Council Chamber,
January 5, 197:0..
In accordance with the provisions of The Municipal Act and By -law
No. 7268 of the City of Niagara Falls, the Council met at 4:15 p.m. in the
Council Chambers of the City Hall. The Council included His Worship Mayor
Franklin J. Miller, and Aldermen Beeves, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann,
Martin, MciCinlaq, Puttick, Scheeler, Scott, Thomson and Wilson.
The Statutory Declarations of Office and Qualifications were filed
with the City Clerk when the Oaths of Office had been taken by His Honour
Judge Johnstone L. Roberts.
It was then Ordered on the motion of Alderman Bares, seconded by
Alderman Clarke that a vote of thanks be extended to His Honour Judge
Johnstone L. Roberta for administering the oaths of office to Hia Worship
Mayor Miller and members of the City Council.
Following the Invocation, it was Ordered on the motion of Alderman
Galloway, seconded by Alderman Hunt that Reverend K. A. Meyer, the
Officiating Clergyman, be thanked for his presentation of the Prayer of
His Worship Mayor Miller. then delivered his IneuRural Address:
Reverend Sirs, Honoured Guests, Members of Council, Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am pleased to extend to you a sincere welcome to
Meeting of the 1970 -1972 City Council and to convey my appreciation for
attendance at and participating in what I believe to be a most significant
and historic occasion. I am deeply honoured to the voters of the City of
Niagara Falls for re- electing me to the office of Mayor and thereby providing
me with the opportunity of serving my ninth term as Chief Magistrate of the
Municipality. During the next three years, I shall do everything in my
power to justify the confidence the citizens of this City have placed in me.
I am pleased to welcome Alderman Puttick, who has returned to the
City Council after a short absence, as well as Alderman Howard Clarke and
from r tbe formeereTownship the former Chippewa, the Her
former Township of Crowland and Alderman Charles Galloway who is making his
debut in municipal politics.
I would be remiss, indeed, if I did not acknowledge the contributiot
made by those members of the 1969 Council who will not be with us during the
current term. Former Alderman Ben Prior has, by his decision to retire from
Council activities, taken with him a wealth of municipal experience which
includes being Reeve of the former Township of Stamford. I shall also miss
the contribution made by former Alderman McCallum who, in addition to his
Aldermanic responsibilities, capably carried out his duties as Council's
appointee on the Planning Board.
While we sometimes differed in opinion, Alderman Graaskamp often
provided the questioning that is essential to any level of government. This
function, together with his Aldsrmanic duties were carried out with personal
sincerity. And for former Alderman Chessman, I have the greatest respect.
Though a newcomer to the municipal scene, his interest in local government
was most evident and his contribution very commendable.
To all those who comprised the 1969 Council, I offer my personal
thanks for their excellent stewardship. Our progress during the past year
is * direct result of a combined effort of all those who were willing to
make a personal contribution.
Today we stand at a point in time unparalleled since the incorpora-
tion of our City in 1904. While the intervening years have seen significant
changes, particularly the year 1963 when the Township of Stamford and the
former became. effective on :Janw .19 the magnitude
te, our City was which
was doubled in
- 2 -
size embracing the former Village of Chippewa and portions of the Townships
of Willoughby, Crowland and Rumberatoae. May I suggest that this increase
in size is indicative of the added ed r ea po f ibthtties that face the Council
and Municipal Officials during
While I concede that the County form of government has become
dated and was in d of
implement the m i s ter o
fo r c of sufficient reform, to properLY i pressed Minister provisions Municipal Affairs for sufficient time to properly ct
Regional Municipality of Niagara Act. The e r
without delay. The passing of Bill 174 and the bas,
however, on the Reg
however, considered it in tar beet interests of those lementation of its pro -
eaaapl the newly-created City.
a which must meat of our society.
The is now a w facng t be accepted o y sue en tysixty -
The changes tbat we face will have an effect on every deg
I am convinced that at no time since the formation re re-
years ago, has there bean a more ointed urgent need als the citizens tthey and
sent. I n a re cooperation De notrwey, elected every citizen "holds office ". Each of us, regardless
of whether r or not we are elected to an office, tas a role to play and
responsibilities to assume. It is this kind of involvement ant
n government
that will assure the success of pp and T he citizens this
City, their hrtieyprigh n with the Council, can
deserve, namely, an administration in
obtain that hat al wh ach they rgret tudlyey
which we all may have a great deal of personal pride and satisfaction.
Before looking at the years ahead, I would like to direct a few
remarks to the residents of those areas now incorporated into the newhCity.
I can appreciate your feeling of hesitation or reluctance to accept
changes as of January 1, 1970. The uncertainty of knowing what the new year
holds warrants an attitude of cautious optimism. It of history, ifficult,
know, to see your Municipality pass into the pages
served you well for a very long time. But tbat is nowxhistory anahweecannot
live in tha peat. We must recognize that nothing is et
of time and change. In reality, we are fortunate tn the years ac pa
in the evolution of municipal government.
that we will be remmabered as the "pioneers" of Regional Government.
There has been a feeling expressed that your Municipalities i h a e
"taken taken in" by the City. I shall do everything in my power
this type of thinking. The Provincial Government has, in its wisdom, seen
fit to unite municipalities for their common betterment. We have a common
goal, namely, service to our residents. No longer will ve proceed in
different directions to achieve what we all desire. a nfi
a united family, we can accept the challenge before s
incumbent upon each Member of Council to generate and develop a sense of
belonging in all the residents of our Msw City. An examination will reveal
that, in fact, we are all in a similar position. Regardless of the past, ve
became citizens of a New City which came into existence d a go .
Recognition of this coon bond and the absence of any prior
privilege will, I believe, be instrumental in achieving the desired success.
-It is my hops that all residents of the enlarged City and, in particular,
those who reside in municipalities that have been united with the former
City, vill consider
Rumberstone, but as residente a New City Chippewa, Willoughby,
City ofNiagara
I trust that the Members of Council will recognise and appreciate
the task that lies ahead. Not only must you assume the responsibility of
governing a City that has, by the stroke of a legislative hand, doubled in
rise, you must also be prepared to re- assume functions previously carried
out by others. The scar and coaplexity.of the tisk before :you demands a
total commitment by all.
The job which we face in the next few months is, to a degree,
unique inasmuch as we have not experienced a similar situation in the pastt.
I am confident that the problems of integration can be efficiently handled$.
It will, however, take time and in this respect I would solicit the patietncS
and understanding of the residents of our enlarged Municipality. At the
present time, the level end type of services available in various sectional
of the City differ. It would be wonderful indeed if we could press a mono
:bestow and initiate a standard level of service in the entire Municipality. .
Ouch a prospect is, 'however, only in theerealms got fantasy. It- is going to.
- 3 -
take many months and possibly years of hard work by elected and appointed
officials and a good helping of patience and perseverance by the inhabitants
before the desired results are achieved.
In spite of the onerous job we face, I am anxious to begin the
challenging task ahead, convinced that the future holds a great deal of
Our New City is 51,788 acres in size, exceeding in area, the City
of Hamilton. The inclusion of predominantly rural areas has provided the
necessary assurance that the new Municipality will have room for future
Every effort is being made to minimize any inconvenience or
disruption of necessary services. To this end, the Council has met on
previous occasions to consider the best approach to the varices decisions
required. I an pleased to report that arrangements have been finalized to
absorb those employees of the former municipttities who whish to become
employed by the new City. I know I convey the sentiments of the Council in
expressing a warm welcome to these new employees and our pleasure that they
have decided to become a "part of the team ". The municipal experience they
have to offer will be a very valuable asset to our adminietration. The ease
with which this matter has been resolved is du.: primarily to the efforts of
our City Manager, the Personnel Officer, representatives of Local 133,C.U.P.E.
and the excellent cooeeration received from those employees involved.
Recognizing the physical impossibilit' of extending certain services
immediately, the Council is prepared to do everything in its power to at
least maintain the present level of services while working on their improve -
Negotiations have been finalized to provide a continuation of fire
protection services. The residents of the Cheepawa and Willoughby areas
have in the past received excellent service from volunteer organizations.
Recognizing the important contribution these organizations have and will be
able to make, the new City was pleased to enter into agreements for the
continuation of the service. Fire protection for that portion of Crowland
to become part of the enlarged City will be provided, for a temporary period,
by the City of Welland. The Willoughby Fire Department has agreed to extend
its coverage to that small portion of Rumberstone Township at the south -west
.corner of the new City.
We are confident that satisfactory arrangements will also be con-
cluded regarding the extension of police protection to the entire enlarged
There are a multitude of matters for which a decision must be
reached. In many cases, alternatives have been put forth. Because a final
decision has not been made, I consider it inadvisable to elaboratson them
at the present time as reference or comment might unnecessarily prejudice
final action by Council.
Before leaving those matters arising as a result of the implementa-
tion of Regional Government, may I, on behalf of the Municipal Council
extend our unqualified support to the City's representatives on the Regional
Council. The ratepayers of our Municipality could not have chosen more
capable men. Their many years of municipal experience will be a great asset
to them and to our City as they work on our behalf.. We wish them well as
they, like us, undertake the task at hand. We are sorry that Ms. Weightman
is confined to hospital and extend best wishes for a speedy recovery. I
would like at this time to include in these remarks a message received from
Mr. Wsightman:
"May I extend my sincere congratulations on the occasion of the
first official meeting of the new City Council for the 1970 -72
term. My uppermost thought or desire is that you, with and by
the direction and cooperation of your Council and administration,
have a most harmonious, economic and progressive term."
At the beginning of the year, the City of Niagara Fells lost a
number of employees who have given long and faithful service to this Muutci-
s are now u Provincial jurisdiction as well as persons
ti� , ee
While on the matter of roads, negotiations must be carried out with
representatives of the Regional Municipality of Niagara to determine those
roads which will come under regional jurisdiction.
It is expected that the second of four new bridges crossing the
H.B.P.C. Canal will be completed during 1970. The cost of the new bridges
is being assumed by patarie Hydro. The use structure on %herald Road is
nearing completion end tenders an presently being received for the con-
struction of • new bridge on McLeod Road. Preliminary designs have been
received for the new bridge on Drummond Road and the structure on Portage
Road is scheduled for 1171. Before leaving the subject of bridges,
negotiations have been madertskea regarding the replacement of the structure
iseimportantlasditiprovideMontrose access to the south-westerly tsectiontofa crossing
enlarged City and services a local industry. The City is fortunate that the
Ford Glass Plant, formerly in the Township of Crosland, is now within
Municipal limits and will strengthen the industrial segment of our economy.
On the matter of parking, the Municipality has adopted a similar
long range policy of providing off - street parking in and adjacent to the
business areas. This program has been adopted, recognising the fact that
sufficient parking is very vital to the successful operation of business
areas. The cost of acquiring and developing these off-street parking lots
has been levied upon the owners who receive a direct benefit. This program
a similar reasonable the Centre t area n head
is ngw
being developed.
Concern has been expressed regarding the expansion of garbage
collection, particularly in the Chippewa and rural areas. This, as in the
case of othr services, will be
formerly offered. The contract for garbage collection
t han what
the former Village of Chippewa doss not terminate until the end of 1970.
The question of garbage collection in rural areas will receive a complete
employed in
the Regional Government. In
P 'oleos of out Water Filtration and Pollution
operations that will be assumed by
the latter category art the amp best of success in their new role and
Control t atathe I wish them the work t teen fit to choose an
employee '
trust that they will continua to work for the e t has se ent of t satire rag a H
tonal Municipality lit t dt tuts contri-
lot ofuout City asatheiiir Director of Engineering ship of Stamford
buted of out a City ears as engineer for the former Township
Palls. . Stamford
andef l loh in the in 1963. Engineer of the City of Niagara ra Palls. While . we
w following h counicipalit ,
we also recognize the at he that his promotion able. o make a greater teeth
also recognize twat he will now be abU to a
the general area in his new role. to
c OVll reveal
is no longer confined
se I
A quick glance into the New Year will rveal s need for increase
participation by the Mumiciaintet. Local g
to the building of roads, maintenance of become involved waterali the social
ici al governs years, we have recognized the reed
probe services. t �a Du ring the past few
problems of the e dy
The Recreation to become involved and have responded through the creation of the Social
ion Commission, The Mayor's Committee on
Housings Council, �Lsations such as the Y.M.C.A. 4
Rousing and added financial assistance to org<-
roaches. During the latter part of the
Our involvement is ace, nor will it ever be, completely met. New problems
last requiring t h e new n it recognize approaches.
created by the misuse of drug 4
T hey rerp, ded Council recognized the the So.tel planning Council to give
requesting abuse.
prio s t y to the formulation by patere.m to combat drug es.
Th pry to the fermanytoth of an unappropriate r is asked to consider, require
This problem, like citizens others a municipality - hint where
Tc the many people who have
participation of citizens who are concerned - concerned to the P Abuse, I
they are not reluctant to become involved. bat Drug
volunteered their services to assist in the Program to Coe
offer my personal thanks and coo ma ln dati o n. I kndwrt that
tn in thi ou veil
offer their continued support
I believe that the citizens of this City are fortunate in having
organizations such as the Social Planning Council and Recreation Commission ,
Since their formation, their interest and initiative la the job they
has been most encouraging. As new problems arise, I hop e they will dace .
their desire to create now andndiversified programmes prr tangible n widens stimuli
interest in all St groups. 44
'rt Commission, o ar r r y
the t�huicipatity's support of the work of the Recreation Com®sen, araa8�l
manta are the ntng Bopermit ocated atmtheiintersection of Lundy's Lane and
used by the Planning I
Montrose Road.
Looking ahead, I can foresee a need for renewed efforts in all
segments of municipal operation. Through the foresight of previous CounciF-f
ve now have an Industrial Park which I believe to be second to none. This
area has been developed to the development. A sound induetrialoect where ready
onomicbase remains averyrde irablee
attribute of any municipality and I believe that every effort should be mad
to develop our Industrial Park to its utmost. With this view in mind, 1 g
� L
do believe we must be prepared to act swiftly end inabusiess- limn v
when industrial opportunities present themselves. e nd, 1 suggest Depart- tout the new Council appoint Mr. Joseph Montgomery, the this
t he Cityy in negotiating and execcuutinngcindustrial official agent to act park transactions. )fr. r
Wontgomary would be empowered to act immediately in every case, subject to 1
final approval by Council itself.
Our long range program to improve traffic facilities in the City
viii, I bops, be continued during the present term of office. The acquisi '+
tion of properties for the widening of Stanley Avenue from Kitchener Street
to Frry may 'beginiin is now being
yyear. Reco�gntsing the impbrtanoet reconstruction
of Stanley Avtnd
as a north -south artery, investigations have been made regarding the pose!•
bility of designating this roadway es a "connecting link" highway. 'Such a
proposal would envisage an arterial roadway from Highway �md
underway to pr t
the Weiland River on the south. Negotiations are presently f
vide a bridge over the Welland River to the south bank for the future
expenaion'ef Stanley Avenue te=tite Queen Elisabeth Way.
In the matter of urban renewal, an agreement has now been completed
with Central Mortgage and Housing which will provide for the acquisition of
land contained tion buildings. nes withtaefw existing municipal willa-
be used for the erection of a polies building and court house. This project
warrants priority in the current year. The Ontario Police Commission and
the report of the Grand Jury - Welland County verified that general condi-
tions existing at the present police building and court house were
intolerable. Although the Municipality must issue tbs debentures to
finance the work, the annual debt charges and operating costs of the Court
House will be assumed by the Provincial Government. The land necessary for
the location of the proposed Police Building and Court House is being
acquired under our Urban Renewal Programme.
Our progress in the field of Urban Renewal has been painfully slow,
to urtailhfun delay has fax Urbanb Renewaliproojjects.�Bec Federal
se the cost of
such programs is shared jointly by the Province andns the Federal
G Government,
the Municipality is entirely dependent upon _
aamlleess of the any major development in the Urban Renewal i, I
field will take place during the scams year.
As the urbanising trend continues, continuing programmes of study
and remedial action will be necessary to eliminate flooding conditions. The
problems created by the rapid accumulation of storm water is of particular
concern to the recently developed sections of the City.
One of the more coaprehenaive proposals undertaken ain 1969 involved force
the engineering desist for a large sanitary wag pumping 19
main system to service the southern section l of service to n l r City of
Falls. Generally epistles, this system.
Lane to the south limit of out enlarged City which is located between the
Wiagare River and the Welland Camel. Aa such, it is envisioned that this
facility 411 Some a Regianl ruepcssibility since it will control pollee
tion of several receiving waters Nithia the previously mentioned limits. It
is intended that the facilities new king desigmed will be turned over
to the Regional authorities upon completion of construction early in the
While the engineering work now being done will allow for pollution
control on a Regional basis, I would emphasize thats the init ial ial ph as e of
construction is intended to abate pollution
o fver umping station just of Stanley Avenue the lJ.N.AilannPark and
of u pumping approximately at the intersection
a further pumping station to be located app
of is Welland Line pumping stations, with Road. urther 30" force main necessary
tere two sewage i station to an existing
to discharge the sewage from the Dorchester pumping
trunk sanitary sewer just north of the g.E.P.C.Canal at Dorchester Road. As
indthetWellandiRiver and Hydro phases
anal. o The o first part of the b pollution
also make
for the
certaintadjacentsanitary effluent from the
It will be necessary to pass additional by -laws early in 1970 to
permit the actual construction of the facilities now being designed. This
procedure is being used to implement a resolution which was forwarded by
the City of Niagara Falls to the Ontario Water Resources Commission. The
resolution indicated that proper sewage treatment for the south end of the
City would be in operation in the early 1970's. By following the previously its
positiondasoone action, the
abatement of pollution in the Province of Ontario, if not Canada.
Concern has been expressed that the reorgsalaation of municipalitie4
and the establishment of Regional Government will result in a substantial
increase in municipal taxes. In this matter, I an rather reluctant to make
tax 1970. It has been
be levied during estimated
be required for educational and regional purposes...bearing this in mind,
it would be rather difficult to comment on the tax question until the
requisitions from the County Board of Education and the Regional Municipal-
ity have been received.
May I, however, assure the residents of this Municipality that I
and the Municipal Council will consider thoroughly each expenditure to be
made by the City and will make every effort to confine expenditures to those We are
items which aro necessary
concerned with t spalling costs te of aliviingt of a •
and the hardshipthatincreeae
taxes could cause upon the residents of our Municipality.
I believe it very appropriate and fortunate that we should begin a
new era with municipal administration facilities located in the new City
Hall. For many years, municipal departments have been scattered at various
locations. This situation resulted in administrative difficulties as well
es it being uneconomical. It is my hope that the citizens will, in the
coming year, make every effort to visit their new City Hall. I believe it
would be an excellent idea to designate a period following the official
opening of our new home for the purpose of providing an opportunity for the
residents of our Municipality to inspect the new building. I would
appreciate it if Council would consider this proposal of an "Open House" in
order that a definite programme can be finalized.
In conclusion, may I direst • few comments firstly to the residents
of our new City and secondly to the Members of the Municipal Council.
Together we stand on the threshold of what, I believe, proposes to
ha a new era for the City of Niagara Falls. We are facing a new year and
a new decade as members of a new City. To me, the combination of these
factors presents a wonderful challenge. The success of our new Municipality
wilt require greater participation by all. May I earnestly encourage $
greater participation by the citiseas of the City in Municipal Government.
I know that the Council will welcome any constructive suggestions that
residents say wish to contribute.
At the final meeting of the 1969 Council, forcer AlderaanChe*sman
made what I- +feel, Mae ;a wsrppapprcprjats= statement regarding Municipal
- 7 -
culti a paraphrasing
hia must
be accomplished by
Council alone, but requires the participation by citizens ns. as w h
late John F. Kennedy, in speaking to his Nation during g "
President, reminded them that, quote, "United, there is little we cannot
do, divided, there is little we can do ". This statement, I feel, is very
appropriate to the situation.
To the new Council, may I earnestly solicit your cooperation.
Aldermen, you do not represent any one segment of our community, but
each and every resident of the City of Niagara Falls. We must keep the
welfare and betterment of the entire City in mind in our decisos and
actions. There is an ancient Chinese proverb which says, "A journey df a
thousand miles must begin with a single step ". Let us all resolve to make
this first step 'one toward an earnest desire for mutual cooperation and
understanding toward the common goal we all desire. This, I believe, is
the key to the success of the great new era before us.
May I extend to each of you the very best wishes for the year 1970.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Following the presentation of the Inaugural Address by His Worship
d Miller, Ordered on
svread on Aldermvn
the Inaugural Meeting.
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by
Alderman Bearas, that the minutes .of the Council meeting held on December
29, 1969,.be adopted as printed.
the Poll held October 6, 1969.
Schisier, seconded by Alderman Scott
be received and filed.
Report 1 - City Clerk - Result of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman
that the report of the City Clerk
No. 70 -1 - A By -law to provide for the appointment of Municipal Officials.
ORDERED on the motion
Wilson that Alderman Beare. be
By -law and the By -law be given
of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
granted the privilege of introducing the
the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bursa, seconded by Alderman
Clarke that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
rsied Unanimously
Third Reading,. Alderman Galloway and Aldermen Hunt.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -2 - A By -law to provide for appointments to certain Boards,Commissionc
and Committees.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Clarke that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended with Alder Puttick contrary and llrothers.inifavour. Carried.
Sid d Reading. - Alderman Schiller and Alderman Scott. The motion Carried
with Alderman Puttick voting contrary end all others in favour.
8 .
No. 70;3 - A By-law to appoint one member of the Examining Board of Plumber*
for the City of Niagara Fails.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that Alderman B ye g given granted tedetheapprivile$e of introducing the
By -law and the By- 4rr Unan imousl y
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman es se, se c on de d t b yp A ld e r m an
C larke that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules
suspended and the By -law be given the second evading' rrisd Unanimously
Thin___ d Reath_ n - Alderman Calloway end Alderman Bunt.
sried Unanimously
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Martin that the Meeting adjourn until 7:30 p.m., Tuesday January
6, 1974..
Council Chamber,
January 6, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6th, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. All Members of Council were present. His
Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided. Alderman Hearse offered the opening prayer.
Coma. 1 - Mr. M. Moskal . Requesting permission to be placed on the Council
Agenda in respect to the matter of payment made by the City to his for work
done on a wall of a building at 573 Erie Avenue.
it was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Thomson, seconded by Ald. Martin that
Mr. Moskal be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Moskal evoke in respect to the repair of the cannon well of o owned
by him, following the tearing down of an adjoining building by the City; and
payment of $385.00 which he had received from the City for the repair of the wall
of his building. Mr. Moskal was of the opinion that be should receive an addi-
tional amount of $65.00 from the City, and explained that while he had originally
received an estimate in the amount of $385.00 in June of 1968 for the repair
work, the contractor who had submitted the price a u nab l e t h cam�pleted
work, and in the fall of 1969 he had engage
the work for the sun of $450.00.
The with the demolition of the ty - owned background ilding details of this matter,
which work bad'resuulted
in the exposure of the cannon wall of the adjoining building owned. by Mr. Moskal.
Notwithstanding the fact that the City Solicitor was of the opinion that the City
was not legally responsible for the repair of the wall; a report had been sub-
mitted to Council in September of 1968 recommending that Mr. Moskal be paid the
amount of $385.00 to have the wall repaired. This recommendation had been adopte.
by • Ci r
the City u n til . in November, f au the City in the emoin�t tit $385.0 was for -
A motion was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Galloway that Mr.
Moskal be paid an additional amount of $65.00.
This motion was Defeated by the following vote.
Aldermen Puttiek, McKinley, Galloway, Thomson, Clarke.
Naze: Aldermen Bear's, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Schiller, Scott, Wilson.
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Beards, seconded by Aldermen Wilson
that the communication from Mr. Moskal be received and filed.
Report 654(1969) - City Manager - Proposal re: straightening of Dell Road at
the Willo -Dell Golf Course, former Twp. of Willoughby,-(Referred to the 1970
ORLSRBD on the motion of All. Hearse, seconded by Ald. Thomson that this project
be referred to the 1970 Road Budget for consideration.
w*4w,*4NN*MMee #M*
Comm. 286(1969) - Niagara Falls Public Library - Advising that a committee
has been formed to sales recommendations re: amalgamation of services of the
Public Library Boards of Chippewa and Niagara Falls. (Referred to 1970 Council.'
The City Clerk advised that to date the recommendations of the committee men-
timed had not been received by the City.
ORDBRBD on the notion of Ald. Thomson, seconded by Aid. Martin that the communir
cation be beld'pending receipt of the committee's recowmendations.
M M e M e w ******* e M
Comm. 316(1969) - Township of Willoughby - Resolution advocating that the
property bounded on the east by Montrose RA. and confined vithin the boundaries c
Lyons Creek and Lyons Creek Road west to Argyle Road be acquired for use as a
district park. Twp. of Crowland Communication dated Dec. 9, 1969 + Advising
that the Crow]anA Twp. Council concurs with the suggestion of the Twp. of Will
oughby concerning the acquisition of the property outlined .(Referred to 1970
CMS' Council:4 the motion of Ald. Scbislsr, seconded by Ald. Martin that the City
Council concurs with the suggestion outlined in the resolutions from the Town-.
ship aWilloughby
Magna Peninsula onaervation of Authorityj di
tytor o sidnetioel and also
to the
ct to the possibility of obtain -
that the Seaway Authority be contacted ia sperm of the City's possibility obtain
be ore Yorwaer ded to to the supply into Lyons Mr.0 for his information.
bs+red t:e tfenber, Mr. G. Bukator,
* * * * * * * * * * * * * **
Comm. nta
- Townahi of ilium b - Advising of receipt of communication
ration conning application for financial
from t derethesmnu lizat trial Opportunity Programme ability
assistance under the B of Indus that the elig
nt Corpor 'etion - Advising City
Comm. 2 (197 - Ontario D evelopna r which ,,off part of the enlarged
ct of that portal n ought*. hEqualization of Industrial opp Programme,
of Niagara Falls, under the
tas teen discontinued.
Ald. Martin that the comtnuni-
catice ORDERED rn tte mottar o of Ave. Them Corporatioon be received and that an inquiry
betd from d the O c Devel� Minister of Municipal Affairs, concerning i pr
be directed to Mr. the effugh, lity would remain eligible thous E.I.O. a g r the e aal n d a copy of the communication from Ont.Development Cor-
the I.0. programme,
poration be forwarded to the Minister.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * **
Comm. 3ea(re"9) - Proposal to purchase the former "Star -
life Theatre" ytlage df C
acres approx., fort e
lite Proo perrty, Sodom R Road, comprised. of 16 acres
�oY Crowland - CCSmmvni-
purpose of an area park or recreational centre. . Village of rowl&nds• Tw '
cation dated Nov.13,1969 endorsing suggestion soon of Village
Will b - Communication dated Nov. 18,1969 endorsing suggs
o Ck ppawa. (Referred to 1970 Council. seconded by Ald. Clarke flint the City
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley,
Manager be authorized to approach the owners of the property in an effort to
obtain an option on the subject property for the sum of $1.00 until the City
Budget is set.
His Worship Mayor Miller indicated that at the meeting of the Regional Council
scheduled for Jan.l5th, he would attempt to financial secure einforma ion as t respect the
of the Regional Government concerning
the purchase of park lands.
No. 3 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Requesting the preparation and sub-
mission of a brief by the City 'on"Regional Roads Classification", such brief
to be submitted on or before Jan. 12, 1970 to the Consultants of the Technical
Co- ordinating Committee of the Regional Municipality.
=CUD on the motion of Ald. Puttick, seconded by Ald. Scott that the coma.
cation be received, and that the City Officials (.;quest the Regional liP
for an extension of time in order to allow for the preparation and perUsa
the brief requested.
No. 4 - Regional Municipalit of Niagara- Advising of the recommendation of the
Regional Council Public Worts Committee concerning the establishment of Co- .
ordinating Committees.
UMW on the notion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Thomson that the communi-
cation be received and recommendation concerning establi Regional
Cormittees by all local municipalities be acknowledge and
Council be inforrasd that the City of Niagara Palle has had such a Committee in
existence for several years.
No. 5 - Social Planning Council of Greaterldamera - Requesting that the City
Council appoint a representative to serve,en the Action Committee on Chemical
Abuse. _
cation be motion of Ald.
that Aldexman s Thoms p
Thomson be appointed to the
10. 6 - gams Prametioa Asneotttisa - Requesting that two Aldermen be desig•
Hated as represanitatives to the Association for the year 1970,
ORDERND on the motion of Ald. Bears', Seceded by Ali. Martin that the cemm
cation be received, and that Aldermen Scott and ThcaSen. , be . re"appoited as
ye p re antetives on the *agars Yramotiou Assooiationn.
- 3 -
No. to Mr. Horace e C Morni Morningstar - Requesting that he be considered for
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Galloway, seconded by Ald. Mann that the communi-
cation be received and filed.
der placing
No. 8 - St.Catharines Flying Club - Requesting that bthehC ism with
an advertisement in the souvenir programme o be
the Air Show to be held on Sept. 20, 1970.
cation motion of
Ald. refe to the Budget Meeting of City
Council. This motion was Carried with the following vote:
Aldermen Bearse, Clarke, Hunt, Mme, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott,
Thomson, Wilson.
Nacre_ Aldermen Galloway, Puttick.
No. 9 - Mr. D. G. Paul, Sponsor's Committee Requesting that Council consider
making a financial contribution in connection with the Convention of the National Feb. 1st to Feb. lith, 1970 in Niagara Falls.
House ORIERBD on Builders d the motion of Ald. Bearss, seconded by Ald. Martin that the communi-
cation be received and the City Council extend beet wishes for a very successful
Council no financial a can be granted line policy
This motion was Carried with the following vote:
Aye: Aldermen Bearae, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley Schisler,
$Cott, Wilson.
Naze: Aldermen Thomson, Puttick.
No. 10 - Township of Crowland -Advising of the inconvenience caused by the
osing of Onta n soercxite the channel; rai hands an
lway d
be constructed from Ontario Rd. uthly
back to Ontario Rd.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Ali. Clarke that the communi-
cation be received and the matter be referred to the City Manager for report re:
possible approach to.Seaway Authority; and that a copy of the Crowland communica-
tion be forwarded to the Regional Council.
No. 11 - City of Woodstock - Resolution advising of petition to the Provincial
Government to review and consider control of the salary structure in the County
School Board systems.
It was Moved by Ald. Hunt, "seconded by Ald. McKinley that the communication be
received and filed.
This motion was Defeated with the following vote:
Aye: Aldermen
derme Hunt, e ke,Oa McKinley.
Ray A , MaoIMartin, Puttick,Schisler,Thomson,Wilson
e Aldermen B o
Ion of Aid. Beares, »RiIERND on the motion sa, eecoxided by Aid. Wilson that the communi-
cation be received and resolution endorsed.
This motion was Carried with the following vote:
Aye: Aldermen Bearas, Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Martin, Puttick, Schisler, Thomson,
Naze: Aldermen Scott, McKinley, Hunt.
No. 12 - City of Cornwall - Resolution setting forth opposition to the recent
amendment o The Criminal Code which makes it mandatory for any person to sub-
mit to a breathaliser test if so requested by a police officer.
ORF,D on the motion of Ald. Thomson, seconded by Ald. Scott that the communi-
cation be received and filed, and resolution be not endorsed.
No. 13 - County of Welland - Disposition of oil paintin„s of former County
Wardens ah4, County Officials, including that of the late A. G. Bridge, Warden
Of the County in 1958. _ d
ORDERED motion of
tthat t nagermske a rrrange nt that the communi.. receive the
cation portrait of Mr. Bridge ae soon as possible.
No. 2 - Cit Manager - Suggested purchase property of O n o
rop y south located in t he former Twp. of Willoughby, t could th used ft t Willard for a park site;
Montrose River and adjacent to Read, such propert.
and recommending that the matter be referred to the Planning Committee for con -
eideration and report to Council.
O[fltlRED on the motion of Ald. McKinley, seconded by Aid. Martin that the Report
be received and recommendation adopted.
This motion was Carried with Ald. Puttick voting contrary and all other members
of Council in favour.
f (a) ]gis,gara Falls Girls'
Work Advising of requests received r Matte Club for Tag Days
No. 3 - Cit Clerk ras: g - s on Aril 24, and April 25; ( )
for g Days (c) Kinsmen Club for proclamation of the week khof all
o5 May 29th and t, as 30th; and reem:m�ew ing
15th to Feb. 21st, ae Kinsmen Gold Anniversary Week,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Thomson, seconded by Ald. Mann that the Report
r equests be granted•
be received and requests granted.
_ - Recommending approval of payment of accounts.
ORDERED OR. 4 it seconded by Ald. Martin that the Report
o on the motion of Aid. McKinley
be received and adopted.
and 34 other persona advising of the qusost-
Petition signed by 3. 8• ShoreY wa er ra should apply'
that hat a e mf o art l on to ers, e
ing that the rate ford t this revis ion be rretroectiveeto the dateoflthe first 1
hmmes are metered, an -
water biol• of Wilson December 29th i
ORDERED the motion of Ald. Thomson, seconded by Alt. Wilson that in view
petition, that the ace '1 m:
of this the-action which es the City p o i nt s u t the min the pe st
this matter, which resolves the points outlined in
be received and filed.
to the family of Dr. Charles W.
brother of Dr. W. A. Potter Sr., AND the
a message of condolence be forwarded
Potter of Phillipsburg, be hres Jersey,
Seal of the Corporation
Carry ou Z
School Buses - n Elizabeth Wa and/Bede Road
rrol to tbe haze=
Alders the queen eabet Way at
buses stopping
on the e bus. Alderman Marcia was of the . opinion
(erred to the Board of Education.
Industrial Dar
Alderman Puttick referred to the suggestion contained in the Inaugural
Address of His Worship Mayor Miller concerning the appointment of J.A.Montgamery
as the official agent to act for the City in negotiating and executing industria.4
park transactions, enabling Mr. Montgomery to act immediately in every case,
subject to final approval by Council itself. Alderman Puttick was ohh biuntic
that the efforts to date, not particularly from the Industrial
the City as a whole,in respect to securing additional industries to the City,
had not borne fruit, notwithstanding the additional industrial sites made avail-
able in the City's newly- created Industrial Park. Alderman Puttick stated them
was space available in the new City Hall to accommodate an.:SIIduetrl'
who could be appointed by Council and brought within the confines of the a newbCit
-Be suggested that the responsibility of the Industrial Department,
brought under the wing of the City Planning Committee, with the Committee
the In
responsible for talking to industry and making decisions and giving
trial Manager power to act. Alderman Clarke concurred with Alderman Puttick
comments and mentioned that there were many who operate
e their
aspect of
industrial departments. Alderman McKinleY referred to
industrial assessment.
It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Clarke, seconded by Ald. Puttp =
the City Manager prepare a report and reccamendations concerning
of the operation of SA industrial department by the City.
Advertising in booklet fore.
adman Martin requested a report on the amount of money spent, and
the number of request, s booklets, etc.l� and a recC motion as to an advisable
is variouswe
policy which could be adopted. - -- -
condition caused by school
Road matter should be �
that get
Procedural By -law Amendments
Alderman Bearee referred to a report of His Worship Mayor Miller con-
cerning possible amendments to the Procedural By -law. Mayor Miller reminded
members of Council that he had requested them to bring in any suggestions they
might have to the City Clerk, who in turn, would pass them along to the City
Solicitor who could prepare a draft by -law for consideration of Council.
Attendance by Press at Committee of the Whole Meetings and use of Tape Recorders.
Alderman Bearss referred to attendance of Press at Committee of the
Whole Meetings, based on the honour system, which had been in effect for some
time because of the value of obtaining background information on items which may
• come to open Council at a future date. The Alderman stated that to her know-
'ledge no medium of the Press had ever broken faith with this understanding
with the exception of an instance where a tape recorder was left in the Council
in that Alderman ta motion
pe recorders wwe a allowed in theCouncil ea
Alderman state thi s was another area that Council might wish to establish a
policy on in respect to Committee of the Whole attendance and use of tape
recorders, and questioned whether a report should be submitted to Council on
the quest about the Press being allowed todshtay did
for Committee of the Whole
By -law No. 70 -4. A By -law to authorize the borrowing of $4,000,000.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Wilson that
Ald. Bear be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the By -law
be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. /Mares, seconded by Ald. Thomson that
Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the
By -law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading. Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott. Carried Unanimously.
By -law No. 70 -5 -A By -law to provide monies for Peneral purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley, seconded by Ald. Wilson that
Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the By -law
be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott, seconded by Ald. Martin that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By -law
be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Ald. Martin and Ald. Puttick. Carried Unanimously.
Council adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. McKinley,
seconded by Alt. .Scott. -
Council Meeting,
January 6, 197
Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular
meeting held on January 6th, 1970. All Members of Council were present. Alder-
man Wilson presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the by Alderman to
Scot he t , ti O Commi Bre
on t motion of Alderman McKinley, cit
of the Whole arise and report to Council.
- 6 -
cozier= OF TB WHOME
0040 44
Council Chamber, .
January 6, 1970.
the Committee of the
of Council were present.
Council re- convened in open session following
Whole meeting held on January 6th, 1970. All Members
His Worship Mayor F. S. Miller presided.
The following action wa taken_
Report 5 - City Manager - Drummond,Portage & Morrison Crossings of the Hydro
Canal, recommending that the fin's of Proctor.8. Redfern United be engaged to
perform the preliminary engineering necessary to establish the type of cross-
ings necessary over the Hydro Canal, and that the firm also be engaged for the
design and supervision of construction for the first phase of construction as
approved by Council after reviewing the preliminary engineering study, and that
the engagement of the firm for the work be subject to the approval of the Reg-
ional Government and the Dept. of Highways of Ontario.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Thomson, seconded by Ald. Mann that the Report
be received and recommendations adopted.
Report 6 - City Manager - Building Permit Application, South -west corner of
Stanley Avenue and /try Street,and recommending that the permit be issued.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Thomson, seconded by Ald. Clarke that the Report
be received and recommendation adopted.
This motion was Carried with the following vote:
bye: Aldermen Beams, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schiller,
&cott, Thomson.
fle; Aldermen Wilson, Puttick.
Appointments to Recreation Commission
It waa Ordered on the motion of Aid. Bears, seconded by Aid. Mann that
Mr. Albert McRae and Mr. B. !. Williams be appointed to the Recreation Commission.
Note: The above appointments, along with appointments previously decided upon
for the Recreation Commission to be ratified in By -law form at the next meet-
ing of Council.
Mr. Eidt advised that this was the last Council Meeting he would be
attending as the City Engineer in view of his appointment as Director of Engin-
eering for the Regional Municipality of Niagara. He expressed his sincere
appreciation to past and present Councils re
for employment assistance with co-operation
extended to him over the past 17+ year
former Township of Stamford. He ccumenteeda the h th h
place since the start of his employme , stng
was in the abatement of pollution, and remarked that the City of Niagara Falls
was one.of the leaders in this field now.
His Worship Mayor Miller stated that every member of Council would
concur with him in stating that they were all very sorry to lose Mr. Eidt's
Council adjourned on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann.
Council net at 7:30 p.m. as Monday, January 12th, 3.970, for the pur•
pose of considering general business. All Usmbersof Council were present
with the exception of His Worship Mayor !. J. Miller and Alderman Scott.
It vas Ordered ca the motion of Aid. Martin, seconded by Alt. Mann that
Alderman Sohisler be appointed Presiding Officer in the absence of Mayor Millar.
It vas Ordered cc the notice of Ald. Thomson, seconded by Aid. Mann
that the Minutes of the Meetings of Council held an January 5th and January
6th, 1970, be adopted as printed.
Council Meeting,
January 12th, 1970.
Cam. 14 - Mr. Arnold Warden - Presentation to Council re: children standing
on Omen Elizabeth Highway waiting for school bus.
It was Ordered on the notice of Ald. Thomsen, seconded by Ald. Clarke that Mr.
Warden be granted peamission to address Council.
Mr. Warden explained that be was concerned with the problem of school children
being required to stand cm the corner of the ileac Nlizabeth Way and King Road
while waiting for the school bus, and the hazardous condition caused in that the
school bus, when stopple., does not pull off tbs highway. He explained that
cars ern required, by lav, to stop when they sae a school bus stopped as the
hinny, but saws ea not, and drive around the stopped bus. de suggested that
the only solution to the problem was the repair ot the ascessaiy roads in order
to reroute the school bus. Mr. Warden was of the opinion that the cost to
carry out the work should be taken from the $45,000.00 surplus of the Township
of Willoughby :pr hand at the time they became part of the enlarged City of
Niagara Palls. It was explained that the amount mentioned represented fixed
assets only. , In support of his presentation, Mr. Warden tiled with the City
Clerk a reeves which included 'photograph., needpaper clippings and copies of the
correspondence he had had with the Tounahip of Willoughby and the Board ot nun
ORIORED on the motion of Ald. Thomsen, seconded by Ald. kprtin that the preen.
titles: of Mr. Warden be rsosivsd and referred to the Board of Nducatice; and
also, that the City Engineer look into repairs of King Road to detesine if
the work required can be QOns vitiate the tuna budget.
lsu sigggD BIlBIME
Coss. 266(1969) • Mrs. Anne MoCaltS • Flooding problem one Coach Drive.
Comm. 267 1969 • WS. 0. Gibson • 11ood Webb* one Coach Drive.
Report 5 - Oita Manager , • Background details in aspect to conditions in this
area, end investigations made by mtatt 1n trying to alleviate the problems;
and sugpsticn that the installation of a baoanatsr valve installed outside the
foundation would, greatly relieve anew problems saw being experienced by Mrs.
Oibscn and Mrs. MsOailae.
gams discussion to place in respect tool) the possibility of having the sub.
divider or contracts* install baolaiater yens during the period of construotioa;
and 2) the possibility of enacting a byplay fast would require minimum standards
for lot levels.
MIND on the whiten of Aid. hearse, seconded by Ald. Wilson that the Report
be received and nommendaticos noted therein, and that a further report in
respect to suggested action on behalf of the Municipality could be forthcoming
as • result of this. This motion was pried with the following votes
A.T= Aldan leans. Clarke, *unto Mann, Rarttn, McKinley, Thomson, Wilson.
s Aldsss Punish, delloesy.
- 2 -
Report 749(1969) - City Manacer - Application of Choreba Investments Limited
requesting the re- zoning of a 95 acre parcel of land bounded on the east by the
Queen Elizabeth Highway, on the west by Haler Road, on the south by Welland Line
Road and the north by the HEPC right -of -way, to permit the development of a
mobile home community.
Report 6 - City Manager - Further report on application outlining information
in respect to: taxes that can to levied against trailers; impact of proposal on
existing school facilities; and information received from other municipalities
on the success of such establishments elsewhere.
Mr. John T. Clement, Solicitor on behalf of the applicante, had requested per-
mission to address Council. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Thomson,
seconded by Ald. Wilson that Mr. Clement be heard.
Mr. Clement stated that the application had came before the City Council on
November 24th, 1969, but since that time a ehangeiin the make.up of Council had
taken place, and it was felt that is the beat interests of the applicants, and
because of the impact e:.c`; a yrnr,oeai would have on the community, that the
application should go again before the Planning Committee of Council. Mr.Clement
stated it vas important that every member of Council be as familiar as possible
with the ramifications of the proposal.
CRDERBD on the motion of Ald. Mann, seconded by Ald. Galloway that the applic-
ation of Choreba Investments Limited be referred to tho Planning Committee for
recommendation to Council. This motion was Carried with the following vote:
Aye: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Calloway, Lunt, ham, Martin, McKinley,
Nam Alderman Wilson, Puttick.
* *****
Caen. 280(1969) - Miss J. V. LaMareh - Re: Niagara Monorail Ltd. Application.
Report 764(1969) - City Mane r = B ports of City Solicitor, City Engineer,
Planning Director and City g. Inspector.
Report 791(1969) - City Solicitor - Advising of discussion of various constit-
utional and legal problems at a meeting with Dep.Minister of Municipal Affairs,
the General Municipal Counsel of the Dept. and Miss LaMareh; and that a draft
agreement will be prepared by the City Solicitor for Council consideration.
Comm. 15 • Railway Transport Committee - Order No. R -7570 for authority, pur-
suant to section 2 of the Railway Act, to construct a monorail system along,
over and across the railway of Penn Central Transportation Company.
ORLMRED on the motion of Ald. McKinley, seconded by Ald. Thomson that the
communication be received and tabled until the expected application is received.
N****kleMil* *M * * *e*
Comm. 334(1969) - International Joint Commission - Nearing to be held on February
2nd, 1970, in Hamilton, to receive submissions relative to the Pollution of
boundary waters.
Report 7 - City Manager - Requesting the designation of a member of Council to
attend the Bearing.
OREBRO on the motion of Ald. Thome, seconded by Ald. Martin that the Report
be received and filed and Alderman Nilson be appointed to attend the hearing.
No. 16 - Lu dy's tare Nietorigal Museum - Advising that the Museum Board are
pleased to accept the or Stamford dell for a Museum.
CRLuawu co the notion of Ald. Wilson, seconded by Ald. Thomson that the oae:uni•
cation be received and filed.
It was also indicated that the Civic Lnployee's Credit Union would be informed
concerning the availability of space in the basement of the building.
No. 17 • Township of yilloujhby4. Advising of funds available is the Tup. park
fund as at Dec. 31st,1909 for construction of tennis court and fence at the
A. C. Douglas Park.
MORO on the notion of A1d.Thrason, seconded by Ald. Martin that the coaammi-
ation be received and filed.
• 3 It
No. 18 - Township of Willoughby - Requesting Council to consider the future
of the Willoughby Historical Museum.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Seeres seconded by Ald. McKinley that the comm-
unication be received and the matter be referred to the City Manager to contact
both the local Museum Board and the Fort Erie Museum Board to see what type of
arrangements can be made.
This motion was carried with Ald. Puttick voting contrary and all other members
in favour.
No. 19 - Mr. Noel Webb - Expressing appreciation for gift presented to himself
and other employees transferred to the new Regional Government.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilson, eeconded by Ald. Thomson that the communi-
cation be received and filed.
No. 20 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - Invitation to Members of Council
to attend the regular monthly meetings of the Board of Directors.
ORDERS') on the motion of Ald. Thomson, seconded by Ald. Martin that the comm-
unication be received and filed and attendance of Members of Council be by
alphabetical order, of those Aldermen vho have indicated they are able to attend
the noon meetings..
No. 8 - City Manager - Advising that as a result of the amalgamation of the -'
Village iNam a to the City and the annexation of portions of the Townships
of Willoughby, Humterstone and Crosland, arrangements had been made to establish
a Service Area for the Village of Chippewa and possibly' a fringe area on the
perimeter of the former Village where development is expected to take place in
the future; and that the enlarged City will be providing all services defined
under the definition of Urban Service with the possible exception of the Public
Transit Service; and advising that if the suggestion made is acceptable, that
arrangements could be made to have the necessary bylaws prepared to add Chippewa
and the fringe portion around Chippewa to the Urban Service Area and provide that
all liability of the property owners' share of local improvement debentures
issued to the 31st day of December, 1969 by the Corporation of the Village of
Chippewa for watermains be assumed by the City and charged to the Urban Service
Area rate.
The City Engineer outlined the area under discussion on a plan.
The City Solicitor reviewed the intent of the City Manager's report, and stated
that an amendment to the City's Private Bill could be included in the Private
Act which is being prepared in respect to the Monorail proposal.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Thomson, seconded by Ald. Martin that the Report
be received and approval granted for the necessary steps to be taken to include
Chippewa and a fringe area, in the Urban Service Area as outlined in the Report.
This motion was Raffled with the following vote:
Org oa, AldemenBeaigs7Clarkes.Bbot. Mean, Martin, McKinley, 8chialer, ShoOegn,
Na$ei Aldermen Galloway, Putt/eke
No. 9 - City Manager - Application Of Mr. C. Oentilcore requesting the re- zoning
of property situated on the east side of Drummond Road between North Street and
Prospect Street for the establishment of a confectionery store.
Mr. H. A. Logan, solicitor for the applicant, was present at the Council Meeting.
It was Ordered cm the motion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Thomsen that Mr.
Logan be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Logan stated that the matter bad been considered in same detail by the
Planning Board who had recommended that the application b6 approved. He advised
that the proposal provided for off- street parking in the amounts required, and
that in his opinion the establishment of the proposed business would serve a
definite need in an area destined for increased higher density. Mr. Logan
referred to the Draft Zoning By -law, and expressed his thinking that it was
highly unfair to the citizens who have to be faced each time with a possibility
of a by-law which does not exist and have decisions mmads on something that may
never be a policy of Council, and suggested that possibly the draft by-law could
be brought before Counoil in the asar future.
ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Thomson that the Report
be reosived end the application of Mr. C. Oentilcore be approved, subject to the
applicant entering into a site plan agreement, including a site plan. This
notion sae 22a of with the following, voter
gl : Aldemenn Besrss, mdn, *rtin, McKinley, Puttiek, Thomson, Wilson.
Alderman Clarks, al
No. 10 - Bit, Manager. Application of Bonato Bros. requesting the re- zoning of
property on the west side of Portage Road to permit the construction of a 12 unit
apartment building, and recomnen:ing th:.t the application be approved subject to
the applicants entering into a Site Plan Agreement including a Site Plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Galloway that the Report
be received and adopted, and the application be approved 'abject to the applicants
entering into a Site Plan Agreement including a Site Plan.
No. 11 - Citz Mager - Suggesting that the interest rate to be charged on tax
arrears be increased to five- sixths of one per cent per month, or the equivalent
of 10 per cent per annum, and the new rate become effective as of Januaq 1st,
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Puttick, seconded by Ald. Clarke that the matter be
referred to the City Solicitor for investigation ie:- the suggestion that a rate
of 10% be charged for the second year of tax arrears, and a rate of 12% be charged
for the third year of tax arrears.
No. 12 - City Manager - Recommending that the rate of discount allowed for tax
pre - payments be increased to 8 per cent per annum, and an appropriate bar -law be
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley, seconded by Ald. Martin that the Report
be received and adopted.
No. 13 - =Slugs; - Recommending that the necessary by -law be prepared tc
allow the erection of atop signs on Frances Avenue and Carman Street.
ORDERED on the motio, of d. Wilson and Ald. Mann t.hut the Report be received
and adopted.
No, 14 - City)imleger
ing DDT be authorized
ORDERED on the motion
received and adopted.
No. 15 - City Manager - Advising that the necessary arrangements will be made for
the Recreation Commission to use the building at 3565 Lun4' +e Lace as soon as
the Planning employees are moved to the new City Hall.
0 on the motion of Ald. McKinley, seconded by Ald. Beams that the Report
be received and adopted,
No. 16 - City Mahnver - Report of permits issued by the Building Department during
the month of December, 1969.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Mann that the Report be
received and filed.
'1 ; a�
- Recommending collection arrangements of pesticides contain -
by Council and the necessary notices inserted in the local
of Ald. Thorson, seconded by Ald. Mann that the Report be
No. 17 - City Maker - Recommending approval of payment of Municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Wilson, seconded by Aid. Clarke that the Report be
received and adopted.
0utJ pn on former Starl DroDertr
Aldermen Clarke asked if the City Manager had been successful in his attempt
to secure an option an the former 8tarlite Theatre property. The City Clerk
reported be understood that Mr. Huggins had contacted a representative of the
Famous Players Company and an agreement had been reached regarding an optic°.
School Crossing_- Heximer St. and Mcleod Road.
Alderman Puttick tabled a petitic he had received frees residents in the
Wilson Crescent - Drummond Road • McLeod Road - Heximer Avenue area, outlining
a request for a school crossing guard for the Heximsr Avenue School. Alderman
Puttick outlined the conditions that children are canfranted with in this area
necessitating the erection of crossing signs at McLeod Road and Reximer Avenus
and the provision of a crossing guard.
ORhMABD on the motion of Ald. Puttick, seconded by Ald. Wilton that the petition
for crossing guard at Sexton Avenue School be received, and that school crossing
signs be installed in the appropriate location at Isximsr and McLeod Rd. leads
lately: and that an investigiation be carried out relating to the appointment of
a school crossing guard in that area.
- 5 -
Preparation of draft resolution re: federal Aid to City.
Alderman Puttick presented a proposal for the preparation of a Resolution
to be sent to all Cities who are members of the Ontario Municipal Association
and/or the Ontario Mayors & Reeves Association, outlining objection to the grant-
ing of aid by the Pbderal Government to the City of Montreal for the 1976 Summer
Olympics, particularly in view of financial curtailments announced by the Federal
Government in respect to Winter Works, inflation, etc., and the difficulty exper-
ienced ty the City of Niagara Palia in attempting to secure financial assistance
in respect to the Urban Renewal programme, etc., and that the Federal Member,
Mr. Greene, be supported in his attempt to secure financial assistance for pro-
posed Railway Re- location. Alderman Puttiok also noted that the Chamber of
Commerce had met with Mr. Greene, and suggested that Council also go on record
as supporting the Chamber in their deliberations with Mr. Greene.
It was understood that the City Clerk would prepare a draft resolution for the
consideration of Council at the next meeting.
Preparation of Retort on Regional Road Classifications.
Alderman Clarke asked if the brief in respect to Regional Road classifica-
tions had been prepared for submission to the Regional Council. Re stressed
the importance of the preparation of the brief in order that the wishes of the
City in the actual designation of streets is presented to the Regional Government.
The City Clerk advised that City Officials would be contacting Regional officials
for an extension of time in order to allow for the preparation of the brief, in
view of the fact that the brief was to have been submitted to the Consultants of
the Tecnhical Co- ordinating Committee of the Regional Municipality on or before
January 12th, 1970.
Maps of enlarged City.
Alderman Bearae requested that Members of Council be supplied with maps
of the enlarged City for their Council desk blotters.
Alderman Wilson requested that Members of Council be supplied with saps
of the enlarged City for their use at home.
Outdoor Ioe Rinks.
Alderman Galloway queried the policy of the City in respect to the estab.
lishment of outdoor ice rinks. It wan explained that in pest years several
rinks had been in existence, with the City providing facilities, ie;- water,
boards,gutters, for the assistance of the residents who visbed to create the
outdoor rink, but that the weather had been the main factor in the success of
the rinks.
Alderman Puttick stated he had spoken to the City Manager about this matter
and he was of the opinion that a report would be forthcoming on the subject.
Mo. 70-6 - By-law to provide for the appo nt of Municipal Officials.
(R.W.Rodman, W. N. Nobbs, N. A.
ORs.szt u on the motion of Ali. McKinley, seconded by Ald. Martin that
Aid. Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the My-law and the By -law
be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ORM= on the action of Ald. Clarke, seconded by Ald. Martin that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law
be given the second reading. Carried with Ald. Puttiok voting contrary and all
other asoibers in favour. Galloway declined to vote)
Third Reading -Aid. Bears and Ald. Thomson. Carried with Ali. Puttiok voting
contrary and all other members in favour. (Ala. Galloway declined to vote)
No. 70-7 - A By -law to amend By -law No. 70-2 providing for appointments to
certain Bonds, Commissions and Cammittess.
(Greater Niagara Transit Commission, Recreation Commission)
MEC on the motion of Aid. Bearis, seconded by Aid. Wilson that Ald.
Mum be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the By -law be given
the first leading. Carried Wsniaously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mann, seconded by Ald. Martin that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By -law
be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Puttick. Carried Unanimously.
No. 70-8 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley, seconded. by Ald. Wilson that
Ald. Hunt be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the By -law
be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hunt, seconded by Ald. Galloway that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By -law
be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Ald. Wilson and Ald. McKinley. Carried Unanimously.
It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Hunt, seconded by Ald. Puttick that
the entire Cc unittee of the Whole Agenda be dealt with at the next Council
It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley, seconded by Ald. Clarke
that Council adjourn to Committee of the Whole for the purpose of hearing a
presentation of the City Engineer.
00 Ineeos ii t ::414 /# 4 -44--641
- 6 -
Presiding Officer
Council Meeting,
January 12th, 1970.
Council assembled in Committee of the Whole follwing the regular meeting
held on January 12th, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the excep-
tics of His Worship Mayor Miller and Alderman Scott. Alderman Thomson presided
as Chairman.
Following consideration of the item presented to them, it was Ordered
that the Committee of the Whole arise without reporting to Council.
Presiding Officer
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the Whole
Meeting held on January 12th, 1970. All Members of Council were present with
the exception of His Worship Mayor Miller and Alderman Scott. Alderman
Schiller was the Presiding Officer.
It was ordered that the Council adjourn.
i ll ..•d ••••......
- 7 -
Council Chamber,
January 12th, 1970.
x f .
Presiding Officer
Council Meeting,
January 19, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 19,1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. All Members of Council were present. His
Worship Mayor Y. J. Miller presided as Chairman. Alderman Galloway offered
the opening prayer. It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson,seconded
by Alderman Clarke that the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 12,
1970, be adopted as printed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that Mr.
Arnold Warden be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Warden expressed his dissatisfaction that no action had bean
taken regarding the dangerous condition at the interesection of King Road and
the Queen Elisabeth Way where school buses stop on the highway to pick up and
discharge school children. He reiterated his concern for the safety of the
children and considered that after two weeks' investigation a report should
be forthcoming. The City Clerk explained that he had contacted the Director
of Education, R. A. McLeod who had expressed the willingness of the Board to •
meet with City officials. A letter had subsequently been sent to the Director
requesting that a representative of the Board meet with City officials and
also forwarding copies of the petition, correspondence and an excerpt from
the minutes of the January 12th Council meeting at which time the matter was
referred to the Board of Education and the Engineering Department was directed
to investigate the condition of King Road. Alderman Martin observed that
according to the regulations of the Department of Transport buses were per-
mitted to stop only on the travelled portion of the road and use 'flashers'.
Mayor Miller said that the City Council could not dictate to the Board of
Education but could ask for their cooperation regarding such problems. He
requested the City Clerk to again contact the School Board if a reply to the
letter was not received within a few days.
Report No.11 - City Manager - Suggesting that the interest rate to be charged
on tax arrears be increased to five -sixth of one per cent per month, or the
equivalent of 10 per cent per annum, and the new rate become effective as
of January 1, 1970.
Report No. 18 - Citt Solicitor - Re: interest on Tax Arrears. Noting that
subsection 1 of section 574 of The Mupicipal Act provides that Council may
increase the interest rate to "a rate" hot exceeding 1 per cent per month;
suggesting that it would be inadvisable for Council to provide for two rates
without clear authority for doing so.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report of the City Solicitor be received and filed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted and an interest rate
of 10X per annum be charged on tax arrears, the new rate to become effective
as of January 1, 1970.
Comm. No. 3 - Regional Municioality of Niagara - Requesting the preparation
and submission of a brief by the City on "Regional Roads Classification ",such
brief to be submitted on or before January 12, 1970 to the Consultants of the
Techattel Co- ordinating Committee of the Regional Municipality.
Report No.19 - City Manager - Re: Regional Roads. Presenting a map of the
existing City of Niagara Palls showing those roadways which would appear to
meet the criteria for Regional Roads as presently proposed by the Region's
consultants; submitting a brief entitled "Criteria for Regional Roads" pre-
pared for the consideration and use of the consultants for the Regional
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received, the brief approved and forwarded to the consultants
for the Regional Council; further, that the City Engineer, the Traffic
Engineer and other members of Staff be commended for the preparation of the
information presented. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Alderman Bearss, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley,Schisler,
Thomson,Puttick. • .
NAPES Alderman Wilson and Scott.
No. 21 - Mr. Frank Hawes - Noting that the area of Garner Road North is within
the Urban Service Area but is not receiving all services; suggesting that
Council consider expanding additional services to those areas already within
the Urban Service Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermen Clarke that
the withcAAldenrmantPuttickrvotingdcontr acknowledged
and and The vour. Carried
No. 22 - Mr. Robert A. Green - Objecting to the proposed enlargement of the
Urban Service Area proposed by Council; suggesting that it would be more
logical to supply the services and develop existing areas before including
other sections of the City in the Urban Service Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman gears., seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the communication be received, acknowledged and filed. The motion Carried
with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 23 - Canadian National Institute for the Blind - Requesting an appropria-
tion of $500.00 in support of the Institute's services for blind people in
the City during the year 1970; advising that the local Field Secretary will
be present to make a personal presentation.
The City Clerk advised that Mr. Ed. Wheeler was to, appear before
Council but was unable to be present due to illness.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and tabled until such time as Mr. Wheeler is
able to be present.
No.24 - Dr. N. Pohran - Requesting that the Ukrainian Community in Niagara
Falls be granted permission to raise the Ukrainian Flag at City Hall on
January 22, 1970, Ukrainian Independence Day, at 11:00 a.m.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the communication be received and the request to raise the Ukrainian Flag
approved; further, that as many Members of Council as possible attend the
No. 25 - Recreation Commission of Niag Falls- Advising of the appointment
of officers and committee members.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dears., seconded by Aldermen Martin that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 20 - City Manager - Re: Mattocks & Montgomery - Premisss,260 Huron Street
Advising that the new owners, Mr. & Mrs. I. Mattocks, have requested the City
to provide a quit claim deed in order to obtain a clear title to the property
advising further that all City requirements have been met and recommending
that the quit claim deed be given.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Clarke that
the report be received and adopted.
Ses By -law No. 70 -9.
Mo. 21 - Cite Mansur - Re: Policy regarding attendance of members of the
news media and use of tape recorders during regular and Committee of the Whop
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and the City Clerk directed to prepare a resolution
to provide a policy and indicating that the use of tape recorders would be
permitted during regular meetings of Council and members of the radio and
prssi may attend Committee of the Whole meetings subject to certain condition
The motion Carried with the following vote:
g,s Aldermen Maras, Clarke, Hunt, Mann. Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott,
Thomson, Wilson.
Nom : Aldermen Puttick and Galloway.
No. 22 - City Manager - Noting that the records relative to the Planning
Committee are now a. Municipal responsibility and recommending an amendment
to Dy -law 6066 to establish a record retention period for filing under the
jurisdiction of the Planning Committee. The report includes the recommends
tions of the Planning Director as to minimum retention periods for various
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted and the City Solicitor authorized to
prepare the necessary amending By -law. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 23 - City Manager - Re: Landlord and Tenant Advisory Bureau. Recommending
that the formation of a Landlord and Tenant Advisory Bureau be deferred at
the present time and (a) the Social Planning Council asked to suggest a
programme to determine the need, if any, of such a Bureau (b) obtain addi-
tional information from the appropriate Provincial Department regarding the
authority to be given to these bureaux and (c) contact those municipalities
who have taken advantage of the new legislation to obtain their comments.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 24 - City r - Proposed plan of subdivision, Part of Township Lot 37,
Registered Pla Manage n 244. Advising that the developer proposes to create 29 single
family lots and convey 1.5 acres to the Municipality for park purposes which
would be developed as an addition to the present park in the Theresa Subdi-
vision; recommending preliminary approval subject to the following conditions:
(a) the owner entering into a Subdivider's Agreement with the Municipality
(b) the owner conveying a 1.. acre parcel of land to the Municipality for park
purposes and (c) that arrangements be made with the owner to remove fill from
the proposed park area for the infilling of the proposed McPherson Clement.
All costs will be borne by the subdivider.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Wilson
voting contrary and all others in favour.
.No. 25 - City Manager - Re: Annual Report of Trench Inspector.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the report be received and filed.
No. 26 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Bearss that
the report be received and adopted.
Petitioning the Government of Canada to place a priority on those matters
in which the Government has a financial responsibility, namely, urban renewal,
housing and increased employment opportunities.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Mann
that the resolution be received and approved. The motion was Defeated with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Mann, Puttick, Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
NAPE :Aldermen Beares, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley,Schisler.
- 3 -
Alderman Mann read a prepared statement in which he voiced his
objection to the announced retroactive pay and mileage allowance approved
by the Council of the Regional Municipality of Niagara. The 23 month
retroactive pay is $1,250.00 per member, totalling $35,000.00 plus a
retroactive mileage allowance of .150 per mile. The Alderman expressed the
opinion that the members of the Regional Council would more than earn their
annual salary of $5,000.00 but, in view of the uncertainty of the tax rate
for Metro Niagara, every effort should be made to maintain the present rate
or a necessary increase should be minimal.
During discussion of the matter Alderman Puttick requested informs-
Motes to (1)•u%atber deductions would be made for meetings missed (2) will
the four Mayors on the Regional Council receive pay free. their municipalities
as well as the Regional Government if they attend meetings during the day
(3) how the figure of .150 per mile was reached the amount being 33% higher
than what most businesses pay (4) bow many meetings were actually held during
the 55 days prior to January 1, 1970 and (5) will the press be allowed to
publish all information and how will the Municipal Councils get information
as to matters others than those considered at two public meetings per month.
Mayor Miller advised that_ Regional Council meetings will be held
during the evening and there wilt be no additional resemeratioa for the
chairmen of committees or committee meetings.
it was moved on the motion of Alderman Mame, seconded by Alderman Runt that
the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls strongly objeet to the 24 month
retroactive pay of $1,250.00 per caber and the rstroestive mileage allowance
of .150 per mile approved by the Bagionat Council; farther, that • copy of
this resolution be forwarded to all llnaicipalities within the Niagara Region,
the Regional Counsil and to the *nistar of Mwtieipal Affairs. the motion was
Defeated with the following votes
AYE: Aldermen Haan, Cunt, Puttick and Wilson.
NATE:Aldermen Bear's, Clarks, Calloway. Manley, Martin, Sehister, Scott,
No. 70 -9 - A By -law to authorise the execution of a quit claim dee to Ian
D.P.Mattocks and Ruth Marjorie Mattocks.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that Alderman Clarks be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORM= on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Scott that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -10 - A By -law to allow interest on taxes paid in advance.
ORDERED on the action of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Hearse be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law end the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman gears., seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried
with Alderman Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading{ - Alderman Clarke and Alderman Thomson. The motion Carried
with Alderman Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70 -11 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that Alderman Bears' be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given a first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears', seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given * second reading.
Carried Unanimously
The meeting adjourned to Committee of the Whole•on the motion of Alderman
Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann.
Carried Unanimously
Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular
meeting held on January 19, 1970. All Members of Council were present.
Alderman Thomson presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
Ordered on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the Committee of the Whole arise and not report.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of
the Whole meeting on January 19, 1970. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship P. 3. Miller presided.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the meeting adjourn.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 26, 1970, for the
purpose of considering general business. All Members of Council were
present. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. Alderman
Hunt offered the opening prayer. It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman
Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson, that the minutes of the regular meet-
ing held on January 19, 1970, be adopted as printed with a correction on
page 3, line 4, to include the entire wording of the prepared resolution.
Hie Worship Mayor Miller welcomed members of the St. John's
Ambulance Cadets who, accompanied by their leader Tim Veysay, were in
the Council Chambers as observers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Wilson that -
Mr. Arnold Warden be granted permission to address Council.
Mr.Warden expressed appreciation for the prompt action in regard
to the safety of school children boarding and disembarking from buses at
the intersection of King Road and the Queen Elizabeth Highway. He pointed
out however that the problem of school buses travelling on the Q.E.W.while
transporting children, still remained. He presented a petition bearing
the signatures of 38 ratepayers of the area who support the stoning of
the clay section between the two stone ends of King Road rather than the
proposed surface stoning of Bossert Road. He expressed the opinion that
such action would be leas costly; would eliminate the necessity of the
school bus entering end exiting from the Q.E.W.and would provide a direct
route for fire protection, police protection and ambulance service.
Mayor Miller explained that the present arrangement was on a
temporary basis only and staff members were making a study as to alternate
solutions. The City Engineer reviewed the preliminary piano of the Depart-
ment of Highways for the area particularly the possibility of a "fly- over"
at Bossert Road and the proposed extension of Stanley Avenue. He indicated
that discussions would be held with representatives of the Department of
Highways and a report would be submitted to Council in the near future.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the petition be received and tabled until such time as a report is received
from the City Manager and Staff. It is understood that the report will be
prepared and submitted to Council in the spring before the time when road
construction can be undertaken.
Council Chamber,
January 26, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Mr. C. E.Billing be granted permission to address Council.`
Mr. Billing had appeared before Council previously in regard to
matters concerning the Niagara District Council of Boy Scouts and its
financial relationship with the United Appeal. He advised that he had
received a communication from the National Council of Boy Scoutmbut was
not satisfied with the reply. The letter, in part, noted "that it could
only be concluded that the action of the local Boy Scout Council has been
endorsed by the United Appeal and the City Council ". Mr. Billings asked if
Council have, in fact, endorsed any action and if explicit answers to••his_:
various•. questions had ever been received from the Board of Directors of the
United Appeal. Mt. Billing also commented on the amount of money contri-
buted by local residents at their place of employment in St.Catharines and
in Now York State. He expressed the desire to meet with asysral members of
Council to review the situation and Alderman Thomson end Alderman Clerks
indicated their willingness to do this. Alderman Wilson suggested naming a
committee comprised of four members of Council, Mr. Billing, members of the
United Appeal Budget Committee and the Scout Director, H. Dragger.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarks, seconded by Alderman Schuler
that in order to familiarise all Members of Council with the nature of Mr.
Billing's complaints, copies of the correspondence from Mr. lilting and the
National Council be made available to Council and the matter placed on the
agenda of the next meeting.
.... 2.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that
Mt. C. R. Cook be granted permission to address Council and to submit a
recommendation for the formation of a committee for the setting of salaries
of elected officials.
Comm. 32 - Mr. C. R. Cook - Re: Regional Council Salaries. Criticizing .
Council for endorsing the salaries set by the Regional Council;suggesting
that Council give more consideration to curbing inflation and to the
financial problems of Old Age Pensioners and those on fixed incomes.
In his remarks to Council, Mr.Cook suggested that during the last
year of office, the Council submit a recommendation regarding the salaries
of the incoming Council; that a base rate be set and salaries adjusted
every six months according to the coat of living index and that guidelines
in respect to Aldermanic salaries be considered by a committee comprised
of four members of the Chamber of Commerce, four members of the Labour
Council, four Aldermen, the Mayor, the City Manager and the City Clerk.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the communication from Mr.Cook be received and filed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
Mr. R. Condiraton be granted permission to address Council in regard to
Regional Council salaries.
Mt. Condiraton was critical of remarks made by Alderman Martin
and Alderman Bearas at the Council meeting held January 19 when they had
expressed their reasons for supporting the announced salaries of the
Regional Council. Mayor Miller requested Mr. Condiraton to confine his
remarks to the subject of Regional Salaries.
Mr. Condiraton then quoted directly from articles appearing in
the St. Catharines Standard on December 22, 1969 and January 17, 20 and 21,
1970. The articles dealt with the appointment of a Director of Engineering,
the salaries of the Regional Council, the retroactive pay and the mileage
No. 435 - City Manager - Re: House Numbers. Suggesting that the east -west
number base line be moved 4,000 numbers to the east and thsnorth -south base
line be moved 4,000 numbers to the north, thus eliminating the present
north -south system of numbering adjacent to Thorold Stone Road and the new
east base line would be at the east of all property contained in the new
City of Niagara Falls.
No. 779 - City Manager - Re House Re- numbering. Submitting costs of three
types of house numbers proposed to be used for the renumbering of houses
in the enlarged City; suggesting that advertisements be placed in the local
press explaining the procedure being followed and the method of obtaining
new numbers; suggesting further that the numb*» be issued from City Hall
so that a careful record can be kept; recommending that the City purchase
house number* similar to Sample .9 at $60.00 per thousand and that
sufficient numbers he supplied so issuance can commence as soon as.the
by -law has been passed; recommending further that all new numbers within
the present City of Niagara Falls be handled by form letter and the new
areas of the City by field measurement and issuance by a field grew.
Report No. 29 - City Manager -Re: Building' Re-numbering for the City of
Niagara Falls.Rsd smead$ng that the re- numbering of the former Village of
Chippewa, the former Township of Willoughby; the former Township of Crowland
and the former TMp. of Rumberatone be implemented immediately any that'the
street name changes previously authorised by the amalgamated area munici-
palities be implemented at the same time es the now numbers are issued;
recommending further that Council authorise the purehass of the numbers
previously recommended and that a target date for the nom numbering system
be May 1, 1970; suggesting that the re- numbering system be well advertised
by press and radio and in the form letter accompanying the new numbers
and the advertising emphasise that old addresses and street names in the
amalgamated areas should be used until the actual date of changeover.
In his explanatory remarks, the City Engineer emphasised that
the suggested implementation of the mew numbers and street name changes is
for the amalgamated areas only and it will be necessary to prepare and pass
by -laws for the ease changes in the former City of Niagara falls. He ex-
plained the difficulties being encountered by Postal authorities and Said
the Lplemsntatioe system outlined in the report should alleviate the
- 3 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the report be received and adopted.
Comm. No. 300 - The Village of Chippewa - Re: Starlite Theatre Property,
Sodom Road, Willoughby. Submitting information regarding the desired
purchase of the property in conjunction with the recreation programme;
requesting that the matter be brought to the attention of the new Council;
advising that the time extension, to allow for the purchase, will expire
early in January 1970.
Report No. 31 - City Manager - Re: Starlite Theatre property, Sodom Road.
Advising that a letter had been forwarded to Mr. K. P. Rodberg, Manager of
the Real Estate Department of Famous Players Canadian Corp. Ltd.,requesting
an option to purchase the property which would be valid to April 30, 1970.
Mr.Rodberg will submit the request to a Directors' meeting and Council will
be advised of the results.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson
that the report of the City Manager be received and filed.
Comm. 316 - Township of Willoughby - A resolution proposing that the 1970
Niagara F.4lls Council or the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority con-
sider acquiring the property bounded on the east by Montrose Road and
confined within the boundaries of Lyons Creek and Lyons Creek Road west to
Argyle Road, as a District Park.
Comm. 33 - The St.Lawrence Seaway Authority - Re: Lyons Creek. Advising
that in order to clean up the conditions of Lyons Creak, it is proposed to
cut off the head waters of Lyons Creek and, by utilizing a settling basin,
the discharge of that section of the creek lying west of the new by -pass
channel will be discharged into the new canal. It is also proposed to
discharge the fresh water from the new canal, via a weir structure, into
the section of Lyons Creek lying east of the new canal at an anticipated
flow rate of approximately 50 c.f.s.
ORDERED On the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Galloway
that the communication be received and the City Clerk directed to obtain
from.the St:Lawrence Seaway Authority a full explanation of the proposals
to improve the conditions of Lyons Creek.
* * * * *
Report No. 32 - City Manager - Referring to the presentation of Mr.Howard
Wilson, Public Relations Director, Canadian Association for Children with
Learning Disabilities, regarding Council's endorsation of a request to
the Welland County Board of Education to establish a system of aid to
children with learning disabilities; submitting copies of replies from
the Welland County Board of Education and the Welland County Separate
School Board outlining the work being done; suggesting that the Boards have
taken appropriate steps to implement suitable programs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received, acknowledged and copies of the replies received
forwarded to Mr. Wilson and to Mrs. Margaret Montague, President of the
No. 34 - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada - Advising that the Society
had spent $571.83 of the $1,500.00 grant allocated by the City for the
purchase of capital equipment; requesting that consideration be given to
carrying forward the outstanding balance into 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the unused balance of the grant be set up as an Account Payable in order
that it may be used for the purposes of the local Multiple Sclerosis
No. 35 - Greeter Rimers Chamber of Commerce - Requesting an opportunity to
meet with Council to discuss the current status of the City's Zoning
By -law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication be received and the City Manager directed to prepare a
report as to the current status of the Boning by -law following which
arrangements will be made to meet with a delegation from the Chamber of
4 .
- 4 -
No. 35 - Mrs. Shirley Carr - Expressing appreciation of the gift of a
broach presented as a result of termination of employment with the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bares, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 36 - Deputy Minister of Highways - Re: Model System for standards for
maintenance activities, efficient use of available manpower and equipment,
more precise control of the costs of maintenance activities and better
methods for work planning and for measuring accomplishment; suggesting
that an appropriate model system be implemented in the City of Niagara Falls
in partnership with the Department.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the communication be received and the Department of Highways requested to
make arrangements for members of the Department's staff and representatives
of their consultant to meat with Council to provide an opportunity to ask
questions regarding the system.
No. 37 - City of St.Catharines - Re: Application of the City of St.Catharines
for approval of expenditure of $275,000.00 to acquire lands and buildings
at 150 Berryman Avenue,St.Catharines and application for Ontario Municipal
Board approval. The City Manager explained that the communication refers
to the purchase of the former Anthes- Imperial Office building for the
purpose of leasing the facilities to the Regional Municipality of Niagara.
It'leee'moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the communication be received and an objection to the application
filed. The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Puttick, Hunt, Galloway, Thomson and Wilson.
NAYE:Aldermen Beans, Clarke, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the communication be received and the City of St.Catharines notified that
the City of Niagara Falls ties no objection to their application to the
Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the expenditure. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bears., Clarke, Mann, Martin, McKinley,Schisler and Scott.
NAPE: Aldermen Puttick, Runt, Galloway, Thomson and Wilson.
No. 38 - Department of Municipal Affairs - Re: Report of Committee on
Uniform Building Standards. Enclosing copies of the report and inviting
comments and suggestions which are to be submitted by April 15, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that the communication be received and copies of the report be referred
to the City Solicitor, City Engineer, Building'Inapector and the City
Manager for study and report; further, that the report be submitted by
February 28, 1970 in order to allow for the preparation of a brief out-
lining the comments or suggestions of the City.
No. 39 - Borough of Scarborough - A resolution asking the Government of
Ontario to enact legislation to permit Municipal Councils to enact by -laws
to control and regulate surface elevations and drainage on any lands in
the Municipality at the time of building construction.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the communication be received and the resolution of the Borough of
Scarborough endorsed.
No.40 - Niagara Falls Music Theatre Society - Requesting permission to
erect a banner on Victoria Avenue advertising the production of "How to
Succeed in Business Without Really Trying ".
ORDERED on the motion ofAlderman McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Bears. that
the communication be received and permission granted for the erection of
the banner with the understanding that the installation will be approved
by the Niagara Falls Hydro and /or City Engineering Department.
No. 33 - City Manager - Re: Dorchester and Mountain Roads Watermain.
Recommending that Provincial Grading and Excavating Limited be engaged by
the Municipality for the installation of the necessary watermains as
specified in Contract No. W.W.3 -70, at the tendered price of $71,882.30.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Merlin, seconded by Alderman Thorson that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Scott
voting contrary and all'others in favour.
See Resolution )lo. 55
3 .
- 5 -
No. 34 - City Manager - Re: Policy Concerning Parking Matters. Recommending
that the policy concerning parking matters be amended as recommended by the
Municipal Parking Committee and that the effect of the change be reviewed
after a suitable time period to determine if further revisions are required.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Maras, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 35 - City Manager - Re: School Crossing - McLeod Road at Heximer Street.
Advising that surveys have been carried out to determine if a crossing guard
is warranted at the intersection; advising further that while the McLeod
Road crossing at Heximer Street does not require a crossing guard at this
time, school crossing signs would be beneficial and a::e being erected.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Bearas that
Mrs. Morris be granted permission to address Council.
Mrs. Morris, speaking on behalf of parents of school children in
the area, enumerated the factors that contributed to the dangerous condi-
tion at the intersection: (a) the intersection is between two main inter-
sections, Dorchester and Drummond Roads (b) poor visibility (c) heavy local
traffic; (d) the parking of a connecting bus on the south aide of McLeod
Road; (e) the parking of a transport truck near the corner; (f) the road
is used by buses travelling toward the Q.E.W. and the fog conditions of
the area. Mrs. Morris also expressed concern regarding the widening of
McLeod Road to four lanes in the future.
The Traffic Engineer outlined the results of the surveys con-
ducted and the methods used in counting the number of children using the
crossing. He noted that the Ontario Department of Transport Manual indicates
that school crossing signs should only be erected where a school crossing
guard is on duty. He stressed the importance of educating the children to
cross the road properly. The Traffic Engineer advised that a parking by -law
will be presented to Council and 'no parking' and 'no standing' provisions
are being considered.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
a school crossing guard be located at the corner of McLeod Road and
Heximer Street immediately and the necessary signs erected; further, that
school children be encouraged to use this crossing only. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Puttick, Clarke, Mann, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Schiller,
Thomson, Wilson.
NATE: Aldermen Galloway, Scott and Maras.
No. 36 - City Manager - Re: Natural Ice Rinks. Recommending that the
Recreation Commission be asked to submit • report concerning Municipal
operation of natural ice rinks so that adequate plans can be made for the
1970 -1971 Winter season.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman hares that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 37 - City Manager - Re: Phasing of Development Study. Advising that the
Planning Committee has carried out a comprehensive study in respect to
the Official Plan which includes probable allowances for growth during
the next twenty -five years. The report is presented to assist Council
in determining the boundaries for the enlarged Urban Service Area pro-
posed for the former Village of Chippewa and fringe area; advising that
it is desirable to include the extension of the Urban Service Area and the
matter of the City absorbing the local improvement charges for watermains
in a Private Bill.
No. 38 - Planning Committee - Re: Staging of Development Study.
The Planning Director reviewed the contents of the report and
observed that if the general recommendation of the report are accepted an
Official Plan amendment can be prepared to indicate policies for direction
of growth by initiation of capital works; the study will aupportrequests
for Regional capital works investment and the Official Plan will be
The City Engineer was requested to review existing and prcpcsed
sanitary and water facilities. The City Manager explained that the report
was submitted in order to obtain Council'. opinion regarding the boundaries
of the proposed extension to the Urban Service Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Nilson, seconded by Aldermen Mann that
Council endorse the recommendations of the Planning Director as contained
,in Staging of °Development Study.
seconded by Alderman Mann that
Planning Director. The motion
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson,
Council endorse the recommendation of the
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Hunt, Mann,
Wilson and Thomson.
NAYS: Aldermen Puttick and Gallaway.
During discussion of the reports, Alderman Wilson indicated that
the intent of the resolution included the extension of the Urban Service
Area southerly as indicated on the map tabled by the Planning Director
said area being shaded in red.
Martin, McKinley, Schisler,Scott,
No. 39 - Planning Director - Re: AM -2/70 Niagara Peninsula Home Builders,
Part Block A, Registered Plan 245 (Meadowvale Village). Application for
rezoning to permit the addition of 1.7 acres to an original 4.5 acre site
previously rezoned for town housing unite; recommending that the application
be approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 40 - Planning Director - Re: AM -1/70 Dougherty's Meats, Lot 173, 3156
Drummond Road (east side). An application for permission to legalize an
existing non - conforming store and allow for an extension; recommending
that the application be denied.
ORDERED on the motion o2 Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke
that Mt. Herbert Hunt be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Hunt, Dougherty's Meats, Allanburg, advised Council that he
wished to withdraw the application at this time. He had been unable to
attend the meeting of the Planning Committee and felt that his application
had not been well presented. He indicated that there were more parking
spaces available than had been reported. It is Mr. Hunt's wish to make a
new application.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and referred back to the Planning Committee.
No. 41 - City Manager - Re: Use of former School 7, Lyons Creek Road.
Describing the building and advising that the Building Inspector has
reported that from a structural point of view the building could be made
useful. It has been suggested that some historical society eight be
interested in the structure.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderson Mann that
the report be received and referred to the Recreation Commission for study
as to the provisions of the dead to the former Township of Crowland and to
consider suitable uses for the building.
No. 42 - City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 43 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Martin
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 3 - BBARSS - WILSON. - RESOLVED that a letter of condolence be forwarded
to the family of the late Mt. Hugh Rankin, a valued employee of the City
for many years; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 4 - SCOTT - CLARKE - RESOLVED that WHEREAS the report of the City's
Consultants, DeLew Lather and Company, submitted in September 1965,
recommended relocation of the Penn Central Railway as the best method of
eliminating dangerous traffic barriers, advancing the commercial growth and
enhancing the scenic aspect of the City of Niagara Fella,
AND WHEREAS, The Honourable Mr. J. J. Greene, Federal Minister of Energy
and Resources and Mr. George Bukator, M.F.F., have offered to assist
the community in its long- sought effort to bring about railway relocation,
AND WHEREAS, Mr'.Grasne hoe agreed to work with the appropriate Provincial
Minister to this end,
AND WHAS, the Greeter Niagara Chamber of Commerce has already committed
itself to this ram of civic improvement,. INEREFOHE -SE' IT USDLWID that
7 .
this Council support the Chamber of Commerce in its endeavour to act as a
spearhead in organizing community -wide groups to seek the means of bringing
about this improvement to the environment of the City and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
NHS. Re.soLs *- No. 5 is an Flo It.
Carried Unanimously
CLARIFICATION - Report Nos. 37 and 38
Alderman Clarke requested clarification of the action of Council
when considering the reports of the City Manager and the Planning Committee
regarding the "Phasing of Development Study ".
The City Manager replied that he believed Council had voted only
on the adoption of the Phasing and Development Study submitted by the
Planning Committee. He indicated that the details of the proposed extension
to the Urban Service Area will be included in a draft copy of the Private
Bill which will be presented for Council's consideration.
Alderman Wilson referred to the inability of the City to proceed
with the sale of lands in the Industrial Park on Stanley Avenue and pointed
out that while an application has been forwarded to the Ontario Municipal
Board, . ",ut had not as yet been approved. He queried if there was any
procedure that could be followed which would permit the City to sell the
industrial lots. The City Manager advised that the City is able to sell
the lots and include phrasing in the documents to indicate that the
restrictions would be the same as provided in the by -law. The City Manager
will contact representatives of the O.M.B. and enquire as to when a reply
might be expected.
Alderman Puttick asked the Planning Director if there was any
way in which the Council could legally assist the development of the down-
town area other than with urban renewal funds and whether it would be
possible for the City to acquire property and resell it to developers for
the purpose of erecting high -rise apartments. Mr.Greaves stated that he
had spoken to downtown merchants and suggested that the rephasing of the
parking program could be extended over a long period of time using City
money; that the merchants themselves would have to proceed in any way
possible to carry out parts of the urban renewal program without the
assistance of the higher levels of government, such as improving the
rear of properties. In regard to the question about apartment buildings,
the Director advised that the removal of housing in the downtown area
would be very expensive for the City. Without the assistance of the
Provincial and Federal Governments, the City would have to take a loss on
the buying of residential lands.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Clarke
that the Planning Committee be requested to arrange a meeting with the
builders and other interested parties in the area to discuss ways and
means of providing apartment buildings in or adjacent to the downtown area.
It has coma to the attention of Alderman Thomson that citizens
who had served on various committees had not been notified that they had
been voted out of particular offices and were no longer members of certain
committees, boards and commissions. The Aldermen suggested that Council
establish a policy as to notifying the committee members of changes in
the membership.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schiller .
that members of the various committees, boards and commissions bf ea
enlarged City be notified of membership changes and those members not re-
appointed be thanked for past service.
Aldermen Thomson advised that 25 citizens, including senior
citizens and parents of small children, had written letters expressing
their concern about traffic conditions on Lundy's Lane between Drummond
Ro40 end Highland most of the letters referred to • crosswalk or
- 0 -
a traffic light for the plaza area. From investigations it appeared that
the only answer would be the installation of traffic lights, not only to
assist pedestrians but to help alleviate the problem of vehicular traffic
trying to get in or out of the plaza. Ares merchants are in favour of the
traffic lights and the Traffic Engineer has ascertained that it is a high
traffic accident area. Although there is a possibility that the road may
become a Regional responsibility, Alderman Thomson was of the opinion that
the necessary steps should be taken and, if necessary, a strong recommenda-
tion could be made to the Regional Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the feasibility of traffic lights being installed in the area of the
Lundy's Lane plaza be referred to the Traffic Engineer for report.
Alderman Thomson referred to current and future applications for
mobile home developments within the municipality. One of the objections to
the developments is that they do not pay sufficient taxes to support schools
and services. The Municipality can only charge $20.00 per month per unit.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the City Clerk prepare a resolution requesting the Minister of Municipal
Affairs to amend The Assessment Act to provide that taxation for mobile
trailer parks is equal to that of permanent homes. The resolution is to
be submitted at the next meeting of Council. The motion Carried with the
following vote
AYE: Aldermen Bearae, Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schialer,
Scott, Thomson,Hunt.
NATE: Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
Alderman Clarke commented on the many efforts of the former
Village of Chippewa to have mail delivered to homes in the Village. The
request was never approved because of restrictions in respect to popula-
tion. The Alderman expressed the opinion that Chippewa is now part of the
enlarged City of Niagara Falls and the residents are entitled to the service.
Mayor Miller stated that he had contacted the Honourable J. J. Greene
several times about the possibility of home mail delivery in the Chippewa
area and the Minister has broughtthe matter to the attention of the Post-
master General.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the City Manager contact the Department of the Postmaster General as to
whether the former Village of Chippewa will now qualify for how delivery
of mail.
Alderman Clarke advised that Willoughby residents living in the
fringe area proposed to be included in the Urban Service Area are currently
paying double water rates. He requested that the matter be brought to the
attention of the Water Department. The City Manager indicated that he
would investigate the complaint.
No. 7904 - A By -law to authorise the construction of certain sanitary
sewermains as local improvements. (Third Reading)
Third Raman - Alderman Thomson and Aldermen Clarke.
Carried Unanimously
}y -law No. 70 -12 - A By -law to amend By -law Number 7531, being a By -law to
provide for the erection of Stop Signs at Intersections.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Scott that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the Sp - law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderms n Clarke, seconded by.Alderman
Bears' that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -Law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Schialer.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -13 - A By -law to adopt a common seal for the Corporation of the City
of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -14 - A By -law to provide for interest on tax arrears.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beeves, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Clarke and Alderman Hunt.
Rule 36(2)
the By -law
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading, - Alderman Puttick and Alderman Wilson.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -15 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Schialer that Alderman Scott be gra nted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus -
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Boras.
Curled Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schialer, seconded by Alderman Wilson
that the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council Meeting
January 26, 1970.
Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular
meeting held on January 26, 1S70. All Members of Council were present.
Alderman Scott presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann;
that the Committee of the Whole arise and report.
Council Chamber,
January 26,1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held on January 26, 1970. All Members of Council were
preaent. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided.
The &llowina.aottar( was takes:
Report 44 - City Manger - Advising that Mr. R. G. Sones, Director of
Recreation has completed one year's probationary employment and recommend-
ing that his employment as a permanent employee be confirmed as of
January 1, 1970.
ORDBRED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Bearse, Clarke, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Thomson, Mayor
NAYS: Aldermen Wilson, Schialer, Puttick, Mann, Hunt, Galloway
It was moved on the motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson
that the report be received and referred until such time as the report of
the Recreation Director is presented. The motion was Defeated with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Puttick, Wilson$chisler,Mann, Hunt, Galloway.
NAYE:Aldermen Barss, Clarke, Martin,McKinley, Scott,Thomson,Meyor Miller.
NOTE: The vote to refer the report was taken prior to the vote to adopt
the report.
No. 45 - City Manager - Re: Recreation Director. Advising that the
Recreation Commission have recommended that the Recreation Director receive
the 4 per cent increase which the other Non -Union employees received.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following
AYR: Aldermen Rarse, Clarks, Galloway, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Thomson,
ME:Aldermen Mann, Hunt, Puttick, Mister, Wilson.
It was moved on the motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by Alderman Clarke,
that the report be received and referred until such time as the report of
the nurseries Director is presented. The motion me defeated with the
following vote:
AYE: Alderman Puttick, Clarke,
NAYE:Alderman Beares, Galloway,
NOTE: The vote for referral was
Report No. 28 - City Manager - Re: Sanitary Landfill Site. Describing the
Sanitary Landfill site on Mountain Road on lands leased from Ontario Hydro;
submitting costs of operation and advising that a new machine will have to
be purchased at an estimated cost of $70,000. The report indicates that it
is advisable to make representation to the Regional Council requesting
that the Regional Government provide facilities for the disposal of waste
and recommending that the City petition the Regional Council to enter into
an agreement with the City for the use of the facilities.
The City Engineer reviewed the information included in the report
pointing out that the landfill site is causing much concern and describing
a seepage problem in the area. It was his opinion that if landfill sites
were under the jurisdiction of the Regional Government, the problems of
the City and other municipalities in the area could more easily be solved;
it would be possible for the Regional Council to hire professional staff
thus eliminating the need for each area to have their own consultants and
also eliminating duplication of work and staff. The Engineering Department
is not recommending that the described equipment be purchased by the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that the report be received and adopted.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by
Alderman Martin.
Wilson, Schialer, Hann, Hunt.
Martin, McKinley, Thomson, Scott,Mayor
taken prior to the vote adopting the report.
No •$ - MARTIN - THuMSOfv - 1kESot. c Provincial anti; nq asla £xcaa -v i11 Li unit
6t engactj ad by 4-I. Akan iu rm.\ -fe - +ht, installs. }ion o e 4-ht Messmer V
Wvrkie.*me.ins as sne.e.i in tutted No. W .W. - -m, at +he. }e,h price.
4 11, ii`6a.,3o j ANA 'I.t Sea.\ o� 4kt. et it�orG.4h ` r
a es. cttt, a_il'itcA.
&p,rri e.a
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, February 2, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. All Members of Council were present. His
Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. Alderman Mann offered the
opening prayer. It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman d Thomson,
sy onded
Alderman Hunt that the minutes of the regular meeting ma
be adopted as printed.
His Worship Mayor Miller welcomed Mr. Brian Gannan to the meeting.
Mr.Gannon has recently become a member of the staff of the Niagara Falls Evening
Alderman Wilson arrived at the meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that Mr.
Leo Burger be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Burger, 1969 Chairman of the Recreation Commission, presented to
Council the annual report of the Commission which, he said, in a small way
indicated the activities of the Director and the Commission during 1969. Mr.
Burger introduced the 1970 Chairman, Dr. Charles Newman. Dr. Newman, in turn,
introduced Mr. R. Songs, Recreation Director, who was prepared to answer any
questions asked"* - Council Members.
.Alderman Bearea commended Mr.Sonea for the fine work he had done in
a short period of time. The Director, she said, had stimulated a greater
interest in the recreation program of the Municipality and was responsible
for the coordination of the various recreation activities. Alderman Bearss
then introduced other members of the Recreation Commission, namely, Mt. James
Somerville, Mr. Albert McRae and Dr. W. A. Potter. The Alderman expressed
appreciation to these volunteer members for their willingness to serve.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
Annual Report of the Recreation Commission and the report of Research Inven-
tories of Recreational Facilities and Activities be received and adopted;
further that the Recreation Director and all members of the 1969 Recreation
Commission be commended for their activities.
Council Chamber,
February 2, 1970.
oars= on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
Mr. R. H. Mouser be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Misuser had requested permission to speak to Council on the
subject "City Council's Assistance to Curb Inflation Recommended ". In his
remarks Mt. Misuser offered three suggestions (s) that Council not raise their
salaries during their term of office unless the rate of inflation indicates a
considerable increase after two years ( b) that Council reduce their salaries
and pledge not to raise them again to $3,600.00 unless the rate of inflation
does not Government nr and other municipalities consider similar
modified pledges.
Report 37 - City Msn•Rer - Re: Phasing of Development Study. Advising that the
report is presented to assist Council in determining the boundaries for the
enlarged Urban Service Area proposed for the former Village of Chippewa and
fringe area; advising further that it is desirable to include the extension of
the Urban Service Area end the Satter of the City absorbing the local improve-
ment charges for watermeins in a Private Bill.
Report 38 - ;1annJna Committee - Rem Staging of Development Study - a Study of
Probable Directions of Growth in the next 23 years.
Report 46 -Coy Nyman - Re: Urban Service Area. Presenting • sap of the
enlarged City on which is indicated that portion of the former lbwnship of
Willoughby which is proposed to be included in the Urban Service Area.
Recommending that the land to be included in the extended Service Area include
all of the former Village of Chippewa and that portion of the former Township
of Willoughby as indicated on the map. The report notes that if the recommenda-
tion is approved, the area referred to will hs included in the private bill the
City is submitting to the Provincial Legislature.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by Aldermen Clarke that
the report be received and referred for consideration s ter the Budget meeting.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE; Aldermse Claws, Gaelowsy, Bunt, Mann, McKinley, Schialer, Puttick, Wilson.
NAYh:Aidermau Martin, Scott, Thomson, Learns.
Report 47 - City Clerk - Submitting a chronological resume of the presentations
the Bey
by . C. H. tilling in regard Sc outs Association, together with r and a report n arising �asl and
result of his submissions.
Comm. 41 - Boy Scoots of Canr.da District Council - Submitting statements
in regard to the Fonthill Campsite Project, Service to Scout Groups outside the
United Appeal Area; submitting also a copy of a letter from the Provincial
Council, Boy Scouts of Canada, addressed to Mr. Billing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott that a
committee comprised of Alderman Clarke, as Council's representative on the
Board of Directors of the United Appeal and Alderman Thomson meet with repre-
sentatives of the United Appeal and the Boy Scout Asenc.letion in order to
finalize Mr.Billing's request for an inve=stigation of .natters concerning the
United Appeal and the Boy Scout Association.
Comm. 35 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - Requesting an oppar2 lity to Meet
with Council to discuss the ceettnt status of the City's Zoning By
Report 48 - City Manager - Submitting information as to the present status of
the Zoning By -law and estimating that members of the senior staff have com-
pleted approximately 75% of the study required and are hopeful that the remain-
ing 25 per cant will be completed before spring in order that the by -law can
be submitted for Council's consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and the information contained therein. forwarded to the
Chamber of Commerce; further, that Chamber f iCrc with l also
that, upon completion of zoning by-law, am
from that organization.
Alderman Thomson suggested that enquiries be made as to whether it
is the wish of the Chamber of Commerce to meet with Council prior to the
completion of the draft zoning by -law.
No.42 - City of London - Requesting endorsation of a by -law urging the Minister
of Municipal Affairs to amend The Municipal Act to provide that municipalities
in Ontario may pass by -laws requiring the owners of large developments to
remove, within a period of 24 hours, any accumulation of snow exceeding four
inches which has been deposited on private roads and adjacent parking areas.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and the resolution of the City of London endorsed.
The motion Carried with Alderman Galloway voting contrary and all others in
No. 43 - Zhe Regional Municipality of Niagara - Advising of. the decision of
the Regional Council not to make an interim levy in 1970 against the area
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Aldermen Schisler that
the communication be received and filed.
.No. 44 - Minister of Financial and Commercial Affairs - Advising that Municipal
Councils will be given permissive authority to license certain types of
lotteries as contained in an attached 'Proposed Plan for the Licensing and
Regulating of Lotteries'; requesting Council to discuss the operational
proposal and submit comments and opinions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
communication be received and tabled for one week to provide an opportunity
for Council tceperuse tbe:coReett oltlo4 end -proposed plan.
No. 45 - The Ontario Municipal Association - Submitting an invoice for member-
ship in the Association and advising of an increase in membership fees.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman cott, seccnded by Aldermen Clarke that the
communication be received and the annual dues forwarded to the Ontario Munici-
pal Association.
No. 46 - Broderick Burnett McLeod & Clifford - Re: Acres Limited, Brights Wines
Limited - Bylaw No. 2350, 1959 and By -law No. 7995, 1969. Advising that both
firma will be prejudicially affected in negotiations that are presently under-
way with the Department of Highways with respect to land value and that the
future plans o both Corporations will undoubtedly be adversely affected by
applying the provisions of By -law 7995 to the lands owned and leased by the
two firms; requesting an opportunity to make a submission to Council regarding
the possibility of having the lands owned by Bright. and certain lands leased
by Brights together with all the lands owned by Acres, excluded from the pro-
visions of By -law 7995. , lass. J995
eapeet' 4.9 . - ..City Manager l: Re: Roningelly-law. 2356,. Amending By
end No..8881•. '
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
Mr. J. Broderick be granted permission to address Council.
Mt. Broderick, as Solicitor for Acres Ltd. and Bright's Winery Ltd.,
described the land holdings of the two Corporations on Dorchester Road as well
as lands presently leased by Bright's from the Canadian National Railway. He
reviewed the provisions of By -law 2350 which permits the owners far greater
land usage than the proposed By -law 7995 which will prohibit Acres and Bright's
from expanding their present facilities. The amendment to By -law 2350 would
delete from the permitted uses commercial and tesldential development formerly
allowed in Industrial zones. The amendment, he said, would adversly affect
present negotiations with the Department of Highways whereby Acres holdings
will be reduced by four acres and the Bright property by seven acres. In
referring to the parcel of land on the east side of Dorchester Road, Mr.
Broderick advised that negotiations have been underway and have advanced to a
point where agreement has been reached with a service station company to
develop the land and a building permit will be applied for. The speaker asked
that the properties of Acres Ltd. and Bright's Wines Ltd. be excluded from the
provisions of By -law 7995.
During discussion of the matter, it was pointed out that By -law 7995
has not, as yet, been approved by the Ontario Municipal Board and, according
to the instructions of the Board, all land owners within a specified area of
all the Industrial Zoned property in the former Township of Stamford must
receive notification. It is normal procedure for hearings to be held in the
event of objections being received.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Ciarks,seconded by Alderman Scott that the
communication and report of the City Manager be received and referred to the
Planning Committee for study and report to be submitted as soon as possible.
The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in
No. 49 - City Manager - Providing an explanation of By -law No. 7957,authoriz-
ing the construction of certain eidwalks under Section 8 of the Local Improve-
ment Act; advising that an order of the Ontario Municipal Board has been
received approving construction of the sidewalk on Sheldon Avenue; further
advising that the Board has appointed Friday, February 20,1970, at 11:00a.m.
for the purpose of hearing objections to sidewalk construction on Marion Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and filed.
No. 50 - City Manager - Re: Zoning By -laws - Township of Willoughby. Noting
that By -law No. 395 was enacted by the Council of the Township of Willoughby
and provided for the consolidation of several zoning by -laws; recommending
that the matter be referred to the Planning Committee for a complete review
together with a recommendation to Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Minn that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary End all others in favour.
No. 51 - City Manager - Rs: Proposal of the Norton Company to extend and
deepen the water intake servicing their production facilities; recommending
that Council submit written consent to the granting by the Department of Lands
and Forests of authority to the Norton Company to s th e Da agree oa dn
allowance for the purposes proposed and,
principle to the proposed intake extension.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted. See Resolution No. 6
No. 52 - City Manager - Re: Excavating Machine - Sanitary Landfill Site.
Advising that the machine is in urgent need of repairs and it is estimated that
the cost of labour and parts for engine repairs only will amount to $2,000.00;
suggesting that while the machine is dismantled the Equipment Superintendent
could inspect the parts and authorize only those repairs deemed necessary;
recommending that the machine be returned to the authorized Caterpillar dealer,
Crothera Ltd., Toronto, to carry out repairs subject to the approval of the
Equipment Superintendent.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting
contrary and all others in favour.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Aldermen Wilson
that the total cost of repairs to the excavating machine not exceed $3,000.00
unless Council is notified. The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Puttick, Wilson, Hunt.
NAYE:A7.dermen Hearse, Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott,
NOTE: The vote on the amendment was taken prior to the vote adopting the report.
No. 53 •- City Manager - Re: Payment of Water Accounts - former Village of
Chippaua. Advising that objections have been received regarding the bank
charge of .150 for the receiving of payments for water accounts and the
forwarding of money and bill•atubs to the City Hall; advising that the Hydro
Commission have offered to make arrangements to accept payments at the Hydro
office in Chippewa Hall without charge; advising that the City Treasurer has
been requested to provide the necessary facilities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldernan Clarke that the
report be received and the offer of the Hydro Commission accepted.
No. 54 - City Manager - Rs: Ontario Good Roads Association Comvention,February
23rd, 24th and 25th, 1970. Advising that the one -day Seminar for Councillors
will be held on Monday, February 23rd; recommending that two Members of Council
and five members of the Engineering Staff be authorized to attend the 1970
Ontario Good Roads Association Convention.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted; further that Alderman Clarke and Alderman
McKinley be appointed as Council's representatives at the Convention; and
further, that as many Members of Council as are able to attend the one -day
Seminar be granted authority to do so. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Bursa, Clarke, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott,Thomeon.
NAYS:Aldermen Puttick, Gallaway, Wilson and Mann.
No. 55 - City Manager - Re: City Buildiaga. Noting that since January 1, 1970,
the Town Hall of the former Village of Chippewa and the Township Hall of the
former Township of Willoughby are now owned by the City of Niagara Falls;
\ submitting information es to the purposes the buildings are presently being
used for; suggesting that proposals for the use of the two buildings be invited
from the public.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and tabled for three weeks to provide the public an
opportunity to offer suggestions regarding the use of the buildings; furd:er,
should there be no reaction from the public within the three week period that
an. advertisement will be placed in the newspaper as to the availability of
the buildings.
No. 56 - City Manager -Rs: Safety Policy and Regulations. Submitting copies
of a suggested policy and recommending that the Safety Policy and Regulations
be adopted by Council and distributed to present and future employees of the
ORDRASD an the notice of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Shaman that the
report be received end adopted.
• 5.
No. 57 City Manager - Re: Rezoning of lands in City's Industrial Park.
Advising that an Order of the Ontario Municipal Board has been received
approving the Rezoning By -law and that the notification of approval has been
forwarded to the Industrial Department.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mertin that
the report be received and filed.
No. 50 - City Manager - Re: Occupancy of new City Hall. Advising that the
Departments from the old City Hall will move to the new building on Saturday,
February 7th; the Engineering and Planning Departments will move on Saturday,
February 14th and the Council Chambers will be available for the Council
meeting of February 9th; suggesting that the official opening should be held
when weather conditions are more suitable and after the Municipal Budget and
rates have been established, preferably during the latter part of the month of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and filed and that "Civic Month" be observed this year
in conjunction with the official opening of the new City Hall. The motion
Carried with Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 59 - City Clerk - Summarizing requests received from various organizations
and recommending that the requests be approved. Saturday, February
Palls Hockey Association - Request to hold Tag Day, y, y
7, 1970; proceeds to be used to finance minor hockey programmes.
Lioness Club - Re: Annual Broom Drive, March 1 to June 30,1970; proceeds to be
donated to the Cancer Society.
Boy Scouts of Canada. Niagara District Council - Re: Annual Boy Scout Apple
Day, May 1st and 2nd,1970; proceeds to be used to augment special flatting
programs and resources that will be made available to the 1970 membership.
Navy League Committee. Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps - Re: Tag Days May 7th
and 8th and 9th; proceeds to aid work of Sea Cadets. June 6, 1970; proceeds
Greater Niagara Minor Soccer Association - Re: Tag Day,
to be used to assist in soccer program during 1970 season.
Greater Niagara Unit, Canadian Cancer Society - Re: Tai Days, September 10,11,
and 12,1970; funds will provide services to patients.
Westlane S ?condary School - Re: Request that Council consider the purchase of
advertising space in the school Yearbook; recommending that the City purchase
one-half page advertisement at a cost of $25.00.
Greater Niagara General Hospital School of Nursing - Re: Advertising space in
1970 School of Nursing Yearbook; recommending that the City purchase a one-
half page advertisement at a cost of $25.00.
Stamford Lions Club Inc. Re: Use of Bridge Street Athletic Grounds for Annual
Carnival, August 26,27,28 and 29; also requesting permission to erect a
carnival sign on the grounds approximately two weeks prior to the carnival
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Wilson that
the report be received and adopted.
It was pointed out by Alderman Mann that there are similar organiza-
tions in the former Village of Chippewa and he enquired if these clubs and
societies should submit similar requests for approval of their fund - raising
projeetaa•It is understood that the City Clerk will ascertain if the organiza-
tions in the former City propose to extend their activities to include the
entire enlarged City.
No. 60 - City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 61- City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 5A- CLAEgs - MART N - RESOLVED that a massage of condolence be forwarded
to the family of the late Donald Muria, former Manager of the Creator Niagara
Chamber of Commerce and highly respected resident of the City for many years;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Coaled Unanimously
WREREAS, the Council considers it advisable to establish a policy regarding
the attendance of radio and press representatives at regular and Committee of
the Whole meetings;
- 6 -
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following policy be adopted by the
Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls (1) Members of the
news media be permitted to use tape recorders or other mechanical recording
equipment during regular and special meetings of Council (ii)Members of the
news media be permitted to attend Committee of the Whole meetings unless other-
wise directed by a resolution passed by a vote of the majority of the Members
of Council (iii) In order to preserve the intent and purpose of meetings held
in Committee of the Whole, radio and press reporters are requested to observe
the following conditions: (e) all information released in Committee of the
Whole be held in strict confidence (b) the use of tape recorders is prohibited
and (c) in reporting matters subsequently ratified in regular session, the
news media shall confine their remarks to those comments presented in regular
Council session.
it was moved on the motion of•Aiderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the resolution be received and approved. The motion was Defeated with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Hunt, McKinley, Schielsr, Scott.
NAYE :Aldermen Mann, Martin, Thomson, Wilson, Puttick, Galloway, Clarke.
No. 6 - CLARKE - SCOTT - RESOLVED that WHEREAS By-law No. 246, passed by the
Council of the Corporation of the Village of Chippewa on the 28th day of
August 1909, granted permission to the Norton Company to use Second Cross
Street (now Daly Street) for certain purposes; AND WHEREAS, the Norton Company
has submitted a proposal for the modification of an existing intake pipe
located on the road allowances; AND WHEREAS, the Department of Lands and
Forests have requested the consent of the local Municipal Council to the
granting of authority to proceed with the proposal; NOW THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls, hereby consents to
the granting by the Department of Lands and Forests of any authority necessary
for the modification of the water intake as proposed by the Norton Company;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
WHEREAS there is in the Province of Ontario an increasing use of mobile home
accommodation; AND WHEREAS municipalities in which th_a type of accommodation
is situated, incur substantial costs in supplying services to persons residing
in these unite; AND WHEREAS existing legislation doss not permit the equitable
taxation of these units; AND WHEREAS the provisions of The Municipal Act
presently provide a limit on the amount of licence fees that may be levied
against mobile home unite; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Corporation
of the City of Niagara Palls petition the Province of Ontario to emend existing
legislation in order to permit municipalities to levy a more realistic amount
against permanent type of trailers or mobile homes;
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Aldermen Thomson that
Mr. Don Savage be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Savage, proprietor of a mobile home park, stated that be was
unaware until this afternoon that the resolution would be presented to Council.
He explained that it was necessary for him to make a business trip to the
United States and requested that Consideration:of :tbs tsiolution be delayed
until his return so that he might be provided with an opportunity to prepare
a submission to Council in regard to mobile homes and the taxation of trailer
and mobile units.
ORDERED on the lotion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clerks that
the resolution be received and tabled for two or three weeks when Mr.Savage
will be in attendance and prepared to make a presentation. Abe motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick,
lmson, Wilson.
NAYS: Aldermen Schisler end Scott .
11010 010121OfB - SRIBBB STREET
Aldermen McKinley advised that a petition is being circulated by
parsons residing on fridge Street and adjacent strestsin regard to the condi-
tion of the road between Second and Pourtb Avenues. Pedestrians ere being
soaked by passing vehicles because of the accumulation of water and heavy
traffic. Alderman McKinley requested that the Engineering Department study
the problem and submit a report as to the costs of resurfacing Bridge Street
between First Avenue and Fourth Avenue.
Alderman Puttick referred to reports. submitted at the Council
meeting of JMUltry 16
wherein it and receive R.
receivea e r r
47sal Recreation
Director, be appointed p
which other non-union employees had received. The Aldermen said that accord-
ing to press reports, non -union personnel had received an increase of 127 in
July which, together with a February increase of 57, amounted s 17 7 %. He
questioned the City Manager as to the accuracy of the newspaper y.
The City Manager explained that non -union employees received a
tentative 5% increase early in 1969 and an additional 4% following settlement
with the City employees union and these increases were retroactive to January,
1969. In July all non -union jobs were re- evaluated and salary levels adjusted
to equal those paid in other comparable Ontario municipalities. The 177
increase reported in the newspaper represented an average figure, some non-
union employees receiving no pay raise while the percentage of other explained casest
varied. The report presented to Council at the previous meeting
Mr. Sones' name had been inadvertently omitted from the classification list
and the report subsequently recommended that the Recreation Director receive
the 4% differential retroactive to July 1, 1969.
Alderman Puttick requested that the City Manager submit detailed
information in respect to the salary increaaea received by non -union personnel
during 1969 and, in particular, the increases granted to. the Recreation
Aldermen Puttick expressed the opinion that a resolution petitioning
the Canadian Government to give priority to certain matters would not have
been defeated at a previous meeting if Members of Council had been in agree-
ment with the preamble to the resolution. He suggested that the resolution
be re- worded and again considered by Council.
present time, an urgent need for active Federal participation in programs
aimed at the betterment of all Canadians; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the
Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls petition the Govern-
ment of Canada to place a priority on those matters in which the Government
has a financial responsibility, namely, urban renewal, housing, pollution and
increased employment opportunities; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this
resolution be sent to all Ontario Cities, the Ontario Municipal Association,
the local Member of Parliament, the Member of the Legislative Assembly and
the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves for endoreation and support; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Puttick drew Council's attention to the need of improving
and beautifying the .Centre Ares of the City. He noted the poor condition of
property alongside the Penn Central Railway tracks, unsightly overhead signs
and the accumulation of garbage at the rear of buildings.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the Beautification Committee be requested to give consideration to the plant-
ing of tress on the south side of Victoria Avenue alongside the railway tracks
between Ellen Avenue and the intersection of Palmer and Victoria Avenues and
(b) improving the appearance of overhead signs or the piscing of business signs
on the facade of buildings; further, that the Council offer reasonable assist-
ance to the Clifton Avenue Businessman's Association in any effort they may
make to improve and beautify the Centre Area of the City.
Aldermen Thomson suggested that it would be helpful to Council
members if information was made available es to the decisions made and the
action taken by the Regional Government. He said that, because of lack of
information, be was not always able to answer the various questions of
- 3 -
residents regarding Regional Government activities. Be suggested that a
periodic summary from the Municipal Clerk would supply Council with up to date
information in regard to matters affecting all area municipalities directly
or indirectly.
Several Aldermen considered that it would be unfair to ask the staff
of the Regional Government to do the additional work of d pari report for
distribution to the area municipalities. It was suggested
tion could be obtained from Mayor Miller who is a member of the Regional
Council or copies of the minutes of Regional Council meetings might be helpful.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin
that for a temporary period, the City Clerk arrange to obtain information as
to the decisions and actions of the Regional Council and a periodic summary
be prepared for the information of Council. The motion was Defeated with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Thomson, Martin, Clarke, Mann and Bearas.
NAPE :Aldermen Scott, Puttick, Schialer, McKinley, Galloway, Wilson and Runt.
Alderman Maras re- introduced the subject of extending the Urban
Service Ares to the former Village of Chippewa and fringe areas adjacent to
the former Village. She explained that during the discussion of the City
Manager's report she had not considered the fact that the proposal was to
include extension of the Urban Service Area in the Private Bill presently
being prepared for presentation to the Legislature during the current session.
The passing of a motion to refer the report for consideration after the
Budget Meeting necessitates the deletion of the Urban Service Area from the
Private Bill. Alderman Bearse also questioned how it would be possible to
establish a mill rate unless it was known prior to the Budget Meeting what
the actual boundaries of the Urban Service area were.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Sehislar that
the City Manager be requested to prepare a report in respect to the Private
Act being prepared for submission to the Ontario Legislature. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen karst, Clarke, Runt, Merlin, McKinley, Schist's, Scott,Thomaon.
NAYE:Aldermen Galloway, Mann, Puttick, Wilson.
No. 70 16 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with
Provincial Grading & Excavating Limited for the construction of watermains
on Dorchester Road and Mountain Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley,
Scott that Alderman Mann be gra nted the privilege of
and the By -law be given the first reading.
seconded by Alderman
introducing the By -law
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and'
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Readiest - Alderman Beers. and Alderman Martin. The motion Carried with
Alderman Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
Bylaw No. 70-17 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Scott, seconded by Aldermen Clarke
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Couaoil be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carris4 with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others is favour.
r Alderman Wilson and Alderman Thomson. The motion Carried with
1 Osman flick voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council Meeting,
February 2, 1970.
Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular
meeting held on February 2, 1970. All Members of Council were present.
Alderman Sehislar presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the Committee of the Whole arise and not report.
Council Chamber,
February 2, 1970.
following the Committee of the
Members of Council were present.
Council reconvened in open session
Whole meeting held on February 2, 1970. All
Nis Worship Mayor Miller presided.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Bears. that
the meeting adjourn.
4111.41 •:41 41 4141
Council Chamber,
February 9, 1970.
Council met at 7 :30 p.m. on Monday, February 9, 1970, for the
purpose of considering general business. All Members of Council were present
with the exception of Alderman Thomson. Alderman Martin offered the opening
prayer. It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman
Scott that the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 2, 1970, be
adopted as printed.
Mayor Miller welcomed members of the Niagara Falls Kinette Club who
were present as onlookers and as part of the observation of the 50th Anniver-
sary of the Kinsmen Clubs of Canada.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Nr.Wheeler be greeted permission to address Council in regard to the request
of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind for a grant of $500.00.
Mr.Wheeler, local Field Secretary for the C.N.I.B., expressed
pleasure that he was the first speaker to address Council in the Chambers of
the new City Hall. Mr. Wheeler, born with an eye defect which eventually
caused complete blindness, gave a resume of his life and activities with the
Canadian National Institute for the Blind. He advised that the three Advisory
Boards which formerly serviced the Counties of Lincoln and Welland are now
amalgamated and, as a result, staff members and volunteer workers now have
more time to serve blind persona of the area. Mr.Wheelar noted that the
requested grant was for the same amount as requested for the past four years.
He expressed the hope that Council would favourably consider the application.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the application for a grant from the C.N.I.B. be received and referred to the
1970 Budget Meeting and that Mr.Wheelsr be thanked for his presentation and
commended for the example he has set for other handicapped persons.
Comm. 180 - Niagara Falls 6 Suburban Area Planning Board - Re: Study of Street
Name Duplications and suggested changes.
Report 64 - City Manager - Re: Street Name Changes. Recommending that the
street name changes previously approved by former Councils in the amalgamated
areas be implemented as soon as possible; recommending further that the re-
quired signs be erected in the near future but that the implementation of any
new numbering scheme together with the street names become effective on May 1,
1970; enumerating streets in the amalgamated areas which appear questionable
as to the actual name of the streets and suggesting that Council give coneidera.
tion to possible street names for use on these roadways; advising of the
necessity to pass a by -law to implement street name changes in the former City
and any other street name changes or additions that might be required in the
amalgamated area; recommending that the City Solicitor be authorized to prepare
the necessary by -law as soon as possible. The report also recommends appropriat
advertising advising residents to use 1969 mailing addresses until May 1,1970.
Comm. 51 - Tropic Aquarium - Re: Objection to changing Welland Avenue to
Chrysler Avenue.
ORDERED on'the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted with the exception of the
proposed changing of Welland Avenue to Chrysler Avenue. Abe motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Scott, Wilson.
Sfl :Aldermen Bursa, Callaway and Hunt.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Naar, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
communication from the Tropic Aquarium be received and tabled for one week.
* * * **
Report 764 - City Manner- Res Niagara Monorail Proposal.
Report 65 - City M)naeer - Re: Niagara Monorail Limited. Submitting • draft
agreement between Nlaeara Monorail and the City end a letter from MMus J.V.
LaMhrsh esmsastisf on tactless of the draft agreement.
CNDfR&D on the mottos of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Mean that Miss
Lamb be feasted permission to address Council.
- 2-
Miss LaMarsh reviewed the Monorail proposal and described the
structure, the platforms and the staging. She pointed out that unless a
final agreement was arrived at it would not be possible to enter a Private
There was considerable discussion regarding the terms of the Agree-
ment between Niagara Monorail Limited and the City of Niagara Falls and the
following decisions were made.
ORDERED oa the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Mann that
Section 5(b) of the draft agreement be amended to read: "The Company shall
complete any work of removal or alteration of the height of the said structures,
tracks,works or other equipment mentioned in clause within 12 months after
notice has been given to it by the City or other road authority or utility
authority ". The motion Carried with Alderman Schisler voting contrary and
all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
Section 3(6) respecting the providing and maintaining o2 parking lots be
deleted from the terms of the Agreement. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler,Scott,
NAYE :Aldermen Bearss and Martin. -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Scott that
Section 10 aemain is the draft agreement, - :Section 10 statenhat "the.
Qprpddr, shast provide such c::tcnsions to t!,e monorail transportation system
as may be agreed upon between it and the City and, subject to like agreement,
the Company shall provide an additional station in the vicinity of the pro-
posed parking lot of The Niagara Parks Commission above Dufferin Islands.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Bearss that
Section 11 provides that "Within 36 months from the date upon which the Act
of the Legislature ratifying this agreement shall come into force, the Company
shall construct and commence operation of the monorail transportation system
along the entire route from the Queen Street station to the Chippewa station
with not less than 10 monorail cars ".
Miss LaMarsh requested that consideration be given to reference
being made in the paragraph that construction and the commencing of the
operation will be in two stages.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott that
Section 12 of the draft agreement indicate that the Company agrees to
negotiate with the City annually, between October andDecembet,in regard to
the scheduling of operations for the following year. -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the words "a greater height than 5 feet" be deleted from Section 13 in order
that the paragraph will provide that "Without the written consent of the City,
the Company shall not erect, place or maintain any column, track or other
structure or building at a greater height than is reasonably necessary to
provide the minimum clearance required above the rail level of the railway and
surface grade of a highway, respectively."
it watwoved on.ohe motion of Alderman Schiller, seconded by Alderman Clarke
that Section 25 will provide that the agreement shall continue in force for
a period of 20 years at which time tee Oonpeny.and the City vill'consider
renewal terms, The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Martin, Schisler,Scott.
TYB :Alderman Bearss, Galloway, Mann, MaKinley, Puttick, Wilson.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Mczinlsy, seconded by Alderman Wilson
~that Section 25 of the agreement shall provide that the agreement shall
continue in force for a period of 20 years at which time the terms will be
re- negotiated foe a renewal period of 10 years. The motion was Defeated with
the following vote:
Alit Aldermen Bearss, Mom, McKinley, Wilson.
NaltAldermen Clarke, Galloway, Martin, Puttick, Schisler, Scott,Bunt.
Report 2 - gip Maur - Suggested purchase of property owned by Ontario
Hydro located in the fprmes township of Willoughby, immediately south of the
Wsllead.Rivvt and ,adjacsee Igo Mosreosi auak`propsrty could be used for
- 3 -
a park site; recommending that the matter be referred to the Planning
Committee for consideration and report to Council.
66 - - 49tacres south of Welland River,
property bepurchaa d
for park purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermen Scott that the
report be received and the City secure an option to purchase the property for
park purposes; further, that the comments of the Regional Government be
bbtained regarding possible development of the area for Regional park purposes.
Comm. 324 - Department of Mines — Technical Committee Report re: proposed
legislation regarding the siting, operating and rehabilitation of all pits
and quarries in the Province of Ontario.
Report 67 - Planning pis;ootor•- - Re: Report of the Mineral Resources Committee
to the Minister of Minas; presenting a summary of a study by the Technical
Committee regarding the operation of pits and quarries.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Bearss that
the report of the Planning Committee be received and the recommendations
contained therein endorsed; further, that the communication from the Depart-
ment of Mines be received and filed.
See Also Comm.52
Report 40 - Planning Director - Re: AM -2/70 Dougherty's Meats,Lot 173, 3156
Drummond Road (east side). An application for permission to legalize an
existing non - conforming store and allow for an extension; recommending that
the application be denied.
Report 68 - Planning Director - Re; Dougherty's Meats. Advising that the
application was again considered by the Planning and Development Committee
on February 4, 1970; recommending that the application be denied.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
Mr. A. A. MacBsin be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Mackin, Solicitor for the applicant, explained that his client
now operates a non - conforming retail meat outlet. He wishes to have the
property rezoned Neighbourhood - Commercial to permit a 1,500 sq. foot extension
for the purpose of establishing a coin laundry or to extend his present
facilities. Mr. Mackin agreed that parking was a problem but pointed out
that there were other places of business in the Municipality which did not
provide private_ parking. The speaker also stated that basically the
character of the area on Drummond Road between Lundy's Lane and McLeod Road
was commercial.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Clarke that the report of the Planning Director be received and the rezoning
application of Dougherty's Meats be approved•subjeet to'a side Nag tad a site
da mn.:e$tsee t.-The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
: Alderman Clarks and Alderman Puttick.
VAIVAldermen Bearas, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Molinley, Schiller, Scott,
Wilson. -
* * * **
Comm. 46 - Broderick.gurnett.HcLepd 6 Clifford - Re: Acres Limited, Brights
Wines Limited - By -law No. 2350,1959 end By -law No.7995,1969. Advising that
both firma will be prejudicially affected in respect to land value and the
future plans of both Corporations will be adversely affected by the provisions
of By -law 7995; requesting that lands owned by both firms be excluded from
the by -law.
-Report 49 -City Manager - Res Zoning By -law 2350, Amending By -laws 7995 and
8081. '. •
Report 69 - Tla nR Director = - Rei. Report of the Planning and Development
Committee rss H. .Acres & T.G.Bri t`stj\ eeommending that H.G.Aores and T.G.
Bright Company be eliminated from the provisions of By -law 7995, subject to
a Site Plan Agreement Including - site,,plan, any commercial development*
CSDLyp on -:. the - motion of Alderman Clark, seconded by Alderman Martin that Hr.
.3sodetick be granted permission to address Council.
Mr,Broderick, Solicitor for H.G.Acres and T.G.Bright Company,
pointed out that it was the recommendation of the Planning Comittes that the
lands be exempted subject to a Site Plea Agreement on the triangular piece of
land on the east side of Dorchester Road.
4 .
.ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report of the Planning Director be received and adopted.
Comm. 44 - Minister of Financial and Commercial Affairs - Advising that
Municipal Councils will be given permissive authority to license certain types
of lotteries as contained in an attached "Proposed Plan for the Licensing and
Regulating of Lotteries'; requesting Council to-,discuss the operation proposal
and submit comments and opinions.
The City Clerk advised that additional information has now been
received which includes a draft by -law for appointing a licencing authority.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the communication be received and tabled until the additional information is
available to Council.
* * * **
Report 46 - City Manager - Re: Urban Service Area. Recommending that the land
to be included in the extended Service Area include all the former Village
of Chippewa and that portion of the former Township of Willoughby as indicated
on a submitted map.
Report 70 - City Manager - Submitting a further report regarding the possible
extension of the Urban Service Ares to include the former Village of Chippewa
and a portion of the former Township of Willoughby as it relates to the
Private Act to be submitted to the Ontario Legislature; defining the services
included in the Urban Service Areas; noting that not all the services are
available to areas included in the Urban Service Area but are liable for the
higher mill under the system of differential taxation; outlining reasons why
it is practically impossible to defer a decision until preparation of the
budget; recommending that the area outlined in the map submitted previously
•be.ineluded in the Urban Service Area and the City Solicitor be instructed to
include the area in the Private Bill now being prepared.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report of the City Manager be received and tabled and a special meeting of
- "A Council arranged for the purpose of thoroughly discussing the problems in
regard to the proposed inclusion in the Urban Service Area el the former
Village of Chippewa and a portion of the forcer Township of Willoughby;
further, that the discussions include the possibility of phasing the increased
taxation to the ratepayers of the areas over s period of time; further, that
consideration also be given to the ratepayers of the former Townships of
Crowland and Willoughby in order that their tax rats* can bs adjuttad er a
deter period of t ime . The mo tion Ca rried with the foll vote: rov
AYE: Aldermen Clarks, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Schislet, Wilson.
N&YEsAldermen Galloway, Bearis Martin, Scott.
No.52 - Township of Uxbridae - Requesting *adoration of a resolution
opposing changes in the Municipal Act and the Planning Act which would
abolish municipal power to regulate, prohibit or control the operation of
pits and quarries.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarks, seconded by Alderman Bears* that
the communication be received and the resolution of the Township of Uxbridge "`
,Ho. 71 - City Clark - Recommending the issuance of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the cation of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldermen Bearas that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 72 - City Manasst - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermen - Scott that
the report be received and adopted.
. 7 0 -174- A By -law to authorise an easement agreement with Anthony DeSantie,
and otlars in connection with the Ester Road pumping station.
ORDERED en the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Scott
that Alderman= be granted the privilegs of introducing the Ily - law and the
* -law be given tbs first reeding.
nied Unanimsusly
-I -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mans, seconded by Alderman Martin
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Sehisler• Unanimously
No. 70 -20 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beans, seconded by Alderman Wilson
that Alderman Hunt be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Scott
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Bears& and Alderman Martin.
Carried Unanimously
Prior to the motion to adjourn His Wotahip Mayor Miller indicated
that, cling to the lateness of the hour, the balance of the items on the agenda
would be tabled for one week.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Martin
that the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole. -
Council Meeting,
February 9, 1970.
Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular
meeting held on February 9, 1970. All Members of Council were present with
the exception of Alderman Thomson. Alderman Puttick presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the item presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the Committee of the Whole arise and report.
Council Chamber,
February 9, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held on February 9.1970. All !embers of Council were present
with the exception of Alderman Thomson. Nis Worship Mayor Millar presided.
?ht following, detirn wgp tLkon=
Report 73 - City Masser - Rs: Position of Design and Construction Engineer.
Submitting a summary of nineteen applications received; recommending that Mr.
2.A.Rankin be appointed to the position of Design and Construction Engineer at
an annual salary of $14,100, this being Step One of Level 15 of the Ion -union
Supervisory salary scale; the appointment to be effective March 2, 1970 and
subject to a ons -year probationary period.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Neginley, seconded by Aldermen Qallowsy•that
the report be received and adopted. 1t:s motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bears., Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schiller,
Scott, Mayor Miller.
KAYE: Alderman Wilson and Aldermen Puttick.
ORDERED on the mottos of Aldexmaq McKinley, seconded by Alderman Clarks that
the nesting adjourn.
.. . •
f/�LF.a.. • .
Council Chamber,
February 16th, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, February 16th, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. All Members of Council were present. Alderman
McKinley offered the opening prayer. It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman
Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the minutes of the regular meeting held
on February 9th, 1970 be adopted as printed.
Application of Choreba Investments Ltd.
Report 749(196') - City Manager - Application of Choreba Investments Ltd.
requesting the re- coning of a 95 acre parcel of and bounded on the east by the
Queen Elizabeth Way, on the west by Kolar Road, on the south by Welland Line
Road and the north by the HEPC right -of -way, to permit the development of a mobile
home ctm:unity.
Report 6 - City Manager • Further report on application, outlining information
in respect to: taxes that can be levied against trailers; impact of proposal on
existing school facilities; and information received from other municipalities on
the success of such establishments elsewhere.
Report 74 - Planning Committee - Advising of consideration of the application at
the meeting of February 4th, 1970, and the recommendation of the Committee that
the application be not approved.
Cann. 5, A.F.Atherton & Associates - Resume on the progression of Westwood
Village to date, containing the major points with regard to the mobile home park
Mr. John T Clement, solicitor on behalf of the applicants, was granted per-
mission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Wilson, seconded by Ald. McKinley.
!Whig verbal submission to Council requesting their approval of the application,
Mr. Clement outlined the following factors. An estimated amount of $175,000.00
would be derived yearly by he City from licence fees and from municipal property
and business taxes. The cost of beating the units would result in a total yearly
payment of approximately $125,000.00 to the Niagara Falls Hydro Cannlssion. An
area of ten acres would be provided for park and recreational purposes in the
development. The developer was prepared to dedicate to the Board of Education
land for school purposes, if required. The Board of Education would receive
an estimated amount of $150.00 per unit, or $600.00 per School age child, per
annum, compered to a local town housing project where the Board receives an esti-
mated $75.00 per annum per child. The developer would have no objection to
any increase in licence fees. An increase fram the present fee of $15.00 per
unit to $20.00 or higher, would be agreeable. In the actual construction of
the project, approximately 100 men would be gainfully employed for le years, and
7 to 8 full time employees would be needed to supervise the park. The developer
would assume all the costs for servicing, including the pumping station and in-
stallation of roads. No objeetions had been expressed against the proposal.
Mr. Clement suggested that if s minor problaa did arise it could be taken care of
by meet vi h the site plan
City Officials on t d o provide information in respect to the matter would
of fin
(During Mr. Clamett's presentation, a motion was moved by Ald. Clarks, seconded
by Ald. Scott that Mr. Clement be granted an extension of time for his presenta-
tion,since the time riod outlined in the Procedural 8y -law for presentations
has now been reached).
Following Mr. Clement's presentation and a further discussion on the matter,
it vas MEMO on the motion of Ald. Puttick, seconded by Ald. Manson that the
Corporation of the City of Niagara Palls approve, in principle. the re- soling
application of Choreba Investments Ltd., subject to the applicant entering into
a Site Plan Agreement and Bite Plan, incorporating the suggestions made by Mr.
Clement, and the items required by the Nua►ioipaiity.
This motion was puled with the following vote:
A&Ii Aldermen learso, Clarks, Ihmt, Martin, ►ksKin]sy, Putticky Sohisler, Scott,
Hazes Alderman Galloway, Minn, Wilson.
It ninati�n, • Repportssaand of
Suutmission t he r a nd filed. This notio was
b cried with the following votes
y: Alderman Bears, Clarke, Runt, Martin, McKinley, Futtick, Schiller, Slott,
Thi son.
Naps Aldermen Galloway.
* * * Mann N i t � +. * • * • * * •
• 2 a
$snort 64 - City Manager - Re: Street Name Changes.
Comm. 551 - Tropic Aquarium - Mr. D. Cowles - Re: Objecting to changing name of
Welland Avenue to Chrysler Avenue.
Note: At the Council Meeting of Feb. 9th,1970 the Report of the City Manager
concerning street name changes and implementation of same, was adopted with the
exception of proposed changing of Welland Ave. to Chrysler Avenue.
It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Mann that Mr.
Cowles be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Cowles advised that when he had started his business 1•• years ago he had
purchased sufficient supplies with his address printed thereon, to last approxi-
mately 5 years. He requested that the City give ecnsideratioa to the feeY
it would be necessary to replace his supplies at an additional expense he had not
ORDER= on the motion of Ald. Scott, seconded by Ald. Clarke that the name of
Welland Avenue be changed to Chrysler Avenue. This motion was Carried with the
following vote:
Awe: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Galloway, Runt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler,
Scott, Wilson.
Nate_ Aldermen Puttick, Thomson.
A motion was Moved by Ald. Puttick, seconded by Ald. Thomson that the matter
be referred to the City Manager.
N Aldermen Puttick, Thomson.
ate: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler,
Scott, Wilson.
This motion was Defeated with the following
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Report 47 - City Clerk - Chronological resume of presentations made by Mr. C.
N. Billing re: Greater Niagara United Appeal and Boy Scouts Association.
C. 41 - Boy Scouts of Canada,Niagara District Council - Submitting statements
re: Foothill Campsite Project, service to Scout Groups outside United Appeal Area,
and letter from Provincial Council,Boy Scouts of Canada to Mr. Billing.
Report 75 - Aid. H. 0. Clarke, Alt. S. W. Tbasson • Advising of Meeting held on
Feb. 4th with representatives of the Board of Directors of the United Appeal
and the Boy Scouts Association with Mr. Billing; and c'atlining their opinion that
there hus been no mismanagement of funds either on behalf of the United Appeal
or the Boy Scouts Association.
It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Thomson, seconded by Ald. Clarke that
Mr. N. Chevers, Executive Secretary, Greater Niagara United Appeal, be granted
permission to address Council. Mr. Chevers stated the United Appeal were
thankful for the opportunity to air the differences that had arisen in the
open, and advised that the Board had nothing to hide. et .any time, end were in
feet i rciative thot publicity for their cause had been gained as a result of
• * • * • • * • • • • * • * * *
Can. 36 • Deputyy str of naval* Re: Model System for standards for
maintenance activities. • c..
Rspert 76 a Citr Meager • (1) Advising that Mr. C. Wilmott, Municipal Engineer,
Operations Brsnch,will meet with City Council on rsb. 18th at 7:00 p.a. to pre.
sent an explanation of the proposal.
-(2) Recommending that the possible expansion of the a $e &rg_be
considered at the special seating of Feb. 18th follow subalssion frca
representatives •f the Dept. of Nijmaga.
ORONO on the notion of Ald. Thomson. seconded by Ald. Martin that the Report
of the City Manager be received and rscasndatioas adopted.
•••• * * * * *•• *• * •*
p al Councils v ll be Permissive authority to license certain types of
lotteries. .
Comm. 34 • • Provisions re: Muni.
eipal Limas ar ous A:rya
an as the stories K Aid. Puttick, seoaatst by Aid. eebialRr;th t the
e aasioations raesivet•aad.filed.
The following Caran_nications 8 gems Mere tabled from the Meeting of Febth_
Comm. 55 - Regional Municipality of Niagara • Submission of five year (1970 -7
Capital Forecasts to the regional municipality.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Bears that the communi-
cation be received and filed. This motion was Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all other members in favour.
Came. 56 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Resolution requesting that each
of the area municipalities enact suitable planning controls over all parts of
their respective municipalities that are now without land use controls.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Clarke, seconded by Ald. Scott that the communica-
tion be received and referred to the Planning Committee.
No. 57 - Mr. M. DeBiasi - Requesting that action be taken in respect to trees
located in front of 938 walnut Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley, seconded by Ald. Thomson that the comm-
unication be received and referred to the City Manager.
No. 58 - Canadian Parks /Recreati.on Association - Advising of 25th Annual Con-
ference "Patterns of Progress" to be held in Niagara Falls, September 13th to
17th, 1970, and requesting the appointment of a member of Council to the Planning
Cc mittee.
CRDBRED on the motion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Alt. Mann that the communica-
tion be received and that Alderman Bearss be appointed as the representative of
the City Council to attend the Conference.
No. 59 - Ontario Un+.cef Comittee - Requesting endoreatlon by Council of
OM:RED on the motion of Ald. Wilson, seconded by Ald. Martin that the communi-
cation be received and request in respect to the declaring of the week of Feb-
ruary 22nd to February 28th as UNICEF /NIGERIA Week, be granted.
No. 60 - Kinette Club - Requesting permission to distribute pieces of cake
from the steps of the new City Hall during Kin Week (Feb. 15th to 21st).
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley, seconded by Ald. Scott that the communi-
cation be received and filed ana request be granted.
No. 61 - Assoc. of Ontario Mayors and Reeves - Renewal of Membership
and details concerning. 1970 Convention to be held in Windsor from May 10th to
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bearss, seconded by Ald. Clarke that the communi-
cation be received and filed and Membership fee in the amount of $200.00 be paid;
and that His Worship Mayor Miller be authorized to attend the Convention in
No. 62 - Mr. F. Berle - Outlining his account of suggestion that confidential
information wain out.
=RED on the motion of Ald. Galloway, seconded by Ald. Hunt that the communi-
cation be received and filed. This motion was Carried with Ald. Wilson voting
contrary and all other members in favour.
Report 77 - City Manager • Salary increases received by no:.union personnel .
GRIMED on the motion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Bsarss that the report
be received and filed. This motion was Carried with the following vote:
hy� Aldsrssn Beares, Clarke, Gallaway, Runt, "Wnn, Martin, McKinley, Schisler,
Scott, 1bascn.
liNtes Alderman Puttiok, Wilson.
Report 78 • 4T
Nayarr P. , ljiil,sr - Mayor's Committee on Hoeing, and recommending
the re-appotehant of Alderman Scott and Martin as Council's appointees en the
OHMIC on the motion of Alt.•Bearaa, eoocntad by Aid. Mann that the Report be
received and adopted.
No. 79 • City Wow • Recommending that Tenders be advertised for tbs installa-
tion of a it diameter watersale on Welland Line Rol:Circa Montrose Road to
Garner Road, with closing data of Nash 2nd, 1970.
ORMD on the motion of Ald. Thcason, seconded by Ald. Bearer that the Report
be received end adopted. This motion wee Carried with Alt. Wilson voting con -
trary and all other mothers in favour.
No. 80 - ild. Iva of nce ,Ja
• Attends at Hamilton Roud Safety workshopn.8 • 10.
O do the motion Ald. McllinUq, seconded by Alt. Mister that the
Report bs received and filed.
• Re 1 O to O alit ofp rain • eons lion of with plans for re-construe.
for Feb. Fs nth 7,970 to e�ysin
tion of 020 SI! SY through the Tan of Pam. the Town of Therolyd and part of
the City of Niagara Palls.
2822822 on the motion of Ala. Thomson. seconded by Ald. Beams that the communi-
cation be received end filed and as may members of Council es possible attend
along with His Worship Mayor Mil3er. the City Angiaeer, and City Hanger.
No. 64 • Robs A. 9Ween • Bequestinq that consideration be given to tbe installa-
tion of a deed greeo'llght at the intersection of Portages Daanwaod dnd Thorold
Stone Roads.
MARC on the motion of All. Assn, seconded by Ald. Martin that the communi-
cation be received and referred to the City Maaagse•
No. 65 - Elmira !ells labour Council' • Enclosing Sony of letter sent to lon.Darcy
McKeough, Ataitter of 1lmieipal Affairs. containing a suggestion for the Betting
up of a Municipal Salaries Standards Board, and sxprestiog other opinions concern-
ing the•Minister comments, etc. in respect to the controversy regarding Regional
Council salaries.
It vas Hosed by Ald. Wilson, seconded by Ald. Mann that Council endorse the
position of the Niagara Falls Labour Council. This motion was kefeatgd
with the following vote:
aye: Aldermen Galloway, Mann, Wilson.
Earl Aldermen Beans, Clarks, Hunt, Martin, McKinley , Puttick, Schisler, Scott,
OR1AND on the motion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Scott that the communica-
tion be received and filed. This motion was Carried with the following vote:
Aye: Aldermen Beares, Clarke, Hunt, Martin, Rckini , Sehister, Scott, Thomsen.
Nape: Aldermen Calloway, Mann, Puttick, Wilson.
Petition signet d by Mrs. C. Gagne' and 97 other persons concerning the road surface
on Bridge Street in the area of First, Second and Third Avenues.
Report 81 - 9itY Manager - Advirng of investigation of water condition existing
on Bridge Street; stating tbat t za.s section is slated for re- contraction in the
fairly near future, and reeommer:i.ng that no major type of rectifications be
undertaken in this area, but that an attempt will be made to keep catohbasins
clear on this street.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley, seconded by Ald. Martin that the Petition
and Report be received, and the City Engineer keep this matter under study, and
review the conditions again in the Spring, to determine if the recaemendatiees
made in his report tonight are still applicable at that time; and that Mrs. oagnD;
be forwarded a copy of the City Engineer's report for her information and that
of the other petitioners.
No. 66 - Local.199, U.A.W. - Invitation to members of Council
"Pollution Probe on March 7th, 1970 in St.Catharines.
=BRED on the motion of Alt. Wilson, seconded by Ald. Clarke
tion be received, invitation accepted, and as many Members of
to attend a
that the cammunica-
Council as possible
No. 82 - Secretary, Ccqpittee of Adjustment - Recommending that a Bylaw be
passed to constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment for the Municipality.
Uaa zu en the motion of Ald. Hearse, seconded by Ald. Martin that the Report
be received ant adopted.
8EE Br -lax $o. 70023
No. 83 OREM on the motion Of Ald. Safety Inepecqr artin isseecondded bInspector ' omson that the Report
be received and filed.
No. 84 - City N(anspr - Recommending the passage of a *ilex to authorise the
execution of a deed of estimation for property described as 1725 Robinson St.
ORDERED on the motion of Alt. Thorson, seconded by Alt. Clarke that the Sport
be received and adopted.
8* Ittelev fo. 7•25
No. 85 • Al6eg�ssn N. talon • Attendance at International Joint emission Hearing
at Eanilton, February End, 1970,
g82;ND es the mottos of Aid. Mlles, seceded by Ald. Mann that the Report
be received and filed.
• 3•
No. 86 • City Weser • Recommending the passage of a By -lav to authorize the
execution of en agreement between Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation and the
City in respect to an urban renewal scheme.
ORDBRsD on the motion of Ald. Bears. seconded by All. Clarke that the Report
be received and adopted.
8198 By -law No. 70-24
No. 87 - City Manager • Proposal of Mr. L. Perri of 642 Bridge Street to remodel
his home.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Puttick, seconded by Ald. Martin that the report
be received and the matter be referred to the Urban Renewal Committee. This
motion was Carried with Alderman Galloway voting ocntrary and all other members
in favour.
No. 88 - City Manager - Report of Building Permits issued by the Building Depart-
ment for the month of January, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Clarke, seconded by Ald. Bearas that the Report be
received and filed.
No. 89 - City Manager • Recommending payment of Municipal accounts.
ORIBRBD on the motion of Ald. Wilson, seconded by Ald. Bearss that the Report be
received and adopted. This lotion was Carried with the following vote:
Aye: Aidemmasn Beaune, Clarke, Hunt, Moan, Aartin, McKinley, Sehieler, Scott,
Mormon, Wilson.
Kale j Aldermen Galloway, Puttick.
No. 90 • City Clerk - Recommending granting of Municipal Licences.
ORIIERND on the motion of Ald. Clarke, seconded by Ald. Hearse that the Report
be received, adopted, and licences granted.
No. 91 - City Clerk - Applicetioosfor Hawker a Pedlar Licences from Jeremiah Ike
and Roy Whilby of St.Catharinee.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Berss, seconded Dy Ald. Galloway that the Report
be received and filed and appli . tiens for licences be not granted.
No. 7 - CLANKS - MMKINLE! z RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Palls petition the Department of Highways, for subsidy under the
'provisions of The Highway Improvement Act on expenditures made during the year
1969 by the Village of Chippewa, in the sum of 85,115.10; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 8 - MARTIN - MANN - ABSOLVED that Council meet a Thursday, February 26th,
1970 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of considering the Capital Budget; And that
the next Regular Meeting of Council be held on Monday, March 2nd, 1970 at 7 :30 p.m.
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
(Alderman Clarke voted contrary)
Mo. 9 - ram - Sclm • ABSOLVED that a message Of condolence be forwarded to
the family a the late George A. *Queen; a respected resident of the Municipality,
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried ttaapimouels
NEM 5113/N I SS
Presidia:: Officer - March ANINIseting.
At the request of Nis Worship Mayor Miller it was Ordered on the motion
Of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Galloway that Aldermen Puttick be
appointed Presiding Officer for the Regular Putting of City ;Council on MOaday.
March 2nd. .
!skip in Council C
. A motion ens moved by Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
smoking be permitted in the Council Chambers and ash trays be provided at the
Connell table, and for spectators. Ibis motion vas $ffaisd :►ith the follow-
ing vote:
p Aldermen Clarke, Bunt, Hearse, Martin, Mann.
Aldermen Scott, McKinley, Wilson, Calloway, Puttick, Scbislar, Threes.
.6 -
Re- modelling of former Anther- Imperial Building in St.Catharines.
Alderman Puttick referred to an item which had appeared iwthe local press
recently concerning the proposed remodelling of the former Anthes- Imperial build-
ing in St.Catharines, now the site of : Regional Government headquarters. The
article had indicated that the cost of remodelling the building would be borne
by the whole Metro area, and the Alderman expressed his objection to this factor.
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the City Council go on record objecting to the City of Niagara Palls bearing
any cost for the remodelling of the former Anther- Imperial building in St. Cath-
arines, now used as headquarters for the Regional Government.
This motion was Carried with the following vote:
Aye: Aldermen Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Thomson, Wilson, Mayor Miller.
Lip: Aldermen Bear's, Clarke, Galloway, Runt, Schiller, Scott.
Council Remuneration
A motion was submitted by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Galloway
as follows:
That this Council reduce its salary, with the reduced salary being the amount
that was formerly paid to members of Council;
That the other municipalities be asked to send a delegate or representative from
their area to discuss the salary -reduction.
The salary reduction to apply to Members of Council and His Worship the Mayor.
The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
,&ye: Aldermen Galloway and Puttick.
Neyi_ Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schiller, Scott,
Thomson, Wilson.
Towers Plaza
Alderman Thomson advised that he had recently been approached by residents
in the area of the Twere Store on Dorchester Road, concerning certain problems
they had previously brought to Council's attention, ie:- weeds around the property:
the direction lighting to residential properties from spot lights in the plaza.
The residents had indicated that the situation had become much worse, and in
addition, commercial near signs at the rear of the building had recently been
installed, adding to the unfavourable conditions. The Alderman requested that
a report be prepared advising whether the signs had been approved, and if the
lighting and other conditions were in contravention to the Site Plan Agreement.
Establishment of co- ordinating committee.
Alderman Thomson enggested that a recommendation be made to the Regional
Council that a co- ordinating committee be established consisting of the heads
of departments engaged and directly under the authority of Regional Government,
along with the Executive officers of affiliated boards, such as Police, Education
and health and any others now or in the future established, to meet on a regular
and continuing basis to discuss and resolve common problems and implement the
maximum efficiency of service to the public.
It was Ordered on the notion of Ald.„Thcmson, seconded by Ald. Clarke that the
Regional Goverment be requested to investigate every possibility of oo- ordinat
related departments. This notion waslaeried with the following vote:
&e: Aldermen Bears, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Schiller, Scott, Thomson,
Nate_ Alderman Galloway, McKinley, Puttick.
Disposal of Septic Tank sledge.
It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Thomson, seconded by Ald. Clarke
that a suggestion be made to the Regional Council that they beaoas• aware
Of the problem of disposal of sludge from septic tanks in rural areas of the
City, vainly 1a the former Townships of Willoughby and Crwland; and Lhay
investigate the possibility of permitting septic tank contractors to dump
sewage sludge into sanitary sewers and permit it to be treated in the sewage
treatment plants. This motion was Carried with Alderman Galloway voting
contrary and all other members of Council in favour.
- 7 -
Intersection of St.Iawrence Avenue and Simcoe Street.
It was Ordered on the motion of A]denaen Edson, seconded by Alderman
Galloway that the City Traffic Engineer be requested to investigate the inter-
section of St.iawrence Avenue and Slstcoe Street, in view of the high rate of
accidents here. This motion was CAL-Fled with the following vote:
lyre:_ Aldermen Seams, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler,
Thomson, Wilson.
Sawn_ Aldermen Scott, Martin.
Stamford Arena
Alderman Martin commented on the various minor hockey groups, etc. being
subsidized through the Stamford Memorial Arena programmes.
Fence in Caledonia - Dunn Street area.
Alderman Wilson referred to the problem of school children crossing private
property in the Caledonia - Dunn Street area. When the matter had been brought
to the attention of the Board of Education in 1969, it had been indicated that
the principal would request the students not to cut across the property.
There was no seconder to a motion moved by Ald. Wilson that the Board of Education
be approached to move an existing fence out to the property line.
No. 70-18 - A By -law to authorize the allowing of an encroachment on Ash Street
of a building owned by Velma Pool and an agreement with respect
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Bearss
that Alderman Schiller be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schiller, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the
By -law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Alderman Bear's and Alderman Martin. Carried Unanimously.
No. 70 -19 - A By -law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial Park
to Westmount St.Catherine Holdings Ltd.
Note: The above By -lax was tabled.
No. 70 -21 - A By -law to authorize an agreement with Niagara Monorail Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Mann that Ald.
McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the. By -law be
given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley, seconded by Ald. Clarke that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By -law
be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Alderman Clarke and Alderman Scott. Carried Unanimously.
No. 70 -22 - A By -law to authorise **Application to the Legislative Assembly of
the Province of Ontario for a Private Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Scott that Ald.
Bearer be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the By -law be given
the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
CRffiRCD on the motion of Aid._Bearss,,seccsded brad. MoKinlay that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rule of Council be temporarily suspended.and the By -law
be given the second reading. Carried tk:animously.
Third Reading - Ald. Sohisler and Ald. Martin. Carried Unanimously.
NO. 70 -23 - A By -law to constitute and appoint a committee of adjustment.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Beares, seconded by Aid. Hunt that Aid.
Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the Bylaw and the By -law be given.
the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Clarke, seconded by Aid. Martin that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By -law
be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Ald. McKinley and Aid. Mann. Carried Unanimously.
No. 70 -24 - A By -law to authorize an agreement with Central Mortgage and Housing
CREWED on the motion of Ald. McKinley, seconded by Ald. Martin that Aid.
Bearss be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the $y -law be given
the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bearas, seconded by Aid. Schisier that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By -law
be given the second reading. Carried, with Alderman Puttick voting contrary to
Section 3 (a).
Third Reading - Ald. Martin and Aid. Thomson. Carried, with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary to Section 3 (a).
No. 70 -25 - A By-law to authorize a deed of confirmation to Anthony J. Marahello
and Margaret E. Marshello.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Rearms, seconded by Ald. Martin that Ald.
McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the By -law be
given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley, seconded by Ald. Clarke that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By -law
be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Aid. Mann and Ald. Hunt. Carried Unanimously.
No. 70 -26 - A By -lax to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Beares, seconded by A1$. Mann that Ald.
Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the By -law be given
the first reading. Carried with Aldermen Galloway and Puttick voting contrary
and all other members in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Clarke, seconded by Ald. Martin that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By -law
be given the second reading. Carried with Aldermen Galloway and Puttick voting
contrary and all other members in favour.
Third Reading - Ald. Mann and Ald. Martin. Carried with Aldermen Galloway and .
Puttick voting contrary and all other members in favour.
Council adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. Martin,
seconded by Ald. Thomson. This motion was Carried with.Ald. Puttick voting,
contrary and all other members in favour.
Council Meeting,
February 16th, 1970.
Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
of Council. All Members of Council were present. Alden:t n McKinley presided
as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was Ordered
on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the Can -
mittee of the Whole arise without reporting to Council.
• a.• . . ...v . ...
Council reconvened in open session following
Meeting held on February 16th, 1970. All Members
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided.
It was Ordered that the meeting adjourn.
Council Chamber,
February 16th, 1970.
the Committee of the Whole
of Council were present.
Council Chmber,
Pebavary loth, 1970.
Camel' at at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February lath, 1970. All ambers
of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Wilson. His Worship Mayor
P. J. Killer presided.
1. Possible Extension of the Services of the Urban Service Area.
Council gays preliminary consideration to the possible extension of the
services of tbe Urban Service Area and in particular, the collection and dies
posal of refuse. The City Manager outlined that the Treasurer's Department is
presently compiling statistics from the foster Village of Chippewa, particularly
the costa involved in roads, sewer, and water services. He suggested that the
Council could assist by determining the type of garbage collection service to be
used during the year 1970. City Works Engineer, E. Hobbs, submitted • statement
outlining the existing garbage collection and disposal system, together with a
proposed system for the current year. Hs indicated that it was a rather complex
matter to integrate the former Municipalities of Chippewa, Willoughby and Crow.
land with the existing system used in the former City. Ccasiderable discussion
took place regarding the advisability of using contractors' services in Chippewa
and the surd trees of Willoug?rby, Crosland and Huaberetone. Mr. Hobbs indicated
that in his opinion City forces could collect the prbage and refuse as econcaii-
cally as contracting the services to outside help. His proposed system for the
former Village and the rural areas would entail a once a week pick -up•
Alderman Puttick que.ticned the advisability of discontinuing beat yard
services, outlining the economic aavaages to be gained. Alderman McKinley
questioned the possibility of having ncsidsnts in rural arses bring refuse to a
central point, and the use of large containers, with pick -up by garbage packer.
In reply, the Works Engineer stated that such a system usually results with gar -
bsge being left on the road aide. Aldusan Clarke inquired if the economic
saving night be misleading inasmuch as the surplus manpower created with the
discontinuance of back yard service would be retained is other positions. In
reply Kr. Hobbs stated that the "(Won contract would prohibit the laying off of
the men involved, the contract providing that staff with over two years seniority
must be retained.
His Worship Mayor Millar questioned what use would be made of the $130,000.
allocated to back yard service if that service was discontinued. The Works
Engineer replied that possibly the staff and funds could be directed to roads
and maintenance. The Works imaginer than outlined page 2 of his submission re-
garding *0 per capita cost per annum for tbe proposed service ,and the expression
of these costs in terms of a mill rate.
A notion was submitted by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alessm.n Galloway that
the City Council accept the propolal for the collection and disposal of garbage
for the year 3970 as submitted by the Works Engineer, deleting the provision
for rear yard pickup service. Ibis motion was Defeat_d with the following
Aldermen Clarks, O•llcmay, amt, Pattie, Sebis]er, Scott. •
?Lei Alderman Deans, Minn, Martin, Melipley, Theism, Mayor Miller.
It vas MOM on mks notice of Al•rs•* Puttick, ncondad by Alderman Moainley
that the Deport north* gasbags aalmestion and disposal torts tortht year
3970 be referred bask to the Worrks E*gioeer for additional intonation.
This motion we Qssriel with the following votes
6ygs Ablest* ctnkks, aaila,4, *St, Mss, Mlealnlge.•> ab, M<l , Thcnron.
Al sae 2•11•11•9 •slice. Schuler. •
et e tt ttetit!1l•••
2. .Ibstbg .1* leswesentatives of Department of alflvsye proposal to
a __ 1 " ,.. _ _ :1. -•1
A delegation apasnt s bsbelt of the DMpsrtasmt at saws sad the
Ana of Ile terM•••• A$soeiates et Oast Ltd. regarding the irtsblisSit or .
• model *aiataneiree asnagsment system for the City of Niagara Dills. P eering •
on WW2 of the•Department if s et Caterio3 Dm. aeries Wilmot, Iltaiei.
pa gybes -•Appentsg at pa n of Hey Jargo Anniston Ir.. Ont. Gnat, President; Mr. GMT Esnaitts, Project Skagen Mr. Stuart limart: • M Mia
r. Ot meted as spdsml*m for tats Dspart*emt a SSW, outlining
briefly the blot hermits carnet mat • in can aueleipaltties. Xis Depertsemt
Mitts thq hew • onside genii tar searteipalitiis, wig* a the agkrt�*es
gained in a limited number of areas. Prior to adoption, the Department would
like to test seven other municipalities with the hope that the information gath-
ered would be of assistance to any system finally adopted. .
His Worship Mayor Miller questioned the $25,000. price figure, indicat-
ing that the Department might consider a larger amount of subsidy. Alderman
Clarke questioned if the programme would be aimed primarily at maintenance of
roads. Mr. Wilmot replied that although the programme was primarily in respect
to road principles and maintenance, the information gained could be applied to
other f unctions. Mayor Miller questioned regional participation in the scheme
and outlined the possible duplication that might arise, particularly when a de-
c ision has not been reached on regional road designations. Alderman Hunt
stated that the $25,000. maximum cost to the Municipality was not entirely correct
in that three members of staff will be needed. This item alone would represent
an additional $30,000. if the men were employed on a full time basis. Alderman
Puttick asked if an explanation could be given as to the type of study to be
carried out. Mr. Wilmot replied tbat the proposal would involve a complete study
of level of services, productivity and management of the Works Department.
Alderman Puttick asked if the results of the study in this City would be used
elsewhere, and also questioned the possibility that the $25,000. maximum cost
would be increased. In reply Mr. Wilmot stated that the $25,000. was a set
maximum limit to the Municipality. Further, there is no manner in which a muni-
cipality could avail themselves of the service without a study, and that without a
study, a municipality could take at least ten years to accomplish the ease prim*
ciple o! manegmner:t and maintenance system.
In reply to a question of Mayor Miller, Mr. Wilmot indicated that the
study would take approximately 18 months. He would give no estimate as to the
length of time a municipality might take if they were to undertake such a study
independently. In reply to an inquiry of Alderman Scheeler that the time of
personnel would not be included in the maximum figure, Mr. Wilmot replied that
the coat of full time. staff would be subsidised in the normal Department of High -
lee study o would put into a for a preparationlof gained
mendation. Mr. Wilmot replied that the material gathered in the seven munici-
palities has been analysed on an individual basis. Representatives of the Depart-
ment of Highways and the Consultants will sit down with representatives of each
of the Manieipalities in order to arrive at a specific xncamaendation for a system
to fit each municipality. 20% of the work, be stated, would be in modifying
existing systems, 80% in developing sew systems. In reply to a question of
Alderman Galloway, Mr. Wilmot replied that of the seven municipalities to be con-
tacted, several have given preliminary indication that the study would be under-
taken. Alderman Gallaway mentioned the possible overlapping of services between
the regional area municipalities. Mr. Wilmot replied that if approved it was
their hope to work the two testae simultaneously using identlt*3. staff in order
to ensure that the suggested programmes would dovetail as such as possible.
Ile. Grant was then asked to make a presentation on behalf of Roy
Jorgensen Associates. He outlined ha► the proposed study vemuld be carried out
using two people residing in the area during the first year of study. They would
advise and prepars programmes during this initial period and possibly begin their
implementation. The next step would . involve the beginning of training staff
and recommending policy. Alderman tit guestic ed the suggestion that existing
staff need additional training, pointiag'out the calibre or gamy of the people
presently enpgsd in road maintenance. Alderman Bares questioned if the prin-
ciples pined es a result of the implementation of such s study continue to pre-
vail, or whether periodic restraining le necessary. Mr. Grant replied that Ate
proper system is prepared it is generally adhered to. Alderman Clarke commented
on the programme, suggesting that tbe'Dspsrtment of Highways is not trying to
N11 something, but are offering a valuable service to municipalities. In his
opinion the progress was somewhat similar to studies earried Out in lodwtry,
that do, in fact, involve three or tour times the amount suggested by the Depart-
ment of Eighweys. Hs suggested that the City sboult'taks adventaga of the offer,
pointing out that the Department could offer the same service to other munici•
palities. Is felt that the City bad such to gain. In reply to a question
free Alderman Puttick,, Mr. Grant pointed out•tbat the stud is more than a time
study, but rather it involves study methods, procedures, controls, organisation,
and directicb. Alderman Puttick . questioned if the reeemeadatice of the study
would in toot entail further costs. Nr. Grant replied in the negative, that
this is a "package deal ", involving a complete std.,.' Ldeneen wilder quest-
ioned if the sthgeielll require annual revisions. • li r Grant replied that the
study wilt include training wbieh will perltit tydpereceesl to make acpr :revis-
loss aeassaasy. '.' .[+. �t. e
- _ - y_ • - . c- -
i - kvt ( 04? C w 1 j oY
The City Manager questioned if the total cost could be payable 50% in
1970 and the balance in 1971. Mr. Grant replied that this would be acceptable
if adopted. He stated his firm would be prepared to start in April with the
.hope that six months work could be completed in 1970, providing that the
approval of Council and the Department of Highways could be obtained without
undue delay. Mr. Wilmot suggested that the Department of Highways would
initially pay the Consultants and would in turn bill the Municipality. In
effect, this would mean that the Department of Highways would act as financiers
on behalf of the Municipality. Alderman Thomson questioned if there would be
a separate staff working with the City and regional government. Mr. Grant re-
plied that the same people would be involved and would ensure that no overlapping
would happen. He also stated that no other area municipality in the regime is
being considered for the study.
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Beares, seconded by Aldermen Scott that
the City of Niagara Palls enter into an agreement with the Department of Highways
to provide a model maintenance management system for the municipality, and that
appropriate amounts be included in the 1970 -71 current budget. This motion
was Carried with the following vote:
Aye: Aldermen Hearse, Clarke, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott, Thomson.
Nees Aldermen Galloway, Mann, Puttick.
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Schiller
that the meetingedJourn.
- 3 -
Council Chamber,
March 2, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 2, 1970 for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of His Worship Mayor Miller and Alderman Scott. Alderman Puttick
acted as Presiding Officer. Alderman Puttick offered the opening prayer. It
was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermen Thomson
that the minutes of the special meeting held on February 18, 1970 be adopted
as printed; further, that the minutes of the regular meeting held on February
16, 1970 be adopted with a correction on Page 6, Line 13, to indicate the
affirmative vote of Alderman Maras respecting the Municipality's objections
to sharing the cost of remodelling the Regional Government headquarters.
Report No.95 - City Manager - Submitting the names of fifty -three truck drivers
and equipment operators who are entitled to Safe Driving Awards.
Presiding Officer Alderman Puttick commended the recipients of the
awards and expressed appreciation and congratulations on behalf of Mayor Miller
Members of the City Council and the citizens.
Members of Council participated in the presentation of the Safe
Driving Awards to the drivers who attended the meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarks, seconded by Aldermen Wilson that the
report of the City Manager be received and the Mayor or his representative,
four members of the Management staff and thirty -four drivers be permitted to
attend the Transport Safety Association banquet to be held in:St.Catharines on
March 7, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Thomson that Mr.
D. Savage be granted permission to address Council regarding the proposed
resolution of the City re: Mobile Home.Unit Licencs Fees.
Mr. Savage, owner of Savage's Mobile Home Park, outlined his experience
as an operator of a mobile home park and the benefits to the City from such an
operation. The City, he said was saved considerable expense because he
collects the taxes, provides garbage collection service, cuts weeds, removes
snow; a park is provided as well as a small grocery store and a coin operated
laundry. Mr. Savage suggested that Council consider the possibility of the
taxes being paid once or twice yearly, Limiting the number of mobile park
operationsto two at the south and of the City, and two at the north end and
the granting of licences for a longer period than one year. Mr. Savage
objected to the proposed resolution because of the possibility of an increase
in licence fees noting that if the taxes go too high, mobile homes will not be
an economical way of living.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the resolution as prepared by the City relative to an amendment to existing
legislature regarding the licence lariat permanent type trailers, be endorsed.
See Resolution No. 10
Comm. No. 67 - Social Flannina Council of Greater Niagara - Presenting a 'Day
Cars brief' prepared by the Day Care Committee of the Social Planning Council;
requesting that the brief be forwarded to the Regional Council with the endoret
went of the City Council. The brief contains the following recommendations:
1. That the Municipality urge the Regional Municipality of Niagara to pass a
by -lsv to- provide for the establishswnt,of a Municipal Day Nursery. in the
City of Niagara Falls.
2..That a Municipal Day Nursery.be established in the downtown core area of
the City.
3. That the Municipality sad the Region work together with other interested
parties to establish such a nursery.
4...That the nursery should be open for the care of children,. Monday- through
Friday, all year,,alosipg only for statutory holidays.
S. chat priority be given to the children of one parent fealties where. that
. parent is working and tbat.other children should be admittad.me facilities
6. That fees should be charged according to a sliding scale and should take into
consideration income and expenses.
7. That the Municipality urge the Regional Municipality of Niagara to pass a
By-law which would allow the Regional Department of Social Services to
enter into an agreement with any person or organisation operating a licensed
8. That churches and clubs in effort to provide d nurserydservicee such
particularly in low income groups.
Comm. No. 68 - Niagara Falls Lions Club - Presenting a report on a proposed
DayjCare Centro.iIt Club to
establish Lions would be
responsible for the equipping of a suitable accommodation and underwriting the
yearly rental and maintenance and the City's responsibility would be to operate
the nursery, designating a department with this responsibility.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Mr. J. Hueglin be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Hueglin es spokesman for the Day Care Comittee of the Social
Planning Council, elaborated on the studies conducted by the Committee which
established the need for the nursery services. He stated that, if required,
an earlier statistical report regarding the number of one parent families coui,
be up- dated. Mr. Hueglin urged Council to recomend the proposal to the
Regional Government and also to seek the support of other groups.
ORDERED on Shupptt motion
e granted d permission o to address Council. Bearer that
Mt. Sheppit, Project Chairman of the Lions' Club, explained that his
organization was prepared to sponsor a Day Cara Service and had worked closely
with the Social Planning Council in preparing the report and proving the need
for the service. The Club is willing to underwrite the capital cost of setting
up the project and will also provide a contingency allowance. Should the
Regional Government assume full operation of the Day Care Centre, the Lions'
Club will relinguieh their right to chattels and lease for a token amount of
$1.00. Mr. Sbeppit expressed appreciation to those members of Council who
had attended some of the meetings. He said that the Lions' Club of Niagara
Falls would appreciate a vote of confidence from the Council when the proposal
goes to the Regional Municipality of Niagara.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report of the Social. Planning Council of Greater Niagara regarding the
provision of Day Care Services in the City of Niagara Palls and the supporting
information received from the Lions' Club be received and the recommendations
adopted; further, that a copy of the brief be submitted to the Regional Nuclei
polity of Niagara and that the Social Planning Council fad the Lions' Club be
thanked for their efforts in this respect.
* * * **
Mrs. Margaret Rife had requested permission to address Council in
respect to (a) Attendance of Aldermen at Ontario Good Roads Convention and
(b) Operation of front door of the new City Hall.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Mrs. Rife be granted permission to address Council.
In regard to the front door of City Hall, Mrs. Rife said :she wishes
to draw Council's attention to the difficulty being encountered by persons
entering the building. The City Manager stated that the difficulty had been
recognized and the problem discussed with the architects. and it is expected
that the operation of the door will be improved.
Mrs. Rife was critical of the allowance paid to five Aldermen who
had attended a one -day seminar during the recent Good Roads Convention. She
also objected to the amounts paid to two Aldermen and several members of Staff
Who remained at the Convention for the full three days. Mrs. Rife expressed
the opinion that attendance at such conventions was of no benefit to the
Municipality and was a waste of tax money.
The City Manager stated that the allowances paid for attendance at
sonrentions was according to a by -law and provided for Mistretta fens.
eccc.aodatioa. loss of wages and other expenses..
- 3 -
Report 96 - City Manager - Re: Amendment Application A14- 248,Cannei Holdings
Limited. Submitting a copy of a previous report dated December 1, 1969,
concerning the proposed establishment of a shopping plaza at the south-west
intersection of Lundy's Lane and the Q.E.W. Advising that the applicant's
Solicitor has provided copies of documents in respect to option agreements
and offers to purchase and the City Solicitor, Planner and City Manager are
satisfied as to validity of the documents; also advising that if Council is
satisfied with the frontage now controlled by the applicant it will be
possible to proceed with the preparation of a site plan agreement and
appropriate amendments to the Official Plan and the Zoning By -law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Mr.W.S.Ellis be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Ellis, Solicitor for Carnal. Limited, advised that option agree-
ments have been extended and, in some cases, new agreements have been obtained
in order to allow sufficient time to process the application and submit the
necessary by -law to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval. Mr. Ellis
referred to a tabled map which indicated the properties controlled by the
firm. The speaker said that his clients were anxious to proceed with the
development and would cooperate with the City in any way.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarks, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report of the City Manager be received and Council agrees that sufficient
frontage on Lundy's Lane and Montrose Road is now controlled by the applicant;
further, that administrative officials be authorized to continua with the pro-
cessing of the appropriate amendment to the toning By -law and Official Plan.
Comm.No.69 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Proposal to acquire and
develop a sixteen acre parcel of land in the Township of Willoughby for the
development of a park and recreation facility at an estimated price of
$35,000; advising that the Planning and Development Committee is not prepared
to recommend the development of the land as a Regional park at this time.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Thomson, that
Mr. George Martin be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Martin, Chairman of the Regional Planning and Development
Committee, advised that it was the opinion of the Committee that this type
of development would appear to be an area municipality responsibility rather
than a Regional responsibility; that a policy with respect to Regional parks
has not, as yet, been established and that, according to the Planner hired by
the Regional Council, the tract of land did not fit the terms of reference
as to what he considered should be a Regional park. In replying to further
questions by Alderman Bearas, Mr. Martin said that if the City obtained an
option on the property and resubmitathe proposal at a later date, he believes
it would be considered again by the Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 70 - Town of Lincoln - Requesting approval of a resolution to issue
debentures for capital works.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Wilson that
the Council of the City of Niagara Fells consent to an application of the
Town of Lincoln for proposed capital works.
See Resolution No. 11
No. 71 - Town of Grimsby - Requesting sadorsation of a resolution to apply
to the Ontario Municipal Board for final approval of a capital expenditure
for relocating and constructing wateraains in conjunction with the Queen
Elisabeth Way reconstruction.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the City of Niagara Falls approve an application of the Town of Grimsby for
a capital expenditure for the relocation and construction of watermains at
an estimated cost of $274,440.00.
Sat Resolution No. 12
No. 72 - City of Welland - Re: Application to Ontario Municipal Board for
approval of road construction.
ORBBBED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the Council of the City of Niagara Falls approve of an application by the City
of Welland to the Ontario Municipal Board for the approval of an amount of
11,900.00 being additional costs incurred in the construction of a permanent
roadway with concrete curb and gutter on Northcots Avenue.
Ben Resolution No. 13
No. 73 - Greater Niagara Transit Commission- Subs:itting a petition bearing
the names of residents objecting to the discontinuance of Route 10;advising
that due to the inconvenience that would be imposed on students and workers,
the route will be continued until the end of the school year at which time
the situation will be re- evaluated.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Galloway that
the communication and petition be received and filed and the action taken by
the Greater Niagara Transit Commisaioa endorsed.
Report No. 97 - City Manger - Re: Regional Roads. Submitting a communica-
tion from the Regional Director of Engineering recommending a Regional Road
System for Regional Niagara; noting the additions, alterations and deletions
that have bees made to the City's submission.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be brought forward for consideration at this time.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
Mr. George Martin be granted permission to address Council.
Mt. Martin, a member of the Regional Council, said that the maps
submitted by each municipality had been studied as to whether the roads
fitted in with the criteria used by the Consultants in developing both Urban
and Rural Regional Roads Systems. The report of the City Manager questioned
the addition of Queen Street as a King's highway connector but Mr. Martin
advised that the Technical Co- ordinating Committee decided that Queen Street
should be considered a Regional responsibility as were the main streets of
other area municipalities. In regard to the Niagara Presway, the speaker
said that at this particular meeting, the Committee had considered existing
roads only; future roads such as the Niagara Freeway were not discussed.
Mr. Martin suggested that Council adopt the suggested Regional Roads System
with the exception of those roads that Council feels should be reconsidered.
Re was of the opinion that upon receipt of a further report from the City,
the Committee would schedule another meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report as submitted be received and adopted and the recommendations contained
therein forwarded to Regional authorities for their consideration.
When questions regarding the intent of the resolution, Aldermen
Clarke confirmed that it was his desire to have Clifton Rill from Victoria
Avenue to River Road and Queen Street deleted from those roads to be assumed
by the Regional authority.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYR: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler,Wilson.
NATE:Aldermen Galloway and Thomson.
Comn.No. 74 - Mrs. Margaret Rif. - Paooles Action Committee - Objecting to
the Regional Salaries and mileage allowance; recommending that an impartial
Board be established to set salaries for Regional and Municipal Councils;
advising that letters have been forwarded to Premier Roberts and the Hon.
D'arcy McKeough regarding these matters.
ORDERED on the motion of Ajdermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the communication be received and filed. The motion Carried, with the follow-
ing vote:
4 : Aldermen Bearss, Clarks, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley,Scbisler.
=aldermen Wilson, Thomson and Galloway.
No. 75 - Rsatonal Municipality of Niagara - Re: Operation and Maintenance
of Water Production, Treatment and Storage Works, Trunk Water Distribution
Mains, Water Pollution Control tlorks and Trunk Sewers; advising that the
Regional Corporation is now prepared to commence the take over of certain
plants and trunk facilities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderm Mann that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 76 - Paster s Softball Association - Advising that the Softball
Association will be lasts for the International Invitational netball Tourna-
ment to be held is the City on June 50th through to July 5th,197O; requesting
permission to erect banners en"Main Street and on Victoria Avenue.
ORDERED on tbs motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the communication be received and request approved on condition that the
location and installation of the baamert.he approved by the City Engineer or
the - Manager of the Ninare Pais Hydro Commission.
- 5 -
No. 77 - Palls View Business Association • Requesting an opportunity to meet
with a representative of the City Council to discuss snow removal for the
Palls View area.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the coraaunication be received and referred to the City Manger for report.
No. 78 - Niagara Palls Veterans' Organiaations.Ceptral Committee • Requesting
that consideration be given to the formation of a Parade Marshal's Comittee
for the City in order that all parades may be properly and efficiently
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Bearss that
the commuunication be received and the Central Committee informed that the
City Council supports the suggestion that a Parade Marshal's Committee be
formed; further, that His Worship Mayor Miller be requested to meet with
representatives of the Veterans' Organisations to discuss the matter.
No. 79 - The Railway Assosistiou of Canada - Re: Daylight Saving Time.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the communication be received and Daylight Saving Time be observed in the
City from Sunday, April 26 until Sunday October 25, 1970, to coincide with
the schedules of the Canadian Railways.
No. 80 - Mrs. Hilda White - Requesting support of a resolution for a $2,500.
Income Tax Eseption for all Canadian titisens seventy years of age or over.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and the resolution to increase the Income Tax
exemption for the elderly be supported and endorsed; further, that the Prime
Minister of Canada be eotified of the endorsation of the City of Niagara Pall:
Aso. 81 - Lyons Creek Home and School Association - Re: School bus stop on the
Queen Elisabeth Way; offering suggestions that would help eliminate the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beards, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that the
communication be received and referred to the next meeting of Council at
which time a report in respect to the various alternatives will be submitted.
No. 82 - City of Sarnia - Re: Cost of tax collection for School Boards.
Requesting endorsation of a resolution asking the Minister of Municipal
Affairs and the Minister of Education to enact or amend existing legislation
whereby tiunicipalities may recover from Boards oc Education their appropriate
share of expenses relating to the billing and collections of school rates.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Burgs, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the communication be received and the resolution from the City of Sarnia
No. 83 - City of Sarnia - Re: Compulsory Arbitration. Requesting endorsation
of a resolution petitioning the Attorney General of Ontario to review exist-
ing compulsory arbitration legislation as it affects fire and police services
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for report.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
ell: Aldermen Beers*, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Thomson.
Ma: Alderman Clarke, Mann, Schisler and Wilson.
No. 84 - City of Windsor - A resolution requesting the Provincial Government
to enact legislation designed to prohibit the use and sale of studded tires.
ORDERED op the motion of Alderman Bahisler, seconded by Aldermen Thomson that
the communication be received and the resolution of the City of Windsor
No. 85 - Miss Hale, Lothian - Requesting that City Council do all within
its power to ensure that the Lyons Creek Park area be preserved in its
natural state.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Boras, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the communication be received and referred to the Conservation Authority.
and Miss Lothian be so advised.
No. 98 - ey,t Mappaug!x - Presenting the Capital Works Budget for the years
1970 to 1974 inclusive. Advising that the expenditures to be financed by
capital works for the City total 0,396,000 for the year 1970 and /mum/sting
the various classifications.
- 6 -
ORDERED oa the motion of the Capital Expenditure Budget a seconded
submitted and recommended b th
s cammende Alderman e Thomson that
approved and
approval��T motion Carc d following vote: for
AYE: Aldermen Bears*, Clarks, Galloway, Punt, Mann, Martin, Schisler,Thomson.
NAYS :Aldermen McKinley and Wilson.
No. 99 - Cter Manager Re: Thorold Stone Road Bridge Contract. Advising that
the contractor has requested some consideration on the release of a portion
of the 15% holdback due to the unusual weather conditions which made it
necessary to stop all concreting and surface asphalting operations in the
latter part of 1969; advising that the City Solicitor agrees that the agree-
ment could be amended to permit a 7 -1 /2% holdback under the circumstances
and t thefholdbacksreduct Ontario have ocommendingttabat would
the hold-
back for the Thorold Stone Road Bridge Contract be reduced to 7 -1/2%.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
An: Aldermen Bears *, Clarke, Galloway, Bunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schiele
NAYE:Aldermen Wilson and Puttick.
No. 100 - City Clerk - Advising that it is the recommendation of the Urban
Renewal Committee that Council appoint an additional representative to
serve on the Urban Renewal Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and Alderman Bears* appointed to serve as a member of
the Urban Renewal Committee.
No. 101 - City Manager - Rss Annual Conference of the Canadian Building
Officials' Association, April 28 to 30, 1970, inclusive; recommending that
the Building inspector be authorised to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 102 - City Manager - Res Annual Conference of the Ontario Municipal Fire
Prevention Officers Association, Windsor, Ontario, March 4th to 6th inclusive
recommending that Fire Inspectors King and Sills be authorised to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, 'seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 103 - Director of Recreation - Ras Natural Ice Rinks. Recommending that
the Parks Depart set establish an outdoor natural skating rink at Oakes Park
next season and that a system be established similir,to that of Saltfleet
Township which is described in the report. It is also noted in the report
that with the ice surface at Firemen's Park, Dufferin Islands and the rink
established by the Chippewa Lions Club, every neighbourhood will have
skating facilities available.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report of the Recreation Director be received, adopted and acknowledged.
No. 104 - Director of Recreation - Requesting permission for the use of
Oakes Park for Spring Sounds 70, to be held on Sunday, May 3r4,1970, and
that the Niagara falls Memorial Axon be used in case of inclement weather;
advising that Spring Sounds will include a 3 hour musical program with school
orchestras, vocal groups, dancers and the Niagara Falls Concert Band.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Martin
that the report of the Recreation Director be received and permission
granted to use Oakes Park or the Memorial Arena for the production of
Spring Sounds 70.
To further encourage young people, Alderman Wilson suggested that
they be permitted to use Centennial Square for similar performances.
No. 105 - 04, Manager- Res Tenders for Materials 1970. Recommending that
tenders be called for the supply of certain materials enumerated in the
report and that the tenders be received by the City Clerk until 11:00 a.m.,
Monday, 2farcb 23, 1970.
ORDERED en the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Cerri:d with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour. '
0•0 ..
- 7 -
No. 106 - City Manager - Bas Niagara and Dorchester Interchanges. Suggesting
that a special meeting be arranged for Tuesday, March 10, 1970, to hear the
proposals of the Department of Highways of Ontario and DeLeuw Cather Co. in
regard to proposed staging for the reconstruction of the Niagara and Dorchester
ORDERED on the motion of .Alderman Bears *, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and arrangements made for a special meeting on Tuesday,
March 10, 1970, and that Members of Council be notified of the time of the
No. 107 - City Monster - Requesting direction as to whether Council wishes to
continue the Achievement Award Dinner as in previous years; suggesting that
if the function is approved, that it be hold during Civic Month and that two
Members of Council be appointed as a special committee to assist with the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin, that the
report be received and the City continue to sponsor the Achievement Award
Dinner for the purpose of recognising the young people of the area who have
achieved Provincial recognition in the fields of sports, music, education,arts
and sciences,etc.; further, that Alderman Thomson snd Alderman Mann be
appointed to assist with the arrangements.
No. 108 - City Manager - Rs: Falls industrial Park. Advising that the Ontario
Hydro Commission has no objections to the construction of an open channel
across hydro lands in conjunction with the proposal to provide a separated
storm sewer system for the Falls Industrial Park; further advising that the
City will be required to enter into the usual agreement and the report
includes seven conditions that will form part of the agreement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and adopted and the City Engineer authorised to advise the
Ontario Hydro Electric Commission that the Municipality is in agreement with
the conditions as indicated in the report. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 100 - City Manager - Re: By -law No. 7957 authorizing the construction of
certain sidewalks under Section 8 of the Local Improvement Act; advising that
at a hearing held on February 20, 1970, representatives of the Ontario Munici-
pal Board denied the City's application for approval of the proposed works on
Marion Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Calloway that
the report be received and filed and the City Solicitor instructed to amend
By -law 7)57 to reflect the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board in respect
to the sidewalk construction on Clarion Avenue. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 110 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM- 4 /70,D.Cassy, west side
of Dorchester Road- Masoning application to permit a mixed density residential
plan of subdivision. The property is adjacent to the northerly and southerly
boundaries of Mary Ward School.
In his explanatory remarks, the City Engineer noted that at the
Planning Committee meeting the point was raised that a number of complaints hat
been received about sewer problems and flooding conditions on Mall St., Wills
Cr., McNicking St. and Dorchester Road. The addition of a three block develop-
ment, he said, would not unduly affect the existing situation significantly.
He noted that the storm sewer water would be dibmted to the west and would not
run into the existing storm sewers. Mr. Rodman stated that for the orderly
development of this area, this particular subdivision should be the first to
be developed so that the major costs of installing sewers and storm ewers
would be at the expense of the developer rather than the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that Mr.
N. Weaver be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Weaver, who lives on Dorchester Road, said he objected to the
reasoning application because be wanted the neighbourhood restricted to single
family dwellings. He said also that if the development was approved it would
not be possible for lbws and Country to expand. Mc. Weaver also spoke of the
flooding conditions in the area and the frequent back -ups.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson, that
the report of the Planning and Development Committee be received and the
resetting application of D.Cassy be denied. The motion Carried with the follow-
ing votes
s Aldermen Beams, Clarke, Martin, ',abider, Wilson, Thomson.
*Alderman Galloway, Hunt, Mann and McKinley.
30. 111 - City Manager - Re: Official Plan Amendment, Willoughby Township,
F. Marsh property; reviewing the application of Mr. Marsh which requested a
change from the existing rural use to commercial in order to permit the
operation of a new and used car lot at the south west corner of Sodom and
Willick Roads; advising that the City Solicitor is of the opinion that, in
order to minimize further complications, the enlarged City should pass a re-
zoning by -law incorporating those provisions contained in the initial by -law
passed by the former Township of Willoughby.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Schiller that
the report be received and adopted and the appropriate by -law prepared for
Council's approval.
No. 112 - City Manager - Re: Contract with Canadian Corps of Commissionaires
Inc.; advising that the contract expired on February 28, 1970 and recommending
approval of the by -law renewing the agreement for further psziod of one year
from March 1, 1970 to February 28, 1971.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Galloway, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and tabled for one weak pending the preparation of a
furtherreport which will include information as to revenue from the meters,
expenditures resulting from the operation of the Commissionaire services and
the allocation of the revenue from traffic violations. It is understood that
the employment of the Commissionaires will continua in the interim.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Calloway, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Schialsr, Thomaon,Wilson.
NAYE:Aldermen Marge and Martin.
Ho. 113 - City Manager - Re: Municipal Data Processing Conference, Toronto,
Ontario, April 2nd and 3rd, 1970; recommending that the Deputy Treasurer
be authorised to attend the Conference.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 114 - Ci C rk - Re: Various requests from local organizations;
recommending (1 that the Greater Niagara Baseball Association be granted
permission to hold Tag Days on June 25th,26th and 27th,1970 (2) that the City
place a half -page advertisement at a cost of $35.00, in the year book of the
Niagara Falls Collegiate Vocational Institute as in previous years. (3) that
the City place a full page advertisement, costing $150.00, in tbe Canadian
Police Chief publication as in previous years (4) that the Lions Club be
granted permission to hold their Annual Carnival on the Bridge Street grounds
from July 8th to Ilth, inclusive and that the organization also be permitted
to erect a stationary sign prior to the carnival (5) that the Stamford Centre
Volunteer Firemen's Association be granted permission to hold their Annual
Carnival on June 17th to June 20th, 1970 at Stamford Green and the Joyss Shows
of London be permitted to operate the rides and concessions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report of the City Clerk be received and adopted with the exception of
the request for an advertisement in the publication of the Canadian Associatio:
of Chiefs of Police. In respect to this item, it was directed that the City
Clerk prepare a report regarding the site and coat of.ahe advertisement in the
publication in previous years.
No. 115 • City Clerk - Re: Application of Mr. C.C.Cutler, 2322 Dunn Street
for a Hawker & Pedlar Licence in order to sell Amway Home Care Products on a
door -to -door basis.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mena that the
report of the City Clerk be received and the application of Mr. Cutler he
deferred pending a report from the City Manager on the policy respecting
applications for Hawker 6 Pedlar licences. The motion Carried with the follow-
ing vote:
is Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Sohisler, Thowon,Wilson.
:Aldermen Deans and Martin.
No. 116 - Ci v Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Wilson that
the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 117 • Clew Wagger • Recemmsnding payment of Municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Maths, seconded by Alderman Bens that
the report be received and adopted.
- 9 -
No. 10 - GALLOWAY - THOHSON - RESOLVED that WHEREAS there is in the Province
of Ontario an increasing use of mobile home accommodation; AND WHEREAS munici-
palities in which this type of accommodation is situated, incur substantial
costs in supplying services to persons residing in these units; AND WHEREAS
existing legislation does not permit the equitable taxation of these unite;
AND WHEREAS the provisions of the Municipal Act presently provide a limit on
the amount of licence fees that may be levied against mobile home units;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls
petition the Province of Ontario to amend existing legislation in order to
permit municipalities to levy a more realistic amount against permanent type
of trailers or mobile homes; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 11 - MARTIN - WILSON - RESOLVED that the Corporation of the City of
Niagara Falls consents to the issue of debentures by the Regional Municipality
of Niagara to pay the capital costs of the construction by the Corporation of
the Torn of Lincoln of a sewer main approximately 10,500 feet in length con-
sisting of 18" diameter and 24" diameter sewer pipe extending from Provincial
Highway No. 8 northerly along Ontario Street to the Sewage Treatment Plant
known as the Beamavills Sewage Disposal Plant situate in part of the west half
of Lot 16, in the broken front concession, of the former Township of Clinton,
in the County of Lincoln. And further, the construction by the said Town 6f
Lincoln of a watermain 16 inches in diameter and approximately 2,600 feet in
length extending from a point of approximately 500 feet south of the Queen
Elisabeth Way and extending in a northerly direction approximately 2,600 feet.
The total estimated cost of the project being $350,000.00 after allowing for
contributions by the Province respecting the relocation of water and sewer
mains on the Queen Elizabeth Way, such capital expenditure to be a first
charge on the capital budget of the. Town of Lincoln for the year 1970. AND
THAT the Council of the City of Niagara Falls hereby consents to the Ontario
Municipal Board making an Order dispensing with the holding of a public hear-
ing for inquiring into the merit of the matter; AND the Seal of the Corpora-
tion be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 12 - MARTIN - WILSON - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara
Palls approves An application of the Town of Grimsby for an Order of the
Ontario Municipal Board approving of the construction and relocation of
waterau:ins in conjunction with the reconstruction of the Queen Elizabeth Way
at an estimated cost of $274,440.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously
No. 13 - MARTIN - WILSON - RESOLVED that the Corporation of the City of Niagar'
Palls approves of an application of the City of Welland to the Ontario Munici-
pal Board for the approval of an amount of $1,900.00 covering additional coats
.incurred is the construction of a permanent roadway with concrete curb and
gutters on Northcots Avenue from Niagara Street to Edgar Street; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 14 - MARTIN - MANN - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls petition the Department of Highways for subsidy under
the provisions of The Highway Improvement Act on expenditures made during the
year 1969 in the sum of $1,585,661.79; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 15 - CLARKE - MARTIN • RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded
to the family of the late David Wynn Thomas and, in recognition of Mr. Thomas'
valuable contribution to the Municipality as Centennial Co- ordinator, a contri-
bution be wade to the Canadian Heart Fund, Niagara District Chapter; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Wilson requested that • report be prepared regarding con-
. 9. ditione at Balmer Avenue School and, in particular, children trespassing
through backyards on the way to school.
Alderman Wilson requested the City Engineer to prepare a report
outlining the scope of the work being carried out to a newly - installed water -
main on the south side of McLeod Road between Drummond Road and Stanley Avenue.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that the congratulations of Council be extended to Mr. Jack Marshall
who was recently recognized at the Good Roads Convention 'tor his contribution
in the field of road maintenance.
Alderman Clarke enquired as to the progress being made in regard to
the report on the operation of the Industrial Department. He suggested that,
if at all possible, the report should be forthcoming prior to the Budget
meeting. The City Manager advised that the questionnaires are now being
returned to the City Hall and every effort will be made to submit the report
on or before budget time
Pb. 70 -27 - A By -law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Japoro Investments Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman learns, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus -
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -20 - A By -law to amend Zoning By -law No. 2530, 1360 of the former
Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Palle, amended. (Japoro
Investments Ltd.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
By -law
Thir4 Reading
Alderman Schisler and Alderman Martin.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70- 2. - A By -law to authorise the execution of a site plan agreement with
Rebco Investments Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Bears that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
end the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimorale
CRDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
$ctinlsy that Rule 36(2) of the Steadies Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unaaljously
Third Reading Alderman Wilson and Aldermen Suwon.
parried Unanimously
No. 30 -33 - A By -law to amend Toning By -law No. 2530, 1960 of the former
Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended (Rebco
Investments Ltd.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Bursa that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Hann.
No. 70 -31 - A By -law to authorize a subdivision agreement with Kenmore
Holdings (Niagara) Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman Schiller be granted the privilege of introducing the By-
law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Martin, and Alderman Thomson.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -32 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Mimic
Construction Limited for the construction of watermaina and sewermains in
the Falls Industrial Park Subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that Alderman Schisler be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Martin and Alderman Mann.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -33 - A By -law to authorize a lease of part of the new City Hall to Her
Majesty The Queen in the right of the Province of Ontario, represented by
the Minister of Public Werke for the Province of Ontario,
ORDERED on the motion of A lderaan Martin, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By-
law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Martin.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -35 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDRR= on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
4 41 0 . 4 .144' `"
- 12 -
Mann that Aldermen Schislsr be granted the privilege o2 introducing the By -law.
Carried Unanimously
seconded by Alderman
be temporarily sus -
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schiller,
Mann that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council
psnded and the By -law be given the second reeding.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Martin.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council Meeting,
March 2, 1970.
Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular
meeting held on !larch 2, 1970. All Members of Council wars present with
the exception of His Worship Mayor Miller and Alderman Scott. Alderman Martin
presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the Committee of the Whole arise without reporting to Council.
Carried Unanimously
Presiding Officer
Council Chamber,
March 2, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held on March 2, 1970. All Members of Council mere present
with the exception of His Worship Meyor,Miller and Alderman Scott. Alderman
Puttick presided as Chairman.
It was Ordered that the meeting adjourn.
Presiding OS#LCSr
Council assembled in Committee of the Whole at 6:30 p.m.,
Monday, Match 9, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Clarke and Alderman McKinley. His Worship Mayor
F. J. Miller presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them,
it was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Martin that the Committee of the Whole arise without reporting to Council.
Council Chamber,
March 9, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March?, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Clarke. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided. It was
Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the minutesof the meeting held on March 2, 1970, be adopted as printed.
L. G. Blackburn, President, Local seconded de
l 133, Canadian Union of Public Raptoyeee, be
granted permission to address Council.
Mr.Blackburn stated that upon reading in the local newspaper that
the matter of garbage collection for the enlarged City was to be discussed by
Council,it was felt that Union representatives should submit a brief on behalf
of the employees of the City's Sanitation Department. He expressed the opinion
that the Evening Review story did not indicate the wish of the majority of
local residents. Employees of the Sanitation Department, he said, are gravely
concerned about the possibility of a layoff of casual labourers who, each year,
are hired for a period of perhaps six to eight months and were entirely depen-
dent on this type of temporary work.
Mr. Blackburn then read from a prepared submission re: Surrendering
the Services of "Back Yard" Pick up ". The brief, copies of which had been
distributed to Council Members, advised of the concern of Local 133 regarding
the reported support of some Members of Council of the suggestion that back
yard pick up service should be discontinued; it points out that the service,
when broken down on a tax per capita basis, is the cheapest and most
appreciated service in the City; it requests that Council study the views of
the Union and resolve to continue the service.
Report 53 - City Manger - Re: City Buildings. Noting that since January1,1970
the Town Hall of the former Village of Chippewa and the Township Hall of the
former Township of Willoughby have been owned by the City of Niagara Falls;
submitting information as to the present use of the buildings and suggesting
that proposals for the use of the two buildings be invited from the public.
Report 119 - City Moamar - Advising that some publicity has appeared in the
press in respect to the use of Willoughby Township Hall and the Chippewa Hall;
enumerating communications and suggestions received regarding the Willoughby
Town Hall and advising that no interest has been show in respect to the use of
the Chippewa Town Hall.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears', seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and the former Willoughby Township Hall be operated as •
community centre by a local committee operating through the Recreation
Commission on a grant basis;tbet tha•Commisaion also be contacted inflamed to
Chippewa' bsildies to determine if the building might be required as a communit
centre ; further, that the availability of the Chippewa Town Hall also be
referred to the Social Planning Council for their consideration as possible
accommodation for the Drug Committee.
Comm. 57 - Mr. M. DOSipsi - Requesting that action be taken in respect to trees
located in front of 938 Walnut Street.
Report 120 - City Manager - Advising that it has been directed that the large
silver maple located entirely on City property on Walnut Streit, be removed in
the near future; recommending that no action be taken in respect to a tree
located on the property of Mr. Dsliad.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman HeXinley, seconded by Alderman Martin, that
the report be received and adopted.
* * * **
Report 07 - City Menem- Proposal of Mr. L. Perri of 642 !ridge Street to
remodel his home.
Report 121 - City Manager - Recommending that as a result of the confirmation
of the Urban Removal Committee, that Mr. Ferri be advised that a permit will
be granted for the remodelling end repairs to the building at 642 !ridge Et.
at an estimated cost of $2,100.
MIRED on the motion of Aldermen Gallovay, seconded by Alderman Mane that the
Mart be received and adopted.
2 .
March 9, 1970.
- -
Comm, 81 - Lyons Creek Home and School Association : c hoo would
l s t oplo n
the Queen Elisabeth Way at King Road; offering suggestions
eliminate the problem.
Report 122 - City Manager - Re: King Road. Referring to the temporary
diversion of school buses southerly along an opened roadway on King Road to
Bossert Road, then easterly along an unopened portion of Bossert Road to the
Q.E.W.; advising that this system was a temporary solution only as the portion
of the road would become impassable in the Spring time; suggesting several
alternatives for Council's consideration (a) construction of King Road from
the Q.E.W. to Sauer Road (estimated total cost $34,700.00) (b) construction of
Bossert Road from King Road to the Q.E.W. (estimated cost $10,500.00) (c) the
construction of a turn- around of King Road in the vicinity of the Q.E.W.
(estimated cost $3,00.00).
A plan was.poated to indicate the proposed developments of the
Department of Highways of Ontario in the area. in his explanatory remarks,
the City Engineer advised that it was the intention of the Department of
Highways to close off King Road at the Q.E.W.; to construct a fly -over from
the west aide of the Q.E.W. to the east side of the Q.E.W. along the unopene
portion of Bossert Road; the construction of a service road to connect Bassett
Road to Ort Road and the closing of Shark Road along the went side of the Q.EW.
Considerable discussion followed in regard to the actual cost of stoning that
portion of King Road presently designated as a "dirt road" and the length of
the dirt portion of the road which has no granular base whatsoever.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and deferred for one week for further information.
Report 112 - City Manager - Re: Contract with Canadian Corps of Commissionaires
Inc.; advising that. the contract expired on February 28,1970 and recommending
approval of the by -law renewing the agreement for a further period of one year
from March 1, 1970 to February 20, 1971.
!sport 123 Traffic Engineer - Submitting report of (a) Net Revenue, Parking
Meter Fund as of December 31, 1969 ( b) Cost Summary, Parking Meters on Lots
and in areas, 1969 (c) 1969 Apportionment Of Expenditures, Perking Meter Depart
meat and (d) On Street Parking Meters Gross Revenue 1964 to 1969, inclusive.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report of the Traffic Engineer be received and referred for one week to
provide an opportunity for Members of Council to study the report. The motion
Carried with Alderman Bear's voting contrary and all others in favour.
* * * **
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Puttick, tha 2 as the report re: GarbageCollection - Enlarged Municipality, appearing
on the agenda of the Committee of the Whole, be brought forward for considera-
tion at this time.
Report 124 - City Manager - Re: Garbage Collection - Enlarged Municipality.
Presenting a breakdown of garbage collection and disposal costs of the existing
system and a proposed system; proposed garbage collection and disposal statis-
tics and reporting compensation cases during 1967, 1960 and 1969; describing
residential, commercial and rural garbage collection routes and rear yard and
curbside service; supplying information in reply to various questions raised
by Members of Council at a previous meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin, that tht
report be received and that City Council adopt the suggested system for garbaet
collection as proposed by the Works Engineer providing for rear yard service it
the urban area of the former City and curbside service in the rural area of tilt
former City, the former Village of Chippewa, .the Townships of Willoughby,
Crowland and Humberatone; further, that the costa for the operation of the
sanitary landfill site be borne by the entire enlarged Municipality. The motiot
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bear's, Hunt, Martin, Mc%inley,Thomson and Wilson
NT►YE :Alderman Galloway, Mann, Puttick, Schisler and Scott.
No. 86 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Rs: Relocated Penn Central Railway -
•City of Niag.ra Falls. Advising o a meeting with representatives of the
St.Lawrence Seaway Authority and the Authority's consultants for the purpose
of constructing two overpasses along the relocated Penn Control Railway Line
at Oxford Road and Nntherby Road. •
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication be received and the City Engineer and the Traffic Engineer
authorised to attend the meeting to be held at the Regional Offices, T eaday,
March 17,1970 at 2:00 p.m.
- 4 -
No. 87 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Advising that the Regional Munici-
pality has met with representatives of the Canadian Union of Public Employees
and will continua negotiations with the Union in regard to those persons in
the employ of the Regional Municipality and who are represented by C.U.P.E.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 88 - Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board - Rs :Utilisation
of Mublic playgrounds. parks, school buildings and school grounds; requesting
that consideration be given to the appointment of a separate school trustee to
the Planning Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the communication be received and copies forwarded to the Recreation Commission
and the Planning Committee for their comments.
No. 89 - Department of Municipal Affairs - Submitting for distribution to
Members of Council, copies of the Report on the Investigation of Financial
Impact of Introduction and First Year's Operation of the Regional Municipality
of Ottawa - Carleton.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and tabled for one week for the perusal of Council.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Mares, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Thomson, Wilson,Hunt.
NA Galloway, Puttick, Schisler.
No. 90 - Greater Musa Hotel Association - Re: Proposed Street Name Change
By -law. Suggesting that the change would cause confusion and loss of business
to members of the Association and to the community.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearer, seconded by Aldermen Puttick that
the communication be received and referred until such time as further considers
tion is given to street name changes. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Bears', Galloway, Hunt, Martin,.MaKinley, Puttick, Schiller,
NATE:Aldermsn Thomson, Wilson, Mann.
No. 91 - Board of Police Commissioners - Requesting that consideration be
given to the consolidation of all by -laws respecting traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the communication be received and request approved. The motion Carried with
Alderman Galloway voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 92 - Staff - Pollution Control Plant - Expressing thoughts on leaving the
employ of the City and appreciation for the opportunity to attend various
courses and the gifts received.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beans, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 93 - City of St. Thomas - Re: Licensing of Lotteries. Requesting endorse -
tion of a resolution opposing the delegation of authority and responsibility
for licensing of lottery schemes to the local municipalities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Runt, that the
communication be received and tabled for further report. The motion Carried
with the following vote: -
AYE: Aldermen Mures, Runt, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Scott,
▪ :Aldermen Mann, Galloway, Wilson.
N o. 94 - City Of Cornwall - A resolution requesting the Federal Government to
pass the necessary legislation to permit the deduction of municipal property
tax on the hoes in which the taxpayer is living, and using as a home, as an
expense in the homeowner's Federal Incase Tax Returns.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Beam that
the communication be received and filed. The notion Carried with Alderman
Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 95 - City of Welland Requesting andorsation of a resolution recommending
to the Ontario Provincial Government that serious consideration be given to a
rebate or elisinatiee of school taxes payable by taxpayers over the age of
65 years or in receipt of • fixed income and whose total income pan be shown
to be below a ressonabte standard.
COMM on the notion of Alderman Puttick, secoaded by Aldermen Thomson that
the communicatioa be received and referred to the Boards of iducation for
further information. The motion Serried with this following vote:
- 5 -
AYE: Aldermen Martin, Hunt, Puttick, Scott, Thomson, Schisler.
NAPE: Aldermen Bearas, Galloway, McKinley,Wilson, Mann:.
Alderman 'Scott retired from the meeting.
No. 96 - Niagara District Airport Commission - Submitting a Financial State-
ment for 1969 and copy of the 1970 budget; providing details re: Commission
requirements and the need for more operating revenue; advising that the
Niagara District Airport will ask each participating municipality for a grant
for the year 1970 amounting to a further .l0C per capita above the present
grant of .100 per capita.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the communication be received and referred for consideration at the Budget
No. 97 - Canadian Association for Children with Learning Disabilities -
Requesting permission to hold a parade on Queen Street, March 28, 1970, in
conjunction with a Variety concert the proceeds of which will go to the
Association for Children with Learning Disabilities; also requesting that
His Worship Mayor Miller, or his representative, greet those participating
in the parade at City Hall.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and referred to the Police Department who now
have jurisdiction over parades.
No. 98 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - Requesting that the Civic
Affairs Committee be permitted to address Council in regard to the City's
draft Zoning By -law at the Council meeting of March 16,1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and permission granted to the Civic Affairs
Committee to address Council as requested.
No. 99 - Principal - Mary Ward School - Advising that a preliminary study
indicates that approximately CO to 85 children cross Dorchester Road to the
corner of Will Street and requesting that consideration be given to providing
a School Crossing Guard at this location.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for review
and report.
No. 100 - Borough of Scarborough - A resolution petitioning the Minister of
Municipal Affairs to introduce the necessary amendment to Section 30A of The
Planning Act to permit municipalities to effectively establish minimum housing
standards by by -law in order to control and improve the quality of housing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for report.
No. 101 - City of Chatham - A resolution requesting the Government of Ontario
to amend the legislation to provide that all School Boards in the Province of
Ontario be required to submit detailed budget estimates for the information
of Councils.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the communication be received and filed. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
. 411 Aldermen Hunt, Minn, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Thomson =: e,
NAYE:Aldermen Galloway and Burgs.
No..102 - Town yf Timmins - Requesting andorsation of a resolution asking that
the Province of Ontario review the Ontario Municipal Employees' Retirement
System Plan and allow pension funds to be made available to Ontario Housing
at current interest rates.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the communication be received and acknowledged and the Town of Timmins
advised that the City of Niagara Falls is prepared to support the resolution
provided that pension funds are drawn on by the Ontario Housing Corporation
at a rate of 60% per annum with a maximum of 8% per annum. The motion Carried'
with Alderman Galloway voting contrary and all others in favour
No. 103 - Canadian, Federation of Mayors and Mynicipalities - Inviting the
Municipality to t ke out membership in the Federation and to send a (Utley-
to the 33rd Annual Conference .
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and filed.
r ,
- 6-
No. 125 - City Manager - Re: Wayne Street Sweeper. Recommending that the
sweeper be returned to the Sicard Equipment Plant in Toronto for recondi-
tioning, subject to the approval of the Equipment Superintendent when the
0 D RDERED on the e
motion oflAldermaa is
n Martin, secondedby rman 0
the report be received and adopted.
No. 126 - City Manager - Re: Water Mein on McLeod Road. Advising that the
changeover of individual water lerals Avenue
been completed eted and all l.the a p p
are now being serviced from the new 12 inch diameter main.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson. seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and filed.
No. 127 - City Manager - Re: Tender Calla for Subdivision Roads. Requetingd-
permission to call tenders for the construction of a base aspbalt•typ
way in the Frontenac Woods and Meadowvale Subdivisions with a closing date
of I4arch 31,1970 at 11:00 a.m.; also requesting permission to call road
tenders for the Brooks, Theresa and McMicking Subdivisions with a closing
date of April 6, 1970 at 11:00 a.m.
thhe be received Alderman Alderman
EnginteringDepartment authorized
to call tenders for the Subdivision roads enumerated in the report.
No. 123 - City Manager - Re: tinter Course in Township Lots 54,53,a7
Advising that it is now desirable to have the necessary lands appraised;
requesting permission to have appraisals made along the proposed watercourse
The City Engineer elaborated on the report pointing out that the
by -law was given two readings in 1969 and is presently awaiting the approval
of the Ontario Municipal Board following circulation of the proposed works
allocated the current to e also
permit such
appraisals and surveys.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bursa, seconded by Aldermen Galloway that
the report be received and permission granted to arrange for the required
No. 129 - City Manager - Re: Collection of D.D.T. Suggesting that a second week of March 23rd to 28th
collection of
8:00 a.o. to 5:00 and t the disposal the
to be the Municipal Service
Centre on Stanley Avenue; suggesting also that a suitable advertisement be
placed in the Evening Review.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Thomson that
the report be received and adopted and authority granted for the proposed
collection of D.D.T. and advertisement.
No.130 - City Manager - Re: Waterain Installation on Welland Line Road.
installation a that N12"cdiiaametermwatermsiin on Welland awarded
Line Road contract
inaccordaa e
with the contract specifications, at their tender price of 989,551.10.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the contract for the construction of a 12" watsrain onttslland Line Road be
awarded to Damore Bros. Limited, Niagara Palls, at the tendered price of
990,477.70. The Nation Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Mares, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
NAYS :Aldermen Galloway, McKinley, Puttick and Schialer.
See Resolution No. 16
No. 131 - City Monster - Re: Stopping up and closing of the unused portion
of Homewood Avenue; advising that the City Solicitor has initiated road
closing procedure including the publication of notices in the Evening Review;
advising further that no objections have been received and recommending
approval of the by-law.
ontalD on the motion of Aldermen Wilson, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the^report be rsceivsdand adopted. ^u gas BY -Lam No. 70 -34
- 7-
No. 132 - City Manager - Re: Penn Central Crossing of Simcoe Street and
Ontario Avenue. Advising that the Railway Transport Committee proposes to
replace the old type wig wag protection at the crossing of Simcoe Street
and Ontario Avenue; noting that paesent downtown redevelopment plans indi-
cate the elimination of this crossing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schialer, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the report be received and the Railway Transport Committee advised
of the City's plane for the area and the Committee's comments as well as
those of the Penn Central Railway be obtained.
No. 133 - City Manager - Re: Renovations Lundy's Lane Building for Recreation
Commission Purposes. Submitting a statement of estimated costs of the
alterations desired by the Recreation Commission. The total coat is esti-
mated to be 96,400.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Galloway
that the report be received and referred for consideration at a future
meeting when the Chairman of the Recreation Commission will be asked to
make a presentation and reply to the questions asked. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Schialer,
NAYE:Aldermen Maras, Martin and Thomson.
Council agreed to the moving forward of a report from the Mayor's
Committee on Housing for consideration at this time. The item appeared on
the agenda as No. 18.
Report 134 - Mayor's Committee on Houeins - Referring to a request by the
City Council that the Committee submit a report regarding the preference
and needs of senior citizens and applicants for geared -to- income accommo-
dation; recommending that s'topy the reports :prepared by the Social
Planning Council be forewarded to the Ontario Housing Corporation for their
comments; that the 0.H.C. be asked to initiate an immediate study of the
need for additional senior citizen and geared -to- income units in the City;
that if the study indicates a need for additional units, that preference
be given to low density proposals and that priority be given to placing
future units in the south end area of the City.
Report 135 - The Social Planning Council of Greater Niag_ara A Study of the
type of development that Applicants for Senior Citizen and Geared -to- Income
Housing would tike.to live in and where they would like to see it located
in Niagara Palls. The report is bawd on replies to a questionnaire and
indicates that the majority of the applicants prefer to live An single
family dwellings and in the south end of the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson hat
Mt. L. Grigoroff, Chairman, Mayor's Committee on Housing, granted P
mission to address Council.
Mr. Grigoroff briefly outlined the study undertaken by the Social
.Planning Council in preparing the final report. An opportunity was then
given to Members of Council to question Mr. Grigoroff on points contained in
the submission as well as general comments regarding the housing situation
in the Municipality. In replying to an enquiry by Alderman Puttick, he said
that the availability of 40' lots could be instrumental in helping alleviate
housing needs. Several Aldermen commented on the remarks contained in the
questionnaires received by the Social Planning Council and the fact that they
indicated an urgent need for additional accommodation. In replying to
various questions posed by Aldermen Puttick, Wilson and Bearss, Mr.Grigoroff
offered the following-information:
That the municipal subdividers agreement was an "unrealistic docu-
ment serving only 10% of the population; that during an earlier study
carried out by the Ontario Housing Corporation regarding thenesd for senior
citizen and geared -to -income united, 207 applications had been received but
it was determined by the O.H.C. that onl y 86 units would be allocated to
the Municipality. This ratio, he said, indicated a further need for an
immediate study. The speaker commented on the length of time required for
the processing of the study, preparation of the tenders and the actual con-
struction; during this period an additional need had arisen and if a study
is requested now, final recommendations will not be available until the
spring of 1972. The 86 units presently under construction are not expected
to be ready for occupancy until the end of 1970 or early in 1971.
Aldermen Puttick expressed the opinion that the procedure recom-
mended in the report of the Mayor's Committee on Housing would not result
in immedate action. No suggested that the housing situaf, %on should be brought
to the attention of appropriate government authorities.
- 8-
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson
that the City Council accept the report of the Mayor's Committee on Housing
and the study of the Social Planning Council and adopt the recommendations
contained therein. Ths motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Marc., Martin and Galloway. Thomson, Wilson.
NAYE:Aldermsn Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, - = ,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report of the Mayor's Committee on Housing and the Study by the Social
Planning Council be received and His Worship Mayor Miller requested to
contact Ht. George Bukator,M.L.A. and the Honourable J.J.Greene,M.P. as soon
finds be to discuss the further, that their a request
findings gs be directed to appropriate Government
for the immediate establishment of 200 housing units in the Municipality.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Scbisier, .- Thomson,Wilson.
NAYB:Aldermen Beares, Martin and Galloway.
NOTE: The vote on the motion of Aldermen Puttick and Wilson was taken prior
to the vote on the original motion.
* * * **
Report 136 - City Manager - Re: Sale of furniture from old City Hall.
Advising that some organizations have requested that they be allowed to pur-
chase Department of Social the
Services, Regional
Government Homes for the Aged, Stamford Memorial Arena Board aad.Loeal 133,
Q.P.B.; recommending further that two desks be donated to the Mental Health
Association as requested and the balance of the furniture sold.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderant Wilson that
the report be received and adopted and the City Manager authorized to sell
the balance of the furniture in a manner which is deemed most appropriate.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the meeting adjourn and reconvene at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 10, 1970, to
consider the remsinigg items on the agenda. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Alderman Bursa, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, :•.-
NAYB:Aldermen Galloway and Wilson.
*• * * * * * **
Council reconvened on Tuesday, March 10, 1970, at 6:30 p.m. All
Members were present with the exception of Alderman Clarke,. His Worship
Mayor Miller presided.
No. 137 - City Manager - Re: Accommodation of Provincial Court in old City
Bali Building. Advising that the Provincial Department of Public Works have
approved of the following items: (1) Lease of the entire old City Hall et a
rental rate of $2.50 per square foot of floor;apace, on the basis of three
years (2) The purchase of furniture enumerated in the report at a price of
$1800 and (3) approval of certain alterations at an estimated cost of $7000
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Martin that
the report be received and the information contained therein confirmed;
further, that the City Manger be granted authority to proceed with the alter-
ations and painting on the understanding thatithe Province will be responsibl'
for the ccst; further, that the City Memer be authorised to accept the
quotation of B.S.Tox Limited to convert the heating system from steam to hot
water at $2897.00.
No. 138 - Escrestion Commission - Re: Welland River Report. Suggesting th't
a resolution be forwarded to the Niagara Regional Municipality designating
certain areas as green belt for recreational purposes; recommending (1)That
the B.E.P.C. property, N.E. corner of Canal and Welland River not be con -
sidered et this time and (2) that a resolution be prepared by the Planning
Committee and circulated among the effected areas, petitioning the Regional
to sone the banks of the Welland River as green area.
OBDIRLD on the motion of Aldermen Beam seconded by Aldermen Martin that
the report of the Recreation Commission be received and adopted.
8 .
No. 139 - City Manager - Recommending that
attend a Seminar and Workshop for Swimming
from March 20th to the 22nd inclusive.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson,
the report be received and adopted.
Mr. R. Quaranta be authorized to
Pool Managers, Staff and Operators
seconded by Alderman Beares that
No. 140 - City Manager - Re: American Waterworks Association Annual Conven-
tion, Toronto, April 26th to the 29th, inclusive; recommending that three
members of the engineering staff and at least one Alderman be granted per-
mission to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Beares that
the report be received and adopted.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Beards, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
NAYS :Aldermen Galloway, Mann, Hunt and Puttick.
No. 141 - City Manager - Recommending that the Planning Director, A. Grooves,
be authorized to attend a Conference of the American Society of Planning
Officials, New York, April 4th to 9th, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 142 - City Manager - Recommending that Personnel Officer, Mr.A.L.Jobey
be authorized to attend a Labour Relations Seminar, Toronto, April 1,2 and 3,'
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 143 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: Willoughby, Crowland,
Humberstone Zoning By -law and Official Plan. Recommending that the City
Solicitor be instructed to apply for an extension to the time limit imposed
on the Willoughby By -law by the Ontario Municipal Board ain order to
d ate the By -law and Official Plans of Willoughby,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermant Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 144 - City Manager - Re: By -law No. 8026'to permit the erection of a 17
unit apartment building on the south aide of Barker Street near Main Street;
advising that the Ontario Municipal Board has appointed Thursday, April 2,
1970, 11 o'clock for a hearing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and filed and the information noted.
No. 145 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 146 - City Clerk . Recommending granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 147 - City Clerk - Re: Application for a Refreshment Vehicle Licence.
Advising that the applicants wish to operate an ice cream cart on City
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Bearer that
the report be received and filed and the application for a Refreshment
Vehicle Licence denied.
No. 143 - Building Inspector - Building Permits issued by the Building
Department for the month of February, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and filed.
Alderman Puttick advised that be had received a complaint regard-
ing the parking of three diesels on Victoria Avenue behind and to the west
of the A.1 Steel Co. The diesels are loft running throughout the night and
residents of the area are complaining of fumes and noise. Mayor Miller said
9 .
-10 -
that other complaints had been received and he had contacted a Company
official in St. Catharines. The Company had agreed to shuttle the diesels
farther north on a ipur track but apparently this has not been dons. The
City Manager will submit a report on the matter.
Alderman Puttick enquired if the fencing at the rear of Stamford
Hall could be removed now that the building is no longer used by Municipal
forces. He noted that the Sylvia Avenue parking lot was presently being
used on Saturday mornings for market purposes and the removal of the fence
would assist farmers using the area. Initially the fence was erect to pro-
tect Municipal vehicles.
The City Manager noted that the building is to be leased to the
Museum Board for a nominal fee and consideration has been given to sub-
letting the first floor of the building. If such arrangements are made it
is likely that the rear parking area will be needed. The City Manager said
he would contact the Museum Board for their comments on the suggestion.
Alderman Puttick said that the former Eaton building on Victoria
Ave is within the urban renewal boundaries and should be City - owned. He
referred to a $150,000 allocation in this year's Capital Budget for a
library site and suggested utilizing these funds to acquire the property
which he estimated could be purchased for $150,000 to $200,000. The
Alderman considered that the building was structurally sound and a complete
renovation of the interior could provide library facilities. He suggested
also that the basement could be used for other community activities such as
fencing, archery, little theatre groups and as a family centre. Statistic-
ally, he said, the renovation of a building is 257. cheaper than ranting and
only 50% of the cost of constructing a new building.
Mayor Miller indicated that he was prepared to support the
suggestion that the matter be investigated and suggested that it should be
ascertained if the Library Board would wish to have a main library located
in the centre of the municipality or if they would prefer another location.
Alderman Thomson expressed doubt that the building could actually
be purchased for $150,000 and was of the opinion that the cost of such
extensive renovations would be astronomical and beyond reason. The Alderman
said that there would be some merit in an investigation if
its was
sbr the
purpose of acquiring the property for parking purposes
proposal would be too costly, perhaps is the area of a million dollars.
Alderman Wilson also spoke against the suggestion, stating that
the plans for a library site were pas mature. He did not believe that an
amount of $150,000 should be spent for library purposes in vier of the
necessity of providing a new police building.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Schisler,
that City Officials be authorized to carry out an investigation regarding
the possible purchase of the former Eaton building on Victoria Avenue for
library purposes; further, that the investigation be carried out in con-
junction with representatives of the Library Hoard and other community
organisations that could utilise a portion of the building. The motion
Curried with the following vote:
s Alderman Dears, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick,.
Sc aisler.
U =Alderman Thomson, Wilson and Scott.
The City Clerk referred to a submission pressnted by Mr. L. G.
Blackburn, President, Local 133,Camadian Union of Public Employees. He
reminded Council that Mr. Blackburn had been granted permission to address
Council under "Deputations" regarding surrendering the services of "Back
Yard" pick up but no action had been taken regarding the prepared submission.
ing � byuUnion
. brief on behalf y of the employees of the Ci
MUSD on t s motion of Alderman leaves, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the communication be received and filed. The motion amid with Alderman
Futtick voting- contvery 'and -all of ors -ie favour.
Alderman Bearse referred to a previous report of the City Manager
regarding Regional Roads. Presented with the report was a communication
from the Regional Director of Engineering recommending a Regional Road
system for Regional Niagara and the report noted the additions, alterations
and deletions that had been made to the.City's submission. At the Council
meeting of March 2, 1970, the recommendations were approved with the
exception of Clifton Hill and Queen Street which Council Members felt should
remain under the jurisdiction of the Municipality. Alderman Bearse said
that at the Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday evening, Regional
Councillors George Martin and E. Mitchellson had offered further explanation
as to why the Regional Government had suggested that Clifton Hill and Queen
Street should be assumed by the Region.
Alderman Galloway noted that the report did not agree that
Morrison Street from Stanley Avenue to Valley Way and Valley Way from
Morrison Street to Victoria Avenue should be deleted from the Regional Road
system. The Alderman suggested that City Staff should emphasize that this
section ofiiorrison Street
Regional portion of n Valley a c connection the
Morrison Street etandthemajor commercial area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Galloway
that Queen Street and Clifton Hill be accepted as Regional Roads as
• recommended by the Regional Municipality of Niagara. The motion Carried
with the following vote:.
AVE: Aldermen Maras, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler,
Scott, Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
No. 16 - WILSON - MARTIN:,: - RESOLVED that the contract for the installa-
tion of a 12" diameter watermain on Welland Line Road in accordance with
the contract specifications, be awarded to Damore Bros. Limited, Niagara
Falls, at a tender price of $90,477.70; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
No. 70 - - A By -law to authorize an agreement with Canadian Corps of
Commissionaires,Inc., Hamilton Division.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Beares
that the By -law be tabled for one week to provide an opportunity for
Members of Council to peruse additional supporting information.
No. 70 -36 - A By -law to atop up and close and to authorize the selling of
part of Homewood Avenue according to Registered Plan No. 24 for the City
of Niagara Palls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bursa, seconded by Alderman
Mason that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By - law be given the second reading.
Carrled Unanimously
Third Reading; - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Schisler.
Carried Unaaimously
No. 70 -37 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beers', seconded by Alderman
Mann that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the Byelaw be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 12 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen
Hunt that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the meeting adjourn to meet with representatives of the Department, of
Highways and the DeLeuw Cather Company who were in attendance to outline
the proposed changes to the main traffic circle and the Dorchester Road
interchange of the Queen Elisabeth Way.
Mr. W. Friedman of the Department outlined the basic proposal
for the Q.E.W. - Dorchester Road - Highway 20 interchange. Speaking first of
the utility contracts required by the proposal in this respect, he
indicated that all traffic will be maintained on existing roadways during
utility reconstruction. Work on roadway reconstruction will be tendered
this year with the hope that the work can be undertaken during the current
year. Mr. Bonaall outlined the four stages of construction with the
first stage being shown in yellow on the tabled plan and said there would
be no ifttexruption ofatraffic but certain following stages would require
re- routing of traffic. In reply to a question by Mayor: Miller, he said
that it was estimated that the over -all construction would take approximately
three years and all traffic circles as they presently exist will be
eliminated. Aldermen Puttick questioned the grade on Dorchester Road
adjacent to Canadia and Acres properties. Mr. Boneall replied that Dor-
chester Road will go over the Q.E.W. via a bridge.
Alderman Wilson questioned the re- routing of traffic from
Buffalo and Council was advised that access to Lundy's Lane will be cut
off to north bound traffic from Buffalo. Motorists will be required to
continue on the Q.E.W. and use the Roberts Street extension. When asked
if south bound traffic would be able to exit to the business area of
Lundy's Lane the Department representative said that it was Department
policy to eliminate two interchanges within a short distance and therefore
an additional interchange at Lundy's Lana could not be tolerated. Traffic
will be able to exit at Dorchester Road or by the Highway 20 exit via
Montrose Road. He felt that this was the best solution available. Additional
exits from the Q.E.W. must be restricted in view of ever.increasing traffic
volumes. Alderman Wilson then suggested the elimination of the north bound
exit and permit south bound traffic to exit to Lundy's Lane. Alderman Hunt
said that earlier information had indicated four exits to Lundy's Lane. In
reply Mr. Friedman stated that a full interchange at McLeod Road would pro-
vide an exit via Montrose or Dorchester Roads with a third exit at Highway
20 cut -off. The fourth exit would be at the Q.E.W. - Dorchester Road exit.
Alderman Thomson expressed concern for the future of Lundy's Lane
and, in particular, the motel and tourist accommodation in the area. He
suggested that Council examine the Department's proposals in regard to
the signing program to as if tourist traffic could be channeled to the
Lundy's Lana business area by means of adequate signing. Mt. Friedman said
that accommodation signing could be used. Alderman Puttick questioned the
possibility of using signs at the westerly terminus of Highway 20 as re -
routed. The proposal indicated that such an intersection would be in the
general area of Beachwood Road and Highway 20. Mr. Friedman agreed that a
signing program could be implemented at this intersection.
Alderman Wilson questioned the ability of the proposed detours to
handle the traffic flow particularly during the summer months. Members were
advised that the proposed "TV intersection will be capable of handling more
traffic than the present system. Mr. Friedman also stated that the McLeod
Road interchange would be constructed shortly after the main traffic circle
is completed.
The City Engineer queried if the Department of Highways were pre-
pared to assume responsibility of Montrose Road at the exit from the main
traffic circle on Lundy's Lane. Mr. Friedman was not prepared to make a
commitment in this respect and suggested that the requests and suggestions
of the Municipality be forwarded to the Department for consideration.
On behalf of Council, Mayor Miller thanked the representatives
of the Department of Highways and the DeLeuw Cather Company for their
cooperation and the information received.
* * * * *
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Bearas that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regu-
lar meeting held on March 10, 1970. All Members of Council were present
with the exception of Alderman Clarke. Alderman Mann presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
Ordered on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin
that the Committee of the Whole arise without reporting to Council.
Council Chamber,
March 10, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of
the Whole meeting held on March 10, 1970. All Members of Council were
present with the exception of Alderman Clarke. His Worship Mayor Miller
presided as Chairman.
It was Ordered that the meeting adjourn.
- 13 -
Cdr RMayor
Council Chamber,
March 10, 1970.
Council Chamber,
March 16, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 16, 1:70 for the purpose
of considering general business. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as
Chairman. All Members of Council were present. Alderman Scott offered the
opening Prayer. It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by
Alderman Wilson, that the minutes of the meetings held on March 9th and 10th,
1970, be adopted as printed.
Comm. 93 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - Requesting that the Civic
Affairs Committee be permitted to address Council in regard to the City's draft
Zoning By -law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Aldermen Martin that Mr.
Peter Mavea be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Waves, Chairman of the Civic Affairs Committee, said that because
of the Chamber's interest in the future growth and the current well -being of ,
the City, the Committee is concerned about the long delay in presenting the
City's draft Zoning by -law. He said the delays, confusion and uncertainty
for those organisations or investors considering any form of economic develop-
ment in the community, are not in the best interest of growth and expansion.
A prepared submission, copies of which were distributed to Members of Council,
contained two recommendations: (1) That the Council ask that the Zoning By -law
be brought forward for their consideration with all feasible haste and (2) That
the Council ask for a report from the City Manager as to current administrative
structure, the work loads of staff, and the systems for handling reports,
studies and by -law preparations and to include the names of suitable municipal
administration consultants whose serrotces might be required for a comprehensive
evaluation of future administrative functions.
When asked by Mayor Miller to reply to Mr. Mayes, the City Manager
stated that, since the draft coning by -law was submitted by the Planning Board,
difficulties have arisen which have caused delay and noted •specially that the
advent of Regional Government had involved considerable work during 1969. He
advised that a series of weekly meetings have been arranged and members of the
staff are working on the by -law. The City Solicitor, who is ill at present,
must be sure that the by -law is carefully prepared in order that the public and
the future development of the City will be protected. Mr. Huggins said that
while it is possible to secure the services of professional consultants who
prepare the official plan and the zoning by -law, this method has not been
completely successful in the past. The most satisfactory by -laws for zoning
purposes, he said, must come from Council and staff; it must then be approved
by Council; then advertised and submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board. The
draft zoning by -law received from the Planning Board was not intended to be the
one to be enacted by Council and finally approved. The City Manager said there
are many valid reasons for the delay in presenting the by -lay but he does not
believe that the progress of the Municipality has been impeded or curbed.
On behalf of Council Mayor Miller thanked Mr. Moves for his presenta-
Mr. V.Colucci, President, Movie Construction Limited, had requested
permission to address Council regarding the awarding of the tender for the
construction of a watermain on Welland Line Road.
mum on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt, that Mr.
Mavis be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Mavic said that at a public meeting held on March 2nd, tenders
were opened for the construction of • 12" watermain on Welland Line Road and
his Company was low bidder on the contract. Hs than heard that the contract
had been awarded to a local industry who had submitted a higher bid and whose
completion time was 42 days compared to the Movie completion time of 36 days.
Mr. Mavis told the Council that be had worked for the City of Niagara Palls
for l0years, had been awarded contracts for various subdivisions and had
saved the City • considerable amount of money; his payroll records proved that
he employed local labourers and he conducted other business with local industry.
The speaker said that his work had always met with the approval of the Munici-
pal staff and expressed the opinion that the Council were discriminating
against his Company.
- 2 -
Comm. 104 - Metropolitan Toronto Sewer and Watermain Contractors Association -
Rs: Contract WW- 5- 70,Conatruction of 12" Watermain, Welland Line Reed.
Advising that the Association is comprised of 58 Sewer and Watermain Contrac-
tors and noting that 3 members had submitted prices on the tender call and
that the awarding of a contract to a higher bidder tends to discourage
members of the Association from bidding on future tender calls.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman
Martin that the communication from Metropolitan Toronto Sewer and Watermain
Contractors be received and filed. The motion was Defeated with the following
AYE: Aldermen Beares, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Thomson, Wilson.
NAYE:Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler,SCott,Mayor Miller.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the action of the City Council regarding the awarding of Contract No.W.W.5 -70,
as decided at the Council meeting of Merch 9th, 1970, be reconsidered at this
time. The Motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Scott,Mayor Miller
NAYR :Aldermen Bears., Hunt, Mann, Martin, Thomson, Wilson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the decision of the City Council to award Contract No. W.W. 5 -70 to Damore
Construction Co., Niagara Falls, as reported in the minutes of the meeting
held on March 9, 1970, be rescinded and that the contract for the construction
of a watermain on Welland Line Road be awarded to Mavic Construction Limited
at their tendered price of $89,551.10, being the lowest tender received.The
motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE:Aldermen vlarke, Galloway, McKinley, Puttick,- Schisler, Scott,$ayer Miller.
NAYE: Aldermen Mersa, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Thomson, Klan.
* * * w 4 x See Resolution No.17
Mr. C.R.Cook had requested permission to address Council regarding
"Non Returnable Bottles ". It was agreed to table this item until later in
the meeting when Mr. Cook would be present.
Comm.316 - Township of Willoughby - A resolution proposing that the 1970
Niagara Falls Council or the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority con -
sider acquiring the property bounded on the east by Montrose Road and confined
within the boundaries of Lyons Creek and Lyons Creek Road west to Argyle Road
as a District Park.
Comm.105 - St.Lawrence Seaway Authority - Re: Lyons Creek. Submitting addition-
al information pertaining to the flow in Lyons Creek; advising that the amount
of water to be fed to the Creek will be approximately 5 c.f.e. instead of
50 c.f.s. as stated earlier; advising further that no syphoning of sanitary
or industrial wastes from the west bank to the east bank is contemplated.
During discussion of the matter, Alderman Schisler suggested that
an investigation should be made of the waste being dumped from the east side
of the canal which is also contributing to the pollution of the Creek. He
expressed the opinion that 5 c.f.s. will not be sufficient to provide fresh
water for the source of the Creek. Alderman Bearss advised that a report
will be forthcoming from the Welland Rivet Committee in respect to the clear-
ing up of streams. She said also that Mr.W.A.O'Neil, Director of Construction
had explained the responsibilities of the St.Lawrence Seaway Authority and
had indicated that he would be willing to make • presentation to Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Sehi.ler, seconded by Aldermen Bears. that
the communication be received and referred to W.A.O'Nei1,Director-of Con -.
struction, St.Lawrence Seaway Authority, for clarification.
Comm. 44 - t r •f F 1 , d Aff rs - Advising that Munici-
pal Councils' 1 ball .se M authority to license certain types of
lotteries es contained in an attached 'Proposed Plan for the Licensing and
Regulating of Lotteries'; requesting Council to discuss the operation proposal
and submit comments and opinions.
Report 152 • City Manager - Reviewing the proposed pion for the Licensing and
Regulating of Lotteries by Councils of )Smicipatitiss in Ontario;suggeating
that i2 Council Members are in favour of taking advantage of the provision, a
further report will be prepared recommending a licence fee structure and the
appointment of a Lottery Licensing Officer
- 3 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report of the City Manager be received and referred for one or two weeks for
further information. The motion Carried with the following vote:
ACE: Alderman Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Puttick, Schisler, Wilsoa,Mayor Miller.
NAYR :Alderman Beare., Clarke, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Thomson.
Comm. 83 - City of Sarnia - Re: Compulsory Arbitration.Requesting endorsetion
of a resolution petitioning the Attorney General of Ontario to review existing
compulsory arbitration legislation as it affects fire and police services.
Report 153 - City Manager - Re: Compulsory Arbitration. Commenting on the
resolution from the City of Sarnia and raean:sa:dag an amendment to the 5th
paragraph of the resolution as follows:Therefore be it resolved that the
Attorney General of Ontario be requested to review the present availability
of chief arbitrators who are competent in labour relations natters and capable
of measuring the economic effect of their decisions on the community at large.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and the recommendations contained therein adopted.
Report 114 - City Clerk - Re: Various requests from local organizations. The
report includes the request that the City place a full page advertisement in
the Canadian Police Chief publication.
Report 1:4 - City Clerk - Submitting information as to the advertisements
inserted in the Canadian Police Chief publication in Former• years; advising
that previous Councils have adopted • policy of restricting advertisements in
school yearbooks to one -half page.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beeves, seconded by Aldermen Scott that the
report be received and a one -half page advertisement inserted in the publica-
tion. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others
in favour. .
* * *w **
Comm. 83 - Department of Municipal Affairs - Submitting for distribution to
Members of Council, copies of the Report oa the Investigation of Financial
Impact of Introduction and First Year's Operation of the Regional Municipality
of Ottawa - Carlton.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt, that the
communication be received and filed.
* * * * **
Report 122 - City Manager - Re: King Road. Referring to the temporary diversion
of school buses along King Road and Bossert Road to the Q.B.W.; suggesting
several alternatives.
Report 155 - City Manager - Re: King Road. Advising that a section of
approximately 2,200 ft/ is unpassable on King Road south of Dessert Road and
that the estimated cost of the construction of the gravel roadway for this
portion of the road and with no surface treatment would be $9,400.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and referred to the Budget Meeting.
Report 112 - City Manager - Re: Contract with Canadian Corps of Commissionaires
Report 123 - Traffic Engineer - Re: Net Revenue, Parking Meter Fund; Cost
Summery; 1 %69 Apportionment of Expenditures; Gross Revenue On Street Parking
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alder-
man Galloway that the reports of the City Manager and the City Traffic
Engineer Le received and referred for three weeks for additional information
from the Traffic Engineer. The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AVE:Alderaen Penick and Galloway.
VilitAidermsn Errss, Clarke,. Hunt,. Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schieler, Scott,
Wilson and Thomson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Maras, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the reports of the City Manager and the Traffic Engineer be received and
the Contract with Canadian Carpe of. Commissionaires Inc. be renewed for one .
year from Merth.1, 1970. to February 28, 1971. The motion Carried with the
following votes
Afls Aldermen Maras, Clarke, Lana, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Wilson,Thomeon,
MillLAIdermooklIoway, Puttick and Schisler.
No. 105A- Greater Niagara Transit Commission - Presenting a Statement of
Affairs of the Commission for the year ending December 31, 1969; recommend-
ing that Council approve the following adjustment of fares as of April 1,1970:
(s) Adults -Cash fare from .200 to .25c; tickets from 4 for .700 to 4 for .90c.
(b) Children and Students -Cash fare .15c (no change); tickets from 4 for .350
to 4 for .500.
(c) Senior Citizens - No change.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
Mr. G. H. Mowers, Chairman, Greater Niagara Transit Commission, be granted
permission to address Council.
Members of Council asked numerous questions and, in reply, Mr•
Mowers offered the following information:
In 1969 the Transit Commission transported approximately 120,000 senior
citizens at a reduced fare of .100 with a resulting decline in revenue.
It is not common practice in this type of transportation to use bus token
rather than tickets.
Three new 53- passenger vehicles were purchased; the fleet now consists of
eight 53- passenger busses and 9 31- passenger busses of which three will be
disposed of when market values improve.
That the proposed fare adjustments will increase the revenue by 257; that
the fare structure is generally kept in line with the fares of neighbouring
That members of the Commission are not satisfied with the returns from the
advertising on the vehicles and a meeting will be held with representatives
of the firm responsible.
in order to provide charter service, it would be necessary to purchase proper
highway equipment; the equipment is very expensive and the revenue realized
would not warrant such an expenditure; other municipalities providing charter
and tour service have a central bus depot where out -of -town vehicles discharge
passengers and the sightseeing service is handled by local people.
That the Commission rents office facilities and an agreement with Canada
Coach Lines includes the washing and cleaning of the busses; all other work
is jobbed ont.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Galloway
that the communication be received and the recommendation to increase fares
as outlined be approved. The motion Carried with Alderman Wilson voting
contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Bursa that
the Financial Statement of the Grater Niagara Transit Commission be received
and filed.
His Worship Mayor Miller on behalf of Council, thanked Mr. Mowers
and other members of the .Commission for their presentation.
No. 106 - Niagara Falls Music Theatre Group - Requesting a two year lease
for use of the Walnut Street Fire Hall.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hearse that
Mr. A. Greaves be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Grieves, President of the Music Theatre Group, explained that
for the first time in nine years, the Society is having financial difficulties
due to a recent unsuccessful musical production. He briefly outlined the
activities of the organization and future plans to provide additional revenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the existing agreement with the Niagara Falls Music Theatre Group for use of
the Walnut Street Fireball be extended for an additional two year period at
a rental of $500.00 per annum.
No. 107 - Rimers Iroquois Tourist Association - Advising,thet an organise-
.tion meeting for the Regional Massa Tourist Council will be held et the
Beacon Motor Hotel, Wednesday, April 1, 1970, 6:00 p.m.; requesting that
Council appoint a representative to attend the meeting.
ORDERED on the lotion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Bears. that
the communication be received and the basic ides of forming a Regional
Niagara Tourist Council be approved; further, that Council's representatives
on the Visitor and Convention Bureau be authorised to attend the meeting
and report to Council. The motion Carried with the following votes
:Alderman Bear's, Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Martin, Mc9nley, Puttick,
Si ister, Scott, Thomson.
1JjsAlderaea Hunt and Wilson.
No. 100 - D. Calabrese and Others - Re: Traffic problem at intersection of
Ferry Street and Buchanan Avenue. Requesting an opportunity to discuss the
matter with Council as soon as possible.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schuler. seconded by Alderman Mann, that
the communication be received and Kr. Calabrese and the other parties whose
signatures appear• on the communicatioa be asked to attend the next meeting
of Council. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE :Aldermen Boars., Hunt,Mann, herein, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler,Scott,
NAYE:Aldermsn Clarks, Calloway and Thomson.
No. 10; - Ontario Motor League - Advising that the Canadian Transport
Commission is considering an application by a transport firm for permission
to use public highways for Sunday trucking; advising further that the
Canadian Automobile Association have submitted a brief to the Commission
opposing any relaxation in the present regulations which prohibit Sunday
trucking; requesting Council to support the stand of the Automobile Associa-
tion and forward a telegram to this effect to the Canadian Transport
ORDERED on the nation of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Scott that the
communication be received and Council support the Canadian Automobile
Association's opposition to Sunday trucking. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 110 - Alpha Psi Chapter,Gamma Sigma Fraternity - Requesting the closing
of Queen Street from Valley Clay to Erie Avenue on Good Friday, March 27th
from 1:30 p.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m. for the purpose of holding the
annual eleven - legged race. Proceeds will be donated to the Y.M.C.A.Building
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and the request for the temporary closing of a
portion of Queen Street approved.
No. ill - City of London - A resolution requesting the Provincial Government
to appoint a Select Committee or a Royal Commission for the purpose of hearing
submissions regarding the amendment of The General Welfare Assistance Act
prior to establishing welfare assistance one regional basis; also requesting
that consideration be given to either changing The General Welfare Assistance
Act to grant discretion to Local Social Service Directors or to have the
Province assure the full cost of welfare assistance and administration.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and referred to the Regional Government.
No. 112 - Town of Pelham - A resolution requesting the Government of Ontario
to amend the provisions of the Planning Act which limit to $25.00 the coat
of applications received by Committees of Adjustment or to amend the Planning
Act giving authority to individual municipalities to fix the coat of such
ORD tED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Minn that
the communication be received and the resolution from the Town of Pelham
be endorsed. The motion Corti d with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bears', Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Scott,
Thomson, Wilson.
NAYE:Aldermen Galloway and Schisler.
No. 113 - Deportment of Municipal Affairs - Honourable W.Darcv McKeough -
Approving the City's Sy -law No. 7908, 1969, being a by -law to designate a
redevelopment area.
Report 1..6 - City Manager - Re: Urban Renewal. Advising of the receipt of
an agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario and the City
in respect to the City's revised urban renewal scheme and recommending that
the by -law be passed authorizing the execution of the agreement by the City's
signing offieere; advising that by -laws are being prepared to adopts re-
development plan and in respect to the construction of the Court House and
Police buildings including the provision of land costs; noting that the by-
laws will have to be approved by the Ontario Municipal Board.
The City Manager explained that the Department of Municipal Affairs
had been contacted many times in an effort to secure approval of the City's
By-law No. 7900. It vas through the act!** of Mayor Miller who had peraoaally
contacted an official of the Department, thet approval had finally been
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Beans, aeaeeded by Aldtlman Mann that the
comnunicetioa from the Minister of Munioipal Affairs be received and filed;
further, that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted and
Couaeil approve the Sy -law.
- 6 -
No. 157 - City Manager - Advising that the Monorail Private Bill and the
Bill to authorize the City to sake a grant to the Y.MI.C.A. will be con-
sidered by the Legislative Committee on Thursday, March IS, 1970; advising
further that, if necessary, Miss Judy LsMarah and Mr. Willits Slovak will
be asked to speak on behalf of the City. His Worship Mayor Hiller and the
City Manager will attend the hearing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 153 - Cite Manager - Re: Ontario Good Roads Association Schools. Advis-
ing that the Superintendsnt,•tbe Assistant Superintendent and the Foreman of
Streets as well as the Service Centre Superintendent wish to attend various
courses; recommending that the applicants be authorised to attend the schools
which will be held from May 10th to May 13, 1970, inclusive.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Mcltlnl*y, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 159 - City MManaaer - Recommending payment of Municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beano, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted.
Mr. C. R. Cook had requestsdpermission to address Council re:
"Non - Returnable Bottles ". The item appeared on the agenda earlier but
was tabled until Mir. Cook was in attendance.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Gilson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
Nr. Cook be granted permission to address Council.
No.1L4 - Mr. Cook elaborated on a prepared statement, copies of which had
been distributed to Members of Council. He referred to a proposal by a
Liberal M.P.P. to charge a tax to manufacturers on non- returnable bottles
to discourage their use. Mr. Cook opposed the suggestion being of the
opinion that increased prices would result. He stated that the bottles
contributed to pollution, were a hasard ontighways and beaches as well as
causing a 27.' increase in garbage collections. Bs asked Council to pass a
resolution advocating a complete ban on non - returnable bottles.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Galloway
that Mr. Cook's submission be received and referred to the Honourable J. J.
Greene and MMr. George Dukator with an appropriate letter expressing Council's
concern about pollution. The nation Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bears', Clarke, Galloway, Puttick, Schieler, Scott, Thomson,
NAYE:Alderman Bunt, Mann, Martin, Mainley.
No. 17 - PU!'ilCK - CLARK - RESOLVED that the decision of the City Council
to award Contract Mo. W.W. 5 -70 to Demote Construction Co., Niagara Falls,
as reported in the minutes of the meting bald on March 9, 1970, be
rescinded and that the contract for the construction of a watermsin on
Welland Line Rood be awarded to 14avic Construction Limited at their tender
price of $09,551.10, being the lowest tender received.
Alderman gear's referred to the motion to refer Mr. Cook's stilted
Bent regarding non - returnable bottles and pollution to Government rspre-
sentatives. She said that all Member* of Council were in sympathy with the
sentiments expressed by Mr. Cook but did not have an opportunity to speak
because the resolution was undebatable.
Alderman Wilson also said that he veuld have appreciated an
opportunity Ro express his views on pollution.
7 .
Alderman Bares referred to the practice in previous years to
arrange a tour for Council Members to view City properties, buildings or
roads. She said that not all Members were familiar with areas and operations
which, since January let, have become part of the enlarged City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beams, seconded by Alderman Msrtin that
members of staff prepare a suggested tour. of the City prior to the Budget
The City Manager advised that there would be soma difficulty in
establishing the 1970 Budget. A preliminary budget must be submitted to
the Department of Municipal Affairs by March 31. 1970. It is understood
that the Department will consider the budgets of the area municipalities,
the cost and budget of the Regional Government as well as the educational
Alderman Puttick reported that he had received information that a
number of dead fish had been seen along the edges of the pond at Firemen's
Park. He also drew attention to a report that Cyanamid of Canada was
dumping waste at the City's landfill sits. The Works Engineer indicated
that both items would be investigated.
Alderman Mann mentioned the poor condition of Portage Road on the
way to Chippewa and the accumulation of water in the area. He suggested
that a sign be erected warning motorists of the water. The City Engineer
explained that it was difficult to do any repair work of a permanent nature
at this time of the year. Patching work has been undertaken and the road
graded in an effort to alleviate the flooding on the south side of Portage
Alderman Wilson noted that Montrose Road between McLeod Road and
the Q.E.W. also required considerable work.
Alderman Mann reported receiving a complaint from a resident on
Montrose Road that dynamiting at the proposed interchange at the Q.E.W. had
cracked his basement. The complainant also advised that the blasting was
being done before 7:00 a.m.
Alderman Hunt enquired if the City bad taken any action in respect
to tax sale properties in the former Township of Willoughby. The City
Manager outlined the tax registration system as used by the City of Niagara
Falls as opposed to the tax sale procedure used by the former Township. He
said that the people concerned will be notified that their properties will
be registered if the taxes are not paid within a certain period of time.
Aldermen Wilson said that it had come to his attention that
visitors seated at the back of the Council Chambers were unable to hear.
Be requested that the problem be investigated.
Alderman Thorson requested a written report as to whether the
developers of the Towers Plata were meeting the requirements of the site
plan agreement. He had previously reported the complaints of residents
of the area about the illuminated sign and the parking lot lights. The
Alderman displayed a picture taken in the evening which indicated that
the Plasm lights illuminated the entire yard of homeowners in the nearby
subdivisioe. It bad also been suggested that reflectors on the packing lot
lights Could help the situation but, to date, no improvement has been noted.
Alderman Thomson expressed concern that there had been no action
taken in regard to the safety of school children crossing the railway
tracks in the Cherrywood Acres area. He noted that the matter had first
been brought to the attention of Council in September 1969 at which time
it was agreed that the hazardous condition should be thoroughly investi-
The Traffic Engineer explained that the complaints had been
forwarded to the Canadian Transport Commission with a request that the
crossing be provided with more protection and designated as an official
crossing. The reply indicated that when the City establishes a roadway
the request would be given consideration. The Engineer said that until
property is acquired and a public roadway established there appears to be
nothing than can be done officially. The item is included in the 1970
Capital Budget.
Alderman Thomson urged Council to give serious consideration to
the situation because children of kindergarten age were crossing the
tracks and would continue this practice unless someone is there to prevent
them from doing so.
No. 7903 - A By -law to designate a redevelopment area.
Third Reading - Alderman Maras and Alderman Wilson.
No. 70 -34 - A By -law to authorize an agreement with Canadian Corps of
Commissionaires, Inc., Hamilton Division.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beare., seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Scott that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bears., Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schialer, Scott,
Thomson, Wilson. t
NAYS: Aldermen Puttick and Galloway.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bears., Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schialer, Scott,
Thomson, Wilson.
NAPE: Aldermen Puttick and Galloway.
M2 21a1 - A By -law to authorize en agreement with Her Majesty The Queen
insight of Ontario, represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs.
QRDllitID an. the motion of.Aiderman McKinley,: aconded •hy °Atdir an
Mean•:tbat Alderman Marc. be granted the privilege of introducing the By -lei
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Bears., seconded by Alderman
Schialer that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By - law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third paling - Aldermen Wilson and Alderman /Mann.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -39 - A By -law to amend By -law No. 70 -2 providing for appointments
to certain Boards, Commissions and Committees.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears., seconded by Alderman Puttick
that the By -law be tabled pending the presentation of a report from the
Urban Renewal Committee.
No. 70 -40 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that Alderman Schuler be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reeding.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Schialer, seconded by Alderman
Scott that Rule 36(2) of the Sta nding Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann. Carried Unanimously
The meeting adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of
Alderman Schialer, seconded by Alderman Mann. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Council Meeting,
March 16, 1970.
Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular
meeting held March 16, 1970. All Members of Council were present.
Alderman Galloway presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
Ordered on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the Committee of the Whole arise and report.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of
the Whole Meeting held on March 16, 1970. All Members of Council were
present. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided.
the following actin Wis tgkens
Report No. 160 - City Manager - Submitting salary schedules for non -union
executive, supervisory and secretarial positions and a list outlining the l
classifications of the employees referred to; recommending that the salary
schedules for non -union supervisory personnel and non -union secretarial
positions be increased by 8% effective January 1, 1970 in line with that
already awarded to union personnel; noting that no suggestion is made that
the salaries of the City Solicitor and the City Manager should be increased
at this time.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the report of the City Manager be received and the actions token by
Council in Committee of the Whole be ratified and the salaries of all
non -union executive, supervisory and secretarial positions, including the
offices of the City Manager and the City Solicitor, be increased by 8%
effective January 1, 1970. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Rearm:, Clarke, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schialer,
Scott, Thomson.
NAPE :Aldermen Mann, Wilson and Galloway.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Thomson,seconded
by Alderman Puttick.
- 10 -
Council Chamber,
March 16, 1970.
March 23, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 23, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. His Worship Mayor P. J. Miller presided as
Chairman. All Members of Council were present. Alderman Thomson offered the
opening Prayer. It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Thomson that the minutes of the meeting held on March 16, 1970, be
adopted as printed.
Report 134 - Mayor's Committee on Housing - Re: Preference and needs of senior
citizens and applicants for geared -to- income accommodation.
Report 135 - The Social Planning Council of Greater Niagara - A study of the
type of development, and location, desired by applicants for senior citizen
and geared -to- income housing.
Report 163 - City Manager - Advising that Mr. George Bukator,M.L.A., His Worship
Mayor Miller and the City Manager had met with Mr.R.Guyott, Administrative
Officer of the Ontario Housing Corporation on March 19th; advising further that
the reports will be given careful study by officials of O.H.C. and a representa-
tive of the organisation will visit the City next week.
ORDERED on the motion of .Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and filed.
Report 133 - City Manager - Re: Renovations - Lundy's Lane Building for
Recreation Commission purposes.
Report 164 - Recreation Commission - Submitting a detailed report of
t to
d eppoitof h
renovations required at the Lundy's Lane building; emphasizing
proceed with the renovations due to the fact that the Recreation Commission
have submitted their notice to vacate their present location.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and referred to the Budget Meeting. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Schis1er, Scott, Wilson.
NAYS:Aldermen Dearas. Clarke, Martin, Thomson.
* * * * **
Report 115 - Cktv Clerk - Re: Application of Mr. C. C. Cutler, 2322 Dunn Street.
for s Hawker 6 Pedlar Licence to sell Amway Home Care Products on a door -to-
door basis.
Report 165 - City Manager - Submitting information as to the policy adopted by
previous Councils in regard to applications for Hawker and Pedlar Licences;
advising that, while an established policy has not been determined, each
application, in the past, has bean examined by Council and .a decision reached
ORDBRSD on the motion of Alderman Meares, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report of the City Manager be received and filed and the application of Mr. C.
Cutler for a Hawker 6 Pedlar Licence be denied. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
hW Aldermen Bearas, Galloway, Bunt, Martin, McKinley, Schialer, Scott.
BMA/derma Clarke, Mann, Puttick, Thomson, Wilson.
Come: 10 -: Townshio of Crowland - Advising of the inconvenience caused by the
closing of Ontario Road at the new canal•chanael; suggesting that * detour be
constructed from Ontario Road southerly to the existing.railway lands and back
to Ontario Road.
Comm. I15 - i1y St.Lawrencs Seaway Authority - Rs: Closing of Ontario Road.
Advising that the Authority is now studying the conditions which relate to the
removal of the road at the location of the new channel and traffic movements
required to cross either at Towline Road or at Bast Mein Street; advising
further that since.the matter relates directly to the City of Welland the
Authority will proceed to deal with that City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Aldermen Mann that the
communLoetion be received and filed and the St.Lawrence Seaway Authority be
advised that the City of Niagara Palls does have an intermit in the proposed
cloaia3 of Ontario Road because of the number of residents of the Crosland area
IMO commute to the City of Weiland daily; because the City of Welland provide*
fire protection to the former Township of Crossland as well as an interest in
the traffic using the test Main Street by -pass.
Comm. 44 - Minister of Pinanctel and Commercial Affairs - Res Proposed Plan
for the Licensing and Regulating of Lotteries.
Report 152 - City Manater - Reviewing the proposed plan presented by the
Financial and Commercial Affairs Minister.
Comm. 93 - City of St.Thomae - Requesting endorsation of a resolution opposing
the delegation of authority and responsibility for licensing of lottery schemes
to the local municipalities.
Report 166 - City Manager - Re :Municipal Licensing of Lotteries. Providing
additional information respecting the licence fees to be charged to organiza-
tions and the number of Ontario municipalities that have taken advantage of
the legislation; advising that if a municipality fails to establish a licensing
authority it will be necessary for organisations and other applicants to apply
directly to the Department of Financial and Commercial Affairs; recommending
(a) that Paul J. Brennan, Deputy City Clerk, be appointed a Lottery Licensing
Officer for the City.
(b) that all applications for lotteries be tabulated and submitted to Council.
(c) • schedule of fees for bingo and raffle lotteries and basaara.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report of the City Manager be received and that Paul J. Brennan be appointed
a Lottery Licensing Officer for the City of Niagara Falls. The motion Carried
with Alderman Galloway voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDBRED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
all applications for lotteries be tabulated and submitted to Council in a
manner similar to the procedure presently used for municipal licences. The
motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Scott,
Thomson, Nilson.
NAYE:Aldermen Galloway and Clerks.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarks, seconded by Alderman Puttick, that
in regard to Bingos and Raffles where the total value of prises to be awarded
does not exceed $500.00 the licence fee shall be $2.00; further, where the
total value of prises to be awarded is not less than 5500.00 and does not
exceed $3,500.00 the licence fee shall be $5.00. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Boares, Clarke, Hunt, Mean, McKinley, Puttick. Thomson.
NATI:Aldermen Galloway, Schisler, Scott, Wilson, Martin.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Martin that
where the value of prizes awarded at bazaars do not exceed $100.00, the
licence fee shall be waived. The motion Carried with'Aldermen Galloway voting
contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the communication from the City of St.Thomes be received and filed.
No. 116 - Mrs. Dorothy L. Brocieus - Commenting on garbage collections, snow
removal and welter* ratters.
ORDERED on the lotion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Aldermen Thomson that
the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for report;
further, that the writer be thanked for her suggestions and comments. The
motion Carried with Alderman Wilson voting comerery and all others in favour.
No. 117 - City of Chatham - A resolution recommending to the Minister of
Finance that the White Paper on Tax Reform should include the assumption that
a taxpayer's income, for taxation purposes, should be that income less his
municipal taxes on his home and interest on the mortgage on bis Mors for that
,year; further, that the portion of a tenant's annual rent that would be used
by the landlord toward tars on the property and interest on the mortgage on
the property, be deducted from the tenant's income for taxation purposes.
MIRO on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication from the City of Chatham be received and filed. Tbs motion
parflsd with Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 118 - City of St atford- Requesting eadorsetion of a resolution request-
ing the Goversaeat of Ontario to emend the Public Parks Aot to provide that
the term of office of members of Boards of.Perk Management shell terminate
on the slat day of December.
CtsDNRRD on the motion of Aldermen Meares. seconded by Alderman Mean tbat the
communication be received and the resolutios endorsed.
No. 119 - Town of Pelham - Requesting endorsation of s resolution advising the
Niagara South Region School Board that the Council of the Town of Pelham will
refuse to raise any monies for the Board over and above such levies as are
eligible for grant purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
communication be received and referred to the City Manager for report. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Schisler, Scott, Wilson.
NATE:Aldermen Bearss, Galloway, Martin, Puttick,. Thomson.
No. 120 - Mr. J. Gualtieri - Advising that since 'No Parking' has come into
effect on the west side of Drummond Road, no on- street parking is available at
405 Drummond Road where Mr. Gualtieri has an office for his plumbing business;
advising also of the lose of privacy due to the noiseand light emanate from an
automobile dealership located on adjacent property; suggesting that the bus stop
be relocated in frost of Peninsula Volkswagen.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
communication be received and referred to the City Manager for report.
No. 121 - Visitor and Convention Bureau - Advising that when Honeymoon Certifi-
cates are issued the recipients also receive a 'Niagara Welcomes You Guide Book'
soda letter of introduction which enables the bride to visit various attractions
free of charge; forwarding a sample of the Honeymoon certificate and requesting
Council's official endorsement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the communication be received and referred back to the Visitor and Convention
Bureau for clarification as to who will control the advertising in the Guide Book;
whether all businesses in the City of Niagara Falls are listed in the brochure
and what businesses are listed in the letter of introduction presented to honey-
moon couples.
No. 122.- Niagara Falls Economic and Study Association Credit Union - Advising
that the Association are in the process of changing the name to the Niagara Falls
Community Credit Union Limited; requesting formal approval of-the use of 'Niagara
Falls'as required by the Department of Commercial and Financial Affairs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and request approved.
No. 123 - Local Council of Women - Requesting that the City renew its membership
in the organization and appoint a representative for the year 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Bears. that the
communication be received, the membership fee of 53.00 paid and that Mrs. F. J.
Miller be appointed as the City's representative on the Local Council of Woman.
No. 124 - Regional Municinality of Niagara - Re: Sewer and Water Committee.
Advising that a Committee of Consultants and Municipal Engineers has been created
to compile and evaluate all reports on Sewer and Water Systems within the Region;
requesting that (1) Council will grant permission for the City's Consulting
.Engineers to work with the committee (2) make available all reports undertaken by
staff or consulting engineering firms in respect to either sewer or water main
facilities and (3) grant permission for the Municipal staff to attend Committee
meetings and participate in technical discussions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Clarks that the
communication be received and requests approved.
No.125 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - Extending an invitation to Members
of Council to meat with theChember's Board at the Niagara Falls Club, April 8,
for a presentation of "Programme '70 - Goals for Community Growth ".
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
communication be received, the invitation Accepted and as many members of Council
es possible attend. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary end
all others in favour.
No. 167 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: Application AM- 8 /70,H.Damore
Builders, to rezone property on the - north aide of Cherrywood Road from Neighbour-
hood Commercial to Apartment Residential to permit the construction of two 11/4-
storey apartment buildings containing 14 end 11 unite; recommending that the
application be denied.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarks, seconded by Alderman Thomson that Mr.
W. Slovak be granted permission to address Council.
4 .
-4 -
Mr. Slovak, Solicitor for Ds ore Builders, said that the land is pre-
sently zoned Neighbourhood - Commercial and has been vacant for a number of years.
He noted that there had been some condominium development on Drummond Road as
well as the establishment of a Volkswagen dealership in the area. He observed
that the proposed multi- family development would be the best use for the land
and Council, by approving the application, would be protecting the amenities of
the neighbourhood; that it would be orderly planning to permit multi - family
use between private single family dwellings and the commercial use which
undoubtedly will develop along Drummond Road. In regard to the proposed higher
density than suggested in the guidelines of the Official Plan, Mt. Slovak said
his client was prepared to enter into a site plan agreement acceptable to the
Planning Committee and which would protect the single family residences in the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Aldermen Mann that the
report be received and tabled for one week pending presentation of a further
report from the Planning Committee.
No. 168 - City Manager - Rezoning application of Angelo Zanini and Joseph
Beceval to legalize an existing parking area used by patrons of the Belleview
House, Ferguson Street; recommending that the application be approved subject
to the applicants entering into a sits plan agreement and site plan.
Note: Alderman Puttick retired from the meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Galloway that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Scares, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schiller,
NAYE:Aldermen Scott and Wilson.
No. 169 - City Mansur Advising that the Private Bills for a grant to the
Y.M.C.A. and for the monorail system have been approved by the Private Bills
Committee and will be submitted to the Provincial House for approval; advising
further that Mt. George Mater, M.L.A. introduced both Bills and recommending
that Council express appreciation to him.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Scbisler, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 170 - City Manager- Re: 1970 Carnnt Budget. Advising that the City has
been asked to submit their provisional budget to the Department of Municipal
Affairs for review and consideration before the end of March.
The City Manager explained that when the report was prepared it was
anticipated that the budget would be available for review by Council on March
31st. Although senior staff members have worked on the budget for many hours
as well as on Saturday and Sunday, it will not be possible to meet the deadline.
Mr. Huggins suggested that a spacial meeting of Council be arranged for Tueaday,
April 7, 1970, at 9:30 a.m. for the purpose of reviewing the current operating
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and arrangements made for a special meeting on April 7th.
No. 171 - City * sr - Re: Complaint - Lighting at Tower's Plass, Dorchester
Road. Advising that the Building Inspector has investigated the complaints and
the Manager of the Bank of Montreal, has agreed to make certain alterations
in order that the sign would be illuminated only during banking hours; advising
further that light shields have been placed on the north exterior wall lights
of the building complex.
CRDRRED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Menn that the
report be received and referred to the City Manager for further report as to
the complaints that the provisions of the site plan agreement were still not
being adhered to and the suggestion of the area residents that the illuminated
bank sign be relocated on the side of the building. The motion Carried with
Aldermen tallowy voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 172 - City Menem - Ras Penn Central Railway Relocation - Former Crowland
Township. beeentieg a summery of several proposals together with various
c0lwnte and suggestions relating to each of the recommendations of the et.
Lawrence Seaway Authority and their Consultants.
Ths City Saginaw elaborated on the report explaining that the Peon
Central Railway propose to relocate: the rail line south of Netherby Road and
thence to the exlstiag rail lime.
aggarga Stalemates Seaway Authority propose to construct a to lane oves-
pass at Oxford Road$ the existing read will be used es a service road for eight
- 5
buildings on the north side of Oxford Road and will terminate in cul -de -sacs on
either side of the new railway location. The Authority also intends to close
Lyons Creek Road at the proposed railway crossing because of the small amount of
traffic and for safety reasons. The traffic system suggested allows for 14
trains per day in the immediate future and accommodation for an anticipated 25
trains per day. M&Kenny Road and Morris Road bemoan Lyons Creek Road and Oxford
Road will be reconstructed to provide an adequate connection to the through
route. The City Engineer recommended that all cul -de -sacs be provided with
adequate granular base and all roadway surface treated.
Netherby Road
It is recommended by the consultants for the Seaway Authority that a
flyover be constructed over the existing alignment of Netherby Road. It will be
necessary to relocate Brookfield Road to the east and reconstruct a portion of
McKenny Road. The Authority also intends to construct service roads to provide
access to all existing buildings.
Ontario Road
It is recommended by the Consultants that Ontario Road be closed to
through vehicular traffic and cul -de -sacs constructed on either side. Recon-
struction of portions of Morris Road and Lincoln Street are also proposed. A
double rail will be located across Ontario Road to allow storage of trains
waiting for clearance into Town Line tunnel. The Engineer suggested that traffic
be by thattar ;
the should
posed Netherby Road overpass should also be allowed and that McKenny Road
Central Ontario ilway to traversed via he grade rseparation to allow nn
Railway Crossings
Railway representatives have indicated that they wish to close
Cambridge Road, Lyons Creek Road and Ontario Road; automatic flashing lights are
proposed for Carl Road and reflector -type cross arms at Lincoln St. and Dunn Rd.
The City Engineer suggested that automatic flashing lights be installed at
Lincoln St. and Duna Road when warranted and that maintenance costs should be
the responsibility of the St.Lawrence Seaway Authority.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearer, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted and the comments of the City Engineer forwarded
to the Regional Government.
No. 173 - City Manager - Rezoning application of Schneider Construction Company
to permit the construction of a four unit two - storey apartment building on
Dorchester Road. Advising that the applicant has requested permission to place
the entire parking area on the north side in the rear of the four -plea and the
revised plan has been approved by the Site Plan Technical Committee;recommending
that the revised plan be approved by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 174 - City Manager - Re: Civic Month. Advising that the Civic Affairs
Committee of the Chamber of Commerce wish to continue the observance of Civic
Month. The report recommends that the month of May be designated as "Civic
Month" and that Aldermen Thomson and Alderman Wilson be appointed as Council's
representatives on a Civic Month Committee.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Mean, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 175 - City Manager - Re: Fire Protection Services - former Crosland Town -
prepared to fire fightingnserrvicesnto received hip of Crowland is
until June 30, 1970, on the same terms se the existing agreement.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen 8chialer, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed.
No. 176 - Clerk. Court of Rev$aion- Re: Tex Arrears. Submitting a list of the
properties affected; recompensing that the City Treasurer be authorised to
write oaf certain tax arrears in the total amount of $5,872.58.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearsa, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 177 - City Mansur - Res Proposed Local improvements for 1970. Presenting
* summary of various works requested by petition together with other works
suggested and Conetru Dy- lew prepared Warmest' the �truct an
ion leginaers port
recommended. for 1970.
6 .
During discussion of the report Alderman Clarke and Alderman Mann
questioned the desirability of sidewalk construction on Gunning Drive between
Church Street and Mears Crescent. Alderman Thomson noted that some works
requested by sufficiently signed petitions had not been included in the 1970
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report of the City Manager be received and referred back to administrative
officials to determine the possibility of giving priority to those projects
requested by petitions sufficiently signed by affected residents. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Mann, Schisler, Scott, Wilson, Hunt, Thereon.
NAYE:Aldermen Bear's, Galloway, Martin, McKinley.
No. 178 - City Manager - Recommending that the City Clerk and the City Treasurer
be authorized to attend the Annual Conference of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers
of Ontario, Jens 21st to the 24th inclusive at Honey Harbour, Ontario.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 179 - Cit' Nanajer - Re: Ontario Traffic Conference. Recommending that the
City Engineer and the City Traffic Engineer be designated. as Officials of the
Municipality and suggesting that two elected Members of Council be appointed.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the report be received and adopted and Alderman Scott and Alderman Wilson be
appointed as Municipal representatives on the Ontario Traffic Conference. The
motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Mann, Schisler, Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
OE:Aldermen Bearas, Clarke, Galloway, Martin, McKinley.
No. 180 - Urban Renewal Committee - Re: Membership on Committee. Requesting..
consideration of a resolution to enlarge the Urban Renewal Committee by:
3 representatives from Downtown; 1 representative from the Chamber of Commerce;
1 representative from each of the other business areas,i.a. Clifton Hill,Falls
View and South Zed; and that permission be given to the Urban Renewal Committee
to add members as necessary.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bastes, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and the resolution as presented by the Urban Renewal
Committee approved.
No. 181 - Aldermen A.J.McKinlev and Alderman Howard 0. Clarke Report on
Ontario Good Roads Association Conference.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed and a copy forwarded to hers. Margaret Rife.
No. 182 - City Clark - Recommending granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Runt that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 183 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal accounts.
ORDERED. on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 18 - CLMIcZ - MARTIN • WHEREAS the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
considers it an honour to suitably recognise the one hundred and fifth birthday
of an outstanding citizen of this Municipality; NOW TIEREFORE'BE IT RESOLVED
that sincere best wishes be conveyed to Mrs.Elizabeth T. Roberts on the
occasion of her one hundred and fifth birthday on March 27th, 1970. In an era
that is more in used of models than critics, she has portrayed the true purpose
of existence, not to make a living, but rather to sake • life -• a worthy, well -
rounded, useful life. Her life is evidence of en understanding that to know
how to grow old is the master work of wisdom and one of the most difficult
chapters in the great art of living. The Council and citizens of the City of
Niagara Palls extend congratulations to Mrs. Roberts on reaching this milestone
In life and wiah for her continuing health and happiness and, further, that an
appropriate give of flowers be sent to Mrs. Roberts on the occasion of hit birth -
dayl AID the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
. Vaaniwously
- 7 -
No. 19 - WILSON - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Council
of the City of Niagara Falls be held at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 31, 1970;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously
Alderman Wilson referred to a brief prepared by the Civic Affairs
Committee of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce and presented to Council
at the meeting of March 16th. The brief contained various suggestions and
recommended a close examination of the responsibilities and work load of the
City's senior staff members and department heads. Alderman Wilson suggested
that the submission be given extensive study by Members of Council and arrange-
ments made to meet with the Civic Affairs Committee to discuss the matter
further. His Worship Mayor Miller suggested that the proposal be deferred
until after the scheduled meeting with the Board of Directors of the Chamber
of Commerce on April 0th. He pointed out that it was possible that the sub-
ject would be discussed at the special meeting.
Alderman Hunt supported Alderman Wilson's suggestion that the brief
from the Civic Affairs Committee should be given careful consideration,
stating that Council had taken the report "too lightly ".
Alderman Scott enquired if consideration had been given to improving
the facilities for members of the press and radio. He noted that the arms
of the chairs designed for use as desks were not large enough to hold the
agendas as wall as writing materials.
Mayor Miller advised that the architects have been instructed to
\study methods of improving the facilities. Prices for full length cushions
for the Council Chamber seats are also being obtained.
Alderman Schisler advised that the Humane Society have requested
that Council appoint tires representatives to the Society rather than two as
at present. The City Manager indicated that a report would be prepared.
Aldermen Thomson referred to the report pertaining to the licensing
of lotteries and which advises that where the total value of prises to be
awarded exceed; $3,500.00 it will be necessary to apply for a licence from the
Financial and Commercial Affairs Department. Information received by the City
Clerk indicates that the Department proposes to charge a maximum fee of 22 of
the value of the prises. The Alderman pointed out that many of the lotteries
would be conducted by charitable organisations and he expressed the opinion
that e.22 charge would more than cover administration costs for issuing the
ORDBRSD on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
City Clerk be directed to prepare a suitable resolution opposing the proposed
2% lottery fee; the resolution to be forwarded to the Financial and Commercial
Affairs Department as well as other Ontario municipalities. The motion Carried
with the following • vote:
All? Aldermen Bears*, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Wilson,
NAYS: Aldermen Galloway end Scott.
His Worship Mayor Miller requested that a special letter from the
City Council be forwarded to Mr. George Bukator, M.L.A.fot the sneer in which
he supported the Private Bills of the City respecting the Monorail system and
the Y,M.C.A. grant. Mt. Bukator assisted in processing these matters to the
appropriate channels of the .Provincial Government.
His Worship Mayor Miller received an invitation from Mr. Roberts to
attend a meeting with the Mayors of the larger municipalities to discuss munici-
pal financing and the organization of the municipal structure.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Clarke that
Mayor Miller be authorized to attend the special meeting in Toronto on April
22nd, 23rd and 24th,1970.
No. 70 -41 - A By -law to authorize an amendment to an agreement with Niagara
Monorail Limited.
Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Clarke
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman 17ilson and Alderman Thomson.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -42 - A By -law to and Zoning By -law No. 395, 1966 of the former
Township of Willoughby, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By-
law and the By -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Maras, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler.
NAYE:Aldermen Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Cgrried with
the following vote:
AYE :Aldermen Besrss, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler.
MAIK:Aldsrmen Scott, Wilson, Thomson.
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Martin. The motion Carried, with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Maras, Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Schisler.
AYE:Aldermen Scott, Wilson, Thomson.
No. 70 -43- A By -law to authorise the execution of an agreement with Mavio
Construction Limited for the construction of watermains on Welland Line Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen !McKinley, seconded by Aldermen
Soctt that Alderman Schisler be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with the follow-
ing vote:
AYE: Alderman Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, McKinley, Schisler,Scott.
MAYE :Aldermen Bear's, Mann, Martin, ihoason, Wilson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried, with the following
AYE: Alderman Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, McKinley, Schisler, Scott.
M„ Af:Alderasn Bear's, Mann, Martin, Thomson, Wilson.
Re dig - Alderman McKinley and Alderson Galloway. The motion Carried .
wit t • f o owing vote:
411: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, McKinley, Sehisler, Scott.
:Aldermen Bear's, Mann, Martin, Thomson, Wilson.
jio. 10 -44 - A By -law to authorise a site plan agreement with Imperial 011 Ltd.
ORM1H<m on the notion of Aldermen Nilson, seconded by Aldermen Scott
that Aldermen Schisler be granted the prlvil ge of introducing the Bylaw and
the By -taw be given the first reeding.
• 9.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Aldermen Wilson and Alderman Mean.. The motion Carried with
Alderman Scott voting contrary and all others infavour.
No. 70 -45 - A By -law to amend By -law No. 5300, as amended, respecting service
stations and public garages and Zoning By -law No. 5335, 1955, as amended.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Mann be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that Rule 36(2) of the standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -Law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman Scott
voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann. The motion Carried with
Alderman Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
No 70 -46 - A By -law to authorise the signing of an agreement between Her
l4ajesty the Queen in right of the Province of Ontario, as represented by the
Honourable the Minister of Justice and Attorney General, the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Palle and the Board of Commissioners of Police of the City
of Niagara Palls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bear'e, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Mann be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann.
No. 70 -47 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law
and the By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 96(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unenimou'ly
Third Reeding - Aldermen Wilson and Alderman Schisler.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Mann •, -d by Alderman Bears. that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
- 10 -
It was Ordered that the meeting adjourn.
Council Meeting,
March 23, 1970.
Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular
meeting held March 23, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen McKinley, Scott, WileQn'and Puttick. Alderman Clarke
presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schialer that
the Committee of the Whole arias and not report.
Council Chamber,
March 23, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole Meeting held on March 23, 1970. All Members of Council were present
with the exception of Alderman Puttick, Wilson, McKinley and Scott. His
Worship 14ayor Miller presided.
1 I
Council Chamber,
March 31, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Tueaday, March 31, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as
Chairman. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman
Hunt end Aldermen Mann. Alderman Wilson offered the opening prayer.
Ordered on the motion of Alderman Ald M ar c h 23, i ,1sseconded by Alderman
nr Thomson that the
minutes of the meeting held
Comm. 30 - mar nt of Municipal Affairs - Re: Report of Committee on Uniform
Building Standards. Enclosing copies of the report and inviting comments and
suggestions which are to be submitted by April 15, 1970.
Buitdt gG Stan d dards has reviewed d a dtrecommeding thatathe�recoe Uniform
includeg approved.
included in the report be p
ORDDERED on the motion n of Alderman Mares, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
rsport be received and adopted and the Honourable W.D.MCKeough, Minister of
Municipal Affairs be advised of the City's interest in the proposal. The motion
Carried with Alderman Thomson voting contrary and all others in favour.
* * * * **
Report 167 - Plante* and Development Committee - Re: Application AM -8/70, H.
Demore Builders, to rezone property on the north side of Cherrywood Road from
Neighbourhood Commercial to Apartment Residential to permit the construction of
two - 2 storey apartment buildings containing 14 and 11 units; recommending
that the application be denied.
Report 108 - Plant= and Development Committee - Reviewing application AM -8/70,
H.Damore Builders; recommending that the application be denied.
V. ERED on
be granted the Alderman a to Clarke, seconded by Alderman Thomson that Mr.
Mr. Slovak, Solicitor for the applicant, explained that at the meeting
there had been some question es to whether his client would be prepared to
reconsider the density requirements as stipulated by the Planning staff. The
problem, be said, was that Demore Builders, had purchased the land on condition
that the tannins application was approved in order to permit a density of 21
unite per acre. Mr. Slovak had conferred with his client during the meeting
with the Planning Committee and it was decided that the application as presented
should be dealt with on its merits.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Galloway, that the
report of the Planning Committee be received and adopted and the application
denied. The motion Car riedd with the following vote:
AYR: Alderman Maras, Galloway, McKinley, Schialer, Scott, Wilson.
MsAldermen Clarke, Martin, Puttick, Thomson.
Export 177 - City Manner- Re: Proposed Local Improvements for 1970. Presenting
a summary of various works requested by petition together with other works
sggested a Construction Engineering law be prepared s d Department;
orthecco�nstruct an
ion EnintIOCS Report
recommended for 1970.
Report 109 - City Manager - Res Proposed Local Improvements for 1970.Submittiag
additional information in regard to additional projects and noting that general"
various works are petitioned against and subsequently deleted from the local
improvement programme; advising further that additional funds will undoubtedly
be available from those set aside for parking lot construction in 1970;
suggesting that Richend Crescent, Warden Avenue and Waters Avenue be included
in the 1970 Local Improvement Programme and the sidewalk on Gunning Drive
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received mad the suggestions contained therein approved. T s motion
CC4�,�fl d with the following votes Mattis, Mksllialsy, Puttick, 8ohielar,
Ads Aldermen leans, Clarke, Galloway.
3 seers.
NAIVAI4ormin Wilson and Scott.
........ 2.
- 2 -
Report 179 - City Manaaer,- Re: Ontario Traffic Conference. Recommending that
the City Engineer and the City Traffic Engineer be designated as Officials of
the Municipality and suggesting that two elected Members of Council be appointed.
willrbelbeld City Ontario from May to June 3r6, 19 0, inclusive.
At the Council meeting of March 23, 1970, Alderman Scott and Alderman
Wilson were named as Municipal representatives to the Ontario Traffic Conference.
Alderman Scott requested that his name be withdrawn as he will be unable to
attend the Conference in Landon.
ORDERED on the motion of .Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
His Worship Mayor Miller appoint a Member of Council to replace Alderman Scott
as one of the Municipality's representatives to the Ontario Traffic Conference.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Alderman Beares, Clarke, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott, Wilaon,Thomson.
NAPE :Aldermen Calloway and Puttick.
No. 126 - Downtown Business Association )
Town & Country Plaza Merchants Association )
Stamford Green Shopping Centre )
Main and Ferry Business Association )Re: Dorchester Plaza.
Na. 127 - Lundy's Lane M_tal and Business Association Re: Dorchester Plaza.
Requesting that Council revern its decision to authorize the issuance of a
building permit to Canadia Limited for the construction of a regional shopping
centre on lands at the intersection of Dorchester Road and the Queen Elizabeth
Way; enumerating four reasons why, in the opinion of the writers and their
solicitors, the building permit should not be issued; requesting an opportunity
to make oral representations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication be received and referred to the City Solicitor and the City
Manager for comment.
No. 120 - City of Chatham - Requesting endorsation of a resolution recommending
that marijuana remain under the Food and Drug Act until a thorough study has
been made.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Rearms that
the communication be received and referred to the Social Planning Council with
a request that the matter be discussed with representatives of the Drug
Addiction Foundation.
No. 129 - Miss Dominion of Canada Beauty paneeant - Advising that the Pageant
will be held in the City of Niagara Falls on Wednesday, June 3, 1970;
requesting that the City insert a full page advertisement in the 1970 Miss
Dominion of Canada Beauty Pageant Programme at a cost of $100.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and the request for an advertisement app
No. 130 - Wm. E. Cooper - Rs: Resignation from Recreation Commission; explain-
ing that due to previous commitments;. he is unable to attend Commission
CRDBRSD on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Bearsa that the
resignation of Mr. Cooper be accepted with regret.
No. 131 - City of Port Colborne - Re: Notice of intention to apply to the
Ontario Municipal Board for certain drainage works.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
communication be received and filed and the City of Niagara Falls not register
an objection to the proposed works.
No. 132 - Town of Niagara -on- the -Lake - Rs: Notice of intention to apply to The
Ontario Municipal Board for the construction of a six inch watarmain.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mares, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the communication be received and filed and the City of Niagers Fells not
register an objection to the proposed works.
Erie the City of NiiaagaraF Submitting jointly firs prevention
Town Fort
services to the residents of the western limits' of the enlarged City of
Niagara Falls. lbe petition bears the signatures of 33 residents of the area.
A tabled mop indicated the location of the residences of the
petitioners and it was noted that some of the homes were beyond the boundaries
of the enlarged City. The City Manager advised that during a converestion
with Mr. Bruning it became apparent that he and the other petitioners were
not aware of the City's proposed plane to establish a fireball near the•inter-
section o2 Montrose Road and Barton Road and to provide improved fire protection
services. also pointed out that to presently
implementation of the Regional
the same service as they did prior Munict-
pality of Niagara Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the communication and petition be received and that it be explained to the
petitioners that the subject area is presently being provided with the same
fire services as were received prior to becoming part of the enlarged City of
Niagara l to improve fire protection es and i to establish p a fireball
of the City
near the intersection of Montrose Road and Barton Road.
No.134 - Ur. Dan Casey - Re: Proposed subdivision - east side of Dorchester
Dorchester Road Council to authorize
assrecomuended storm sewer from
the Anderson
wh City
sevenasingleRfamilynlo and Casey's
only aplan
portion subdivision
applicant's total holdings; advising that although the plan was approved by
Council subject to
the usual proceeded h the
amendment to provide for multi - family dwellings. The rezoning application was
denied by Council at a meeting held on March 2, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Mr. Casey be permitted to address Council.
Mt. Casey asked Council to consider the immediate construction of
a storm sewer which, he said, would alleviate the sewer problems and flooding
conditions in the area. Re explained that the original application was for
single family residential units on Dorchester Road. The plan was revised
because it was felt that Dorchester Road is becoming a busy thoroughfare and
not suitable for single family residences. He expressed the opinion that the
overall proposal was not actually a high density and the general plan provided
for a 5 acre park behind Mary Ward Separate School.Mr. Casey said that
although he does not have an agreement with adjacent property owners, they
have indicated their willingness to cooperate with him; that he is prepared
to proceed with the development of 52 acres of his total holdings.
The City Engineer described the area proposed for development which
is beyond the area proposed for immediate development. He stated tbet.the
storm sewer would provide an outlet for any future subdivision and would
relieve the existing combined sewer. Be explained that if the Municipality
waited until a plan was developed tha subdLvider would be required to pay for
the sewer to service the subdivision. If the sewer is constructed before
development it will be necessary to acquire a right- of-way and to pay the
entire initial cost.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Bearas that the
communication and the report be received and that Council reaffirm the
earlier decision to deny the application. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Bearas, Martin, MIcKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Scott, Wilson,
NAYEsAldermen Galloway and Clarke.
No. 135 - Martin,sl)spoard,Clatk. aKavc »on0uden Advising vi ha Mr. Si00 lveri
is willing to purchase City property
subject to certain conditions.
Report 192 - City Manager - Reviewing the circumstances whereby the City
acquired the property for the purpose of widening Stanley Avenue; advising
that Mr. Silveri is offering to purchase that portion of the property not
required by the City and having a frontage of 50 feet and an approximate
depth of 93.70 feet.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication and the report be received and the City Manager authorised
to secure a written opinion as to the value of the property the City &
Appraiser and to negotiate with the firm of Martin, Sheppard, Clark, Y
DenOuden on the basis of the appraised value. The motion goad with the
following vote:
AYES Aldermen Meares, Claks, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Wilson, Thomson.
tAldermen Galloway, Scott
- 4 -
No. 193 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM- 11/70, Matthews,Matthews,
Lococo and Henderson, 892 Jepson Street. A rezoning application from Resi-
dential 3 to Commercial 1 to permit the conversion of an existing residence to
4 law office;
ring�into tplan application to the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 194 - Planning and Development Committee - AM -10/70 Hood Investments Ltd.
The application is for permission to install a gasoline outlet at the entrance
of an existing car wash establishment on Huggins Street; recommending that
the application be tabled for 30 days to provide and opportunity for the
Committee and the City Council to Study a gasoline outlet report being pre-
pared by City staff.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 195 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM -9/70 J. Klein Conatructiot
Co.Ltd. - An application to permit the construction of two - 2 storey
apartment buildings, each containing 27 units at 2351 Dunn Street ;recommending
that the application, "as submitted, be refused with no prejudice on any other
application at a lower density.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Mr. W. Slovak be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Slovak, Solicitor for the applicant, said that the proposed
development was good planning for an area which is becoming a fairly high
density apartment area. The land in question, he said, was originally a part
of a larger parcel that had been approved at a density of 40 units /acre. The
applicant's property is now a smaller parcel; the application is for 28 units/
acre which, Mr. Slovak said, follows the policy of the Official Plan which is
21 -30 units /acre. The speaker maintained that it would not be economically
feasible to develop the property at a lower density than proposed.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that the report of the Planning Committee be received and the applica-
tion as submitted be refused with no prejudice on any other application at a
lower density. The motion was Def eated with the following vote:
AXE: Aldermen Scott, Wilson, Galloway, Bennis.
NATE :Alderman Clarke, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Thomson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the report of the Planning Committee be received and the application of J.
Klein Construction Co. be approved. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYH: Aldermen Clarke, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Sealer, Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Scott, Wilson, Galloway and Hearer.
No. 196 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM -th /70 Shell Oil Co.Ltd.
Rezoning application of property situated on the east side of Drummond Road
between Williams and Perkins Street to permit the construction of &single
bay automatic car wash and a two pump gasoline outlet; recommending that the
application, as submitted, be tabled until the report on service stations is
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 197 - City Manager - Re: Grade Crossing protection - Queen Street end
Huron Street; advising that the Order from the Railway Transport Committee,
dated January 27, 1970, has been received and indicates that the work is to
be carried out within ten months of the date of the Order; noting that the
Order refers to the construction of a T- shaped turning basin on railway pro-
perty adjacent to Erie Avenue uhich requires that the City close Erie Avenue
et or near the side of the railway right -of -way.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received and the appropriate by -law to close Erie Avenue be prepared
and submitted for approvnl•The motion Carris4 with the following votes
liti Alderman Rearaa, Clarke, Galloway, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott,
NECIPAIderMen Puttick and Tilson.
5 .
No. 193 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Re: Application of the Niagara Falls
Jaycees to manage and conduct a raffle lottery _or a camper valued at $700.00;
advising that the proceeds will be donated to the Greater Niagara United
Appeal; recommending that the application be approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 199 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Re: Application of the Stamford Centre
Volunteer Firemen's Association to manage and conduct a raffle lottery for
that the proceedawillebeidevotedtgo Firemen Park Maintenance, Student
n � which is $4,125.00;
berapproved ,eina principle, d and o forward dttontheeDeppartment of Financial i application
Commercial Affairs for final approval.
The report indicates that the licence fee which could be charged by ue
Provincial the Government based 2% of the
the lottery prizes. The City Clerk advised that theapplicationtwouldlbe of
forwarded to the Department of Financial and Commercial Affairs and they, in
turn, would actually set the amount of the licence fee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hearse, Galloway, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Wilson, Scott.
NATE: Aldermen Clarke, Puttick, Thomson.
No. 200 - City Manager - Re: Sewer Rental Agreement on the West Side of Sodom
Road at the intersection of Weinbrenner Road. Advising that Mr.T.Sobanski
of 2292 Bellevue Street has requested a connection to an existing sanitary
sewer on Sodom Road and has executed the standard sewer rental agreement;
suggesting that the following resolution be passed by Council: That the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to enter into and execute a sewer rental agreement
between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Mr.T.Sobanski for
providing a sewer connection to a sanitary sewer on Sodom Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and the resolution approved. ReBOlution No. 23
Pr. e01 ng a copy of the "" stub "�roadlcriteriayasesubmitted"by the Regional
Municipal a ofpy previously forwarded
r th of Niagara and is the Regional Roads sy st e m;eu esti t tuo c questions that require
regai0 stm;su ng on the roadway
olarifcation before any firm commitment is given by the City
system as it relates to the criteria for "stub" roads.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and tabled until such time as additional information is
received from the Regional Government.
No. 202 - Mayor Miller - Appointing Alderman Clarke to act as the Council's
representative to the Annual Conference of the American Waterworks Association,
Toronto, April 26 to 29th,incluaive.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 203 - Cit na er - Re: Mork required for new City Hall. Recommending
certain wor a not included in the original contract with Cameron and Phin.
The City Manager advised that the plane pertaining to the suggested
works were not available for the perusal of Council at this time and requested
that the report be tabled.
ORDERED o o t otiond
on the motion of Alderman den co seconded by Alderman Galloway that
No. 204 - City Manager - Re: Application for a building permit by Mr. Peter
Cowes for permisin to The l subject land s
is located i in the Urban Renewal h Ar a aandfwasi Avenue.
reviewed by
the City Engineer and the City Manager; recommending that the permit be
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Os report be received and adopted.
No. 205 -Alderman Emma Bearsa,Chairmen, Welland River Committee - Advising
that the suggestions and comments received concerning the Lyons Creek area
have been referred to the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority and Mr.C.
Lsuty, Director of Operations, has been instructed to prepare a report.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Bearer, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and (a) the suggestion that the municipalities of Niagara
Falls and Welland consider zoning as green area the lands adjacent to Lyons
Creek, be referred to the Planning Committee; (b) that the existing Welland
River Committee expand its deliberations to include Lyons Creek and (c) that
Alderman Clarke and Alderman Schiller be appointed to serve on the Welland
River Committee. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary
and all others in favour.
No. 206 - City Manager, - Recommending payment of Municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears., seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 207 - City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received a nd adopted and licences granted.
Alderman McKinley referred to the earlier action of Council in
accepting the resignation of Mr. W. E. Cooper as a member of the Recreation
Commission. He noted that Mr. Cooper was the representative of the Trades
and Labour Council and suggested that his replacement should come from that
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
His Worship Mayor Miller be authorized to contact the Trades and Labour Council
for suggestions as to a new appointee to replace Mr.Cooper as a member of the
Recreation Commission and that the name be submitted to Council for approval.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
congratulations be extended to His Worship Mayor Miller and Mrs. Miller on the
occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary with sincere wishes for continuing
health and happiness.
In replying to an enquiry by Alderman Schisler, the City Clerk
advised that the City dos have two livestock evaluators whose services have
been required in the pest. Alderman Schisler reported receiving several
complaints about dogs attacking poultry in the Morse Avenue area. He said
that the problem was serious and that the livestock evaluators should be
prepared to handle claims.
Alderman Puttick enquired as to what progress has been made in the
investigation of the Eaton building as the site for the new library.
The City Manager said that a letter had been forwarded to Miss
Weber, the Librarian. Miss Weber has been on vacation and a reply is not
expected until after the next meeting of the Library Board
Alderman Puttick asked several questions about the City's position
re,;arding union and non -union retired personnel.
In replying to the questions the City Manager said that retired
personnel receive a fixed pension based on the amount of money contributed
by the employee and by the City on his behalf; that the pension does not
increase according to the cost of living index; that there is no provision
in the union contract in this regard. The City Manager said that the matter
was worthy of consideration and a report will be presented at the Budget
Alderman Thomson said that he had received several calls on the
saw subject and suggested that the report include information as to the
pension plans used in other Municipalities and whether pensions can be
escalated for former employees on fixed incomes.
No 20 - CLARKE - THOMSON - RESOLVED that congratulations be extended to
His Worship Mayor Miller and Dire. Miller on the occasion of their SOth
Wedding Anniversary and sincere wishes for Continuing health and happiness;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously
No. 21 - MARTIN - CLARKE - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded
to the _family of the late Mrs. Susan Grimster, a respected resident of the
Municipality; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 22 - CLARKE - BEARSS - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded
to the family of the late Mr. Leo Boyd, a former resident of the Municipality;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 23 - SCHISLER - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized
to enter into and execute a sewer rental agreement between the Corporation of
the City of Niagara
sanitary sewer on TA Seal of the i Corporation r on
be hereto
t a
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -40 - A By -law to provide for the 1970 expenditures on roads or streets
in the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Scott that Alderman Schisler be granted the privilege of introducing the
and the By-law be
voting first
others favour.
ORDERED Carried with
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilyed
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading. The
with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in :savour.
Third Reading - AldennancBe. and favour.
Carried with
contrary Puttick voting Y
Zoning g By - Law No.2350, 1959 of By-law 9 1969, as respecting
theformerTownshipofSt Stamford.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearer, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unan
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
pa rried Unanimously
Third Res - Alderman Schisler and Alderman Hearsa. - -raa lraan oly
No. 70 -50 - A By -law to appoint a Lottery Licensing Officer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman
By - law Alderma be given first read privilege motion gnat introducing
the following vote:
o f Aldermen Mares, Clarks, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott, Wilson,
MUIAldesaen Calloway and Puttick.
Third Reading - Alderman Clarke and Alderman Schialer. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearas, Clarke, Martin, McKinley, Schialer, Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
NAYE:Aldermen Galloway and Puttick.
No. 70 -51 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Beeves that Alderman 3chisler be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schialer, seconded by Alderman
Clarke that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilsonand Alderman Bearaa.
It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council assembled in Committee of the Whole Zollowing the regular
meeting held March 31, 1970. All Members of Council Were present with the
exception of Alderman Hunt and Alderman Mann. Alderman Bears. presided as
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the Committee of the Whole arise and report.
- 8 -
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Council Meeting,
March 31, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole Meeting held on March 31, 1970. All Members of Council were present with
the exception of Alderman Hunt and Alderman Mann. His Worship Mayor Miller
The following action was taken:
Report 208 - City Manager - Submitting the resignation of Mr. Alex Greaves,
Planning Director. Advising that Mr. Greaves has requested to be relieved of
his duties as of April 13th, if possible; advising further that the Planning
Director is prepared to assist the City with current planning matters if the
consent of the Regional Planning Committee is secured; recommending: '
1. That the resignation of Mr. Greaves be accepted with regret, as of April
10th to permit him to assume his new responsibilities on April 13th and
that Mr. Greaves be thanked for the excellent services rendered; firstly
to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board and, more recently,
to the City of Niagara Falls; and that our beat wishes be extended to him
in the assumption of his new duties.
2. That the City Manager be authorized to consider a replacement to fill the
vacancy resulting from Mr. Greaves' resignation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beare., seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted and the resignation of
the Planning Director be accepted with regret.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the meeting adjourn.
- 9 -
Council Chamber,
March 31, 1;10.
Council Chamber,
April 6, 1970.
Council met at 7 :30 p.m. on Monday, April 6, 1970, for the purpose of
considering general busir.ess. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as
Chairman. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman
Runt. Alderman Beans offered the opening prayer. It was Ordered on the motion
of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the minutes of the meeting
held on March 31, 1970, be adopted as printed.
(a) Mrs. Margaret Rife had requested permission to address Council in respect
to the 1970 Budget Meeting.
ORDERED ea the motion of Alderman Beare, seconded by Alderman Mann that Mrs.
Rife be granted permission to address Council.
Mrs. Rife stated that at a citizens' Besting held in March, a motion
was passed that the City Council be asked to alloy members of the news media to
be present during the Budget Meeting. She said that if it was not possible for
the public to attend, press and radio representatives should be present in
order to gain background knowledge about the budget enabling them to report
more fully.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Mann that
members of the news media be permitted to attend the 1970 Budget Meeting. The
motion Carried with Alderman Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
Report 203 • Cit�Mena er - Re: Work required for new City Hall. Recommending
certain works not inc uded in the original contract with Cameron and Phin.
Report 211 - City Manager - Advising that two quotations have been received for
cushions for the spectators' and press seats in the Council Chamber;suggesting
that the matter be discussed with the architect.
It had bean expected that the architect would be present to discuss
the matter of the additional work to the City Hall as well as the type of
cushions most suitable for the Council Chamber. The City Manager explained that
the architect would be present at the next meeting and had suggested that he
meet with Council prior to the regular meeting time if possible.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermanWileon, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
reports of the City Manages be received and tabled for one week.
Comm. 100 - Borough of Scarborough . A resolution petitioning the Minister of
Municipal Affairs to introduce the necessary amendment to Section 30A of The
Planning Act to permit nunicipalitiss to effectively establish minimum housing
standards by by -law in order to control and improve the quality of housing.
Report 212 • City Manager - Advising that the Urban Renewal and Rousing
Committee will soon ha presented with the first report on the possibilities of
enacting a Miniumum Standards of Maintenance and Occupancy by- law;recomuendiag
that the resolution be endorsed.
ORDERED on the cation of Aldermen Scott, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report of the City Manager be received and the resolution from the Borough of
Scarborough endorsed.
* * * * **
Report 213 - City Monster - Re: Street Name Changes in the City of Niagara Falls.
Advising that the City Solicitor has made certain investigations to permit the
preparation of an appropriate by -law for the street name changes and requesting
Council's decision on various item.
(1) Advising that the Street Name Plan shows no name for that section of the
road allowance between Lots 4 and 5, extending from the Q.E.W. at Sodom Road,
to King Road. The roadway is an extension of Sauer Road.
ORDERED on the cation of Aldermen Scott, e.ce4 4 by-Aldermen Thomson that the
road allowance extending from the Q.E.W. to Sodom Road be designated as Sauer
(l) Recommending that the sections of roadway from Beck Road to Ort Road be
named Dessert Reed.
ORDSRRD on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the recommendation to name the roadway from Beek Road to Ort Road, Dessert Road
be adopted.
- 2 -
( ) Advising that the Registry Office search has disclosed no name for the road
allowance between Lots 10 and 11 (between Willo -Dell Road and the Q.E.W.).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
Museum Board be requested to suggest a name for this roadway.
( ORDERED on thelmotione ,seconded rby as thatRthe
section of the road allowance between Lots 12 and 13, running from Dell Road to
Speck Road, be confirmed as Marshall Road.
( ) Advising that the Registry Office search discloses no names for various
roads running into the former Township of Humberatone; suggesting that the City
of Port Colborne be consulted before any changes are made to the short sections
of certain roads now in the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
three roads in the northerly part of the Township of Humberstone be named
South Brookfield Road, South Green Road and South Koabel Road subject to the
approval of the City of Port Colborne officials.
(6)(a)Main Street, former Village of Chippewa and Mein (former City of
Niagara Fa�s.��
ORDERED on the lotion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Main Street in the former City of Niagara Falls be re -named "Main Street - Niagara ";
further, that Main Street in the former Village of Chippewa be re -named "Main
Street - Chippewa ". The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, Mann,, Puttick, Wilson, Thomson.
NAYE :Aldermen Bears., Clarke, McKinley, Schisler, Scott.
(b) Lyons Creek Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the section of Lyons Creek Road from the Q.E.W. to the former Village of
Chippewa be re- named "Zlain Street - Chippewa ". The motion Carried with the follow-
ing vote:
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Wilson, Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Beares, Clarke, Schisler, Scott.
(c)$ridaewater Street, former Village of Chippewa.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Scott that the
name of Bridgewater Street in the former Village of Chippewa be changed to
Portage Road.
(d)Water Street, former Village of Chippewa.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Scott, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
name of Water Street in the former Village of Chippewa be changed to Bridgewater
(7)(a) Parry St., former City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the name of Perry Street be retained. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Sghisler,Wilson,
NAPE :Aldermen Beares, Clarke and Scott.
(b) Kina Avenue, former City of Niagara Palls.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
name of King Avenue be retained. The motion Carried with the following vote;
AYE: Aldermen Beares, Galloway, Minn, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Puttick,
Wilson, Thomson.
YE :Aldermen Clarke and Scott.
(S� Oggihug Adana of Montrose Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
re■naming of Canboro Road west of Montrose Road be officially confirmed as
Lundy's Lens.
(b) Churchill $t west of Dorchester Road.
CROWD on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Seen that
Churchill Street west of Dorchester Road be re -named Winston Street.
(e) CfrIZfr oyd Ave. from Thorold Stone Road southerly for • distance of 300'.
ORDERED en the motion of Alderman Mc[inlsy, seconded by Aldermen Schisler that
Crawford Avenue be re-named Confederation Avenue.
(d) )IeMiOits Street, from Cullimore Avenue to St.Aadrew Avenue.
CRDBRBD on the motion of Alderman Scott, sscondd by Aldermen Martin that this
portion of Wicking Street be re -named Martha Street.
(e) $1i44ine Street, from Dorcbsstee Road to CullLsore Avenue.
on the motion of Aldermen Scott, seconded by Aldermen Them that this
portico of Wicking Street be re -named Mistier Street.
3 .
- 3 -
No. 136 - Industrial Department, Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - Advising
that the members of the Business and Industrial Growth Committee have unanimous-
ly approved the necessity for a "Blueprint for Progress" survey for the City
as proposed by the Battelle Memorial Institute; outlining the proposed study
and advising that Mr. David C.Sweet, Chief, Regional Economics Division,
Battelle Memorial Institute will be available on Monday April 13th to discuss
the proposal in detail with the Council. Estimated cost of the survey ie
approximately $25,000 to $30,000.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and referred to the Budget Meeting for consideration.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Beares, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Wilson, Thomson.
NAPE :Aldermen Galloway, Clarke, Puttick, Schisler.
No. 137 - City of London - Requesting endoreation of a resolution asking the
Provincial Government to enact legislation to ban the use of non- returnable soft
drink bottles.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Bears° that the
communication be received and the resolution endorsed; further, that the City
of Landon be also advised that the City of Niagara Falls also opposes the use
of plastic containers.
No. 138 - The Optimist Club - Requesting permission for the local Air Cadet.
Squadron to hold a Tag Day.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the communication be received and the Optimist Club be granted permission to
hold a Tag Day on Saturday, April 18, 1970. The requested date was April 25th,
but it was noted that another organization had been given permission to hold a
tag day on that date.
No. 139 - Mr.P.Branscombe, River Realty Development Limited - Re: Request to
City Council, Housing for Lower Income Groups, Cooperative Effort by City,
C.M.H.C. Developer and Builders. Referring to the announced availability of
$200 Million Dollars of N.H.A. mortgagee for innovative low cost housing
erected during 1970; stressing the need to act quickly in order to take advan-
tage of this Federal assistance suggesting that reduced housing costs could
be deemed to be an innovation and enumerating some of the areas in which costa
can be reduced; requesting that Council direct the City Departments involved
to take immediate action to meet the requirements of the Federal Minister
responsible for Housing, Mr.Robert Andras.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the various City Departments be directed to cooperate with the C.M.H.C., the
Developer and the Builders in an attempt to provide a programme that would be
beneficial for low income families of the Municipality. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AVE: Aldermen Beares, Galloway, Mann, Martin, Schisler, Scott, Wilson, Thomson.
YE :Aldermen Clarke, McKinley and Puttick.
No. 140 - Nieeara Peninsula Home Builders Land Developments Limited - A request
for a Quit Claim Deed from the City for the Department of Highways in respect
to a one foot strip of land parallel and abutting the east side of the Queen
Elizabeth Way, as shown on Ree.Plan 245, being a subdivision owned by N.P.H.B.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
communication be received and the Quit Claim Deed conveyed to the Department
of Highways as requested; further, that Council approve the appropriate by -law
authorizing the execution of the deed.
See By -law No, 70 -55
No. 214 - City Manager - Re: T for Materials. Recommending the awarding
of tenders to various firms for the supply of tires, gasoline, diesel fuel,
Reedy «Mix concrete, crushed stone or gravel, Band, hot mix asphalt end asphaltic
cold patch, grass seed, fertilizer, oxygen and Acetylene, equipment rental,
traffic painting, hydrants, valves, etc.; advising that an incorrect form of
tender was issued to R.E.L.aw Crushed Stone Ltd.for Surface Treatment with
Bituminous Materiels and, consequently, prices submitted were based on
inaccurate quaatitise; recommending that bids be invited from all tenderer°
originally bidding on this work with a Suggested closing date of April 20, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that Mr.
B. Melick be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Slick, as spokesman for R.E.Law Crushed Stone, said that due to
an error tender forms with incorrect quantities had been issued. The error was
not discovered until after the tender opening at which time the tender was let
to R.E.Law Crushed Stone as low bidder. Mr. Meliek pointed out that the
quotation submitted by the Law firm was $1,380.50 lower than the next bidder.
He advised that the firm was prepared to abide by the prices submitted regard-
less of which tender form is declared correct.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman lde received n
rman Wi, adopted seconded by Alderman
an Thorson ha
report of the City Manager
had originally submitted quotations on Item 15 (Surface Treatment with Bitu-
minous Materials) be invited to re- tender.
t motion be amended and Itemm22((a)1(Gasoline Grades A 2 Alderman that
be deferred for
one week for additional information. The motion, as amended, car ried.
Note: The vote on the amending motion was taken prior to the original motion.
See Resolution No. 24
No. 215 - City Manager - Re: McLeod Road Bridge. Submitting a letter from
H.G.Acres Limited pertaining to certain problems with the contract;advising
that it is expected a recommendation regarding the letting of the contract
will be presented at the next meeting of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scares, that
the report be received and tabled for one week.
No. 216 - City Mann r - Re: Tender for Painting Municipal Building. Recommend -
ins that the h erior walls the d City Mall at their
A of ;
paint ng of the int tendered price
of $2,221.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears., seconded by Aldermen Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 25
No. 217 - Cit Ma er - Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision - Namgood Construction
(Niagara) Limits A proposal to create 60 single- family lots on a 12.04
acre parcel of land situated on the east side of Dorchester Road, south of
Mountain Road, bounded on the sot by the former H,E.P.C. disposal road;
recommending that preliminary approval be granted subject to five conditions
enumerated in the report.
No. 218 - Cit Mans r - Rs: Draft Plan of Subdivision - Daleccmbe Development
Ltd. The pan provides for the creation of 109 singls- family residential lots
on 32.48 acres of land situated at the south west intersection of Dorchester
and Mountain Road; recommending that preliminary approval be granted subject
to eight conditions enumerated in the report.
No. 219 - City Manager - Res Dsllpark and Rola Subdivisions. The Dellpark
subdivision is located on the east side of Dorchester Road and the Iola Sub-
division is located immediately north of the R.E.P.C. Right -of -Way on the
west side of Dorchester Road extending to Mountain Road: recommending that,
for economical reasons, a smaller size sanitary sewer be installed at the same
time in a In i hisexplanatory remarks, suggesting h use
the City said that an Funds.
n investiga-
tion ga-
t ion had indicated that the sewer system in the area would have sufficient
capacity to allow the development of the subdivisions if the storm water is
properly controlled. He noted that a sewer doss not exist which could act as
an outlet for the proposed subdivisons and suggested that the developer should
be responsible for all expanses incurred Sa the installation of a sewer which
should be sufficient to accommodate future stares sewer flows. Continuing, the
City Engineer said that the Municipality would ultimately benefit by the
installation of sewers on existing roadways at the expense of the developers.
emphasised i allowed t to enteerrrthe the subdivisions,
ehould storm outlet
is constructed to the net of the Q.R.W.; additional development could then
take place north and east of the area.
h 7 ot6 and of A l e received Puttick, eseconded odd by lderman Martin that
Report t1o.t
No. 220 - Cite_ Mana r - Re: Intersection of S r� al a nd erect A n
Recoamendine that the necessary bylaw be prepared
sips facing traffic eastbound and westbound on Syamee Street at its inter-
section with Pinsgrsw Meow.
010111ED on the motion of Aldermen Mann, ascended by Aldermen Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
- 5 -
No. 221 - City Manager - Re: Vistas Lighting - Main and Perry Dullness Assoc.
that Hydro have
place andrthe brackets and
permanent part of street lighting poles owned by the City; recommending w zk t
the City pay the Niagara Falls Hydro the sum of $285.00 to pay for te
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Bearse that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 222 - City Manager - The report pertains to complaints received regarding
the noise emanating from diesel locomotives parked in the Canadian National
Railway yard west of Victoria Avenue; advising that the local Traimroaster has
acknowledged the complaints and has recommended that a separate service track
be constructed which will be several hund redom the
It is expected that the project will be completed this
ORDERED l RED on the motion Alderman o o
manPuttick,seconded by Alderman possible.
rman Martin that
the report be received and filed and Mr. Christie thanked for his interest and
No. 223 - City Manager - Re: Frontenac Woods Subdivision and Meadowvale Sub-
division; recommending that the unit prices bid by the George Campbell Company
for the "base road construction" in the Frontenac Woods Subdivision be
accepted at the tender price of $40,212.00; recommending further that the
contract Construction road
a quoted price construction" h e2Me578 Zale Subdivision be awarded
to Drops
ORDERED on the motion ofAlderman Wilton, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
report be received and adopted. See Resolution No. 28
No. 224 - City Manager - RE: Proposal to operate an Industrial Department by
the City. Advising that of 28 municipalities contacted, 26 have replied to
various questions; submitting a summary of the replies received.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Bears ", seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and tabled for consideration at a future meeting within one
month. It was also suggested that members of the Industrial Committee of the
Chamber of Commerce should be given an opportunity to review the results of
the survey of other Ontario municipalities regarding the Industrial Develop-
ment Programme.
No. 225 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM- 12/70, H.J.Somerville.
A rezoning application to permit the establishment of a welter sales and car
leasing agency in conjunction with as existing garage on the north side of
Main Street in the former Village of Chippewa; recommending that the applica-
tion be approved subject to a Site Plan and Site Plan Agreement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 226 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: Am -7170 - Carless() Con-
struction Co. An application to rezone property on the north -east corner of
ins containing :
ontaini g to units. c The applicantfalso proposesatorcre buiid-
require rezoning ;yrecoommending that the application be approved subject to
the condition that a Registered Plan of Subdivision be prepared for the total
development, including the 5 single family lots and the apartment block; that
the further, area lc'
familytlot Plan to meet site plan;
the minimum
requirements of the by -law.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 227 - planning and Development Committee -Re: AM -6/70, N. Glicksman.
Application for permission to develop a28 acre parcel of land at Falls
View Drive and thelliagera Parkway. The proposal includes a 4- storey motel,
retail condominium housing ;�tac- osnendi n
nl that the wholaa units
application be approved and y
further consideration given to traffic; that the Neighbourhood - Commercial
requirements be implemented and the application be subject to a Site Plan
Agreement including a site plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermen Clarke that
the report be received and adopted.. The motion Carried with the following
AM Ald.n.tt menu, Clerks, Galloway, Martin, hkinley, Sebieler, Scott,
Thimeon, Wilson.
NAM Aldermen Mann and Puttick.
No. 228 - Lottery Licensing Officer • Recommending approval of an application
to teenage and conduct a aeries of Bingo Lotteries from April 6 to Dec.31,1970;
The applicants, Chippewa Volunteeer Firefighters' Association,hav indicated
that that the net proceeds will be used to amortize the mortgage n,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mcltinley, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and
{t adopted.
229 - Lottery
St.Anthony'�e Church to manage and conducctgaarafflellottery on April
6, 1970, proceeds to be donated to Church and Parish support; further
recommending approval of the application of the Chippewa Volunteer Fire-
fighters Association to conduct a raffle lottery on July 11, 1970, proceeds
to be used to amortize the mortgage on the Fire Hall.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schiller that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 230 - City Clerk - Re: Application of Mr.Ciro Costa to operate a .
billiard Bali and Restaurant at 1654 Ferry Street; advising that, in accord-
ance with usual procedure, the application has been submitted to the Health,
Fire and Building Inspectors and the Chief of Police; advising further that
the Building Inspector has approved the application subject to certain
structural changes; that the Health and Fire Inspectors and the Chief of
Poi/eel:eve not approved the application.
OP.DERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and the application to establish a billiard hall and
restaurant be denied. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE :Aldermen Beans, Mann, Martin, Me id sy, Puttick, Schiller, Scott,Wilson.
NATE :Aldermen Clarke, Galloway and Thomson.
No. 231 - City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Menn that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 232 - City Manager - Recommending the payment of Municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Wilson, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 24 - CIABKE • puma - RESOLVED that the following bids be accepted.
1) Tires.tubes and tire repairs - Goodyear Service Store
2) (a) Gasoline, Grades 1 & 2 ( Item was tabled for one week).
(b) White Gasoline - Gulf Oil Canada Limited
3) Diesel Fuel.
Masons LimeCB Fuel.
ByronnBuilding Supply Oil Co.
4) Ready -Mix Concrete - Weightman Brothers
5) Crushed Stone or Gavel for Roads
(a)Schedule •A" (1) • F.O.B. Job • 1)1/4" Screened dry - Walker Brothers
Quarry Ltd. (2) 5 /8" & 7/8" Crusher run class A material & 2" Crusher
run material - Divided =equally as possible bitumen Walker Bros. and
Queenston Quarries Ltd. - (3) Pit run gravel (Class 8) - St. Davide Sand
& Gravel Ltd.
(b)Schedula "A" (2) - F.O.S.Job - 1/4" Screened dry, 5/8" and 7/8" Crushed
Class A material, 2" Crusher run material and pit run granular material
(Class 1) - Divided as equally as possible between identical low bidders.
(c) Schedule "8" - F.O.B.Quarry - (1) 1/4" Screened dry for Area No.1 -
Walker Bros.Ltd. (2) 3/8" & 7/8" Crusher run Class A material and 2"
Crusher run material for Area No. 1 • Divided se equally as possible
bitumen Walker Bros. Quarries Ltd. and Queenston Quarries Ltd.(3) Pit
run gravel Class 8 for Area No. 1 • St. Davide Sand & Gravel Ltd.
(4) 1/4" Screened dry, 3/8" & 7/8" Crusher run Class A material, 2"
Crusher run material, Pit run gravel Class 8, for Area No. 2 - All
items to be split as equally as possible between identical low bidders
and selected on a basis of the shortest run to the source of supply.
1 11:ule 'Vfor ea No. 1 • F.O.B.Jeb. All materials to be divided
es equally as possible between Quietist= Quarries Ltd. and Walker Bros.
(b) Schedule "A" far Area No. 2 • P.O.B. Job. All materials to be divided
es equally es possible between Campbell Quarries Ltd. and Ridgemo:nt
Quarries Ltd.
(e) Schedule "8" • P.O.S.Quarry (1) All Materials to be divided as equally
as possible bstvesn Quasaston Quarries Ltd. and Walker Brothers Ltd.
for Ares Rio. 1 (2) A11 materials to be divided as equally as possible
between Campbell Quarries Ltd. and Rldgemount Quarries Ltd. for Area No.2
7) Sand Screened pit sand
(a) Schedule "A" for Area No. 1 - F.O.B. Job Site - (1) P
and Screened washed pit sand - Braes Brothers; (2) Lake Sand fine and
Course Lake Sand - Eastland Brothers; (3) Selected backfill and un -r
screened fine pit Band - Braes Brothers.
(b) Schedule "A: for Area No. 2 - F,O.B.Job Site - (1) Screened pit sand
and Screened washed pit Band - Telephone City Gravel Company; (2) Lake
sand fine and coarse lake sand - Eastland Brothers; (3) Selected back•
fill and un- screened fine pit sand - St.Davide Sand & Gravel Co.Ltd.
(c) Schedule "B" - F.O.B. Pit - (1) Screened pit sand - Braes Brothers
(2) Screened washed pit sand - Telephone City Gravel Company (3)
Selected backfill and unecreened fiae pit sand - Braes Brothers,
8) Hot Mix Asphalt and Asphaltic Cold Patch - Queenston Quarries Ltd., with
hard Rock Paving prices being used to supply Items No. 4 and 5 of the Rot
Mix Asphalt Tender and Items 1 and 3 of the Cold Patch Tender where
economically feasible and possible.
9) Grass Seed - Clarke Hardware.
10) Fertilizer - (a) Analysis 4 -11 -8, 4 -12 -8, 10 -6 -4 - Chemco Spray Limited.
(b) Analysis 9 -5 -3 - Brockville Chemical Industries.
11) Oxygen and Acetylene - Niagara Welders Limited.
12) Rental of Equipment - This schedule of tenders is to be used when ever
rental equipment is required for City operations, starting with the lowest
price quoted for each piece of equipment, and use of machinery to be
divided as equally as possible when equal bids are involved.
13) Traffic Painting
(a White Traffic Paint for 1970 - Niagara Paint & Chemical Company Ltd.
(b) Supply and Application of traffic lane striping - Modern White Line
Service Ltd.
14) Bydrantts ;.Valves, Tapping Valves and Sleeves, Valve Boxes
(a) Hydrants - Canada Valve Limited
(b) Valves (4" to 12 ") - Canada Valve Limited 6" 8"
(c) Tapping Valves & Sleeves - (1) 6 x 6, 6 x 8, 6 x 12", 8" x 8
and 8" x 12" - Grinnell Sales Limited; (2) 2" x 4" - Canada Valve Ltd;
(3) 4" x 12" - Grinnell Sales Limited; (4) 2" x 6" and 2" x 8" - Canadc
Valve Ltd; (5) 2" x 12" - Francis nankin Company; (6) 4" x 12 ", 4" x
6" and 4" x 8" - Grinnell Sales Ltd.
(d) Valve Boxes - Francis Rankin Company.
15) Surface Treatment with Bituminous Material - To be re- tendered; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 25 - BEARSS - MANN - RESOLVED that the firm of Dick and Andre Limited be
awarded the contract for the painting of the interior walle of the old City
Hall at their tendered price of $2,221.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. • Carried Unanimously
Province of Ontario ha s in that provisionsrc the
contained in
Section 179A of the Criminal Code of Canada and by Order -in- Council 274/70,
assumed responsibility for the issuance of licences to operate lottery
schemes; AND WHEREAS the Department of Financial and Commercial Affairs will
assume the responsibility of issuing lottery licence: to charitable and
religious organizations conducting bingoand raffle lotteries, where the total
value of all prizes to be awarded within the operation of a single licensed
bingo lottery or a raffle lottery will exceed $3,500.00 cash, or merchandise
or articles at equivalent market retail value; AND WHEREAS, the imposition
of the
proceedds available to those requesting a licence; AND
HRUEAS religious and charitable organizations conduct lotteries primarily
the welfare
and the public; NOW
to an absolute minimum the religious organisations; lottery by
reslution be the o Association ofsOntario Mayors o and t Reeves h and the i local i meiber efot Association,
Legislative Assembly for endorsation and support; AND the Seal of the Corpora-
tion be hereto affixed. carried Unanimously
No.27 • CLAM • MARTIN - RESOLVED that the Corporation of the City of Niagara
Falls make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for his approval
pursuant to the provisions of sub - section (3) of Section 20 of The Planning
Act to the acquisition for redevelopment purposes by the City of the lands
outlined in red on Schedule "A" to By -law No. 7908, 1969 of the City, at a
- 8-
total estimated coat of $402,350, of which it is estimated that $208,762 will
be provided by way of contributions by Central Mortgage and Housing Corpora -
t ion
t Pftin Prince
eoofoOntOntario, hereto the
will be provided by the City;
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Thomson said that several months ago he had requested infor-
mation regarding the origin and definitiondofit the
£ teterm "Regional
Regio Sr Neighbour-
Plaza"; how did a _tegional Shopping It
the would are made able.dicated that
!x.8070 - A By -law to authorize the acquisition of a strip of land between
Halerr Road and Montrose Road for the purpose of improving
g sanitary u
designated as W -5 -2 and for the purpose of
Third Reading • Alderman Wilson and Alderman Martin.
Carried Unanimously
No desi by Byelaw adopt for the Redevelopment Area
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears", seconded by Alderman
Schiele? that Aldermen Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the
Byelaw and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried UnanimouslY
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Clarke
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. tarried Unanimously
No. 70 -54 - A Byelaw to authorise the allowing of an encroachment on Main
Street and an agreement with Saks Furniture Limited and others.
ORDEREDon the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Martin
that Aldermen Bearse be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the Byelaw be given the first reading. Castled Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bear's, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
1l+ ird Reeding • Alderman Mann and Alderman Wilson. The motion Carried with
dermas Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
70- - A By-law to authorize the caution of a Quit Claim Deed.
ra Peninsula Rome Builders Ltd.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bear's, seconded by Alderman
Byelaw By t b Saott the reading of introducing the
law Carried Unanl*ou'ly
a 36 ( 2 2) o f the Standing motion of Aldermen o OfCnuuncil le 'scanted rar Clarke
that Rule 36(2) of e tndi
and the Byelaw be given the second reading. Carried Uaaaitmoueir
ibis - ,_, d ggdS* • Alderman Wilson and Alderman Hann.
Carried tinaata'ouSly
- 9 -
Ne._70 -56 - A By -lazy to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by
that Alderman Mann be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carri e
Alderman Schiller
By -law and the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded ldermannScottnd
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily P
the By -law be given the second reading.
CCv ried Unrnim0ugly
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Cla::ke. Car -lei Unanimuel
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the items to be considered 7inccmaaittee9 the
a referred
redrtod the smething
to be held Tuesday, April
following vote:
Aldermen NAVE :Aldermen Hear Galloway and Thomson.
isler, Scott and Wilson.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by
Alderman Clarke.
Council est in Committee of the Whole prior to the regular meeting
held April 13, 1970, at 7 :00 p.m. All Members of Council ware present. His
Worship Mayor T. J. Miller presided as Chairman. Also in attendance was Mr.
Bernard Meredith, City Hall Architect.
Following consideration of the items presented to them the Committee
of the *!hole adjourned to open Council.
Committee Room #1
April 13, 1970.
Council Chamber,
April 13, 1,70.
Council met et i :30 p.a. on Monday, April 13 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. His Worship Mayor P. J. Miller presided es
Chairman. All blabere of Council were present. Aldermen Clarks offered the
opening prayer. It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded
by Aldermen Nilson that the minutes of the meeting held on April 6, 1970, be
adopted as printed.
Mr. Nickolas Masson had requested permission to address Council on
the subiaat of drive -in restaurants in the diatom area.
ORDtRBD on the notion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that Mt.
Massone be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Maisons explained that be was the ewer of a hairdressing business
at 1003 Victoria Avenue and recently bed also sowtrueted a two - storey Prenoh
Provincial styled building in front of property at the corner of Victoria
Avenue and Jepson Street. The new building ineludss two stores red two
apartments; the original house will be renovated to providing living aecmteo-
dation from Mr. Masons and his family and them hairdressing business will be
re- located on the ground floor. It bas coma to the attention of the speaker
that a fire of food distributors will be franchising a new location for gbe
marketing of their products on the east side of Victoria Avnue at the coiner
•d lapses, diagonally across Irani. property. her. Hasiose said that be sad
ether homeowners and business proprietors in the ores disapproved of the pro-
posed development. As reasons for their congers, he cited increased traffic
and amnesties bright lights, soles, paper, odor and the pessibilitW of the
development busaming a central seattag plans or hangout. 1M mentiamed the
problems created at drive-in restaurants located elsewhere in the City aad
toted that smother drives/a was proposed for the soutb -vest corner of Peery
Street asi Stanley Avenue. Se expressed the opini•n that the establishment
el a drive•in Meanest would dater further business development from
legation is the gre• and would have a detriasatai •1feat upon existing
professtonel and business egtabltshments.
Mr. lWsons suggested thee the issuance of ell building permits for
this type of Wises, be delayed until a thorough survey is undertake, by the
Pinning Committee to determine the dseirebiltty of such businesses is this
and ether arcs of the City. Ns advised that the business associations of
the north and southend business sections also oppose the location of drive -in
restaurants in established business area and will be forwarding their proposals
to Council in this respect.
Mr. Maszone subsitted a petition bearing the signatures of 47 property
owners and business proprietors located within an approximate 500 ft. radius of
the proposed site.
During discussion of the :tatter, it was pointed out that under the
existing zoning by-law, the proposed development is a permitted use and an
application for a building permit could not be denied.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Calloway, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the brief and petition presented by Mr. Massone be received and the Planning
Committee be authorised to undertake a study as to the desirability of allowing
drive -in restaurants to locate in the Victoria Avenue commercial area or in
other areas of the City.
Report 203 - City Manager - Re: Work required for new City Hall. Recommending
certain works not included in the original contract with Cameron and Phin.
The City Manager stated that Council had mat in Committee of the Whole
with Mr. Bernard Meredith, Architect, and the recommended changes had been
reviewed. Mr. Meredith suggested that a hand railing be placed down the centre
of both flights of stn leading to the podium and the front entrance of the
City Hall; the hand grip of the railing will be made of stainless steel. As a
protective measure, it was suggested that a railing be provided on top of the
brick wall in the main lobby of the second floor and a similar railing around
the area of the Council desks. The estimated price of $2,282.00 will be some-
what increased due to the use of stainless steel for the railings on the
Centennial Square steps.
ORDERED on the motion ofAlderman gears., seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and City Officials authorised to arrange for the installation
of the suggested railings by the contracting firm of Cameron and Phin. The
motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Alderman gears*, Clarke, Martin, McKinley, Schiller, Scott, Thomson,Wileon.
N YE:Aldermen Galloway, Mann, hunt, Puttick.
W. Meredith also made 1 suggestions as to how the tablet type
arms on the Council Chamber pew could be enlarged to provide additional work
surface for members of the news media.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scbisler, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the natter be referred to the City Manager who will discuss the suggested
improvements with sabers of the press and radio.
Report 211 - City Manager - Advising that two quotations have been received for
cushions for the spectators' and press seats in the Council Chamber; suggesting
that the matter be discussed with the architect.
During the Committee of the Whole meeting, the Architect had suggested
"slab -type" cushions, 1 to 1% inches thick and attached to the seats by means
of 'Velcro" tape. Be recommended that the cushion covering be the same as that
used for the Council chairs. The City Manager stated that this method appeared
to be satisfactory and prices could be obtained.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schiller, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the report be received and referred to the City Manager for further report.
Report 186 - City Manager - Ras Q.E.W. /Highnay 20 Interchange. Advising that
it is necessary for the Department of Highways to acquire wholly, or in part,
seven parcels of land presently owned by the City of Niagara Falls; presenting
a summary of the offers by the Department in the total asset of $33,047.00;
advising that the Department has been consulted in respect to future mainten-
ance colts of the major trunk sewer under the proposed highway. Recommending
(a) that the Municipality be responsible for any normal minor maintenance
requirements of the :sitting serer and that the Department of Highways be
responsible for any major maintenance or replacement costs of the trunk sewer
transveraing Parcel 63 as indicated on an attached summary; (b) that the Depart-
ment of Highways are wholly responsible for any relocation cats involved for
all paroles of land and (e) that the City viii be provided with access to the
remaining portions of the three parcels which will be severed, namely, Parcels
1, 5 and 6, as shown on an attached sheet.
Report 233 - City Meumasr - Advising that purchase agreements have now been
*prepared by t • Dopertmeat of Highways to reflect the conditions imposed by
the Naicipaiity; rscom ending that`the action of Council in Committee of the
Whole be ratified.
ORDERED la the motion of Ald•rsaa Cl•rke,sisOS sd by Alderman Thomsen that the
reports of the City Meager, Me. 186 and No. 233 be received and adopted. the
motiea SUS s/ith Alderman !amuck voting contrary end all : others%ia favour.
3 .
- 3 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication appearing on the agenda as Item 13 be brought forward for con-
sideration at this time.
Comm. 141 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - Requesting permission to
addreea Council on a proposal for a research study on "Industrial Development
Opportunities for Niagara Falls "; advising that Mr. D. C. Sweet of the Battelle
Memorial Institute will also be in attendance; submitting copies of the
Proposed Research Program.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Mr. H. Logan be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Logan, President of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that repre-
sentatives of the Chamber were in attendance because of their concern about
industrial development in the City. Re disagreed with the general feeling
that Niagara Falls is not a good place to establish new industries. Conversa-
tions with representatives of industries who had left Niagara Falls and re.
located elsewhere indicated that the move was not as beneficial as expected.
He noted that the establishment of two new industries ware the result of the
efforts made during 1969.
Note: Due to a provision in the Procedural By -law which provides that only
one epeaker be allowed to address Council on any particular subject, Mayor
Miller requested a motion to permit Mr. Logan to continue his remarks.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
Mr. Logan be granted permission to continue his remarks in regard to the
industrial situation in the City. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYR: Aldermen Bearer, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Metes►, Martin, McKinley, Scott,
Thomson, Wilson.
NAYS :Aldermen Puttick and Schiller.
Continuing, Mr. Logan advised that a complete review was being made
of the industrial function of the Chamber of Commerce and it has been deter-
mined that information is needed as to what types of industry would be
attracted to the City. The efforts of the Industrial Department would then
be concentrated on these particular types of industry. It was for this reason
that the Battelle Institute were contacted in regard to an industrial survey
for the Municipality. Mr. Logan noted that it
tha cost of the survey; this
that the Chamber of Commerce should pay half
would make it necessary for the Chamber to request the support of established
industry. The Industrial Committee considered that it would be unfair to
expect local industries to contribute towards the cost of a survey which will
benefit the entire City. Mr. Logan then introduced Mr. David C. Sweet, Chief
Regional Economics Division of the Battelle Memorial Institute.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Mr. Sweet be granted permission to address Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
Mir. Sweet be granted permission to come forward in order to use the overhead
projector during his remarks.
Mr. Sweet gave a resume of the capabilities and qualifications of
the Battelle Institute, an international organisation devoted to research.
He elaborated on the prepared report, copies of which had been distributed
to all Members of Council. His remarks included a definition of industrial
development objectives, overview of the economic structure of the City,
assessment of resources; comparative advantages and disadvantages, identifi-
cation of industry prospects and the formulation of an action program for
industrial development. He advised that the proposed research can be
completed in a seven month period at a cost of $24,500.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Gallaway that
the communication be received and referred to a proposed westing with the
Ind Department of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Ccseres. The maetin8
will b s held as soon as possible. The motion Curled with the foliating vote:
has A lderman learns, Clarke, Calloway, Minn, Martin, McKinley, Schiller,
IM;Aldsr:taa Heat, Futtick, Thomson and Wilson.
No. 142 - Mr. Gordon L. Jones - Objecting to the decision of Council to
retain the name of Mein Street in Niagara Falls and in the former Village
of Chippewa; submitting six recommendations respecting various street names;
requesting that Council reconsider their decision in regard to street name
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and filed. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE; Aldermen Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler,Scott,
Thomson, Wilson.
NAPE; Aldermen Bearas and Clarke.
No. 143 - Shell Canada Limited - Re; Application for a permit to develop an
automatic car wash with gasoline vending facilities onDrummond Road between
Perkins and Williams. Noting that the application has been deferred pending
presentation of a service station study; requesting that the application not
be delayed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
Mr. J. H. Curtis be granted permission to address Council. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearea, Clarke, Galloway, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schialer,
Thomson, Wilson.
NAYE:Aldermen Hunt, Mann and Scott.
Mr. Curtis, as spokesman for Shell Canada,said that the car wash
business does not identify in any way with the service station business and
should not be included in the service station study. He advised that a
recent survey indicates that potential business would require four or five
similar operations in the area. Mr. Curtis said that while the proposed
development include:a gasoline outlet, the main objective is to provide a
car wash service.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the City Manager be directed to advise Shell Canada Limited that the applica-
tion for a building permit will be considered no later than April 27, 1970.
The motion Carried with Alderman Thomson voting contrary and all others in
No. 144 - Niagara Promotion Association - Requesting permission for the
Niagara Falls City Float to be entered in a parade to be held on May 9th in
connection with Blossom Festival Week.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication be received and request granted.
No. 145 - Citisens' Committee of St.Catherinee and Area - Submitting a copy
of a letter forwarded to the Honourable John P.Robarts and requesting
Council's comments. The letter recommends reconsideration of certain clauses
in Bill 174 - An Act to Establish the Regional Municipality of Niagara.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mares, seconded by Aldermen Bunt that the
communication be received and filed.
y$RLOr .: %dc•etY`? by S ?;L+c:F'oUn iittr"+ that
$t War{1uip Hinyor UlA lf'S ;1 { rtsi * iC — C.,u :' it tie reptiec, to
ev+'?so giti Ni:Lot1!4 .G+'ke 1 it R {✓Ltit 'a A.' '.!'.1C1Ct# Mge +:.+ 7:-_Jr,' 13, 19',10
gzt Rios t Lot t
- capectli at th r risi ioual uavetiuz::[+.. ;_y.et:atias.
No. 146 - Canadian Parks Rggraation Association • Requesting that the City
host a banquet during the nth Anniversary Conference to be held in Niagara
Falls September 13 - 17, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the communication be received and filed and the expenditure' not be undertaken
inasmuch as it is City policy not to provide luncheons or banquets for
convention delegates.
No. 147 - Miss Isabel Anderson - Res Closing of Erie Avenue at Fenn Central
tracks; expressing the opinion that the proposed closing will decrease the
value of property on Ellis Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the communication be received and the City Minepr requested to meet with
property owners in tbe section of Erie AVOWS to be closed -ia order that the
matter can be more fully explained.
No. 148 - Horseshoe Falls Cha ter National Secretaries Association -
Requesting that the week of Apri 19- 5, 1970, be proclaimed 'Secretaries
Week" in Niagara Falls and advising that the organization will assume all
coats involved. _ motion of
communicationebe received and r the week�ofeAprild19- 25,1970 be proclaimed as
"Secretaries Week" as requested.
No. 149 - United Nations Association - Requesting authority to hold a Tag Day
on Saturday, June 3, 19 0.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication be received and request approved.
No. 150 - Chippewa Volunteer F i re fighters Association - Requesting per iission
to hold the Annual Carnival and parade on the premises of the Chipp p
Hall and adjacent Lions Park, Saturday July 11, 1970. Alderman Hunt that the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, e11
communication be received and permission granted to hold a Carnival on the
requested dates; further, that the request to conduct a parade be referred
to the Police Department for approval.
No. 151 - Greater Niagara Transit Commission - Requesting that a by -law be
prepared to increase the borrowing capacity of the Commission to $130,000.00
for the year 1970.
Mayor Miller pointed out that the information contained in the
communication was incorrect and should be returned to the Transit CommissiOn
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the communication be received and returned to the Transit Commission for
No. 152 - Logan, Knight & McDermid - Advising that it has become necessary to
review the existing fare structure of the Maid of the Mist Steamboat Co.Ltd.;
requesting approval of a resolution approving the renewal of the Perry
Licence for the operation of a ferry between Niagara Falls, Ontario and
Niagara Falls, N.Y. at increased rates as outlined
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded
the communication be received and the resolution endorsed. The motion Carried
with Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others See favour. No. 28
No. 153 - Port Colborne Volunteer Fire Compe►Y Advising that the City of
Port Colborne will be celebrating its Centennial Year this y il ar ba n d , i
conjunction with the event, the Volunteer Fire Department request-
ing that Annual
City insert Convention congratulatory Association;
atory advertisement in the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconed by Alderman in the
Hann that the
communication be received and a half -page advertisement placed
convention programme. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Beards, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley Schialer, Scott,
Wilson, Thomson.
NATE: Aldermen Galloway and Puttick.
No. 234 - City Manager - Re: Agreement with City of Welland re: Fire Fighting
Services. Advising that the City Solicitor for the City of Welland has
suggested that each municipality should confirm, by resolution, the existing
agreement and an extension of its provision for an additional three month
period; recommending that the resolution be approved and the City of Welland
thanked for their excellent cooperation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.29
No. 235 - City Manager - Advising that the Chippewa Public Utilities
Commission has requested that a by -law be passed authorizing an expenditure
of 530,000 by the Public Utilities Commission for improvement to their
existing electrical system; advising further that a communication directed
to the Commission from Ontario Hydro indicates that if thheap�oprr Utilities
Commission Core issue is not erienceda near recommending that * by -law
autho may
t t h ecp
authorising construction of extension and improvements to the electrical
power distribution and street lighting system of the City be given two readings
and the City's application be sent to each area municipality and the Regional
municipality requesting that any objections to the proposal be filed within a
specified tine.
During discussion of the matter, Alderman Clarke said that he believed
there was an accumulated surplus fund that existed in the Public Utilities
Commission which, at the end of 1968, amounted to $170,000. Re suggested that
while the by-law was being prepared the City Manager investigate the avail-
ability of these fund for the proposed capital works.
ORDERED on the nation of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
No. 236 - City Manager • Advising that the City of Niagara Falls and the former
Village of Chippewa have passed by -laws respecting the sale and setting off of
fireworks; enumerating the minor differences in the by -laws; recommending that,
in order to provide uniform fireworks legislation within the enlarged Munici-
pality, that all existing municipal legislation regarding the sale and Betting
off of fireworks be repealed and a new by -law be enacted incorporating the
provisions of By -law 7910, 1969.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received and adopted. The City Clerk was directed to Aotify the
fireworks outlets in the former Village of Chippewa of the provisions contained
in the existing by -law.
No. 237 • City Manger • Advising that the former Village of Chippewa and the
City of Niagara Falls enacted by -laws for regulating and prohibiting doge
waning at large and for imposing licence foes and outlining the differences
in the schedule of licence fees; noting that the Chippewa by -law provides for
the appointment of a Canine Control Officer while the City has delegated the
responsibility of enforcing the provisions of the by -law to the Humane Society;
recommending that, in order to provide uniform regulations within the entire
enlarged City, all existing by -laws regulating and prohibiting doge running at
large and for imposing licence fees be rescinded and that the provisions con-
tained in By -law No. 6662,1964, be re- enacted to cover the enlarged Municipalit;
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Galloway that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 238 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for Materials. Reviewing the conditions
contained in the contract documents for the supply of Gasoline, Grades 1 & 2;
recommending that, in view of the fact that a quantity of 240,000 gallons was
indicated in the contract documents and that Texaco of Canada has provided
good service to the Municipality, that the supply of all gasoline, Grades 1 &
2 be awarded to Texaco Canada Ltd. at their unit prices of 40.4 cents and
35:4 cents per gallon respectively.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote;
AYE: Aldermen Bears,, Galloway, Hatt, Mann, Martin, Mc inley, Schisler, Scott,
Thomson, Wilson.
NATE :Aldermen Puttick and Clarke.
See Resolution No. 34
No. 239 - CitCit Nana erer - Re: McLeod Road Bridge over the H.E.P.C. Canal.
Submitting a copy of a letter received from H.G.Acres Limited in which it is
recommended that the tender received from Dufferin Materials & Construction
Ltd. be accepted; recommending that the tender for the reconstruction of the
McLeod Road crossing over the H.E.P.C.Canal be awarded to Dufferin Materials
and Construction Limited at the tendered price of $427,287.00, subject to the
approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, The Department of Righwsys of Ontario
and the Ontario Hydro Electric Parr Commission.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Heaves, seconded by Aldermen Thomson that
the apart be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.30
No. 240 - City Mangier - Re: Road Construction in Theresa, NcNicking and
Brooks Subdivisions. Recommending that the contract be awarded to Drape
Construction (Division of Stead 6 Evans) who submitted the lowest price of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted.
Ses llogolotto, No, 31
. ting
No. 241 - City Manager • Re: Tenders for Fire Department Depa tmme es t authority to call tenders to purchase or whiCI
are provided for in the current budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and tba request to call tenders for the purchase of
Fire Department uniforms approved. Tenders will be received by the City Clerk
to 11:00 a.m., Monday, May 11, 1970.
No. 242 - Cite Mena er • Re: Q.E.W.Conatruction sear King Road. Advising that
Ontario ndicates that not l int e ended to construct inter High-
change suggested in the "Planning Study of the Proposed Stanley Avenue Exten-
sion" at this time; suggesting that a copy of Mr.Bidsll's letter and the
report be forwarded to the Regional Miunieipality of Niagara for consideration;
suggesting further that Council indicate to the Regional Municipality its
desire to have this interchange considered by the Department of Highway at
this time since it provides a vital connection from Highway 405 to the north
of the City of Niagara Palls to the City of Welland.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 243 - City Manager - Re: Sewage Treatment Facilities for South End of City.
Recommending that any previous agreements on the necessary facilities for the
south end of the City and any costs that have been accrued to this time, be
turned over to the Regional Municipalit facilities aa, thus
bt the the
design end construction of the prop al
Regiunal Municipality as permitted in the Regional Municipality of Niagara Act;
suggesting that the Regional officials be requested to continue to co- ordinate
the design of the proposed works through City officials.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted. The lotion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 244 • City Manager . Re: Tour of roosed8Projects Council eesti 8 opportunity
that a tour be arranged for Saturday, April
to see the various projects being proposed by Staff.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and arrangements made for the tour to be hold on Saturday,
radio will a meet at a9:30 April
a.m. at Municipal a Service e? e Centre. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Deares McKinley,8e�tler.Scott, Manson, Wilso►,Mayor Miller.
:Aldermen Clarke, Galloway,
No. 245 • City Manager • Re: Rental Housing Accommodation. Advising t t
during a meeting with representatives of the Ontario Rousing Corporation City
Officials were informed that it will be necessary to arrange for a further
survey and initiate appropriate studies b i bin smith the
iCorpor tion's
policy. Survey forms will be supP
questionnaires which can be mailed to all tenants or persons desirous of
securing accommodation and an appropriate advertisement for the newspaper.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderaaa Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and filed.
No. 246 Mayor's Committee Hyusing - Referring to a recent survey compiled
by the Committee inecoop r taw. wiitht a Social oalaPl nn in g lis ti o no
; recommending 50, the
that Council regw
numbers of units to be located within a single senior citiaen or family
housing complex.
ORDERED en the motion of Alderman Wilson seconded by Alderman Martin that tho
Notion be received and adopted. The Non Carried Alderman Thomson
voting contrary end all others in favour.
No. B o7 • all ur ed t of the City and reverse th he i decision of the
the ittee a ju me
Board �i�d t decision of to
theCommit application
eof Adjustments to g rant two s
the C ity a generli hot:liege of vices chars, of 2 500 en to tbe
t; th so ar r di� to
approved the necessary ramming by-law which pommlte E.Co:stantin! to erect
a 2 -1/2 storey apartment bundles on Sather Street.
ORDERED en the motion of Alderman leans, seconded by Aldermen Schinier that
the commended for hie efforts of the lbo o! yallLty. bandied matters
No. 248 - Alderman S.W.Thameon and Alderman R. Wilson - Re: Programme for
the observance of May as "Civic Month "; suggesting that the official opening
of the new City Hall be held on Saturday, May 2, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomsen, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and that May 2, 1970, be designated as the official
opening date of the new City Hall; further, that a special committee be
appointed to make final arrangements for the opening ceremonies. The motion
Carried with Alderman Clarke voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearse, seconded by Alderman Mann that Hie
Worship Mayor Miller, Alderman Thomson and Alderman Wilson be appointed to a
special committee to finalise arrangements for the official opening of the
new City Hall.
No. 249 - Alderman W.S.Thomson and Alderman D. Mann - Advising that Mr.
Albert G. Watson, Executive Director, University Scholarships of Canada, will
be guest speaker at the Achievement Award Dinner; recommending that the Dinner
be held on Thursday, May 7, 1970 as part of the observance of "Civic Month ".
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 250 - City Manager - Re: Request of the Humane Society to appoint an
additional Council representative to the Society; recommending that Council
appoint a third Alderman.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Mann that
Alderman Clarke be appointed a Council representative to the Humane Society.
No. 251 - City Manager - Re: Annual Conference of the Ontario Association of
Pire Chiefs, Stratford, Ontario, from May 3rd to 6th inclusive; recommending
that the Deputy Fire Chief be authorised to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and the Deputy Pire Chief, a representative from the
Chippewa Volunteer Fire Department and a representative from the Willoughby
Pire Department be authorized to attend the Conference. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYS: Aldermen Bears, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, McKinley Schieler, Scott, Wilson.
NAPE :Aldermen Galloway, Martin and Puttick.
Alderman Thomson abstaieed from voting.
No. 252 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of the applica-
tions of the Four Square Club, the Stamford Centre Volunteer Firemen, St.
Mary's Pariah, Optimist Club and Chippewa Lions Club to manage and conduct
series of Bingo Lotteries.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman. Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 253 • Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of the applica-
tions of Beta Sigma Phi, Optimist Club, Stamford Legion Ladies Auxiliary
and Chippewa Lions Club to manage and conduct Raffle Lotteries.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beams, seconded by Aldermen Clarke that
the report be received and adopted.
Nye: Alderman Hunt retired from the meeting.
No. 254 • City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 255 - Cit Mans er - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on t motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 256 • City Nasser • Advising that the matter of an extension or
establishment of an urban service area to include the former Village of
Chippewa and fringe areas of the Township of Willoughby is currently being
discussed with legal advisee; noting that there is a possibility that
there will be insufficient time to complete she matter to reflect the chanps
In the 1970 tax bills; requesting that Council ratify the action taken in
Committee of the Whole on April 7, 1970.
CROSRSD on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
sport bs received, the tattoo of Council 1a.Committse of the Whole be reel-
field and the former Village of Chippewa and the fringe areas of the former
Township of Willoughby be included in the urban sertice area. The motion
with the following vets:
dermen Reams, Martin, McKinley, Schiller, Scott, Wilson.
Aldermen Clarke, Calloway, Mans:, Puttick, Thomson.
No. f y 7 fa g karime decisions of Committee of the Whole on April
ratifying 7, 1970.
yg ,
ORDERSb pa the lotion of Aldermen Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the sport be received and adopted and the following decisions of the
Committee of the Whole be ratified:
(1) That the City Manager be authorised to investigate the advisability of
"obtg competitive tit end ricespm on ca pxehsnaive insurance coverage on all
municipal c
(2) That the cost Fells
htiyd bes asked
k baseball underwrite a portion
(3) the pate be authorised to have renovations to the former
l) ni the City Manager i
planninng g hlosrd offices undertaken femrodintaly, said renovations enumerated
in Reports Nos. 133 and 164
lighting RfacilitiesCat Commission
.Novak Parka of installing
and A.G.Bridge Park.
(5) The Minister of Highways be requested to sake the by -law establishing a
regional road system, take force and effect on the 1st day of January,1970.
(6) The City of Niagara Falls strongly object to the possible adoption of a
water rate structure by the Regional Municipality of Niagara without prior
consultation with representatives of area municipalities; es that pro -
crepancies in the proposed water rate structure app
claimed advantage of Regional Government and the objection of this Munici-
pality to the proposed establishment of a reserve fund.
The motion Carried - with tbe•folleeing octet; Thomson, Wilson.
AYE�:Aldermen Beams, Mortin;.McKinley, tchislel;
YB :Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Puttick, Scott.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Galloway
that the report be received and each item considered separately. The motion
was �Defeated with the following vote:
AVE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Puttick, Scott.
YE :Aldermen Bearer, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Thomson, Wilson.
Note: The vote on the amendment was taken prior to the vote on the original
N_te:See additional Report - Page 14.
No. 28 - CaL y - C1AR E - RESOLVED that the Council of the Municipal
Lice c e, Cpatio g r anted unde The Niagara es Act s Revised Statutes a Ferry
Canada e 1952,
Chapter, 1t
Chapter 114, to The Maid of the Mist Steamboat Company Limited for the
of Niagara Falls, New Ferry be twee n t Porttof Ni ga r out Falls, Ontario, n and the Port
Adults and Children 12 years and over
From Niagara lalle,Ont.to Niagara Palla,N.Y. $1. 75 plus Trans
From Niagara la11s.N.Y. to Niagara Palla,One. ... portation Tex
Sound Trip from Niagara lalla,Ont. $L.75
(Without leaving boat) • . .
Round Trip from Niagara Pe11e, N.Y.
(without leaving boat) . . .
Children aged 6 to 41 veers
From lagsra falls,Ont. to Niagara
prom Niagara Falls,N.T. to Niagara
Round Trip from Niagara Palie,Ont.
(Without leaving boat)
Round Trip from Niagara lalls,N.T
(Without leaving boat)
Children 5 years or under
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
$1.75 plus Trans-
portation Tax.
Falls, N.Y. ' . . . $1.25
lalls,Oat. . . . . $1.25 plus Trans-
portation Tax
$1.25 plus Trans-
portation Tax.
No Charge
of Niagara
9 ad Corporation t ion of ehe of Welland entered of
into as City Fells agreement
dated the 9th day of December, 1969. of the
AND 11RZRW the aforsmsmtiemSd agreement provided that fire equipment
City of Welland will provide full protection services for that part of the
for the period from th day. of Janwq, 4 s 3l y et day t March,
1970. . 10
- 10 -
AND =ERAS the City of Niagara Falls has requested an extension of the
agreement for an additional three month period.
AND WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Welland, has by a resolution passed
at a meeting held on March 18, 1970, agreed to extend the provisions of the
aforesaid agreement for an additional three month period.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City
of Niagara Falls extend the agreement, dated the 9th day of December, 1969,
with the City of Welland for the provision of fire fighting services to that
portion of the former Township of Crowland, now located in the City of
Niagara Falls, for an additional period from the let day of April, 1970 to
the 30th day of June, 1970, AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously
No. 30 - BEARSS - THOMSON - RESOLVED that the tender for the construction
of the McLeod Road Bridge over the B.E.P.C. Canal, Contract No.R.B.1 -70, be
awarded to Dufferin Materials & Construction Limited, at the tendered price
of $427,287.00, subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, The
Department of Highways of Ontario and the Ontario Hydro Electric Power
Commission; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 31 • ClAIRE - WILSON - RESOLVED that the tender for the construction
of roadways in the Theresa, Brooks and McNicking Subdivisions be awarded to
Drops Construction (Division of Steed & Evans) at the tendered price of
$129,518.90; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 32 - MONSON - CIARKE • WHEREAS the Regional.Mmicipality of Niagara Act
1968 -69 provides in Section 68 for the establishment of a regional road
AND WHEREAS, Subsection 1 of Section 68 provides that all roads formerly
under the jurisdiction of either the County of Weiland and the County of
Lincoln became the regional road system on and after the let day of
January, 1970;
AND WHEREAS, Subsection 2 and 3 of the aforementioned section provides that
the Regional Council, may by by-law add roads to or remove roads from the
regional road system as constituted under Section 1, providing such by -law
is submitted to the Minister for the approval of the lieutenant Governor in
Council not later than the 31st day of March, 1970;
AND WHEREAS, Subsection 9 provides that a by -law establishing a regional
road system is in force and has effect after the day named by the Lieutenant
Governor in Counci%
AND WHEREAS, former City Municipalities within the Regional Municipality of
Niagara did not have any roads maintained under the jurisdiction of the
former Counties and would be therefore adversely affected if a by-law
establishing the regional roads system did not take effect on the first day
of January, 1970;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the Corporation of the City
of Niagara Falls request The Regional Municipality of Niagara, The Minister
of Highways, The Minister of Municipal Affairs and The Lieutenant Governor
in Council to have by -laWe establishing the regional road system cam into
force and have effect on the 1st day of January, 1970;A10 the Sul of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 93 • jCK - RUOhMBOW - RESOLVED that • letter of congratulation be
forwards u to aaa a s. J. C. Scott on the occasion of their Sixtieth
Wedding Anniversary; AND the Seel of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimouely
Gasoline Grades 1 and w
2 be awarded to T that
Cowie a Lheited t at their
y of
unit prices el 40.4 sante aed 33.4 cants per ashen respectively; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
• 11.
- 1.1 •
Aldermen Clarke enquired when the collection of garbage would start
in the former Townships of Willoughby and Crowland. The City Manager advised
that the City's Solicitors in Toronto have been asked to prepare the
C o unc uncil. T he eYgaa rbage expected to be
can bemiimplemented immediately upon
C upon
oil. T garbage
approval of the by -law by the City Council.
Alderman Martin requested the City Clark to contact the Department of
Highways and ask that a directional sign be erected to indicate "Stanley Ave."
to traffic on the Queen Elizabeth Highway heading toward the Queeneton-
Lewiston Bridge. requested to
Mayor Miller suggested that the Department of the also enlarged be be City of
change highway signs to indicate the population
Niagara Falls.
Alderman Martin reported receiving a complaint in regard to the
increased traffic caused by motorists using St. James and St.Peter Streets
to reach the Town and Country Shopping Plaza. Be suggested that consideration
be given to relocating the St. John Street stop signs to force traffic to
stop on St. James and St.Peter Streets. The Aldermen requested the Traffic
Engineer to study the situation and submit suggestions as to how the problem
can be be required to t
go�to the StamfordiCentrreerintersection and turn north trucks
Portage Road in order to reach the Plaza.
Alderman McKinley reported receiving many phone calla from
objecting to the announced curtailment of the Sunday morning bus
queried how much money would actually be saved by such curtailment and why
the service should be reduced just prior to the tourist season. The Alderman
also observed that bus fares were increased recently and yet the service has
been reduced.
Alderman Clarke referred to an earlier report approved by Council
wheby a urban
skede srvice area will be
would now be possible to have bbus Village
serviceto the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin that
of bus service toottheiformerrVill feasibility
Village of Chippewa. The motion
Carried with Alderman Puttiok voting contrary and all others in favour.
of the Local Improvement euthorize caetruction of a sidewalk under
Third Reeding - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Mann.
Carried Unanimously
No. 8069 - A Byelaw to authorise the acquisition of a strip of land between
Kolar Road and the Queen Elisabeth Way for the purpose of improving a water-
course designated as W -5 -1 and to authorise the construction of certain
preliminary improvements.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Thomson.
ORDERED on the motion
Mann that Aldermen Schisler be
By -law and the By -law be given
Carried Unanimously
No.70 -57 - A By -law to authorise the construction of extensions and improve-
ments to the electrical power distribution and street lighting systems of
the City. (Two Readings only)
of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
granted the privilege of introducing the
the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Standhg Rules of Council be temporarily sus -
the second reading.
ORDERED on the motion
Thomson that Rule 36(2) of the
pended and the Byelaw be given
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -58 - A By -law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the
Niagara Palls and Suburban Area Official Plan . ( South side McLeod Road
east of R.E,P.C.Canal - Provincial Gas Service Centre and local office)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that Alderman Mann be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hearse
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Aldermen Wilson and Alderman Thomson.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -59 • A By -law to amend By -law Number 7531, being a by -law to provide
Tor the erection of Stop Signs at Intersections.
ORDERED on the motion
Thomson that Alderman Scott be
By -law and the By -law be given
of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
granted the privilege of introducing the
the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 96(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wi}loa end Alderman Bears..
No. 70 -60 - A By -law to aef or$ga the emacution of an agreement with George
Campbell Company Limited ler the construction of roads.
OCOWSD as the nation of Aldermen Serse,, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman Rebt lie be granted the tlyllogo of introducing the
By-law and the Byelaw be given the first reading,
• Serried UnaniiwwlZ
'OBDiRED on the motion of Aldermen BobifSr, pscomdsd by Alderman
Mann that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Coude$1,40.temporarily sus-
pended and the My-limbs given the second reading.
Carried UnSimsusly
Mathis y Aldsemme Clarks and Alderman Wilson.
- 13 -
ao. 70dre to municipal with Dick
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Bears., seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Puttick be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the Byelaw be given the first reading. Carried UnenimouelY
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Clarke that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the Byelaw be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously
Third Reading • Alderman Wilson and Alderman Schisler.
rried Unanimously
Construction (Division of Steed s execution
and Evans)forr the construction of roads.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Beane, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously ,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third R.ading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann.
Carried Unanimously
of an agreement with
to authorise
Con et ion (DivisionSteed Evan) for c the o construction of subdivisio
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Puttick that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Scott that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the Byelaw be given the second reading.
arried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Aldermen Schisler.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -64 - A By -law to provide monis for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beam, seconded by Alderman
Scott that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the Byelaw be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson end Alderman Martin.
* * * * **
Report .238 - City Meager - Ns position of Planning Director. R.caamendine
tbst the position be advertised on the understanding that the Senior Planner
will be Planner be assume responsibil of suggesting Balle Denim
he Planning
spect to tilling the vacancy it
iaancy eithe Planning Direot du�ioa is made in n-
- 14 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by
Alderman Martin that the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole. The
motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Martin, Galloway, McKinley.
N11YE: Aldermen Hearse, Clarke, Mann, Puttick, Schieler, Scott, Thomson,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the meeting adjourn.
- fnt
o a
Council assembled in Committee of the 6:30 30e .m. prior
Special Meeting held on Tuesday, April 21, 0
present with the exception of Alderman Hunt and Alderman Hearse. Alderman
Wilson presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was ORDERED
on the motion of Alderman Martin, eeconded.by Alderman McKinley that the •
meeting adjourn.
Committee Room #1
Council Chamber,
April 21, 1970.
Council convened at 7:10 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 1970, for the
pvrpose.of'a Special Meeting with representatives of the Greater Niagara
onether derman BHearse and Alderman Hunt. HisiWorshippMayertMillertpresided exception
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Rule 13 (b) and (c) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
to permit more than one spokesman to address Council.
Comm. 141 - Greater Nia arm Chamber of Commerce - Requesting permission to
ro Deal for a research study on "Industrial Development
Opportunities for Niagara p P Falls "
address tiecil rn Falls";
submitting copies of the Proposed Research
Program. Deal to operate an Industrial Department
Report 224 - City Manager - Re: Prop
by the City. Advising that of 28 municipal ontacted, 2 bav, replied
to various questions; submitting a summary
Mayor Miller explained that the special meeting had been arranged
in order that Members of Council and representatives of the Board of
Directors and the Industrial Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, c o u ldgh a v e
the opportunity to discuss the results of the survey by City Staff
to the operation of an Industrial Department by the City and also the proposed
Battelle Institute Survey.
In his remarks to Council, Mr. H. Logan, President of the Chamber
of Commerce, said that Members of Council should be made aware of the goals
of the Business and Industrial Growth Committee and of what they are trying
to accomplish. The Chamber has started a fairly extensive survey of the
functions of the Committee and what methods met be used to be successful
in attracting new industry to the area. He expressed the opinion that if
Chamber representatives and Council Members met more often, some misgivings
would not arise.
Mr. J. O'Brien, Chairman of the Industrial Committee, said that the
results of the survey conducted by City Staff does not appear to be particu-
larly relevant to the prabtsos in Niagara Palls. ,Various communities have
- 2-
indicated their views as to how municipal industrial programmes should be
managed; some find that their rsapective programmes are best handled through
the Chamber of Commerce whereas others believe it is more profitable if the
department is operated by the City; he considered that the question was
immaterial but :tt was important to establish goals and platforms to ensure
success for the industrial programme.
Continuing, Mr. O'Brien opined that the lack of success of the City
in attracting new industry may be partly due to the fact that the City is in
competition with the Government of Ontario because it is able to offer grants
and other inducements. In addition, there are a great number of financial
agencies who are "neutral" and these agencies affect the decision as to where
industry will locate.
The Chairman of the Committee stated that there was a certain amount
of information available such as population figures, earnings social and
cultural background, etc. but he questioned if this was the type of informa-
tion that was really required. It is important to know what type of industry
could properly utilize the facilities available in Niagara Falls. He pointed
out that the Battelle survey would assess all aspects relating to the needs
of various industries and provide guidance as to a course of action for the
Committee to follow. The cost of the survey will not only provide guidance
as to what is most suitable for Niagara Falls but will indicate whether the
Municipality should concentrate on the tourist industry - whether it is
suited to the textile industry - or electronics. The efforts of the Committee
will then be concentrated on particular types of industry. The survey will
analyze the local manpower situation and geographical location. Mr. O'Brien
stressed the importance of being able to provide such information and facto.
In regard to the progress of the Committee, a continuous programme
is required; the course of action should not alter with a change of chairman-
ship. The Committee, he said, has two functions - to retain existing
industry and to attract new industry; success will depend on the ability of
the Committee and the cooperation received from City Hall. Questionnaires
have been sent to various banking organizations; the decision of one such
organization may hinge on the City's ability to convince them that they should
acquire property in Niagara Falls.
Concluding his remarks, Mr. O'Brien said that if the Business and
Industrial Growth Committee are able to provide up -to -date and factual infor-
mation, the community will enjoy a high degree of growth.
Mr. S. Jones, a Chamber Director and member of the Committee, said
that the Battelle report will be directly related to Niagara Palls; that the
merchants on Queen Street and in other areas will benefit. He pointed out that
the expenditure of $24,500 for the Battelle survey could result in one new
industry with a very large payroll.
Mr. R.Rollywood replied to a question in regard to the success of
the Battelle survey in the City of Sudbury and advised that the Sudbury
report was not as extensive as that proposed for the City of Niagara Falls;
it was intended to provide guidance as to how to begin a development program
and the nature of the budget that would be required; the report suggested
that Sudbury was capable of serving as a central warehouse to service Central
Ontario and, as a result, the C.N.R. are proceeding to acquire land for a
mayor warehouse industrial park. The success of the Battelle study, he
added, depends on the degree and quality of the application of the recommenda-
tions that Battelle makes; they cannot implement the programs, they can only
provide guidance.
Aldermen Clarke spoke in regard to the possibility of a similar
survey being undertaken by the Regional Government to which the City would
also be required to contribute. He considered that the proper approach
would be on a Regional basis.
Alderman Thomson supported the proposed survey and suggested that
the City Manager give consideration to having the Battelle report include
a recommendation es to whether it would be more profitable to have the
Industrial Committee resin with the Chamber or be transferred to a City
Hall department.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the Council of the City of Niagara Palle authorise the Chamber of Commerce,
Niagara Fells,Ceneda, to engage the services of the Battelle Memorial
Institute, Coiombu , Ohio, to carry out a proposed research program of
Industrial Development Opportunities for Niagara Palls; further, that the
payment for the study be made amt progress reports are received; further, that
Ocemmaicatioa No, 141, Chamber of Commerce, be received and filed. The motion
a 3
Carried with the following gn Puttick, Schiller, Scott, Wilson,Thomaon.
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, ,
NAVE :Aldermen Clarke and McKinley.
His Worship Mayor Miller thanked the representatives of the Chamber
of Commerce for their presentations and for their interest in the progress of
the City.
* * * * *
Report 279 - City Manager - Submitting explanations in regard to By -law 7995.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the actions of Council in Committee of Whole
abebratified i08open9Council
and By -law 8055, 1969, and By-
By -law 70 -49 be repealed. The motion C arri e wiKh the Scott,
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Mann,
NAYE :Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
* * * * * *
Report 280 - City Manages - Re: Q.E.W./McLeod Road Interchange. Advising that
the land required by the Department of Highways for the construction of the
intc::change has been appraised dthat
t the a t i ma tedm al value
Dofat 9.8 02
H flea
s ha,s5 casemthei approval
Highways to p ays of purchase the land at the appraised value and that the appropriate
Purchase Agreement
Officers of the City be authorized to execute the Property
on behalf of the City. Schiller that
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by
the report be received and adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, Seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the meeting adjourn.
Council met in Committee of the Whole prior to the regular meeting
held April 20, 1970, at 7:00 p.m. All Members of Council were present.
Alderman Wilson presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the discussion be suspended and the matter again considered at the next meeting
of the Committee of the Whole.
The meeting adjourned.
Committee Room 41
April 21), 1970.
Council Chamber,
April 20, 1970.
Council met at 7:40 p.m. on Monday, April 20, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. .His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as
Chairman. All Members of Council were present. Alderman Galloway offered the
Alderman Mann that was minutes the meeting Alderman
April seconded by
, 1970, be
certain orection
Regional 46 to The motion vas
voted upon.
Mr. B. Onyschuk of the legal firm of Thomson & Rogers had requested
permission to address Council in respect to the Dorchester Plaza Building
Permit application. Mr. C. R. Chaffey had iequested permission to address
Council on the sass setter. The City Clerk advised that Mr. Onyschuk had
requested that his appearance before Council be deferred for one week.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the City Chaffey directed to
reeceenived . Onyschuk and Mr.
Mrs. Laura Johns had requested permission to address Council on the
subject of safety precautions for hotel, motel and apartment house swimming
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Bears. . that
Mrs. Jolla be granted permission to address Council.
May. Johns observed that during the past 4 or S years, the tourist
industry in Niagara Falls has been saddened by drowning accidents in local
swimming pools. She suggested that in order to save lives, life guards, p d olee
ropes and life preservers should be • r quireemen oiallshoetel, gu a
apartment house pools. overcrowding pools,
for a lifeguard
of ewl srs using the protest
pools at ens time suggested the
hawld be restricted.
Mayor Miller advised Mrs. Johns that swimming pools are under Provin-
cial legislation. Alderman Thomson stated that the Motel Association bad
approached the Provincial Department of Health to defer the regulations
requiring that lifeguards be provided until such time as suitable rules govern-
ing motel pools could be finalized. A draft copy of new legislation indicates
that all swimming pools will be categorized. The section pertaining to motel
swimming pools requires that lifeguards and the other safety features
mentioned by Mrs. Johns oust be provided. Alderman Thomson suggested that a
latter from the Safety Council to the Provincial Department could stimulate
some action.
Proposal of Alderman Thomson - Recommending to the Regional Government that a
co- ordinating committee be established for utilities and social services
purposes; the Committee to meet on a regular and continuing basis to discuss
and resolve common problems and implement the maximum efficiency of service to
the public.
Comm. 154 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Advising that the Social Services
Committee consider that a further co- ordinating committee for social purposes
is not necessary at this time.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication from the Regional Municipality of Niagara be received and
Comm. 120 - Mr.J.Gualtieri - Advising that since 'No Parking' has come into
effect on the out skis oo Drummond Road, no on- street parking is available at
405 Drummond Road where Mr.Gualtieri has an office for his plumbing business;
advising also of the loss of privacy due to the noise and light emanating from
an automobile dealership located on adjacent property; suggesting that the bus
atop be relocated in front of Peninsula Volkswagen.
Report 259 - City Manager - Res Parking on Drummond Road. Noting that eventu-
ally parking must be prohibited from both sides of Drummond Road; that persons
' a business in the area must be expected to provide adequate off -
etreet for their customers; recommending that no changes in the parking
regulations on this section of Drummond Road be made.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dear's, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted. The motion Carried
with Alderman. Thomson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 155 - Petition of G. Lalieich and others re: flooded conditions of lands
on the north side of Cattell Drive and the east side of Breadnsr Crescent.
The petition, bearing the signatures of twelve homeowners in the area,
requests that the necessary steps be taken to have the owner of the subject
property instail.a ditching or catchbasin system to alleviate the flooded
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
petition be received and referred to the City Manager for a report es soon as
No. 156 - Greater Niagara Minista sal At ooiatioa - Re: "Miles for Millions
Walk Day ". Requesting that Saturday, May and, be officially declared "Niles
for Millions Walk Day ".
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Soares, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
Rev. Peter birch be granted permission to address Council.
Rev Darch, Chairmen, "Miles for Million' Walk", spoke in support of
the request from the Greater Niagara Ministerial Association. He mentioned
the success of the 1969 Oxfam Wilk and said that the Association were hopeful
that the 'Valk" would be equally successful in order to• provide assistance to
seventeen overseas relief agencies.
ORDERED en the motion of Alderman pearls, secoeded by Aldermen Clarks that the
cmmunication ha' received end the City Council endorse, support end participate
in the 'Welk for Millions Valk".
No. 157 Local 13,. U
measures Osgaxisatien. Soitaiting the Heavy Detachment f
c art of ouncil t of bring Emergency
measure' on
the Regional Government to either re- institute the service or release the
aquipssnt to the City Of Niagara Palle.
No. 158 - The R C o t Re: Rescue efDetaclient, E me r ges yitizens
Pleasures Organization.
of an effort to retain the public service provided by the ed e
Mayor Miller told the meeting that he had apps
Council with a request that the emergency vehicle be returned to the City of
Niagara Falls in order that the trained volunteers could continue their
service to the community. Ha had presented e thgi Regional Depart t wentyP . E . ,
supporting letters from various group sincluding
Railroad Association, Mt. Carmel, etc. and
ttethe Re
gGo e
then the truck and equipment but the City would be responsible
the Rescue Squad were not asking for seamy opinion
that g the l equipment will be good r for�three years f after 8 p vhich it is their�
intention to approach service clubs and industries for support.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Ma la by tde a r t innt ha atat he
agreement to make the emergency
Alde Puttick voting s contrary i and all others in�favour,otion Carried with
and rrangements be No. 159 - Mr. Robert Runt - Re: Y.M.C.A. Grant. Protesting the City's Private
Bill which nut erizes & grant tb the Y.M.C.A. for new facilities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Schieler that
Mr. Runt be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Hunt criticised Council for applying to the provincial Govern-
ment for authorization to provide a grant to the Y.M.C.A. The Y.M.C.A., he
said, should have been able to raise the fundstth themselves.
opinion that the action of Council had opt
tions to make similar requests. seconded by : Alderman Thomson that
the ccoommunicaationtbenre of ceived Alderman
nnd filed..
No. 160 - Citizens Committee of Niagara Falls - Advising that the Committee
have appointed three members to represent the ass be
able Council meetings; requesting that a copy of
able to the Committee's representatives.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Beare', seconded by Alderman Clarke that
Mr. R. Stewart be granted permission to address Council.
Mt. Stewart, speaking on behalf of the Citizens Camnittee,explained
that it was not the intention of the Committee to badger or harass Council
in any way; that the request for the Council agenda was to enable the
Committee to keep factual records and to investigate its of public interest.
He qu requested
and the be gra them. epr as the Chamber
of C
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Gallowaygthat
the communication be received and request approved; that a copy
be prepared for the Observers' Committee of the Citizens Committee of Niagara
Falls without charge; further, that the agenda be made available to the
Committee's representatives just prior to the time of the Council meetings.
No. 161 - Congregation B'Nai Jacob - Requesting that Council issue a proclama-
tion to commemorate the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
ORDERED on the action of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Bears. that
the communication be received and the requested proclamation inserted in the
local newspaper subject to the usual conditions.
No. 162 • Club Lama lines - Advising of the Club''s project to send a
retarded child to a summer camp; requesting permission to bold a wheel barrel
relay race on Queen Street, May 18, 1970.
ORDERED communication be�recceeived ,lrequestgapproved.and arra made t that the
the necessary barriers erected; further, that the members of Club Lama.Dinea
Ds ceemeadsd.for their interest in retarded children.
No. 163 - Niagarr Youth Studio These, - Requesting permission to sell Youth Studio
choclate bars and "The Young Canadians ", n Saturday, April 1970. Precool /1m Theatre
used to defray the costs of outfitting The Young Canadians for their numerous
tours and public appearances..
GRBEBRD on the motion of Alderson Thmsmsenanded by Alderman Wilson that
the comsunicatim be received and permission granted to the organisation to
tell chocolate bars on a door -to -door basis on Saturday, April 25th.
No. 164 - The Royal Canadian Legion • Re: Annual Pilgrimage, Queen Victoria
Park, Saturday, May 16, 1970; requesting that a section of Stamford Street
be closed to traffic from 2 :00 p.m. to 2 :30 p.m. to allow the formation of
the parade and the parking of the motorcade; requesting further that Clifton
Hill be closed to traffic fres 2 :45 p.m. to 4 :00 p.m. from Palls Avenue to
River Road to allow for the formation of units attending the ceremonies at
the Cenotaph.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication be received and Branch 51, Royal Canadian Legion, granted
permission to bold the Annual Pilgrimage parade; further, that arrangements
be made far the requested street closings, the erection of barriers and
notification eo the Fire Department and the ambulance service of the closing
of the streets.
No. 165 - Stamford Centre Volunteer Firemen's Association - Advising that
the Association wish to assist in providing recreation facilities for the
City and are prepared to underwrite the total installation costs of a double
tennis court; advising that future plans include an additional double court
and possibly a wading pool; suggesting the north end of Lot 78, Reg'd.Plan
233 in the Glengate Survey as a suitable site.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beane, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the communication be received and the offer of the Stamford Centre Volunteer
Firemen's Association accepted with sincere thanks; further, that City
Officials be instructed to cooperate with the Association in respect to the
necessary details and that a copy of the communication be forwarded to the
Recreation Commission.
The City Manager expressed the appreciation of the Municipality and
noted that the contribution to the recreation facilities was very substantial
the cost estimated as $6000.00.
No. 166 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - Submitting a copy of the
Chamber Brief to the Ontario law Reform Commission on their review of the
Lord's Day Act and related Acts; advising that the brief was prepared by a
representative group under the Chairmanship of Mr. A.Eleppard .
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Galloway
that the communication be received and referred to the next meeting of
Council. The motion Carried with the following vote:
ATE: Aldermen Galloway, alum, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Scbisler,
§ Wilson.
MATE: Alderman Clarke, Bearss and Thomson.
No. 260 - Meyer Miller - Advising that arrangements have been made to bold
a special meting with embers of the Industrial Committee of the Chamber of
Commerce, Tuesday, April 21, 1970, 7 :00 p.m. In Committee Rooms 2 and 3.
ORDERED an the motion of Alderman Puttiek, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the proposed meeting be held in Open Council at the time designated. The
motion Carried with the following vote:
AYR: Alderman Clarke, Galloway, Runt, Mean, McKinley, Puttick, Scbisler,
Nat, Nilson, Thomson. -
AT : Aldermen Beres and Martin.
No. 261 - City Manager - Advising thee the Board of Pollee Commissioners of
the City have requested that certain by -law, or section thereof, passed by
the former Village of Chippewa, be repealed; advising further that in order
to extend the iurisdictian of the Police Commission to the former Village of
Chippewa, it will be necomemy to repeal that section of Cbippawa's general
licensing bylaw which deals with salvage shops, salvage yards, second -band
shops and dealers in second -band goods, recommending that By -law No. 1097,"
1959 for the format Village of Chippewa be amended by the deletion of Para-
graph 18 end that By -law. Nos. 684,1942 and 1241,1964, also of the former
Village of Chippewa, be repealed.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Moan that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 262 - CUP ►Maaser - Be: Borrcwisg $y -law Na. 70-4. Recommending chat,
in order to mot sommitments of the Municipality, borrowing Bylaw 70 -4 be :
amended to permit the Mayor and the City Treasurer to borrow, by way of
promissory sates, a sum not exe.Niag the sggregets of 46,500,000 to nest
the expenditures of the Municipality until such time as the taws are
- 5 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Scbisler that
the report be received and adopted. The notion Carried with the following
AVE: Aldermen Bearea, Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Bunt, Martin, McKinley, Schiller,
Scott, Thomson.
NAVE: Aldermen Puttick and Wilson. See By -law No. 70 -65
No. 263 - Senior Planner - Re: Interim Zoning By -law, former Township of
Rumberatone. Recommending that an interim zoning by -law be passed for the
former w and aseoae application for temporary approval pproval the Ontario circulate area and OntarioMunicipal
by -law and make
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and adopted. See BY -law No. 70 -69
No. 264 - City Manager - Re: Amendment No. 37 to implement Urban Renewal
Scheme. Advising tha ree nt Council Provincial
re the of Affairs have
requested that the p Amendment
because of the opt b by-law, he Official Plan Ame
original ndmentnand6enact�it, by
that Council adopt, by -
by -law, as previously passed by the 1968 Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Wilson, that the
report be received and adopted. See BY -law No. 70 -66
No. 265 - City Manager - Re: Staging of Development Study. Referring to a
previous report which outlined the areas where residential gro!mth is antici-
pated over the next 25 years; submitting information as to the Steps that must
be taken to enact the Official Plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and filed.
No. 266 - Senior Planner • Re: AM -12/70 Stamford Credit
re corner dd Union
Lt An
cation to rezone former Fallawa Motors property, approved subject Street
eSt eo
and Portage Road; recommending that the application be a pof p
a site plan and site Plan Agreement.
ORDERED onthe motion of Alderman Wilson, jeeconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 267 - City Manager,- Re: Sidewalk Snow Ploughing. Referring to a letter t by
received from Mrs. Brociue suggesting that snowploughing beec carried io other
householders rather than by City forces; reviewing p
Municipalities; advising than an amount of $18,100 for sidewalk snowploughing
currentObudget and rec that nthieeservice provided for in the
be retained.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson; seconded.by Alderman Wilson that
the report be.received.and adopted,
No. 268 City Manager - Re: Rubbish•Collection. a teccom nd hg t ( t c "'
first collection period to be from-May 4th
inclusive, (b) The' monthly eervic f Village4of,Chipp w to be
discontinued and City policy imp
that Council determine the number of collection periods to be provided each
'ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearea, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and adopted and that the City continue to provide
four rubbish collections per year. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Alderman Bearea, Clarke, Hunt, Manna artinonMcWinleyy, Scott.
TVE :Aldermen Galloway,
No. 269 - City Manager - Re: Construction Projects 1970. Recommending that
tenders be called for interior and exterior painting of the former Planning
Department Building, sidewalk repairs, sanitary sewers Woodbine St. area,
Pettit, Meadowvale and Ailanthus Subdivisions Extensions, hot mix asphalt
resurfacing and local improvement sidewalks.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarks, seconded bytAldermafoS Scott
ott t
the report be received and authority granted call
projeete with closing dates an indicated An the report.
-6 .
No. 270 - City Mannar - Rs: Maintenance Management Study. Advising that
a proposed agreement Ives been submitted to the City by the Department of
Highways and found to be satisfactory subject to minor corrections.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and referred to the By -law. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Martin, McKinley, Schluter, Scott, Thomson,
NAPE :Aldermen Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Puttick.
See By -law No.70 -71
No. 271 - CittMena r - Re: Parking on Prospect Street. Advising that a
request has ee received from Gunning Oil that standing be prohibited on
Prospect Street adjacent to their service station fronting on Drummond Road.
Recommending that stopping be prohibited on the north side of Prospect Street
from Drummond Road 245' easterly at all times.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Beans, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 272 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Simcoe Street from Victoria Avenue
to Second Avenue. Recommending that the Traffic By -law be amended so that
parking be permitted for a maximum of two hours on the south aide of Simca
Street from 155' westerly from Victoria Avenue to Second Avenue for the
period from 8 :00 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m. Monday to Saturday, inclusive.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Bearse that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Scott
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 273 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of the applica-
tion of the Stamford Centre Volunteer Firemen' Association to manage and
conduct a series of Bingo Lotteries. Proceeds will be devoted to minor
sports, bursaries and maintaining Piraeus' Park.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 274 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of applications
to manage and conduct Raffle Lotteries submitted by the Hospital Auxiliary
Association, the Minor Soccer Ladies Auxiliary and St.Monica's Social
Service Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 275 - City Manage - Re: Annual Conference of Cho Purchasing Management
Association; recommending that the Purchasing Agent be authorised to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarks, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted and the Purchasing Agent authorized to
attend the Conference to be bald in Quebec City from May 31st to June 2,1970.
The notion Carried with Aldermen Puttick voting contrary and all others in
No. 276 - C t Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences,
ORDERED on t e ant on of Alderman Nilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted and the licences granted.
No. 277 - Cites Mannar - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Nartio that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 278 - BaiIdinn Inpppctor - Permits issued by the Building Department for
month nth of )Mbarrssb 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received ad filed.
* * * * **
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Man, seconded by Alderman Clarks that
the meeting adjourn for a five minute recess. ibe motion Pieria with
Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
* * * * * *
Alderman Thomson reported on the progress of the Civic Month
Committee and noted that the first article had appeared in this evening's
newspaper. In order to promote more public interest in civic affairs, the
following activities have been suggested; Historian with an
( The appointment of Francis Petrie as Official City
appropriate document being presented at a special ceremony.
(b) The preparation of questionnaires for distribution at Council meetings.
The questionnaires will give the public an opportunity to express opinions of
the Council meetings and offer suggestions. If this proposal proves to be
wortbwhile,during :Civic•Month, it may be continued.
(c) The Official Opening of the new City Hall. Alderman Thomson requested
that the official opening be observed on May 23rd in order not to conflict
with the "Miles for Millions Walk ". Arrangements will be made for conducted
tours of the new building.
(d) The broadcasting of a Council meeting during Civic Month and the
announcing of the interesting aspects of the agenda prior to the Council
meeting. prior to the Council meeting.
(e) Printing of the agenda in the newspape r p
(f) Inviting representatives of service clubs and organizations to attend .
Council meetings.
(g) Recognition of citizens who have indicated their interest in civic
affairs by attending Council meetings.
(h) Annual Church Service, May 3rd.
(i) The Niagara Falls Camera Club have been asked to anngeth for
al pic
coverage of the various events taking place during 0larr
Thomson suggested that a representative of the Camera Club bvit be
join with the Members of Council on the tour of Municipal projects
held on April 25th. He stated that a permanent pictorial record of Municipal
operations could be used as visual aids during speaking engagements.
(j) Official opening of the Municipal Service Centre.
(k) Providing display cases in the City Ball for items of historical
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson
that the suggested activities for Civic Month, as presented, be approved.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that, as part of the observance of Civic Month, Mayor Miller be
requested to act as liason officer and approach the Recreation Commission to
investigate the possibility ofr arranging
ba Derek
and Sanderson DDaaDay
toty of
cognize the National Hockey League s
Niagara Falls. The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hearse, Martin, MCK inley , Wilson, Thomson
NATE:Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Puttick, Schisler, Scott.
* * * * **
His Worship Mayor Miller referred to an earlier request by Aldermen
Puttick that he reply to five questions raised in regard to various aspects
of Regional Government. Mayor Miller provided the following information:
Q. Will deductions be made for meetings missed?
A. Members of the Regional Council do not receive a deduction from their
remuneration for meetings visaed. This question is presently
tion by the Finance Committee. Regional
Will as well e Regions; Government if� remuneration from
meeting during the day?
A. Yee. They will receive remuneration from the respective Municipalities
as well as the Regional Government. All nation are held at nighttime.
Q. How was the figure of .150 per mile reached - the amount being 33t higher
than what mat baissasee pay?
A. It is understood that there are between 20 and 30f contracts
act aiinvolved
tho Regional level which make reference to payment
The Province of Ontario pays .150 per mile up to 5,000 miles - this apparent-
ly is the standard used by the Province.
Q. How any meetings wore actually held during the 55 days prior to January
1, 1970?
A. Five official meetings and one informal meeting. This figure refers only
to full Regional Council meetings and does not include the meetings of the
various committees. Since the question was originally asked, the Regional
Council rescinded the motion for retroactive pay.
Q. Will the press be allowed to publish 411 information and how will the
Municipal Councils get information as to matters other than those considered
at two public meetings per month]
A.The news media receive copies of the agenda, reports of committees and,
in some cases, reports of department heads. They are also given all back-
ground information required in order to report on various matters. They are
permitted to attend Committee meetings but do not report on any matter until
it is ratified in open Council; the system is similar to that presently used
by the City.
Mayor Miller also advised that from January ist to the 31st of
March,56 committee meetings were held. •
Alderman Puttick thanked Mayor Millar for supplying the requested
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the information submitted by Mayor Miller in regard to the Regional Council
be received and filed.
No. 70 -65 - A By -law to amend By -law 70.4 and to increase the amount
authorised to be borrowed during the year 1970 to $6,500,000.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears., seconded by Alderman
Clarke that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the
By-law and the By -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttiek voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Alderman Beers., Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Hittin McKinley,
rattler, Scott, Thomson.
KAIR:Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
Third Rea ing - Alderman Bears. and Alderman Martin. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Booms, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mash, Martin, McKinley,
3Tc:isler, Scott, Thomson.
NAYS :Alderrsn Puttick and Wilson.
No 70 -66 - A By -law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the
Official Plan of the Niagara falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Calloway be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be. given the first readieg.
Carried Unanimously
AMMO on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman
Scott that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reeding. Alderman Wilson and Alderman Martin.
Carried Unanimously
)p. 70-67 - A By -law relating to the collection, removal and disposal of
ashes, garbage and other refuse.
ORDRRED es the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Pirtle that Aldermen Maras be granted the privilege of introducing the
Sy -law and the By -law be given the first reading, The motion Oral with
Alderman Clarks voting oestnty and all others in favour.
- 9 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearsa, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily -
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion wee
Defeated with the following vote: Thomson and Mayor Miller.
AYE: Aldermen Beares, Martin, Wilson , Thomson
, on
McKinley, Puttick, or M i.
NAPE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann,
The City Manager was instructed to prepare a new By -law reflecting
the deletion of rear yard pick -up service.
No. 70 -68 - A By -law to amend By -law No. 1097, 1959, of the former Village
of Chippawa, now in the City of Niagara Falls, being a licensing by -law and
Ch repeal bei y -laws for l licensing 2 and regulating h the oowners Village
and drivers
Chippewa, being by-
of cabs and other vehicles used for hire.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beares, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Galloway be granted the privilege of introducing
the By -law and the By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimous'
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the.eecond reading. Carried Unan imousl
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Scott.
Carried Unanimousl
No, 70 -69 - A By -law to regulate the use of land and the erection and use
of buildings and structures in that part of the former Township of
Humberstone now in the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Bearsa, that Alderman Schisler be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimousl
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Clarke that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried
with Alderman Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Scottavoting icontrary and llnothers in motion Carried
No. 70 -70 - A By -law to acquire certain lands adjoining the new City Hall
and to improve the same for the parking of vehicles.( Two Readings only)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Beares be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimousl
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearsa, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be• temporarily
suspended and the By - law be given the second reading. The motion Carried
with the following vote: Hunt, Mann. Martin, Schisler, Wilson,
AYE: Aldermen Bears', Clarke,
NATE: Aldermen Puttick, McKinley and Scott.
Alderman Galloway abstained from voting.
a. s71 - A By-law in t right of Ontario, as
execution of an
represented by Agreement Minister
M of
Majesty The Qua oration of the City of
Highways for the Province of Ontarip; the Corp
Niagara Falls; and Roy Jorgensen and Associates of Canada, Limited.
. - 10 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen
Clarke that Alderman Wilson be granted the privilege of introducing the
Byelaw and the Byelaw be given the first reading. The motion Carried with
Aldermen Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermen
Scott that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the Byelaw be given the second reading. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Beam,' Clans, Martin, Matialsy, Sehialer,:Scott, Thomson,
_ ikon.
NAYS: Aldermen Puttick, Galloway, Hunt, Mann.
Third Read - ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears., seconded by
A e3d .man Martin that the By -law be given the third reading; further, that
the report of the City Manager, No. 270, be received and adopted. The
motion Carried with the following vote:
AXIL Aldermen Bears*, Clarks, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott, Thomson,
Wi eon.
NATE :Aldermen Puttick, Galloway, Hunt, Mum.
N_. 70 -72 - A By -law to authorize the numbering and re- numbering of all
build ream within the enlarged City of Niagara Palls, in accordance with
Schedule "A ". •
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
Clarks that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the Byelaw be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Wilson.
Carried Unanimously
man - A By -law to change the names of certain highways within The
C o n of the City of Niagara Palls.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the My -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried
with Alderman Clarke voting contrary and all others in favour.
Following the first reading of the Byelaw, it was pointed out
that the By -law required a three- fourths vote of all Members of Council.
The second reading of tie By -law was deferred pending clarification by
the City Solicitor as to the number of Aldermen required to vote in the
affirmative in order to legally pass the Byelaw.
No 90 -74 - A By-law to authorise the acquiring, establishing, laying..out
and improving certain lands oaallen Avenue in the Centre Cammereial Ares
for the parking of vehicles. (Two Readings Only)
CURIO on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that Alderman Bearer be granted the privilege of introducing the
Byelaw and the Byelaw be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDRRBD on the motion of Aldermen Bearss, seconded by Alderman
Clarks that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council bs temporarily
suspended and the Byelaw be given the second reading.
arrisd Unanimously
No. 70 -75 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Scott bet granted
ea privilege of introducing the
By-law and the By-law Carried Unanimousl
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
Puttick that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimoual
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman T h�o l
that the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, p 21,
1970 at 6:30 p.m. The motion Carried with the following vote: Scott,
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Manley, Puttick, Schisler,
Thomson, Wilson.
NAYE: Aldermen Beeves, Clarke, Martin.
Council Chamber,
April 27, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 27, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as
Clarkke.n•AldermannHunt offered Council
the opening present
Prayer. I e was c Ordered on the
motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the minutes of
the meeting held on April 20th and April 21st, 1970, be adopted as printed.
His Worship Mayor Miller welcomed students from Falls View School who,
accompanied by their teacher, Mies Knieley, were in the Council Chambers as
Mt. B. S. Onyechuk of the legal firm of Thomson, Rogers, had requested
permission to address Council in regard to the Dorchester Plaza Building Permit
Application. seconded by Alderman t4arn that sir.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley,
Onyachuk be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Onyachuk, as solicitor for the owners of the Towers Shopping Centro,
objected to the issuing of a building permit for the construction of the Canadia
Shopping Plaza on Dorchester Road. He said that a permit for a regional shoppint_
centre cannot be issued in law; is in contrraavention�to t the
ed Official
t oft
City and Section 15 of the Planning Act;
there is not sufficient market for an additional regional shopping centre and
traffic congestion. He expressed the opinion that Municipalities should not
be concerned with market competition and noted centres Depa be of M unicip al
Affairs have adopted the policy the speaker said that
other s
until market studies have l ica tione undertaken.
required market Continuing,
studies and the approval of
tier nnpngng centre app he said,
the Planning Board and the City Council. The application of Canadia,
should not be given preferential treatment but should follow the proper rezon-
ing process. In referring to various by -laws, Mr. Onyechuk stated that By -law
7995 does conform with the Official Plan; the By -law 70 -80 repealing By -laws
7995, 8081 and 70 -49 does not conform with the Official Plan. A local shopping
centre, he said, is clearly defined in By -law 2350 as a gruof a
and was not intended to permit a regional -type shopping plaza.
By -law 8081, exempting the Canadia lands from By -law 7995, such a by -law is
null and void according to the provisions of Section 15 of the Planning Act.
The Municipality, he said, can be restricted from issuing the building permit
because of provisions in the Municipal Act.
In replying to various questions, Mr. Onyschuk interpreted a regional
shopping plaza as a shopping centre that draws from a region, defined in
market analyses as covering an area of 50 miles; that such centre start with
usquare y hasooneeotherOlarg store together e wit msmaller store
stores a "anchor" and
mum on ct a ot granted permission motion Alderman seced A Galloway that
Mr. Beccario, a solicitor acting on behalf of Canadia (Niagara Falls)
Ltd., said that while the Towers developers had to appear before the Planning
Board for the rezoning of their lands, the lands purchased by Canadia had
already been rezoned. Canadia, he said, want to abide by the by -law presently
in existence and by the regulations laid down by the Municipality.
Comm. 167 - of "Beak Canadian
Ya r d" leak ts of p Public
Local of Surrendering
service' "B Yard" up
presented by Mr.L.G.Blackburn, President, were distributed to Members of
Council. The submission advises that the City's Collective Agreement with
M.P.H. contains provisions that licit the right of the Corporation to take
- 2 -
such action and would penalise the Corporation pertaining to coat when such
services are abolished; advising further that the issue has not been discussed
and is in violation of the Agreement; requesting that the question of rear -
yard pick up service be returned to the committee for further consideration
and that the committee bring in a recommendation in favour of the service and
that a recommendation also be made as to how this service can be provided for
all residents of the Municipality.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Mr.Blackburn be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Blackburn, as spokesman for Local 133, read from the prepared
brief and replied to several questions by Members of Council. Be offered the
following information: that a change of policy which eliminated the services,
affects 15 employees and that employees & 2 or more years service must be
placed in other positions at the same rate of pay; while the City generally
employs students as part time help, temporary workers presently employed by
the City will be given priority if not recalled; that Local 133 have never
been notified of the change in policy in regard to the rear yard pick up
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the submission of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 133, be
received, tabled for one week and referred to the Personnel Officer for a
report. The motion Carried with the following vote:
Aid;: Aldermen Bearas, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Scott,
NAPE: Aldermen Martin and Wilson.
Comm. 168 - Niagara Falls Badminton and Tennis Club - Advising that the
Badminton Club and the Recreation Commission propose to conduct a Junior Tennis
Instruction Program for the benefit of the youth of the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Beans that
Mr. B. Pickett be granted permission to address Council.
Mr.Pickett, as a representative of the Badminton Club, outlined the
proposed program which includes six one -hour lessons once a week at a total
cost of $4.00. It is presently planned to provide instructions to young
people between ten and fifteen years of age; should there be sufficient demand
from older groups, the programme will be expanded. It is anticipated that
an estimated 200 young people will participate with lessons being conducted
between 4-and 5 p.m. at the Badminton Club on Willmott Street and at Lions
Park in Chippewa. Mr. Pickett requested that Council authorise the use of
the tennis courts at Mitcbelson Park and the Municipal courts at Princess
Margaret School for instruction purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Beares that
the submission as presented by Mr. Pickett be received and referred to the
Recreation Commission for consideration. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bears., Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott, Wilson.
NAYS :Aldermen Puttick, Galloway and Thomson.
Comm. 166 - Greeter Niagara Chamber of Commerce - Submitting a copy of the
Chenbsr Brief to the Ontario Law Reform Commission on their review of the
Lord's Day Act and related Acts; advising that the brief was prepared by a
representative group under the Chairmanship of Mr. 4. Sheppard.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Puttick that
the communication be received and filed. The motion Carried With Alderman
Bearss voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 169 - ;alijsrab.MeoBain Slovak.Sinclair ant Nicolstti -'Rs: Niagara
Monorail Limited. Referring to a provision fa the City's agreement requiring
23' clearance on all highways; requesting that Council approve a lower
elevation of 17 foot clearance between the bottom of the monorail cars and
the travelled portion of the highway where the monorail system crosses Oakes
Drive and Robinson Street'.
Report 281 - City' Solio toy - Re: Niagara Monorail Limited. Advising that •
it Council is of the opinion that it would be in the but interest of the City
to permit the rednod clearance at the two locations, subsection 2 of section
1 of the Private Bill 'sight be eonsidersd'as authority for the Council to
allows variation in view of special circumstances; advising further that if
the request is granted, it should be made subject to the Private Bill receiving
Royal Assent.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that Mies
J.V.LSMarsh be granted permission to address Council.
Miss LaMarsh, as solicitor for the Monorail Company,obberved that it had
always been the opinion of her clients that the clearance at teetwo.crossings
would be lower but was not specifically referred to in the agr
approval not be granted, it will be necessary to do some re- engineering and
th eltrackageaandtmonoraill cars are suspended. Tabled t drawings indicated hthe ddiional expense
rise and fall of the monorail system if there was a 23 foot clearance at
Robinson Street and Oakes Drive. Miss LaMarsh also pointed out that the pro-
posed 17 foot clearance was more than generally required by the Department of
Highways and the Manicipality.
'ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication and the report of the City Solicitor be received and filed
and the request for a lower elevation of 17 foot clearance where the monorail
system cross Oakes Drive and Robinson street bet approved apt the Private
Bill receiving Royal Assent and the passing required by-law.
No. 170 - Canadian Corps Association - Requesting permission to hold the annual
Pilgrimaae Parade on Saturday, June 6, 1970; requesting further that barricdes
be planed at certain streets to facilitate the forming up of the parade.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman communication be received and requestefor d
ward dto the Aldermen n
e Police parntmmenttfor the
approval; further, that arrangements be made for the barricading of sections of
noottifieddof McGrail Avenue;
tails further, ehevent. the fire and
No. 171 - Niagara Frontier Humane Society - Requesting that the Society be
permitted the use of the Chippewa Town Hall on Saturday afternoon, May 2nd, from
2 :00 p.m. to 5 :00 p.m. to facilitate the purchase of dog licences by residents
of the area. Alderman Mann,
ORDERED bmotioniofd add request seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
No. 172 - Niagara Frontier Humane S _Y - Re: Annual Tag Day.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
communication be received and the Niagara Frontier Humane Society granted
permission to hold their annual tag days on September 24, 25 and 26th, 1970.
No. 173 - Welland County Ponyland Trotting Association - Requesting that the
NRERE oonnh
D e telmotion of Alderman Thomson, secondediby'Alderman Schisler Bulletin.
the communication be received and a suitable advertisement place in the publica-
tion at a coat of $10.00
Vi. 174 o MC f Chippewa, p. wa, Wednesday, April 8:00 Requesting Council
Village oippa
representation at the meeting. Alderman that
ORDERED communication be rec t
eived andacknowlleed b ged and asmany members Council t as
possible attend the meeting as well as City Officials.
No.175 • Department of Minticipal Affairs Re: Election Procedures; submitting
copies of a report of the Municipal Elections Committee and requesting comments.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderson Martin, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for consideration.
No. 176 - DaDery*mat of MMmicival Affairs • Rs: Niagara Palls Planning Area.
Advising that the planning area and planning board constituted for the City of
Vasgara Palls will be named the Niagara Falls Planning Ares and the Niagara
Wells Planing Beard respectively.
t�c be received and McKinley,
4. The motion b
on Curied wi th Aldermen that
ruttish voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 177 - City of Kingston - Requesting endorsation of a resolution that the
Province of Ontario amend the Municipal Act to provide that the School Boards,
rather than local Councils, pass the levying by -laws for school taxes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication be received and tabled for further information in regard to
the wording and intent of the resolution. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contary and all others in favour.
No. 178 - Town of Niagara -on- the -Lake - Notice of intent to apply to the
Ontario Municipal Board for an order approving the borrowing of $1,000,000.00
for the construction of drains.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
communication be received and filed and the Town of Niagara -on- the -Lake be
notified that this Municipality will not register an objection to the proposed
works. .
No. 179 - Tara of Fort Erie - Notice of intent to apply to the Ontario Munici-
pal Board for an order to approve the construction of a Sewage Treatment Plant
and the issue of debentures to provide the necessary funds.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Wilson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
communication be received and filed and the Town of Fort Erie notified that
this Municipality will not file an objection to the proposed works.
No. 180 - City of Welland - Notice of intent to apply to the Ontario Municipal
Board for an order to approve proposed construction works enumerated in the
communication and the issue of necessary debentures.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, decoded by Alderman Scott that
the communication be received and filed and the City of Welland notified that
the City of Niagara Falls will not register an objection to the proposed works.
No. 181 - Theta Kappa Sigma Sorority e Requesting permission to hold a "Rock -a-
Thon in Centennial Square, proceeds to be donated to the Crippled Children's
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and permission granted for the event to be held
in the Centennial Square, May 9th, 1970 from 8 :00 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m.
No. 182 - Greater Niagara Ministerial Association - Extending an invitation to
attend a Civic Service in Ludy'e Lane United Church, Sunday, May 3, 1970 at
11 :00 a.m.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the communication be received and acknowledged and Council Members and their
wives atteud the special Civic Monte Church service.
- 5 -
ORDERED on the ommunication•benreceived and permission granted Martin
d to the RainbowFaetball
League to use Ker Park on Sunday approval during ri baasl season
motion end that
the appropriate bylaw be prepared pp gl e Council.
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Hunt, Mann, nn, Ma Wilson.
McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Galloway,
No. 282 - City Manager - Re: Surface Treatment Contract. Reconmeding that
the surface treatment contract for the year 1970 be awarded to R.E.Iaw Crushed
Stone Limited at the unit prices tendered and at the total price of $77,186.50.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Mr.L.B.Eastlad be granted permission to address Council.
Nt. Eastland, President of Eastland Broe.(Niagara) Limited, voiced the
objections of his company to the decision of Council to re- tender for the
surface exposedtat said
opening meeting l and • r wereavailable as
a guide for competitive companies.
in the absence of the City Engineer, the T afficdEngineerte explained
dint', tint, due to an error, the R.E.Law Company e
for t' te previous year and, as a result, bad quoted unit prices on quantities
In the
approximately less
have not been dsbutdwillenow tender form.
markeda and
will be readily recognisable as the current form of tender.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report of the City Manager be received and the Surface Treatment Contract
for the year tendered and 1970 be
total dprice ofEastland
$79 852r 0.(N�gs unit
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman.Bearse that Mr.
F.C.Law be granted permission to address Council. The motion Carried with the
01,.o vote. ATE: A1dirmen $eeTee, Ga�l Schisler Thomson, Hunt.
18I4Bi A l d m me Lewsta €sd trite wad cuee time his firm had been low
bidder in Niagara Falls and yet had not been awarded the contract. On the
other hand, the Eastland firm had been successful bidders in the City of Port
Colborne where the Law company is located. Mr. Law :mid that the whole system
of tendering is developed around the low bidder and he had expected to receive
fair treatment in the City of Niagara Valle.
No. 283 - City Manager - Referring to • previous report regarding a request of
the Chippewa Public Utilities Commission for authority to construct improve-
ments to their everting electrical system at a cost of $30,000; submitting
information respecting the (turned surplus of the Hydro operations in the
former Village of Chippewa; advising that the accumulated surplus of
$183,497.67 is not available as liquid assets but rather is a book figure
only and represents yearly surpluses that have been reinvested in capital works.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Munn, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that the
report be received and filed.
No. 284 - City Manager - City resolution re: maintain : .ng regional roads. The
resolution requests that the by -laws esteblistng the regional road system come
into fore RegionalcCouncilahesenot as the let day of January,
to the City's request Advising that
of the resolution and submitting a copy of the reply received from the Munici-
pal Engineer of the Department of Highways. Aldermen
thhs report b received Aldermen
el d pen rep y fros the Regi Thomson C.
No. 285 - ?limning Committee -Res Official Plan Amendment 42. Advising that
the provincial Department of Municipal Affairs have requested that the present
Counoil manatee eh!' Official Flan esendsent. Aldermen
the report be received Aldermen Galloway,
adopted Bend Amendment s 4Z .-enacted by by -law.
No. 183 - Niagara Promotion Association - Requesting permission to erect
banners announcing the Blossom Festival at Victoria Avenue at McRae Street
and Valley Way at Queen Street.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and request approved on condition that the banners
are erected in a manner satisfactory to local Hydro officials and the City's
Engineering Department and subject to the availability of poles.at the
suggested locations.
No. 184 - Niagara Grape and Wine Festival - Extending an invitation to partici-
pate in the annual Festival, September if to 26, 1970 and to have an entry in
the Grande Parade.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Bemires, seconded by Aldermen Wilson that
the communication be received and authority be granted for the entry of the
City Float.
No. 185 - Niagara Fall!! Reinbpw iesebell Lessue - Requesting that netball
games be permitted attter Park on Sunday nights throughout the baseball season.
During discussion of the natter Members of Council enquired if
admission fees were charged; if the City charges the League for use of the
park end lights and if the perk would be available to the netball League on
nights other than Sunday. 4be City Manager indicated that the information
could be made available when the necessary byelaw is prepared.
6 .
No. 286 - Planning Ceunittes - Re: AM -14/70 • Rssoning application of L.
Donato to permit the construction of a fourplex dwelling on the north side of
Mali Street, west of St.Paul Street; recommending that the application be
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and referred to the next seating of Council; further,
that the applicant and his solicitor be so informed. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYR: Aldermen Bearas, Galloway, Runt, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Scott,
NAYE :Aldermen Wilson, Scbisler and Mann.
No. 287 - Plamnin Committee - Re: AM -16/70 - An application to rezone
property on Glenholme Avenue to permit the construction of a fourplex dwelling
2 storeys in height; recommending that the application be denied.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the report be received and tabled for two woke. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearer, Galloway, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Thomson,
NAPE :Aldermen Runt, Mann, Scbisler, Scott, Wilson.
No,, 283 - City Manager - Application to Committee of Adjustment - E.M.Stewart,
pern.; 'Jsion to Bever a parcel of property on the west tide of King Road for the
purpose of erecting a dwelling; advising that the Committee of Adjustment
granted the severance subject to the applicant conveying to the City a 10 foot
strip for road widening purposes and payment of a general service charge of
$50.00; recommending that, in order to protect the property required for the
King - Somerville Road -Queen Elisabeth Way interchange, the decision of the
Committee of Adjustment be appealed and the City Solicitor be authorized to
forward the appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 289 - City Manager - Re: Oneida Canada Ltd. Silversmiths, Water Supply.
Requesting that authority be given to permit the Works Department to commence
work on the construction of an 8" diameter ductile iron min on Oneida Lane
to replace an existing 4" diameter cast iron watermain.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Bears. that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 290 - City Manager - Re: Replacement of existing piping under the concrete
floor of the Niagara Tells Arena; advising that sufficient funds have been
provided in the 1970 Current Budget for the laying of a new piping system on
top of the existing concrete floor and the placement of a new concrete floor;
requesting that permistion be granted to call for separate quotations for:
(1) the piping and refrigeration work involved and (2) the supply and place -
ment of the concrete floor and insulation.
ORDERED on the lotion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received end referred for one week for further explanation and
information as to the costs of the suggested repair works. The motion Carried
with Aldermen McKinley voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 291 - City Manager • Re: Ontario Traffic Conference Convention. Advising
that the Ontario Traffic Conference Convention Sill be held in Londen,Ontario,
May 31st to June 3rd,1970; recommending that two members of the Engineering
Department and Council's two elected members of the Ontario Traffic Conference
be authorised to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adapted. The lotion with the following vote'
Alt: Alderman Mares, Runt, Mann, Martin, Mekiniay�isler,8cott, Wilson,
j% sAldermen Puttick and Gallovey.
No. 292 - )Syor Millar • Re: Appointment to Recreation Commission; advising
that the Trades end tabour Council bas suggested that Mtakserga A. Stewart
be appointed to the Commleelon and raocmmendlog that &. Stewrt be appointed
to fill the vacancy created by the realisation of Mr. W.R.Cooper,
GUM on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted.
No 293 - City Manager - Requesting authority to call tenders fo for
bt the
purchd chase
of equipment for the Parke and Cemeteries Department;
until 1 :45 p.m., Monday May
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomsonse anedearse that
t he report be received and authority granted
No. 294 - City Manager - Recommending that Assistant Fire Inspector P.J.
Murphy be authorized to attend the annual c o n feren a of the National Fire
Protection Association, Toronto, May
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 295 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of the applica-
tions of the Order of Eastern Star, the Association of Trench Canadians of
Ontario and the I.O.D.E. to manage and conduct Raffle Lotteries.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beare '', seconded by Alderman Mann that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 296 - City Manager - Re: No Stopping Regulations at Schools and Guarded
Crosswalks. Advising that replies have been received f th eh p rin bp
signs erected les of
all elementary schools and indicate that the proposed by-law should
oulh school
paeeed; suggesting that before the necessary has ctedlea
should be scrutinized to ensure that increased safety
ing that the proposed by -law be passed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 297 - Cit Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on t motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 298 - Cit Mana er - Recommending payment of Municipal accounts.
ORDERED on t e motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 35 - SCBISLER - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the tender for the Surface Treat-
ment Contract for the Year 1970 be awarded to Eastland Bros. (Niagara) Ltd .
at unit prices tendered and at a total price of $79,852.50; AND
the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl
No. 36 - MCKINLEY - MARTIN - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be
forwarded to the family of the late D.Clancy Patten, former City the Clerk
many years and highly respected resident of the Municipality;
of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously
Alderman Scott questioned if the procedure used for the opening of
tenders could be revised in order that the prices submitted do not become
public knowledge until after they are presented to Council. Mayor Miller
replied that e11 persona submitting bide are permitted to be present during
the tender openings and generally record the bids received. his procedure
is to Council g for consideration on a e id enticai ttot submitted
the tenders
Alderman Scott suggested that perhaps the procedure could be revised whereby
only the lowest tenders are publicised.
Alderman 8chiuler commended cambers of Staff for the success of
the tour f proposed o M us gave
he A�e Council an
re r tf
the arrangements and said that be considered the tour both enjoyable and
enlightening. 8.
No. 70 -73 - A By -law to change the names of certain highways within the
Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. (The by -law was given first reading
- on April 20, 1970).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin
that any references in the by -law that pertain to the changing of the name of
Main Street, and contained in the last three paragraphs on Page 1, Schedule "A ",
be deleted from the by -law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law, as amended, be given the second reading.
No. 70 -76 - A By -law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Official
Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Bearss be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears°, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Scott.
No. 70 -77 - A By -law to
The Consumers' Gas Comp
ORDERED on the
that Alderman Bearas be
the By -law be given the
• 8
authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
motion of Alderman McKinley, second d b Ald
granted the privilege of introd
first reading.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearee, secon
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temp orarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. ' • .
Carried Unanimousl
Third Reading - Alderman Martin and Alderman Hunt.
No. 70 -78 - A By -law to amend Zoning By -lawn Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960,
of the former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearer, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 96(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the Byelaw be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Beads.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
e y erman Mann
acing the By -law and
Carried Unanimously
dad by Alderman Mann
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
- 9 -
No. 70 -79 - A By -law to repeal By -law No. 8055, 1969, respecting Zoning By -law
No. 5335, 1955, as amended.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Schisler and Alderman Scott.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -81 - A By -law tc authorize an agreement with Proctor & Redfern Limited
for engineering service.;.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Bearee be granted the privilege of introducing the
By •law and the By -law be given the first reading.
No. 70 -80 - A by -law to repeal By -laws Nos. 7995, 1969; 8081, 1969; and 70 -49
respecting Zoning By -law No, 2350, 1959 of the former Township of Stamford,
now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Martin
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with the following
vote: Schisler, Scott
AYE: Aldermen Bares, Galloway, Hunt, Msnn, Martin, McKinley, , Scott,
NAPE :Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
Thir Readin - Alderman Martin and Alderman McKinley. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE:Aldermen Beeves, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott,
NAPE: Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Bearee, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By-law be given the second reading.
Third Reading • Alderman Martin end Alderman Scott.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -82 - A By-law to amend By•law Number 3790, being a By -law for the
regulation of traffic.
CURBED on the motion of Aldermen
Martin that Alderman Beers, be granted the
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimou,ly
CREWED on the motion of Alderman Bursa, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the Byelaw be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously
Third Readies - Alderman Mares and Aldermen Bunt.
McKinley, seconded by Alderman
privilege of introducing the By -law
Carried Unanimously
No 70 -84 - A By -law. to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Scott that Alderman Bears. be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beams, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily eus-
pended and the By•law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Readied - Alderman Mann and Alderman Hunt.
- 10 -
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Scott, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council Meeting,
April 27, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on April 27, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Clarke. Alderman Thomson presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Miller, seconded by Alderman Schiller that the
Committee of the Whole arise and not report to Council.
Council Chamber,
April 27, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole with the of Alderman , Clarke. All
His Worship Mayor r Miller presided
as Chairman.
It was Ordered that the meeting adjourn.
Council Chamber,
May 4, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 4, 1970, for the purpose of
considering general business. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as It
Chairman. All Members of Council were rese Ihawashemeredeo othe motion
of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman
meeting held on April 27, 1970, be adopted as printed.
Mayor Miller welcomed the wives of Members of Council and City
Officials and the Reverend K. A. Moyer who were in attendance in observance
of Civic Month.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Mr. A. Iannuzzelli be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Iannuzzelli, owner of the Hill Top Motel on Clifton HHilll, voicedt
his opposition to a new 8" watermain proposed for Oneida Lane.
he and Mr. S. Oprici of the Clifton Motor Inn would suffer a
igr loss requested
revenue if the toads were blocked during the approaching Y a
Council to delay the installation until the Fall months and suggested that, in
view of the tax dollars paid by businessmen of the area, some preference should
be given to their wishes. Ex. could be installed along Walnut l Street e suggested
and under the Penn Central
tracks by means of Department intended a to commence trenching t on t Tuesday morning butt noted he was aware that
the required pipe was not available at this time.
The Cit Clifton Hill on Tuesdaysorning. City to
commence an op
would be delivered to the site on Wednesday and o�t15U= crew
noreh Clifton
days, complete the laying of the watermain to a p
Hill. It is expected that the total job will take two weeks to complete. The
Engineer ng, said to from
donefaslthg, he said that the watermain be
done as the work pteetoeg guard against the a usual low water pressures at the
One at this tine to
been installed y under thearailrayhtracks, Mr .Rodman pointed a out i that ave
w oould d ot the t problem of having t to replace the old main along it wold be coslier and, along Oneida
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the Engineering Department be directed to postpone the const action wohat
scheduled to commence on Clifton Hill on Tuesday, May 5th.;
the construction of an 8" watermain on Oneida Lane be delayed for one week
for further consideration. The motion Carried w it h ith following votet,Thomson•
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Mann, Martin, McKinley,
NAPE :Aldermen Hearse, Galloway, Hunt and Wilson.
No. 286 - Plenninc Committee - Re:AM -14/70 - Rezoning application of L.
Donato to permit the construction of a fourplex dwelling on the north side
of Riell Street, west of St.Paul Street; recommending that the application
be denied.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
with Clifford be
granted and others in The motion Carried
in favour,
Mr. Clifford, acting as Solicitor on behalf of Mr.Honato, described
the proposed building as a fourplex dwelling, each unit having individual
basements, front and side doors and the total height being no higher than
residences of the area. He described the fully serviced area as being in a
the t lands t to the north large
a subdivision rviced being
willebetdeveloped south and
sidelof.thehsubject property toeopen maid, a large u area; the proposed
2 .
- 2 -
fourplex will then be on a corner lot. Mt. Clifford considered Riall Street
to be a future east -west artery and, as ouch, would require widening and
would be less suitable for single family residences. Continuing, he said
that his client had no objections to any of the conditions put forward by the
Planning Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
Mt. A. Dalbianco be granted permission to address Council.
lr.Dalbianco, a resident of Riall Street, advised that those persons
who had objected to the application had not been notified that the matter was
to be considered by Council. He said that he and other homeowners had
established their homes in the area because it was zoned single family and the-
did not want multi - storey buildings in the neighbourhood. He suggested that
Council consider the wishes of 29 individuals who had signed a petition
objecting to the proposed building.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and referred for one week snd notification be sent to all
residents who had objected to the proposal. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Scott,
Wilson, Thomson.
NAPE: Aldermen Calloway and Bearsa.
No. 290 - City Manager - Re! Replacement of existing piping under the concrete
floor of the Niagara Falls Arena; advising that sufficient funds have been
provided in the 1970 Current Budget for the laying of a new piping system on
top of the existing concrete floor and the placement of a new concrete floor;
requesting that permission be granted to call for separate quotations for:
(1) the pining and refrigeration work involved and (2) the supply and place-
ment of the concrete floor and insulation.
ORDERED on the :notion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted and authority granted to call the necessary
tenders. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearsa, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler,
Scott, Thomson.
NAPE: Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
Comm. 175 - Department of Municipal Affairs - Re: Election Procedures;
submitting copies of a report of the Municipal Elections Committee and
requesting comments.
Report 302 - City Manager - Re: Election Procedures. Presenting a summary
of the principal recommendations contained in the report prepared by the
Municipal Elections Committee established by the Department of Municipal
Affairs;commenting on the suggestion that advance polls be held on Sunday;
recommending that the Municipality object to the provision regarding proxy
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication be received; further, that the report of the City Manager
be received and adopted; that the recommendations of the Municipal Elections
Committee be endorsed and that the comments contained in the report regarding
the additional committee recommendations be submitted to the Department of
Municipal Affairs. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearsa, Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley,Puttick, Schisler,
Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
NAVE! Aldermen Clarke and Hunt.
Comm. 185 - Niagara Fells Rainbow Fastball League - Requesting that fastball
games be permitted at Ker Park on Sunday nights throughout the baseball
'Report 303 - City Manager - Advising that the Lord's Day Act provides that
municipalities may prepare by -laws permitting Sunday sports after 1 :30 p.m.
and that the passing of ouch by -laws no longer require an affirmative vote
of the majority of the electoraisubmitting information as to rates charged
for use of the park and the League admission fess; suggesting that if Sunday
baseball games are permitted, it should be subject to a provision that the
fee to be charged to baseball organisations be sufficient to cover the City's
cost of labour, etc.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearsa, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received and the request of the Rainbow
subject League to
Sunday night baseball games at Ker Park be app j
and passing of an appropriate by -law. The motion Carried with the following
vote: , _ e, Hunt , Mann Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler,
AYE: Aldermen Bearsa, Clark
Scott, Thomson.
NAYE :Aldermen Galloway and Wilson.
No. 186 - Chippewa Public Utility Commission - Re: Commissioners remuneration.
requesting approval of the decision of the Commission to increase the annual
remuneration to $720.00 for the Chairman and to $600.00 for Commission members.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the communication be received and referred until such time as information is
received from the Chippawa Public Utility Commission as to the reasons for the
percentage tf the.increas jj_The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearsa, Galloway, Hunt, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler,Scott,Wilson.
NAYS :Aldermen Clarke, Mann, Martin, Thomson.
No. 187 - The Lions Club of Stamford - Re: Fiftieth Anniversary of the Lions
Clubs of Canada. requesting that the week of May 17th to 23rd, 1970 be
publicly proclaimed "Lions Week" in Niagara Falls. Alderman Thomson that
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, sec ond ed subject to the usual
the communication be :received and request app byb j
No. 168 - Greater Niagara Softball Association - Re: International Invitation
Vastball Tournament, Ker Park, June 30th to July 5th; requesting that the City
place an advertisement in the Tournament programme.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and a half -page advertisement inserted in the program
at a cost of $40.00.
No. 189 - Alpha Sigma Omicron - Requesting permission to hold a "Shoe Shine"
and operate a lemonade stand on Quean Street, directly in front of Lincoln
Trust on Saturday, May 9th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Proceeds will be
donated to the United Appeal Fund.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
communication be received and request approved.
During discussion of the request it was suggested that the St.Clair
Avenue side of the Lincoln Trust building might be more suitable.
pal Board for Notice of funds the co nstruc ti ci-
of drainage works.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman nBeariedthatt
the communication be received and filed and the Town of Grimsby proposed work'.
the City of Niagara Falls will not register an objection to the prop
re. 191 - gar u pos report
service; offering reasonswhythegservicet City's
rear yard garbage pick-up
be eliminated.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
Mr. Condirston be thanked for his comments and the communication be received
and filed.
No. 304 - City Manager - Re: Welland Rose Festival Parade. Recommending that
the Municipality enter its float in the Welland Rose Festival Parade to be
held on June 27, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and adopted,
No. 305 - City Manager - Re: City Owned Lots Huron Street North Side,. West
of City Hall and Morrison Street South Side, West of Penn Central Railroad.
Noting that the properties were acquired for development and use as parking
lots; advising that it is the intention to have City forces perform all the
work with the exception of the hot mix asphalt; requesting authority to
commence construction,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears., seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and the Engineering Department be authorized to
commence the construction of the parking lots using City forces.
No. 306 - City Manager - Re: Application of R.Greco for a building permit
to alter premise described as 664 Queen Street.Advising that the Urban
Renewal Committee have no objection to the proposed alterations and
recommending that the application be approved on the understanding that all
provisions of the Building Code and Zoning By -laws are observed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 307 - City Manager - Re: Use of Athletic Fields for 1970. Submitting a
schedule of reservations for the use of City parks.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Schieler that
the report be received, the schedule approved and letters of notification be
sent to all applicants.
No. 308 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for clothing; recommending that tenders
be received by the City Clerk until 1:45 p.m., Monday, May 25th, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 309 - City Manager - Requesting that arrangements be made for a special
meeting of Council to discuss matters pertaining to the 1970 Budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and a special meeting of Council be held on Wednesday,
May 6th, at 4 :30 p.m. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Puttick, Schisler, Scott,Wilson.
NATE :Aldermen Beares, Galloway, McKinley, Thomson.
No. 310 - City Manager - Re: Purchase of Lot 9, Fails Industrial Park.
Advising that a certified cheque covering the purchase price, less the
deposit, has been received from Mr. J. Kaaphuis of Industrial Instrument
Company (Niagara) Ltd. and the sale transaction can now be completed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Senn that the
report be received and filed. See By -law No. 70 -87
No. 311 - City Manager - Re: Ramp to City Hall. Submitting a report from Mr.
',.Meredith, Executive Architect of H.G.Acres & Co. ; advising that if a ramp
is required, spacial arrangements will have to be made.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Beams that
the report be received and filed.
No. 312 - City Manager - Advising that an O.M.B. Order has now been received
extending the provisions of the Willoughby Zoning By -law until the 6th day
of April, 1971, and will provide the necessary time to permit the consolida-
tion of the zoning by -laws in the enlarged City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schieler, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and filed.
No. 313 - City keener - Re: Steel Shelving - Stores Department. Recommending
that the tender be awarded to Arean Eastern Ltd. who submitted the lowest
quotation of 92,781.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by A1d410Ag lmneril r ba
report be received and adopted.
gee Resolution No.37
the approval of Raffle
Lodge, the Ladies Auxilliar)
St.Monica'e Cub Pack.
Alderman Lunt that the
No. 314 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending
Lottery applications received from the Loyal Orange
of the Chippewa Volunteer Firemen's Association and
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, by
report be received and adopted.
No. 315 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending
St.Patrick's Pariah to manage and conduct a series
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 316 - City Clerk - Recommending the grant�eofbM Municipal
lnLicet cences.
. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson,
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
that the application of
of Bingo Lotteries be
No. 317 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beares, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
ORDRRED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Items 2 and 3 on the agenda of the Committee of the Whole be brought forward
for consideration at this time.
Report 318 - City Manager - Submitting record h report indicates ti the l
statistics number of
statisis v
tics of various us City Departments.
sick days used, the average number of employees involved and the average
number of days per employee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and filed. The motion Ca rri_d with Alderman Thomson
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 319 - City Manager - Submitting information respecting the question of
the withdrawal of rear yard pick -up service; reviewing Article 4.01, Article
30.01, Article 30.02 and Article 12.04 of the Collective Agreement with Local
C.U.P.E.; give advising C U.PPa.E of the a ofra Agreement
technological change and to discuss such change with the Union; suggesting
that City Officials neat with the Executive of Local 133 and discuss with
them the proposed changes in the Sanitation Service in order that the Union
may be made aware of the affect it would have on their membership.
ORDERED City Officials of Alderman
meet with itheExecutivedof Local Thomson
further,that the report be received and tabled in view of the proposed meeting
The motion Ca rri_d with the following vote:
ATE: Aldermen Beares, Clarke Galloway, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Thomson,
Wilson, Runt.
NATE: Aldermen Mann, Schieler and Scott.
No. 37 - MARTIN - MANN - RESOLVED that the tender for the supply of steel
shelving and partitions for the Central Stores Department, Municipal Service
Centre, be awarded to Aroan Eastern Ltd. who submitted a low bid of
92,781.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnnnimouelY
it was coved on the motion of Aldermen Wilson, seconded by Alderman
Calloway that inasmuch as the year 1970 marks the Fiftieth Anniversary of
the Lions Clubs in Canada, at the p s of hs io Official
Fella, Stamford and Chippewa
Opening of the new City Hall. The motion was Defeated with the following votes
AYE: Aldermen Wilson and Galloway.
NAYE :Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler,
Scott, Thomson.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Wilson that a
committee comprised of three Aldermen be established to study
the statements made in the communication received from Mr. R.
The motion was not seconded.
and investigate
Alderman McKinley enquired as to what action could be taken to
control the behaviour of students from the Niagara Falls Collegiate who are
playing "craps" at the door of a neighbourhood store. The cursing and
swearing is disturbing to residents of Epworth Circle. Mayor Miller suggested
that a letter be forwarded to the Police Commission advising them of the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the Police Commission and the Board of Education be notified of the actions
of the students on Epworth Circle.
Alderman Bearss praised the Members of Council and Staff who had
participated in the recent 'Stalk for Millions ". She also commended the
young people of the Municipality who had supported the project.
Alderman Bears. also advised that the Recreation Director, who was
involved in the preparations of "Spring Sounds" had been very impressed by
the calibre of the young people who had taken part and by the local talent
that had been displayed. The Alderman suggested that the appreciation of
Council be expressed to the young people.
It was brought to the attention of Council by Alderman Scott that
the Niagara Promotion Association had requested permission to have a
helicopter land at the parking area of the Skylon International Centre on
Saturday, May 9th, for promotional purposes in conjunction with the Miss
Hospitality Contest.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the Niagara Promotion Association and the Department of Transport be notified
that the Council has no objections to the arrival and departure of the
helicopter providing that all conditions relative to safety and the
requirements of the Department of Transport are strictly adhered to.
Alderman Puttick advised of receiving a complaint in regard to
broken sidewalks at the intersection of Buckly Avenue and Morrison Street.
He requested that the complaint be investigated.
Alderman Puttick referred to an article in "The Blister" a Walk
for Millions pamphlet, in which elected representatives are asked to support
the needs of undeveloped countries. The Alderman suggested that a resolution
be prepared for distribution to Association of Mayors and Reeved and the -
Federal.Government indicating that the City of Niagara Palle endorses the
sugge'tion'by the Walk For Millions organisation that the Government act upon
the needs of the developing nations and agree to a transfer of material
resources equivalent to IS of our Gross National Product.
The City Clerk will prepare an appropriate resolution for approval
of Council.
Alderman Puttick stated that
dreomeato his attention
tth that
matter of returning the Emergency Measures
Niagara Falls, had been referred to the Metro Niagara Solicitor in order that
an agreement can be prepared for the proper disposition of the equipment and
particularly the assumption of all liability by the City. The Alderman
expressed concern that the City would be liable for loos of life or theft
which would be very costly. Mayor Miller said that only the transfer cf the
truck and the list of accompanying equipment had been discussed by the
Regional Council and that he would make enquiries as to the terms of the
Mayor Miller advised that he would -not be present
Presiding next ti
of Council and suggested that Alderman Mann be appointed
...ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Alderman Mann be appointed Presiding Officer during the absence of His Worship
Mayor Miller.
No. 70 -83 - A By -law to amend By -law Number 3790, being a by -law for the -
regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that Alderman Bearee be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearee, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Clarke.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -85 - A By -law to provide for the licensing of Charity or Religious
Organizations to conduct Bingo Lotteries, Raffle Lotteries or Lottery Schemes
held at Bazaars within the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rules 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Galloway voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Bearss. The motion Carried with
Alderman Galloway voting contrary and all others in favour.
No 70 -86 - A By -law respecting the sale and the setting off of fireworks
n the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Bearss be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears', seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule
w be given the second l By- la vegdcl suspended
reading, The motion Carried with the
following vote: Mom Martin McKinley Schisler, Scott,
AVE: Alderman Boar's, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, ► yr
Monson, Wil'on.
MAUI Aldermen Puttick and Galloway.
Third Reading - Aldermen Wilson and Clarke. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearae, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schieler, Scott,
Thomson, Wilson.
NAYE:Aldermen Puttick and Galloway.
No. 70 -87 - A By -law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial Fark
to Industrial Gauge & Instrument Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearae, seconded by Alderman Runt
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Aldermen Wilson and Alderman Martin.
No. 70 -88 - A By -law to authorize the exec ion of an agreement with Dufferin
Materials & Construction Ltd. for the construction of the McLeod Road crossing
over the Hydro- Electric Power Commission Canal.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Bearss be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -89 - A By -law to provide monies for general purviews.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reeding.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Schisler.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole,
Council Meeting,
May 4, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on May 4th, 1970. All Members of Council were present. Alderman Scott
presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the Committee of the Whole arise and not report to Council.
Council Chamber,
May 4, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held on May 4, 1970. All Members of Council were present. His
Worship Mayor Miller presided as Chairman.
It was Ordered that the meeting adjourn.
iY • I
Council Chamber,
May 11, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 11, 1970, for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of His Worship Mayor Miller. Alderman Mann acted as Presiding Officer.
Alderman Martin offered the opening Prayer. It was Ordered on the motion of
Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the minutes of the meeting held
on May 4, 1970, be adopted as printed.
No. 38 - SCOTT MMCRIN'EY - RESOLVED that Alderman Doug Mann be appointed as
Presiding Officer during the absence of His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously
Alderman Thomann, as Chairman of the Civic Month Committee, presented
it scroll to Mr. Frannie Petrie to commemorate his appointment as Official
Bistor'..an of the City of Niagara Fella.
In accepting the scroll, Mr. Petrie expressed appreciation for the
honour that had been bestowed upon him and pledged that, as Official Historian,
he would continue his efforts to preserve and make known the history of the area.
Report 246 - Mayor's Committee on Housing - Referring to a recent survey com-
piled by the Committee in cooperation with the Social Planning Council;
recommending that Council request the Ontario Housing Corporation to limit to
50, the numbers of.units to be. located within a single senior citizen or family
housing complex. Advising that the Corporation will
Comm. 192 - Ontario Housing Corporation -
make every attempt to comply with the Council's request in respect to family
units; providing degree should be of
permitted, it will allow O.H.C. to
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, s e c onded by Clarke that the
report n of the Matoe's
communication from the Ontario Housing Corp and the Alderman Ct
Committee on Housing be received and filed.
Report 286 - Planing Committee - ResAM -14/70 - Rezoning application of L.
Donato l the StePs construction arecommendingethatgthe application be
Mr $ndrew on the Priestly granted permission address Alderman Martin that
s Council.
Mr. Priestly, who resides on Riall Street, spoke on behalf of the
petitioners who objected to the proposed construction. Residents of the area,
be said,
and tthey vent d the area to built family of
expressed the opinion that the building would present problems to the City
in the future when the farm lands to the rear of the property are developed.
Because will be increased complex
speaker he playground areas and hilden
thelPlanning Committetwho,l asked result ads- Council consider the
of their investigations.. bad
• denied the application.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Mr. E. R.Cliffosd be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Clifford, acting on behalf of Mr. looato, had appeared before
Council previously in support of the application. Hs pointed out that the
proposed building was not so apartment building' that each unit had a separate
front door, aid.. door and baseminti that she development would be subject to a
. 2 r.
site plan and that the builder would be required to construct the necessary
sidewalks. Mr. Clifford pointed out that the proposal provided an opportunity
for the City to obtain necessary lands for road widening purposes and the
taxes realized from the property would be increased considerably.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report of the Planning Committee be received and adopted and the application
of L.Bonato be denied. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Beare., Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Wilson, Thcroson.
NAPE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Puttick and Schiller.
Report 287 - Re: AM -16/70 - Application of F.Lucato to rezone property on
Glenholme Avenue to permit the construction of a fourplex dwelling 2 storeys
in height; recommending that the application be denied.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report of the Plarning Committee be received and adopted and the application
of F. Lucato be denied. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Wilson, Thomson.
NAYE ;Aldermen Beare., Clarke, Galloway, Puttick, Schieler.
No. 193 - Niagara Fails Club CanaCanada Inc. - Requesting permission to hold the
Annual Fireworks Display, May 13, 190, on Welland Securities property adjacent
to the Niagara Falls Club; advising that, sa a precautionary measure, arrange-
ments have been made to have an expert supervise the firing of the display.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
communication be received and the request to hold a Fireworks Display be
No. 194 - Ladies Association Multiple Sclerosis - Requesting permission to sell
lottery tickets in the City for a draw to be Held September 14, 1970, at the
Toronto City Hall; advising that a licence has been obtained from the Province
of Ontario.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and tabled for one week for further information.
No. 195 - Department of Mines - Re: Operation of Pits and Quarries in Southern
Ontario. Presenting a Supplement to The Report of The Mineral Resources
Committee to the Minister of Mines; advising that arrangements have been made
to hold a series of meetings to afford an opportunity to discuss the intent
and meaning of the Report; advising further that one meeting is planned for
Tuesday,May 12, 1970 in St.Catharines and inviting Members of Council to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
communication be received and as many members of Council and senior officials
as possible attend the proposed meeting; further, that the original report and
supplement be studied by the Planning Committee and Planning Staff and a report
prepared and submitted to Council.
No. 196 - Cit of London - A resolution requesting the Minister of Health to
amend the appropr to sections of The Public Hospitals' and The Sanatoria for
Consumptives Acts to provide that, in municipalities having a Welfare Adminis-
trator, notices which are required to be served an the Clerks may be served on
the Welfare Administrator, and that the Welfare Administrator be empowered to
take all actions presently required of the Municipal Clerk.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Schieler that
the communication be received and the resolution endorsed. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE; Aldermen Beane, Clarks, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, Puttick, Scbisler,Wilson,
A 1 :Alderman McKinley and Scott.
No. 197 • ;Ate of 9udbuey • A resolution urging the Government of Ontario to
include in its review of provincial grants to municipalities, consideration
of a policy giving equitable treatment to all forms of municipal transportation.
ORDERED on the notion of Aldermen Nartio, seconded by Aldermen Pattiek that the
communication be received and the resolution endorsed. Theinotion Carried with
Aldermen Clarke voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 198 - Miss Dominion of Canada Pageant - Advising that the dates of the
1970 authorizeathe been and ;tharequesting heybe C omedto
the City by His Worship Mayor Miller on the first day of the Pageant, May 30th.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and the City sponsor a luncheon on Tuesday,
June 2; 4970 for the 'Pageant contestants.: .
No. not • p ose t to extend
transit� service to the former Coemission
Village of Chippewa
unless eee there there ie direction from City Council; advising that the Canada Coach
from ppawa to Bridge Er the 4:20 np.m.ftripe a.m.
from Bridge and Erie
to Chippewa.
the coomnunicationtbenreceived Alderman d filed. ThesmotiondCarriedewwith Alderman that
Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 200 - Canada Committee - Requesting that the week of May 25th to May 31st,
1970, be proclaimed as "Canada Week". Alderman Clarke that the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by
communication be received and the proclamation of Canada Week be approved
subject to the usual conditions.
on'"2POresposedsstructure forneffectingliaison Reeves
between Councils and Submitting statement
and Schoo
Boards "; suggesting that all Councils and School Boards follow the proposed
guidelines. seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, Y
communication be received and filed. The motion Carried with Alderman Wilson
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 202 - Town of Fort Erie - Re; Notice of intention to apply to the Ontario
Municipal Board for an order of the Board approving the reconstruction of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the communication be received and filed and the Town of Fort Erie notified
that the City of Niagara Falls will not register an objection to the proposed
No. 203 - Ontario MuniicipalpBoardafor1aanntorder of thee Boardn apply
approving the borrowing
of monies for the construction of drainage works.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Scott that
that thehe of Niagara Falls filed and the
register an objection to fthet notified
No. 204 - Nisegra Falls Hydro - Re: Lighting Charge • Ker Park. Advising
that the Hydro Conmiesion have approved the City's request that the
charges for lighting Ker Park be reduced; advising that an additional 25%
hag been approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the the Hydro-Electric
n .
No. 205 - Department of Municipal Affairs - Re: Allocation of Urban Renewal
Funds. Advising that the Department, together with the Central Mortgage
Housing teen fed•rally approved projec in Ontario advisingrtha funds in of
the limited federal and provincial funds available for 1970, the total
expenditure in tthhe City of Niagara Falls should be $270,000.
tthe Minister's leC Manager
e. $2701, is reasonably indicated in
ORDERED on the notion ofAldereen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that ed in
favour of only those expenditures
a received l for urban renewal are to boas being
subsidized by the Federal and Provincial Governments; further, that expendi-
tures beyond the amount of the subsidies be subject to a further report to
No. 322 - City Manager - Re: Painting Contract - Lundy's lane at Montrose Road.
Recommending that Apex Painters & Decorators be awarded the painting contract
for the former Planning Board Offices at the tendered price of $1,484.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour. See Resolution No. 39
No.323 - City Manager - Re: Oneida Lane Watermain. Advising that as a result
of a meeting with the interested parties, additional information will be
obtained from the insurance company for Oneida Silversmiths Ltd. following
which the matter will be discussed in more detail.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman hunt that the
report be received and filed.
No. 324 - City Manager - Re: International Municipal Parking Conference
Convention, June 14th to 17th, 1970, Detroit; recommending that two members
of Staff and two of the three elected members of the Municipal Parking Committe.
be authorized to attend the parking workshop.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Clarks that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Galloway
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 325 - City Manager - Re: Qualifications required by persona appointed to
the Fire Department; recommending that Article 3(2) of By -law Number 6683
be amended to provide "that a person is qualified to be appointed as a member
of the Department for fire fighting duties who (a) is not less than 19 years
of age, (b) has successfully completed at least Grade XII or equivalent, (c) it
of good character (d) passes such aptitude and other tests as may be required
by the Chief of the Department and the City Manager, and (e) is medically fit
to be a member as certified by a Physician designated by the Chief of the
Department". The report also notes that the Age Discrimination Act 1966 pro-
hibits the discrimination against any person because of age and suggests that
it would be advisable to delete all reference to a maximum age.
Following presentation of the report there was considerable diecussiot
as to the necessity of applicants being required to have completed Grade 12
or equivalent; the automatic. disqualification of Trade School graduates and
the justification of the aptitude tests.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman
Puttick that the report be referred to the City Manager for more information.
The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Alderman C McKinley, Puttick, Wilson.
NAYS :Aldermen Bares, Galloway, Runt, Martin, Schisler,Scott.
Adderman Thomson abstained from voting.
It was moved an the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Galloway that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted. The
motion was Defeated with the following votes
AYES Aldsrwn Eris, Galloway, Martin,.
s Aldermen Clarke, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Scott, Wilson.
Aldermen Thomson abstained from voting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the report of the City Manager be received and referred for further informa-
tion. The motion Car d with the following vote:
6 A ld Aldermen Clar *inlay, Puttick, Scott, Wilson, Mann.
:Alderman Bearss, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, Bobbles.
ermen Thomeon abstained from voting.
No. 326 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Erie Avenue. Advising that signs have
been erected to indicate parking for police vehicles only in the vicinity of
:the former City Hall; recommending that the necessary bylaw be prepared.
ORDERED en the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted. -
No. 327 - City Manager - Re: Police Building Renovations, Erie Avenue at the
Park Street. Advising that the renovations are generallyas a
the Magistrates result
tes C urt from the Police Building to theformer
Hall and will provide increased office space.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the repot be receivd requiredrrenovationse and n to a call tenders n for the painting of the the
the interior of
the building.
No. 328 - City Manager - Re: One Way Traffic on Water Street from Cummington
Square to Laura Secord Place. Noting that the one may traffic requires that
access to privately owned off - street parking spaces be made from Cummington
Square; advising that all advantages can be retained and disadvantages removed
by allowing two way traffic on Water Street in this area except on that section
of Water Street between the parking area and Cummington Square; recommending
tht the necesary By-law of will be one way made om Cummington Square n to a a e p point feet
southeasterly. seconded by Alderman Clarke that
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, Y
the report be received and adopted.
Ga 329 - Planning Official
Plan Amandment
Road;N Provincial
recowy ndingthat
Gas company
Council re -adopt this Official Plan Amendment by by -law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 330 - City Manager - Recommending ratification of the action of the
Committee of the Whole on May 6, 1970, respecting the appointment of a
Special Committee of Council to consider the appeal of a recently discharged
Fire Department employee. The Committee includes Alderman Galloway, Alderman
Puttick, the Personnel Officer, the City Engineer and the City Manager.
report beereecceived Alderman Alderman Thomson abstain McKinley
ned from voting.
No. 331 - City Solicitor - Re: Proposed Agreement with Battel Memorial morial
Institute. Advising that from a legal standpoint, the proposed
is not satisfactory in respect to the description of the work to be per-
formed; the basis on which thecharges are to be determined and provision
for pondence the name work progresses; provision for publicity
purposes and the stipulation prohibiting the City from using information
obtained es direction disputes, attempt should obtain
more detailed agreement.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Wilton, seconded by Alderman
full The motion referred to
the following
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Martin, Scott, Wilson, Thomson.
NAYl :Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Galloway, Puttick, McKinley, Schisler.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that the report be received and referred to the City Solicitor and
that he be directed to meet with representatives of the Battelle Institute
to discuss changes in the proposed Agreement that'would be more acceptable.
The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Runt, Martin, Wilson, Scott, Thomson.
ME :Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Galloway, McKinley,Puttick,Schisler.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that present negotiations with the Battelle Institute be terminated.
The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Alderman Bearss, Clarke, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler.
ME:Aldermen Galloway, Hunt, Martin, Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that the report be received and the City Solicitor advised that the
Council is not prepared to accept the proposed agreement with the Battelle
Memorial Institute in its present form; further, that the City Solicitor b
thanked for the thoroughness of the report. The motion Wall with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
t 6.
- 6 -
No. 332 - City Manager - Referring to a proposed meeting with the Executive
of Local 133, CUTE, to discuss the withdrawal of rear yard pick -up aerobia;
submitting a copy of a letter from the Union advising that a meeting would
not be possible before June 2, 1970; commenting on the interpretation of the
words "technological" as contained in the contract and suggesting that the
withdrawal of rear yard pick -up service could not be considered a technological
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and that the meeting with the Executive of Local 133,
C.U.P.E. be proceeded with.
No.319 - Cit Mane er - (Presented previously at a meeting of Council held
May 4, 1970 - Submitting information respecting the question of the with-
drawal of rear yard pick-up service; reviewing Article 4.01, Article 30.01,
Article 30.02 and Article 12.04 of the Collective Agreement with Local 133,
C.U.P.E.; advising that the terms of the Collective Agreement require the
Council to give Local 133 30 days notice of any planned technological change
and to discuss such change with the Union; suggesting that City Officials
meet with the Executive of Local 133 and discuss with them the proposed
changes in the Sanitation service in order that the Union may be made aware
of the affect it would have on their membership.
During discussions on the matter, several Aldermen expressed concern
regarding the delay in providing garbage service to those areas cf the former
Tows ?hips of Willoughby, Crowland and Rumberstone which are now ;,:_•:t of the
enlarged City of Niagara Falls. The City Engineer advised that the by -law
was being prepared for presentation at the next meeting of Council and would
include all areas of the enlarged City.
ORDERk.D on the motion of Alderman Beans, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report of the City Manager be received and tabled for further considera-
tion following the June 2nd meeting with the executive of Local 133,.CUPE.
No. 333 - City Manager - Building Permits issued during the month of April,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and filed.
No. 334 - C C�lerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 335 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of the applica-
tions of the Willoughby Volunteer Fire Department, St.Anthony'e Parish and
Niagara Guild of Crafts to manage and conduct Raffle Lotteries.
No. 336 - Lottery Licensing Officer • Recommending approval of the applica-
tion of the Willoughby Volunteer Fire Department to manage and conduct a
Bingo Lottery.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the reports of the Lottery Licensing Officer, No. 335 and No,,.336, be
received and adopted.
No. 397 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that •+
the report be.received and adopted.
No. 99 - MARTIN - SCOTT - RESOLVED that Apex Painters 6 Decorators be awarded
the paint og contract or the former Planning Board Offices, Lundy's Lane
at Montrose Road, at the tendered price of 41,484.00; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously,
No. 40 • W;t#0N - CLARKE • RESOLVED that the nett regular meeting of the
Council of the City of Niagara Pelle be bild en Tuesday, May 19, 1970, at
7:30 p.m.; AND the Real of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman McKinley reported receiving complaints from residents of
River Road regarding the unloading of waste material by the City forces in
the River Lane,Eastwocd Street,Otter Street area. He noted that some time
ago a "No Littering" sign was posted and Council had directed the Engineering
Department to have the practice stopped. The Alderman requested information
as o who was the City Engineer p n
to e the ignoring Council's
thecomplaintand have the a residueremoved ..
Alderman McKinley requested a report from the City Clerk regarding
the possibility of enacting an anti - loitering by -law in order to assist the
Police Department in their efforts to discourage loitering in various areas
of the City. Alderman Martin said that he too had received telephone calls
from businessmen in the Centre area and on Queen Street who were concerned
that many shoppers avoided the business areas on Thursday evenings because
of the loitering situation.
Alderman Clarke reported receiving many enquiries as to whether it
was necessary for residents to notify the Department of Transport about the
house re- numbering and have drivers' licences up- dated. He observed that
if and when house to house mail delivery is established in the amalgamated
areas of the City, it will be necessary for some residents to again notify
the Department about the change. He suggested that a letter be forwarded
to the Department of Transport suggesting that they overlook the house
number changes until such time as drivers' licences have to be renewed.
The City Engineer advised that everyone was compelled to write and
notify the Department of Transport about address changes. Information has
been received that the Department will not press the 30 day time limit. He
pointed out that only the amalgamated areas are affected at this time.
The City Clerk stated that the Department of Transport had been
contacted and they had advised that the onus was upon the people to notify
the department of the house number changes regardless of additional changes
in the future. When contacted, representatives of the Poet Office Department
were not prepared to make a statement regarding the possibility of extending
mail delivery services in the near future. The Clerk advised also that at
post office box number was not sufficient address for a driver's licence;
that the address should indicate where a person may normally be reached.
Alderman Thomson expressed the desire to obtain more information
regarding the decisions of the Regional Government on matter which affect
the City. Such reports, he said, would be beneficial to the local Council
in reaching their decisions. Since the implementation of Regional Govern-
ment information had not been made available to area municipalities and,
as an example, he referred to a recent press report about the suggested
water rates. The Alderman said it was unfortunate that the matter of water
rates was discussed by City Council in Committee of the Whole while the
same information was made available to the press by other means.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the City Manager or the City Clerk be requested to submit a report as to
methods by which information regarding Regional activities could be made
available to Members of Council.
In clarifying the intent of his resolution, Alderman Thomson
referred to his earlier proposal that area municipalities be provided with
a summary of Regional activities. The information had not been forthcoming
and be was now asking that local representatives advise ` the Municipal
Council of the decisions of the Regional level of government. He suggested
A "Mayor - to City Manager • to Council" arrangement.
NOTE: Alderman Thomson retired from the meeting.
Alderman Wilson advised of receiving complaints about a situation at
the old landfill site on Montrose Road. It appears that some contractors have
a key to the gate and are dumping sewage from rural sceptic tanks'at the'site
and leaving it exposed. The City Engineer said that he was aware of the situation
and a new lock had been put on the gate and the sludge had been covered. The
person responsible for bringing the material to the site had been contacted and
also the Regional authorities to determine if a charge should be made.
Alderman Hearse referred to the communication received from the
Department of Mines in respect to proposed meetings to discuss the operation
of pits and quarries in Southern Ontario. It was the general feeling of
Council Members that there had not been sufficient notice of the first meeting
which was scheduled for May 12th. Inasmuch as the Council is concerned about
pits and quarries in the area, she suggested that another meeting should be held
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearse, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
Department of Mines be requested to consider the possibility of arranging a
meeting with the Council of the City of Niagara Falls and City Staff at a later
date for the purpose of discussing the operation of pits and quarries. The
motion Carried with Alderman Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Puttick
that Alderman Bears' be granted a leave of absence for three meetings of Council.
Alderman Bears. will visit "Expo 70" in Tokyo, Japan, and Alderman
Schisler expressed the best wishes of Members of Council.
Alderman Scott asked several questions in regard to the operation of
the drop -in centre at the forcer Salvation Army building on Morrison Street.
Is the centre under the supervision of a responsible adult? Who is in charge?
During what hours are they supposed to be open? The Alderman said there was
some indication that people were remaining at the centre for 24 hours and
residents of the area had complained that there seemed to be little or no
Alderman Bear's suggested that the young people rather than loitering
en•Queen Street, should visit the drop in centre and assist in the necessary
painting and renovations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the meeting adjourn for a five minute recess.
Na. 8054 - A Byelaw to authorise the construction of a new bridge on McLeod _
Road over the Queenston- Chippewa Power Canal and the construction of new
approach roads at both ends of the bridge.
Third Reading a Alderman Scott and Alderman Wilson,
Third Nadine Alderman Burs and Alderman Wilson.
:Carried Unanimously
No. 70-90 • A Byelaw to provide for an interim levy of taxes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Deares seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Scott be grouted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on tbs motion of Alderman' Scott, seconded by Alderman
Schluter that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the Byelaw be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unaninously
- 9 -
No. 70 -91 - A by -law to provide for the collection of interim taxes for the
year 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Schiller that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By ■law
and the By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Clarke. Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -92 - A By -law to
(0ntario Act, 1960 -61,
ORDERED on the
that Alderman Clarke be
the By-law be given the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried
with th, following vote:
ATE: Aldermen Bearse, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott
NAPE: Aldermen Galloway, Clarke, Wilson, Puttick.
Third Reading - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Scott. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearse, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott.
WAYE :Aldermen Galloway, Clarke, Wilson, Puttick.
No. 70 -93 - A By -law to
City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the
that Alderman Clarke be
the By -law be given the
make subsection 1 of section 1 of The Lord's Day
applicable in part of the City of Niagara Falls.
motion of Alderman Bearse, seconded by Alderman Martin
granted the privilege of introducing the By-
first reading. Carried Unanimously
appoint Francis J. Petrie Official Historian of the
motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Hunt
granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Martin.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin,
that Alderman Galloway be granted the privilege of
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No 70 -94 - A By -law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the
0 ficial Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
seconded by Alderman Scott
introducing the By -law and
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman
Scott that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. parried Unanimously,
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman McKinley.
Carried Unanimously
1 0.
No. 70 -95 - A By -law to authorise the execution of an agreement with Eastland
Bros. (Niagara) Limited for surface treatment of roads.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Martin
that Alderman Galloway be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law ebe given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Clarke voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Readin - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Martin. The motion Carried with
Aldermen C arks voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70 -96 - A By -law to amend By -law Number 3790, being a by -law for the
regulation of traffic.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the By -law No. 70 -96 be referred to the Parking Committee for clarification.
The motion Carried with Alderman Galloway voting contrary and all others in
No. 70 -97 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beares, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Bearee that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By •law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Scott.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
-. 10 -
Council Chambers
May 11, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on May llth, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of His Worship Mayor Miller and Alderman Thomson. Alderman Schiele!
presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented t
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beanie, seconded by tor
the Committee of the Whole arise and report.
Council Chamber,
May 11, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole h meeting
exception of His Worship Mayor Miller Members
r of Council r
and Alderman Thomson
with the
The following action was token:
Report 338 - City Manager - Re: Applications for the position of Shift
Foreman. Recommending that Mr. S.Code be appointed to the position of
Sanitation Foreman effective May 18, 1970 and that he be placed in Step 1
of Salary Level 5 - $8,640.00 per annum, and that the appointment be
subject to a twelve (12) month probationary period.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Beares that
the report be received and adopted.
Report 339 • City Manager - Re: Acquisition of property required for
sanitary trunk sewer and Watercourse development - East of Ester Road to
Thoreld Stone Road. Recommending that City officials be authorized to
complete the purchase of the land at a total cost of $15,243.00, being on
the basis of $15,025.00 for the land and an allowance of $218.00 for legal
ORDERED on the nation of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and adopted.
The meeting adjourned.
Council Chamber,
May 19, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 19, 1970, for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Dearas. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as
motion of Alderman McKinley offered by Wilson the
on that he minutes of
the meeting held on May 11, 1970, be adopted as printed.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that Mr.
Andrew Savage be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Savage said that a former Warden of Lincoln County had made
several gavels which had been suitably engraved and presented to each of the
area municipalities of the Regional Municipality of Niagara. He presented the
gavel to Co
unty o
ll le asL part
artlof the Civic Month ceremonies and as a memento
of In accepting the gavel on behalf of the Members of Council and the
citizens of Niagara Falls, Mayor Miller expressed appreciation to Mt. Savage
and said that the gavel would be placed in the show case at the main entrance ,
to the City Hall to commemorate the relationship between the former County of
Lincoln and the City of Niagara Falls.
Mr. J. Ashby had requested permission to address Council in regard to
a Folk Atte Festival.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman McKinley that Mr.
Ashby be granted permission to address Council. •
Mr. Ashby drew Council's attention to the Folk Arts Festival being
held ght day and covered by two T.that etworks. He advised become
that interested l
Members of Council were invited to attend a June 3rd. meeting of the St.
Catharines Committee and suggested that a similar undertaking in the City of
Niagara Falls during tbs summer of 1971 would be a good tourist attraction
that would benefit the City.
*** * **
Mr. R. Mouser had requested permission to address Council on the
subject of "One Thousand Dollars a Day Interest Charges ".
As Mr. Mouser had not arrived at the meeting, it wet agreed to defer
the setter until later in the meeting.
Report 323 • City Monster Res Qualifications required by persons appointed to
the Fire Department; recommending that Article 3(2) of B .1av Maher 6683 be
amended to the Departaent r fire duties qualified than 19 years sof
age, (b) has successfully completed at least Grads XII or equivalent, (0) is
of good character, (d) passe such aptitude and other tests as may be required
by the Chief of the Department and the City Manager and (a) is medically fit
to be a member as certified by a Physician designated by the Chief of the
Department ".
Report 340 • Cie, Mentor • Ras Qualifications required by Fin Department
appointees. Item (b) was &sanded to read: "has successfully completed at lust
Grads X or equivalent, rather than Grade XII.
it was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Aldermen
Galloway that the report be received end referred to the meeting of the
let�ar C and report. The motion following was Defeated consideration
witb tbs
following votes
Alders Gellcuty, Runt, Mean, Puttick, Scott.
:Aldermen Clarke, Mortis, McKinley„ Sebislet, Wilson, Mayor Miller.
erman Thomson abstained Eros voting.
e�reppor of theCity *n be t Wilson seconded ad adopted i t the motionnrkerthaa •
with the following votes Metier.
en Calloway, � - s Aldermen Clarke, Martin, MeKMelyy, isi r, W i tt l e
:Ald Mont, Mean, Sluttish,
- 2 -
Casm.'128 - City of Chatham - Requesting endorsation of a resolution recommend -
ing that marijuana remain under the Food and Drug Act until a thorough study
has been made.
Report 341 - City Manager . Advising that neither the Social Planning Council
nor the Action Committee on Chemical Abuse are prepared to support the resolu-
tion from the City of Chatham in its present form as it contains incorrect and
misleading information; recommending that the resolution not be endorsed.
Comm. 206 - Mre,H.A,S iroaello Chairman Action Committee on Chemical Abuse -
Noting that marijuana is now under the Narcotics Control Act rat r tban the
Food and Drug Act as indicated in the resolution.
During the discussion period, Alderman Thomson, as a member of the
Action Committee, said that the intent of the Chatham resolution was commend-
able and suggested that a resolution be prepared indicating this City's concern
about the misuse of all drugs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the communications and the report of the City Manager be received and the
resolution of the City of Chatham not endorsed.
No. 207 - Town of Niagara -on -the -Lake - Re: Notice of Intention to apply to
the Ontario Msnicipal Board for an order of the Board approving the borrowing
of funds for watermain and drainage works construction.
No. 208 - City of Welland - Re: Notice of Intention to apply to the Ontario
Municipal Board for an order of the Board approving sidewalk and storm sewer
No. 209 - City of St.Catharinee - Notice of Intention to apply to the Ontario
Municipal Board for an order of the Board approving the borrowing of monies
for construction works under the Tile Drainage Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the communications be received and the City of Niagara Falls register no
objections to the proposed works.
No. 210 - Telegram - E,T.Martin,Executive Secretary ,Canadian Union of Public
Employees - Re: Endorsation of position of Local 133 on garbage pick ■up
No. 211 - Telegram - Niagara District Area Council.Canadian Union of Public
Employees - Urging reconsideration of the decision to delete back yard
No. 212 - Nislgara Palls and District labour Council - Condemning the action
of City Council regarding back yard pick up service.
ORDERED on the action of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communications be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Alderman Clarke, Gallaway, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Scott,
I YE :Aldermen Martin, Thomson, Nilson.
No. 213 - Aldermen C. A, Galloway - Submitting resignation as a members of the
special committee appointed to review the discharge of a Fire Department
employee because of a conflict of interest.
The communication was received and Members of Council approved Mayor Miller's
appointing Alderman Puttick, Clarke and Wilson as members of the special •
No. 342 - City Minster - Replying to various question' and submitting additional
information regarding the operation of the Drop •In Centre to be established at
the former Salvation Army Citadel on Morrison Street.
ORDERED en the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that
Father Mentagus be granted permission to address Council.
Father Montague, Chairman of the Youth Resources Committee, said that
as a result of Council's suggestions to the Social Planning Council regarding
the drug problem in the City, the Action Committee on Chemical Abuse and the
Youth Resources Committee had been established and had carried out a great deal
' of research in cooperation with the Drug Addiction. Research Foundation. The
Y.M.C,A. bad agreed to establish a trust fund and will be responsible for the
writing of cheques, preparing a lease agreement, etc. Three full•time workers
have been hired and volunteer workers will undergo a training program. As an
indication of the good intentions of the young people, a bey to the building
bad been presented to the Deputy Chief of Police and he wilt have moos to
the building at all times. Father Montague noted that several residents of
- 3 -
the area were in the Council Chambers as an indication of their support of the
efforts of the young people.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report of the City Manager be received and filed.
No. 343 - City Nana - Re: Tenders for Fire Department Shirts. Recommending
that the tender from Ben Berke for the medium blue long sleeved shirts be
accepted and that the balance of the Fire Department shirts be awarded to
R.S.& T, Incorporated. seconded by Alderman Mann that the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway,
report be received and adopted. See Resolution No. 41
No. 344 - Cit Nana r - Re: Tender for Fire Department Uniforms for 1970.
Recommending t t the prices submitted by Marshall's
M Sales Tex
Man's accepted at
the total tender price of $8,860.79, including l
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, Runt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott, Wilson,
NAYS :Aldermen Clarke and Puttick.
See Resolution No. 42
No, 345 - City Manager - Re: Contract for Sidewalk Repairs. Recommending that'
the contract for various sidewalk repairs be awarded to Steed & Evans (Drops
Construction Division) at the tendered price of $51,462.50.
ORDER'iD on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted. See Resolution No. 43
No. 346 - Planning Committee - Re: Official Plan Amendment No.44, Cannai,
Proposed Shopping Centre, south of Lundy's Lane between Q.E.W. and Montrose Rd.;
recommending that the Official Plan Amendment No. 44 be adopted by by -law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be Carried with Puttick No.44 adopted
8 dall inlfavour motion
No. 347 - Planning Committee - Re: AM -10/70 Hood Investments Ltd., A rezoning
application to allow the installation of a gasoline bar at the entrance to an
existing car wash;
eh; recommending
site n d pl
atio, be approved subject to a
existing of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted and that the Council of the City of Niagara Falit
certifies n the s Part Twp.Lot 61, situated on the L south side of Huggins Street
is in conformity with the Official Plan of the City of Niagara Falls as approve.
by the Minister of Msnicipsl Affairs on the 3rd day of April. 1967; further,
that the application of Hood Investments be approved.The notion Carried with
the following vote: McKinley, Schisler, Scott,
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, y,
AM:Aldermen Puttick and Wilton. �¢a,1,�F,o., No .:W�,
No. 348 - Planniag Committee • Re: AM -18/70 Border City Taxi Ltd. A rezoning
that the application be approved subject office
site d plan a and a plan tt
�r be motion of
adopted ;further,sthatdthebCCouncilaof Scott that
Niagara Falls certifies that the application of Border City Taxi Ltd. for *
eas of McLeod a known as Part Drummond 173 and situated on the north-
conformity with h Official
Plan of the City of Niagara Palls as approved by the Minister of Municipal
Affairs on the 3rd day of April 1967; further, that the application of Border
City Taxi Ltd. be approved subject to the applicant entering into a site plan
agreement including a site plan. The motion Carried with Aldermen Wilson voting
sontraiy and all others in favour. See Resolution No. 44A
No. 349 • Planning Committee • Re, AM - 17/70 Justine Holdings Ltd „extension of
Valley Way, a 1
y o west 4- storey apartment building i cont/ i ning t a ot otal pof 186
recommending; that the application be denied since it does not conform to the
Official Plan for the Wagers Palls Planning Area and further, that the develop•
sent of this area should be by plan of subdivision.
ORDERRD an the motion of Aldermen Scott, seconded by Alderman Babbler that the
t be received and ad tad.
No. 350 - Planate* Committee - Re: AM -5/70 Shell 011 Ltd., Lots 1,2,10 6 11,
Plan 39, east side Drummond Road, between Williams and Perkins. An application
for an amendment to the zoning by -law to have a gas bar and car wash added to
the permitted uses.
The City Clerk advised that the applicante have requested that the
application be temporarily withdrawn.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schieler, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and the request to withdraw the application be
approved. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, BITICZay, Runt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schieler, Scott,
NAPE :Aldermen Puttick and Thomson.
No. 351 -.City Manager - Re: Dumping - Park at River lane A Eastwood Avenue.
Advising that the rubbish at the location has been dumped there by private
citizens; recommending that the existing "Littering rrohibited" sign be
replaced with one reading "Littering Prohibited- $300.00 Fine -By -law 6867 ".
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 352 - City Manager - Re: Padang Area at the Rear of Stamford Ball.
Recommending removal of the curbing, boulevard and fence to allow better
operation of the market.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Schieler that
the report be received and deferred for one year in order to determine if
the area will be required by the Museum Board for parking purposes. The
motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schieler, Scott, Wilson.
NAYS :Aldermen Puttick, Thomson and Galloway.
No. 353 - City Manager - Re: Huron Street Parking Lots. Referring to the
action of Council in 1969 when approval was granted to remove meters from
the three downtown parking lots for a period ending December 31,1969; noting
that the meters have not been re- erected and advising that long term employee
parking is taking place as well as double parking on the Buren Street lots;
recommending that parking meters be replaced on the two Huron Street Munici-
pal Parking Lots.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman/Mason, seconded by Aldermen Martin that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 354 - City Manager - Re: Parking on MacKenzie Plape. Advising that a
petition has been received from the residents of MacKenzie Place requesting
the removal of parking from one side of this roadway; recommending that
parking be removed from the north aids of MacKenzie Place frog Drummond Road
to its east limit at all times.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 355 - Cit�Mona ir - Re: Acquisition of Parking Meters. Advising that
provisions vTw e been made in the Parking Meter Fund to acquire an estimated
130 costars in 1970 at a cost of $10,000.00; recommending that the City
Manager be authorized to acquire replacement parking meters.
it was moved on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermen
Puttick that the report be received and deferred for one year. The motion was
Defeated with the following vote:
ersen Wilson, Puttick and Scott.
NAYE :Aldermen Clarke, Gallaway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scbisler,
'ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following
A : Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKiniey,Schisler,Thomson.
:Aldermen Wilson, Puttick, Scott.
No. 356 - Cite Manager - Re: Parking on Armoury St., east of Victoria Avenue.
Advising tlet the Niagara palls Hydro have requested the erection of two hour
parking signs on both aides of Armoury Street from victoria Avenue easterly
along their building; recommending that two hour parking be permitted on the
north side of Armoury St. from Victoria Avenue 159 fe. easterly and that two
hour parking be permitted en the south side of Armoury St. from victoria Ave.
121 feet easterly.
the r be received a Alderman opted. The moti C d with Alder e
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 357 - City Manager d•Re: Lawn Repairs. Submitting information ati actual
to lawns damaged by sidewalk snowploughing;
cost of repairing lawns during the past winter was $577.80 and that the
average cost in previous years was approximately $400.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and filed,
No. 358 • City Manager - Re: Pettit Avenue Extension Sewer and Watermain
e yyCo er uncil for the t e e installation of wate submitted
rmaine Covello
sanitary and
be accepted b
storm sewermaine in the Pettit Avenue Extension Subdivision.
ORDERED an the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted. B motion Carried the vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, ,
Scott, Wilson.
NAPE :Aldermen Thomson and Martin. See Resolution No.44
No. 359 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval, in principle,
of an application of the Niagara Fella Lions Club to manage and conduct a t
Raffle Lottery and that the application be forwarded to the Financial and
Courercial Affairs for their consideration.
No. Licensing
Bingo submitted by St.Thomasl ions to
Parish, Niagara Falls Lions Club and the Stamford Lions Club.
No. 361 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of applications
to conduct
Association anduthetNiagara F Stamford
Falls Quota Club.
Alderman Clarke questioned the licence fee of $100.00 charged to
the Niagara Palls Lions Club who wish to conduct a raffle for prizes valued
at $5000.00. The Lottery Licensing Officer explained that the Province had
set a definite 2% fee on applications of $3,500.00 and over . The applicants
apply to the Lottery Licensing Offic who, in
principle, s u bm it s ia then report
Council. When the application is approved, 4 ,
to the Provincial authorities for consideration. He pointed out that the
Province will not accept an application unless the licence fee accompanies
the required documents. Alderman
thhegrep rt tof theiLLootterylLi enssingrOfficercbedreceivedand adopt d. that
motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, Hunt, Msnn, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler,Scott,
NATE:Aldermen Clarke and Thomson.
No. 362 - City Clerk - Recommending the issuance of Municipal licences.
ORDERED on t action of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 363 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann that Mr.
R.H.Meuser be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. lower read from a prepared statement in which he deplored the
necessity for the Municipality to pay high interest charges to provide
interim financing. He blamed the situation on the ill- prepared implementation
of Regional Government. Mt. Mower suggested that the City prepare a
resolution requesting the Provincial Government to repay the loan, including
accumulated interest charges at their earliest convenient to avoid further
wasting of tax dollars or request written assurance from the Provincial
Government that they will pay the accumulated interest charges up to the date
when the pre -tax levy enables the City to repay the loan.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Mann that
the meeting adjourn for a five sipute recess.
No. 41 • GALLOWAY - MANN - RESOLVED that the tender from Ben Berke for the
supply of medium blue long sleeved shirts for the Fire Department be accepted
and that the balance of the Fire Department shirts be awarded to R.S.& T.
Incorporated;AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 42 - MARTIN - GALLOWAY - RESOLVED that the prices submitted by Marshall's
Men's Shop for the supply of Fire Department Uniforms for 1970, be accepted
at the total tender price of $8,860.79, including Provincial Sales Tax; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. •
No. 43 - CLARKE - MANN - RESOLVED that the contract for various sidewalk
repairs be awarded to Steed & Evans (Drupe Construction Division) at the
tendered price of $51,462.50; AMD the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously
No. 44 - MANN • SCOTT - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Covello
Bros . Ltd. or the nstallation of watermaine and sanitary and storm sewer-
mains in the Pettit Avenue Extension Subdivision, be accepted; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 44A (below)
No. '4b (en Put(c)
Alderman Clarke commented on the merits of the presentation by Mr.
R.Meueer respecting the daily interest charges that have been incurred due
to the necessity of borrowing funds to provide interim financing pending the
setting of the City's mill rate.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the City Clerk be directed to prepare a draft resolution for the next meeting
of Council requesting the Provincial Government to reimburse the City for
the interest charges that have occurred from April 15th, the normal due
date for taxes, to June 10 when the interim levy becomes due; further, that
the resolution, when approved, be forwarded to the area municipalities of
the Regional Municipality of Niagara for endoreation and to Mr. George
Bukator, M.L.A. r
Aldermen Scott noted that in the applications for licences there
are very few permits for parking. Thera have been instances, be said, where
vehicles have parked for long intervals without depositing coins. He
requested that the Police Commission be advised of the situation. Mayor
Miller stated that a parking meter permit indicates that a $5.00 fee has
been paid for parking privileges for one year and should be displayed on
windshields. Mayor Miller will bring the mattes to the attention of the
Police Commission.
Alderman Wilson said that the tee bills are causing some confusion
and asked if an explanatory advertisement could be inserted in the newspaper.
He also advised that he had received enquiries regarding the words "Dote
of De end" which appears on the tax bill. The Deputy Treasurer said that
an advertisement had been placed in the Evening Review and that the demand
date referred to was May 25, 1910.
Aldermen Hunt noted that there would be no discount allowed on tax
payments and enquired about those persons who have paid since January. The
Deputy Treasurer explained that interest at a rate of 8% per annum from the
date of purchase to the date of demand is added to the Prepayment Certifi•
Resolution No. 448-MANN-SCOTT- RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls certifie
that the application of Border City Taxi Ltd. for a rezoning of property known as Part Twp.Lot 17
and situated on the north -east cpraer of McLeod and Drummond Roade,is in conformity with the
Official Plan of the City of Niagara Falls as approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs on
the 3rd day of April, 1967;AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. 7. Carried
Alderman Hunt enquired if the reserve funds of the areas now
part of the enlarged City are being used. The Deputy Treasurer advised that
the Willoughby Reserve Funds are being used by the City of Niagara Falls
but the reserve funds of the former Townships of Crowland and Humberstone
are not, as yet, under the jurisdiction of the City.
Alderman Puttick suggested that three or four benches be placed at
Balmoral Park for the convenience of retired rese of who have
to stand to watch the children's ballgames. Mayor
the proposal and suggested that benches be provided at Grey St. Park also.
Alderman Thomson noted that the benches at Oakes Perk have not been
painted and are deteriorating. The City Engineer advised that funds have
been allocated in the current budget for this work and he will investigate
Alderman Thomson spoke in regard to recent decisions of the Planning
Committee concerning the establishment of service stations. He said it was
his understanding that applications to erect service stations had been held
in abeyance pending the establishment of a policy and that such a policy had
not as yet been submitted to member Alderman Galloway, a of the Planning Committee, said that
the matter had been discussed at study meetings and, as a
result of studies
undertaken by Mr. Greavea and Mr. Van Belle, a policy had
principle, at a meeting held May 6th. The Committee did not rise and report
and minutes of the meeting were not prepared. The Alderman advised that a
report will be submitted by the Senior Planner n co of At th e and
meeting consideration had been given to the applications
Hood Investments inasmuch as both parties had been awaiting a decision for
several weeks.
No. 70 -98 - A By -law relating to the collection, removal and disposal of
ashes, garbage and other refuse.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Mann be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading. The motion CARRIED with the following
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Hunt, Puttick, Schisler, Scott.
IAYE :Aldermen Martin, McKinley, Thomson, Wilson.
It was moved on the motion of Aldermen McKinley seconded by
Alderman with representative the s of Local 133 bCU The motion after
a proposed was
ngFEAUa with the following vote:
AVE: Aldermen Martin, McKinley, Thomson, Wilson.
IAYE:Aldsrmen Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mean, Puttick, Schiller, Scott.
NEE: The motion of deferral vas taken prior to.the motion for a first
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Mrs. Shirley Carr be granted permission to address Council. The
motion Carried with the following vote:
AVE: Alderman Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler,
TTsamson, Wilson.
NAYS:Aldermen Puttick and Scott.
Nrs. Carr, General Vice President of the C.U.P.g.Sational,requested
that eonsideration'of the By -law be delayed until such time as Council
Msm*ers mast with representatives of the Union to hear their arguments. She
said that a communication had been received from the municipality suggesting
that a meting be held
for the Union to i
oprepare submission. She noted a n that l ve
It 4
.8 -
Union Officers were attending a Labour Gaborone and were unable to meet with
Council before June tad. Mrs. Carr urged Council not to proceed with the
By -law until Union representatives have an opportunity to **prose their views.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen ScbSlsr, seconded by Aldermen Scott that,
before proceeding with the By -law, that the mill sates be inesrtsd; that
Section 7 indicate that the mill rate for Garbage Area #1 is 2.98 ; that
Section 8 provides that the will fete for Garbage Area 02 is 1.63 ; and that
Section 9 provides that the will rats for Garbage Area 03 is 1.39 The
motion Carried with the following vote:
ABS: Alderman Clarke, Galloway, Met, Mama, Puttick, Scbialn, Scott.
NATE:Aldermen Martin, McKinley, Thomsen, Wilson.
CRDKRED es the antis of Alderman Mean, ascosded by Aldermen Hunt
that Role 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the Byelaw be given the second reading. the motion Carried with the following
Alt: Aldermen Clerks, Calloway, Mist, Mena, Puttick, !Whitler, Scott.
►lt:Alderwsa Martin, McKinley, Thomson, Wiles.
CRUISED on the notion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Martin that the Third Reding of the Sy •law be deferred until after the
proposed meeting with representatives of Local 133, C.U.P.E. The motion
Not : Alderman Puttick retired from the meeting.
Sy -Law Ro 70.99 - A By-law to coons Sy•lar 3790, for the regulation of
traffic. (Eris Avenue).
CUSSED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, ascended by Alderman
Schiller that Alderman Mantis be grouted the privilege of introducing the
By-law and the Byelaw be given the first radius.
gutted Unanimously
ORDERED on She motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Schisisr that lull 36(2) of tha Standing Ruler of Council be temporarily
suspended and the Byelaw bs given the second reading.
Carried Usaalmous }v
Third Readier - Aldermen Wilson and Alderman Scb:tster.
Carried Unanimously
Pit 70-100 • A By -law to preside for the adoption of an amedmaat to the
Official flan of the Niagara Palls Planning Area.
OROZSRD on the moron of Aldermen Nilson, seconded by Aldermen
Thames that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the antis of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Couecii be temporarily
suspended end the q•law be given the stand readies.
CsrLed Woseimonly
t Rasdiaa - Alderson Wilson ad Aldermen Scott.
Carried Unanimously
Wo. 70-101 - A Ry - law to provide monies for general ;tarpon.
OROSSSD en the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley dnt Alderman Clarks be granted the privilege of introducing the
Sy - lm ad the S•law be gives the first reeding.
Carried Uwaimcvalz
CRDISSD on the motion of Aldermen Narks, nessadsd by Aldermen Hunt
abet bole 36(2) of the Steedimg Ielsa et quell be temporarily awspsoded
and the 'plow be tine t o weed- reeding.
Carried Unamimawelr
- 9 -
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Schieler• Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, Seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Note: Alderman Wilson retired from the meeting.
Committee Room #1,
May 19, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on May 19, 1970. All Members of. Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen Bearse, Puttick and Wilson. Alderman McKinley
presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the Committee of the Whole ariae.and report.
Council Chamber,
May 19, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held on May 19, 1970. All Members of Council were present
with the exception of Aldermen Worse, Puttick and Wilson. His Worship
Mayor F. J. Millar presided.
The following diction n w_s_tak ^n3
Report 364 - City Eansger• Re: Appointment of Patrick Murphy to the rank
of Assistant Firs Inspector. Recommending that Assistant Pirs Inspector
P. Murphy be appointed to the rank of Piro Inspector effective May 1, 1970,
at a salary of $9,315.00 per annum (1969 scale). The promotion has been
recommended by Chief Thomas and meets with the approval of the Negotiating
Committee of Local 528.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and adopted.
Report 365 - City Manager - Advising that the Negotiating Committee appointed
by Council recommends approval of the settlement reached with the Negotiating
Committee of Local 528, Niagara Falls Professional Fire Fighters; submitting
a copy of the new Collective Agreement and Cost Summary.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman
Schieler voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Schialer that the meeting add
C lerk
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Council Chamber,
May 25, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 25, 1970, for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Beaus. Ms Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided
y Prayer. Chairman. Alderman Puttick offered the Opening on
the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the minutes
of the meeting held on May 19, 1970, be adopted as printed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that Mr.
Peter Maves be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Moves, Chairman of the Civic Affairs Committee of the Chamber of
Commerce, commended Alderman Thomson as the originator of the suggestion that
one month, each year, be observed as Civic Month. He said he was particularly
impressed by the increased scope of activities in 1970 and the extent to which
Civic Month is now being recognized. Mr. Moves noted that several citizens had
indicated their interest and concern for the welfare of the City and had
sacrificed personal time and energies by constantly attending Council meetings,
with no thought of personal gain. In recognition of their dedication to
Municipal affairs, Mr. Moves, assisted by His Worship Mayor Miller, presented
Citizenship Awards to Mrs. J. Morhaeb, George Angell, Conrad Cummings, R.
Stewart, F. Susin and Charles Antonio.
Mayor Miller, on behalf of Council, expressed appreciation to the
members of the Civic Affairs Committee and to those citizens receiving the
Comm. 168 - Niagara Falls Badminton and Tennis Club - Advising that the
Badminton Club and the Recreation Commission propose to conduct a Junior
Tennis Instruction Program for the benefit of the youth of the City.
Report 366 - Director of Recreation - Re: City Tennis Program. Advising that
the City Parks Department, the Niagara Falls Badminton and Tennis Club and
the Recreation Commission consider that the proposed tennis program would be
beneficial to and A,G Bridg the
Park be forite ;
ennisinstructi and ha ea details
be arranged by the Parks Department.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted and the request for use of Michelson Park
and A.G.eridge.Park be approved.
.Comm. 177 - City of Rinngieton - Requesting endorsation of a resolution that the
Province of Ontario amend the Municipal Act to provide that the School Boards,
rather than local Councils, pass the levying by -laws for school taxes.
Report 367 - City Manager - Advising that additional information has been
received from the City of Kingston and indicates that it is not the intent of
the resolution to require School Bards to collect. their own taxes but only
that the Boards enact the levying by-law rather then require Council to do so.
The repor indicates that reardles of.wboisrs ponsilerfoe passing of
the by -law, the Municipality must still collect the taxes and reimburse the
school board for an amount sufficient to cover their requirements.
ammo on the motion of Aldsrsna Martin, seconded by Alderman Schiller that
the report be of ww
Rimgiton be notified e and that the City
of Council's .reason for the decision.
Comm. 195 - Dsptrtmsnt of Mines.. Re: Operation of Pits and Quarries in
Southern Ontario. Presenting a Supplement to the Report of the Mineral
Resources Committee to the Minister of Mines; advising that arrangements have
been made to Mold a series of meeting .to afford an opportunity to• discuss the
intent and meaning of the Report.
Report 368 - Cita Menaaer - Advising that Allen P. Lawrence, Minister of Mines
has indicated that he will.maks every effort to meet with Council to discuss
the report of the Mineral Resources Committee; recommending that June 16th,
23rd or 24tb be,sugggted se po!sible-meeting dates with the Minister.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received and adopted and City Officials authorised to attempt to
arrange a meeting with the Minister of Mines.
Comm.186 - Chippewa Public Utility Commission - Re: Commissioners remuneration;
requesting approval of the decision of the Commission to increase the annual
remuneration to $720.00 for the Cbairmsnand to $600.00 for Commission members.
Com.214 Chippewa Public Utility Commission - Advising that at a meeting of
the Commission held April 9, 1970, it was felt that the Members of the Camissio'
were underpaid; that the Task Force Study will increase the workload and that
the suggested increases are in line with the remuneration paid to other Hydro
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
communication be received and filed and the Chippewa Public Utilities Comiesion
be authorised to increase the annual remuneration paid to the Chairmen and to
the Members of the Commission. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AVE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Bunt, Mann,, MMrrtin, McKinley, Scott, Wilson,
E mson.
MAYB :Aldermen Puttick and Sebisler.
No. 215 - City of St.Catharines - Requesting endorsation of a resolution rsgatdu
ing the enactment of legislation amending Bill No. 174, Regional Municipality of
Niagara, in order to provide that resident voters be permitted to participate in
tbs election of representatives to all civic bodies; further, that the amending
legislation also provide that only one voters' list be prepared and that such
list be prepared by the method of enumeration.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the communication be received and the resolution of the City of St.Catharinee
e ndorsed,
No. 216 - City of St.Catbarines - A resolution petitioning the Minister of
)bmicipal Affairs to amend Dili 174 in order to expedite the business of the
area municipalities contained within the Regional Municipality of Niagara.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the communication be received and the resolution of the City of St.Catbarines
No. 217 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Submitting information as to the
services now provided by the Social Services Department and the Homes for the
Aged Department of the Regional Municipality of Niagara.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Martin that the
communication be received and filed.
Alderman Thomson requested a report from the City Clerk as to whether
the Social Services Department would provide emergency telephone service for
use at hours other than regular office hours and on weekends.
No. 218 - Social Services Department Regional Municipality of Niagara -
Advising that the Social Service Office will be situated at 2703 Drummond Road
as of Monday, May 25, 1970; expressing appreciation to Members of Council and
City Staff for cooperation and assistance extended since becoming a Regional
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 219 - Wilouthhy Volunteer Fir Department Requesting permission to hold
s parade on July 25, 1970, in conjunction with the Annual Cerbival; requesting
further that certain portions of Boyd Road and Sodom Road be closed to traffic
from 2 :00 to 2 :30 p.m., approximately, to facilitate the parade formation.
MARRED on the motion of Aldermen Hunt, seconded by Aldermen Scott that the
communication be received end the request to hold a parade approved and referred
to the Police Department for approval; further, that City Staff be.authorissd
to arrange • the requested road closings.
No. 220 is peck pa reite. Cent Bumps Advertisins Bu - Requesting that the
City of Niagara Pads place a hull pegs message to the graduates in the
'University Yearbook, as in the previous year.
ORDERED en the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Clarke that
the communication be received and request approved and a,bslt page advegtise-
waat Msntad the Tanboek at- scoot of $65,00.
No. 221 - Niagara Tourist & Resorts Association - An invitation to the organiza-
tion's First Annual General Meeting, Sheraton Brock Hotel, June 2, 1970,7:00 p.m
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann, that the
communication be received and invitation accepted; further, that the time of
the g edttog : 00ep mad June e 2, 1970, to representatives es of Counc il 133, CUPE, be
ciltoattendd both
changed to 4:00
No. 222 • Bassel,Sullivan.Holland & Lawson.Barristers - Requesting permission
for the Canadian Council of War Veterans to sell lottery tickets in the City
of Niagara Falls. Proceeds are to go to Camp.Maple Leaf Incorporated, a free
camp for underprivileged children.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
communication be received and tabled until such time as it is determined
whether the local branches of the Canadian Corps, the Royal Canadian legion
and the British Canadian Veterans Association have any objections to the sale
of the lottery tickets; further, that enquiries be made as to whether local
children have an oppotlmity to attend "Camp Maple Leaf".
His Worship Mayor Miller welcomed to the Council Chambers the follow-
ing representatives of the Greater Niagara Safety Council: Tom Stevenson,
President; Clark Agnew, Vice - President; Mrs. J. Polich, Secretary; Carson Ford,
Treasurer and Mrs. L. Johns and Mrs. M. Rife, members. The visitors
attended the Council meeting in observance of Civic Month.
No. 369 - City Manager - Presenting the names of the members of the Fire
Department who, by attaining a mark of 70% or more, have successfully
passed Captaincy examinations; advising further that 37 Fire Fighters have
successfully completed a St.John Ambulance Standard First Aid Course.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman hunt that the
report be received and filed and a letter forwarded to the Fire Department
congratulating the First Class Fire Fighters who have passed the Captaincy
examinations and those members of the Fire Department who have completed the
St.John Ambulance training course.
No. 370 - City Manager - Re: 72nd Annual Convention, Ontario Municipal
Association, Ottawa, Ontario, August 16 to 19th,inclusive. Recommending that
authority be granted to Members of Council and those Department beads laving
membership in organisations affiliated as sections of the Ontario Municipal
Association to attend the Convention.
COMM on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted and that Members planning to attend notify the
City Clerk as soon as possible in order that accommodation arrangements can
be completed. The motion Carried with Alderman Galloway voting contrary and
all others in favour.
No. 371 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for Asphalt Resurfacing. Recommending
that the unit prices received from Mope Construction Limited (Division of
Steed & Evans) be accepted, subject to'the approval of the Department of
Highways of Ontario and the Regional lemicip*lity of Niagara.
ORDERED on the nation of Alderman Schiele', seconded by Alderman Mann that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 45
No. 372 . City Manager - Re: Sanitary Sewer System (Woodbine Area).
Recommending that the unit prices submitted by Demme Brothers Llmipsd for the
installation of local sanitary sewarmeia and trunk sanitery sewaraains in
the Woodbine area be accepted, subject to the approval of the Ontario taster
Resources Commission.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
tbp report be received and adopted.
Soo Rsu1plution go. 46
- 4•
No. 373 - City_ Masser - Re: Tenders for Weed Cuttting and Chemical Control.
Recommending Chat tenders for the Cutting and Spraying of Weeds be called
with a closing date of June 1st, at 1:45 p.a.
ORDERED on Os motion of Alderman Scbisler, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 374 - City Mtn•ger - Re: Maid of the mat Festival Parade. Recommending
that the City Float be entered in the Parade which will be held in Niagara
Falls, N.Y., on Sunday, June 28th, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 375 - City Manger - Re: Port Colborne Volunteer Fire Department.
Recommending that the Municipal float be entered in the Ontario Firefighters
Association Parade to be held on Monday, August 3rd, 1970, at 1:00 p.m.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted. The notion Carried with the following
AYE: Alderman Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schialer,
Wilson, Thomson.
ME:Aldermen Clarke and Scott.
No. 376 . Cit Mena er - Re: Rubbish Collection. Recommending that the next
rubbish co ectl� ion period be scheduled from June 8th to the 19th inclusive
and that the public be notified through advertisements in the local press and
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Runt that the
report bit received and adopted.
No. 977 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Galotte Subdivision. Submitting a copy
of a letter from River Realty Development Limited which suggests a change in
the existing Theresa Subdivision and the proposed MtPberson Crescent Sub-
division. The subdivider has requested that the existing park in the Theresa
Subdivision be sold to the subdivider who will, in turn, donate a park at
another location, larger than would be required in the two subdivisions;
suggesting Council's favourable consideration of the request.
The City Engineer elaborated on the report pointing out that the
proposal to change the location of the park area would also utilise the park
described as Block "A :, Registered Plan 249. The proposal, be said, would
be beneficial to the subdivider in that the design would be more economical;
he would be saved the expanse of removing fill material from the subdivision
as well es being able to develop additional lots. The park area in the
Theresa subdivision is located at the southern extremity of the subdivision
and involves 1.583 acres. The suggestion, which incorporates the park lands
of the Theresa subdivision with the proposed park lands of Galotts subdivision,
would provide 2.60 acres of land for park purpoeed at no cost to the City. If
it was necessary for the City to esquire land for a park of this acraags, the
estimated cost would be 07,050. The City Engineer also stated that the City
would realise • saving of 0900.00 being the estimated cost of clearing lands
and removing fruit tress in the Theresa subdivision park area. The Park
Superintendent and the Design Engineer had investigated the site and approved
the location of the park.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman
Puttick that the report be received and tabled for one week for additional
information. The motion use Defeated with the following vote:
AfE' Aldermen Wilson, Puttick and Meet.
SS:Aldermen Clarks, Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scbislsr, Scott,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Th msoi, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted. The motionWW1 with the following
Rat Alderman Clerks, Galloway, teen,. Martin, McKinley, Sobisler, Scott,
ME:Aldermen Wilson, Puttick, Runt.
Mo. 378 - City Solioifor - Es: Anti - Loitering By -law. Commenting on a 1966
report wbsnin 1t we pointdd out that there was no authority for a Council
to emact an anti•loit ring by•lewr•nd swggntiag that •s the matter was dealt
with in The Criminal Code the Cason had me Jurisdiction to legislate on the
as mater; smMswittiag a copy of an snti•loitering byelaw passed by the City
of Sault Sts.Marie in 1969 aid shining that than have ,son no prosecutions
under the by •law sod its validity Imo mot been •emt•eted,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and,-together with a copy of the Sault Ste. Marie by
referred Police
would be a�nynassistancentonthe Police ther
No. 379 - City Manager - Re: No Stopping By -law for School Areas. Advising
that the Municipal Parking Committee and the School Traffic Safety Committee
are satisfied that the by -law will adequately accomplish its objectives;
recommending that the By -law No. 70 -96, previously presented, be passed.
Alderman Martin drew .attention to a situation at the intersection of
Queen Street and Victoria Avenue where St.Patrick's School is located. The
proposed by -law would be violated by motorists obeying an existing stop sign.
report be e received andlreferred to the seconded
theTraffic Engineer for C fur her
No. 380 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of the applica-
tions of the Adult Volunteers of the Bellehaven Swim Program, the Lord
Durham Chapter,I.O.D.E. and Blanchfield Roofing Softball Club to manage and
conduct Raffle Lotteries.
Alderman McKinley noted that the application of the Blanchfield
Roofing Softball Club listed the items toobbeir raffled
itt Cash
huor a pi "".
The Alderman questioned the legality of
The Lottery Licensing Officer advised that the manager of cue of the local
Liquor Control Board outlets had been contacted but was uncertain if the
lottery would be legal or not. The Licenn01ficerhstatedova of a Council
"spirits" could be deleted from the application
would be for a cash prize only.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
•the report be received and adopted subject to the deletion of spirts as an
item to be raffled.
No. 381 - City Clerk - Re: Application
of J.Quiquero an lf
Hawker & Pedlar licence. The applicants propose se bleach and soap on
a door -to -door basis.
it was moved on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Puttick that the report be received and a Hawker & Pedlar licence granted.
The motion was Defted with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen alike and Puttick.
NAPE :Aldermen Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schialer,Scott, Wilson,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Hawker Pedlar Clerk be
denied. motionCa r ried withathei for
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schiele :, Scott, Wilton,
Thomson, Hunt.
NAVE :Aldermen Clarke and Patrick.
No. 382 - City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 383 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 45 - SCHISIER - MANN - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Drops
Construction Limited (Division of Steed & Evans) for asphalt resurfacing of
certain roadways in the City of Niagara Falls, be accepted subject to the
approval of the Department of Highways of Ontario and the Regional Munici-
pality of Niagara; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 46 - THOMMSON - WILSON - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Dsmore
Brothers Limited for the installation of sanitary sewermains end trunk sewer -
mains in the Woodbine ores be accepted subject to the approval of the Ontario
Water Resources Commission; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 47 - CLARKE - HUNT - RESOLVED that WHEREAS as a result of the implementation
of Regions G ewrev ent, the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls has incurred
unexpected expenditures in the form of increased interest charges on bank loans
necessary to meet municipal commitments and to maintain normal municipal services;
AND WHEREAS the decision to implement Regional Government was a
direction action of the Provincial Government.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Corporation of the City of Niagara
Falls petition the Government of the Province of Ontario to assume the interest
costs in respect of the increased borrowing requirements of the municipality for
the period beginning with the usual date of demand for taxes and ending with the
actual date of demand for 1970 taxes; this period being the delay in collection
of taxes resulting from the implementation of Regional Government, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be distributed for endorea-
tion of all area municipalities in the Regional Municipality of Niagara, to the
local member of Legislative Assembly, to the Honourable D'Arcy McKeough, Minister
of Municipal Affairs and to the Honourable J.P.Robarte, Premier of Ontario; AND
the Seal of. the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Wilson commented on the fact that the 'Date of Demand' for
taxes in the City of St.Catherines was the first of October whereas taxpayers
in the City of Niagara Falls were penalized as of June let. He suggested that
the By -law be reviewed and consideration given to a later Date cf Demand for
City taxes.
Alderman Puttick advised that at a recent meeting of the Niagara
District Airport Commission, the quarterly financial statement had been sub-
mitted and indicated that the Commission has encountered financial difficulties.
He noted that the City cf St.Catharines had advanced that City's grant part of
which had been applied to a bank loan and the remainder for operating expenses.
Inasmuch as the Airport Commission is subsidized by the municipalities, the
Alderman suggested that payment of a portion of the Niagara Palls grant would
aid the Commission and make it unneceeaary for the Commission to borrow
additional monies and pay an interest rate of 8h or 92.
The City Treasurer agreed that consideration should be given to paying
a portion of the allocated grants• to those organizations who were wholly
dependent on financial assistance from the City. He suggested that organization&
in this category should submit written requests to the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
City Treasurer be asked to investigate the possibility of providing the Niagara
District Airport Commission with an amount equal to 50% of the appropriation
agreed upon by the City Council for the year 1970. The motion Carried with
Alderman Galloway voting contrary and all others in favour.
Alderman Puttick enquired as to the reasons why the air conditioning
system was not operating in the City Hall. Mayor Miller replied that every
effort had been made to have the air conditioning in operation for the official
opening of the City Hell. The problem appears to be caused by a motor that must
be replaced. It is hoped that the system will be in full operation within a
few days.
No. 70 -102 - A By -law to provide for the 1970 Expenditures on roads and streets
in thsCity of Niagara Fells.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Thomson be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
• Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Sabialer that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously,
- 7 -
Third Reading - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Wilson.
No. 70 -103 - A By -law to amend By -law Number 3790,
regulation of traffic. (Armoury Street)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin,
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of
the By -law be given the first reading. '
No. 70 -104 - A By -law to amend By -law Number 3790,
(MacKenzie Place).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin,
that Alderman Schiller be granted the privilege of
the By -iaw be given the first reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Hunt.
Third Reading - Alderman Martin and Alderman Mann.
Carried Unanimously
being a By -law for the
seconded by Alderman Hunt
introducing the By -law and
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman Scott
voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Puttick. The motion Carried with
Alderman Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
for the regulation of traffic.
seconded by .'Alderman McKinley'
introducing the By-law
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schiller, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
amend By -law number 3790, for the regulation of traffic.
No. 70 -105 - A By -law to
(Water Street).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -106 - A By-law to amend By -law number 6683, 1964, being a by -law to
eata�blishh a Fire Department.
'ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule. 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Galloway voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann. The motion Carried with
Alderman Galloway voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70 -1 7 - A By -law to authorize an agreement with Niagara Falls Professional
Fire Pi tern, Local 528, of the International Association of Fire Fighters.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -108 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Covello
Bros. Limited for the construction of sewermains and watermains.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -lsw be given the first reading.
Carrlee Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, second by Alderman Schisler
that B - ale 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Thomson.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Clarke.
Third Reeding - Aldermen Wilson and Alderman Man.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -109 - A By -iaw to authorize the execution of an agreement with Steed and
Evans Limited for sidewalk repairs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Schicler that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No . 70-11 0 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Schisler be granted the privilege of introducing the
By-law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Aldermen Scott
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the B•law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
-` -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole. The motion Carried with
Alderman Thomson voting contrary and all others in favour.
Council Chamber,
May 25, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on May 25, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the exception
of Alderman Bearer. Alderman Martin presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to th
Mann em, it was
seconded e
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, by Aldermanthat
the Committee of the Whole arise and not report.
Council Chambers,
May 25, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held on May 25, 1970. All Members of Council were present with
the exception of Alderman Deares. His Worship Mayor Miller presided as
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded
by Alderman Clarke.
Council met at 7 :30 p.m. on Monday, June 1, 1970, for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen Bearsa, Schialer and Wilson. Bis Worship Mayor F. J.
Miller presided as Chairman. Alderman Scott offered the opening Prayer. It
was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke
that the minutes of the meeting held on May 25, 1970, be adopted as printed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Mrs. G. Skinner be granted permission to address Council.
Mrs. Skinner submitted a petition bearing the signatures of 43
citizens who opposed the elimination of rear yard garbage pick -pup service. She
observed that older citizens and taxpayers would be unable to carry out
garbage containers and it will beeote necessary for them to pay someone for
the service. On behalf of the petitioners, Mrs. Skinner asked that greater
thought and consideration be given to the by -law deleting the service.
Considerable discussion followed regarding the provisions of the By-
law respecting the collection of garbage and other refuse and attention was
drawn to Section 6 which provides: "That in Garbage Areas Nos.1,2 and 3 the
persons collecting the ashee,garbage and other refuse from commercial establish-
ments and from such dwellingeas may be designated by the City Engineer will
collect proper containers holding ashes, garbage and other refuse from a
location acceptable to the City Engineer on the various properties, will empty
the said containers in the trucka and will return the empty containers to the
first mentioned location ".
Council Chamber,
June 1, 1970.
Mr. R. Hauser had requested permission to address Council regarding
Anti -noise By -law No. 7535.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
Mr. Meuser be granted permission to address Council.
Reading from a prepared statement, Mr. Mouser said that too much noise
is a contributing factory in various health disorders and submitted the follow-
ing recommendations: (a) That the barking of dogs be added to the anti -noise
or the dog by -law and that the City lay the charges if a complaint is justified;
(b) the formation of a committee of Council Members. for the purpose of
improving the anti -noise byelaw by adding measurable noise standards (c) that
the City Engineering Department be authorized to design and install poster -like
noise barometer adjacent to an area of heavy vehicular traffic (d)that dog
owners when purchasing licences, also be supplied with a copy of the by -law.
Comm. 223 - Mr.R.Meuser - Re: Anti -Noise By -law No. 7535.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
Mr. Meuser's remarks be received and referred to the City Manager and that he,
together with representatives of the Engineering Department, the Police Depart-
ment and the Human Society investigate and review the Anti -Noise By-law and the
Dog By -law. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, McKinley, Puttick, Scott, Thomson.
NAPE :Aldermen Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin.
Camm.288 - City of Owen Sound )
Comm.312 » City of Sarnia ) Re: Municipal Elections and Voting Ages.
Coom.326 - City of Windsor )
Report 385 - City Manager - Reviewing the resolutions from the other munici-
palities and the results of a poll conducted among youth organizations; noting
that the recently approved Report of the Municipal Election Committee included
a provision that the qualifying age for voting at municipal elections be
reduced; recommending that, in view of the announced intention of the Federal
Government to consider the possibility of lowering the voting age, no action
be taken at the present time.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communications be received and filed and that the report of the City Manager
be received and adopted; further, that it be noted that the City of Niagara
Palls approves of the resolutions presented by the Cities of Owen Sound, Sarnia
and Windsor providing that all levels of Government, Vederal,Provincial and
Municipal, agree to the lowering of the voting age to 18 years.
- 2 -
Comm. 121 - Visitor and Convention Bureau - Advising that when Honeymoon
Certificates are issued the recipients also receive a "Niagara Welcomes you"
Guide Book and a letter of introduction which enables the bride to visit
various attractions free of charge; forwarding a sample of the Honeymoon
Certificate and requesting Council's official endorsement.
Comm. 224 - Visitor and Convention Bureau - Replying to various questions raised
by Members of Council; advising that the booklet is deemed to be educational
in nature, is not subject to sales tax and has no advertising material; sub-
mitting copies of "Niagara Welcomes You" and of the letter of introduction which
is presented to honeymoon couples and indicating those Chamber member attractions
who participate in the program; advising that the program is available to all
Chamber members.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that tha
communication be received and the Honeymoon Certificate, as presented, be
officialbyendorsed. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AVE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Thomson.
NAPE :Aldermen Hunt, Puttick, Scott.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Scott that the communication be received and referred to the next meeting of
Council and after the first general meeting of the Niagara Tourist & Resorts
Association. The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Puttick, Scott.
NAYS :Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Thomson.
NOTE: The motion of deferral was taken prior to the vote of approval.
No. 225 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Road Establishing By -law
Assumption Date. Advising that the Council of the Regional Municipality of
Niagara has adopted May let, 1970 as the Assumption Date of the By -law.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Puttick that the communication be received and filed. The motion was Defeated
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, McKinley, Puttick,Scott.
NAPE :Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Thomson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
communication be received and a letter forwarded to the Regional Government
expressing the dissatisfaction of the City of Niagara Falls that the assumption
date of the Road Establishing By -law was approved as May 1, 1970 rather than
January 1, 1970 and requesting that the matter be given further consideration.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen C1 rke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Thomson.
NAYE:Alderman Galloway, McKinley, Puttick, Scott.
No. 226 - Downtown Businessmen's Association - Requesting permission to present
nine performances of Rock and Roll Bands in the Centennial Square on Thursday
evenings during the sumer months commencing July?, 1970; enquiring as to the
possibility of having a police constable on duty to help maintain crowd
discipline and to protect band equipment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication be received and the request for the use of Centennial Square
approved; further, that a copy of the communication be forward to the Police
Department for consideration of the request that a police constable be on duty
during the performances.
No. 227 - Kinsmen Club of Chippewa • Re: Annual Kin Day Water Sports and
Carnival, August 3, 1970; requesting permission to hold the event'at the Hydro
, park on Main Street at Sodom Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
communication be received and request approved.
No. 228 • B Scouts of Canada - Requesting permission to conduct the 1970
Apple Day on Friday, May 14th and Saturday, May 15th, 1971; advising that the
reason for the early request is to assure that there will be no conflict with
other activities in the Municipality.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received end request approved.
. 3.
- 3 -
No. 229 - Township of Sandwich West - A resolution requesting the Federal
Government to establish a uniform period for observance of Daylight Saving
Time with the termination date being on Labour Day.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the communication be received and filed and the resolution of the Township of
Sandwich West not be endorsed.
No. 230 - City of Sarnia - Re Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System.
Requesting endorsation of a resolution respecting a review by the Government
of Ontario of the investment policies employed by 0.M.E.R.S. with a view to
maximize the return on investment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and the resolution of the City of Sarnia
No. 231 - Town of Fort Erie - Notice of Intention to apply to the Ontario
Municipal Board for an Order of the Board approving the borrowing of monies
for construction works under The Tile Drainage Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Mann that the
communication be received and the City of Niagara Falls register no objection
to the proposed works.
No. 386 - City Solicitor - Rs: Street Name Changes. Advising that By -law 70 -73
has been examined by the Registry Office and the Deputy Registrar has requested
a number of changes in the descriptions of the streets; advising further that
it has been found necessary to re -draft the By -law; requesting that the
revised by -law be given two readings.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and filed. $ By -Law No. 70 -111
No. 387 - City Manager - Re: No Stopping Regulations at School Zones.
Submitting additional information in regard to the By -law to prohibit stopping
at schools and School crossings.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and filed.
See By-Law No. 70 -96
No. 388 - City Manager - Re: Protective Clothing Tender for 1970. Recommending
acceptance of the tender submitted by J.P.Hammill & Son Limited in the amount
of $2,865.78.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and adopted. See Resolution No. 48
No. 389 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for Chain Saws, Rotary Mowers and Edger.
Trimmer. Recommending that the tenders for the equipment be awarded as
1) • 2 wheeled tractor with 40" mowing unit - Duke Lawn Equipment at the
tendered price of $892.50.
2) - Rotary Mowers (21 ") • Lincoln Motors at the tendered price of $1,613.87.
3) - Rotary Mowers (25 ") - Crawford Mauer & Marine at the tendered price of
4) - Three Unit Gang Mowers - Suggesting that no award be made on de item at
this time; suggesting further that the Purchasing Agent and the Parks
Superintendent be authorized to view the operation of the item tendered
upon by Duke Lawn Equipment and a further report prepared after the
investigation has been completed.
5) - Edger Trimmer - Drummond Sports and Marino, at the tendered price of
• 994.22.
6) - Chain Saw (12 ") - Crawford Mower and Marine at the tendered price of
7) • Chain Saw (44 ") - Crawford Mower and Marino at the tendered price of
8) - Chain Saw (16 ") - Crawford Mower and Marine at the tendered price of
9) • Chain Sow (19 ") - Crawford Mower and Matias`at the tendered price of
- 4 -
10) - 6' Rotary Type Newer - Duke Lawn Equipment at the tendered price of
11) - Side Mount Sickle Bar Type Mower - Stallwooda Garage at their tendered
price of $829.50.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Puttick that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 49
No. 390 - City Manager - Re; Livestock and Poultry Valuers; suggesting that the
Aldermen representing the former Townships of Willoughby and Crowland be asked
to suggest the names of persons capable of acting in the capacity of valuer
under the Dog Tax and Livestock and Poultry Protection Act.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 391 - City Manager - Re: Availability of information in regard to the
activities and decisions of the Council of the Regional Municipality of Niagara;
advising that the Regional Council are considering the development of a program
to provide increased liaison with the Councils'of the area municipalities;
suggesting that, as an interim measure, two alternatives are available to
Council (a) that a copy of the Regional agenda be made available at the City
Hall for inspection or (b) to have a member of the Municipal staff prepare a
synopsis as to those items included in the Regional agenda that may be of
concern to the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Clarke that
His Worship Mayor Miller, as a member of the Regional Council, bring to the
attention of the City Council those activities and decisions of the Regional
Council which are of local interest and concern. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Thomson.
NATE :Aldermen Galloway and Puttick.
No. 392 - Cit Mena er - Re: Consent Application for Javiledge Investments Ltd.
Advising that t e Committee of Adjustment has granted the requested severance
of a lot located at the south -east corner of McLeod Road and Thorold Line Road
subject to payment of a general service charge of $500.00 and the payment of
taxes to December 31,1970; noting that the report of the Senior Planner recom-
mended that the application be denied inasmuch as a separation with an unknown
use could be detrimental to the future industrial development of the area;
noting also that the report of the City Engineer suggested that the application
be referred to the Department of Highways of Ontario for their consideration
and comments and also that the 100' right -of -way for future watercourse align-
ment should be a condition of any grant of severance for the property.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Thomson that
the report be received and the City of Niagara Falls appeal the decision of
the Committee of Adjustment to grant a permission to sever to Javildge Invest-
ments Limited; further, that the City Solicitor be authorized to forward the
appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board at the earliest possible -date.
No. 393 - City Manager • Re: Byelaw 70 -74 authorising the acquisition of lands
on Ellen Avenue for the parking of vehicles; advising that eight letters have
been received from property owners objecting to the proposal; recommending that
the objections to By -law 70 -74 be forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board for
their consideration.
ORDERED oaths motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 394 - Senior Planner-. Re: AM -19/70 - Rezoning application of A. Dupuis to
allow a single family dwelling on property situated on the north side of
Lundy's Iane,Lot 7, Plan 132; recommending approval of the application.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Aldermen Mann that the
report be received and adopted and that the Council of the City of Niagara
Palls certifies that the application of A. Dupuis for the rezoning of property
known as Lot 7, Plan 132, situated on the north side of Lundy's lane, is in
conformity with the Official Plan of the City of Niagara Falls as approved by
the Minister of Municipal Affairs on the 3rd day -of April 1967; further that
the application of A. Dupuis be approved.
Sao Resolution $O.sp
. 5.
- 5 -
No. 395 - Senior Planner - Re: Am- 20/70, Application of Messrs T.LaFlamme and
N.Lake tequeating the rezoning of property on the south -west corner of Victoria
Avenue at Jepson Street, to permit an extension to an existing used car lot
and the erection of an inspection building for vehicle safety checking;
recommending that the application be approved subject to a Site Plan Agreement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted and that the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls certifies that the application of Messrs T. LaFlamne and N. Lake for the
rezoning of property known as lot 140, Plan 35, situated on the southwest
corner of Victoria Avenue at Jepson Street, is in conformity with the Official
Plan of the City of Niagara Falls as approved by the Minister of Municipal
Affairs on the 3rd day of April, 1967; further, that the application of Messrs
T.LaFlamme and N. Lake be approved subject to a site plan agreement. The motion
Carried with Alderman Scott voting contrary, Alderman Galloway abstaining from
voting and all others in favour.
See Resolution No. 51
No. 396 - Senior Planner • Re: AM- 21/70, Rezoning application of R. Gale to
permit the conversion of a portion of an existing truck sales building to a
car wash and tolegalize the sale of gasoline from existing pumpa;recommending
that the application be approved subject to a Site Plan Agreement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alden an Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted and that the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls certifies that the application of R. Gale for the rezoning of property
known as Part Lot 90, situated on the east side of Portage RoaJ is in conform-
ity with the Official Plan of the City of Niagara Falls as approved by the
Minister of Municipal Affairs on the 3rd day of April, 1967; further, that
the application of R. Gale be approved subject to a Site Plan Agreement.
See Resolution No. 52
No. 397 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of an application
to manage and conduct a series of Bingo Lotteries by St. Anne Parish.
No. 398 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of applications to
manage and conduct Raffle Lotteries by Ladies Shrine Club and Supreme Athletic
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the reports of the Lottery Licensing Officer be received and adopted.
No. 399 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted with the exception of Cheque No. 22570 in the
amount of $27,587.88, payment of which is temporarily withheld.
No. 400 - City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted. The cation Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Puttick, Scott, Thomson.
NA�YE :Aldermen Martin and McKinley.
No. 48 - MARTIN - CALLAWAY • RESOLVED that the tender for the supply of work-
men's protective clothing for 1970 be awarded to J. P. Hammill & Son Limited,
in the amount of $2,865.78; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 49 - MARTIN - PUTTICK • RESOLVED that tenders for the supply of various
chain saws, rotary mowers and an edger trimmer be awarded as follows:
1)2- wheeled tractor with 40" mowing unit • Duke Lawn Equipment at the tendered
price of $892.50.
2) Rotary Mowers (21 "0 - Lincoln Motors at the tendered price of $1,613.87.
3) Rotary Mowers (25 ") - Crawford Mower and Marine at the tendered price of
4) Three Unit Gang Mowers- No award to be made on this item at this time
pending a demonstration of the equipment tendered by Duke Lawn Equipment.
5) Edger Trimmer - Drummond Sports and Marine at the tendered price of $94.22.
6) Chain Saw (12 ") - Crawford Mower and Marine at the tendered price of $146.95.
7) Chain Saw (44 ") Crawford Mower and Marine at the tendered price of $645.17.
8) Chain Saw (16 ") - Crawford Mower and Marine at the tendered price of $215.20.
9) Chain Saw (19 ") - Crawford Mower and Marine at the tendered price of $165.32.
- 6 -
10) 6' Rotary Type Mower - Duke Lawn Equipment at
11) Side Mount Sickle Bar Type Mower - Staliwoode
price of $029.50; AND the Seal of the Corporation
the tendered price of
Garage at their tendered
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 50 - GALLOWAY - MANN - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls hereby certifies that the application of A. Dupuis for the rezoning of
property known as Lot 7, Plan 132, situated on the north side of Lundy's Lane,
is in conformity with the Official Plan of the City of Niagara Falls as approved
by the Minister of Municipal Affairs on the 3rd day of April 1967; further
that the application of A. Dupuis be approved; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 51 - MANN - THOMSON - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls hereby certifies that the application of Messrs T. LaFlamme and N.Lake
for the rezoning of property known as Lot 140, Plan 35, situated on the
southwest corner of Victoria Avenue at Jepson Street, is in conformity with
the Official Plan of the City of Niagara Falls as approved by the Minister of
Municipal Affairs on the 3rd day of April, 1967; further, that the application
of Messrs T.LaFlamme and N. Lake be approved subject to a Site Plan Agreement;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 52 - CLARKE - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
hereby certifies that the application of R. Gale for the rezoning of property
known as Part Lot 90, situated on the east side of Portage Road is in
conformity with the Official Plan of the City of Niagara Falls as approved by
the Minister of Municipal Affairs on the 3rd day of April, 1967; further,that
the application of R. Gale be approved subject to a Site Plan Agreement; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 53 • MARTIN - MANN • RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded
to City employee Jul us Nalezinski and Mrs. Nalezinski expressing the sympathy
of Council on the sudden passing of their two daughters; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
As a member of the Niagara Parks Commission, Mayor Miller was
requested by Alderman Puttick to ask that the Commission give consideration
to placing additional swings in the play area in Queenston Heights Park. On
a recent visit to the Park, the Alderman noted that the existing three swinge
were not sufficient to accommodate the number of children using the facilities
and suggested that 25 swings be made available.
Alderman Puttick asked City Officials to consider the feasibility of
placing water fountains in some sections of the City as in the City of St.
Catharines. He pointed out that the fountains would be appreciated by
citizens and visitors and suggested the areas of Clifton Hill, the Centre area
or Queen Street.
Alderman Puttick requested that staff members take whatever steps are
neeemsary to have the property located at the south -west corner of Buckley
Avenue and Morrison Street cleaned up by the landlord. The building, he said,
was unfit for human habitation.
Alderman Puttick enquired as to when a report would be forthcoming in
regard to the use of the Eaton property for library facilities. Mayor Miller
replied that he understands the Chief Librarian has now returned to the City and
arrangements will now be made for a meeting of representatives of the Library
Board, Niagara College and the City Council.
Alderman Clarke drew attention to property on Ash Street which is over-
run with weeds. The City Engineer advised that the closing date for the tenders
for weed cutting and chemical control was June 1st and following the awarding of
the contract the situation would be remedied.
Alderman Hunt asked Mayor Miller if he had any information regarding
the possible appointment of an additional member to the Niagara Parke Commission.
Mayor Miller said that the matter had been discussed at the Regional level of
Government but there was nothing official at this time.
Alderman Thomson referred to the proposed relocation of Highway 20 and
the detrimental effect upon the tourist establishments in the Lundy's Lane area.
The highway relocation, he said, will not only funnel tourist vehicles directly
to the Rainbow Bridge and Niagara Falla,N.Y., but would also result in traffic
jams. The Alderman had advised a meeting of the Visitor and Convention Bureau
that the City had expressed their opposition 'to the relocation plans and
enquired about what the Department of Highways proposed to do about signing. To
date no reply has been received. Alderman Thomson advised that the Chamber of
Commerce had forwarded many lettem to the Minister of Highways requesting that
fuel, food and accommodation signs be erected. All replies have been of a
negative nature and stating that it is not the policy of the Department to erect
signs in urban areas. The Alderman pointed out that such signs do exist in the
City of St.Catharines. The Council, he seid, should indicate their concern by
attempting to meet with the Department of Highways. Mayor Miller suggested that
if a meeting is arranged, that the local Member of the Legislative Assembly
could be of assistance and should be invited to be present.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
arrangements be made for a meeting with representatives of the Department of
Highways in order to provide an opportunity for a full discussion of the signs
to be erected within the City of Niagara Falls regarding accommodation, fuel,
food, etc.
Alderman Thomson reiterated his concern about the safety of 115 school
children crossing the railway tracks between Cherrywood Acres School and the
Pettit Subdivision. The tracks, he said, are overun with brush and the area is
covered with debris and old railway ties; there is no protection, no barrier and
no crossing guard. The Alderman said it is his understanding that railway
. representatives have visited some of the families in the neighbourhood and
asked that the children walk around to school rather than cross the tracks. This,
he said, would mean a 111 mile walk to school as compared to 500 • 600'. The .
Alderman requested s report regarding the matter.
No 70 -96 - A By -law to amend By -law Number 3790, being a by -law for the rev.
lat on of traffic. (No Stopping • School Areas)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman NeKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By •law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
iird Reading - Aldermen Mann and Alderman Martin.
Carried Unanimously
- 8 -
No. 70 -111 - A By -law to change the names of certain highways.(Two readings)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with all Members of
Council and His Worship Mayor Miller voting in tip a affirmative.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with all Members
of Council and His Worship Mayor Miller voting in the affirmative.
No. 70 -112 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Damore
Bros. Limited for the construction of sewermains in the Woodbine Street area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Runt.
No. 70 -113 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Steed
and Evans Limited (Drupe Construction Division) for the construction of hot
mix asphalt pavements.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Clarke and Alderman Martin.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No 70.114 - A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land and erection of a
fire hall thereon. (Two Readings Only)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
ATE: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Thomson.
ME :Aldermen Galloway and Puttick.
No. 70 -115 • A By -law to provide monies for general purposes. (The deletion of
Cheque No. 22570 in the amount of $27,587.88 reduced the amount of money pre*
vided to $163,672.91. See Report No. 399).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, ssconded by Alderman Mann
that Aldermen McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
tM . By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unsnimpusly
• 9.
- 9 -
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Martin.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Puttick that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council Chamber,
June 1, 1970
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular
meeting held on June 1, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Aldermen Hearse, Schisler and Wilson. Alderman Mann presided
as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the Committee of the Whole arise and report.
Council Chamber,
June 1, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held on June 1, 1970. All Members of Council were present
with the exception of Aldermen Beards, Schisler and Wilson. His Worship
Mayor Miller presided se Chairman.
The following action was taken_
Report 401 - Committee of Council - A majority recommendation in the matter
of a hearing given to an employee of the Niagara Falls Fire Department
pursuant to Section 4 of the Fire Departments Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 145.
Recommending that the Firelighter be reinstated as a Third Class Fire Fighter
subject to his compliance with six conditions enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report of the Special Committee appointed to hear the appeal of a
rflently dismissed member of the Fire Department be received and filed and
that the decision of the Fire Chief to dismiss the subject employee be
confirmed. and ratified by Council. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Hunt, Mann, Puttick, Scott, Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Clarke, Martin and McKinley.
NOTE: Aldermen Galloway abstained from voting.
Report 402 - City Manager - Advising that Mr.Richard A. Smith, Inspection
' Superintendent, has completed the probationary period of twelve months and
recommending that his appointment as Inspection Superintendent be confirmed
by Council; further recommending, that effective June 2, 1970, he be
advanced to Step 3 of Salary Level 9, an increase of $324.00 per annum.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the report be received and adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the meeting adjourn.
Council Chamber,
June 8, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 8, 1970, for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Puttick. Alderman Thomson offered the Opening Prayer.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. It was Ordered on the
motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the minutes of
the meeting held on June 1, 1970, be adopted as printed.
Comm. 234 - Canadian Union of Public Employees - Re: Sanitation Rear Yard
Pickup. Requesting permission to have a representative present a brief an
behalf of Local 133, C.U.P.E.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt that Mt.
Alex Ironeide be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Ironeide, Secretary, Niagara Falls and District Labour Council,
read from a prepared brief, copies of which were distributed to Members of
Council. The speaker advised that the Labour Council opposed the change in
the garage collection by -law whereby citizens will be required to place their
garbage at the curbside for collection. The disadvantages of curbside service
included untidy appearance of streets when containers are left at curbside;
health and pollution hazards; garbage cane left at the curb may contribute to
accidents; damage or theft of containers; increased complaints and the diffi-
culties and inconvenience encountered by the aged and infirm. Mr. Ironeide
urged City Officials to meet with Union representatives to work out methods of
reducing costs without reducing the level of service.
Mr. Ironeide also submitted petitions bearing the signatures of 4,145
citizens who wished to have the present system of garbage collection maintained.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the communication from Local 133, COPE, the presentation by the Niagara Falls
and District Labour Council and the petitions be received and referred for
further consideration when the By -law establishing the garbage collection
system is presented for final reading.
Comm. 194 - Ladies Association Multiple Sclerosis - Requesting permission to
sell lottery tickets in the City for a draw to be held September 14, 1970, at
the Toronto City Hall; advising that a licence has been obtained from the
Province of Ontario.
Comm. 235 • Niagara Chapter Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada - Opposing
the sale of lottery tickets ' in the City of Niagara Falls by the Toronto
association; advising that the local Chapter will be sponsoring a band concert
to raise funds for the local cause.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and acknowledged and the Ladies Association
Multiple Sclerosis be advised that the City of Niagara Falls will not grant
permission to the Association to sell lottery tickets in the Municipality.
Comm. 195. -- Department of Mines - Re: Operation of Pits and Quarries in Southern
Ontario. Presenting a Supplement to the Report of the Mineral Resources
Committee; advising that arrangements have bean made to hold a series of
meetings to provide an opportunity to discuss the intent and meaning of the
Report 368 - City Ma s er - Advising that Allan F. Lawrence, Minister of Mines,
has indicated tit a will make every effort to meet with Council to discuss
the report of the Mineral Resources Committee; recommending that June 16th,
23rd or 24th be suggested as possible meeting dates with the Minister.
Comm. 236 - Minister of Mines - Advising that the Niagara Escarpment Protection
Act is expected to received second reading within a few days and will require
all present and future operations to obtain a permit from the Minister of Mines;
advising further that in the administration of the Act, municipal opinions and
restrictions will tats priority to the Act and is intended to protect the top
and fate of the escarpment ae well as supporting existing municipal restric-
tions. The communication also states that the Minister can meet with Council
on June 22nd if it is still considered necessary.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
communication be received and filed. The motion Carried with Alderman Bares
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 237 - F. Belie - Submitting a petition bearing the signatures of eighteen
residents of M and Street requesting information about the operation of an
excavating and asphalt paving business at 2350 Maitland Street; requesting
Council to take immediate steps to rectify a situation which is causing traffic
congestion, harassment to the ratepayers and lowering the value of properties.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schiller, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a full
No. 238 - Niagara Peninsula Home Builders' Association - Submitting a study
and report on the municipal subdivision development policies of the Niagara
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
communication be received and referred to City Officials for study and comment.
The motion Carried with Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in
No. 239 - G. Glenn - Comments an increased water rates in the former Village
of Chippewa.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the cot.iunication be received and filed.
No. 240 - Department of Agriculture and Food - Fruit and Vegetable Service -
Re: Program to improve marketing methods at Farmers` Markets; requesting that
the City deal through the farmers' association in regard to the leasing of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearer, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
communication be received and the Marketing Specialist, John Vandenberg,
thanked for the improvements made at the South End Market; further, that Mr.
Vandenberg be asked to provide similar assistance to the farmers' market at
the north end of the City.
No. 241 - City of Welland - Requesting endorsation of a resolution asking the
Minister of Education to review the present regulations and give consideration
to increasing the present maximum grant for recreation programs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and referred to the Recreation Commission.
No.. 242 - City of Brockville - A resolution recommending'that Cannabis Sativa
(marijuana), its preparations, derivatives and similar synthetic preparations,
remain under the Narcotic Control Act until it can be effectually controlled
under other legislation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, that
the communication be received and referred to the Social Planning Council and
the Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Research Foundation for their comments.
No. 243 - Brock University Students • Request for a Tag Day in the City of
Niagara Falls, June 20, 1970; proceeds to help allay the expenses of students
travelling to the Caribbean Island of Bequia to assist in the construction of
a school and community centre.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
communication be received and permission granted to hold a Tag Day on June 20,
No. 244 - Niagara College of Applied Arts & Technoloay is Student Administrative
Council • Requesting permission for the students of Niagara College to shine
Mal* the streets in Niagara Falls on September 12, 1970;a11 proceeds to
be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Bearss that the
communication be received and the request to conduct a "Shinerama Day"
No. 245 - Nislevri alls )$i glans' Association - Re: Band Concerts in 1970.
Requesting permission to hold all Band Concsrte on Sunday afternoons from 2:00
to 3:30 p.m, at Eventide Home; enquiring if the Concerts at the Chippewa Band
Shell are to be continued. the City's cost 'for these concerts mill be 05000
The City Clerk advised that in previous years the City has split the
cost of providing the concerts with the Niagara Falls Musicians' Association
and in 1969 the City's share was $1,500.00 and this amount has been included
in the current budget. The cost for the Chippewa concerts is additional.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Bearss that the
communication be received and the City of Niagara Falls participate in the
providing of band concerts at Eventide Home under the same terms as in 1969;
further, that no provision be made at this time for the band concerts in the
former Village of Chippewa. The motion Carried with Alderman Galloway voting
contrary and all others in favour.
No. 246 - South Ontario Economic Development Council - An invitation to "Design
for Development" of the Niagara (South Ontario) Region June 10, 1970 at the
Welland County Court House or June 12, 1970, Grimsby High School.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and that Aldermen Bearss and Wilson be appointed as
Council's representatives to the Economic Development Council.
No. 247 - Niagara Falls Bridge Commission - Advising that the contract has
been awarded for the painting of the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge and the Bridge
will be closed to vehicular traffic during the hours of 8 :00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
daily, Monday thru Friday, June 15 to June 19 and from June 22 to June 26,1970, -
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 24.3 - Mayor H.E.Bleck, Mayor, Town of Pelham - Expressing appreciation of
the incitation to the official opening of the new City Hall.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 249 - Niagara Frontier HumantSociety - Thanking Members of Council and
Staff for attending the opening of Coatts Animal Shelter.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 403 - City Manager - Re: Weed Cutting on Private Lots. Submitting informa-
tion as to the comparison of costs between 1968 and 1969; advising that a
breakdown of labour, equipment and material costs is provided to the property
owners; advising further that present procedures have considerably reduced
the number of complaints received and no cases involving weed cutting charges
were heard in the Court of Revision last year.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and filed.
No. 404 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for Mowing Weeds on Private Lots.
Recommending that the tender for Items 1, 6 and 8, as enumerated in the Tender
Summary be awarded to Custom Weed Control (E.Murchie) who submitted the
lowest tenders on these items.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 54
No. 405 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for Chemical Weed Control on Private Lots.
. Recommending that the tender be awarded to Earl Murchie, Niagara Falls, who
submitted the lowest tender for the equipment required.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 55
- 3 -
No. 406 - City Manager - Re: Re- Painting of Police Building and Annex.
Recommending that the contract be awarded to Dick & Andre• Ltd. at the
tendered price of $5,381.00,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldermen Wilson that the
report be received and adopted. See Resolution No.36
No. 407 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for the construction of various sidewalks
in the City of Niagara Falls; recommending that the unit prices tendered by
Drope Construction Limited be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schiller, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 57
No 408 - City Manager - Re: Quotations - Niagara Falls Arena. Recommending
that the contract for the installation of new piping and related refrigera-
tion work be awarded to J. L. Wilson & Sons Ltd. at the tendered price of
$8,453.00; recommending further that the contract for the placement of insula-
tion and a new concrete floor be awarded to Defoe Metallcrete Floor Co.Ltd.
at the tendered price of $24,866.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Cladce, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Wilson
voting contrary and all others in favour.
See Resolution No. 58
No. 409 - City Clerk - Re: Use of the former Eaton Company parking lot for
visitors to Kolauge, the drop -in centre on Morrison Street; advising that
the Eaton Company has agreed to permit the use of the parking lot provided it
is kept in good order and is locked after its use by the patrons of the
drop -in centre; recommending that the City agree with the T.Eaton Company to
maintain the existing parking lot subject to the following conditions (a)the
Company be notified that the City will not undertake repairs to the surface
of the parking lot (b) the Youth Resources Committee of the Social Planning
Council, accept responsibility of keeping the parking lot free from broken
glass, refuse and other debris (c) the parking lot is to be used only by
patrons and visitors to the drop -in centre and will be kept locked except
during the period when the centre is open and (d) the Committee accept the
responsibility for making good any damage incurred to the fence surrounding
the lot by persona using the facility; recommending further that the
proposal be implemented for a trial period of one month.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and adopted subject to confirmation by the City's
insurance agent that the City will he protected against liability by exiotj.ng
insurance coverage without additional charge.
No. 410 - Director of Recreation - Presenting a "Summer Recreation Calendar"
prepared by the Recreation Commission of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the report be received and filed and the Recreation Director commended.
No. 411 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of an application
by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 51, to manage and conduct a series of
Bingo Lotteries.
No. 412 - lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of applications
by the Dorchester Manor Auxiliary and the Local Council of Women to manage
and conduct Raffle Lotteries.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hann that the
reports be received and adopted.
No. 413 - Alderman Howard Clarke - Re: A.W.W.A. Canadian Section Waterworks
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and filed.
No. 414 City Clerk - Re: Candev Limited. Advising that the proposed plan
of subdivision w 1 require a zoning amendment, a site plan agreement in
conjunction with the zoning amendment and a subdivider's agreement; advising
further that the developer is required to dedicate to the Municipality a ten
foot strip of land for future widening of Dorchester Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and filed. See By -law No. 70 -119
No. 415 - City Manager - Re: Meadowvale Subdivision (Sewer and Watermain
Contract) Advising that the subdivider has requested time to review the
various prices received.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the report be received and tabled until such time as the subdivider relays
his comments.
No. 416 - City Hanger - Recommending payment of Municipal accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 417 - Bui di Inspector - Permits issued by the Building Department for
the Meth of Ney, 1970.
C@DERBD on the motion of Alderman Schislar, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and filed.
No. 418 - Cit Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the mot on of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Beare° that
the report be received and adopted end licences granted.
No. 54 - THOMSON - MARTIN- RESOLVED that the tendercfor mowing weeds on
private Iota, Items L, 6 and 8, as enumerated in the Tender summary, be
awarded to Custom Weed Control who submitted the lowest tenders on these
items; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 55 - BEARSS THOMSON - RESOLVED that the tender for Chemical Weed Control
on Private is be swaged to Earl Murchie, Niagara Falls, who submitted the
lowest tender for the equipment required; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 56 - MANN - WILSON - RESOLVED that the contract for re- painting the
Police Building and Annex be awarded to Dick & Andre at the tendered price
of $5,381.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 57 - SCRISLER - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the unit prices tendered by Drops
Construction Limited for the construction of various sidewalks in the City
of Niagara Falls; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 58 - CLARRE - MANN - RESOLVED that the contract for the installation of
new piping and related refrigeration work at the Niagara Falls Arena be
awarded to J. L. Wilson & Sons Ltd. at the tendered price of $8,453.00;
further, that the contract for the placement of insulation and a new concrete
floor be awarded to Defoe Metallcrete Floor Co. Ltd. at the tendered price
of $24,866.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 59 - THOMSON - MANN - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded
to the family of the late Charles H. Thompson, former Clerk- Treasurer of the
County of Welland, and recently Clark of the Regional Municipality of
Niagara; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman McKinley, on his own behalf and on behalf of other residents,
expressed appreciation to the Engineering Department for the installation of
culverts on Thorold Stone Road and on Drummond Road.
Aldermen Thomson enquired as to when the perk area of the LeScala
subdivision would be developed. He noted that, although there were many
children in the area, the park had not been proceeded with nor bad playground
equipment been installed. The Alderman said a park is needed in the neighbour-
hood if the subdivision is to be maintained and kept as free of vandalism
as possible. The City Engineer indicated that he would secure the requested
Aldermen Thomson suggested that an evening be set aside for the
purpose of allowing the public to visit the new City Hall and view the
facilities. He said that he had received calls from residents who had not
had an opportunity to tour the building during the Official opening.
The CityClerk will take abe suggutioo'undop adviesasnt and.eubmit
a report at the next 'meting of Council.
Alderman Hunt requested that City Police occasionally check the site
of the former Willoughby dump. Although the propetty had been bulldozed,
trucks from Stevensville were dumping debris in the ditches. The Alderman
suggested that police surveillance would perhaps discourage the practice and
the licence plate. numbers could be noted.
Alderman Hunt enquired as to the status of Navy Island. Be suggested
that it would be an ideal site for an amusement park especially since the
"Niagara Belle ", a paddlewheeler excursion vessel, will soon begin cruises
on the Upper Niagara River.
Mayor Miller stated that Navy Island is maintained under the juris-
diction of the Niagara Parks Commission as a wild life sanctuary. It was
suggested that staff members investigate the ownership of the property.
Alderman Clarke reported receiving enquiries from residents who were
prepared to sell their homes and move into the proposed Mobile Park. Et
enquired as to the reasons for the delay in proceeding with the development.
The City Engineer advised that a revised site plan had been submitted
to and reviewed by the Site Plan Technical Committee. Their comments regard-
ing municipal requirements had been relayed to the developer; the time element
was iu their hands. He advised that the proposal is fairly involved and
requires an amendment to the Official Plan.
Alderman Hunt commented on the fact that the Municipality has no
fence viewers and suggested that the City arrange for such service. The City
Clerk said that fence viewers are usually associated with predominantly rural
areas and had been required by the former Township of Stamford. The Alderman's
suggested will be studied and a report prepared and submitted at the next
meeting of Council.
The City Clerk read a letter from L.G.Blackburn, President, Local 133,
C.U.P.E. in which he apologized for inadvertently calling certain Members of
Council "donkeys" during a recent Council meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Hearse, that the
communication be received and filed. (Comm.No. 250)
No. 70 -116 - A By -law to authorise the construction of certain works as local
improvements under Section 12 of The Local Improvement Act. (Two readings only)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Schieler that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -117 - A By -law to amend By -law No. 70 -2 providing for appointments to
certain Boards, Commissions and Committees.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Aldermen Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By-lew be given the first reading:
• Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council -be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.-
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Martin.
Third Reading - Alderman Clarke and•Alderman Bearas.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Bearas.
Third Reading - Alderman Schieler and Alderman Mann,
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 - 118 - A By-law amend By -law No. 7834, 1969, providing for appointments
to certain Boards, Commissions and Committees.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beattie, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -119 - A By -law to amend Zoning By -laws Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960 of
the former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. _
(Candev property)
ORDERED on the nation of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman McKinley,
that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the ty -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By - law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -120 - A By -late to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Stamford Credit Union Limited. (Temporarily withdrawn as requested by the
Solicitor for the applicant)
No. 70 -121 - A By -law to amend Zoning By -law No. 2530, 1960, of the former
Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Temporarily
withdrawn as requested by the Solicitor of the applicant).
No. 77- -122 - A By -law to establish certain lands as parts of Marshall Road,
Willoughby Drive and Sodom Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that Alderman Hunt be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Scott
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No 70.123 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Steed and
Evans ted for the construction of sidewalks.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Aldermen Minn
that Aldermen Runt be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law bs given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that
Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily Suspended and the
By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman McKinley.
No. 70 -124 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Dick and
Andre Limited for the painting of the interior of the Police Department building
and annex.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Beare's.
No. 70 -125 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Council reconvened in open
Whole meeting held on June 8, 1970.
the exception of Alderman Puttick.
Council Chamber,
June 8, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on June 8, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the exception
of Alderman Puttick. Alderman Galloway presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the Committee of the Whole arise and not report.
It was ORDERED that the meeting adjourn.
Council Chamber,
June 8, 1970.
session following the Committee of the
All Members of Council were present with
His Worship Mayor Miller presided as
i i
Council Chamber,
June 15, 1970.
Council met at 7 :30 p.a. on Monday, June 15, 1970, for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Meares. Alderman Wilson offered the Opening Prayer. His
Worship Mayor P. J. Miller presided as Chairman. It was Ordered on the motion
of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the minutes of the meeting
held on June 8, 1970, be adopted as printed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that Mfr.
Wayne Pretty be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Pretty, a member of the Civic Affairs Committee of the Chamber of
Commerce, said that the Chamber and the Niagara Falls Labour Council, the two
largest voluntary groups working for the betterment of the City, were pleased
to present a lectern to the City for use in the Council Chamber. The presenta-
tion, he said, was an indication of the determination of both organisations to
work diligently and in a spirit of cooperation, to the mutual benefit of all
citizens. Mr. Pretty said that he felt certain that in future years there
would be many opportunities for the public to use the speakers' rostrum to make
known to elected representatives their opinions and views.
Mr. Bill Cooper, representing the Niagara Falls Labour Council, said
that the lectern was symbolic of the privilege of all citizens to approach the
Council on any given subject. He expressed the hope that the rostrum would be
used for the benefit of the community.
In accepting the presentation on behalf of the City, Mayor Miller
expressed the hope that the lectern would remain in the Council Chamber for
many years and used by those persona wishing to address Council.
Report 419 - CL�Miaases - Re: Oneida Lane Watermain. Referring to the
suggestion by Mfr. Iannuzzelli that the watermain be constructed to Victoria
Avenus.and citing reasons why such construction would be undesirable;
commenting on the watermain pressures in the general area and advising that
Oneida Silversmiths Limited is getting inadequate volume and pressure for fire
fighting purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Thcason, that
Mr. John A. Hill be granted permission to address Council. •
As spokesman for Oneida Canada Ltd., Ht. Hill requested that Council
reconsider their decision in regard to the proposed watermain construction.
Because of assurance received in August, 1969, that a larger main would be
installed along Oneida Lane prior to the period of peak demand, the Company
felt certain they would be able to continue production and meet sales demands.
If customer demands cannot be mat there is a loan of sales and employment. Mt.
Bill described the precautions taken by the Company but pointed out that
without a good volume of water at adequate pressure, the Oneida Plant is
yulnnrable to serious fire. If the proposed improvement is not proceeded
with immediately, he asked for a firm ccemitment as to the earliest possible
date construction will commence.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman ikrtin, seconded by Aideramn Mann that Mr.
A. Iannuszelli be granted permission to address Council.
Mr, Iannussslli said that he could not agree to the suggestion that
the intermit be installed imsdiately after Labour Day because of the
tourist trade during the month of September. He suggested that construction
be delayed until thi end of October. Ha expressed the opinion that the Oneida
Company could have sufficient water by connecting to an existing 8" waterwein
located 100' tram the building. This, he said, would be at Oneida's expense
and would save the City *6000.00.
The City Engineer said that Oneida Lane is a City street and the
existing min gust be replaced to adequately service other establishments on
Cho street.
- 2 -
During further discussion of the matter, Mr. Iannuzzelli and Mr. Hill
indicated that the undertaking,gf.,the work early in October mould be satis-
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report of the City Manager be received and filed and that -the construction of
the 8" diameter watermain on Oneida Lane commence on Monday, October 5, 1970.
Comm. 222 - Baesel,Sullivan,Holland & Lawson, Barristers - Requesting per-
mission for the Canadian Council of War Veterans to sell lottery tickets in
the City of Niagara Falls. Proceeds are to go to Camp Maple Leaf Incorporated,
a free camp for underprivileged children.
Comm. 250 - Bassel Sullivan Holland & Lawson - Submitting additional informa-
tion as to the number of tickets to be sold and value of the prizes.
Comm. 251 - British Canadian Veterans Association - Advising that the
Association has been the local sponsor for Camp Maple Leaf for a number of
years and each year 30 to 35 local children attend the camp; advising that
the proposal is a legitimate raffle and urging the City to approve the request
to sell lottery tickets in the Municipality.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communications be received and permission granted to the Canadian Council of
War Veterans to Bell lottery tickets within the City.
Comm. 252 - Department of Health of Ontario • Re: Lifeguards for Hotel, Motel
and Apartment Poole. Advising that a draft regulation has been given wide
circulation for review and criticism among association representing swimming
pool intereete;tba draft proposes requirements for lifeguard surveillance on
a scale appropriate for each class of pool.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication be received and filed and a copy forwarded to Mrs. Laura
Johns. '
* * * * **
Comm. 141 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - Re: Research study on
"Industrial Development Opportunities for Niagara Falls" by Battelle Memorial
Report 331 - City Solicitor - Re: Proposed Agreement with Battelle Memorial
Institute. Advising that a legal standpoint, the proposed agreement le
tot satisfactory in respect to the description of the work to be performed;
the basis on which the charges are to be determined and provision for payments
as the work progresses; the provision that reports and' correspondence and the
name of Battelle - Columbus must not be used for publicity purposes and the
stipulation prohibiting the City from using information obtained as evidence
in disputes, litigation and other legal action.
Report 420 - City Solicitor, • Re: Proposed Agreement with Battelb Memorial
Institute. Suggesting that the form of the agreement is now acceptable in its
revised form; advising that subsection 2 of section 411 of The Municipal Act
could be considered as authority for incurring an expenditure for this purpose
and that the by -law will require a three - quarter vote of all Members of
Council present and voting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report of the City Solicitor be received and referred for consideration
when the by- law to authorise an agreement with the Battelle Institute is
* * * * * * See By -law No.70 -126
Comm. 237 - F Helie - Submitting it petition bearing the signatures of eighteen
residents ofnd Street requesting information about the operation of an
excavating and asphalt paving business at 2350 Maitland Street; requesting
Council to take immdiate steps to rectify a situation which is causing traffic
congestion, harassment to the ratepayers and lowering property values.
Report 421 • City Manager - Re: Maitland Street. Advising that the Niagara
Paving Construction Company, located at 2350 Maitland Street, was notified on
August 8, 1968, that the use of the property was contrary to the provisions
, ::contained in By-law 2530,1970; advising further that the use now being made of
ebe property was not established as a non- conforming use; recommending that
the Niagara Paving Construction be directed to discontinue the use of their
party for business purposes and to remove all equipment used -in conjunction
-with the business within fifteen day. ; failing to do so will result in •
chores being laid fee a violation of the mooing by -law.
MOMS on the notion of Alderman Oalloiay, seconded by Alderman Blunt that the
repeat of the City Meager be received and adopted.
No. 253 - Mr. D. J. Sheedy - Comments re: Garbage Collection. Objecting to the
proposed elimination of rear yard pickup service.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 254 - Mon SheotgFoundation - A request from the Foundation's Solicitor for
permission to sell lottery tickets in the Municipality; advising that a licence
has been issued by the Department of Financial and Commercial Affairs. Tickets
will be forwarded to all Chinese communities in Canada and the proceeds used to
construct a Home for the Aged.
ORDERED on the.motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin, that
the communication be received and permission granted to the Mon Sheong Founda-
tion to sell lottery tickets in the City. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No, 255 - Ontario Plumbing Inspectors Association - Re: Annual Conference,
Ontario Plumbing Inspectors Association, Barrie, Ontario, September 13th to
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the communication be received and the Plumbing Inspector be authorized to
attend the Conference.
No. 256 - Niagara Falls Music Theatre Society Inc. - Re: Renewal of
Expressing appreciation for the reduction in rental charged for the
former Walnut Street Fireball.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Mann
communication be received and filed.
use of the
that the
No. 257 - Town of Pelham - Notice of Intention to Apply to the Ontario Mufti.
pal Board for an or er approving the borrowing of monies for certain construc-
tion work under the provisions of the Tile Drainage Act.
No.258 - Town of Pelham - Notice of Intention to Apply to the O.M.B. for an
order approving the issue of debentures for the construction of sanitary sewers
and private lot services.
No.259 - City of Welland - Notice of Intention to Apply to the 0.M.B. for an
order approving Our of debentures for watenaain,eidewalk and asphalt
pavement construction.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
Communications Nos. 257, 258 and 259 be received and the City of Niagara Falls
register no objections to the proposed works.
No. 422 • City Manager - Re: Appointment of Fence Viewers. Recommending that
Council aut arise the preparation of a by -law to appoint four fence viewers
and that persons so appointed be paid at a rate of $10.00 per day as provided
for in Section 12 of The Line Fences Act; suggesting that Members of Council
representing the. former Township of Willoughby and Crowland be asked to
suggest the names of persons who would act in this capacity.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received sad adopted.
No. 423 - City_ tunsagEr - Re: Ellen Avenue Parking Lot. Advising that it will
not be posTbii Tor ilia Ontario Municipal Board to conduct a hearing to con-
sider the objections to the proposal for saes time; recommending that City
Officials be authorized to contact the property owners to obtain a three month
extension of the agreements of purchase.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
No 424 • Senior Planar • Re: Study of Lundy's Lane Land Use. Recommending
that the existing Tourist Commercial designation remain as is but, in the
section of Lundy's Lane between Rehm and Garner Ronde, residential development
with a maxisum,of 30 units per acre be allowed; that each application be con -
sidered on itt..own merit and that this policy be included in•ebs Official Man
when an overall amendment is prepared.
- 4 - -
ORDERED cm the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Thomson
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 425 - Senior Planner - Re: Standardization of Consents. Submitting a
copy of the Rural Consent Policy and the report submitted to the Planning and
Development Committee by the Planning Staff; advising that the consent
policies of the enlarged City were contained in a number of Official Plane and
the Planning Staff have recommended to the Committee that one Consent Policy
be established for the entire City; recommending that Council consider the
proposed policies and, if found acceptable, that they be submitted to the
Committee of Adjustment for comment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Wilson.
NAYE:Aldermen Clarke, Puttick, Schieler, Thomson.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that the report be received and tabled until such time as the
farmers have an opportunity to express their views to the Planning Committee.
The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Puttick, Schisler, Thomson.
1�AYE :Aldermen Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Wilson.
NOTE: The vote on the motion of referral was taken prior to the motion to
adopt the report.
No. 426 - Senior Planner - Re: AM -22/70 E.Sherar, Pt.Lot 38 & 39, Plan 34,
west side of Orchard Avenue; a request for a change in zoning to allow the
construction of a two. family dwelling; recommending that the application be
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson that the report be received and
referred for two weeks for further information. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Scott Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Galloway, Mann, Wilson.
No. 427 - Senior Planner - Re: Interim Zoning By -law, former Township of
Humberetone. Advising that the Ontario Municipal Ba rd have now requested
that Council certify by resolution that the Zoning By -law conforms to the
Official Plan; advising further that the Humberetone area is not now covered
by an Official Plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
City of Niagara Falls certifies that Zoning By -law No. 70 -69 which provides
for she placing of Interim Zoning Control on that portion of the former Town-
ship of Humberstone, now in the City of Niagara Falls, is not covered by an
existing Official Plan; further, that it is the intention of the City Council
to extend Official Plan coverage to this area and to review the Zoning by -law
in light of Official Plan policies then applicable. -
See Resolution No. 60
No. 428 - Senior Planner - Re: Provincial Gas, AM -289, Griffith,Sharpe,Clement
6 Wallace, Pt.Lot 178, south side McLeod Road, adjacent to Hydro Canal.
Advising that the Ontario Municipal Board have now requested that Council
certify by resolution that the application does conform to the Official Plan;
advising further that the application does conform after Official Plan Amend-
ment No. 39 is approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
Council of the City of Niagara Falls certifies that the application of
Provincial Gas for the tenoning of property known as Pt.Lot 178, situated on
the south side of McLeod Road, will conform with the Official Plan of the City
of Niagara Falls es approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs on the 3rd
day of April, 1967, if Official Plan Amendment No. 39 receives the approval
of the Minister.
Se s Resolution No. 61
No. 429 • City ]finger - Re: Industrial Park Subdivision. Requesting
- - 110Twission to advertise for tenders for the construction of the bass road on
Atria Street, with the closing date for tender to be Monday, July 6th, 1970.
-= ORDERED es the motion of Alderman ThalWoupseconded by Alderman Scott thtt. :ohe
report be received and authority granted to advertise for tenders. The motion
Carried with Alderman Nilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
Ho. 430 - City Manager • Re: McLeod Road Sewer and Murray Hill Outfall.
Recommending that the designs for the installation of storm sewer facilities
on McLeod Road and a storm sewer outlet to the Niagara River from the Murray
Street storm sewer be awarded to a-consulting fismand that the coats be paid
from the Expansion and Renewal Fund; recommending further that City Staff be
authorised to contact interested consulting engineers experienced in the work
•,/ ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Galloway that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting
contrary and all others in favour.
No. 431 - Cie Mena er - Re: Public Inspection of City Hall. Recommending that
arrangements a made to permit the public to inspect the new City Hall on
Thursday evening, June 18th Pram 7:00 to 10 :00 p.m.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the report be received and adopted and an appropriate advertisement inserted
in the Evening Review.
No. 432 - City Manager - Advising that the summer hours for City Hall employees
will change to the summer schedule, 8r30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., commencing Monday,
July 6th to Friday, August 28, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the'
report be received and filed.
No. 433 - City Manager - Recommending that the Fire Chief be authorized to
attend the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs,
August 15 to 20, 1970, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 434 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of applications to
manage and conduct Raffle lotteries submitted by St.Anthonys Pariah, Lundy's
Lane Chapter, I.O.D.E. and the Willoughby Volunteer Firemen Ladies Auxiliary.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 435 - Cit Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED as t e motion of Aldermen Wilson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 436 - City Clerk - Re: Application of Miss Patricia Gyenes, 2620 Glengary
Street, for a Hawker & Pedlar Licence. The applicant proposes to sell balloons
in the Clifton Hill area of the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and filed and the application denied.
No. 437 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
Aldermen Puttick enquired as to whether a building permit had been
issued to Heritage Tower which would permit the construction of a large tourist
complex. The City Manager replied that he would obtain the information this
week. The Alderman referred to a recent newspaper article which indicated
that City's.Tax Arrears amount to 81,500,000. If the outstanding taxes are
attributable to tourist establishments, the Alderman said it was reasonable
to assume that.the tourist industry is in difficulty. If this is true, he
added, tourist traffic should be encouraged to go to Lundy's Loa or the
downtown area rather than permitting additional facilities in established
areas. He suggested that, within five years, City Officials should consider
some type of by -law which would "freeze" motel construction. Continuing, the
Alderman said that the reaction from tourist operators is that the City is
continuing to permit additional construction while existing businesses are
having difficulty paying taxes. Alderman Puttick noted that the re- routing
of Rainbow Bridge traffic had resulted in a drop -off of business for a motel
located in the central part of the City.
Alderman Thomson expressed the opinion that one particular tourist
establishment should not be held responsible for the City's tax arrears. He
stated that the City Council is responsible for the legislation and perhaps
consideration should be given to changing the law which allows three years for
the payment of taxes. He pointed out that Council had recently increased the
penalty on unpaid taxes from 62 to 102 and it was possible to further increase
the penalty to 12%. Alderman Thomson pointed out that in the old City of
Niagara Falls, motel construction was restricted. He said he is aware that
motel owners are finding it difficult to pay increased taxes. The Alderman
agreed that existing motel establishments should have more protection.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the City Manager prepare a report on the feasibility of "freezing" the con-
struction of new motels in the City. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Thomson,Wilson.
NAPE :Aldermen Galloway, Martin and Scott.
Alderman Puttick suggested that consideration be given to the pre-
paration of a report regarding the number of businesses violating zoning
by -laws by operating without a "non- conforming use" designation.
The City Clerk pointed out that it would be virtually impossible to
make a realistic check of the number of businesses operating in contravention
of the zoning by -law. He suggested that an examination of the telephone
directory or business advertisements may provide an indication of the areas
in which businesses are operating. Alderman Wilton enquired if paving
businesses would be eligible for a municipal licence. The City Clerk stated
that to his knowledge the municipality was not empowered to licence paving
contractors at the present time.
The City Manager noted that in some instances, the operation of a
business contrary to the existing zoning was permiseable if the business pre-
dated the passing of the Zoning By -law. He pointed out that Alderman Puttick'e
proposal would be extremely time - consuming and would necessitate the hiring of
additional staff.
Alderman Thomson referred to legislation which requires municipal
approval of the sale of lottery tickets by out of town organizations. He
noted that one recent application was opposed by a local branch of the
organization whereas another preferred that Council refuse permission for the
sale of tickets in Niagara Valle as it would conflict with their own fund-
raising projects. The Alderman suggested that a policy be established whereby
all such applications, prior to their presentation to Council, be investigated
as to whether local branches are agreeable to the sale of tickets within the
City, whether the applicant is a charitable organisation and if there are any
benefits to the City.
Alderman Puttick enquired if Staff members were aware of any petitions
against the proposed increase in telephone rates.
The City Clerk advised that information had been received from Bell
Canada today end the item would be included in the agenda of the next meeting
of Council.
Mo. 70 -126 - A By -law to authorise an agreement with Battelle Manorial Institute.
MUM on the motion of Aldermen Punta, 'encoded by Alderman McKinsey that
the By-law be referred to the meeting, of dm Committee of the Whole.
- 7-
No. 70 -127 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Earl
Piurc ie carrying on business under the name of Custom Weed Control for mowing
weeds on private lots.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Hunt be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Scott
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Wilson.
No. 70 -128 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Earl
itirchie carrying on business under the name of Custom Weed Control for chemical
weed control.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Mann be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and tha
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alnarmmn Martin
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Schisler.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -129 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Lowell
Maclnnis, carrying on business as Apex Painters & Decorators, for the painting
of the municipal building at Lundy's Lane and Montrose Road.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By ■law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Martin
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with the follow-
ing vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott, Wilson,
NATE:Aldermen Puttick and Galloway.
Third Readies - Alderman Mann and Alderman Wilson. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYB: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisier,Scott, Wilson,
NAPE :Alderman Puttick and Alderman Galloway.
No. 70.130 - A By -law to authorize the sale of land to Her Majesty The Queen
in right of the Province of Ontario, represented by the Minister of Highway
for the Province of Ontario.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman McKinley he granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -lrnw be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
- 8 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimonsly
Third Reeding - Aldeman Wilson and Alderman Hunt.
No. 70 -131 - A Bylaw to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Scott. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No, 60 - .SCOTT - HUNT - RESOLVED that the City of Niagara Falls hereby
certifies t aat Zoning Byelaw No. 70 -69 which provides for the placing of
Interim Zoning Control on that portion of the former Township of Hunberatone
now in the City of Niagara Falls, is not covered by an existing Official Plan;
further, that it is the intention of the City Council to extend Official Plan
coverage to this area and to review the Zoning Byelaw in light of Official
Plan policies then applicable; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
Carried Unanimously
No. 61 - WILSON - MANN - RESOLVED that the City of Niagara Falls hereby
certifies that the application of Provincial Gas for the rezoning of property
known as Pt.Lot 178, situated on the south side of McLeod Road, will conform
with the Official Plan of the City of Niagara Falls as approved by the Minister
of Municipal Affairs on the 3rd day of April, 1967, if Official Plan Amendment
No. 39 receives the approval of the Minister; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman
Galloway that the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
• ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Wilson
that Mr. H. Logan be granted permission to address Council.
earlier decisi�of Council to refer B -laaw No. Commerce, 6t Committee
Whole. The By -law authorizes an agreement with Battelle Memorial Institute.
Mr. Logan pointed out. that the proposed Battelle study -was brought to•Council
through the Chamber of Commerce and requested that representatives of the
Chamber in attendance at the meeting be granted permission to attend the
Committee of the Whole.
The motion to adjourn to Committee of the Whole carried.
Read and Adopted.
Carried Unanimously
Committee Room 01
June 15, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on June 15, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the exception
of Alderman Beam. Alderman Clarke presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
Committee of the Whole arise and report.
Council Chamber,
June 15, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held on June 15, 1970. All Member° of Council were prevent
with the exception of Alderman Bears.. His Worship Mayor Miller presided
as Chairman.
By -Law No. 70 -127 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Battelle Memorial
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin
that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
Replying to a question by Alderman Thomson, the City Clerk advised
that Paragraph l.of the By -law will now read: "An agreement dated the 4th day
of June, 1970, between Battelle Memorial Institute and The Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls, a copy of which is attached hereto, providing for a
study and report as to industrial prospects for the City of Niagara Fails at
a cost not to exceed 524,500.00 in Canadian Funds, is hereby approved and
It was moved on the motion of Aldermen Galloway, seconded by Alderman
Martin that By -law No. 70 -127 be referred to the City Solicitorto obtain
confirmation from the Battelle Institute that they would accept payment in
Canadian Funds. The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, Scott, Martin.
NAII :Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, EWKinisy, Puttick, Schiller, Wilson,Thomeon.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Aldermen Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. Its motion was Defeated, with the
following vote:
All: Aldermen Hunt, Mann, Martin, Scott, Wilson, Thomson.
:Aldermen Clarke, Calloway, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler.
idl The By -law requires the affirmative vote of three - fourths of Council
ors present and voting.
1.0 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Martin that Mr.
H. Logan be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Logan pointed out that the proposed Battelle study affected
future industrial expansion in the City. He stated that all Members of
Council should be concerned about the industrial situation and suggested that
the matter is of such importance that it should again be brought forward.
Mr. Logan said that the Chamber of Commerce and the Industrial Committee,
which is responsible for industrial expansion, have spent considerable time
on the proposed study and, he added, it is highly improper that the persons
involved with the presentation were not permitted to be present when decisions
regarding the study were made.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that the meeting adjourn to Comdttee of the Whole. The motion Carried
with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
. Mayor
Council Chamber,
June 15, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole. All Members of Council were
present with the exception of Alderman Bears,. Alderman Clarke presided as
Following consideration of the item presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the Committee of the Whole arise and not report.
Council Chamber,
June 15, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
with of Alderman rman Bearas A1Hie�WorshipfMayorCouncil were
as Chairman.
It was ORDERED that_the meeting adjourn.
* * *
Council Chamber,
June 22, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 22, 1970, for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present, Alderman
Mann arriving at the meeting at 9 :30 p.m. Alderman Bearss offered the Opening
Prayer. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. It was Ordered
on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the minutes
of the meeting held on June 15, 1970, be adopted as printed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Mr. J. Beatty be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Beatty, as spokesman for Local 133, C.U.P.E., thanked Council for
the time that had been devoted to the study of By -law No. 70 -136 which relates
to the garbage collection system for the enlarged City. He asked that the
briefs previously presented by the Union and the comments made be taken into
consideration when a decision is made regarding the by -law.
Comm. 260 - Canadian Civil Liberties Association - Requesting an opportunity to
make a presentation on behalf of Mrs. Monique Luciani.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, that Mr.
A. Alan Borovoy, General Counsel, Canadian Civil Liberties Association, be
granted permission to address Council.
Mr.Borovoy explained that Hrs. Luciani had been a resident of Niagara
Falls for approximately five years and was the mother of five children, three
of whom were born in Canada. Because she had been convicted of a criminal
offence involving theft of an amount under $50.00, she and two of her children
were being deported to France. An automatic check of her record in France
revealed that a morals charge had been registered against her. The speaker
reviewed the circumstances of the case and explained that the three Canadian-
born children could not be subjected to deportation without the permission of
the French Goverment for entry into France. If the children were refused
entry the family would be broken up and, if allowed to enter France, it is
felt that they would inevitably be placed in an institution. Mr. Borovoy
requested the City Council to support the recommendation made to the Minister
of Manpower and Immigration that all necessary steps be taken to rescind the
deputation order and, if necessary, enact a special Bill by Parliament. The
only alternative, he added, would be to have the deputation order stayed until
the French authorities have given some indication as to whether or not they
will accept Mrs. Luciani's Canadian -born children.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the City of Niagara Falls will support a request to the Minister of Manpower
and Immigration for a stay in the execution of the deportation order of Mrs.
Luoiani until the French authorities have decided whether or not they will
admit the Canadian -born children.
No.261 - Chamber of Copawer£e - Jrsiness 6 Industrial Growth Committee -
Requesting permission for members of the Chamber of Commerce end of the
Industrial Committee to address Council on Monday, June 29th, regarding the
proposed Battelle Memorial Institute Study.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the communication be received and request approved.
No. 262 - cite o Welland - Notice of Intention to Apply to the Ontario
Municipal loard for an order of the Board approving the issue of debentures
for pavement, curb and gutter construction.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, ascended by Aldermen Martin that
the communication be received and the City of Niagara Falls register no
objection to the proposed works.
No. 263 - Social Planning Council of Greater Niagara - Re: Action Committee
on Chemical Abuse's brief to the School Boards of the City. The brief con-
tains recommendations for the implementation of a drug education program in
Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the communication be received and filed.
Alderman Clarke suggested that a letter of commendation be forwarded
to the Action Committee on Chemical Abuse.
No. 264 - Bell Canada - Re: Application filed with Railway Transport Committee
for approval o increased rates for exchange services and equipment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Aldenan Scott that
the proposed increase in rates be opposed through the Ontario Municipal
No. 439 - City Manager - Re; Supply of 3 -Unit Gang Mower. Recommending that
the tender received from Duke Lawn Equipment for a Ransoms 3 -Unit Gang Mower
be accepted at the tendered price of $1,590.75.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Wilson
voting contrary and all others in favour.
See Resolution No. 62
No. 440 - City Manager - Re: Requests from other municipalities for permission
to sell raffle tickets in the City. Recommending that upon receiving the
application, the Lottery Licensing Officer determine if the granting of the
request will in any way conflict with the proposals of local organizations
and if the applicant has a branch in the City, the local organization be
contacted to determine if they endorse the application.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 441 - City Manager - Re: Lascala Subdivision Park. Advising that play-
ground equipment will be installed at the park as soon as it is received;
advising further that in 1971 it is proposed to establish a softball diamond
with a community backstop and safety fencing lanes as well as a paved area
to be used for tennis and hockey; noting that no money has been set aside for
this work in this year's current budget but it is anticipated that the
approximate cost of $2000.00 will be included in the current budget for 1971.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Calloway, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and filed. The motion Carried with Alderman Thomson
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 442 - City Manager - Re: Ailanthus Park Subdivision Sewer and Watermain
Contract. Recommending that the unit prices tendered by Provincial Grading
and Excavating Ltd. be accepted for the installation of sewermsine and water -
mains in the Ailanthus Park Subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No.63
No. 443 - Director of Recreation - Re: Recreation Grants - Resolution of the
City of Welland. Advising that the Recreation Commission concurs with the
Contents of the resolution and submitting additional information as to steps
already taken by the Commission.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Bears° that
the report of the City Manager be rsc ived and filed and the resolution of
the City of Welland endorsed.
No. 444 - nun Liens (Knees I. Recommending approval of an application
submitted by the Queen Elisabeth Auxiliary, Order Scottish Clans., to manage
and conduct a rafflelottery.
MO. ndel
ub a jptierr Mufti= 922Jogt Recommending approval of an applicaibn
and conduct St. he ss • o Women& League for permission to manage
lottery type scheme at a baster.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the reports of the Lottery Licensing Officer be received and adopted.
No. 446 - City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 447 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearae, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 62 - MARTIN - TROMSON - RESOLVED that the tender received from Duke Lawn
Equipment for a Ransoms 3 -Unit Gang Mower be accepted at the tendered price of
$1,590.75; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 63 - BEARSS - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the unit prices tendered by Provincial
Grading and Excavating Limited for the installation of sewermaine and water -
mains in the Ailanthus Park Subdivision be accepted;AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 64 - TROMSON - WILSON - RESOLVED that WHEREAS Lundy's Lane (Regional
Niagara 1'x51) between Drummond Road and Dorchester Road has a high accident rate;
AND WHEREAS access and egress to public highways and driveways along this
section of roadway is difficult because of a lack of adequate gaps in
Lundy's Lane traffic;•
AND WHEREAS pedestrians, including school children, are unduly delayed in
attempting to cross this roadway;
AND WHEREAS the installation of traffic control signals and related work at
the intersection of Lundy's Lane and Highland Avenue will help create
the platooning of vehicles along this section of roadway and thus
improve the aafety of pedestrians and vehicles and also improve access
to, egress from and the crossing of the roadway at this location, as
well as all other locations on this section of Lundy's Lane;
AND WHEREAS the Regional Council must prescribe by by -law the manner in which
all traffic control signals are to be erected and operated;
AND WHEREAS adequate funds for this work have been recommended for inclusion
in the 1970 Regional Budget;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Regional Municipality of Niagara be
petitioned to take the necessary steps so that traffic control signals and
related work on Lundy's Lane at Highland Avenue may be installed at an early
date; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the resolution be approved. The motion Car ri with Alderman Puttick voting
contrary and all others in favour.
No. 65 - CLARKE - SCHISLER - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be
forwarded to Aldermen jdann oh the death of'his Mr: Fred Mann, a.'
tespected•rgetdent of the community for'sany years; AND tbe••Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Hearse reported that she and Alderman Wilson, as Council's
representatives to the Economic Development Council, had attended a meeting
at which representatives of the Regional Development Branch, Department of
Treasury and Economies, had presented a report entitled "Design for Develop-
ment - Niagara (South Ontario) Region. She said that although the meeting
was poorly attended, those who were present bad participated in the discussions.
The Alderman said that copies of the report are available at no charge and each
Alderman is asked to study the report and submit comments which are to be
forwarded by September 30, 1970. Alderman Bessie emphasised that the report
was an analysis only from which a further report will be prepared and submitted
to the Provincial Trimmer.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Beards, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the City Clerk be directed to obtain a sufficient number of copies of the
"Design for Development" report for !embers of Council and Staff.
Alderman Martin advised that he had been approached by motel owners
located at the north end of River Road in regard to the possibility of
adding accommodation information to the sign located at the intersection of
Victoria Avenue and River Road. At the present time the sign directs
traffic to the business section and to the Falls. The Alderman asked if it
would be necessary to get permission from the Niagara Parke Commission and
Mayor Miller answered in the affirmative.
Aldermen Martin also mentioned the absence of parking lines on
River Road just north of the Niagara Gorge tourist attraction. It was
noted that tourists hesitate to park in the area for-this reason.
The City Manager will study both matters.
Alderman Wilson requested a report on the feasibility of converting
City vehicles to propane gas as an anti - pollution measure. The suggestion,
he said, is being considered by' the City of St.Catharines.
Alderman Wilson requested that the City Clerk investigate the
policies of other municipalities in regard to out -of -town buses touring the
Ccmmsnting on the recent decision of Council to appoint fence
viewers, Alderman Wilson suggested that consideration be given to setting
up one committee as fence viewers rather than naming four individuals from
different areas.
The City Clerk stated that the Aldermen representing the various
rural areas had been asked to submit names of persons to serve in this
capacity and a representative group will be appointed.
Alderman Wilson asked for a report from the Recreation Commission
In regard to the possibility of having a Fair during the Fall months. He
said there would be a great deal of interest in the project since large
agricultural areas were now part of the new City. He suggested that the
Fair could be arranged in conjunction with the 4H Clubs of the area.
Aldermen Bears., as a member of the Recreation Commission, advised
that the Commission will not meet again until August and pointed out that
4R Clubs and most of the farmers participate in the Welland County Fair.
Alderman Wilson advised that he had received complaints about the
delay of the proposed sewer construction in the Woodbine treadle noted that
work had not been started although the contracts had been approved Several
menthe ago. The Alderman requested a progress report.
Aldermen Wilson mentioned that ratepayers from the former Townships
of Willoughby, Crowland and Humheratene were in the Council Chambers in
respect to garbage collection in their areas, He pointed out that since the
first of the year there bad been no garbap pick -up in the outlying areas
and Suggested that the interested parties be allowed to address Council.
Mayor Miller Suggested that the matter be deferred until the by-isw
ip presented for consideration.
Alderman McKinley reported that he and Alderman Thomson had recently
attended several meetings in respect to the proposed phasing out of the Visitor
and Convention Bureau as of December 31, 1970. He noted that recent newspaper
reports indicated that this action will have to receive the approval of the
Directors of the Chamber of Commerce. The Alderman said that a great number of
tourist operations in the City were not satisfied with the performance of the
Bureau and attempt. are being made to make a fully unified effort toward the
promotion of the tourist industry.
Alderman Clarke drew attention. to the deplorable condition of Portage
Road in the section immediately south of Marineland.
The City Engineer said that since the Alderman first raised the
question, he had spoken to Regional Government officials and was advised that
some work is planned for the area this year.
Alderman Puttick enquired as to what progress was being made in regard
to the suggestion that the former Eaton building be used for library purposes.
Mayor Miller advised that negotiations were continuing between the
Library Board and Niagara College.
Alderman Puttick referred to a suggestion made several months ago
regarding the possibility of the City acquiring property in the downtown area
for re -sale to developers for the purpose of erecting high rise apartments.
The City Manager replied that same. work had been done but he was not in a
position to report at this time.
Alderman Sehieler advised that the Lyon's Creek Cemetery, while no
longer used for burials, needed some care. Re expressed the opinion that the
cemetery, formerly under the jurisdiction of the Crowland Cemetery Board,
should now be the responsibility of the Niagara Falls Parke and Cemeteries
Department. Mayor Miller stated that the matter was presently under advisement.
Alderman Schisler suggested that someone should be made responsible
for the clearing of roadways following collisions and accidents. He noted that
very often parts of vehicles are left lying along the road.
le 70 -120 a A By -law to authorise the execution of a site plan agreement with
Stain ordlredit Union Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Schistes that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson end Aldermen Clerk*.
Carried Unanimously
- 6 -
No. 70 -121 - A By -law to amend Zoning By -law No. 2530, 1960 of the former
17,74175T7f Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.
(Stamford Credit Union Limited)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman Wilson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-
law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Bearss and Alderman Martin.
No. 70 -132 - A By -law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Thurston Eugene Dickinson and others. (Medical Clinic, Kitchener & Portage Rd.)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Galloway be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Hunt.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No.70 -133 - See Page 7.
No - A By -law to authorize the execution of a grant of easement from
Marino Bonin and Alba Bonin.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson
that Alderman Bearss be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
/Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Martin
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Schieler.
Carried Unanimously
t'to 7 0_138 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman Scott
that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By■law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Resting - Alderman Wilson and Aldermen Schieler.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke
that the meeting adjourn for • five minute recess.
7. A
NOTE: 9:30 p.m. - Alderman Mann arrived at the meeting.
By -Law No. 134 - A By -law to regulate the Supply of'water and to provide for
. the maintenance and management of the waterworks and for the imposition and
collection of water rates.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Galloway that Alderman Bearss be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
By -law No. 134 being a by -law to regulate the supply of water and By -Law No.
135, being a by -law to impose a sewage service rate, be deferred for con-
sideration at a special meeting of Council. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
ATE: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Schieler, Thomson, Wilson, Scott.
NATE ;Aldermen Galloway, Martin, Bearss, Puttick.
No. 70 -133 - A By -law to amend Zoning By -law No. 2530, 1960 of the former
Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.
(Medical Clinic - Kitchener St. & Portage Road)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
that Alderman Galloway be granted the privilege of introducing the
and the By -law be given the first reading,
By -law
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Scott.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -136 - A By -law relating to the collection, removal and disposal of
ae e� a, garbage and other refuse.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearse, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Clarke be granted the pritlege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with the following
ATE: Aldermen Clarke, Bearss, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Puttick, Schieler, Scott,
!nmmeon, Wilson.
NATE: Aldermen Martin and McKinley.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with the following
ATE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Hunt, Puttick, Schieler, Scott.
RXTB:Aldermsn Beeves, Martin, McKinley, Thomson, Wilson, Mayor Miller.
Third Reading - Alderman Schieler and Alderman Scott. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Puttick, Schieler, Scott.
NAYE :Aldermen Bearss, Martin, McKinley, Thomson, Wilson, Mayor Miller.
NOTE: Alderman Mann retired from the meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Schieler, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole. The motion Carried, with the
following vote:
AYi: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Schieler,
►,IY :Alderman Wilson, Thomson and Puttick.
Council Chamber,
June 22,1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on June 22, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Mann. Alderman Bears:: presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
Committee of the Whole arise and report.
.• . r.
Council Chamber, .
June 22, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole resting held on June 22, 1970. All Members of Council were present with
the exception of Alderman Mann. His Worship Mayor Miller presided es Chairman.
The following action was tak=nl
Report No. 448 - City Manager - Re: Regional Capital Budget. Advising that
all items suggested for inclusion in the Regional Capital Budget for 1970
have been considered by Regional Officials and suggested to the Regional
Council with the following excepdane: (a) the construction of the Montrose Road
Bridge over the Welland River has been removed from the Capital Budget and
placed in the Current Budget for 19701 (b) that the anticipated expenditures
for 1970 for the south end sewage facilities have been reduced and that the
rosining funds for the total scheme will be included in the 1971 Capital
Works Budget; reccmmending that the report be received and filed end City
Officials authorised to indicate the City's agreement with the suggestions.
ORDERED oa the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that
the report be received and adopted. The motion SSez led with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
. 9
Report 449 - pity Manager - Re: Montrose Road Bridge. Recommending that the
Consulting Engineers be instructed to include the installation of a 12"
diameter er, that the installationgbes financed from monies to l to c beprovided in the
current budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted. to
Report 450 - City - a lternati ecmeansoof King
alleviating a to school
childrio e reports rexdsngctchg ueen Elizabeth Way
children wo; advsing thatol eush work n would d provide a connection on
intersection; advising that the proposed
h of
King Road from Boeeert Road to an existing ravlbrroadway
constructed the
to u
Bossert Road; suggesting that the roadway should
that all work is completed before the next school c hoo td by Alderman Hunt that the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, Y
report be received and adopted and City Officials be authorized to proceed
with the construction of King Road using City forces.
The meeting adjourned on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by .
Alderman Scott.
Council Chamber,
June 29, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 29, 1970, for the purpose of
considering general business. All Members of Council were present. Alderman
Clarke offered the Opening Prayer. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as
Chairman. It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by
Alderman Wilson that the minutes of the meeting held on June 22, 1970, be
adopted as printed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that Mr.
J. O'Brien be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. O'Brien, Chairman, Business & Industrial Growth Committee,commented
on the recent decision of Council to not proceed with the Battelle Memorial
Institute Study. He pointed out that the report was originally accepted by
Council and the concept was agreed upon but since that time there have been
discussions regarding the Industrial Committee personnel and the requirement
that payment be made in U.S. currency. Mt. O'Brien suggested that the matter ,
of personnel be avoided at this time. Continuing, he said that the Battelle
Institute was a highly- aegarled non - profit research organization; that the
contract stipulated payment in U.S. funds and that, in his opinion, the Institute
would not change their policy in this regard. The speaker emphasized the
importance of the availability of factual information if the City is to grow,
to expand and to attract new industry. He noted the value of tourist area
properties presently occupied by industry. Industries, so located, he said will
be forced to relocate either in Niagara Falls or elsewhere and the Battelle
report will provide unbiased information to these firms. Mr. O'Brien said that
certain industries which had originally located in the City because of low hydro
rates and availability of water no longer have these advantages and are con -
sidering relocation. The City must provide all the assistance possible in
order that such decisions will be favourable to the Municipality. Mr.O'Brien
requested that the Council approve an expenditure of $26,500 in Canadian funds
for the Battelle report so that the Industrial Committee can proceed with plans
to maintain and attract industry.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the matter of an agreement with the Battelle Memorial Institute be reconsidered
and the by -law to authorise tha agreement be re- introduced under the heading
of By- laws. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, GaToway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Puttick, Schiller, Scott,
Thomson, Wilson.
NAVE: Aldermen Bearse and McKinley. -
wwes Orchard aRrequest2for a . ,
Pt.Lot 38 &
to allow the
construction Of a two - family dwelling; recommending that the application be
Report 451 - Cit Mena er - Advising that the proposed draft zoning by -law will
require a 60 t. nimum frontage and 7000 sq.ft. minimum area and suggesting
that it is preferable to use the draft zoning by -law as a standard for new
re- soning requests; recommending that the action of the .Planning Committee be
:ratified and the application be denied. -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Beans, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Maser McKinley, Schiller, Scott,
HARE:Aldermen Clarks,'Puttick and Thomson.
Report 415 - City Manager - Res Meadowvale Subdivision (Sewer and Watermain
Contract); advisie
ng tbst the subdivider has requested time to review the ,
various prices received.
Report 452 - City Maass ;ers - Re: Needowvale Subdivision - Contract No.G.C.16 -70.
Rseaomanding that the unit prices submitted by v.terrio- Gsraono Ltd. be
:incepted for the installation of severmsies and waterstins is Stages II, III
and Ito! the Meadowvale Subdivision, subject to the subdivider posting the
rsquirad funds for the 'installation of the work.
ORDERED on. the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 67
No. 265 - Niagara Falls & District Labour Council Expressing dissatisfaction
with the decision to not proceed with the Battelle Memorial Institute Study;
requesting that Council give the matter further consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Hunt that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 266 - M v. Lots - Re: Sewermain on Pettit Avenue. Advising that River
Realty is la:thi process of developing land south of Mt. buts' property and
•r suggesting that the City not approve a connection between the sewermain
for the development and the portion constructed at Mr. Lute' expense, until
River Realty have agreed to pay a.fair share; advising further that Gorge
Construction have also connected to a manhole at Burdette Drive and Pettit Ave.;
requesting that Gorge construction be asked to pay an amount of $900100 which
is equivalent to the construction cost of the manhole.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderson Martin that the
communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
No. 267 - Ontario Council- National House Builders Association - Advising that
the Association fully supports the "Study and Report of Municipal Subdivision
Development Policies in the Niagara Region "; requesting that Council consider
the report as soon as possible.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 268 • City of St.Catharinee - Notice of Intention to apply to the Ontario
Municipal Board for an Order :approving the issue of debentures for a storm
relief sewer as part of the urban renewal programme.
No. 269 - City of St.Catharines - Notice of Intention to apply to the Ontario
Municipal Board for an Order approving the issue of debentures for the con-
struction of a sanitary trunk sewer.
No, 270 • Cit of St.Catbarines - Notice of Intention to apply to the Ontario
Municipal oar or an Order approving the issue of debentures for the con-
struction of a sanitary trunk• sewer in the former Town of Port Dalhousie.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman McKinley that the
communications from the City of St.Catharinss be received and that the City of
Niagara Falls register no objections to the proposed works. The motion Carried
with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 271 . Town of Oakville - Re: Proposed Amendmentto the Planning Act relative
to the dedication for public purposes other than highways; requesting
endoreation of a resolution to petition the Minister of Municipal Affairs to
impose, as a condition to the approval of a plan of subdivision, that land in a
percentage of the area of the plan based on the density provided for in the
plan, be conveyed to the municipality for public purposes other than highways,
or to authorise the acceptance of an equivalent amount of money in lieu by the
municipality; further, where a by -law is passed increasing the permitted density
of land for the purpose of residential development, that the Council be
permitted to enter into an agreement with the developer to provide for the
'conveyance of land for public purposes other than highways, or the granting of
money in lieu.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarks, seconded by Aldermen Galloway that
the communication be received and referred to the Remains Committee, the City
Solicitor and the City Manager for consideration and report.
No. 272 • City of Windsor • A resolution requesting the Provincial GGovernmentor
to provide the same welfare subsidy for qualified Lodging
any other welfare assistance.
OREBRED on the motion of Alderman Thamion, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the communication be received and referred to the Social Welfare Council of
the Regional Council for consideration and report.
10.273 - Minerieciesso Orsa +option - Requesting permission to hold a tag
Day on Friday awniinnSg, July 3rd and Saturday, July 4, 1970,
CUM on theantioa of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Schisler that
the communication be received and the request for Tag Days approved.
No. 453 - Mayor Miller - Suggesting that a special meeting of Council be held
on Friday, July 3, 1970, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of considering by -laws
respecting the regulation and supply of water and to impose a sewage service
0kU.QaED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, Seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and the special meeting be held on Tuesday, June 30, 1970,
at 7 :30 p.m. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearer, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Thomson,
NAYS: Aldermen Galloway, Puttick, Schieler.
No. 454 - Alderman Schieler and Alderman Wilson - Re: Ontario Traffic Conference
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and filed.
No. 455 - City Manager - Re: Regional Roads. Advising that By -law 30 (1970) of
the Regional Municipality of Niagara establishes the Regional Road System and
that an Ceder of Council approves the Regional By -law and' provides that it shall
become effective after April 30, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott,
Wilson, Thomson.
NAVE: Aldermen Puttick and Schisler.
No. 456 - City Manager - Advising that notification has been received that the
deportation order for Mrs. Monique Lucian' has been postponed in order that the
Honourable A. MacEachern, Minister of Manpower and Migration may review the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and filed.
No. 457 • CityManager - Re: Suggested "freeze" on motel development.Submitting
reasons why tie Administrative Staff is reluctant to recommend such e proposal
and advising that there is no existing legislation to specifically limit the
number of motel or hotel establishments; recommending against the passing of a
"freezing by -law" on motel development at the present time.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hearse, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley Schisler, Scott,
NAYE:Aldermen Galloway, Puttick, Thomson.
No. 458 - Cityli_neger - Re: Fire Protection for former Crowland Township area.
Advising that fire protection can be adequately provided by the Willoughby
Volunteer Department and enumerating the arrangements that have been made;
recommending that the procedure outlined be approved and advising that
appropriate notices to the householders in the areas affected will be delivered
before the effective date.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mat, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 459 - City Manager • Re: 1970 Equalized Assessment. Presenting a copy of
a communication from the Department of Municipal Affairs which includes •
statement concerning the 1970 equalized assessment for the area municipalities
of the Regional Municipality of Niagara; advising that the assessment for the
City has been carefully reviewed by staff members with representatives of the
Department of Municipal Affairs and expressing the opinion that the assessment
has been worked out on an equitable basis.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Hearse, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following vote:
- 4 -
AYE: Aldermen Bear's, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schuler,
Scott, Thomson.
NATE :Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
No. 460 - City Manager - Re: Proposal of Downtown Businessmen's Association to
.develop a scheme for improvement to the rear of buildings in the block bounded
by Welland, St.Clair, Queen and Park Streets; advising that the Urban Renewal
Committee and the Parking Committee recommend that Council approve the
eu?gas tion of the Association that the firm of Hunt, Hassell and Associates
Ltd. he retained to design the parking lot and market structures required in
the block; advising that the Terms of Reference indicate that the coat of the
work would be on the Standard Per Diem Rate as laid down by the Association of
Professional Engineers of the Province of Ontario and is not to exceed the sum
of $1,500.00; submitting a letter from Mr. Robert Runt outlining the proposal
and recommending that Mr. Runt be authorized to prepare functional drawings,
preliminary cost estimates and to complete other work as set out in the letter.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No.461 - City Manager - Re: Bevan Heights Subdivision. Advising that a request
hes been made through the Department of Municipal Affairs for the Municipality's
comments on a proposed extension of twelve lots to the Plan of Subdivision;
reviewing a similar request in 1968; noting that the City's objections at that
time were sustained by the Ontario Municipal Board and one of the reasons was
the necessity of the subdivision obtaining water from the City; advising that
the application has been considered by the Regional Municipality of Niagara
and no objections were raised.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearas, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Schuler, Scott,
Wilson, Thomson.
NAIR: Aldermen Clarke and Martin.
See also Report No. 462
No. 462 - Senior Planner - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, T- 20907, Town of
Niagara- on-th*-L3:e.R*Referring to the request of the Community Planning Branch
for comments on the proposed plan of subdivision in Bevan Heights;recommending
that the following comments be conveyed to the Province: (1) that the Munici-
pality had tests run on hydrants in the area and sufficient volumes of water
are not available for further development in the area; it is acknowledged that
sufficient water would be available for domestic consumption but not for proper
fire fighting purposes and (2) that the Nunicipality'has no other comment to
make on this proposed subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted and the comments of the Planning and Develop-
ment be forwarded to the Community Planning Branch of the Department of
Municipal Affairs. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary
and all others in favour.
No. 463 • Cit Mane er • Re: Purchase of Photo Copy machines. Advising that
similar quotat one were received from A.B.Dick Co. of Hamilton and the Frontier
Typewriter Co, of Niagara Co, of Niagara Falls but a lower price frau paper
and ink was received from the A.B.Dick Co.; recommending that the City purchase
two - Model 673 Electrostatic Copiers from the A.B.Dick Company at a cost of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, Seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and referred to the City Manager for further investigation
as to the availability and coat of servicing the machines.
No. 464 - City Manager - Res Request of R.A.Sexsmith of 2427 Burdett* Drive to
lease an unopened portion of LeMareb Drive road allowance, adjacent to his
home; recommending that Mt. Sexsmith be given the opportunity to license the
unopened road allowance for a sum of $1.00 per year; suggesting a provision in
the agreement that the City be held harmless for any damages or injuries
.arising as a result of the licensee's use of the property; that the property
be maintained in a presentable condition and, further, that either !he•Muaici-
pality or the licensee have the right to terssinate the agreement et any time.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Aldermen Nana that the
report be received and adopted.
• S.
- 5 -
No. 465 - City Manager - Re: Appointment of Municipal Auditors. Recommending
that the firm of Crawford, Smith and Swallow be appointed, by by -law, as
municipal auditors for the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 466 - City Manager - Requesting that Council advise City Officials if a
summer schedule of Council meetings is preferred; advising that if it is
Council's wish to hold meetings on alternate Mondays it will be necessary ro
hold a meeting on July 6th as the by -law stopping up and closing a part of
Erie Avenue must be considered on that date.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman
Scott that the report be received and members of staff authorized to arrange
a Bummer schedule of Council meetings. The motion was Defeated with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearas, Martin, Schi'ler, Scott, Thomson.
NAPE :Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Wilson.
No. 467 - City Manager - Recommending that the Personnel Officer be authorized
to attend the FallWorkehop of the Ontario Municipal Personnel Association,
Thunderbay, September 23rd to 25th inclusive.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 468 - City Manager - Re: Parking Committee Recommendation. Submitting a
recommendation from the Parking Committee regarding the hours of perking meter
operation at the south end of the City; advising that the 10:00 p.m. operation
was on a trial basis and that the majority of businesses in the area have re-
quested a return to the 6 :00 p.m. limit; recommending that the recommendation
of the Parking Committee be adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 469 - City Menaerer - Re; Claim of Mr.Keith MacLeod, 4653 Thorold Stone Rd.
Advising that the and damage to livestock by a stray dog has been verified
and estimating the.•loae as $90.00 and recommending payment of this amount in
settlement of the claim. Referring to Section 13 of the Dog Tax and Livestock
and Poultry Protection Act which provides that a Municipality is entitled to
recover such amounts from the owner of the dog; advising that an effort will
be made to recover the costs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
.report be received and adopted.
No. 470 - City Manama - Re: Q.E.W.- McLeod Road Interchange. Advising that
the Ontario Department of Highways has made an offer of purchase to acquire a
10 ft. strip of lend on the south side of McLeod Road to facilitate construction
of the interchange; noting that the land was acquired by the City at no cost
and recommending acceptance of the offer of $1.00 for the land.in question
subject to access being available to McLeod Road for landesoutherly to the
223,2 ft. of frontage.
ORDERED on the motion of. Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted and that City Officials be authorised to
execute the required Offer to Purchase Agreement and any other necessary
documents required to make the conveyance.
NO. 471 - Senior Planner - Re: Application for Rezoning, Candev Ltd.,AM -275,
Pt.Twp.Lot 7 , west a de Dorchester Road, north of Freeman Street;recommending
that Council, by resolution, certify that the proposed Zoning Amendment
conforms to the Official Plan for the Niagara Palls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted and that the Council of the City of Niagara
Palls certifies that the application of Candev Ltd. for the rezoning of
property known as Pt.Twp,Lot 79, situated on the west side of Dorchester Road,
north of Freeman Street, is in conformity with the Official Plan of the City
of Niagara Palls as approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs on the 3rd
day of April, 1967. The notion Carried with the following vote:
Al: Aldermen Burs*, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick,
Sehisler, Scott, See Resolution No. 68
NRs Alderman Thomson and Wilson.
No. 472 - City Clerk - Re: Rezoning application of Candev Limited to permit
the development of a plan of subdivision containing 32 single - family lots, 22
taro- family lots, 2 parcels for 30 multiple family units and two parcels for
24 apartment units.Advising that a copy of the by -law, Notice of Application
and an explanatory note was sent to all owners of property within 400 feet of
the proposed rezoning changes and 49 objections have been received.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
Mr. J. Meehan be granted permission to address Council.
Speaking on behalf of homeowners in the area, Mr. Meehan pointed out
that the bodes ware purchased on the understanding that only single family
dwellings would be permitted on the subject lands; that the proposed develop-
ment would result in overcrowded schools, increased traffic, lose of privacy
and devaluation of property. Mr. Meehan disagreed with the statement that
all homeowners within a 400' radius had been notified; he estimated that only
307. of the residents had received the required notification.
The City Clerk explained that the mailing lists were prepared from
the 1959 revised assessment roll which was compiled during the summer months
of 1968. Consequently, in an area where homes are continually being built, the
assessment roll would not be completely up -to -date. Mr. Meehan observed that,
when the situation arose last year, notification had been personally delivered
the the homeowners. The City Clerk said that some difficulty had been
encountered last year and the notices had been delivered by hand, however,
the rules of procedure of the Ontario Municipal Board require that the City
mail the notices.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that Mt.
N.B.Welch be granted permission to address Council. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AVE: Aldermen Bears., Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley,Scott,
Wilson, Thomson.
NAYS :Alderman Puttick and Schialer.
Mt. Welch, a representative of tandev Limited, said that the pro-
posed zoning change was circulated by the Planning Department in October,1968
and since that time the plan has been altered substantially; the apartments
are much larger and the street pattern has changed considerably;the proposed
multiple housing will abut multiple housing to the west of the adjacent plan
and the plan does conform to the Official Plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Puttick that the
report be received and referred back to•the Planning and Development
Cdmmittee together with the objections received. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearas, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler,
Mon, Thomson.
NAVE :Aldermen Galloway and Scott. 1
No. 473 - Senior Planner - Re: Official Plan Amendment No.45, J. K1ein,AM -9170.
Advising that an Official Plan Amendment is required to implement the applica-
tion which will allow densities of up to 30 units per acre on a section of
Dunn Street between Drunu and Road and the Kiwanis Village Senior Citisen
development; recommending that Official Plan Amendment No. be adopted by
by -law.
COWERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and referred to the by -laws.
No. 474 • Senior Planner - Re: Rezoning application of V. D'Agostino,
to permit the con sttuation of an addition to an existing single family
residence at 2075 Dunn Street for the purpose of s retail store with two
apartments on the second floor; sdvieing that the Planning Department Staff
Report indicated that the site design would require some revisions in order
to provide for the proper development of the combined Residential-Commercial
proposal; recommending approval of the application with the revision, as
suggested by staff, subject to a Site Plan Agreement; further, that Council
certify by resolution that this proposal conforms to the Official Plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted and that the Council of the City of Niagara
Palls certifies that the application of V. D'Agostino for the rezoning of
property known as 2075 Dunn Street, situated on the north -west corner of
Dunn Street and Ralph Avenue, is in conformity with the Official Plan of the
City of Niagara Palls as approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs on the
3rd day of April, 1967; further, that the application of V.D'Agostino be
Approval subject to a sita-plas $$tsssent.
Sea Resolution No. 69
- 7 -
No :'475.- Senior Planner - Re: Stratford Seminar on Civic Design, Stratford,
Ontario, Jtiip Sth to July 7th, 1970; recommending that two :elected representa-
tivee, one appointed representative and the Senior Planner be considered for
atrehdahce at the Stratford Seminar.
: O RD Z R D on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the report be received and adopted and that Alderman Hunt attend the Seminar
as Council's appointed representative.
Na. 476 - Lo+tetery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of applications to
manage and comma:t raffle�Iotteraea from the; B P'.Goedrich Softball Team, the
Stamford Rod & Gun Club and the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association.
ORDERED on the motion of AldermanWilSCn, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 477 - City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 478 - CityRene_ger - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the notiun of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted.
No 479 - City Manager - Re: Maintenance Management Study. Referring to an
agreement with the Department of Highways of Ontario and Roy Jorgensen Assoc.
to undertake a.itudy of the Streets Department - operations with a view to
developing better procedures in the interests of efficiency and economy;
advising that meetings have been held with both union and management staff to
explain the purpose of the study and that existing procedures are being
analyzed by a member of the Jorgensen firm.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldernen Mann, seconded by Alderman Wilson that Mr.
G.Grant be granted permission to address Council.
Mt. Grant, President of Roy Jorgensen Associates, advised that
meetings had been held with superintendents and foremen and that the basic
philosophy of the program had been explained to department personnel. The
present operational system of the Works Department has been reviewed and,
because of the affect on various departments, other activities besides road
maintenance will be studied. The first of the progress reports will be
submitted to Council very shortly. Mr.Grant then gave a elide presentation
to illustrate the policy of the study in regard to Street Maintenance Operations,
Street Maintenance Performance Standards, Street Maintenance Programs and
.Street Maintenance Reporting System. Mt. Grant requested Council's approval
of the policies and standards as outlined.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beeves, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report of the City Manager be received and that the policies and standards
of the Maintenance Management Study be approved; further, that Mr. Grant be
thanked for his presentation. The motion Caried with the following vote:
AVE: Aldermen Hearse, Clarke, Hunt, Martin, • McKinley, Schisler, Scott,Thomson.
NAYE:Aidermen Galloway, Mann, Puttick, Wilson.
Aldermen Puttick stated that not too many reports have been received
concerning the activities of the newly - formed Niagara Tourist and Resort
Association. It is his understanding that the group are now looking for a
building from which to conduct their operations. He suggested that Mr.
D'Addio, President of the N.T.R.A., be approached and informed that the
Council is on record as giving formal approval to the formation of the group
and will, if necessary, divert the funds that will be required. The Alderman
also suggested that the grant presently allocated to the Visitor and
Convention Bureau be increased to $50,000 - $60,000. Mayor teller considered
that no mention should be made of the grant inasmuch as the City's budget
had not, as yet, been finalised.
Alderman McKinley pointed out that the future of the Visitor and
Convention Bureau is being discussed by the Directors of the Chamber of
Commerce add that no action should be takes until such t=one as the Chamber
advioas Council as to their decision.
terms is based on the costa incurred by the firm in their own country;
employees of the Institute are paid in U.S. funds, etc. He pointed out that
the Institute is a non- profit organisation and it is fortunate
it he
charges are not intended to produce a profit. Mk. Graaakamp said
be a credit to the Council if the project was undertaken in the City but that
it would be regrettable if the Study was abandoned because of a technical
point such as the requirement that the charges be paid in U.S. currency'.
Mayor Miller read a letter received from Mayor Chown of the City of
St.Catharinee in which he requested that the City of Niagara Falls support
the St.Catharinee bid to have the 1973 Canada Sunnier Games in the Niagara
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the City of St.Catherines be notified that the Municipality will eupport,tbeir
efforts to locate the Canada Summer Games in the Niagara area.
No. 66 - MANN - MSeKINIBY - RESOLVED that WHEREAS the holding of 1973 Canada
Summer Games n the City of St.Catharinea would be of benefit to all munici-
palities within the Niagara Region;
BE IT THEREFOR RESOLVED that the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls
support, in principle, the bid of the City of St.Catherines to obtain the
1973 Canada Summer Games, and
BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of St.Catharinss be invited to use the
support of the City of Niagara Falls in its efforts to locate the Canada
Summer Games in the Niagara area; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried Unanimously
No. 67 - SCOTT - WILSON - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by V.Kerrio-
Germano Ltd. be accepted for the installation of sewermsins and watermains
in Stages II, III and IV of the Meadowvals Subdivision, subject to the sub-
divider posting the required funds for the installation of the work; AND the
Seal of the Corporatbn be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously,
No. 68 - SCOTT - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
certifies that the application of Candev.Ltd. for the rezoning of property
known as Pt.Twp.Lot 79, situated on the west side of Dorchester Road, north of
Freeman Street, is in conformity with the Official Plan of the City of Niagara
Falls as approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs on the 3rd day of April,
1967; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 69 - certifies w thatt the E io f that the Council of
for the of property
known as 2075 Dunn Street, situated on the north -west corner of Dun Street
and Ralph Avenue, is in conformity with the Official Plan of the City of
Niagara Falls as approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs on the 3rd day
of April, 1967; further, that the application of V. D''Agostino be approved
subject to a site plan agreement; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried Unanimously.
NOTE: See additional resolution Page 12.
CRESRED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that
Lew No. 70 -126 be brought forward for consideration et this time.
By -taw No, 70 -126 - A By -law to authorise an agreement with Battelle Memoreel
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, encoded by Aldermen Mspn
that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -hat and.
the B aw lo
y-1 be given the first reading, The tion Cat ! d with the,follow}ng
vorif Hunt, naan, tartio,. Puttick,..SchislareiSceEt
�r Atdaraiss Clarke, Galiaray,, sen, Thomson.
hMjitAldermon Bears. and McKinley.
;10. '
r 8
Commenting on the suggestion, Alderson Thomson said that there are
still many problems to be resolved; that the organisation does not plan to go
into operation until 1971 and do not, as yet, have a constitution. The present
grant, he added, is based on the funds that the Bureau can raise; the City
contributes an equal amount. He expressed the opinion that the Niagara Tourist
and Resort Association, if it is-a united effort and working for the benefit of
the City, should be given full support and the same procedure used in deter-
mining the 'noun! of future grants.
It vas moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Haan, that arrangements be made for a joint meeting with representatives of the
Niagara Tourist and Resort Association. The motion was Defeated with the
following vote:
HATE: Aldermen hearse, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Schieler, Scott,
Wilson, Thomson.
YAYE:Aldermen Puttick and Mann.
Alderman Wilson noted that it had been several weeks since the
decision was made to provide cushions for observers seats in the Council
Chamber. The City Manager advised that 1 types of cushions had been
examined and a report would be prepared for Council.
Alderman Wilson reported that residents of Garner Road had been
asking about the possibility of installing fire hydrants on the road. The
Alderson was hopeful that this would now be possible due to the installation
of a new watermain on Brown's Road.
Alderman Schisler noted that although he had drawn attention to the
need for more care of the 18np!.d._cteab Cemetery, the grass still remained
uncut. The City Manager said that instructions had been given to have this
work done and that the matter would be taken care of on Tuesday.
Alderman Hunt enquired as to when the byelaw to provide for the
services of fence viewers would be presented. The City Clerk advised that a
draft by -law had been prepared but, to date, the names of individuals willing
to act in this capacity bad not been received.
Alderman Clarke reported that complaints had been received from
churches and stores in that section of Lundy's Lane between Main Street and
Drummond Road regarding the excessive speeds of vehicles, "hot- rodding" and
unnecessary noise. He requested that the complaints be brought to the
attention of the Police Commission.
In replying, Mayor Miller stated that the No Parking regulation on
both sides of Lundy's Lens in that section made it impossible to .set up radar
Alderman Clarke suggested that consideration be given to the
installation of "rippled sections" of the roadway.
CCMBSIIrs of i.G__aa
MEND cc the motion of Aldermen Wilson, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
IBr.J.G.Grasekamp be granted permission to address Council regarding the dim*
evasion' about the Battelle Inetitute Study. The motion Carried with Alderman
Scott voting contrary and *11'others in favour.
Mr. Gresshemp expressed the opinion that if the byelaw authorising
an agreement vitb the Battelle Inetitute was debated, it would be a serious
setback to the City. The cwt in 0.8. currency as required by, the contract
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Martin and Alderman Wilson.
No. 70 -142 - A By -law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the
Official Plan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (Amendment No. 45 -
Drumaond Road and Dunn Street).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-
law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Bearss.
Third Reading - Alderman Martin and Alderman Wilson.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -143 - A By -law to amend Zoning By -law No. 2530, 1960 of the former
Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended.
(Rezoning application of A.Dupuis, North side of Lundy's Lane)
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Aldermen Bearss be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimouslv
12,21 - A By -law to amend Zoning By -law Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960
of t e ormer Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Palls, as
amended. (Niagara Peninsula Home Builders - Meadowvale Drive)
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Mann
that Alderman Bearse be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading( - Aldeman Mann and Alderman Hunt. The motion Carried with
Alderman Wilson voting contrary end all others in favour.
No. 70 -145 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Schiller that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the
By-law and the Byelaw be given the first reading.
carried Unanimously
MIRED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Abloom Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By-law be given the second reading.
'Carried Ucanimously
- 10 .
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended asod.tt8 vote:
be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
the following Aldermen Clarks, Calloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Puttick, Scott , Wilson,
Thomson, Mayor Miller.
NAY :Aldermen Bearse, McKinley and Schisler.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Mr. J. O'Brien be granted permission to address Council.
costs were O'Brien
nottoexc pointed
ed$24,300 in U.S. ta
Funds. It was contract, the said,
that the study would cost less end any surplus amount would be credited to
the City.
Third Readi - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Thomson. The motion Carried with
t e o lowing vote:
ATE: Aldermen Clarke, Gallaway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Puttick, Schisler, Scott,
Wilson, Thomso Mayor Miller.
HAVE :Aldermen Bearss and McKinley.
No. 70 -57 - A By -law to authorises the construction of extensions and improve-
ments to the electrical power distribution and street lighting systems of the
City. (The By -law received first and second readings on April 13, 1970).
Third Rasdina - Aldermen Martin and Alderman Wilson.
Carried Unanimousl
No 70.139 . A By -law to authorise a lease of the old City Hall to For Majesty
T hin the right of the Province of Ontario, represented by the Minister
of Public Works for the Province of Ontario.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearse, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that Aldermen Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the
Byelaw and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimousl
ORDBRED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarly suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third�ng - Alderman Wilson and Alderman McKinley.
Carried Unaniaousl
No 70 -140 - A By - law to authorise the execution of an agreement with Provincial
G rading & Excavating Limited for the construction of smarming and wateraains.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Wilson
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the Byelaw be given the first reading.
Carried Uneniaousl
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded. by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Staading Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the Byelaw be given the second reeding.
Carried Unanimously
Moab -a - Aldermen Wiliam and Alderman Clarke.
Carried Unenimeuel y
7 . 4 . A By -law to authorise the sale of lend to Her Majesty The Queen
r t of the Province of Ontario, represented by the Minister of Highways.
Martin th at Ald ermen Thames be granted the i privilege of ethi
low sad ebe Bylaw be given the first reading.
Carried Uoaaiaawiy
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Martin.
No. 70 - BEARSS - MCKINIEY - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be for-
warded to the family of the late Mr. D'Arcy Crane, a respected resident of
the City for many years; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the meeting adjourn.
• 12 .
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Council Chamber,
June 30, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 30, 1970, for the purpose of
considering By -law Nos. 70 -134 and 70 -135 and two items in Committee of the
Whole. All Members of Council were present, Alderman Martin arriving during the
meeting. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman.
By -law No. 70.134 - A By -law to regulate the supply of water and to provide for
the maintenance and management of the waterworks and for the imposition and
collection of water rates. (The By -law received a first reading on the 22nd day
of June, 1970).
Note: Alderman Schisler retired from the meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears °, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that the By -law be given the second reading. The motion was Defeated with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearse, McKinley, Galloway, Thomson.
NAYS :Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Puttick, Scott, Wilson.
of -law No. Alderman seconded
deredyatlthisatime. The that
Carried with the following vote:
AYE:Bearss, Clarke, Galloway, McKinley, Puttick, Scott, Wileon,Thomeon.
NAYR :Aldermen Hunt and Mann.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearsa, seconded by Alderman
Galloway that By -law No. 70.34 be read a second time. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Seeres Galloway, McKinley, Puttick, Scott, Wilson, Thomson.
NAPE :Aldermen Hunt, Clarke and Hann.
Third Readi - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Puttick. The motion Carried
with t e following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearea, Galloway, McKinley, Puttick, Scott, Thomson.
NAY :Aldermen Clarke, Mann, Hunt, Wilson.
By -Law No. 70.435 - A By -law to impose a sewage service rate.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that Alderman Bearea be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with the following
' vote :
AYR: Aldermen Hearse, Galloway, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Scott; Wilson, Thomson.
NAYS :Aldermen Clarke and Hunt.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearsa, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with the following
AVE: Aldermen Bearco, Galloway, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Scott, Thomson.
MATE:Aldermen Clarke, Hunt and Wilson.
Third RoAd - Alderman Scott and Alderman Thomson. The motion Carried with
L e oliowing vote:
AYE: Aldermen Mersa, Galloway, McKinley, Puttick, Scott, Thomson.
iE :Alderman Clarke, Runt, Mann, Wilson.
&: Alderman Martin arrived at the meeting.
OECERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the :meeting adjourn to Cemnittas of the Whole. The motion !Mid with
Alderman Puttiok voting contrary and all others in favour.
y 4
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the repot be with the necessary i construction work e at i Glenview Park using t City y proceed
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
meeting adjourn.
Council Chamber,
June 30, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following a special meeting held
on June 30, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the exception of
Alderman Schisler. Aldermen Wilson presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Scott that the
Committee of the Whole arise and report. The motion Carried with the following
MEiAldermen Maras, Clarke, Galloway, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Scott.
'IRE ;Aldermen Thomson, Mann, Hunt, Mayor Miller.
Council Chamber,
June 30, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held en June 30, 1970. All Members of Couneii were present with
the exception of Aldermen Schiller. His Worship Mayor Miller presided as
Ihm-fsllossagatios P1 MOOS
Report No. 480 - City Wing - Res Glenview Park. Referring to the proposed
construction of s tennis court and bocce court in Glenview Park for which en
mount of 86,000 hes been included in the Current Budget; requesting authority
to begin construction of this work using City farces.
Council Chamber,
July 6, 1970.
Council met at 7 :30 p.m. on Monday, July 6, 1970, for the purpose of
considering general business. Alderman Galloway offered the Opening Prayer.
His Worship Mayor F. 3. Miller presided as Chairman. All Members of Council
were present with the exception of Aldermen Clarke, Hunt and Mann. It was
Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the minutes of the regular meeting held on June 29th and the special meeting
held on June 30, 1970, be adopted as printed.
No. place adin second e nt u
of "The Niagara FallRequesting
andiDistrictt City
Review "; noting that a paid message from the Mayor and Council was inserted in
the 1969 publication at a cost of $90.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the communication be received and a similar advertisement placed in the "Labour
Review" for 1970.
No. 275 - Kinsmen Club of Chippewa - Enquiring as to the possibility of starting
the a Sports
the events;tequestingwthatgWater Street order
et to provide
avoid trafficucongestionPlaThe KinlDaydWateer of
Noon to.
Water Sports andCarp Carnival will be held
on August 3, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Schieler that
the communication be received and the request approved; further, that in
respect to traffic, that all precautions be taken by the Engineering Department
and the Police Department.
No. 276 - Niagara Falls Professional Fire
the recent dismissal of a member of Local
the case in the local press.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin,
communication be received and filed. The
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, Martin; McKinley,
TYE:Aldermen Beaus and Wilson.
Fighters. Local 528 - Commenting on
528 and protest ng the publication of
seconded by Alderman Scott that the
motion Carried with the following vote:
Puttick-ISChieler, Scott, Thomson.
No. 277 - Niggers Tourist & Resorts Association - Advising that certain
individuals amid establishments in the tourist industry are engaged in unethical
and illegal practices; outlining some of the activities being followed; request-
ing that Council publicly denounce these practices and suggesting that enforce -
ment of By -law 2071, 1932, would provide a temporary remedy to the problem.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded
by Wilson Noe
communication be received and the City on
2071, 1932, to determine its present -day effectiveness; that a copy of the
communication be forwarded to the Police Commission requesting that all
possible Niagara and existing y
cooperate in every way
to curtail the described activities.
No. 278 - Regional Municiiality of Niagara - Re: By -law No. 51 fixing the rates
to be charged f motor supplied to Area Municipalities during the year 1970.
During discussion of the matter. the City Manager advised that a
statement had just been received from the Regional Government in respect to
the charges for sewer and water and would be included on the agenda of the next
meeting of Council together with a report.
motion of
Courmu► cation bee recceived end deferred Alderman i
tag pteetnn tfnn Alderman r e Wilson Regional the
Goverment statement. The motion Carr!9d with the following vote:
AYEt Aldermen Martin, Matinley, Patrick. Scott, Wilson, Thomson.
112 0.ldaraen Bearss. Galloway, Sebisler.
No. 482 • Cit Mans er - Re: Q.B.W. - Highway 020 Interchange. Referring to
the propose re *cation of City -owned sewers and watermaine necessitated by
the interchange; noting that it was found to be more economical to install
new facilities rather than relocating the existing mains; advising that the
City's share of the cost has been reduced from $120,000 to $76,600.; request-
ing authority to call tenders, with a closing date of August 10, 1970, with
the contract being subject to Ontario Municipal Board approval.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 483 - City Nanaser - Re: Former Falleway Motors Site at Northeast corner
of Portage Road and Morrison Street. Advising that by -laws have been passed
to authorise a site plan agreement with Stamford Credit Union Limited and that
the new site plan agreement is more extensive and supersedes the earlier site
plan agreement dated August 3, 1965; advising that the solicitors for the
owners have asked that their clients be released from the provisions of the
earlier site plan agreement; recommending the passing of the bylaw to
authorise the execution of a release.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
See By -law No. 70 -149
No. 484 • City Manager - Advising that the Regional Assessment Commissioner
has requested that consideration be given to rescinding By -Law No. 7692,1968,
which provides for teking'tbe assessment of business; advising further that
the City has for a number of years, taken the business assessment separately
frcm the assessment of real property and that the computer data processing
used by the Province does not include a method of producing a separate
business roll; recommending that the By -law be repealed and thdt the business
assessment be compiled in conjunction with the real property assessment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Aldermen McKinley that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 483 - City Manager - Re: Charges for Sunday use of Rer Park. Recommending
(1) that the charge for lights at Ker Park be $8.00 per night for all nights
including Sunday; (2) that no additional charge be made for Sunday we of R'er
Park but that the attendant only be present for light operatian and that Sunday
layout not be provided; (3) that Ker Park he used on Sunday nights only by
teams regularly scheduled to play on City fields who have had a regularly
scheduled gar cancelled; (4) all requests for the use Of Ker Park for Sunday
night use meat be received by the Parks & Cemeteries Superintendent no later
than 4:30 p.m. of the Thursday preceding the date of ova. The report also
recommends that any exceptions to the rules will only be approved by the City
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 486 - City Manager - Advising that a draft agreement has been received
from the Ontario Housing Corporation regarding the operation and management
of an additional 40 family units; advising that the form of the agreement is
satisfactory and recamending that the by -lsv authorising its execution be
MIRED en the nation of Alderman Bears., seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
See By -law No, 70 -150
No. 487 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman Nilson that
ebr report be received and adopted.
Aldermen Martin suggested that the matter of a sumer schedule for
Council meetings be reconsidered. He pointed out that this procedure had
been adopted in previous years and would assist staff members wee, beeves
of swum vsostions,wer. shorthanded. Hs suggested that the schedule, for the .
meetings be arranged by staff officials. 3.
- 3 -
ar�rannggementshbe ma to hold gularrCouncilcmeetings on alternate t
ernate Mondays
for the remainder of the month of July and for the entire month of August. The
motion Card with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Martin, McKinley, Schieler, Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
tAYE :Aldermen Galloway and Puttick.
Aldermen Wilson referred to his earlier request for an investigation
as to the policies established by other municipalities e toi t r ole tours
a city by out ohi bttw t ses. He suggested 11 ssengers were required to transfer to
City-owned to transportation a n facilities, S, it
Citq -owned transportation facilities, it would r�ideta in
for local operators; create more employment; fox the et pro eri i e
schedule; establish rates; the opportunity
before continuing the tour would improve safety standards and the revenue ene
realised would reduce the Transit Ccalmission deficit. Commenting on
revenue lost by lack of control of out -of -town tours, the Alderman advised
that he had been informed that on one Saturday a total of 32 buses had passed
through the City.
The City Manager reported that the matter was being investigated. At
meetings with the City Solicitor, representatives of the tourist bureaus
the Chamber of Commerce she problem bad been discussed and it was suggested
that it might be necessary to have private legislation to provide the the
authority to control the tour business. Mt. H. i3 ent one he her
some Chamber of Commerce has agreed tocontactaththe City
yh it w a n not appear
Ontario city who have type f
possible to have effective control during the current summer season, it is
ee:aettef pertinent
td for information be
eiassembled and reviewed and
* * * * **
The City Manager will investigate why benches have not as yet been
provided at Balmoral Park as.suggested by Alderman Puttick.
* ** * **
Alderman Puttick enquired as to whether the Niagara Parks Commission
. had given consideration to the suggestion rthatladadditional swingsbbeQplacedion
h a a ehe der aad an dd addi tionaal group Park.
swinge and they will be set up in the
hw orderen tiongroup
Alderman Galloway noted that the possibility of an anti - loitering
by -law had been introduced at the Council meeting of Mey 11th; since then a
comprehensive report had been submitted by the City Solicitor. The Alderman
pointed out that since there had been no further comments it would appear
that' a by -law, if passed, could not be enacted this summer. Cit Manager
In n plyins to tea comments of Alderman Galloway, e the he the City
advised that, according to Council Sault h al by -maw, had been forwarded
to together wfh a copy as to whether the passing of
to the he Police Chief for hie eoseent. sad opinion rtment. To date,
a Similar by -law would be of assistance to the holies Depa
there has Dun "no reply. The Police Chief will be contacted again.
or necesa n Tho son requested a further report about the advisability
that several municipalities had taken advantage of pro in�the
permitting the establishment of an advisory bureau. At the present time, he
said, it was possible for a landlord to shut off utilities but there was no
action that could be taken to have the services restored. A report presented
to Council some time ago was referred to the Social Planning Council for
comment but that organisation had been unable to determine if such an advisory
board was necessary. Alderman Thomson expressed the opinion that there was a
co ts o f f municipalities who have g established an advisory board be obtained. service to handle
Mayor Miller advised that letters had been forwarded to the City of
Ottawa and to the Director of the Social Planning Council but replies had not
been received. A further report will be prepared.
Alderman Thomson stated that in June, 1969 he had enquired as to
whither it would be practical or advantageous to appoint a by -law enforcement
officer for the City and it was indicated at the tine that the suggestion
could be considered in 1970.' He commented on the number of complaints received
about bylaws that were not being enforced. The Alderman requested a report
for information purposes only.
The City Manager indicated that additional information•wouid be made
available at the next meeting of Council.
No. 71 MARTIN - THOMSO - RESOLVED that arrangements
Council meetinge on alternate Mondays for the remainder be
monthlof Juulyar
and for the entire month of August, 1970; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
No. 70 -70 - A By-law to acquire certain lands adjoining/the new City Hall and
Improve the same for the parking of vehicles. (The by -law received first
and second readings on April 20, 1970).
Third Reading - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Martin.
N Note: Alderman Galloway was excused from voting.
No 70 -146 - A By -law to atop up and close part of Erie Avenue between Huron -
ereet a Morrison Street for vehicular traffic only.
CRICKED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Sehisier that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-
law and the By -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
Schieler that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the *law bi given the second reading. The motion atoll with
the following vote: . .
All: : Aldermen Deares Galloway, Mertitt, McKinley, Schieler, Thomson, Scott.
SlitAlderese Puttick and Wilson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Mr. A. Pettitano be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Pettitano, who resides at 774 Erie Avenue, was in attendance to
abject to the bylaw and sated that be could not understand why it was
necessary to close the street which he felt would devaluate properties. The
Cit Ma rr r **p n dttha when t e oposed closing of the street was first
signed • petition opposing the prepaid.
- 5 -
A meeting was arranged to explain the reasons for closing the street. Only
three persona had appeared at the meeting and Mr. McBurney had acted on
behalf of the objectors. It appeared that the explanation presented was
eatisfactory. A notice had appeared in the newspaper to the effect that the
'by-law was to be considered at the July 6th Council meeting and no objections
had been received.
OARED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermen Puttick that
the third reading of the by -law be deferred pending receipt of further infor-
maa tion. The motion Carried with the following vote:
.AYE: Aldermen Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schiller, Wilson, Thomson.
NAPE :Aldermen Bursa, Galloway, Scott.
No. 70 -147 - A By -law to authorize the execution of a Contract with Local 298,
American Federation of Musician .
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, Seconded by Alderman
Beam that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Galloway voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Readin - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Schieler. The motion Carried
with Alderman Galloway voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70 -148 - A By -law to appoint auditors.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that Alderman Bearss be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Scott,
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading( - Alderman Martin and Alderman McKinley.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -149 - A By -law to authorize the execution of a release to Ross Howell
and Benjamin Jantzi respecting a site plan agreement. (Former Fallsway Motors
property — Portage Road and Morrison Street).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bear's, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Galloway be granted the privilege of introducing the
by -law and the by -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Galloway, seconded by Alderman
Schieler that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Thomson and Alderman Wilson.
Carried Unanimously
No 0 -150 - A Bylaw to authorise an agreement with Ontario Housing Corpora -
t on respecting 40 family housing units.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Schieler that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unan$ously
No 70 -153 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED an the motion of Alderman Bearer, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Galloway be granted the privilege of introducing the
Byelaw and the By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimousl
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Galloway, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried
with Aldermen Puttick voting contrary and all others in fatour.
Alderman d i ! & - Alderman c and Aldermtherertin. The motion Carried with
OUDKRED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the meeting adjourn.
laity City 9 rk r �
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Scott, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By-law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Schisler.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70-151 • A By-law to authorise an application to the Ontario Municipal
Board for an Order establishing an Urban Service Area for the former Village
of Chippewa.
Mayor Miller suggested that following first reading the Byelaw
be referred to a future meeting of Council when the representatives of the
former Village of Chippewa are present.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the Byelaw be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
The City Manager suggested that the By-law be tabled and dealt with
at the next meeting of Council; that, in the meantime, Council members study
the byelaw carefully. with the hope that the By -law can be passed when the
representatives of Chippewa are present. Re also cautioned that it was
necessary to pass the Byelaw and have it approved by the Ontario Municipal
Board in order that mill rates can be established for the year 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) Of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. The motion Carried
With Alderman Puttick voting contrary.
Note: Aldermen Galloway abstained from voting.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Martin. The motion Carried
with Alderman Puttick voting contrary.
Alderman Galloway abstained from voting.
No. 70-152 - A By -law to authorise the construction of certain storm sewers
an sanitary sewers as alterations to the existing sewage system in the
Urban Service Area of the City. (Two Readings only)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Bears* be granted the privilege of introducing the
Byelaw and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears., seconded by Alderman
Nilson that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the byelaw be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70.154 - A Ey -law to authorise the construction of certain watermains as
a terat oar to the existing water supply system in the Urban Service Area of
the City. (Two Readings only)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Wilson
that Aldermen Beers. be granted the privilege of introducing the Byelaw and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimoa lv
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Berns, seconded by Alderman
Scott that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sae
vended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried UnenimouslY
t2 fan f'•'y�13
Council Chmsbet,
July 20, t970.
Cns enerall business, p.m.
Alderman Hun 1970, for the
Prayer . of
. A11
considering S P.
H er. Alde`manCtarkepactedtas Pres ding It wee Order Mayor
r tionr of Alderman ler held on Thomson, ly seconded by ye adopted Alderman that minutes of the
No. 72 - MANN • MARTIN - RESOLVED that Alderman Howard Clarke be appointed as
/residing Officer during the absence of His Worship Mayor P. J. Miller; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unmti ®w l'
Alderman Thomson draw attention to the presence On the Council
Chamber e r e parti aa in the Student Exchange Programme sponsored by the
Canadian Council of Christians and Jevs.
Alderman Clarke, an behalf of Mayor Miller, Members of Council and
Mime, extended greetings to the students is both the Trench and English
language. Be commended the visitor• for the example they have set in regard
to sportsmanship, fellowship and goodwill. He also congratulated the Canadian
in soh 4000 Christians
s participatteteac of Aldersan Clarke then presented
sifts from the City to the four young people from the Province of Quebec.
sixteen t empi c of the Engineering EEngine•ringDeDepaa ° education e auccesefully tcccplo�d
various courses including road construction end 'maintenance practices, human
relations as applied to roadway problem, inspectors senior soils course,
inspectors senior concrete and asphalt courses, junior inspectors course,
building inspectors course and traffic training school.
All Members of Council participated in the presentation of certifi-
rata to tbs succseeful Employees.
OBblltD on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alders Thomson that Mr.
N.A.Tourigny be granted peuaission to addess Council.
• Mr. Tourigny explained that in November he purchased the Stardust
time. SO !tee that lthougb there is finding it
difficult to
titcb.ner tlh-
motel sign is not visible to tourists and he d not getting his fair share of
business: Me. tourigny considered that the erection of one accommodation sign
at the intersection of Buchanan Avenue and Kitchener Street would provide •
additienai'business and requested that Councilauthosise the installation of
the sign.
is replying to various guesticfs, the City Manager stated that a
pellet bas been established by Council whereby signs are permitted in certain
areas of the City such as Stanley and Perry Streets, Centre Street and Clifton
Kill and. the Palls View are. The titcbsner Street- Buchanan Avenue area would
not coma within the provisions of the sign by-law or p policy e tab *s bid.
The City Manager also pointed out that a change in the policy for
could result is many similar requests.
bats tbat ia'stequest be refereed to M the City seconded
N•SSW eel waillow8
the notion was b toted with the following vote:
: Ald•rama Beans. Mestin, McRinlsy, Wilson.
sAldasma Oslleety. Bunt, Minn, Puttisk, BebtUr, Scott, Thomsen.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Gallaway that
Mr. Tourigny s remarks be recorded and that it also be noted that an
- established policy of Council will not permit the erection of an accommodation
sign at the intersection of Kitchener Street and Buchanan Avenue. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
iiirrildermen Bearss, Galloway, Mann, Martin, Schisler, Scott, Thomson.
NAPE:Aldermen Hunt, McKinley, Puttick, Wilson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that Mr.
C. R.Cook be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Cook suggested that traffic lights within the City be controlled
from a central point in order that fire trucks, ambulances and police cars can
be given a green light in case of emergency. He requested that Council
authorise a study by City Departments in respect to the feasibility of the
Several Aldermen commented on the advantages of synchronized traffic
lights but pointed out that the costs to the City would be prohibitive.
Mr. Cook referred to a helicopter ambulance service presently being
toted in the State of Nev York and expressed the opinion that a similar
serum would be of great benefit to the Niagara Region. He requested that
Council submit a recommendation to the Regional Council that the suggestion
be given consideration and study.
During the discussion of the matter it was pointed out that the
ambulance services and the main highways are under the jurisdiction of the
Provincial Government.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermen
Mann that Mr. Cook's suggestion that consideration be given to the establish.
sent of a helicopter ambulance service be submitted to the Regional Government.
The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AVE: Alderman la sscn end Mann.
11§E :Alderman Beards, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler,Scott.
* * * * **
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that Mr.
J.G.Graaskamp be granted permission to address Council,Alderman Scott voting
contrary. Nt. Graaskamp suggested that the City form its own road construction
force under the direction of the City Engineer in conjunction with the present
street maintenance department. He commented on the condition of any streets
stating that good roads are an essential part of a wall - functioning municipality
especially in Niagara Falls with its volume of tourist traffic. The speaker
50 of 15 men weere the City could selected from departments to counter-
balance the recent transfer of 15 employees from the sanitation department.
Costs of material and equipment, be added, would also be reduced by the use
of City equipment. Ne presented a table which indicated the number of equip-
ment units mused by the City , the estimated bouts of use, the average bourn
per unit and the capacity percentage based on a 2000 hour maximum capacity use
for any one vehicle. Mr. Graeskenp summarised his remarks by recommending
that Council (1) prepare a cost analysis, broken down into labour, overhead,
equipment, satsrial and other cost factors, possibly using Department of
Highways analysis figures; (2) cock the possibility of drawing the required
force in the form of skilled man from the present labour supply; (3) study the
on possible rental of additional e u
required equipment; consstructioa;
(5) suggest to the Regional level of Government that they purchase a continuow
sir asphalting machine for the whole Region and rent to area municipalities
for paving projects and (6) make the Union a full partner in study and
Road Maint Menages's! Study , authorh r issedd by the City and being carried opt
by a firs of consultants. The study is subsidised by the Department of High-
ways to the extent of 50%. this extensive study of road ainteasnse and
operations will include a report on the we of the City's labour force and
equipment. Aldermen Beams sugpsted that a sopp ...the *peeler's remarks
be weds available to the City Manager and the City $ngieser. Mr. Graaskamp
requested that his recommendations be refereed to the Maintenance Study.
- 3 -
Mrrs.�Jos Josephine Hucko befgranted permission to seconded e s Council. Thomann that
Hrs. Hucko appeared before in front her residence at
Street. Stret located on City p ��
Streeet. . u The tree so infestst ed by "tent caterpillars" that they cover the
sidewalk, walla and windows as well as getting inside the house. Because of
th ban on the use of DDT, Mrs. Hucko and her neighbours have not continued
the use oi�n sked y Thomson dify Department the City has a contract Agriculture.
ct with a
pest control company, the City Manager stated that the existing contract is
for weed control and rodents in the garbage disposal area. Alderman Thomson
suggested that the firm could probably also treat the infesstteedd alnnutltrees
located on City property and that adjacent homeowners may
same firm to treat similarly diseased trees located on private property.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the firm presently under contract with the City be instructed to inspect
the treatmenttto control Otbee undertake the necessary
infestation of tent caterpillars.
Report 471 - Senior Planner - Re: Application for rezoning, Candev Ltd.,
AM -275, pt.lwip. Lot 79, west side of Dorchester Road, north of Freeman Street;
recommending that Council, by resolution, certify that the proposed Boning
amendment conforms to the Official Plan for the Niagara Palle Planning Area.
Re p o rt
ning 489 a - Senio anndev Limitednandbackground
noting tthatfitt�isithe 21- storreeythe
apar abuild sn o received the maj
number o b j e c t i on fronting nd Dorchester
Road be forwarded to tha or
number of objections; sacomsendls►8
Ontario Municipal Board for a hearing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
Mr. N.B.Welch be granted permission to address Council ebsetwad that the Ca Mr. Welch, a representative roed by Council in March 1969. The
original plan bad been amended and approved
changes in the plan included he d, id ben snconfoarmedrwithtallnt he r h reques s
the road pattern. His firm,
made by the Flaming Board and staff. He explained that it had taken
months for the applicants to acquire a 22 ft. strip of land which runs
Parallel to the Hydro right -of -way.
It was moved on the motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by
Alderman Thomson that in view of the additional objections received that the
report be received and referred back to the Planning Committee for further
consideration. The motion was Del ted with the following vote;
AYR: Alderman Puttick, Mann and Thomson. Scott,
M�YE :Aldermen Bearss, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Scbisler,
The Presiding Officer granted permission to Mr. J. Meehan to
address Council on behalf of residents of the area who are objecting to the
resoning application.
Mt. Meehan stated that the man objection. ioo- lcoe concern t en th'at
building, the multiple family dwellings wittier
the adjuatuents made to reduce the sins of the apartment bu ilt homan r
the two - family dwellings were not sufficient. A surveil
the pros rop se did d deved pvslopm ent. Nt. ss� said reside ts the area feel
the poseanten
that they are being mislead.
CS1*RSD on the motion of Alderson Scott, seconded by adopted rezoning eGalloway that
the report of the Senior Planner be received and
by-law together with the objections to the proposed Casdsv development, be
forwarded to the Ontario Municipal .Bard for consideration sod a hosing.
The notion Carrisd,with the following votes
Schiele?, Scott, W!lsan,Hont.
t Aldermen lsares, Galloway, Martin, McKinley,
vkldermsa,IsnO, puttlek, tboveon and presiding.Officsr, Aldermen Clarke.
Olt 444444
. 4-
Report 801 (1969) - City Manager - Rezoning application of Dr.Howard F.Clement
to• permit the construction and operation of a six - storey medical clinic at the
north -east corner of Kitchener Street and Portage Road. Advising that the site
plan agreement end site plan will contain provisions for the widening of Portage
Road and the acquisition of land required for the proposed modifications to the
Queen Elizabeth Way; off.etreet parking requirements of the Municipality are to
be maintained after road demands are met; recommending approval of the applies.
tion subject to the applicant entering into a site plan agreement and site plan.
Report 490 . Senior Planner • Re: AM -312, Rezoning application of Dr.R.F.Ciement
to permit the construction of a medical centre; recommending that Council, by
resolution, certify that the application conforms to the Official Plan for the
Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Galloway that the
report be received and adopted and that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
certifies that the application of Dr,R.F.Cleaent known as Part of Lot 126,
formerly in the Township of Stamford (now in the City of Niagara Palls)
situated on the north -east corner of Kitchener Street and Portage Road, conforms
to the Official Pien (Amendment No. 28) of the Niagara Falls Planning Ares as
amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs.
Report 491 . City Manager - Reviewing the background of the application for
rezoning to permit the construction of a medical clinic at the north -east
corner of Kitchener Street and Portage Road; submitting copies of two letters
of objection to the proposed rezoning; noting that the by -law containing the
required zoning amendment and passed by Council on June 22, 1970, restricts
the use to a medical centre; that the plan has been amended to provide a 5 ft.
landscaped strip adjacent to neighbouring property in addition to a 4 to 6 ft.
fence; describing the decorative wall that will enclose the transformer
building; advising further that the amount of parking provided conforms to the
draft zoning byelaw.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
Mr.J.T.Clement be granted permission to address Council.
Mt. Clement, as solicitor for the applicant, agreed that the
objection by Mt. Coleman regarding the location of it transformer building
close to his residence is valid. He said that the interests of both the
applicant and Mr.Coleman would be better served if the architect relocated
the transformer building to another location on the lands involved, subject
to the approval of the Engineering Staff. Mr.Cleaent suggested that he
arrange a meeting with the architect, Mr.Coleman and representatives of the
City's engineering staff to consider the relocation of the building. Re
expressed the opinion that this would eliminate most of the objections.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
Mt. E. F. Coleman be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Coleman said that he has asked that the 10 foot buffer
strip on the east side of the building be enlarged and moved to the west side
to provide more privacy. He considered that 39 parking spaces would be
insufficient for the number of doctors, staff and patients who would be
using the facilities. Be also pointed out that the transformer building is
to be located within 10 feet of his living quarters. Mr. Coleman also
suggested that a change in the existing reeidentiel zoning would permit the
applicants to use the lands for cameras' purposes. The Senior Planner
referred to the provisions of the by -law which limit the use of the property
to a medical centre.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Martin that
report of the City Manager be received and the application of Dr.R.P.Clssent,
together with the objections received, be referred to the Ontario Municipal
Board for a hearing.
See Resolution No. 73
Report 23 • City Manager + Rat Landlord and tenant Advisory Bureau. Recommend•
ing that the formation of a Landlord and Tenant Advisory Bureau be deferred
et the proeant timm and (a) the Soots' Planning Council asked to suggest a
programme to determine the need, if any, of Ouch a Bureau; (b) obtain
additional information from the appropriate Provincial Department regarding the
authority to be given to these bureaux and (c) contact those municipalities
which have taken advantage of the new legislation to obtain their comments.
Report 492 - City Manager - Advising that the Social Planning Council will
require additional time to determine the need of a landlord and Tenant Advisory
Bureau as they wish to secure information from other Cci a section of the
pliies where
similar too have been uggetigethatuo the of "Municipality"
amendment nt t to the Act and suggesting
the City of Niagara Falls would apparently be prevented from passing a by -law
as it suggesting dfurther such
Council is of limited to should Municipality;
established that the matter be referred to the Regional Municipality of Niagara
with a recommendation that a by -law be passed to establish such a bureau.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and tabled pending preparation of a report from the Social
Planning Council as to the effectiveness of landlord and Tenant Bureaux in other
it was also suggested that the comments of the Mayor's Committee
on Rousing would be of assistance.
* * * * **
Comm. 260 - Canadian Civil Liberties Association - Re: Deportation Order - Mrs.
M. luciani and children. tha
City a
order Manager
Mrs. uciani has n been i postponed in order that dthe that
Honourable A. MacEachen, Minister of Manpower and Immigration,may review the
case. tt
the Immigration .
amigra Appeal MacEschen n dismissed Mrs. Luciani
against the order of deportation and recommended that she be returned to France
with the two children who were born there and that no action will be taken to
reverse the decision; advising further that passports have been obtained for
Mrs.luciani's three Canadian -born children and that the Department is prepared
to defray the necessary transportation coats involved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann, that the
communication be received and filed.
* * * * **
Comm. 278 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: By -law No. 51 fixing the
rates to be charged for water supplied to area nunicipalities during the year
1970. of a communication from the
Report 493 - City Mane er - Submitting a copy
Director of Finance o the Regional Council containing information required
to comply with Section 12 of
a d Affairs
that t the total capital, operating
Yells Pollution n plannt and System by the Region will be included in the City's
budget; recommending that the information received and material supplied be
tabled for consideration at the time Council reviews and makes a final declaim
in respect to the City's Current Budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Wilson, that the
report be received and referred to the Budget Meeting.
* * * * **
Comm. 271 - Town of Oakville Rat Proposed Amendment to than highways;
requesting relative to the dedication of land for public pure
requesting endorsation of a resolution to petition the Minister of Malatya'
Affairs to amend the Planning Act as it applies to 5% parks dedication.
Report 494 • Senior Planar - Advising that since the City allows mixed plans
of to the City; noting resolution alsorproposedhthat resolution is important
of rescuing
to Councciill,,rby densities, a chare for park purposes resolution, end the revision of b The e Planning Act es recommending quested
by the Associationlandnthe�Ontario Mayora Reeves Association be so
.ORDRARD on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Scott, that the
.,report be received and adopted. The motion Sigagiwitb Aldermen Pettish voting
contrary and all others in favour.
- 7 -
No. 282 - The Ontario Municipal Board Submitting a copy of a decision
delivered recently by the Board and suggesting that Council consider the
practice suggested in respect to citizen enquiries about planning matters.
The decision of the Board recommends that all enquiries be directed to a
knowledgeable, responsible official and that it should be his duty to
ascertain the nature and purpose of each enquiry and to provide uaccuratea-
information as to the present permitted use and existing plans
tions for change. It is further recommended that a permanent record be kept
of all enquiries and a statement of the information supplied.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the communication be received and that the City adopt the recommended proce-
dure in processing enquiries regarding planning matters.
N. a -law to levy against Municipality
theareafmunicipalities the sums of money
during the year 1970 for the purposasof the Regional Corporation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 284 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: OWRC Regional Niagara
Technical Liaison Committee. Advising that all OWRC operating staff at
sewer and water plants within the Region will be transferred to the Region's
payroll by September of 1970 and that future capital projects will be pro-
cessed through the Committee; advising that the OWRC has requested that all
proposals for 1971 be placed before the Committee by September 1, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Schialer that
the communication be received and filed.
No. 285 - Mr. Prank Caligiuri • Requesting information as to the possibility
of purchasing City -owned property on Eris Avenue for thmpurpoee of building
a double garage. Alderman
Schisler, thhee motion of
received and referred to the CityyManagerr..n Wilson that
No. 286 - City of Barrie A resolution requesting the Minister of Municipal
Affairs to introduce legislation to provide taxation assistance to all
which community Un at c h s niversiitieed or land
lan land. to all municipalities in
the coommunicationtbenreceived and thetresoluttiion of a n of Alderman CityofaBarre that
endorsed. The motion Carried withh the foollowngv t McKinlsq, Schisler, Scott,
AYES Alderman Bears., Galloway,
NATE:Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
ly to
No.287 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Novice 01 in n t o o a
the Ontario 'Municipal Board for an order app
sanitary sewer in the Town of Lincoln.
No.288 - Township of West Lincoln • Notice of Intention tosapplyettosthecO.M.8.
for an order of the Board approving the borrowing
under the Tile Drainage Act.
No. 289 • City of Fort Colborne - Notice of Intention to apply to the 0.M.B.
for as order of the Board approving the issue of debentures for local improve-
No. 290 - it of Welland Notice of Intention to apply to the O.M.B. for
an order o the Board approving the issue of debentures for the construction
Of sanitary sewers and water:mini.
No. 291 - Town of Lincoln - Notice of Intention to apply to the O.M.B. for an
order of the Board approving sanitary .awermain construction.
t bbs t cn onanicationsofrom the Ragihcnalerhluntcipsellity o Rissera, Martin
the Town.
ship of West Lincoln, tbs City of Port Colborne, the City of Welland and the
Town of Lincoln be received and filed and that the City of Niagara Falls
register no objections to the proposed works. The motion amid with
Aldermen'Futtick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Report 463 - City Manager - Re: Purchase of Photo Copy Machines. Advising that
similar quotations were received from A.B.Dick Co. of Hamilton and the Frontier
Typewriter Co. of Niagara Palls; that a lower price for paper and ink was
received from the Hamilton company; recommending that the City purchase two -
Model 675 Electrostatic Copiers from the A.B.Dick Co. at a cost of $2,500.00.
Report 495 - City Manager - Advising that a revised quotation has been
received from the Frontier Typewriter Co. reducing the cost of toner supplies
and copy paper and indicating that free service would be given with purchase
of supplies; the quotation does not cover replacement of parts; noting that
the proposed service contract with A.B.Dick Co. would provide service includ-
ing replacement of parts for $80.00 per year; recommending that two • Model
675 Electrostatic Copiers be purchased from the A.B.Dick Co. at a coat of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schialer, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following
ATE:Aldermen Beaus, Galloway, Hint, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scbieler and
Presiding Officer Alderman Clarke.
NAPE :Aldermen Puttick, Scott, Wilson, Thomson.
No 280 . McLean, Lyons &Kerr. Barristers - Re: Canadia - Niagara Falls,Ltd.
Dorchester Road property. Proposing certain transfers of land in order to
facilitate the flow of traffic to and from the proposed Canadia shopping
centre onto Dorchester Road and adjacent streets and to provide for the
future widening of Dorchester Road;that the developer transfer to the City
an additional 23/ feet extending from the south side of Dawson Street to
the northern limit of the lands to be transferred to the Department of
Highways of Ontario as well as a strip of land 66 feet in width, extending
southerly from Ray Avenue to the northerly limit of the lands being sold to
the purchaser, a distance of 369 feet. It is further proposed that the City
close Junkies Avenue and moat of Dawson Street and transfer same to Canadia
Ltd. as well as a 66 ft. strip of land extending southerly from Pettit Avenue
for a distance of 398 feet; suggesting that Council consider the matter and
that the agreement between the City and Canadia be subject to the confirma-
tion of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment and by the Ontario
Municipal Board.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
Mr. S. Mayers be granted permission to address Council.
As spokesman for the developers, Mr. Mayers commented on the
contents of the communication stating that his firm realises that the City
will require the additional 23 ft. along Dorchester Road in order to match up
with the acquisition of land by the Department of Highways for the widening
of Dorchester Road. The Candle company are the owners of properties on both
sides of the road allowances which they have asked the City to close and
transfer to them, that is Junkin Ave. and a portion of Dawson Street. Mr.
Mayers advised that, during a meeting with City authorities and representatives
of the Regional Municipality and the Department of Highways, consideration was
given to the question of traffic and the effect on the general road pattern
in the area. The Dawson Street transfer will permit a more northerly location
of the development and would be more advantageous to the traffic circle. The
proposal to extend Ray Avenue will enable the City to close Cropp and Miller
Streets at a later date if necessary. Mt. Mayers pointed out that the
properties that the developers propose to convey to the City have a greater
value than those properties that the City is being asked to convey. The
basic proposal, he said, is to "square off" the Canadia holdings.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a further
ilo. 281 - Hn.All n 7, Lawrence Miniat r of Mines - Advising that Royal
Assent has been given to Bill 79, the Niagara Becarpssnt Protection Act, 1970;
advising further that copies of permit applications end site plans will be
forwarded to the Municipality and that it is the intention of the Department
to consult with City Officials as to the advisability of granting any permits.
C!XUD on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
communication be received, tabled and a copy of Bill 79 supplied to all
Department Beads.
. g.
No. 292 - Salvation Army - Niagara Falls Citadel Cores - Requesting permission to
bold a Youth Rally at Centennial Square, Thursday, September 3, 1970, 8:00 to
9 :00 p.m. The Rally will consist of a musical concert featuring a Salvation
Army Youth Combo and aoliete.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
communication be received and request approved.
No. 293 - Glen Horticulturists' Fraternity - Requesting that the City place an
advertisement in the anniversary copy of the magazine published by the Canadian
Parks and Recreation Association. The Annual Convention of the Association will
be held in Niagara Fails this year.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Schieler that the
communication be received and the City place a full page advertisement in the
publication "Recreation Canada" at a cost of $112.00. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Eases, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schieler, Scott, Wilson,
NAYE:Aldermen Mann, Galloway and Presiding Officer Alderman Clarke.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alder.
man Calloway that the City place a half -page advertisement in the publication
at a cost of $67.00. The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Mann, Galloway and Presiding Officer Alderman Clarke.
NAYE:Aldermen Soares, Martin, Hunt, McKinley, Puttick, Schieler, Scott, Thomson,
i eon.
N ote: The motion to insert a half page advertisement in the publication was
taken previous to the original motion.
No. 294 - Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 133 - An invitation to all
Members of Council and all ManagenentlEmployeas and their families to the
Annual Children's Picnic, Saturday, August 15, 1970, 1 :00 p.m. at Firemen's Park.
S ORDRRED on the motion of Alderman Besse, seconded by Aldermen Thomson that the
communication be received,+tbe invitation accepted and as many members of Council
es possible attend.
No. 295 - Lundy's Lane Historical Society • An invitation to attend the annual
Memorial wreath - laying service to cemoemorate the Battle of Lundy's Lane. The
ceremonies will follow the 10 :00 a.m. service in Drummond Hill Presbyterian
Church, July 26, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Beams, that the
communication be received and invitation accepted.
No. 496 . Cit Mena or - Re: Falls Industrial P a r k Road Construction. Recommend-
ing acceptance oft unit prices submitted by Herd Rock Paving Co. Ltd.,
Port Colborne for the construction of a base asphalt roadway on Marie Street in
the Fails Industrial Park.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the report
be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Wilson voting contrary
•nd all others in favour.
See Resolution No, 80
No. 497 - City Hisser • Res Clain of Mr. Stan Morawrky, 1599 Velar Road.
Advising timat the lose of nine turkeys destroyed by a dog has been verified by
the report of the valuers and recommending payment of $45.00 in settlement of
the claim.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thorson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 498 • City Manager - Res Proposed Fireball - Oxford Road. Submitting infor-
motion regarding quotations received for the supply, fabrication and erection
Of the steel structure including mil required wall and roof cladding and
related hardware; rno sending that City forces be authorised to act as the
gensral contractor for the construction of the proposed fireball and that Straw
Steal Division, Wsetall •Tosco Liaited, Richmond Hill, Ontario, be awarded the
contract for the supply, labelsatied and erection of the steel structure at •
quoted price of $12,661.00, subject to the approval of the Oatesdo Massisipal
Board. - •
- 9-
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Schieler that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 81
No. 499 - City Manager - Re: Registered Property 469 -1, Charles T. M. Jacklin,
2470 Thorold Road. Advising that a tax arrears certificate was registered 3 1970;
againat the property on May 13 with the last day of redemption being May ,
advising further that the former assessed owner deposited the necessary
with the City on June 29th; recommending that, subject to the app
Department of Municipal Affairs, the property be conveyed by the City to the
former assessed owner.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and adopted. See Byelaw No. 70-163
No. 500 - City Manager - Re: Agreement with Ontario Housing Corporation. Sub-
mitting a resume of events and noting that on April 25, 1969, Council accepted
of citizen unite on theConstruction
e st of Ailanthus Avenue at a cost oftion
$752,251.00; that a draft agreement has bean received from Ontario
Rousing Corporation regarding the operation and management of the new unite and
recommending approval of the by -law authorising its execution.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour. gee 8y -law No. 70 -158
No. 501 - City Manager • Res McLeod Road Arch. Advising that a meeting was
held Electric Ceommission the H.G Ltdta , the
the Regn Regional
Municipality of Niagara and City Officials to discuss the various problems
encountered relating to the rock formation; advising further that it was the
unanimous decision of those present that the work on the project should be
stopped temporarily to permit further investigation of the rock foundation
a material
period which tinelafurther investigations
report on the entire carried
proje for
will be presented.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that the
report be received and filed.
No. 502 - City Manager - Re: Drinking Fountains. Referring to a recent
suggestion that drin is water fountains be installed on Clifton Hill, Queen
Street and in the Main Street area. Advising that a fountain did exist on
Queen Street at one time but was removed due to maintenance problems cawed by
coniued has drinking fountains within street allowances; noting that there
are a•number of fountains in the City parks system and the Niagara Parks System
facilities and tbat such justified
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman where
se onded by Alde t rman t Mart n fields
that he
report be received and filed.
No.503 - Senior Planner - Res Rezoning application of Stanford Credit Union in
order to convert the former Falleway Motors property to a credit office;
the conforas the resolution,
Official Plan certify
fr the Niagara that passed
Niagara FallPlanning
report be notion of
adopte Alderman nd seconded by
of the Scott that
resoning of property located l at a the n Stamford
corner of Morrison Street and Portals Road
and known es Part of Lot 95 of the former Township of Stamford (now in the City
of Niagara Palls) cm:forms to the Official Plan (Amendment No. 28) of the
Niagara Falls Planning Ares as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal
Affairs. See Resolution No. 74
No. 504 - peniot Planner - Re: Rescuing application of Niagara Peninsula Home
Sl A, Registered P Plan 1445,eitunted on the east property
side d of Queen Bliebbetb
Highway and vest of Dorchester Road; recommending tbat Council, by resolution,
certify that the application conforms to the Official Plan for the Niagara
Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Scbisler, that
the report be received and adopted and that the Council of the City of Niagara
Palls certifies that the application of Niagara Peninsula Rome Builders'
Association for the rezoning of property known as part of Block A, Registered
Plan 245, situated on the east side of the Queen Elisabeth Way and west of
Dorchester Road is in conformity with the Official Plan (AmendmentND. 28) of
the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of
Municipal Affairs.
See Resolution No. 75
No. 505 - Senior Planner - Re: Application of Choreba Investments Ltd. for the
rezoning of land located north of Welland Line Road, immediately west of the
Q.R.W. to permit the development of a Mobile Rome Park. Reviewing the background
of the application and noting that the Planning and Development Committee had
recommended to Council that the application be denied and that at a Council
meeting held February 16, 1970, the application was approved subject to
certain conditions which are presently being considered by the developers,
consultants and City Staff; advising that the revised Official Plan Amendment
was considered by the Committee and an amendment was not recommended. The
Planning and Development Committee recommended that the report be referred to
the City Council for a decision.
ORDERED on the motion Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and the required Official Plan Amendment be adopted by
by -law. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bear's, Runt, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schiller, Scott, Thomson.
R1E:Aldermen Galloway, Mann and Wilson.
See By -law No. 70 -161
No. 506 - Aldermen•Runt.and Mann and Mr.I.A.McCallum - Re: Stratford Seminar
1970 on Civic Design.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Sehieler that
the report be received and filed.
No. 507 - City Manager - Re: Rezoning Procedures. Presenting a flow chart to
illustrate the processing oftstening applications. Advising that the initial
circulation to nearby owners is a voluntary practice intended to involve
citizens in the planning process prior to a decision being made; the second
circularization is a requirement of the O.M.B. after Council passes the rezoning
by -law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schiller, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and filed.
No. 508 - Senior Planner - Re: Rezoning collate of Mr. R. Demote to permit
the construction of a 2% storey apartment building on property on Cberrywood
Rood, west of Drummond Road; recommending that the application be approved
subject to the Engineering Department's comments and subject to a site plan
agreement end that Council certify, by resolution, that the application conforms
to the Offiaial Plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Theron that
the report be received and adopted and that the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls certifies that the application of Mr. R. Demote for the rezoning of
property known as part of Block A, Plan 203, situated on Cbarrywood Road, west
of Drummond Road, conforms to the Official Plan (Amendment No. 28) of the
Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister.of
Municipal Affairs,
Bea Resolution No. 76
Mo. 509 - $$ssppior Planner - Rat Rezoning application of Stamford Green Invest-
ments and balecoebe Developments Ltd. to permit the development of multi- family
units on property located south of Prantanse Street; recommending that the
application be approved subject to a site plan agreement and that Council
certify, by resolution, that the application confers to the Official Plan for
the Niegera Falls Planning Area.
COLORED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Bunt that the
report be received and adapted end the Council of the City of Niagara Palle
certify that the application of Stamford Green Investments and Delanemho
Dsvelapsnt Ltd.. for tbairesoniay.of property known as Part of Lot.173, former.
- i
1 1
- 11 -
ly In the conforms to t� Plan (Amendment No�.28)aofl F the Niagara Planning
Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs.
See Resoluta No. 77
No. 510 - Senior Planner Re: Rezoning application of Angelmore Investments
Ltd. to permit 43 single family lots in a future plan of subdivision located
west of Dorchester Road, south of McLeod Road; recommending that the applica-
tion be eatement seweruwilltbe to the requiredltoabe being that
eveloper from his pproved
thhatitheeiproposa H.E.P.C.
the Official and that Council certify
ORDEBED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted and that the Council of the City of Niagara
Palls certifies that the application of Investments
of Ltd. fore t Road
rezoning of property known as Part of Lot 178,
the Niaera
and t g f Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by (Amendment
the Minister of
Municipal Affairs. See Resolution No. 78
No. 511 - Senior Planner - Re: Rezoning application of Mr. S. Toth to permit
the construction of an additional apartment on the second floor of an existing
store located at 2832 Drummond Road; recommending that the application be
approved subject to certain design changes suggested by Staff and that the
applicant enter into a site plan agreement; further, that Council certify that
the proposal conforms to the Official Plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted that that Council certifies that the application
Area as amended and approved by o
by the Ministerof Municipal
See Resolution No. 79
No. 513 - City Manager - Re: Interest payments - payments to School Boards.
Advising that the payments were in accordance with The Secondary Schools and
Boards of Education Act and The Separate Schools Act as amended; presenting
from Januaarryr1strtoJune been
the interestfor education
borrowing of the required funds from March 31st to June 30th was 8.1 /2h percent; of
suggesting that the City (1) make aninterim tax levy in January
calendar year for approximately SO percent of the taxes of the previous year
and (2) that the Provincial Government, through
the Department rttoofl du
be urged to provide funds for the payme nt of month, _
which wouu mould
ld be notless 1/12 of the 1/12 a grant estimated for each nt
individual board.
"ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Bunt that the
report be received and the suggestions contained therein adopted. The motion
Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 514 • Recreation Director - Re: Fall Fair - City of Niagara Falls.
in the m g to • lit recent advising t ainconsideration oo be given a representative
in tie Bettie of tbe Sorie 4-R Calf Club indicator that 5/6 of rural land is oitting idle
and that only 6 or 7 farmers work full time es professional farmers; recommend.
the fair now knowntas this thetRegional rather that Council support
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and filed. The motion Carried with the ifo11owing votes
ant an t Alderman Galloway, Bunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley,
Eat Alderman Mans and Nilson.
110. 515 - City Minster - get Lots 98 to 102 inclusive, Reg istered Plan 108,
Pettit Avenue and Cropp Street. Advising that the Boat of s ►t ve gotbe y
are mounts to 48,271.92 which is agreeable to the developer,
CRD=RED on the motion of Aldermen Schislar, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and tabled for consideration with ha Ai to be pre.
seated in Committee a d 11 the in motion Wild
- 13 -
No. 76 - PUTTICK - THOMSON - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls certifies that the application of Mr.H.Damore for the rezoning of property
known as part of Block A, Plan 203 and situated onCherrywood Road, west of
Drunesond Road, conforms to the Official Plan (Amendment No.28) of the Niagara
Falls Planning Area as emended and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 77 r WILSON - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
Developments + pments L td fo the property Investments
formerly in the Township of Stamford (now in the City of Niagara Palls),
situated immediately south of Frontenac Street, conforms to the Official Plan
(Amendment No. 28) of the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved
by the Minister of Municipal Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried Unanimousl
certifies appplicationVof AngelmoreCInvestmentshLtCity
d. forf Falls
the rezoning
of property known as Part of Lot 178, mutated west of Dorchester Road, south
of McLeod Road, conforms to the Official Plan (Amendment No.28) of the Niagara
Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously
No. 79 - WILSON - MANN - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
certifies that the application of S. Toth for the rezoning of property known as
Pt.Lot 160, situated at 2832 Drummond Road, conforms to the Official Plan
(Amendment No.28) of the Niagara Fells Planning Area as amended and approved
by the Minister of Municipal Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried Unanimously
No. 80 - HUNT - MANN - RESOLVED that the City of Niagara Falls accept the unit
prices submitted by Hard Rock Paving Co. Ltd., Port Colborne, Ontario, for the
construction of a base asphalt roadway on Murie Street in the Falls Industrial
Park; ADD the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried
No. 81 - MARTIN - SCHISLER - RI <30LVED that City forces be au to
the general contractor for the construction of a prop
Road and that Straps Steal Division, Westell-Rosco a i Ric O nt.,
be awarded the contract for the supply, ion
structure at a quoted price of $12,661.00, subject to the approval of the
Ontario Municipal Board; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 82 - MARTIN - THOMSON • RESOLVED that His Worship Mayas F. J. Miller be
authorised to issue a proclamation declaring Monday, August 3rd, 1970, as a
Civic closed�an drat date; a
t s Sealgofathe Falls
Corporratioon be hereto all remain
hereto affix d.
be held SCOTT TT sa SCHISIER August- 4tth,01969,tatt7s 0 p.m.; regular the Seal of Council
f tbe
Corporation be hereto affixed. Parried
The City Manager requested that s epeciel meeting be arranged
to review the City's budget in its final form. He pointed out that the
Chippewa Urban Service Ana requires the approval of the Ontario Municipal
Board before the retie can be finalised.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Hearse that •
spacial meeting of Council be bald on Monday, July 27, 1970, at 4130 p.m. in
Committee of the Whole.
No. 516 - Alderman E. Bursa - Re: Sixteenth Annual International Municipal
Parking Congress - Parking Workshop.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears', seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed.
No. 517 - City Manager - Re: Surplus Municipal Equipment. Itemizing the
equipment now out of service and recommending that the items be sold by tender
with a closing date of August 4th, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 518 - City Manager - Re: Erie County Fair and Exposition Parade.
Recommending that the City eater its float in the parade at Hamburg, New York,
Saturday, August 22, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Schialer
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 519 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of applications
received from the Montrose Softbalf Team, the Canadian Corps,Unit 104 and Our
Lady of Peace,C.W.L. to manage and conduct raffle lotteries.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 520 - City Manager - Building Permits issued during the month of June,1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and filed.
No. 521 - Deputy City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the nation of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Hearse that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 522 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 72 - MANN - MARTIN - RESOLVED that Alderman Howard Clarke be appointed as
Presiding Officer during the absence of His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
,Carried Unanimously
No.73 - SCOTT - GALLOWAY - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls certifies that the application of Dr.H.F.Clenent for the rezoning of
property known as Part of Lot 126, formerly in the Township of Stamford (now
in the City of Niagara Palls) situated on the north -east corner of Kitchener
Street and Portage Road, conforms to the Official Plan (Amendment No. 28) of
he Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of
Municipal Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 74 - WILSON - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
certifies that the application of the Stamford Credit Union for the rezoning of
property located at the corner of Morrison Street and Portage Road.and known
as Part of Lot 95 in the former Township of Stamford (now in the City of
Niagara Falls) conforms to the Official Plan ( Asendmsnt No.28) of the Niagara
Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal
Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried UnenlmouslY
No. 75 - SCOTT - SCHIBLER - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls certifies that the application of Niagara Peninsula Hoer Builders'
Association for the rezoning of property known as part of Block A, Registered
Plan 243, situated on the east side of the Queen Elisabeth Highway and west of
Dorchester Road, is in conformity with the Official Plan (Amendment No.28) of
the Niagara Falls Planning Ares as amended and approved by the Minister of
Municipal Affaire; AND the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed.
Carried uaaaimously
- 15 -
Alderman Wilson commented on the method being used by the
Regional Government to obtain the services of employees of the area municipali-
ties and the subsequent loss of experienced personnel. He expressed the opinion
that the Region should duly advertise the positions available.
Alderman Bearss said that the municipality should support
rather than criticize the Regional Council. The City, she said, has been
fortunate to have the benefit of qualified personnel in the past and would
continue to benefit from their experience at the Regional level of government.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermen Thomson that
the Regional Council be requested to advertise available Regional positions
in newspapers throughout the Province of Ontario. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen,Galloway, Runt, Mann, Puttick, Scott, Wilson, Thomson.
NAME :Aldermen Bearas, McKinley, Martin and Schisler.
Alderman Thomson asked that the Traffic Engineer submit a
recommendation to alleviate the traffic problems at the corner of Bridge Street
and Stanley Avenue. Be observed that there had been discussions regarding the
installation of a traffic light at the intersection but the matter had been
delayed due to the proposed reconstruction of Bridge Street. The Alderman
reported receiving a complaint regarding the location of a bus stop at the
corner and the difficulties encountered by motorists attempting to turn left
onto Bridge Street while passengers disembark or board the bus. He requested
that consideration be given to the relocation of the bus stop.
Alderman Thomson requested that the Police Department be
advised of the practice of motcristawho travel at excessive speeds on Dorchester
Road North. The practice, he said, is particularly dangerous for children
walking to Firemen's Park ae there are no sidewalks in the area.
Alderman Galloway agreed with Alderman Schiller that the Metro
United Church Council should be thanked and commended for undertaking a Youth
Hostel Programme presently being operated at St. Andrew's United Church.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alder. +an Hunt, that a
letter of commendation and app:•eciation be forwarded to ".'.:e Metro United Church
Council for the valuable service to youth and to the Municipality in the
operation of a Youth Hostel.
Presiding Officer Howard Clarke request':.m that staff members
investigate the location of two large gasoline tanks which are obstructing
motorists view at the corner of Sodom Road and Main Street Chippewa.
No. 70 -155 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Hard Rock
Paving Company Limited for the construction of roads.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by
Alderman Hunt that Alderman Galloway be granted the privilege of introducing
the By -law and the By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by
Alderman Schisler that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be
Carried with Alderman Puttick vot contrary and all others in favour.
liattlat - Aldermen Wilson and Aldarmau Mann. Tha emotion Carried with
ink voting contrary and all others in favour.
Nor 70.156 • A by -law to Nepal Bylaw No.. 7691, 1968,. providing for taking of
the assessment of business.
- 14 -
Alderman Scott reported receiving many complaints about Kolauge,
the drop in centre on Morrison Street, and enquired as to what is being done
about reported loitering, littering, obscene language and noise. Alderman
Thomson, Council's representative on the Social Planning Council, agreed that
there are many problems associated with the centre although, as of last week,
only two complaints had been registered with the Police Department. Now that
the Eaton parking lot is available for use, it is hoped that the complaints
about cars parking in front of thebnikfng may be resolved. The Alderman also
advised that it had become necessary to make some staff changes to improve the
supervision of the Centre which should help to reduce the number of complaints
about noise and loitering. The Youth Resources Committee, who are responsible
for the operation of Kolauge, have hired two people to clean the building and
premises when the Centre is closed each evening. The location, he said, is
not satisfactory because of its proximity to residential properties and it is
expected that the Centre will close at the end of September. Alderman Thomson
requested that complaints be brought to the attention of the Youth Resources
Committee or to Father Montague.
Copies of•en article appearing in the May publication of
"Executive" had been included in Council's agendas at the request of Alderman
Puttick. The Alderman noted that, according to the magazine story, an Ottawa
firm provides the same service as that of the Battelle Memorial Institute.
Alderman Puttick commented on the complaints about loitering
on Clifton Bill and said that the Visitor and Convention Bureau nay make a
submission to Council on the matter. He drew Council's attention to an anti -
loitering by -law recently enacted by the Town of Oakville and suggested that
a similar by -law be considered for the City.
Alderman Galloway referred to an earlier report prppared by
the City Solicitor in respect to an anti - loitering by -law at which time the
comments of the Chief of Police were requested. The Alderman suggested that
the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole. The City Manager advised
that he was in possession of a copy of the Oakville by -law and would comment
further in Committee.
Alderman Puttick requested a report on the situation at the
City's bus depot where there are many disputes between rival cab drivers. The
police, he said, are constantly being called to the area because of fights and
attempts to prevent other taxis from picking up fared at the terminal. He
suggested that the agreement with the bus depot be revie. /ed. The City Manager
requested that the Alderman supply him with further details of the incidents
as he was meeting with one of the principals the next day.
Aldermen !punt enquired as to the truth of a statement that the
City was duplicating services by biting additional personnel to replace
employees of the waterworks department who had been transferred to the
Regional Governsent. The City Manager pointed out that all employees of the
water treatment and sewage treatment plants ware transferred when these depart-
ments ease under the jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality. Es said there
would be no truth in the statement as there would be no reason to replace the,
employees inasmuch as the City is no longer responsible for the operation of
the plants.
Alderman Nilson stated that be had attended the official
opening of the Air Niagara service on July 17th et the airport. Hs recommended
that Council utilise the now commuter airline tnsver_pasible.
Alderman Hunt
suspended and
- 17 •
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarly sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Hunt.
Third Reading • Alderman Bearss and Alderman Hunt.
Third &fadiaa - Alderman Mann and Alderman Wilson.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No 70 -161 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the
fficial flan of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (Mobile Home Park)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Aldermen
McKinley that Alderman Bearss be granted the privilege of introducing the By-
law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beam, seconded by Alderman
Schiller that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Ca rid with
Alderman Galloway voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Feeding - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Puttick. The motion Carried
ilia Galloway voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70 -162 - A By -law to amend By -laws Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960 of the
Former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Palls, as amended.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by
Alderman Scbisler that Alderman Beams be granted the privilege of introducing
the By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
OR DZRED on the motion of Alderman Beans, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By-law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No 70 -163- A By -law to authorise the conveyance of land to Charles Trice
Melive Jacklin.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by
Alderman Hoot that Alderman Galloway be granted the privilege of introducing
the By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
(ROBBED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules o! Council be temporarily
the By -law be given the sated reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70.164 - A Byelaw to designate certain land not to be subject to part -lot
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beam, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Alderman Nunn be granted the privilege of introducing the Byelaw and
the By -law be given the first reading. Csrriad ynanimow lY
WARD on the motion of Alderman Mann, seceded Waldman
McKinley that Sole 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the Byelaw be given the second reading. Carried Vns@}moully
16 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Galloway be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by
Alderman Bunt that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reedit .- Alderman Wilson and Alderman Martin. The motion Carried with
A derman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No.70 -157 - A By -law to appoint valuers of livestock and poultry.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by
Alderman Beerss that Alderman Schisler be granted the privilege of introducing
the By -law and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schiller, seconded by
Alderman Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By-law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Aldemen Wilson and Alderman Mann.
Carried Unanimously
No 70-158 - A by -law to authorise an agreement with Ontario Rousing Corporation.
respect ns 86 senior citizen housing units on Ailanthus Avenue.
OtU)ZRBD on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by
Alderman Wilson that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
Suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. The motion Ca•:ried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favc
Third Reeding - Alderman Mann and Alderman Bunt. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others is favour.
No. 70.159 - A By-law to and By -law No. 7877, 1969, t'ctt g a By -law to provide
for the use of parking misters on streets.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beam, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Alderman Mann be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and
the Sy -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Steadies Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By•law be given the second reading. Tbs lotion marl with
Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
' Reading • Alderman Bearss and Alderman Scott. The motion aria with
Alderman Wilson voting contrary end all others in favour.
til rias A Byelaw to amend Byelaw No. 7678,1969, respecting parking lots in
ty of Niagara Palls, sad for regulating, supervising and governing the
Perking of vabioles thereon and charging a fee for such parking.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Aunt that Aldermen Beans be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law
and the !plum be $ivsn first reading.
Canted oasgipOuSJ!
. 'C / .ty_Clerk.
G —'
Council Chamber
July 20,1910.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular
meeting held on July 20, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of His Worship Mayor F.J.Miller. Alderman Thomson presided as
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it
was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin
that the Committee of the Whole arise and report.
Presiding Officer
Council Chamber,
:illy 20, 1910.
C',uncil recozv.ned in open seseion fol:3r1..L the Cc..aaittn
of the Whole meeting held Jul: 20, 1970. All Members of Council ware present
with the exception of His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller. Alderman Clarks acted
as Presiding Officer.
The following action was taken,
- Report 481 - Cit Mana er - Re: Palls Industrial Park. A•4 ising that
inquiries have eon made into the cost sharing arrangements for the installa-
tion of sewer and watsrmain laterals to various properties in the industrial
park; advising further that City Officials are compiling all costs relating
to the subdivision and the information will be made available to Council at
it Committee of the Whole.
Report 523 - City Manager, - Re: Falls Industrial Park. Submitting estimated
costs for services required in Palls Industrial Park.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the report be received and the estimated costs approved. The motion Carried
with Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
Report 524 - City Managger - Re: Chippewa Firehall.Advising that considerable
repairs are required [K the roof of the Chippewa Fireball and requesting
authority to call quotations for the work.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Schuler, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the report be received and City Officials authorised to call for quotations
from roofing contractors to maks the required repairs.
No. 525 - Cinfiynaser - Re: Shriner's Creek Watercourse North of Thorold
Stone Road ( ). tsoting that by -lawn have been passed foe the acquisi-
tion of a sufficient strip of land to accommodate a future watercourse as
well as the sanitary sever trunk instant/tie/Up the north of Thorold Stone
Read MOWS easterly to Montrose Roads • 1.; 4• ; • .4.1141
- 1 8 -
Third Reaping - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70.165 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement with
Pegas Construction Company Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears., seconded by
Alderman Scbisler that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of intro-
ducing the By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Ald.
Scott that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tempoarily
auepended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -166 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by
Alderman Hunt that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the
By-law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Scbisler.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the nation of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
Scbisler that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Wilson.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scbisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearse, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, M:Kgaley, Scbisler, Scott,
NAYE:Aldermen Puttick and Thomson.
ty City Clerk
Presiding Officer
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mttialsy, seconded by Alderman Martin tbst
the report be received and City Officials authorized to renegotiate for the
acquisition of the required 100 ft. strip across the 10 acre property of
Cornwll Investments be in further, that City i Officials be authorised procedures
horised to negotiaw with
the owners of the remaining properties on the basis of appraisals obtained.
Report 526 - City Manager- Re: Sewer on Burdette Drive and Pettit Avenue -
Mr. V. Lutz. the cost
estimated $8 271.92 which inc
R includes s
tapping Realty Development Co. istimated to
tapping charge of $3op $352.17 to be paid by River Realty Development and ref
able to Mr. tuts.
Report 515 • City Nsneger - Re: Lots 98 touse, Reservicing
108, Pettit Avenue and Cropp Advising that the fr
the area mounts to $8,271.92 which is agreeable to the developer,
Realty Development. seconded by Aldermen Thomson that
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott,
the report be received and that City Officials be authorized to require
River Realty Development to deposit $8,271.92 as the total estimated cost
fot the servicing Of five properties on Pettit Avenue and Cropp Street;
further, that City Officials be authorized to collect an amount of $352.17
from the developer, the money to be refunded to Mr. hits as a fair share of
the costs incurzed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Aldermen Bursa that
the nesting adjourn.
- >faputy City Clerk.
Presiding Officer
Council Chamber,
August 4, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. an Tuesday, August 4, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. Alderman Mann offered the opening prayer. All
Members' of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Schisler. It
was Ordered on the notion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the minutes of the regular meeting held July 20, 1970, be adopted as printed.
Report 527 - City Manager - Advising that Chief of the Training Division, J.A.
Barr and Fire Inspector P.J.Nurphy have completed the final part of the
Gravenhurat Firs College Course dealing with Fire Department Administration
Unit of the Fire Protection Technology Course.
His Worship Mayor Miller presented certificates to Mr. Barr and Mr.
Murphy and congratulated them on the excellent marks received and the honour
they had brought to the City of Niagara Falls.
No. 296 - J. Parisi and others - Submitting a petition bearing the signatures
of 18 residents of Kitchener (treat in respect to the state of the surfacing
of Kitchener Street between McDonald and Powell Avenue.
The City Manager noted that the problem was alleviated when the
street was paved with asphalt Overlay on July 31et,1970. Aldermen Puttick
noted that the letter also reported that ears travel et speeds up to 60 m.p.h.
on this street. Mayor Miller will bring this matter to the attention of the
Police Department as well as the excessive speeds of vehicles on. Valley Way
between Second and Fourth Avenue reported by Alderman McKinley.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication and petition be received and filed.
No. 297 - John G. Grasskamp • Submitting copies of a brief presented to Council
at the meeting of July 20, 1970, entitled "Formation of a Road Construction
Department "; suggesting that the proposal could also apply to sidewalk or
parking lot construction work.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, Seconded by Aldermen Runt that the
communication be received and the suggestions presented by Mr. Graaskamp be
referred to the Consultants carrying out the Maintenance- Management Study in
respect to roads for their comment'.
No. 298 - Downtown Businessmen's Association - Requesting permission to hold
the annual Sidewalk Sale an Saturday, August 8th, 1970, between the hours of
8:00 &.m, and 6 :00 p.m.•and that barricades be placed at the intersections of
Ontario, Welland and St.Cleir Avenue. The City Manager noted that Queen Street,
although maintained by the City, is now under the jurisdiction of the Regional
Council and it would be necessary to secure Regional permission to place the
Mayor Miller advised that the Public Works Committee of the Regional
Council had considered the request of the Downtown Businessmen's Association
and had approved the sidewalk sale subject to the following conditions:
(1) Tbe! tM City quired.
o Niagara Falls set up barricades and other traffic devices
that any bs s
(2) That the Regional Municipality be indemnified and saved harmless from say
public liability and property damage claim that may arise from this project
and that the Solicitor prepare the necessary agreement.
(3) That the City of Stagers Falls insure the Sidewalk Sale for public liabil-
iey and property damage in the amount of 3250,000. inclwive and that the
Regional Municipality be shown as additional insured.
The tspert of the Public Works Committee requires the approval of the Regional
Council and will be considered at a vesting to be held Thursday, August 5th.
Considerable discussion followed in respect to the required $250,000 Lumens*
and the City - Manager advised that the City has a eemprebansivs liability
policy and, if Council approved, he would contact the City's agent and make
the necessary armaments. Se stated also that the cost of maintaining
Regional roads. snowplbugbing, etc. is charged back to the Region and perhaps
this could also be dome for the insurance costs. Mayor Millar, es a member of
the Regional Council, stated that he intends to appal: the insurance stipule -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scares, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the communication be received and the Downtown Businessmen's Association be
advised that the Council has no objection to the proposed sidewalk sale but
the approval of Council should not be taken as a waiver by the City of its
remedy under the Municipal Act to be reimbursed for any damages and cost
incurred by the City by reason of any obstruction
the City Manager be authorised to make the necessary arrangements �
angementsin g
the three conditions recommended by the Public Works Committee of the Regional
No. 299 Sept. 15 to Welland
20th, 1970; requesting Agricultural that C declare garhalf- hooliday Exhibition,
Children's Day, Wednesday, September 16th, for those elementary school pupils
who attend the Pair as an educational outing.
The City Manager stated that, to his knowledge, the City has never
declared a half -day holiday for school children to attend the Fair and that,
according to a spokesman for the Board of Education, school authorities have
the right to allow children to go to the Pair. Alderman Clarke raised the
question of whether school grants would be paid for those days unless a
S hools grants would be paid for daysndeclaredtast to
holidays by the
Government or by a Municipal Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
the coma nication be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Alderman Bearss, Galloway, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Thomson,
NNAATE:Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Martin, Scott, Wilson.
No. 300 • City of Kitchener Requesting endorsation of a resolution to petition
beverages inp"No disposable n glass bottles legislation
in Ontario. be sale of
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and the resolution of the City of Kitchener endorsed.
No. 301 - City of Ottawa • A resolution requesting the Minister of Municipal
may fill to The
of an alderman election
erman whose seat has become
Commenting on the proposed resolution, the City Manager stated that
the City of Niagara Falls has always had many interested citizens running for
municipal offices and, in his opinion, a "runner-up" should be appointed to
fulfil the unexpired term should an aidstmsnie seat become vacant. He recommend -
led tout the resolution not be endorsed.
ORDERED on tbs lotion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
communication be received and the resolution of the City of Ottawa be not,
No. 302 • The Ontario MWaigQipal Association - Re: Bell Canada Application to
Canadian of Ontario Transport Commission Reevion for t out ipa have been
authorised to (1) request tba Canadian Transport Commission to postpone, for a
period of at least two years, any hearing on the rate increase application;(2)
request, through the Office of the Attorney General, that the ?reelect:a Govern-
meet take full responsibility in protecting the public's interest at the pre•
Pond rats Maring; (3) file the Associations' intention to intervene with the
Railway Transport Committee prior to the July 28th deadline and (4) that the
Associations are prepared to take united action of behalf of municipal corpora.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman leases that the
coamnmicatien be received and the actions of The Ontario !Municipal Association
sad the Association of Ontario Meyers and Reeves in regard to the proposed Bell
Canada rate increase be commended and endorsed. She motion Carried with the
following vote:
all Aldermen Clarke, Beare*, Galloway. Wm, Wartim McKinley, Stott, Wilson,
let Alder's, 1Mat and Puttick. :4
No. 303 - Department of hunicipal Affairs - Re: Applications to exempt
registered plans of subdivision from part -lot control legislation as provided
in subsection 5 of section 26 of The Planning Amendment Act, 1970; noting
that the passing of by -laws to authorise such exemptions would avoid unnecessary
hardship to residents who had entered into transactions to convey land prior
to the new legislation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the communication be received and each application for exemption from part -lot
control legislation be considered on its merit and either pass an appropriate
by -law relating to the specific property or, alternatively, suggest that the
applicant process application through the Committee of Adjustment.
No. 304 - Central Ontario Regional Development Council - Re: Conference,
Skyline Hotel, Toronto, August 31, September 1 and 2, 1970; advising that the
theme of the Conference is "Implementation of Regional Development Plans in
Ontario" and will assist municipalities in the preparation of comments and
suggestions for submission to the Government.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and Council's representatives on the Regional
Development Council, Aldermen Beaus and Wilson, and the Senior Planner be -
authorised to attend the Conference.
No. 305 - City of Port Colborne - Notice of Intention to apply to the Ontario
Municipal Board for an order approving the borrowing of monies for construction
work under The Tile Drainage Act.
No.306 - Citlr o£ Welland - Notice of Intention to apply to the 0.M.8. for an
order approving the construction of it sanitary sewer.
No. 307 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Notice of Intention to apply to
the O.M.B. for an order approving storm drainage reconstruction.
No. 308 - Re tonal Municipality of Niagara - Notice of Intention to apply to
the 0.M.B. tor an order approving the construction of a trunk sanitary sewer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the communications from the Cities of Port Colborne end Welland and the
Regional Municipality of Niagara be received and filed and that the City of
Niagara Falls register no objections to the proposed works.
No. 309 - Vincent4Rcrrio- Germano Limited - A request to purchase approximately
2000 yards of waste rock located at the former City landfill area on Montrose
Road for use at the couatcuction site of the Montrose Bridge over the Welland
River; advising that the company is prepared to enter into an agreement
similar to a previous agreement with another construction company.
Replying to questions by Alderman Puttick, the City Manager advised
that a previous agreement was executed in February 1968 and the stone was
purchased at a price of .150 per cubic yard. Alderman Puttick requested
information as to the price tendered to the Regional Council by Kerrie-
;. Germano and suggested that the Regional Council should be made aware that the
stone was being purchased from the City. The City Engineer stated that the
information could be made available if unit prices were included in the
contract. The City Manager said that the requested information would be
presented when the agreement is submitted for Council's approval.
ORDERED on-she motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication be received and an agreement prepared for the purchase of
warts rock by Kerrio. Germano Limited. The motion Carried with Alderman Wilson
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 84 - MOUES! - MANN - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council
will be held �on J'riday, August 14, 1970, at 7:30 p.m.i AND the Seal of the,
Corporates be hereto' affixed.
The motion. to approve the resolution was Carried with the, following
AYE :Aldermen Beams, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Scott,
i aon.
Al :Alderwsn Galloway and Thomson.
No.85 • yhtTIN - MeK MET • RESOLVED that a message of sympathy be extended
to the family of the late Mrs. Beatrice Martin, a respected resident of the
City'for many years; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimmously
- 4-
No. 528 - City Manager - Re: Canadian Fleet Maintenance Seminar, Toronto, Ont.,
September 28 -30th. .inclusive; recommending that Mr. C. R. Williams, Superinten-
dent of Equipment, be permitted to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 529 • Cit Mans er - Re: Hunting Regulations Structure. Advising that the
Department o Lan s and Forests is studying the feasibility of arranging for
the sale of hunting licences through the Regional Municipality of Niagara rather
than through each area saumicipelity; advising further that the opinions and
co:meents of the City Council will be requested by the Department; requesting
Council's opinion vet' a number of questions enumerated is the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and tabled for consideration at the next regular meeting
of Council in order to obtain the reaction of hunters and also to allow time to
bear the consents of residents who, in the pest, have encountered difficulties
with hunters who trespass, damage property and discharge firearms close to
privately owned buildings. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE; Aldermen Bears., Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Wilson, Thomson.
IMYE :Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Puttick,
No. 530 • City Manager - Advising that the City Solicitor bas prepared an
appropriate by -law to permit the Greeter Niagara Transit Commission to borrow
up to $130,000.00 for the year 1970; recommending that the by -law be given
three readings and forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and referred to the by -law.
See ey -Law No. 70 -168
No. 531 - City Solicitor - Re: Street Name Change By -law No.70 -111. Advising
that His Honour Judge Griffiths has approved all street name changes with the
exception of the two changes in the name of M&Micking Street; advising further
tbat the proposed by-law has been amended by deleting the two references to
McMicking Street in the Schedule and correcting the reference to a plan number
in the Schedule; noting that the by-law as amended may now be given a third
reading provided it receives the affirmative vote of three- fourths of all
Members of Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Runt that tbo
report be received and referred to the by -law.
See By -law No, 70 -111
No. 532 • City Solicitor • Re: Canadia property. Advising that the City Clerk
and the Building Inspector have been served with copies of a Writ of Summons in
an action brought in the Supreme Court of Ontario by Oshawa Wholesale Limited
and Niagara Dorchester Holdings against Candle Limited and others as well es
the Building Inspector; advising further that the plaintiffs are claiming for
an injunction and summarising seven declarations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Galloway that
the report be received and filed. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 533 - City Mane er - Rai Bus Stop on Bridge Street at Stanley Avenue.
Ratosndisg that the bus stop on the south side of Bridge Street immediately
east of Stanley Avenue be relocated to a point 250' east of Stanley Avenue.
'CURIUM on the notion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted and 1trs.Allen, Dorchester Road, North, be advised
of Council's decision.
5 .
NO. 534 • City ,M l npaer - Ass Allen Avenue Parking Ares. Advising that the
Ontario Makin board has appointed the 12th day of August, 1970, et 11300 MX.%
for the purpose of hearing all parsons interested in supporting or opposing the
propeeed parking area and the special asssssaent; advising further that a copy
of the Order bee been forwarded to sight persons *0 have tejeeted to the
proposed work.
CINGUID on the notion of Alderaan.Rearss, seconded by Alderman Thomson tbst the
lepsrt be rsss led and filed.
- 5 -
No. 535 - City Manager - Re: Application of Mr. T.Stelmaazynski, Proprietor of
the Montrose Motor inn, for permission to install two gasoline pumps at the
southwest corner of Montrose Road and McLeod Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and preliminary approval be granted for the installation
of the gasoline pumps subject to the applicant meeting any requirements imposed
by the Department of Highways, the City of Niagara Falls and Fire Inspectors.
The motion Carried with Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 536 - City Manager - Re: Claim of Mr. John Bouw, Carl Road, for a sheep
owned by him and destroyed by dogs. Advising that the loss of the sheep has
been verified by the report of the valuers; recommending payment of $25.00 in
settlement of the claim.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, Seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
Verbal Report of City Manager - Re: Use of Centennial Square, Thursday evenings.
In June, 1970, Council approved a request by the Downtown Businessmen's Assoc.
to have Rock and Roll bands perform in Centennial Square on Thursday evenings
from July 2 to August 27th. The City Manager reported that damage to the Square'
and the cleaning of the area following the band sessions bee coat the City
$155.00 to date. Prom his observations, only a small percentage of the young
people are responsible for broken bottles and globes, the trampling of flowers
and bushes, damage to the gates and discolouration of stonework by spilled
\ drinks. A Police Officer has been on duty for the past two weeks and, as a
result, the vandalism has decreased. The City Manager said it is a question of
whether the City can provide additional protection or if the Queen Street
merchants should provide some type of protection. He believed that the
Association would be willing to underwrite part of the costs for commissionaires.
Aldermen Puttick, Thomson, Martin and Wilson expressed their support of the use
of Centennial Square pointing out that it was intended for the use of residents;
that the entire group should not be disciplined because of the improper behaviour
of a few individuals; that loitering on the main street has lessened. It was
suggested that increased enforcement of the rules would be helpful.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Scott that the Rock and Roll performances be permitted for one week and, if
vandalism continues, the remaining concerts be cancelled. The motion was
Defeated with the following vote:
A dernen Mann, Scott and Hunt.
NATE:Aldermen Clarke, Beares, Galloway, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Wilson,
No.537 • Lottery Licensin& Officer - Recommending approval of applications to
manage atQ conduct raffle lotteries submitted by Niagara Rangers Chapter I.O.D.E.,
Ladies' Auxiliary Minor Soccer Association, and the German Village Soccer Club.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
seport be received and adopted.
No. 538 - City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman McKinley that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 539 • City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts,
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
Aldermen McKinley reported receiving complaints from Liver Road
residents regarding the low flying of helicopters which are operated from
Niagara Palls, N.Y. The helicopters apparently are not following the flight
plan. Mayor Miller will discuss the problem with the Mayor and Council of
Niagara Pelle, N.Y. Complaints have also been received by Alderman Martin
in respect to the sightseeing helicopters vbioh operate in this City.
6 .
Alderman McKinley noted that Mrs. Laura Johns was present in the
Council Chamber and was wearing the uniform of the Ladies Auxiliary of
Dorchester Manor. The Auxiliary, he said, would welcome the services of
interested citizens,
The City Manager will investigate the "shacks" which are appearing
on Icing Road and reported by Alderman Hunt.
Alderman Hunt said that it was his understanding that Willoughby
fire trucks are.buying gasoline from various stations because no one attends
the sell gas pump in the Township. The City Engineer advised that considera-
tion is being given to placing a larger tank at the service centre of the
former Village of Chippewa to replace the existing 500 gel. tank in order to
service both the Village and Willoughby Township.
It has come to the attention of Alderman Martin that residents of
the Otter Street - Ontario Avenue area are concerned about the noise emanating
from a house in the neighbourhood. The noise continues very late at night and
apparently cars and motorcycles are being repaired on the premises. The
Alderman asked that the matter be referred to the Police Department. Alderman
Galloway has also received calls about the situation and said that there is
continuous noise by the tenants at all hours and involves the operation of
motorcycles. It is reported that access to private driveways on River Lane
is blocked. Mayor Miller said that when the natter cams to his attention he
immediately notified the Police Department.
Alderman Puttiek commented on the numerous complaints regarding base-
ment flooding in various areas of the Cityduring heavy rainstorms and suggested
that homeowner. should be notified when remedial work will be undertaken. The
Alderman asked a number of questions to which the City Engineer replied as
Q. Does the storm sewer for the IaScala Subdivision run into Waters Avenue
rather than toward the canal?
A. The LaScala store sever enters into a combined sewer on Waters Street which
is a restricted sewer. It is intended to construct a separated storm sewer on
Waters Street that would provide for the present storm drainage from taScala
which presently enters the combined sewer system. Residents of Waters Street
would be charged for a normal size sewer required for their section of the road
only; the cost of oversize sewers is taken from Expansion and Renewal Funds.
Q. When the Ontario Government built the low rental housing, did they contribute
toward the storm sewer?
A. Yes. According to the City's declaration of policy an subdivisions $400.00
is paid for each single or duplex lot and $2,000 per acre when being used for
such developments as town housing.
Q. Are there "crossovers" la the Coach Drive and McMillan Drive area?
A. That particular area has no crossovers. The sanitary sewer on the street
outlet into a combined sewer which floods and causes backups.
Q. Is there • storm sewer running toward Dorchester Road.
A. The Dorchester Road sewer is a combined sewer which must be alleviated. The
Capital Budget for 1970 includes the extension of the sewer from Stokes Street
to Barker Street.
Aldermen Martin reported receiving any complaints about flooded con-
ditions in the Kitchener- Stanley Street ayes. The City Engineer replied that a
storm sewer for Kitchener Street from !McDonald to Stanley Avenue is presently
under design and is included in the Capital Works Budget.
Alderman Thomson referred to a petition received from residents of
the Caledonia area one year ago. The petitioners, he said, ?ad never received
a reply to their petition. Be expressed tha opinion that the homeowners should
be informad of the City's plans for Stop: sewers in the area. Nt suggested
that a report should be pupated in order that residents of areas experiencing
severe hooding problems will be swore of the City's sewer extension program.
- 7 -
Alderman Thomson told Council about the efforts of a local resident to
have her brother admitted to Sunset Haven after being on the waiting list for a
considerable length of time. It was found through a medical report that the
applicant's condition required the use of a catheter. Due to provincial regula-
tions the man was not accepted at the Home. The Alderman said that such patients
are discharged from the hospital, do not require a great deal of care and do not
have a serious medical problem. Upon checking with several private nursing homes,
the Alderman was told that the man could not be accepted because the nursing
hoses were unable to provide adequate medical care for persona with catheters.
Alderman Thomson requested that the City Clerk advise the Department of Health
of the Municipality's concern about the lack of accommodation for elderly catheter
patients and request thet consideration be given to changing legislation in order
that such persons can be admitted to Homes for the Aged or private nursing homes.
Mayor Miller read ed 5 and 6 of By-Law No. 70-136 out that the by -law provides
the collection of f garbage. age. . H He pointed
containers be returned to the curb side. He stated that on Robinson Street,
employees of the Sanitation Department after emptying the containers were placing
them on private property rather than at the curb side which is contrary to the
by -law. Mayor Miller said that the provisions of the by -law should be adhered
to and the containers returned to the roadside.
Alderman Wilson requested investigation of the sale of a potentially liquid brush and
poinson ivyy killer.
No. 10 -111- A By -law to change the names of certain highways.
• ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by l �n Sccott
that By -law No. 70 -111 to change the names of certain highways, which rea
a first and second time at the meeting of Council held on June let, 1970, be
amended as follows:
1. By deleting items Nos. 7 and 8 of Schedule "A ";
2. P lls Noie21rofcSchedulei'A° to Registered S Plan No. 7 for th Niagara
of Niagara Falls;
3. By renumbering items Nos. 9 to 30 inclusive of Schedule "A" as items Noe. 7
to 28 inclusive;
and that the said by -law , as amended, be now read a third time and passed.
Carried Unanimously
Report 531 - City Solicitor - Re: Street Name Change By -law No. 70 -111.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mean that the
report of the City Solicitor be received and filed.
Mo. 70 -146 - A By-law to stop up and close part of Erie Avenue between Huron St.
and Morrison Street for vehicular traffic only. (Received first and second
readings on July 6, 1970).
ORDERED on the settee of Alderman Puttiek, seconded by Alderman Wilson that )Jr.
A. Fettinato be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Pettinato, who lives at 774 Erie Avenue, said that he objected to
the closing of Erie
uts devaluation
speei property, air
pollution, noise pollution and he increased speed of trains
i d Rssding - Alderman M a r ti n Alderman Mann. The motion Carried with the
fallawfng voles • AYE: Aldermen Beans, Galloway, Nun t , Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Thomson.
SS:Aldermen Clarke, Puttick and Wilson.
By-law to and lend and
June 1,a1970) of s
3bird Reading - Alderman Martin and Alderman Mann.
tarried Un•oimowli
- 8 -
No 70 -167 - A By -law to appoint fence - viewers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beaus, seconded by Alderman McKinley
: that Alderman Hunt be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Martin
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Wilson.
No. 70 -168 - A By -law to consent to the borrowing by the Greater Niagara Transit
C aims by way of temporary loans.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson
that Alderman Bearaa be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Clarke,
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the Byelaw be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Aldermen Hunt.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Report No. 530 - City Manager Recommending that a by -law to permit the Greater
Niagara Transit Commission to borrow up to 8130,000 for the year 1970 be given
three readings and forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearae, seconded by Alderman Menu that the
report of the City Manager be received and filed.
No. 70 -169 - A Byelaw to authorise the execution of a licence agreement with
Richard Allen Sexemith and Martha M. Sexemith.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
Byelaw be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Scott, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that
Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By.
law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Martin.
Carried Unanimously
70 -170 - A By-law to amend By -law No, 2330, 1960 of the former Toimabip of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Palls, as amendsd.(North side of O'Neil St.)
ORDERED on that Aldermen Martin be granted Aldermen
nt d theprivillegee of introducingathe by Alderman
and the
By - law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttiok
voting contrary and all others in favour.
mean en the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Clarke
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reeding. The motion Carried with Aldermen Puttick
voting con and all others in favour.
l �trary
Al dermen Puttttk • Alderman voting contrary and end alleotherssiin.fnour. with
Third Reading
the following
AYE: Aldermen
NAYS :Aldermen
Hunt and Wilson.
No. 70 -171 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with The
Regional Municipality of Niagara respecting the use of an emergency measures
truck and equipment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Beans
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Bearaa, Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick,Scott,
NAYS :Aldermen Hunt and Wilson.
Alderman Puttick drew attention to the fact that the proposed agree-
ment does not include a provision for the recovery of coats incurred by the
City as a result of the use of the equipment by either the Regional Municipality
or other area municipalities. The City Manager indicated that the provision '
would be added to the agreement prior to the signing of the documents. .
- Alderman Thomson and Aldermen Martin. The notion Carried with
Bearas, Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Scott,
No. 70 -172 - A By -law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Albert Carlesao.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Aldermen Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke,
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Runt.
Carried Unanimously
seconded by Alderman Martin
temporarily suspended and
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70.173 - A Byelaw to authorise the laying of a watermain of the proposed
new r ge across the Welland River at Montrose Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By- law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the Byelaw be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Clarke and Alderman Mann. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70 -1 4 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Aldermen
Martin that Alderman Thomson be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By - law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
'Third Reading - Alderman Clarke and Alderman Wilson. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
meeting adjourn.
Council Chamber,
August 14, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 4, 1970, for the purpose of
considering general business. Alderman Martin offered the Opening Prayer. His
Worship Mayor Miller presided as Chairman. All Members of Council were present
with the exception of Aldermen Galloway and Schisler.
Alderman Wilson pointed out that an additional item introduced. under
Net Business had been omitted from the minutes. The item related to the avail-
ability and sale of a liquid brush and poison ivy killer which contains a
herbicide known as 2.4.5.T.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
minutes of the regular meeting held on August 4, 1970, be adopted as printed with
the inclusion of the matter referred to by Alderman Wilson. The motion Carried .'
with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Report 529 - City Manager - Re: Hunting RegulatioiStructure. Advising that the
Department of Lands and Forests is studying the feasibility of arranging for the
sale of hunting licences through the Regional Municipality of Niagara rather than
through each area municipality; advising further that the opinion and comments of
the City Council will be requested by the Department; requesting Council's opinion
on a number of questions enumerated in the report.
Report 540 - City Manager - Hunting Regulations Structure. Presenting a summary
of opinion and comments received from persons interested in hunting regulations
and conservation.
Comm. 310 - Stamford Rod and Gun Club - Recommending that the Regional Municipal-
ity issue one licence for fox and rabbit hunting for use anywhere within the
Regions and that area municipalities issue licences for pheasant hunting. It is
the opinion of the association that this method would control the number of
hunters in any given area and will eliminate over - hunting.
Alderman Thomson said that the suggestion submitted by the Stamford Rod
and Gun Club contained considerable merit and suggested that it be forwarded to
the Regional Council for their comments. Alderman Bearsn suggested that Mr.
Damineky, the Niagara Falls representative on the Conservation Authority also be
asked to comment. Alderman Scott asked that the City Solicitor determine if the
City would be responsible for damages to fences and property and the killing of
domestic animals by hunters.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report of the City Manager and the communication from the Stamford Rod and Gun
Club be received and tabled for two weeks for further study. The motion Carried
with the following vote;
ATE: Aldermen Beata, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, LAE:Aldermen Puttick and Thomson.
No. 311 . City of Welland - Advising that the City of Welland supports the
proposal of the Department of lands and Forests that the Regional Council issue
hunting licences; advising further that the City Solicitor of Welland has been •
instructed to prepare a by -law in regard to the discharge of firearms in certain
areas of the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
communication be received and tabled for two weeks when the report of Hunting
Regulations Structure will be considered. The motion Carried with the following
LW Aldermen Mares, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, M&Rinisy, Scott, Wilson.
MARS:Aldermen Puttick and Thomann.
No. 312 - Regional Munici alit�of Vida ra - Re: Resolution of the PUhlic Werke
and Utilities Committee that t a g one Municipality apply to the Ontario
Municipal Board for permission to issue debentures for pollution control
facilities in the City of Niagara fills.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderson Hunt that the
communication be received and filed. Th. motion Carried, with the following vote:
Ate: Alderman Mares, Aunt, Man, Martin, *Unity, Scott, Wilson, Thomson, Clarke.
:Aldermen IUtelek.:.2 °': y:£at;.
No. 313 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - A resolution of the Public Works
and Utilities Committee adopted by the Regional Council whereby application will
be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for the issue of debentures for the
reconstruction of Stanley Avenue from Kitchener Street to Ferry Street.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and tabled until such time as the Public Works
Committee of the Regional Council advises how the City of Niagara Falls will
be reimbursed for work undertaken prior to January 1970. The motion Carried
No. 314 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - A resolution adopted by the Regional
Council that application be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for permission to
issue debentures for the reconstruction of Victoria Avenue from Bridge Street to
Morrison Street.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Clarke that the communication be received and referred back to the Public Works
Committee of the Regional Councilfor information as to who will be paying the
cost of the consultation work to be undertaken by the Engineering Department of
the City of Niagara Falls. The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
Alt: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Puttick.
NAVE:Alderoen Beeves, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the communication be received and the reconstruction of Victoria Avenue be
proceeded with subject to agreement with the Regional Municipality. The motion
Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 315 • City of Welland - Notice of intention to apply to the Ontario Munici-
pal Board for on Order approving the issue of debentures for sidewalk and storm
sewer construction.
No. 316 - City of Welland - Notice of intention to apply to the 0.M.8. for an
Order approving the issue of debentures for watermain construction.
No. 317 - City of Welland • Notice of intention to apply to the O.M.B. for an
Order approving the issue of debentures for roadway, curb and gutter and side-
walk construction.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
camaunications from the City of Welland be received and filed and that the City
of Niagara Falls register no objections to the proposed works.
Comm. 318 - Robert M. Hagan and others - A
39 residents of the Garden Street and Brookfield eld A nue area t seeking water of of
damage to basements of homes,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Puttick that the
communication be received and the petitioners advised of the City's sewer
reconstruction program and other proposals to help alleviate flooding conditions;
further that, if requested, staff members arrange a meeting with the petitioners
to fully explain the situation and the proposed reconstruction program; further,
that the claim for water daasgs be referred to the City's insurance company.
The notion Carried with Alderman Bearae voting contrary and 811 others in favour.
Note: During consideration of Report No. 565 re: Flooding in the City of
Niagara Palls, Alderman Thomson agreed that copies of the report should be
forwarded to all residents who have complained of flooding problems.)
See Page 6. ,
No. 541 • City Manager - Res Low Cost Rousing - Heritage Homesteads. Advising
that City Officials havehsld many castings with representatives of Central
verities items consiiddered wsre the builders and the senior members of
staff; further advising that Heritage Subdivision may be considered as a
separate entity and it will be possible to reduce normal standards to provide
low cost housing; recommending (1) that Council grant approval, in principle
only, to the development and final approval would only be given on submission
of final details and at she tams the subdivision is processed and an agreement
entered into; (2) that the Planning and Development Committee bold a public
seating, required for the Official Plan change, to inform the public concerning
the proposal; (3) that the- Planning and Development Committee advise Council in
respect eo she numerous details which it Will be necessary to work out.
- 3 -
No. 542 - Engineering Department - Re: Heritage Homesteads Subdivision.
Advising that the subdivision has been considered by the Engineering Department
as a special development designed for lower income groups; presenting estimated
coats of services and commenting on the reductions which might be made from
normal City standards.
No. 543 - Senior Planner - Re Middle Income Housing Project - Heritage Home-
steads; commenting on the objectives and feasibility of the project and
advising that after considerable discussion and analysis, it ie concluded that
the objectives can generally be net while maintaining acceptable planning and
design standards. The report contains sections dealing with existing land use,
zoning and Official Plan policies; land use, density; Central Mortgage and
Housing Corporation financing, municipal control and an economic analysis
comparing the servicing costs, lot prices and building coats as related to
income levels.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearae, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
reports be received, that Council grant approval to the development, in
principle, and the recommendations contained in the report of the City Manager
be adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYES Aldermen Hearse, Clarke, Martin, Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
NATE :Aldermen Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick.
No. 544 • City Manager - Re: Offer to purchase property in Falls Industrial
Park, Stan ey Avenue. Reviewing the application of Mr. L. Filo to purchase
Lots 10 and 11 and to secure an option for one year in respect to Lot 12;
advising that the Offer to Purchase included a covenant that the City must
approve all leases, subleases, assignments or transfers in any resale of the
property within ten years; submitting a letter from the industrial Department
of the Chamber of Commerce which indicates that it is not possible for Mr.
Filo to enter into an agreement to purchase with this type of covenant and
suggesting that the paragraph be deleted; recommending that if Council accepts
the suggestion, that the section referred to be deleted, that the Offer to
Purchase Lots 10 and 11, Plan 243 at a price of $8,240.00 be accepted with an
option to purchase for a one year period Lot 12, Plan 243 for $5,160.00;
further, that City Staff be authorized to complete the necessary documents in
order that title can be granted and development commenced.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report of the City *manger be received and adopted. The motion Carried with
Alderman Clarke voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 545 • City Manager - Re: Painting of Seats in Niagara Falls Arena.
Recommending that the work be awarded to the firm of Dick & Andre at the quoted
price of $5,937.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 86
No. 546 - City Manager - Re: McLeod Road Sewer and Murray Hill Outfall.
Recommending that R.V.Anderaon Associates Ltd. be engaged by the City of
Niagara Falls to perform the necessary engineering services for the McLeod
Road storm sewer from Dorchester Road to the Hydro Canal and for the outlet
necessary for the Murray Hill storm sewer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AVE: Aldermen Bearer, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Thomson.
NAVE:Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
No. 547 - City Manager - Re: Chippewa Fireball. Submitting the names of firms
from whom quotations were received for the required roof repairs to the
Chippewa Fireball; recommending that the work be awarded to George Orth Ltd.,
St.Catharines,Ontario, who submitted a low bid of $1,830.00.
Alderman Hunt pointed out that the interior wall of the building
required re- plastering and the City Manager indicated that the matter will
be investigated when the roof repairs are completed.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report bs received and adopted. gas Resolution No.87
No. 548 • City Manager - Re: Sale of Surplus Equipment. Recommending that,
on the bads of the tenders submitted, the City's surplus equipment be sold
to the highest bidder on each item.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Dearae, seconded - byAldgs s.WSlphe..tbat the
report be received and adopted.
See Rsaoludon No. 88
- 4 -
No. 549 - City Manager • Re: Wiltehire Extension Subdivision. Requesting
permission to call tenders for the installation of base roads in the Wiltshire
Extension Subdivision with a closing date of Tuesday, September 8th, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 550 . City Manager - Re; Building Renumbering and Street Name Changes.
Presenting a summary of previous reports submitted to Council; suggesting a
procedure to follow for the implementation of the building renumbering in the
former City of Niagara Palls. The renumbering scheme will become effective
on September 15, 1970; senior high school or university students will be hired
on a temporary basis to deliver form notices and new house numbers; delivery
to the rural areas of the former City will be done by City staff and vehicles.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Mint that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 551 - City Manager - Re: Development of land adjacent to J.N.Allan Park.
Referring to a previous suggestion that the strip of land adjacent to J.N.
Allan Park between Welland River Blvd, and the Welland River, be developed as
a picnic area; advising that the Property Department of Ontario hydro has
indicated that arrangements can be worked out to enable the City to lease the
land subject to the general conditions attached to the report; suggesting that
the park area is not used extensively and questioning the advisability of
leasing the land; suggesting that no further action be taken in respect to the
proposal and the information secured from Ontario Hydro be retained for future
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE; Aldermen Beares, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Scott.
HAVE :Alderman Mann, Puttick, Thomson, Wilson.
Alderman Clarke was absent when the vote was taken on the motion).
No. 552 - City Clerk (Delivered to Members of Council on August 6, 1970)
Submitting reports of the Committee of Arbitrators which contain the final
recommendation of the Committee regarding the disposition of assets,
liabilities and reserve funds and financial adjustments of those municipalities
annexed to the City; advising that a further report will be submitted prior
to September 1st, the expiry date of the appeal period.
No. 553 - City Manager • Re: Report of Committee of Arbitrators. Advising
that the Committee has made realistic adjustments of the assets, liabilities
and reserve funds of the former municipalities now part of/the enlarged City
and summarising the adjustments; advising that the Planning Committee of the
City of Welland has requested that records and documents pertinent to that
section of Crowland now in the City of Welland, be mode available to them and
suggesting that the Department of Municipal Affairs be contacted to determine
If the records can be transferred to that municipality; recomending that the
final report of the Committee of Arbitrators be received and the action taken
by the Committee ratified; recommending also that the City Treasurer be
authorized to complete the financial transactions with the Town of Port Erie
and the Town of Thorold as enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Scott, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 554 • pith! Manager - Advising that a request has been received from the
legal firm of sawed:, Macbain,Slovak,St.Clair and Nicolletti asking that a
by -law be passed exempting certain property from conditions recently imposed
by an amendment to the Planning Act; recommending that the City Solicitor be
authorised to prepare a by -law exempting property owned by Schneider Construc-
tion Company, namely parts of Lots 32 and 33, Plan 237, from the requirements
contained in subsection 4 of section 23 of the Planning Amendment Aet,1970.
The City Manager referred to the drainage problems experienced by
owners of property adjacent to the lots referred to in the report. In 1969
Council directed the Engineering Department to prepare a schism to eliminate
the surface water and bs recommended that satisfactory arrangements be made to
provide drainage facilities.
Replying to questions raised by Alderman Puttick, the City anginasr
explained that during investigation of another matter in the field. * contractor
bad advised that there woe catch basins connected to the City's sanitary sewer
system. further investigation indicated that no catch basins were connected to
the sanitary sewer system but it did indicate that the load was actually an
overflow connector to the City's storm sewer. this information was not known
previously sod the City Rennes: said that, contrary to the minutes of the
let Cowell meeting. them is in feet a crossover on Coach Drive at Claire
- 5 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Mr. George Schneider be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Schneider stated that the property referred to was actually
included in two different deeds. He supported the application to sever the
property and requested Council to enact the necessary by -law. He spoke concern-
ing the necessity of installing drainage facilities on hie land and suggested
that the severing of the two lots had nothing to do with drainage and that he
did not object to the construction of the proposed ewale.
The City Manager explained that the Engineering Department had
prepared a scheme which would take care of the surface water in the area and
some of the property owners have cooperated in respect to arranging the
drainage through their lands. It is necessary that such drainage be arranged
on the subject property or the entire scheme will not be satisfactory.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted and a by -law be prepared
exempting the subject lands from the requirements of the Planning Act amendments
providing satisfactory arrangements are made to provide drainage facilities in
accordance with plane prepared by the City.
No. 555 - City Manager - Advising that a request has been received from the
legal firm of Broderick, McLeod and Clifford that a by -law be prepared to
permit an encroachment upon the Welland Avenue road allowance; recommending
that the City Solicitor be authorized to prepare a by -law permitting the
encroachment subject to three conditions enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 556 - City Manager - Re: Scott Street. Recommending that a by -law be
prepared to declare Scott Street a through street from the easterly limit of
Drummond Road to the westerly limit of Portage Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Thomson.
NA�1 , :Aldermen Wilson, Beares and Scott.
No. 557 - City Manager - Re: Air Pollution Control Association Pall Meeting,
Motebello, Quebec, September 20th to 22nd, 1970, inclusive; recommending that
one member of staff be authorized to attend the conference.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Wilson voting
contrary and all others in favour.
No. 558 - City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 559 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of applications
to manage and conduct raffle lotteries submitted by Canadian Corps, Our Lady
of Peace Parish, Silver Stick Hockey Aes'n and Maycourt Club.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 560 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of an application
to manage and conduct a aeries of Bingo Lotteries submitted by Four Square Club.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 561 • City Manager - Re: Urban Service Area in the former Village of
Chippewa; advising that the Ontario Municipal Board will conduct a hearing
to consider objections received on Thursday, August 27, 1970, 11:00 ■.m. at
the City Hall; advising further that the City Solicitor will represent the
City at the hearing and recommending that as many Members of Council as
possible attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Aldermen Thomson that
additional information prepared by the City Manager for consideration in
Committee of the Whole be brought forward at this time.
No, 362 • Cie, Manager - Advising that in addition to the objection to the
by -law establishing the urban service area submitted by Mr.E.T.Waightmen, a
communication was also received from Mrs. P. Staadt together with a petition
containing 31 signatures requesting a public beariags.advising further that
- 6 -
Mr. Weightman has indicated that, in view of the additional interest charges
which will be created, he is willing to withdraw his objection if a public
meeting is held to explain fully the proposed urban service area; recommending
1. Letters from Mr.Weightmen and Mr.Btaedt withdrawing their objections be
forwarded immediately to the Ontario Municipal Board.
2. Upon notification from the Board that the hearing has been cancelled, a
public meeting be held in the former Village of Chippewa for the purpose of
explaining the Imposition of an urban service area and related financial
matters such as the transitional grants that will be used in formulating the
current year's levy and the reduction of Chippewa's mill rates.
3. The proposed meeting be held not later than the 15th day of September in
the evening houra.
4. Prior to the meeting a set of guidelines be established for the conduct of
the meeting and that a moderator be appointed to ensure an orderly meeting.
5. A statement be prepared for release to the press outlining the withdrawal
of the objections.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Bears', seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No, 563 • Building_� Inapegfor - Permits issued during the month of July, 1970.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Hearst; that the
report be received and filed.
No. 564 - City Manager - Rem:mmending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 565 - City Manager - Re: Flooding in the City of Niagara Palls. Referring
to the numerous complaints received from various sections of the Municipality
regarding flooded basements during heavy rainfalls; advising that the
Engineering Staff is constantly reviewing existing conditions to implement
temporary measures that night help to alleviate flooding conditions;submitting
a summary of the local improvement services suggested to Council for considera-
tion in 1970 and other works recommended in the Capital Works Budget for storm
sewer construction in conjunction with certain roadway reconstruction; pointing
out that all storm sewer installations are a part of the Overall program that
is needed to provide a solution to the problem of basement flooding which has
been caused by connections to existing combined sewer systems; suggesting that
areas now subjected to periodic basement flooding consider a mutual agreement
to disconnect roof water leads to the combined sewers; suggesting other means
of reducing basement flooding.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bear's, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed.
No. 566 - City Manager - Re: Utility Relocation Contract - Dorchester Inter -
change Construction. Recommending that the unit prices tendered by Condemn
Construction Company Limited, Toronto, be accepted subject to the approvals of
the Ontario Water Recourses Commission, the Department of Highways of Ontario
and the Ontario Maadcipal Board.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution Rio, 89
Aldermen Wilson submitted a newspaper clipping which reported the
availability of a brush and poison ivy killer which contains a contaminant
believed to be a major cause of birth defects. He commented on the recent
removal of D.D.T. from the market and suggested that the banning of the brush
and poison ivy killer might also be worthy of consideration, The Alderman
requested a report from the City Engineer.
Alderson Wilson requested a report from the Works Department regard-
ing the coat of overtime which was authorised to Beach for 0,000.00
reportedly loot at . the city dump.
Alders Wilson advised that reports on pollution will be prepared
for presentation at Meetimp to be held at she Niagara Cell. in Welland.
- 7 -
The Ontario Federation of labour, Committee of One Thousand and other
interested groups will be participating in the program. The Alderman
requested that Saturday, October 17th be proclaimed as Pollution Day.
Alderman Runt mentioned 85 acres of land located in the former
Township of Willoughby and asked if it had been determined how much of the
property was owned by the City, noting that the value bad increased. The
City Manager advised that searches are being made at the Registry Office and
it is expected that a plan will soon be available which will indicate City -
owned property in the former Township.
Replying to Alderman Runt's enquiry about flooding on Portage Road,
the City Engineer stated that elevations have been taken, a design will be
completed Shortly which will provide for drainage at the Portage Road -
Corfield Avenue intersection. It is also necessary to determine the proper
Alderman Bears reported on her recent boat trip on the Welland
River on which she was accompanied by representatives of the press and radio.
The purpose of the trip was to view areas of pollution and patches of oil
were sighted on the River in the City of Welland between the Court House and
the new pollution plant. The source of the pollution has not as yet been
traced. The situation has been reported to the City's Engineering Department,
the City Engineer of the City of Welland and the Ontario Water Resources
Commission for investigation. Alderman Bear's commented on the fact that
the City does not have an industrial waste by -law and pollution control and
penalties must be done through the O.W.R.C.
The Engineering Department will investigate the condition of the
Chippewa Parkway. Alderman Mann drew attention to the damage to the asphalt
by large construction trucks. He also reported that the trucks were
travelling at excessive speeds in the former Village of Chippewa.
Aldermen Puttick requested that the City Manager prepare a report
within the next three or four weeks as to the possibility of passing a by-
law to prohibit the entry of down spouts into sanitary sewers.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Runt that the local Member of the Legislative Assembly be asked to introduce
on the floor of the Legislature, Council's request that the names of area
officials accused by Dr. M.Shulman as having connections with the Mafia
organisation, be submitted to the City's Chief or Deputy Chief of Police and
that the information be conveyed to Council if it is deemed advisable by
the Police officials.
Alderman Puttick commented on
it was reported by a survey teem that a
decision to locate the new City Ball on
that it then was such a power group be
who had carried out the survey.
a recent newspaper story in which
"power group" had influenced the
Queen Street. The Aldermen stated
wanted to know who they were and
antai ,tAOE 8ERVia
Alderman Puttick objected to a statement by Meyer Miller which
mitered in the local newspaper to the effect that ihebers of Council were
not aware that the oat of the roar yard pickup service. wee "so shockingly
low" when the decision was made to eliminate the service. the cost was
reported as being 70/44,000 assessment. Aideseen ruttish, Thomeaa and Rant
stated that they had not been'astoatehed'at the cat. Alderman Puttick asked
that Myer Miller not speak,.for him in raking snob: atatsuets to mhiab
- 8 -
Mayor Miller replied that he had been speaking in generalities and in hie
opinion the depositing of empty containers on private property was contrary
to the provisions of the by -law.
Alderman Puttick described the new processing plant recently
established in the City of St. Catharines which is reported to cost $3.75 per
household se compared to $12 to $13 per household in the City of Niagara Falls.
He suggested that Members of Council accompany him on an unannounced visit to
view the operations of the plant.
No. 86 - MCKINLEY - THOMSON . RESOLVED that the contract for the painting of
seats in the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena be awarded to the firm of Dick 6
Andre at the quoted price of $5,937.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 87 - BUNT - MANN - RESOLVED that the contract for the undertaking of
repairs to t roof of the Chippewa Fireball be awarded to the firm of George
Orth Ltd., St.Catharines, who submitted a low bid of $1,830.00; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 88 - BEARSS - WILSON - RESOLVED that the City's surplus equipment be sold
to the highest bidder on each item as follows;
Adler Equipment, Chippewa, Ontario . 1962 Ford Pick -up Truck - $10.00
1960 Ford Pick -up Truck - $10.00
1959 Ford 3 -ton Truck - $30.00
1956 International Sander - $30.00
1952 Huber 10 -ton road roller - $50.00
Ray Winger. Niagara Falls,Ontario 1961 Chen Ingersoll
Truck - $125.00- $25.00
Demure Bros., Niagara Falle,Ontario 1959 Ford 3 -ton Cab and Chassis- $70.00
1946 International Flusher - $60.00
1960 Chev.Pick -up Truck • $75.00
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto2affixed con Truck - $100.00
Carried Unanimously
No. 89 - HUNT - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the unit prices tendered by Condrain
Construction Company Limited, Toronto, for the utility relocation contract -
Dorchester Interchange, be accepted subject to the approvals of the Ontario
Water Resources Commission, the Department of Highways of Ontario and the
Ontario Municipal Board; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 90 • Scoter - MmKINLEY • RESOLVED that a message of sympathy be forwarded
to the family of the late Mrs. Florence Gregory, mother of former Aldermen
Clifford Gregory end a respected resident of the City for many years; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 91 • CLARKE • HUNT • RESOLVED that Alderman Wayne Thomson be appointed as
Acting Mayor during the absence of His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No 70.175 • A By -law to authorise the execution of a site plan agreement with
Julius X1sin and Lydia Klein.
ORDERED co the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman M&Maley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the (Wale* be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
OBBRRED an the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the Sy-law/be given the second reading.
Carried VnaNmously
lei Keed • Alderson Wilson end Alderman Minn,
Carried Vnenimouely
- 9 -
No. 70 -176 - A By -law to amend By -law No. 2530, 1960,of the former Township
of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Klein property).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on tha motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Hunt.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -177 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Vincent
Kerrio- Germano Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearer, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading, The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Beeves, Clarke, Bunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Thomson.
NAYS :Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
Third Reading - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Martin. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bastes, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Thomson.
NAVE:Alderman Puttick and Wilson.
No. 70 -178 - A By -law to authorise the execution of an agreement with Vincent
Kerrio- Germano Limited for the construction of sewermains and watermains.
(Meadowvale Subdivision)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Hann that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Readinn - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Hunt. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70.179 - A By - law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules d Council be temporarily suspended and
the By - lay be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttiok voting contrary and all others in favour,
Third leading - Aldermen McKinley and Aldermen Wilson. The motion Carried
with All ermen Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
nesting adjourn to Committee of the Whole. The motion Curled with the
following votes
A t Aldermen Scares, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Wilson, Thomson.
Aldermen Puttick, Clerks and Hunt.
( / Clerk
- 10-
Council Chamber,
August 14, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on August 14, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Galloway and Alderman Schieler. Alderman Scott presided
as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the Committee of the Whole arise •t report.
Council Chamber,
August 14, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held August 14, 1970. All Members of Council were present
with the exception of Aldermen Galloway and Sehisier. His Worship Mayor F.
J. Miller presided.
It was ORDERED 'that the meeting adjourn.
Council Chamber,
August 28, 1970.
Council met at 7 :30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 26, 1970, for a special
meeting to consider the 1970 Budget. All Members of Council were present with
the exception of Aldermen Scott and Mann. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller pre-
sided as Chairman.
Report 570 - C! � y Ma_ager - Re: 1970 Municipal Budget. The report provides
information regarding those items which required special consideration and
included those municipal functions assumed by the Regional Municipality of
Niagara and by the Provincial Government; Special City Contribution to the
Region; Reserves Restored; a summary of the total mill rates to be applied
to the various districts in the City; commenting on those items which had a
significant affect in the establishment of the mill rate for general municipal
purposes; submitting an explanation in respect to garbage services and urban
services and the rates established; a table reflecting the 1970 Education Levy
for the new City; a statement in respect to credits and charges allowed to the
municipalities included in the enlarged City; tax billing procedures; suggegt-
ing that the final tax bill for the current year be issued on September 8,1970,
with instalments due on September 23 and October 23rd; recommending that the
budget be approved and the mill rates be ratified by by -law.
Members of Council reviewed each item in the City Manager's report,
expressing their views on various points. Consideration was also given to the
related items contained in the budget.
Alderman Schieler was critical of the fact that the mill rate for
the former Township of Crowland had increased more than any other section of
the enlarged City. He disagreed with the statement that the former Township
had been "under levied" pointing out that in the previous years the Township
had no debts and were able to maintain a low mill rate. The Alderman also
objected to the. Government's method of "spot• checking" in determining a factor
for equalised assessment, Commenting on an item in the City Manager's report
regarding Municipal Cemeteries, Aldermen Schieler noted that Young's Cemetery
on Creek Road was neglected and the weeds and grass had not been cut. The City
Manager advised that a complete investigation is being made of all cemeteries
in the former Townships of Crowland and Willoughby and t hat the information
will be made avlilable to Council.
Alderman Bent questioned an amount of $4,000 budgeted for election
purposes and the City Manager explained that the money was required for the
election in 1970 for the Boards of Education. The Alderman drew attention to
the substantial amount of money budgeted for salaries in the Fire and Police
Departments.Rs also pointed out that no money had been spent this year on roads
in the former Township of Willoughby.
Alderman Beares commended the City Manager and those members of the
Staff responsible for the preparation of the Budget. She said that the budget
is the responsibility of the Council and only those items approved by a majority
decision had been included in the budget. Regarding Regional Government, the
Alderman said that although the City had supported the principle, the City had
been "catapulted" into its implementation while still not aware of all that was
involved. She noted the increased coat of police protection and suggested
that Council should be forewarned of a further increase in 1971 when a
Regional Police Department will be established.
Aldermen Manson was critical of the Provincial Government for not
delaying the implementation of Regional Government in order to provide an
opportunity for the City to study the affect of the new level of government
in the Ottawa- Carlton area and to benefit from the experiences of that munici-
pality. He noted that the transitional adjustments will decrease 202 annually
and would be eliminated in five years. The Public Works Committee of the
Regional Government, he said, had found it necessary to cut 1970 project' and
this included work within the City of Niagara Falls which now must be delayed.
Alderman Thomson said that the City would be faded with any problem" within
the next few years and should not be mislead by transitional grants and a
cut -back in public works.
Alderman McKinley cemented on the affect of Regional Government
pointing out that the City had no choice but to follow the instructions of the
Minister of Municipal Affairs. The Alderman requested that the City Manager
consult with the City Treasurer and prepare a report as to the feasibility and
advisability of submitting one budget rather than both a capital budget and
an operating budget. He advised that at the recent Ontario Municipal Associa-
tion Conference, members of a panel bad agreed that the usual practice of
submitting two budgets was not necessary.
Alderman Puttick suggested that Council reject the budget and ask
the Provincial Government to provide more financial assistance and to solve
the problems created by the implementation of Regional Government. The City,
he said, will not received transitional grants but rather the mill rate of the
enlarged City would be adjusted in order that the rates for the annexed areas
can be kept to a minimum. The Alderman said that as a result of Regional
Government, there would be a duplication of various services citing as an
example the establishment of a Regional Planning Department while area munici-
palities are required to retain a Planning Board or Committee. Referring to
the increased amount expended for recreational purposes, he said that the City
is over- spending at a time when costs should be cut. The Alderman also noted
that although there was a commercial rate increase of 10 mills no additional
services would be provided to business establishments.
Alderman Clarke said that without transitional adjustments, the mill
rate for the former Village of Chippewa would have been substantially higher.
By the end of five years, he said, when transitional grants are no longer
available, one mill rate should apply to the entire City. The Alderman said
that although be objected to the method used to establish the urban service
rate for the former Village, he did not want the budget delayed further in
view of the daily interest charges incurred.
Alderasn Martin noted that the cost of garbage collection is estimat-
ed at $442,000; last year the budgeted amount was $446,000 and he questioned
how a saving of $130,000 would be realised. The City Manager explained that
the cost for the service in 1969 was $390,566 and the costs in 1970 are
estimated at $442,000. He pointed out that the new system of collection only
took effect on July 13 and that services must be provided to the other areas
of the enlarged City. On the basis of a full year, the saving will be
approximately $130,000.
Alderman Galloway said that Council is obligated to the Municipality
to avoid over- spending and reduce overhead but had failed to evoke economy.
He commented on various items included in the budget pointing out that the
combined salaries for the Police Department and the Fire Department was equal
to two mills. His remarks also included criticism of a budgeted amount of
$19,500 for travel and celebrations.
ORDERED on the potion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted and the mill rates be
ratified by by-law. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Ga noway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Schisler,
NATE: Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
No. 70 -180 - A By-law to provide for the appropriations for the year 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Bears. be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By-law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council b. temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
An: Aldermen Sears., Clarks, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Schisler,
MAYE:Aldsraan Puttick and Wilson.
iltirdNadine Alderman Martin and Aldermen Schiller. The motion Carried with
the AFB: Aldermen Bwres, Clarks, Galloway, Bunt, Martin, &Unley, Schisler,
fl :Alderman Puttick end Alderman Wilson.
No. 70 -181 - A By -law to fix the rates of taxation for 1970 and to provide
for t tf a levying of taxes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Bearss that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Ald erman
Hunt that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Schiller,
NAPE :Aldermen Wilson and Puttick.
Third Readdin - Alderman Bearss and Alderman Martin. The motion Carried with
the fh oliowing vote:
M :Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Schisler,
NAYS :Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Clarke
that the meeting adjourn.
Council Chamber,
August 31, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, August 31st,1970, for the
purpose of considering general business. Alderman McKinley offered the
Opening Prayer. His Worship Mayor Miller presided as Chairman. All Members
of Council were present. It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson,
seconded by Alderman Wilson that the minutes of the regular meeting held on
August 14, 1970, be adopted as printed with a correction on Page 1, Line 8
indicating the affirmative vote of Alderman Clarke and a further correction
on Page 2, Line 9 to show an affirmative vote by Alderman Beers:.
Report 350 - Planning Committee - Re: AM -5/70 Shell Oil Ltd.,Lote 1,2,10 6 11,
Plan 39, east side Drummond Road, between Williams and Perkins. An application
for an amendment to the zoning by -law to permit a gas bar and car wash to be
'added to the permitted uses; recommending that the application be denied.
Report 571 - City Manager - Re: Am- 5 /70,Shell Oil Ltd. Reviewing earlier
reports and decisions of Council; advising that the applicant has requested .
that Council again consider the application.
It was noted that Mt. J. H. Curtis, Real Estate Representative of
the applicant, was not in attendance.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and tabled until such time as a report is received from
the Petroleum Association and that Mt. Curtis be so advised.
The Planning Committee had net with members of the Petroleum
Association to review the proposed service station policy. The Association
has been asked to submit a brief stating their views of the policy.
Report 491 - City Manager - Reviewing the background of the application for
rezoning to permit the construction of a medical centre at the northeast
corner of Kitchener Street and Portage Road; submitting copies of two
Report 572 -. City Manager - Re :AM -312, rezoning application of Dr.H.F.Clement
to permit the construction of a medical centre; advising that a revised site
plan :,as been prepared which incorporates the requests of Mt. Coleman, that
is, that a ten -foot bufZer strip be provided between his property and the
pax!: area and that the proposed transformer building be relocated to the
rear of the proposed medical centre; advising that Mr.Coleman has now with-
drawn his objection and recommending that the revised preliminary site plan
be approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
Report 211 - Cit Mena er - Advising that two quotations have been received
for cushions for t spectators' and press seats in the Council Chamber;
suggesting that the matter be discussed with the architect.
Report 573 - Cit Mane er - Advising that a cushion sample has been placed
on the press seats for nspection and that the cost of supplying this type of
button, foam - rubber filled cushion throughout the Council Chambers would be
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and tabled temporarily to provide an opportunity for
Members of Council to inspect the cushions.
1970 Capital Expenditure Budget and Report 574 - City Manager - Advising that
a letter has been received from the Ontario Municipal Board to the effect
that the total amount of $4,396,000 for Capital Expenditures for 1970 has been
approved and that it will now be in order for the City to commence the pro-
cessing of the various projects.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, Seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and filed.
No. 319 - Niagara Peninsula Graphic Arts Association - Noting that the City
has purchased and is operating an offset press; suggesting that some of the
work produced on the machine was probably previously printed by tax paying
printers; requesting a report on the operations of the printing department
and information as to whether further purchases of equipment are contemplated.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Beards that Mr.
N. Pett be granted permission to address Council.
Mt. Pett, Provident of Renown Printing, said that it is not the
intention of the Association to condemn the City but rather they are concerned
about future developments. Mr. Part asked that the Association be provided
with a report as to what the future intentions are regarding increased use of
offset equipment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report on
pp uaot and future operations of the Printing Department.
No. 320 - Ni•ger• South plowmen's Association • Advising that the annual
plowing match will beheld en the farm of Burt Fraser in the former Township
of Humberetone, Saturday, October 24th; requesting a grant to the Association;
noting that • grant was usually received from the City in the amount of $35.00
through the Federation of Agriculture and requesting that the policy be
It wee moved on the motion of Aldermen Schisler, seconded by Alder-
man Mann that the communication be received and a grant of 535.00 be approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the motion be amended and the communication be received and a grant of 650.00
be approved. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AVE: Aldermen Clarke, Hettnley, Schisler, Scott, Wilson, Thomson.
ME :Aldermen Beards, Maim, Martin, Galloway, Puttick.
No. 321 - City of St. Catharines - Notice of intention to apply to the Cttario
Municipal Board for an Order approving the issue of debentures for the con-
struction of concrete sidewalks.
No. 322 - City of St.Cath•rines - Notice of intention to apply to the 0.M.B.
for an Order approving the issue of debentures for the construction of a
storm sewer.
No. 929 - City of St.Catharines - Notice of intention to apply to the 0.M.B.
for an Order approving the construction of sidewalks on portions of various
No. 324 - Town of Fort Erie • Notice of intention to apply to the 0.11.8. for
an Order approving the construction of watermains.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Runt that the
communications from the City of St.Cath•rines and the Town of Port Erie be
received and filed and that the City of Niagara Palls register no objections
to the proposed works.
No. 325 • Main and Forty Rosiness Association • Re: "Fall Round -Up" promotion,
September 17, 18 and 10, 1970. Requesting that Main Street from Ferry Street
to Peer Street be closed for approximately three hours, 9:00 P.M. to 12 Mid.
night, September lath, for the purpose of a street dance; further requesting
free parking privileges throughout the area during the "Round'Up "; Ilse
requesting permission to hold a barbecue on, or adjacent to, the Sylvia Place
Market, abject to the approval of the Fire Department.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Maim, seconded by Alderman Puttick that the
communication be received and requests approved. The motion Carried with
Aldermen Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 326 •Onto }o Hue ! 1 Se • is tf�es� and V og!}� on terio pore and
Me_. Advising that the Ass have jointly de to reppusisnt
i tilephons wars' in tbe bearlye in respect to the application of 8*11
Canada for authority to increase local rates; advising that Mr.Lovell Carroll,
-- Q.C. has been retained to act ea behalf of the two Associations and the
satimated cost is 612,000 to 615,000; advising further that each municipality
is asked to contribute an amount equal to one half a cent per capita. It wee
pointed out that too City's contribution Mould be 5323.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Beards, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
communication be received and the City's contribution of 5323.00 be approved. The
motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Beares,Galloway,H:nt, Mann, Martin ,McKinley,Scott,Wileon,Thomeon.
NAPE :Aldermen Clarke,Puttick, Schisler.
No. 327 - Kiwanis Club of Stemford.Inc. •Re: Operation Drug Alert Week,September 14.
18,1970. Advising of the functions to be fulfilled by Operation Drug Alert;request-
ing that the City proclaim the week of September 14th as Operation Drug Alert Week.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received end tabled temporarily pending the arrival of Mr.Paul
Branacombe,President of the Stamford Kiwanis Club.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
Item14, a report regarding the Penn Central Railway relocation, be brought forward
for consideration at this time.
No. 575 - City Manager - Re: Penn Central Railway Relocation- Former Crowland Twp.
Presenting a review of the status of the various suggestions made in a report to
Council dated March 23, 1970. The report deals with the Oxford Road and Netherby
Road Grade Separetions,Ontario Road Crossing,other Railway Crossings and the clos-
ing of Cambridge Road,N;yoes Creek Road and Ontario Rd. required by the relocation
of the railway tracks; advising further that the information contained in the
report is presented to assist Council in its consideration of the request of the
St.Lawrence Seaway Authority regarding various road closings in the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hann, seconded by Alderman Wilson that Mr.W.H.
Powell,Project Solicitor, St.Lawrence Seaway Authority,be granted permission to
address Council.
Mr.Powell introduced Mr.K.Ogeleby and Mr.R.Crommiller,representatives of
the Seaway Authority,who were also present to clarify the Seaway's proposals. The
Authority's representatives,the City Manager,Solicitor and Engineer replied to
numerous question raised by Members of Council and provided the following informa-
tion: The Oxford Road overpass, as outlined, indicates the area which will be
affected at Oxford Road,across the proposed railway line known as R.S.Line,joins
the existing Penn Central railway line from the existing Niagara line through to
the completed tunnel. Surface treated service roads and col de sacs will be
created to service adjacent yroperties and will become a municipality responsibility.
The overpass will come under the jurisdiction of the Regional Municipality and will
be retained when construction is completed to provide access to the properties.
Surface treated roads for rural areas, 20' in width, conform to Highway Department
and municipal standards. Oxford Road, which may be widened in the future, will also
meet all standards. During construction, Oxford Road will remain in service on one
alignment or another. Connecting links will be in effect before an order will be
given to Operate trains on the line. It is suggested that property owners who
feel that there will be prejudicial damage by property acquisition or road closings
contact the Authority directly. The grade separation at Netherby Road will require
a realignment of Brookfield Road which is a Regional road. Property owners will be
notified, through the press, of the proposed construction and modifications.
McKenna)? Road and Morris Road for the most part are clay surface roadways. The
Authority has not agreed with the City's proposal to reconstruct these roads.
Mr. Powell spoke about the urgency in proceeding with the required road
closings pointing out that notification must appear in the newspaper in order that
affected residents may have an opportunity to express their views. He urged Council
to refer the application to the City Solicitor to prepare an appropriate press
notice as soon as possible. At the end of four weeks, a public meeting will be
held and Mr.Powell suggested that it would be more convenient and inexpensive to
arrange that the meeting be held at the same time as the Regional Public Works
Committee will hear claims regarding the various roads under Regional jurisdiction.
This meeting is scheduled for September 24th at the Court Rowe in Welland.
Replying to questions about the alignment of the railway, Mr.Powell said
that Council had previously approved the alignment chosen for the relocation of
the Penn Central Railway through the former Township of Crowland.
It was moved on the motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by Aldermen
Schisler that the report be received and tabled for one week pending receipt of a
letter from Mr. Coldwell, Chief of the Seaway's Planning Department. The motion
was pat a dd with the following vote:
Am: Grimm Puttick, Schialer,Hunt.
litYE:Aldermmn Beares,Clerke,Galloway,Kann, Martin ,McKinley,Scott,Wilson,Thomson.
MIRED on the motion of Aldermen Soares, seconded by Alderman Clerks that the
, report of the City Manager be received and the application of the St.Lawrence
Seaway Authority to close Cambridge Rd.,lyons Creek Rd. and Curio Rd. as well as
the diversion of Menem, Road required by the relocation of the Penn Camel
Railway, be referred to the City Solicitor for the preparation and publication of
- 4 -
an appropriate notification. The motiun'Carried with the following vote:
AYE :Aldermen Bearse, Clarke, Galloway, Mann ,Martin,McKinley,Scott,Wilson, Thomson.
TRW:Aldermen Puttick, Schisler.and ::'1n• •
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann
Communication No. 327 - Kiwanis Club of Stamford Inc.- re: Operation
Week be considered at this time.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann
P. Branscombe be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Branscombe thanked Council for their support of the activities of
the Social Planning Council and the Action Comittee on Chemical Abuse. The
Kiwanis Clubs of Niagara Falls and Stamford, he said, have followed the lead of
the Committee and all their actions have been undertaken with the advice and
leadership of the Committee. The Kiwania Clubs are prepared to provide speakers
and programs to any public group interested in learning about the drug and
chemical abuse problems. Mr. Branscombe outlined the Operation Drug Alert
programs which will feature workshops,- theme speeches and public forums. He
solicited the aid of the Council by approving of and proclaiming the week of
September 14 to 18 as Operation Drug Alert Week.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Council endorse the activities of the Action Committee on Drug Abuse and the
Kiwanis Clubs of Niagara Falls and Stamford and the request for a proclamation
be approved.
Comm. 328 - Mt. David Hall and others - A request to have the name of Queen's
Crescent changed to Kingsley Place rather than Kilman Place.
Report 576 - City Manager - Advising that the renaming of Queen's Crescent to
Ribose Place was included in the recent street name change by-law; pointing cut
that the granting of the request to name the street Kingsley place would involve
the passing of a new by -law and the insertion of appropriate advertisements in
the local newspaper.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and the request be granted on the understanding that all
costs incurred in the change will be borne by the residents of Kilman Place;
further, if this procedure is not satisfactory to the residents of Kilman Place,
the mechanics of implementing the change be withheld until such time as it can
be combined with other street name changes in the future. The notion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Bunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler,
Wilson, Thomson. .
NAPE :Aldermen Bearse and Scott.
with Aldermen Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Drug Alert
that Mr.
No. 577 - City Manager - Submitting an application from Mr. Dan Zuj and Mr.
Brian Dunham for permission to operate an organ player together with a perform-
ing monkey on City streets; advising that the Police Department are not pre-
pared to grant approval to the request; suggesting that no consideration be
given to granting permission for the operation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Puttick that
Mr. D. Zuj be granted permission to address Council.
Replying to various questions Mr. Zuj stated that business establish-
ments in the areas where they wish to perform have not objected to the proposal;
that the monkey has not as yet been purchased and that they hope to work at
the shopping piasas during the winter months.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Rant that the
report be received and adopted and the application denied. The motion Car ried
No. 578 - Senior Planner - Re: AM -3/70 Dalscombe Development,Pt.Twp.Lot 26 and
35, Mountain Road, an application to amend the zoning bu -law for the area from
Agricultural to Single - Family Residential; recommending that Council, by
resolution, certify that the by -law passed conforms to the Official Plan,
Amendment 28 Section, for the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 92
No. 579 - Seeetor Planner = Re: A16.7/70 Carlsson Construction Co.,Lote 111, 112,
113, Plan 1791,northeast corner St.Patrick and O'Neil; an application to amend
the toning byelaw to permit an apartment building in an existing single- family
residential zone; recommending that Council, by resolution, certify that the
by=law passed conforms to the Official Plan,Amandment 28 Section, for the Niagara
-Palls Planning Area. •
• 3 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann that
• the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 93
No. 580 - Senior Planner - Re: Rezoning Application of J.Klein,AM-9/70, Pt.
Lot 158, 2351 Dunn Street, to permit apartments at 30 units per acre;
recommending that Council, by resolution, certify that the application will
conform to the Official Plan (Amendment No. 28) of the Niagara Falls Planning
Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs after
Official Plan Amendment No. 45 enacted by Council on June 29th is approved by
the Minister of Municipal Affairs.
ORDERED on the motion by Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 94
No. 581 - Senior Planner - Re: Rebco Subdivision,Chippawa. The property to be
divided is between Church Street and the Canadian Niagara Power Company right -
of -way and would require the extension of Bell Crescent, an existing cul -de -sac.
Advising that the applicant is unable to acquire the balance of the vacant land
to the south and to obtain a walkway access to Church Street; recommending that
the application be denied.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 582 - Senior Planner - Re: Annual Conference of The Community Planning
Association of Canada, September.27th to October 1, 1970, Winnipeg,Manitoba;
recommending that Council delegate one elected member of the Planning and
Development Committee, Mee. Hill and the Senior ,Planner to attend the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and the Planning Committee delegate one elected member,
one appointed camber and the Senior Planner to attend the Conference. The
motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Beare., Clarke, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott, Wilson,
NAYE:Aldereen Gallaway, Hunt and Puttick.
No. 583 - City Manager - Re: Annual Convention of the Association of Munici-
pal Tax Collectors of Ontario, September 13th to 15th,1970, Oshawa, Ontario.
Recommending that Miss G. Matthews, Tax Supervisor, be granted authority to
attend the convention.
CRIERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Galloway
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 584 - City Manager - Re: St.John Ambulance Standard First Aid Course.
Advising that ten City employees participated in the course and all were
successful in obtaining certificates.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and filed and the employees commended and congratulated
for successfully completing the:course.
No. 585 • Cit Rana err • Re: 1970 Local improvement Program. Advising of
the object onsiiiceiwed to proposed asphalt pavements with concrete curbs and
Gutters and sidewalks.
ORDSRED on the motion. - of Alderman Scott, seconded by Aldermen Wilson that the
report of the City Munger, es amended, be adopted and that the proposed work
on Richmond Crescent, Waters Avenue and Carlton Avenue be deleted from the
application to be made to the Ontario Municipal Board; further, that the
objections received regarding the works proposed on Warden Avenue and Church
Street be submitted to the O.M.B. for their consideration.
No. 586 - City Manger- Advising that an application has been received for
a permit to construct a commercial garage and repair shop together with a
gasoline pump on property situated on the south side of Ramsey Road, formerly
Welland Line Road; the proposed use is in conformity with coning requireamnts;
suggesting that if Council has no objection to the proposed use that tentative
approval be given on the understanding that all structures erected on the
property will meat all :toning and building requirements and the requests of
the Fire Inspectors.
6 .
- 6 -
The City Manager pointed out that the applicant also requires a
municipal licence before he can commence business and is reluctant to erect the
building without some indication that Council will approve the issuance of a
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman McKinley that Mr.
Savoie be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Savoie said that he presently operates a garage on Bridge Street
but because of a lack of parking space and inadequate working conditions, he
wishes to establish a business on Ramsey Road. The gasoline pump, he said, would
be a convenience to residents of the area. Mr. Savoie indicated his willingness
to comply with all requests and said that the development will be properly
finished with grass areas, adequate parking and decorative fencing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and tentative approval given to the application for a licence.
The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearse, Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schialer
Wilson, Thomson. -
NAYE :Aldermen Bunt and Scott.
No. 587 - City Manager - Re: Regional Municipality of Niagara - Notices of
Intention to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for Orders approving various
capital works enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schialer, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report not be read in its entirety.
The City Clerk reviewed the proposed works included in the eleven
Notices of Intention received from the Regional Municipality.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and filed and that the City of Niagara Falls offer no
objections to the proposed works. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bears', Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Martin, MCRinlsy, Schialer,
Wilson, Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Puttick, Scott and Hunt.
No, 588 - City Mana er - Re: Requests for exemption from part -lot control.
Recommending that a by -law be passed exempting from part -lot control Registered
Plan 250, Gorge Construction plan of subdivision, Dorchester Road south of
Pettit Avenue; recommending further that Lote 2 to 5 inclusive and Lots 10 to 20
inclusive, Reg.Plan 246, Stamford Green Investments and Dalecombe Investments,
be exempted from the provisions of the Planning Act Amendment; further
recommending that a decision to grant a similar exemption for lots 6 to 9 of
Reg.Plan 246 be withheld pending a final decision by the owngr on the proposed
use of the land and the approval of the required rezoning.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearer, Galloway, Mann, Martin, Soler, McKinley, Scott, Wilson.
NATE:Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Puttick, Thomson.
See By -law No.70 -184
No. 589 • City Manager - Re: Ailanthus Park Subdivision and Pettit Avenue
Extension. Requesting Council's approval of the calling for tenders for the
construction of roads in the subject subdivisions with a &sing date of
September 21, 1970; advising that the respective developers have agreed to
the calling of one tender for road construction in both subdivisions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Bears' that the
report be received and City Staff be authorized to call tenders for the pro-
posed road construction. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bears', Clarke, Galloway, Nunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley,- 8chieler,
Scott, Wilson.
NAVE :Alderman Puttick and Thomson.
No. 590 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of applications to
manage and conduct raffle lotteries submitted by St.Anthony's Parish, British
Canadian Vets and the Music Theatre Society.
CRD<RED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted. -
No. 591 - Cip Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on — tbs Soe�on of Alderman McKinley, seconded by/Alderman Heat that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
7 .
- 7-
No. 592 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting
contrary and all others in favour.
(Note: Alderman Gallaway abstained from voting).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Thomson that Item
1 on the agenda for the meeting of the Committee of the Whole be brought forward
for consideration at this time.
Report 593 - City Manager - Advising that the jury investigating the death of
R.W.Lavelle who drowned in the Welland River hure submitted four recommendations:
1. The purchase of a motor boat and equipment to control the swimming areas. The
report advisee that the Police Commission have purchased the recommended equip-
2. The enactment of a by -law prohibiting swimming and diving from the Weightman
Bridge. The report advises that the Bridge is now part of the Regional Roads
system and recommending that the suggestion be referred to Regional Authori-
ties; suggesting further that contact be made with railway officials to
determine what action can be taken to prohibit trespassing on the bridge.
3. Removal of bridge abutments. Advising that until a definite decision has been
made regarding the disposition of the bridge, the abutments could not be
removed as they would be required if at any time the bridge was again mode
4. The placing of a chain of buoys on both sides of the River from the Niagara
River to the Norton Pump house. The report advises that several authorities
exercise jurisdicition of the Welland River and the comments of the Department
of Lands and Forests, Federal authorities and the Rydro Electric Power Comm.
would be required; commenting on the substantial initial cost of installing
the buoys and questioning their effectiveness.
The report recommends that the suggestions included in the report be adopted and
the authorities mentioned be contacted to determine the feasibility of the
The patrol boat will be equipped with a two -way radio in order to be
in contact with police vehicles and Alderman Puttick suggested that the radio
system include the life guard stations. Mayor Miller will investigate the
possible use of a " walkie- talkie" system between the patrol boat and the life-
guards. Mayor Miller advised that the boat will not patrol the Niagara River
until it is ascertained if the River comes under the jurisdiction the City or
the R.C.M.P.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Schialer that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted. The motion Carried with
Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 92 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
certifies t amt t:e application of Dalecombe Development for the rezoning of
property located at the south -west area of Mountain and Dorchester Roads and
known as Part of Lot 26 and 35 conforms to the Official Plan (Amendment No. 28)
for the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of
Municipal Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 99 - McKINLEY - MANN - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
certifies that the application of Carless() Construction Co. for the rezoning of
property located at the northeast corner of St.Patrick and O'Neil Streets and
known as Lote 111, 112, 113, Plan 1791, conforms to the Official Plan (Amendment
No. 28) for the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the
Minister of Municipal Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 94 - SCOTT - GALLOWAY - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Palls
certifies that the application of J. Klein Construction for the rezoning of the
property known as Part Lot 158, situated at 2351 Dunn Street, will conform to
the Official Plan (Amendment No. 28) of the Niagara Fails Planning Ares as
amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs, after Official Pian
Amendment No. 45, enacted by Council on June 29th, 1970, is approved by the
Minister of Municipal Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried VUOULDou.1i
- 8 -
No. 95 - MCKINLEY - MANN - RESOLVED THAT WHEREAS the Council of the City of
Niagara Falls did, prior to the implementation of the Regional Municipality of
Niagara Act, 1968 -69, appoint members to the Planning Board who were not
Members of Council;
AND WHEREAS these appointees were able to make a very worthwhile contribution
to the operation of the Planning Board, making available to the
Municipality their many years of experience in municipal affairs
together with valuable technical knowledge;
AND WHEREAS, as a result of the passing of the Regional Municipality of Niagara
Act, 1960 -69, the City Council has been duly constituted as the
Planning Board of the City of Niagara Falls;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the City of Niagara Falls has established a Planning
Committee to assist and advise the Planning Board, said Committee
consisting of five members of the Municipal Council and five citizen
AND WHEREAS there does not appear to be any authority for the payment of
remuneration to members of a committee who are not members of the
Municipal Council, even though authority does exist to provide remun-
eration to the members of a Committee of Adjustment whose members
perform a very similar function, and to the members of a Court of
THEREFORE DE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of
Niagara Falls hereby petitions the Minister of Municipal Affairs for the passing
of appropriate legislation to enable a municipal council to provide remunera-
tion for those members of a Planning Committee who are not members of the
Municipal Council; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Mann that the
resolution be approved. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Wilson,
NAPE :Aldermen Bearse, Puttick and Schisler.
No. 96 - WILSON - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Council
of the City of Niagara Falls be held on Tuesday, September 8, 1970, at 7 :30 p.m.;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried, Unanimously
* * * *
Report 573 - (Tabled from Unfinished Busineee) - Advising that a cushion sample
has been placed on the press seats for inspection and that the coat of supplying
this type of button, foam - rubber filled cushion throughout the Council Chambers
would be 3929.25.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and tabled for one week for further consideration.
Aldermen Bears. Askad that Members of Council to support the efforts
of the Penny Farthing Players by attedding their production of "The Tin Soldier"
Tuesday,Thureday or Friday evening at the former Walnut Street Fireball. She
commended the young people for their dedication and effort explaining that the
group operates on a 3100.00 grant from the Recreation Commission and their
activities come under the category of youth development.
Alderman Beams referred to an earlier complaint regarding the
appearance of the area adjacent to the railway tracks on Victoria Avenue at
Centre Street. She reported that the Civic Beautification Committee had written
to the railway company but there only reply advised that their budget did not
includs,monise for improvement - only for the spraying of weeds. The Alderman
9. '
- 9 -
noted that vines were growing wild by the old station, the area is overrun with
weeds and bushes and old railway ties have been left along the tracks. She
asked that the matter be referred to Staff Members to determine what portions
of the property are City-owned, what areas are the responsibility of the rai2-
way company and whether City forces would be allowed to clean up the property
and charge the company accordingly. Alderman Beams requested that City
Officials attempt to make some specific recommendations that could be forwarded
to the company by the Beautification Committee.
Alderman Hunt suggested that it would be more economical and would
CITY VEHICLES eliminate numerous trips to the service centre from construction
projects in the former Twp.of Willoughby, if heavy equipment was
serviced and gassed at the job site.
The City Manager will investigate the constant use of Boyd Road by
City -owned graders. Alderman Hunt reported that the vehicles travel Boyd
Road at all hours. The Alderman Also suggested that the equipment could be left at
the site until the projects are completed.
Alderman Wilson expressed the opinion that all City Vehicles should
remain at the Service Centre or the City Ball when not being used for City
purposes. He reported receiving complaints that the equipment was being used
in the evening for shopping purposes.
Alderman Wilson reported that it is difficult for traffic travelling ,
south on Drummond Road to see traffic approaching Drummond Road from a westerly
direction on McLeod Road.
Alderman Schisler advised that some time ago permission was granted
to move a building to a location on County Road 22 on the understanding that
it would be used for single family dwelling purposes. He noted that although
there was only one service hook -up, several meters had been installed. The
Alderman asked that the matter be investigated and that multi - family dwellings
not be permitted.
Alderman Schisler referred to the property recently acquired by the
City for the erection of a new fireball in the former Township of Crowland. Be
queried if the property owner had been required to apply to the Committee of
Adjustment for a severance and whether it is policy that when property is
acquired by the City, the matter does not require the approval of the Committee.
The Alderman said that in such cases the property owner should apply to the
Committee of Adjustment as other owners are.
Alderman Schisler also questioned the proximity of the new fireball
to the roadway pointing out that there would be very little parking space in
front of the building. The City Manager explained that the fireball was
actually behind the building lot line of other buildini :n in the area; that
parking facilities will be provided to the east and to the rear of the building
and that a row of trees will remain on the west side of the property.
No. 70 -182 - A By -law to provide for the collection of taxes for the year 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Bears. be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bear's, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sue -
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third RMsadint - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Hunt. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AM: Alderman Bears*, Clarke, Calloway, Hunt, Mann, Herein, Uatinlsy,Scott,
Wilson, Wilson.
A :Aldermen Puttick and Schisler.
- 11 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke,
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Martin.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70-187 - A By -law to authorize the sale of land in the Falls Industrial
Park to Louis Filo, in trust.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman Thomson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-
law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Clarke voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Martin. The motion Carried with Alderman
C larke voting contrary a nd
all others in favour.
No. 70 -188 - A II
y -Lew to provide monies for general purpaees.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beargs, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the Byelaw and
the Byelaw be given the first reading.
Note: Alderman Galloway abstained from voting) Carried
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary, Alderman Galloway abstaining from voting and all
others in faso ur.
Third Readin - Alderman Wilson and Alderman McKinley. The motion Carried with
de rman Puttick voting contrary, Alderman Galloway abstaining from voting and
all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Mann, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
seconded by Alderman Hunt
temporarily suspended and
Carried Unanimously
Council Chamber,
l' August 31, 1970,
Council at in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held'on August 31, 1970. All Members of Council were present, Aldermen
8obitter presided N Chairman.
No. 70 -183 - A By -law to amend By -law Number 3791, 1946 of the City of Niagara
Fai e, eing a By -law designating through highways in the City of Niagara Falls
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Thomson be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt,
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Hann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler,
Wilson, Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Hearse and Scott.
Third Reading - Aldermen Wilson
following vote:
AYE; Aldermen Clarke, Galloway,
Wi son, Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Bares and Scott.
No. 70.184 - A By -law to designate certain land not to be subject to part -lot
contro .
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Beeves be granted the privilege of introducing she Byelaw and the
By -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with the following vote:
A Aldermen Bearsa, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley,Schisler
Scott, Wilson.
NAPE: Aldermen Puttick and Thomson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Bearas, Gallaway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott,
NAM :Aldermen Puttick, Thomson, Clarke.
foi owl : vote:
Third Reeding - Alderman Martin and Alderman Scott. The motion Carried with the
AVE: Aldermen Beargs, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, $chiller, Scott,
N :Aldermen Puttick, Thomson, Clarke.
No. 70 -185 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Dick and
Andr Li red for the painting of all spectator sea:e, in•:luding all metal
attachments within the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the Byelaw and
the Byelaw be given the first reading.
Third Reading a Alderman Bearsa and Alderman Martin.
and Thomson. The motion Carried with the
Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick,Schisier,
Carried Unanimously,
CRDBRED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Clarke
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the Byelaw be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No 70.186 - A By -law to authorise the acquisition of land for park and recreation
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Cobbler that Aldermen Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing tho By -law
and the Byelaw be given the first reading.
`Carried Voanimouaiv
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the Committee of the Whole arise and report.
Council Chamber,
August 31, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held August 31, 1970. All Melberg of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman.
The following action was taken:
Report 594 - City Manager - Re; Appointment of Maintenance Management
Co- Ordinator. Recommending that Mr. L. Detior be appointed to the position of
Maintenance Management Co- Ordinator and that he be placed in Step 1, Level 7
of the Non -Union Supervisory salary scale - $9,612. per annum. The appoint-
ment to be effective September 3, 1970 subject to a twelve month probationary
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, aeconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the meeting adjourn.
Clerk Mayor
Council met at 7 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 8, 1970, for the
purpose of considering general business. Alderman Puttick offered the
Opening Prayer. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided es Chairman. All
Members of Council were present. It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman
Mann, seconded by Alderman Nilson that the minutes of the Special Meeting
held on August 28, 1970, be adopted as printed; further, that the minutes of
the regular meeting held August 31, 1970, be adopted as printed with a
correction on Page 9, Line 10. Alderman Hunt had requested that the minutes
be corrected to indicate that it we his intention to suggest that it would.
be more economical and would eliminate numerous trips to the service centre
from construction projects in the former Township of Willoughby, if heavy
equipment was serviced and gassed at the job site. He also suggested that
the equipment could be lett at the site until the projects are completed,
Comm. 238 - Niger* Peninsula Hoes Builders' Association - Subeitting's study
and report ea "Subdivision Development Policies in the Niagara Region ".
Comm. 267 - Ontario Council - National Rome Builders' Association • Advising
that the Association fully supports the subdivision policy report and request-
ing that Council consider the report as soar as possible.
Cos. 328 - Niagara Peninsula aHwe Builders' Association - Res Subdivision
Development Policies; requesting a me/Ps support end action.
The City Manager advised that City Officials have given considers•
tics to the report and following a amities scheduled for September 14th, it
will be possible to make cements on the submission.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears., seconded by Aldermen Runt, that the
communication be received and filed.
Council Chamber,
September 8 , 1970,
Comm. 280 - McLean, Ions 6 Kerr barristers • Rs: Canadia,Niagara Pall.,Ltd.
Dorchester Road property; proposing certain transfer 'of land in order to
facilitate the flow of traffic to and from the proposed Canadia shopping
centre and adjacent streets and to provide for the future widening of
Dorchester Road.
Report 596 - City Manager - Submitting a report prepared by the Traffic
Engineer following a review of the proposals with representatives -of the
Regional Municipality of Niagara and CM 'Canadis Co.; advising that a copy
of the report was provided to the Canmdia Co. and they have commented on
the vario!srecosendations and generally agree with the Traffic Engineer;
recommending that the recommendations included in the Traffic Engineer's
report be approved and further study be given to the proposal of closing of
Junkie Avenue and Dawson Street and the establishment of a new street to
connect to Dorcheoter_Road. The report notes that . it will be necessary to
discuss the proposals with affected landownero onDorchester Road,
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Beeves, seconded by Alderman aunt that the
report be received and adopted.
Comm. 319 • Masse! Peninsula Or eh Arts Association - Noting that the City
has purchased and it operating an offset press; suggesting chat sM of the
work produced on the machine was probably previously printed by tax paying
printers reguutins a report on the operations of the printing department
and•informstion es to whether further purchases of equipment ars contemplated.
Report 397 • City Manager - Describing the work presently produced by the
printing department and advising that the department is not undertaking work
previously carried out by lssal printers and that the majority of the
printed Material .1i being handled by local printing firms; advising further
that if at any tine the purchase of additional equipment is proposed, the
matter would be presented to Conseil tar consideration; enmities that the
comments of the Niagara Peninsula Graphic Arts Association be'kept on file
and considered if and Mom the porchese of additiosal printing aquipmsnt is
U*D on the motion of Alderman Wilsons sesasded by aldermen MkZIMlpr eiet
- the.report-bs rsssived - and adopted. 2.
Report -• City Manager - Advising that two quotations have been received
for cushions for the spectators' and press seats in the Council Chamber;
suggesting that the setter be discussed with the architect.
Report 573 - City Manager • Advising that cushion samples'have been placednon
the press seats for inspection and that the cost of supplying the button._
type,.. foam- rubber filled cushion throughout the Council Chamber would be
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the City not purchase either type of cushion displayed and the matter be
investigated further.
No. 329 - Main and Ferry Business Association • Re: Sylvia Place Parking Lot.
Requesting a meeting with a group appointed by Council to inspect the lot and
to plan a general clean -up and beautification programme.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the communication be received, request granted and a group comprised of 2 or 3
Members of Council, the City Manager, the City Engineer and the Traffic
Engineer meet with representatives of the Business Association. Council's
representatives will be appointed by Mayor Miller.
No. 930 • Mrs. C. Miller and Mrs. P. R. Guild • Comments regarding the recent
Ontario Municipal Association Convention; suggesting that only Council members
who expect to utilise the materials and findings of conventions be selected as
Mayor Miller stated that. to his knowledgp the O.M.A. Convention was
the only convention at which Members of Council could participate in the dis-
cussion. He pointed out that because of an over ..lapping of meetings, it
would not be possible for one representative to attend all session and prepare
a full report.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Hunt, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
communication be received and filed.
Members of Oouncil agreed with a suggestion by Aldermen Puttick that
copies of the O.M.A.Convsntion report, presently being prepared, be forwarded
to Mrs. Hiller and We. Guild.
No. 331 • Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Fringe Benefits and Overhead
on Charge -Back Projects. Submitting a copy of a report prepared by the
Regional Director of Engineering in which it is recommended that the Regional
Municipality of Niagara accept a fixed charge of 267E for fringe benefits on
labour, and an overhead charge of lOt on labour and material from Area Munici•
palitiee, and that the Regional charges to Area Municipalities be on the saw
basis. Ths recommendation has been approved by the Regional Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Aldermen Scott that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 332 - City of Welland - Notice of Intention to apply to the Ontario Mkaici•
pal Board for an Order approving the issue of debentures for concrete sidewalk
and driveway entrance construction.
No. 993 • City of Welland - Notice of intention to apply to the O.H.B. for an
Order approving the issue of debentures for the construction of a combined
trunk sewer, sanitary sewer, roadway and sidewalks.
No. 994 • Township of Wainfleet • Notice of Intention to apply to the O.M.E.
for an order approving the issue of debentures for drain repairs and improve-
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the unionisatione from the City of Wsllied and the Township of Wainfleet be
received and filed and that the City of Niagara Palls register no objections
to the proposed warka.
So. 398 • City Manager • Rat MoLeod Road Cropping of H.E.P.C.Cenal. Referring
to a previous report which advised of a work Stopple to permit additional
seek investigation; Submitting a copy of a report from N.O.Acres Ltd. and
Sdvisin$ that the project can continua as originally designed with certain
°b edifiestics being required an the *net side of the Sydro Canal to protect
Os footings; recommending that the scheme proposed by N.O.Aerea Ltd. be
adopted subject to the approval of the D.R.O., Ontario Hydro, Regional Munici-
pality of Niagara and the Ontario Municipal Board.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Mr. A. L. Mctechnie be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Metechnie, Executive Engineer, H.G.Acres Ltd., explained the
extent of the remedial works proposed for the bridge foundations. During
excavations large cracks were uncovered along the top of the rock foundation.
Construction was halted and the cracks investigated. It was the decision of
all parties involved - the Department of Highways, Ontario Hydro, the Regional
Municipality, the Consultants and City Officials - that further rock invests.
stations should be undertaken. Drilling operations and the use of a special
Hydro-owned television camera indicated that the problem was concentrated on
the east bank; the cracks on the west bank were of no great significance. It
is now proposed to reinforce the rock with pre - stressed steel rode and proceed
with the construction of the arch throughout the winter months. Replying to
questions regarding additional engineering fees, Mr. McRschnie said that the
charges wore 'related to the work involved in defining the foundation problem,
co- ordinating the investigations, submitting recommendations and providing
additional design as well --as the drilling operations and supervisory costs.
The City Engineer pointed out that while the investigative work was .°
going on "standby" charges amounted to 9900.00 a week and that, is order to
achieve an early completion date, the work should not be delayed. He advised
that the Regional Council and the Department of Highways of Ontario have
indicated their approval of the schema and Hydro approval is expected.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted and the scheme proposed
by H.G.Acres Ltd. be approved subject to the approval of the Department of
Highways of Ontario, Ontario Hydro, the Regional Municipality of Niagara and
the Ontario Municipal Board. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Alderman Beaus, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Schiller, Scott,
Wilson, Thomson.
NAY* :Aldermen Clarke, Mann and Puttick.
No. 599 • Cit Mane sir • Re: Q.E.W. • McLeod Road Interchange. Submitting a
letter from t De�epartment of Highways regarding the construction work to ba'-
undertaken this !all; advising that, generally speaking, the proposed con-
struction involves a fly -over of the Q.B.W. and the construction of service
roads; advising that it may be necessary for certain municipal utilities to
be relocated and that the Regional Municipality may wish to install a proposed
16" diameter trunk watermain across the Q.E.W.
ORDERED on the nation of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed and a copy forwarded to the Regional Municipality
of Niagara for any action deemed advisable.
No. 600 - City Manager - Re: Contract for Demolition of Buildings. Advising
that the buildings to be demolished are located on land formerly owned by
Motorville Car Sales, at the northeast corner of Huron Street and Ontario Ave.
recommending that Council accept the price bid by Collee Wreaking in the
amount of $4,100.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Wilson, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 92A
No. 601 • gi.t Mena r - Re: Request of Toney Development Ltd. for exemption
of Lots 12 to on Registered Plan No. 242, from part -lot control. The lots
are located on the west side of Dorchester Road, south of Mcleod Road;
recommending that the required byelaw be approved.
CROSSED on the motion of Aldermen Soares, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted.
See Br -Law No. 70 -190
No. 602 • City-Mbnager - Referring to that section of Bill 152 which provides
that the Clerk of she county municipality, ether then titles, having the
largest residential and farm assessment in the school division, is responsible
for caluclatiag the ember and allocation of school board representatives and
advising of the distribution es decided by the Town of Port Eris es the
responsible area in the Regional Municipality of Niagara. The indicates
S �
that the City of Niagara Falls will have seven representatives elected to the
Niagara South Board of Education, five to be elected by public school support-
ers and two by separate school supporters; five Niagara Falls representatives
will be elected to the Welland County Roman Catholic Separate School Board.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Hunt, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and the distribution of school representatives as outlined
in the report be accepted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Galloway, Hint, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott,
meson, Thomson.
NAPE :Aldermen Puttick and Schuler.
No. 603 - City Manager • Advising that tentative arrangements have been made
to hold a public meeting in the Chippewa Fireball on Thursday, September 10th,
at 8 :00 p.m. to explain the urban service area and other related matters;
advising further that Mr. E. E. Mitchelson has agreed to act as moderator for
the meeting; submitting guidelines for the conduct of the meeting; recommending
that the guidelines outlined in the report and other suggestions submitted by
Members of Council be approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearse, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Scott.
NAYS :Aldermen Clarke, Mann, Thomson, Wilson and Schisler.
No. 604 - City Menag - Re: Intersection of Glengate Street and Pettit Avenue.
Recommending t t the necessary by -law be prepared to allow for the erection
of a yield sign facing traffic westbound on Glengate Street at its intersection
with Pettit Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 605 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Ferry Street. Recommending that the
Regional Council be asked to pass the necessary by -law to prohibit parking on
the south side of Ferry Street from Stanley Avenue 142' easterly.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 606 - City Manager • Re: Ontario Fire Department Apparatus Rodeo.
Submitting a letter Iran 8. Thomson, Deputy Chief, requesting that the Chief
of the Training Division, J. Barr and the successful Niagara Falls entrant
be authorised to attend the Annual Ontario Fire Department Apparatus Rodeo,
Gravenhurst, September 19, 1970; recoeending that the request be approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 607 - City Manager - Re: Annual Conference, Ontario Building Officials
Association, Hamilton, October 14- 16th,1970,1nelusivs; recommending that the
Building Inspector be authorised to attend.
MIRED an the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Aldermen Thomson that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 608 - City Manager - Recommending that the Chairmen of the Mayor's
Committee on Housing end one other member of the Committee be authorized to
attend the Annual Conference of the Association of Ontario Housing Author!.
ties, London, October 18 to 20, 1970.
ORDRRRD on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Heat that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 609 • City Menater • Requesting permission to obtain quotations for bulk
highway coarse salt; the quotations to be received by the Purchasing Agent
and • recommendation submitted to Council.
CROERED on the notion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Aideroon Schisler that
the report be received and adopted. The lotion avid with Aldermen Scott
waning eontfOry col all- otbars-4n- favour.
- 5 -
No. 610 - Alderman Beares and Alderman Wilson - Report on Central Ontario
Regional Development Council, Toronto, Ontario.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and filed.
No. 611 - City Manager - Building Permits issued for the month of August,1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, Seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and filed.
No. 612 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Bearse that the
report be received and adopted. During consideration of the report Alderman
Puttick requested that information concerning the renting of accommodation to
the Tourist and Convention Bureau by the Chamber of Commerce.
No. 613 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of an application
to manage and conduct a raffle lottery submitted by the Royal Canadian Legion,
Branch 479.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 614 - C - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on t e motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Galloway that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 94- WILSON - HUNT - RESOLVED that the contract for the demolition of
buildings ocahe northeast corner of Huron Street and Ontario Avenue
be awarded to Collee Wrecking, Niagara Falls, at a quoted price of $4,100.00;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 93Q- SCOTT - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Fa s petition the Department of Highways of Ontario for
subsidy under the provisions of The Highway Improvement Act on expenditures
made during the year 1970 in respect to the construction of the McLeod Road
Bridge over the H.R.P.C. Canal, in the amount of $12,526.03;AND the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The motion to approve the resolution Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 941- GALLOWAY - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of
the City of Niagara Falls petition the Department of Highways of Ontario for
subsidy under the provisions of The Highway Improvement Act on expenditures
made during the year 1970 in respect to the construction of the Thorold Stone
Road (Arch works only) over the H.E.P.C. Canal, in the amount of $54,134.39;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The motion to approve the resolution Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
Alderman McKinley reported receiving complaints that grass end
shrubbery on Valley Way have been neglected and have not received the same
care as in former years. The Alderman requested that the situation be
remedied and enquiries made as to whether routine instructions have been
disregarded. The City Manager will investigate.
Alderman Wilson requested a report in respect to the drainage
problems in the Centennial Square. Hs pointed out that although considerable
money bad been spent last year, the problem still existed.
• 6 .
ship of Crowland are Schisler r t ede th a t many ratepayers of the former Town -
taxes for the area, believing that the taxes to t areeoutrof lineeconsiderinngethat
the area will not receive additional benefits. He expressed the opinion that
the former Township would became a "junk yard" because of the proposed rail-
way relocation, railway crossings and cul de sacs. The Alderman advised that
he is making enquiries as to why the former Township.must pay a higher mill
rate than any other municipality within the City.
Alderman Puttick referred to a Regional tender for cars and asked
the cars are Mayor Miller what the vehicles were to be used for. Mayor Miller replied that
the Counties of r Lincoln and Welland. replace Te vehicles equipment
for personal
use of the Regional Staff. personal
Alderman Puttick drew attention to an advertisement appearing in the
Evening Review which requested expressions of interest from any consulting
firm wishing to offer their services in the preparation of a Regional Official
Plan. The Alderman questioned the need for the services of a consulting firm
pointing out that the area municipalities have their own planners and the
Director of Planning for the Regional Municipality of Niagara had been instru-
mental in the preparations of an official plan for the City of Niagara Falls.
Alderman Schiller also questioned the advertisement and said that after the
plan was approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs, it would be returned
and the area municipalities would be required to pay for it. Alderman Thomson
questioned the need for hiring a consulting firm, pointing out that the
majority of the area municipalities had already prepared and submitted official
plans for their respective areas. Alderman McKinley said that the advertisement
had also appeared in a Toronto newspaper and he noted that interested firms
were required to reply by September 16, 1970, although the plan did not have
to be submitted to the Minister of Municipal Affairs until December 31, 1973.
Mayor Miller said that the Regional Municipality nes seeking information and
guidance as to a starting point in the preparation of a master plan for she
entire area.
asking that ondashtoathertntentioas ofhtheiRegional Council.
C189 No 70 - - A By -law to authorise the execution of an
ited for eewermain and watermaim construction. raement with Con -Drain
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Bearss
that Alderman Thomson be granted the privilege of introducing the Byelaw and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimous)
CURSED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Rule 36(2)of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sae*
pended and the Byelaw be given the second reading.
Carried Unaniaou■ly
rd di • Alderman Martin and.Alderman Hunt.
Carried Unanimous)
0 -190 - A Byelaw to designate certain lend not to be subject to pare -lot
contra . Toney Developments)
ORDRRRD on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Hunt
that Alderman Bearss be granted she privilege of introducing the By -law and
the Dy•law be given Ehe first reading.
Carried Uepa..m
- 7 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss,
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be
the Bylaw be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Martin.
seconded by Alderman Mann
temporarily suspended and
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No 70 -191 - A By -law to authorize the allowing of an encroachment on Martin
Avenue of a building owned by Cecil Davyes and Mary Davyes and an agreement
with respect thereto.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Bearas be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman Scott
voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann. The motion Carried with
Alderman Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70.192 - A By -law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Thomas LaFlamme and Deleon Lake. (Victoria Avenue at Jepson Street)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Alderman Hunt be granted the privilege of introducing the Hy -law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given she second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman Scott
voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading • Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann. The motion Carried with
Aldermen Scott.voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70 -193 - A By -law to amend Zoning By -law No. 5335, 1955, as amended, and
By- aw No 4929, as amended, respecting service stations and public garages on
Vittoria Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Schiller be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the Byelaw be given the first reading. The motion Carried with Aldermen Scott
voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Clarke that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Scott voting contrary end all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Martin. The motion Carried with
Alderman Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70 -194 - A Byelaw to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Scott
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the Byelaw and
the By -law be given the first seeding.
Carried Unanimously
CRORRED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Hunt
that Ruls 36(2) of the Steadies Relate of Council be temporarily suspended and
the Splay be given the second reading.
- 9 .
Report 616 - City Manager - Advising that Hr. R.Quaranta, Arens Foreman,
will have completed his probationary period on September 14, 1970; recommending
that the appointment be confirmed by Council and that, effective September 15,
1970, he be advanced to Step 2 of Salary Leval 5, an increase of $270.00 per
Report 617 - City Manager - Re: Foremen. Advising that Mt. S. C. Code,Foreman
in the Sanitation section of the Public Works Department, has requested that
he be returned as lead hand in the Parks Tree Maintenance Group; recommending
that the request be granted; recommending further that permission be granted
to advertise for two foremen, one to replace Mr.Code in the Sanitation section
and the other to be utilised on road maintenance in the urban area of the City
as recommended by R.Jorgensen Associates, Management Consultants.
No. 618 - City Manager - Advising that further consideration has been given
to the organisational charts within the Public Works Department which shows
a Superintendent of Sanitation as being responsible for garbage operation as
well as the cleaning and sweeping of City streets including the maintenance
of the sanitary and storm sewer systems; recommending that the classification'
of Mr. James Spiers be changed to Superintendent for the combined operation,
Salary Level 9, Step 2 ($11,016. per annum).
C[tDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the action taken in Committee of the Whole be ratified by Council and that
(1) Report 569 regarding a proposed Regional by -law for the control of sewage
wastes be received and adopted;
(2) Report 616 re: Arena Foremen R. Quaranta be received and adopted;
(3) Report 617 re: Foreman be received and the request of S.C.Code that he be
returned as lead hand in the Parks Tree Maintenance Group be approved and
permission granted to advertise for a foreman to replace Mr. Code in the
Sanitation section of the Public Works Department; further, that the request
for permission to advertise for a foreman to be utilised on road maintenance
in the urban area of the City be tabled pending a report from R.Jorgensen
(4) Report 618 regarding the reclassification of Mr. James Spiers to the
position of Superintendent be received and adopted. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman MtKioley, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the meeting adjourn.
- -
Third Reading . Alderman Martin and Alderman Wilson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scbisler that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council Clamber,
September 8 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on September 8th, 1970. All Members of Council were present. Alderman
Puttick presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the Committee of the Whole arise and report.
Council Chamber,
September 8, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held September 8, 1970. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided.
Ts fellatio action was taken]
Report 569 - City Manager is Rs: Regional Municipality of Niagara proposed
Byelaw No. "1" for the control of sewage wastes. Submitting copies of the
proposed by -law; suggsstLtli that the by -law be implemented in a manner which
would permit municipalities and industries to be put on a phased programme of
construction of pollution control facilities over a period of time; suggesting
that the observations and comments included in the report be forwarded to the
Regional Municipality of Niagara for consideration in the processing of the
Carried Unanimously
Council Chamber,
September 14, 1970.
Council met at 7;30 p.m. on Monday, September 14, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. Alderman Schisler offered the Opening Prayer.
Ris Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. All Members of Council were
present. Alderman Thomson and Alderman Bearss arrived during the meeting. It was
Ordered on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
minutes of the regular meeting held September 8, 1970, be adopted as printed.
No. 335 • Niagara South Board of Education • Requesting a meeting with a
committee of Council andfor the Planning Committee to discuss the educational
problems involved in locating a mobile home park in the area of Welland Line.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and a committee be appointed to meet with representa.
rives of the Niagara South Board of Education.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott that His ,
Worship Mayor Miller appoint the Members of Council to serve as a Committee to
meet with Board of Education representatives.
Mayor Miller appointed Aldermen Mann, Galloway and Puttick as members
of the special committee. Details of the meeting will be finalised after
consultation with Mr. R. A. McLeod, Director of Education.
No. 336 - Brock University • Re; Shinerama '70. Requesting permission to hold
a shoe Shlnerama on City streets; advising that the proceeds will go toward the
establishment of a Cystic Fibrosis Clinic in the area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and request approved.
No. 337 - Greater Nia :ra Minor Soccer Association • Re; 1970 A.C.Douglas Soccer
Tournament, September 6, 1970, Her Park. Requesting permission for the Associa.
tion to provide refreshments during the tournament.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Sehisler that
the communication be received and permission granted to the Association to
provide refreshments for the participating teams.
Note: Alderman Thomson arrived at the meeting.
No. 338 • Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves • Requesting donations to the
Sudbury Area Disaster Relief Fund.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
communication be received and tabled pending preparation of a report by the City
No. 339 • Regional Municipality of Niagara • Notice of Intention to apply to the
Ontario Municipal Board for an Order approving the undertaking of a preliminary
engineering design and land acquisition for construction of a Water Pollution
Plant in the Town of Fort Erie.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
communication be received and filed and the City of Niagara Falls register no
objections to the proposed works. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 340 • Church of St.John the Evangelist • Re: 150th Anniversary. An invitation
to attend the Anniversary Sunday services, September 20, 1970, 11:00 a.m.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that the
communication be received , the invitation accepted and as many Members of
Council and Officials as possible attend the special Church service.
Nayor Miller suggested that Members of Council and Staff meet at the
Church et 10145 s.m.
No. 619 • City Monster • Re: Road Constriction in Wiltshire Extension Subdivision,
ReeommsMing that the unit prices submitted by Hard Rook Paving Co,Ltd.,.Port
Colborne, be sesepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Thomson voting
contrary and all others in favour.
See Resolution No. 95A
No. 620 - City Manager - Re: Candev Limited Application. Advising that the
Ontario Municipal Board has appointed Thursday, September 24, 1970, 11 :00 a.m.
to hear all persons interested in supporting or opposing the application of
Candev Limited to rezone property on the west side of Dorchester Road, south of
Thorold Stone Road, to permit the development of a plan of subdivision.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Galloway that the
report be received and filed and the date of the hearing noted.
No. 621 - City Manager - Re: Official Plan Amendment No. 37, Urban Renewal.
Advising that the Niagara Parks Commission will withdraw their objections to the
Urban Renewal Scheme providing that certain sections are clarified; advising
that the recommended changes enumerated in the report are re- wordings to
clarify the intent of the Official Plan and do not constitute a change in policy
except to limit Automobile Commercial along River Road between Bridge and Park
Streets; recommending that Council request the Department of Municipal Affairs
to issue a Ministerial Order to include the suggested changes in Official Plan
Amendment No. 37.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Galloway that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 622 - CittMMennager • Re: Encroachment - North -West corner of Buchanan Avenue
and Ferry trees t; recommending that the City Solicitor be authorised to prepare
an encroachment by -law and that, inasmuch as the encroachment was created by the
Municipality, that the usual $25.00 fee be waived.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 623 - City Manager - Re: Amendment to the Camping Establishment By -law to
include two properties situated in the former Township of Willoughby; advising
that the amendment will permit the City to license Paradise Acres and Riverside
Park; noting that while Riverside Park does not have the area required by the
City by -law it was licensed by the former Township; recommending that Schedule
"A" of the City's by -law be amended to include the two camping establishments
and that an exception be made to the area requirements for Riverside Park.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 624 - City Manager - A progress report re; Morrison Street crossing of C.N.A.
Line. Referring to a previous report wherein it was recommended that an applica-
tion be forwarded to the Railway Transport Commission requesting the creation of
a creasing of Morrison Street over the C.N.R. tracks and a possible temporary
pedestrian right -of -way over the extension of Pettit Avenue; advising that until
a public crossing has been officially established, persons crossing the railway
property do so at their ovn risk and recommending that a copy of the report be
forwarded to the principal of Cherrywood Acres School for any action he feels is
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Aldermanschisler that the
report be received and a copy of the report together with an appropriate communi-
cation be forwarded to the Board of Education for their comments.
No. 625 - City Manner - Re: Sidewalks - Chipman Crescent. Advising of a petition
received free residents of Chipman Crescent requesting that the proposed sidewalk
be constructed along the curb face instead of 2' off the property line; suggest-
ing that the placing of the sidewalk 4' off the property line would be acceptable
but curbfacsd sidewalks are not desirable and should be limited to those roads
such as in the downtown area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and curb/Iced sidewalks be constructed on Chipman Crescent.
The motion Gsriad with the following votes
A t Aidermr t,
Mann, Martin, McEinlay,Scott,Thomson.
MittAldermen Clarke, Galloway, Puttick, athletes, Nilson.
- 3 -
No. 626 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of the applications
of Our Lady of Scapular,C.W.L. and the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 51 for
permission to manage and conduct raffle lotteries.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schialer, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 627 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received and adopted.
It was suggested by Alderman Clarke that consideration be given to
the feasibility of listing the accounts according to the various City Depart-
ments rather than in numerical sequence. The City Manager said that he would
review the system presently used and report to Council.
No. 951- WILSON - HUNT - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by Hard Rock
Paving Co.Ltd.,Port Colborne, for road construction in Wiltshire Extension
Subdivision be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Alderman Thomson said that it had been suggested to him that perhaps
consideration could be given to public libraries remaining open on Sunday after-
noons. It appears that a significant number of Canadian libraries now open for
part of the day. A published article points out that while schools and libraries
are closed to the public on Sundays, bowling alleys, race tracks and movies are
allowed to operate. It is not suggested that the libraries remain open for ten
to 12 hours but only for a few hours as a courtesy to readers of books. Alderman
Thomson requested that the City Clerk forward the suggestion to the Library Board
for :their comments.
Note: Aldermen Bares arrived at the meeting.
Alderman Hunt enquired when a final decision would be made regarding
the issuing of hunting licences in the enlarged Municipality. The City Clerk
reviewed the negotiations carried out to date with Regional authorities regarding
a proposal to issue licences on a Regional basis. He explained that final
action had been withheld pending a decision by the Regional Goverment on the
matter of hunting licences,
Mayor Miller stated that representatives of area municipalities had
wet with representatives of the Department of Lands and Forest and only two
of the twelve area municipalities wanted the licenses issued by the Regional
Alderman Puttick advised that several truckers had received traffic
violations for exceeding the five ton limit imposed on the C.N.R.Bridge,on
Portage Road. He suggested that, in fairness to out -of -town truckers using the
road, adequate signs be posted at the Galloway Road crossover and at Burdett° •
Drive in order that an alternate route can be used. The City Manager will
investigate the suggestion.
Alderman Puttick suggested that an effort be made to reduce the glare
of the lights directly above the Mayor's chair. Mayor Miller confirmed that
the direct lighting caused a glare on white paper making it difficult to read.
The problem will be investigated.
Alderman Hunt expressed i spleasure with the manner in which recent
recommendations of R,Jorgenson Associates had been handled. He said that a
recommendation regarding the employment of additional staff had been given to
- 4 -
administrative officials without a corresponding report being made to the City
Council by the firm. It was the Alderman's opinion that Council should be
kept. informed of the recommendations of the Consultants.
The City Manager explained that the recommendation regarding the
hiring of additional staff had been made verbally to officials and a report
was subsequently submitted to Council. It was noted that no action will be
taken on the recommendation of R. Jorgensen Associates until a further report
is submitted.
No 70 -195 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Richard
J.Collee for the demolition of buildings. (Huron St. and Ontario Avenue)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Aldem:an
Schieler that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
Suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann.
=gaga • Alderman Wilson and Alderman Hunt.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -196 is A By -law to authorize an agreement with Hunt - Hassell and Associates
Limited for Engineering services (Urban Renewal)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beares, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the Byelaw be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bursa, Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schieler, Scott,
NAYE:Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Puttick, Wilson.
Third Reading • Alderman Mann and Alderman Thomson. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearse, Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler,SOott,Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Puttick, Wilson.
No 70 -197 - A By ■law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Bard
Raving Company Limited:for the construction of roads. (Wiltshire Extension)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman Hunt be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
• Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the Byelaw be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
$�qq Q• 90 • A Ry-law to amend By -law Number 6340 providing for the erection
of 'Yi.l Right -of -Way signs at certain intersections in the municipality.
(Olengate °Pettit)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman Schieler be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. _
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Hunt.
No. 70 -199 - A By -law to provide monies for general.purposea.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously =
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Wilson
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Schieler.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schieler, seconded by Alderman Runt that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on September 14th, 1970. All Members of Council were present, Alderman
McKinley presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Galloway that
the Committee of the Whole arise and not report.. .
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Council Chamber,
September 14, 1970.
Council Chamber,
September 14, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held September 14, 1970. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided.
It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by
Alderman Clarke that the meeting adjourn.
Council Chamber,
September 21, 1970.
Council met at 7 :30 p.m, on Monday, September 21, 1970, for the
purpose of considering general business. Alderman Scott offered the Opening
Prayer. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided. All Members of Council were
present. It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alder-
man McKinley that the minutes of the regular meeting held September 14, 1970,
be adopted as printed.
Mayor Miller, on behalf of Council, welcomed members of the Niagara
.Palle Pilot Club who were attending the meeting as observers.
Mr. Harold Campbell, who resides at 36 Chipman Crescent, had asked
for permisaion to address Council in regard to the location of the proposed
sidewalks on Chipman Crescent.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that Mr.
Campbell be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Campbell opposed the decision of Council to construct curbfaced
sidewalks on Chipman Crescent. He pointed out that during snow ploughing
operations on the road, snow is pushed onto the sidewalks and must then be
moved back to the road by the residents; curb side sidewalks provide less
protection for children and, during rain storms, pedestrians are splashed by
passing vehicles. Mr. Campbell said that the City's engineering department
should be allowed to implement their plans.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Mr. A. Wintemute be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Wintemute, who resides at 3096 Chipman Crescent, said that the
original intent of the petition submitted to Council at the last meeting, was
to request that no sidewalks be installed on Chipman Crescent. Following a
conversation with the Design Engineer the petitioners believed that a sidewalk
of some type must be installed. Accordingly, the petition was modified and
curb side sidewalks were requested, Mr. Wintemute cited the following reasons
for the request: (1) one other street in the subdivision has curbfaced sidewalks;
(2) Cattell Drive and Sarah Street, which are adjacent to Chipman Crescent, have
no sidewalks; (3) snow ploughing operations damage lawns (4) a wider expanse of
lawn provides a more aesthetic appearance and (5) a boulevard between the curb
and the sidewalk creates problems between the homeowners and the municipality
if it is not properly maintained.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that not-
withstanding the decision of Council made at the meeting of September 14, 1970,
regarding the installation of sidewalks on Chipman Crescent, the matter be
reconsidered at this time. The motion Carried with the following vote:
Ate: Aldermen Scares, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, McKinley, Schiller, NATE:Aldermen Mann, Martin, Puttick, Thomson.
Moved on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Wilson that
notwithstanding the action taken by Council at a meeting held September 14,
1970, the installation of sidewalks on Chipman Crescent be not proceeded with
at the present time but considered at a future date. Tbs motion was Defeated
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, McKinley, Puttick, Wilson, Thomson
h:Aldermsn hears., Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Schisler, Scott,
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that
the question of sidewalk construction on Chipman Crescent be deferred for one
week pending the submission of additional information regarding the require..
meats of the residents of Chipman Crescent and the disposition of funds
payable by the subdivider for the installation of Services. The motion was
Z .
Defeated with the following vote:
AYS: Lidermen Puttick, Hunt, Scott, Thomson.
NAVE :Aldermen Bears., Clarke, Galloway, Hann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler,Wileon.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the sidewalks on Chipman Crescent be constructed 4' off the limit of the road
allowance in accordance with the normal sidewalk policy as outlined in the
report of the City Manager, No. 625, dated September 14, 1970. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
AVE: Aldermen Bearas, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Puttick,Schieler,
NAVE :Aldermen Mann, Wilson and Thomson.
Report 529 - City Manager - Re: Hunting Regulations Structure. Advising that
the Department of Lands and Foresee is studying the feasibility of arranging
for the sale of hunting licences through the Regional Municipality of Niagara
rather than through each area municipality; advising further that the opinion
and comments of the City Council will be requested by the Department; request-
ing Council's opinion on a number of question enumerated in the report.
Report 540 - City Manager - Hunting Regulations Structure. Presenting a summary
of opinions and comments received from persons interested in hunting regula-
tions and conservation.
Comm. 341 • Regional Municipality of Niagara - Advising that the Mayors of the
area municipalities met with representatives of the Department of Lends and
Forests and the outcome of'the discussions indicated that the majority of the
municipalities favoured area control and licensing for hunting; advising further
that the Department of Lands and Forests will now be discussing requirements
for hunting and licensing with each of the area municipalities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and filed.
During the discussions, the City Manager indicated that the hunting
regulations established by the former Townships of Willoughby and Crowland will
be taken into consideration in the preparation of a new by -law for the enlarged
City. Alderman Schisler suggested that the City Manager contact the Clerk of
the City of Welland in regard to the hunting regulations for that portion of
the former Township of Crowland now in the City of Welland.
Report 575 - City Manager - Re: Penn Central Railway Relocation • Former
Crowland Township. Presenting a review of the status of the various sugges-
tions made in a report to Council dated March 23, 1970. The report deals with
the Oxford Road and Netherby Road Grade Separations, Ontario Road Crossing,
other railway crossings and the closing of Cambridge Road, Lyons Creek Road and
Ontario Road required by the relocation of the railway tracks; advising further
that the information contained in the report is presented to assist Council in
its consideration of the request of the St.Lawrence Seaway Authority regarding
various road closings in the City.
Report 629 - Cit Mane er - Re: Penn Central Railway Relocation - Former Town-
ship of Crowland. Re erring to a communication received from the St.Lawrence
Seaway Authority which comments on the maintenance responsibilities for
crossings in the City and suggests that, where applicable, all submissions will
indicate a road authority responsible for maintenance in the future suggests
that the alternate route proposed for Ontario Road is fair and reasonable.The
report advises that City Officials are in the process of arranging a meeting
with representatives of the St. Lawrence Seaway Authority to provide further
clarification on the Ontario Road closing and crossing maintenance.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed for use at the hearing to consider objections
to the road closings to be held September 28, 1970.
No.342 - R.N. lints • A request to have water extended to Kelar Road.
CRDSRR.D on t sat on of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the comrsunioation.be received and referred to the City Manager for report.
No. 343 • siond cioalit of Niagara ,• Re: Regional Roads, City of
roads formerly und of Suburban Roads C on of
advising that future weed control will be in accordance with the level of
service and performance standards as set by the Public Works Committee; other
maintenance procedures will be undertaken in accordance with standards recommend-
ed under the Jorgensen system; advising further that the complaints regarding
Lyons Creek and Carl Roads have been referred to the Roadways Division for
investigation and action.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Galloway that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 344 - Chippewa Public Utility Commission - Advising that in order to avoid
voltage problems in the south -east part of the former Village of Chippewa, the
Commission proposes to build a temporary substation at the corner of Mechanic
Street and Rapids View Drive; advising further that a signed lease from the
owners of the Rapids View Development Limited has been forwarded to the City
Solicitor for processing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and referred to the By -law.
See By -law No. 70 -202
No. 345 - Niagara Falls Shrine Club - Enquiring as to the possibility of purchasing+
the Walnut Street Fireball for use as a Shrine Temple and the storage of the paid
of the Mist Float.
It was pointed out that the building is presently leased to the Niagara
Falls Music Theatre. Alderman Mann enquired about the availability of Glenholme
Fireball and the City Manager replied that although the building is presently
being used by City forces, it is expected that they will be moved to the service
centre before the end of October. Alderman Bearas suggested that the City Manager
meet with representatives of both the Music Theatre and the Niagara Falls Shrine
Club to discuss the possibility of a joint arrangement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and referred to the City Manager.
No. 346 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Jurisdiction over Regional and
Local Roads. Submitting clarification as to maintenance, repair and traffic
control of regional and local roads; referring to sections of the Regional
Municipality of Niagara Act which distinguish jurisdiction of the area munici-
palities from that of the Regional Corporation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 347 - Niagara Training & Employment Centre - Request for permission to hold
a Regional Walkathon, Saturday, October 17, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and the Walkathon approved in principle, subject to
the applicant obtaining the necessary approvals, including the approval of the
Police Department.
No. 348 - Seymour,Lempard - Barristers - Res Cannel Holdings Limited - Applica-
tion for rezoning. Requesting a special meeting of Council this week in order
to deal with the proposed site plan agreement and amendment to the relevant
zoning by -law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that Mr.
G.C.Nicholls be granted permission to address Council. The motion Carried with
the following votes
AVE: Aldermen Bearas, Clarke, Calloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Wilson,
NAVE:Alderman Mann, Scott and Schiller.
Mt. Nichols, acting on behalf of Carmel Holdings, said that his clients
wore anxious to proceed with the application and he had been instructed to ':.r
request a special sestina of Council.' • • .
CRCIRKD on the motion of Alderman Calloway, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and filed and the request for a special meeting be
denied; further, that the City Manager be instructed to place the setter on the
agenda of the next regular meeting of Council. The lotion Carried with the
following votes
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Galloway, Runt, Puttick, Schieler, Scott, Mann.
NAY :Aldermen Clarke, Wilson, Martin, McKinley, Thomson.
No. 630 - City Manager,- Re: Tenders for Equipment. Submitting a summary of
equipment recommended for replacement in 1970; recommending that tenders be
called with a closing date of October 5, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Rearm', seconded by Alderman Clarke, that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 6Traffic City
Circles. Referring Proposed
a previous reconstruction
resolution Niagara
which 'requeeted
Ontario Department of Highways to reconstruct and widen Montrose Road from
ment''s Head OfficeeDesignsstaffgco siderithatstheireconstructiof Montrose rt-
Road is a municipal responsibility; commenting on the increased traffic affi volumes
resulting from the use of Montrose Road as an access to Lundy's the
noting Q.E.W.; Council urgethe Regional Municipality of a Niagara to support the stand taken
by the City.
Mayor Miller suggested that an afternoon meeting with other representa-
tives on the Regional Council be arranged to discuss the cutting off of the Q.E.W.
access to Lundy's Lane and the reconstruction of Montrose Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted and arrangements made for a meeting with the
area's representatives on the Regional Council. The motion Car ried with Alderman
Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No.632 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Local Improvements for 1 971�� that
that an appropriate advertisement be placed in the newspaper
petitions for local improvement work in 1971 will be received until October 30,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schieler, seconded by Alderman eat that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 633 - Cit Mans er • Re: Straightening of Creek Road (Former Township of
Crowland). Re erring to a proposal initiated by the former Township of Crowland
to exchange properties to facilitate the straightening of Creek Road; advising
that various land exchanges were completed in December 1969 with the exception of
a deed between the Township and Elmer and Edith Reamans. Mr. Roman died in
December from the solicitors for thetsurviving Solicitor draft
recommending that Council concur
with the proposal for a straight exchange of properties.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and adopted. See By -law No. 70 -201
No. 634 - Senior Planner - Res AM -28/70 Admiral Motel Ltd.- South-west Corner of
Ferry Street and Clark Avenue. A rezoning application to permit an extension to
an existing motel; advising that the proposed expansion does not meet the minimum
parking requirements; advising further that the application conflicts with the
DeLauw Cather Functional Study in that a right -turn channel from Ferry Street
eastbound to the extension of Ontario Avenue across the Penn Central tracks, is
required over the subject property; recommending that the application be denied.
ORDERED on the lotion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting
contrary and all others in favour.
No. 635 • Senior Planner- Rat AM -29/70 Texaco Canada Limited. A rezoning applies -
tics to resone property at the south -east corner of Lundy's Lane and Drummond
Road including the former museum building, to allow for the expans b
existing gasoline service station; recommending that the apP pa
until the cosmos of the oil companies policy re the the service station new gasoline are received and the props
outlets is presented to Council.
ORDERED on the notion of Aldermen Venn, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the - report
be received and adopted.
No. 636 - City Manager - Re: Load restrictions, Portage Road Railroad Bridge.
Advising of the location of four existing Signs which indicate the five ton load
limit on the bridge; suggesting that the sign located opposite Althea Street may
not give northbound vehicles ample time to turn and advising that the Traffic
Engineer will consider the placing of this particular sign further south on
Portage Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and filed.
No, 637 - City Manager - Referring to a suggestion amgarding the listing of finance
vouchers in order of department rather than alphabetically; advising that as a
result of the Maintenance Management Study it will be necessary to change many
general ledger accounts to conform with the new system; that the finance state-
ment is used for cheque register purposes; many cheques include payments for
purchases charged to several departments and that the present format is generally
alphabetical and numerical in sequence; advising further that the City Treasurer
will provide more descriptive information on the finance form;. statements
comparing actual revenues and expenditures to the budget estimates will be sub-
mitted at regular monthly intervals commencing in October.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and filed.
No. 638 - City Manager - Recommending that one member of the City Engineering
Department be authorized to attend the Ontario Traffic Conference - Parking
Workshop, Galt, Ontario, October 26th and 27th, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Scott that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 639 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending that applications received
from the Knights of Columbus and the Order of the Moose Lodge to manage and
conduct raffle lotteries be approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Bearee that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 640 - Cit Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on t e motion of Alderman Schieler, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the report be received and adopted and licences granted. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schieler, Scott, Wilson.
NAYS; Aldermen Beare., Clarke, Puttick, Thomson.
No.641 - City Manager - Recommending the payment of Municipal Accounts.
During consideration of the report, a voucher for convention purposes
was questioned. Alderman Beans referred to a February meeting of Council at
which time she was authorized to attend a five day Canadian Parke and Recreation
Association Convention held in Niagara Falls during the month of.Septembe . The
Alderman suggested that an established policy respecting convention attendance
and expenses would eliminate future confusion and doubt.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
Alderman McKinley advised that it had been suggested to him that stop
signs be erected on McRae Street in the vicinity of Fourth Avenue and Heywood
Avenue. Residents of the area had.exlreesed` concern about the excessive speed
of vehicles on McRae Street. The Alderman asked that the suggestion be referred
to the Traffic Engineer for a report.
Alderman Mann reported that a disabled car has been parked on the
Sylvia Place parking lot for some time. The complaint will be investigated.
Alderman Beans drew attention to literature which she had distributed
prior to the meeting. A report concerning an Ontario programs for building6.
- 6 -
maintenance, prepared by M.B.Laweoa of the Department of Municipal Affairs and
presented at the recent O.M.A.Conventioa will be the basis for future legisla-
tion and the Alderman suggested that Members of Council and staff study the
report. he Recreation Commission. OAlderman, Club
considered that Council would be interested in the financial statement of the
organization s required zell as the
projects report on
neededdfforathevClubs of
's library
was also provided.
Alderman Thomson asked that some action be taken to control speeding
on Dorchester Road North. The matter had been reported some time ago but recent
complaints indicated that the speeding had not decreased.
Alderman Thomson referred to an earlier report which recommended the
relocation of the bus stop on the south side of Bridge Street immediately east
of Stanley Avenue, to a point 250' east of Stanley Avenue. The report was
approved by Council on August 4th but the sign has not been moved.
Alderman Thomson recalled that Council had previously refused a
request that a fence on the Sylvia Place parking lot be removed. The matter had
come before the Parking Committee and it was suggested that it again be on
sidered by Council. The South End merchants are concerned about the appearance
of the lot, on which the market operates, and wish to have the fence removed.
Alderman Puttick suggested that the operators of the market should be
warned of the possibility of accidents due to a curb that would remain at the
location when the fence is removed. Alderman Scott said that in the case of
be tabledluntilaconsidered would m um Board who are now responsible matter
former Stamford Hall.
In his comments on the subject, the City Manager advised that at a
meeting of the special committee appointed to meat with representatives of the
Main and Ferry Business Association, it was proposed to remove the fence and
place another curb parallel to the present one and have the ground area between
the two curbs sodded and trees planted, The Engineering Department is consider -
Tha either permanent or temporary
staff meeting and a report prepared. led.
°REEKED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Puttick, that
the fence located at the rear of the parking area of Stamford Hall be removed
as soon as possible. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bears., Bunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Thomson,
N YE :Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Schieler, Scott, Wilson.
Alderman Clarke expressed the opinion that public criticism about
Members of Council and Staff attending conventions will continua until a policy
is established.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
matter o f e be Studie Staff and the practices of
Studied. ..
Mayor Millar pointed out that the City bas en established policy for
out of trio conventions but a policy for conventions held locally has not been
Alderman Thomson suggested that regularly scheduled annual conventions
aedefinite the sogthere would be no�furthereproblemetivas named and
Mayor Miller told Council that the Mayor of Niagara Falls,
had been admitted t_o hospital and would undergo surgery.
ORESISD on the message b sent to Mayor of Alden tack Council sincere wishes
speedy sscovesy.
New York,
that a
for a
• 7 -
No. 70 -200 - A By -law to authorize the execution of a grant of easement from
Branecombe Investments Limited. (Cropp Street)
Martin that Alderman Beareatben granted e the n privilege , of e introducing l thee By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Scott
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann.
No. - A By -law to authorize the acquisition
Township of Crowland for highway purposes. (Creek
Third Reading - Alderman Schieler and Alderman Wilson.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
of land in the former
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin
that Alderman Hunt be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No 70-202 - A By -law to authorize the leasing of land from Rapids View Develop-
ment Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Mann be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
As a result of questions raised by Alderman Clarks, the Engineering
Department will ascertain if a City watermain crosses the property which is
located in the former Village of Chippewa and is proposed s a temporary site
for a transformer substation. The City Manager stated that if there is a
'conflict of interests, it will be reported to Council.
CURBED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman Clarke
voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Schisler and Alderman Scott. The motion Carried with
Alderman Clarke voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott that
Communication No. 344, received from the Chippewa Public Utility Commission be
received and filed.
No, 70 -203 - A By -law to authorise the execution of a site plan agreement with
Stamford Green Investments Limited and Hood Investments Limited. (Huggins Street)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Aldermen
Bears that Alderman Thomson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law
and the.By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
- B -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, aecooded by Alderman
Clarke that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus -
'pended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Beares, Clarke, Galloway, Runt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schiller,
Scott, Thomson,
NAYE:Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
Third Readi q - Alderman Hearse and Alderman Schiller. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hearse, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schiller,
Scott, /beaten.
NAYE:Alderman Puttick and Alderman Wilson.
No. 70 -204 - A By -law to amend By -law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township
of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Huggins Street)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman Beares be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearas, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley,Schieler,
Scott, Thomson.
NAYS :Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
Third Reading - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Martin. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bears*, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schiller,
Scott, Thomson.
NAPE :Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
No. 70 -205 - A By -law to authorise the execution of a site plan agreement with
Joeeeevel, Flora Becevel, Angelo Zanini and Elsie Zanini.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beares, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Aldermen Scott
voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann. The motion Carried with
A del rman Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70-206 - A By-law to amend Zoning By -law No. 5335, 1955, as amended.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By-
law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seceded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By■law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Aldermen Scott
voting contrary and all others in favour. —�
*it'd Reeding - Alderman Wilson and Alderman ClarkeJThe motion Carried with
Aldermen Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70.207 . A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that Alderman Thomson be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Councilsbe,temporarilyysusspen Alderman and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Thomson,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bears., Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schiller,
Scott, Wilson.
NAPE: Aldermen Puttick and Thomson.
Council Chamber,
September 21, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on September 21, 1970. All Members of Council were present. Alderman
Martin presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the Committee of the Whole arise and not report.
Carried Unanimously
I 1
Council Chamber,
September 21, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held September 21, 1970. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided.
It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by
Alderman Clarke that the meeting adjourn.
• Mayor
Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 28, 1970, for the
purpose of considering general business. Alderman Thomson offered the Opening
Prayer. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. All Members of
Council were present with the exception of Alderman Scott. It was Ordered on
the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the minutes of
the regular meeting held September 21, 1970, be adopted as printed.
Report 644 - City Manager - Re: Proposed by -law to stop up end close certain
roads in the former Township of Crowland; submitting copies of letters of
objection received; suggesting that anyone wishing to submit their comments be
permitted to address Council,
Mr. S. Gill advised that his attorney had not as yet arrived at the
meeting and it was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by
Alderman Wilson that the report be received and tabled until the objectors'
legal representative arrives at the meeting.
Council Chamber,
September 28, 1970.
Comm. 349 - Mrs. G. A. Schmidt - Advising that the majority of the residents
of Chipman Crescent request permission for a spokesman to address Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
Mrs. Schmidt be granted permission to address Council.
Mrs. Schmidt spoke on behalf of the residents of Chipman Crescent who
had petitioned for curbfaced sidewalks. She stated that although no new infor-
mation had been presented, Council had reversed their earlier decision and
approved construction of sidewalks four feet off the limit of the road allowance.
She said that there were 14 residents on Chipman Crescent and not 8 as had been
reported to Council. The 12 residents who had signed the petition are concerned
about the safety of children and it is their considered opinion that if a child
is going to dart into the road it will make no difference if there is a curb.
faced sidewalk or a boulevard. Eecause of the street design and curves it will
not be used as a speedway. Mrs. Schmidt asked that Council adhere to the
original decision to install curbfaced sidewalks on Chipman Crescent.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
coemunication be received and filed and Mrs. Schmidt thanked for her presenta-
tion; further, that Council take no further action in the matter of sidewalk
construction on Chipman Crescent. The motion Carried with the following vote:
A ; Aldermen Mares, Clarks, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Pnttick,
Sc isler,Wilson.
HATE:Aldermen Thomson and Mann.
Mr. R. H. Mouser has requested permission to address Council on the
subject of "Is the Drop -In Centre on Morrison Street of value in fighting drug
abuses ?"
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that Mr.
Mouser be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Mouser spoke in regard to the operation of the Kolsuge drop -in
centre and urged Council to allow the centre to continua through the winter
months at the present location on Morrison Street until other accommodation
in a non - residential neighbourhood can be found. He did not feel that the
short period of operation of the Centre was sufficient to determine the extant
of the success of the operation. He commended the Action Committee on Chemical
Abuse on their accomplishments but pointed out that the elimination of Kolaugs
would "win out" the progress that had been mods. Mr, Mouser related some
his experience. as a volunteer worker and it was his opinion that the young
people had not lost faith in the "establishment "; that they were interested in
"people before dollars" and wars concerned about such things as pollution and
the wall -being of the older generation. The speaker said that the availability
of a frees medical clinic was an important step toward combatting drug abuse
0041...... 2.
. 2-
but does not eliminate the need for a drop -in centre where counselling and a
programme of arts and crafts is provided in an atmosphere enjoyed by young people.
Mr. Menses considered that the establishment of a youth hostel at St.Andrew's
Church bad been responsible for a change in the attitude of the young people
toward the Church in general. In concluding his remarks, the speaker said that it
was up to the "establishment" to provide the love, warmth and understand that
prevents such ills as drug abuse.
Alderman Thomson, as a member of the Action Committee on Chemical Abuse,
said that a survey has been completed in regard to whether the drug programme had
been a success, a failure, or of any benefit to the young people. He quoted the
social worker who made the survey as saying that she never evaluates things as
successes or failures but rather as experiences. The Alderman said that the
programme had been a valuable experience for the municipality and those who are
dealing with the drug problem. The A.C.C.A., be said, are conducting a study of
the operation of Kolauge and will prepare a report suggesting a programme for the
coming year. He hoped that Council would continue to support the programme
suggested by the Committee and the Social Planning Council.
Report 644 - City Manager - Re: Proposed by -law to stop up and close certain roads
in the former Township oi Crowland.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Gallaway that Mr.
Allan Goodman be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Goodman, an Attorney, spoke on behalf of Antonio Giamsarco and
Panfilo Capaldi who own lands having a frontage of 1,081 feet on that portion of
Ontario Road which it is proposed to close and situated between McKenney and
Morris Road. Mr. Goodman said that his clients objected to the closing of the
road because of depreciation of the direct access to their properties and homes.
Mr. Giammarco and Mr. Capaldi will be required to use a circuitous route along
Lincoln and Morris Road, an additional four miles. He described Lincoln Road as
a stone road and Morris Road as a mud road whereas Ontario Road is asphalt
surfaced. Mr. Goodman said that unless there is a distinct advantage to be
obtained, be could an no justification in the passing of a by -law that will close
Ontario Road and prejudicially affect residents of the area, depreciate properties
and cut off an access that has existed for over 100 years. He stated that the
residents are now faced with a substantial increase in taxes and these greater
disadvantages, with no compensation. The spokesman asked that Council give con•
sideration to the objections before passing the proposed by -law.
The main reason for closing Ontario Road is due to the requirements of
a "through" track and a "stacking" track. Although the St.Lawrence Seaway
Authority had originally recommended a northerly routs,City Officials had
suggested that the road be built to the south and provide access to a proposed
overpass at Netherby Road. The City Engineer pointed out while this route is
longer it would provide a continuous route and there would be no need to cross
tracks at a grade crossing. It was suggested that this route would be more
advantageous to the City.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schiller, seconded by Alderman Mann that Mr.
Thomas Williams be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Williams spoke in regard to Lyons Creek Road between McKenney and
Morris Roads. His property is located on Lyons Creek Road close to the proposed
turnaround and is severed by Lyons Creek. He told the meeting that when he first
purchased the farm he was able to reach the back end of the property by means of
a bridge across Lyons Creak. Due to the high Bost of maintaining the bridge, Mr.
Williams has found it more economical to use Lyons Crssk Road, McKinney Road and
Dunn Road to transport implements and fodder to the lands to the rear of his 80-
sere farm. The passing of the by -law, he said, would be costly for his and
create hardships. An alternate routs would be via Lyons Creek Road, Argyle Road
and Dunn Road, a round trip distance of four miles. Mr. Williams considered that
his property, which will be et the dead end of the road, will depreciate 502 in
value. He observed that Lyons Creak Road was in good condition and should be left
open and appropriate signs erected. Papillae to questions by Alderman Wilson he
said that be bad been in contact with representatives of the Seaway Authority in
the last few days and until then the Authority bad been unaware of his problems.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Aldermen Sahisler that Mr.
Sydney Gill$ granted permission to aJdreas Council.
% 3
. Mr. Gill spoke on his own behalf as well as for Mrs. Clara McKenney,
A.Arson McKenney, Rodney McKenney,L.D.McKenney, and the Bray, Smith and Burger
families. Three of these families, he said, live within one half mile east of
the proposed crossing on Ridge Road (formerly Ontario Road). Most of the
residents, he said, work in the City of Welland and reach their place of
employment by means of the East Main Street tunnel rather than the Town Line
Tunnel. If it is necessary for them to use Morris and McKenney Roads, they
will be required to travel a greater distance. Two school buses, travelling
the roadway twice a day, will have to go greater distances and school children
will be required to walk one quarter of a mile to a bus stop. He also noted
that equipment from the new Fireball being constructed on Oxford Road will be
required to take a longer route in order to service homes on McKenney Road.
There is also the possibility of the crossing being blocked by passing trains.
Mr. Gill also suggested that the section of tracks from Ontario Road to where
they will join the old railway line coming from Fort Erie, a distance of about
one mile, would be sufficient for the proposed holding track. Mr. Gill leases
30 acres of land on the west side of Morrie Road and the passing of the by -law
will make it necessary for him to go north to Lincoln Road, thence to Morris
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schieler, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Mr. William Morris be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Morris advised Council that he had been unaware of the road
closings until he read the notice in the newspaper. He asked if such services
as mail delivery, snow ploughing, garbage services, fire protection and school
bus service would continue. He also stated that the railway track will be
located 200 feet from his residence and he enquired as to how far the tracks
should be from private property. He estimated that 15 trains would pass his
property daily. At the present time, he said, he is able to arrange transpor-
tation to his place of employment; the closing of the road will necessitate
the purchase of a new car.
Alderman Schisler advised that a Mt. Newlanda, who lives on Cambridge
Road, was unable to attend the meeting but wanted it known that he is objecting
to the proposed by -law because the plans to create a cul -de -sac will create
drainage problems on his land.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Mann that By -law No. 70 -209 be held in abeyance and the St.Lawrence Seaway
Authority requested to hold another meeting with the residents. the area
affected by the closing of certain roads in the former Township of Crowland;
further, that following such meeting the affected residents be given an oppor-
tunity to advise Council of further objections or withdrawal of objections. The
motion was Defeated with the following vote:.
AVE: Aldermen Puttick and Minn. r •
NTYE :Aldermen Bearer, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley., Schisler,Thomeon,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
representatives of the St.Lawrence Seaway Authority be granted permission to
address Council.
Mr. Labonte, Legal Advisor for the St.lawrence Seaway Authority,
commented on the various points raised and said that if the road closings had
not been mentioned to the landowners sooner, it was because at the time of
negotiating, it was not known which roads would be closed or remain open. All
interests must be satisfied, he added, and the matter of road closings depended
on negotiations with the railways, the Provincial Government and the municipali-
ties. If it is found that there will be considerable blockage of roads, it
must be decided if a road is to be closed or an overpass built; the decision
depends on traffic patterns and whether there is sufficient traffic to bear
the expense of the construction of an overpass. It was concluded that the
overpass should be built at the Netherby Road intersection as there was
insufficient traffic on Ontario Road to warrant an overpass at that location.
In regard to the proposed 'siding" and the suggestion that the area
where the Penn Central lines joins the old line would be sufficient, Mr. Labonte
advised that 7000 feet is required, that is to a point north of Ontario Road,
making it necessary to close the road. The second track is for shunting
purposes and the stacking of railway curs until use of the tunnel is possible.
Referring to the question concerning compensation for the passing of
a rail line near private property, the speaker said that although the Railway
requires a right -of -way for railroad purposes considerably less than 100 feat,
'the Board of Transport now require that a 100ft. right•of-way be obtained.
- Apart from damages to houses as a result of vibration, the only way to get
compensation is the actual reduction in property values as a result of a
crossing. Many factors are considered and it is determined if the property
can still be used for the purposes intended.
It had been mentioned that school children would be required to walk
one - quarter of a mile to a bus pick -up point. Again, traffic patterns will be
studied. A turn - around at the tracks will be provided and it would then be
possible for children to board the school bus in front of their own homes. Mr.
Labonte said that there has been no indication that this will not be done.
Although, as stated, Ontario Road is a very good road and an
important artery at this time, it will cease to be important as soon as the
canal is in operation.
In regard to the concern expressed about the possibility of fire.
equipment being blocked by passing trains, Mr. Labonte pointed out that it
will be possible to cross the tracks at the proposed Oxford Road overpass.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin that Mr.
Keith Oglesby, Project Engineer, be granted permission to address Council.
Replying to a question by Alderman Puttick, Mr. Oglesby stated
the decision to allow for a holding track was made early this year
Authority wish to keep Ontario Road open as long as possible. The railway line
will eventually tie in with the tunnel entry. Because of the timing of
operations, the bolding track must be as near to the tunnel as possible. The
Railway Act, he added, provides that where a bolding track will prevent the
use of a road longer then five minutes, the road must not remain open. Mr. roads -
it is r equired by the Railway the Authority's s
ct. He pointedout that the close
Council of the
former Township of Crowland approved the allignment in principle and that the
recommendations of the Authority must still be assessed by the Canadian
Transport Commission. If they do not agree with the recommendations the
Authority can be ordered to change the proposals. Continuing, Mr. Oglesby said
that in the recent past, representatives of the Authority have been dealing
with the individuals involved who now have full knowledge of the proposed road
closings. Alderman Thomason suggested that the Authority contivue.to approach
the reUU£dents on an individual basis to determine if the objections can be
resolved. Mr. Oglesby said that the Authority had concurred with the City's
suggestion to route traffic to the Netherby Road overpass via NaKenney or
Morris Road although it was more costly to do so:
Replying to a question by Fr. Mr. Ogelby said there there will
be an access to Hwy. 140 which will run between East Main Street and Port
Colborne to the south.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Galloway, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the comments of those persons objecting to the proposed road closings in that
section of the former Township of Crowland be noted and referred to administra-
tive staff for consideration; further, that officials be requested to meet with
representatives of the St. Lawrence Seaway Authority in an effort to resolve
the objections raised and that, if possible, an opportunity be provided for
the affected residents to meat with representatives of the St.lawrence Seaway
Authority and the municipality.
Comm. 348 - Seymour. leopard • Barristers • Rs: Canna! Holdings Limited
application for resoning • site plan agreement and amendment to the relevant
soning bylaw.
CRD =RED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and filed.
Came. 341 • lRegioo}ne1 Municipality of pleg�aara - Advising that the Mayors of the
area municipalities met with representatives of the Department of lands and
Forests and the outcome of the discussion indicated that the majority of the
municipalities favoured alas control and licensing for hunting; advising '
-5 .
further that the Department of Lands and Forests will now be discussing require.
Aunts for hunting and licensing with eachuof the area municipalities.
Report No. 645 - Cit Nana er . Re: Hunting Regulations. Suggesting that a
provision be include in t e proposed bylaw to prohibit hunting in that section
of the former City enumerated in By -Law No. 8046 and all of the former Village
of Chippewa; recommending a nonresident fee of $3.00 and .30c for the issuing
fee; recommending a uniform resident hunting licence fee for the enlarged City
be established at $1.50 plus an issuing fee of .10c; recommending further that a
provision be made in the proposed by -law that 350 non - resident licences be
- issued; advising that the current by -law provides that a portion of the licence
.fee, up to $1.00, may, by resolution of Council, be distributed among the hunting
and game associations within the Region and recommending that the provision be
included in the new by -law; requesting Council's direction on the various points
raised in the report.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman
Clarke that the report be received and adopted and the appropriate by -law pre-
pared incorporating the guidelines enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the motion be amended, the report be received, the appropriate by-law
incorporating the guidelines enumerated in the report other than the number r of
nonresident licences to be issued; further, that 200 non - resident licences be_
issued for the enlarged City. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AA1E: Aldermen Bearss, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Thomson.
Nnn:Aldersen Galloway, Clarke, Hunt and Nilson,
* * * * *
Comm. 338 • Association of D1a ors and Reeves • Re questing donations to the
Sudbury Area Disas Retie Fu nd,
Report 646 - City Manager . Recommending that the City allocate an amount of
$300.00 as a donation to the Sudbury Area Disaster Relief Fund and payment be
withheld pending information from the Association of Mayors 6 Reeves regarding
an acceptable method of payment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman McKinley that the
report be contrary and c all e others a in favour.
motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting
Comm. 342 • R.N.Glints - A request to have water extended to Relar Road.
Report 647 - Cit Mena r • Suggesting that the most appropriate way to supply
water to the area won d be by construction of an S" diameter vatermein; asig
that no provision hes been made is the current or capital budget and it is
questionable whether the number of householders on Kalar Road would warrant the
construction of such a vatermain at this time,
Mayor Miller pointed out that the watermain was requested to service
a place of business and not a residence.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Sears; that the
report be received and the City Manager authorised to discuss the contents of
the report with Mt. Clines.
No, 350 - Cit of Oshawa • Requesting endorsation of a resolution to declare
the first Mon ay o Ju y, annually, a National Day, whether it be called Canada
Day or Confederation Day,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman gears*, seconded by Aldermen Mann that the
communication be received and file and the resolution of the City of Oshawa not
au• 351 . J. Grows 8 imeoe�!w iai Foundation • Requesting support of a
8gestion that the first M::::; in each August be proclaimed es Simon Da a
that the day formerly called a 'tivic Holiday" be known as "Simeon Day ". y nd
CROBRED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Schiele! that
the communication be received and referred to the City's Official Historian,
F. Petrie, for comment. .
No. 332 • City of n Sound • Requesting endoreatien of a resolution petition,
any application for extension of the 63 •foot overa�llyl of h of Ontario ck to reject permitted is the Province. engt o! teuok units
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
communication be received and the resolution endorsed.
No. 353.1 Town of Fort Erie - Notice of Intention to apply to the Ontario Munici-
pal • Boarb for an Order approving the construction of a'sanitary sewer collection
system apd private sewer connection.
ORDERED 6n the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
communication be received and filed and the City of Niagara Palls offer no
objection to the proposed works.
No. 354 - Greater Niagara Baseball Association - Referring.to the recent
approval of a request from the Minor Soccer Association to sell refreshments
at Ker Park during a Soccer Tournament; noting that the Ladies Auxiliary of the
Greater Niagara Baseball Association have a licence to operate the refreshment
concession and expressing concern that a precedent not be set for every group
working with tournaments.
The City Manager commented on the excellent manner in which the
Ladies Auxiliary operate the refreshment booths and it is not intended that a
. precedent will be established.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 648 - City Manager - Re: Road Construction for Pettit Avenue Extension
Subdivision and Ailanthus Park Subdivision; recommending that the quotatienr:
received•fram Steed and Evans Limited for the subject contract be accepted.
ORDERED On the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and adopted and the low bid of $19,443.55 submitted by Steed
end Evans be accepted. •
See Resolution No. 96A
No.649 - Senior Planner - Outlining the objectives of the gasoline outlet
policy; advising that the Planning and Development Committee have considered
briefs submitted by the oil companies and the Gasoline Retailers. Association
and the comments of the Committee have been withheld until a later meeting;
suggesting that there may be additional applications for gasoline permits in
areas where they are permitted and such applications would jeopardise the
effect of a future policy; recommending that Council pass an t:eerim Control
By -lay limiting the number of service stations to those presently in existence.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermen Mint that the
report be received and adopted. Ths notion Carried with the following vote:
AYR: Aldermen Beares,,Runt, Martin, McKinley, non, Wilson.
labb:Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Puttick, Schiller.
* * * **
CRDEEED an the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Aldernaht Thomson that
the By -laws be brought forward for consideration at this time.
Ho 70.209 - A By-law to stop us and close and to authorise the leasing or
selling of parts of Young Road, Lyons Creek Road, Ridge Road and McKenney Read
and the diverting of part of McKenney Road, all in the former Township of
catDQRED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
By -law be tabled and considered at a future meeting of Council.
No. 70-210 - A By -law to: authorise execution of an agreement with Carmel
R ngi Ltd.
ORDERED en the motion of Alderman Merlin, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Aldermen Claris be granted the privilege of.introducing the ay -law and the
By -law be given the first.reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarks, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily ova.
vended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Thies= - Alderman. Thomson and Alderman -Willson.
Carted Unanimously
Carried yaanpousji
No. 70 -211 - A By -law to and By- laws 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960 of the former
Township of Stamford, as amended. (Cannel. Holdings Ltd. - Lundy's Lane and
Montrose Road).
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearee, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Wilson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-
law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Thomson and Alderman Mann.
No. 70 -212 - A By -law to authorise execution of a lease with the Niagara Parks
Commission for the use of lands and buildings on the Niagara Boulevard.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Hunt be granted the privilege of introducing the By -1a4
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By-law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Bearea.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -213 - A By -law to designate certain land not to be subject to part -lot
control. (Registered Plan 237)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that Alderman Bearee be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By-law be given the first reading.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beam,
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be
the By-law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Mann.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
seconded by Alderman Mann
temporarily suspended and
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70-214 - A By -law to authorise execution of an agreement with Stead and
v Limited for the construction of roads.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that Alderman Thomson be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By■law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Clarke that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the seooed reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Thomson voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Aldermen Mann and Alderman Hunt. The motion Carried with
Alderman Thomson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70 • 215 A By-law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears', seconded by Aldermen
McKinley that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the Aye
law and the By■law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Alderman Puttick indicated that while he would vote in favour of the
passing of the by -law he had previously objected to a payment of $12,250.20 to
H.G.Acrea Limited which he considered emcesaive.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Martin.
Carried Unanimously
Report 650 - City Manager - Re: Ellen Avenue Parking Lot. Commenting on the
.decision of the Ontario Municipal Board to deny the application; Recommending
that a copy of the Board's decision be sent to each member of the Municipal
Parking Committee; suggesting that the Committee comment on the possibility of
reconsidering the present proposal by a revision of the cost - sharing formula
or the preparation of a new proposal and application to the Board; advising
that the options on those properties to be used for parking purposes will expire
before approval of a revised scheme can be obtained.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
Ate: Aldermen Bears., Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Schieler,
NATE: Aldermen Mann, Wilson, Puttick.
No.651 - City Manager - Advising that an agreement has now been completed. by
Schneider Construction Company to provide drainage facilities on certain lands
In Registered Plan 237; recommending that the By -law relevant to this matter be
forwarded to the Department of Municipal Affairs for approval.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schieler, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
• the report be received and filed.
See By -law No. 70 -213
No. 652 - City Manager . Advising that the Solicitor for the Niagara Parks
Commission has prepared a new lease respecting lands and buildings on the
Niagara Boulevard which includes arrangements similar to those made with the
former Township of Willoughby. The property and building are used for the
the by-law authorizing nthe the execution of agreement be a passed aand
meats executed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and filed.
See By -law No.70 -212
No.653 - CCit Mane er - Re: Former Village of Chippewa - Commercial Garbage
Collection. Re sting the provisions contained in the agreement with Mr. R.
Warner regarding garbage collection in the former Village; advising that some
commercial establishments in the former Village consider that the once weekly
collection is insufficient and claim that, due to the closing of the Willoughby
dump, they should be entitled to additional collections; advising that, when
setting the sill rates no provision was made for the additional service;
advising further that commercial establishments in the former City requiring
additional collections over and above those provided for in the by -law, . pay
extra charges for the service; requesting the direction of Council as to
whether the level of service provided for commercial establishments in the
former City of Niagara Falls is to be extended to the former Village of Chippewa,
or alternately, whether any additional services other than those stipulated in
the agreement with Mr. Warnersre to be provided.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Mann that the report be received and commercial establishments in the former
Village of Chippewa be provided with an additional weekly garbage collection
from this date until December 31, 1970. The motion was Defeated with the
following vote:
Ali: Alderman Mares, Clarke, Blunt, Mann, *Sisley.
tAidsxmsn Calloway, Martin, Puttick, Schisler, Thomson, Wilson.
•! 1
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and that the commercial establishments in the former Village
requiring a second pick up of garbage, be requested to contact Mr. Warner to
work out the necessary arrangements. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Hunt, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Thomson,Wilaon.
BATE :Aldermen Clarke, Galloway, Mann.
No. 654 - City Manager - Re: Rubbish Pick -up, Fall Collection. Recommending that
the first collection period be held during the two week period commencing October
19th through October 30th and the second collection period be held during the two
week period commencing November 16th through November 27th, 1970; recommending
further that suitable advertisements be placed in both the radio and press media.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 655 - City Manager - Re: 0.W.R.C. Distribution System Course. Recommending
that one member of the Water Distribution Staff be permitted to attend the three
day course at the O.W.R.C.laboratory in Toronto from November 16th to 18th,1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 656 - City Manager - Re: Canadian Institute on Pollution Control Convention •
Calgary, Alberta, October 18 to October 21, 1970; recommending that one member
of the Engineering Staff and one member of Council be permitted to attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman McKinley that the
report be received and Alderman Hunt and one member of the Engineering Staff be
authorized to attend the Convention. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Beans, Clarke, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schieler, Thomson.
NAPE :Aldermen Galloway, Puttick and Wilson.
Note: Alderman Hunt abstained from voting.
No. 657 - City Manager - Advising that the Regional Municipality of Niagara have
applied to the Ontario Municipal Board for an Order approving certain capital
works including the construction of storm sewers in the City of Port Colborne;
the construction of a trunk sanitary sewer and trunk watermain in the Town of
Grimsby and road reconstruction in the Township of West Lincoln; recommending
that the notices be received and filed and the City of Niagara Falls not object
to the applications.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schieler that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 658 - Alderman Emma Bearse - Re: Report on the Canadian Parks and Recreation
Association, Niagara Falls, September 13th - 17th, 1970.
Alderman Hearse commented on a T.V. tape on Senior Citizens which was
shown during the Conference; the film includes scenes and activities of the
senior citizens at Khania Village and at the Badminton Club. The Alderman
suggested that Members of Council meet at 6 :45 p.m. prior to the next regular
meeting of Council to view the film.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the report
be received and filed.
No. 659 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of the applications
of the Arena Ushers Club and the Hadassah -Wizo Organisation to manage and conduct
raffle lotteries.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 660 - City Manager Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
The speeding on Pettit Avenue reported by Alderman Schieler will be
investigated. 10.
Alderman Martin reported that trucks are parking on the Parking
Lot right -of -way and suggested that some action be taken to atop the practice.
Mayor Miller asked Members of Council to give some consideration to
possible renovations to the Centennial Pool. He pointed out that the fountain
has not been in operation during the current year.
No. 96A- MARTIN - WILSON - RESOLVED that the contract for road construction for
Pettit Avenue Extension Subdivision and Ailanthus Park Subdivision be awarded
to Steed and Evans Limited who submitted a low bid of $19,443.55; AND the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on September 28, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of Alderman Scott. Alderman Menn presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman McKinley that the
Committee of the Whole arise and report.
- 10 .
Council Chamber,
September 28, 1970.
Council Chamber,
September 28, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the Whole
meeting held September 28, 1970. His Worship Mayor P. J. Miller presided. All
Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Scott.
The following action was taken;
Report 661 - City Manager - Re: Chief Works Inspector. Recommending that Mr.
Gino Capitano be appointed as Chief Works Inspector commencing at a salary of
$10,152.00 per annum and subject to a one year probationary period.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that ,
the report be received and adopted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the meeting adjourn.
Council Chamber,
October 5, 1970.
Council met at 7 :30 p.m. on Monday, October 5, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. Alderman Wilson offered the Opening Prayer.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. All Members of Council
were present. It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Hunt that the minutes of the regular meeting held September 28, 1970,
be adopted as printed.
His Worship Mayor Miller congratulated Mr. Hap Hague on his appoint-
ment as Chairman of the United Appeal and, on behalf of Council and the
citizens of Niagara Fails, presented a cheque in the amount of $21,000 as the
City's contribution to the Campaign. Mr.Hague expressed the appreciation of
the United Appeal organization. He pointed out that the canva were
working for those in and and asked that they be received graciously and
Comm. 242 • City of Brockville • A resolution recommending that Cannabis Sativa
(marijuana), its preparations, derivatives and similar synthetic preparations,
regain under the Narcotic Control Act until it can be effectually controlled
under other legislation.
Comm. 355 - The Social.PlanninsCouncil of Greater Niagara - Re: City of
Brockville resolution. • Advising that the resolution has been discussed by the
Action Committee on Chemical Abuse and it is recommended that City Council
support the resolution as presented by the City of Brockville.
Comm. 356 - Alcoholism C. Drug Addiction Research Foundation - Advising that the
Foundation will await the results of a study by the Delwin Commission before
making a statement respecting the resolution.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the communications be received and, as recommended by the Social Planning Council,
the City endorse the resolution as, presented by the City of Brockville.
Comm. 329 • Main and Peru Business Association - Re: Sylvia Place Parking Lot.
Requesting a meeting wit h group appointed by Council to inspect the lot and
to plan a general clean -up and beautification programme.
Report 663 • City Manager a Advising that a Committee comprised of Alderman
Bears', Scott and McKinley met with representatives of the Main b Ferry Business
Association and discussed a number of prlposals to effectively improve the
general area; advising of the improvements already undertaken and suggesting
other methods for the future ind1, ing wire baskets for refuse, line painting
to indicate parking spaces, remove ,of.a garage building, the placing of pre-
cast concrete curbs and the possible removal of a telephone pole by Bell Canada.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears', seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and filed.
No. 937 • N Newell and Others • Re: Homestead Subdivision. Requesting that
the City and the developer provide access by means of a city street to the
rear of the lots on the south side of Church's Lane and a one -foot easement
bordering on the lots in lieu of lot service charges.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin,•seconded by Aldermen Galloway that
the communication be received and.refsrred to the City Manager to arrange for
a meeting with the petitioners and the owner of the proposed subdivision.
No. 358 • is e s Tour 6 sorts so cis ion • Requesting an advance copy of
the Cyder o Bus ss o Couno seat ngs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Calloway, seconded by Aldermen Clarke that
the eco mmicaticm be received and a copy of the Order of Business be made avail•
able to representatives of the Association at the Council mating.
No. 359 - Kinsmen Club of Niagara Falls - Requesting permission to conduct the
annual door -to -door sale of peanuts during the first three weeks in November;
advising that the greater portion of the Club's service funds go toward the
operation of the Adult Rehabilitation Centre.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schieler that
the communication be received and request approved.
No. 360 - Town of Goderich - Requesting endoreation of a resolution petitioning
the ProvincialGGoverrent to enact legislation to remove the administration of
General Welfare Assistance, Supplementary Assistance and Special Assistance
from individual municipalities and counties and place same under its own Depart-
ment of Social and Family Services Regional Offices.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Puttick that the
communication be received and filed and the resolution be not endorsed.
No. 361 - Town of Pelham - Notice of Intention to apply to the Ontario Munici-
pal Board or an Order approving the issue of debentures for installation of
water meters, an addition to municipal works building, purchase of equipment
and construction of a 6" watermain extension.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the canmunication be received and filed and the City of Niagara Falls offer no
objection to the proposed works.
No. 362 - Aloha Chapter,Theta Kappa Sigma Sorority - Requesting permission to
hold the annual "Tapethon" on Queen Street, October 10, 1970, from 9:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m.; advising that all donations will go to the United Appeal.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and the request granted subject to the approval of
Regional authorities.
No. 363 - Lundy's Lane United Church - An invitation to attend special Thanks-
giving Sunday services at which the Hon. J. J. Greene will participate in the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and the invitation accepted and as many members of
Council and Staff as possible attend the Thanksgiving services on Sunday,
October 11th at 11 :00 a.m.
No. 664 - City Manager - Re; Proposed By -law to Licence and regulatehuating.
Advising that a letter from the Minister of Lands and Forests indicates that
new by -laws should provide that a minimum of 200 non - resident licences be
'offered for sale for each township within the boundaries of newly- created
municipalities; suggesting that the numberof non - resident licences be increased
to at least 350; recommending that the increased number be allowed and the by-
law be given three readings.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and referred to the Byelaw.
See By -law No. 70 -217
No. 665 • City Manager • Re: Watermains - 1970 Capital Budget. Outlining the
costs and work entailed by construction of new watermains on Culp Street from
`Franklin Avenue to Drummond Road and on Ramsey Road (Welland Line Road) from
Stanley Avenue to Kilter Road; requiting that Council approve the preparation
of the necessary by -laws to authorise the expenditure of $70,800.00 to con-
struct the watermaine; advising that the estimates have been revised to
include the replacement of the waterrains and the costa for connecting and
replacing existing service lines.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bares, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
1 ,Aldermen bears., Clarke, Galloway, Mean,/Marttn, Matinley, Futtick,Sohbler,
Althldamcp Wilson, Scott and Rust.
No. 666 - City Manager - Re: Quotations for purchase of bulk coarse salt.
Advising that, as in the past, two companies have submitted identical bids;
suggesting three alternatives for Council's consideration; requesting
instructions as to the manner in which the purchase of bulk coarse salt is to
be awarded.
ORDERED on :the motion of Alderman Puttick; seconded by Aldermen Bearse that
report•be received and referred :to the Regional Director of Engineering and the
Regional Council for comments on the feasibility of the Region purchasing the
bulk coarse salt in quantity at a reduced price for re -sale to the area munici-
palities. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearse, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick,
rainier, Thomson.
NAYS: Aldermen Scott and Wilson.
It is understood that the City Manager will forward the comments of
Members of Council to Mr. Eidt, the Regional Engineer and Mayor Miller will
bring the matter to the attention of the Regional Council at the next meeting.
No. 667 - City Manager - Re: Tender for Fencing. Recommending that tenders
for the supply and installation of fencing at LaScala Park, Glengate Park,
Prince Charles Park, Lundy's Lane Cemetery and Morrison Street parking lot be
called with a closing date of October 19, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schiller, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted with the deletion of that portion of the
report which indicates the monies provided in the parks and playgrounds budget
to cover the cost of the fencing proposed at the various locations. The motion
Carried with Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 668 - City Manager - Submitting a letter received from the Chairman of the
'Niagara Falls Public Library Board in respect to she possibility of purchasing
the former Eaton building for library purposes and accommodation for other
community organisations. The letter indicates that the Baton property would
not be acceptable as a site for the new library.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Punta, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and filed.
.No. 669 - City Manager - Advising that a claim has been received from Mr. H.
Geltink, 3017 Montrose Road, regarding sheep owned by him and destroyed by a
dog; advising further that the valuers have verified the loss of the sheep
and recommending payment of $100.00 in settlement of the claim.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 670 - City Manager - Re: Department of Highways of Ontario Courses.
Recommending that the City Engineer be authorised to make application to the
0.11.0. to send two members of staff to the Junior Inspectors Course, two
members of staff to the Senior Concrete Course, two members of staff to she
Senior Asphalt Course and two members to the Senior Soils Course. The courses
will be held during the spring of 1971.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 671 - City Maasge r- Re: Parking on Prospect Street. Advising that one
parking space is available on the north side of Prospect Street from Portage
Road 120' westerly opposite the delivery driveway to a business; recommending
that parking be prohibited at all times an the north side of Prospect Street
from Portage Road 120' wester.
'ORDERED an the notion of Alderman Beaus, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 672 • MP Manager Requesting Council's endoreation of Fire Prevention
Week, October 4th to 10th, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and the observance of Fire Prevention Week be endorsed.
•4 -
No. 673 - City Manager • Re: Approval of Restricted Area By -law 70 -119, Candev
Limited. Advising that the Ontario Municipal Board has approved the application
of Candev Limited to rezone lands on the west side of Dorchester Road to permit
a plan of subdivision containing 32 single family lots, 20 two - family lots, two
parcels for 30 multiple family units and two parcels for 24 apartment units.
ORDERED on the nation of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Beares that the
report be received and filed.
Those residents of the area who objected to the Candev development
will be notified of the Board's decision either by the O.M.B. or by City staff.
No. 674 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision - Dorchester and
Mountain Roads. As Mountain Road is a Regional Road, Regional authorities
have suggested to the Community Planning Branch that the plan be revised to
provide that none of the lots front on or have access to Mountain Road;
advising that the subdivider has accordingly revised the street pattern of the
initial plan which will probably increase service coats and an estimated
increase of $250.00 in the price of the lots; recenmending that the plan be
given preliminary approval with the same conditions attached to the initial
plan and the Community Planning Branch be so notified.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and referred to..the Regional Planning Department for an
explanation as to the reasons, other than traffic, for the required revision
to the original plan which will result in additional service costa and increased
lot prices.
No. 675 - Planning Department - A Development Report on the growth of the
residential, commercial and industrial sectors of the City.
ORDERED on the cation of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and filed and the Planning Department commended.
No. 676 - Senior Planner • Re: AM- 309,J.Beceval A A. Zanini, Pt.Lots 159,160,161,
Plan 32, west side Hickson Avenue; an application to legalise a parking area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and that Council certify, by resolution, that the application
conforms to the Official Plan (Amendment 28) for the Niagara Falls Planning
.See Resolution No. 97
No. 677 - Senior Planner - Re: AM -310, A.BOgnar, 2235 Drummond Road, Pt.Lot 157,
Plan 40; a rezoning app ication to legalise and re -open a vacated non - forming
grocery and meat store.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and that Council certify, by resolution, that the applica-
tion conforms to the Official Plan (Amendment 28) for the Niagara Palls Planning
Sea Resolution No. 98'
No. 678 - Senior Planner - Re:AM •315, Bonato Brothers, Pt.Lota 33,34,36 and all
of Lot 35,Plan 38, west aide Portage Rood; a resoning application to permit an
apartment building in an existing Single Family Residential sons.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and that Council certify, by resolution, that the applica-
tion conforms to the Official Plan (Amendment 28) for the Niagara Falls Planning
See Resolution No. 99
No. 679 • Senior Planner - Re: AM•319, C. Centileore, 1532 Drummond Road; an
application for an amendment to the zoning by -law to permit the erection and
operation of a combined confectionery store and residence.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Keno, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and that Council certify, by resolution, that the applies•
tion conforms to the Official Plan (Amendment 28) for the Niagara Falls Mannins
Sss Resolution No, 100
No. 680 - Lotttsf Licensing Officer - Recomending approval of applications to
menage sad conduct lottery type schema at Bazaars submitted by Sacred Heart
Catholic Noma League and St.Antbomy's Catholic Namen's League.
- 5 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 681 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 97 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that Council of the City of Niagara Falls
certifies that the application of J.Beceval and A. Zanini for the rezoning of
property located on the west side of Hickson Avenue and known as Pt.Lot 159,160,
161, Plan 32, conforms to the Official Plan (Amendment No. 28) for the Niagara
Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed,
Carried Unanimously
No. 98 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
certifierigiraMplication of A. Bogner for the rezoning of property located
at 2235 Drummond Road and known as Pt. Lot 157, Plan 40, conforms to the Official'
Plan (Amendment No. 28) for the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and
approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 99 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
certifies that the application of Donato Brothers for the rezoning of property
located on the west side of Portage Road and known as Pt.Lots 33,34,36 and all
of Lot 35, Plan 38, conforms to the Official Plan (Amendment No. 28) for the
Niagara Palls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal
Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No.100 • MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
certifies that the application of C. Gentilcore for the rezoning of property
located at 1532 Drummond Road conforms to the Official Plan (Amendment No. 28)
for the Niagara Falls Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of
Municipal Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 101 - MARTIN - THOM90N - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council
be held on Tuesday, Otto er 13th, 1970 at 7 :30 p.m.; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 102 - McKINIEY - SCOTT - RESOLVED that Alderman Galloway be appointed Acting
Mayor during the absence of His Worship Mayor Miller; AND the Seal.•oethe .
.Corptirat be hereto affixed.. t • 4.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Hearse advised that the Recreation Director has completed
arrangements to show a T.V. tape on Senior Citizens. Council had agreed to meet
at 6 :45 P.M. prior to the regular meeting on Tuesday, October 13,1970, to view
the film.
As requested, the City Engineer had provided Alderman Puttick with a
summary of engineering costs paid to H.G.Acrea for the construction of the Thorold
Stone Bridge over the H.E.P.C. Canal. The Alderman read from the report end
noted that the estimated final engineering cost is $121,719.93 and the amount
paid to the contractor was $ 612,786.21. He said he was astonished at the
figures believing that the engineering fee would be 6% based on the tender price
but actually the fees amounted to approximately 20%. Bs also pointed out that
general supervision amounted to $8,616.14 and resident supervision for road
approaches and archworks totalled almost $31,000.00.
- 6 -
Alderman Puttick also referred to the McLeod Road Bridge presently
under construction and for which additional engineering fees are being charged
due to work required by the discovery of cracks along the top of the rock
foundation. The Alderman suggested that the engineering fees for this project
should be examined closely.
In replying to Alderman Puttick'e remarks, the City Engineer advised
that the agreement provided for a certain fee based, he believed, on the order
of 5%% of the contract price. The agreement also allowed for pre - engineering
fees as well as resident supervision which is based on 150% of the payroll costs.:
All charges, he said, were in accordance with the agreement and had been care-
fully scrutinized by the Engineering Department. The Engineer said that while
20% might appear to be high, the bridge construction was a complicated job.
Larger amounts spent on engineering generally result in lower or more economical
designs and a reduced total cost to the City when the entire job is considered.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
City Manager be authorized to contact R.G.Acres Ltd. to obtain an explanation
of the engineering fees charged for the construction of the Thorold Stone Road
Bridge. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, McKinley; Puttick, Schialer, Wilson,Thomson.
NAPE :Aldermen Bearas, Galloway, Martin and Scott.
Alderman Puttick questioned the increased rent being charged to the
Visitor and Convention Bureau and the Business and Industrial Growth Committee
for accommodation in the Chamber of Commerce building. During 1968, he said,
rentals were distributed in the following manner: 50% for the Chamber; 20% for
the Industrial Department and 30% for the Visitor and Convention Bureau. The
rent is now on a square foot basis which is an increase of approximately $5000.
which must be paid by the two Departments from City grants. The Alderman
expressed the opinion that the Chamber membership had declined and the additional
income from the rented quarters would help make up the loss in membership fees.
Alderman Thomson mentioned that the Niagara Tourist and Resorts Association will
replace the Visitor and Convention Bureau on January 1, 1971 and have been
negotiating with the Chamber in respect to quarters but the rent to be charged
was so high that the Association was considering the matter further. It would
appear that the N.T.R.A. will not be located in the Chamber building.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the matter of increased rentals at the Chamber of Commerce be referred to the
City Manager to obtain an explanation for the increases.
Alderman Thomson requested that information also be obtained as to
membership fees received by the Visitor and Convention Bureau this year.
Alderman McKinley reported that a resident at
is crippled and confined to a wheelchair, has two cedar
height, growing close to the verandah of her hoes. The
Bhs has asked if Council would accept the trees for the
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by
City accept the offer of two cedar trees.
6490 Ash Street, who
tress, 15 to 20' in
trees obscure the light.
City's use at Christmas
Alderman Hunt that the
Alderman Wilson requested Council to support • resolution that educ
tion costs be withdrawn from property taxes. He said that taxes for educational
purposes should be based on a percentage of income. He advised that the Ontario
Confederation of Agriculture bas gone on record es being in favour of withholding
that portion of property taxes set aside for education even though legislation
has now been passed making such action illegal. The Alderman requested that
members of staff prepare an appropriate resolution but, at the suggestion of '
Alderman McKinley, Aldermen Wilson will draw up the resolution and submit it
for Council's consideration.
ifel Neese
Aldermen Bears, referred to s communication from the Town of Pelham•
which indicated that that saxticipslity was prepared to irtsl additional water
-7 -
meters. She enquired if water consumption records were being kept up to date
and if a recommendation regarding water meters would be forthcoming. The City
Manager replied that such records were being kept and a report dealing with
water matters and water meters would be presented to Council before the end of
the year. '
Alderman Beaus recalled that an earlier report concerning the
advisability of establishing a Landlord and Tenant Advisory Bureau had been
referred to the City Manager for a recommendation. She noted that other
municipalities had set up such review boards. The City Manager reported that
the City Clerk had recently met with representatives of the Social Planning
Council who are studying the question and will prepare a recommendation.
Alderman Clarke expressed concern about the announced curtailing of
operations at the Cyanamid plant. The City, he said, stands to lose about
$100,000 in taxes which will have a tremendous impact on the economy of the
Municipality. He suggested that Mayor Miller and the City Manager arrange to
meet with Cyanamid management to discuss the proposed shutdown and layoffs and
to offer whatever assistance is possible.
Mayor Miller advised that he received the announcement at the same
time as the press and immediately contacted Cyanamid officials but was told
there was nothing that could be done. The City Manager indicated that repre-
sentatives of the Cyanamid would be contacted again to express the concern of
the Council.
Earlier in the meeting Alderman Puttick had spoken of his concern
about the Cyanamid decision and suggested that Council should meet within the
next two or three weeks to discuss possible adjustments in the Capital Budget
in view of the loss of income when industries leave the area.
Alderman Wilson suggested that an increase in the Hydro grant to the
City in lieu of taxes, could be used to induce industry to remain in Niagara
Falls. Mayor Miller pointed out that according to the Municipal Act, the City
is not allowed to use such methods or offer concessions to induce industry to
locate in the City or established industries to remain. He said the only way
to help Cyanamid would be if the Hydro rates were reduced.
Alderman Clarke said that large industries are continually objecting
to the hydro rates they are forced to pay and enclose a letter of objection
with each payment. He suggested that the City and the Regional Government
should support the stand taken by the large industries in the area in their
efforts to have Hydro reconsider further increases.
On behalf of Members of Council, His Worship Mayor Miller congratu-
lated Alderman and Mrs. Clarke on the occasion of their 24th Wedding Anniversary.
No 70 +216 A By -law to regulate the discharge of firearms in a defined area
of the City of Niagara Falls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Hunt be granted the privilege of introducing the By +law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Hunt, seconded by Aldermen Bearas
that Rule. 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with the following
M t Aldermen Beams, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttiok,
raisin, Thomson.
t A1t�! t Aldermen Wilson and Scott.
Alderman Mann and Alderman Hunt. The motion carried with the
0 owin adi nj
g vote:
A,flt Aldermen Bears, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann. Martin, tlWtinley, Puttick.
a ialer, Thomson.
jasAldsrmen Scott and Wilson.
No 70 -217 - A By -law to provide for the issuing of licences and payment of
in t rotor for the hunting of pheasants, rabbits and foxes within a part of
the City of Niagara Fails.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears., seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Clark the granted
the privilege of introducing the Byelaw and
Carried Unanimousl
It -tigi' moved on the motion'of Alderman Fi►tCicb,
seconded by Aldermen
Schiller that the By-law be referred back to the City Manager and that he be
directed to advise the Department of lands and Forests that the enlarged City
of Niagara Fails is not particularly conefddeeredd 8s a r ural area aa�� wishes to
limit the number of Non - Resident Hunting Licences
Defeated with the following vote:
A Schiller, Scott, Wilson. Heat, Mann, Martin, •rhomeon,McKialey.
NNAATE: Aldermen Mares, Clarke, Galloway,
ORDBR6D on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the Bylaw be given the second reading. The motion Carried with the following
ATEtAldermen Bearas, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Thomson.
NAIE:Aldesmen Puttick, Schisler, Scott, Wilson.
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Martin. The motion Carried with the follow-
ing vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bettis, Clarke,
tAYB;Aldasman Puttick, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Hestia, McKinley, Thomson.
cb Thomson. i
Schisler, Scott, Wilson.
Report 664 - CitNana er - Re: Proposed Byelaw to. Licence and regulate
hunting. Advising that a letter from the Minister of lands and Forest indicates
that new by -laws should provide that a minimum of 200 non. resident licences be
offered for sale for each township within the boundaries of newly- created
to atlleasi330;areceomaending that the inccreased�numberebe allowedsand he by-
law be given three readings.
During consideration of the report Alderman Hunt suggested that
arrangements be made to issue the hunting licences either during evening hours
or on Saturday in order to accommodate those residents Who work the same hours
as City Hall. Alderman Clarks suggested that tit are be outlet t o her than City
Hall where licences could be purl g
prefer that the licences be issued by City staff ff o ol l the t right s ta b l is meet of
additional outlets would result in many requests
licences. There is also the possibility of theft and the necessity of bonding
issuers. The City Manager said that the suggestion d about
bo tnthet City s Hall remain-
ing open during some evening hours or Saturday io
OROO of the i
an h motion ny+ Manager Aldermen n Martin, seconded co fideby Alderman Theron that
By -law No. 70 -218 - A Byelaw to establish certain land as part of Drummond Road.
that Alderman Mann betgrenadothe privilege
of intro Alderman Hunt
introducing the Bylaw
the Sy -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded byAldermamandMartiinn
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
ebb Byelaw be given the second readies. Carried eeanimowly
third Reeding - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Bearas. s = e a
Ms. 7O419 Bylaw to authorise an agreement with R.V.Andsrsoa Associates
14mited for engieseries services is aomasction with proposed eters sewers "an
Mcleod Road and Murray Bill.
GRIM on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann
Ott Aldermen Rsarss be granted the privilep.ef introducing the y- law
the By-law be given the first readies.
- 9 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70 -220 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Bearas that Alderman Mann be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Martin and Alderman Hunt. The motion Carried with
Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
City Manager be authorized to investigate the advisability of purchasing
American funds to cover the cost of the Battelle Industrial Survey; further,
that should the rate of exchange be established at 2% or lower, the City
Manager be authorized to purchase the required amount. The motion Carried
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearaa, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schieler,
NAPE :Aldermen Galloway, Thomson and Wilson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the meeting adjourn. -
Council met at 7 :30 P.M. on Tuesday, October 13, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of His Worship Mayor Miller, Alderman Wilson and Alderman Scott.
Led by Alderman Bearas, Members of Council repeated the prayer which
was part of the special Thanksgiving Services at Iundy's Lane United Church.
God Our Maker, we praise you for the bounty of our land
We are rich with the wealth of forest and field,
We enjoy the product of mill and mine - But we confess our greed
We have polluted air, water and soil.
Help us to have dominion and responsibility. In Jesus Name. Amen.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
minutes of the regular meeting held October 5, 1970, be adopted as printed with
a correction on Page 6, Line 53 to read Ontario Federation of Agriculture.
Council Chamber,
October 13, 1970.
Prior to the.meeting Members of Council, members of the Recreation
Commission and sone senior citizens of the City gathered to view a TV film.
On behalf of Council, Alderman Bearee expressed appreciation to the Recreation
Director and members of the Senior Citizen group who were responsible for the
showing of the film.
Report 674 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision - Dorchester and
Mountain Roads. (Rola Woods), As Mountain Road is a Regional Road, Regional
authorities have suggested to the Community Planning Branch that the plan be
revised to provide that none of the lots front on or have access to Mountain Road;
advising that the subdivider has accordingly revised the street pattern of the
initial plan which will probably increase service costs and an estimated increase
of $250.00 in the price of the lots; recamending that the plan be given prelim-
inary approval with the same conditions attached to the initial plan and the
Com unity Planning Branch be so notified.
Comm. 364 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision.
Rola Woods and icon Meeting. Advising that arrangements have been made for
a liaison meeting of the Regional Planning and Development Committee, the
Planning and Development Committee of Niagara Falls, the Committee of Adjustment
and Members of Council on October 20th at 7 :30 p.m.;enquiring if the date is
Cams. 365 - F.A.Branmccmbe - Delecaabe Development Limited - Re: Rola Woods
Subdivision, Pt.Twp.Lot 26 6 35, Mountain Road. Requesting that Council be again
asked to grant preliminary approval of the revised draft plan; pointing out that
the added cost of 6250.00 per lot referred to in the report to Council are the
arterial road services required an Mountain Road and are ,to be assumed by the
Regional Government.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the communication from the Regional Municipality of Niagara be received and the
arrangements for the meeting with the Regional Planning & Development Committee
on October 20th be approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the comaunicatioa from Dalecambe Development Limited be received and forwarded
to the Regional Planning & Development Committee and be available for considera-
tion at the meeting arranged for October 20,1970. The Motion Cer i•e with the
following vote:
APRs Aldermen Hunt, Menn, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler.
:Aldermen Beares, Clarks, Martin, Thomson.
Report "Design for Development Niagara (South Ontario) Region.
Resort ieu e d Planai andns Dave opsae t�reporteas it applied to Niagara Falls; that the Committee
has e b Declaa the City's situation in order that appropriate
pla p l a br clarifying
planning policies can be instituted for the South Ontario Region; requesting
that the brief be endorsed by Council and forwarded to the Regional Development
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Beam that the each,
report be received and endorsed and forwarded to the Regional Development
._ andaDevelopmentrCo mnitteedanEconomics;
orCitytStaff responsible members of the
onsibleeforthe analysis of
the report be commended.
* * * *
Comm. 335 - Niagara South Board of Educatio g with a
n - 'Requesting a cretin _
probltemssinvolvedtin locating a m mobile home in the of Welland
st Line.
Report 683 - City Manager - Advising that a special committee comprised of
Aldermen Puttick, Mann and Galloway, t with administrative officials met
with representatives of the Board of Education and the proposed sent es two o clVi llag e;
Mobile Home Park and that es a result of the meeting, many p
advising further. that the Board Education will now give the m atter further
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed.
* * * **
_Comm. 351 - John'Gtavae Simcoe Memori F oundation - Requesting support of a
resolution t t t iret ay each August be proclaimed as Simcoe Day and
that the day formerly called a "Civic Holiday" be known as "Simeon Day ".
Report 684 • City Menefee - Advising that the Lundy's Lane Historical Society
has endorsed the resolution regarding Simcoe Day and suggesting that the
resolution be given further consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the ar
report be received end filed. The motion cried with tthekfollowflervote;
AYE: Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Hann, Martin, Mc in ey,
li VE Aldermen Bursa and Thomson.
No. 366 - United N AssociatioilrOf� o g eralasuggesttio s to how
the City ce a s t Alderman Clarke that
ORDERED D on n the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by
the communication. be received and that the week of October 18 to 26, 1970, be
declared as "United Nations Silver Anniversary •;t City ga melts be
e made
for an official United Nations Flag Raising
small amount of money be set aside for the purpose of supporting t
"mundialisation" p of the Association. The motion Cam d with the
following votes
A .. Alderman Beares, Clarke, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Thomson.,
:Aldermen Runt, puttiok and Schieler.
No. 367 • Canadian arks Re reation Association - Upswing appreciation of
the assistance t e City prove n eo• t the annual conference of the
- ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Aunt that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 368 • r a a le Ja saes - Advising that the Jaycees of Niagara Falls,
:Ontario a�egara Pans, n are jointly sponsoring ens so, in 9 7t { e extending "International
,Holiday for the Handicapped on friday, Maher an
tion to attend a **posits the evening ef,Octmmer Web. CUBED o the moti of Alderman Mason, seconded by Alderman McKinley that
the °caannieat!** be received and s ton acc o! ds f u yeses that
Council support in whatever may pa the efforts he J the Sate provide
a day of entertainment for approximately 5000 y�V
Tork and the Province of Ontario.
No.369 - Niagara Falls Badminton Club Ltd. - An invitation to attend the
annual Open House during the week.October.7 to 17th,1970; also inviting Mayor
and Mrs. Miller, or an appointed Alderman, to attend the closing dinner for
the Pensioners on November 7th. at 6:30 p.m.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beares, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received, the invitation accepted and as many Members of
Council as possible visit the Badminton Club during Open House.
No. 370 - Fruit 6 Vegetable Growers' Association - Advising that the 75th
Anniversary of the Niagara Peninsula Fruit 6 Vegetable Growers' Association
is being marked by a special convention in•conjunction with the 123rd Annual
Meeting of the American Pomological Society. The Convention will be held in
Niagara Falls on December Sth and 9th, 1970; requesting that the City purchase
advertising apace in the convention programme.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and that the City subscribe to a one - quarter page
advertisement in the Convention programme at a cost of $20.00.
No 371 - City of St. Catharines . Notice of Intention to apply to the Ontario
Municipal Board for an Order approving the construction of a watermain and
private water services.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communication be received and filed and the City of Niagara Falls offer no
objections to the proposed works. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
Steve Ricica and Others - A petition for the installation of storm sewers on
Murray Street from Franklin Street to Drummond Road.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the petition be received and referred to the City's Engineering Department for
consideration under the 1971 Local Improvement Programme.
No. 685 - City Manager - Referring to the recommendation by the Hydro Electric
Power Ceomiesioa that all street lighting installations in the future be mercury
vapour rather than fluorescent type; recommending that the proposal be approved
and the Commission be authorised to install mercury vapour luminaires in the •
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beares, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
Comm. 372 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Disposal of Solid Waste.
Noting that area municipalities have been ordered to cease burning in solid
waste disposal areas se of the first of October, 1970; advising that the Waste
Management Branch have indicated that new regulations will be in force as of
the 1st of March, 1971 and all persons operating dumping areas for solid waste
must receive certificates from the Department of Energy and Resources Manage-
ment; requesting the comments of Council.
Report 686 - City Manager - Res Sanitary Landfill Site. Advising that
according to the Regional Act, the Regional Municipality may enter into an
agreement with area municipalities for the use and operation of solid waste
disposal operations; recommending that the Municipality reiterate its request
to the Regional Municipality of Niagara to enter into an agreement with the
City for the disposal of solid wastes.
Replying to numerous questions asked by Members of Council, the
City Manager and the City Engineer provided the following informations
(a) the advantages of entering into an agreement with the Regional Municipality
include a more economical operation by the servicing of the larger area and
duplication of equipment, work and staff will be avoided.
(b) a new grinder type waste disposal system demonstrated to Council at a
previous meeting, is being investigated and is in use in the City of St.
(c) Should the operation become a Regional respons employees
f oree ee emply e a menntew th Regional Government; site Union would
be necessary b .cssry in regard to other landfill site employees.
(d) the required replacement of the nmchine used at the site is estimated to
(e) the installation of an underground tank appears to be working coat $70,000. satie- • £actorily in correcting a leachate problem which is constantly being
sreviee iewed
by City staff and Mr. K. Childs of the Waste Management Branch;
that are taken and tested will determine the character of the leachate and
will be helpful in considering alternate solutions.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Bearss that
the communication from the Regional Municipality of Niagara and the report of
the City Manager be received and deferred until such time as it can be
determined if the City is able to solve the leachate problem at the landfill
further of the landfill available as to a
the costs to of
o the City if the
disposal of solid wastes became the responsibility of the Regional Government;
further, that control dumping n at theiCity'so City will be able to
site by other
No. 687 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for Planting Ornamental Trees.
Recommending that tenders be called for the planting of ornamental trees to
cover the requirements of the road budget and that tenders be received until
1:45 p.m., October 26, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that the report be received and adopted.
No. 688 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for Equipment. Recommending acceptance
of the following tenders:
Item 1 - (2) Compact Station Wagons - Peninsula Volkswagen - $6,295.80.
Item 2 - (4) 3/4 ton Pick -up Trucks - Autoland Chrysler - $12,302.85.
Item 3 - (1) Panel Van Truck - Autoland Chrysler - $2,969.45.
Item 5 - (1) 10 lb. IX ta Truck - Archer and Chrysleri- x$4,183.85 �•
Item 6 - (1) 24,000 1b. Dump Truck - Frontier Ford - + $7,09 7 . 68 .
Item 7 - (2) 27,500 lb. Tilt Cab Chassis - Archer Truck Service - $19,7 .00.
Item 8 - (2) 20 Cu.Yd.Re£ use Packers - Wbeels.Dmks. 6.Equipme s t K ed..$616
Item 9 - (1) 3 -1/2 Cu.Yd.Strest Sweeper - Dilworth Equipment
Item 10- (2) Diesel Farm Tractors - Archer.Truek Service - $6,917.28.
Item 11 -(1) 2.1/2 Cu.Yd.Front End Loader - Turnsy Equipment $27,562.50.
Item 12 -(1) "V" Box Sander - King Seagrave Ltd. - $2,799.45.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Bearss, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted. See Resolution No. 103
No. 689 a. City Manager - Rs: Rental of ice time - Niagara Fells Memorial Arena
and Stamford Memorial Arena; advising that the managers of the arenas and the
Stamford Memorial Arena Board agree that ice rentals should be increased by
$2.00 per hour; submitting a schedule of ice time rates; recommending that the
proposed increase in rates be approved and that tentative approval be granted
to•ths change in free school skating periods on the understanding that the
change will meet with the approval of the School Boards. The managers of the
arenas have suggested that, in view of the increased descend for ice time, the
free school skating time be allocated from 1:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. during the
ORDERED on the lotion of Aldermen Mann, seconded by Alderson Martin that the
school weak.
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Thomson
voting contrary and all others in favour.
HO. 690 = City h Nex • pa Rezoning area on the we side of J.Beceval
to of legalise ?orgasm Sts ex deg parking
o! argnsom gtrseti advising of the receipt of two letters objecting to the
proposed reaming. _ Alderman
t�Couno of the i City of Niagara Palsratify x� an earlierrdseisionit that
approve the application of A.Eenini and J. Bouvet sad that the objections
rsasivsd bs forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board for further consideration.
- 5 -
No. 691 - City Manager - Re: Roof- Niagara Palle Arena. Advising that the
repair work to the Arena roof is entirely unacceptable as leaks continue to
develop; advising further that the Texas Refinery Corporation who supplied the
rubber asphalt material used for the roof have recommended a new type of
application and have quoted an amount of $5,480.85 after an allowance of
$1353.75 was deducted; advising further that a roofing consultant considers
that the proper installation would be asphalt shingles and recommends that the
gutters be built up with hot poured material and new fleshings placed;
requesting authority to call for quotations to place new asphalt shingles at
both ends of the arena as recommended by the roofing consultant.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and City Official authorized to call for quotations for
the recommended work.
No. 692 - City Manager - Re: Former Motorville Property. Advising that the
demolition of the main building has been completed and suggesting various
improvements to the remaining building; advising also that the owners of those
buildings fronting on the south side of Queen Street will be approached in
respect to the existing right -of -way which traverses the Motorville property
and provides access to the rear of their buildings. A change in the alignment
of the existing right -of -way would provide maximum use of the lands intended
to be used as a parking lot.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and (1) City Staff be authorized to call for quotations to
paint the exterior walls of the building; (2) that City forces be used to fill
in with concrete blocks an opening in the south wall of the building formerly
used as a doorway; (3) that the existing broken window panes be replaced with
a translucent, but not transparent, plastic material called Corrulux at an
estimated cost of $600.00.
No. 693 - City Manager - Providing information regarding the improvement to
Dell Road in the vicinity of the Willo -Dell Golf Course; advising that the
management of the Golf Club has indicated that the City will be permitted to
re- locate the Creek onto private property owned by the Willo -Dell Golf Club
in order to realign Dell Road; advising further that it will be necessary for
the City to enter into an agreement and a by -law authorizing such agreement
will follow.
- ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and filed.
No. 694 - City Manager - Re: New Fire Hall - Oxford Road. Advising that it
is expected that the construction of the fire hall will be completed before
the end of October; suggesting that the City Manager be authorized to proceed
with arrangements for an Open House to provide an opportunity for the residents
to inspect the new building.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 695 - City Manager - Re: Portage/Morrison/Drummond Road Crossing of Hydro
Canal. Advising t =t a number of meetings have been held on the preliminary
work and sufficient information is new available that will require certain
directions to the consultants, Proctor and Redfern, regarding their report on
the preliminary of the project. Since the Regional Municipality of
Niagara will be involved in the project because of jurisdiction over certain
highways, the report suggests that a representative of the Region be included
in any decision.seking committee; advising that it is expected another meeting
will be held in the near futuss to provide definite direction to the consultants
on the proposals to be presented to Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 696 - City Reneger - Re: Urban Renewal Scheme. Referring to the by -law
which adopted a Redevelopment Plan for the entire Downtown Urban Renewal Scheme
which has been delayed since Provincial approval of the Official Plan was
required; advising that there may be difficulty in obtaining approval of the
by -law in view of the limited Federal and Provincial funds available; suggest-
ing that it would be advantageous to proceed with a redevelopssnt plan limited
- 6 -
to, ets Court.:ouse and Police Building site for which funds are committed;
subsequent stages of the scheme can be proceeded with as financing is made
a yarllablai recommending that Council request the Urban Renewal Committee to
eonpider.the matter.
ORDEREQ;ou,the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Ecorse that the
report.be;.received and adopted.
No. 697 - Senior Planner - Recommending that 3 members of the Planning and to attend the
Coamun�nPlannningtAssociation member of Staff be Conference, October u l3eh to 15th,1970, in
Kitchener, Ontario.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldermen Martin that the
An: Aldermen Mares, Clarke, Run Hann, Martini McKinley, Tt votes
N&YE:Aldermen Puttick, Sehisler. .
No. 698 - Building Inspector Presenting
Association Pall Meeting.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke,
the report be received and filed.
No. 699 - City Mane er - Recommending that three members of Staff be authorized
to attend t City Engineers! Association Annual Fall Workshop, Hamilton,
Ontario, November 24th to 27th, 1970, inclusive.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 700 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of applications
to manage and conduct Raffle Lotteries submitted by the Ladies Orange
Benevolent Association and the NiagareShriae Club.
:ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann,iseconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 701 - Lot�tor+ Licensing Officer - Recommending that the application of the
Knights of ColUibus to menage and conduct a Raffle Lottery be approved in
principle and recommended to the Department of Financial and Commercial
Affairs for their consideration.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 702 - City Clark - Recommending the granting glic�lLi Licences.
A1ddermen Puttick that tba app
Licence submitted by Niagara International Centre, was for a giant elide
located at the corner of Victoria Avenue and Ferry Street. He expressed
concern about the hazards created by the absence of a fence on the Victoria
Avenue side of the property. He also suggested that consideration should be
given to allowing only one entrance to the location.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Scbisler that
tbs•report of the City Clerk be received and adopted with the exception of the
implication of Niagara International Centre which was referred to the City
Manager for consideration and report.
No. 703 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the ration. of Alderman Burea, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 704 = it n!D
the month ep e
ORDERED ce tbe•motioa
tbs tepert la , ressived
a report on the Air Pollution Control
seconded by Alderman Schisler that
. 1 •
• Permits issued by the Building Department for
of Alderman Martin, seconded by AldermenMetialsy that
and iiled.>
7 .
Aldsiaan Motinlsy pointed out that a hazard exists on Portage Road is
the vicinity of the entrances and exits of Marineland. He requested the Engineer-
ing Department to study the situation and suggest alternative means which would
eliminate the hazard.
The possibility of providing a crossing guard at the intersection of
Thorold Stone Road and Confederation Street was referred to the Traffic Engineer
for consideration. Alderman Martin brought the matter to Council's attention and
said that 60 to 80 children cross Thorold Stone Road. He advised that concerned
parents have signed a petition requesting that a crossing guard be assigned to
this location.
Alderman Puttick requested that a report be submitted at the next
meeting of Council regarding the flooding conditions in the area of Duna and
Weaver Streets. The matter was referred to the Engineering Department.
Alderman Clarks enquired as to what information was available about
the manner in which representatives will be elected to the Boards of Education
and the Public Utilities Commission at the forthcoming election. He noted that
Council has authority to decide how representatives are to be elected and
suggested that it be by means of a general vote rather than by a ward system.
The City Clerk reported on a recent meeting of Municipal Clerks and
representatives of the Department of Municipal Affairs regarding elections. He
stated that although legislation was available which permitted municipalities
to be divided into wards for the purpose of electing representatives to the
Boards of Education, he would not recommend it. He noted that the City elected
Regional representatives on a general vote basis and suggested that the School
Board representatives be elected in a similar meaner. In respect to the
election of Hydro Commission representatives, no official information is yet
available. The Department officials, he said, have given assurance that a final
decision will be made before the nomination meetings. Alderman Clarke
suggested that the question of electing members to the Hydro commission should
be pursued and the City should not veit until the information is submitted. The
Aldermen also expressed the opinion that information about how the elections
are to be conducted should be made public.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarks, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
question of *leaflets of representatives to the Niagara South Board of Education,
the Welland County Separate School Board and the Hydro Commission be referred
to staff members for a report.
Alderman Thomson eatd that be had perscselly observed sightseeing cab
drivers solicit customers outside • Falls Avenue hotel. A sightseeing service
is available in the hotel but the cabdrivers will cut prices and walk alongside
the hotel patrons in their efforts to sell sightseeing tours.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomsen, seconded by Aldermen Mena that the
soliciting being carried on by cab drivers -on Falls Avenue be brought to the
attention of the Police Commission. -
"Aldabra Puttiok commented on the problems being empties:ad is the
City in regard to air conditioning and the beetles of the building. The City
Manger Said - t h at the matter bad hese discussed with the architect and the
consultants and a report will he /prepared -for presentation to Commit.
Alderman McKinley reported receiving complaints that the operation of
the main door to the City Hall was still not satisfactory. Elderly citizens, he
said, were unable to opejn the door without considerable effort.
The Presiding Officer, Alderman Galloway, congratulated the Engineering
Department for having completed that portion of the eemermain construction on
the west side of Clifton Hill, with minimum inconvenience to pedestrians and
traffic in the area.
No. 103 - BEARSS - MANN - RESOLVED that the following tenders for equipment be
Item 1 - (2) Compact Station Wagons - Peninsula Volkswagen - $6,295.80.
Item 2 - (4) 3/4 ton Pick -up Trucks - Autoland Chrysler - $12,302.85.
Item 3 - (1) Penal Van Truck - Autoland Chrysler - $2,969.45.
Item 4 - (1) 3/4 Ton Utility Truck - Archer Truck Service - $4,305.00.
Item 5 - (1) 10,000 lb. Dump Truck - Autoland Chrysler - $4,183.85.
Item 6 - (1) 24,000 lb. Dump Truck - Frontier Ford - $7,097.68.
Item 7 - (2) 27,500 lb. Tilt Cab Chassis - Archer Truck Service - $19,740.00
Item 8 - (2) 20 Cu.Yd.Refuse Packers- Wbeels,Brakee 6 Equipment Ltd. - $16,340.00.
Item 9 - (1) 3 -1/2 Cu.Yd.Street Sweeper - Dilworth Equipment - $13,865.00.
Item 10 -(2) Diesel Farm Tractors - Archer Truck Service - $6,917.28.
Item 11 -(1) 2 -1/2 Cu.Yd.Front End Loader - Turney Equipment - $27,562.50.
' Item 12 -(1) "V" Box Sander - King Seagrave Ltd., - $2,799.45.
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No 70 -221 - A By -law to amend By -law Number 3790, for the regulation of traffic.
Prospect Street)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Curried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt,
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Rsadinai - Alderman Mann and Alderman Hunt.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No 70 -222 - A By -law to amend By -law No. 6425, 1964, respecting the regulating
a of camping establishments.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke
that Alderman Thomson be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be -given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reeding « Alderman McKinley and Aldermen Clarke.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70423 „ - A Bylaw to provide monies for general purposes.
ONDBRBD on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Kant
that Aldetmen Metinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and
the By■law be given the first reeding.
parried Unanimousl
- 9 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Schieler that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the Second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Martin.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council Chamber,
October 13, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the whole following the regular meeting
held October 13, 1970. All Members of Council were present with the exception
of His Worship Mayor Miller, Alderman Scott and Alderman Wilson. Alderman
Clarke presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the Committee of the Whole arise and not report.
.... LZ... OOOOOOO 11111 . .. a. r.•
Carried Unanimously
esiding ' ; ices
10 -
Council Chamber,
October 13, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the
Whole meeting held October 13, 1970. All Members of.Council were present
with the exception of His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller, Alderman Scott and
Alderman Wilson. Presiding Officer Alderman Galloway presided as Chairman.
It vas Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by
Alderman Clarke that the meeting adjourn.
Council Chamber,
October 19, 1970.
Council met at 7 :30 p.m. on Monday, October 19, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. All Members of Council were present with the
exception of His Worship Mayor Miller and Alderman Hunt.
The following prayer was offered by Alderman Clarke:
Dear Father in Heaven, as we ask your guidance this evening, we pause
and reflect for a moment on the tragic and disastrous events that have
befallen our country during the past two weeks. We pray for the repose
of the soul of Pierre Laporte and ask your heavenly comfort for his
family. We pray also for the safe deliverance of British Diplomat,
James Cross, and beg your divine wisdom for our Prime Minister, the
Premier of Quebec and their Governments and ask that you guide their
decisions to the end that cowman sense and the unity of all Canadians
will prevail. All of which we ask in the name of the Father, and of -
the Son and of the Holy (Bloat. Amen.
RES. NO. 104. - HOKINLSY -WILSON - RESOLVED that Alderman Charles Galloway
be appointed Presiding Officer in the absence of His Worship Mayor Miller; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
minutes of the regular meeting held October 13, 1970, be adopted as printed.
No. 372 - Bolus Revelas, Bolus Ltd. - Advising of application made in 1967
to erect a service station and car -wash at the northwest corner of Dunn Street
and Stanley Avenue, and requesting that the previous service station application
be one of the number allowed in the new City by -law.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Hearse, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and referred to the Planning & Development Committee
for consideration. This motion was Carried with Alderman Puttick voting
contrary and all others in favour.
No. 373 - of North York - Use of Studded Tires and Road Surface Damage,
and requesting that the City Council advise the Minister of Highways and the
Minister of Transport in the event that it concurs with the action taken by the
Government of Ontario to ban the use of studded tires in Ontario.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
cca:sunicatim be received and filed and the Minister of Highways and the Minis•
ter of Transport be advised that the City of Niagara Falls concurs with the
action taken by the Government of Ontario to ban the use of studded tires in
Ontario. This motion was Carried with the following vote:
Aldermen Bearss, Clay E fl na, Martin, McKinley, Thomson
Aldermen Wilson, Puttick, Scott, Schieler.
It was Moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Scott that the ccamuni.
cation be deferred pending investigation of other approaches on this subject,
let damage caused to cars by use of salt on highways. This motion was Defeated
With the following vote:
A� e Aldermen Wilson, Planck, Boott, Sehisler.
Aldemen Sears, Clarke, Stem, Martin, McKinley, Thomson.
Me 374 - South Ontario SIM* Dev,lop a 4ou0oil - Compiling of Industrial
Brochure, and sugessting t e actual sorts of seine, including mailing and
envelopes, be financed by a 10 per capita levy on all municipalities lathe area)
and that the assessment for the City would *matt to 4640.52.
ORES= am the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
communication be received and referred to the Business B Industrial Growth Cat -
mmobiittteereevaaof the Ctembeerr�,otheimir 0 CC a�arro, and thhee MMagic al Municipality of Niagara for
♦on i t oo ma ai
n cone m ere igr000rte Carried with Albeauan Puttick
- 2 -
No. 375 - Canadian Parke /Recreation Aesoe. - Requesting nominations for Citation
and Award to be presented to those who have given outstanding service in the
field of parks and recreation.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
camunication be received and referred to the City Manager for report.
No. 376 - Niagara Training & Hnvloyaent Agency Inc. - Requesting permission to
hold Walkathon on November 7th, or in case of rain, on November 14th, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Schiller that
the communication be received and filed and request for a change in date so as
not to conflict with United Appeal month activities, be granted.
No. 377 - City of Welland - Notice of Intention to apply to The Ontario Municipal
Board. (Roadway on Watt Avenue)
No. 378 - City 142ort Colborne - Notice of Intention to apply to The Ontario
Municipal $oard.yatermaina on West Side Road and Chippewa Road)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the communications be received and filed and the City of Niagara Falls offer no
objections to the proposed works.
No. 707 - Plamin & Deve nt Catittee - AM- 30/70, Ace High Neon Signs Ltd.,
south side Hunter Street, change in zoning from residential to a zone which would
allow the use of this property for a wholesale warehouse; and recommending that
Council approve of the application subject to a Site Plan Agreement and the
by -law to limit the proposed use for a period of one year.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
Report be received and .recommendation adopted.
No. 708 - P & Development Committee - AM- 37/7 R. Balccmbe & W. Grant,
corner Gree Frencie) and Main, extension of nursing bane facilities to
provide a further addition of 40 to 50 beds; and recommending that Council
approve of the application, subject to a Site Plan Agreement and that Council
certify by resolution that the application conforms to the Official Plan.
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that Mrs. Michalczyk be granted permission to address Council. Mrs. Micbalczyk
advised she lived immediately adjacent to the nursing home. She was concerned
about the proposed emergency driveway off Main Street, and the many ambulnneen
that would go in and out of the nursing home property, and stated she did not
wish to have the driveway beside her property. She also expressed her wish
to protect the privacy of her home and back yard, and stated if windows were
built in the new addition, persons could look into her home. She also stated
that the elevation of the nursing home property had been raised causing water
run -off to her property. The City Engineer projected a plan of the nursing
hams and proposed addition for 'viewing by those present.
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the applicant, or his solicitor, be grunted permission to address Council.
Mr. Admadio then addressed Council on behalf of the applicant, and stated that
be felt confusion existed in respect to the emergency driveway off Main Street.
He stated that the driveway would have limited use only, and that it would be
- same 20 to 30 feet away frail the adjoining property line. He suggested this
driveway would not be used daily, but only approximately once a week. He stated
that if Council so desired, this driveway could be rs.located, and that this
condition, as well as conditions to ensure privacy not only for the neighbours
but his client, mould be included in the new site plan.
It was ordered on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that Mrs. Mills Zigicb be granted permission to address Council. Mrs. Zigieb
advised she resided on Welland Street near the rear of the nursing home property.
°She spoke in respect to conversations she bad had with the applicant in respect
to fencing, paving, flooding, etc.
Mr. Amodio stated in accordance existing
had provide fencing and pa ving for the pre n �ursing home.
It was moved by Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the matter
% Ps deterred back to the Planning & Development Committee to devise a site plan
;tgrrSnt. This notion was Armajcigith the following votes
Worn= Thomson, Schiniek,MoKinleYsMintine
Aldermen Wilson, Scott, Mann, Clarke, Beerss,presidiag Officer Galloway.
It lion ORESSID co the motion of Alderman Scbisler, seconded by Aldermen Scott
thee the Reports of the !laming A Mweicpment Casmaittes be reoeived and recur
lmendaelcee adopted, Me ' motion vas CarriedswithAl6svtn •voting oar, .
tetil7 Mod all ether ere
in trtromix
. ap,soi91is.3OS
No. 709 - Planing & Development Committee - AM- 32/70, W. & C. Flommerfelt,
Lots 3 and 4, Pt. 5, West side Macklem Street; application to amend zoning
by -law from Residential 4 to a category which would permit a service station;
and the tablieg.of the application by the Committee until the Service Station
Policy is finalized for presentation to Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schiller, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the Report be received and filed. This motion was Carried with the following
&ee_ Aldermen Bearss, Warble,, McKinley, Puttick, Schiller, Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
Nays: Aldermen Mann, Clarke.
No. 710 . Planning & Development Committee - AM- 33/70, G. Tamburri, Pt. Lot 155,
Garner Rosa, re-zoning of land Iran Agricultural to a category which would
permit a private social club; and recommending to Council that the application
be denied.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Schiller, seconded by Ald. Wilson that the Report
be received and recommendation adopted.
No. 711 - Planning & Developnent Committee - AM -308, F. & A. Maraldo, Official
Plan Amendment No. 46, service station at north -east corner Garner and McLeod
Roads; and recommending to Council that Official Plan Amendment No. 46 be adop - '
ted by bylaw, and further, that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls certify
that the application of F. & A. Maraldo for the rezoning of property known as
Pt. Twp. Lot 189, situated on the north -east corner of Garner and McLeod Roads
will conform to the Official Plan, Amendment 28 section, of the Niagara Falls
Planning Area after the Official hen Amendment No. 46 is enacted by Council and
approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
Report be received and recommendations adopted.
SEE Resolution No. 106
SEE By -law No. 70 -229
No. 712 - Plannina & Development Committee - Heritage Homesteads, proposal to
locate a muddle Iacono housing project on the property bounded by Swayze Drive,
Stanley Avenue and Churches Lane, and recommending to Council that Official
Plan Amendment No. 47 be adopted by By -law.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Scbieler that
that the Report be received and recommendation adopted.
This motion was Carried with the following vote:
Aye: Aldermen Thomson, Wilson, Scott, Schiller, McKinley, Martin, Bearas
Nays: Aldermen Puttick, Clarke, Mann.
No. 713 - Planning & Development Committee - Cannai, Application for re- zoning
and approval of a plan of subdivision for a regional shopping centre; and recom-
mending that the Council certify that the application will conform to the
Official Plan (Amendment No. 28) of the Niagara Falls Planning Area after
Official Plan Amendment No. 44 enacted by Council on May 19th, 1970 is approved
by the Minister of Municipal Affairs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
Report be received and recommendation adopted.
SEE Resolution No. 107
No. 714 - City Manager,- Advising of advice received from the Regional Municipal.
Sty of Niagara concerning the re- circulation of eighteen Notice of Application
to the Ontario Municipal Board, and recommending that the notices be received
and tiled and the City of Niagara Falls not object to the applications.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
Report be received and recommendation adopted.
No. 715 is City r - Municipal Service Centre, fourth stage of construction)
"and recommending two readings be given to the By -law to provide for a pro-
posed expenditure of #100,000.
ORMOND on the action of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
Report be received and recommendation adopted.
SKI Hy -law Ma, 70.226
No. 716 as City Manager - Advising of request of Department of Highways for per -
mission to lease a o e-aors parcel of land on the west side of Montrose Road
north of the intersection of Montrose and McLeod Road; and recasasnding that the
by -law authorizing the lease of the land to the Department at a rental fee of
41.00 per year be approved, and the authorizing by -law be given three readings...
ORD1)n on the motion) of Alderman tsars, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
Report ba:raosiged and adopted.
a pis By law No. 70-231
_ 0. _
- 4 .
No. 717 - City Manager - Advising of consideration by the Municipal Parking
Committee of the Ontario Municipal Board decision concerning the proposed park-
ing lots in the Centre area, and the intent of the Committee to have a new and
revised By-law before Council at a date which will allay O.M.B. decision on this
matter as an expenditure under the 1970 Capital Budget.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mares, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
Report be received and filed.
No. 718 - City Manager - Advising of Open House to be held on Oct. 31st and
Nov. 1st at the new Fire Hall on Oxford Road, and requesting Council's direction
if arrangements are to be made for an official ceremony for the dedication of
the building.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
Report be received and filed and the City Manager be authorized to make the neces.
sary arrangements for an official ceremamy :•
No. 719 - City Manager - Road/Rail Crossings, Construction and Maintenance Costs
Proposal - St.Lawrence Seaway Authority, commenting on proposals made by the
Authority, and advising of the wish of City Officials that the Seaway Authority
make an agreement with the Railways concerned to assume 100% of the maintenance
and costs and that the Authority pay direct to the Railways concerned, the cap•
italized amount required, thus avoiding any Municipal participation for the
relatively small number of crossings involved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Bearse that the
Report be received and adopted, and the St.Lawrence Seaway Authority be so
advised of the City's suggestions.
No. 720 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of application of
Order of the Amaranth to conduct a lottery type scheme at a Bazaar be approved.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the Report be received and adopted.
No. 721 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of applications to
manage and conduct Rattle Lotteries from: Jacob Goldblatt Lodge, Firemen & Oilers
Union, Local 101, Can. Corps - unit 104, Chippewa Kinsmen, Can. Corps - Ladies'
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
Report be received and adopted.
No. 722 - Cit Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
CRIBBED on the mot an of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Beans that the
Report be received, and licences granted with the exception of the Public Garage
C Licence for Mid Town Eeso, 1846 Drummond Road.
Alderman Clarke indicated he had received canplaints frau neighbours in the
area of the Mid Tam Esso garage, and stated that other types of business were
being carried on at the location, and there had been instances of noise, bad
language, etc. He requested that prior to a lioence being issued that the exist-
ing condition be investigated.
No. 723 - City Manager - Recomnending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORRLZRED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted. This motion was Carried with the following vote:
• Aldermen Bearae, Clarke, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Sahisler, Scott, Thomson.
: Aldermen Wilson, flrttick. 4
No. 105 - WHIRLER - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls certifies that the application of N. Wombs A W. Grant for extension of
nursing home facilities at the corner of Greenwood (Francis) and lain Street,
conforms to the Official Plan (Amendment No. 28) for the Niagara Fells Planning
Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs; AND the Seal
of.the Corporation be hereto affixed. Car te.. i d
N 106 - i ja,Z - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara
Palle can 1� application of F. & A. Haraldo, for the re- zoning of
property known as Pt. Tap. fat 29, situated on the north -east coiner at Garner
and NoLeod'Aoads viii contort to the Official Plan, Amendment lab section, of the
Mete Palle Plammind Ara after the Official Plan Amendmsnt.No..46 is enacted
by Council and approved by the Uinister4 Nnnieipai Affairs; AND the Seal of
the Oorpor+tion be hereto affixed.:,
Carried UhanLaowilr
ft. 107 - THOMSONN - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara
Falls confirms that the application of Cannai Holdings Ltd. for the re- zoning of
property known as Pt. Lot 141 and 148, former Township of Stamford, situated on
the corner of Lundy's Lane and Montrose Road, will conform to the Official Plan
(Amendment No. 28) of the Niagara Falls Planning Area after Official Plan Amend-
ment No. 44 enacted by Council on May 19th, 1970 is approved by the Minister of
Municipal Affairs; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 108 - MoKINLEX - TH ON - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded
to the tam y oUthe late ' Kenneth Pearson, a former representative on the
Niagara Palle Hydro Commission, and resident of the municipality for many yearn;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 109 - CLARKE - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls duly assembled in regular session this 19th day of October,
1970 completely endorses the action of the Right Honourable Pierre E. Trudeau,
Prime Minister of Canada, and his Government, in invoking the War Measures Act
to counteract the present disastrous terrorist activities in the City of Montreal;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
azgi Aldermen Thomson, Scott, Scbisler, McKinley, Martin, Mann, Clarke, Hearse.
Nays: Aldermen Wilson, Puttick.
Lowering of Flag at dusk.
Alderman McKinley advised it had been brought to his attention on several
occasions that the Canadian Flag at the City Hall had not been lowered at dusk
in accordance with the rules of flag etiquette. He suggested that the flying
and displaying of the Flag be under the auspices of a senior official. The
City Manager advised that this matter would be taken care of immediately.
Side Entrance to City Hall off Erie Avenue
Alderman Thomson brought to the attention of the City Council that the
side entrance to the City Hall, off Erie Avenue, near the Police parking area,
had became quite muddy. He suggested that same form of concrete walkway be
installed at this location. The City Manager advised that. this suggestion would
be investigated.
No. 70 -152. A By -law to authorize the construction of certain storm sewers and
sanitary sewers as alterations to the existing sewage system in
the Urban Service Area of the City, as emended. (Construction of
certain storm and sanitary sewers necessitated by the re- location
of the Niagara and Dorchester Road Traffic Circles, and a new sani-
tary sever crossing the Q.B.Way)
Third Reading - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Wilson.
Carried Unanimously.
No.:70 -154. A By -law to authorize the construction of certain vatermains as
alterations to the existing water supply system in the Urban Service
Area of the City, ai amended.' (Construction.ot • oextain watermaine
necessitated by.the re- location of Niagasso and Dorchester Road
Traffic Circles)
Third Reading - Alderman. Wilson and Alderann Thomson.
Carried Umanieeusly.
No. 70 -224. A By *law to authorize the construction of certain storm sewers
as extensions to the existing sewage system in the Urban Service
Areas of the City. (Kitchener Street, Dorchester Read)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the Byelaw and .
the By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Schiller
that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the Byelaw be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously.
No. 70 -22'. A Byelaw to authorize the replacement of certain waternaine as
improvements to the existing water supply system in the Urban Ser-
vice Areas of the City. (8" watermain on Ramsey Road; 6" water -
main on Culp Street)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Bearas
that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the Byelaw be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously.
No. 70 -226; A Byelaw to authorize an additional expenditure of $100,000.1n
connection with the Municipal Service Centre on the east side of
Stanley Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading. Carried with the following vote:
r Aldermen Thomson, Schisler, Puttick, McKinley, Martin, Minn, Clarke, Bearse
a Aldermen Wilson, Scott.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that
Rule By-law be second rea�ding.f suspended and the
Carried with the following vote:
Aye: Aldermen Thomson, Schisler, Puttick, McKinley, Martin, Mann, Clarke, m Aldermen Wilson, Scott.
No. TO -227. A Byelaw to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Gales Gas Bars Limited.
ORDEABD on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that Alderman Bears. be granted the privilege of introducing the !slaw and the
By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the
Byelaw be given the seeond:.reading. Carried Unanimously.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman McKinley. Carried Unanimously.
No. 70 -228. A By -law to amend $y -laws Nos. 2350, 1959 and 253 1960 of the
former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Fells, as
emended. (Gale's Gas Bar le Part Twp. Lot 90, Bast aide Portagm
QADERBD on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, eeoonded by Alderman McKinley
that Alderman Bears, be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and
the By- lav,be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
MOM on the motion of Alderman Boars., seconded by Alderman Martin that
Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of,Councii be temporarily suspended and the• .
DY -1av be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously.
Third Rssding - Alderman Wilson and Ald xcen Watson. Carried Unanimously.
- 7 -
No. 70 -229. A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the
Official Plan of the Niagara Palls Planning Area. (Amendment
No. 46 - Maraldo property, McLeod Road)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke
that Alderman Mann be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ODD on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -lav be given the second reading. Carried with Alderman Scott voting
contrary and all other members in favour.
Third reading -Alderman Wilson and Alderman Schisler. Carried with Alderman
Scott voting contrary and all other members in favour.
No. 70 -230. A By -law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the
Official Plan of the Niagara Pails Planning Area. (Amendment
No. 47 - Heritage Homesteads Subdivision, Stanley Ave.at Churches tp &)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears,, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading; Carried with Alderman Puttick voting
contrary and all other members in favour.
MEM on
Rule 36 (2) of the h Standing Rules of Council be suspended deII Martin and the
By-law be given the second reading. Carried with the following vote:
Aldermen Hearse, Martin, McKinley, Schiller, Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
Nays: Aldermen Clarke, Mann, Puttick.
Third Reading - Alderman Thomson and Alderman Wilson. Carried with the following
Aldermen Bears., Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott, Thorson, Wilson.
s Aldermen Clarke, Mann, Puttick.
No. 70 -231 - A By -law to authorize a lease of land on Montrose Road to the
Department of Highways. (W.S.Montrose Rd. north of Mcleod Rd.)
ORTBRED on the motion of Alderman Beares, seconded by Alderman Mann that
Alderman Schisler be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Clarke
that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. Carried T:anlmouely.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman McKinley. Carried Unanimously.
No. 70 -232. A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beare., seconded by Alderman Martin
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the Welke be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By-law be given the second reading. Carried with Alderman Puttick voting
contrary and all other members in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Martin. Carried with the following
WA Aldermen Manson, Scott, Schisler, McKinley, Martin, Mann, Clarke, Beams.
s Aldermen Wilson, Puttick.
Council adjourned to Ccmittee of the Whole on the motion of Alderman Mann,
Mecndsd by A3dsxman Wilson. Carried Kith Alderman Thaw* voting canary.
Council Chamber,
October 19, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on October 19th, 1970. All Mothers of Council were present i
exception of Nis Worship Mayor Miller and Alderman Hunt. Aldermen Hearse
presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the them, Mc8:e1Gy that the
on the motion of Alderman !Giffin,; seconded by Alderman
Committee of the Whole arise and not Deport.
Council Chamber,
October 19, 1970.
Council re- convened in open session following the Committee of the
Whole meeting held October 19, 1970. All Members of Council were present
with the exception of His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller and Alderman Hunt.
Presiding Officer Alderman Galloway presided.
It was Ordered on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Schieler that the meeting adjourn.
- 8 -
Presiding Office
Council Chamber,
October 26, 1970.
Council met at 7 :30 P.M. on Monday, October 26, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. All Members of Council were present. His
Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. Alderman Galloway offered the
Opening Prayer. It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by
Alderman Mann that the minutes of the regular meeting held October 19, 1970, be
adopted as printed.
Comm. No. 379 - Department of Agriculture and Food - Re: Niagara Peninsula
Market Garden and Fruit Growers Association. Requesting an opportunity to
discuss a proposal which would enable the Association :to rent market apace on
a yearly basis; submitting a copy of the organizations's constitution.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that a ,
spokesman for the South End Market be granted permission to address Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schieler that
Mr. John Vandenberg be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Vandenburg, a Marketing Specialist with the Ontario Department of
Agriculture and Food, reviewed the improvements that had been made at the South
End Market which had been made possible by the cooperation of the market members
and the support of the Main and Ferry Businessmen's Association. The proposal
to rent market space as a group at a yearly rate would ensure an orderly market
and eliminate the need for a City employee to collect fees each market day. Mr.
Vandenberg requested Council's opinion of the proposal.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
communication be received and referred to the City Manager for report. The
report will be presented at the next meeting of Council.
No. 380 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Sewage Service Rate By -law.
Submitting a certified copy of By -law No. 87 authorizing a sewage service rate.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearer, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
communication be received and the Regional By -law authorising a sewage service
rate be accepted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearee,.Clarke, Ga�oway, Runt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schieler,
Scott, Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Puttick, Wilson.
No. 381 - Young Women's Christian Association - Presenting a resume of the
Association's activities and expressing appreciation of the City's assistance
and support; advising that Mrs. Beryl Palmer has been appointed Executive
Director and will assume the position at the close of the year.
ORDERED on the motion'of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
.communication be received and filed and a lettered appreciation be forwarded to
Miss E.Pitt, the retiring Executive Director; further, that Council's congratu-
lations be conveyed to Mrs. B. Palmer on her new appointment.
No. 382 - City of Welland - Notice of Intention to apply to the Ontario Munici-
pal Board for an Order approving construction of storm sewers, pavements and
curbs. -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
'communication be received and filed and that the City of Niagara Falls offer
no objections to the proposed works.
No. 383 a 'Mama Youth Studio Theatre - Requesting permission to erect a
`banner across Victala Avenue at 8pworth Circle for the period November 20th
to December 14th, 1970, to advertise the production of The Wizard of Os which
will be presented on December 11th and 12th.
` ORDIR$D on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that the
"- ccaounication be received and referred to the Regional Government with a
geconaendatian that the request be approved.
No. 384 - Visitor and Convention Bureau - Chamber of Commerce - Re: Council's
representatives to the Board of Directors of the Niagara Resort and Tourist
Association; advising that the first meeting of the Board will be held October
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Hunt, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
caaunicatiaabe received and Alderman Thomson and Alderman McKinley continue to
act as Council's representatives. The notion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 725 -City Manager - Re: Tenders for Supply and Erection of Fencing.certaia
Recommending that the tender for the supply and erection of fencing in
parks, the Lundy's Lane Cemetery and the Morrison Street parking lot be awarded
to Frost Steel and Wire Co.Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario, seconded at the
unit prices
Mann that i t t ed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley,
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No 110
No. 726 - City Manager - Re: Former Motorville Property. Recommending that the
replacement of existing window panes with a non - transparent plastic material
be awarded to Canadian Pittsburgh Industries Ltd., Niagara Falls, at a quoted
price of $322.00; recommending further that the teuder•submitted by the firm
of !rven blockawalls,i at price exterior of the concrete
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 727 - Cit Mena er - Re: Interim Levy of Taxes. Recommending (1) that the
City request efinite information from the Provincial Assessment Authorities
concerning the estimated date that the confirmed assessment roll will be turned
over to the area municipalities and (2) that the City communicate with the
requirementsion tthetareanmunicipalities early the year, their
possibly before
March let.; advising that when the information is received further consideration
can be given to the matter of a City interim levy.
ORDERED be received Alderman Puttick,
motia Carried witAlderson ldea that
the Alderman Hunt
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 728 - City Manager - Re: Application of L. Grandoni to the Committee of
j ect to certain certain c enumerated t in the n report and n also approved the �-
construction of a dwelling on Pt. Twp. Lot 103 with side yard setbacks at 11
feet and a total land area of 22,500 sq. ft.; advising that the decision was
not in accordance with Zoning By -law 2350 which calls for a mintiest of 2 acres
for land severances in agricultural areas and a side yard setback of 20 feet;
commenting on the problems that would be created at the time Morrison Street
is extended; appealed tothe the decisions
and theoCityaSoli�citor be requested n be
make the appeals and submit the City's case at the time of the bearing.
BREon Sherwood be the
t io n ofd Alderman M a n n , seconds by Wilson that Mt.
Edwin Mr. Sherwood provided Members of Council with a sketch of the
property involved and stated that the site was chosen Waves of its suit-
ability for a sceptic tank system and was approved by the District Health Unit.
There is no intention, be said, of building additional homes in the area es
the land is neded for -of Garner Road e surrounding this lot. Gra Continuing aMr.She frontage
rwood said that the
transaction was strictly a family matter and was a transfer of property from
brother to sister.
It was moved on the motion of Aldermen Mar econded by Alderman the
Minn that the report of the City Menage;
decision of the Committee of Adjustment be ratified by CoOncii. the motion
wee with the following vote:
;Al derman Mann, Martin, McKinley.
;Aldermen 4atPs,,. Cl *rka, Galloway, Runt
2 -
See Resolution No 111
Puttick, Sehisler,Seett,Thomsen,
-3 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by_
the report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Galloway, Runt, Puttick,
NAPE :Aldermen Mann, Martin, McKinley.
Alderman Puttick that
The motion Carried
Schisler, Scott, Wilson,
No. 729 - City Manager - Referrring to an earlier request of Council concerning
a meeting to discuss the proposed signing for the Ontario Department of Highway
interchanges; noting that the Department has encountered arch construction
problems similar to those experienced by the City at the McLeod Road crossing
of the Hydro Canal; advising that the required revised staging is now under
consideration by the Department of Highways and it is suggested that the meeting
to discuss signing be temporarily deferred.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and filed.
No. 730 - Dr.C.E.Newman, Chairman, Recreation Commission - Presenting a Winter
Recreation Calendar and noting that the calendar alphabetically lists activities
for residents of all ages.
Alderman Bearss explained that several organizations had requested
that the Recreation Commission prepare a winter calendar of events similar to
that for the summer activities in the City. 25,000 copies have been printed and
will be distributed to every student in the enlarged City as well as such
agencies as the Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., Boy's Club, etc. The Alderman said that
while the calendar was not especially attractive, it had been possible to
remain within the $1,000 budgeted by the Recreation Commission.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt; seconded by Alderman Bearss that the
report of the Recreation Commission Chairman be received and. filed.
No. 731 - City Clerk - Re: Application of G. Mowers for a Public Garage "C"
Licence for Mid Town Esao, 1846 Drummond Road. Commenting on the complaints
received concerning the operation of the business and improvements that have
been made; advising that the property has been investigated and the operation
was found to be in order; recommending that the licence be approved and the
proprietor made aware of Council's concern that he adhere to the provisions of
pertinent by -laws.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 732 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Re: Application of the Cerebral Palsy
Parent Council, Toronto, to sell tickets in the City for a raffle lottery to
be held in the Borough of Scarborough, December 26th,1970; advising that the
ojganieotdon is not represented in the City but the Welland branch favours the
request; advising further that the Greater Niagara United Appeal does not
object to the application but have requested that no tickets be Bold in the
City until the United Appeal Campaign is concluded.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and the Cerebral Palsy Parent Council be notified that the
City of Niagara Falls has no objection to the sale of the lottery tickets in
the City after November 15th, 1970. The motion Carried with Alderman Bears.
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 733 - City Manager - Re: Election of School representatives. Advising that
the majority of the trustees of the Separate School Board favour electing
members at large and that four members of the Board of Education favour a
division of the municipality for election purposes; commenting on the resulting
confusion to the electors should one Board be elected on an at -large baste and
the other on a ward basis; recommending that consideration be given to the
election of all school board representatives on a general vote basis. The report
also points out that the present term of the Rydro Commissioners will expire
at the and of the currant year and that the Minister of Municipal Affairs has
indicated that he will recommend to the Legislative Assembly that the Regional
Municipality of Niagara Act be amended to extend the terms of office of public
utility commission and hydro - electric commission members until the Department's
studies are completed; recommending that the by -law providing for holding the
election of school board members for the years 1971 and 1972 be given three
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report of the City Clerk be received and adopted.
See By -law No. 70.233
No. 734 - City Manager - Recommending that ehe Purchasing Agent be authorised
to attend the Fall Workshop of the Ontario Chapter of Municipal Purchasers,
November 5th and 6th, 1970, in the City of Niagara ra QFalls
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 735 • ;atom Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of the applications
of the Willoughby Volunteer Firemen and the Stamford Lions Club to manage and
conduct Raffle Lotteries.
No. 736 - Lottery Licensing Officer • Recommending approval of the applications
of the Quota Club and the Rebekah Lodge to manage and conduct lottery type
schemes at Bazaar.
No. 737 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recamending approval of the application
of the Willoughby Volunteer Fireman to manage and conduct a Bingo Lottery.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
reports of the Lottery Licensing Officer, Nos. 735,736 and 737 be received and
No. 738 - Ci�t+ Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on ton of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received and adopted with the temporary deletion of the application
of C. Cutler for a Hawker & Pedlar Licence.
No. 739 - Ci Mane er - Reeoending payment of Municipal Accounts.
.ORDERED on the m
of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 110 - McKINLEY - MANN - RESOLVED that the tender for the supply and
erection of fencing in certain parka, the Lundy's Line Cemetery and the
Morrison Street parking lot be awarded to Frost Steel and Wire Co. Ltd.,
Hamilton, Ontario, at the unit prices submitted, total amount of which is
$9,156.56; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 111 s THOISON - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the contract to replace the existing
window panes of the former Motorvills building with a non - transparent plastic
material be awarded to Canadian Pittsburgh Industries Ltd., Niagara Valls, at a
quoted price of $322.00; and that it be further RESOLVED that the tender sub-
mitted by Traven Painting Ltd., Niagara Palls, for the exterior painting of the
concrete walls of the former Motorville building, be accepted at a total price
quoted of $1,145.00; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
At the October 5th meeting of Council, Alderman Puttick requested
that the Chamber of Commerce provide information regarding the rentals paid
by the Visitor and Convention Bureau and the Business and Industrial Growth
Committee for use of the amber's facilities. Alderman Puttick enquired as
to why the information had still not been submitted. The City Manager stated
that the Chamber Manager bad been contacted and it is understood that the
report will be available at the next Council seating.
As one of Council's representatives to the Visitor and Convention
Bureau, Aldermen Thomson bad spoken to Chamber representatives regarding the
questions eked about the allocation of rental charges. He pointed out that
the information had been available to Council at the time of budget discussions
and the charges were based strictly on the square footage required by the
Visitor and Convention Bureau, the Industrial Committee and the Chamber itself.
The Alderman stated that the Chaber's report fully outlined the arrangement
and, in his Opinion, was completely factual and acceptable. He could not
understand, he said, why the report had not as yet been We available to
The City.Mepagur will make further .nEuirtsis
Alderman Galloway noted that signs located at the parking area in
front of Centennial Square and formerly reserved for visiting dignitaries and
the Mayor's car, indicated that parking was prohibited. The Alderman had been
asked why, since the area was no longer required by City Officials, the meters
had not been reinstated. The City Manager said that the suggestion had merit
and arrangements will be made to permit parking from the weat side of
Centennial Square to Erie Avenue.
Alderman Hunt'invited Members of Council to attend the Armistice Day
Memorial Services in the former Village of Chippewa, Sunday November 8th at
2:00 P.M.
Earlier in the meeting during consideration of the City Manager's
report concerning a decision of the Committee of Adjustment, Alderman Clarke ,
had questioned why only Alderman Bears') received the minutes of the Committee's
minutes. Alderman Bearss explained that at one time all Members of a former
Council received the minutes but it was decided that the additional work was
unwarranted and the information would be sent only to those Council Members
who requested same. The decision of the Committee were then reviewed by the
City Manager who, in turn, prepared a report on each decision of the Committee
of Adjustment that did not comply with the Zoning By -law. Commenting on the
earlier discussions, Alderman Galloway expressed the opinion that the
information should be made available to Council, especially the decisions of
the Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the Committee of Adjustment provide all Members of Council with a Notice of
Hearing and a copy of the decision made with respect to each application
submitted to the Comittee. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schieler,Wilson,clarke
NAPE: Aldermen Puttick, Scott, Thomson.
An amendment to the motion moved by Alderman Clarke and seconded by
Alderman Thomson, that only the minutes and decisions of the Committee of
Adjustment be provided to Council, was Defeated with the following vote:
ATE: Aldermen Clarke and Thomson.
NAME :Aldermen Bearss, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinly, Puttick, Schiller,
Scott, Wilson.
NNbte: The vote on the amending motion was taken prior to the original motion.
A petition received by Alderman Martin was submitted to the City
Clerk for processing. The petition, bearing the signatures 'of 49 parents
representing 90 school children, requests that a crossing guard be placed at
the intersection of Confederation Street and Thorold Stone Road. The Traffic
-Engineer is presently conducting a survey of the area and a report to Council
will be forthcoming.
Alderman Martin noted that the stands in the baseball area of Oakes
Park had been painted. He pointed out that the spectators' stands in the
football park were also in poor condition. He asked that consideration be
given to painting the football stands as well.
Alderman Wilson advised that a suggestion had been made that, with
the advent of minter driving, perhaps the public could be encouraged to make
more use of the City's bus service rather than use their own vehicles. The
additional revenue, he said, would be of some help in solving the Transit
Commission's financial difficulties. Mayor Miller said be would bring the
suggestion to the attention of.the Ccamission at the next meeting scheduled
for October 27th.
As Council's appointee to the Humane Society, Alderman Schieler was
Asked to advise Council of the lack of coverage by the local press of the
Society's activities. Although the Secretary of the Society prepared a
report about each meeting and submitted it to the newspaper the information
was not published. The Alderman said that the members of the Humane Society
are dedicated people and deserve some publicity regarding their activities.
Alderman Clarke referred to the earlier discussion regarding the
Regional Municipality's By -law authorizing a sewage service rate and
requested that the City Treasurer provide Council with information as to
the 1969 costa for operating and maintaining the City's sewage service. The
City Treasurer will submit the information to Council.
Alderman Schieler questioned the possibility of having the juris-
diction of the Niagara Falls Hydro Commission extended to those areas of the
enlarged Municipality presently being serviced by rural hydro. The City
Manager replied that a complete study of the jurisdiction of the various
authorities responsible for the supply of hydro power is now being undertaken.
A report will be forthcoming regarding the possible expansion of Hydro
Commission and that area governed by the Regional Municipality of Niagara
would be involved.
Alderman Thomson commented on the difficulties created by the lack
of uniform policies for Committees of Adjustment. As an example, he outlined
the different guidelines used in granting severances, pointing out that the
minimum of two acres allowed in the City might not necessarily be the sere
requirement of adjacent municipalities. He suggested that a draft resolution
be prepared by the City Clerk for submission to the Minister of Municipal
Affairs and that the City endeavour to obtain the support of the Regional
Municipality of Niagara and area municipalities.
Mayor Miller thanked Alderman Galloway and other Members of Council
who had represented him at various functions during his absence.
No. 70 -233 - A By -law to provide for holding the election of school board
members for she years 1971 and 1972.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley,
Mann that Alderman Bearse be granted the privilege of
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann.
seconded by Alderman
introducing the By -law
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears., seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be• temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Ito. 70.2 4 - A By -law to authorise the execution of an agreement with Frost
Steel sod Wire Company, Limited, for the supply and erection of fences and
01312D on the motion of Aldermen 7 h by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Schieler be granted the privilege of introducing' the
by -lou and'the Bylaw be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
Cl ef
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schieler, seconded by Alderman
Blain that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Clarke.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -235 - A By -law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement with
Anthony.Maraldo and Frank Edward Haraldo.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann.
!bird Reading - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Wilson.
- 7 -
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -236 - A By -law to amend By -law No. 2350, 1959 of the former Township of
Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Fails, as amended.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beans, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schieler, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council Chamber,
October 26, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held October 26, 1970. All Members of Council were present. Alderman Wilson
presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the Committee of the Whole arise and report.
Council Chamber,
October 26, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the
Whole meeting held October 26, 1970. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman.
The fo11_ing action _ag taken:
Report No. 740 - Ci Mana sr - Advising that, in compliance with the promo-
tion system provid or in t he Collective Agreement with Local 528, Niagara
Falls Professional Fire Fighters, a Promotion Board submitted the names of
officers who qualified for the position of Platoon Chief; recommending that
Captain A. Thompson be appointed to the rank of Platoon Chief at a salary of
411,285.00 per annum, effective November 1, 1970. -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried
AYE: Aldermen gearss,iGalloway, Runt, Martin, McKinley,
7c:amson, Wilson.
MW :Aldermen Mann, Scott and Clarks.
Alderman Wilson that
with the following
Puttick, Schuler,
Report 741 • City Manager - Re: Position of Foreman. Recommending that Mr.
David Piris he appointed to the position of Foreman in the Sanitation Depart.
nest subject to the usual twelve month probationary period and at a salary of
$8,640 per annum.
CRISPED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report he received and adopted. The motion anal with AldermanWilson voting
contrary and ell others in favour.
Report 742 - QitY Jinnataer - Advising that in 1964 the City agreed to convey
• 12 foot strip along the northerly area of the water tower property on
Lundy's Lane and a 20 -foot •trip along the westerly side of the property to
Eden Roc Investments Ltd. The agreement included en understanding that the
Company would underwrite the cost of moving the existing chain link fence
8 .
- 9 -
and gate, the provision of a right -of -way over the land transferred for the
purposes of ingress and egress to the property; that the company underwrite the
cost of a concrete tunnel for sewer and watermain purposes and certain other
conditions in respect to roof construction of any buildings erected on the 12-
foot parcel of land as well as provisions regarding the height of buildings
erected over the concrete tunnel; advising that the exchange of lands was never
completed due to financial problems by Eden Roc. Company but the property has
now been acquired by Traders Realty Ltd. who are interested in completing the
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and filed; that no consideration be given to the exchange
of properties and the Regional Municipality of Niagara be asked to carry out
negotiations for the 10 -foot strip of property required for the Lundy's Lane
widening. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Beans, Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick,Schisler,
Scott, Hunt.
NAPE :Aldermen Wilson and Thomson.
Report 743 - City Manager - Re: Establishment of a policy relative to allowances
to be paid to elected and appointed officials for attendance at conventions and
conferences; submitting various alternatives for Council's consideration; pre-
senting information regarding convention allowances paid in 20 cities having a
population in excess of 50,000.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report of the City Manager be received and filed and the following policy for
attendance at conventions and conferences be established:
Elected Officials
Each Alderman will be permitted to attend not more than three conferences or
conventions a year with the exception of the Ontario Municipal Association
Conference and the one day Seminars which are held in conjunction with the
Good Roads Convention;
For out -of -town conventions a per diem rate of $45.00 be allowed for each day
of the convention;
That 525.00 per day be allowed for conventions held within the geographical
boundaries of the Regional Municipality of Niagara;
The payment of a travel allowance of .150 per mile or air fare where the
distance to be travelled warrants same; and
Registration Fees.
For out -of -town conventions a per diem rate of $30.00 to be allowed for each
day of the convention;
A travel allowance of .150 per mile or air fare where the distance to be
travelled warrants same;
Actual amass for conventions held within the geographical boundaries of the
Regional Municipality of Niagara; *...
Registration'Fees. • . .
The motion Carried -with'the•folloeing vote ;• • •
AAVE :Aldermen Bearse,Clarke,Nunt, Mann, Martin,McKinley,Schisler,Scott.
MAIEvildermen Calloway, Puttick, Thomson, Wilson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
meeting adjourn.
Council met at 7 :30 P.M. on Monday, November 2, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. All Members of Council were present. His
Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. Alderman Hunt offered the
Opening Prayer. It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by
Alderman McKinley that the minutes of the regular meeting held October 26,1970,
be adopted as printed with a correction on Page 5, Line 32, to indicate the
affirmative vote of Alderman Clarke.
His Worship Mayor Miller welcomed the pupils from Grade 6, St. Ann's
School who, accompanied by their teachers Miss Chimenti and Mr. Kelly, were
in attendance as observers.
Report 674 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision - Dorchester and
Mountain Roads. Recommending that the plan be given preliminary approval with
the same conditions attached to the initial plan and the Community Planning
Branch be so notified.
Comm. 364 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision -
Rola Woods and Liaison Meeting, October 20, 1970.
Comm. 365 - F.A.Branscombe, Dalecombe Developments Ltd.- Requesting that Council
be again asked to grant preliminary approval of the revised draft plan.
Report 745 - City Manager - Advising that as a result of the liaison meeting,
the Planning and Development Committee of the Region again considered the
matter and confirmed its previous decision that the subdivision be re- designed
in order to minimise lot access to Mountain Road. The report pointy out that
the granting of preliminary approval will not prejudicially effect the Munici-
pality as far as any cost - sharing arrangement with the Region is concerned and
the subdivider, before commencing construction, must enter into a subdivider's
agreement which will include servicing provisions; advising that any departure
from established policy will be reported to. Council and any changes will be
reflected in the subdivider's agreement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report of the City Manager be received and the Rola Woods plan of subdivision
be given preliminary approval. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE; Aldermen Bearss, Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler, Scott, Wilson,
NAU;Aldesmen Clarke, Hunt and Puttick.
Council Chamber,
November 2, 1970.
Report 541 - CityMana err - Re: Low Cost Housing - Heritage Homesteads.
Recommending t at grant approval, in principle, to the development;
that the Planning and Development Committee hold a public meeting to inform the
public concerning the proposal and that the Planning and Development Committee
advise Council in respect to the details to be worked out.
Report 542 - Engineering Depa_:tment - Re: Heritage Homestead Subdivision.
Presenting estimated costs of services and commenting on pnee4b1s.ecgdnotions
from.norael City otandards.
Report 543 - Senior Planner - Re: Middle Income Rousing Project. Advising that
the objectives can generally be met while maintaining acceptable planning and
deeign Standards.
Report 712 - Planning and Development Committee - Recommending that Official
Plan Amendment No. 47 respecting Heritage Homesteads be adopted by by -law.
Report 746 - Senior Planner - Re: Heritage Homesteads. Recommending that Council
request the Public Utilities Commission to provide overhead hydro services
subject to the subdivision being developed'for special middle income housing;
recommending that Council, by resolution, agree to the location of a limited
gasoline outlet together with a smell comercial complex, subject to the
subdivision being developed for a special middle income housing project;
recommending the adoption of the soning by -law subject to the developer entering
into an interim agreement requiring a subdivision and site plan agreement and
registration of the subdivision and sub3eet further to the subdivision being
developed for special middle income honains.
re Senior be seconded Alderman mo Thomson that the
motion was Defeated
with the following vote:
ATE: Aldermen Bearss, Galloway, Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
NAPE :Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schiller.
379 -
Fruit A eociatiOn. Requesting g Peninsula
proposal which would enable the Association to rent market space on a yearly
basis submitting a copy of the organization's constitution.
Report 747 - City Manager - Reviewing the arrangement whereby private property
behind the Main he Street Stamford Hall;
stores for the facilities
area behind
and the improvements which haben suggesting
the a tg t resu a o fl mu nic ip a l
pr for market pure would
result from
property sggesting five
for market
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clae that
EnniClar meet with
appointed Committee of Council and the City Mang
representatives of the Niagara Peninsula Market Garden & Fruit Growers Aseocia-
thenpurposecofsreaching assolution operation of
the toathet for
No. 385 - Niagara Regional Silver Stick Hockey Association - Requesting that the
City welcome the tees Competing in the annual Silver Stick Tournament by the
tis in 1969 wasi$440.00. in program;
behe dtatf similar adver- Falls
and Stamford Arenas, December 28, 1970 to January 2, 1971.
ORDERED communication be and the Martin, quest for an advertisement bena v approved.
No. 386 - The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 51 - Requesting permission to hold
the annual street sale of Poppies on Saturday, November 7, 1970 and that the
week of November 5 to November 11th be proclaimed as Poppy Week.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman McKinley that the
communication be received and requests granted.
No. 387 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Traffic by •laws and the
possible establishment of uniform by -laws throughout the Region. Advising that
the Ontario Department of Transport will make available copies of all traffic
by -laws presently in effect in the Region thus eliminating the need for each
Municipality to search their records.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the.
communication be received and the proposal to establish a basic traffic by •law
for the Region and the;Area Municipalities be endorsed.
No. 388 • Niagara Peninsula Home Builders & Land Developments Limited - Re:
Proposed residential subdivision - Stamford Racetrack lands. Regarding the
'development west of the Q.R.W., the communication requests an acknowledgment by
Council that it is satisfied that the north, east and south Residential
Planning Districts are substantially developed and utilized intensively;
requesting assurance that the Morrison:Street right •of -way will not extend more
than 110 feet south of the M.P.H.,. nsin northern boundary line running ftca,
Rater Road to a point 110 fest west of Montrose Road and that read access wily requesting
...he permitted via Ulster Belfast
confirmation that itis unlikelytbat a soh of sisite will bA within the
subdivision site.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
communication/be received-and referred to the City Manager for report.
-3 -
No. 748 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for the supply and planting of ornamental
trees; recommending that the tender be awarded to Gould Nurseries Limited at
the quoted unit prices for each type of tree required.
Mayor Miller noted a corrected bid on the Tender Summary and enquired
if the firms were notified of the correction. The City Engineer said that it
would be possible to notify the firms of errors and corrections,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Beam that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 112
No. 749 - City Manager - Re: Roofing - Niagara Falls Arena. Advising that only
one contractor had submitted a quotation for the repair work and recommending
that the work be awarded to George Orth Sheet Metal & Roofing, St. Catharines,
at the tendered price of $5,175.00; noting that $3,000 has been provided in the
arena section of the current budget for this repair work and suggesting that
the additional $2,175. could be charged to the Building and Equipment Replacement
reserve account.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 113
No. 750 • Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM -24/70 Angelmora Investments
Ltd., Plan of Subdivision T21089. A rezoning application to permit a single
family subdivision on property situated immediately south of McLeod Road, west
of Dorchester Road; recommending that the application be approved subject to
standards as used in Frontenac Woods respecting the use of 40 foot lots on cul-
de -sacs and further subject to the applicant providing storm drainage westerly
to the H.E.P.C.Canal.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Galloway that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting
contrary and all others in favour.
No. 751 -City Manager - Re: By -law 70 -217 providing for the issuing of hunting
licences and the payment of fees; advising that the by -law was submitted to
the Department of Lands and Forests for approval and the Minister has suggested
an amendment whereby paragraph 3 will provide that the Treasurer shall make
available no less than 350 non - resident licences for sale.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
- report be referred to the By -law.
See By -law No. 70 -243
No. 752 - City Manager- Submitting a letter from the General Manager of the
Chamber of Commerce which outlines the method used to allocate the rentals
between the Visitor and Convention Bureau, the Business and Industrial Growth
Department and the Chamber proper; advising that the Chamber's last statement of
income has been reviewed and indicates that the membership income for the
Visitor and Convention Bureau was $25,278.58 as of August 31, 1970; advising
further that the Bureau has estimated• a total revenue from membership of
$35,800. The City matches the Visitor and Convention membership receipts and
to date $25,000 has been contributed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and filed.
No. 753 - City Manager - Submitting an explanation received from representatives
of H.G.Acres & Co. respecting the charges for engineering services during the
construction of the Thorold Stone Road bridge; advising that the coats ere in
accordance with the schedule of fees recommended by the Association of
Professional Engineers of Ontario.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and filed. The motion Carried with Alderman Clarke
;voting contrary and others in favour.
No. 754 - City Manager • Re: School Coresing on Thorold Stone Road at Confidere-
tion Avenue. Advising that the results of a survey indicate that a crossing
guard is warranted at the intersection and recommending that the Police Depart-
ment be requested to station a guard at the crossing as soon as the necessary
arrengensnts can be made.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be .received and adopted. The =Laos Carried with Aldermen Scott voting
OOnttery and all others in favour.
- 4-
No. 755 - City Manager - Re: Dell Road Re- Alignment. Recommending that the
contract to excavate the creek diversions and the disposal of material in the
section of the creek to be abandoned be awarded to Provincial Grading and
Excavating Co. Ltd., Niagara Palls, at a quoted price of $4,000.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hearse, Clarke, Galloway, Martin,.McKialey, Schisler, Thomson,
NAPE :Aldermen Mann, Puttick, Scott and Wilson.
See Resolution No.114
No. 756 - City Manager - Re: Stanley Avenue Widening and Cristelli. Referring
to the agreement entered into with Mr. Cristelli for the purchase of a strip of
land is front of his house at the southeast corner of Stanley Avenue and Lincoln
Street and Mr. Cristelli's decision not to complete the transaction until the
City agreed to a number of additional items; advising that Mr.Cristelli is now
prepared to proceed with the transaction and has signed a supplementary agree -
ment which provides for some of the
additional $225.00 for construction costs additional avisingrthatc the i payment RegionalMu ici-
pality of Niagara has approved completion of the transaction on the revised
basis and has provided the funds to complete the purchase; recommending that
the by -law authorize the supplementary agreement be passed and the agreement
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Hearse, Clarke, Galloway, Runt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick,
Waffler, Thomson.
NATE :Aldermen Scott and Wilson.
See By -law No. 70 -238
No. 757 - Mayor F. J. Miller - Re: Remembrance Day Services, Wednesday, Nov.11,
1970, 11 :00 a.m. at the Cenotaph, Clifton Hill. Presenting a preliminay
program for the service and requesting that as any Members of Council as
possible attend.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Bearas that the
report be received, the arrangements for the Remembrance Day Services approved
and Council Members attend the ceremony if possible.
No. 758 - City Manager - Re: Water Meter Training Course. Advising that the
two -week course is provided free of charge by the Neptune Meter Co. in Toronto
and the only cost would be for normal living expenses; recommending that G.
Chapman, Meter Repair Man, be authorized to attend the next scheduled course.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 759 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of applications to
manage and conduct Raffle Lotteries submitted by the Royal Canadian Legion,Br.
51, the Committee of 1000, Stamford Centre Volunteer Fireman; Sappy -Go -Lucky
Bowling league, 0.E,S.Queen of Sheba Chapter, Sportsmen Bawling League and the
Oppti -Mrs. Club.
Rapott''No, 760 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of the
application of Mrs. D. Campbell and Mrs. R. Staley to manage and conduct a
lottery type scheme at a bazaar.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that the
reports of the Lottery Licensing Officer, Nos. 759 and 760, be received and
No. 761 iit CY - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
CflSRED on thss sot ion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AM: Alderman Clarke, Galloway, Cunt, Minn, *Unity, Puttick, Wilson.
:Aldermen Dear's, Martin, Scbisler,Scott, Thomson.
No. 762 ■ City Manager ■ Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDRRRD on the lotion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
of or nt
l nsmsa roes • atardsdd t tender f the supply p
Nurseries Limited at the unit sieu
quoted for sack type of=tnr required; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
bretw affixed. 2 •'
Carried Vnenimoer17
No. 113 - GALLOWAY.= 'TROzSON - RESOLVED that the contract for repair work to
the roof of the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena be awarded to George Orth Sheet
Metal & Roofing, St. Catharines,at the tendered price of $5,175.00; AND the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 114 - HU - CLARHE - RESOLVED that the contract to excavate the creek
diversions and the disposal of material in the section of Lyon's Creek to be
abandoned be awarded to Provincial Grading and Excavating Co. Ltd., Niagara
Falls, at a quoted price of $4,000; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
No. 115 - THOMSON - BEAMS - RESOLVED that WHEREAS each of the area municipali-
ties comprising the Regional Municipality of Niagara has, in accordance with
the provisions of section 96 (10 of the Regional Municipality of Niagara Act
1968 -69 and section 32 (a) of the Planning Act, established a Committee of
AND WHEREAS, each of the aforesaid Committees, notwithstanding the
similarity of problems arising as a result of their common geographical
location, have operated independently with complete disregard to the policies
used by adjacent municipalities;
of Adjustment withinSthe the
Region availability
be instrumental arriving at dec
which reflect sound planning principles;
NOW THEREFORE BE RESOLVED that the Regional Municipality of Niagara be asked
to prepare a minimum standards policy for the granting of rural severances;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to each area
municipality for endoreation and_ support; AND the Seal of the Corporation be
hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Thomson reported that he had received similar complaints
as those received by Alderman McKinley regarding the gambling games being
played by students near the Niagara Falls High School. The Alderman said that
the activities were taking place on the porch of private property presently
vacant and asked If this was the reason the Police Department had taken no
action. Alderman Thomson requested a legal opinion on the matter. Members of
staff will prepare a report.
Alderman Thomson enquired If consideration had been given to provid-
ing ice ricks in the former Village of Chippewa. One rink is provided in the
area and Alderman Martin advised that the Recreation Commission is making a
survey of the various municipalities to determine what facilities will be
available and to obtain tha assistance of residents in flooding the ice
surfaces. Alderman Hunt said that the Willoughby Volunteer Firemen maintain a
rink and sponsor a hockey team.
Alderman Puttick said that, as requested, the City Treasurer had
provided him with a report regarding the use of privately - owned high mature
equipment for the cleaning of City sewers, For Council's information, he
advised that the use of this egiipant bad cost the City 913,000 in 1969.
Alderman Puttick spoke about a local radio program on which many
persons had commented on the problems created in the former Village of
Chippewa by young people loitering near business establishments. nts. Theh n
b ad viewed the situation and suggested that the young people
go and without bus service were unable to avail themselves of the recreational
facilities provided in the City. As a remedy, he suggested that consideration
be given to a limited bus service for the former Village and that such service
be set up in a separate account whereby Chippewa residents would be required
to pay a greater portion of the deficit than residents of the old City would
be expected to pay. Alderman Clarke said that he was certain that the
majority of the people did not require or want bus service although there
were individuals who needed the transportation service..
Mayor Miller pointed out that attempts had been made to encourage
the Canada Coach Company to provide the service despite the fact that it was
contrary to the City's Private Bill. A survey bad indicated that only a
maximum of seven persona used the Chippewa bus service when it was available.
Mayor Millet will introduce the subject at the next meeting of the Transit
Alderman Hunt expressed appreciation of the arrangements for the
official opening of the new Vire Hall and thanked all who had attended. He
advised that the Willoughby.Volunteer Firemen had signed up 15 new members.
No. 70 -238 - A By- law authorise an agreement with Angelo Cristelli.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Schieler that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearer, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick,
'Mislay, Thomson.
NATE:Aldermen Scott and Wilson.
Third Reading - Alderman Bearss and Alderman Martin. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYR: Aldermen Bears*, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick,
Schieler, Thomson.
HAYB:Aldermsn Scott and Wilson.
No. 70 -239 - A By -law to authorise a lease of the former Walnut Street Fire
Sall to Niagara Falls Music Theatre Society Incorporated.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded' by Alderman Thomson that the
By -law be deleted from the Agenda.
No 0 -2 - A By -law to authorise
� Green Investments Limited
(Frontenace Street)
motion of
Alderman Bares, seconded by Alderman Hunt
Scott be anted the
tM,Byaaw be glom the first read privilege of introducing the By -law and
into. Carried th:animously
GROUND as the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended end tM Ey -law be given tie esoond reading. Ths motion Carried
with Aldermtm Futeick voeiog contrary sad ell otMss in favour.
MOM Alderma Nils and Alderman Martin. The motion 0arried
lattiek voting n contrary ns,d all o the rs in favo
ORDERED on the mot
that granted
execution of a site plan agreement with
and Dalecombe Development Limited.
No. 70 -241 - A By -law to amend By -law No. 2530, 1960, of the former Township
of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Frontenac Street)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Bearea
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70 -242 - A By -law to authorize an agreement with Willo -Dell Golf Club Ltd.:
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Bearea that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Schieler that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried
with the following vote;
AYE: Aldermen Bearea, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley,Puttick,
Schieler, Thomson. -
NAYE:Aldermen Scott and Wilson.
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Martin. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Maras, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley,Puttick,
Schieler, Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Scott and Wilson.
No. 70 -243 - A By -law to amend By -law No. 70 -217 respecting licences for the
huntipg o pheasants, rabbits and foxes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearea, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott,
Thomson, Wilson. - -
NAYB:Aldermen Schieler and Puttick.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AI: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Thomson.
NAPE :Aldermen Galloway, Schieler, Puttick, Scott, Wilson.
Third Reading - Alderman Martin and Alderman Mann. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Thomson.
vE:Aldermen Galloway, Schieler, Puttick, Scott, Wilson.
'sport 751 - City Manager - Re: By -law 70.217 providing for the issuing of •
bunting licences and the payment of fees; advising that the By-law was sub-
mitted to the Department of Lands and Forests for approval and the Minister
has suggested an amendment whereby paragraph 3 will provide that the
Treasurer shall make available for sale no less than 350 non - resident licences.
.ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Aldermen Main that the
report be received and filed. The motion Carried with the following vote:
ANS: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Calloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, MicKinley,Thomson.
M :Aldermen Schieler, Futtick, Scott, Wilson.
• 8. a)
No. 70 -244 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Gould
Nurseries Limited for the planting of trees.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Thomson thatAlderman Beares be granted the privilege of introducing the
Byelaw and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Reaves, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Thomson.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -245 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Runt that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman McKinley and Alderman Wilson.
rried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council Chamber,
November 2, 1970.
Council net in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on November 2, 1970. All Members of Council were present. Alderman
Thomson presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
OROUND on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Aldermen Mann that
the Committee of the Whole arias and not report.
-B -
P Mayor
Council Chamber,
November 2, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the
Whole meeting held November 2, 1970. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Clarke that the meeting adjourn.
2 -71,4L6.1 Mayor
No: 391 - International Joist Commission - Advising that the Governments of
Canada end the United States have requested the InternationalJoint Commission
to extend the investigation of necessary measures to preserve or enhance the
American Palls.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Galloway that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 392 - Niagara Falls Hydro - Re; Improvement of street lighting in the City.
Submitting the recommendations of the Hydro Commission, the estimated annual
cost to the City and a program of financing.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Clarke, seconded by Alders aThomson that the
communication be received and referred to City Staff for consideration and
suggestions in respect to possible priorities and costa be submitted to Council
in order that consideration can be given to financing.
Council Chamber,
November 9, 1970.
Council met at 7;30 P.M. on Monday, November 9, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. All Members of Council were present. His
Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. Alderman Mann offered the
Opening Prayer. It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by
Alderman Martin that the minutes of the regular meeting held November 2, 1970,
be adopted as printed.
No. 389 - Niagara Falls Optimist Club - Requesting that the week of November 9 -
November 15, 1D70, be declared - as Youth Appreciation Week in the City of Niagara
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
communication be received and request approved; further that the coats of
proclamation be paid by the City.
No. 390 - City of Port Colborne - Requesting endoreation of a resolution
petitioning the Prime Minister of Canada and the Prime Minister of Ontario to
re- activate the Winter Works Program.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and the resolution of the City of Port Colborne
endorsed and the Honourable J. J. Greene and George Mutter, M.L.A. be so
No. 393 - City of Welland- Notice of intention to apply to the Ontario Municipal
board for an Order approving the issue of debentures for the construction of
concrete sidewalks.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin.•tbat the
communication be received and filed and the City of Niagara Falls offer no
objections to the proposed works. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 764 - urban Renewal Committee - Re: Urban Renewal Development Plan.
Recommending that a Redevelopment Plan be adopted by by.law,restricted to that
area for which Federal and Provincial funds are available. The report advises
that the Redevelopment Plan will not alter the design and future land use of
the Urban Renewal Scheme; will not affect the authority to acquire land under
the Redevelopment Areas es approved by the Minister; the City's application for
Federal and Provincial assistance will remain with the senior levels of govern.
lent and that a limited Redevelopment Plan will divide the Urban Renewel$cheme
into two parts, that is (1) the police build!ng and court house site for which
funds are committed'and (2) the balance of the sebum for which no fends have
been committed.
CUM en the Action of Aldermen glares, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
repeat be riceiv d and adopted.
I..•.•.• ••
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and adopted.
No 773 - City Manaer - Re: Parking on Erie Avenue. Recommending that the
necessary arrangements be made to permit the erection of parking meters on both
sides of Erie Avenue in accordance with Schedule A of By -law No. 7877.
'ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman'Bearas that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 774 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Huron Street. Recommending that the
necessary by -law be prepared to prohibit parking on the north aide of Huron
Street from Erie Avenue to Ontario Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beare., seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 775 - City Manager - Re: Mr. Robert Burke. Advising that the Carnegie Hero
Medal and a bronze medal from:the Royal Canadian Humane Association have been
received for presentation to Mr. Burke for his courageous attempt to rescue a
helicopter pilot; suggesting that arrangements be made to have His Worahip
Mayor Miller present the awards at the regular meeting of Council to be held
November 16, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 776 - City Manabar - Re: Niagara Falls and Stamford Memorial Arenas -
Inspection and Condition Report. Advising that a communication has been received
from the Department of Labour regarding the structural adequacy of Municipal
arenas; recommending that the Stamford Memorial Arena Board be requested to give
consideration to arranging for the inspection during 1971; further recommending
that an item be placed in the City's file for consideration in the 1971 Budget.
Replying to various questions by Members of Council, the City Engineer
explained that the recommended inspection is a structural check and should be
done by an engineer who specializes in such work. The leak inspection of the
roofs undertaken by the Engineering Department will be continued annually.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Wilson voting
contrary and all others in favour.
No. 777 - City Manager - Re: City Engineers Association • Ontario Water Resources
Commission - Course to train inspectors for the construction of sewers and
watermaine; recommending that the Chief Works Inspector, Gino Capitano, be
Authorized to attend the course from February 22nd to February 26, 1971, incl.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 778 - Chairman, Mayor's Committee on Rousing - Report on Ontario Housing
Authorities Conference. •
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed. The motion Carried with Alderman Bears. voting
contrary and all others in favour.
It Was noted by Alderman Beeras that the report contained many good
suggestions and included a recommendation that copies be sent to the Mayor's
Committee on Housing for further consideration. Mayor Miller assured Council
that the report would be presented at the next sleeting of - the Committee.
No. 779 - Cit Mans e - Re: Meeting with officials of the Cyanamid of Canada
Company is regaar to the announced closing down of two operating furnaces at
the Company's Niagara Falls Plant. Advising that during the seating Mr. J.'S.
Sheldon, Production Manager had commented oa the problems which had forced the
Company to take the action and submitted copies of a Brief on Regional Develop-
vent in the Niagara Peninsula which has been presented to the Regional Develop.
vent Branch of the Department of Treasury and 'conceits by the Niagara Basic
Power Users Committee comprised of nine local industries; suggesting that
possibily the best assistance th3 City might provide would be to support the
Niagara Basic Power Users Committee in respect to the submission made in
connection with the increased cost of electric energy; recommending that the
matter be referred to the Council of the Regional Municipality of Niagara with
a receimendatioa that the brief be considered and supported in the strongest and
most affective manner.
Mayor Miller stated that be had obtained sawn copies of the Brief
and forwarded than to the Regional Planning Committee. the subject had also
bias introduced at the last meeting of tb.'Reflonal Council end•it was indicated
!hat. the Region would take some action.
- 2 -
authority to call all separatetenders for storm sewermainee Requesting
on Dorchester
and Kitchener Street and one tender for eatermaine on Culp Street and Ramsey Road,
with a closing date of November 30, 1970. The awarding of the contracts will be
subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearee, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
'report be received and adopted.
No. 766 - City Manager - Advising that notification has been received that
Niagara Dorchester Holdings Limited and Oshawa Wholesale Limited have entered
an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board against the decision of the Committee
of Adjustment to approve the Canadia application for severances to facilitate
the development of a retail commercial shopping centre; advising that the Board
has appointed the 25th day of November at 11 :00 a.m. for the purpose of hearing
the appeal.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed.
No. 767 - City Manager - Reccnnding that the decision of Council to increase
the annual remuneration paid to the members of the Chippewa Public Utilities
Commission be rescinded and that Council fix the salaries of the members of the
Commission in accordance with the schedule approved by the R.E.P.C. of Ontario,
that is, the remuneration paid to the Chairman increased from $350. to $600. per
annum and that of the members from $300.00 to $480. per annum.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 768 - City Manager - Re: Sewage service rate on area municipalities. Sub-
mitting a Comparison of Operating Coats 1969 -1970, Pollution Control System,
prepared by the City Treasurer.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and filed.
No. 769 - City Manager is Re: Encroachment - Martin Avenue road allowance.
Recommending that the City Solicitor be authorized to prepare a by -law permitting
an encroachment upon the Martin Avenue road allowance, subject to the usual
provision that the encroachment will terminate upon the demolition of the
building presently erected on the property and known as 4209 Martin Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by,Aldeemaa Martin that the
report be received and adopted,
No. 770 - City Manager - Re: Claim for destruction of a goat. Recommending
payment of $100.00 to Was 0. McRae to cover total damages of the claim.
MIMED on the motion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Aldermen Clarke that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 771 • City Manager - Advising of the action that has been taken in imp's-
slanting the recommendations contained in a verdict of a Coroner's Jury held to
investigate a drowning in the Welland River; advising that the Police Commission
have purchased equipment to patrol the Welland River; suggesting that the Pena
Central Railway be requested to grant permission to erect Private Property and
No Trespassing
app also to t the north the raailway rre amending the
no ittion be taken with respect to the placing of buoys from the Niagara River
to the Norton pumphouse;'auggsstiag that a copy of the report be forwarded to
Abs members of the Coroner's Jury for their information;
Alderman Wilson asked if the Police Department has authority to
• arrest anyone on the Welland River. His Worship Mayor Miller replied that it
is his understanding that the local Police Department hes unlimited powers on
the Welland River but the Police Commission are awaiting an interpretation as
to authority on the Niagara River.
Aldermen Thomson enquired as to whether the recommended signs have to
be municipal signs; whether they ers to be posted by the City or the Railway
and whet authority the City would have to prolScute•trespesasrs an private
- ORDRRD on the lotion of Aldermen 'Natick, seconded by Aldermen Galloway that
the report be received end referred to the City Solicitor for an opialon on
tbs questions raised.
siimeing bo altered on Parking
tbs south side Street.
of Queen Streetfromt Recommending weslimit of
Csetemiai Square to iris Avenue so that the puking prohibition contained in
the existing by -law can be enforded. 3.
- 5 -
Council Members had also questioned the 3' minimum side lots, schooling, the
matter of a Letter of Credit rather than a cash deposit for services, the
use of plastic pipe, and the limited gasoline outlet.
Continuing, Alderman Thamsan said that the reasons expressed for
voting against the report were not sufficient to abandon the development and
stressed that the housing would still meet the requirements of the National
Building Code. He asked Council to agree to a special meeting with City
Officials and the developer so all questions can be answered, the plans of
the developer clarified and an attempt made to eliminate the problems. He
commented on the need for middle - income housing in the Municipality and the
availability of Federal funds for such projects.
Alderman Bearsa said that she had been asked numerous questions about
the proposal which she had been unable to answer, for example, the actual
location of the 35' lots, the position of the building on the lot and the coats.
She considered that the suggested meeting would be helpful for clarification
purposes. Alderman Bearss pointed out that on two previous occasions Council
gave preliminary approval to the proposal and now has the responsibility of
giving direction to the Planning and Development Committee or the developer. ,
Alderman Galloway stated that considerable time and money had been
spent on the proposal by administration, the engineering and planning depart-
ments and the Planning and Development Committee. He pointed out that Council
had previously authorized an amendment to the Official Plan, adopted the
necessary by -law and approved the reports of the Engineering Department but
have now discarded the plan because of certain technical objections in respect
to utilities and the site of the lots. The developer, he said, was authorized
to proceed and use the services of the Corporation to endeavour to produce a ,
plan that would be feasible and geared to meet the housing needs. Alderman
Galloway moved a motion to refer the matter to the City Manager for review
together with a record of the objections voiced by Council Members. The motion
was not seconded.
Alderman Wilson expressed the opinion that the proposal could
legally still proceed subject to those items which Members of Council considered
should be corrected. Mayor Miller pointed out that while the report contained
three recommendations, a motion to received and adopt the report in its
entirety was defeated. No further action was taken by Council.
Alderman Puttick considered that Council would be giving preferred
treatment to one developer if a special meeting was arranged. He suggested
that a precedent would be set and similar meetings would have to be set for
other applicants.
Alderman McKinley said that be would not vote for a special meeting
as the matter could be discussed at a regular meeting of Council. He pointed
out that anccher s'thdivi:'ion on Dorchester Road was approved for purchasers
in tha lower income brackets and had not requested a reduction in standards
or overhead wiring.
Alderman Mann pointed out that a public meeting had been held at
Martha Culiimore School at which time the development was fully explained.
Alderman Schisler and Alderman Hunt were opposed to the smaller lots
and Alderman Martin reiterated his objections to the overhead 1 witing which,
he said, was contrary to established policy.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the developer of Heritage Hamesteadsbe asked to attend a meeting of Council
and staff members to provide clarification of the questions raised.
Although statements made during the discussions referred to a
'specials' meeting; Alderman Thomson indicated that he was not concerned if a
special or agular setting was arranged, as long as there was an opportunity for
Council to clarify its position.
The motion was Def aced with the following vote:
fi : Aldermen Hearse, Clams , Martin, Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
t Aldermen Gallaway, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Schislsr, Mayor Miller.
A Chippewa man who hee net occupied his home since June, has been
unsuccessful in his efforts to have the water cut off. Alderman Hunt reported
the Rutter and said it was difficult for the an to'pay the account but his
requests to cancel the service have been denied. The natter -was referred to
the City .Msnsyar,for investigation.
- 4 -
No. 780 - Alderman Ivan Hunt - Re: The Canadian Institute on Pollution Control
Conference, Calgary, Alberta.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and filed.
Alderman Puttick suggested that copies of the report be forwarded to
the members of the Committee or One Thousand.
No. 781 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of applications to
manage and conduct Raffle Lotteries received from L•oblawe Workers Association,
Humane Society Ladies' Auxiliary, Chip ?awa Lions CIO), Kn.ghts of Columbus, Mia-
Kai Hockey Club and the Union Centre.
No. 782 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of the application
of St. Anne C.W.L. to manage and conduct a lottery type scheme at a Bazaar.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by AldermanSchieler that
reports No. 781 and 782 be received and adopted.
No. 783 • City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman ;Mares that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No 784 - City Mane ems - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 785 - Buildin$,'_nsoector - Building Permits issued during the month of
October, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and filed.
No. 116 - McKINLEY - MARTIN - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded
to the family of the late Judge Harold E.Fuller; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 117 • McKINLEY - MARTIN - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be for-
warded to thefami.ly of the late Wilfred Soulsby, a former Treasurer of the City
of Niagara Falls; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 118 - MCKINLEY - MARTIN - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded
to the family of the late Basil Payson, a former employee of the Corporation;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 119 - CMS' M%RTIN - RESOLVED That the Council of the Corporation of
the City oi'itagai; -ii le petition the Department of Highways of Ontario for
subsidy under the proviaions of The Eiphway Improvement Act on expenditures
made during the year 1970, in the total amount of $598,106.00; AND the Seal of
the Corporation -be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimous)Y
Alderman Thomson referred to a decision of Council to reject the
recommendations of the Planning and Development Committee *bitch would permit
River Realty Limited to proceed with the development of low income housing.
The subdivision, loonies Esritage Homesteads, would be located on property
bounded by Sways* Drive, Stanley Avenue and Churches Inc. The Alderman
ttiioons of d t regret e C ei itt ee majority of
cf cert ttechnicalit against e-
technicalities 'thigh he considered
could be resolved. Re noted that the Planning and Development Committee bad
received no direction from Council *ad duriisg discussion of the report
comments included objections to:
(1) Th* reduction in the width of the logs (33' - 40' lots are proposed).
(1) Time inealletion of overhead ASUSing • ,(the Policy- bas hoes to install
eedergroumd wiring in new subdivisions).
(3) Th* problems @rested by cul•deseaa.
Avenue in
A complaint regarding the inadequate street' lighting on Brookfield
the Barker Street area was referred to the City Manager by Alderman
Alderman Wilson asked for a report from the Engineering Department
regarding a possible safety factor at the Weightman Bridge. It has come to
the attention of the Alderman that when the bridge is icy, there is a possibility
of children slipping under the bottom guard rail.
Replying to a question by Alderman Schisler, Mayor Miller advised
that Mr. George Bukator, M.L.A. had read into Hansard a letter outlining the
City's concern about the allegations of Dr. Shulman that officials of Niagara
Falls were involved with Mafia activities. In his accusations, Dr. Shulman
had not mentioned mamas nor had he indicated whether he was referring to
Niagara Falls, Ontario or Niagara Falls, N.Y.. Mayor Miller read portions of
the letter as presented in the Legislature by Mr. Bukator.
Alderman Puttick referred to a newspaper story in which it was
reported that the City's account for $85,000 had been returned because it was
not authorised, improperly presented and did not provide sufficient informa-
tion. The Alderman said it would save time and interest charges if the City
had been asked by telephone to re- submit the bill to the Region.
Commenting on the matter Mayor Miller said that he had taken
exception to the remarks which had been made at a Regional Council meeting
although the account had not been presented at the meeting.
The City Manager said that the bill had been prepared by the
Treasurer's Department and forwarded to the Region. The remarks, he said, were
out of order inasmuch at the Region has not, as yet, set out a format in
respect to the information they require. The bill was returned by the Regional
Public Works Committee for additional information which will be supplied. The
City Manager agreed that the Region should be informed that City Officials
were disturbed about the remarks made. In future, all accounts forwarded to
the Region will be prepared on the basis of the method recommended in the
Jorgensea:•study. There is no doubt, he said, tbat the account will be paid.
Alderman Puttick enquired if a report would be forthcoming regarding
the removal of Licences: of Occupation in tba former Village of Chippewa. The
Alderman had been asked when the leases would ba signed as scam renovations
had been aade.to two buildings on Nell Road.
Alderman Puttick reported that the Parking Committee or the Traffic
Department had been requested to extend the No Parking for an additional block
on the north side of Peer Street between Ras and Grey Streets. Problems
are crested during the winter months due to the narrow road. The City Manager
indicated that the matter would be followed up.
Alderman Puttick referred to his earlier sugpstion tbat City
Officials meat with builders to discuss possible means of providing apartment
accommodation is the downtown area. 11e Alderson said that Council bed
endorsed a resolution to :sanative the Winter works Program which be one
sidered es a fors of welfare and would cat money. Ns suggested that'll the
builders an interested, a resolution 'could be prepared requesting the
Meal Government to provide urban renewal funds on a lower seals in order
- 7 -
that the urban renewal proposal could be proceeded with on a limited basis. The
employment of local labour by private contractors would reduce unemployment.
Alderman Puttick said that under the urban renewal program the Federal Govern-
ment provided 50% of the required funds, the Province 252 and the Municipality
25%. He suggested that a request to the Federal Government for 30% partici-
pation might be favourably considered,
In replying to Alderman Puttick's remarks, the City Manager said
that one of things it had been hoped to achieve in the redevelopment area, was
to make property available for development which would include apartment
building construction. The Mayor's Committee on Housing, the Council and City
Officials, he said, have repeatedly asked the Central Mortgage and Housing
Corporation to purchase property at the north end of the City for the purpose
of erecting rental housing. The C.H.M.C. and private contractors have
indicated that it is impossible to do this because of the high coat of
assembling land in the area. Mr. Huggins said the original proposal was to
provide housing in the urban renewal area but, at present, no additional funds
from the two senior levels of government are available for housing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that ,
the City Manager be directed to contact Mr. John Stacey, Regional Manager of
the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, to discuss the matter and that
the Honourable J. J. Greene be notified of the outcome of the discussions.
No. 70 -246 - A By -law to authorize participation in the Ontario Municipal
Employees Retirement System.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman Bearse be granted the privilege of introducing the by -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears °, seconded•by Alderman
McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the fly -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Scott.
Carried Unanimously
No -247 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beards, seconded by Alderman Scott
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the Byelaw be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading • Alderman Wilson and Alderman McKinley.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council Chamber,
November 9, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on November 9, 1970. All Members of Council were present. Alderman
Scott presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by AldermanThomeon that
the Committee of the Whole arise and report.
... e. .!.
Council Chamber,
November 9, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the
Whole meeting head November 9, 1970. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman.
No. 120 Q - *ROIARD that Monday, December 28, 1970, be
doctored as — iMt ti sir la the City of Niagara Palls; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
The following action seas ttkens r
'tenant No. 786 - (242 !.Mnser - Re: Position of Captain, Niagara Falls Pire
Do ctrtmer. . Rec:xameutSing gist First Class Fire Fighter R. Haniia be promoted
to ”he reek of Captain effective November 9, 1970; salary to be in accordance
w &th the Collective Agreement between the City and Local 528.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
Report No. 787 - City Manager is Re: Rules and Regulations applicable to all
employees. Submitting a list of the rules which has been discussed with the
Executive of Local 133, C.U.P.E. in accordance with the requirements of the
Collective Agreement; recommending that the Rules and Regulations as sub-
mitted, be established by Council and distributed to all present and future
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the report be received and adopted.
Report No. 788 - CitY Manager - Rea Boxing Day, 1970. Noting that Boxing
Day occurs On a Saturday and under the tear of the Collective Agreement the
City would be obligated to pay an additional day's remuneration to all Union
employees, and this, together with similar paymspts to non -union employees,
would amount to approximately $11,000.00; suggesting that consideration
could be given to observing the Holiday on Monday, December 28, 1970.
ORORRuD on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the report be raosivsd and that Monday, December 28, 1970, be declared
Sating Day in the City of Niagara Palls.
Report No. 789 - City Manager - Recommending that the position of Planning
Director be not presently Filled but that a new position of Planning
Administrator be created in level 13 of the Supervisory Salary Scale and
that Mr. P. Van Belle be appointed to the position of Planning Administrator
and placed in Step 2, $13,932.00 per annum, subject to a probationary period
of one year; advising that if the appointment is approved, it will be
necessary to obtain a Senior Planner and requesting authority to advertise
the position; advising that the Planning Committee feel that some financial
consideration should be given to Nr. Van Bell for tie manner he has carried
on his responsibilities sines the departure of the former Planning Director;
recommending that a sum of $1,050.00 be paid to Mr. Van Belle.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the report of the City Manager be received and that Mr. P. VanBelle
be appointed as Planning Administrator.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that Mr. P. Van Belle receive an amount of $1,050.00 in recognition of
services since the departure of the former Planning Director. The motion
Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Mann that
the meeting adjourn.
Council Chamber,
November 16, 1970.
Council met at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, November 16, 1970, for the purpose
of considering general business. A11 Members of Council were present. His
Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. Alderman Martin offered the
Opening Prayer. It was ORDERED on the notice of Alderman Thomson, seconded by
Alderman Wilson that the minutes of the regular meeting held November 9, 1970,
be adopted as printed.
The City Clark read a history of the founding of the Carnegie Nero
Viand Commission. The Carnegie Medal, and a sum of money if it seem desirable,
is awarded to any man or woman, boy or girl who voluntarily risks his or her
life to an extraordinary degree in saving or attempting to save the life of
His Worship Mayor Miller said it was an honour to present to Mr.
Robert Burke the Carnegie Hero Medal and the Royal Canadian Humus Association
Bronco Medal for his courageous attempt to save the life of the pilot of a
helicopter which crashed in the Upper Niagara River. In making the presentations,
Mayor Miller read the inscription on the Carnegie Medal and conveyed the congratu-
lations of the Members of Council and Citizens of Niagara Falls. Re said that
Mr. Burke's concern for the life of another deserved to be recognized by the
awarding of the medals and he had earned the.reapect and admiration of the
entire community.
In accepting the awards, Mr.Bukke said that be did not believe he was
deserving of the honours that had been bestowed on him. He expressed his
appreciation to the Members of Council, to the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission
and to the Royal Canadian Humane Association.
Cosa. 394 . St. Leonard's House Peel - Requesting financial support to build
a half -way home for men woo have been released from prison. The hoar will
accommodate 21 men and will offer lodging, meals, recreation, counselling and
job placement. Mr.R. B. Tomlinson, Director of Administration had indicated
that he would present to address Council on behalf of St. Leonard's House.
Council agreed to table the communication pending the arrival of a
representative of the organisation. See Page 6 .
Report 666 - City Hensler - Reg Quotations ter purebere of bulk coarse salt.
Advising that, as in the past, two cempanita have submitted identical bids;
'meeting three for Council's consideration; requesting instruc-
tions as to the manner in which the purchase of bulk coarse salt is to be •
Report 790 - C ty Manager - Re: Purchase of bulk coarse salt for the winter
1970 -71. Advising that the suggestion that salt be purchased through the
Regional offices vas submitted to the Public Works Committee and, after con-
sideration, it was determined that the Region could purchase salt from the
Canadian Salt Co, Ltd. at a price of 013.10 per ton delivered to the area
unioipalitisr of the Regional Municipality; advising further that the
Regional Council approved of the arrangement and it is now possible for the
City to purchase salt through the Region at the price quoted; recommending
that the two quotations prevtcusly.received be not considered end the City
arrange to purchase salt through the Regional Municipality of Miagsra at a
price of 613.10 par ton delivered to the City.
The City Manager advised that since preparing the report,
edditienal.inforsiation had bocce available and requested that the report be
on the notion of Alderson Schiller, seconded by Aldermen Want that the
tepcfl of the City Saeger be tabled for a further report.
0ea�e�r 11is ;e
�a ey ouep �
rn. 6!i • tssa dtag that a byelaw he passed
is real to hedges end ceps obstruction true flocs st taterseettess.
=NIP es the motion of Alderman Clarke, sounded by Aldermen Scott that the
aawatestion be received and referred to the City Solicitor der as opinion as
to the Itwaieipslity's autbortty to pose ebs suggested byelaw.
No. 996 - Teen of Timmins - Requesting endorsation of a resolution petitioning
the Ontario Department of Highways and the Ontario Department of Transport to
permit the use of studded tires in Northern Ontario during winter months.
It was pointed out by Alderman Bearss that Council recently indicated
their support of a resolution of the Borough of North York which concurred with
the action of the Government of Ontario to ban the use of studded tires.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Runt that the
communication from the Town of Timmins be received and filed. The motion
Carried with Alderman Scott voting contrary and all others in favour.
- 2 -
WE COld3
Mayor Miller welcomed Mayor Elect of the Gsaysnhurst area, Mr. Cecil
Schell and T. W. Soucie, Clerk, who were present in the Council Chambers. In
view of the proposed establishment of the "District of Muskoka ", Mr. Schell
and Mr. Soucie were visiting the area to observe the operation of Regional
* * soar * *
Corm. 397 - Cie of Welland - A by -law proposed by the City of Welland to
authorize an ese wive franchise and subsidy agreement for a public bus service
with Rose City Bus Lines.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Aldermen Martin that the
camunicaticn be received and referred to the Greater Niagara Transit Commission
for their comments. .
No. 398 - City of Welland - Notice of Intention to apply to the Ontario
Municipal Board for an Order approving the issuance of debentures for the
construction of combined severs and storm sewers.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Schisler
that the communication be received and the City of Niagara Falls :file no
objections to the proposed works.
No. 791 - City Manner - Re: Use of Street Ends. Submitting the names of
persons who purchased Licences of Occupation for use of unopened street
allowances in the former village of Chippewa; recouoeading that the form of
agreement used by the former village be referred to tip City Solicitor with e
request that he prepare a new agreement authorizing the use of defined parts
of the streets enumerated in the report; suggesting that a periodic review be
carried out to determine the advisability of continuing or renewing any or all
of the agreements; reeomending further that, apart from the licences which
any be renewed at the present time, no further consideration be given to the
granting of any additional licences.
'.: ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
.report be received and. adopted.
No. 792 - Planning and Dsve ctaent Committee - Re: Gasoline Outlets Policy.
Eeccamsnding that Council adopt by by -lew, an Official Plan amendment iacor-
Aporating the policy for gasoline outlets as attached to the report; further,
that Council, by by -law, under the Municipal Act, restrict the number of
gasoline outlets permitted in the City of Niagara palls to those that are in
=existence at the present tiro.
The Planning Administrator elaborated on the contents of the report
and the policy recommended by the Planning and Development Committee. laps
displayed during the discussion* indicated the location of existing service
stations and those area where stations are permitted under the existing Boning
t by -lsw. The proposed Official Plan amendment will set guidelines for the con-
ditions under which gasoline outlets may he permitted. Council will have
authority to consider the merit of new applications and if need and demand is
proves and the site is acceptable, new outlets es* be approved for areas
w nosed industrial, Commercial °or Tourist Ccemercial. The Planning Administrator
explained that, at present, SO outlets are to existence and in operation; 5
-permits have been issued for five additional outlets; the propossd•by -law will
limit the number be the City to 85. Replying to questions asked by Members of
Council, Mt. Van Belle estimated 30% of the matins stations are non•eceform-
-img under the esistins coning byelaw. Coeferming outlets presently in
existence may be rebuilt providing they met the minimum standards of the
impleasatiat bylaw' non - conforming outlets will require as easadment.to the
bylaw. Accordins to the Daparemsat of Nuateipel Affairs, vary taw =Mob
4 = polities •:ta -tbe hoviuce-bsve'a clear•eutApeliey onsaollne outlets.
4141...,.. B.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Mann that Mr.
Ken Johnson, representing the Texaco 011 Company, be granted permission to
address Council.
Mr. Johnson said that the limitation by -law will result in lessening
of competition and services; will cause additional expense to operators and
increase the cost to the consumer. Competition, he said, results in cheaper
and better products. If gasoline outlets are restricted, he asked, why not
other oommercial establishmento such as motels, grocery stores, drug stores, etc.
Mr. Johnson concluded his remarks by stating that restricting the number of
outleta will not be beneficial to the Municipality.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that Mr.
William Coulter, spokesman for Sua Oil Company, be granted permission to address
Mr. Coulter requested that, if the policy is approved, that a site
owned by Sun 0i1 be included in the list of allowed locations. He explained
that the property, located on the north -west corner of Thorold Stone Road and - '
Montrose Road, was purchased some time ago for the purpose of erecting a gasoline
outlet; a site plan agreement was entered into with the City; 10' of the
property was dedicated for road widening and $2,296. was paid toward the cost
of providing services. Re did not know why a building permit was not applied
for at the time of purchase. Be mentioned that other municipalities have
indicated at times that there was no need to apply for a permit until the
station was to be built inasmuch as there was a site plan agreement. Mr. Coulter
suggested that this may have been the case with the Montrose Road property as
the intent of Sun Oil was known. Referring to the brief prepared by the
Petroleum Association, the speaker noted tbat one question regarding the number
of outlets erected in the City in the past five years, had remained unanswered.
A survey of various oil companies, he said, indicated that no new outlets had
been developed. This was evidence that the development plans of the oil
companies are based on the growth and need of the municipality. Mr. Coulter
said that the area will - benefit more from competition than by limiting the
Umber of gasoline outlets. -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Clarke that Mr.
Brie Bristol be granted permission to address Council. - -
Mr. Bristol, spokesman for Shell 011, said that the brief submitted
by the oil companies had outlined the views off the companies and, in his opinion,
the restriction as to the number of gasoline outlets is unnecessary. Other •
municipalities, he said, have considered it unnecessary and Dundee has discarded
their limitation policy. -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report of the Planning and Development Committee recommending that a by.law be
passed restricting the number of gasoline outlets be not approved. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
A r ldersen Bear's, Clarke, Galloway, Mann Martin, Puttick, Schisler„ Thomson.
all:Aldermen Bunt, McKinley, Scott,Wilson.
No. 793 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM- 35/70, A. Turenne. An
application to alter the zoning on part of property located on the west side
of Montrose Road, 200 feet north of Young Road, to permit a 3 -unit converted
dwelling; recommending that the application be denied.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted. •
No. 794 - City Manager - Requesting authority to call tenders for the purchase
of a new rescue truck for Number 4 Fire Station (Chippewa) with a closing date
Al Monday, November 30th, at 1245 p.s.
-0RDRISD oa the motion of Alderman .Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
;sport be received, and-adopted. -
No. 793 • Cityj{anster • Advising that seven communication have been received
from the Regional Municipality of Niagara correcting errors in Notices of •
Intention to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for the approval of certain
capital works. The. arises were previously considered by Council and no
Objections were filed.
•ORDtBRD on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Aldermen Thomson that
. report be received and that the City of Niagara Palls file no objecttone
to the revised applications.
- 4 -
No. 796 - Cit Mena r - Re: Seven Notices of Intention to apply to the Ontario
Municipal Boar for approval of certain capital works to be undertaken by the
Regional Municipality of Niagara; recommending that the City file no objections
to the proposed works.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 797 • Lottery Licensing Officer, - Recommending approval of applications to
menage and conduct Raffle Lotteries received from the Ontario French Canadian
Association, the Carborundum Employees' Recreation Association and the Royal
Canadian Legion, Chippewa.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 798 - City Manager - Recommending the payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Aldermen Clarke that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 120A- HUNT - CLAREE - RESOLVED that a letter of condolence be forwarded to
the family oft ate Horace C. Morningstar, a former Warden of Welland County
and Reeve of Willoughby Township; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
No. 121 - NUM - CLARXE - RESOLVED that a letter of condolence be forwarded to
the family of the late W. B. C. Burgoyne, President and Publisher of the St.
Catharines Standard; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 122 - MART IR • WILSON - RESOLVED that the next Regular Meeting of the
Council of the City of Niagara Falls, be held on Tuesday, November 24, 1970,
at 7:30 p.m.; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
A suggestion t bat consideration be given to the installation of a
Stop and Go light at the corner of St. Lawrence Avenue and Simcoe Street was
referred to the City Manager. The suggestion was presented by Alderman Wilson
who also pointed out that the Simcoe Street school sigma should be re- located.
Alderman Wilson said that it was his understanding that same property
owners receive a tax rebate which exceeds the amount of their property taxes.
The City Treasurer stated that no rebate exceeds 502 of the tax on the property
and the situation could not occur in the City of Niagara Palls.
InnagnSIWffenallairja A, D DORC�BTBR ROAD
Alderman Wilson requested a report on the problems Created by the
operation of the traffic lights at the intersection of Thorold Stone Road and
Dorchester Road.
Alderman Wilson reported a hole at the westerly end of Woodbine Avenue.
..The hole, a times, fills with water end as theta is a possibility that a child
may fall into it, the Alderman oohed that * snot imam be placed around it.
Aldermen Wilson advised that comments had again bean made about the
*banes of coat racks. for visitors -to the Council ember.
..•.4 F.•4 .•.'
- 5 -
Alderman Scott suggested that improvements could be made to the City
Limits signs located on various streets in the City. The signs are not
particularly attractive and, in many instances, are attached to an unpainted
pole. The Alderman commented on the type of standard used by the City of
Welland for 'Welcome to the Area" signs.
Alderman Scott asked Council to refer the proposal to construct
middle income housing in the Stanley Avenue - Churches Lane area to Staff
Officials in order that those items to which Members of Council objected to
could be clarified. The Alderman expressed the opinion that the entire
project should not be "scuttled" because of some minor details which probably
can be worked out. Although it was reported that the developer had withdrawn
the application, Alderman Thomson believed that if Council indicated their
willingness to discuss the matter further,the developer would reconsider.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Puttick that the
application for the Heritage Homestead Subdivision be referred to Staff for
discussion with the developer, River Realty Limited. The motion Carried with -`
the following vote:
AYE; Alderman Bears, Clarke, Galloway, Runt, Martin, Puttick, Schialer, Scott,
TTeamon, Wilson.
len:Aldermen Mann and McKinley.
Alderman Thomson spoke about an earlier suggestion by Alderman Puttick
regarding the purchase of coarse salt by the Region. As a result the area
municipalities would now be able to purchase the required salt at a lower price.
The Alderman suggested that other items, such as sand, gas and oil could be
tendered in the same manner and the savings would benefit the area taxpayers.
If at the beginning of each year, the area municipalities advised the Region
of their requirements, the same procedure could be followed and tenders called
on a Regional basis. Alderman Thomson also suggested that the Region could
establish a central storage area for the convenience of the area municipalities.
He asked that the suggestions be forwarded to the Regional Municipality
authorities for consents.
Alderman Martin agreed that many items could be tendered on a Regional
basis but cautioned that, in some instances, small business could be eliminated
because of their inability to supply the entire Region.
Alderman McKinley asked the Engineering Department to correct a
situation at the corner of Stanley Avenue and Perry Street where a drive -inn
restaurant has installed a spot light and a revolving sign. The brilliant
light is blinding to motorists who might not be able to see the traffic lights
in the area.
Alderman Runt enquired as to what progress bad been made in arranging
for the sale of properties in Willoughby Township on which taxes bad not been
paid for several years. The City Manager explained that some parcels of land
had been sold but there was no information in the Willoughby records is respect
to the sales and staff members are searching the Regional and Township records.
He said that properties in other sections of the City are also being reviewed
and it is anticipated that a report will be submitted before the end of the year
requesting instructions as to the listing and disposing of the properties.
Alderson Wilson reported receiving a omelette about glass being
-dropped from 'b truck owned by a salvage operator who picks up glass at the Ford
Plant. He asked that the complaint be investigated.
Alderman Clarke referred to an earlier meeting at which time the
method of listing accounts bad been discussed. It had been indicated at the
time that a comparison statement would be presented during the month of October.
!be City Mager advised that a statement showing expenditures to date capered
to budgeted counts will be presented at the nut meeting of Council. '!be #infer
motion will cant the period• to y obs sod of eba month of October.
• 6 -
Comm. No. 394 - St. Leonard's House (Peel).
It was noted that no representative of the organization had appeared
at the Council meeting to address Council regarding the request for funds.
CRBNRED on the potion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Runt that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 70 -248 - A By -law for limiting the number of public garages and automobile
service stations where gasoline is stored or kept for sale.
The By -law was deleted from the Agenda.
No. 70 -249 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Geo.Orth
Limited for repairs to the roof at the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Bearas
that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By-law be given the first reading.
ORDERED on the nation of Alderman Clarke,
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Martin and Alderman Schieler.
Carried Unanimously
seconded by Alderman Runt
temporarily suspended and
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -250 - A By -law to authorise the acquisition of land for the extension
of Valley Way.
ORDERED on the Motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Bearss
that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
There was considerable discussion regarding the proposal of the
Department of Highways to close -off the Bellevue access to the Q.B.W. and the
construction of a second road which will utilise a small portion of Highland
Avenue and extend Valley Way to the intersection of Valley Way and Drummond Road.
Alderman Puttick said that the matter should be referred to the
Regional Government for comment, particularly in view of the fact that the
portion of Valley Way to be extended will exit onto a Regional road. He also
suggested that the Regional Government submit their comments or recommendations
regarding the difficulties which may be created in having two intersections,
(Bellevue Street and Valley Way) exit onto Drummond Road within such a short
distance: The Alderman also spoke about the traffic congestion at -the
Frederica Street intersection.
In his remarks, the City Engineer described the plans of the Departs
meat of Highways and said that a second access had not been in the original
proposal. Because a roadway was being discontinued, and at the insistence of
the Municipality, the connecting road was being constructed and paid for by the
Department of Highways. At present no construction will take place in the area
of Drummond Road,•Frederica Street and the Q.E.W. Future plans call for a
better overpass at Drummond Road and the stopping up of the Drummond Road
access to the Q.E.W. In replying to questions by Aldermen Scott, the City
Engineer said that the Municipality will purchase, on behalf of the Department
of Highways, a road allowance to the north of the area which, because of the
construction of the new road, will be considered unusable and must be acquired.
This pleura property willseahin1n rim bands of the Municipality and if sold
in the future the coney suet be refunded to the Departmsnt of Bigbwsys. •
OEDRRRD on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Wilson that rt. Ams
George all be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Angell who has occasion to use t1w•Dellsvue Street entrance to
Drummond Road said that, at ties, motorists oust wait 13 • 20 ulnae. before
being able to enter Drummond Road. He considered that the second road was
being constructed t000las to.ths Drummond Road - Bellevue Street intersection.
CSAUBED en the notion of Alderman Futtick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
'plow be referred to the Regional Mmgmicipelity of Niagara. tbs notion tarried
with the following votes •
,.; r s Aldermen Mgmt, Mean, MWRisley, Tuttiek,• Sebisier, Thomson /Wilson.
jltAides; Sams, Olatobe,, Galloway,, Martin, Scott.,
No. 70.251 - A By -law to provide for adoption of Amendment 48 to the Official
P and . (Guide for location of gasoline outlets, eta.)
The By -law was deleted from the agenda.
No 70.252 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Thompson that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Runt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By.law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Bearas and Alderman Thomson.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Council Chamber,
November 16, 1970.
Council net in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on November 16th, 1970. All Members of Council were present. Alderman
Schisler presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the iteus presented to them, it was
COMM on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the Committee of the Whole arise and not report.
Carried Unanimously
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the
Whole meeting held November 16, 1970. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Bearsa that the
meeting adjourn.
Council Chamber,
November 16, 1970.
Council Chamber,
November 24, 1970.
Council met at 7 :30 P.M. on Monday, November 24, 1970, for the
purpose of considering general business. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor P. J. Miller presided as Chairman. Alderman McKinley offered
the Opening Prayer. It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded
by Alderman Mann that the minutes of the regular meeting held November 16th,
1970, be adopted as printed.
Mayor Miller presented Twenty -five Year Service Pins to the
following City Employees: R. Barnes, T. Graham, G. Monaghan, R. Quaranta and
S. Raven.
Comm. No. 399 - C.H.S.Cheesman - Requesting permission to address Council
regarding the current developments of the Niagara College of Applied Arta and
Technology and report on his activities as the City's representative on the
Board of Governors.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Mr. Cheesman be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Cheesman spoke about the origin, purpose and philosophy of 19
Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology. The Colleges, he said, were given
three responsibilities, namely, to provide courses of types and levels beyong
or not suited to secondary schools; to meet the needs of high school graduates
who do not wish to attend university and to meet the education needs of adults
and out.of- school youth. The Colleges meet the needs of the region and pro-
vide a wide variety of 1,2 or 3 year programs, including work experience and
day and evening programs for pastime and full time students.
Continuing, Mr. Cheesman reviewed the history of Niagara College
which includes the Schools of Applied Arts, of Business, of Technology, of
Continuing Education and the School of Labour Studies and Industrial Relations,
which has become a specialty of the Institute. In addition to the campus in
the City of Welland various programs are carried out in other buildings in
the major centres of the Region and the College is presently seeking authority
from the Department of Education to proceed with the construction of permanent
facilities in Niagara Falls.
The speaker advised Council of a new Hotel and Food Services Manage-
ment Program which, for 8 months of the year, will be conducted in the •
facilities of the Refrectory in Victoria Park. The course, for which twenty
students have enrolled, was made possible through the efforts and coopera-
tion of the Niagara Parks Commission, the Honourable James Allen, the Carnal'
College of Hotel Administration in Ithaca, N.Y. and the Advisory Council
which is made up of local citizens with specialized experience and qualifica-
Mr. Cheesman also noted that in the School of Business, of those
interested in obtaining employment 87% were successful; in the School of
Applied Arts, 642 and in the School of Technology 84%.
Concluding his remarks, Mr. Cheesman said that he would be pleased
to make arrangements for Members of Council to the College at any time.
Mayor Miller expressed Council's :ippteciation of'Mr, Chsesman's
presentation and commended him for his endeavours as the City's appointee to
the Board of Governors.
Mo. 400 •.City of Woodltoek - Requesting endorsation of a resolution
petitioning t • ovine of Ontario to sake whatever legislative changes
a oessary to provide that all Provincial Institutions or other structures
- in the Province serviced by nearby municipalities, shall contribute at the
easy mastery level es any other taxpayer within the municipalit7.
CRUM) on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Hunt that
the commjniestion be received and the resolution endorsed end that it be
specified that Council supports the principle that vll Crown Property should'
pay -in the same level as other taxpayers. `
No. 401 - Ontario Good Roads Association - Request for resolutions and proposal
of names for recognition of long service in the cause of good roads.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and the City Manager determine if there are local road
problems that could be expressed in a resolution and presented for consideration
at the Good Roads Convention in February, 1974; further, that the City Manager
give consideration to proposing the name of a City employee for recognition by
the Good Roads Association for long years of service in the cause of good roads.
It was also suggested by Mayor Miller that it be verified if a City
employee would be entitled to receive recognition by the Good Roads Association
more than once.
No. 402 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Interim Adoption of Area
Municipal Traffic By -laws. Advising that the Regional Council have adopted a
resolution of the Public Works Committee that the Regional Solicitor be
instructed to prepare a By -law adopting municipal traffic By -laws as Regional
By -laws.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 801 - City Manager - Re: Lease of Walnut Street Fire Hall. Advising that
the total estimated coat of required repairs to the building is approximately
$5,000 plus the cost for carrying out various items recommended by the Fire
Inspector; suggesting that before a final decision is made in regard to
renewal of the lease, thpresentativest6fr.the Niagara Falls Music Theatre meet
with Council in Committee of the Whole to discuss the necessary repairs and
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Bearas, seconded by Alderman
Galloway that the report be received and arrangements made to meet with repre-
sentatives of the Music Theatre Society; further, that representatives of the
Shrine Club also httend the /meeting t'o clapify their proposed to purchase the
building. -The motien•:w4a.Defeated with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Martin, McKinley, Thomson, Bearer, Galloway.
SAYE :Aldermen Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Puttick, Schisler, Scott, Wilson.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Scott that the City Manager be authorized to close the lease with the Music
Theatre and, further, that the City Manager prepare a report regarding the
necessary repairs and the actual cost. The motion was Defeated with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen McKinley, Puttick, Schisler, Scott.
tAYE:Aldermen Bearas, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Thomson, Wilson.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman
Bearas that the City Manager and a Committee of Council meet with representa-
tives of both the Music Theatre Society and the Shrine Club to discuss the
proposed purchase of the Walnut Street Fireball by the Shrine Club and to
ascertain if the Shrine Club would honour a lease between the Society
and theCity. The motion was Defeated.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin
that the motion be amended to read that the City Manager be authorized to meet
with representatives of the Shrine Club to advise them of the repairs that are
necessary to the Walnut Street Fireball and to enquire if the Shrine Club would
be willing to honour the lease that the City proposes to enter into with the
Niagara Falls Music Theatre Society; atbo, • fpllewpwraudh•bleetibg the Oity Ma..
p naget; preparea+furthert;epgrt.ferra6b ission4to.CouncilbThe < motipn'Cerried.
4 Clarke, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley ,Schieler,Scott,Thomson,W lson.
«:Aldermen Bearas, Galloway, Puttick.
mat: The vote on the motion,••aaa amended, was taken prior to the vote on the
original motion.
No. 802 • City Manager • Res Operation of the Chippewa, Willoughby and Crowland
Fire Stations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be referred to the Committee of the Whole meeting.
No. 803 - City MMoter -- Re: Presentation of Mr. George Bukator,'M.P.P. in the
Legislative Assesbry. Advising that during Mr. Bukator's submission, Dr.
,8hulmsn is quoted se indicating that his reference to City Officials having
Mafia connections did not pertain to Canadians; advising that a copy of an
edition of Hansard containing the substation is available to Members of Council;
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Settee that
the report be received and that sincere appreciation be extended to Mr.Bukator
for the manner in which he represented the City in this matter. lbe motion
Carried with Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all *theta in favour.
- 3 - .
No. 804 - City Manager - Re: Argyle Road /Lyons Creek Culvert. Requesting
authorization to call tenders for the construction of a new concrete culvert
and the removal of the existing bridge, with a tender%e being date of Monday,
December 14, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted and members of staff be authorized to call
the required tenders.
No. 805 - City Manager - Re: Purchase of Fire Pumpers. Advising that the
estimated cost of the replacement for the pumper located in Fire Station No.
5 (Willoughby) is $22,000 and the replacement.cost of the pumper at the Dunn
Street Fire Station (No.2) is $32;000; recommending that the tenders for the
equipment be called with a closing date of Monday, December 14th, at 1:45 p.m.
The tenders accepted will be subject to the passing of a by -law and the
approval of the Ontario Municipal Board in respect to the issuance of deben-
tures to finance the cost of the equipment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 806 - City Manager - Re: Site Plan, west aide of Buchanan Avenue. The
property is zoned to permit a proposed car wash and gasoline outlet. Advising
that one of the conditions of the Site Plan Agreement, entered into in 1965,
was that no building would be erected on the lands until the Site Plan was
approved by City Council; advising further that the Site Plan submitted by
the owner satisfies the City's Site Plan requirements; recommending that the
Site Plan be approved.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick,seconded by Alderman
Wilson that the report be received and deferred for one week in order that
residents of the area will be made.aware of the proposed use of the land. The
motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AVE: Aldermen Puttick, Schisler, Thomson, Wilson.
NAYS :Aldermen Bearas, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Scott.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following
vote: -•
ATE: Aldermen Bearas, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley,Schieler,
Scott, Thomson. • - - -
NAPE :Aldermen Puttick, Wilson.
No. 807 - City Manager - Re: Southaide Sanitary Sewer Scheme. Advising that
otfietall of Regional Niagara have requested a 60' easement for a section of
sanitary sewer to be constructed through John Allen Park; advising further
that the proposed alignment and depth of the sewer will not adversely affect
the future development of the park and recommending that Council approve the
granting of the easement.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 808 - City Manager - Re: AM -29/70 Texaco Canada Ltd., Pt.Lot 10, R.P.633,
south -east corner of Lundy's lane and Drummond Road. An application to allow
a change to a conforming gasoline outlet and to create an additional pump
island, remove the existing Museum building and to instal a new parking let
with two new ramp approaches.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and the application be approved subject to a Site Plan
'Agreement and, further, that Council certify by resolution that the proposal
would conform to Official Plan Amendment 28 as approved by the Minister of
Municipal Affairs. The motion Carried with Alderman Scott voting contrary
and all others in favour.
gee Resolution No. 123
No. 809 • City Manager - Re: Encroachments on Bridgewater Street and
Cusaisgton Square. Recommending that the City Solicitor be authorised to
prepare a byelaw permitting the encroachments; advising that the usual fee
of *25.00 to cover legal costs has been received as wa11 as the legal des. oeiptions of the property. The By-law will also include a provision that the
said encroachments will terminate upon the demolition of any building present-
ly erected on the property. - -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarks`that
the report be received and adopted.
! !
,. , t..' 4
Comm. 403 • Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: 1970 Interim Levy. Advising
that the Regional Council has adopted a resolution of the Committee Regional Financevy
Committee that (1) the Region have a 1971 interim tax levy; ( ) t
be approximately 50% of the 1970 tax levy and (3) that the levy be split in 2
equal instalments to be due March 31, 1971 and May 31, 1971.
No. 810 - Manager - Advising that no replies have been received to the
City's enquiries concerning the possibility of the Regional Council determining
their tax requirements from the area municipalities early in the year nor from
the Provincial Assessment authorities regarding an approximate date of when
the confirmed Assessment Roll will be turned over to area municipalities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and referred to Mr. E. Mitchelson with a request that be
obtain the requested information. Mr. Mitchelson is a City representative on
the Regional Council and a member of the Regional Finance Committee. The
motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE; Aimar Thomson* Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schisler,Scott,
NAPE :Aldermen Beards, Clarke and Galloway.
No. 811 - City Manager - Re: Application of E. M. Stewart for permission to
sever a lot in the former Township of Willoughby to permit the erection of a
dwelling. The property is located on the west side of King Road,aouth of the
Q.E.W. The application was approved by the Committee of Adjustment and
appealed by the City. Advising that as a result of a hearing held September
25, 1970, the Ontario Municipal Board allowed the appeal of the Municipality
and has set aside the decision of the Committee of Adjustment.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and filed and the contents noted.
No. - City Manager - Re: By -law No. 70 -241. The by -law rezones land on
Frontenaow. Street to permit the erection of two - family dwellings, town house
dwellings and two groups of buildings each containing two ...dwelling units;
advising that a petition signed by 20 persons representing approximately 16
property owners objecting to the proposed by -law has been received.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Aldermen Thomson that
the report be received and filed; that Council reaffirm its earlier decied.on to
approve the application and that the Ontario Municipal Board be advised of
the objections received. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting
contrary and all others in favour.
No. 813 - Cit Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal licences.
ORDERED on t motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 814 • Lottery Licensing Officer • Recommending approval of the following
applications to manage and conduct Raffle Lotteries: A.R.C.Industries;
Niagara Falls Fireman, Anglican Young People, Stamford Legion Cribbage Team
and C.U.P.E. Local 133.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 815 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
CRDBRED on the notion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the report bs received end adopted.
4 . No. 123 • MANN • HUNT • RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
'certifies that the application of Texaco Canada Ltd. for the rezonins of
property located at the south -use corner of Lundy's Lan. and Drummond Road
and known se Pt. Lot 10, R.P. 653, conforms to Official Plan Amendment 28
ter the Niagara Falls Planning Area es amended and approved by the Minister
of lypicipal Affairs; AND tbs Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Mo„ 124 = - 4 i - RESOLVED that a letter of condolence be
fonMrded to t am y o the late Mrs. Gladys Bettor, a respect resident
Of the Manicipality-; AND the Beal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanisoualy
- 5 -
Alderman McKinley commented on the need of the St. John Ambulance
Association to acquire a building from which to operate their activities. He
considered that the City should assist the Association and enquired if there
was any possibility that the Glenholme Firehall could be made available to
the St. John Ambulance Association.
The City Manager advised that the various suggestions regarding the
use of the fireball had been considered. A number of organizations had
indicated an interest in the building and the St. John's Ambulance require
netts had been studied along with the other applications. A report is
presently being prepared and it is expected to be presented to Council in
two weeks.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the,
matter of establishing a gasoline outlet policy be re- introduced. The motion -
Carried with the following vote:
All: Aldermen Bearer, Clarke, Galloway, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schieler, Scott,
Thomson, Wilson.
WAYS :Aldermen Puttick and Hunt.
Alderman Hearse said that she considered that the gasoline outlet
policy as presented by the Planning and Development Committee had not been
approved because the policy limited the number of outlets which would be
permitted within the City. She believed that a policy should be established
which need not restrict the number of outlets, but would provide control as
to location on specified streets, particularly in respect to shopping plazas;
the operation of non - conforming stations; the disposition of discontinued
service stations and a system whereby outlets would be required to comply
with minimum standards and maintenance regulations. Alderman Scott said that
the Planning and Development Committee had spent a great deal of time in
preparing the recommended policy and all phases of the gasoline industry had
been +stud`ied_ thoroughly.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Beards, seconded by Alderman
Clarke that the Planning and Development Committee be asked to re- submit a
gasoline outlet policy for consideration of Council. The motion was Defeated
with the following vote:
AYH: Aldermen Hearse, Clarke, Galloway, Martin, Thomson.
NAIB:-Aldermen Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Schieler, Scott, "Moon.
Alderman Puttick commented on a press, radio and T.V. advertisement
which laude the advantages of living in the Province of Ontario. The Alderman
said that a large amount of money is being spent and suggested that enquiries
should be made as to who is financing the promotional program. He said that
be would not criticize advertising which was intended to promote tourism or
attract industry but he could see no justification for the advertisement! and
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by
Aldermen Wilson that the Provincial Government be asked the reason for the
advertising and who was responsible for financing the program.. The motion was
Dst sled with the following vote: .
; demon Puttick and Wilson.
TS:Aldermen Beards, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, 'Martin, McKinley,Schisler,
Cott, Thomson.
Alderman Thomson referred to the practice of a particular organiza-
tion of mailing unsolicited credit cards to City residents. The cards are
being mailed constantly and the envelope in which they are mailed is familiar
and could encourage theft and use of the cards by unauthorised persons. The
Alderman had ands enquiries and had learned that in certain areas in the
United States legislation had been passed whereby credit cards can only be
Sent cut when they are requested. Alderman Thomson said that such legislation
has considerable merit and suggested that a resolution be prepared for
circulation to Ontario municipalities for their opinion and to the Attorney
GSDeral's Department for consideration.
- 6 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that a resolution regarding possible legislation to prohibit the mailing out
of credit cards except upon request be prepared and considered at a future
meeting of Council., The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick voting contrary
and all othere in favour.
Members of Council and Staff are invited to visit the new Y.M.C.A. building
immediately preceding the November 30th meeting. It was agreed that those
who plait to accept the invitation will meet at the Y.M.C.A. building on
Fourth Avenue at 6 :15 p.m., November 30th. Arrangements have been made for
members of the Y.M.C.A. staff to conduct the tour.
No. 70 -253 - A By -law to amend By -law Number 3790, for the regulation of
traf ic. (Huron Street)
ORDERED on the lotion of Aldeman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that Alderman Thomson be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and'the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Martin.
Carried Unanimously
No 70 -254 - A By -law to authorise a lease to Lions Club of Niagara Falls
(Ontario Canada of the former Drummond Road Service Centre property.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege 'of introducing the
Sy -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
PURRED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Maitin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given a second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman.Hunt.
Carried Unanimously
mo�o 70 -255 • A By -law to authorise the execution of a subdivision agreement
witBranecambe Investments Limited. (Theresa Extension)
CRDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, ssconded.by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Bears@ be granted the privilege of introducing the
By- laq•and the By -Tar be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bears@, seconded by Alderman
Thcnson that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By-law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reedier • Aldermen Wilson and Alderman Mann.
so. 70 -266 • A by -law to provide monies for general purposes,
Carried Unanimous',
COURSED on the motion Of Aldermen Reuel, 'winded by Alderman
Martin that Aldermen Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the
1yrl *$ *be ey -lnn. b� ;imp `to fifnt. nailing.
'egged Unsnbem:ily
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Schiller that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Wilson.
t. ,. ;z
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
- 7 -
Council Chamber,
November 24, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on November 24th, 1970. All Members of Council were present. Alderman
Puttick presided as Chairman.
Note: Alderman Thomson retired from the meeting.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the Committee of the Whole arise and report.
Carried Unanimously
1 •
Council Chamber,
November 24, 1970.
Council reconvened in on session following a Committee of the
Whole meeting held November 24th, 1970. All Members of Council mere present.
8ls Worship Mayor Miller presided as Chairman.
The followinl action was tak_n_
Report 666 - City Manager - Re: Quotations for purchase of bulk coarse
salt. Advising that, as in the past, two companies have submitted identical
bids; suggesting three alternatives for Council's consideration; requesting
instructions as to the manner in which the purchase of bulk coarse salt is
to be awarded.
Report 790 • City Manager - Re: Purchase of bulk coarse salt for the winter
1970 -71. Advising that the suggestion that salt be purchased through the
Regional offices was submitted to the Public Works Committee and, after
consideration, it was determined that the Region could purchase salt from
the Canadian Salt Co. Ltd. at a price of $13.10 per ton delivered to the
area municipalities; advising further that the Regional Council approved
of the arrangement and it is now possible for the City to purchase salt
through the Region at the price quoted; recommending that the two quota.
tions previously received be not considered and the City arrange to pur-
chase salt through the Regional Municipality at a price of $13.10 per ton
delivered to the City. (Tabled for further information).
Report No. 816 - City Manager - Advising that Domtar Chemicals Limited is
prepared to deliver bulk coarse salt to the City at a price of $12.77 per
ton and that such price would be firm until June 30, 1971.
ORDERED - on.the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman'Scott that
the City purchase salt from Domtar Chemicals Limited at a price of $12.77
per son delivered to the City; further, that the Ontario Municipal Associa-
tion, the Honourable D'Arcy McKeougb, George Bukator, M.L.A. and the Good
Roads Association be informed of the procedures followed by Domtar
Chemicals and the Canadian Salt Co. in bidding on salt. The motion Carried
with Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
Report 811 - City Manapr - Re: Operation of Fire Station 4 (Chippewa) and
Fire Station 5 (Willoughby). Advising that the operation of the new
Crowland Station will be under the jurisdiction of the Willoughby Depart-
ment for a period of approximately twelve months or until such time as the
new Volunteers are able to assume complete responsibility; suggesting that
the new Fire Hall not be used for social purposes to which the general
public would be invited; advising that under the Workmen's Compensation
protection, the Volunteer Firemen will be covered for an amount of $7,000.
ORW.RED on the motion of Alderman Schiller, seconded by A1d.MOKinley that:
the report ba received and filed and the Volunteer Firemen at the new
Fire Station 6 (Crowland) be permitted the same privileges as the other
Fire Halls in the Municipality. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Schiller, McKinley, Hunt, Wilson, Puttick, Martin.
EB:Aldermen Galloway, Scott, Clarke, Bearss, Mann.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Puttick
that the meeting adjourn.
1114 OZ
Council Chamber,
November 30, 1970.
Council met at 7 :30 P.M. on Monday, November 30th, 1970, for the
purpose of considering general business. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. Alderman Puttick offered
the Opening Prayer. It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Wilson that the minutes of the regular meeting held November 24, 1970,
be adopted as printed.
No. 404 - Hand Association of Fewer,Watermain & Road Contractors - Requesting
an opportunity for the Tender Practices Committee of the Association to discuss
the City's system of paying contractors for products used in sewer, watermaia
or roadwork construction.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
Mo. 405 • Town of Lincoln - Notice of Intention to apply to the Ontario Munici-
pal Board for an Order approving a by -law to authorise the raising of monies
for the construction of drainage works.
ORDERED on the lotion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and the City of Niagara Falls file no objections to
the proposed works.
No. 406 • Canadian Churchman - An Anglican Church Publication - Requesting that
the City purchase an advertisement in the spacial January issue. The 25th
General Synod of the Anglican Church will be held in the City during the month
of January 1971.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Mann, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
communication be received and the City place an advertisement in the January
issue of Canadian Churchman at a cost of $80.00.
No. 407 - Department of Municipal Affairs -Rs: Legislation, The Planning Act,
section 26. Describing the principles under which all future applications for
deletion of part ■lot control will be considered.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Galloway, seconded by Alderman Hunt. that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 821 - City Manager . Re: 4-foot concrete sidewalk proposed to be constructed
on the west side of Willoughby Drive (formerly Church Street) from King George V
School to a point 165 feet south of Weinbrenner Road. Advising that .a petition
was received from the majority of homeowners on Willoughby Drive requesting that
the sidewalk be constructed on the opposite side of the road. The objections did
not represent the required amount of assessment. Advising that the Catario
Monieipal Board has approved of the installation and recommending that the By-
law be given the third reading.
OSMIUM on the lotion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and filed and By -law Number 70.116, authorising the sidewalk
construction, be given the third reading. The motion Carried with the following
An : Aldermen Bears', Clarks, Calloway, Runt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Puttick,
e idler, Thomson.
Ml:Aldermen Scott and Wilson.
See By -law No, 70.116
No. 621 . City *stir - Res Proposed Plan of Subdivision, D. Casey. An eppliea -
Lion for approval of a proposal to develop land situated on the east aids of
Dorchester goad. The property is situated to the lost of Mary Ward Segarats
Scheel. me applicant has requestad that the proposal be given approval, in
principle; before proceeding in the usual manner. Advising that the revised
amily rea and t of lend. , $b A contain
heustaih *lack 8 to be developed at a later ate; Block C, 288 units of Carden
apartments end Block D for park purposes. Recommsadiog that Council grant
preliaiaary approval of the draft plan with the tadersteedieg that the appli-
osatt viii reseed in the ueuai' em near; suggesting that the processing of the
- 2 -
final plan. A further
contain the provisions to
required rezoning. be withheld pending receipt of a
report will then be submitted to Council which will
be imposed.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried
contrary and all others in favour.
No. 823 - City Manager - Re: Proposed Plan of Subdivision - Angelmora Invest-
ments Limited. An application to develop 61 aingle•fatlly lots:8n; property
bathe west side of Dorchester Road, south of McLeod Road; recommending that
the draft plan of subdivision to given preliminary approval subject to 10
conditions enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 824 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM -32/70 - W.& C. Plcmmerfelt.
A rezoning application to permit the erection of a gasoline outlet on property
located at the north -weat corner of Macklem Street and Portage Road; recommending
approval of the application subject to a Site Plan Agreement and that Council
certify by resolution, that the application conforms to the Offical Plan
Amendment No. 30 for the Niagara Falls Planning Area.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 125
No. 825 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM- 38/70, Admiral Motel Ltd.
5911 Clark Street. A rezoning application to permit the erection of an
additional 5 motel unite and an office and to provide parking below that portion
of the property fronting on Perry Street; submitting a copy of the Engineering
Report which recommends that the proposal be denied as it would conflict with
future road changes; advising that the Regional Municipality of Niagara has
indicated opposition to theproposal in view of the possibility that the lands
may be required for the approach ramps to the extension of Ontario Avenue;
recommending that, subject to the Traffic Engineer's comment, the application
be approved subject to a site plan and site plan agreement.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
No.' 826 - Planning and Development Committee - Re: AMA 39/70, B. Sinclair for
Royal Canadian Legion. An application to emend the existing zoning to permit
the erection of a Legion Centre on property located on Valley Way immediately
adjacent to Houck Park; recommending approval of the application subject to a
Site Plan Agreement and that Council certify, by resolution, that the appliese
tion will conform to the Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Palls
Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the followtng vote:
Az a: Aldermen Bearss, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Manu Mastic, McKinley, Puttick,
8chisler, Thomson. See Resolution 130 126
St:Aldermen Scott and Wilson.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman
Wilson that the report be deferred until information is obtained from the
Provincial Goverment as to the minimum distance from Church property that an
establishment which serves alcoholic beverages may locate. The motion
Defeated with the following vote: •
$ Aldermen Scott and Wilson.
:Aldermen Beaus, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, Natality, Puttick,
Se isler, Thomson.
Notes The motion of deferral was taken prior to the motion to adopt the report.
No. 827 - Planning and Development Committee - Res AM- 40,70, C. 6 R. Jukosky.
A removing application to permit the construction of a restaurant and gas bar
.-ton property located on the eaet•side of Sodom Road, south of the Sodom Road
intersection with the Q.E.W.; recommending approval of the application subject
to a Site Plan Agreement including the addition of more land and subject to
the Welland District Wealth Unit approval.
OM= on the motion of Aldermen Wilson seconded by Aldermen Bunt that the
report be received and adopted. The motion rr d with the following votes
Ms Aldermen Intel, Clarke, Hunt, Martin, ep, Puttick. Wiloon, Thomson.
zAide semen - Galloway. IMm, Schuler, Scott.
s• 5.
Alderman Scott that the
with Alderman Puttick voting
- 3 -
No. 828 - City Manager . Re: Intereaection of Thorold Stone Road and Dorchester
Road. Advising as to the cause of the trouble experienced with the traffic
controller at the intersection; advising further that no abnormal problems
have existed at the intersection and that the signal maintenance crew is
available at all times to give immediate attention to traffic control signal
failures and all calls concerning such failures should be directed to the
Police Department.
ORDERED on the motion of Alde Iran Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received sad fi13d.
Alderman Wiises mug Feted that the public should be informed of the
procedure which should be followed in reporting traffic control signal failures.
No. 829 - City Manager - Re: Vehicle Inspection Lane. Advising that the City
Police Department has received notification from the Ontario Department of
Transport that the protable safety lane will be available for four weeks
during January and February; recommending that the Police Department be advised
that either the Drummond Road Storehouse building or the Municipal Service
Centre will be available.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Scott that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 830 - City Manager - Re: Parking on North Side of Peer Street between
Ross Avenue and Grey Avenue. Noting that parking on this section of Peer St.
is creating difficulties for driveway access and egress; recommending that
parking be prohibited at all times from the north side of Peer Street between
Ross Avenue and Grey Avenue.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 831 - City Manager - Re: Parking on Britannia Crescent. Advising that
complaints have been received in respect to the long term parking on Britannia
Crescent which results from the proximity of the Niagara Falls General
Hospital; recommending that the necessary bylaw be prepared to limit parking
on both sides of Britannia Crescent to a two hour maximum between the hours of
8100 a.m. and 5 :00 p.m.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the report be received and adopted. 11* notion Carried with Alderman Scott
voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 832 - Cit Manager - Recommending that the following City employees be
commended 141 tir nir.£ative in succesefuly completing the St.John's
Ambulance First Aid Course: W.N.Bucar, G. Chapman, J.L.Pringle,T.Tracey,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted.
11 853 - City Manger - Re; McLeod Road and Dorchester Road Ccrrm Sewers.
Advising that the necessary funds are included in the 1970 Capital Budget for
the construction of storm sewers on McLeod Road from the H.E.P.C. Canal to
Dorchester Road and on Dorchester Road from McLeod Rotd to Douglas Street;
advising further that the construction of the McLeod Road trunk sewer and
the storm sewer on Dorchester Road is the first step necessary to help alleviate
the present flooding problems at the south end of the City.
Alderman Fut :tick pointed out that the McLeod Bridge over the Hydro -
Canal will be four -lane and it would appear that the roadway approach would
also have to be four - lane. He suggested that the Regional authorities should
be contacted in regard to sharing costs at the present time !Molest of the
future reconstruction of McLeod Road which is a Regional Road.
ORDERED,on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Runt that
the report of the City Manager be received and filed and the City Engineer
be directed to obtain information from the Regional Municipality regarding
the possibility of a cost - sharing arrangement.
Sod By - law No. 70 - 261
No. 834 - Lottery Measles 0 ficpr - Re: Application of Ontario Moose
Charities, Cookeville, Ontario, to conduct a Raffle Lottery In Niagara Fails
. on May 29, 1971; advieiag that the prise money will be $6,500 and the
issuance of the licence is under the jurisdiction of the Department of
'Finance and Commercial Affairs; advising further that the local Noose Lodge
favours the raffle, proceeds of which will be devoted to the Retarded
Children's Summer Camp and other activities; and, further, that the actual
draw will be made at a convention to be held in the City; reoaandingg that
Council offer -no objectio:ms to the application.
,4 AI SS ,.aS`ssswi.®.
Vice- President
Sec.- Treasurer
Exticutive It sbgt•
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 835 - Lottery Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of the applications
of the Hospital Auxiliary Association and the Royal Canadian Legion to manage
and conduct Raffle Lotteries.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 836 - Cit Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 837 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Runt that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 125 - MANN - WILSON • RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
certifies that the application of W. 6 C. Flommerfelt for the rezoning of
property located at the north -west corner of Macklem Street and Portage Road,
conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 30 for the Niagara Falls Planning Area
as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs; AND the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 126 - MANN - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
certifies that the application of B. Sinclair, for the Royal Canadian Legion,
for the rezoning of property located on the north side of Valley Way, east of
Portage Road, conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 28 of the Niagara Falls
Planning Area as amended and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs;
AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 127 • Mc7.INLEY - MANN - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the.
Council of tits Citq'o Niagara Falls be held on Tuesday, December 8th, 1970,
at 7 :30 p.m.; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. The motion
Carried with the following vote:
A 8 tdermen Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, McKinley, Puttick, Schieler, Scott
Thomson, Wilson.
NAYS: Aldermen Beares and Martin.
Alderman Meares mentioned the number of requezts that are received
for the City to pay Lor adverttoement& in programnt for conventionu
scheduled to be bald in the City. She suggested that the number, size and
costs of advertisomentsapproved in the past, be tabulated with a view to
establishing a policy at the beginning of next year.
Alderman weans announced the names of those risen, serving
Project Trillius, formerly the Civic Beautification Committee:
Board Members
Alex Greens
J. Hswken
• F. Kolosky
G. Mertyn
Const. 3. Ross
Tom Stevenson
Bob Hutcheon
Hrs.Eileen Mill•
Ws. G.T.Nartin
Coumoil E•psa•ntativa ■ Alderman Dear••
Et•f! Advises ■ *Fray JCb toq
•5 -
Alderman Hunt commented on a recent incident at the General Hospital
where Police Officers had taken a young man for treatment. The man was
apparently uncontrollable and under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Only
nurses and orderlies, he said, would be on duty during the night and would not
be permitted to give treatment without authorization by a doctor. The Alderman
expressed the opinion that there should be some other method of handling such
cases rather than expecting a nurse to do so.
Alderman Wilson enquired if there was anything that Council could do
about the recently announced increase in fares over the International Bridges.
Mayor Miller suggested that a resolution could go to the Bridge Commission
which was established by the Province of Ontario and New York State.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
Bridge Commission be asked to provide an explanation of why the fares have
been increased and advising of Council's objections to the increases.
Alderman Puttick spoke about the need to provide bus service for the
residents of the former Village of Chippewa. A petition bearing 225 signatures
had been sent to the Alderman and was an indication, be said, that there was
a need for bus service because the residents had to rely on facilities in
the downtown area of the City for recreational activities, shopping centres
and some professional services. The Alderman suggested that in view of the
. seasonal Christmas sales and activities, a bus service should be provided
either by the Niagara Transit Commission or the Canada Coach Lines. Mayor
Miller pointed out that when the service was provided by the Canada Coach Lines
surveys indicated that the maximum number of passengers availing themselves of
the service at any one time, was seven. The Alderman said that perhaps this
was due to the few stops made by the Canada Coach bus. A City bus, he said,
could sake frequent stops.
Mayor Miller will present the petition to the Niagara Transit
Commission at the next meeting. -
No. 70 -116 - A By -law to authorize the construction of certain works -ae local
. rovemente under Section 12 of The Local Improvement Act. (Third Reading)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that the By -law be given a third reading. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
AYE: Alderson Beans, Clarks, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley,Puttick,
Schisler,Thomson. -
Jj:Aldermen Scott and Wilson.
No. 70 -257 - A Byelaw to authorize the allowing of an encroachment on Martin
Z I o a building owned by Rodger ford and Jean Ford and an agreement with
respect thereto. -
on ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman Bears, be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beans, seconded by Aldermen Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By-law be given the second reeding.
Carried Unanimously
Third Readies • Alderman Wilson and Aldermen Scbieler.
Carried l!nntemuslp
No. 70458 - A By -law to authorise the allowing of an encroachment on Perry St.
and an agreement with Domenic Calabrese and others with respect thereto.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Hunt
tbatAlderman Schisler be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. _
Third Reading - Alderman Bearea and Alderman Martin.
No. 70 -259 • A By -law for dividing the City of Niagara Falls into polling
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Scott
that Alderman Thomson be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Clarke that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading • Alderman Wilson and Alderman Bearss.
No. 70 -260 - A By -law to appoint Polling Places, Deputy Returning Officers and
Poll Clerks for the City of Niagara Falls and to unite certain adjoining
Polling Subdivisions and to establish one Polling Place for the purpose of
the 1970 Municipal Election.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beeves, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given a second reading.
parried Unanimously
70 -2 - A By -law to authoring the construction of certain storm sewermaias
as extent tons to the existing sewage works of the City. (Mcleod Road and
Dorchester Road). (Two Readings only)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the
B•laws and the By •law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
CRD<BRD on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Wilson test Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended end the By-law be given the second reading. Card Uaaaimowly
No. 70 - 261 A. A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Hunt
• that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading,..
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading — Alderman Wilson and Alderman McKinley.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin that the '
meeting adjourn to Committee of.the Whole.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on November 30th, 1970. All Members of Council were present. Alderman
McKinley presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Wilson, that the
Committee of the Whole arise and report.
Council met at 7 :30 P.M. on Tuesday, December 8th, 1970, for the
purpose of considering general business. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. Alderman McKinley offered
the Opening Prayer. It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by
Alderman Wilson that the minutes of the regular meeting held November 30th,1970
be adopted as printed. Aldermen Beams, Galloway and Martin arrived while the
meeting was in progress.
No. 408 - Project Trillium - Re: Christmas Lighting Project. Advising of the
organization's plan to continue the annual community -wide Christmas Lighting
Competition; requesting approval of a proposed plan to coordinate the program
with an official lighting of the City Hall Christmas Tree.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the communication be received and the plans for the launching of the Christmas
Lighting Competition combined with the lighting of the City Hall Christmas Tree
be approved.
No. 409 - Chamber of Commerce - Re: Brief of the Action Force of the Chamber
in support of action to correct railway line location problems. The brief
recommends that the matter of the relocation of the Penn Central Railroad
receives the immediate attention of the Federal Government and that the
Government acknowledge its responsibility both in terms of requiring action
by the Penn Central Railroad and in accepting a substantial degree of
responsibility for the fismcing of this project.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and the suggestions contained in the brief approved;
further, that Council give unqualified support to the project as presented by
the Action Force of the Chamber of Commerce.
No. 410 - Niagara Fails Professional Fire Fighters - Submitting a preliminary
submission of proposed amendments to the Collective Agreement; requesting a
meeting with Council or a Committee of Council for the purpose of commencing
negotiations and suggesting a meeting date of December 9th, 1970 at 7 :30 p.m.
Report No. 842 - City Manager - Advising that a preliminary costing has been
carried out on the monetary items contained in the Fire Fighters' submission
and advising that the total cost of the requests would be in excess of
$583,000:00; providing a breakdown of the individual items including salaries,
service pay, clothing, vacations, medical fringe benefits and pension improve-
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Schieler that
the communication from the Niagara Falls Professional Fire Fighters and the
report of the City Manager be received and referred to the City's negotiating
officials to meet with the members of the Negotiating Committee of Local 528
and, following such meeting, a report be submitted to Council.
NOTE: Alderman Thomson abstained • from voting.
Council Chamber,
December 8, 1970.
ND. 843 - City Manager - Re; Storm Sewer Construction Contract
Recommending acceptance of the unit prices received from Pisa Construction Co.
Ltd, for the installation of storm overmans on Dorchester Road between
Stokes Street and Barker Street and Kitchener Street between Stanley Avenue
and MacDonald Avenue, subject to the approval of the.Ontario Municipal Board
and the Ontario Water Resources Camissioa.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Wilson
voting contrary and all others in favour.
Resolution No. 128
Mo. 844 - City Mansur - Rs: Wetermain Construction - Contract W.I. 31 -70. ..
Rscommending acceptance of the unit prices received from Doors Brothers
Limited for the installation of wetsrmaina on Culp Street from Drummond Road
tO Pranklin Avenue and on Ramsey Road from Stanley Avenue to Mister toad,
4eubjeet tethe approval of the Ontario Municipal loard end the Ontario Water
'Resources Commission.
4006ND ca the optima of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that .the
tsport-bs rpesiva, end pdcptsd•
Resolution No. 129
..l.t ................
. 8.
Council Chamber,
November 30, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the
Whole meeting held November 30th, 1970. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman.
The following action was taken:
Report 838 - City Manager - Re: Niagara Falls Fire Department, Division of
Fire Prevention. Recommending that, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the
Promotion System, Inspector P. Murphy be appointed to the rank of Chief of
the Division of Fire Prevention at a salary of $11,103.00 per annum,
effective December 1, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hearse that
the report be received and adopted.
Report 839 - City Manager - Re: Recreation Program Co- ordinator. Advising
that a request has been received from the Recreation Commission for authority
to employ a Recreation Program Co- Ordinator; submitting a copy of the Job
Description and providing information as to the major responsibilities of
the new employee; advising that the Youth and Recreation Branch of the
Ontario Department of Education will reimburse the municipality to the
extent of 252 or $2500. per year, whichever is the leaser amount, of the
salary of the new employee if he or she possesses an approved Certificate;
requesting approval to.advertiee the position and advising that a further
report would be made containing a recommendation of the person to be
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Beare., seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and the request to advertise the position of
Recreation Program Co- Ordinator be approved. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Beare., Clarke, Martin, McKinley, Puttick, Schieler, Scott,
NAYE:Aldermen Wilson, Mann, Hunt, Galloway.
Report 840 - City Manager - Re: Purchase of Part N+ot 27, City of Niagara
Falls. Advising of a request that the City sell to the Ontario Department
of Highways for a nominal sum of $1.00, two smell parcels of land located
at the southeast corner of Mountain Road and Kalar Road. The land is
required to facilitate the construction of the proposed Q.E.W./Mountain Road
interchange as well as the west service road along the Q.E.W. Recommending
that the City transfer the lends to the Ontario Department of Highways and
that City officials be granted authority to complete the required trans-
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and adopted,
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the meeting adjourn.
No. 845 - City Manager - Re: Tenders for 1971 Model Panel Van Truck required for
No. 4 Fire Station (Chippewa). Recommending that the tender be awarded to
Autoland Chrysler Limited at a quoted price of $3,632.00.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
ATE: Aldermen Clarke, Mann, McKinley, Wile6n7 iomson,'Hunt.
inE :Aldermen Scott and Schisler.
NOTE :Alderman Puttick abstained from voting.
Resolution No. 131
No, 846 : City Manager - Re: Purchase of Standard Meter Test Bench. Advising
that the item is provided for in the 1970 Water Department Budget; recommending
that the quotation submitted by Neptune Meters Limited in the amount of $2,387.91
be accepted.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Runt that the
report be received and adopted.
Resolution No. 130
No. 847 - City Manager - Re: Valley Way Extension. Referring to By -law Number
70 -250 authorising the acquisition of land for the extension of Valley Way. The
By -law was given one reading on November 16, 1970, and referred to the Region
for comments as to the desirability of using the proposed alignment. Submitting
a copy of a letter from the Regional Director of Engineering which indicates
that the Region is in agreement with the original recommendation to Council;
recommending that the report of the City Manager and the letter from the
Regional Director of Engineering be received and filed and that By -law Number
70 -250 be given a second and third reading.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Scott that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with Alderman Puttick
voting contrary and all others in favour.
NOTE: Alderman Bearss and Alderman Martin arrived
at the meeting.
No. 848 - Cit Mang er - Re: Street Widening. Referring to a By -law to
establish vans ous parcels of land as public highways; advising that all the
land described in Schedule A of the By -law has been acquired by the City for
the purpose of street widening; advising that a by -law should be passed which
will formally establish the strips of land as parts of public highways.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and filed.
See By -law No, 70 -265
No. 849 - Cit Mena ens . Res Statement of Expenditures. Submitting a statement
.of Revenue and Expe itures for the period January lit to October 31st, 1970,
for the General, Urban Service Area and Special Accounts; edvising.that the
total expenditures for roads, both City and Regional, are expected to be within
the Budget Estimates.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report be received and tabled for one week to provide time for Council to
peruse the Statement of. Expenditures.
No. 850 - City Hauser - Res Starlit° Theatre Company Limited Property.
Advising that the purchase of the property has been cospleted.and will be
considered in 1971 for park and recreational purposes.
.URBD on the stotion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed.
No. 851 • City Manager - Submitting a letter received from Mt. J. Stacey,
Manager, Central Mortgegs and Mousing Corporraay,tion, in which be replies to
verioui.questions regarding a proposal to albums* construction of multi•
family apartment buildings in the Queen Street and adjacent area; advising
.further that the letter Mill be forwarded to the Honourable J. J. Greene as
directed by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderson Puttick, seconded by Alderman Theron that
the report be received end filed and a copy forwarded to the Honourable J._.3.
Greens for his comment'.
No. 652 • Hitt ;Muter - let Cr dit Cards. Advising that Dill 36, an Act to
awed the Ceneaer Protection Act, 1966, defines the status el unsolicited
, credit cards aad'unsolieited tends; advising that • spokesman for the Depart.
meat of Financial and Commercial Affairs has stated that the Department tes
iresegaised tine prabls ereatd the mailing of -credit cards saris of the
opiels thecae leffi which will coma inter force by-- proolemetioa of
the Lieutenant Governor, will overcome the problems; suggesting that in view of
the proposed legislation, the preparation of a resolution appears to be
Alderman Thomson agreed that the proposed legislation will solve many
of the problems created by the fraudulent use of credit cards but he was still
concerned about the discriminatory mailing of the cards. He considered that
credit cards should only be sent to persons who specifically request them.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that a
resolution be prepared requesting the Provincial Government to consider
legislation which would prohibit the mailing of credit cards except upon request.
The motion Carried with Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 853 - City Manager - Re; Glenholme Fireball. Advising that the committee
established to investigate possible uses of the former Glenholme Fireball will
hold another meeting in the near future to consider a recent submission by an
organisation that has been considered in regard to the use of the Fireball;
advising that following such meeting, a detailed report will be presented.
Alderman Hearse explained that the special committee ha's. held several
meetings,a survey of the area hap been carried out to determine acceptable uses'
for the building and a report had been prepared for Council. However, due to a
misunderstanding, representatives of St. John's Ambulance had not attended the
last meeting and have since requested an opportunity to make a presentation to
the committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and filed at this time.
No. 854 • City Manager - Building Permits issued by the Building Department
during the month of November, 1970.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and filed.
No. 855 • City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
Alderman Hunt advised that the Crowland Fireball was experiencing
difficulties with the heaters. Cheque 426102 issued to Pyrofax Gas will be
withheld until the City Manager contacts the Fire Chief to ascertain that the
heaters and water tanks are in proper working condition.
MOTE: Alderman Galloway arrived at the meeting.
Alderman Scott said he would like to draw to the attention of the
public that it would greatly assist the local post office if Christmas Cards
were mailed early, particularly in view of the recent re- naming of streets
and the new house numbering system.
Alderman Wilson reported receiving complaints that some of the
supports for the new Montrose Road Bridge over the Welland River were crooked.
The contract for the bridge construction was let by the Regional Municipality
of Niagara and Alderman Wilson's comments will be forwarded to the Region for
an explanation.
Alderman Wilson suggested that the City attempt to acquire'some of
the funds recently released by the Federal Government for the use of Munici-
palities. He suggested that the funds could be used to finance such public
works projects as the removal of diseased elm trees and other works that would
?:alp - reduce the unemployment in the area.
Aldermen Wilson referred to'a recant newspaper article about the
cost of hydro and loss of industry in'the area. He suggested the formation
of a committee to review the possibility of increased Hydro grants and to
approach Ontario Hydro es to what can be doss for this area.
Mayor Millar said that this matter will be discussed at a meeting
of 84 00041 representatives with the Hissers 'Salle Pours Users Committee
add Me Hissers aaabers of the Provincial Gevirmunt. She nesting will bs held on
May, December 11,1970.
Alderman Wilson introduced Mr. Don Rea of the Niagara Palls Sight-
seeing Tour Operators Msociation. The Asaocatioa, he said, plant to partici-
pate in cossunity activities and at present, have a project which will enable
elderly people to view the City's Christmas lighting and decorations.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Scott that Mr.
Don Rea be granted permission to address Council.
Mr. Bann said that in addition to the Christmas tours for the elderly,
the Association also wishes to participate in Civic Month by having the City
proclaims the first week in May as Education Niagara Weak. Mt. Rea estimated
that 85t of the citizens are not familiar vith the City nor have they visited
such scenic attractions as the power plants, the Horticultural School, the
tunnels, etc. Without sufficient knowledge of the area, he said, the residents
are not equipped to promote the City. The Tour Operators Association hope to
create some enthusiasm by offering free sightseeing tours to all local residents
especially those who work in the tourist industry and in the stores. The
project, if approved by Council, will be part of the activities during
Education Niagara Week.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
proposal by the Niagara Falls Sightseeing Tour Operators' Association to
participate in Civic Month be approved and encouraged and that the first week
in May, 1971, be proclaimed as Education Niagara Week.
Alderman Puttick distributed photographs showing trucks parked on
a portion of the sidewalk on Thorold Stone Road in the vicinity of John's
Restaurant. The sidewalk, be said, was extended on the north side of Thorold
Stone Road because of the proximity of a Church and the Vanier Senior Public
School and vas not constructed to bear the weight of heavy vehicles.
Restaurants in the area, he said, should not be allowed to operate as truck
stops and the parking of trucks in this manner is hazardous and causes
residents in the neighbourhood to complain about fumes, noise and abuse. The
Alderman requested that the Engineering Staff study the situation and submit
a report at the next meeting of Council and that arrangements be made to have
No Parking signs erected within two masks.
Mayor Miller pointed out that, in order to erect stop signs, it is
necessary to have a byelaw prepared and approved by Council and the by -law
must then be forwarded to the Region and to the Department of Transport for
approval. He suggested that the report also include an estimate of how moth
time mill elapse before the signs could be erected.
Alderman Puttick commuted on the Region's recently advertised
tender for police cars. as expressed the opinion that such requirements. as
8 cylinder, 240 HP modals with specified additional equipment automatically
eliminates all imported cars and some lord and Chrysler models. The Aldermen
did not think it was necessary that vehicles which will be used for police
patrol and replaced within one or two years, should be so elaborately equipped.
Ha said that in view of the estimated cwt to operate the Metro Police Force
end the necessity ,of paying additional money for a communications system, the
tenders mare not being prepared from an seoncmical standpoint.
Mayor Miller said that slthough the tender indicated that the cars
would be utsd for patrolling purposes, they would not be used simply for
. parking meters end shopping plasas, but mould be used to patrol
the entire Regional arse. Hs indicated that be would bring Aldermen Puttick 's
. remarks to the attention of Regional authorities.
Alderman Beans advised that a seating of a group interested in
"drag stripping" would be hold et the Ualon Centre On Wednesday, December 9th,
Alt 7480 pas. Umbers of Commit will be welcome at the mistime and say wish
te, oomeant or offer advice about the problems that ebe group are aaperiencins.
Aldermen Beams also mentioned that the Rsorestion Commission would
.¢s plsssS to learn that the Niagara Falls Sightseeing Tour Opsratort' bad
; enteaded their Christmas lighting tours to include all elderly residents
rather than- jwt.ths members of the Senior Citing groups
No. 70 -250 - A By -law to authorize the acquisition of land for the extension
of Valley Way. (The by -law was given the first reading on November 16,1970)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Martin and Alderman Wilson. The motion Carried with
A del rman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70 -262 - A By -law to amend By -law No. 7808, 1969, to designate a
redevelopment area. (Two Readings Only)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Schieler that Alderman Puttick be granted the privilege of introducing the
Byelaw and the Byelaw be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
Rule 36(2) of the StandingRulea of Council be temporarily suspended and the
By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimous
No. 70 -263 - A By -law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement
wit Vincent D'Agoatino and Angela D'Agostino. (Dunn Street)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Mann be granted the privilege of introducing tie By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading e Alderman McKinley and Alderman Clarke.
No 70 -264 - A By -law to amend By -law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township
of now in the City of Niagara Palle, as amended. (North Side of
Dunn Street)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beaton, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the
Byelaw and the By -law be given the first reading.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley,
Hunt that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council
pended and the By -law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Martin and Alderman Beam.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
seconded by Alderman
be temporarily sus.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
0 70.26 _. A Byelaw to establish certain lands as public highways.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Hunt that Alderman Schisler be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the Sy -law be given the first reading.
carried Unanimously,
....... 6.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the By =law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Martin.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -266 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Bearss that Alderman Clarke be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus -
*Sanded std the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
Third Reading - Aldermen Mann and Alderman Wilson, The motion Carried with
Alderman Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen8ehieler, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council Chamber,
December 8, 1970.
Council met in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting
held on December 8th, 1970. All Members of Council were present. Alderman
Martin presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the it presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson that
the Committee of the Whole arise and not report.
lurk v / Mayor
Council Chamber,
December 8, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the
Whole meeting held December 8th, 1970. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman.
It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by
Alderman Clarke that the meeting adjourn.
• • I..,
i •
Council met at 7 :30 p.m. on Monday, December 14th, 1970,
pose of considering general business. All Members of Council were
Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. Alderman Puttick
Opening Prayer. It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson,
Alderman Mann that the minutes of the regular meeting held December
adopted as printed.
Report 849 - City Manager - Re: Statement of Expenditures. Submitting a statement
of Revenue and Expenditures for the period January let to October 31st, 1970, fot
the General, Urban Service Area and Special Accounts; advising that the total- -
expenditures for roads, both City and Regional, are expected to be within the
Budget Estimates.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Galloway that the
report be received and filed and the City Manager and Staff be commended for
their presentation.
Comm. 401 - Ontario Good Roads Association - A request for resolutions and
proposal of names for recognition of long service in the cause of good roads.
Report 857 - City Manager - Advising that at the present time the City does not
have any employees who would be eligible for the 40 year long service certifi-
cate but that Mr. H. Laur, Streets Superintendent, was presented with a
certificate in 1969 and, in three more years, would be eligible for a 45 years
service award; submitting two draft resolutions for consideration at the Good
Roads Association Convention. The first resolution requests the Ontario Depart-
ment of Highways to revise its present policy with respect to sewermaine and
vatermains laying within Provincial highways to include all costs relating to
the total capital expenditure need because-'of the Municipal Encroachment Permit.
The second resolution requests the Ontario Departmeht of Highways to absorb 1002
of the costa for all alterations and relocations of watermelon and sewermains
necessitated by road improvements to the Provincial highway system.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and adopted.
Council Chamber,
December 14, 1970.
for the pur-
present. His
offered the
seconded by
8, 1970, be
Comm. 388 - Niagara Peninsula Home Builders and Land Development Ltd.
Re: Proposed. residential subdivision - Stamford Racetrack Lands. Regarding the
development west of the Q.B.W., the communication requeete an acknowledgment by
Council that it is satisfied that the north, east and south Residential Planning
Districts are Substantially developed. and utilized intensively; requesting
assurance that the Morrison Street right -of -way will not extend more than 110 ft.
south of the N.P.H.B. main northern boundary line running from Halar Road to a
point.10 feet west of Montrose Road and that road access will be permitted via
Ulster Avenue, Belfast Avenue and Baldwin Avenue; requesting confirmation that
it is unlikely that a school site will be needed within the subdivision site.
Report 858 - City Manager - The report replies to three questions contained in
the communication from the N.P.H.B.;41) noting that in regard to the development
west of the Q.B.W., Amendment 43 to the Official Plan appears on the agenda for
consideration of Council; (2) recommending that in regard to the Morrison Street
Extension, it be suggested to the developers that they contact the Regional
authoritisi for the required information; (3) suggesting that the developers
contact the Niagara South Board of Education and the Welland County Separate
School Board to deterains if a school site is required in the subject lands:
ORZEgED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Schiller that
the report be received and adopted and a copy forwarded to tbs Niagara Peninsula
8 amubuiiders together with notification of the decision of Council in respect
to Ass dment 43 to the Official Plan.
See Report No.865
•.,� _ a
- -
No. 412 - Committee of A Thousand - Re: Distribution of monies received from
bunting licences for conservation purposes; advising that the Co has been
working contently on pollution problems which involve every conservation project
proposed in the Niagara Region and requesting a monetary grant under the bunting
licences program.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
No. 413 - Department of Municipal Affairs - Re: 1970 Supplementary Tax Assistance
for the Elderly. Advising that specific enquiries concerning the program should be
directed to the Subsidies Branch.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and filed.
No. 414 - Niagara Falls Family Y.M.C.A.- Requesting a meeting of representatives
of the Advisory Committee of khe program "Rooftop" and a Committee of Council to
discuss a request for financial aid through the Canadian Assistance Plan.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
communication be recafved and a special committee of Council be appointed to meet
with representatives of the Advisory Committee as requested. Alderman Thomson and
Alderman'&Kinley were named as Council's representatives on the Committee. '
No. 415 - 'Ontario Council of Repents for Colleges of Applied Arts 6 Technology.
Re: Municipal Appointees to the Board of Governors of the Niagara College of
Applied Arts and Technology. Advising that Mr. C. Chessman's term will terminate
on December 31, 1970; noting that any Board member IS eligible for reappointment;
requesting the name of the City's appointee for the term commencing January 1,1971.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that Mr.Charlea
Chessman be reappointed as the Niagara Falls representative on the Board of
Governors of the Niagara Collage of Applied Arts and Technology.
No. 416 - Ontario Good Roads Association • Re: 1971 Convention, February 22nd,
23rd, 24th,1971. Submitting Convention Program information.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman MaKinlsy that the
communication be received and filed and as many members of Council as possible
attend the one day seminar on Monday, February 22nd; further that two ambers of
Council be appointed to attend the full Convention.
ORDEED on the motion of AldermanlSLlRhg+,eeconded by Alderman Scott that Alderman
Clarke and Alderman Math mtu) be appointed to repreesnt Council et the Ontario
Coed Roads Convention on February 22nd, 23rd and 2464 1971.
No. 417 - Re tonal Municipality of Niagara Re: Technical Co- ordinating' Committee.
Requuting that the City appoint two members to act on Sub - Committee 14 of the
Technical Co- ordinating Committee for the Region and that they be authorised to
attend all meetings of the Sub - Committee.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
communication be received and that the City Engineer and one other member of
Staff to be selected by the City Manager, be appointed to the proposed Com=mittee.
The notion Carried with. Alderman Puttick voting, Contrary and all others in favour,
No. 418 - peninsula Bench Adyertisin$ - Advising that 50 benches bearing adver-
tising ars presently . oeated at bus stops on streets in the City of Niagara Falls
but there appears to be no authority for the placement of benches on public
property within the City limits; sequsatimg that-Council enter into a contract
similar to that with the City of St.Cstbarinse and the Tow of Fort Erie;
requesting clarification's to the agreement with the Masers fells Jewish
ORDERED on the lotion of Alderman McKinley, ssaonded by Alderman Bunt that pm
.comunication .be received and referred to the City Monster. .1 -
No. 419 ■ Niagara Falls Public Library ■ Rs: Library Site. Eequestide a grant
of $150,000 to pay for a portion 01 the cost of acquiring a site on Victo=ria
Annum at Morrison Street for a mar public library; advising that when the great
is approved, en offer will ble made to the T.Eaton Realty Co. Ltd. to purchase
the jstop, property on Victoria Avenue for the es of 3130,000; advlsin$ further
c -. tbes en'option has been ebteimed - for the Primrose Bakery property-for the sum of
for , library sensation e acqui�iition sum b of to the L Board as thnotarises.
OROBRRO on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
ccseaunicatloo be received and referred to the Committee of the Vbols. The motion
with the following votes •
'derma Clarks, Hunt. Mean, Mortis, Manley, Scbibler,.Scott, Thomson,
s ea.
fl'Albrmgs ReStil t CaiioUey and Fattish.
- 3 -
No. 841 - City Manager (Adopted by Council in Committee of the Whole, November
30th, 1970) - Re: Garbage Collection in the former Village of Chippewa. Advising
that the present garbage collection contract with Mr. R.Warner expires at the
end of 1970 and consideration has been given to the most economical means of
providing garbage collection for the area in the new year; advising that the
existing staff, vehicles and the routing system has been thoroughly reviewed
and it is concluded that it will be possible for City forces to provide garbage
collection without any increase in staff or equipment; recommending that the
garbage collection procedure suggested in the report be commenced in the former
Village of Chippewa by the Niagara Falls Sanitation Department on Tuesday,
January 5, 1971.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
Council re- affirm a decision made at a meeting of the Committee of the Whole,
November 30, 1970, to adopt the report of the City Manager.
No. 859 - City Mangier - Murray Street Outfall. Advising that R.V.Anderaon
Associates Limited are recommending that one storm sewer outlet be constructed
into the Niagara River which would serve all storm sewers in the area and
eliminate the possibility of three outfalls into the River; outlining the
advantages of the recommendation and advising that the total estimated cost is
$225,000.00 a portion of which would be recoverable in Ontario Department of
Highways subsidies and by imposing a charge on the developers of the Botyanski
property if this development should proceed; suggesting that in view of the
damage to Ontario Rydro property at the base of the gorge by the existing
outfall at Murray Street and then fact that construction equipment will not be
permitted on the Niagara Parkway after May let, 1971, the by -law not be delayed _
until the 1971 Capital Budget is approved; requesting Council's consideration of
the recommendations of the consulting engineers and requesting authority to
prepare the required Engineer's report and have the necessary expenditure by-law
prepared. .
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report of the City Manager be received and that arrangements be made for Council
to meet with representatives of R.V.Anderson Associates to enable members of
Council to ask questions of the Consultants and to obtain a full explanation of
the proposal. The notion Carried with the following vote:
ATE: Aldermen Clarke, Mann, Puttick, Bearer) Thomson, Wilson, Mayor Miller.
AYE:Aldermen Scott; Galloway, Runt, McKinley, Martin, Sebisler.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Aldermen Clarke that the
report of the City Manager be referred to the meeting with representatives of
R.V.Anderson Associates.
Nor 860 - City Manager - Advising that a report has now been received from
the Recreation Director regarding the possible establishing of programmes in
the former Village of Chippewa to meet the needs of young people in the area;
suggesting that permission be granted to the Recreation Commission to use the
second floor of the Chippewa Town Hall for the programmes outlined in the
Commission's report and any other uses that might be developed for the better -
ment of the community; suggesting further that regular reports be submitted to
Council regarding the use of the facilities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
report of the City Manager be received and adopted.
No. 861 • City Manager - Cornwill Investments Draft plan of Subdivision, south
of There'd Stone Road and east of Polar Road, for the development of 180 single
featly lots; recommending that the plan be given preliminary approval subject
to eight conditions enumerated in the report.
ORbRRED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the report be received and adopted.
No. 862 • Cit1 Manager • Re: craning Guard Pay Rates. Advising that recent
1 e`islatioa requires the Municipality to increase the minimum hourly rate for
-the crossing guards from $1.36 to $1.50; advising further that as of April 1,
1971, it will be necessary to further !secretes the hourly rate to $1.60.
COHERED on the motion of Alderman' Wilson, seconded by Aldermen Martin that the
report be received and filed.
No, 863 - ci mm, • Re: Truck Parking on Thorold Stone Reed. Advising
;that *=slew Number 3790 prohibits parking on sidewalks and the provisions of
h►-iaw will allow the Niagara Falls Police Department to eliminate the
Problem of trucks parking on Thorold Stone Road as reported" to Council:advising
>fjet R!i4'ie�r - :'dolif.tr
- 4 -
that the operator of the business involved has been informed that the Police
Department will enforce the By -law; advising further that the possibility of
the complete prohibition of parking on both sides of Thorold Stone Road from
Portage Road to the Queen Elisabeth Way is being reviewed and will be discussed
with Regional authorities.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Runt that the
report be received and filed. -
No. 864 - City Manager - Draft Plan of Subdivision for development of a parcel
of property located at the north -east intersection of St.Patrick and O'Neil
Streets. The applicant, Carless* Construction, propose to develop five single
family residential lots and a block for the erection of an apartment building;
recommending that the plan be given preliminary approval subject to four condi-
tions enumerated in the report.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hunt, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report be received and adopted.
No. 865 - Plannine and Development Committee - Re: Official Plan Amendment 43.
to permit the development of residential uses west of the Q.E.W. and south of
Chippewa; advising that the Amendment will allow the development of the Cornwall
subdivision and fulfill the request to Council of the Niagara Peninsula Home -
builders Association for Official Plan guidelines on development west of the
Queen Elisabeth Way; recommending that Council adopt Official Plan Amendment 43 -
Puture Land Use.
It vas moved on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that the report be referred back to the Planning and Development
Committee to advise property owners in the area, in writing, of the extent•of
the• proposed.changes. The motion was Defeated with the following vote:
ATE: Aldermen Bears., Clarke, Martin, Met�ay, Thomson.
NATE:Aldermen Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Puttick, Schisler, Scott, Wilson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
report of the Planning and Development Committee be received and adopted. The
notion Carried with the following vote:
ATE: A1derreen Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Puttick, Schisler, Scott, Wilson,Bearas.
SIR:Aldermen Clarke, Martin, McKinley, Thomson, Rc^:;.' .
No. 866 Planning and Development Committee - Re: AM- 19/70, A.Dupuie, Lot 1,
Plan 132, north side of Lundy's Lane and Official Plan Asendasnt No. 49. An
application to permit the erection of a single family dwelling; recommending
that Council certify that the application will conform to the Official Plan
(Amendment No. 28) of the Niagara Falls Planning Area after Official Plan
Amendment No. 49 is approved by the Minister of Municipal Affaire.
OOMBRBD on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted. -
See Resolution No, 132
No. 867 - City Manager - Rs: Committee of Adjustment Application - M. Miljus.
An application for permission to sever an 8.70 acre block of land located at
the southeast corner of Marshall Road and Sodom Rood for residential use;
advising that the Committee of Adjustment granted the severance but did not
include a condition recccoended by the City Engineer, respecting a 10'. dedica-
tion along Marshall Road or a I00' block of land to enclose the watercourse
that traverses the subject property; recommending that the•City appeal the
decision of the Committee and that the City Solicitor be authorised to forward
'the appeal to the Ontario Municipal 'Board.
TORDBIRD on.ths motion of Aldermen Puttick, seconded by Aldermen Mann that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried wieb'Aldermen Schisler
voting contrary rraanddr� 4all others in favour.
.myths Curiing'Club and tbS Cbippawa Legion sad conduct Raffle applications
Lotteries. "
COMM on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Aldersaa Thomson that the
report be received and adopted. -
No. 869 • Ci$v Cleric - Rsesmmsding the granting of Municipal Licences.
CRDIRRD on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman ! ilson that the
report be received end.adepted and . mess liarsas'gra , ... ..
- 5 -
No. 869 - City Manager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Bearea that
the report be received and adopted. -
Alderman Puttick stated that, while the motion to adopt the report
was unanimous, he wished to be recorded as being opposed to the payment of
$6,155.83 to H.G.Acree Limited for engineering fees for the McLeod Road Bridge.
No. 128 - THOMSON - CIARRE - RESOLVED that the tender for the installation of
storm sewermains on Dorchester Road between Stokes Street and Barker Street
and Kitchener Street between Stanley Avenue and MacDonald Avenue, be awarded
to Pisa Construction Company at the unit prices submitted and subject to the
approval of the Ontario Municipal Board and the Ontario Water Resources
Commission; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 129 - MANN - THOMSON - RESOLVED that the tender for the installation of
watermains on Culp Street from Drummond Road to Franklin Avenue and on Ramsey
Road from Stanley Avenue to Rioter Road be awarded to Demore Brothers Limited
at the unit prices submitted and subject to the approval of the Ontario Munici-
pal Board and the Ontario Water Resources Commission; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 130 - SCHISLER - HUNT - RESOLVED that the tender for the purchase of a
No. 8 Standard Meter Test Bench and certain component equipment relating
thereto be awarded to Neptune Meters Limited in the amount of $2,387.91; AND
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 131 - CLARKS - MANN - RESOLVED that :the.tender for the purchase of a 1971
Model Panel Van True required for the No. 4 Fire Station (Chippewa) be awarded
to Autoland Chrysler Limtmd at a quoted price of $3,632.00; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 132 - MANN - HUNT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls
certifies t►a application of A. Dupuis for rezoning of property known as
Lot 7, Plan 132, north side of Lundy's Lane, will conform to the Official Plan
(Amendment No. 28) of the Niagara Falls Planning Area after Official Plan
Amendment No. 49 is approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs; AND the
.eyel of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
Alderman Thomson, speaking as a Council representative to the
Niagara Resort and Tourist Association, said that he felt obliged to report
to Council about the activities of the Association and the progress that has
been suds thus far. His remarks, be said, were intended to present up to date
information and were not made because of a recent unfortunate and adverse news
story. The Alderman advised that the organisation's Constitution and By -laws
had been prepared and approved by the membership and he has obtained sufficient
eopiss of the documents which will be made available to all sabers of Council.
As Council's appointee to the Visitor and Convention Bureau, he said that
dissatisfaction and lack of interest on the part of the membership had become
Increasingly evident. In addition, the Visitor and Convention Bureau budget
had not provided sufficient funds for promotion and an effective program and
Provincial and Federal grants were not available due to the "fragmentation of
the tourist industry in Niagara Falls ". Those involved in the tourist
Industry realised that the only way to offset increased tars and to gain
additional tourist revenue was through a united effort to promote the City
and to implement'an effective sdvertieing program. Continuing, the Alderman
said an the M.R.t.A.'s Constitution includes a new method of financing which
will provide additional funds and has made it possible for the organisation to
hire a professional advertising agency. Alderman Thomson expressed the
Opinion that the N.R,T.A. is a strong organisation with renewed interest,
}_t�husiasm and unity between the groups which formerly represented the Palls
„�• , Lundy's Lens, Centre and Downtown areas. the Council, he said, sbould
" to'on record as iupportiag end enepureging the associatioa.
Alderman McKinley, who is also an appointee to the N.R.T.A., said
that the new group will occupy the same space in the Chamber of Commerce
building at a monthly rent of $485.00 and that Mr. Ross Kenzie will be employed
as Manager. It is his understanding that the City will be asked to contribute
.500 on each dollar rather than matching the membership income as at present.
The Alderman said that the remarks attributed to the Mayor had caused consider-
able distress among those who were trying to promote the N.R.T.A but that he
knew of no other individual who promoted tourism more than Mayor Miller.
Alderman Clarke agreed that Council should go on record as being in
favour of the N.R.T.A. and encouraging rather than discouraging their efforts.
The group, be said, are endeavouring to improve the image of Niagara Falls and
residents have expressed alarm and amazement at the statements appearing in
the press.
Mayor Miller said that he had not intended to speak further on the
subject but when your family has had to take abuse over the telephone, it is
necessary to either keep quiet or try to explain. He repeated his statement
that he gave the N.R.T.A. three years to break up unless there was enough
incentive to keep them together. He believed that if the members "got mad
enough they would stick together" and denied making a further statement that
appeared in the newspaper. Mayor Miller has stated that any elected official
would be foolish to oppose anything that will benefit the Municipality and the
tourist industry.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the Council of the City of Niagara Palls go on record as supporting and
endorsing the efforts and program of the Niagara Resort and Tourist Association.
Alderman Bearss reminded Council of its earlier decision to have a
by-.law prepared in respect to the placement and removal of election posters.
She suggested that the by -law be prepared for presentation to Council. The
City Clerk suggested that, for the benefit of the new members on Council, a
new report be prepared.
Alderman Puttick enquired if had been received from the
Regional Municipality of Niagara relative to the possible cost - sharing of the
at earlier mee he had suggested that Regional le reminded
would i
reconstructing McLeod Road particularly in the area of the hydro bridge and
that the storm sewers should be installed in conjunction with the Region's work.
The City Engineer said that this matter was being discussed with Regional
authorities at the present time.
HY -1AW8 -
No, 70-268 - A Hy -law to authorise the execution of an agreemfnt with Damore
Erne Limited for the construction of waternains. (Culp St. and Ramsey Road)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman Bears@ be granted the privilege of introducing the Ey -law
and the By- iaw.be given the first reading. Carried Uaaaimowly
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Aldermen Runt
.that Rule 96(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the by -law be given the second reading. Carried Upanisausly
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman McKinley. Carried Unanimously
• A By -law to authorise the execution of en agreement with Pits
obstruct on Company Limited for the construction of storm 'sweating.
(Dsrebestsr. Road and Kitohener'8trat)
OID$UD the notion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman`
febisler that Aldermah Scares be granted she privilege of introducing the
By -law and the Byelaw be given the first reeding. The notiox,1040011,with
Aldermen Wilson Voting oobtrary tad all others in favour.
-7 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearae, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The`motion•Carried with Alderman
Wilson voting contrary and all others in faqir.
Third Reading - Alderman Mann and Alderman Stott. The motion Carried with
Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 70 -270 - A By -law to amend By -law Number 3790 for the regulation of Traffic.
Peer Street and Britannia Crescent)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Scott that Alderman Bearss be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bearae, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By-law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Hunt.
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -271 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the
Official Plan of the Niagara Fails Planning Area. (Amendment No. 43)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman
Martin that Alderman Galloway be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Mann
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with the following
ATE: Aldermen Galloway,, Hunt, Mann, Puttick, Schieler, Scott, Wilson.
IRE: Aldermen Clarke, Martin, McKinley, Thomson, Beam.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann. The motion Carried with
the following vote:
A1E: Aldermen Galloway, Runt, Mann, Puttick, Schisler, Scott, Wilsoa,Bearss.
AYYE :Aldermen Clarke, Martin, McKinley, Thomson, );er: c::.
No, 70 -272 - A By -law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the
Nfratirwilap of the Niagara Falls Planning Area. (Amendment No. 49)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Scott, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Mann be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and the
By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the Ey - law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and ell others in favour.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Schieler. The motion Carried
with Aldermen Puttick voting contrary end all others in favour.
No. 70 -279.• A By -law to provide monies for general purposes. -
MOOED on the motion of Aldermen Eearss, seconded by Alderman
Thomson that Alderman Clark' be granted the privilege of-introducing the
Ay- lev.aS the Bylaw be given the first reading. '
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke,
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be
the By •law be given the second reading.
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Mann.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council met in Committee of the
held on December 14th, 1970. All Members
Mann presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKialey,seconddd by Alderman Thomson that
the Committee of the Whole arise and report.
seconded by Alderman Hunt
temporarily suspended and
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
Council Chamber,
December 14,1970.
Whole following the regular meeting
of Council were present. Alderman
Council Chamber,
December 14, 1970.,
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the
Whole meeting.held Decembsrl4th, 1970. All !ambers of Council were present:
Bls;Worsbip :Mayor F. J: Miller presided as Chairman.
The following action was taken,•
By -Law No. 70.267 - A By -law to approve an application of The Niagara Falls
Public Library Board for the. issue of debentures in the principal amount of
$150,00040. (Two Readings only)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Hearse, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Puttick be granted the privilege of introducing the
Byelaw and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttiek, seconded by Alderman
Mann that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Comm. 419 - Niagara Falls Public Library . Re; Library Sit.. Requesting a ,
grant of $150,000.00 to pay for a portion of the cost of ecuiring a site
on Victoria Avenue at Morrison Street for a new public library; advising
that when the grant is approved, an offer will be made to the T.Eaton Realty
Co. Ltd. to purchase the Raton property on Victoria Avenue for the sum of
$190,000.00; advising further that an option has been obtained for the
Primrose Bakery property for the sum of $45,000; requesting that the sum of
$79,451.84, being a reserve fund available for library site acquisition,
be paid to the Library Board as the need arises.
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Thomson
that the communication be received and the requests of the Niagara Falls
Library Board be approved. The motion Carried with Aldermen Runt voting
contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the netting adjourn.
- 9 -
Council met at 7 :30 p.m. on Monday, December 21st, 1970, for the
purpose of considering general business. All Members of Council were present.
Bis Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. Alderman Schisler offered
the Opening Prayer. It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded
by Alderman Wilson that the minutes of the regular meeting bald December 14.
1970, be adopted as printed with a correction on Page 4, Line 33 to indicate
the affirmative vote of Alderman Bearse and a similar correction to By -law
Number 70 -271. The minutes were also corrected on Page 2, Line 34, to read:
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman102tifiley,seconded by Alderman Scott that
Alderman Runt and Alderman lirlarkey be appointed to represent Council at the
Ontario Good Roads Convention on February 22nd, 23rd sad 24th, 1971.
Mr. A. Gampel presented the Sophia Gampel Memorial Scholarships to
Mr. Conrad Biernacki and Mr. Ronald Tatman. Professor Ernest E. Goldsmith of
Brock University explained that the scholarships were awarded to deserving
students from the City of Niagara Falls. Re expressed the appreciation of
Brock University students and staff. Mayor Miller, on behalf of Council,
thanked Mr. Compel for his generosity in making the scholarships available
and also congratulated him on the occasion of his 85th birthday.
Council Chamber,
December 21, 1970.
Comm. 420 - Chippewa Neighbourhood Recreation Committee - Requesting permission
to address Council to request and discuss the need for swimming pool in the
Chippawa area.
ORDERED oa the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Mann that Mr.
Fred Weston be granted permission to address Council.
Nr.Weston, Chairman of the Chippewa Recreation Neighbourhood
Committee, requested that Council, in striking the 1971 budget, give considera-
tion to and allow for providing a swimming pool in that area of the City,
comprising - the former Village of Chippewa. Be said that residents of the area
deplore the waste of young lives in local waters; that those who use the
natural swimming areas suffer infections and the adverse affects of pollution;
that there is an immediate need for an accessible local swimming area to
.service the residents who lack transportation to other parts of the City. Be
said that the major advantage of having esfk.,, clean,accessible pool in the
area is the instruction of the children in swimming skills and water safety.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarks, seconded by Aldermen Mean that the
matter of providing swimming facilities in the Chippewa Brea, be referred to
the Recreation Commission and the City Manager for the preparation of a full
report to be'presented as early in the new year as possible; further, that
if the suggestion is considered feasible, that consideration be given to
including•tbe item in-the 1971 Budget.
Comm. 418 - jsainsula tench Advertising - Advising that 50 beaches bearing
advertising era presently located at bus.steps on streets in the City of
Niagara Palls but there appears to be no authority for the placement of
badohes on public property within the City limits; requesting that Council
inter into a contract similar to that with the City of St.Catbarines and the
Tarn of Fort trio; requesting clarienation as to the agreement with the
t'Msi leash 8istsrbood.
Comm. 421 • j'IMi leeobillterhood Presenting a history of the Association's
undertaking in regard to the placement of benches at bus stops in the City;
mesueetiag'psrmiesisa to continuo the project to the satisfaction of City
Coolgknil, the Mai! Ccmriesion and the Citizens et Niagara Falls.
MINED ea the lotion of Alderman.Fuetick, seconded by Alderman Mastic that
tbs Vtei Jacob 8isterhSed be permitted to continuo the project of planing
beimbee at bit steps in ibs City of Niagara Falls.
the Cityglaagsr indicated that a report would be prepared is Teehrd to the
pLeaw►t :of the bashes en Beeional strews and other aspects of the matter.
-2 -
No. 422 - Canada Post Office - Re: Extension of letter carrier service to the
Chippewa area. Advising that there is a requirement of 2000 points of call
before door to door letter carrier service is provided to postal customers
in a built up area from a Post Office;.- providing statistics as to the number
. of Chippewa boxholders, general delivery customers and rural route customers;
advising that since the Chippewa Past Office does not meet the basic require-
ments for letter carrier service, it is not possible at this time to provide
the service from the Niagara Palls Post Office; advising also that considera-
tion is being given to the possibility of closing the Chippewa Post Office
which would be possible if all the patrons now renting lock boxes would
relinquish them in favour of service by letter carrier, this move would permit
the Department to open a sub - office to provide stamp and money order service
and would reduce staffing costs. • he mmunication further advises that the
Area Manager for the Niagara District wilt'atrange to wet with City Officials
to discuss the proposal.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Scott that the
communication be received and tabled until such time as City Officials meet
with the Area Manager of the Niagara Postal District; and, further, that in
view of the possibility that rented lock boxes may have to be relinquished,
that the residents of the Chippewa area be invited to. attend the meeting to
discuss the proposal with the Postal representative.
No. 423 - Downtown Businessmen's Association - Re: Urban Renewal Scheme for
the rear of buildings in the block bounded by Queen St., Park St., Welland
Ave. and St. Clair Avenue. Requesting an extension from December 31st, 1970
to January 31, 1971 on the agreement with the City of Niagara Falls and Runt,
Hassell & Associates Limited; advising that the requested extension will
allow sufficient:ime to prepare and fulfill the agreement between Hunt- Hassell
.,Asseetates and the Downtown Businessmen's Association.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Hearse, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and the request approved.
No. 424 - Views Falls Bridge Commission - Presenting a copy of the current
schedule of tolls; advising that the increase in toll charges was necaesi-
tated by inflation and increased expenses.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
camunication'be received and filed and the Bridge Commission be notified
that the City Council objects to the ties limit of 3 months which is placed
on the dosmrutation books of tickets. The motion Carried with Alderman .
Galloway voting contrary and all others in favour. r.
No. 425 - Regional Municipality of Niagara - Re: Policy on Roadway Lighting.
Advising that the:Regional Council has approved a recommendation of that
Public Works and Utilities Committee that rho Policy on Roadway Lighting be
referrsd.to the Regional Solicitor for an opinion in respect to roadway
lighting on Regional roads and that the Area Councils be requested to comment
en the policy as it pertains to the respective municipalities.
vale RD on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Aldermen Wilson that
the communication be received and referred to the City Manager, Mr. R.
Brownhili, General Measlier of the Niagara. Palls Hydro Commission end the
Hydro Engineer.
No. 426 - Broderick, McLeod 6 Clifford - Re: Amendment No. 43 to the Official
Plan for As Niagara Palls" Planning Area..Submitting a copy of a letter to
the Minister of Municipal Affairs in which he is advised that owners of lands
directly effected by Amandaant No. 43 object to the stunner in which the
matter was handled and requesting that be not approve of ly -law No. 70.271.
It was coved on the motion of Alderman Tkumeon, seconded by Alder -
man Clarks that the communication be received and referred to the Planning
sod Development Committee to discuss vith the affected property miners the
abases .ptepaged in Amendment No. 43. The motiob wms jtefested with the
cicllowia8 vote: :Aldsrama iMm men, Clarke sad Martin.
fltAidetmes Bsarss,pallewy,Runt,Mena,M o limley, Puttick,Sebieler,Scott,ttilaon.
OSDEBD os the motion of Aldermen Wilses, seseoded by Alderman Seott•tbat
stbs eameuntoaties be received asd.flled. lotion Carried with Ilse
,jlollewieg vent
as Aldermen Beam, Galloway, Hunt, Manny .hertieley - fattish, lebisler,.
*4h t, Wilson,
c;AlliatAldetmen. Clarke 6 Martin salt Thceneant aB - 4r • .'1r:9 t e 'i ! i ! tan
Mo. 427 - Cit of llmilton -
Department of Transpo t to defer support
ban resolution the
pending the outcome of studies being conducted by other responsible jurisdiction.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Schisler, seconded by Alderman Mann that the
communication be received and, in view of Council's earlier decision to endorse
the resolution u n the oro Scarborough to ban Studded:tree in Ontario,
that Aldermen S cans , G not The motion Carried with the following vote:
Thomson, Wilson. y ' fit Mann, Mart MCIC wise, puttick, Schisler,
YR:Aldermen Scott and Clarke.
No. 428 - Mr. AIex Botkoff -
Requesting t a Ci, repayuaniamount of $2,920.22 bei on Dorchester Road.
the money paid by Mr. Boikoff for an extension to the watermain to service of
property at 1521 Dorchester Road.
The City Manager explained that in 1966, Mr. Boikoff had proceeded
with the construction of his home without
order was issued to halt the construction.�It was decided by the PublicaWorks
Committee that Mr. Boikoff could proceed providing there was a connection to
the watermain Mr. Boikoff agreed to extend the watermain to his property, a
distant of 707 feet, at a cost of $3,600. At the time it was
that should others require a water line connection to the line paide forebyaMr.
Boikoff, the City would endeavour to collect a portion of the cost and refund
it to him. Mr. Boikoff has been reimbursed in the amount of $407.36 to date.
During 1 969 -1970, in order to improve the circulation of pressure at the north
des P td fCr City, a 12" main has been connected which rune parallel to the 6"
been no de or by Boikoff. The City Manager noted that, although there has
opment on the east side of the road, a draft plan of subdivision
is being considered. He pointed out that if this development is approved, and
Council agrees, there could be a refund paid to Mr. Boikoff although this would
not be entirely necessary because any new development could be connected to
the larger main. Continuing, Mr. Noggins said that there has never been a
written guarantee that a person mould receive reimbursement for watermains or
whereby no written stated that
ma to possiblei
for extensions to watermains or sewermains. He considered that the City should
not become involved nor should residents be encouraged to believe that they
will be reimbursed at some future date.
BRED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Clarke that
the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
No. 429 - Ctt of London - Requesting endorsation of a resolution relating to
planning and a use control.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Thomson, seconded by Alderman Wilson that that
communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report.
No. 430 - Cit of St.Catbarines -
apply to tae Ontario Correcting a previous Notice of Iateatiou'to
+�` Board for as Order approving the construction of
a store salts! sewer, �a
No. 431 - !t of St Catharines - Notice of Intention toe 1
for in Order approv ng t e purchase of lands for industrial pp y to the O.M.B.
No. 432 - Town of � m op lb Purposes.
Order a eies of IntaaCion to apply to the O,M.B, for an
pprov ng t e t ;titillation of water meters. The communication adjusts
the amount to be debentured.
No. 433 - Town o el - Notice of Intention to apply to the 0.M.B. for an
Order appro'vinrg instruction of a vitamin. 434 - t in W - Notice of Intention to apply to the 0.M.B. for an
Order approv ng storm sewer construction.
SODERID on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Martin that
Communication Nos. 430, 431, 432, 433 and 434 be received and filed and the
City offers no objections to the proposed works.
No. 433 is ra outh on o Education - Requesting
sebiduie a itions C n of a proposed
PaMmnb o c oo Doar� �iielome to Councils.
/sport 871 -
Secondary Scb Q of Zduucee ma Act s sets out eM veneer
t which the amount required to be raised for school purposes is to be paid to
h e School Boards. Advising that the Area Treasurers and representatives of
Niagara South Bard of Education have suggested that the payment of
lastelmants on the school requisitions be paid in accordance with subsection
(14) of the Act; suyastlng that the proposal is entirely contingent on which
yg ,
- 5 -
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Hunt that
::::: Aldermen McKinley and Schieler be appointed to attend the Traffic Transports-
: Seminar for Elected Officials. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Bears., Clerk., Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schieler,Scott,
Musson, Wilson.
NAYE:Aldermen Galloway and Puttick.
No. 876 -City Manager - Re: Automatic Door Assist - Main Doors for City Hall.
Referring to the ious comments that have been made with regard to the
difficulty in gaining access to the new City Hall through the main front doors;
advising that an automatic door system described in the report, including
labour and materials would cost approximately $2,060.00 excluding the cost of
.the power supply to the unit.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and filed at the present time.
Alderman Puttick suggested that a copy of the report be forwarded. to H.O.
Acres Consultants.
No. 877 - Cit Mane er - Re: City Hall. Advising that during the past several
months reme a wow has been necessary at the City Hall and advising that the
contract includes a condition that the contractor make good any defects or
deficiences in the -work contained in the original contract for a one year
period; suggesting that the contractor be officially notified that all out-
standing works to be corrected be made by January 15, 1971.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received and adopted. Alderman Schieler abstained from voting.
No. 878 i Mona er - Re: Renewal of agreement with the Department of
National De ence regarding the location of a siren on municipal property. The
siren is used in conjunction with the E.M.O. warning systems recommending
that the by -law authorizing the agreement be given three readings.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Thomson that the
report be received and filed.
See By-law 70 - 274
No. 879 - Lotter" .Licensing Officer -
of the Knigpes o Col us to manage dcconductna seriesaof RaffleaLotteries.
No. 880 - Ln ter Licensing Officer - Recommending approval of applications by
St.Mary's D rainian Pare and t Optimist Club to manage and conduct series
of Bingo Lotteries.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Scott that
reports Nos. 879 and 880 be received and adopted.
No. 881 - Cy Manager - Advising that the funds from the sale of the Main
Street Fire Hall now amounts to $17,079.71 and recommending that this amount
be credited to. the account established to purchase land and erect a new Fire
Nell on Schieler Road.
ORDERED on the mode: of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be reea,ved and adopted.
No. 882 - ClIzenna
i - Advising that funds have accumulated from the sale of
industrial prepart s s in the Stamford Industrial Subdivision; the funds have
been kept in a separate account and invested in deposit receipts and now amount
to $$8,829.19; recommending that this amount be transferred from the Special
Account and credited to the General Funds of the municipality and be
appropriated for the purpose of financing the services in the Industrial Park
and applied
d partiaula rty to (a) 12 -inch watermain on Merle Street from
Stbe anley v Avenue to .the west limit of Lot 24 and (b) that the balance of the funds
,this procedure to the store and sanitary sewer costs on Muria Street; advising that
Procedure will at it unnecessary for the City to issue debentures for
the weteraain constructed on Marie Street and will result in a considerable
saving in debenture interest charges.
ORDERED sn the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded by Alderman Schuler that
the report be received and adopted.
! - 0 Clerk - Recaraeadi:•;t the issuance of t.anicipal Licences.
ORD on t mot on of Alderaeu Wilson, seconded by Aldermen Thomson that
the report be received and adopind and the licences issued.
We. 884 r - Recasmeritag the payment of Municipal Account".
ORDt4t bo.,. resb an t ; s pdadapcef A: .tei$iau Sears', ;emended by Mun
. Alderman Minn that the
t p°r
'I 1
; I
- 4 -
body is to pay the bank interest charges; noting the possibility that the City
will be required to borrow money for most of the year 1971 and commenting on
the uncertainty as to when the confirmed assessment roll will be available.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the communication from the Niagara South Board of Education and the report of
the City Manager be received and filed and that the City continue to pay the
amounts required to be raised by the municipality for public School and
secondary school purposes in accordance with Section 88, subsection (lc) of
The Secondary Schools and Burnie of Education Act. The motion Carried with.
Alderman Wilson voting contrary and all others in favour.
No. 872 - Cit Mena er - Recommending acceptance of the tender submitted by
Nordic Internationa Limited for the supply of one 625 gallon Class "A" Pumper
at the quoted price of $22,755.00; further recommending acceptance of the tender
from Ring Seagrave Limited for the supply of one 840 gallon Claes "A" Pumper
at the tendered price of $31,871.00; advising that approval of the tenders should
be subject to the City obtaining the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board to
issue debentures to finance the purchase.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Bunt, seconded by Alderman Martin that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 133
No. 873 - Cit Mana er - Re :, Reinforced Concrete Culvert on Crowland Avenue.
Recommending that the unit prices submitted by W.G.Kelly Construction Limited,
be accepted by Council.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Schisler that the
report be received and adopted.
See Resolution No. 134
No. 874 - City Clerk - Re: Appointments to various Boards, Commissions and
Committees for the year 1971. Submitting information as to the appointees whose
term expire and the terms to be considered; requesting that Council consider
either the re- appointment of members or the appointing of new representatives.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Puttick that the report be received and all those appointees to Boards,
Commissions, etc. whose terms expire be re- appointed. The motion was Defeated
with the following vote: .
AYE: Aldermen Scott, McKinley, Puttick Schieler.
NATE :Aldermen Thomson, Mann, Galloway, Hunt, Clarke,'Bearss,Martin,Wileon.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Schisler that the report be received and all those representatives whose terms
expire be re- appointed with the exception of the Recreation Ccmisaion. The
motion vas Defeated with the following vote:
A • Aidsrmsnley, Puttick, Schieler, Scott, Wilson.
NAPE :Aldermen Bears., Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Menn, Martin, Thomson.
It was moved on the motion of Alderman Bears", seconded by Alderman
Clarke that the report be received and tabled until such time as arrangements
can be made for Council to meet to consider the report and appointments. The
motion was Defeated with the following vote:
AT$: Aldermen Leaves, Clarke, Galloway, Martin, McKinley.
NATE:Aldermen Mann, lent, Puttick, Schieler, Thomson, Wilson,Scott.
11111120 on the notion of Aldermen Scott, seconded by Alderman Clarke that the
report be received and tabled for two weeks. The ration Carried with the
following votes
�A Aldermen Beams, Clarke, Galloway, ftm , Mann, Martin,. McKinley, Schiller,
.Cott, Thomson.
!I S:Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
No. 873 - Ctp1► lknna er - Re: Ontario Traffic Conference Traffic Transportation
Seminar for Elected Officials, Toronto, February 26th and 27th, 1971.
It was moved on the nation of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman
Galloway that the report be received and filed and no one be appointed to
attend the Seminar. The notion was Defeated with the following vote:
: Aldermen Puttick, Schieler, Gal owa�y, ant.
Alderney* Beano, Clarice, he:,n, Martin, McKinley, Scott, Thomson, Wilson.
on the sotiaa of Aldermen Bears", seconded by Alderman Scott that the
the report be received and Council's two repreeeatative, to the Ontario Traffic
Conhrenae be authorised to attend the Seminar. The motion Carried with the
following vote:
lit e l 41deremes Sears, Clarks, *ant, llama, Martin, Mattally, Scott, T6oASon,
i s &ldstmaa tllanay,,Puttiok, Sebialer.
$ ..a�f?l. e? ".j , :Gat.',&..
No. 133 - BUNT - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by Nordic Inter-
national Limited for the supply of one 625 gallon Class "A" Pumper be accepted
at the quoted price of $22,755.00; further, that the tender from King Seagrave
Limited for the supply of one 840 gallon Class "A" Pumper be accepted at the
tendered price of $31,871.00 subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal
Board to issue debentures; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 134 - MANN - SCBISLER - RESOLVED that the unit prices submitted by W.C.
Kelly Construction Limited for the construction of reinforced concrete culvert
on Crowland Avenue be accepted; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
affixed. Carried Unanimously
No. 135 - McKINLEY - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of City
Council be held on Tuesday, December 29, 1970, at 4:00 p.m.; AND the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.. CARRIED UKANII3405LY
No. 136 - THOMSON - CLARKS - RESOLVED that WHEREAS the growing acceptance of
credit cards by commercial concerns has increased their popularity as an
acceptable substitute for caeb;
AND WHEREAS many commercial concerns now forward unsolicited credit cards in
order to stimulate credit purchasing, notwithstanding the fact that no
specific request has been made for such a credit card.;
AND WHEREAS the availability of additional credit buying power can seriously
aggravate the debt commitments of those persons experiencing financial
NOW THEREFORE BB IT. RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City
of Niagara Falls petition the Minister of the Department of Financial and
Cesmercial Affairs to.furt er amend the Consumer Protection Act, 1966, in
order to prohibit the mailing of credit cards unless a specific request in
writing has been received by the issuer for same;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to all
Ontario cities, the Ontario Municipal Association and the Association of
Ontario Mayors and Reeves for **donation and support; AND the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
No. 137 - SCBISIER - MoKiNlAY - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be for Leonard W. ranted to ei; t f Port y o t C o lborne onon the Council8of Councillor repro-
stinting t Municipality
the of '
of piagera; AND the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried Unanimously
ao. 138 - SCHISM - k�ffccKINL$Y - RESOLVED that-a message of condolence be
forwarded to the family of the late Mr., Grigor Grigoroff; AleD the•Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Usanimeualy,
The City Manager will investigate complaints that traffic is being
-delayed for one half to thrall smarten of an hour by trains stopped st the
Stanley Avenue and Mcleod Road crossings-. Tbs situation, was reported by
Alderman Wilson.
Alderman Clarks said that he could see no edvsntat to operating
the to infer tbatt one methood s�sffici Sideman ha ttbeaoth•rsbut not
be con-
sidered that both crews should be operated in the some mamsr, that is,
either vedsr.ths•ditection of the City Onager or under roe direction of a
hoard. 7
ORDEBED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Galloway that
the matter be referred to the City Manager for a full report regarding the
operation of the Niagara Falls Manorial Arena and the Stamford Memorial Arena;
further, that the report include financial statements for both operations.
The motion Carried with Aldermen Puttick voting contrary and all others in
Replying to questions raised by Alderman Galloway, the City Manager
advised that same progress has been made in the preparation of the draft
Boning by -law; additional legal assistance had been helpful and the format of
the by -law in respect to descriptions has been completed and is being reviewed
by the City Solicitor as time permits.
- 7 -
Alderman Galloway advised that a resident of Cambridge Street had
enquired about regulations concerning the operation of snonobiles. It was
reported that the vehicles were travelling on City streets, sidewalks and on
private property. The Police Department, he said, were unable to take action
as such charges were not provided for under present statutes. The City of
St.Catharin s has passed a by -law prohibiting snomobiles on City streets and
parks but Alderman Galloway was not in full accord with the restriction in
respect to parks. The Alderman said that apparently there is Provincial
legislation which empowers municipalities not only to licence the vehicles
but also to regulate their use and prohibit them on city streets. In view
of the evident safety hazards, he suggested that a report be prepared regard.
ing municipal restrictions on the operation of snoaobiles. The City Clerk
said that he has asked the City of St. Catharines for a copy of that City's
by -law and indicated that a report would be presented in the near future.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the City Manager be authorised to contact the Regional Government and
suggest that the Region request the Minister of Education to consider the
• payment of educational grante'egrlier in the year in order to alleviate the
interest charges paid by the municipality.
Alderman Thomson noted that the sever system would soon be available
for the use of residents of the Woodbine area which has experienced problems
with pollution, rats, etc. Be mentioned that the former Township of Stamford
had a by -law regarding sewer book -ups and it has been recommended previously
that the City pass a by -law which would make it mandatory for householders
to hook -up to sewers within a reasonable time. At present, he said, the
Plumbing inspector cannot force individuals to connect to the sewer regardless
of whether they ere baying sceptic tank problems or not. Where a sower
system is available, he said, sceptic tanks should not be used end suggested
that City Officials consider the preparation of an appropriate by -law.
the City Manager indicated that the matter will be investigated
end a report and recommendation will be submitted to Council.
70. 74 - A By-law to authorise the execution of an agreement with the
Min ter of National Defence for the location of a certain warning siren
in the City of Niagara halls.
CRDSRED on the motion of Alderman Clarks, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Galloway be granted the privilege of introducing the by -law and
the by-law be given the first reading.
ORDRRRD on the motion of Aldermen Galloway, seconded by Aldermen
Runt that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Mules of Council be temporarily sus -
pended and the by-law be given the second reading.
Carried tines ask
Carried Unanimously
) ; I
-g -
Third Reading - Alderman Wilson, and Alderman Martin.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -275 - A By -law to authorize the execution of an agreement with W.G.
Ke ley Construction Ltd. for the construction of a reinforced concrete
culvert. (Crowland Avenue)
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Scott that Alderman Schiller be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Schiller, seconded by Alderman
Scott that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sus-
pended and the by-law be given the second reading. '
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading( - Alderman Wilson and Alderman Clarke.
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -276 - A By -law to provide monies for general purposes.
CRUISED on the motion of Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman
McKinley that Alderman Wilson be granted the privilege of introducing the
By -law and the By-law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the notion of Alderman Wilson, seconed by Alderman
Scott that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily
suspended and the Bylaw be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Schisler and Alderman Clarke.
Carried Unanimously
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
.... «..1
• IIt
!i I t Council mat in Committee of the Whole following the regular
meeting b old December 21, 1970. A11 Members of Council were present.
• Alderman Calloway presided as Chairmen.
COMM' 01 THE mmzz
Council Meeting,
December 21, 1970.
Following consideration of the items presented to thew, it vas
CSM$IW en the notion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman McKinley
that the Committee of the,Wbole axis report.
.. / • . } { v • • ..... .
Council Chamber,
December 21, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the
Whole meeting held December 21, 1970. All Membera of Council were present.
Big Worship Mayor P. J. Miller presided as Chairman:
• ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman
Martin that the meeting adjourn.
r �,
I ;
Council Chamber,
December 29, 1970.
Council met at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 29th, 1970, for the
purpose of considering general business. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman. Alderman Scott offered
the Opening Prayer. It was ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Wilson, seconded
by Alderman Mann that the minutes of the regular meeting held December 21st,
1970, be adopted as printed with a correction on Page 1, Line 9 to read.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Scott that
Alderman Runt and Alderman Clarke be appointed to represent Council at the
Ontario Good Roads Convention on February 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 1971.
No. 886 - city Manager - Re: By -laws of Niagara Palls Police Commission.
Submitting a letter from the Executive Secretary of the Niagara Regional Board
of Commissioners of Police setting out the action taken by the Board; noting
that in the event the area councils do not enact new legislation replacing
the former area police commission by -laws prior to January 1, 1971, there will
be no such by -laws capable of enforcement; recommending approval of by -laws
replacing the Niagara Fails Police Commission by -laws respecting the licensing
of taxi -cabs, sightseeing cabs, ete. and respecting the licensing of salvage
shops, salvage yards, etc.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the report be received and referred to the By -laws.
See By -laws Nos. 70 -279 and
70 -270
No. 887 - City Clerk - Recommending the granting of Municipal Licences.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Aldermen Schisler
that the report be received and adopted and licences granted.
No. 888 - City anager - Recommending payment of Municipal Accounts.
Aldermen Puttick and Wilson seised their objections to Cheque No. 27149,
a payment of 019,162.03 to Dufferin Materials 6 Construction for the McLeod
Road Crossing.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mann, seconded by Alderman Hunt that the
report be received and adopted. The motion Carried with the following vote:
AYE: Alderman Bearse, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley,Sebisler,
Scott, Thomson.
NATE:Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
. 70 -226 . A By -law to authorise an additional expenditure of 0100,000 in
Connect on with the Municipal Service Centre on the east side of Stanley Ave.'
(Third Reading)
bitd Rea�dtn� L Alderman Mann and Alderman Bearer,
Carried U animouslF
70.277 - A Bylaw to authorise the purchase of two pumper fire trucks.
ORDERED on the !lotion of Aldermen McKinley, seconded by Alderman
Nilson that Alderman Bunt be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law
and the By.lew ;given the fitsn� reading. .
Carried Unanimously
OROERUD on the motion of Alderman Runt, seconded by Alderman
*arks that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rulers of Council be temporarily Buse
1444ad and the *slam be given the uscond reading.
Circled thf ilmouelr
.. .........■
L L L L C r
- 2 -
No 70 - 278 - By-law to authorise the execution of an amending agreement
wit Nutt - Hassell and Associates Limited.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson,
Martin that Alderman Beares be granted the privilege
By -law and the By -law be given the first reading.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beares, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading.
Carried Unanimously
Third Reading - Alderman Martin and Alderman Wilson.
seconded by Alderman
of introducing the
Carried Unanimously
Carried Unanimously
No. 70 -279 - A By -law for licensing, regulating and governing salvage shops,
salvage yards, second - hand goods shops and dealers in second -band goods.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Beares, seconded by Alderman Hunt
that Alderman Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By -law and
the By -law be given the first reading.
Carried Unanimously
that Rule 36(2) of the Stands g Rules of seconded andn
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with the following
AYE: Aldermen Stares, Clarke, Galloway, Hutt, Mann, Martin, Mctinley,Schieler,
Scott, Thomson.
NAYS ;Alderman Wilson and Puttick.
Third Reading - Aldermen Schisler and Mann. The motion Carried with the
0alllow�g vote:
ATE: Aldermen Beares, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McXinley,Schisler,
Scott, Thomson.
NAYE:Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
lb. 70 -290 - A Bylaw to license, regulate and govern Owner Companies, the
owners and drivers of taxi -cabs, sightseeing cabs, limousines, °aleehas and
tour guides.
Chet Alderma alloway be grant ofAldermen
ge S and
the By - law be given the first reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
Puttick voting contrary and ell others is favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Aldermen Galloway, seconded by Alderman
Runt that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended
and the By ■law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with Alderman
'Puttick voting contrary and all others in favour.
third Reading - Aldermen MaRinley and Aldermen Scott. The notion Carried
with Aldermen Puttick voting contrary and all others in Strout.
Report 886 - City Monag r - Res By -lawn of Niagara Falls Pollee Commission.
CRBRRBD the notion of Aldermen Martin, seconded by Alderman Wilson that the
report be received and filed. The motion; arrled with Aldermen Puttick voting
contrary and all others in favour.
OalioMay t�
resolution be forwarded t oths Ringers Regional Board Alderman
Commissioners of Police asking the Board to enforce municipal by -laws and
the by -laws previously enforced by the Police Commission. The motion 91330
with Aldeasn ruttish voting contrary sad allothers- in favour.
b 70411 - A Byelaw to provide goatee for gemernl purposes.
D en tbe setae kbltialey that�Alderm:an Clarke be e grantted the privilege of introducc the
Irian end the ylak $ given the Bret reading. The motion Maid with
the following vote:
AYE: Aldermen Beares, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schieler,
Scott, Thomson,
N :Aldermen Wilson and Puttick.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Martin
that Rule 36(2)of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and
the By -law be given the second reading. The motion Carried with the following
ALE: Aldermen Beares, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler,
Scott, Thomson.
PAYE: Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
Third Reading - Alderman Bearsa and Alderman Hunt. The motion Carried with
the following vote;
All: Aldermen Bearsa, Clarke, Galloway, Hunt, Mann, Martin, McKinley, Schisler,
Scott, Thomson.
1ATE :Aldermen Puttick and Wilson.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Thomson, seconded by Alderman Martin that
the meeting adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
Council Meeting,
December 29, 1970.
held December 29, 1970. All Members the Whole
were pre following regular Worshipig
Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman.
Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman McKinley, seconded by Alderman Henn that the
Committee of the Whole arise and report.
Council Chamber,
December 29, 1970.
Council reconvened in open session following a Committee of the
Whole meeting held December 29, 1970. All Members of Council were present.
His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided as Chairman.
The following action was taken_
RESOLUTION NO. 139 • MaKINLEY - MANN - RESOLVED that the City Manager and the
City Solicitor be authorised to make representations to the Minister of
Municipal Affairs with a view to obtaining amen;ling_legiaiation requiring the
Niagara Regional Police Force to carry out duties prescribed in any licensing
and other by -laws of the area municipalities; AND the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed. The resolution was approved with Alderman Clarke voting
contrary and all others in favour.
ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Puttick, seconded by Alderman Wilson that
the meeting adjourn.
/C lerk
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