Council Chamber,
5th.January, 1959.
In accordance with the provisions of The Municipal Act, the Council met
at 11.00 o'clock with all Members present. The Council included His Norship Mayor
Franklin J. Miller and Aldermen Clifford G. Gregory, George Martin, Ian McCallurn,
Arthur J. McKinley, Harold Morton, George H. Mowers and James G. White.
The Statutory Declarations of Office and Qualifications were filed with
the Clerk when the Oaths of Office had been taken by Magistrate Johnstone L. Roberts.
It was then ordered on the motion of Alderman White and Alderman Morton
that a vote of thanks be extended to Magistrate Roberrs by His Worship Mayor Miller.
C~rr~d ~a.ni~!ous 1~'.
After this, the Council was duly organized and open for the transaction
of general business.
Following the Invocation, it was ordered on the motion of Alderman Gregory
and Alderman Martin that the Reverend Victor Fiddes, the Officiating Clergyman, be
thanked for his service at the meeting.
His Worship, ~yor Miller then delivered his Inaugural Address.
To the Citizens of Niagara Falls:
May I begin this Inaugural Address by first saying how happy my family and
I are for this great honour which you have placed upon me. We are most grateful to
the citizens of Niagara Falls. As far as can be ascertained, I am the first person
born in Niagara Falls to become Mayor of this, one of the finest of all cities in the
Dominion of Canada.
I will carry on the duties as your Mayor with all the dignity expected of
this office. I will serve you to the best of my ability, irrespective of your race,
colour, creed or of your political party af£iliations, and I am quite conscious of
the responsibility that has been placed upon me, but I do feel th&t after having
served you for nine years as an Alderman, I can meet the challenge. It is my intention,
as much as possible, to share the honours with my fellow men~ers of Council and I will
not hesitate to take a stand on any issue of a contentious nature which may come before
The year 1959 begins with the re-election of three Aldermen and one new
member. To Alderman White, Alderman Martin and Alderman Gregory, I extend my
congratulations on your victory. I would like also to extend to our new member of
Council, Alderman Ian McCallum, my congratulations on his splendid run in this his
first and successful attempt for a seat on City Council.
To Alderman Mowers, Alderman Morton and Alderman McKinley, you have anotber
year to serve and I am sure you will agree with me that you, together with the other
members of Council, will continue to administer the affairs of this municipality ina
sincere and honest manner.
I do hope and trust that the Chairman of Finance, with his Committee
of Council as a whole, will lend every effort to keep our mill rate for the year
1959 at its present level or less as this is of paramount importance in order to
curtail any hardships.
I would like, at this time, to extend to Mr. W. L. Houck, M. P.,
Mr. A. C. Jolley, M. P.P., and their families our very best wishes for their
continued health and success, with the sincere hope that co-operation, as has been
given in tile past, will continue iu the best interests of the City of Niagara Falls,
and at this point, it would seem opportune to indicate my desire to co-operate with
our Federal Member in urging the Federal Government to institute prompt action
with reference to the new Post Office.
It is my pleasure to welcome at this time all Public Officials, the
appointed representatives and the citizens gathered here this morning at this our
1959 Inaugural Meeting and to extend to the Hospital Board, Hydro Conmission,
Police Conmission, Library Board, Boath of Health, Chamber of Commerce, and to any
other group that I may have missed, my wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year
with the request for continuance of the co-operation you have given to this Council
in the past years.
Thanks should also be extended to Mr. W. S. Orr, O.B.E., City Manager;
Mr. Clancy Patten, City Clerk; Mr. Harold Dickson, Treasurer; Mr. Ralph Zimmerman,
Assessor; Miss Maudc Henderson, Tax Collector; the City Hall staff; the heads of
.Departments and all employees for their co-operation with Council in the past and
I do hope that the friendly relationship will continue, being sure the Aldermen
will agree with me that this friendly relationship and co-operation is most helpful
in administering the affairs of the City.
I would particularly like to mention that we have twenty-one employees
who have received their Twenty-five Year Pins for twenty-five years or more of
service and I am quite happy to say that I played a part in making the pins possible,
and I would like to congratulate these several men and ladies for their many years
of faithfulness to the City of Niagara Falls, to the taxpayers and to the citizens
as a whole.
I must not forget to extend my thanks to Chief Cecil Pay and the
personnel of the Police Department, to Fire Chief William Wade and the personnel
of the Fire Department, to Local No. 133, and to any other branch of the municipality
that I may have omitted, for the protection and services the citizens have received
in the past, and my congratulations go out also to all citizens who have had
sufficient confidence in our City to make alterations and improvements to their
homes, to the business men of the City who have enlarged and improved their places
of business, and to the new businesses that have located in this City, knowing full
well that their confidence has not been misplaced.
In the current budget of 1958, we had to raise $523,523.88 for debenture
pa~nents. In 1959, we will have to raise $621,870.57, or an increase of $98,346.69.
However, of this amount, $88,452.50 is for the extensions to the Filtration Plant
and will be paid for from water revenues, so that the actual amount to be raised
from the taxable revenue will be increased by $9,894.19.
One of the major projects undertaken by Niagara Falls in rec~nt years
was the duplication of facilities at the Water Filtration Plant. All contracts
let for the work provided for the completion by June 1st. 1958. The work was
completed practically on schedule and by June 15th. all the facilities were
available. As a result, there was ample water for the residents of the area during
the hot, dry days of summer. However, it was found that although the treatment plant
and the large supply mains were adequate, some of the distribution mains were not
large enough to handle the increased demand. This latter 'condition is being improved,
The Filtration Plant has been entirely renovated with the installation
of new transformers, modern electrical controls, new pumps and motors and complete
change-over to 60-cycle power. The capacity of the plant has been increased from
a rate of 18 million gallons per day to 35 million gallons per day.
The repaying program was carried forward during 1958 at a cost in excess
of $81,000.00. This work covered streets in all sections of the City. The centrc
boulevard was removed on Valley Way between Queen Street and Victoria Avenue and
the pavement is now sixty feet in width. It was also possible to rcpavc bIagdalen
Street from Victoria Avenue to Ellen Avenue and widen the paved section to a width
of 32 feet.
In addition, a new pavement was constructed on McRae Street between
'Herecod Avenue and Stanley Avenue. The new pavement is 36 feet in width witI1
new five-foot concrete sidewalks on each side of the street. The total cost of
the work was $46,000.00. New asphalt road surfaces were constructed as Local
Improvements on Elm Street and Homewood Avenue from Maple Street to M~ rison
Street. Late in the season, work was completed on the construction of new
concrete sidewalks and gutters on Peer Street between Allen Avenue and Main Street.
A new water-bound macadam road surface was constructed, but due to the early
arrival of cold weather, a wearing surface could not be placed. In order to widen
the travelled road surface to 32 feet, it was necessary to remove Hydro and Bell
Telephone poles and approximately twelve large maple trees.
Further bitumal armorcoating was tried on Walnut Street, Centre Street,
Lombard Avenue, Slater Avenue and Welland Avenue between Park Street and Bridge
Street. The Total cost of the armorcoating was $4,180.00. As in past )!ears, the
program of enlarging storm water sewers to eliminate storm flooding was proceeded
with in 1958. On Stanley Avenue, a new sewer was constructed between Ferry Street
and Robinson Street having 630 feet of 33-inch tile and 580 feet of 24-inch tile.
It was then possible to build a new sewer on Peer Lane and Peer Street from Stanley
Avenue to Main Street. This sewer was 2,080 feet in length and the tile sizes varied
from 15-inch to 30-inch. The cost of these two sewer projects was $75,000.00.
During the past year, a new six-inch water main was laid on Terrace Avenue
between Ferguson Street and Leader Lane and on Leader Lane from Terrace Avenue to
Victoria Avenue. This work resulted in the provision of much needed fire protection
facilities for the portion of the City lying north of Ferguson Street.
During the year 1958, a new system of lighting was installed to provide
a more attractive illumination of the American and Horseshoe Falls. The new lighting
is much more powerful and is an added attraction for tourists. The City's share of
the total cost has been paid in full~
On July 16th. the new Greater Niagara General Hospital was officially
opened by Premier Leslie Frost and the Honourable Mackinnon Phillips, Minister of
Health. This was the completion of a determined community effort to provide adequate
hospital facilities for the residents of this area.
During the year 1958, a pension scheme for employees of the City, other
than members of the Police and Fire Departments, was inaugurated. The matter has
been studied many times in the past and it is a credit to both employees and
management that an up-to-date system has been adopted. It will be some years before
the full benefit of the scheme will be available, but the City has approved a schedule
to protect thezemployees until such time as full benefits are available.
Late in February, 1958, the installation of an elevator in the Police
Building was completed, As a result, the third flbor space became available for office
acconunodation. The additional space was utilized to provide additional offices for
Mr. Johnstone Roberrs, Police Magistrate, for a lecture room for the Traffic Clinic
and an office for Area "A" Civilian Defence Committee.
On August 1st. we were especially honoured to have a visit to the area by
Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret. The Ontario Hydro, Niagara Parks Coxmlission
and the City of Niagara Falls jotnte together to provide the most enjoyable entertain-
~ent for Her Royal Highness.
Mr. Alan Deacon and Aseociates proceeded during the past year with a study
of the many features of the municipalities of Niagara Falls, Stamford and Chippm~a
that must be considered in order to recommend a merger of two or more units or a
maintenance of the status quo. After very careful study, a preliminary report was
presented in June, 1958.
This report covered a great many subjects and after detailed consideration,
the Councils of the three municipalities decided that a complete final report was
desirable with definite reconmendations as to the type of municipal government best
suited to the future development of this area. This detailed report is, in course,
of preparation and will be one of the major studies to be undertaken by the 1959
Council. We all recognize that the existing conditions, whereby further development
by Niagara Falls is impossible due to the fixed boundaries and the very heavy tax
load on residents of Stamford due to the tremendous residential growth, are not
satisfactory. It will require intensive study to' determine what is best for the
area and it will be the duty of the three Councils to plan, not only for the present,
but for years to come. This area has not been getting its share of new business
that is being established in Ontario and it may be the merger study now being made
may help to plan for the industrial development so badly needed to balance residential
and conm~crcial assessments.
In my mind, the most serious matter to bc dealt with by Council during
the coming year is that of sewage treatment. Municipalities on the international
waterway arc being pressed to proceed immediately with the construction of sewage
treatment plants. A group of these municipalities have held meetings durlng the
last two years and made representations to both the Provincial and Federal Govern-
ments to obtain some governmental assistance in the heavy expenditures involved.
It seems to be quite definite that neither government is prepared to help the
border municipalities. The City of Niagara Falls has engaged Consulting
Engineers to study the local conditions and it is now necessary to determine what
site or sites are available before a preliminary estimate of cost can be submitted.
The 1959 Council will have to give this matter very early consideration. Later,
it will be necessary to study the actual construction of a plant and a method of
financing the work. This costly development will strain the financial resources
of the City of Niagara Falls to the limit.
Late in 1958, a proposal was submitted by Mr. A. B. Robertson for
relocation of the tracks of the New York Central Railway Company which run through
the heart of the City of Niagara Falls. As all three municipalities in the area
are directly affected by the proposal, a joint cormnittee was set up to study the
matter. Representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Niagara Planning
Board are also members of the Conm~ittee. Several meetings of the Committee have
been held and a small sub-committee has met with Premier Leslie Frost, Honourable
Charles Daley and the Honourable William Nickle, to determine what interest the
Provincial Government has in improving the scenic beauty of the area and in
relieving traffic congestion in the area thronged by tourists. The proposal
cannot be carried out without the expenditure of large sums of money and can only
be successful if full co-operation is botained from all organizations, including
the New York Central and Canadian National Railways. This matter will require the
careful consideration of Council during this year.
Late in 1958, a start was made respecting the developing of better
parking facilities in the business areas of the City. The parking area at St. Clair
and Park Street was Daved with a base course, but the early arrival of cold weather
prevented the completion of the paving and the installation of the parking meters.
This work will have to be completed as soon as weather conditions permit.
In addition, arrangements have been made with the New York Central'
Railway for the moving northerly of the track on Park Street in order that a 34-
foot pavement can be constructed. Council will be required to consider the reports
for the construction of a 34-foot pavement on Park Street between Erie Avenue and
Buekley Avenue. At the same time, Council will have to determine if it is advisable
to proceed in~ncdiately with the paving of Huron Street between Erie Avenue and Valley
Way and if it is desirable to widen the travelled portion of the road.
Paving of Park Street and 11uron Street will permit one-way traffic to
be inaugurated on these streets, thus relieving traffic congestion on Queen Street.
I especially wish to direct your attention to the necessity of
providing more adequate lighting in certain areas in the City. River Road from
Clifton Hill to the north city limits, is not properly illuminated and every effort
should be made to have a new lighting system installed before the eon~encement of
the 1959 tourist season.
As River Road comes under joint control, arrangements will have to be
made with the Niagara Parks Commission respecting this installation. I think you
will all agree that the lighting on Lundy's Lane between Lowell Avenue and Drunm~ond
Road should be improved. At present, there is a dark area at this location. I
would suggest that we request the Niagara Falls Hydro to advise us what can be done
to hasten the completion of the lighting system on Victoria Avenue, Ferry Street and
Main Street. The problem on Victoria Avenue is complicated by the City cable
presently carried on the steel poles on the west side of the street. A definite
decision respecting this cable should be made at an early date. I believe a further
report should be obtained concerning the lighting system on Falls Avenue. The
present system is not altogether satisfactory and it would seem some agreement
between the City, Rainbow Bridge Commission and Highway Department should be negotiated.
After several years of consultation, the City Engineers' Association of
Ontario has convinced the Department of Highways that a portion of Engineering over-
head should be subject to subsidy payments. It is estimated that this should amount
to about $5,000.00 for Niagara Falls for 1958 and similar amounts for the future.
The actual money received is not great, but the principle that engineering overhead
is a legitimate charge to the cost of road construction and maintenaece is important.
All members of Council are aware of the necessity of securing a new site
for 'land fill' disposal of garbage and rubbish. The area presently in use on
Valley Way is filling up rapidly and by midsunmer, 1960, an additional site will be
required. Some negotiations have been undertaken, but definite arrangements must be
completed in the near future.
During 1958, the City received the sum of $3,930.00 from the Niagara Parks
Conmission which was a grant in lieu of business tax on park facilities used for
commercial purposes. A grant of $3,670.00 was received in 1958 for 1957 grant.
This was the first time such a grant was received froin the Park, but it is anticipated
that it will be an annual payment in the future° The grant received was at the rate
applicable if actual taxes were paid.
With the assistance of Mr. Arthur Jolley, M.L.A., we presented to Premier
Leslie Frost a request for a renewal of the grant in lieu of taxes for the Conunercial
properties at the Rainbow Bridge Plaza on River Road. Premier Frost ordered the
renewal of the'grant and the sum of $7,590.59 was received for the year 1957 and we
expect to receive proportionate payments for succeeding years.
As all Members of Council are aware, the Niagara Bridge Conm~ission will,
in all probability, acquire the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge. The City collects
approximately $30,000.00 per year in taxes on this property. An informal meeting
has already been held with the Honourable Charles Daley, Chairman of the Bridge
Con~nission, and all members of Council present were encouraged by the attitude
expressed by Mr. Daley. However, a continuance of the payment of taxes must be
determined by government policy. It will be necessary for members of Council to
keep this matter in mind and be prepared to act quickly if it is found necessary.
The replacement of the bridge on Victoria Avenue over the Canadian
National tracks will require consideration early in the year. At present, the
load limit is established at 8 tons which affects many industries using Victoria
Avenue as a thoroughfare. The cost of replacement to the City will be considerable,
but the work must be proceeded with as soon as possible.
Considerable progress was made in 1958 in re-organizing Civil Defence for
Welland County. We are located in Area "A", comprising Niagara Falls, Stamford,
Chippawa and Willoughby. Mr. G, R. Inglis was drafted as Co-Ordinator for the area
and has worked hard to build up an organization and to make the general public
conscious of the need for training. His efforts have been very satisfactory even
though the local organization is lacking much needed equipment for training purposes.
We must support the Civil Defence Organization because although the world situation
is not critical at the present time, conditions are very unsettled and the results
of atomic warfare too'terrible to contemplate. With proper training, some of the
population will survive if a bomb is dropped, bat without training and organization,
we will be helpless.
Council will be called upon to deal with matters arising from the
establishment of a Conservation Authority for tbe Niagar Area and with respect
to the development of the St. Catharines Airport as an area facility to be
financed by the subscribing municipalities and the Federal Government Authorities.
Council will also have to participate in further study concerning the location of
an Institute for Nighcr Education to provide instruction above the standard provided
by existing secondary schools.
The Board of Education has a program for rehabilitating public school
buildings aud will undoubtedly approach Council early in the year concerning the
capital expenditure to be made in t959.
As a resolt of the change of policy affecting the construction of
motels within the City limits, construction of two new motels was started in 1958.
One large establishment was completed and was operated during the 1958 tourist
season. Construction on the second unit'was commenced in the late Fall and will
be convicted for the 1959 tourist season. The large establishment completed in
1958 replaced residential property and the increase in taxation is in excess of
$5,000.00 per annum. It is anticipated that probably three additional establishments
will be constructed during 1959,
The municipalities are very disappointed with the results of the Federal-
provincial-Municipal Conference held in Ottawa in the Fall of 1958. Municipal
finance will still have to be bolstered by grants ~rom the Senior Governments. This
is not a satisfactory condition and it will be necessary for the various municipal
organizations to press for a reasonable revision of the tax structures so that
municipalities will receive a fair share of the taxes collected from the general
When the 1958 Budget was prepared, we were optimistic that employment
conditions would improve during the year and estimated that our expenditures for
Direct Relief would be approximately $49,000.00. This was an increase of $20,000.
over the cost during 1957. Unfortunately, eve~ the amount of $49,000.00 will be
exceeded by approximately $21,250.00 which is some indication of the unemployment
problem. Seasonal work was slow in starting in'the spring and the early arrival
of cold weather shut construction work down earlier than usual. As a ~esult,
many persons are unable to draw full unemployment insurance benefits.
At the beginning of 1958, there were 1,937 males and 1,042 females, or
a total of 2,979 persons registered at the local Unemployment Office for the area.
Of the persons registered, 2,880 were drm~ing assistance. As of December 24th,1958
there were 2,175 males and 1,248 females, or a total of 3,423 persons registered
and of this total, 3,272 persons were drawing assistance. This indicates a very
serious unemployment problem,
In order to combat uncmplo~mnt, the two Senior Governments have
sponsored a Winter Works Incentive Program. The City of Niagara Fall is constructing
sewers and watermains at an estimated cost of $109,000.00. of which the City share
is $86,300.00, to help the situation.
As soon as'the bond market is favourable, the City will have to sell
debentures amounting to $360,645.10 to cover capital expenditures made during 1958.
This total includes sewers, pavements and Board of Education expenditures on public
schools. During 1959, we will pay off $375,714.32 in principal on debentures so
at the end of the year, there will be no appreciable change in the gross debenture
debt of the municipality. With a very moderate increase in assessments, it does
not seem likely that the levy for debt charges can be reduced. May I impress upon
all citizens the need to limit capital expenditures to necessities only in order
that we can keep our tax rate at a reasonable level.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we must proceed with the Agenda, but Before doing
so, may I state that it is most encouraging to the members of Council and myself
to see such a large attendance at this 1959 Inaugural Meeting. I am sure it will
inspire all of us on this'Council to work harder than ever in the best interests of
the City, and I might say it is my intention to arrange a meeting with representatives
from the South, Centre and Victoria Avenue and Queen Street Business Men's Associations
as soon as possible in this New Year.
I want to personally thank Reverend Victor Fiddes and Ills Worship
Magistrate Johnstone Roberts for the very important part each has played in this
Inaugural Meeting and on behalf of the Members of Council and myself, I extend
to you and to all the citizens of Niagara Falls this wish, "that the year 1959
holds in store for you good health, happiness and prosperity.'!
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley and Alderman McCallurn that
the Mayor's Inaugural Address be spread on the minutes.
The minutes of the previous meeting, having been received and read, were
adopted on the motion of Alderman Mowers and Alderman White.
The City Clerk certified as to the result of the poll on the first day of
December, 1958; and on the motion of Alderman Morton and Alderman Gregory it was
ordered that the con~unication be received and filed.
_The following Resolutions were passed_;
No. 1 - ~IAR. T~_I.IlgFjlI~}~ - RESOLVED that Alderman A. J. McKinley be and is hereby
appointed the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the City Council for the year
1959; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
¢a~ry~a_ upg~mo~!x.
No. 2 - M~CKIN__LE_Y__-_ Mgjq~E_RS~ - RESOLVED that Dr. J. N. Davidson, Mr. George Burley and
Mrs. J. R. Kelly be and are hereby appointed as the members of the Local Board of
Health for tile year 1959; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No, 3 - I~tjTE r~MpgIp~. - RESOLVED that Mr. Murray England be and is hereby appointed
as a representative of the City Council on the Public Library Board for the years
1959, 1960 and 1961; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 4 - GREGORY - MARTIN - RESOLVED that John Clement and Albert Benson be and are
hereby appointed members of the Court of Revision for the year 1959; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousll~
No. 5 - MCKINLEY - McC~j. LUM - RESOLVED that Alderman James G. White be and is hereby
appointed as the representative of the City Council for the year 1959; Mr. E,A.Thomas
for the years 1959, 1960 and 1961 and Mr. O. W, Zinmerman for the years 1959, 1960
and 1961; on the Greater Niagara Area Planning Board; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereCo affixed.
Carried UnanimousiX·
No. 6 - WHITE - MORTON - RESOLVED that Alderman George lt. Mowers be and is hereby
appointed as the representative Of the City Council on the Niagara Parks Conmission
for the year 1959; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl),!
No 7 - MOWERS - GREGORY - RESOLVED that Mayor Franklin J. Miller be and is
· ' ~[~a ~-[fi~-~epreseotative of the City Council on the Board of
hereby ~b
Governors of tim Greater Niagara General aospital £or the year 1959; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously
No. 8 - I.IARTIN - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Alderman liarold C. Morton be and is
hereby a~lh[~ ii'[i~ ~resentative of the City Council on the Children's Aid
Society for the County of Welland for the year 1959; and the Seal of the Corpor-
ation be horeto affixed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 9 - ~ cCALLUM - NOWERa - RESOLVED that Mr. Charles Norgate be and is hereby
appointed'~h~ i~ed'in~pector of the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1959; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 10 - WtfITE - MORTON - RESOLVED that R. W. Edwards and Park Whistler be and are
hereby app~i~ke~ ~ ~im Examining Board of Plumbers for the City of Niagara Falls
for the years 1959 and 1960; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixe~.
Carried Unanimously.
No, 11 - MARTIN - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Aldermen Clifford G. Gregory and Ian A.
McCallum b~'~ ~ h~b~ appointed as Countills representatives on the Industrial
Committee of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce for the year 1959; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No, 12 - GREGORY - McCALLUM - RESOLVED that Aldermen Arthur J. McKinley and Harold
C. Norton b~ l~'lr~'h~Byappointed as Council's representatives on the Tourist
Committee of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce for the year 1959; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 13 - MONERS - ~ITE - RESOLVED that Alderman Harold C. Morton and City Engineer,
S. R. pric~,b~'l~'l~i~reby appointed as Council's representatives on the Traffic
and Safety Committee of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce for the year 1959;
and the Seat of the corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 14 - MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED that Alderman James G. White be and ~s hereby
appointed ~h~{~ii"~ ~epresentative on the Welland County Civil Defence Committee
for the year 1959; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 15 - MARTIN - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Aldermen Ian McCallum, George Mowers
cad llarold'~lB~r~Sh'~ hnh'~re hereby appointed as Members of the Property, Sanitation
and Buildings Corm~ittee of the City Council for the ),ear 1959; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. t6 - McCALLUM - MOWERS - RESOLVED that Aldermen McKinley, Martin and Gregory be
and are he~~ a~o"{n~c~d'"~s members of the ~rena, Parks and Recreation Committee
of the City Council for the year 1959; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously.
No. 17 - MARTIN - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Alderman Harold C. Morton, James G.White
and Cliff0~e~r~b~'l'~d are hereby appointed as Members of the Traffic Committee
of the City Council for the year 1959; and the Seal of tbe Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimousl)J.
No, 18 - Mg~.TO__NL_G_R_EG~O~R~ - RESOLVED that Aldermen George Martin, James G, White
and George Mowers be and are hereby appointed as Members of the Management ~
Negotiations cud Equipment Committee of the City Connail for the year 1959; and the
Seal o£ tile Corporation be hereto affixed, I
Carried Unanimously,_
No. 19 - I~IITE - McCALLUM - RESOLVED that Aldermen George Mowers and George
Martin, City Manager W. S, Orr and City Clerk D. C.Patten be and arc hereby
appointed as members of the Merger Survey Con~ittee to work in conjunction with
similar committees of Stamford and Chippa~a on the proposed merger survey; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
C.arrie~ Unanimously.
No. 20 - M_OIJ~EB~S_f_ k/H_IT~E - RESOLVED that Aldermen A. J. McKinley and Clifford Gregory
be and arc hereby appointed as Members of the Christmas Party Conm~ittee of the City
Council for the year 1959; and the Seal o£ the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimoual\.
No. 21 - MO__R_T~O_N_~-~_G~RE_G_qRY - RESOLVED that Alderman James G. White bc and is hereby
appointed as Council's representative on Area '~A" Civil Defence Conm~ittce for the
year 1959; and the Seal of the Corporation behereto affixed.
~a_r~icd ~a3~imo~.iy,,
No. 22 - ~_MAR_'_F_!N.__-.~c~K!~L~X - RESOLVED that Alderman George |1. Mowers be and is
hereby appointed as Council's representative on the Niagara Peninsula Joint Conla~ittee
on Higher Education, for the year 1959; and the ~eal of the Corporation be hereto
Ca_r_r.i~c~. Upa3!iplo~.s.ly.
No. 23 - McCALLUM - MOWERS - RESOLVED that Aldermau Clifford G. Gregory be and is
hereby appb'fn~¥d~s+~ci"l's representative on the St, Catharines Airport Conmittee
for the year 1959; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
_C a r___rjyj__ U ~2aj!i~ou s 1)!.
On the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Gregory, Council adjourned for lunch until
2.45 p.m.
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. January, 1959.
Council Chamber,
5th. January, 1959.
The Council re-assembled at 2.45 p.m. for the purpose of considering the
general business and finance which had been properly presented to them. All Members
of Counsil were present.
Laid over from p~v__ious meetings__;
No. 139 - (1958 File) - Greater NiaBara Home and School CoBn~it - re fireworks and
their control.
No. 259 - ( 1958 File) - Lp_ca_l_ _C~ounc~il_ pf_ [Jp~exi - requesting Council's consideration
to their resolution recently unanimously passed by the Local Council of Women con-
cerning fireworks.
SEE RJ~ort No. t.
No. 340 - (1958 File) - L~g~gp,~l~_ So~c~r ~k - requesting use of Oakes Park for
practice on Nedncsdays and league games on Saturdays. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Mowers and Aid. Martin that the con~nunication be received and referred to the
Arena, Parks and Recreation Conmittee.
No. 324 - (1958 file) - G~lt~.~iag~_Y!~o~ian~OI~_r~o_f_~P~Tse~ ' re possible
implementation in the City of Niagara Falls of Tile Homemakers and Nurses Services
Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and AId. McKinley that the conanunication
be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
The foliowring Conmaunications were p_resented]
No. 1 - ~ti__s l~o~r_s_h~iR~_MaJ~or F_r~anl~l_in, J__._ ~j_i_l_l~er_- advising of the name of his repre-
sentative on the Court of Revision. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Aid.
McKieley that the conmlunication be received and filed.
No. 2 - ~g~_j{~e .~R~BRE~_Dim~t_e~, - requesting use of Memorial Arena during
certain dates in September, 1959 for a sale of home furnishings. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. White and Aid. Morton that the cormmunication be received and referred
to the Arena, Parks and Recreation Committee for a report.
No. 3 - G!9~+~iag~K~__C!~a~a_D.~K_o__f_~9!~n_~X~~ - requesting cormcents on Tourist and
Industrial Comnittees. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Gregory that
the communication be received and filed and the Chamber be advised that the Council
of the City of Niagara Falls would welcome City Council~s attendance at a joint
meeting called by the Chamber with the other two municipalities in attendance, to
deal with this subject.
No. 4 - ~_rea_t_e_r_.~_i~ag~ara_,~(a~m_b~er o~f__C_o.rnm~_c_e_ - invitation to Annual Meeting on Jan.
28th. at the Sheraton-Brock Eotel. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Martin and Aid.
Morton that the invitation be received and accepted and the City Clerk secure
tickets for fhosc who will be present. All Mdmbers of C6uncil with t|{e 'exception
of Ald. McCallum indicated their intention to attend.
No. 5 - Department of Transpor~ Traffic Engiueer - advising that the speed zone
study whi~'~'~[~' b~'~i~"a%[~ o~'~ Q ,E .W. within the City Limits
will be placed on schedule. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Gregory
that the conmunication be received and filed.
No. 6 - N_i_~f~+r~a~Fall§_,G__i_.rl_s__'lq_q.r~ B~o_a_r_d_ - requesting permission to hold a tag day
on May 2nd. 1959. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. McKinley that the
communication be received and filed and permission granted as the date is available.
No. 7 - ~ Clerk of St. Thom~ Ontario - resolution regarding enactment of
legislation for the administering of bloo~ transfusions for the preservation of life.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin that the resolution be
received and filed. Carried with Ald. Morton, Gregory and McCallum-opposed. An
amendment made by Ald. Morton that the resolution be referred to the Ontario
~nicipal Association for discussion in open convention, was not seconded. Prior
to this action, Ald. Gregory moved that the resolution be endorsed; there was no
seconder to this motion.
The following Communications which were received too late for inclusion oe this
agenda, were ordered read, on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Gregory.
No. 8 - Junior Chamber of Commerce - invitatioe to Civic Nigh dinner meeting on
January i~[f~['~'6~ ~X{&'~S~{Sn of A~d. Martin and Aid. Gregory that the
invitation be received and accepted subject to advice to the Chamber as to the other
event scheduled for the s~e evening.
No. 9 - The Rehabilitation Foundation (March o~ Dimes) - requesting proclamation of
"March o~'~{~n]'I~k~]a~d~ ]6th2 [o ~ebruAry 2nd, 1959. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Gregory and Aid. Martin that the comunication be received and filed and
proelection issued as requested.
Laid over from a previpu__s_~ti~ng~;
No. 197 - (1958 file) - Parks and Recreation Conmittee - rc possibility oE placing
Supervisors on the smali ~a~k~'~er~t&d'~'~[{&~i~ ~ Niagara Falls. ORDERED on
the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the report be received and referred
to the 1959 Budget Committee for consideration.
The following Re_ports wcrc presented;
No. 1 -_ C~i!y_ _C_l_e~r~k- survey of action taken by other municipalities regarding fire-
works and their control. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald, White that
the report be received and tabled for two weeks for study.
SEE Conm~unications 139 and 259.
No. 2 - City. Ex~g~e~!- report on construction of e:~tensions to existing 36-inch and
48-inch sewers at the Old Victoria Avenue Dump Area. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
White and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted and work proceeded
with as soon as convenient.'
~E_~R~sj~9~ppp_~ 9n~. 25.
No. 3 - Q_i~y_ Clerk - reconm~ending issuance of licesees. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and jAld. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and licesees
issued accordingly.
No. 4 - City Clerk - application for Hawker and Pedlar Licenee ~,:hich has not been
approve~]"~ilb~k~b' on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report
be received and adopted and licenee be not granted.
The following Resolutions were .p_a~s_s~ed_;
No, 24 - NHITE - MORTON - RESOLVED that Report Number 2 for the construction of
extension~"~"[~'~isting 36~ihch and 48 -inch sewers at the old Victoria Avenue
Dump Area, west side of Victoria Avenue from Thorold Stone Road to the Niagara Park-
way, be adopted and the work proceeded with as soon as convenient; and the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 25 - M~ERS - MORTON - RESOLVED that the City Manager be authorized to contact
the Township of Stamford regarding the widening and rehabilitation of Victoria Avenue
along the north Corporation Li~ts; and the 8eel of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 26 - MOWERS - MORTON - RESOL~D that the City Clerk be authorized to investigate
cost, etc. of procuring a Chain of Office for His Worship the Mayor to be worn in the
performance of oEficial functions, etc. and the 8eel of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 27 - ~TIN - MORTON - RESOLVED that the taxpayers of the City of Niagara Falls
be notifi~'~Y{~h~'lOcal press of a resolution passed at a previous meeting,
setting June let. as'a deadline on petitions for local improvements; tbat it is
Council's intention to abide by this resolution; and that an official notice be
inserted in the local press at least three weeks prior to the deadline, June 1st.
for the information of the citizens; an~ the Seal of the Corporation b~ hereto
affixed. Carried Unauimously..
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid.Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. January, 1959.
Tile following By-laws were passed;
No. 5709 - To appoint members of the Court of Revision for the year 1959.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. White that Ald. Gregory
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the tst.
reading. ° Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the. by-law be given the
second reading- - Carried Uuanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory - Carried UnanimouslY·
No. 5710 - To appoint two members of the Examining Board of Plumbers.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that Ald. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5711 - To authorize the borrowing of $600,000.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. White that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. White that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5712 - To authorize the execution of deeds·
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Martin that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by~law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory -Garried Unanimously.
Clerk .
Council Chamber,
5th. January, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on January 5th, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Aid. McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $121,518.67 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, wore ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to time Council on the motion of Aid.
White and Aid. Gregory.
The Comm~unication from the Ontario Good Roads Association setting out
the 1959 municipal membership fee and the forthcoming Convention to be held at the
Royal York Hotel in Toronto on February 23rd. 24th. and 25tb. 1959 was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Miller that the
conm~unication be received and filed, the fee be paid and members of Council desiring
to attend 'this convention, so indicate, in order that reservations may be made.
The City Manager presented a verbal report on the application of Fred Cade
for a permit to construct a motel on the property known as the Concrete Stone and
Coal Company, Ferry Street, which Council recently passed the necessary by-law
establishing this area for motel purposes. The City Manager advised that there would
be 25 units; 20 units will be double decker and 5 units single storey towards the
rear. He further advised that the plan as submitted does not contemplate the
removal of the existing house from the premises. The motel will be constructed of
fire proof material; walls will be of concrete block and brick, faced on both sides
with brick. The estimated cost will be $100,000. Ample parking space will be
provided. The City Manager recommended that the applicant be advised that a permit
would be issued to him and his associates subject to the submission of proper plans
and specifications and with the understanding that this does not authorize any
transfer of such pePmit to another individual· ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White
and Ald. Morton that the verbal report and recommendation of the City Manager be
received and adopted; carried with Ald. Martin-contrary.
It was mutually agreed that the procedure with reference to the suspension
of Rule 36 of the procedure by-law on the second reading of a by-law would be to ~
have the person introducing the by-law, make such motion.
The Conm~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald, Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. January, 1959.
Council Chamber,
The Conmittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
' Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee,
The following By-law was passed;
No, 5713 - To provide monies for ~eneral purposes,
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Martin that Ald, McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously,
ORDERED on the mot{on of Ald~ McKinley and Aid. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading - AId, White and Ald, Martin - Carried Unanimously,
Council adjourned to a Conference. oB the motion of Aid, Mowers and Aid, Morton,
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. January, 1959.
Counc~ t Chamber,
5th.January, 1959.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the r~gular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, January 5th, 1959. All Members
were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 12th. January, 1959,
Council Chamber,
12th. January,1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, January 12th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory.
Ald. McKinley arrived at the meeting.
Mr. John Grant representing a panhellenic Group of the Sororities and
Fraternities of this district, was present at.the meeting and on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald. Gregory he was permitted to address Council.
Mr. Grant referred to the trouble which has occurred through the presence
of"gate crashers"at dances held by these organizations and expressed the opinion that
police protection should be given without the necessity of a payment of $3.00 an hour
for the services of off-duty officers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald.
referred to His Worship the Mayor for discussion at the .
.Morton ~l~t.thema~te~.be
Police Conm~ission Meeting Scheddled for januar~'13thi"HIS Wo~Ship,'M~y~ Mili~r~
requested the speaker to forward a letter on Tuesday morning in order that the same
may be presented at the Police Commission Meeting.
All Members of Council concurred that something should be done to remedy
this situation. SEE Communication No.20
Council Meeting Jan.19th.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 324 (1958 File) - Greater Niagara Victorian Order of Nurses - re Eomemakers
and Nurses Service Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that
the communication be tabled and the report of the City Manager on this subject be
received and adopted and the Councils of Stamford and Chippawa be advised immediately
of this Council's action. ~ SEE Report No. 5.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 10 - Niagara Regional Development Association - invitation to General Meeting
to be held at FrudhOmme's Garden Centre Hot~l on January 21st. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed.
No. 11 - Niagara Peninsula Conservation Committee - appreciation for interest in
proposed Conservation Authority. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.-Mowers and Aid.
Gregory that the communication be received and filed.
No. 12 - Young Men~s Christian Associatio~ - requesting proclamation of Y.M~C.A.
Week from january 18th, to 25th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
McCallum that the communication ,be received and filed and proclamation issued as
No. 13 - Lions Club - requesting permission to hold Annual Carnival on the Bridge
Street Athletic Grounds on 3oly 15th. to 18th. inclusive. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received and filed and per-
mission Eranted as requested~ with the understanding as stated in their letter~
satisfactory arrangements have been made with the ~i~gar~ goatball Association for
the use of the easterly end of the field, '
No. 14 - Wentworth County Clerk-Treasurer - resolution rescinding amendment to
Section 29 of The Public ltospitals Act. The City Clerk reported verbally on this
subject, advising that the Section No. 29 of The Public Hospitals Act as it stands
now (which was re-written in 1957) contained the Section which it always did, that
the municipality has the right of recourse against an indigent patient or his
estate to recover money paid by the municipality for hospitalization. The amend-
ment as passed in the Legislative Session of 1958 removed the provision that a
municipality could recover from the patient or his estate. The City Clerk
further advised that it now only provides that recovery may be made from the
estate in the event of an indigent burial. lie referred to a recent resolution
of the City of Kingston opposing the legislation of 1958, which was unanimously
endorsed by the Council of Niagara Falls. The present resolution from the
Councy of Wentworth points out that the legislation of 1958 had not yet been
proclaimed and asked for the Section's repeal. In view of the explanation of the
City Clerk, it was moved by Ald. Mowers and seconded by Ald. blartin that the
resolution from the County of Wentworth be received and endorsed,
No. 15 - Greater Niagara Ambulance Service - application for an increase in grant.
The City Clerk advised verball~6~aYdi~'the action of the Council of Stamford
Township in referring this subject to the proposed joint meeting as it affects
all three municipalities. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that
the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee, but in the
meantimebe placed on tbe'agenda for the joint meeting of the tbree municipalities
for consideration.
No. 16 - Murray Ruta Limited--- referring to the elimination of a parking space in
front of his office at 1543 Ferry Street and requesting the moving of the bus stop
westward. The City Clerk reported verbally on two previous communicatione receivea
from the writer in 1956 with reference to this subject. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and'referred to the
Traffic Committee for a report. 'It was agrded that the Chairman of the Traffic
Committee arrange to have Mr. Ruta present when an inspection is made.
No. 17 - U. S. Immigration-Naturalization Officers' Association - invitation to
dinner-dance,January 21st. at Hotel Niagara, N.F.N.Y. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Ald. Martin that the conm~unication be received and left in the hands of
His Worship the Mayor for action.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 5 - City Manager - report on request of V.O.N. to make the new tlomemakers and
Nurses Services Act applicable to the City of Niagara Falls, and suggesting that as
this subject affects all three municipalities, it be placed on the agenda if and when
a joint meeting is held. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and AId, Morton that
the report be received and recommendation adopted.
No. 6 - City Clerk - suggesting preparation of a by-law to license nursing homes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Gregor9 that the report be received
and adopted.
No. 7 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licences issued
The fol'lowinR Resolution was passed;
No. 28 - MORTON - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of IlLs
Worship the Mayor and Members of Council be forwarded to the family of the late Mr.
Garnet Johnson, City employee of the Corporation for a number of years; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
~arried Unanimously.
..... Ald~ Mortone Councilss repr~sentative'oh'the'Childten's'Aid Society of
· the County of Wellands reported verbally on his attendance last Thursday evening,
January 8th, at a meetlng of the Society, pointing out that there was an increase.
of $3,000. over the previous year's campaign and that there was now a surplus of
approximately $8,000. on hand. He further advised that it is hoped to reduce the
per diem rate of $1.96 to $1.82 and indicated that the Society was the lowest in
per capita in the Province of Ontario. Aid. Mowers praised the ability and =
efficiency of Mrs. Young, Superintendent of the Children's Aid Society.
Ald. Morton, who had advocated the installation of an outdoor skating
rink in the Glenview Area for the benefit of the children unable to get up to the
Memorial Arena, indicated his satisfaction for the successful operation of this rink,
advising that the children are patronizing the rink in good numbers. The Alderman
requested the Council and City Manager to consider the possibility of installing
similar outdoor skating rinks in other locations in the City.
The followinn By-law was presented;
No. 5714 - A by-law to provide for the licensing of Electrical Contractors,
Electricians, Master Electricians and Journeymen Electricians.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald. Martin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rule8 of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be.given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the third
reading of the by-law be tabled until such time as the other two municipalities are
in a position to deal with the by-law - Carried Unanimodsly.
previous to the above adtion, Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Committee
appointed by Council to work in conjunction with the Electrical Contractors'
Association Gommittee on the proposed by-law, advised verbally that this was the
by-law brought to Council by the Electrical Association in 1958 which was turned
over to the Committee appointed by Council for study. It was felt it was a by-law
which should include the three municipalities and the by-law was brought to the
Committee which had been drafted by hhe Electrical Organization. The City Clerk,
City Manager and the City Solicitor of Niagara Falls and the Clerk, Solicitor of
Stamford Township also having been i~cluded to study the proposed by-law. Ald.
Martin added that the by-law was studied thoroughly, item by item, there being
quite a few things which did not suit everyone. Following this thorough study
a new by-law was drafted suited to the needs of the Electrical Association plus
the citzens of Niagara Falls, Stamford and Ghippawa and it was unanimously suggested
that the by-law in its present form, having been approve'~ by the affected Union as
to fees it was proposed to charge, would appear to be suitable to all the muni-
Aid. Martin suggested that the by-law before Council this evening be
given two readings and the third reading be left in abeyance and Stamford and
'Chippaws be advised accordingl'y, in order that the third reading be handled
simultaneously so that the by-law will be enacted and passed and become effective
on the same date in all municipalities.
SEE By-law No.5714
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId.White,
READ AND ADOPTED, 19th. January, 1959.
Council Chamber,
The Finance Meeting was held on January 5th. 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were. present. Ald. McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $56,324.55 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. White and Aid. Martin.
On the motion of AId. White and Aid. }lowers the Committee arose and reported to
READ AND ADOPTED 19th. January, 1959.
Council Chamber,
12th. January, 1959.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of.passing the by-law whi~ covered the accounts approved
by the Committee~
The following By-law was passed;
~ - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. liartin and Aid. Mowers that Aid. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. White tllat Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and tile by-law be given tile
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId, Gregory and Aid, Morton - Carried Unanimously,
His Worship, b~yor Miller, advised that Members of Council had been
polled to ascertain whether the Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, February 23rd,
should be held on the 21st. in order to give the Members who will be attending the =
Ontario Good Roads Convention in Toronto, sufficient time to arrive at their
destination in Toronto on Monday evening.
The necessary resolution authorizing this change in date will be placed
on the agenda. in ample time.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Gregory.
READiAND ADOPTED' 19th. January, 1959.
Council Chamber,
19th.january~ 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, January 19th+
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members o£
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes o£ the previous
meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. Gregory.
Alderman Martin advised that Mr. Howard R. Smith of 2185 Barker Street,
was present at the meeting and wished to speak to Council with reference to By-law Number
5714, which will provide for the licensing of Electrical Contractors, Electricians,
Master Electricians, and Journeymen Electricians, the by-law having had two readings and
was no~ pending until such time as Stamford and Chippawa arc in a position to deal with
the by-law. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that ~. Smith be
Mr. Smith outlined several clauses of the by-law, indicating that if the
By-law is passed, it will give the Electrical Contractors' Association of Ontario"
complete monopoly, and compell the City of Niagara Falls to police the by-l~s of the
Association. Mr. Smith questioned the right of the E. C. A. to set itself up as an
Examfning Board for electricians,
Alderman Martin stated that the City Council have not been talked into
passing any by-law and referred to the fact that the proposed by-law has been given only
two readings in order that all the municipalities in the Greater Niagara Area may be in
complete agreement before the third reading is considered. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the City Solicitor be advised of the comments made by
O'-Mr. Smith regarding by-law number 5714; that the Solicitor consider the same and submit
a full report to Council.
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 139 - (1958 File) - Greater Niagara Home and School Council -
~o. 259 - (1985 File) - Local Council of Women - with reference to fireworks and their
control. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McCallum that these conmunications
be referred to Communication No. 22. Carried Unanimously. Following consideration of
Communication No. 22, it was ordered on the motion of Ald, Mowers and AId. ~rtin that
the communications be again tabled until such time as the joint meeting is held with the
three municipalities on February 4th. when this subject will be discussed.
SEE__Report Number 1.
SEE Gonmunication 22.
INo. 340 - (1958 File) - Legion 51, Soccer Club - requesting use of Oakes Park for
practice and league games in 1959.
SEE Communications 18-19
SEE Report Number 8.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 18 ~ St. Anno's Soccer Club - requesting use of Oakes Park in 1959.
No. 19 - Irish-Canadian Social Club - requesting use of Oakes Park in 1959. The City
Manager advised verbally that the report of the Parks and Arena Committee was p~epared
on the basis of the two applications from the Legion and St. Annets Club; the application
from the Irish-Canadian Club not having been received until to-night's meeting. He
further advised that there is a possibility of another organization making application
also for the use of the field. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin
that the communications be reoeived and the report of the Parks Gonmittee be adopted
and theo~ganizations involved 80 notified.
SEE Report Number 9.
No. 20 - Board of Police Commissioners - proposed action regarding District Pan-
Hellenic Association's request for police protection at public dances. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the con~nunication be received
and filed and a letter of appreciation be forwarded to the Police Conmission for =
their co-operation and prompt action.
No. 21 - Ci__tX_of London - resolution re Dayligbt Saving Time. ORDERED on tbe motion
of Ald. bErtin and Ald. Nhite that the communication be received and filed and
Council await the usual request from the Railway Association.
No. 22 - Township of Stamford - proposing the night of February 4th. at 8 p.m. for
tbe joint meeting o~'6~e"~nicipalities to discuss mutual problems, ambulance
service, V.O.N. service, by-law to regulate electricians, fireworks and other
matters; or an alternative date of February 5th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Ald. Gregory that the conununication be received and filed and the Town-
ship be notified that the evening of February 4th. at 8 p.m. will be acceptable
for the joint meeting. SEE Communications 139-259
No. 23 - Ukrainian Community of Niagara Falls - requesting permission to raise flag
on Januar~ 22nd. in connection with comeration of anniversary of the independence
of Ukraine. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the communi-
cation be received and filed and permission granted.
No. 24 - Belleville McFarlands Hockey Team -'requesting donation in support'of ltockey
Team which will represent Canada in the World Hockey Tournament in Czecho-Slovakia.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. McKinley that the communication be
received and filed,
No. 25 - El__ectric Service LeaEue of Ontario - requesting proclamationof National
Electrical Week, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. White that the
communication be received and filed; this motion was defeated by a vote of 5 to 2.
The amendment made by Ald, Mowers, seconded by Ald. McKinley that the communication
be received and left in the hands of lfis Worship the Mayor for action, was carried,
the vote being - Aye -Ald, Mowers, McKinley, Gregory, Morton and McCallum; Nays -
Ald. l~ite and Martin,
No. 26 - Minor Hockey Club - requesting proclamation concerning Minor ltockey Week
in Canada. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the com-
munication be received and filed and permission granted as requested.
No, 27 - Cataract Junior B. }Jockey Club - requesting permission to hold Booster
Night at the Memorial Arena on January 30th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton
and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and filed and the report of
the Arena Committee reconunending that the ~equest be gra~ted, be received and
adopted. SEE Report No. 9.
t |
No. 28 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting permission to replace poles in
various locations throughout the municipality. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mc-
Kinley and Ald. Martin that the communication be received, filed 1 and permission
granted as requested. ~
SEE By-law #5716
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 1 - City ~lerk - Survey of action taken by other municipalities with reference
to fireworks and their control. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mowers and Ald.
Martin that the report be again tabled until such time as the joint meeting of the
three municipalities is held on February 4th. ~hen this subject will be discussed.
SEE CormuniCations 139-259 and 22.
The followinB Reports were presented;
No. 8 - Arena and Parks Committee - requests of Soccer Clubs for allocation of
dates for games and practice at Oakes Park in 1959 and advising the activities
to be accommodated will be reviewed and every effort made to provide as much
time as possible, but unable to make definite commitment. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted and the
organizations involved be so notified.
SEE Conm~unicationp~.~49.~P_
No. 9 - Arena Conm~ittee - recommending the request of tbe Cataract Junior B. Hockey
Club for' permission to'hold their Second Annual Rockey Booster Night in the Memorial
Arena on Friday, January 30th. be granted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and
Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted.
SEj Cj~un__~gn ~.. 27.
No. 10 - Cij~LMana e~ - report on meeting with C.N.R. officials re overbead bridge
at Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the
report be received and tabled. Carried Unanimously. FURTMER ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Nbite and Ald. Gregory that Council be brought up to date on this matter
with all relevant material that is available and that an audience be sougbt witb the
Minister of Transport to discuss this problem. Carried Unanimously.
No. 11 - Parks Committee - recommending the installation of a backstop for a softball
diamond at the north-west corner of the small park at Grey and Symmes Street and the
easterly part of the field be reserved for the use of younger children. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton tbat tbe report be received and adopted.
No. 12 - Arena Committee - reconnnending that the request to set aside the night of
February 2Orb. at the'Me~morial Arena for the hockey game sponsored by tbc Canadian
Legion, be granted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that
the report be received and adopted,
No, 13 - City Clerk - reconm~ending the issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued a~cordingly.
No. 14 - City Engineer - report on construction of storm relief sewers on Hamilton
Street betworm Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue and on Fourth Avenue between Hamilton
Street and the M.S. & T. Railway as well as an open ditch along the N.S. & T.
Railway between Fourth Avenue and Homewood Avenue. ORDERED on tbe motion of Ald,
Martin and Ald. Gregory tbat the report be received and adopted and work proceeded
with as soon as convenient.
SEE Resolutioa No. 29.
Alderman Mowers, Council's representative on the Niagara Peninsula Joint
Committee on Higher Education, reported verbally concerning the meeting held on
January 15th. in the Court ]~ouse at Nelland, advising that due to his inability to
attend, Ald. McCallum very kindly consented to attend in his stead. Ald. Mowers
expressed his appreciation to Ald. McCallum for attending on such short notice.
Ald. MoCallum then proceeded to outline in some detail concerning the
meeting, indicating the very definite increase in the number of students who will
be attending schools for higher education. The Alderman made available to Council
a copy of the Summary of Thompson-Currie Education Investigation of Decomber,1958
for Lincol and Welland Counties.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Morton that ~ho report be
received and filed.
His Worship Mayor Miller requested the Traffic Committee to investigate
conditions on Epworth Circle regarding parking, resulting in the blocking of fire
hydrants and driveways.
Mayor Miller advised Council regarding the banquet being held at the
Fall,way Rotel on January 23rd. by the Alumni Association of the Niagara Parks
Connnission School of Gardenlugs and that he had appointed Ald, McKinley to be his
Mayor Miller also advised that he had appointed Aid. White as his
representative to attend the Niagara Falls Railway Employeest Credit Union dinner-
dance to be held on February 4th. at the Parr Hotel.
The Mayor referred to several telephone calls received complimenting-
the Management and City Employees on the excellent job of snow removal, particularly
last Friday and Saturday, and was of the opinion that these conmaents should Be
passed on to the City Employees.
Ald. Mowers raised the question as to the removal of parking meter
heads on Falls Avenue adjacent to the Brock Hotel, indicating that the heads had
been removed on the balance of Falls Avenue beyond there and Clifton Hill. The
Alderman sBggested that the Traffic Conuni~tee might look into the matter,
Aid. Gregory made a suggestion previously made hy His Worship the Mayor
as to the handling of street nnow removal, particularly the suggestion as to
having the snow ploughed to the middle of the street for removal by the loaders..
The Alderman indicated that he wa.s in accord with the idea and t)xat he felt it
should be tried out.
The City Manager expressed his previous views on the subject but
reiterated the suggestion that if it 3~ere found feasible it would be tried in
order to ascertain how efficiently or economically it might be done.
Ald. McKinley suggested that if this method is tried out it might
advisable to keep an account of costs involved.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Mar~in and Aid.
Whi t e ·
READ AND ADOPTED, 26th. January, 1959.
The following By-laws were passed;
No, 5716 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephohe Company of Canada to
replace poles for maintenance purposes at various locations throughout
the City of ~iagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. horton that Aid. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of CouRcil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Aid. Mowers - Garried Unanimously.
No. 5717 - A by-law to appoint members of-the Niagara Falls and Suburban Planning
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that Ald.b~rtin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Garried Unanimously. ,..
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Morton tha~ Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the ~y-law be given
the second reading. - Carried UnanimousiX, ~"
ThirdReading - Aid. Gregory and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 29 - MARTIN - GRHGORY - RESOLVED that Report Number 14 for the construction of
storm relief sewers on Hamilton Street between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue and
on Fourth Avenue between Namilton Street and the N.~. and T. Railway as well as the
open ditch along the ,N.S. and T..Railway between Fourth Avenue and Homewood Avenue
be adopted and the work proceeded wi~h as soon as convenient;and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed. '
~. Carried Unanimously.
Council Chamber,
19th. January, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on January 19th, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Conm~ittee were present. AId. McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $109,592.43 were approved by the
Tbe Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Ald. White and Ald. bhrtin.
The report of the Equipment Con~ittee reconmending the purchase of a Model
600, Peerless lawnmower aharpener, at a cost of $635.00 for tile Parks and Cemetery
Department, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White
and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
The report of the Management Committee reconmmnding the purchase of a
new battery at an approximate cost of $1,360.00. and also an automatic static type
charger, at an approximate cost of $750.00 for the Filtration Plant, was presented
for coBstderatlon. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that tbc
report be received and adopted with the understanding that definite prices will be
submitted to the Finance Committee when ob ta!ned.
The City Manager's report on the application of E. J. Ostrander of
Catharines for a building permit to erect an addition to the rear of 1914-1918 Main
Street, at an estimated cost of $4,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Mayor Miller that the report be recoived and adopted and permit
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Miller and Aid.
blowers ·
READ AND ADOPTED, 26th. January, 1959.
Clerk ....
Council Chamber,
19th. January,1959.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on ~nday, January 19th, 1959. All Mumhers
were present. His Worship, }layor Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Conm~ittcc adjourned on the
mgtion of Ald. MQwers and Aid. ~brton,
READ AND ADOPTED, 26th. January, 1959.
Council Chamber,
The Conmittee re-assembled at the close of the 'regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Conm~ittee.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5718 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-leE 8nd the by-law be read the first
time. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley end Ald. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second.reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Aid. Morton -' Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on. the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald, MOlton.
READ AND ADOPTED 26th. January, 1959.
Council Cbamber,
26th,January, 1959.
Pursuant to adjoun~ent, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, January
26th, 1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Members of Council were present with the exception of Ald. McGallum. The Council,
having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting~ adopted these on the
motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Gregory.
ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the deputation
present at the meeting from the Electrical Contractors Association be heard at this
time. Mr. James Wincott, local Electrical Contractor, having been granted permission
to address Council, stated that he would like to call upon Mr. Booth, Secretary-
Manager of the Electrical Contractors Association, to reply to the con~nents made by
Nr. ltoward R. Smith in previous publications of the Niagara Falls EveningjReview,
concerning the question of the proposed by-law to license electrical contractors, eta.
Mr. Booth addressed the Council and replied more or less in detail to
the cotchants quoted in the press concerning this subject and expressed the wish that
. Council do not enter into the proposed by-law without having given due and thorough
consideration, since its effect would be wide and beneficial to all parties concerned.
SEE Communication Number
SEE Report Number 17.
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 2 - Niagara Home Furnishera Limited - requesting use of Memorial Arena, Sept.
7th. to 13th. inclusive for home furnishings sale. Ald. McKinley, Chairman of the
Arena, Parks and Recreation Committee, reported verbally, recommending that the
request be granted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that
the communication be received and filed and permission granted for the dates
requested. Carried, with Ald. Martin and Mowers, opposed,
No. 16 - Murray Ruts Limited - requesting the moving Of the bus stop in front of
1543 Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that
the communication be received and filed and no change in the location df the bus
stop be made at this time. Carried Unanimously.
SEE Report Number 15.
The followfag Communications were presented;
No. 29 - Howard Reginald Smith of Smith Electric - outlining reasons for protesting
By-law No. 5714, to license electrical contractors~ etc. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martis and Ald. Morton that the cormmunication be received and referred to the
Committee which was set up to go into this subject in the beginning, having in mind
that the Committee would consider the matters presently brought to the fore, with a
view to having a report prior to the joint meeting of the Councils, scheduled for
February 4th. SEE. Report Number 17 ·
No. 30 - boca___l Mydro Commission - report and recommendations regarding street lighting
proposal for River Road from I~ram Street north to City Limith. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the cor~nunication be received and tabled for
further study and that a meeting be arranged with representa~ives of the Niagara
ParRs Con~nission to ascertain their opinion with referen0e to .what is p~opossd.
No. 31 ~ L_o_c~a_l tjyd_r~._Co_nmji~ss~i~n~- advising of proposal to lay high voltage cable
along Victoria at Magdalen junction to Palmar Ave. and continuing along Patmar to
Eattweed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. Gregory that the conrauni-
cation be received and tabled and the City Manager submit a report regarding cable
lines servicing Police and Fire Alarms, with his rcconm~cudations to bc submitted
prior to Budget discussions; other municipalities to be circularizcd to ascertain
those who have already abandoned the use of Police and Fire Alarms, and that the
opinions of the Chief Constable and Fire Chief be secured as well.
No, 32 - Industrial Standards_gff~i_c~c_r_- enclosing Schedule under Industrial Act
for Painting and Decorating Industry, Niagara Falls Zone, drawing attention to
Sections 4 and 6. The City Clerk advised that this was just a matter of information,
in bulletin form, apparently being sent out all over the zone. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Mowers that the conm~unication be received and filed.
No. 33 - C_i~ty.C_l_e_rk 9f~S~t_.. T~jp~_a_s - resolution requesting Minister of Municipal Affairs
to stud), question of election procedures, where nominations on Nomination Day were
insufficient to fill tile number of seats vacant, thus necessitating holding a second
election, involving additional expense to tile ratepayers. ORDERED ou the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the resolution be received and referred to the
Ontario Municipal Association for discussion in convention.
No. 34 - Greater Niag~ar~a__Cl}_a~.bg_r_.p_f ~gr0m_e_r_c_c' ' advising of meetings scheduled for
Board of Directors and requesting advice as to the Aldermen who will attend. ORDERED
on the motihn of AId. Mowers and Aid. Gregory that the con~nunication be received and
filed and the Manager of the Chamber be advised that the following named will attend -
Ald. I~ite on Feb. 18th; Aid. Gregory on March 18tb; Ald. Morton on April 15th;' Aid.
McKinley on May 20th; and Aid. McCallurn on June 17th. ,
Me. 35 - Canadian Federation _o_f._~oF~__ag~_ _M_uni__c.iB.al_i~i~_s - requesting proclamation
of National Health h~cek, February lot. to 7tb. ORDERED on the motion of AId,
McKinley and Aid, White that the communication be received and filed and the usual
proclamation be issued, contact to be made with the adjoining Township of Stamford
to ascertain whether a joint proclamation could be issued.
No. 36 - B_oy S_Scou~t~s_.Ass~o_c~i_ag_ip_n_ - requesting proclamation of Boy Scout Week, Feb.
16th. to 22rid. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and A!d. Morton that the conununi-
cation be received and filed and the proclamation be issued; contact to be made with
the adjoining Township of Stamford to ascertain whether a joint proclamation could be
No. 37 -Kinette Club - requesting permission to hold a Tag Day on Friday night,
May 8th. and Saturday, May 9th. ORDERED on tile motion of AId. Herton and Aid. Gregory
that the communication be received and filed and permission granted as requested as
dates are available.
No. 38 - Lioness Club - requesting permission to conduct Annual Broom Drive, ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Morton that the conm~unication bc received and
filed and permission granted as reqeestcd.
No, 39 - Niagara Falls llorticultur.a_l__S_oc~iet__Y - requesting grant for 1959.
No. 40 - The Salvation Arm]_ - requesting grant for 1959. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Mowers and Ald. Morton that tbe communications be received and referred to the
Budget Committee for consideration.
No. 41 - Ontario School Trustees and RateJ?_aJ~ers' Association - advocating membership.
ORDERED o~ ~h~'~mo~i~nn ~f' ~i~. ~ow~r~ ~{~ 7(~[dK~i~'~]~a~"the communication be
received and filed.
No. 42 - N.S. and T. RailwakCp7 - advising of discontinuance of train service between1
Port Colborne and Thorold. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton aed Ald. Gregory that
the communication be received and filed,
No. 43 - John Bredcrick - requesting by-].aw to include properties known as 1421 and
1433 Victoria Avenue in motel area, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Nhite and Ald.
Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee to
act when advice has been received as to the action taken by the Department of llighways.
No. 44 - J. G. Collins Real E:;tate Ltd. - req. advice as to whether permission to
operate a club at the property known as 2114 Culp Street, would be granted.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. McKinley that the coramunication be
received and referred to the Property Committee for a report.
No. 45 - President of Thunderbirds' Football Team - requesting a grant of $200.
towards j~ckets. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the
comnunication be received and referred to the Conference for consideration.
No. 46 - Greater'Niagara Home and School Council - requesting permission to attend
joint meeting scheduled for February 4th, regarding fireworks issue. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and
the writer be advised that due to the fact that the Township of Stamford will be
the |lost for this joint meeting, it will be necessary for her to contact that
municipality for permission to attend.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 10 -_City Manager - report on meeting held with C. N. R. officials on January
16th, 1959 to discuss condition of overhead bridge at Victoria ~venue.
SEE Report No.16.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 15 - Traffic Committee - recommending no change in the location of the bus
stop in front of 1543 Ferry Street, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
McKinley that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Communication No.16.
No. 16 - C_i!y Manager - sun~aarizing informatibn available respecting the construction
of a new bridge on Victoria Avenue over the C.N.R. tracks. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the reports be received and tabled for further
action. The City Clerk advised that an appointment had been made for a meeting to
be held with the Honourable George Hoes, Minister of Transport, Thursday, JanuaFy
29th. at 2.30 p.m. in his office at Ottawa. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory
and Ald. Martin that His Worship t~e Mayor, the City Manager and the ~ity Engiheer
arrange to attend the meeting in Ottawa as scheduled.
SEE Report No. 10.
No. 17 - W. J. McBurnev, City Solicitor - comments in answer to points raised by
Mr. H. R. gmith regarding proposed by-law to license electrical contractors, etc.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received
and referred to the Committee which was set up to go into this subject in the
beginning, having in mind that the Conm~ittee would consider the' matters presently
brought to the fore, with a view to having a report prior to the joint meeting of
the Councils, scheduled for February 4th.
SEE Communication No.29.
No. 18 - ~ity ManeRot - requesting permission to attend meeting in Toronto on
Feb. 3rd. with Deputy Minister of MunicipaLAffairs, to discuss amendments to The
~nieipal Act, to permit municipalities to adopt the "Council-Manager" type of
administration. ORDERED on the motion of AId, Mowers and Ald. White that the
report be received and filed and permission granted as requested~
No. 19 - ManaRement Cormnittee - advising of meeting with Negotiation Committee of
Civic Employees, regarding working conditions and changes to be considered in
Agreement. ORDERED on the motion of .Ald. White and AId. Morton that the report be
received and filed.
No. 20 - Traffic Committee'- report on meeting with queen'St. merchants do:discuss
development of parking lo~ at Park St. and St. Glair Ave. and t~pe of meters to be
installed. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Morton and Aid, .White. that the report be
received and adopted, .. 7. · ·
Mo. 21 - Traffic Committee - quotations on three phase traffic control unius at
the intersection of Victoria Avenue and Valley Way, and at Morrison and Victoria
and requesting Council to study proposed new installation. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. Morton and Aid. ~regory that the report be received and adopted.
No. 22 - Traffic Cow~ittee -recommcndiug no change be made regarding a snggestioo
to remove meter heads during winter months on the west side of Falls Avenue from
Bender llill to Brock Hotel entrance. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. i~or~on and Aid.
White that the report be received and adopted.
iqo. 23 - Traffic Conm~ittec - not in fayour of ruducing speed limit to 25 nlilcs per
hour in vicinity of public schools. ORDERED on tile motion o£ Aid. Morton and Aid.
Gregory that the report be received and adopted.
Aid. Mowers referred to the removal of tile Caution Sign at the corrcr of
Fifth Avenue and Jcpson Street; stop siga at Fourth Avenue and Valley .'lay and one
also on Romewood Avenue. The City Manager advised that he-would check into this
No. 24 - Traffic Committee - advising that present parking regulations are
satisfactory on Epworth Circle. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. l. lorton and Aid. White
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 25 - Traffic Committee - rcconmxending that parking on the south side of P, osedalc
Drive b~ prohibited from the east curb on Slater to a point 185 feet east of the
east curb on Slater Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory
that the report be received and amended to read "north and south sides" and ado[Stc, d.
No. 26 - Traffic Committe_e~- reco~mn~cnding the construction of an access road off
Murray St."~o provide service to the vacant land east of Warren A~c. between llurray
llill and Robinson St. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Morton that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 27 - City Clerk.- recoxmnending issuance of licenccs. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. McKinley and AId. Morton that tile report be received and adopted and licenets
issued accordingly.
The following By-law was presented;
No. 5719 - A by-law to provide for licensing and regulating nursing honles.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Aid. Morton that AId. Martin be
granted tile privilege of introducing the by-law and th~ by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously~
ORDERED on tile motion of Aid, Martin and AId. Gregory that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and tlre by-law be given tile
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
The City Clerk advised that it 'was the desire of the Chairman of the Local
Board of Health to appear before Council at its next meeting regarding this by-law and
it was therefore ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that By-law
Number 5719 be tabled for ~he third reading until the next meeting of Council.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid.Gregory.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd. February, 1959.
Council Chamber,
The Finance Meeting was held on January 26th, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the
exception of Ald. McCallum, Ald. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $82,784.25 were approved by the
TIle Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Couucil on the motion of
Ald. White and Mayor Miller.
The conmunication from the H.E.P.C. of Ontario enclosing cheque in the
amount of $84,073.53 to cover the full grant in lieu of taxes due to the City in
1958, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. bbrton that.
the Same be received, filed and acknowledged.
The report of the City Manager recommending the purchase of a used
D~alt Saw from Smith Bros. construction Ltd. for $500. was presented for consider-
ation. Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Equipment Con~ittee, advised verbally of his
inspection of this saw and it was ordered on the motion.o~ Ald. Martin and Ald.
White that the report be received and adopted.
The report of the City Manager recommending the purchase of a Thor
Concrete Breaker from the'General Supply Co, of Toronto at a price of $501.40 was
presented, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report
be received and adopted.
The City Manag~r's report on the application of Mr. F. George, for a
building permit to construct an addition to the building on the east side of Allen
Avenue between Robinson St. and }~rray St. occupied by the Zippo Manufacturing Co.
at an estimated cost of $13,000. al~d advising that approval has been received by
Mr. 3George from the Con~nittee of Adjustment, was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid, [bwers and ~yor Miller that the report be received
and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Moore, McCleary Ltd.
for a building permit to close in the front of the frame and aluminum siding
building on the south side of Park St, used by Fred Eastland Fuels, and, to pour
a concrete floor, was presented. The City Manager advised verbally concerning the
opinion of the Property Committee who dealt with the original application when the
building was first constructed, that an enclosed structure of frame construction
could not be allowed in a fire area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. I~lite and Ald.
Gregory that the report be received and adopted and that permission be granted for
the concrete floor, but not to close in the front of the building.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED 2nd. February, 1959.
Council Chamber,
26 t h. january, 1959.
The Conmittce re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing tile by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Conmittce.
The following By-law was passed;
5720 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Mo~.:ers and Aid. Martin that Aid. l|cKinlcy
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tile by-law be given tile tst.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the hy-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading - AId. Mowers and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
His Worship, Mayor Miller, referred to a con~aunication he had~received'
from the Greater Niagara Ad and Sales Club, concerning their meeting to be held
on Tuesday, January 27th. at the Park Rotel, con~ncncing at 6.15 p.m. and that tile
invitation is extended to as many of the members of Council as possible, to attend.
The guest speaker for tile evening will be Mr. Robert M. Barr, President of Lincoln
Furnace Manufacturing, Ilamilton and a native of Niagara Falls.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mowers and .lid. White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd. February, 1959,
Council Chamber,
26 th. January, 1959.
The Conference Co~ittee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Pinante Meetings on Monday, January 26th, 1959. All Dfembers
were present, with the exception of Ald. McCallera. His Worship, Mayor Miller,
presided as Chairman.
After consideration of tile items Presented to them, the Con~aittee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2rid. February, 1959.
Council Chamber,
2nd.Fcbruary, 1959.
pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, February 2nd.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and financc. All 1,1~mbcr~ of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. MartiR and Aid. Morton.
Tenders had been called for the rental of construction equipn~ent durieg
1959 and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and .~ld. Martin that the tenders
received~ be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 47 - N~iaJ~ra biemorial Militaires - requesting grant for 1959.
No. 48 Young Women's Christian As'sociation - requesting grant for 1959.
- ~
No. 49 - Greater Niaaara Association for RL~ardcd Ch.il~d~.- requesting graut, 1959.
No. 50 - ~2_~n~Js S~phonic Band -requestiug grant for 1959.
No. 51 - Nia8ara Falls City ~iltie Band - requesting grant for 1959.
No. 52 - Niagara Falls Committee of Adlu~pJp~!t' - requesting grant for 1959.
No. 53 - ~.F. and Suburban Area PlanninB_ppaE~ - requesting grant for 1959.
No. 54 - ~iagara Falls Suburban Road Conm~ission - encl.report for 1958 and requesting
1959 grant.
No. 55 - Greater Niagara General Hos~i__t~_~ - statement of loss on welfare patients.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid, Mowers that the communications be
received and referred to the Budget Committee when the Estimates arc being prepared.
No. 56 - Barrett ~pun Concrete Poles Ltd. - advising of products available. ORDERED
on the motion of Aldo Martin and Ald. Gregory that the conm~unication be received and
filed and the writer notified that the City does not purchase such poles, and com-
munication should be d~rected to the Local Hydro Electric Co~m~ission for their
No. 57 - NiaCara Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting proclamation re
Outstanding Young Man of the Year Award. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Ald. Morton that ~he cozmmnication be received and filed and proclamation published
as requested.
No. 58 - Sunnyside Dome for the A_gS~ - resolution requesting provincial Government
to consider establishment of Homes in various regions specifically to look after on
the one hand, psychotic and mentally ill people and on the other hand, the chronically
ill aged people. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. McCallum that the
resolution be received and endorsed.
No. 59 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - confirmation of individual invitations
regarding Joint meeting of area councils on February 6th. commencing at 4.30. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. M~rtin and Ald, Gregory that the conm~unication bc received,
invitation accepted and as many of tile members of Council as find it possible attend.
No. 60 = Probation Officer of Welland CountX_- Annual Report of Juvenile and Family
Court, and attached report of Adult'Probation Officer. ORDERED on tile motion of AId.
Mowers and Ald. Martin that the reports be received and filed and Council's appreciation
be expressed to Mr. Barrett.
No. 61 - Provincial Gas Company_ - advising of necessity of breaking sidewalks for
installations where outside shut-off stops are not easily accessible. ORDERED on tile
motion of Ald, Martin and AId. Morton that the communication be received and filed
with the unde~atanding that tile Company will'assume all liability in connection Nith
this typ.e Of activity and save the City of Niagara Falls harmless,
No. 62 - Ontario Fire Marshal - expressing commendation to Niagara Falls Fire
Department for Honourable Mention Award made by International Judges in connection
with Fire Prevention Week Contest last October. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald. Gregory that the co~xunication be received and these sentiments
be passed on to the Chief for the information of the personnel of the Fire
Department and that the congratulations of the City Council be forwarded as well.
No. 63 - Jones Floor Coverings - requesting Council to review the installation of
the bus s[61; ~a ~6~C~[ '~Fcrry Street and submitting reasons for such request,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the conmaunication be
received and referred to the Traffic Conm~ittee for a report.
No. 64 - ~qbqKm),~l. ca_n+qr_%,- referring to installation of bus stop in front of 1836
Ferry Strcet, which is detrimental to business operations. ORDERED on the motion
of AId, Morton and Ald. Gregory that the communieatiou be received and referred
to thu Traffic Conuntttce for a report.
No. 65 - B~'odc~tek a{)d..B~'ne~t ' requesting amendment to By-law No. 5149 to pcrmi~
land on Ferry Street owned by Hr. Frank Grime to be utilized for a motel site.
ORDERED ou the motion of Ald. Marttu and AId. Morton that the conm~uuisatton be
received and referred to the Property Committee ~or a report.
No. 10 - City Manager - re meettug with C.N.R, officials in Toronto on Jan. 16th,
~o dlscu~"~CUd{~iC{~ o~ overhead bridge on Victoria Avenue.
No. 16 - City Manager - suummrtztug h~formatton aveliable rc~pcctln8 th~ constructlou
- of a ncw'~{~{i V~ctorta Avenue over G,N.R. tracks.
SEE Report No. '28.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 28 - City Manager - report on meeting hold in Ottawa on January 29th. with the
lionourabl~'~r~'~s, Minister of Transport and with Mr. R. A. Shirr, Assistant
Director of Engineering for the Board of Transport Con~tssioners for Gnuads, to
discuss the constructtou of a ucw bridge on Victoria Avenue over C.N.R, tracks.
, ORDERED on the mottou of Ald. White and AId. Mowers t[lat.~hc ~cports be received
and filed and negotiations on this ~ubject continue.
No. 29 - C~ ~Ja~JOgqr - City Engineer attending course tu Toronto sponsored by the
Warren Paving Co. on construction of asphalt roads. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Me=tin and Ald. Mowers that the report be reuelved and filed.
No. 30 -.~!!y Clerk - Report on Conference held on January 26th. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 31 -~t2, Clerk - rcconmcudlog issuance of licesees as of Feb. 2rid. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. White and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted
aud licenets issued accordingly, with the exceptlou of the application for a Hawker's
and Pudlar's licenee (G,Cecala) which i~ n~ approved.
l{is Worship, Mayor Miller, requested the Traffic Coattree to inspent
the unsatisfactory condition on Ontario Avenue between Queen Street and Huron Street
on the west side, no curbvisible, the sidewalk being practically level with the
roadway, the motorists are parking well over the sidewalks thus causing a
difficult), to pedestrians,
Ald. Mowers referred ~o Willmote Street from Valley Way to Victoria
Avenue, being of the opinion that it is too narrow to allow parking on beth sides
of the s~reet and the passage of vehicular trafflc; the Aldem~n suggested the
prohibi~ion of parking On one side of the street to remedy the sttua~ton.
~he foll~win~ Resolutions were passed;
~o. ~O - ~tlTE - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of s~mpathy on behalf of ttts
l~orship ~h'~Mayor and Me~ers o~ Council be forwarded to the f~tly of the ~tc
~. J~s J, F~tth~s, highly este~ed resident of the City of Niagara Falls for
a ~r~ ~er of ,y~s;- and the -8~1 of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Ca___rried Unanimou. s!y,
No. 31 -MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED float the City Clerk contact persuns interested
in prope~'~ia~li~L']~'~lrtue of amending by-laws have bccu made avaihxhlc for t:tot cl
construction and operation, with a view to ascertaining what thcir iutLc~xtiott5 arc :;o
that Council may decide as to whether the aforementioned by-laws shouh~ bc rcsciudcd;
and the Seal o~ the Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimously.
No. 32 - MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED ~hat con~ac~ be made wi~h ~hc Dcpar~mcn~ of
Ilighways of Ontario with a view ~o having signs ereclod at ~l~c inccrcscc~ion o~
Stanley Aven~e and the Queen Elizabeth IIighway, indicating alternate routes Lo the
City of Niagara Falls central areas; and the Seal of the Corporation he herere
af~txe~ ..... . · ~[~qd.U!~anit}tOus~y~
No. 33 - MCKINLEY - MORTON - RESOLVED that proclamation be published proclaiain5 th,~
week of F~-~,~i~[l{l~'21st. as Quota International week, in compliance with the
request received from the Quota Club of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the CorporaLieu
be hereto affixed. Carried Uuanimously.
Alde~Taan Gregory referred to tile flying of the Canadian Ensign at the
parliament Buildings, queens Park in Toronto in place of the Union Jack and queried
Council's opinion on the possibility of following the same procedure in title City.
Aid. McKinley desired to know who was responsible for the lights on F~:] }s
Avenue in the vicinity of the Rainbow Bridge entrance, advising that for 'some weeks
a bulb has been burned out, and residents in that area have been unable to 3et any
action. The City Manager advised that this matter would be under the jurisdiction
of the Rainbow Bridge Commission and contact would be made to have the light ie
question replaced.
Ald. McKinley queried as to the reasons for not having the snow rei!:ovcd
on the inner side of Epworth Circle, pointing out ukat hc considers hazards at that
point because of the rather extensive use of the auditorium and indicating that the
City Engineer and the Street Superintendent had stated that ti~e snow would be removed.
The Alderman then asked whether the'City lianaget hcd couetermandcd such action. lie
vas advised by the City Manager that there had been no such action on 'nia part hue
that he, in his opinion, felt that i~ snow xcas romevet at that point that similar
consideration should be given to the side or off main streets. The Eanager also pointed
out that any attcm~pt to remove the snow now would be eL;trcmely expensive because oi the
fact it has now, due to mild weather, become almost solid ice.
The following By-law xeas passed;
Iqe. 5721 - To amend By-law h'umber 3790, being a by~law for the r~gulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. lllorton that AId. leerton be
Erasend the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-la~: be given the iirst
reading. - ~arried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Gregory that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third R~ading - AId. Mowers and Aid. McKinley - Carried Unanimously,
No, 62 - Ontario Fire Marshal - expressing commendation to Niagara Falls Fire
Department for tlonourable Mention Award made by International Judges in connection
with Fire prevention Week Contest last October, ORDERED on the motion of Ald,
McKinley and Ald, Gregory that the conm~unication be received and those sentiments
be passed on to the Chief for tile information of the personnel of the Fire
Department and that tl~e congratulations of tile City Council be forwarded as well,-
No. 63 - Jones Floor Coverings - requesting Council to review the installation of
tile bus st6|; in ~r~n6 '6f "Ygjf Ferry Street and submitting reasons for such request,
ORDERED on the motiou of Ald, Morton and Ald. Martin tl~at tbc conm~unication be
received and referred to tile Traffic Cosuaittee for a report,
No, 64 - CqbgK~].Cl_ea_ne_~s. ' referring to installation of bus stop in front of 1836
Ferry Street, which is detrimental to business operations, ORDERED on the motion
of Ald, Morton and Ald, Gregory that the co~ra~unieation be received and referred
to the Traffic Conmlittee for a report,
No. 65 - Bredcrick a~]d Burnerr - requesting amendmeet to By-law No, 5149 to permit
laud on Ferry Street owned by Mr, Frank Grime to be utilized for a motel site,
ORDERED ou the motion of Ald, Martiu and AId, Morton that tile conm~unication be
received and referred to the Property Conm~ittee for a report,
Laid over from previous meetings;
No, 10 - City Manager - re meeting with C.N,R. officials in Toronto on Jan, 16th.
to discus~'~ond~6n ~f overhead bridge on Victoria Avenue.
No. 16 - City Manager - sunmmrizing information available respecting the constructiou
of a new ~ri~g~n~{ctoria Avenue over C,N,R. tracks.
SEE Report No, '28~
TIle following Reports were presented;
No. 28 - City Manager - report on meeting held in Ottawa on January 29th, with the
Honourabl~"~r~'li~s, Minister of Transport and with Mr. R, A. Sbier, Assistaut
D~rector of Engineering for the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada, to
discuss the construction of a now bridge on Victoria Avenue over C.N.R, tracks.
· ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Ald. Mowers that,the reports be received
and filed and negotiations on this subject continue.
No. 29 - CjtJ'_Maj~__agDF ' City Engineer attending course in Toronto sponsored by tile
Warren Paving Co. on construction of asphalt roads. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
Nattin and Aid. Mowers that the report be received and filed.
No. 30 - City Clerk - Report on Conference held on January 26th. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted,
No, 31 -Ci_~l Clerk - recommending issuance of licenets as of Feb, 2rid. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald, White and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted
and licenets issued accordingly, with the exception of the application for a Hawke~'s
and Pedlar's licenee (g.Cecala) t~hich is nbt approved.
His Worship, Mayor Miller, requested the Traffic Con=nittee to inspect
the unsatisfactory condition on 0ntario Avenue between Queen Street and Huron Street
on the west side, no curbvisible, the sidewalk being practically level with the
roadway, the motorists are parking well over the sidewalk, thus causin8 a
,diificulty to pedestrians.
AId. Mowers referred to Willmort Street from Valley Way to Victoria
Avenue, being of the opinion that it is too narrow to allow parking on both sides
of the street and the passage of vehicular traffic; the Alderman suggested the
.prohibition of ~arking on one side of tile street to r~medy tile situation..
~hc following Resolutions were
~No, 30 - hg~I'_rE..~B_ORTP_N - REgOLVED that a message of B~pathy on behalf of l{i~
J/orship the Mayor and Members of Council be forwarded Co the f~+ily of the Late
. ~, James J, Mstth~s, highly esteemed .resident of the City of Niagara Fells for
No. 31 - MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED that the City Clerk contact persons iutcrcstcd
iu propor6i~hi~[(BV'~irtue of amending by-laws have been made available for r-otcl
construction and operation, with a view to ascertaining what their intentions art 5o
that Council may decide as to whether the aforemcutioned by-Laws should be rescinded;
and the Seal o~ the Corporation be hareto affixed.
Carried Unanimously,
No. 32 - MORTell - q!~_E_GQ_RY__' RESOLVED that contact be nlade with the Dcpartz~cnt of
Highways ~'6/lt~dc;zo with a view to having signs erected at the interestellen of
Stanley Avenue and the Queen Elizabeth I[ighway, indicating alternate routes to the
City of Niagara Falls central areas; and the Seal of the Corporation bc herere
affixed, .... C~rricd Upan~mgu~ly~
No. 33 - McI(INLEY - bIORTON - RESOLVED that proclamation be published proclainin~% the
week of F~6i-uS~y iSthl' [o'Slot. as Quota Inter,,ational Leek, io compliance with the
request received from the Quota Club of Niagara Fails; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously.
A].dcrmml Gregory referred to the flying of the Canadian Ensign at the
Parliament Buildlugs, Queens Park in Toronto in place of the Uniou Jack and queried
Gouncil's opinion on the possibility of following the same procedure in this City.
Aid. McKinley desired to kuow who was responsible for the lights on Falls
Avenue in the viciuity of the Rainbow Bridge entrance, advising that for'some weeks
a bulb has beta burned out, and residents in that area have been unable co get any
actleo. The City Manager advised that this matter would bc under the jurisdiction
of the Rainbow Bridge Gonm~ission and contact would be made to have the light in
questfen replaced.
AId. McKinley queried as to the reasons for not having the snow removed
on the inner side of Epworth Circle, pointing out what he considers hazards at that
point because of the rather extensive use of the auditorium and indicating that the
City Engineer and the Street Superintendent had stated that the soow would be removed.
The Alderman then asked whether the'~ity Manager had countermanded such action. Ha
was advised by the City Manager that there had been no such action on his part but
that he, in his opinion, felt that if snow was removed at that point that similar
consideration should be given to the side or off main streets. Tbc Manager also pointed
out chat any attempt to remove the snow now wonld bc extremely expensive because of the
fact it has now, due to mild weather, become almost solid ice.
TIle following By-law was passed;
No, 5721 - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mowers and Ald, Morton that Ald. Morton be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tile by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously,
..... ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald, Gregory that Rnle 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and tile by-law be given the
attend reading, - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading - Aid, Mowers and Ald, McKinley - Carried Unanimously,
No, 62 - Ontario Fire Marshal - expressing conm~endation to Niagara Falls Fire
Department for Hencurable Mention Award made by International Judges in connection
with Fire Prevention Week Contest last October. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received and these sentiments
be passed on to the Chief for the information of the personnel of the Fire
Department and that the congratulations of the City Council be forwarded as well'-
No. 63 - Jones Floor Coverings - requesting Council to review the installation of
the bus stop in front of 1832 Ferry Street and submitting reasons for such request.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the conununication be
received and referred to the Traffic Conm~ittee for a report.
No. 64 - Coburn Cleaners - referring to installation of bus stop in front of 1836
Ferry S~reet, which is detrimental to business operations. ORDERED on tbe motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory tl~at the conm~unication be received and referred
to the Traffic Committee for a report.
No. 65 - Bredcrick and Burnett - requesting amendment to By-law No. 5149 to permit
land on Ferry Street owned by Mr. Frank Grime to be utilized for a motel site.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the conununication be
received and referred ~o the property Committee for a report.
No. 31 - MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED that tl~c City Clerk contact persons interested
in prope~ij'~{{~[~'L~'~rtue of amending by-laws have been made available for motel
CITY HALL pHONE El,. 4-5671
January 2?th, 1959.
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 10 -Gity Manager - re meeting with C.N.R. officials in Toronto on Jan. 16th.
to discuss coodition of overhead bridge on Victoria Avenee.
No. 16 - City Manager - sunm~arizing information available respecting the construction
of a new bridge on Victoria Avenue over G.N.R. tracks.
SEE Report No. '28.
Tile following Reports were presented;
No. 28 - City Manager - report on meeting held in Ottawa on January 29th. with the
Hencurable George Hess, Minister of Transport and with Mr. R. A. Shier, Assistant
D{rector of Engineering for the Bo~rd of Transport Commissioners for Canada, to
discuss the construction of a new bridge on Victoria Avenue over C.N.R. tracks.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mowers that,the reports be received
and filed and negotiations on this subject continue.
No. 29 - Ci__tl Manager - City Engineer attending course in Toronto sponsored by the
Warren Paving Co. on construction of asphalt roads. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Martin and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and filed,
No. 30 - City Clerk - Report on Conference held on January 26th. ORDERED on the
motion o[ AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 31 -_,City Clerk - recommending issuance of liccnces as of Feb. 2nd. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Whitc and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted
and licenets issued accordingly, with the exception of the application for a Hawker's
and Pedlar's licence (e.Cecala) which is n6~ approved.
His Worship, ~yor Miller, requested the Traffic Committee to inspect
the unsatisfactory condition on Ontario Avenue between Queen Street and fluton Street
on the west side, no curb visible, the sidewalk being practically level with the
roadway, tile motorists are parking well over the sidewalk, thus causing a
difficulty to pedestrians.
Ald. Mowers referred to Willmort Street from Valley Way to Victoria
Avenue, being of the opinion that it is too narrow to allow parking on both sides
of the street and the passage of vehicular traffic; the Alderman suggested the
prohibition of parking on one side of the street to remedy the situation.
The following Resolutions w~ro pasac~d;
No. 30 - ~ITE- MORTON - REBOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of IiLs
Worship t~'Ma~or and ~embers of Council be forwarded to the family of the Late
~ Mr. James J. Matthews, highly esteemed resident of the City of Niagara Falls for
· a great number of. years; and the Seal of the Corporation be .h~reto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslX.
His Worship Mayor F.J. Miller,
andSembers of the Municipal Council,
I present herewith a report on the Conference held
following the regular meeting of Council on January 26th, 19~9,
at which all members were present with the exception of Alderman
The communication from the Niagara Falls Rugby
Football Club, which had been referred to Conference from the
regular meeting, was discussed in some detail following which it
was ordered that the communication be referred to the Budget
Committee for considerationwhen the 1959 Estimates are being
Respectfully submitted,
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the slotion of Ald. Mowers and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. February, 1959.
· - · ". ..... ' ' .... Mayor
Council Cbamber,
2nd. February, 1959
The Finance Meeting was held on February 2nd, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided·
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $64,297.28 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt witb, were
ordered placed in tile Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers.
TIle Committee arose and reported to Council 'on tile motion of AId. White and Aid.
READ A}D ADOPTED' 9th, February, 1959.
Council Chamber,
2nd. February, 1959.
TIle Conm~ittee re-assembled at the close of tile regular Council sod
Finance Meetings for tile purpose oE passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Conm~ittee.
The following_~y.-~law was p~s~'~
No. 5722 - To provide monies for gc;leral purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Hartin and Aid. Morton that AId. I, IcKintey
be granted tile privilege of introducing tile by-law and the by-law be given the 1st.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ALd. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. White and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
In connection with Voucher Number 214 listed on tile Money By-law, id was
ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. l.iowers that the matter be r~fcrrcd to
the Arena, Parks and Recreation Committee for consideration and a report co Council.
Aid. Mowers was of the opinion that all accounts should be approvcd by a
senior official of the Corporation before presentation to Council.
Tile City Manager advised that all accounts shall from this date forward
be brought to his attention before presentation to tile Finance Committee.
Alderman White, Council's reprcsestativc oo the Greater Niagara Area
Planning Board submitted a plan on which was outlined a proposed expansiou oE the
jurisdiction of the Area Planning Board, extending inter alia into parts of tile
Townships of Crowland and Thorold and requested advice as to whether thc Council
of the City of Niagara Falls, being the designated municipality, had any objection.
Following perusal of the plan as sebmitted, Council agreed that they would have no
objection to the proposed extension.
At this time, Dr. J. II. Davidson, Chairman of the Local Board of llcalth,
who was present at the meeting in connection with the proposed by-law, number 5719
which had had tl.;o readings at the previous meeting of Council and which provides
for the licensing and regulating of toursing homes, was permitted to speak ou the
motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Martin.
Dr. Davidson advised that he had inspected tile known nursing homes in tl~c
City of Niagara Falls and as a general rule was satisfied with what he had found,
apart from the lack of space and indicated that although, as he had stated in reply
to a question from one of the members of Council, he was in fayour o£ a by-law, he
still felt that there should be certain stipulations included to slake it clear as
to the requirements with reference to graduate nurses and the ~unctions that these
nurses might perform.
After a full discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin,
seconded by Ald. McCallurn, that the third reading of by-law number 5719 be tabled,
with the suggestion that the Chairman of the Local Board of Health submit reeormnendations
as to what he thinks Should be incorporated in the by-law, Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on tile motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. February, 1959.
Council Chamber,
The Conference Conmittee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, February 2nd, 1959. All
Members were present. His Worship, 1,~yor Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Conmittee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED 9th. February, 1959.
Township llull,
4 th .February, 1959.
A special joint meeting of tile Councils of the City of Niagara Falls,
the Township of Stamford and the Village of Chippaws was held in the Township llall
on February 4th, 1959 at 8 p.m. for the purpose of discussing several matters of
conm~on interest. Present were, for the City of Niagara Fails, Mayor F. J. Miller,
and all members of the City Council with the exception of Aid. J. G. White, Mr.
W. S. err, City Manager, Mr. D. C. Patton, City Clerk, Mr. W. J. McBurncy, City
Solicitor, Mr. S. R. Price, City Engineer and Mr. liarold Dickson, City Treasurer;
for the Township of Stamford Reeve E. E. Mitchelson, and all members of tile Township
Council, Mr. A. C. Huggins, Township Clerk, 1.ir. C. Eidt, Township Engineer, lliss J.
La Marsh, Township Solicitor, Mr. R. Dawc, Township Treasurer; for the Village of
Chippaws Reeve J. MacKenzie and all members of the Village Council and the Village
Clerk Mr. R. T. N. Callan.
The first item on the agenda being that of the question as to whether a
by-law to regulate and control the sale and/or use of fireworks would be considered.
Reeve .E.E. Mitchelson, Chairman of the joint meeting, outlined briefly what had
taken pllce to date and called upon Mr. D.E.Calvert, Q.C. , representing sol,~c si:;tcuu
merchants in the area, for his cormhunts. Mr. Calvert advocated no controlling by-law
or if there was one considered, that it constitute some moderated form of contr.o~,
pointing out that the sale of firworks in tile area was a very important busincss
representing a considerable turn-over insofar as dollars and cents were c~ncerned.
Mr. J. S. Kaumeyer was then heard, indicating that he intcuded to reserve
'his remarks until such time as the brief or briefs had been presented. Mr. Ladouter,
having been granted permission, then stated that he was opposcd to any ban of the
use of fireworks but would not look with disfavour on some £orm of rcstriction.
Mrs. Leosick representing the Local Council of Wonion and the Niagara District Home
and School Clubs, then submitted a brief which indicated the concern of the group
she represented and reconmlending various clauses which, in the opision of Mrs.Lcssick,
and the people she represented, should be incorporated in ally rcgulatory or controlling
by-law. At the completion of her presentation, she questioned why it was necessary
for tourists to buy fireworks in this area and why such purchase could not be made in
their own country, a question which was answered by Mr, D. E. Calvert, Q.C. Mr.
Reinhart then, on being permitted to speak, referred to tile difference in e:cplosive
content of fireworks in Canada and in the United States. Mrs. Hcthcringtou speaking
in support of the brief submitted by Mrs. Leosick, enquircd as to whcthcr any specific
inspection of premises was made, having in mind the sale of fireworks and was advised
by the Township Clerk and Solicitor that tilere was nothing of the type she referred
to presently carried out. Mr. 1~. E. Herwood also referred in some detail to the firu
works question, indicating that he was desirous of more information as to what if
anything might be proposed.
Reeve Mitchelson then having heard representations of interested parties
in tile audience, asked Mayor Miller for his conm~ents and the Mayor stated that, in
his opinion, the first question to be decided at this joint meeting was whether a
by-law was deemed advisable and if it would appear to be advisable., then any such
'by-law should be ohe that was uniform throughout tile entire area, Reeve MacKenzie
advocated no hasty decision, pointing out that since his Council was present that
they would have to make their own decision. Reeve Mitchelson stated that he felt
that a Committee should be established which together with tile Solicitors would draft
a by-law if one was desired. Following further discussion it was ordered on tile
motion of Alderman George Martin and Councillor Clarke that a fact-finding conmittcc
be set up comprising two Members front each Council which together with their Solicitors
would bring in a report to their respective Councils. Carried Unanimously.
TIle second item on the agenda being the question of whether tile provisions
of The Homemakers' and Nurses' Services Act would be invoked and tile Victorian Order
of Nurses be utilized in this regard, was then brought to tile fore and on permission
from the Chair, Mr. Tillbrook presented a brief oe behalf of the V.O.N. suggesting
participation of the three municipalities and setting out what thsy cossiderod the
net costs would be to the respective municipalities and indicated his desire that
Councils look with favour upon their request, with the hope that the Organization
could expand its services and reduce its requirements from the United Appeal. At
tbis point, Mr. A. G. Huggins, at the request of the Chairman, outlined briefly the
Township's experience and suggested that if the request was considered with favour
that the municipalities consider the pa}~nent of a flat rate for the first year on a
trial basis.
A full discussion was then held with reference to the Act and its
ramifications and Councillor A. A, MacBain, President of the Victorian Order of
Nurses Association, suggested that the Councils in considering an item for their
budget estimates keep in mind some leeway as to the figure used. Following this
discussion it was ordered on the motion of Reeve MacKenzie and Alderman Clifford
Gregory that the Councils approve in principle the request submitted and refer the
matter to their respective Budget Committee for consideration when the 1959
Estimates were being prepared. Carried Unanimously.
TIle third item on the agenda being that of the request from 11unt's
Ambulance Service for an increase in municipal grants, the Chairman then requested
Mr. Hunt to outline his request and the reasons therefor. Mr. llunt proceeded to do
so in some detail. During the discussion on this subject it was suggested by
Councillor G. Bates that there might be some consideration given to another method
~ of handling this service and Alderman A, J. McKinley suggested that when the matter
is considered specifically, that Mr. Hunt should make available his 1958 Auditor's
report and also on the suggestion of Councillor Clarke that information as to thc
number of calls made and tbeir distribution be also made available. Following a
discussion it was ordered on tile motion of Alderman George Mowers and Alderman
Harold Morton that a committee be set up, the personnel to be appointed by the heads
of tile three Councils for the purpose of looking into this subject, with the under-
standing that the information previously referred to, be made available to tile
Cormmittee and that tbe Committee report back to their respective Councils. Carried
Unanimous ly.
The fourth item on tile agenda being tile question of publication of
proclamations, the Chairman referred to the confusion that frequently exists
because of tbe frequency with which requests of this nature are submitted to tho
various Councils, and suggested that it might be advisable to have a joint or
concerted action on tbe part of the Couucits concerned. Followlag discussion it
was agreed tbat the Councils in joint session approve in principle the suggestions.
of Reeve Mitchelson and that each Council would pass a resolution authenticating
this suggestion.
The fifth and final item on the agenda being that of consideration to
the proposed by-law for the licensing of electrical contractors, electricians,etc.
and the interested persons having assembled, the Chairman called upon Mr. H. R.
Smith to briefly outline his objections wbich Mr. Smith proceeded to do, referring
specifically to the requirement for municipal licensing purposes, of registration
with the Electrical Contractors' Association, suggesting that there might be an
alternative and possibly a municipal examiners' board. H~ also referred to Section
4, agreeing with the Solicitor's recommendation, as contained in his report, to
the effect that the posting of the municipal licence be the only thing required,
rather than any licenee or emblem of the Electrical Contractors' Association.
At this point, upon request of the Chairman, the City Solicitor,
W. J. McBurney, explained the sections of the report which he had previously
submitted to the Council of the City of Niagara Falls. .~
Mr. Booth, Secretary-Manager of the E.C.A. then on request of the
Chairman, confirmed the understanding as to registration with his Association .and
clarified the purposes of bonding the registered individuals, indicating that this
method assures some form of recovery if necessary, where improper practice has been
carried out. Mr. Ross Derrick representing Appliance Dealers in the area, enquired
as to where their Organization would fit under the terms of the by-law and was
advised by Mr. Booth that in the year 1958 an additional Class "D" had been included
in the Association's by-laws ,Which he was satisfied would cover. their problems.
Mr. Bob Gale, an Oil Burner Installer, was queried as to the affect on
his type of emplog~nent and was assured that Section 4 of the proposed by-law ~.:ould
satisfactorily cover his activities in view of tile explanatiou given by Mr. BootIx
as to the additional Class added. Mr. L. Evans, an installer of refrigerators was
also given similar assurance as was Mr. E. Simon of the A. and S. Electric. At this
point, Deputy Reeve Robt. Keighan, directed several questions to Mr. Booth of tbc
E.C.A. particularly with rcfcrence to the obtaining oE a certificate of apprenticeship
and its possible affect or validity as compared with the examination and registration
with the E.C ~A.
Having heard the various representations, the Chairman thcn suggested that
the matter be referred back to the joint conm~ittcc which was originally set up for
study of this problem and that they now give the matter further consideration,
having in mind the brief or briefs which have been submitted, suggestions made aud
any other phase which might serve to bring about a satisfactory by-law and that they
then report to their respective Councils for further consideration at a later date
in joint session. The suggestion of the Chairman was concurred in by all present.
There being no further busiuess, Mayor F. J. Miller then expressed the
appreciation of himself and his Council for the manner in which the meeting had
been conducted and for the invitation to attend, an e:~pression ~:hich was coucurrcd in
by Reeve MacKenzie.
The Chairman then declared the meeting adjourned.
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. February, 1959.
Council Chamber,
9 th .February, 1959
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, February
9th, 1959. for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald. Gregory.
A delegation was present from the United Electrical Workers, Local
505 concerning the problems facing silverware workers in this coranunity, and it was
ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that Mr. John Landry,
Chairman, Local 505, U.E. Legislative Committee, be permitted to address Council.
Mr. Landry distributed copies of a brief concerning International Silver Workers and
£heir plight due to large lay-offs caused by increasing imports of silverware from
Japan and the United States. Mr. Landry requested Council to support the attempts
of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association and Local Union 505 to have the Canadian
Government take the necessary steps to restrict dumping and unfair importation of
cutlery and hollow-ware and to call on all levels of Government to take necessary
action which will assure Canadian Silverware workers will have a fair and equal
opportunity to compete on our own Canadian market.
A full discussion followed and. it was then ordered on the motion of
Ald. White and Ald. Gregory that the brief be fully endorsed.
SEE Conm~unication No.69.
Laid over from previous meetings;
.No. 43 - John Brodcrick - requesting amendment to By-law 5149 to permit the use of
.1421 and 1433 Victoria Avenue for motel purposes. Mr. Broderick, who was present
at the meeting, was permitted to speak to Council on the motion of Ald. White and
Ald. McKinley. He reported on his contact with the Department of Highways with
reference to this matter, advising that the original application had been lost,
thus causing some delay in the Department's decision; but that now advice had been
received from the Department that due to the fact that the property in question is
on an access road, it will be necessary for the proposed construction to be located
back some 35 feet therefrom. Mr. Broderick requested Council to have the Property
ConLmittee present their recommendation at the next meeting of Council, as his client
would be willing to abide by the Department's requirementsX Upon being queried by
Ald. Morton whether his client was ironring for someone else, Mr. Broderick assured
Council that to the best of his knowledge and belief it was his client's intention
to construct the proposed motel and operate th~ same himself. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the matter be tabled until a decision of the
Department has been received.
SEE Report Nun~er 32.
No. 44 - J.G.Collins Real Estate Limited - requesting advice as to whether permission
for a fraternal organization to operate a club at 2114 Culp St. would be granted by
Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. l.~ite that the communication
be received and filed and p~rmission be not granted due to the fact that the property
is in a rosidenttal area.
SEE Report Number
No. 65 - John Broderic__k - requesting amendment to By-law 5149 to allow property
presently owned by Frank Grimo adjacent to Ferry Street and Grey Avenue to be used
for motel purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. McCallum that the
communication be received and the applicant be advised that permission will not be
granted for the use of the property as outlined in his communication but that the
Property Committee would review the matter if it ,ere proposed to use the properties
known as 1636 and 1646 Ferry Street in conjunction with the property suggested in the
SEE Report Number 34.
Tile following Conmmnications were presented;
No. 66 - The Railwa~_j_~ssociation of Canada - requestlug advice regarding the
adoption of Daylight Saving Time. ORDERED on thc motion of Ald. 14artin and Ald.
Morton that the communication be received and filed aud the Association be advised
immediately that the City of Niagara Falls intends to adopt Daylight Saving Time
and observe the same dates as those of the Association, namely, 1201 a.m. Sunday,
April 26th, 1959 until 12.01 a.m. Sunday, October 25th, 1959.
No. 67 - Stamford District Public Schools - requesting proclamation of Education
Week, March 1st, to 7th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley
that the communication be received and filed and the proclamation issued as a
joint one.
SEE Resolution No.34.
No. 68 - Ontario Traffic Conference - advising of increased membership fee. ORDERED
on the motion of AId, White and Aid. Morton that the con~uunication be received aud
filed and membership fee be paid.
No. 69 - United Electrical Worke~ Local 505 - requesting permission to read a short
brief dealing with importation of Japanese and United Stated Cutlery and Uollow-ware
into Canada, resulting in unemplo)~ent of silverware workers, and requesting Council's
endorsation of the action of Local 505. ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. Uhitc and AId.
Gregory that the communication be received and filed and thc Council of thc City of
Niagara Falls endorse their action and support the brief as presented and copies be
forwarded to the Cabinet and also to our Local Member of Parliament in Ottawa and
take whatever steps deemed advisable in order to implement the request of the U.E.W.
for support in their opposition to silverware importations.
No. 70 - Niagara Frontier Humane Socie~l - requesting grant for 1959. ORDERED on tl~c
motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the cormnunication be received and referred
to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared.
No. 71 - CitX of St. Thomas - resolution requesting amendment to Ontario Regulation
147/58 to permit municipal welfare officers to issue medical welfare vouchers each
month to needy persons maintained in nursing homes where such a needy person would
ordinarily qualify for relief assistance if he were not a patient in a nursing home.
The City Clerk advised.verbally concerning this resolution, to the effect that the
resolution is a timely one, as it is an attempt to see that in the Legislation itself,
there'is a provision made for this type of care. The City Clerk further advised that
here in Niagara Falls where anything of this nature arises, we have been doing exactly
what the resolution outlines. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. White
that the resolution be.received and endorsed.
The following conmlunication not listed on the agenda, but distributed
by the writer, was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton, read and
also that the Commissioner of the Niagara Falls Suburban Roads Conunission be heard.
Mr. Watson stated that the City Council had not inspected the work of tile Commission
but may have done so individually, and the Commission would be very glad to arrange a
tour, possibly two trips, in order to see exactly how the money has been spent in the
upkeep of roads.
No, 72 - NiaBara Falls Suburban Roads Conm~issi_o.n - Annual Report for 1958 and
proposed budget for 1959. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Nartin that
the communication be received and referred to the Budget Conm~ittee for consideration
when the Estimates are being prepared and that sometime in April, the City Manager
make arrangements with Commissioner Watson for a tour of suburban roads for wbicb the
City o~ Niagara Falls is paying a share and that Mr. Watson be highly comnended by
Council fo'r his excellent report and his participation on this Gommissiou.
At this point, the City Clerk advised verbally that as required under
the terms of The Municipal Act, the Security Bond for Officials of the municipality
was being produced for Council's inspection and direction as to where the Bond is to
be kept for safe keeping. The City Clerk further advised that it has been past
practice to file the Bond in the Crown Attorney's Office in Welland. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin that the report be received and the usual
procedure be followed as in previous years.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 32 - Property Committee - suggesting that no recon~nendation should be made to
Council with regard to application of Sam Covelli for'permission to erect a motel
on 1421 and 1433 Victoria Avenue, until the decision of the Department of Highways
has been received. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the
report be received and adopted.'
SEE Cormmunication No.43.
No. 33 - Property Conmittee - recommending that permission to use 2114 Culp Street
for club purposes be not granted due to the fact that the property is in a Residential
Area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the report be received
and adopted.
SEE Communication No.44.
No. 34 - Property Committee - recommending that permission be not granted for use of
property as outlined in Communication No. 65 but advising that the Conm~ittec will
review the matter if it were proposed to use 1636 and 1646 Ferry Street in conjunction
with the property suggested. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum
that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Communication No.65
No. 35 - ~egotiations Committee - report on meeting with representatives of Local
528, Niagara Falls Fire Fighters and advising of further meeting to be held. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and filed.
No. 36 - City ManaReK - report on meeting attended in Deputy MiniSter of Municipal
Affairs' office on February 3rd. re possible amendment to The Municipal Act to permit
municipalities to adopt the Council-[~nager form of government. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin that the report be received and filed.
No. 37 -_City Clerk - report of Conference held on February ~nd. ORDERED on the
motion'of Aid. Gregory and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted.
No. 38 - City Clerk - recommending i~suance of licenets. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received'and adopted and licenets
issued accordingly.
No. 39 - Fire Chief - Fourth Annual Report (1958) and recommendations. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. Morton that the report be received and referred
to the BUdget Committee for consideration when the 1959 Estimates are being prepared
and that the appreciation of Council be forwarded to the Chief and his staff for the
excellent job they have done in fire fighting and prevention services in the past
year and the commendations of Council be also forwarded to tile Chief and Fire
Inspector for the numerous addresses given to various clUbD~and lodges.
Ald. McKinley, Chairman of the Arena, Parks and Recreation Committee,
reported on the matter of the invoice for gas at the Memorial Arena, which has been
referred to his Committee from the previous meeting of Council, advising that after
investigation a satisfactory explanation has been given and that in the opinion of
the Committees the bill was quite in order. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted.
Ald. Mowers referred to the corner of Stanley Avenue and Valley Way where
a flat disc shaped object is located and was of the opinion that for at least appearance
sake, it should be camouflaged. TIle City Manager advised that this would be checked to
see whether an alternative location might be found.
Aid. McCallum requested the Traffic Committee to investigate the traffic
hazard at the corner of Ontario Avenue and Simcoe Street.
His Worship Mayor Miller advised Council concerning the invitation
extended by the Niagara Falls Skating Club, to attend their show at the Memorial ,Arena~
Sunday, February 22nd. at 8 p.m.
The South End Businessmen~s Assocation have also made tickets available
to Council for ~heir Annual Ladies Night to be held at tile GeorCtan Room, on Feb.
17th.~ All Members of Council indicated their intention to be present at the buffet
Ills Worship the Mayor, requested Alderman Martin and A!dcrman Uhite to
continue serving on tile Committee set up for the purpose of considering the proposed
By-law of the Electrical Contractors' Association.
Mayor Miller also appointed Alderman Mowers as a one-man Committee to work
with doramillet members of the other two area councils on the question of ambulance
The Mayor then appointed Alderman McCallum and Alderman McKinley as
representatives of the City Council on the Conmillet which is to work with similar
conunittees established by the other two area councils on the question of fireworks
or a possible fireworks by-law.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 34 - MOWERS - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that on occasions where requests arc subnlittcd
to the City Council for the publishing of proclamatkons and where such requests have
been officially approvcd, that the Clerk be empowered to consult with the Clerk or
Clerks of the other two area municipalities which may have received a similar request,
with a view to having the publication made in the local press as a joint one; and the
Seal of ti)e Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimousiX.
Council' _adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Mo~.:ers and Atd.Grcgo~ry.
READ AhrO ADOPTED, 16th. February, 1959.
Council Chamber,
9th,February, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on February 9th, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and
placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. 'Ald. McKinley,
Chairma~ of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $73~228.41 were approved by the Conm~ittee.
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald.
blowers 'and MayOr 'Miller. ' ..........
The Surmnary of Quotations regarding the tenders for the Rental of Construction
Equipment was presented, along with a report of the City Manager containing recom-
mendations that the tenders of Calaguiro Bros. Limited, Loranzo Construction Co. and
East~and.Brothers~ for various units, be accepted.
The City Manager advised verball)' also concerning the tenders
submitted, and that those he reco~m~ended were the low tenderors. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the Summary and City Manager's recom-
mendations be received and adopted.
The Conunittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. liartin and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 16th. February, 1959.
Council Chambcr,
9th.February, 1959.
The Conm~ittco of Conference of the City Council assembled at th~ close o, the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Honday, February 9th, 1959. ,~11 lie!tubers of
the Conm~ittee were prescnt~ His Worship, I~,'ayor Miller, presidcd as Chairman.
.':ftcr consideration of the items presented to them, the Conm~itteo adjourned on the
motion o£ AId. Mowers and Ald. Gregory.
READ AND ADOPTED ' 16tt: · February, 1959,
Council Chamber,
9th.February, 1959.
The Conm~ittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance ~Icetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee.
/~t' T ~AW
The followiny, By-law was passed;
No. 5723 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and Aid. Martin that Aid. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and thc byTlaw be given ~he first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Gregory and Aid. Mowers - ~arried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Gregory.
READ AND ADOPTED, 16t~. February, 1959.
Clerk' ·
LT ..
Council Chamber,
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, February
16th, 1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motiou of Ald. Morton and Aid.Gregory.
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 43 - Broderick and Burnerr - requesting amendment to By-law 5149 to permit use
of the property at 1421 and 1433 Victoria Avenue for motel purposes. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that Mr. Brodcrick be heard. Mr. Broderick
advised concerning the information received from th~ DepartBe~t of Highways to the
effect that the Department would issue a permit to construct a motel on this site if
the City Council would also issue a permit; the Department requested Mr. Broderick
· to ask if the City Clerk would advise the Department that Council would have no
objectiou, Referring to the Property Committee's report number 40, concerning two
adjacent lots to be used in connection with this motel project being in a Residential
Area, Mr. Broderick indicated that it would be worthwhile to seek to reclassify the
lots in question and requested that Council not commit themselves but just to
indicate whether an extension of possibly two or three mouths would be allowed the
applicant to try to obtain rcclassification of the land. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the matter be tabled and Report No.40 be received
and referred back to the Property Committee for a further report.
SEE Re_port No.40.
No. 63 - Jones Floor CoverinE~ - requesting possibility of moving bus stop located
in front of 1832 Ferry Street.
No. 64 - Coburn ~ioaners - requestinD relocation of bus stop in front of 1836 Ferry
Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the communications
be received and filed and that no change iu location of the bus stop be made at this
time. Carried with Ald. Martin-contrary.
SEE Report No.41.
No. 65 - Broderick and Burnerr - requesting amendment to By-law No, 5149 to permit
use of Ferry Street property as motel site.
SEE Communication No. 73.
The following Communications were presente__d;
No. 73 - Broderick and Burnerr - advising that their clieut proposes to use the
properties known as 1636 and 1646 Ferry Street in connection with the proposed motel.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that Mr. Broderick be permitted
to address Council. In response to Ald. Mower~~ query regarding the demolition of
existing structures, Mr. Broderick advised that the applicant proposes to live in
the house at 1646 Ferry St. until the motel is completed, after which the house would
be demolished. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Gregory that the
matter be tabled and referred back to the Property Committee.
No. 74 - United Electrical Workers~ Local 505 - appreciation for Council's support
of brief concerning unemployment problem of International Silver Workers. ORDERED
on the motion of AId..Gregory and AId. Martin that the communication be received
and filed.
No. 75 - Minijter of Trade and Commerce - acknowledging receipt of brief,of U,E.W.
ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the communication be
received and filed and the U.E.W. be advised accordingly and also that Mr. W.L.Houck,
Local Member of Parliament will ehortly be speaking on this subject in the llouse of
No. 76 - b_lajgr__of Tilb__u.r}' - euclosing resolution to petition the Department of
Highways that Highway 401 overpass County Roads and any local road important to the
progressive growth of that locality. ORDERED on the motioe of Aid. Martin and A!d.
White that tile resolution be received and endorsed and that City of Niagara Falls'
representatives support tile resolution at the forthcoming Convection of tile Ontario
Good Roads Association, being held in Toronto ou Feb.23rd. to 25th.
No. 77 -Qrjt~ar~io_G_oo~d Roaj§~f~sSo_c~a~tiop ~ special notice to urban municipalitics
regarding group meeting to be held during Convention in Toronto. ORDERED ou the
motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. White that the comm~unication be received, noted aud
No. 78 - T!!e~Sa__lyaj_ion~A_rmjl - requestiug grant for 1959. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Aid. Norton that the conm~unication be received and referred to
the Budget Committee for cousideration when the Estimates arc being prepared.
No. 79 - K_iiJ.api_s }juj_i~c_Fc~s_ti_vgl - requesting grant for 1959. ORDERED on tile motion
of AId. HcKinley and Ald. Mowers that the conmmnication be received and referred to
tile Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are. being prepared.
No. S0 - Cjp_ad~i_a9 Cj_u_n_cj,l_oj__Cjj.r.i_s_t,i_gn_.s._ag_d__J~j9 . requesting proclmnation re
Brotherhood Week. ORDERED ou tile motiou of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the
communicatiou be received, filed and proclamation issued as requested.
No. 81 - C~tj of Pcterboroug!l - resolution recommending that thc Department of
Education of Ontario, study possibility of preparing standard plans and specifications
for various sizes and types of schools and place same at the disposal of all Boards
of Education and School Boards of Ontario for their own use and guidqnce. OR6ERED
on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Gregory that the resolution be received and
filed. Carried, with Aid. Morton-contrary. Aid. Morton previously moved that the
resolution be endorsed, but there was no secondcr to this motion,
No. 82 - T~wndrow Industries - requesting permission to reproduce the crest of the
City of Niagara Falls on shields in order to market them to local merchants as gift
and souvenir items, ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. McCallum that
the communication be received and filed and permission be not granted.
No. 83 - N_i._af~ara German-Canadian Soccer C_l~u_b_ - requesting permission to use tile
Soccer field at Oakes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, |,|artiu and Ald. Morton
that the conm~unication be received and referred to the Parks and Rocreation Com-
mittee with power to act.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 40 - F!pper~ Conm~ittee - re application for motel at 1421 and 1433 Victoria
Avenue and advising that Lot 506 on Robert St. and Lot 498, Kitchcner St. which
will be used in conjunctiou with this proposition, are in a Residential Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report be received
and referred back to the Property Co~nittee for a further report.
SEE Communication Number 43.
No. 41 - Traffic Conmittee - recon~ending that the requests from the merchants at
1832 and 1836 Ferry Street for the rolocation of the bus stop presently established
in front of their premises, be not approved and that no change iu location be made
at this time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that tile report
be received and adopted.
SEE Commnunications 63 aud 64.
No. 42 - ~ity Ma_n~ger - advising of the appointment of Hugh F. Smith to thc position
of Permanent Operator at the Niagara Falls Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that tile report be received and a, dopted. Carried
Unanimous 1 y.
No. 43 -.T~'_a.f_fip Cg~]~i[_t_c_c ' recol~mending preparation of estimates for paving
Ontario Avenue from St. to Morrison St; tbu elimination of parking on the north
side of Willmort St. bctwccn Victoria and Valley Way; erection of "Caution"
signs on cast side of Ontario south of Sirecot and on north side of Sirecot St.
cast of Ontario; photographs and details of Simp~c:~ Parking Meters be obtained
for stud)' by the Committee before any purchase of meters is made for parking lot
at St. Clair Ave. and Park St. ORDERED on tbc motion of A!d. Morton and AId.
Gregory that the report and reconm~endations be received and adopted. Carried
No. 44 ..121~gg~tjgns~og~t~t~ - report on meeting with representatives of Civic
Employees, Local 133, on February llth. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.-Howors and
Aid. Gregory that the report be received and filed.
No. 45 - Ci~y_Clc~'h - advising of reduction of per diem rate of the Cbildrcn's Aid
Society of Welland County for year 1959. ORDERED on the motio~ of Aid. White and
Aid. HcKinley that the report bc received and filed.
Aid. [lorton, Council's representative on the Children's Aid Society,
proceeded to report in some detail on boarding bomes in the County, number of
children involved and placed out for adoption~ etc. and advised that the Annual
Dinner is to be held on April 9th. at Niagara Falls.
No. 46 - City_.Cl~7~ - rcconm~ending issuance of liccnces. ORDERED on the motion of
A].d. 1.IcKi~cy and Aid. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and licerites
issued accordingly.
No. 47 - S~'c.t~rX, LoKaA ~ppr~ pf ~1c~ - Annual Report. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. McKinley and Aid. McCallum that the report be received and filed.
No. 48 - ~X~o~.~r. 'rcfcrring to suggestions of the Chairman of the Local
Board of llcalth and rccon~ending additions to the by-law t.o provide ~or licensing
and regulating nursing homes. As tbis report was received too late for inclusion
on this evening's agenda, it was ordered read on the motion of Aid. McKinley and
Ald. Gregory. ORDERED on the motion of A]d. Hartin and Aid. Morton that the report
be received and noted and the by-law be ~ended accordingly, before the third reading
of the by-law.
Aid. Mowers, Oouncil's representative on the.Joint Co~mnittce on Ilighcr
Education, presented a verbal report on his attendance at the meeting held in Welland
on February lOth. which comprised primarily an organization meeting, and advised that
the conm~ittec were of the opinion that there should be some funds on hand for the
eventual use of the conm~ittcc but not for the purpose of buildiug up any surplus,
and suggested that consideration bc given to the basis of half of one cent per caput,
which in the case of the City of Niagara Falls, would amount to approximately $120.
of a total of some $1,500. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Gregory
that the verbal report be received and adopted and referred to the Budget Conm~ittee
for consideration when the Estimates arc being prepared.
At the request of Aid. Gregory, the City Manager will take under advise-
ment the matter of the possible re-routing of a bus service to the General Hospital
now located on North Main Street. Aid. Gregory referred to the number of people
visiting the hospital without hiearts of transportation and was of the opinion that an
investigation should be made to see if the situation has changed to warrant the bus
· The followiuR Resolution was passed;
No. 35 - M~c_K_I.N_LE~Y__-_}~_OJ'~.RS. ' RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be
held at 9 A.M. on Saturday, February 21st, 1959~ and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. '
Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Hecting on the motion of A! d. liartin and Ac1. !.7!,it.c
REf~ A}D ADOPTED, 21st. February, 1959.
.~ ..........
1Sal. or,
Cou~.cil Cha!.~ber,
16th.February, 1959.
The Finance l~cctin5 was held on February 16th, 1959 for the purpose of
appreving and also passing the various accounts which bad bc..e.~ properly certi
and placed before them. All Members of the Coi~mj. ittce were present. Ald.HcKinlcl
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $124,838.64 were approved by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted being passed or otherwise dealt ~..itb, L. cre ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid.
Howors and Aid. Martin.
The City Manager's report on the application of the Fallsway Hotel,
Clifton Ilill, for a building permit to cover three additions to the e::istfng structure,
at an estimated cost of $250,000. ~;as presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and
permit be issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of the Salvation Army for a
building permit to cover interior alterations to the east and west ~.:ings of the
old hospital building on Jepson Street, at an estimated cost of $5,000. ~:as presented.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. llcCallum that the report be received
and adopted and permit be issued.
The Conm~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. }lowers and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. February, 1959.
Glerk '
Council Chamber,
161h. Fcbruary,1959.
The Conm~ittcc re-assembled at tbc close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law ~;bich covered the accounts
approved by the Conrnittec.
· _TIDe._ fo__l lgi.Ci n~B~Bjl_-_laj~ WjS~D as s edj.
No. 5724 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Meters and Aid. Morton tbat Aid.IIcKinlcy
bc granted the privilcgc of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unauimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and AId. Grcgory- Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourued to Conference on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid.Martin.
READ Ai\~ ADOPTED, 21st. February~ 1959.
Council Chamber,
16th.February, 1959.
The Conference Cohen]tree of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, February 16th. 1959. All Members
of the Committee were present. tlis Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Con~mittoe adjourned on the
motiou of jAld. blartin and Ald. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. February, 1959.
Cout:cil Chambc:-,
lSth.Februarv, 1959.
A joint meeting of the Councils of the City of Niagara Fa]!s, the
Township of Stamford and the Village of Chippaws, gas held in thc Council Chalubcr at
the City Hall at 7.30 p,m. on February 18th, 1959, for the purpose of discussi!~r5
problems conm~ou to all three municipalities, particularly uith refers:ice ~o grants
in aid and similar matters. llis Uorship, Mayor liil]cr, presided. Present
for the City of Niagara Falls,All Illembers of Council; for tile To,.cnship of Stamford,
all lietubers of Council and for tile Village of Chippawa, a] ! histubers of Couucil.
His l.:orsbip, Hayor Hillor, e::tended a eelcome to th~ tv:o visiting R·~eves and tb:~
Members of their Council and indicated the reason for the ]totting, suggesting that
debate be kept to a minimum so as to facilitate the handling o2 the various itsins
on the agenda.
~_t.qg! p~!c. _-_ Kn_i_t+ej.!'~pl~_c_~l -Uith rcfcrcnce to cilia topic, ll~cve l:itch~ison,
advised that the Township of Stamford had in 1958 contributed $1,000,00 and were
given credit for the supplying of quarters to the extent of ~;90G.O0, result]n[; in
the total contribution by that municipality of $1,900.00. The Reeve of the Vil!agc
of Chippawa advised tbat his municipality had made no contribution to date. Tl:c
City of Niagara Falls had contributed $2,000.00 in the year 1953 and in both the
cases of the City of Niagara Falls aud the Township of Stamford, they have bGcn
asked for an increase of $1,000.00. Ald. Gregory, at the request of llis Uer:;hip,
llayor 1,1illcr~ advised as to the reason for the increase bcing requested by the
United .ippeal, being basically the failure of their fund-raising campaign and
increase in operating costs. Following furti:er discussion on the subject, it x.'as
suggested by Alderman Mowers that in this case, as well as in n:ost of the other
cases, the percentage basis ntilized with reference to liespiral Debontur~ Costs
could be adopted, and in tbc particular instance of the Unitcd Appual, that an
allowaucc would be made for the material contribution by the Tot, nship of 'Stamford.
This suggestion seemed to meet with tbc approval of Uhn group and it v,,as ordered
on the motion of Alderman Mowers and Deputy Reeve Ks]than tibet the sa~nc basis as
that used for distribution of Hospital Debt Charges, bc applied to all grants,
where feasible. Carried Unanimously, It was tbeu ordered on tbe motion of '~deri~an
Mowers and Deputy Reeve Keighan that for the purposes of Itmn Ib. 1, (United Appeal),
the total sanount be established at $5,500. including tim service supplied by the
Township of Stmnford. Carried with Councillor MacBain-contrary.
It~em Two -_~39.g_aEa..._F_rpn_t_i_e_r !fun!age. So.ci~ety - with reference to this
it was revealed that the City of Niagara Falls had contributed in ]953, $5,000.00,
the Township of Stamford, $4,000.00 and the Village of Chippa\za $400.00 for a total
of $9,400.00. Following a discussion it was ordered on the motion of A]dernmn
1.Iartiu and Councillor Bates tbat tbc over all amount for this item (Niagara
FrOutier flumane Society) be $10,000.00. Carried Unanimously.
~I~tgn~L~ Tbr_c_e_ _-..~p~_u.st~'.i~i _C_o~nuni_t_t.ce. ~o_f ~t[!c _C_h~n~.c.r_ o.f 9pmmerc e - in tbis
instances, it was revealed that the City of Niagara Falls had contributed $4,500.00
in the year 1958, the Township of Stamford $4,500.00 and the Village of Chippawa,
nil, for a total of $9,000.00. With reference to this item, Reeve Mitchelson
advised that the survey suggested by the Township of Stamford and rcfcrrcd to in
the conmiunication from the Industrial Conunittce, was deemed advisable and that they
had in mind that such a survey would bc conducted by a qualified firm. A discussion
was then held as to the need or advisability of having such a survey carried out
and the respective Councils were polled as to their opinion by the beads of each
municipality; the results of which indicated that in the case of the City of
Niagara Falls, the majority were opposed and the Township of Stamford in layout;
and the Village of Gbippawa, majority opposed. This opposition was qualified by
the indication that it was to the survey and not ueccssarily towards thc
Industrial Committee or provision of funds for that body. Councillor Bates, on
bcing requested, clarified the attitude of his Council with reference to tie, afore-
mentioned survey, starlug that it was ticsigned to be in a sense, an aualysis not
an inventory and to be more of a guide as to direction in which money should bc
spent for the most benefit.
Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion of
Alderman [io~crs and Councillor Bates that the coanunication and contained request
be referred to the respective Councils for their Budget Colmnittccs and titat the
total amount of contribution to the Industrial Colmmittee of the Chamber of
Coxaaercc be $10,000.00 with the uudcrstanding that when monies were made available
by the Councils to the Industrial Colatittee, that such a survey bc carried out by
professional people and the cost be provided out of the amount made available to
tlte Coll. mlittec. Carried ~:ith Aldermen McKinley and White opposed.
· _Sljl_ Cj. nm~unication I,io. 84.
I tem~l'gu_r__- Tp~r_i,s.t Cpnm~ttcc of the phgDtD_cF, pf Cogm~cr.cc requesting
$25,000.00. In this connection, it was revealed that iu 1958 the City of Niagara
Falls contributed $8,000.00, the Township of Stamford $8,000.00 and the Village
of Chippawa~ nil, for a total of $16,000.00. Following a lengthy discussion on
this subject, it was ordered on the motion o Couucillor Bates and Alderman
i:cKinley that the comaunication be received and referred to the respective Councils
for their Dudget Co~mnittccs and that an~ action as to amounts be left in Abeyance
and the Tourist Conm~i~gcc be ashed co make available to all three Councils~ full
information as to their activities in the year 1958, both revenue and c::pcnditure;
uc ~ n at~on to indicate the basis of contribution by tbc Chamber itself.
Carried Unafiimously.
S Ej_~ o~u~j:j~j,t i o I~ j~ o_2 8_~t
I_tej~,F_iy, c.,- qrcqt_~E Ui~a_gar~_AEc~_P_la~pUiL]gB.~qa_Ed., requesting $25,700.
Iu this connection, Councillor Bates e:{plaincd the reason for the sizable increase
in the request, pointing out that he as one member was not in fayour of the item of
$5,000.00 contained in their Estimates for a Manager and being of the Opinion that
this could probably be eliminated. Hc did, however, poiut out that following a
meeting of representatives and the Township of Stamford in the City of Torouto,
that they were satisfied that the procedure of the ~oard up until now had been
wrong and that proper methods should be foliowed, which would involve competaut
staff and a full-time planner. lie also stated that the Township of Stamford
realize that that municipality, in view of the volume of work in that municipality,
should pay more. Reeve Mitcbelson confirmed the statements of Councillor Bates
and advised Chat the Township of Stamford were prepared to pay 55% of the over all
cost, but on being questioned wid~ reference to this percentage, indicated that
the Township would go as high as 60%, but this was considered to be the ma:{imum,
indicating that if this were not acceptable, the Township would resort to other
methods. Mayor Miller suggested that it might. be advisable to leave this topic
until such time as the Merger Survey, which is presently being conducted, was
brought in; a suggestion concurred in by Atdcrman Mowers. But Councillor Bates
stated that they were two different topics and that the Merger Survey had no bearing
on the question at issue. Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion
of Alderman liartin and Deputy Reeve Clarke that the conmmnication be received and
referred to the respective Councils for their Budget Con~ittees and that action be
loft in abeyance until the Councils bare had a chance to discuss the matter further.
Carried Unanimously. In connection with the foregoing, it was understood that this
discussion would take place at the earliest possible
SEE Conm~unication No,86..
Ij~ .Sjj~.7_ ~,e~.gn_j~j~j~J~j~.ev~n~_t~_ i~l ~o~'~_. - t'ith reference to
this itchb Alderman Martin, Chairman of the 'Co~aittee of the City of Niagara Falls
to go into this topic, advised t]~at it wag considered that tbemos~ satisfactory
tbing for the area would bc to have such nniform method of recognition for groups
or individuals who had obtainrid Ontario Championships, pointing out that the
present method is rather bit and miss and not at all satisfactory. Following
discussion, it was agreed that Reeves Mitchelson and HacKcnzie would appoint
Committee ldcmbers to work witb tbe Conm~ittcc of the City of Niagara Falls, with
a view to bringing in a rccmm~endation which would be satisfactory to all concerned.
Itc~n.~cY~._T.~j~tJrjJj! O~d~JIJ~j~FJJ~, iu this connection, it was
agreed by all' i'eplrcscntatives that the service suggested or proposed by the Victorian
Order of Nurses was an essential one and that the action previously taken by the
Councils in joint sessiou, .would be carried out~ namely, that when Budget Estimates
ware being considered, funds would bc made available for the implcmc~tation of the
ItchI E.ight - ~rant,s in GencrF.1,-in this connection, l;dernlan !tow :rs m~u~X3c:~t~d
that the logical thing to do ~:ou!d bc to establish totals for au: grol,li~ ~r ~n.-Zia,.,ir;ati,~n
and that then Clio basis of allotment be the same as that !}rcvio!ls!,y sugSJstcd ~:t t'~is
meeting, namely, on a ratio of assessment and population. ?ot]ouinl~ a discur;rzio,~, ~t
~.:as agreed that the heads of Clio three municipalities set up cos,sitter-!; cl~n~iu-~siT~[t ~{~
each case, the C]erhs and one Member of each Council; this ioint Col~mtittea to consider
the questions and submit a report and rcconmaendation.
~teF P~ine -/kmb~tlancc. Seryicc. .'riderman l:u,x.'crs rcportil~g for the J,zint
Committee which was previously ~et up, indicated that ~hc'y had not yet finizhcd
investigation and that they would present a full report at a ]at~,r date but that
the meantime for the guidance of the Councils, in prcperin~j their Lsti~ratcs, the
should consider an item for this purpose, based on
z ccnts i]~U Ca])Ut,
The following Conmlunications uerc I rcsex~tcdi
No. 84 - I!~us~Ki_~l Co_n~:t~ttec 9_f. ~!Lc _Cb_aU~por' of Co[mzerce - requesting a! lc<-at~o,~ c ;3
$!0,000. by the joint councils for the )'car 1959. ORDEP, ED on tha ::orion of
and Councillor Bates that tha communication and contained request bc rcjZcrrcd
respective Councils for their Budget Conmdttccs aed that the total amount of contr~but.~o:~
to the Industrial Con'~nittce bc $10,000.00, with the underst:ai~ding that ~,,hc:t Insults
made available by the Councils, that such a survey be carried out b:. professions! ll~oplc
and the cost be provided out of the aresuet made oval!able to the Committee. Carried
with Aldermen l,icKinlcy and White-opposed.
[;o, B5 - Tg~ur_i~t ~,o,p~itt~ec of, ~DP C!~ambc~- oy GopGtcrcc - requesting $25,000. for the
1959 Tourist Progrant. ORDERED on the motion of Councillor Bates and _'~]d:'rman
McKinley that the communication be received and referred to tbc reSpeCtiVe Councils
for their Budget Committees and that any action as to amounts bc ]c'ft in she"ante
and the Tourist Committee be asked to make available to all three Council,s ~ull
information as to their activities in the )'car 1958, both revenue and c:~pcnditurc;
such information to indicate the basis of contribution by the Chamber itself. Carried
No. 86 - Gpca~p~ ~Ii~gaKa D. rea, _P.l~pping Boar~ ~ requesting $25,700. for the Lear 1959.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martiu and Deputy Reeve Clarke that tbc conm:unicatien
be received and referred to the respective Councils for their Budget Conmdtt~:!s and
that action be left in abeyance until the Councils havehad a chance to discuss tbc
matter further. Carried Unanimously.
There being no further business, Ilis !':orship I,!ayor Idillcr thanhod tbc heads
of the other two municipalities, the Council Members and Officials for attendance
jand was in turn thanked for the privilege by Reeve Mitcbclson of the Township of
Stamford and Reeve MacKenzie of the Village of Chippaws.
It was thou ordered on the motion of Alderman Mowers and Alderman liartin that tlxc
meeting adjourn.
READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. February, 1959.
Counci t Chamber,
21st .February, 1959.
Pursuaut to adjournment, Council met at 9.00 a.uu on Saturday, February
21st, 1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Mes~bers of Council v:erc present. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous regular and special meetings~ adopted these on tile motion of Aid.
Gregory and AId. HcCallum.
Laid over frontJ!ruvious meeting;
No. 43 - D_ro_de~'~i_c_k__a?d._Bu~r~!_e_t_t_ - requesting an anmndmcnt to By-law Number 5149 to
permit the use of 1421 and 1433 Victoria Avenue for the erection and operation of a
motel. ORDERED on the motion of '~ld. Nartin and Ald. Gregory that the conm~unication
bc received and filed and the report of the Property Committee reconmcnding to Council
that the portion of Victoria Avenue north of tbe Canadian Corps property be not made
available for the erection of motels be adopted, with the addition of the words
"at the present time".
SEE R._ci~o__rts__Nos, 40 and 49,
No. 65 - By_o_d_eri_c~_ _aj!d' __B_ur_ne_t_t - requesting an amendment to By-law 5149 to allow the
use of adjaccnt property to Ferry St. Grey St. and Gladstonc Ave. for motel purposes.
No. 73 - B__rqd__erjcl_i .an__d_ B.u_r_np_t_t - advising of proposal of client to use 1636 and 1646
Ferry St. in connection with proposed motel project. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
Morton and Aid. 1.1cOallure that the conununications be received and filed and the report
of the Property Conm~ittec rcconmmndiug that By-law 514q be amended to permit the
proposed motel and that the building permit must provide that the dwellings known as
1636 and 1646 and 1654 Ferry Street and 1914 Grey Avenue and the existing .concrete
block shop on Gladstone Aveuue shall be removed from the site, be adopted. Carried
~.:ith Ald. Hartin-contrary.
SEE Report Number 50.
The followiml Conmmnications were presented;
No. ~7 - B_..C_,~F~.~jkir_ C.a+d_ets,~ Sq~a_d_Xo_n !2_6. - requesting grant for 1959. ORDERED on
the motion of Aid. 14orton and Aid. Nowors that the conmmnication be received and
referred to the Budget Conm~ittee for consideration when the Estimates arc being
No. 88 - 9_i_t31_M_a!~aZg;_p_f _N_o_rtjk_Ba_t - resolution urgieg the Ontario Provincial Police
to equip their Highway Patrol Men with station wagon vehicles and that said vehicles
be fitted with adequate ambulance equipment so that they can be used for emergency
ambulances and thus give injured persons proper artcurios. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Mowers and Aid. Gregory that the resolution be received and filed. Carried
with AId. 14orton-contrary.
No. 89 - I2~.aJ~l'_a__Falls and Suburban Area Plannil!g' Board - resume of work carried
out in 1958. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers aud Aid. M~Kinley that the
eo~muunicatiou be received sad referred to Genietenet for cOusideration.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
'No. 40 - F_r_o~_e_r~X_C~o_n~ti_t.t_c_e - re application for motel at 1421 aud 1433 Victoria Ave.
and advising that Lot 506 on Robert St. and Lot 498, Kitcheacr St. which will be
used in conjuuction with this proposition, arc in a Residential Area.
~ort No.49.
l'_h_c..~fg~l ljwjj!g_tl~al~_o!t.s' }{c.r~%l>_r_cs_ej: ted i
lie. 49 - Prop_cr.ty_ Co~mnittee - rcconuncnding titat the portion of Victoria A\'~::u: ..orth
of the Canadian Corps property be not made available for the erection of L:ott:7 z,
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin aud Ud. Gregory that tim report ba r~c=ivud
and adopted, with the addition of the words "at the proscut time' . Cazricd
lie. 50 - Frpp.e.rty goum~ittce - recox:m:ending that By-law 51!:9 be a:.,cndcd to pen:::it Lhc
erection of the motel proposed by I.ir. Frank Grin: and further rccouu.mcndinb
building permit must provide that the dwellings known as 1636, ]646 and !654 U~rr)
Street and 1914 Grey Avcnuc and the c::isting concrete block shop on Gladsto:,c .\.'~.
be removed froln the site. ORDERlED on the motion of Ald. iL'rtou
that the report be received and adopted. Carried with A!d. 1Cartin-contrarl.
SEE Coi:i,~u::icatiou.i 65 -75
go. 51 - !].agp.t~_ti?L _Co}~sitt,e,e - report on muGling with Civic li:..i~iol'cvr un l:,bruari
19th. regarding wage adjustments for 1959. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Ik:rti:~ and
Aid. 1.iowers that the report be received and filed.
No. 52 - !,',¢Jip,t_i,a_t~ng ~prrai[ittee - report on racetin5 with Fire Fiohtcrs to discuss
adjustments for 1959. ORDERED on the motion oi Ald. liartin and .'lid. l~ortoe that t'.',~.
report be received and filed.
i:e, 53 ~ Ci_ty. Ii_an~ger - report on meeting wi th C.~.II. officials in 'foronto <m Fdn]Tth,
to discuss the construction of a eew bridge over the C.2:.R. right-of-we3 ou Victoria
Avenue, and suggesting that the preliminary layout ptau bc prepared by thu City and a
study made o5 the possibility of providing an a!tcruativc route for th~ no'.-c:::cnt of
traffic during coastruction of the new structure. ORDERED on thd motion of Aid.
Hurton and Aid. I,icCallum that the report be received and adopted.
No. 54 - City ~!cA'.l~ - reconunending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the n:otion of
Aid, i. lurton and Aid. Gregory that the report bu received and adopted and ] icenets
issued accordingly, with the c::ception of the application of Whiro's Auto ];cdl-
Fender Works, 1706 Ferry Street, whic[i is to ba with-held pending contact by the
City Hanagcr to have the applicant take the necessary steps to clean up the propert}.
.~!derman l.!artin, oxic of Council's representatives on tile Advisory Coinmittcc,
lot the purpose of stimulating employment during Lintcr mouths, reported vcrba!]y
at this time on the meeting artended b> Aldersran Uhite and himself on Friday,February
.19th. supplying figures as to the cmploDnmnt situatioo of males aud females in this
area, which indicated that there was an increase of 30 unemployed over the sa,.ic pcriod
for 1958. The Alderman advised that all those registered for worh were receiving
uncmplo>mmnt insurance with the exception of 129; and hc outlined the steps taken by
the Conmittee to have Contractors use loca] help in their contracting work in this
area; and the contacts made with Ontario Ilydro and Canadian IIiagara Peter Colupany
to consider doing any worh that could bc done now so that the situatioin could be
further relieved. Ilc also referred to the advertising scheme ia use, that is, four
bill boards throughout the arcs and also in local prcss.
It was pointed out that the figure of those unemployed included "uncmployablcs",
people who had retired and did not seek work and those who normally only worked in the
summer months.
AId. White suggested that the Ninister of Public Worlcs should be urged to
conmmncc work on the new public building, ~.:hicb would give employment to sonlc of those
The City Manager rcfer~-cd to the Winter Works Incentive Program under way
by the City but indicated that due to iuclcmcnt weather, some of this work had to be
delayed because expensive equipment would be required to break grouud which has three
and a half feet of frost.
Aid. Martial conmmndcd the City Manager and Engineering Staff for the way
the job was carried out on Lundy's Lane from Hanan Avenue to Druuunoud Road v:here the
water line was installed. lle stated that the whole operation was done by hand aud
thurc was little interference witIx the movement of traffic.
Ald. Norton requested the City I. Ianagcr to inspect the Bridge Street
Athletic grounds where permission is grautcd for the sale of Christmas trees. The
Alderman advised that the stakes which were driven into the ground to display the
Christmas trees arc still in position and'could bc hazardous to children skating in
the area. Aid. liartin was of the opinion that there should bc some provisiou when
permission is granted for die sale of Christmas trees, that the stakes be removed
'when the sale is finished. AId. Nowcrs was in favour of a fee of $50. a portion
which would be rcfuadcd providing the grounds were tictrod,
The City Hanager advised that the City has no control over private
property and if it is the desire of Council to control said operations, that a by-law
would have to be passed·
SEE Resolution Number
llis Uorship, Kayor 14il!cr, advised that at the Joint Hccting bold on
Feb. 18th, it was decided that a Committee should bc set up to consider Grants in
General and was of the opinion that Alderman McKinley should be so appointed.
llis l~orship, Hayor Hil!er, expressed congratulations to .'alderman Clifford
Gregory upon his election as President of the Greater Niagara United Appeal.
_L~a_i~d over_ from tile pr_qy_~_o.u_s_
~go~.__571~9 - A by-law to provide for licensing and rcgulati?.5 nursing hoL:es.
Third Reading - (as amended -Ald. Mowers and :lid. l!artiu - Carried Uua:~.iz:ous/y.
5725 - To amend By-lm.: l!umbcr 3790, being a by-law for the rcguiation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion o{j :\Id. ]fhitc and Aid. Gregory that A)d. l!.!rton bc
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the bL-law be givce the first.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on tile motion of lid. Tierton and _lid. !towers that }Z:le 26 (2) of
tile Standing Rules of Council be tcmporari!y suspended and the b)'-la~: bc given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. I. iorton and Aid. l. lcKinlcy - Carried U'_'.animously.
The fo~_xo,.j~p}__nfLo.l_u_t__i_o~Js ~j_cF_c~P_aJ_sed;
No. 36 - IIO]!ERS - IHIlTE - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of
Niagara Fali;s'i}dhiki6~'lha Department of llighways for the province of Ontario for the
Statutory Grant under The Ilighway Improvement Act on expenditures made during the
year 1958; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 37 - 1OUg~$j_I~IARTJN - RESOLVED that the Property Comnittce consider the drafting
of a by-law to ensure that lots used for the sale of Christmas trees are properly
cleaned up after use; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affi::cd.
G~rr~iDd Unanimously.
No. 38 - I..~IITE - MOWERS - RESOLVED that Alderman McKinley along with the City Clerk
be appoinak'~'~' ~i~']~Llt Colmuittce which is to consider Grants in Gcaeral; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 39 - H.ABT!}J_- }.!QW.EII_S' - RESOLVED that a letter of congratulations be forwarded to
l-ir. Edward llicks, Fireman with the Niagara Falls Fire Department, upon his achievement
in winning the "Outstanding Young Man of the Year Award" sponsored by tile Liagara
Falls Junior Chamber of Conmlorce; and the Seal of the Corporation bc hereto affixed.
Carried Uuanimously.
llis Worship, Mayor Miller, referred to the intersection of Huron Street
and Ontario Avenuc~ where the hazard of collision by motorists seems to 'be prevalent
and requested the Traffic Cosunittae to consider the possibility of installing a
blinker light.
A]d.l,lcCallum referred to the parking meters in front of the Post Office
on Queen Street and tile suggestion which has been made that these meters be converted
to 5-minute meters; and also requested consideration to tile installation of a curb
mail bo:~ at Chat location,
With reference to blinker lights, AId. McKinley'was of the opinion titat
tile City should not have to go to such expense where titere were stop signs already
Aid. Mowers referred to the nuisance created on residential streets
through such installatiou.
Ald. Mowers also referred to caution signs and the confusion in some
motorists' miuds when proceeding to an iutcrsection and mistaking the caution sign for
a stop sign. He was of the Opinion that the word "caution" should be painted on both
sides so that motorists approaching would know the difference.
Council adjourned to the Finance }icering on the motion o.- A:d. liotcrs ar.d Aid.
READ AIqD ~M]OPTED, 2nd. I. iarch, 1959.
Clerk ]layer
Council Chamber,
21st. Fubruary, ]959.
The Finance Meeting was held on February 21st,1959 for the purpose of approvinL
and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed hcfore
them· All Members of the Conm~ittee were present· Aid. llcKinley, Chairman of Finance,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $31,870.65 were approvcd by the Conmmittce.
The Accounts submitted being passed or othcrbisc dealt titb, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid.Martin
and Aid. Mowers.
The Conmlittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Mowers aud White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2rid. March, 1959.
of Finance,
Council Chamber,
21st .February, 1959.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Neetints for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approve~ by
the Conuni~tce.
The followinJlB_~v_-lav: t.:as
Iqo. 5726 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the n~otion of Aid. Gregory and .Aid. Martin that Aid.McKinley
be granted the privilege of in~roduciug the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 1.lcKinley and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Stauding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and cite by-law be given
the seecud reading. - Carried Unanimously.
-Third geadiug - AId. 14artin and Aid. McCallurn - Carried UnanimouSly.
Aid. Martin referred to the ventilating fan is the Council Chamber and
its irregular operation and the City 1.1auager advised that the Electrical Department
will check same.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. 1.1owers add Ald. McCallum.
READ A~ ADOPTED, 2nd. 1.latch, 1959.
Council Chamber,
The Conference Cmm~itte¢ of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Saturday, February 21st,1959. All
Hembers of the Con~ittcc were present. His Worship, [layer Miller, presided as
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Conm~ittee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Howors and Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd. March, 1959.
Clerk Gbairman
o ~
c,/ tc~
oo ~,
~ p~ o
Council Chainbet,
2nd. Iqarch, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, March 2nd.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory.
On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton, Mr. K. E. Potter, Busi!less
Manager, of the International Brotherhood of Electrical ~.;orkers, Local 303, was
permitted to speak.
Mr. Potter spoke in connection with the communication from Local 303,
explaining that the communication may be misleading to the Members of Council, IIc
stated that Local 303 are in accord with the form of by-law proposed by tile
Electrical Contractors~ Association which would provide for the licensing of
Electrical Contractors, Electricians, Master Electricians aud Journeyshen Electriciar, s,
said by-law to be exerted by the City of Niagara Fulls, if and ~.:hen passed, [ir. Potter
requested that the by-law be given its third reading at Council's earliest convenience,
S__EE Con_m!uJ~j~c!t_~p,_!_No.
_Th__e following Conmiunications were preseut~eJ;
No. 90 - C_aj!ad_i~a_n_~LeJion~,~B_r_ap_clj_j_l - expressing appreciation for tile use of the
Niagara Falls Memorial Arena in connection with the Greater Niagara Legion Minor
Hockey Night, Feb. 20th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and .lid. McCallurn
that the communication be received and filed.
No. 91 - L_e_i~_5~_So~c!e_r__C~l~u_b - requesting use of Oakes Park for practice on
Wednesdays and for league games on Saturdays. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers
and Aid. Morton that the conmmnication be received and referred to the Parks aud
Recreation Committee for a report.
No. 92 - l~_~pJ~Biamonte - requesting permission to continue operating the concessions
at Oakes Stadium for 1959 season under same terms and conditions as in previous years.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the colm~unication be
received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Coxmlittee for a report.
No. 93 - Joint Con~ittee on H_i~!er ~ti~ - resolution requesting an amount of
1/2 cent per capita. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that tile
communication be received and filed, as this matter was previously referred to the
Budget Committee for inclusion in the Budget Estimates·
No. 94 - International Brotherhood of Electri_c~l ~orker~, Local 303 - supporting
proposed by-law for the licensing of Electrical Contractors, etc. ORDERED oe the
motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the communication be received and
referred to the joint committee set up to deal with the by-law.proposed,
No. 95 - Lundy's Lane Historic~LJ~ietj - requesting grant for 1959. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald, White and Ald. Gregory that the conm~unication be received and
referred to the Budget Conmittee for consideration when the Estimates are being
prepared; the Gity Clerk to ascertain from the Society the amount of grant desirable,
No. 96 - GrJ~_tej_..Ni_.a~a_Ea~S~a~fe~t_~ g_ou_nc.~+l - requesting financial assistance in 1959.
ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that tile cormmunication be
received and referred to the Budget Conmxittee for consideration when the Estimates
are being prepared.
The following. RJR~rts_wer_Je_presented;
No. 55 - N__eggt~i_a_t_igp§.C_o~nmip~t~e_e - advising of agreement with Civic Employees regarding
worhing conditions for 1959, at the meeting held on February 27th. ORDERED ca the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that tile report be received and filed.
No. 56 - N_cgoj~iat~ioj§__Co__mmi~t_tee - advisiug that no decision was reached at the meeting
held on Feb. 27th. with the Fire Fighters regarding working conditions, etc. for tile
year 1959. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. 1.1cCallum that the report
be received and filed.
No. 57 - Ci~ty ~1_ap.ag_c~_i recommending attendauto of City Treasurer at the Couvention
of Intern~[ional Municipal Finance Officers, to be held in Montreal, June 7th. to
llth. 1959. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report
and recommendation be received and adopted.
No. 58 - C~tX~!l_ap~ag_eF - reconm~ending attendance of Street Superintendeut at the
School for Asphalt Plant Operators and Foremen, conducted by the Ontario Equipment
and Supply Limited in Toronto, March 10th. and llth, 1959. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Mortoe and Ald. Gregory that the report and recosunendation be received 'and
No. 59 - Ci_t_~_M~p~J_er~ - reconm~ending that Asphalt Foreman attend Course sponsored
by the Department of Righways, for Asphalt Inspectors in Toronto from March 9tb. to
20th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallurn that the report and
reoonnnendation be received and adopted.
No. 60 - Traffic Conmdttee - report on meeting held on Feb. 27th. with Magistrate
Roberrs, ~d'o~h~'~f~i~s, to discuss the traffic by-laws of the City and the
possibility of preparing new and up-to-date traffic by-laws; and requesting that
authority be given to conduct a complete and accurate survey of the whole city to
ascertain existing controls and their efficiency, so that any new by-l~s will be.
modern and cover all phases of traffic control. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and authority be
granted for the survey as requested.
No. 61 - C~_tlMjjm_g~[.- report on possibility of providing a bus service to the
Greater Niagara General Hospital and suggesting that conmunication be forwarded to
the Superintendent of Bus Services, N. S. and T, Railway requesting that when new
schedules are prepared, the Company keep in mind the desirability of providing bus
service to the hospital, if at all possible. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory
and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed and the suggestion of the City
Manager be adopted.
No. 62 - Git~ Clerk - report on Conference held on Feb. 21st. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 63 - ~ty ~jej~ - Report on Uncollectible Tax Items referred to the Court of
Revision by the City Treasurer, with recommendation that they be struck off the
Roll. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. Mowers that the report be
received and the reconm~endation of the Court, that Council authorize and direct the
Treasurer to strike the said taxes off the Roll, be adopted.
No, 64 - C~ Clerk - recommending issuaaee of licenoes, ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received andadopted and lioen~es
issued accordingly.'
No. 65 - City E_ngjneeE - report on meeting artended.in Toronto on February 23rd,
of City Engineers' Association and also 1 the Ontario ~ood Roads Convention on
.Feb. 24th. and 25th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mo~ers and Ald. NcKinley that
the report be received, the City Engineer thanked for.~lis excellent report and the
same be filed. ~,.
The following Resolution was R~s_sedj
No. 40 - ~'~Q_RT__O_N_7_ ~__4~I~TE - RESOLVED that the condolences of Ills Worship, the Mayor
and Members of the City Council be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. James C.
Brown, retired City employee; and tile Seal of the Corporation be hcreto affixed,
Carried Unanimously,
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid.Morton
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. March, 1959.
Council Chamber,
2nd. March,1959,
The Finance Meeting was held on March 2rid, 1959, for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified aed
placed before them. All Members of the Comnittee were present. Ald. McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in tile amount of $135,511.62 were approvcd by the Conm~ittee,
The Acconnts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council oll tile inotioe of Ald,
Martin and Aid. Morton.
The Cormnittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid.Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. March, 1959.
Council Chamber,
2nd .March, 1959.
The Conmittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Couacil and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered tile accounts
approved by the Committee.
The following By-law was pas~se~_
No. 5727 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that Aid.McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given tile first
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. MsCallum - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion o£ Aid. White and Aid. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. March, 1959.
Council Chamber,
2nd.l. Iarch, 1959.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, March 2rid, 1959, All 1.~cmbers of thc
Committee were present. Itis Worship, Mayor [liller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Conm~ittee adjourned on tile
motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. March, 1959.
Council Chamber,
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, March 9th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers. The Council, having received
and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald.
White and Ald. Gregory.
The followingCommunications were presented;
No. 97 - t{o~_o~j~ ~._~.~..M~c~laX,.~, ~t ' explanation of amendment to Tbe Power
Commission Act, dealing with grants in lieu of taxes payable to various municipalities
including Niagara Falls and tile Township of Stamford. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Martin and Ald. McCallurn that the communication be received and the Council of the
City of Niagara Falls publicly protest the passing .of tbis Bill and our Local 1Member,
of the ~rovincial Legislature be contacted to arrange a meeting with Premier L.M.
Frost, to discuss the subject, preferably before the second reading of the Bill.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 98 - Broderi~kand Bu~j~ett- advising of desire of applicant to amend application
for motel ~r~l[ on Snyder and Proctor properties on Victoria Avenue, between
Kitchener Street and Robert Street. Ald. McCallum, Chairman of the Property Committee,
referred to the report and recommendation presented at the meeting of February 21st.
that the portion of Victoria Avenue, north of the Canadian Corps property be not
made available for the erection o~ motels - at the present time, and stated that he
saw no reason to change the opinion of the Conm~ittee on this matter. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Gregory that the conmunication be received and
filed and the Solicitors be advised accordingly.
No. 99 - Ci~ty~C_~er_k_L _S.t~.. ~a_tha_r_i.n_e_s_ - resolution to abolish capital punishment.
ORDERED on' the motion of Ald. White and Ald. McCallum that tbe resolution be
received and filed.
No. 100- ~r_e~te~r.~i_aJla~.~r__c_h__B~l~.~§~p.cj~_i~- requesting grant for 1959.
ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the communication be
received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates
are being prepared.
No. 101 - ~t~rX Clp~p_f.~_iag~a!~a_.FL_a_~ls - Easter Seal Campaign, 1959. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the conmunication be received and
referred to the Budget Conmittee for consideration when the Estimates are being
No. 102 - ~.__s.~_nj_%u RjiljJ%~_S_3JZ~,_BjE_~!Y~c+P~ - advising of proposed curtail-
ment of bus service on two bus routes and requesting meeting with Traffic Committee
to discuss this problem. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that
the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee, and a meeting
be arranged with the Supt. of Bus Services, report to then be submitted to Council.
Ald. Morton, Chairman of the Traffic Comnittee, suggested that the meeting be
scheduled for Saturday morning, March 14th. at 9.30 a.m.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 55 - C_i~C__le~rJ~.- report on Conference held March 2nd. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martln that the report be reeelved and adopted.
No. 56 - Jo~i~nt__C.o~mmn~.t~_e~e o~! F_i_rewpr~s - report on meeting bold on I.Iarch 4ti~. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. McKinley that the report be received and adopted
and the necessary by-law be drafted along the lines suggested in the report. Carried,
with Aid. Morton-contrary.
No. 57 - Jp_i~n_t_CpmPlit_t~e_e. 9!! ~ti.s.cel,lan~°~s GXap. ts - report on meeting held March 9th.
ORDERED on the motion of ,lid. McKinley and Aid, McCallurn that the report be received
and referred to the Budget Conm~ittee for consideration when the Estimates are being
No. 58 - Ci_t_5~__C~_e~rJ~ - recommending issuance of liceuces. ORDERED oe the motion of
Aid. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and liccnces
issued accordingly.
No. 59 - As~s~e_s~p_r - Annual Report - ORDERED on the motion of AId. l.:hitc and Aid.
Martin that the report be received and laid on the table for the perusal of Council.
Aid. Martin referred to tile state of roads and streets throughout the
municipality and queried as to whether the City Manager intended to have an inspection
of tbe same so that holes may be filled.
The City Manager outlined the action being taken and the material being hauled
in from Warren Paving Company to cope with the conditions as the> arise. The City
Manager was of the opinion that the streets are not in an) worse condition for this
time of the year than usual, but felt that tile conditions will worsen as tile season
Aid. Morton referred to the manhole at the corner of Robert Street and
Second Avenue, advising that the same had sunk considerably.
The Alderman also referred to the bad hole at the corner of Third Avenue
and lturon Street, and was of the opinion that the same should receive daily inspection
from the Street Department. The Alderman also referred to River Road between Elgin
and Buttrey where a dangerous hole is located.
Ald. McKinley con~nented on the action taken by the Street Department on
Epworth Circle and stated that credit should be given to tbem for the job so well
Aid. Gregory reported on the meeting artended Monday afternoon, March 9th.
accompanied by Aid. McCallum, being Council's representatives on the Industrial
Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, tie referred to tile subject which came to the
fore with regard to the survey to be taken to ascertain what direction tile Conm~ittee's
activities should be in the future.
The Alderman advised that a meeting has been arranged with Mr, A. V. Crate,
Director of the Trade and Industry Branch of the Department of Planning and Development
for Wednesday morning, March 18th. in Toronto and that it was tile feeling of the
Conm~ittee that the Chairman of the Committee and a representative from the Niagara
Falls Council and the Stamford Council along with the Manager of tile Chamber of
Commerce should attend.
The City Clerk referred to the decision made at tile special meeting of
the three area councils on February 18tb. out of monies made available by the three
Councils to the Industrial Committee, it was understood that such a survey be carried
out by professional people and the cost be provided out of tile amount made available
to the Conunittee.
Ald~ Gregory advised that he was asking for permission for a member of
Council to attend the aforementioned meeting in Toronto.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald. McCallurn that this decision
be made by the Chairman and the other member of Council as to which one will attend
the forthcoming meeting with Mr. Crate on March 18th, Carried Unanimously,
Ald. Martin queried as to the resignation of Mr. G. R. Inglis, Civilian
Dofence Co-ordinator for Area "A" and requested advice as to what the situation is
at the present time with reference to Civilian Defence.
Aid. White, Council ts representative on Area "A" Conunittce as well
as on the Welland County Connnittee, explained what bad transpired up to this point,
including the resignation of Mr. Inglis and as a direct reply to Alderman Ma~'tin's
question concerning whether Civilian Deftrice was being adequately handled, Ald.
White replied "no". This explanation having been given, Ald. Martin appeared
satisfied, with the understanding, as .explained by Ald. White, that a further report
would be submitted following tile forthcoming meeting of the County Conm~ittee to
establish future procedure.
As a result of the catastrophe which occurred when the arena roof
collapsed at Listowel, and the anxiety of all municipalities for 1 the safety of
the public patrooizing such buildings, Aid. McKinley, queried as to the safeness
of the arena roof and was assured by the City Manager that the roof is frequently
inspected. The Manager advised that the roof is carried on steel t~usses which
rest on concrete walls, not concrete block walls; and that there are no cracks
in tile walls and unless something unusual happens, the roof is absolutely safe.
Ald. Morton referred to the parking of cars on Fourth Avenue by
teachers at Maple Street School and requested that Council authorize the Traffic
Con~nittee to approach the Board of Education regarding the provision of parking
space on school property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Martin
that the Traffic Committee be authorized to contact the Board of Education
regarding this matter.
His Worship the Mayor referred to the traffic condition on Delcware
Avenue at Maia Street and requested the Traffic Conunittee to again consider this
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on tile motion of Aid. Martin and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 16th. March, 1959.
Council Chamber,
9tb~ March, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on March 9th, 1959, for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and
placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of
Ald. Mowers. Ald. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of ~52,481.10 were approved by the Committee.
?~hc Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt ~.Jith, ~.'crc ol dcrcd
placed in the [ioney By-law ior presentation to the Council, on the n~otion of Ald,!Thitc
and Aid. Martin.
Aid. McKinley, Chairman of the Pinancc Conunittcc, referred to Voucher~ 52!
and 540 and requested the City Manager to tahc note of the .~alne, as it was hi~
to discuss these items to ascertain whether it would be possible t~ curtail the
involved. The City Manager presented a satisfactory c:~planation rt!gardi:~g these two
i toms.
Thc Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of :layor 51illc~ and Ald.
i, lartin.
READ A~D ADOPTED 16th. ~,larch, 1959.
9th. March, 1959.
TIle Co~msittee re-assembled at tile close of the regular Council and Finance.,
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered thc accounts approvcd by
the Co~muittee, All Members of Council were present, with the c:~coption of AId.Mowers.
The f_~ollowing By-law was passed;
I'k}. 5728 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motiou of AId, Martin and AId. Mortou that AId. llc[i[nley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law bc given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on ~he motion of AId. 1,1cKinlcy and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standlug Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law bc given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Gregory and Aid. White - Carried Unanimously.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 41 - MCKINLEY - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the next meeting of Council be held,
con~nencing at 4 p.m. on the aftersoon of March 16th, 1959, wi~h tile understanding
that following the hasriling of regular busioess, Council would resolve itself
into Co~mnittee of Finance, for full consideration of tile 1959 Budget Estimates;
and Khe Seal of tile Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimouslj.
Council adjourned on the mouion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Morton.
READ AND ADOPEED, 16th. March, 1959.
Council Chamber,
16tb.. 1Mrch, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 4.00 p.m. on Monday, F. arci~ 16th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory.
Laid over from the ~Drevious meeting_
No. 102 - N', S,. ~_n_d_ iF.,. ~_a_i~ly~y_,__B~us S~p~rintendent - proposed changes in two bus
routes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton aed AId. Mowers that the conm~unication
be received and filed and the report of tile traffic coIranittee be adopted.
The following Conmunications~?_e~r_e~p~rFs~en~t_edj
No. 103 - Wjn_.,_M,~ M~e~e~r _~Ljmite._d_- advising of availability of the service of the
Norma Division of the Compaoy. ORDERED on the motion of ~",ld. Mowers and Hd, ~Iowcrs
that the conm~unication be received and referred to the Managemcn~ Committee for a
No, 104 - Nj_a.gaF~_~F~_ls__ap_d' ~_pp.u_r_b_a._n. ~j~re.a P~_np~ng' BO.a.r.d - recov~uending that two
areas be re-zoned from Residential I to Commercial I. ORDERED on tile motion of .kld,
Morton and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received and filed and the
necessary action be taken to implement these reconmlendations,
SEE Resolution Number 43.
No. 105 - V_i_c~o__ria ~Jy_e_np..e,~Bp_s~i~nF~s~sn!e~!'~_j~p_oF~iat_ion - three queries regarding
Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and ,lid. Morton that the com-
muuication be received and filed.
No. 106 ~ J. V. LaMarsh - advising of proposed purchase of Snyder property, 1421
Victoria Avenue, and outlining proposed construction on this land. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Gregory that Miss LaMarsh, be permitted to speah to
Council. Miss LaMarsh advised that most of the information was already contained
in her communication and then referred to the by-law in effect governing buildings
on Victoria Avenue which would require amendment. ORDERED on the motion of .lid.
Mowers and Aid. McKinley that the conmmnication be received and referred to the
Property Conmittee for a report.
The following Reports were presented;
No, 60 - Traffic Committee - advising of Conunittee's approval of tile reduction in
bus routes requested by the N,S, and T, Railway Company, ORDERED on tile motion of
Ald, Morton and Ald, Mowers that the report be received and adopted,
SEE Connnunication No.102.
No, 61 - C__it_y_lia__nageF - report on meeting of Committee appointed to study Planning
Board's request for a grant in 1959, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley aud
Ald, Morton that the report be received and referred to the Budget Couuuittec Meetleg
for attention,
No. 62 - Traffic Con~nittee - nine reconunendations. ORDERED on tile motion of Aid.
Morton and ll'~'Y~7'e'g~'>~Vlat the report be received and adopted.
No. 63 - _C_i~tS;__E~jg.ij!e_e~ - Construction of storm relief sewers on Buckley Avenue between
Valley Way and Huron Street and on lluron Street between Buckley Avenue and Welland
Avenue. ORDERED on the motioo of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Mowers that tile report be
received and adopted and work proceeded with.
SEE Resolution Number 44.
No. 64 - Cjit3l,~je~i[% - recommending issuance of liceuces. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. McKinley and Aid, White that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No. 65 - Ci~tS'_~CJ_e. rk - enclosing application for Hawker' s and Pedlar's Licence
whicb has not been approved by Licensing Committee. ORDERED on tbe motion of Aid.
Mowers and Aid. McKinley that this report, not listed on the agenda, be read.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId, McKinley that the report be received,
the action of the Licensing Cormnittec endorsed, and the licence be not granted,
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 42 - MORTON - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that a message of sS~npathY on behalf of His
Worship ti~r},]l~o~' l~f~ers of the City Council, be forwarded to Mr. Melvin
Littlewood, upon the death of his father~ the late Mr. George Littlewood; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 43 - MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED that the recommendation of the Niagara Falls
............ '~- · ' lands bounded by
[e~nPlaVn~ng Board, concernzng tile re-zonxng of the
and Suburban ~ n ed Warren Avesue and Robinson
Murray Street, ~ctorxa Park, U open ' · ' Street and the
lands bounded by Robinson Street, Queen Victoria Park, Clifton Hill and the
Michigan Central Railway Tracks, be adopted and the necessary steps be taken to
have the Area Plan and implementing Zoning By-law amended so as to provide for the
said re-zoning; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimou_slj.
NO. 44 - MCKINLEY - MOHERS - RESOLVED that Report Number 63 for the construction
of storm relief sewers on Buckley Avenue between Valley Way and Huron Street and
on Huron Street between Buckley Avenue and Welland Avenue be adopted and the work
proceeded with as soon as convenient; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5729 - A by-lm~ to provide for borrowing $29,310.50 upon debentures to pay for
the construotion of concrete gutters on Spring Street, Homewood Avenue
and Elm Street; concrete sidewalks on Portage Road and Viotoria Avenue;
concrete sidewalk and gutter on Peer Street and asphalt pavement on
Homewood Avenue and Elm Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Morton that Aid. MoKinle)
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given tile first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morto'n that Rule 36 ('2)
of the Standing Rules of Counoil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Aid. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
At this point, His Worship Mayor Miller rc£errcd to a request x,:hich hc
had received from the Cub Scouts, Troop 848, of Oakdale, Pennsylvania, for ti~e loan
of a Canadian Flag, to be used during the month of April, x.:hcn the Scouts were going
to have a Canadian Theme during their activities. Ilis Worship advised that a flag
has been procured and forwarded to them for their use with the complin~onts o£ the
City of Niagara Falls as a gift from tile citizens as a gesture of i:~,ternational.
goodwill. ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. l.icKinley and AId. Eowers that the 1,1ayor's
action be approved.
Council adjourned to the Finauce Mcetiug on tile motion of Aid. 1,Iartin and Ald.
READ AN~D ADOPTED, 23rd. March, 1959.
Council Chainher,
16th. ',.larch, 1959,
The Finance Meeting was held on March 16th, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Conmlittee were present. AId. McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $138,224.22 were approved by the Conm~ittec.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid.
Mowers and Aid. Martin.
The City Manager's report on the application of Star Cleaners, Limited,
for permission to erect a neon sign at 1075 Bridge Street, at an estimated cost of
$150. was presented for consideration~ ORDERED on the motion of ,lid. Mowers and
Aid. Martin that the report be received and adopted and permission be granted,
The City Manager advised that he would take up with the Police Department
the complaint with regard to the truck belonging to the Start Cleallers Limited,
which apparently drives up on to the sidewalk on Bridge Street for unloading purposes,
such practice being hazardous.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd, March, 1959.
Chairman of Finance,
Ceuncil Chamber,
16th. March, 1959.
The Conm~ittec re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts, approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
TIle following Bji-law was passedl'
No. 5730 - To provide monies for general purposes'.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Ald. McKinlc.
be granted the privilege of introducing tile by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinle~ and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the byTlaw ,be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Aid. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd. Marclb 1959.
Council Chamber,
16th. March, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council re-assembled at 5 p.m. as a Committee
of Finance for the purpose of considering the 1959 Budget Estimates, with Aldermau
A. J. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presiding.
At the request of the Chairman, the Clerk read a report prepared by the
City Manager which set out the details of the Draft Budget as submitted, certain
actions taken in connection with the Estismtes, and a listing of the larger equipment
items which were contained therein.
At this point, Alderman McCallurn arrived.
Following the reading of the report, it was agreed that the items as
contained therein would be discussed individually.
Doj_r_d o~__E_d_u_ca__t_ioL~ B_udget.
With reference to tile Board of Education Budget, it was agreed that as
suggested by the City Manager, the reduction due to the revised Grant Regulations
be utilized in reducing the tax rate and tile question as to an additional reduction
in the City Budget be left until later in the meeting.
Niagara Falls FjX_e_,Fjgb,t?yp_,_ Lpc~.5~..
With reference to negotiations with tile Fire Fighters, Alderman Martin,
Chairman of thQ Negotiating Conunittec, explained what had taken place to date and
the results of the negotiations. Following an explanation, a discussion ~.:as held
and it was then ordered on tile motiou of Aid. Mo~.:ers and '~ld. :H~ite that the offer
of 3 and 1/2 percent made by the Negotiating Conm~ittee, be approved and held at
that level, if necessary, the matter be allowed to go to Arbitration. Carried
Unanimous 1 y.
It was then agreed that authority be given to the City's Negotiating
Committee to discuss the whole matter of tile Fire Department in particular, working
schedules and the engaging in other activities than that of the Fire Department,
with a view to receiving a full report and reconm~endations, possibly as to
'different arrangements for this Department.
With reference to the question of Grants, it was agreed that the general
treatment of grants, primarily on the percentage apportionment basis, be approvcd.
Mayor Miller expressed opposition to the provision of $7,120. for the
Tourist Committee, particularly if any part of these funds was to be utilized in
connection with the T. V. film. It was then agreed, with the exception of Aid. White
and Mayor Miller, that tile maximum for the City in this particular case, be $7,120.
for the Tourist Conunittec of the Chamber.
Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Plauning ~Bpa_rd - ~epprt 1N~mb_cr 61.
The Cleric then read the report concerning the meeting of the joint Committee
to discuss tile matter of an appropriation for the Planning Board and their request for
funds and it was agreed that discussion on this particular item be left until the
Conunittee reconvened.
The Conm~ittee adjourned at 6 p.m. for luncheon.
The Finance Conmlittee of the City Council reconvened at 7 p.m. for the
purpose of continuing the discussions ou the 1959 Budget Estimates.
Niagara Falls and _.Suburb_a_U~jl_re~a_ PljJ~J!ij~g ~B_o_ar~d.._
With reference to the Planning Board's request for funds, a lengthy
discussion ensued during which the suggestions made at the joint meeting were
discussed in detail. Following the discussion it was ordered on the motion of .'xld.
Martin and Aid. Mowers that the figure of $17,300. be approved as a maximum for
1959, the City's share therefore being a maximum of $6,225. Carried with Aid.Gregory,
The matter of the utilization of Reserves, as referred to in the Manager's
report, was approved.
Mjjor..It_e~ms .of Euqgjpment
The question of major items of equipment was then discussed and with
reference to the equipmsnt requested for the City Clerk~s, Assessor's and General
Office Departments, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. White
that the amounts be approved. Carried Unanimously.
Fire Department E~__ipment
With reference to the items of equipment requested for the Fire Department, it
was ordered on the motion of AId. Mowers and Mayor Miller that the amounts as
stated, be approved. Carried with Ald. Martin, opposed.
With reference to this item, it was then ordered on tile motion of .lid. White and
Aid. Martin, that no one of the items as requested for the Fire Department be
purchased until approval of Council has been received. Carried with Ald.McCallum,
Equipment for Street ~[aintenance Department
With reference to the items requested for the Street Maintenance Department,
it was ordered on the motion of jAld. White and Aid. Morton that the amounts as
stated be approved. Carried Unanimously.
E~u_i. pment for Engineering Department
With reference to the items of equipment requested for the Engineering Department,
it was ordered on the motion of AId. Gregory and AId, Mowers that the amount for a
calculator be increased from $300. to $500. and the total amount thus created of
$830. be approved. Carried Unanimously. d
Parking Me_t_e_r Departmeut.
With reference to the items requested for the Parking Meter Department, it was ordered
on the motion of AId. White and ,lid. Morton that the amounts as stated be approved.
Carried Unanimously.
.Equipment for Sewer Maintenance Department
With reference to the equipment requested for the Sewer Maintenance Department,
it was ordered on the motion of AId. Morton and ~ld. Gregory that an amount of
$6,800. be approved and no firm name be quoted. Carried Unanimously.
With reference to the items requested for the Mechanical Garage, it was ordered on
the motion of Mayor Miller and Aid. Morton that an amount of $953. be approved, with
the items for new building and twin post rests, totalling $9,235. deleted. Carried
Farks and Recreation Department
With reference to the items requested for the Parks and Recreation Department, it
was ordered on the motioa of Aid. Morton and Aid. Mowers that the items as shown,
totalling $8,825. be lapproved. Carried Unanimously.
Cemetery Department
With reference to the items requested for the Cemetery Department, it was ordered
on the motion of Ald. White and Mayor Miller that the amounts as shown, totalling
$1,430. be approved. Carried Unanimously.
Water Department
With reference to the items requested for the Water Department, it was ordered on
the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. White that the amounts as shown, totalling $2,500.
be approved. Carried Unanimously.
With reference to the truck requested for the Water Department~ it was ordered on
the motion of Ald. Morton and. Mayor Miller that the mnount as requested be approved~
the financing to be, as suggested in the report. Carried. Unanimously.
At this poiut, the Con~mittee proceeded to peruse the Budget proper,
Auditor's Fees
With reference to the Auditor's fees, it was ordered on the motion of
Aid. White and Aid. Morton that the request of the Auditing firm be granted and the
amount as contained in the draft estimates be increased from $4,000. to $4,500.
Carried Unanimously.
Grants - Chief Constables' Convention.
With reference to the various items of grants, as sho~.:n in the Grant
Section, it was ordered on the motion of .lid. Martin and Aid. Gregor) that the
amounts as contained in the Estimates be approvud, to include $500. for the Police
Constables' Convention, scheduled for the current year.
~i_aB_ara i3_r_e_a~_F_l_a_n.9.~j!g. ~.ogr_d
With reference to the items in the Estimates for ~hc Xiagara Arcs Plal. ning
Board, it was ordered on the motion of .\ld. Eartin and AId. liewets that the amount
contained in the Estimates be changed to read $6,228. as prcviousl> approved. Carried
Local Board of Bealth.
With reference to the Estimates for the Local Board of tlealth expenditures,
it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Morton that the amount as
contained in the Estimates for Remuneration of the Board 1.1embers, be increased from
$100. to $~00. Carried Unanimously.
Swinm~ing Fool
During the discussion concerning the Estimates for the Swimming Fool, iC
was ordered on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Gregory that the Arena, Parks
and Recreation Committee investigate the condition of tile buildings, grounds, etc.
and bring ins full report thereon. Carried Unanimously.
~irport Committee.
Following a discussion on this particular item, for which nothing was
shown in the Estimates as submitted, it was ordered on the motion of AId. Gregory
and Aid. Mowers that an amount of $820.35 as shown in tile Departmental Estimates'
Column, be extended for inclusion in the over-all Estimates. This motion was lost
on a tie vote, the vote being - in favour, AId. Mowers, Gregory, McCallurn, Martiu;
opposed - Aid. White, Mc~ ton, Mayor Miller and Aid. McKinley,
This concluded consideration of the Expenditure Items in the Draft
Estimates and the Cor~nittee proceeded to consider the Revenue Items shown, in which
no official alteration was made.
Mill Rates for 1959.
It was then moved by Ald. White, seconded by AId. Morton that the Mill
Rates for the year 1959 for the City of Niagara Falls, be established at 50.8 mills
for Residential Purposes, and 55.0 Mills for Conmercial Purposes and that the Budget
be brought in accordingly, having provided for all amendments ordered at this meeting.
This motion was not put and was later withdrawn.
Discussion was then held with reference to the over-all Budget and tile
Mill Rates and it was indicated by Aid. Martin that if there was no item included
in the Estimates for the Airport Committee as suggested in the Departmental Estimates,
he felt that he could not vote for the Budget; and, a similar iudication was made
by Aid. Mowers.
Following a discussion, the Chairman, Aid. McKinley, asked Mayor Miller
to take the Ghalr. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId.
Martin that an amount of $820.00 be placed in the Budget Estimates for the Airport
Conm~ittee. Carried, the vote b&ing, in favour - AId. McKinley, Gregory, Martin,
McGallum and Mowers; opposed, Ald. White and Morton.
Ald. McKinley then resumed the Chair.
It was ordered on the motion of .lid. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the
Mill Rates for the year 1959 for the City of Niagara Falls be established at 50.8
mills for Residential Purposes and 55.0 mills for Conm~ercial purposes and that the
Budget be brought in accordingly, having provided for all amenchnents ordered at
this meeting. Carried, the vote being, in favour - Mayor Miller~ ~ld. Mowers,
1,lcCallum, Martin and Gregory; opposed -Ald. White and Morton.
Mayor Miller in voting for the motion, indicated that he was in favour
of the Budget as a whole and the mill rates as contained in the motion, but was
still opposed to the provision of fuhds for the Tourist Conm~ittee, if any portion
was used for the T. V. film.
SEE Report Number 70.
On the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. Martin, the Co~mnittee adjourned.
READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd. March, 1959.
Council Chamber,
23rd. l.larch, 1959.
Pursuant to adjourtm~ent, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on I, londa,~, lierob 23rd.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and fina~ce. !11 lZcmbcrs of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the luinuces of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. 1,lorton and Aid. McCallurn.
La~d o~v~eE fro~_ ~!~_e_ pr~e__v.ip~us~+ nje~eFi~_n~g;
No. 106 - J. V. LaMarsh - on behalf of Spirehello and Bcllio, regarding purchase of
Snydcr property at 1421 Victoria .Ivenue and proposed erection of conm~e-rcial building
and demoliton of existing dwelling thereon. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ].~cKinley
and Aid. Morton that the co~unication be received and filed and the report of the
Property Conmittee reconm~ending that a buildiug permit be issued when the proper
detailed plans have been submitted, be received and adopted.
The following Conm~unications we__r_e_ p_rej~ep~t~dj
No. 107 - B_.~_I.._E~.~C!~ur_c!! - requesting permission to hold a tag day on August 8th.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and ,lid. Gregory that the conm~unication be
received and filed and permission granted as requested as the date is available.
No. 108 - Kitchener Street lieme and School Association - expressing appreciation
for Councii'!~"~hpb~' ~ ~-e~bi~ibh' {-~g~r~ing' ~i~Worics, OBDERED on the motion of
Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the corfm~unication be received and filed.
No. 109 - British-Canadian Veterans Association - invitation to attend annual
installati~h'~f' o~f~ ~{~ ~id~'~' l~\pr~i ~4t[~'. at 8 p.m. ORDERED un the motion
of Aid. Mowers and Aid. McKinley that the invitation be received but the Association
be advised that as this night has already been set aside to henour W. L. Houck,
M.P. it is hardly slikely that any Member of Council will find it possible to
attend the installation ceremonies due to this previous co~m~itment.
No. 110 - Greater Niagara Chamber' of Commerce - requesting sanction of the City
Council to'li~"ii~s~6~li~ b~'a~t~chdd ~bhia~mtion iu the local press at Chamber's
e,~pense with reference to '~Cbamber of Conm~erce Week", April 12th. to 18th.
ORDERED on the motioo of AId. Morton and AId. Gregory that the conmaunication be
received and filed and approval granted as requested·
No. 111 - Bell-- T__e_le~ph~o~nle_G~p_.._o,f C._a~n_a_d~a - requesting permission to rebuild existing
manhole at corner of Victoria Avenue and Kitchener Street. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Morton that. the eonununication be received and filed and
permission granted as requested,
B y- a_,t:
No. 112 - _A_. A. MacBain - requesting amendment to By-law 5149 for proposed con-
structiou of a motel at corner of River Road and Philip Street. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that the conununication be received and
referred to the Property Conm~ittee for consideration and a report.
No. 113 - City of London - resolution requesting Department's of Education and
Public Wel'~[~l~education of retarded ohildren on same basis as non-retarded
children. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the resolution
be recsived and endorsed.
Tile followinF, Reports were presented:
No. 66 - Prol!~jl~.qm~ittp~ . reconm~ending issuance of building permit for the
construction of proposed conmtcrcial buildimg at 1421 Victoria Avenue (Snyder property)
when proper detailed plans have been submitted. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
McKinley and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Commuuication No.106.
No, 67 - _Ci_tjL_M_anagR_r - requesting permission for the attendance of tile City Manager
and Uaterworks Superintendent at Canadian Section, American Waterworks Association
Convention, to be held in Montreal, May 4th, 5th, and 6th. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Morton that tile report be received and filed and permission
granted as requested.
No. 68 - C.i,ty_~[a_n_ag~_r_ - recommending the attendance of the Assessors at the forth-
coming convention of Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario, to be held in
Ottawa, May 18th. to 20th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. l.lartin and Aid. White
that the report be received and adopted.
'No. 69 - N~egp_qiat_ipg.__Cp~it_t~e,e _ advisiug of results of meeting with fire fighters,
Local 528, regarding wage schedules for 1959. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin
and Ald. White that tile report be received and filed,
Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Negotiating jCon~nittee of City Council,
at this time expressed appreciation to members of his Conm~ittec and members of tile
Negotiating Committees of the Civic Employees and the Fire Fighters for their co-
operation during meetings held and advised that this climaxed negotiations for the
year 1959.
No. 70 - Qha_i_r_m_an of F,i_n~!ce~ - report on Estin~ted Revenue and Expenditure Schedules
for the year 1959. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and .lid. Gregory that the
report be received and adopted and the resolution passed at the Budget Meeting
setting out the rates for the year 1959 and tile manner in which tile Budget was to be
brought in, be rescinded. Aid. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, voiced his appreciation
to the City Officials who did so much towards assisting in the preparation of the
Budget and to the Members of Council for their hours of deliberation thereon. His
Worship, 1.layor Miller, Aid. Whi~e and Aid. Morton indicated that altbougb they had
some objection to one or more of the items as contained in the Budget, they still
bad no intention of voting against its adoption. The Mayor further voiced his
disappointment at not having received grea~er assistance from the Ontario Hydro.
No. ~1 - ~ou~'.,s_~ep~.~[~!X~.~mb~,_~,~l Conm~ittee - report on
meeting held on March 20th. to evaluate findings of deleg~ti~i~lff~{ met with Trade
and Industry Brauch officials on possible industrial survey; and reconm~ending no
survey be undertaken at this time. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid.
White that the report be received and filed.
No. 72 - ~__ity C,l_erjc - Summar), o~ new legislatiou being enacted at present Session
of Ontario Legislature. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley aud AId. Mowers
that the report be received and filed. '
No. 73 - ~.itJ_ C__l_e. Kl_~ - reconmending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Aid. Norton that tile report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
Ald. Mort6n, Council's representative on the Children's Aid Society,
reported verbally on his attendance at a meeting held in Welland, advising of the
Judge's approval i~ the reduction of tile per diem rate from $1.95 to $1.51.
The Alderman further advised concerning the forthcoming Annual 14coring to be held
in tile United Church Hall in Stamford and also tile Convention to be held at tile
King Edward ltotel in Toronto on May 7th. and 8th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
NcKinley and Ald. Mowers that .lld. Morton be granted permission to attend tl/e
Convention in Toronto on May 7th. and 8th.
The followinf~, Resolution was p_a~sp~e~dj.
No. 45 - MQ~'I~B~, ,T. ]'~T!N - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City
Council be held on Tuesday,evening, I.iarch 31st. at 7.30 p.n. ~ud the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Ca~'r~. ~n~nimously
The following_~-laws F_e_rp_I~_as~sed;
No. 5731 - To provide for permission to Tile Bell Telephone Company of Canada
rebuild the existing manhole at the corner of Victoria _vcnue and
Kitchener Street.
ORDERED ou tile motiou of _ld. Eartin and kid. lqorton that Ald, McKiulcv
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tile by-law be givcu the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. 1.lowers and AId. i-lcKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be givcu the
seecud reading. - Carried Uuanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. McKinley and Ald. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5732 - To provide for the 1959 Expenditures on Roads and Streets in the City
of Niagara Falls,
ORDERED ou the motion of Ald. Lhite and AId. Eorton that ,lid. llcKinlcy
be granted the privilege of introducing tile by-law and the by-law be givcn the first
readiug. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of .lid. McKinley and Aid. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspeuded cud the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Martin and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5733 - To provide for the appropriations for the year 1959.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. Morton that Aid. McKinley
b'e graated the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspeuded and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. White ~ Carried Unanimously.
No. 5734 - To authorize tile levying and collecting of taxes for tile )'ear 1959; and
defining the certain duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and Collector for the
City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of ,lid. White and ,lid, Martin that Aid. i,|cKinlcy
be granted the privilege of introducing tile by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley cud Ald. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and tile by-law be given tile
second reading. - Carried Unaaimously.
Third Reading - AId. White and Aid. Martin - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5735 - To provide for giving the Collector of Taxes credit for the amount
returned by her to the Treasurer in the year 1958.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Ald. Martin that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Norton that Rule 36 (2)
of tile Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read tile
second time. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Nowers ]and .ild. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5736 - To authorize the manner in which taxes for the year 1959~ shall become
due, to provide a time for pa)~ueat and penalties for non-pa)~ent.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing tile by-law and thu by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and tile by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. 1,iartin and Ald. Morton.
READ ~ID ADOPTED, 31st. 1.~arch, 1959.
A cos~nunication from the Kiwanis Club of North Bay, requcsLieg Lbe Cit-
of Niagara Falls to purchase space in the souvenir booklet being printed in connection
with the Convention of Canadian Federation of Nayors and Reevcs~ to be held in North
Bay, May 31st. to June 3rd. was presented for consideration. ORDERZD o:: thu i,~oLion
of AId. Martin and Ald. Morton that the conm~.unication be received and left i~x the ¼ai~ds
of the Mayor and the Chairnmn of Finance, with power to act.
The Conm~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of .lid. 1,1artin aad .ild,
READ =~2~D ADOPTED 31st. March, 1959.
. · ~ ~ Chairm of Finance.
Council Chamber,
23rd. Marsb, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on March 23rd. 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been p~operly certified
and placed before them. All Members of tile Conm~ittee were present. Ald. McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided,
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $35,529.20 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being pas. sed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in tile Money By-law for presentation to tile Council, on tile motion
of Ald. White and Mayor Miller.
Council Chanxber,
23rd. 1.k~rch, 1959.
Tile Committee re-assembled at the close of tile regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered G~e accounts approvcd
by the Co~ra~ittee. All Members of Council were present.
Thee follOWing~ly-_/aw wj~u4~asaad.;_
No. 5737 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Morton that Aid. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the £irst
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and tile by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. White and Aid. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
His Worship, Mayor Miller, reminded the Members of Council to obtain their
tickets early for the W. L. Houck Testimonial scheduled for April 24th.
Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 31St. March, 1959.
Council Chamber,
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 31st.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present, with the exception of llis Worship, Mayor Miller. Enacting
Mayor Morton presided. Tbe Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meetings, adopted these on the motion of AId. Gregory and AId. McCallum.
SEE Resolution No. 46.
A deputation was present in connection with the conmunication received
from the Niagara Falls Minor Hockey Association and it was 6rdered on the motion of
Aid. Mowers and Aid. Gregory that Mr. John Burneft, Secretary-Treasurer of the
Association be permitted to address Council.
Mr. Burnerr advised that the Association's position was fully outlined
in their letter but pointed out that the teams did not get beyond the first stage
in play-off games solely due to the lack of practice periods available to them at
the Memorial Arena. Ha stated that the organization is now well organized and
competent to administer the leage and that their requirements will now be greater
and emphasized the necessity of having one night established as '~inor Hockey Night"
in order to schedule their games for league competition and solicit the support of
the community. Referring to non-residents' activities in tile Arena, he was of the
opinion that although their activities warrant some consideration, it is felt that
the young people of our own city should have priority.
SEE Co~mxunicaEion No.122
Laid over from the p~e~vious meeting'
No. 112 - A. A. MacBain - on behalf of Mr. V. Chernack re possible amendment to
by-law 514~.~f~L~I~C~llum, Chairman of the Property Connnittee, reported verbally,
advising of two reasons against recommending this property (corner of River Road
and Philip Street) for motel purposes, namely - residential area and 'secondly,
insufficient space for parking purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McCallurn,
and Ald. Mowers that the conm~unication be received and filed and tile recommendation
of the Property Conm~ittee be received and adopted and the property in question be
not made available for motel purposes. Carried Unanimously.
The following Co_n~nunications were_presente_~d;
No. 114 - ~p_ca__l. ~un.c_i! ~o~f IJomen - expressing appreciation for Council's endorse-
mont of resolution re sale of fireworks. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and
Ald. McCallum that the conmunication be received and filed, '
No. 115 - Niagara Falls Pubiic Library Board -teaquesting proclamation of the week
of April 12th. to 18th. as Canadian LiB~r~]~eek in the City of Niagara Falls.
No. 116 - Y. W. C. A. - requesting proclamation of Y.W.C.A. Week from ~ipril 19th. to
April 25thT"O~Rb~b"on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. McKinle. y that these two
conmmnications be considered together. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald,
Gregory that the eon~nunications be received and filed and the proclamations issued
as requestad.
No. 117 - Children's Aid Socie~Z_of Welland CountX . invitation to Annual Meeting
sad Dinner on April Qth. at 6.30 p.m. in Stamford United Church. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received, the
invitation accepted and as many of the Members of Council as find it possible attend.
No. 118 - Cpnm~j_t~tep p.f fX~justmen.t - notice of bearing to be bald on .lpri] 6tb. re
Coco-Cola Company's application re 2158 Main Street. ORDERED on the motiol~ of '~ld.
McKinley and AId. White that the conununication be received and filed.
No. 119 - Op_t~a_r_io. F~i_re. M~.rsh~l - .lnnual Training Course for rk!nicipal Fire Cbicfs,
to be held at University of Toronto, April 22rid.-24th. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Mowers and Aid. Gregory that the con~nunication be received and filed and that
Niagara Falls have representation at the Course and the choice of delegates be left
with the Fire Chief and the City Manager.
No. 120 - Di!ectpr~ ~toJ.s.~_ng B.r8pcb, Dpp.t.. of Planning and Dcvelop~ncnt - Seventh
Annual Conference of Ontario Housing Authorities [o be held at }h tel London,
London, Outario~ from June 1st. to 3rd. ORDERED on the motioi~ of .lld. Martin and
Aid. Uhite that the conmlunication be received and laid on the table for oct week
for submission of a report by the City Manager.
No. 121 - Bp~K_d_o_f_ B~p~ca_tio~ - requesting conference t.:ith Council to discuss Capital
Fund requirements for proposed renovations to schools during 1959. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Gregory that the conmunication be received and filed
and the Board advised that the evening of Monday, April 13th. will be acceptable
and the time be set at 8.30 p.m.
No. 122 - Ni_aELa_r.a~ Fa!l~s_Mi.no~r. _Hpckey. Ass_ocia~i9n _rcquesting allotment of ice
time for 1959-1960 season. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Ald. Mowers
that the communication be received and referred to the Arena, Parks and Recreation
Committee for consideration and a repo~7~.
No. 123 - titX _of ~Ip~ods_t~oc_k - two resolutions. ORDERED on the motion of .lid.
Mowers and Aid. Gregory that the resolution regarding assessment and taxes on
property of the Ontario Rydro Electric Power Conm~ission be received and endorsed.
FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Mowers that the resolution
regarding assessment and taxes on Co-operative Cold Storage Plants, be also
received and endorsed.
No. 124 - T~oFn~drpF.~d_u~tFje~ _ further conmunication regarding the reproducing
of shields with City of Niagara Falls crest, for presentation purposes. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the conununication be received
and referred to the Management Conunittee for consideration.
No. 125 ' l!ij~j~st__e..~:P~f~P_l~mjl!i~g._a.n_d. D~y~lpp~men. t - statement of Prime Miuister of
Canada on Civil Defence. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and .lid. Mowers that
tile statement be received and laid on the table pending receipt of further
The following Reports were presen_t_ed_j_
No. 74 - ~f+r_a_f_f_'_i.c_C~o_mnj_i_t~tc_e - recentsending the purchase of 119 Calgary type meters
for the paricing lot at St. alair Avenue and Park Street, for the sum of $6,545.00.
No. 75 - Traffic Committee - report of meetiag held on March 25th. to consider the
replacement of parking meters in the City and recentsending the purchase of 180
Calgary type meters a~ a cost of $5,850. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and
Aid. White that the reports be received and adopted, with the understanding that a
sample of Type D. and the Calgary type metar will be nmde available for Council's
inspection before an order is placed.
No. 76 ' M~l!aiL~F_n~__C.o_m~i_t~e~e - reconm~ending purchase of equipment for City Hall.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that the report be received
and adopted.
No. 77 - Ne_~tiating__Committee - report on meeting held with Fire Fighters and
advising that the Department l~as accepted Wage Schedule for 1959; and reconmlending
permission be granted Co tile Fireman to change pension scheme as of April 1st. to
the Standard Life Assurance Company. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and
Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted.
No. 78 - ~M~_n_~aJ~_e_nLen~t_Cpmm__i_~.t__e_e . recoam~ending certain civic employees retire as of
April 15th. 1959. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Martin 'and Aid. M~ era that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 79 - ~!~Y Clerk = reconm~ending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. McKinley aud Aid. Martin that tile report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
The following~Resglutions were_j3assed],
No. 46 ~ I!Cg~EY~-~I~]E~RS - RESOLVED that Alderman H. C. Morton be appointed
Enacting Mayor, due to the absence of His Worship, Mayor Miller; aad the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimousiiL
No. 47 -_IJc~CA~L~,t~_~LO~B~,. RESOLVED that the dwelling known as 581 l{omewood Avenue
bc demolished at the discretion of the City ~nager; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslyL_
Aid. Mowers at this time, referred to tile condition of the lawns on
Valley Way where the sod was upturned when the snow plough was in operation on Good
Friday, March 27th. aad advocated very strongly some differcot method of bandling
tile ploughing of pedestrian walks for the future.
Following a discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Aid. Gregory that the ma~ter be referred to tbe Management Con-~nittee for study and a
report as to possible alternatives.
Aid. Gregory advised of complaints he had received concerning dogs
rumruing at large and the City Manager advised that he would contact the Humane
Ald. Gregory also referred to tile flag flying after dusk and queried
whether the same could be lowered at sunset.
Council adjourned to tile Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED~ 6th. April, 1959.
Enacting Mayor.
Council Chamber,
31st. March, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on March 31st. 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All l,]embers of the Committee were present, with the exccptio~
of His Worship, Mayor l, liller. Aid, [lcKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Suudry Accounts iu the amount of $168,496.O5 were approved b> the Conun~ittoe.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of .lid.
Mowers and Aid. McCallum.
A communication from the Niagara Memorial lqilitaircs, concerning price of
a City of Niagara Falls flag, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. I.;hite that the centnun|cat|on be received and referred to ilis
Worship, Mayor Miller, the Chairman of Finance and the City lqauager for a report.
The City Manager 's report on the application of the Sheratoi~-Brock Notel
for a building permit for an addition was proscured for consideration. In this
connection the City Manager advised verbally that he has now seen the plans as
approvcd by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. ORDERED on the motion of 7~ld.[[o~.:crs
and Aid. White that the report be received and adopted subject to the conditions
contained therein are complied with.
The City Manager's report on the application of Tussaud's Wax Museum for
a building permit for alterations and an addition to the Sberatou-Foxbead lietel,
at an estimated cost of $12,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and
permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 6th, April, 1959.
' ' ';'~"' '=~C~ ................ %/' ' '
· ~ airman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
The Conmittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Conm~ittee, All Members of Council were present, with the exception
of Mayor Miller. Enacting F~yor Morton presided.
The followinJ Bj-l_aw was pj_ssed;
No. 5738 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Martin and Aid. Gregory that .lid. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time..- Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. McCallurn that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Martin and Ald. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
At this time the City Manager referred to the fact that iu the previous
year, instructions were issued that prior to the calling for tenders, the form of
tender was to be approved by Council and suggested that with the alterations made in
the form last year for the second call with reference to sand, tltat it would probably
be satisfactory.
It was indicated that the revised form would be satisfactory, following
advice that tenders would be called on titat basis and an explanation as to the
handling for tires.
The City Manager referred to a recent appointment to go to Port Ituron
in order to inspect a sewage treatment plant located there, which had to be cancelled
due to inclement weather and queried whether it would be Council's desire to go on
Friday, April 3rd, All Flembcrs indicated their intention of making the trip with
the exception of Aid. Martin. Acting Mayor Morton was to advise the City Clerk the
following day.
Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Ald. White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 6th. April, 1959.
Enacting Mayor.
6th. _prL!, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Nonday, April 6th. 1959,
for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All llcmbers of Council
were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous
meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. F:hitc nnd _lid. Morton.
Laid over from the previous meetin_Uf~j.
No, 120 -.._Dj_r_e.g~to_K~_jlo_u_s_i!_~g__B_ra~gl!~ Dept. of Plansing & Development - invitation ~o
Seventh Annual Conference of Ont~ri~ ilou'sing' ~\u'thorities to ~c b~td at Hotel London,
London, Ontario, from June lot. to 3rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 1.'.orton and .!.ld.
McCallum that the communication be received and the City Managcr's report recommending
the attendance of one elected representative and one permanent offfci~l, be adopted.
His Worship, Mayor Miller, appointed Aid. George Martin sad City Engineer, S. 11. Price,
as tbe municipality's representatives.
SE~B_gpg[t__T/un!b~!~ 80.
The following Comtunications were_presentedi
No. 126 - ~,iJJ.~y~. FJpijl~uj~j~jj_t~ii~j _ invitation to Annual Public I.Iceting on Monday,
April 27th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. Gregory that the Association
be advised that due to the fact that tbc regular Council 1.leering is bold on Monday, it
is with regret that the invitation is declined, however, Council expresses the wish for
every success.
No. 127 - National Secretaries Association - requesting proclamation of National
Secretaries Week, April 19th. to 25th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald.
Martin that the cormnunication be received and filed and proclamation issued as requested.
No. 128 - _S._tajJfprd Women's Institute - requesting proclamal .~ ~n of i.i,:ntal !'~lth Week,
April 26Uk. to Flay 2nd. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Mowers and :\]d. M~,i ! .~ that the
con~nunication be received and filed and proclamation issued as requested.
No. 129 - N_iaJara Development Committee - requesting proclal,~.atiol~ coltceI',~i "Blossom
Time At Niagara", May 9th. to 18tb. sad "International Day~' l.la) 9th. ~ Dou the
motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton that the conwaunication be received and filed
and proclamation issued as requested.
No. 130 - Kiwanis Club Flusic Festival ~rcquestiug permission to erect banner in
connection with Music Festival, April 16th. to 25th. Banner to bc erected across
Victoria Avenue at Epworth Elace. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId.
McKinley that the con~nunication be received and filed and the writer be advised that
Council has no objection to the erection of tbe banner on Victoria Avenue, subject to
Hydro ' s approval.
No. 131 - Ni_!~gara_AJuarium So~c.i_e_t~_' -raquesting permission to erect banner across
Clifton llill in front of the Park Rotel, in connection with Annual Aquarium Fish
Chow. Banner to be erected from April 27tb. to May 17th. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the conununication be received and filed and the
writer be advised that Council has no objection to the erection of the banner, subject
to Hydro ' s approval.
No. 132 - W, A. Sn~ - expressing opposition to parking meters, etc. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Martin that the communication be received and filed
and the writer be advised that the meetings of the City Council are open to the public
and he has the privilege to attend, the same as anyone else in order to hear these
matters-discussed. Carried with Ald, McKinley-contrary.
Council Chamber,
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finaece Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by tbe Con~ittee. All Members of Council were present~ with the exception
of Mayor Miller. Enacting Mayor Morton presided.
The followi~ng~-law was
No. 5738 - To provide moni~
ORDERED on the
be granted the privilege oi
time..- Carried Uuanimousl)
ORDERED on the
of the Standing Rules of Co
secoed reading. - Carried
Third Reading -Ald. Martin
At this time tl
year, iestructions were iss~
tender was to be approved b)
the form last year for the s
be satisfactory.
It was indicate
advice that tenders would be
handling for tires.
The City Manage
in order to inspect a sewage
due Co inclement weather and
Friday, April 3rd. All Mcmb.
the exception of Ald. Marti~.
following day. [
Council adjourned on the mott
Council Chan:bcr,
6th. ;,~"~ ~ 1959
Pursuant to adjoarnment, Council met at 7.30 p.~n. on l. iondav, April 6th. ]Q59
for the purpose of considering general busiuess and finance. All 1-1cmbers of Council
D.cvcloPn!cnt - invitation to
s to be h~ld at listel L~ndon,
motion of Aid. 1-lorton asd .!.ld.
y Manager's report rcconuncndieg
rmancnt official, be adopted.
and City Engineer, S. !I. Price,
SEE lelDort Number 80
nnual Public Meeting on Monday,
d. Gregory that the Association
}iceting is held on ~'ionday, it
Council expresses the wish for
}reclamation of National
~tion of Aid. Morton and :lid.
,reclamation issued as requested.
ation of Mental Health took,
wets and Aid. Martin that the
ed as requested.
[lay 9th. ORDERED on the
~tion be received and filed
ion to erect banner in
er to be erected across
f Ald. Mowers and Ald.
the writer be advised that
~ictoria Avenue, subject to
:o erect banner across
~ Annual Aquarium Fish
ORDERED on the motion of
red and filed and the
tion of the banner, subject
--~ .... ~ a._a._zi~3jLder~-"expressing opposition to parking meters, etc. ORDENED o~ t~e
~6~10n of AI~. Nowe~'~"and Aid. Martin that the conmmnicatiou be received and filed
matters discussed. Carried with Aid. McKinley-contrary,
Council Chamber,
31st .March,1959.
Tile Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by~law which covered the accounts
approved by the Conmlittee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception
of ~yor Miller. Enacting Mayor Morton presided.
Tile followfi!g_B_y-law was_p_a_s~se__d;
No. 5738 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Gregory that Aid. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing tile by-law and the byelaw be read tile first
time..- Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. McCallum that Rule 36 (2)
of tile Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given tile
secoud reading. - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory - Carried Uaanimously.
At this time the City Manager referred to tile fact that in the previous
year, instructions were issued that prior to the calling for tenders, the form of
tender was to be approved by Council and suggested that with the alterations made in
tile form last year for the second call with reference to sand, that it would probably
be satisfactory.
It was indicated that the revised form would be satisfactory, following
advice that tenders would be called on tbat basis and an explanation as to the
handling for tires.
The City Manager referred to a recent appointment to go to Port Huron
in order to inspect a sewage treatment plant located there, which bad to be cancelled
due to inclement weather and queried whether it would be Council's desire to go ell
Friday, April 3rd. All Members indicated their intention of making the trip with
tile exception of Ald. Martin. Acting Mayor Morton was to advise the City Clerk the
following day.
Council adjourned on the motion of .lid. Gregory and Aid, White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 6th. April, 1959.
Enacting Mayor.
C~'uncil Chalubcr,
6Oh. .~pri!~ 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. op Conday, April 6th. 1959,
for tile purpose of considering general business and finance. All Een,A~ers of Council
were present. The Council, [laving received cud read the minutes of the previous
meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. hhite nnd Aid. CoTton.
Laid over from the pr~evj~ou~s_ pke_~_tjn~gj
No. 120 - p~i_r_~c_t_qr.,_ji.qu_sjj~g_Br~ncllL Dept. of. planning 6: Development - invitation to
Seventh Annual Conference of Ontario Housing Authorities to be i~cld at lietel Lundon,
London, Optsrio, from June lot. to 3rd. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. 1.:orton aed .'.ld.
McCallurn that the conmlunication be received and tile City Managcr's report rcconm:endii:g
the attendance of one elected representative and one permanent official, be adopted.
His Worship, Mayor Miller, appointed lld. George Martin and City Engineer, S. R. Price,
as the municipality ' s representatives.
The followi~nmunications were Rresentedi_
No. 126 - ~gF~_ FPPij~.l~j~j~j_tJ/iJn! - invitation to Annual Public Meeting on bIonday,
April 27th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Gregory that the Association
be advised that due to the fact that the regular Council Hooting is held on Monday,
is with regret that the invitation is declined, however, Council expresses the wish for
every success.
No. 127 - N_atj_ojLal~S~e~qr_e__t~r_i_e!A_s~spc_i.~t__ip~ _ requesting proclamation of National
Secretaries ~':eek, April 19th. to 25tb. ORDERED on tile motion of Md. Morton and Aid.
Martin that the conmlunication be received and filed and proclamation issued as rcqucsted.
No. 128 - Stamford Women's Inst.i_t_u_t_e - requesting proclamatiou of Mcncal Health Ucck,
April 26th. to May 2nd. ORDERED on the motfoe of Aid. Mowers and AId. Martin that the
conmmnication be received and filed and proclamation issued as requestcd.
No. 129 - Niagara DevelopmenS_~}t~eJ - requesting proclamation concerning "Blossom
Time At Niagara", May 9th. to 18th. and "Interoational Day" Hay 9th. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. 1.1cKinley and Aid. Morton that the couanunication be received and filed
and proclamation issued as requesged.
No. 130 - Kiwanis Club Music Festival - requesting permission to erect banner in
connection with Music Festival, April 16tb. to 25th. Banner to be erected across
Victoria Avenue at Epworth Blace. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid.
McKinley that tile conmmnication be received and filed and tile writer be advised that
Council has no objection to the erection of the banner on Victoria Avenue, subject to
llydro's approval,
No. 131 - _N_i_a~Bara_A_Ruarium Socict_}.' -requesting permission to erect banner across
Clifton Hill in front of the Park llotel, in connection with Annual Aquarium Fish
Show. Banner to be erected from April 27th. to May 17th. ORDERED on the motfoe of
Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the comumnication be received and filed and the
writer be advised that Council has no objection to the erection of the banner, subject
to Hydro's approval.
No. 132 - W. A. SnXde__r - expressing opposition to parking meters, etc. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. Martin that the conununication be received aod filed
and tile writer be advised that the meetings of tile City Council are open to the public
and he has the privilege to a~tend, the same as anyone else in order to hear those
matters discussed. Carried with Aid. McKinley-contrary.
No. 133 - Niagara Parks Coltmission - advisiug that the Commissioa will pay their share
to the Cit~-'i~' ca~ii%~giiowi~ tl'~' installation of proposed lighting on River Read
from Hiram Street to north City Limites, As this conm~uuication was received too late
for inclusion on this cvening's ageuda, it was ordered read on the motiou of Aid.Mowers
and Aid. McKinley. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hartin and AId. Gregory that the
co~mnunication be received and filed and the writer be advised that Council accepts
the proposition with thanks and the City 14anager be instructed ~o proceed with the
installation as soon as possible, preferably prior to the conm~encement of the tourist
The following Reports were presented;
No. 80 - ~C_L.t~v~ ~a_na~g~eF - recolmnending the attendance of one elected representative
and one permanent official at the Seventh Annual Conference of Ontario ltousing
Authorities at London, Ontario, June 1st. to 3rd. inclusive. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. 1.1orton and Aid. McCallurn that the report be received and adopted. ttis
Worship, ~Iayor lIiller, appointed AId. George Martin and City Engineer S. R. Price,
as the municipali [y ' s representative.
SEE Conmmnication 120.
Re. 81 - CjSX_Ma~na~ge~r - recommending attendance of Chief Wade and Captaia Didemus
at Training Course for Muaicipal Fire Chiefs to be held in Toronto, April 22nd.-24th.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the report be received
and adopted.
No. 82 - E~cLu_ip~m~ep~t~Conm~itt~e_e - reconunending purchase of equipment for Fire Department
and Parks Department, provision for which was made in the 1959 Budget Estimates.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that the rcpor~ be received and
adopted. Prior to this motion, Aid. Martin, Chairman of the Equipment Committee
reported verbally advising that his ConLmittee unanimously approved tl~e purchase of
the equipmen~ as outlined in the report.
No. 83 - CitJ, Cleric - recommending issuance of licenets. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Mort~ an~'l~. Martin tha~ the report be received and adopted and licenets issued
At this point, the City Clerk advised, that as instructed, he had
investigated the prices concerning a Hayor's Chain of Office and suggested that it
might be advisable a~ this time to appoint a corm~ittee to go into the matter in more
detail. His Worship Mayor Miller appointed Aid. Mowers and AId. Morton to work with
the City Clerk on this matter.
The' height of certain hedges in the municipalit3' were then referred to
and it was moved by Aid, Martin and Aid, Mowers that the hedge at the corner of Fourth
Avenue and Armoury Street be inspected by the Parks Superintendent prior to the same
becomiag a traffic hazard, and also other locations in the City.
Aid. Morton referred to the hedge located at the south-west corner of
Sixth Avenue sad Maple Street and also at the south-eaSt corner of Stanley and McRae.
Aid. Mowers ~eferred to the unsightly appearance of gas meter installations
located on lawns and referred to the one at the corner of McRae Street and Stanley
Avenue and also at fluton Street and Third Avenue, The ~ity Manager advised that these
will be investiBated.
Ald. Martin referred to Coronation Park and 'queried when the remainder of
fill will be delivered, the par!{ graded and seeded. The City Manager advised that
the top dressLug and seeding of the park will proceed as soon as the. ground is dry..
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 48 - MCKINLEY - MORTON - RESOLVED that a letter of congratulations be forwarded to
the Niagara Falls Public Library Board upon submission ef their excellent report; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
B Y - L AI 'l
The followin.&._Bj,-laws were ~Assgj;
No. 5739 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 5335 (1955) as amended, ~:{~ich is a by-law
to regulate the use of laud and the use, location, spacisg, hci~jlht aud
area of buildings and structures ~.:ithin the City of Niagara Palls.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Gregory that Ald. ~lcCatlutn
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by~law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of .".ld. McCallurn and :lid. 1.~cKinlcy that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspe:~ded and the by-law he given the
second readi:~g. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald, White and Ald. llorton - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5740 - To grant retirement allowances to municipal employees.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Horror that Ald. '~]cl(inlcy bc
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. I.[cKinlcy and .kid. Hartin that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the byelaw be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjouraed to the Finance 14eeting on the motion of Ald. 1,tartin and Ald. Hotter
READ A~ ADOPTED, 13th. April, 1959.
Council Chamber,
6th. April, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on April 6th. 1959 for the purpose of approving
and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed
before them. All Members of the Conm~ittee were present. Ald. McKinley, C|~airman of
Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts in the amount of $52,920.65 were approvcd by the Conanittee.
Tlte Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentatioo to tile Council, on the motion of
AId. Martin and 1.fayor Miller.
ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the Arena,
Parks and Recreation Committee obtain prices on a heating system for the Memorial Arena
and submit a report on tile estimated cost of heating the Arena for approximately a year.
The City Manager's report on the application of the Rainbow Pain and Glass
Company, for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated sign, at 1913 Main Street. at an
estimated cost of $400. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of
1,1ayor Miller and Aid, Martin that the report be received and adopted and permit
The City Manager's report on tile application of Ilcrtz "Kent A Car" for
a permit to erect a sign on the north wall of the Orange Lodge Hall at 797 Victoria
Avenue, at an estimated cost of $375. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on
the motion of Aid. l.;ortoo and Ald. Mo~.~ers that tile report be received and adopted
and permit be issued.
The Coramittec arose and reported to Council on tile motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
The City Cleric then made a final check to ascertain tbc. nmn~bcrs of Cot: cij
wEo intended to be present at tbc Dinner in hour of I.ir. !7. L. llouch, on April 24Lh.
All Members of Council signified affirmatively.
TIle City Manager referred to the inspection of the scLa:gc trcatL~,cnt
on Friday, April 3rd. by four members of Council and the City E~ginecr in
and reconunended that all members of Council should mahc the trip. It
agreed that on April 15th. ills Worship llayor llillcr, Aldermen iqcCallum, 1.2artis and
Gregory would inspect tile plant at Port Ituron.
The City 1.laneget then advised that the Alena, Parl:s and ~lecrcation Co:umittec
will meet at the ~.lunicipal Swinming Pool at 4.30 p,m. on Friday afternoon, April 10th.
and the Sanitation Committee will meet with Dr. Otto Iloldcn in the City I.kunagcr's
office on Monday morning, Ap~-il 13th. at 11 a.m.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Lartin and Aid. llorton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 13th. April, 1959.
READ AND ADOPTED, 13th. April, 1959.
Chairman of Finance
Council Chamber,
6th. April, 1959.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by
the Con~nittee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller,
_The following By-law was passed;
No, 5741 - To provide monies for general purposeS,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid, White that Ald, McKinley
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be givon the first.
reading, - Carried Unanimously, .
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of ~he Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId, Gregory and Ald, Morton - Carried Unanimously,
Council Chamber,
6tb. April, 1959.
The Conference Conm~ittee of the City Council assembled at the close of tile
rogular Council and Finance Meetings om Monday, April 6th, 1959. All Members of the
Conmlittee were present, His Worship, Mayor 'Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Conm~ittee ad]ourned ou tile
motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 13th. April, 1959.
Council Chamber,
13tb.April, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Kouday, April 13th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Nerobars of
Council were present. The Council, having received aud read the minutes of the
previous meeting. adopted these on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid, Gregory.
The City Nanager advised that Messrs. Mannell and Row were present at the
meeting in order to demonstrate to Council the operation of proposed parking meters
which are to be purchased as replacements for a number of street meters and for tbe
installation of meters on the parking lo~ at the corner of St. Ctair Avenue aud Park
Street. (lieports 74 and 75 presented by the Traffic ~onm~ittee and adopted at the
meeting of Z/arch 31st, 1959, were adopted on the understasding that the meters would
be made available for Council's inspection before an order was placed for 180 Calgary-
type meters at a cost of $5,850. as replacements for meters throughout the City and
119 Calgary-type meters at a cost of $6,545.00 for the parking lot.)
ORDERED oil tile mogion of Aid. 1,1orton aud Ald. Gregory that the delegation
be heard at this time.
The representatives of the Hice~Hcter Company proceeded to explain in
some detail the differcute in the Calgary~type meters and Type D. meters, pointing
out the merits of each meter.
They assured Council that they would supervise the installation of the
meters purchased.
His Worship the Mayor expressed appreciation for the demonstration given.
Mr. W. A. Snyder was present and requested that he be given the opportm~ity
to speak to Council,which was granted on the motion of AId. Hartin and AId. 14orton.
Nr. Snyder reiterated his request previously made to Council and his
protests with rqference to the expenditure of funds on parking meters throughout the
municipality and referred to lack of advice as to the meeting witl~ the North End
Businessmen's Association.
The City Manager at the request of Ris Worship tile Mayor, outlined the
pFoposed purchase of replacement meters, indicating the necessity of this action.
Aid. McKinley stated that the purchases as proposed were with the unanimous
approval of Councif ou recolnmendation of the Colmuittee.
Aid. [1owers reiterated his previous stand as to infoIm~ation being mailed
to individuals, pointing out the expense if such a policy were pursued.
Aid. l~lorton, attempting to answer Mr. Snyder as to what he was purported
to have said, apparently did not satisfy the questioner.
Mr. Shytier was assured by Council that he always bad tim privilege of
attending meetings and also the privilege of being heard on any subject, if permission
were granted. ·
Laid over from previous meeting;
No. 18 - St. Ann's Soccer Club -
No. 83 - ~N.i_gg, ara Germau-Canadian Soccer Club
No. 91 - Lplion 51, Soccer Club - requesting use of Oakes Park Soccer Field. ORDERED
on thq mo~o~f~'i~F~k~y~nd Aid. McCallum tlmt the coxm~unications be received
and filed and the reconmendations 'of the i'arks C~nmi'~tee concerning these 'requests
be received and adopted.
SEE R_____qport No.
The followinf~ Communicatious mere pr_es~cx!ted
No. 134 - J~JRqs~rLi~n.d' - requesting extension of time linlit on bui]din~~ lpcrr,:it for the
erection of a motel at the coruor of Clark St. and Ferry St. '
No. 135 - D~yij ~ l,!~bsje~' - requesting extension of time lim~ t on buildi ~,.; permit for
the erection of motel on Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of/.ld. NcKinlcy and
Mowers that the con~unications be considered together and an cntcnsion of siL~ :nonits be
No. 136 ' G~re~a-~PY kq49g-aj'~ SOft-b~-l,l_yJssoci.at_ipn - requesting use of softball diamond at
Oakes Park and also at Bridge St. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~l~rton and AId.
Gregory that the conmmnicatiou be received and filed and ~hc ruconmmndatien of the
Parks Committee be adopted.
SEE !l~port i~umbcr
No. 137 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Co~mnerca - requesting ninetin5 to discuss tourist
and industrl~f~m't~'y ~Rb~hED ~ 'the mbhioU of Aid, Howors a;~d _lh!. l.!cCalluL~ that aim
conm~unication be received and filed and arrangements be made through aim iqayor and Clerk
for a meeting as requested.
No. 138 - Township of Willoughby - resolution suggesting ]oint actior. of the iuunicipalitics
fronting oil'the' ~i~g~a'~,lver"t~ press for real propert) taues from the Ziiagara Furks
Conm~issiou. It was moved by Ald. l.:bite and Ald. Gregor: that the resolution be received
and endorsed. This motion was defeated by a vote of 4 to 3; an amendIncur by ,\ld. Iiawcrs
and Aid. Morton that the resolution bc laid on the table for two weeks for submission
of a full report to Council by the Mayor and tl~e ]Janagcr, was carricd b} a vote of 4 to
tke vote being - Aye ~ Aid. Mowers, Morton, DicKjuicy and iqartiu; i'daye - .lid. 1.1cCallur.b
White aud Gregory.
No. 139 - Logan and Knight - requesting consideration to the issuance of a building
permit to A'.'~rdnt0li';']9~ Allen .'~venue. ORDERED on tile motion of .ild. Cowers and
Aid. Martin that the conmmnication be received and referred to the Property Conunittcc
for a report.
No. 140 - ~J., A_._ $_ny_d,e~r - requesting permission to speak to Couecil. ORDERED on tl~c
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mortou that tile conmmnication be received and filed and
permission granted.
The following Reports were presented~[
No. 84 - pa_rk% ~cpp~m!i,t_t~e . five rcconmmndatious in connection with requests for the
use of the Soccer Field at Oakes Park during the 1959 season. ORDERED on tim motion
of Aid. McKinley and Ald. McCallurn that the report and rcconacndations be received and
~E,~m~p~i.q~m~s ~_-,~p,-~.3-9!.
No. 85 "P~YJ~_~P~' reconm]ending use of Oakes Park softball diamond and the
Bridge Street diamond on certain evenings by Greater Niagara Softball Association.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the report and reconmxendacion
be received and adopted.
No. 86 ' Biu~P~R[C~J~teJ - recommend. purchase of a Model 22 Rotary Material
Spreader. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Mowers that the report and
reconmendation be received and adopted.
No. 87 - ~U~j)jnJ~[~p~itt_~J~ - reco~mnd..purchase of a blueprintieg annchine for the
Engineering Department. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Gregory that the
report and reco~cndation be received and adopted.
No. 88 - ~cx~ C~j~jtj~p - reco,~end. purchase of a calculatiug machine for
Engineering Department. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Mowers that the
report and recoxmnendation be received and adopted.
No. 89 - Equipment Connnittee - recormncnding purchase of three pieces of equipment
for the Mc~ha~ii~'l' ~rah~j'ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton
tbat the report and rcconmmndation be received and adopted.
No. 90 - Equipment Committee - reconmmnding purcbase of a trailer model Hist Sprayer.
ORDERED on 'tim-Fn~lCl~L~f' k'lh'. McKinley and Aid. Martin that the report aud recommen-
dation be received and adopted.
No. 91 - E~lu_ipBej~t_ _Cpn__mi~t_t_e_e' _ report on sewer cleaning machines and recormnending
approval be laid over, until Conm~ittee inspect the operation of machines in other
localities. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. White that the report be
received and filed.
No. 92 - P_a_~'Ics _C_opm!i_t_~_ee - recon~ncndations covering construction of sidewalk, curb
and gutter and the painting of e.'~terior walls at Municipal Swirmming Pool. ORDERED on
the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Gregory that the report be received and adopted.
i{o. 93 ' P.a_rj~i.an~d. _A~r_c~La__C_o~_i~t_t_e~, - rccommcndiug Peterkin and Associates, Limited
be requested to advise on cost of installing a heating unit and an approximate cost
for heating per anuum. ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 94 - Prpp_e_r_ti. LCop_m!i,_tte_e - report on meeting April 13th. with Dr. Otto tloldcn
and associate of the II.E.P.C. of Ontario re purchase of certain property for use by
the City. ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. Hartin and AId. McCallurn that the report be
received and filed.
No. 95 - Ci__tt2 }'l_an_ag.c_~2 - report on meeting with Manager of Niagara Parks Commission
and Manager of Local llydro Commission re iustallation of new street lighting on
River Road. ORDERED ou the motion of Aid. liewets and :kid. Gregory that the report
be received and filed.
No. 96 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenets. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. 1.1cKi~i~y:~hh' ~ld. Morton that the report be received and adopted and l~ceuces
issued accordingly.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 5714 - Being a by-law to provide for the licensing of Electrical Contractors,
Electricians, Master Electricians and Journeyman Electricians.
Aid. Martin, Chairman of the Conmittec appointed by Council to attend
the meetlugs held in joint session with the other two municipalities, reported
verbally at this time, stating that following the two meetings bold with the
electricians and others concerned, alertE with the City Solicitor and Stamford
Township's Solicitor, who also acted for the Village of Chippaws, that it is the
opinion that all the questions have been answered and all problems solved and
therefore advised that his Conm~ittec desired to reconmend to Couucil that By-law
Nmnber 5714 be read a third time.
Third Readiug - Aid. McKinley and Aid. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
as amended. '
SEE Page 103 for By-law Number 5742.
The following By-laws were passed;
No. 5743 - To authorize the execution of an agreement with the Niagara Falls Civic
Employees' Union, Number 133.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Martin that Aid. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introduciag the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given tile
second reading. - Carried Unanimously, '
Third Reading - Aid. White and Aid. HcCallum - Carried Unanimously.
ND~ - Being a by-law to regulate tile sale and prohibit and rcgulaCcd the setting
off or firing of fireworks.
ORDERED ou the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. IiclUnlc,- that :'.!d. %.icCallu!.l
be granted the privilege of introducing the b)-law and the b'.-lau bc Livcu the Zirst
readiug. - Carried Unanimousl). ·
ORDERED on time motiou of Aid. HcCallum and Aid. GroCer;/tl,at llulc 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temperarill suspcudcd and the bv-lau' be read tiic
second time, with the effective date, April 15th, 1959, beiug inserted; and the
by-law be published in its eutirety in the local press for the infortuation of the
public. - Carried Unauimously.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and AId. Mar tea - Carried U~;animous!,~.
The following_ By-law wa~resented;
Street and Victoria Avenue Dump.
ORDERED on tile motiou of Aid. I.:owers and ,,\]d. I:orton that Aid. llcKinlc,:' be
grauted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. llcKinlcy and Aid. IIorton that Rule 36 (2) of
tile Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspcpdcd aud the by-laL be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourued to the Finance Meeting on the motio:l of :kid, Lotors and Ald.
McCal lum.
READ AND ADOPTED, 20th. April, 1959.
Council Chamber,
13th. April,1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on April 13th, 1959, for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and
placed before them. All Members of the Comn~ittee were present. Aid. McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided. '
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $140,660.91 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passdd or otherwise dealt witb~ were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Ald. Martin.
The City Hanager's report on tbc application of the Ritz Mote~, 1657 Victoria
Ave. for permission to erect a double-sided neon sign at au estimated cost of $1,I00.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED ou the motion of Ald, Morton and Aid. White
tlmt the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Hr. A. DiVito, 616 Cataract
Ave. for a permit to erect an addition to the existing China and Coffee Shop, at an
estimated cost of $1,800. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the ulotion of
Aid. Mowers and AId. Morton that the report be received and referred to the Property
Conuui~ee for consideration and a report.
The City Managar's report on tile application of Jos. Rocco, for a
permit to erect a neon sign at his restaurant at 249 River Road, at an estimated
cost of $785. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Morton
that the report be received and adopted and pernLit issued.
TIle City Manager's report on tile application of Mr. A. Knott~ for a
permit to erect a neon sign at his motel at tile corner of Stanley Ave. and Spring
St. at an estimated cost of $1,650. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
Morton and Mayor Miller that tile report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of John J. Szcndroy for
a permit to erect a neon sign at 1040 Centre Street, at an estimated cost of $600.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid.
McCallum that tile report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Managerls report on the application of Mr. Leonard Ncale for
a permit to move a two-storey frame dwelling from 1647 Main St. to Lot 21, on the
east side of Banker St. at an estimated cost of $1~000. was presented. ORDERED on
the motion of Mayor Miller and Aid, Morton that the report be received and
application be referred to the Property Comnittee with~ power to act.
The Conm~ittec arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. 14cCallum and Ald.
Mar t i n.
READ AND ADOPTED~ 20th. Apri%, 1959.
an of Finance.
Council Chamber,
13th. April,1959.
The Connaittce re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Heetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Conm~ittee. All Members of Council were present. llis ~.;orship,
Ma,yor Miller, presided.
BY -L~.~
T_he followiug By-law was passed;.
No. 5745 - TO provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Gregory that Aid. 'McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of .\ld. McKinlc5 and Aid. i;bite that Ilulc 3~ (2) of
tile Standing llules of Council be temporarily suspended and the b.!-law bc Sivcu the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Iqowcrs and Aid. llcKinlej - Carried Unaniiuousl>.
At this time a delegation appeared belore Council froia tb.c Board of
Education and 1,1r. Arnold Smith, Chairman of tile Property Conr, littcc, addressed Council,
outlining the renovation program of the Board to date, referring to tile five-3car
plan which was conmmnced in 1956 and the fact that duriilg lq56, 1957 and I95~ the
City had allotted the amount of $230,000. in capital fuuds for sci~oot roofinUl,
lighting, heating, plumbing and veutilating systems. Ile advised that in 1959 it is
tile intention of tile Board to work on plumbi:~.g improvcn~cnts in all the schools,
including additional fiturea where required and also, according to the l~rchitcct,
an a~nount of some $210,000. would bc involved i~ modernizing heating equipment i~
the C.V.I. and tile installation of new ceilings, lighting, and i:~sulatiou at varioes
other schools. Mr. Sn~ith also referred to tile proposed ~ew fire alarm systc,ls
which uerc not originally included in tile five-year progranl but the need for which
had become more apparent recently.
lit. Smith concluded his remarks ~.:itb all invitation to Council to inspect
the various schools in order to view the work and changes accomplished to date.
requested Council to give serious consideration and grant the Board sufficient funds
to carry out the work proposed for 1959,
His Worship, Mayor Miller, expressed appreciation to the Board of Education
for appearing before Council at this meeting and assured theIn that Council would
study their requests very thoroughly and attempt to reach a solution.
On the motlea of Ald. Mowers and Ald. 1.Iceallure, Counciladjourned to Confete,ace,
READ ~\~ ADOPTED, 20th. April, 1959.
C 1 erk . .
Council Chamber,
13th. April, 1959.
The Conference Conunittee of the City Council asseml~led at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, April 13tlb 1959. All Members o£
the Con~nittee were present. llis Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairnmu.
After consideration of the items presented to th~n, the Conm,ittee
adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 20th. April, 1959.
Council Cizamber,
20th. _\pril~ 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Ii,~nday, .'.prii 20th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All %[:nmhcrs of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Morton and .lid. Grc8or-7.
Tenders had been called for suitplies for ~he year 1959, Grass seed, a
passenger au~omobile~ one ~runk cllassis and cab, a s~eel dump body and bois~
also ~wo truck ~hasses and cabs. ORDERED oa [he motion of Ald. 1.1e~.,ers and Ald.
~lartin that ~he teeders reccivad~ be opened, initialted by lIis Uer5hip ~hc lieyet
and tabulated.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
Ib. 139 - Lpg_a_n__a.n.d_K~_ight - on behalf of A. Tenteli, 1968 '.lien '~',enue and
requesting Council's consideration to the granting of a building permit to proceed
with alterations. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId, liartin that the
cotmuunication bc receivcd and filed and the rcconmacndation. of the Propert5· Connnittee
that no building permit be issued and the small building be not allowed to bc used
for hut, ran habitation, be received and adopted.
The following Conununications were_~_.app~e_dj
No. 141 ' B_r.i.t_i.sjk-~C~ap~aj_i~an~ _~_t_'_e~.ap~s_ ,As~_o.c~i_a_t.ipi - advising that Installation of
Officers will take place on April 24th. as scheduled. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. [brton and AId. Gregory tkat the conm~unication bc received and filed.
No. 142 ' ~-i-ag-a-rB.-F~l--l~s_F~i.~ie_ F_ig_h~.e_r_s,__L.o~a~. ~_23 - requesting pern~ission to usc
portion of Bridge Street grounds August 10th. to 15th, for a Carnival. OI',DERED on
tile motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Mowers that the conuuunication be received and
referred to the Arena, Parks and Recreation Connsittee with power to act.
No. 143 - _Lp_cgl__!Iy~d.r_o.~C_o~!ils_sjplJ' . enclosing Balance Sheet and Operatiug Report for
tile }'ear ending, December 31st, 1958. ORDERED on the motion of AId. i.icKinley and
AId. Gregory that the conm~unication be received and tabled for study.
No. 144 - Opt~_i_n!is~t_C_l+u~b . requesting per nission to block off Drunmond Road Itill
for the Soap Box Derby, June 13th. or 20th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin
and Aid. llorton that the conmmnication be received and filed and permission granted.
No. 145 - _Cl!i,e_fi ofJolice - invitation to Civic Banquet to be held May 22nd. during
Chief Constables~ Convention. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. 1,]cKi~lhy and Aid.
Gregory that the conm~unlcation be received and filed, the invitation accepted and
as many of the N~bers of Council and their wives as find it possible artcud.
No. 146 - Minist~L_Planning. aj!~ppyJJpM~j~~ . ~endments - Zoning By-laws. The
City Clerk reported verbally on this matter, advising that in the case of the City
of Niagara Falls, only one ~endmeat to the Zoning By-law has becn made and therefore
the City of Niagara Falls is not affected. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and
Ald. Morton Chat the conmunication be received and filed.
No. 147 - DRa~_ of Education - outlining plans for 1959 renovations and requesting
Council give their seriou~onsideration and grant the Board sufficieut Capital Funds
to carry out work proposed for 1959, amountiug to $210m000, The City Manager reported
verball}, on this subject, reconm~cnding that an amount of $150,000. be made available
to the Board of Education for the yqar }959, being as much as the City can afford Co
grant for capital work. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Morton that
the con~aunication be received and filed, tentative approval granted for the mnount
of $150,000.00 with the understanding that the City Manager, in the event there is
dissatisfaction on the part of the Board with the amount approvcd, might be able to
arrive at a satisfactory solution.
No. 148 - i'li~_r.~ D__i.s~tri_qt. Aiyl!o~r_t. p. eyqlpp_m_e_n,q _Cpl~n_~_tt~e~e - enclosing copy of
agreement for the establishment of the HieSara District Airport Conmlission. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Aid. liartin that tile colmnunication aud agreement
be received and a communication forwarded to Mr. Donald J. Forgie, Chairman of the
Niagara District Airport Development Cormuittce, requesting his presence at the next
Council Meeting in order to supply ally information Council may desire in connection
with this matter and that at that time the City Solicitor be present as an observer
No. 149 - W_._ A.~SJD'_d_e~ ~ requesting answers to two questions regarding parking
meters. ORDERED on the motio:l of AId. Mortou and Ald.G~egory that tbc conununication
be received and tile information as requested in Question No. 1 be made available to
the ~:riter and Question 2 be referred to the Police Conunission for reply. Carried,
with Aid. I,.'hite~ Martin, and Nowere - contrary.
L'o. 150 - NiaJ~ara Falls Club .~C~La. da)__I.~!~_t ~ requesting permission to hold a fire-
works dispia~ ii~ c~o~jui{c'tim~ with Victoria Day Celebrations. ORDERED on tile motion
of Ald. lqowcrs aud Aid. Gregory that the conml~nication be received and filed and a
permit issued as requested,
SEE Resolution 49.
No. 151 ' G-cn-e-r.a~lj'~mjaB~'L Oj!tj_V.i~o_ lj_a~t_e.r,~Resourcos Commission - enclosing copy of
report on survey of pollution of L'iagara ni~r' i.~a'tLr~sh'c'd,'iqal-ch 2rid. and 3rd. and
requesting report on progress of sewage treatmoRt plant for the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the roelieu of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Uhitc that the coanunication be
received and filed and the City 1.ianager be directed to forward a satisfactory reply.
The followin_g__Re_~_orts ~j_e_r_qprcscnted;,
No. 97 - P_.r_o,p~eKt_y' _Cpp_uni.t_t_e.e_ - reco~macnding that no building permit be issued to tile
applicant for the premises at 1968 Allen Avenue and that the small building be not
allowed to be used for human habitation. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~lorton and
Aid. Martin that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Con~nunication Number139.
No. 98 - ~Ripp~p~_ ~p,j!~.t_t~p . reconm~ending the purchase of two 42-inch Robertson
Aluminum Fan Ventilators, complete, at an estimated cost of $1,758.00.
No. 99 - E~L~p~e~!~p_~,t~.qe _ reconmending the purchase of eight Air line
lubricators at a cost of $240.24.
No.leO - ~_~q~p~.e~_t. Coj~j.t.t,e~. - reconmmnding the purchase of a Hart Battery at a
price of $1,407.00. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. McKinley that
the reports be considered together. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid.
White that the reports be received and adopted and items therein purchased.
No.101 - ~itX Cleric - recomending issuance of licences - ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. l.lcKinley and AId. Martin that the report be received and adopted and licenets
issued accordingly.
No.102 - E~_ty_~TJ! . attaching application for Master Electrician licenee,
accompanied by a certificate of qualification relied spon by the applicant.ORDERED
on tile motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the application be approved and
license issued.
The following Petitions were presented;
No. 1 - R. L. Mclean and 13 others - requesting action to remedy condition of Second
Avenue, ~'0~i'~'f'][d~ii~'o~'~r~ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
McKinley that the petition be received and referred to tile City Manager for a report
and to the Tour of Inspection for consideration.
L~o. 2 - Fr~a.n!q }l_u_rys.ck ~_d _4, ot,!eKs - requesting construction of an aspha!t pavcl:Lc:~t
.oe First ivenue, north of Bridge Street. ORDERED on the l:lotiou of AId. IL:L;crs and
Aid. llorton that the petitlos be received and referred to the City Kanagcr for a
report and to the Tour of Inspection for cousideration.
Lo. 49 - 1.iOI.~ER_S .- _G_RE_GO.R_Y - RESOLVED that pernffssion be granted to the :.'Lagare Falls
Club (Canada) Iuc. for an acriat and ground display of fircLorRs in conjunctio:~ L'ith
Victoria Day celebrations, to be held on Hay lgth, 1959, subject to tke ,,~upcrvisio~,,
control and requirements of the Fire Chief; and the Seal of the Corporation be hercue
BY-LAWS Carried Unanii: ousl ',
The following By-laws were preee~_t_e_d,;
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and _'.ld. Martin that the three bv-lau-s
be taken in preamble form ouly. Carried Unaeimousl7
I~o. 5746 - To authorize the borrowing of $32,000.00 for the rcsurfacing of tkc
asphalt pavement on 1.lcRae St. and construction of new sidewalks thereon.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Nowors and Aid. IJhitc that AId. HcKinlcy
be granted the l~rivilcgc of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given thc firat
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and ',td. 14artin that Rule 36 (2)
of the StanditS Rules of Council be temporarily suapcndcd and the by-law be givc~. the
secoud reading. - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5747 - To authorize the borrowing of $74,000.00 for the resurfacing of asphalt
pavements on various streets throughout the nunicipat{tv
ORDERED on the motion of AId. !:hite and :kid. Martin that Aid. 1.IcKinlcy
be granted the privilege of introducing tile by-la~.: and the bl,'-law be given the first
reading° - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 1,[cKinley and Ald. l.lorton that Rule 36 (2)
of tile Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-lm.: be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5748 - To authorize the borrowing of $93,000.00 for the construction of water-
mains on Terrace Ave. and Leader Lane and sewers on Stanley Ave. and
ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. Nortin and Aid. Gregory that .kid. I'lcKintcy
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-!m: be given tile first
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Norton that Rule 36 (2)
of tile Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and tile by-law be given the
second readiug. - Carried Unanimously.
Ilis Worship, Mayor l,liller, requested a breakdown on costs involved
necessitated by tile frequent filling in of excavations occurring oil city streets.
Tile Mayor was of tile opinion that something should be done to recover tile costs to
tile City,
Ald. Morton referred to tile periodic cave-in whicll occurs on Third Avenue
at ]luron Street~ and was of tile opinion tha~' sometiling substantial should be done to
avoid tile possibility of a bad accident.
A!d. White referred to a complaint he had received regarding the parking
of cars in front of the Empress Hotel on Bender Hill for indefinite periods.
llis Worship, Hayor Miller, advised that be would take this up ~ith the
Chief of Police.
Council adjourned to the Finance Heating ou the motion of Aid. Ho~.:ers and Aid.Mar%in.
READ z~D ADOPTED. 27th. April, 1959.
The Property Conm~ittce's report on the request for
erect a garage on ~he south-~.:estcrl~ side of 1396 j. la:~ander
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the xzot!on of i!d. Crc~or7 a~:d Aid.
[icCallum that the report be received and adopted and ti~e ~wue~' bc advised that ti~c
pz-oposed garage must be 4 feat from the property line.
The Conu~xittee arose and reported to Council on the ~,lo[ion of ,l~ld. liartin ar.d
llor ton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 27th. April, 1959.
Chairsnan of i inancc.~
Council Chamber,
The Finance Meeting was held os April 20th, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Conm~ittec were present. Ald. McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $151,354.83 were approved by
the Conmxittec.
The Accouuts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Aid. Mowers and AId. Hartin.
The Property Conm~ittec's report on the application of Mr. A. DiVito,
616 Cataract Avenue, for a permit to erect an addition to the c::isting China and
Coffee Shop, at an estimated cost of $1,800. was presented for consideration.ORDERED
ou the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the report and reconanendation of
the Property Committee be received and adopted and pernit be issued.
The Property Conunittee's report on the application of l'lr. Leonard Neal,
for a permit to move a two-storey frame dwelling from 1647 Main Street to Lot 21,
Banker Street, was presented for consideration, ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Morton
aud Mayor l,liller that the report and recormnendation of the Con~aittee be received
and adopted and the applicant be advised that Couucil are not prepared to issue
a permit for the moving of the building to Lot 21, as Lot 21, has only a frontage
of 35 feet and there is not sufficient area for the location of the proposed building.
The Property Committee's report on the request for permission to erect
a garage at 1693 Itsnan Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Howors and Ald, Gregory that the report and reconm~endation of the Conmittee
be received and adopted and the owner be advised that the proposed garage must be 4
feet from the south property line.
20th. April, 1959.
The Conmxittec re-assembled at the close of the ragelet Council aud Finance
I.Ice~ings for the purpose of passing the by-law vhich covered the accounts approvcd
by the Conmxittee. All Hembars of Council were present. His Lorship~ l, layor !,~&llcr,
The following~B_~,___ljJi w__aS_j~assejj_
No. 5749 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Hartin and Aid. 14often that Aid. l.icKiulcy
be granted the privilege of ietroduciug the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motioa of Aid. 1,lcKinlcy and Ald, l, lorton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended aud the by-law be given th~
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and Aid. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. 1.1aKinIcy.
READ AND ADOPTEDm 27th. April, 1959.
Council Chamber,
20th. April, 1959,
'rite Conference Conunittee of the City Council assembled at tile close of the
regular Council and Financc Floorings on 1.1ouday, April 20th, 1959. All bfcmbers of the
Conm~ittee were present. llis Worship, 1.iayor Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Conunittce adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Martin and AId. }.lowers.
READ AID ADOPTED, 27th. April, 1959.
27~h. '=prit, 195~.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. o~~. lionday, Al~ril 2) th.lq59,
for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All lietubers of C~lu!~cil
were present, with the exception of Aid. Mowers. The Council, havil% received and
read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the L~Otion Of .lid. ~.fartin and
AId. Gregory.
Laid over from a ~_r_e~v_fo~us~m~_ct~i}!g;~
~io. 138 - Tp~!ns[~iJ? pf_jc~_l_l_oug!~y - resolution re park lands, taxation, ctc. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. ~';hite and AId. Gregory that the connnunicatien be ~cccivcd a~d
filed and the reconmmndation of the Conunittce be adopted.
S~ Rc.~o~'t tqo. I0.3.
No. 148 - N~i~gaAa' pis__t_r.i~t ~irport. D_eyelppment Colmuittec - copy of proposed Agrcamc~t,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and _lid.' bregory lhat the conunuuication be tabled
until the arrival of the Chairmm~ of the Cozmnittee.
Tl~jJ~?f~3~g~Con~unications were presented;
No. 152 - Polish National Union of Canada - invitation to Banquet, Ilay gth. ORDEKED
on the mot~f' 1]~i' ~'~kini~:~,{d A~hk'~.iartin that the invitation be received,accepted
and as many of the Members of Couecil as find it possible attend.
No. 153 - Canadian Good Roads Association - soliciting membership, The City lqanagcr
reported ~rhati~','~u~h~stL~ ih~'t'h~Wch ~onsldcr takiug membership for one )ear
to ascertain what information might be forthcoming ~.~hich would benefit the City.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martis and AId. McCallurn that the conunuuication bc
received and filed and membership be taken for one year.
No. 154 - City of London - resolution to allow Counuils greater control over local
boards' c:{~l~di~hiz~' '~DERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. White that the
resolution be received and filed.
No. 155 - ~_c~u~dr._op~l~2p_,_~\i_r_~_a~t~ - requesting permission to hold a tag day on iqay
16th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Gregory that the conmlunication
be received and filed and permission granted as date is available.
No. 156 ' D~i!~qcj°~rL_qoJn~n_uni~k_P_l_a_mjl!g~_Branch - Con~nittee of Adjustment-Constitution.
The City Clerk reported verbally, advisii~' tii'at he had previously advised Council ~.zhen
this legislation was coming through the Legislature this spring and that Council will
be notified in ample time of what they will be required to do. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Martin and Aid. McKinley that the conununication be received and filed.
No, 157 - P. W..S_e~l!tp~n' - requesting licenee to park cars on parcel of land leased
by himself on Morrison St. at Valley Way. As this conm~unication was received too
late for inclusion on this evening's agenda, it was ordered read by Ald. Martin and
Ald. McCallurn, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. White that the com-
municiation be received and referred to the property conmlittee with power to act and
submission of a report ~o Council of their action thereon.
The followiug Reports were presented;
No. 103 - _Ma.~_o_r_ and City_ Mjn~ag.e.r - recommending that the three area councils work
together on the question of taxation affecting park lands and Provi~cially-ownod
properties in the area and that a joiut meeting be arranged with Premier Frost.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, White and Ald, Gregory that the report be received
and adopted.
SEE Conm~unication No. 138
No. 104 - City Manager - re request for removal of street light at the site of the
motel being"?o]~s't~t~d on former Concrete Stone and Coal Property and recommending
maintaining of the same for electrical service. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
McKinley and Aid. Martin that the report be received and placed on the Tour of Inspection,~
for a decision.
No. 105 - City Clerk - recoim~cnding issuance of licenets. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
NcKinlcy and' ~'i~.'~'rcgory that the report be received and adopted and licenets issued
No. 106 - C.i_~3'_~,l_e_r~ - applications for electricians' licences. TIle City Clerk
reported verbally, advising that tilere seaIns to be some question regarding the raethod
of handling these applications and suggested that a conunittee be set up to deal with
tile same and avoid confusion which might arise in endeavouring to decide on tile
qualifications necessary before issuance of a licenee, ORDERED on tile motion of Aid.
White aud AId. Martin that the report be received and tabled and referred to a
conmittee consisting of Aid. Iqartin, White, McKinley and the City Clerk.
TIle foliowincE Resolutions werc_.pajscd_j
ho. 50 - [~I~_T.E. _-, _Mc~_NLEy - RESOLVED that Alderman George Martin bc appointed Acting
Nayor on April 28th; 29th; and 3Oth; durisg tile absence of His Worship, Nayor Miller
from tile City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affi:ced.
Car~ried Unanimously.
h'o. 51 - llcKINLEY - GREGORY - RESOLVED that Nhcreas the financing of municipalities
is becomi~g'~{Cre~i~l~l'y'~ifficult; And Whereas the problem is aggravated in each
)'ear, during tile early months, by lack of funds pending the receipt of tax monies;
And hhereas the demands from tile Boards of Education and similar bodies are heavy
during this lean period; Therefore Be It Resolved That the Provincial Government be
required to ~nact legislation which would provide that, where governmental assistance
is available, interim grants be paid to such Boards within tile first three months of
each )'ear, so as to assist municipalities io financing and avoid the necessity of
heavy and expensive borrowings; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Tile City Clerk advised that it was the intention of the City Treasurer
to take tbe above resolution to the International Municipal Finance Officers~
Convention, for discussion, when they convene in Montreal, June 7th. to llth.
At this time, Alderman Nattin e:cprcsscd congratulations to His Worship,
Nayor Miller, for tile excellent manner in which tile testimonial dinner ~:as held for
Mr. l,:, L. Houck, M.P. last Friday evening, stating that it was a credit to the Mayor
and to tile City of Niagara Falls. His Worship tile Nayor acknowledged the remarks
made by Alderman Nartin and referred to the co~operation of every one on the Con~nittee
and to the citizens as a whole.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5750 - To authorize the execution and delivery of an Agreement between the
Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Local 528, International
Association of Fire Fighters.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. McCallum that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory ~ Carried Unanimously.
At this time His Uorship the lIayor requested the i.crchants of tht: tit,:
of Niagara Falls to co-operate in the Blossom Time at 17iagara F~sti\'al fron: Ha= 9th.
to Hay 18th. by having appropriate decorations in keeping with the occasion, i~
order that the affair may be a successful one.
On the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Gregory, Council adjourned to tllc Fina:~cc
READ AND ADOPTED, 4th. May, 1959.
Council Chamber,
27th. April, 1959.
TIle Finance Fleeting was held on April 27th. 1959 for tile purpose of
approving and also passing tile various accounts which had been properly certified and
placed before them. All Hembets of the Committee were present, uith tile e:cccption of
Aid. Flowers, Aid. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Conmlittce. Suudry Accounts submitted in tile amount- of $41,180.91 were approvcd by the
TIle Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on tile motion of Ald.
Martin and Ald. NcCallum.
Tile Summary of Tenders for supplies for tile year 1959 as submitted at tile
last meeting, was considered at this time. The following action was taken;
ORDERED on the motion of \ld. White aud
Ald. Nartin that tile tenders of
Calaguiro Brothers, tile lowest, be
received and accepted,
ORDERED on the motion of ,\ld. Martin and
Aid. Gregory that the tenders of Eastland
Brothers, tile lowest, be received aud
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory
and Aid. White that the tender of
Ridgemount Quarries, be received and
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martiu and
Aid. White that tile tenders be received
and the supply of cement be left on tile
open market with the understanding that
the purchases will be split three ways
amongst the firms tendering for cement
providiug the lowest price quoted is met.
ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Miller
and AId. White that the tender of
barren Bituminous Paving Co. Ltd. be
received and accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of ild. Martin and
Aid, Gregory that the tender of Champion
Oil Company be received and accepted,
being the lowest quoted.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and
Aid. }lcCallum that the tender of Champion
Oil Company bc received and accepted.
ORDERED o~ the n;otion of Ald. White and
|layer Miller that the tender of Cities
Service Oil Co. Ltd. for Grade ~2, be
received and accepted.
ORDERED On tbe motion of Aid. Martin
and [~ayor Miller that the tenders
received be laid on the table for
submission of a repor~ by the City
[~anager for consideration by a full
ORDERED on tile motiou of Aid. White and
Ald. Gregory that the tenders of Niagara
Welders Supply be received and accepted.
ORDERED on the moUion of Aid. Martin
and Ald. Gregory that the tenders of
Canadian Coal Company be received and
accepted, if same is satisfactory.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and
Aid. McCallurn that the tender of George
Angus (Canada) Limited for the supply
of 50 ft. 2~" hose ~ $1.54 and 50
of 13~" hose ~ $1.06 be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White
aad Mayor Miller that the tender of
Glenview 1lardware at a total quotation
of $543.67 be received and accepted.
AId. Martin, Chairman of the Equipment Conunittoe, reported verbally that
his Co~muittee had met previous to the Council Meeting and studied the tenders sub-
mitted for truck chasscs and cabs, Fire Chief's car and Steel Dump Dody and Hoist
and reconm~endcd that the lo~.;est tender in all cases be accepted. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Gregory that the verbal report and rcconm~endation of
the Equipment Conm~ittee be received and adopted and the tenders awarded as follows:
Fire Chief's car - Taylor-Dodge DeSoto Ltd. for a 1959 Chrysler at a net price of
$1,335,00. A 1959 Model Truck Chassis and Cab, Steel Dump Body and lloist to replace
Truck No. 8, from Taylor-Dodge-DoSoto Ltd. at a net price of $3,800.00. A 1959 Ford
Truck Chassis and Cab to replace Truck No. 32 from Victoria i.lotors Ltd. at a net
price of $3,023.00. A 1959 G.M.G. Truck Chassis and Cab to replace Truck No. 23~
from Border-Pontiac-Buick Ltd. at a net price of $2,903.00.
The City Manager's report on the application of Tussaud's Wax Museum
for permission to erect three signs at a total estimated cost of $4,550. at their
premises at 915 Clifton llitl, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Mayor Miller and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received and adopted
and permits issued accordingly.
The City Manager's report on the application of James Verge, 1401 Ferry
St. for permission to ersct a neon sign at an estimated cost of $360. was in:esentcd,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Gregory that the report be received
and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's ropor~ on the application of D~!E:inic 5cozzafava,
1756 Ferry St. for a building permit to erect a double garage, at an cstiu:atcd
of $2,000. was presented. ORDERED on the iLlorion <, l.layor %;illcr aHcl lid.
that the report be received and referred to the Property Coi;m~ittcc witi! power to act.
The City Manager's report on tile duplication of Hczq;us and Tsenca for a
building permit to make alterations to the rear of 561 Eric .l\enue,
cost of $3,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of '.ld, !larti:~ and ALd. Gregory
that the report be received and adopted and pereLi issued.
Tile City l. lanager's report on an application to close in a portion of the
verandah at 83 !Jelland Avenue, and reconuncnding that it be referred to the Properti,
Conm~ittec with power to act, was presented for considererie|!. ORDERED on eke
motion of AId. blartin and Mayor t. Lilter that the report be received and the application
be referred to the Property Cotmuittcc with [~owcr to act.
The City Manager 's report on quotatffons received for wcldin, S and cutt/nL;
equipment for the Parking Meter Department, was presented fur consideration. ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. Martin and Mayor Miller that tlxc report be received and the
equipment be purchased £rom Niagara Welders Supply Limited.
The Coxmuittec arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. LkCatlum and
Aid. Gregory.
READ I~D ADOPTED, 4th. May, 1959.
Council Chamber,
27th. April, 1959.
The Conm~ittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Conm~ittee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aid.
Th_._e_e following By-law was pa~s.sedi
No. 5751 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by~law be given
the second reading. ~ Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin aud AId. Gregory that Aid. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introduuing the by-lm~ and the by-law bc given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Readin8 - Aid. Gregory and Aid. Martin - Carried Unanimously.
-Ald. Morton arrived at the meeting -
At this time, it was moved by Aid. Martin, seconded by AId. 1-lcKinley
that Council refer back to Conmlunication Number 148, from the Niagara District
Airport Development Colmnittee, as 1.ir. Donald J. Forgin, Chairman, was now
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. McKinley that Mr, Forgin
be permitted to addrcs~ Council.
)It. Forgin then presented a prepared brief in which be outlined what
had transpired to the present time in connection with the proposed airport agrcement,
indicating what was considered to be the advantages to the participating muni-
Follo~.:ing tile presentation, various queries ~.Tere advanced from Members
of Council which ldr. Forgic was able to, in most instances, satisfacorily answer,
particular reference being made to tbc financing and as to whether tile amount
requested in the pro-ratcd statement attached to the draft agrecmen~ constituted
the expected expenditure for a full year or for a portio~ of the year in which thc
Airport alight be operating under Con~nission management.
Follo~;ing 1.it. Forgic's presentation, i.lr. Matthew.: Paync, of the Chamber's
Airport Conunittee, addressed tile Council expressing the vicv:s of the members of his
cosm~i~tee to tile effect that tile establishment of an adequate airport in this
~;iagara Area would bound to be advantageous to all concerned, quoting figures with
reference to T. C. A. operation and referring to piano operation carried out by his
own firm, Lubrizol Limited.
At this point, Aid. Gregory, Council's representative on the Airport
Committee voiced his opiuion, particularly with reference to the Budget as quoted
in thc draft agreement and suggested that, in his opinion, any budget should be one
which was prepared by the Commission after it had been established rather than tile
amount as quoted in tbc draft agreement which was prepared in the initial stages,
designed for submission to the City of St. Catharines, Itc was of the opinion that
A oonm~ission-prcpared budget would be for a lesser anlount than that presently
suggested. llc also was of the opinion that it might be possible to put an escape
clause in tile agreement which ~.:ould be contingent upon Fcderal funds being made
available and expcnded for improvements and extensions of the air ~ield and its
Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Aid.
l~{artin and Ald. Morton that the conmmnication and draft agrccmcnt be tabled for
a further week for study by a full Council and the City Solicitor be requested to
consider the suggestions advanced by Alderman Gregory. Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. McCallurn.
READ AND ADOPTED, 4th. May, 1959.
27 th. Apri 1,1959.
The Conference Conelitton of the City Council assel:~b!ed at the, close of
the regular Council and Finance [Icctin~s on Honda~, April
of the Committee were present, with th~ c:~ccptiou~of .lid, 27th~ 1959. All ~e,nbors
1.iayor Miller, presided as Chairman, i!owers. His Lotship,
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee ad{our!ec on the
motion of A!d, Harris and Ald. White. '
READ A~YD ADOPTED, 4th. F. ay, 1959,
Council Chamber,
4th. May, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday~ 1.lay 4th,
1959, for the purpose of considering general busieess and finance. All Members of
Council were present.' The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meetiug~ adopted these on the motion of Ald. 1,1cCallum and AId. Morton.
l, lr. J. C. Burd, General Manager, of Cucenston Quarries Limited appeared
before Council in support of his conmmnication opposing the rcceut action of Council
in awarding the tcudcr for stone to Calaguiro Brothers. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Mowers and Aid. Martin that Mr. Burd be heard. Follov:ing his final analysis
that if there had been dissatisfaction with service supplied, it was regrettable,
since they had tried sincerely to meet the full dentands of the municipality,
differcut queries were made by His Worship the Mayor and the Members of the City
Council which were satisfactorily answered by Mr. Burd.
SEE Colmnunication No.163
L~ai~d o~v_e,r_ .f_r_o_n! _t_h_e_ p_r~evi__ou_s_ _mee_t~iJ~Jl;,
No. 148 - ~iAg.ay.a. pis_ty}c~ Airpor, t Dpyelopment _Con~it_t_e~ - enclosing proposed
Agreement, FIr. W. J. McBurncy, City Solicitor, was preseut at the meeting as requested
by Council and advised as to suggested wording altering Clause 9 of the proposed
Agreerecur with reference to Budget Estimates aud also suggested v:ording as to a
possible escape clause. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. McCallum
that the Agreement be tabled for another weeh and recormncndations as submitted by
the City Solicitor be put in vriting and placed in the hands of the Members of
Council, to be dealt with at the next meeting of Council.
No. 157 - P_. }~._ ~_cpJ!tpB - requestiug permission to utilize lands leased adjacent
to the corner of Mor~ison Street and Valley Way for parking purposes. ORDERED on
the motion of AId. FlcKinley and Aid. llorton that the conmmnication be received aud
filed and the report of the Property Conmtittce which advised that permission has
been granted to the applicant, be received and adopted.
~ort Number 107.
Tenders had been called for debeutures and it was ordered on the motiou
of Aid. McK,~nley and AId. Martin that the tenders received, be opened, initialled
by tlis Worship the Mayor and tabulated.
The followinJt +Cojmju_n~_c_a~ti~o__n_sjyere_j~'_e,s~cj~t~c~;
No. 158 - pp~a+rj+_6_f_E~d_u_c_a_ti_o~j - enclosing ticbets for Spring Concert of the Public
Schools. ORDERED ou the motion of A!d. liartin and ,lid. lIorton tltat the invitation
bc received and accepted and as many of the Members of Council as find it possible
No. 159 - ~_t_aya, fqr.d_ 3!ojt!ejl'.s..Ix!s_t.i.t. ut.e' - requesting Council representatives to attend
meeting to study advisability of formation of a local Branch of Ontario Division
of Cauadian Mental lIealth Association. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Gregory and
Ald. Martin that the conmunication be received and filed and a representative of
Council attend this meetlag.
No. 160 - ~:i_ag~ra, Fi.em_oAia_l' i.lili,tairc~ - requezsti :L use of Oakes P::r',: ~:: '.:::just !st.
or the alternative date, August 3rd. for a Druta Corp,q Contest. ORDE!IED ~:: tl:: :'eric:-
of Aid. liowers and Ald. Morton that the coi,~:.lunicatio:: bc received and referred tc tim
Parks and Recreation Coimmittee with pot:or to act.
No. 161 - C~npd~aR j(at}pn~,l Bail}:ay~ - advisi~,,g raw materials arc now
repairs required on Victoria Avenue ovcrhcad bridge. who C~t,-
verbally that it is expected that plans for a new strt'~ctL:rc will be completed ::ithi::
two weeks for forwarding to the Depart|:lent. of lli/;hwa:,s. ORDEIIED e~ t'.~c niotion of
AId. Norton and Aid. Mowers that the cor.mtunication bc received and filed.
1~o. 162 - ,~Ijag~lr_a. Fgl.l.s, ~urba)~ lloads Cor.,auissiol~ ~ ,:c pro!~oscd i:w:pccti }:: of
Suburban Road System by Members of hom~il. bEDkRED {,:~ the :.:eric:: of ld. !:,m'ers
and Aid. Gregory that the conznunication bc received and filed and the c- t'
arrauge for Council to tour suburban roads. - , fin:refer
He. 163 - t~uecnstou Quarries Limited - qucstionin5 t!:c award~n~ of tender for r;t,m:
to Calaguiro Bros. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Uhitc and :lid. Zicllit~!c,' that tl-c
conm~unication be received and filed in view of the conre:onto a;:d c::planations durf.:~g
discussion on this matter. Carried. (Aid. llov:crs refrained fron: ',oti:~S duc to tkc
fact that he was absent from tim prci, ious meeting of Council when the tenders were
dealt with.)
!:o. 164 - Dep.t. _o.f_~,l_anning ~.)~c~ peyelop~;!cnt~ Co~nunity Planning Branch - Study of
Minimum Standards of Building Occupancy and iiaintcnancc,'bRDERED bi~ the i;:okion of
AId. Ilov:crs and Aid. McKinley that the corm:!unication be received and referred to tl:c
City Ilanager and City Engineer for a report at the next mcctiuS of Council.
_Tjl% fol_lp27inLB_cj!o_r.t_s_wcre~pyesentedL
Co. 107 - P_r.op_e_r_t}2 Cp~rai_t,t_e.c - advising that permission has been granted to P. W.
Sephton to park cars on lauds under leade on the eagt side of Valley Uay dircctl;-
south of I:orrison Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. !icKiu!ey and Ald. Korcon
that the report be received aud adopted.
s~_~o~,!.!~_~!~o~ ;{u~:~b~r ,157.
No. 108 ' G.i_tll }'la~!ag.qr. - reconmmnding attendance of Fire ]n:: -:ctor at Advanced Fire
Inspection Practices Course and also the attcndaucc of Fire h~structur at a Fire
Dept. Instructors' Course. ORDERED on the motion of AId. L,rton and AId. Eartin
that the report and recon~nendations be received and adopted.
No. 109 ' ~P.%l!~ CPnm!i~tic.~ 9)! -kmbu~,nee Service - three recom :endations on operation
of ambulance service. ORDERED on the' },ot'i0i~ 'Sf Aid. 1.%~.2ers and AId. 1.~orton t~mt
the report and reconmendations be received and adopted.
No. 110 ' PjIX L[~g),K - rcconmmnding attendance of the Chairman of the Traffic
Committee, Aid. Morton, at the Ontario Traffic Conference Convention at Sudbury
I!ay 27th. 28th. and 29th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. HaL'tin aud Aid. McKinley that
the report and rcconmmndation be received and adopted.
No. 111 - 14anagement Committee - report on meeting with consultants of II, G. Acres
and the prBi~di-~'ti~]{%yi'~'eiyo'rt to be submitted to Council, 14ay llth. ou sites for the
proposed sewage treatment plant. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. I'%artin and Aid. Gregory
that the report be received and filed.
No. 112 - _C_i_tX_C__l_e_~iIj _ report on Conference held on April 27tb. ORDERED on the n',otion
of Aid. l'Iowers and AId. Morton that the report be received and filed.
No. 113 - Eg~ip~_en__t._qon__mi..t_t_e_e, - recon~ncnding purchase of a John Bean Sprayer fox' Parks
Department~ at a cost of $560.52. ORDERI'ZD on the motion of ,kid. Martin and Ald,
McKiuley that the report and reconuneixdation be received and adopted.
No. 114 - ~Ci_DL~C_l.gr~li . reconmmnding issuance of llceuces. ORDERED on tim motion of
Aid. 1.1often and Aid. McKinley that the report be received and adopted aud licenoes
issued accordingly.
The City Clerh reported verbally oil behalf of the Equipment Conunittee's
rcconuncndation with reference to the quotation received from thc Preston blicro-
filming Services Limited, ona Kodagraph Fihn Reader, plus the cost of microfilming
City documents, being an over all cost of $665. ORDERED on the.motion of Aid.
Eartin and Aid. 1.lorton that the verbal report and reconmmndation be received and
The City Manager presented a verbal report on two quotations received
on a ~;atcr cooler for the upper ball and the rccol:m/endation of the Equipment Com-
~aittee that the unit be purchased from iliagore Plumbing Supply, at a quotation of
$247.50. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. liartin and .lid. McKinley that the verbal
report and rcconm~cndation be received and adopted,
Aid. liarton referred to telephone calls be had rccci\cd from citizens
expressing disappointment in Council's action at their last meeting on the
resolution submitted by the Township of l,'illougbby regarding park lands~ taxation~
etc. The Alderman stated that Council should support Uilloughby's resolution,
llis Lorship the llayor referred to the holding of joint meetings bI' the
thrce area councils when anything of intcrest to these tbrcc municipalities presents .
itself; bcing of the opinion that Uilloughby Township is not affected nearly as
much as the other municipalities in the matter of Provincially-ov:ncd lands, and
therefore Willoughby Teenship's situation is not nearly as urgent.
No 'further action was taken by Council in this matter.
Council adjourned to the Fiaancc I,lecting ou tile motion of Aid. i, lm,;ers and AId.
READ AiID ADOPTED, llth. May, 1959.
Counci 1 Chanlbcr,
4th, May, 1959.
The Finance 1,icering was held on May 4th, 1959 for the purpose of approving
and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed
before them, All Vetohers of the Conm~ittee were present. Aid. McKinley, Chairman of
Finance, presided. '.
Sundry Acoouuts submitted in the amount of $53~740,62 were approved by
the Co~msittoc.
placed in the Flone5, By-law for presentation to t!:c Cou2. cil, ou the n.oLiou of _LId.
iqartin and Aid. Fiorton.
tires and tubes, according to tbc discounts and list prices a!~ -cviccd Lliri! 27th.
and also reported on the allocation of vehicles ill 195Z~ rCc~L,L~cndlnL that thv ,"95
allocation bc carricd ou during 1959, uith the substitution of Steele 'i'irc~ for
Goodrich. ORDERED on the motion: of Ald. liartin aud Aid. ih.,=ton that tkc report
reconmmndation be received and adopted. Carried, with liebar ilillcr - co~t-:arI .
Tile Property Conlmittcc's report ou their iustructicns issued tLaL a buiZdinL
· permit be issued to D. Scozzafava, 1756 Ferry SErcci~ to construct a SoreSt, aa an
estimated cost of $2,000, which was referred to the Cou:uitLcc aL the prawlous L,cctrm.o
with power ~o act, was presented at this tin:c for consideration. OIlDEfIED ~n~ th~
motion of l,:a)or i.lillcr and Ald. iicCallum that the report bc rcccivcd and f!lud.
The Property Cowaaittec'~,; report ou their instrucuio::s tkat a buildi:~L
pcrmit bc issued to provide for the closin8 in of the portioi~. of the veraudah at 33
Uclland Avenue, which was referred to the Col:m:ittee at the prcviour; i,Eoc~i,?,], L'ith
power to act, was presented at this time for considcratio,~. CRDEZED on uhc z~oti~u of
AId. 1.!orion and >.ld. McCallurn that the report bc received and filed.
The City Manager's report on tile applicatio of the Canadian Bank of
Conm~erce to erect a plastic, illuminated else., at the career of !iaiu Street
Ferry Street, at an estimated cost of $600. was proset:ted for consideration. O!IDZW~D
ou the motion of Aid. 1.1artiu and AId. Mowers that the report be received and adopted
and permit issued.
The City 1.1anagcr's report on the application of Niagara Dr5' Beverages to
erect a plastic, illuminated sign at 1080 Victoria Avcuuc, at an cotLusted cost oz
$300. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. i.lorto;~_ and ilayor tilllet that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued.
Thc City 1.1anagcr's report on the application of 1...'. Xicci to erect a boulin~
alley on the uorth side of Ferry Street, between Gladstone and 'fcmpcrancc Avenue was
presented for consideration. The Manager advised that detailed plans of Lhc buildiixg
and estimates of costs have not been submitted as yet, but hc rccon~nended that the
application be referred to the Property Conm~ittcc with power to advise the applicant
as to whether a permit will be issued when satisfactory plans have been sublaitted.
The Manager then advised verball)' that when detailed plans and specifications Lcrc
submitted, they would be brought to Council. ORDERED on the motiol~ of AId. Nortin
and Aid. Morton that tile report of the City lqanager be received aud adopted.
The Equipment Coxlmxittce's report on quotations received for sewer cleaning
equipment and recommending tile purchase of a Sewerodor from l:rancis Rankin and Ca. Ltd.
Toronto, at a cost of $6~956.55, was presented for consideration. Ald. l!artin,
Chairman of the Equipment Comanittee, reported verball5, on the demonstration x.:itncssed
by his Conmlittee, it being the CoxIm~ittce's opinion that the Sm.:erodcr was the better
machine and as it would be in conetent use, it would be to the Cit3"s advantage to
invest in the one recolmnendcd by tile Equipment Conunittce. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Martin and AId. I, lowers that the report and reconmlcndation be received and adopted.
TIle Statenlent on Revenue and Expenditures as of April 20th, 1959 was
presented, ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid, Gregory that the Statement
be received and tabled for study by Council.
The Conm~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McCallurn aud Aid.
Mower S ·
READ AND ADOPTED' llth. May, 1959.
Council Uhamber,
4th. May, 1959.
The Conz~ittce re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance floorings for the purpesc of passing the by-law ;~hich covered the accounts
approved by the Conm~ittee. All I.Icmbcrs of Council were present.
The following ~By-law v:as j2_a_sic_d;
No. 5752 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Herton that AId. 1.1cKinley
bc granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
rcading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on thc motion of Aid. llcKinlcy and AId. Eorton that Rule 36 (2)
of ~he Standing Rules of Conncil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. I,Iowers and Aid. Uhite - Carried Unanimously..
The City liesager reported verbally on thc tabulation of the tenders
rcccived for the issue of $353,310.50 .debentures, and rcconunendcd to Council that the
tender of Deacon, Findlay and Coyrio at a quotation of $93.52 be accepted, ORDERED on
the motion of Aid. l:artin and AId. Gregory that the report and reco~nendation be
received and adopted and the firm of Deacon, Finality and Coyrio be notified accordingly.
SEE Resolution Numbcr 52.
The following Resolution was p~asse_d_i
1{o. 52 - [I_~_~,7.I~[ .-_,G~R~.Gp.R_Y - RESOLVED that the tender of Deacon, Findlay and Coync
on the debenturc issue of the City of Niagara Falls, in the amount of $353,310.50,
b.c accepted at the pricc quoted, namely, $98.52 per hundred dollars plus accrued
interest; and tile Seal. of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously,
C ,u::cZl c:.,-'-,--
the regular Council and Finance llactings on florida2 , Hay -':th, 2~9. '~! :',.:920r,j of
the Conm:ittee were present. Ilis Uorship, lht','or i'_i!tcr presided as Cbairi.,a::.
After consideration of the items p:rascntcd to the:.:, the Co::u::f
motion of Aid. Howera and AId. Hartin.
RE.AS Ai'D ADOPTED, tlth. May, 1959.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. Mowers ?and :lid. White.
READ/hN~D ADOPTED, llth. May, 1959.
Council Chamber,
llth. May, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, May llth.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous.meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton.
Tenders had been called for the supply of clothing for the Fire
Department and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton it was ordered that the
tenders received, be opened, initialled by His Nors~ip the Mayor and tabulated.
Laid over from the previous meetinR;
No. 148 - Niagara District Airport Development Committee - enclosing draft Airport
Agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. McCallum that the com-
munication be received and filed and the report of the City Solicitor containing
revisions to the draft agreement, be received a~d filed and a resolu6ion be moved
that the agreement be approved with these changes having been made in the draft.
~EE Report Number 115.
SEE Resolution No. 53.
No. 164 - ~irector, Community Planning Branch -enclosing press release of the
Minister of Planning and Development re Study of Minimum Standards of Building
Occupancy and Maintenance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton
that the communication be received and filed.
SEE Report Number 116.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 165 - Niagara Falls Juvenile Baseball Team - requesting use of Oakes Park.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. White that the communication be
received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Conmittee for a report,
No. 166 - Clerk, Township of Stamford - suggesting May 20th. as date of meeting of
the three area councils to discuss entire question of taxation relative to Pro-
vincial and Hydro properties. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton
that the communication be received and filed and the meeting arranged for the date
and time as specified in the communication.
No. 167 - Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards - resolution to extend number
of days in which to file an appeal against assessments. The City Clerk reported
verbally on this subject, pointing out the impracticability of such an arrangement;
he stated that appellants now have 14 days in which to file an appeal and was of
the opinion that this should be ample time. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.McKinley
and Ald. White that the resolution be received and filed.
No. 168 - C. G. I. T. - expressing appreciation for permission to hold tag day and
advising of the amount collected.. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
Gregory that the co~maunication be received and filed.
No. 169 -_Manager, Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting a meeting with Council
to discuss the possibility of having a "General By-law" to replace the passing of
individual by-laws in each case of new construction and re-arrangement of telephone
plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the communication
be received and an invitation be extended to the writer to attend the next Council
No. 170 - Nia_~ra Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board
~ " - extending ae invitation
to attend meeti~St. C~=o~a~9~hTa[. ~..~ p.m. to consider some form
of planning organization between the various municipalities and planning boards in
the Niagara Peninsula. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Morton that
the invitation be received and accepted and Alderman White, Council's representative
on the Board be authorized to attend the proposed meeting,
No. 171 - Ontario Mpnic~l Association - Bulletin on forthcoming Convention to be
held in Sudbury, August 30th. to September 2rid. ORDERED on the motion of AId,
McKinley and Aid. McCallum that the conmunication be received and filed, the usual
arrangements made and as many of the Members of Council as find it possible attend.
No. 172 - W. A~Snyde__Kr _ comments. MR. Snyder was permitted to address Council on
the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton. He expressed appreciation for the
reply wbich he was about to receive regarding the operation of parking meters in the
City and referred to certain other matters. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and
Aid. McKinley that the communication be received and filed aa the letter containiug
the inforn~tion on parking meters is now ready for forwarding to Mr. Snyder.
No. 173 - H. G. Acres and Co. Ltd. - advising of sites investigated for proposed
sewage plant and suggesting location number 4 in the Glenview Area. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received and tabled
and the Management Committee be given power to negotiate as to the possibility of
acquiring Location No. 4. Carried, witbAld. McKinley-contrary; tbe Alderman
advised that due to the petition filed by residents of the Glenview Area against
such a plant, he could not vote for the motion.
Aid. Martin, Chairman of the Management Committee, queried as to what
other suggestion there would be for a location for tbis Plant which the City is being
to build, or be penalized by the Ontario Water Resources Commission, if LocationNo.4.
is not available or not suitable to the Members of Council.
His Worship Mayor Miller suggested that the residents of Glenview or
residents from any section of the City, be given the opportunity to view the photo-
graphs taken by our Engineering Staff of the sewage treatment plant at Port Huron,
so that they might be made acquainted with the type of construction, etc.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 115 - City Solicitor - suggesting revisions to Airport Agreement. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Gregory and Aid. McCallum that the report be received and filed
and a resolution be moved that the agreement be approved with the changes iu the
draft agreement as suggested by the Solicitor.
SEE Resolution No.53.
SEE Communication Number 148.
No. 116 - City ManaRer - release of Hen. Minister of Planning and Development, re
study of minimum standards of building occupancy and maintenance. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed.
No. 117 - Arena Conmittee - meeting held with N.F.N,Y. officials on outdoor rinks.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report be received
and filed.
No. 118 - City__Slerk . recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley an~d. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
The followjig P_e. titions were presented;
No. 3 - Metbert Dunscome and 7 others - suggesting the erection of a fence around
Robinson Street Playground. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers
that the petition be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee
for a report.
No. 4 - W. L. Carr and 14 other families - requesting construction of a sewer on
Stamford St. from MacDonald Ave. to Detroit Ave, and also a new asphalt road. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald. McKinley that the petition be received and
referred to the City Manager for a report.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 53 - GREGORY - McCALLUM - RESOLVED that the draft agreement as submitted by the
Niagara District Airport Development Committee be approved by the Council of the City
of Niagara Falls, subject to changes as recommended by tile City Solicitor; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 54 - blOWERS - MORTON - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be held
on Tuesday evening, }lay 19th. 1959 commencing at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously,
Ald. blartin referred to the low water pressure in the Morse-Misener
subdivision and the City Manager advised that this would be checked.
His Worship, blayor Miller, expressed appreciation to the merchants in the
area for tha full co-operation received in decorating their places of business for
the promotion of Blossom Time At Niagara and the work done by the Blossom Time
Committee, which resulted in bringing tourists to this area earlier in the season,
which was the purpose of such campaign.
Mayor Miller stated that he wished to publicly thank the Members of the
Niagara Falls Police Force for their participation in the tug-of-war with fellow
police officers of the City of Niagara Falls, New York and for the honour which the
City Police brought to the City of Niagara Falls by winning the contest.
Ald. McKinley congratulated the Mayor for the inauguration of Blossom
Week and referred to the very excellent Aquarium Display which was held at the Park
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 5622 - To authorize the borrowing of $125,000.00 for the installation of new
heating plants, ventilation and necessary structural work in Barker St.
Simcoe St. Glenview, Maple St. and Memorial Public Schools and to
provide for the issue of debentures of the City of Niagara Falls therefor.
Third Reading - (As Amended) -Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5746 - to authorize the borrowing of $32,000.00 Lfor the resurfacing of the
asphalt pavement on McRae Street and construction of new sidewalks
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and AId. Martin - Carried Unanimously.
No, 5747 - To authorize the borrowing of $74,000.00 for the resurfacing of asphalt
pavements on various streets throughout the municipality.
Third Reading - (As Amended) -Ald. Martin and Aid, McCallum - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5748 - To authorize the borrowing of $93,000.00 for the construction of watermains
on Terrace Ave. and Leader Lane and sewers on Stanley Ave. Peer St. Peer
Lane and Main Street.
Third Reading - (As Amended) - AId. Mowers - Aid. Martin - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald,
RE~ AND ADOPTED, 19th. May, 1959.
Council Chamber,
llth. May, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was h~ld on May llth, 1959 for the purpose of approving
and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified aed placed
before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. McKinley, Chairman
of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $51,202.02 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AId.
Mowers and Ald. Gregory.
The Property Committee's report on their consideration of the application
of Mr. M. Ricci, to construct a bowling alley on the north side of Ferry Street
between Gladstone Avenue and Temperance Avenue, was presented for consideration.
The Committee recommended that the building permit will be issued when necessary plans
and specifications have been submitted and that the applicant be so advised. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mayor Miller that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of the Nassau Restaurant, 1717
Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a facet sign at an estimated cost of $3,300.
was presented for consideration, with the recommendation that the application be
referred to the Property Committee for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report and recommendation be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on a permit to erect a carport at 1366 Morrison
Street and recommending that the application be referred to the Property Committee
for consideration, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald.
Morton that the report be received and recommendation adopted.
FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mowers that a
carport located on May Avenue for which a permit was granted, be inspected by the
Property Committee at their next meeting.
The City Manager's report on the application of John A. Krupski, 760
Queen Street, for a building permit to erect a one-storey addition in front of the
dwelling at the same address, at an estimated cost of $1,000. was presented for
consideration, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that the
applic~tion be referred to the Property Committee for a report.
The City Manager presented a verbal report on the application received
from the Clifton Hotel, 955 Clifton Hill, for the erection of two neon signs, at a
total estimated cost of $3,895. and recommended that the applications be referred
to the Property Committee for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald. Gregory that the verbal report be received and the applications referred
to the Property Committee for a report.
The City Manager presented a verbal report on the proposed restaurant
to be constructed at the Empress Motel on Bender Hill and advised that permission
has now been received from the Department of Highways for the face of the restaurant
to be 35 feet back from Highway Department property. In order that the foundation
work can be proceeded with, the City Manager recommended that a building permit be
issued, stating that details will be presented for consideration at the next meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and AId. Mowers that the tentative approval be
granted for the construction of the foundation of the restaurant on Bender Hill,
subject to the provision that detailed plans and specifications will be submitted
for consideration at the next meeting of Council.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin - Carried Uuanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. l~rtin and Aid, Gregory.
READ AND ADOPTED, 19th. 1May, 1959.
READ AND ADOPTED 19th. May, 1959.
· _ irman of Financ&.
Council Chamber,
llth. May, 1959.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, May llth. 1959. All Members
of the Conmaittee were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairnmn.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 19th. May, 1959.
Council Chamber,
llth. May, 1959.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The following By-law was passed;
No, 5753 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald, Morton that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of in~roducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading - Carried Unanimously.
Council Chamber,
19th. May, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 19th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of
the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum.
Messrs, F. M. Barclay, Manager of the Bell Telephone Company,in
Niagara Falls and F. E. Sampson, Supervising Engineer, were present at the meeting
and on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Norton, it was ordered that they be
Mr. Barclay was the spokesman and outlined to Council the advantages of
the institution of a "General By-law" to replace the passing of individual by-laws
in each case of new construction and re-arrangement of telephone plant in Niagara
Falls, He pointed out that the proposed by-law is now working with success in
other municipalities in this area. Copies of the proposed by-law were then
distributed, following which queries were directed to the speaker by members of
the Council. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley
that the proposed draft by-law be referred to the City Solicitor for a report.
Carried Unanimously.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 174 - Township of Willoughby - invitation to meeting of representatives of all
Municipal Councils ironring on the Niagara River, to formulate some action of a
combined nature, to bring pressure on Ontario Government to acquire full taxes on
park lands. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald. McKinley that the com-
munication be received and the writer notified that if the proposed joint meeting
which is scheduled to be held with the other two municipalities of the Greater
Niagara Area takes place before the special meeting called by the Township of
Willoughby, then the municipality of Niagara Falls will be represented at the
meeting to be held in the Willoughby Township Hall on May 28th. at 8 p.m. Carried
with Ald. Morton-contrary.
No. 175 - Canadian Corps Assoc. Unit 104 - requesting permission to hold Annual
Canadian Corps Pilgrimage Parade on ~une 13th. and outlining the proposed route.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the communication be
received and filed and permission granted as requested.
No. 176 - Canadian Corps Assoc. Unit 104, - invitation to Mayor and Council and
their wives to take part in Annual Pilgrimage Parade to be held on June 13th.
ORDERED on the motion Df AId. Mowers and Ald. Gregory ·that the invitation be'
received and accepted and as many of the Members of Council and their wives as
find it possible attend. Ald. Norton, Gregory and McKinley signified at this
time their intention to be present; the remaining Aldermen to signify later.
No. 177 - M. Batty Wats0.n - tendering resignation as Con~nissioner on the Niagara
Falls Suburban Roads Cormmission, effective June 30th. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the resignation be received and accepted with
regret and a letter be forwarded expressing the appreciation of the City Council
for the excellent representation rendered by Mr. Watson while acting on this
Cownnission. The City Clerk requested Council to give some consideration to a
replacement on this Board.
No. 178 - N_iaJara Falls SeJarate School Board - expressing opposition to any merger
of the three Greater Niagara Area municipalities. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
Martin and Aid. McCallum that the communication be received and filed.
No. 179 - ~reater Niagara Chamber of Connnerce - outlining reductions in Tourist
Promotion Program. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. White that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 180 - ~it2 Cler~_hWellan~.pn__t' - resolution to petition Provincial Governmcnt
to take necessary action to secure a maximum interest rate of 5% on temporary bank
borrowing by all municipalities in Canada. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers
and Aid. Martin that the resolution be received and filed.
No. 181 - Fire Inspector - outlining conditions at 2158 Stanley Avenue and requesting
guidance of Council. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton that
the communication be received and referred to the City Manager, Property Committee
and other officials involved, for investigation and report back to Council.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 119 - Cit~lana[e[ - recommending attendance of Arena Manager at Course to be
held at Guelph Ontario Agricultural College May 25th. to 29th. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Norton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 120 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Welfare Administrators and
Assistant, at Ninth Annual Convention of Welfare Officers' Association, at Sault Ste.
Marie, June 15th. to 17th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Nartin
that the report and recommendation be received and adopted.
No. 121 ~ Chairman of Joint Committee - re recognition of sports achievements.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. White that the report and recomnleudations
be received and adopted, with the wish that the other two area councils will adopt the
report also.
No. 122 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motioo of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted aud licences
issued accordingly,
No. 123 - City Clerk - application for Refreshment Vehicle Licence. The City Clerk
advised Council verbally that this application was being made with one thought in
mind, to find out whether Council would grant a licence as applicant contemplates
purchasing a vehicle from a previous operator. ORDERED on the motion of AId.Mowers
and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed and the licence be not granted.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 55 - MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of is
Worship the Mayor, and Members of the City Council, be forwarded to Mr. Nlcho as
Rosianna, upon the death of his mother, the late Mrs. Anna Rose Rosianrm]/au~ the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. '
_ Carried Unanimously.
· No. 56 - MORTON - McKINLEy - RESOLVED that a communication be forwarded to the
Niagara Development Commerce, expressing Council's appreciation for the time and
effort rendered by the different groups taking part in the promotion of Blossom Time
at Niagara; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl7.
No. 57 - MORTON - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate
with the City Solicitor to ascertain the costs involved to have the titles searched
for municipal properties for the year 1959; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimousl~
Council Chamber,
19th. May, 1959.
1959, for the purpose of,
of Council were present.
the previous meeting, ado[
Messrs, F.' M. !
Niagara Falls and F. E. Sm
and on the motion of Ald.(
Mr. Barclay was
the institution of a "Gener
in each case of new constru
Falls. He pointed out that
other municipalities in thi:
distributed, following whic[
the Council. It was then ox
that the proposed draft by-]
Carried Unanimously.
The following Communications
No. 174 - Townshim of Willo~
Municipal Councils ironring c
combined nature, to bring pre
park lands. ORDERED on the m
munication be received and th
which is scheduled to be held
Niagara Area takes place befo~
Willoughby, then the municipal
meeting to be held in the Wi½]
with Ald. Morton-contrary.
No. 175 - Canadian Corps Assoc
Canadian Corps Pilgrimage Pars
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 1
received and filed and permis~:
No. 176 - Canadian Corps Assoc__~.
their wives to take part in Ann
ORDERED on ~he motion of Ald. M
received and accepted and as ma
find it possible attend, Ald, ~
time their intention to be prey,
No. 177 - M. Batty Watson - tent ._, .... . .o ~mxesioner 'on the Niagara
Falls Suburban Roads Commission, effective June 30th. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the resignation be received and accepted with
regret and a letter be forwarded expressing the appreciation of the City Council
for the excellent representation rendered by Mr. Watson while acting on this
Conmission. The City Clerk requested Council to give some consideration to a
replacement on this Board.
No. 178 - N_iaJara Falls Separate School Board - expressing opposition to any merger
of the three Greater Niagara Area municipalities. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Martin and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and filed.
No. 179 - ~.rea~er Niao~ ...... lining reductions in Tourist
zKinley and Ald. White that the
petition Provincial Government
t rate of 5% on temporary bank
on the motion of Ald. blowers
58 Stanley Avenue and requesting
cKinley and Ald. Morton that
y Manager, Property Committee
~port back to Council.
~na Manager at Course to be
o 29th, ORDERED on tbc motion
ved and adopted.
fare Administrators and
re' Association, at Sault Ste.
L Morton and AId. Martin
f sports achievements.
the report and recommendations
area councils will adopt the
ORDERED on the motion of
and adopted and licences
Licenee. The City Clerk
ade with one thought in
applicant contemplates
the motion of Aid,Mowers
:he licenee be not granted.
thy on behalf of His
rded to Mr. Nicholas
- -~-mrs.~Anna Rose Rosianna; and the
~l~~--"~nereto affixed.
_ Carr__ied Ueanimously.
No. 56 - MORTON - McKINLEy - RESOLVED that a communication be forwarded to the
Niagara Development Committee, expressing Council's appreciation for the time and
effort rendered by the different groups taking part in the promotion of Blossom Time
at Niagara; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslM.
No. 57 - MORTON - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate
with the City Solicitor 'to ascertain the costs involved to have the titles searched
for municipal properties for the year 1959; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously.
Council Chamber,
19th. May, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 19th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of
the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum.
Messrs. F. M. Barclay, Manager of the Bell Telephone Company,in
Niagara Falls and F. E. Sampson, Supervising Engineer, were present at the meeting
and on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald, Morton, it was ordered that they be
Mr. Barclay was the spokesman and outlined to Council the advantages of
the institution of a "General By-law" to replace the passing of individual by-laws
in each case of new construction and re-arrangement of telephone plant in Niagara
Falls. He pointed out that the proposed by-law is now working with success in
other municipalities in this area. Copies of the proposed by-law were then
distributed, following which queries were directed to the speaker by members of
the Council. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley
that the proposed draft by-law be referred to the City Solicitor for a report.
Carried Unanimously.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 174 - Township of Willoughby - invitation to meeting of representatives of all
Municipal Councils fronting on the Niagara River, to formulate some action of a
combined nature, to bring pressure on Ontario Government to acquire full taxes on
park lands. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the com-
munication be received and the writer notified that if the proposed joint meeting
which is scheduled to be held with the other two municipalities of the Greater
Niagara Area takes place before the special meeting called by the Township of
Willoughby, then the municipality of Niagara Falls will be represented at the
meeting to be held in the Willoughby Township Hall on~y 28th. at 8 p.m. Carried
with Ald. Morton-contrary.
No. 175 - Canadian Corps Asset. Unit 104 - requesting permission to hold Annual
Canadian Corps Pilgrimage Parade on ~une 13th. and outlining the proposed route.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the communication be
received and filed and permission granted as requested.
No. 176 - Canadian Corps Assoc. Unit 104, - invitation to Mayor and Council and
their wives to take part in Annual Pilgrimage Parade to be held on June 13th.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory ~hat the invitation be ·
received and accepted and as many of the Members of Council and their wives as
find it possible attend. Ald. Morton, Gregory and McKinley signified at this
time their intention to be present; the remaining Aldermen to signify later.
No. 177 - M. Barry Watson - tendering resignation as Commissioner on the Niagara
Falls Suburban Roads Commission, effective June 30th. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the resignation be received and accepted with
regret and a letter be forwarded expressing the appreciation of the City Council
for the excellent representation rendered by Mr. Watson while acting on this
Commission. The City Clerk requested Council to give some consideration to a
replacement on this Board.
No. 178 - N_i~ara Falls Separate School Board - expressing opposition to any merger
of the three Greater Niagara Area municipalities. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Martin and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and filed.
No. 179 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - outlining reductions in Tourist
Promotion Program. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. White that tile
communication be received and filed.
No. 180 - City Clerkt Welland, Out. - resolution to petition Provincial Government
to take necessary action to secure a maximum interest rate of 5% on temporary bank
borrowing by all municipalities in Canada. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and Ald. Martin that the resolution be received and filed.
No. 181 - Fire Inspector - outlining conditions at 2158 Stanley Avenue and requesting
guidance of Council. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley aud AId. Morton tbat
the communication be received and referred to the City Manager, Property Committee
and other officials involved, for investigation and report back to Council.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 119 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Arena Manager at Course to be
held at Guelph Ontario Agricultural College May 25th, to 29th. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 120 - Cit/Manae~ - recommending attendance of Welfare Administrators and
Assistant, at Ninth Annual Convention of Welfare Officers' Association, at Sault Ste.
Marie, June 15th. to 17th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. Martin
that the report and recommendation be received and adopted.
No. 121 - Chairman of Joint Committee - re recognition of sports achievements.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. White that tile report and recomnendations
be received and adopted, with the wish that the other two area councils will adopt the
report also.
No. 122 -~City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No. 123 - gltJ_Clerk - application for Refreshment Vehicle Licence. The City Clerk
advised Council verbalfy that this application was being made with one thought in
mind, to find out whether Council would grant a licence as applicant contemplates
purchasing a vehicle from a previous operator. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Mowers
and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed and the licenee be not granted.
TIle following Resolutions were passed;
No, 55 - MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor, and Members of the City Council, be forwarded to Mr. Nicholas
Restanna, upon the death of his mother, the late Mrs. Anna Rose Rosianna; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
_ Carried Unanimously.
. No, 56 - MORTON - McKINLEy - RESOLVED that a communication be forwarded to the
Niagara Development' Committee, expressing Council's appreciation for the time and
effort rendered by the different groups taking part in the promotion of Blossom Time
at Niagara; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 57 - MORTON - MARTIN - RESOLVED that tile City Clerk be instructed to communicate
with the City Solicitor to ascertain the costs involved to have the titles searched
for municipal properties for the year 1959; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 5742 - To authorize the construction of watermains on Stanton Avenue, Park St.
St.Lawrence Ave. Huron St. Third Ave. Second Ave. and Lundy's Lane; and
sewers on Hamilton St. Fourth Ave. Buckley Ave. Huron St. and Victoria
Avenue Domp.
Third Reading - AId. Martin and AId. White - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Martin referred to the indefinite period cars are p~rked on
Bender Hill and queried whether anything was going to be done, as this was brought
to the attention of Council a few weeks ago.
His Worship the Mayor advised that the matter was taken up with the
Chief of Police and a suggestion was made that the City consider the establishing
of one-hour parking.
The Traffic Committee were requested to take this under advisement.
Ald. Gregory referred to the intersection of Second Avenue and Jepson
Street and requested that consideration might be given by thelTraffic Committee to
the establishment of Second Avenue as a through street.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 25th. May, 1959.
Council Chamber,
19th.May, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on May 19th. 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified.
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. McKinley,
Clmirman of Finance, presided,
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $165,920.64 were approved
by the Committee. '
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for pre senration to the Council, on the motion
of AId. Mowers and AId. White.
The Sunmary of Tenders received for clothisg for the Fire Department
was presented, along witb the City Manager's recommendations. ORDERED on the motion
of Mayor Miller and Ald. Martin that the recommendations be received and adopted,
namely, the suits and reefer coats be purchased from Marshall's Men's Shop, at a
quotation of $1,923.50; the Fire Chief's and Firemen's caps and burberry coats be
purchased from Gullion's Shop at a quotation of $354.65 and the shirts be purchased
from Rosberg's Ltd. at a quotation of $686.00. Carried with Aid. Gregory and Ald.
Mowers - contrary.
The Property Committee's report on the application for a carport at 1366
Morrison Street was presented for consideration. The report advised that the Com-
mittee did not consider there was sufficient room for the erection of a carport at
this address. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the
report be received and adopted.
T|~e Property Committee's report on the application of the Nassau Restaurant
for a permit to erect a facet sign at 1717 Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of
$3,300. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Mayor Miller that
the report and recommendation be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Property Committee's report on the application of John A, Krupski,
760 Queen Street, to erect a one-storey addition in front of the dwelling, at an
estimated cost of $1,000. was presented. The report advised tbat the Committee were
definitely opposed to proposed erection, being of the opinion that if any construction
is permitted, it should be at least two storeys in height. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the report and recommendation be received and
adopted. Carried, with Mayor Miller-contrary.
The Property Committee's report on their inspection of the carport erected
at 149 Stanton Avenue, which has now developed into a garage, was presented for
consideration. The Committee recommended that the occupant be advised to remove the
portion of the structure above the concrete blocks that had been closed in contrary
to the original permit. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that
the report and recommendation be received and adopted.
The Property Committee's report on the application of the Clifton Hotel,
955 Clifton Hill for permission to erect two signs, was presented for consideration.
The Committee recommended that a permit be issued with the stipulation that the
signs must be erected to provide the required clearance from the power line of the
Niagara Falls Hydro. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the
report and recommendation be received and adopted.
Aid. Mowers was of the opinion that it is the responsibility of the
Sign Companies to secure the necessary permits before erections are commenced.
Ald. Morton moved that applications for signs must be submitted two
weeks in advance; there was no seconder to this motion.
The City Manager's report on the application of Fred Cade for permission
to erect four signs at the Wedgewood Motel, at the corner of Victoria .\venue and
Ferry Street, at a total cost of $2,200. was presented for consideration, ORDERED
on the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald. Mowers that the report and recommendation be
received and adopted and permission granted.
I The City Manager's report on the application of W. S. Stevens, 1769 Ferry
Street, for permission to erect a neon sign at the Stevens' Hotel, at an estimated
cost of $1,800. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. White
that the report hnd recommendation be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 25th. May, 1959.
/ ~ '~ ~rman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
19th. ~y, 1959.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
appro~ed by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5754 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. While - Carried Unanimously.
At this time, Council cormnenced consideration of the Tour of Inspection
which was held on May 12th, 1959 which all members of Council artended, with the
exception of Ald. Morton and McKinley.
1. PAVING HURON STREET ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
from Erie Avenue to Valley Way Ald. Gregory that the pavements on Huron
Street be widened to 34 feet.
from Queen Street to Huron Stree~
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Ald. McCallum that in view of the City
Manager's report, the pavement be not
considered this year, but the recom-
mendations of the City Manager regarding
the sidewalk and the installation of
bumpers, be approved.
from Huron St. to Morrison
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory
and Ald. Morton that this item be
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Aid. McKinley that this item be approved
for submission of a report.
from Erie Ave. to Buckley Ave.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and
Ald. Gregory that this item be approved
for submission of a report.
St. Clair Avenue & Park Street
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and
Ald. White that the work be adopted and
proceede~ with as reconmnended.
River Road to Victoria Avenue
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and
Aid. Martin that the item be approved for
submission of a report.
from Ferguson Ave.to Leader Lane
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and ~
Ald. Morton that the item be approved and
work proceeded with.
(See Petition No.2,meeting of Apr.20th.'
(Hamilton St. to N.S. and T. Rly.)
(See Petition No.l, meeting of Apr.20)
llA. 755 Fourth Avenue
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. biorton and
Ald. McC llum that the item be laid over
until plans have been submitted for
I 12.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Howers and
Aid. Gregory that the item be approved
and work proceeded with.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and
Aid. McKinley that this item be approved
and work proceeded with.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. blowers and
Ald. bIorton tbat the necessary sidewalk
repairs be made.
998 Robert Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory
and Aid. blowers that no action be taken.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and
Ald. McCallum that no action be taken
14. USED CAR LOT AT 1706 Ferry Street
(See Petition No.3, Meeting of
l~ay llth.)
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Aid. Martin that the City Manager and City
Clerk submit a report as to possible action.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Ald. Horton that this item be approved for
submission of a report.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and
Aid. blowers that the petition be beld in
abeyance until submission of a report by
the Parks Committee.
16. PEER STREET - Main St. to Allen Ave.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and
Ald. Morton that the report be approved
as proposed,
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and
AId. Morton that approval be granted for
proceeding with the necessary work.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and
Ald. Mowers that the matter be referred
to the Management Committee for arrange-
ments as to a suitable "Open House" and
a report to Council as to what is proposed.
AGREED Tt~T the City Manager make progressive
reports on the situation in front of the
Greater Niagara Genoral Hospital and keep
Council advised.
Aid. Mowers brought up the question of conditions, particularly with
reference to flooding during the winter and spring season adjacent to the intersection
of Sixth Avenue and Valleyway and the City Manager advised that he was aware of this
condition and intended to bring in a report, suggesting the installation of curb and
gutter on the west side of Sixth Avenue from Jepson Street to Valley Way, which, in his
opinion, would probably cure the condition.
No. 187 - Clerk,New Toronto - Resolution requesting increase in Old Age Assistance
to $65.00 per month to persons 65 and over. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
and Ald. Gregory that the cormnun|ca|ion be received and filed. A previous motion
by Ald. Morton t|mt the resolution be endorsed, was not seconded.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 124 - ProJ~X Comanittee ~ re inspection of 2158 Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. ~rtin and Aid. Morton that the report be received and filed and
a further report on progress be submitted to Council by the City bianager in two
weeks' time. Carried, with Ald, White,contrary).
No. 125 - City Manager and City Clerk - report as to possible action regarding
conditions at 1706 Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
McKinley that the report he referred to the City Solicitor and action be taken
upon his advice.
No. 126 - City Clerk - report on Conference held on May 19th, 1959. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin that the report be received and flied,
No. 127 - City Clerk - recentending provisional issuance of licences for five
Nursing Homes for the year 1959. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
Mowers that the report be received and filed and the Clerk be authorized ~o issue
provisional licenets. (Carried, with Ald. Martin,contrary).
No, 128 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No. 129 - Traffic Committee - recommendations re parking on Bender Hill, Second
Avenue, directional signs on Ferry Street and Murray Hill and traffic lights at
Victoria, Mort|son and Valleyway. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald.
Mowers that each section of the report be considered separately. Carried - the
vote being for -Ald. Martin, Mowers, McKinley and McCallum. Against - Aid.Morton,
Gregory and White. A motion made prior to this by Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory
that the report be received and adopted was defeated, the vote being - For -Ald.
Morton, Gregory and White; against -Ald. Martin, Mowers, McKinley and McCallum,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that the recommendation,
contained in Paragraph 2 of the report, that two-hour parking be ~stablished on
the south side of Bender Hill,be received and adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Mowers that the recommendation to
hold the matter of making Second Avenue a through street at Jepson Street in
abeyance until the completion of resurfaciug of McRae Street, as contained in
Paragraph 3, be received and adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the recommendation to
have signs erected on Ferry Street directing traffic to the Queen Elizabeth Way
via Stanley and a better sign placed on Murray Hill, as contained in Paragraph 4,
be received and adopted. This motion was defeated, the vote b~ing - For -Ald,
Morton, Gregory and White; against -Ald. Martin, Mowers, McCallum and McKinley.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the recommendation that
the Department of ]{ighways be requested to have a sign erected on the Queen
Elizabeth Way directiBg traffic to the Falls via Stanley Avenue and Murray Hill,
as contained in Paragraph 5, be received and adopted. (Carried, the vote being -
For -Ald. Morton, White, Gregory and Mowers; Against -Ald. Martin, McKinley and'
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the recommendation that
the traffic lights for Valley~ay, Victoria and Morrison be ordered and installed
immediately, as contained in Paragraph 6, be received and adopted. This motion was
defeated, the vote being - For - AId. Morton, White and Gregory; against, Aid,Martin,
Mowers, McKinley and McGallum.
No. 130 - Equipment Committee - reconnending purchase of Stenocord Dictating Machine.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald, Morton that the report be received and
No. 131 - ~icy Engineer
No. 132 - City Engineer
No. 133 - ~/~n__g~neer
No. 134 - City Engineer
No. 135 - City Engineer
No. 136 - City Engineer
No. 137 - Ci_~t_-~ Engineer
No. 138 - City Engineer
No. 139 - City Engineer
No. 140 - City Engineer
No. 141 - Qi__Cy Engineer
No. 142 - City Engineer
No. 143 - ~y Ej_g_ineer
No. 144 - City Engineer
No. 145 - City Engineer
No. 146 - 9ity Engineer
No. 147 - City Engineer
No. 148 - City Engineer
recommending asphalt rcsurfacing of
recommending asphalt resurfacing of
reconnnending asphalt resurfacing of
recommending asphalt resurfacing of
recommending asphalt resurfacing of
reconunending asphalt resurfacing of
recommending asphalt resurfacing of
recommending asphalt resurfacing of
recommending asphalt resurfacing of
recommending asphalt resurfacing of
recommending asphalt resurfacing of
recommending asphalt resurfacing of
recommending asphalt resurfacing of
recommending asphalt resurfacing of
recentending asphalt resurfacing of
recommending asphalt resurfacing of
recommending asphalt resurfacing of
recommending asphalt reaurfacing of
May Avenue.
Elgin Street.
Stanton Avenue.
Queen Street.
First Avenue.
Fourth Avenue.
F~plc Street.
Third Avenue.
WillmotE Street.
McRae Street.
Lewis Avenue.
Lincoln Street.
Magdalen Street.
McGrail Avenue.
MeGrail Avenue.
Lundy's Lane.
Armoury Street.
Welland Avenue.
No. 149 - City Engineer - Summary of 1959 Asphalt Resurfacing Progrange.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald, McKinley that Reports Nos. 131 to
149 inclusive be considered together. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Aid. Gregory that the reports of the City Engineer be received and adopted and
the work proceeded with.
SEE Resolution No.59.
Aid. Morton referred to the conditions which existed at a property on
Spring Street which he had brought to the attention of Council during 1958.
Moved by Ald. Morton that the Property Committee inspect the premises on Spring
Street, to which he referred, and submit a report to Council. This motion was
not seconded.
Aid, Martin referred to the dandelion nuisance on the various parks and
City boulevards, especially calling attention to the condition of the island on
Inglis Drive. The City Manager advised that these areas were being sprayed whenever
The following Resolutions were passed~
No. 58 - MCKINLEY - McCALLUM - RESOLVED that Aid. Mowers and AId. Martin be appointed
as Counci[~ representatives to the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried - Aid.White,contrary
No. 59 - MOWERS - GREGORY - RESOLVED that the following Reports for the Asphalt
Resurfacing%'f~I~pavements of the streets listed, namely: Report No. 131, ~yAvenue,
from Buttrey Street to Terrace Avenue; Report No. 132, Elgin Street from River Road
to Terrace Avenue; Report No, 133, Stanton Avenue from Ferguson Street to the north
limit; Report No. 134, Queen Street from River Road to Erie Avenue; Report No. 135,
First Avenue from Bridge Street to 230 feet north of Bridge Street; Report No. 136,
Fourth Avenue from Hamilton Street to the north limit; Report No. 137, Maple Street
from Fourth Avenue to Stanley Avenue; Report No. 138, Third Avenue from Morrison
Street to WillmotE Street; Report No. 139, WillmotE Street from Fourth Avenue to
Sixth Avenue; Report No. 140, McRae Street from Victoria Avenue to Heywood Avenue;
Report No. 141, Lewis Avenue from Kitchener Street to Lincoln Street; Report No.142
Lincoln Street from Lewis Avenue to Buchanan Avenue; Report No. 143, Magdalen Street
from Lewis Avenue to Ellen Avenue; Report No. 144, McGrail Avenue from Centre Street
to Magdalen Street; Report No, 145, McGrail Avenue from Walnut Street to Con|re Street;
Report No. 146, Lundy's Lane from Main Street to Drummond Road; Report No, 147,Armoury
Street from Welland Avenue to Victoria Avenue; Report No. 148, Welland Avenue from
Simcoe Street to Jepson Street; be adopted and the work proceeded with as soon as
convenient; and ~he Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimouslt
No. 60 - McKINL~EY~- MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of s)~npathy on behalf of
His Worship tbe Mayor and Members of Council be forwarded to Mr. Arthur Fry; upon
the death of his wife, the late Pearl Fry; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried UnanimousiX.
No. 61 - MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of Council, be forwarded to the family of the late
Mr. Arnold Teal, a former valued City Employee; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5755 - To provide for permission to The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada to place
conduit on Victoria Avenue, south-west of Walnut Street, Niagara Falls
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid, Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Aid, Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid.
READANDADOPTED, June.lst. 1959.
Council Chamber,
25th. May, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on May 25th, 1959, for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald, McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $48,18Z.85 were approved by
the Committee.
Tbe Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Mayor Miller and 'ld. McCallum.
The City Manager's report on the application of Fred Easeland Fuels for
permission to erect a metal sign on their property facing Queen Street, at a cost
of $150.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Mayor b~ller that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Herbert-Morris Crane and
Hoist Company to erect two additions to their plant on the east side of Stanley
Avenue, at an estimated cost of $143,000.00 was presented for consideration.ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the report be received and
Mayor Miller questioned as to whether anything had been done regarding
the sign on Clifton Hill and was advised by the City Manager that a letter had
been forwarded to the owner advising him that the signs must be relocated within
10 days in order to meet the requirements regarding power lines,
AId, McKinley enquired as to whether a permit had been issued to move a
dwelling from Barker Street and was advised that one had been issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Miller and Aid.
READANDADOPTED, June 1st, 1959.
..... ;~ .... C airman of Fi~nce.
... h
Council Chamber,
25th. May, 1959.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
The following By.-law was passed;
No__. 5756 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, White and Ald. Morton that AId.McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Gregory.
READ AND ADOPTED, June 1st, 1959.
Council Chamber,
tsL.June, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournmeat, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, June lot.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present, with the exception of AId. White. The Council, having received
and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid.
McCallum and Aid. Morton.
Mr. O'Sullivan, representing the Ontario Fire Marsbal's Office and the
National Fire Protection Association, presented an award of merit to Chief Wm. Wade,
of the Niagara Falls Fire Department, in recognition of the work done by the
Department during Fire Prevention Week, 1958 and also congratulated Council upon the
appointment of a jFire Inspector for this district. In acknowledging the aware,
Chief Wade expressed appreciation and satisfaction in the work done by the
Department in creating an awareness in the citizens towards fire prevention.
His Worship, Mayor Miller, congratulated the Fire Chief for attaining this honour
and expressed appreciation to Mr. O'Sullivan for his appearance at the meeting.
Ald. McKinley arrived at the meeting.
Mr. R. A. Logan was present at the meetiug on behalf of St. Andrew's
United Church and on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton was permitted to
address Council.
Mr. Logan expressed regret that it was necessary to re-approach Council
with reference to the possible acquisition of lands at the corner of Stanley
Avenue and Morrison Street, being the Cemetery property, but pointed out the
efforts taken by the Church to acquire property on which to build a new cburch,
so that it might be possible for the existing Post Office Building on Queen Street
to make use of church property in order to extend their facilities. Mr. Logan
advised that due to the prohibitive prices being asked by owners of certain
properties which the church thought might be utilized, it was not possible to
purchase such land.
A full discussion ensued during which the possibility of selling Cemetery
Property, which the City had previously acquired by a vote of the people, was
Mr. Logan further advised regarding the established rule of the Church
Presbytery regarding the establishment of a church within a mile of an existing
church building.
The amount of land required was also discussed and }~. Logan respectfully
requested Council to consider the possibility of selling a portion of the Cemetery
site~ preferably a portion adjacent to the new school building on Morrison Street.
Mr. Bruce Begmet was also permitted to speak, on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald. Gregory. He reiterated the statements made by Mr. Logan regarding
the exhaustive search made to secure land; referred to the pressure which is now
being placed upon the Church by the Department of Public Works in Ottawa for a
SEE Communication 189.
Mr. Faho Martin was present at the meeting and it was ordered ou the
motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Gregory that any representatives of the Glenview Area
be heard at this time.
Mr. Martin reiterated the strong opposition by the people of the
Glenview Area to the possible construction of a sewage disposal plant in their
neighbourhood, pointing out the possible decrease in property values due to the
existcute of such a plant. He referred to other sites in the municipality and
particularly specified the old dumping grounds on the westerly side of Victoria
Avenue; he was of the opinion that the lands presently under consideration by
Council, that is, the Arnold Smith property, lying between Victoria Avenue and
River Road, should be left for residential development.
A full discussion ensued, during which the spokesman was made aware of
the opinion of the Consulting Engineers, regarding the excessive costs iuvolved if
the plant was located below the river bank; the stability of the slopes being very
questionable. The City ~nager also referred to the amount of acreage required by
the Ontario Water Resources Commission and other officials.
Mr. Tony Mosker of the Glenview Area also spoke and was of the
opinion that such coestruction would be detrimental to the future development of
the area. He requested Council to consider other sites and referred to the Dump
Area on Victoria Avenue.
AId. Martin, Chairman of the ~nagement Committee, referred to the
investigations made of possible sites for the construction of the sewage disposal
plant and advised that it was his understanding that the only objectionable
feature which the resideuts of Glenview Area had was to the emission of odours and
when the Consulting Engineers had found that the Port Huron, Michigan, plant emitted
no odours, it was felt that this same type of plant could be constructed which would
be satisfactory to all. The Alderman stated that he could not agree that property
values wonld be lowered due to the construction of such a plant.
SEE Report No. 152.
Laid over from the previous meetin$;
No. 186 - Local 505, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America -
expressing concern over the removal of factories from the Greater Niagara Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the communication be
received and Local 505 be advised regarding the reply received from the Industrial
Conm~ittee of the Chamber of Commerce on this subject.
SEE Communication 188
- AId. Mowers arrived at the meeting -
The following Communications were presented;
No. 188 - Industrial Conmittee of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce -
comments oR Local 505, U.E.W. re removal of factories from Greater Niagara Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the communication be
received and filed and the action taken by Conneil at the last Council Meeting,
regarding the holding of a Joint meeting, be tabled for the time being and the
Industrial Committee function as they see fit.
SEE Communication 186.
No. 189 - Mr. lt. A. Logan - on behalf of St. Andrew's United Church and the
possible pu]~hase of part of cemetery site. ORDERED on themotion of Ald. McKinley
and Ald. Morton that the conmunication be tabled for one week and the City Manager
be instructed to stake out sections of the Cemetery site, in 1-acre, 2 acre and
5-aere plots, and Council meet at 6.45 p,m. next Monday evening at this location.
No. 190 - South End Business and professional Men's Association - requesting
permission to erect a direetional lsign at the corner of Main'lnd Lundy's Lane,
showing direction to new Hospital and to the Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Ald, Martin that the communication be received and referred to the
Traffic Comuittee for a report.
No. 191 - Water Safety Division, Canadian Red ~ross - invitation to meeting on June
4th. at 7,30 p.m. in Chippawa, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId.Gregory
that the invitation be received and accepted and as many as possible attend, along
with the Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee, the City Manager or his
designated o~ficial.
No. 192 - Town of Oritlia - resolution requesting Federal Government to ease the
tight-money situation b)r'releasing unemployment benefits for gainful construction
and emplo)m~ent. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. McCallum that the
resolution be received and filed.
No. 193 - W. A. ~Snyder - commenting on report received re parking meter revenue and
one-way streets. On ~he motion of Aid. Morton and AId. McKinley, Mr. Snyder was
permitted to speak to Council. He suggested that parking meters would drive motorists
away from the community and was also not in favour of one-way streets. The speaker
was advised concerning the opinion of the Traffic Conm~ittees on the feasibility of
one-way streets. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. McCallurn that the
communication be received and filed.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 150 - ~it~Manager, - recommending attendance of Mr. Stanley Sills at Intcrnatioeal
Municipal Signal Association's Annual Spring Meeting to be held at Rochester, New York,
June 4th. and 5th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Morton that the
report and recommendation be received and adopted.
No. 151 - Management Committee - recommending June 17th. to June 20th. 1959 as
visiting d~ys at the Niagara Falls Filtration Plant to acquaint the public with
the operation of the plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and ~ld. McKinley
that the report and recommendation be received and adopted. AId. Martin,Chairman
of the Committee, requested the press to make the public aware of this invitation.
No. 152 - ManaBement Committee - recommendations re sewage treatment plant. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and
tabled and the Management Committee be authorized to investigate the availability
of the Victoria Avenue Dump site and the possibility of such construction thereon.
Carried, with Ald. Mowers and McCallum-contrary.
No. 153 - City ~nage__r - recommending the appointment of an Operator at the Niagara
Falls Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that
the report and recommendation be received and adopted.
No. 154 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald, McKinley and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and licenccs
issued accordingly.
No. 155 - Cit~ Ejgineer - Pavement Reconstruction - Bridge Street from Victoria
Avenue to River Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that
the report be received and adopted and work proceeded with..
SEE Resolution No. 62.
No. 156 - City Engineer - Pavement Reconstruction - Huron Street from Erie Avenue to
Valley Way - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Morton that the report
be received and adopted and work proceeded with.
SEE Resolution No. 63.
No. 157 - City Engineer - Pavement Reconstruction - Park Street from Erie Avenue
to Buekley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the
report be recoive~ and adopted and work proceeded with.
SEE Resolution No. 64.
No. 158 - City Clerk - report on hearing by Ontario Municipal Board on May 28th. on
applieation re By-law No. 5739 for approval of Amendment No. 5. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed.
The followin~ Petition was presented;
No. 5 - Walter G, Scott and two others - requesting the removal of the bus stop from
the north-west corner of Victoria Avenue and Morrison Street to another location.
As this petition was received too late for inclusion on this evening's agenda, it
was ordered read on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the petition be received and referred to
the Traffic Cormmittee for a report.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 62 - MOWERS - MORTON - RESOLVED that Report Number 155 for the reconstruction
of the pavement on Bridge Street from Victoria Avenue to River Road, be adopted
and the work proceeded with as soon as convenient; and the Seal of the Corporation
be bereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No, 63 - GREGORY - MORTON - RESOLVED that Report Number 156 for the reconstruction
of the pavement on Huron Street from Erie Avenue to Valley Way be adopted and the
work proceeded with as soon as convenient; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 64 - MOWERS - GREGORY - RESOLVED that Report Number 157 for the reconskruction
of the pavement on Park Street from Erie Avenue to Buckley Avenue be adopted and
the work proceeded with as soon as convenient; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 65 - MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the ~yor and Members of the City Council be forwarded to Mr. B. DiBartoli
upon the death of his wife the late Blanche DiBartoli; and the Seal of the Corpor-
ation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
AId. McCallum referred to applications for electrical contractors'
licences, and the City Clerk advised that the matter had been left in the hands of'
the Joint Committee, awaiting advice from the Department of Labour, following which
a meeting will be called by the Chairman to deal with these iapplication.
Ald. Morton, Chairman of the Traffic Cormni~tee, reported verbally on
his recent attendance at the Ontario Traffic Conference held in Sudbury and referred
to the fact that the subject of crosswalks received a great deal of attention at the
Conference. He distributed a draft by-law for the installation of such crosswalks,
for the perusal of Council,
The Alderman referred to the intersection of MacDonald Avenue and The
Q.E.W. and the infornmtion he had received at the Conference that the City should
approach the Department of Highways for the installation of a traffic light, for
which the City would assume a portion of the cost.
The Alderman expressed appreciation for the opportunity of attending the
Council adjourned to the Finance Meetisg on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, 8th. June, 1959.
Council Chamber,
1st. June, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was l~eld on June 1st, 1959, for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which bad been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were proscot, with the
exception of Ald. White. Ald. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $71,518.43 were approved by the
C°rmnittee'Tbe Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the bioney By-law for presentation to the Council on tl~c motion of Ald.
McCallurn and Mayor Miller.
The City Manager's report on the application of Harry Manos for a building
permit to erect a restaurant building at the Empress Motel on Bender Hill, at an
estimated cost of $60,000. was presented for cossideration, ORDERED on the motion
of Mayor Miller and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted and permit
issued. The report of the City Manager on the application of Michael Ricci, for
a building permit to erect a building on the north side of Ferry Street between
Gladstone Avenue and Temperance Avenue, to be utilized as a bowling alley, at an
estimated cost of $65,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted sad permit
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 8th. Jun~, 1959.
C 1 er k \,
..... : hairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
1st. June, 1959.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accouuts
approved by the Committee. All Members of jCouncil were present, witb the exception
of AId.. White. ·
py -LAW
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5757 - to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald, Morton that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rnles of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Gregory and AId. Martin - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. McKinley, Chairman of the Parks Committee, reported verbally at this
time, ou the request of the Niagara Memorial Militaires, from whom a con~unication,
number 160, was received on May 4th. concerning the use of Oakes Park under the
lights on August 1st. for the purpose of holding a Drum Corps Contest, The
Alderman recommended that the Band be permitted the use of the field as requested,
between 8 p.m. and 10.30 p.m. subject to the usual charges including the use of
the lights.
Ald. McKinley also reported on the request of the Thunderbirds Rugby
Team and recommended they be advised that the field will be available for night
rugby games. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that the
verbal report and recommendations be received and adopted.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. McKinley.
R'EAD AND ADOPTED, 8th. June, 1959.
,,&" aa,,. .... ~ %~~~{.~. ..
Council Chamber,
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, June 1st, 1959. All Members
of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. White, His Worship,
Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald, McCallum.
RFaXD AND ADOPTED, 8th. June, 1959.
Council Chamber,
8th. June, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Nonday, June 8th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council wore present, with the exception of Aid. Mowers. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of Ald. White and Aid. Morton.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 190 - South End Business and Professional Men's Association - requesting
permission to erect a directional sign at Main St. and Lundy's Lane, showing
direction to hospital and to the falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Nartin and
Ald. White that the communication be received and filed and the report and
recommendations of the Traffic Committee be received and adopted.
SEE Report Number 160.
The following communications were presented;
No. 194 - C.W.L. of St. Patrick's Church - invitation to Annual Tea, June 14th.
ORDERED on~he motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the conununication be
received, the invitation accepted and as many of the Members of Council and their
wives, as find it possible attend.
No. 195 - City of Windsor - resolution to amend Assessment Act to relieve general
taxpayer of burden resulting from the application of certain legislation respecting
Bell Telephone Co. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Gregory that the
resolution be received and referred to the City b~nager and City Clerk for a report.
No. 196 - Ontario Municipal Association - circular letter regarding deadline for
receiving any resolutions contemplated for submission to the O.M.A. in convention.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Morton that the letter be received
and filed.
No. 197 - Board of Education - expressing appreciation for Council's provision of
sufficient funds for 1959 renovations of schools. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Martin and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and filed.
No. 198 - Board of Education - formal application for Capital Funds in the amount'
of $150,000. for the 1959 portion of renovations programme of school buildings.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. White that the communication be
received and filed.
SEE Resolution No.66.
No. 199 - Canadian Cancer Society - Greater Niagara Unit - requesting permission to
hold tag days on Sept. 24th. 25th. and 26th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and Aid. Gregory that the communication, which was received too late for inclusion
on this evening's agenda, be read. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
Martin that the communication be received and filed and permission granted as dates
are available.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 152 - Management Committee - recommending Site No. 4 as location for proposed
sewage treatment plant.
SEE Report No, 159.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 159 - b~nagement Committee - re consultation with H.G.Acres and Co. re
possibility of locating sewage treatment plant on old dump site on the west side
of Victoria Avenue, and advising further report will be presented. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 160 - Traffic Connnittee - recommending request for directlonal sign to hospital
be granted; but suggesting further information regarding route be obtained on
directional sign to falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. White
that the report be received and adopted.
Ald. McKinley, requested information as to what progress is being
made with reference to the signs to be erected at Q.E.W. and Stanley Avenue, and
was advised by the j City Manager that erection will be made when approval is
received from Provincial Authorities.
No. 161 - Traffic Committee - recormmending that bus stop at the corner of Victoria
and Morrison Street in fro~t of the Orange Hall be left in its present location,
until traffic lights are established at intersection of Morrison St. and Victoria
Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. }brton and Ald, White that the report be
received and adopted.
SEE Petition No.5.
No. 162 - City Solicitor - comments on draft general by-law submitted by the Bell
Telephone Company. Thc~ity Clerk advised verbally that the City ~nager and
himself were in accord with the opinion of the City Solicitor with the exception
of his designation as to the power of the designated official being limited not to
exceed the sum of $100. as the Corporatfon's share of the cost of relocatign; it
being their opinion that the amount should be $250. and that any major charge
should come before Council for approval. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and
Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed; that the necessary by-law be
brought in with the insertion therein of the administrative official to be the
City Manager and that the limitation with reference to amount approvable without
reference to Council be changed to read "$250.00".
No. 163 - City Solicitor - recommending form of prosecution to be taken with
reference to the premises at 1706 Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
White and Aid. Martin that the report be received and adopted and the action,taken
as recommended.
No. 164 - Traffic Committee - recommending Peer Street be made a through street at
Gladstone, Grey and Ross; and also parking be prohibited on the west side of St.
Lawrence Avenue from Huron Street to Simcoe Street for a trial period. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report and recommendations be
received and adopted. Ald. McKinley referred to the fire hazard created due to
double parking while the Collegiate Auditorium is in use, being of the opinion
that the Board of Education could asphalt a further area around two-thirds of the
school to provide parking. The Alderman requested the Traffic Committee to take
into consideration St. Lawrence Avenue and College Crescent.
No. 165 - Traffic Committee - suggesting no change be made at the present time
in the existing bus stop on Perry Street just east of Allen Avenue. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted.
No. 166 - City Engineer - report on attendance at Seventh Annual Conference of
Ontario Housing Authorities, in London, Ontario, June l~t. and 2nd. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and tabled and
placed on the Inaugural Agenda of the 1960 Gounoil for consideration.
No. 167 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenees, ORDERED on'the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Aid. Gregory that the report he received and adopted and licehoe
issued accordingly.
Laid over from tile previous meettng~
No. 5 - Walter G.Scott and two others - requesting relocation of bus stop adjacent
tothe corner of Victoria Avenue and M~rison Street in front of the Orange Hall.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. White that the petition be received
and filed and no action be taken;
SEE Report No. 161
The following Petition was presented,;
No. 6 - J__. E. Koch and 7 Di~rec~tgf~s9~ DJ~9~o~9 pps~pess~p'~ ~ssociation,-requesting
serious consideration be granted to request of St. Andrew's United Church for a
building site located at Stanley Avenue and Morrison Street in order that the
Federal Government may proceed with the erection of an addition to their present
post office on Queen Street, at St. Clair Avenue. ORDERED ou the motion of Ald.
Martin and Ald. Gregory that the petition be received and tabled until such time
as a further report is brought forward by the City Manager and the Mayor for a
full Council.
Prior to the above action, it was ordered on the motion of AId. Martin'
and Ald. Gregory that the representatives of the Downtwon Businessmen's Association
wishing to speak on this petition, be heard.
Mr. Koch, Secretary-Treasurer of the Association advised that the petition
had been fully endorsed by all merchants on Queen Street and advised that Mr. Jog.
Rosberg of Rosbergs Limited, wished to address Council,
Mr. Rosberg referred to the vital interest of the Downtown Businessmen
in this matter and the rapidly changing conditions occurring and the fact that there
are at present on Queen Street four empty stores. tie pointed out the amount of
contribution made by the merchants to the City Tax Revenue and requested Council
to give serious consideration, stating that the Downtown group are in accord with
whatever is necessary to not change the complex of the downtown area.
Mr. Harold A. Logan, representing St. Andrew's United Church, was also
permitted to speak to Council, on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Martin.
Mr. Logan referred to two communications which have been received by the Church;
one from the Department of Public Works referred to the needs of the Crown being
pressing and requesting decision of Council as soon as information available.
The other communication was received from the Minister of Health regarding the
date when this parcel of land was set aside for cemetery purposes, and also the
date when this Order was revoked at the request of the municipality. Mr. Logan
also referred to the Zoning By-law of the Township of Stamford being identical
to the City By-law concerning area requirements for parking purposes for such
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 66 -MARTIN - ~ITE - RESOLVED that the request of the Board of Education
for the advancing of Capital Funds in the amount of $150,000.00 ($115,000.00 Public
Schools and $35,000.00 Collegiate-Vocational) be granted and the aforesaid funds
be made available as soon as all the necessary approvals have been ob rained;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
The following By-laws were passed;
No. 5758 - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Morton
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st.
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Gouncll be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. White and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unaaimously.
No. 5759 - A by-law to authorize the execution of a grant of right-of-way.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that Ald.
McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be
given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that Rule ~6
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. ~rtin and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5760 -A supplementary by-law to provide for 1959 expenditures on roads or
streets in the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Aid.McKinley ~!
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be .given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously. .
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously.
At the request of His Worship the Mayor, the City Manager was to
contact the New York Central in an effort to have the raitway's right-of-way
cleared of weeds, etc.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th. June, 1959.
Council Chamber,
8th. Juno, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on June 8th, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them, All Members of the Cormnittee were present, with the
exception of Ald. Mowers. Ald. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $60,151.70 were approved by .~
the Committee. .
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of AId. Gregory and Ald. Morton.
The City Manager's report on the application of the Foxhead tlotel
for a sign permit to erect a two-sided metal sign at 915 Clifton Hill, at an
estimated cost of $100. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Mayor Miller that the report be received and adopted
and permit issued.
The Property Conmnittee's report on their approval of the issuance of
a building permit for the erection of a garage at the rear of 960 Armoury Street,
at an estimated cost of $960. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of D~yor Miller and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted.
AId. McCallum queried the progress made to have the sign at 955 Cliftou
Hill erected in compliance with Hydro regulations regarding proper clearance from
Hydro poles. The City Manager advised concerning action taken and that it was
his intention to confer with the City Solicitor regarding the laying of charges
against the firm responsible.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that no further
permits be issued to the Firm in question until their appearance before the City
Council to present an explanation on their disregarding the conmunication forwarded
by the City Manager which pointed out non-compliance of Hydro regulations in the
erection of signs for which permits have not been issued to date.
The City Manager referred to the progress being made by Mrs. A. Konkos
in her efforts to comply with City by-laws, as a result of the r~porc of the Fire
Inspector on the premises located at 2158 Stanley Avenue, and advised that a
complete report will be submitted to Council later.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th, June, 1959.
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
8th, June, 1959.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All 1Members of Council were present, with the exception
of Ald. Mowers.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5761 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that Ald.
McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be
read the first time. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36
i2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory - Garried Unanimously.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 67 - MCKINLEY - GREGORY - RESOLVED that the meeting of Council scheduled for
Monday, June 29th. be laid over until the evening of Tuesday, June 30th. at the
usual time; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Council took this action due to the fact that His Worship Mayor Miller
will be in Toronto attending the dinner being held by the Lieutenant-Governor of
Ontario, at which Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and H,R.H. Prince Philip will be
present, on Monday, June 29th.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th. June, 1959.
After consideration of the items presented to them, tile Conunittee
adjourned on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15th. June, 1959,
Council Chamber,
8th. June, 1959.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular meeting of Council and Finance Meeting on Monday, June 8th, 1959.
All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers.
Rts Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman.
Council Chamber,
15th. June, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m, on Monday, June 15th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of AId. McCallum and Ald. Gregory. ' ' '
On the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. White that Mr. tl. A. Logan be
given permission to address Council.
Mr. Logan stated that he understood the matter of the possibility of
St. Andrew's United Church acquiring cemetery property at the corner of Stanley Ave.
and Morrison St. in order that the Federal Government could make use of the land
presently occupied by the Church on St. Clair Avenue for an extension to existing
post office facilities, was not on this evening's agenda, but pointed out that such
delay is placing the Church in a rather awkward and embarrassing position as the
Department of Public Works is pressing for a decision as to a site. Mr. Logan
then outlined the procedure necessary, the meeting to be held by the congregation
which is a necessity befor further steps are taken to place the matter before the
presbytery of the United Church, stating that next Tuesday was the latest that a
congregation meeting could be held in order that a presbytery meeting could be held
before the ministers of the Church leave for vacation periods during July and August.
His Worship Mayor Miller advised Mr. Logan that Council had previously
made a motion that the matter should be dealt with by a full Council and it now
remains to be seen what action will take place next Monday.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No, 195 - City of Windsor - resolution suggesting changes in Assessment Act which
would relieve the general taxpayer of the burden resulting from the application of
Section 9A of the Act dealing with monies to be paid by Telephone Companies.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the resolution be
received and endorsed and the report of the City Manager and Clerk be received and
SEE Report No.168.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 200 - Mayor of St. Catharines - invitation to con~nemorative ceremonies for the
late Honourable Wm. Hamilton Merritt, planner of the original Welland Canal, to be
held on Friday, June 26th, at 3 p,m, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
McKinley that the invitation be received and accepted and as many of the Members
of Council and their wives as find it possible attend. At this time, Ald. Martin,
McKinley and McCallum indicated their intention of attending on that date.
No. 201 - Niagara Palls and Suburban Area Planning Board - resolution to set up
a con~ittee within framework of Association to study relationship of area planning
within Zones I and II of Niagara Region. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley
and AId. Gregory that the communication be received and filed.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 168 - City Manager and City Clerk - reporting on resolution from City of Windsor
and recommending endorsation of the same. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and
AId. Gregory that the report be received and filed and the resolution endorsed.
SEE Communication No. 195.
No. 169 - C~itj_Manage~r - enclosing Fire Inspector's report on alterations being
made to the premises at 2158 Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Martin
and Ald. McCallum that the report be received aud filed.
No. 170 - ~!ty Clerk - report on meeting held by the Joint Committee established to
consider electricians' by-law and reconm~ending that present by-law number 5714 be
repealed, with a view to bringing in a new and more satisfactory by-law in the year
1960. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. McCallum that the report be
received and adopted.
No. 171 - Qi~X Clerk - recommending issuance o£ licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. McKinley and Aid. ~Brtin that the report be received aud adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No. 172 - C_i_ty Electrician - reportiug on attendance at the International Municipal
Signal Association meeting held in Rochester, New York. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. McKinley and AId. Gregory that the report be received and filed.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 68 -MARTIN - ~ITE - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council, be forwarded to the family of tile
late Dr. C. K. Whitelock, Medical Officer of Health for the City of Niagara Falls for
a number of years; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
C a r r__i e~d__U_ n_a u_i_m_9~.s 1 y.
No. 69 - GREGORY - McCALLUM - RESOLVED that a letter of commendation be forwarded on
behalf of His Worship the Mayor and Members of Council to the Industrial Conmittee
of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Comanerce for their efforts and work which has
resulted in the establishment of the Chef Boyardee plant in the Niagara Area which
will create employment opportunities; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried UnanimouslI.
Prior to the above resolution, Aid. Gregory stated that due to the fact
the Industrial Conmittee has come under a certain amount of criticism in past weeks
because of certain plants in the area closing down, some recognition should be given
to the Industrial Committee for the work that has been done in the fulfillment of
one of two recent projects, namely the establishment of the Chef Boyardee Company
in this area.
Ald. Martin referred to an appointment with Premier Frost which was to
have been made by the Railway Relocation Committee, pointing out the fact that the
Provincial Electidns had interfered with such plans. The City bianager advised that
he would see what arrangements can be made with regard to such an appointment with
the Premier.
The following By-law was presented;
No. 5762 - To authorize the borrowing of $150,000. for the renovation of the Public
Schools and Collegiate-Vocational Institute and to provide for the issue
of debentures of time City of Niagara Falls therefor.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Gregory tbat Aid, McKinley
be granted theprivilege of introducing the by-law and the b~law. be. given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Couucil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
The following By-laws were passed;
No, 5763 - To amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating through highways.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that Ald. White
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Martin and Aid. McCallurn - Carried Unanimously,
No. 5764 - A by-law to provide for the Corporation's consent to The Bell Telephone
Company of Canada constructing its lines upon the highways, streets,
bridges and other public places of the Corporation, and to authorize the
City Manager to supervise and approve the construction of such lines.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Gregory
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. McCallum that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
- Aid. Morton arrived at the meeting -
Third Reading - Aid. }~rtin and Ald. White - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5765 - Being a by-law to regulate the sale and prohibit and regulate the setting
off or firing of fireworks. (repealing by-law no. 5744)
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that Ald. McCallum
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Martin an~ Aid.White,
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd. June, 1959.
Council Chamber,
15th. June, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on June 15th. 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and
placed before them, All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of
Ald. Mowers. Ald. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $109,610.73 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, v:erc ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid.White
and Mayor Miller.
The City Manager's report on the issuance of two sige permits to the Royal
Bank of Canada, Queen Street, at a total estimated cost of $1,150. was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and AId. Morton that the report
be received and adopted.
The City b~nager~s report on the application of the Darling Restaurant,
933 Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a neon sign, at an estimated cost of $1,400.
was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the report
be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager presented a verbal report on an application received from
a representative of the British-American Oil Co. for a permit to demolish the existing
service station at the north-east corner of Ferry Street and Temperance Avenue and
build a new station. The City Manager pointed out that the new station would be
15 feet, 9-3/4 inches in height and that he had advised the applicant that a permit
could not be issued for a structure for a height less than 20 feet, because it would
not be in compliance with the By-law restricting the construction of buildings of
less than 20 feet in height. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. [~rtin and Ald. White
that the verbal report of the City Manager be received and the application received
and filed.
The Conhnittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid, White and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd. June, 1959.
Council Chamber,
15tl~. June, 1959.
The Committee re-assembled at tbe close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing tbe by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the CoR~nittee. All Members of Council were present, with the~xception
of Ald. Mowers.
The following By-law was pas~
No. 5766 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Aid.McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the
first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin - Carried Unanimously.
The City Clerk requested Council to give some study to the appointment
to be made to the Suburban Roads Cormnission, to replace the vacancy created by the
resignation of Mr. M. Barry Watson.
The City Manager advised Council that an advertisement has been inserted
in the local press regarding "Open House" to be held at the Niagara Falls Filtration
Plant on June 17th. 18th. 19th. and 20th.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton.
Council Chamber,
15tb. June, 1959,
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, June 15th. 1959, All Members of
the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers. Hjs I.;orship, Mayor
Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. White,
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd. June, 1959.
Chairman. '
READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd. June, 1959.
| !
Council Chamber,
22nd. June, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, June 22nd.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, McCallum.
Aid. McKinley a~d Ald. Martin arrived at the meeting.
Mr. Chernos of the firm of LaMarsh and LaMarsh was present at the
meeting on behalf of Mrs. D'Antonio's application for a nursing home licenee and
it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that he be given
permission to address Council,
He advised of Mrs. D'Antonio's operation of a nursing home in St.
Catharines and of her desire to continue the operation of a nursing home in Niagara
Falls, hut that at the present time the premises are not in compliance with all the
requirements of the City's by-law and requested Council to consider the granting of
a licence for 1959 during which his client will have an opportunity tom aRe the
necessary changes in order to comply with the by-law.
At the request of Ald. Martin, the CLty Clerk read the reports of the
Building, Fire and Sanitary Inspectors, following which the Alderman who was concerned
with the fire hazard involved in a building where elderly people are living, advised
that he could not vote for such a licence where fire regulations are not being adhered
to. The City Clerk advised that Council were being asked to consider the granting of
a provisional licenee subject to full compliance with the requirements contained in
all the inspectors' reports and putting a maximum of not more than 9 persons allowed
in this institution.
SEE Report No.176
Mr. Logan representing St. Andrew's United Church was present at the
meeting, in connection with the Church's desire to purchase a portion of cemetery
land in order to make available the proper~y occupied on St. Clair Avenue to the
Department of Public Works for the erection of a new building in order to expand
present Post Office facilities in the Queen Street area.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that 2 and 3/4
acres of the land owned by the City of Niagara Falls, at the intersection of Stanley
Avenue and Morrison Street and now considered as Cemetery property be sold to St.
Andrew's United Church as a site for the proposed new church. The resolution was
carried by a vote of 6 to 1, the vote being - Aye -Ald. McKinley,Morton,~Callum,
Gregory, Martin and Mowers; against, Ald. White.
An amendment made by Ald, Mowers, seconded by Ald. Gregory, that
Council consider with favour the sale of a portion of the cemetery property at the
intersection of Morrison Street and Stanley Avenue to St. Andrew's United Church,
subject to (a) the erection of a post office on the presently-owned church property
and (b) an agreement be arranged between the Church Authorities and the City as to
the utilization of Cakes Park for unorganized sport, was later withdrawn.
Previous to this action, a general discussion was held with reference
to the whole proposed transaction during which the various members of iCeuntil
expressed their views and His Worship, Mayor Miller, admonished Council to when ,
voting on this subject, utilize their best judgment and not be influenced by any
pQssible suggestion as to the ultimate loss of votes.
Ald. White reiterated his previous stand that he was strongly opposed
to any sale of land owned by the City at that location at all.
In connection with the suggestions contained in the amendment concerning
the proposed use of the land and sport activities at Cakes Park Field, on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory, Mr. H. A. Logan, who was permitted to speak to
Council, advised that there was no question but that the Church property would be
uti]ized by the Department of Public Works but that he himself was not in a position
to speak for the congregation as to their possible reaction to such a situation, but
did point out that whenvet lands are sold tile person purchasing must of necessity
live with whatever is existing adjacent to the purchased lands.
At the conclusion of the discussion and following tile passing of the
motion to sell the property, Mr. Logan requested that Council consider price,
because this particular factor is important since there is a congregatioual meeting
called for to-morrow evening, Tuesday, June 23rd. indications that his group did not
expect the property as a gift, and was assured by Hayor Miller that Cosncil would
discuss this subject following the Council Meeting and that he would have advice as
to whatever decision may be arrived at.
SEE _Petiti~on Number 6,
SEE Communication Number ~02.
The following_Communications were p_resented;
No. 202 - John .Do__bbie Vandersluys__- con~nents on petition of Queen street merchants
regarding St. Andrew's United Church request for purchase of cemetery ~ropercv.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Gregory and Aid. White that this conm~unication be
considered along with Petition No. 6. After full consideration and general discussion
on this whole subject, the co~unication was erdered received and filed on the motion
of Aid. McKinley and AId. Mowers.
No. 203 - Board of Police Conmissioners - ack. receipt of letter regarding conditions
at 1706 Ferry Street and advising the same will be placed before Com~issioeers at
meeting scheduled for Sept. 15th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Howera and Aid.Morton
that the co~unication be received and filed.
No. 204 - .Board of Directors~ Greater Ni_a~a Chamber of Commerce - expressing
appreciation for CouncilS7 i~m~er'es'~' i~ t~e su~]ec~'~f brbl'n i{~]~wal. ORDERED on tbc
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the conm~unication be received aud filed.
No. 205 - Water Safe_t S~v_.ic__e~_ N.F,Branc_l!~_Red Cross - re prograin of free swimslieS
instruction for Niagara Area residents and requesting Council's full support of this
project, and attendance at opening day ceremony on July 6th. at 10.30 a.m. at Cyanamid
Pool. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald, Morton that the invitation be
received and accepted and as many of the members of Council as find it possible attend.
No. 206 - Ci~ of St. Thomas - resolution requesting legislation to confirnl the
practice established with respect to zoning by-law amendments passed prior to March
27th, 1958. The City Clerk reported verbally on this subject, advising that the
City of Niagara Falls have no problem in this connection, but the endorsement of the
resolution might be of assistance to municipalities who are concersed with it.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the resolution be received
and endorsed.
No. 207 - Board of Education - requesting installation of a sewer on Simcoe Street.
on the easterly limit of Simcoe Street school property to connect with present sewer
on centre of St. Lawrence Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
Morton that the communication be received and tabled for one week for a further
repor~ from the Gity ~nager.
Laid over from previous meetings;
SEE~ort Number 174
No. 152 ~ Management Committee - recommending tile purchase of Site No. LV for tile
location of a sewage treatment plant.
No. 160 - Management Cormnittee -reporting on meeting wi~h Consulting Engineers
regarding possibility of locating the sewage treatment plant on old dump site on
~est side of Victoria Avenue and advising that further report will be presented as
to suitability of such a site following an examination of the same.
SEE Report Number 173.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 173 - lt.G.Acres and Co. Ltd. - advising of further study made of old dump
site on west side of Victoria Avenue for proposed sewage treatment plant;
attaching layout sketch and advising of no change in recorm~endation made
previously of site number 4. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
Mowers that the report previously submitted by the Management Committee under
date of June 1st. 1959, report number 152, recommending tile purchase of the
Glenview site owned by Mr. Arnold Smith, at the price of $60,000. be adopted
and Lhat the further report of tl. G. Acres and Co. Ltd. No. 173, be received and
filed. This vote was carried by a vote of 5 to 3, the vote being - Aye -Ald,
Martin, Mowers, Gregory, McCallum and White; Naye- Ald. McKinley, Morton and
Mayor Miller.
Prior to this action it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McCallum and AId.Mowers
that the report in question, number 152, be read again by the City Clerk, which
was done and Ald. Martin stated that the adoption of Report No. 152 is in accordance
with the reconmcndations of the Consulting Engineers and that insofar as price was
concerned, this matter would still have to be adjusted or confirmed.
Ald. McKinley contended that the adoption of Report Number 152 con~itted the
Council to the purchase of the property, at the price quoted namely $60,000.00,
Ald. Morton rditerated his previous opinion that he would like furtber consideration
as to the possibility of the proposed plant being constructed below the bank.
Mr. Tony Mosker deplored the fact that representatives from the Glenview Area had
not been given the opportunity to speak on the subject at issue.
His Worship Mayor Miller advised that the delegation could have notified the City
Clerk in advance of the meeting that they wished to be heard or could have requested
permission to speak when the subject was being discussed.
No. 174 - City ManageK - submitting an estimate of cost of a 12-inch sewer in
connection with Board of Education's request for installation of a sewer on Simcoe
Street, to acconmlodate Simcoe Street Public School. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Ald, Morton that the report be received and tabled for submission of a
further report.
SEE Communication 207,
No. 175 - City ~nager - recommending Chief Wm, Wade be permitted to attend the
Mutual Fire Aid Forum, at Ontario Fire College from October 19th. to 23rd. 1959.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report and recom-
mendation be received and adopted.
No. 176 - City Clerk - application for Nursing Home Licence and reports of
Inspectors. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the City
Clerk's report be received and adopted and a provisional licence be granted,
subject to full compliance with the requirements contained in all~of the Inspectors'
reports and placing a maximum of not more than nine persons allowed in this
institution. Carried, with Aid.White and Ald. Martin-contrary.
SEE Deputations.
No. 177 - Qitj_Cterk - recon~nending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No. 178 - City Engineer - revised report on pavement reconstruction on Bridge
Street from Victoria Avenue to River Road. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Mowers
and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and work proceeded with
as soon as convenient.
SEE Resolution 70 .
SEE By-law No.5768.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 70 - MOWERS - MORTON - RESOLVED that Report Number 178 for the reconstruction
of the pavement on Bridge Street from Victoria Avenue to River Road, be adopted
and the work proceeded with as soon as convenient; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 6 - J.E.Koch and 7 Dire_c_t. pr_s_~o~f D~o~Jntown. Bpsinessm~_n'~ !~ss_oc~atipn - requesting
serious consideration be given to the request from St. Andrew's United Church for a
building site located at Stanley Avenue and Morrison Street in order that the
Federal Government may proceed with the erection of an addition to their present
post office building on Queen Street at St. Ctair Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Gregory and Ald. White that this petition be considered along with Commuoication
No. 202. After full consideration and general discussion on this whole subject, the
petition was ordered received and filed on the motion of Ald. blcKin!cy and Aid.Mowers,
SEE Deputations.
The following By-laws were passed;
No. 5767 - To appoint a Medical Officer of Ilealth.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Gregory that Aid. White be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. McKinley and Aid. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5768 - A supplementary by-law to provide for the 1959 expenditures on roads or
streets in the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Martin that Aid. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Uuanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Aid. McCallum - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5769 - A by-law to repeal by-law number 5714 which provided for the licensing
of electrical contractors, electricians, master electriciaes and journey-
men electricians.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. blcCallum that AId. Martin
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading, - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Gregory and Aid. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5770 - To authorize the execution of agreements.
ORDERED on themotion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Gregory that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be giveu the first
reading. -Garried Unanimously,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Gregory that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald, Martin and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid.Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 30th. June, 1959.
Council Chamber,
22nd.June, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on June 22nd. 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before tbem. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $57,383.49 were approved by
the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mowers.
The City Manager's report on the application of the Greater Niagara
General Hospital for a building permit for additions to the Hospital building at an
estimated cost of $250,000.00 was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and His Worship the Mayor ~at the
report be received and adopted and permit be issued.
The Conmittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 30th. June, 1959.
Council Chanlber,
22nd. June, 1959.
The Conmlittee re-assembled at the close of tile regular Council and Fjnance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered tile accounts approvcd by
the Committee. All Members of Council wore present.
The following By-law was passed;
5771 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Wbite that Aid. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Martin and Aid.Gregory - Carried Uuanimously.
The following Resolution was pas~ed;
No. 71 - MCKINLEY - WHITE - RESOLVED that Mr. Donald C. Vicar)' be appointed a Member
of the Board of Health of the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1959 to fill the
vacancy which has now been created; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously*__.
The City Clerk again reminded the Members of Council to consider an
appointment to the Suburban Roads Commission, to replace the vacancy created by tile
resigaation of Mr. M. Barry Natson.
Council adjourned to Conference on tile motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. McCallurn.
READ AND ADOPTED, 30th. June, 1959.
Clerk '; ' ' '
Council Chamber,
22nd. June, 1959.
The Conference Conmittce of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, June 22nd, 1959. All Members
of the Conmlittee were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 30th. June, 1959.
· ' ~ Chairman.
Council Chamber,
30th. June, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. ou Tuesday, June 30th,
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read ~be minutes of the previous
meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. McCallum.
Tenders had been called for a Truck Chassis and Cab (Cab over Engine)
to replace Water Department Truck No. 15. ORDERED on tile motion of ,lid. McKinley and
Aid. Morton that the tenders received be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor
and tabulated.
Residents of the Glenview Area were present at tile meeting to register
objections to the erection of the Sewage Disposal Plant on the site recommended by
the Consulting Engineers. Mr. Faho Martin of the Glenview Citizens' Committee
advised that Rev. W. M. Haylor and Mr. Anthony Mosker would speak on behalf of the
delegation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. Gregory that the spokessits
be heard.
Rcv. Maylor of Gleuview Baptist Churcb, the first speaker, stated in
simple terms that the people of the Glenview Area did not desire the erection of the
proposed plant in that vicinity, and was of the opinion that rather than enhance values,
it would lessen values of property in that locality.
Mr. Mosker, in speaking on the subject, requested Council to reconsider their
decision, advancing numerous arguments which, in his opinion, were in opposition to the
construction of the proposed plant in that vicinity.
Mr. Joseph Dennis, Chairman of the Separate School Board, was present and
it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory that be be permitted to
speak. Mr. Dennis also reiterated the previous opposition of the Separate School Board
to the erection of the proposed plant adjacent to the SdDOl, strongly supporting an
alternative location.
At this point in the discussion, Alderman Martin, Chairman of the City's
Management Con~ittee, read a report which outlined everything that had transpired to
the present moment and tile various reaeons why, in the opinion of the Conm~ittee, it
was desirable that the site, as recosnnended by the Consulting Engineers, be utilized.
Aid. McKinley requested the City Manager to advise if he had anything to
report on the new methods of disposal which were discussed at a receut Sewage and
Sanitation Convention and was advised that all the processeswhich were mentioned at
that time are ~till in the experimental stage and that, as far as the Manager was aware,
nothing has been developed as to the method of handling sludge to the stage where it
could be considered.
Aid. Morton reiterated his previous staud as to the possibility of locating
such a plant below the bank and Ald. McCallum expressed the view that the Council had no
recourse but to go along with the report of their Consulting Engineers. A motion by Ald.
Morton, that the Management Committee obtain further advice concerning the possibility
of the erection of the sewage disposal plant below the bank and present a further report
to Council, ~as not seconded.
At this point, Mr. Mosker advised that the delegation would now leave, but
that Counsel bad been retained and that there would be continued opposition from the
Glenview Residents.
SEE Conununication No, 209
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 207 - Board of Education - requesting installation of sewer on Simcoe Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mowers that the communication be
received and filed and the report of the City Manager adopted.
SEE R~p~_~tJo. 174
SEE gRport No. 179
The following Con~nunications were presented;
No. 208 - Glenview Citizens' Conunittec - requesting permission to address Council,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the conununication be
received and filed and the spokesman be heard.
No. 209 - N_i~a._~a Falls Separate School Board - registering opposition to erection
of Sewage Disposal Plant adjacent to school and requesting that Mr. J. Dennis,
Chairman of the Board be permitted to speak to Council. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received and filed and Mr.
Dennis be heard.
No. 210 - W. A. _S~der - expressing views on traffic control, etc. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed.
No. 211 - Niagara Regional DeveloJument Association - advising of developments to date.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McCallum that the communication be
received and filed.
No. 2i~ - President~ Electrical Contractors' Association - requesting meeting with
Committee Of Council to discuss by-law licensing Electrical Contractors. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. White that the conununication be received and
filed and }tr. Wintort be advised of Council's intention in this regard.
No. 213 - Lu__~y_'~s. Lane United Church - requesting sidewalk on west side of Lowell
Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication
be received and referred to the City Manager for a report to Council.
No. 214 - Greater Niagara Baseball Association - requesting tag day on August 8th.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the Association be
advised that the date of August 8th. has been taken, that a choice could be made of
either August lot. or 15th. and that the Clerk should be advised accordingly,
No. 215 - E.G. Faludi and Associates - offering services for Urban Renewal Study.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McCallum that the communication be
received and filed.
No. 216 - Logan and Knight - enclosing executed offer to purchase property by St.
Andrew's United Church. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that
the communication be received and the contract be referred to the City Solicitor
for perusal and a report to Council.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 174 - City ManaBet - submitting an estimate of cost of a 12-inch sewer on
'Simcoe Street to accommodate Simcoe Street Public School. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Mowers that the report be received and filed.
SEE Report No. 179.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 179 - City Manager - recommending construction of 12-inch sewer on Simcoe
extending from St.Lawrence Avenue to a point 130 feet west of St.Lawrence Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the report be received
and adopted.
No. 180 - ~_a, na___g,e_r_ - Advising of appointment of Mr. Philip blakscnuk, 1388
Cedar Street, as Assistant Pipefitter in Waterworks Department, ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
No. 181 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on t~ motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No, 182 - City Clerk - report of Conference held following meeting of June 22nd, 1959.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~rtin and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and
No. 183 - ~ E__n_gineer - revised report for asphalt resurfacing of Luody's Lane from
Main Street to Drummond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. blowers and Ald. Morton
that the report .be received and adopted and work proceeded with.
SEE Resolution No. 72.
No. 184 - CitJ~_~nJi__n_e_e__r - 12-inch Storm Relief Sewer on Simcoe Street from St.Lawrence
Avenue to 130 feet west of St.Lawrence Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers
aud Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted and the work proceeded with.
SEE Resolution No. 73.
No. 185 - CitX E__~n~neer - Welland Avenue from Bridge Street Sewers; Welland Avenue
from Park Street to Bridge Street and on Bridge Street from Welland Avenue to
Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Gregory that the
report be received and adopted and the work proceeded with.
SEE Resolution No. 74.
No. 186 - C_j._tjl_ Engineer - Stamford Street Storm Relief Sewer between Slater Avenue
South and MacDonald Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton
that the report be received and adopted and the work proceeded with.
SEE Resolution No. 75.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 72 - MOWERS - MORTON - RESOLVED that Report No. 183 for the asphalt resurfacing
of Lundy's Lane from Main Street to Drummond Road, be adopted and the work proceeded
with as soon as convenient; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Uuanimously_.
No. 73 - MOWERS - MARTIN - RESOLVED that Report No. 184 for the construction of
a 12-inch Storm Relief Sewer on Simcoe Street from St.Lawrence Avenue/to 130 feet
west of St.Lawrence Avenue, be adopted and the work proceeded with as soon as
convenient; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimousiX_.
No. 74 - MARTIN - GREGORY - RESOLVED that Report No. 185 for the construction of
sewers on Welland Avenue between Park Street and Bridge Street; and on Bridge Street
between Welland Avenue and Victoria Avenue, be adopted and the work proceeded with
as soon as convenient; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimousiX.
No.75 - MOWERS - MORTON - RESOLVED that Report No, 186 for the construction of
storm relief sewers on Stamford Street between Slater Avenue South and MacDonald
Avenue, be adopted and the work proceeded with as soon as, convenient; and the Seal
of the Gotpotation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Answering a query from Aid. Martin, Ald. Mowers advised that he,
along with the City ~nager and Mr. A. C. Huggins, Township Clerk, would attend
a meeting with Mr. Deacon of Deacon, Arnett and ~rray, on Thursday, July 2nd, at
12.30 p.m. at Prudhorfane's Garden Centre Hotel.
Aid. Martin referred to one-way traffic on Lundy's Lane caused by
construction in the middle of the road and questioned the necessity of this work
being done just before a Holiday. The City Manager advised that the work had been
completed by 5.00 p.m. and that two-way traffic had been resumed.
AId. White referred to complaints he had received regarding smoke from
the Cyanamid and requested the City ~nager to take this up with the proper
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5772 - To appoint an Acting Medical Officer of Health.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Gregory that AId. Mowers
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mowers and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Gregory and Aid. Martin - Carried Uaanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid.Morton.
REdlD AND ADOPTED, 6th. July, 1959.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $110,687.31 were approved by
the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Aid. Mowers and AId. McCallurn.
The City Manager's report recommending that the contract for the supply of
liquid chlorine with Canadian Industries Limited be signed for the 12-mouth period
from July 1st. 1959 to June 30th, 1960 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on
the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Martin that the report be received and adopted.
The C~ty Manager's report on the application of Crosby blotors to erect a
sign at their premises at 1711 Stanley Avenue was presented for consideration. ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Mowers that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report recommending the purchase of a new gasoliue saw
at an estimated cost of $319.00 net, was presented for cousideration. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 6th. July, 1959.
Chairman of Financeu
Council Chamber,
30th. June, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on June 30th, 1959, for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee ware present. Ald. McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Council Chainber,
30th. June, 1959.
The Coimnittee re-assemb]ed at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
...... BY-LAW
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5773 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Morton that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading - Aid. Mowers and Ald. McCallum - Carried Uuanimousty.
At this point, Ald. Mowers complimented His Worship Mayor Miller on
the excellent manner in which be had handled a very difficult meeting.
Mr. Clayton Doan of 408 Simcoe Street, appeared before Council and on
the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum was permitted to speak. Mr. Doan
referred to the condition of a small piece of city-owned property at the corner
of Ontario Avenue and Simcoe Street, advising that it was covered with weeds and
that there was also a dead tree which needed attention. The matter was referred
to the City Manager to take under advisement and see that the condition is
Council adjourned to Confereuce on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. McCallum.
READ AND ADOPTED, 6th. July, 1959.
Council Chamber,
30th. June, 1959.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close
of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, June 30th, 1959. All
Members of the Committee were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald, Mowers,
READ AND ADOPTED, 6th. July, 1959.
Regular Meeting
Council Chamber,
6tb. July, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, July 6th. 1959,
for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Mcnlbcrs of Council
were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers. The Council, having received and
read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald, Gregory.
Mr. Philip T. Barnes, who was present at the meeting, was permitted to
speak to Council, on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. McCallurn,
Mr. Barnes outlined his objections in connection with Council's decision
to purchase a Chain of Office for the [~yor of the City of N~agara Falls, and
requested cancellation of the order for such a chain and a record in the press of
the vote of Council on this subject. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and
AId. Morton that the matter be referred to the Con~ittee which was set up to deal
with this item, for a fitting reply to Mr. Barnes.
SEE Communication Number 217.
Tenders had been called for the excavation, waterbound macadam base and
hot mix asphalt base course and hot mix asphalt surface course for Park Street from
Erie Avenue to Bucklcy Avenue and also for the painting of the interior of the City
Hall. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Gregory that the tenders
received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 213 - Lundy's Lane United Church - requesting construction of a sidewalk on the
west side of Lowell Avenue from Miscner Street south to the church entrance. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Gregory that the con~unication be received and
filed and the work proceeded with. The City Clerk then suggested that Council rescind
their previous motion of July, 1957 which established June 1st. as the deadline for
receiving requests for such local improvements. Following this explanation, Aid.
Martin and Aid. Gregory withdrew their motion and ordered that the matter be referred
to the 1960 Council. Carried Unanimously.
SEE Report Number 187.
No. 216 - Mr. H. A. Logan - enclosing executed offer to purchase property by St.
Andrew's United Church. In connection with this subject, the City Clerk read the
paragraph from the agreement of sale wherein the purchaser is aware of the use of
Oakes Park lying directly to the south of these lands, for baseball and other sports
and accepts the land subject to any limitations thereby created. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and filed
and the report of the City Solicitor be received, noted and filed.
SEE Report Number 188.
The following Conmunications were presented;
No, 217 - Philip T. Barnes - objecting to the purchase of a Mayor's Chain of Office.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the matter be referred
to the Committee set up to investigate the matter of such Chain of Office, for a fitting
No. 218 - Institute of Municipal Assessors of Ontario - advising of success of
City's Assessors in final examinations. ORDERED on the motion of AId, Morton
and Aid. Gregory that the communication be received and filed and the candidates
be congratulated for their achievement.
No. 219 - Martin, Calvert3~Bates and Shej~ar~dd - requesting Council's favourable
indication to the smendment of By-law 5149, to permit the construction of amotel
on property situated on the north side of Murray St. approximately 50 feet west
of New York Central subway. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
McCallum that the copanunication be received and referred to the property Committee
for a report.
No. 220 - NiaKara District Airp~ Corm~ittee - advising that
municipalities named in proposed agreement have indicated their willingness to form
Airport Commission, and outlining recommended changes. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Gregory and AId. Martin that the communication be received and filed and the
necessary by-law prepared. Carried with Aid. Morton-contrarY.
SEE Resolution No.75.
No. 221 - Ontario Muni~qci~ati°n~ecial Committee - requesting City Clerk to
prepare a report on the resolution submitted by the City of Niagara Falls at the 1958
O.M.A. Convention. The City Clerk advised that the resolution referred to was the one
which recommended the abolition of Suburban Roads Commissions. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. ~rtin and AId. Gregory that the communication be received and filed and the
City Clerk be instructed to forward the necessary report; Council to peruse such
report prior to the forwarding of s~me,
At this time, Council recessed, in order that a photograph could be taken
of the presentation of a City Flag to the Niagara Memorial Militaires, which is to be
carried when the Band participates in competitions and parades.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 187 - Ci~En_~neer - construction of a 4-foot concrete sidewalk on the west side
of Lowell Avenue from Missnet Street to 215 feet southerly. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and referred to the 1960
Council. Carried Unanimously.
gEE Conmlunication 213.
No. 188 - Ci__t.-1 Solicitor - enclosing by-law to accept conditional offer of St.Andrew's
United Church to purchase portion of Cemetery Land at the corner of Stanley Avenue
and Morrison Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the
report be received and filed. SEE By-law No. 5774.
No. 189 - City Manager.- re meeting with Cyanamid Officials regarding emission of
dust from Company's stacks and outlining action taken by Company to continue the
reduction of dust from the Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
McCallum that the report be received and filed. Carried with Ald. White-contrary.
No. 190 - City Clerk - advising of successful completion of fire course by W. H.
Sills, Fire Inspector of Niagara Falls Fire Department, at Ontario Fire College.
ORDERED on tile motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received
and filed and the Fire Inspector compltmented.
No. 191 - City Engineer - Asphalt Pavement and Concrete Gutters on east and west
sides of First Avenue from Lot 27 to Lot 24. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin
and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and wor~ proceeded with.
SEE Resolution No. 76.
No. 192 - C_itX E~inee~ - concrete curb and gutter oe the west side of Sixth Avenue
between Valley Way and Jepson Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
Gregory that the report be received and adopted and work proceeded with.
S~_EE~R~.§o~l ut_i.o~! ~umb_e_r 77~.
His Worship the Mayor queried as to the action takeu to repair the lo~:
sidewalk on Muir Avenue and was advised by the City Engineer that the work will be
done but not as a local improvement.
No. 193 - Ci~_ Clerk - reconnnending issuance of liconccs. In connection with the
application for a tourist establishment at 1715 Victoria Avenue, the City Clerk
read report number 195. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that
the report be received and adopted and licences issued accordingly.
No. 194 - Sanitary I~ector - advising of registered letter directed to Mr. A. M~itc,
1706 Ferry Street which outlined action to be takes by him to clean up tile unsightly
conditions existing at that location and further advising of progress of his efforts
to comply with instructions of sanitary inspector, and reconmlending Council view the
premises to see if further action is aecessary. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.McKinley
and Aid. Gregory that the report be received and referred to the City Manager to
ascertain whether he deems it advisable that Council make an inspection of these
No. 195 - Sanilar}L~j~sj_ector - advising that recon~nendations n~dc in July, 1958 to
have Hi-Ho Tourist Rooms at 1715 Victoria Avenue, ~orrect unsatisfactory conditions,
have now been complied with and reconmending licence be issued. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. McCallum that the report be received and adopted.
Ald. Gregory referred to the complaint previously received regarding
condition of City-owned property at the corner of Simcoe Street and Ontario 'venue,
and requested the City Manager to report on action being taken to remedy this
situation. Tbe City Manager advised that instructions have been issued to have the
weeds cut, raked and removed and the trees tri~m~ed; and for periodic inspections to
be made.
AId. Gregory referred to the report submitted by Ald. Martin at the last
meeting, concerning the sewage treatment plant site, which would bc located in the
Township of Stamford, thus necessitating the payment of taxes by the City on this
property. The Alderman queried the possibility of obtaining financial assistance from
the International Joint Conmission in connection with the construction of the Plant
at that location and also desired to know whether overtures were made to the Niagara
Parks Commission regarding the second site suggested, namely, at the Whirlpool,
suggesting that if Council decided on that site, would there be any specific cost
to Council for Parks Commission property or would it be leased, TIle Alderman pointed
out his awareness that a report had not been received from the Merger Survey Co~ittee,
which could change the whole proposition.
The City Manager, in answer to AId. Gregory's queries, advised that neither
the International Joint Commission nor the Provincial-Federal Governments would grant
any assistance. Its stated that the decision as to whether the City or the Ontario
Water Resources Commission will build the plant will have to be made by Council. The
City Manager referred to assistance given by the Parks Commission in supplying contours
of Conmission property for study by the Consulting Engineers and the fact that the
Consulting Engineers definitely opposed the site below the bank due to soil conditions
and the instability of the slopes, resulting in the Conm~ittee's decision not to consider
that location.
In answer to Mayor Miller's query as to whether the C.N.R. had been approached
by the Committee with regard to the purchase of property on the west side of Victoria
Avenue, Ald. Martin advised that no approach had been made. The Alderman then proceeded
to advise that his Committee were asked to investigate the possibility of locations for
the sewage treatment plant and that they investigated sites around the municipality
thought to be suitable for the type of sewage treatment plant suggested. Aid. Martin
advised that his Con~nittee will act under the direction of the Council and are prepared
to submit a report that will be best for the citizens as a whole.
Aid. Morton referred tb the location of the old cave at the foot of Bender
Hill and was of the opinion that this site should be investigated as well.
SEE Resolution No.78.
His Worship tile Mayer bad a communication read from the Hamilton
Suburban Roads Commission suggesting attendance at a meeting to be held in St.
Catbarincs Court House on July 7th. at 2 p.m. of the Tri-County Committee of
Wentworth, Lincoln and Welland, which is sponsoring the conservation and develop-
ment of the Niagara Escarpment from Queenston to 11amilton as a provincial park,
and requested Alderman White to attend.
Tbe subject of trailer camp sites was tben introduced and Ald. Martin
suggested that Mr. J. F. Browns, Inspector of the Department of Travel and
Publicity, be contacted to ascertain whether any advance has been made in connection
with this subject. REE Resolution No.79.
Ald. McKinley referred to tbe large attendance of cbildren at the
Cyanamid Pool to-day at the course held by the Water Safety Committee and commended
the Conradtree for their efforts.
Ald. Morton referred to the progress being made in connection with a
meeting to be bold of municipalities interested in taxation of park lands, etc. and
the City Clerk advised that the matter is pending, and Chippawa Council will try
and set a date when they meet to-morrow evening.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 75A - [~RTI~ - McCALLUM - RESOLVED that Alderman Clifford Gregory be appointed
as Council's representative for the balance of tile year 1959 on the Niagara District
Airport Development Committee; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
(Ald. Morton-contrary).
No. 76 - b~RTIN - GREGORY - RESOLVED that Report Number 191 for the construction of
asphalt pavement and concrete gutters oil the east and west sides of First Avenue
from Lot 27 to Lot 24, be adopted and the work proceeded with as soon as convenient;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 77 - MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED that report number 192 for the construction of
concrete curb and gutter on the west side of Sixth Avenue between Valley Way and
Jepaon Street be adopted and the work proceeded with as soon as convenient; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 78 - GREGORY - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that tile Management Committee be authorized
to investigate the possibility of acquiring Canadian National Railway lands on the
west side of Victoria Avenue adjacent to the old incinerator or a site below the
escarpment in the Whirlpool Area and tile cost in tbe event the lands are available
for such usage, namely, the sewage treatment plant site; and the Seal of tile Cor-
poration be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 79 - McCALLUM - GREGORY - RESOLVED that the subject of trailer camp sites be
referred to the Tourist Committee .of tbe Greater Niagara Ohamber of Commerce; and
tile Seal of the Corporatiou be hereto affixed.
(Ald. Martin-contrary).
The f______ollowin~ By-laws were passed;
No. 5774 - To authorize the acceptance of an offer to purchase.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that Aid.McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried UnanimoBsly.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. MeGallum - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5775 - To appoint a member of the Niagara Falls Suburban Roads Conm~ission
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKLnlev and AId. Gregory that Ald.McCallum
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Aid. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald.Horton,
READ AND ADOPTEB~ 13th. July, 1959.
Council Chamber,
6th. July, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on July 6th, 1959 for the purpose of approving
and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed
before them. All Members of the Conmdttee were present, with the exception of Ald.
Mowers. Ald. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $18,001.60 were approved by
the Con~nittee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid.Martin
and Ald. McGallum.
The Summary of Truck Tenders which had been called for a truck chassis and
cab (cab over engine) to replace Water Dept. Truck No. 15, was presented for consider-
ation, along with the Equipment Conunittee's report recommending the purchase of a
Ford C-700 at a price of $5,109.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Ald. Martin that the Summary of
Tenders be received and filed and the report and recon~nendation of the Equipment
Committee be received and adopted and the tender of Victoria Motors limited at a
quotation of $5,109.00 be accepted.
The City Manager'sreport on the application of Michael Ricci for a sign
.permit to erect a neon sign at the Mid-town Bowling establishment on the north side
of Ferry Street, at an estimated cost of $2,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Martin ~ndMayor Miller that the report be received and adopted and permit
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED' 13th. July, 1959.
Council Chamber,
6th. July, 1959,
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, July 6th, 1959. All Members of
the Conm~ittce were present, with the exception of Aid. Mowers. His Worship, }~yor
Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items proscured to them, the Conmit~ee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Martiu and Ald. White.
READ~ND ADOPTED, 13th. July, 1959.
Council Chamber,
6th.July, 1959.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception
of Ald. Mowers.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5776 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing tbe by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading.- Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. }Brtin and Ald. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and A~d. Gregory.
RF~D AND ADOPTgD, 13th. 1959.
Council Chamber,
13th.July, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournn~ent, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, July 13th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting~ adopted these on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum.
The following Connnunications were presented;
No. 222 - Michael Barto - requesting use of laneway. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
MOrton and Ald. McKinley that the conm~unication be received and referred to the
Property Committee for a report.
No. 223 - Greater Niagara Softball Association - requesting permission to use Oakes
Park, August 26th, 1959 for annual All-Star Night program. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. McKinley and AId. Gregory that the communication be received and filed and
permission be granted as in the previous year, if date is available.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 196 - Traffic Committee. - reconm~ending elimination of parking on north side of
Culp Street from Main Street to Drummond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Morton
and Ald. White that the report be received and adopted.
No. 197 - Traffic Con~nittee - recommending against removal of any further parking
meters in vicinity of Ritz Motel on Victoria Avenue and also reconmending that the
owners of the Motel be approached regarding possibility of placing meters on east
side of off-street parking area to provide for parallel parking in order that the area
cas be controlled. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that the report
be received and adopted.
No. 198 - Traffic Committee - recommending elimination of parking on the east side of
St. Lawrence Avenue from Hurou Street to Epworth Circle. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted.
No. 199 - Traffic Conmittce - recommending elimination of parking on the west side of
Fourth Avenue from Bridge Street to Armoury Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted.
No. 200 - Traffic Conm~ittee - advising that Committee not unanimous in decision to
restrict traffic on the east side of Victoria Avenue directly north of Bridge Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Aid. Gregory that the report be received and
filed. Carried with Ald. Morton-McCallum-contrary.
No. 201 - Equipment Committee - quotations on refrigerator for Queen Street Firehall.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. White that the report be received and
filed and the quotation of Niagara Bums Furnishers for the purchase of a McClary.
unit, at a quotation of $199. be accepted.
No. 202 - City Clerk - rcconmending issuance of licehess. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
The followinR Resolutions were passe__d;
No. 80 - MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of }I~ s
Worship the Mayor and Members of Council be forwarded to the family of the late
Mr. R. J. Irvine, esteemed resident of this municipality for a number of years;'
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 81 - MCKINLEY - McCALLUM - RESOLVED that a letter be forwarded to Ottawa
protestisg the possibility of cstabliahfvg any licence fee for television sets; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Ald. White reported on his attendance at a meeting of the Tricounty
Committee of Wentworth, Lincoln and Welland, representing the Mayor, and outlined
what had transpired and the forthcoming meeting which is to be held with Premier
Frost,at which time a brief which has been prepared will be pressured. The Alderman
referred to the fact that almost $1,000. cxpenditure rcsultcd from the preparation
of the brief and was of the opinion that to continue along these lines in the study
of the development of the Niagara Escarpment will be a bill of expense to the City
of Niagara Falls and reconm~ended that no presentative be name to accompany the
delegation when they meet the Premier.
Aid. McKinley advised that the Secretary of the Greater Niagara Baaeball
Association had requested him to extend an invitation to Council to attend the
official opening ceremonies to be held at Coronation Park on Saturday afternoon,
July 18th. at 4 p.m.
The City Clerk presented a request to the Traffic Conm~ittce to consider
the location of the bus stop at the south-east corner of Ferry Street and Allen
Avenue. Ald. Morton, Chairman of the Traffic Conmittee, advised that his Committee
have already look over this area several times and stated that there must be some
consistency, as the request for a change in the bus location just west of this
location on the north side of the street, was denied.
At the request of Aid. Morton, the City Manager advised that hc would
look into the complaint regarding tbe sidewalk at 1997 Buchanan Avenue.
The following By-law was presented;
No. 5777 - To authorize the resurfacing and reconstruction of pavements oa various
streets tbroughout the municipality,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Gregory that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. McCallum that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously..
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5778 - To authorize the execution of an agreement providing for the establishment
of an airport in the Township of Grantham and the establishment of The
Niagara District Airport Commission.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Martin that AId. Gregory
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Gregory aud AId. McCallurn that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law bc
given the second reading. - Carried with AId. Morton-contrary.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory - Carried, with AId.Morton-contrary.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid.Gregory.
READ AI~]) ADOPTED, 20th. July, 1959.
The Cj. ty Manager's report on the applicatiou of Western Tire and Auto
Supply, 1816 North Main Street, for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated sign
at an estimated cost of $75. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of .\ld. Morton
and Aid. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. White and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 20th. July, 1959.
Council Chamber,
13th. July, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on July 13th, 1959 for tile purpose of
approviug and also passing the Various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the
exception of Ald. Mowers. Ald. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amouut Of $99,239.25 were approved
by the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Aid. Gregory and Aid. Martin.
TIle Summary of Teuders for painting the iuterior of the City Hall was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion Of Mayor Miller and Ald.McCallum
that the Summary be received and filed and the quotation of P. Mazzei, in the amount
of $629.10 be accepted.
The Sunmary of Tenders for the paving of Park Street from Buckley Avenue
to Erie venue was presented for consideration, along with a report of the City
Manager. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the tender of
Calaguiro Bros. in the amount of 33 cents per square yard for the excavation of
Park Street, be accepted, Carried with Aid.Gregory-contrary.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Mayor Miller that the tender of
Damore Bros. in the amount of $1.06 per square yard for waterbound macadam base,
Park Street, be accepted. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton that the tender of
R. E. Law in the amount of $6.80 for asphalt base and $7.50 for asphalt wearing
surface, be accepted. Carried Unanimously.
TIle City Manager's report on the application of Walter Malkiewich, 67
River Road, for a building permit to remove the existing frame open porch at the
front of the building and constructing a new front at the northerly end of the
building, at an estimated cost of $ 3,500. was present. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit
Council Chamber,
13th. July, 1959.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Couucil and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were preseut, with the exception
of Ald. Mowers.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5779 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Martin that AId. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tl~e by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
The Members of Council then perused the statement prepared by the City
Clerk on the reasons why the City of Niagara Falls advocated the abolitiou of
suburban road commissions.
This statement had been prepared as requested by P. H. Murphy,
Clerk-Comptroller, City of Sudbury, aed Chairman of the Special Committee
appointed by the Ontario Municipal Association, as a result of the resolution
which had been sponsored by the City of Niagara Falls at the 1958 O.M.A.
Convent ion
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the
statement of the City Clerk be endorsed and forwarded to Mr. Murphy. Carried
SEE Cormnunication Number 221.
Council Meeting,JulY 6th,1959
The Council then adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2Orb. Jnly, 1959.
20th. Jul! I 1959.
Pursuant to adjournlnent, Council l~ict at 7.30 p.n~. c:~ :k>nday, Ju]y 20th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and fjua!~cc. \Ii l.icmbcrs of
Council were present, with the exception of AId. Gregory and AId. %I,~wcrs. The CoLtacit,
having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of AId. McKinley and Aid. McCallum.
motion of Aid. Morton and AId. McKinley it was ordered that their representatives be
heard at this time.
Mr. Jos. Peters was ti~c spokesman and he submitted for the approval of
Council a list of locations considered essential for the ercctiou of dirccti~nal siSas,
or the replacement of more adequate signs on locations already bcin~ used. IIc. also
quoted a separate list of locations for the erection of a City Eap, showing each
business section in it's proper section and in it's proper proportions and the most
direct route of access.
He referred to the recent article appearing in the local press whicl'
pointed out the unsightly condition of signs and stated that tile merchants themselves
feel partially rcspoasible for such negligence and would tlmreforc like Council
auti~ority to take the necessary action. Mr. Peters asstxrcd Council that tbc Business
men were not seeking financial assistance from tile taxpayers or anyone else
connection with this matter.
I.Ir. Koch of the Downtown Businessn~cn's Association also spoke and he
referred to the contact made with the Centre and Sonth End Association, and had been
given assurance that representatives from both sections would be present at this
meeting. ltowever, they were uot in attendance.
Ilis Worship, Mayor Miller, assured the delegation: that this important
project merited consideration and expressed a desire to appoint a Special Connnittee
along witix the City 1.Ianager to work with the Busincssmcn's Associations and nanted
AId. McKinley, Chairman of Parks, Aid. llcCallum, Chairman of ProperLy and kid. llorton,
Chairman of Traffic and the City 1.1auagcr, to meet with the businessmen in order to
arrive at a solution to this problem.
Mr. Peter Gordon was penuittcd to speak to Council on this subject, on
the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton.
lle referred to tile ambiguous signs in the area of the Q.E.W. and Robert
Street and that the taxpayers of that area were suffering financially through the
misdirection of tourists out of the City. tie strongly protested any action that would
result in taking away business froth Robert Street taxpayers.
His Worship, Mayor Miller, assured the speaker that the Special Conunittee
will take under advisement his remarks.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 222 ~ Michael Barto - re access to his property at the rear of Lot 69 and part of
Lot 68. ORDERED on tl~e motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Morton that the colmnunication
be again tabled and the report of the Property Comnittee adopted.
SEE Report No.203.
Tl~e following Communications were_ prosonto_d jr
No. 224 - ~N.i__aBara District Airport Committee - Notice of Meetleg to be hc]d at Nfagara
District Airport on Tt~ursday, July 23rd, at 7,30 p.m. ORDERlED on the motion of
McKinley and Ald. Martin that tim conmmnication be received, noted and filed, and
Aid. McCallum be named the second appointee of the City Council to the Airport Con~nittce,
SEE Resolution Number 82~
~,~o. 225 - Greater ~,~iag.a_r,_a _S_af_e_ty~CoU!!qj_l - advocating safety measures at private
swinLmiug pools, installed at local motels. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton
and AId. Nartin that tbe communication be received and tabled and the City Clerk be
instructed to make available for the perusal of Council, a condensed su~ary of
by-laws governing swirmning pools in other municipalities in the Province of Ontario.
At this point, His Worsbip Mayor Miller, rcquestcd the City Clerk to
contact the Clerk of the Village of Chippaws to ascertain when tile proposed joint
meeting of the three municipalities may be held, at which the subject of swimming
pools could also be discussed.
No. 226 - CiDl of Ottawa - resolution regarding transit systems. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Martin and AId. Morton that the resolution be received and endorsed. Carried,
~,:ith Aid. White-contrary.
No. 227 - ~LiaJp_r_zkMcmorial M_i_ljtai_r~e_s_ - requesting permission to erect a street banuer
advertising forthcoming Pageant of Stars Contest to be held on August 1st. at Oakes
Park. ORDERED on tbe motion of Ald. Martin and .\ld. McCallurn that the con~nunication
bc received and filed and permission grailted, subject to the necessary 'contact with
the Local Hydro Co~mnission. Carried, with Aid.White-contrary.
No. 228 - ~_o~s|!il_of Crowland - resolution re expropriation of a].l beach properties
to the highhater marl< and the restoration of tbe same to public use. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Martin that the resolution be received and referred
to the City Hanager and City Solicitor for a full report.
Tbe following Reports were presented;
No. 203 - P_~eL~y,~Co_n!~_i_ttee' - report on inspection of Barto property, re access to
tbe property at the rear of Lot 69 and part of Lot 68; and advising further report will
be presented, ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the report
be received and adopted.
No. 204 - Pt_E~p_e~_i~j'__C_onu. nittee - report on 1986 Drummond Road and suggesting every effort
be made to bave trees removed. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald.McCallum
that the repor~ be received and adopted.
No. 205 - Cj~ty Engineer - recommending construction of storm relief sewer on Ellis
Lane from Ellis Street to 200 feet south of Ellis Street. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Morton and Aid. Martiu that the report be received and adopted and work proceeded
with as soon as convenient.
SEE Resolution No.83.
No. 206 - City Clerk - reconunending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. NcKinley and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly,
The following Resolutions were passed;
! |
No. 82 - MCKINLEY - MARTIN - RESOIA~D that Alderman Ian McCallum be named the second
appointee of the Council of the City of Niagara Falls on the Niagara District Airport
Comnittee; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimously,
No. 83 - MOoRTON - T.~RTIN - RESOLVED that Report Number 205, for the construction of a
storm relief sewer on Ellis Lane from Ellis Street to 200 feet south of Ellis Street
be adopted and the work proceeded with as soon as convenient; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Curried Unanimously.
No. 84 - MORTON - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the ~yor and Members of the Municipal Council, be forwarded to the family of.
the late, Mr. James McCalmont, valued City Employee for a number of years; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 85 - bIAJI. T~I~ 7bJ_c~!~I~.E_Y. - RESOLVED that llis Worship, Mayor Mi!lcr~ bc requested to
issue a proclamation declaring Monday, 3rd. August, 1959, as Civic lloliday in the
City of Niagara Falls; that all civic buildings remain dosed on that date; that the
regular meeting of Council scheduled for that date be bold at 7,30 p.m. on Tuesday,
August 4th, 1959; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
C_ayr_icd Una!~imo~l_y_.
No. 86 - ~c~%I_N~BY ~ ~9RT9~ - RESOLVED that a letter be forwarded to the United States
Airforce Authority protesting the low flying of jet aircraft over the City of Niagara
Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
CaKr~ed Un~n~t~!op, s~.
The followi_njl-l.aw was_~pa_s_s_e~d,;
No. 5780 - To amend By-lab 1Number 3790, being a by-law for the rcgulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of .lid, 1.1artin and AId, th:Kinley that AId. Morton be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-lay: and the by-law be read the first time.
Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the nlotion of Aid. Morton aud Ald. llcKin]ey that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspcndcd and the by-law bc given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. McCallurn and Aid. McKinley - Carried Unani;aously.
Ald, McKinley referred to the coudition of traffic signs 20 and 3A, located
at the top of Clifton llill and it was ordered on the motion of Aid. 1,1cKinlcy and Aid.
Morton that the City I.lauager be empowered to contact the Departn~cnt of Ilighways of
Ontario inm~ediately to request that they either cleao or renew the directional sign
located at the top of Clifton Hill designating llighways 20 and 3A.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meetiag on the motion of Aid. 1.1artiu aud AId. I.IcCallum.
READ AND ADOPTED, 27th. July, 1959.
Couucil Chanlber,
20th. July, 1959.
The Finance bleeting was held on July 20th, 1959 for the purpose of approving aud
also passiug the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before
them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Gregory and
Ald. Mowers. Ald. McKinley, Ghairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $42,879.40 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on tile motion of
Aid. Martin and Aid. White.
The City Manager's report on tile application of tile Salvation Arm)' for a
building permit for alterations to the central portion of the building at 1050 Jepson
Street, was presented for consideration. The City Manager recolranended that a building
permit bc issued for work amounting to $105,000. but that approval of the plans be with-
hcld until such time as arrangemcnts can bc made with the Architect to incorporate the
suggestions of the three City Officials, viz; City Engiueer, Fire Inspector and Plumbing
Inspector. ORDERED on tile motiou of Mayor Miller and Aid. McCallum that the report be
received and adopted.
TIle Property Connnittee's report on the proposed construction of a business
block at 1154 Victoria Avenue, was presented. TIle Colmnittee had inspected the premises
and considered parhing space available and suggested that a permit be issued if and
when an application is received for the same. ORDERED on tile motion of Mayor Miller
and Aid. Mortou that tile report bc received and adopted.
Thc Conmlittec arose and reported to Council on tile motion of Ald. McCaltum and Aid.
READ AND ADOPTED, 27th. July, 1959.
Third Reading - .lid. Morton and .lid. l.'hitc - Car::icd UUaVih~OUS15.
Council adjourned to Conference on tile motion of ALl. liartin and .'~!d. l.lci~inlcL:.
READ AND ADOPTED, 27th, July, 1959.
-~laiVman of Finance.
20th. July, 1959.
The Confercnce Conmiittec of tile City Conncil assei:lblcd at the close of
thc regular Council and Fiuance Meetings on Monday, July 20th, 1959. All i.lcmbcrs
of the Cotmilittcc were present, with the cxccption of Aid. Gregory and AId. Mowers.
His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of tbc items presented to them, the Comraittec adjourned on the
motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. White.
Council Chamber,
20th. July, 1959,
The Conmittce re-assembled at tile close of the regular Council and
Finance llectiugs for the purpose.of passing tile by-law which covered the accounts
approved b5 the Connnittee. .\11 1.lembers of Council were present, with tile exception of
Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mowers.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5781 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. McCallum that Ald. McKinley
be granted tile privilege of introducing tile by-law and the by-law be read tile first
time. - Carried Unanimously.
OP, DERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standlug Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by~law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unauimously,
READ AND ADOPTED, 27th. July, 1959.
Council Chamber,
27th. July, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournrecur, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, July 27th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general busiuess and finance. All Members of
Ccuncil were present, with the e::ccption of Aid. Gregory. The Council, having received
and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId.
Nortoe and Aid. White.
Laid over from the previous meetiu_g;
No. 225 - G~'_eg~tej'__L~iaJ~.ai'a SjfJ~t)' _C9_unc~i~l - advocating safety measures at private
swilluning pools, installed at local motels. ORDERED on the motion of _lid. HcKinlcy
and .lid. l.fcCallutn that the eol:m~unication bc again tabled until Council have bad an
opportunity to peruse the coudenscd sununary of by-laws goreruing swinuning pools in
Other localities in tile Province, the subject to be considered at the next meeting
of Council.
No. 228 ' Tow~BfiJ!i~_o_f__CZoL~laZ!d - rcsolutiou re c::propriation of all beach properties
to the high water mark and the restoration of the same to public use. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Mowers that the conm~unication be received and filed,
the report of the Cit7 Manager be fon,:arded to the Township of Crov;laud which is self-
explanatory as to the reason why the City of Niagara Palls cannot endorse the
resolution in its present form.
_ SEE report no. 207,
The following Comatunications were presented;
No. 229 - Hielater of National Deftnee - acknowledging City's letter opposing
inauguration of license fees on radi~ ~nd television. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
Morton and Aid. White that the colmnunication be received, noted and filed.
No. 230 - lfiJ_r~t~iJ!;' Calvert, Bates & Sbej_pard - advisiug that Firm has been retained
by hUagara Falls Separate School Board in~'onnection with proposed sewage treatmeut
plant. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, White and AId.' Morton that the communication
be received, and tabled pondlag discussion on the subject as far as Council is
coucerncd, and it was suggested that the writer be informed when such discussion will
take place.
No. 231 - [i_ty of Barrie - resolution re brakes on buses and trucks. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. Mowers and AId. McCallurn that the resolution be received and filed
and not endorsed. Carried ,.qith AId, Mortm~-contrary. PRior to this, Aid.Morton
moved that the resolution be endorsed, but this motion was not seconded.
No. 232 - ClerksCounty of Welland - resolution requesting Govermnent's early
construction of overpasses at Welland and Port Colborue due to the increased movement
of ships throngh the Welland Caual because of opening of St.Lawreace Seaway.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and Aid. Mowers that the resolution be received
and endorsed,
No. 233 - Ci~ty Clcrk of Gait - resolution re Winter Works Incentive Programme.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. McKinley that the resolution be received
aed endorsed.
No. 234 - Zippo Mjgr. Co. - re proposed extension to existing property at 2158-62
Allen Avenue. ORDER'~' m"i the motion of}Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the colmnuni-
cation be received and referred to the Property Conunittee for a report,
TIle followlng Reports were presented;
No. 207 - City Manager - re Crowland Townlhip~s resolution. ORDERED on the motion of
Ahh Martin and AId. Mowers that the report be received and the Township of Crowland
be advised accordingly.
SEE Gommunication 228.
No. 208 - G~i~tS'' I,l~jlag9_! - reconunending attendance of Chief Wade at Canadian Fi re Chic f's
Convention, to be held in Windsor, August 17th. to 21st. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mowers and Aid. Horton that the report be received and rccom:mndation adopted.
No. 209 - G_i~t%i_CJel~-j: - reconmmnding issuance of licenets. ORDERED on the i::ot~on of
AId. McRinlcy and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licenets
issued accordingly.
AId. HcCallum reported verbally on his attendance at the Y~a'Aara District
Airport Meeting last Thursday, July 23rd. and outlined in dctai! the co:::position of
the Colmnittcc accprding to commvnitics and that Niagara Fails is being requested to
name one more representative to the Coi:uuission, Tbc Alderman advised that the Inaugural
Meeting of the Conurlission x,:ill be held on August 27tb.
His Worship Mayor Miller requested Council to consider the name of the
third representative of the City of Niagara Falls.
The follov:i_nJ Resolutions were
No. 87 - ~I+AR_TIJLT__M_ONE~R~ - RESOLXPED that a message of s>m~pathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of Council and citizens at large, be forwarded to the
family of the late Reverend D. lI. Gallagher, former minister of Lundy's Lane Usitcd
Church, who was a highly esteemed resident of the conm~unity for a great number of
years and widely kuown and respected for his work among the youth of the community;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
_~JX~jeJ_ ~jlanj,~lous~y.
i~o, 88 - l?-IIj~_ _-_ _M c__K.I_N_L_EJ' - RESOLVED that a letter of congratulations on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of Council be forwarded to the Niagara Falls Police
Association for the success of their ball team against a teal of fellow officers from
Niagara Falls, New York during the game played recently; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimouslh
AId. Morton referred to the loose manhole cover at tluron Street and Third
Avenue and the City Manager advised that the necessary work will be douc to alleviate
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. l,&itc and Aid. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 4th. August, 1959.
Council Chan~ber,
27tb. July, 1959.
Tbc Finance Meeting was held on July 27tb, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and
placed before tbcn~. All Members of the Conmittee were present, with the exception of
Aid. Gregory. Aid. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $41,037.76 were approved by
tile Conm~ittee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or other~.:ise dealt witb, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for prcsentatioa to the Council on the motion of
AId. Mowers and Aid. McCallurn.
The City Manager's report on the application of Myer Delduca for a
building permit to demolish thc building located at 1640 Stanley Avenue and erect a
store at an estimated cost of $4,500.was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. Morton and Mayor Miller that tbe report be received and adopted and a
permit be issued subject to the filing of the necessary plans.
The City Managcr's report on the application of Myer Delduca to make
alterations to his premises at 1648 Stanley Avenue, in order that the same can be used
for co~mnercial purposes, at an estimated cost of $2,200. was pre sented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, Martin and Mayor Miller that the report be received and
adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Jack Giffcn for a permit
to erect a building to be used as a garage on Lot 80, on the cast side of Stanley Ave.
between North St. and Lincoln St. at an estimated cost of $3,500. was presented.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Mayor Miller that the report be received and
adopted and permit issued subject to the filing of tile necessary plans.
Tbc Cotroe|tree arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid.
McCal lum.
!! |
READ AND ADOPTED, 4th. August, 1959.
~'' ---~ . Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
27th, July, 1959.
The Conmlittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finaoce Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approvcd by th~ Coma|tree. All M~bers of Council were present~ with t|le exception of
Ald. Gregory.
The following By-law was passed;
No...57.8..2.. - To provide raonies for general purposes.
ORDERED oil the motloll of Aid. Horton and Aid, !/hi tc that Aid. 1,1cKinle,-
be grauted tbe privilege of introduciug the by-law and the bl.-law bu givc~. |he fi['st
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley ap.d AId. ,';orton tbat Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and tile by-law be givcL~_ the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Mowers and Aid. Martin - Carried UnanimousiS.
Aid. Martin quericd as to what success |lad been obtaiucd with refercute
to tile mccting with Premier Frost of Ontario conceraing possib!c railway rclocatiou
and it was understood that t|le City i.lanager would attempt to as soon as feasible,
arrange such a meeting.
Council adjounled to Conference on tile motioa of AId. White and AId. llorton.
READ Ai~rD ADOPTED, 4th. August, 1959.
Council Chamber,
27th. July, 1959.
TIle Conference Conunittce of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, July 27tb, 1959. All I. lembcrs of the
Conm~ittec were pre sent~ with the exception of Ald. Gregory. Ills Worship, Mayor Miller,
presided-as Chairman.
After consideration of the items prcseuted to them, the Conm~ittec adjourued on the
motion of AId. White and Ald. 1,Iartin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 4th. August, 1959.
Couacil Chamber,
4 tit .August, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 4th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were prcscnt~ with the c:cccption of AId. Mowers. The Council, having received
and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motiop of Aid.Morton
and Aid. McCallum.
Council arose and observed one minute of silence in respect to the
memory of the late Ex-Alderman A. W. Scott, who was a i.iembcr of the Aldermanic Board
from 1933 to 1946.
SEE Rcsolutioe No.89.
Laid over front the previous meatit_in_iX;
No. 219 - l'_ta~lt_i,_n~ Calvertl_jl_at+_es~aj~_d' Sj!epj!a_r_d - requesting an amendment to By-law 5149
to perillit coustruction of a motel. on the north sidq o~ M~rray Street, wast of the New
York Central Railway subway. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. 1.lcCallum
titat the conraunication be received and filed and by-la~: 5149 be arecoded and the owner
of the premises bc notified that any cost to provide for the disposal of sewage bc at
the expense of the owuer of the property. Carried, with Aid. Morton-contrary
SEE Report No. 210,
No. 225 - G~r_e_a_ter Nj_agg_ra__Sgf~e_tj, Council - advocating safety measures at private
swinmling pools. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. l, IcKinley that the
coinmunication and condensed sunrotary be again tabled for consideration by a full
~' 234 Z_i_pj~o i__,lfj~+r. Co, Ltd. - requesting pcrmissiou to purchase City-ot.;ned landlocked
portion of Range 22, south of Robinson Street. ORDERED on the motioo of Aid. Morton
sod Ald. liceallure that the conmxunication be received and filed and the land in question
be sold to the Zippo Mfgr, Co. Ltd. for the sum of $150. with the understanding that
the Company will have to apply to the Conunittec of Adjustment as to the use of the
property since it is within a Residential Area.
SEE Report No. 211.
The following Conm~unications were presented;
1~o. 235 ' 9_on__mt_a!ld_e_r.L~US~.AF_~lj_tjD_F~ighter Group - explm~ation re low flying aircraft over
the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario. ORDERED on the lgotio~ of Aid..White and Aid.
1.1cKinley that the conmlunication be received and filed.
No. 236 - CitJi of St.Thoinas ~ resolution rcconmmading an amendment to Municipal Act
to permit municipalities to enter agreements with private compauies for the erection
of weatherproofed shelters for bus patroos on public highways. It was moved by
Aid. McKinley and Aid. White that the resolution be received and filed; this motion
was dcfea~'ed by a vote of 4 to 2; aud an amendment made by Aid. Martin aod Ald.Mortou
that .thq ~iesq~ution be .qndorTscd, .wa~ carried with .AId: .Wl~ite .and Mc. Kinle. yl-con~ary
No. 237 - Jolm B. l[opkins - con~plainlng about tractor trailers and their activities
in the vicinity of Park Street and Cataract Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid,
Megallure aud Ald. Morton that the conm~unication be received and referred to tbe Traffic
Conm~ittee for a report.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 210 - Property Conm~ittec - recorramnding amendment to By-law 5149 to permit motel
construction on the nortit side of Murray St. west of the New York Central subway.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McOallum that the report be received and
SEE Communicatiou No,219
No. 211 - Prql!ejltJ,~Cpl~!i_tt~c_c. - recozmxending sale of Cjty-oxm,xl la!~dlocked pcn'tion of
Range 22, south of Robinson Street to Zippo I:fSr. Co. Ltd. for the sum cf $]50. subject
to the Compaey applying to the Conm~ittee of Adjustment regardi~5 osc of propertl- s~nce
it is within a residential area. ORDERED on the motiou of AId. I;orton and Ald,l.1cCa!lum
that the report be received and adopted.
S.~E. CoT.:j:~niyj.tiJ.n 2.3fi,
No. 212 - Spc~,i,al~j,gn Conm~t~eA - report on cet~:~,J w~th Doubtown Bus~ncsm-~en'n
Association and outlining suggested locations. ORDERED on the :?orion of Ud. T, krto,,
and AId. McKinley that the report be received and adopted. IT gAS FI~T!IER ORDERED en
the motion of AId. McKinley sod Ald. GrcgorF that when the rep 'esc ~tati,:~ frun: the
g Branch of the Department of Hlghways comes to the City Hall to discuss sirius L'ith
the City tlanager~ he be requested some designation be n:ade on the sign at Stanley
and the Q.E.W. indicating that it is an alternative route to the Falls. Carried~
Aid. Martin-contrary.
Aid. Gregory then introduced a motion Ubat the Tourist Conm~iUtec of the
Greater Niagara Chamber of Conmmrcc be approached to investSgate s~gns d~rccting
visitors to motels located in the City of Njagara Falls. His Uorship Uayor Killer advised
tbat he could not; entertain such a motion due to the fact that such erection of signs
would be contrary to the City's by-laws already in effect.
.'lo. 213 - Trjffi~c__C_gl:!m_i_t~tqe' - report on four items discussed at their mcctiug held on
July 29th. regarding requests of inm~igratioo Department and Post Office for rescrvat:cn~
of parking stalls; relocation of Bell Telephone Co. pole on parhi:rE lot; and request of
Christ Church for erectioo of signs. ORDERED on the motion of AId, 1.1orton al',d AId.White
that the report and the recoramendation be received and adopted.
lld. McKinley referred to the expected applicatiou from the Post Office for
the proposed addition to present building and queried whether steps would be taken hi
the managculent to see that sufficieot parki~:g is provided. The City Manager advised
that this nmttcr will be brought before Council when informatioo is presented as to
tbc application for the building permit.
No. 214 ~ PrJllcj'.tl'_C~ogu~ni_t~tge' - suggesting advice of City Solicitor be sought with
reference to securing closing of lO-foot lane existing betuccn Dan!:cr Street and
eTcmpcrancc Aveuuc and the conveyance of the same to abutting propert;- or:hers,
Bradley, representing Mrs. Leverington of 1791 Sumnler Street Los present at the nlceti,~g
and it was ordered oo the motion of AId. Martin and ,\ld. McKinley that he be hoard.
tie brought to the meeting a deed which indicated that a portion of the lane had bceu
illeluded in tile conveyance to Mrs. Leverington's Summer Street property and the speaker
advised tbat he intended to consult the City Solicitor on this lnattcr. ORDERED on the
nlotion of AId. Morton aud Aid. McCallurn that the report of the Property Conm~ittcc be
_ received sod adopted, Ald. Martin suggested that when a report is received from tbe
City Solicitor, Mr. Bradley bcnotified so that he may be present at the meetlug when
Council considers the same.
No, 215 - ~C.i~t~.~ClerJ,i - report on Conference bold on July 27th, ORDERED on the motioo
of Aid. McKinley and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
No. 216 - D_.qpu_q~j2 Cl___er/i - recoilrending issuance of licerites. ORDERED on the n:otion of
AId. llcKioley and AId. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and liccnces
issued accordingly.
No. 217 - p_e~LC_le__rlj - applicatfon not approved for tlawkcr's and Pedlar's licenee.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. White that the report bc received and
filed and the licenee be not granted.
The following Resolutions were passed.
No, 89 - I~IITE - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of s~npathy on behalf of llis Worship
the Mayor, Members of Council and citizens at large be forwarded to the family of the
late Mr. Alfred W. Scott, higbly esteemed resident and former Member of Council of the
City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously,
No. 90 - McCALLUM - GREGO__RY - RESOLVED that Mr. W. J. McBurney, Q.C. be appointed as
the third representative of the City Council of Niagara Falls on the Niagara District
Airport Commission; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimouslz.
The following By-law was presented;
No. 5783 - To authorize the execution of an agreement providing for the establishment
of an airport in the Township of Grantham and the establishment of The
Niagara District Airport Commission.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. NcKinlcy and Aid. White that Aid. Gregory
he granted tile privilege of introducing tile by-lm.~ and tile by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. McCallum that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Couocil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be giveu the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald.
READ AI~ ADOPTED, lOth, August', 1959.
Deputy Clerk
Counci 1 Chamber,
4th. August, 1959.
Tbc Finance Meeting was held on August 4th, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and
placed before them. All Members of the Cor~ittcc were present, with the exception of
Ald. Mowers. Ald. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $63,249.30 were approved by
the Conm~ittee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation.to the Council on the motion of
11is Worship Mayor Miller and Ald. Morton.
The City Manager reported verbally on an application received from Mr.L,
Neal, to move tile house at 1647 Main Street to Lot 12, Plan 43, on the south side of
North Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Mayor Miller that the
application be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report.
TIle Statement of Revenues and Expenditures as of June 30th, 1959 was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motiou of Ald. Gregory and AId. White
that the Statement be received and tabled for one week for the perusal of Council.
The Conm~ittce arose ted reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId.
READ AND ADOPTED, lOth. August, 1959.
Deputy Clerk
Chairman of Finance.
Council Chamber,
4th.August, 1959.
Tile Conunittcc re-assembled at the close of the regular Council aud Finance
1.leerings for tile purpose of passing the by-law which covered tile accounts approved by
the Cosmlittce. All blembers of Council were present, with the e~xception of .lid.blowers.
The followinLBT-law wa~passed~
No. 5784 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. White and Ald. Gregory that Ahl. llcKinley bc
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tile by-law be given tile first
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. 1.1cKinlcy and AId. Gregory that Rule 36 (20
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given uhe
second reading, - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Ald. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Aid. Martin referred to tile rough usage of the swings and teeter totters
at Coronation Park and the Complaints received froIn neighboers that boys between the
I ages of 16 and 18 were not handling this equipment very carefully. The Aldernlau
suggested that the Mayor might issue a warning to tceu-agcrs that the equipment has
been placed there for the pleasure of the young children and auyone caught misusing
will be severely dealt with.
Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. McCallurn and Aid. White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 10th. August, 1959.
Deputy Glerk
Council Chamber,
10th. August, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournmest, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, lOth,
August, 1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Members of Council uere present, ~ith tile exception of Ald~mau Mowers. The Couucil,
having received and read tbc minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Gregory.
The fol lowi~l Con~nunications were presente<~t;
No, 238 - p~o_rg~e _R~.__C-3_e_er_,' B~e_s_t~_ipe_~ L~iljit~cd - invitation to Open lieuse on August 20tb.
ORDERED on tbe motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Morton that the invitation be received,
accepted aad as many of the Members of Council as find it possible attend.
No. 239 - C_ba__m~b.eJi_o.f_Conm__~,~_r_c~e'- forthcoming Convention of Canadian Tourist Association
to be held in Edmonton, Oct. 5th. to 8th. and requesting information as to ~.:hethor
Council wishes to send a delegate also. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McRinley and
AId. White that tile co~m~lunication be received and filed.
No. 240 - Re~rtm_ent .o_f~ ~!z~bwal~ - Identification signs at Q.E.W. and Stanley Ave.
and advising arrangemcnts to be made for the erection of street uamc signs at this
location. ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. Morton, and Aid. White that the coramuni-
cation be received, noted and filed.
Lo. 24]. - ~jiaJ_a_r_a Memorial Militaires ,. submitting financial statenlent in connection
with recent Drum Corps Contest held at Oakcs Park on August 1st. and requesting
Council 's consideration to an adjustment of rental fee. ORDERED on tile motion of
AId. McCallurn and AId. Morton that the comnunication be received and referred to
tbe Parks and Recreation Conm~ittee, along with the City Manager for consideration
and a report.
No. 242 - l_qj~_agara Peninsula Con~crw~tion Authoritj,_ - Aanual Assessment figures and
advising of the City of Niagara Falls' share of the costs of administration and
maintenance of this Authority on per capita basis. ORDERED on the motion of Aid,
Martin and AId. Gregory that the conu~unicatio~! be received and filed and a cheque
iu tile amount of $197.16 be issued.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 218 ~ Ci~_.Manage__r - report on fire alarms received 1955 to 1958 and advising
of meeting with Bell Telephone Co. on August 14th. and requesting that Equipment
Con~nittee be present at this meeting, when subject of possible abandonn.~ent of
present City-owned system for Police Telephone and Fire Alarm circuits is studied.
ORDERED on the motiol~ of AId. White and AId. Morton that the report be received
and adopted.
No. 219 - City Manager - advising of request of Dominion Electric Protection Co.
for permission to instel equipment in local firehalls, which will report fires in
buildings in which they would place their equipment; and recommending that Equipment
Conmffttee be authorized to discuss the matter with the Sales Supervisor of tbis
Company. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the report
be received and adopted and a report be submitted.
No. 220 - D__eputy Clerk - recommending issuance of licences, ORDERED oa themotion
of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
Thc following By-law L'as presented;
No, 5785 - To authorize construction of asphalt paveInent and gu~ters on First Avenue
and curb and gutter on Sixth Avenue, as Local IInprovcn:ents.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Wbite and Ald, Herton that Aid. TlelUnlev be
granted the privilege of introducing tile by-law and tile by-law be rend tile first time.
Carried Unauimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. llcii~ley and Ahl. Gregory that Rt,-]e 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and tile ~y-law be read the
second time. - Carried Unanimously.
The followiug By-laws ~.~ere passed;
No. 5786 - A by-law to provide for establishing parking Jots adjo_{ning Park ,qtreel:
the City of Niagara Falls, and for regulating, supervising ancl governi~.g
the parking of vehicles thereon and chargiug a fee for such parking.
ORDERED ou the motion of Aid. White and AId. CreSory that AId..~-Iorton bc
granted the privilege of introdncing the by-lm~ and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED ou the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Martfn that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Couucil be temporarily suspcnded and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Aid. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
N_o. 5787 - To authorize the signing of an agreement with The Hershey 1iockey Club.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. McCallurn that AId.McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing tile by-law and tile by-la~.; be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton tbat Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-lm,: be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. McKinley and Aid, Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
AId. Martin referred to the curb aud gutter on Valley Way from tile Swinmffng
Pool to Stanley Avenue and the fact that there is no protection for pedestrians walhing
on the sidewalk. The City Manager advised that when the curb and gutter were poured,
part of the cement work was satisfactory but portion of it had disintegrated aud the
work would be done to remedy this condition, just as soon as tile construction program
is underway.
His Worship, Mayor Miller, referred to tile prevalence of weeds in this
section also.
Ald. Morton referred to tile dusty condition of Leader Lane and tile City
Manager advised that calcium chloride will be applied to eliminate this conditioa.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on tile motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 17th. August, 1959.
Deputy Cleric
Council Chamber,
lOth. August, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on August 10th, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and
placed before them. All Members of the Co~nittee were present, with the exception of
Aid. Mowers. AId. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $60,791.62 were approved by
tile Comnittee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallurn.
'rhc Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of June 30th, 1959 laid over
from the previous meeting for tile perusal of Council, was ordered received and filed
on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Gregory.
The Property Connnittee's report on the application of Mr. Leonard Neal,
for permission to move the house at 1647 Main Street, to Lot 12, Plan 43, on the
south side of North Street, between Main Street and Lowell Avenue, was presented for
consideration. Due to insufficient area on the proposed location, the Conmittee
rccolmnended that permission be not granted. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and
AId. Morton that tile application be received and filed and the report of the Property
Colmnittee be received and adopted.
The Property Conm~ittee's report on the application received for a
building permit to enclose the existing open front verandah at 1947 Cl~rk Avenue, at
an estimated cost of $200.00 was presented. The Conm~ittee recon~nended issuance of a
permit subject to the condition that alterations be made to the front of the dwelling
satisfactory to the Building Inspector, so that the appearance of the boilding will
be improved. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald. Martin that, the report
aud reconmmndation be received and adopted.
The Committee arose and reported to Couacil on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED~ 17th. August, 1959.
Deputy Clerk
].0th. August, 1959.
The Co~:m~ittee re-assembled at the close of the rcgnlar Council and Yinaucc
1.!eetings for the purpose of passing the by-law ;.,hich covered the accouuts appro,:cd b;'
the Conunittee. All Members of Council were pre sent, with tile c::ccptio!~ of Aid.flowers.
The f._ollowinLB~y_-l~w was t!asscd;
No. 5788 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDEREDoe the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that Aid. I'.;cKin]ay bc
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law bc given the first reading.
Carried Unauimously.
ORDERED on ~he motion of Aid. McKinley a~d Ald. Grcgor) that Rule 30 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council bc temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the sccoud
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. 14orton and Ald. McCallurn - Carried Usanimousty.
Couucil adjourned to the Conference on the motion of Aid. Idartin and Aid. 1,lcKinlc..
Council Chau~bcr,
lOth. August, 1959.
TIle Conference Conm~ittee of the City Council assmubled at the close of the
i regular Couucil and Finance Meeting on 1.bnday, August lOtb, 1959. All 1.Icmbers of the
Conuuittee were present, with the exception of Aid. Mowers. Ills l.:orship, Mayor Miller,
presided as Chairman.
After consideration of tile items presented to them, the Conunittcc adjourned on the
motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. McCallum.
READ AND ADOPTED, 17th. August, 1959.
Deputy Clerk
Council Chamber,
17 th. Augus t, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournincur, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on }Ionday, 17th.
August, 1959, for tile purpose of considering general business and finance. All
1-1embers of Couucil were present, with the exception of Aid ermanlMo~:crs. The Coancil~
having received asd read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Ald. Mortoa and Ald. Gregory.
Laid over from a previous meetlag|
No. 237 - John B. Hopkins - complaining about tractor trailers and their activities
in the vicinity of Park St. and Cataract Ave. ORDERED on tbc motion of Aid. lqorton
and Ald. Gregory that the cox~m~unication be received aad filed and the Traffic Com-
mittso's report and recommendation be adopted.
SEE Report No.221
-Ald. lqcKinlcy arrived at the meetlag -
The follot:ing Colmnunications ~,ere presented;
lqo. 243 - Con~ffttcc of Adjustment - Notice of llearing re 457 Ferguson Street.
ORDERED on ~ motion ~' ii~l~[~ton aad Aid. Gregory that the comaurn|cat|on be
received, noted and filed.
No. 244 - Ni_aJ~.ara FalJs~ Ho_r.~_i~c~uj_tuKa.l__ _S2_c.i_e~X - invitatiou to Annual Flower and
Vegetable Show. ORDERED on tbe motlos of Aid. Martin and Aid. McCallurn that the
invitation be received and accepted and as man)' of the Members of Council and their
wives as find it possible, attend.
No. 245 - ~j-e__a..t~e_r__l, Iijgar_a Ba__seb~al_~l~As._s~o~c~iatj=pj! -'rcqucsti'ng use of O~kcs Park main
baseball diamond on August 28th, 1959 for Annual All Star Night. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Harris and Aid. Gregory that the commuuication be received and
referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee. (See Verbal Report,August 24th.mceting).
No. 246 - l~ia_&q_r_a__E_alls Y.M.G.A. - requesting use of Municipal Swinuniag Pool on
September 7th. from 10 to 12 a.m. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Gregory aad Aid.
McGallum that the coramunication be received aud referred to the Parks and Recreation
Committee with power to act. (See Verbal Report, August 24th. meeting).
No. 247 - !l~._Ho_l_lingsworth - requestlag removal of trees because of sewer trouble.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Morton that the cornnun|cat|on be
received aad referred to the Property Committee for a report.
No. 248 - Townsl__!~p of Crowland - submitting a modified version of resolution re
expropriation of all beacb properties for the use of the public. ORDERED on the
station of Ald. White and Aid. Morton 'that the resolution be received and endorsed.
No, 249 - Greater Niagara Associatioa for Retarded Children - requesting signature
on attached petition to be submitted to the Ontario Minister of Health, requesting
consideration to the construction of an institution for mentally retarded, within
the Niagara Peninsula in the near future. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and
AId. Gregory that the comnunicatioa be received and laid on the table for one week
in order that Couucil may have an opportunity to peruse the petition.
Laid over from the i}revious meeting;
No. 218 - Cit~ Maa~JleF_ -report on fire alarms received 1955 to 1958 and advising "'
of meeting with Bell Telephone Co. on August 14th. and requesting that Equipment
Cosm~tttee be present at this forthcoming meeting.
SEE Report No,222
No. 219 - qitX Mpn_ao~oe~r - advising of request of Dolniniol~ E] octr~c Protcc~t~ol~ Col,!pany
for pcrmissfon to instal equipment in local fireballs which will report fires in
bu~ ldings in which they place their equipsmat and rccomn'.endinS that Equipment
Committee be authorized to discuss the matter with the Sales Superr|sot of this
The followi!!gJeports were presented;
No. 222 - ~q_u~i~}m_ej~_t~ C~or~i~tt?~e~ - report on meeting with Dell Telephone Co!re?any to
discuss service and cost of providing Bell Telephone Co, circuits to replace the City
circuits presently serving Police Telephone and Fire Alarm systems; and advising
that revised presentation of costs would be considered at a later mcct]n~~. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Hartin and Aid. White that the report be receSved and adopted.
No. 223 - Equipment Conre!|tree - report on meeting bald to consider Dominion Electric
Protection ~ol!{~l{y's iTo~u~cst~for pcri.liosion to iI,stal a sprini~]cr sul, erviso,-l' and
waterf}oL fire alarm service in City's fireballs; and recommending that per:Moo|on
be granted. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. !qartin and Aid. Uhitc that the report hnd
rcconmendation bc received and adopted.
Iqo, 224 - City Manager - report oil Conference hehl on \ugust !Otb. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. I!orton that the report bc received aad adopted.
No. 225 - ~C_!utj' 7fiatniger - report on meeting with Department of iZunicipal \ffairs
Offic]als re City's pension plan, ORDERED oll the motion of Aid. Norton and AId.
Gregory tbat the report be received and tabled until such time as the report mentioned
tberein is received from Mr. Butler,
No. 226 - Cy{itjZ ~IJqn~!g_cj- - report on meeting with C.N.R. officf. als re replacement of
existing overhead bridge on Victoria Avenue, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Hot ton
and Aid. McCallurn tltat the report bc received, noted and filed.
No. 227 - Management Committee - report on meeting with Niagara Parks Conmission
re Whirlpool Gulley site for sewage treatment plant and advising of the Commission's
unfavoorable reaction. ORDERED on tbe motion of Aid. Harris and Ald. Gregory that
the report be received and tabled until such time as a reply is received from the
C.N.R. and a full report be presented to Council at that time.
No. 228 - Traffic Conmiittee - rccoummndfag one reserved space for tbe use of Police
conducting business at the Justice of the Peace office, 1690 Buchanan Avenue,
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the report be received
and adopted.
No. 229 - D_ej~p_tlC_l_e_rl_c - recommending issuance of liceaces. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Martin and Aid. McKinley titat the report be received and adopted and licenoes
issued accordingly.
No. 230 - D_e, puty Clerk - submitting application of Joke Mannella, for a !lawl:er's and
Pedlar's Licenee. ORDERED on tile motioa of AId. Martfn and Aid. Horton tbat the
report be received and filed and permission be not granted.
AId. Martin referred to the collection of garbage in open trucks ill
residential areas and was advised by the City Manager that this was due to tbc fact
that one of the Packers was being repaired. The Aldermalt was of the opinion that
a tarpaulin should have been used to prevent the debris from scattering all over the
Ald. Gregory referred to renovations at the Salvation Army Eventide Home
on Jepson Street and to the false fire alarms which had been received at that location
during time last few days, and that it was understood that the same had been caused by
a workman. The Alderman queried as to the reason why a watchman was not on the
premises, He also referred to the loose fill, bricks, etc. which were dangerous
to the children playing in the area and asked whether they could bc compelled to
have a watchman on duty. The City Manager advised that he would take the matter up
~dth the Contractor.
Aid. Gregory referred to the forthcoming lay-off of 90 people at the
Kimbcrly~Clark Plant due to Company policy of diversifying operations across the
country and that they were to be dismissed because of a parent Company in the States,
which can produce a part for their operations cheaper than can be done locally~ The
Alderman stated that Council could not dictate Company policy but that snch movement
of industry away from the City of Niagara Falls creates an alarming situation and
he qucried whether the Industrial Con~nittee of the Chamber is fully informed of ~he
activities of the various Companies and whether there is sufficient co-operation
through the Industrial Committee so that in the event of another Company's moving,
perhaps they could assist in trying to change the policy and thus keep emploS~neut
in ~is area. Ald. Gregory expressed a desire for direction from the Council to the
Industrial Committee to take action as to the type of co-operation necessary between
industries in the area and the Industrial Conm~ittee to curb the flow of industry
away from the City.
llis Worship Mayor Miller concurred, stating that Ald. Gregory and Ald.
~|cCa!lum, Council's representatives on the Indnstrial Cor~nittee, should ask that a
meeting be called in~nediately and submit a report to Council.
SEE Resolution No.91
Ald. ~|cKinley referred to the activ|too of the Police Department aad
tke expeditious manner in which they had conducted traffic matters and in the
apprcheasion of those ~eponsiblc for recent break-|us.
SEE Resolution No.92__.
Aid. 1.1orton referred to complaints received about the dust conditions on
Leader Lane and the City blanager advised that writtoo instructions had been issued to
stone and oil the road.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 91 - 1.icKINLEY - 1,1ORTON - RESOLVED that the City Council go on record as supporting
Couocil's two representatives on the Greater Niagara Chamber of Co~mncrce Industrial
Conrad|tree in auy action they may take to obtaie necessary co-opcratiou between local
industries and the Industrial Conrnittcc to curb the flow of industry away from the
City; that this subject be explored further with the full sanction of Council; and
that this be done inunediatcly; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 92 - MCKINLEY - McC~LR,I - RESOLVED that a letter be forwarded to Chief Constable
C. R. Pay, conmmoding the Police Department for the splendid manner in which they are
bundling and controlling the lucreused traffic and also the work done in connection
with tbe apprekension of those responsible for recent break-ins; and the Seal of the
Corporatiou be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 93 - ~IITE - GREGORY - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of Ills
Worship, Mayor Franklin J. Miller, and Members of tbs City Council, be forwarded to
the family of the late Mrs. Florence 14cAninch, widow of the late E;{-Alderman John
A. MeAninch; ~nd the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 94 - WHITE - GREGORY - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship, Mayor Franklin J. ~|illcr and 1,|embers of the City Council~ be forwarded to
the family of the late Mr. Wilfred C. Stephens~ son of the late Mr. Harry P. Stephens
former Mayor of the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of tile Corporation be hereto
Carried Ux~animously.
Aid. Morton enquired as to why the t[ydro had made a cut in the Sidewalk
at the corner of lluron and Welland just after a new sidewalk had bees laid and asked
whether co-operation was being received from timre. The City blanagcr explained that
since [lydro bad been unable to obtain permission to place a kiosk ia a certain
location, had to make a change. tie further advised that full co-ope. ration was being
received from llydro.
T_hc foiloh|riB B)t~law ~.;asj~assed;
No. 57S9 - To authorize the c:;acution of a deed.
ORDERED ou the motion of AId. IlcKinlcy and Aid. i%urLu~: that AId. llcCa]!uL:
be granted the privilege of introduciug the by-la~.; and the b3'-lu~: be given thn first
readlug. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~icCatlum and A|d. Gregor, that !lulc 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily susl~cndcd and the by-law bc given the
second reading, - Carried Unanin:ously.
Third Reading - AId. |iorton and A!d. Gregory -Carricd Unani~.aouslf.
Cou~ncil adjourned to the Finance ~leetin5 op the motion of Ald. liartin a;l~ A!d. !lortb:~
READ AND ADOPTED, 24Ch. Augusa, 1959.
Deputy Clerk
Council Chamber,
17th.August, 1959.
The Finance liesting was held on August 17th, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had bccn propcrly certified and
placed before them. All I,lcmbcrs of the Coimnittee were prcscnt, with the c:cccption o£
Aldcriaan ~~lowers. Alderman 1.1cKinley~ Chairman of Fluauto, presided.
Sundry AccouuCs submitted iu the amouat of $91,854.74 were approvcd by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, wcrc ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Couucil on the motion of Ald.
1,lartiu, and AId. Gregory.
The City Manager's report on tile application of l,;m. Benson and Son for
a building permit in the amount of $148,500. to cover alterations to City Schools,
was presented for cousideration. ORDERED on the motion of Itis Worship, |.layor Miller
and Aid. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The connoun|cat|on from the Local Couocil of Women requesting the City to
purchase advertising space in the forthcoming Year Book of the Nat|coal Council of
Women who will be holding their conveatiou in the City in June, 1960, was presented.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. l, lartin and Mayor Miller that the conununicatiou be
received and referred to the Chairman of Finance with power to act.
TIle City [Ianager's report on the application of 1.1essrs. Gino
Spirehello and Narciso Bellio for a buildiug permit to erect a two-storey brick
and concrete block building at the south-west corner of Victoria Avenue and
Robert Street, the former lotaries of the Snyder property~ at an estimated cost
of $70,000.00 was presented for consideration. The City Manager advised that a
permit has already been received from the Highways Department of tke Province of
Ontario for the same. ORDERED oa the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Mortou that
the report be received and adopted and permit issued,
The Con~ittee arose and reported to Council on ~he motion of Aid. HcCallum and Ald.
READ Ai~D ADOPTED, 24th. August, 1959.
Council Chamber,
17tb. August,1959.
The Con~nittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-la~,' Lbich covered the accounts
approvcd by the Conunittee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception
of Ald. Mowers.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5790 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin aud Aid. McCallurn that Aid, McKinley
be grauted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. 1,IcKialey and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-l.aw be given
the second rcadiug. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Ald. White - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Gregory.
READ AND ADOPTED, 24th. August, 1959.
Deputy Clerk
24th. August, 1959.
Pnrsuant to adjournment, Council u:ct at 7.30 p,:::. s!; T.*.onda:-, 2Z~th. August,
1959, for the purpose of cousidering general business and fina:~cc. All T'cr:bcrs of
Council wore present, with the c::ceptiou of Alderman TloL'crs. ]he Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on tbc motio!~
of AId. Gregory and AId. White.
Laid over froin the previous meeting;
No. 24] - ?U~ara ?l_~!g)-j._a!.~!i_l_i_t_aij~c~s - requesting adjustL:ent ~n rci~tal fee for
Park and lights for the evening of August 1st. during Dru~: Corps Contest. Ald.T'cKinley,
Chairmac of the Parks and Recreation Conm~ttee, reported verbsilL', advising that his
Committee did not wish to establish a precedent by grant'inS this request; as this
policy was set up some years ago and there are n'.any other people using tbc Park, to
change these financial arraugcmcuts now. The Aldcrmue c::prcsscd regrets that
Militaires were not more financially successful ~2~th their sale of tickets. OBDE~ED
on the notion of AId. McKinley and AId. l~artin that the com:nunScation be rccei,'ed
and filed and no change be made in the present policy of the rental of Oakcs Park,
i'!o. 247 - U.t. II~o_l_l.ij!g.!worth ' requesting rendoval of trees due to sc~.'er trouble at
1188 Jepson Street. ORDERED oa the motion of Ald. }:cCa!lum and AId. i.!orton that the
conm~unication be received and filed and no actioa bc taken to rcn:ove the trees at the
present time but that the Sewer Department continue to place chemicals iu the sc~:cr
to combat tree roots.
S~l)~ort Yumber 231.
~:o. 249 -~t~9_~t.gy_lIiaga_~i~,_Asso_c~i_a_t_ipJL.fo.r ~R_%t,~r~le~_,Cj~jlSl~igj!- requesting sig~ature
on attached petition to be submitted to the Ontario Minister of l{caltb, requesting
consideration to the construction of an institution for mentally retarded, within the
Niagara Peainsula in the near future. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald.
Morton that the conunuuication be received and filed and tbc petition be signed by
each Member of Couacil. Carried, with AId. White-contrary.
Tbe feller:inS Co_n_m:unicatiou was presented;
No. 250 - Da~n_d of .t[__~_e__St.m~nfor~d__G_u_a_rjls - requesting pnrmission to hold a tag day on
September 26th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Gregory that the con!-
munication be received and filed and permission granted for either one of two alternative
dates available in September as September 26th. has already been set aside for the Cancer
Society tag day.
The following Reports were presented;
No, 231- Property Committee - recommending that no action be taken to remove trees at
1188 Jepson Street, but the Sewer Department continue to place chemicals in the soy:or
to combat tree roots. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McCallurn and AId. Morton that the
report and recolmnendation be received and adopted.
SEE Conunnnicatioa 247.
No. 232 - City Ma~ - recon~ncnding attendance of Purchasing Ageut at Ontario Municipal
Purchasing Agents~ Association Convention in Sudbury, August 30th. to Sept. 2nd.ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Morton that the report and recommeudation be
received and adopted.
No. 233 - City Manager - requesting permission for City Engineer and City Manager to
attend Annual Convention of the Canadian Institnte on Sewage and Sanitatioa, at Toronto,
Sept. 27th. to 3Oth. and suggesting that some Members of Council be authorized to attend
also. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Morton that the report be received
and adopted and that Members of Council desiring to attend be permitted to do so.
No. 234 - Fr~o ep_~JlConm~ittee - reconmlending no building permit be issued for the
crectiou of a verani[~ in front of 1703 Lombard Avenue, due to encroachment on
street allowance. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the
report and reconm~endation be received and adopted.
No. 235 - ~er~jt Comanittce - recommending the removal of a tree due to decay, at
tbe Wedgewood Motel, 1234 Ferry Street; such removal being requested because it
interferes with aportion of the signs at the motel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McCallurn and AId. Morton that the report and recomncndation be received and adopted.
No. 236 - Citjh~er - report in City Solicitor's check on status of lO-foot lane
between Bal~ker St. and Temperance Ave. and parallel with north side of Sunm~er Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. HcKinlcy and Ald. Gregory that Mr. Bradley be permitted
to speak on this matter. Mr. Bradley advised that it would be necessary to try and
get in touch with the beirs in order to reach an agreement as to purchase, Ald,
Martin indicated to i. Ir. Bradley tbat the report of the City Manager suggested that
no action be taken by the City as the City has no interest in the property as far
as title is conccroed. The City Manager stated that a request bad been made by the
people abutting the lane in question to ascertain whether they could purchase a
portion of it, that was the reason for the presentation of the report to Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Gregory that the report and recon~endation
be received and adopted.
No. 237 -CitI Clerk - recon~nending issuance of liceace. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Martin and Aid. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licenee issued
Aid. M, cKinlcy, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Comanittee, reported
verbally on the request of the Greater Niagara Baseball Association for tbe use of
Oakcs Park main baseball diamond on Angust 28th. for their Annual All.Star Night.
The Alderman advised that his Conm~ittec were unanimously in favour of granting per-
mission but that Council should not depart from their present policy with regard to
the charge for the use of the floodlights. Ald. McKinley advised however that the
date has been changed to Thursday, September 3rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald. Gregory that the verbal report and rccosm~cndation bc received and
Ald. 1,1cKinley, Chairman of the Parhs and Recreation Conmlittce, reported
verbally oil tbc request of the Niagara Falls Y.I.I.C.A. for the use of the Municipal
Swinm~ing Pool on September 7tb. Labour Day, from 10 to 12 a.m. The Alderman advised
that his Cosmlittee unanimously reconm~endcd that permission be granted as in past
years, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that the verbal report
and rcconnncndation be received and adopted.
Ald. White referred to a telephone call received from the Manager of
the Singer Sewing Machine Shop on Quecu Street regarding the possibility of some
parking arrangcmeut and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. McKinley
that this request be referred to thc Traffic Committee for a report and reconunendation,
~t No.242 Au__gust 28th,
Aid. Gregory referred to the report of tbe Industrial Conm~ittce of the
Greater Niagara Cbamber of Coimnerce which had been distributed to the Members of
Council at this meeting, iu answer to the questious he had posed at the previous
meeting, regarding the expected lay-off of a number of workers at the Kimberly-Clark
Ald. Gregory pointed out that not included in the report was the fact
that one of the reasons why heavy industry came to Niagara Falls in the first place
was because of low power costs and now because equalization of power across the
ProvinCe without any ~ompensation, the situation is not so favourable, The Alderman
was of the opinion that there had not been enough of this subject contained in the
report. He suggested also that when Council presses for proper grants from Hydro in
lieu of taxation, that they should, through the Industrial Conmlittec, get the support
of the industries concerned in this arcs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory aud
Ald. Morton that the report of the Industrial Colmnittee be tabled for consideration
by Council at the next meeting.
The following Resolutions were passej;
No. 95 - MCKINLEY - MARTIN - RESOLVED that Whereas Sangster Lumber Company, Limited,
being the owner of all lands on both sides of tEamilton Street, east oE the rear limits
of Lots 11 and 10, Range 2 north of Chestnut Street, Plan 632, produced northerly
across the said Hamilton Street, has petitioned the Council to permit the said Company
to erect a fcl~ce across tile said Hamilton Street o~ the lilac of Lhc said c~st li!n~t5
of Lots 11 and 10, produced northerly across ih!n~i]Lo:l Strc:ct ~:~d t~ u~ a,,d occupy
the lands east of the said fence lines together ~:ith ~thez: la~:ds of the Co~.:pa:~Z' at ~
not;j. nal reutal of $1.00 per year for the period of five ycars pro,.fding LhaC no
building or other erection than the said fence sl ould be placed ui~o:~ t:;c said potLEo:-,
of }Iamitto:~ Street, sad that the servants or agcrtts of the corporati,~:~ of the City
Kiagara Fall~ z~hould bc permitted to cater thcrecn~ at ~ni tj.L~o 2o: the pu;'pos-::; uf
the Corporation; And Whereas the said portion of ila::~ilton Street i:, ~:ot at i
required for public use as a highway and the said Cf~npanl.' has i~etit~oncd th~~
to permit the C~:?a~y to o~ oct the said fence and to pcrL:it the said ~ccupati~n;
Therefore Be It Resolved That Sangster Lumber ContpaftZ Limited, be i~cn:~ ttcd :o crc~t
the said fence and to usc and occupy the said lands cast ~,f the said fence li~e uith
other lands of the Company at a nomiual rental of [~I.00 per year for the perrod oJ. five
>'ears ending August 31st, 1963, subject to the provisions that z~o building or other
erection tha:~ tbc said fence shall be placed upon the said portioa of ilar;ilto~ gtrcet,
and that the servants or agents of the Corporation of the City of i'.iagara Falls shall
be permittrod to enter thereon at any time for the purposes of t'bc Corporation and
the said permission may be revoked by ~he Council of the Corporatjo:~ at any tix.tc
one months notice of the intention of the Council to revoke tile same; and ilk. f;ea! OL
tbc Corporation be hereto affixed.
Ko. 96 - MORTO%~ - i.icI(INLEY - RESOLVED Lhat the nc::t rcguiar mcetizlg of Cou;~ci! bc
held on Friday evening, August 2$tb, cormheating at 7.30 p.L.. and the LiCCting
schcdnlcd for llonday, AugusL 31st. be cancelled; and that the L:eCti~g Of Council
scheduled for i.ionday, September 7th~ be he].d on fussday, Scptc~bcr 6th. cozmncacing
at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be hcrcLo affixed.
(Ald. Martin and McCallurn-contrary),
In connection with the forthcomirlg Conventioi~ of the Ontario .~k~nicipal
Association, to he held ill Sudbery, August 30th. to September 2rid. Aldermen ~]orton,
l.:hite and MoLers land Tlayor Miller have indicated that they ~.:i!l not be present.
lIis !.Forship I.iayor MiIier suggested that tbe Traffic Com~uittee take under
advisement the possibility of having a joipt meeting ~cith the Chainbet of Con~axlercc,
L'lagara Parks Conremission, Niagara Development Conunittee and tbe llighways Department,
to consider necessary action to alleviate the existing traffic problem in the
AId. I.IcKioley also referred to the fatal accident whicb occurrc~d at the
intersection of the Q.E.W. and FiatDonald Avenue recent]y, and that a further approach
should be made by Council to have a traffic light placed at this corner.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. ','H~itc and AId.Gregory.
READ AND ADOPTED, 28th. August, 1959.
Council Chamber,
24th .August, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was bald on August 24tb, 1959 for the purpose of
approviug and also passing the various accouuts which bad beau properly certified and
placed before them. All Hembcrs of the Conm~ittee were pro sent, with the exception of
Ald. Howors. Alderman McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted ia the amount of $43,088.21 were approved by
the Con~nittee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt i,:ith, were
ordered placed in the Money By-lm.: for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Aid. Martin and Mayor Miller.
The Conm~ittcc arose and reported to Council on themotion of Aid. Hartin and McCallum.
READ A},~ ADOPTED, 28th. August, 1959.
Council Chamber,
24th. August ,1959.
The Conunittce re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Hentints. for tile purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Conm~ittee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception
of AId. I.Io~.:ers.
The follo~.Ling By-law was passed;
No. 5791 - To provide motties for general purposes. ·
ORDERED on the motion of AId. I.Iartin and Morton that AId. McKinley be granted
the privilege of iutroducing the by-law and the hy-la~,: be rend the first time - Carried
Unanimous 1 y.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. HcKinley and Gregory that Rule 36 (2) of the
Stauding Roles of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second
time. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. McCallurn and Aid. Morton - Carried Unanimously .........
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. McCallurn.
READ AND ADOPTED, 28th. August,1959,
2Sth .August, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council t:let at 7,30 p.nL on Trials:', \ugL~st 2,qtb,
1959, for tbe purpose of considering general business and finance. All :!el:'bers of
Council uere present, with the exception of Aldermen Tiertin, ?:cCallL:l:: and
The Council, baring received and read the n~inutcs of the prcvious !neetinS, adopted
these ou the motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. t;orton.
Ills Uorsbip Hayor 1.:iller advised tbat Ckj ef IF!:L ITadc of the 7:iagara Fa]].s
Fire Dcpart!nc;!t uas present and Chief Wade arose and c:<tcnded aa invitat:ion [o the'
Mayor and ;Icmbers of Council and Civic Officials to be present in the l,cctu:-c Eoc:!
of the :!urscs' Residence, on Saturday morpj. ng, August 29th. at ]0 A,M. to ~,,jtncss tbc
film regarding the recent disastrous fire which occurred in a school bu]ldipg in the
City of Chicago.
Tenders had been called for the excavation, application of waterboned
macadam base and hot mj'~ aspha]t base course and bet miu sheet asphalt SllrfaCC conroe
on Iluron Street from Eric 'Avenue to Valley Pay. ORDERED on the motion of AId.
Morton and AId. McKinley tbat the tenders received, be opened, initialled bl'ltis
Worship d~e Mayor and tabulated.
The followiIjg. Conmmnications were presented;
No. 251 - lhmt's Aanbulaace Service - appreciation for increase in \tabulance Grant.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. White that the communicatiou be received
and filed.
No. 252 - RJ~cj~p.s_~_e_rJ~_ ll~ouj~e_p_fL~_Fl__af~s' - requesting City of Niagara Falls to sponsor a
flag pole on "Bridge of Flags", a promotional scheme for the City of Rochester.ORDERED
on the motiou of AId. Morton cud AId. Gregory that the conm~unication be received and
No. 253 - Robert A. Green - requesting use of baseball dinEtend at Onkcs Park on
September 12th, for the exbibition game of the King and llis Court, 4 man baseball team.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. McKinley tbat the conm~nnication be
received and filed and permission granted if the date is available, subject to the
usual charges.
No. 254 - Canadian National R~j=_lg!al's~_- formal notice of the cessation of bus service
operations by the Niagara, St. Catharines and Torouto Raill.:ay, on September lot,1960.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Gregory titat the communication be
received and tabled until the inventory of the real and personal property of tile Bus
Company is received, following which a joint meeting be arranged with the Township of
Stanjford, to discuss this matter.
The following Reports were presented;
No.238 - Greater Niag_~t~ndu_s~rial Comnittee - report on meeting held on August 21st.
to discuss cormmunication received from the City Council regardiag Kin~erly-Clark Plant
expected layoff of 90 workers, etc. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid.
Gregory that the report be tabled for consideration by a full Council.
No. 239 - Traffic Conunittce - report on consultation with Ritz Motel proprietor
regarding metered parking space on motel prQmises. ORDERED on the motiou of Aid.
Morton and Aid, McKinley that the report be received, noted and filed.
Lo. 240 - Traffic Comn~ittee - report on request received to have Emery Street
established as a stop street at Temperance Aveoue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morton and AId. Gregory that the report be received, noted and filed.
No. 241 - Traffic Conm~ittee - report on decision to request interested organizations
to observe traffic conditions in the vicinity of Clifton ltill and Falls Avenue on
Sept. 5th. and 6th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. White that the
report bc received, noted and filed.
Me. 242 - Traffic Colmnittee - report on request of Singer Sewing [Iachinc Shop for
a reserved space on tl~e metered parkiug lot at the corner of Park St. aud St.Clair
Ave. and reconnaending t|~at free space be not allocated. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and AId. Gregory that the report and recommendation be received and
BY -Lt~S
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No.5785 - A by-law to authorize the construction of asphalt paven~cnt and gutters on
First Avenue and curb and gutter on Sixth Avenue as Local Improvements
under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act.
Third Reading -Ald. blcKinley and Aid. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5792 - To authorize the execution of an agreement between the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls and the Victoriau Order of Nurses, Greater Niagara
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Aid. Morton that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanin;ously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid.Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second readlug. - Carried Uuanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Aid. Wlxite - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance I. ieeting on the motion of Ald. White and Aid.Gregory.
READ AiqD ADOPTED, 8th. September, 1959.
28th. August, 1959,
The Finance Meeting was bold on August 2Otl~, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing tbc various accounts vhich had been properly ccrLificd and
placed before them. All Members of the Connnittee ~:ere present, with the c~cccption of
Aid. 1,1artin, McCallurn a:~d [lowers. Alderman llcKinlcy, Chairloan of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount oZ ~;64~188.07 wcrc approved b7
the Conm',ittce,
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherList dea!t with, were
ordered placed in tlxc 1,1oncy By-law for prosestation to the Council on the roeLion o~
Aid. White and AId. 1,iorton.
The Co~:m~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Gregory and liayor
READ f~D ADOPTED, 8d~. September, 1959.
Council Chamber,
The Conmtittec re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fiuancc
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by
the Conm~ittee. All 1.lombors of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen
Martin, McCallurn and Mowers.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5793 - To provide monies for general purposes,
ORDERED on the motion of AId. White and AId. Iiorton that AId. McKinley be
granted the privilege of introducing the by-law sod the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. blcKioley and AId. Gregory that Eule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
'the follox:ing 11csolutlon was passed_;
Ik~. 97 - WItlTE - IIORTON - RESOLVED that a message of congratulations on boball of
Ills Uorship tbc 1.Iayor and l[cmbers of Council be forwarded to Mrs, Uiunifred Stokes
]iill upot~ thc fortieth anniversary of her association with the IliaSara Falls Evening
Rcvie~ and for hc~ services to the conununity during that period; and the Seal of tile
Corporation be hereto affi:zed, Carried Unaui~:~ousl)'.
AId. l. lorton referred to co!zplaints received about dogs running loose
in Fairvie~: Ce!uetery, damaging flowers and shrubs, and tile City I. lanager advised that
signs bad been posted in forn~.cr years prohibitlug this and that he would check to
see ii the signs were still erected,
'file City Manager presented a verbal report on his tabulation of the
tc~xdcrs received for the e:tcavation, waterbound macadam base and hot mix asphalt
base,course, hot n~.iz sheet asphalt surface course for Huron Street from Eric Avenue
to Valley !Tay and advised that duc to the regulations of the Department of tlighways
now in effect which provides that tenders for ~.:ork to be undcrtakeu by Contract
shall bc publicly advertised and the Dcpartlncnt Subsidy shall apply on the amount of
the lowest tender only, unless the Municipal Engineer approves a subsidy on a higher
tender and thcre~2orc hc had no other alternative but to reconuncnd that tile lowest
tenders be accepted. , . · .,
ORDERED ou tile motion of Aid. Gregory and AId. iiorton that the City
1.ianagcr's rcconm~cudation be received and adopted and tbe tenders be awarded as
follows: for E::cavation, Dmaorc Bros. at a quotation of 27 and 1/2 cents per square
yard; Uaterbound Macadam Base, Dmnore Bros. at a quotation of $1.0112 per square yard;
Asphalt Base, R. E. Law Crusbed jStone Ltdo at a quotation of $6,75 per ton; and
Asphalt Top, R. E. Lm~' Crushed Stone Ltd. at a quotation of $7.45 per ton.
Couacil adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory.
READ A~D ADOPTED, 8th. Septemberl 1959.
Council Chamber,
8th. September, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, September Sth.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous
meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. McCallurn.
Laid over from previous meeting;
No. 225 - GFe_atp.r_ N_iag~y_a__S_a._fe_ty_ _Cp_u~c.~_l - advocating safety measures at private
swimming pools. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. McKinley that tile
communication and condensed sunmaary of by-laws in effect in other municipalities be
referred to the Management Committee for a report.
Tbe following Conm~unications were presented;
No. 255 - 0jl_~j!io.~j~pc.~a~p~_o~Fl~b~g In~p~ctor.s and ~filia.tes - invitation to
Annual Meeting to be held iu Hamilton, October 20th-23rd. 1959. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid, Morton and AId. McCallum that the invitation be received and accepted
and Messrs. K. Eady and W. R. Johnston, Sanitary Inspectors for the City of Niagara
Falls, be delegated to attend.
No. 256 - ~_i_.a_g_a_r!_F~llsJ|edic_al So_c_ie_t_y - requesting permission to erect a banner
across Victoria Avenue at Epworth Circle in connection with course to be held at the
Collegiate Auditorium, October 7th. 8th. and 9th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Morton
and AId. Gregory tbat the communication be received and filed and tbe request be granted,
subject to the usual permission being obtained from the Local Hydro Commission.
No. 257 - Lifetime Distributors Ltd. - requesting fill for parking lot at the corner of
Welland Avenue and Park Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Morton
that the communication be received and filed and the writer be notified that Council
are in favour of granting this request and the matter will be left in the hands of
the City Manager for action.
No. 258 - Owen Sound - resolution petitioning Federal Government to amend present
legislation so that annuities may be purchased which will yield benefits adjusted to
increases in the cost of living. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, White
that the resolution be received and endorsed. Carried with Ald. Mowers and McCallum-
No. 259 - Une_ml{~ym~R~_I__ns~_o_n~i~jg~_'- requesting Council to delegate two Members
to represent Council on the Greater Niagara Winter Campaign Advisory Committee. ORDERED
on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid. Morton that the communication be received and
filed and AIdermen White and Martin be re-appointed for the forthcoming seaan.
No. 260 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - requesting appointment of a menlber of
Council to attend Board Meetings, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald.
Morton that the communication be received and filed and Ald, McKinley be delegated to
attend the meeting of September 16th; Ald, Mowers, the meeting of October 21st; and
Ald. Martin, the meeting of November 18th.
No. 261 - Michael ChristopheE - requesting permission to purchase City-owned property
at the south end of Gladstone Ave. between Peer St. and Robinson St. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Morton that the request be received and referred to
the Property Committee for a report.
No. 262 - Mr. George Bukator,. M.P.P. - enclosing copy of letter forwarded to the
Department of Highways advocating installation of a traffic light at the intersection
of Queen Elizabeth Highway and MacDonald Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Mowers
and Ald. Gregory that the eon~untcation be received and filed and Mr. Bukator be thankod
for his interest in this matter.
SEE Resolution No. 98.
No. 263 - Director, Municipal Assessment Branch, Dept. Municipal Affairs - advising
that valuation notices being held for the stores in Rainbow Bridge plaza, due to
the question of this property coming within the provision of The Municipal Tax
Assistance Act of 1952. The City Manager presented a verbal report on this matter,
advising that the Officials and the Solicitor of the Department of Municipal Affairs
claim that this property does not come uuder The Tax Assistance Act. This Act states
that the Minister shall make the decision and his decision shall be final. The
Honourable Mr. Dunbar when Minister, decided the amount of taxes on the Rainbow
Bridge Plaza stores which the City was entitled to. The City Manager advised that
we received it from the Honourable Mr. Goodfellow for one year and then he went along
with the Department and its Solicitors, so the City appealed to Premier Frost and he
instructed the Honourable Mr. Warrender to pay the grant for 1957 and 1958 but
apparently the City are not going to receive it this year. Following the City
Manager's explanation, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton
that the communication be received and tabled and a letter be forwarded to premier
Frost reminding him of the action taken previously and requesting pa)~nent for 1959.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 238 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce, Industrial Conmaittee - report on
Industrial conditions in Niagara Falls Area with specific mention of Kimberly-Clark's
decision to lay off 90 people. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
McCailum that the report be received and filed.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 243 - Traffic Committee - report on meeting with Highways Department representatives
on Sept. 1st. to discuss location of signs on Q.E.W. showing business sections of the
City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that the report be
received and adopted.
No. 244 - Traffic Committee - report on meeting held on Sept. 5th. with interested
groups to study traffic problems in vicinity of Rainbow Bridge, ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and filed.
No. 245 - City Manager - report on interruption of service at Filtration Plant on
September 3rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that tile report
be received and filed.
No. 246 - Ci~Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on themotion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licenee
issued accordingly.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 98 - MOWERS - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the Councfl of the City of Niagara Falls
petition the Department o~ Highways for the installation of a traffic light at tile
intersection of the Q.E.W. and MacDonald Avenue; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 99 - MCKINLEY - MORTON - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls petition the Department of Highways of the Province of Ontario
for an interim grant under The ttighway Improvement Act on expenditures made during
the period of January 1st. to August 31st. 1959; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
The following By-law was presented;
N_o. 579__4- To authorize the construction of storm relief sewers on Simcoe Street,
Welland Avenue, Bridge Street, Stamford Street and Ellis Lane.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. biartin and Ald. Morton that Ald. blcKinley
be granted the privilege of introduciug the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of tile Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
The following By-laws were passed;
No. 5795 - To authorize the execution of an agreement.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Gregory that Ald. McKielcy be
granted tile privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given tile first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. bierton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the b),-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
No. 5796 - To appoint a Sanitary Inspector for the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. White that Ald. biartin be
granted tile privilege of introducing tile by-law and the by-law be given tile first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. blartin aed Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspeuded and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Ald. White - Carried Unauimously.
Council adjourned to the Fixlance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Martill and Ald.
READ A/qD ADOPTED, 14th. September, 1959.
Council Chamber,
8th, September,1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on September 8th, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and
placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Alderman McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $99,957.11 were approved by the
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of AId.Mowers
and Ald. McCallum,
The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. Philip T. Barnes,1030
Valley Way for a building permit to construct an addition to the dwelling to be used
for office acconm~odation, at an estimated cost of $7.500. was presented for
consideration. The report contained the requirements as outlined in By-law Number
5335 and also the area available on Mr. Barnes' Lot. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the request received for permission to close
rn tire porch on the east side of the Van Alstyne apa ~ments, was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald. Morton that the report
be received and adopted and the matter be referred to the Property Committee for
The City Manager's report on the application of Michael Lococo Estate
for a building permit to make alterations to 1699 Victoria Avenue, formerly otilized
as the Centre Billiards, and which will be changed into a clothing store, at an
estimated cost of $1,000, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of
His Worship the ~yor and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and
permit be issued.
The City Manager presented a verbal report on the application of Andrew
Waytko, for a building permit to construct an addition to his store at 623 Victoria
Avenue. The proposed addition to be 33 feet in width and 100 feet in depth and have
a false front with a height of 20 feet and extended back for 25 feet on either side
of the building. As there is a question of lot coverage and parking facilities the
City Manager recoa~nended that the application be referred to the Property Committee
for study. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the verbal
report be received and referred to the Property Committee for study.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald,
READ AND ADOPTED, 14th. September, 1959.
C 1 erk
Couecil Chamber,
8~h. September, 1959.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered tile accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present.
Thee following By-law was passed;
No. 5797 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Gregory that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing tile by-law and the by-law be giveu tile first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on tire motion of Aid. McKinley and ,lid. White that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspeuded and the by-law be givea the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. Martin and Ald, McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Conference on the motioa of AId. McKinley and AId. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 14th. September, 1959.
Council Chamber,
8th. September, 1959.
Tha Conference Conuaittee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, September 8th, 1959. All Members of
the Committee were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, tile Committee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED~ 14th. September, 1959.
Council Chamber,
14tb. September,1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, September
14th, 1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Gregory.
His Worship, Mayor Miller, congratulated Aid e rman H.C.Morton upon his
re-election as President of the Local Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society; and,
Alderman Clifford G. Gregory, upon his election as Vice-Chairman of the Niagara
District Airport Commission.
On the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley, Mr. Ross Bert, a repre-
sentative of the J. A. Climenhage Real Estate Company, was permitted to speak to
Mr. Barr requested Council to declare "National Home Week" in the City
of Niagara Falls, from September 26th. to October 3rd. in conjunction with "National
tlome Week" throughout Canada, He further requested permission to hold a parade from
the Niagara Falls Collegiate, down Victoria Avenue to Morrison Street, then west on
Morrison Street and on to the Cherr~ood Acres site of Climenhage homes; this
"Parade of Homes" to be held on September 25th. commencing at 6.30 p.m. He k further
requested permission to drop pamphlets on this "Parade of Homes" from an aeroplane
He pointed out that "National Home Week" was being sponsored by The National
Builders' Association.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the matter be
laid on the table for one week for study by Council and a letter be forwarded by the
applicant containing more details of what is proposed. Carried, with Ald. Morton-
contrary. An amendment by Ald. Morton that permission be granted for the proclamation
and parade but that the distribution of pamphlets be tabled for one week, was not
Previous to the above action, it was moved by Aid. Morton that permission
be granted as requested, bet this was not seconded.
His Worship, Mayor Miller, welcomed Mr. George Bukator, M.P.P. to the
meeting and on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory he was granted permission
to address Council.
Mr. Bukator referred to the formation of a "Fact-Finding Con~ittee" of
the Liberal Members of the Ontario Legislature and its purpose of delving into
municipal affairs and pointed out that he as a member of that particular group would
like to persuade the Committee to come to Niagara Falls first. Mr. Bukator requested
Council to meet them, expressing the opinion that this would be good business and its
purpose was not to embarrass anyone. Cauneil unanimously agreed.
SEE Resolution No.lO0
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 261 - Michael Christopher - requesting permission to purchase part of Lot 2,
at the southerly end of Gladstone Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and Ald. Morton that the commenication be tabled, pending submission of an estimate
as to the cost of providing services, etc. for this property, following which the
Property Committee will review the matter again.
SEE Report No. 247.
The followinJl Communications were ~_res_ejt_ed;
No. 264 - Rev. Victor Fiddes - invitation to Church Service on October 18th. ORDERED
on the motion of AId, White and AId. Gregory that tile invitation be received and
accepted and as many of the Members of Council, City Officials and their wives as find
it possible attend.
No. 265 - Township of Stamford, Conmittee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing to be
held on September 22nd. The City Clerk advised verbally that this notice was being
sent due to the fact that the street involved is a boundary street and therefore such
notice is mandatory. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. Morton that tile
notice be received, noted°and filed.
No. 266 - United Nations Association in Canada - requesting proclamation of Oct.24th.
as United Nations Day. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Mowers that
the communicatiou be received and tabled for one week and the City Clerk contact the
Local Branch of this organization to ascertain their plans in this matter.
No. 267 - Peter R. Sacco - requesting permission to erect and operate a motel at the
south-east corner of Allen Avenue and Ferry Street. ORDERED on tile motion of AId.
Morton and AId. McCallum that the conmunication be received and referred to the
Property Committee for a report.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 247 - Property Conunittee - reconnnending that the request of M. Christopher for
permission to purchase part of Lot 2, at the southerly end of Gladstone Avenue, be
left in abeyance until such time as an esti~ted cost is made of the costs to
provide sewer, water, roadway and possible sidewalks. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
McKinley and Aid. Morton that the report and recosm~endation be received and adopted,
SEE Con~unication No.261
No. 248 - C~.i~.y_~M~a_n_a~g.er~. - requesting permission to attend Ontario Municipal
Administrators' Association meeting, to be held in Toronto, Saturday, September 19th,
ORDERED on the motion of Aid, McKinley aad Aid, Gregory that the report be received
and permission granted as requested.
No. 249 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Fire Chief at County Mutual Aid
Fire Forum, to be held at the Ontario Fire College, Gravcnhurst, front October 19th.
to 23rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that tile report be
received and adopted.
No. 250 - PropeKtJz_.~_o.__mmjt_L~q - suggesting no amendment to By-law 5335 at the present
time, with reference to professional offices within residences in Residential 1,2,
3 and 4, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid, McCallum that the report and
recommendation be received and adopted.
No. 251 - M~Ba~ment_dCormnittee - report on Sept. 10th. meeting, and study of
Regulations dealing with Municipal Pensions; at which meeting it was suggested an
appointment be made with the Minister of Municipal Affairs, to discuss the subject
in detail. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Mowers that tt~e report be
received and adopted.
No. 252 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the report be received and adopted and licenee
issued accordingly.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 100 - WHITE - GREGORY - RESOLVED that the Councii of the City of Niagara Falls
grant authority to Mr. George Bukator, M.P.P. to arrange for a meeting of the
Liberal Fact-Finding Committee of the Ontario Legislature with the Council of the
City of Niagara Falls, for the purpose of discussing relations between municipalities
and Provincial Government; and the geal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimousiT_~
Aid. Morton queried information that he had received with reference
to the Niagara parks Commission Iay-Offs and it was suggested that the parties
complaining should make their contacts with the Commission.
The followinK By-law was presented;
~o. 5798 - To authorize the execution of agreements.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McCallum that Aid.McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. White that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald
READ ~LND ADOPTED, 21st. September, 1959.
Council Chamber,
14th. September,1959.
The Finance Meeting was held ou September 14th, 1959, for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and
placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Alderman McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $179,678.55 were approved by
the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Couneil on the motion of
Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin.
The Property Cormnittee's report on their consideration of an application
to close in the verandah at the Van Alstyne apartments at the corner of Stamford and
Van Alstyne Place, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId.Morton
that the report and recommendation be received and adopted and permission be granted,
providing there is no enlargement of the floor area of the same.
The Property Gommittee's report on the applieation of Andrew Waytko for
permission to enlarge his store at the corner of Maple St. and Victoria Ave. was
presented. The Committee advised that the applicant had been advised he must provide
20 feet rear yard space and recommended to Council that the addition permitted he
only 80 feet in depth. ORDERED on the motion of Mis Worship the Mayor and Ald.Mor~on
that the report and recommendation be received and adopted.
The City Managcr's report on a request for permission to erect a carport
at 1434 Ale xander Crescent, was presented for considnration. ORDERED on the motiol~
of Aid. Mowers and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and referred to the
Property Conm~ittee for consideration.
The City Manager's report on the request of the Pastor of the Pentecostal
Church at the south side of Huron St. between BuckIcy Ave, and Valley Way, to
determine if a building permit can be issued for the demoliton of the existing
building and replacing the same with a structure 40 feet by 95 feet, was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. McCallum that the
report be received and referred to the Property Conunittec for consideration.
The Property Conmnittee's report on their inspection of the eucroachment
of the verandah in front of 1671 Lombard Avenue, was presented for considmration.
The Cormnittee recoramended that no action with respect to the removal of the same
be taken at this time. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McCallurn and Aid. White that
the report be received and adopted.
The Property Committee's report on their consideration of the location of
a garage at 968 Walnut Street, was presented for consideration. The Colmnittcc
reconmxended that the new garage be not built closer to the property line on MeGrail
Avenue than the garage that was demolished sometime ago. ORDERED on the motioo of
AId. Gregory and :lid. Morton that the report and recommendation be received and
The City Manager 's report on the application of Mycr Delduca, 1648 Stanley
Avenue, for a building permit to make alterations to the front of the building now
occupied by Niagara Sheet Metal and Welding Co. where it is proposed to tear down
the north and south walls of the existing building for a depth of 40 feet and to
rebuild so as to acconmmodate a second storey, was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of His Worship Mayor Miller and Ald. McCallurn that the report
be received and adopted and the permit issued.
The report of the City Manager on the application of Miss Maria Morhach,
743 Huron Street, for a permit to erect a plywood sign at 738 Huron Street, was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McCallum and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. September, 1959.
Council Chamber,
14th. September,1959.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for tile purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by
the Conunittee. All Members of Council were present.
The fo_llowin~ BXzlaw. j~as passedl
No. 5799 - To provide monies for general purposes..
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald. Gregory that Ald ,McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers aud Ald. Gregory - Carried UnanimouslY.
}lis Worship, Mayor Miller, requested the names of the Members of Council
who anticipated attending the forthcoming Convention on Sewage and Sanitation, which
will be held in Toronto, September 28th. to 30th.
Alderman McKinley and Martin indicated they would attend and the Mayor
requested that any other Alderman who intends to be present, contact the City Clerk.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. September, 1959.
Council Chanlbcr,
21st. September,1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, Scptenlber 21st.
1959, for the purpose of considering general busincss and finance. All Members of
Council were present, with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Miller. Enacting
Mayor Flowers presided.
REE Resolution No.lO1.
The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting,
adopted these on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Morton.
Tenders had been called for rooflog at the Pump House, Filtration Plant
and also for the Public Washrooms, Sweeper Garage aud North End City Garage,located
at the rear of the Queen Street Fire Hall. It was ordered on the motion of Aid.
McKinley and Aid. Gregory that the tenders received bc opened, initialled by the
Enacting Mayor and tabulated.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 268 -__J_.A,.Cji_m~_nlj~a~e De_ye.!_op~m~e_n.t* ~i_n!i_t_ed - requesting proclamation re National
Home Week from September 26th. to October 3rd. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
McCallum and AId. Gregory that the communication be received and filed and proclamation
issued as requested.
No, 269 -_Bus~ness an~P/oj~sji~p~j.j~omej~'.s_C_~pk - requesting proclamation re
Business and Professional Women's Week, October 4th, to lOth. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the cosmunication be received and filed and
proclamation issued as requested,
No. 270 - Fire Chief Wm. T. Wade ~ requesting proclamation re Fire Preventioo Week.
O~T. 4th. to 10th. ORDERED on the motion of AId, McCallum and Aid, Gregory that
the communication be received and filed and proclamation issued as requested.
No. 271 - ~itll~nd_~ountX_~tntal p~p_l~tbjs~p~i~tip~ - invitation to Inaugural Neering
October 6th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the
invitation be received and accepted and Aideman Clifford Gregory be delegated to
attend as CouncilIs representative.
No. 272 - David L. Webster - requesting extension of building permit which was issued
for the erection of a motel on Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White
and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and the request be
granted for another six months' period but the applicant be advised that this
extension will be final. Carried, with Ald. Martin-contrary.
No, 273 - ~ity Clerk, Bartie - resolution requesting Provincial and Federal Govern-
ments to include tree trimming and removal in the winter enlplo>~cnt scheme. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that the resolution be received and
No. 274 - Thunderbirds,Niagara Falls Rugby Football Club - requesting 1959 grant or
reduction in City's per centage of gate received from games, ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received and referred to
the Arena, Parks and Recreation Committee for consideration and a report.
No. 275 - Princ~l__u C.V,I, - requesting City to waive City's share of gate receipts
from school rugby games, scheduled as home games excluding the Thanksgiving Day Game
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. White that the communication be
received and referred to the Arena, Parks and Recreation Conmittee for consideration
aud a report.
No. 276 - Robt. S. Durdan - requesting cancellation of agreement between the City
of Niagara Falls and McNally and Moore regarding building located at the corner of
Victoria Avenue and Bridge Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.
McCallum that the communication be received and the City Solicitor be requested to
prepare a by-law which would void the existing agreement with reference to the
property in question concerning the 17-foot reservation,
The following Reports were presented;
No. 253 - Ci_~Mana~q~e~r - reconm~ending attendance of City Electrician at Annual
Conference of International Municipal Signal Association to be held at Las Vegas,
Nevada, October 19th. to 22nd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
McKinley that the report and recommendation be received and adopted. Carried, with
Ald. White and Gregory-contrary.
No. 254 - City Manager - suggesting amendment to By-law 5149 so that extension to
Alamo Motel may be permitted to the adjoining premises known as 1929 Victoria Ave.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that the report be
received and adopted. Carried with Ald. Martin-contrary.
No. 255 - Cit~Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
No. 256 - City Clerk - submitting application for lieences for 271 River Road which
has not been fully approved by the Licensing Coramittee. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and filed and the licenoes
be not granted.
No. 257 - ~u~p_me__nt Committee - recommending new pins and bushings be installed on
bull-clam in operation at disposal area on Valley Way, at a cost of $575.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report and recommen-
dation be received and adopted.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 101 - ~PAITE - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Alderman George H. Mowers be appointed
Acting Mayor from September 21st. to September 26th. inclusive, due to the absence
from the City of His Worship, Mayor Franklin J, Miller; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 102 - MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be
held on FridaY, September '25th. 1959 commencing at 7.30 p.m. and the meeting
scheduled for Monday, September 28th, 1959 be cancelled; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously.
No. 103 - MCKINLEY - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be forwarded t6 Ex-Mayor Carl D-
Hanniwell, upon the death of his Mother, the late Mrs. Anne Hanniwell; and the Seal
of the Gotpotation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
AId. Martin referred to a call he had received concerning the unsightly
condition of the City Yard located on Lewis Avenue and requested that inm~ediate
action be taken to clean up the same.
Enacting Mayor Mowers referred to the erection some years ago of a sign
on the boulevard section of Valley Way establishing 3-ton limit for trucks travelling
this route and stated that this regulation is not being observed. He requested the
Traffic Committee to take under consideration the possibility of restricting all buses
and trucks with the exception of those making deliveries in the area.
Council adjourued to the Finance Meeting ou the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid.Gregory.
READ AND ADOPTED, 25th. September, 1959.
Acting Mayor.
Council Chamber,
21st. September, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on September 21st,1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the
exception of His Worship, Mayor Miller. Alderman McKinley, Chairman of Finance,
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $55,712.83 were approved by
the Conmittee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald, Martin and Ald. Gregory.
The Property Committee's report on their inspection of the premises at
1434 Alexander Crescent, for which an application for a carport has been received,
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
McCallum that the report and recommendation be received and adopted and permit be
issued providing that the carport is located two feet from the property line.
The City Manager's report on the application of Overholtts Appliances,
839 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a neon sign at an estimated cost of $760.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald.
Gregory that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on an application received from Harry Manos,
to erect a neon sign at the restaurant located on Bender Hill, at an estimated cost
of $1,000. was presented for consideration. The City Manager advised that the
Department of Highways had been advised of this application and he reco~ended that
a permit be issued by the City as soon as approval is obtained from the Department
of Ilighways. ORDERED on the motion of Enacting Mayor Mowers and Ald. White that
the report be received and adopted,
A communication received from Gould-Leslie Limited, requesting permission
to erect a poster panel on Gould-Leslie property on Bridge Street, adjacent to the
corner of Clifton Avenue, featuring the Town of Thorold, Twin Flight Locks, St,
Lawrence Seaway and Pump and Paper Centre, was presented for consideration. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and
referred to the Property Committee for a report.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. H. Papst, 1228
Robert Street, for a building permit to construct a solid concrete foundation, to
remove insul brick and replace same with brick veneer and also to build an extension
to the last room to provide better accon~nodatton in this tourist unit, at an
estimated cost of $1,200. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the repor~ be received and adopted and permit
be issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Jos. and Vincent Rocco,
for a building permit to erect an addition to 1365 Ferry Street, at an estimated
cost of $5,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid.Gregory
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of R. E. Binns, 1169 Valley
Way for a building permit to extend the front of his garage at an estimated cost of
$100. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's'report on the application of the Canadian Corps
Association, 1087 Centre Street, for a building permit to erect a new clubhouse at
the corner of Centre Street and MeGrail Avenue, at an estimated cost of $51,000.
was presented. ORDERED on tbe motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Geo. Chanady for a
bnilding permit to erect additions to the Alamo Motel at the corner of Victoria
Avenue and Magdalen Street, at an estimated cost of $36,000.00 was presented for
consideration, The City Manager advised that the south addition would be located
on property known as 1929 Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White
and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and a permit be issued,
subject to the filing of detailed plans at a later date. Carried, with Ald.~rtin-
contrary. SEE Report No.254.
The City Manager's report on the application of Jos. Chirico, 1792
Stanley Avenue, for a bnilding permit to erect an addition to the front of his
dwelling, at an estinmted cost of $30,000. was presented for consideration. The
City Manager advised that the addition will be used as a restaurant and is adjacent
to the White Rose Motel. ORDERED on the motion' of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that
the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Conm~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McCallum and
Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 25th. September, 1959.
Council Chamber,
21st . September, 1959.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of His
Worship, Mayor Miller. Enacting Mayor Mowers presided.
_TIle following~-lax!yas ~;
5800 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallurn that Aid. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introduciug the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Gregory and Aid. McCallurn - Carried Unanimously,
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Aid. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 25th. September, 1959.
..... ,,
Clerk ~
Acting Mayor.
Council Chamber,
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, September 21st,1959. All Members of
the Committee were present, with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Miller, Enacting
Mayor Mowers, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items ]}resented to them, the Conmittee adjourned on the
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum.
READ AND ADOPTED, 25th. September,1959.
Council Chamber,
25th.September, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Friday, September
25th. 1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
Members of Council were present, with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Miller.
Enacting Mayor Mowers presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes
of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald.
As requested by Council, the City Solicitor appeared for the purpose of
discussing the application of the Zoning By-law of tl~e City of Niagara Falls with
reference to apartment buildings in tile various zones and the limitation as contained
in the by-law as to the number of units.
The City Solicitor indicated that, in his opinion, the application which
has recently been submitted for the erection of a 24-unit apartment building on the
property at the corner of Simcoe Street and River Road, would not be contrary to the
by-law since the property in question is located in an R-3 area and in the said area,
uses similar to those authorized in R-2 are permitted. lle stated that if it was
the desire of Council to establish restrictions in R-3 and R-4 areas this was a
matter of policy which must be decided by the Council.
Following the City Solicitor~s remarks, it was ordered on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the applicant be advised it will be in order to
make an official application for the proposed construction of an apartment.building
at the corner of Simcoe Street and River Road. Carried Unanimously-
Tenders had been called for tile rebuilding of Bridge Street from
Victoria Avenue to River Road and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Martin that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by the Enacting Mayor
and tabulated.
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 267 - Peter R. Sacco - requesting permission to erect and operate a motel at
the south-~ast corner oYAllen Avenue and Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Aid. Morton that the communication be left for further study at a
later date as recommended by the Property Committee
SEE Report No.258.
No. 274 - Thunderbirds, Rugby Football Club - requesting a grant for 1959 or a
reduction in City's percentage of home games. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and filed and the
report of thq Parks Committee be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Martin-
contrary, SEE Report No.259,
No. 275 - Pr_~inctRJl, C.V.I. - requesting City to waive share of gate receipts from
school rugby games, excluding Thanksgiving Day Game. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Gregory and Ald. Mor~onthat the conm~unieatlon be,received and.filed.and the request
granted, as reconm~ended by the Parks Connittee.
SEE Report No.260.
The followinS~C_o_mm_ unications wer__e_~p!.es_~ejLt~e_d;
No. 277 - George Bukator~ M.P.P. - enclosing copy of letter to Minister of Highways.
rc Queen Elizabeth Light at MacDonald Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin
and Ald. Gregory that the co~nunication be received, noted and filed.
No. 278 - City o.f~. S_~rj~.~p_r~d - resolution re starlings. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the resolution be received sod esdorscd.
No. 279 - Vernon M. Sing_e~L,' N~FtE. - (Head of Fact-Finding Connnittec of Ontario
Legislature) ]'U ~c~'~es't'ing date when meeting of his Committee might be held with
City Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the
communication be received and left in the hands of the City Clerk to arrange with
our Local M.P.P. and the other area Councils, a date for such a meeting.
No. 280 - ~iaga_r~_ Falls~H_ort~i_cpjtu}'~_l_ _S~oc_iety - expressing appreciation for donation
of a prize to the Annual Flower and Vegetable Show. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
Martin and Ald. Morton that the conununication be received, noted and filed.
No. 281 - G_r_ea_tgr _Nia_ gpr~_ S_a_fetly__C_oun_ci_l - requesting permission to erect two signs
indicating fatality rate in the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallurn that the communication be received and referred to the
Traffic Committee with power to act.
No. 282 - S_. P~tr~Jlp - req. permission to erect open veraodah a~ 1703 Lombard Ave.
The City Manager reported verbally that a permit had been issued in error for a
similar request on the same street; and advised that Council could not legally
permit an encroachment on city property which would be allowed if such permission
is granted to Nr. Petrullo. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Ald.McCallum
that the conmmnication be received and filed and no permit be issued and the City
Manager be instructed to contact the applicant and explain the situation accordingly.
Carried, with AId. Martin-contrary, being of the opinion that either this permit
should be granted or the other encroaching verandah should be rmnoved.
No. 283 - ~pg~p Jpd~KpjBh,t - re proposals of A. Bersani regarding his existing
apartment building at 1068 Stamford Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Aid. McCaltum that the communication be received and referred to the Property
Conmittee for a report.
The following Reports were_presented;
No. 258 - Prj~r~tj'_C__omn__i_t_.te__e~ - recommending that the request of P.R.Sacco regarding
erection and operation of a motel at the south-east corner of Ferry Street and
Allen Avenue be left for further study at a later date, at which time a further
meeting will be held with the applicant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Ald. [brton that the report and recommendation be received and adopted.
SEE Conmunication 267.
No. 259 - Parks Committee - recommending that no grant be allowed for 1959 and that
no organization be given special consideration regarding division of gate receipts
for Oakes Park; as per centage was established and applies to all organizations
using the facilities of the park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid.
McCallum that the report and recommendations be received and adopted.
SEE Conmunication 274.
No. 260 - Parks Committee - recon~ending that request of Principal, C.V.I. for tile
waiving of City's share of gate receipts from school rugby games, excluding Thanks-
giving Day game, be granted, following usual procedure for past several years.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald, Morton that the report and reco~n-
dation be received and adopted.
SEE Conm~unication 275.
No. 261 - Ci~.__Mana.[q_~ - recommending attendance of City Engineer at meeting of The
Ontario Building Officials Association, at Kingston, Oct.29th. and 30th. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Martin aud Ald. Morton tbat the report and reconm~endation be
received and adopted.
No. 262 ~ Cit~egegegegegegegegeg~K- re forthcoming meeting of Purchasing Agents and possibility
of providing a dineer by Municipal Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin
and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and referred to the Chairman of
Finance with power to act.
No. 263 - Traffic Committee - report on consideration by Conunittee on heavy
transport traffic on Valley Way, and reconmlending erection of more signs indicating
heavy traffic must use streets designated b) by-law, etc. ORDERED on tile motion of
Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report and recommendations be received aad
No, 264 - Traffic Committee - report on conditions at corner of Bridge Street and
Stanley Avenue, and provision of traffic lanes on Bridge Street just east of
Stanley Avenue and the necessity of eliminating parking on south side of Bridge
Street for a short distance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Whlte and Ald. McCallum
that the report be received and tabled for further study by tile Cormaittec and the
situation be left as it is for a trial period. Carried with AId. }~rton and Ald.
McKinley, contrary.
No. 265 - ~itj Clerk - report on conference held on September 21st. ORDERED on the
motiou of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted.
No. 266 - Ci~Clerk - reconmlending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and AId. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
Ald. McKinley referred to the inconvenience caused to a number of persons
due to the removal of the post office boxes from the corner of Maple St. and Fourth
Ave. and Also McRae Street and Fourth Ave. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
McKinley and Ald. Gregory that this objection be brought to the attention of the
Postal Authorities with a view to having them replaced in the locations mentioned
if possible.
The followinR By-laws were passed;
No. 5801 - To amend By-law Number 5149 regarding tourist establishments.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Aid. McKinley that Ald.MCCallum
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
readicE. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and AId. Morton tbat Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried, with Ald. Martin,contrary,
Third Reading - AId, McKinley and AId. Morton - Carried with Aid. Martin,contrary.
No. 5802 - A by-law to remove existing agreemeats.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and AId. Gregory that Ald,McCallum
be granted the privilege of iotrodueing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId, McCallum and AId. McKisley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Aid. McCallum - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion 'of AId. Martin and McCallurn.
READ AND ADOPTBD, 5tb. October,1959.
Acting Mayor.
Counci 1 Chan~ber,
25 tb .September, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held oe September 25th, 1959, for the purpose
approving and also passing the various accounts ~alich had bceo properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Conunittce ~:ore present, with the
exception of His Worship, Mayor Miller. Alderman McKinley, Chairnlan of Finance,
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount o£ $103,t66.05 were a~proved by
the Committee.
The Accouuts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt witb, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid.
Martin and Ald. McCallurn.
Tile Sununary of Tenders received at the last meeting, for the installstics
of roofing at the Pump House, Filtration Plant and also for the City Garage buildings
and Comfort Station, at the rear of the Qneen Street Fire tlall, was presented for
consideration, along with a report of the City Manager reconmlending that the toodare
of Don Walker Company, Limited bc ~.cc~pTc,j at a pr~c o~ $2,355. for the Flitratios
Plant Pump Room alld $64~.00 for tile North End Garage buildings. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Acting Mayor Mowers that the Summary of Tenders be received
and filed and the report and reconmlondation of the City Manager be received and
The Property Committee's report on the request of the Pastor of tbe
Pentecostal Church at the south side of Huron Street, between Buckley Avel,~ue and
Valley Way, to demolish the existlog building and replace the sanle with a structure
40 feet by 95 feet, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Martin and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received aed adopted and permit be granted
as requested.
The Property Committce's report on the request of Gould-Leslie Limited for
permission to use one of their poster panels oe Bridge Street between Clifton Avenue
and Cataract Avenue, to advertise the Twin Flight Locks, Seaway and Pump and Paper
Centre, Thorold, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and permlssioo be
granted as requested.
A communication from Gould-Leslie Limited for permission to erect and
maintain three poster panels on the parking lot at the rear of the Kiag Edward Hotel
and parallel to the M.C.R, tracks was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Motvers
and Ald. Martin that tile conm~unication be received and referred to the Property
Conmaittee for a report.
The City Manager's report on the application of Provincial Engineering
for a building permit to erect a building on Part of Lot 42 and 43, Plan 32 at the
corner of Acheson Avenue and Ferguson Street, at an estimated cost of $6,000, was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McCallum and Aid.Gregory
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued as requested.
The City Manager's report on the application of E. E. Mclntosh, 945 Cliftoo
Hill, for a building permit to erect a new structure on his tourist premises on
Clifton Hill, which will be utilized as a store and for storage purposes, at an
estin~ted cost of $16,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and
Aid, McCallum that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of E. E. Mclntosh, 945
Clifton Hill, for a building permit to erect two additions to his restaurant at the
above address, at an estimated coHt of $26,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Gregory and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit
The City ~hnager s report on the application of Wm. Briscall, 560 Victoria
Avenue, for a building permit to construct an addition at the rear of his store at
the above address, which will replace an existing sheet metal building, which is to
be removed, was presented. The construction is estimated at $15,000. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Morton and Acting Mayor Mowers that the report be received and
adopted and permit issued,
The Equipment Committee's report recomnending tile purchase of a Leroy
Model 11 Tamper complete with round foot, for the sum of $265. and also the purchase
of a Leroy Model 31 Spader complete with 4~ inch clay shovel for ~265. was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Acting Mayor Mowers and Ald. Morton
that the report and recommendations be received and adopted.
TIle Conunittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. White and Gregory.
READ AND ADOPTED, 5th. October, 1959.
unless approval of the acceptance of the higher tender is received from the
Municipal Engineer of the Department. ORDERED oe the motion of Ald. Martin and
Aid, McKinley that the report and recommendations be received and adopted and thc
tenders awarded accordingly. Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 5th. October, 1959.
Acting Mayor.
Council Chamber,
25th. Scptember,1959.
TIle Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception
of His Worship, Mayor Miller. Enacting Mayor Mowers presided.
BY -
TIle following By-law was passed;
No. 5803 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Morton - AId. McCallum - Carried Unanimously.
The City Manager presented a verbal report and recommendation on the
tenders received for the rebuilding of Bridge Street from Victoria Avenue to River
Road, recommending that the tender for excavation be awarded to Calaguiro Bros. Ltd.
at the quotation of 33 cents per square yard; and that the tender for waterbound
macadam base be awarded to Damore Bros. Ltd. at a quotation of $1.30 per square yard.
In connection with the tenders for both base and surface, the City
Manager recommended that they be awarded to R.E.Law Crushed Stone Ltd. at a quotation
of $6,75 per ton for hot mix asphalt base course and $7.60 per ton for hot mix sheet
asphalt surface course, even although the price quoted is slightly higher than that
of Hard-Rock Paving Co. Ltd., pointing out that under the Regulations of the Depart-
ment of ~ighways it is essential that the lowest tender, in such cases, be accepted.
Council Cbamber,
5 tb. October, 1959.
pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, October 5th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the mixlutes of tbe
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of. Ald. Gregory and Ald. Morton.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 283 L LoJan and KniJht - re proposals of A. Bersani regarding bis existing
apartment building at 106~ Stamford Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.McCallum
and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and by-law number 5149 be amended
to permit tourist accommodation in this building, but said amendment be delayed until
plans for the proposed alterations have been submitted by the owner to the Corporation,
Carried with Aid.Martin-contrarY. The City Clerk pointed out that Council has never
yet amended By-law 5149 to allow a tourist establishment in a residential area, it
has always been in commercial areas. Ald. Mowers, member of the Property Committee,
advised that this factor was considered by the Committee but the area in question
is completely surrounded by tourist homes on Stamford Street and Robert Street.
SEE Report No. 267.
The follow|uS Communications were presented;
No. 284 - BoX_~couts Association - req. permission to bold Annual Apple Day on
October 17tl'~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that the
communication be received and filed and permission granted as requested.
No. 285 - Stamford Canada Guards Band - req. permission to hold a tag day on
October lOth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the conenun|-
cat|on be received and filed and permission granted as requested.
No. 286 -Canadiau Legion, Branch 51 - requesting permission to hold annual poppy
blitz on Friday evening, Nov. 6th. and Poppy Day on Saturday, Nov. 7th. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received and
filed and permission granted as requested, i£ dates are available,
No. 287 - Niagara Falls Horticultural Society - expressing appreciation for services
of Cemetery Superintendent and his staff in care taken of plantints in flower beds
throughout the City and attention to Sunny Acres community gardens at the Cemetery,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the communication be
received and copy forwarded to Mr. Charles Norgate, Cemetery Superintendent.
No. 288 -Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. SmitlJ - expressing commendations in connection
with reception and services rendered by Fireman Andrew Hunter. ORDERED on the
motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and
acknowledged and copy forwarded to Andrew Hunter.
No. 289 - Postmaster - advising that City's letter regarding removal of street letter
boxes in t~o locations has been referred to District Director of Postal Service in
Toronto for attention. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that
the communication be received and tabled for further iuformation,
No. 290 - Ontario Good Roads Association - requesting early submission of resolutions
for forthcoming Convention in Feb. 1959. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Ald. Gregory that the communication be received, noted and filed.
No. 291 - Premier Leslie M, Frost - re taxes on Rainbow Bridge Plaza and advising
that enqui~ies will be made at once. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, White and Ald,
McKinley that the communication be received~ noted and filed.
No. 292 -Dea_~ent of Municipal Affairs - enclosing advice regarding application
forms to be completed for any Municipal Winter Works Incentive Program 1959-60.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Morton that the conmmnication be
received and referred to the City Manager and Gity Engineer for preparation of
a works program.
No. 293 - D_e_pZa3i~m~e_n_t__o_f_,~LZ4_bgur - referring to Barrie Resolution regarding incluslou
of tree trinmming and tree removal projects in Municipal Wiuter Works Incentive Program,
and advising that such resolution is not acceptable.
No. 294 - ~r. W. ~.. H~ou_ck~t bb~P .. - eoclosing Minister of Labour's letter regarding
Crystal Beach resolution on tree trinuning and tree removal projects. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. White that these two conmlunications be considcrcd
together. FURTHER ORDERED ou the motion of Aid. Howers and Aid. hlhite that the
communications be received aud filed.
No. 295 - Depa~r~_me_nt o_f__P.ub~lic~_Works~ - req. preparation of resolution granting ferry
license renewal to Maid of the Mist Steamboat Co. Ltd. of NLagara Falls, Ontario.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Morton that the communication be rcccived
and tabled until such time as the City Clerk has received information necessary to
prepare resolution ia question,
No. 296 - ~iagara Fails an~d S_u~b_urbaj! Arep. P19nning ~oard - enclosing copies of report
submitted by delegates to Community Planning Assoc. of Canada Conference held in
Montreal. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. McKinley that the report
be received and tabled for Council's perusal. FURTtlER ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
Martin and AId. NcCallum that the Planning Director be complimented upon his preparation
and submission of this report to Council.
No. 297 - 9_i~X qf_ .~j~.rnia - resolution urging that every precaution be taken to prevent
pollution in fresh water lakes and the prohibition of tile drilling for oil aud gas in
any body of fresh water that may be used as a municipal water supply or as a recreational
area, ORDERED on tile motioa of Aid. White and Aid. Gregory that the resolution be
received and endorsed.
No. 298 - Broderick and Burnerr - enclosing sketch of motel proposed by Mrs. Auoa
Konkos and requesting the re-zoning of the property at the south-west corner of Stanley
Avenue and Robinson Street for such purpose. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKiuley
and Aid. Morton that the commuaication be received and referred to the Property
Committee for a report.
No. 299 - F.%a_g~_ra _F~lll.s. R~a__i_h!a_y~En, plg~y~e?s' ~Cyedi_t Un.ion - requesting Proclamation of
Credit Union Day, October 15th, 1959. The City Cleric advised that the Township of
Willoughby has expressed a desire to join in with other municipalities in the Greater
Niagara Area in such a proclamation. ORDERED on the motion of ,lid. McKinley aud Ald.
Gregory that the communication be received and filed and request grauted, and a
joint proclamation be issued.
No, 300 - q_r_eat__eL _N.i.agaya__Chjm__p_er_.o.f_.C?xSa_~EeJ'Sc ~ :7cq. Council ,:cusider the arranging
for a band to participate in the reception of delegates from the Canadian Chamber of
Conmmrce Convention who will visit the City of Niagara Falls on October 20th, ORDERED
on the motion of jAld, McKinley and Ald, McCallurn that the congnunication be received
and the Mayor be authorized to take whatever steps necessary to make arrangements for
the reception of the Chamber's delegates,
The following Reports were _presented;
No. 267 - g~. Committee - expressing favour on amending by-law 5149 in connectfoe
I with proposal of A. Bersani re 1068 Stamford Street apartment building, but, reqeestiog
amendment be delayed until plans for the proposed alterations have been submitted by
the owner to the Corporation, ORDERED on the motioa of AId. McCallurn and Aid. Morton
that the report be received and adopted, Carried, with Aid. Martin, contrary.
SEE Communicatioo 283,
No. 268 - C_i~_E~ngi~nee~r - report on attendance at City Engineers' Association meetiog
and Convention of Can. Institute on Sewage and Sanitation. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Martin and Aid, Mowers that the report be received, noted and filed.
No. 269 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenee. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Morton and Ald, McKinley that the report be received and adopted and license
issued accordingly.
With reference to Ald. blowers' remarks concerning sale of used cars on
Cities Service property, corner of Victoria Ave. and McDougall Cres. the City Clerk
advised that this had been brougbt to the attention of the Police Department to check.
Ie answer to AId- Martin's queries regarding commencement of work on
Goveroment buildings to house Employment Office, ltis Worship the Mayor advised of
co~ranunication sent to the uew Minister of Public Works seeking information as to what
has transpired to date.
TIle following~etition was presentedl
No. 7 - ~. R. Titcombe and 49 others - protesting installation of "No Parking at An~
Time"signs in the vicinity of the Bermuda Fish and Chip Restaurant, 1435 Bridge Street.
In connection with this petition, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
Ald. Gregory that Mr. Titcombc be permitted to speak to Council, He requested Council
to take some actioo to alleviate the situation which has now arisen and pointed out
that he had lost 40% of his business due to the erection of tbese signs; and
suggested that parkiug meters could be placed at the corner of Bridge and Stanley.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Mortou that the petition be received
and tabled and any action be delayed until October 24th. and that two other locations
referred to by Ald. Martin be considered as well.
The followinj~olution was~e_~id'
No. 104 - MORTON - GREGORY - resolved that the next regular meeting of Council be held
on Tuesday, October 13th, 1959 co~nencing at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation
be bereto affixed. Carried UnanimouslX~
Laid over from previous meeting;_
No. 5777 - To authorize the resurfacing and reconstruction of pavements on various
streets throughout the municipality.
Third Reading -Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously.
No. 579_ 4 - To authorize the constructleo of storm relief sewers on Simcoe Street,
Welland Avenue, Bridge Street, Stamford Street and Ellis Lane,
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald- Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Mowers
READ AND ADOPTED, 13th. October, 1959.
Council Chamber,
5th. October, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held oa October 5th, 1959 for the purpose of approving
and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and placed before
them. jAll Members of the Committee were present. Alderman McKinley, Chairman of
Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts, submitted in the amount of $58,048.24, ~.:crc approved by the
Conmlittee, and it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Mayor M~tlcr that tlre
question of the account on the by-law before the Committec for steam supplied to the
Memorial Arena, be referred for enquery to the Arena, Parks and Recreation Conm~ittce.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt v;ith, were ordered
placed in tile Money By-law for presentation to tire Council oil the motiou of Aid.Mowers
and Ald. McCallurn.
TIle Property Committee's report on the request of Gould-Leslie Limited for
permission to erect three poster panels on the parking lot at the rear of the King
Edward Hotel and parallel to the M.C.R. tracks, was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Mayor Miller that the report be received
and adopted and permit issued.
The City Engineer's report on the application of Duquctte's Pharmacy,
792 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a neon sign, at an estimated cost of $950.
was prestoted. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald. Mortou that the report
be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Engineer's report on the application of Jessie Parker, 2127 Lundy's
Lane, for a permit to erect a metal sign at an estimated cost of $10.00 was presented.
ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid, Morton that the report be received and
adopted and permit issued.
The City Engineer's report on the application of Scobies Transport Limited
for a building permit to construct an addition, to their freight shed, at 615 Buttrey
Street, at an estimated cost of $8,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on
the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. McCallum that the report be received aud adopted
and permit issued.
The City Engineer's report on the applicatiou of the Coca-Cola Limited,
2158 Main Street, for a building permit to construct an addition to their manufacturing
plant, at an estimated cost of $110,000.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted
and permit issued, reference having been made to the stipulation a contained in the
approval of the Committee of Adjustment.
The City Engineer's report on the application of Jos. Germinate and Jos.
Morocco, 1545 Emery Street, for a building permit to erect a four-unit apartment
building on Lot 10, Emery Street; the existing horse stable building on this site to
be removed. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. McCallum that the report be
received and adopted and permit issued.
The Conmittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Martin and AId.Gregory.
READ AND ADOPTED 13th, October, 1959.
of Finance.
Council Chamber,
5th. October, 1959.
The Conmlittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All ~Iembers of Council were present, His Worship, Mayor Miller,
The following By-law was passedl
No. 5804 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. )~rtin that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
secoud reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously.
The City Treasurer referred to a demonstration being held by the Natiosal
Cash Register Company and requested permission for the Deputy Treasurer to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that Mr. Gerald Fartell, Deputy
Treasurer, be permitted to attend tile demonstration to be held by the National Cash
Register Company, in Windsor, Tuesday, October 6th. Carried Unanimously.
On the motion of Ald. blowers and Ald. [lartin, Council adjourned to Conference.
READ AND ADOPTED, 13th. October,1959o
Council Chamber,
5th.October, 1959.
The Conference Committee of tile City Council assembled at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, October 5th, 1959. All Members of
the Conm~ittee were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, Tile Colmnittce adjourned
on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mowers.
READ AhD ADOPTED, 13th. October, 1959.
Council Chamber,
13th. October, 1959.
pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 13th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on tbe motion of Aid, Gregory and Ald. McCallum.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 295 - p~pJj'tment of Public Works - requestiug resolution re Maid of the ~ist
Ferry License. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Gregory that the com-
munication be received and filed and the resolution passed. SEE Resolution 105.
The following Communications_ were J!resented;
No. 301 - Association of Kinsmen Clubs - requesting permission to conduct annual
peanut Drive. THE City Clerk advised tbat this would take place the week of October
13th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Morton that the communication
be received and filed and permission granted.
No. 302 - Children's Aid Society of Welland County - invitation to Annual Luncheon
October 15th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that the
invitation be received and accepted and as many of the Members of Council as find it
possible attend.
No. 303 - Greater NiaJara Chamber of Conm~erce - invitation to luncheon being held on
October 26th. during Industrial Seminar, and to participate in any other part of the
Seminar. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the invitation
be received and accepted and as many of the Members of Council as find it possible
No. 304 - Greater Niagara Uoited Appeal - requesting City's donation to appeal.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Gregory that the con~nunication be
received aud filed and cheque in accordance with the Budget Estimate be forwarded.
No. 305 - _Brjtish-Canadiaq__Ve~terans Association - invitation to annual E1 Alamien
Night, November 6th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the
.invitatiou be received and accepted and as many of the Members of Council and their
wives as find it possible attend.
No. 306 - Mr. George BukatolM.P.P. - enclosing letter from Traffic Engineer, Dept.
of Highway's, regarding their intention to instal fully actuated traffic signals with
pedestrian push buttons at the intersection of MacDonald Avenue and the Q.E.W.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. McCallurn that the conmmnication be
received and filed and a letter of appreciation be forwarded to the writer for the
action taken to expedite the said installation.
No.30? - TownshiR of Stamford - suggesting dates for meeting with Liberal Committee.
No.308 - ~_own__sb_~Jl of Stamford - suggesting dates for meeting re bus service. ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the con~nunications be received
and filed and the writer be advised that the date of October 29th, at 7.30 p,m. for
the proposed meeting with the Liberal Committee, and, the date of November 5th. at
7.30 p.m. for the meeting re N.S. & T. bus service, will be acceptable to the City
No. 309 - Tow____nship of Crowlan._jd - resolution to petition Provincial GQvcrmncnt to
take over complete cost of welfare and also complete administration of welfare, ona
more equitable basis. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and AId. Martin that the
resolution be received and filed and the Township of Growland so notified.
The followiugRJ~orts were presented;
No. 270 - ~!t~y ~a_nag_e_r - report on 1959 Constructioo Program and suggesting arranging
that a Contractor or Contractors proceed with the four projects which sboeld be
completed in the 1959 season. In this connection the City Manager reported verbally
on the amount of work still to be finished and referred to the lateness of the season.
He advised that two Contractors have submitted quotations, in scaled envelopes, which
could be opened and considered at this meeting, if Council so perm~ tted; a full
discussion ensued on this subject, and Aid. Martin was of the opinion that a call for
tenders should be published in the press in order to give all contractors an equal
opportunity of submitting quotations. The City Engineer pointed out that those
Contractors who are interested in this type of project have been contacted, being
three in number, one of whicb indicated he was not interested. ORDERED on the motion
of AId, Martin and Aid, Morton that the report be receivcd and tabled for the next
meeting of Council and tenders be called for the execution of the projects mentioned
in the report; tenders to close at 4 p.m. Monday, October 19th. and considered at the
Council Meeting.
No, 271 - C~it~ Cl~_erJ< - report on Conference of October 5th. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Mowers and Aid. Makrtin that the report be received and adopted.
hellowinK Resolution was pJjsedj.
No. 105 - ~BR~I~ L~BB~G~B% - RESOLVED that the Council of the Municipal Corporation
of the City of Niagara Falls, approves the renewal of the Ferry License, granted
under The Ferries Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1952, Chapter 114, to The ~ id
of the Mist Steamboat Company Limited, for the operation of a Ferry between the Port
of Niagara Falls, Ontario and the Port of Niagara Falls, New York, at the rates as
set out herein; From Niagara Falls, Ontario to Niagara Falls, New York - $1.15;
from Niagara Falls, New York to Niagara Falls, Ontario - $1.15 plus transportation
tax; Round trip from Niagara Falls, Ontario (without leaving boat) - $1.15;
Round trip from Niagara Falls, New York (without leaving boat) - $1.15 plus
transportation tax; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimousl~
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Martin and :lid. Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, !9th. October, 1959.
Clerk Mayor
Council Chamber,
13th. October, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on October 13th, 1959, for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and
placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, Alderman McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $74,945.58 were approved by
the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on th~ motion of
Mayor Miller and Ald. Mowers.
The City Manager's report on the application of Stamford Green Investments
for a building permit to erect a two-storey building on Lot 16, south side of Queen
Street between Valley Way and Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $58,000. was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
TIle City }~nager's report on the application of Jeanne LaBonte, for
permission to erect a sign at 1850 Ferry Street, at an estimated cost of $40. was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald. Morton
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of W, B. Hamilton Shoes
Limi[ed, 428 Queen Street, for a permit to erect a neon facer sign at an estimated
cost of $ 350. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Fred Cade, 1234 Ferry
Street, for a permit to erect a neon sign at the Wedgwood Motel, at an estimated cost
of $1,180. was presented, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Mayor Miller
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued,
At this point, Ald. Mowers, queried the status of the signs in front of
the Clifton Hotel, 955 Clifton llill, for which permits have not been issued, due to
non-compliance of regulations by the Sign Company when erecting the same, The City
Manager advised concerning steps taken to date to contact the Sign Company and it
was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the City Manager
proceed i~ediately to investigate and submit a report to Council with reference to
this subject.
Ald. Morton referred to the Arena roof and queried as to the action
taken to date, to have the Roofing Company adhere to its guarantee, in order to have
the leaks repaired. Ald. McKinley, Chairman of the Arena, Parks and Recreation
Committee, requested that this matter be left in the hands of the Arena Committee.
Tile Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 19th. October, 1959.
Council Meeting
Council Chamber,
13[h.October, 1959.
The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passiug the by-law which covered the accounts approvcd
by the Con~nittee. All Members of Council were present His Worship, Nayor 1Hiller,
presided. '
Tile following Bff_-l~aw was pa~s__e~d;
No. 580~5 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Morton that Ald, McKinley,
be granted tile privilege of introducing tile by-law and the by-law be read the first
time. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on tile motion of :kid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be giveu the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. McCallum and Ald. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
His Worship, Mayor Miller, reminded the Members of Council concerning the
Church Service to be held at Lundy's Lane United Church on Sunday morning, October 18th,
and requested that they should meet in front of the church at 10 minutes before
11 o'clock.
Ald. McKinley requested the City Manager to check with tile Department of
Highways to ascertain what progress had been made with reference to the signs which
the Department were going to approve for erection.
Council adjourned on tile motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 19th. October, 1959,
Council Chamber,
19th. October, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, October 19th.
1959, for tbe purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory,
Tenders had been called for the construction of concrete sidewalks,
concrete curbs and concrete gutters, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Ald. McCallum that tile tenders received, be opened, initialled by His
Worship the Mayor and tabulated.
Following tabulation the City Manager pre sented a verbal report and
recommended that the tender for the construction of concrete sidewalks at a quotation
of 65 cents per square foot and the breaking and removing of existing sidewalk, at a
quotation of 15 cents per square foot, be awarded to the Webster Construction Company;
and that the tender for tile construction of combined 6-inch curb and 12-inch gutter,
at a quotation of $2.50 per lineal foot be awarded to C.Kerrio Construction Ltd.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the verbal report and
recormnendations of the City Manager be received and adopted and the tenders so awarded.
Carried Unanimously. SEE Report No. 270.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 266 - United Nations Association of Canada - re observance of October 24th. as
United Nations Day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the
con~nunication be received and tbe writer advised tbat the Niagara Branch of the
Association is arranging for s~itable observance of this occasion.
SEE Communication 310
No. 281 - Greater Niagara Safety Council - requesting permission to erect two signs,
indicating' fatality rates. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that
the conm~unication be received and the request granted, one sign to be placed on tile
west side of Stanley Avenue between Hamilton St. produced and the N.S. and T. tracks;
and tile second sign to be placed on Ferry Street between Allen Avenue and Gladstone
Avenue, SEE Report No. 272.
The following Conm~unications were presented;
No, 310 - N_i~ Branch, United Nations Association - invitation to Mayor and
Council to attend. dineer, October 23rd. at 6.30 p.m. in Lundy's Lane Ueited Church
Hall, in observance of Uaited Nations Day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Ald. Gregory that the conm~unication be received and filed and the invitation accepted
and as many of the Members of Council as find it possible attend.
No. 311 - St.Patrick's C.W.L. - invitation to reception and also Harvest Dinner on
October 25th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the invitation
be received and accepted and as many of the Mmnbers of Council as find it possible
No. 312 - Canadian Legion, Branch 51 - Remembrance Day Observance, ORDERED on the
motion of AI~'~? Martin and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received, noted
and filed and the original motion be rescinded and tbe City revert to the usual
practice of observance of Remembrance Day in our own con~nunity.
SEE Resolution 106.
No. 313 - PIpjpe~ Hpjel - requesting preparation of a lease regarding property
bounded by Robinson Street, Murray Street, New York Central tracks and land presently
owned by George Sainovich. ORDERED on the motion of .lid. Morton and .lid. McCal]um
that the conm~unication be received and referred to the City Solicitor and the Property
Comas|tree for consideration and a report.
Laid over from the previous meetinJ. j_
No. 270 - _Qit~'_Majlager - report on 1959 Construction Program and suggesting arranging
that a Contractor or Contractors proceed with the four projects which should bc
completed in the 1959 season. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. McCallurn
that the report be received aad the work proceeded with insofar as possible.
SEE 'Fenders.
The followix!g~ReJ. Zorts were presented;
No, 272 - Traffic Cotranittee - recommendiog permission bg granted to Safety Council to
erect two signs in certain locations, bearing fatality rates. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. Morton and Aid. White that the report and recommendation be received and
SEE Communication No. 281
No. 273 - %FJfji~.~i~tJ_~ - report on traffic lines recently installed on Bridge
Street, east of Stanley Avenue; recommending no change in present arrangments, but
suggesting the most easterly "No Parking" sign on south side of Bridge St. be moved
westerly to provide parking for one car; traffic lines to be adjusted for the change;
and warning signs be erected to alert traffic turning east on Bridge St. regarding
dangerous curve, and limiting speed limit to 20 m.p.h. ORDERED on the motion of
AId. Gregory and Aid. Morton that the report and reconm~endations be received and
adopted. Carried wi~h AId. McKinley, contrary.
SEE Petition Number 7.
No, 274 - Management Co~ittee - re jFire Alarm and Police Telephone Circuits and
reconmlendih~ ~isco~'t~lm~' o~ operation, and service be purchased as outlined in
Bell Telephone Company's report. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin aod AId.Gregory
that the report be received and tabled for one week in order that Council may peruse
the same.
No. 275 - Traffic Conm~ittee - reconm~ending that the suggestion of the installatioa of
traffic control at intersection of Huron Street and Victoria Avenue be left for
consideration if and when one-way traffic is enforced on Huron Street, east of Valley
Way. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Martin that the report and
recon~nendation be received and adopted.
No. 276 - Traffic Committee - reconm~ending that the suggestion that Clifton Avenue
be made a through street at Huron Street, be left for consideration until tile paving
of Huron St. h~s been completed, ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Morton and Aid.Gregory
that the report and reconm~eudation be received and adopted.
No. 277 - Traffic Committee - reconmending no action respecting one-way streets be
taken until completion of paving of Huron St. from Erie Ave. to Valley Way and also
Bridge Street from Erie Ave. to Victoria Ave. ORDERED on tile motion of AId.Gregory
and AId. Morton that the report and recommendation be received and adopted.
No. 278 - Traffic Committee - reconmlending Township of Stamford be requested to co-
operate to provide three lanes of traffic on Morrison Street and possibly four lanes
on Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that the
report and reconmendation be received and adopted.
No. 279 - Arena Committee - report on Memorial Arena Roof and recolmnending Conrad|tree
be authorized to discuss tile installation of a new roof with Murray-Brantford Ltd.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Gregory that the report be received
and adopted.
His Worship, the Mayor, expressed appreciation to those Officials and
City employees who turned out on Sunday, October 18th. to attend the Church Service
held at Luedy's Lane Uuited Church, but was of the opinion that the Service had been
poorly artended.
His Worship tile Mayor expressed great concern with reference to an article
appearing in the Financial Post about tbe fortbcoming plan to allow duty-free ware-
houses at border points. He stated that a strongly worded protest should be made
because of the great hardship to local mercbants dependent on tourist trade.
The City Manager advised that goods from other countries will be brought
in duty-free and exempt from sales tax. The goods will be brought into Canada
in-bond and placed in warehouses and kept in boud until taken out of the country
asd suggested that it might be advisable to have Tbe Customs and Excise Act amended
to prevent this type of operation. SEE Resolutiou 107.
I~aid over from ajrevious meeti~i
No. 7 _ Mr' _j~_~R_.___T!~_cqmb.e~._a_nd_ 49 o_th~er~s, protesting erectiou of "No Parking at
auy time" signs in the vicinity of tbe Bermuda Fisb and Cbip Restaurant, located
at 1435 Bridge Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Gregory and Aid. Morton that
the petition be received and filed and tbe report of the Traffic Con~ittee be -
received and adopted. Carried, with Aid. McKinley, contrary. ~rt No. 273.
The flo lowin Resolutions were;
No, 106 - MARTIN - GREGORY - RESOLVED tbat the motion passed on October 15th, 1957
providing ~ tl~il't'e~Y~'ti°n of Remembrance Day Service between the City of
Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford be rescinded and that henceforth the
occasion be observed by tbe City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimjusl~.
No. 107 - MARTIN -MORTON ~ RESOLVED that a protest be filed witb the Nonourablc Mr.
G. C. Nowl~n, Minister of National Revenue, against the suggested location of duty-
free shops in this area of tbe Province of Ontario, being in direct competition with
local merchants who handle the type of conm~odity which will be available at the
aforesaid shops aud that copies of the resolutiou be forwarded to the Honourable
John Diefenbaker, Prime Minister of Canada and our Local Member of the Federal House,
and that the Township of Stamford and the Village of Chippawa be requested to endorse
this action; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid.McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 26th. October, 1959.
Council Chamber,
19th.October, 1959.
The Finance Meetiug was bald on October 19th, 1959 for tile purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception
of Aid. Mowers. AId. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted, in the amount of $93,312.76 were approved by the
C onm~i t tee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Aid.
McCallum and Aid. Martin.
The Arena Committee's report with reference to the request for ice time
and recommending that wrestling shows be suspended bet~;een November lst,1959 and
March 15th, 1960, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor
Miller and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
The report of the Arena Committee on the bill for steam for heating the
Memorial Arena during September, 1959, was presented for consideration. The report
recommended that no cbange in the heating system be considered until information is
obtained on tile cost of heating the arena if wrestling is not carried on between
November lot. and March 15th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald.McCallum
that the report be received and adopted,
The report of the Arena Committee on their consideration of the division
of gate receipts for tile Motorville Rockets Hockey Club, was presented. The
Committee rcco~m~cnded that until the end of 1959 the split be the same as agreed
upon early in the year, viz; 75% to the Club and 25% to the Arena, and that the
matter be reviewed after the 1960 Council is organized. ORDERED on tile motion of
Mayor Miller and Ald. Gregory that the report be received aod adopted.
A conmunication from the Motorville Rockets Hockey Club, requesting that
the City purchase an ad in their Hockey Progrange, was presented for consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Morton that the communication be
received and filed and advertising space be purchased as in the previous year,
namely, at a cost of $60. for a half page ad.
TIle Conmunication from tile Cataract Junior B. Hockey Club, requesting
a financial contribution, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Nartin and Ald. Gregory that the conmunication be received and referred to the
Arena, Parks and Recreation Committee for a report to Council.
The City Manager's report on the application of Paul Aleo, 1794 Ferry St.
for a building permit to make .alterations and construct an addition to his premises,
at an estimated cost of $40,000, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor
Miller and Ald. Marrio that the report be received and referred to the Property
Co~sittee for consideration and a report.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 26th. October,1959.
hairman of Fiuancc.
Council Chamber,
19th. October,1959.
Tile Conradtree re-assembled at tile close of the regular Council and
Finance hiecringe for the purpose of passing tile by-law which covered the accounts
approved by tile Conradtree. All Members of Council were present, with the exception
of Ald. Mowers. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided.
%qle followisg By-law was passed;
No. 5806 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. McCallurn - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Martin referred to spots in the sidewalk in front of the City Hall
and requested that these be repointed before the frost arrives.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 26th. October. 1959.
Council Chamber,
19th.Octobcr, 1959,
TIle Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Fiuance Meetings on Monday, 19th. October, 1959. All Members
of the Connnittee were present, with tho .excep.tion of Ald. Mowers. His Worship, Mayor
Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on tile
motion of Ald. White and Ald. Morton.
READ AND ADOPTED, 26th. October, 1959.
Council Chamber,
26th October, 1959.
The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll conmenced sitting at 10:00 A.M. Eonday~
October 26th, 1959, at ~ich the following action was taken upon the respective appeals:
Members present: Albert Benson, Chairman, D.E. Calvert, John T, Clement.
1, etc.
~ellant Res~ctDE
Canadian National Rly. All C.N.R. property
Hodgson~s Steel & Iron 611 Bridge Street
Works Ltd.
William Bond 1,hir Avenue
Douglas & Frances
I,~s. Olive Pfohl
Emma Buckley
149 Stanton Ave.
368-70 Bridge St.
547-551 Erie Ave.
~Dc~cj~io~ 9f Cour~t
Granted - subject to 'affidavit
as to religion
Buildir~ reduced $3,200.00
3 R.F. Zjmmerman for
Jos.& Ida Lococo
4 William R. Baker
4 Charles Davies
4 Joseph Murdaca
6 }~s. Kenneth Beisel
449 Park Street
7L2 Bridge Street
776 Bridge Street
560-62 Victoria Ave.
575 Fourth Ave.
R.F. Zimmerman for
Ervie Thomas
Ella M. Broom
1407 Bridge Street
671 River Road
Romeo & Jean Ulisse
Annie Hawley
Antonio Berlingeri
Pauline Prociuk
D. Hinschberger
Frederick Edmunds'
Pietro Radice
John Broderick for
Bitom Development Ltd.
Logan & Knight for
M. & A. Jakiewich
823 Clifton Avenue
901 Ontario Ave.
938-940 Huron St.
890 Willmott St.
1385 Valleyway
1427 River Road
1533 Ontario Ave.
1007Welland Ave.
Palmet Ave.
849 McRae Street
Donald & Zada MacDonald 975 Armoury Street
Abatement allowed on 30% of
$2,680. or $800.00 - $40.24
BUilding reduced $11,060.00
Refund of $22.26 allowed
~ A_p~pellant
26 Girolamo Fonseca
26 FrankMartone
2~ ' Enino& Angeline
Ermanno Lucianni
27 Dane Radakovic
28 R.F. Zimmerman for
F.C. I~asters
31 Basil Coccimiglio
31 Quality Cleaners
32 Murray Ruta
33 R.F. Zimmerman for
33 Rosario Scozzafava
34 Eugenic Artisto
34 R.F. Zimmerman for
1,Us. Dora Sugarman
34 R.F. Zirmnerman
34 WilliamBond
35 Steve & Mary Kecskes
35 Mrs. E. Rocco
35 Steve &F~ryKecskes
36 Laurino DiCienzo
36~ R.F. ~immerman
36 Trustees of Greek-
Orthodox Church
36 Trustees of Greek~
Orthodox Church
39 C.L. & Olive Myer
40 I,~s. Jean Gergeley
38 Ross &Marion Archer
1204 Jcpson St.
1177 Rosedale Dr.
1376 McRae Street
· i267 Florence Ave.
1341 McRae Street
10~O=32 Robert St.
1778 Lombard Ave.
1658 Stanley Ave.
1543 Ferry Street
1655 Banker Street
1756 Emery Street
1644 Hanan Avenue
1793 Main Street
1720 Lowell Avenue
1997 Lundy~s Lane
1914 Clark Ave.
1938 Clark Ave.
1471 Robinson St.
2000 Allen Ave.
1906 Sylvia Place
1906 Sylvia Place
1906 Sylvia Place
1810 Syn~nes Ave.
2021 Deleware St.
1932 Barker Street
Decision of Court
Building reduce4 $215.00
Allowed - Abatement $5.03
Granted - subject to affidavit
as to religion
Dismissed ..,$
Abatement allowed of $115.69
Reduction on Assessed portion of
building of $500.00
Exempt Assessment to be
Allowed - subject to
submission of affidavit that
Mr. Archer became R.C~ as of
~ B712
_Under Section 124 - Assessment Act - Business Assessments
R.F. Zimmerman
Hodgson Steel &
Iron Works Ltd.
Mosler-Taylor Sales
R.F. Zimmern~%n
Iirs. Kenneth Biesel
R.F. Zimmerman
209 Welland Ave.
611 Bridge St,
564 Ferguson St,
232 Bridge St,
630 Clifton Ave,
549 Erie Ave.
628 Eric Ave.
257 Park Street
2~9 Park Street
219 Park Street
670 Bridge Street
575 Fourth Avenue
931 St. Clair Ave.
664Queen Street
798 Queen Street
935 Victoria Ave.
1188 Maple Street
1156 Victoria Ave.
1156 Victoria Ave.
1314 Victoria Ave.,
824 McRae Street
D_e~c is~ipD' p:[ Cpu~t
Abatement -
Abatement - i~79.30
Refund - $1,356.23
Abatcn~nt - $17.98
Abatement - $276.77
Rebate - $5.57
Abatement - $12.71
Abatement - $12.70
Refund - ~15.53
Abatement ~ $124.90
Refund - $31.O6
Refund - $6.36
Abatement - $10.45
Abatement - $20.16
Abatement r $7.03
Abatement - $128.O7
Refund - $5.45
Abatement - $26.80
Refund - $21.00
Abatement - $42.77
Abatement - $101.92
Allowed . .
Abatement - $22.35
!p_~ellant ResDecting Decision of Court
R.F. Zinmerman 1033 Centre Street Allowed
Refund - $9,75
do 1504 Le;ds Avenue Allowed
Abatement - $21.27
do 1265 Ferry Street · Allowed
Abatement - $18,89
do 1629 Slater Avenue Allowed.
Abatement - $14,94
do 1070 l. hgdalen St. Allowed
Abatement - $81,06
do 1793 I.~in Street Allowed
Refund - $27.07
do 1793 ~b_in Street Allowed
Abatement - $13,56
do 1990 FalnStreet Allowed
Abatement - $83,38
do 1986 Lundyls Lane Allowed
Abatement - $29,97
Under Section 124 - Assessment Act - Real Property Assessments
R.F, Zimmerman
223 Terrace Avenue
· Faho ~[~rtin
So Wernick
R,F, Zin~nerman
553 Ferguson Street
545 Erie Avenue
670 Bridge Street
722-24 Bridge St,
David & Mary Forrestcr 1020 Bridge St,
H,F, Zimmerman 915 Buckley Avenue
Fraser & Fraser
St, Pa~lts English
Lutheran Church
Gino Spirenello &
.Narcisco Bellio
927 Victoria Avenue
1503 Victoria Ave,
1421Victoria Ave,
Martin, Calver[,.B~tes 1711 StanleyAve,
and Sheppard
R,F, Zimmerman
~179 Lun~y,s Lane
Abatement - $5,84
Refund --$62.68
Refund - $57,85
Refund - $4,19
Abatement = $36,97
Abatement - $155,68
Vacancy - Dismissed
Demolition - Allowed
Abatement - $201,09
Abatement - $~9,63
Abatement - $59,35
" 6565
7024 ·
~ A~ppe__llant
35 R.F. Zimmerman
35 do
37 do
37 do
37 do
37 Hexlmer Estate
38 R.F. Zimmerman
School Su~Rport
81 i Niagara Falls
Separate School Board
958 5 do
1445 7 do
2535 13 do
3449 18 do
3803 20 do
3766 20 do
5586 30 do
5756 31 do
5683 31 do
5805 32 do
6262 33 do
6951 1 37 do
Business Arrears
554 H, Dickson
556 do
557 do
559 do
56O do
a 561 do
1234 Ferr~ Street
1260 Ferry Street
2158-62 Allen Ave,
18~8 Peer Street
1824 Peer Street
1847 Robinson Street
2146 Barker Street
D_qQisip~ p_f ~Cp_u_rjb__
Refund - ~314.28
Abatement - ~161,08
Refund - $26o~2
~2 10
Abatement - ~ .
Refund - $105,19
Abatement - $105,63
292 Ferguson Street Allowed
525 First Avenue Allowed
462 Homewood Avenue Allowed
928 Huron Street Allowed
329 Seneca Street Allowed
4~4 Simcoe Street Allowed
594 Armoury Street Allowed
1723 McGrail Avenue Allowed
1370 Spring Street Allowed
1340 Lincoln Avenue Allowed
1545 Emery Street Allowed
1822 Summer Street Allowed
2054 Ross Avenue Allowed
E, Gebhart & F. Levine
2175 Barker Street
S, Forty
116-20 Bridge St,
Amy Sarafinchan
180-86 Bridge St,
Alice Coughlin
250 Bridge Street
Alice Coughlin
230 Bridge Street
George Coughlin
230 Bridge Street
Abatement 1958 - $5,61
1954-5-6 Abatement - $259,16
Abatement 1958 - $36,13
AbatementI 1955-6 - $34,40
Abatement 1954-5-6- $46,43
Abatement 1955-6 - $37,53
A_Rpellant RespectinK
H. Dickson Vern Lawrence
230 Bridge Street
do Lewis Karas &
J. Isapakis
264 Bridge Street
do George Neufeld
292 Bridge Street
do Gary Smith
370 Bridge Street
do P. Andrusiw
382 Bridge Street
do Chris Bilotta
1292 Ferry Street
do Central Garage
1375 Ferry Street
do Mario Pingue
362 }~Don Street
do N. Kolstick
1986 Lundy's Lane
do Harold Evans
329 Morrison Street
do Isadore Zelden
349 Queen Street
do Mrs° I. Dickson
674 Queen Street
do Bogoljab Djosich
667 River Road
do S. Ford
507 Simcoe Street
do B. Djosich
562 Victoria Avenue
do O. Lindengren
1575 Victoria Avenue
The Court then adjourned.
Building Aesesgment Reduced
Certified correct,
Decision of Cou.rt
Abatement '1958 - $47.26
Abatement 1958 - $94.55
Abatement 1957-8 - $fi17.07
Abatement 1958 - $38°93
Abatemen. t. 30.
Abatement 1958 -
Abatement 1958 - $5.61
Abatement 1957 - $47.65
Abatement 1957 -
Abatement 1956-7-8 - $176.65
Abatement 1958 - $51.64
Abatement 1958 - $18.89
Abatement 1956-7 - $62.70
Abatement 1958 - $46.91
Abatement 1958 - $28.63
$ 14,975.00
Counci ] Chamber,
26th .Octobcr ~ 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, October 26th.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance, All Members o£
Council were present.
At the request of His Worship, Mayor Miller, Council arose and observed one
minute of silence in respect to the memory of the late Ex-Alderman I.;. C. MacDonald
whose death occurred on Saturday, October 24th.
Tbe Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting,
adopted these on the motion of AId. Gregory and Aid. McCallum.
Mr. T. O. Lazarides, President of T.O,Lazarides and Associates, Limited,
Consulting Engineers, was present at the meeting in connection with his desire to
acquaint Council witb the professional engineering services available on traffic
engineering and improvement of traffic facilities. On the motion of Aid. Gregory
and Ald. Morton it was ordered that he be heard.
Mr. Lazarides proceeded to outline in detail the contents of his colmnuni-
cation, number 316 and referred to the very acute traffic problems existing in this
city and the very large amounts of money which will have to be spent to do the
engineering work, etc. and the subsidies available which would keep the costs at a
minimum, He referred to the steps which should be taken before undertaking such
works, But pointed out that his firm did not propose to solve the traffic problems
but to advise what, in their opinion, would be necessary and also the costs involved.
Sis Worship the Mayor advised that Council should not make a hasty decision
but should study the proposals put forth by the speaker.
AId. McKinley was of the opinion that the report should be deferred until
a report on amalgamation is received.
Aid. Gregory referred to the subsidies which can be obtained at various
levels to assist municipalities overcoming traffic problems and was of the opinioe
that the City Manager is quite competent in advising Council in these matters,
Aid. Morton was of the opinion that the group consisting of representatives
of the Chamber of Conanerce, Parks Conhmission, Bridge Commission, Suburban Area
Planning Board and Niagara Development Committee along with the Traffic Committee of
the City Council, which met on Labour Day Week End to study traffic problems, should
be made acquainted with these proposals and the Alderman was in favour of tabling the
con~nunication until such time as this group receives the proposals outlined in thc
SEE Conmlunication No. 316.
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 283 - Logan and Knight - on behalf of A. Bersani, with reference to proposed
apartment hotel at 1068 Stamford Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McCallurn and
Ald. White that the communication be received and filed and the Property Conmdttee's
reco~rm~endation that the re-zoning of a pprtion of Stamford Street at the present time
be not recosm~ended, be adopted.
SEE Re__port Number 280.
No. 298 - Broderick and Burnerr - on behalf of Anna Konkos request for re-zoning of
lands at the south-west corner of Stanley and Robinson Street. ORDERED on the motion
of AId. Morton and AId. McCallurn that the con~nunication be received and filed and
thc property conmdttee's recommendation that Stanley Avenue south of Ferry Street be
not re-zoned a~ present, be adopted.
SEE~rt Number 281
The following Communications were presented;
No. 314 - Michael Ricci - invitation to official opening of Mid-Town Bowling Lanes
on October 31st. at 7 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton
that the invitation be received and accepted and as mauy of the Members as find it
possible, a~tend.
-Ald. Martin arrived at the meeting -
No. 315 - _Tow,!__o_f P_9~r~t.__Do_ver - resolution to petition Minister of L~nds and Forests
regarding institution of immediate program of propagation of whitefish, yellow
pickerel, fingerlingo, etc. It was moved by AId. Morton, seconded by AId.McKinley
that the communication be received and the resolution endorsed. This motion was
defeated by a vote of 5 to 2. An amendment by AId. Mowers and AId. McCallum that
the resolution be tabled until such time as the City Manager and City Clerk submit
a report on the subject, was carried, the vote being - Aye - Aid, Mowers, McCallum~
Martin, Gregory and White; Naye- Aid. Morton and McKinley.
No. 316 - T_. O~._~Laja~r_idJ!an_d AJ~soci~a~te_s~.L_i_mj_~.e.d_ - professional engineering services
available in connection with traffic engineering and improven~ent of traffic facilities.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Mowers that the conm~unication be
received and tabled for the use of the Traffic Con~nittee of the City Council at their
later meeting with the group composing representatives of the Bridge, Parks Commission,
Chamber of Comnerce, etc. Carried Uuanimously.
No, 317 - ~r~jtef N~iag~La Association for Retarded Children - invitation to Official
Opening of new addition to the school, November 25th, 1959. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the con~unication be received and the invitation
accepted and as many of the Members of Council as find it possible attend.
No. 318 -~j=g~r~_J!z "B't B_oc~key_~l+u~__L l{qT~o~_[~nizej__gr~o~j~) - requesting withdrawal
of previous request for donation of $300. presented at Council's last finance meeting,
and presenting a new request for same amount, to be contributed in the form of Arena
ice time charges. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the
communication be received and referred to the Arena, Parks and Recreation Conunittee
along with the previous communication.
Laid over from the previous meeting;
No. 274 - M_~Ra~gqs!en~t~C_oFn~it_te_q - re Fire Alarm and Police Telephone Circuits and
reconm~ending discontinuance of operation and service be purchased as outlined in
Bell Telephone Company's report. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid.
Mowers that the report be again tabled for one week in order that Cosnell may have
another opportunity to study the proposals contained therein. Carried Unanimously,
His Worship the Mayor queried the actual cost annually for the maintenance of the
two systems,
The following Reports were presented;
No. 280 - lKqp_~LltX~g~_~te~ - advising that Conm~ittee cannot recommend re-zoning
of a portion of Stamford Street at the pre sent time. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. McCallum and Ald, White that the report and reconmendation be received and
SEE Colmlunication 283.
No. 281 - Prqp_~rtJ_~op~ittee - reconm~ending that Stanley Avenue south of Ferry Street
be not re-zoned at the present time, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald.
McCallum that the report and recon~endation be received and adopted,
gEE Communication 298,
No. 282 - Management Committee - sunmmry of action taken in connection with proposed
site for sewage treatment plant and recommending that action of Council of June 23rd.
1959 be confirmed and that the site on the east side of Victoria Avenue owned by Mr.
Arnold Smith be purchased as a site. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald.
Morton that the report be received and tabled for one week in order that Mr. W. S.
Martin of the firm of Martin, Calvert, Bates and 8heppard, who has been retained by
the Niagara Falls Separate School Board, may be present, along with the spokesman for
the residents of the Glenview Area, Carried Unanimously.
In connection with the report some criticis~n was voiced as to tbc action of the
Niagara Parks Commission in connection with one proposed site, at which time the
representative of the City Council on the Commission indicated what would have been
his procedure had he been present at the meeting when the matter v, as discussed.
His Worship the Mayor also clarified his position in Chat regard.
No. 283 - pi~pe~.CX_~nmittec _ four reconm~endatious in connection with proposed over-
head bridge ou Victori~Ve~]ue over C-N.R.tracks. ORDERED on Cbe motlos of Aid.
McCallurn and Aid. Gregory that the report be received a~d adopted.
No. 284 - Ci~ Clerk - report on Conference held on OcCober 19th. ORDERED on the
motion of ~d~[in and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted.
No.. 285 - ~i~ ~j~Z~i ' recommending issuance of lice~ces
McKinley and AId, Morton that the report be received and' It was moved by Aid.
adopted. This motion was
defeated by a vote of 5 to 2, the vote being - Aye - Aid. McKinley, and Aid. Norton;
Nays - AId. White, Gregory, Martin, Mowers and McCallurn. An amendment by Ald. White
and Gregory that the report be received and adopted and licenets issued, with the
exception of the last item, which is to be referred to the Property Committee for a
report, was carried, with Ald. Morton and McKinley, contra~-y.
The following Resolution was passed;
No. 108 - ~h~RTIN - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that a message of s)qnpathy on behalf of His
Worship th~'~f~yoF~n~'~rs of the City Council be forwarded to the family of the
late Mr. Wm. C. MacDonald, former Alderman and highly esteemed resideut of the
City of Niagara Falls for a great number of years; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Ald. Morton, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, referred to the traffic
congestion at tile corner of Victoria Avenue and Park Street, where the large transport
trucks, trailers, etc. are finding it difficult to navigate, due to the parking of
cars on the west side of Park Street, east of Victoria Avenue. Ne suggested the
elimination of parking on the north side of Park St. 75 feet east of Victoria Ave.
The elimination of parking on the north side of Spring Street from
Buchanau Avenue and Stanley Avenue was also suggested due to the narrow street.
ORDERED ou the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Gregory that these matters be
referred to the Traffic Co~ittee for a report at the next Council Meetleg and
Park Street be temporarily posted at its most westerly end, prohibiting parking on
the north side for a distance of 75 feet easterly.
Ald. Gregory referred to the iron railings on the overhead bridge on
Ontario Avenue at Newman Hill (Q.E.W.) and also the steps which are in a deteriorated
condition and badly in need of paint. The Alderman queried as to the responsibility
of the Highways Department in this connection. The City Manager advised that the
matter will be taken under advisement aud a report presented.
Ald. Morton queried the financial returns to the City from rental of the
Memorial Arena to the Skating Club, pointing out that the majority of the Club come
from Niagara Falls, New York and therefore our own citizens are deprived of the
use of the rink. The Alderman requested the Arena Conmittee to present a report
on the financial revenue derived from the Niagara Falls Skating Club.
The followin~ By-law wa~. passe j;
No. ~807 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 5149 regarding tourigt establishments.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. blowers and Ald, McKinley that Ald. McCallurn
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McCallum and AId. McKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading, - Carried, with Ald, Moreon-contrary,
Third Reading -Ald, Mowers and Ald, Gregory - Carried, with Ald. Morton-contrary,
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on tile motion of AId. blowers and Aid.Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd. November, 1959.
On the motion of :lid. Martin and Aid. Gregory the Committee arose and reported to
READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd. November, 1959.
Council Cilamber,
26th. October,1959.
Tile Finance Meeting was held on October 26th, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified and
placed before tilem. All Members of tha Coramittee were present. Alderman McKinley,
presided as Chairman.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $158,322,18 ware approved by
the Conus|tree.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Mowers.
A conenun|cat|on from the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario,
forwarding a cheque in tile amount of $86,~51.72 covering full grant in lieu of taxes
plus local improvements for the year 1959, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. Martin and Ald. Mowers that the contains|cat|on be received and filed.
A communication from the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Runters,
requesting tile City to purchase advertising space in tile brochure being printed ia
connection witil their 32nd, Annual Conventioa, to be held in January, 1960 at the
Sheraton Brock Hotel, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and His
Worship tl~e Mayor that the conmmnication be received and referred to the Chairman of
Finance with power to act.
The Property Conm~ittee's report on the application of Mr. Paul Aleo
for a building permit to make alterations and erect an addition at 1794 Ferry Street,
at an estimated cost of $40,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor
Miller and Ald. Morton that the report aad reconmendation be received and adopted
aad permit be issued.
The Property Conmittee's report on the application of Steinbergs, on
Victoria Avenue between Jepson St. and McRae St. for a permit to make alterations to
the signs, was pre sented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton
and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Property Conmittee's report on the application of Adam Vujaklija,
955 Clifton Rill, for a permit for alterations to the Clifton Hotel, at an estimated
cost of $6,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Miller and Aid.Gregory
that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Statement of Revenue and Expenditures as of September, 1959 was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin aud Ald. Mowers
tha~ the Statement be received and tabled for study.
Counci 1 Chand>er,
26th.Octobar, 1959.
Tile Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for tile purpose of passing the by-law whici~ covered ti~e accounts approvcd
by the Conrad|tree. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor Miller
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5808 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED oll the motion of AId. blartin and Aid. Gregory that Alders/an
McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given
the first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of !lid. McKinley and Aid. Morton tilat Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended aad the by-law be given the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - AId. McCallurn and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
At this time, the City Clerk reminded the members of Council of tile fortb-
coining joint meeting of the three area councils with the Liberal Fact-Finding Contmittee,
which will take place in the City Hall Council Chamber on Thursday~ October 29th.
cosm~encing at 7.30 p.m.
Council adjourned ou the motion of Aid. McKinley aud Aid. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd. November, 1959.
Council Chamber,
Council Chamber,
2nd, November, 1959.
A joint meeting of the City Council x,,i~'b the Ceuncils of the Township of
Stamford, and tbe Village of Chippaws, was held in the Couucil Chamber on October 29th,
1959 at 7.30 p.m, for the purpose of meeting the Liberal Select Committee. Present
were, representing the City of Niagara Falls His Worship the Mayor, all Members of
Council, the City Manager, Clerk and Treasurer. Representing tbc Township of Stamford,
Reeve Mitchelson and Councillors MacEsin and Deputy Reeve Keighan. Representing the
Village of Chippaws, Reeve MacKenzie aud Councillors Ivcs, Kulka and Clarke and the
Village Clerh. r, epresenting the Select Committee, Mr. Vernon Singer, Chairman -
the Local Member Mr. Bukator, and Messrs, Edwards, Wither, Trotter and Upper; Mr.
Resume was not present.
His Worship, Mayor,Miller, in opening the meeting advised as to the
purpose and asked Mr. Bukator to take over, who in turn asked Mr. Singer to continue.
Mr. Singer advised that his Committee was of course an opposition
conrad|tree and that their purpose was to inform themselves as to the various problems
facing municipalities throughout the Province, to obtain constructive ideas and
through concrete experience be able to suggest to the Government possible changes in
legislation. They had no particular axe to grind but had solely in mind an improve-
ment in Provincial-Municipal relations. He then asked as to whether those present
were satisfied witb present conditions and if not, what were their problems and
suggested that possibly amalgamation might be one problem or possible topic.
There then ensued a lengthy discussion on various problems, primarily
A merger in the area and the effects of governmestal policy thereon
with reference to g rants or subsidies.
The entire grant structure with particular reference to Hydro
Interest Rates on municipal borrowings and the possible solution
to this vexing problem.
Educational costs as applied to fixed income recipients.
The possible exemption from income tax of interest on municipal bonds.
During the discussion on these various topics it was indicated that
possibly new thinking is required on g rants and the possible institution of a
formula for this purpose based primarily on population density and certain other
factors. It was also suggested that the Select Cotm~ittee might enquire as to how
grants in situations such as exist in this area are handled in other provinces. It
was suggested that consideration be given to the retention in this area of at least
part or possibly all of water rentals which are presently paid to. the Parks Conm~ission.
It was also suggested tbat either full taxation should be instituted on Crown properties
or that at least a levy should be capable of being nnde on properties which are
Following these discussion which were in some detail, Mr. Singer advised
that it would seem, that basically the problems existing locally arc similar to those
in localities all over the Province. He was pleased at having acquired new ideas and
expressed his great appreciation for the help given by the Members of the area councils.
His Worship, Mayor Miller then thanked the Chairman and Members of the
Select Conm~ittee for their attending at the meeting and also the repre sentat|yes from
the other two Councils.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd. November,1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, November 2rid.
1959, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of
Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Mowers. The Council, having
received and read the minutes of the previous meeting,(Regular aud Special), adopted
these on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. Morton.
Mrs. Michael Christopher was present at the meeting in connection with the
request of her husband, to purchase a portion of City-owned property at the south ei~d
of Gladstone Avenue, between Peer Street and Robinson Street, and it was ordered on
the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. White tbat Mrs. Christopher bc heard, She cnquired
as to whether the purchasers could provide services for the lot as it was felt it
would be cheaper. Aid. McCallum, Chairman of the Property Conmittee, advised that his
Committee had not considered this, when preparing their report, number 286, which
reconm~endcd that the property be not sold for less than $5,000. with services installed,
but that if they wished, it could be referred back to the Conm~ittee for consideration.
AId. McKinley enquired as to the assessed value and queried as to when the City
started selling lots at more than the assessed value. The City Manager explained
that the City had never agreed to sell any lots for the assessed value but had never
sold them below the assessed value. AId. McKinley stated although Council adopted the
report of the Property Con~nittee, this would not prevent the applicant presenting an
alternative suggestion. His Worship the Mayor was of the opiaion that these lots had
been vacant for some time and if Mr. Christopher was willing to build, Council should
offer every encouragement, with which Ald. Martin concurred; the Mayor was also of
the opinion that if the property should be subdivided, it should be done now and tile
lots offered for sale.
SEE Conmunication No.261
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 261 - Michael Christopher - re possible purchase of City-owned property at the
southerly end of Gladstone Avenue. It was moved b) Ald. McCallum and Mortou that the
communication be received and filed and the Property Conmittee's report and recommen-
dation be received and adopted. This motion was defeated by a vote of 4 to 2. The
vote being - Aye -Ald. McCallum and Morton; Naye- Ald. White, Gregory, [~rtin,
McKinley. An amendment by Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the nmttcr be referred
back to the Property Committee to confer with Mr. Christopher as to what arrangemeets
could be made concerning the services, was carried unanimously.
SEE Report Number 287.
No. 313 - George Sainovich - requesting permission to enter into a lease for the
property known as Warren Avenue adjacent to his holdings and lying between Murray
Street and Robinsos Street. ORDERED on the motiou of AId. McKinley and McCallum that
the co~munication be received and filed and the request be graated and the necessary
by-law be prepared for stopping up the highway before leasing the same.
SEE Reports No. 288 and 289.
No. 315 - Town of Port Dover - resolution with reference to a request for action
concerning hatcheries to protect the fishing industry. ORDERED on the motiou of Ald.
Morton and Ald. McKinley that the eon~nunication be received and filed aad the
resolution be endorsed by the City of Niagara Falls.
SEE Communicatiou 319,
The following Cormmunications were presented;
No. 319 - Town of Port Dover - explanation on resolution submitted. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Morton and ,lid. McKinley that the conm~unication be received
and filed and resolution endorsed.
SEE Communication No, 315
No. 320 -~bli_!~ijter_o_f_National ~{evcnue - Ack. Council's letter re duty free shops
at key border points in Ontario.
No. 321 - Secretary_ Prime Minister of Canada - Ack. Council's letter re duty free
shops at border points in Ontario.
No. 322 - Mr. W. L. _lt_o_u~d_c~_[j_.~P_. - Ack. Council's letter re duty-free shops.
No. 323 - C~le~J_ff_ V_i_l_la~ge__oof _C!li_pj,_aw~a - endorsing resolution of City of Niagara
Falls protesting duty free shops in key border points in Ontario. ORDERED on tile
motion of Ald. White and Ald. Gregory that these communications be considered
togetber. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the four
conm~unications be received and tabled and that Mr. W. L. Houck, M.P. be contacted
regarding the reply received from the Ronourable G.C.Nowlan, Minister of National
Revenue, to ascertain what suggcstious the Local Member of the Federal .House may
No. 324 - Townsbip__qf_~tamfo__r_d_.- enclosing copy of Ontario Municipal Board's
Appointment for hearing, which is to take place on November 12tb, 1959 in connection
with Township By-law 2411, governing and regulating pits and quarries witbin tile
Township. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin that tile com-
munication be received, noted and filed.
No. 325 - g~j%l~oj~,'~Assocja~t~ion__o,f Gr~eat__er~P~agajLa_ ' invitation to Annual Civic
Night, November 20th, at Norton Dorm. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~rtin and Aid.
Morton that the conmlunication be received and filed, the invitation be accepted and
as many of the Men~ers of Council and their wives as find it possible be in attend-
ance. Six members of Council indicated their intention of attending this function.
No. 326 - Tp_w_n_sJl_ip o_f__S_t_a!af__o_,r._d - Re Remembrance Day Services being held at Township
Cenotaph on November llth. the former practice of alternating between municipalities
being abandoned. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that tile
communication be received and filed.
No. 327 - D_cp~K~,n_ent o__f~tjg!lwj_y_t,Tj'~_fji~_ E.n~j,ne__e~ - signing of Q.E.W. at Niagara
Falls and advising proposed overhead signs on extension east of Stauley Ave.being
delayed, for several months. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and White that
tile comnunication be received and tabled until further inforn~tion is received.
No. 328 - South End Business and Professional Men's Association - suggesting
opening of Sylvia Place to Peer Street, metering portion and marking out parking
facilities on existing parking lot; and requesting Council's consideration to
renewing sidewalks in front of business establishments on a percentage basis.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Morton that the communication be
received and paragraph 1 thereof be referred to the Traffic Corm-nittee for areport
and paragraph 2 be referred to the 1960 Council for consideration.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 274 - Managem__ent Conunitte__e - report on Fire Alarm and Police Telephone Circuits
in use by the City of Niagara Falls.
SEE Report No.286.
TIle following Reports were presented;
No. 286 -.Qi~.J~anaBcK - report on expenditures made in recent years for the
maintenance of the Fire Alarm System and Police Telephone System. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. White and Ald. ~rtin that reports 274 and 286 be laid over until
a full Council is present.
SEE Report No.274.
No. 287 - Property Committee - recommending that the property at the ~outherly end
of Gladstone Avenue, part of lot 9 !u,, r,ot ~o].,: for lust '~i'~=~ $5,000. with services
installed. It was moved by Aid. McCallurn and Morton that the conununication no.261
be received and filed and the Property Co~ittcc's report be received and adopted.
This motion was defeated by a vote of 4 to 2, the vote being - lye - Ald.McCallum
and Morton; Naye - AId. White, Gregory, Martin and McKinley. An amendment b~ AId.
Martin and McKfnley that the matter be referred bach to the Property Conm~ittec to
confer with the applicant as to what arrangemasts could be made conceraing services,
carried unanimous ly.
No. 288 - Ci~t}I _Spl~pitor - advising of necessity of passing a by-la~.: for stopping ep
highway before leasing of Warren Avenue to George Sainovich.
No. 289 - p.r_O~e_r_t_y Co~ni_t~t~q - rcconuuending by-law be passcd to stop up Warren Avenue
and that the same be leased to George Sainovich. ORDERED oil the motion of \ld.
McKinley and Aid. McCallurn that the report of the City Solicitor be received and
filed and the report of the Property Co~sittee bc received and adopted,
SEE Coimnunication No. 3] 3.
No. 290 - Fropearly _Cpnm_!i~t~ - recommending issuance of a used car lot licenee for
the premises at 791 Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on tbe motion of Aid. Morton and tld.
McCatlum that the report and reconm~endation be received and adopted.
No. 291 - City Engineer - report on attendance at Fourth Annual Meeting of Ontario
Build{~g O~ff~ociation in Kingston. ORDERED on the motion of ,~ld. Morton
and AId. Gregory tbat the report be received and filed, the City Engineer be
complimented upon a fine report and congratulated on being re-elected to the Ezccutivc.
No. 292 - C~!),_~lc!k - attached list of taxes Treasurer has ~ carrained to be
uncollectible and which he has recommended to the Court of Revision be struck off
the Roll. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Martin that the report
be received and reco~endation of the Clerk of the Court be adopted.
No. 293 - Deputy City Clerk - recommending issuance of liceaces, ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted and
liceaces issued accordingly.
The following R__esolutions were passed;
No. 109 - MORTON - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that tile Council of the City of Niagara
Falls does~cti~i~ th'~'i[~oarable the Minister of Lands and Forests to institute
an immediate program of propagation of whitefish and yellow pickerel fingerlings
to be released into the lake waters; that a hatchery be built encompassing the
findings of authoritative sources on pond rearing, capable of producing a minialum
of one million fingerlings per )'ear, so that the best utilization of the hatchery
products may be attained; that the Honourable the Minister of Lands and Forests
mahe every effort to securing spawn from the remaising stocks of blue pickerel
to form the basis for re-establishing this valuable food fish; that an inunediate
study be undertaken to develop adequate fishery management prog rams to protect
this valuable resource to ensure its continuity; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 110 - MORTON - GREGORY - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His
Norsllip th~'~Ya'~6~~~n'd' ~m~'ers of the City Council be forwarded to Alderman George
H. Mowers upon the death of his father, the late Mr. George Thomas Mowers, highly
respected citizen of the City of 'Niagara Falls for a great number of years; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanilaously.
No. 111 - MARTIN - MORTON - RESOLVED that the City Council contact the local Hydro
Commission requesting submission of a report on tile cost of continuing the new
lighting on the main thoroughfares of the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
In connection with Resolution No. 111, His Worship Mayor Miller also felt
tfiat tile City tlydro should be approached regarding tile extension of tile new lighting
system from Nalker's Drug Store to the Centre and continuiug it from there along
Ferry Street and Lundy's Lane, south of Gentre 8treat.
His Worship the Mayor requested the Traffic Conm~ittee to consider
the matter of erecting signs directing the public to the new Parking Lot on
Park St. and St. Clair Ave.
Mayor Miller also reminded Council about the Joint Meeting to be
held on Thursday, November 5th. commencing at 7.30 p.m. with the Township of
Stamford regarding bus service.
Ald. Morton advised that he had received several calls requesting
the installation of a blinker light at the corner of Heron Street and Ontario
Avenue and requested the Traffic Committee to take this suggestion under
Laid over .from a previous meeting;
No. 5798 - To authorize the execution of agreements.
Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
The foliowinE By=law was passed;
No. 5809 - To appoint Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks, and Polling Places
for the Municipal Election in December, 1959 for the year 1960.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and AId. Gregory that Ald.
McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given
the first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. McCallum that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. White and Ald. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to tbe Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. White and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 9 th. November, 1959.
Deputy Clerk.
2nd. November,1959.
Council Chamber,
The Finance Meeting was held on November 2nd, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the
exception of AId. Mowers. Aid. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $89,550.38 were approved by
the Committee.
TIre Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald.
McCallum and Ald. White.
The City Managor's report on the application of blatt Calzonctti, for
a permit to erect a sign at 791 Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $250.
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
McCallum that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Property Committee's report on their inspection of the premises at
1320 Stuart Avenue, for which an application to construct a two-car garage was
received, was presented for consideration. The Committee instructed tha~ no building
permit be issued and that the owner be advised that the proposed garage cannot extend
beyond the west wall of the dwelling. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. White and Ald.
Morton that the report and recommendation of the Property Committee be receivedand
The City Manager's report on the application of Victor Krstic, 1697
Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminiatcd sign, at an estimated
cost of $130. was presented. ORDERED on tile motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald.
Gregory that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Equipment Committee's report on the reconm~cndation of one model 425
Frink Snowplough from the Wheel and Brake Co. Ltd. ttamilton, at a cost of $633.25
to replace the plough on Truck Number 32, at the Cemetery, which is beyond repair,
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Nor ton and Ald.
Martiu that the report be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Cities Service Oil Co.
Ltd. for a permit to make alterations to their premises at 737 Victoria Avenue, at
an estimated cost of $8,000. ~nd outlining tire stipulations to be met in order tbat
the permit may be issued, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and
Mayor Miller that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
At this time, tire City Manager presented a verbal report on the application
of Robert's Quality Furs, to erect a sign at their premises at 416 Queeu Street,at
an estimated cost of $1,800,00. and reconunended that a permit be issued. ORDERED on
the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald, Gregory that the report be received and adopted
and permit issued.
On the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. White the Conm~ittee arose and reported to
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. November,1959.
Deputy Clerk.
mn of Finance.
Council Chamber,
The Conunittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the Committee. All Members of Couucil were present, with the exception of Ald.
Mowers. llis Worship, Mayor Miller, presided.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5810 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of ,lid. White and Ald. Morton that AId.McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st.
reading, - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED oil the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Couucil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously,
Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Ald. White requested Council 's attention for five minutes following the
Couucil Meeting, and it was therefore moved by Aid. Gregory and Aid. Morton that
Council adjourn to Conference.
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. November,1959.
Deputy. Clerk
Council Chamber,
2nd. November,1959.
The Conference Committee of the City Council assembled at the close of
the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, November 2nd, 1959. All Members
of the Committee were present, with the exception of Alderman Mowers. His Worship,
Mayor Miller, presided.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Con~nittee adjourned on the
motion of AId. White and Aid. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED' 9th. November,1959.
Deputy Clerk
Couecil Chsrabcr,
5 th. November, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.00 p.m, on Thursday, Novelnber
5tb, 1959, for the purpose of meeting with representatives of the Provincial Gas
and also the Members of tile Council of the Towns|lip of Stamford, ill Members of
both Councils were in attendance. His Horship, Mayor Miller, presided.
The followij}fz_Conununication was presented;
No. 329 - FX_o~v.i!Lcijl Ga~sj_o.~_ajD, - re replacement of gas line on Queen Street,
between Victoria Avenue and Erie Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and
Ald. Morton that the cormnunication be received and filed, t cuterive approval be
granted to proceed with the work as outlined, the entire cost to be horse by the
Provincial Gas Company, and, the City Solicitor be requested to prepare tile necessary
agreement. Carried Uuanimously.
Previous to this action, FIr. Earle S. Howard, Vice-President and General
Manager of the Provincial Gas Company, introduced Mr. C. A. Glenny, General Super-
intendent in charge of construction and Mr, Bob Martin, Chief Engineer. The com-
munication was theo read, along with the details of the work to be undertaken
during which the Members of Council directed questions which were answered by Mr.
Aid. Mowers queried the reason why the Conlpany had to wait for evidence
of a leak before commencing such work, at the busiest season of the year in the
Queen Street business section, adding that this would place Couucil in a very
embarrassing position and stated that the time for such work had been badly chosen,
being of the opinion that if this work is necessary now, it must have been necessary
last spring, The Alderman asked what steps will be taken by the Company to see that
this will not occur in other years and queried as to conditions on Victoria Avenue,
Valley Way and Main Street.
Mr. Glenny advised that a leak survey program is continually being carried
on, ouce a month in the business areas and every six mol~ths iu residential areas.
He advised that during the sunm~er the leak pattern dropped to nothing aud it was
felt that the work could be deferred until 1960, but since September eight leaks
had occurred, the latest survey silowing a portion of line in v cry bad shape, which
has caused concern. A contributing factor having been heavy frost conditions.
In answer to Ald. Gregory's suggestion that the work be done one block at
a time, so as not to inconvenience the merchants, Mr. Glenny advised that this was
taken into consideration, but when they reviewed what had to be done and the amount
of equipment necessary, it seemed more feasible in expediting the work to Work on
one side of the street at a time and to the equivalent of two blocks, He pointed
out that it was felt that the work would be slowed down by operating entirely in one
block, with no future preparation ahead.
AId. McCallum queried as to the saw cuts to be made and desired to know
whether two cuts would be made on both sides of the street at the same time., and
was advised that one saw cut will be made the entire length of the,street at one
Ald. White queried as to whose expense coilcrete will be laid and was in
fayour of the work as long as the Gas Company will replace tile sidewalk.
Ald. Morton enquired as to the amount of time involved to do the work
and was advised that the work may be completed in four weeks, or by December 14th.
depending upon the weather and if proper arrangements are smde, it smy be possible
to expedite the project by working an evening shift.
-Ald. McKinley arrived at the meeting -
Ald. Martin desired to know why iutersections were not mentioned in tile
report and the City Manager referred to the plau submitted by ,the Company, advising
where bores will be made and open cuts necessary. . ,
Aid. Gregory queried as to whether there would be a time limit specified
in the agreement for the completion of this work and was advised by the City Manager
that there would be.
To facilitate the movenxent of traffic, His Worship the Mayor queried
as to whether the Traffic Connnittee had given any thought to making Park Street and
Ruron Street one-way streets, and allowing parking on both sides. He requested the
Conm~ittee to submit a report for Monday night's meeting.
Mr. ||oward tbcn expressed appreciation for Council's time and attention
and assured that the work will be expedited as quickly as possible and with as
little disruption to traffic as possible.
At this time, His ~.~.orship, the Mayor welcomed Reeve Mitchelson and the
Members of the Council of the Township of Stamford to the meeting and also tbose
present in the audience.
AId. Mowers, Chairman of the Merger Survey Cornn~ittce, then announced
that the second and final Greater Niagara Merger Report will be available to the area
Councils in two or three weeks. The Alderman advised that a portion of the report
will be given to the Committee at the meeting scheduled for Thursday evening,
November 12th. and that the second stage of the report will follow inunediately and
should be ready within ten days.
His Worship Mayor Miller advised that the joint meeting was being held
with the Council of the Township of Stamford to deal with the problems relating to
the curtailment of bus services, which will take place on September 1st, 1960, but
referred to Alderman White, Council's representative on the Welland County and Area
"A" Civilian Defence Cones|trees, who would speak to Council at this time.
Alderman White proceeded to outline what had transpired since being on
the Civilian Defence Conmittee and the proposal of the Welland County Civilian
Deftrice Conmittee to close the headquarters in Niagara Falls and place all
activities uader the control of the County Organization with headquarters in the
City of Welland. lie advised that he was the only one opposed, stressing his opinion
that Niagara Falls is the number one target area in this whole riding and that
Niagara Falls and Stamford need Civilian Deftnee and that we cannot operate under
Supervision of the County. HE stressed that the Civilian Defence Office should
remain open and fully augmented by personnel, with a full time Co-ordinator,
secretary and training officer.
Following the Alderman's telharks, His Worship the Mayor, asked the
Reeve of the Township to present the position of tbe Township in this regard.
Reeve Mitchelson advised that lie did not expect to hear a report on
this subject at this meeting, but referred to the contributions made by Stamford
being part of tile County System, to the maintenance of Civilian Defence. He
agreed that Civilian Defence is not as large and effective as it might be but
stated that the Senior Government which sets the policy for C.D.C. had a survey
made and a report was brought down, which has not yet been published. |le stated
he understood that a new directive has come out and a new type of organization bas
been set up. He concurred that Niagara Falls was a number one target in the area.
Reeve Mitehelson was of the opinion that the remarks of Ald, White were for the
Council of the City of Niagara Falls to consider and make a decision on and did
not feel tbat the Council of the Township of Stamford should be asked to make
It was then ordered on the motion of Ald, Mowers and Ald. McKinley
that the matter of the continuance of a Civilian Defence Office in the City of
Niagara Falls, be referred to the r~gular Council Meeting next Monday night. Carried
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No. 254 - Vice-President~ C.N.R.- enclosing formal notice of cessation of N.S. & T.
bus services, effective September 1st, 1960 and further communication of October 9th.
1959, attaching statement showing purchase price and total mileage of buses offered
for ~ale.
The communication of October 9th. was read for the benefit of the members
of the Township Council and Reeve Mitchelson advised that it would be sometime yet
before the Township could make use of the information contained in the letter.
His Worship the Mayor requested that copies of this statement be prepared and
forwarded to the Stamford Council.
SEE Resolution No.l12.
The following Resolution was 9aJj?d;
No. i i2 - CpUN_CI_L~9_R _BjiEE,S' 9~F THe. TOWN_SHIP_ OF ST~\~mORD - ALDERb~. McCAL],~:. 9F. T~tE
pJJ~Oj ~I!Xg!~B,~ ~ALL~ - RESOLVED that a Conmittee be appointed consisting of three
members of the Council of the Township of Stamford and their Township Engineer, and
three members of the Council of the City of Niagara Falls and the City Manager, to
investigate the possibility of acquiring a private company to operate the trans-
portation s)stcm and a report be presented at a joint meeting of the two Councils;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Contrary - Councillor MacBain of the Township of Stainford - who stated tbat the
resolution was not wide enough in scope.
Previous to the action of tbe joint councils, a full discussion ensued
during which Reeve Mitchclson explained the referendum to be placed before the
citizens of Stamford, which was to ascertain whether the ratepayers would be
favourable to subsidizing such a service, if it cannot be operated in any other
manner. He queried whether the City of Niagara Falls would present a similar
question to the citizens of Niagara Falls and |{is Worship the Mayor advised that
this matter would be discussed by the City Council at one of its regular meetings.
Aid. Martin referred to the reason for this joint meeting and was of the
opinion that if it is determined that such a service is needed in thc area, and both
municipalities agree that it would be to their mutual advantage, a cotton|tree should
be formed comprising members of both Councils, to study the situation and possibly
contact private enterprise which might be interested in operating such a service.
Aid. Morton referred to an article which appeared in a recent issue of
Reader's Digest entitled "They're Taking the Bus in Nashville" and felt that after
reading this the Committee should go to Nashville and look the situation over and
bring back a report on it.
Mayor Miller suggested that copies be made and forwarded to the Members
of both Councils for their perusal.
Councillor Bates advised that he agreed with Alderman Martin's approach
to the problem; stating that the problem is only in its preliminary stages aud both
Councils need assistance of a committee to get the facts.
SEE Resolution No.lI2.
Aid. Mowers advised that it was quite evident from the statement of buses
for sale that the equipment being used is far too expensive to maintain and referred
to the exorbitant repairs bills, and that it would be necessary to change the thinking
when it comes time to consider the type of equipment which will be used.
His Worship Mayor Miller stated that it was imperative tbat consideration
be given to the per sonnel of 21 who will be affected by tbc lay-off on September 1st.
1960, advising that 9 were residents of Stamford amid 12 residents of Niagara Falls.
Aid. Gregory queried whether the committee could advise any prospective
company of what type of service would be expected here in regards to routes and
suggested that the committee be given power to determine wbat routes aad parts of
the municipalities will be served. His Worship thelayor was of the opinion that
all members of Council, not only the conm~ittee, should be able to express an opinion
on routes.
Councillor MacBain who voted against the resolution, was of the
opinion that private enterprise would not be interested in taki.ng on the bus
service and the real concern of the tomsit|co would be the provision of such a
Deputy Reeve Keighan of the Stamford Council requested that the
spokesman of the Local Union of tile Bus Drivers be permitted to speak. ORDERED on
the motion of Deputy Reeve Keighan and Ald. Gregory ti~at the representative be
Mr. R. P. Page, Vice-President of the Union tl~en introduced Mr. Sydney
Hare, International representative of tile Bus Drivers' Union~ who offered any
assistance that tl~e Councils may require in dealing with this problem and
requested that when any material is prepared, that it be made available so that
the Ueion could follow more closely the progress being made. His Worship, Mayor
Miller, expressed appreciation for the co-operation offered by the Union.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 9th. November, 1959,
Deputy Clerk
Council Chamber,
~th. Noveulber, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.nl. on 1.1onday, November 9Lh.
1959, for the purpgse of considering general business nod final,cc. All hietubers of
Council were present. The Council, having received and read she minutes of LiIc
previous regular and special meetings, adopted ti~esc on the motion of Aid. ~xiortoI:
and Aid. Gregory.
FIr, Brian Dohcrty of the firm of Martin, Calvert, Bates and Shoppard was
present at the meeting and it was ordered on the motion of AId. 1.iowcrs and
Gregory that the sl~okesmen for the delegations present at the meeting, be heard.
Hr. Doherty speaking on behalf of the Niagara Falls Separate School Boclrd,
advised that he was speaking witt~ particular rcfercnco co St. Fraocis School and
proxinlity to the proposed site of a sewage treatment plant, whicl~ was of deep c:oi~ccriTM.
to parents of these pupils and tile health aspects involved. He l.:as of tile opinion
that the problem should not be considered from a mul~icipal standpoint onlS, and a
decision st~ould not be made, until a further report is received on proposed an/alSamation
witil the Township of Stamford, and pointed out tibet i~erhaps a joint plant sci~eme for
tl~e two areas could be worked out. Mr. Doherty also suggested that ever}' possible
effort should be made to search in other areas of the Township sioce the land proposed
is located io the Township. He suggested that although certain negotiations have
been carried on with tile C.N.R. and Niagara Parks Commission, contact should bc made
at a higl~er level which might achieve different results. Dc also questioned the
necessity of purchasing such a large tract of land for tl~e building proposed.
Mr, F. J. Mat|hews of the firm of Matthews and MaLthews also spoke on
behalf of the Gleovicw Citizens Committee, advising that he would not bclabour at
great length arguments which had been prosooted earlier regarding devaluation of
l~omes and property in the area concerned and tile effect on the health of tile children,
since this is something pertaining to one small area, He suggested that tile citizens
of Glenview were entitled equally with all other sections of the City to tile
consideration of Council in selecting a site, lie referred to tile proposed site in
Stamford, and queried the possibility of using Hydro land oe Stanley Ave. in the
Township. l'.c rcco!.~n,eI~dec' I-hat a more compreheosive survey be made of the best
possible sites, and was of the opinion that approact~es at a higher level could bc
made to the C.N.R. and the Niagara Parks Cosunission.
Aid. Gregory referred to the communications received from the C.N.R. and
Niagara Parks Conm~ission, which both contained negative answers regarding the possible
securing of lands for the proposed plant and queried as to tile reasons for such
refusals. lle referred to the Whirlpool site and the Engineering Consultants' opinion
that the Whirlpool site should not be overlooked but that test of soil conditions
would be necessary, which would not be worthwhile until it was ascertained that the
property would be available, The Alderman was of the opinion that sufficiont pressure
had not been placed on the Commission to obtain the land, stating that it was not
clear to him why the Conm~ission will not permit such a plant there. IIc suggested
that the question should be referred back to tile Management Con~nittee to see if tilere
is a possibility of locating the plant in the Whirlpool. AId. Gregory stated that
he was interested in obtaiuing the best possible site for all the citizens of Niagara
Falls 0
Ald, Morton voiced definite opposition to the proposed sewage treatment
plant being located above the river bauk.
Aid. McCallurn referred to ice jams which may be created by the diversion
of water in the river and the City Manager advised that it was impossible to state
just what effect this might have,
Ald. McKinley was of the opinion that Councit's two representatives oil tile
Niagara Parks Conmission could better explain the municipality's attempt to locate
the plaut in a location which would be most acceptable to the citizens,
SEE Report Number 28~.
The following Communications were presented;
No. 330 - W. L. Houck - advising of his intention to personally intcrview the ~
Honourable Mr. Nowlan, Minister of National Revenue. ORDERED on the motion of ~
Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin that the communication be received, noted and filed.
No. 331 - Radio Station CHVC - requesting permission to broadcast Armistice Day
from the Ce~no~a~l~'~' ~u~e~ V'{ctoria Park, November lltb. ORDERED on |be motion
of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallurn that the communication be received and filed
and permission granted.
No, 332 - Niagara Falls Fire Fighters, Local 528. - advisieg of confliction of
Annual Dance with Civic Night being held same evening, Nov. 20th. ORDERED on |be
motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mowers that the communication be received and filed
and as many Members of Council as possible attend later in the evening. I
No, 333 - Nia_gara _R~c~g_ip_t}a~l~D~De~veloP_m_ej}t~A_s_s~o_ci_a_~_i_°_n_' invitation to meeting on
November 1)~h~ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martiu and Ald. Morton that the
communicatioa be received and filed. Carried, with Ald. Mowers-contrary.
No. 334 - City of Woodstock - resolution re Daylight Saving Time. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the resolution be received and filed.
No, 335 - D~epartment of HigJ~yJ~ - dcsignatieg extensions of King's Highway numbers
3A, 8 aod 20. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin that the com-
munication be received and filed and the City Manager contact tbe Highways Depart-
men|, requesting Ferry Street from Victoria Avenue to Main Street and Victoria Ave.
from Clifton Hill to Ferry Street, be designated as art extension to Highways 3A and
20. Carried Unanimously. TILe City Manager reported verball)' on the advantages in
connection with subsidy applicable if tills is done.
Laid over from a previous meeting;
No, 282 - Management Con~ittee - re site for proposed sewage treatment plant.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. McKinley that the report be referred
back to the Management Committee with a view to making more enquiries and petitions
to the Niagara Parks Commission. to see if we cannot get permission to locate the
plant in the Whirlpool Gorge, providing the engineering conditions so warrant it;
and that the two representatives of Council on the Parks Conmission obtain a full
explanation as to why the Conm~ission will not grant permission and report back to
No. 274 - [~nagement Committee - recommending City discontinue operation of circuits
'presently maintained by tile City of Niagara Falls and purchase service as outlined
in the report from the Bell Telephone Company.
No. 286 - City Manager - report on expenditures made in recent years for raaintenance
of Fire Alarm System and Police Telephone System. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Martin and Ald. Gregory that the reports and recommendation of the Management
Conmittee be received and adopted, inasmuch as it has the approval of the Fire Chief,
Electrical Superintendent and City Manager. Carried with Ald. McKinley,-contrary.
Ald. McKinley stated that he must vote against the motion in view of information
he had received at one of the International Municipal Signal Conferences, in which
it was stressed that Fire and Police Services should not be given to an outside
communication company.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 294 - Arena Conm~ittee - report on meeting with Consultant for Murray-Bran|ford
Ltd. re arena Roof. Following a verbal report by the City Manager, it was ordered
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and
tabled for a further report.
No. 295 - Cj~J[_M_anaBe~ - report on conference held on November 2nd. regarding ~losing
of C.D.C. office in City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hat|in and
Ald. Mowers that the report be received and filed.
Prior to this action, Mr. Charles Blumc, Welland County Civil Defence
Co-ordiuator, was permitted to speak to Council, on the motion of Ald. Gregory and
Ald. Morton. He advised that Zone Two of which the Gouaty of Welland is a part,
is considered throughout Canada as a leader in civil defcnce and advised that the
volunteers in the county totalled 2,300 and the number who could be co-ordinated
in an emergency was 16,000. Ald. White, Council's representative on the C.D.C.
was of the opinion that the civil defencc needs of the City of ~,'iagara Falls could
not be met under the pro sent so|up, with the Co-ordinator at Welland and meetioned
three alternatives which the City could consider - either appoint a deputy-co-ordinator;
organize civilian defence themselves or close the office entireiS,
No. 296 - Depu~y__C,_l_eKL~ - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED oll the motio:l
of AId. Morton and AId. Gregory that the report be received and adopted aud licences
issued accordingly.
VE~R_B,j_L_ R__m_Fg_RT~
Ald. Mowers at this time arose and announced that be would not be a
candidate in the forthcoming municipal election due to increased pressure of
business. tie expressed regret at having to make this decision and stated that
he had enjoyed serving as a Member of the Alermanic Board for the past eight years.
Nis Worship Mayor Miller expressed regret for the Alderman's decision
and stated that Alderman Mowers had been a valued member of the Council of tile City
of Niagara Falls aed had functioned on several important committees, particularly
the Management Conm~ittee.
The following By-law was presented;~
No, 5811 - A by-la~.: to close and lease Narren Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. blcKinley that Ald. McCallurn
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-la~, be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of ;\ld. McCallurn and Aid. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of tILe Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
tILe secoud reading. - Carried Unanimously.
_The following By-law was passed;
No. 5812 - To authorize the issue of a permit to Provincial Gas Company, Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Morton that Ald. White be
granted the privilege of introduciug the by~law aud the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. White and AId. I, lorton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be ten~porarily suspended aud the by-law be giveu the
second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -,Ald. Morton and Aid. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. White.
READ AND ADOPTED, 16th. November, 1959,
Deputy Clerk
- Mayor.
Counci 1 Chamber,
9 th. November, 1959.
The Finance Meeting was held on November 9th, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Aid. McKinley,
Chairman o£ Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $60,467.73 were approved by
the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for p~esentatiou to the Council ou the motion of
Aid. Gregory and Ald. Mowers.
The Conmunication received from Mrs. jB. Collins, requesting re-consider-
ation of an application for a permit to construct a garage at 1320 Stuart Avenue, was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Mayor Miller
that the matter be referred back to the Property Committee for a further report.
The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. J. McCarthy,
1314 Victoria Avenue, for permission to erect a metal sign advertising "Sten-or-Sec"
was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.
Gregory that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of I. Bruklis for a permit
to erect a sign at 880 Victoria Avenue, advertising "Dance Studio" was presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mortoa and Aid. Martin that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 16 th. November, 1959.
The followinf~ iBDl-l!~! Ra_s j}assed;_
No. 5813 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and 11~. llartin tha~ Aid. McKis]cy
be granted the privilegc of introducing the by-law and the bS-law bc read the first
time. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on ~he motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Martin that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the b)-!aw bc given the
sccoud reading. - Carried Unanimousl).
Third Reading - Aid. Gregory and Aid, [lowers - Carried Unaaimously.
The followin_&J_es~ol__ut~ion
No. 113 - M_cI{Ij!L~E_Y_TJIORTON~ - RESOLVED tha[ a public elccLion meeti,~g bc bctd on
Friday evening, December 4th, 1959 commencing at 7.30 p.m. ~n the iiiagara Palls
Collcgiate-Vocational Iastitute Auditorium; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Couucil adjourned on the motio~ of Aid. Martin and Aid. Cregori.
READ AND ADOPTED, 16 tb. November, 1959.
Deputy Clerl
Deputy Clerk
Council Chamber,
9th. November, 1959.
The Con~nittee re-assembled at the close of 'the regular Council' and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passlug the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Connnittee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship,
Mayor Miller, presided.
Council Chamber,
16th. November, 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, November
16th, 1959, for the purpose of censidering general business and finance. All Members
of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the
previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. McCallum,
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 261 - Michael Christopj~_e_r.- offer to purcb~se part of lot 2, plan 653, at tile
southerly e~d'~Y~'lh~stone Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId.
McCallum that tile communication be received and filed and the lot be sold to Mr.
Christopher for the assessed value of $1,600. with tile understauding that all
services will be carried to tile property by tile purchaser, such services to meet
the standards of the City of Niagara Falls.
SEE Report No.298
No. 267 - Peter R. Sacco - requesting permission to erect and operate a motel and
apartment ~i{~ql~ a~'t~]~ south-east corner of Allen Avenue and Ferry Street.
ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the conmunication be
received and filed and the applicant be advised |bat a permit as suggested is not
approved, as the structure would be erected in a residential area.
SEE Report No.299
No. 328 - South End Business and Professional Men's Association - request for
extension of Sylvia Place to Peer Street, and also meterlug of a portion of tile same.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gregory that the request be received
and negotiations to acquire the necessary property for the extension be proceeded
with, with the understanding that a further report will be presented by the Traffic
Committee to Council, and that tile metering of the lot be deferred until after the
first of the year.
SEE Report'No.300
following Communications were presented.;
No. 336 - Minister of Nunicipal Affairs - re City of Niagara Falls and the Rainbow
Bridge Plaza. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Morton that tile com-
munication be received aud tabled uutil such time as the cheques are received from
tbe Department of Municipal Affairs and theu a meeting be arranged with the Prime
Minister of Ontario to discuss this nmtter.
No. 337 - Y's Men's Club - requesting permission to sell Christmas trees on Ferry
S tree| lot in front of Harrison's Dry Cleaners. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Mortou and Ald. Gregory that the comnunication be received and filed and permission
No. 338 - Canadian Uederwriters' Association - outlining procedure necessary to
care for fire extinguishing equipment during cold weather. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received, noted and filed.
No. 339 - Ontario Traffic Conference - Copy of 1959 Brief. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the conmunication aud brief be received and
tabled for two weeks for study by members of Council.
No. 340 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Conmmrce - advising of visit to this City of
John Davidf'~'~i~'t'~t~ei~i'~n~l~R~oY~ F::cilities Limited, to explain the
operation of duty free stores, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid.Morton
that the cormnun|cat|on be received and filed and tile Chamber be requested to notify
the City Ilall when the meeting is to be held in order that the members of Council
may be so advised.
No. 341 - Ci.ty of_ Sar_ni.a - resoletion protesting further d~ vc, r:;io,, of u'aicr fron! the
Great Lakes Into the Chicago Drainage Canal. ORDERED on thc nxotion of Ald. Morton
and Aid. White that tile resolution be received and endorsed.
No. 342 - II..\.Parm, Purcha.si_~!g Ag_ent - expressing api~reciatio!: in co!:nectio:~ ~.'i th
meeting of Ontario Hunicipal Purcbasing Xgcnts vhich L'as bold in City llal], Kov.13th.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and AId. Gregory that tbc con:munication be
received and filed.
No. 343 - :\lp!lp. Om_ega _Fr.aternj.ty - requesting permission to hold a tag day on Friday,
night, Nov. 20th. and Saturday, Nov.21st. in aid of the ~*luscular DysCrophy
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. McKinlel that the coi~u2unicatioI~ be
received and filed and request granted. Aid. Mowers stressed that Council should
be notified of the proceeds received from the various tag days and that the
organization holding same should be so advised.
L_a_id~o_ve_r__fr_oIj_ .tJl_c p__.rcv_ i_o_~_sjmet_ijl__g;
No. 294 - Arena Conrad|tree - re meeting held with representatives of Murray-Bran|ford
Limited in '~oiin&'~t'i'oi{ ~zitb arena roof, on November 4th.
i_t u2!_b ? r_ 7_.
Thee._ f~o_l 1 owi_n_gR_cpo_~Lt.s_j!e_lle p_r e~se__n.t?_d_;
No, 297 - Arena Committee - report of meeting held with representatives of Murray-
Bran|ford lfi~ii't'G~"oi/hovember 12th. and recommending that the City agree to proceed
with installatiou of a new roof at a cost of $2,750. to the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on thc motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Gregory that tile reports be received
and the recommendation contained iu report number 297 be adopted.
No. 298 - E_rop.e_r.t_y Con!n!itte_e - rccormnending sale of part of lot 2, plan 653, at the
southerly end of Gladstone Avenue, to Michael Christopher for assessed value of $1600.
subject to all services being carried to the property by the purchaser, to meet the
standards of the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and
Aid. McCallurn that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Communication 261
No, 299 - Property Committee - reconmmnding that P. R. Sacco be advised |bat a permit
for tile er~c~i'on'~'f'~'~o't¥1"on his premises at the corner of Allen Avenue and Ferry
Street, be not approved, as tile proposed location is in a rcsidentfal area. ORDERED
on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the report be received and adopted.
SEE Coimnunicatiou 267
No. 300 - _T_r_af_~_i_c._.C_olfi~_.i_t~_e_ - reconmmnding negotiations be proceeded with to acquire
necessary property for extension of Sylvia Place to Peer Street, with the understanding
that a further report will be pre sented by the Conm~ittce to Council and that the
meter|rig of tile parking lot on Sylvia Place be deferrcd until after the first of tile
year. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId, Gregory that the report be
received and adopted.
SEE Communication 328
No. 301 - Traffic Committee -report on meeting with officials of tlighways Department
on Nov. 12th. re installation of traffic lights at MacDonald Avenue and Q.E.W.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. White that tile report be received,
noted and filed.
No. 302 - T__rajf__i__c._92__mij.t~ee' - recommending directional signs be acquired and erected
to direct motorists to parking lot at St.Clair Ave. and Park St. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Gregory that tile report be received and adopted.
No. 303 - Traffic Committee - reconmmnding one-way streets be held in abeyance until
completion~']~a'vi~i'~tV~i'dge Street and that parking be permitted both sides of
lluron St. between Valley Way and Erie Ave. while installation of gas mains is being
proceeded with on Queen St. b~, Provincial Gas. Co. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.
Morton and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald.
Mowers contrary.
No. 304 - Traffic Conunittee - referring request for installation of a blinker light
at intersection of Ontario Avenue and Huron Street to the whole Council for consid-
eration. ORDERED on the motion of AId, Morton and Aid. White that the report be
received and adopted. ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Martin that
a flasher light be not considered at the corner of Ontario Avenue and Huron St.
at this time. Carried, with Aid. Morton-contrary.
No. 305 - Traffic Committee - reconm~cnding elimination of parking on north side of
Spring Str~'~t~ro~Llh~n~]~ Avenue to Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. White and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted. In this
connection AId. Martin advised that he voting for reconm~endation only on condition
that the business in tbis area would not be jeopardized.
No. 306 - Pr~o_pe~_ Committee - report of meeting held on November 14th. to consider
the proposed uew bridge over C,N.R. tracks on Victoria Avenue and advising of
arranging a meeting Nov.20th. to discuss said erection with T.O.Lazarides and
J. Hvilivitzky. ORDERED on the motiox~ of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Morton that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 307 - pr~op_e_rt_DL_C_onunittee - re communication to be forwarded to Dr. Otto tlolden,
B.E.P.C. of Ontario re acquisitioo of property for landfill. ORDERED on the motion
of Aid. Morton and Aid. McCallum that the report be received and filed.
No. 308 - D__eRp_tJ~C_l~er|__c - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED ou the motion of
Aid. Mowers and Aid. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and licences
issued accordingly.
Itis Worship, Mayor Miller, advised that arrangements had been made to
bold tile Election Meeting at the Collegiate Auditorium on Friday, December 4th.
conmaencing at 7.30 p .m.
Ills t,;orsbip, Mayor Miller, referred to appointments to be made, to work
in conjunction with Stamford Conunittee, in order to study and investigate the bus
transportation problem and named Alderman McCallurn, Martin and White to the joint
SEE Resolution 114.
TIle following Resolutions were passed;
No. 114 - MCKINLEY - MOWERS - RESOLVED that the verbal report of His Worship, Mayor
Miller, be adopted regarding the appointment of Aldermen McCallum, Martin and White
to the special co~muittee for the purpose of carrying out a study and investigation
of the bus transportation problem to determine if it is possible to secure a private
company to take over the operation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
No. 115 - MCKINLEY - MORTON - RESOLVED that a communication be forwarded to The
Honourable Charles Daley, Chairman of the Niagara Falls Bridge Commission, to
ascertain that proper approaches are made to the new bridge proposed at Lewis|on,
which would direct tourists to the City of Niagara Falls; and t~e Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to tile Finance Meeting on the motion o£ Aid. Mowers and I.lartil~.
READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd. Noven~ber, 1959.
Deputy Clerk
Council Chamber ~
16th. November, 1959 .
The Finance Meeting was held on November 16th, 1959 for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts which bad been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Conunit|so were present. Aid, McKinlc5,
Chairstan of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $116,363.86 were approved by
the Committee.
The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Aid. Mowers and .lid. Gregory.
The request of Mrs. B. Collins, 1320 Stuart Avenue, for reconsiders|ion
to the issuance of a building permit for the erection of a garage at her premises,
which was referred to the Property Committee, was again coi~sidered along with the
Property Conmmittee's report. The Comn~ittee advised that they could sol approve of
the proposed erection and that the erection of a garage must conform with the
provisions of the Building By-law and of the Zoning By-law. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. McCallurn that the report be received and adopted,
The Coltoni|tee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd. November, 1959.
Deputy Clerk
~ ..................
C airalan of Finance.
A discussion was held regarding the progress of the Provincial Gas Co.
on Queen Street and the City Manager advised that officials of the Company had been
in his office and had promised that the work would be speeded up by Wednesday or
Thursday, It is definitely understood that the deadline for the completion of this
work is December 12th.
Conncil Chamber,
16th. November, 1959.
The Control|tee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance
Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accoonts approved
by the Connnittee. All Members of Council were present. Ilia Worship, Hayor Miller,
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5814 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED oa the motion of AId. Mowers and Ald. Morton that AId.McKinley
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st.
reading. - Carried Unanimousl).
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended aud the by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously..
Third Reading - AId. Mowers and AId. White - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. McCallurn and Aid. Martin.
READ AND ADOPTED ,23rd. November, 1959.
Uoul~cil Ghal:ll>er,
23rd .November ~ 1959.
Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Nonday, iXovember 23rd.
1959, for the purpose of considering general busine!;s and fjnance. All N,!mbers of
Council ~ere present. The Council, having received and rea~ the mlnutes of the
previous m. eeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Norton and Ald. Gregory.
llis Worship, Mayor Hi ller, wel coined Fir. Cooper, x. p. froin RosetoLl,,, P, iggar,
Saskatchewan, ~.:ho was present at the meeting.
Deputy Clerk
llis Uorsbip, Nayor Miller, extended congratulations to Mr. Patrick
Marsden, reporter of Radio Station CIIVC~ upoo bis recent n!arriage and also expressed
best wishes for future success in his new position ie Port Arthur~ Ontario.
Council Chamber,
The Conference Con~nittce of tile City Council assembled at the close of
tile regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, November 16th, 1959. All
Members of the Committee were present. His Norship, Mayor Miller, presided.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Conm~ittee adjourued on the
motion of Ald. Martin aud Ald. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd, November,1959.
Deputy Clerk
The followlag Conununicatioes were presented;
No. 344 - N.F. and Suburban Arca Planning Board - Report i;~l of Planlffng Director.
ORDERED on"~ile Tl~oti~'n~ld'.'~fo~i~ers ~nh' ~h.' ~regory that the conu~uni cation be
received aud acknowledged sad the report be tabled for perusal by Council,
No. 345 - Ontario Municipal Board -Notice of Hearing to be bold in St. Catharises
on Dccenlbcr 1Oti{.' il~'~n:,~'c't'fo]~' L, ith Agreement of Niagara District Airport Commission.
ORDERED oil the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. ],iartin that the conmlunication bc
received and filed and Council's two representatives, Aldermen Gregory and McCalluin,
the City Solicitor and tile City Manager be made aware of the dates and the necessary
insertion of this Iqotice of Hearing be placed in the local press, as indicated in
the cormnunication.
No. 346 - _C_ajl_a_d_~a_a _C_o.r~L Un_it__~_0A - invitation to installation of officers to be
held all Dccclnber 1st, at 8.].5 p.m, ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid,
Morton that the invitation be received and accepted and as nlany members of Couacil
and their wives as find it possible attend. It was indicated that five mcmbcrs of
Council will definitely be in aCtcadence on that date,
No. 347 - _CiJ.il~ ~9_ry~ajltj Assp.c+.__Lg_c_al___B{91~_cl.!~ _ requesting Council to go on record
in support of request of organization for equality of trcatnlent in salary schedule
with othcr industrial salaries. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. llortou and Aid.
Gregory that tile communication be received and tabled and they be requested to
supply Council with further information. Carried, with Aid. Mowers and 1IcEallure,
No. 348 - .P_r_99_i~d_elLt2~of l~.ko_to_r~v_i_ll~c' 9_a_r Sjl~c_s_ - requesting Council 's reconsideraLien
to the installatiou of a blinker light at the intersection of Or, tario Avenue and
Huron Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Gregory and \ld. Martin that the
communicatioa be received and referred back to the Traffic CosaniLine for further
stud)' at this iutersection.
In cossection with this subject, Aid. McKinley suggested thaL consideratiol~
be given to tile installsties of "Stol~ and Go" lights at this intersaeries and possibly
the other intersections such as those installed in other cities.
AId. Nowors felt that Couucil shonld be careful not to e,';tablisb a
precedent, as other intersectleas on Huron Street sad throughout the City were also
Aid. Gregory suggested a flashing light be placed on top of tile Stop
sign at this iutersection and that one parklog meter ou the nord~-wesC corner of
Oaterie Avenue be removed so that vision would not be obstructed.
No. 349 - Br__-1._J,~arjl E. Smith - req. clarification as to City's position iu
regards to civilian dcfence. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId.Martin
that tbe conm~unication be received and the writer be advised that her letter has
been fon:arded to the Wcllaud County Co-ordinator for reply.
Tbc followin~ Reports were presentedi
l~o. 309 - D~cl!ut_f/Clerk - report of Conference held on November 16tb. ORDERED on
the motion of Aid, HcKinley and Aid. Hartin that the report be received and
No. 310 - D_e~p~ Clerk - reconunending issueoct of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion
of Atd. Norton and AId. McCallurn that ,the report be received and adopted and
litcotes issued accordingly.
~]o. 311 - Nana,c~t__C_o.sLmi__t_t~_e - re consideration by Committee to purchase of a
tow-truck and rcconmmuding that tke equipment be inspected by. Garage Superintendent.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. |fartin and Aid. Mowers that the report be received
and filed. Aid. Martin presented a verbal rcport as Co the MechanicIs opinion
regarding the tow-truck, a~xd advising that he felt the truck was not in good
condition and the price was exorbitant. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and
Ald. Mo~:ers that the equipmenu ba not purchased.'
No. 312 - !.iz_in_afzci, mnt__CpnE~_ttcq - re instructioes issued to H.O.H, to obtain more
information relative to health services to be considered by the Con~nittee at a
meeting on ilovcmbcr 27th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mar~in and Aid. 1.Iorton
that the report be received, noted and filed.
No. 313 ~._Pr__oLe~L_C~ommittce - re meeting with T. O. Lazarides on details of the
constructiol~ of new overhead bridge across C.N.R. tracks oh Victoria Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton aud Aid. Gregory that the report be receiv¢d
and adopted.
1~o. 314 - Ci__t~y l_fla~_afLg! - quotations on Rotary-type vents for Memorial Arena.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Morton that the report be received
and adopted and three 30-inch vents at a cost of $1,155. be installed.'
Aid. Martil~ referred to a recent meeting of the Greater Niagara
EmploD~nent Advisory Colmnittee, advising that reports had been received from the
Township of Stainford and Village of Chippawa regarding winter works programs and
asked the City Manager whether the City planned anything in this regard.
The City Ma~mager advised that the Engineering Department were preparing
reports now which would be presented to Council on November 30th. for approval and
it is expected that vork will commence about December 15th. The City Manager
further advised that approval had already been received from the Department of
MuniCipal Affairs regarding a portion of the work it is proposed to do.
AId. Martin also referred to the fact that the Members of th~ Greater
Niagara Employmeat Conduittee had been re~iuested to obtain approval from their
respective Councils for permission to contact the Ontario llydro regarding the c~pping
of the Hydro Canal and the use of this.for dumping purposes. The lan~fill method,
as presently used on the City Dump on Valley Way was proposed, which the Alderman
felt would bring a minimum of coinplaints from the residents in the area and stated
that this proposal would not only stimulate winter emplo}~ncut, but also would
provide sufficient dumping area for the City of Niagara Falls, Township of Stamford
and tbe Village of Chippawa for several years and also beautify an otherwise obection-
able condition. Aid. ~artin further stated that it was felt that probably the Hydro
could cap only small pol-tions at a time and that these portions coul. d be Utilized
as they were capped.
SEE ResOlution No.l17.
il~vestigate the possibility of inaugurating tP, c eL,el-alien of these rinks
Xo. 116 - BcK~I~I.LE!-. ]IpRTC~~ - RE,qOIA'ED thai: the ncyt loS-~]ar r~x't~'~3 of Ibu:~c~] be
held at 5.00 p.m, on Nonday, November 3Orb, 1959 a~d that: the
llondaD', December 7th. be held on Tuesday evei~i n,', Decc,ml~el 8Eh. cGmr'enciinZ at 7.30
p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation lye hcreto affixed.
No. 117 - MD),7~S - 7~cEAL~pM - RESOLVED that' C,~u,lcll
Winter Cat:~pajgn Advisory Committee in tlmSr attempu
Ilydro regarding the capping of the II2'dro Cane] and the use U!,e~'ecf for dum/,ih2
purposes; and the Seal of the CorDorat5on be hereto affi:ted.
The fullewiiri~.yT, la,.~..w_a.s~assed~_
5815 -To aulaud By-law Number 3790, being a by-la% for the rc,Ju!ati~m of traffic.
ORDERED on tile motiol~ of Ahl, 1. cKf ~.lev and A!d. Gl-e[tor; thai: A]d. }:oft:o!!
bc i~-a, ted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be givcl~ tbc first
reading. - Carried, with Ald. Howors-contrary.
ORDERED on the mutiol: of AId. llorton and Ald. Grc?,orI- t:b:~l llul c 3G (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the bl,-law be read
the second time. - Carried~ with Aid. Howers,-coiitrary.
Third Reading - Aid. White and Aid. Norton - Carried, with Aid. Howers-coutrary.
Council adjourned to the Finance I.leeting on the motion of AId. Martin and AId.
READ AI/~ ADOPTED, 30th. November, 1959.
Deputy Clerk
Council Chamber,
23rd .November, 1959. ~
The Finance Meeting was held on November 23rd, 1959 for the purpose of
approving sod also passing the various accounts which bad been properly certified and
placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. AId, McKinley, Chairman
of Finance, presided,
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $57,364.20 were approved by the
The Accouuts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Aid. Martin and Aid. Gregory.
Tbe City Manager's report on the application of Crawford Narine for a
building permit to make alterations to the one-storey concrete block building at
.the south-west corner of Victoria Avenue and Bridge Street, at an estimated cost
of $2,500. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton
and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Manager's report on the application of Win. Black, 611 Victoria
Avenue, for a building permit to construct an addition in front of his building, at
an estimated cost of $8,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin
. and AId. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and the application be
referred to the Property Conm~ittee for consideratimL
The Property Committee's report on the application of Mrs. Jane Pettulle,
for the constrnction of a frame garage at 1703 Lombard Avenue, was presented. for
consideration. The Committee advised that the premises had been inspected and they
were not satisfied with the garage that has been erected and recon~nended that the
applicant be advised that the garage must be moved farther away froin the dwelling.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid.. Morton and AId. blcCallum that the report be received
and adopted.
The Property Committee's report on their consideration of the
application which had been received for the erection of a 10-foot addition in front
of tbe dwelling known ~s 77 Dyson Avenue was presented. The Conmffttee suggested
that the owners be advised that the proposed addition cannot be approved due .to the
existing front wall of the building being only 11 feet from the property line.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Aid. blowers that the report and
recommendation be received and adopted.
The Colraittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 30th. November, 1959.
Deputy Clerk
23rd .November, ] 95I~ .
the Committee. All bittubers of Council ~:ere prescnt, llis !/orship, Nayor 1Nillcr,
The follouinlL_Bj'-la~-: was ~.a~ssedi
No. 5816 - To providc monies for general purposes.
ORDERED ou the motion of AId. blowers and AId, McCa] lunI that AId, l!cKin]c:'
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-la~.: bc given the first
rcading. - Carried Unanimously,
ORDERED on the nlotion of AId. blcKinley and AId. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-la~.; be given
the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid, Mowers and Aid. Martin - Carried Unaninlously.
Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. No~,:crs and Aid, McCallum.
READ AND ADOPTED, 30th. November, 1959.
Deputy Cleric
23rd ~ 1959
The Conference Conmlittee of the City Council assembled at the closc of the
regular Council and Finance bleetings on Monday, November 23rd, 1959. All bittubers of
the Conmffttcc were present. His Worshfp, Nayor blillcr, presided.
After consideration of the items presented to them, the Conm~ittee adjourned on the
motion of AId. 1.1orton and Ald. N[~ite.
READ AND ADOPTED~ 30th, November, 1959,
Deputy Clerk
Council Chamber,
30th. November, 1959.
Pursuant to adjourtm~unt, Council met at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, November
30tb, 1959, for the purpose of 'coasidering general business and finance. All
Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aid. White. The Council,
having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the
motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Morton.
Laid over from previous meetings;
No. 339 - Ontario Trafflc Conference - copy. of brief submitted to Minister of
Transpo~jt, ORDERED on the motion Ff Ald. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the brief
be further tabled for one week.
No. 347 - Civil Servants, hiagara Eraucb - requesting Council to go on record in
support of request of organization for'~quality of treatment in salary schedule.
SEE Conmmnication 350.
The following Colmnuaications were presented;
No, 350 - Civi'l Servan~a~gra Branch - explanation of request presented at the
last meetiug of Council. ORDERED oa the motion of Aid. Mart.in and Ald. Herton that
the co~mnunications be received and tabled for one week for perusal of Council.
SEE Conmunication 347.
- Aid. McCallurn arr.ived ~t the meeting - ..
No. 351 - _Gre~_a.t_eK_Ni__agara Chamber of Connnerce - invitation to premier showing of
film "Loca~iou-Niagara" on December 9th. at the Sheratou-Brock and to the reception
following. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. 1.1orton that the com-
munication be received and filed, the invitation accepted and the Deputy Clerk
obtaiu tickets for those members of Council who are able to attend. (Ald, Mowers,
McKinley, Gregory, McCallurn and Morton indicatcd their intention of being present
on tbat occasion).
1,1o, 352 - Canadian Institute on Sewage and Sanitation - resolution expressing the
views of the Institute in regard to the need for water pollution abatement in this
country. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McKinley that the co~n-
munication be received, noted and filed.
'No, 353 - Ontario Municipal Asset. - advising of meeting of Executive Connnittee of
the O.M.A. on Dcc.15tb. at 10 a.m. with Premier Frost aud Cabinet to discuss
resolutions, and calling attention to Resolution No. 26 proposed by the City of
Niagara Falls, l'egarding the possibility of Provincial Ipterim Grants being paid
by April 30th. and extending aa invitation for two representatives of the City to
attend this meeting. ORDERED on the motiou of. Ald. Mowers and Ald. M~rtin that
the conununication be received and filed and the City of Niagara Fails send two
rcprescatatives to this meeting. It was suggested that the ~ity M~nager and the
Ghairman of Finance attend.
No. 354 - Local 528, Niagara Falls Fire Fighters - notice of intention of re'open-
ing agreement aud advising that itemized submission will be forwarded not later
than the cud of the first full week in January, 1960. ORDERED on the motion of
Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the conanunication be received and referred to
the 1960 Council.
TILe following Reports were presented;
No. 315 - 1.1anagcmcnt Col:on!tree - report oil !coating el 5ovc::bcr 2Ltd. I,:lLh offijals
of Ontario ~atcr Resoljr~'es ~6'li,~:~isslun to discus:; various sit,.s Lx scu'ag~, t:'uat::cnt
as soon as possible. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. liewars a:'td AId. Iiurton that the
report be received, netcd and filed,
No. 316 - Bus T~'m}sl~ortatiol~ _C_oj,U~li_t_tec - report on i:k:eting of li..v.-:,:l/ck 2_',th. xci. Lh
Tov:uship representatives and advising of ti3c eluctiun of AId. licCalhu~ a3 Cnair:~an
of thc Joint Co:,a::ittce and that the Co~:~nittee instruct~.d that cu:'Ld'n
obtained for considcration at a future macting. ORDERED o,- the n~ution oi Ald,i.lurton
and Aid. Gregory chat the report be received, noted and filed.
NO, 317 - Pr.op.q_Llt.x2 ~_qjls_n.i_t_te__c - report on visits to Oshaua and EtuhiuoZ:e ou ;~,,vcmber
26th. to study cnglnccring problc~=~s and negotiation problci:.s regardins c:on:;tructior,
of highway bridge:; over railway track:: and advising that a rcco::Tendauiun c!l] be
presented to Council ou Dec. Gth. ORDERED on the ~:'otnion of Ald. Hoeors and Aid.
Gregory that the report be received, noted and filed.
llo. 315 - !.i.aj]age~j_tc:n_t_~;pjIn!Lit.t~c_e - report on ,.,eeL[rig hc:td
representatives of Board of Education and Separate School Board and l.,cdicai Ufficcr
of }[ealtib to discuss the problem of re-organizing bc~llth scrxicc:;
ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. [lowers that the report be received
and adopted.
No. 319 - C_lty l_!anfi_,'~e_r' - attaching sulmnary for wintcr works i!,,cuntlvc progranl.
ORDERED on the motion of A].,I. 1.'o='c'-~ ~ :.] ~.~U, T,'! l z t, l:l ~ !1 i: ~cpcr~ be! received
and tentative approval be given by Council pending a complete report by thc City
No. 320 - Deputy Clerk - report on Conference bald ou Novcr.dx~r 23rd. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. I,lorton and AId. Gregory that the report be received and adopted
His Worship Mayor Miller enquired as to wheu the concret'e bl oaks would
be placed on the west side of Ontario Avenue to prcwmt cars par!:ing on the sldcx.,a],l:,
south of Queen Street, The City Hanager advised thnt the blacks bad been placed
from 1.1ortimer-Bampficld's office to Iluron Street and part of the concrete x~a],] llad
been cut back. Ile advised that the other portion would be completed upon receipt of
additional blocks v:hich had been ordered.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting oil tile motion of Ald. lieLets and Aid.Norton.
READ AND ADOPTED, g'th. December, 1959.
Deputy Cleric
Council Chamber,
30th .November ,1959 ·
The Finance tleeting was bald on November 30th, 1959, for the pnrpose of
approviug and also passing the various accounts wbich had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the
exception of AId. White. AId. McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts submitted in the amount of $54,788.14 were approved
by the Conm~ittce.
The Accou~)ts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of AId. Mowers and AId. McCallurn-
Property Co~ittee's report on their inspection of the premises
at 6].1 Victoria Aven~e, where Mr. Williron Black proposcd.conVt~uct~ s $8,000.
storey addition in front of the existing building, at an cst~.matcd o '
was presented, along with their recommendation that a building permit be issued in
accordance with the application. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Miller and AId.
Gregory tha~ the report be received and adopted and permit issued.
Tbc property Comnittee's report on consideVation of the plan submitted
by Mr. Albert Iannuzzelli for remodelling his motel on Clifton Ilill, probably in
the year 1960, The Conm~ittec advised that the plau as submitted provides for
demolitiou of existing buildings and erection of a two-storey motel having 38
units, 18 of ~¢hicb will be on the ground floor and 20 units on the second floor.
The Conm~ittce recon.~ncndcd that the rebuilding as proposed by the applicant be
approved. ORDERED on the motiou of Ald. Mowers and Aid. Mortou that the report
be received and adopted.
The City Manager's report on the application of Clifton llotel Niagara
Falls Limited for a permit to erect a neon facer at the premises ~f the Clifton
Ilotel at 955 Clifton 1Ii11, at an estimated cost of $400. was presented for
consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Mayor }Iiller that the
report be received and adopted and permit issued.
The City Managcr's report on the application of W~ Becket, 914
Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a metal sigu at 914 Victoria Avenue, at an
estimated cost of $100. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion
o~ Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the report be received and adopted and permit
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of ~ld. Morton aud Ald.
READ AND ~DOPTED' 8th. December, 1959.
Deputy clerk
30th. ~'Toven!Ler, !959.
b:,' the Conm~ittcc. All !.;embers of Council ~..!ere prcscrt~ u. ith the c::cci!tio:: of Aid.
White. His I7orship, Mayor l[il!er, presided.
The following_ 3,~'-la_~ij:~!s' pa_ss__c5I;
~,~o. 581~ 7 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mo~zcrs and Ald. Crc, gor that Aid. r:cKSn]e'/
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and thl: by-law be read the firsi:
time. - Carried 1T:~animous!y.
ORDERED on the motlon of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Statedine Rules of Council be te~nporarily suspeedcd and tl:c by-law bc given
the second reading. - Carried Unanir~ously.
Third Reading - Aid. Gregory and AId. McCalltun - Carried.
Council adjourned to Conference on tlme motion of AId. ~.Iowers aed AId. McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 8th. December,1959.
Deputy Clerk
Council Chan~ber,
30th .November, 1959.
The Conference Co~mnittee of the City Council asscmblcd at the close of the
regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, November 30th, 1959. All Members
of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. White. llis Worship, Mayor
Miller, presided as Chairman.
After consideration of the items presented to them, time Conm~ittec adjourned on the
motion of Aid. Mowers aud Aid. McCallurn.
· READ AND ADOFrED, 8th. December, 1959.
Deputy Clerk
Board Room,
City Hall,
8tb. December,1959.
An appeal was heard before ltis }tonour, Judge Harold E. Fuller in the
Board Room, at the City ltall, at 4.30 p.m. on December gth, 1959~ on tile assessment
of the dwellleg at 2021 Doleware Avenue, from the decision by tile Court of Revision
in the year 1959.
Roll No. Appellant
5-40-7352. Mrs. Jean H. Gcrgely,
2021 Doleware Avenue.
Decisiou of the Judge.
There being no one present repre-
senting the appellant, the case
was dismissed.
Certified correct,
Deputy Clerk
· 1,
3th. Dcca,:bcr, 1959.
OIl tile r,lotloll of Aid. Grcgorl,' and .lid. l.lo::tvn.
~J~jl, ii:=~Oh:L 2p_n. lpz l.i,.
I 'jl Ej ~l il U,_i.'I Pji
Hr. Gi. lI of the :\rl:B:, Nay_,' and .\it force Vutcra:::i
,h~.'or Nillet with a picture of H~r 1.:ajct;ty the Queue
Prince Philip, which the Mayor accepted on behalf
llin Uorship lla}or Nillc~ cong;:atulaLud .%ld. lkn-t:on oz. hi:; ,!]cello,; cb
a ulcnzbcr of the Board of Directors of the Ontario Divislcn of the Canadian O,u'=cur
Suelet'., .
Ilia 'Jotship i!a}or llillcr welcomed l.lrs. LaLibc, rcpur,_cr ior Kadi~ Station
CI{VCto the Council I, iecting.
i:o. 339 - O.~ltF,rfo lf,r~f.f_i,c Cpjlf,uy,uncc - cop} uf briuf submlttcd to l,[i,iistcr of
Transport. ORDEIIED on the n~otion of AId. Hcl<inle;: and rid. Noucrs dmt the com-
tnunication bc further tabled for one seek for perusal bl' a full Council.
No. 347 - gV. vil, ~_crya%tsL.NiaJlar_a' B.ra;lcb - requesting Council to
support of their request for equality of treatment in salaries as collxparcd to t!:osc
in industries.
No. 350 ~ Ci_v, ij_ ,S_c~-y~jLts~ }!i_ai~ar_% Bra_ncJ! - explanation vith rulercute to thuD,
request for CouncilQs support in their efforts to obtain Laaus equitable ~{~ those
in industry. ORI)ERED on t[~e h~Otion of Atd. Hartiu and AId, }!orion that tl:c
municaaions be again tabled for perusal by a full Couucil.
Th__c__f_o_l_l_oyj. n~.~ Conununications were prcscnucd_i
. . Saru] ' s
i';c. 355 - }lt[]?ynaAip}~l]=_.j_o.inA C__ojmn_i%.li_qll_- acknowludgi,U; con,' of a resolution
protesting further diversion of water from the Great Lakes into the Chicago drai~u~5c
No. 356 - pSE~trtNe~tj.{.~xjgrng!='tf~gi~ta. - acknowledgieg cop~ of Sarnia'a rcsolutiu:,
und enclosLng tc:ct of Note 134 outlining reasons for Canadian 5ovcrnnm,2t's opposition
to the proposed additional withdrawal of water from Lake Nicbigan at Chicago.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. l.lowcrs and AId. Morton that these commuuicakions bc
considered together and that the conununicatiotls be received, noted and filed.
No. 357 - _Conjjljt__t_cc of Adjustment - notice of bearlug to be held on December 9th. re
1415 MacDonald Aveuue.
.io 358 - ~njlffj~_gf_ Ad.j~sg/~jl~. - notice of hearing to be held on December 9th. re
1429 MacDonald Avenue. ORDERED on the motiou of AId. Nowera and Aid. Grugo:-y that
these cotmnunications be considered together, and that the commuaicatioes bc received,
uoted and filed.
No. 359 - N_i_{~gy_a Fa~l+lsjr_ijlJ~c~_Co_nunj,~_i?j! - advisieg aulplc provlsfon,s at e:d. ta to
new Lewiatou-quecnstou Bridge, to acquaint motorists with direch~on:i to l'li. agara
Parkway and the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED ou the motiou of AId, Gregory and
Ald. McKinley that the conanunication be received, noted and filed.
No. 360 - Townsl~i]2 of Stamford - re Duty-free Shops in this area and advisiug of
isformation received from Minister of Hatioual Revenue of the numbcr of bonded
warehouses located at various customs ports. ORDET, ED on the motion of AId.
Morton and AId. Mowers that the col~:uoication be received and filed. In this
connection, both Aid. 1,1o~:ers aud His Worship the Mayor expressed the opinion that
the Hinister of National Revenue was confusing bonded warehouses, which are now ia
existence, with these duty-free shops it is proposed to set up. Ald. ].lowers
felt that the matter was of sufficient importaucc to send a de].egation to Ottawa.
No. 361 - Womcn's Auxiliary, Sea Cadets - requesting contribution [o defray the
expenses of providing a Cl~ristlhas dinner fox' the Sea Cadets of Niagara Falls on
December 9th. at All Saints' Parish llall. ORDERED on tile motion of AId. Martin
and Aid. Morton that the co~immnication bc received and referred to the Chairman
of Fiuance Lith power to act. This motion was defeated by a vote of 3 to 2,
tile vote being - Aye ~Ald. Martin and 1,Iortonj Nayc - Aid. Gregory, McKiolcy and
liewets. A motion by Aid. Gregory aed Aid. i.;owers that the co~nnunication bc
received and referred to the United Appeal ]~oard of Directors for action, was
withdrawn. It was tbcn ordered on tile motion of Aid. Mowers and Aid. Gregory
that the conmunication be received and filed and the writer be notified that there
is no provision ill the budget for this t)?e of activity.
L'o. 362 - N_ijBg_r__a .F±!ljjj.1i~j_oV H__ock_c_)_~__A_sso_c_ia__t_i?j~ - expressing appreciation for
hours set aside at lieserial Arena for minor hockey and requesting a donation of
$300. towards their expenses of operation, ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton
and Aid. Gregory that tile conm~unication be received and filed aud the amount of
$200. provided in the Municipal Budget be paid to the Minor tlockcy Association.
No. 363 - Wiutcr Einplo>~nent Campaign Committee - requesting issuance of a joint
proclamati~'~di~i~]~Y~e ph]~].'c'~]i'~{~'3'~Yea conncils endorse the worh of
the Campaign Co~uittce and requesti~g citizens to s~pport the said work of the
Conm~ittee, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Ha|tin and AId. Morton that the conm~uni-
caries be received and the proclamation as requested be published.
.~o. 364 - W_ijg_~t,e_r Emi~!o_)!~!t_.C__a_nllLa. i_f~!_C_o_~:~nit~ee - resolution re capping of sections
of canal for landfill method of disposal of rubbisib etc. and requesting Council
to make a rcconmmndation to this effect to the H.E.P.C. ORDERED on tl~e motion of
Ald. Martin and Aid. Morton that the resolution of the Con~nittce be endorsed and
the suggestions as contained therciu be implemented.
No. 365 - Town of Acton - resolution requesting Federal and Provincial Government
to enact legislation proi~ibiting discrimination against workers of age groups (40)
or over by employers. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton nnd Aid. ~Iartin tbat
the resolution be received and endorsed and a conm~unication be forwarded to the
Honourablc ~.ir. Star|, Minister of Labour, congratulating him on his efforts to date
in encouraging mauagement Co employ men in this age group.
No. 366 - City of St. Catharines - resolution to petition Minister of Highways to
co~sidcr l~i~'a~ol~6'~eirr~'i't~'ouncils of municipalities to prescribe a speed
limit of 15 m.p.h. upon streets under their jurisdictiou withis the limits of the
municipality and upon which schools are located. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
1.]owers and Aid. Morton that the resolution be received and referred to ti~e Traffic
Committee for discussion with ti~e Greater Niagara Safety Council and submission of
a report to Gouncil.
The following Reports were presented;
No. 321 - City Manager - copies of Order Eunlbers 83 and 84 of The Outario Fuel Board.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. Martin that the report be received,
noted and filed'. -
No. 322 - _Ci__tX Mal_j_ager - details respecting the Winter Works IncentiVe Program for
three of the projects to be undertaken; ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. Martin and
AId. Gregory that the report be received, noted and filed.
No. 323 - p_el2_ut_y.~Cl__erJ~' - report on conference held on November 30th. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the report be received and filed,
connection with the heating boiler at the Filtratioo Plant. !h. ;tdv;scd that the
fa~ will cost $453. and that as difficulty is bei~g e=:peric::ccd in iceep~n[~ the, ques
clean due to lack of draft in the chim~:cy, the fan is cs:~mtia]. OBDERED ~m the
motion of Ald. tiartin and AId. Howors that the verbal report a~d rcco~m~cndation of
the Equipment ConLmittcc, be received and adopted, and tbc fan be putchaste'.
AId, l,lorton referred to the col~dition of tile s~jdc,x:a],ks
permanent repairs will be made to whick the Provincial Gas Co, will uontributc part
District Airport Coimnission, reported \'crbal[l- advisii~r3 tl~t he bad received ad'.'~
that the ~liagara District Airport Con=n~i:;sion had been succc,;sful in tbc~r ro:l,~tla~]o:'~:
per day between the ~[agara District Airport and Malton Airport five daf'r; a week.
Ue added that in tbc future, it is hoped that this ~erv~ce may be extended co p~ovfdc
service between Buffalo and Miagara District Ah'port; ] s] a~v] Airpor!~ ~ Taronto cud
AId, Gregory advised that the inauguration of this service wouhl change their cat'eZor]~
and make the ~liagara District Airport eligible for grants which would make tbc 3/Q
million dollar extension to the run-ways posslblc.
His L'orship 1layor Miller referred to tile property ouned b" the ili[;bu'al-s
Department at the corner of Robert Street and V~ctoria Avenue and advised that the
Parks Colmnission had now received permission to reineve the hcd;~es aed to llla-ql shadl,
trees. He felt that if the City would provide a fe~: benches, this could be made into
a nice park.
Ills Worship Mayor Miller advised that he had been ~otified that' tbe rI,,q,
and T. Railway were removing the four diesel buses from the KisSers Falls routes and
replacing them with the old-type buses.
SEE Rcsoletion iqe, 119.
lljs Worship Mayor Miller advised that in Watch, 1959, the Police ConmL{,ss~on
had received a conm~unication from the City Clerk askinl[ for two Officers t'o assist in
making a traffic survey for the purpose of consolidating the Municipal Traffic By-Jazz.
This was to be done by two Officers and }iembers of thc Engineering Department. The
City ~danager advised that the ~natter had been brought uD earlier in the year at the
time Sergeant Catberwood was attending a Traffic Course at Northwestern University;
summer construction work had commenced upon his return and members of (zbc Engineering
Staff could not be spared. The City lqanager advised that after the first of the year
would be the best time to start this survey as at the pre scat time the Engineering
Staff are costing sunmer work. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and
AId. Martin that the City Manager direct a letter to the Police Conunisslon advising
that the survey will be conm~enced im~ediately after tbe beginning of the year. Carried
His Worship the blayor referred to the fact that several employces each
year are unable to attend the Annual Christmas Party due to shift worh and asked
for Conncil's conm~ents. In view of the fact that the same employees are not affected
year after year, it was decided that no action be taken.
His Worship the Mayor :referred to the poor turn-oat of voters at the
Muuicipal Election and felt that some action simuld be taken by Council to see if
something could uot be done to stinmlate interest among citizens° l|e felt that a
Committee of Council should be appointed to iuvcstigate all aspects .of the
Municipal Electiou and appointed Aldermen McKinley, Martin and White to act in this
SEE 1loselotion No. 120.
The following Resolutions were passed;
No. 118 - MORTON - NcKIiqLE__Y_ RESOLVED that tile City Manager be authorized to
purchase benches of the type with concrete cods, to be placed in the parE< located
a~ the north-vlest corner of Victoria Avenue and Robert Street; and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto a~fixed. Carried Unanimonslj'!
No. 119 - MOUERS - 14ORTON - lIESOLVED that a connnunication be forwarded to 1.1r. S .F.
Dingle, Vicc-President of Opcrations~ N.8. and T. (Canadian National ~ailways)
Hontreal, protesting the rentoval of the four diesel buses from the City routes and
that a cop)' of this resolutioo be forwarded to the Joint Connnittcc studying the bus
situation, for their i~formation; aud the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affi:md.
Carried Unanimously.
I,'o. 120 - HOWERS - HeRTON - RESOLVED that the rcconunendation of His Uorship Nayor
l.lil/cr, bc"Td~p~ ~lCd'~Ydernlen HcKinlcy, Hartin and White be appointed as a conunittec
to make a stud)' of all aspects of Hunicipal Elections in order to stimulate interest
aiderig citizens; and Clue Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously.
Laid over from tile previous meetlag;
No. 5811 - To close and lease Uarren Avenue.
Third Reading - Aid. Nartin and Ald. Norton - Carried Unanimously.
The following By-law was passed;_
-No. 5818 - To authorize the execution of a deed.
ORDERED ON the motion of Aid. HcKinley and Aid. 1,lotion that Aid. Howers
be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the .first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motlee of Aid. Howers and AId. Gregory that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
the second reading. - Carried U~animously.
Third Reading - Aid. Her ton and Ald. Mowers - Carried Unanimously.
Reference was made to the recent municipal election and it was ordered
on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald. HerEon that congratulations be extended to
the Deputy Clerk and her assistacts for the fine work done in com~ection therewith.
Aid. Martin referred to thc tie vote registered iu the recent election
and the City 1.Ianager advised that under the provisions of The Municipal Act, if a
vacancy occurred in Council and a tie existed, the candidate with the highest
assessment on the Assessment Roll would be given priority.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motlea of Aid. ~[owers and Ald.
READ AiqD ADOPTED, 14th. December, 1959.
Deputy Clerk Mayor.
FIliAliCE; ;EErI
e::ception of AId. llcCatlum and Aid. L'hitc. Aid. l~clCi::lcl.', Cha[r:.~an of l'i:~ance,
AId. Henera and AId. CrcLory.
The Citv ~anaSc advised that the sign proponed w~ll bc equipped L'ith n fieshe'd3
The Committee arose and reported to Council oa the motion o~ Aid. Gregory a:~d AId,
READ A}~ ADOPTED, l~th. December, t959,
I)clRxtv Cleric
................. /
Ch&iYmae of F~ ::ante.
8th. December, 1959 .
The Colmnittee re-asscmblcd at the close of the regular council and fieante
meetings for the purpose of passing the by-la~.: lwhicb covered the accounts approved
the Conmffttcc. All Members oF Council were present~ with tile exception of Ald. i. lcCallum
and Aid. White. llis Worsbip, Hayor Hiller, presided.
Tbc following By-law
No, 5819 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald. Morton that Aid. McKinley bc
granted tbe privilege of introducing the by-law and tile by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. McKfnley and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of
the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given tbe
second reading. - Carried Unanilaoualy,
Third Reading 'Ald. Gregory and Aid. llcKinley - Carried Unanimously.
The follox:ing Resolution was pa.s~s_e~d;
No. 121 - HOUERS - ~.IORTON - RESOLVED that a conununication be forwarded to Hi. Alex.
Gill, PrcsillcnL~T~i[~iirmy, t.:avy and Airforce Veterans, expressing appreciation
· to the orgnniza'tion for their presentation of a picture of lter Hajcsty Queen
Eli;:abeth and His Ro:'al Highness Prince Philip, to the City of HieRare Falls;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried. UnauinDusly.
Aid. HcKinle:', Chairman of the Christmas Part,, Cen:nittee, rcnIinded
Council of the Cbildren's Chr~ str.!as Party at the Rapids Hotel op Thursday,
December lOth, corm:xcncing at 2.30 p.m.
Council adjourned on the motioe of Ald. Z-icKinley and Ald. ~.Iartin.
READ A~ ADOPTED, 14th. December, 1959.
Deputy Cleric
]4 th .Deceu:ber ~ ] 9_'!9.
P,.n-suant to adjournlqent~ Council !net at.` 7.30 :.n . ,,!: ::!~bda?'l D,~cc::'l~-- ~':th.
1959, for the purpose of coe~ideri:~g genera] busines~ and f~:a.,co. AI! ~,~e:-:be-'9 of
prcvious meeting, adopted these on the c~otion of Aid. Herton a~,d Aid. i.lc'K!:4e:'.
.I.~id_ oyer_ _f_t'pla pr, eyjou_s Jn. Eejd,!t~;
._';o. 339 ~ Ontario Traffic Conference - copy of brief !;,!b::iCte,i tl~ 2:!'~igte'- of
Traasport. ORDERED on Phc motion of AIG. ],:ort~:~ apd A!d. Gregory that the 3r~e~
bc received and approved with c',~c exception of Article 5.
SEE Report
I:o. 347 ~ Civil ?,,,cryants.," ~,~i_aga.ra Br~}!cb - reqt!es~zj p,,-, Col,ncj! to (.,> on record in
support of their request for equality of treatment ~u Ea]ary
No. 350 - Civ~l Servants, Niagara Branch - expla~at]on uith refertree ~o above
rcques~ for Council's support in their efforts to obtain ua:Le5 eq~tltab]c ~o
in industry. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Harti~: and ,~]d. !dorto.~ that Hi~ !7o~-sh~
the Hayor forward a letter to the Federal Cover:~,aent advi~;ln[: that a co~nUla~,nt
been received fron~ the Civil Servants; that Councjl arc in s:':upat:::' wjth ther~
the effort put forth. Carried, uitb Aid. N~rs, White ant~ UcCall~;:~-cont~ ary.
this connection, AId. Mouers, White and 14cCallun expressed the oph~o- that a]
they were in sy~z~pachy with the Civil Servants, the Council of the City of Z]aga::a
iadication of Councilts attitude in this connection and that perhaps it n~ight he~p
the Government to reconsider their decision. AId. Herton and Hcl<inlcy concurred
in this opinion, Mayor Miller advised that prior to forwarding the letter, it will
be presented to Couacil for approval,
No. 348. - Pycsident,} [{o_tpKy. i._l,l,e' ~- SaJ&s, And Servi_'ce Lt:SI, - requesting Council to
reconsider the possible installation of a blinker light at the intersect:ion of
Ontario Avenue and Huron Street. ORDERED on tile nlotion of Ald. McKinley and Aid.
Howers that the communication be received and filed and that the z eporL ef Lhc
Traffic Committee on this subject be received and filed. Carried, with Aid. Hearten,
Hartin aad Gregory opposed. (See Report Number 325.) Prior to this ac, tiouI it was
moved by Aid. 14el:ton that a blinker light be placed at tills intersection; this
motion was not seconded. It ~as alt;o moved by AId. I,lartin titat the report be
received and referred back to tile Traffic Conduittee for a further report;; this
motion was not seconded.
No. 366 - C.i_tl:_~f._~.t..~jltlLa3j.qe~s - resolution to estahlish speed limit in !;thee] zones.
ORDERED on the motion of %ld. McKinley and Aid. Gregory that the resolution hc received
and filed and not endorsed.
SEE j~:t He.
The followin~onm~unications were
No. 367 - ,51.1__S~Li.lLt_s' .J_nD, l~qatl~C_hprch - requesting proclan~ation of Wedc of Prayer.
January 4th. to 9th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Martin and AId. Morton that CIte
co~nuaication be received and filed and the proclamation as requestcd~ be issued.
No. 368 - Hanager, Goodyear Service Store - requesting advice as to Council's
intentions t~ o~ic'ii~l~j'~i~r'~;'19a"[Ui'~y, December 26th. as Eoxing Day.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Aid. Gregory that the com~unication be
received and filed and the writer be notified that Saturday, December 26th. will
be proclaimed as Boxing Day in the City of Niagara Falls.
SEE Resolution No.lZlg.
No. 369 - \pha Rho Tau Ticeta Sorority & Alpha Omega Fraternity - expressing
appreciati~{~lz~rrn~h~o~ol~ ~ag~tS~: l~' 7~3~"~'~'.'~nd the results of
the tag day. ORDERED oa t.hc mo.tion of ~ld, Morton and Aid. Gregory that the
conm~unication be r.eceived, noted and filed.
No. 370 - ~Ligb~_s_ p_f:__Cp_l_umbus -. appreciation for use of baseball diamond located
at Bridge St. and V~ctoria Ave. ORDERED on tB:~ motion of Ald. Martin and Aid.
Morton that thc colmnunication be received, noted and filed.
No. 371 - Board of Education - enclosing tickets for Christmas Concert of the
Public SchOOls'to bL']l~%d o~n Friday~ December 18th. at 8 p.m. in C.V.I. Auditorium.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Morton that the invitation Be
received and accepted and as many members of Council as find it possible attend.
No. 372 - Nabisco Foods Ltd. - advising of expiration of insurance policy as of
January 1st. 1960, on parking lot on the south-easterly side of Lc~,is Avenue
bet|,:con Centre St. and Magdalen St. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mowers and Aid.
Morton that the communication be received and filed and the policy be renewed, as
recolmnended in the report of the City Manager.
SEE Report No. 327.
No. 373 - N__i~+ga!-a__D_i_str_i_c_t_,~\jy_poJlt__C_ojnm_i_ss~i~?J~ - memorandum re third reading of
by-law by each municipality to authorize execution of an agreement providing for
the establishment of an airport, and advisiug of receipt of formal letter from the
Ui~eelcr ~irlinos Ltd. accepting Conm~ission's proposal re establishment of airline
service. ORDERED on the motion of .\hh Gregory and Ald. McMallum that the conl-
municat~on be received, no~ed and filed.
No. 374 - W. A. Sayder - requesting Council to review possibility of continuisg call
fire alarm system even in addition to phone service. ORDERED on the motion of Ahl.
Martin and Ald. Morton that the connaunication be received and filed. Carried with
Aid. Mowers contrary. Aid. Mowers voted against the motion as he felt the com-
munication should be dealt with after by-law number 5820 authorizing the executioa
of the agreement with tl~e Bell TeLephone Co. is considered.
No. 375 - City of St. Thomas - resolution - to .amend Libel and Slander Act, 1958,
to allow C~'c%'l~iem~irg'~%~{e freedom of speech as members of the Legislative
Assembly. ORDERED ou the .motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. McCallurn tibet the
resolution be received and tabled for one week and the opinioa of ~he City Solicitor
be obtained.
No. 376 - %ow~! of_T_i_l_b_u_LY - resolution to petition Provincial Government to revise
existing system applying to arenas and con~nunity ball, to enable all municipalities
to share equitably in governmental assistance; and also that existing greats be
increased. ORDERED on the motiou of Aid. 1.|orton and AId. Gregory that the
resolution bc received and tabled and referred to the-Parks and Recreation Conmittee
for study and a report to Couucil.
No. 377 - Niagara Falls Separate School Board - requesting serious consideration to
change in regulations governing the liberty of dogs. ORDERED on the motiou of ~ld.
1.1cKinlcy aud Aid. McCallus~ that the con~unication be received and referred to the
City Manager for a report.
No. 378 - 172ad.__L_ij~ht Anti~Aircraft Batter% - season's greetings and invitation to
open house on January 1st. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mowers and AId. Morton
that the invitation be received and accepted and as many members of Council as find
it possible attend.
The following Resolution was passed;
No.121A - MOWERS GREGORY - RESOLVED that Saturday, December 26th, 1959 be and
is hereby proclaimed as Boxing Day in the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnanimouslyL
SEE Cd:::,iu.tj,'atiu:: 1,3. 2~9.
lie. 325 - Traffic CouLxittc~, - containinb ~ach !.kIfix~ 'L, o.,'u;o,,
of Ontario "._c~Rtc an~] huron Street, in co;:ntction xjth rcqu..,~
b]inkcr light. OIIDERED on Lhc n:otion of Xld. l,]clli: lu2 ~..d .',]d. ]hr.~;:s i::.,t tl.u rci urt
be received and filed. Carried, with Aid. !lottun, Ik~ruin and L;L,,LO~
Eo, 326 - :f!la._ff..i_c.
limi[ i2 schoo! ::onus, ORDERED on the L~oLion Of ALl, I.:d<hfiu: a2d AId. G~uSury
that the report be received and adopted.
to. 227 - Cloth. ]iajV~lluji - rccon'aicndlng renewal uf il:au:a:cc
parkicE lot leased from Nabisco Foods Ltd. ORDERED on the :eeLion Of ,]d. ]lowers
AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted.
328 - q',r_a_[~i!__Got!!m_l_ttei - approvinS of rucon~lundaLjdE [u ~d,,okC One i arhf nL,
dircctl~ south of Queen Street. ORDERED o,~ the motion uf .%!d. l%cll]nlc]' and Aid.
from Thorold Stone Road to Lundy's Lcu~c. URDERED on the t;,otion of Aid. i.:ortun and
Aid. Hartin that the report bc received and adopted.
Xo. 330 - TraLfic Colm:littcc - sugbcstin~ request tot loadLn5 ;:one on the ,.a~st s_~cl,'
of 1,:aln St~cct','bc*laid~,cr for cunsldc:rat~ou at a latc~ dale jf condit, i,~x; oh:tribe.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. Eorton that the report be received
and adopted.
Jo 331 - %'JLa_f__f3_c_ (jF,'_a~it__t_e_c - suggestlug Dept. of [litbuoys bc ct[q~roachcd td c!~;t:abl ish
a ]0 m.p.h. speed limit around the !slaad at the Rainlink, Bridge c::it. ORDERED on
the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Gregory tibet thc report bc received and adopted.
No. 332 - Arena, Parks and Recreation CohmlitLcc.- report on open-ai~ rlnhs. ORDERED
on tire motion of Aid. Gregory aud Ald. Mowers that the report be rccuived and
No. 333 -__P~i~CL~I C_oljul,~tteq - apl~ointluent arranged for laecting w] th C,N,R. of£iclals
to discuss construction of new bridge over C.N.R. tracks at Victoria Avenue.
ORDERED on tl~c motion of Aid. |lottea and AId. McCallurn tibet the report be rccelvcd
~nd adgpted. Carried~ with Aid. Gregory opposed, Mayor tilllet questioned whctllur [l/u
firm recoklmcndcd io the report had been investigated as thoroughly as Lazar[des aud
Associates. A discussion ensued during which the Col,anittcc set forth their rcasons
for rccoum~ending 1[. G. Acres and Co, Ltd. as the City's consulting cutinters for
this work.
No. 334 - DcpL~tZ_~J_c.'r_l_%'- reconm~cadiug issuaucc of iiccnccs. ORDEREl) ou uhc mo/iou of
Ald. Mowers and Ald. Morton that the report be received aud adopted and licenets
issued accord|ugly.
A].d, McCallurn referred to the damage caused to lawns during; the r{'cent
snowfall and tire possfbility of recurrence of such damage dur:Ln~,, the winter mollths,
Following a discussion it was ordered on the motion uf Aid. MciUn] c>' and AId. McCallrim
t:hat the matter be referred to the Equipment Connnittec for a report to Council on the
type of ploughs being utilized.
Ills Worship, Mayor Miller, questioned wbether the night of Tl~ursday,
Jauuary 21st. 1960 would be convenient for the members of Council to attend the Annhal
Party of the Public Library Board. Council indicated that the date would bn satisfactory.
The following By-laws ucre passed;
No. 5820 - To authorize tbc execution of an agreement between the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls and the Bell Telephone Co. of Canada, for
circuits for police telephone and fire alarm boxes, in accordance with
the terms thereof.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. NcKlnley and AId. Morton that Ald.Hartin
he granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let.
reading. - Carried Uuanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and tile by-law be
given the second reading. - Carried, uith Aid. llcKinley,opposed.
Third Reading - AId. Morton and Aid. 1.lowers - Carried, with AId.McKinley,opposed.
No. 5821 - To authorize the execution of a lease.
ORDERED on the ntotion of AId.. Martin and AId. Herton that AId. l.lcCallum
be granted the privilege of introducing the bL -law and the by-law be given the first
reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. l,IcCallunl and Aid. llorton that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given
tbc second reading. -. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Howors and Ald. Gregory - Carried Unanimously.
-In connection ~.:ith By-law Number 5820, Ilis Worship the Mayor queried
the wisdom of purchasing each a. connection for the Police Headquarters, if there
x.:cre any possibility of changing tile location of the Police Station in the future.
tlc also questioned the x.:ording regarding circuits in the first four clauses and also
tbe period of notice of termination of the agreement if desired by either party to
tim agreement.
Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald,
READ AhrD ADOPTED, 21st. December, 1959.
The Fi'~ance Nectin,% ua:~ held om Dece!zbcr 1/.,,11 ~c:'a ,'clr tb,..~u,posc
of approv~n~ apd also passin'j the vaFious 'lcco,lFt5 ,..'hich h.nd
and pieced before Inhere. All Members of the Co:roulette wcrc l, rcsc:~t. Ald. ]'.cKln!cy,
Chairteen of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts sub:nitted in tile amoant of $209,'_:12.']3 ;,~rc al~provcd
by the Conmi ttee,
The Accounts submitted, being lu~!;sed or othcvwi';' de,n] t ,..f
Aid. !,lcCallum and AId. Martin,
on the motion of Aid. Nartin aud AId, Uhitc that the report be received, the wordinS
changed to read "flashing arrow" and adopted.
The City Nanagcr's report on tile application of Rollt. .Lotarfranco,
for a permit to erect a wooden sign at 1035 Ce~tre S~rcct, at an estimated cost of
$25.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED ~n the motion of AId. llorton and
Mayor Niller that the report bc received and adopiled and permit issued.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Gregory and AId.
READ ARiD ADOPTED, 21st. December, 1959.
Deputy Clerk
hairman of Finance.
Deputy Clerk
Council Chamber,
The Coxmnittee re-assembled at the close of the regular counell and
finance ncetin~s, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Colmuir'tee. All Members of Council were prosout. His Worship, Mayor
Miller, presided.
The following By-law was lLassed;
N__o. 5822 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mowers a~d Ald. HcCallum that Ald.
]tcKinley be granted tile privilege of introducing the by-la~.: a~d the by-law be
given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motio~ of AId. McKinley and AId. Gregory that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be
gives the second reading. - Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald. McCallu.
READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. December, 1959.
Deputy Clerk
2].st .Deceit:bet, 1959.
2]st, 1959, for the purpose of consSderin,% gone?a/ husi:~c:;~ a::d fi!:ct,;cc~. ,%11
of tile previous racering, adopted these on the motion of AId. (h'cger.' stud Ald.UcI~inlc:l-.
:,'o. 375 -CitZ of St. Thomas - resolution to an~end L~be] a!:c; B~az~dcn.' ,'Xr:t~
to al~o~: Cou~ci~'h~ini~cr;s'~e freedon: of speech a~ me~,~b,-r~; of the I c~CSs:!a~:i x,~,
Assembly. ORDERED oil t}le roeriot1 of Ald. ~.lowers and Aid. ~{ar~in that the
be received and filed add not endorsed.
No. 377 - Niagara Falls Separate School Boarc - problem of dog; runni~-g at I w%: ~n
school gro[ii~'. '~RBk~B' b ~ ~i~' ~ ~[~bh ~i f Xlh. Crc,~:c,r,, and Ald j McCat Ium that the
communication be received and the x~ritcr be advised ti:at tile repor~ of the City
Manager dealing ~,ith this subject has been referred to the 1960 Council for
SEE Report Re. 336.
The followin_li Com~nunications were pj'esented;
No. 379 - Kfwanis Music Festival - requesting contribotion ~n 1°60 DRDERFD
motion of A'ld .' ~loi.~e~' ~' ~lh~.~or~on tl~t the co~dnicatiot~~ be~re~eived 'az~d on the
referred to the 1960 Budget Conmlttee for consideration.
No. 380 - Y.M.C.A. - requesting proclamation re Y.M.C.A.I.lr~el: from January ] 7th.
241h. OI/D~RED ~i~"~l~e motion of Ald. }~orton and Ald. 1.1cI(in!cy ~hat the conmmnication
be received and referred to the 1960 Council for consideration.
No. 381 - Provincial Gas Co. - expressing appreciatioD to City
and City si~yi](&ir~gyi~Gyr' co-operation during rcplacemcuC of Staff, City Manager
ORDERED on Cbc thation of AId. Gregory and Aid. Mortot~ that the conmidlt[crlkion bc
received, dud filed. Ald. McKioley, cantotended the Company for a job well done.
No. 382 - p. J. llarv~, Realtor - application on bebal. f o~ 1-It. Frank Sununerhayc~;
for the op~r~li~' c~i~i~i:Xccd laundromats in two locations i~ the mueicipality.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Nuttin and Ald. Morton that the conununicatiox~ be
received and referred to the 1960 Property Committee.
No. 383 - Chairma~ of H.E.P.C. of Ontario - reiterating opillion contained in letter
forwarded to Council in Feb.1958, that it would be impossible for the Ii.E.P.C. of
Ontario to undertake capping of pertide of old Ilydro Canal in this area, due
excessive cost, ORDERED on the motioll of AId. Hartin and Ald. ~,lcKinlcy that the
conununication be receivdd and filed and copy be forwarded to Wiutcr Employee
Campaign Conmtittee. -
No. 384 ' P__°sj_mits~c2i - advisiug that request of City Coonoil for restoration of
letter boxes in t~qo locations has been refused by Post Office Authorities iu Ottawa.
ORDERED on the motiou of Aid. McKinley and AId. McCallurn that the copunuuicatiou bc
received and filed.
No. 385 ' ~-~-Yi~l-Se--r-Ya'~!t_s_sL~Ni__aDlara Bra~lch - expressing ap }rcciation for Council's
earnest cot~sidcration of their salary problem. ORDERED on the teation of Aid.Martin
and Aid. Morton that tile conmluuication be received and filed.
The following Reports ~.:cre presented;
No. 335 - C_ji_tj: Solicitor - report on proposed resolution of City of St.Thomas
to amend Libel and Slander Act~1958. ORDERED on the tnotion of Aid. 14ol.~ers
and Ald. Hartin that the report be received and filed.
SEE Col!mmnication 375.
No. 336 - C_i_~L/_,~_a_gcr - report on request of Separate School Board rc problem
of dogs running at large in school yards. ORDERED on the motiol~ of Aid. Gregory
and Aid. McCallurn that tile report be received and tabled for consideratioo by
the 1960 Council.
SEE Colm~.unication 377.
F,o. 337 ' Cjt~;~'ijnjJJei - report on "Stop aud Go" signs. ORDERED on the motion
· of AId. ~icKiuley and AId. lieuors that the report be received and filed and the
subjec~ he noted by the 1960 Traffic Conm~ittcc.
He. 338 ' C~i_t}_'_~_q_~}a_g_eL - report on mnecting with Exccntive of Ontario l.lunicipal
Association uith Prcmier Frost and presentation of resolutions, with specific
reference to City's resolution rcquestiug possibility of inunicipai grants on a
mouthly basis. ORDERED on the motlea of Aid. 14owers and Ald. l'iorton that the
report be received and filed.
]b. 339 - Pr~qr__cli_Conmlittec . report on meeting with C.N.R. rcprescntativcs in
connection witb proposed ovcrhcad bridge on Victoria Ave. on Dec.15th, 1959.
ORDERED on the motlot of Aid. Morton and Aid. Gregory that the report be
received and filed.
i'Io. 3t~0 - City Engineer - 6-fnch uatermain - lliram St. front Ontario to Falls zlve.
No. 341 - ~j_D'j~J.imj~ - 6-inch watermain - Sixth Ave. from Jcpson to Rosedale Dr.
No. 342 - ~j~l F~giFe~r - 6-inch watermain - Third Ave. from Jepsou to McRae St,
~o. 343 ' ~j~_,~j~!q - Se~,:er - Second Ave. between Valley Uay to McRac St.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. I,lcKinlcv that die reports be
considered together. ORDERED ou Chc motion of AId. G[cgorF and Aid. Mo~ers that
the reports be received a~d adopted and ~.tork proceeded with.
SEE Resolution 122.
The following Rosolutious ~ere passed;
2~o. 122 - GREGORY - MOWERS - RESOLVED that Report Number 340 for the construction
of.a 6-iacb uatermain on Hiram St, from Ontario Ave. to Falls Ave. report nunlbcr
341 for the construction of a 6-inch watermain on Sixd~ Avenue front Jcpson St.
to Rosedale Drive; report number 342 for the construction of a 6-ii1ch, watermAin
on Third Avonuc from Jcpson St. to M~zRac St; report number 343 for the
coostruction of a storm relief se~.icr on Second Avenue between Valley Way and
NcRae Street, be received and adopted and work proceeded ~ith; and tile Seal of
tile Corporaties be hereto affixed.
- ' Carried Unanimously.
No. 123 - HORTON - [HtlTE - RESOLVED that a message of sDnpathy on behalf of Iiis
Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be forwarded to the family of
the late Stephot Nemeth, valued employee of the City (now retired) for a great
number of years; and tile Seal of the Corporation be hereto aff.ixed.
Carried Unasimously.
At this time, His Worship Nayor Miller exhended a ~arm welcome to Mr.
D. C. Pattcn~ City Clerk, upon his return to duties, following a recent illness.
Ald, Gregory referred to the intersection of St. Clair Avenue and
Queen Street where traffic proc. ecding along St, Clair Avenue is being held up
by pedestrians crossing tile iutersectios~ ignoring the red light and tile Alderman
suggested that consideration be given to the installation of '~4alk on green Ligkt"
signals for pedestrians ouly~ similar ¢o those at Main and Ferry
||is Worship tile Mayor re(|uestcd tile Traffic Co~mmittee to take this
suggestiou under advisement,
The follouinjl F~','-lau i:as ~
.~,io. _582__j - To F, rovide for the exccutio~ of an ~:jrc~-.-~ h, tYcc? [~'c (:~ t.' o:? T'La,~arc
?RDEREU , n the ~notion of Ald, Ho'.'cFz a:~ ~]d 7r ,,- ,' . . ]
ORDERED on tbc motion of AId, He?;, It. a!:d ..I.~cl. )'~'~-tnn tbal
of the S[:a:?d~n;; Rule:; of Council he, Cer:porarily ~;uspendcd and the
second readinS. - Carried Unanimously.
(His !Jotship t]~c HayoF advised Coun:'ffl thaL ('he 31 ]octt, ffo9 f~F F:uzds
lu'ovidcd b],' ~hose o~ t[~e Canadian sfdc
Tlxird Reading -Ald. l[owcrs and AId. l,'_cCal!un~ - Carried Ur:ani.:ousl2.
Council adjour,ncd to the Finance h~ecting on thc motio:~ of Ald. IIot.'crs and \ld. GrcSor: .
READ ADD ADOPTED, 28th. Deccinbcr, 1959.
CountS] Chzi,';,ber,
21st .December, 1959.
The Finalice 1.ieeting was held on December 21st, 1959, for the purpose of
approving and also passing the various accounts uhicb had been proRerl::· cer :S lied
and placed before them. All Members of tile Connnittee were present. Aid. McKinley,
Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accouuts submitted in tile amount of $62,552.28 were approvcd by
the Conanittee.
The Accounts submitted, beini~ passed or otheruise dealt ui['h, uere ordered
placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council oa the motion of Ald
Gregory and AId. Martin. ·
The City Manager's report on the application of the Clifton Hotel
Niagara Falls~ Limited, 955 Cliftot~ Ilill, for a building pQri,lit to erect a motel.
at the rear of the Clifton llotel, at au estimated coat of $30,000. ~..,as presented
for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Florton and llis lYorship the Na~,or
that the report be received and adopted and tl~e application bc referred to the
Property Committee for a report,
A colmnunication from Genial-Leslie Limited requesting permission to
erect a~:d maintain a modern illuminated painted bulletin display on the roof of
the premises occupied by Donlinion Tire Stores, adjaccnt to thc Cities Service
Station at the ~ntcrsection of Victoria Avenue, Valley Way and Huron Street,
was prosehired for consideration. ORDERED on the n!otion of AId..Morton and Aid.
McCal!um that the conm~unication be received and rcfcrred to the Property Connnittee
for a report.
The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Martin aud
Aid. Gregory.
READ A~ ADOPTED, 28th. December, 1959.
City Clei'k
of Finance.
Council Chamber,
21st.December, 1959.
The Conduittee rc-asscn,blcd at the-close of the regular Council and
Finance Meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Conunittee. All Members of Council were present. Ilis Worship,
Mayor Miller, presided.
The following By-law was passed;
No. 5824 - To provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on tlie motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Ald. McKinley
be granted the privilege of introduciug the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st.
reading. - Carried Uuanimously.
ORDERED on the ,notion of Aid. HcKinley and AId. Gregory that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspeuded and the by-law be
given the second rcading.- Carried Unauimously.
Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallurn - Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mowers and Ald, McCallurn.
RE~D AFD ADOPTED, 28th. Dcccmber~ 1959.
28~'b. Dec'c.nfi~er, ]959.
A!d. Gregory and .\ld. 1.icCal!um.
The folloL, iag Communications uere presented;
No. 386 - Vicc-Presldent, C.t!.R. - erz[~lanatjon re r~moval of di:,s~] buses fror~
r.~unffcipal bU~'~bU~B~'. ~5~kb' on tb~ ~notion of AId. HoL'~rs a~<l Ald. 7~cCnlhuu
the co~ttnica:¢on be received and f~lgd all(] tj/O Uriter be ~dv~ried tb,n[ jt aidpears
to the Counc¢l of the C~ty of Niagara Falls that such ac[:ffo~ ~s ra[ber late
being inaugurated in Niagara Falls jest to standardize thc equipment in operaUio:~
in this area,
~':o. 387 - Local vdro Coinmission - enc]osin- account for Rjvcr Road St*root LffL~bt]nS.
ORDERED on the motion of AId. [lowers and AId, licEallure that the co~municat]o, be
recelvc}d and filed and the necessary steps bc taken to ac{mirc the T'.~al%ara ParIts
Conlission's share of the said bill, as agreed. Carried, ~Gitb Aid. !Tbjtc-contrary.
Aid. [lcCallum expressed satisfaction in connection uitb the new installation on
River Road and conm~cndcd the installation of the same.
No. 388 -Fye.c!pJjSll,A_,~Kjp_g~p.tt _ rcquestiug inforn,ation as to the possibi]il:v of
acquiring property in connection with a proposed addition to "N~agara Greenhouses"
located at the end of Fifth Avenue closed, on Jepson Street, ORDERED on the mot~oi~
of Aid. HcCallum and AId. McKinley that the comnlunication be received and referred
to the Property Committee for a report.
Laid over ~rom a previous meeting;
No. 5783 - To authorize the execution of an agreemenn provi{ffng for the establishment
of an airport in the Township of Grautham and the establishment of The
Niagara District Airport Conmlission.
Third Reading - Aid. Mowers aud Aid. Martin - Carried, with Aid. White, opposud.
Council adjourued to the Finauce HoOting oa the motion of AId. Iqartin and Aid.Mowers.
READ AND ADOPTED, 4th. January, 1960.
Conncil Chamber
Tile Finance Meeting was held on December 28tb, 1.959, for the purpose
of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been properly certified
and placed before them. All Members of the Conmffttee were proscot, with the
exception of Aid. Morton. Aid· McKinley, Chairman of Finance, presided.
Sundry Accounts' submitthd in the amount of $20,341.11 were approved
by the Cohen|tree.
Tbc Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
ordercd placed in tile Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion
of Ald. Martin and Aid. Mowers.
The Property Colmnittec's report in connection with their inspection
of tbe Clifton |totel Niagara Falls Limited, was presented for consideration. The
report advised that tile owner was advised to submit h revised application providing
for an addition to tile hotel rather than a permit for the creetlon of a motel. A
further report of the City 1,1anagcr was also submitted on the application of the
Cliftoo Hotel Niagara Falls Limited for a building permit for an addition to their
hotel at 955 Clifton Iti11, at an estimated cost of $40,000. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. HcCallum and His Worship Mayor Miller that thc report of the Property
Conrefit[co be received and filed and the further report of 'the City ~lanager be
received and adopted and permit issued accordingly.
The Property Conm~ittcc's report oil the application of Gould-Leslie
Limited for permissiou to erect and maintain a modern illuminated painted bulletin
display on the roof of tbe premises occupied by Dominion Tire Stores, adjacent to
the Cities Service Station at |be intersection of Victoria Avenue, Valley Way and
l{uron Street, was prcsented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.
Gregory and Ald. 1.icEallure that thc report be received and adopted and permit issued.
Thc City 1.ianagor's report on the application of Mr. Jack Mitchell for
a building permit to make alterations to the front of the store at 521 Queen Strect~
and also modernizing the front of the building and making interior alterations, at
an estimated cost of $5,000· was presented for consideration. ORDERED oil the motion
of 1 His hership tbc Mayor and AId. Martin that the report be received and adopted
and permit issued. Carried, with AId. White,contrary.
The City 1.|anagcr's report on the application of Mr. John 14enochella for
a building perillit to erect a store on part of Lot 1, Plea 653, north side of Lundy's
Lane, between Main Street and Hanan Averole, at an cstinlated cost of $7,800. was
presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald.McCallum
tbat tile report be received, adopted and permit issued·
The Conmittee arose and reported to Council on tile motion of Aid. McCallurn and Ald.
READ A~ ADOPTED, 4th. January, 1960.
The £ollow:~!; D.v-]aw was passed;
OP-DEP, ED on the totion of Ald. |k/u,rs and AId. G: ~g.~'- that .'.hl. ll!,li,ti-
bc Grunted the psivileU· of |utroducinS the by-law ar.d the bl--lzu. bc Lix,n uh.: first
readillS. - CasKled Unanimously.
ORDERED on the tier|on o5 A}d. llcKi,lci a,,d A! d. h,'C.:lluI., that Pul~ j:% (2)
of the She:idleg flulos of Coteell be tempotar|!, suspended at:d tltu b_-law b~ bivcn [h~
second reading. - Carried Unanimousl;,.
Third Reading - Aid. Gregory and Aid. 1.1cCallum - Carried U:mniu!ousl}.
Copies of tile draft ef the lett,.r to be 5ot;:ardcd b. ]['s U,~rshjl>
l.illcr, to the lioncurable Donahi Flcn:in5~ !iSnistu~ of F'nancc, vttawa~ ii~dicatin:[
that tbc City of Niagara Falls is in Sy[iLp~!Ci~} v. iuh the Civil Sclfval![:i IuqLtE:ih
tO COUUCil for their perusal. ORDERED on the mot:.on ~5 '~]d. i.ia~kit: and AId.
Council. Carried, with Aid. 1.1cCallum aud Nowera-contrary.
AL this time, Alderman George Iku.'or:,. rat|sin:; hte~ubcr off Lhc l:unicipa]
Council, who did tier cheese to coiltest for position
rcccl!t City liltorion, arose and expressed pleasnrc
menlbcr of Council for the past eight ;'ears. tlc c;:~,resscd best blsilcs for all in the
years allcad.
ins Uorsbip Mayor Hiller expressed reg::ct at Aldernmn 1.1owcrs~ rctirenmnt
from the Ikn~icipal Council, stating that he was a valuable asset to tile City, to the
Cotsoil and the Committees upon which lie had served as a member.
Following the remarks of the C: ty Manager with rcfercocc to tbc proposed
site for a refuse disposal area in the Township of Stanlfo::d on No. 8 ]lig|m'ay, it
~:as ordered on the motion of AId. McCallurn and Ald. NcKlnley that the matter be
referred to the Property Con;re|tree for investigatioo and a report.
Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Gregory.
READ AND ADOPTED, 4th. January, 1960.