. 66 has been approved by
the Minister of Treasury, Economics and Governmental Affairs; AND the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
Resolutions (Cont'd)
No. 68 - FERA - THOMSON - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City
of Niagara Falls hereby certify that the application of A. Stranges and J.Gigliotti
for the rezoning of Lot 2,R.P.172 and Pt. Lot 81, R.P.3039, situated on the north-
west side of Victoria Avenue conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the
Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal
Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 69 - CHRISTENSEN - WALKER - RESOLVED that tenders for the purchase of used
municipal equipment be accepted as follows:
1. 1966 Ford Bronco, A. Barkarc - $626.00
2. 1968 International Scout, A. Berketo - $626.00
3. 1968 International Scout, A~ Barkarc - $626.00
4. 1964 Chevy II, Coach, G. McLeod - $25.00
5. 1964 Chevy II, Coach, J.Reilly - $101.50
6. 1966 Fort ~ ton pick-up, B.Sinclair - $130.00
7. 1962 Dodge Stake Truck (equipment retained for future sale)
8. 1964 Ford Dump Truck, G. McLeod - $101.00
9. 1964 Ford Dump Truck, E.Hunt - $101.00
1O. 11. and 12. 1965 Ford Truck Chassis, 1965 Ford Dump Truck and 1965 GMC Packer
(retained for future sale)
13.1964 Ford Utility - G.Olesevich - $201.00
14.1960 Trojan Loader - A. Serketo - $3,610.00
15.1959 Gallon Road Grader, A. Barkarc - $1,505.00
16.1955 A.C.Road Grader, A.Berketo - $652.00
17.1948 Oliver trawler Tractor, J.McClosky $510.00
18.300 Gel.Weed Sprayer, A.Berketo - $166.00
19.8msll Cement Mixer, K.Lundy - $101.00
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Hard Rock
Paving Co. for the construction of base roads on Curry Crescent, Rapelie Street,
Leawood Court and Usaher Street, Contract R.C.15-73, be accepted; AND the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 71 - MANN - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that pursuant to The Public Transportation
and Highway Improvement Act, the Council of the City of Niagara Falls hereby
requests a supplementary allocation of subsidy moneys for work on roads and
bridges under its jurisdiction as follows: $688,500.00 for Construction. The said
moneys shall be expanded on work performed in accordance with The Public Transporta-
tion and Highway Improvement Act; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousll
No. 73-113 - A By-law to authorize the retainer of Donald R.Steele as Counsel.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fern that
Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimouslx
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion Carried with
Aldermen Puttick and Smeaton voting contrary and all others t~_rt f&_v~u~.,7,-'--,,.'.
No. 73-114 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Auguatino Stranges and others,(north-west side of Victoria Avenue)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Aldernmn Fern that
Aldermen Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimousl~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Mann
that the By-law be now given second and third readings.
Carried Unanimously
By-laws (Cont'd)
No. 73-115 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335,1955, as amended (Stranges & Others)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fers thst
Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law snd the By-law be
given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.Carried Unanimously
No. 73-116 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Official
Plan of the Niagara Falls planning Ares (Distribution Centre - Garner Road)
ORDERED on themotion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that
AldermanChristensen be granted leave to introduce the By-lsw and the By-law be
given a first reading. Csrried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of AldermanChristensen, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-117 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2350, 1959 o£ the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended (Distribution Centre)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Smeaton theAlderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a seuond and third reading.
~Carried Unanimously
No. 73-118 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with Cornwill
Investments Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
Christensen thst the By-law be now given s second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-119 - A By-law respecting By-laws Nos.72-138 and 73-73.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman 8chisler, seconded by Alderman
Ghristensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and.third reading. The motion Carried with
the following ~ote:
AYE: Aldermad Chri~ensen~ Hunt, Fe~a, Mann, Parrig~n, Schisler~ Walker,ThomSon,
NAY.__~E: Aldermen Puttick and Smeaton.
- 9-
By-laws (Cont'd)
No. 73-120 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Abell-Waco
Limited for the control of rodents.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
Alderman Fera be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given
a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-121 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Hard Rock
Paving Company Limited for the construction of roads.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Harrigsn be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigsn, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimouslZ
No. 73-122 - A By-law to amend By-law No.3790, being a By-law for the regulation
of traffic (Britannia Crescent)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the By-law be now.given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimousl~
No~73-123 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderma~Christensen
that the By-laW be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimousl~
Alderman Thomson drew Council's attention to the parking problems created
during the Blossom Festival Parade. Access to private'and public parking lots was
denied and Queen Street business adversely affected by the barricading of adjacent
streets. He suggested that the connents and suggestions of the Parking Committee
and the Downtown Business Association should be considered prior to ftnslization
of the parade arrangements.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermenThomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that all
future requests for the holding of parades which require the barricading of
business areas be referred to the Parking C~,maittee in order ~hat the effect on
local business can be considered by the Committee and various business associations.
- 10-
In reply to questions by Alderman Smeaton, the City Engineer confirmed
that Mouland Ave. and Brookfield St, are included in the 1973 asphalt overlay
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
June 4, 1973.
Following a Council Committee meeting on Monday, June 4, 1973, Council
re-convened in formal Council session on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded
by Alderman Hunt. All Members of Council were present with the exception of His
Worship Mayor George Bukator. Alderman Thomson, as Acting Mayor, presided as
Con~nittee Room~l,
May 28, 1973.
Council met in Conuittee of the Whole following the regular meeting
on May 28th, 1973. All Members of Uouncil were present with the exception of
His Worship Mayor George Bukator. Acting Mayor R.Keighan presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented~ the Co~nnittee of the
Whole arose, without reporting.
Council Chambers,
May 28, 1973.
Council reconvened in open session following the Colmnittee of the Whole
meeting held May 28, 1973. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of His Worship Mayor George Bukator. Acting Mayor R. Keighan presided
as Chairman.
It was ordered on the motion.of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldeman Hunt
that the meeting adjourn.
No. 274 - City Manager - Re: 1973 Operating Budgets. A review of the budgets
submitted at two recent meetings of Council; advising that revisions made at
the meetings have been reflected in the final budget document; recommending the
report be received and filed and the 1973 Budget Estimates, Mill Rates and the
required Levying and Collection Authority be ra~ified by by-laws appearing on
the agenda.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted and the 1973 Operating
Budget be approved.
See By-laws Nos 73-124,73-125 73-126
No. 73-124 - A By-law to provide for the appropriations for the year 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderman Schisler be granted leave to introdece the By-law~ and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading·
Carried Unanimously
N~o.73-125 - A By-law to fix the rates of taxation for 1973 and to provide for the
levying of taxes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderman Keighan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given second and third readings.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-126 - A By-law to provide for the collection of taxes for the year 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Fern
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law he now given a second end third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 72 - HUNT - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED THAT a letter of condolence be forwarded
to the family of the late Mrs. George R, Inglis, wife of former Mayor George R,
Inglis and respected resident of the Municipality; AND the 'Seal of the Corpora-
tion be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
- 2-
Resolutions (Cont'd)
No. 73 - WALKER - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that a letter of condolence be
forwarded to the family of the late Constable Henry Tavender, a member of the
Niagara RegiOnal Police Force and respected resident of the MunicipalitY; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously
NOTE: Alderman Harrigan retired from the Committee Rooms.
Alderman Smeaton desc~ibed the deplorable condition of the washrooms
at Ker Park and requested a report be submitted at the next meeting of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman puttick that
City Staff be requested to prepare a report to provide an explanation of the
existing conditions at Ker Park; an estimate of the cost of immediately cleaning
and painting the premises; information as to whether present staff can adequately
handle the upkeep of the facilities and what additional staff, if any, is
required to make sure to premises are kept in presentable condition.
Alderman puttick suggested that consideration be given to the erection
of an identification sign at Oakes park; replacement of the press box; gate
control and facilities so admission can be charged for certain events and the
raising of the ,'homerun" fence to facilitate the cutting of grass.
Members of staff will investigate property on Jepson Street, east
of Victoria Avenue where cars are being repaired at all hours; junk has
accumulated and the occupants have failed to clean up the premises as promised.
The matter was brought to the attention of Council by Alderman puttick.
Alderman Puttick requested City Staff to contact representatives of
Penn Central and ask that the right-of-way, particularly those running .through
the City, be cleared of weeds.
Alderman Fera raised questions regarding the condition of property
at 5565 Desson Avenue. About two years ago the roadway was reconstructed and
the contractor had apparently overlooked providing a proper grade from the
privste property to the road allowance. The City Engineer will investigate
the complaint. '-
Alderman Christensen e~quired as to when 'No Parking~ signs would
be erected on Willoughby Drive in the former Village of Chippaws. The City
Engineer replied that the parking prohibition had been approved by Council
~nd the approval of the Regional Municipality is also required.
Alderman Christensen referred to earlier discussions regarding the
possibility of providing skate shsrpeners at the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena.
and enquired as to the status of the suggestion. A copy of the most recent
report on the matter will be provided.
Acting Mayor Thomson spoke sbout the sdvissbility of providing
channelization of traffic in the area of M~rineland on Portage Road. At the
present time cars making s right hand turn at Marineland are causing a back-uP
of traffic. on Portage Road, The Alderman suggested thst perhaps s right hand
Traffic at Marineland (Cont'd)
turning lane could be created so as not to impede through traffic to Chippawa
and a passing lane to improve traffic movement. It is understood the Region
is considering the traffic problems on Portage Road in the vicinity of Marineland
and informat ion regarding the latest proposals will be made available to
Alderman Thomson.
At the request of Alderman Puttick, an investigation will be made of
the mud being deposited on Corfield Avenue.
During the Council Committee Session the Planning Administrator and
Mr.B.Ballet,Chairman of the Downtown Mall Committee, had outlined a scheme for the
mall proposed for Queen St. between Buckley Ave. and Erie Ave. from July 9th to
August 28,1973. The design will permit a "flow-through" stream of traffic with
bus bays. Parking on Queen St. for the most part will be removed and the
sidewalk area extended nine feet by the use of temporary curbing to provide a
wider walkway area and space for benches, gardens, fountains, sidewalk cafes
and retail and industrial displays. The roadway will then be 20 feet in width
and will permit regular movement of traffic both ways. Mr.Ballet asked that
some of the work be undertaken by City Staff and the City purchase temporary
curbing which can be removed and used for other purposes.
Mr. Ballet outlined preliminary plans for the erection of archways at
Queen St. and River Road and at Queen St. and Valley Way and enquired if
financing could be arranged through the area of benefit or the Downtown improve-
ment Ares.
Council ratified the decision of the Council Committee on the motion
of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Walker that the concept of a downtown
mall be adopted, in principle, subject to the approval of the Regional Munici-
pality and that any expenditure by the City not exceed $8,600; further, that
the proposal to erect archways at the Valley Way and River Road accesses to
Queen Street be referred to the City Manager and the City Treasurer for a
report. The motion Carried Unanimously.
The need for additional senior citizen units in the City was outlined
during the Council Committee Session by Mr.L.Detlor,Chairman and Mr.O.Lambert,
Manager of the Niagara Falls Housing Authority. Information was provided to
Council regarding the number of applications on file, the waiting period, the
point system of selecting tenants according to need, the procedure followed
in applying to the Ontario Housing Corporationriot housing units and the action
required from Council. A study indicates that, generally, it is 2% years from
the time of the initial application for new units before they are ready for
occupancy and, based on the present average of nine applications per month,
the City will not be able to meet the requirements in 1975 despite the Huron
Street and Portage Road projects under construction. The Board of Directors
of the Niagara Falls Housing Authority has asked that Council pass a resolution
to have the Ontario Housing Corporation construct a minimum of 300 additional
senior citizen units in the City.
The decision of the Council Committee was ratified by a motion of
Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Walker that Council approve, in principle,
the request of the Meyor~s Committee on Housing and the Niagara Falls Housing
Authority that an application be made to the Ontario Housing Corporation for
the construction of 300 additional senior citizen housing units. The motion
Carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of
Alderman Mann.
Alderman Fera, seconded by
Acting Mayor.
Council Chambers,
June 11, 1973.
Council met on Monday, June 11, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Christensen. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided
as Chairman. Alderman Hunt offered the Opening Prayer.
The minutes of the May 28th and June 4th meetings were adopted as
printed on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt.
Mr. E. J. Simpson, Vice President, Marketing, Greater Northern Capital
Corporation Ltd. was granted permission to address Council on the motion of
Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt. Also in attendance were E. Henuuing,
Engineering Manager; W. B. Grieve, Project Manager and D. Shiels, P. Eng.,
Canadian Standards Association.
Mr. Simpson advised that Great Northern Capital Corp. had purchased
261 lots in Westlane Village from Klydel Holdings and plan to construct modular
houses that are engineered and produced in a Woodstock, Ontario, plant. Because
of problems related to municipal services, the application for 48 building
permits was changed to 28 until services for the area are more advanced. Mr.
Simpson con~nented on the many advantages, in terms of quality control, of the
pre-fabricated homes which meet all requirements of the C.M.H.C., the Canadian
Standards Association, Ontario Hydro, the O.W.R.C. and the National Building
Codes of 1965 and 1970. The homes range in price from $30,000° to $40,000. or
higher and include side split, two-storey, and bungalow type units. It had
been suggested that members of staff visit the Woodstock plant to inspect the
manufacturing procedure before making a recommendation to Council and Mr. Simpson
indicated that such a tour could be arranged at any time. He said it was
important that construction be started so model homes could be shown to prospective
buyers during the summer.
The City Engineer explained that the subdividers' agreement stipulates
that all underground services must be in before building permits can be issued.
The developers originally requested building permits for Kalar Road, Rideau Street,
Catalina Street and a section of Pitton Road but neither underground services nor
the pumping station have been completed. On Kalar Road and Catalina Street, the
services are basically in but there are no outlets for sanitary sewers. It is
the opinion of staff that circumstances warrant the issuing of building permits
if all other requirements can be met. A special agreement would be required
indicating that prospective purchasers would not be granted occupancy permits
until such time as all services are installed. The City Engineer indicated that
because Of the flexibility of the agreement, no amendment is necessary and a
proviso in the agreement would permit the issuance of permits at the discretion
of the City Engineer. It is the intention of staff to ascertain that the
modular homes are desirable and acceptable in the City and to submit a full
report to the Council Conlnittee in order that members of Council would be 'aware
of all developments in the subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the Building Inspector, the Projects Engineer and other interested officials
and members of Council be authorized to inspect the modular units constructed
by Great Northern Capital Corporation Ltd. at sites in Oreno or Kincardine,
Ontario; and further, that a report be submitted to the Council Cmmittee Meeting
of June 18, 1973.
- 2-
Communication ~63 - DowntownMall Committee - Re: Proposed Mall for a portion
of Queen Street., July 9th to Aug. 28th, 1973. Requesting Council's support of
a request to-close parts of Queen Street and portions of St. Clair Avenue and
Cryslot Avenue as indicated on a sketch attached to the communication; requesting
that Council pass an appropriate by-law.
Report #275 - City Manager - Re: proposed Do~ntownMall- Advising that it is
most likely the Region will require an agreement with the Municipality to
indemnify the Region from any claims arising from the use of Queen Street as
a mall and submitting a copy of an agreement between the Region and the City
of St. Catharines; recommending approval of the by-law appearing later on
the agenda establishing parts of St. Clair Avenue and Crysler Avenue as a
pedestrian mall.
In reply to questions by Alderman Puttick, the City Solicitor
stated that, in his opinion, the insurance held by the Downtown Business
Association would probably cover public liability and property damage but
his concern was that there is no special type of legislation to provide the
the Corporation is not liable for damage or compensation as a result of claims
for injurious effect or loss.of business. Re did not believe the Queen
.Street merchants' insurance covered this aspect. It is understood the Region
will require an agreement with the City similar to an agreement between the
Region and the City of St. Catharines and the Solicitor wanted members of
Council to be aware of the type of agreement required.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted .and the by-law establishing.part of St. Clair
Avenue and Cryslot Avenue as a pedestrian mall be approved; further, that the
question of possible liability of the City as a result of a downtown mall be
referred to City staff for the preparation of a report to be submitted prior
to the development of the mall.
Report #276 - City Manager - Re: preliminary plans for the erection of archways
at entrances to the Queen Street shopping district. Advising that according
to Section 361 (ll) and (12) of The Municipal Act, the DowntownMall Cc~mnittee
could not finance the construction of the proposed arches over a period of
years through the Downtown Business Improvement Area; suggesting that the
DowntownMall Cona~ittee in conjunction with the .Downtown Businessmen's Asset.
agree upon a definite proposal and then seek the advice of City officials
regarding possible means of financing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
report of the City Manager be received and the suggestions made therein be
forwarded to the DowntownMall Committee for infomnation purposes.
See By-law No. 73-12!
Com~. #68 - A petition from property owners in the Lundy's Lane-Garner Road
area requesting the City to add the Garner Road crossing to the list of
crossings where the sounding of any engine whistle is prohibited.
Report #277 - City Manager - Advising that Section 248 of the Railway Act
provides that where a by-law of an urban municipality prohibits the sounding
of the ~histle or ringing of the bell of an engine in respect of any crossing
or crossings, the by-law, if approved by the Canadian Transport Co~nission,
relieves the railway company and its employees from sounding the whistle or
ringing the bell at the crossing; recommending approval of the petitioner's
request. Application for an order of the Canadian Transport Co~ission will
he made following approval of the by-law by the City Council
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schislers seconded hy Alderman Harrigan that
the report be received and adopted.
gee By-law No. 73-128
Report #278 - City Manager - Submitting a history of the construction of an
~ diameter watermain on Highland Avenue which was completed on January 5, 1973;
co~nentin8 on the difficulties encountered and reasons for the delay in the
final restoration of trenches, Sidewalks, boulevards or lawns; advising that
hot mix pavin~ of Highland Avenue is included in a recently awarded contract
and paying should take piece within the next few weeks.
ORDEI~D on the motion of A18erman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
re~ort be received and filed and copies made available to the petitioners.
OPERATION OF M~YP~.7.F~ ~F.~,T~.A~V ~R.~p.~e~,.~Mt STREET
Connnunication #56 - Mr. & Mrs. R. Chouinard - A complaint about the operation of
minibikes and motorcycles in the area between Sophia and Thisbert Street in the
former Village of Chippawn and a~petition of ten residents of the area requesting
the removal of minibikes and motorcylcles from the area between the Chippawn
Pollution Control Plant end Thiebert Street.
Report #279 - City Manager - Advising that an inspection of the areaindicates
that teenagers are causing a noise problem and creating a disturbance for the
residents; requesting that City Council approve of the posting of no vehicle
signs on the City property and request Ontario Hydro to erect similar signs on
their property.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
report be received and adopted, the posting of no vehicle signs approved and
that Ontario Hydro be reqqeeted to erect similar signs.
Report #280 - City Manager - Sunmarizing previous requests, reports, petitions
and surveys in respect to the feasibility of extending bus service to the former
Village of Chippawn; providing information regarding the deficit incurred by
the Transit Commission and annual charges anticipated for Service Area No. 2g
advising that if Council is in favour of providing bus service to the Chippawn
area, the by-law establishing Urban Service Area No. 2 should be amended to
provide that the ratepayers of Chippawn share in the overall operating deficit
of the Transit Commission; advising further that if the amending by-law is
passed by Council and approved by the Ontario Municipal Board during the current
year, no charge will be levied against Chippawn ratepayers until 1974. The
report teeohm]ends that bus service be continued to the former Village of
Chippawn and a by-law be prepared amending Urban Service Area No. 2 to include
a proportionate share of the annual operating deficit of the Transit Conunission.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
Report 195 - City Manager - Re: AM-29/72,E.Mocniak,Lots 128 & 129,R.P.235,
west side of Drununond Road; request for change in zoning from Single Family
Residential to a category which would allow development of the land to
acconnnodate a three-storey~ nine-unit apartment building.
Report #281 - City Clerk - Advising that as a result of the notification pro-
cedure seven letters of objection to By-law No.73-65 regarding the required
zoning amendments, were received; requesting the direction of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman that the report
be received and filed and notwithstanding the objections received, City Council
reaffirm an earlier decision to approve the application of E.Mocniak and the
application, together with the objections, be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal
Board for consideration.
Report #282 - C~ty Manager - Re: Ker Park. An advisory report respecting the
maintenance of Ker Park. '
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thenmen, seconded by AldermamSchisler that the
report be received and filed.
No. 68 - Jack and Jill Motel - Advising of the removal of a motel sign with
an arrow pointing towards the motel end located on private property at the
corner of Main~ Stanley and Murray Streets; advising of a decrease in business
since removal of the sign.
Mr. Edward Martin, owner of the Jack & Jill Motel was granted permission
to address Council on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman
Communication #68 (coni'd)
Mr. Martin was critical of the fant that the sign had been at the
same site for eight years and had not been noticed until recently. He spoke
about the decrease in business since removal of the sign and the ~effect on
the motel operation if the sign was not replaced. Mr. Martin enqeired if
it would be possible for the City to erect a smell sign to indicate there was
a motel on Murray Street. Questions were raised as to whether a by-law is
retroactive and if the sign had been erected prior to the passing of the by-
law. It was pointed out that the by-law was passed in the year 1955 and the
erection of a sign by the City would not come within the policy recently
approved by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the coaanunication be received and referred to City staff for consideration.
No. 69 - Mrs.Janice Haworth - Comments re: Dogs running at large and enforce-
ment of the Dog By-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schtsler that
the communication be received and the conmania contained therein be brought
to the attention of the Humane Society.
No. 70 - Greater Niagara Senior Citizens' Association - An invitation to
attend a Worship Servioe on Sunday, June 17th at 2:30 p.m. at St.Andrew~s
United Church.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
invitation be acknowledged and as many members of Council as possible attend
the special Church service during Senior Citizens' Week.
No. 71 - Niagara German-Canadian Club - Re: Beer Festival, July 21,1973,
12 Noon to Midnight at 6854 Garner Road; requesting permission to erect a
beer tent on the grounds.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Hunt, seconded by Alderu~sn Fern that the
communication be received and the request approved subject to the approval
of the Fire Department, the Police Department and the Liquor Control Hoard
of Ontario.
No. 72 - MeBurney,Durdan & Henderson - Re: Dime Delivery Limited re Ontario
Transport Board Hearing. Expressing appreciation for the use of the Council
Chambers for the hearing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded hy Aldernun~Schisler'that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 73 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: 1973 Tax Levy. Providing a
copy of a By-law to levy against the area municipalities the s~ms of money
required during the year 1973 for the purposes of the Regional Corporation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by AldermanSchisler that
the ccennunication be received and filed.
No. 283 - City Clerk - Report of the Council Committee.
1. TOURIST ATTRACTION SIGNS - Recommendation: That representatives of the Royal
Tower and Marine Aquarium be made aware of the C~tyss by-law governing signs
and of the necessity for City staff to remove the signs erected by this establish'
ment; further, that those responsible be asked to provide a reason why the signs
were erected without first obtainiBg the necessary approvals.
2. REMOVAL OF TREES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY - Reconmaendation: That the Gity's
current policy regarding the removal of Zrees on private propertx bY the
property owner be ratified.
recousnendetion8 of the Planning and Development Ccsmtttee be adopted and
Council accept the report of the Conmittee as a discussion plan for the
lollowing purposes: (a) as a guideline for interim development; (b) as a
document to obtain comments from other levels of government; and (c) ss
a document to be presented at public meetings; and, further, that the
Planning and Development Conmittee be authorized to arrange the necessary
phblic meetings.
- 5 -
Report No. 283 (Contd)
4. TAX CANCELLATIONS ANn r~.l.~.F~q~ ~,~/,,,,~**,~:,~.m,. '~ir--I~ :~-I meeting for
~*~.,,~..~-I~.],--.i,--~..;~?~.]~ be held on Wednesday June 27,1973 at
7:30 p.m. '
ORDE~D on the motion of Alde~n Thomon, seconded by Alde~n Sineaton that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 284 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Klydel Holdings, Pt.
Twp.Lot 156, east side Katar Road. Recommending preliminary approval of the
proposed plan subject to ten conditions enumerated in the report; further~ that
Council, by resolution, certify that the application conforms to Official Plan
Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderm~n Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 74
No. 285 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Namgood Construction
(Niagara) Ltd., Pt. Twp.Lot 36, north s ida Riall Street. Recommending preliminary
approval of the plan subject to the five conditions enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 286 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Pt. Twp.Lot 79 (Monroe),
southwest intersection of Dorchester Road and Thorold Stone Road. Advising that
the developer has requested the deletion from the plan of subdivision, Blocks '~,,
and "B" lying north of the H.E,P.C, right-of-way. If the developer conveys Block
"B" to the Minister of Transportation and Connunications for highway widening
purposes , he will be required to relinquish all rights to question the valuation
placed on the property by the M.T.C. Block '~', is designated for future resi-
dential purposes. The report recommends that the developer be permitted to
delete the lands north of the H. E.P.C. right-of-way from the proposed plan
subject to the granting of all easements required by the City for walkway and
service facilities across the lands owned by the developer both inside and
outside the proposed subdivision.
In reply to 'questions by Alderman Wallace, the City Engineer confirmed
that deletion of the lands would not adversely affect the subdivision as the
property to be actually developed was south of the right-of-way nor would the
services for the subdivision be affected.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the
following vote: -
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Keighan, Harrigan, Bmeaton,Schisler,Walker,Thomson,Wallace
N'~YE:Aldermen Puttick, Fern and Mann.
No. 287 - City Manager - Request for exemption from part lot control of Lots 6,
7 and 8 of Registered Plan 240 on the east side of Warden Avenue. Advising
that in order to obtain separate mortgages on each of the semi-detached units
and to sell each of the units individually, the owners must either obtain the
approval of the Co~mlittee of Adjustment or have the lands exempted; recommending
.approval of the by-law appearing later on the agenda and that any costs arising
from the registration of the by-law following its approval by the Ministry be
assumed by the applicant, T.Gordon WyllieReal Estate.
ORDERED on the motion of Aideman Mann, seconded by Alderman gchisler that the
report be received and adopted.
See By-law No.73-129
No. 288 - City Manager - Re: Niagara District Airport Commission, A review of
the City's financial contribution to the Airport Commission and attempts to
have this responsibility assumed by the Regional Municipality of Niagara. It is
expected that prior to the expiration of the current agreement a full review of
the status of the Airport will be required with particular reference to the
manner in which financial assistance is to be granted; recommending that inasmuch
as the existing agreement has less than two years to run, no further action be
t~ken at this time.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman 8meaton, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
,NOTE: Aideman ~srri~an retired from the Council Chambers.
Reports (Cent"d)
No. 289 - City Manager - Re: Registered Property 72-5, Michael and Lillian
Romanuk, 6397 Ker Street. Advising that the last day of redemption of the
property was April 19, 1973; advising that the former assessed owners have
deposited with the City, the funds required to satisfy all tax arrears,
interest, penalties and costs to date, totalling $1,253.69; recommending,
subject to the approval of the Ministry of Treasury, Econ(~nics and Inter-
governmental Affairs, that the property be conveyed by the City to the
former owners.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the report be received and adopted.
See By-law No.73-130
No. 290 - City Manager - Re: Agreement with Mr. Hardy Gerber for the use of
the Sophia Street street end for the purpose of maintaining and using an
existing boathouse; recu~,ending approval of a request to have the ricenee
transferred to Mr. Gerber'a son, William K. Gerber.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
NOTE: Alderman RatriSen returned to the Council Chambers.
No. 291 - City Manager - Re: Proposed road widening at the north-east corner
of Mentress Road and Lundy'a Lane. Advising of a request by Regional Niagara
to purchase property at the intersection to. permit the widening of Mentress
Road and improvements to the intersection ae the rate of $1.00 per sq,ft.;
recommending that the transfer of land be approved.
Alderman Puttick questioned the necessity of removing a large tree
located at the south limit of Lundy's Lane Cemetery, adjacent to the existing
roadway. The City Engineer replied that trees north of Lundy's Lane along
the cemetery line will be preserved but, unfortunately, the widening of
Montroae Road requires the removal of the large tree referred to by Alderman
Puttick because of existing hydro lines, stormsewers and wa termsin. In
addition buildings on the west side of Mentress Road are adjacent to the
existing roadway.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan that the
report of she City Manager be received and adopted. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Runt, Fare, Mann, Keighan, Smeaton, Schiller,Thomson,Walker.
.NAmE:Aldermen HatriSen, Patrick and Wallace,
No. 292 - City Mannget - Re: City Mall Parking Lot. Advising that the
Municipal ParkiriS has 'recommended that parking gates be installed on the public
area of the City Hall parking lot and he operated from 6:00 a.~. to 2:00 a.m.
daily, including Sundays and holidays; that a flat rate charge of 25¢ be
imposed upon exit from the lot and parking be prohibited between 2:00 a .m. and
6:00 a.m. and that the existing laneway from Huron Street be closed and re-
established from Ontario Avenue. The report advises that it will be necessary
to pass'by-laws to regulate the parking and to alter the laneways as well as
call for quotations for the supply end installation of parking gates;
recommending that the City Manager be authorized to take the necessary steps
to carry out the Parking Cowmittee reco~uendations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 293 - City Manager - Re: City Float. ReqUesting
City Float in various parades.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded
report be received and adopted.
authority to enter the
by Alderman Fera that the
No. 294 - Cit~ Manager - Re: Maintenance City Mall. Recommending acceptance of
'the quotation of Johnson Controls in the amount of $1,575.00 for the re-balancing
of the air handling system in City Mall.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and.adopted°
See Resolution No.75
- 7-
Reports (Cone 'd)
No. 295 - City Manager . Re: Tender for Concrete Sidewalk Construction,Contract
No.S.C.16-73. Recommending that the unit prices submitted by Steed & Evans Led
be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.76
See By-law No.73-133
No. 296 - City Manager - Re: Local Improvement Sewers - Contract S,S.22-73.
Recon~nending acceptance of the unit prices received from L & N Construction
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.77
See By-law No.73~137
No. 297 - City Manager - Re: Underground Services for Industrial Park - Contract
G.C.21-73. Recenthanding that the unit prices received from Standard Construction
be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermanHunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 78
No. 298 - City Manager - Re: Contract for Watermain Installations _ No.W.I.20-73.
· Recommending acceptance of the unit prices submitted by V.Kerrio-Germano.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
rep. Qrt be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 79
See By-law No.73-135
No. 299 - City Manager - Re:-Demolition ContraCt - No.D.T.-19-73. Recommending
that the price received from G.Washington in the amount of $6,800.00 be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
-See Resolution No. 80
See By-law No.73-134
No. 300 - City Manager - Re: Tender for Underground Service8 and Pumping Station
for Rolling Acres Extension Subdivision - Contract #.G.C.17-73. Recommending
that the unit prices submitted by H.J.Voth and Sons Ltd. for the installation
of underground municipal services for the Rolling Acres Extension Subdivision
(Taro) and for the installation of the outlet across the Q.E.W. be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderm~nSchisler that the
report be received and adopted. gee Resolution No. S1
See By-law No.73-136
No. 301 - City Manager - Re: Pump Quotations - Rolling Acres Extension Subdivision.
RecoEmending that the contract for the supply of a Prefabricated dry well including
the standby generator and control building be awarded to Napier Reid for the
quoted price. of $28,675.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Runt that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 82
Me. 302 - H.A.Lamb,ProJects Engineer - Report of the Ontario Traffic Conference
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson,.seconded by Alderman Huut that the
report be received and filed and the Projects Engineer be congratulated on his
election to the office of President of the Ontario Traffic Conference.
No, 303 - City. Manager . Building Permits issued for the month of May, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that the report
be received end filed,
No. 304 - City Clerk - Recommending approval of Municipal Licehess.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Puttick that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 305 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 74 - PUTTICK - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby conrim that the application of Klydel Holdings
for the development of a plan of subdivision on property located on the east
side of Kalar Road conforms to Official plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara
Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal
Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 75 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the quotation of Johnson Controls in the
amount of $1,575.00 for the re-balancing of the air handling system inCity
Hall be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No, 76 - SMEATON - WALKER - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Steed
and Evans Ltd. for the construction of certain local improvement sidewalk
construction as well as other sidewalks throughout the Municipality,.COntract
No.S.C.16-73, he accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 77 - HUNT - FERA - RESOLVED that the unit prices received from L. & N.
Construction Limited for the installation of various sewermains, Contract
.S.S.22-73, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 78 - FJJNT - SCHISLER - RESOLVED that the unit prices received from Standard
Construction Limited for the installation of various underground municipal
services in the Industrial Park, Contract G.C.21-73, be accepted; AND the Seal
of the. Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 79 - HUNT - SCHISLER - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by V.
Kerrio-Gernmno for the installation of watermains on various streets,Contract
W.I.20-73, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 80 - HUNT - THe{SON - RESOLVED that the contract for demolition of certain
buildings, Contract D.T.19-73, be awarded to G.Washington at the tendered
price of $6,800.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto tarfixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 81 - HUNT - SCRISLER - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by. H.J.Voth
and Sons Ltd. for the installation of various undergroun municipal services
for the Rolling Acres Extension Subdivision, Contract ~ G.C.17-73, be
accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 82 -SMEATON - HUNT - RESOLVED that t~e contract for the supply of a
prefabricated dry well including standhy generator and control building be
awarded to Naplet Reid at the quoted price of $28,675; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimoUsly
No. 83 - SCRISLER - M~NT - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded
to the family of the late Mrs.Ernest Price, mother of S,R. Price, City. Menager;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
- 9-
Resolutions (ConI'd)
No. 84 - THOMSON - FERA - RESOLVED that WHEREAS The Landlord and Tenant Amendment
Act, 1968-69 provides that the council of a municipality.may by by-law establish
a Landlord and Tenant Advisory Bureau;
AND WHEREAS '~unicipality- for the purpose of establishing such bureaux includes
a regional municipality but does not include an area municipality thereo%.
AND WHEREAS a report prepared by the Social Planning Council of Greater Niagara
in 1971 and experience to date supports the need for the creation of a bureau
to consider the increasing number of inquiries relating to landlord-tenant
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of The Corporation of the City of
Niagara Falls again requests the Regional Municipality of Niagara to establish
a Landlord and Tenant Advisory Bureau;
AND BE IT F~RTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be circulated to all
area municipalities of the Regional Municipality of Niagara for endorsation
and support,
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 85 - HUNT - HARRIGAN - RESOLVED that Alderman N. Puttick be appointed
Acting Mayor during the absence of His Worship Mayor George Bukator for the
period June 17 to 23rd, 1973; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-127 - A By-law to establish parts of Crysler Avenue and St. Clair Avenue
as a way for the use of pedestrians and to prohibit the use thereof by vehicles.
ORDERED on the motion of Aideman Mann, seconded by Aideman Schisler
that Alderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanhnously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
~o.73-128.- A By-law to prohibit the sounding of any railway engine whistle in
respect of the Garner Road highway crossing in the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that
Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law.be given
the first reading.
Carried Unanimousl~
ORDERED on the motion of Aideman Mann, seconded by Aldeman Fera that
· the By-law be now given second and third readings.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-129 - A By-law to designate certain land not to be sub]ect to part lot
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that' Alderman' Puttick be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Aideman
Keighsn that the By-law be now given .second and third readings.
Carried Unsnlmously
- 10 -
No~3-130 - A By-law to authorize the conveyance of land to Michael Romanuk and
Lillias Romanuk.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Smeston that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unan/mously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann
that the By-law be now given second and third readings.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-131 - A By-law to amend By-law No.3790, being a By-law for the regulation
of traffic (Willoughby Drive)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
Harrigan that Alderman Ketghan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
eartied Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman
Fera that the By-law be now given second and third readings.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-132 - A By-law to authotrze the execution of an agreement with Charles
Duputs Construction Limited for the construction of sewermains and watermains.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Fera be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried UnaninDusly
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seeended by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given second and third readings°
Carried Unanimously
NO. 73-133 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Steed
a~d.Evans Limited for the construction of sidewalks.
..,' ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Puttick that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading. ~
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aideman
Keighan that the By-law be now given second and third readings.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-134 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Gordon
Washington carrying on business as Washington Demolition Services forthe
demolition of buildings.
ORDEKED on the motion of Alderman gchisler, seconded by Alderman
Wallace that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and.the
By71~w be. given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Harrigen that the By-law be now Biven second and third readings,.
Carried Unanimously
No.73-135 - A By-law to authorize the execution of sn agreement with Vincent
'~errio-Germano Limited £or the wnstruction of watermains.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Keighan that Alderman Schisler be 8ran~ed leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
- ll-
By-law No.73-135 (Cont 'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-136 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with H.J.Voth
and Sons Limited for the construction of a sewage pumping station and forcemain
and other works for the Rolling Acres (Taro 1) Subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schis ler
that Alderman Fern be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Wallace
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-137 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with L & N
Construction and Excavating of Niagara Limited for the construction of sanitary
and storm sewers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Fern be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermac Fern, seconded by AM erman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-138 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that Alderman Fera be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
-'-".- ' .... ~' Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern# seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third .reading.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Fera commented on'the number of vehicles using the Hydro
right-of-way and school property adjacent to Mttchelson Park and reported that
parents are concerned about the safety of children. The City Engineer advised
that the problem has been considered by staff and the Recreation Director has
eo~ght the cooperation of various organizations.
ORDERED on the motion of Aideman Fete, seconded by Alderman Mann that Staff
be instructed to contact officials of Ontario Hydro and the Welland County
Separate School Bm rd regarding the erection of signs to prohibit vehicles
using the Hydro right-of-way and school property adjacent to Mitehelson Park.
Aldermen Puttick reported the condition of the rear property of the
Niagara Flour and Feed Store at 6005 Main Street. Area residents have complained
about the filth, litter, smell of molasses and evidence of rats.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Rarrigan that
the firm conducting the rodent control program in the municipality be requested
to investigate the conditions et 6005 Main St. and, further, that the owner of
the property be instructed to clean up the premises or CIty Staff would under-
take the work at the owneras expense.
New Business (tout'd)
Alderman Wallace stated that although the City has a by-law regarding
the fencing of in-ground swimming pools, some provision should be made for
the fencing of larger type above-ground pools. Because of the potential danger
for young children, the Alderman suggested a report and draft by-law be sub-
mitted for consideration by Council. Alderman Thomson noted that a by-law has
been drafted by the Building Department which includes a provision requiring
the fencing of the approach or steps to pools 42" above ground or over. He
suggested that the proposed by-law be considered by Council. Alderman Puttick
suggestered there should also be regulations regarding the draining of pools.
Alderman Thomson expressed his concern about the number of petty
complaints that have been recently introduced by members of Council under the
~New Business' section of the agenda. He suggested the practice was unfair to
staff members as many items could be resolved by contacting appropriate City
departments directly. It was his opinion that matters discussed during the
Council meeting should be constructive and suggested that some criteria be
established as to the type of subject to be introduced' under 'New Business'.
At the suggestion of Alderman Mann, consideration will be given to
providing drinking-water nearer to the Council Chambers.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded
by Alderman Walker.
Conmittee Rooms 2 & 3
June 18, 1973.
Following a Council Conunittee meeting on Monday, June 18, 1973, Council
reconvened in formal Council session on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by
Alderman Christensen. All Members of Council were present with the exception of
His Worship Mayor George Bukator and Alderman Thomson. Alderman Puttick, as Acting
Mayor, presided as Chairman.
No. 74 - Miss Dominion of Canada Pageant - Requesting the City to continue its
sponsorship of a luncheon for the beauty pageant contestants on June 26, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by AldermaaChristensen, that
the communication be received and the request approved.
No.306 - City Solicitor - Re: Downtown Mall.
1. Claims for damages or compensation for loss of bus iness, etc. Advising that
the City's insurance advis. .~ .
available or what ~7· cost would be. ' the City from such claims is
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Wallace that the
report of the City Solicitor be received and the information in part one of
the report be received and filed.
2. Claims for damages for bodily injury and property damage. Advising that the
comprehensive general liability policies of the City and the Downtown Merchants'
Association would protect the City against liability for injuries to persons or
property resulting from accidents on the mall; reconunending the Association be
requested to increase its coverage to the same amount as the City's coverage,
namely, $500,000.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Wallace that part
two of the report respecting claims for damages for bodily injury end property
damage be received and adopted.
3. Claims for the cost of establishing and removing the mall. Advising that the
Regional Municipality will require the City to enter into an agreement to
indemnify and save harmless the Region against all claims which might be made
and to reimburse the Region for all losses and expense incurred by it as a
result of establishing the mall. The City would also be required to assume
all expense involved in the installation and removal of signs, traffic devices,
etc. The report notes that a previous motion of Council included a provision
that any expenditure by the City was not to exceed $8,600.00 and recommends, if
it is the intention of Council that any costs in excess of this amount are to
be paid by the Downtown Business Association, that this aspect be discussed
further with the DowntO~nMall Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
Council ,reaffirm an earlier resolution that any expenditure by the City for
the/DoWntown Mall not exceed $8.600.00.
N~. 309 - City Manager - Re: Registered Plan NS 22, Westlane Village Subdivision.
Recommending (1) that building permits be issued now for lots on Kalar Road and
~atalina Street and the lots on other streets in the subdivision be built upon in
accordance with the Subdivider's Agreement; (2) all building permits issued condi-
tional upon no occupancy until the sanitary sewer service is completed and approved
by the City Engineer; (3) that Greater Northern Capital be permitted to erect only
those models which have received "total" certification from Canadian Standards
Association and all models must comply with the zoning by-law which regulates the
subdivision; (4) that notwithstanding the zoning by-law, the Building Department
approve of the site location for.bach lot so as to locate new houses in conjunction
with existing homes; (5) that the Building Department work with the architect from
Great Northat Capital eo ensure' that the exterior finishes and types of houses
blend with the ex'~sting homes; (6) that no building permits be issued until the
City has received all Agreements for easements.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Aldermen Ha~rigsn that the
- 2-
Report ~307 (Cont'd)
report Of the City Manager be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt,Mann,Harrigan,Wallace,Smeaton,Schialer,Walker-
.NAYB:Aldermen Keighan, Christensen, Fern.
No. 308 - City Manager - Re: Guide Signing for Jack and Jill Motel. Avising
that the possibility of providing guide signs to replace the private sign
which was located contrary to the by-law, has been considered; recommending
the guide sign policy be amended to provide that the minimum number of units
which will be signed as 'accon~nodation' is twelve, thereby permitting the
erection of signs for the fourteen units at the Jack and Jill Motel.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Walker
that the report be received and adopted.
Reporting verbally, the City Engineer stated it is his understanding
that the firm which was originally awarded the contract for a prefabricated
pumping station in Westlane Village Subdivision, has gone into receivership.
The second tendeter, Naplet-Reid, have indicated they are willing to abide by
their original quotation and believe the work can he completed by October.
The City Engineer requested Council's approval of an additional expenditure
of approximately $2,000.00 subject to obtaining confirmation that the original
supplier is in receivership and is unable to supply the equipment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by AldernumSmeaton that the
additional cost of $2,000.00 be approved. The motion Ca.tried with Alderman Keighan
voting contrary and all others in fayour.
Alderman Christensen advised that many people attending a concert
at the N.F.C.V.I. auditorium had received tickets for parking on the outside
of Epworth Circle. The Alderman suggested that inasmuch as parking has been
prohibited at the outside curb of the Circle, the pavement markings should be
removed. The Projects Engineer advised that it is intended to paint the
standard white line 2% feet from the curb to discourage parking in the area.
Re indicated the City could remove the most outstanding pavement markings but
the cost is 20 times more than the installation cost. If the problem continues,
sdditional signs will be erected on a temporary basis. In regard to s suggestion
by Aldermsw. Christensen that the signs should read 'no parking this side', the
Projects Engineer stated that the signs are in conformsace with the Provincial
standard signingmnual.
Alderman Christensen reported many compIaints about motorists speeding
on Welland Street, Gunnlng Drive and Willoughby Drive in the former Village of
Chippaws. He suggested that police protection in the area is inadequate since
responsibility has been assumed by the Region.
Alderman Christensen. expressed concern about partially submerged
warning signs at two piers in the Welland River. He suggested that in order to
avoid drownings and boating accidents, the authority responsible be contacted
regsrding replacement of the signs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Keighsn that
the City Manager bring the matter to the attention of appropriate authorities.
Alderman Christensen reported s walkway between two private homes on
Champlain Drive leading to F.J.Rutland School is being used by minibike operators
and bicyclists. The property owners have indicated they are willing to grant a
six foot easement to the City if a fence is erected on both sides of the walkway.
The matter was referred to the City Manager for a report on the motion of
Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt.
Alderman Puttick reported that the problem regarding rats at the rear
of 6005 Main Street has been resolved. RePresentatives of the Department of
Environment have advised area residents to contact the Department if the problem
BY-lAW NO. 73-73
Alderman Keighan enquired about the status of the City's by-law to
remove certain commercial uses from industrially zoned lands. The City Manager
said he believes a decision will be made soon by the Ontario Municipal Board
but it will not be possible for the Board to hear the City's shopping plaza
application during the month of June.
In reply to questions by Alderman Wallace, the City Manager stated
that a letter received from the architect for the proposed police buildings
indicates that revised plans will be ready for submission to Council on
Jul.y llth.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann.
Council Chambers,
June 25, 1973.
Council met on Monday, June 25, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general bus iness. All Members of Council were present. His Worship
Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman. Alderman Christensen offered the
Opening Prayer.
The minutes of the June llth and June 18th, 1973 meeting were adopted
on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Mann.
Report ~309 - City Manager . Providing information regarding the timing for buildin
permits on Pitton Road; advisin~j.b~..pb,~_~.~.~:~,~.t~,l~,~.l~l~.m~,' ~,~t~$~,~l,~ ~
~3'3~.~l~28&~ 40% of the sanitary laterals; services remaining to be installed
include sanitary laterals, storm sewermain and catchbasin leads, watermain laterals
to all new lots and the installation of a 12" diameter forcemain; advising that the
contractor will attempt to install the services on Pitton Road st the earliest
possible date to exped ire the issuance of non-occupany building permits.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and filed and a copy made available to property owners in the area
who had indicated an interest in obtaining building permits at this time. The
motion ~arried with Alderman Keighan voting contrary and all others in fayour.
Report ~307 - City Manager - Re: Registered Plan NS 22, Westlane Village Subdivision.
Comma.~64 _ Residents of First Avenue - Petition and comments re: Parking problems
on First Ave. in the vicinity of the Cavefly Hotel.
Report ~310 - City Manager - Re: Parking on First Ave. Suggesting that during the
daytime parking can be Permitted on both sides of First Ave. between Bridge St.
and Maple St. without creating the conditions referred to in the petition; during
evening hours patronage of a hotel in the area substantially increases the number
of parkers along First Avenue; recommending that parking be prohibited from the
east side of First Avenue from Maple St. to Bridge St. from 6:00 p.m. to midnight
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
report be received and adopted.
Report ~257 - Planning and Development Committee - Lot 2,R.P.172,Pt.Lot 81,R.P.3039
between Casa Doro Restaurant and Imperial Motel, north-west side of Victoria Ave.
An application to permit the construction of a five-storey, 24-unit motel and an
attached one-storey restaurant.
Report ~311 - City Clerk - Advising that as a result of the usual notification .
procedure, one letter of objection to the application has been received;~equesting
the direction of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thon~on, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed and Council reaffirm an earlier decision to approve
the application of A.Strangea and J. Gigliotti; and, further, if the efforts of
City Staff to resolve the objections received are not successful, the application
together with the objections received, be forwarded to the Ontario Munisipal Board
for consideration.
Report ~ 256 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM-17/73, west side of
Garner Road; rezoning application initiated by the City of Niagara Falls to permit
the establishment of a distribution centre.
Report ~312 - City Clerk - Advising that as a result of the usual notification
procedure, one letter of objection was received; requesting the direction of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and filed and Council reaffirm an earlier decision to approve the
- 2-
Report ~312 (Coat'd)
establishment of a Distribution Centre on the west side of Garner Road and
if efforts to resolve the obSections indicated by one objection are not
successful, the application together with the objection received, be forwarded
to the Ontario Municipal Board for consideration. The motion Carried with
Alderman Keighan voting contrary and all others in favour.
Report #313 - City Manager - Re: AM-29/72, Proposed Garage and Body Shop.
Advising that Mr.D'Addio has requested an amendment to the site plan agreement
to provide that one house on the north side of the lot remain standing until
the garage is erected; reconnnending the request be granted subject to the
requirement that the garage not open for business until the second house is
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler,-seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 75 - Stamford Memorial Arena - Re: New Satellite Arena. Advising that the
Stamford Memorial Arena and Community Centre Board passed a resolution naming
the new satellite arena as the Jack Bell Arena.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
Council approve the suggestion of the Arena Board that the new facility be
named the Jack Bell Arena.
No. 76 - C,J.R.N. Radio Niagara - Re: Council Chamber Sound System. Requesting
permission to tape the proceedings of each Council ~eeting held in the Council
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the communication be received and the request to tape the Council proceedings
be approved. The motion Carried. with Alderman Wallace voting contrary +and
all others in layout.
No. 77 - Air Show '73 Sponsorship Committee - Requesting $1,000. to help under-
write some of the expenses of Air Show '73 to be-held-at the Niagara District
Airport, August 25,26th,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
Mr. Stan Fisk be granted permission to address Council.
Mr.Fisk, a member of the Sponsorship Committee, suggested that with
the expected cancellation of the C.N.E. air show and the full ~upport of the
R.A.F. and R.C.A.F., the St.Catharines Airport and Flying Club Air Show could
be rated the best show in Canada. He advised that the City of St.Catharines
has underwritten the show in the amount of $5000 as well as contributing
toward a civic reception and advertising. Mr. Fiak asked that the City of
Niagara Falls support the Air Show by a contribution of $1000 dollars.
Alderman Smeaton spoke in support of the request and commented on
the promotional aspects of the project and the importance of the airport
facilities which, he said, were vital if the City is to expand industrially.
Alderman Harrigan spoke about the activities of the St.Catharines Flying Club,
its contribution to the operation of the airport and the fact that 40% of its
membership comes from the City of Niagara Falls. Expansion of the runway end
the installation of instrument landing equipment would make the airport capable
of handling very large aircraft and eliminate the necessity of European
travellets landing at Niagara Falls, N.Y. and having to pass through U.S. and
Canadian customs in order to visit southern Ontario. Alderman Putt~ck
questioned the availability of funds and the City M~nager indicated the only
flexible funds are in a contingency account which provides $17,600. for
emergency purposes. The City budget, he said, must remain under 8% of hat
yearns expenditures to be eligible for a maximum Provincial grant.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeatons seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the conmaunication be received and the City support the 1973 Air Show with a
donation of $1,000.00. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Fete, Keighan, HarriSan, Smeaton, Schisler, Thomsons Wallace.
.NAY~I Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Mann, Puttick, Walker.
Communications (Cont'd)
No. 78 - Main and Ferry Business Association - Requesting permission to erect a
banner across Ferry Street for the purpose of drawing the attention of visitors
to the Lundy's Lane Historical Museum and the Lundy's Lane Battleground. The
City Clerk advised that the Greater Niagara Softball Association have also
requested the erection of a banner in the same area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
con~nunication be received and the request approved subject to the Association
obtaining the approval of the Regional Municipality of Niagara, Niagara Falls
Hydro and Bell Canada; and, further, that the details as to the dates and
location of the banner be determined by the Main and Ferry Business Association
and the Greater Niagara Softball Association to avoid the possibility of two
banners being erected at the same location.
No. 79 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Use of Land for Public Purposes.
Requesting that the Regional Municipality be included in a special provision in
the zoning by-law permitting the use of land for public purposes in any zoning
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
connunication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
No. 80 - Marineland and Game Farm - Requesting permission to erect a beer tent
at the Marineland site-on J~yl~th, for;the purposes of a press party to
commemorate the official opening of the new 1973 Marineland and Game Farm.
ORDEPaED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
con~nunication be received and the request approved subject to the approval of
the Liquor Control Board of Ontario, the Fire and Police Departments and the
Regional Health Unit.
No. 314 - City MariaMet * Re: Sale of Industrial Lands. Submitting information
regarding the sale of lands and options to purchase lands in the Fails Industrial
Park; recon~nending (1) that lots 17~ 18, 19, 36, 37, 38 and 39, totalling 14 acres
be optioned to Dr. Walther Casper, Managing Director, Metalgesellschaft AG, Germany
for a total option price of $2,000.; (2) that tenders be called for Phase III of
the underground services and base roadways for Progress Street between Earl Thomas
Avenue and Kister Road and on Murie Street between the west limit of lot 24 (Open
Channel Outfall Ditch) and Kister Road and (3) that the cost of installing the
Phase III services be paid for out of revenues from the sale of lands in the
Industrial Subdivision.
Alderman Wallace suggested that because of recent sales of lands in
the Industrial Park, it would be an appropriate time to consider the development
of additional industrial lands. The City Manager replied that the matter had been
discussed by staff and four potential sites are presently being analyzed. A
report will be presented to Council as soon as possible. At the moment only three
lots remain to be sold in the Falls Industrial Park. in Phase 2 of the development.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by-Alderman Walker that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted. ·
No. 3i5 ~ City ManaRer - Referring to a brief received from the Niagara Peninsula
Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association regarding agricultural policies in the
Draft Regional and the preservation of fruit lands; consenting on the recommendations
contained in the brief. The report reconzaends that Council endorse in principle
the Preservation of the fruit lands in the Niagara Peninsula and that a copy
of the report be forwarded to The.Honourable J. Hueglin, M.P., The Honourable
J. Cloment, M.P.p.; Members of the Regional Planning and Development Committee and
the Niagara Peninsula Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann~ seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 316 - City Manager - Re: School Safety Patrol Work. Advising that St. Ann's
and Mary Ward schools are involved in safety patrol work; recommending that the
students be commended for their excellent endearours in school safety patrol work
and an amount of $200 be allocated for some type of recognition event.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted.
Reports (Cent'd)
No. 317 - City Manager - Re: Committee of Adjustment and Easement for Water-
course across part of Lot 12, Concession 2 of the former Township if Willoughby.
Advising that the Committee required the property owners to grant to the City
an easement 50 feet in width on either side of the centre line of an existing
watercourse as a condition of granting consent for the severance; a grant of
easement satisfactory to the City Solicitor has now been supplied; recommending
approval of the required by-law appearing later on the ageads.
ORDERED on the motion of AIderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Hunt voting
contrary and all others in layout.
See By-law No.73-150
No. 318 - City Manager - Re: Dell Cemetery, former Township of Willoughby.
Advising that the trustees of the Dell Cemetery have requested the City to
assume the maintenance of the abandoned cemetery.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 319 - City Manager - Re: Enlargement of park in Cherryweed Acres Subdivision.
Advising the purchsae of the parcel of land located between the public school
and park in Cherrywood Acres Subdivision has been c~mpleted and reconmending
approval of the required by-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report be received and adopted.
See By-law No.73-149
No. 320 - City Manager - Re: Weed Control. Recommending the preparation of a
by-law to designate goldenrod, mustard, dock oxeye daisy and dandelions as
locel weeds and to limit the height of grass to 15 inches at and on horti-
cultural lands within the City boundaries.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermsn Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Fern, Keighan, Harrigan, Patrick, Smeaton, Walker,
Thomson, Wallace.
NAYE:Aldermen Schisler, Mann and Hunt.
No. 321 - City Manager - Re: M.T.C.Subsidies - 1973 Local Improvement Programs.
Reviewing the City's position and the problems encountered as a result of the
Ministry of Transportation placing a ceiling on subsidies for construction works
in 1973. The total allocation of $440,000 will not enable the City to proceed
with all works approved in previous budgets nor projects included in the 1972
Locsl Improvement Program. The report recomends (1) on~future capital projects
which would include such projects as storm sewers and Local Improvement projects
application be made to the O.M.B. for the gross expenditure without considering
M.T.C,subsidy and (2) proceed with the 1972 Local Improvement Program on the
basis of no M.T.G. subsidy with closing dates for public tenders to be July 24,
and August 14, 1973.
In reply to questions by members of Council, the City'Engineer
elabored on the policy adopted by the M.T.C. in recent years. It has become
apparent thst theprovincial government is transferring subsidies from road
construction and allied projects to transit facilities. This has resulted in
a considerable reduction of funds available for road projects. The matter is
being considered by the Municipal Engineers Association with the hope that the
Association can recommend to the M.T.C. a more equitable method of distributing
It was then wved by Alderman Puttick~ seconded by Alderman Keighan
that the report be received and staff be authorized to proceed with the 1972
Local Improvement Program with closing dates for public tender~ being July 24th
and August 14th,1973. The motion Carried unanimously.
The rivet rec~mnendation that on future capital storm sewer and local
Improvement projects, application be made to the O.M.B. for the gross expendi-
ture without considering M.T.C.aubsidy was discussed under the New Business
section of che ageads.
See Page 11,
Reports (Cent'd)
- 5 -
No. 322 - City Manager - Dell and Casey Subdivisions _ One Foot Reserves.
Advising that the Municipality has now approved the Dell Subdivision, north of
Harvard Ave. and the Casey Extension Subdivision located west of Casey Street
and in order to provide access it will be necessary to lift one foot reserves;
recommending that Council give three readings to the by-law appearing later
on the agenda,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed and the by-law approved.
See By-law No, 73-151
No. 323 - City Manager - Re: Summer Schedule of Hours at City Hall. Advising
that the hours for clerical employees will be from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
for the period con~nencing Tuesday, 3uly 3rd and ending Friday, August 31,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed and the sunmaer schedule noted.
No. 324 - City Manager - Recommending that Fire Chief S.C.Thomson be authorized
to attend the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs in London, Ontario, August 6th
to 31st,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 325 - City Manager - Re: Sewer and Watermain Des ign Course. Recomnending
that Mr. R. Kaleher and Mr. D. Costello of the Engineering Department be
authorized to attend the sewer and watermain design course in Toronto from
October 22nd to October 26th, 1973, inclusive.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the report
be received and adopted.
No. 326 - City Manager - Re: Extension of Sanitary Landfill Site. Advising of
the necessity to seal the ground and sides with an impermeable cover to comply
with a condition set forth by the Ministry of Environment to minimize the
penetration of leachate; recommending acceptance of the price of $9.00 per 14
cubic yard load for suitable clay from Weedington Systems, Inc.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.86
No. 327 - City Manager - Re: Sale of Standing Trees at Sanitary Landfill Site.
Referring to the Preparations for the extension of the sanitary landfill site
and reconunending the section of trees standing on the future fill area be
publically advertised for sale with a closing date of July 10, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermanSchisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt'that the
report be received and adopted,
No. 328 - City Manager - Re: Maintenance Management System. Advising that the
inclusion of the maintenance activities of the cemeteries, sanitation, water
and sewer works would complete the system; recommending an extension of the
present contract with the firm of Jorgensen & Associates in the amount of $2,500.
which is included in the maintenance management budget for 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.87
No. 329 - City Manager - Re: Street Nsme Signs. Referring to the phasing out of
the porcelain type street name plates and replscement with scotchlira on aluminum
reflectorized plates; recommending that the necessary street name signs and
hardware be purchased from Pawcart Metal Products at the quoted price of $3,594.27
for the signs and $774,25 for hardware.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.88
No. 330 - City Manager - Re: Tender for Base Road Construction - Contract R,C.23-73.
Reconmlending that the unit prices submitted by Steed and Evans Limited for base
road construction in the Dalcin Subdivision, Dorchester Park Extensia~Subdivision
and Falls Industrial Park be accepted by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.89
No, 331 - City Msnsger - Re: Purchase of Equipment. Advising that thc Maintenance
Budget includes purchase of certain equipment enumerated in the report and
recommendlug that the equipment be divided into groups and each Srosp tendered
- 6-
Report ~ 331(Cont'd)
'as need and availability arises.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 332 - City Manager - Advisory report re miscellaneous items. The report
includes information regarding the dates of public tenders, the OHC rent
supplement program and a letter of appreciation from the Social Planning
Council. The report'reconmends approval of the request of the Greater Niagara
Softball Association to erect a beer tent in conjunction with the Niagara
Invitational Fastball Tournament subject to approval of the L.C.B.O. and the
Police and Fire Departments; reconunending further that the Association be
permitted to erect banners on Victoria Ave. at McRae St. and at Ferry St.
and Main Street subject to the approval of the Niagara Falls Hydro and Bell
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 333 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Advising that the Optimist Club of
St.Catharines has requested permission to sell tickets on a car in the City
of Niagara Falls during the summer months; recon=aending that the application
be denied.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 334 - City Clerk - Recommending approval of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt
'that the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 335 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted.
Corm. Sl - Mrs.Doreen Daudelin and 15 other property owners on Willo Road.
A petition regarding the condition of roads and drainage problems.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that
the petition be referred to the City Engineer for a report.
No.'85-A - THOMSON - SCHISLER - RESOLVED that Alderman Ketghen be appointed
as Presiding Officer in the absence of His Worship Mayor Gedrge Bukator; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
NOTE: His Worship Mayor George Bukator retired from the Council Chambers.
No. 86 - HUNT - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the price of $9.00 per 14 cubic
yard load submitted by Woodington Systems Inc. for the suppIy of suitable
clay for the sealing of ground at the sanitary landfill site, be accepted;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 87 - PUTTICK - FERA - RESOLVED that the contract with the firm of
Jorgensen & Assoc. be extended for the preparation of maintensncemansgement
systems for the activities of the cemeteries, sanitation, water and .sewer
works in the amount of $2~500~; AND the Seal of the Corporation behereto
Carried Unanimously
No.88 - THOMSON - HUNT - RESOLVED that necessary street name signs and hardware
be purchased from Fawcett Metal Products at the quoted price of $3,594.27 for
name signs and $774.25 for hardware; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
- 7 -
Resolutions (Cont'd)
No. 89 - HUNT - KEIGHAN - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Steed and
Evans Ltd. for base road construction in the Dalcin, Dorchester Park Extension
and Falls Industrial Park Subdivisions, Contract R.C.23-73, be accepted; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 90 - THOMSON - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council Committee meeting of
July 3, 1973 be cancelled and the next regular meeting of Council he held on
Monday, July 9, 1973, commencing at 7:30 p.m.; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl7
No. 91 - PUTTICK - MANN - RESOLVED that a letter of congratulation be forwarded
to Mrs. Winnifred Stokes Hill on becoming a member of the Order of Canada for
outstanding service to the community; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl7
No. 73-139 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Auto Petro Investments Limited. (easterly side of Portage Road).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by AldermanChristensen
that Aideman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unsnimousl7
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-140 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Auto Petro Investments)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Walker
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the ~y-law be
given the first reading.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that
the By-law be now given a second and ~hird reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-141 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Auto Petro Investments Limited. (easterly s ide of Drummond Road )
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderm~mChristensen
that thelBy-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimous 1Z
No. 73-142 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960, of the former Township
of Sta~ford, now in the City of Niagara FaIls.(Auto Petro Investments)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderma~Schisler
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
'Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderma~Ghristensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimousix
- 8-
By-laws (Cont'd)
No. 73-143 - A By-law to authorize the execution o£ a site plan agreement with
Helen Seruga. (easterly side of Valley'Way).
No. 73-144 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955. (H.Seruga)
NOTE: By-laws Non.73-143 and 73-144 were withdrawn from the agenda,
No. 73-145 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement with
Dominic D'Addio.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-146 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement with
River Realty Development Limited and Group 2 Development Limited. (Dell
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Aldermen Smeaton
that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of AIderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Harrigan that the By-law be now given a second and third reading,
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-147 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement with
River Realty Development Limited and Group 2 Development Lim{fi~d (Casey
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading. ~
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Harrigan that the By-law be now given n second and third reading,.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-148 - A By-law to authorize the execution .of an agreement with Steed and
Evans Limited for the construction of roads.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Harrfgan that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-149 - A By-law to authorize the acquisitimo£ laud for park purposes.
(Cherrywood Acres gobdivision)
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen 8thislet, seconded by Alderman
Christenson that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be Siren the first reading. Carried Unanimously
- 9o
By-law No.73-149 (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimous_~Z
No. 73-150 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a grant of easement from
Roland Miljus and Patricia Miljus.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Wallace
that Alderman Fera be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fare, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading, The motion Carried with
Ald.Hunt voting contrary and all others in favour. Carried Unanimously
No. 73-151 - A By-law to establish certain one foot reserve blocks as public
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
.Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-152 - A By-law to amend By-law No.3790, being a By-law for the regulation
of traffic. (First Avenue)
ORDERED on the motion of Aiderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hont~ seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
~arried UnanimouslZ
No. 73-153 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Bunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given.the first reading.
Carried UnanimouslZ
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimousIX
~o. 73-154 - A By-law to amend By-law No.6357, 1963 respecting the issue of
litantes. (Massegists)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schtsler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that AIderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by AldermalChriatensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimous ly
~ 10-
Alderman Puttick suggested that City employees responsible for
the design and construction of the City Float be conmended and thanked.
Alderman Smeaton referred to previous discussion regarding the
Tarczy property on Beaverdams Road and advised that he continued to receive
complaints that vehicles were being repaired at the site in spite of the
denial of an application to operate an auto wrecking yard. The Alderman
had not determined if the vehicles being repaired belonged to members of
the Tarczy family and the matter was referred to staff for investigation.
Alderman Smeaton expressed concern about the height of the railings
of the bridge over the H.E.P.C. Canal which now provides exit facilities from
the Royal Manor Drive Subdivision and will be used by many children going
from the subdivision to school. He enquired as to what steps would be
necessary to have the railing increased in height. The City Engineer replied
that the th~n Department of Highways had been contacted in 1970 regarding the
railing height but no reply had been received. He pointed out that the M.T.C.
would, in the future, require the City to assume responsibility for the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that
a communication be directed to the M.T.C. advising of the concern of Council
and requesting that the Ministry consider increasing the height of the
There was considerable discussion relative to the request of Mr.
Scordino, who resides on Pallis Crescent, to extend the width of his driveway.
The request was opposed by an adjacent neighbout, Mr. Young, who was repre-
sented at the Council meeting by Mr. D. Sullivan. In support of Mr. Young's
position, his solicitor produced pictures of the existing driveway and
outlined the effect of the proposed widening on the Young property.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
entire matter of driveway widenlugs be referred to City Staff with a request
that a recommended policy be submitted for Council's consideration; further,
that a copy of a letter directed toM r, Sc0rdtno by representatives of the
Engineering Department be made available to Council aa well as confirmation
if the City had, in fact, accepted funds from Mr. Scordino for the extension
of the driveway. The motion Carried with the follnwing vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, ~unt, Fern, Mar~igan,Puttick,Smeaton, Schisler,
Thomson, Wallace.
NAYE: Aldermen Walker and Mann.
Alderman Puttick requested a report regarding the cost of the press
box being erected at Oakes Park. The motion by Alderman Puttick, seconded by
Alderman Harrigan Carried unan,imously.
$~l RUN
Alderman Hunt suggested that the City stock pile fill and waste
material for the purpose of a ski run. The City Engineer advised that various
sites are being considered for a ski run.
Alderman Thomson expressed his concern about a proposal to close
the Adult Learning Centre on Valley Way and the necessity for these wishing
the services to travel to St. Cstharines. As a result of an enquiry made by
the Cityss representative on the Board of Governors of Niagara College it was
confirmed that a reconsnendation would be made that the classes at the Valley
Way. location be discontinued as of August 31st.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
Council of the City of Niagara Falls go on record as being in fsvour of
retaining an adult learning centre in the municipality on Valley Way or an
New Business (Cent'd)
alternate site and that Mr. A. Manera, President of Niagara College and
Applied Arts be requested to meet with a Committee of Council to discuss the
matter further.
At the request of Alderman Wallace, City staff will investigate
reports that merchandise was being sold from the rear of a truck parked in
a driveway on Victoria Ave. near the Centre area. The Alderman had received
complaints that leather goods and handcrafts were displayed on tables placed
on the sidewalk and hung on the walls of buildings.
NOTE: Alderman Harrigan retired from the Council Chambers.
Alderman Wallace referred to Report #321 which contained a
recommendation regarding future capital capital storm sewer and Local Improve-
ment projects and commented on delayed projects if a policy was not adopted
for at least the year 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace. seco~_~.L4.~%.~s%~:~..s,
· ~T~ capital storm sewers asd local improvement projects, application be
made to the Ontario Municipal Board for gross expenditures without considering
subsidy from the Ministry of Transportation and Comnunicationa.
In reply to a query by Alderman Christensen, the City Manager stated
that the extent of the repairs to Oakes Drive would not be known until
consulting engineers had completed investigations and tests. A report will be
prepared for Council as soon as possible.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Puttick seconded by
Alderman Fera.
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
June 27, 1973.
Council met in special session on Wednesday, June 27, 1973, for the
purpose of considering tax write-offs and applications for cancellation,
reduction or refund of 1972 taxes. Alderman Keighan presided as Chairman.
All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Thomson and
Alderman Christensen.
Report No. 336 - City Manager - Submitting a list of applications for tax
write-offs received under Section 636 of The Municipal Act and which, in the
opinion of the City Treasurer, are deemed to be uncollectible; submitting also
a list of applications received under Section 636a of The Municipal Act for
'cancellation, reduction or refund of 1972 taxes; recommending certain setion
in each instance.
Mr. D.Cords appeared before Council as Solicitor for Margus Securities
and other companies and stated he was present at the meeting to safeguard the
rights of his clients only and was not disputing shy of the recommendations
pertaining to thirty-three applications submitted under Section 636a of The
Municipal Act. Assessment appeals are pending at the Ontario Municipal Board
on the majority of the properties.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the recommendations pertaining to properties of Margus Securities and other
companies represented by Mr. Cords and enumerated in the report of the City
Manager, be adopted.
Mr. John Hopkins spoke to Council on behalf of Mrs. Anna Tarczy,8980
Beaverdams Road. The application appears in the report as No. 581 which
recommends no change. The application was submitted because the property is
vacant and the taxes are considered to be too high.
Not_..~e: Alderman Wallace declared his interest and retired from the meeting.
Mr. Hopkins referred to Sec.636a, subsection 1, clause "e" of The
Municipal Act which provides that a person may apply for cancellation,reduction
or refund of taxes if there is an overcharge by reason of any gross or manifest
error that is a clerical error, the transposition of figures, a typographical
error or similar type of error, but not an error in judgment in making the
assessment. It was the opinion of Mr. Hopkins that this section applies to
the Tarczy property which has not been used commercially for seven years although
the taxes, he suggested, reflect a connnercial operation. The City Solicitor
advised that, In his opinion, if an error was'made in assessing the property on
a commercial basis rather than agricultural, it would be an error in judgment
and-not a gross or manifest error as defined in the section.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Fern that in
respect to application No. 581, Mrs. Anne Tarczy, 8980 Beaverdams Road, the
recommended "no change" be adopted by Council and the appellant be advised to
appeal the assessment in October 1973.
Not_~e: Alderman Wallace returned to the Committee Room.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Hsrrigan, that
the report of the City Manager be received and the properties enumerated on the
City Treasurer's list of applications for write-offs under section 636 of The
Municipal Act, be struck from the Collector's Roll; further, that the
recommendations of the City Manager in respect to applications received under
section 636a of The Municipal Act, be approved.
By-law No.73-154 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with the Regional
Municipality of Niagara. (Establishing part of Queen Street as a Mall for the
use of pedestrians).
- 2-
By-law No.73-154 (Coni'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Smeston that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fern
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
The City Clerk advised that during a visit with His Worship Mayor
George Bukstor in hospital, the Mayor had indicated that he wished to have
Alderman Keighan appointed as Acting Mayor during his absence.
Aldernmn Keighan indicated his willingness to assume local and
regional responsibilities on behalf of Mayor Bukator and ~equested the
cooperation of Council in fulfilling the many social commitments. All
members of Council indicated they would be willing to act as the City's
representative at various events and social functions to relieve the Acting
Mayor of such obligations.
RESOLUTION NO. 92 - HARRIGAN - HUNT - RESOLVED that, in accordance with the
provisions contained in Section 209(2) of The Municipal Act, Alderman Robert
Keighan be, and is hereby appointed to act in the place of His Worship Mayor
George Bukator during the Mayor's absence through illness; AND the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Acting Mayor
Council Chambers,
July 9, 1973.
Council met on Monday, July 9, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of ltis Worship Mayor George Bukator. Acting Mayor Robert Keighan
presided as Chairman. Alderman Wallace offered the Opening Prayer.
The minutes of the June 25th and June 27th, 1973 meetings were adopted
as printed on the motion of AldermanThomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt.
Mr. C. Davyes, now retired, was presented a watch in recognition of
25~ years service in the City's Street Department. The presentation was made
by Acting Mayor Keighan who congratulated Mr. Dayyes and extended the best
wishes of Council.
A watch will also be presented to Mr. N. Stewart, now retired after '
completing 24 years of service in the Parks and Cemetery Department.
Acting Mayor Keighen also presented a 25-year pin to Mr. L. Sawyer,
a foreman in the Public Works Department.
Mr.T.Stephenson advised that 28 Canadian cities had earned Canadian
Safety Council citations and Niagara Falls was one of six municipalities showing
the greatest improvement in the over 40,000 population category. On behalf of
the H n. Gordon Carton,Q,C., Minister of Transportation and Communications, Mr.
Stephenson Presented the award to Acting Mayor Keighan. Copies of the text of
the Minister at the Safety Council Citation meeting were provided for distribu-
tion to members of Council. The Minister had also asked Mr. Stephenson to
convey his best wishes for a speedy recovery to His Worship Mayor George Bukator.
Report #337 - City Manager - Submitting a copy of a formal request by the Public
Library Board to increase the estimated cost of the proposed new library to
$1,750,000., an increase of $350,000.;reconwaendtng (a)approval of the revised
cost for the construction of a new public library as outlined in the architect's
report dated June 1973 and indicating a total construction cost of $1,750,000.;
request the Niagara Falls Public Library Board to call tenders for the construction
of a new public library building as quickly as possible; and (c) that the award of
any tender be subject to the approval of additional cost over and above $1,400,000.
by the Ontario Municipal Board and (d) following the award of the tender, Council
pass a by-law authorizing an additional expenditure for the library and submit
same to the O.M.B. for approval.
ORDERED on the motion of Aideman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Sineaton, that Mr.
G.Hamilton, Chairman, and other members and staff be granted permission to
address Council.
Mr. Hamilton introduced Board members H.KirleY,M.Quinlan,R.pierce,Dr.
Ainslie and V.Huxtable, Miss D.Van Slyke, Chief Librarian and.Miss C. Dick and
Miss E. Allbrant of the library staff.
Miss Van 81yke reviewed the history of the present library since con-
struction in 1910 and projected pictures illustrated the inadequacies of the
present adult service department, board room, microfilm department, storage
facilities, shelving, narrow sislea, etc. The main library, she said, has
reached its capacity as a central library and a great number of restrictions
have been imposed on the programs offered.
- 2-
Proposed Library (Cont'd)
Mr.R.pierce,Chairman of the New Building Committee, suggested the
City should take more pride in civic buildings. He said the new library as
demonstrated by drawings displayed at the meeting, will be a structure the
City will be. proud of.
Mr. W. Murray, an associate of D.Chapman, Architect, stated that
reconmaended planning principles require a 20-year building scheme while the
previous plan would accommodate less than s 10-year acconunodation growth. The
new proposal, with the recommended additional items, would accommodate the
community's need for 20 years and would provide incressed floor area,improved
interior finishes~ completion of the second floor, new furnishings in all
public areas, increased ceiling heights to a minimum of nine feet,free-standing
shelving, completion of exterior psving, planting,courtyards,lighting,canoPies
to the rear parking lot and to Victoria Avenue and a contingency fund of 3%
of construction costs or $41,785.00.
The City Manager advised members of Council of a letter received
from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs,
which indicates the Government of Ontario would approve applications from
Niagara Falls under the Winter Capital Projects Fund with an aggregate loan
value not exceeding $736,000. He recommended that the City apply for the
loan which would cover approxfinately 2/5 of the library costs. He also
suggested that the City work with the architect in timing of construction
to enable the City to benefit by forgiveness of labour costs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report of the City Manager be received and the recommendations as outlined
be adopted; that C~ty officials be authorized to make application to Provincial
authorities for a loan for the new library building, under the Winter Capital
projects Fund in the amount of $736,000 and, further, that members of Council
be kept informed of the availability of any grants or financial assistance
for the project.
Report #338 - Planning and Development Conm~ittee - Re: AM-18/73,Cascade Inn,
Pt.Range 18-19 Falls Company Plan, Murray Street, application of J.Galotta to
permit an addition to an existing two-storey motel; reco~maending approval of
the application subject to a Site Plan Agreement and that Council certify
that the application conforms to the Official Plan Amendment No.28 of the
Niagara Falls Planning, Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman.Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution Noo93
Report #339 - City Manager - Advising that since Council's approval of grants
for renovations.to the ~W~A building, a thorough investigation has been made
of the structural state and safety of the building; recommending (1) the
requested structural renovations to the main floor at an estimated cost of
$6,933. be commenced immediately; (2) the painting of the building exterior
at an estimated cost of $3,700. be commenced immediately; (3) that exit
lights, emergency lights, fire alarm system and remote warning hell.be
installed immediately and that replacement of a portion of the existing
electrical system be done at the same time at a cost not to exceed $13,367.
and (4) that a further report be submitted to City Council regarding the '
replacing of the remaining electrical servicing system including cost and its
relationship to the $10,000. approved by Council for renovations in 1974.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman.Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
- 3 -
No, 82 - Downtown Mall Committee - Re: Queen Street Mall, July 12th to Aug.28,
19737 requesting approval of the operation of two beer gardens in conjunction
with the Mall, one to be situated on Crystar Ave. adjacent to the Elliott Tavern
and the second on Queen St. in the vicinity of the Metropolitan Store.
The City Clerk advised that the Chairman of the Mall Con~nittee had
indicated they would like to operate a beer garden on Centennial Square.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that the
con~nunication be received and the beer gardens approved subject to the approval
of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario, Police and Fire Departments and the
Regional Municipality and, further, that the request to use Centennial Square
for the purposes of a beer garden be not approved. The motion Carried with
Aldernmn voting contrary and all others in favour. "'
No. 83 - Downtown Mall Committee - Re: Occasional street closings during Mall.
Requesting approval of the closing of Queen St. for special events on July 12,
July 14, August 2 and August 4th and the closures be reconunended to Regional
officials; requesting also that the Regional Police be advised that the Mall
will be in operation from July 9th to August 28th, 1973. The report advises
that the Board of Management of the Downtown Business Improvement Area has
supported a request that Queen Street be removed from the Regional road system
and requests the support of City Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that the
corranunication be received and the special closures of Queen Street during the
Mall be approved and Regional authorities so advised; that Regional Police
officials be advised that the Mall will be in operation for the period July 9th
to August 28, 1973 ar~ the request that Queen Street be removed from the
Regional road system be referred to Staff for a report.
No. 84 - Business & Industrial Growth Department - Chamber of Commerce - Advising
that the Committee has approved a follow-up trip to Germany in the Fall of 1973
and has requested that the City Manager, Mr.S.R.Price, be authorized to go.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
con~nunicstion be received and the request that the City Manager be a City
representative during the industrial trip to Germany be approved.
In reply to questions by Alderman Puttick, the City Manager advised
that a preliminary report regarding the last industrial visit to Germany had
been submitted to the B.I.G.Committee and Council will be briefed on the
results of the trip at a joint meeting with the Con~nittee.
No. 85 - Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board - Re: Request for
sidewalk construction on the west side of Stanley Ave. f~omGeorge Street to
Morrison Street. (The request was referred to the 1974 Local Improvement Program
at the Council meeting of May 28, 1973). The communication advises that the
School Board is concerned about the safety of students and requests that the
matter be reconsidered.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Walker that
the communication be received and filed and the City Manager investigate the
possibility of stationing a crossing guard at the location, or some other
alternative, until such time as sidewalks are constructed. The motion Carried
with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all ot](ers in fayour. "
No. 86 - Department of Agriculture and Food - Re: Hearing concerning problems
in drainage of agricnlturaI and non-agricultural lands, July 16,1973, 2:00 P.M.,
Regional Council Chambers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Fern that
the con~nunication be received and referred to Engineering Staff for information
No.87 - Development Manager,Ontario Rousing Corporation - Advising that an
advertisement on July 12,13 and 14 will request proposal for the leasing of
Family Units in the City and that representatives of O.H.C. will be at City
Hall on July 17th to answer questions from prospective proponents.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the connunication be received and filed.
- 4-
No. 340 - City Manager - Re: Sale of Industrial Land. Recommending that
Lot 34 on the east side of Esrl Thomsas Ave. in the Falls Industrial Park
be sold to Paul 3ankovics at a price of $7,000 for the one-acre site and
that the City Solicitor be authorized to complete the legal arrangements
for the sale of the land.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 341 - City Manager - Re: Artistic Sheet Metal and Welding Co. Recomnending
that Lot 35 on the east side of Earl Thomas Ave. be sold to Mr.Anthony
Morgansill at a price of $7,000. for the one acre site and the City Solicitor
be authorized to complete the required legal work.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 342 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Creson Invest-
ments Ltd. (Glengowan), Pt.Twp.Lot 45, west of Dorchester Road. Recommending
preliminary approval of the plan subject to seven conditions enumerated in
the report and, further, that Council certify by resolution that the
application conforms to Official plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls
Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by-Alderman Fern that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.94
No. 343 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Development at south-west corner of
Lundy's Lane and Dorchester Road (Diol Investments Ltd.). Recommending that
Council endorse the principle of a 24' roadway being constructed on the
northerly half of the Pew Street road allowance across the width of the
development under consideration, with all costs for initial construction and
maintenance being absorbedby the developer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 344 - City Manager - Re: Lots 544, 545 Registered Plan 11, former Village
of Chippaws (north side of Wainbrenner Road east of Willoughby Drive.
Advising that the owner of the lots, Mr.J.Lepp, wishes to proceed with the
construction of apartment buildings; recommending that the property owner
deposit with the City 100% of the costs of the services required by the
1956 and 1960 Subdivider's Agreement for Register Plan 11.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldernen Christensen
that the report of the City ~nager be received and adopted.
No. 345 - City Manager - Re: Community Canires Board. Reconnending approval
of a new by-law appointing the present Aldermen as members of the Niagara
Falls Community Centre Board.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report be received and adopted.
See By-law No.73~158
No. 346 - City Manager - Re: Proposed closing of Adult Education Centre,
ValleyWay. Reconusnding that the City Manager, Acting Mayor Keighan,.the
City Clerk and Alderman Thomson be appointed as a special Committee to
meet with Mr.A.Manera, President of Niagara College of Applied Arts and
Sciences, to discuss the matter.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman liarriSen
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 347 - City Manager - Re: The Weed Control Act. Referring to CoUncil's
approval of the preparation of a by-law to designate goldenrod, mustard, dock,
oxeye daisy and dandelion a8 local weeds and to limit the height of grass to
15" at and on horticultural lands within the City boundaries; advising that
the City Solicitor is of the opinion that a by-law to limit the height of
grass on horticultural lands would not be authorized under the provisions of
The Weed Control Act and the by-law appearing later on the agenda does not
include this provision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Fern that
the report be received and filed and the by-law be approved.
See By-law No.73-167
- 5 -
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 348 - City Manager - Re: Armstrong and Part of Lot 9,Block S, Plan 35.
Recommending an amendment to By-law No.6979,1965, to correct the description
of property now included in the parking lot at the north-west corner of
Ontario Avenue and Huron Street and to authorize a quit claim deed to Ted
and Gerald Armstrong
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report be received and adopted.
See By-law No.73-163
No. 349 - Verbal report of the City Clerk - Re: Agreement with T.Armstrong
for the use of part of the Pell Street road allowance in the former Village
of Chippaws. Advising that Mr,Armstrong has requested permission to transfer
the property in accordance with the agreement. '
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the request be approved.
No. 350 - City Manager - Re: Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System
(MRS) and reinvestment of Province of Ontario Debentures. Recommending
that Council support a resolution submitted by the Municipal Liaison
Committee of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario petitioninS the
-Treasurer of Ontario to enact amending legislation providing for the re-
investment of funds held by OMERS at the interest rates prevailing when
Ontario debentures are due on December 31,1973. The resolution also requests that
the OMERS Board be authorized to develop more diversified investment policies to
obtain the highest possible return from contributions to the Fund and that
municipalities have access to the funds.
The City Manager advised that during 1962-1968, debenture issues bore
interest rates of 5% and 6~% per annum as compared to the present rate of 8%.
In addition, the OMERS Act provides that debentures issued by the Treasurer of
Ontario on Dec.31,1973,shall not become due for forty years and Mr. Price
suggested that 20-year debentures would be more reasonable.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted and the resolution from
the Association of Municipalities of Ontario be endorsed.
No. 351 - City Manager - Re: Driveway Depression - 6876 Palis Crescent. An
advisory report regarding Mr. Scordinola request for an extension of an
existing driveway at 6876 Palis Crescent. The report suggests it would be
desirable to have a Council policy on driveway depressions particularly relating
to new subdivisions and residential development and several recorm~cndations for
inclusion in such a policy are enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman HatriSen that
the report be received and Council adopt a policy on driveway depressions as
contained in the report. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary
and all others in fayour. '
No. 352 - City Manager - Re: Erection and maintenance of fences and gates around
privately-owned outdoor swimming pools~ Advising that a by-law appearing later
on the agenda, if approved by Council, will require fencing for any non-permanent
swimming pool as well as permanent pools; recon~nending that the By-law be
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
By-law No.73-159 be brought forward for co~sideration at this time.
Members of Council expressed their views of the proposed by-law and
the following questions were raised:
1) Will fences ~rected in accordance with the earlier by-law have to be re-
2) Will a completely fenced yard or entire property comply with the provisions
of the proposed by-law?
3) What ~ype of fence would actually prevent climbing?
4) How much time will'be allowed for erection of fences after the by-law is
5) What should the distance be between the pool and the fence?
6) Has consideration been given to portable ladders and other safeey equipment
now available? , -
- 6- '
Report 4~352 (Cent'd)
During the discussion it was also suggested that 25" pools~ not
required to be fenced according to the by-law, are hazardous for small,
younger children. Also, while the by-law refers to 25" and 42" pools, the
owners of 30" and 36" pools will also be effected. ReconsideraLien of the
'retroactive' features of the by-law was also suggested.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Wallace, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report of the City Manager and By-law No. 73-159 requiring the fencing
of privately-owned swimming pools, be received and tabled for two weeks
pending further consideration by City Staff.
No. 353 - City Manager - Re: 1973 Current-Budget item for South End Depot.
Recommending acceptance of the quoted $2,245. submitted by Tower plumbing
and Heating for the supply of additional washroom fixtures, relocation of
existing plumbing and labour cost on a complete plumbing installation for
increased washroom facilities at the Southh End Depot (Chippawa).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report he received and adopted.
See Resolution No.95
No. 354 - City Manager - Re: Contract for Westlane Village Subdivision -
R.C.ZS-73. Recommending acceptance of the unit prices submitted by Hard
Rock Paving for the construction of base roads in the Westlane Village
Subdivision (V.L.A.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen,seconded by Aldermen Walker
that the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.96
No. 355 - City Manager - Re: Tender for painting of structural steel in the
Niagara Falls Arena - Contract B.P.26-73. Advising that no bids were received
for the work-and local painting firms have indicated that the tendering
period was too short and have agreed to submit bides for a tender opening
on Friday, July 13, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report he received and filed and Council approve the action taken
by City staff.
No, 356 - City Manager - Re: Contract NO.G.C.24-73, Underground Installations
for Niven Subdivision. Recommending acceptance of the unit prices submitted
by Mavic Construction Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted. ~
See Resolution No.97
No. 357 - City Manager - Building Permits issued for the month of June, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the report be received and filed.
No. 358 - City Clerk - An advisory report regarding letters of appreciation
from the Niagara District Fire Fighters' Association and the St. John
Ambulance as well as a notice regarding the calling of tenders.for certain
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and filed.
No. 359 - City Clerk - Recunm,ending approval of Municipal Litantes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Runt that
the report be received end adopted and litantes granted.
No. 360 - City Manager - Recv,~,ending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted with the exception of Cheque No.12012 In the
amount of $1000. payable to Air Show t73 Sponsorship Con~nittee. Alderman
Puttick and Alderman Christensen had raised questions regarding the legality
of the contribution and the matter was re~erred to the City Solicitor for
clarification. The motion CarriSd with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Mann, Marrigsn,Puttick,Walker,Wallace.
NAYE: AIdermen Fern, Smeaton, Schisler and Thomson.
- 7-
Reports (Cent'd)
No. 361 - City Manager - Re: Request from Regional Solicitor that a by-law be
· passed by area municipalities to permit land to be used for public purposes,
either by the Region or the Municipality. The report recommends that the specific
exemption be applied to the entire Municipality by means of one by-law; that the
Regional Solicitor be request to draw up of a draft of the by-law; that the
Region arrange with the O.M.B. that notification of the by-law can be by a
notice in the press rather than a m ling to each household; that the by-law be
based on the type of exception mentioned in the City's draft Zoning By-law,
Section 3.1; that items such as sanitary landfill sites, service garages,
polldtion control plants and regional incinerators not be permitted in areas
zoned Residential and that the by-law also allow municipal public works to be
constructed subject to the same restrictions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aiderman Walker that
the report be received and adopted and a copy forwarded to Regional officials.
No. 93 - MANN - THOMSON - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls certify that the application of Cascade Inn for the
rezonlng of property known as Part of Ranges 18 and 19 and Part of Clark
Street (closed) according to the City of the Falls Company Plan in the City
(formerly Town) of Niagara Falls, situated on the north side of Murray Street,
conforms to the Official Plan Amendment Number 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning
Area as amended. and approved by the Minister of Treasury, Economics and Inter-.
governmental Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 94 - SMEATON - FERA - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls certify that the application of Creson Investments Ltd.
for the rezoning of property known as Pt. Twp. Lot 45 and situated on the west
side of Dorchester Road, conforms to the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of
the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of
Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 95 - HUNT - FERA - RESOLVED that the quoted amount of $2,245.00 submitted
hy Tower Plumbing and Heating for the supply of additional washroom fixtures,
relocation of existing plumbing and labour cost on a complete plumbing
installation for increased washroom facilities at the South End Depot (Chippaws)
be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 96 - CHRISTENSEN - WALKER - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by
Hard Rock Paving for the construction of base roads in the Westlane Village
Subdivision (V.L.A.),Contract R.C.25-73, be accepted; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No.97 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Marie Construction
Ltd. for underground installations in the Niven Subdivision, Contract No.G.C.24-73,
be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-156 - A By-law to appoint Alderman Ketghan as an alternative representative
to the Regional Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Smeaton that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanhnously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermsn Mann, seconded by Alderman Fern that
the by-lsw be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Urmnimously
By-laws (Cent'd)
No. 73-157 - A By-law to appoint Alderman Keighan to act in the place of the
Mayor on the Niagara Falls Public Library Board and certain commissions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Aldernmn Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-158 - A By-law to appoint members of The Niagara Falls Community
Centres Board.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Smeaton that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fern
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-159 - A By-law for requiring the fencing of privately-owned swimming
Note: The By-law was tabled for two weeks for further consideration.
See Page 5,Report 4352
No, 73-160 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a license agreement
with William H. Gerber.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimousl7
No. 73-161 - A By-law to allow the maintaining and using of a building which
encroaches on Erie Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Thomson be grnnted leave to introduce the By-law
and the By-law be g~ven the first reading.
Carried Unanimnusly
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldernmn
Christensen that the By-law now be given second and third readings..
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-162 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a grant of easement from
The Hydro-Electric Power Comission of Ontario for a storm sewer and outfall.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by AIdermau
HarriSan that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By*law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
- 9-
By-law No.73-162 (Cent'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-163 - A By-law to amend By-law No.6979,1965 and to authorize the execution
of a quit claim deed to Ted Armstrong and Gerald Armstrong.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading,
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law he now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-164 - A By-law to authorize the execution of s site plan agreement with
Galco Holdings Limited. (Cascade Inn,north side of Murray Street)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Fern that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-165 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955~ as amended (Galco Holdings)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Fern that the By-law be now given a second reading.
Carried Unanimously
No, 73-166 - A By-law regarding the maintenance, management, regulation, control
and taking overof certain cemeteries.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fern
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-167 - A By-law to designate certain plants as noxious weeds.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermn 8thislet, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Farabe granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 10 -
By-laws (tout'd)
No. 73-168 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Merit
Construction Limited for the construction of sewermains and watermains.
(Niven Farm Subdivision)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
HarriSon that Alderman Fera be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No~ 73-169'-A By:law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Hard
Rock ~dvfngIComPanY L~mited for the construction of roads.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Puttick that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law
and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Fera that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-170 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED en the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law, as amended, and
the By-law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Fera, Mann,Harrigan,puttiek,Walker,Wallace,Tho~:
~E:Aldermen Smeaton, Schtaler.~nd Thcnison.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law, as amended, be now given a second and third
reading. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensend' Hunt, Fera, Mann, Harrigan,put~fek,Watker,Wallace,
NAYE:Aldermen Smeaton and Sehisler.
Alderman Christensen expressed his concern about the delay in
repairing Oakes Drive and enquired as to when Council would receive a report
on the matter. It was the Alderman's understanding that reconstruction would
not co~ence/unti1 ~he end of September and he suggested that traffic lights
b~'instal~ed' ~t the intersection of McLeod Road and Stanley Ave. in the
'interim. Alderman Thomson, Council's representative on the Niagara Parks
Con~ission, said the Commission had only recently received information from
the consultants and the extent of the work and the cost involved Will require
sedans consideration. He confirmed that there had bean some discussion
regarding postponement of the work until the end of the tourist' season because
of the additional inconvenience to residents and tourists as it will be
necessary to close both lanes on Oakes Drive. The Conmission will meet within
a week to consider the consultants' report.
Alderman puttick suggested placing an advertisement in the local
newspaper apologizing for the inconvenience and suggesting residents use the
q.E.W. as an alternate route.
The City Engineer reported that Regional officials have been made
aware of the urgency of the matter and traffic lights will be installed at
the McLeod Rd.-Stanley Ave. intersection as quickly as possible. In the
meantime Regional police are stationed at the intersection from 3:30 p.m. to
5:30 p.m. . .... 11.
- 11 -
New Business (Cant'd)
It was then moved by Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
HerriSen that Regional authorities be petitioned to install traffic lights
at the intersection of McLeod Road and Stanley Avenue as quickly as possible.
The motion ~rried unanimously.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that members of Council, as the Arena Board, now be provided with monthly
reports regarding the activities at the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena, the
hours ave ilable and income received from rental of the facilities. The motion
Carried unanimously.
Alderman Puttick advised that the Niagara Falls Lions' Club Midget
Baseball Team are Ontario Champions and Wil~ be competing in Quebec for. the
Eastern Canadian Championship on August llth and 12tb. If the team gains the
Eastern Canadian Championship, they will then compete for the Canadian
Championship at Burr Head, Alberta.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the City Manager prepare a report regarding the possibility of providing
financial assistance, up to $1000.00, to the Lions~ Club Midget Baseball Team.-
The motion Carried Unanimously.
In reply to comments by Alderman Hunt regarding the establishment
of a ski run in the municipality, the City Engineer indicated that the matter
was being investigated and consideration given to designing the former landfii1
site at Mantrout Road and McLeod Road for ski and toboggan runs. Willoughby
Park, he said, could also be considered as a possible site.
Alderman Schisler advised that the recreation area in the former
Township of Crawland, adjacent to the No.6 Firehall, will be opened officially
on July 18th. Acting Mayor Keighan and another Council representative will be
lnvited to attend.
Alderman Walker suggested that Mr.D.Chapman, Architect, meet with
Council and submit a progress report regarding the status of the proposed
police building. The City Manager advised that many meetings had been held
with City staff and police officials and he was meeting with Mr. Chapman on
Tuesday, 3uly 10th, at which time he would convey Council's wish for a pre-
sentation by the architect as soon as possible.
Members of Council questioned the necessity of Council meeting every
week.during the Summer.months. The City Manager suggested that regular meetings
and one committee meeting per month may suffice. A Council Colmaittee meeting
will be held on July 16th.
The meeting adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of
Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Walker.
:ring Mayor
- 12-
Committee Room #1
July 9, 1973.
Council met in Con~nittee of the Whole following a regular meeting
held Monday, July 9, 1973. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of His Worship Mayor George Bukator. Alderman Wallace presided
as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented it was moved by
Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Puttick that the Committee of the
Whole arise and report.
Committee Room #1,
July 9, 1973.
Council reconvened in open session following a Conm~ittee of the
Whole meeting held July 9, 1973. All Members of Council were present with
the exception of His Worship Mayor George Bukator. Acting Mayor R. Keighan
presided as Chairman.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Council ratify the 1973-1974 Memorandom of Agreement as at the
Conciliation Officer's stage of negotiations and as signedlby the City's
Negotiating Con~nittee and Local,133, Canadian Union of Public Employees,
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Smeaton seconded
by Alderman Walker.
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
July 16, 1973.
Following a Council Committee meeting on Monday, July 9, 1973, Council
reconvened in formal Council sess ion on the motion of Alderman Harrigan seconded
by Alderman Smeaton. All Members of Council were present with the exception of
His Worship Mayor George Bukator and Alderman Mann. Acting Mayor Robert Keighan
presided as Chairman.
No. 88 - Kinsmen Club of Chippawa - Requesting permission to operate a beer and
wine garden at Firemen's Park in conjunction with a dance.
No. 89 - Niagara Falls Jaycees - Requesting permission to hold "Summerfeat '73"
at the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena, August 24 and 25, 1973 and requesting
support of an application to the Liquor Licence Board for a special occasion
OPd]ERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the communications be received and the requests of the Kinsmen Club of Chippawa
and the Niagara Falls Jaytees be approved subject to approval by the Liquor
Control Board of Ontario, the Fire and Police Departments and the Regional Health
United; and, further, that Council adopt a policy whereby City officials are
granted authority to approve applications for permission to sell beer providing
all necessary approvals have been obtained.
No. 90 - Niagara Promotion Association - Suggesting the City arrange for a
homecoming reception for Miss Debbie Ducharme, Miss Dominion of Canada;suggesting
s reception be held at the Refrectory Restaurant with dignitaries such as members
of Council, provincial and federal representatives and the Mayors of Regional
Niagara being present.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Narrigan that
the communication be received and filed and arrangements be made for a public Civic
Welcome for Miss Ducharme at the City Hall.
No.98 - FERA - WALKER - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Traven
Painting Ltd. for the painting of structural steel in the Niagara Falls Arena
be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. The motion
~arried with Alderman Schisler voting contrary and all others in fayour.
No. 73-171 - A By-law to authorize the construction of certain works as Local
Improvements under Section 12 of The Local Improvement Act.(TWO READINGS ONLY)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Harrigan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimouslx
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be given a second reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-172 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Her
MAJesty The Queen in right of the Province of Ontario represented by the Minister
of Transportation and Communications for the Province of Oatario.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on t~ motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman 8chisler
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
garried Unanimously
By-laws (Cont'd)
No. 73-173 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Traven
Painting Limited for the painting of the structural steel in the Niagara
Falls Memorial Arena.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-law
and the By-law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Schisler voting contrary and all others in layout.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The
motion Carried with Alderman Schisler voting contrary and all others in .
Alderman Walker expressed his concern about the delay in presenting
the plans of the proposed police building. The City ~nager advised that at
the most recent meeting with the architect and regional police officials,
several changes had been suggested. The architect is attempting to revise
the plans for submission at the next meeting of the Board of police
Commissions for approval of the functional design and layout. The plans
will then be presented to City Council.
It was then moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that the Board of Police Commissioners be requested to permit members of the
special police building committee, and other interested members of Council,
to attend the meeting of the Board when the architect presents the functional
design for the approval of the Board. The motion Carried with Alderman
Schisler voting contrary and all others in favour.
Alderman Hunt suggested that the City object to the fact that only
one representative will be appointed to the Niagara Connnission Escarpment.
It was the Alderman's opinion that the area should have two or three repre-
Alderman Hunt reported receiving complaints from residents of
River Road about the noise of low-flying helicopters. Alderumn Harrigan
made reference to the limitations imposed by federal authorities relative
to the minimum height at which aircraft are permitted to fly. He also
pointed out that private citizens have the right to report the registration
number of low-flying plans to either the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or
the tower at the Niagara District Airport.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hattitan, seconded by Alderman Walker that
a resolution be forwarded to the Ministry of Transport requesting a change
in air regulations for the area, requiring aircraft to fly at a higher
altitude because of the noise factor. It was also suggested that a copy of
the resolution be forwarded to J .Hueglin, M.P.
Alderman Puttick commented on the improvements at the' Thorold
Stone Road-Portage Road intersection; at Stanley and Bridge St. and at
St. Paul St. and Portage Road. The Alderman suggested that the City's Project
Engineer, A. Iamb and Regional officials responsible for the improvements be
Alderman Christensen commented on the traffic problems and hazards
crested at the intersection of Stanley Avenue and McLeod Road as a result
of the closing of Oskes Drive to southbound traffic. The City Manager
confirmed that Regional authorities were aware of the situation and were
trying to prevent traffic problems~ It is his understanding that the Region
has ordered the necessary equipment and traffic signals will be installed as
' quickly as possible. . ..... 3.'
- 3 -
New Business -(Cont'd)
Alderman Fera advised that J. Rocco who operates a pool room on Ferry
Street has complained that the sanitation department refuses to pick up garbage
at his establishment more than once a week although add itional collections are
made st an adjacent business. It was explained that conmmrcial establishments
requesting more than one weekly garbage pick-up are assessed for the service.
The City Clerk was instructed to refer the information to J. SPiers,Superintendent,
Sanitation and Sewers,
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman
cl;r .........
Council Chambers,
July 23, 1973.
Council met on Monday, July 23, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose
of considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of His Worship Mayor George Bukator. Acting Mayor Robert Keighan
presided as Chairman. Alderman Thomson offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the minutes of the July 9th and July 16th,1973, minutes be adopted as
printed. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others
in layout.
Mr. Bob Wybrow, Jr., was granted permission to address Coucil on the
motioh of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt.
Mr. Wybrow submitted his views of a proposed by-law regarding the
fencing of above-ground pools. He suggested that the fencing will protect only
"toddlers" as older children are able to climb almost any type of fence. He
recommended s lower maximum exemptibis height for "spinsher" type pools which
he described as more accessible and that more consideration be given to
24'~12" pools with a capacity of 3000 gals. Mr. Wybrow also commented on the
problems created when pools are cut into the aide of hills or terraces which
results in a variance in the height of the pool from grade. He suggested the
number of feet out from the base of the pool should be specified. Be asked
also if a natural fence such as a 6' cedar hedge could be accepted as being
of "equivalent strength". In regard to the required fencing of the entry area,
Mr.Wybrow said the by-law ignores the availability of excellent safeguards which
could serve as alternatives to the fence and gate proposal. The speaker requested
that the passing of the by-law requiring the fencing of privately-owned swimming
pools be deferred to provide an opportunity for more study and research and
possible implementation in the spring of 1974.
In reply to numerous questions, the Building Inspector provided the
following additional information:
- above-ground pools less than 42" and more than 25" will require fencing.
- above-ground pools 42" or over require fencing around the access area only.
- pools 24" or less require no fencing if the pool is completely above ground.
- no fencing is required for small 12" to 15" portable pools.
- the by-law will not effect existing fenced in-ground pools until May 1974.
During the discussion, it wan suggested by members of Council that the
height of the pools should be measured from grade at a specified distance out
from the edge of the pool to eliminate the possibility of a variance in the
above-ground measurement when a pool is cut into a hillside or is located on
different levels bf ground, Questions were also raised regarding the necessity
of a gate being the same height as the fence in cases where the fence may be
above standard. It was noted that the by-law does not mention how high the
bottom of the gate is to be above ground where a child could crawl under the
The City Manager's report regarding the swinmtng pool fence by-law
was brought forward for consideration at this time.
Report ~ 362 - City Manager - Re: Swimming Pool Fence By-law. Advising that a
new by-law implements four changes suggested by the City Council; recommending
that the by-law be approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermsn Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
By-law No. 73-159 appearing later on the agenda be brought forward for consideration
at this time.
- 2-
By-law No. 73-159 - A By-law requiring the fencing of privately-owned swimming
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading. The motion Carried with Alderman Christensen
voting contrary and all oth~rs in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion
Carried with the following vote!
AYE: Aldermen Nunt, Fern, Mann, Harrigan, Puttick, Smeaton, Schisler, Walker,
NAYE:Aldermen Wallace and Christensen.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the con~nents and suggestions regarding the by-law requiring the fencing of
swimming pools be referred to staff for possible amendments to the by-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report of the City Manager, No.362, be received and filed.
Report #363 - City Solicitor - Comments re: the legality of the Council making
a grant to defray the expense of the air show at the Niagara District Airport;
suggesting that the provisions of The Municipal Act are broad enough to cover
a grant in aid of the air show provided there is sufficient maney available;
advising that a by-law to authorize the grant could be passed by a majority
of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and filed and a cheque payable to the Air Show'73
Sponsorship Committee in the amount of $1000. be added to the by-law
authorizing payment of municipal accounts. The motion Carried with Alderman
Christensen voting contrary and all others in layout.
Report ~364 - City Manager - Recowmending that for the year 1973, the Niagara
Falls Memorial Arena be rented to the Niagara Falls Jaytees on August 24th
and August 25th for the sum of $300.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
Report ~365 - Recreation Director - Advising that the Recreation Commission
does not support the request of the Niagara Falls Lieo's Club Midget Baseball
team for financial assistance in the amount of $1000. to compete for the
Canadian Championship.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by AldermanChristensen
that Mr. Peter Long be granted permission to-address Council.
Mr. Long explained that the Niagara. Falls Lton~s Club Midget
Baseball Team are now Ontario Champions and will play against a Quebec team
on August llth. If successful in Quebec, the team will travel to Alberta for
the Labour Day weekend and compete for the Canadian championship. lie said the
schedule does not allow sufficient time for fund-raising activities to raise
the required $5000. A donation of $1,000. from the City would start a fund
and enable officials to make the necessary reservations, Should the team be
defeated in Quebec, the money will not be needed.
It was moved by Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
report be received and Council adopt the rec~uaendation of the Recreation
Conmission that the request for financial assistance be denied. The motion
was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE~n Fern, Mann,Hunt,Schisler.
~AYE:Aldermen Christensen~ Rarrigan~ Puttick, Smeaton, Wallace,Thomson,Wallace.
- 3-
Lion's Club Midget Baseball Team (Cent'd)
It was then moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the report of the Recreation Director be received and filed and the
request for financial assistance be referred to the City Manager who, after
consulting with Mr. Long, will make a reconunendation as to the amount of the
contribution up to a limit of $1000. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen
Christensen, Harrigan, Puttick, Smeaton, Wallace, Thomson,
Fern, Mann, Hunt, Schisler.
Report #366 - City Manager - Re: Niagara Falls Conununity Centre Board -
Niagara Falls Memorial Arena. An advisory report regarding the summer
operations of the Niagara Falls Arena.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Hunt, seconded by Alderman Puttick that the
report be received and filed.
Report #367 - City Clerk - Re: Application of Auto Petre Investments for a
zoning amendment to legalize an existing service station located at the north-
east corner of Drununond Road and Scott Street; advising that as a result of
the usual notification procedure, a petition bearing 36 signatures objecting
to the proposal was received; requesting the direction of Council.
Alderman Harrigan noted that the majority of adjacent property
owners did not object to the service station o~eration but had s number of
other complaints regarding noise and litter. The Alderman suggested that
such complaints should be a separate item and should not be connected with
an application for rezoning.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report be received and filed and Council reaffirm an earlier decision to
approve the application of Auto Petre Investments and the application together
with the objections received, be referred to the Ontario Municipal Board for
consideration; further, that the complaints of noise, pollution and litter
be referred to the Building Department. '
No. 91 - T. Cohn and Others - Comments re: Noisy conduct of youths congregating
at the corner of Portage Road and Hugging St.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the con~nunication be received and referred to City Staff with authority to
i~lement any steps necessary to reduce or eliminate the nuisance.
No. 92 - Social Planning Council - Re: Proposal to establish a Regional body
for the purpose of co-ordinating social services at the Regional level.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
.communication be received and referred to staff for further information and
No.368 - City Clerk - Report of the Council Committee meeting held July 16,1973.
1. Ontario Housing Corporation - Objections to proposed family units.
RecommenHation: That the ~hree applications be considered at a special meeting
on Monday, August 13, 1973 and objectors be given an opportunity to submit
their comments.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman gmeaton, seconded by Aldermen Fern that
the date of the special meeting be changed to September 10, 1973.
2. Future Council Meetings
A suggested schedule for meetings of the City Council was approved on the
motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen.
Rec~,~endstion: That the City Council authorize the extension of water service
to the Niagara Glass Plant of the Ford Company of Canada on the understanding
that the company will pay to the City an emoont of $11,200, as the Company's
share of the cost.
Extension of Watermain to Ford Plant (tout'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the recommendation be adopted.
4. Property Acquisition - Former H.E.P.C. haulage road - The Planning
Administrator advised that Ontario Rydro official~ have indicated they ,'
want to dispose of a strip of property running fromSt. Paul Avenue to
Mountain Road and formerly used as a haulage road.
Recommendation: That City Staff he authorized to carry out further
negotiations with the H.E.P'.C. of Ontario for the determination of a
purchase price for the property.
The recommendation of the Council Committee was adopted on the motion of
Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen. The motion Carried
with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Report ~369 - City Manager - Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for the
six months ending June 30, 1973 for tax supported services and the water
and parking meter operations.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report be received and filed.
No. 370 - City Manager - Re: Industrial Lands. Referring to the option of
seven lots in the Falls Industrial Park by Dr. Caaper of Germany and
advising that Dr. Casper has decided not to purchase the lots at this time;
advising that lots 17,18,19,36,37,38 and 39 are therefore available for sale ·
to other companies.
ORDERED on the motion of Aiderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Mann
that the report be received and filed.
No. 371 - planning. and Development Committee - Re: AM-19/73, Stamford
Construction, Pt.Block A, R.P.56, west side Carroll Avenue. An application
to permit the erection of one single-family dwelling; recommending approval
of the application subject to the by-law being considered by the Ontario
Municipal Board in conjunction with the previous application, AM-2/73, for
an apartment building and, further, that Council certify by resolution that
the application conforms to the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the
Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Mr. WiIliam Slovak be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Slovak, a Solicitor representing Abex Indus~ries, advised that
his clients have filed an objection to the earlier application for a
rezoning to permit an apartment building. He re-iterated. the objection of
the industrial firm and suggested that if the property reverts to residential
~use, there will be eum~,l~ints of noise, traffic and sewer problems. Approval
bf the application, he said, would remove the existing commercial use which
acts as a buffer between the plant and the residential area. Mr. Slovak
also suggested that the application does not take into account the character
of Portage Road which is becoming a highly-developed conm~ercial area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the report of the Planning and Development Committee be received and filed
and the application of Stamford Construction to erect one single-family
dwelling on the west side of Carroll Avenue be denied. The motion Cart.led
with Alderman Fera voting contrary and all others in layout.
No. 372 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM-25/73 M. & G. Cassolato,
Lot 743, wear side Buchanan Avenue. An application to erect one' single family
dwelling on a lot with 50 foot frontage; reconauending that the application
be 'approved and Council certify, by resolution, that the application conforms
to the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.99
- 5-
Reports (Cent'd)
No. 373 - Planning & Development Committee - Re:AM-8/73 J.D.Rocco, Pt.Lot 6,
Plan 30, north-east corner of May Avenue and Buttrey Street. A rezoning applica-
tion to permit the construction of an extension to an existing motel;recormnending
approval of the application subject to a site plan agreement and that Council
certify, by resolution, that the application for the rezoning of property known
as Part Lot 6, Plan 30 sitoated on the north side of Buttrey Street and including
a parcel of land having an approximate frontage onButtrey Street of 60 feet and
a flankage on May Avenue of 97 feet, conforms to the Official Plan
Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.100 and By-law 73-179
No. 374 - City Manager - Re: AM-6/73 Kenmore Holdings Ltd.,Pt.Twp.Lot 188,
east side Dorchester Road,27T-23377. Advising that the draft plan of subdivision
has been approved by the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental
Affairs sobject to the conditions and it is now necessary to amend the zoning
by-law to implement Council's earlier approval.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and filed and the By-law be given the necessary three
See By-law No.73-175
No. 375 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: Am-24/73 City of Niagara Falls,
Concession 3, Lot 18, south-east corner Weinbrenner and Sodom Roads. Application
for rezoning to permit a proposed recreation complex; recommending approval of
the application and that Coancil certify, by resolution, that the application
conforms to the Official Plan Amendment No. 29 of the Niagara Falls Planning
Area (Willoughby Section).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the report be received and adopted..
See Resolution No. 101
No. 376 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Regional policy for the location of
· buildings and structures on land lying adjacent to Regional roads and a request
that area municipalities c~mment on the policy prior to August l, 1973;
recommending that Council request an extension to September 15th in order to
prepare appropriate comments.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the report be received and adopted. The motion'Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in fayour.
No. 377 - City Manager - Report of the Regional Public Works & Utilities
Conunittee r~garding construction of sidewalks on Regional roads; recommending
that the Regional Council be asked to delay further consideration of the report
untii area municipalities have an opportunity to examine the recommendations
and determine their effect.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
.report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Pnttick voting
contrary and all others in fayour. '
No. 378 ? City Manager - Re: Maintenance of Regional Roads by Area Municipalities.
Submitting information relative to the new policy as it pertains to the City of
Niagara Falls and recommending that the Public Works and Utilities Committee be
asked to withhold recommendations to provide an opportunity for area munici-
palities to weigh the impact of the suggested policy.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report be received and adopted,
No. 379 - City Manager.- Re: Changes to Regional Road System. Noting ~hat it is
the intention of the Regional Public Works C~m. ittee to recommend to the
Regional Council the assumption of Stanley Ave. from McLeod Road to Lyons Creek
and Portage Road from Ferry St, to Thorold Road by the Region and that Queen St.
from Victoria Avenue to River Road revert to a municipal responsibility;
-recon~nending that the Regional Public Works end Utilities Co~waittee be asked to
withhold their recommendations as contained in Report BE-1832 with the exception
~f reco~nendation Noo2 respecting the Stanley Ave. extension, until such time
as the City Council and Staff have an opportunity to consider the suggested
changes and con~ent thereon; recommending further that Council suggest a date at
which time changes to the Regional Road System and proposals Tot the Portage-
Drummond-Morriaon area can be discussed.
Report ~379 (Cent'd)
ORDERED on the motion of AIderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the report be received and the first recommendation pertaining to the Public
Works Conunittee Report DE-1832 be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Council meet with the Regional Public Works Committee on Thursday,
August 30 at 4:00 p.m. at Regional Headquarters for the purpose of discussing
changes to the Regional Road System and proposals for the Portage-Drummond-
Morrison area.
No. 380 - City Manager - Re: Roads and Sidewalks, Heritage Subdivision.
Contract R.C.27-73. Recommending that the contract for road and sidewalk
construction be awarded to Steed and Evans Ltd. who submitted the lowest
tender in the amount of $117,837.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.10
No. 381 - City Manager - Re: Protective Clothing Tender. Recommending
acceptance of the tender submitted by Audibert~s Mengs Wear in the per unit
amount of $5.43 for pants and $4.79 per unit for shirts, with an aggregate
value of approximately $5,000.; recommending further that Council accept the
low tender submitted by Rosbergs Department Stores for the supply of coverails
at a per unit price of $8.38 with an approximate value of $335.70.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.10
No. 382 - City Manager - Re: Hydraulic Cleaning of Sewers & Culverts.
Recommending that the unit prices submitted by Sanitank Inc. be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the report be received and adopted. ·
See Resolution No.10~
No. 383 - City Manager - Re: Closed Circuit Television Inspection of Sewers.
Reconmending acceptance of the unit prices in the total amount of $4,440.
submitted by Sanitank Inc.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson,s~eB~d by Alderman Wallace that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.10'
No. 384 - City Manager - Re: Purchase of New Equipment 1973. Recommending
acceptance of the following tenders:
Item 1 - Compact Automobiles (2) - Motorville Car Sales - $5,431.02.
Item 2 -,.~{naow Van Truck (1) - Autoland Chrysler - $3,948.30
Item 3 - 3/4 Ton Pick Up Trucks (3) - Autoland Chrysler - $11,126.93
Item 4 - 20 CU. YD. Refuse Packers (3) - Wheels, Brakes Equipment - $24,041.76
Item 5 - 27,500 lb. G.V.W.Truck Chassis (3) - Archer Truck Service - $34,507.50
Item 6 - 160 H.P.Road Grader (1) Dominion Road Machinery - $34,400.50
Item 7 - 2 1/2 cu.yd.front end Loader (1) - Turney Equipment - $36,806.93
Item 8 - 4 - 6 Ton Paving Roller (1) - Capital Equipment Ltd., - $10,087.96
Item 9 - Hydraulic Truck Crane (1) - WaJsx Industries Ltd. - $7,488.60
Item 10 - 16" Brush Chipper (1) - Duke Lawn Equipment - $5,989.86;
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No;10.
No. 385 - City Manager - Resolutions from Ontario Municipalities.
1. City of Windsor - Petitionlug the Provincial Government to advance the date
of the sitting of the Assessment Review Court.
Recommendation: The resolution be endorsed and the appropriate authorities
be so notified.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Fare that
the resolution from the City of Windsor be received and endorsed.
2. City of Guelph Requesting an amendment to The Public Schools Act to -
provide for the filling of vacancies on divisional Boards of Education.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the resolution be received and endorsed.,
Report #385 (Cent'd)
City of Windsor - Requesting the Ontario Government to consider certain
problems arising as a result of motor vehicles not operated on public highways.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
resolution be received and endorsed.
4. Town of Mississauga - Requesting amendments to The Highway Traffic Act to
require motorists to stop each time s school bus stops to receive or discharge
all students regardless of their direction of travel. The report advises that
the Ontario Traffic Conference has a committee investigating this particular
subject and suggests that Council express any concern to the committee rather
than endorse a resolution which may create greater problems than presently
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the resolution from the Town of Mississauga be received and filed. The
motion ~arried with Alderman Thomson voting contrary and all others in favour.
5. City of St.Catharines - Requesting that municipalities be granted permission
to issue lottery licences for prizes up to, but not exceeding, $5,000.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the resolution be received and endorsed.
6. City of Hamilton - Requesting the Government of Canada to provide legislation
for the removal of obstrnction by trains to emergency vehicles.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the resolution be received and endorsed. The motion Carried with Alderman
Wallace voting contrary and all others in favour.
7. Town of Oakville - Requesting the Province to amend existing legislation to
provide for the issuance of a ticket system for dogs running at large and
to request the licensing of cats.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
resolution be received and filed.
City of Thunder Bay - Requesting the Federal Government to develop programs
for providing accommodation for travelling youth.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
resolution be received and filed.
No. 386 - City Clerk - Advisory Report. The report includes information regarding
the installation of traffic signals at McLeod Road and Stanley Ave. as well as
other installations to be made in the City during 1973; information regarding the
situation on the Tarczy property on Beaverdams Road; the installation of two-way
radio equipment in fifteen Transit Commission vehicles; increased taxicab meter
rates; a proclamation regarding water restrictions and two newspaper articles
concerning local governments.
Alderman Puttick referred to the communication received from Mr.J.B.
Hopkins regarding the Tarczy property on Beaverdams Road and moved that the dead-
line for cleaning up the property be extended to August 1,-1973. The motion was
seconded by Alderman Smeaton. The motion Carried with Alderman Wallace declaring
his interest and abstaining from voting. Alderman Smeaton questioned if the '
property owners would be required to move all car wrecks and the matter was
referred to the City Clerk.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the remaining items in the advisory report be received and filed.
No. 387 - City Clerk - Application of J & S Company for a Transient Traders
Licence to operate from the former Leitch Home Furnishera building at 5841 Ferry
Street; application for an auctioneer licence from M.Wilson & Company.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed and the applications be denied.
No. 388 - City Clerk - Recommending approval of Municipal Licences.
· ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report be received and adopted and licences granted..'
No. 389 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts. The report
was amended to include payment of $1,000. to Air Show '73.
OPaERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be receivcd and adop~ed. Alderman Christensen indicated his objections to
two payments to the Downtown I~provement Area and voted contrary to the motion.
No. 99 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls certify that the application of M. & G. Cassolato for
the fezcuing of property known as Lot No. 743, Plan 2628, located on the west
side of Buchanan Avenue, conform$ to the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of
the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of
Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 100 - MANN - FERA - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls certify that the application of J. Rocco for the
rezoning of property known as Part Lot 6, Plan 30, situated on the north
side of Buttrey Street and a parcel of land having an approximate frontage
on Buttrey Street of 60 feet and a flankage on May Avenue of 97 feet,
conforms to the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning
Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Treasury, Economics and
Intergovernmental Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 101 - CHRISTENSEN - MANN - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation
of the City of Niagara Falls certify that the application of the Cityof
Niagara Falls for the rezonlng of property known as Concession 3, Lot 18
and located at the south-east corner of Wainbrenner and Sodom Roads and
known as the former StarliCe Theatre property, conforms to the Official Plan
Amendment No. 29 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area (Willoughby Sect[on)as
amended and approved by the Minister of Treasury, Economics and Intergovern-
mental Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 102 - THOMSON - WALLAC~ - RESOLVED that the contract for road and
sidewalk construction in the Heritage Subdivision, Contract R.C.27-73,be
awarded to Steed and Evans Ltd. st the tendered amount of $117,837.00;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 103 - THOMSON - WALLACE - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by Audibert's
Men's Wear in the per unit amount of $5.43 for pants and $4.79 per unit for
shirts, with an aggregate value of approximately $5,000.00 be accepted; and,
further, that the tender submitted by Rosbergs Department Stores for the
supply of coverails at a per unit price of $8.38 with an app~oximate value
of $335.70 be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 104 - THOMSON - WALLACE - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by
Sanitank Inc. for the hydraulic cleaning of sewers and culverts be accepted;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 105 - THOMSON - WALLACE - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by
Sanitank Inc. in the total amount of $4,440.00 for closed circuit television
inspection of sewers be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously
NO. 106 - THOMSON - WALLACE - RESOLVED that the following tenders .for the
purchase of new equipment in 1973, be accepted:
1. - Compact Autnmobiles(2) - Motorville Car Sales - $5,431.02
2. - Window Van Truck(l) - Autoland Chrysler - $3,948.30
3, ~ 3/4 Ton Pick-Up Trucks (3) - Autola~d Chrysler - $11,126.93
4. - 20 cu.yd. Refuse Packers (3) - Wheels, Brakes Equipment - $24,041.76
5. - 27,500 lb.G.V.W.Truck Chassis (3) - Archer Truck Service - $34,507~50
6. - 160 H.P.Road Grader (1) - Dominion Road Machinery - $34,400.50
7. - 2 1/2 cu.y, Front End Loader (1) - Turney Equipment Ltd. - $36,806.93
8. - 4 - 6 ton Paving Roller (I) - Capital Equipment Ltd.'- $10,087.96
9. - Hydraulic Truck Crane (1) - WaJax Industries Ltd. - $7,468.60
10. - 16" Brush Chipper (1) - Duke Lawn ~quipment - $5,989.86; AND the Seal
of.the Corporation,be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
- 9 -
No. 107 - MANN- CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that Acting Mayor Robert F. Keighan be
authorized to issue a proclamation declaring Monday, August 6, 1973, as a Civic
Holidayin the City of Niagara Falls; that all Civic Buildings remain closed on
August 6, 1973 and the regular meeting of Council normally scheduled for that
date be held on Tuesday, August 7th, 1973, commencing at 7:30 p.m.; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslZ
No. 108 - WALLACE - HUNT - RESOLVED that pursuant to The Peblic Transportation
and Highway Improvement Act, the Council of the City of Niagara Falls hereby
petition for interim payment for public transportation expenditures during
the year 1973 in the total amount of $194,254.65; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimonslZ
No. 109 - MANN - SCHISLER - RESOLVED that Ontario Housing Corporation be
requested to undertake and carry out a survey to determine the need and
effective demand for senior citizen housing accommodation on a geared-to-income
basis in the City of Niagara Falls; AND the Seal of the Corp~ ation be hereto
Carried UnanimouslZ
No. I10 - WALLACE - HARRIGAN - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of
Niagara Falls authorize a request being made to the Ontario Municipal Board
to have a date fixed for the hearing of the City's application for the
approval of Official Plan Amendment No. 57 and Zoning By-law Amendment No.
72-138; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouSl~
No. 73-105 - A By-law to authorize improvements to the electrical power distri-
bution system of the City. (The by-law was given a first and second reading on
May 14, 1973)
THIRD READING - Alderman Mann and Alderman Hunt.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-159 - A By-law for requiring the fencing of privately-owned swimming
(See Page 2)
No. 73-174 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the
Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Canadian Union of Public Employees,
Local Union Number 133.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fers that
Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Mann that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion Carried
with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in fayour. '
No. 73-175 - A By-law to amend By-laws No. 2350, 1959 and 2530,1960 of the
former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.
(Kenmore Holdings)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the .first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 10 -
No. 73-176 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township
of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Fells, as amended. (Cassolato)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldernmn Hunt
that Alderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
~hrtstensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-177 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township
of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Stamford
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Fera be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-lsw be
given the first reading.
NOTE: The By-law was deleted from the Agenda. See Page 4, Report ~371.
No. 73-178 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 395, 1966 of the former Township of
Willoughby. (Starlira Theatre Property)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Runt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-179 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Joseph D.Roeco and others. (North-east corner Buttrey and May Ave.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-laW. be,~ive~the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Aldeman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-180 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955, as amended. (J.Rocco)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman 8chisler, seconded by AIderman
Wallace that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Wallace that the by-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 11 -
By-laws (Cont'd)
No. 73-181 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Steed and
Evans Limited for the construction of roads and sidewalks. (Heritage Subdivision)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimoRsty
No. 73-182 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 73-73 (Dominion Construction Ltd.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-lnw be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fmnn, seconded by A~ erman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimou.sly
No. 73-183 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial Park.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen thst the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-184 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law, as amended, and
the By-law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Chriatens~n voting contrary and all others in fayour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion Carried
with Alderman Christensen voting contrary and all others in layout.
Alderman Smeaton requested infornmtion regarding the ownership and
policing of a parking lot at the corner of McGratl Ave. and Spring St. in
the vicinity of the Venetian Hotel. The Aldermen commented on numerous
complaints about noise and activities in the area and the fact that a car has
been parked on the lot for about eight weeks. The matter was referred to the
City Clerk.
~ote: Alderman Schisler retired from the Council ChamberS.
Alderman 8meaton enquired about the possibility of giving more notice
of tsxes due because of the hardship on persons on fixed income. The City
Treasurer explained the procedure aud the time required for the preparation of
the tax bills. Earlier finsltzation of the budget, he :se~d, would make it
possible to mail notices earlier.
- 12-
New Business (Cont'd)
In reply to questions by Alderman Smeaton, the City Engineer
explained that the change in the taste of the drinking water was due to
higher water temperatures in Lake Erie and the Niagara River and the
resulting increased growth.o~aagae.The same situation exists at Port
Colborne, Fort Erie and Buffalo.
Alderman Puttick noted that the tennis nets at Ontario Avenue and
Ellis Street have had to be replaced on more than one occasion. If this is
the result of malicious damage, he said, the nets should not be replaced.
The City Engineer did not recommend that the nets be removed pointing out
that the tennis courts are used more extensively than others in the City and
it is one recreation facility that is provided in this particular area.
The City Engineer replied to questions by Alderman Puttick and
confirmed that the Murray Street outfall had been completed with a substantial
saving for the City although the
time. "
Alderman Harrigan suggested that the installation of advance green
lights at Drummond Road and Lundy's Lane would help alleviate traffic problems
at the intersection. The City Engineer advised that the suggestion has been
forwarded to Regional officials for investigation.
Alderman Fera enquired about a communication from a Mr. Berezuk
regarding urban renewal in the Glenview area. The Planning Administrator
advised that the letter is on file in the Planning Department and new
legislation is being studied.
Alderman Christensen suggested that the Canadian ~tiorel Railway
be asked to clean up the tracks between Bridgewater Street and Welland Street
in the former Village of Chippaws.
Alderman Hunt presented a verbal report regarding a meeting st the
Regional offices to discuss implementation of the provisions of the Drainage
Act and at which he had spoken on behalf of the municipality. He reported that
the meeting was well-stranded and most informative. He mentioned that one of
the items of concern to municipalities was the large percentage of engineering
costs incurred in implementi~the Drainage Act as opposed to the over-all cost.
Alderman Wallace reviewed for the benefit of members of Council, the
results of a meeting with representatives of the Police Co~nissio~ on July 19th
regarding a proposed new poli~building for the Niagara Detachment. Mr. Chapman
had preliminary plans available showing the proposed one-storey building for
which the estimated construction cost is $975,000. During the meeting, Mr.
Hatch had suggested that the City of Niagara Falls present s proposal to the
Police C~ission. Inasmuch as adequate plans suitable for a presentation
have been prepared by the architect, it was suggested that the matter should
should not be delayed and the City should submit a proposal as quickly as
Police Building (Cont 'd)
- 13 -
Alderman Wallace expressed concern about the difficulty he had
encountered in trying to obtain ups'to-date information regarding capital
projects proposed for the municipality. He suggested that reports concerning
major projects such as the new library, the satellite arena, the recreation
complex in the Chippaws area as well as the police building should be sub-
mitted at regular intervals.
Alderman Thomson expressed the opinion that the providing of new
police headquarters is entirely a Regional responsibility and the City should
not suggest cost-sharing arrangements or offer to contribute the site.
It was then moved by Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Walker
that City official prepare a complete report on the proposed erection of a
police building for the Niagara Detachment of the Regional Police Force with
particular emphasis on the financing alternatives available. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
~YE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Harrigan, Smeaton, Walker,Wallace.
NAYE:Aldermen Thomson, Fare, Mann and Puttick.
Alderman Thomson spoke about the delays in paying contractors as
a result of municipal accounts being presented to Council every other week.
The City Manager suggested that payment of such accounts need not be delayed
because Council has previously approved all contracts and payments are
approved by the City Engineer and the City Manager.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
July 30, 1973.
excepti of
His Worship Mayor George Bukator, Alderman Walker and Alderman Smeaton. Alderman
Keighan, as Acting Mayor, presided as Chairman.
Report ~379 (July 23, 1973) - City Manager - Re: Changes to Regional Road System.
Advising that it is the intention of the Regional Public Works Committee to
recormuend to the Regional Council the assumption of Stanley Avenue from McLeod
Road to Lyons Creek and Portage Road from Ferry Street to Thorold Stone Road by
the Region and that Queen Street from Victoria Avenue to River Road revert to a
municipal responsibility. The Regional Public Works and Utilities Committee was
asked to withhold their recommendations as contained in Report DE-1832 until
such time as the City Council and City Staff had an opportunity to consider the
suggested changes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Barrigan that
the Council of the City of Niagara Falls approve the changes to the Regional road
system as contained in Regional Report No.DE-1832 as they relate to the City of
Niagara Falls.
Comm.#93 - Residents of Loyalist Avenue - re: Relocation of proposed sidewalk.
A petition was received from approximately fifteen residents of Loyalist Avenue
requesting the relocation of a proposed sidewalk. The City Engineer commented
on the request and reviewed the policy adopted earlier by Council with respect
to the location of sidewalks.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wallace that the
communication be received and filed and the petitioners be notified of the action
of Council. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Fera';' Mann, Puttick, Schisler, Wal lace../al
NAY.__~E:Aldermen Christensen, Harrigan and Thomson.
Alderman Harrigan presented the following statement:
'For the information of Members of Council and the citizens of Niagara Falls,
Mayor Bukator has asked me to make this statement before Council. The Mayor, as
you know, suffered a very mild heart attack in late June of this year. Dr. Tom
Jamieson and myself, who have artended Mayor Bukator, are pleased to announce
that Mr. Bukator has made a complete and uneventful recovery from his illness
end was discharged from hospital this afternoon. We are confident that the Mayor's
health is now good, but in the interest of keeping Mr. Bukator well, we consider
it advisable that he does not return to his duties of office until September 1st.
I might emphasize at this time that the office of Mayor of this City is a moat
demanding Job. In addition to the daily tasks involved with looking after the
City's business, there are many social demands placed upon the Mayor to attend
various functions. While it is absolutely necessary for the Mayor to represent
the City and its citizens at some functions, there are many others where his
presence is not really necessary. The Mayor wishes to emphasize his appreciation
for the many kind invitations he has received while in office. His physicians
are of the opinion that Mr. Buketor should, as much as possible, devote his energies
to the daily tasks of being Mayor and restrict social functions to the reasonable
necessary minimum. He has advised accordingly.
Mayor Bukator has asked me to convey his thanks to his many well-wishers,
to the Members of Council and to yourself, Mr. Keighan, for pitching in and helping
out with the many duties of his office during his absence. He is looking forward
to getting back into the harness in September."
New Business (Cent'd)
- 2-
The City Engineer presented a verbal report of the rupture of the 24"
watermain at the intersection of Drummond Road and Murray Street. He indicated
the valve was restored on Saturday night after an approximately loss of one million
gallons of water. As of the date of this report, the watermain was being rebuilt
slowly in order to adequately bleed air from the lines. The City Engineer stated
that the main is a Regional responsibility and any costs incurred will be billed
to that authority. In reply to questions raised by Alderman Puttick, the City
Engineer confirmed that the cost of the water will be billed back to the
Alderman Thomson advised Council that approximately six months ago
he had talked to representatives of the St.Lawrence Seaway Authority regarding
repairs to the east-bound lane of the canal tunnel at Thorold. Since the
initial discussion, the water leak had increased and the wall appears to be
steadily deteriorating. Work has been carried out with apparently little
effect as the leaking water is increasing in volume. Alderman Thomson suggested
that Council ask the responsible authority for a statement as to the safety of
the tunnel.
It was moved by Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the Council of the City of Niagara Falls express their concern to responsible
authorities regarding the condition of the east-bound lane beneath the Welland
Canal at Thorold end for a report as to the potential danger that exists as a
reBult of this condition and, further, that the City of St.Catharines and the
Regional Municipality of Niagara be solicited for their support in this matter.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Mann, Harrigan,Puttick,gchisler,Thomson.
NA"~:Aldermen Wallace and Fern.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the meeting adjourn and Members of Council reconvene in Committee of the Whole.
Comnittee Room~l,
July 30, 1973.
Council met in Cmmuittee of the Whole on Monday, July 30, 1973,
following a special meeting. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of His Worship Mayor George Bukator, Aldermen Smeston and Alderman
Walker.' .Alderman Keighan, as presided as Chairman.
Following considerat ~resented, the Committee of
the Whole arose without Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Hunt.
Committee Room ~1
July 30, 1973.
Council met on Monday, July 30, 1973, following a Committee of the
Whole meeting. All Members of Council were present with the exception of His
Worship Mayor George Bukator, Alderman Walker and Alderman Smeaton. Alderman
Keighan, as Acting Mayor, presided as Chairman.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded
by Alderman Schisler.
Council Chambers,
August 7, 1973.
Council met on Monday, August 7, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of His Worship Mayor George Bukator, Alderman Smeaton and Alderman Fern.
Alderman Walker offered the Opening Prayer. Alderman Keighan, as Acting Mayor,
presided as Chairman.
The minutes of a regular meeting held on July 23, 1973, were adopted
as printed on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Walker.
Report #352 - City Manager - Re: Erection and maintenance of fences and gates
around privately-owned outdoor swinnning pools. Advising that a prepared by-law,
if approved by Council, will require fencing for any non-permanent swimming pool
as well as permanent pools; recommending approval of By-law 73-159.
Report #390 - City Manager - Advising that a new by-law to amend By-law 73-159,
incorporated three changes suggested by City Council; recommending approval of
the amending by-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that
the report be received and adopted.
See By-law No.73-186
Report #391 - City Manager - Advising that information has been received that
The Oshawa Group Limited wish to withdraw the objection lodged against the
application of Mardress Investments for the approval of the Niagara Square
Shopping Centre proposal; advising also that confirmation has been received
from Mr.B.S.Oayschuk that he wishes to continue opposition to the Niagara
Square Shopping Centre on behalf of the Downtown Merchants Association,Stamford
Merchants Association, Town & Country Merchants Association and Towers Depart-
ment Stores Ltd.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and filed.
Report #392 - City Manager - Advising that the Haulage Road between St.Paul Street
and Mountain Road has been declared as surplus by Ontario Hydro and can be
' purchased for $19,575.00; suggesting that the Opinion of Value from Hydro officials
is very reasonable and acquisition of the property would tie in with a system of
bikewaYs~and walkways and would also act as a connecting link from the North-west
Planning District to Firemen's Park and other parks that may be developed on the
edge of the escarpment; recommending that the City Manager be directed to acquire
the land known as former Haulage Road, being part of Lot 25 and 36 in the former
Township of Stamford, at the value as estimated by Ontario Hydro; that funds be
obtained from the 5% cash-in-lieu park fund and, further, that development of the
property be considered in next year's budget.
Alderman Puttick questioned a statement in a letter from Ontario Hydro
which indicated that the portion of the property located in Lot 36 was acquired
in 1918 at an average cost of $2,444.00 per acre.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in fayour. "
Report ~393 - City Manager - Re: Operation of Helicopters. Referring to the concern
expressed by members of Council relative to the low altitude of sightseeing
helicopters; recommending that City Staff, in conjunction with the Air Services
Branch of the Department of Transport and the local detachment of the R.C.M.P.,
be asked to take the necessary steps to register charges against any helicopters
violating Section 529 (a) of the Aeronautics Act and Air Regulations; recommending
further that copies of the report be distributed to all firms operating helicopters
over the City of NiaSsra Falls on both sides of the border.
- 2-
Operation of Helicopters (tout'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
No. 94 - Weir & Foulds - Re: Dorchester Square. Advising that application forms
have been filed for amendment to the Official Plan of the City of Niagara Falls
and to City zoning by-laws to permit the construction of the Dorchester Square
Shopping Centre at the north-east corner of the intersection of the Q.E.W. and
Dorchester Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Mann that
Council reaffirm its decision as expressed by the repeal on April 17, 1973 of
By-law 72-130 adopting Official Plan Amendment No. 58 for the Dorchester Square
proposal, and refuse the new application submitted by Southill Properties Ltd.
on July 26,1973 for an amendment to restricted area by-laws Nos. 2350,1959 and
2530,1960 and the Official Plan.
No. 95 - Niagara Regional Board of Conmissioners of Police - Re: New Police
Building. Requesting the appointment of a Committee of Council with power to
act and the committee, together with the City's architects, be requested to meet
with the Board of Police Commissioners during September to discuss the matter of
a new police building.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that
the con~nunication be received and arrangements be made for the Special Committee
previously appointed by Council, to meet with the Regional Board of Police
Commissioners and Council be kept informed of the progress made in this respect.
No. 96 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Traffic Operational Modifications
Regional Road 51 (Ferry Street). Advising that the Publ]aWorks and Utilities
Connnittee intend to recommend several changes between Stanley Avenue and
Buchanan Avenue to improve the flow of traffic on Ferry Street. The recommenda-
tions include the removal of traffic signals at the intersection of Ferry St.
and Buchanan Ave.; the prohibition of left turns for traffic northbound on
Buchanan Ave. st Ferry St.; removal of curb parking on the south side of Ferry
St. between Stanley Ave. and Buchanan Ave. and removal of a barrier median on
Ferry St. Acting Mayor Keighan noted that the Regional Council had agreed to
defer a decision on the matter pending consideration by the City of Niagara
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman ~hristensen that
Mr.D.Marinelli be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. MarinelliaddresssdCouncil on behalf of Mr. S. Alfieri Who is the
owner of several properties in the Ferry St.-Buchanan Ave. area. He expressed
the hope that Council would refer the'con~nunication to City staff and indicated
when the matter is again presented, he would be prepared to make additional
comments. Mr. MarineIll asked for permission to work in conjunction with staff
in the preparing of recuo~aendations because of the detrimental effect of the
proposal on the Alfieri properties. He stated that property owners in the
area had not been notified of the proposed changes and suggested that once~'the
public is aware of the recommendations of the Regional Public Works Con~ittee
there would be other objections to the proposal.
Alderman Thomson was critical of the fact that the City had no previous
notification of the proposed changes and the matter had gone directly from the
Public Works Committee to Regional Council. Alderman Puttick suggested a report
should include an opinion of value of property at the corner of Stanley Ave.end
Ferry Street. Alderman Wallace expressed concern that the Region would not
defer the matter indefinitely. The City Manager expressed the opinion that the
Region willawait the comments of the City. This point will be verified.
It was then moved by Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the communication be received and referred to City Staff for preparation
of a report. The motion C.arried unanhnously.
- 3 -
Communications (Cont'd)
No. 97 - Mrs.Elmer Mills - Comments re: Neighbourhood Problems. Requesting permission
to address Council.
It was moved by Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the
request to address Council be denied and the communication be received and filed.
The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AY.__EE: Aldermen H~nt, Harrigan,Walker.
NAJ:Aldermen Thomson, Christensen, Mann, Puttick, Schisler,Wallace.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
Mrs. E. Mills be granted permission to address Council.
Mrs. Mills elaborated on the complaints which included the lack of
consideration for the sick and poor, cruelty to animals and the attitude of the
Police Department.
It was then moved by Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the communication be received and filed. The motion ~arried unanimously.
No. 98 - Mrs.laura Johns - Expressing appreciation for the paving of Ker Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 394 - City Manager - Re: Watermains and Sewermains - Capital Budget. The report
advises that funds for a 16"watermain on Main St. (Chippawa)are not included in
the Region's waterworks debt; reconmaending that the Main St. watermain be deleted
from the City's 1973 capital project program but proceed with the East Q.E.W.service
road watermain. Since reconstruction of Main St. has been deferred by the Region,
the report also recommends that construction of sanitary sewermains on Main St.
and Sarah St. be deleted from the 1973 Capital Budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
No. 395 - City Manager - Re: Sidewalk Repairs on Victoria Avenue, Contract S.R.30-73.
Recommending that the unit prices submitted by D.L.Stephens Contracting for the
construction of certain sidewalks on Victoria Ave. be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.l12
No. 396 - City Manager - Re: Contract for Local Improvement Work, L,I.29-73.
Recommending that the unit prices submitted by D.L-Stephens Contracting for the
construction of certain local improvement work be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson~ seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.ll3
No. 397 - City Manager - Re: Two (2) Four-Wheeled Riding Mowers. Recommending
acceptance of the-lowest quotation submitted by Ridgeway Farm Equipment in the
amount of $2,522.06.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted. '
See Resolution No.114
No. 398 - City Manager - Re: Brakes,Wheel & Equipment Ltd.-Belated Quotation.
Re~onnnendingthat in view of the fact the firm did not include quotations with their
tender for the supply of a crane and the price, in any case, would not have been
the lowest, the correspondence from the firm be received and filed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
and the correspondence received from the firm of Wheels, Brakes & Equipment Ltd.be
received and filed.
No. 399 - City Manager - Re: Underground Installations,Dell Farm Subdivision,
Contract #G.C.32-73. Reconmending that the unit prices submitted by Provincial
Construction Limited be approved by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Mann that the report
be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.l15
Reports (Cost'd)
No. 400 - City Manager - Re: 1951 Seagrave International Pumper.. Reconnnending that
the pumper now located at the No.6 Station in the Crowlaud area be sold to the
Kearney Volunteer Fire Fighters Association at a price of $1,500. after the new
pumper has been delivered to the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Aiderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 401 - City ~nager - Re: Request for exemption from part lot control for Lots
11,14,16,20,21 and 22 of Registered Plan N.S.25 on the south side of Dunn Street
(Leawood Estates). Recommending approval of a by-law appearing later on the agenda
and that any costs for registration of the by-law following approval by the
Ministry, be assumed by the applicant.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted. See By-law No.73-188
No. 402 - City Manager - Re: Temporary Transformer Substation for Chippaws Public
Utilities Commission. Advising that the lease of a small parcel of land on the
easterly side of Mechanic Street south of Rapids View Drive used as a site for a
temporary transformer substation has expired; recommending approval of a by-law
authorizing a new lease which will expire August 31,1974 with an option to renew
for s further two year pe~od at the same rental of $200.00 per year.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and adopted. See By-law No.73-187
No. 403 - City Manager - Recommending that the Regional Municipality be requested
to issue debentures in accordance with the terms and amounts set out in a
schedule attached to the report and the City confirm that it has entered into a
contract for or authorized the commencement of all %urks or p~ojecta included in
the schedule.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Aldermap Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 111
No. 404 - City Manager - Re: Bus Stops. Recommending approval of a by-law
prohibiting all vehicles, except those of the Greater Niagara Transit Conmission,
from stopping in any bus stop,where signs have been erected; recommending further
that the Regional Municipality be requested to adopt a similar prohibition for
Regional roadways within the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by AldermantHunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 405 ~ City Manager - Re: Stopping Prohibition on Fourth Avenue. Reconm~nding
approval of a by-law to prohibit stopping at all times on both sides of Fourth
Avenue from 50 feet south of the N.S.& T. right-of-way to the north limit of
Fourth Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 406 - Ci~yManager - Re: Parking on Thorold Stone Road. Referring to a petiti~
received from residents a%Thorold Stone Road requesting no parking regulations on
both sides of Thorold Stone Road between St.James Street and two restaurants to
the west; advising that replies to a questionnaire indicate that the majority of
property owners on Thorold Stone Road between Dorchester Road and Portage Road do
not favour an overall prohibition; recommending that the Regional Government
prohibit parking at all times from both sides of Thorold Stone Road from St.James
'Avenue to Confederation Avenue and that considerationbe given to the removal of
the balance of the parkinS between Portage Road and Dorchester Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman 8chisler, seconded by Alderman Puttick that the
report of'the City Manager be received and adopted. The motion Carrie~. with
Alderman Thomson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 407 - City Manager - Re: International City Management Association. RequestinZ;
that the City Manager be authorized to attend the Association's Conference in
Bostons September 23rd to 27th,1973.
In view of the proposed European industrial tr~p, AlOeman Puttick
questioned the CityManager about the length of time he would be absent from the
City. The City Manager indicated there was 8 possibility he would be absent for
one month although the dat~ of the European trip have not been finalized. He
assured members of Council that he would be returning to the City before the
indu~t~y~ seeking trip Co ~ennsny.
-6 -
Resolutions (Cost'd)
No. 115 - WALKER - MANN - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Provincial
Construction Limited for underground installations in the Dell Farm Subdiv~ion,
Contract #G.C.32-73, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried UnanimoUsly
No. 116 - HUNT - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the
Council of the City of Niagara Falls be held on Monday, August 20, 1973,
commencing at 7:30 p.m.; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-185 - A By-law to continue the appointment of Robert F. Keighan as an
alternate representative to the Regional Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimou~.ly
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimous.ly
No. 73-186 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 73-159 respecting the fencing of
Privately-owned swimming pools.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Walker be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Wallace
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-187 - A By-law to authorize the leasing of land from Rapids View
Development Limited. (Temporary substation for Chippaws Public Utilities
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Walker be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unsnimousl~
Not.._.F.e: Alderman Puttick retired from the Council Chambers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Wallace
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.'
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 73-188 - A By-law to designate certain land not to be subject to part lot
control. (Lots 11,14,16,20,21 and 22, Plan N.S.25, Leaside Estates)
ORDERED on She motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that Alderman Walker be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimousl~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Thomson
~hat the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimousl~
Report No.407 (Cont'd)
In reply to questions by Alderman Christensen, the City Manager provided
additional information regarding the purpose of the conference, the costs involved
and his participation as a member of the International City Management Association.
The City Manager was authorized to attend the 1973 Annual Conference of
the International City Management Association on the motion of Alderman Walker,
seomded by Alderman Narrigan. The motion Carried unanimously.
No. 408 - City Clerk - Advisory Report. Submitting a letter of the St.Catharines-
Niagara Real Estate Board expressing appreciation for a program provided by Mr.
Murray Johnston, Mr.John Lilipere and Mr.Horace Wheeler and a progress report on
the Stamford Arena Extension. The report suggests that there be no meeting of
Council on Monday, August 13,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
report be received and the suggestions contained therein be approved.
No. 409 - City Manager - Building permits issued during the month of July, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and filed.
No. 410 - City Clerk - Recommending approval of Municipal Licerites. An application
from Niagara Fruit & Fudge, Falls Avenue for a Food Shop Licence was deleted from
the report pending further information.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
report be received and adopted and litantes granted.
No. 411 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wglker, seconded by Alderman Wallace that the
report be received and adopted.
1. Petitionlug the Minister of Transporation for approval of the purchase of
three 5I-passenger diesel buses for the purposes of the Greater Niagara Transit
Connnission and requesting permission to include the total expenditure of $33,563.66~
or such portion of that amount as may be considered proper, in the statement sub-
mitted for subsidy under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act.
The petition was approved on motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by
Alderman Thomson. Carried unanimously.
No. 111 - SCHISLER - THOMSON - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby request the Regional Municipality of Niagara to issue
debentures in accordance with the terms and amotmts set out in the schedule
attached to the resolution; and, further, that the City of Niagara Falls hereby
confirm that it has entered into a contract for, or authorized the conmencement of
all works or projects included in the schedule; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 112 - THOMSON - MANN - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by D.L.Stephens
Contracting for the construction of certain sidewalks on Victoria Avenue, Contract
~3.R.30-73, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corpcration be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 113 - THOMSON - WALKER - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by D.L.
Stephens Contracting for the construction of certain local improvement work,
Contract ~L.I.29-73, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 114 - THOFaON - WALKER - RESOLVED that the City of Niagara Fells accept the
low quotation submitted by Ridgeway Farm Equipment in the amount of $2,522.06 for
the purchase of two four-wheeled riding mowers; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
By-laws (tout'd)
No.73-194 - A By-law to amend By-law 2350,1959 and 2530,1960 of the former
Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara F.-lls, as amended.(Woodbridge
Acres Subdivision)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Walker be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-195 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the mot ion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimousl. X
Resolution No.ll7 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that Alderman S. W. Thomson be
appointed as Acting Mayor during the absence of Acting Mayor R.S.Keighan for
the period August llth to!25th,1973,inclusive. AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. ' '
Carried UnanimouslZ
In reply t9 questions by Alderman Bunt~ the City Engineer confirmed
that federal loans for sewer treatment projects in the Province of Ontario
included a loan to the Region for sewer works at the south end of the City of
Niagara Falls in the amount of $92,000.
The Ascot Woods Subdivision was brought to the attention of the
Conservation Authority because the land drains into Shriner's Creek which
includes the W-5-1 watercourse. The question was.raised by Alderman Hunt.
Alderman Hunt questioned if a recently advertised position with the City
4~would be suitable fo~ either of the City's Safety Inspectors. The Bill for the
takeover by the Province of the enforcement of The Construction Safety Act and
the Trench Excavators' Protection Act will affect two City employees. The City
Engineer explained that the advertisement was for a technician trainee and would
not besuitable for the employees who hay& been with tile City for many years.
Alderman Puttick referred to a letter from the Niagara Parks Commission
which expressed appreciation for the City's cooperation with the Commission in
efforts to study and solve the problem of land slippage on Cakes Drive which has
necessitated the closing of the south-bound lane. The Alderman asked if the City
is committed to assisting financially for the necessary study and repairs.
Acting Mayor Keighan stated that no committments have been msde although the City
could become involved if investigations indicate that inadequate sewer facilities
are causing the problems. The Acting Mayor also advised that the City Engineer
will represent the City on the Technical Committee established by the N.P.C. to
study the problem.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
communication from the Niagara Parks Conmission previously distributed to members
- 7-
By-laws (Cont'd) ~
No. 73-189 - A By-law to authorize the construction of a watermain and a pavement
strengthening on Dorchester Road and an agreement with Chemacryl Plastics Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
,- ' Carried Unanimously
No. 73-190 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Provincial
Construction (Niagara Falls) Limited for the construction of sewermains and
watermains. (Dell Farm Subdivision)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wallace
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the-By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aiderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Wallace
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
Note: Alderman Puttick returned to the Council Chambers.
No. 73-191 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with D.L.Stephens
Contracting Niagara Limited for aidewalk repairs on Victoria Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that
Alderman Schisler be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-192 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with D.L.Stephens
Contracting Niagara Limited for the construction of certain local~improvement
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that Aldernmn Schisler be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-193 - A By-law to authorize the construction of a watermain on Montrose Road
and an agreement with Ford Motor Go. of Canada Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Walker be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the Byrlaw be
given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of AIderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Bunt that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
.Not,e; Alderman Christensen declared his interest and abstained from voting.
Carried Unanimously
Oakes Drive Land Slide (Cont'd)
and now identified as Connnunication ~99, be received, the appointment of the City
Engineer to the Technical Committee be approved and that metabets of Council be '
kept fully informed of the investigation of the Oakes Drive slippage and the
remedial works required.
Alderman Puttick spoke of increasing numbers of complaints regarding
tent caterpillars and enquired what the City could do to alleviate the problem.
The City Engineer noted that a few years ago Gity Council had given staff permission
to take. necessary s~eps to solve a similar problem on Epworth Circle. Alderman
Thomson suggested that consideration be given to providing more service and infor-
mation to the public about tent caterpillars as well as other horticultural
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that
complaints regarding tent caterpillars be referred to the City Manager and he
be authorized, at his discretion, to take whatever steps are necessary to
alleviate the problem wherever possible. The motion Carried with the following
vote: ..
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Harrigan, Puttick, Walker, Thomson, Wallace.
~NAYE: Aldermen Mann and Schisler.
The City Engineer indicated that permission to go on private property
would be obtained before spraying or other methods are used.
Alderman Puttick reported numerous complaints from residents of the
Orchard Avenue - Dixon Street area regarding inadequate parking at Dell's Dairy,
noise and large trucks parked with engines running in the early morning hours.
The matter was referred to the City Manager for a report on the motion of Alder-
man Puttick, seconded by Alderman Harrigan.
Alderman Thomson reported receiving many complaints about the keeping
of dogs in the City and the number of dogs being kept by certain individuals.
There is permissive legislation under The Municipal Act, he said, which permits
by-laws enacted by e cxpalzties for the control of animals be studied.
The matter will be considered by staff.
The meeting adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of
Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson.
'nA6AND "" ': "' ..... "
D0P D, ki. ' "' "
Committee Room~l,
August 7, 1973.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following a regular meeting held
Monday, August 7, 1973. All Members of Council were present with the exception
of His Worship Mayor George Bukator, Alderman Fern and Alderman Smeaton.
Alderman Christensen presided as Chairman.
- 10 -
Following consideration of the items presented, the Connnittee of
the Whole arose without reporting on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded
by Alderman Thomson.
Council Chambers,
August 7, 1973.
Council met on Monday, August 7, 1973, following a Committee of the
Whole meeting. All Members of Council were present with the exception of His
Worship Mayor George Bukator, Alderman Smeaton and Alderman Fera. Acting
Mayor R. Keighan presided as Chairman.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded
· by Alderman Mann.
Council Chambers,
August 22,1973.
Council met on Wednesday, August 22, 1973 for the purpose of considering
general business. All Members of Council were present with the exception of His
Worship Mayor George Bukator and Aldermen Mann, Keighsn, Harrigan and Fera. Alderman
Schisler offered the Opening Prayer. Alderman Thomson, as Acting Mayor, presided as
The minutes of the July 30th and August 7th, 1973 meetings were approved
as printed on the motion of AldermmChristensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt.
Comm.~92 - Social Planning Council - Re: Proposal to establish a regional body for
the purpose of co-ordinating social services at the Regional level.
Comm.~99 _ Social Planning Council - Providing additional information regarding
planning for social services in the Regional Municipality of Niagara; requesting
Council to endorse the preparation of a plan for social development and planning
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that Mr.
J. Mitchtnson be granted permission to address Council.
As a representative of the Social Planning Council, Mr. Mitchinson spoke
about the growing concern and need for some type of a regional social planning
organization as well as the need for local input and the expertise of the Niagara
Falls Social Planning Council. Members of the S.P.C. are of the opinion that a
formal study should be undertaken to evaluate the present system, goals, funding
and duplication of services. To do so the support of existing agencies and
official groups is required. Mr. Mitchinson said that although the administration
of welfare and social services is now regional there have been indications that
the provincial government is considering further regionalization. The project has
received the support of the United Way in Niagara Falls and the United Fund in St.
Cathartnes. The Welland and Fort Erie United Appeals will be meeting in September
at which time their support will be solicited.
In reply to questions by Alderman Walker, Mr. Mitchinson confirmed that
the Social Planning Council is not seeking funds from the City at this time. It
is understood that s grant is available for the proposed study and Mr. Mitchinson
assur@d Alderman Puttick that the staff of the S.P.C. do not have time to do the
work and the grant would be used to employ a social worker to conduct the study.
It was then moved by Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication from the Social Planning Council he received and the City of Niagara
Falls adopt, in principle, tile proposal of the Social Planning Council of Greater
Niagara to prepare a plan for a social development and planning organization
covering social services available in the Regional Municipality of Niagara. The
motion ~arried unanimously.
Report ~536(1972) . City Manager - Re: Main and Ferry Improvement Area. Advising
that notification of the proposal was mailed to businesses in the area by the Main
and Ferry Business Association and no contrary comments were received; recommending
a by-law designating lands in the Main and Ferry Street area as an improvement area
be given two readings and circulated to property owners in the area who are to be
specially assessed.
Report ~413 - City Manager - Advising that one letter of objection was received end
the property of the objector does not meet the requirements of assessed value of
land; advising that in order to prevent the passing of the proposed by-law, a
Petition signed by 48 persons representing property assessed at $472,360., would
have had to be received; reconnending that By-law No.72-180 be given a third and
finel reading and forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
report of the City Manager be received nnd adopted.
gee By-law No~7.2-180
- 2-
Unfinished Business (Cont'd)
Report ~365 - Recreation Director - Advising that the Recreation Conmission does
not support the request for $1,000. as a contribution toward the travelling
expenses of the Lions Club Midget Baseball Tesm when they go to Alberta to
compete for the Canadian championship.
Report ~414 - City M~nager - Recommending that Council approve a contribution of
$1,000. to the Niagara Falls Lions Club Midget Baseball Team and the expense be
charged to Account No. 10117 which provides for receptions, awards, etc.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the report be received and adopted and the grant of $1,000. be charged to
Account No.10117.
Report #264 - City Mansger- Re:Sidewalk on Stanley Ave. Referring to a request
by the Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board for the construction
of a sidewalk on the west side of Stanley Ave. from George St. to Morrison St.;
recommending that the request be considered in the Local Improvement Construction
Program for 1974.
Report ~415 - City Manager - Re: Sidewalk on the west side of Stanley Ave.
Recommending that the erDasing of the railway tracks be improved; a stone pathway
be installed along the cemetery frontage and that the normal four foot sidewalk
be installed between Fraser Street and the railway with a cost apportionment of
$480. to the Welland Country Roman Catholic Separate School Board and $1,520. to
the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 100 - Mrs. Ken Kuhn - Comments re: Loitering on Weightman Bridge in the
former Village of Chippaws; suggesting the enactment of an anti-loitering by-law.
The City Clerk advised that authority to prohibit loitering rests with
federal authorities under the Criminal Code. There is some doubt that munici-
palities have authority to pass by-bs prohibiting loitering.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the communication be received and filed and Mrs. Kuhn be advised of the reasons
for Council's decision.
No. 101 - Mrs. Anna Brown and Others - Requesting that parking We restricted on
Victoria Avenue from Bridge St. to Queen St.
Alderumn Smeaton stated that one of the main problems appears to be
illegal parking and the-blocking of driveways during the evening hours. As
suggested by the Alderman, Staff members will investigate to determine if the
driveway stalls are clearly marked. The Police Department will be asked to
periodically check parked vehicles.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the con~nunication be received and referred to the Parking Connnittee.
No. 102 - Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology - Providing information
regarding the phasing out of the Valley Way Ratraining Centre.
Alderman Thomson expressed his concern about the closing of the
retrainins centre and suggested the phasing out of the program had been deter-
mined several years ago. The number of courses have been reduced from thirteen
to four and subsequently enrollment did drop. According to information from
the local Manpower office, there is a waiting list of 42 persons forthe
English language course. They will be required to travel to St.Catharines or
Welland. Alderman Thomson rejected an earlier statement that financing wee
also a reason for the closing of the centre. The Valley Way centre had suffered
a $1,700. loss last year, while the St.Catharines location. had lost $27,000.
Mr.D.Fslkenhagen agreed the City is being "short-changed" in terms of continuing
adult education. Alderman Puttick enqutred about a study undertaken by the
Social Planning Council which has not yet been presented to the City Council~ Mr.
Falkenhagen advised that the report was a S.P.C. project and was not prepared
at the request of Council. The report, he said, has not as yet been analyzed.
At the suggestion of Alderman Walker, the City Clerk will make enquiries to
determine if federal funds generally handled through Manpower for retrainlag
purposes, could be made available to the Niagara South Board of Education.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication. from Niagara College of Applied' Arts and Technology be received
and filed.
Communications (Cont'd)
No. 103 - Mr.R.N.Chsmbers _ Comments re: Helicopter flights and noise.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Schisler, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
communication be received and referred to Staff to meet with Mr. Chambers to
discuss the matter further and consider the approach to be taken by the
No. 416 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Fennell Developments Ltd.,
Portage Green, betwee~ Portage Road and Sinnicks Avenue. Recommend ing preliminary
approval of the proposed plan subject to eleven conditions enumerated in the report
and, further, that Council certify by resolution that the application conforms to
the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 117
No. 417 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision,Mr. and Mrs. 3.Graham,
Pt.Lots 84 & 85, Plan 1791, Riall and Gore Streets. Recordhanding preliminary approval
of the proposed plan subject to four conditions enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 418 - City Manager . Re: Amendment to Fireworks By-law No.70-86. Advising
that the City'a Fire Prevention Division has recommended an~ amendment to the
by-law to provide that any fireworks for sale be kept in a fully-enclosed non-
combustible display case or container. The existing by-law provides that fireworks
be displayed under glass thus permitting the sides of the display area to be open.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report of the City Manager be received and the by-law appearing later on the
agenda be given threes readings.
See By-law No. 73-198
No. 419 - City Manager - Re: Fall Webworm. An advisory report regarding the action
taken by staff to combat the problem.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report be received and filed.
No. 420 - City Manager - Re: Dell's Dairy, 6493 Orchard Ave. - Complaints of area
residents regarding inadequate parking, noise and the parking of large trucks with
motors running during the early morning hours. Confirming that the Dairy had
Purchased adjacent property for a buffer from the residential area and to create a
small parking area at the rear lot. Dell's Dairy has instructed their solicitor
to take the action necessary to permit the parking area to be used for four or five
cars. The report suggests that an application to fezone the property may resolve
the matter.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and filed.
No. 421 - City Manager - Re: By-law to establish a Landlord and Tenant Advisory
Bureau. Advising that the Regional Finance Conlnittee is considering the establish-
ment of a Landlord and Tenant Advisory Bureau; providing a copy of the proposed
Regional by-law and suggesting the City review the proposal and comments be forwarded
to the Finance Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and the comments of the City and the Social Planning Council
regarding the draft by-law to establish a Regional Landlord and Tenant Advisory
Bureau be forwarded to the Regional Finance Conduittee.
· No.. 422 - City Manager . Re: Federal-Provincial Winter Capital Projects Fund.
Suggesting that inasmuch as the major incentive of the loan is labour forgiveness,
the City apply the allocation of $736,000. to more than one project and for the
labour portion only in order to maximire forgiveness. Originally the funds were
requested in conjunction with timproposed new library. The report recommends the
Passing of a resolution authorizing an application for loans under the Winter Capital
Projects Fund in respect to (1) Proposed New Library - $510,000. and (2) Proposed
Niagara South Recreation Complex - $226,000.
ORDERED. on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 118
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 423 - City Manager - Re: provincial-MuniciPal Employment Incentive Program.
An advisory report regarding the use of funds granted to the City in the amount
of $150,636.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and filed.
No. 424 - City Manager - Re: Parking Gates for City Hall Parking Lot. Recommending
acceptance of the quotation submitted by Auto-Mated Carpark Controls in the
amount of $2,365.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted. See Resolution No.l19
No. 425 - City Manager - Re: Construction of Sidewalks on Regional Roads.
Recommending that the Mayors and staff from St.Catharines, Port Colborne,Wellsnd
and Niagara Falls meet with the Regional Public Works Chairman and staff so that
a more satisfactory policy than presently proposed by the Region can be worked
out; suggesting. that a copy of the report be forwarded to the Region and area
municipalities and arrangements made for the proposed meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman gmaaton
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 426 - City Manager - Re: Committee of Adjustment Decision, Request for a
Minor Variance - Gtustina & Ginseppe Bombicino, 4660 Queen Street. Referring to
the Committee's decision to grant a minor variance without requiring the appli-
cant to enter into an agreement with the City to provide cash in lieu of parking
spaces; recommending that the City Solicitor be authorized to appeal the decision
of the Committee of Adjustment with respect to theapplication.
The City Engineer reviewed the policy established by Council respecting
cash payments in lieu of parking spaces and noted that other persons had complied
with the policy and entered into appropriate-agreements with the Municipality.
Because the location is within nn area of benefit, the total contribution
required of the applicants is estimated at $600.
It was moved by Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the report of the City Manager be received and filed and no further action 'taken.
The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Ohriatensen and Wallace.
NAyE:Aldermen Hunt, puttick, Smeaton, gchisler, Walker.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and adopted. and the City Solicitor be authorized to appeal
the decision of the Committee of Adjustment with respect to the application of
G.Bombicino. The motion Curried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Puttick, Smeaton, Schtsler, Walker.
NAyE:Alderman Christensen and Alderman Wallace. ~
No. 427 - City Manager - Re: Self-Propelled Power Sweeper. Recommending acceptance
of the Flexo Products quotation in the amount of $,535.98.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted. See Resolution-No. 120
No. 428 - City Manager - Re: Automatic White Print Machine. Recommending
acceptance of the quoted .$4,136.50 received from Commercial Photo Copy Ltd.,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted. See ResolutionNo. 121
,No. 429 - City Manager - Re: Road and Sidewalk Construction - Contract No,.R.O.
31-73. Recommending acceptance of the unit prices received fromWarren
Bitulithic Ltd. for the construction of roads and sidewalks in the second stabs
of the Role Wood Subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
repor~ be received and adopted. See Resolution No. 122
- 5-
Reports (Cont'd)
No.430 - City Manager - Re: Contract for Sewer and Watermain Installations in Falls
Industrial Park. Contract No.G.C.33-73. Noting that financing of various municipal
services required for the Falls Industrial Park is to be taken from monies received
for the sale of properties in the subdivis ion; suggesting that a complete review of
the monies available for the financing of additional municipal services be done
before a contract is awarded; recommending tabling of the contract until such time
as further information is available for the consideration of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
Alderman Wallace expressed his concern about tabling the awarding of
the contract because the installations are vital to the City~s industrial program.
The City Manager indicated that additional information would be submitted to
Council at the September 4th meeting.
No. 431 - City Manager - Re: Contract for Watermain Installations on various streets.
Contract No.W.I.34-73. Recommending that the unit prices received from Covello
Brothers Limited be accepted by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.123
No. 432 - City Manager - Re: Contract for Local Improvement Work-No.L.I.35-73.
Reconmaending that the unit prices submitted by Covello Brothers Limited be accepted
by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.124
No. 433 - City Manager - Re: Air Pollution Conference, Ontario Section,Elgin
House, Port Carling; recommending that one member of the Engineering Staff be
authorized to attend the Fall Conference.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 434 - City Clerk - Advisory Report. Including a progress report on the new
public library snd information from the Regional Municipality of Niagars regarding
a policy on signing Regional roads by local names.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernu~lChristensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be,:received and filed.
No. 435 - City Clerk - Recommending approval of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 436 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
:report be received and adopted.
No. 437 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM-15/73,R.Seruga,Lot 146, Plan 35,
4872 Valley Way. The applicant proposes to use an existing home for the repair,
display and sale of paintings and other works of art. The report recommends
approval of the application and, further, that Council certify by resolution that
the application conforms to the Official Plan Amendment No.28 of the Niagara Falls
Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No,125
See By-laws N~& 73-197
~o.72-180 - A By-law to designate a certain area as an improvement Area. (Main and
Ferry area).
THIRD READING - Alderman Wallace and Alderman Hunt.
Carried Unanimously
- 6-
By-laws (Cont'd)
No. 73-196 - A By-law to authorize a site plan agreement with Rudolph Seruga.
(Art Gallery,4872 Valley Way)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Wallace that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Urmnimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-197 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955 as amended. (R.Seruga)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-198 - A By-law to amend By-law No.70-86 respecting the sale and setting
off pf fireworks in the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that Alderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-199 - A By-law to smehd By-law No.3790 being a By-law for the regulating
of traffic. (Fourth Avenue)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by AIderman
Bunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-200 - A By-law to amend Bye.law No. 3790 being a By-law for the regulating
of traffic. (Bus Stops)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-~aw and
the By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of AIderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Smeat0n
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-201 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Penn
Central Transportation Company.
By-law No.73-206 (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimou. sly
No. 117 - CHRISTENSEN - WALKER - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls hereby certify that the application of Fennell Develop-
ments Limited for the rezoning of property located between Portage Road and
Sinnicks Avenue and known as Pt.Twp. Lot 73, conforms to the Official Plan
Amendment No. 28 of the N~gara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by
the Minister of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 118 - CHRISTENSEN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Projects Engineer, the Building
Inspector and the City Treasurer, in consultation with the firm of D.Chapman
Associates, be instructed to revise the applications submitted in conjunction
with the Federal-Provincial Winter Capital Projects Fund to provide for leans
under the Fund in respect to the following projects: (1) New Public Library -
$510,000.00 and (2) Niagara South Recreation Complex - $226,000.00; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 119 - HUNT - WALKER - RESOLVED that the quotation submitted by Auto-Mated
Carpark Controls for the installation of parking gates at the City Hall parking
lot in the amount of $2,365.00 be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 120 - SCBISLER - HUNT - RESOLVED that the quotation submitted by Flexo
Products for a self-propelled power sweeper in the amount of $1,535.98, be
accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 121 - SCHISLER - HUNT - RESOLVED that the quotation of $4,136.50 for the
supply of an automatic white print machine submitted by Commercial Photo Copy
Ltd., St.Catharines be accepted; ANDthe Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslZ
No. 122 - SCHISLER - HUNT - RESOLVED that the unit prices received from Warren
Bitulithic Ltd. for the construction of roads and sidewalks in the second stage
of the Role Woods Su~divi~on, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixe~.
Carried Unanimously
No. 123 - SCHISLER - BUNT - RESOLVED that the unit prices received from Covello
Brothers Limited for waterma in insta llations on various streets, Contract No.
W.I.34-73, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 124 - SCEISLER - BUNT - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Covello
Brothers Limited for local improvement work, Contract No.L.I,35-73, be accepted;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimouslx
No. 125 - SCEISLER - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation
of the City of Niagara Falls hereby certify that the application of R. Seruga
for the rezoning of property known as Lot 146, R.P.35, 4872 Valley Way, conforms
to the Official ~lan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara F lls Planning Area as
amended and epproved by the Minister of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental
Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslZ
- 7-
By-law No.73-201 (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Puttick be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christense~(
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 9 -
Resolutions (Cont'd)
No. 126 - WALKER - WALLACE - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Council
of the City of Niagara Falls be held on Tuesday, September 4, 1973, commencing at
7:30 p.m.; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimou. sly
No. 73-202 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Covello
Bros. Limited for the construction of watermains.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
' Carried Unanimously
No. 73-203 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Warren
Bitulithic Limited for the construction of roads and sidewalks.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the-By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-204 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Covello
Bros.Limited for the construction of certain local improvement works.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderm~n Runt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and ~the By-law be
given a first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by 'Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-205 - A By-law to provide for a levy on Niagara College of Applied 'Arts and
-Technology and The Greater Niagara General Hospital.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
AldermgaChristensen be gr~nted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-l~w be
given a first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third readinS.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-206 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldezmsn Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Aldermen Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Thomson spoke about the assistance given by City residents to
young Newfoundland girls who were stranded in Niagara Falls because of the rotating
rail strike. He expressed the City's appreciation to former Mayor F.J.Miller,
City Treasurer G.E.Farrell, Chamber of Commerce Manager K. Milne, Miss N.Mathieson,
Alderman Christensen, Joe Montgomery, Bryn Roberrs, Art White and others.
Alderman Thomson referred to the special meeting of Council on September
lOth at which time consideration will be given to three Ontario Housing family
housing units proposed for the City. O.H.C. officials, he said, are preparing a
report regarding the amount of money paid for maintenance, painting, landscaping
and other programs. The Alderman suggested that arrangements be made for members
of Council to visit existing O~H.C.projects prior to the meeting date.
Staff was directed to make arrangements for the bus tour on the motion
of Alderman Wallace, seconded by AldernumChristensen. The motion Carried
Alderman Smeston referred to the decision of Council on August 7th, to
restrict parking on Thorold Stone Road. The Alderman suggested that the recommenda-
tions in the report was an "over-reaction" to a simple request and the petitioners
are now faced with the possibility of total parking prohibition on Thorold Stone
Road from Portage Road to Dorchester Road. The City Manager suggested that Alderman
Smeaton meet with the Projects Engineer, A. Lamb, to obtain information as to the
reasons for the recommendations contained in the report.
Alderman Smeaton commented on the continuing problems at the Spring
Street parking lot which is used almost entirely by patrons of the Venetian Hotel.
He enquired as to the possibility of the City selling the property. It was moved
by Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Wallace that the matter be referred to
staff for a report. The motion Carried unanimously.
A suggestion by Aldermen Smeaton that an outline of the Council agendas
be printed in the local newspapers prior to Council meetings was referred to the
City Clerk for a report. The motion by Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman
gchisler Carried unanimously.
AIderman Puttick advised that a report from the Council representatives
attending the Association of Municipalities of Ontario Conference will be prepared
and presented at the next regular meeting of Council. The Alderman particularly
mentioned his interest in a panel discussion regarding Employer-Employee Relations -
Who Bargains for Whom and How? He reported that a resolution advocating that
management salaries be settled individually and before union contract agreements,
has been submitted to the A.M.O. for distribution to members.
The meeting adjourned-'
by Alderman Walker.
' 'of Alderman Christensen, seconded
Committee Room No. 1
August 27, 1973.
Council met in Committee of the Whole on Monday, August 27, 1973 at
7:30 p.m. Acting Mayor R. F. Keighan presided as Chairman. All Members of
Council were present with the exception of His Worship Mayor George Bukator.
Following consideration of the items presented, it was ORDERED on the
motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the Committee of the
Whole adjourn and Council reconvene in formal session to ratify the decisions
Committee Room No. 1
August 27, 1973.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the Whole
meeting held Monday, August 27, 1973. All Members of Council were present with
the exception of His Worship Mayor George Bukator. Alderman Keighan, as Acting
Mayor, presided as Chairman.
No. 73-207 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Stamford Green Investments
Limited and Greater Niagara Transit Commission (Bus Stop)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law
and the By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously,
Alderman Puttick requested that an investigation be made of ways to
reduce harassment to spectators at Ker Park. According to the Alderman, people
using the park were being subjected to insults from a boisterous element of those
in attendance.
Alderman Puttick requested that the Engineering Department
investigate dust complaints in the area of 6782 Montrose Road and 5670 Lundy's
The meeting adjourned.
Council Chambers,
September 4, 1973.
Council met on Tuesday, September 4, 1973, for the purpose of considering
general business. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor George
Bukator presided as Chairman. Alderman Smeaton offered the Opening Prayer.
The minutes of a regular meeting held August 22, 1973, were adopted as
printed on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen.
His Worship Mayor Bukator expressed appreciation to Alderman Keighan
and Alderman Thomson who had served as Acting Mayor and to members of Council who
had represented him at various functions during his illness. On behalf of Council,
Aideman Keighan welcomed the Mayor back and indicated that members of Council
will continue to accept some of the commitments of the Mayor's office.
Comm.#96 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Traffic Operational Modifications,
Regional Road 51 (Ferry Street). Advising that the Regional Public Works Committee
intend to reconnnend several changes between Stanley Ave. and Buchanan Avenue to
improve the flow of traffic on Ferry Street.
Report #438 - City Manager - Re: Traffic Problems - Ferry St. and Victoria Avenue.
Recommending the Region be advised that the City of Niagara Falls is in favour of
the following: 1) Traffic signals at the intersection of Ferry St. and Buchanan
Ave. be removed and traffic on Buchanan Ave. be required to stop at Ferry Street;
2) Necessary guide sign changes be made to transfer traffic from Buchanan Ave. to
Stanley Ave.; 3) Left turns from traffic northbound on Buchanan Ave. to westbound
on Ferry St. not be prohibited at this time but traffic counts be taken after the
removal of traffic control signals to see if this is necessary; 4)Removal of
parking from the south side of Ferry St. between Stanley Ave. and Victoria Ave.
to become effective Friday, June 14,1974, be considered by the Municipal Parking
Committee; 5) The left turn from northbound on Victoria Ave. to westbound on Centre
Street be prohibited effective June 14,1974 and 6) The possibility of rerouting
traffic so the left turn from Victoria Avenue southbound to Clifton Hill eastbound
could be prohibited, be examined.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report of the City Manager be received and tabled for two weeks.
Report #280 - City Manager - Summarizing previous requests, reports, petitions and
surveys in respect to the feasibility of extending bus service to the former Village
of Chippawa. The report recommends that bus service be continued to the former
Village and a by-law be prepared amending Urban Service Area No. 2 to include a
proportionate share of the annual operating deficit of the Transit Commissioa.
Report #439 - City Manager - Advising that residents of the Chippaws area will not
be required to share in the previous year's deficit of the Transit Connnission and
the amendment to Urban Service Area No. 2 to permit sharing of the deficit will not
take effect until the year 1974.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
report be received and filed and the required by-law be given three readings.
See By-law No.73-210
Report 4~326 - City Manager - Advising of the necessity to seal the ground and sldes
of the sanitary landfill site with an impermeable cover to comply with a condition
set forth by the Ministry of Environment to minimize the penetration of leachate;
recommending acceptance of the price of $9.00 per 14 cubic yard load for suitable
clay from Woodington Systems, Inc.
- 2-
Extension of Sanitary Landfill Site (Coni'd)
Report #440 - City Manager - Advising that Woodington Systems has requested that
the agreement be made with Willinger Systems Inc. which operate from the same
location and with the same officers and personnel; recommending approval of the
request and the passing of the by-law appearing under the appropriate agenda
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and filed and the required by-law be given the necessary
readings. See By-law No.73-216
No.104 - Miss Joan Howatson and other residents of First Ave. - Comments re:
Noise emanating from operation of Kimberly Clark factory. The cormnunication
also advises of noise and dust caused by Humpry Dumpty Potato Chip trucks
which use railway property as a parking lot.
The City Clerk advised that he had contacted a local representative
of the Air Management Branch of the Ministry of the Environment and had con-
firmad that there is no legislative authority to control industrial noises at
this time. He stated that members of staff are working with officials of another
industry in an attempt to remedy a similar complaint.
The complaints of noise and dust by the parking of trucks on railway
property will be eliminated when present plans to re-locate the Humpry Dnmpty
Potato Chip trucks are finalized.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Schisler' that
the connnunication be received and filed and the complaint be referred to staff
for discussions with the industry concerned.
No. 105 - Alfred end Iris Brunger and Others - Objections to the proposed
location of a trap and skeet club in the Mountain Road area.
The City Clerk advised that the proposed use is permitted under
existing zoning by-laws and the Niagara Regional Police apparently are prepared
to approve the site. It was also pointed out that if undue noise is created as
a result of the trap and skeet club activities, the organization nmy be liable
to a charge under the City's anti-noise By-law No. 7535.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
communication be received and filed.'
No. 106 - Margaret Davis - Protest re the new time schedule for the Sinnicks
Avenue Bus, Route 7.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by,Alderms~ Hunt,that the
communication be received and referred to the Greater Niagara Transit
Commission for a reply.
No. 107 - Ministry of Agriculture and Food - Re: Weed Control Act. Advising that
the Minister is not prepared to give approval to the City's By-law No.73-167
unless it is amended to strike out the reference to dandelion. By-law No.73-167
designates certain plants as noxious weeds.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
communication be received and filed and an amendment to By-law No.73-167 to
delete reference to dandelions be approved.
See By-law No.73-211
No. 108 - Broderick,McLeod,Clifford,Marinelli &Amadio - Re: proposed rezoning
of pt.Twp.Lot 60,east limit Vine and CobGlen Streets, Tureski Subdivision.
Advising that Mr.H. Spironello, Mr.Ateo Iseppon an~ General Abrasives (Canada)
Ltd., owners uf adjacent property strongly oppose the rezoninS of the.lands for
· residential purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report of the City Manager regarding the Turesky proposed plan of subdivision
be brought forward for consideration at this time.
Report ~441 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision - Tureski (Wm.
Slovak in trust) Pansy Realty Lid,, pt.Twp.l]ot 60,Vine and Coholsn Streets.
Rec~uending preliminary approval ofthe proposed plan subject to seven condi-
tions enumerated in the report.
- 3 -
Comm.~108 - Report ~441 (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that Mr.
D.M.McLeod be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. McLeod advised that his clients are of the opinion that residential
development in the area is not compatible with existing industrial and other
uses. Industrial firms, he said, originally established in the heart of an
industrially zoned area~ now find themselves in the centre of residential
development. Mr. McLeod's clients strongly oppose the rezoning of the Vine St.
Coholan St. area which they feel is ideally suited for light manufacturing
Alderman Harrigan stressed that for the protection of the homeowners,
the developer should recognize that the development is adjacent to industrially
zoned lands and the land, in all probability will be.developed for heavy
industrial purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Mr. William Slovak be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Slovak said the application involves a block of industrially
zoned property abutting a railroad, which he suggested is a boundary of
what is now residential development on one side and industrially developed
land on the other side. One resident appearing before the Planning Board
indicated he would be pleased to see the lands zoned for purposes other than
industry to preserve the residential character of surrounding properties. Mr.
glovak slag con~nented on the increased traffic into the area if the industrial
zoning remained. Part of the property, he said, will be used for park purposes
and only a small block of industrial usage will be eliminated.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted and the proposed
development of property located at the easterly limit of Vine and Coholan
Streets be given preliminary approval subject to conditions enumerated in
the report. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Fera, Mann, Keighan, Harrigan, Schisler,
Walker, Thomson, Wallace.
NAYE:Aldermen Puttick and Smeston.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the communication from the firm of Broderick, McLeod,Clifford, Marineill and
Amadio be received and filed.
No. 442 - City Clerk - Re: Adjustment of existing salary schedules and benefits
for non-union employees. Advising that the Connnittee-of-the.Whole recommends
ratification by Council of classifications and salary schedules for 1973 and
1974; recommending that the by-law to adopt the revised benefits be given three
readings. ~
In opposing the recommended increases for non-union employees at the
executive level, Alderman Puttick commented on the procedure followed whereby
non-union salary increases and benefits are determined by the Union agreement.
He was critical of the lack of proper Job evaluation, monetary ceilings, retro-
active pay and of the fact that Council members were only provided with.
comparison figures of salaries paid for similar positions in other municipalities.
The Alderman considered that detailed information regarding responsibilities ,
productivity, etc..should be made available. He. did not agree that non-union
personnel would organize or an "exodus of top personnel" would occur if increases
were not retroactive and on a par with union wage schedules. The Alderman advised
that delegates to the recent ~onference of Association of Municipalities of Ontario,
industrial, medical and union representatives as well as local ratepayers had
agreed that the system presently practiced in the City of Niagara Falls is incorrect.
In opposing the recommended increases, Alderman Puttick suggested:(1) a 4% increase
to nan-union employees; (2) no agreement for the year 1974 until a true evaluation
of Job productivity and responsibility is provided; (3) that increases be decided
by the Council Council and be based on dollar value rather than percentages;
(4)refusal of the dental plan proposal; (5) no retroactive pay; (6) an informal
meeting with department heads and Council members only to hear complaints or
suggestions; (7) a ceiling on executive salaries with adjustments based only on
cost of living statistics; (8) the responsibility for policy making be the
responsibility of Council and members "stop rubber stamping of recommendations";
(9) no re-classification of non-union personnel and subsequent salary increases,
without a complete survey.
Report #442 (Cent'd)
Alderman Wallace noted that before a settlement with the Union was
finalized, it was necessary for Council to strike a budget for 1973. Accordingly,
the budgeted amount for wages was estimated at 7% and an allowance made for non-
union salaries. Traditionally, matters dealing with salaries and employees are
items discussed in Committee of the Whole and during such meetings Council had
been provided with e history of the procedure followed in the past as well as
information regarding salaries paid to senior officials in Ontario municipalities
of comparable size. The Alderman said that the information indicated to him
that senior staff members in Niagara Falls were, if anything, underpaid in
relation to other cities. He suggested that Council had, in feet, exercised
control when consideration was given to the category of a senior official because
his salary was particularly low and inequitable as compared to similar positions
in other municipalities. Alderman Wallace suggested that the recommended
increases compared reasonably with the union figure of 7% and the City was
fortunate to have negotiated a reasonable two-year agreement and to have kept
the increases within the budgeted amount.
Each member of Council then expressed his view of the proposed increases
and benefits and explained their reasons for supporting or opposing the adoption
of the report.
Alderman Thomson declared s possible conflict of interest becaose of
his relationship with the Fire Chief, g. Thomson. The Alderman asked to be
excused from voting on the matter.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Wallace that the
report of the City Clerk be received and adopted and Council ratify the 1973 and
1974 salary schedules and give three readings to the by-law adopting the revised
benefits. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Harrigan, Keighan, Smeaton, Schisler, Walker, Wallace.
NAYE:Aldermen Christensen, Fern, Mann and Puttick.
Note: Alderman Thomson declared his interest and abstained from voting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
a report appearing as No. 8 on the agenda be brought forward for consideration
st this time.
No. 443 - City Manager - Re: Request from Mrs.Patricia Brady,28~l Freeman St.
for a driveway entrance and removal of a one foot reserve along Pettit Avenue.
Note: Alderman Wallace declared his interest and retired from the Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Walker that Mr.
John HopkinS, be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Hopkins reviewed the background of the matter and advised that Mr.
end Mrs. Brady are the registered owners of Lot 6, Plan 113 which fronts on
Freeman Street end includes a strip of land 25 feet in width and approximately
455 feet in length. The property has been used for the parking of trucks sines
1956. In 1966 a portion of the land was sold to River Realty for the purposes
of Pettit Avenue in exchange for an agreement which provided that River Realty
would install a driveway. The cut was never made and the matter has been under
discussion since about 1968. Mr. Hopkins edvlsed that Mr..Bredy parks his
tractor-trailer on the site only two or three days out of every two weeks. In
1968 it was recommended,that the one foot reserve not he lffted but Mr. Brady
would be allowed to cross over and use the N.S.& T. right-of-way was not accept-
able inasmuch as the property owners would be required to pay the costs involved
a~ remove a boundary fence. Mr. Hopkins did not agree with a statement that
the use of the land for parking had ceased in 1970 pointing out that Mr. Brady
had been home only 24 days of that particular year. He also suggested that the
parking of the vehicle may very well not be a violation of the zoning byelaw as
no business is being carried on at the location. In addition, it may be con-
sidered a non-conforming use inasmuch as the use pre-dated the by-law. A petition
circulated by Mr. Brady indicated that 24 neighbouts did not object to the use
of the property for perkins purposes.
- 5 -
Report No.443 (Cent'd)
In reply to many questions posed by members of Council the City Engineer
and the City Solicitor provided additional information regarding the advantages
of the recommended alternate access using the N.S. & T. right-of-way and the
provisions of the zoning by-law.
It was then moved by Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Puttick
that the report of the City Manager be received and tabled for two weeks pending
the preparation of a detailed report by the City Solicitor. The motion Carried
No. 444 - City Manager - Re: Sale of Lot 14 Falls Industrial Park. Advising that
Mr. and Mrs. C. Olson plan to erect a shop and office to continue the operation
of the F.N.Fulop Plumbing and Heating Company; recommending that the 1.03 acre
lot, number 14, be sold to Charles Olson and Iris M. Olson for the sum of $7,210.
which the closing date of September 30,1973 and the building permit be subject
to an approved site plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 445 - City Manager - Re: Sale of Lots 25,30,31 and 32, Falls Industrial Park.
Advising that Strev Construction Co. Ltd. will construct and lease the initial
25,000 sq.ft.building to Framus Werke, a manufacturer of stringed instruments;
recommending approval of the sale of lots 25,30,31 and 32 to Strev Construction
Company Limited of Niagara Falls at $4,000 per acre, a total amount of $24,320.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the report be received and adopted.
See By-law No.73-214
No. 446 - City Manager - Re:Sale of Lots 42 and 44, Falls Industrial Park.
Advising that Stray Construction Co. Limited have now given notice that it
wishes to exercise its option to purchase Lots 42 and 44 and the by-law authorizing
the sale is listed on the agenda.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman gchisler that the
report be received and filed and the by-law be approved.
See By-law No. 73j213
No. 447 - City Manager - Re: Sale of Lot 47, Falls Industrial Park. Recommending
that Lot 47 be sold to Don Redo Properties Inc. at a cost of $41,560 for the 10.39
acre site.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by AldermsnSchisler that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 448 - City Manager - Re: Encroachment,E.Brzozowski, 3073 St. Paul Ave.
Recqmmending approval of the by-law to permit an encroachment on the McMicking St.
road allowance subject to payment of $25.00 to cover legal costs; a legal description
of the premises and a legal description of the encroachment and a plan of survey.
As St.Paul Avenue is a Regional road, the owner's solicitor has been instructed to
contact Regional officials regarding the St.Paul Avenue encroachment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and adopted and the by-law be given three readings.
See By-law No.73-217
No, 449 - City Manager - Re: Removal of 1' Reserve on the north side'of Cherrywood
Road. Recorm~ending that the 1' reserve be lifted as it affects the property
purchased by M.N.Y. Inveetments Ltd., subject to the owner being required to enter
into a site plan agreement including a site plan and legal descript.tons required
by the City Solicitor be provided,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and adopted,
No. 450 - O~ty Manager - Re: Council Tour for 1973. Advising that arrangements have
been made for a Council tour on Saturday, September 29,1973. The bus will leave the
Municipal Service Centre on Stanley Avenue at 9:00 a.m. and lunch will be arranged.
ORDgRED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
he received and the arrangements for a Council. Tour be approved.
- 6-
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 451 - City Manager - Re: Inter-Municipal Borrowing. Advising that the
Regional Council has recently approved a system of borrowing from area munici-
palities, where possible, funds in units of one hundred thousand dollars at a
rate of 3/4 of 1% less than the current bank prime rate, with a term in the
sixty to one hundred day range; recommending approval of the loan of temporary
idle City funds to the Regional Municipality of Niagara when such funds are
available and only at such times as would produce the highest rate of return
for the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 452 - City Manager - Re: Special Equipment - Installation of Valves.
Reconunending the purchase of the equipment from the Canadian subsidiary of
Mueller Limited in the amount of $7,528.20.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Fera that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.127
No. 453 - City Manager - Re: Soft Floor Covering. Reconnnending acceptance of
the lowest quotation submitted by Saks Furnishers for the installation of soft
floor covering in the Purchasing, Personnel and general offices of the City
Clerk's Department in the amount of $2,162.27.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Fera, Mann, Harrigan, Keighan, Puttick,Schisler,
Walker, Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Smeaton and Wallace. See Resolution No.128
No. 454 - City Manager - Re: Sale of Trees at Sanitary Landfill Site.Recommending
that the City Engineer be authorized to remove and dispose of trees at the sanitary
landfill site either as logs and firewood to dealers or to private purchasers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 455 - City Manager - Re: Snow Fence & Posts. Recommending that the lowest
bid for the supply of snow fence in the amount of $3,372. submitted by Lennox
Snow Fence be accepted; recommending further that the low bid for the supply
of snow fence ties in the amount of $178.88 and 6 ft. snow fence t-bar posts in
the amount of $625. submitted by Frost Steel and Wire be accepted;recommending
further that the price of $1,500. submitted by Lundy Fence Company for snow
fence t-bar posts be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.129
No. 456 - City Manager - Re: Underground Services,Phase III, Falls Industrial
Park,G.C.33-73. Reconunending: (1) that the contract for the Phase III Under-
ground Services be awarded to Charles Dupuis Construction Ltd. in the amount
of $111,711.11; (2) that $35,000. of the $111,711.11 contract be charged to
the Expansion and Renewal Fund and (3) that Phase III services be paid for from
the sale of lands in the Falls Industrial Park.
ORDERED .on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted. ,~.
See Resolution No.130
No. 457 - City Mars get - Re: Annual Conference of the Town Planning Institute
of Canada. Reconnending that the Planning Administrator be authorized to attend
the Conference in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, September 11 to 15,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 458 - City Manager - Re: Roads and Transportation Association of Canada -
Annual Conference, Halifax, October 9th to 12th,1973. Recommending that one
member of the engineering staff be authorized to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded b~ Alderman Keighan that the
report be received ahd adopted.
- 7-
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 459 - City Manager - Re: Ontario Plumbing Inspectors' Association, Annual
Conference, Brantford,Ontario, September 17 to 19th,inclusive; reconunending that
the Plumbing Inspector be authorized to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 460 - City Manager - Re: Specialists Training Course for Johnson Controls
Systems, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 1973. Advising that Johnson Controls
have a contract with the City for maintenance of all controls pertaining to air
conditioning and heating within City Hall; recommending that the Head Custodian,
R.Pearson, be authorized to attend the training course.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Keighan that
the report be received and adoptedy
No. 461 - Aldermen Puttick, Hunt and Christensen - Report of the Annual
Conference, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Toronto, August 19-22,1973.
The report covers resolutions, planning and employer-employee relations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and filed.
No. 462 - City Clerk - Advisory Report. Reconunending approvsl of the annual
Peanut Drive by the Kinsmen Club of Niagara Falls; the designation of the week
of September 23-29 as '~lowers of Canada Week"; proclamation of the week of
September 16-22,1973 as "Jaycee Week. The report advises that the Regional
Municipality has deferred the adoption of a policy regarding the construction
of sidewalks on regional roads until Septtuber 13th. A progress report on the
Stamford Satellite Arena.
No. 463 - City Manager - Recommending approval of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman ~Fegaau that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 464 - City Clerk - Reconnnending approval of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Ald~.~eighan that the report
be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 127 - CHRISTENSEN - FERA - RESOLVED that the tender for the purchase of
special equipment for the installation of valves in watermains ~nder pressure
submitted by the Canadian subsidiary of Mueller Limited fn the amount of $7,528.20
be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No.128 - HUNT - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the quotation received from Saks
Furnishers for the installation of soft floor covering in the amount of $2,162.27
be accepted.; AND the Seal.of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No.129 - HUNT - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED tha~-.the bid for the supply of snow fence
in the amount of $3,372,'submitted by Lennox Snow Fence be accepted; that the bid
for the supply of snow fence t~es in the amount of $178.88 and 6 it.snow fence t-bar
posts in the amount of $625. submitted by Frost Steel and Wire be accepted and,
further that the price of $1,500. submitted by Londy Fence Company for snow fence
t-bar posts be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimoual/
No. 130 - WALLACE - FERA - RESOLVED that the contract for the Phase III underground
services in the Falls Industrial Park,G.C.33-73, be awarded to Charles Depuis
Construction Ltd. in the amount of $111,711.11; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousll_
No. 131 - THOM8ON- KEIGHAN - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy be forwarded to
the family of the late R. Thomas, former Chief of the Fire Department; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanfmousl~
- 8-
Resolutions (Cent ' d)
No. 132 - THOMSON - KEIGHA~., - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be
forwarded to the family of the late Floyd Petrie, brother of City Historian
Francis Petrie and respected resident of the City; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 133 - PUTTICK - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby certify that the application of Group 2 Development
Ltd. for the rezoning of property located on the south side of McLeod Road, west
of Dorchester Road snd known as Part of Twp.Lot 178, conforms to the Official
Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved
by the Minister of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
73-208 - A by-law respecting sick leave credits, pensions and other benefits for
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that Alderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Hsrrigan, Keighan, Smeaton, Schisler,Walker,Wallace.
NAYE:Aldermen Christensen, Fern, Mmnn and Puttick.
Note; Alderman Thomson abstained.
No.73-209 - A By-law to repeal By-law No.73-185 respecting-the appointment of
an alternate representative to the Regional Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fern
that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Ketghan
that the By-law be now give a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously.
Note: Alderman Thomson retired from the Council Ghambers.
No. 73-210 - A By-law to authorize 8n application to the Ontario Municipal Board
for an amending order respecting the Urban Service Area for the fomer Village
of Chippawn.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Aldermsn 8meaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Aidarm. an Fern
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
Note: Aideman Puttick retired from the Council Chambers.
No. 73-211 - A By-law to amend By-law No.73-167 which designates certain plants
88 noxious weeds.
ORDERED on the motion of Aideman Runt, seconed by Aideman Smeaton
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Keighan
that the By-law be no~ given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
By-laws (Cent'd)
- 9-
Note: Alderman Puttick returned to the Council Chambers
No.73-212 - A By-law to authorize the construction of a watermain as an extension
to the water supply system in the Urban Service Areas of the City. (TWO READINGS ONLY)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by AldermmChristensen
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimous l. X
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second reading.
Carried Unanimous l~
No. 73-213 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial Park
to Stray Construction to. Limited. (Lot Nos. 42 and 44)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that
Alderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given
a first reading.
Carried UnanimousiX
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimouslx
No. 73-214 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial Park.
(Lts 25,30,31,32 - Lot 47 - Lot
.Note:Alderman Thomson returned to the Council Chambers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fern
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-215 - A By-law to authorize the construction of watermains and sewermains
for Falls Industrial Park and an agreement with Charles Dupuis Construction Ltd.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Keighan
that Alderman Runt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunts seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the Byilaw be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 73-216 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Wtllinger Systems Incorporated
for the supply of clay for the sanitary landfill site.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Keighan
that Alderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
~OTE: See additional By-laws Page ! Carried Unanimously
Alderman Harrigan referred to the procedure followed whereby members of
Council receive reports from the City Manager regarding the progress and reconnnenda-
tions of the City's Negotiating Committee. It was the opinion of Aideman Harrigan
that at least two members of Council should be on the Committee.
- 10 -
New Business (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
City Council endorse, in principle, the concept of having Aldermanic repre-
sentation at future negotiations dealing with the wages of union and non-union
employees and, further, that the City Manager be instructed to prepare a full
report regarding the feasibility, legality, advantages and disadvantages of this
proposal. .' : ' : ' '~'
Alderman Harrigan stated that in his opinion the opera tion of the
Mall on Queen St. was a failure. He suggested the need for a provision to
exempt the City from any liability resulting from loss of business. As an
example of the procedure required, he cited the steps taken by the City of
Toronto in obtaining provincial legislation in this respect.
It was then moved by Alderman Harrigan~ seconded by Alderman
Christensen that City Staff be directed to initiate the necessary steps to
obtain a Private Bill permitting the City to establish a downtown mall and to
exempt the Municipality from any liability arising as a result of its
operation. The motion Carried unanimously.
Alderman Keighan noted that during negotiatiomprior to the establish-
ment of the Regional Municipality of Niagara, it was suggested that the
existing ward system be used for the first two municipal elections. It was
his understanding that the 1972 election was the last year in which this
system would remain in force. Members of Council will therefore be required
to review the procedure to determine if changes should be made. The City
Clerk indicated that the matter will. be-discussed_further at the next Council
Cogmitten meeting.
Alderman Keighan stated that last last year, the federal government
had indicated that consideration was being given to amending grants as they
rapply to railway relocation. At that time it was indicated th~municipa litins
may be eligible for increased grants for this purpose. Aldernmn Keighan
requested a report providing information as to whether the grants have been
increased and if they are available to the Municipality.
Alderman Hunt outlined the difficulty encountered by the local
ambulance service in answering a call to a Lyon's Creek Parkway address and
the fact that the roadway does not appear on the City map. The City Manager
confirmed that a question did exist regarding the legality of the street as
it is a private roadway as opposed to a public street. Further discussions
are being carried out and the matter will appear on a future Council
Committee agenda for further consideration.
Aldernmn Puttick made reference to suggestions made earlet that the
price paid by Ontario Hydro for property purchase in 1917 appeared to be
unrealistic. The City Manager had confirmed that the price paid was accurate
and suggested the cost may appear inflated because of buildings located on the
'Alderman Puttick made reference to an article in Civic Magazine
regarding the availability of garden plots for the residents of that Munici-
pality. He asked if information could be made available regarding the
practicability of a similar idea for the City of Niagara Falls.
Aldennan Puttick reported a complaint regarding the sidewalk at the
south-east corner of North Street and Portage Road, Apparently the sidewalk
had been broken up and asphalt used to repair the damage. He requested the
City Engineer to investigate the complaint.
- 11 -
New Business (Cont'd)
Alderman Wallace made reference to a copy of a newspaper article dated
August 23rd announcing the availability of C.M.H.C. funds for a variety of
purposes and, in Particular, for neighbourhood improvements. The Alderman
commented on the possibility of taking advantage of such a program for improve-
ments to the Glenview district.
Alderman Wallace also expressed interest in the land assembly program
designed to assist municipalities to acquire land for various purposes. Such
programs, he said, might provide a method whereby the City could re-kindle the
Urban Renewal Program. He suggested staff investigate the new provisions and,
if possible, obta in application forms. The City Manager reviewed the steps
taken by staff members in order to take advantage of funds which may be
available to the City. The City Council will be kept informed of further action
by City Staff.
At the suggestion of Alderman Puttick, congratulations will be
forwarded to the Lions' Club Midget Baseball Team for the manner in which they
represented the City during the Canadian Championship games at Bar Head,Alberta.
Alderman Christensen indicated his concern regarding the development of
the Ascot Woods Subdivision and the delay in proceeding with the development
because of the inability of the developer to obtain an easement across property
owned by a Mr. Lebovic. The City Engineer outlined the problems involved in
obtaining an outlet into the W-5-4 watercourse. In addition, it was necessary
for the City to obtain approval from the Conservation Authority regarding the
On the instructions of the City Manager, the F.H.Leslie swin~ning pool
and wading pool, and the wading pool at Mitchelson Park will remain open during
the durrent heat wave.
By-Law No.73-217 - A By-law to allow the maintaining and using of a building
which encroaches on McMicking Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Aiderman Hunt, seconded by Aiderman Keighan
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimo,u, sly
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
By-law No.73-218 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimous. ly
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 12-
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by
Alderman Walker.
lerk -, Mayor
Council Chambers,
September 10, 1973.
Council met in a special session on Monday, September 10, 1973 for the
purpose of considering three Ontario Housing Corporation proposals to provide
geared-to-income housing in the Municipality. His Worship Mayor George Bukator
presided as Chairman. All Members of Council were present with the exception
of Alderm~mChristensen.
No.465 - Mayor George Bukator - Re: Proposals for Ontario Housing Corporation
geared-to-income housing units. Submitting the comments of the Mayor's Committee
on Housing and re-affirming the need for geared-to-income housing.
No.466 - City Clerk - Submitting a resume of objections to three applications for
the rezoning of properties to permit the construction of Ontario Housing Corporation
geared-to-income accommodation.
No. 467 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM-28/73 Fennell Developments
Ltd., Lots 336-37-38-39,R.p.44 and Pt.Lot 114, north side Bellvue Street. The
report recommends approval of the application and, further, that Council certify
by resolution that the application conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of
the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
The Planning Administrator, p. Van Belle, indicated on a tabled map a
2.4 acre parcel of land located on the north side of Bellvue Street in the triangle
formed with the Hydra-right-of-way. The change in zoning from single family
residential to multi-family residential would permit the construction of 28 town-
house dwelling units. Mr. VanBelle replied to numerous questions by members of
Council and commented on recent revisions to the plan, a future road pattern for
the area, a proposed park and a possible road access from an extension of Valley
Way to Bellrue Street.
Mr. A. MacBain was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson.
Mr. MacBain, a solicitor representing residents of Bellrue Street,
Maureen Crescent, Timothy Crescent and Balmoral Avenue, advised that petitions on
behalf of 161 homeowners have been filed with the City Clerk. He noted the area
is Predominately single family development with the only exceptions being three
high rise apartments on the perimeter of the property. It is theposition of the
Petitioners, he said, that the granting of the application will determine the
future use of 13 acres of vacant land which includes the 2.4 acres or more
proposed as a site for the O.B.C. project. The objectors strongly oppose multiple
housing of any type which would change the character of a mature, stable neighboer-
hood with existing homes being described as good to excellent and improving. Mr.
Macgain said his clients have suffered enough harassment as a result of a "planning
error" which permitted the building of three apartment houses and three additional
applications for multiple housing on the site since 1970. He suggested the change
to multi-Lfamily development will lead to more applications which could not be
logically refused. Traffic and school congestion and previous assurances that the
Balmoral Ave. area would remain single family were also cited as reasons for
objections to the proposal. Mr. Macgain asked that Council support the request
of the petitioners that the single family dwelling character of the area not be
destroyed by encroachment of multi-family housing of any type.
Klydel Holdings Inc. also own property in the immediate area and Mr.
I.MaCallum appeared before Council and advised that if higher than single family
density in the area is approved, Klydel Holdings would request the same considera-
tion in the development of their lands.
It was then moved by Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Fern that
the report of the Planning and Development Committee be received and filed and
the application of Fennell Developments Ltd. for the rezoning of property located
on the north side of Bellrue Street, be denied. The motion Csrried with Alderman
Keighan voting contrary and all others in fayour.
- 2-
Report No. 468 Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM-29/73 Taro -
Properties Inc., Pt.Twp.Lot 173, north side McLeod Road, east of Drummond Road.
Approval of the application will permit rezoning of the land from single family
residentialam] neighbourhood to townhousing. The report recommends approval of
the application and that Council certify, by resolution, that the application
conforms to the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning
Mr.L.Detlor, Chairman of the Niagara Falls Housing Authority,
suggested the existing and continuing need for geared-to-income housing is ~
vital to the Municipality. He advised of 119 applications presently on file and '.
suggested the situation would be compounded if the applications for the rezoning
necessary to establish multi-family housing are all denied. Mr. Detlor also , f
commented on the Housing Authority's program and the fact that a substantial
amount of money is spent for maintenance and to keep the buildings up to standard.
Mr. Jim Long, Development Office, Ontario Housing Corporation,
regretted the time lost since April when Council heard O.H.C. representatives
and passed a resolution requesting the Corporation to invite proposals from
private developers. Proof of the need is indicated by the applications on file
and by an O.H.C. survey. Much time and effort is spent on rezoning properties
and with each delay land costs are increased, he said.
Several residents of the area voiced their objections to establishing
additional O.H.C. multi-family accommodation in an area where such projects
already exist. They also confirmed vandalism problems and the need for increased
police surveillance.
His Worship Mayor Bukator said that Council had toured existing O.H.C.
projects and he was very much impressed with the homes. He indicated that
because of the obvious and continuing need for geared-to-income housing, the
Mayor's Committee on Housing will not be disbanded. Mayor Bukator urged
members of Council to approve at least one of the applications in view of the
number of residents requiring such acconmodation.
It was then moved by Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Mann that
-the report of the Planning and Development Committee be received and filed and
the application of Taro Properties for the rezoning of property located on the
north side of McLeod Road, east of Drummond Road be denied. The motion was
Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Fera, Mann, Walker, Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen H~rrigan ,Keighan, Puttick, Smeaton, Schisler and Wallace.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the report of the Planning and Development Ccnmnittee be received and adopted
and the application of Taro Properties for the rezoning of property located on
the north side of McLeod Road, east of-Drummond Road be approved; further,
that Council, by resolution, certify that the application conforms to the
qfficial Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Harrigan, Keighan, Puttick, Smeston, Schisler,Wallace.
NAYE:Aldermen Hunt, Fera, Mann, Walker, Thomson.
See Resolution No.134
Report No. 469 - Planning and Development Coum,ittee - Re: AM-30/73 Taro
Properties Inc., Pt.Twp.Lot 172, north side McLeod Road, east of Dorchester Road.
A rezoning application for a change iu zoning from single family residential to
two-family and ~ulti-famiIy residential to permit the constrnction of Ontario
Housing geared-to-income homes. The report recommends approval of the applica-
tion and certification by Council that the application conforms to Official
Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Palls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Rarrigan that
the report of the Planning and Development Conm,ittee be received and filed and
the application of Taro Properties for the rezoning of property located on the
north aide of McLeod Road, east of Dorchester Road be denied. Carried
- 3 -
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 470 - City Manager - Re: Setbacks on Regional Roads. Commenting on a Regional
report which recommended a by-law be established to regulate setbacks along
Regional roads. The comments of the Municipality were requested. The report
recommends (a) no duplication of permits be required; (b) area municipalities
establish parking and loading standards; (c) when area municipal by-laws are
amended, Regional standards are considered to be incorporated; (d) the character
of individual area municipalities be recognized and alternative methods be
employed regulating the policy and (c) a discussion on ultimate setbacks be
initiated and Joint Staff Con~ittees be established to review ultimate setbacks
along Regional roads.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report of the City Mars ger be received and adopted and the comments be forwarded
to Regional authorities for consideration.
No. 134 - KEIGHAN - PUTTICK - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls hereby certify that the application of Taro Properties
Inc. for the rezoning of property known as Pt. Twp.Lot 173, located on the north
side of McLeod Road, east of Drummond Road, conforms to the Official Plan Amend-
ment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the
Minister of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs; AND the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed. The resolution was approved with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Harrigan, Keighan,Puttick,Smeaton,Schisler,Wallace.
NA~YE:Aldermen Hunt, Fera, Mann, Walker, Thomson.
No.73-219 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Taro Properties Incorporated. (Pt. Twp.Lot 173,north side of McLeod Road,
east of Drummond Road)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that Alderman Puttick be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wallace
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion Carried
with the following vote: ~
AYE Aldermen Rarrigan, Keighan,Puttick,Smeaton,Schisler,Wallace
NAY.___E: Aldermen Runt, Fern, Mann, Walker, Thomson.
~o.73-220 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530,1960 of theformer Township of
S~amford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, ss amended.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Herrigan
that Alderman Puttick be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wallace
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion Carried with
the following vote: "
~YE: Aldermen Rarrilg~,,Keighan,puttick,Smeaton,SchislersWallace'
_NAYE: Aldermen Hunts Fern, Mann, Walker, Thomson.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by
Alderman Mann.
Council Chambers,
September 17, 1973.
Council met on Monday, September 17, 1973, for the purpose of considering
general business. All Members of Council were present with the exception of
Aldermen Christensen. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman.
Alderman Puttick offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
minutes of the August 27th, September 4th and September 10th meetings be adopted
as printed.
By-Law 73-117 - A zoning amendment to permit the operation of a proposed distribu-
tion centre on property located on the west side of Garner Road immediately north
of the C.N.R. right-of-way.
Report ~ 471 - City Clerk - Advising of an Ontario Municipal Board hearing on
Monday, October 15,1973, 11:00 p.m. for the hearing of all parties interested in
supporting or opposing the application.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that the report
be received and filed and the date of the hearing noted.
Report #421 - City Manager - Re: By-law to establish a Landlord and Tenant Advisory
Bureau; providing a copy of a proposed Regional by-law and suggesting the proposal
be reviewed and comments forwarded to the Regional Finance Committee.
Report ~47Z - City Manager - Recommending City Staff be authorized to work with
the Social Planning Council in drafting a method of operation for the proposed
Landlord and Tenant Advisory Bureau and, further, that Regional authorities be
notified that the City will be establishing such a bureau and the names of the
persons nominated will be submitted st a later date.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderma~Schisler that the
report be received and adopted.
Report ~415 - City Manager - Re: Sidewalk on the west side of Stanley Ave.
Recommending improvementa to the cross ins of the railway tracks; a stone pathway
be installed along the cemetery frontage and that the normal four foot sidewalk
be installed between Fraser Street and the railway with a cost apportionment of
$480. to the Welland County Separate School Board and $1,520. to the City.
Co=ln.~lOg-Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board - Advising that the
Board has no authority to spend school board funds for the building of sidewalks
and such s procedure would set a dangerous precedent; expressing the hope that
some alternate method will be found to finance the normal sidewalks from Fraser
Street to the railway spur line.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Keighan that the
co~nunfcation be received and filed and the City construct a normal sidewalk on
the west side of Stanley Avenue from Fraser St. to the railway with money from
current funds. The motion Carried with the following vote:
A__~: Aldermen Hunt, Fera, K'eighan,Puttick,Smeaton,Thomson.
~.~_~:Aldermen Mann, Marrigan, Schisler, Walker, Wallace.
Report ~438 - City Manager - Re: Traffic Problems - Ferry St. and Victoria Ave.
commendfng the Region be advised that the City is in fayour of the following:
traffic signals at the intersection of Ferry St. and Buchanan Ave. be removed
and traffic on Buchanan Ave. be required to atop at Ferry St.; 2) necessary guide
sign changes to transfer traffic from Buchanan Ave. to Stanley Ave.; 3) no pro-
hibition of left turns from traffic northbound on Buchansn to westbound on Ferry
St. at this time but traffic counta be taken after the removal of traffic control
signals to see if this is necessary; 4) removal of parking from the south side of
Ferry Street between Stanley St. and Victoria Ave. to become effective June 14,
1974, be considered by the Municipal Parking C~mxittee; 5) left turns from northbound
- 2-
Traffic - Ferry St. & Buchanan Ave. (Cent'd)
on Victoria to westbound on Centre St. be prohibited effective June 14,1974 and
6) the examination of the pns~tbilityz~6f re-routing traffic so the left turn
from Victoria Ave. southbound to Clifton Hll eastbound could be prohibited.
(The report was received and tabled at the meeting of September 4,1973)
Report ~473 - City Manager - Advising of a Parking Committee reconnnendation
that parking prohibition on Ferry St. between Stanley Ave. and Victoria Ave.
be delayed until the Committee is satisfied that adequate facilities are
available. The report recommends that Item 4 of Report #438 be changed to
indicate that "no parking restrictions" be placed on the south side of Ferry
St. between Stanley Ave. and Victoria Ave. effective the first week of 3une
1975 and the remaining suggestions contained in the report be approved.
Comm.~llO - Welland County Ronmn Catholic Separate School Board - Re:Proposed
elimination of lights at Ferry and Buchanan Streets. Suggesting that elimina-
tion of the lights at the intersection would be to the detriment of the safety
of students crossing the intersection; requesting that the traffic lights not
be removed.
Comm.#111 - Parent-Teachers Association, St.Ann's School - Suggesting that
removal of the traffic light at Ferry St. and Buchanan Ave. would seriously
endanger pupils from St.Ann's school who use the crossing as an access to the
school grounds; requesting that Council oppose the Regi?n's proposal to
remove the light.
Comm.#112 - Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board - Advising
that the trustees of the Board support the parent-Teachers Associationks
opposition to the traffic light.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
Mr.D.Marinelli be granted permission to address Council.
Mr.Marinelli presented a petition objecting to the proposed changes
in the Ferry St.-Buchanan Ave. area. The petition was signed by the operators
of 39 business establishments. Mr. Marineill suggested that traffic problems
will not be solved by the removal of a few parking spaces and a traffic light
at one intersection. If traffic experts cannot agree with the changes, he~said,
the question should be decided by the people most affected, that is, the
residents and business operators in the immediate vicinity. He referred to the
communications from the Separate School Board ~nd the parent-Teachers Asset.
and the opinion that removal of the traffic light would create a safety hazard
for children. He said a great number of children are eccustQmed to crossing at
the intersection and this factor should be given prime consideration. Any
problems, he said, only exist for a few ~ays during the peak tourist season
and the suggested changes will not rectify the problem during those periods.
Mr. Marinelit advised Council of the concern of business establishments in
the area regarding the removal of parking spaces in a prime tourist area and
recommended that. the situation remain as it is.
During the discussion which followed, information was provided
regarding co-ordination and synchronization of traffic lights, the possible
removal of the median at the .intersection of Stanley and Ferry St. and the
provision of future off-street parking.
It was then moved by Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Puttick
that the report of the City Manager be received and filed and the Public Works
and Utilities Co~anittee of Regional Niagara be notified that the City of
Niagara Fells does not concur with shy of the traffic modifications~outlined
in Regional Report DET1816. The motion Carried unanimously.
It was then moved by Alderman Pottick, seconded by Aldermen Smeaton
that Council adopt recomm~ndationa 5 and 6 as contained in the report of the
City Manager dated September 4, 1973, that is, 5) prohibition of left turns
from northbound On Victoria Ave, to westhound on Centre St. effective June 14,
1974 and 6) examination of.the possibility of re-routing traffic so the left
turn from Victoria Ave. southbound to Clifton Hill eastbound could be prohibi-
ted. The motion'was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Smeaton, Puttick, Thomson,Schisler.
~E:Aldermen Fern, Mann, Harrigans Kelahans Walker, Wallace.
- 3 -
Traffic - Ferry St. and Buchanan Ave. (Cent'd)
A motion by Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Mann that removal
of the barrier median on Ferry St. near Buchanan Ave. be recommended to the
Regional Council was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Fern, Mann, Keighan, Harrigan.
NAY_ME:Aldermen Puttick, Schisler, Walker, Thomson, Wallace,Smeaton.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communications from the Welland County Separate School Board and the Parent-
Teachers Association of St.Ann's School be received and filed and both parties
be notified of the decisions of Council.
Conm.~ll3 - J.Hueglin,M.p. - Requesting that one member of Council be appointed
to a community-based Local Initiatives Project Advisory Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that the
communication be received and Alderman Christensen be appointed as the City's
representative on the Committee.
No. 474 - City Manager - Re: Sale of Lot 39, Falls Industrial Park. Reconnnending
approval of the sale of Lot 39 located on the south side of Progress St.between
Earl Thomas Ave. and Stanley Ave. to Niagara Paper Box to. Ltd. The cost of the
2.53 acre lot, based on the rate of $7,000. an acre, will be $17,710.
The City Manager advised that it was the opinion of the City Solicitor
that the report should also include a recon~nendation that Council indicate that
the City would be prepared to enter into an agreement of purchase and sale of
the lot in the form required by the City for sale of lots in the Industrial Park.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Aldermen Fern that the
report be received and adopted and the Niagara Paper Box Co. be notified that
the City is prepared to enter into an agreement of purchase and sale.
No. 475 - Planning & Development Committee - Re:AM-23/73 D.R.West,Lot 70, Plan 48,
south side of Thorold Stone Road. Rezoning of the property would legalize the
operation of an auto repair shop. The report recommends approval of the rezoning
and legalization of the existing use subject to a proper site plan agreement and
site plan as well as necessary buffer zones, etc. to protect adjacent properties;
recommending further that Council certify, by .resolution, that the application
conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Walker, seconded by Alderman Keighan that Mr.
S. Mewburn be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Mewburn, who resides on Elberta Ave., said he was authorized to
speak on behalf of 35 residents of the area who are opposed to the operation of
the auto repair shop. The applicant, he said, had applied for and been granted
a building permit to erect a two-car garage. During construction the building
was fully equipped and had been used as a repair garage for more than one year.
Mr. Mewburn also expressed the concern of area residents about litte~ and excessive
noise during the evenings and onSaturdays and Sundays.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Fern thst the
report of the Planning and Development Committee be received and filed and the
application of D.R.West be denied. The motion Carried with Alderman Hunt voting
contrary and all others in fayour.
No. 476 - Planning & Development Committee - Re: AM-35/72 Diol Investments Ltd.
Pt. Twp.Lot 141, south-west corner of Lundy's Lane and Dorchester Road to permit
the erection of an apartment building and commercial complex. The report
recommends approval of the application and, further, that Council certify, by
resolution that~e application conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the
Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Aldermen Thomson thst the
report be received and adopted. The motion ~arried with Alderman Smeston voting
contrary and all others in fayour.
See Resolution No.135
Reports (tout'd)
No. 477 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM-30/72 P.Rizzo, Pt.Twp.
Lot 177, R.P.85,Lot 28, south side McLeod Road. Approval of a change in zoning
from Single Family Residential to Neighbourhood Cormnereial would permit the
operation of a restaurant. The report recommends that the application be
Mr.D.Costello appeared before Council on behalf of the applicant
and noted that the lot had been vacant for 10 to 12 years and had been
purchased with the intention of constructing a Spanish-style restaurant. He
suggested that many restaurants within the municipality have frontages of less
than 50 feet. Mr. Costello said the area lends itself to commercial develop-
ment and expressed the opinion that this trend will continue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report of the Planning & Development Con~nittee be received and adopted and the
application of P.Rizzo be denied.
Note: Alderman Wallace declared his interest-and abstained from voting.
No. 478 - Planning & Development Connnittee - Re: AM-34/73 Dow Construction Ltd.,
Pt.Lot 6, Plan 653, east side Dr,,mmond Road, north of Barker Street. Rezoning
of the property would permit construction of two garden court apartment build-
ORDERED on the .motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman M~nn that the
report be received and adopted and the application of Dow Construction Ltd~ be
No. 479 - Planning & Development Committee - Recommending that the Planning
Administrator or a member of the Planning Department Staff and the Chairman of
the Committee or his appointee, be authorized to attend the Community Planning
Association Conference in Windsor from September 30 to October 3, 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 480 - City Manager - Re: Parking Restrictions on Emery Street.'Recommending
the passing of the necessary by-law to make existing temporary restrictions on
both sides of Emery Street between Temperance Ave. and Banker Ave. permanent.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 481 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Victoria Avenue between Bridge St.and
Maple St. Referring to a petition received from residents of the area requesting
parking restrictions between 6:00 p.m. and midnight~ suggesting that such
restrictions would inconvenience the many cu~maercial users in the area;
reco~mlending that no change be made on this section of the roadway.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 482 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Huron St. in front of Senior Citizens'
Housing. Recommending that parking be removed at ell times from the south side
of Huron Street from the westerly limit of the Senior Citizen Housing property
to the intersection of St.Clair Ave.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderm~n Thomson~ seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 483 - City Manager - Re: School Crossing Guards. Recon~endtng that permanent
school crossing guards be assigned to Dorchester Road at Dtanue Strqet and on
Victoria Ave. at Stmcoe Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 484.- Alderman William Smeaton - Report of the Niagara Falls Twtnning
Cowmittee. Advising that the Committee was unanimous in the selection of five
cities from a list of 331 requesting that His Worship Mayor Bukator be
authorized to approach the officials of the five candidate cities to determine
if they have an interest in twtnning with the City of Niaaara Falls.
ORDERgD on the motion of Alderman Hunt,-seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted.
- 5 -
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 485 - City Manager - Re: Liability of a landlord to provide adequate heating
in rented dwelling sccon~nodation. Advising that the Municipal Act provides that
by-laws may be passed by the Councils of local municipalities for providing
adequate heat in rented accon~nodation and, if enacted, the by-law will require
landlords to provide heat at not less than 70° F. between the 15th day of
September and the 31st day of May.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and the By-law appearing later on the agenda be given three
See By-law No.73-223
No. 486 - City Manager - Re: 1973 Local Improvement Program. Reconnnending an
application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the entire 1973
Local Improvement proposal.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 487 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Storm Sewer Construction, Stanley Avenue -
Church's Lane to Swayze Drive, from Stanley Avenue to Hydro Canal. Advising that
the type of soil encountered has a great bearing on the cost of the project because
of the size and depth of the sewer and the fact that a crossing is required beneath
the C.N.R. railroad; requesting authority to engage William Trow Associates,
Hamilton, to carry out the required soils investigation at an estimated cost of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunts seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 136
No. 488 - City Manager - Re: Hal-Cot Drainage Pipe. The pipe is to be installed
at the Sanitary Landfill Site for the drainage of leach. re in compliance with the
requirement by the Ministry of Environment. The report reconunends acceptance of
the quotation submitted by Armco Canada Limited in the total amount of $4,780.
and that the drainage pipe be ordered.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.137
No. 489 - City Manager - Re: Re-location of Fairview Cemetery fence. Recommending
that Lundy Steel Limited be authorized to proceed with the relocation of the angle
iron fence on the south side of Morrison Street, additional rampad panels and new
line posts at a total cost of $1,858.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.138
No. 490 - City Manager - Resolutions from other Municipalities.
1. City of Windsor - Requesting the Provincial end Federal Governments to take
immediate steps to effectively curb spiralling food costs, etc. The report
suggests that press releases substantiate the fact that both Provincial and
Federal authorities are aware of the problem and are seeking to take remedial
steps and recommends the resolution be received and filed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
resolution from the City of Windsor be received and endorsed.
2. City of Windsor - A resolution requesting legislation to provide for the uniform
inspection and regulation of carnival rides throughout the Province. Recommending
endorsement of the resolution.
3. City of Wtnd8or - A resolution that Assessment Appeal Courts be held earlier in
the year. Recommending endorsement of the resolution.
4. (a) Ontario Municipal Recreation Assoctstion - The resolution suggests that
government funds be made available to Snowmobile Clubs. Recommending that the
resolution be received and filed and the Associstion be so advised.
(b) Ontario Municipal Recreation Association - Suggesting the possible use of
unused or proposed discontinued railway lines; recommending endorsement of the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderma~Schisler that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted and resolutions numbered
2, 3, and 4(b) be endorsed and resolution number 4(s) be received and filed. The
motion Csrrie~dwith the following vote:
A._~: Aldermen Hunt, Fete, Mann, Keighan, Thoma~n~,Putticks Smeaton,Schisler
~NAYE:Aldermen Walker, Wallace and HarriSan.
Reports (Coat'd)
No. 491 - City Clerk - An advisory report. ~he report includes a recommendation
that Council authorize a half-page advertisement in the convention program of
the Loyal Order of Moose and permission be granted to the Main and Ferry
Business Association to close Main St. from Ferry to Peer St. on Saturdays
September 22 for the pnrposes of the Fall Round-up promotion. The report also
provides information regarding a one-foot reserve sad access to the Brady
property on Pettit Ave. and a communication from Regional Niagara regarding
crossing protection on Dorchester Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 492 - City Manager - Re: Building Permits issued for the month of August,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed.
No. 493 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt.that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 494 - City Clerk - Recommending approval of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 135 - HUNT - THOMSON - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby certify dhat the application of Diol Investments
Ltd. for the rezoning of pr.operty known as pt.Twp.Lot 141, located on the south-
west corner of Lundy's Lane and Dorchester Road, conforms to Official Plan
Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by
the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No.. 136 - HUNT - SCHISLER - RESOLVED that the firm of William Trow Associates,
Hamilton, be engaged to carry out required soils investigation at the site of
proposed storm sewer construction on Stanley Ave. - Churches Lane to Swayze
Drive, from Stanley Ave. to the Hydro Canal at an estimated cost of $1,400.;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 137 - MANN - HARRICAN - RESOLVED that the quotation in the amount of $4,780.
submitted by Armco Canada Limited for the supply of Hel-Cor Drainage Pipe be
accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed..
,.' Carried UnanimouSly.
No.138 - RUNT - SMEATON - RESOLVED that Lundy Steel Limited be authorized to
broceed with the relocation of angle iron fence located at Fairview Cemetery
on the south aide of Morrison Street as well as installation of additonal rampad
panels and new line posts at a total cost of $1,858.; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be.hereto affixedT~! Carried Unanimously
No. 139 - RUNT - THOMSON - RESOLVED that the Corporation of the City of
Niagara Falls petition for interim payment under the Public TransportAtion and
Highway Improvement Act on expenditures made for public transportation during
the year 1973 in the total amount of $224,254.65; AND the Seal of the'
Corporat.ion be hereto affixed.
· Carried Unanimously-
No.73-221 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Diol Investments Limited. (southerly side of Lundy~s Lane and westerly aide of
Dorchester Road)
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen gchlsler, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
8iven a first readlag. Carried Unanimously .
- 7-
By-law No.73-221 (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann
that the By-law be now given s second and third reading. The motion Carried
with Alderman Smeaton voting contrary and all others in favour.
No.73-222 - A By-law to amend By-Iaw No. 2530,1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Diol Investments)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unsnimou~.ly
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion Carried
with Alderman Smeaton voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 73-223 - A By-law to require adequate and suitable heat for rented dwelling
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimous_l7
No. 73-224 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Aldermen Wallace
that Alderman Schisler be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimousl./
His Worship Mayor Bukator advised that a notice will appear in the
newspaper regarding the immediate lifting of water restrictions.
Alderman Hunt expressed his annoyance and concern about the picketing
of the hospital by out-of-town anti-abortionist groups.
In reply to questions by Alderman Hunt, the City Manager stated that
the advertisement appearing in the newspaper was for an assistant planning
administrator as authorized in the budget.
Alderman Hunt referred to a recent news article regarding unused space
in the City Hall and commented on the possibility of accommodating the Business
and Industrial Growth Committee. His Worship Mayor Bukator advised that the
area is still leased by the Ministry of Governmental Services and is used by
assessment officials and probation officers.
Alderman Hunt took exception to a news article regarding disposal of
trees at the sanitary landfill site and the suggestion the trees would become
firewood. The Alderman pointed out that sawmill operators in the Willoughby area
have indicated their willingness to purchase the trees.
Aldernmn Puttick asked the City Engineer to investigate possible damage
o a drainage system installed by Regional Niagara on the east aide of Drunnond
oad running to Portage Road. He noted that construction equipment had been in
the ares recently and expressed concern about damage to the drainage works The
ter was referred to the City Engineer. . ..... 8. '
- 8-
New Business (tout'd)
Alderman Thomson spoke about the great number of phone call received
by the Mayor's office, many of which could be handled quickly and easily by
members of staff. He suggested that establishment of an informstion centre
for the relaying of enquiries to appropriate City Hall departments would
streamline the system, provide better and more satisfactory service to
residents and remove some of the pressure from the Mayor's office. Alderman
Keighan said that both he and Alderman Thomson, in their capacity as Acting
Mayor during Mayor Bukator's illness, had become more aware of the workload
and the amount of secretarial time required to answer all enquiries. Mayor
Bukator agreed that a great percentage of his time is spent on such calls
but indicated he intended to continue his %pen door policy'. The matter
was referred to staff for investigation.
Alderman Smeaton noted that as a result of a previous suggestion,
the City Clerk had met with the editor of the Niagara Falls Review and brief
outlines of matters to be discussed by the City Council now appear in the
Review prior to the meeting.
Alderman Thomson commented on the number of houses within the munici-
pality that are "eyesores". He noted that although the health department has
authority to condemn buildings and the Fire Marshal can order property to be
made safe, the City st the present time does not have s minimum standards by-law
to force owners to repair or demolish deteriorating buildings. Provincial
legislation permits municipalities to pass such by-laws which, the Alderman
suggested, could be enforced by the building and health departments. The City
Manager indicated that s minimum standards by-law has been considered by
staff because it is needed to obtain approval of certain grants. It is
expected the by-law will be prepared and submitted to Council before the end
of 1973.
The meeting adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of
Alderman Walker, seconded by Aldermsn Wallace.
Cor~nittee Room #1,
September 17,1973.
Clerk -
Council met in Committee of the Whole following a regular meeting
held Monday, September 17, 1973. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Christensen. Alderman Fera(Vresided es Chsirman.
- 9-
Following consideration of the items presented, the Committee of the
Whole arose without reporting on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by
Alderman Hunt.
Committee Room ~1,
September 17,1973.
Council met on Monday, September 17, 1973, following a Committee of
the Whole meeting. All members of Council were present with the exception
of Alderman Christensen. His Worship Mayor Bukator presided as Chairman.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Hunt.
erk ............ -~ ' ~
~ Ms y o r
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
September 24, 1973.
Council met in special session on Monday, September 24, 1973, at 7:30 p.m.
for the purpose of considering tax write-offs and applications for cancellation,
reduction or refund of 1973 taxes. His Worship ~yor George Bukator presided
as Chairman. All members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman
Report No. 496 - City Manager - Submitting a list of tax appeals received under
Section 636(a) of The Municipal Act for cancellation or reduction of 1973 taxes;
suggesting the reconunendations respecting the appeals be approved by City Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report of the City Manager be received and the recommendations regarding cancella-
tion or reduction of 1973 taxes under section 636(a)of The Municipal Act be
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
special meeting adjourn and Council reconvene in Council Committee Session.
READ AND ADOPTED, . ~sas~a ·
Cormnittee Rooms 2 & 3
September 24, 1973.
Following a Council Con~mittee meeting on Monday, September 24, 1973,
Council reconvened in formal Council session on the motion of Alderman Hunt,
seconded by Alderman Wallace. All members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Christensen. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided
as Chairn~n.
No. 497 - City Manager - Re: AM-40/71 Dorbern Investments Ltd., Pt.Lot 40,
Falls Company Plan, 5982 Dunn Street. Advising that the applicant has applied for
an extension to a site plan previously approved on November 29, 197; recommending
that the site plan which expired June 8, 1973, be extended one year to June 8,1974.
ORDERED on the motlon of Aldermen Wallace, seoonded by Alderman Walker that the
report be recelved and adopted.
No. 498 - Bce rd of Management - Downtown Business Improvement Area - Re: Christmas
LightinS on Queen Street. Submitting a four-phase program for improvements to
Christmas lightin on Queen Street; advising that the total cost of Phase I,
including changing the fixtures to mercury yapour, replacement of three traffic
light poles and erection of new wonden poles will be $10,759.; suggesting s cost
breakdown of $4,350. to the City of Niagara Falls, $4,350. to the Board of
Management and $2,060. to the Public Utilities Commission.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Wallace~ seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted.
- 2-
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 499 - City Manager - Re: Appeal of decision of Committee of Adjustment with
respect to the application of F.Pattison regarding property on the south side
of Thorold Stone Road; advising of a hearing on September 27, 1973 at 11:00 a.m.;
advising that the City Solicitor is on vacation and recommending that Mr. William
Slovak of the legal firm of Slovak, Sinclair and Crows be engaged to represent
the City. The report also requests authority to engage the firm should any matters
arise during the Soltcitor's absence which requires legal advice.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 500 - City Manager - Re: Base Road Construction, Contract No.R.C.37-73.
Recommending that the unit prices submitted by Warren Bttulithic Limited for
the construction of base roads in the Niven Subdivision be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.140
No. 501 - City Manager - Re: Base Road Construction, Contract R.C.36-73.
Recommending that the unit prices submitted by Steed and Evans Limited for
the construction of base roads in the Rolling Acres Extension Subdivision and
the Dell Subdivision be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.141
No. 140 - WALLACE - WALKER - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by
Warren Bitulithic Limited for the construction of base roads in the Niven
Subdivision, Contract No.R.C.37-73, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corpora-
tion be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 141 - WALLACE - WALKER - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Steed
and Evans L mired for the construction of base roads in the Rolling Acres
Extension Subdivision and the Dell Subdivision, Contract R.C.36-73, be
accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 142 - THOMSON - PUTTICK - RESOLVED that the month of October 173 be
proclaimed as "Civic Month" in the City of Niagara Falls; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-225 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an a~eement wlth Warren
Bitulithic Limited for the construction of roads. (Niven Farm Subdivision)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Wallace
that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the by-law and the by-law
be given a first reading. .'
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman
Mann that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-226 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Steed
and Evans Limited for the construction of roads. (Rolling Acres Extension
Subdivision and Dell Subdivision)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Marrigan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be 8tven a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 3 -
By-law No.73-226 (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigsn, secouded by Alderman Wallace
that the By-law be now given e second and third reading.
Carried UnanimoUsly
Alderman Puttick referred to a preliminary report of the Ontario
government regarding the holding or freezing of land on the periphery of
expanding cities to control prices. The Alderman sugges ted that in view of
the new Welland River bridge at Stanley Street and future development of the
Willoughby area, the City should consider methods to control the value of land
which may be required by the City in the future. He requested that City staff
contact the Hon. John Clement to determine the procedure the City should follow
and prepare a report for presentation to Council.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Hunt.
Council Chambers,
October 1, 1973.
Council met on Monday, October 1, 1973, for the purpose of considering
general business. All Members of Council were present with the exception of
Alderman Christensen and Alderman Hunt. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided
as Chairman. Alderman Keighsn offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
minutes of the regular meeting held September 17, 1973 and the special meeting
of September 24, 1973, be adopted as printed.
His Worship Mayor George Bukator welcomed members of the Potter family
who were present to witness the presentation of an Award of Merit to Dr. W. A.
In presenting the award, Mr. Fred Graham, Director,Canadian Parks and
Recreation Association, explained that each year national recognition is given
to certain individuals by the Association. This year the Association wish to
recognize Dr. Potter's many achievements from the year 1920 to date during which
he was instrumental in establishing many team sports for the City of Niagara
Falls as well as local schools and churches. Mr. Graham noted that Dr. Potter's
personal efforts, guidance and financial support had led to the establishment of
the Badminton Club, the lighting of Oskes Park, the first Y.M.C.A. building, a
school gymnasiom, the Boys Club of Greater Niagara and the Lions' Club playground
program and swiraming lessons. Dr. Potter has also served on the Physical Fitness
Advisory Council and the Niagara Falls Recreation Conanission.
Mayor Bukator thanked Mr. Graham for his presentation and paid tribute
to Dr. Potter whose contributions to the welfare of the conmunity, he said, had
been offered without personal wish for publicity, plaudits or recognition.
Mr. L. Eller, a lead hand in the water distribution department, was
congratulated by Mayor Bukator upon his completion of twenty-five years employ-
ment with the City. Mr. Eller was presented with a service pin.
A retirement watch will be presented to Mr. J. Rusk a former employee
of the parks and cemeteries department.
By-law No.72-180 -.Providing for the establishment of the Main and Ferry Business
Improvement Area.
Report ~502 - City F~nager - Re Main & Ferry Business Improvement Area.
Recommending.apprOval of.a by-law to establish a Board of Management for the Main
and Ferry Business ImproVement Area and the Main & Ferry Business Association be
requested tO make ~eco~mendations to Council respecting the appointment of members.
Two members of Council will also be appointed to the Board.
ORDERED on'the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Smeston that the
report be'received and adopted and the By-~y ~. given three readings.
See By-law No.73-228
Cor~n.29 . _Niagara Falls Lions Club - Requesting permission to sublet the Day Care
Centre on Drummond Road and a portion of the surrounding lands to the Regional
Municipality of Niagara.
Report ~503 - City Manager - Re: Nisgsra Falls Lions Club and Sublease to Region ~
Dr. William Fingland Day Care Gentre. Recommending the City consent to the Lions
Club entering into a sublease with the Regional Municipality.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldezman Thomsons seconded by Alderman Schtsler that the
~eport be received and adopted and the by-law authorizing the execution of the
Report 4~503 (Cont'd)
- 2-
sublease by the City be given three readings.
See By-law No.73-230
By-law No.73-197 -Amending Zoning by-law 5335, 1955, to permit the operation
of an art gallery at 4872 Valley Way.
Report ~504 - City Clerk - Advising that as a result of the usual procedure of
notification, one letter of objection was received.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
report be received and filed and notwithstanding the objection received,
Coencil reaffirm an earlier decision to approve the application of R. Seruga
and the application, together with the objection received, be forwarded to the
Ontario Municipal Board for consideration and, further, that members of staff
be authorized to continue efforts to resolve the one objection received.
No. 314 - Donald N. Chapman, Architect - Advising that tenders are being called
for the proposed new public library with a closing date for general contractors
at 4 p.m., Tuesday, October 23rdaad for sub-contractors at 4 p.m., Monday,
October 22nd; both closings will be at the office of the architect.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
eommunicetion be received and filed.
No. 115 - Bell Cansda- Advising that amended Application "B" seeks approval of
increases in telephone rates in a lesser amount in total than the original
application "B".
It was noted that the Association of Municipalities of Ontario has
filed an intervention on behalf of municipalities wishing to oppose the applica-
tion and information will be forthcoming regarding the approach taken by the
Association as well as estimates of cost.
It was moved by Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
conmunication be received and filed. The ·motion was Defeated with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Fera, Mann, Harrigan, Keighan,Wallace.
NAY~,:Aldermen Puttick, Smeaton, Schialer, Walker, Thomson.
The City Clerk explained the affect of the proposed increases on the
individual subscriber in the City of Niagara Falls.
It was then moved by Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schialer
that the communication from Bell Canada be received and referred to staff for
a full report~ The motion ~a.rr~e~. unanimously. ' ~
No. 116 - Sweet Adelines Inc~- Advising that the week of Oct. 1st to 6th is
"Share-a-Song Week"; requesting permission to sing duringthe Council meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
communication be received and filed and the "Sweet Adelines" be granted per-
mission to sing a melody of songs during the recess period.
No. 505 - City Clerk - Report of the Council Committee. Recommending adoption
of the report end ratificstion of the action suggested.
1.-Proclamation of October as "Civic Month" - It is recommended that the City
proclaim October as "Civic Month" and Councfl endorse "Project Nisgars 1983"
as proposed by the Civic Awareness Committee and the City contribute an
amount of $500. toward the project.
2.- Industrial Sign - It is recommended by the Council Committee that Council
approve the proposed erection of an industrial directory sign at the Falls
Industrial Park in accordance with the proposal submitted by the Building
X Inspector and, further, that the Budding Inspectors together with representa-
tives of the Industrial Committee, investigate the possibility of erecting
advertising signs relative to the Industrial Park on or near highways entering~
the Municipality.
3. Montrose Road Reconstruction - During the Council Conmittee meeting the City
Engineer presented a verbal report regarding the reconstruction of Montrose
Road from Lundy*s lane northerly toW arson Street and commented on the time
involved in the several alternate methods of construction. He recommended
closing of the road except to local traffic to enable the reconstruction to
he'completed prior to the 1974 tourist season, It is recommendedh}
- 3-
Report #505 (Cont'd)
Item 3 - continued.
by the Council Committee that the proposal of the City Engineer be approved
a. and Montrose Road be closed during reconstruction with the exception of local
4. Possible Purchase of Compactor - Sanitary Land Fill Site - Reconmaending that
alternate tenders be called immediately for s compactor for use at the sanitary
landfill site on a purchase, lease/purchase or lease basis and a report to
Council include a recommendation based on the actual prices received.
In reply to question raised by Alderman Fern, the City Engineer pro-
.'i-:vided cost comparisons of a compactor as opposed to a bullclam and elaborated
further on the recommendation that alternative tenders be called for the
purchase, lease/purchase or lease of a compactor so a final decision can be
based on the prices received.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Keighan that the
report of the Council Committee be received and Council adopt and ratify the
recommendations pertaining to items 1, 2, 3 and 4 as outlined in the report. The
motion Carried with the following vote:
.AYE: Aldermen Mann, Keighan, Smeaton, Puttick, Schisler,Walker Thomson.
,NAYE: Aldermen Fera, Harrigan, Wallace. '
No. 506 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Pinter Construction Ltd.,
Sunnylea Crescent Extension, east of Allanthus Ave., immediately north of Registered
Plan N.S.2. Recommending preliminary approval subject to four conditions
enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Keighan that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 507 ~ City Manager - Re: Capital Budget - Morrison Street Reconstruction.
Requesting Council's approval of the complete reconstruction of Morrison Street
from Victoria Avenue to Crysler Avenue including widening, improved street lighting,
replacement of sidewalks and storm sewer construction and new catchbasins where
required; advising that the total estimated cost is $110,000 which has been provided
in the 1973 Capital Budget. A Ministry of Transportation and Communications
subsidy in the amount of $40,000. is probable.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 508 - City Manager - Re: Capital Budget - Montrose Road from Lundy's lane to
Watson Street - Storm Sewer. Advising that along with the reconstruction of this
section of Montroae Road, a storm sewer will be installed for which the City~s
share will be $50,000 which has been provided in the 1973 Capital Budget. The
report recommends preparation of the required by-law.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermm~Smeaton, seconded by Alderman.Wallace that the
report be received and adopted.
'No. 509 - City Manager - Capital Budget - Sanitary Sewer Main Construction. Noting
that an amount of $100,000 for repairs to the sanitary sewer main on Wiltshire
Blvd. from Oxford Street to the south limit of the cul-de-sac has been provided in
the Capital Budget; advising that the cost of the works outlined in the report is
estimated to be $115,000. ;recommending preparation of the required by-law for
Ontario MunicipaI Board approval.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the report be received and tabled for two weeks and referred to the City Engineer
for a further report regarding the total cost of repairs made to date to the
sanitary sewer main in the Wiltshire Boulevard area. The motion Csrried with
the following vote: .
AY../E: Aldermen Ferns Harrigan, Keighan, Puttick~ Schisler, Walker~ Wallace.
~.~X~YE: Aldermen Msnns Smeaton End Thomson.
No. 510 - City Manager - Re: Former Chippaws Town Hall. Referring to the request
of Mr.N.Peterson to rent ell or a portion of the former Chippaws Town Hall for
woodcraft~. the display of finished products and instruction classes in art and
woodworking at a monthly rental of $165.00; suggesting if Council is in fevour
of rentinS the building, Mr. Paterson be authorized to take possession as of
October let following which the proper form of lease can be prepared.
OPaERED on the motion of Aldernmn Thomson, seconded by Aldermm~Schisler that the
report he received and sdopted.
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 511 - City Manager - Re: Request to Purchase Lot 37, Falls Industrial Park.
Recommending that Lot 37, situated on the east side of Earl Thomas Avenue, be
sold to Natale Graovaz for the sum of $7,000. Advising that the applicant
proposes to erect a plant 40' x 50' for the production of plaster statues, wall
plaques and other art items. Recommending approval of the sale of Lot 37.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 512 - City Manager - Advising that the Regional Municipality is interested
in acquiring property situated st the southeast intersection of Stanley Ave.,
of the road allowance between Lots 194 and 195, Ramsay Road extended easterly,
presently owned by the Niagara Falls Hydro Electric Commission; the property
is required for the future widening of Stanley Ave.; advising that information
has been received that the land is surplus to the Commission's requirement ?v<
and they are willing to dispose of the property; recommending that City
Council authorize the sale of Part of Lot 194 to the Regional Municipality
at a price of $4,275.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 513 - City Manager - Re: Land Required for Expansion of Pollution Control
Plan. Advising that the Regional Municipality has requested comments regard-
ing the possible sale of a 5.127 parcel of land owned by the City, situated
4mmediately north of the Pollution Control Plan; suggesting that certain other
uses for this particular block of land could be desirable for the Municipal
Service Centre; noting that the City owns s parcel of property on the west
side of Stanley Ave. consisting of approximately 8.6 acres and suggesting that
the Region be asked to give consideration to the use of this parcel;
recommending that the Region give consideration to the use of the 8.6 acres of
property located at the north-west corner of Swayze Drive and Stanley Avenue
for the expansion of the Pollution Control Plant and, further, if the suggestion
is acceptable, City Staff be authorized to have the land appraised or an
opinion of value obtained.
During the discussion, members of Council questioned the willingness
of the Regional to accept the property on the west side of Stanley Avenue; the
additional cost to the Region and the possible additional cost and inconvenience
involved in the installation of underground services from the existing plant
under the Stanley Ave. roadway. The City Engineer suggested these aspects
would be investigated by Regional officials before making a decision. Alderman
Wallace requested information from the City Solicitor as to whether or not the
Region has powers to expropriate land from the City for these purposes.
It was then moved by Alderman Thomson, seconded by A~derman Smeaton
that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted. The motion
Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in layout.
No. 5t4 - City Manager - Re: Falls Industrial Park. Commenting on the way the
Industrial Park has developed and suggesting there should be a provision in
the zoning by-law to regulate the external design for all lands including
General Industrial. A by-law providing for an amendment to the zoning by-law
appears under the appropriate heading on the agenda.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
report be received and filed and the by-law be given the required three readings.
See By-law No.73-231
No. 515 - City Manager - Re: Intersection of Rysdale St. and Green Ave.'
Recowmendtng the passing of the required by-law to allow the erection of stop
signs facing traffic northbound and southbound on Green Ave. at the intersection
of Rysdale St.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Keighan that
the report be ~eceived and adopted.
No. 516 - City Manager - Re: Section 32, Ontario Water Resources Act. and the
prosecution of certain offantes; advising that the Municipal Engineers Assoc.
has proposed an amendment to the Act which outlines certain specific instances
during which abnormal discharge of effluent would not be considered a violation
of the Act; the changes would include work necessary for construction during
which certain by-passes of effluent could not be.reasonably prevented and would
permit necessary repairs being carried out on sewage works; recommending that
the fellowins resolution be passed by Council: "thethe City of Niagara Falls
rePPrt. h.e. reeeivod and adopted.
- 5 -
Report ~516 (Cont'd)
endorse the amendment proposed by the Municipal Engineers Association to Section 32
of the Ontario Water Resources Act and, further, that a copy of this resolution
be forwarded to the Ministry of Environment,,.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.143
No. 517 - City Manager . Re: Information on Rubbish Collection, 1973. The report
provides information regarding the rubbish budget for 1973; suggesting that over-
expenditures on the Fall Collection can be minimized by collecting only once at
each home; recommending that the Fall pickup Campaign be from October 15 to
October 26th and the announcement specify only one pick-up from each home.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wallace that the
report be.received and adopted.
No. 518 - City Manager - Re: Information on Regional Waste Management Study.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Themson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
advisory report be received and filed.
No. 519 - City Manager - Re: 1973 Current Budget Item - Ker Park. Recommending
acceptance of the quotation submitted by General Concrete, Hamilton, Ontario,
for the installation of pre-cast concrete roof decking on the new Ker Park
building in the amount of $3,987.53.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.144
No. 520 - City Manager - Re: 1973 Current Budget Item - Ker Park. Recommending
acceptance of the price submitted by Tower Plumbing and Heating for plumbing
alterations to the existing building and plumbing installations for washroom
facilities in the new building at Ker Park, in the amount of $2,370,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution~ No.145
No. 521 - City Manager - Re: Regional Salt Tender. Submitting a summary of prices
received by the Regional Municipality and commenting on the increased cost of
salt per ton; recommending that the City forego tendering on salt this year and
accept t.he lowest price submitted by Iroquois Salt Company at a cost of $12.258
per net ton delivered to the City stockpile.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Puttick that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No,146
No. 522 - City Manager - Re: Main Sewer Manhole, Dorchester Road.Recommending
acceptance of the quotation of $9,950.33 submitted by Provincial Construction Ltd.
.for a manhole for the main sewer on Dorchester Road between Freeman St. and
Cherrygrove Road.
ORDERED on~the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fern that the report
be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.147
No. 523 - Mayor George Bukator - Re: Special Committee to review the method presently
used by the City to elect members of Council. Advising of the appointment of
Aldermen Schisler, Mann, Harrigan and Wallace. Hie Worship Mayor Bukator will also
serve on the Committee. Mayor Bukator requested that the committee begin their
studies immediately and suggested that the comments and recommendations of. residents
he invited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Themson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report be received and the ~ppointments approved.
No. 524 - City Manager - Re: Ministry of Transportation and Communications Training
Courses. R~commending that the City Engineer be authorized to submit applications
for two members of staff to attend each of the Municipal Road Design, Municipal
General Inspectton~ Municipal Concrete Technology and Municipal Asphalt Technology
courses and one member of staff to attend each of the Municipal Soils Technology
and Municipal Surveying courses.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Themson that the
- 6 -
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 525 - City Clerk - Advisory Report. The report includes a resume of the
activities at the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena for the months of 3uly and
August; a letter of appreciation for the attendance and participation of the
City Manager at the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities Conference;
a copy of the submission made to the Niagara Regional Board of Commissioners of
Police regarding the proposed police building; notification that tenders will
be called for planting of ornamental trees and erection of chain link fencing;
an invitation to participate in a proposed tour of Niagara peninsula Conservation
Authority properties and an invitation to the Official Opening of the Jack Bell
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the
report be received and filed.
No. 526 - City Clerk - Reconmending approval of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schtsler, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 527 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted.
In recognition of Share-A-Song Week, the Rainbow City Chapter of
Sweet Adelinea Inc. sang several numbers. Mayor Bukator expressed the apprecia-
tion of Council to the group and their conductor, Mr. Ted McQuade.
No. 143 - PUTTICK - WALKER - RESOLVED that the City of Niagara Falls endorse
the amendment proposed by the Municipal Engineers Association to Section 32 of
the Ontario Water Resources Act end, further~ that a copy of this resolution
be forwarded to the Ministry of Environment; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 144 - MANN -SCHISLER - RESOLVED that the quoted amount of $3,987.53 sub-
mitted by General Concrete Limited, Hamilton, for the installation of pre-cast
concrete roof decking for the new Ker Perk building be accepted; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed. t
Carried Unanimously
No. 145 - SMEATON - HARRIGAN - RESOLVED that the quoted amount of $2,370.00
submitted by Tower Plumbing and Heating for plumbing alterations and new
plumbing installations at Ker Park be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Ilnanimously
No. 146 - SCHISLER - PUTTICK - RESOLVED that the City forego tendering on salt
this year end accept the lowest price submitted to the Regional Municipality of
Niagara by Iroquois Salt Co.in the amount of $12,258 per net ten delivered.
Carried Unanimously
No. 147 - THOMSON - FERA - RESOLVED that the quotation of $9,950.33 submitted
by provincial Construction Ltd. for the installation of a main sewer manhole
on Dorchester Road between Freeman Street and Cherrygrove Road be accepted;
~ the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 148 - MANN - THOMSON - RESOLVED that the next Council Committee meeting be
held on Tuesday, October 9, 1973, co~nencing at 7:30 p.~.; AND the Seal of the
Corpo[ation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
- 8 -
By-law No~3232 (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried UnanimouSly
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that the By-law be given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No.73-233 - A By-law to amend By-law No, 3790, being a by-law for the regula-
tion of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman
Fera that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-234 - A By-law to amend By-laws Nos. 2350,1959 and 2530,1969 of the
former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.
(Wade Construction,Pt. Twp.Lot 187,Dorchester Road)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimousl. Z
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-235 - A By-law to prohibit the parking or leaving of motor vehicles
on private property. (Part of Town and Country Plaza)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce.the By-law and the By-law
be .given a first reading.
Carried UnanimouslZ
ORDERED on the motion of Aldersnan Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Smeaton that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimouslZ
No. 73-236 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Narrigan
that Aldermen Fera be granted leave to introduce the by-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimousl~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fats, seconded by Alderman Mann
that the Byelaw be now given a second and third reading,-
Carried UnsnimouslZ
- 7-
No.73-227 - A By-law to amend By-laws Nos. 2350,1959 and 2530,1960 of the former
Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.
(D.Casey, Pt. Twp.Lot 45,Dorchester Road)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Schisler be granted leave to introduce the by-law and the by-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wallace
that the B~-law be now given e second and third reading.
"' ..Carried UnanimouSly
No.73-228 - A By-law to establish a Board of Management for the Main and Ferry
Business Improvement Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Keighan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Fern
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-229 - A By-law to appoint municipal law enforcement officers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that Alderman Schisler be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alder~mn Schtsler, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried - Ald.Puttick
voting contrary.
No. 73-230 - A By-law to authorize the execution of s sublease.
(Dr.Wm. Fingland Day Care Centre - Lions Club and Regional Municipality of Niagara)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded ~y ~derma~ Narrigan
that Alderman Keighan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Fern
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-231 - A By-law to amend By-law No.2350,1959 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of.Niagara Falls, as amended. (Zoning Restrictions
Falls Industrial Park) ~"
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wallace
that Alderman Keighan be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
give~ a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman
HarriSan that the By-law be now given ~ second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-232 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 7878, 1969, as amended by By-law No.7982,
1969, res~ecting'psrking lots in the City of Niagara Falls and for regulating,
supervising and governing the parking of vehicles thereon and charging a fee for
such parking. (Park 8t., Ellen Avenue,Ontario Ave.,St.Lawrenee Ave.,Lundys Lane)
- 9-
Aldermen Mann noted that the reason given for a local industry moving
to Lincoln was the price of land and expressed his concern about the City losing
an industry that employs 12 people. He suggested the public should be made aware
that land costs were not exorbitant in the City of Niagara Falls. Alderman
Puttick advised that the industrialist concerned had indicated he had not been
contacted by City officials although the Alderman had brought the matter to the
attention of City staff some time previously. The City Mars ger stated that, to
the best of his knowledge, where services are comparable, the. cost of industrial
land in Niagara Falls was less than in the City of St. Catharines. He said he
was.n~t aware of any land that was cheaper than in this City and indicated the
matter would be checked very closely.
Alderman Puttick stated that he had recently addressed a class of
high school students who had indicated there was noth]ng to do in the City other
than gather at locations such as the Town and Country Plaza. The Alderman
suggested the Recreation Commission approach the Board of Education regarding
the distribution or display of the CommissiQn's Recreation Calendar.
Alderman Puttick referred to the minutes of the Planning and Development
Connnittee of September 19th and a discussion regarding a proposal to build an
apartment building on a 70' lot whereas the minimum required lot width is 100'.
He quoted the Planning Administrator as stating that each case must be judged on
its own merit. The Alderman asked for clarification of the connnent and noted
that other proposals had been denied because of the City's policy regarding
100' frontages. He also questioned if the Planner or the Council had authority
to consider each application on its merit with respect to lot widths. Alderman
Puttick suggested that changes in policies should be brought to the attention
of the City Council and requested s report from the Planning Administrator. The
question of whether the policy is verbal or written, the cost of servicing 40'
lots as compared to lots of greater width, the increased cost of land and
materials and the lower cost of land by reducing standards were also discussed.
At the request of Alderman Thomson, City staff will investigate complaints
regarding the condition of the boulevards on Valley Way which have been reported
as being overgrown with weeds.
Alderman Smeaton expressed the opinion that the size of the City Council
should be reduced from 12 to 10 members. He said the City also has three additional
representatives at the Regions 1 level and while there may not be duplication of
effort, there is no need to continue with a 12 men Council. His motion to approach
the Non. J. White and request a reduction in the size of Council was not seconded.
Alderman Thomson suggested the motion was premature and referred to the special
committee appointed by Mayor Bukator to study the procedure and all aspects of the
election. Alderman Wallace, a member of the Committee, agreed the suggestion had
merit but questioned if fewer Council members would be able to handle the workload
required for extracurricular activities such as serving on numerous boards,
con~ittees, etc.
It was then moved by Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that the matter of the number of Aldermen to be elected to the Municipal Council
be included in the terms of reference of the committee established to review
existing election methods. The motion Carried with the following vote:
~YE: Aldermen Smeaton,Harrigan,Ketghan,Wsllace,Schisler,Mayor Bukator.
.NAYE:Aldermen Fern, Mann, Puttick, Walker, Thomson.
Alderman Wallace requested information as~:to the steps taken by staff
to implement the Social Planning Council~s proposal regarding access to municipal
buildings by handicapped persons. Council had previously passed a resolution
authorizing an amendment to the building by-law. Alderman Puttick noted that a
- 10 -
ramp st the Erie Ave. entrance to City Hall had never been provided although
the facility had been included in the plans. Mayor Bukator said he had
requested a report regarding a ramp and improvements to the doors of City
Hall. Alderman Wallace expressed his concern about future buildings such as
the new public library and requested a report on the matter.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the meeting adjourn to Connnittee of the Whole.
Committee Room ~1,
October 1, 1973.
Council met in Conmittee of the Whole following a regular meeting
held Monday, October 1, 1973. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen Hunt and Christensen. Alderman Mann presided as
Following consideration of the items presented, it was moved by
Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wallace that the Committee of the
Whole arise and report. The motion Carried unanimously.
· Mayor
October 1, 1973.
Council met on Monday, October 1, 1973, following a Con~nittee of the
Whole meeting. All members of Council were present with the exception of
Aidemen Hunt and Christensen. His Worship Mayor Bukator presided as Chairman.
- 11 -
relocation of the watermain in order that it would not interfere with development
plans. The solicitor for the potential purchaser has confirmed his client's
willingness to enter into a cost-sharing agreement for the relocation of the main.
A discussion was also held regarding the possibility of obtaining the approval of
the Committee of Adjustment or the passing of a rezoning by-law to permit a
· eductiOn in the front yard setback required on Oakwood Drive.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wallace that the
City Council authorize the preparation of an agreement relative to the relocation
of an existing 6-inch watermain in Registered Plan 228; the proposed agreement
to provide that the owner or developer of the lands on which the watermain is
presently located, will agree to pay to the City an estimated amount of $8,000.00
for the watermain relocation;
And, further, that the City of Niagara Falls shall contribute an
amouat of $6,000.00 toward the total estimated relocation cost of $14,000.00 for
the installation of a 12-inch watermain;
Further, in order to permit the proposed relocation, the owner or
owners of the affected land will provide the City with a 15-foot easement along
the north limit of Lot 18 and along the west limit of Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 of
Registered Plan 228;
And be it further resolved that upon relocation of the said watermain,
the City of Niagara Falls will relinquish the 15-foot easement presently
situated between Lots 14 and 15, Plan 228.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that
the Council of the City of Niagara Falls confirms, upon receipt of a proper
application, it will undertake to pass a by-law to amend existing zoning regu-
lations as they apply to the set-back required from Oakwood Drive in order to
permit a reduction from 70 feet to 50 feet in the front yard requirements;
the said reduction to apply to those lands ironring on Oakwood Drive from, and
including, Lot 11 to the north limit of Registered Plan 228; said by-law to be
subject to Ontario Municipal Board approval;
And, further, that the City will have no objection to an application
being submitted to the Connnittee of Adjustment to permit the reduction required
in the front yard set-back on Oakwood Drive providing the requested reduction
is considered by the Connnittee to be within their jurisdiction.
The City Manager reviewed the negotiations to date regarding the sale
of Lot 36, Plan 243.
It was moved by Aideman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the City accept an agreement of purchase and sale received from Mr. Bruno
Campigotto and City Staff be instructed to prepare the necessary documents to
convey the land to Mr. Campigotto at a price of $7,000.00. The motion Carried
unanimously. ~
It was then move~ by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that the City Council not approve the payment of real estate commissions to agen.ts
selling lots in the Falls Industrial Subdivision, 'Regi~tered Plan 243, and
Payment of the commission as it relates to the sale of Lot 36 is a matter to be
negotiated between the realtorm Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Campigotto. The motion
C__arried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Aiderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Keighan.
The is11 o_wi._n]t a_c_t ion. was_taken_:
A review was made of s request received for the proposed relocation
of s 6" watermain presently situated between Lots 14 and 15, Registered Plan
228. The City Manager informed Council that an industry was considering the
purchase of several lots in the immediate vicinity and had requested the
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
October 9, 1973.
Following a Council Committee meeting on Tuesday, Ottoher 9th, 1973,
Council reconvened in formal Council session on the motion of Alderman Wallace
seconded by Alderman Fera. All members of Council were present. His Worship
Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman.
No. 528 - City Manager - Re: Local Initiatives Program. The report suggests the
City sponsor two projects: (s) the hiring of five persons for rural cemetery
clean-up and four persons for mapping existing land uses; advising that the Y.W.C.A.
will be applying for approval of a project to refurbish the basement area of their
building; recommending that the City of Niagara Falls apply for approval for a
rural cemeteries clean-up project and a land uses mapping project under the Local
Initiatives Program and, further, that the City support the application of the
Y.W.C.A.for their building improvement project.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 73-237 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial Park.
(Lot39, Niagara Paper Box Company Limited)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Puttick be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Patrick, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Christensen referred to the landslide on Oakes Drive which
resulted in the closing of the roadway to southbound traffic. The Alderman enquired
as to when repairs will begin. The City Engineer said the Niagara Parks Conmission
is studying the matter and meetings have been held with city and regional officials
as well as their own staff to consider all aspects and determine the most economical
--. method:of reconstructing the road. He advised that the Cozmnission does not receive
subsidy for'roadways and there is some thought that Oakes Park should be closed. It
has also been suggested that the road should become a city or regional responsibility
and Shetoby be eligible for subsidy.
In response to questions by Alderman Christensen, the City Treasurer
advised that the skate sharpener for the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena had been
ordered but has not yet been delivered.
Alderman Puttick reported that as a result of his earlier suggestion,
the City Clerk had received information regarding the Allotment Garden Program
conducted in the City of Ottawa. It was moved by Alderman Patrick, seconded by
Alderman Rarrigan that members of Council be provided with a copy of Ottawa'a
Allotment Garden Program and the necessary steps be taken to determine what land
is available for a similar proMram in the City of Niagara Falls. The motion
Carried unanimousZy.
Alderman Puttick suggested the City cell tenders for insurance as is
done by the Borough of East York. In Nisgsrs Fells one broker representing all
local companies, handles the City's insurance and all agencies share the premiums.
- 2-
Tenders - Municipal Insurance (Cant'd)
Alderman Thomson said he had no objection to a request for information but
suggested that better service was provided by the present system of dealing
with local businessmen in a fair and satisfactory manner.
It was then moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that information be obtained from the Borough of East York as to the advantages
of their procedure in calling tenders for insurance and a report on the matter
be prepared for presentation to Council. The motion Carried unanimously.
Alderman Puttick made reference to an earlier decision by Council to
endorse, in principle, a suggestion by Alderman Harrtgan that representatives
of the City Council participate in future negotiations with respect to union
and non-union wages and aalaries. Alderman Puttick suggested that the Mayor or
Council appoint two Aldermen to serve on the committee and informal discuss ions
begin at once. The City Manager indicated a report would be prepared and sub-
mitted to Council at the next meeting of the Committee of the Whole.
Alderman Keighan suggested a recent news article which indicated 17%
of apartments were vacant may have a detrimental effect on developers who
propose to construct apartment buildings in the Municipality. The Alderman
referred to statistics compiled by the Planning Department which indicate the
percentage of vacancies is 2.4% rather than 17% as reported.
Alderman Harrigan conmmented on the number of. tragedies and near
tragedies at the Falls and suggested the City spearhead efforts to provide
safety precautions such as the construction of a boom. Mayor Bukator reviewed
past efforts to have the Niagara Parks Commission install a control gate,
electrically operated nets or station a boat at the Chippaws Creek intake to
intercept craft going downriver at this dangerous point. It appears that no
action can be taken by the Cormmission as the Niagara River is a federal waterway.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
October 9, 1973.
Council met in Con~ittee of the Whole following a special meeting held
Tuesday, October 9, 1973. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Walker and Alderman Wallace. Alderman Keighan presided
as Chairman.
-3 -
Following consideration of the items Presented it was moved by
Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the Committee of the Whole
arise without reporting to Council. The motion Cajried unanimously.
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
October 9, 1973.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the Whole
meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 1973. All members of Council were present
with the exception of Alderman Walker and Alderman Thomson. His Worship Mayor
George Bukator presided as Chairman.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded
by Alderman Fera.
Council Chambers,
October 15, 1973.
Council met on Monday, October 15~ 1973, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present. His Worship
Mayor George Bukator offered the Opening Prayer and presided as Chairman.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the minute.a of the October 1st and October 9th, 1973, meetings be adopted as
Report ~441 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision _ Tureski (Wm. Slovak
in Trust) Pansy Realty Ltd., Pt.Twp.Lot 60, Vine and Coholan Streets. Recommending
preliminary approval of the proposed plan subject to seven conditions enumerated in
the report. The report was adopted by Council on September 4, 1973.
Report ~529 - Planning and Development Committee _ Re: Official Plan Amendment No.67
(Pansy Realty Ltd.) Recomanending that the amendment be adopted by by-law and Council
confirm, by resolution, that the application conforms to Official Plan Amendment
No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and adopted.
See By-Law No. 73-238
See Resolution No.l~
Report ~509 - City Manager - Capital Budget,Sanitary Sewer Main Construction.
Recommending preparation of the required by-law for repairs to the sanitary sewer
main on Wiltshire Blvd. from Oxford St. to the south limit of the cul-de-sac at
an estimated cost of $115,000.
Report ~530 - City Manager - Submitting information regarding the total repair costs
to the sewer over the past years amounting to $90,012.61; suggesting that the best
solution is the installation of a shallower sanitary sewer on Wiltshire Blvd. and
the installation of a plastic liner into the existing sewer; suggesting that complete
replacement of the existing sewer would be a much more expensive proposition.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that the report
of the City Manager be received and adopted and the necessary by-law be prepared
for the suggested repairs to the sanitary sewer main on Wiltshire Blvd.
Report ~472 - City Manager - Recommending City Staff be authorized to work with the
Social Planning Council in drafting a method of operation for the proposed Landlord
and Tenant Advisory Bureau and, further, that Regional authorities be notified that
the City will establish such a bureau and the names of persons nominated will be
submitted at a later date. The report was adopted at the meeting of September 17th)
Comm. ~117 - Social Planning Council - Advising that a new project "Information
Niagara" will include information on landlord and tenant matters; advising that the
Social Planning Council has applied for funds under the Local Initiatives Program
to support the first six-month phase; suggesting the City might consider providing
support on an on-going basis if the project is successful; requesting Council to
endorse the action of the Social Planning Council.
In reply to questions by Alderman Wal lace, Mayor Bukator stated that
any area municipality interested in establishing a landlord and tenant bureau may
do ao on their own. The Region however is not prepared to contribute toward the
cost of establishing, maintaining or operating such bureaux because there are
municipalities within the Region who do not want or need such a service, Mr. D.
Falkenhagen stated that the estimated budget of $12,480. is for the first six months
operation and would be dependent on an L.I,P. grant. Consideration could be given
to additional funding if a group within the 'connnunity took over the project on an
on-going baste, Mr. Falkenhagen said the City is not being asked to assist
financially at this time although there may be some cost to the City in the future.
- 2-
Landlord and Tenant Advisory Bureau (Cant'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the project "Information Niagara" be approved in principle and Council endorse
the action of the Social Planning Council in response to the City's request
regarding the establishment of a Landlord and Tenant Advisory Bureau.
Report #160 - City Manager - Referring to the study undertaken by Proctor and
Redfern regarding various means of crossing the Hydra Canal and the C.N.R. right-
of-way to accommodate the Drunmond,Portage,Morrison Area road network;suggesting
the costs be shared equally by the City and the Region.
Report #531 - City Manager - Advising that the Region has not agreed to pay an
amount of $6,931.27 toward the cost of the Proctor & Redfern Study as originally
requested by Council; recommending that inasmuch as the original agreement was
between the City of NiagaraPalls and the consultants, Council agree to pay the
outstanding account with Proctor and Redfern in the amount of $6,931.27.
Alderman Keighan suggested the account should be paid under protest
and the Region be requested to provide the funds in the 1974 budget.
- It was then moved by Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Mann, Harrigan, Puttick, Smearart, Schisler, Walker,
Thomson, Wallace.
NAYE:Alderm. en Keighan, Hunt and Fers.
Comm.#115 - Bell Canada - Advising that amended application '~#' seeks approval
of increases in telephone rates in a lesser amount in total than the original
application "B".
Report #532 - City Manager - Submitting information regarding the various rates
applicable to the City of Niagara Falls] advising that the application now sub-
mitted to the Canadian Transport Commission indicates a ten cent increase for
individual line service in Niagara Falls; two-party line service remaining the
same; suggesting that Council should now indicate whether or not they are
interested in continuing opposition to the increased rates.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schfsler, seconded by Alderman Runt that the
report be received and filed and Council accept the proposed increases as being
reasonable and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario be notified that
the City wishes to withdraw its support of the filing of the intervention. The
motion Carried with Alderman Wallace voting contrary.
No. 118 - Mr. Colin Cross - Re: Parking at the south end of Sinnicks Avenue.
Suggesting the Ctty's parking authority be instructed to carry out a survey on
traffic movement on Sinnicks Avenue with a view to recommending a complete ban
on parking from the southerly limit to a point north of the intersection of
Sinnicks Ave. and St. John Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and referred to administrative staff for a report.
No. 119 - Greater Niagara Safety Council - Advising .that the Safety CoUncil
recommends there be no parking 100 feet 'east of Heywood, 1005 feet west of
MacDonald and no parking on either side of Stamford and no parking to arena
from Centre St. to Stamford St.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderma~ Hunt that the
communication he received and referred to administrative staff for a report.
No. 120 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Advising the Region wall accept 12%%
of the estimated cost of $4,200. for relocating the existing protection of
flashing lights and hell to the right side of the road as well as the installa-
tion of four additional lights at the C.N.R. crossing of Regional Road No. X04
(Dorchester Road),Niagara Falls and Mile 29.0 Stamford Subdivis ion.
· ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the conEunitarian be received and ~iled.
No. 121 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities - Providing a copy
of a statement by the Man. Robert Andras, Minister of Manpower and Immigration,
which outlines a fall scale review of Csnada's immigration policy; requesting
the comments of Council not later than December 1, 1973.
O~DERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the communication be received and filed and members of Council review the
Comm. #121 (Cant'd)
statement by the Minister of Manpower and Immigration and submit comments at the
earliest possible opportunity,
No. 533 - City Clerk - Report of the Council Committee. Recommending adoption of
the report and ratification of the action suggested by the Council Committee.
1. Ker Park Extension - Recommending that the City Manager be authorized to
negotiate with Ontario Hydra for the purchase of lands adjacent to Ker Park,
described as Blocks "E" and "D" for the purpose of an extension to Ker Park.
2. Future Residential Rubbish Collection - The Council Committee considered a
report outlining the cost of implementing future residential rubbish collection
and reconunends that recommendation "B" contained in the report be adopted.
3. Linear Park System and Bikeways - The Council Conunittee approved, in principle,
a Linear Park and Bikeway System for the City of Niagara Falls and the Walkway-
Bikeway Committee was authorized to proceed with the gathering of information
regarding the proposed operation of the facility.
4. ~able TV - Representatives of Armstrong Communications provided the Council
Committee with information relative to the installation of Cable TV in tbe ~ity.
It is recommended that Council approve the installation of Cable TV, in principle,
subject to the firm entering into an appropriate agreement with the Municipality
to cover the use of public roadways; recommending further that Council approve
negotiations between the Hydra Commission, Bell Canada and Armstrong Communica-
tions for sharing the costs of trenching for the co-axial cable.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report of the Council Connnittee be received and adopted.
No. 534 - ~ity Manager - Re: Pakfold Continuous Forms Ltd. Recommending:
(1) That City Council enter into an agreement of purchase and sale of the lots in
the form required by the City for the sale of Lots 49 and 50 located on the north
side of Murie Street, to Pakfold Continuous Forms Ltd. for $22,000. plus $4,550.
for an additional 0.65 acre parcel, or a total of $26,550;
(2) Conditional on the sale of Lots 49 and 50, the City of Niagara Falls purchase
the property at 4212 Park Street from Pakfold Continuous Forms Ltd. for a sum of
$22,000. the funds to be obtained from the parking meter revenues - $11,000. in
1973 and $11,000. in 1974. After purchase, the building would be leased by the
City to Niagara Paper Box Ltd. at $400. per month until the Company relocates its
(3) The City Solicitor be authorized to prepare the necessary documents to provide
for the purchase and sale of these properties.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Hunt~ seconded by Alderman Fern that the report
be received and adopted.
No. 535 - City Manager - Re: Stamford Metal Products Ltd. Commenting on a news
btory which indicated high prices had forced Stamford Metal Products to leave the
City and relocate in West Lincoln; advising that certain information has been
obtained which refutes statements claimed to be made by Mr,Komoroswski, Pla~t
Manager; advising that the cost of land in the Falls Industrial Park is cheaper
than lands with similar services in other municipalities within the Region,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Runt that the
report be received and filed. · ·
No. 536 - City Manager - Re: Charges far Water and Sewage Services Supplied by
the Region to Area Municipalities. Advising that in the City of Niagara Falls
the wholesale Water rate from the Region will change from 15.9¢ per thousand
gallons in 1973 to 32C per thousand gallons in 1978. The proposal is for a rate of
25.3¢ in 1974 with the difference 'between the 25.3~ rate and 32¢ rate being phased
in over the ensuing years, In addition~ the sewage rate will range from 22,8~ in
1973 to 37.4¢ in 1978. All rates will be the same in 1978. The report recommends
(1) the Region he requested to make a formal presentation to Council,explaining
the need for the report and other details which would assist Council in making a
decision and (2) the Region be requested topostpone its meeting of Oct.Zhth
until such time as they'meet with Council and the position of the City of Niagara
Falls is made known 'to the Region.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen~ seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
Reports (Cent'd)
No. 537 - City Manager - Re: J.B.Food Market (J.Bombacino) - Referring to an
application to the Con~nittee of Adjustment for a minor variance to allow an
addition to be built without adequate off-street parking spaces. The applica-
tion was approved by the Committee and the City appealed the decision to the
Ontario Municipal Board. The report advises that Mr. Bomhacino now prefers
to pay cash, in installments, in lieu of parking rather than waiting on an
O.M.B. hearing. The City's policy provides for payment of $600. for one
parking space. The applicant also requests that outstanding payments be waived
in the event the City~s zoning by-law is changed and theproperty is exempted
from providing parking spaces; recommending that no agreement be made to
waive future payments; advising that because of the precedent established in
previous applications, staff is not prepared to recommend payment by install-
ments but if Council agrees with this method, it could be reflected in the
agreement with the City; the City's appeal against the decision of the
Committee of Adjustment could then be withdrawn.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Thomson that Mr.
Bombacino be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Borabacino related the difficulties he had encountered in con-
tacting City officials in regard to his application. He said that because of
the cost of recent improvements and volume of business he was not able to pay
the full amount at one time
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seeended by Alderman Puttick that
the report of the City Manager be received and the J.B.Food Market be permitted
to pay $600., by installments, in lieu of one parking space. The City Clerk
advised that any agreement with Mr. Bombacino and payment by installments is
subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board.following which the
Ctty's appeal can be withdrawn.
No. 538 - City Manager - Re: Niagara Falls Flyera Jr."A" Hockey Club Agreement.
Suggesting two changes in the agreement: (1) the minimum fee be reduced from
$350.00 per game to $250.00 per game and (2) that advertising costs be included
as a gate expense and deducted from the gross gate receipts for each game;
reconmendtng approval of the two changes suggested and a new agreement be
entered into with Mr. R. Masterson.
Mr. Masterson was granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Harrigan.
Mr. Masterson provided information regarding game attendance and
enumerated the expenses of the 1972-73 season which indicated a loss of $33,000.
He noted that the franchise fee is paid only once and it is'expected that some
savings will be realized on equipment. In addition, players will be required
to pay their own fines and will no longer be given three dollars expense money
for out-of-town games. Mr. Masterson stated that he had agreed to take over the
team for two years and a decision regarding future years will be considered at
the close of the 1973-74 season.
It was then moved by Alderman Fete, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted. The motion
Carried unanimously.
No. 539 - M~yor George Bukator - Re: Report of the Ontario Housing CommissiOn
on Housing for Senior Citizens. Advising the Mayor's Co~ittee on Housing
recommends sdoption of the report on the need for senior citizen units and the
O.H.C. be requested to undertake the immediate development of 200 one-bedroom
units in the City of Niagara Falls; the Committee recommends further that
prior to the preparation of the usual call by O.H.C. for the submission of
~evelopment proposals, officials be asked to meet with representatives of the
Mayor's C~n~ittee on Rousing, the Niagara Falls Rousing Authority and Planning
Staff to discuss the manner in which submissions are to be received. It is
the Committee's hope to discuss with O.H.C. representatives the possibility
of receiving proposals that will form a nucle~s:~ for a long range plan for a
senior citizens complex in or adjacent to the dewtown area.
Representatives of the Niagara Falls Housing Authority were present
at the meeting and Mr.L.Detlor, Chai~man,introduced Mrs.Lynn Webbet, St.Housing
Analyst, and Mr.Andris .Janeon,St.CitiZen Development Officer, Ontario Housing
Corporation. In reply to a question by Alderman Puttick, Mr. Janson confirmed
that he was in a position to arrange a meeting between O.R.C. and City repre-
sentatives to discuss possible emendmenta to the Corporation's policy regarding
land costs and location of senior citizen units.
Report ~539 (Cent'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Keighan that the
report of His Worship Mayor Bukator be received and adopted.
No. 540 - City Manager - Re: Niagara South Recreation Complex. Advising that the
rezoning of the former Starlite Theatre property on Sodom Road has been completed
and a four-phase proposal totally involving all lands for recreational use has
been approved by the Recreation Commission; suggesting a presentation be made to
the City Council st the Council Committee meeting of October 22nd with repre-
sentatives of the Recreation Commission and the Niagara South Action Committee
in attendance.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 541 - City Manager - Re: Drainage Policy for the Regional Municipality of Niagara.
Suggesting the Region defer consideration of Report DE1961 and suggesting proposed
changes be discussed with representatives of the Regional Public Works and Utilities
Committee and representatives of the City of Niagara Falls, St.Catharines and Welland
at the Council Committee meeting of October 22nd.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 542 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Paramount Properties, ~
Pt. Twp.Lots 178 and 187, west side Dorchester Road. Recommending preliminary approval
subject to nine conditions enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Smeaton voting contrary
and all others in favour.
No. 543 - City Manager - Re: Underground Services for Cssey Subdivision, Contract
G.C.38-73. Recommending acceptance of the unit prices submitted by Demote Bros.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.141
No. 544 - City Manager - Re: International City Management Conference. Report on
the proceedings at the 59th Annual Conference in Boston from Sept. 23rd to 27,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan that the
report be received and filed.
No. 545 - City Manager - Re: Fall Workshop, Ontario Chapter, Municipal Purchasers.
Recommending the Purchasing Agent, J. Smyth, be authorized to attend the Workshop
in Toronto from Nov. 1st to 2nd,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 546 - City Manager - Re: Ontario Building Officials Assoc.Annual Convention,
Toronto, October 22nd to 26th,1973. Recommending the Building Inspector or his
representative be granted permission to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 547 - City Manager - Building Permits issued for the month of September 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed.
No. 548 - City Clerk - Reconnending approval of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.'
No. 549 - City Manager - Recorm~end ing payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman'Christensen that the
report be receivedand adopted.
~o. 73-238 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Official
Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (Tureski plan of subdivision, Panay
Realty, Vine and Coholan Streets, Amendment No, 67)
- 6-
By-law No.73-238 (Cont'd) .
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-239 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial
Park. (Lot 35, Morganelli; Lot 36, Campigotto; Lot 37 Graovaz)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-240 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land to The Regional Municipality
of Niagara. (Northeasterly corner of the intersection of Lundyts Lane and
Montrose Road)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman.
Wallace that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-241 - A By-law to amend By-law No.73-229, being a'+by-law to appoint
municipal law enforcement officers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-242 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Damore Bros.
Limited for the construction of sewermains and watermains. (Casey Subdivision)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-laW and the By-law
be given a firs t reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 7-
By-laws (Contd.)
No. 73-243 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 7531, being a By-law to provide for the
erection of Stop Signs at Intersections (Green Ave. at Rysdale St.)
ORDERED on the motion of AIderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Schisler be granted leave to introduce a By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-244 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Russell Masterson for the
use of the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-245 - A By-law to authorize the reconstruction of Morrison Street from
Victoria Avenue to Cryslat Avenue. (TWO READINGS ONLY)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that
Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given
a first reading.
Carried Unanimousll
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that the By-law be now given a second reading.
Carried Unanimousix
No. 73-246 - A By-law to authorize the construction of a storm sewer ss an
extension to the sewage system in the Urban Service Areas of the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried UnanimousIX
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the By-law be now given a second reading.
Carried Unanimouslx
No. 73-247 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimous1x
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the By-law be now given s second and third reading.
Carried Unanimouslx
-8 -
No. 140 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City
of Niagara Falls hereby certify that the application of Panay Realty Ltd. and Wm.
Slovak conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning
Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Treasury, Economics and Inter-
governmental Affsirs after Official Plan Amendment No. 67 has been epproved; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 141 - HUNT - KEIGHAN - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Demote
Brothers Ltd. for underground services in the Caaey Subdivision, Contract
G.C.38-73, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
In reply to Alderman Christensen's query, the City Engineer advised
that a letter had been forwarded to Mr. Harris suggesting the Niagara Parks
Commission initiate a storm sewer study and a Technical Advisory Committee of
the Region hold a meeting as soon as possible to consider the possibility of
the roadway being assumed by either the City or the Region.
Information regarding the program undertaken in the City of Ottawa
had been made available to members of Council and it was moved by Alderman
Puttick, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the City Manager be authorized to
work with interested organizations to implement a similar program in the City
of Niagsra Falls as soon as possible. The motion CarrieJ unanimously.
Members of Council had received official invitations to attend
Millennium ~73 in Houston, Texas at which time the fifteen year old Guru
Maharaj Ji will declare One Thousand Years of Peace. It was moved by Aldernmn
Puttick, seconded by Alderman Fera that the invitation be acknowledged and
regret expressed that the City's budget does not permit the attendance of a
City representative. The communication will also commend the objectives of
Millennium '73 and convey the best wishes of the City for a successful meeting.
The motion Carried unanimously. ~
Alderman Harrigan coum~ented on the continuing nuisance and noise at
the corner of Huggins St. end St.Paul Ave. and enquired about the enforcement
of a recent by-law governing the parking of vehicles in this particular area.
The City Clerk confirmed that Regional Police had been provided with a copy
of the by-law which will not take effect until proper signs have been erected.
The signs have been ordered. City officials are reluctant to enforce the by-
law before legally authorized to do so.
Alderman Thomson referred to an earlier decision of Council to prohibit
parking on the south side of Bridge Street from Stanley Ave. to 'Sixth Ave. and
questioned the delay in implementing the new regulations. The Alderman requested
a report regarding the procedure followed and information as to when the "no
parking" regulation will be in effect.
The City Engineer will investigate reports received by Alderman Smeaton
about possible misinterpretation of specifications during construction in the
Marieclaude Ave.-Jill Dr.area. According to the Alderman's information, excavation
Was too low and sewers had to be raised 6" after the work had started.
- 10-
Committee Room ~1,
October 15, 1973.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the Whole
meeting held Monday, October 15, 1973. All members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor George Bukstor presided as Chairman.
The meeting adj ourned on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by
Alderman Christensen.
- 9-
New Business (Cont'd)
Aideman Wallace said it is his understanding that the Board of Police
Connnissioners had again reviewed the matter of a new police building for the City
of Niagara Falls and had withheld final approval pending a decision of what was
to be done with the present police building in the event a new facility was built.
The City Clerk was asked to obtain specific information as to what is proposed
by the Conmission and Alderman Wallace suggested the matter be discussed at the
next meeting of the Council Con~mittee..
Notification was received by Mayor Bukator of the opening of an office
in the Wallace building on Queen St. by the Royal Trust Co. It is expected the
office will be open for business in Deepmher and will offer saving deposits,
financial and real estate services.
The meeting adjourned to Committee of theWhole.on the motion.of Alderman.Thomson,
seconded by Alderman Schisler.
Committee Room ~1,
October 15, 1973.
Council met in Conmittee of the Whole followidg a regular meeting
held Monday, October 15, 1973. All Members of Council were present. Alderman
Marrigan presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, it was moved by
Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Keighen that the Committee of the Whole
arise without reporting to Council.
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
October 22, 1973.
Following a Council Committee meeting held Monday, October 22nd,1973,
Council reconvened in formal Council session on the motion of Alderman Wallace,
seconded by Alderman Hunt. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman.
All Members of Council were present.
No. 550 - City Manager - Re: Report on Proposed Niagara South Recreation Complex.
The report provides a summary of events to date and recommends:
(a) Council approve the preliminary plans for the Niagara South Recreation Complex
to be constructed on the Sodom Road site in four phases with the first phase
having an approximate cost of $588,000. to be built immediately;
(b) Council authorize preparation of the by-law for O.M.B. approval to borrow
$330,000. by debenture and $226,000. from the Winter Capital Projects Fund;
(c) Council approve an expenditure of $50,000. from the reserve "Chippaws
Recreation Facilities" for this project; ~
(d) Council make application for a grant under the Provincial Community Cantles Act;
(e) Council retain Donald N. Chapman and Associates as Architect for the project;
(f) Council authorize the City Manager, in consulation with the Niagara South
Action Committee, to prepare a report with recommendations for possible methods
of operation for the new building;
(g) Council give further consideration to the construction of the remaining phases
during discussion of the 1974 Capital Budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
report of the City Manager be received and the seven R~aMmeMVar,oNS contained therein
be adopted.
No. 551 - City Manager - Re: Lot 40, Falls Industrial Park. Advising that Stahlkran
Limited now prefer to purchase Lot 40 located approximately half way between
Stanley Ave. and Earl Thomas Ave. rather than Lot 16 on Progress Street ss
previously arranged; recommending approval of the sale 'of Lot 40 in the Falls
Industrial Park to Mr. Frsnz Schneider and Mr. Norbert Keuhnreich, Stahlkran Ltd.
The cost of the 2.53 acres will be $10,120., construction will be controlled by
an approved site plan and a $500. deposit has been made to the City.
In reply to questions by Alderman Thomson, the City Manager indicated
information would be made available to clarify a request of Stray Construction
for an extension to their option and a summary of correspondence between the
industry and City officials.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
Reference was made to the contents of a memorandum from Mr. C, Kuchard,
Executive Secretary of the Niagara Regional Board of Commissioners of Police to
Mr. W. J, Dawson, Regional Clerk, dated October 11, 1973. The memo outlines the
result of meetings held between representatives of the City of Niagara Falls and
the Board relative to s new police building. DUring discussion of the matter
mention was made of the possible exchange of lands in conjunction with the
proposed new building. It was indicated the City would give consideration to
the possibility of exchanging land for the new building for lands and buildings
presently owned by the Region and used as a police station at the intersection
of Park St. an~ Zimmerman Ave. The Board of Police Commissioners, st their
meeting of October 9th, rec~,m,ended to the Regional Council that negotiations
be entered into with the City for the express purpose of affectinS the proposed
exchange of lands. Alderman Wallace reviewed the steps taken to date in
- 2-
New Police Building (Coni'd)
endeavouring to convince the Niagara Regional Board of Commissioners of Police
of the inadequscy of the present police quarters and the advantages of the
proposed site. The value of the two properties was also discussed as well as
disposition of the existing police building which would no longer be required
and would be a factor to be considered by the Region in determining the overall
cost of the project. Alderman Thomson questioned why the City should be
compelled to accept an old building with a seggested appraised value of $25,000°
in exchange for prime property acquired by the City at an estimated cost of
$43,000. He suggested no one would be interested in acquiring or using such
an obsolete building and commented on the expense of demolishing the building.
Alderman Thomson urged Council to give the matter further consideration. The
action taken by the Council Cu~.ittee was ratified by the following motion:
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Keighan that
the Council of the City of Niagara Falls agree, in principle, to convey to
the Regional Municipality of Niagara a parcel of land situated at the north-
east corner of Morrison Street and Ontsrio Avenue, such parcel having an
approximate area of 43,000 sq. ft. for the specific purpose of constructing
a new police building for the Niagara Division of the Niagara Regional Police
Force, said conveyance to be subject to the following conditions:
(a) on or before December 31, 1973, the Regional Municipality of Niagara reach
a decision to construct the proposed police building;
(b) construction of the proposed building be connnenced in the year 1974 and
erected according to plans and specifications mutually agreeable to the
Niagara Regional Board of Connnisaioners of Police, the Regional Municipality
of Niagara and the City of Niagara Falls;
(c) in consideration of the conveyance by the City of lands required for the
proposed new police building, the Regional Municipality of Niagara will
convey to the City of Niagara Falls in fee simple, the lsnds and buildings
presently owned by the Region and situated at the intersection of Park
Street and Zimmerman Avenue; said property currently being used by the
Region to accommodate the Niagara Division of the Regional Police Force;
(d) the exchange of properties described above to be completed at or about
the time Regional authorities are prepared to vacate the present building
and occupy the proposed polic~ facilities.
The motion Csrrie~. with Alderman Thomson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No.73-24~ - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial
Park. (Lot 40, gtahlkran Limited)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Mann that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
"' Carried Unanimously
A letter from the Niagara Promotion Association concerning the
participation of the City Float in Macy's Parade, New York Citys will be
placed on a future Council agerids. The matter was introduced by Alderman
Alderman Hunt enquired as to when lights would be installed at the
flyover of the Q.E.W. at Sodom Road. The City Engineer confirmed that a letter
requesting information about the installation of lights had been send to the
'District Engineer o[ the M.T.C. No reply has been received to date.
- 3 -
New Business (Coni'd)
Alderman Puttick congratulated Mr. Joe Hvilivitzky upon being promoted
to City Editor of the Niagara Falls Review. His Worship Mayor Bukator also offered
congratulations and, on behalf of Council, expressed appreciation for Mr.
Hvilivitzky's news coverage of Council meetings.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Hunt.
Council Chambers,
October 29, 1973.
Council met on Monday, October 29, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
cons idering genera 1 business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Harrigan and Alderman Wallace. His Worship Mayor George
Bukator presided as Chairman and offered the Opening Prayer.
The minutes of the October 15th and October 22nd, 1973, meetings were
adopted as printed on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson.
Mr. D. Susin was granted permission to address Council regarding
equipment used at the sanitary landfill site on the motion of Alderman Mann,
seconded by Alderman Fera.
Mr. Susin disputed a reported submitted to the Council Committee on
September 24th,1973 which, he said, indicates the front end loader had broken
down completely and must be either replaced or fully restored. He suggested the
machine, which has been idle since the first week in August, is in better condition
than the equipment presently being rented. He provided copies-of an inspection
report prepared by Syracuse Supply Co. which, he said, confirms his opinion that
with minor repairs costing an estimated $500., the machine could be operated for
another four to five months at which time the undercarriage would have to be
replaced. A complete overhaul, he said, would cost $11,200. and the equipment
would then be in new condition. Mr. Susin accused City Staff of changing an
efficient operation using the city-owned bullclam and a rented bulldozer for a
new compactor and a rented front end loader without any guaranty that the combina-
tion of this equipment will do the work satisfactorily. He also stated that investi-
gations indicate the City is paying a rental fee of $22.00 per hour for a 2~cu.yd.
front end loader when in reality the rented equipment is a 2~ cu.yd.loader which
does not have the capacity to replace the operation of the bullclam and requires
the assistance of another machine. The City Engineer advised that staff had
re-negotiated the rental rate and the amount being paid is $19.75 per hour. In
calling tenders, the city-owned bullclam had been offered as a trade-in and Nr.
Busin had ~ubmitted an offer and certified cheque for the purchase of the equip-
ment. The Works Engineer commented on the 180-day waiting period before delivery
of such equipment and advised that a compactor is available and could be delivered
within two or three weeks. However, the supplier has indicated the machine cannot
be held for the City unless an order is received. The early delivery date would
result in a considerable saving for the municipality.on rentals being paid for
substitute equipment.
The City Managerts report regarding the tenders received for the
compactor was brought forward for consideration at this time.
Report No. 652 - City Manager - Re: Tenders on Sanitary Landfill Compactor.Advising
that all tenders were compared with specifications and a tender by Crothers Ltd. in
the amount of $57,247. was found to be the lowest one conforming in all aspects;
recommending acceptance of the tender by Crothers Ltd,, Hamilton, Ontario in the
amount of $67,247. including provincial sales tax and trade-in value of the City-
owned Bullclam, for purchase of a Caterpillar #816 Landfill Compactor.
It was then moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report and the recommendation b~l,~pr~d~nprinciple; further, that His Worshlp
Mayor Bukator arrange a meeting with Mr. Susin and appropriate City officials to
discuss Mr. Susin's comments following which members of Council will be contacted
be telephone to determine if the results of the meeting ere acceptable with a view
to purchasing the landfill compactor. The motion Carried unanimously.
See Resolution No.142
- 2-
Mr. A. L. McKechnie had requested permission to address Council about
problems related to the Dell Subdivision.
Con~n.#122 - A.L.McKechnie - Submitting a petition bearing the signatures of 110
residents of Harvard Ave., McGill St., Yale Crescent and Oxford St. indicating
concern about heavy construction truck traffic in the area and alterations to
the original scheme for access to the Dell Subdivision; conmenting on future
traffic volumes and increasing hazards to the safety of school children.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Mr. McKechnte be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. McKechnie noted that at the Committee of Adjustment hearing when
severance of a portion of the Dell property was considered, a drawing was pre-
sented indicating the proposed layout of the subdivision and three access points
(a) at the northerly extension of Harvard Ave., (b) an extension of Wiltshire
Blvd. and (c) a connection to Dorchester Road via an existing 66-foot unopened
road allowance inmedistely to the north of the fire hall. Plans now indicate
the new subdivision will have no direct access to Dorchester Road and will
depend on the use of residential streets in the area. On behalf of the
petitioners, Mr. McKechnie requested an amendment to the by-law approving the
plan of the Dell Subdivision in order to provide a direct access to Dorchester
Road by means of an existing 66-foot unopened road allowance adjacent to the
fire hall.
The Planning Administrator reviewed the development of the subdivision
and referred to a Planning and Development Committee report approved by Council
in May 1972 which indicated the ovdrall layout of the area and revisions to the
road pattern including the location of the service road extending southerly from
Moatrose Road. He also commented on the need to reduce the number of road
access points onto Dorchester Road which affect traffic movement.
When asked to comment, the City Solicitor expressed the opinion that
as plan of subdivision has been approved by the Minister and has been registered,
any change would involve the consent of land owners affected by the change and
possible objections by them. He also questioned whether the City owned the land
past the westerly limit of the fire hall and the possibility that the suggested
access from Dorchester Road would require property acquisition by purchase or
expropriation as well as the road construction costs. The subdivider's agree-
ment provided for the subdivider being responsible for services on the
sdbdivision plan as registered but this did not include paying for a roadway
north of the fire hall. ~
It was then moved by Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the communication and petition submitted by Mr. McKechnie be referred to
staff for a complete report regarding the possibility of providing immediate
relief from vehicles us ing McGill Street during developnmnt of Plan N.S.27, by
the use of an existing 66-foot right-of-way adjacent to Dorchester Road and s
20-foot walkway to Brian Crescent; and, further, that the report cover both short
end long term staff recommendations, if any, as well as the possibility of
liability involved if alternate reconmendations are made. The report to be
submitted at the next Council Conmittee session. The motion Carrie,d unanimously
Comm.~ll4 - Donald N. Chapman, Architect - Advising that tenders are being called
for the proposed new public library.
Report ~553 - City Manager - In order to initiate construction as quickly as
possible and to take maximum advantage of subsidies on labour rates during the
winter months, the report recommends that Council pass a by-law to authorize
the construction of the new library at a total cost of $1,750,000:; the net
amount to be debentured remaining at $1,400,000.
Mr. G. H. Mamilton, Cha irman,' Niagara Falls Public Library Board, was
Branted permission to address Council on the motion of Alderman Thomson,
seconded b~ AldermanWalker.
- 3 -
New Library (Cont'd)
Mr. Hamilton said the Building Committee had considered all tenders
received for the construction of the new main public library and had reported
to the Library Board. He advised the tender submitted by 3ohn Tries Construction
Ltd. in the amount of $1,462,454.00 was accepted by the Beard subject to the City
Council obtaining the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. Acceptance of the
tender, Mr. Hamilton said~ marks a milestone in the long drawn out procedure
necessary to obtain suitable facilities for the library and a cultural centre.
He expressed appreciation for the cooperation of the Mayor and City Council and
for the efforts of Miss VanSlyke, the library staff, R. Durdan, R. Pierce and
others. He also commented on the excellent work done by D. Chapman and Associates.
Mr. Hamilton announced plans for a public sod-turning ceremony on the library site
November 3,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
The By-law authorizing the additional expenditure for the construction of the new
library was brought forward for consideration at this time.
By-Law No.73-255 - A By-law to authorize an additional expenditure for the con-
struction of a new library. (%WO READINGS ONLY)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given a
first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Report #280 - City Manager - Summarizing previous requests, reports, petitions and
surveys in respect to the feasibility of extending bus service to the former Village
of Chippaws. The report recommends that bus service be continued and a by-law be
prepared amending Urban Service Area No.2 to include a proportionate share of the
annual operating deficit of the Transit Commission.
Report ~554 - City Manager - Re:Extension of Bus Service - Former Village of
Chippaws. Advising that the Ontario Municipal Board has, by an Order dated the
15th day of October 1973, approved the City's application to amend Urban Service Area
#2 to include the operation of a public transit service. (By-law No.73-210)
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and adopted.
Connn.~ll8 . Mr. C.Cross - Re: Parking at the south end of Sinnicks Avenue.
Suggesting the City's parking authority be instructed to carry out a survey on
traffic movement on Sinnicks Avenue with a view to recommending a complete ban
on parking from the southerly limit to a point north of the intersection of
Sinnicks Ave. and St. John Street.
Report ~555 - City Manager - Recommending that parking be removed at all times from
the easterly side of Sinnicks Avenue from Thorold Stone Road to St.John Street and
from the westerly side of Sinnicks Avenue from Thorold Stone Road to St.Mary's St.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Mann that Mr.
C.Cross be granted permission to address Council.
Mr.Cross expressed his disappointment at the recommended partial prohi-
bition and reiterated his suggestion that parking be banned on both sides of
Sinnicks Ave. from the intersection of Sinnicks and Thorold Stone Road to the
intersection of Sinnicks sad St.John Street. As reasons for the suggestion, Mr.
Cross cited potential danger because of heavy traffic on Sinnicks Ave. and the
safety of many children who'habitually play in three areas and move from one area
to the other. He suggested there is sufficient off-street parking for private
homes on Sinnicks'Ave. as well as for. the Ontario Housing family units.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Keighsn that the
report of the City Manager be received and filed and parking be removed at all
times from both sides of Sinnicks Avenue from Thorold Stone Road to St.John Street.
The report of the Planning and Development Committee was brought
forward at this time for consideration on the motion of Alderman Puttick,
seconded by Alderman Thomson.
Report ~ 556 - Planning & Development Conmittee - Re: AM-36/73 Wm. Abbott,
Pt.Twp. Lot 141, 7058 Lundy's Lane. The applicant proposes to renovate the
ground floor of an existing building to permit the use of the property for
a hair-styling shop. The report recommends approval of the application
subject to a site plan agreement and, further, that Council certify the
application conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara. Falls
Planning Ares.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.143
By-Law No. 73-251 - A By-law to authorize a site plan agreement with William
and Marjan Abbott.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
By-Law No. 73-252 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530,1960 of the former Twp.
of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Abbott)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fern
that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldernmn Mann
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
Report #557 - City Manager - Referring to an earlier motion by Council that
City Staff be directed to initiate the necessary steps to obtain a private
bill permitting the City to establish a downtown mall and to exempt the
municipality from any liability arising as a result of its operation; requesting
that members of Council indicate ] f they are in favour of the proposal submitted
by the Downtown Business Improvement Association.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report barecalved and filed and Council approve the concept of establishing a
mall on Queen Street in 1974; further, that City Staff be authorized to
commence the preparation of a private bill to authorize the operation of a mall
in accordance with terms set out by the Downtown Business Improvement Associa=
By-Law No.73-94 - The By-law whe~ approved will rexone a parcel of property
located on the east side of Portage Road south of Virginia Street from Cu~n.ercial
to Apartment Residential to permit the erection of one apartment building con-
taining not more then 18 dwelling units.
Report No.~58 - City Clerk - Advising that the Ontario Municipal Board has
appointed Wednesday, December 12,1973, at 2:00 P.M. for a. hearing of all parties
interested in supportins or opposing the application.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by AIderman Mann that the
report be received and filed and the hearing date noted.
- 5 -
Unfinished Business (Cont'd)
Report No.559 - City Clerk - Re: Rezoning application of Taro Properties Inc. to
permit multiple-family dwellings on property located on the north side of
McLeod Road, east of Drur~nond Road; advising that as a result of the usual
notification procedure, four letters of objection were received. requesting the
direction of Council. ,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Keighsn that
the report be received and filed and Council reaffirm an earlier decision to
approve the application of Taro Properties Inc. and the application, together
with the objections received be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board for
consideration. '
No.123 - Niagara Falls Lions Club - Re: City Float. Requesting Permission to enter
the City Float in the Lions Club Convention Parade, Sudbury, May 25,1974. Advising
that the association is prepared to undertake all expenses such as transportation,
painting or decorating and protecting the City against any losses that may occur.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the communication be received and the request approved providing the Lions Club
accept responsibility for all expenses involved.
No. 560 - City Manager - Re: Special Charges By-law No.7611,1968. Referring to
the impost fees which are charged to persons making application for building
permits for the purpose of providing funds for additional sanitary or storm sewer
or water supply capacity; advising that the special charges are imposed on all
classes of buildings including residential, non-residential and combined resi-
dential and non-residential buildings; recommending that the City Solicitor be
authorized to prepare a by-law to provide for the elimination of impost charges
relating to new or additions to industrial buildings and to provide that the
special charges apply to other classes of buildings within the present boundaries
of the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report :~be received and adopted.
No. 56 1 - City Manager - Advising that the firm of Kerry T.Howe Limited wish to
purchase the easterly half of the unopened road allowance between Lots 98 and 99,
Registered Plan 12; the property is located at the end of Fifth Avenue, south of
Jepson Street; recommending that staff be instructed to initiate the closing of
the unopened portion of Fifth Avenue subject to the sale of lands so closed for
an amount not less than $7,500. No commitment will be given to either of the
abutting owners that the land will be sold to them unless the Municipality has
confirmation the entire road allowance will be purchased.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report be'received and adopted. '
No. 562 - City Manager - Re: Registered Property 71-4,J.A.Climenhage Development,
Pt. Lot 53, Plan 108, Keiffer St. Recommending the property be conveyed by the
City to the former assessed owner, J,A.Climenhage Development, subject to the
approval of the Ministery of Treasury,Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and adopted.
See By-law 73-250
No. 563 - Recreation Commission - Re: Project P.L.A.N. (People Looking st Activities
in Niagara Falls). Advising of a proposed meeting designed to review the findings
of Project P.L.A.N. end allow participznts to program development; inviting members
of Council to attend a special meeting,Nov.13,1973,7:30 p.m. at City Hall.
It was noted that a Council meeting is scheduled for the same evening and the
report was received and filed on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by
Alderman Mann.
No. 364 - gity M~nager.-.Re: Exit from Rainbow Bridge. Recommending the Ministry
of Transportation and Communications be requested to re-examine the possibility of
a median strip which could be removed to allow left turns from the Rainbow Bridge
onto Fells Avenue during times when traffic volomes are low.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Aldermm~Christenaen that the
report be received and adopted.
Reports (tout'd)
No. '565 - City Manager - Submitting information received from the Assessment
Supervisor of the Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board regarding
104 individual appeals; referring to legislation which provides a method for
the correction of mistakes; recommending that List '~" being assessment received
and approved by the City Clerk during the normal period for receiving appeals
in 1972, be corrected; noting that appeals shown on Lists "B" and "C" were not
submitted during the period established for receiving appeals and recommending
such appeals be not approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 566 - City Manager - Re: Rotary Mowers. Recommending that the price of
$2,214.90 submitted by Niagara Lawn Mower for five commercial 25" 5HP Rotary
Mowers be accepted; recommending further that the bid of $1,123.50 quoted by
Crawford Mower for seven se~t-commercial 21" 3HP rotary mowers be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Puttick that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Christensen
voting contrary and all others in favour.
See Resolution No.144
No. 567 - City Manager - Re: Fencing Contract F.E.39-73.Reconmmending acceptance
of the prices received from Frost Steel and Wire Limited for the supply and
erection of fencing and backstops in the total amount of $13,336.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.145
No. 568 - City Manager - Re: 1973 Tree Planting Program,Contract No.T.P,40-73.
Recommending thethe unit prices submitted by Gauld Nurseries for the installa-
tion of trees specified in the contract documents be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fen~that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.146
No. 569 - City Manager - Re: Rental of Snow Removal Equipment. Recommending
that tenders on rental of snow removal equipment be called forthwith and specifi-
cations include stand-by payments of $10.00 per day for all equipment accepted
with a proviso that such equipment be stationed at the service centre.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 570 - City Manager - Re: Remembrance Day Holiday. Advising that the
Remembrance Day holiday will be observed at City Mall on M~nday, November 12th.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 271 - City Manager - Re: Annual Municipal Engineers' Fall Workshop.
Recommending that three members of the engineering staff be authorized to
attend the workshop at North Bay from November 21st to November 23rd inclusive.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mannahat the
report be received and adopted.
No. ~72 - City Manager - R e: Proposed.l~lslative Amendments. Submitting a
memorandum from the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental
Affairs outlining responsibilities presently exercised by the Province which
could be delegated to either municipal or regional governments; requesting
Council to review the list and submit comments and suggestions to the City
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that the '
report be received and filed.
No. 273 - City Clerk - Advisory Report. The report recommends acceptance of
an invitation to visit the Lundy's Lane Historical Museum on November 19th;
the proclamation of "Poppy Weekn,November 5 - 10,1973 ;end approval of a half-
page advertisement in the program of the PeeWee Hockey Tournament. Information
regarding a 5% increase in basic pensions through O.M.E.R.S. is also provided.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Aldeuuan Puttick that
· hereport be received and adopted.
Reports (tout'd)
- 7-
No. 574 - City Clerk - Recommend ing approval of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that the report
be received and adopted and licenets granted. The motion Carried with the
following vote: __
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Fer, Mann, Keighan, Puttick, Smeaton, Schisler, Thomson.
.NAYE Aldermen Christensen and Walker.
No. 575 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and adopted.
No.142 - PUTTICK - HUNT - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by Crothers Ltd.,
Hamilton, Oatsrio, for the purchase of a Caterpillar ~816 Landfill Compactor in
the amount of $57,247. including provincial sales tax and trade-in value of the
City-owned Bullclam, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Resolution No.142A - See Page 8 Carried Unanimously
No.143 - PUTTICK-THOMSON _ RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls hereby certify that the application of William Abbott for
the rezoning of property known as Pt.Twp.Lot 141 and located at 7058 Lundy's Lane
conforum to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as
approved by the Minister of Economics, Treasury and Intergovernmental Affairs;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 144 - HUNT - PUTTICK - RESOLVED that the quoted amount of $2,214.90 submitted
by Niagara Lawn Mower for five (5) commercial 25" 5HP Rotary Mowers be accepted;
further, that the bid of $1,123.50 quoted by Crawford Mower for seven(7} semi-
commercial 21" 3HP rotary mowers be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
No. 145 - THOMSON - FERA - RESOLVED that the prices received from Frost Steel and
Wire Ltd.for the supply and erection of fencing and backstops in the total amount
of $13,336.00,Ontract F.E.39-73, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~
No. 146 - THOMSON - FERA - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Gauld Nurseries
for the installation of trees specified in contract documents, Contract T.P.40-73,
be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslZ
No. 147 - REIGHAN - FERA - RESOLVED that Ontario Housing Corporation be requested
to provide rental housing accon~nodation on a geared-to-income basis for senior
citizens in the City of Niagara Falls, such rental housing accommodation to comprise
200 one-bedroom units, as indicated in the survey of need and effective demand dated
September, 1973. The Corporation of the Municipality of Niagara Falls hereby under-
takes and agrees to contribute 7~% of any annual loss arising out of the operation
of the said senior citizen housing; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed .... ~.,
Carried Unanimously
No. 148 - KEIGHAN - PUTTICK - RESOLVED that the application of Wade Construction Ltd.
for the rezoning of Part Lot 187,Iotated on the west side of Dorchester Road,south
of McLeod Read, conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Nlagara Falls
Planning Area as approved by the Minister of Economics,Treasury and Intergovernmental
Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No, 149 - FERA - HUNT - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Council of
.the City of Niagara Falls be held on Tuesday,November 13,1973,conmencing at 7:30 p.m.;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. '
Carried Unsnimously
No. 150 - PUTTICK - MANN - RESOLVED that a message of congratulation and best wishes
be forwarded to Mrs.Winnifred Stokes Hill on being named a member of the Order of
Canada; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
- 8 -
Resolutions (Cont'd)
No.142A-MANN-HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the C{ty of
Niagara Falls hereby certify that the application of Paramount Properties for Pt.
Twp.Lots 178 and 187 located on the west side of Dorchester Road conforms to
Official Plan Amendment No.28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area ss amended and
approved by the Minister of Treasury,Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs;AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Note:See Oct.15th minutes,Page 5 Carried
No. 73-249 - A By-law to authorize the erection of an arena in tile former Twp.
of Willoughby. (TWO READINGS ONLY)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera that
Alderman Keighan be grbnted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given
a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-250 - A By-law to authorize the conveyance of land to J.A.Climenhage
Development Limited.
' ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisl~.p~9~ed.b½ Alderman ....
Mann that Aldermsn~Hunt 'be"gr~n~ l~ave .to introdhce the By-law and the By-law'
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-251 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
William Abbott and Marjan Abbott.
NOTE: See Page 4
No. 73-252 - A By-law to amend By-law No.2530,1960 of the former Twp.of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Abbott)
NOTE:See Page 4
No.73-253 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Gauld
Nurseries Limited for the planting of trees.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, ec nde~d by Alderman Schlsler
a o
that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeston, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No.73-254 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Frost Steel
and Wire Co. Ltd.for the supply and erection of fences and backstops.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that
Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No.73-255 - A By-law to authorize an additional expenditure for the construction
of a new library (TWO READINGS ONLY)
NOTE:See Page 3.
- 9 -
By-laws (tout'd)
No. 73-256 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderman Keighan be granted leave to introduce the By-law.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighsn, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unani~eusl7
Alderman Keighan referred to a recent announcement that a Bill to
provide for the relocation of railway tracks will soon go before the federal
government for approval. The Alderman noted the City had completed a study in
1965 and suggested the appropriate Department should be made aware of the City's
continuing efforts and desire to have the Penn Central tracks relocated.
Alderman Thomson stated that a special committee had been established by the
Chamber of Commerce and the City's application is presently in Ottawa awaiting
the necessary legislation. Mayor Bukator noted the federal government had
subsidized rail ~location in the City of Winnipeg and agreed that the City
should continue to press for the same privilege. Alderman Puttick suggested
the rail relocation study may have to be up-dated as it is possible that new
subdivisions have been developed in areas previously suggested for the
relocated railway lines.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
matter be discussed at the next meeting of the Council Conm~ittee on November
5th,1973. The motion Fsrried unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Conmtttee Room ~1,
October 29, 1973.
Council met in Connnittee of the Whole following a regular meeting
held Monday, October 29, 1973. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Wallace and Alderman Harrigan. Alderman Keighan presided
as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented, it was moved by
Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the Cormmittee of the Whole
arise without reporting to Council.
- 10 -
Committee Room#l,
October 29, 1973.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the
Whole meeting held Monday, October 29, 1973. All members of Council were
present with the exception of Alderman Wallace and Alderman Harrigan.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Aldernmn Schisler, seconded
by Alderman Fern.
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
November 5th, 1973,
Following a Council Committee meeting held Monday, November 5th, 1973,
Council reconvened in formal Council session on the motion of Alderman Thomson,
seconded by Alderman Walker. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as
Chairman. All members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen
Puttick, Christensen, Mann and Hunt; Alderman Puttick having retired from the
meeting during the Council Committee session.
Mr. Fermino Susin had requested permission to make a further presentation
to Council regarding a Council decision to purchase a new compactor for the sanitary
landfill operation. At the October 29th meeting, Council directed that arrange-
ments be made for members of staff to meet with Mr. Susin to consider his contention
that the City-owned bullclam was operational and should continue to be used in the
landfill operation. Mr. Susin was granted permission to address Council on the
motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Thomson.
Mr. Susin described the six-hour meeting with members of staff as a !'waste
of time" and stated the discussion had not changed his opinion that staff had
'~islead" Council regarding the necessity of purchasing a compactor. He said he had
gone to the expense and trouble of contacting a certified caterpillar dealer and
provided information regarding the condition of the present equipment for the
benefit of Council. In his opinion, the report had proven the bullclam is in
working condition. Mr. Susin also questioned why it was necessary for the City
to trade-in the bullclam on new equipment.
The City Engineer reviewed the reconunendations of engineering staff and
noted the present equipment was down for most of the time since August 1973 and
there was no guaranty as to how long it would remain in working condition to
provide uninterrupted service at the landfill site. He also explained the
necessity of a quick decision on the matter because of the availability of a
machine that met all specificiations and would eliminate a 180-day waiting period.
Alderman Keighan conunented on the desirability of having more time to consider
this type of item without being pressured to meet delivery deadlines. The Engineer
agreed it was not desirable as a general rule, but it was very important in this
instance because of a more economical operation being possible if the machine was
Purchased now.
Alderman Smeaton asked Mr. Sus in if he had a vested interest in the
argument and Ctood to lose money in terms of income. The Alderman also asked if
he, Mr. Susin, would lose income from rental of the bulldozer. In response, Mr.
Susin said neither he nor his company would lose money as a resuIt of Council~s
approval of staff recommendations. During the discussion the City Engineer
indicated the bulldozer being rented from Mr. F. Susin had been down for repairs
much of the time since August and it had become necessary to rent other equipment.
He also advised that Mr. D. Sustn had been paid for repairs to the City bullclam
and the City is renting a bulldozer from Mr. F. Susin for the landfill operatio~.
His Worship Mayor Bukator suggested that Mr. Susin had been provided
smple time to present his arguments.
Members of Council were provided with a resume of negotiations with
respect to railway relocstion. His Worship Mayor Bukator introduced Mr. A. Blake
Robertson, Chairman of the Rail Relocstion Committee of the Chamber of Commerce,
who related the experience of the Chamber of Commerce since 1959 in their efforts
to hsve railway tracks relocated. Mr. Robertson reviewed the early history and
conclusions reached by the Committee following preparation of two studies on
the matter by the Acres and DeLeuw Cather companies. He noted that the federal
government has now adopted s new attitude toward the s~bJect of railways which
conflier with the nstural development of s municipality and have been convinced
Ithere is Justification for participation in such projects. Mr. Robertson also
commented on the public statement by the Hon. R. Bagford that legislation fs
pending by which the federal government will finsncially support municipsl programs
to eliminate railway fscilities which hsve outlived their functionsl purpose st
Present locations. He suggested it is still possible to relocste the Penn Central,
- 2-
Rail Relocstion (Cont'd)
improve the environment of tourist and connnercial sectors of the City and make
an effective presentation to appropriate federal authorities without much more
Mayor Bukator advised that the Non. J. Monroe had visited him in
hospital and apparently understood the City's position and desire for the
relocation of existing tracks which bisect the City. It was indicated the
City's application to Ottawa was one of thirty and was eighth in line. Mayor
Bukator had suggested to the Minister and his assistant, Mr. Viola, that the
federal government should consider financial assistance for a survey in
Niagara Falls to show the feasibility and possibility of rail relocation as
was done for the City of Winnipeg.
It was moved by Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Keighan that
a special committee comprised of the Mayor, three Aldermen and three repre-
sentatives of the Chamber of Commerce be appointed to look into the matter of
updating the material prepared relative to railway relocation and the connnittee
so appointed be authorized to contact appropriate federal authorities and carry
out negotiations toward obtaining approvals necessary to provide for the reloca-
tion of that section of the Penn Central Rsilway which bisects the tourist area
of the City. At the suggestion of Alderman Puttick, the Alderman representa-
tives were increased to four and the motion was amended to include the names of
those appointed to the committee, namely, His Worship Mayor Bukator, Aldermen
Wallace, Walker, Harrigan and Keighan and three representatives from the
Chamber of Commerce. The motion Carried unanimously.
Comm.~122 - Mr.A.L.McKechnie - Submitting a petition bearing signatures of
residents of Harvard Ave., McGill St., Yale Crescent and Oxford St. indicating
concern about heavy construction truck traffic in the area and alterations to
the original scheme of access to the Dell Subdivision; commenting on future
traffic volumes and increasing hazards andthe safety of school children.
Report #577 - City Manager - Re: Dell Subdivision. The report recommends the
construction of a 16' wide granular roadway from Brian Crescent to Dorchester
Road along the 20' wide footpath and the existing road allowance north of the
fire hall as a temporary access road until such time as the majority of houses
have been constructed in the Dell Subdivision; advising that it is felt by the
Planning staff and the Engineering Department that a permanent roadway is not
required from Brian Crescent to-Dorchester Road. ~
The report was discussed during the Council Committee session. Mr.
McKechnie expressed the view of the petitioners and reitersted their request
for an amendment to the by-law approving the plan of the Dell Subdivision to
provide a direct access to Dorchester Roadby means of an existing 66-foot
unopened road allowance adjacent to the fire hall.
It was then moved by Alderman ~Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wa~ke~,,.
that Council ratify the decision of the Council Committee and approve, in
principle, the construction of a permanent paved road from the northerly arm
of Brian Crescent east to Dorchester Road and City staff be directed to submit
a report as to the costs involved.
Report ~'~8 - City Manager - Re: Policy Concerning Agreements for Cash in Lieu
of Providing Parking Spaces. Noting that the policy does not provide for psyment
by installments and advising permissive legislation provides for installment
payments but requires that interest be charged; recommending an addition to the
policy to provide that an interest rate equivalent to the prime bank rate would
apply to cash in lieu agreements paid by installments, as well as 8 maximum
number of installments.
- 3 -
Report #578 (Cont'd)
During the Council Committee session, the Projects Engineer provided
additional information and Mr. J. Bombacino expressed his objections to paying
an 8% interest charge on installment payments of cash in lieu of parking relating
to an addition to his place of business which does not provide for adequate off-
street parking.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted and the policy concerning agreements for cash in
lieu of providing parking spaces be amended accordingly.
Report #579 - City Manager - Re: Uniform Charges for Water and Sewage Services
Supplied by the Region to Area Municipalities. Providing information relating to
the Regional report on water and sewer charges; highlights of the report and
staff observations of the possible effects of the report on the City of Niagara
During the Council Committee session, the City Engineer elaborated on
the report and the comments of members of Council were considered.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
decision of the Council Committee be ratified and the report of the City Manager
be received and forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Niagara and a formal-
resolution on the matter be considered by Council at a regular Council meeting
scheduled for November 13, 1973.
The City Clerk provided the Council Committee with up-to-date infor-
mation regarding the City's proposal to develop the park under the Parks Assistance
Act and recommended that Mr. W. H. Palmar be engaged to develop a park plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
decision of the Council Committee be ratified by Council and Mr. W. H. Palmar
be engaged to develop the necessary Park Plan.
The Planning Administrator had provided additional information at the
Council Committee meeting and enumerated suggested modifications to the site
plan which ensured that essential features of the approved plan would be main-
tained. Mr. 3. Johnson address the Council Committee and indicated he was not
satisfied with the revisions propc6 ed. He again expressed the opinion that all
features of the original site plan should be adhered to.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman l,Fd~a~ that Council
ratify the decision of the Council Connnittee and approve the revised site plan of
D. D'Addio, 4410 and 4420 Drummond Road, as presented and explained by staff. The
motion .Carried with the following vote:
~YE:.Aldermen Fern, Harrigan, Keighan, Smeaton, Thomson, Wallace.
BYE:Aldermen Walker and.Schisler ....
No. 73-255 - A By-law to amend By-law No.72-214 respecting an application of The
Niagsra Falls Public Library Board for the issue of debentures. (The By-law was
given a first and second reading on October 29~ 1973)
~HIRD READING - Alderman Walker and Alderman Thomson.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Keighan expressed his concern about shopping centres going
ahead in Welland, Fort Erie, Port Colborne, Lincoln and Niagara-on-the-L~ke while
the Niagara Square proposal for the City of Niagsra Falls has been unable to pro-
teed, The Alderman enquired about the status of the City ~s application regsrding
Niagara Square.
Shopping Plazas (Cont'd)
The City Solicitor stated that in view of what happened in April 1973
when the Ontario Municipal Board ruled that the application of the City of
Niagara Falls was premature because the Region had not done what was required
of it, a further approach to the Board was being deferred until the Region's7
retail commercial study gets to the stage where the consultant can present
his findings to the Regional Planning and Development Committee. Mr. Young
said it is expected a presentation will be made to the Committee in December
and then b~. Steele, who is acting as counsel for the City of Niagara Falls,
will ask the Ontario Municipal Board to set a hearing date to consider the
Niagara Square proposal. The City Solicitor said he was confident if plaza
proposals in other area municipalities involved an amendment to a zoning by-law
and an official plan amendment, the applications would be treated in the same
manner as Niagara Square.
Alderman Keighan commented on the value of the study regarding
Project P.L.A.N.(People Looking at Activities in Niagara) and suggested that
adoption of the recon~nendations made therein could possibly develop recreational
activities in the conmunity in a manner that would be less costly to the taxpayer.
It was then'moved by Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Walker
that the study be tabled for one week to provide an opportunity for the members
of Council to peruse the study and consider the item further at the November
13th meeting. The motion Carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned to Conmaittee of the Whole on the motion of Alderman Wallace
seconded by Alderman Walker.
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
November 5, 1973.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following a regular meeting
held Monday, November 5th, 1973. All Members of Council were present with
the exception of Aldermen Puttick, Christensen, Hunt and Mann. His Worship
Mayor Bukator presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items present, it was moved by Alderman
Keighsn, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the Committee 6f the Whole arise
without reporting to Council.
- 5 -
Committee Rooms 2 & 3
November 5th, 1973.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the Whole
meeting held Monday, November 5th, 1973. All Members of Council were present
with the exception of Aldermen Puttick, Christensen, Hunt and Mann. His Worship
Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded
by Alderman Wallace.
Council Chambers,
November 13, 1973.
Council met on Tuesday, November 13, 1973, st 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present. His Worship
Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman. Alderman Mann offered the Opening Prayer.
The minutes of the October 29th and November 5th, 1973, meetings were
adopted as printed on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton.
Mr. Thomas Stevenson, Manager, Ontario Motor League, presented to Mayor
Bukator an Honourable Mention Award, Pedestrian Program Appraisals.
Report #443 - City Manager - Re: Request from Mrs. Patricis Brady, 2871 Freeman St.,
for a driveway entrance and removal of a one-foot reserve along Pettit Avenue.
Report ~580 - City Solicitor -Con~nenting on the legal aspects of the request which, ~
if approved, would permit the parking of a large tractor trailer. Suggesting that
inasmuch as the City controls the access to Lot 6 from Pettit Ave. by reason of
its ownership of the 1' reserve and the former N.S.& T.right-of-way, a decision is
required on whether Mr. Brady is to be permitted to cross these lands with his
truck for the purpose of parking it on Lot 6. In view of the City Solicitor's
opinion that the parking of the truck is contrary to the spirit of the by-law, the
reports does not recommend permission be granted to cross either the one-foot
reserve or the former N.S.& T. right-of-way; recommending that if Council decides
that permission should not be granted, City staff be authorized to install short
posts to prohibit unauthorized access.
Not._._~e: Alderman Wallace declared a conflict of interest and retired from the Council
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
solicitors for Mrs. Brady and Mr. M. Johnston, be granted permission to address
M~. J.B.Hopkins, acting for Mr. and Mrs. Brady and Mr. Wm. Slovak on
behalf of the owner of Lot 51, outlined the position of their clients.
Following cons iderable discussion, it was moved by Alderman Harrigan,
seconded by Alderman Thomson that the report of the City Solicitor be received
and filed and Mr. Brady not be permitted to cross either the 1-foot reserve or the
former N.S. & T. right-of~ay for the purpose of parking a tractor trailer and,
furthers that City staff be authorized to install short posts in order to prohibit
unauthorized access. The motion Carried with the following vote:
A_~: Aldermen Christensen, Fern, Harrigan, Keighan, Smeat6n, Walker, Thomson
_NAYE: Aldermen Mann, gchisler, Puttick and Hunt. Alderman Wallace abstaining.
Report ~]B1 - City Manager - Commenting on the policy of the Building Department
to require complete adherence to s site plan before recommending the issuance of
s municipal licenee; advising that while written assuranceshave been received that
outstanding items will be met in the near future, complete adherence to date has
not been accomplished; advising the outstanding item of the site plan is the
planting of trees and it is expected this matter will be taken care of within the
next few weeks at which time the licence would normally be issued.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed and a municipal licenee be granted to Mr, D, D'Addio.
The motion ~arried with Alderman Hell~iga~.' voting contrary and all others in fayour.
Report ~577 - City Manager - Re: Dell Subdivision. The report reconnends construction
of a 16' wide granular roadway from Brian Crescent to Dorchester Read along the 20'
footpath and existing road allowance north of the fire hall as a temporary access
road until such time as the majority of houses have been constructed in the sub-
division. advising that it is felt by Planning and Engineering staff that a permanent
roadway is not required from Brian Crescent to Dorchester Road,
- 2-
11 Subdivision (tout'd)
Report # 582 - City Manager - Advising that a temporary roadway from Dorchester
Road to the Dell Subdivision has been constructed at an estimated cost of $2,000.,
the subdivider's share being $750. and the City's share $1,250.; submitting two
alternatives and suggesting the purchase of Lots 20 to 25 inclusive and resub-
dividing of the lots after the road has been extended would be more desirable;
advising that the estimated cost for construction of the road would increase to a
total of $30,000. since it would be necessary to extend the watermain and sanitary
sewermain to service the additional lots created; advising that no allowance has
been made in the estimate for possible damages arising as a result of the change in
the plan of subdivision; advising also that area residents including the owners of
the new lots would have the right to object as well as other government bodies
such as the Regional Municipality of Niagara; requesting the direction of Council.
Report #583 - City Solicitor - Referring to the report of the City Manager and
suggesting alterna tires: (a) acquiring only those lots over which the proposed
extension would cross and (b) acquiring the lots over which the proposed extension
would cross and certain additional lots which would permit a rearrangement of the
lots. The report outlines the procedure to be followed if either alternative is
approved by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the reports be received and tabled to provide staff an opportunity to prepare
additional estimates of the full cost of constructing a permanent roadway. The
motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Fern, Harrigan, Keighan, Schisler, Walker, Mayor Bukatoz
NAYE: Aldermen Hunt, Mann, Puttick, Smeaton, Thomson, Wallace.
Report #352 - City Manager - Re: Tenders - Sanitary Landfill Compactor.
Recommending acceptance of the tender by Crothers Ltd., Hamilton, Out., in the
amount of $57,247 including provincial sales tax and trade-in value of the City-
owned bullclam for purchase of a Caterpillar #816 landfill compactor.
Report ~84 - City Manager - Re: Meeting with Mr.D.Susin regarding presentation
to Council. Commenting on Mr.D.Susin's disagreement with a staff report which
provided information on the front end loader (bullclam) at the sanitary landfill
site and outlining the points discussed during a meeting with engineering staff
and Mr.Susin; recommending the City Treasurer and City Engineer be authorized
to transfer $60,000. to the account for the purchase of equipment; recommending
also that the City call tenders for rental of a loader on the same basis as for
dozers, such tenders to be v~lid until new tenders for all rentals are accepted
by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Harrigan, Smeaton, Patrick, Schisler, Walker,
Thomson, Wallace.
NAYE: Aldermen Fern, Mann, Keighan.
Report #585 - City Manager - Re: AM-17/73 Distribution Centre. Advising the
official plan amendment required for the Distribution Centre was circulated to a.
number of agencies and the Regional Council adopted a report which limited the
scope of the project; recommending (a) that Council approve an additional clause
to the Official Plan as follows: "The City will ensure that ffire fighting
facilities are available in such a manner that will not require prenmture
expansion of water service through the construction of watermains." and (b)
that Council authorize and direct City Staff to review the.designa~ion of
· Resideetial opposite the proposed Distribution Centre.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann~ seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and adopted.
Report ~550 - City Manager - Report on proposed Niagara South Recreation Complex.
The report provides a 8lmmmry of events and includes eight recommendations.
Report ~586 - Recreation Con=nission - Referring to Report #550 and recommendation
number six which suggested that Council authorize the City Mansger~ in consulta-
tion with the Niagara South Action Committee, to prepare a report with recommenda-
tions for possible methods of operation for the new building; requcsting that the
Recreation Commission be included in recommendation number six.
- 3 -
Niagara South Recreation Complex (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and the request approved.
No. 124 - Niagara Falls Badminton Club Ltd. - Re: Badminton exhibition between top
Canadian players and representatives of the Soviet Union; requesting the loan of
stands with blocks, parking lights and s $100. sponsorship grant.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
communication be received and filed and request approved.
No. 125 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Storm Drainage Policy. Advising
that the Regional Public Works and Utilities Committee prefer to meet with munici-
.palities individually to discuss the policy; advising that the Committee meets
every Thursday and requesting Council to indicate a date for the meeting.
The City Clerk advised the Region has suggested the meeting be held
Thursday, November 15, 1973, 11:00 a.m. at Regional headquarters.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
communication be received and filed, the suggested date for the meeting approved
and as many members of Council as possible attend.
No. 126 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Notice of Special Meeting,
Thursday, November 15th, 2:00 p.m., Regional Headquarters for the purpose of
discussing the proposal contained in the report on uniform charges for water and
sewage services supplied by the Region to area municipalities.
The City Engineer reviewed the staff report made available to members
of Council at the November 5th meeting and commented on the possible effects of
the proposed uniform charges in the City of Niagara Falls. Regional Councillors
Scott, Mitchelson and Graaskamp were in attendance and expressed their view of
the proposal. Councillor Mitchelson indicated the questions raised by the
Niagara Falls representatives on Regional Council had been answered in a satis-
factory manner. He also suggested the possibility of an adjustment in the 15%
provincial subsidy on the cost of new works carried out over the next five years.
Members of Council also voiced their opinions with some concern being expressed
about possible conflict of priorities and delays in providing required services
for potential industry; loss of control in developing certain areas within a
municipality and the fact the Region's proposal is based on a 40-year amortization
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
corfanunication be received and filed and as many members of Council as possible
attend the November 15th meeting at which time the Regional report on uniform
charges for water and sewage services will be decided.
It was then moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
Council approve the Regional report regarding uniform charges for water and sewage
services supplied by the Region to area municipalities. The motion Carried with
the following vote: -.
AY__EE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Mann, Keighan, Patrick, Schisler, Walker..
BYE:Aldermen Thomson, Wallace, Fern, Harrigan, Smeaton.
No. 58 7 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM-44/73 Swain and Merrett, Lots
1 and 2, R.P. 39, north-east corner of Drummond Road and Perkins Street. An applica-
tion for a change in zoning to permit the establishment of a used car sales lot;
recommending approval of the application subject to a site plan agreement and,
further, that Council certify by resolution that the application conforms to
Official Plan ~nendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and
approved by the Minister of Treasury, Economics and Intergoveremental Affairs.
Alderman Puttick declared a conflict of interest. Alderman Wallace declared
his interest and retired from the Council Chambers.
Mr. J.B.Hopkins, solicitor for the applicant and Mr. R. Hardwic~,an
objector to the proposal were granted permission to address Council on the motion
of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Mann.
Report ~587 (Cont"d)
Mr. Hardwicke outlined his objections to the application and suggested
a used car lot would be an eyesore to a neighbourhood where Peninsula Volkswa~on,
Ford Motor Sales and Glengate Collision have spent considerable money. He
suggested the proposed temporary use of the property would not be operated. byh~he
owners but will be leased out.
Mr. Hopkins spoke about the merits of the proposal, pointing out that
automobile dealerships and an auto body shop are presently located in the area
and suggested the used car lot would complement these operations. He also
pointed out that a site plan would regulate the function and appearance of the
proposed use.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Keighan that
the report of the Planning and Development Conmittee be received and adopted.
Ald.Puttick and Wallace abstaining. gee Resolution No.151
No. 588 - Planning and Development Coamittee - Re: Lundy's Neighbourhood Plan.
Advising the Committee is considering an overall neighbourhood plan for the lands
bounded by Montrose Road, Q.E.W., south of Lundy's Lane, north of the Hydro right-
of-way to establish future land uses and a road pattern; advising the proposed
plan has been sent to residents of the area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Fera that
the report be received and filed.
NOTE: Alderman Thomson retired from the Council Chambers.
No. 589 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Rebco Investments Ltd.
(Bell Crescent Extension). Recommending preliminary approval subject to six~
conditions enumerated in the reportj and Council certify, by resolution, that
the applicntion conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 30 o£ the Niagara Falls
Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 152
No. 590 - City Manager - Re: Ascot Woods Subdivision. Advising of a change in cost
of services as specified in the original subdivider's agreement since certain
services will not be installed until Stage II while certain additional services
will be installed in Stage 1, namely, a retention pond to permit the discharge
of storm water.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the report be received and filed and Council not approve the alternate scheme
for storm drainage as outlined in the report. The motion was Defeated with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Mann, Puttick, Smeaton and Wallace.
NAYE:Aldermen Christensen, Runt, Fera, Keighan,Marrigan,Schisler,Walker,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Aiderman Christensen that
the report be received and approved. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Fern, Keighan, Harrigan, Schisler, Walker.
NAYE: Aldermen Mann, Puttick, Smeaton and Wallace.
See By-law 73-260
No. 591 - City Manager - Re: Petrofina Canada Ltd.-Service Station at north-east
corner of Thorold Stone Road and Dorchester Road. Advising that the site plan
agreement granted .She City an option to purchase a strip of land 22 feet in depth
for widening Thorold Stone Road, a strip 10 feet in depth for widening Dorchester
Road and a daylighting triangle at the corner of the widened streets; the agree-
ment provided that the City would assign the option to the Regional Municipality
of Niagara; advising of a request received from Regional Niagara for an assignment
of the option to purchase; recommending the passing of a by-law to authorize the
execution of an assignment of the option.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
See By-law No.73-261
Reports (tout'd)
- 5-
No. 592 - City Manager - Re: The Community Centrag Act. Recommending that the City
Council, by by-law, designate the following locations as Community Centtea: Stamford
Volunteer Firemen's Outdoor Pool, Niagara South Recreation Complex, Crowland
Community Park, Oakes Park, E-E.Mitchelson Park, A.G.Bridge Park; M.F.Ker Park,
W.L.Houck Park and Prince Charles Park.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and adopted.
See By-law No~ 73-263
No. 593 - City Manager - Re: 1973 Capital Budget and construction of a storm sewer
from the hydro canal along an Ontario Hydro right-of-way to Stanley Ave. and then
north on Stanley Ave. to Church's Lane; requesting authority to proceed with the
construction of an 84" storm sewer by having the required by-law prepared in the
amount of $730,000. and submitted to the O.M.B. for approval and the Region be
requested to contribute on the basis of an 86' wide road allowance at an estimated
cost of $150,000.
It was moved by Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Puttick that the
report be received and tabled for consideration after the November 15th meeting
of the Regional Council. The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Mann, Keighan~ Puttick, Schisler.
NAYE Aldermen Hunt, Hsrrigan, Fera, Smeaton,Wa.lker;nWa.llace.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Wallace , Hunt, Fera, Marrigan, Smeaton, Schisler,Walker.
NAYE: Aidemen Keighan, Christensen, Mann and Puttick.
No. 594 - City b~nsger - Re: improvement of Existing Park Street Parking Lot between
Cryslur Avenue and St.Clair Ave. Reconmending the necessary by-law be prepared to
allow the debenturing of $80,000. for the improvement of the existing Park Street
parking lot; recommending further that the necessary by-law be prepared to allow
the debenturing of $70,000. for the acquisition of property, erection of market
buildings and the improvement of a market parking area and, further, that the City
Manager be authorized to take all necessary steps to finalize the details of the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary
and all others in favour.
No. 595 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Parking Area North of Park Street near Erie
Avenue. Recommending the City Manager be authorized to take all necessary steps
to construct a free parking lot on the north side of Park Street near Erie Avenue
at an estimated cost of $10,000.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting
contrary and all others in favour. '
No. 596 - City Manager - Re: Parking on North Street west of Portage Road. Recommend-
ing (a) parking be prohibited at all times from the north side of North St. from
Portage Rd. 450' westerly; (b) parking be limited to two hours between 8 a.m. and
6 p.m. daily on the north side of North Street from 450' west of Portage Road to '
Manan Avenue; (c) parking be prohibited at all times from the south side of North
Street from Portage Road 200' westerly; (d) parking be limited to two hours between
8 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily on the south side of North St. from 200' west of Portage Rd.
300' westerly and (e) parking be prohibited at all times from the south side of
North Street from Lowell Ave. 100' easterly and 100' westerly.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fern that the report
be received and adopted.
No. 597 - City Manager - Re: Main St. Parking Lot - Park Street Parking Lot between
St~Ol~lr. and Ontario Ave. Recommending the City Manager be authorized to negotiate
with property owners on Park St. between Ontario Ave. and St.Glair Ave. for the
purpose of establishing a parking lot.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera~ seconded by Alderman Runt that the report
be received and adopted.
- 6 -
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 598 - City Manager - Re: Street Lights on Morrison St. west of Dorchester Road,
Recommending that Niagara Falls Hydro be authorized 'to proceed with the installa-
tion of street lighting on Morrison Street from Dorchester Road westerly to the
Optimist Club driveway with the estimated cost of $3,000. to be charged to the
1974 Street Lighting improvement Budget.
ORDERED on the motion of lde n
report be received and a~optg~a. Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler. that the
No. 599 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Market Street. Recommending the City
Manager be authorized to take all necessary steps to improve the Market Street
parking area at a cost of $20,O00.and to initiate negotiations for possible
leasing of property in the general area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and adopted.
No. 600 - City Manager - Re: Sidewalk on Front Street (former Village of Chippawa)
Referring to an earlier report recommending the purchase of a triangular parcel of
land at the north-easterly corner of Norton and Front Streets required to
accommodate a concrete curb, gutter and sfdewaIk and the relocation of a sidewalk
constructed on privately owned land; advising that in order to clear the titIe
of the owner of the land on which the sidewalk had been constructued, a quit claim
deed is to be given to the owner, Mrs. Helen Keighan; recommending that a by-law
to authorize the purchase and the granting of the quit claim deed be approved by
Not___~e: Alderman Keighan declared his interest and retired from the Council Chambers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and adopted. The motion .Carried with Alderman Keighan
See By-law No. 73-262
No. 601 - City Clerk - Resolutions received from Ontario Municipalities.and others.
1. City of St. Catharines - Requesting an amendment to the regulations of The
Liquor Liceace Act to allow the advertising of functions requiring Special
Occasion Permits; recommending endorsation of the resolution.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that the resolution from the City of St.Catharines be received and endorsed.
The motion Carried with Alderman Wallace voting contrary and all others in
2. City of Peterborough - Requesting an amendment to the regulations made under The
General Welfare Assistance Act to permit additional allowances based on budgetar)'
requirements; recommending endorsation. ~
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the resolution from the City of Peterborough be received and endor sad.
3. City of Brantford - Requesting institution of supplementary assistance to
raise the income 'of pensioners to a minimum of $200.00 per month.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Aldermen Schisler that the
-resolution from the City of Brantford be received and endorsed. The motion
~arried with Alderman Wallace voting contrary and all others in fayour.
4. City of Guelph - Requesting the federal government to enact legislation to
prohibit the importation of reptiles except for certain purposes; recommending
the resolution not be endorsed in its present form and the City of Guelph be
so notified.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the recommendation be adopted.
Mr.Bud Germa,N.D.P., M.P.P. Sudbury -. Requesting the Province of Ontario to
re-invest O.M.E.R.S. funds both in respect to the amount of interest and the ten
of debentures; recommending the resolution be received and filed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fare that the
resolution be received and filed.
- 7 -
Report ~ 601 (Coat'd)
6. Borough of Scarborough _ Requesting an amendment to existing legislation relative
to the Prohibition'or regulation of signs; recommending endorsation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the resolution from the Borough of Scarborugh be received and endorsed.
7. City of Belleville _ Requesting an amendment to The Highway Traffic Act to
reduce the current speed limit of 30 m.p.h. within a city, town, etc. to 25 m.p.h.
recommending the resolution be referred to the Ontario Good Roads Association
and the Ontario Traffic Conference for study and recommendation to the Ministry
of Transportation and Communication,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
recommendation be adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Wallace voting
contrary and all. others in favour. '
8. City of Windsor - The report notes that while the wording of the resolution
appears somewhat vague in that it does not define specifically what is meant
by "environmental construction,,, the supporting information deals with the costs
incurred in the construction of sewage disposa 1 plants; recommending the
communication be received and filed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
communication from the City of Windsor be received and filed.
Report ~602 - City Clerk - Submitting miscellaneous items for information purposes.
advising that no further action is required unless Council wishes to take exception
to the action recommended. The report includes letters of appreciation from
retired employees; invitations to the Lundy's Lane Historical Society Annual Dinner
and the Port Colborne Chamber of Commerce quarterly dinner meeting; information
- regarding the construction of Montrose Road, Ontario Avenue Road and Storm Sewer
construction and a communication from the National Retailers' Institute regarding
store hours. The report recommends approval of the Lioness Club Broom Drive,
Proclamation of Canada Music Week and Proclamation of Safe Driving Week.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
of the City Clerk be received and adopted.
No. 603 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Advising of an application from the Hennepin
Council of the Knights of Columbus of Niagara Falls for permission to donduct a
series of bingo lotteries on Sunday evenings; submitting the comments of the City
Solicitor respecting his interpretation of the Lord's Day Acts respecting Sunday
Bingo; advising that an official of the Lotteries Branch has indicated that if
a municipal Council issued a licence and the local police did not object his
office would not interfere.
A motion by Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Chrbtensen to receive
and table the report pending information from the Police Commission was Defeated
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Mann, Harrigan, Walker, Wallace.
NAYE:Aldermen Hunt, Fera, Keighan, puttick, Smeaton, Schisler.
It was then moved by Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and filed and the application be approved.
The motion on the floor was amended on the motion of Alderman Puttick,
seconded by AIderman Walker that the report of the Lottery Licensing Officer be
recedved and filed and the Sunday Bingo Lotteries proposed by the Hennepin Council
of the Knights of Columbus be approved subject to the written approval of Albert
E. Shennan, Chief of Police. The motion, as amended, Carried with the following
vote: -.
~YE: Aldermen Christensen, Fera, Mann, Harrigan, Ketghsn, Puttick, Walker.
NAY__E:Aldermen Hunt, Smeaton, Schisler and Wallace.
No. 604 - City Manager - Building Permits issued for the month of October 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report be received and filed.
No. 605 - City Clerk - Recommending approval of Municipal Liceaces.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted and liceaces granted.
- 8 -
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 606 - City M~nager - Reconnnending payment of Municipal Accounts.
Alderman Christensen noted expenditures for demolition of buildings
and suggested such structures could be sold and moved by the purchaser, a
procedure followed by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and
the St.Lawrence Seaway Authority. The suggestion was referred to the City
Engineer for investigation.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keighan that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 151 - CHRISTENSEN - REIGHAN - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation
of the City of Niagara Falls certify that the application of H. Swain and H.
Merrett for the property known as Lots 1 and 2, R.P.39, situated on the no~th-
east corner of Drummond Road and Perkins Street, conforms to Official Plan
Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by
the Minister of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick and Alderman Wallace abstaining.
No. 152 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls certify that the application of Rebco Investments Ltd.
for property located at the southerly limit of Bell Crescent west of
Willoughby Drive, conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 30 of the Niagara
Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Treasury,
Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 153 - WALLACE - SCHISLER - RESOLVED that the Corporation of the City of
Niagara Falls petition for interim payment under the Public Transportation
and Highway Improvement Act on expenditures made for ~ublic transportation
during the year 1973; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-257 - A By-law to amend By-laws Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960 of the
former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.
(Klydel Holdings)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigsn, seconded by AIderman
Smeaton that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading. The motion Carried with Alderman Schisler
voting contrary and all others in fayour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The
motion ~.arried with Alderman Schislervottng contrary and all others in fayour.
No. 73-258 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Henry A. Swain and Harry T. Merrett.(Storage and sale of new and used cars,
east side of Drummond Road and north side of Perkins St.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fs~a, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading.
Note: Aldermen Wallace and Puttick declared their interest and abstained from
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Hunt
th~ the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Note: Aldermen Wallace and Putt~ck abstained.
By-laws (Cont'd)
- 9 -
No. 73-259 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.(Swain and Merrett)'
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Smeaton
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
~ote: Alderman Wallace declared his interest and abstained from voting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
.Note: Alderman Wallace abstained.
No. 73-260 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement with
N.P.H.B. Land Developments Limited.
Note: Alderman Christensen retired from the Council Chambers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Keigban
that Alderman Schisler be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hun~, Fera,Keighan,Harri~an Schisler Walker.
NAYE:Aldermen Smeaton, Wallace, Puttick and Mann.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
~YE: Aldermen Hunt, Fera, Keighan, Harrigan, Schisler, Walker.
MAY___E:Aldermen Smeaton, Wallace, Puttick and Mann.
No. 73-261 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an assignment of an option
to purchase. (Petrofina Canada Ltd.,Thorold Stone Road)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimOusly
~ote Alderman Christensen returned to the Council Chambers.
No. 73-262 - A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land for highway purposes
and the granting of a quit claim deed. (Mrs.H.Keighan, Front St.)
~ote: Alderman Keighan declared his interest and abstained from voting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wallace
that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading. The motion Carried with Alderman Keighan abstaining.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion Carried
with Alderman Keighan abstaining. "
No. 73-263 - A By-law to establish additional Community Centrag for the City of
Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Aiderman Christensen
that Alderman Fera be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 10 -
By-law No.73-263 (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
~o.73-264 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being s By-law for the regulation
of traffic. (Sinnicks Ave.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Aldernmn M~nn be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given s first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldermsn
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-265 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Keighan that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-266 - A By-law to amend By-law Number 3790, being a By-law for the
regulation of traffic. (Angle Parking, Kent Ave.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Wallace that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fera
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Puttick referred to the application of V. Johns for rezoning
of property located st the corner of Stamford Street and Third Ave. to permit
the construction of eight bachelor apartments. The Alderman presented a petition
which, he said, had been submitted to the Committee but had not been considered
as an objection to the proposal. Alderman Keigban, Chairman of the Planning
and Development Committee, stated the petition received from Mr. Underhill was
not in the nature of an objection. He had asked that consideration be given to
certain items . Alderman Keighan confirmed that the questions raised by Mr.
Underhill and others had been considered and dealt with during the meeting.
Mayor Bukstor noted that the report on building permits issued for the
month of October included $100,000. for renovations at Table Hock House. He
suggested the Niagara Parks Commission be approached regarding the possibility
of taxes being paid to the City for such concessions.
It was then moved by Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
Alderman Thomson, the City's representative on the Niagara Parks Commission,
together with other City representatives, approach the Commission regarding the
possibility of obtaining full realty taxes on businesses operated by the
Co~fiission. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all
others in layout.
..... 11.
- 11-
New Business (Cont'd)
Alderman Puttick suggested that the Public Works Engineer consider the
possibility of stopping the engines of City vehicles when parked in order to
conserve gasoline. The City Engineer confirmed that directions had been issued
to vehicle operators.
Alderman Wallace noted that the Committee established to study the
ward system in the City of Niagara Falls have arranged for a public meeting at
City Hall on Tuesday night. The public will be invited to submit written
submissions or make verbal representations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
public be notified by an advertisement in the Review of the pending meeting to
discuss the ward system. The advertisements to appear in tbe newspaper on
Saturday, November 17th and Monday, November 19, 1973.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman
Council Chambers,
November 19th, 1973.
Following a Council Committee Meeting held Monday, November 19th, 1973,
Council reconvened in formal Council session on the motion of Alderman Wallace,
seconded by Alderman Thomson. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided. All
Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Walker and Alder-
man Harrigan, the latter having retired from the meeting during the Council
Committee session.
The followinS Reports were_presented:
No. 607 - Acting City Manager - Addition to Cascade
recommending approval of the Site Plan, as approved
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded
the Report be received and recommendation adopted.
Inn, Murray Street,
by the Site Plan Technical
by Alderman Christensen that
No. 608 - Acting City Manager - Addition to Maraldo Garage, McLeod & Garner Roads,
recommending approval of the Site Plan, as approved by the Site Plan Technical
ORDER on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen thai
the Report be received and recommendation adopted.
No. 609 - Acting City Manager - Development of Block "C", Reg. Plan N.S. 15,
(Heritage Subdivision) for apartment building having a total of 62 dwelling units,
recommending the approval of the Site Plan, as approved by the Site Plan Technical
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the Report be received and recommendation adopted.
Moved by Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Fera that the Council adopt
and ratify the following action reached in Council Committee session.
Report 610 - City Manager - List of tax appeals received under Section 636(a) of
The Municipal Act for cancellation or reduction of 1973 taxes.
During the Council Committee session, the City Clerk announced that
notification was received from the ~ssessment Department that there were addi-
tional revisions which were not ready in time to appear on the agenda. For this
reason he felt the report should be tabled in order that the revisions could be
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Thomson, that the
report be tabled for further discussion at a future meeting.
PROJECT P.L.A.N. (People looking at activities in Niagara)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman Mann that PROJECT
P.L.A.N. be tabled for consideration at the next regular Council Meeting.
During the Council Committee session, the City Engineer reported on the
suggested storm drainage policy of the Region. He indicated that copies of the
brief on this matter submitted to the Regional Public Works and Utilities
Committee were intended for Council's information only.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and filed.
During the Council Committee session, the City Engineer reported on the
negotiations with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications regarding the
lighting of the Sodom Road interchange. His report also included suggestions
regarding the Lyonks Creek and Black Creek interchanges.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen, that a
draft resolution be presented to Council at the next meeting incorporating the
City gngineer's suggestions, i.e.:- t~at the Ministry of Transportation, and
C°n~m-'nications reconsider its criteria for lightins the Sodom Road Interchange,
-2 -
the Lyons Creek Interchange, and the Black Creek Interchange, with a view to
having sufficient lighting erected at the aforementioned interchanges, ~ncluding
the ramps to and from the Queen Elizabeth Way.
that a draft Resolution be presented i t t e
Regional Municipality of Niagara to con~nent on the desirability of providing light.
ing at the Sodom Road, Lyons Creek Road and Black Creek Road Interchanges with
the Queen Elizabeth Way, with a view to providing proper illumination on the
overpass, its approaches and the ramps to and from the Queen Elizabeth Way,
and the cost sharing for these improvements.
During the Council Committee session the City Clerk outlined objections
received with respect to the use of certain building materials on the front of
buildings in the G-1 - Falls Industrial Park Ares. The City Clerk had stated
it was his opinion that the By-law should be amended to permit the use of profile-
type concrete masonry units on all buildings in the G-l, P-1 and L-1 Zones of the
Falls Industrial Park.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Aldermen Schisler that the
By-law be amended as reco~nended by the City Clerk.
Council Chambers
November 19th, 1973.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the Whole
meeting held Monday, November 19th, 1973. All Members of Council were present
with the exception of Aldermen Walker and Harrigan. His Worship Mayor George
Bukator presided.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by
Alderman Christensen.
· I~ Mayor
The letter from the Greater Niagara Transit Commission was received at
the Council Committee session, requesting an amendment to the Greater Niagara
Transit Commission Act, as amended, to permit the Commission to conduct charters
in the United States.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
request of the Greater Niagara Transit Commission be granted, and the necessary
steps be taken to have the Act amended to permit charter transportation in the
United States.
Report 611 - City Manager - Reporting on the draining of the Centennial Pool
and protection by straw~ snow fencing, and evergreen trees.
The Report was presented at the Council C.ommittee session~ and the
City Engineer recommended that it be received and filed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Fera that
the Report be received and filed.
The special meeting ad]ourned to of the Who~e on the marion of Alder-
man Mann, seconded by Alderman S~
Committee Room 1,
November 19th, 1973.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following a special meeting held
Monday, November 19th, 1973. All Members of Council were present with the exceP'
tion of Aldermen Walker end Nerrigen.
Following consideration .o#' 'xssented, it was moved by Alderman
Puttick, seconded by Alderman ~" 'ommittee of the Whole arise with'
out reportin~ to Council.
Council Chambers,
November 26, 1973.
Council met on Monday, November 26, 1973, for the purpose of considering
general business. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor George
Bukator presided as Chairman. Alderman Fera offered the Opening Prayer.
The minutes of the November 13th and November 19th, 1973, meetings were
adopted as printed on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson.
Report ~560 - City Manager - Re: Special Charges By-law No. 7611, 1968. Referring
to impost charges to persons making application for building permits for the purpose
of providing funds for additional sanitary or storm sewer or water supply capacity;
recommending the City Solicitor be authorized to prepare a by-law providing for the
elimination of impost fees relating to new or additions to industrial buildings and
to provide that the special charges apply to other classes of buildings within the
present boundaries of the City.
Report ~612 - City Solicitor - Referring to a by-law appearing later on the agenda
which provides for imposing special charges on residential buildings, commercial
buildings and combined residential and commercial buildings. The by-law if spproved
and given two readings, will require the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board
before being finally passed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and filed and the by-law be given the required two readings.
See By-law No.73-267
Report ~563 - Recreation Connnission - Re: Project P.L.A.N.(People Looking at
Activities in Niagara Falls). The report was tabled at the November 19th meeting.
Report #613 - Recreation Commission - Suggesting discussion of the report be held
in abeyance until a "report back session" involving all organizations involved
takes place.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and the suggestion approved.
Report ~603 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Advising of an application from the Knights
of Columbus for permission to conduct a series of bingo lotteries on Sunday evenings;
submitting the comments of the City Solicitor and his interpretation of the Lord's
Day Act. On November 13th, Council approved the application subject to a letter
being received from the Chief of the Regional Police indicating he had no objections
to the proposal.
Report ~614 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Submitting a letter fromAlbert E.Shennan,
Chief of Police advising he cannot give permission to hold Sunday bingo games and
can give no undertaking that no setion would be taken by police if complaints were
received at which time provincial and federal statufi=awould be enforced.
Alderman Thomson noted that apparently bingo games are held on Sunday in
other parts of the Region but because there have been no complaints no action has
been taken by the Police Department. The Alderman suggested the statutes should be
enforced and Sunday bingo operations stopped. Alderman Keighan said although the
Lord's Day Act is not being adhered to, approval of the application would only add
another violation to those that already exist.
It was then moved by Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
reports of the Lottery Licensing Officer be received and filed and the application
from the KniShta of Columbus for permiss ion to conduct Sunday bingo lotteries be
denied. The motion Carried unanimously. Alderman Walker suggested the reports and
the comments. of members of Council be forwarded to the Regional Police Commission.
- 2-
Unfinished Business (Cont'd)
Report #502 - City Manager - Recommending approval of a by-law to establish a
Board of Management for the Main and Ferry Business Improvement Ares and the
Main and Ferry Business Association be requested to make recommendations respect-
ing the appointment of members.
Report #615 - City Manager - Advising that the Main and Ferry Business Assoc.
has recommended the appointment of B.D.Fear, D. Hinchcliffe,A.P.Marshall,George
Muller and R. Saks to the Board of Management; recommending the nominees be
approved and two members of Council be appointed to act as members of the Board
of Management.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fem that the report
be received, the nominees recommended by the Main and Ferry Business Association
be approved and Mayor Bukator appoint two members of Council to the Board of
Management ~r the Main and Ferry Business Improvement Area.
No. 128 - Young Women's Christisn Association - Suggesting a member of Council
accept membership on the Board of Directors as of January 1974.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
cor~nunication be received and filed and His Worship Mayor Bukator appoint a
member of Council to serve on the Board of Directors of the Y.W.C.A.
No. 129 - Niagara Falls Housing Authority - Objecting to a proposed by-law to
prohibit parking on both sides of Sinnicks Street from Thorold Stone Road to
St.Johns Street.
Report ~616 - City Manager - Advising that Ontario Housing Corporation agreed
to a site plan which provided for twenty-nine parking spaces for the tenants
of O.H.C. family units located on Sinnicks Ave.; suggesting the problem appears
to be that tenants are parking on the street rather than the parking lot and
conunenting on the hazards created for children; suggesting the Housing Authority
be notified of the reasons leading to the implementation of the parking prohibi-
tion and they be asked to cooperate by making sure that full use is made of the
available off-street parking.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
communication be received and filed and the report of the City Msnager be
received and adopted and the Niagara Falls Housing Authority be informed of the
reasons for the parking prohibition on Sinnicks Avenue.
No. 617 - City Manager - Re: Rotary Mowers. Referring to an earlier report which
recommended the purchase of five Commercial 25" 5 HP Rotary Mowers from Niagara
Lawn Mower, Niagars-on-the-Lske and advising that the firm is unable to supply
the items as specified in the quotation documents; recommending acceptance of
the next low quotation in the amount of $2,585.45 submitted by Joe Datema & Son.
ORDERED on ~he motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen[:~hat
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.154
No. 618 - City Manager - Re: W-5-1 Watercourse and Monastery of Mount Camel.
Referring to an earlier settlement with Mount Camel in connection with the
purchase of land required for the W-5-1 watercourse project and the agreement
to resell to Mount Carmel a small parcel of land ironring on the west side of
Montrose Road; advising that the solicitors for the Monastery have now provided
the City with a reference plan and notification has been received that Mount
Camel now wishes to complete the purchase of the surplus parcel. At the rate
'of $2,800.00 per acre, the price paid by .the City, the purchase p~ice for the
small parcel amounts to $64.40; recommending approval of a by-law to authorize
the sale and conveyance of the laud.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted and the by-law be passed by Council.
See By-law No.73-272
- 3-
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 619 - City Manager - Re: Placement of Built-Up Roof for new building st Ker
Park. Recommending acceptance of the quoted price of $1,584.50 submitted by G.
Parent Roofing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.155
No. 620 - City Manager - Re: Pre-cast Concrete Covering for Metal Building
MezZanine at Service Centre. Recommending acceptance of the quotation submitted
by Pre-Con Company, Brampton, in the amount of $4,940.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.156
No. 621 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Ash Street at Drnmmond Rd. Reconmaending
parking be prohibited at all times from the south side of Ash St. from Drummond
Rd. 4801 westerly and parking be prohibited at all times from the north side of
Ash St. from Drummond Rd. 290' westerly.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 622 - City Manager - Re: Purchase of New Equipment. Reconmending acceptance
of the following tenders: 1)10,000 lb.G.V.W.truck(1 unit),Autoland Crysler,
$5,537.25; 2)25,500 lb.G.V.W.Dump Truck W/Plow Harness(3 units),Archer Truck
Service,S27,713.00; 3)27,500 lb.G.V.W.Dump Truck W/One-Way Plows and Wing Plows
(2 units),Archer Truck Service,S28,355.00; 4)27,500 lb.G.V.W.Stake Dump Truck
W/Plow Harness and 20,000 lb.winch (1 unit),Autoland Chrysler,S12,856.05; 5)
4-1/2 cu.yd."V" Box Sander (1 unit),Hanover Truck Bodies, $3,638.70; 6) 4 cn.yd.
Street Sweeper (1 unit),S.M.I.Industries Ltd,, $18,985.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Fers that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.157
No.623 - City Manager - Re: South End Recreation Complex and Lots 544 and 545
Wainbrenner Road; recommending acceptance of the price submitted by L & N Con-
struction in the amount of $22,905. for the construction of sanitary sewers
and watermains at the subject locations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.158
No.624 - City Manager - Noting that Penn Central has made no effort to remove
railway ties and tracks on the line located south of the river in the former
Village of Chippawa; advising that the Division Superintendent of Penn Central
has indicated that becuase of legal entanglements caused by bankruptcy, the
company cannot at this time remove any trackage; tha abandoned track remains
an eyesore snd could impede development of abutting properties; recommending
City Council authorize a request to the Railway Transport Con~nittee of the
Canadian Transport Commission for an Order directing Penn Central to (a) remove
the abandoned trackage, together with ties or, if such action is not possible,
to (b) grant whatever permission is necessary to permit the municipality, at
its discretion, to remove the ties and tracks and recover expenses through the
sale of the salvaged material.
There was considerable discussion regarding the condition of the area,
responsibility for road reconstruction after the tracks are removed and the
difficulties encountered by s developer in trying to obtain access to property
situated between Main and Welland Streets. It was indicated by staff members
that the main objective is to clean up the area and it was suggested advisable
to seek the assistance of the Railway Transport Committee in attempting to have
Penn Central remove the ties and tracks. The City Clerk provided information
regarding offers to remove both the ties and tracks for the scrap value of the
materials recovered at no cost to the City if Penn Central trustees are authorized
to approve such a procedure.
It was moved by Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
The motion was amended on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by
Alderman Keighsn, that the report be received and staff be authorized to proceed
with alternative (a), that is, Council authorize a request to the Railway Trans-
port Committee of the Canadian Transport Commission for an Order directing Penn
Central to remove the abandoned trackage and ties. The motion, as amcndcd
Carried with Alderman Wallace voting contrary and all others in favour.
Reports (Cont'd)
No. 625 - City Manager - Re: Rental of former Walnut Street Fire Hall.
Reconnnending the Municipality renew the lease with the Niagara Falls Music
Society Inc. for a two-year period at a sun of $500.00 per year.
In view of the use of the bullding by yonng people during the summer months,
Alderman Puttick suggested consideration be given to increasing the rent to
perhaps $1,200. or $1,400. and installing window-type air conditioners.
It was then moved by Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann
that the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried unanimously.
No. 626 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM-43/73 Harriman Lunber
Co. Ltd., Plan 4, Lots 13,14,15; Plan 28, Lots 19,20; south side of Simcoe
St. between St.Clair and Crysler Avenue. The rezoning will permit the con-
struction of a seven-storey apartment building containing 61 units;
reconunending approval of the application subject to a site plan agreement
and, further, that Council certify by resolution that the application conforms
to the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.159 and
By-laws 73-274 and 73-275
No. 627 - City Clerk - Advisory Report. The report includes a letter of
appreciation from the Optimist Club and the comments of Mr. Donald W. Drake
regarding a parking meter violation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Walker that
the report be received and filed..-~.
'No. 628 - City Clerk - Recommending approval of Municipal Licences.
In reply to questions by Alderman Puttick, the City Clerk stated there had
been no complaints recently regarding the parking of commercial vehicles at
Niagara Lunch Catering Services, 5397 Foraythe St. The Alderman reported
unsightly garbage containers and litter and suggested the company should use
proper receptacles.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the report be received and adopted and liceaces granted.
No. 629 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the .
report be received and adopted.
No. 154 - HUNT - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the quotation i~ the amount of
$2,585.45 submitted by Joe Datema & Son for the supply of five Conmnercial 25"
5 tip Rotary Mowers be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously
No. 155 - THOMSON - SMEATON - RESOLVED that the quoted $1,584.50 submitted
by G.Parent Roofing for asphalt priming of the pre-cast decking, taping Joints
of roof deck with felt, installation of 4 ply felt, asphalt end gravel build-
up at the new building at Ker Park, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corpora-
tion be her~to affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 156 - WAI~.ER - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that quoted amount of $4,940.00
submitted by Pre-Con Company, Brampton, Ontario, for the supply and installation
of pre-case concrete floor slabs for the metal building mezzanine at the
Municipal Service Centre, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
he~eto affixed.
· Carried Unanimously
No. 157 - WALLACE - FEBA - RESOLVED that the following tenders for the purchase
of new equipment be accepted:
1) 10,000 lb. G.V.W. truck (1 unit) - Autoland Crysler - $5,537.25
2) 25,500 lb. G.V.W.Dump Truck W/Plow Harness (3 units) - Archer Truck Service,
St.Catharines - $27,713.00
3) 27,500 lb. G.V.W.Dump Truck W/One-Way Plows & Wing Plows (2 units) -
Archer Truck Service - $28,355.00
- 5 -
Resolution No. 157 (Cont'd)
4) 27,500 lb. G.V.W. Stake Dump Truck W/Plow Harness and 20,000 lb. winch (1 unit)
Autoland Crysler, Niagara Falls - $12,856.05
5) 4-1/2 cu.yd."V" Box Sander (1 unit) Hanover Truck Bodies,Hanover,Ont. - $3,638.70
6) 4 cu.yd.Street Sweeper (1 unit) - S.M.I.Industries Ltd.,Mississauga - $18,985.00
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslZ
No. 158 - CHRISTENSEN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the quoted price of $22,905.00 sub-
mitted by L & N Construction for the installation of sanitary sewers and water-
mains at the South End Recreation Complex and on Lots 544 and 545 Wainbrenner
Road, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslZ
No. 159 - PUTTICK - WALKER - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls certify that the application of Harriman Lumber Co. Ltd.
for the rezoning of property described as Plan 4, Lots 13, 14, 15 and Plan 28,
Lots 19,20 and located on the south side of Simcoe Street between St. Clair Ave.
and Crysler Ave., conforms to the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara
Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Treasury,
Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimouslx
No. 160 - SCHISLER - THOMSON - RESOLVED that the Regional Municipality of Niagara
be requested to conment on the desirability of providing lighting at the Sodom
Road, Lyons Creek Road and Black Creek Road Interchanges with the Queen Elizabeth
Way, with a view to providing proper illumination on the overpass, its approaches
and the ramps to and from the Queen Elizabeth Way, and the cost sharing for these
improvements; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimouslx
No. 161 - HUNT - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the Ministry of Transportation and
Communications be requested-to reconsider its criteria for lighting the Sodom
Road Interchange, the Lyons Creek Interchange and the Black Creek Interchange,
with a view to having sufficient lighting erected at the aforemented interchanges,
including the ramps to and from the Queen Elizabeth Way; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimousiX
No. 162 - HUNT - FERA - RESOLVED that pursuant to The Public Transportation and
Highway Improvement Act, the Council of the City of Niagara Falls hereby petitions
for interim payment for public transportation and highway improvement expenditures
during the year 1973 in the total amount of $1,617,758.00; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimouslx
No. 163 - THOMSON - MANN - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded to
the family of the late Albert Benson, a respected resident of the City for many
years; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimouslx
No. 73-267 - A By-law to impose special charges on certain classes of buildings
with respect to sewer and water systems. (TWO READINGS ONLY)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fern that
Alderman Keighan be granted leave to introduce the By-law .and the By-law be
given a first reading. Carried Unanimously
- 6 -
By-law No.73-267 (Cont'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman
Harrigan that the By-law be now given a second reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-268 - A By-law to authorize the construction of a storm sewer as an
extension to the sewage system in the Urban Service Areas of the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Fern be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Fera, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-269 - A By-law to authorize the construction of improvements and
extensions to the sewage system in the Urban Service Areas of the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-270 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Giuseppe Bon~icino and
Oiustina Bombicino respecting parking facilities ................
ORDERED on themotion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to intrnduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Wallace that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion
Carried with Alderman Fera voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 73-271 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regula-
tion of traffic. (Parking - North St.-Portage Rd.; North StyLowell Ave.~
North St. - Manna Ave.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
Marrigan that Alderman Schisler be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
. No. 73-212 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land to The Monastery of Mount
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
KeiShsn that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given.a fibrat reading..~ "'
· ',~ ,"" , .. Carried Unanimously
0~ERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fern
that the By-law be now given a second end third reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 7-
By-laws (Cont'd)
No. 73-273 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 73-217 respecting a building which
encroaches on McMicking Street, (Brzozowski)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimous lZ
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimousiX
No. 73-274 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
HarrYman Lumber Company Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Smeaton that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimouslz
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fern
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimouslZ
No. 73-275 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955, as amended. (Harriman Lumber)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried UnanimousiX
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimouslX
No. 73-276 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aiderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
now given a first reading.
Carried Unani m ouslZ
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Keighan commented on the inconvenience caused by the closing
of Oakes Drive to southbound traffic due to road failure and expressed concern
that the situation remained the same in spite of the establishment of committees
to study the matter.
The City Engineer stated that City officials have been pressing for
action. According to a report prepared for the Niagara Parks Commission by
Richard Strong Associates, Oaken Drive (now Portage Road) was to be ultimately
closed but the Technica 1 Advisory Committee No. 4 was of the opinion the road
should remain open. The committee had met recently for the purpose of determining
the cost-sharing of storm drainage and the possibility of the roadway being turned
over 'to the City or the Region because of subsidies available. Mr. Rodman '~sid
it was his understanding the committee had agreed the road should remain open and
had also agreed to ask the Region to determine if Oakes Drive meets the criteria
for regional roads. Once agreement has been reached regarding a possible transfer
of responsibility for the roadway, the Niagara Parks Con~nission could then make a
decision on their contribution toward costs. Design drawings coula be prepared
during this winter and tenders for the work called in the spriug of 1974.
- 8-
0ekes Drive (Cont'd)
Alderman Thomson, the City's representative on the Niagara Parks
Commission, said no additional reports had been presented to the Commission
since the initial meeting of a special committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Keighan, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
a resolution be prepared expressing the concern of the City Council relative
to the delays being encountered in proceeding with remedial work required on
Oakes Drive (Portage Road) and copies of a resolution, when approved, be sub-
mitted to the Niagara Parks Commission, Penn Central Railway, Ministry of
Transportation and Communications and Regional authorities.
Alderman Thomson referred to problems encountered by the present
method of calling tenders for geared-to-income housing or multi-family units
whereby private developers must assemble or option property and prepare a
design acceptable to both the Ontario Housing Corporation and City Council.
Alderman Thomson noted that large residential areas are being planned and
suggested consideration could be given to a policy whereby the inclusion of
a certain percentage of geared-to-income housing within such developments
would be encouraged. The Alderman requested a complete report regarding the
matter and the procedure followed by other municipalities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Clerk ~ ~ Mayor
Committee Room ~1,
November 26, 1973.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following a regular meeting
held Monday, November 26, 1973. All Members of Council were present. His
Worship Mayor Bukator presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented it was moved by
Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the meeting adjourn
without reporting to open Council.
- 9-
Conmittee Room ~1~
November 26, 1973.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the Whole
meeting held Monday, November 26, 1973. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by
Alderman Keighsn.
Conunittee Rooms 2 & 3
December 3, 1973.
Following s Council Committee meeting held Monday, December 3, 1973,
Council reconvened in formal Council session on the motion of Alderman ThOmson,
seconded by Alderman Walker. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman.
All Members of Council were present.
No.631 - City blanager - Re: Bill 239 - An Act to amend the Regional Municipality
of Niagara Act. Advising that the Bill, when passed, will provide that no Committee
of Adjustment established by an area municipality will have the authority to grant
consents and all such powers shall be exercised by the land division committee
established by the Regional Council; enumerating advantages which might be lost
if Bill 239 is passed; recommending that the Province of Ontario be asked to
revise Section 3 of Bill 239 making it applicable only to thosemunicipalities
who do not have an official plan in force as of December 31, 1973 and, further,
that the Regional Municipality and all area municipalities within the Region
be asked to endorse the request.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 632 - City Manager - Re: Rental of Snow Removal Equipment. Recommending that
the tender submitted by D.L.Stephens Contracting, St.Catharines for the renting
of two graders at $19.70 per hour and the tender received from J. McMillsn, Campden,
for the rental of one grader at $21.00 per hour be accepted; recommending further
that Council accept the tender received from Norjohn Contracting Ltd. for the
renting of one 2.5 cu.yd. loader at $35.00 per hour and the tender submitted by
Willinger Systems Inc. for one 1-3 cu.yd.loader at $32.00 per hour and for one
1-4 cu.yd. loader at $34.00 per hour, be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Fera that the
report be received and adopted. The motion ~arried with Alderman Thomson voting
contrary and all others in favour.
Note: gee Page 3 for amendments to minutes. See Resolution No. 166
No. 164 - CHRISTENSEN - WALKER - RESOLVED that WHEREAS the residents of the City
of Niagara Falls have been subjected to prolonged inconvenience as a result of
the collapse of a portion of Portage Road between Oakes Drive and McLeod Road;
AND WHEREAS the re-routing of traffic has created severe congestion adjacent to
the intersection of McLeod Road and Stanley Avenue;
AND WHEREAS the re-routing of traffic required because of the road collapse has
created a situation in which emergency vehicles are forced to use a roadway often
blocked by railway trains;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls express
serious concern regsrding the prolonged delay that has been encountered in the
implementation of remedial work on Portage Road; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Niagara Parks Cormaission, together with repre-
sentatives of the Regional Municipality of Niagara be asked to finalize a decision
with respect to repair works on Portage Road as quickly as possible and that the
City of Niagara Falls will cooperate, in the reconstruction of this roadway and
copies of this request be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Niagara and
the Niagara Parks Commission; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous_~
No. 165 - HEIGEAN - FERA - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded to
the family of the late Mr. Basil Cocctmillo, a respected resident of the Munici-
pality; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unsnimously
- 2-
Resolutions (Cont'd)
No. 166 - WALLACE - FERA - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by D.L.Stephens
Contracting, St. Catharines, for the rental of two graders @ $19.70 per hour be
accepted and the tender received from J. McMillan, Campden, for the rental of
one grader at $21.00 per hour be accepted and, further, that the tender
received from Nor John Contracting Ltd. for the rental of one 2.5 cu.yd.loader
at $35.00 per hour and the tender submitted by Willinger Systems,inc.,Niagara
Falls, for 1-3 cu. yd. loader at $32.00 per hour and for one 1-4 cu. yd.
loeder at $34.00 per hour be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
No. 73-277 - A By-law to authorize the acquisition and improvement of lands
for the parking of vehicles. (Block BB, Registered Plan 35 bounded on the
north hy Park St., on the east by St.Clair Ave. and on the west by Crysler
ORDERED on the motion of AIderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Wallace be granted leave to introduce the By-law
and the By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of AIderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Fera, Mann, Harrigan, Smeaton, Schisler,
Walker, Thomson, Wallace.
NAYE: Aldermen Keighan and Puttick.
No. 73-278 - A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land and construction
of improvements for a municipal market. (Part of Block BB, Registered Plan
35 on the south side of Park Street and west side of St. Clair Avenue).(TWO
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Smeaton be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman
Harrigan that the By-law be now given a second reading. ~
Carried Unanimously
The City Clerk referred to a previous suggestion that the City
recognize former Mayor Franklin J. Miller and advised that membersoof staff
have been working toward the designation of a park in his honour. He noted
that a "neighbourhood plan" proposed for the area south of McLeod Road and
west of Dorchester Road will include a 7.86 ac. park area and suggested the
park be named "Franklin J. Miller Park".
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
Council approve the official designation of the Franklin J. Miller Park within
the neighboUrhood plan proposed for the area south of McLeod Road, west of
Dorchester Road and, further, that announcement of the naming of th~ park be
made at the F.J .Miller Recognition Night to be held Friday, December 7th.-
Alderman Mann referred to a notice of a meeting with the Business
and Industrial Committee and suggested members of Council had not been given
sufficient notice of the meeting.
-3 -
Meeting with B.I.G.Committee (Cont'd)
It was moved by Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Harrigan that the
joint meeting of City Council and members of the Business and Industrial Growth
Committee to discuss the recent industry-seeking trip to Germany be held Monday,
December 10, 1973, at 6:30 p.m. prior to the regular Council meeting. The motion
was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Mann,Harrigan,Puttick,Schisler,Walker and Wallace.
NAYE:Aldermen Smeaton,Fera,Keighan,Thomson,Christensen,Hunt and Mayor Bukator.
Alderman Puttick indicated he was not in favour of meeting with the
B.I.G.Committee in places other than City Hall where facilities are available.
He also suggested that any preamble be omitted from the report of the German
trip. Such information as the number of industries interested in locating in
Niagara Falls and taxes that will be realized, he said, is all that is necessary.
Alderman Puttick asked that a written confidential report be provided for those
members of Council who are unable to attend the meeting with the B.I.G.Committee.
Alderman Christensen said he had noticed repairs being made to the
new compactor at the sanitary landfill site and enquired if the City is compelled
to pay the hourly charge for repairs to new equipment. The Works Engineer
advised that certain parts such as mirrors and windshield wipers, missing when
the compactor was delivered, are being installed. He assured Alderman Christensen
therewould be no charge to the City.
Alderman Smeaton questioned the outcome of a meeting between the City
Engineer and residents of Garner Road regarding a proposed holding pond to permit
the discharge of storm water. The City Engineer indicated more information from
the property owners is desirable before bringing a report to Council.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded
by Alderman Walker.
At the December lOth meeting of Council, Alderman Keighan requested the minutes of
the Dec.3rd meeting be amended and that he be recorded as voting contrary to the
adoption of the City Manager's report regarding tenders for the rental of snow
removal equipment. The Alderman also requested the minutes be amended to include a
motion made during the Council Committee session as follows:
It was moved by AId.Wallace,seconded by Ald.Keighan that City Staff consult with
neighbouring municipalities and various local contractors who rent snow removal
equipment to obtain an opinion concerning the type of tender which should be used
by the City and report to Council at the first opportunity. The motion Carried
Council Chambers,
December 10, 1973.
Council met on Monday, December 10, 1973, for the purpose of considering
general business. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor George
B~kator presided as Chairman. Alderman Hunt offered the Opening Prayer.
Alderman Keighan requested the minutes of the December 3rd meeting be
amended snd that he be recorded as voting contrary to the adoption of the City
Msnager's report regarding tenders for the rental of snow removal equipment. The
Alderman also requested the minutes be amended to include a motion made during
the Council Committee session as follows:
It was moved by Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman Keighan that
City Stsff consult with neighbouring municipalities and various local contractors
who rent snow removal equipment to obtain an opinion concerning the type of tender
which should be used by the City and report to Council at the first opportunity.
The motion Carried unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the minutes of the November 26, 1973 meeting be adopted as printed and the
minutes of the December 3, 1973 meeting be adopted as amended.
Comm.~130 - Peter Moore snd Douglas Fraser - Submitting s petition on behalf of
the residents of Harriman Street, Casey Street and Prior Crescent; advising that
the petitioners are directly affected by the Taro and Glengowsn Subdivisions,
the Brady Street property and the joining of the northerly end of Wiltshire Blvd.
to Harriman Street; commenting on the traffic flow and suggesting Marriman Street
will be the most direct road to Dorchester Road; requesting permission to discuss
the traffic patterns and street layout in the area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
Mr. D. Fraser be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Fraser presented the views of the petitioners regarding street plans
'for the Taro and Glengowan subdivisions and noted that recent plans indicate that
Marriman Street would become a collector road to Dorchester Road for the:entire
area. The petitioners contend that the majority of the residents within the Taro
and Glengowan subdivisions, residents of Casey St., Harriman St. and Prior Crescent
as well as the northerly lots on Wiltshire and Baker Crescent will exit by either
Harriman St. or Casey St. as the most direct route to Dorchester Road. Mr. Fraser
suggested that the heavier flow of traffic, about 75%, will use the southerly part
of Harriman Street. He suggested two existing plans will result in s major hard-
ship to existing homeowners as a result of increased traffic volumes and congestion.
He spoke about the importance of a third access made possible by the extension of
BradyStreet to Dorchester Road. As the Brady Street area is not as yet a
registered plan, Mr. Fraser said the lot loss would not be severe and sn access
at this point would provide a direct route for children attending the Prince Philip
School. He also suggested further relief for Harrimsn and Casey Streets could be
provided by an extension of Brady St. westerly to Join with Cssey Street. Although
this area is included in a registered plan, the land is presently vacant.
Members of Council raised numerous questions and were informed by the
City Clerk that the plan of subdivision has received draft plan approval, the
subdivision agreement has been prepared and the subdivider is anxious to build
prior to the year end after which regulations under the Land Titles Act come into
effect and will cause considerable delay. The Planning Administrator confirmed
that residents with 400' were notified of the original application for apartment
buildings which was subsequently denied by the Planning and Development Conmittee.
The developer then revised the plans and property owners within 400' were notified
of the application to fezone the land to allow single family development.
In reply to questions by Alderman Wallace, the City Engineer indicated
that st the present time there is no set policy as to the number of accesses onto
major arterial roadways nor the distance between such accesses. The Engineering
- 2-
Traffic Patterns - Taro and Glengowan Subdivisions (Coni'd)
Department and Planning Department consider plans to determine whether certain
streets are desirable onto a major arterial road and Council approval ia
obtained when the draft plan is approved. It is desirable, he said, that
accesses onto arterial roadways be kept to a minimum. At the direction of
Council a policy could be formulated as to the nnmber of cars travelling from
a new subdivision through an existing residential area.
The Project Engineer said he personally felt that the number of
accesses onto Dorchester Road and Mountain Road is sufficient for the area.
He suggested however that potential residents should be made aware of the
type of street they will be residing on whether it be a collector, arterial
or local roadway. At the moment staff members are drafting a policy to be
used in developing secondary plans for large area which would include a road
classification system.
It was then moved by Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Walker
that the communication and petition be received and referred to sta£f for a
report. The motion Carried unanimously.
Report ~633 - City Manager - List of tax appeals received under Section 636(2)
of The Municipal Act for cancellation or reduction of 1973 taxes and a list
of proposed tax write-offs; suggesting approval of the recommendations
respecting the applications received and the suggested write-offs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
Co~n. #1S (Feb.19,1973) - N. Watson, Double Deck Tours - Re: Proposed Theme
Park, east side of Willoughby Drive. Providing an assessment of the water
supply, sanitary sewage disposal, traffic, parking and zoning required for
the project; requesting consideration of the proposal so the developers may
proceed with the fins 1 stages of design. (The comments and suggestions contained
in the communication w~re referred to staff).
Report ~634 - City Manager - Re: Am-4/72, Double Deck Tours Ltd. Suggesting the
item be tabled until such time as appropriate meetings can be arrangedwith the
developer to discuss detailed servicing costs and possible cost-sharing;
advising that a meeting has been arranged for December 12,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman 8chisler .that
the report be received and ,adopted. The motion Carried with the following
AXE:Aldermen Christensen, Mann, Keighan, Hattitan, ~uttick, Smea~on, Schisler,
Thomson, Walker, Wallace.
.NAYE:Aldermen Hunt and Fare.
No. 131 - Niagara Transit - Interim Report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Aiderman Thomson that
the communication be received and filed and the appreciation of Council be
conveyed to the Transit Commission.
No. 132 - Canadian Niagara Power Co. Ltd. - Advising of increased rates for
electric power which will apply to customers in the former Township .of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt~ seconded by AldermanMann,that the
report be received and filed.
No. 133 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Regional Road ~100, Turn-
around between Portage Road and Drummond Road. Providing a copy of a report
of the Public Works Committee which reconnnends the turn-around be purchased
by the Region from the City for a nominal sum and the lands be dedicated as
part of the public highway known as Regional Road ~100.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
communication be received and filed and the request approved.
- 3 -
Communications (Coni'd)
No. 134 - Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs. A
memorandum regarding Municipal Tax Assistance to Elderly Homeowners; advising
that new legislation will allow each municipality to pass a by-law to provide
the assistance most appropriate to the community's particular circumstances
with certain limits.
The City Clerk advised that the Bill had received third reading and
Royal Consent is now required. Alderman Thomson suggested that when the new
legis lation is approved, the City Manager prepare a report for Council recommend-
ing methods by which the program could be implemented . Alderman Harrigan
suggested the report include information as to the number of elderly homeowners
who would be eligible for assistance and the impact on the City's tax structure.
The City Manager advised that the provincial assessment department has been
asked to forward all pertinent information and there may be several alternative
methods of implementation for Council's consideration.
It was then moved by Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the con~nunication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
The motion Carried unanimously.
Note: Alderman Keighan retired from the Council Chambers.
No. 635 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM-27/73 Oakwood Gospel Hall,
Lots 8,9,10,11, Adams Ave. and Hawkins St. Rezoning of the property would permit
the erection of a garage to house a bus. Recommending approval of the application
and Council certify, by resolution, that the application conforms to the Official
Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler that Mr.
Santo Paola be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Paola, 6680 Hawkins Street, presented a petition bearing the
signature of 53 area residents who are opposed to the proposed garage. He expressed
the,lo~nion that neighbourhood property would be devaluated and residents'would
have to contend with noise, fumes and dust, The speaker suggested there would be
more than one bus on the property and the garage would be used for repairing the
Alderman Thomson suggested more information should be provided and
raised the following questions: 1) What is the size and exact location of the
building? 2) How many buses will be housed in the garage? 3) Will a mechanic
be doing repairs? 4)If there is more than one bus, will all of them be owned
by the same church or will buses from other churches be using the same property?
5) 'If the building is erected will parking be adequate for church purposes?
Not__e: 'Alderman Keighan returned to the Council Chambers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report received and tabled for two weeks for additional information. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Fare, Keighan, Harrigan,Puttick, Smeaton~Schisler,
Walker, Thomson, Wallace.
NAYE Aldermen Hunt and Mann.
Note Alderman Keighan retired from the Council Chambers.
No. 636 - City Manager - Re: Retirement Allowances - Deputy Chief M.Dyer and Sen'lot
Fire Prevention Officer, F. King. Providing pension payment and retirement allowance
informer ion and reconunending approval of by-laws to authorize payment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report be received and adopted. See By-law Nos.73-Z79 & 73-280
No. 637 - City Manager - Re: Oneida Sign. Advising that G. & A. Holdings, Inc.,
present owners of the Oneida Tower, wish to remove the Oneida sign located atop the
tower and replace it at a later date with a new sign; recommending that G. & A,
Holdings be permitted to remove the present sign and replace it with a new sign in
the future, having a height not to exceed 28 feet.
:ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderm~n Smeaton that the report
be received and adopted.
Reports (tout'd)
No. 638 - City Manager - Re: Bus Stop By-law. Referring to an earlier by-law
which clarified the regulations concerning bus stop use; advising that notifi-
cation has been received that the form of the'by-law is contrary to M.T.C.
policies concerning bus stops. The M.T. C will approve a no stopping regulation
if provision is made in the by-law to allow the stopping of vehicles for the
discharge or taking on of passengers except when this interferes with a bus
already in or about to enter a bus stop. The report recommends approval of a
by-law regarding bus stops as it appears later in the sgends and the Regional
Municipality of Niagara be asked to pass a similar by-law for regional
roadways within the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Fern that
the report be received and adopted.
See By-law No.73-286
No. 639 - City Manager - Re: Parking Meters on Queen Street. Advising that
Rosberg's Department Store has requested that parking meters be erected on
Queen Street from the Penn Central Railway lines to Erie Avenue;recommending
that the City Manger be authorized to take the necessary steps,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 640 - City Clerk - Referring to By-law No.73~142 which, when approved,will
amend the zoning of property located at the north-east corner of Dru~nond Road
and Scott St. to legalize an existing service station or, if required, permit
the erection of a new building for the purposes of an automobile service
station; advising that the Ontario Municipal Board has appointed Tuesday,
January 22, 1974, at 11:00 a.m. for the purpose of hearing all parties interested
in supporting or opposing the application.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report he received and filed and the hearing date noted.
No. 64i - City Manager - Re: Rental of Loader for the City Landfill Site.
Recommending acceptance of s tender submitted by Alder Equipment at $22.50 per
hour and $19.50 per hour; further recommending that if the tendsrat cannot
provide a continued service at the landfill site, the City Engineer be authorized
to rent substitute equipment from other tenderera on the basis of cost per cubic
yard, as for the recommended tender.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report he received and adopted.
See Resolution No.168
Note: Alderman Keighan returned to the Council Chambers
No. 642 - City Manager - Re: Underground Services for Ascot Woods Subdivision,
Contract No.G.C.42-73. Recommending acceptance of the unit p~ices submitted by
~tandard Construction for the installation of underground services.
Alderman Puttick noted that the recommended tender was submitted in
the hams'of Standard Construction but the by-law authorizes an agreement with
Charles Dupuis Construction Co. While he agreed with Alderman Wallace that
it is not unco~non for a firm to carry on business under a name other than their
own and Charles Dupuis is the corporate name of .the company, he suggested the
agreement should he with Charles Duputs Construction Ltd., operating as Standard
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that the
report be received and adopted. The motion ~arried with Alderman Puttick HotinS'
contrary 'and all others in fayour.,
See Resolution No.169
No. 643 - City Manager- Recommending approval of a resolution appearing later
on the agenda which authorizes the transfer of certain current budget allocations
to a reserve account.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that. the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.170
No. 644 - City Manager ~ Annual Report of the Safety Inspector.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and filed.
-5 -
Reports (Contd)
No. 645 - City Clerk - Advisory Report. The report includes a recommendation that
the month of January be proclaimed as "Safety Month" and also recommends approval
of the Annual "Scout Apple Days". Information is also provided regarding the
Chamber of Commerce appointees to the Rail Relocation Committee and the Hospitality
Programs at the Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by AldermanSmeaton that
the report be received and filed.
No. 646 - City Manager - Building Permits issued for the month of November,1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report be received and filed.
No. 647 - City Clerk - Recommending approval of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 648 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
Note: Alderman Puttick declared a conflict of interest in respect to Cheque No.
1~i6, payable to Peninsula Volkswagen Ltd.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman ~nn that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
No. 167 - See Page 9.
No. 168 - CHRISTENSEN - HUNT - RESOLVED the tender submitted by Alder Equipment
for the rental of a loader for the City landfill site in the amount of $22.50 per
hour and $19.50 per hour, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried UnanimouelZ
No, 169 - HUNT - CHRISTENSEN - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Standard
Construction for underground services for the Ascot Woods Subdivision, Contract
No.G.C.42-73, be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Ald.Putttck voted contrary.
No. 170 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
hereby authorizes and directs that the following amounts be established as reserve
accounts and said amounts be used for the purposes enumerated hereunder:
1. Fire Truck $ 4,500.00
2. Chippaws Service Centre Addition ll,000.00
3. Service Centre Site Improvements 10,000.00
4. Service Centre Building Changes 18,000.00
5. Dorchester Rd.Construction-MeLeod to Oldfield20,000.00
6. Landfill Bite Development
7. Ker Park Clubhouse
8, Commercial Development
9. Industrial Park Improvements
10. Christmas Lighting
I1. City Welcome Signs
12. Planning Consulting Fees
i3. New Park Sites & Development
Budget Account Code
14. Major Facilities & Development 30,000.00
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimously
No. 171 - See Page 9.
No. 73-212 - A By-la~ to authorise the construction of a watermain as an extension
to the water supply system in the Urban Service Areas' of the City. (The by-law was
given a first and second reading on September 4, 1973)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the By-law be now given a third and final reading.
Carried Unanimously
By-laws (Cont'd)
No. 73-279 - A By-law to grant a retirement allowance to a municipal employee.
(F. King)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fern that
Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given a
first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
73-280 - A By-law to grant a retirement allowance to a municipal employee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fern that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-281 - A By-law to authorize a site plan agreement with Arthur Bailey and
others. (Oakwood Gospel Hall, Adams St.)
Not~: The By-law was deleted from the agenda. See Report #635, Page 3.
No. 73-282 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2530 of the former Township of Stamford,
now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Oakwood Gospel Hall}
~ote: The By-law was deleted from the agenda. See Report #635, Page 3.
No. 73-283 - A By-law to authorize the acquisition of property for the parking of
vehicles. (Park St. and Zinmmrman Ave.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman ~nn, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderman Fera be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Alderman Hent that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-284 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial Park
to Pakfold Continuous Forms.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Wallace that
Aldemm~n Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be given a
first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Bunt that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-285 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a by-law for the regulation
of traffic. (prohibition of parking - Ash Street}
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Bunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law he given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 7-
By-law No. 73-285 (Cant'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-286 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 3790, being a By-law for the
regulating of traffic. (Bus Stops)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fern
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law
be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman F~nn, seconded by Aldernmn Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-287 --ABy-lawIto'suthorlze a sebdivisian'~greement-with Kenmore
· . Holdings (Niagara) Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wallace, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law
and the By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-288 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with Creson Invest-
ments Ltd. (Glengowan Subdivision)
Note: The By-law was deleted from the agenda. See Communication ~130,Psge 1.
No. 73-289 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Charles
Dupuis Construction Limited. (Underground Services, Ascot Woods)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the by-law and the by-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Aldernmn
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading,
~lderman Puttick voting
Note: Alderman Marrigan retired from the Council Chambers.
No. 73-290 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with John H.Grabam
and ElizabethGraham. (Gore St.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Keighan, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given e. first reading.
Carried Uuanimousl7
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-291 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 8 -
By-Law 73-291 (Cant'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick abstaining. -...
Note: Alderman Harrigan returned to the Council Chambers.
Alderman Smeaton enquired if there is litigation before the courts
regarding the Shriner's Creek watercourse. The City Manager replied in the
As a matter of interest, His Worship Mayor Bukator advised that the
Regional Director of Engineering, C. Eidt, had submitted a report to the Regional
Council regarding an amount of $200,000. for the acquisition or expropriation of
land between the Chippaws Parkway and Lyons Creek Road required in conjunction
with construction of the new Stanley Avenue Bridge.
M embers of Council had been provided with a copy of a memo from the
Equipment Superintendent to the City Engineer in respect to the general condition
of a 977H Bullclam previously owned by the City and used at the sanitary landfill
site. Alderman Puttick referred to the contents and moved that the memo be received
and filed with previous reports add correspondence in respect to the same matter.
The motion was seconded by Alderman Thomson and Carried unanimeusly.
Alderman Puttick referred to a notice of Public Hearing of an application
before the Committee of Adjustment for permission to construct an addition to an
existing building on the north-west corner of Bridge Street and Second Avenue. The
AldelTaan noted that construction had already con~nenced.
Alderman Christensen requested information regarding the progress of the
special committee established to study existing election methods and the ward system.
The City Clerk advised that information obtained from submiss ion received at a
public meeting were being summarized for the benefit of Council and a report would
be forthcoming.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by 'Alderman Christensen that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
- 9-
Co.uneil, Chambers,
De.~ember 10, 1973.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following a regular meeting
held Monday, December 10, 1973. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Keighan. Alderman Puttick presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented it was moved by
Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wallace that the Con~nittee of theWhole
arise and report.
erk Mayor
Council Chambers,
December 10, 1973.
Council reconvened in open session following a C~nmittee of the Whole
meeting held Monday, December 10, 1973. All Members of Council were present
· with the exception of Alderman Keighan. His Worship Mayor George Bukator
presided as Chairman..
The following action was taken:
Resolution No. 167 - THOMSON - WALLACE - RESOLVED that the Council of the City
of Niagara Falls authorize the City Manager to retain the services of Nelson A.
McK~y to represent the City of Niagara Falls in hearings scheduled for
December lZth, 1973, relative to the W-5-1 and 2-5-2 watercourses and By-law
No. 73-223 and a fezDoing application of Stamford Construction; AI~) the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
-Resolution No. 17I - THOMSON - WALLACE - RESOLVED the the Council of the City
of Niagara Falls reaffirm its support, in principle, of the overall concept
proposed for the Shriner's Creek drainage systems and the possible use of a
rentention pool; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. The
resolution was approved with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen,Munt,Fera,Mann,Harrigan,Walker,Thomson,Wallace,Schisler.
.N~.YE:Aldermen Smeatonand Puttick.
The meetinS adjourned on the motion, of Alderman Hunt,'.seconded by
Conmittee Rooms 2 & 3
December 17, 1973.
Following a Council Committee meeting held Monday, December 17, 1973,
Council reconvened in formal Council session on the motion of Alderman Schisler,
seconded by Alderman Christensen. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as
Chairman. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen
Keighan and Harrigan, Alderman Harrigan having retired from the meeting at the
close of the Council Committee session.
During the Council Committee session representatives of the Royal Tower
and Panasonic Ltd. appeared before Council to request approval of the erection of
a neon sign around the top of the Tower featuring the name Panasonic as well as
alternating time and temperature units on three sides of the building. Mr. J.
Michael of the White Management Team introduced Mr. D. Garrett, Advertising
Co-ordinator of Panasonic Ltd.,who provided additional information regarding his
company's operation in Canada and 120 other countries. He advised that much of
Panasonic's public relations would involve this venture in Niagara Falls. In
addition, the 30th floor of the Royal Tower will be used to display Panasonic
products, unusual products and products of the future.
Following considerable discussion and further clarification by the
Royal Tower delegation, it was moved by Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Council approve the erection of an advertising sign on the Royal Tower
as described by representatives of Panasonic Ltd. The motion Carried with
Alderman Walker voting contrary and all others in favour.
~ote: In Council Committee Alderman Harrigan also voted contrary.
No. 649 - City Manager - Re: Sewer and Water Work Construction in the City of
Niagara Falls. Suggesting that certain watermains and sewermains are considered
to have high priority and reconunending the list of works enumerated in the report
be submitted to the Regional Municipality of Niagara for consideration in the
Region's Capital Budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 650 - City Manager - Re: 1974 Capital Budget. The report includes (a) an
Analysis of Debt Capacity; (b) an Analysis of Projected Debt Charges for Tax
Supported Debt and an analysis of Projected Debt Charges for Self Supporting Debt.
The five year Capital Budget was reviewed by the City Manager during the Council
Conmittee session.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
1974 Capital Budget, as presented, be approved by Council.
No.73-292 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with Klydel Holdings,foe,
(Westwood Village)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading.
Carried UnanimouslX
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimousiX
- 2-
By-laws (Cent'd)
No. 73-293 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with River Realty
Development Ltd. and Group 2 Development Ltd. (Woodbridge
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fera
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading,
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-294 - A By-law to dedicate as part of Hodgson Avenue a portion of
Block "A" according to Registered Plan No. 157 situated in the
former Township of Stamford, County of Welland~ now in the City
of Niagara Falls. (J. and A. Tothfaluse)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law and
the By-law be given a first readin8.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldernmn
Christensen that She By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-288 - A By-law to authorize a subdivision agreement with Creson Invest-
ments Ltd. (glengowan Subdivision)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Christensen be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Fera~Mann,Puttick,Schlsler,Walker,Thomson.
NA"~:Aldermen Smeaton and Wallace.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion
Carried ~tth the following vote:
AYe...: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, FerasMann,Puttick,Sehtsler,Walker,Thomson.
MaYE:Aldermen Smeaton and Wallace. ~
No. 172 - HUNT - WALKER - RESOLVED that the Council of'm~he City of Niagara Falls
agree that the Regional Municipality of Niagara will not be involved in any
financial way in storm drainage works at the intersection of McLeod Road and
Mentress Road which may be required in conjunction with or as s result of
subdivision developments proposed by Klydel Holdings, Inc.; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Puttick expressed his concern as to whether the resolution
would preclude further discussions with respect to storm drainage required for
the Niagara Square proposal.
It was then moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Fera that
notwithstanding the commitment given by the City of Niagara Falls regarding
construction of stormdrainage relative to subdivision proposals by Klydel
Holdings Inc., the Region be asked to confirm that such commitment will not
preJudicially effect future negotiations regarding storm drainage in the ares
in which it ie proposed to construct the Niagara Square shopping complex. The
motion ~arr.ie~ unanimously.
- 3-
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Christeusen, seconded
by Alderman Schisler.
Council Chambers,
December 27, 1973.
Council met on Thursday, December 27, 1973, for the purpose of considering
general business. All Members of Council were present with the exception of
Aideman Keighan. His Worship Mayor George Bukator presided as Chairman. Alderman
Christensen offered the Opening Prayer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
minutes of meetings held December 10th and 17th, 1973, be adopted as printed.
Mayor Bukator asked the City Clerk to read the following announcement:
"Eunice, Lady 0akes, has given a gift to the new Public Library, to be
used for the Local History Room, a room planned as an aesthetic highlight of the
new building. The room will be furnished in nineteenth century Canadians style
to complement the library's special collections on early settlement and pioneer '
life on the west bank of the Niagara River. Pine and butternut woods will be
featured in its construction and furnishings, with some of the wood being retrieved
from early buildings of the Niagara area. A pioneer garden will adjoin the room
which will be named for Lady 0akes' late husband, Sir Harry Oskes. It will add
special meaning and beauty to the new library and will serve as an expression of
the long-standing interest of the Oakes family in the civic and cultural life of
the City."
Mr. George Hamilton, Chairman, Niagara Falls Public Library Board,
expressed appreciation for the opportunity to publicly thank Lady Oakes for her
thoughtfulness and generosity. He said the Board has received many enquiries from
public-spirited citizens and organizations regarding donations toward the develop-
merit of special areas in the new building. In most cases, he said, volunteer donors
have clearly indicated the amount of the gift and the exact purposes for which the
monies are to be used. To assist potential givers to make wise decisions in this
respect, a list has been compiled of the items not covered in the contract for the
building and which taxpayers should not be asked to underwrite. The list indicates
the type of work libraries are involved in today. The provision of films, music
and the opportunity to view art collections require special equipment and it is
the feeling of the Library Board that this is where private individuals and organiza-
tions can contribute and participate. Mr. Hamilton said the new library will be s
beautiful building, the cultural centre of the City and a source of pride for all
On behalf of Council, Mayor Bukator expressed sincere appreciation to
the members of the Library Board and for Lady Oakes' generosity and continuing
interest and friendship.
It was then moved by Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the City Clerk be directed to draft a resolution expressing Council's sincere
appreciation for the donation made to the new public library by Lady Eunice Cakes.
The motion Carried unanimously.
Comm.~130 - Mr.P.Moote and Mr.D.Fraser - A petition in respect to traffic patterns
and street layout in Taro and Glengowan Subdivisions.
Report ~651 - City Manager - Re: T-23316, Greson Investments, Glengowan Subdivision.
Explaining the engineering reasons for not connecting B~ady Street to Dorchester Road
within the Glengowan Subdivision.
Report ~652 - Planning and Development Committee - Reviewing the background of the
Glengowan plan of subdivision and the procedure followed in notifying property owners
within 400 feet; commenting on the current procedures of the Planning and Development
Co~mittee and the road patterns in the subdivision; recommending ~hat the information
- 2-
Glengowan Subdivision (tout'd)
be received and filed and consideration given in the 1974 current budget for the
construction of a walkway from Dorchester Road westerly across the Lester B.
pearson park.
Alderman Wallace expressed the opinion that the matter of a connection
to Dorchester Road from Brian Crescent and access to Dorchester Road from Brady
Street are similar problems and suggested the reports be tabled until such time
as the two items can be considered together. The City Clerk advised that members
of staff had met with residents of the McGill St. area who had requested the
extension of Brian Crescent to Dorchester Road and the petitioners had indicated
they would be submitting additional information-
It was then moved by Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report of the City Manager be received and filed and the report of the planning
and Development Con~nittee be received and adopted. The motion ~arried with
Alderman Wallace voting contrary and all others in layout.
Report #653 - City Manager - Re: Westlane Village Subdivision and former V.L.A.
Subdivision on east side of Kalar Road, south of Lundy's Lane. Advising that
earlier agreements have been superseded by a new agreement with Klydel Holdings
Inc. and in order to remove questions of title, requests have been received
for releases from the City of any claims under the earlier agreements. In
addition, Klydel has requested a reconveyance of a.proposed sewage pumping station
site; the site is not required as the pumping station was telscared;recommending
approval of a by-law to authorize the execution of releases from the earlier
agreements and a quit claim deed of theformer pumping station site.
OR~RED on the motion of Alderman puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted. The motion C~arried with Alderman Schisler
voting contrary and all others in favour. See By-law No.73-300
Report #654 - City Manager - Re: Report on Niagara South Recreation Complex.
(phase ~1).
Consideration of this matter was temporarily tabled pending the arrival of the
Architect- See Page 5.
No. 135 - Mr.Alvie Wilson .-Requesting the installation df hydrants on Garner
Road South.
It was moved by Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
communication be received.and filed. The motion.was DJfeate~ with the following
AYE: Aldermen Hunt and Walker.
NAmE:Aldermen Christensen, Fera,Mann,Harrigan,Puttick,Smeat°n,Schisler'Th°ms°n'
It was then moved by Alderman Thomson, setended by Alderman Harrigan
that the cou~nunication be received and referred to staff for investigation and
report to Council. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE.: Aldermen Christensen'Fera'~ann~Harrigan'Pnt~ick"Smeat°n'gchisler~Th°ms°n'
NAYE:Aldermen Hunt and Walker.
No. 136 - Main and Ferry Business Association - Comments re: proposed North End
Market. Requesting assurance t~at the Sylvia Place Farmers Market will in no way
be Jeopardized by the establishment of a North End market.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman puttick, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
communication be received h~d referred to the City Manager for a report.
. , echamical Contractors Associati~n'~'~Re: Municipal plumbers Licenses a~d
No. 137 M iceuses Requesting that Regional licensing of plumbers be con
.Master plumbers L .
· sidered and recognized by all municipalities within Regional Niagara.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
communication be received 8nd referred to staff-with directions 'to investigate
the feasibility of the suggestion. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen,Hunt,Fera,Mann, Putttck'-Sme'~t°n'Schisler'Thums°n'Walker'
~: Aldermen Ra~r~gSn and Wallace.
- 3 -
Communications (Cont'd)
No. 138 - Ukrainian Committee of Niagara Falls - Re: Cormnemoration of Ukraines'
Independence and Unification; requesting permission to fly the Ukrainian National
Flag at City Hall for one week commencing January 22,1973; extending an invita-
tion for members of Council to attend the flag-raising ceremonies.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermmSmeaton, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the request be approved.
No. 139 - Niagara Regional Aggregate Haulers' Assoc.- Advising that the
Association has recently been formed in alliance with the Teamsters' Union;
submitting a schedule of minimum trucking rates.
In reply to questions by Alderman Thomson, the City Engineer advised
that the new rates would become effective January 1, 1974 with existing rates
applying to work contracted prior to Sept. 1, 1973 and work commenced in 1973
and completed in 1974. He suggested a meeting with representatives of the
Association would provide an opportunity to discuss the new schedule of minimum
rates. The City Engineer expressed his concern that the increased rates might
affect the City's snow-ploughing operations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Walker, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
communication be received and appropriate City officials meet with the Niagara
Regional Aggregate Nsulers' Association to discuss the various matters raised
in the communication.
No. 140 - Regional Municipality of Niagara -Re: Regional Road 100, Turn Around
between Portage Road and Drummond Road. Advising that the Regional Council has
approv~d the purchase of the turnaround from the City of Niagara Falls for a
nominal sum; the lands are to be dedicated as part of the public highway.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 655 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM-50/73,MAiello,Lots 14 and
15, south-west corner Montrose Road and Mulhern Street. The rezoning would permit
the erection of five townhousing units, together with a store of 1000 sq.ft.and
an apartment above. The report recommends the application be denied.
Mr. G. Ungaro, solicitor for the applicant, was granted permission to
addresss Council on the motion of Alderman Fern, seconded by Alderman Christensen.
Mr. Ungaro explained that because of health reasons, his client is unable
to continue his present occupation and Wishes to build a corner store with
adjacent housing units as a means of support. He asked Council to reconsider the
proposal in view of the fact that Montrose Road is predominatly industrial and
commercial and development of the property would improve the appearance of the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Harrigan, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report of the Planning and Development Committee be received and adapted and the
application of M.Aiello, as submitted, be denied. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt, Mann, Harrigan,Smeaton,Schialer,Thomson.
.NAYE:Aldermen Fera, Puttick, Walker,Wallace.
No. 656 - Planning and Development Con~ittee - Re: Sanitary Land Fill Sites as
Hses Permitted in the Draft Zoning By-law. Recommending that sanitary land fill
sites as a permitted use be removed from the Draft Zoning By-law and the Official
Plan include a clause stating this use would be permitted by specific amendment
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 657 - City Manager - Re: Neighbourhood Improvement Program. Advising that
according to press reports the City of Niagara-Falls and several other Ontario
. cities have been allocated funds to initiate projects under "N.I.P." of the new
Housing Act. The figure of $750,000. quoted for Niagara Falls has not been
verified in writing; recommending (1) that a resolution be passed placing the
amount of $3;000. in a reserve to be used early in 1974 for the N.I.P. project
and (2) application be made to the Province by the City of Niagara Falls for a
certificate to obtain neighbourhood selection funds when details of the program
have been finalized and forms made available.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Walker that the
report be received and adopted. See Resolution No.17A
Reports (tout"d)
Ho. 658 - City Manager - Re: Revised site plan - North-west corner of Thorold
Stone Road and Portage Road, proposed apartment building and a commercial
building; recommending approval of the revised site plan as submitted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thongson, ~econded by Alderman Schisler that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
No.659 - City Manager - Re: Boys Club Building program. Advising that the
donation of wiring, plurabing and exterior work for phases 1 and 2 did not
materialize and the work had to be contract out for $13,766 in order to complete
the project. This and other circumstances leave the Boys Club short of funds to
pay for phases 1 and 2 to the extent of $27,117. The report suggests the phase
3 budget allocation of $20,000. be applied to phases 1 and 2 and the Boys Club
make a further presentation to Council at budget time respecting the City's total
contribution toward phase 3 of the building program. Should Council wish to
underwrite the remaining $7,000. deficit, this would be the only portion to
exceed the amount budgeted for the Boys Club in 1973.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and filed and Council authorize the application of the
1973 phase 3 budget allocation of $20,000 to phases 1 and 2 of the Boys Club
building program and, further, that the City underwrite the remaining $7,117.08
building deficit through funds made available from the contingency account set
up in the 1973 budget.
No. 660 - Recreation Conunission - Re: Swimming Pool - Prince Charles Park.
Advising that the Recreation Commission has approved the establishment of s
swimming pool at Prince Charles Park , the cost to be included in the 1974 City
-Budget and the future plan for the park be studied by the Research and Facilities
Committee and the Planning Department. A report on their findings is to be sub-
mitted to the Recreation Commission. Requesting that staff prepare the necessary
data and the item be included in the 1974 City Budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Fera, seconded by Aldernmn Mann that the proposed
swimming pool be approved in principle and the report of the Recreation Commission
be received and referred to the 1974 Budget meeting.
No. 661- City Manager - Re: Rating By-laws for Debenture Issue. Advising that
by-laws to provide for the levy of rates to pay the principal and interest on
recent Regional debenture issues of $956,000. for miscellaneous .works and $700,000.
for the library project have been prepared and are listed on the agenda. A third
by-law for the levy of rates for $100,000; for improvement to the electrical
distribution system of the Chippawa public Utilities Commission and $80,000~ for
the construction of watermains on certain streets will also be submitted for
Councilts consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldermdn Harrigan that the
report be received and filed and the by-laws be given the necessary readings.
See By-law Nos.73-295,73-296,73-297
No. 662 - City Manager - Re:Norkmen's Compensation Insurance. Cvm~ienting on the
two methods of covering Workmen's Compensation: Schedule 1 whereby the Board pays
all claims and assessment is levied annually according to specific classes of
employees; Schedule 2 whereby municipalities may self-insure for all the conditions
of the Workmen's Compensation Act and be liable to pay all claims arising under
such Act; recommending that a formal request be made to the Workmen's Compensation
Board to transfer· the Cityts coverage to Schedule 2, effective January lst,1974
· and that Workmenss Compensation Excess Insurance Fdlicy coverage be obtained throug~
Niagara Falls Insurance Agency Ltd. to the extent of $10,000 per employee or
occurrence at a rate of .20¢ per $100.00 of assessable payroll.
During discussion of the matter, the personnel Director,A.L.Jobey,
provided further clarification of the plan and replied to questions posed by
members of Council.
ORDERED on the·motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt,Fera,Mann,Harrigan,Smeat°n'Schisler'Walker'Th°ms°n'Wallace'
NAYE:Aldermen Puttick and Christensen.
No.663 - City Manager - Re: Commissionsires. Referring to an agreement with the
Canadian'Corps of Co~nissionsires which includes a provision for the payment of
a 13% charge for overhead purposes; advising that the Corps has requested an
increase to 15% of labour costs; recommending e by-law appearing later on the
egenda be passed to allow for the.increased overhead payment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted The motion Carried with the following vote:
- 5 -
Report No. 663 (Cont'd)
AYE: Aldermen Christensen,Hunt,Fera,Mann,Harrigan,Puttick,Smeaton,Schisler,Thomson.
NAYE: Aldermen Walker and Wallace.
Report ~654 - City Manager - Re:Report on Niagara South Recreation Complex (Phase 1).
Providing s history of the Niagara South Recreation Complex; commenting on increased
project costs and the advisability of removing certain items not considered to be
· vital st this time. The report also provides information regarding financing and
sources of revenue and recommends s reduced contract be awarded to Niagara River
Construction Co. Ltd. in the amount of $550,255 and the by-law and special resolu-
tion in respect to the enticipated forgiveable portion of Winter Capital Projects
Fund be approved by Council.
During discussion of the matter, the City Manager provided further
information regarding the items deleted from the contract in order to keep within
the $400,000. debenture issued for which Ontario Municipal Board approval is
expected momentarily. The low bidder, Niagara River Construction, has agreed to
a reduced contract in the amount of approximately $53,000. made possible by the
de{orion of desirable but not vital items including a reduction in the width of
the building from 110' to 100' thus reducing the spectator area and providing an
80' wide ice surface rather. than 85' wide. The revised contract eliminates heaters
from the south side of the spectator area, special rubber flooring, painting, an
outside storage area,four changerooms rather than six. All but the ice surface can
be added at a future date if money becomes available. Acceptance of the original
contract will necessitate obtaining the approval of the Region and the O.M.B. for
the increased amount. The City Manager stressed the time factor and rapidly
increasing costs and advised that sub-contractors have stipulated that the contract
be signed by-December 31st as prices quoted are valid only until that date.
Alderman Puttick suggested that in view of spiralling costs, it would be
advisable to include all the features of the original arena plan at this time and
the contract for the full amount be signed subject to 0.M.B. approval of the
added expense. Alderman Thomson expressed the opinion that the 85' ice surface
should be maintained if possible and enquired about other methods of raising funds.
The City Manager indicated the required $23,000. could be included in the 1974
Operating Budget. The project is now considered to be a recreation complex and
· inclusion of the money in·'the Recreation Budget could be justified. However the
City's eligibility for grants based on spending being kept within 8% of expenditures
in 1973, could be affected.
Mr. G. Goulty of D. Chapman Architects, commented on the tenders received
which, he said, were firm bids according to drawings and specifications provided.
Alderman Wallace questioned the availability of steel and Mr. Goulty confirmed there
was a problem with delivery of steel but the building is designed in such a manner
that construction of some areas can proceed without the main arena structure. He
also confirmed that during negotiations, the contractor had indicated he would
accept the lesser amount.
It was then moved by Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Christensen that
the report of the City Manager be received snd a reduced contract for the construc-
tion of an arena in the former Township of Willoughby be awarded to Nlagara River
Conatruction Company in the amonnt of $573,338.00; and, further, that an amended
by-law and resolution appearing later on the agenda be spproved by Council. The
motion Carried unsnimoasly.
See Resolntion No.
See By-law No.73-299__
Report ~664 - City Manager - Fairview Cemetery. Recomnending that a request to
erect a six or twelve crypt mausoleum within Fairview Cemetery be denied.
Alderman Thomson noted that the report indicates there have been few
requests for this type of structure and suggested there would be more requests
if facilities were available as in St.Cstharines and Pelham. He suggested the
matter be investigated further to determine if there is s need for ~his type of
service. The City Engineer stated that provincial authorities do not recommend
construction of mausoleums because of various problems experienced in other
- 6 -
Report # 664 (Cent'd)
municipalities. Members of staff are discussing the matter with the monument
dealer to determine if there is an alternative for the burying of ashes.
Alderman Puttick reported that the body of a:local man was cremated in Hamilton
and the ashes returned to the City of Niagara Falls. His wife was informed
there was no burying place locally and it was necessary to transport the ashes
to Toronto. The Alderman suggested that consideration be given to a regional
crematorium. Alderman Puttick also spoke about the need for undertakers to
provide a written contract regarding funeral arrangements so bereaved families
are aware of what the costs include. The President of the Undertakers' Assoc.
in Toronto had indicated that notices would be sent to all funeral homes in
Ontario suggesting_ they. adept the practice of providing signed contracts.
The Alderman also expressed his concern that residents wishing to bury ashes
are required to pay the same fee as for a casket.
It was then moved by Alderman Thomson,.seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that the report of the City Manager be received and referred to staff for
further investigation. The motion Carried with the following vote:
A~: Aldermen Hunt, Mann,Harrigan,Smea~on,puttick,Schialer,Walker,Thomson,Wallace.
NAYE:Aldermen Christensen and Fera.
No. 665 - City Manager - Re: 1973 Regional Levy. Advising the levy originally
requested in the amount of $2,760,700 will he decreased by approximately
$160,000. or slightly in excess of one mill accounted for by a revision to
equalized assessment figures.
ORDERED on the motion Qf Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
advisory report be received and filed.
'No.'666 - City Manager - Re: Reconstruction of Ontario Avenue from Park Street
southerly 1625 feet and installation of storm sewers, Contract R,C.44-73,
Recommending acceptance of unit prices submitted by Damore eros. Ltd.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 667 - City Clerk - Re: Resolutions from other Ontario Munigipalittes.
1. City of Stratford - A resolution requesting the Provincial Government to
pass mandatory legislation requiring the installation of safety equipment on
bicycles by the mand~acturer. Endorsement of the resolution is reccwmended.
2. City of Bellevilla - Requesting ConsiderstieR of a possibl~.increase. in
present witness_fees; recommend ing the resolution be endorsed.
3. City of St.CAtharines - Requesting the federal government to provide those
municipalities bordering on the shores of Lakes Erie and 0ntSrio with up-to-
date information on water level data. Recommending approval of the resolu-
4. Town of Thor~ld - Objecting to the transfer of authority to approve official
plans from the province to the region. Endoraation is reconmended.
'5. Town of Fort Erie - Requesting tax relief for persons 65 yee~s of age and over.
Recummending that the resolution be received and filed.
6. City of Woodstock and City of London - Both resolutions deal with the imple-
mentation by the province of the Property Assessment Program originally pro-
posed to be put into effect in January 1975. Recommending the resolution be
received and filed.
7. City of St. Cathsrines - Requesting spartment superintendents be certified
· annually by the province as to their ability to handle the maintenance of
811 fire fighting facilities. Recommending the,resolution be r~cetved and
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
resolutions numbers one to seven be received and the recommendation adopted in
each instance. The motion 9arr~ed. with Alderman Wallace voting contrary and
all others in fevour.
8. City of St.Catharines - Requesting an independent and objective study of all
aspects of Regional Government.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thom.s. on, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
resolution be received and tabled for further information from the City of
_.Catha~ines. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Chriatensen,Hunt,Fera,Mann,Smeaton.,PuttfcksSchisler,~homson.
NAYE: Aldermen Wallace,Walker and Herrigan.
- 7-
Reports (Cent'd)
No. 668 - City Clerk - Recommending approval of Municipal Licences.
Alderman Walker suggested there was insufficient information regarding an application
for a Transient Trader's Licence for Gary's Give-Away~4863 Crysler Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Christensen, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted and licences be granted. The motion Carried with
Alderman Walker voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 669 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 670 - City Manager - Re: Storm Sewers. An advisory report regarding possible
construction of storm sewers on Regional roads in 1974: Stanley Ave.approximately
500 feet south of Swayze Drive to Church's Lane; on Thorold Stone Road - Q.E.W. to
500' east of Dorchester Road and on Dorchester Road from Glengowan Subdivision to
Riall Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick,seconded by AldermanSchisler that the
report be received and filed and a copy be forwarded to the Regional Municipality
of Niagara as the City's official request for Regional contribution to the three
No. 671 - City Manager - Re: Rental of Extra Snow Maintenance Equipment. Advising
of a meeting with area contractors and submitting their comments and suggestions;
advising also that it was agreed that as many local contractors as possible submit
prices to meet the City's requirements for the 1973 and 1974 season. The prices
will not include a stand-by rate. Tenders had originally been received on
November 29th and representatives of Norjohn Contracting Ltd. requested permission
to withdraw their original tender which was based on the understanding that equip-
ment would be stored at their own yard; recommending that the request to withdraw
the November 29th tender be granted; recommending acceptance of the rates submitted
by contractors and extra snow maintenance equipment be rented in ascending order
of rates should presently hired units become inadequate.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 672 - City Manager - Re: Block "B", Registered Plan 228, Oakwood Drive.
Advising that Block "B" comprising 1.44 acres, has a market value of $10,800.,based
on a rate of $7,500 per acre. In order to permit the construction of a proposed
multiple-tenancy industrial building, the report reconmnends that Council authorize
the sale of Block "B", Registered Plan 228~ to Vatermo Holdings Limited at a price
of $10,800.
The City Manager advised that another condition would pro~ide for the
erection of the building within one year of date of sale or the properCy would
revert to the City for 80% of the purchase price. Don Chapman, Architect, advised
that the first phase of the project would be for a 24,800 sq.ft.~utt{~tenancy
building providing rentable units of various sizes; the second phase will provide
an additional 14,800 sq.ft.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
of the City Manager be received and adopted.
Comm.~t41 - A petition signed by sixteen residents of Barker Street requesting
Council to consider the purchase of an vatairier bordered by Battlefield School
property, Drummond Hill Cemetery, Barker Street and Drummond Road, for the purpose
of establishing a small historical park.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Fern that the
petition be received and referred to staff for a report,
No.173 - HARRIGAN - HUNT - RESOLVED that WHEREAS proposed By-law No.73-249 entitled
"AI}~y-law to authorize the erection of an arena in the former Township of Willoughby"
was read a first and second time at the meeting of Council on October 29th,1973:
AND WHEREAS the said proposed By-law No.73-249 recited that the estimated cost of
the said arena was $588,000.00 of which $50,000.00 was to be paid out of the reserve
fund for Chippaws recreational facilities established by resolution passed st the
meeting of Council November 27th,1972 and it was estimated that $138,000.00 of the
loan to be obtained under the Federal-Provincial Winter Capital Projects Fund will
be forgiven leavie8 a balance of $400,000.00 to be raised by the issue and sate of
debentures; and
Resolution No. 173 (Cent'd)
WHEREAS t~nders have now been received for the construction of the said arena
and it appears that the cost of the said arena after deleting certain items
originally specified will be $646,083.00 and that the amount of the forgivable
loan from the Federal-Provincial Winter Capital projects Fund will be $153,000.00
and it is estimated that a grant of $20,000.00 will be obtained under The
Community Centres Agt which with the $50,000.00 to be paid out of the reserve
fund for Chippawa recreational facilities and an amount of $23,083.00 to be included
in the a~nual estimates for the year 1974 will leave an estimated amount of
$400,000.00 to be raised by the issue and sale of debentures;
1. That proposed By-law No.73-249 Which was read a first and second time at the
meeting of Council on October 29th,1973 be amended as follows:
(1) by striking out $588,000.00 in the third line of the second recital and
inserting in lieu thereof ,,$646,083.00";
(2) by striking out the fourth recital and substituting therefore the following:
"AND WHEREAS the City expects to obtain a loan of $226,000.00 under the
Federal-Provincial Winter Capital projects Fund on account of the cost of
constructing the said arena of which it is estimated $153,000.00 of the
said loan will be forgiven and the city expects to obtain a grsnt of
$20,000.00 under The Con~nunity Centrag Act to pay for a part of the cost
of the said arena and it is intended to include $23,083.00 of the said
additional cost in the annual estimates for the year~1974 and to pay
the said. S23,083.00 out of the current revenue for the year 1974, being
within the term for which the Council was elected, leaving a balance of
$400,000.00 to be raised by the issue and sale of debentures; and"
(3) by adding at the end of section 2, the following:
"end that $23,083.00 of the cost of the said arena be included in the
annual estimates for the year 1974 and be paid out of current revenue
for the year 1974."
snd that the proposed by-law as so amended be submitted to the Ontario Municipal
Board for approval of the construction of the said arena at the revised estimated
cost of $646,083.00 and the issue of debentures to provide the sumeel $400,000.00;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
~ Carried Unanimously
No. 175 -THOMgQN~.SMEATO~ - RESOLVED that the next Council Committee meeting be
held Monday, January 7, 1974, commencing at 7:30 p.m.; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously
No. 174 - PUTTICK - HUNT - HESOL~ED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
hereby authorizes'and directs that the amount of $3,000.00 be established as a
reserve account for the purpose of Renewal, Research and Implementation, Budget
ACcount. COde 12791; AND the Seal of the Corporation-be hereto affixed.
-"" Carried Unanimously
No. 73-295 - A By-le~ to provide for the levy of rates to pay ~he principal end
interest on debentures of The Regional Municipality of Niagara in the principal
amount of $956,000.00 issued for the purposes of The Corporation of the City of
Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman
liarriSen that Alderman Puttick be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-lsw be given a firSt.reading. Carried Unanimously
- 9 -
By-law No,73-295 (Cent'd)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Fera that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried UnanimousIX
No. 73-296 - A By-law to provide for the levy of rates to pay the principal and
interest on debentures of The Regional Municipality of Niagara in the principal amount
of $700,000.00 issued for the purposes of The Coreoration of the City of Niagara
Falls. '
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Smeaton that
Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-law end the By-law be given
a first reading.
Carried UnanimousIx
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimouslx
No. 73-297 - A By-law to provide for the levy of rates to pay the principal and
interest on debentures of the Regional Municipality of Niagara in the principal
amount of $180,000.00 issued for the purposes of The Corporation of the City of
Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Harrigan
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimousix
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Fera that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimousix
No. 73-298 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Battelle Memorial Institute.
(Development of Southwest Industrial District)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the
By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconddd by Alderman Christensen
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 73-299 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Niagara River
COnstruction Limited for the construction of an arena in the former Township of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Chr istensen
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading.
Csrried Unanimously
No. 73-300 - A By-law to authorize the execution of releases and a quit claim deed
respecting Registered Plans No. 223 for the Township of Stamford and N.S.-22.
(Klydel Holdings and V.L.A. Subdivision) ·
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that Alderman Thomson be granted leave to introduce the By-lsw and the By-law be
given a .first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the By-lsw be now given a second snd third reading The motion Csrrie.d with Alderman
Schisler voting contrary and all others in favour.
..... 10.
- 10 -
By-law (Cont'd)
No. 73-301 - A By-law to authorize an amending agreement with Canadian Corps
of Commissionaires (Hamilton)
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernmn Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Christensen that Alderman Schisler be granted leave to introduce the By-law
end the By-law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYe: Aldermen Christensen, Hunt,Fera,Mann,Harrigan,Smeaton,Puttick,Schisler,
NAYE:Aldermen Wallace and Walker.-
No. 73-302 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Demote Bros.
Limited. (Reconstruction.of Ontario Ave. )
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Mann be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the By-law be now given a second and third reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Walker voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 73-303 - A By-law go provide monies for general puTposes-
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Smeaton, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Hunt be granted leave to introduce the By-law and the By-law be
given a first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Christensen
that the By-lsw be now given a second and third reading.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Puttick referred to the minutes of a Planning and Development
Committee meeting and discussion of the proposed widening and deepening of the
W-5-3 watercourse. Mr. Van Belle, the Planning Administrator, was quoted as
saying that 90% of the timer there is no water in the watercourse and the Aldermen
questioned the necessity of a proposal to create a retention pond in the area in
view of the limited flow of natural drainage and storm water. In clarifying the
matter, the City Engineer stated that the W-5-3 watercourse is one of three
branches running to the dam s its. The retention pond will control the water flow.
He suggested that watercourses are designed to accommodate emergency flows and
heavy rainfalls. As an example, he cited the Hurrican Hazel disaster and the
resultant flooding.
Alderman Wallace questioned the City's policy with respect to the
ploughing of sidewalks and, in particular, the damage to lawns and boulevards as
a result of ploughing four foot sidewalks with five foot ploughs. He also
commented on the necessity for children to walk on the roadway when sidewalks
are not piouSbed. The City Engineer indicated a report on the matter would be
submitted at a future meeting.
The meeting adjourned on the motioJ~'&&' &a a..~ Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt.