Minutes1964FIRST ~4E~TING 1. Council Chamber, 6th January, 1964. y, 6th January, All Members of Potter. His read the minutes and Ald. Scott. representative on ;in and Ald. Swayze .ty has adopted mcils to expend ipality as a va- that the communio the motion of Ald. rred to the Budget ]rant. ORDEHED a be received hates are being ~ising space in [. Morton that }r consideration >lda Tag Day ;hat the cornround- ~ to hold Boy L. Morton and Fanted as re- s in home. OR- cation be re- 1~. Cotfield e City Engineer ~ with reference bion of Aid. L. He stated > have a small the motion of Led. ~lation to per- educational ..... -. v,~ua ~ne motion o~.Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the resolution be received and endorsed. FIRST ~4EETING 1. , - REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 6th January, 1964. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, 6th January, 196~, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen Mitchelson and Pother. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott. COMMUNICATIONS _~e following C~mm,Anications were presented: No. 1 - M~7or F_ranklin J. Miller - appointing Mr. Wm. Slovak as his representative on Court of Revision for year 19B~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. No. 2 - Minister of Municipal Affairs - acknowledging advice that City has adopted Cornwall resolution recommending legislation to permit municipal councils to expend moneys for purpose of diffusing information re: advantages of municipality as a va- cation centre. O~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communi- cation be received and filed. No. 3 - Kiwanis Music Festival - requesting 196~ Grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the Budget C~m"ittee for consideration when Estimates are being prepared. No. ~ - Canadian National Institute for the Blind - requesting 1964 Grant. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. C6rfield that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Esttm-tes are being prepared. No. 5 - Westlane Secondary School - requesting City to purchase advertising space in forthcoming Year Book. 0RIgRED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the co~nunication be received and referred .to the Budget Committee for consideration when the est4m~_tes are being prepared. No. 6 - Niagara Falls Girls' Work Board - requesting permission to hold a Tag Day on May 2rid. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communi- cation be received and filed and permission granted as requested. No. 7 - Boy Scouts - Nia6ara District Council - requesting permission to hold Boy Scout Apple Day on May 8th and May 9th. 0RD~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the communication be received, filed and permission granted as re- quested. No. 8 -. Alec O'Neill - advising of problem with reference to squirrels in home. OR- E on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the communication be re- ceived, and referred to the Game Warden, Mr. Roy M, xm. for his advice. No. 9 - Mrs. Alex Iseppon - Snow removal. OPaFaED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the co~munioation be received and referred to the City Engineer for a report. No. 10 - D. Chiarella - requesting Council to re-consider its decision with reference to his application for alterations at 924 Victoria Avenue. On the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. 8wayze Mr. Chiarella was permitted to address Council. He stated he wished to make a small alteration to the front portion, in order to have a small window for display purposes. Following discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. 8cott that the coemunication be received and filed. No. 11 - Wel!e~d City Clerk - resolution re: inmediate need for legislation to per- mit payment of hi6her grants to municipalities to alleviate burden of educational 'costs. ORI~ on the motion of.Aid. Mor~on and Aid. Cotfield that the resolution be received and endorsed. No. 12 - National Research Council - 1964 Conference of Canadian Building Officials to be held in Halifax, April 8, 9 and 10. OEI]E~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallurn that the communication be received and referred to the City En- gineer for a repor~. EEPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 1 - Pollution Control Committee - re: claim for extras submitted by Bohna- Litwin covering de-watering for central pumping station located on Park Street. 0RDEF~D on the motion of Aid. Mor~on and Aid. Swayze that the report be received and adopted, and Mr. ~cKenzie be imstracted to advise Bohna-Litwin that the City would not accept any claim. No. 2 - Pollution Control Con~nittee - re: claim for extras submitted by Bohna-Litwin for compensation due to power facilities not being available at pumping stations. ORIERED on the motion of AId. Scott and AId. Corfield that the repor~ be received and adopted and Mr. MacKenzie be permitted to forward a ccmnumication to Bohaa- Litwin denying responsibility on the part of the municipality; such communication to be in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor. No. 3 - Pollution Control Con~ittee - progress report on possibility of closing of Hydre Canal during s~,mmer of 196~. ORl~on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Swnyze that the report be received and filed. No. ~ - City Manager -recc~,nending appointment of Robert L. Bailey to the position of Jr. Clerk in Waterworks Dept. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 5 - Negotiations Committee - recc~nendations re: Group Insurance Plan fc~ Civic Employees. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. McCallum that the rmpolt be received and adopted. No. 6 - City Manager - report on Building Permits issued durtn~ December, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that ~he repor~ be re- ceived and filed. No. 7 - eft Clerk - report on expenditures involved in Golden Jubilee Celebration held in ~ TREERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. McCallum that the report be received and referred to a Committee to be appointed by His Worship Mayor Miller, to ascertain public response to a similar celebration of the City's Diamond Jubilee Celebration. No. 8 - City Clerk - advising of increase in membership fee for 19~4 in Canadian Federation of Ma~0rs and Municipalities. OP~ED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and referred to the Finance Co~mittee. No. 9 - Cit~ Clerk - advising of objections received in connection with By-law No. ~18, to prohibit and regulate oparetion of pits and quarries within the City. OR~D on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received and referred to the Property Coamittee for consideration and a repor~. No. 10 - ~lty Clerk - requesting Councll's advice as to participation by City in a proclamation issued by Ni~e~.ra Falls and Chippawa with reference to the "Do It Now Campaign". OP~ on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received, filed, and ~he City o£ ~ia~ara Fa~ l~a~ici~ate~ ~he Cit~ Clerk to check into the costs involved. - SEE ResolUtion ~la No. 11 -~. reccemendimg ~ssuanee of licenses. 0BEgnED on the motion of Aid. ~ayze and Aid, Morton that the repor~ be received, ~dopted and .l~censes issued aecordin~ly. ~ -rico be hereto a~fixed. ' .. Carried ,U~anisaousl~ No. 2 - COP~.il~r.n - MCKINLEY - I~ESOLVED that Mr. R. I. Prior be re-appointed Weed Inspector for the City of Niagara Falls from May 1st to October 31st, 1964; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 3 - SC(YlT - McFJ_NLEY - RESOLVED that Aldermen R. F. Keighan, H. R. Potter, H.C. Morton and C. G. Swayze be re-appointed asMembers of the Property and Building Com- mittee for the year 1964; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 4 - CORFLELD - EEIGNAN - BESOLVED that Aid. A. J. McKinley, I, McCallum, W. G. Scott and K. R. Potter be re-appointed as Members of the Arena, Parks and Recrea- tion Committee for the year 19643 and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 5 - ~RTIN - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Aldermen C. G. Swayze, W. G. Scott, H. R. Potter and I. McCallum be re-appointed as Members of the Traffic Committee for the year 196~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unjnimously No. 6 - SCOTT - KEIGNAN - RESOLVED that Aldermen I. McCalltun, G. Merlin, R. F. Keighan and E. E. Mitchelson be re-appointed as Members of the Negotiations and Equipment Committee for the year 1964; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 7 - SWAYZE - McCALL~ - RESOLVED that Aldermen G. Martin, W. G. Scott, H. R. Potter and S. Corfield he re-appointed as Members of the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee for the year 1964; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 8 - MARTIN - McKINLEy - ~ESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Miller, Alderman I. McCallum, C. H. Eidt, City Engineer, Messrs. M, Perkins, E. J. Farebrother, be re- appointed and Mr. A. C. Huggins, Assistant to City Manager, Administration, be appointed to the Utilities Co-ordinating C~.~ttee for the year '1964; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 9 - McCALLI~ - COBFIELD - RESOLVED that Ald. A. J. McKinley, W. G. Scott, S. Corfield and C. G. Swayze be ~e-appointed to the Christmas Party Connnittee for the year 196~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl~v No. 10 - COBFIELD- McCALLL~!- RESOLVED that Alderman H. B. Potter, R. F. Keighan, C. G. Swayze and H. C. Morton be re-appointed as Members of the Achievement Award Committee for the year 196~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 11 - SCOTT - COBFieLD - RESOLVED that Alderman G. Martin, R. F. Keighan, E. E. Mi~chelson and I. McCallumbe appointed to the Traffic Survey Repor~ Committee for the year 19~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 12 - MeCALtt~ - KEIGHAN - RESOLVED that consideration be given by the Negotiations Committee on the procedure for payment of proclamations, namely, those which should be paid for by the City; those for which the ore--tzation concerned should pay: and those for which a proclamation should no~ be issued by the City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed, Carried UnanimouslJ/ MISCELLANEOUS Ald. McKinley referred to the traffic hazard on Huggins Street between Portage Road and the end of the school grounds past the apartment buildings, which is due to the fact that there is no sidewalk on the north side of the street and requested the City Manager and City Engineer to report on the costs involved to alleviate this condition. His Worship Mayor Miller requested the City Manager to check co~nnunica- tions from the Federal Government with reference to the Unemployment Insurance Com- mission building on the comer of Main and Peer Streets which was set back in order that a Sub Post Office might be constructed there. He us of the opinion that an application should be made for the Sub Post Office prcmised. BY-lAWS The foRowing By-laws were. passed: No. 6~S6 - A by-law to provide for appointments to certain Boards, C~.m. issions and Ccmnittees. O~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. McCalltun that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORBEMED on the taction of Ald. Martin and Aid. McCallurn that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tempo. rertly suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried I}nsntmously. Third Reading - Aid. M~[-~iey and Aid. Keighan - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~67 - A by-law to authorize the borrowing of $3,000,000.00. OPa~D on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Corfield that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Morton and AId. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~68 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. KeiSh~_n that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, with Aid. McKinley - contrary. Third Reading -Ald. Cotfield and Ald. McCallurn . Carried, with Ald. McKinley contrary. No. 6469 - To authorize the signing of an agreeant between the Province of Ontario, the City of Niagara Falls and the Board of Commissioners of Police of the City of Niagara Falls. OP~D on the motion of Aid. Corfield and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Martin be gretated the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by, law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. · ORI~D on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Swayme that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morto~ and Ald. Cotfield . Carried Unanimous~lF. No. 61~7.0 . A by-law to amend Zoning By-law Number ~533~ (1955) Of the City Of Niagara Falls, as amended. 01~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Cotfield that Ald.Keighan ~e granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given ~he first reading, . Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Taird Reading - Aid. Corfield and Aid. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. The following By-lawwas presented: No. 6471 - A by-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 2530 (1960) of the Township of Stam- ford (now in the City of Niagara Falls) as mended. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Swayze that Aid. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Kelghan and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, with Aldermen Martin and Cotfield - contrary. IT WAS THEN ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Cotfield that the By-law be mferradback to the City Manager and City Solicitor for submission of a report at the next meeting. - Carried, with Aldermen Swayze, Keighan and Morton con- trary. AId. Keighan referred to the former Township By-law No. 2350, and it was understood that amendment to this By-law with reference to motels and establishments of this type in Industrial Areas will be considered. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Swayze. READ AND ADOA'A'MD, 13th January, 1964. Mayor FXNAN~M~A. ING Council Chamber, 6th January, 19~4. 7me Finance Meeting was held on January6th, 1964, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the excep- tion of Aidermen Mitchelsonand Potter. Alderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, pre- sided. ittee. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $~01,612.0~ were approved by the Comm- The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the MoneyBy-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. 5wayze, The Property Conmittee's report on the sketch submitted by Mr. J. Rocco for the construction of a retail building and a twelve unit motel at the south-west comer of Clark Street and Ferry Street, ~as presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and the applicant be advised to submit a revised plan providing for the required p~rking facilities, and further, that if the revised plnn iS acceptable, the appli- cant appl~v to the Committee of Adjustment respecting rear yard and side yard require- ments. The Property Conmittee'e report on the sketch submitted by the British American Oil Company Limited, providing for re-construction and expansion of their service station at the south-~est corner of Victoria Avenue and Valley Way us pra- sented for consideration. 0Itl~ on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and the applicant be advised to apply to the Committee of Adjustment for study of the plans submitted. The City Manager' s report on the application of Newman Bros. Ltd., St. Catharines, for a building permit on behalf of Oneida i.tm~ted, for the erection of stores, terrace end directors' room, and a souvenir store on Oneida property on the west side of Falls Avenue, between the Sheraton-Brock Hotel and Clifton Hill, was presented. OBDEBED on the motion of AId. Scott and AId. Morton that the report be received and the matter be referred to the Property C~nmtttee for c~sideration and a report. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott. AND ADOPIED, 13th January, 1964. . ' Clerk ........ ~*"' Chairnm~ of Finance C00NClL ~ETING Council Chs~ber, 6th JanuaxT, 1964. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance lleetings on ~onday, 6th January, 1964, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C~ittee. All Bembers ~ere present, with the exception O£AldermenBltchelsonandpotter. ills Worship, Ma~ori4~ller, presided. ~BY-IAW ~'ae following By-lay ~as passed: .N.~. 6472 - A by-lay to provide monies for ~ne~l P~oses. O~ m t~ a~l~ of AId. N~nley ~d Aid. Mo~ that Aid. ~in ~ g~ted ~e p~vileD of int~uchg ~he by-hw ~d the ~-hw be given the ~a~n6, - ~led ~s~. ~ ~ the motion of AId. ~ln ~d AId. Co~ield ~t ~e ~. (2). of the ~ng ~s of ~eil ~ te~rl~ s~n~d ~d the ~-hv be given the second na~nS. - ~e~ ~s~, '- Third Reading - AId. McKinley and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference, on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield. READ AND ADOFA'ED, 13th January, 1964. Mayor Council Chamber, 6th January, 1964. ~le C~mittee assembled in Conference, following the regular meeting of Council on Monday, January 6th, 1964. All Mambers of the C~lttee were present, with the exception of Aldermen Nltchelson and Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Folioring consideration of the item presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Aid. Corfield. I~EADANDADOp'I~D, 13th January, 1964. SECOND M~A'ING Council Chamber, 13th January, 1964. RECUL~R N~bTING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, 13th Janu- ary, 196~, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Mem- bers of Council were present. His Worship Mayor Miller, presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald.. Corfield. His Worship Mayor Miller, extended a welcome to Alderman Potter, who had been confined on account of illness and Alderman Potter expressed appreciation for the courtesy of Council, and his pleasure to be back at the meetings. C(R4~/NICATIONS laid over from previous meetings: No. 557 (1963 File) - Martha Cullimore Home & School Safety C~wmittee - reccemenda- tions for 6 intersections in vicinity of school. OB.xH4Jb on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallomtbat the co~unication be received, filed and the report of the Traffic Ccemittee be adopted. SEE Report Number 12 No. 8 (19~ file) - Alex O'Neill - squirrel nuisance. ORDFaED on the motion of Aid. Kei~n and AId. Scott that the c~unication be received, filed and the complainant made aware of the contents of the c~umication of the Senior Conservation Officer. SEE Communication 13 No. 9 - Mrs. Alex Iseppon - snow removal. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. Cotfield that the c~unication be received, filed and the 9onpTainant made aware of the contents of the report of the City Engineer. SEE Report Ntmaber 1~ No. 361 - (1963 File) - Niagara Frontier Humane Society - Enforcement of Dog Tag By-law. ORIBRED on the motion of Ald. Svayze and Ald. Corfield that the communi- cation be again tabled, pending submission of a further report by the Special Li- cense Coemittee. SEE Report Number The following C~unications were presented: No. 13 - Senior Conservation Officer - re: complaint about squirrels. 0PaE~D on the notion of Aid. Keighanand AId. Scott that the co.~unication be received and filed. m Ccemunication ~8 No. 14 - Downtown Buslnesamen's Association - requeatin~ mantin6. wi~h ~raf£1c Com- mittee. OPABRED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. KelShan that the commumica- tion be received, filed and the Traffic Ccemittee be authorized to meet with the Associationfee requested. No. 15 - l.F.jr. -~--~er of Coaaerce - "Civic Night" changed to February 25th. OR- ESRED on the notion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Keighanthat the co~aunication be re- ceived, filed, and the Cit~ Clerk be instructed to ascertain the time and piece of this event. No. 16 - Royal Canadian La~ion, StamfordBranch No. ~79 - invitation to Installation of officers on Januax7 17th at 8 p.m. 0~81~Don the motion of Aid. 8wayse and Aid. CoTfield that the invitation be received, accepted, and as max~Wof the members of Counciland their wives, as find it Possible, attend. No. 17 - Canadian Corps. Assoc. Unit 104 - invitation to Installation of Officers, January 17th at 8 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the invitation be received, accepted and as many Members of Council and their wives as find it possible, attend. His Worship Mayor Miller requested Ald, Scott to rep- resent him at the Installation of Officers of Branch 479, Royal Canadian Legion, on the same evening, due to the fact that Mayo; Miller had artended Branch 479's instal- lation of officers the previous year. No. 18 - Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board - requesting advice as to any studies or research projects Council my wish the Boa~ to undertake. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the coe~unication be received and filed and any projects of which the officials of the Corporation are aware, be made known to Aldermen Mar~in or Mitchelson, Council's representatives on the Planning Board. No. 19 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application A-86, Niagara International Centre Limited, Robinson Street & M.C.R.R. ORDERED on the mo- tion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. No. 20 - Greater Nia6are Chamber of Commerce. - invitation to 75th Annual Meeting, on February ~th. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Martin that the in- vitation be received, accepted and as many of the Members of Council as find it pos- sible, attend. No. 21 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing of application of B. J. C. Franklin. 0R~SRED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. norfield that the communication be re- ceived and filed. No, 22 - City of Hamilton - Invitation to Air Pollution Control Advisory Committee Meeting to be held in Hamilton on January 27th. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Mc- Callum and Ald. Mitchelson that the c~mnunicatlon be received, and His Worship Mayor Miller be requested to appoint a representative from Council to attend; also that the Welland District Health Unit be requested to authorize the attendance of Mr. Lloyd Ellenton, Sanitary Inspector. No. 23 - Lo6anandKnight - application for building permit on behalf of Frank Postl, Tastee Frees. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the communi- cation be received and referred to the Property Co~nittee and the writer be notified of the date and time of the Committee's meeting. No. 2~ - Canadian NationalRailways - renewal of lease of property for dumping clean material. 01~DE~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. No. 25 - Canadian Council of Christians and Jews, Inc. - requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the c~unication be received and referred to the Budget Cammittee for ccnsideration when the esti~a. tes are being pre- pared. No. 26 -Kinette Club - requesting permission to hold Tag Day on Friday evening, May eand, and Saturday, May 23rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the c~unication be received, filed and permission granted as requested. No. 27 - Marvyn L.Perkins - res~mnation as Superintendent of Construction. 0RDEEED on the notion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Cotfield that the cn.wmAnication be received, the resiS~ation accepted with regret and the thanks of the former Township of Stam- ford and the present City of Niagara Fells be extended to him with Coancil's best wishes for future success. No. 28 - Dept. of Labour-- Construction Safety Branch - forthcoming Safety Seminar in Ramilton, Marchard and ~th. OBIBI~EDon the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and Mr. Arthur Strange, Construction Safety Inspector, be authorized to attend. No. 29 - Mrs. R. Bis~onte .t requestin~ permission to continue operating concession at Oekes Park. 08I~N~D on the motion of AId. Swayze and Aid. CoTfield that the com- munication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for consid- eration and a report. No. 30 - Orestar NiagamMinor.Soccer Association - requesting advice as to a meeting to consider 196~ arrangements. 01~SNED off the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that the ccsaunication be received and referredto the Parks and Recreation Conmitten for consideration and report. 10. No. 31 - Ontario Water Resources Co~nission - Welland Water Pollution Survey. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that the c~wnmunication be received and fi].ed. No. 32 - Visitor & Convention Bureau - programme of Niagara Winter Festival. OR- DERED on the motion of Aid. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the c~unication be re- ceived, filed and progran~nes be retained by Members of Council. No. 33 - Visitor & Convention Bureau - requesting permission of Council to permit hayride vehicle to be stationed for a short period of time at the foot of Clifton Hill, on site occupied in summer by horse-drawn surreys. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Hitchelson and Ald. Scott that the co~nunication be received and matter be referred to the Board of Police Commissioners, in view of the fact that it has been indicated that the applicant involved already has a sight seeing license. Laid over from the previous meeting: No. 9 - City Clerk - advising of objections received in connection with By-law 6418, to prohibit and regulate operation of pits and quarries within the City. SEE Report Number 15 The following Reports were presented: No. 12 - Traffic Cosmittee - recommending three suggestions of City Engineer with respect to traffic control in vicinity of Martha Cullimore School, be approved. 0RD~RED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallumthat the repor~ be received and adopted. ' ~EE Co~munication 557 No, 13 - City Engineer - re: snow removal on Portage Road. O~ on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the repoxt be received and filed. SEE Communication 9 No. 1~ - Assistant City Mgr. ,Administration - progress report on meeting of Special License Committee with represeUtatives of Niagara Frontier H, mmne Society· ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. S~..~ Ccemunication 361 No. 15 - Proper~y Co~nittee - recnn~ending By-law ~18 be submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board aspassed by Council on 0ctoher 15th, 1963. 0R1]E~Don the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mitchelson that the repor~ be received-and adopted. SEE Repo~rt Number 9 No. 16 - ~anitation & Pollution Control Committee - Proposed schedule in connection with Surcharge on Water Mates. O~ on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted in its entirety. for the year 1964. Carried Unanimously. Mo. 17 - Megotiations CoamAttee - repor~ on meeting of Ja~uax~ 7th x~: O.M.E.R.~. Pension Plan. 01~D ou the motion of Ald. MeCallum and AId. Mitchelson that-the report be .received and flle.d. No. 18 - Traffic Co~aittee - reo~m~nding pedestrian call controller be installed at Kimberly-Clark property on Victoria Avenue, at an approximte cost of $700. OIwR~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. McCallurn that the report be received and~dop- ted. Carried, ~ith Aidemen Kei~han and Morton - eontrax7. No. 19 - Traffic Committee - roecommending stud~ re: installation of a stop light at intersection of Drummond Road and Valley Way. ORDEI~ on the motion Of Aid. Scott and Aid. Mar~in tha,~ thee report be received and adopted. No. 20 - Traffic Con~nittee - recommending "Advance Green" signals be installed at Lundy's lane and Drummond Road for traffic moving east; and at Lundy's Lane and Dor- chester Road for traffic moving westerly. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 21 - Traffic Camnittee - recommending no action be taken immediately re: road conditions being hazardous due to roadway being natrowed by piled up snow. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallumthat the report be received and filed. No. 22 - Traffic C~mittee - recon~ending two lots on east side of Ellen Avenue be purchased for sum not exceeding $34,000. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallumthat the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Scott contrary. No.23 - Property Committee - recommendations re: options on Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and re- ferred to Conference fc~ consideration. No. 24 - Assistant to City Mgr.,Administration - advising of O.M.B. approval of By-law Number 6410. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Eeighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed and the applicants be notified to apply for the building permit. No. 25 - City Clerk - results of survey re: resolution of Welland Chamber of Commerce concerning application of Canal tolls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed and Council support the other municipal- ities along the Welland Canal, suggesting there be no imposition of tolls. This mo- tion was lost by a vote of 6 to ~; the vote being - Aye: Ald. Martin, Potter, Keighan, and McKinley. Naye:- Corfield, Swayze, Scott, Morton, Mitchelson and McCallum. No. 26 - Connuittee of Adjustment - advising of two applications recently heard - (Delduca & Caroli). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 27 - Committee of Adjustment - advising of hearing of application of Clifton Hotel (Niagara Falls) Ltd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. No. 28 - Construction Safety Inspector - report for year 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed. No. 29 - City Engineer - proposed sidewalk on Huggins Street between Portage Road and Marlborough Place. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted· No. 30 - City Clerk - rmcc~anending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. No. 31 - City Manager - recommending another appointment to the position of Clerk in the Water Dept. due to the inability of the individual appointed at the previous Council Meeting to accept the position. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 13 - SWAYZE - MOI~TON - BESOLVED that a massage of condolences on behalf of His Worship the Mayor and Members of the Municipal Council be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. Earold Didemus, valued employee of the Corporation and Captain of the Niagara Falls Fire Department; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 14 - McCALL~ - SCOTT - RESOLVED that a Special Committee be set up to study the purchase and installation of water meters in th~ City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl~ It w~s agreed that before the Committee is appointed, Council should have the opportunity to discuss the information compiled by the former Township of Stamford and the former City of Niagara Palls relative to possible meters; and that in addition to the same, information should be obtained from cities where meters have been installed. BY-LAWS Laid over from the previous meeting: No. 6471 - A By-law to amend Zoning By-law NUmber 2530 (1960) of the Township of Stamford (now in the City of Niagara Falls) as amended. Third Reading (as amended) -Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. The following By-laws were passed: No. 6473 - To authorize an extension of the time for closing the Court of Revision on the 1964 Assessment Roll· ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading. -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. No. 6474 - A by-law to enter into an agreement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Damore Bros. Limited. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. S~yze that AId. ~artin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. 'Faird Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan. - Carried Unanimously. uo. 6472 - To amend By-law Number 5335.(1955) as amended, which is a by-law to regu- late the use of land and the use, location, spacing, height and area of buildings and structures within the City of Niagara Falls. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Kei_g~an be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mitehelson that Rule 36 (3) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. S~ayse and Aid. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~7._____j6 - To amend By-law Number 5335 (19~5), as ~mended, ~hieh is a by-law to regu- late the use of land and the use, location, spacing, height and area of buildings and structures within the City of Niagara Falls. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Cotfield that Aid. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. 01~I~ED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the gtanding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the-by-law be read the second time. - Carried# with Aid. Mitehelaon . contrary. ThirdReading. Ald, Morton and Aid, 2w~Wze - Carried, with AId. Mitchelson contrary. No. 6477 - A by-law to authorize the Petition to the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario and the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario for a Private Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanl~mously. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the sec- ond time· - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. S~ayze and Ald. Keighan - Carried Unanimously. Council acLJourned to the Finance Meetin~ on the motion of Ald. Mcl~y aad Ald. McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, ~Oth January, 1964. ]Clerk~~ ' · · .... FINANCE ME~TING Council Chamber, 13th January, 196~. The FiuanceMeetingwas held on january 13th, 1964, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Alderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $137,647.60 were approved by the Com- mittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for.presentation to Council, on the motion of AId. MeCallumand Aid. McKinley. The Property Committee's report on the plan submitted by Oneida Ltd. for the ccfietruction of two buildings on their property on the west aide of Falls Avenue was presented for consideration. 0REERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted andpermit be issued as all the buildings conform with the City By-law. The Clty Janager's report on the application of Steve and Irene Toth, operators of the Park Lane Motel, 3~97 Lundy's Lane, for a permit to erect an addi- tional sign above the existing sign~ at an estimated cost of $500. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId, Pot~er that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Amedeo Conte, operator of the Barber 8hop at 941 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a plywood, over-hanging sign, at an estimated cost of $30.00 was presented. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Aid. Morton andAld. Cotfield that the repoxt be received and adopted, and permit issued. 14. The City Manager's report on the application of T. Hewitson, 1069 Bridge Street, for a permit to erect an illuminated overhanging sign, at an estimated cost of $200.00 was presented. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Guaranty Trast Co. for a permit to erect an illuminated double-faced plastic sign, at their premises on the west side of Main Street between Lundy's Lane and Summer Street, at an estimated cost of $900.00 was presented. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Norton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager' s report on the application of the Guaranty Trust Com- pany for a permit to erect an illuminated plastic facet sign at their premises on Lun 's Summer Street at an estimated the west side of Main Street between dy Lane and cost of $300.00 was presented. O~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Gorfiel~ that the reporb be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager' s report on the application of Frankel Steel Construction Ltd. for a building permit to constract an electrical sub-station for Oneida Ltd. at their premises at 1705 Falls Avenue, at an estimated cost of $3,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued, subject to the provision that the installation is checked by City Nydro; before permit is issued. The Ccnnnittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald- Corfield. SEA]) AND ADOPTED, 20th Je/~uary, 1964. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 13th january, 1964. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meet- ings on Monday, 13th january, 196~, for the purpose of passing the by-iaw which covered the accoumts approved by the Committee. All Members were present. His Wor- ship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-XAW The following By-law was passed: ~ - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. O~I~aED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be Siren the first readinS. - Carried Unaninousl~. ORDFaRED on the motion of Aid. Mar~in and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Aid. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mltchelson. EEADANDADOPTED, 20th January, 1964. b~ayor CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 13th January, 1964. The Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular meeting of Council on Monday, January 13th, 196~. All Members of the Committee were pres- ent. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton. AND ADOPTED, 20th January, 1964. Chairman. REGUIAR MEETING Council Chamber, 20th January, 1964. Pursusno to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, 20th of Jan- uary, 196~, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Mitchelson. CO~UNICATION8 hid over from the previous meeting: No. 23 - Logan & ~nigbt - Application for building permit, Frank Postl, Tastee-Freez. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton that the communication be again tabled and Mr. Postl or his Solicitor be requested to attend the next meeting of the Property Committee; in the meantime, permit be not issued. SEE Report No. 32 No. 24 - Canadian National Rallwa~[~ - re: lease of proper~y for dumping clean mat- erie]. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the co~snunication be received and filed and the lease be renewed with insertion of a cancellation clause. SEE Report No. 33 The following Communications were presented: No. 34 - N.F. Civic Employees' Local ~nion_~ - expressing appreciation to Council for Christmas Parties for Children and Adults. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed. No. 35 - Brock University - requesting meeting with Council. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Corfield that the conmunication be received, filed and the writer be advised that Council will be pleased to meet with representatives of the University, as requested. No. 36 - Greater Niagara District Safety Rescue Association - requesting financial assistance. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Potter that the c~mnuni- cation be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 37 - John Howard Society of Ontario - requesting financial assistance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the co~mumication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when ~he Estimates 'are .... being prepared. No. 38 - Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 51 - requesting financial assistance. 0P~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Cou~lttee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. 'No. 39 - Edward G. Nixon - requesting road be permanently closed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that the ccmmnunication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report. No. ~O - Mrs. Dorothy Dougan - calling Couneil's attention to traffic hazards. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the com~nunication be received and referred to the Traffic Cc~mittee for consideration and a report. No. ~1 - Multiple Sclerosie Society of Canada, Niagara Chapter - expressing apprec- iation to Council for donation to Chrietmms Party Project. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 3wayze and Ald, Keighan that the communication he received and filed. 17. No. 42 - _Ontario Good Roads Association - Membership Fee Invoice and advice as to forthcoming Convention, to be held in Toronto on Feb. 24th, 25th & 26th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, the membership fee be paid and Members of Council who will be attending this Conven- tion advise Clerk in order that the necessary reservations may be made. No. 43 - March of Dimes - Proclamation. ORDEF~'I) on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~Ald. Mttchelson that the communication be received, filed and usual proclamation be issued. No. 44 - S~cerium - requesting amendment to By-law 5335. ORDERED on the motion of _ Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallbun that the communication be received and referred to the Property Comettee for consideration and a report. No. 45 - W~.K. Pattison - objecting to roof of Motel-Hotel presently being constr~c- ted, which is not in accordance with plans. 0RE~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the cem~unication be received, and brought to the attention of tee developers, with the suggestion that they make application to the Committee of Adjustment due to the fact that the constr~ction is contrary to the original plans for this building and that the Building Inspector be instructed to advise the develo- pers to cease work on this portion of the project until approval has been obtained. No. 46 - Niagara Falls Lions Club - Parks Playground Supervisor Program. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that M~r. J. C. Babcock, Chairman of the Playground Co~lttee be permitted to address Council. Mr. Babcock advised that the Club wished to ascertain Council's attitude concerning this question and queried whether Council considered this service worthwhile; whether they wished to have ser- vice as constituted continued; expanded and if expanded would financial assistance be forthcoming if necessary. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the P~rks and Recreation Committee, with authority to meet with representatives of the Lions Club and repor~ back to Council. No. 47 - Miss Elizabeth Hopkins - requesting adjustment from the City in connection with outlay for sewer work. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Con- trol Comettee. SEE Report Number EEPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 32 - Property Ccmmittee- suggesting Mr. Postl or his Solicitor be requested to attend next meeting of Property Committee; permit in the meantime to be not issued. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted· SEE C~mmunicatlon No. 3B - Property Comanittee - recommending renewal of lease, with cancellation clause inserted. 0~ on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 24. No. 3~ - City Manager - recommending communication from Miss Hopkins be referred to Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee. OI~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the repor~ be received and adopted. SEE Communication 47 No. 35 - Negotiations Coamittee - progress report on grievances considered by Co~mit- tee on January 16th. O~ on the motion of Ald. McCallumand Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 36 - City Manager - recce~ending attendance of ~afety Inspector at Dinner Meeting of Niagara Falls-Fort Erie Section, Industrial Accident Prevention Assoc. to be held on Wednesday, Jan. ~gth at Park Motor Hotel. ~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. 18. No. B7 - Special License Co~nnittee - recosnnending certain amendments to By-law No. 6425, to regulate and license Camping Establishments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. SEE By-law Nmnber 6425 38 - Assist. to City r. Administration - advising of O.M.B. approval of By- No. ~ld. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that law Numbe the report be received and filed. SEE By-law Number 6419 · No. 39 - Assist. to City Mgr. Administration - advising of O.M.B. approval of By- law Number 6447. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. SEE By-law Number 6447 No. ~0 - Assist. to City Mgr. Administration - advising of approval of O.M.B. of By-law Number 6~49. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 41 - Cit_~_hn_eer - proposed 20 inch watermain on Drummond Road between Barker Street and Thorold St"'~ne Road. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Potter that the report be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Com- mittee · No. 42 - City Engineer - Report of Service Inspector. OEDEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the repor~ be received and tabled for one week for Council' s perusal. No. 43 - ~ Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. MISCELLANEOUS Aid. Swayze, Chairman of Traffic Committee, referred to a letter appear- ing is the local press this evening, in which the writer, among other items, com- plained about the purchasing of property by the City at the Centre, when in the writer's opinion, parking at the South End has not been considered. Ald. Swayze stated that the South End has one of the largest parking lots in the City and an amount of $24,000. was expanded to purchase two houses to make am entrance off Peer Street. The Alderman further advised that the money so expended comes frum the parking meter fund. His Worship Mayor MIller requested Alderman Morton to attend the Air Pollution Control Advisory Co~aittee Meeting scheduled for January 27th in Hamilton. Aid. Morton advised'th~- he would be in a position tomorrow morning to know whether he could attend; if not, it was understood that Aid. Corfield would take the assign- ment. His Worship Mayor Miller named Alderman 8wayze as the third member of the Committee, to stud~ the advisability of a Diamond Jubilee Observance in the City of Niagara Falls, and if deemed appropriate, the support of Service Clubs to be ascertained, following which a report is to be submitted to Council. The Conmittee now consists of His .Worship the'l~or, Aldemen ~altin and Swayze. His Worship the Mayor advised of two alternative dates suggested by the Public ~ibrary Board for their annual get-together with Council, namely, February llth or 18th. 0Rl~ on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Mitchelson that the Library Board be advised that the date of February llth would be suitable. At the request of Aid. Swayze, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, it was ordered on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and AId. Cotfield that the proximity of the parking meter at the comer of Victoria Avenun and Park Street, be investi- gored by the Traffic Committee at their next meeting. BY- LAWS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 6419 - A by-law to authorize the construction of a storm sewer on Lundy's Lane from Drummond Road to the H.E.P.C. Canal, which is part of a connecting link of the King's Highway No. 20. Third Reading - Aid. Morton - Aid. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~25 - Being aBy-law to regulate and license Camping Establishments. Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Special Licensing Committee, referred to the changes which were being incorporated in the by-law for the third reading, as amended. Third Reading (As Amended) -Ald. Martin - Aid. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. No. 6447 - A by-law to provide for the acquisition of certain lands from the H.E.P.C. of Ontario, for the purposes of the City. Third Reading -Ald. Morton -Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. The following By-law was passed: _No. 6479 - To amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating through highways. 0RDEaED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Scott and Ald. McCallum Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. ~I~ AND ADOI~D, 27th January, 196~. ' FIXANCEMEETING Council Chamber, ~Oth January, 1~6~. ~'ne Finance Meeting was held on Janunr~ 20~h, 1~, for the Purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Alderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. 19. 20. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $137,4`77.89 were approved by the Co~nittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- dered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Potter. The City Manager's report on the application of St. ~nomas More Church for a building permit to repair fire damage to the church and rectorY, at an esti- mated cost of $159,000. w~s presented for consideration. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the repor~ be received, adopted and permit issued. The City ~anager's report on the application of K. Schankula, operator of the Ambassador Motel, at the corner of Dixon St. and Stanley Ave. (2471 Stanley Avenue) for a permit to place a cover over the existing swimming pool, at an esti- mated cost of $9,00O. w~s presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted, and permit be issued. Aid. Cotfield queried whether all swiping pools in the municipality pur- chased metered water, as he understood that some of them do not, and the City 14~ne- get advised that he would check to ascertain this information. The City Hanager's report on the application of Downtown Hotors, 751 Valley Way for a permit to erect a painted metal sign, at an estimated cost of SI10. ~s presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Jo Jo D~iry Bar, 3138 Drummond Road, for a permit to erect a plastic neon sign at the premises at 3138 Drtumnond Road, at an estimated cost of $500. ~as presented for consideration. OR~ I~ED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Potter that the report he received, adopted and permit issued, The Property Co~nittee's report recommending that a covenant be inser- ted in the deed which conveys Industrial Lot No. 18 to bit. M~er Delduca, stipula- ting that the front of the building be provided with a brick front within a period of four years of the conveyance of the property, yes presented for consideration. It ~as moved by Ald. SWze, seconded by Ald. McCallun that the report be received md adopted as amended, to read two years instead of four years; this motion us lost by a vote of 6 to 5; An amendment made by His Worship Mayor Miller, seconded by Ald. McKinley that the report be received and consideration given following receipt of necessary plans, us carried by a vote o£ 6 to 5; the vote being - Aye: Mayor Miller, Aldermen McKinley, Cotfield, ~itchelson, Keigtmn and Martin; Nays:- Aldermen McCallurn, Potter, Morton, Scott and Svayze. The City Menagerie report on the application of Eingsway Transport Ltd. for a building permit to erect a ~arehouse on part of Lot 60, vast side of Stanley Avenue, between 7norold Stone Road and Churches lane, at an antimated cost of $190,000. us presented. The City Manager advised that the plans have been inspec- ted by the Building and Fire Inspectors and the Fire Inspectors had recommended certain chan~as. The City Manager then proceeded to report verbally on the construc- tion of an office building in front of the main building which would be 2~ feet in depth and 50 feet in width and set-back would be 75 feet. He requested that this portion be included in his first report concerning the ~arehouee. The City Mana- ger indicated that the applicants must make catisfactox7 arrangements with the City of Niagara Falls vitb respect .to service for water and sever and that it would be necessary to cmstruct a sanitary sever on Stanley Avenue for a distance of 3~O feet in order to provide the service and he advised that the matter would be Considered by the Sanitation and Pollution Control Co~nittae this 'week. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Norton and Ald. Potter that tba report and verbal repor~ of the City Manager be received and adopted, The Ccesittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId, Mitchalson and Aid. McKinley. !READ AND ADOPIED, 2?th January, 1964. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, e0th JanuarY, 1964. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance ~etings on Monday, January 20th, 1964, for the purpose of passing the by-law which ~overed the accounts approved by the Committee. AllMembers were present. His ~orship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW following By-law ~as passed; 64~_____~ - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that Aid. Martin ~e granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the ~irst reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORIERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) ~f the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given ;he second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ehird Reading - Aid. Martin and Aid. McCallurn - Carried Unanimously. ;ouncil adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Scott. ~AD AND ADOPTED, 27th JanuarY, 1964. 21. Council Chamber, 20th January, 1964. Toe Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular meeting of Council on Monday, January 20th, 1964. AllMembers of the C~mmtttee were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayze. READ_ AND ADOPTED, 27th January, 1964. 61erk~'~j~~ ...... FOURTHS-rING REGULAR M~EA'ING Council Chamber, 27th January, 1964. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 27th, 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. The Co,mcil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield. DEPUTATIONS ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that Dr. James Gibson, President, and Dr. S. F. Decks, Vice-President in charge of administration of Brock University be heard, in connection with their brief regarding the Cent~nnial of Confederation Memorials. They outlined the purpose for their attendance, sbecif- ically stating that this was not to raise or request funds for Brock University but to indicate the desire for participation of the various municipalities in the Coun- ties of Lincoln and Welland, and an attempt to acquire funds under the Centennial Projects Act for an auditorium and concert hall for the eventual use of Brock Univer- sity and the adjacent areas. Following their remarks, His Worship Mayor Miller, expressed appreciation to the speakers for honouring council with their presence and stated that as there has been no discussion by Council as to what might transpire, the eventual partici- pation by the City of Niagara Falls has yet to be decided. CO~ICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 23 - Logan and Knight - Application for Building Permit by Frank Postl, Tastee- Freez. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the matter be left in abeyance until further information is presented to the Property Committee for their consideration. SEE Report Number 4~ No. 29 - Mrs. R. Blamonte - requesting permission to continue operation of concession at 0ekes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the matter be again tabled pending submission of Parks & Recreation Committee's report scheduled for February 3rd. SEReport Number 45 No. 30 - Greater Niagara Minor Soccer Association - requesting advice as to playing fields available in 196~. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelsoo that the communication be again tabled pending meeting by Parks and Recreation Com- mittee with representatives of the Association on Feb. 4th to discuss the matter in detail. SEEReport'Number 46. No. 33 - Visitor and Convention Bureau - re: Hayrides. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed and permission be granted as requested by Miss Spies, to use the location on Clifton Hill, on the north side of the street. SEE Communication ~8 No. 39 - Edward O. Nixon - complaining about conditions at the west end of Warner Road. OI~ED on the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. Morton that the co~n~unication be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Committee be adopted. Carried, with Aid. Mar~in - contrary. SEE Repor~ Number ~7 No. 40 - MARS. Dorothy Dougan - complaining about conditions at various intersections. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Scott that the cc~nnunication be re- ceived, filed and the report of the Traffic Committee, as amended, be adopted. SEE Report Number ~8 No. 44 - Spacerim Ltd. - (Court Industries) - requesting amendment to By-law 5335 to extend maximum building height in connection with proposed construction of a tower. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the cozm~unication be re- ceived and filed and the request of Court Industries for an exemption be approved. Carried, with Ald. McCallurn - contrary. Previous to this action, Mr. Court was per- mitted to speak to Council, on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze. He stated that the tower is to be designed as an integral part of the museum building; slender tower made of tubing, 15 feet at the base and rising to a point at the top; on the top of whic~ will be a light ~ar 10 to 1~ feet high, similar to the Canada Life Tower on University Avenue in Toronto, which will hook up with a radar contact with the satellite- SEE Report ~umber ~9 No- 45 - W. K. Pattison - referring to overhang of new motel, adjacent to his prop- erty, contrary to the building by-law. ORDEREB on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Sweyze that the report of the Property Committee be received and filed. In answer to Ald. McCallum's query as to whether the developers had ceased work on the portion of construction complained about by MAr. Pattison, it was indicated that in- structions had been issued to this effect. SEE Report Number 50 No. 46 - Ni__~ra Falls Lions Club - re: Parks Playground Supervisor Program. OR- DEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the matter be again tabled pending submission of the Parks & Recreation Committee's repor~ following their meeting with representatives of the Lions Club. SEE Report Number No. 47 - Miss Elizabeth Hopkins - requesting re-adjustment from the City in connec- tion with expenditure for sewer work. ORESBED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, filed, and the recommendation of the Sanitation and Pollution Control Comnittee be adopted and Miss Hopkins be so advised. SEE Report Number 52 The following Communications were presented: No. 48 - Board of Police Commissioners - advising Omission has no objection to use of stands on north side of Clifton Hill for purpose requested by Miss Spies. OR- RERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the ccemunication be re- ceivedand filed. ~EE C~,mication 33 No. 49 - Probation Officer - Annual Report of Juvenile and I~mfl~v Court. ORDEI~D on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Morton that the c~mnunication be received and tabled for the perusal of Council. No. 50 - N.F. & SuburbanArea Planning Board - Amendment Application A-88, DeFazio, ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the e_~mAnication be received and filed and the decision of the Planning Board that the request be not rec~ended to Council for'approval, be adopted. No. 51 - Ccexaittee of Adjustment - Notice of Public Hearing re: application of Mont- gcmeryBros. ORIN~EDon the motion of Ald. ~ze and Ald. Cotfield that the com- munication be received and filed. No. 52 - 8tamford Horticalturel 8celery - requesting grant for 1~. 0RE~I~D on the motion of Aid. Kei~hanand Ald. Potter that the communication be received and re- ferred to the Budget C,~ttee for considerationwhen the Est!w~tes are being pre- pared. ~o. 53 - Niagara Falls Horticultural Society - requesting grant for 1964. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Comittee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 54 - Niagara Peninsula Sanatorium - requesting grant for 1964. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred ~o the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 55 - Lioness Club - requesting permission to conduct Annual Bromm Drive. OR- .DEED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the communication be Feceived, filed and permission granted as requested. No. 56 - Niagara Falls Suburban Roads Commission - requesting re-appointment of pres- ent members as Members of the Commission effective July 22nd, 1964; and enclosing copies of Commission's Annual Report. ORDEreD on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received, the request granted, and the fc~uual Report be referred to the Budget Oo~mittee for consideration when the Estimates are ~eing prenared. SEE Resolution No. 15 No. 57 - Niagara Falls Curling Club Ltd. - requesting City to host or cg-host a YAm- leheon to be held on Feb. 14th in connection with Play-offs to be held at the local ~urling Club. ORESBED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the eosmuntcation be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance for submission of ~ report. Carried, with Ald. McCallum - contrary. No. 58 - Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen - invitation to participate in celebration of Pancake Tunsday, Feb. llth at Park Notel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the invitation be received, accepted and as many of the members ~f Council as find it possible, attend. Six Members of Council indicated that they would be in attendance. No. 59 - Rudolph N. Dele_o - requesting amendment to By-law 5149. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and re- f, erred to the Property 0mittee for a report. ~o. 60 - Can. Legion, Branch 51, Sponsor of Niagara Falls City Soccer Club - requesting !~se of 0ekes Park. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. 8wayz~that the I~ommunication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for con- !~ideration and a report. r Directors. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan that ~he invitation be received, accepted and the following so designated: Ald. Mitchel- :Son - February 19th; Ald. McOallum - March 18th; Ald. Potter - April 16th; Ald. II~ often - May ~Oth; and Ald. Corfield - June 17th. +~o. 62 - Niagara District Airport Commission - reccamending two appointments from ~iagara Falls for year 1964. OEI]ERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald.Keighan i~hat the conmunication be received, filed and appointees be approved by the City of l~ lagare Palls. SEE Resolution No. 16 ~o. 63 - Xndustrial Dept. Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - Application to pur- ~se Lot 31, on behalf of a Ceramics M~nufacturer. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. [~eighan and Ald. Swayze that the cmunioation be received and referred to the ?roperty C~mmtttee for consideration and a report, and the Manager of the Industrial pt. be notified to be in attendance and present all the necessary information lth re~ard to this matter, to the Property Omittee. · ~No. ~ . Niagara Fells Public Library Board - re: possibility of former T~p.Police 'uilding on Lundy's Lane being used as Library site. ORDERED on the motion of ~!~ld. Mltchelson and Ald. Oorfield that the e0~nnunication he received, and tabled ~.~or future reference. 65 - H.E.P.C. of Ontario - proposed watermain installations across Ontario Nydro Oi~I~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the cc~munica- ion be received, filed and the City Manager he instructed to request the necessary Ere ement. No. 66 - Twp. of Thorold - proposed repairs to Townline Road from Lundy's Lane northerly for a distance of approx. 3600 feet. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the co~nunication be received and referred to the City Engineer for submission of a report. - Alderman Morton left the meeting - No. 67 - Griffiths, Sharpe & Clement - Confirmation of Win. Becker's negotiation for parking facilities at 765 Sirocco Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Martin and Ald. McCallurn that the communication be received and referred to the Property Co~nittee for submission of a report. - Alderman Morton returned to the meeting - No. 68 - MacBain & Slovak - proposed motel erection by A. Franklin on Lundy's Lane. ORRERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that Mr. MacBain be given permission to address Council. Mr. MacBain stated that the mason for coming to Council was that they had to wait for the Committee of Adjustment to give a clearance on rear yard require- ments; zoning is proper for motel construction and the piece of land in question lies in midst of motels on Lundy's lane; By-law 2530 of the former Township of Stam- ford zones the property as Tourist-Con~nercial and thus permits motel development. The City Solicitor then advised that By-law 5149 passed under the Special Act of Niagara Palls applies to all property in the City of Niagara Palls, similar to the gasoline handling act regulations which apply to the whole City and he pointed out that when Stamford was A.~le~.~ted to the City, By-law 51~9 applies. me City Solicitor continued by advising that Zoning By-laws are passed under the Planning Act with the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board and not under the City's Spec- ial Act; such By-laws and those affecting roadF,etc. remain as they were in the former Township. Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and that since the property is zoned Tourist-Cmercial and permits this type of erection and since application is being made to the Committee of Adjustment for minor changes that when proper plans and specifications are submitted the permit be issued, subject to com- pliance with all necessary by-laws of the Municipality. Carried Unanimously. No. 69 - Mr__. Dennis Hinchliffe - T~o requests in connection with Memorial Arena. OREE~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Arena, Parks and Recreation Committee for considenn- tion and submission of a report. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. ~/+ - Property Coaanittee - suggesting matter of application of Frank Postl for building permit be left in abeyance, pending submission of further information by his Solicitor, Mr. Knight. OREERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed· -' SEE Cnmmunication 23 No. 45 - Parks and Recreation Ccemittee - advising meeting to be arranged with rep- resentatives of Minor Soccer Association, Feb. 4th to discuss question of playing fields in 196~. OPjFaED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. SEE Communication 29 .No. 46 - Parks and Recreation Committee - advlsing meeting to be arranged with representatives of Minor Soccer Association, Feb. 4th, to discuss question of play- ing fields in 1964. ORl~ on the motion of Aid. McCallurn and Aid. Mitchelson that the. report be received and filed. SEE Communication 30 No. 47 -Traffte Committee - Suggestions in connection wlth camuntcatton received frcm Hr. Edward O. Nixon, coneerntnS west end of Warner Reed. ORI~RED on the motion of 'Aid. 8~ayse and Aid. Morton that the repo~rt be ree. eived and 'adopted. Carried, with AId. Martin =- contrary. SEE Ccssauntcatton 39 27. · No. ~8 - Traffic Committee - Three recommendations with reference to complaints of Mrs. Dorothy Dougan about traffic lights, at various intersections, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallumand Aid. Scott that the report be received, and inas- much as the Traffic Committee recommended at the previous meeting that an "Advance Green" be installed at the traffic light at the intersection of Drummond Road and Lundy's Lane, for traffic travelling east on Lundy's Lane, that the report be adop- ted as amended, with reference to Recommendation No. 2, contained in the report. SEE Communicat ion 40 No. 49 - Property Committee - recommending that the request of Court Industries re: construction of a tower aYthe Spacerium, which entails By-law amendment, be appro- ved. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be re- ceived and adopted. Carried, with Ald. McCallum - contrary. SEE Communication ~4 No. 50 - Property C~ittee - progress report on complaint of W. K. Pattison re: construction of Cairns No~el on south side of IAmdy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Ketghan and AId. Swayze that the report be received and filed. .- SEE Communication 45 No. 51 - Parks and Recreation Committee - meeting to be held with Lions Club re: supervision of Playgrounds during s,,mmer months. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Morton and Alderman Potter that the report be received and filed. SEE Communication 46 · No. 52 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Comlttee - recommending writer be advised City cannot assume any of the cost of the work carried out on her property. ORDER- .~ ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report of the Sanitation , & Pollution Control Consnlttee be received and adopted. SEE Communication ~7 iNo. 53 - City Manager - recommending attendance of N. E. Bennett at International Trade Forum at Royal York Notel, Feb. 18th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield , and Ald. Ketghan that the report be received and adopted. '.:l No. 5~ - City Manager - reco~nending appointment of Miss Linda Rtx to the position of Stenographer Grade II. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Scott that ',~ the report be received and adopted. No. 5~ . City _M~_~e_r - recommending aPPointment of Miss Barbara Haynes, to the position ~f Ci~'~ t~'the Tax'Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. [t No. 56 - City Manager . advisability of advancing construction date to year 196~ re: installation of Watermain on Dx~,mmond Road and sewer on Keith Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adop- ted and the Cc~ntttee be requested to consider the possible inclusion of items scheduled for 196~ in any application for assistance under the Municipal Works Assistance Programme. No. ~7 - Sonitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending owners of site pro- posed for apartment development in It. of Twp. Lot 158 be requested to pay one-half the estimated cost for extension of 30 inch sewermain on Dmm..ond Road from Dunn Street to north limit of proposed apartment site. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 58 - City Manager - report on meeting held with M.E.P.C. of Ontario representa- tives to discuss the un-watering of the ~ydre Canal during 1964. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and filed and congratulations be extended to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Comnittee. No. ~9 - Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee - reccemending installation of a ]2 inch sewermain for a distance of 350 feet on Stanley Avenue providing the Kingsway Transports Ltd. pay one-half of the estimated cost. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. Carried with Ald. Eeighan contrary. No. 60 - Sanitation & Pollution Control C~mm~ttee - reconnnending property owners be requested to pay 1/2 of the cost of extending suitable sized drainage tile from the intersection of Cleveland Avenue and Dunn Street along the Hydro Service Road past the first H.E.P.C. tower; and conditions outlined in Hydro's letter of Jan 14th, 196~ be accepted· ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Scott that the re- port be received and adopted. No. 61 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommendations re: repairs to be made before acceptance by City. 0RI~2~9 on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 62 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - rec~ndlng appointment of D. C. MacLean as Operator at Pollution Control Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Ke~g~-n that the report be received and adopted. No. 63 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recomending proceeding with work on Keith Street and Hawkins Creek during 1964 and that application for City's share of tae project be made to The Municipal Assistance Fund. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 64 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending construction of water- main on Drunnnond Road from Barker Street to the Thorold Stone Road, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the majority report be received and adopted. Carried, with Aldermen Scott, Keighan and McCalltun - contrary. No. 65 - Traffic Co~nittee - recommending removal of i parking meter on east side of Victoria Avenue, directly south of Park Street, and the area signed "no parking". OI~DERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 66 - Traffic Cmittee - report on meeting held.on January 24th with representa- tives of North End Businessmen's Association· ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Swayze that the report he received and filed. No. 67 - Property Con~nfttee - recommendations re: Amendment Application A-83 to re- zone Pt. Twp. Lot 71, west side of Dorchester Road from Single Family Residential Use to a specific Neighbourhood Commercial category to permit establishment of a medical clinic· OR~ on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mor~on that the re- port be received and adopted. No. 68 - Equipment Committee - recommending purchase of two space heaters for instal- lation in the building at the Montrose Dump. 0RRERED on the motion of Ald. McCalltun and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted· No. 69 - Equipment Cc~mittee - recoem~ending purchase of testing and lab equipment for Engineering Department. OP~ on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald~.~McCallum that the report be received and adopted. No. 70 - EqutI~ent Committee . recommending Purchase of a Kollman .Sewer Cleaning Machine. ORDERED on the motion of Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report be re- ceived and adopted. No. 71 - Special Fire Cc~uittee . recanmending insertion of an advertisement in the press for the position of permanent fir~m,n. 0RESRED on the motion of Ald,McCallum and Aid. Mitchelson that the repor~ be received and adopted. No. 72 - Special Fire Caxaittee - recommending promotion of three Firemen to the Rank of Captain, Or~al~D on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald,-Corfield that the report be received and adopted, No. 73 - Special Fire Cceamittee . rates of pay to be set for Volanteer'Firemen, OfferED on the motion of Ald,.Mitchelsonand Ald,:Norton that the rePor~ be-received and adopted, No, 7~ - S ecial Fire Committee . reco~nending Falls View Punpar be retired, DE~ED on tee motion of AId, Morton and Ald, Potter that the repor~ be received 0R- adopted, and No, 7~ - Negotiations Cceaittee , reccesendin~ aPPointment of Assistant Building Inspector as "P/an Examiner" in addition to his duties in the Building Inspection Departsent, C~SFZD on the.motion of Aid, Cotfield and AId, McCallurn that the repor~ be received and adopted, No. 76 - Negotiations Con~ittee - recommending appointment of Junior Engineer. OR- DE on the motion of Ald. NcCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 77 - Negotiations Ccemittee - recommending appointment of D. Snyder to position of Construction S~Aperintendent and other promotions in the Drafting Dept. of the Engineering Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 78 - Negotiations Committee - recommending by-law to authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign Prior Service Agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallumthat the report be received and adopted. No. 85 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Norton that the report be received and adopted and licenses issued accordingly. VFj~x. REPORT Ald. Morton, who has been delegated to attend the meeting being held in Hamilton, Monday, January 27th to discuss the topic of air pollution control, pre. sented a verbal report at this time. He referred to the tour made of the Steel Com- pany Plant and inspection made of their air cleaning equipment. He advised that most of the representatives were present as observers only and that each municipality is to be notified of the thoughts of the Committee and Council could then instruct their representatives at the next meeting, scheduled to be held within a one or six weeks. He indicated that the idea was to approach the Provincial Government for enactment of legislation to compall new industries to take steps to eliminate air pollution. Those industries presently in existence would be encouraged to take action to remedy the problem. The Alderman concluded by stating that a complete report would be sub- mitted within a week or so in order that Council may make a decision on what steps- they wish to take. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No, 15 - MITCHELSON . NoCALIAB4 - RESOLVED that Nr, R, (L Silverlock and Mr, Hugh Hart be re-appointed as Members of the Niagara Falls Suburban ROads Commission; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, Carried Unanimously No, 16 - McCALl/aM - KEIGHAN - RESOLVED that Mr, eeorge A, McQueen and Mr, Joseph Montgomerybe and they are hereb aPPointed as Members of the Niagara District Air- port Commission for the year 19~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, Carried Un.animously SEE By-law ,~ 6~82 No. 79 - Assistant to City Mgr-,Administrative _ Advising of Ontario Municipal Board anproval of the construction and equipment of an addition to Orchard Park P~blic · School. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. Matthews & Matthews on behalf of Monastery of Mount Camel to ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. PRIOR to this action, the City Clerk read the communication which withdrew their letter of objection dated January 14th and a further communication which indicated that they wished to be placed permanently on record as opposed to any sale of air rights in the future in front of Mount Camel Monastery. No. 81 - C~mnittee of Adjustment - advising of results of hearings held on two appli- cations, namely, A. R. Macklem Real Estate Ltd. and Peter Samitz. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed· No. 82 - Pollution Control Committee recommending drainage easements. No. 8B - City Engineer - Ditch Easements. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Corfield and Alderman Morton that the reports be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. No. 84 - Chief Win. T. Wade - 9th Annual Report on Niagara Falls Fire Department; and i~recommendations for year 1964. ORRE~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Suayze that the report be rac~ived and tabled for one week for Council's perusal. No. 17 - MORTON - POT~R - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. Arthur Wells, Assistant Director of the Children's Aid Society, upon his untimely demise; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried U~animously Following the remarks of Ald. McCallum, Chairman of the Equipment Commit- tee concerning the urgency of securing another garbage vehicle, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton that the matter be referred to the Equip- ment Committee for consideration and a report. Aid. McCallum referred to By-law 51~9 and its application to areas in the former Township of Stamford and the City Solicitor agreed to submit a report on this matter for the information of each Member of Council. AId. Swayze, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, requested permission for his Committee to consider the parking situation on Victoria Avenue at McRae Street. Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 6449 - A by-law to authorize the construction of watermains as extensions to the existing waterworks system in the Urban Service Area of the City. Third Reading - Aid. Martin - Aid. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. The following By-laws were passed: No. 6481 - A By-law to provide for appointment Of Certain Members (Planning Board) ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. McKinley that Ald.Mar~in be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Swayze and AId. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6482 - To authorize the signing of a Prior Service Agreement. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Potter that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading· - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mal~cin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading. -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan. READ AND ADOPTED, 3rd February, 1964. Clerk ' ........ """"" FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 27th January, 196~. The Finance Meeting was held on January 27th, 1964, for the purpose of · approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certi- · fled and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Alderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. ~ mittee. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $154,282.6~ were approved by the Com- The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- ~dered places in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Ald. iKeighan and Ald. Morton. ~The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. iScott. ~READ AND ADOPTED, Srd February, 1964. , Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 27th January, 1964. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, January 27th, 1964, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Connnittee. All Members were present. Norship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY- LAW ~he following By-law was passed: ~ - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Scott that Ald. Martin ib~ e granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first .~ reading.. Carried Unanimously. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of . the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 'second reading.. Carried Unanimously. ~hird l~eading -Ald, Swayze and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. Council sd~Journed on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, 3rd February, 1964. Cler~.~.~.~..~ ...... FIFtH MEETING 33. REGULAR MEETING Council Chmmber, 3rd February, 1964. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, February 3rd, 196~, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Mem- bers of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze. DEPUTATIONS Mr. Max Knechtel, M.A., Field Secretary, St. Catharines District of the Canadian National Insitute for the Blind, was present at the meeting, and on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton was given permission to address Council. Me proceeded to present some of the Highlights of the C.N.I.B. particularly with ref-" ererice to the Niagara Peninsula, and the services rendered at Linwell Hall, ~ocial and recreational activities and pointed out that the operational costs at Linwell Hall were the lowest of any of the buildings in the Province. He referred to the problem of supplying tape talking machines which cost $i50. each and stated that very few, if any, would be able to pay for them and the Institute is therefore faced with the prospect of raising at least $15,000. for this purpose. Mr. Knechtel then spoke about the different projects, namely The Eye Bank, White Cane Week, co-opera- tion between those with sight and those who are blind, as well as publicizing pre- vention of blindness. Mrs. R. Grieves, Chairman of the Niagara Falls and District Advisory Board, was then permitted to speak to Council, on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton. She expressed appreciation for the hearing of Council and stated that they were asking for the sum of $500. this year towards this worthy work. His Wor- ship Mayor Miller thanked Mr. Knechtel and Mrs. Grieves for their presentation and assured them that every consideration would be given by the Council when the Budget Estimates are prepared. COM~UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. ~9 - Mrs. R. Biamonte - requesting permission to continue operation of the con- cession at Oakes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the ccmmunication be received, filed and permission be granted to the appli- cant to operate the concession at Oakes Park in 1964 under the same conditions as existed in 1963. SEE Report Number 86 No. 46 - Niagara Falls Lions Club - Parks Playground Supervisor Program. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the co~nunication be received and filed. SEE Report Number 8J No. 57 - Niagara Falls Curling Club - requesting City to host or co-host with the Local Curling Club, the luncheon scheduled for Friday, February l~th, 196~ during the British Consols Round Robin Playoffs. 7sis cummunication has been referred to the Chairman of Finance at the last Council Meeting and Alderman Martin advised at this time that he had contacted members of the Curling Club concerning their request and then proceeded to advise Council of the Historical tradition surrounding these affairs and that it was simPly a matter that the municipality where this affair takes place each year, supplies this luncheon. 01~DE~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Martin that the communication be received, filed and the City of Niagara Falls act as hosts at the IAmcheon scheduled for February 12th. This motion was lost by a vote of 6 to 4, the vote being - Aye: - Aldermen Mitchelson, Martin, Corfield, McKinley; Nays; . Aldermen McCall,.,, Keighan, Morton, ScoSt, Pot~er and Swayze. No. 59 - Rudolph N. Deleo - requesting amendment to By-law Number 5149 to permit construction of a motel on Lot 9, Ferry Street between Stanley Avenue and Buchanan Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the communica- tion be received, filed and the by-Law be amended as requested. Carried, with Ald. Martin contrary- SEE Report Number 88 No. 63 - Industrial Dept., Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - application to purch- ase Lot 31 in Industrial Subdivision. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Proper~y Committee, as amended, be adopted. SEE Report Number 89 SEE By-law Number 6487 No. 66 - Township of Thorold - Townline Rcad from Lundy's Lane northerly for a dist~ace of approx~mmtely 3,600 feet. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Mitchel- son that the cnmm,mication be received, filed and the report of the City Engineer be adopted. SEE Report Number 90 No. 67 - Orifriths, Sharpe& Clement - re: negotiations of Wm. Becker for parking facilities at 765 Slmcoe Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the matter be tabled and the report of the Proper~y Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 91 No. 69 - Mr. Dennis Hinchliffe - suggestions re: Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallam and Ald. Potter that the communication be received, files and the report of the Parks & Recreation Committee be adopted. SEE Repoxt Number 92 The following Communications were presented: No. 70 - 12th Niagara Guide Company - appreciation for demonstration and talk on Fire Prevention. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Swayze that the cum- munication be received, filed and copy referred to the Fire Chief for the information of Messrs. Barr and Murphy of the Fire Department. No. 71 - Clifton Hill Business Association - Traffic Survey Report. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that the cn~munication be received and a representative be authorized to meet with the Association on February 5th to out- line briefly the report of N. G. Acres. His Worship Mayor Miller suggested that the City Clerk contact the Association and advise them of Councll's feelings. No. 72 - C_.~m~ittee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing of application of A. & S. Chmpel. No. 7B - C~mmittee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing of application of V. J. Rucco. ORDF~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communications be re- ceived and filed. No. 74 - N.E.P.C. of Ontario - Requesting use of certain City property in connection with Canal Remedial Work. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Property Cc~mittee, with power to act, the Property Officer of Nydro be requested to meet wi~h the Committee and the Cnmmittee to report back to Council. No. 75 - Ontario School Trustees' and Retepayers' Association - Re: Membership and Convention. ORDEF~Don the motion.of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze thab the comnuni- cation be received and filed. No. 76 - 7nos. N. Preta -Employment. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication he received, and tabled for one week for the perusal of Council. No. 77 - Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board - Financial Requirements for 1964. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the communi- cation he received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared and a copy of the Auditor's Repor~ be made available to Council before that time. No. 78 - Greater Niagara Baseball Association - requesting increase in grant. No. 79 - Militaires Drum Corps - requesting increase in grant. No. 80 - Greater Niagara United Appeal - Requesting increase in grant. No. 81 - Salvation Army - requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Mor~on and Ald. Corfield that the communications be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No.82 - Welland County Engin~e_~ - condition of Montrose Bridge over Welland River. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the City Engineer for necessary inspection and submis- sion of a report to Council, as soon as possible. No. 83 - Steele's Tire and Sporting Goods - adjacent lot and traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report. No .84 - Eugene Jeremias - Condition of Stelnbergs Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report. No. 85 - N.F.C.V.I.- requesting City to p~archase advertising space in yearbook. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Keighan that the communication be re- ceived and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 86 - James Lowes - Business interruption. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald.~itchel- son and Ald. Potter that the ccmmunication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report. REPOBTS Laid over from the previous meeting: No. 82 - Pollution Control Committee - recommending securing of drainage easements at four locations. No. 83 - City Englneer - Ditch Easements. SEE Report Number 93 The following Reports were presented: No. 86 - Parks and Recreation Committee - recommending p~rmission be granted to Mrs. R. Blamonte for operation of concession at 0ekes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE C~mnunication 29 No. 87 - Parks and Recreation Cnmmtttee - Meeting with Lions Club re: operation of .playgrounds. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the re- port be received and filed. SEE Communication 46 No. 88 - Property Committee - recommending request of Mr. Deleo for amendment to By-law 51~9 be granted. ORRERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with AldermnnMartin contrary. SEE Communication 59 No. 89 - Property Committee - recommending sale of Industrial Lot 31 to J. Gutten Ceramics Mfgr. Co. subject to certain stipulations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Neighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted as amended, to include a further stipulation that a sewer rental agreement is to be signed. SEE Communication 63 No. 90 - City Engineer - recommendations re: re-construction of Niagara Falls- Thorold Townline Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald.Mttchelson that the report be received and adopted. SEE COennuntcation 66 6e No. 91 - property Committee - recommending matter of addition to Mr. Becker's prem- ises be left i~ a'beyance until completion of Co~uittee of AdJustment's interest. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the repox~ be received and adopted. SEE Con~nunication 67 No. 92 - Parks and Recreation Committee - advising matter of ventilation of Arena will be reported on at a later date; Committee opposed to reserving any one portion of Arena for children. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCalltun and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 69 No. 93 - Property Connnittee - recommending necessary surveys for two drainage ditches be carried out by R. Blake Erwin, 0.L.S. ORDEPaD on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Reports 82 & 83 No, 94 - Negotiations Committee - recommendations affecting staff changes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCalltun and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. No. 95 - City Manager - report on Building Permits issued in January, 1964. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 96 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. No. 97 - City E~ngineer - Annual Driver Award Dinner. ORDERED on the motion of kld. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 98 - City Solicitor - Re: By-law 5149 and Tourist Establishments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and tabled for one week for the perusal of Council. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 18 - MORTON - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the City Treasurer be authorized to invite tenders for the purchase of City of Niagara Falls debentures, to be dated December 31st, 1963, and bearing interest at the rate of five and one-half per cent per annum, for the principal amount of $454,387.22,subJect to deductions for any cem- muted payments made for Local Improvements. Tenders to be delivered to the Clerk by 4:00 p.m., Monday, February lOth, '1964; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. BY-LAWS laid over from a previous meeting: No. 6355 - A by-law to provide for the purchase from C~ladiem NationS1 Railways of an abandoned rigSt-of -way formerly used by The Niagara, ~t.Catharines and Toronto Railway Company. Third Reading - Alderman Mar~in - Alderman Swayze - Carried UnanimousLy. following By-laws were passed: No. 6484 - To authorize the sig~ing of a pipe crossing agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - CarriedUnanimously. "' ORDF. RED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) ' of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given ,.~ the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Faading -Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6485 - To Amend By-law Number 3790 being a by-law for the regulation of Traffic. ORDF~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the let time. - Carried Unanimously. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading, with the deletion of the prohibition of parking onEsat side of Victoria Avenue, from the by-law; Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6486 - To appoint members of the Niagara Falls Suburban Roads Commission. 0RDEBED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Ald.Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6487 - A by-law to provide for the sale of Lot 31, Registered Plan No. 160 to J. Gutten Ceramics Manufacturing Limited. ORDEPaD on the motion of AId. Swayze and Aid. McKinley that Aid. biartin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6488 - A By-law to umend By-laws Nos. 2818, 1962 and 2800, 1962 of the former Township of Stmm~ord. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield. Carried Unanimously. MISCELIANEOUS Ald. Martin requested the Traffic Committee to consider the two plazas on Number 8 NigSway, where there is a problem between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the even- ing of people getting from one plaza to the other; he requested the Cnmmtttee to consider the situation and study the possibility of supplying another route between the two plazas, eliminating the necessity of people having to go out on to Number 8 HigSway in order to reach the other plaza. Ald. Martin then referred to the intersection of Ontario Avenue and Simcoe Street and requested the Traffic Committee to see if it would be advisable to have a stop sign at that comer. Ald. Martin then referred to the proposal which had been made to elimin- ate one parking meter on the east side of Victoria, Just south of Park Street and was of the opinion that the proposed removal would take away all of the parking in front of one business, which will not solve the problem. Ne then requested the Traffic Coemittee to make a study of the traffic situation at the intersection of Park Street and Vtstoria Avenue; Maple Street and Victoria AvenueJ and Queen Street and Victoria Avenue~ being of the opinion that the present signs, etc. are now outmoded, and sc~e improvement is necessary. Aid, Swayze, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, referred to the traffic hazard at the intersection of Modgson Avenue and Rysdale Avenue; also the lack of street lighting on Stanley Avenue south of Kister Road; and the condition of the sidewalk in front of Finley Fish Co. on Ellen Avenue between Centre Street and Walnut Street- It was agreed that the first two items would be considered by the Traffic Comittee; and the third item, the condition of the sidewalk, would be referred to the City Engineer. Ald. Morton referred to the complaints received about parking on Epworth Circle and he requested the Traffic Committee to study this matter and approach the Board of Education re: the possibility of parking on school grounds. Ald. Keighan referred to applicants desiring to build on lots in the old City and because these are small they can't supply the necessarY parking facilities, and referred to the Special Committee established by His Worship the Mayor to look into this parking problem and present a policy. The Clerk agreed to check the per- sounel of the Committee referred to , in order that some solution may be obtained. Mis Worship Mayor Miller referred to the scheduled meeting to be held with officials of the Department of Highways regarding Highway Number 8 at the St.1)avid's Tunnel and suggested that the Traffic Co~ittee might sit in at this meeting. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallurn that the Traffic Committee be authorized to meet with Highway Dept. Officials on FebruarY 13th at 2 p.m. Ald. McKinley requested the Traffic Committee to inspect the north side of Buttrey Street, the second block off River Rcad where parking has been prohibited while the International Silver Works were located there and queried the possibility of allowing parking in this vicinity due to the fact that the Firm has now moved out and the building is being demolished. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. ~ayze. EEAD AND ADO Ff":D, 10th February, 1964. FINANCE M~EA'ING · Council Chamber, 3rd February, 196~. The Finance Meeting was held on February 3rd, 196~, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committe?~were present. Alderman Mar~in, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $210,797.53 were approved by the Com- mittee, The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of AId. Mor~on and Aid. McCallurn. ~. .. The City Manager's report on the application of J. and A. Wong for a permit to erect a neon sign at 2927 McLeod Road, at an estimated cost of $75°· was presented for consideration- The City Manager's report on the application of Harry Manos for a per- mit to erect a sign at 709 Bender Mill, at an estimated cost of $1,850. was pre- sented for consideration. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Border-Pontiac Buick Limited for a permit to erect a sign on the premises on the east side of Portage .~ Road between Morrison Street and Virginia Street at an estimated cost of $200. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the ~1 report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Gordon Wood, 2470 Marg- aret Street, for a building permit to erect a sign at the north-east corner of ~Beechwood Road and Lundy's lane, was presented for consideration- ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received, and the applica- ntion be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. ~ The City Manager's report on the application of Eden Roc Investment Ltd.~ 4800 Dundas Street West, Islington, for a building permit to erect a store and office accommodation at an estimated cost of $150,000; on the south side of Lundy's lane be- -' tween Drummond Road and Franklin Street was presented for consideration. ORDERED ' ? on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted ' and permit be issued upon submission of detailed plans and specifications. The City Manager's report on the application of the Niagara Falls District ' Board of Education for a building permit to construct an addition to the Orchard i~: Park School, on the west side of Dorchester Road between Thorold Stone Road and .~ Oxford Street, at an estimated cost of $180,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion '~ of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. ~ The City Manager's report on the application of Joe. Zerra, 2871 Lundy's ~i lane for a building permit to construct an addition to the front of the dwelling at 2871 Lundy's Iane, following the moving of the dwelling to within 30 feet of the rear i lot line; the estimated cost of the proposed changes will be $8,000. ORDERED on the 'i motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and referred to ~ the Property Committee for consideration. 'i The City Manager's report on the application of the Canadian Imperial Bank .I of Commerce for a building permit to erect the new bank building at the south-east ~ corner of Main and Ferry St. at an estimated cost of $120,000. was presented. OR- ~ DERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and ~ adopted and permit issued. '!! The Co~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. '~ McCallurn. READ AND ADOPTED, 10th February, 1964. ~:. ' CnairmsA~ o£ Finance COUNCIL ~ETING Council Chamber, Brd February, 1964- Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meet- ings on Monday, FebruarY 3rd, 1964, for the purpose of passing the by-law which cov- ered the accounts approved by the Committee- All Members were present. His Worship Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 6489 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes- ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. OR~EBED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Kelghan - Carried UnanimouslY. Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Corfield. READ AND ADOPTED, lOth February, 1964. Mayor SIXTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber. 1Oth FebruarY, 1964. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m, on Monday, Febhiss7 10th, 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Mem- Obore of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller presided. The Council~ having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton. AId. Mitchelson arrived at the meeting. TENDERS Tenders for debentures had been called, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. SEE ADJOURNEDMEETING DEPUTATIONS Mr. George Mowers, Chairman of the Greater Niagara Transit Commission, was allowed to speak to Council, on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield. He referred to the Annual Statement of Operation for the year ending December 31, 1963, which had been previously circulated and advised that the System had carried 1,200 more passengers per week and in line with their policy, they were trying to provide the best possible service at the lowest possible cost. Alderman Keighan requested clarification of the operating loss, and was '~advised that the gross operating loss was $24,000. which included cash reserve of $19,500. for replacement purposes, therefore leaving a net loss of $5,000. Alder- ~lman Neighan was of the opinion that this explanation will give bhe public the cor- rect information. In answer to a querY from Ald. McKinley as to the possibility of the Transit Commission operating a sightseeing service, Mr. Mowers, advised that the Com- mission were giving consideration to all means of increasing revenue but not at the expense of daily passengers, and that the suggested sightseeing operation would re- quire considerable capital expenditure. Ald. Mitchelson extended sincere thanks of the Members of Council and citizens for the able way the Greater Niagara Transit Commission and staff are per- forming a responsibility Of serving the people of the community. Nis Worship Mayor Miller expressed appreciation for the time and efforts put forth by the Commission for the improvement of the service for the convenience of the citizens at large. SEE Communication 88 Mr. Gordon Canham was permitted to speak to Council on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson. He advised that he was present to enquire about Iconditions referred to in the petition received by Council for the installation of sanitary sewer on Montrose Road, South, and Badger Road, and requested earlY action to remedy the situation. AId. Martin, Chairman of the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee, advised that the project was included on the Priority List for 1964, that a meet- ing had been held and a report from the Engineering Department has been requested by his Committee which should be available for the Committee's next meeting. The Alderman assured Mr. Canh~m that the residents of the area in question will receive some indication as to what is expected in the very near future. SEE Communication 95 C0~UNICATIONS laid over from previous meetings: iNo. 66~ (196B File) - Ameri-Cana Motel - necessary sanitary sewer facilities. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Scott that the communication be again tabled, pending submission of a full ~eport by the Engineering Dept. ~ Repor~ Number 42. No. 23 - Logan and Knight - application of Frank Postl for a building permit. OR- DERED on the motio~n o~'Aid. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be again tabled, until. decision with respect to a property on Victoria Avenue consid- ered by the Committee of Adjustment is received and can be studied by the Property Co~mi tree. SEE Report Number 100 No. 30 - Greater Niagara Minor Soccer Association - re: playing field space in 1964. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Potter that the co~nunication be re- ceived and filed and the report of the Parks and Recreation Committee, as amended, be adopted. SEE Report Number 101 No. 60 - Niagara Falls City Soccer Club - use of Oakes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MortOn ~nd Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Parks and Recreation Con~nittee be adopted. SEE Report Number 102 No. 74 - H.E.P.C. of Ontario - requesting permission to use portion of Dump Area, north-west corner of Montrose and McLeod Roads in connection with Hydro Canal Reme- dial Works. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the ccmmuni- oation be received, filed and report of Property Committee be adopted. SEE C_~mmmication 87 SEE Report Number 103 No. 76 - Thos. N. Prata - employment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mttchelson that the communication be received and referred to the Negotiations Com- mittee. No. 82 - Welland County Engineer - Montrose Bridge over Welland River. OR]E on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the comuntcation be received and the report of the City Engineer be adopted and the matter be referred to the Traffic Committee for a recommendation. SEE Report Number 104 No. 83 - Steele's Tire and Sper~i~-Goods - re: truck traffic and adjacent parking lot. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the c~munication be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Cc~nnittee be adopted. SEE Report Number 105 No. 8~ - Eugene Jeremiaa - condition of lane. ORI~av~ED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 106 No. 86 - James Lowes - interruption of business. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. McCallurn that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Traffic Cmittee be adopted. Number 10T The following Communications were presented: No. 87 - H.E.P.C. of Ontario - Further co~munieation in connection with request re: portion of Dump Area, and referring to haulage roads. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. ' SEE Communication ~74 ~EEReport Number 103 No. 88 - Greater Niagara Transit Commission - Operating statement for year 1963. OR- DERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted. .No. 89 - Cecil W. Lundy - resignation effective February 14th. ORDEED on the ~otion of Ald- Martin and Ald. Corfield that the resignation be received with ~egret, and filed. No. 90 - N.F.Junior Chamber of Commerce - advising of time and place of Civic Night Dinner Meeting, Wednesday, Feb. 26th at 6:45 p.m. Sheraton-Brock Hotel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, filed and as many members of Council as possible attend. Four Aldermen and His Worship the Mayor indicated that they would be in attendance. No. 91 - N.F.Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting proclanmtion of Annual Out- ~tanding Young Man of the Year Award. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and ~ld. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and proclamation issued at the expense of the municipality. Carried, with Ald. Mitchelson - contrary. ]'No. 92 - Lions Club - requesting permission to hold ~Oth Annual Carnival on July :~Sth, 16th, 17th, and 18th at the Bridge Street grounds, and requesting permission ~o erect Carnival Sign. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and filed and permission granted as requested. .No- 93 - Greater Niagara Fish and Game Protective Association - requesting permission I~o appear before Council to submit report on expenditures on conservation for 196~. ~RDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communication be re- ~eived and the writer be advised that Mr. Hudson may appear at the meeting of February ~7th. ~ ~o. 94 - Welland and District Health Unit - advising that 1225 Kalar Road has been ondemned. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communica- ~ion be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report to Council. ~o. 95 - Mrs. Norman Baker - on behalf of petitioners of Montrose Road South and ~Badger Road for installation of sanitary sewermains. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~4artin and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, and filed and the writer be notified when the report to be prepared by the Sanitation & Pollution Control Com- mittee is submitted to Council for consideration. No. 96 - Alpha Omega Chapter, Hi-Y Club - requesting permission to set up a wishing well at corner of St. Clair and Queen Street, March 19th, 20th and 21st, proceeds of ~ich are to be used for Y.M.C.A. "World Service" program. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Swayme and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and filed and permis- ~ion granted subject to the location being approved. ~o. 97 - Bailway Association of Canada - Daylight Saving Time. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received, filed and Daylight Baring Time become effective at 12:O1 a.m. Sunday, April 26th until 12:O1 a.m. Sunday, )ctober 25th, 196~. No. 98 - Niagara Falls Volunteer Fire Department - requesting an evening meeting with the Fire Cc~nnittee of Council to discuss rate of pay of firemen attending fires and ~ractices. ORDER on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the communi- cation be received and the Negotiations Cc~nnittee be so authorized. No. 99 - Niagara Falls and Suburban Area planning Board - Amendment Application A-89, Molodynia. ORDER on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the commun- ication be received, filed and the decision of the Board that the request to re-zone ;he property from Single Family Residential to Neighbourhood Commercial be not recom- seeded to the City Council, be adopted. No. 100 - Niagara ~alls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application A-90, ~ld field. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that the com- unication! be received, filed and the decision of the Board that the request to re- 'zone the property to permit the operation of a parking lot by the Clifton Hotel, etc. !~e approved, be adopted. No, 101 - Kiwanis Club of Stamford Inc. - requesting use of Main St. Fire Hall. OR- .DEED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be ~ received and referred to the Property Conunittee for consideration and a report. ~ No. 102 - Logan and Knight - requesting Kiwanis Crescent be deeded to the City and ~dedicated for this purpose. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze t that the communication be received and referred to the Property Cc~mittee for con- ~ sideration and a report. L No. 103 . Hotel Victoria inn - parking problem on Eastwood Crescent. ORDERED on the motion of A~.~~nd Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report. No. 104 - Committee of Adjustment . Notice of Hearing re: Bruck application. No. 105 - Committee ~'~J~sstme~ _ Notice of Hearing re: Cairns Bros. application. No. 106 - ~it[~e of Adjustm~n~ _ Notice of Hearing re: Vorkapleh application. ORDERED ontVemS~lon of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the communications be received and filed. No. 107 - Local 536, U.E.W. - requesting Negotiations Committee's repor~ on problem of run-away plants. OI~DERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Corfleld that the communication be received and the writer be advised that the Committee will deal with this subject at their next meeting. No. 108 - South End Business & Professional Men's Association _ suggesting that the name of Ferry St. be changed in the near future to Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mltchelson that the communication be received and referred to the Planning Board. No. 109 - ~oy Scouts, Niagara District _ invitation to Annual Meeting, Feb. 22nd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. SWze that the invitation be received, accepted and as manyas Possible, attend. No. ll0 - City of Windsor - resolution re: Suburban Roads Commissions. ORDERED on the motion'~ld. k~ig~n and Ald. Morton that the resolution be received and referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor for a report. No. lll- Ci~of Windsor - Resolution for equalization of the scales of subsidy re: road construc~i~n. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the resolution be received and referred to the City Manager and the City Soli- eit6r for report. No. 112 - German Village Soccer Club - requesting use of 0akes Park. ORDERED on motion of Ald.~o~ton'An~-~e that the communication be received and re- the ferred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for a report. No. ll3 _ Myer Delduea . requesting amendment to By-law 5149 to include Lot 807 in Motel Project. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the com- muaieation be received and filed and By-law 51~9 be amended accordingly. No. ll~ - LaRiviere Motel . 1427 Ferry Street, requesting amendment to By-law 5149. ORBSRED on the motion o~'Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitehelson that the eommunieation be received and referred to the Proper~y Committee for a report. ~EPORTS Laid over from the previous meeting No. 98 - Clj Solicitor . By-law 5149. ORDERED on the motion of Ald Keigl,an and Aid. MeCall~m that ~report be received, filed and By-law 1~ be am . ied by a vote of 6 to ~, the vote being: . Aye, Ald Kei 5 9 ' ended. Cart ghan M Cotfield, Mar~in and Scott. Naye: . Aldermen MeKinley, Mitchelson, Potter, Morton. , cCallam, Swayze, SEE By-law Number 6~92 The following lteports were Presented: No. 99 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Co~nnittee . Be: Ameri-Cana Motel e 'd nding aPPlication of Frank Postl be laid in g of Committee of Adjustment with a property on Victoria Avenue, ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Morton and Ald, respect to Cotfield that the report be .received and adopted. SEE.Coemuntcatton 2 A No. 101 - Parks and Recreation Committee - reco~nnendations re: use of soccer fields. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted, as amended. SEE Communication 30 No. lO~ - Parks and Recreation Conmnittee - recommendations re: request of Niagara Falls City Soccer Club. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 60 ~o. 103 - Property Committee - recommending land requested be made available to H.E.P.C. of Ontario during remedial work to Bydro Canal, with stipulations re- garding traffic light controls at certain intersections and maintenance of roads by Hydro used for movement of heavy trucks. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communications 7~ and 87 No. 104 - City Engineer - recommending repairs to Montrose Road Bridge, and City bea~lng 50% of the cost of repairs and recommending meeting with Suburban Roads Com- mission to determine possibility of replacing the structure. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and the matter referred to the Traffic Committee for a recommendation. SEE Communication 82 No. 105 - Traffic Committee - recommendations in connection with complaint of Stee]e's Tire and Sporting Goods about traffic from parking lot to First Avenue. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 83 No. 106 - Traffic C~,,mittee - recommendations in connection with complaint of E. Jeremlas re: Steinbergs lane. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 84 No. 107 - Traffic Committee - cannot recommend any rebate on taxes for 1963 or 1964 to Mr. Lowes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted. SEE Cc~nnunication 86 No. 108 - City Manager - recommending appointment of Mr. A. C. Huggins as representa- tive of the City of Niagara Falls on the Executive Reserve of the War Supplies Agency. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 109 - Cit~zManager . Complaint re: beauty parlour operation at ~720 Spence St. 0REF~D on"the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 110 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Cemetery Supt. at 15th Annual Meeting of Canadian Chapter of International Shade Tree Conference at Kitchener, Ontario, Febz~ary 27th and 28th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McJCinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 111 - ~ity Manager . recon~nending Preparation of detai~ed plan by an O.L.S. re: encroachment a~ intersection of Victoria Ave. andFerry St. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report he received and adopted. No. 112 - City Manager . Overhanging signs on Ferry Street. ORI~ERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Mor~on that the report be received and adopted. No. 100 . Pro erty Committee _ reco . g f Committee of Adjustment with be laid in Pror~rty decis · on Victoria Avenue. ORDEt~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Cotfield respect to a that the report be received and adopted. SEE Commmnication 23 No. 101 . Parks end R~creation Committee _ recommendations re: use of soccer fields. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley'Had Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted, as amended. Nc. 102 _ Parks and Recreation Committee SEE Communication 30 c ~- - ..... ~un Ju ' recommendations re: request of City ~occer Club. 0RDEt~ED on the motio~ of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Corfield Niagara Falls report be received and adopted. that the No. 103 _ Property Committ _ ~ . SEE Communication 60 lag traffic light controls ee re , k to ~Ydro Canal, with stipulati le to used for movement of heavy one regard_ at, cer?ain intersections and mslntena?ce of roads bAld.dro trucks ORDERED on the motion of Ald Keighan and y Morton that the report be received and adopted. ~o. 106 . ~~ - Notice of Nearinng re. Bruck aPPlication. ' ~l~tions be re- P c°~ieation be received ~dthe motion of Ald. MeC~ i nd Ald. Cotfield that the the writer be advised that the Comittee will deal with this subject at their ne~ meeting. No. 108 . South End Business & Professional Men's Association su n~e of Fer~ St. be change~n the near rut ~'~ ' ggesting that the of Ald. ~rtin and Ald. Mitchelson that the ure to ~'s Mne. O~D on the motion to the Placing B~rd. c~ication be ~ceived and referred No. 109 Zn~Nla are District O~D motion ~ invitation to ~ual accepted an~h~s may · ~on and Meeting, Feb. 92nd. as Possible, attend.Ald' ~Yze that the invitation be received, No. llO. to the City ' ~ n and Ald. Moron ~t the resolution be ions. O~E~D on the ~nager and City Solicitor for a report. received and referred nst~ction. 0RDE~D on the motion of Ald on of the scales of subs ~d the ' at the City Solicitor for a motion of lo ~or~o. ~ ~d. dway. tn the Parks and Recreation Co~lttj~ for a reporb. and refer~d e rnJ . ~D on the motion of Aid. ~1~ ~d AId. ~ayze that the. cabion be received and filed ~d BY-law 51~9 be ~ended aoe6rdlngly. No. 11~ . ~Rlvlera Mote . ' fred to Laid over frcm the previous meeting: REPORTS No. 98 - City Solicitor - By-law 5149. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. McCallum that the report be received~ filed and By-law 5149 be amended. Carried by a vote of 6 to 4, the vote being - Aye: AId. Keighan, McCallum, Ewayze. Corfield, Martin and Scot. Naye: - Aldermen McKinley, Mitchelson, Potter, Morton. SEE By-law Number 6492. The following Reports were presented: - No. 99 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - re: Ameri-Cana Motel & suggesting Engineering Department present a full report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 664 No. lO0 - Property Committee - recommending application of Frank Postl be ]aid in abeyance for one week pending decision of Committee of Adjustment with respect to a property on Victoria Avenue. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 23 No. lO1 - Perks and Recreation Committee -reccmmendations re: use of soccer fields. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted, as Mended. SEE Communication 30 No. lO~ - Parks and Recreation Committee - recommendations re: request of Niagara Falls City Soccer Club. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 60 No. 103 - Property Committee - recommending land requested be made available to H.E.P.C. of Ontario during remedial work to Hydro Canal, with stipulations regard- ing traffic light controls at certain intersections and maintenance of roads by Hydro used for movement of heavy trucks. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Kelghan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communications 74 & 87 No. 104 - City Engineer - recommending repairs to Moatrose Road Bridge and City bear- ing 50% of the cost of repairs and recommending meeting with Suburban Roads Commis- sion to determine possibility of replacing the stlmcture. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted and the matter referred to the Traffic Committee for a reccmmendation. SEE Ccmmunication 82 No. 105 - Traffic Committee . recommendations in connection with complaint of Steele's Tire and Sporting Goods about traffic from parking lot to First Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayme and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 83. No. 106 i Traffic Committee . reconnnendations in connection with complaint of E. Jeremias re: 8reinbarge Lane. ORDE~E,D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the repor~ be received and adopted. SEE Communication 84 No. 107 - Traffic Committee . cannot recommend any rebate on taxes for 196B or 1964 to Mr. Lowes. 0RDE~E.D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCalltun that the report be received and adopted. 47. SEE Communication 86 No. 108 - City Manager - recommending appointment of Mr. A. C. Huggins as represen- tative of the City of Niagara Falls on the Executive Reserve of the War Supplies Agency. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the repoxt be received and adopted. No, 109 - City Manager - Complaint re: beauty parlour operation at 2720 Spence Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 110 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Cemetery Supt. at 15th Annual Meeting of Canadian Chapter of International Shade Tree Conference at Kitchener, Ontario, Feb. 27th and 28th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. ill - City Manager - recommending preparation of detailed plan by an O.L.S. re: encroachment at intersection of Victoria Avenue and Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. ll2 - City Manager - Overhanging signs on Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. ll3 - Traffic Committee - advising parking meter should not be removed on east side of Victoria Avenue, south of Park Street, and suggesting preparation of plan by Engineering Dept. re: intersections of Park, B~ple &Queen Streets with Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be re- ceived and adopted. Carried, with Aldermen Martin and Keighan - contrary. No. ll4 - Traffic Committee - recommending Engineering Dept. prepare a sketch of the intersection of Ontario Avenue and Simcoe Street, and a traffic count be con- ducted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that. the report be received and adopted. No. 115 - Traffic Committee - Engineering Dept. to prepare a sketch of the area re- garding possible means of access to two plazas on No. 8 Highway. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed. No. ll6 - Traffic Committee - recommending erection of a caution sign on Hodgson Avenue st the intersection of Rysdale Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. ll7 - Traffic Committee - progress report on lighting on Stanley Avenue, south of Kister Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. · No. 118 - Traffic Committee - advising they do not consider any action regarding pos- sibility of parking on Collegiate school grounds desirable at the present time. OR- DERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Aid. Morton - contrary. No. ll9 - Traffic Committee - recommending that due to the width of Buttrey Street, -no change be made in parking at the present time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Scott and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 120 - Property Committee - recommending communication received from a Property ewner re: sale of property to City for construction of a road, be referred to the Special Traffic Committee for consideration. ~o. 121 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee _ official opening ~ate of new Plant, May 22nd at 2 p.m., etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and'Ald. CorA'ield that the report be received and adopted. No. 122 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee _ no action re: aPPointment of N. AndersoE'to staff. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted. No. 123 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - accident at new Plant on Feb- mary 3rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the re- port be received and referred to the Conference for consideration. No. 124 - Parks and Recreation Committee - recommending insta]aticn of a baneta31 d~amond at Mitchelson Park. ORDEKED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid.Scott that the repoxt be received and adopted. No. 125 - Parks and Recreation CoE~ittee - repo~t on comments of Preside~t of Greater Niagara Baseball Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 126 - Assistant to City Manager - Administration - R foot strip on Belmont Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted, and the matter of service coats be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and recommendation. No. 127 - City Manager - recommending application of E1 Ranthe Mote] for construction of hotel on property adjacent to Niagara Falls Museum on River Road~ be referred to the Property Committee for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfteld that the report be received and adopted. No. 128 - Committee of Adjustment - Results of hearing two applications (Becket and Franklin)- ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~,Htchelson and Ald. McCallumthat the report be received and filed. No. 129 - City Engineer - Ice condition on sidewalks on Ellen Ave. between Centre Street and Walnut Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and A!d. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. No. 130 - City Clerk - reccnunending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted and li- censes issued accordingly. MISCELIA~OUS Ald. Martin referred to the dead tree in front of the Ukranian Greek Orthodox Church at 1906 Sylvia Place and requested the City Manager to have this checked to ascertain whether it should be removed. Ald. Martin then referred to the deadline set in the City of Niagara Falls prior to amalgamation, of June let, for the filing of ~equests by citizens for local improvements; and that in the former Township of Stamford the deadline was April let. He stated that no date had yet been set in the enlarged City of Niagara Falls and suggested that one should be set and advertised in the local press for the information of citizens, and suggested the date of May let. SEE Resolution No, 19 Nis Worship, Mayor Miller, referred to a communication he had received from the Dominion Bureau of Statistics about various censues taken from time to ~lme and requested Mr. Huggins to elaborate. Mr. Huggins proceeded to outline the merits of the census referred to in the letter from the Dominion Bureau of Statistics and advised that it would ser~e a good purpose in this City, to have the information set up according to various sections of the City and expressed accord that consultation be held with the Depart- ment's representative. SEE Resolution No. 20 RESOLL~[IONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 19 - MARTIN - CORFIELD - RESOLVED that the deadline for making application for local imnrovement works to be constructed within any one year be fixed as May 1st, and that any application received after this date be not considered until the fol- lowing year; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 20 - MARTIN - MITCHELSON - RESOLVED that the Dominion Bureau of Statistics be contacted and requested to send a representative of the Census Division to meet with management, following which a report is to be submitted to Council; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 21 - McCALLUM - PO~R - RESOLVED that the congratulations of the City Council be forwarded to the Industrial Manager of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce for the work involved in locating new industries in the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously BY-LAWS " The following By-laws were passed; No. 6490 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Potter that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously, Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6491 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Easement Agreement between the Corporation and the N.E.P.C. of Untario. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. OPj~EDED on the motion of Ald, Keighan and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Corfield and Aid. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. The following By-law was presented: ~ ~ ' No. 6492 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 5149, regarding tourist establishments. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Potter that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried, with Alderman Mitchelson - contrary. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that the by-law be tabled for one week for the perusal of Council. Carried, with Aldermen Martin and Keighan - contrary. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. AND ADOFA'sD, 17th February, 1964, 51. FINANCE ME~flNG Council Chamber~ lOth February, 1964. The Finance Meeting was held on February lOth, 1964, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously cer- tified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Alder- man Maxtin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $420,068.34 were approved by the Com- mittee · The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- dered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Corfield. The report of the Property Committee on the application of Mr. Gordon Wood, for a permit to erect a sign at the south-east corner of Beechwood Road and Din ' presented for consideration. The Committee recommended that the dys Lane was applicant be advised to make application to the Committee of Adjustment for per- mission to erect the sign in question, due to the fact that the Service Station on the lot is a non-confirming use. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. The report of the Property Committee on the application of Joseph Zarra 2871 Lundy's Lane, for a building permit to move the dwelling toward the rear of the lot and to erect an addition in front of the dwelling was presented for con- sideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The report of the Property Committee on a communication from Mr. A. J. Antonio, requesting permission to place a temporary building on his lot on Main Street, Just south of the Praspect Hotel, was presented for consideration. The City Manager then presented a verbal report to the effect that the applicant has since ascertained that the temporary building will not now be attempted but that he may consider a concrete building instead. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the repoxts be received and filed and the applicant be in- vited to meet with the Property Committee and submit his new plans for the Com- mittee' s perusal. SEE Report Number 140 The City Manager's report on the application of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, 5559 Dundas Street, West, Toronto, for a permit to erect four signs at the location of their new store on the south side of Lundy's Lane on Lots 44, 45, 46 and 47, at a total estimated cost of $5,250. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the repor~ be received, adopted and permits issued. The report of the City Manager on the application of Joe. Chiarella's application for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated overhanging sign, at 924 Victoria Avenue (Chiarella's Tailors) at an estimated ~ost of $165. was presented. 0RDEBED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and. permit issued. The report of the City Manager on the application of Sicilia's Food Marke~, 623 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated si~, at an estimated cost of $400. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the repor~ be received and adopted. The report of the City Manager on the application of R. Grecq, 681 Queen Street, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign at an estimated cost of $175. was presented for consideration. OR]ERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The report of the City Manager on the application of R. Greco, 681 Queen 8treat, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign at an estimated cost of $175. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. ~wayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The report of the City Manager on the application of the Stardec Co. Ltd., tenants of Uncle Sam's Hotel, 48y0 Lund~v's Lane, for a building permit to make alterations to the premises at an estimated cost of $65,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be re- ceived, adopted and permit be issued, subject to the conditions contained in the Fire Inspector' s report. The report of the City Manager on the application of Mrs. E. Youngblur, proprietor of Hamilton's Drive-In at 4205 Thorold Stone Road, for a permit to erect a nlastic, illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of $400. was presented. ORDERED on'the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's repor~ on the application of Court Industries Ltd., St. Catharines, for a permit to erect a spire at their premises on Clifton Hill at the new Spacerium building, at an estimated cost of $5,000. was presented for con- sideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Motton that the repor~ be received and adopted and permit issued. Carried, with Aldermen Mitchelson and McCallum contrary. His Worship, Mayor Miller, referred to the case where a tenant applied and obtained a permit to erect a sign, which the owner of the premises did not approve of and queried the City's position in such circumstances, and the City Solicitor was requested to submit a repoxt. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion or Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPI~ED, 17th February, 1964. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL ~mi~rING Council Chamber, 10th February, 1964. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, February lOth, 1964, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered une accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present. His Wor- ship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-IAW Tee following By-law was presented: No. 6~9~ - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Margin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the mot~Z. on of Aid. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 -~ (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be z'~ given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~ Third Reading Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. 'I~NDERS FOR DEBE~S The City ~nager then submitted a verbal reoort on the tenders for debentures which had been received, referring specifically to Wood Gundy & Co. at _ 9 3~ ~ a quotation of 9~.86 and to the quotation of Anderson and Comoany Ltd. $ ~.8 ~. was accepted. Following a full discussion, the tender of Anderson and Company Ltd. SEE Resolution No. 22 RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 22 - MARTIN - MORTON - RESOLVED that the tender of Anderson and Company Ltd. on City of Niagara Falls Debentures in the amount of $45~,387.22 be accepted, at a orice of 98.833 and accrued interest; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, 17th February, 1964. 5~. ! 55. ?c:]~,vln~ '.'cr.~ieerst:-~.-. tf t.'.e items presented tc them, ~he Conferen~_e ed.jcumed cn the mo~,Ion of Aid. :{cC ll~m and A!d. Po~er. a AND ALOPTED, !Tth FebruaFj, i96a. SEVENTH MEETING Council Chamber, ]7th February, 1964. REGUIAR MEETING Fursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, February ]vth, 1964, for the purpose of considering genera] business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. The Council. ha~:ing received and read the minutes of the previous meeting~ adopted these on the motion of Ald- Mor~on and Ald. Corfield. . Alderman Potter arrived at the meeting - His Worship, Mayor Miller, welcomed Members of the Catholic Women's League, of ~r Lady of the Scapular Church, to the meeting, who were present to observe the proceedings-- DEPUTATION Mr. Roderick Hudson, Director of the Greater Niagara Fish and Game Protective Association, was present at the meeting and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze was permitted to speak to Council. Mr. Hudson proceeded to itemize the expenditures of the Association during 1963, referring to the grant from the City of Niagara Falls in the amount of $1,407. out of which $1,296.50 was expended, leaving a balance on hand of $110.50. Mr. Hudson thanked the Council for the opportunity to present his report and suggested that if Council were agreeable, the Association would be p].essed to carry on as in the past with reference to the Conservation Licenoes. At the suggestion of His Wor- ship the Mayor, Mr. Hudson presented the City Clerk with a copy of the Conservation Account statement for file. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that the Associa- tion be thanked for their interest in wild life and their example to the youth of the community. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from the previous meeting: No, 23 - Logan and Knight - on behalf of Frank Postl and his application for permit to construct a second storey at 1785 Victoria Avenue. OBDEBED on the motion of A!d. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communication be again tabled and the report of the Property Committee be adopted. Carried, by a vote of 6 to 4, the vote being: ~ Aye, Aldermen Swayze, Scott, Martin, McKinley, Potter, Keighan. Nays: - Aldermen Mitchelson, McCallum, Morton and Corfield. SEE Report Number 131 No. 94 - Welland & District Health Unit - 1225 Kalar Road condemned. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received, filed and the necessary steps be taken under provisions of By-law 6440 to cover the demol- ition of the premises as soon as possible. SEE Report Number No. 98 - Niagara Falls Volunteer Firemen - requesting meeting with Fire Committee. OFDEHEB on the motion of AId. Meeallum and Ald. Morton that the communication be again tabled and the progress report of the Special Fire Committee be received and filed. SEE Report Number 133 No. 101 - Kiwanis Club of Stamford Inc. - requesting use of ~ain Street Fire Hall for storage of furniture which the Club is 'collecting to help needy families. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Norton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and permission be not granted, and premises be put up for sale, subject to a reserbe bid, at earliest possible date. Carried, with Ald. Scott contrary. SEE Report Number No. 102 - Logan, N.A. on behalf of Kiwanis Senior Citizens' Project - requestin Kiwanis Crescent be dedicated as a municipal rca~. ~ the'motion of Aldger. man Morton and Ald. Potter that the communication be received, and the report of the Property Committee be adopted. SEE Repor~ Number 135 No. 110 - City of Windsor - resolution re: suburban roads commissions. ORDERED on the motion of. Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the resolution be received and tabled for two weeks, until after the Ontario Good Roads Convention. ~EE Report Number 136 No. lll- City of Windsor . resolution re: road construction costs. OPd)ERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the resolution be received and tabled for two weeks, until after the Ontario Good Roads Convention. ~ Report Number 137 No. 114 - LaRiviera Motel - requesting use of most northerly 50 feet of parcel of Lot lO, between Stanley Avenue and Buchanan Avenue, for construction of motel units. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. SwByze and Aid. Morton that the conmnunication be re- ceived, filed and the report of the Property Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 138 The following Communications were Presented: No. 115 - Kinsmen Club of Niagam Falls - Annual Appeal re: Retarded Children. OR- the communication be No. 116 - Stamford Wcmen's Institute _ requesting grant for 1964. No. 118 - N~/agara Development C~mmittee _ Requesting grant for 1964. No. 119 - Ro_~ Canadian Sea Cadet rp~ - requesting grant for 1964. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MiteheWn ~d Ald. rton that the communications be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 1~0 - R__oyal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps . requesting permission to hold a door to door sale of potato chips for the week of March 30th through to April 4th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, filed and Permission granted as requested and the Navy 'League be commended for their efforts on behalf of the youth of the municipali~y. No. 1~1 - Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corpa . requesting Permission to on Friday ~vening, May 15th and Saturday, May 16th. ORDEE on the hold a tag day motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communication be received, filed and Permission granted as requested. No. 122 - Quota Club on behalf of March of Dimes - requesting financial assistance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the communication be re. ceived and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being Prepared. No. 123 - NiaMara Falls ]~rench, United Nations Assoc.. requesting Permission to hold a Tag Day on June 20 th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid.McKinley that the ccannUnication be received, filed and permission granted as requested. No. ]24 . Public Relations Officer, Salvation Ar~ . requesting Permission to meet with Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and Captain King be advised that he may meet with Council on Thursday evening, Feb. 20th. No, 125 - Welland & District }{ealth UnlL condemned.'0~DE~D ' advising that 3074 Garner Road has been on the motion o~1~. Morton and Aid. Ketghan that the ccmmunt. eation be received and referred to the Property Ccemittee for a report. - No. 1Z6 . St. Paul's English latheran C~urch . requesting use of Baden-Powell Park, June ~Sth. O~ on the motion of AId. Cotfield and Aid. Mitchelson that the eo~munication be received, filed and permission granted as requested. No. 127 - Vincent Dicosimo - Application to purchase Industrial Lot ]9. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 128 - LaFiesta Limited - Application to purchase Industrial Lot 55. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the communication be received sad referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 129 - Griffiths, Sharpe & Clement - Application on behalf of Messrs. Cardinals and Mattucci, to re-zone land. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the ccaununication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 130 - Niagara Falls Kiwanis Music Festival - requesting permission to erect banner over Victoria Avenue at Epworth Place and McRae Street from March 3Oth to April 20th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swsyze that the communication be re- ceived, filed and permission granted, subject to supervision of bcal Hydro Commission. No. 131 - Stamford Centre Volunteer Firemen - requesting permission to hold Annual Carnival, June 17th to June 2Oth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swsyze end Alder- man Potter that the communication be received and filed and permission granted as requested. No. 132 - Niagara Falls District Board of Education - requesting final approval of debenture issue for construction & equipping new C~errywood Acres Public School. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald ott that communication be · er the received and filed and Council take necessary steps to acquire final approval. Carried, with Ald. Keighan contrary. (The Alderman explained that he us not voting against the need for the school, but against the amount of money per room being expanded, when there are schools being constructed for $20,000. to $22,000. per room). No. 133 - H.E.P.C. of Ontario - comments on City's request for watermain easement over Hydro property, Part Lot 108 (Township). The City Engineer presented a verbal report and advised that if the bridge is to be replaced, then any watermain would have to be taken off and rebuilt and that the second problem is the excessive vibra- tion on the bridge which would create additional problems in constructing the water- main but this too, could be overcome. He also referred to the difficulty in placing the watern~in on the slope but that in the construction of Drummond Road settling main, this had been done without difficulty. The City Engineer further advised that the City will be forced to use the bridge but it will involve greater cost to the City. There is some question as to whether the Hydro would reduce the slopes as pre- viously planned and they were testing the strip immediately north of Lundy's Lane and were awaiting the results. He suggested that the City wait until the full results are available on this test and in the meantime plans will be proceeded with to cross the bridge, at which time the City would be in a position to determine the exact cost between the two schemes; and suggested that this should be left as a separate i~em to be left as a separate item to be called at a later date. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, Swayze that the communication be received, filed and the City Engineer's report be adopted. No. 134 - MacBain & Slovak - requesting by-law to permit encroachment re: Simon property, Cataract Ave. and Bridge Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 135 - City of Corew~ll - resolution requesting Provincial Government to take over enactment and enforcement of Early ~losing By-laws or Section 379a of The Municipal Act be re-drafted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Scott that the resolution be received and fi~ed. No. 136 - Cdn. Mfgrs. Assoc. Niagara Falls Branch - oDposed to 're-imnosition of tolln on Welland Canal. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, filed and they be informed of the action of this Council previously concerning this matter, but it be' indicated in our letter if they have reasons to present to Council as to why the tolls should not be re-imposed, Council would welcome the opportunity to be madea~are of them. No. 1B7 - New York Central System - re: proposed installation of 1-1/~ inch water line' and setting out terms required by Railroad for pl~oposed installation. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the c~mm~nication be received and filed and the necessary resolution be prepared to authorize officials to sign the agreement on behalf of the Corporation. SEE Resolution No. 24 over fr-xn the pre-tlcus mee;L.g; N'.. 12~ 'i " .~_n~r rest:~, cn eketea submitted by EL ~ncho Motel for the con- coff~er of River Rc~d and ~nder Hill. SEE Rapore N-~ber 139 Tee followin[Reports were presented; rio. ]3i - Pro~rtX C~/~mittee - majority recot~r~ndation that Mr. Postl be advised to r~,ke an application to the Co~mmittee of Adjustment for permission to erect the sec- on~ storey at 17;~5 Victoria Avenue. 0RDF~RED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and A!d. Scott t~t the report, of the Property C~mittee be received and adopted. Carried by a 'if, to :f 6 to 4, the vote being - Aye :-Aldermen ~ayze, Scott, Martin, McKinley~ Potter, Keig~mn. Naye:- Aldermen Mitche!son, McCallurn, Morton and Corfield. SEE Communication 23 N~.. !32 - ProfertJ[ Cc~nmittee - recom~anding necessary steps be taken under the pro- visions of~i]~ ~I~O to cover the demolition of the premises at 1225 Kalar Road as sons as possible. ORDEBED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 94 No. 133 - Special Fire Crm~nittee - progress report on request of Volunteer Fireman. ORDEf~D on the motion of Ald. McCallumand Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. SEE Communication 98 No. 1.34 - Pr_opert~ Committee - recommending use of Main St. Firehall be not granted to the Kiwanis Club, but that the premises be put up for sale, subject to a reserve b]d, st the earliest possible date. 0RDEBED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Scott- contrary. SEE Communication 101 No. 135 - Property Committee - recommendations re: request of Kiwanis Seniors' Project for dedication of Kiwanis Crescent as a municipal road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 102 No. 136 - City Manager - City Solicitor - recommending first portion of Windsor resolution re: suburban roads commissions, be endorsed. ORDEBED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and tabled for two weeks until after the Ontario Good Roads Convention. SEE Communication 110 No. 137 - City Manager - City Solicitor - recommending endorsation of Windsor resolu- tion in principle, re: road construction costs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelsvn and Aid. Cotfield that the report 0e resOlved and tabled for two weeks, until after the On~ariq Good Roads Convention. SEE Communication 111 No. 11~8 - ~~Con~nittee - recommending the use o~ the most northerly 50 feet of Part of ~ot 10, between Stanley Ave. and Buchanan Avenue for construction of motel units, be covered by an amendment to By-law 51~9. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8.ayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 114 No. 1~9 - PrOperty Committee - reco~nuending tentative approval to construction of proposed hotel by E1 Rancho Motel, subject to compliance with Municipal by-laws. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Potter that the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 127. 59. t 'i No. ].~0 - property Com~.ittee recommending anprovai of proposed censtraction of ' ' ~t wi!] even- building o~ Main Street b~y ~. J. Antonio, with the understanding tus!]Y be a two-storeY building. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Kei~nas sad Ald. that the report be received and aSsFred. Carried with Alderman Zcoti- con- S~y~e Alderman objected to the fact that Vl~ime limit has not been specified t~sr~. (Thee tual completion cf a two-storeY bu~_aing). as to the evn 41 Property Committee - recommending by-law to dedicate one-stri ? for read No. 1 - ~ ~es involved on Belmont Avenue, with stipulations. purposes in front of . P - _ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the resort be received ~d adopted. SEE Re0ort NugAber 126 No. 142 -Hi :tzsLln the'report receive , f, led and t>,e notified as to the feelings of the City Council as to tentative approval of this project. SEE R_~esolutio__n No. a comolete Osrtial b!oek assem- 143 - E utpment Committee - recommendation that N~mbe~ ] 10, at a cost of ~o. be pu~d on the Trojan Loader that the b!y ~1,144.33. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mitahelson report be received and adopted- . 14~ S ecial Fire Committee ~o. _ ~ ~ n be inter¢tewed''''6~EP~5~'m°ti°n of Ald. Cotfield and Ald- McCall~n that t'e report be received and riled. ~o. 1~5 - Special Fire Committee - recommendinE purchase of 10 text books at a cost of $5. eaeh'7'd~'~infnE and duties of fireman. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. McCallum that the repor~ be received and adopted. No. 1~6 - ~Ambulanee Committee = progress report. ORDERED on the motion of Alder- man Mitchelson an~d?Cor~eld that the report be received and filed. Committee of M~nggement - progress report. O~ED'on the motion of A1 · be received and filed. No. 1~8 - City M~nager - re: sketch submitted by Mr. Costs for construction of e proposed mo'%ef'an~ restaurant at south-east corner of Grey Street and Ferr~ Street- ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted and the matter be referred to the properby Committee for a report. No. 150 - Cjt7 Mana__~&er - report on sketch submitted by Mrs. Anna Konkos for the con- struetion of a motel south-west corner of Robinson Street and Stanley Avenue. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Sweyze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted and sketch be referred to the Property Committee for report. to Cit Mane er - Administr~tion - re: By-law Number 6~76 - ptetro No. 1~1 - Assist. ~lj ~L~s"'6~,9~ a~d ~7, Plan 7, Terrace Avenue and o Blancbin, ~alte7elassifieati n , ' Leader Iane~ and questions raised by Dept. ~f Munieipal Affairs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKtnle~ and Ald. Morton that the report be received and referred to the Propert~ ~o~ittee. No. 15~ - CitM Clerk - reeon~nending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar~i~ e~'d'~. p6tter tb~t the repor~ be received, adopted ana licenses issued a~eordin~Y. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 2~ - MARTIN - MORTON - REBOtVEDthat the next regular meeting of Council be held on Thursday, FebruarY 20th, commencing at 7:30 p.m. instead of Monday, FebruarY 2~th, 196~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. No. 24 - M_ITCHELSON - MORTON - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to accept the requirements stated by the New York Central System with reference to the I and 1/4 inch water line to the Park Street Pumping Station; and the Seal of the Cor- psration be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 25 - SCOT~ - McCALLUM - RESOLVED that the Department of Highways be advised that the Council of the City of Niagam Falls is in general agreement with the Department's proposals with reference to Number q Highway st St. Deride, as out- lined by Mr. Draycott and Officials at the meeting held in the City Hall on Feb- n~ary 13, 196~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 26 - SCOI~ - KEIGHAN - RESOLVED that a letter of commendation be sent to the Niagara Falls Music Theatre Society for the splendid performance of Carousal; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously MISCELLANEOUS Alderman Keighan referred to a complaint he had received concerning the prevalence of mow plough equipment on Sunday last, during a slight snow storm and the City Engineer proceeded to explain the action taken that day; and referred to the light fall in some areas of the municipality while there was as much as 4 inches in another. He referred to the complainant's location and the fact that this location on McRae Street is the meeting ground of two sidewalk ploughs, and this therefore had given an indication of an over-abundance of snow ploughs on duty. Alderman Corfield commenced Ald. Scott for his efforts in presenting a sample of a new Canadian Flag, which had recently appeared in the local press. BY-LAWS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 6492 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 5149 regarding tourist establishments. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton - Carried Unanimously. The following By-laws were passed__.' No. 6494 - A By-law to mnend By-law Number 5149, regarding tourist establishments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of ~hc Standing RRles of ~o~nuil oe ~emporarily suspenUed and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried, with Ald. Martin contrary. Third Reading -Ald. Sw~yze and Ald. Corfield - Carried, with Ald. ~affein contrary. .No, 64~ - A by-law to authorize the execution of a Memorandum of Agreement. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Sw~yze and Ald. Potter that Ald. Max~in be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDEBED on the motion of Aid. Mar~in and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Bules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given tho second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. NeKinley andAid. Keighan - Carried Unanimously. 61. No. 6496 ' A by-law to amend By-law Number 5335 (1959) as amended, which js a by-law ~ to regulate the use of land and the use, location, sPac~ng, height and area of buildings and structures within the City of Niagara ~lls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald- Swayze that Ald.Keighen be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading- ' Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. potter that Rule 36 (2) and the by-law be given of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended the second reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. ~ird Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton - Carried UnanimouslY. No. 649______X7 - To expropriate certain lands in the City of Niagara Falls, ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Keighsn be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried UnanimouslY- ~ird Reading -Ald. Morton and Aid. potter - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinleY and Ald. Swayze. READ ANDADOFEED, 20th February, 1964. · · M~yor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 17th February,' 196~. The Finance Meeting was held on February 17th, 196b, for the purpose of approving an~ also passing the various accounts which had been previouslY certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $239,116'02 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation.to Oouncil, on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. McCallum. The City Manager's repof6 on the application of Niagara ~alls Museum Ltd., 1691 River Road, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated rotating sign, at an estimated cost of $4,200. was presented for consideration. 0RDEBED on the motion of Aid. 8wayze an~ Ald. Keighan tha~ ~he repor~ be received, adopted and penai~ issue~. 62. The City Manager's report on the application of Niagara Imperial Motel Ltd., 1851 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a plastic, neon racer sign, at an estimated cost of $4,200. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan tact the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of N. Pellegrino & V. Bernardi of Pop Vince's Pizzeria, 1703 Ferry Street, for a permit to erect a p~as- tic, illuminated overhanging sign, at an estimated cost of $260. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report of Bright Canning Co. Ltd., ]900 Thorold Stone Road, for a permit to erect two metal signs, at an estimated cost of $180.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Aid. Scott that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Cairns Bros. for a permit to constmxcn a motor-hotel on part of Lots 35~ 36, 37 and 38, Plan 64 on the south side of Lundy's Lane, betweeD Dn~Lmond Road and Franklin Street at an esti- mated cost of $520,000.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Cotfield and Ald. McCallum that the report be received, adopted and permit issued subject to the decision of the Committee of Adjustment concerning the canopy at the front of the building. The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. Angelins and Miss Mary Vaccaro, 1553 Slater Avenue, for a permit to make alterations to their premises at 1705 Victoria Avenue, the Bright Spot Restaurant, at an estimated cost of $10,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. S~ayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Peter and Anastasia Sametz, R.R.#I, Niagara-on-the-Lake, for a permit to construct a 37 unit motel on Lot 140, on the south side of Lundy's Lane between Montrose Road and Kalar Road, at an estimated cost of $51,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, providing the rear yard requirement is tO feet as approved by the Committee of Adjustment. Ald. Martin called-attention to the estimated cost of $51,000. and it was agreed that this amount was too low for the number of units applied for. The City Manager agreed to check and have the estimated cost changed to a more realistic amount for the work to be carried on. Ald. McCallum referred to the sign erected on the vacant lot at the comer of Hiram Street and River Road, which advertised the Medical Exhibition which took place last fall, and the City Manager agreed to have the same removed. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ ANDADOPTED, 20th February, 1964. Clerk Chairman of Finance 63. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 17th February, 1964. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday. February 17th, 1964, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present. His Worship~ Mayor Miller, presided. BY- IAW The following By-law was passed: No. 649~ - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading- - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously- Third Reading -Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. McCallbum. READ AND ADOFI'ED, 20th February, 1964- .......... Mayor CONFEBENCE Council Chamber, 17th February, 1964. The Comnittee assembled in Conference, following the regular meeting of Council on Monday, February 17th, 196~. All Members of the Committee were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. 4 · FrJllT;Ing connidere*.lon r>f ~he items presented ~o them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. McCall~zn and Aid, Pot,tar. READ AND ADOPTED, 2,9cn Febp3ar, F, ]964 . Clerk ~'~yo r 65. EIGHTH MEETING Council Chamber, 20th February, ]964. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to ad3ournment~ Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb- mary 20th, 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship~ Mayor Miller~ presided, The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze. DEPUTATION Captain George C. King, Public Relations Officer of the Salvation army, ~amilton, was present at the meeting and on ~he motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson it was ordered that he be heard. Captain King expressed appreciation to Council for their fine sup- portto the Salvation Army during past years and then proceeded to give a resume of the operation of the Grace Haven Home and Hospital in Hamilton for upJnarried mothers. He pointed out that Council is now making substantial grant and they were not asking for an increase. Following his report, His Worship Mayor Miller thanked him and ad- vised that consideration will be given to his request for financial support this year. BEE Communication 1~4. CO~amEATIONS, laid over from previous meetings: No. 626 (1963 File) - Local 536 - U.E.W.- re: problem of run-awaY plants. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~cCallum~nd Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Negotiations Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 153 No. 76 - T. N. Prata - employment. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Aid. Cotfield that the communication be received, filed, and report of the Negotiations Committee be adopted· SEE Report Number 154 No. 12~ - Salvation Army - Operating Statement for year ending December 31st, 1963· ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the Statement be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 125 - Welland and District Health Unit - advising 307~ Garner Road unfit for human occupancy. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and the repoxt of the Property Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 155 No. 127 - Vincent Dlcosimo - offer to purchase Industrial Lot 19. ORDF~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the communication be received, filed and offer be accepted, subject to certain conditions. SEE ~eport Number 15~ No. 128 - LaFiesta Limited - offer to purchase Industrial Lot 55. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received, filed and tentative approval granted for the sale of Lot 55 and the use of land for a siding, subject to certain conditions. SEE Report Number 15~ No. 129 - Griffiths, Sharpe & Clement - application for re-zoning of Lot No. 114, east side of Dorchester ROad, on behalf of Messrs. Cardinals & Mattucci. on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, filed and the repor~ of the proper~y Committee be adopted. SEE Re ort Number 158 No. 134 - MacBain and Slovak - requesting by-law to permit encroac}unent of Simon holdings on Cataract Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the communication be received, filed and the necessary by-law be prepared. SEE Report Number 159 'Foe following Commxlnications were presented:. No. 138 - H. G. Acres & Co. Ltd. - ceasing work on reports and tests re: new intake system until further direction received from the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed. No. 139 - Evans & Rutty - Niagara International Centre Limited re: Sainovich lands re: N.Y.C. lands and re: Warren Avenue. Ald. Mitchelson that the communication to meet with Council and be prepared to with respect to the Sainovich property: pare and submit a report on the portion ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and be received, tabled and the writer notified submit plans as to what the intentions are the City Manager and City Solicitor to pre- of Warren Avenue in question; and the City Engineer to prepare and submit a report on installation of services required. No. 140 - Greater Niagara Minor Soccer Association - requesting grant for 1964. No. 141 - Gr. Niag. Assoc. for Retarded ~ildren - requesting grant for 1964. No. 142 - Boys' Club of Greater Niagara - requesting grant for 1964. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communications be received and re- ferred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being pre- pared. No. 143 - Visitor & Convention Bureau - requesting permission to barricade Clifton Hill, for 15 minutes, Feb. 22nd, re: Pancake Race. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received, filed and permission granted as requested, subject to approval by the Police Department. No. 144 - Boy Scouts, Niagara District Council - requesting use of various parks on May BOth or on the alternate date, June 6th. ORDERED on the motion of Alder- man Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee with power to act. No. 145 - Michele Mazzarella - requesting the lifting of the i foot reserve on west side of Cal~donia Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 146 - Niagara District Airport Commission - requesting meeting with Council. ORERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchetson that the communication be received and writer be advised that Council will meet representatives of the Air- port Commission at their meeting scheduled for Monday, March 2nd. No. 147 - Welland County Emergency Measures Organization - Emergency Communications Network. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communi- cation be received and referred to the City Manager to fulfil the request for the training of three employees. No. 148 - H.E.P.C. of Ontario - requesting Easement across part Lot Twp. Lot 132. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the commtmication be received and referred to Management to prepare the necessary information and be prepared to secure the easement. No. 349 - Construction Safety Branch of Dept. of Labour - Seminar for Constn~ction Safety Inspectors, March 3rd and'~. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the comm(mication be received and the recommendation of the City Manager be adopted. SEE Report Number 160 REPORTS Inid over from the previous meeting: No. lh8 - City Manaaer - sketch of Mr. Costa re: proposed motel and restaurant at south-east Comer of Grey Street and Ferry, SEE Report Number 161 67. Re. 150 ' City 1.~nager - sketch of Mrs. Anra Konkcs for mote] censtructicn at soath-west'~orner o~ Robinson Street and Stanley Avenue. SEE RcpcrL N,.m~ber 162 No. ].51 - Assist. City Mgr._Administration - re: B~-la;; Nlm~ber 6476 - Pierre " ~'"8 e and ~7. P~an V, T~rrace Avenue Bianchin~ to alter classLficatlon cf and Mader ~ne; and questions raised by ~pt. of M,micips2 Aftfairs. N_ tuber ].63 The following Reports were presented: No. 153 - Negotiations Committee - advising municipalities have no power to legis- late with respect to location of private industry: but suggesting City to every- thing within its power to encourage existing plants to remain here: sod to encour- age new industries to locate in immediate district. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallumand Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 626 No. 154 - Negotiations Committee - no vacancy on City staff at present time to which applicant could be appointed- ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Cor- field that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 76 ~]o. 155 - Property Committee - recommending inspection of 3074 Garner Road be made by Building Inspector and report be presented re: condition of property pertaining to structural condition. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the repox~c be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 156 - Property Committee - recommending offer of V. Dtcosimo to purchase Lot 19, in Industrial Subdivision, for the sum of $1,750. subject to certain stipulations- ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 127.t No. 157 - Property Committee - recommending tentative approval for the sale of Lot 55 in the Industrial Subdivision to IaFtesta Ltd. for the sum of $2,725. m~Ject to certain stipulations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted- BEE Communication 128. No. 158 - Property Committee - recommending By-law 5149 be amended to permit con- struction of a motel and restaurant on Part of Lot ll4, east side of Dorchester Road by clients of Griffiths, Sharpe & Clement, providing plans conform with all City By-laws and purchasers obtain approval from Dept. of Highways. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 129 No. 1~9 - Proper~ Committee - recommending by-law ~o permit conulnuance of encroach- ment of Simon property on Cataract Avenue, providing cost of preparation of by-law is borne by applicants. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Pot~er tha~ the repoxt be received and adopted. SEE Communication 13~ No. 160 - City Manaaer - recommending attendance of Construction Safety Inspector at Seminar for municipally-appointed Inspectors on March 3rd and ~th in Hamilton. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the report be re- ceived and adopted, SEE Communication 149 No. 161 - property Committee - recommending Mr. Costa be advised it will be neces- sary to present more detailed plans before proposed construction of motel and res- taurant can be considered by the Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Repor~ Number 1~8 No. 162 - Property Committee - recommending pex~ission be granted to Mrs. Arms Konkos to erect a 23 unit motel on P~rt of Mange 22, Plan 653, south-west corner of Robinson Street and Stanley Avenue and By-law Number 51~9 be so amended. OR- DEED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 150 No. 163 - Property Committee - suggesting by-law be amended to change land uses from R-3 to a special commercial for construction of motel only, on Lots 8, 9 and 27, Registered Plan 7, at comer of Terrace Avenue and Leader Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Mitchelson - contrary. SEE Report Number 151 No. 164 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Works Superintendent at one day course on pesticides and herbictdes, sponsored by Industrial Hygiene Branch, March 4th at Guelph Agricultural College. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mor~on that the report be received and adopted. No. 165 - Special Fire Committee - advising Chief Wade be authorized to arrange for St, Johns Ambulance Course for members of the Fire Department. ORDERED on the mo- tion of Ald. Swsyze and Ald. McKinley that the repor~be received and filed. No. 166 - Equipment Committee - recommending purchase of Underwood Electric Type- writer, at net price of $344. plus 3% Sales ~x. ORDERED on the motion of Alder- man Morton and Alderman Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 167 - Equipment Committee - reccrmnending purchase of 50 flashing barricades at cost of $26.00 each and rental system be discontinued. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mitchelson and Alderman Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 168 - Equipment Committee - recommending purchase of a new gasoline pump for Drummond Road Yard, at a cost of $710. not including ticket printer. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adop- ted. No. 169 - Equipment Committee - redommending purchase of garbage packer at present time be not considered, but a ~pecial meeting of Council be called at earliest pos- sible date to discuss and resolve garbage situation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 170 - Negotiations Committee - recommending appointment of Junior Engineer at salary of $5,500. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 171 - Property Committee - suggesting applicant apply to Committee of Adjustment re: proposed addition to 0ekes Drive Motel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Keighan and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. Carried,~th Ald. MsCallum coatrsry. No. 172 - City Clerk - advising of request received for City to purchase space in forthcoming Year Book, Vex gtudentium. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Swayze that the report be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance with power to act. No. 173 - City Engineer - Posting of half load signs. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and permission granted as quested. No. 17~ - City Engineer - requesting permission to advertise tenders for materials for year 196~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Swayze that the repor~ be received, filed and permission granted as requested.-- No. 17~ - City Engineer - Equipment Report, as a result of survey of all major mo- bile equipment of the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the repor~ be received and tabled for two weeks for Council's study. No. 176 - City 0lark - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of. Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mor~on that the repor~ be received, adopted, and licenses issued accordingly. 177 - Assist. to City Mgr.-Administration - advising of O.M.B. approval cf By- law 6458, which implements r]'commendsticn of Planning Board to change desig- nation of certain lands, to Tourist Com~ercia! Use and 5o peI~it DulldinS of a pedestrian deck or platform over railway ]ands. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and A!d. Corfield that the report be received and filed. Carried, with Ald. Norton - contraFy. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 27 - McCALLUM - CORFIELD -EESOLVED that ~nereas the Council on July 15th, 1963, enacted By-law Number'6377 approving of an application of the Niagara Fa!]s District Beard of Education for the sum of $230,°00.00 for the pu~ose of erect- ing and equipping a new public school in Cherrywood Acres and the said Board has now applied for the increased amount of $~45,000. as s result of the construction tenders received, THERE~]DRE BE IT RESOLVED that the application of the Niagara Falls District Board of Education for the sum of $245,000.00 for the purposes aforesaid be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. (Aldellnan Keighan - contrary) Carried. No. 28 - McKIRrIEY - POTEER - RESOLVED that Mr. Jack D. H. Mackenzie be appointed Real Estate Agent for the'City of Niagara Falls in connection with the acquisi- tion of the lands necessary for widening and re-locating Lundy's Lane from Drtun- mend Road westerly, and that he be authorized to prepare and submit an appraisal report on the properties to be acquired and that providing the aporaisal report is satisfactory to the municipality, he be authorized to obtain options of the prop- erties to be acquired up to the amount of the value submitted in the expropriatLon appraisal report, and to pay up to 10 percent of the amount of the option to the Vendor upon receiving a satisfactory option within the limits above mentioned; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 29 - MORTON - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the Council of theCity of Niagara Falls forward their thanks to Mr. George Bukator, M.L.A. for the Niagara Falls Riding, and to Mr. Horace Morningstar, M.L.A. for the Welland Riding, for their support in presenting the Private Bill of the City of Niagara Falls to the Bills Committee of the Ontario Legislature on March lath, and the Seal of the Corporation be here- to affixed. Carried Unanimously BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed: No. 64~? - To amend By-law Number 51~9: regarding tourist establishments. OREEBED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the sec~ad Reading, - ~arried Unanimously, Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 65.0q - A by-law to amend By-law 6320, 1963, to reduce the principal amount " of the Debentures to be issued thereunder. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introduoing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Max~oin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously, Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. o · BY-LAWS No. 6501 - A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of $33,000. for the purposes hereinai~er mentioned. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the f~rst reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Aid. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6502 - A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $141,140.63 for various purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Swayze that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading· - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~4artin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended-and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Corfield and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. No. 6502 - A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $49,34~.33 to pay the cost of certain extensions and improve- ments to the Sewage and Waterworks Systems in the Urban Service Area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~nlrd R ading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallam - Carried Unanimously. ~e. 6504 - A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of $212,000. to pay the cost of constructing and equipping an addition to the Orchard Park Public School. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Third Reading - Aid. McCallum and Aid. Corfield - Carried Unanimous.ly~ No. 6~0~ - A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the aggregate principal Mount of $453,764.03 for various purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Uhanimously. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Corfiel~ and Ald. McCallpro - Carried Unanimously. 7]. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Swayze~ who had ~epresented His Worship Mayor Miller at the annual Y Dinner on Wednesday evening, February ]9th, advised that he had accepted a plaque on behalf of His Worship the Mayor and the Council of the City of Niagara Falls for their outstanding contribution to youth. AId. Scott queried the nossibility of moving a motion that a co~mibbee be appointed to work with the Greater Niagara Transit Commission, to investigate the feasibility of permitting Old Age Pensioners, etc. to ride free of charge on the local buses. Following the Mayor's explanation that the Transit Co:,~issicn are seeking information along these lines now as to what Hamilton is doing, it was agreed that no action be taken with reference to the motion suggested by Ald. Scott until after the report is received from the Transit Cc~mnission. Aid. Mitchelson referred to a telephone call he had received from a long time well respected resident of the City, who had reported that all of the New York CentralRailway crossings in the City are in bad shape and queried whether the City Engineer could investigate and submit a report. Both the City ~4snager and City Engineer advised that work will have to be done by the NYC in the spring. His Worship Mayor Miller Miller referred to the fact that Mrs. G. W. Dingman will be celebrating her hmndredth birthday on February 22rid and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that a congratulatory message be forwarded to her at 2053 Dixon Street. His Worship, Mayor Miller, advised of a meeting scheduled for Thursday evening, for the purpose of discussing arrangemeuts for a prospective diamond jubilee observance and-suggested that possibly at that time there might also be something discussed in connection with a centennial obsen, ance, and suggested that serious thought should be given to this latter item in the near future, since the deadline for application for assistance on this type of project is August 1st. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. READAND ADOPTED, 2ndMarch, 1964. Mayor FINANCE~ MEETING COUNCIL MEZTING 73. Co~Lncil Chamber~ 20th February, 1964. ?he Finance Meeting .~as held on February 20th, 1964, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been oreviously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. mittco. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $164,362.15 were approved by the Com- The Accounts submitted, being passed or otheDzise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott. The City ~nager's report on the application of Amalia & Armsndo Leo, 1678 Ferry Street, for a permit to erec~ a plastic, illuminated sign, at an esti- mated cost of $250.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's repor~ on the sketch submitted by M~r. Curt Brocher, 4RO Bridge Street, for the proposed building to be used as a bake shop, at his prem- ises on Lot No. 6, w~s presented for consideration, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and the matter be referred to the Property Committee for consideration. The City Manager's report on the application of ~.. Ivan Popovich of Uncle Sam's Motel, 4870 Lundy's Lane, for a building permit to construct a 32 unit addition to his motel, at an estimated cost of $140,000.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, subject to the approval of the Welland and District Health Unit regarding sanitary drainage. Ald. Mltchelson asked that Members of Council be sup- plied with a copy of the report from the Welland and District Health Unit for consid- eration before issuance of the permit. Aid. McKinley, one of Councll's representatives on Sunset Haven Committee, referred to the Summary of their 1964 Budget and the Superintendent's Annual Report, which had been distributed to Council at this meeting, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the Budget Summary be referred to the Budget Committee of Council for consideration when the Estimates are being pre- pared. The Alderman advised that if Council have any requests from local resi- dents for admission to Sunset Haven, they should be referred to Mr. Huggins for applicants from the former Township; and to Mr. Orr, for applicants from the former City. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd March, 1964. Clerk Chairman of Finance Council Chamber, 2Oth February, 1964. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Co~cil and Finance Meetings on ~]ursday, February 20th~ 1964, for the purpose of passing the by- law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present. His Worship ~yorMiller, presided, BY- LAW The following By-law was passed: 6506 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that Ald. [~rtin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald, Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. The City ,Manager advised the Committee of a contact that had been made with him by the City Manager of Niagara Falls, New York, requesting that a meeting be arranged with the Niagara Falls, Ontario, Council for the purpose of discussing the matter of Helicopter operation, and the Manager advised that Mr. Cormell had sug- gested such meeting be held on February ~4th but on being advised that this was not possible, accepted the suggestion that it be held on the afternoon of Monday, March 2nd at 2 p.m. here in the Council Chamber. Council were In accord with the City Manager's suggestion and it was agreed that a Committee similar to that which previously met with Niagara Falls, New York representatives, again meet with them on the date referred to. Council then adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield. READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd March, 1964. M~yor 41 CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 20th February, 1964. ~ae Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular meeting of Council on Thursday, February 20th, 1964. All Members of the Committee were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCaltum. READ ANDADOPTED, 2nd March, 1964. Chairman NINTH MELTING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber. 2nd March, 1964. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. c}n Monday, [~rch 2rid, 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All ~oers of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze. DEPUTATION Mr. R. R. Callender, Chairman, Niagara District Airport Commission, was present at the meeting, along with Mr. Joe. Montgomery, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that they be heard. Mr. Callender advised that the five year agreement between the municipalities and the Niagara District Airport Commission is now teI~inated and requested that the agreement be renewed for an additional five year term. He further advised that other Counci]s represented on the Commission have indicated they are going to renew; that one or two are still to be heard from. He pointed out that in the five years just passed the Federal Government have expanded $150,000. on lights, water system and radio making the air- port a 24 hour a day operation and it is now intended to go for runway extension dllring the next five years. Following questions from the Members of Council which were satisfactorily answered by the speaker, it was then ordered en the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that Mr. Burnett be permitted to speak. ]{e quer- ied the amount of money involved in the City and former To~]ship's participation and was advised by the City Clerk the amount was in the nei~lbourhood cf $21,000. Mr. Burnett advised that locs 1 pilots in the area feel that this expenditure has been thrown away, being of the opinion that the St. Cstharines Flying Club is being sub- sidized and that a small field could have been established which would take care ef all of our requirements, as the heavy transport aircleft are going to Niagara Falls, New York. ~. Montgomery stressed the fact that a five yea/' programme ~s required for an extension of the airport; that many executive aircraft are going back to Lhe smaller aircarft because they have fo~md out that the hi~ priced executive aircraft cannot be landed in many fields avai!ab]e in Canada and the U.S. to-day. He advised that the Niagara District Airport is functioning day in and day out~ not only being used by industries but by commercial enterprises as well. Mr. Montgomery stated that as a member of the Niagara District Airporu he would be absoluteiy against changing the name of the airport. Aid. Keighan spoke in fayour of continuance of the agreement pointing out that the subject was too important and getting more important if new ~ndustries are to be encouraged to locate in this area. Ald. Mitchelson referred to the close proximity of the airport and was of the opinion that the decision made five years ago was a good one and should be renewed. The Alderman referred to the criticism concerning the expenditure of $21,000. and was of the opinion that $4:000. yearly was not too large an amount, when the Fedezal Government expanded $150,000. in the same five year period which is indicative of their feelings that it was worth spending money on. A].d. Martin uho was a representative of Council fox' the first five-year period, felt that Council would be remiss to allow this very valuable location of the airport to slip through their hands and strongly recommended that the whole Council support the renewal of the agreement for another five years, if industrial and tourjam development were to be encouraged in this area. SEE Co~mnunication No. 146 CONMONICATTONS Laid over from previous meetlugs; No. 82 - Welland County Engineer - Montrose Bridge over Welland Rtver. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayzc that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Traffic Committee be adopted. SEE Reports 104 & 178 ' - n.'~el 'Ji?nn'ia Zn:. - tea;eating insta_]!stion of oarking meterr. ORDE~D ~. .L~ :7-~! n ,~ ...... ~,~on an.~ Aid. Pcz~er that ~he con~mmficabion be received~ filei an~ lh~ reezr~ of ~he ~ ~P' -~__~c Committee be a~opted. SEE Report N~zmber ]7_29 ZC-. ifc - ~? ;%'.'~ D.:i !;sinass & Przfer=s[cnal Men's Association - surestinS change -f "~-~ cf Fer~7 S%reet to y s Lane.' .... l-rod~ , SEE Co~nmunicaLic.qs 150 & !51 2~ · i~? - C__iti.~cf Windsor - Resolution re: suburban roads commissions. --- - ~--~ D2 ...... ~ - Resolution re: road construction costs. ORDE~D on the mr~i 7n of Aid. Scott and A!d. Cotfield that the resolutions be tabled for fu~her S~ Reports 136 & ]3v 1~. ' 12 - Ge.~an 'Jillage Soccer Club - requesting pemission to use ~kes Park for wtek'y ~ractice cn Wednesday evenings and re~!ar games on Ssgur~y afternoons, OR- ~EL on the mzticn cf A!d. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the co~,mication be re- ceived, filed and the report of the Parks & Recreation Committee be received and filed. SEE Report Nttmber 180 :~c. '4L _ pDy Ecoats~ Niagara District Council- requesting use of three harks for .~-f Cu~ Field Day, May 3Oth. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Corfie!d t~. the ..c ~ c~m'ini cab ion be received, filed and requests granted and report of Parks and Recreation Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number No. it5 - Michele ~hzzare!la - re: one foot reserve on westerly side of Caledonia St. affecting his property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the "-cmm:lnication be received and referred hack to the Property Committee for a fur- ther report. SEE Report Number No. 146 - Niagara District Airport Commission - requesting renewal of 5 year agree- ment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald, McCallum that the communication be received, filed and agreement be renewed. Carried Unanimously. The Following CGr~mications were presented: No, 150 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Repox~ of Street Names Com- mittee. No. 151 - L'lndy's lane Historical Society _ Opposing change in name of Ferry Street to Lundy's lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communications be received and tabled for one week for Council's study and the City Solicitor be requested to submit a report. Ald. Mltchelson suggested that it might be of advantage to have the Btanning Director attend the next meeting of Coun- cil. SEE Communication 108 No. 152 - Niagara Frontier Youth for Christ - Invitation to Vice-Presidential Recep- tion on ~asday, Marc~ 17~h from 8 ~o 10 p.m. a~ Park Motor Hotel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the communication be received, the invit- ation accepted and as many as find it possible, attend. His Worship, May~r M~ller advised that he would be in attendance at another meeting at the same location, and if unable to finish the meeting in time, he requested Alderman Mitchelson to rep- resent him at the Vice-Presidential Reception of the N.F.Y.C. No. 153 - N,F. Civic Employees' President of Local 133 . requesting six months' leave of absence. On the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton it was ordered that Mr. Melvin Littlewood be heard. ~e advised that there was a certain amount of urgency to his request, therefore his reason for presenting his request to Council instead of to the Negotiations Committee. His Worship Mayor Miller advised that there would be a meeting of the Negotiations Committee this week, and it was ordered on the mo- tion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and re- ferred to the Negotiations Committee for a report. C~rrled, with Aldermen Morton and Corfield - contrary. 7V. No. ]54 - M_-ncZsin & 13]ovak -applicaticn f~r :r..~tc: zenstr-c',:j:-n 'n !,sl~a~'~ :~' client, Nick Tureski. O~Ei{ED on the motion of AId. Mit_.bc!s,nn at.:~ AI:i. Pastt- ibet the conmv~tmication he received and referred tc the Property Co:r.~mj ttcc fur a report. No. =55 - Colramifies of Adjustment - Notice cf Hearing - J. Bie!lt_'L No. ]56- Ccrmmittee of Adjustmen~ - Notre of Hearlad- B. A. Oil C. ap2lica:;i.-r:. No. 157 - Connmittee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing - G~racn '.!cod ORDE~ED un the roetier of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Corfie!~ that the cczr~mnicatf.,ms be received and filed. No. 158 - I)ewnto!~n Busir. ess- appreciation for free. pafk:.ng ~ C:::'Tst!~t~- t~::.~. ORFERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. Scott that the c,~xmn micatlc, m ha ceived and filed. 159 - Board of Police Co~mmissia~ers - eric!seinE copy ~'f By-'aw ol ~jc, vornfng Salvage Yards. ORDERED on the motion cf A3d. Swsyze and Ald. g~etn that the cov~'nun- ication be received and ta01ed for one week for perusal of C_~'~nci]. No. 160 - We]land County Federatif~n of Agriculture - .'e.y'~estlng grn:.t. ORDEREn ~m the motion of Ald. !.iitche!son and A!d. Morton that the c,~Pmh~ni-rat-'.cn he _.-eceived and referred to the Budget Con~nittee for consideration when the Estimates a:'e being. prepared. No. 16] - Greater Niagara Assouiation for Retarded Children - requesti:;g ~ro_']ama- ties of week of May lOrE to May 16th as Retarded Ci.ildrer's Week. ORDERED cn the motion ~ Morton cf Ald. and A!d. Potter '-'~ the c'~mm,mication be rc~:eived. f~led and proclsFation issued as requested, at the c:,:penne to the municipality. No. 162 - Lundy's lane Historical Cccj~ty - Rnquestlng grant. Uc. :63 - ;~undy's Inns Histories~ Muse!m~. - Requesting grant. No. 164 - Greater HisgaDs Safety Co,~L'i] - Rc]uestq~g granD. ORDERED ~:: ~'hc !n-:~vi ~n of AId. Svayze and J.]d..~cott that the c ,~Im,:uni :atic~s be re3eivc~ and ref-~rre,] be tl~e Budget Comanittee for consideratic;n wh.=n the Estimates are being prepstel. I."o. ]65 - Stamford Rod & Gun Club - rc-luesting oorti?n cf Coxlscr;at~cn ted by the City through the sale ,~'.' !i~mti~.g Lib'eases. ORDEP~EL A!d..Mitche]son anl AId. Potter that the ceImn~mication be received and referred t'~ ~he Budget Co!mnibtec. loo - S~lset I[a~e:~ - Enclosing 7.~,di'~r'.-q Re'. !:rl:. ORLZi~L bn the m '= ! ,.: of Aid. McKLnlco. and Aid. Swayzc that the cc.~,I '.niceties be received and filed and the Auditor's report be perused by Coup:oil. No. 167 - St. An: 's Symphonic Rand - requesting grant. ORDEREL t.: the msti.n:r bf AId. Morto:~ and Ald. Swayze that the celmnunicaticn he received end referred to the Budget Cormmittee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 168 - Niagara Frontier H:imane Society - requesting permission to h ,]ia ts6 day on May'[g[h [~f~th. ORDERED on tl~ ~otinn of Ald. Morton and Ald. Sws~ze that the communication be recc~ved and Filed and the Society be a~viz'od that these dates are not available, but the dates of May 29th and 30th be granted to the Society~ if suitable to them. No. 169 - Niagara Fal]s Girls' Work Board (C.G.I.T.) - requesting permissi~m to hold a tag day on Friday evening, May ]st as well as May and which has already b~en allotted by Council. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Potter and AId. McKinley that the ~x;~a~ii~abiun b~ i'ec~ivcd~ file~ and pCfmiSSi~XA 6ran~ed as liv. 170 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Conmmrce -Resoluticn opposing of tolls on Welland Canal. In connection wi[h this matter, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Kei~an and Ald. Scott that Mr. D. E. Mac~na]~l, Secretary-Treasurer of Niagara Falls Branch, Cdn. MFgrs. Assoc. was pemitted to speak. He advised that his Association were in complete agreement with the Chamber's resolut~on~ and suggested that the City Com~c]l give serious considemtion to registering for- real opposition to the re-imposition of tolls on the Canal~ as not being ~n the best interests of this District nor this Country. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. McCall~ that the co~uni~tion be received, filed~ the resolution be en- dorsed and the Minister of T~nspor~ and other interested panics be so advised. Carried by a vote of 6 to 5, the vote being - ~e:- Aldermen Ma~in, McCall~, Kei~an, McKinley, Potter and Mayor Miller, Nays:- Aldemen Swayze, Scott, Mltchel- son, Moron and Corfield. 8 · No. 171 - Dept. of Munici 1 Affairs - Proposed Amendment No. 24 re: Bianchin Motel. In connection wit~this matter, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Morton that Mr. Faho Martin be heard. He advised that he was present with Mr. Pierre Blanchin and requested Council to give faycurable con- sideration. He referred to the fact that the lots in question were not suitable for any other type of construction and if used for motel purposes would result in taxes for the City. Aid. Martin, a representative of Council on the Planning Board, advised that he had supported this application at the Planning Board level and also the Property Co~mittee's recommendation to Council and stated that the Plan- ning Director did not recommend that this be turned down because of any objection frc~ citizens, but he turned it down because he felt it was residential property and did not feel that there was proper entrance and outlet for tourist cars coming up River Road, and residential streets. The Alderman queried Item (e) of the De- partment's letter with reference to certain objections from local residents to the proposed change to c~ercial, and advised that there was no objections from per- sons involved within three hundred feet of the property concerned, except one in- dividual concerned with a dust problem and this person was not within the required distance necessary to register any objection to the application. AId. Mitchelson, also a representative of Council on the Planning Board, referred to his opinion that in all plans there have to be borders between Besidential, Tourist and Indus- trial Area and he advised that he had supported the majority of the PlAnning Board Members that it be not approved, because he had good and sound reasons for doing so. OmittED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Morton that the c~munioation be re- ceived and the writer be notified that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls has not changed their attitude, witness the application for a plan Amendment to permit the construction at that point, and an exp]-nation be requested with reference to item (e) as contained in the Department's c~..-Anieation. Carried, with Aldermen Mitchelson and Scott contrary. No. 172 - City of St. Thomas - resolution to amend the provision of Secondary Schools & Boards of Education Act to provide that any fees payable by a pupil ad- mitted t~ a secondary school which he has no right to attend shall be paid by the Board of the school where he has such a right, to the Board of the School to which he has been admitted. ORI~EED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Swayze that the resolution be received and referred to the Board of Education for a report. No. 173 - Township of Saltfleet - Resolutions ~ 23 and ~ 24, re: proposed Provin- cial lark. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the resolutions be received and endorsed. No. 174 - C. A. ~all~ay - Application for building permit re: Nialara Frontier Scenic Tours. ~ on the motion of Aid. ~elA~an and Aid. Potter that the c~unication be received and referred to the PrOperty Ccemittee for a report. No. 175 - Welland County, E.M.O. - Requesting grant. ORIentED on the motion of Aid. !~eigban and Aid. Potter that the cce~mnication be received and referred to the · Budget C~ittee for consideration when the Estimates are beinS prepared. No. 176 - Niagara Falls Civic ~sployees' Union, Local 133 - requesting meeting. OB~SN~D on the motion of Ald. McCallu~ and Aid. Corfield that the c~---unication be received, filed and the writer be notified that a meetin~ will be arranged as soon as possible. No. 1~7 - A. McAd0rey - Operation "Canal Cap". Aid. Martin advised that the brief in connection with this matter ~as on the P~n~ ~oard's A~enda and t~e Plannin~ Board supported the brief and are recorded as so supporting the recommendations contained therein. ~ on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Mitchelson that the oceauniontion be received and referred to the Proper~y 'Committee for a report. No. 178 - Proctor & liedfern - re-construction of 'Highway ~0 and sinmary of proposed tilin~ of this project. ~ on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed and Members of Council and Officials note its contents and take the necessary action. Be. 17~ - Greater Nialarn Sof~ball Association - re~uestin2 use of softball dia- mond'at Oaks. lark. C~ on the motion of AId, M~Cinle~ and Aid. Potter tha~ ~he ncaaunioation be rec.e.i. ved, filed an~ pax~,i, Ss!on iranted as reluested. 79. No. 180 - Grlfflths, Sharpe & Clement - proposed construction of one storey bldg. by Drs. Erhardt and BUrgman. ORIY~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.Keighan that the co~nnunication be received and referred to the Property Cnmmittee for a report. No. 181 - Pearce Signs - requesting permission to installwaste containers. OR- ~ on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. McCallum that the c~,m~unication be received and referred to the Traffic C~tttee for a report. No. 182 - Marconi Lod~e Soccer Team - requesting use of Cakes Park. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Aid. Morton that the cnmmunication be received and referred to the Farks and Recreation C~mm~ttee for a report. ~EPORTS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 104 - City Engineer - report on Monarose Road Bridge. ~ Report Number 178. SEE Cnmmunication~ No. 136 - City Manager & City Solicitor - c~ents on Windsor Resolution respect- ing suburban road comissions. No. 137 - City Manager & City Solicitor - c~mments on Windsor Resolution respect- ing road construction costs. O~n~l) on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. Corfield that the reports be received and tabled for further study. Communications 110 and 111 The following Reports were presented; No. 178 - Traffic Caittee - rec~,,endations re: repairs to Montrose Road bridge be approved; City Engineer to m~e arrangements with Suburban Roads Commission; and Traffic Co~nittee be permitted to discuss with the Suburban Roads Co~mission the possibility of a new bridge. ORESRED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. ~wayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No.82 ~EE Report Number No. 179 - Traffic Coemittee - recommending installation of perking meters on south side orEseaweed fromVictoria to College Crescent. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE C~sm~Anication 103 No. 180 - Parks and Secreation Coe~ttee - report on arran~aents made for ~ex~an Village Soccer Club to use Cakes Park. ORI~I~D on the motion of AId. ~cKinley and Aid. Potter that the report be received and filed. SEE Communication 112 - No. 181 - Parks and Recreation Committee - rec~ame_uding Baden-Powell, John Allan and MarleX~srPa~ksbeaadeavailable to l~oy Scouts on Ma~3Oth. OmittED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. S~E Communication 1~ No. 182 - Property Cassiatee - re: Mtchele Meznarella, 2536 Dunn Street. O~v on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. 5w~Wze that the report be received and re- ferred back to the Property Ccemittee for a further report. SEE Cce~unication 1~ No. 183 - Parks & Recreation Committee - recoanending permission be ~ranted to Greater Nlagarn Moatbell Association for pex~aission to use softball diamond at the southerl~ end of the football field at Oakes Park. ORI~D on the motion of Ald, MCkinley.an4 Aid. Potter that -the repor~ be received and adopted. S!~ Ccsa?nication 179 Be. 18~ - City Manager - reccellendin2 attendance of l~rchasin6 A~ent at one day i ~ clpal Purchasing ~eainar, at F~t~hener, Mar~h l~th, 1~. 01~ on action of AId. Potter and AId. MoXinley ~hat ~ha report be received and adopted. No. 185 - .City Manager - rec~ending Manager of Stores apply for membership in the American Production and Inventory Control Society. ORD~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 186 - .S~ecial Fire C~ittee - recoenending appointment of George Ellis, 1802 North Street, to the position of Permanent Fireman with the Niagara Falls Fire Department. 0~ on the motion of Ald. McCall,-~ and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Alderman Cotfield - contrary. No. 187 - Traffic Co~mittee - progress report re: proposal of Downtown Businessman for additional parking lots. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. KeiS~_an and Ald. Cot- field that the report be received and adopted. No. 188 - Traffic C~ttee - suggesting report be presented on possibility of es- tablishing lights on the lines leading from Main Street to Sylvia Place parking lot. 0P~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. His Worship Mayor Miller requested the Traffic C~nmittee to make an inspection of Ferry Street, going west toward Lundy's Lane, on the right hand side, and suggested that this has become a hazard as far as pedestrians crossinE the road are concerned. No. 189 - FroZearty Ccennittee - advising that meeting between the Camrot tree and prin- ciples of Panorama Motel has been laid over for one reek. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and filed. No. 1~O - Assist. to City Mgr. - Administration - advising of c~ents received con- carninE By-laws aTO and a71 and requesting Council's directions. 01~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Potter that the report be received and referred to the Property C.~..-ittee for a report. No. 191 - C~ittee of Adjustment - Results of Hearing two applications - namely Montgc~ery Bros. and A. & S. Gempal. OR~F~D on the motion of AId. Corfield and Ald. ~ayze that the report be received and filed. No. 192 - City Engineer - report on 1~6~ ~ood Roads COnvention. ~ on the motion of AId. Martim and Aid. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 193 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORI~ on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordinEly. No. 19~ - City Managex! - report on building permits issued during February, 1~+. 01~ on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. ' ~ESOL~TIONS The following ~esolutlons were passed: No. 30 - SWAYS~ - SCO1T - RESOLVED that a message of s~mpathy be forwarded on behalf of His Worship Mayor Miller and YeabeTs of Council to Alderman H. C. Morton upon the death of his brother, the late Mr. ~eorge Morton of Mount Albert, Ontario; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed., Car ed Unan,-ou.s. ly No. 31 - MARTIN - McKINI~Y . ~F~OLV~D that the Ma~or and Clerk be authorized to ant~r ~nto a~nd execute a ~r ~n~l a~en~ ~t~en ~e Co~omtion of ~e City of lia~m ~lls ~d ~ H. ~ddinott ~ No~ ~d~ott, providl~ for a co~e~i~ ~ ~hont A~nue; and the ~al of t~e Co~omtion ~ hemto affixed. Carried Unaniaousl~. No. ~ - MARTIN - ~. ~ESOLV~D that ~herea8 the Council of the City of Niagara Falls deems it expedient to apply for a lean under the Faderal-lmrovincialeMunicipal Wox~s Assistance 1~ as described in the Memorand,-- of the Minister of Mun- icipal A~fairs, dated the ~th day of loveabet, 1~, in respect of the followin2 project hasely: Const~uction of a warerain m Drusmond Road ~.rca Barker Street. to ~00 feet south of the centre line of ~horold 2tone Road# hereinafter referred 81. to as "the project"; AND WHEREAS the project is, in the opinion of the Council, a Municipal project within the meaning of the Minister' s Memorandum; AND WHEREAS the project would not, without the assistance under the progr~mmp have been in- cluded among the Capital works projects to be undertaken within the calendar year or years in respect of which application for assistance is made, and no other capi- tal works project has, in consequence, been replaced or deferred until a liter year; AND WHEREAS the project is one to which the imaediately preceding paragraph applies in whole; AND Wt~S the other requirements of the Minister' s Memorandum have been complied with; N0~ THEI~EFORE Be It Resolved That application be made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for a co~mittment for a loan in the amount of $193,~33.33 to assist in the financing of the project under The Municipal Works Assistance Act, 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. (Alderman Keighan - contrary) Carried. No. 33 - SWAYZE - MOI~20N = RESOLVED that Whereas the War of 1812 ended in 1814 with the Treaty of Ghent; ~md Whereas the United States and Canada have been at peace for 150 years since the signing of that treaty; And Whereas the unarmed border be- tween the United States and Canada is a monumental achievement in man's struggle for peace with Justice; And Whereas proper Joint celebration by the United States and Canada of the 150-th Anniversary of the Treaty of Ghent would further strengthen the peaceful bonds between them, and be an inspiration to all peace loving nations; Therefore Be It Resolved That the City Council of Niagara Falls, New York and the City Council of Niagara Falls, Ontario, at a Joint meeting in the City Hall of Niag- ara Falls, Ontario, Monday, March 2rid, 19.6~, do hereby Jointly memorialize their respective national governments to establish a Joint United States-Canada Commission for the plioning and execution of a Sesquicenteunial Celebration of the Treaty of Ghent. Since millions of Visitors from all nations will be here during the s,,mmer season, it is respectfully urged that the Sesquicentennial Celebration be held in the Niagara Frontier during the first or second week of August, 1964; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously His Worship Mayor Miller referred to the meeting held on Thursday evening Fabr~ary27th regarding the forthcoming DiamOnd Jubilee C~lebration, at which he, Aldermen Martin and Swayze were in attendance. The Mayor advised that ~ people representi~ 21 organizations were present. Mayor Miller pointed out that this is also the Diamond Anniversary of the Ford Motor Campany and they will have represen- tation at the next meeting to be held on ~'nursday, March 5th at 8:30 p.m. His Worship Mayor Miller referred to the meeting held on Monday after- noon, March 2ndat which the Mayor and Members of the Niagara Falls, New York City Council were present with Coe~aittee Chairmen and himself, along with other officials to discuss helicopter operations in this area. Mr. Harold Finkle of the Department of Transport was also in attendance and the Mayor advised that the matter had been left with the City Manager and Mr. Finkle to suggest a noise abatement by-lawwhich would h~lp to govern such operations over the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario. He advised that the City of Niagara Falls, New York have ~urisdiction over such opera- tions. Ald. Scott referred to the radio broadcast heard last Wednesday morning, about 8:30 a.m. during which it was reported that the roads had not been sanded and that probably sanding trucks would not be out until the next day. The Alder- man contended that this was misinformation and that the streets had been sanded long before 8:30 in the morning; and that later in the morning he spoke to the City Engineer and he would at this time report on conditions that morning. The City Engineer proceeded to outline the procedure, stating that the Departsent has a duty foreman patrolling, who patrols certain roads fr~n 10 to 12 in the evening and free ~ to ~ in the morning and that on the Wednesday morning in ~uestion, the duty foreman called out the sanders at ~:BO a.m. also two loaders. By W o'clocK they had sanded scae ~ miles of roads. Mr. Eidt advised that during winter months, two operators report at ~ o'clock so that there will be sanders available every motfling; on the mornin~ in question all main roads were sanded well before 8 a.m. AId. Scott stated that his reason for bringing this up was to show that the City Officials are doing a Sood Job and these accusations are unfounded. lie Worship Mayor Miller suS~ested that the Aldemn should go further and ask the ~ation to retract the statement and it was ordered on the motion of AId. Scott and AId, Cox~ield that Badio Station C~VC be requested to me a cotran- tion accordingly. Carried naniaously, 8~. 83. I~SOI/Y~ION The following Resolution ~as passed: No. 3~ - CORFAELD - MITCHELSC~ - RESOLVED that a letter of commendation be forwar- ded to Mr. ~eorSe H. ~am~lton, head of the Science Department of N.F.C.V.I. upon winning the Mathematics and Science Teacher's Award established by the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously AId. McCallurn suggested that the Hydro Museum be located in Nise~ra Falls and queried the possibility of combining financial resources with Hydro to establish this museum. Ald. McCallurn referred to the Art Exhibitions which were held at Oak Ball and queried the possibility of establishing a small museum for contemporary art. Ald. McCallurn also expressed a desire to have the garbage issue settled previous to the Budget meeting and suggested that a special should be held to deal with this matter. Ald. Mitchelson referred to a complaint concerning dose running at large and the lady will have a c~unication before Council at the next meetinS. BY-IAW8 The following l~r-laws were passed: No. 6~07 - A by-law to authox~ze the execution of a Conveyance. (H.E.P.C. F,~xu/JiSe Road) OREF.~D on the motion of Ald. McEinley and Aid. Swayze that Alderman EelSham be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the By-law be given the first resdtng. - Carried Unanimously. OR~g~ED on the motion of Aid. Eeighan and Ald. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the 8te~4-~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third ReedinS - AId. 8wayze and AId. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~08 - A By-law to provide for the sale of Lot 19, Registered Plan No. 1~0 to Vincent Dicosimo. OR~g~D on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Scott that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law he given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. OREgF~D on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Cotfield that Ruie 36 (2) of the 2t-nd~n_~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Morton and AId. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. No. 6509 - A By-law to amend By-law I~mber ~1~9, ra~ard:Lng tourist establishments. (~rs. X. ~nkos) .... · ' .. i ~ea the motion of AId. 8wayze and Ald. McKinley that Ald.XetShan be &ranted the privilege of introducing the b~alaw 'and the by,law be given the fArat reading. - Carried Unanimously. OPaBl~gD on the motion Of AId. KeiBban an~. Aid. Potter that ~ 36 (2) of the standing Rules Of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be' given the second reading. - Carried UmminouslO,. .. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley an4 AId. 2wa~ae - Carried Unaniaousl~. The following By-law was presented: A By-law to authorize the construction of a watermain on l)~,mmond Road from Barker Street to 300 feet south of the centre line of Thorold Stone Road as an extension to the existing Waterworks System. ORIBRXD on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried, with Alderman Scott contrary. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried, with Aldermen Scott and Keighan - contrary. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Swayze. AND ADOPTED, 9th March, 196~. Clerk Mayor Council Chamber, end March, 196~. The Finance Maetin~was held on March 2nd, 196~, for the purpose of approv- ins and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. AllMembers of the Ccemittee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $~8,867.3~ were approved by the Com- mittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- dered placed in the Money By-law for presentation Council, on the motion of Aid. Keigfianand AId. Swa~Vse. The City Manager's report on the applicatio~ of Nick Tureski, 136 Page 8treat, 8t.Catharines, for a building permit to construct a 39 unit motel with office, on Lot 1 and Part of Block ~6, Plan 6}3, south-east comer of Ferry Street and Clark Avenue, at an estimated cost of $1~0,000.00 was presented. 0RESTED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. Morton that the application be caived andreferred to the Propert~ Ccemittee for consideration and a report. The City Manager's report on the application of lkainic Senese, 2~ Caledonia street, for a building permit to construct an apartment building on Lot 8, north side of Culp Street, between Main Street and Dnusnmd Road, at an estimated cost of ~0,000. was presented. ORII~ED on the motion of AId. Cotfield an~ AId. Morton that the report be recaive~, adopted and permit issued subject to five recandations of the FAre Inspectors, oop~ of which will be attached to the building permit. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. & Mrs. A. t. Deleo and Mr, Rudolph Deleo, for a building permit to erect a 3~ unit motel on pert of Lot 9, ply. 653, north side of Ferry Street, between Buchanan Avenue and Stanley Avenue, at an estimated cost of $100,000. was presented. OPa~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the application be received and referred to the Property Committee. ~'ne City Manager's report on the application of Montgomery Bros., 2180 I~mn Street, for a building permit to erect an addition at the rear of their premises, at an estimated cost of $~,0OO. was presented. O~r~D on the motion of Aid. l~ter and Aid. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit be issued, subject to the rec~endations of the Fire Inspectors, copy of ~nich will be attached to the building penM[t. The City Manager's report on the application of Leslie Weisz, 2947 Barker Street, for a building permit to construct an addition to the Super Save Market, on the west side of Portage Road between Hugging Street and O'Neil Street know~ as 449 Portage Road, at an estimated cost of $25,000.00 was presented. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. McCall,-, that the report be re- ceived, adopted and permit be issued, subject to such revisions as are called for by the Fire Inspection Department. The City Manager' s report on the application of A. Bignucolo and Sons Ltd. for a build{n8 permit to make alterations to the store front of Roebarge Department Store Ltd. located at the north-east comer of Erie Avenue and Queen Street, at an estimated cost of $1,800.00 was presented. ORDFaED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Court Industries Ltd. 6 Fr~-~ Street, St. Catharines, for a permit to erect a sign at the Spacerium located on part of Lots 106 and 107, Plan 35, north side of Clifton Hill, between Falls Avenue and Victoria Avenue at an estimated cost of $~,000.00 was presented. ORI~ on the motion of Aid. Potter and Ald. ~e~ ~-_ that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. Carried, with Alderman McCallurn - contrary. The City Manager's report an the application of the Ho//~ood Drive-In Theatre, located on Kalar Road for a permit to erect a plywood sign on the prem- ises of R. C. Badger, 4~9 Lundy's lane, north-west comer of Lundy's x~ne and Kalar Rood at an estimated cost of $500.00 was presented for consideration. ~ on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Mitchelson that the rapoxt be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. The City Manager~s report on the application of Norman Campbell~ for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated double face sign at Mike's Lunch, 100 Bridge Street, at an estimated cost of $150.00 was presented. O~ on the motion of AId. Corfield and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and penair issued. The City Manager' s report on the application of M~er Eelduca, 1~0 Belmont Avenue, for a building permit to erect a 34 unit motel and sw~.eeing pool on Lots 803, 804, 805, 806 and 807, Stanley Avenue, on the east side of the street, between North Street and Lineoh Street, at an estimated cost of $1~0,000.00 was presented. O~ on the motion of AId. Motron and AId. 8wayze that the report be received and adopted and permit issued, subject to asy adaustments required by the Building Inspection and Fire Inspection Offices. The City ~ana~er's report on the application of Lubri--ol of Canada Ltd., 1800 Thorold Stone Road, for a permit to erect an addition to their plant on the south side of ThorOld Stone Road, between Stanley Avenue and Carroll Awenue at an estimated oost of $65,000.00 was presented. 01~ on the motion of AId. McKinle~ and Aid. Swayxe that the report be received, adopted and petit issued. The Property Cmit~ee's repor~ on the application of Curt Broeher, ~80 Bridge Street, to erect a building to be used as a bake shop in the front of his preadses, was presented for considemtien. 0~1~ on the ao~ion of Ald. M~rtc~ and Ald. Pot~er that the report be received and ad~pted and the applicant he advised that a buila~-S poreit oonnot be issued for the construction proposed for his premises at ~80 BridSe 2tree~. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, ~;h March, 196~. ·..~..~7. ~~.. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL Council Chamber, 2nd March, 1964. Council m-assembled at the dose of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, March 4th, 196~, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Cc~znittee. All Members were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 6}11 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. OR1BRED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that Alderman Martin he granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first rea~,~. - Carried Unanimously. OPaBHED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton. ~FAD AND ADOPTED, 9~h March, 196~. Mayor 87. I C0NF~aENCE Council Chamber, 2nd March, 1964. The Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular meeting of Council on Monday, March 2nd, 196~. All Members of the Co~nittee were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 9th March, 196~. MEETING REGULAR ~A~ING Council Chamber, 9th March, 1964. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 9th, 1961+, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze. DEPUTATION Mr. J. A. MacT~ggart was present at the meeting, and on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield it was ordered that he be given permission to address Council. He advised that he was speaking on behalf of himself and the members of the Clifton Hill District Azsociation, comprising more than 40 busin- esses in the Render Hill-Victoria Avenue-Rainbow Bridge Plaza and Clifton Hill areas and he strongly advocated a 'go slow' policy on the H. G. Acres & Co. traffic study report and in connection with this suggestion, set out several points, as follows:- T~e Clifton Hill District Association requests Council to: A. With-hold any agreement to or acceptance of any part of the present H.G.Acres recommendation until such time_ as: 1. A parking authority has been established for the City of Niagara Falls, to work separately frem, but in co-operation with the existing traffic planning bodies. 2. That such parking authority investigate and report on available parking areas; their possible cost of purchase and potential return, if any. B. That consideration be given to the handling of traffic flow by computer control and the relative cost thereof. C. That the Clifton Hill District Association and other such Associations be apprised of any proposed chan~es in sufficient time to weigh the econnmic effects upon the entire City as well as on its individual investors. Appreciation was expressed to the Association for their appearance at this meeting and they were assured that the facts which have been presented will be added to the great ass of information which Council have at their disposal and that the information willbe used by Council in making real serious assessment of the situation. CCN4UNICATIONS laid over from previous meetings; No. 12 - ~ational Research Council - 19~ Conference of C--ndian Building Officials, in we1 ifax, April 8th, 9th and 10th. 0RESRED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the coeaunication be received, filed and Mr. Murra~ J. Johnston, Assis~an~ l~uil~in~ Inspector be granted permission t,o attend. SEE Report N~mber 192 hid over for reference to Budget; No. 16 - Ca". Fad..of Nayors and Muaicipalities - advising of Membership fee. His Worship, FerVor Miller, advised that scs~ weeks a6o this cosaunication had been referred to the Budget Ccemittee and it was his opinion that Council should decide no~ with reference to this mesbership, and he felt that the increased amount of $810. was too much money to pay for what the City ~ets in return. ORE on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the cossunication be received, filed and the membership be not renewed. Carried Unanimously. Ald. Martin substed that the Association be advised as to Council's reasons for non-renewal. '1 No. 108 - South End Business & professional Men~8 Association - suggesting chang- ing the name of Ferry Street to IAmd~'8 No. 150 - Niagara Palls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Report on street Names. No. 151 - Lundy's Lane Historical Society - opposing change in name of Ferry Street to Lundy's r"Ane. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Mr. Conroy G. Dowson, pl~.ning Director of the Planning Board be permitted to speak. Mr. Dowson read a staff report dated May, 1963 and proceeded to explain the actions of the plnnnia~g Board to date with reference to this matter; and also he reasons for renaming certain streets. Following Mr. Dowscm's remarkss His Wor- ship, Mayor MiLler, advised that if Council decides to adopt the P!-"ning Boerd's recommendation, a by-law would have to be prepared at a later date. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Swayze &Ald. Scott that the communications be again tabled until such time as Council deals with the by-law. SEE Report Number 196 sRn~ Petition Number 1 . Alderm~n Keighan arrived at 8:32 p.m. - No. 110 - City of Windsor - resolution re: suburban roads cc~missions. ORIFaED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Morton that the resolution be received and Council support the second part requesting amendment of the legislation. SEE Report Number 136 SSE Report Number 197 No. Ill - City of Windsor - resolution re: road construction costs. 0KEgRED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Cotfield that the resolution be received and endorsed· ~ Report Number 137 No. 129 - Griffithe, Sharpe & Clement - requestin; nm=udment to By-lav Number 51~9. re: proposed motel construction by Resets. Cardinale& Mattucci. Olu~susD on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. McKinley that the ccemunication be received, filed and By-law be amended as requested. Carried by a vote of ~ to 5, the vote being:- Aye: Alderman Morton, McKinley, Keighan, Swayze and Potter and Mayor Miller. Naye:-Aldermen Scott, Martin, Mitchelson, McCallum and Corfield. SEE Ccsmunication 183 No. 1~5 - M. Mazzarella - re: property at 2~B~ Dunn Street. 01~B~ED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Potter that the coasaunication be received, filed and the restrictions affecting this property be lifted without any cost to Mr. Mazzarella for services already installed, but, that he be advised he will be required to pay for any local improvements provided in the future. 8~E Report Number 198 SEE Report Number 18~ No. 1~3 - M. Littlewoad - Requesting 6 months' leave of absence. ORE~I~D on the motion of AId. McCallurn and Aid. Martin that the ccemunication be received and filed and request be not ~ranted. Carried, with Aldermen Morton.~and 8cote - c one ra ry. SEE Report Number 199 No. 15~ - MacBain & Blovak - application for motel construction on behalf of Nick Tureski. O~Z~ED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Corfield that the cc~uni- cation be received and filed. '2~8 Report N~er 200 leo. 1~9 - Board of Police Ccesissioners -enclosinS a copy of By-law Number to license, regulate and govern Salvage shops, etc. ~ on the motion of Ald. Mex~in and Aid. 2wayse that the ccemunicati, on be received mad filed. lo. 1'[~, -Cha$. A. Callowa~ - on behalf of lelaSara Fromtier 8cello Tours. OI~ISFSD ca tae motion of AId. 8wa~xe and AId. Norton that the ccasanication be again tablad, pending submission of · plot plan of location of proposed buildin~ and sign. " 2~2 Mapore Ibmbar ~O1 No- 177 - A. McAdorey - brief on Capping of Hydro Canal. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Potter that the conznanioation be received and filed and the submission forwarded to H.E.P.C. of Ontario for their c~mments. SEE Report Number 202. No. 180 - Griffiths, Sharpe & Clement - On behalf of application of Drs.Erhardt and Bur~m,~n for amendment to minimum height requirement by-law to permit con- struction of a new building on north Main Street. ORIFa~D on the motion of Ald. Keighnn and Ald. McCallam that Mr. Clement be heard. He outlined the exchange of lands by the physicians with the Church of the Redeemer and distributed two drawings of (1) construction as proposed, and (2) what pres-,~bly must be built to comply with existing by-law and pointed out the trend to the erection of one storey buildings as far as professional groups are concerned and was of the opin- ion that a one-storey building would be more effective. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the c~wm,Anication be received, filed and the owners be advised that the by-law respecting a minimum height of 20 feet can- not be amended and the construction proposed must conform to the by-law. SEE Report NumbereO3 The following Communications were presented: No. 183 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area planning Board - requesting no action be taken on application of Messrs. Cardinale and Mattucci, until Council considers the recaendations of the Planning Board relevant to establishment of Motel and Hotel areas. Ol~n~i~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the c~unioation be received and filed. Carried by a vote of 6 to ~, the vote being:- Aye, Aldermen Morton, McKinley, EetShn~, 8~ayze, Potter and Mayor Miller. Nays:- Aldermen Scott, Martin, Mitchelson, McCallurn and Corfield. SEE Caunioation 129 1~o. 18~ - Our Saviour Lutheran Church Sunday School - requesting permission to hold picnic at Reden-Powell Park on Busdays June elst at ~ p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the coemunication be received and filed and permission granted if date is available. No. 185 - President, Greater Niagara District Safety Rescue Association - invita- tion to First Aid and rescue demonstration on May 16th, 196~. ORI~HED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Corfield that the invitation be receiveds accepted and as many as possible attend. No. 186 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area P~m--ing Board - Amendment Application A-86 as amended. O~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the cc~nnunication be received and referred to a special meeting of Council. No. 187 - Niagara Falls and Buburhan Area P3---lng Board - Amendment Application, A-9~, Boha3ski. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Morton that the cosnmioation be received and referred to the Property Committee for consid- eration and a report. No. 188 - Niagara Palls District ~oerd of Education - granting permission to City for an easesent at Dnmeond Road for installation of proposed 20 inch water- main. 0RIBESD on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. C~field that the munication he received, filed and necessary arrangements be made to prepare agree- ment with respect to this easement. leo. 189 - Mrs. G. N. I)~. - dog nuisance. 0RIFaED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. 8wa~se that the communication be received, filed and the writer be ad- vise~ concerning the report which was presented to Council on this matter. No. 190 - City of Sarnia - resolution requesting Province to asstree all respon- sibilities for inspection and enforcement of provisions of Construction Safety Act, or, as an alternative, the Frovince subsidize expenses now being incurred by municipalities by mason of this legislation. ~ on the motion of Aid.Martin and AId. CoTfield that the communication be received and the Council of the City of leia~are Falls So on record as endorsing this resolution. No- 191 - City of Gait - resolution requesting amendment to The Municipal Act to permit licensing and regulating of car washes and that the said business include only that business and such things as are incidental thereto- 01~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the City Solicitor for consideration and a report. No. 192 - Stamford Branch ~79, Canadian Legion - Memorial Cenotaph Renovation, Clifton Hill. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that Mr. Alex McCallurn of the Cenotaph C~v~nittee be heard. Mr. McCallurn advised that the existing Cenotaph located at the Stamford Memorial Arena site, will not be interfered with in any way. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId,Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Engineering Department for submission of a report as to what would be involved in connection with the proposed renovations and also that the matter be referred to the Negotiations Comm4ttee £or consideration and a report. No. l~B - N.F.Civic Employees' Local Union 1~3 - invitation to testimonial dance and presentation to president of Local 133. ~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Morton that the c~unication be received, and filed, the invitation accepted and as m,ny as possible, attend. No. 194 - Committee of Adjustment - re: Gordon Wood's application for a sign per- nit, and requesting advice as to a policy to designate zoning areas where operation of tour and sight-seeing business will be permitted. OI~D on the motion of Aid. McCallurn and AId. Swayze that the camm,micatton be received and referred to the Property Cc~mittee for a report. No. 195 - Welland and District Health Unit - requesting license to Golden Horse- shoe Restaurant be not renewed until requirements complied with under The Eating Establishments regulations (Public Health Act for Ontario). 0RIND on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and request granted. No. 196 - Martin, Calvert, Sheppard & Clark - on behalf of Calaguiro Bros. Not in fayour of limiting ,hours of operation for quarries and sand pits. No. 197 - Brooks, Cromarty & Brooks - on behalf of Walker Bros. Quarry. NOT in favour of limiting hours of operation for quarries and sand pits. No. 198 - Walker Bros. Q~arries - concerned with limiting hours of operation for quarries and sand pits. 01~D on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Mitchelso.n that the communications be received and referred to By-laws 6512 and 6513. Folio- wing consideration and action on By-laws 651~ and 651B, the communica.tions were ordered received and filed, on the motion of Aid. Margin and Aid. McCall~m. ~EE Report N~aber 217 SEE By-lava 6~2 & 6513 Previous to this eatlos, it yah ordered on the motion of Ald. Cox'field and Ald. Morton that layone vishing to speak to these %brae communications, or other interested palsies, be given permission to do so. Mr. A. F. 8hepFtrd, representing Cala;iro Hro8., sparrotOrs of the send pit on St. Deride l~lll as yell as a quarry at the corner of Kalar Hoed and McLeod Road, spoke,and referred to the affects if a 7 p.m. surfer vere imposed on euoh businesses, and expressed the viev that if the by-lay vere paeeed~ there vould be no doubt that it vould impose upon the eontrmctore and operators a burden, which is not imposed upon other Jurisdictions, eneh as Nia~nre=on-thenI,ake. He referred to a very distinct possibility that business vould be driven ~ of %he City into other areas. He referred to the by-law which was passed by the former Township of Stamford which had direct reference to the Andsewe pit at the corner of Churches ~ane and St. Paul Street, which was a nuisance operation. ~4r. Crclarty, speaking on behal~ of the Walker Bros; Q~ar~y reiterated the remarks of ~; Sheppard and substed that the safety features and prohibit- cry features were not being objected to. Fa'. ~ordon Onset also spoke and advised that the previous two speakers expressed the views of his elieats, Brass Brothers, advising that such Firms ordinaril~ would not operate on Hunda~s but-there were occasions. to meet certain deadline s · No. 1~ - Niagara Frontier N~ne Heciety - Auditor' e report. ~ on the sotion of Ald. Swa~xe and Ald. ~otter that the cca~amieation be referred to the Budget Ccsaittee for cc~sideration when the Estimates are being prepared. 91. Laid over from the previous meetin~e/ No. 136 - City Manager & City Solicitor - recommendation that first portion of Windsor resolution on suburban road commissions be approved, which means to abandon l~gislation requiring suburban road commissions. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that the report be received and filed. SEE Report Number 197 ~..'. Connunication llO No. 137 - Cit~ Menaaer & City Solicitor o recc~nnending Windsor resolution re: road construction'costs be endorsed in principle. O1~ on the motion of Ald. ~artin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and the resolution be en- dorsed. SEE Communication 111 No. 182 - City Manager - submitting information with reference to the dwelling at 2536 Dunn Street, for"which M. Mazzarella is requesting the lifting of the one foot restrictions. SEE Communication 145 SEE Report Number~ No. 190 - Assistant to City Mgr. ,.Administration - advising of comments received from the p!~nning Branch with reference to By-laws 6470 and 6471, and requesting Coancil's direction. SEE Report Number 20~ The following Reports were presented: No. 195 - City ~anager - recc,~mending attendance of ~turrmy J. Johnston, Assistant Building Inspector at Canadian Building Officials Convention to be held in Hali- fax, April 8th, 9th and lOth. ORDEI~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted. SEE Cc-.nunication 1~ No. 196 - City Solicitor - re: changing street n~,s. ORIFaED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Scott that the report be received and tabled until such time as Council deals with the by-law. SEE Communications 108, 150__~d 151 ~ petition N~mber 1 No. 197 - City ~anager - report on per capita cost for the Niagnrm Falls Suburban Roads C~lssion. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Morton that the report be.received and filed. SEE Communication 110 SXE~ Report No. 198 - Property Committee - recommending suggestion of City Manager that the restrictions affecting Fazzarella's property at 25~6 Dunn Street be lifted with- out any cost to him for services alread~ installed, but, that he be advised that he will be required to pay for any local improvements that are provided in the future. OR~' on the motion of Aid. Rorton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. ~ C~unication 145 No. 199 - Negotiations Coasttree - Advlslng~r. M. Littlewond's request for a six month leave of absence on-not be granted, but raccs~ending continuance of his Hospltal~ Physical and Group Insurance coverage, with the understanding that 100 per cent. of the cost wlll heborne by him. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald.McCallum and Ald. ~arttn that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Aldermen Scott and Morton contrary. S~E~.Ccemunica~ion !~ No. 200 - City ~anager - advising that ~r. A. A. NacBain's client, N. Tureski, does not intend to proceed ~ith completion of the purchase of the Briand property, at the corner of Ferry Street and Clark Avenue upon ~hich a motel ~s proposed to be constructed. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Cotfield that the re- port be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 201 - _P[e..~__.rt~y Cmittee - recommending C. Gallo~xy be requested to fonmrd a plot plan sho~i~g vhere it is proposed to place the building and sign to be erected by Niagara Frontier Scenic Tours. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted. S~ Cannuntcation 17~ No. 202 - Property C~m~ttee - suggesting brief of A. MeAdsray entitled "Operation Canal Cap" be forwarded to the H.E.P.C. of Ontario for their comments, due to the fact that the final decision must be made on the grounds of economics. u~m~ on the motion of Aid. Corfield and Aid. Potter that the report be received and adopted. Communication 177 No. 203 - Property Cmittee - recommending Dr. R. W. Ertmrdt and Dr. George Bur~m,~-n applicants for a building Permit to erect an office on North Main Street be advised that the by-law respecting a minimum height of ~O feet cannot be amended and there- fore the construction proposed must conform to the by-law. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 180 No. 204 - Special Comnfittee of Council - report on meeting with Canadian Under- writers' representative on ~arch 6th. 0RI~t~D on the motion of Aid. ~artin and AId. Mltchelson that the report be received and filed. No. 205 - Negotiations Cc~mittee - recommending E. B. Perker, District Representative for Local 133 be asked to continue for the Job evaluation, even altho-Sh he has moved from this District. 0RI~HED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 206 - Negotiations Co~nittee - requesting authority to deal with Wm. M. Mercer Ltd. in c~der to have the Job evaluation completed at earliest possible date. 0RIND on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. ~O7 - Negotiations Ccemittee - recoemendations re: appointment of Cashiers, Grade I and II and raceamending position for Cashier III be advertised as no applications were received from the permanent staff. 0RD~HED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. No. ~08- Negotiations Ccemittee - recommendations re: appointment of Payroll Clerk and N.C.Operator, Grade II, and reconm~nding position of ~achine Operator and Sten- ographer in Assessment Dept. be advertised as no applications received from perm- anent staff. 0I~ED on the motion of AId. Cotfield and Aid. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. No. ~09 - Negotiations Cceeaittee - reccmmendin~ appointment of three truck drivers and one Spare Driver. 0RI~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 210 - Negotiations Cmittee - reccmmendin~ position of Janitor for the Police Building comer of Clifton Ave. and Park St. 0RI~ED on the motion of Aid.Kel~han and AId. g~ayzethat the reportbe received and adopted. No. 211 - Negotiations Ccsaittee - reeosmendin~ position of Operators at Pollution Control Plant be advertised. ORE on the motion of Aid. MeCallom andAld. SWse that the repox~ be received and adopted. Is. 21~ - F4ullment Ccssi~tee - resoss~ending parts be purchased for Allls-Chalsers Grader, 0~D on the motion of Aid. McCallv~tandAld, Kelphen that the report be received and adopte~, 93. No. 213 - Special Committee on Traffic Study Repo_~_~ - progress report and advis- ing further meeting on March 13th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed. No. 21~ - City Manager - recommending attendance of Fire Dept. Officials at Con- vention of Municipal Fire Prevention Officers Association, to be held in Hamilton, April 1st, 2nd and 3rd. ORRERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 215 - City Manager - suggesting preparation of necessary by-law to provide for noise abatement in order to deal with Transport Dept. on operation of helicopters flying from hellports located in or adjacent to the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCalltun and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 216 - City Solicitor - Opinion on question of a tenant erecting a sign for which a permit has been granted by the City, and with which the landlord my not be in favour. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 217 - City Clerk - report on O.M.B. Hearing on By-law 61+18, being a by-law to prohibit and regnlate the operation of pits and quarries and advising that new by-laws are to be prepared, deleting regnlatory sections. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan that the report be referred to By-law Number 6513. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and filed. SEE Communications 196, 197 and 198 -laws 65 s & No. 218 - City Clerk - report on O.M.B, Hearing on Area Planning Amen~nent No. 1 and implementing By-law Number 641~, ohM arch 4th re: Gruyich land. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed. No. 219 - City Clerk - rec0m~ending issuance of licenses. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. No. 220 - City Engineer - Declaration of Policy for Subdivisions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 221 - Property Committee - recn~mending no change be made in By-laws 6~70 and ~+71 and the Dept. of Municipal Affairs, Planning Branch, be advised that the clearances were carefully considered by Council before the by-laws were passed. ORI~ED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the · report be received and adopted. Carried, with Alderman Mitchelson - contrary. SEE Report Number 1~0 Vffi~BAL EEPOI~ His Worship Mayor Nlller presented a verbal report on the meeting held on March 5th in the Council Chamber of the City Hall regarding the possible celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of the City of Niagara Falls. He advised that ~ or~anizations were ~epresented at the meeting and the spokesman for the Veterans' Organizations advised they were prepared to or~-nize and put on a parade on Sunday, which ~ould finish at the Park with a Drumhead Service. Hayor Miller recommended that Aldersan George Martin be appointed General Chairman of the Diamond Jubilee Observance Committee to be held in Ma~, 1964. SEE Resolution No. ~5 Tee follovinH Petition ~as presented: No, 1 - Nar~aret L. Cadm& ~ others - protestin~ chan~e in nasa of Gulp Street, iron Main Street to l~ndRomd. ORIED on the motion of AId. ~ze and Aid. Scott that the peti$ion-berreceivedand tabled until such ti~ as Council deals with the b~-law. · ~Ccsauniontions 108, l~O, 1~1. SIS Repor~ Wmaber 1~ ~80L~ONS ~ne following Resolutions were passed: No. 35 - ~ITCHEI~qON - P(~I~ER - ~SOL~ t~t ~de~ ~or~e ~in ~ appointed ~neml ~ai~ of the Didorid Jubilee Obsemnce C~fttee~ pmsent~ en~ed in arr~in~ a suitable celeb~tion in obsemnce of the Didorid Jubilee of the City of Nia~m ~Bs, to be held ~ ~Y, 1~; ~d the ~al of the Coloration be he~to affixed, Cabfed Un~ously No. 36 - NcKINLEY - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the. Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into, execute and deliver an Agreement dated the first day of February, 196~ between the New York Central Railroad Company, Sub-lessee of the Canada Southern Railway here~nafter called the First Party; and the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario, hereinafter called the Second Party, to provide for the installation, maintenance and use of a one and one-q~arter inch copper water line incaseal in a two inch diam- eter galvanized sleeve, across and under the First Party's right-of-way and tracks at Niagara Falls, Canada, as indicated on print of plan n~ber 63-C-~7, dated 8ep= ternher 25th, 196B; and the Seal of the Corporation be herato affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 37 - McKImlEY - SWAi~E - ~F~OLV~D that Aldermen Martin and Mitchelson, repre- sentatives of the City on the Niagara Regional Development Association, be author- ized to attend the H.R.D.A. Conference, to be held at the Park Hotel on March lOth, and llth, 196~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously Ald. Corfleld referred to a couple of telephone calls from ratepayers on Montrose Road south of Lund~'s x~ne, querying about the possibility of action with reference to sewer installation. The City Engineer advised a report on local improvements will be made to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee this week and included in the report will be estimates of costs for the sewer on Non- troze Road. He also advised that the design of the sewermain and punping station is proceeding and will be ready in two weeks. BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed: No. 6~12 - A by-law to prohibit the carrying on or operation of a pit or quarry ' in any areas in which the use of land is restricted to residential or commercial use in the City of Niagara Falls. 0RIFaED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that Ald. HeiShan be granted the privileSe of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first teas4"8. - Carried Un_a-imously. ~ on the motion of Ald. Heighan and Ald. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the byelaw be given the second reading. - carried Unanimously. Third Headin~ -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallutah - Carried Unanimously. ~No. 6~1~. - A b~-lsw for regulating the operation of pits and ~usrries within the City of Niagara Falls. ORZ2E2D on the motion of AId. Hitchsimon and AId. Potter that Aid. Eei~han be ~ranted the privilege of introducin~ the by-law and the by-law he given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0~ on the motion of Aid. Kei~han and Ald. Swayze that Rule B~ of the of Co=e, he. .pended and the by- .w he given the second reading, with Section 2 (, by-law bein~ deleted and Schedule "A" with reference to Line Posts, the wor~ "Miniau~" be c~t to read Third ~eadin~ -Ald. Max~ln and AId. 2waSte - Carried Unanimously.' 'l No. 6514 - A by-law to allow an encroachment on Cataract Avenue. (Simon Property) 0RIBRED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~aED on the motion of kid. Keighan and Ald..qwayze that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing RuIes of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously- Third Reading -Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Potter - Carried Unanimously. No. 6515 - A by-law to authorize the execution of a Memorandum of Agreement 0~rRRED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ai~. PoUter that Ald. Maruiu be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0~rs~RED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Un-nimously. Third Reading - kid. Mltchelson and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~16 - A by-law tomthorize the execution of a deed. 0RESTED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0RI~ on the motion of kid. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Heading. - kid. Cotfield and kid. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6517 - To eraend By-law Number 413~, being a by-law to provide for the instal- lation of parking meters on certain streets in the City of Nisgara Falls and to provide regulations relative to the parking of vehicles in the areas or zones where parking meters are installed. ORE~I~D on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Potter that Ald. 8wayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~I~D on the motion of Aid. 8wayze and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the seccfid reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Heading - AId. Morton and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~18 - A by-law to amend By- law Number ~149, regarding tourist establishments (Cardinale& Mattucci). 0RI~RED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Potter that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORE~F~D on the motion of Ald. Heighan and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36(2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, with Aldermen Martin and Mitchelson contrary. Third Reading -Ald. 5wayse and Ald. McKinley - Carried, with Aldermen Martin, Hitchsimon and Scott contrary. 'l Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mort on. READ AND ADOFA~ED, 16th March, 196~. Council Chamber, 9th March, 196~. The Finance Meeting was held on March 9th, 1964, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previous]~ certi- fied and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present· Alder- man ~artin, Chairman of Fin-hoe, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $~O5,263.28 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Ald. McCallum and AId. Morton. A co~munication from the Director of the Welland and District Health Unit, enclosing a report on Uncle -q~m's Hotel and Motel at 4870 Lundy's Lane, and suggesting no building permit of any kind should be issued unless it complies with the instructions recorded in the report, was presented for consideration. ORESRED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the report be re- ceived, accepted and the recommendations therein instituted before a permit is issued. The Property Ccmmittee's report on the application of the Hollywood Drive-In Theatre for permission to erect a sign on the property of H. C. Badger at 4279 Lund~'s Lane, was presented· 0RI~ED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted end the owners of the sign be re- quested to submit · sketch showing the proposed location of the sign on the property. The City ~anager's report on the Property Ccmnittee's me~ting with ~essrs. l~attie of St. Catharines in connection with the parking facilities re- quimd at the proposed motel of the Deleo fasll~ was presented, along with · further report of the City ~anager to the effect that the applicants have now decided to construct 32 units instead of 34, therefore providing ample parking for the ~ units, at a revised estimated cost of $9~,000. OI~ED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. Kelpban that the reports be received and adopted, and build~n~ permit ~e issued, The City ~anager's report on the application of T~csas Company Ltd., 5~4 Victoria Avenue, for · pereaR to make alterations to the building at the south- west oomer of Palmar Avenue an~ Jepson Street, at an estimated cost of $10,000. was presented for consideration. ORE2E2D on the motion of AId. Swayze and Aid. Corf~eld that the repgr~ be received, adopted and permit issued· 97. The City Manager's report on the application of Lloyd J. Meyer, to erect a portable paneloc building at the Papst Motel, 1528 Buchanan Avenue between North Street and Kitchener Street, at an estimated cost of $900.00 ~as presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Matt Calzonetti, Sales and Service at 1375 Ferry Street, for permission to erect three woden panel signs, at 1~53 Ferry Street, at the north-east comer of Ferry Street and Stanley Avenue, at an est~m-ted cost of $300.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and per- mission be granted. The City Manager's report on the application of Oakes Drive Motor Motel Ltd., 2546 Buchanan Avenue, for a permit to construct an additional six units to their motel, located on the east side of Buchanan Avenue, at the north- east corner of Buchanan Avenue and Cakes Drive, at an estimated cosu of ~2~,09U. was presented. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, subject to comp] lance with the recommendations of the Fire Inspection Department. The City Menager's report on the application of Messrs. Calabrese and Chiarella for a building permit to provide for four additional units to the La Riviera Motel, located on the north-west comer of Ferry Street and Buchanan Avenue at an est~.~ted cost of $38,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued· The City ~anager's report on the application of J. Gutten Ceramics ~fgr. Co. Ltd., 3481 Cawthra Road, Cooksvilla, for a building permit to erect a building on Lot 31 on the west side of Kent Avenue, at en est~"~ted cost of $1~,0OO. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, subject to the require- ments of the Fire Inspection Department and the Building Inspection Department being complied with. The City Manager's 'report on the revised plans submitted by ~r. Hans Mercnik, ~405 Stanley Avenue, for an application for the building to be used for a restaurant and twelve tourist rooms, at an est~"~ted cost of $15,000. was pre- sented. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. Tae City ~anager presented a verbal report on the application of O. Vaughan for a permit to construct a one storey, 37' by 55' building at the corner of Dunn Street and Drummond Road, at an estt,~ted cost of $1B,OOO. The City ~anager advised that as ~r. Vau~han was dropping his lease on the Drug Store on Queen Street, he was very anxious to proceed with this new store, and he ad- vised the location of the proposed building has been checked and the plans have been inspected by the ~ullding Inspector, who has insisted on a new set of plans. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. HcCallom and Aid. KeigJlan that the verbal report be received, adopted and permit issued subject to the filing of plans and speci- fications and compliance with requirements of the Building Inspection Department and Fire Inspection Department. Carried, with AId. Morton - contrary. The Cce~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPIlD, 16th March, 196~. Chairman of Finance f COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 9th ~arch, 196a+· Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, March 9~h, 1964, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Co~ntttee- All Members were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW T~e following By-law was passed: ~ - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. OREgEED on the motion of Ald. Mckinley and Ald. Swayze that Aid.Merlin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDF~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and M.d. Keighan - Carried UnanimouslY. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Merlin and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADO~'A'~D, 16th biarch, 1964. Cler CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 9th March, 1964- ~'ne Ca~w. tttee assembled in Conference, following the regular meeting of Council on Monday, March 9th, 1964. All Members of the C~mmittee were pres- ent. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum. BEAD ANDADOPA'mD, 16th March, 1964. Clerk Chairman 99. Council Chamber, 16th March, 196~. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 16th, 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. The Council, having re- ceived and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield. C0e~4UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 181 - Pearce Signs & Advertising - requesting permission to install waste contain- ers in the City of Niagara Falls. 0RDF~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. norfield that the communication be received, filed and the containers of this panybe inspected by the Traffic Cmittee and information be also obtained about other suitable containers.. SEE Report Number 222 No. 187 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application A-94 BohaJski. 01~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the communica- tion be received and filed and the land in question be made available for motel con- struction, subject to the applicant entering into a site plan agreement with the municipality. ~E~ Report Number 223 No. 191 - City of Gait - Resolution advocating amendment of Section 379 (1) of Municipal Act re: Car Washes. OI~D on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid.Morton that the resolution be tabled for further discussion with City Solicitor. SEE Report Namber No. 194 - Committee of Adaustment - re: Gordon Wood's application for a sign permit and requesting advice as to a policy to designate zoning areas where operation of tour and sight-seeing business will be permitted. ORE~ on the motion of Ald. ~eighan and Ald. Morton that the co~unication be received, filed and the Proper~y Ccemaittee's report be adopted. Carried by a vote of 6 to 4, the vote being: Aye- AldeTmenKeighan, Morton 8wayze, McKinley, Potter, and Corfield. Nays:- Aldermen Mitchelson, McGall~, Scott and Mar~in. The following Communications were presented: No. ~O0 - N. F. Junior Chamber of Commerce - Appreciation for assistance in praaot- ing Outstanding young Man of the Year Award. O~T~ED on the mo~i0n Of Ald.Mitchelson and Ald. 8wa~ze that the cc~munication be received, filed und tb~ke expressed for the goodwill of the ChaiTman of the Awards C~ittee and Council ~a~e this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Ton~ Fredo, the recipient of this year's sward. No. ~O1 - Welland County Branch, Cdn. Mental Health Assoc. - advising of the dates fort his year's campaign for funds. (Apri128th, 29~hand 30~h). OP~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. CoTfield that the cce~aunication ~e received, filed and permission be 8ranted if dates do not conflict with other organizations. No. 202 - Rotar~ Club - requesting pemission to erect a banner across Victoria Ave. at comer of Mcgee Street advertising sale of E aster Seals for crippledehildren's work. OREgon the motion of Ald. 8~aFze and Ald. Potter that the co~eunication · e received, and permission grantedunder the supervision of the local~ro C~is- sion, with the understanding that the banner's period of erection is not to exceed the 31st da~ of March. The Oity Clerk is to contact the Ohairman of the ~aster Seal Ccemittee concerning the period of erection. 101. 'X No. ~03 - Visitor & Convention Bureau - application for grant for tourist pro- motion. ORDEHED on the motion of AId. Corfield and Ald. Morton that the comm- unication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when Est~mntes are being prepared. No. 204 - Greater Niagara Church Basketball Association - requesting grant. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter tha~ the cc~munication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Est~m-tes are being prepared. No. 20~ - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - requesting use of the two ball diamonds at Houck Park on September 12th. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallamthat the cnmm,mication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation C~mmittee with power to act. No. 206 - Tn~m"" J. Kenney - opposing change in street names. O~E. PaD on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication be receiveU and ref- erred to the by-lawwhen it is presented to Council. No. 207 - N. C. Joseph (Canada) Ltd. - requesting erection of"no parking" signs. ORIF~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Commfttee for a repox~. No. 208 - Robert A. Green - enquiring as to when extension of watermains on Thorold Stone Road and on Garner Road will be brought to Council for consideration, con- sidering the fact that the Capital Budget for 1964 will soon be forthcoming. 0RD~on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the conmunication be re- ceived, filed and the writer be notified when the Capital Budget is approved. No. 209 - Welland and District Health Unit - referring to Women's Organizations' Centennial Project to promote clean-up of all parts of Canada. 0RIHERED on the motion of Ald. Mdtchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, filed and the Director of the Health Unit be invited to come and discuss this matter with Council. No. 210 - Niagara Falls Selmarate School Board - requesting permission to purchase five to six acre portion of Cemetery land at the comer of Morrison and Stanley. On the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter, Mr. Philip Downie of the Separate School Board was permitted to address Council. He advised that his Board was faced with the problem of providing equal educational facilities for persons resid- ing within the old boundaries of the former City; that land has already been pur- chased in the former Stamford Area and it is probably that their first school will have to be constructed there, although out of over 300 pupils who will be a~tending this new Senior Elementary School, two-thirds will be residents of the former City. OI~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the com- munication be received and referred to Council for consideration when they meet on Friday, March 20th to discuss the 1964 Budget, at which time arrangements be made for Council to view the land which the School Board are interested in purchas- ing. No. 211 - C~mmittee of AdJustment - notice of hearing re: application of Frank Postl. 0~DERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. No. 212 - Village of Chippaws, C.---~lttee of Adjustment - notice of hearing re; application of Peninsula Finance Limited. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and filed. The City Manager pointed out that the Niagara Falls Filtration Plant is located very close to the property in question. .No. 213 - Church of St. John the Evangelist - invitation to Service of Divine Worship. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Cotfield that the invita- tion be received, accepted and all Members of Council arrange to attend Service on June 14th. No. 214 - Logan and gnight - application on behalf of Mr. EddMasters for permission to construct a motel at south-east corset of Ferry& Clark streets. 0RIF~D on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the coe~unication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. 102 · No. 215 - Kovacs, Forestell & Luciani - requesting an amendment to By-law 5335 in connection with proposed motel on property at 2 Robinson Street. In connection with this communication, Mr. Kovacs advised that the actual height of the proposed building is 230 feet, but the Architects suggested that a figure of 250 feet be used in case construction difficulties are encountered and that it is the intention to contact the Niagara Parks Commissions and arrangements will be made to advise the Co~nission at their next meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the c~mnunication be received, filed and an amendment be prepared that the height of the proposed building would not be in excess of 250 feet. SEE Report No. 227 REPORTS Laid over fr~n the previous meeting: No. 220- Utilities Co-ordinating Committee - recommendation re: Declaration of Policy for Subdivisions- SEE Repor~ No. 226 The following Reports were presented: No. 222 - Traffic Committee - recommending Pearce Signs & Advertising be permitted to exhibit to the Traffic C-f~"nittee the waste containers they have available, and also that the Committee be authorized to obtain information on other suitable cm- tainers. 0RIND on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Co~nunication 181 No. 22B - Property C~ittee - recommending re-zoning of Part of Lots 5, 6, 8 & 10, Clark Street at the cotmet of Ferry St. to permit construction of a motel, subject to the applicant entering into a site plan agreement with the municipality. OI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 187 No. 224 - City Solicitor - comments on Galt l~esOlution re: car washes. 0RI~EED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton that the report be received and tabled for further discussion. SEE Co=munication 191 No. 225 - Property Committee - report on application of G. Wood re: 5624 Lun~v's v~-e and suggestions re: tourist sightseeing stands, etc. 01~ on the motion of Ald. ~i~n and Ald. Moron t~t the mpo~ be received and adopted. ~ied by a vote of 6 to 4, the vote being: ~e- Aldemen Kei~an, Moron, Suyze, McK~ley, Potter ~d Co~ield. ~ye:- Aldemn ~tchelson, McCall, Scott ~d ~ C~l~tion 19~ No. 2~6 - Property Cosnittee - recommending approval of Utilities Co-ordinating Cc~mittee's report that Declaration of Policy for Subdivisions be amended to re- quire subdividers to grade property back to a point 25 feet from the property line so as to facilitate the placing of sidewalks and utility services. OREF~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. 8EE Report No. 220 No. 227 - Property C~ittee - re: meeting with representatives of panoO-~aaa Motel Ltd. and their proposed motel at 2 Robinson Street. ORD~ on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Swa~ze that the report be received and adopted, with the under- standinS that the building would not be in excess of 2~0 f..eet and the necessaz7 amendment be prepared. . . .. .S~E 'Ccxlmunication 21~. lo3. ,% No. 228 - Assistant to City Mgr., _Administration - recommending the subject of Chippaws providing sewer services to a residence located in the City immediately adjacent to the Chippaws boundary, be referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee for study and subsequent report to Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald- Martin and Ald- Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 229 - Special Traffic Committee - progress meeting, and advising further meeting scheduled for Friday, March 20th at 1:3° p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and filed and it was suggested by Ald. Martin that prior to the Special Traffic Committee's presenta- tion of recommendations to Council, that Members of Council having the opportunity, might fully read the Traffic Survey Beport again. No. 230 - Traffic Committee - suggesting Joint meeting with Suburban Road Commission Members in Welland, April loth to discuss with Dept. of l~ig~ways representatives the status of the cost of any proposed new structure over the Welland River. OR- DE~D on the motion of Ald. ~w~yze and Ald. Corfield that the report bc received and adopted. No. 231 - Traffic Committee - rec~nding 2 hour parking be established on north side of Ferry Street between Gladstone and Temperance during entire d~y, Monday to Saturday, inclusive. 0RIND on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received and tabled and Council arrange to view this location on Friday, March 2Oth. No. 2B2 - Equipment Cc~nnittee - rec~mmending purchase of a new saw for the Parks Dept. at a cost of $344. plus B~ Sales Tax. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted. No. 2BB - Negotiations Committee - report on meeting held with Union representatives on March 12th. OI~D on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 2B~ - City Manager _- Red-~mnending attendance of Safety Inspector at Safety Conference'at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto on April 6th and 7th sponsored by Industrial Accident and prevention Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCalltun that the report be received and adopted. No. 2B5 - City Manager - requesting permission to engage the services of an Appraiser on properties of appellants against the decision of the Court of Revision on re-assessments recently held. OR1]EEED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report · No. 236 - Assist. to City Mgr. ,.Administration - advising of the final approval of the Ontario Municipal Rcard for construction and equipment of new Cherrywood Acres Public School. CRIED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. ~wayze that the report be received and filed. No. 237 - City Clerk - reckending issuance of licenses. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and permits issued accordingly. No. 238 - City Engineer - rec-~m"ending procedure with reference to proposed storm sewer on Keith Street, which will cross C.N.R. tracks and the Engineering Dept. he authorized to revise their plans accordingly, and arrangements be made with C.N.R. for necessary aSreement in this regard. ORDERED on the motion of Alder- man Mortin and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. A verbal report was presented by Alderman Mitchelson and Alderman Scott on their recent attendance at a meeting of the Ontario Municipal Associa- tion Executive with the Cabinet concerning the City of Niagara Falls resolution · advocating an amendment to .~he Highway Traffic Act to provide for more stringent control of the transportation of waste paper cartons, etc. so that them would not be scattered on the highways, creating a very objectionable situation. The Aldersen's report indicated that in discussion with the Minister of Highways and the Deputy Minister, it was revealed that over 500 prosecutions had been made in Ontario under Sections ~ and ~8 of The Highway Traffic Act, and that the Department strongly reco~nnended that local Police Forces be asked to enforce these sections of The Highway Traffic Act more stringently; the opinion of the Department being that if a violator received more than one conviction for such an offshoe that they would be prepared to work in co-operation with the local Police Force and see that the trucker's license was lifted. Following the. Alderman's remarks, it was suggested that this information should be passed on to the Police Connnission for their consideration. RESOII~ION The following resolution was passed: No. S8 - MCKINLEY - PGI'A'~R - HESOLVED that letters of congratulations be forwarded to the Niagara Falls Collegiate-Vocational Institute Red Paidera Senior Basketball Team in winning their third consecutive OFSSA ChRmpionship, and being ~heir sixth Provincial Title; and to the Stamford Collegiate-Vicational Institute Senior Girls' Basketball Team for winning their third Southern Ontario Secondary School Associa- tion Championship; and to the Niagara Falls Collegiate-Vocational Institute Junior Girls for winning the S.O.S.S.A. ChAmpionship; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously :1 At this time His Worship Mayor Miller referred to a photocopy of an extract from Hansard that had been delivered to his home, and in which Mr. Ross Strike, Chairman of the H.E.P.C. of Ontario had indicated that Hydro had no intention of proceeding with the construction of a a,m across the lower Niagara River as had been indicated recently in the Press. Mayor Miller expressed satisfaction at this advice. BY-IAWS The following By-laws were passed: No. 6220 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a deed. (Canadian Niagara Power) ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze end AId. Potter that Ai~. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and AId. Morton that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Morton and AId. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. No. 6521 - A By-law to expropriate certain lands in the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~aED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. McKinley that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Mitchelson end Aid. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. 8~ayze. lo5. READ AND ADJOURNED, 2Srd March, 1964. Zlerk" ' ''~ ~ ...... FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 16thMarch, 1964. Toe Finance Meeting was held on March 16th, 19615 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certi- fied and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald- ermanMartin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $136,604.83 were approved by the emittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Ald. McCallumand Aid. McKinley. The City Menager's report on the application of Joice-Sweanor Elec- tric Limited for a permit to erect a double faced ply~ood sign, at 1980 Thorold Stone Road, at an est~m-ted cost of $100.00 was presented for consideration. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received adopted and permit issued. Toe City Manager's report on the application of Earl's T.V. Service, e31 Portage Rc~d, South, for a permit to erect a plastick, illuminated sign at ~31 Portage Road, South, at an estimated cost of $27~.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the repor~ be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. Anna Konkos for a building permit to erect a 23 unit motel at the south-west comer of Stanley Avenue and Robinson Street, at an estimated cost of $45,000. was presented for consideration. ORr~.ED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and referred to the Property Conmittee for consideration and a report. The Ccemittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Morton. ESAD AND ADOPTED, e3Td March, 1964. Chairman of Finance :J lo6. COUNCIL ~TING Council Chamber, 16th March, 1964. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, March 16th, 1964, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Cnmmittee. All Mambers were present. His Worship, ~kvorMiller, presided. BY-lAW The following By-law was passed: No. 6522 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unafiimously. Third Heading -Ald. Morton andAld. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 39 - MARTIN - COI~',~LD - RESOLVED that a special meeting of Council to consider the Budget Est~mntes for the year 196/+ be held commencing at 9 a.m., Friday morning, March 20~h, 19~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 40 - SCO~T - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behal~ of His Worship Mayor Miller and Members of Council, be forwarded to Premier John Robarts, upon the death of his father, the late Mr. Herbert Robarts of Gelt, OntarioJ and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried Unanimously Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Mar~in and Ald. McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, 2Brd March, 1964. lo7. T~EL~TH MEETING Council Chamber, 20th March, 1964. SPECIAL buu~rING Council assembled in the Council Chamber on the morning of Friday, March 20th at 9 a.m. for the purpose of considering the MunicipalBudget for the year 196~. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor Miller presided. Also present were Mr. W. S. Orr, City Manager, Mr. A. C. Huggins, Assistant City Mgr., Admin., Mr. C. H. Eidt, City Engineer, Mr. H. Dickson, City Treasurer, and Mr. D. C. P~tten, City Clerk. Prior to commencement of the discussion with reference to the Budget, the recent demise of Mr. A. A. Schmon, Chairman of the Board of The Ontario Paper CampanY, was referred to and it was ordered on the motion of Alderman McCallum and Alderman Mitchelson that ~aesolution of condolence be forwarded from this Council to the family of the te Mr. A. A. Schmon, an outstanding citizen of Ontario and particularly, the Niagara District Area. It was then ordered on the motion of Alderman McKinley and Alderman Potter that the meeting be turned over to Alderman G. Martin, Chairman of the Finance Committee for Budget perusal. Tae Chairman of Finance referred the members of the Committee to pages ~6 and 47 on which are set out the anticipated Mill Rates and Tax Levies for the year 19~ and asked the City Manager to explain how the Mill Rate as suggested has increased in spite of the published reduction of ed- ucation costs, and the City Manager explained that in the levy as prepared last year the amounts set out were too low resulting in a deficit of some $33,000.00 which had to be picked up, and of course, the Pollution Control Plant expendi- tura being a major item, and that the Mill Rates as suggested would possibly have been up same ~ Mills if not for the $107,000-00 frem the I~Ablic ~tilities Com- mission and the Board of Education reduction. On being queried by the Chairman, all members of the C~nmittee agreed that the explanation as advanced by the City Manager was acceptable. At this time a c~nmunication fro~ the Greater Niagara United Appeal with reference to grant procedure was read and following consideration it was sug- gested that this matter should be left in abeyance and referred to the 1965 Council for consideration when the 1965 estimates are being prepared. While on the subject of grants the City Manager advised as to pending legislation from Queen's Park which would authorize grants in excess of those presently allowed ~r Industrial and Tourist Publicity, providing that they would not at any time exceed the present l~m~tation of $60,000.00, and he suggested that with reference to those grants for Industrial and Tourist activities, these should be made subject to permissive legislation being enacted. It was agreed by the Co~mittee that the policy with reference to grants remain the me in the year 1964 as it was in the previous year and that the matter of the Industrial Grant and that of the Visitor and Convention Bureau be left for decision until later in this meeting- At this time, Alderman Mltchelson requested permission to leave the meeting since he had to attend an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing in St. Catharines, and permission being granted, he left at 10:15 a.m. GRANTS: In perusing the grants as recommended in the tentative budget, the follow- ing action was taken: 0n the motion of Alderman Keighanand Alderms.~ Morton it was ordered that: 1. The amount of $75.00 be added to the MAnor Hockey Grant, making a figure of $~75.00. 2. The aaount of $79.00 be added to the StamfordMAnor Hockey Association 6x~ntsaking a fi6~re'of $~2~.00. On the motion of Alderman Potter and Mayor Miller it was ordered that: The amount of $3,000.00 be added to the Boy's Club of Greater Niagara, a figure of $9,000.00. 4. It was agreed that contingent grants be increased by $500.00 to a figure of $1,000. having in mind a possible grant to a local Big Brother Association. 5. On the motion of Mayor Miller and Alderman Morton the amount for the Visitor and Convention Bureau in the current budget was established at $10,000. plus $10,000. on a matching basis, subject to authorizing legislation, and the amount for the Niagara Development Committee was increased $2,000. to a figure of $3,000. This motion was carried, the vote being: Aye- Mayor Miller, Aldermen Swayze, Scott, EeiS~An, McKinley, Fetter and Morton. Nays:- Aldermen McCallum and Corfield. 6. On the motion of Aldermen McCall~n and Scott, the amount for the Industrial Committee of the Chamber of Co~nnerce was established at $24,~00.00, subject to authorizing legislation, the vote being: Aye:- Aldermen Swayze, Scott, Keighan, McCallurn and Potter. Naye:- Mayor Miller, Aldermen McKinley, Morton and Corfield. 7. On the motion of Aldermen Scott and Keighan the amount provided in the Estimates for Retarded Children was increased by $600.00 to am of $3,000.00 the vote being Aye: Mayor Miller, Aldermen Swayze, Scott, Keighan, Potter, Morton. Jaye: Alder- men McKinley, McCallurn and Corfield. It was ordered on the motion of Mayor Miller, seconded by Alderman Scott that the c~mwunication from the Greater Niagara United with reference to grant procedure be left in abeyance and referred to the 1965 Council for consideration when the 1965 Est4m-tes are being prepared. When the grant for the Canadian Mental Health Association was being dis- cussed, the Chairre-- of Finance, Alderman G. Martin, referred to the attempt to obtain a resident psychologist in the area whose services would be utilized very advantageously in preventing the spread of mental health disease~: and it was suggested that the incoming Council for 1965 should be requested to further this suggestion. ~ There was also discussion in connection with the Band grants contained in the current year's estimates, and it was understood that when these grants are made available to the respective band organizations, that the transmittal letter advising of the grant would stip,,1-te that any engagements completed by the Band which are considered as chargeable to the City of Niagara Falls would be handled only with the authority of the Council or its Administrative Officials. At this time the Cce~ittee adjourned for lunch to re-convene at 1:30 p.m. l~Arsuant to adjournment, Council re-convened at 1:40 p.m. Friday, March 2~ch for further consideration of the draft budget. All members were present with the exception of Alderman Mitchelson. Certain matters having been taken care of prior to luncheon, the Coa~ittee now started their perusal of the~est4m~ted ex- penditures, cc~mencing with page 1. The City Manager explained to the Caittee that there was provision in the tentative estimates of 3~ for certain administrative salaries, and that others were to remain as is, or as covered under the existing two year agreement. Alder- · an McCallurn moved that the percentage be 4~ for A~ninistrative Officials, :but received no seconder. The perusal of the expenditure side of the Burst was continued and when the point was reached where discussion of ~arbege would take place, it ~s a~reed that this subject and that of the Ambulance Grant would be tabled until such t~ae as Alderman Mitchelson was in attendance. When the provisions in the Budget for weifare were under discussion, on the s~estion of Aldersan Morton, a action moved by hissell and seconded by Aldersan Cotfield was passed to the effect that scse consideration be ~iven by Council to the possibility of retaining the services of a trained social worker, whO, it was felt, would be of benefit in keepin~ welfare costs to a mind,aura. ~11e sotion having been passed it was left in the hands or the Mayor to discuss this possible appointsent and that when it is under discussion, Mrs. Y~ou~ of the Chil- d~en's Aid# an~ Welfare Officials should be allowed ~o sit in. With reference to Athletic Fields and the estimates therefore, it was agreed that $600.00 be deducted from an item provided in the estimates for repairs to the Club House at 0akes Field so that this amount would remain as A brief discussion took place with reference to the Urban Renewal studies and it was ordered on the motion of Alderms~ Morton and Swayze that Dewson, Planning Director, be requested to obtain a definite answer on the Urban Renewal Report and if this were not possible, that the whole matter be thrown out. With reference to the dog catching and control it was felt that in view of the mounting criticism as to dogs mine at large that it would be ad- visable to consider the tying up of these animals for the year round and to assist in this consideration, a copy of the ]~y-law of the City of St. Catharines be ob- tained. With reference to huntIng licenses, some discussion was held concern- ing the two groups which are active concerning cons~rvation and re-stocking of pheasants, etc., and in order to arrive at a decision as to what will be done concerning the hunting fees, it was agreed that a C:-.-~ittee of Council should give the matter consideration and meet with the groups concerned so as to bring in a recn,,wendation concerning the allocation of funds. The matter of the grant in lieu of taxes on the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge was discussed and it was pointed out that this grant expired as of the end of 1963 and it will be necessary to enter into negotiations for a renewal and it was agreed that the Mayor and the City Manager would take this matter under con- sideration, with a view to getting a settlement or understanding as soon as pos- sible. It was agreed that item 4, the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board, as contained in the tentative estimates, be reduced by an amount of $4,000.00 resulting in a figure of $44,B6B.O0, and the amount provided for Ambulance Service be reduced $1,500.00 resulting in a figure of $10,~00.00. Having finalized the perusal of the items contained in the estimated budget, it was pointed out that the changes authorized would result in altering certain figures so as to put the budget in balance again, and it was agreed that the City ~n-ger would adjust the est~.~tes correspondingly so as to maintain the suggested Mill Rates. At this point, the Chairman, Alderman Martin, pointed out that Alder- man Mitchelson had not returned to the meeting and it was essential that the budget est~tes be arrived at for presentation to Council on Monday evening, and asked that the discussion now take place as to the method of handling the garbage'Situation. A lengthy discussion took place on the merits of the carry out and carry back service, durin=m which estimates prepared by the City Engineer concerning: (a) the carry out, and (b) the carry back service was considered, and as one suggestion to facilitate matters, the City Engineer suggested that the Municipality sponsor a clean-up week which would be of great benefit to the citizens and to the men in the Sanitation Department. Following this lengthy discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Aldermen McCallurn and Morton that the method of handling the ashes and garbage situation in the City of Niagara Falls be continued in 19~ as it was in the year 1963. This motion was carried, the vote being: AYe:- MAyor Miller, Aldermen Swayze, McKinley, McCall'm, Morton, Cotfield. Naye:-Aldexlaen Scott, Keighan and Potter. At this time a motion was submitted, moved by Alderma~ McCallun and seconded by Aldersan Scott, that Administrative Officials' ueleries be increased at the rate of ~% instead of 3%. This motion was passed unanimously. Aldensan Martin, at this time, expressed the hope that when the Budget as such is presented to Council on Monday night that there would be no- one openly opposed, and it was moved by Aldersan Potter, seconded by Alderman M~Callum that the vote adopting the Budget l~-law which is scheduled for presen- tation to Council on the evening of March ~rd be unanimous. In connection with the above motion it was understood that this was nottaking away the right of a seabet of Comaoil of exprassin~ disa~raeaent with one or more items as contained in the said Budget. 110. It was then ordered on the motion of Alder"~" Morton end Alderman McKinley that the Municipal Budget for the year 196~ be brought in by By-law at the Council meeting of Monday, March 23rd, establishing the Mill Rates for tax- ation in the year 196~ at those as suggested in the tentative budget. Carried Unanimously · It was ordered on the motion of Alderman McCalltun and Alderman Potter that the Conmittee on Finance now arise and report to Council. BEAD AND ADOPTED, 23rd March, 1964. Chairman of Finance COL~CIL M~EEING Council Chamber, 20~h March, 196~. Council reconvened following the Finance Meeting of Friday, March 20th, 196~ with all members present with the exception of Alderman Mitchel~on. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCalltun. AND ADOF1T~, 23rd March, 196~. 111. REGULAR~£ING Council Chamber, 23rd March, 1964. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 23rd, 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter end Ald. Corfield. Tenders had been called for the supply of materials for the year 1964 and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze, it was ordered that the tenders be received, opened, and initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabu- lated. C~ICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 180 - Griffiths, Sharpe & Clement - application on behalf of Drs. Erhardt and Bur~m~n for amendment to By-law stipulating height of proposed buildings on north Main Street. SEE Communication No. 216 No. 206 - Truman J. Kenhey - opposing change in name of T~irdAvenue. SEE Betition No. 2 No. 208 - Robert A. Green - re: watermain extensions. SEE Report No. 239 No. 209 - Welland & District Health Unit Director - re: possible methods of elim- inatingobJectionalbe phases of garbage collection and refuse. SEE C~unication No. 218 No. 210 - Niagara_Falls Separate School Board - re: possible sale of lend in old portion of City of Nia~am Falls. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that any one present at the meeting from the Board who wishes to address Council be given the opportunity to do so. Mr. Philip Downie reiterated his re- quest with reference to the possibility of purchasing a piece of cemetery land at the corner of Morrison Street and Stanley Avenue and the reasons why this lo- cation was preferred, pointing out that since it will mean five years less of burial grounds in the City, their request was a reasonable one and requested Coun- cil to reconsider their decision. In answer to the Mayor's query concerning the availability of Cemetery land on the north, the speaker stated that this would be much closer to the land purchased in the old St-m~ord Centre area and this would make the radius that much smaller and there would be the problem of smoke and pollution from adjacent plants. A full discussion ensued, during which Aidemen McKinley, Morton were of the opinion that re-consideration should be given, Ald. McKinley pointing out the absolute inability of the Board to obtain a land assim= ulation in the area required because of prohibitive costs and he was of the opinion that the picture has changed since Amalgamation and Council should shoulder its responsibility as well as the Separate School Board. Aid. Keighan referred to the suggestion made re: the possibility of selling land to the north and pointed out that this was still cemetery land. The Alderman was of the opinion that more information is required as to costs. Aid. Corfield.was of the opinion that the matter should aSain be turned over to the Property Ccmaittee for further considera- tion. Aldermen McCallum and Scott pointed out that they had not made a snap de- cision and following further discussion it was ordered on the motion of Aid. McCallam and AId. Scott that the communication be received, filed and the Separate School Board be notified that the property is not for sale. Carried by a vote 5f 6 to 5, the vote being, Aye:- Aldermen MeCallu$, Scott, Martin, Mitehelson and 8vayse and M~Vor MIller. Naye~- Aldermen Kelahan, McKinley, Potter, Morton and Cotfield. No. Z14 - Logan and Kni6ht - application on behalf of Edd Masters re: motel con- struction at corner of Ferry & Clark (Brimrid land). 0RIERED on the motion of Ald. Kei~han and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Propcloy C~mnlttee be adopted. Carried with Aldermen Scott and Mitchelson contrary. SEE Report Number 240 C(I~4~NICATIONS The following Communications were presented: No. 216 - Griffiths, Sharpe & Clement - advising of revised application presented on behalf of Drs. Erhardt and Bur~man with reference to a building on North Main Street. Ordered on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Mitchelson that Dr.Erhardt be heard. The Doctor presented a plan of their proposal showing the floor plan and all ~ne elevauions in order to c~nply with the by-law. He advised that a four foot front will be constructed on top of She first storey for a distance of 4 feet along the sidewalls from the front of the building and the second storey will be erected in approximately two years' t~me. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and approval be granted for the issuance of a building permit subject to the height meeting with the approval of the City Manager and the Building inspector and with the understanding that the second storey will be commenced within a two year period and the owners signing for the building permit. No. 217 - Southminster United Church -- resolution in opposition to any change in the name of Margaret Street. 0RDEHED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. 8wayze that the cnmwn,knication be received and referred to the by-law when presented re: the changing of street names. No. 218 - Welland and District Health Unit Director - enlarging on information con- telned in his communication of March 9th re: garbage and refuse collection. 0R- DERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Potter that the cc,m,,micatlon be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Ccxmnittee. SEE Connnunication 209 No. 219 - George l~ukator, M.P.P. - remarks made during Budget Debate of Legislature specifically referring to the Recovery of the Rapids and Niagara Falls to its original state and natural beauty; Capping the Ca--1 while in the process of cleaning; and Larger grants in lieu of taxes by the Niagara Parks C~mmlssion and the H.E.P.C. OR~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and tabled for one week for Conacil's perusal. No. 220 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Pl-nntng Board - Town Plan for Niagara Fells and enclosing copies of the amendment and colcured prints of the revised Schedule A and B Future Land Use and District Map. 0RIF~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Margin that the c~m~,mication be received and Council stud~ the 16 sep- arate issues included in the amendment and that Council meet once again with the Planning Board to consider the same prior to revision and re-writing of the Plan. No. 221 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Pl-nntng Board - Amendment Application, A-gS, Agoetc. No. 222 - Win. G. Booth - appearing .on behalf of Mr. Agoetc. It was pointed out that Mr. Booth was unable to appear at this meeting, and it was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Eei~an and AId. Morton that the cc~mumications be received and tabled to give Mr. Booth the opportunity of appearing before Council at their next regular meeting on March SOth. No. 225 - Matthews and Matthews - letter of protest against proposed zoning of Open Space of Part of T~p. Lot 191 in the area east of Dufferin Islands (Biasonte). ~ on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. S~m~yze that the ocemunication be received and tabled until such time as meeting to be held with Planning Board is scheduled, and the writer be notified when this subject comes before Council again. No, ~2~ -. Matthaws and-.Matthews - enelosin~ a new set of plans for Deleo's proposed motel at 1~3~ Ferry Street, $ho~in~ amendments to ~clu~ a ~s~t. O~ ~ the .~i~ of ~d. ~ ~d Aid. Co~ield ~t the c~i~ti~ be ~fer~d- $o the Fl~ce ~et~ ~en the Cit~ ~r's '~po~ is consisted. n3. No. 225 - Broderick, Burnett & McLeod - Americana Motel Limited. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Mr. Burnett be heard. He advised that his client was prepared to agree to whatever sewer installation the City my ulti- mately ~equire. He referred to the three alternative methods which would satisfy the Health Inspector. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed and the decision of this Council be made when Item 10 in Finance Meeting is considered. No. 226 - Board of Police Cnmmissioners - re: possibility of placing of a crossing guard at foot path of St. Andrew Avenue and Stamford Green Drive and recommending City Council he requested to have necessary signs erected. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee with power to act. No. 227 - Board of Police Co~missioners - matter of prosecutions under Sections 56 and 98 ofT ne Highway Traffic Act concerning use of tarpaulins, referred to Chief Constable for appropriate action. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and filed. No. 228 - Niagara Falls Separate School Board - sidewalk in front of Father Henne- pin School. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Potter that the com- munication be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Com- mittee. No. 229 - Niagara Falls Union Centre Limited - endorsing Mayor Miller's reco.nnen- detion concerning room tax. No. 2B0 - International Chemical Workers Union, I~cal 215 - in fayour Of room tax. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communications be received and filed. No. 231 - Secretary, Fire Department - requesting meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Aid. McKinley that the connnuaication be received, filed and the writer ha notified that the Negotiations C~m. ittee will have a meeting with their Cnmm~ttee ~mmediately. No. 232 - Chateau Gel Wines Ltd. - requesting advice as to when sewer installation will be made. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the c~mn- anication be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control C~mmtttee. No. 233 - Luther Cartled~e - requesting permission to speakto Council re: outstand- ingwater account, at 2300 Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Mr. Cartledge be permitted to speak. He referred to an outstanding water account owing by his tenant Penn Acceptance Corporation, of which he had no knowledge and stated that Carland could not get a building permit for this property until this account has been paid. The City Clerk then mad a comanication from Penn Acceptance Corporation regarding the terms of their rental agreement with Mr. Cartledge. The City Manager was ~f the opinion that the lease was with Penn Accep- tance so they are the parties responsible for any arrears of water rates. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report, slach report to specify the amount of arrears and the name of the person peying for the water; and in the meantime the water be turned on, Mr. Cartledge having guaranteed to pay the account. No. 234 - Drummond Road Home & School Association - re: dog nuisance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Special Committee studying this matter and the writer be notified that the matter will be discussed by the Ccemittee and brought before Council next fall. No. 235 - 17th Niagara Falls Scout Group C0emittee - requesting use of Raden- PowellPark Saturday evening, May 2Srd. No. 2~ - Welland Plant Softball Association - requesting softball facilities at Prince EdwardandPrince Charles Parks. 0RIND on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the coemunications be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee with power to act. No. 257 - Welland and District Health Unit - advising that the premises at S48Kalar Road, have been condemned on October B0, l~6B. ORE~ED on the motion of AId. Ptttchelson and Aid. Potter that the communication be received and filed and author- it~granted to proceedunder the terms of By-law64~O. REPORTS laid over frcm the previous meeting: No. 231 - Traffic. Co~nittee - recommending .two-hour parking on north side of Ferry Street between Gladstone Ave. and Temperance Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Martin that the report be received, filed and no action taken. Carried, with Aldermen Swayze and Scott contrary. No. 235 - City Manager - requesting permission to en~age the services of J.Mac- kenzie tq,m~ke the necessary appraisals of properties which are now subject to appe~ from decision of Court of Revision with reference to recent re-assessments. ~ ~epor~ ~umher 2~1 The rollowing Reports ~ere presented: No. 239 - Sanitation .& Pollution Control Cammittee - recoum~ndations in connection with any proposed installation of watermains on Thorold Stone Rcad from Kalar Road to Garner Road and on Garner Road from Thorold Stone Road to the north lot line of Twp. Lot 52. ORESRED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the re- port be received and adopted with the necessary amendment, and all of the residents of the affected subdivisions be sent a copy of the report as ended. SEE C~nw,mication 208 No. 240 - Property Committee - recmendations in connection with plan submitted by Messrs. Masters & Chapman for proposed motel on south-east cotear of Clark Avenue and Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Aldermen Scott and Mitchelson contrary. SEE Coamunication 214 No. 241 - Property Committee - recommending appointment of Mr. Jack Mackenzie to make appraisals of certain properties which are now subJec to appeal from the de- cision of the Court of Revision, following recent re-assessments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~onand Ald. Potter that the report be received and%dopted. No. 242 - a-l~man of Finance - Report on Est~ted Revenues and expenditures for the year 19~. 0Fua~i~D on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. SEE By-law Ntmber 6523 Previous to this action, Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, advised that it had been agreed at the meeting of Council called last Friday to consider the Budget Est~m-tes that Council would unanimously adopt the Bud6et even though scme Members were opposed to the garbage collection method. Ald. Morton advised that he was voting for the adoption of the Budget as presented, but with the understanding that a new agreement with the Fliers' Hockey Tee with a view of getting a greater percentage of the 8ate receipts, is studied. His Worship Mayor Miller advised that it was his understandin~ that the Chairman of the Arena C~m~ittee and his C~mm4ttee were going to discuss this at a later meeting. AId. McKinley, Chairman of the Arena Ccemittee, advised that the matter of discussing the ~ate receipts for hockey _e~m-e had already been under consideration and the present a~reement would he considered before ccemencing the 196~-1965 season. AId. Mitchelson congratulated Aid. Martin for the able way in which the Budget had been prepared for the year 196~ and,also the Members of the staff Who worked so diligently to ccexplete its preparation. The Alderman stated that although. he had not been .able to be present durin~ the Whole Friday session When the budget was considered, due to being subpoenaed to appear at an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, that he had Zone over t~e Budget and was satisfied with the exception of one item, naa~ely, the amount of $97,399.90 for haek~ard pick-up of 6arbe~e~ and was of the opinion thnt this wms not necessary as he was convinced the majority of the citizens wou~d prefer not to have this backward pick-up. I~ls Worship Mayor Miller referred to the Friday meeting When all Members of Council present voted for the adoption of the Bud~t and those opposed to expressled their opinion at tha~ time ~o adopt the Budget. }t Aid. Martin advised that there w~s a vote of 7 to e on the garbage issue at the Friday meeting, when Aldermen Keighan and Scott opposed and Aid. Mitchelson was not present when the vote was taken. Ald. McKinley referred to the Grants Section of the Budget, ad- vising that he was of the same opinion as Ald. Morton that the percentage of hockey should be changed and it us indicated that this matter would be explored. The Alderman explained that he was not voting to grant these amounts but to grant all those amounts which were permitted legally and will be unless different legis- lation is passed. AId. McKinley explained that the point was that the Chairman of Ein-nce asked that the Council unanimously adopt the increase in the residen- tial mill rate etc., but that he too has a difference of opinion of the Budget. Ald. Keigh-~ advised that he had voted against the method of gar- bage collection but was going to support the Budget rather than vote for the deletion of the Mount of $97,000. from the Budget in March, 1964. The Alderman continued that the people should have a chance to decide this in December, 196~ and tha~ he was of the opinion that the collection of garbage, ashes and rubbish amounts to approx~,t~tely $410,0OO. which is expensive and that he had evidence from other municipalities that they can save between $100,000. to $150,000. by eon- trncting out such collections and still give the same service that we have now. Ald. Cotfield stated that all agreed to support the Budget but he did not agre with the money spent on the Fire Department and was of the opinion that the Fire Department Budget would not have been as high if the Volunteer Brigades in the former Township had been allowed to continue for five years. Ald. Scott advised that he had voted an amendment to the Budget last year to eliminate the hack yard pick-up and did so this year at the Budget Meeting and that he was opposed to spending this extra money for garbage collec- tion and if he had promised to support the Budget last Friday night, he had made the stipulation that he would support the budget with the exception of the part dealing with the amount for garbage collection but that he had no cbjection to the other parts of the Budget. AId. Mitchelson advised that if he had been present at the por- tion of the Budget Meeting last Friday When the Chairman of Finance called for a unanimous vote to support the budget he would have been in opposition then as he was now. The Alderman added that he had not chosen to miss the most important part of the meeting of the year, that he was there at the ccannencement of the Budget Meeting until called to report to the O.M.B. Hearing. No. 243 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending that the items underlined in red on the Schedule for Local Improvements as presented by the City Engineer be approved. ORI)EaED on the motion of Aid. Mar~in and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 2b~ - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - report on consideration of Preliminary Est~m-tes for Sewermains and Roads, and making certain reccemenda- tions. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Martin andAid. Potter that the report be'reCeived and adopted. No. e45 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Co~nnittee - suggesting further report before any purchase of land is considered re: location of a pemping station at intersection of Montrose Road and McLeod Road. ORI~D on the motion of Alder- manMartinand Alderman Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. e46 - Sanitation & Pollution Control C~a~m~ttee - rec~m~endations re: quota- tions received for purchase of I~quid Chlorine and Ferric Chloride for Filtration Plant and Pollution Control Plant. ORE~D on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report he received and adopted and liquid chlorine at a quota- tion of $5.60 per hundred pounds and Ferric Chloride at a quotation of $5.36 per hundred pounds (U.S. Funds) be purchased from Canadian Industries Limited. No. 247 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending Hydrated Lime be purchased from l)cmtar of Cana6a Limited at a price of $24.0~ per ton. 0R- IlEBED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald, Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 2~8 - Cit~ Manager - recommending that the City Engineer and one elected Member of Council be authorized to attend the lOthAnnunlMeeting and Workshop of the IntarnationalMunicipel Parking Congress In Bittsbur~h, May 17th to May ~Oth. 01~[SD on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the repor~ be received and adopted. ~ n6. No. 249 - City Mana6er - recommending that Mr. H. Gerrett of the Traffic Depart- ment and Mr. M. Peszle of the Engineering Department be authorized to attend the lOth Annual Traffic Training Course of the Ontario Traffic Conference to be held in Aylmer, May 25th to June 12th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 250 - C,,m, tttee of AdJustment - results of Hearing of applications of Cairns Bros. Ltd. and Steve Vorkapich. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 251 - Co~nittee of Adjustment - results of Hearing of applications of B.A. Oil Co. and Jovo Bielich. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfleld that the repor~ be received and filed. No. 252 - City EnSineer - enclosing copy of letters frown H.E.P.C. re: 20 inch watermain crossing Hydro Csnal. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the repor~ be received and adoptedand matter referred to tbe Sanita- tion and Pollution Control Committee for considerabion and a report. No. 253 - ~ity Clerk - recomending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. PETITIONS The following Petitions were presented: No. 2 - Truman J. Kennay and 33 residents - opposing any change in the name of Third Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the petition be received and referred to the by-law when presented re: the changing of street nan~s. No. 3 - W__. E. Beese and 55 other residents - opposing any change in the name of Margaret Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the petition be received and referred to the by-law when presented re: the chang- ing of street n~mee. The following Resolutions were passed: No. 41 - MCKINLEY - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls petition the Department of Highways for the Province of Ontario for the Statutory Grant under The Highway Improvement Act on expendltul~s made during the year 1963~ and the Seal of the Corporation.be hereto affixed. Carried UnanImously No. 42 - MORTON - C0RFIELD - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting he held on Tuesday, March 31st, 19(9+, c~zmencing at 7:30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. _Carried UnanImously No. 43 - MORT(~ - POPrER - RESOLVED thatMr. JackMackenzie be appointed by the City of Niagara Falls to make appraisals of certain properties subject to appeal from the decision of the Court of Revision on re-asSessments made in the year 1963; and the ~eal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously Ald. Mar~in requested ~hat a check be made in the school areas to ascertain the conditioh of school siena, whether they have been knocked down or missing, and that in such cases, the school signs be replaced. AId. McKinley also requested a check be made of the wording of the sign on Fourth Avenue at Jepson 8treat and was' advised by the City Engineer that the signhad alread~been'remove.d and a more appropriate si~n'willbe erected. 117. With reference to the extra reporter now attending the Council meetings, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Keighan that an additional table be procured for his use. Carried, with Ald. M~ttchelson contrary. His Worship, Mayor Miller, requested Council to give consideration to his suggestion that possibly a by-law could be prepared or an amendment to the Highway Traffic Act could be suggested, whereby children riding bicycles would be compelled to dismount and walk across the intersection instead of riding their bicycles.- His Worship, M~vor Miller advised Council that he had written a letter to Prime Minister L. B. Pearson, and that Mayor lackey of Niagara Falls, New York, had written to the U.S. Congress, asking for the formation of a Joint committee for the celebration of the Treaty of Ghent, to be held during the first and second weeks of AughAst. Mayor Miller queried as to Council's approval of the possibility of striking a silver dollar to commemorate this occasion. Council agreed with the Mayor's suggestion. BY-lAWS The following By-laws were passed: ~0' 6523 - To provide for the appropriations for the year 1964. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried UnanImously. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, by a vote of 8 to 2, the vote being: Aye:- Aldermen Mar~in, Morton, Swayze, Keighan, McCallum, Potter and Corfield and McKinley. Nays: - Aldermen Mitchelson and Scott. An amendment made by Aldermen Mitchelson and Scott that the amount of $97,399.90 less what has been expanded fr~n January 1st to March 23rd, 1964 for backyard garbage collection be deleted from the 196~ Budget and the Budget Mill rate be reduced on a pro rata basis, was lost by a vote of 8 to 2, the vote being: Aye: Alderman Mitchelson and Scott. NaVe: Aidermen Swayze, Martin, Keighan, McKinley, McCall, m, Potter, Morton and Cotfield. Third Reading - Aldermen McCallum and Swayze - Carried, with Aldermen Mitchelson and Scott contrary. ~9' 6~24 - To authorize the manner in which taxes for the year 1964 shall become due to provide a time for payment and penalties for non-payment. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried UnanImously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum- Carried Unanimously. No. 6p~p - To authorize the levying and collecting of taxes for the year 1964 and definining the certain duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and Collec- tor ~f the City of NiaSara Falls. 0RESHED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Potter that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORIBRED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be 6ivan the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and AId. McCallurn - Carried Unanimously. n8. No. 6526 - To authorize a Memorandum of Agreement between the Minister of High- wnys and the City of Niagara Falls respecting construction, cost sharing and maintenance of a storm sewer system. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Potter that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. OPaERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCalltUn - Carried Unanimously. No. 6527 - To authorize the execution of a deed between the H.E.P.C. of Ontario and the City of Niagara Falls. 0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. -Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Ket~-.n and Aid. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. KeJgh,n - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~28 - A by-law to provide for the 1964 Expenditures on Roads or Streets of the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. CorfieldandAld. Swayze. - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~29 - To amend Zoning By-law Number 2530 (1960) of the Township of Stamford (now the City of Niagara Falls) as amended. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Sw~yze that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORIiRED on the motion of Ald. Kelpn and Aid. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Cosnoel be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, with Aidermen Mltchelson and Cotfield - contrary. Third Reading -Ald. Sw~vze and Ald. McCallum - Carried, with Aldermen Mitchelson and Cotfield contrary. 65 o - To exempt certain farm lands from local improvement frontage taxes imposed by special assessment in respect to sewers constructed in the former Stamford Sewer Area now in the Urban Service Area of the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1964. OBIBRED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Potter that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introdueing th~ by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried ~mniaously. ORIBl~Don the motion of Aid. !CeiSk-n and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tandAng Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried UnanimoUsly. T Third Reading - AId. McKinley and AId..Mox~on -Carried Unanimously. n9. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ ANDADOPA'~D, 6th April, 1964. Mayor FINANCE Mm~A'ING Council Chamber, 23rdMarch, 1964. The Finance Meeting was held on March 23rd, 1964, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certi- fied and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Aid. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry accounts in the amount of $1~O,832.64 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council on the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald. Potter. The Property Co~mittee's report on the application of the Hollywood Drive-in Theatre, located on Kalar Road, to erect a plywood sign on the premises of H. C. Badger, 4279 Lundy's Lane, at the north-west comer of Lundy's Lane and Kalar Road, was presented. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and permission be granted, subject to the design of the sign meeting with the approval of the City Manager. The Property Committee's report on the application of Mrs. Anna Konkos to construct a motel at the south-west comer of Stanley Avenue and Robinson Street was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and no action be taken on the application of Mrs. Konkos for the erection of a motel at the present time, due to the fact that the northerly 150 feet of Mrs. Konkos' property is still zoned residential and therafora cannot be used for the construction of the motel; the only portion of the property that could be utilized would be the southerly 83 feet. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. Jovo Bielich for a building permit to erect an addition to the Montrose Hotel located at the inter- section of Montrose Road and Chippaws Creek Road, at an est~umated cost of $25,000. ~as presented. ORDEI~I) on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Cotfield that the repor~ be received, adopted and permit issue~, subject to the requirements of the Fire Inspection Department being incorporated in the structure. The City Manager's report on the application of E. H. Forroe Cempeny Limited, 1701 Dewis Avenue, for a building permit to construct an addition on the south side of their building, at an estimated cost of $17,000., building to be used as a stock area, was presented for consideration. O~ on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Aid. Keighan that the repor~ be received,adopted and the applicants be advised to make application to the Committee of Adjustment bo construct the addition as proposed on their plans. :1 120. The City Manager' s report on the plan submitted by the Drun~ond Cycle and Sports Shop, 2595 Drunmond Road, located on the west side of Drummond Road between Corwin Crescent and Dunn Street for extensions to their premises. OR- DEEIED on the motion of Aid.Mob%on and Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted and the applicants be advised to apply to the Cammittee of Adjustment for an interpretation of the provisions of the Neighbourhood Commercial Area. Tae City W~nager's report on the application of the Sheraton-Brock Hotel, 1685 Falls Avenue, for a building permit to make alterations to the exist- ing building, at an estimated cost of $11,300. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Potter that the report be received, adopted and a permit be issued subject to any changes required by the Fire Inspection Department and that approval be obtained from the Liquor Control Board of Ontario. The City Manager's report on the application of Uncle Sam's Hotel Ltd. located on Lundy's Lane between Garner Road and Kalar Road, for a builuing permit to construct an addition to their building, at an estimated cost of $5,000. was presented. ORDErRED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and as the information submitted is not in a satisfactory form to recommend a permit, any addition should be made subject to the conditions laid down by the Welland and District Health Unit with respect to the lagoon pres- ently serving the hotel and the motel. The City Manager's report on the application of the Inn-on-the-Hill Ltd. for a building permit to construct an addition to the original plan for the motel on the north side of Ferry Street between Temperance Avenue and Main Street, on the old Cobry property, was presented for considerations. ~e estimated cost of the addition is $16,000.00. ORDE}~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. T~e City Manager's report on the application of the ~anericana Motel and Restaurant, 44~4 Lundy's Is,e, on the south side of the street, between Kalar Road and Garner Road, for a build/ng permit to construct an addition comprising 58 additional units to the motel, was presented for consideration. Co~munication Nom- bet 225, frcm Brederick, Burnart & McLeod, representing the applicant, which was referred for consideration along with the City Maoager's report, wa~ also presented. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald. Morton that Mr. Burnett be heard. Ne suggested that the City Manager would agree that apart from the sewage disposal question, the application appears to be in order and all plans are in order. He referred to the Health Inspector's indication that one of three alternative methods would satisfy his requirements, namely: (1) the construction of an extension of the existing City sewer line with a small pumping station. (2) a septic tank with weeping tile. (3) the construction of a lagoon. Mr. Burneft pointed out that his client was prepared to comply with any one of the requirements that Council may wish to impose and then the permit could be issued on condition that he complies with any recommendations Council makes with resard to sewage disposal and his applicant could proceed to acquire his building materials. Mr. Burnerr urged Council to grant the permit on those conditions. ORIBRED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and altered in the last two paragraphs as agreed to and the communication be received and filed and permission granted, providing that assurance is given that the applicants will cc~nply with whatever is requested of them, and the matter of the eventual sewage disposition be handled by the ~ani- tation and Pollution Control Committee.' The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. &Mrs. A. E. Deleo and Mr. lhidolph Deleo, for a permit to construct an addition to the structure which they propose to erect on Pax~ of Lot 9, p1A. 653, north side of Ferry Street be- tweenl~achanan Ave. and Stanley Ave. was presented. The CityManager advised that in order to provide for a restaurant at their proposed motel, the number of motel units is being reduced from 32 to 29 and that the estimated cost of the addition will be $40,000. Communication Number 224, frcea Matthews &Matthews, representing the Deino family, which was referred to this meeting, was also presented for con- sideration. OKES~ED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. Potter that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted and the matter be referred to the Frop- ex~y C~aaittee to consider the perking problem. 0n the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald. Scott, Mr. John Matthews was permitted to speak. He suggested that his cem- mumication be also referred to the PrepertyCceaitteeand it was ordered on the motion of Hayor Miller and Aid. Mitchelson that the ccBnunica~ion be received and referred ~o the Proper~ Committee. The City ~taoager's report on the application of Anthony Kahlan for a building permit to construct alO unit addition to the Margaret Rose Motel at 2220 Stanley Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and application be referred to the Property Committee for consideration. The Com~nittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCa/lum. READAND~j)0PTED, ~lstMarch, 1964. Cler~ Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, ~3rdMarch, 1964. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, March 23rd, 196~, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY- LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 6531 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORBERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI)FaED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carr~e d Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. McCallem and Ald. Potter - Carried Unanimously. At this time, the City Manager advised of a request received from the l~oard of Education for a meeting with Council sometime this week, if possible, to discuss their capital expenditures, and the City Manager queried the possi- bility of such a meeting, at which time, another item from the Planning Board could also be dealt with. It was agreed that the meeting be held on Thursday afternoon, March 26th, 1964, commencing at 4 p.m. Council adjourned on the motion of Alderman Martin and Alderman McCallum. READ ANDADOrEED, Slat March, 1964. Clerk . FOUR'EH SPECIAL MEETING Council Chambers, March 26th, 1964. Council mat in special session on the afternoon of Thursday, March 26th at 4 p.m. for the purpose of discussing with the Niagara Falls Board of Ed- ucation their capital building requirements. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor Miller presided. On calling the meeting to order Mayor Miller suggesued ~aa~ to facilitate masters ne wuuld receive a mo~iun ~o ~ajou~. ~o cum- mittee of the whole and it was duly moved and seconded by Aldsrman Martin and Alderman Cotfield that Council now adjourn to Committee of the whole with the Mayor in the Chair. Carried Unanimously. READ/4NDADOFA,~D, 31st March, 1964. COedv, I.i.i~ OF THE WHOLE At this time His Worship M~or Miller requested the representatives of the Board of Education, comprising ten members of the Board and the Administrator, to present to Council their suggested programme. Mrs. W. W. Hill, a member of the Board, at the request of Mr. McLeod, the Administrator, then proceeded to advise Council as to the reason for the Board being present, indicating that recently the Board had publicly made Council aware of the fact that their estimates could be reduced for the year 1964 and now felt that Council should also be made aware of the building progra.~e requirements of the Board of Education at least for the next two years and Mrs. Hill then called on the Administrator to explain to Coun- cil in detail a memorandum which had been given to each member of Council setting out building progra...e requirements for the years 1964 and 1965. Following the explanation by Mr. McLeod, several questions were directed to him by members of the Council all of which ~ere satisfactorily answered, and since the procedure of the Board of Education from here on will, of necessity, be guided by the regu- lations concerning Hunicipal Works Assistance Pregrnn,~es, His Worship the Mayor advised that their request with reference to their building progr. mme would be dis- cussed promptly and the Board would he advised as to Couneil's decision. With this advice the members of the Board of Education and the Administrator then left the Council Chamber. Council then en~aged in scme discussion concerning the suggested building progmn,~e of the Board of Education and following this discussion agreed that the buildfilg programme of the Board of Education should be adopted in prin- ciple so that the Board would be able to make application for allotment of funds under The Hunicipal Works Assistance Programme. It was then ordered on the motion of Alderman Nar~in and Alderman Mor~on that the Committee arise and report to Council. 124. I RE~ AND ADOFI'ED, 31st March, 196~. Mayor COUNCIL MEETING Council assembled in regular Council session, following the meeting of Cammittee of the whole. AllMembers of Council were present. His Worship Mayor Miller presided. ~ESOLUTIONS The following Resolution was passed: No. 44 - MARTIN - MORTON - I~ESOLVED that the estimated Building Progr~mme require- ments of the Niagara Falls District Board of Education as submitted t6 Council on March 26th, 1964 be adopted in principle and the Board be authorized to forward their application for allotment of funds under the Municipal Works Assistance Pro- gramms. Carried Unanimously COM~UNIOATIONS No. 186 - Planning Board - Amendment Application A-86, which includes the follow- ing: (1) re-zoning of industrial lands south side of Clark Street west of the N.Y.C.R. (presently the parking lot of Niagara Wire Weaving Limited) to a Tourist Commer- cial category. (2) zoning of the N.Y.C.R. to a Tourist Commercial category. 3) re-zoning of lands south of Robinson to Murray Street east of the N.Y.C.R. lexcluding the former Hand proper~y) from C1A to Tourist Commercial category. (4) requests for specific exemptions to the height provisions of By-law 5335 as they apply to the parcel outlined in (~) above to permit the erection of a 65 foot exhibition hall and a 481 foot tower. It was indicated that the Niagara International Centre desire to proceed with the first stage of the development plans by April 15th. The estimated cost of the first stage will be between 5 and 6 million dollars. The principals are interested in resolving the matter of services with Council before having further discussions with the Planning Board. The City Nanager indicated that the sewer system being designed for the area between Murray and Robinson 8treats would service other prop- erties including those of the Niagara Parks Cosmission and that an agreement would have to be worked 'out concerning the cost to each of the land o~ners. The Ci~y Engineer advised that his Department had not completed their work in respect to services for this area but at the moment he indicated the following as approxi- mate costs for the services indicated: Watermains ................... $ 40,000.00 Sanitary Sewermains .......... 115,000.00 Stolm Sewermains ............. ]O0,000.00 Tubai ................... $2pp,OOO.O!D The above costs would provide l~cilities suffficient to sereice Lhe Niagara Parks Co~nission, the Niagara Falls Club property and certain Hydro propertLes in this area. ?no sewer system would be on the basis of the developn~nt of n small pumping station near the Table Rock Building. T~e cost of a new bridge on Robinson Street has not been considered in the above coats. It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Martin and Alderman Mitchelson that a committee be named to meet with the Niagara Parks Commission to review the service faciiLties sugges- ted by the City Engineer for the Murray and Robinson Street area and determine if the Parks Commission is interested in having the soP;ices provided for their prop- erties. On the motion of Alderman Mitchelson and Alderman Swayze it was ordered that the recommendation of the Planning Board regarding Amendment Application A-86 be approved subject to item (4) dealing with Warren Road being referred to the Prope/~y Committee and item (5) dealing with the Traffic Report being referred to the Traffic Committee and with the division of costs in respect to services being worked out and agreed to by the parties involved. Council adjourned on the motion of Alderman Potter and Alderman ,Martin. READAND ADOPTED, 31st March, 1964. ls6, FI~'r~l~r~H M~T£NG REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 31st March, 1964. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 31st 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and budget meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Cotfield. COMMUNICATIONS Iaid over from previous meetings: No. 102 - Logan and Knight - Kiwanis Crescent. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the communication bengain tabled until fuxther discussion is held with the Proper~y Committee with Mr. H. A. Logan, Solicitor for Kiwanis Senior Citizen project. SEE Report Number 254 No. 128 - LaFiesta Ltd. - offer to purchase Lot 55, Kent Avenue, Industrial Sub- division. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the communi- cation be received, filed and the prospective purchasers be advised that the City are prepared to sell the lot, with the understanding that the building erected on the premises will not have an open loading platform on the portion of the lot facing the Q.E.W. SEE Report Number 255 No. 177 - A. McAdorey - Operation "Canal Cap". ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received, filed and the w~iter for- warded a copy of the letters of the H.E.P.C. of Ontario, under date of March 23rd, 196~ and February 3rd, 1958 and Mr. McAdorey be thanked for his interest and at the same tim it be indicated to him that any further suggestions he might have to offer, Council would be pleased to hear from him. Carried, with Ald. McCallum - contrary. SEE Communication 238 No. 194 - Committee of Adjustment - re: G. Wood's application and querying policy re: location and operation of tour and sight-seeing businesses. SEE Con~nunication 239 SEE Report Number 256 No. 205 - Bell Telephone Co. - requesting use of ball diamonds at-Mouck Park. OR- DEHED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the communication be re= ceived, filed and permission granted as requested. SEE Report Number 257 No. 208 - Robert A. Green - re: extensions to watermains. SEE Report Number No. 219 - Geo. Bukator, M.P.P. - remarks made in Ontario Legislature. 0RDE~D on the motion of Ald. MAtchcinch andAld. Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 221 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning ~oard.- Amendment Application A-93, Arad and Drummond Rood, Agoarc, not reccmmended to Council for approval. No. 222 - W__m. G. Booth - requesting permission to appear on behalf of the applicant re: proposed re-zoning. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Mitchelson that Mr. ~ooth be heard. Mr. Booth advised that his client operates a barbershop on Drummond Rood but as the proper~y has been sold he will have to move, and the proper~y which he wishes re-zoned is at the noah-east comer of Arad and Drummond and he pointed out that other properties on this street have been zoned commer- cially, and that his client is quite prepared to enter into a site plan agreement with the municipality. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the communication from the Planning Board be referred to the Property Com- mittee. Mayor Miller suggested that the Property Committee contact ~Lr. Booth when their meeting is to be held. No. 224 - Matthews & Matthews - revised plans for proposed motel at 1435 Ferry Street (Deleo), to permit 31 units and a restaurant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and filed, and a copy of the Property Committee's report be forwarded to Mr. Matthews. Carried, with Aid. Morton - contrary. On the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Mitchelson, ~Lr. W. G. Booth w~s permitted to be heard. He requested the opportunity of appearing on behalf of persons taking strong exception to the parking situation with respect to the rest- aurant proposed at the Deleo Motel, when the Property Comsnittee meets. SEE Report No. 259. SEE Resolution 45. No. 235 - 17th Niagara Falls Scout Group Committee - requesting use of Baden- Powell Park, May 23rd. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Corfield and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and permission granted as requested. SEE Report No. 260 No. 236 - Welland Plant of Cyanami~ - requesting use of Prince Edward and Prince Charles diamonds. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the communication be received, filed and the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Committee be adopted. SEE Report No. 261 The following Communications were presented: No. 238 - E.E.P.C. of Ontario - Acknowledging brief "Operation Canal Cap!'. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received, filed and copy forwarded to Mr. McAdorey, along with a copy of the letter of February 3rd, 1958 from H.E.P.C. SEE Communication 177 No. 239 - Gordon Wood - requesting Council to clarify his position re: property at the corner of Beechwood Road and Lundy's Lane. Following the reading of the cnmm'lnication from Mr. Wood, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that he be heard. Mr. Wood proceeded to advise the Members of Council as to what, according to his statements,had transpired at the meeting of the Com- mittee of Adjustment. A lengthy discussion ensued with reference to the situa- tion concerning the application of Mr. Wood during which, at Mr. Wood's suggestion, Mr. Booth was authorized to speak to Council on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. McKinley, who moved and seconded that Mr. Booth, Member of Committee of Adjustment, be given permission to speak, if he so desired. his motion carried by a vote of 6 to ~, the vote being: - Aye: Aldermen Morton, McKinley, Sweyze, Potter, Cotfield and Keighan. Nays: Aldermen Scott, Martin, Mitchelson and McCallum. Following discussion as to the powers or lack of powers of the Committee of Adjustment, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighanand Ald. Morton that the c~,muaication be received, filed and the report of the Property Cc~amittee be adopted to the effect that the zoning by-law be amended to provide for an excep- tion in the case of the property on which Mr. Wood proposes to operate. Carried, by a vote of 6 to ~, the vote being - Aye: Aldermen Keighan, Morton, Swayze, McKinley, Po~ter, Oorfield. Nays: - Aldermen Scott, Martin, biitchelson and McCallum. SEE Communication 194 SEE Report Number 256 No. ~0 -tocal ~, X.C.W.~. - in fayour of Room Tax. ORESI~D on the motion of Ald. Swa~ze and Ala. Scott that the communication be received ann filed. No. 2~1 - Adver~isin~Mgr., Evening Review - Special publication of City's 60th Anniversary. Oi~D on the motion of Ald. MAtchcinch ann Ala. Scott thab the c0~munication be received and filed and a full page be purchased at a cost of $2~2.00 to include Mayor, Members of Council and Senior Officials of the muni- cipality. 128. Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Jubilee Comittee of Council, expressed appreciation to Members of Council for the support given to his Com- mittee and advised that a report on the progr, mme will be forthcoming for the perusal of the Members of Council. No. 242 - Chamber of Commerce - suggesting a meeting re: preparations for Centen- nial in 1967. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallam and Ald. Svayze that the communication be received and the writer be advised that the Chamber will be notified as soon as any action is taken with regard to this matter. At this point, Mrs. Mary Cart, a resident in the Urban Service Area was given permission to speak to Council on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter. She queried the reason for a surcharge for the Pollucion Control Plant when she was residing in the septic tank area. His Worship Hayor Miller advised Mrs. Cart that this matter will be taken under advisement by the Sanita- tion and Pollution Control C~mmittee when they meet, following which a report will be susmiuted uo Council. Mrs. Cart then referred to two residents who do not have the proper facilities and she van requested to give the names of the residents con- cerned in order that the Health Unit may be notified. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the verbal request of ~Lrs. Carr be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollu- tion Control Comaittee for consideration and submission of a report to Council; Mrs. Cart to be notified when the report will be presented to Council. No. 243 - Chamber of Connneree - ~affic Committee - offering services to the Traffic Committee of City Council re: traffic survey studies. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hartin and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and the writer be advised that the matter is in the hands of the Traffic Survey Cmittee and that a report is to be submitted in the comparatively near future, and at this time Council will consider requesting representatives from the Chamber of Commerce Traffic Committee to sit in on discussions, and in this communication the Chamber be advised as to the personnel of the Traffic Survey Ccmmittee. No. 244 - Chamber of Commerce - requesting proclamation of Chamber of Commerce Week. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Kelghan and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and filed and proclamation be published, as requested, at the expense of the Chamber. No. 245 - ont. Assoc. of Housing Authorities - Housing Conference, Sept. 1Bth to Sept. 15th in Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Alderman Potter that the ccnmunication be received and referred to the ChaiEn~n dfiFlnance and the Assist. City Manager - Administration. No. 246 - Corp. of City of Hamilton - Invitation to meeting of Hamilton Air Pollu- tion Control Committee on Hay 6th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. )(artin and Ald. Morton that the ccnnnunication be received and tabled and copies of the report attached to the ccennunication be delivered to Members of Council along with their minutes, in order to give Council an opportunity to peruse the same. No. 247 - Hartin, Calvert, Sheppard and Clark - re: encroachment on Robert Street. ORDERED on the motion o~ Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the ccennunication be received and referred to the Property Committee and the City Solicitor for a report. No. 248 - City of Windsor - resolution to petition the Ontario G~vernment to proceed with the establishment of a universal government sponsored and controlled medical insurance program. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hartin and Ald. McCallum that the resolution be received and filed. Carried, with Aldermen Morton end Mitchelson contrary. Previous to this action, Ald. Morton moved that the resolution be re- ferred to the City Solicitor and City Manager for a report, he received no seconder. No. 249 - Coneunity Planning Association . Conference scheduled for Hay 28th and ~ ~gth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald~ Scott and Ald. Bwayze that the communica- tion he received and tabled until further information is received from the Assoc- iation about their programme and other arrangements. No. 2~0 - G. H. MeNabb~ Q,C., St. Thomas, Ontario - Possible abandonment of Canada Southern Railway by N.Y.C. ORBitED on the motion of Aid, McCallnmand Aid. Mltch- elson that the communication be received and ~is Worship the Hayor b~ authorized to appoint three Members as a Committee to consider the matter, and if they feel it advisable, tha~ representatives of the C~amher of Cammarco be brought in. on the discussions. ' m 129. At this point, Mr. W. A. Snyder was permitted to speak to CounciL, on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter. He queried whether Council were aware that the trains were getting losget and heavier. as he, a resident off Palmar Avenue, had had an opportunity to observe thes~ factors and queried whether there were ai,y rules or re~xlstions limiting the lenguh of trains, soeed and time allowed to block the crossings. ~ Mayor Miller assured Mr. Snyder that the Committee to oe chosen to study the communication from Mr. McNabb will keep his remarks under auvise- ment when they report back to Com~cil. No. 251 - James Briand - requesting refund of fee paid for building permit last November. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the c~amuni- cation be received and referred to the Property Committee for submission of a reporu. SEE Report Number 262 No. 252 - Niagara District Airport Commission - draft agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and re- ferred to the City Manager and City Solicitor for a report back to Council. No. 253 - City of Woodstock - Resolution to amend Liquor Licence Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mltchelson that the resolution be received and filed. Carried, with Ald. Mor~on contrary. No. 254 - Dept. of Municipal Affairs - copy of comments forwarded to O.M.B. re: By-law 6496. No. 255 - Ontario Municipal Board - referring to comments of Planning Branch re: By-law 649~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayze that the communications be received and referred to the Property Ccmmittee for submission of a report. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 2~4 - Property Committee - suggesting discussion with representatives of Kiwanis Club be held with respect to City taking over Kiwanis Crescent as a City highway. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 102 No. 255 - Property Committee - recommending sale of Lot in Industrial Subdivision to LaFlesta Ltd. with the understanding that the building erected on the premises will not have an open loading platform on the portion of the lot facing the Q.E.Way. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the repor~ be received and adopted. SEE Cceununication 128 No. 256 - Property Committee - recommending that a by-law be passed exempting the property at the corner of Beechwood Road and Lundy's Lane, formerly occupied by a gasoline station and garage from the Agricultural restrictions, outlining in detail the use to which the property could be put. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. Carried by a vote of 6 to 4, the vote being: Aye - Aldermen Keig~an, Morton, Swayze, McKinley, Potter and Corfield. Nays:- Aldermen Scott, Hartin, Mitchelson and McCallnm. SEE Communication 194 SEE Com~_Jmication 23~ No. 257 - Parks & Recreation Cammittee - recc~mending Bell Telephone Company be granted permission to use ball diamonds at Houck Park. OP~D on the motion of Aid. Mor~on and Ald. Scott that the report be received'and adopted. SEE Communication 20~ No. 258 - 0ity Clerk - advising of letters received in favour of watermain exten- sions on Thorold Stone Road and on Garner Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ' Hartin and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received and referred to the Sani- tation & Pollution Control Committee, and if any additional communications are - received, they be included for the Committee's consideration. 130. No. 259 - Property Connnittee _ report on revised application of Deleo family. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keigh~nand Ald. Scott that the repox~ of the Committee be received and filed and a copy be forwarded to Mr. JohnMatthews, Solicitor. Carried, with Ald. Morton contrary. SEE Communication 224 SEE Resolution No. 45 No. 260 - Farks & Recreation C(~muittee - recantsending permission be granted to the 17th Niagara Falls Boy Scout Group to use Baden-Powell Park on Saturday evening, M~Y23rd. ORDF~EDon the motion of Ald. Carfield and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 235 No. 261 - Parks & Recreation Cnmmittee - recommendations re: request of Welland Plant of Cyanamid Co. for use of diamonds at Prince Edward and Prince Charles Farks. ORE on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 236 No. 262 - City ~4anager - advising of the fee paid by J. Briand for building permit issued last November, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for submission of a report. - .l SEE Communication 251 No. 263 - Property Ccennittee - advising that a detailed report be submitted within a week with respect to signs for sight-seeing stands. Of{DEE on the motion of Ald. Keighanand Ald. Swayze that the report he received and filed. No. 264 - Parks & Recreation Committee - reeommending tender of Gauld Nursery be accepted at a price of $1.00 per tree, for pruning, shaping and fertilizing trees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. ? No. ~65 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - reecmm_ending purchase of plaque with City Crest for erection at Pollution Control Plant No. I at a quota- tion of $1,250. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Carfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 266 - Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee - progress report on claims for extras submitted by Bohna-Litwin representatives. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighanthat the report be roeaired and filed. No. ~67 - Assist. City Manager - Administration . advising of 0.M.B. approval of ]~Y-law 6510, to authorize construction of a watermain on Dn,mond Road frcm Barker St. to 300 feet south of centre line of Tsarold Stone Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. Scott that the report be received and filed. No. ~68 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Carfield that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. No. 269 - Cit~ Clerk - advising of Ontario Municilml Board's Order with reference to application of J. Gru,Vich and the necessary Plan Amendment therefor and implement-' ing By-law Number 6414. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Potter that the report be received, filed endBy-law6414 he amended as requested by the Ontario Municipal Board. BEE Resolution No. 45 No.2?0 -Clty Engineer - requesting Permission to call for tenders for equipment. ORDERED on the motlos of Ald. Martin and AId. McCallum that the report be received and adopted, subject to a report of the Equipment Ccemlttee. PETITIONS ~'ne following Fetitions were Presented: No. ~ - Henx7 itchhorn & ~3 others - protesting an~ change in the name of ~aln Street. ORDERED on the motlon of Aid. NcKinley and Aid. Scott that the petltton be received' and re~erred to the b~-lawwhen presented re: the ob~n_ei~of streets ames. 131. No. 5 - Georg~ Ellis and 4 others - protesting recommendations of Planning Board re: use of north end of Stanley Avenue for transportation and utilities only. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. S~ayze that the petition be received and referred to the meeting scheduled to be held with the Planning Board. The City Clerk called attention to the Members of Council to the report which had been distributed by Mr. Bennett of the Assessment ]Dept. con- cerning his attendance at the Forum of Ontario International Trade in Toronto on February 18th, 1964. F~ESOLUTIONS T~e following Resolution was presented: No. 45 - MITCEELSON . MOI~N . RESOLVED that By-law Number 5335, 1955 as amended and any other appropriate by-laws be amended, so as to provide parking require- ments for restaurants, as suggested by the Ontario Municipal Board; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. This motion was lost, the vote being: Aye - Aldermen Mitthoists, Morton, Scott, McKinley, Potter, Naye: Martin, Swayze. Keighan~ McCallum, Carfield and Mayor Miller. - Lost The following Resolutions were passed: No. 46 - SWAYZE - SCglT - RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into and execute a sewer rental agreement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Niagara Plumbing Supply Co. Limited; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 47 _ MITCHELSON . SWAYZE - ~ESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into and execute a sewer rental agreement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and J. Gutten Ceramics Manufacturing Limited, provid- ing for a connection on Kent Avenue; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 48 - MCKINLEY _ SWAYZE - RESOLVED that Whereas the Council of the City of Niagara Falls deems it expedient to apply for a loan under the Federal-Provincial Municipal Works assistance Program as described in the Memorandum of the Min- ister of Municipal Affairs, dated the 4th day of November, 1963, in respect of the following project, namely: Construction of (1) Storm Sewermain on Keith Street from Canadian National Railroad Tracks to Portage Road. (2) Storm ditch on Hawkins Creek from Canadian National Railroad Tracks to H.E.P.C. Canal, heroinafter referred to as "the project'; AND W]{EREAS the project, is, in the opinion of the Council a municipal project within the meaning of the Minister's Memorandum; AND W~REA8 the project would not, without the assistance under the program have been included among the capital works projects to be undertaken within the calendar year or years in respect of which application for assis- tance is made, and no other capital works project has, in consequence, been replaced or deferred until a later year; end W]{ERFAS the project is one to which the immediately preceding paragraph applies in whole; AND WHErEAS the other requirements of the Minister's Memorendam have bees complied with; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED T~AT application be made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for a eammitment for a loan in the Mount of $56,~98.00 to assist in the financ- ing of the project under The Municipal Works Assistance Act, 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be heret0 affixed, Carried Unanimously BY-IAWS The following By-law was Presented: ~ - A by-law to authorize the extension of the sewage works in the ~rban Service Area of the City of ~iagara Falls, 0RI~RED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Ald, Potter that Ald, Martin .he granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously, 132. The following By-laws were p~ssed: No. 6534 - A by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2530, 1960, of the Township of ' " Stamford (now in the City of Niagnr~ Falls) as amended. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. Keighan be gr~nted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Kei~han and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tempox~rilY suspended and the by-law be given the second ~eading. - Carried, with Ald. Keighan contrarY. Third Reading -Ald. McKinleY 8/ld AId- Swayze .- Carried, with Ald. Keig~an con- trary. NO. 6535 ' A by-law to amend By-law Number 5335 (19~5) as ~mended, which is a by- law to regulate the use of lend and the use, location, spacing, height and area of buildings and stx~ctu~es within the City of Nia~mra Falls. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that Ald. Keig~an be gr~nted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Kei~han and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried UnanimouslY- ~hird Beading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield - Carried UnanimouslY. N~o. 653_6 - A by-law to amend By-law No. 5335 (19~5) as amended, which is a by-l~w to regalate the use of land and the use, location, spacing, height and area of buildings and str~ctures within the City of Nis4~ra Falls. ORDERED on the motion ~f Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that Ald. Keighan be gr~nted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. ' ORI~ED on the motion of AId. Keig~an and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the by-law be given the second ~ea~in~. - C~rried UnanimouslY, ThiM Reading -Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Scott - C~rried Unanimously. No. 6~ - To prcvide for the adoption of an amendment to the Riagal~ Falls and '~ Snb~vban Area Offtci~l Plan, OR~D on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald, Potter that Ald.Ket~han be granted the privilege of introducin~ the ~y-la~ and ~he by-l~w be .given the first reading, ' Carried UnanimouslY, OPd)EI~D on the motion of AId, Kei~han and Aid, Potter that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the by-law be ~iven the second reading, - Carried UnanimouslY, Third Beadin~ - Aid, Morton and Ald, Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Ro, 6~8_ o To e~propriate certain lands in the City of Ria~ara Fails ~ideninS of Lundy~s Lane between Dorchester Road and Montrose Road), 0RI~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aldo Potter that Ald,Kei~han ~e grunted the privilege of intrcducin~ the ~y-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~Mlsu on the motion of Aid. Keie~an and Ald..qwayse that Rule 36 (e) of the StundinS Rules of Council be temporarily suspended ~nd the b~law be 6ivan the second readinS. Carried Unanimously. Third Bead!n~ - ]Ltd. McKinley and Ald. 8way. as - Carried ~nanimously. At the request of Aid. McCallum, Mayor Miller advised that the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee will take under advisement his comments on simultaneous garbage and ~ubbish collections and the type of equipment which could be used for this method; the City Engineer to be included in their discus- sions on such operations, and equipment necessarY. AId. Keighan referred to objections received from residents on Lundy's Lane in the former Township of Stamford, due to the fact that they have been notified they have to use the standard City Tourist Sign, when, under the Township System they were allowed to advertise their names, etc. on the tourist sign. Reference was made by the complainants to the motel signs which advertise T.V. etc., and they queried whether the decision to use standard signs could be re-considered by Council so that their signs used over a number of years could continue to be used. ~e City Manager advised ~ha~ ~o~ucis~ upera~ors coulu exnioi~ their own name or the name of the tourist home, but could not advertise T.V.,etc. Aid. Corfield referred to a letter he had received from Mr. Abe Gampel requesting Council's consideration to the issuance of a proclamation to commemorate the struggle of the Jewish People, against attempted extermination by the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto during.World War II, similar to the one which was authorized by Council in 1963. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. McKinley that a similar procl-mation be inserted in the press, designating the week of April 19th. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. EEADANDADOPTED, 6th April 1964. Council Chamber, 31st March, 1964. The Finance Meeting was held on March 31st, 1964, for the purpose of approv- ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the C~mnittee were present. Ald. Martin Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $374,382.52 were approved by the Com- mittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallam. A Summary of the Tenders called for materials for 1964 which were received at the last meeting, was presented for consideration. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. McCallum that the Surmmary be received and re- ferred to the Equipment Committee for a full detailed report. The City Manager's report on the sketch presented by Welland Securities Ltd. for the development of the Consulate property on the south side of Clifton Hill was presented for consideration- ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Potter that the report he received and adopted. T~e City Manager' s repor~ on the application of The Spacerium, located on the north side of Clifton Hill, between Falls Avenue and Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a racer sign, at an est~,mted cost of $900. was presented. Or- dered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the a~p]ication of Messrs. Charles, Carmen and Victor Rienso, for a permit ~o erect a sign at 343 Portage Road, North, lo- cated between Vine Street and Coholan Street, at an estimated cost of $100.OO was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Sco~t that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Cheln Niagara Enterprises Ltd., 68S Queen Street, for a permit to erect a 39 unit motel on the south-east corner of Ferry Street and Clarke Avenue, at an estimated cost of $1~O,OO0. was presented for consideration- ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit be issued, subject to any changes that might be required by the Fire Inspection Office and the Building Inspection Office, and to the necessary alterations to the canopy so that the columns of the canopy will not interfere with the parking spaces. The City Manager' s report on the application of E. H. Ferree Co. Ltd. to erect an addition at 1701 Lewis Avenue, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Aid. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The estimated cost of this addition is $15,OO0. .. The City Manager's report on the application of Messrs. Roberto and Strange, 1077 Kitchener Street, for a permit to make alterations to the premises ~ at 939 Victoria Avenue, to be used as a restaurant, at an estimated cost of $5,O00. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, subject to conditions laid down by the Inspectors of the Fire Dept. Carried, with Aldermen Morton, ~tttchelson, Scott and S~ayze contrary. The City Manager's report on the application of Provincial Engineering Ltd., 67~ Fergnson Street, for a building permit to cover an addition and altera- tions to their premises on the south side of Farguson Street, at the south-east corner of Victoria Avenue and Fargnson Street, at an estimated cost of $236,000.00 was presented for consideration. OR]~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit is~sued, subject to the Fire Inspector's report. The City Manager' s report on the application of the Panorama Motels (Niagara) Ltd. located at 2365 Buchanan Avenue, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated V-shaped sign at their premises, at an estimated cost of $275.00 was presented for consideration. ORDF~ED on the motion of Aid. Potter and Aid. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued subject to the removal of an existing sign of equivalent area from the premises. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the mobion of Ald. McKinley and AId. McCallurn. 1S5, READ AND ADOPTED, 6th April, 1964. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, · 31st March, 1964. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, March 31st, 1964 for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present. His Worship, Ms,rot Miller, presided. BY - LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 6~$9 - ~ by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORd)ERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Corfield that Aid. Me~ln be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Swayze and Aid. McCallum. - Carried Unanimously. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 49 - MARTIN - MCCAL~AM - BESOLVED that the matter of a possible policy as to the provision by restaurants of areas for parking purposes, be referred to the Property Com~ittee for a full and detailed study and submission of a report;and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried (AId. Mitchelson - contrary) Cotmcil adjourmfi on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum. READ AND AIDFED, 6th April, 1964. f& ~37. SIXTEENTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 6th April, 196~. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met ab 7:30 p.m. on Mon- day, 6th April, 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Alder- man Potter. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the Previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Cosfield. TENDE_~RS Tenders had been called for the purchase and planting of tre~s and it was ordered orA tse motion of A]o. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the tenders be received, opened, initialled by His Worship Mayor Miller and tabulated. Alderman McCalltun arrived at the meeting - PRESENTATIONS At this time, Safe Driving Awards were presented to l~5 City Employees, for having had no preventable accidents during the year 1963. Following the presentation of the same by His Worship Mayor Miller and Members of Council, Mayor Miller referred to the fact that the drivers had a total of 328 years of safe driving, and congratulated them upon such a record. Ald. Mitchelson commended the City Engineel' and Mr. H. A. Farm for the administra- tion of such a Progran~ne and response was made by L. G. Blackburn. SEE Report Number 271 COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 207 - N.C.Joseph (Canada) Ltd. - requesting installation of "no parking" signs on one side of Stamford Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Scott that the communication be received, filed and the Traffic Committee's report be adopted. SEE Report Number 272 No. 226 - Board of Police Co~,issioners - crossing guard at foot path at St. Andrew Avenue and Stamford Green Drive. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Mor~on that the communication be received, filed and the Traffic Committee's report be adopted. SEE Report Number No. 221 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Plannin6 Board - Advising of decision of Board that the application of Mr. Agosto to re-zone land on Drummond Road be not recommended for approval. OREREED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, filed and the Property Committee's report be adopted. Carried with Ald. McCallum contrary. SEE Report Number a74 Previous to this action, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. KeiS~n and AId. Swayze that Mr. Booth be given permission to address Council. Mr. Booth reiterated the remark8 made at the previous Council Meeting concerning his client'8 desire to operate a barbershop a few blocks down from his present loca- tion, due to the fact that the property he now occupies has been sold. He pointed out the predicament of his client who purchased the land at the corner of Arad and Druband Road, and the fact that Drummond Road will be considered an arterial roadand will bewidened 8o that the frontage on AradS~reet will be B0 feet 138. instead of 40 feet and that his client would have difficulty in attempting to sell such a piece of land and was of the opinion that the residential features of D~,mmond Road are in a state of decline. Ald. Mitchelson referred to the fact that three other applications were turned do~n by the Planning Board and this would be spot zoning and the Planning Board felt it would not be in the best interests of all in view of the others being refused; that the area is predominantly residential area; that there is a commercial area within two or three hundred feet of this area where a barbershop could be placed. No. 246 - City of Hamilton - Brief on Regional Control of Air Pollution. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the brief be laid over for another week for Council's perusal. No. 251 - James Briand - requesting refund of building permit fee. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the cc~nnunication be received and again tabled, pending opinion of City Solicitor. SJ~E Report Number 275 No. 254 -Dept. c~Muntcipal Affairs - copy of comments forwarded to O.M.B. re: By-law 4 Number 6 9~. No. 2~5 - Ontario Municipal Board - referring to c~m, ents of Planning Branch, re: By-law 6496. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the comm- unications be again tabled pending decision with regard to Official Plan. SEE Report Number 276 The following Communications were presented: No. 256 - Charles Leys- advising that existing Tourist Signs in former Township of Stamford should not be changed. No. 257 - Mrs. Baxter - opposing any change in Tourist Signs on Lund~'s Lane. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Kelpham and Ald. S~ayze that the cnmmunications be received and referred to the Special Licensing Committee when this matter is under discussion by the Cammittee; following consideration by the Co~mittee a report be brought to Council. Previous to this action, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that Mr. Lays be given permission to address Council. Mr. Leys voiced strong opposition to any change in the tourist signs which were permitted in the former Township of Stamford, being of the opinion that the existing City standard tourist signs are obsolete and that the by-laws are discriminatory, when you observe the motel and hotel signs which are permitted. It was also ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Mr. Stewart of 1907 Lundy's Lane be permitted to speak. He referred to the fact that the tourist sign has not changed in 30 years and that any business-has the right to advertise. Ne referred to the commercial aspect of Lundy's Lane and residents should be allowed to take advantage of it, and requested Council to earnestly consider the matter. Aid. Keighan was of the opinion that the signs l~.,.,rmitted in 1937 would not be as effective in 1964 and he had brot~ht the matter up at the Last meeting be- cause these people had complained and in view of the difficulty that they are being subjected to, some consideration should be given to possibly a larger sign so that it could be seen by tourists as the tourist homes find it hard enough to compete with the motels and hotels. No. 258 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application A-91 No. 259 - Mr. Syd Levy - requesting re-zoning application for 2536 ~aorold Stone Road be laid over until April 20~h, Council Meeting. OREF~ED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cor~ield that Mr. Levy' s letter be received and filed, and the ~mmunication from the Plarming ~oard be received and tabled until the Council Meet- ing of April 20th, as requested by the applicant. No. 260 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning ~oard - Amendment Application A-96, T~mperio. Ald. Mitc~elson advised that this application had received very serious consideration at the P~anning ~oard meeting and it was felt that it was reasonable to make it possible for this particular property to be re-zoned for residential purposes but there were two conditions placed on it, namely - the structure should have the approval of the rite Inspector; and, the Health Department should be asked to take a look at it. ORI~RF~ on the motion of Aid. McCall{m and AId. Morton that the ccenunication be received and referred to the Proper~ C~ttee. Car~i.ed, 139' with Aid. Mitchelson contrary. Previous to this action, AId. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. Martin had moved that in view of the recommendations of the Planning Board, tie matter be approved subject to the two conditions; this motion was withdrawn. No. 261 - Lions Club of Stamford - Proposed Centennial Project. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and laid on the table until such time as the Centennial C~mmittee has been appointed and is functioning, andat that time, the Committee contact the Stamford Lions Club. Previous to this action, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Cotfield that Mr. L. T. Detlor, Chairman of the Proposed Centennial Project Committee of the Lions Club of Stamford be permitted to address Council. He advised that his Committee would like Uo meet with Councll's Committee; that the Club has a worthwhile project to compensate for the insufficient facilities for the teenage group. No. 2~2 - Secretary, We]land County Municipal Association - forthcoming banquet in Welland on April 29th and requesting advice as to the n~nber of representatives from the City who will be in attendance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the communication be received, filed and the ~embers of the Staff covered by Rule 3 of the Constitution be authorized to attend and the City assist financially in an amount similar to that of last year. No. 263 - Bell Telephone Company - outlining construction operations in the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager and City Pluginset for submission of a report to Council. REPORTS Laid over from the previous meeting: 270 - City Engineer - requesting permission to call tenders for equipment. SEE Report Number 277 ~e following Reports were presented: No. 271 - City Engineer - Safe Driving Awards. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Sw~yze and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received, filed and the awards be presented. No, 272 - Traffic Committee - recommending elimination of parking on the north side of Sta~fford Street f~'om Stanley Avenue west. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Sw~yze and Ald. Scott that the repor~ be received and adopted. SEE Communication 207 No. 273 - Traffic Committee - approving of report of the City Engineer regarding erection of signs to provide protection for school children at intersections of Stamford Green Drive and foot-path on St. Andrew Avenue. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Mor~on that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 226 No. 274 - Property Committee - recommending Council approve of recommendation of the Planning Board with respect to Mr. Agento's property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~eighan and Ald. Morton that the repor~ be received and adopted. Carried with Ald. McCallum contrary. SEE Communication No. 275 - Property Committee - recam~ending request of J. Briand for refund of build- ing permit fee be referred to City Solicitor to determine legal status of the matter. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 251 No. 276 - Proper~y Co~mittee - suggesting matter of lot on Ellen Avenue acquired by Clifton Hill for parking purposes, be left in abeyance until a decision has been made re~arding Official P4m. ORDerED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communi..c. ations 2~.4,25~ No. 277 - Equipment Committee - recommending equipment as outlined in City Engin- eer's report of March 25th be purchased. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received, adopted and tenders be called for such equipment. SEE Report Number 270 No. 278 - City Manager - reconnnending attendance of City Treasurer at 58th Annual Conference of Municipal Finance Officers' Association of United States and Canada in Dallas, Texas from May lOth to May 14th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 279 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Chief W. T. Wade at Training Course for Municipal Fire Chiefs, at University of Toronto, April 28th to April BOth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 280 - Property Committee - recommending that any decision ragarCing Warren Avenue be delayed until SpeC'i~~i Traffic Committee have had opportunity of completing their study of the Traffic Report and making a reccmmendation respecting the arterial road which the repoxt proposed should be constructed in this area. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 281 - Property Committee . progress report on report prepared by Assistant Bldg. Inspector, respecting signs used to advertise sight seeing locations. ORD~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 282 - Property Committee _ recommending that Myer Delduca be permitted to pro- ceed with construction of a 20 unit motel at present time, with the understanding that the building will be remodelled later in the year. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 283 - Traffic Committee - recommending consultation with City Solicitor to de- termine if expropriation procedure would be of advantage to City in connection with purchase of Ellen Ave. property for use as a parking lot. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. ~he following Cemn~nication was presented: No. 264 - Harry A. Penn - requesting posting o~ signs on north side of Summer Street from Morse Ave. to DD~ond, to eliminate parking from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. 0RDEBED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the communica- tion be received and filed and the report Number 284 be amended to coincide with the request of the writer. SEReport Number 284 No. 284 - Traffic Committee . recommending parking be eliminated on the north side of S,.,mer Street from Morse Avenue to DD,mmond Road. ORE on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Morton that the repor~ be receivedandamended to coincide with the request of ~. A. Parm. SEE Con~nunioation No. 285 - Traffic Coattee . recommending elimination of parking on the north side of Murray Street free Orchard Avenue to DD,,.,ond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted and the City Engineer submit a repor~ as to the feasibllit~ and possibility of widening Murray Street. No. 286 - Traffic Ccemittee . reccemending removal of one parking meter directly in front of the Spacerium on Clifton Hill. OI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the repor~ be received and adopted. No. 287 - Traffic Cce~ittee . recommending installation of parking meters on west side of Victoria Ave. fro~ Robert Street to Kitchener Street. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Ket~han and AId. Martin that the report be received and laid on the table for one week in order to give other merchants the opportunity to express their views. No. 288 - Traffic Ccamittee . receamendAng that Chairman of Traffic Committee and the Design M~ineer be requested to attend Ontario Treffie Conference in London, ont., April 27th, ~8th and 29th. ORI~ on ~he motion of Ald.~Keighanand Ald. McCallua that the repor~be received and adopted. - 141. No. 289 - Equipment Committee - recommending repairs be made to Sicard Packer Unit 41, at an approximate cost of $600.00. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 290 - Special Traffic Committee - progress report on April 2nd meeting. OR- DERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 291 - City f~anager and Assist. City Mgr.-Administration . recommending appoint- ment of Herman Spreitzer to the position of Cashier, Grade III; Elaine Graham to the position of Clerk in the Tax Dept. and Arelena Wall to the position of Stenog- rapher and Machine Operator in the Assessment Dept. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 292 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending appointment of Peter Lowe and Wm. V. Shelton as Operators; and Garry S. Muscato as Driver-Operator at the Pollution Control Plant. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 293 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending thattwevle men be appointed to the permanent staff of the Garbage Department immediately. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted, and the positions be advertised. No. 294 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - progress report on O.W.R.C. report of March 26th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and filed. No. 295 - City Manager - report on Building Permits issued during month of March. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 296 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licenses issued accordingly. No. 297 - City Engineer - proposedeC inch diameter watermain on Do,mmond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfleld that the report be received and filed and permission granted and tenders be called. No. 298 - City Engineer - Proposed method of servicing with sewer and water the lands of Niagara International Centre Ltd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchel- son and Aid. Corfield that the report be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee, with authorization to approach the Niagara Parks Commission. Mayor Miller pointed out that the Commission will be meeting on Friday, April lOth. No. 299 - City Engineer - Final report of Engineering Dept. for 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and tabled for the perusal of Council. No. 300 - Assist. Building Inspector & Plan Examiner - Annual Report, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received, tabled for the perusal of Council. No. 301 - Property Committee - recommending authorization to proceed with the pur- chase of land required'tYeoextend a new road allowance between Portage Road and Stanley Ave. lying south of the CarhorundamCempanyplant and the former Ohio Brass plant. ORDEMED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. PETITIONS The following Petitions were presented: No. 6 - Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 590, denerel W. Sikorski ~ranch and three other Clubs; requesting change in ~e of River Road to "Sir Casimir Stan'i~laus Gzowski Parkway". O1~ on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. 8wayze that the petition he received and referred to the by-law for consideration when the by-law '~o change names oft:streets is presented. No. 7 - James Black Sr., and 7 others - requesting extension of water services to McLeod Road, or at least to the end of Lot 164. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the petition be received and referred to the Pol- lution Control Committee for consideration. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Mar~in queried whether any progress had been made by the Traffic Committee, in connection with his request for a report regarding a stop sign on the comer of Simcoe Street and Ontario Avenue. Ald. Swayze, Chairman of the Traffic Committee advised that his Committee were waiting for the City Engineer to supply information on a traffic count and the City Engineer then advised that the information will be available in a week or so; the delay being caused by a con- sidefable amount of other work for the Engineering DePartment and also the inclem- ent weather. Ald. Swayze referred to the garage at the comer of Stanley and Robinson and queried what action could be taken to have the old cars removed from this site and was advised by His Worship the Mayor to report the same to the Police Department for action. Ald. Swayze, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, requested permission for his Conmlttee to inspect the parking in front of the Duty Free Store on Portage Road, andMayor b filler acceded to his request· Ald. Kei~mn referred to the vicinity of Caledonia Street and Adsms Avenue, where there is persistent flooding. He advised that he ~as aware of the good work done by the City to pump out the accumulation of water but queried the possibility of the Engineering Dept. determining the ownership of the subdivision in order that they might take some action to eliminate this flooding. The City Engl~eer'advised that it was proposed to design methods or procedures for handling this situation, for the information of the owners. Ald. Scott advised that he had received a request from the owner of 740 Third Avenue for the removal of a tree because of its dangerous condition. The City Manager queried whether a written request had been forwarded to the City and advised that if the tree is dangerous it would be removed· His Worship Mayor Miller advised that he would like to arrange a joint meeting with the Planning Board, at which time a discession could also be held concerning the Preparations for the forthcoming Centennial celebration and it was agreed that a joint meeting be held on Thursday, April 16th at 2 p.m. at the City Hall. Ald. Corfteld referred to a eomplaint he had received from the resident at 1563 Slater Avenue, about the condition of the road in front of his house, where there are holes in the street and queried whether the road could be stoned· The City Engineer agreed to inspect the same. BY-lAWS ~' laid over from a previous meeting: No. 6~10 - A by-law to authorize the construction of a watermain on Drunkend Road from Barker Street to 300 feet south of the centre line of Thorold Stone Road as an extension to the existing Water works system. Third Reading - AId. Mar~in and Ald. Swayze - Carried, with Ald. Scott contrary. No. 6~40 - A by-law to amend By-law No. 6414 (1963) which amends By-law No. 5335 (1955) as amended, which is a by-law to regulate the use of land and ' the use, location, spacing, height and area of buildings and structures within the City of Niagara Falls. (Gruyich) ORDERED on the motion of Aid. 8va~ze and Ald. Morton that Aid. Keighan be granted the privileSe of introducin6 ~he by-law and the by-law begivan the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ' ' ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. McKinley ~hat Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given ~he second reading· _ Carried Unanimously. ~nird Reading -Ald. Corfield and Ald. Keighan - Carried Unanimously. No. 6541~ - A by-law ~o amend By-law Number 2350 (1959) of the fomer Township of Stamford being a by-law to regulate the use of land and the use, loeation~ spacing, height and area of buildings and structures within the former Township of Stamford. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, with Aldermen Scott, Martin, Mitchelson and McCallum contrary. Third Reading - Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton - Carried, with Aldenhen Scott, Martin Mitchelson and McCalltun contrary. Council adjourned to the fixtahoe Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield. P$~AD ~LND ADOPIED, 13th April, 1964. Mayoz- Council Chamber, 6th April, 1964. The Finance Meeting was held on April 6th, 1964, for the purpose of aPproving and also Passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them· All Members of the Committee were present, with the ex- ception of Ald. Potter. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided· Committee. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $377,754.21 were approved by the The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of AId. Mckinley and Aid. Mitchelson. The Sun~ary of Tenders laid over from the Previous meeting, ~'ere again submitted along with a report of the Equipment C~nmittee's recommendations on the Purchase of materials for the year 1964. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Mitchelson that the Summary of Tenders be received and filed and the repor~ of the Equipment Co~nittee be received and adopted. The report of the Equipment Cotmnlttee on the Possibility of Purchasing a National Cash Register ComPu-Tronic Electronic Accounting Machine, was Presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mltchelson that the report be received and adopted and further study be made. The Proper~y Co~nittee's report on the application of Mr. Anthony Eahlen operator of the Margaret Rose Motel, 2220 Stanley Avenue, for a permit to erect alO unit addition, was Presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted and a permit be not issued for the cuas0A'uo~ion of motel units at the rear of the Premises where a building is in front of same. The City Manager's report on the application of the Red Barn Restaurant which it is proposed to erect on the Steinberg property on the west side of Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a sign, was Presented for consideration. OPal)REED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. gdtchelson that the report he received, adopted and the aPPlication be referred to the Property Committee for consideration. The City 14anager's report on the aPPlication of Mall Paks Development Ltd. ~985 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ont. for a permit to erect a building on Lot 24, Plan 9 and Part of Lot 3, Plan 172, on the west side of Victoria Avenue, between Jepson Street and Mcgae Street at an estimated cost of $25,000. was Presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued subject to inspection of plans by the Fire Inspectors' Office and subject to the applicants having made the necessary arrangements with Steinbergs for utilization of the property. The City Manager's report on the application of Dominic Senses, 2374 Caledonia Street, for a building permit to erect an 8 unit aPartment on the north side of Culp Street, between Main Street and Drummond Road, at an estimated cost of $50,000. was Presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report he received, adopted and permit issued, subject to any requirements called for by the Building Inspection and Fire Inspections DePartments. The City Manager's report on the aPPlication of F. Devlin, 479 Portage Rd. for a building Permit to construct an addition on the west side of Portage Road between Nuggins Street and O'Neil Street, at an estimated cost of $20,000. was pre- sented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCalltun that the report he received, adopted and permit issued, subject to any recommendations of the Fire Inspection Office and that the plans submitted to the Building InsPection Dept. be corrected. The City Manager's report on the aPPlication of Vincent Dicosimo, 370 Morrison Street, for a building permit to erect a building to be used as a welding shop on I~t 19, Plan 160, on the east side of Montrose Road, between Industrial st. and Wanless Street, at an estimated cost of $11,000. was Presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted and per- mi~ be issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Biamonte Bros. & M. Swec, ProPrietors of the Cataract Bowl, south side of IAmdy'S lane between Montrose l~oad and galar Road, for a Permit to ereet an addition to the westerly side of the building to be used as a kitchen, at an estimated cost of $~,500. was presented. 0RDENED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the repor~ be received, adopted and permt~ be issued. The City Manager's report on the aPPlication of Niagara Tower Company, 2760 Portage Road, for a permit close in six s ~scanoPY sidewalk atsideration. res on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Aid. McCallurn tha~ the repox~o be received, a~opted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Dr. O. E. Jur6man and Dr. lJ. Srhard$, for a .permi~ to erect a new buildin~ on part of ~o$ 8, Plan 6~3,' ~esC a45. side of Main Street between Summer Street and North Street at an estimated cost of $25,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, subject to approval of the Plans by the Building Inspector and Fire Inspectors' Offices; such permit to include the condition that the second storey of the struc- tubre will be constructed within a period of two years' time. The City Manager's report on the application of Niagara Concessions Ltd., 3BO River Road, for a permit to erect two wooden signs, non-illuminated, at the south-west comer of River Road and Buttrey Street, at an estimated cost of $100. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallera and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit be issued. The City Manager's repor~ on the application of Bermuda Restaurant, 505 Portage Road, for a permit to erect a neon double-faced sign, at an estimated cost of ~y~O.OO was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Norto. and Ald. Corfield that the repor~ be received, adopted and permit issued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield. IF_AD AND ADOPA'ED, 13th April, 196~. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 6th April, 196~. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, April 6th, 196~, for the purpose of Passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller presided. BY-JAW The following By-law was passed: ~o. 6~42 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mftehelson and Ald. McCallum that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the ftrs~ reading. - Carried ~nanfmously. ORIJ~ED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Corfield that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimous]~, 1~nird Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson. READ ANDADOPTED, 13th April, 1964. COHERENCE Council Chamber, 6th April, 1964. The Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular Council meeting on Monday, April 6th, 196~. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott. READ ANDADOPi'~O, 13th April, 1964. SF~ENTEENTH HERPING Cuunci] C!Aamber, 13th April, 1964. REGUIAR MEETING Pursuant to adjoun~nent, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, !3th of April, 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. A~i Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read Lne min- utes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Potter and Aid. Cotfield. C~4MUN~CATIONS Laid over from the previous meeting: No. 2A~6 - Ci__~y__o_f Hamilton - brief on Regional Control of Air Pollution, and requesting delegate to attend meeting on May 6th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that His Worship Mayor Miller be authorized ~o appoint a representative on his behalf, if he is unable to attend himself, and the City of Niagara Falls take positive steps re: air pollution control. Mayor Miller then requested Ald. Morton to be his representative at the next meeting on May 6th in Hamilton, and advised that Mr. Lloyd Ellenton, Sanitary Inspector would also be in attendance. No. ~51 - James Briand - requesting refund of permit fee. It was moved by Ald. McKinley and Ald. Moron that the communication be received, filed and refund be made and any costs or processing the same be left to the discretion of the City Manager and provision made for the revocation of the permit in question. This motion was lost by a vote of 7 to 3; the vote being - Aye: Aldermen Morton, Mc- Kinley and Cotfield. Naye: - Aldermen Swayze, Scott, Martin, Keighan, Mitchelson McCalltun and Potter. An amendment made by Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MeCallum that one-half of the permit fee be refunded to Mr. Briand was carried by a vote of 7 to 3, the vote being: Aye - Aldermen Mitchelson, McCalltun, Swayze, Scott, Martin, Keighan, Potter. Naye: - Aldermen McKinley, Morton and Corfield. SEE Report Number 302. No. 260 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application A-96, Timperle - and advising of the decision of the Board that the request to re-zone Lot 54, R.P. 82, 3765Mu~]~ern St. from Single toTwe Family Residential be granted subject to approval by the Fire Inspector and the Health Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that the ccmmunication be received, filed and the recommendation of the Planning Board be approved sub- Ject to approval by the Fire Inspector and Health Department and also subject to the reaction of the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee. Carried, with Aldermen Keighan, Morton, Swayze and Potter - contrary. SEE Report Number 303 No. 263 - Bell Telephone Co. of Canada - construction operations. ORDERED on the motion Of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received, filed and permission granted to reconstruct the manholes, subject to the cost of re- paving being borne by the Bell Telephone Co. SEE Report Number 304. The following Communications were presented: No. 265 - Mrs. Maria Zllio - requesting Permission to apPear before Council re: difficulty in paying taxes. Mr. Casagrande was permitted to sPeak on behalf of Mrs. Zilio, on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter. Me referred to the amount of her pension and requested Council to consider her request. 0R- ~eRED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Welfare Administrator for submission of a repor~ to Cot~ncll. ' No. 266 - A. R. Macklem Real Estate Ltd. - offering to sell land to City for road widening purposes, in exchange~or equal square footage of other land adjacent to water tower. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Potter that ths eom- manicatlon be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. No. 267 - Count~, of Peel - resolution re: costs of annexation hearings. ORDERED on the mot~0n o~d. M~rtin and Ald. Corfield that the resolution be received and filed. No. 268 - Peter Nemeth - requesting Council to cancel account rendered for weed cutting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Morton that the com- manioatioa be received, tabled and a ~epor~ be submitted by ~n~ Weed Inspector on this matter. No. 269 - Committee of Adjusjment . Notice of I/eating re: Ferree Co. application. No. 2?0 - Committed'of Acl~ustmen~ . NotiCe of Hearing re: Laubenstein application. No. 271 - Committee of AdJustment _ Notice of Hearing re: Romano & Belme application. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communications be received and filed. No. 2?2 - Advertising Chairman of Diamond Jubilee Committee _ requesting Permission to erect banners in three locations, for the Niagara Falls Diamond Jubilee Cele- bration - May 21st to May 24th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. McCallam that the communication be received, filed, Permission granted subject to approval of the Niagara Falls Hydro Commission. No. 273 - Evans & Putty - formal request for leasing Warren Avenue, between Murray Street and~obinson Street by Niagara International Centre Limited. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Special Traffic Survey Committee. Ald. Martin advised that the meeting is to be held Wednesday evening, April 15th. No. 274 - N. W. Graham - outlining traffic situation on Murray Street vicinity of Drummond Road. ' ORDE~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and the writer be advised of Couacll's action with reference to Traffic Committee's recent recommendations and the passing of By- law Number 6543. SEE By-law Number 6543 No. 275 - Fraser & Fraser . new application on behalf of A. Kahlen, Proprietor of Margaret Rose Motel, 2220 Stanley Avenue, for permit to construct ten unit addition. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Corfield that Mr, Gordon Fraser be Permitted to address Council. He advised Council that the fire wall has now been erected with the exception of fire doors which will be in place within the next day or two. With reference to the Hungarian Hall presently on the proper~y and towards the rear of which the addition was Proposed and which Council did not approve of, he advised that the building would be demolished this fall or winter; the present tenant's lease expires on April 30th and will not be leaCad to anyone else and that his client would be prepared to give City an undertaking that it will not be used for any Purpose whatsoever. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and referred to the ProPerty Committee for considers. tlon and a report. ~tl~n be received, filed and permissionld' Norton and Ald. S~ayze that the c~muni gh be chosen ~ the Church. granted for any Saturday in August which No. a77 - Branch 47 , Cdn. Le ion - re ues Permissio g ,ednLAL"' orfi.ld that th. c--unioatiun ; re0 EE on the · Ald Scott a 0 quested, and the Police Dept, 'Aereso adv .".il."d' filed No. a78 - D. Nurchie . requesting Permission to address Council in regard to obtain- ing Permission to oPerate sightseeing tours from proPerty located at the south'-west corner of Lundy's Lane and Drummond Road. ORI~EED on the motion of Ald. S~a~ze and Ald./ior~on that lit. W. G. Booth be Permittad to address Council on behalf of *v 149. Mr. Murchie. He referred to the present zoning of Commercial under former~h~p. of Stamford By-law 2530 of this particular oareel of land and ret'erred te the scarcity of such locations where such sightseeing operations could work. Mr. Booth strongly advocated that Council consider the feasibility of his c]ient's application in view of the apparent present lack of policy wi6h regard to locations for sif~t- seeing tour operations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consid- eration and submission of a report. No. a79 - Wm. G. Booth - requesting advice of Council as %o why forthcoming joint meeting with Planning Board re: proposed official plan of the City on April 16th will be a closed meeting excluding public and press. His Worship Mayor Miller advised that there will be no official action taken at this meeting and that the Planning Board wants ~o nave a discussion ~ut ~aat an oppor~unX~y will oe give~ at a later public meeting. Ald. Mitchelson advised that three public meetings have alreadybeen heldwhich Mr. Booth artended and voiced objections of,~ricus clients; also at the Planning Board office. The Alderman further advised that as had been pointed out by the Mayor, this forthcoming Joint meeting was to give Co,moil an oppox~nnity to discuss the recommendations of the Planning Board to this Council, as a result of the various communications and Personal apPearances of various rate- payera in connection with the proposed Town Plan and that a final decision would have to be made by Council in public. Ald. Keighan was of the opinion that the Joint meeting should be held as scheduled in order that Council could familiarize themselves with the changes suggested, following which a public discussion could be held. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Mr. Booth be given permission to address Council. He advised that he felt quite strongly that people should have the opportunity to apPear before a meeting of Council to voice their objections before the proposed Official Town Plan is adopted in principle or voted on by Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication.be received and filed. No. 280 - p. Grandcol - objecting to Planning Board's decision as to designation of his farm land as Residential. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the c~mnunication be received and referred to ths Joint meeting of Council and the Planning Board on April 16th and the complainant be notified when the Public Meeting will be held so that he may attend· REPORTS Laid over from the previous meeting: No. 287 - Traffic C~mmittee - recommending installation of parking meters on west side of Victoria Avenue from Robert Street to Kitehonor Street. This report had been tabled for one week in order to allow-other merchants in the area to voice their reaction. Ald. Swayze, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, advised that three merchants he spoke to agreed to proposed installation. ORDERED on the mo- tion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the repor~ be received and adopted. The following Reports were presented: No. 302 - City Solicitor . opinion as to refund of permit fee as requested by J. Briand. It was moved by Ald,-McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received, filed and refund be made and any costs of processing be left to the discretion of the City Manager and provision made for revocation of the permit in question. This motion was lost by a vote of 7 to 3; those contrary were:- Aldermen Swayze, Scott, Martin, Keighan, Mitchelson, McCallum and Potter. An amendment made by Aid. Mltchelson and Ald, McCallum that the report be received, filed and one-half of the permit fee be refunded to Mr. Brland was carried by a vote of 7 to ~, the vote being:-Aye . Aldermen Mitchelson, McCallum, Swayze, Scott, Margin# Keighan and Potter. Naye - ~ldermen McKinley, Morton and Corfield. SEE Cc~n.unication No. ~03 - Property Committee . suggesting that it size of proPerty in Amendment Application A-96, TlmPerio, meets vith approval of Council, an appropriate amend- ment be made of the Zoning By-lav~ subject to approval of Fire and Health InsPet- .tots. Following Aid. McKinley's suggestion that the ProPerty Committee should make scme recc~m~enda~lon for'the g~tdance-of Council, Aid. Keighan, Chairman of' the Property Committee, advised that his Committee could not make a recommendation in fayour, when 7500 square feet required for a single family dwelling and it appeared twice that amount would be required for a two-family dwelling. Ald. Mitchelson, one of Council's representatives on the Planning Board, advised that the matter was thoroughly discussed by the Planning Buard and with due respect to the Property Committee, he was of the opinion that it was not very practical to look for double the area; and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald, McKinley that the report be received, filed and the recommendation of the Planning Board be approved subject to approval by the Fire inspector and Health Department and also subject to the reaction of the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee. Carried, with Aldermen Swayze, Kelghan, Morton and Potter contrary. SEE Communication No. 304 - City Engineer . proposed re-construction of manholes by Bell Telephone Co. oX' Canada. ORL~ on the motion of Ald. ~ar~in and Ald. Corfield that the re- port be received and adopted and permission granted to reconstruct the manholes, subject to cost of repaying being borne by Bell Telephone Co. SEE Communication 263 No. 305 - Special Fire Ccemmittee . copies of By-law and set of rules dealing with operation of Fire Department presented by Chief Wade to be made available for all ~embers of Council for study before Committee submits any recommendations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed· No. 306 - Special Fire Co~nittee _ recammending Chief W. T. Wade be authorized to obtain information on the price that can be obtained for the sale of two fire trucks and two 4~ foot ladders. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted· No. 307 - Special Fire Committee - recommending arrangements be made with an organ- ization already in existence to provide Scuba Crew Services required by the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallumand Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 308 - Special Fire Committee . recommending certain revisions in Budget of the Niagara Falls Volunteer Fire Department and adoption of 196~ B~dget. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. ltttchelson that the re~ort be received and adopted. No. 309 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Cmmittee . progress report re: submission of Chippapa Council re: sewer service provided to a residence located in City ~mmediatelY adjacent to Chiplmwa boundary, ORDERED on the motion of Aid. b~ayze and Aid. Keighan that the report be received and filed. No. 310 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee _ recommending authorization to discuss location and cost of services for International Centre and other Properties in area, with representatives of Niagara Parks Commission. ORDE~D on the'motion of AId. Cotfield and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted· No. 311 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee . re~ommending special meeting of Finance Committee to review various Projects listed ifi Schedule of'Local Improve= ments and Capital Works submitted for year 196~, and folioring a study of Debt Position of City, the work that can be undertaken in 196~ then be determined. 0R- DERED on th~ motion of Aid. ~ayze and Aid. Morton that the repor~ be received and adopted. No. 31~ = Sanitation & Pollution Control C~ittee - suggesting no chanSe in method of levying surcharge on water rates. /~rs. Can'who had appeared before Co~nci-1 at the meeting of y arch 31st to question this charSe when she us a resident c~ the septic tank area, was permitted to speak on the motion of AId. Potter and Aid. Scott. Following the reading of the Sanitation & Pollution Control C~ittee's report, 14rs. Carr queried whether a rebate w~ld be made. AId. Hartin, Chairman of the Cceaittee, referred to other municipalities having had to build Pollution Treatment Plants and their method of levying to pay for them, and that Niagara Palls adopted the surcharge on water rates for this purpose, but could have made the charSe d~reotly on the mill rate. He pointed out that ~t the Present time Nrs. Carr's home is nob served b~ 151. sewers but as w~s pointed out by her at her last attendance at Council Meeting, the situation in the Woodbine area is a very drastic health hazard which will have to be cleaned up in the very near future, but, unfortunately all these areas cannot be sewered in the first or second year of merger but that it is the idea of the Com- mittee and the thought of Council that each and every area will have sewage ser- vices as soon as possible. The Alderman also pointed out that althou~ these res- idents are having all of the other types of service that the Urban Service Area gets, other than sewage. He also advised that it was the intention of his Com- mittee to visit the area in which ~rs. Cart resides and make a survey; similar to the Comittee's action with reference to the Montrose Road area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~artin and Ald. Corfield that the report of the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee be received and adopted~ and no change be made in the method of levying the surcharge on water rates. No. Bl3 - City Manager - recommending names of twelve men for appointment to the permanent staff. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Aid. Morton contrary. , No. 314 - Cit~ Clerk - recon~ending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley a~d Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted and licenses issued accordingly. No. 315 - Property Committee . progress report on study of possible policy as to provisions of parking facilities for restaurants. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 5~myze and Aid. Morton that the repor~ be received and filed. No. 316 - Property Committee - recommending offer of $1400.00 for land adjacent to W. L. HoVck Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted, contingent upon securing approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs to charge the cost to funde received from sub- dividers for public purposes. No. 317 - City Engineer - Five recommendations in connection with Montrose Road Bridge· ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 318 - Assessment Commissioner . 1963 Annual Report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~lartin and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and tabled for the perusal of Council. __I~ETITIONS The following Petitions were presented: No. 8 - Wm. I)wyer and R. Wilson - protesting tax rate assessment for urban ser- vice area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that ~Lr. D~yer be heard. He advised that none of the services are available in the area on ~iontrose Road east of the Q.E.Way between McLeod Road and the Creek Road and that all residents will sign the petition if Council so desires. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the petition be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Cpntrol Committee for consideration and a report. No. 9 - ~rs. D. Flnucane and lO others - requesting action re: Lots ~8 and 35 - Eeximer Avenue. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the petition be received and referred to the City Engineer for submission of a report. No. 10 - ~rs. L. Loopera and 20 others - requesting extension of sewer main on MulhernAve. and part ofB aldwin Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollu- tion Control Comittee for consideration and a report. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions ~era passed: No. ~O - MAI~IN . POTTER . RESOLVED that the tender of Eastland Bros. (Niagara) L~mited, for surface treatment and penetration vith bituminous material, in the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1964 be accepte~ at the prices quoted, being the lowest tender; and the Seal o~ the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried No. 50 - MARTIN - P(YFrSR - RESOLVED that the Tender of Eastand Bros. (Niagara) Limited, for surface treatment and penetration with bituminous material, in the City of Niagara F~lls for the year 9964 be accepted at the prices quoted, being be lowest tender; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 51 - MARTIN - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls requests the Department of Highways of the Province of Ontario to transfer $88,828.B7 from Bridge and Culver~ Construction to Road Construction under By-aw Number 6362; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 52 - POTTER - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara ~alls requests the Department of Nighways of the Province of Ontario to transfer $54,797.55 from Road Constnxction to Road Maintenance, and to transfer $909-46 from Road Construction to Bridge and Culvert Maintenance under By-law Number 6307; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously BY-LAW The following By-lawwas passed: No. 6543 - A By-aw to amend By-aw Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-aw be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Sw~yze and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-aw be given the second reading. - ~arried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS At the request of Aid. Martin, the Parks and Recreation Committee were requested to take under advisement the possibility of installing the tennis nets at Mltchelson Park as soon as weather conditions allow. At the request of AId. McCallum, the Traffic Comittee were requested to take under advisement the traffic situation at the three intersections where "advance green" signals are installed and stud~ the possibility of green light retarded, and as to their legality. Ald. Keighan referred to a call received from a resident of the Scott Subdivision with reference to any action being taken to combat the European Chafer problem. The City Manager advised that as much i~formation as .possible is being gatheredby the City but no remedial action is being taken on private lawns. He further suggested that contact be made with the Parks Department before any use is made o£ a Chemical fertilizer now available. Ald. Keighan referred to complaints received from residents on Lundy's Lane about the dust condition resulting from recent sewer installations and was advised by the City Engineer that everything possible is being done to resolve the dust problem, but until the road is resurfaced, the problem will not be completely solved. Ald. Keighan presented Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Diamond Jubilee Cam- mittee, with a 1904 Calendar which had been loaned to him by a citizen named Mr. Fred 8chleffel which might be of use in the Centennial Programme. Referring back to the problem of duet on Lundy's Lane, Ald. Mitchelson queried the use. of calcium chloride and the City Engineer advised that '--' something more than ca]cium chicride is being used. He referred i,q the SecuioD of Lundy's I~ne and the Fact that the sj. de,~alk on the north is very low and LhaL a great deal of Imterial has been washed on to iL and that attempts were using made to pick up as much material on the side of ~he road as posslo!e. The C~ty Engineer further added Lha~ as soon as weather pe_rmitted, the road woul~ De orimed. At the request of Aid. Morton, the City Engineer took ander advisement the condition of trees on the south side of Livingstone 3%. aug Lee essb side Stanley Avenue. Tne Alderman advised that there were two or three anti possibly more dead trees in Lhat locality. Ald. Keighan referred to the collection of garbage on Portage Roan be- tween Stamford Cen~re and the Plaza, and Lhat the garbaEe cans were Laken ouU at 10:30 a.m. and nob picked up until after 3:30 in the afternoon. The City Engineer advised that he would c~eck into this and s~aned than the "cartTou~; men were 15 minutes ahead of the trucks bu~ there may have been a breakdown of equip- ment. COuncil adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.~Swayze. ' R~DANDADOFTED, 2Oth April, 1964. Mayor \ m FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 13th April, 1964. The Finance Meeting was held on April 13th, 1964, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $95,665.59 were approved by the Com- mittee. ~fhe Acgoun~s submiL~eu, being ~asseG or o~ae~wise ~eal% wi~n, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Oouncil on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Potter.. The Summary of Tenders received for tree n].anttng was nresented for con- sideration, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the tender of Montgomery Bros. Garden Centre, the lowest tender, at a quotation of $3,850.00 be accepted. The Property Coenittee's report on their review of the application of the Red Barn Restaurant for a permit to erect a sign on the Steinberg property on the west side of Victoria Ave. between Jepson Street and MoRse Street was pre- sented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corrield and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted and a report be submitted by the City Manager in respect to this application, and in the meantime, the application be deferred until the report is received. A communication from W. G. Booth on behalf of Mr. Herman Demore's appli- cation for the proposed construction of a 14 unit motel at 162~ Durm Street was presented, along with a report of the City Manager. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the co-.nunication be received and the report of the City Manager be adopted and application referred to the Property C~m~tttee for consideration and a report. The City Hanager's report on the application c~ Oneida Community Develop- ment Ltd. for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated racer sign on the west side of Falls Avenue, b&tween Clifton Hill and Bender Hill, advertising "Oneida Silver- smiths" at an estimated cost of $~50.00 was presented. O~,~v on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be receive~, adopted and permit' issued. ~'ne City Man.ger's report on the application of Terry Lea Ltd., 325 Portage Road North, for a permit to erect a plastic, illu~ninated racer sign, at the Oneida Community Development Limited, west side of Falls Avenue, between Bender Hill and Clifton Hill, advertising"TerrY Lea - Ladies Speciality - Canadian Woollens"' at an estimated cost of $450.00 was presented. OPrRRED on the motion of Ald. Hor~on and Ald. -Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City !(~.ager's report on the application of H. E. l~rwood, 1729 Victoria Avenue, for a perm~tt to erect a plastic, illuminated facer sign, at the Oneida Community Development Ltd. west side of Falls Avenue between Bender Hill and Clifton Hill, advertising "Falls Gift Shop, Specializing in Canadian Gifts" at an est~mnted cost of $450.00 was presented. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cor- field that the report be received, adopted and pemit issued. The City ~--ger's report on the application of Richard and Jack Steele, 82~ Bridge Street, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated racer sign, at the Oneida C~ity Limited, on the west side of Falls Avenue, hatw~en Clifton Hill and Bender Hill, advertising "Cornucopia - Sporting Goods, etc." at an esti- mated cost of $225.00 was presented. 01~ on the ·orion of AId. Morton and AId. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Nanager's report on the application of R. E. Peters, ~3 Homewood Avenue, for a permit to erect a plastic, ill, linseed facet sign at the Oneida Com- munity Development Ltd., wast side of Falls Avenue between Bender Hill and Clifton Hill, advertising "Hiram's Food Centre", etc., at an estimated cost of $450.00 was presented. ORIiPED on the motion of AId. Swayze and ~Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City ~an~_er's report on the application of Oneida Comaunity Developsent Ltd. for a permit for the erection of directional sign, consisting of 7 plastic iliumlinseed signs advertising seven tenants, at an estimated cost of $1,000.00 was presented for consideration. OIt~ on the motion of AId. Potter and AId. KeA~han that the report ~e received, adopted and pelfair issued. ~ City ~-a~er's report on the application of Oneida Coemunity Develol~nent Lt~ted for a pexlit to erect a roof sign at their premises on the west side of Falls Avenue, between Bender ~ill and Clifton Hill; sign to be erected on the Tower Office Building on the noxth side of the tower, advertising "Oneida To~er Shop", at an estimated cost of $2,~00.00 was presented. 01~ on the sotion of AId. Morton and AId. Ke'l_eh-,', that the .repor'l; be received, adol~ed and persit issued. The City Fanager's report on the application c~ J. R. occo, proprietor of the Or~stal Motel, 2~9 ~Aver l~a~, nor~h-wes~ corner of ~Aver Bea~ and Buttrey St., for a persit to erect a neon and plastic l~lon sign, at an estimated cost o~ $1,07~.00 was presented. 01~ On the Lotion of AId. ~ze and Ald. ~0rton that the report be received, adopted and persit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Ritz Motel Ltd. at lg57 Vistoria Avenue, between Centre st. and Walnut St. for a persit to erect · neon and plastic l~lon sign, at an estimated cost of $~,~00.00 was presented for con- sideration. 0~ on the Lotion of AId. Mitchelson and AId. Cotfield that the report be received and referred to the 2peelal Liaensln2 Ccsaittee for sub~ssion of a report; the officials to prepe~e an~ material which would be of help to the Ccsaittes reaching a decision in 2in~ an~. reccsaenda~lon tha~ would eventuall~ be xtsed in a b~-law oonaer~in~ such signs. The City Hanager's report on the application of the Bank of Nova Scotia, 800 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated racer sign, at an estimated cost of $1,800. was presented. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId.. Scott that the report be received, adopted and penmLt issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Matt Calzonetti Sales and Service Ltd. for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign at the north east comer of Ferry Street and Stanley Avenue at an estfmted cost of $~50.OO was presented. ORRERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Niagara Falls and District Board of Education, for a building permit to erect a new school at the south-west corner of Pettit Avenue and Cherrygrove Road, at an estimated cost of $147,800.00 was presented. OREE~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, conditional on changes ordered by the Niagara Falls Fire Department on March lOth being c~mplied with, '- and subject to approval of the plans by the Building Inspection Department., The City M~n~ger's report on the application of Biagio Caroli, 29S1 Dorchester Road, for a build~-8 permit to construct an addition to the existing restaurant, at ~805 IAxndy's Lane, at an estimated cost of $800.00 was presented. The proposed addition to adjoin the front south-west comer of the restaurant. OldBED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City M~nager's report on the application of M~ssrs. Gino Spironello and Narcisso Bellio, for a building permit for alterations and additions to their property at 1219 Victoria Avenue, located on the north-west comer of MoRse St. and Victoria Ave. at an estimated cost of $10,000. was presented. ORDE~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report in connection with a communication of April lOth fro~ the Chairman of the Visitor and Convention Bureau, making application for a sign permit to erect an automated information service machine, on property owned by the We11-,d Securities Limited, south side of Clifton Hill, which would provide free service to visitors, seeking tourist and directional information, was presented for consideration at this time. OI~D on the motion of Aid. McCallurn and Ald. Mitchelson that Mr. John Yeo, Chairman of the Bureau be heard. He ad- vised that it was the feeling of the Chamber of Cmerce that what is proposed will ade~untely fill the needs of visitors to this area on a 24 hour basis. He advised of the existence of such machines in other areas and they have proven to be of value to visitors and erayellers. OR~ on the motion of His Worship Mayor Miller and Aid. Swayze that the report of the City M~n~ger be received, adopted and the location of the. proposed unit be aimproved and the necessary excavation work be perkteed. The Ccsaittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. NcCellum and Aid. Morton. -C}~a'maa of FAnance C0~NCIL Council C~Amber, 13th April, 196~. Council m-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meet- ings on Monday, April 13th, 196~, for the purpose of passing the by-law which coy- ered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members ware present. His Worship Mayor Miller, presided. BY-T.~/ The following Iby-law was passed: No. 65~ - A-~y-law to provide monies for general purposes.. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Martin be ~ranted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORESBED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. 8wayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MotCon and Ald. McCallurn - Carried Unanimously. The following Resolution was passed: No. 53 - MARTIN - MOI~TON - HESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His Worship the Mayor and Members of Council be forwarded to Mr. Arthur Jolley, Regis- trer of Deeds of the County of Welland, upon the death of his mother, the late Mrs. Alice Maude Jolley, formerly a highly respected resident of this City for a great nmaher of years; and the Seal of the-Corporation be herato affixed. Carried Unanimousl~ The following Report was presented: No. 319 - Special Fire C.*mittee . report on meeting with representatives of the Stamford Cantre Volunteer Ccepan~ on April 9th and listin~ provisions to be included in agreement reSardtng the use of a portion of their building, AId. McCallurn ad- vised that the terms of the a~reement as contained in this report have now been ratified by the Stamford Volunteers at their general meeting this evening, and it ~as o~dered on the motion of Aid. NcCallu~ and Aid. Martin that the report be ra- calved, adopted and the Special Fire Ccemittee be authorized to obtain sufficient land in the ~..saediate future in order to provide for a new Fire Hall and plans be prepared for said construction. Carried, with Alderman Col~ield contrary. Council adjourned on the motion of AId. McCallurn and Aid. Scott. a A'Aprii; ............................. EIGHTEENTH MEETING SPECIAL ~A'ING Council Chambers, April 16th, 1964. A Special Meeting of City Council with representatives of the Planning Board was held in the Council Chambers on the afternoon of Thursday, April 16th at 2 p.m. for the purpose of discussing various phases of the proposed new Town Plan. All Members of Council with the exception of Alderman McCallam were pres- ent. The Planning Board representatives consisted of the Chairman, Mr. E. A. Thceas, andMr. E. Weightman, Mr. J. Vundersluys, Mr. G. Allen, Mr. H. Henderson, and Mr. P. Pasquet, with MAr. Dowson, the Planning Director, and Mr. Philip, Sec- His Worship Mayor Miller, in opening the meeting, advised as to ,its pur- pose, namely:- discussion of facets of the new Town Plan and then turned the meeting over to the Chairman of the Planning Board, Mr. E. A. Thomas, who in turn, asked the Planning Director to explain in some detail the amendment to the Town Plan which was adopted by the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Plnnntng Board on March 18th, 196~. MAr. Dowson proceeded to deal, item by item, with the Official Plan Study as placed before the various members of Council and of the Pl--ningBoerd, explaining the area involved, what had been requested by in- terested par~ies, and the recommendation adopted by the P]nnning Board. His Wor- ship Mayor Miller questioned the provisions as contained in the proposed new Town Planfor green belts and indicated that he had been advised by quite an authentic source, that a municipality might become involved in future transactions in such areas and Mr. Dowson explained that this did not coincide with his views and that he was of the opinion that the possibility of the Municipality being forced to acquire certain properties in green belt areas could always be appealed to the Ontario M,m~cipal Board if necessary. The possible satisfactory definition of an hotelwas discussed at great length and following discussions and the problem involved in establishing such a definition it was agreed that Mr. Dowson, Planning Director, or if he is not available, sce~one else from the Planning Board staff, should, together with the City Solicitor, draft up a definition of. an hotel, and when this is being done, consider separation of hotel and motel uses in areas where this type of erection would be permitted. Discussions also arose in connection with the request of Mr. Orandoni to have his holdings at the north-east corner of Garner and Reavera-m~ Roads 'permitted to r~m-in dee,Snated as Agricultural rather than the suggested resi- dential and following this discussion it was agreed that Alderman Mitchelson should, as he suggested, discuss this matter with Mr. Grandoni, with a view to clearing what is being proposed, in Mr. Grandoni's mind, before the nex~ meeting is held with reference to the Town Plan. Alderman Martin, during discussion on the effect possible rehabilitation would have on certain areas, queried as tow hat Mr. Dowson had been able to obtain in the way of information from Mr. Potwin as to when we misfit expect the Urban Renewal Study and was advised that Mr. Dowson had been in touch with Mr. Potwin who had indicated that he would be able to more or less concentrate on the matter now and that it ml~ht be within a period of 6 months. Alderman Martin queried as to how much had beenpaid out to Mr. Potwin as of now andwas advised that to date some $22,3~.OOhad been paid to Mr. Potwin, that an ite~ of $1,156. was still due him, and that the publication of the booklet when the study is supplied would involve an expenditure of $2,~00.00, or in total, sc~e $26,000.00. Following some further discussion on the Urban Renewal Study it was ordered on the motion of Alderman Martin and AldexsanSwayze that the Cit~Managerand City Solicitor should go over the contract with Mr. Forwin and present a full report to City Council. 'mere betn~ no further dAsouestou with reference to the Town Plan the Chairsan and members of the Board and staff left the Council Chambers. As previously requested by His WorShip Mayor Miller, discussion us then held with reference to Centennial projects and ~hat Council might consider eligible under this progr~ and it ~as indicated that some action should he taken as soon as possible since any request for approval of projects under the Centennial Pro- grantor__ must be filed on or before the first of August. Mention us then made of the several tb4n~s which have been suggested for consideration, namely:. (a) A convocation lecture and concer~ hall for Brock University. (b) Stamford Lions Club's suggestion as to a teena~e recreation building. (c) Alderman McCall~m's euK~estions: 1. A HydroMuseum and financial assistance to such museum. 2. A possible ar~ exhibit or cultural centre in Oak Hall. In discussion that ensued it ~as suggested by Alderman Kel~hNn that consideration could possibly be given to.analysing sources of Krants or ~ubsidies available for things of this nature and poolin~ such resources. His Worship Mayor Miller suedes- ted that some thought should be given to a clearinK or develolment at the end of queen Street adjacent to River Road with the thought in mind of approvinKthis approach. Alderman Scott expressed the view that it might be desirable to re-locate and/or improve our Presentlyo~nedHistoricalMuseumnnd the acquisition of property for future extension. Alderman Martin ~as of the opinion that it might also be desirable to consider the erection of a new library building. Following ~eneral discussion on the vsrious topics that had been suggested it ~s agreed that the suggestion of A1- dermanMartin be followed and that the Centennial Cammittee investigate the possi= bilityof establishing a HistorioalMuseum on Drummond Mill at Lundy's ~-e and it was also a~reed that the su~stion of Alderman Kei~han that the C~am~ttee investi- gate the possibility of establishinKa Centennial Parkwhich would provide all appropriate facilities for ccmplete public usage and enjoyment be approved. It us ordered on the motion of Alderman Margin and AldermanMcKinley that the meeting do nowadjourn. Council ~hembers, 2Oth April, 196~. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, ~Oth April, l~J~, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the min- utes of the previous regular and special meetinKs, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Potter. - Aid. McCallumarrived at the meeting - Tenders had been called for the supply of grass seed and traffic paint, and also fir 8ide~ulk repairs, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. MeKinley nnd Aid. Svayze that the tender8 received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated.. MATIONS Ordered on the motion of Ald. Potter and Aid. Morton that Mrs. Car- lucci be given permission to address Council. Her son, speaking on her behalf queried when Mr. Carlucci ~a8 going to be given a Job on the City. The City Man- aKer advised that he us placed on the temporary staff late in the 8-mmer of i~B and previous to that he had al~ays been on Winter WorkS projects. The City Mana- ger further advised that this m~n had been offered a Job with Hydro within the last week and had refused to take the Job, this information had been received from the Welfare Administrator. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Kei~hnn and Ald. Mitch- elson that a report on this matter be submitted by the Welfare Administrator and the City Manager. C(X~4UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetin~s: No. 172 - City of St. Thouas - resolution re: proposed amendment to Secondary Schools and Bcmjbof Education Act. OP~D on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the resolution be received, filed and not endorsed. SEE C~mwunication 281 No. 17~ - C. A. Gallova~ - on behalf of Nla~ra Frontier Scenic Tours application for a buildin~ permit and a sign permit. 01~d~ED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. S~s~ze that the c~unication be received and filed and permission ~ranted, subject to provisions as contained in Property Committee~s report. Carried, with Aldermen Scott'and McCall~- contrary. SXE Report Number No. 27~ - Fraser & Fraser - new application on behalf of A. Kahlen, proprietor _of~ar~aret Rose Motel, 222OStanle~ Avenue, for.permit to construc~ a ten unit addition. ' 'SEE Ccemunioation 282 ~ RepoSe Nweber No. 278 - D. Mutable - requesting permission to operate sightseeing tours fraa property located at the south-west comer of Lun~'s Lane and Drusmond Road. In connec~ion with this matter, Mr. W. G. Booth ~as permitted to address Council. · He referred to the Cummerolal Zonin~ of this property at the present time and ~he apparent desire of Coun0il and the Polioe Cmission to have tour stand operators operate fret off-street locations. He referred to the opposition of the PlanninS Bcmrd and stated that it ~as his understan~in~ that ~he policy of the Planntn~ Xctx'd rafgtrdin2 si~htseein~ operations is to he found in the pro- posed 0fflalal Town Plan but he pointed out that the Official Plan is not in effect yet, and therefore has no legal status as at present. !~. Booth was of the opinion that Council should come to a policy decision itself. He challenged the right of the P~nnin~ Board to adopt what he called a rather harsh, oppressive pol- icy regardin~ one partic,.1-r industry and he urged Council to come to a policy con- dusion. His Worship ~yor Miller assured Mr. Booth that every case which came be- fore Council is treated on its merits. Aid. Eel~han, Chairman of the Property Cam- mittee, stated he wished to clarify the matter and the c~nte that recc~mendations were being made contrary to Council's policy und proceeded to outline in detail the rec~"~endations that were contained in the Property Ccamittee's report to Council on ~4arch l~th, n-mely that approval be given to the Wood's application to operate tourist sight seeing stand at corner of Beechwood Road and Iamdy's T~e, as the prol~ erty was formerl~ operated as a gasoline station, be~5 a non-conforming use in an a~'lc~ltural area; that tourist sightseeing stands be restricted to tourist-commercial areas. Aid. Mltchelson referred to the n~_~_~er of years the Police Commission of Niagara Falls had suggested to the former Council of Nl_~_ra Falls that it would ~e in the public interest to have sightseeing stands and taxi stands removed from the public streets and that the matter of re-zonin~ the lands at the corner of Beechwood Road and Lunc~'s lane had been referred to the Committee of Adjustment who had ~ven s~ne studS· and requested Council to Bake a policy decision with respect to si~htsee- ln~ cab stands, and as a result of that study the Property Ccemittee's report v~s Sub- sitted and Council therefore made the Policy. Ald. Mitchelson was of the opinion that Nr. Bccth's critlcal remarks with reference to the P~annin~ Board were out of order. ~ on the motion of AId. Kei~h~n and Aid. ~(ttchelsc~ that the co,~uni- cation be received and filed and permission he not granted. SEE Beport N~nber 3:>1 The following Cmunloations were presented: No. ~81 - Niagara Falls District Board of Education - advisin~ Board does not sup- port resolution free ~t. 7ncaas. Ol~Bi~D on the motion of Ald. ~fitchelson and Aid. Scott that the ccsunmication be received and filed. ~2s Ccalaunication 17~ No. ~ . Fraser & Fraser - further cclmunication re: Mr. A. ~ahlen's application. ORIOle9 on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. I~tter that cceaunioations ntmbers ~?~ and ~8~ be received and filed and Pemission be n~t ~ranted until demolition of exist~n~ lhll has been c~mpleted. Carxied~ with Aldermen Kei~han, NclCLnley and Corfield contrary. ; ~ Bopoft Ntmber ~0 lio. ~8~ - Local ?lB = United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America - re: the Sanitation & l~ollutim~ Control Ccll~ttee for d~seussion at their meetin~ with 1~ 0ffielals on Wednesday morning, April ~nd. Carried Unanilao~lly. Previous to this action; Ald. NOX~c~I soYed that the writer be advised ~hat a ~lfftc ll~ht.ln to be ~nstalled at this location; there was no seconder. ~ze and ~d. Wt~elson t~t the e~t~tton be ~eetved~ ftle~ ~d mission ~nted as ~elted, ~d the Po~ce No. ~ - ~. 0. ~h - ~q~s~4-- totter ~ mlse~ .~li~ion in eo~eetton with 161. C~tttee so the writer will have the opportunity of appearing, in opposition. ORESI~D on the motion of Ald. McElnley and Ald. Eeighan that the cc~nuntcation be received and referred to Report Number 325 for discussion. Following consideration Of the report of the Property Ccenntttee, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. McCallbum that the c~nmuntcatlon be recelved and filed. Carried, with Aldermen Martln, Potter, Morton and Sw~yze - contrary. SEE Report Number 325 No. ~89 - Win. G. Booth re: problem of N. Grandont and other farm residents in the vicinity of Greenspan Salvage Yard. On the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Potter Mr. Booth was permitted to address Council on behalf of Mr. Grandont. Mr. Booth outlined the difficulties experienced by his client through the operation of the Greenspan Salvage Yard, specifically mentioning the paper and scrap plastic which is blown off trucks bringing material into the Salvage Yard, and requested, that the City conslder enforcing existing by-laws to prevent this littering con- dition, which is definitely objectionable to his client and others within the ]mmediate vicinity. Aid. Kel~han and Aid. Nitchelson referred to the resolution which was passed by this Council and forwarded to the Ontario ~unicipal Association requesting author- ity for municipalities to pass by-laws to have controlover tr~cks, etc. carrylng loads of paper, necessitating the covering of such vehicles with tarpaulins. Ald. Kitchelaon advlsed that this resolution came as a result of this condition on prop- erty close to ~r. Grandonl's and with respect to another salvage yard not too remote frum the same location, but the resolution met with some opposition at the 0J4.A. Convention hut when the reasons for its passing yore explained to the Con- vention, it received almost ,m,~imous suppor~ and us one of the resolutions se- leotad to be presented to the Cabinet which met about three weeks ago. The Alderman advised that what this Council asked for was permissive legislation so that this Body could pass a by-law eking it necessary for all trucks to carry a cover but in the opinion of the Nintster of Transport when he and Aid. Scott artended the Cabinet meetlng, the Minister stated that there would he a patchwork of by-lays all across the Province and legislation contained in the Statutes vould be as far as they would be Prepared to go in ccmhattlng this problem, but the Mfinlster did indicate that if more than one conviction yore achleved as a result of prosecution of a violator, they would be prepared to withdraw the trucker's llcence. AId. ~ittch- elson concluded that it was a sincere attempt by this Council but did not meet with approval at the Provincial level. Nr. Grandoni who was present at the meeting us also permitted to address Council on the motion of AId. Scott and Aid. Morton. He pointed out that he and other faro residents had to abide by restrictions and regu- lations laid dc~rn by the Oovenment in connection with the sale of milk and the Protection of the same and was of the opinion that the Salvage Yards should also have to abide by rules and reguJatlons; and suggested come alterations to the Sal- vage Yard which could remedy the nuisance. Aid. Norton was of the optnlon that 90 pereent of the trouble ste~e~d free unloading the materlal in an unprotected area and that a little supez~lston of the Yards would help and the Insistence of a properly covered unloading area. OI~)I~D on the motlon of Aid. Kelpban and AId. Scott that the cc~luntcatlon he received and referred to the Police Ccmnlsslon for consideration at their meetin~ scheduled for Tuesday, April ~lst. No. ~90 - Nta~are Falls 2epax~te School ~oard . requestin c. to the .t, ..in..r ,or s.,-i.inn of..pc.. ,he ::::::.?"' N0. ~1 . Nli~ ~i ~t~' ~1 ~r~ - ~es~ln e~l C~tt~e for su~ssion of a ~. ~cetved Md ~femd to the N0. 2~ - Natthews & Iktthevs . formal aPPlication of Nonastery of Mount Camel ~" extension to existin~ Our lad~ of Peace Cometerr. On the motion of Ald.Hei~han and AId. Potter it van ox4ered that Nr. F. J. Harthews be ~iven Pemission to address Council. He explained the circumstances for the need of extra burial &~ound for use of ~ax~elite Priests and Brothe~s. ~ on the action of Ald. Korton and AId. Co~/el~ that the consuntcatton ~e recetYed and referred to the l~rt~ Ccsaittee to laee~ with H~. ~a~hevl, follolf~ which a repox~ is to be su~ai~ted to .Counoll. ' No. 193 - Martin, Calvert, S~e~ppard and Clark - requesting relief frc~ Provisions of l~y-lav 533~1n connerbion with Proposed construction of an additional two storeys at the Park Notor Hotel. OBII1RED on ~he motion of Aid. ]4arton and AId. ]4itchelson that the co~sunination be received and referred to the Property Ccemlttee for con- sideration and report. Ha. 29~ - David S. Hc~rthur . requesting Permission to move an office building on to rented lot on VictSrla Ave. for sightseeing stand. 0Ri~/QSD on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. Norton that the ccemunieation be received and referred to the ProPerty Co. mlttee for cc~sidemtion and a report. Ha. 29~ - NIagara Ealls 1)lstriet Board of Education . querying Council's interest in Ontario Ave. lands. ORI!I~D on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Sw~yZe that the er~.~mication be received and the repor~ of the ProPerty Ccenlttee be adopted. SEE l~eport Number No. 296 - Bradcrick, Burnerr & NcLeod . requesting permission to obtain from the City on a temporary basis, a supply of fresh water for the property on the south shore of the WeJl-~d Rlver, owned by Nr. Andrew Harris. Ordered on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Svayze that )(r. Harris he given peraission to address Council. He referred to the adverse affect on his property due to ][ydro remedial works which involves reversing the flay of the river in front of his propertyt frua where he takes his supply of water, but which will nov be polluted through HYdro's actions. lie requested Council to consider supplying fresh water to his premises for the 6~ season. ~ on the motion of Aid. Nltchelson and Aid. McKinley that the communication be received and referred for consideration at the meeting to be held with Hydra Officials on Wednesday morning. No. ~97 - Bradcrick, Burnerr & McLeod - requesting revision in bulldtng permlt to Americana Hotal, ~.J:),J~, Lund~ss lane. ORI~RED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Property C~mittee for a report. No. 298 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board _ Stud~ 8-21, ~nd Hill. OItI~I~ED on the motion of Aid. )(itchelson and Ald. Marton that the ccmaunication be received and referred to the Property C~maittee for a report. recommend resontng f~ Agricultural to Touris advising that the Beard does not for approval ORIIRID on the action of Aid t Cosmartial, to the City Council oosmunleatio~ be received and referred to. ~ Kei~han and AId. Carfield that the ha Property Ccnmittee for · report. · ' OomLttt:st 'San an on of an ice boma on lake Erie, Just upstree~ from entrance to Nla ra H dY!aZn2 of date and t~me of Public hearing. OI~III~D ~a lver, and of the City of Hia~am Falls to o appear at the l~xblie Hear~n~ on beha:Lt' C t si! iZj 7 s thair views o. tna P=sed br. ship :-11o. 302 - Holland and District hlth Unit - advistn~ prmaises at i n.. 1 have been caneemma ~ ca the s0tion of 353 I ton Io. '303 - City of Vindso~ , resolution reelusattn Clove I No. 30~ - Town of Lindsay . resolution to amend Ymnlctpal Act to provide that only an approved snnmmry~of Audited ~atement ud Repo~ of the Auditor for viaus y~r ~ ~q~red to be Published and in such fore as would be readily ~der- stud by the ~te~yers. O~D ~ the motion of Aid. ~in ud AId. ~o~on that the ~sol~ion ~ ~ceived, filed and not endorsed. ~rrled, with Aldemen Mltch- els~ and Codield cont~. · Y ~d Ald. Co~teld that the c~icatlon be ~ceived ~d ~fe~ed to the ~y.~v for the ~an~ of street n~es ~en sub- ~tted to Coboil. No. 3~ . 6~atJr Nla~ Assco. for ~ta~ed ~il~n . invitation to ~ce, ~y 1st, ~lo~ ~nt~, ~ond ~d. '~ on the motion of Ald. and ~d. ~ze t~t the invl~tion be ~ceived, acceded and as m~ as possible attend. · No. 307 - ~er & ~e - enclosing copy of P~vlncial ~s Ca~.s aPPlication for n O~~ter~ ~tes for an additional ~ month ~rtod with no ~te ~e~ase. 0~ on the m~lon of ~d. 8cart ~d Aid. Co~leld t~t the c~l~tton be ~eeived ~d filed. No. 308 - ~b~ ScrOll ~a~,- . ~questtng ~lssion to use ~11 ~onds and ~s~ ~r~sents. ~ on the motlon of Ald. H~nley a~ Md. Co~leld that t~ ea~l~tlon ~e ~celved ~d flled ~d the ~po~s of the ~rks ~d ~creatlon C~lttee be adopted· The following Reports vere Presented: No, 31~A- ~ , reccsmending building permit be issued to Niagara Frontier Scenic Tours Provlded there is no parking south of the line, ~ feet south or the front of the Proposed buildlng and that only one entrance and one exit ha permitted froa Portage IRond~ and also recusaendlng issuance of a sign permit, providing the sign is satisfactory to the City 14andget. ORDEiRED on the Iotlon o1' Aid. l[elghan and Aid. Sv83rse that the repor~ be received and adopted. Carrted~ vlth Aldermen Scott and HcCall~ne contrary. 8re Communication 17~ No. 3~0 - Property ~cemtttee . reccemendtng no Permit ~e issued for the eonstrnc~ tion of new motel units at Margaret Rose Matel, until completion of demolition of Hall. OI~2RID on the motion of Ald. Marton and Aid. Potter that the report be received and adopted. Carrted~ wlth Aldermen Ketghan, )feKinley and Corfleld contrmry. S~I CcmBunicattons 275 and 282 ·' 1°'322 - ProPerty emmittee . sub(eat a ' to be sold by t~ OttF to the ~d ~ t~ ~ttF f~ the ~. ~ i~ ~d also on ~ds to ~ put- 165. No. 32~ - Arena, Parks & Recreation Czittee o six rec~endations with refer- ence to improvements at Ball llauonds as requested by Ralnbo~ Softball League. OI~U on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Cor~ield that the reports he received and. adopted. ~EE e~unication 308 No. 3~5 - Property Ccmmittee . reccemending issnan_ce of a permit for ~9 units plus a restaurant to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Deleo and l~udolf Eelco. ;~ld. Keighan, Chair- man ~ the Froperry C~lttee, advised that this us not a nmenimous decision of the Cceuittee, and that he did not suppor~ this re~m~endation. That he had asked the City Solicitor what his ~nterpretation of a lease would be in order to provide parking sluice and he had indicated that a lease could be in effect when the rest- aur~nt was built but could be broken or-nullified any tire thereafter. He pointed out that other requests of this mature where a lease vas concerned, the Property C~ittee had alvays recc~ended that it go to the C~ittee of Adjustment. Ald. 8vay~e stated that this property is in the rear of the property where the motel is being built and belongs to Rudolf Deleo and uncle, and they have promised to allc~ the use of this land as a perking lot. Aid. Herton referred to this matter No. 327 - Property Cmittee - reccnnnendlng parmission be granted to Mr. Herman Damore ( W. C. l~ooth) to erect a 1~ unit motel on premises kno~ as 162~ l},nn gtreet, subject to confirmation of proper percentage of lot coverage, necessary parking acconnodations. The City Manager advised that since this report had been prepared, approval has now been received from the O.M.B. regarding l~y-lav 6~71, with reference to minimum side and rear yard requirements, and therefore approval of the Ccmxtttee of Adjustrent would not nov be required. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Potter and Aid. Mor~on that the report be received and adopted. (Aid. Kel~nJ- abstained from voting). No. ~8 - Arema, Parks & Recreation C~ittee - requesting permission of Council to discuss the possibility of planting of daffodils, with the Horticultural So- cieties and other groups. OI~rA~ on the motion of Aid. Scott ar~l AId. McKinley that the repor~ be received and permission granted. No. 330 - Arena, Parks & Recreation Ce~u~lttee _ advising or instructions to Par~s ~upt. to install nets at tennis courts. ORI~D on the motion of Aid., S~ayze and AId. Cotfield that the repor~ be received and filed. having been before the Property Ccamittee at different tires and he had to he con- No. 331 - Special Fire Cco~lttee - reeonuending offer of ~ne Maid of the Mist ~ on that the report be received and filed, in view of the fact that a second th reoent of the g:a::og=i. ,:i his off. be aoc.ptsd. ~t he ~elt ~s a contravention o~ the existing by-~v. He ~s o~ ~e oplnl~ t~t No. 333 - S~clal T~fftc C~tttee - s~esting Mamn Avenue be leased to the eq~l o~o~mity sh~ld be given to ap~r ~fo~ C~cll or the P~I C~- ~temtto~l Cent~ ~r tern s~table to the City Co~cil. O~D on the ~ttee. With ~fe~nce to ~. ~th's objections conce~l~ his r~t to ap ar : m~l~ o~ ~d. ~ ~d Aid. ~t~elson that the ~po~ be received ~d adop- ~ve ~ o~er ~rs~ P~sent. ~e Cit~ ~cltor c~t~ued that as a totter o~ : sl~mtton, O~ on t~ s~lon of AId. ~yze ~d Ald. Cortleld t~t the tn~ ~sn to ~ ud ~ether t~y ~ve en~ ~romtion for their ~ or not. ) Z°. 335 - City ~ger - advls~g t~t e~ion of ~el~ ~r Si~ on top of ~. F. J. ~tth~s~ Solicitor for ~e ~leo ~, ws then ~tted to s~ f he ~r be proceed vl~, a~ost ~diate~. ~ on ~e motion of Alder- of the comer p~y is also ~e st th · ~leo ~o Is one of the ~ers ~ t~o sabers of his s~ at l~th ~1 C~vention of the ~egare Officers~ lssoc- with re~l~Mnts as b~t d~ by tM ~o ~let~l ~ ~ ~ht at the /] ~g. 337 = lllts~t to City ~.~ A~tetmtt~ - advising of O.H-B. a~l i~nt t~ lsno by-by at a~ ~i~ ~s ~ ~or ~s~ ~-h~ ~70 ud ~1, to pr~lde ~or 6 f~ ~r ~d side ~rds in ~s~ct AId. m~ln ~0~0d ~t~r this ~s to ~ a l~ted . laase ~ p~l~ for a l~ted e~, ~ o c~ ud If so, v~ld the ":" ~. 3~ - tit7 Clerk - ~o~n~ tsslee of licenses. ~ ~ the ~ ~ the ~i~ o~ ll~. ~ ~ i14. ~l ~t th Be. ~ , ~y C~ttt~ , ~o~m~ ~mml~ to ~e the 6 f~ ml~ ~ ;~ · neeem~ ~tu~ steps ~ ~ t~n. ~ ~ ~e ~tton of ~d. oeZ~d ~d a~ed. ~ b ~- ~ ~. 3~ - ~t~ of l~u~2 - bs~ts of ~a~ f~ a~lleatt~s. O~- j e~. ' * ' · ~ be ~:etved ~. No. S41 - City Engineer . re: action taken w/th reference to Lots 28 and Sexleer Aven~e. 01~ on the motion of ~[ld. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report he received and adopted. S~ Petition No. 3b~ . Special Railway Ccemlttee . report of meeting held on April 17th. DE~ED on the motion of Aid. 'Scott and AId. 8wayze that the report be received and filed. FETITION laid over free the prevtous meeting! No. 9 - Mrs. D. Ftnucane and 10 others - requesting sone action to correct the con- dition on Lots 28 and 35, Hextmer Avenue. 01~ on the motion of J~d. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the Petition be received, filed and Petitioners notified of action taken. sible l~xving of Victoria and Centre -qtreet before the tourist season commences. men at the centre and no Perking area facilities at all. Ne requested Permission ~hat Counc ing of the necessary land has bec~ a problPea y Milllet advised that 'the acquir- involved and assured the businessman that , due to-the fact of estates being their needs. il had not re~ained dormant to The City Engineer advised that the ,ut 8tx~et to Centre Street has been Placed t~nnvln~ of Victoria Avenue free .. much could be accomplished until a 70 de n the suPplelentary budget but e to Centre.Street, it is proposed to st ~ree teapereture exists. With refer- hod when tearperatures Pex~lt. art on a base road and it All-be fin.' ! Mr. )laeTa~gart of the Clifton ~1 , t 'i ether anything could he done to get the rloa~d Busionssa~n s Association queried case and Garden Shown which is nov in ro d open on Centre Street dttrlng the inconvenience an Possible. - x~ effort wall be taken to cause as little o..r,O who hed hean del...t., hy .onc.1 to .t.a. tbe forthco..n ~done erenee in London A ~1 ;. on aacount o~ sleknell in. necessity that each member be aware of its contents and also the Principles involved in the agreement, that the agreement should be read at this time. Following the reading of the agreement, Mr. Evans of Evans & Rutty was then authorized to address Council on the motion of AId. S~ayze and Ald. Corfield and he proceeded to state that he was in general satisfaction with the Agree- ment as read, 'with the possible exception of ClauSe 7 and that in this connec- tion have preferred the assessment of se lces bein o.a lcca mprove- sent stated that he would appreciate receiving information fro~ the City Engineer as to the Percentage that his clients would be expected to Pay for these services end it was agreed that the City Engineer obtain this informa- tion on a Percentage basis on]~, not on a dollars and cents value for all types of services proposed, with the exception of roadWs. DIscussion ~s then held, pronoted by the query of Ald. Hartin with , reference to the disposition of Warren Avenue, which centred around ~e type of lease which would be satisfactory. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. M~Ltchelson and Ald. 8wayze that Council adjourn to the Ccesalttee of the Whole. Mr. Evans retired from the Council Chamber. ~EAD AND ADOPTED, 27th April, 196~. Hayor Council Chalber, 20th April, 196k. Council assembled in Culmittee of the Whole, on Nonday, April ~Oth, 196~ to enter a detailed discussion with reference to Warren Avenue end what would be desJ_~able by way of terms in an~ lease entered into with Niagara Inter- national Centre Limited. All Members of Council were present. l~is Worship, Maqror Mlller, presided. Following this disonssion it was ordered on the motion of AId. Hartin and AId. Nltchelnon that Nr. Evans he advised that the City is prepared to enter into a 99 year lease for Warren Avenue closed, on the terms of $~00.00 per year, Plus.taxes. ,Carried, .wath.AldeEaen Scott and,Norton.-contrary. ......... On the aotlon of AId. Hartin an4 Ald. Ml~chelson the Colmlttee of the Whole arose and reported to Cornloll. 168. READ AND ADOPt, 27th April, 196b,. Nayor Council Chamber, 20th April, 196~. Council re-assembled in session on bers'were'Present;'NAs 'Worship, 'Mayor KiLler, Monday, April 20~h, 196~. All Mere- Presided. - ............. ~ on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Kitehelson that the re. port of the Ccanlttee as to their actions in Committee of the ~rnole be adopted and confirmed. Carried, with Aldermen Scott and Morton contrary. ~he followin -law was seed: ; No_~. 6~5' . A b~-law to authorlee the execution national Centre' t4.ited). of an Agreement. (Niagara Inter- OI~I~D on the action of Ald. Martin and Ald. Sw~Vze that AId. ~ei~han be ~ranted the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by. la~ be read the first time.. Carried Unanimously. O~I~BED on the motion of AId. F~ighan and AId. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing l~tles of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given 'the second reading. - Carried, with Aldersen Scott and Mox~con . contrary. Third Beading . Aid. Kitehelson . Aid. NcCallu~.~Carried, with Aidemen Scott Council adjourned to-the Finance Meeting on ~he Rotion of Aid.McKinley and AId. ~EAD ABD.ADO~, ~Tth April, 1~(~. Council Chamber, 20~h April, 196~. The Flnnnce Meeting was held on April 20th, 196~, for the Purpose of approving and also Passing the various accounts which had been previously certi- fied and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. mAttee. ~undry Accounts in the amount of $487,608.92 were approved by the Corn- The Accounts submitted, belng Passed or otherwise dealt with, were' ordered placed in the Money By-law for Presentation to Council, on the motion of AId. Kitchelson and AId. Potter. The City Manager's report on the application of W. Dietz, 1575 Drummond Road, for a building peralt to erect a 2~-unit aPartment building on Part of Lot 34, wast side of D~,mond Road, between Lund.v's Lane and Fredcries Street, at an estlaeted cost of $120,000. was Presented for consideration. The City Manager referred to 7 recommendations made by the Fire Inspector and suggested that in view of these recoemendatlons, the applicant be advleed to revise the plans in accordance with the Fire Inspector's report. OBl~v on the motlon of Aid. ~wayze and Ald. Corfleld that the report be received and adopted. ~ne City Manager's report on the aPPlication of Stamford-Beechwood ~,olf Club Ltd. for a building permit to construct an addition to their Clubhouse, lo- cated on the east side of ?norold Town Line between Beaverdams Road and ?norold Stone Road, at an estimated cost of $5,000.00 was Presented for consideration. 0R~I~D on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Potter that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Menager's repor~ on the aPplication of D. Mitchell, 1226 Jepson Street, for a peru. It to move a dwelling free Ellen Avenue to the rear of the existing dwelling at 1226 Jepson Street, was presented for consideration. OR- IOn on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and no permit be issued due to the fact that proposed placing of a dwell- lng in the rear of another dwelling would be contrary to the by-law. The City Manager's report on the aPplication of Cairns Brothers for a permit to ernst a slgn at the Cairn Croft Motor Hotel, on the south side of IAmS~V'S Lane between Dru~ond Hnad and Franklin Ave at $3,000.00 was presented. 0BI~ED on the motion of an est~m~*-ed cost of that ~d. Potter and Ald.Kelghan the report be received, adopted and permit be issued. Cartled, with Ald. Morton. contrary. The City Menager's report on the aPplication of ?ne Ion On ?ne Hill Ltd., sented for consideration. 0RIfleD on the motion of Ald. Keighan and AId.PoSter that the report be received, adopted and Permit issued. ger.. raPert on th. ap lioation of Th.c inat.d n.on .i,,,,:,,F..t to .reot. pla.tic, Portage Read between Colborne Street and , situated on the wast side of ed cost~H · · report be received, adopted and permit issued· The City Mana~er's report on the application of The Town & Country sssen's Association for Permission to ea'~et, aseoond lastto, was presented. 0BS~D on the sotion of Aid t an estimated cost of $800.00 repox~ be received_and adopted and pexxtt is-'ued.ter and Ald. Cotfield that the The City Ma~ger's repor~ on the application of Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum for a permit to erect a metal, illuminated sial1 on the 1~elland Securities property, south side of Clifton Hill, between Falls Ave. and the New York Central Tracks, was presented. O1~ on the motion of ~.ld. Swayze and Aid. Scot~ that the report be received a~d referred to the Special Licensing C~mn!ttee for consideration and a report. ~'ne City Manager's repor~ on the application of Mr. & Mrs. M. Bruek, 15~ Me(Ireil Avenue, for a building poEair to erect a 37 unit motel on an shaped lot on Ellen Avenue and Cantre S~reet at an estimated cost of $160,000. was presented. It was moved by Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted to the effect that the applicants' plans be revised to pro- vide the necessary clearance frc~ the west property line; this motion was lost hy a vote 0£ 8 to 2, the vote bein_e . Aye: Aldermen KeJ~n an~ 14orton; Naye:- Aldermen 8wayze, Scott, !txrtin, Mckinley, Mltchelson, McCallurn, Potter and Cor- field. An a~e~dsent rode b~ Aid, Neeallure and AId. Scott that the report be colred and referred to the Property Cosaittee, was carried by a vote of 8 to the vote being: - Aldermen McCellum, Scott, 8wayse, McKinley, Mitehelson, Potter, Corfield and Margin; !laye:- Aldex~en Keighan and Morton. The City Manager's report on the aPplication of lit. Fran~ Kolosky, for a ~uilding permit to erect a 25 unit motel on Block A, ~lan ~, on the south side of ~und~t~s IAne between 'Pitton Rond and galar Read; the City Manager reported that the plans as submitted were not satisfactory and recommended that the applicant be requested to revise the plans to conform to the requirements of the Building end Fire Inspectors. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. McKinley that the report he received and adopted. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Scott. 1~ A~D ADOI~, ~Tth April, ~inmn or Finance Council Chalber, 20th April, 1~. Council re-assembled at tMe close of the regular Council and Finance licetinge on lionel, April ~Oth, 19~, for the purpose of passing the b~-lAw which .covered the accounts appr~wed by She co~tee. All Melbers were ~resent. Ills Worship, I~or !~ller, presided. ~'~e fOllOV4u_,e J~-lav was Passed: a~-LAW .i.Q. 6~.~ - A b~-lav to provide a~ies for !~neral purposes. ' C~ oil ~hs ao~lOA Or AIde 2W~ lad ~Ltd. Coralold thab AId. Martin 1Yl. be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~ on the motion of Aid. ~iartin and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~hird lleading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. The City Clerk reminded the Members of Council of the forthcoming Welland County Municipal Association Convention, scheduled for Wednesday, April 28th at the Welland County Administration BUlldin~s and which is open to Members of Coun- cil and/or City Officials. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. S~ayze. ~EAD AND ADOI'I~D, 27th April, 196~. ~ouncil Chamber, 27thApril, 1~. lh~rs~ant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Nonday, 27th April, l~J~, for the purpose of considering ~eneral business and f~nmnc . _. · All Nembers of Council were present, ~t~ the exception of Aid. McCallun. ~he Coun- cil, bovine ~ecelved a~d read ~18 srLnutes of ~he l~revlou~ ~eet~n~, adopted these on the motlon of Ald. Po~ter and Aid. Coralold. Tenders had been called for the supply of water plpe line mater- ials and on the motion of Aid. acKinley and Aid. ~ayze it was ordered that the tenders be received, opened~ initialled by His Horship the ~t~'or and tabulmted. ............ CCle!UNICATIONS laid o~er iron previous ~eetings: No. ~4~ - Ontarlo Association of Housing Authorities . requesting financial assis- tance for forthcclin~ Conference to be held in Ctt~, colaenoin~ ~ept. 13th to Sept. l~th, 1~. ~ on the motlon of Aid. Nar~ln and Aid. Scott that the ocp~- unlcatton be received, filed end a grant of $500.00 be made available to the Assoc- intlon to asslet ~th expenc~Ltures. ~ ~port Number 3~-3 ~ceiv~, filed Ud the ~ of the ~e~l ~eensl~ CllttN ~ adopted, ~th SEE Report Nuaber Previous to this action, it was onlered on the motion of Aid. Potter and ildo I~Lt~hnlson that Nr. ~axtnr be given Penalsalon to address Council. ~ueried the purpose of all the signs rectumended in the report and ~s of the opinion that the sign he had now co~ers e~er~thin~ and that those proposed wonld only clutter up the place. No. ~ . A. R. ltx~klelReal letate Ltd. - re: possible exchange of properties on I~nd~'s lane adjacent to the~ater to~er. O~ll~Don the lotion of Aid. Norton and Ald. Potter that the cceaunicationbe received, filed end the Property Con- littee be ~rantedper~Lssion to nellate withNr. ICacldei on this I latter. SEllSport N~aber No. ~8~ - Local 71~# United Brothextxood of Cax~enters & Joiners of~lerica . advis- inlof tz~fTiehalarlatNeLeodRoadand the ~.l.HaYd~etohaula~e road used by Eydro. Ol~2~Don the motion of AId. 2tort and AId. Cotfield ~hat the ecemauntca, t~onbe ~ecei~edand f~led. ,14 mm I 173. No. ~91 - Niagara Falls Separate School Board . requestin~ erection of a stop sign on Brunt Avenue at Churchill~,,-~i~ihity. of Father Hennepin School. ORE~I~D on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. Scott that the c~nmunicatio.~ be 8~in tabled, pendix~ a traffic count by the E~ineerin~ Dept. before any decision is made. " ~EEI~I~)RT Number 3~8 No. 2~ - Harthews &~atthews - ~: e~ension of exist~g ~r ~dy of Peace Ceme- te~. ~ on the motion of Aid. Kel~ and Ald. Norton that the co~icstion be received~ filed ~d the ~ o~ the P~y C~ittee be adopted. No. ~cJ3 . Nattin, Calvert, Sheppard & Clark 2 applying for relief frum l~y-lav 5~, on behalf of the Park Notor Hotel i~ order to permit construction of add~tio~al storeys. OI~ED on the motion of AId. Scott and Ald. Hitchcinch thht the cc~musication be a~ain tabled until a report has been obtained frc~ the Plannin~ Board. Carried Uhanimousl~. SEE_+R~port Number 350. Previous to this action, it was ordered on the motion of Ald.Hltchelson and Aid. ~x~ze that Nr..~heppard be given Peraission to address Coupall. He advised that a sJJ~tlteneous aPplication is being made to the Planning Board set- ring forth his cllent's intention and stated that if there was any su~estion at this ~eetin~ that the report of the Property Caemittee would be conditional on the aPproval of'the Planning Board, he would oppose that, it being his intention invoking the t~o aPplications that all interested Parties ~ould be notified. Previous to the final motion of Council, it had been moved by Aid. Norton end Aid. Cotfield that the report of the ProParty Ca~aittee be adopted and the by-law be a~ended accordingly; Aid. Cotfield later withdrew as seconder to thin motion. No. ~ . llavld 8. NcArthur - requesting Parmission to move office on to property on Victolta Avenue between the ~itz Notel and Canadian Corps. for sight seeing stand Purposes. ~ on the motion of Aid. Norton and Aid. ~ayze that the cce~umica- tion be received, filed and Permission be granted as requested and that this Coun- ciliahe every possible effort to have the new To~n Plan adopted as quickly as Possible, and thus avoid this issue being brought up in Council a~xin. ~arried, ~th Aldermen Scott andNortOn . contrary. Report Number 351 No. ~j~ . Broderick, Burnerr & NcLeod . re: possible acquisition of City Hater for the operation of the csl~..~Lndrew Harris. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Ilxrtin and Aid. Norton that the cclausication he received, filed and it was suggested font. Broderick that if neSotiat~ons are not success~l~[th ~dro that he sight make further queries as to any action from or by the City of Niagara Falls. ~arrled, with Aid. Scott - contrary. ~EHej~rt Nunbet Previous to this action, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Norton and Aid. Potter that Nr. John Broderick be iiven Permission to address Council. lie reiterated the etarelents contained in his ccllaunication to Council on the adverse affects to his client who operates · Calp on the south shore of the Holland River, due to the proposed ~dro reled~al works which involves revereinZ the flo~ of the river in front of his proPex~y, thus deprivin~ h~la of a supply of fresh ~atero Nr. Broderiek requested pendnsion for his client to obtain a suPply of fresh ~ater for his prolines for the 1~-6~ season on a tesPorarybasis frc~ the City of HimSara Falls at his own expense. No. ~7 - lroderiek, ~rnatt & NoLeo6 - re~uestinE the issuance of an esended bulld~n~ perair foAlorleans Notel. CiVIllID on theistion of Aid. leartin and Ald. Cox~'leld'~hat the cclmnl~ation be received, filed end t~e reports of the Propert~ Cclaittee and 28~tation &Pollution C~trol Cassettes be adopted. ~7~. No. 298 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - advocating acquiring of properties in vicinity of ~ond Mill Cemetery "as they become available". n~t~D on the motion of Aid. Kel~a4~n and Aid. Swayse that-the c~meeunication.be re- ceived and referred to the Centennial Camittee. ~EE Report Number 35~ No. 299 - Niagara Palls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application A-97, Fortuna, P~. Trp. Lot 138, -Lundy's lane, and advising that the decision of- the Board that. the request to re-zone this land from Agricultural to Tourist Com- mercial be not recceaended to the City Council for approval. OP~ on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and filed and the decision of the P1A-ning ~oa~d be approved. SEE Report ~mher 356 No. 301 - Welland and District Health Unit - referring to the connection of all premises to the sewer~ains when such mains were available.be insisted upon. OI~R- · wn on the motion of Aid. Mar~in and Aid. Carfield that the communication be received, filed and the existing by-law be reviewed and revised to suit present conditions. ~EE Report Number 357 The following Ccemunications were presented: No. 30~ - Ontario Municipal Association - One Day Conference, May ?th. 0RAa~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Potter that the ccaannication be received, filed and Alderman Martin, one of Conncil~s representatives on the Pl~nnl~ Board, and the Assistant City Mgr.-Administretion, Mr. HulKins, be authorized to attend this Con-' forenee. Aid. Martin requested permission to decline, due to the fact that later in the month of May he will be in attendance at the Can. P]~nnil~ Association Con- ference in Toronto. No. ~10 = Luncly's X~ne Association (FAre Department) - requesting use of Prince Edward Park, May 18th, for fireworks display. O~ontheaotion of Aid.Martin and AId. Mitchelaonthat the emmnnication be'received and f~Iedadd~peraission granted as requested. ~EE l~esolution No. 5~ No. 311 - Y.~.C.A. - application for share in Centennial Grant in connection with their proposed expansion to present facilities. 01~ on the motion of Alderman Martin and Alderaan Mitchelson that the communication be receivedandreferred to the Centennial Committee. - No. 31~ - John W. Miller - requesting erection of a fence on the south side arMunto Park. 0Rl~on the RatiOn Of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Carfield t~t the c~i- cationbe received andreferred to the Parksandl~ecreation Committee for consider- ation and a report. No. 313 - Town of Newmarket . resolution dealin~ with use of school facilities. OR- E on the motion of Ald. Mitehelson and Ald. Morton that ~he ca~auniontion be received and referred to the Board of Education for their reaction and comments. Ha. 31~ - City of Woodstook - enclosing two resolutions. Desolution Number One - requesting P~-~vAnoinl Legislature to revise present structure of Section ~ of The Assessment Act to provide scte fore of l~elief to owners of properties ~ho find it neeelsar~ to take ehan~es to their property. 0~121~ on the motion of AId. bi~han and AId. 2wayte that the resolutiou he received and referred to the Assessment Cma- missloner for su~tission of a report as to ~hat the lapnut would Hesolution Number Two - to petition Federal and Provineinl G~vermtents to consider tax legislation heyin2 the aftsot of essum4n~ the educational portion of municipal tax asseslets, letvin~ the pl'opert7 tax to he used b~ the M~niei~tll~i~s for basic municipal'services. 01~ na the motion of AId. IZel~han suad AId. Carfield that the resolution be received and.enderle~. Cax~ed, .v~h Aldensen 2eo~t and . Mit, ohellon - ocntrar,/. · . ..... .. No. 315 - A~bessador Motel - condition of adjoining property with reference to existing chicken housesUORl~D on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. MoRon that the c~nnication be received and referred to the We]~nd and Distrlc~ Health Unit. No. 316 - Fraser & Fraser - requesting permit for additional units be granted to his client, A. Kahlen, proprietor of the Margaret Rose Motel, and By-law 51~9 be amended accordingly, now that the conditions set forth by Council have been com- plied with. 01~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the com- munication be received, filed and that in view of the circumstances and with the understanding that proper plans and specifications will be filed and that an agree- ment to the effect that the additional units be not rented until the Hungarian Hall is demolished, ls entere~ into,.that a pennA~ be granted and~y.~av Number ~1~9 Us permit the erection and operation of the motel at that location be amended accord- ingly. Previous to this action, it ~as ordered on the motion of ~ld. Morton and AId. Potter that Mr. Gordon Fraser be permitted to address Council. He advised that his client had made representations to the owners of the Hungarian Hall, who agreed to vacate the Premises on or before April 30, 1~ and that he has now signed a contract for the demolition of the building, the work to be completed on or before May 31st, 1~. Mr. Fraser further advised that his client is Prepared to sign an agreement to the effect that the additional units are not to be rented until the Hall is demolished, and then requested Council to grmn~ a permit for the additional units andBy-law 51~ be amended topemit the same. No. 317 - Matthews & Matthews - aPPlication on behalf of Messrs. Plraino for a buildingpermit to erect a 23 unit motel at 1525 Victoria Avenue. ORESRED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Property Gaittee for consideration and a report. No. 318 - Niagara Palls Hydre . copy of 1~30PeretingReportand end of year Financial Statement. OF~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. 8coat that the ccatunication be received and tabled for Councils' perusal. No. ~1~ - Wm. ~. Booth - requesting Permission to attend before the Property Com- mittee regarding any revised plans on the Deleo property, Ferry Street. ORDEI~ED on the motion of AId. Scott and Ald. Swa~ze that this communication be deferred for consideration at the time Report Number 5 is considered in the Finance Meeting. SEE Finance Meeting. No. ~ . Wa. G. Booth - re: Client's wish iMr. Allen Factley) to operate a sight- seeing stand fret Palls Manor Motel, 310~ lAmd~'s lane. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Hal~hanand Aid. ~wa~vzethat the communication be received and deferred for consideration at the titeReportsNumbers 3andli~are considered in Finance Meet- lng. Ha. ~1 - Clifton Hill District Association , copy of letter to }ridge Commission requesting action to clean up conditions on ~iver Road under the Rainbow Bridge. Ha. ~ . Nl_agare Fells Bridge Commission . copy Association'~dvi['~ng that Brid~e Cam~t~ion not of latter to Clifton Hill District responsible for removal of snow or cleaning of the area referred to. OP~ on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. 8wt~ze that the eoesaunications be receivedad referred to the City Manager for areport. Previous to this action, the City Manager advised that the City of Niagara Falls are not responsible for the cleaning of the area in question, but, that he would check with the Departstent of Highways to sea if sane improvement can he carried out there. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. 5waFae and Aid. Hitchclean that Mr. J. E. Koch, Chairman of tha ~ainbow Plaza Ccaaittee for the Clifto~ Hill Diutriot Association he given Permission to address Council. He quoted frca a letter ~nder date of April ~th addressed to Mr. D. G. Paul of their Assoelation,.in which tha Assistant Deputy Minister (Administretion) ~ad advised that the maintenanse oft he street in fron~ of the stores at the Nia~araPalls Brid~e Plaza is the responsibility of the City of Niagara Palls. The CiHyMana~er questioned the aeeura~7 of ~be DePu~Nintster's s~ateaent. laid over from previous meetings: No. 228 - Assist. City Mgr., Administration . advising of meeting held with Chip- pewa Council re: providing of sewer services to a residence located in the City teee'diatelYadJacent t°ChiPPawaboundaryandreccmaendingmatterbe referred to Sanitation & Pollution Control C~aittee for study and subsequent report to Council. SEE Report Number 358 No. 33~ - City Manager . re: sutmission of a sketch by Mrs. ~n~ Konkos for 29 unit motel, east 81de,,o£ ~ley, between ~obAnson and Nur~a~.b~ree~a ..... ~ Report l~xmber 359 The following Reports were presented: No. 3~3 - Assist. City Mgr., . Administration - on behalf of Chairman of Finance and the writer, reccemending grant of $500.00 to Ontario Association of Housing Authorities to assist with expenditures during forthcoming Conference to be held in the City, Sept. 13th to ~ep~. l~th, 1~. ORI~2~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Scott that the repor~ be received and adopted. SEE Cceeunication 2~ No. 3b~ . Special Licensing Cce~ittee . three recommendations re: ~½-.~=e in Size of standard tourist sigUL ~ on the motion of AId. Martin an~ Aid. McKinley that the report be received and adopted, with the deletion of the last seven words in the list line of the report. ~ Cceaunicetions ~'7 No. 3~5 - Prope~y Committee - requesting permission to negotiate_~fith Mr. ~acklan on the matter of his request to exchange land. QRI~R~D on the motion of AId-Norton and Aid. Potter that the report be received# ~iled and permission granted as re= quested. ~C~mnication 2~6 No. 3~6 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee = discussion held with Hydro Officials re: traffic situation at intersection of NcLeod Road and q.~.~ay. OR- Eon the action of Aid. Scott andAid. Cotfield that the reportbe received and riled. meg Ccemanluatlon ~85 No. 3~7 - City Engineer = recommending constructloft of sid~ ~f ~len 8t~et, as ~ested ~ ~mte S~l h~ be~ on the 8~th si~. 177. No. 3~0 - ~ C(~mntttee = reckending approval of proposed additicn to Motor frotel, as a~l~ed~or'by their Solicitors, Martin, Calvert, Sheppard & Park Clark, contingent on parking facilities and other cond~tions of complying with the by-laws of the City of Niagara Falls; and amendment to By. isw 5~3~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. MAtchsimon that the report be received, and tabled until a report has been received from the Planning Board. Carried SEE Communication ~ 293 No. 351 - Pro~_rp~perty ........ Ccemtttee . referring request of David S. M mission tooperat~ a sigh"'Y~eeing stand on vacant lot on Vi cArthut for per- ctoria Avenue be- tween the Ritz Notel and Canadian Corps property. ORE~fiED on the motion of Ald. Mor~onandAld. Swayzethat the repor~ be received, £iledandperm~sslon granted, and that th~s Council sake every Possible effort to have the new Town Plin adop- ted as quickly as Possible, and thus avoid this issue being brought, u~ in CoHncil again. Carried Unanimously. SEE Ccemuntcation ~ Sg~ -No. 352 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Coemittee _ discussion held with Hydro Officials re: Pr°ble~ofMr[Andre~'~'~rris. ORESRED on the motion of Alderman Martin and Alderman Norton that the rePortbe received, and filed and it was suggested to Mr. Broderick, ~olicitor for Mr. Serrls, that if negotiations are not successful with Hydro that he might make further queries as to any action from or ~ the CIty of Niagara Falls. Carried, with Aid. ~cott - contrary. SEE Co~munication~96 No. 353 -~Propert~- Committee Lundy~s - recu~ndtng aPPlication of ~mericana Notel, Lane to erect ~'~wo 'storey, ~8 unit section on west side of their prop- erty he Permitted, subject to the sewage disposal meeting ~ith the approval of the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee and by the City Council. N°=~5~ = Sanitation & Pollution Control Cceaittee . rec~ndetions with refer- motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Cotfield tha adopted. be received and No. 355 - ~ . recceeendln eo~eun SEE Communication. ~ 29~_7 Hill ~Eete~ "as they ~el a~t~ble'~ ~ ~fer~d to the ~nte~lal C~tttee. O~D on the m~lon ot ad. ~1~ ~d Ald. ~e t~t the ~po~ be ~ceived and adored. , b'~ Coe~mieationj_~ No. 3~ -Property Cc~ittee . recm=eendingplanningBoard~s suggestion t~t ~n~nt APPli~tion A-~, Fon~, be n~ a~roved, be adop~d by 0~ on the motion of Ald.~ ~d~d. Potter t~t the ~po~ be ~celved ~d 8~ed. · SEE Cclaunication ~ .299 .t~rol Ccemittee 'suit re reoceeending existing by-laws P sent .condition~. 01~1) on the motion of Ald. liartin and AId. CorfAeld that the report be received and adopted. ~ Coe~n~ieation ~ ~01 No. 3~8 = Sanitation & Pollution Control = , ~ ed ~ the cs~l~!on. Io, 35~ - l~,,~ert~.Ceeaittee . re: Proposed motel construction by Mrs. Konkos on east side of stanleF Arenas between Robinson street end N~?~W Street. 0R- E2~ID on the sotion or AId. Norton and Ald. Nottar that the report or the Prop- arty Cceeittee be adopted and ~-3AV bber ~1~9 be scented accordingly. m~ePort~laber ~ No. 3~O - ~anitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending there be no change with respect to the properties on Mentress Road. 0RI~ on the ~ion of Ald. )Jartin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and tabled until the next meeting of Council in order that Messrs. Dwyer and Wilson my be made aware of this report. SEE Petition No. 8 No. 361 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Ccfsaittee - reccmending preliaxinary esti- mates be obtained respecting the installation of sewers and also the development of a drainage ditch in the Woodbine-Baldwin Avenue area. ORI~ on the notion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. s~ Petition No. 10 No. 362 - City Manager - racesRending attendance of Ald. G. Martin at Canadian Plan- n4;8 Association Conference in Toronto, May 28th and May 29th. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Potter and Ald. Kei~h~n that the report be received and adopted. No. 363 - City Manger - reckunending attendance of John Smith ~t C~tlan Purchas- ing Conference at Montreal, June 3rd, ~th and 5th. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and Aid. Kei~- that the report be received and adopted. No.' 36~ - City Manager - recommending attendance of Assesanent Commissioner and two Assessors at Annual Convention of Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario at London, 0nt. May 1Oth to May 13th. 0F~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. 8weyze that the report be received and adopted. No. 3~5 - City Manager - report on the case of Vincent Ca~ucci. 01~ on the. mo- tion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Scott that the report he received and filed. No. 3~ - City Manager - requesting permission to call for application for the position of Clerk in the Xnspector's Office at StaBford Hell. 0RI~ on the notion of Aid. Swa~ze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, filed and permiss~ on granted as requested. No. 367 - City Manager - reecaeending Messrs. Cockland, Duncan, Swec, and ~atson be appointed as Temporary 1~ Operators. OR~ on the notion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Corfield-that the report be received and adopted. No. 3~ - Property Gaittee - recommendations with reference to perking facilities required for restaurants. ORE on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Martin that the report be received and adopted. No. 3~ - Clt~ Clerk - re: proposed areanent to By-law in connection with Mulhern Street, so that lands could be used for twosfamily residential usa rather than the present single faRlly use, subject to the almpr~l of the l~Are Inspector and Health DepartRent. ORE on the action of AId. Martin and AId. )fitchelson that the report be received and tabled pending submission of a report by the City Engineer. No. 370 - Traffic Ccsmaittee . rec,mmendi~ tenders be called for the 'deaolition of the houeas known as 1631~-1636 Ellen Avenue. No. 371 - Traffic Committee . recommending appraisal of the value of 1~ Ellen Ave. be obtained. CgI~RED on the motion of Ald. SwayBe and AId. Potter that the reports be received and, adopted. Carried, with AId. ScoOt and Cotfield contrary. No. ~72 - ~ffie Ccaadttse . recommending no action be taken at the present t~ae with reference to installation of "Advance Oreen" signals at ~ intersessions. 0R- E ou the motion of Aid. ScoOt and AId.. 2w~e that the relmort be received .an~ adopted. MS. 373 - Traffic Committee . reecemendin2 installation of lights on lanes leading from Sylvia Place ]'arkinS area to Main I~reet, subJec~ to negoOintions with local J~wdro C~ssion. ~ on the moOion of A~At: eweFee an~ Aid. 8coOt that the. report-be received and &dopted. ~I No. 37Jm - TruffLe Ccmatttee, th~ee teememulations re: m~ehronimation o~ tr&lfLe lilhtl on Iriotox~l Avenue~ ~efleetoxised lmints on curbs; and Stanhrd siSns ad- vocated in City I~inonrle landbook at eomstz~xoOlon projects. elllID on the motion of AId. 8oo~ and Ai~, SwaTwe that the ripoft be x~oeivel[ ud adopted. p Is , No. 375 - Traffic Committee at 0ntario'~venue.~~-~ ' recommending stop signs be Placed on Sincos Street report be received and adoptec~. the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the No. 376 - ~anitation & Pollution Control Committee , report on meeting held April 22nd to dlscu~swit~:~l~n_~e~;esent~i~stheir claim for extras. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. {No. 377 - ,~an~lta.tion & Pollution Cent _ . · D on the motion of Ald. ~ Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. Po lution Cont l c ittee. meeti iwith dro ;lals to discuss Progress being made with ~~inlng se~ ces at Wa~er Filtration '~ Plant at Chippawa and the Pollution Control Plant on Stanley Ave. when HYdro Canal ~ is de-watered. 0) on the motion of Ald. Margin and Ald. Corfleld that the report be received and filed. N°'379 - Assistant City Mgr.-Admlnistretion _ A Municipal Af~airs~. __ dvising of approval of Dept. of onnltment for a loan re: watermain construe_ tion on Drummond Read. ORI~ on the motion of AId. ]4itchsimon and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 380 - Assistant City ~(gr.-Adm Kleincap Co~"~stre~ _ re: Subdividers, Agreement a that the report be received, adopted and referred to the Property Ccmmittee for e motion of Aid. Cotfield and Ald. a report. on 381 - Cit Clerk . re. 0 M B re report be received end flied and a eo~nunicatlon be forwarded to the Ontario ' n of Aid. Martin and Aid. Cotfield that the Municipal Board requesting an additional Period of time, and advising that as this is the second year of oPeration of the merged city, Council would point out that it is their desire to forward an authentic forecast for the Perusal of the Board, thus their desire for more time for its preparation. the vote being:. Aye -Ald. Martin, Corfield, ~wayze, Carried by a vote of AId. Scott, Mc]Cinley, Mltchelson and )4often. Potter, Keighan. Nays:- It was agreed that a sPecial meeting of the Finance Committee would be held on ~ursday afternoon, April 30th c~enclng at 2 P.m. in order to discuss this forecast and other matters. No. 38~ - City Engineer . recommending Equipment Co~naittee be authorized to attend the Co~struction and Public Works Show scheduled for May ~th to 7th at the Swayze that the report be race RDERED on the motion ibi*i°n'" d'in runt°'ive .n, ado ed. of Ald. Wottand ld' - No. 383 ~~ Ccanittee . reecmmendetions re: appliicetions for si~s, recently received, and that ~t Staff ~heck the old by-la's, revise the sere and pre~re a new by-law to bring requirements in line with~odern conditions. OR]IRID on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Motion that the rep6~c be received and adopted. leo. 38~ - ~ , recommen of AId Morton and Aid McKl ding issuance of lieenees. ORDERED on issued accordingly. ' Y that the report be received, adopted etch: action ' nle licehess ;aid over from revious metin s: PETTTI~S e re . . · ': , poxt submitted by the Prop, 1.80. No. 10 -Mrs. L. Lopare and 20 others - re: Possible extension of sewermain on Muffhem Street and Baldwin Avenue. 0P~EI~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the patition be received, filed and the report of the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee be adopted. ~ Report No. ~ne following Petitions were presented: No. 11 - Centre Business Manes Association o requesting removal of newspapar con- tainers at corner of Victoria & Centre Street. 0RE~J~D on the motion of Aid.Morton and Ald. Scott that the patition be received and referred to the Traffic Cosaxittee £or consideration and a report; such rePort to include other containers and ob- stacles and their location throughout the municipality. No. 12 - Cllff~on Hill District Association _ requesting installation of two-hour parking meters in front of their stores on ~lver Road. (Rainbow Shopplng Area Plaza). ORI~RED on the motion of Aid. Kelghan and Aid. Hitchelson that the petition be calved and referred to the Traffic Committee for submission of a report. EgSOL~TIONS The following Resolution8 were pa88ed~ No. ~ , ~NA~ , NOI~I~N , I~SOLVED that the Lund~y~8 Lane A88ociatlon he granted para~ssion to put on a fireworks display at Prince F~ard Park on Prince F~lvard Avenue, on Nay 16th, 1~; and the Sea] of the Corpo~ation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. ~ _ ~NAYZE - SCOI~ . t~ESOLVED that a message of s~mpathy he forwarded by His Worship the Mayor and Members of Council to Aidelean Harold C. Norton upon the death of his brother, the late Mr. deorge Cazaphell, highly resPected resident of 0soyoo8, B.C., and the ~eal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: ~No. 65~7 . A by-lay to authorize the execution of an agreement (Fastland Bros. Niagara ). 0REg~ED on the motion of Aid. S~ayze and Aid. Corfield that Aid. Martin be granted the Privilege of introducing the by-la~ and the by-law be given the first reading... Carried Unanimously. 0KE2I~D on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Potter that Rule 36 (~) of Ald. Morton requested the Traffic Cc~nlttee to investigate tLe intersec_ tion of Huron and Welland Avenue and referred to the accident which occurred there recently. Ald. ~wayze referred to letter8 recently appearing in the Press, which indicated that the municipality could have obtained the St,meord Fire Hall for what they are paying in taxes each year and Ald. Martin stated that the informs_ tton quoted in the two letters in the Press was not authentic and refuted their statements by advising that the Volunteers Preferred that the City were out of their building; they gave the City the oPPortunity to remain there until a suit- able piece of propar~y is found and a building erected and at no time during nego- tlations after Fire Department changes were made, did the Fire DePartment at Siam. -£ord Cantre say they would allow the City to have the bttllding at a reduced r. ate. Aid. Martin stated that other m~bers of the fire Committee would a~ree that no part of the letters were authentic. Ald. Mltchelson endorsed the remarks of Ald. Martin. AId. Mitchelson referred to a telephone call he had received frc~ real~ dents on St. Peter Street between Thorold Stone Road and St. John Street enquiring if there had been any change in the garbage Pick-up, as their containers had not been cleared. The matter was referred to the City Engineer for investigation and aPPropriate action. Ald. NcMinley requested the Traffic Cc~nittee to consider the Possibility of Placing a bench on Main Street in the vicinity of the Unemployment Office. Council adjourned to the finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. ~wayze. ~ AND ADOPA~,D, ~th May, 1964. Mayor Third Read~_n_g .Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield . Carried Unanimously. i ~FINANCE MEFrXN~O MXSC~LIANL~X~ ' Council Chamber, vi f Aid. McKinley referred to the proposed removal of the Kimberly-Clark Cam- 2yth April, 1964. a n,--ber of years, and queried whether the Mayor, lndua~rial 0mittee of the Chamber and Placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the excep. of Commerce had an~ Previous kn,o~_led~e. ]~is Worship Me~or Miller advised that he ' The s~mary of tenders for the supply of grass seed for 196~ was presen. ted for consideration. 0RIfleD on the motion of Ald. Sway~e and Ald. Cotfield that the low tender, Niagara Flour & Feed, at a quotation of $792.20 be accepted. The summary of tenders for the supply of traffic Paint for 1~6~ was Presented for consideration. OI~I~ED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Scott that the low tender, Northern Paint & Varnish Co. at a quotation of $2.57 per gallon, including Fed. Tax, be accepted, Providing the Paint meets sPecifications of the Dept. of Highways, and if not, then the next lowest tender be accepted with the sa~e Proviso. T~e summary of tenders received for sidewalk rePairs in the year 1~6~ was Presented for consideration. OPd~D on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan that the s~-ary he received, filed and the lowest tender, Kerrio-Germano, at a total of $11,262.50 be accepted. The City Manager's repox~c on the revised plan sunLitted by Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Deleo and Mr. l~udolph Deleo for the construction of a motel and restaurant on the north side of Ferry Street, between Buchanan Avenue and Stanley Avenue, was Presented. The revised plan, Proposed to elim~nate four units, resulting in more available perking space. OREF~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Mitchelson that Mr. F. J. Matthews, solicitor for the Deleo family be pereitted to address Council. Mr. Matthews stated that in view of the report of the City Manager and in view of i~eport Number 368, adopted by Council with respect to Parking facilities for restaurants, it was sufficient to say that the parking facilities in connection with the Deleo restaurant are on the-site of the restaurant itself, all owned by the applicant. Mr. Matthews advised that Mr. Deleo asked, if it meets with the approval of Council at this time, they might work with the City Manager to use the maximum number of units available under the policy as adopted by Council this evening. Mr. W. 6. Booth, Solicitor for Mr. Alfieri, a competitor in business, stated that, in his opinion, he felt that any change in plans should first he re- ferred to the Property Committee for consideration and then brought to Council after such consideration, and under such circumstances he might have the oPPortunity to express the views of his client. Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Aid.Mclean and Aid. S~ayze that the rePort of the City Man'ager be adopted, subject to detailed plans conforming to all other municipal bY-lays. Carried, with AId. Scott . con- trary. It was then ordered on the action of AId. Cotfield and AId. Morton that Cc~unicatlon Number 319, from Mr. Booth, be received and filed. , · osk~, for the construction of deration of the revised plans id~s ~ i t of Travel and Publicity. necessary aPproval The City Manager's report on s, Limited 9~ Clifton l~ill f the aPplication of the Clifton lio , ell ' ' ' ad te ~e City Max~ger's repose, o · ~lle Gift ~op 1~ VictorXa n the aPplication of iX. E. !hruood or Z pemit .to erect a Plastic Avenue, betveen Vainut ~reet and ' oParetor ~ed and Hre~t issued. ~' A1d. ~e that ~he Cit}r IlanaSer,s ~oxt, on t~ / · , ~ M~reXl Avenue for t~e nonst revise~ plan ~resanted by ~. and Mrs. . int~em to ~rovide a fence or scsm ted' ~th tha ~revieXm that the a lithe rel~rt be n I!ot J The City Manager's report on the aPPlication of Chateau-Gai Wines Ltd. on the West side of Stanley Avenue between Churches Lane and Portage Road, for a permit to replace the roofs on buildings Nos. 2 and 3, at an estimated cost or $32,000.00 was Presented for consideration. ORDE~ on the motion of Aid. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the aPPlication of The Holiday Inn, located on the north-east corner of Stamford Street and Stanley Avenue for a permit to construct a swimming pool, at an estimated cost of $10,000.00 was Presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Ma~_~ger,s report on the aPPlication of Anthony So~ose of the Horseshoe Falls Motel at 2609 Portage Road for a permit to construct a swimming pool, at an estimated cost of $7,000.00 was Presented for consideration. OP~ on the motion of Ald. Corfleld and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and Permit be issued if the construction conforms to the r~enmmendation and subject to the approval of the Board of Health. His Worship Mayor Miller then moved that Mr. Solnee be Permitted to speak, this was seconded by Aid. Morton. Mr. Solnee referred to the stipulation in the report that the pool should be moved 17 feet to the east and advised that the Planning Board had aPproved of the looa- tlon of the pool as he had Proposed. The City Manager's report on the aPPlication of Mr. A. Factley, 1388 Spring Street, for a Permit to erect a smell Inquiry Office at the Falls Manor Motel at 310~ Lundy's Lane, at an est~,mted cost of $2,000.00 was Presented along with com~unioetion number 320 from Mr. We. (~. Booth, Solicitor for Mr. Feetlay, which had been referred from the Council meeting for consideration at this time. OREF~ED on the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald. ~wayze that the report and co~uni. cation be received and filed and the application be aPProved. The City Manager's report on the aPPlication of Mr. A. Fectley, 1388 Spring Street, for a Permit to erect a plywood illuminated sign at Manor Motel, 310~ Lundy's Lane, at an estimated cost of $~0.00 was the Falls consideration. 0RI~ED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Potter that the Presented for report-be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the revised plan submitted by Neon Signs Ltd. for the Proposed sign at the Red Barn Restaurant, on the Steinberg property, west side of Victoria Avenue, between Jepson Street and MoRse S~reet, was pre- sented. The City Manager advised that the sign had been reduced in height so that the maximum height from ground level will be 26 feet, 6 inches, and therefore recomnended that a Permit be issued to conform with the revised sign. 0RI~ED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager's report advising that Mr. W. Diets, 1575 Dru~ond l~cad, has made alterations to the plan as requested by the l~ire Inspector and Building Inspector, in connection with his Proposed 2~ unit apartment building on p~rt of Lot 3~, west side of Drunmond Bond, between IAmd~es Lane and Frederica Street, was Presented. OI~ED on the motion of Ald. Eeighan and Ald. Cotfield that the rePort be received, adopted and permit be issued, subject to the design of the steel being made available to the Building Inspector for his check. The City Manager's report on the aPPlication of T. and g. ~rsich, 3800 Lue~Y's lane, operator of the Ashbury Motel, for a persit to move nine existing cabins free: the east of the Property and re-locate them at the rear of the exist- ing actel on the west side of the property, at an est~ated coat of $3~,000.00. OA~2~D o~ the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Cotfield that the rePort be received,. mad the sketch and aPPlication be referred to the Propert~ Ccaxtttee for consid.- station. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Scott. T~Y-FIRST MEETING READ AND ADOFEED, 4th May, 1964. Council Chamber, 3Oth April, 1964. 'le k ...... : C ~ ............ ' ................. g; April BOth, 196~, Ccennencing at 2 p.m. in the Council Chamber, for the purpose of .aAAAaa. discussing a capital works programme and the ascending debenture debt of the .~~ municipality. All Members of Council were present. ~/is Worship Mayor Miller pre- sided. The Mayor opened the meeting and briefly explained its Purpose, and it 'was unen ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the Council ad- Journ to Coemittee of the Whole with Alderman Martin, ChairmAn Of Finance,in the chair. " _ " R~AD AND ADOPTED, 4th May, 1~64. COUNCIL MEETING :.! 27th April, 196~. ~ ered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of the Council .ere present i y with the exception of Alderman McCsllun. His Worship, Mayor Nlller~ presided. The folioring l~/-lav was passed: - C0~!I~A'== OF T"~ WHOLE No. 6~l~ A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. Ce~BI~D on the motion of Aid. Mcrdnley and Aid. Pc~ter that Aid. Max~in ~i Council Chamber, be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ' ~Oth April, 19~. Council assembled as Committee of the Whole on Thursday, April ~Oth,  1~6~ with Alderman MarCin, Chairman of Finance, presid~ng. All Members of Council ~ ~n the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule ~ (2) of ? were present. the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanaiaously. 1 ~EPORT ~hird Reading .Ald. Swa~ze and Ald. Corfield Carried Unanimously. ~ The following report was Presented: Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield. No. ~8~ - Capital Works Programroe and Debenture Debt. F~AD. AND ADOPI~D, ~th May, 1~. ~ sidered and requested the City Manager to explain the compilation which was The Chaiman of Finance then advised Council as to what was to be con- ~.~ '~ :ZY~ fore than on the Capital Works Pro~raame in the same maner as it had been ex- """7"""" · i Plained to t~e Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee. ~e City Manager then Mayor ~ Proceeded to e~plain the various items as listed on the report before Council, and "kAAAA~" ~i at ~he suggestion of the Chairan of Finance, all items ware explained, questions ~ or discussion to be reserved until a~ter the explanation. _Alderaim Nitchelson arrived at ~:~0 The City ~n~er, having explained the items, advised Council that the purpose as of the present tlme was to establish a progre~me and possibly prior- ities for the years 19~ and 1965, and this, havlng been set up, it would be pos- sible then to consider other items and work in three more years, to arrive at a 5 year prOgr~nm~ which could be submitted to the Ontario Municipal Bo~nl. Ald. ~artln suggested to the Councll that serious consideration should be given to establishing a max13mm figure for accumulated debt charges and that this having been established, then consideration should only ha given to funding debentures, in sums not to exceed the a~ount that is being retired in an~ one year. The question us asked as to ~hat is considered 'maximum' and Mr. Huggins advised that the Bond Dealers suggest that the maximum debenture debt should not exceed 2~ percent of the taxable assesnment or an equivalent o£ $300.00 per caput, and it would seem that the City is right now in excess of these suggested maximums. At the suggestion of the Chalrsan of Finance, Counell now considered the statement, item by item, as to whether it was feasible to consider the ~mount involved for funding, with the following results: F-2 - ~TOI~ 8EWEI~ - ~econd Item Donald Avenue - Dunn Street to McLeod Road It was agreed that the preservation of the sectlon of storm sewer and the ditch into ~hteh It eruptlea was essential and, it was understood that any necessary contacts w111 be made vlth the Canadian Ntagara Power Coalany to see that the dlteh is maintained and kept open. F-~ - STBEXT LIGBT8 Following explanation, it was agreed that the ite~ should also be kept in the Capltal Budget and, In the discussion on this item, His Worship the Mayor referred to the continuing lack of ll~ht installation on the north side of Ferry Street. Following discussion on Ferry 8treat lighting, It was ordered on the motlon of ~ls Worship Mayor Miller and Aid. Swayze that street lights be installed on the north slde of Ferry Street from Stanley Avenue to 8ylvin Place, and that the cost of such Installation not be debentured. Carried with Aid. Scott opposed. C. F-5-SI~A~ Portage Rc~d, from Morrison Street to C.N.R. Portage Read, from C.N.R. to Thorold Stone Read. On the Rotion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley, it was ordered that these two items be left. in the Yrugreaae and the Traffic Committee consider the proposed work and location and report to Council. D. F-6 - ROADS Ellen Avenue from Walnqt Street to Ferr~ Street On the motion of Aid. N~inley and AId. Xet~an, it was ordered that this Item also be left in the Progx~sme and that the Traffic C~tttee con- alder and report on the situation in this area, particularly as to whether there should be traffic control at the intersec~lon of Ellen Avenue and Ferry Street, end if the traffic on Ellen Avenue is to be .one way, the direction of flow for such tx~fftc. Nls Worship the Mayor ~uestioned ~en the see~ton of Ferry Street Stanley Avenue east voul4 he wl~ed ~d m-s~eed, s~i~r to t~t ~t~ ~s a~a~ ~n do~ ~d e~tt~s ~ offend ~ ~he City ~r ~d City ~t ~th ~fe~nee to this ~ of e~st~etlon, ud follyinS distaste, it ~s o~d ~ the ~i~ of &ld. ~d ~d. ~m ~at ~ l~ k ~ in the ~ for the in the ~ of a~te~ 0113,~.~ s~Je~ to the o~i~ of .a e~g 1~ a~m~ ~is ~rs and t~t officials ~ a~hortged to p~H at ~ee ~ Nfe~nee to such eoue~l~ 1~ ~e~, with ~d. Co~leld- oontm~. E. G-1 - 8EIWICES FOR INTERNA'PIONAL CEI~RE LIMITED In discussion on this Particular item, it was agreed that the City Manager would make contact at once with ~r. Gray, General Manager, Nlagara Parks Commission, for the Purpose of arranging a meeting to discuss the Proposed services and their effect on the areas to be served. ~-2 - POSSIBLE BRII~3E. ROBINSON STI~XT Fbllowlng some considerable discussion, it was agreed that the refer- ence to a bridge be removed and the amount in the Programme be termed a Contingent Item. - -' Following an explanation, it ~as agreed that the reference to Dor- chester Road be ehemged to Dorchester Rond area. ~avlng conplated ltemlzed consideration of the Capltal ~orks on Pages 1 to ~, general discussion was held wlth reference to v~at could be considered in the whole Plcture, and it ~as Pointed out that if the Programnee nov before Count11 is adopted and rapproved for Processing, It could mean approx~nmtely a two mill Increase in nex~G yearns taxes. Following further discussion, It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Nltehelson and Ald. McCallurn that the Capltal Works Programs as submitted and con- sldered at thls meetlng, be adopted as far as page ~ of the report, and that the Clty Nanager, Chalr~an of Finance, and Officials, Proceed vlth arrenglng a meetlug vlth the Ontario ~mlclpel Roard to discuss the Proposed Capltal Works and the feasibility of thelr belng l~Plemented. Cartled It ~as moved by Ald. HcKlnley and Aid. Potter that the Conunlttee arlse and report to Count11. COUNCIL 30th, 1964. sided. Council Chamber, 3Oth April, 1964. Council then re-assembled in special session on ~hursday, April All members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor Miller, pro. ORI~ on the motion of Aid. McCallurn and Aid. Scott that the re- port of the Cc~maittee be adopted, and the Council Rearing he adjourned. AND ADOX'Z~D, 4th May, 1964. Clerk M~xyor ~t(ENTY-SECOND MEETING lag. Council Chamber, ~th ~ay, 19S4. REGUIAR MEETING Pursunnt to a~o~ent, Co~cil met at Y:30 p.m. on ~onday, l~, for the P~ose of of Co~cil were Pmsent. considering gene~l business ~d fin c . All Members the Previous rear and meeti~s, adopted these on the m~tion of AId. s~cial ~ he minutes of S~yze and Ald. Scot~. ~e Co~cll, having received and re ~nders had been called for the supply of e~l~ent, construction of a ute~in and for the supp~ ~d instantion of ce~aln Plating at the ~ord ~orial A~. O~D on the motion of Ald. Mc[inley and Aid. Sure that the tenders ~ceived be o~ned, initialled by His Worship the ~yor, ~d tabSted. C~GTI~S ~ld over fr~ Pmvious meetings: ~ ~ No. L~jS . Martin, Calve_r~_~ Clark . SEE ~eport Number to Permit c'~s~~ additional tw~tstore[sequestlng relief fro~ By-law Hotel. . Y ~ 82 units at the Park Motor Sl~ Cclmnunicatlons and · · 0c~k - Resolutio~ requestin p a e to re- of' relieg to owners of Properties ~o find it neeessery to make changes to their Property. ORI]~I~D on the motion o~ Ald. l~l-tehelson and Ald. Co~gield that the resolution be received, filed and not endorsed. SEE Re~pgrt N~b e~r No. 317 - Matthews & Matthaws . aPPlication for building Permit for the erection of a ~3 unit motel at 1)25 Victoria Avenue by M4ssrs. Piraino. In connection vlth this letter, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Kei~an and Ald. Potter that 1~' J. li(thevs be heard. He referred to the aPPlication and its Proposed location on Victoria Avenue, and of the ample Perking sPace ~hich will be available, agreed that a policy decision should be made by Council, as indicated in the Prop- arty ~ittee's report and was of the opinion that there has been a change in thinking in the ecelaunity gonerail, Particularly as reflected in the Proposed new Tow~ Plan's proposal that the area in question will be designated as Tourist Com- mercial and will be m natural for motel construction. With reference to the prox= laity of St. ~aul'l Church, Nr. Matthews stated that the lotel will be properly oPerated and adhere t~ Ill City by-laws and Pointed out the other business eetab- St. paul,scelunicatiun be tabled for one week in order to obtain the reaction of Church $o this ProPosed constrUeSion. No. 32~ - Martin, Calvert, 8happard and Clark - advising of Planning Board's appro- val to Proposed addition at Park Notor Hotel. ORDml~v on the ·orion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mor~on that Communications 293, 323 and 32~ be received, filed, the application be approved and an amendment to the hy-law be prepared. ~ Report N,n-ber 350 No. ~25 - Alderman Robert F. Kei~h~ _ possible Centennial Project. In elaborat- ing on his ccemunication, Alderman Keighan~ stated that he was not asking for a civic centre to be built but asking for one phase to be considered at a tame when good grants are available and requested Council to at least look at it in that light. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Cotfield that the cczmuni- cation be received, filed and the Centennial Committee be requested to. consider the Proposition and make contact with the School l~oards to ascer~ain whether they are interested in such action, and repor~ back to Council. No. 326 - Fran~ Devlin - requesting hearing at t~is Council meeting when spokesman will give views on question of whether or no~ the taxpayersI money should be spent on parking facilities for owuers of profit allking organizations. ORI~RED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that a spokean free the group of tax- payers be hard. Mr. l]evlin explained that all they wished was to have the oppor- tunity to meet with the Traffic C~ittee and discuss with them the polic~ of pro- riding parking facilities at the Centre at the City's expense. 01t1~ on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Swayze that the communication be referred to the Traffic Ccsllittee and a group of not more than three representatives of the group be invited to meet with the Traffic C.'=.=lttee, following which the Traffic Caemittee would report back to Council. No. 327 -Oreater Niagara Softhall Association . aPPreciation and extending an invi- tation to attend openin~ night ceremonies at Oakes Park, May l~h at 6:15 p.m. OI~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Cotfield that the communication be received, the invitation be accepted and as many as find it possible attend. '- No. 328 - Salvation Az~ - requesting use of baseball diamond in one of the City Parks, once weekly on Friday evenings, from May throu~ August. OP~ on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Potter that the c~s~unication be received and re- ferred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for consideration and a report. No. 39 - David S. McArthur . requesting transfer of Perslission to operate a sight- seeing stand at Uncle Sas's Hotel on I~ndy's Lane instead of Victoria Avenue site Previously granted by Council. OI~D on the sotion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, and tabled, and a repox~c be submitted on the information indicated by His Worship the Mayor on this subject. No. 330 - L. ROssell - ref~rring to oba.ectionable ditch conditions in the vicinity of Bialonte Parkway. Oltl~D on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. ~wayze that the naunication be received and referred to the City ~nSineer for submission of a report and contact with the D.H.O. No. 331 - Morrison Street United ~hurch - requesting repairs to ca·ant sidewalk. ~ on the motion of Aid. S~ayxe and AId. Scott that the c~saunicatlon be~ re- ceived and referred to the City ~ngineer for su~aisston 0f a report. No. 3~ - New Toronto . Resolution to petition Prime Ministers of Canada and Ontarlo, and Ministers of Health and Melfare for Provincial and Federal governlent to alle- YLate the hardship crated when benefits are cancelled because patients in Hospital under the O.H.8. Plan are vacated to · Nursing licse as their hospitalization has been exhausted. 01~ on the a~tton of AId. Morton a~d Aid. Cotfield that the resolution be received, filed and not endorsed. · No..333 - New Toronto . l~es~lutlon to consider abolition of present form of levying Public and Secondary Schools ~du~ation Tax a~ainst real property but instead that all ~ducation taxes be levied a~linst earned income both Person and corporation. 01~ on the mo~ton of AId. Mortin and Aid. Hitchelson that the resolution be received, filed and not endorsed. No. 33~ - IILaasrn Falls & Suburban Area Planninl i~ard e advising Board in fayour of Site Plan A~rselent between Nia~arn Xnternatio~al Centre Ltd, and City of Ilia~ara Falls. 01~ on the motion of AId. !~in .an~ AId. 8wayae tha~ the communication be received an4 filed. * · xI , No. 335 - Niagara Palls & Suburban Area Planning ~o~rd - Amendment APPlication A-99, Crossroads Hotel Ltd., Pt. T~p. Lot 73,' Th']rold Stone Road. ORDERED on the · orion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that Mr. John Broderick be given permission to speak. He requested permission to tile a copy of the site plan agreement if this communication is to be'referred to the Property Committee for consideration. ORI~RED on the ·orion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McKinley that the comm~micatlon be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report and Messrs. Broderick and Saccone be requested to attend the Committee Meeting. No. 336 - McDonald & Holt Ltd. - Re-zoning By-law 2763 and requesting Permission to Mr. HalYoren {6 use proPerty at 2053 l'norold Stone ~oad for automobile sales and service. ORAldiED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the co""nunication be received and referred to the Property Committee for submisp.ion of a report. ' Laid over from previous meetings: No. 350 - Property Coemittee - recoanuending approval be granted to construction of two additional sicrays at Park Motor Hotel and necessary amendment to the by-law be Prepared. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Co~munications 293, 32~3, 32~ · No. 360 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee _ recommending no change with respect to'~perties on Montrose Road, as requested by Petitioners. ORDENED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition No. 8 No. 380- Assistant City .Mgr.,Admlnistratlve_ re: Subdividers' Agreement, between 'Kleincap Construction Ltd2* an~ Township of Stamford. S_..EE Report No. 389 ~ne following Reports were presented: No. 386 - Property Ccemittee . recoe~ending exchange of lands with A. R. Macklem s~bJect to certain conditions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potte~ that the report be received and adopted. SEE Co~nunlcation 266 No. 387 - Assessment Colnissioner . coements on Resolution received from the City of Woodstock. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Mltchelsoo and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, filed and the resolution be not endorsed. SEE Co~nusicattonj. l~4 No. 388 - Propert~ Committee . report on aPPlication of Matthews & Matthews on behalf of Messrs. Plraino for a permit to coustruot a motel at 1525 Victoria Avenue. OSI~ED on the ·orion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be tabled for one week in order to obtain the reaction of St. Paul's 6~urch to this proposed construction. ~_ Cas~untcatto___~nn No. ~8~ . Property Cclaittee . recesslending Lots 120 and 127, between McLeod Road and Hawkins Avenue be Purchased at an alount of $1,500.00 for each lot. 01~ on the motion of AId. Potter and AId and adopted. Carried, with Aid McCall ' ~ ~ that the report be received · ul contrary. ~ Rel~ort Number 380 No. 3~0 - City Manager. advising that mornbars of the International Joint Cca- Illmelon, meeting in B~ffalo, May ~th will visit Stlmford-Rlagare Falls Pollution C0~trol Plant, on Tuesday, I~ ~tb at ~ p.m. 01{E2F~D-on the motion of Alderman Nitehelson and Alderman Martin that 'the repox~ be received, filed and aPPropriate officials and others involved, take note· I 1,93. :! No.391 - City Manager - recommending promotions at Pollution Control Plant. OR- EF~ED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 392 - Property C~e'~ittee ° requiring additional time to study By-lays before a recommendation can be submitted to City Council re: erection of"signs" in City. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Swa~ze and AId. MOrton that the report be received and filed. No. 393 - Special Traffic Committee = Further study required before definite recom- mendation can be submitted. ORE~EED on the motion of Ald. Norton and AId. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 394 - Design Engineer - report on attendance at Ontario Traffic Conference April 2?th, 28th and 29~h in London, Ontario. ~rdered on the motion of Alder- man Martin and Alderman Corfield that the report be received and tabled for one week for Council's perusal. No. 395 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. MOrton and Aid. Potter that the report be received and adopted and licencea issued accordingly. No. 396 o City Engineer - proposed improvement tO existing ditch, which is of proposed Woodbine Storm sewer system. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the report he received and referrod to the ~anitation and Pol- lution Control Co~nittee for a report. No. 397 - Design Engineer - Re: Highway ~O re-construction, Provincial Gas Co. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MOrton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, filed and Scheme Nunher 3 be proceeded with. PETITIONS Laid over free the previous meeting: No. 8 - ~a. D~yer & Ray Wilson - protesting assessment in Urban Service Area. OR- I~ED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. McCalltin that the petition be received and filed and the repor~ of the ~anitation & Pollution Control Ccesittee be adop~ ted. SEX Report Number 360 Previous to this action, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. Nitchelson that Mr. D~yer be given persission to address Council. Mr. D~yer explained his reasons for protestin. g the present method ~f levying for services and an explanation was made by the (Pnairsan of Finance, Aldersan Martin, which was concurred with by Ald. Nltehelson and Ald. Keigban, in effect that the prosent levying was to take care of future conditions when the services would becaae avail- able and ~as an anticipatory payment. The following Petitions were presented: No. 13 - Mrs. A. Bar~olin and 31 others - requestin~ construction of sewer as a local iaprovesent on 7aorold Stone Road froa Montrose Road to Kalar Road. ORI~I~D on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Morton that the petition be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control C~sdttee for a report, and a re- port be also obtained frca the Welland and District Health Unit for the information of the Ccsaittee. Previous to this action, it w~.s ordered on the motion of Aid. Swayse and Aid. Corfield that Mrs. Bondio, one of the signatories on the petition, be granted permission to speak to Couneil. She requested Council to give serious considera- tion to this urgent sattot. Wo. lk = Mr. D. Th~apson and 20 others - re,seating improved pathway or sidewalk on the south side 'o~ Murray Street, leadinS to Orchard Avenue. 0KE~ED on the i motion of Aid. Martin and Aid, Swayxe that the petition be reee wed and referra~ to ~ha Cit~ XnSineer for subaission of a repor~. I~80Lb~ION ~e following Resolution was passed: No. 56 - MORI~N - POTTER - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His Worship the Mayor, Members of Council and citizens at large, be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. John L. Cunningham, Chief Constable of the Niagara Falls Police Department, a faithful and valued employee of the municipality, and a highly esteemed resident, for a number of years; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously The following l~y-laws were passed: No. ~49 - A by-law to authorize a request for amendment of Group Annuity Contract No. 6.898. " ORDK~ED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley ~hat Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter - Carried Unanimously. No. ~50 - To amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating thro,~h highways. O~I)EEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Swayze be salted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the firnt reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Corfield and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6551 - A by-law to impose a sewage service rate. ORI]EEED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Potter that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~ED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Aid. Potter - Carried Unanimously. Ald. Martin, one of the members of the delegation, who artended the public hearing held by the International Joint Cosmission in Buffalo, to-day, at which all interested persons were given the opportunity to present their views regerding the proposed construction of an ice boom on Lake Erie Just upstream frum t~e entrance to the Niagara Falls, presented a verbel report. Aid. Martin advised that the purpose of the boca, as stated in the application, was to prevent the ice in the i~iver from ccain~ downstream in the winter time. He advised that very few municipalities, espeolall~ froa the American side had too such protest regard- ing the placing of this boca and that most of the morning and a large part of the afternoon was used for discussion on the safety of the boom and ~hether the I logs could be held in position, but that shortly after B o'clock the City's delega- tion were permitted to present their case and it was brought to the attention of the International Joint Commission by the delegation that one of our large indus- tries in this area is the tourist industries and that thousands of dollars have been spent by the Chamber of Commerce and the municipality advertising the fact that one of the natural beauties we have here in the wintertime is the ice bridge which ' forms below the Horseshoe Falls. Alderm~n Martin expressed the belief that the City's case was accepted in the manner in which it had been given, but that not too much information had been secured when he queried whether the Ontario Hydro in their investigation had ascertained whether the boom, if placed, would stop the ice bridge formation; he advised that the Hydro Engineer explained there would be enough ice come down the river to lodge at the foot of the falls and form as it always had; However, Ald. Martin indicated that he left the inpres~ion at the ~ear- ing that if the City of Niagara Falls ware not going to have the ice formation that this municipality would go on record protesting the installation of the proposed boom. Alderman Martin expressed doubt that the boom would not interfere with the formation of an ice bridge, and therefore predicted that in 196J+ or 1965 when the ~oce is installed, this municipality would be without the attraction of an ice bridge at the foot of the Falls. ~'ne Aldenman advised that he was accompanied by Alderman McCallurn, the City Manager, City Engineer and City Solicitor. He expressed the hope that the instructions carried out by the delegation would bear weight. Aid. Morton moved that the Federal Government be approached to take steps to stop the proposed construction of a boom, being of the opinion that such con- struction would ruin the Falls and be detrimental to the surrounding area. There was no secunder. Alderman Martin stated that the attendants at the Public Hearing had re- ceived a fair hearing and he wae confident that a fair Judgement would result and we should wait to hear the decision of the C~v~tttee who are conducting the hearing and investigation on this matter. His Worship Mayor Miller referred to the resolution which had been forwar- ded to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth re-affirming o~ loyalty on the occasion of the Clty's observance of our golden anniversary, and suggested that a similar resolution should be forwarded, upon the Clty's observance of its Diamond Jubilee. SEE Resolution No. 57 The following Resolution was passed: No. 57 - MCKINLEY - COI~ - R~SOLVED that on this the occasion of the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee o£ the City of Niagara Falls, His Worship the Mayor and Mem- bers of the City Council wish to re-affirm their loyalty to Her Most Gracious Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, invoking for her, Divine Blessing and .~uidance through- out her reign; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously His Worship Mayor Miller at this time, advised that he had been requested to make a statement concerning the recent announcement of the Kinberly-Clerk about removing their Plant from this City to Rexdale, Ontario; and the Council's attendance at a meeting with the Plant Officials at the Niagara Falls Club on April 28th at which time the reasons were outlined for their moving from this City. Mayor Miller advised that there had been no reflection on City Council, ~anagement, or the Industrial Goesslates, nor any other similar local group for the removal of the Kimberly-Clark plant. The Compan~'s Officials had assured Council that the welfare or their employees has been given thoughtful consideration whether they chose to move with the Company or not; the two major factors of the move were obsolescence of their present premises an4 transportation. The Mayor stated that Company Officials have assured City Council of co-operetioh in disposing of t~ present buildin~ and co-operetion with the Industrial Committee who might have some plant interested in the premises and that every courtesy will be offered in allowing them to go through the Plant while they are still in the manufacturing process. Mayor MiLler once again strongly advocated the Provincial Government passing permissive legislation for any municipality to impose a Room Tax, which revenue, if applied properly against our tax structure, would not only benefit the residential and cammercial taxpayer but also allow us to reduce the indus- trial taxation which should be some incentive for industry to remain here and also an incentive for new industry to locate here. He proposed to attend the Ontario Mayors and Reeves Association Convention in Sudbury in June for one pur- pose and that is to speak on our resolution on the floor of the Convention and he will also do the same in August in London at the Ontario Municipal Association Convention. Mayor Miller also referred to the part which Ontario could play in retaining industries here, by levying a cheaper rate for power than p~aces where power has to be transported m any miles from the location of the Niagara Falls Generating ~tations. Co~mcil adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. READ ANDAEOFI'~D, llth May, 196~. Mayor Council Chamber, 4th May, 196~. The Finance Meeting was held on May ~th, 1~, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certi- fied and placed before them. All Members of the C~am~ttee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $S1~,56~.67 were approved by the Ccmatttee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered .placed in the MoneyBy-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Ald. Kei~hanand AId. Morton. The s,~aaryof tenders received for the supply of water pipe line materials, was presented for consideration. OI~D on the motion of Aid.Morton and Aid. Cotfield that the amessty be received, filed and the tender of Canada Iron FeundriesLtd. for b~presconpipe, at a total estimated cost of $102,68~.~9 be accepted. .J F The Property Cce~ittee's report on the application of T. and K. ~rsich, 3800 Lundy's Lane, for a building permit to erect a 15 unit motel on the east and south boundary of the property cf the Ashbury ~otel, located on the south side of Lundyts Tmne between Mentress Read and Ealar l~ead, at an est4m~ted cost of $35,000.00 was presented. OI~I~F~I~ on the motion of Aid. Kel~hmn and Aid.Scott that the report be received, adopted and permit be issued~ subject to the five provisions contained in the Property C~ittee's report. The City ~nmger's report on the application of the Independent ~u= tual Benefit Federation, Branch ~, (Hun~arian Society), for a building permit to construct a new hall on Lot 217 and 218, T~p. P~an, on the west side of Stanley Avenue, between Klster Road and the Welland l~iver Boulevard, at an estimated cost of $~5,000.00 was presented for consideration. OI~I~I~D on the motion of AId. Potter and AId. ~orton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, subjec~ ~o minor alterations required by the Inspection Departments. The City ~anager's report on the al~lication of Nr. T. ~ahlen, proprie- tor of the ~ar~aret Rose ~otel, 2~20 Stanley Avenue, for a building permit to erect ten additional units to the ~argaret Rose ~otel, on the east side of Stanley Avenue, between Robinson .~treet and ~urray Street, was presented. OI~F~ on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Aid. Norton that the report be received, adopted and permission granted, subject to the provisions outlined in tha Property C~ittee's report and also subject to minor alterations required by the Inspection Departments; and that By-law 51~9 is amended to permit additional land to be used for proposed motel con- struction. The City ~n~er's report on the application of Brewers Yarehousing Ltd. for a building permit to construct a new retail store a't ~70 Brid~e Street, on the south side of Brid~e street between Welland Avenue and Victoria Avenue at an est~mted cost of $5~,0OO. was presented. ORdeRED on the motion of Ald. Kei~n~n and Aid. Morton that the report be received, adopted and'permit 'issued.' ' .V . The City ~ana~er's report on the application of We]land Securities Ltd. for a permit to erect two painted plywood signs, at their premises at 950 Clifton Hill, to he occupied by the Niagnra Gus ~useum Ltd. at an estimated cost of $200. for each sign, was presented for consideration. ORE~ED on the motion of Alder- man Potter and Alderman Corfield that the report be received, adopted and perxts- sion granted. The City ~ana~er's report on the application of Paul and Eva Hoffner, proprietors of the Flamingo Motel, 3701 Lusdy's ~ane, located between Beaver~mws Road and Ealar Road for a penair to erect a plastic, illuminated sign at an estimated cost of $~00.00 was presented for consideration. ORI~I~D on the motion of AId. Kel~han and Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City ~ana~er's report on the second application of ~elland Secur- ities Ltd. for a permit to erect a painted plywood facet sign, at 9~0 Clifton Hill, advertising the Ninearm Gun ~useum, at an estimated cost of $1~O.00 was preo sented. ORDerED on the motion of AId. Keig~an and AId. NcCall~ that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City ~ana~er'8 report on the application of the Toronto Dominion IXan~, 87~ Victoria Avenue, located on the east mide of Victoria Avenue~ between Crawford Place and Norrison Street, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated facet sign, at an estimated cost of $1,000. was presented .for consideration. E on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Norton that the report be received~ adopted and permit issued. The City ~anagerws report on the application of ~aperial Optical Co.~ 5~8 Qnsen Street, between St. Clair Avenue and ~elland Aven~e~ for a permit to erect a plastics ill~inated sign, at an estimated cost of $~80.00 w~s presented. ORD- EI~D on the motion of AId. Potter and AId. Corfield tha~ the report be received~ adopted and perair issued. The City Nana~er*s report on the application of H. i. Nelntosh Ltd,, operator of the Niagara Clifton Notel, 9~ Clifton ~ill, for a penair to e~ p~lon si~, at an es$~te~ cost of $7,~.~ ~s ~sen~d rot amsi~mti~. ~e City ~r advised t~t five existing si~s a~ to ~ ~a~ed frm these p~ses. ~ on the aoti~ of A~. ~e ~d AId. Potter t~t the ~ ~cel~ ~ ~femd to the ~ C~t~ for a~st~m~ton ~d a ~po~. The City ~anager's report on the application of Mrs. Leola Museate, 17~8 Ellen Ave. for a permit to erect a double sided ~ooden banging sign at 1009 Centre Street, at an estimated cost of $~O.00 was presented. OPd)ERED on the motion of Alderman Corfield and Alderman Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, providing the outer edge of the proposed sign is erected two feet inside the curb. The City Wanagerws report on the application of the Pentecostal Central Assembly for a building permit to construct a new church on part of Twp. Lot 125 at the comer of Frodefies Street and Dorchester Road, at an estimated cost of $100,000. was presented for consideration. 0Rr~eED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted and permit issued, sub= Ject to the final drawings being approved by the Building Inspection Department. The City ~anager presented a verbal report on an application received frum Tussaud's Wax ~useun, for a permit to erect an outdoor painted bulletin display on the east side of Victoria Avenue near the Niagara Parkway, at an esti- mated cost of $2,~O0.00. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. ~itchelson and Ald. Morton that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee witN power to act. The City ~anager presented a verbal report on the application of Clifford Cashmere to erect a rectangular wooden sign on the Lundy's Lane Motel property of Louis Forenos, 3~56 Lundy's Lane Lane, advertising "Niagara Falls Inquiry Office, Frontier Guided Tours, Free ~aps", at an estimated cost of $150.OO. OP~DEREI) on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and referred to the l~operty Committee with power to act. The City ~anager presented a verbal report on the application of Cakes Drive Hotel, 2~ Buchanan Avenue, for a permit to erect a non-illuminated wooden sign, advertising Cokes Drive Scenic Tours - Enquire Here on Niagara Points of Interest, at an estimated cost of $175.00. Sign to be erected on tbe south-west corner of Buchanan Avenue and Dixon Street. O~r~ on the motion of AId. ~orton and AId. Potter that. the report be received and referred to the Property Cc~nittee with power to act. Ald. NcCallun presented a verbal report with reference to the asphalt spreader, which reqmtred repairs and it was ordered on the motion of AId. ~c- Callurn and Aid. Kei~han that the repairs be authorized and the Engineering Depart. ment purchase the required parts for this unit, at an estimated cost of $1,732. The Cce~lttee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. ~cKlnley and READ AND ADO~i'~D, llth Nay, 1~. Chairman of Finance i. t38. COUNCIL ~A'fNG Council Chamber, 4th May, 196~. Council re-assembled at the close of the re~,]Ar Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, May 4th, 196~, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Cn, nittee. AllMembers were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW i'ne following By-law was passed: ~.Q. 6~52 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. O~.r~u on the motion of Ald. Moron and AId. Coffield t~t Aid. ~ ~ g~nted ~e privilege of intr~ucing the by-~w ~d the by-~w be given the first read~g. - ~ied l~n~ous~. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Swayze that l~ule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~irdReading - AId. Moxton and Ald. McCall~ - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference, on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Cotfield. ~EADANDAEOPi~D, llth May, 196~. i CONFEi~ENCE Council Chamber, The Comittee assembled in Conference, following the regular Council Meeting, on Monday, May ~th, 196~. All Members of the Committee were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton. 1~ AI~ AI~PA~, llth May, 196~. . T,J 200, I~U/ARMEETING Council Chamber, llth May, 19(95. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May llth, 196~, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Councilware present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield. Tenders had been called for the demolition of buildings and on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott, it was ordered that the tenders .received, be opened, initialled by His. Worshi~ the ~ayor and tabulated. CCe~CATIONS laid over from previous meetings: No. 380 (1963 File) - St. Anthony's P.T-Association - requesting construction of sidewalks. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McCallam and Ald. Swayze that the repox~c of the Traffic Committee be received and adopted. SEE Repor~ Number 398 No. 102 - LoSan & Knight - re: Kiwanis Crescent. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Swayze that the ccesuunication be received, filed and the report of the Property Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 399 No. 258 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application - A-91, Levy, and decision of lkard that the request tore-zone property from Single Family Residential to Tourist Coem~rcial to permit ~roction of a motel behind exist- ing restaurant, be ~et recommended to Council for approval. SEE Communication 337 No. 312 - John W. Miller - requesting construction of a fence. ORIEI~D on the mo- tion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the caanieation be received, filed and the Parks and Recreation Cc~mittee's report be adopted. SEE Report Number No. 315 - Ambassador & U.S.A. Noteis - complaining of unsatisfactory condition of adjacent property. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Swayze that the c~wm~'Anication be received and filed. 8E~ Report N~saber ~O1 No. 317 - Matthews &Matthews - application on behalf of Massrs. Plraino, for permit to construct a motel at 1525 Victoria Avenue. ORD~ on the motion of Ald.Swayze and AId. Cotfield that Mr. F. J. Matthews be given Permission to address Council.' He referred to the tabling of this matter from the previous meeting in order to ob- tain the reactions of the Church adamcent to the proposed lo~ation of the mo~el and Presented a com~unication siSned by the Pastor of St. Paul's English Lutheran Church, for the Church Council, indicating they were not opposed to the proposed motel adamcent to the Church. Mr. Matthews expressed pleasure and advised that his clients wished to ,Publicly thank the Church Council for their very generous reaction, ned advised that this was typical of the reaction of the entire neiShbourhood. He requested Couneil's consideration to the grantinS of this permit. The City Manager queried 20L. whether the Church Council were aware that the structure if built according to the plan would be within 25 feet of the recreation hall of the Church, when it had been previously stated that the nearest portion of the building would be about 80 feet therefrom. Mr. Matthews advised that a copy of the blueprint was presen- ted to the Church Council and the Pastor and that they were fully aware of the proposed construction and that the "L" shaped portion of the rear of the motel is closer to the line but that the portion at the front is a substantial distance and the east and west portions were 80 feet distant. SEE Communication 338 SEE Report Number 388 No. 331 - Morrison Street United Church - requesting sidewalk repairs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the communication be re- ceived, filed and the writer be advised that the City Engineer reports that this sidewalk will he included in the Depertment's repair list for 1964. SEE Report Nu~be_r~02' No. 328 - Salvation Any - requesting use of Baseball Diamond at one of City Parks. OR~MNMD on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Parks & Recreation Ccemittee be adopted. SEE Report Number ~03 No. 336 - McDonald and Holt Ltd. - re: ZoningBy-law 276~and requesting permission to M. Malloran to use property at 2053 Thorold S~one Road for automobile sales and service. ORU~MED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the communication be referred to the Co~unittee of the Whole for consideration. SEE Report Number ~O~ SEE Co~nittee of the Whole The following Co~nnunications were presented: No. 337 - S7d Levy - submission on application to convert Drive-In Restaurant Operation to Restaurant-Motel Operation at 2536 Thorold Stone Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Morton that Mr. Levy be given permission to address Council. He referred to the proposed New Town Plan and the indication that motels and hotels will be permitted on Thorold Stone Road from Sinnicks Ave- nua up to St. Peter Avenun on the north side and free CarrollAvenue up to Long- hurst Avenue on the south side, which will be within ~00 to 300 yards of his place of business. He advised that his present restaurant operation has been a hardship personally and requested Council to assist him to get his property on a Neyingbasis. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Aid. Swayze that the coe~unication be received and referred to the Property Ccenittee for considera- tion and submission of a report. SEE Ccem~umication 258 No. 338 - ~. Paul's English Lutheran Church - advising that the Church were umanimousiv not opposed to pToposed erection of a motel by Mr. Piraino adjacent to the Church. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Eeighan and Ald. Swayze that the caunications be received, filed and By-law Number 51~9 be amended to permit the construction of the proposed motel. Carried, with Aldermen Scott and McCallum oPposed. SEE Ccemunication 317 ~EE Report Number ~88 No. 339 - Martin, Calvert, Shepperd & Clark - requestin~ permission for W. 8. Martim, Q.C. to address Council Meeting on Monday, May 25thwith a view to obtain- in~ approval of Council for Amena-ent Application A-97, Fortuna. 0RIBRED on the motion of Aid. Swa~se and Ald. Cotfield that the cceaunicationbe received and tabled until the meeting of May 25th.' No. 3~0 - Logan &Knl~ht - i%e: Oneida Limited. ORl~on the motion of AId. Morton andAld. Swayse that the ccnemnication be received and referred to the City Solicitor for consideration and submission era report. 2o2. No. 341 . Grlfflths, Sharpe & Clement _ re: application of Messrs. DcmJan for permit to sell used cars nt 3~39 Drummond Hood. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the Ccmnittee of the Whole for cofisideration. SEE Committee of the Whole No. 342 - Downtown Businessmen's Association I~; teenage gang problem on Queen Street. CRaFtED on the motion of Aid. Swayze'and AId. NcKinley that the c~mumi- oction be received and referred to the City Solicitor for consideration and sub° mission of a report. No. 343 . Dept~ of Agriculture - requesting advice as to Council' s representatives on the Agricultural Rehabilitation & Develol~ent Advisory Committee. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and tabled for further information. - Alderman Mltchelson arrived at 8:2~ p.m. - No. 344 . Niagara Falls District Board of Education . application forms for ten= tatire approval of three projects. 01a~S,SD on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Keighan that the communication be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance for submission of a report. No. 34~ -Dept. of Health - Copy of Nlnisterss statement on Air Pollution Control. In connection with this subSect, AId. Norton, who had been authorized to attend the meeting in Hamilton last week, reported verbally and advised that about 80 persons artended and it was a very representative meetin~ from the areas around Hamilton, Toronto and Oshawa. That air pollution re6~,!~tions confined to indus- trial pollution, go into effect on Sept. let and they are asking that the different · Councils in the area aPprove a by-law for combustible air pollution. AId. Norton advised that he had been elected to the Select Gilttee and this Ccemittee will meet on Wednesday, May 27th and Wednesday, June 2~th. CRIbHID on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Corfleld that the communication be received and filed. SEE Report Number No. 3h6 . City of Cornwall . resolution to increase present Ontario Sales Tax. OffeRED on the motion of Aid. Kei_~nsn and Aid. Cotfield that the resolution be received and filed and no action taken. No. ~7 - Nell E. Woods . requesting meeting with Sanitation & Pollution Control Cc~mxittee. OREi~D on the lotion of Aid. Martin and AId. Scott that the cummmi. cation be received, filed and the writer be notified that the Committee will be pleased to meet with .him. No. ~8 - Miss Dominion of Canada Beauty Pageant - requesting City to sponsor lun- cheon. ORESRED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Mitahelson that the comm- unication be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance for consideration ani a report. No. 31~ . A. ~. Russell - re: unsatisfactory conditions at rear of his premises at No. ~ . ~ld H. ~o~ - ~: heart o~ ~eneee arced ~e lotion o~ AId. ~tchels~ ~d AId. Scott that the c a~el p~ls. O~ on No. 3~1 - Whirlpool flightseeing Tours (Cecil Farroll) . requesting approval of change of locattoa in sight seeing llcence from Uncle 2mafs :Notel to Coral Notel, Lun~'s Lane and the q.i.Way. C~ on the lotloa of Aid. Mortca and Ald. NelShan that the communication be received, filed and the loeatlon be aimproved by Counctl~ sub- Je~ to .ec~tons :eouforslng to all muntcll~l by-laws. = 203. No. 352 - Niagara Public Selations Bureau - requesting closing of two lanes of traffic on Clifton Hill, in connection with Inauguration Ceremonies of the Spacerim, on May ~nd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. Keighan that the cr~m-mication be received, filed and permission be not granted. This motion was defeated by a vote of 5 to 4, the vote being - Aye: Aldermen Scott, Keighan, Morton and ~cKinley. Naye:- Aldermen Mltchelson, McCallurn, Martin, Swayze, Corfield. No. 353 - L. J. Coreell - referring to recent application for re-zoning on Lundy's lane by Agosam. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Svayze that the communication be received and tabled until the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board communicates with City Council as to their decision with reference to a second application under consideration by the Planning Board at this time. No. 354 - Marccol Lodge Italian Soccer Team - requesting explanation for no~ having been permitted to use Cakes Park for practice. 0n the motion of AId. Norton and Ald. Scott Mr. Franze was granted permission to address Council. ~e queried .the reason why the Marconi Soccer Team has not received consideration. CRIbRED on , the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation C~mittee to discuss this matter with Franze. As Mr. Frauze advised of his inability of attending an afternoon meeting of the Gaittee, Aid. McKinley, Chairman of the Cc~mutttee, advised that his COm- mittee would endearour to have an evening meeting. No. 355 - Cyanamid of Canada - requesting installation of street lights. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Svayze that the communication be received and referred to the Niagara Falls Hydro Commission for consideration and a report. No. 356 - Creator Nla~ra Big Brothers Association - requesting financial assis- tance. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Cotfield that the communi- cation be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance for consideration. No. 357 - Committee of AdJustment - Notice of Hearing re: Mitchell application. No. 358 - Committee of AdJustment - Notice of Hearing re: Nlaland Properties application. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Cotfield that the c~mm'micatlons be received and filed. No. 359 - Frank Devltn - Requesting consideration of small communication on behalf of fellow petitioners against City provided parking at the Centre. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Swayze that Mr. Devlin be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Devlin suggested that a meeting might be arranged with the Business Man of all sections of the City and the Traffic Co~mittee to discuss this subject. He referred to the petition which is being presented at this meeting, which seemed to indicate that there is competition between the Plaza Stores and the Downtown Stores, but, pointed out that the signatories on the peti- tion are those of merchants from all over the City. His Worship, Mayor Miller, referred to the Traffic Committee's report of this evening and their suggestion that the matter be delayed until the Brief is received from the Clifton Hill District Association and is available for study; following receipt of this Brief, the Traffic C~ittee would have author- ity to call in any group or all groups interested in this question. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Norton that the communication be received and tabled until such time as the Traffic Coemittee have been given the opportunity to study. the Clifton Hill District Association Brief when presented. ~EE petition Number 15 SEE N~e~ort Number 406 CCM4UNICATION hid over frOm the previous meeting: No. 33~ - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application A-9~, Crossroads Hotel Ltd., and decision of the lo~rd that request to re-zone certain lends free Single Famil~ Residential to Tourist Ccsmercial be roer---~nded to the. Cotmoil foF approval, subject to conditions outlined in Staff Report. 0RD~RED On the motion oi' Ald. Keighan and AId. 8vayse that Mr. Saccone of Broderick, Bullmeat & McLeod's Office be given permission to address Council. He indicated that his Firm and their client would prefer to have the municipality conduct the 205. negotiations with the Imperial Oil Company to acquire the necessary fifty feet, being one of the stipulations contained in the Comnittee's report. A lengthy discussion was -then held with reference to the requirements of the Committee's report, specifically with reference to the closing of Marland Avenue and the acquisition of an alternate means of access to the farm lands lying to the north of the property at issue, and the inception of Marland Avenue and its location was outlined in detail. During the discussion it was indicated that the municipality was prepared to assist as much as it can in promoting the proposed deal. Aid. McCallurn questioned whether the necessary acquisition of l~nds would he accom- plished in the manner in which the report is being handled. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the c~ication from the Planning Board recom~nending the request be granted, subject to conditions in the Staff Report, and the repor~ of the Property C~lttee of Council, be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 407 REPORTS Laid over from the previous meeting: No. 388 - Property Ccemittee - re: application of Messrs. lmiraino for permission to construct a motel at 1525 Victoria Avenue, and rec~ending application should be dealt with by the entire Council. OPteD on the motion of Ald. Kei~h*n and Aid. Swayze that the report be received and filed. SEE Cc~munications 317 and 338 No. 398 - Traffic Ccemaittee - rec~nding sidewalk construction on east side of Portage ROad from Morrison Street to C.N.R. Tracks as local improvement but no action be taken on section from C.N.R. Tracks to Thorold Stone ROad, until count of nun~er of school children using the sidewalk is taken. Ol~D on the motion of Aid. ~cCallun and AId. ~wayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 380 · he following Reports were presented: No. 399 - Property Committee - recoe~ending suggestions of City Engineer re: taking over of Kiwanis Crescent as highway with the City, be approved, subject to accep- tance of the proposal by Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation. OI~ED on the motion of Ald. Kei~n~n and AId. Swayze that the reportbe receivedand'adopted. SEE Cceaunication 10~ No. ~00 - Perks & Recreation Ccsmittee - reccsaendation re: fence erection as re- quested by J. W. Miller along southerly limit of G. MunroPerk on Kal~r ROad. OP~ on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE C~untOatlon 312 No. 401 - Sanitary Inspector - Investigation r~port on 2~03 Stanley Avenue, OR- I~D on the motion of Aid. Keighanand AId. Sway~e that the report be received and filed. ~ Cceaunication ~1~ No. ~02 - Cit~ ~n~ineer - Sidewalk repairs at ~3 Morrison Street (Morrison Street ~nited Church already included in repair list for 19~. 0~2~ED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Cotfield ~hatthe rapclUbs-received and filed and the applicant be so notified. S~E Ccsauntcation 331 No. ~O3 - Parks and Recreation Co~nittee - recommending Captain of Salvation Army be advised of the fieisis]labia in connection with their request for the use of a baseball diamond each Friday evening from May through August. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfieldthst the report be received and adopted. SEE Conununtcatlon 328 No. ~04 - Property Committee - Matter of McDonald & Holt's request re: zoning by-law as it affects Imperial gsso Service Station, 2053 Tactold Stone Road, he dealt with by Council in Committee of the Whole. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Ketghan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. S~;E Committee of the Whole No. ~O~ - Sanitary Inspector - Comments on Statement of Minister of Eealth of Ontario re: progra-~e for Air Pollution Control. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Corfieldthat the repor~ be received and filed. " SEE Cosnunication~ 345 No. ~O6 - Traffic Omittee - re: meeting with Messrs. Devlin and DeLorenzo and their reaction pro and con to municipality establishing parking facilities in the Centre area. CRIED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Coennuntcatton 359 and Petition Nunbar 15 No. ~O7 - Property Cosnntttee - recommendations re: proposal of Crossroads Hotel Ltd. ORI~EED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. · SEE Comunlcation 385 No. ~O8 - TTaffic Committee - re: request of Clifton ~ill District Association con- cerntng newspaper dispensers, comer of Victoria Avenue and Centre Street, and the intention of the Committee to present a recommendation to Council, following completion of a survey by the Engineering Dept. of the entire City. ORDERED on th~ motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition Number 11 No. ~O9 - Traffic C~tttee - recommending Department of Highways be contacted to ascertain whether installation of 2 hour perking meters under Rainbow Bridge at the ~oppingPlazawo~ld be agreeable to the Department. ORDEEEDon the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition Number 12 No. ~10 - Sanitation and Pollution Control Plant - reconnending City Engineer be requested to prepare plans and estimates for construction of an open ditch at rear of the properties on south side of 7norold Stone Road between Montrose ROad and Kalar Road. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition Number 15 No. ~11 - City Engineer - proposed sidewalk on Murray Street. ORDERED on the motion ofAld. Morton and Aid. Cox~leldthat the report be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Coeeaittee for consideration as part of Capital Works Progrimes f~r 196~underLocal Improvement Act. SEE Petition Number No. ~12 - Special Fire Committee - requestlngporstsslon to retain local realtor to secure option on suitable site for new Fire ~all to serve StasfordCentreArea. ~SZ21~on the motto~ of Aid. MeCallumand Ald. Cox~leld that the reportbe re- ceived and referred to the Council in C~ltSee of the Whole. S~ Committee q~ .the ~hole No. 413 - CityManager - recommending quotation of E. A. Hotton Sales Ltd. for both non-reflectorized paint and reflectbrized'paint be accepted, provid- ing paint will be according to D.H.O. specifications. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Metallush that the report be received and adopted. No. 414 - Traffic Committee - Recommending placing a bench at Unemplo3nment Office, comer of Main Street and Peer Street. ORDgM~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 415 - Traffic Coanittee - Bec~ending no change in traffic control at the intersection of Wellsad Avenue and Huron Street. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. 8wayze that the repor~ be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Morton contrary. No. ~16 - Traffic Conmiriam - consideration of one-way traffic on Ellen Avenue, to be given at their next meeting. CRIED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 417 - C__lty Manager - report on building permits issued during April, 196~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and filed. No. 418 -An~ulance Con~ittee - report and rec,:~endation to be submitted, upon obtaining material required for Committee's information. OPa~ on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. No. 419 - City Clerk - Re: Bill Number 132. OBn~e~E9 on the motion of Aid.Morton and Aid. Martin that the report be received and referred to the Property C~ittee. Aid. Martin requested the Committee to seriously consider the phase of the Bill wfiich will make it the responsibility of the Committee of Adjustment to handle Consent Applications in future. No. 420 - Assistant City Mgr.,Administration . recon~nendingBy-law N,.wber 6556, on this Ageride, be read a first time and submitted to O.M.B. to determine if it meets with their approval, in connection with proposed constmctio0 of a motel by Pietro Blancbin, comer of Leader Lane andTerrace Avenue. Ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be mceiv~d and adopted. SEE By-law Number 6556 No. ~21 - Committee of Adjustment - results of hearing three applications. OR- E on the motion ofAld. Martin and Aid. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 422 - City Clerk - recoemmnding issuance of ltcences. 0P~ on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and licehems issued accordingly. No. ~23 - City Clerk - application for Public ~arage A Licence to sell used cars at 7~O Valley Wa~ not yet approved by Licensing Coselites. 01~RED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee. No. ~24 - Assist. City Mgr.,-Admintstration - report on attendance at Planning Conference, in Toronto, May 7th. ORE on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. KeiS~a~ that the report be received and filed. No. a~.5 - City Engineer Arena, and recommending - summry of tenders for plumbing at Stamford Memorial acceptance of the lowest tender, R.' J. lrvine & Son, at a lem~ sum bid price of $1,295.00, 0111~ on the motion of AId. McKinley and ~/d. Cotfield that the report'be received and adopted. No. ~6 - City Engineer - Stmmary of Tenders for E~uipment and making recommen- dations thereon. CSI~D on the motion of.Aid. McKinley and A/d. Cotfield that the report be received and adgpted. · ' No. 427 - City Engineer - Tenders for watermain constmction on Drummond Road and reconunending tender be awarded to Vincent Kerrio-C~srmano Co. Ltd., the lowest tendermr. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 428 - ~quipment Committee - recommending purchase of new Smith-Corona standard typewriter for Welfare Department, at a net cost of $236.50. ORDF. RED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 429 - Equipment Committee - reckmending prices be obtained on unit to replace present copying machine at Engineering Dept. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cor- field and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted. No. 430 - Equipment Cc~mittele' - recommending purchase of mowers for Works Depart- ment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received and adopted. FNrlTIONS laid over from the previous_meeting:_ No. 11 - Clifton Hill & District Association - re: newspaper containers at corner of Victoria Avenue and Centre Street and requesting their removal. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the petition be again tabled pending completion of a survey by Engineering Dept. of entire City. SEE Report Number ~O8 No. 12 - Clifton Hill District Association - requesting installation of 2 hour parking meters in front of stores, under Rainbow Bridge, on River Road. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the petition be again tabled, pending contact with Department of Highways to ascertain whether the Dept. would be agreeable to such installation. SEE Report Number~O9 No. 1B - Mrs. A. Bertolin and B1 others - requesting construction of sewer as a local improvement on Thorold Stone Road, fro~ Montrose Rcad to Kalar Road. ORI)ER~ on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the petition be re- ceived and the City Engineer be requested tO prepare plans and estimates for constmction of an open ditch at the rear of the properties to provide immed- iatelye measure of temporary relief. SEE Report Number ~10 No. 1~ - Mr. D. Thompson' and 20 others - requesting improved pathway or sidewalk on the south side of~urray Street leading to Orchard Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the petition be again tabled pend- ing report of the ~anitation & Pollution Control Committee. SEE Report Number 411 T~e following Petition was presented: No. 15 - Frank Devlin and other merchants - opposing action of City council to provide perking at City expense at Niagara Falls Centre, when all Plaza Devel- opers have been required to provide their own parking at their own expense. OilEeRED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Morton that the petition be received and tabled, until such time as the Traffic C~ittee have been given the oppor- tunity to study the Clifton Hill & District Association's brief, when presented. SEE Report Number RESOLU~ONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 58 - M0~ - MITC!IELSON - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Cousell be held on Tuesday, Wa~v 19th, 19(~# commencing at 7|30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto afflxed. Ca ,r~.ied Unanimousl~ 209. No. 59 - MORTON - S~AYZE - HESOLV~ that a message of sympathy on behalf of His Worship the Nayor and Members of the City Council be £or~arded to the family of the late ~rs. R. B. Stevenson, highly respected resident of this community for a number of years; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously I~TITION ~t~e following ~etition was presented... No. 16 - Mr. & Mrs. D. Desilest and 3 others - requesting a hard-top surface on Slmcoe Court. OREERED on the motion of Ald. Hartin and Ald. Swayze that the petition be received and referred to the City E~ineer for a repox~. NISCELI~NEOUS Aid. Svayze, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, requested permission for his Committee to'.take up the complaint about parking on Barker Street to Carlton Ave., also on North Street; and the matter of the bun stop on Bridge Street. Aid. Corfield referred to the very dangerous traffic conditions on Prince Edward Avenue and Byng Aven~e at the intersections of Leeming Street and High Street and Cook Avenue and suggested that probably caution signs or a reduction in the speed limit would assist in alleviating this danger. Aid. Cotfield referred to the reference in the Press and Council dis- cussions t o the effect that this municipality is not receiving enough revenues by way of taxation from Hydro and suggested that His Worship the Bayor appoint a coemittee to arrange a meeting with Hydro and also the Parks Comission to go into this subject, and stated, that it yam time ve had soie definite action. His Worship Mayor Htller advised that material is being assembled, following which a presentation will be made in Toronto and that the Caa~d~er of Comeeros has also indicated their support in any attempt made for higher H.E.P.C. grants. BY- LAWS ~'ne following By-laws were passed: i No. 65~ - A by-law toe mend By-lawN umber 5149, regarding tourist establishn~nts. (g. Bruck and A. Eahlen). 01~oo the motion of Ald. McKInley and AId. ~'~xyze that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the-by-law and the by-lay be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDEBEDon the motion of Aid. Keighanand Aid. Svayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standlng Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~'nird Reading - Aid. Morton and Aid. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. .N.o~ 6~4 - A by-law to provide for the entering. into of a lease between the Cor- pontion of the City of Niagara Falls and Niagara Intentional Centre Limited. 01~ on the motion of AId. Svayze and Aid. Norton that Aid. Kei~han be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first readlog0 - Carried Unanimously. ORE on the motion of Aid. Keighanand Ald. 8vayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Stan~4n~ Rules of Council h e temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, with AId. Norton contrary. Third Beadlng - AId. 2vayze and Aid. Neighan - Carried, with AId. Morton contrary, NO. 6555 ' ~DVy-law to provide for the entering into of a Lease Agreement Nixon re: Warrior Road) ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Corfield that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. OREMRED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Aid. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Beading . Aid. Corfield and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. The followingBy-law was presented: No. 6556 - A by-law to mend Restrictive Area By-law No. 6~76, 1964, and which By-law is a by-law to amendBy-law No. 5335, 1955 (Bianchfn). " 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried, with Ald. Mitchelson - contrary. The following By-laws were passed: ~R' 655? - A by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 5335 (1955) of the City of Niagara Palls, as amended (Park Notor Hotel) 01MD on the motion of AId. Swayze and Aid. Morton that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. OIlRED on the motion of Aid. Kelghan and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the StsmdingRules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Aid. Swzyze - Carried Unanimously. ~o. 6558 - Being a By-law to amend ZOning By-law No. 5335 (19~5) of the City of Niagara Palls as amended, Zoning By-law No. 2350 (1959) of the former Tcvnshlp of Stamford as anondad, and Zoning By-law No. 2530 (1960) of the former Township of Stamford as amended. (Parking for restaurants). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Svayze that Aid. Ketghen be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0RI~RED on the motion of Aid. ~ei~han and AId. McCall, n. that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the secood reading. - Carried, with Alderman Mitchelson contrary. Aid. Hitchsimon stated that since apparently the intention was to create a double standard, that he would move an amendment that all the words in the proposed by-law after the word "exceptm in the first line of the description of parking spaces be deleted in each section; there us no seconder to his amend- ment. Third Rea.ding - Aid. McKinley and Aid. S~ayze - Carried, with AId. Mitchelson contrary. ~o. 6 559 - A by-law to amend ZoningBy-lay No. 5335 (1955) of the City of Niagara Falls, as an~nded. (Nlagara International Centre Development) 0RDg~D on the motion of AId. NcKtnley and Aid. 6wayze that Ald.Ketghan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-lay and the by-law be given the flrst reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDFa~D on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. 8wayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Swayze and AId. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6560 - To expropriate certain lands on Ellen Avenue for a Municipal parking lot. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Mitchelson that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. McCallurn that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried by a vote of 5 to 4, the vote being: Aye - Aldermen 8wayze, McCallurn, Martin, Morton, McKinley. Nays: - Aldern~n Mltchelson, Corfield, Scott and Keighan. An amendment made by Ald. Mitchelson and Cotfield that the by-law be tabled until Council's Traffic Comm4ttee have had the opportunity to study the petition in this connection, was lost by a vote of 5 to 4, the vote being: Aye - Aldermen Mitchelson, Corfield, Keighan and Scott. Nays: - Aldermen Swayze, McCallum, Martin, McKinley and Morton. Third Reading - Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton. Carried, with Aldernzn Scott,Keighan Mitchelson and Corfield, contrary. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and AId. McKinley. READ AND ADOPi~sD, 19th May, 1964. Mayor Council Chamber, llth-~ay, 1964. The Finance Meeting was held on May llth, 1~ for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before rhea. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. Aid. Mar~in, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $12~,89~.08were approved by the Ccm- sittee, as amended. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt wlth, were ordered placed in the MoneyBy-law for presentation to Council, with the deletion of Voucher Number 2~27, on the motion of AId. MeCaLl,~and Ald. Swa~ze. A communication from Gould-Leslie Limited making application for per- mission to erect one display poster on Lundy's Lane, was presented for consid- eration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the appli- cation be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. The City Manager's report on the application of Falls Manor Hotel, 310~ Lundy's Lane for a permit to erect a neon and plastic sign, at an estimated cost of $1,0OO. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The Ctty Manager's report on the application of Welland Securities Ltd. to erect two wooden signs on the south slde of Clifton Hill, ~euween Vicuoria Avenue and Falls Avenue, one on each side of the driveway leading to the parking lot, at an estimated cost of $30,00 was presented. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. KetghanandAld. Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit be issued, subject to the urovistons that the signs be erected at least q feet above the ground. ** The Property C~,~lttee's report on the application of Clifford Cashmere, to erect a sign at the Lundy's lane Motel at ~256 IAmdy's Lane, at an estimated cost of $150.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, subject to the condition that the location or the sign on the property must be approved by the Building Inspection Department. The Property Commtttee's report on the application of Louis Tussaud's Waxworks (Blackpool) of Canada Limited, to erect a standard highway bulletin, on the east side of Victoria Avenue, Just north of the Niagara Parks Commission prop- erty, was presented for consideration. ORI~ on the motion or Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and the applicants be advised that the Property Committee is prepared to issue a permit if the sign does not exceed a size of 9 feet by 18 feet. The Property Committee's report on the application of E, E. Mclntosh Ltd., 945 Clifton Mill, for a permit to remove five existing signs and to replace them with a pylon sign, at an estimated cost of $7,500.00, was presented for con- sideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The Property Cc~mnittee's report on the application of Cakes Drive Notel Ltd. for a permit to erect an 8 foot by 12 foot wooden sign at the south- west comer of Buchanan Avenue and Dixon Street, at an estimated cost of $175.OO. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, subject to the Building Inspection Office approvlng the location on the ground. Aid. Scott referred to the wording on Tour Signs, and suggested that "NIagara Falls" be removed from such signs, completely. The City Manager's report on the application of the Continental Motel, 1756 Ferry Street, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign below the existing sign, at an estimated cost of $165.00 was presented. Ordered on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued subject to the provision that the bottom of the sign must be 9 feet above ground level. The City Manager's report on the application of E. Weightman and Sons Co. Ltd., 1268 Mentress Road, for a permit to erect two wood and metal 5' by 10' signs, at an estimated cost of $180.00, was presented for consideration. One sign is to be erected on the north side of the property and the second sign on the south side. 0RI~RED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the re- port be received, adopted andpermit issued. 212. T The City ~hnager's Report on the application of the Lincoln Motel at 2417 Portage Road, between Murray Street and Dixon Street, for a permit to re-locate the existing neon sign at their premises at the above address, at an estimated cost of $100.O0 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOPTED, 19th May, 1964. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL F~r,qNG Council Chamber, llth May, 196~. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, May llth, 19a, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY- LAW The following By-law was passed: 6261 ' A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORI~F~D on the motion of Aid. Corfield and Aid. Scott that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the byZlaw and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Keighan that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Swayze and Ald. Martin - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Committee of the Whole, on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson. READAND ADOFrED, 19th May, 1964. Clerk Mayor C(3~ITA'EE OF T~[EWHOLE Council Chamber, llth May, 196~. Council assembled as a Co~nuittee of the Whole, following the Council Meeting held on MondskW, May llth, 196~. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. C0~ICATIONS Laid over from the Council Meeting: No. 336 - McDonald & Holt Limited - re: Zoning By-law 2763 and requesting permis- sion to M. Halloran to use property at 2053 Thorold Stone Road for automobile sales and service. No. 341 - Griffiths, Sharpe and Clement - re: Application of Messrs. DomJan for permit to sell used cars at 3209 Drummond Read. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the application for a licence to permit car sales at 2053 Thorold Stone Road be granted and that in connection with the application for the premises at 3209 D~,mmond Road, this application be referred to the City Manager, City Solicitor and Assistant to City Manager, Administrative, for a report. Carried, with Ald. Morton - contrary. ~EPORT Laid over from the Council Meeting: No. 412 - SpeCial Fire Committee'- requesting permission to retain a local realtor to secure an option on a suitable site with the understanding that City Council must approve the purchase, in connection with new Fire Hall in Stamford Centre Area. Ald. McCallum, Chairman of the Special Fire Committee, proceeded to advise Council of negotiations that had taken place the search made by the Com- mittee in an attempt to obtain a satisfactory new Fire Hall site, referring specifically to a location on Harriman Street and Russell Street as being avail- able. 2lYe. Following discussion and advice fr~n Aid. McKinley as to a possible site, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the matter of a possible fire Hall site be left with the Chairman of the Special Fire Com- mittee and the City Manager, with the thought that they would obtain information on the site suggested by Ald. McKinley. The Committee of the Whole arose and reported to Council, on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Ald. Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, 19th May, 1964. COUNCIL M~A'ING Council Chamber, llth May, 1964. Council then re-assembled following adjournment of Ccmmittee of the Whole, on Monday, Hay llth, 196~, with all Members, present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Ald. Keighan then raised the question which had been discussed sev- eral times concerning the wording of the by-laws governing garages and service stations, particularly with reference to the word "automobile" or "autemotive" and on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze the City Solicitor was requested to bring in a by-law utilizing appropriate wording with reference to autceobile and service station licences, which would solve this recurring difficulty. Carried Unanimously. Council adaourned on the-motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Martin. BEAD AND ADOArm,,, l~th May, 1~6~. Olerks~~*'''*'**' 'Mayor TWENTY-FOURT~ MEETING REGULAR M~.rING Council CHamber, 19th May, 1964. Pursuant to adjournment, CounCil met at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 19th, 196~, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present~ with the exception of Aldermen Potter and Scott. Tue Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield. -Ald. McCallumarrived at the meeting - CO~4UNICATIONS ~ Laid over from previous meetings: No. 38A~ - (1963 File) - Niagara Falls District Board of Education - re: disposi- tion of certain lands. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Morton &~'~'Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Property Cem- mittee be adopted. SEE Report Number 431 No. 258 - Niagara Falls Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application A-91, S. Levy, Part Twp. Lots 72 and 78, 2536 ~norold Stone Road, and advising of Board's decision that the request to re-zone property from Single Family Residential to Tourist Commercial, to permit erection of a motel behind exist- ing restaurant, be not rec~mnended to Council for approval. No. 337 - Syd Levy - submission re: application to convert Drive-In Restaurant operation to Restaurant-Motel Operation. ORRERED on the motion of Ald.Keighan and Ald. Morton that the communication from the Planning Board be received and the Board's decision be approved; and the communication from Mr. Levy be received and filed. SEE Report Number 432 No. 332 - New Toronto - Resolution dealing with Ontario Nospital Services Com- mission services. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the resolution be received, filed and not endorsed. CarMe d, with Aldermen McCallumandKeighan - contrary. SEE Communication 360 No. 341 - Griffiths, Sharpe & Clement - re: application of Messrs. DomJan, 320~ D~.~mond Road, and their garage operations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the coanunication be again tabled and the matter referred to the Special-Licensing C~mnittee for consideration and report. SEE Repor~ Number 45~ NO. 349 - A. W. ~ussell - re: condition of property located at the rear of his dwelling. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton that the co~mumication be received and filed and the report of the Sanitation & Pollution COntrol Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 4~ No. ~53 - L. J. Cornell - referring to second application of Mr. Agosto for re- Zoning on Lundy's lane. 01tDFaED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan that the c~maunication be received and filed. SEE C0emOnication 361 No. 60~ - De/~._rtment of Municipal Affairs - City By-law No. 6652 - MacInnes, Montrose R6'~d~'~)RD'ERE~ ~n ~he ~o~ion ~ Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that a letter be sent from Council to the Department explaining that the City is aware of what the Department is explaining, but Council feel that due to the fact that other residential buildings have been built in this area that it would not be fair to the owner to prevent him from building; and the communication from the Department be received and filed. No. 605 - Wj~l~i~9_~ BpJt~h_ - requesting amendment by By-law No. 51~9 to permit M. Shannon to erect addition to tourist home at 2103 Lundy~s Lane. On the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield Mr. Booth was granted permission to address Council. Mr. Booth advised that there had been no change of plans, and this application was based on Mr. Shannon~s original request. Following the remarks of Alderman Martin it was ordered on the motion of Aldenman Martin and Aldenman Swayze that Mr. Booth~s letter of application be tabled and His Worship the Mayor be authorized to contact Miss LaMafeb in Ottawa and ask for immediate information as to whether the Department will be establishing a historical site here, and if so, which properties will be used. No. 606 - Clpnyjp_w_Socia~ ~b - complaining a damage to wall of south-west cornew of building by City trucks. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the conmmnication be received and referred to the Property Committee and City Solicitor for consideration. No. 607 - PlanningBoard - Amendment Application A-112, Kobald. ORDERED on the motion of Ai~. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the con~mnication be received and referred to the Property Co~ttee for study. No. 608 - Pl__a~np_j~E Board - Access from Ker Street to A. & P. Store. No. 609 - Mrs. P. Shechart - Ker Street and entrance to new A. & P. Store. ORDERED onethe motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that the commnunication from the Planning Board and Mrs. Sheehan be referred to the Property Committee for consideration, along with the City Solicitor and City Engineer, such report to include advice for Council as to whether the property would automatically become commercial by virtue Of the fact that it was being used for a pedestrian walk. Mr. Eidt also referred to the drainage problemwhich existed on Ker Street and advised that a storm sewer would possibly have to be installed within the next year. No. 610 - Niagara Falls ~ino_rHoc~_e~Jps~o~.- r~uesting permission to hold Tag Day. ORDERED on~e ~otion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the conununication be received and filed and permission as requested be granted. No. 611 - N_i_aag~a Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting permission to hold Light bulb blitz. ORD'ER~'on the motion· ~ Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the co~mmunication be received and filed and permission as requested be granted. No. 612 - _Br~a~ch__51~R~a~l~qanadian Legion - requesting permission to hold Poppy Week and House to Mouse Blitz. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and permission as requested be granted. No. 613 - Ci~ty of Lendon - requesting endcreation of resolution pertaining to corrections in Assessment Roll. ORDERED om"the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the cmnication be received and referred to the City Manager, City Clerk and Assessment Commissioner for consideration and report. No. 61~ - A~LB~i_g~u~colo & Sons Ltd. - Cuardrail at Motel property, Stanley Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ai~. McKinley and Aid. McCalltun that the comunication be referred to the Property Committee for consideration. REPORTS ~he following Reports were presented: No. 838 - C~it] ~anager - Membership in Industrial Accident Prevention A~sociations. ORDERED on the motion o£ Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cor£ield that the report be adopted. ~ee Communication No. 839 - Property Committee - reporting on request of 172nd Field Harterrs R.C.A. for use of building at Landfill area. ORDERED ON the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be adopted. SEE,~ Communciation 594 No. 840 - City Manager - recommending installation of six street lights on Churches Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 8&l - Special Traffic Committee - Department of Highways sketch of proposed changed at intersection of Falls Ave. and Bender Street at exit to Rainbow Bridge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCalltun and Ald. Martin that this matter be referred to the Conference meeting for consideration. This action was taken since members of Council were of the opinion that any reports were to come to Council rather than the Special Traffic Committee. No. 842 - Negotiations Co!~nittee - Adjustment in salaries for employees at Pollution Control Plant. ORDF~ED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and filed. No. 8&3 - Ne~qti~tions Committee - meeting with Locals 133 and 528. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and AId. Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 84A - rroperty Committee - Crossroads Hotel and conveyance of 50 foot strip. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 845 - ~_Pirppert~. Committee - Meeting with Sign Company Officials on Sign By-law. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 846 - Property Conmi~tee - Meeting with Bydro Officials on capping and ~Mfilling Canal, etc. ORDF3ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report of the Property Committee be tabled until such time as the report is prepared on the transmission line right-of-way and a meeting arranged with Mydro Commission officials, at which time both matters, is:- canal carping and re-filling and use of transmission line property, can be discussed. No. 8A7 - C~ty Engipeer - Tenders for construction of watermains and sewermains Cherrywood Acres Subdivision. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Keighan that the report be adopted and tender awarded to V. Kerrio-Germano ConStruCtion Co. Ltd. SEE Resolution No. 116 No. 848 - qity ~lqrk - Recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted, and licences be issued. No. 8&9 - FP~P~%P~ Contro~ Plant - Operating data for month of September. In respect to this matter it was decided that a more detailed report on the operations of the Plant, including what oa~acity the plant was operating at, would be prepared by the City Engineer for the information of Council and the public. _R~.Sp_Lp7 ~ 0is No. 116 - CORFIELD - KEIGHAN - RES0~NED that the Tender of V. Kerrio-Germano Construction Co. Ltd. for the construction of watermains and sewermains in Cherrywood Acres Subdivision, at a quotation of $~,032.50 be accepted and the work proceeded with as soon as the monies are received; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl~. The following Co~maunications were presented: No. 360 - Greater Niagara General Hospital - comments on resolution from New Tor- onto, ORRERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the cc~nuni- cation be received and filed. Carried, with Aldermen McCallumandKeighan - contrary. SEE Co~xnunication 332 No. 361 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application, A-98, Agosto, Lot 86, I)p~mmond Rood, and advising of the Board's decision that the request to re-zone from StnZle Family Residential to Nei~hbourhood C~m-~cial to permit the erection of a barber shop be not recomended to Council for approval. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan that the eremnunication be received aria the recommendation of the Planning Board be approved. Carried'Unan- imously. Previous to this action, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Mr. Wm. Booth be given permission to address Council. He referred to the sketch which had been submitted by the Planning Board, indicating that 39 property owners in the adjoining area supported ~r. Agosto's application for re- zoning and reiterated previous remarks made at the time of Mr. Agosto's first appli- cation, to the effect that Ih~,mmond Road is classed as an arterial road and it is his understanding that the road will be widened and ~r. Booth contended that to an extent will have lost its status as a purely single family dwelling street and at the present time is in the process of semi-ecennercial, and that when the road is videned it will come within a few feet of all of the homes flanking on DD~m~ond Road. Mr. Booth referred to the inadequate size of Mr. Agosto's lot and the impossibility of constructing a home thereon. Referring to Mr. Cornell's objection, contained in Ccsnunication B53, ~r. Booth advised Council that he is the owner of the building where Mr. Agosto practises at the present time and if Mr. Agosto's application for re-zoning were approved, thenMr. Cornell's property would become vacant. ~r. Booth urged Council to give every consideration to Mr. Agosto's application for re-zoning, and pointed out that compliance will be made to off-street parking requirements and any site plan agreement. Aid. Mitchelson, one of Conncil'e representatives on the Planning Board, referred to the fact that this is the second application and referred to the plan circulated by the City ~anager to Council at this meeting, which shows three areas zoned commercially within 200 feet of the applieant's land and advised that the barber shop now in operation by the applicant is now in a properly zoned area. Aid. Kttchelson pointed out that there have ~een at least three similar re- quests in the sane area where individuals have requested the Planning Board to re- zone from R sidential to Commercial and these have been turned down and therefore to be consistent, this application should be also. ?he Alderman expressed disagree- ment with Mr. Booth's statement that the parcel of property could not be built upon either c~,-~ercially or residentially to meet the present restrictions in the area, and that the Planning Board staff had gone to some trouble to assist Mr. Agosto to show him how a residence could be placed on the land, application of course, being necessary to the Committee of Adjustment for some relief in this respect. Ald.Keighan concurred with Ald. Mitchelson in his remarks and pointed out that the applicant does have the right to appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board. No. 362 - Frank Devlin - requesting Council to accept a short ccemunioation at this meeting. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Mr. Devlin be granted permission to address Council. He indicated that he expects to have a meet- ing between the Traffic Committee and various business men's groups and from that meeting he would get the information he requires as to parking meter finances and money in the City Treasury. 0R1)~RED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Corfield that the camm,mication be received and filed. No. 36B - New York Central System - denying suggestion that N.Y.C. contemplates aban- donment of Csnad~ Division of their railway. ~D on the motion of Ald.Keighan and Aid. 8wayze that'the comtmication be receivedud filed. ORDEBED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Aid. 8~ayze that Mr. W. A. Snyder be permitted to address Council. Mr. Rnyder advised that he had spoken pre- viousl~ on this subject, namely, that the trains on the N.Y.C. which pass his house on Palsmr Avenue, were getting very lengthy and were blocking crossings ~ to BO minutes, and that the trains are travelling in excess of ~0 m.p.h. He 21y. pointed out that with the heavy tourist traffic in this area, a dangerous accident could occur if one of these trains Mumned the tracks. He suggested that his re- marks could be looked into by the special committee and that there should be regulations for speed and the blocking of crossings. He was also of the opinion that the lengthy trains could be broken up into smaller ones. His Worship ~hyor Miller advised Mr. Snyder that he would request the Traffic Committee to make a survey of his complaints. No. 364 - Board of Transport Commissioners _ Notice of Public Hearings concerning New York Central Railway. ORDERED on the'motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed. No. 365 - Dept. of Municipal Affairs - Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act. ORDERED on the motio['Sf Ald. Kitchelson and Ald. ~artin that the connnunication be received and copy made available to the Civic Employees 9nion and other local boards. No. 366 - Dept. of Attorney-General _ re: hazardous intersection at Tho~ld Stone' Road and Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mckinley and Ald. McCal]um that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for con- sideration and a report. No. 367 - Boys' Club of Greater Niagara - appreciation for financial support. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed. No. 368 - Branch 51, Royal Canadian Legion - invitation to Annual Memorial Service June 7th at Cenotaph, Clifton Hill. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the invitation be received, accepted and as many as possible, attend. No. 369 - Division 107, Amalgamated Association of Street, Electric Railway and Motor Coach E~ployees of America. No. 370 - Division 8~6, Amalgamated Association of Street, Electric Railway and Motor Coac[~ployees of America. - requesti~ Council to ~[S~ ~l~o~]~es from operating and/or conducting a point-to-point sightseeing tour within the Niagara Falls area, thereby providing employment to Ni~-ra Falls Bus Drivers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley [hat the communications be received and referred to the Greater Niagara ~ransit C~w~lesion, and following sub- mission of their report, the matter be brought back to Council for reference to a a C~mmittee to study this matter. No. 371 - City of Windsor - resolution re: publishing of audited financial. state- ments. OB/~BED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the resolution be received nnd referred to the City Manager and City Treasurer for consideration and a report. No. 372 - MacBain & Slovak - requesting permission to meet with Property Committee re: urban renewal. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee and they be requested to notify Rr. MacBain when they wish him to appear before their Com- mittee. No. 373 - Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board - enclosing letter from Roy C. Essex, advocating use of IAmdy'8 TaMe Public School site in connection with any new Municipal Administration Building. 0RDEBED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the cc~munication be received and referred to the Centen- nial Ccemittee. No. 37~ - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board . Amendment Application A-iO1, Optimist Club, Pt. T~p. Lot ~97, Dorchester Road, and the Board's decision that the request to re-zone the entire property from Industrial and Residential to a category which will permit the creation of a ~ecreatioual area, be recommended to Council for approval, subject to conditions outlined in the Staff Beport. OR- ~ on the motion of Aid. K[tchelson and Aid. Morton that the communication be received, filed and the recommendation of the Planning Board be adopted. ~arrled, with Aid. ~cCallum contrary. No. ~75 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board . Amendment Application A-102, 21.9. Walters, Pt. T~. Lots 21 and 22, 1791 Riall Street, and advising of Board's decision that the request to re-zone from Single Family Residential to Multi- family residential to permit erection of a two-storey triplex dwelling be not recommended to Council for approval. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the camnunication be received and referred to the Property Com- mittee for consideration and a report. REPORT8 Laid over from the previous meeting: No. ~19 - City Clerk - re: Bill No. 132, an act to amend The PLanning Act. SEE Report 435 No. 423 - City Clerk - application for Public Garage =A" License, not approved by the Licensing Committee. SEE Report 436 The following Reports were presented: No. 431 - Property C~m~tttee . recommendations re: disposition of lands owned by the City and the Board of Education. ORI]EEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Conmunication No. 432 - Property emittee - reckmending that the recommendations of the Plan- ning Board prohibiting the use of the property at 2536 Thorold Stone Road (Syd Levy), for the erection of a motel, be approved. ORBEKED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE C~maunications 258 and 337 No. 433 - Assist, City Mgr.- Administration - recommending application for licence permitting the sale of used cars at 3209 Dru~nond Road, be referred to Special Licensing Conxnittee for submission of a report. ~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 341 No. 434 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Cca~ittee - re: complaint of A.W.Russell. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Aid. Morton that the report be re- ceived and adopted. SEE C~municatiOn 349 No. 435 - Property Committee - advising that further study of legislation respect- ing constitution of the C~.~tttee Of Adjustment, to be made with reference to Bill No. 132. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be receivedand filed. SEE Report Number 419 No. 436 - _.Property Ccsaittee - licenee for operation of used car lot at rear of 770 Queen -~treet, cannot be issued, due to Commercial I status of this Land. DE~EDon the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Keighanthat the reportbe received and adopted and licenee be not granted. SEE Report Number ~2 No. 437 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - re: Official Opening of Pol- lution Control Plant. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. No. 438 '- Sanitation & Pollution Control Cceaittee - report to be presented to Council at an early date re: disposition of sludge free Pollution Control Plant. 01~ on the motion of AId. Corfield and Ald. Morton that the report,be ~e- eelwed and filed. No. 439 - ppecial Traffic Con~nittee - advising Urban Renewal Study at a stand still. ORDERED on the m~6f~n~'~d. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, filed and this matter be referred to the City Solicitor with in- structions to take the necessary action immediately to obtain the Urban Renewal Study Report, or to recover the funds Mid by this municipality: failing satis- factory results of these steps, the matter be taken to the Courts, to ascertain Clty's position. No. 440 - Special Traffic Conunittee - report on study of interim report suggested in Traffic Study Report. ORDERED on the motion oF Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received, filed and the Committee be authorized to meet with the Department of Nighways on this matter. No. 441 - Property Committee - progress report on study of Sign By-law. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Sw~ze that the report be received and filed. No. 442 - Property Committee - report on May 13th meeting re: consideration of' preliminary work to be carried out before actual construction on new pavement on IAmdy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the repor~ be received and adopted. No. 443 - Property Committee - recommending appraisal be obtained from a local realtor concerning the value of properties at Canal bridge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. ~]: - City Clerk - Re: Bill No. 121 - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and referred to the Special Licen- sing C~mnittee, in connection with Item No. l; and Item No. 2 be noted, received and filed. No. 445 - Assist. City Mgr. - Administration . advising of O.M.B. approval of By-law 6529, which amends Zoning By-law 2530, to permit erection and operation of a small neighbourhood medical clinic on the west side of Dorchester Road, north of Thorold Stone Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfleld and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and filed. No. 4~6 - City Clerk - recesshanding issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that thereport be received, adopted and licehess issued accordingly. No. 447 - City Engineer - recommending matter of cleaning up the property at 1050 Ontario Avenue be referred to the Property Co~nnittee for consideration and a report. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and referred to the Property C~mmittee. No. ~48 - City Engineer - recommending matter of cleaning up the property at 198 Terrace Avenue, be referred to the Property Coeunittee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Martin that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for further action. No. ~d+9 - City Engineer - requesting permission to call for tenders for supply and erection of backstop at E. E. Mitchelson Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed and permission granted as requested. No. 450 - City Engineer - recamaendtng purchase of 500 ft. of 42" dimmeter con- crete Dips from Canadian Marietta for tiling remainder of storm ditch in Indu~- trial Subdivision Just north of Industrial St. fram Kent Ave. to Mentress Road. ~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and referred to the City Solicitor and City Manager for consideration and sub- mission of a report. No. 451 - City Engineer - requesting permission to call for tenders for new backhoe to be placed upon Tractor No. 219, Cemetery Dept. OI~)E~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted and permission granted a~ requested. .I 22o. No. 452 - City Engineer - Tenders for demolition of 301 Park Street, 1634-36 Ellen Avenue, and recmending tender of Gordon J. Washington, 2053 Prospect Street be accepted by Council, and that arrangements be made to co~nnence the demolition of the buildings on Ellen Avenue as quickly as possible. No. 453 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Cammittee - recommending proposed con- struction of sidewalk from the east limit of Lot 1, Reg. Plan 34 to existing sidewalk at Orchard Avenue, as contained in Report No. 411, May 8th, 196~, as a local improvement under Section 8 of The Local Improvement Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Coyfield that the reports be received and adopted. SEE Petition No.14 SEE No. 45~ - ~t_ty Engineer - recommending petition for construction of hard-top sur- face on Simcoe Court, be referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee for ~onsideration and a report. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition No.16 PETITIONS Laid over from the previous meeting: No. 14 - E. J. L~nett and 20 others - requesting improved pathway or sidewalk on south side of Murray Street leading to Orchard Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the petition be received, filed and the repor% of the Pollution Control Committee be adopted. SEE Report Nmber 45_3 No. 16 - Mr. & Mrs. D. Desilest and 3 other owners - requesting hard-top surface on Slmcoe Court. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Mc0allum that the petition be again tabled, pending a report of the Sanitation & Pollution Con- trol Camnittee. SEE Report Number 454 R~SOL~TION z The following Resolution was passed: No. 60 - MORTON - CORFIELD - RESOLVED that Repor~ Nbunber 411, for the construction of an extension of the sidewalk from the east limit of Lot 1, Reg. Plan 34 to the existing sidewalk at Orchard Avenue, be received, adopted and work proceeded with as a local improvement; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.' Carried Unanimously BY-lAWS T~e following By-laws were passed: No. 656~ - To provide for the adoption of an amendment to the-Niagara Falls and SuburbanArea Official Plan ( Niagara International Centre Ltd.) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously.- O~EE~ED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~1~ird Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Nltchelson - Carried.Unanimously. No. 6563 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an a~reement. (Vincent Kerrio Cermano Limited.) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Ald.Marbin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of A].d. Martin and Ald. Keighan that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Corfield and Ald. McCallurn - Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. McCallum referred to complaints emanating from Montrose Road ~eSir dents concerning trucks travelling south from Green's Comers, not completely covered with tarpaulins, thus resulting in littering of the area and the City Manager was requested to look into this matter. AId. Martin, Chairman of the Diamond Jubilee Celebration Co~nnittee advised that it would be desirable to have Members of Council present at the official opening of the Pollution Control Plant on Thursday, May 21st at h45 p.m. AId. Martin requested Members of Council and their wives to arrive at the City Hall on Saturday, May 23rd at 3:45 p.m. and that transportation would be provided in the parade which will proceed from the City Hall to the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena and that upon arrival at the Arena, the Niagara DevelOpment Committee will have a reception at Mrs. Helen Schulze's residence on Montrose Road at 5 p.m. For the Drumhead Service on Sunday, May 24th, Ald. Martin requested that Members of Council arrive at the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena by 2:30 p.m. to proceed to the Queen Victoria Park in the parade. He also referred to the Shrine Party on Thursday evening at the Stamford Plaza and on Friday Evening the Hootsnancy to be held by the Kiwanis Club in con- junction with the City's Diamond Jubilee Committee, at the Memorial Arena. events. Members of Council are to receive an official program concerning these AId. McKinley referred to a Globe and Mail picture and story concerning awards made in the way of a Certificate of Merit to those who had contributed to Amateur Sports in the Province, and suggested that Mr. James V. Rose, Coach of the N.F.C.V.I. Red Raiders Championship Basketball Teams, as being certainly eli- gible for such recognition and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that His Worship the Mayor be requested to obtain the necessary in- formation cohcerning such an award to Mr. Rose. Carried Unanimously. Ald. Cotfield referred to a resident on Lundy's Lane south cf the Hydro Canal and the inconvenience he has been subjected to, due to the erection of a sign advertising sight seeing tours, which obstructs his view from his front verananh. The City Manager advised that the Assistan~ Building inspector checked t~is on Friday and it is the intention to have this sign moved back. The matter was left in the hands of the City Manager for correction. Ald. Morton requested the Diamond Jubilee emittee to include the names Of Mr. & Mrs. John Heysel, celebrating their sixtieth wedding anniversary on May l~th, 190~, and suggested they were entitled to one of the mementos being distributed. AId. Martin advised that over 450 aPPlications had been received from residents who have resided in this municipality for 60 years and that lapel pins would be given to the gentlemen and pins for the ladies. Jq I JL W 222. INAUGURATION CEEEMONLES - SPACERIUM AId. McCallum referred to the fact that at the last meeting of Council the request of the President of the Niagara Falls Public Relations Bureau, that Council permit the closing of two lanes of traffic on Clifton Hill, during the inauguration ceremonies outside the Museum, on May 22nd, was turned down, and he was therefore introducing the matter again at this meeting, and moved that the two lanes on Clifton Hill be closed from 4 p.m. to ~:hO p.m., May 22rid. This motion was seconded by Ald. Mitchelson and carried by a vote of 5 to 3, the vote being:- Aye - Aldermen McCallbun, Mltchelson, Swayze, Martin and Corfield. Nays:- Aldermen Keighan, McKinley and Morton. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 25th May, 1964. Clerk FINANCE M~ugriNG Council Chamber, 19thMay, 1964. The Finance Meeting was held on May 19th, 1964, for the purpose of approv- ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All ~embers of the Committee were present, with the exception of Aldermen Potter and Bcott. AId. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. mittee. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $101,O19.26 were approved by the Com- The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Aid. Mltch- elson and AId. Corfield. ~ne Proper~y Coamittee's repor~ on their consideration of t~e request of Gould-~eslie Ltd. for permission to erect one display poster on Iamdy's lane be- tween Beechwood R0adandThorold Town Line. OREBleD on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. ~way:e that the report be received and adopted and the matter be laid in abeyance until the Sign By-law, now being revised, is presented to Council for con- sideration. The City Manager's report on the application of ~ould-Leslie Ltd. for per- mission to erect two signs on the east and West wall of the store at the corner of Ferry Street and Buchanan Avenue at an estilated cost of $720.00 was presented for consideration. OREEIt~D on the motion of Mayor Miller and Alderman Cotfield that the repoxt be received, adopted and permission granted. Alderman Keighan left the meeting - The City Manager's repor~ on the applioation of E. Voeaero, operator of the Parkway Motel, 595 River Road, at the south-west corner of River Road and Park Street, at an estimated cost of $1,150.O0 ~ms presented for consideration. OR- DRIED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. - Alderman Keighan returned to the meeting - The City Manager's report on the application of Your Host Mote], 1551 Murray Street at the north-west comer of Murray Street and Stanley Ave. for Per- mission to erect a neon sign, at an estimated cost of $970.00 was aresanted. OR- DERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Menager's report on the application of Royal Coachman Motel Ltd., ]28~ Ferry Street, corner of Clark and Ferry St., for permission to erect a plastic, illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of $1,675.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. McCallum that the report be received, adqpted and permit issued. The City Menager's report on the application of Mr. J. Hammerton, for a permit to erect a sign advertising Rainbow Pleasure Tours, at 1876 Victoria Ave- nue, on the south side of Victoria Ave. opposite Magdalen Street, at an estimated cost of $1OO.OO was oreseated. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, for the year 196~ only, and also that the misinformation "Last Chance for Inquiry" be removed from the sign. The City Marmger's report on the application of Joseph McKinley of Sight- Seeing Tours of Niagara Falls, for a hermit to erect a si~ at the Ambassador Motel, 3805 Lundy's Lane, between Beakerdams Road and Kalar Road, at an estimated cost of $500.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adonted and pen.it issued, subject t~ the pro- vision that the slFn must be erected under the supervision of the Building Depart- ment with respect to location. The City Manager's report on the application of Wa]ter's Grocery Sto~. 1553 Ferry Street for a pen.it to erect a plastic and metal sign, at an estimated cost of $150.O0 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Palms Restaurant, 353 Queen Street, for a permit to erect a plastic and metal sign, at an estimated cost of $150.00 was presented. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. T~e City Manager's report on the application of Lea] ie Construction and Investment Ltd. for a building permit to construct an addition to the front of the drug store at the Plaza between Huggins Street and O'Neil Street, at an esti- mated cost of $3,000.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, subject to the submission of detailed plans to the Building Inspection Department. The Con~lttee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Keighan. READ AND ADO.PA'ED, 25th May, 196~. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL Council Chamber, 19th ~ay, 1961$. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Heetings on Tuesday, May l~th, 196~, for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were.present, with the exception of Alde~aen Potter and Scott. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 6564 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Swayze that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Corfield and Aid. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. BULL CL~ Aid. McCallum, Chairman of the Equipment Committee, requested Council to approve of an expenditure of $2,177. for repairs to the bull clam, necessary to keep the machine in operation. 0RIMMED on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Ald. Martin that an amount of $2,177.00 be authorized for said repairs. Carried Unani- mously. Aid. McCallum advised that this amount is included in the repair budget for 1964. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. McCallurn. READ AND AD0~'A'SD, 25th May, 196~. 225~ CONFERENCE Councl3 Chamber, 19th May, ]964. The Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular Council Meeting, on Tuesday, May 19th, 196~. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Aidemen Potter and Scott. His Worship Mayor Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. MCCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, May 25th, 1964. q Chairman -.J ~dENTY-FI~PH [qzrING REGULAR ~rING Council Chamber, 25th May~ 1964. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 95th, 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present,with the exception of Alderman Potter. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting adopted these on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Keighan. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 299 - Planning Board - re: Amendment Application A-97, For~una and advising that this application be not recommended to Council for approval. No. 339 - ~_x~in,C~lvert,Shepperd & Clark - re: Amendment Application A-97, and advice that Mr. W. S. Martin will address Council about this matter. On the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Corfield Mr. J. L. den Ouden was g~anted per- mission to address Council on behalf of Mr. Martin who was unable to be present. Mr. den O~den requested Council to re-consider their decision and extend the Com- mercial zoning on Lundy's Iane westerly for another 1500 feet to include his client's proper%y, pointing out that adjacent owners supported this application; the proposed structure would increase assessment and provide employment; would not require any additional extension of services; and in their opinion, would not con- stitute "spont zoning". On the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Scott, Mr. John Broderick was then granted permission to address Council. Mr. Broderick stated that he represented the Marineill Bros. who are owners of a 6 acre parcel of land on the south side of Lundy's Lane west of the Kingsway Motel, and that his clients supported the Fortune application, and were in effect also applying for a change in zoning to commercial since they wished to construct a drive-in restaurant on th~ r property. Mr. Brod- crick advised that in 1963 his eliants had made application for a zoning change but it had not been recommended for two main factors, those being the proposed widening of Lundy's Lane and the extension of the necessary water services. Mr. Broderiek contended that these two factors no longer presented a problem, and the application could be favourably considered by Council. In answer to a question from Ald.Keighan Mr. Broderiek admitted that his clients had been aware of the zoning of the lands when they had purchased the. Mr. den 0uden assumed that his clients ~ld also have known the zoning of their lands. After some discussion by Council it was ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitehelson and Ald. Scott that the communications be received and filed; the decision of the Planning Board with respect to both applications be re-confirmed and Council does not recommend these applications for re-zoning. This motion was carried with Ald. McKinley voting contrary. No. 343 - Department of Agriculture - re: Well-nd County Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Act Advisory Committee (ARDA). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. ~,~ls~ey ~ Aldermen ~zeand Mor~on attend the next meeting and see how it is proposed to finance this Association. SEE Communication 376 No. 354 - Marconi Lodge Soccer Tee - requesting the use of Oakes Park for prac- tices. 0RDE~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that this group be allowed to use Oakes Park every Thursday night for soccer practices. BEg Rel~rt N~ber 1555 227. No. 375 - Planning Board - re: Amendment Application A-102. Waiters, Ria] 1 St. ORDEF~ on the motion of Ald. ~ayze and Ald. Keighan that the request for re- zoning be not approved, as recommended by the Planning Board. SEE Report Nt~nber 456 The following Communications were presented: No. 376 - Departm_ent of Agriculture - further communication on "ARDA" Assoc. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. McKinley that Aldermen Swayze and Morton attend the next meeting and see how it is proposed to finance this Assoc- iation, and the cnmmunication be received and tabled. SEE Communication 343 No. 377 - Gary Pearsall, Student Guide Service - submitting application to oper- ate a Guide Service on premises between ~6~nd 16~6 Ferry Street. ORDERED on , the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that Mr. T. W. Belford be granted per- mission to address Council. Mr. Belford stated that the service would be operated by students only, and that in fact, his Group would welcome legislation passed by Council restricting this particular business to students only. He also stated that the group would mostly work from motels and hotels and hoped to eventually have 500 units. He also emphasized the point that the guides would not drive the tourist cars. After consideration it was ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Corfield that the application be referred to the Property Committee and City Solicitor to meet with the group to find out more information and bring hack a full report to Council. No. 378 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce, Education Committee - re: explana- tion of proposed Junior Achievement programme. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and Mr. Sisson be notified that he will be granted permission to address Council on this matter at the next Council meeting. No. 379 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing re: application of George Schneider Const. Co. No. 380 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing re: application of Mrs. W. O. Vaughan. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Corfield that the communications be received and filed. No. 381 - John R. Brtscall - requesting re-zoning of Part of Lots 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39, R.P. 876, from Residential to Commercial. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Planning Board for a report to Council. No. 382 - Cdn. Corps Assoc. - Telegram of congratulations in respect to Sixtieth Anniversary Celebrations. No. 383 - Mayor of Hamburg, N.Y. - Telegram of congratulations in respect to Sixtieth Anniversary Celebrations. ORDEEED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Corfie].d that the telegrams be received and filed, and original copies be placed in the Sixtieth Anniversary Scrapbook. No. 384 - N.F. District Bd. of Education - requesting meeting with Council to consider location of proposed administration building. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and tablsd until such time as a repor~ on this matter is received from the Assistant Oity Mgr., Administrative. No. 385 - Greater Niagara Transit Comm. - re: changes in certain bus stops. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for report, and that Mr. Storr be invited to attend on the tour of survey. 229. REPORTS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 419 - City Clerk - Bill No. 132, an amendment to the Planning Act. SEE Report Number 435. SEE Report Number 457 No. 435 - Property Committee - Rill No. 132 and report at next meeting. SEE Report Ntunber 419, SEE Report Number 457 No. 247 - City Engineer - report on Property at 1050 Ontario Avenue. SEE Report Number 458 No. 448 - City Engineer - report on property at 198 Terrace Avenue. SEE Repor~ Number 459 The following Reports were presented: No. h55 - Parks & Recreation Committee - reporting on request of Martoni Lodge Soccer Team for use of 0aRes Park for practices. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the report of the Comittee be received and adop- ted, and the Committee be given power to act with respect to granting permission to this group to use Oakes Park every Thursday evening. SEE Conmmunication 352 No.4~6 - _orojerty_C_o__m~__itte__e_ - re~-~ng on Amendment App!les+i~n A-192. Waiters. ORDERED on the mo~on of AId. 9,'aTze and AId. Keigha~ ~het the repcrt be re- ceived end filed~ and permission for re-zoning be not apprnved. SEE CQ~munieation 375 No. h57 - Prooerty Committee - Report on provisiQn~ nf Bill 132 and effect on Com- mittee of Adjustment and Planning Board. ORDERED on the motion Of A]~.Keighan and Ald. Corfie]d that the report be received and filed and the Committee arrange to meet with the representatives of the Planning Board. SEE Report Number 219, BE Report NUmber 435 No. h52 - Property Committee - Reporting on condition of property at 1050 Ontario Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and recommendations contained therein adopted. SEE Report NUmber 427 No. 459 - Property Committee- Reporting on condition of property at 198 Terrace Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the'report be received and recommendations contained therein adopted. SEE Renort Number No. 460 -CityManager - reporting on construction of Royal Coachman Motel at cor- ner of Clark Ave. and Ferry St. 0RDEHED on the motion of Ald.Keighan and Ald~ Corfield that the report be received and filed. - tit Manager - reporting on Tour sign located on Tnndy's Tane adjacent to 3].02 Lundy s Lane. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the report be received and the matter referred to the Property Committee for inspection and action. No. ~62 - City Manager - Reporting on erection of motel on hmdy's Lane by Peter Samitz and the dwelling incated in the centre of the premises. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and filed. No. 463 - CIty Engineer - Report on Tenders received for backstop at Mitcheleon Park. ORKERED on the motion of Ald. McE~nley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted and tender be awarded to lowest bidder, Vincent Kerrio- ~ermano Co. Ltd. L mot]on of A]~. Mor~-cr 8n~ A~d. 8wayze that th~ rea-~rt be received ~mnted to ca].] For Tenders. Nn. h65 - C~ty Engineer - reporting ~n ~e-cq~rt~'~'r ~* ~adwz.,, and re-location of street ~iKhts. ORDERED ~n the ,~t'~n ~f A]~. Scot'*- an~ A2~. Cotfield that the repom be received and referred to the Traffic Cash!tree report. No. 466 - City Engineer - rep~rt~g ^n pr~se~. dra~na~-e ~u-se to ~m~-'~"~ ;ra= conditions on ~lorold Stone Road i~edffste]y ',jest of Moatrose Read. ORDERED cn the motion of AId. Mottom and AId. Martin that the repe~ be received sn~ -e~erred to the ~nitation & Pollution Centtel Ca~ittee for considersfLea as a 1o6~ w~rks pro.iect. At this tfme~ Mrs. E. Bendie was granted oemiss~n to address Council on the motion of A!d. Martin and Ald. Scott. Mrs. Boodle spoke of the very bad conditions existing on her proDarty and asked Oemisslon to run a Dtoe to the d}tch ~n front of her home in order to dispose of sewage and ~mter since the sentic and ti~e bed in the back of the orecatty ~.ms not work~nc properly. Mr. Eidt state~ that he would ask the Health ~pa~ment to look ~nto the matter the first %h~ng in the moming. No. ~67 - I)enuty Clerk - recommending issuance of 1.iceaces. ORDERED on the mot]on of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Morton that the report be received, adented and licenoes issued accordlng]y. MISCELLANEOUS It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Scoth that on behalf of the Mayor and Members of Council that conFratu]ations be extended to Alderman Martin, Chairman, and Ald. Swayze, of the Sixtieth Anniversary Committee. and to the various citizens and organ~ zetions who '.,~.:ked ~n the project. far th~ excellent manner in ~{hieh the Celebrations were eartied out. Alderman Martin ex- pressed the appreciation of his Committee for the vote of thanks eTtende~ hy Council, and stated that the success cf the Celebrations had only been made pcss~b!e by the co-operation received from the other organizations and individuals. Aid. McKinley informed Council of the fact that two City buses which had been used to teke passengers to a picnic to ~aeenston on Saturday, May 23r~ had apparently remained there all day, instead of returning, thereby depriving local citizens of their use~ especially after the Parade. His Worship Mayor Mi]ler advised that he would look into this matter. Alderman Keighan spoke on the matter of trains whistling at the cross- ing at Stanley Avenue south of McLeod Road. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Ke]ghan and Ald. Mitche].son that the matter of ireins whistling at crossings be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for a report. Aid. Swayze referred to the length of freight trains passing through the City, and the long period of time crossings were blocked. It was decided that this matter along with a previous similar request could be referred to the City Solicitor for a report. The City Manager reported on the request received from the Royal Cana- dian Legion to have the Ki]tie Band av~ilable for the services at the Cenotaph on June 7th, and stated this would be the third occasion that the City had ordered the use of the Kiltie Band. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitche]son and Ald. Swayze that the City order the Kiltie Band for the services at the Cenotanh on June 7tn. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and AId. Morton, Read and adopted, let June, 1964. De uty-C ~rk 23|. Council Chamber, 25th May, 1964. 7me Finance Meeting was held on May 25th, 196~, for the purpose of approv- ins and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Alderman Potter. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $278,427.20 were approved by the Com- mittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- dered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council on the motion of Ala. McCallam and Ald. Swayze. The report of the City Manager on the construction of the motel at 945 Clifton Hill, owned by Mclntosh Limited, was presented, along with a report on the building submitted by the Fire Inspector. After consideration it was ordered the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchelson that the matter be referred to the Prop- erty Connittee to look into the situation, and all data concerning this matter such as reports, building permits issued, and cmunications be turned over to the Prop- erty C_nm~ittee for their consideration in submitting a report on the matter. The City Manager' s report on the application of Border-Pontiac Buick I. tmtted for a building permit to erect a building on the east side of Portage Road on Lot 90 between Morrison Street and Virginia Street was presented for considera- tion. The esttw~ted cost of the building to be $250,000.00. OBTR~ED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. 8wayze that the report he received, adopted and permit granted. The City Manager's report on the application of Fawley's Man's Shop, located at 1255 Victoria Avenue for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated sign at an estimated cost of $290.00 was presented for consideration. OPa~ED on the motion of Aid. Kei~han and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Pigott Construction Ltd. for a ~uilding permit for the Niagara International Centre t~m~ted for the ex- cavetion and foundation onl~v of the main tower bldg. at an estimated cost of $125,000.00 was presented for consideration. At this t~ne a motion was submitted by Ald. Morton, seconded by Ald. Corfield that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted and a building permit be issued, and it was suggested by Ald. Martin that such a permit have a notification attached, to the effect that in view of the fact that the site plan a~reement has not yet been agreed to by Council that the responsibility for startin~ the work would rest upon the Contractor. This motion was Withdra~n. After further consideration it was then ~ on the motion of Ald. Scott, seconded by Ald. Morton that the matter be tabled for one week until the Soli- citor is satisfied the site plan agreesent is in'-accord with the By-law. This mo- tion ~as Carried with the following vote: Aye: Alde:men Scott, Martin, ~eighan, Mitchelson, Mcw~uley, Morton, Corfield. Na~e: Mayor Miller, Ald. McCallurn and Ald. The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. W. Leitch, E1 Brookview Court, Ancestor, for a permit to erect a sign on the vacant lot at the north-wast onrner of Main St. an4 MarMet St., at an estimated cost of $30.00 presented for consideration. ~ on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and AI~. 5waFze that the report be adopted, and persit issued. The report of the City Manager on the application of Foxhead Imports, Unite~t Cigar Co., for a penair to erect a plastic illuminated sign on the west side of Falls Avenue, between Bender Hill and Clifton !~lll at an estimated cost of $~0.00, ~as presented for consideration. OI~81~BD on the sotion Of Ald. MsCallua and AId. 8w~Wee that the report be received, adopted and penair issued. This motion was carried with Mayor Miller and AIdeman Morton voting contrary. ",r _L_ The report of the City Manager on the application of Oneida Community Develol~nent Ltd. for a permit to erect a plastic facer sign on the west side of Falls Avenue between Bender Hill and Clifton Hill at an estimated cost of $1,200.00 was presented for consideration. It was noted that the dimensions of the sign had been changed to 1'~" x 5~'9~'. ORDEHED on the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald. Coyfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The report of the City Manager on the application of International Resort Facilities Limited for a permit to erect a sign at the Oneida Co~munity Development Centre on the west side of Falls Avenue at an estimated cost of $1,200.00 was presented for consideration. ORDMAI~D on the motion of Ald.Mitchelson and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The report of the City Manager on the application of International Resort Facilities L~m~ted for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated facet sign at the Oneida Community Development Centre on the west side of Falls Avenue, at an esti- mated cost of $700.00, was presented for consideration. ORI3EBED on the motion 0f Ald. Scott and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and pemit issue~. This motion was carried with Ald. Morton voting contrary. ~e Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Mitchelson. I~EAD AND ADOFEED, 1st June, 196~. Chairman of Fins~ce C0~NCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 25th May, 1961+. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, May aSth, 196~ for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present, with the exception of Alderman Po~ter. BY-XAW The following By-law was passed: By-law to provide monies for general purposes. ~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ai~. McCallurn that Ald. Martin he granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried ~nanimous~v. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. ~artiu and Ald. Morton t~at Rule 36 (Z) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Aid. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield. BEADAND~J30p~xn, 1st June, 19~. Mayor TWENTY-SIXTHMEETING I~I~7,ULAR l~lrz'iNG Council Chamber, 1st June, 1964. Pursuant to adaournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 1st, 196~, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen Potter and Mitchelson. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfleld. I~PU~ATION Mr. A. C. Jolley, Registrar of Deeds for the County of Welland, was per- mitted to address Council, on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Morton. He pro- ceeded to explain in brief the recent change in the registration fees and its effect on the City of Niagara Falls, being the largest municipality in the County of We]l-nd. , C~NICATIONS Laid over fr~ previous meetings: No. 291 - Niagara Falls Separate SchoolBoard - req. erection of a stop sign on Brant Avenue at Churchill Street. 0RDERE~ on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Aid. McCallumthet the c~-mAnication be received and filed and the request be not granted. SEE Report Number A~8 No. 369 - Division 107, No. 370 - Division ~86, AmalgmAated Association of Street, Electric ReilwaJ_ and Motor Coach E~ployees of~Jaerica, requesting Council to stop from operating and/or conducting a point-to-point sightseeing tour within the City. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. SWze that the communications be again tabled pending study and report by Greater Niagara Transit Commission; following which His Worship the Mayor will appoint two Mambers of Council to sit in with the Commission to consider Ccmnission's report and then report beck to Council. SEE Ccemunication No. 378 - Earl R. Sisson, Education C~!ttee, Greater Nia~are Chamber of C~,~erce - OI~/~i~D on the motion of AId. Scott and Aid. Corfield that Mr. Sisson he granted permission to address Council. He proceeded to outline the origin of Junior A~hievesent and discussed with Council the possibility of the instituting of such a pr~e in the City of Niagara Falls. Following his presentation, it was or- dered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. McCallum that the natter he referred to the Property Cne. ittee and the speaker he invited to attend the Ccsaittee meet- ingand submit all information at his disposal on this subject. The following Ccsmunications were presented: No. ~8~ -Oreater Niagara Transit C~s~tssion - with reference to objections by Loeal 107 and~to operation of sightseeing tours by out-of-town buses. 0Frm~ED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Swayze that the c~uniontion be received and filed and as suggested by the Cosmission, ~he necessary study in eceaittee be made and when the date is available for discussion, that representatives of Council be requested to attend. No. ~87 - Kin~s~sq~Transports Ltd. - invitation to official opening, Jane ~th. O~I~I~D on the action of Ald. MeCall,~ and Ald. Morton that the invitation be re- ceived, aceopted and as many as find it possible, attend. No. 388 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Proper definition of a 'hc~el'. ~on the motion of Ald. MeKinley and Aid. Martin that the cceauni- ontionbe received and referred to the forthccaingaeeting to be held on the stud~ of the proposednew Torn Plan. No. 3~ - Hieears Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - ~mendment Application A-g, NiaGar~ International Centre Ltd. and enclosinE copy of revised site plan. OffERED on the motion of AId. Hartin and Ald. Scott that the communication be re- ceived and filed and Council approve the actions of the P!sn~ln~ Board and the revised site plan. No. 390 - Ontario Human Rights Cossession - enclosin~ copy of current issue of "Human Relations" and requesting proclamation of June 15th as HaEna C~arta Day. OREIF~ED on the motion of Aid. Hartin and Aid. XcCall,~ that the conanunioatlon be received~ filed and proclamation issued an requested. No. 391 - City of London - resolution re: Hawking of special sewer rates on high rise apartment buildings. OFd~sm~ on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. Kel(~han that the resolution be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control C~lttee for submission of a report. ' He. 3~2 - City of London - resolution to petition Ontario Government to assume entire costs of administration of Justice, inclu~Ln~ cost of builddnE and maintaining Court Houses and Jails. ORIII~D on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Corfield that the resolution be received and referred to the City Solicitor for a report. No. 393 - Griffiths, Sharpe & Clement - outlining objections of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph JAmssty, 307J; Lund~'s Tmne, tO sign erected by the Falls Nanor Motel and Restaurant, adjacent to their property. On the motion of Aid. Norton and Aid. Scott, Mr. J. T. Clement, was permitted to address Council. He reiterated the objections to the siSn in question~ as contained in the communication and suggested that Council under ~ection 2~3 of The Hunicipal Act, has the power to protect the health, wel- fare and safety of the inhabitants of the City of NiaSara Falls. It us then or- dered on the motion of Aid. Xorton and Aid. Kei~han that Mr. Elllore he ~ven per- mission to address COuncil. He referred to the aplzrent satisfaction of the adjacent owners, Mr. & Mrs. Jamesty, to the siSn when it was first erected and he us of the opinion that two large trees are the onl~ obstacles obstructing their view. In answer to the possibility of movin~g the sige back~ Mr. Elliott us of the opinion that the sige would then not serve its purpose. IPollov~ng further discussion~ it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hartin and Aid. Corfield that the coeaunioation be referred to the Property CcemLtttee and the two parties involved be invited to sit down with the C~antttee to endearour to arrive at an amicable solution. Carried, with Aldermen Ke~nn~ and Svayze - contrary. An amendment made by Aid. Kei~ha~ that the matter be referred to the Traffic Committee, 'received no seconder. No. 3~ - Robe. A. Oraen - outlin~g difficulties due~to present inadequate water facilities of several residents of Thorold Stone Road - Garner Road area~ and re- questin~ advice as to City*s intentions. OREBRED on the motion of Aid. Hartin and Aid. Mor~on that the ecmntmication be received, tabled for two weeks, pendin~ re- port to Council, follov~n~ meetdng with O.N.B. _r--~-_a_irsan.on Clty's Debt Position. He. 395 - John J. 1~ . re~ueettn~ Council to re-consider its decision of refusln6 a Used Car Lot I~cence to a. ~lzo~ttl. Ol on the m~l~ of &ld. ~11~ nd ~d. ~e tMt ~. ~ ~ ~tted.to a~ss C~etl. ~ referred to his eon~ct to-~ vlth the Y~g ~ conceni~ t~ use of the proN~y In ~es- tlon for ~ts p~e .ud he ~e~ed ~ell to ~-c~si~r its ~etston. ~- E on the ~ti~ of AId. ~t~ Ed Md. ~ze t~t the e~t~tlon be ~- cei~d, ~bled, ~n~n~ ~cetpt of a ~po~ fn the P~ ~. No. 3~ = L. G. Bhek~ - ~stinS e~si~mt~on ~n 1Mve of absence ~ eer- ~ oo~ Is ~, in o~otion ~ his ~cent appoin~t as ~ Vice- ~slO~ of ~o ~vision of O.U.P.E. ~ on the ~i~ of ~d. M~ and AId. ~ t~t the e~i~ti~ ~ ~ceiv~, filed ~d the me e~o~mtion as in t~ ~st, ~ e~enhd. No. 39? - Seatmar on Civic Desi2n - ~uly )~th to 15th, 8trotford. ORE!~D on the i mot on of AId. Co~field and AId. MeC~llvm that the cossanitation be roeaired and · referred to the City Mana&~r for subudssion of a report, No. 398 - Joe. P. ~alph - Option to lease City lot. ORDEBED on the motion of Aid. Scott and AId. Corfield that the conmunioation be received and referred to the Property CoonleVee for a report. No. 3~ - Nia~re Peninsula Conservation Authority - invitation to official open- in~ of Bsll's Falls Conservation Area, June lath. O~ on the motion of Ald. ~vayze and Aid. Corfield that the invitation be received, accepted and as man~ of the Members of Council as find it possible, attend. No. ~ - Joe. Lokodi and Mr. & Mrs. Kara~i - objecting to issuance of permit for erection of proposed sight seeing sign on west limits of ~nbassador property. OR- E on the motion of Ald. Ke~8~8_n_ and Aid. Corfield that the cc~snunioation be received and referred to the Property Cnm~ittee for sub~iesion of a report. No. ~01 - Lund~'s Lane Historical Society - requesting permission to hold a parade on July ~Sth, commemorating the Anniversary of The Battle of Lundy's ~ne. I~RED on the motion of Ald. 5~ze and Aid. Morton that the communication be re- ceived and tabled for one week, pending the obtaining of additional information by Aid. 8~a~Vze, one of Councll's representatives on the Hlsto)~i-oal Society. No. ~O2 - D. T. Lapp - counting on proposed operation which will discharge sewage . effluent into Niagara River, which v~ll affect drinking water supply. ORE~BED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the ccanunioation be received and referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for suba~Lssion of a report. No. ~O3 - Blue Top Motel - No. ~ - Falls View Motel'Hotel - No. 1;O5 - Pen-0-Rama Motel - No. ~O6 - Oskes Drive Motel - objecting to establishing Buchanan Avenue as a one- ~ay street. Alderman Martin, member of the Special Traffic C~ittee, indicated assurance that a report containing such a proposal has not been presented to Council and that the Special Traffic Committee are not prepared at this time to have any outsiders meet v~th the Cclmittee at the present time; that other requests to meet w~th the C~lttee have had to be refused until such time as the Cnmmittee completes its stud~ of the Traffic Survey Report. O~u~51(s~ on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. 8vayze that the comunications be received and tabled until such ttm~ as the Spacial Traffic Committee has had the opportunity to consider the sev- eral phases of the report and make recc~endations, and that the writers be advised that as of the present raceant there is no recce,~endation before Council, or any- thing pending as to what is proposed in the area referred to. No. ~O7 - Mat4onal Historical Wax Museum (Canada) Ltd. - outlining concern reSard. ing an~ proposed traffic patterns affecting the Falls View area. ~ on the motion of AId. Hartin and Ald. McCallurn that the c~mication be received and tabled until such time as the Special Traffic Ccmaittee has had the opportunity to consider the several phases of the report and m~s reccenendations, and that the writer be advised that as of the present moment there is no recceamndation before Council or anTthing pendinE as to what is proposed in the area referred to. !o. ~O8 = Nia;ara Falls T.dons Club - Playground (hairman - expressing appreciation to City Council and officials fo'~'co-opennting in operation of Lienee Playgrounds in 1~, and outlining proposals for 1~. ORIIRED on the motion of Aid. McKinley d an AId. K~iGhan that the communication be received end referred to the Parks and Recreation Ccemittee for suiNn~ssion of a report. La~d over £x~m previous meetinSe: No. 339-- Cit~ Olerk - rez establishment of Census Tracts in this City. SEE Report Number No. ~1 - City Mana~er - adv~s~n~ of cheokamde of sign at Falls Manor Hotel on Lun~y's Lane. 81E Report Number k~ No. ~5 o C~t¥1ngineer - ~reet li6ht~ on Oneidaxa,e. qlReport .Nusber No. ~ - Cit]r Mane er - re: present erection of a 37 unit motel by Mr. P. 8amltz, south side of Lund~s Xane between Montrose Road and .F4xlar Road. 0R~Y. RED on the motion of Aid. S~ayze and Aid. Corfield that the report be received and filed. ~'~e following Reports yore presented: No. ~68 - Traffic Cementtree - reccsm~ndtng that stop sign he not erected at inter- section of Churchill St. and Bremt Ave. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Cox'field and Aid. NcCallum that the report be received and'adopted. 8XX C(~munioation ~91 No. ~69 - Property Committee - rec~ndations re: Falls ~snor Sign. ORE on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Corfield that the report be referred hack to the Property Celnittee and the two lmrties involved be invited to sit down with the Committee to endearour to arrive at an amicable solution. Carried, with Aid. Kei~h~n and S~n~lrze contrary. An _-mendsent made b~ Aid. Keigban that the matter be referred to the Traffic C~sntttee, received no seconder. SEE Ccmmunioatton No. ~0 - Traffic Ccextttee - reccmendlnS that steps be taken to ascertain ff an anTcement between A. Innnuzzelli, Rlagnre Falls l~rdro, and the Clty, can be entered into providing for looatlon of street lights on I~nnuZzelll's light standards on Oneida X~ne. ~]J on the motion of Aid. Mor~on and Aid. Swede that the report be received and adopted. SES Report Number No. ~71 - City Clerk - further report on census tracts. 01RE on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Cox'field that the report be received and adopted. Report Rusher 339 leo. ~72 - City Clerk - re: 10~0 Ontario Avenue. No. ~73 - Property Committee - re: 1050 Ontario Ave. 0BE on the motion of Ald. Kelpban and Aid. 8Wze that the reports be received and tabled for one week, and in the interim, the Building Department check to see whether an~ action is being taken to clean up the premises, and the Solicitor proceed with the requested con- sideration as to additional or renewed wording in the By-law which vould tighten up the effect of the by-low. No. ~7~ - City Clerk - R~: By-lay Nmlber ~kl, to prbvlde for an exception in the case of property at south-east corner of Beechwood Roud and Canboro Road, in order that sane might he used for operation of a tour and sight-seeing bun]mess, although located in Agricultural Area; and advtstn~ of Planning Branch's confirmation of their previous opinion. ~ on the motion of Ald. Ket_eha- and Ald. ~yze that the report be received and filed, the necessary aetiou taken to have the plan amended so as to provide for the requested use. Carried by a vote of 5.to 3, the vote being: Aye - Aldermen Ket_eh~-_, 8WZe, McKinley, .Norton and Cotfield. Ma~re: - Aldermen McCe/lun, Seo~t and Nortin. 8~ Besolutton leo. 63 ~ 3y-law leusber 6571 No. ~7~ - City )kum~er - s%t~gestlng 1Ds~A~l/atlon of W~terl~ln to serve ~rp. T.o~ 79, Montro.e ~kl. and Tnoreld Stone 1~1. to he ae~Nlred by ~etlml~ Bros. Ltd. from F,A. ]~l~.nse~ld~e. O]~]~M~/) on the lotion of Ald. ~e~_"h~ end Ald. ]~].lua ~la~ the re- port he received and ade/~ed. Ro. kTT - l'~lMgs m~d Reer~a~to~ Crmm-tt~ee - reccm~enetng cl~0~tlon'ol"~'~aa and M~rm of ~2,189. for ~ relov~l of existlug fl-l~, the cle~-~ng of the concrete ~n~ the s~l~l]r sM al~lleatlo- of tvo sects of special pool ]l~sonry 1M~lnt for the sTepSOn 8~eet v~tn~ pool, he a:oepte,~, ~md the wof~ proceede~ vM~m tjmle~l~te]4r. At this ties Council were advised that a tender had also been submitted b~ S. & L. Delaney~s Lisited~ Just prlor to the Council Noetin(, and it van ordered on the motion of Ala. McKinley and AId. McCallvan that the tender be opened, initialled by !/is Worship the Nayor. Carried, with AId. Martin contrary. AId. )CotSban ex- pressed dts-satllfaotlon ,with this proeedure~ bein~ of the oplnton, that if time i 2s'F. would permit, tenders be called. The Clt~ Manager advised that a quotation had ~een requested by the PUrchasing Agent fram Judd end Munn, and it us desirable to have a local ftrm's quotation also. ORI~MEU on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Aldermen Ket~hs-_, Martin and Morton - contrary. No. ~78 - Property Committee - re: discussion held vlth Planning Dlractor on changes 'necessary due to Bill No. 13~. 01R]~I~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Corfteld that the report be received and adopted. No. ~79 - Traffic Cceatttee - meeting held vtth North End Businessmen to discuss in detail a proposal to establish additional parking area to serve the Qeen St. district. 0R~HED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Svayze that the report be received and filed. No. ~80 - Treffic Cr,m~ttee . suggesting trmffic counts by x-~ineerlng Dept. to detemnlne if more adequate control is necessary at intersection of Cravford St. at St. James, Longhurst and Elberta. ORE on the motlon of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfleld that the report be received and adopted. No. ~81 - Traffic C~-~lttee - recrmw~nding installation of trmfflc lights at in~e'r- section of DOrchester Road and ~'norold Stone Road; and additional information be obtained in order to make necessary application to Dept. of Transport. 0R~BED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. McCallvan that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 366 Ma~ 19th Meetln~. No. ~Se - Negotiations Cc~mlttee - MeetJag to be held with Locals 133 and ~S8, June 3rd to discuss request of various persons who have le/~ employ of the Cor- poration, that allowance I~nt for holidays should be reviewed. ORE on the motion of AId. Norton and Aid. Scott that the repor~ be received and filed. No. ~3 - Equtl~ent Cc~ssalttee - rmccemendtng purchase of a Ford Chassis and Cab with autcmattc gear, for sum or $8~0~2.~; and a Joy Rotary Airvane Canpressor for the sum of $k,361.00. ~ on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received, and adopted. Carried, with Aid. Ketghan - contrary. No. ~8~ - Ctt[~r~ger . reckending appointment of Mlss L~nn Morrison to the posltlon of Clerk-Stenographer at ~ngineering Office. O~nE~ED on the motlon of Aid. Scott and Aid. Corfteld that the report be received and adopted. No. ~8~ - City Manager - advlsing of various appointments to City Staff. on t~ motion of Ald. McCall, m and AId. Scott that the report be received and filed. No. ~86 - City Clerk - reccemending issuance of ltcences. 0R~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. S~e that the repor~ be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. No. ~87 - Ctty~nglneer - report on attendance at 196~ International Muntclpsl Perking Congress in Pittsburgh, Ms~y 17th to 2Oth. 01~ on the notion of Aid. NeKtnleyandAid. Scott that thor sport ha received and flled. PETITION following Petition b~s presented: No. 17 - S. H. Batsman and others - opposing application for student tour guides. 0~ on the motlon of AId. Kei(han and Aid. ~ze that the petltton be received and referred to the Property CoSttee to be considered when this matter ls under discussion. ~ne folioring Resolutions were passe4: No. 61 - 8WA~ - McCALL~ - F~IND that Alderman 8. Corfteld be ~ranted three weeks' leave of abEones frca City CounotlJ and the 8eel of the Corporation be hereto affixed. eartied Unaniaousl~ No. ~ - Ne~ ~ ~. I~0INID that Mr. A. C. RugSins, Assistant City Manager-Adm~nlstration, be appointed as Co-ordinator to work with Marie Curtis, President of the O~tario Association of !~ors and Reeves, in cnnnection with the forthcoming convention to be held in Niagara Falls in the year 1967; being the Centennial Yearj and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 63 - EEIOt~!I - 8¥AIZE - RESOLVED that the necessar~ action be instituted to have the Area Plan amended so as to provide for the requested use of the property at the south-east comer of Beechwood Road and Highway No. 20; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. <Contrary = Aldermen McCall~, Scott and Martin) o Carried. BY.. lAWS A by-law to amend Zoning l~-iaw No. 5335 (1955) of the City of Hia~ara Falls, as amended. (Nl~ra International Centre T.tm{ted) 0~TE~ED on the motion of AId. 8~ayze end Aid. Corfield that Ald.Eeiahan be 8=anted the privilege of introducing the by-iav and the b~-law he given the first resat,g.. Carried Unanimously. ORESRED on the motion of AId. EelSham and Ald. McCall~ that mule 36 (2) of the Standin6 Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second readin6. - Carried Unanhnous]~. T~ird Readin6 - Aid. Corfield and Ald. 8wayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~6~ = A by-law to authorize the execution of an A6ree~ent (Niagara International . Centre Limited) OR~BI~D on the motion of AId. 8wayze and AId. Corfield that Ald. Ke]~han be ~x~xnted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unauimous]$. O~Tx~su on the motion of AId. Kei~ha- and Aid. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tandin6 Rules of Council ha temporarily suspended and the by-law be ~ven the second readin6. - Carried Unanimously. Third Beading - Aid. McCalltin and AId. 8ea~ze - Carried. IT WAS ~ ORE~gED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. McCallurn that the permit be now granted to Nia6ara International Cantre Limited for the excava- tion and foundation ~ork in connection with the proposed promeet. Carried Unanimously. MO. 6~68- A by=iav to provide for the execution of an A;reeaent hatveen the Corpor- ation of the City of ]lia~ara Falls and the 8ternford Centre Volunteer F~te~en"s Association. Callun be the first O~ on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and AId. Sexa~a that Aid. 8x%nted the privile;e of introducIng the byolaw and t~he by-law be given reading. - Carried Unan~ly. ~ on the motion of Aid. M~Callum and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) o~' the 8tandin6 Rules of Council ha tempox~rll~ suspended and the b~-lav be given the second readin6 = Carx~ed Unan~mouniv. Third Read~ - AId. 8warxe an~ Aid. KeiShan = Carried t~lmousiv. ~o_. 6569 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an a~reeeent between the Corpora- ~ton of the Ci~ of Niaaara Falls and the H.~.P.C. of Ontax~o. I_ 2~9. 0REARED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. McKinley that Ald.Kei6han he 6ranted the privile~e of introducing the by-law and the by-law he given the first read/n~. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Morton and AId. Svayze - Carried Unanimously. AId. Martin v~s of the opinion that s~ne type of agreement at this time should be considered so that the dust and mud conditions will be taken care of by Hydro, during their remedial work in this locality, as it was unfair to the residents in the area concerned to have to put up with such conditions, because of the large amounts of dirt that will be handled at this site, and the tracks involved delivering the same over the roads in the area. The Alderman advised that he ~lll be satisfied if the City Manager and City Engineer keep Hydro advised of Council's feelings in this re~ard. No. 6~7o - A BT-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Ni re Falls and Suburban Area Official Plan. (Crossroads Hotel, Thorcard Read~ and Optimist Club on Dorchester Road). ORI~aED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Aid. McCall~n that AId. Kei~han be ~ranted the privileee of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the . - first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0R]~ on the motion of Aid. l(ei~ and Aid. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tandin~ Ru/es of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be ;ivan the second read~n6. - Carried Unanimously. Third Readin6 - Aid. McFdnley and Aid. 8uyze. - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~71 - A by-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Official P/an. (Gordon Wood). ORIFaED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Cotfield that Ald.Ket~hsa be granted the. privilege of introducin6 the by-law and the by-law he given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0RIBR~D on the motion of AId. Ke~ ~- and Aid. 8wayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin6 Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-lay be 8~ven the second read~n6. - Carried, with Aldermen Martin, Scott and McCallurn contrary° Third Readin~ -Ald. Morton and Aid. M¢w~nley - Carried, with Aldermen Scott, Martin~ and McCallun contrary. Council adjourned to Finance Maetln6 on .the motion of Aid. McYduley and Aid. S~ayze o AND ADOPTED, 8th June, 196~. FII(ANCE MEBTIN(I Council 1st June, ~ne Finance Meeting was held on June 1st, 1~, for the purpose of approv- log and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Menhers of the C~.mittee were present, with the exception of Aldermen Mltchelson and Potter. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $158,8~2.6~ were approved by the Com- mittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council on the motion of Aid. Nexton end AId. Scott. The report of the Proparty Committee on their inspection of the pr~mtses at ~+5 Clii%on Hill, was presented. 0~U~F~ on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. ~wayze that the report be received and filed, with the exception of Item ~ and it be adopted as read, and a personal inspection of the premises be made by all menhers A further c~mmunicatlOn was presented from (kmld-Leslie Ltd. in connection ! f! with their application which was ordered laid in abeyance until the Sign By-law now being revised, is presented to Council. The Firs nov requested that the decision of Council be re-considered, as the owners of Spacerium on Clifton Hill have requested provision of a painted b-~]etin facing traffic entering Nla~ars Falls on Highway 20 and this could only be accomplished if another advertiser, Quaker Oil, switched to a new location, namely, north side of HAShway No. ~0 on property now displaying ad- vertisement, erected by the forser Township of ~taaford, adver~ising Stmm~ord Town- ship Industrial Sites. 0n the motion of Mayor Miller and AId. Corfield, representa- tives of Gould-Leslie were permitted to address Council Mr. C~as. D. Ccmplin, Manager, requested Council to re-consider and explaine~l the emergency of the appli- cation, due to the fact that Spacerium sign should be erected by July 1st as the Spacerium rely upon outdoor advertising to build the traffic volume they rs~uire, so an not to Jeopardize their investment. A ~,]l discussion ensued, followinH which Aid. Scott mowed that the matter be tabled until such tire as the sign by-law is presented to Council for consideration; (no seconder). Then the Ma~or mowed, secon- ded by Aid. ~dayze, that a permit be granted .subject to their procuring the site and also the forwardAn8 of a letter indicattn~ to the City of Niagara Falls that s I .or · th request of the City owinS the City Solicitor, that adverttding slgn8 are DOt included in "persitted uses" in ireIs zoned as Agricultural I, It was ordered on the notion of Aid. Morton and AId. Scott that the ccaaunlemtton be racelved and filed. Carried Unantaousl~w. Mr. Hu~ins, then advised that there were four or five slgns erected in the fenmr Townshlp of Stamford, by the Pnmlnolal ~as. Co. edvertlsing their ~odity and also the fact that there were industrial sites available in the To~nshlp and he su~Sested it sight he in order to have a survey Bade and have the signs chan~ed indicating now that that the areas are in the Clty of !la~ars Falls. CRI~F~D on "the motion 'of 'Ald. McKinley'and'Aid. Cotfield that this matter.be rafexTed to the · Property Committen for conslderatlo~ with the SIgn B~-lav, to constde~ aS to whether they should be renewed, or if left erected, that the necessary cMan~es be made on thelr wordin~ or content. The City ManaSer's report on the application of Mr, and Mrs. Brine, ~ Lend~'s Lane, proprietors cg the Niagara Colonial Motel, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign, at an estbtated cost of $1,~00.00 was presented for con- sideration. 0RI~RBD on the ~otion of Ald. Morton and AId. MeltinleT that the report be received, adol~ed and peruit issued, subject to the location of the sign bei~ established by the Buildin8 Inspeetion Department. CanTied, with Aid. Scc~t contrary. ~he CAt7 Mana~er's report on the application of LaDelie Creel, 27~ Portage Road, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sage, at an estdmted cost of $27~.00 was px~sented for consideration. 0RI~J~D on the Rotion of Ald. M~Call~R and Ald. McKinley that the x~pox~ be reonived~ adopted and permit issued. Carried; with AId. 2~ott ecn~nry. 24[. The City Manager' s report on the application of Woollens Unlimited, 275~ Portage Road, for a permit to erect a ~ sided sign, at an estimated cost of $1,150. was presented for consideration. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. ~xyze that the repor~ be received and referred to the Property Committee. The City Manager' s report on the application of the Clifton Hotel, Niagara Falls, I.~mited, 9~5 airton HiE, for a persit to erect a plastic, ilium- lusted V-shaped sign, at an estimated cost of $950.00 was presented. ORI~I~ED on the notion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and pannit issued. Carried, with Aid. Scott - contrary. The City Manager's report on the application of D. Czerewaty, operator of the Ann Motel, 1~ Stanley Avenue, for a persit to erect a neon sign, at an estimated cost of $650.00 was presented. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Kei~nan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. C~rried, with AId. Scott - contrary. The City )h~ger's report on the application of Messrs. Marineill, operators of the Four Brothers R staurant, 1501 Ferry Street, for a persit to erect a plastic, illuminated overwhelming sign, at an est~ted cost of $~50.00 was pre-.- sented for consideration. 0RI~RED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. 8wayze that. the report be received and adopted and permit issued. Carried, with Alderm~n McCall~nn and Scott - contrary. The City Manager's report on the application of Biagio Careli, pro- prietor of the Ambassador Drive-In Restaurant, S805 Lundy's lane, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of $1,500.00 was presented. 0RI~ on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. Carried, with Ald. Scott - contrary. Previous to this action it was moved by Mayor Miller ~nd Ald. McKinley that Mr. Cosper Schankula be permitted to address Council. He advised that he was not against the sign, but pointed out that he had operated the Ambassador Motel for 12 years, but it had been understood when the restaurant had been built on Lundy's Lane, that no motel or hotel cabins should he allowed bearing the name "Ambassador" (this was a verbal understanding between Mr. Schankula and the purchaser of the property. ) The City Manager was requested to check and determine if a permit was issued for any other sign. The City Manager's repSrt on the application of Niagara Falls Scenic Drives and Holida~ Pleasure Tours, located at the north-west comer of Murray Street and Buchanan Avenue, for a persit to erect a wooden sign, size ~ by 6, at an esti- mated cost of $25.00 was presented. 0P~RED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report be received, filed and the permit be not granted. Carried The City Manager's report on the application of Niagara Falls Scenic Drives and Holiday Pleasure Tours, located at the north-west comer of Murray Street an~Buchanan Avenue, ~ize ~ by 8 feet, at'an estimated cost of $30.00 was presented. 0RS~EI~ED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Keighan that the report be received, filed and persit be not granted. Carried ~nanimously. The City Managar's report on the application of Oneida C~munity Develop- Rent Limited, on the west side of Falls Avenue, between Bender Hill and Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a neon sign, with plastic face covering individual cAsh"el letters, at an estimated cost of ~1,~00. was presented. OI~2KED on ~he motion of Ald. Corfield and Aid. Kelahan that the report be received, adopted and paral~ issued. Carried, with Aid. Scott contrary. ~!e City Manager's report on the application of Cdn. Ohio Brss Ltd., 1881 Thorold Stone Road, for a building permit to construct an addition to their Plant at an estimated cost of $~1,7~. was presented. 0R~RBD Cn the motion of AId. SwaFae and Aid. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, sub- Ject to the condition that plane for the electrAcol work and the heating work nust be filed at the City Mall. Carried.Unanimously. ~ne City Moueger's report on the application of Messrs. 8oluri, Angotti, and Chiarella, for a perRit to Bake alterations to the premises located on the north side of LundF's Lane, between Main St. and ~anan Awenue, known as 1~3 Lund~'s · il 2~2. Lane, at an estimated cost of $2,500.00 was presented. ORIFa~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted and per- mit issued provided that all changes must be okayed by the Fire Inspector, Health Inspector, Plumbing Inspector and the Building Inspector. Carried animously. The City Manager' s report on the application of the Inn on the Hill Ltd. for a permit to construct a fence along the easterly side of their property at 1785 Ferry Street, at an estimated cost of $~00.00 was presented. ORIFaED on the motion of Ald. Scott and AId. Morton that the report be received and referred to the Property C~ittee. Carried, with Ald. Cotfield - contrary. The City Manager's report on the application of Tee Inn on the Hill Ltd. at 1785 Ferry Rtreet, for a building permit to construct a sv~mming pool at an estimated cost of $~,500.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Morton and Aid. McCallurn that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. Carried Unanimously. The City Manager'8 report on the application of E. E. McIntosh Limited, 945 Clifton ]~ill, for a permit to erect a neon sign at en est~mted cost of $550. was presented for consideration. ORIBBED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Mayor Miller that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. Carried, with Aid. Scott - contrary. The City Manager~s report on the application of Maxie's Drive-In Rest- aurant Ltd. at the south-east cotmet of Lundy's lane and Kalar Road, for e permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign at an estimated cost of $?~0.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. Carried, with Ald. Scott contrary. The C~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Aid. Cotfield. BEAD AND ADOPlqrD, 8th June, 196~. Chairman of Finance CO~CXL e,ue Council Chamber, 1st June, 196~. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, June 1st, 19~, for the purpose of passin~ the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Ccsaittee. All Members were present, with the exception of Aldermen Mitchelson and Potter. 24~,. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed--: No. 6572 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. OR~gl) on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. McCallum that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. McCall~mand Aid. Morton - Carried Unanimously. RESOLSTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 64 - MCKINLEY - McCALL~ - ItESOLVED that the expenses of Alderman Mitcbelson to the Conference of the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities in Regina be approved; and the ~eal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 8th June, 1964. Mayor t. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 1st June, 196~. The Cammittee assembled in Conference, following the regular Council Meeting on Monday, June 1st, 196~. All Members of the C~lttee were present, with the exception of Aldermen Mitchelson and Potter. His Worship, M~yor Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallurn. READ AND ADOPTED, 8th June, 1964. A 24S'. TWENTY-SEVENTH MEETING REGD/AR M~a~A'ING Council Chamber, 8th June, 196~. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 8th, 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen Cotfield, Potter and Mitchelson. ~e Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze. TENDERS Tenders had been called for the supply of uniforms for the Fire Depart- merit, and also for a Backhoe, and it was ordered on the motion of AId.McKinley and Ald. Morton that the tenders received, he opened, initialled by His Worship the" Mayor and tabulated. C(IMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 330 - L. Russell - referring~oditch running from Q.E.Way through to the road on Biamonte Parkway. ORI~ERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the c~unication be received and filed. SEE Communication No. 409 -Ald. McCallumarrived at the meeting - No. 347 - Mr. Nell W. Woods - concerning reimbursement for services supplied by the-Village of Chippaws to his house. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Scott and AId. Martin that the comunication be received and filed and report of Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 488 No. B~8 - Miss D~ninion of Cn,~da Beauty Pageant - Executive Director - requesting City to sponsor a luncheon. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid.McKinley that the crx~,mication be received, filed and assistance be given on the same basis as in 1963 and that the requested luncheon be sponsored by the City on June 27th, 196~. SEE Report Number 489 No. 3~6 - Greater Niagara Big Brothers Association - requesting financial assis- tance. OI~F~RED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the cnwmunica. tion be received, filed. SEE Report Number 490 No. 377 - ~ary Pearsall - application to operate a Student Guide ~ervAce on ~rac~ of land between 1636 and 16~6 Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the commmica~ion be received, filed and report of the Property C~,,m~ttee be adopted. 8m'cReport Number 491. SEE PetitionNumber 17 No. 393 - Griffiths, Sharpe & Clement - protesting on behalf of Mr. &Mrs. Jos. Jaaesty, B074 Lund~'s lane, the erection of a sign. ORI~I~D on the motion of Ald. ~eigban and Ald. Morton that the ocemunication he received, filed and Solicitors be advised as to Council's opinion on this matter. SE~ Reports .49~-~9:~ S~E Coeaaunic.a...tion leo. 410 No. 391 - City of London - resolution advocating legislation be recommended for the levying of special sewer rates on high rise apartment buildings. ORREI~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the resolution be received and endorsed. SEE Report Number 494 No. 95 - Mrs. Norman Baker on behalf of Property Owners of Montrose ROod - req- uesting installation of Sanitary Sewers. No. 232 - Chateau=Cai Wines - requesting installation of Sewer along Stanley Avenue North. No. 394 - Robert A. Green - re: proposed watermain extension on ~orold Stone ROod and Garner ROad North. ORI~D on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Swayze that the crmm,mications be received, filed and the report of the Sanitation & Pollution Control Coumxittee be adopted, and the applicants be notified of this action. SEE Report Number 495 No. 398 - Joseph p. Ralph - requesting City to lease a portion of City Lot adjoin- ing 281 Sixth Avenue. ORn~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. SWze that the communication be received, filed and lease be approved and prepared for Council's consideration at next regular meeting. SEE. Report Number No. ~00 - Joseph Lokodi, and Michi__~. Motel - objecting to granting of a permit for erection of Sight Seeing Sign on Ambassador Restaurant & Motel property. ORIF~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Mr. Lokodi be granted permission to address Council. He reiterated remarks contained in his c~unication concerning the blocking of visibility from his residence due to this sign erection, which would also be detrimental to his chance to sell his property. Ald.Keighan, Cnairman of the Property Coemittee, advised that his Committee could only make a recommendation in line with City By-laws and in connection with this sign erection the by-laws were not being violated. ~Ime Alderman was of the opinion that this was another situation where a residence is located in a Touris~ Ccemmercial area and the resident still felt that he is entitled to privileges of a residential area, which can't be worked out. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Property Com- mittee be adopted and amended to include "that the location and size of the sign conforms to all municipal by-laws". Carried, with Ald. Martin - contrary. No. hO1 - __Du~dy's Tans Historical SOciety - requesting parmission to hold a parade on July 25th to ccemmemorate the Battle of Lundy's lane. Aid. ~wayze, one of Council's representatives on the Historical Society, reported verbally that he had contacted the Society with reference to possible ~confliction of celebrations scheduled for this period of time, particularly the International Observance of the Treaty of ~hent, but that arrangements for this parade have already been made and people are coming from Ottawa, Toronto, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, New York, and he was therefore requesting authority for the Society to hold the parade as scheduled, for that date. ORI~ on the motion of Aid. 8wayze and Aid. Scott that the ocemunication be received, filed and request granted. No. ~O8 - Playground Chairman, Niagara Falls Lions Club - In respect to supervision at certain playgrounds. ORI~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. McCalltun that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Farks and Recrea- tion Ccmnittee be adopted. ~k~ Repor~ Number No. 266 - A. R. Macklein - re: exchange of lands. ORI~ ou the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Kel_~an that the caunication be received, filed and the report of the Property Committee be adopted. ' The f. ollo~.ing Cc~Wm. unications were presented: No. ~09 - Dept. of MlSh~s - colmy of letter to Mr. L. Russell re: ~torm drain from Q.B.Way to Valley Way. ORD~ on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Sco~t that the eoemumication be received and filed. 8~ Communication .g4L No. 410 - John Nag3X . requesting removal of tree at 3104 IAmdy's lane. The City Engineer presented a verbal report, advising that a check was made of two trees involved and that the widening of Lundy's lane will not touch the trees in any way; they are partially on City and partially on the owner's proper~y and are relatively healthy trees. The City Manager advised that the Property Committee were fully convinced that the trees should not be removed. Ald. Keighan, Chairman of the Property Committee, advised that he could not speak for the whole Cc~mittee whether they were opposed to the removal of the trees or not; but that there were some comments at the meeting that the trees should be removed; and that he would like to have Council vote whether they wanted the trees removed or not. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Morton that the communication be received and filed and the writer be advised of Council's feelings in the matter. No. 411 - Niagara Falls & District labour Council - endorsing imposition of pro- posed room tax in the City of Niagara Falls, 0nt~rlo. ORE on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the cmunication be received and referred to the file at hand, with the letters received in answer to Council's survey of '- Ontario Mamicipallties concerning the possible imposition of such a tax; the results of such survey to be made available to His Worship the Mayor, who had first advocated this source of possible revenue, to relieve the burden of the real property tax payer, when he goes to the forthcoming Convention in Sudbury. No. 1+12 - W. J. McBurney, City Solicitor - advising that report on Urban Renewal Study to be delivered at the end of June, 196~. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Martin that the communication be received, and filed, and if the report is still not forthcoming on the date specified, that the City Solicitor be instructed to carry out the wishes of this Council and take the necessary steps to procure the return of the financial payments made by the City. No. 413 - Dominic D'Amore - proposing to demolish garage and build a new attached garage with a bedroom above, at his premises at 869 Second Avenue. OPtDEED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Scott that the ccmmuniOotion be received and referred to the Property Crw,mittee for consideration and a report. No. 414 - Miss Niagara Hospitality - services available. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the cmuniOotion be received and filed and at any time when His Worship the Mayor sees fit, to call on Miss Hataluk for assis- tance in welcoming distinguished guests, he be authorized to do so. No. 415 - Kimberly-Clark of Canada - proposed stop lights at pedestrian crossing on Victoria Avenue. ORDEE on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the coomuniOotion he received and referred to the Traffic Cr, w~ittee for consideration and a report. No. 416 - Industrial Dept. of Oreater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - ~utlining incentives offered to enterprises locating in designated areas.~ORDE~ED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the c~unication be received and laid on the table for one week for Council's perusal. No. 417 - Downtown Business Mcn's Association - re: moving and erection of a sign. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for a report. No. 418 - Neon Products of Canada - applying for a refund on Permit No. 13941. (roof sign, Oneida Commaunity Develop,w_nt Ltd.) ORI~D on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Swalme that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report. No. 419 - Pastor, Sacred Heart Rectory - Requesting use of John N. Allan Park, June 21st. ORl~l~on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Svayze that the communication be received, filed and permission granted for June 21st and weather inclement, the following Sunday, Jund 28th be granted, providing park is available. laid over frc~ previous meetings: No. 396 - City Engineer - proposed improvecent to existing ditch which is part of proposed Woodbine Storm System. SEE REport Number 500 No. 475 - City Manager - suggesting installation of watermain to serve Township Lot 79, to be acquired by Eastland Bros. from F. A. Eranscombe. SEE Report Number 501 No. 466 - City Engineer - Proposed drainage course, Thorold Stone Road. SEE Report Number 502 SEE Petition Number The following REports were presented: No. 488 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Cr~..~ttee - Meeting with Mr. Nail Woods, June 4th. 0BDE~FJ) on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~ld. Martin that the report be received and adopted. ~ Communication 347 No. 489 - Chairman of Finance - recommend City Council approve of assistance to Mr. Bruno, of Miss Dominion of Canada Beauty Pageant, on s-me_ basis as in 1963 and that the Luncheon be sponsored on June 27th. ORRERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report he received and adopted. SEE Ccemnaication 348 No. ~90 - Chairman of Finance - recoaendations in connection with request of Niagara l~ig Brothers Association for financial assistance. ORDFaED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. KelSh~-~ that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 356 No. 491 - Property C~mittee . No licenee required for operation proposed by Student Guide SErvice, but building proposed on Perry Street not satisfactory and no build- ing permit will be issued for it. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 377 SEE Petition Number 17 No. 492 - ~h.rty Cobalttee - attendance Of MX'. & Mrs. J-mesty at Committee Meet- ing on June 4 No. 493 - Property Cosmittee - matter of sign reaoval he left to opposing parties to arrive at a satisfactory solution. 0RIBBED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and AId. Morton that the reports be received and filed. No. 494 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Ccemittee - reecemending endorsation of resolution frca City of London. Otfl~l~D on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid.Morton that the report be received and endorsed. '- 8EE Cce~unlsation 391 No. ~9~ - Sanitation & Pollution Control Ccemittee - recoasending Chateau C4i Wines be advised sewer vAIl be constructed on Stanley Avenue; that Mrs. Noraan Baker be advised sewer will be constructed on Montrose Road; and that Mr. Robert Omen be advised watermain will be constructed on Thorold Road and on ~aruer Road. ORESRED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. 8w~Vze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Conmunications Nos. No. ~96 - Property C-ssittee . recanding lease be approved for Mr. Jos. P. Ralph and prepared for consideration of Council at next meeting. OPaBI~D on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Swa~ze that the report be received and adopted. 8~ C0~munication 398 t 1 No. ~97 - Property Connnittee - recou~nending location of sign for sightseeing tours erected on property adjacent to premises of Jos. Lokodi, be approved, as it con- forms with all City By-laws. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted as amended. Carried, with Ald. Martin - contrary. No. 498 - A__mna, Parks and Recreation C~nmtttee - recommendations in connection with supervised playgrounds of Niagara Paf[s~ons Club. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received and adopted. 249 SEE Communication hO8 No. ~99 - Property Committee - recommending exchange of lands between A. R. Macklem and the City be approved. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. SEE Co~ununication 266 No. 500 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recon~nending construction o~. a ditch to serve the Woodbine Area be proceeded with at the earliest possible date. ORREEED on the motlon of Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the repor~be received and adopted. SEE R~e~ort Number 396 No. 501 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Con~mittee - reconunending watermain be extended northerlyto service the Eastland Brus. property (Twp. Lot 79, Montrose and Thorold Stone Roods). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. S__~ REport Number 475 No. 50~ - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending construction of a drainage ditch on the south side of Thorold S~Ee Rood, west of Nontrose Road, be proceeded with at the earliest possible date. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted and Mrs. E. Bondio, on behalf of petitioners in that area be advised of Council's action. SEE Report Number ~66, SEE Petition Number 13 No. ~03 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Counttree - recommending construction of an asphalt surface on Sirecon Court, as a local improvement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Martin that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition Number 16 SEE Report Number ~ - Moettng_o_f May l~e_h No. 50~ - Alderman E. E. Mitcbelson - report on attendance at 27th Annual Conference of Canadian Mayors and Municipalities in Regina, Sask, June 2nd to 4th. ORIgRED on the motion of Ald. Mortin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. No. 505 - Arena, Parks and Recreation Conmittee - recaeuding pur chase of an ice cleaning, pining and sprinkling unit for the Niagara Palls N~morial Area. OR- DgRED on the motion.of AId. McKinley and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received and adopted. No. 506 - Equipment Committee - recnm~ending purchase of a 8unnen Honing Machine and two complete mechanie's tool sets. 0RgK~ED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Aid. McKinley that the report be received and adopted. No. 507 - Property Coemittee - advising draft copy of new sign by-law will be studied by Coamittee during week of June 7th, and then presented to Council on June l~th. CRIBRED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 508 - Sanitation & Pollution Control C~mnittee - the request from Lionits Abrasives Ltd. will be studied and report made to Council at a later date. OR- DEE on the motion of Aid. Martin end Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed, with the name of the Lubrizol Company inserted in the report. No. 509 - City Clerk - advising that the recorded vote in connection with By-lay Number 6571, passed at the last Council Meeting, does not meet the required two- thirds as per subsection (2) of Section 14 c~ 7he Planning Act. (Gordon Wood). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze end Ald. McKinley that the report be received end tabled for consideration by a full Council. Carried, with AId. Martin - contrary. No. 510 - City Manager - report on building permits issued during month of May, 196~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin end Aid. Sw~yze that the report be received and filed. No. 511 - City Engineer _ recommending that a letter be directed to the owner of the premises known as 1050 Ontario Avenue, to clean up existing con~ons. No. 512 - Assist.Bldg. Inspector& Plan Examiner . report on inspections made at 1050 Ontario Avenue on May 2~nd, 25th and June 5th. ORDMR~U on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Eei~han that the reports be received and filed end a letter be forwarded to the owner of this property calling attention to the deplorable con- dition of the premises, with instructions that Immediate action. be taken to correct the same. SEE Resolution No. 66 No. 513 - Special Fire Omittee - recommending negotiations be entered into with the owner of property on vest side of Dorchester Road, Lots ~ and 5, proposed site for new Fire Hall. ORI]ERED on the motion of Aid. McCallurn and Ald. Morton that the report be received end adopted. No. 51~ - City Engineer - re: re-location of Provincial Gas Line No. 20 Highway. OREM~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. 8w~yze that the report be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control C~=~lttee for study. No. 515 - City. Engineer - requesting Permission to call for tenders for supply of materials and installation of plumbing at Montrose Road sanitary landfill area. ORIM~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and Permission granted as requested. No. 516 - Assist. City M~r. ,Administration . Meeting with Supervisor of Redevelop- ment Section of C~unity Planning Branch of Dept. of Municipal Affairs, to dis- cuss what federal & Provincial assistance might be .available to assamble land under a re-development scheme in connection with a civic ' centre. 01~ on the motion of AId. Kei-_h~, and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and tabled for submis- sion of a further rePort, following meeting to be held on June lOth. AId. Martin also requested that the Possibility of Urban Renewal Study Report being av&ilable, ~e taken under &dvisement. No. ~17 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Aid. McCallurn and the City Mana- ger at the ~tario Municipal Personnel Association Conference on June lath and 13th in London, Ont. 0RI~ED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the rePort be received and adopted. No. 518 - Negotiations Ccemittee . recce~aending adjustments of holiday ~ey be made for M~s. ~aith and Messrs. Littlewood and Lung. Ol~ on the motion 0£ McCallurn and Aid. Morton that the rePort be ree. eived end adopted. No. ~19 - Negotiations Cc~mittee - reecemend~ng adjustment for holiday pay for Captain James Molloy. 01~ on the motion or Ald. McCallurn and Aid. Martin that the report be received and adopted. No. 5~0 - City Manager . report on meeting held in O.M.B. Office on June ~nd to discuss City~s ~apital Budget. ORI~D on the motion of Aid. Norton and Aid.Martin that the report be received and filed. .. 25'1. No. 521 - Su t. Pollution Control Plant - OPerating data for month of May,196h. and filed. ' No. 5~2 - City Cl~y~ _ recouxuending issuance of ]icences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and licences issued accordingly. PETITIONS Mid over from previous meetings: No. 13 - Mr. Bondio and others - requesting installation of sanitary sewermain on ~aorold Stone Road from Montrose Road to Kalar Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Petition be received, filed end Mr. Bondio be advised of Conncil's action with respect to the report of the Sanitation & Pollution Control C~m~ittee. SEE Repor%s ~66, 502. .. No. 16 - Mr. & Mrs. D. Desilest and others - requesting hard-top surface dh Simooe Cou_~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Martin that the petition be received, filed and the work be proceeded with as a local improvement. S_E~_ Report Number ~03 SEE Resolution SEE Repor~ No. ~ - Meeting 9fMay 19th. No. 17 - J. F~mmerton & others - opposing application of Student Guide Service. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the petition be received and filed and report of the ProPerty C~nmittee be adopted. SEE Co~nunication 377 SEE Report Number~i The following Petition was presented: No. 18 - Gino Zoretto and 76 others - requesting action on traffic condition on Leader lane between Victoria Avenue and Hickson Avenue; and condition of parcel of land bordering on Leader lane, from Victoria Avenue to St. Francis School. OIMD on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. 8wayze that the Petition be received and the first item be referred to the Police Department for action; and the second itembe referred to the PrOPerty Coa~nittee for submission of a report. Aid. Kei~han, Chairman of the Property C~mmittee, sug~ested that the Bulldin~ Inspection Dept. be authorized to take a few pictures for the information of the ProPer~y Cc~mittee. EEBOI~EIONS The followin~ Resolutions were passed: No. 65 - SWAYZE - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the City En~lneer's report Number on the construction of an asphalt pavement and concrete gutters, as a Local Improvement, on Simcoe Court, fr~m Sincos Street to the north limit of the Court be received, a~lopted end work be proceeded with; and the ~eal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Oarried~rmnimo~sly No. 66 - MARTIN - EEIG}{AN - RF~]OLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to forward the nncessax7 cceanmication by registered mail to the assessed owner of the ProPerty at 1050 0fitsrio Avenue, with instructions to have the condition thereon corrected in accordance with l~-law N,~ber 6318~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unan~uaousl~. 252. BY-IAWS The following By-laws were passed: No. 6573 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the City of Nia~ra Fells and the Niagara Falls District Board of Education. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Svayze and Aid. McKinley that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Kei~han and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing f~ules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be Siren the second reading. - Carried U~animously. Third Reading - Aid. Svayze and Aid. McCallurn - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~7~ - A by-law to provide for the sale of I~t 55, Registered pl., 160 to Ia Fiesta t.~mited. 0Padded on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Morton that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Kei~han and Aid. McCallmn that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton - Carried U~animously. MISC~XANEO~ Aid. Kei~han queried as to the progress made in connection with the subject ~hich had been brought up two weeks ago about trains whistling within the City ltm~ts. ~'ne City Solicitor advised that there is a by-law in the City which prohibits the whistling but not the ringing of bells and that has been approvedby the Reilv~y Board, altho,~h at the mclent a copy of the Board's Order is lacking. The City Solicitor questioned whether the Ju~isdiction is extended to the former Township. Aid. Ket~nmn queried the present policy of Council in dealing with building and sl~npermlts, being of the optnlon~that this activity should he the responsibility of the Building Inspection Dept. under the City Manager a~d that if applications for building and sign permits conform to existing by-laws, the same should be approved and issued by the Department or the City NanaSer without having to c~ before Councll, unless there is a question of interpretation of the by-law and does not conform and it becomes a problem ~fiich Council should learn about. 0P~ on the motion of Ald. Keighan and AId. SWze that ~hen the draft sign by-law is submitted to Council at the next regular meeting the Property C~ittee should submit c~mments and/or recommendations concerning the ~tgn and building permits appearing on the agenda each week and make certain recoelendsttons regarding future policy in dealing with the same. Ald. ~Wse queried the lent~ch of trains passing through the Municipal- try resulting in blocked crossings for uslim{~ted periods of time and the City ~olicitor advised that the City Council has no control over the length of trains and operation, this is a matter entirely for the Board of Transport Commissioners; ve have no authority to change this in an~ ~ly. The City Solicitor fu~her stated that the only provision in the Rail~my A~t is that trains must not stand on the erossing longnr than 5 minutes. OBI!!i~ on the motion of Ald. ~va~ze and AId. Morton that the City Solicitor be instructed to contact the RailwmyBoard to see if thef would limit the length o~ trains passimH through the Cl~y even ~bile in motion. Carried~ with Aid. Scott~ contrary. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Sw~yze and Aid. READ ANDADOFI'ED, l~th June, 196~. FINANCE bl~s-.t'ING Council Chamber, 8th Jtme, 196~. ~'ne Finance ~etingvms held on June 8th, 19(~, for the purpose of approv- ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of AldermenMitchelson, Cotfield and Potter. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the Mount of $178,780.31 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the MoneyBy-law for presentation to Council on the motion of Ald. Morton end Ald. ~vayze. Following discussion on the motel constmction at the MeIntosh Motel, 9~ Clifton Hill, it us ordered on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Aid. Keighan that, assuming Fire inspection requirements are met, that the reports of May eSth and June let be received and filed. Carried, with Ald. Scott contrary. Previous to this action, it v~s moved by Ald. Sco~t that the matter be tabled until a copy of plans on which the building permit was issued, and then a decision be made; this was not seconded. In the previous discussion, the City ~anager advised that he had had the Chief of the Fire Department check and he had reported that the pro- posed construction was not a fire hazard and that a copy of the plans were on file in the Engineering Office. The Property Ccmmittee's report on the application of the Inn On The Hill, to eonstrnet a fence along the easterly side of their property at 1785 Ferr~ Street, was presented for consideration. 0P~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Keighan that the report be received and adopted and permit be issued, provid~ng the fence is at least 8 feet inside the property line on the north side of Ferry Street; that the front lH) foot portion of the fence is not in excess of 6 feet in hei~t and that the balance of the fence could be erected to a height of 8=feet. The ~roperty Ccemfttee's report on the application of Wonliens Unlimited, 27~5 Portagn Read, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated 3 sided sign, was Presented for consideration. The Committee advised that at their meeting they were advised that the sign had alread~ been erected and they therefore recommended that the City Solicitor be authorized to prosecute the party or parties who pro- vided and erected the sign before a parair had been obtained. The City Manager presented a verbal report to the effect that the sign has been taken down nov and has not been in operation since. ~ on the motion of Aid. Norton and Aid. Kei~han that the report of the Property Committee be received and filed, the Firm contacted and advised that such action will not be rolerifted in the future, and that re-application for the si~nbe made. !1 The City Manager's report on an amended application by Mr. Steve Demko for a sign permit for Niagara Falls Scenic Drives and Holiday Pleasure Tours, located on the property at the north-west comer of Murray Street and Buchanan Avenue, was presented for consideration. 7he report indicated the change in wording on the sign on the Murray Street side of the property; and on the Buchanan Avenue side of the property. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Kei=~n that the report be received and adopted and permit issued, providing the ;ign does not block the view on the Murray Hill side in westerly direction, for the protection of the motorists; the City Manager to check and see that this provision is carried out. The City Manager's report on the application of Homestead Motel Ltd., 16~8 Stanley Avenue, at the sough-east corset of Stanley Ave. and North Street, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the repor~ be received, adopted and permit issued. Carried, with Aid. Scott - contrary. The City Manager's report on the application of Cold's Variety Store, 330 Queen Street, for e permit to erect a wood and metal facet sign, at an estimated cost of $100.OO was presented. OREEI~D on the motion of Ald. ~wayze and Ald.Keighan that the report be received, adopted andpermit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Jacob C~ldblatt Lodge for a permit to erect two octagonal signs on steel posts embedded in concrete, was presented for consideration. One sign is to be located on Lundy's Lane and the other sign on the Q~een Elizabeth Hay connecting road, at an estimated cost of $25.00 each. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the re- port be received, adopted and permits issued, the locations to be determined by the Building Inspection Department. The City Manager's report on the application of David McArthur, for a permit to erect a small buildingat Uncle Sam's Hotel, 4870 Lundy's Lane, between Kalar Road and C~reer Road, at an estimated cost of $300.00 was presented for considerm- tion. ~D on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Scott that the matter be re- ferred to the Property C~ittee for a report; this motion was lost by a vote of ~ to B; the vote being - Aye: Aldermen McCallum, Scott and Morton; Nays - Mayor Miller, Aldermen Swayze, Keighan and McKinley. An amendment made by Mayor Miller and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted and permit issued, was lost by a vote of ~ to B; the vote being - Aye: Mayor Miller; Aldermen ~wayze and McKinley; Nays - Aldermen Scott, Eeighan, McCallum and Morton. (Ald. Keighan advised that he would be in fayour of the issuance of a permit providing that it would be for a tem- porary building and taken down after the tourist season, October Slat, 196~). Please refer to final paragraph of Finance minutes/. / The City Manager'e report on the application of Maxie's Drive-In Restaur- ant, ~21~ Lund~'s T~ne, at the south-east corner of y Lane and Ealar Rnad, IAmd's for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated facet sign, at an estimated cost of $~O.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. McCallmn that the report be received, adopted andpermit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Frontier Guided Tours for a permit to erect four small wooden signs at the U.S.A. Motel, 2~1 Portage Road; two signs to be erected on the Stanley Avenue side of the Motel on private property; and two signs robe erected on the Portage Road side of the motel on private property. OKE2RED on the motion of AId. McCallum and AId. Swayze that the report be received, adop~edandpermit issued. Carried, with AId. Scott, contrary. ~he City Mariagerms repor~ on the application of the Maples Mo$or Court, ~25 Lund~s lane for a permit to move six cabins to a different pOsition on the same lot, was presented for conside~a~ion, ORl~eDon the motion o~ AId. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted~ and aPplication be referred to the Property Committee for consideration. The Clty Manager's report on the aPplication of Be~ker*s T.V., 91~ Victoria Avenue for a building permit to construct an addition at She south side of the existing building at an estimated cost of $16,000. was presented. 0RE2RED On the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Scott that the report be received and adopted~ and application be referred ~o the Propex~ Cceaittee for consideration. The City Manager's report on the application of Anthony Vattaro for a permit to erect a neon single face sign, at 1705 Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $1700.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Sam Pingue for a permit to make alterations to the ground floor of the building, formerly used by the Niagara Plumbing Supply Company, 140~-1~06 Ferry Street, to convert the same into a restaurant, at an estimated cost of $~,500.00 was presented. ORDERED on the mo- tion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and referred to the Property Co~m~ittee. The City Manager's report on the application of Stamford United Church, 1~ St. Peter Avenue, for a permit to construct an addition to the Church, for Sunday School classrooms, at an estimated cost of $~,672. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton andAld. Scott that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Montgomery Bros. for .- a building permit to erect a service building at a tent and trailer camp, to be located on the west side of Montrose Road, between McLeod Road and the Q.E~Way at an estimated cost of $26,000.00 was Presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City M~nager's report on the preliminary plans submitted by Mr.John Grcyich for the construction of a motel at the north-west comer of Hiram Street and River Road, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and the applicant be advised that the preliminary plans appear to be in order and that he can make formal application for a building permit. It was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald.MdCallum that the Property Ccmmittee discuss and report any rec~endations in connection wl~h any sitnations similar to that as dealt with in the application of Mr. McArthur. C~"""ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, 15th Jun~, 1964. Cl . Chairman of Finance / 'COUNCIL~A, ING Council Chamber, June 8th, 1~. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Councila~d Finance Meetings on Monday, June 8th, 19~, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present, with the exception of Aldermen Cotfield, Mitchelson and Potter. BY-IAW The following By-law was passed: No. 657~ - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. OP~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Svayze that Ald. ~artin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let reading. - Carried Unanimously. OPd]E~ED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. McCallurn that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading, - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Morton.and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. McCallurn. READ AND ADOPTED 15th June, 1~. CONFF~ENCE ~ 'Council C~mmher, 8th June, The Cceeaittee assembled in Conference, following the regular Council Meeting on June 8th, 1~. All Members of the Coemittee were present, with the ex- ception of Aldermen Cotfield, Mltchelson and Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, pre- sided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Aid. MeCall~and Aid. Morton. I~ A~D ADOP~, 15th Jane, 19~. Clerk i TWENTY-EIGhTH MEETING ,~5 7. Council Chamber, 15th June, 1964. REGUIAR F~,~TiNG Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June ]Sth, 1~, for the purpose of considering general business end finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen Corfield, Mitchelson and Potter. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott. C0~4UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 378 - E. R. Sisson, Education Connnittee - "Junior Achievement" project. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Suyze that the communication be received and tabled, and report of Property Committee be adopted. ' SEE Report Number.~j No. 38~ - Greater Niagara Traneit Ccanuisston _ various bus stops. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. McCallum that the communication be received, filed and report Of Traffic Cc~nittee be adopted. SEE Report Ntunber 524 No. 413 - Dominic D'Amore - request to d~molish garage and build new structure, providing for ga~rage and'~a bedroom. ORI~HED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the co~mnunication be received, filed and report of Property Co~unittee be adopted. SEE Report N~ber ~25 No. ~1~ - Kimber]y-Clark of Canada . proposed stop lights at pedestrian crossing on Victoria Avenue. ORDr~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the coanunication be received, filed and report of Traffic Cc~mittee be adopted. SEE Report Number 526. No.417 - Downtown Businessmen's Association - re: sig~s. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. 8wayze that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Traffic Cce~nittee be adopted. SEE Report Number ~2~7 No. ~18 - Neon Products of Canada Ltd. - requesting refund on Permit 13941. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Scott that the cn~musication be received, filed and a refund of half the cost of the permit, namely $20.00 be allowed, SEE Report Number No. ~1~ - Industrial Dept. ~reater Niagara Chamber of Cc~rce - Designated Areae, ~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. gei~han that Mr, Montgomery, Manager of the Industrial Dept. be granted permission to address Council. He referred to the brief presented for Council's consideration and advised that he had attempted in the brief to provide facts and figures ~hich he felt were of vital interest to everyone living in this city and that since presenting the brief, he had received literature concerning the advantages realized in the City of Windsor through said designation. Mr. Montgcsery advised that word on designated area is travelling far and wide but he felt that it was unfair for any agency to provide incentives to the detriment of other areas. He referred to one part of the criteria for designated areas, being the unemployment figures during the s,,m~er months, which automatically excludes any city in Canada with sumner trade. He stated that he did not know whether Niagara Palls could get special dispensation, but that this was something which could be ascertained through the Dept. of Industry in O~tawa, and that the purpose of this brief was to give consideration and make a decision as to whether it would be advantageous to go to Ottawa. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the cce~nunication be received and that the Industrial Com- mittee together with Nis Worship the Mayor and the Manager of the Industrial De- partment of the Greater Niagara Chamber of C~.~erce be authorized to proceed to Ottawa, with a view to placing this municipality on record concerning the advan- tages available to a designated area and to request that such consideration be given to this municipality. Carried Unanimously. 7he following Coa~unications were presented: No. 420 - Ni~ra Palls and Suburban Area Planning Board. - revised application of Waltere, re: Pt. T~p. Lots 21 and 22, R.P. 1791, Riall Street, and advising of Board's recommendation to Council that the requested change in zoning from Single Family Residential to two-family residential be approved. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the c~munication be received and referred to the Proper~y C~lttee to look over the plans and Submit a report to Council. No. 421 - T. A. Jamieson Limited - application for Entertainment Wheel on Mall of the Mist property. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 422 - ~ne Jockey Club - re: possible purchase of 19~7 Intematiouni Ptunper. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallore that the communication be received and referred to ~he Special Fire Coemittee for su~nission of a report. No. 423 - Montreal Trust Co. - outlining conditions on property of Estate of Benjamin G. Schulze. 0RI)ERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the co~muni- cation be received and filed and the writer be advised as to the remedial actions already performed by the City as mutually agreed upon and that the City of Niagara Palls has no further responsibility in this matter. No. 424 - Niagara Palls Separate School Board - erection of stop sign - Brant Ave. OI~F~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. KelVin that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic C~..ittee. No. 425 - Local 655, I.C.W.U. - supporting proposed roc~ tax. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Swayze that the c~m~.Anica~ion be received and retained in the Mayor'e file on this subject. No. A~ . Oreater Niagara Rig Brother Association - c~nts on recent request for financial assistance. ORI~EED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the ccemunication be received and filed. No. 427 - D~ty Free Shoppea - requesting continuance of temporary structures until Sept. or Oct. 1~, at comer of Portage Road and Dunn Street. 0RI~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan aad Ald. 8wayze that Mr. Metz, ~en. Mgr. of Duty Free Shoppes, be gr~nted permission to address Council. He advised that they sincerely did believe that the building would have to be removed last September and the building was ac- tunllF advertised for sale. He suggested that if Council wished to place a time limit on the building, it would be most acceptable; that this request was not for an indefinite postponement. OI~RED on the motion of Aid. Scott and AId. Morton that the communication be x~ceived a~d referred to t~e Property C~ttee with power to act and to consider carefully these tesp~rary structures. No. 428 - Proctor and Sedfern - reconstruction of Highway ~0. ORI~ED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the cca~unisation be received, filed and the by-law be presented. Previous to this action, AId. Martin queried Mr. Tait as to what, if a~W, affect the proposedcappin~ of the canal would have on bridges in the proposal being considered and was advised that this would have no errset ~n this situation whatever, as tenders for the bridges are being handled by the Dep~rtaent of Hi~hw~vso ' - SEE B~-lav No. 6~77 No. 429 - Logan and Knight - re: possibility of having a pedestrian gate placed in the fence between St. Andrew's Church and ~irview Cemetery. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Con~ittee. No. ~31 - Loretto Academy - requesting use of Cakes Park for Field Day. ORDERED on the mot[on of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the cc~nunication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Comittee. No. 430 - South End Business and Professional Men's Association - objecting to proposed change of street name from Main Street to Portage Roa~. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the by-law when it is presented for consideration of Council. No. 431 - Loreire Academy . requesting use of Oekes Park for Field Day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Swayze that the cc~nunication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Connittee. No. 432 - H.E.P.C. of Ontario - acceding to request of City for watermain easement over Ont. Hydro property - Part Lot 108. O~ on the motion of Ald. Morton an~' Ald. McCalltun that the communication be received, filed and agreement be drawn. REPOI~S Laid over from the previous meeting: No. 516 - Assist. City Mgr. ,-Administration _ meeting with Supervisor of Redevelop- ment Section of Community Planning Branch of Dept. of Municipal Affairs to discuss what federal and provincial assistance might be available to assemble land under a re-development scheme in connection with a civic centre. SEE Report No. 52? The following Reports were presented: No. 523 - Property C~ittee - reco~memding no action be taken by City Council at the present time on request of possible support of a Junior Achievement project, pending advice from Chamber of Commerce as to their intentions to back the scheme in t he City of Niagara Falls. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. ~elghan and Ald. ~wayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 378 No. 524 - ~raffic Committee - recommendations in connection with requests of Greater Niagara ~ranett Cmlssion re: bus stops. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received and adopted. S~ Ccemunication 385 No. 5~5 - Property Committee - Mr. D:Amore's application contrary to Zoning By-law; he had privilege of approaching Committee of Adjustment. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan. that the report be received and adopted. SEE Co~mmication ~1~ No. ~2~ - Traffic Coaaittee - rec~aending installation of fLashing amber light on crosswaR sige instead of pedestrian stop lights; and also the prohibition of parking immediately adjacent to both sides of the crosswalk, a~ gladefly-Clark Plant on Victoria Avenue. ORI~I~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication ~15 No. 527 - Traffic Cceaittem - recommendations in connection with request of Down- town Business Meh's Association re: signs on Bridge Street. 0REE~ED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Swayze that the repo~t be received and adopted. No. ~28 - Cit~ ~ana~er - reccfszending refund of half of the building permit fee paid by Neon Products Ltd. re: roof sign at Oneida Ccemunity Development Ltd. ORI~I~D on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Boott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Ccem~n~ication 418 26o. No. 529 - Assist. City Mgr.-Administr~tion - further report re: possibility of assembling land under a redevelopmerit scheme, to eventuall~ establish a civic centre; and advising that in his opinion, it is not feasible at this time to tie this type of develol~nent in with the grants available under Centennial arrange- ment and therefore recommended to Council that consideration of a project under the Centennial Grants progr~mme only at this time. ORDF~d~) on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the reports be referred to the Special Meeting of Council to be held on Wednesday afternoon, June 17th with representatives of the Board of Education. SEE Report Number 516 No. 530 - Property Co~nittee - report on inspection of conditions of lands north of Leader Lane, from St. Francis School to Victoria Avenue. OIMD on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Kei~an that the report 3~e received and filed. SEE Petition No. 18 No. 531 - City Manager - report on attendance at meeting of Ontario Municipal Per- sonnel Association in London, cot., June 12th and 13th. 0RI~K~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 5B2 - Property Cc~ntttee - reccem~_ndation re: signs advertising Industrial Area site, erected in former Township of Stamford. ORDEI~ on the motion of Aid.Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted. No. 533 - Property Cosnittee - recommendation to be available at meeting of June 22nd. re: future ha-dling of building and sign permits. ORAM/I~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 5B4 - _Property Committee - presenting draft of proposed sign by-law for Council's consideration. OP~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Martin that the re- port be received and tabled for one week for Council's perusal and the by-law be dealt with at the next meeting of Council. No. 535 - Special Traffic C~m, ittee - report on meeting held on June llth with rep- resentatives of the Dept. of Highways and the ConsultingEngineers re: principles of traffic study. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and referred back to the Special Traffic Comuittee. No. 536 - Assist. City Mgr., Administration - adviein~ of 0.M.B. approval of By-law Number 6534, to amend general Zoning By-law No. 2530, regarding Pt. ?~p. Let 158, (A. Franklin Ltd.) 0RI~ on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No, 537 - City Engineer - recommending acceptance of Lincoln Motors for supply of 1/4 yard backhoe. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and tender accepted. No. 538 - Traffic Coemittee - suggesting meeting with N.F.Jewish Sisterhood, to dis- cuss possible re-location of some of benches on sidewalks on Ferry ~treet. Ordered on the motion of Aid. Swa~ze and Aid. Keighanthat the report be received and adopted. No. 539 - City ~-~ineer - proposed extension of watex~ain Montrose Rd, south of McLeod Road-in connection with Montgcmery Bres, ~nt and trailer site, ORI~ED on the motion of AId, Morton and Aid, Scott that the report be. received and adol~ed. No, 5~0 - 6~1t7 Clerk - roemending issuance of licenoes. ~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald, 8w~yze that the report be received and adopted and licenoes issued accordingly. No, 541 - ~ty Solicitor , report on existing legislation re: railway bells and whistles, 0B~J~JDon the action of Aid, MCKinley and Aid, McCalluathat the report be received and tabled for one week in order to give the City Solicitor an oppor- tunity to submit a further repelS, 261. F~rITIONS Laid over from the previous meeting: No. 18 - Gino Zorzetto and 76 others - re: condition of land bordering Leader Lane fromVictoria Avenue to St. Francis School. ORDErED On the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. KeiZ~-n that the petition be received, filed and the petitioners advised of the contents of Report Ntunber 530. SEE Report Number 530 The following Petition was presented: No. 19 - Mrs. Garbutt and 30 others - protesting proposed Fire Hall site. ORDEMED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that the petition be received and referred to the Special Fire Committee. BY-lAWS Laid over from a previous meeting: ~o. 653] - A by-law to authorize the extension of the sewage works in the Urban Service Area of the City of Niagara Falls. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. The following By-laws were passed: No. 6576 - A by-law to authorize the execution of a Memorandum of Agreement (American Can perking lot). 01~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0RIE~ED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. No. 6577 - To authorize the execution of a Proposal and Estimate of Costs (re: Sighway ~:>0) ORRERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan - Carried Unanimously. AId. Esighan referred to the littering in the vicinity of the Golden Horseshoe Restaurant 'on Lundy's Lane, calling attention of Council to 'the debris being blownell over the property. The Alderman advised that the complainants asked if it would be possible to erect a fence similar to that at the A & W and othe~ Irrive-in places of business. Re referred to the fact that because there are no gates at the entrance, after hours, cars are using the property for a drag strip The Proper~y Coe~fttee were asked to take this matter under advisement. ' Ald. Swayze referred to conditions at the comer of Centre and Lewis and suggested that the Traffic Ccemtttee inspect the same due to the fact that a serious traffic accident occurred at this intersection. :i A Ald. Swayze also referred to complaints received about the length of time the work has been going on at the intersection of Victoria Avenue and Centre Street and the City Manager advised that if the weather is satisfactory, the work will be finished this week. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Swayze. I~EAD AND ADOPTED, 22nd June, 19~+. FINANCE HgEA'ANG Council Chamber, 15th June, 1~o~. l'ne Finance Meeting was held on June 15th, 196~, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts ~hich had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the C~nittee were present, with the exception of Aldermen Corfield, Mitchelson and Potter. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Co~nlttee. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $3~,28~.42 were approved by the 'l~e Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered ~laced in the Money By-law forpresentation to Council on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. Mor~on. T~e summary of Tenders received for the supply of clothing for the Nia~are Falls Fire Department, was submitted for consideration. 0HI~D on the motion of Aid. McCallurn and Ald. Scott that the same be received and referred to the Special Fire Gaittee for a repor~ to Council. Tee report of the Property C~a~ittee on their consideration of the sug- gestion that the Cm~ittee report on the type of buildings that would be permitted to be erected to serve operators of guided tours, was presented. The Ccaaittee advised that a cceplete studF will be made and · repor~ presented at the meeting of June ~nd. ~ on the motion of Aid. McCallurn and Aid. Mort6n that the report be received and filed. The Property Calttee's report on the application of Becker's T.V. and Appliances, 914 Victoria Avenue, for · building permit to construct an addition to the south side of the existing building, at an estimated cost of $16,000. was presented. OI~2H~D on the motion of Ald. ~ortonand Aid. M~Kinley that the report be received, adopted and pemit issued. 263. The Property Ccenntttee's report on the application of Manles Motor Court, 4625 Lundy's lane, for a permit to move six cabins to a dlfferen~ position on the same lot, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and referred to the Health Department for a report. The Ctty Manager's report on the application of Trinity Baptist Church, for a permit to erect a directional sign at the south-east comer of Franklin Ave. and Lundy's Lane at an estimated cost of $25. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. ~ne City Manager's report on the application of Vaughan's Drug Store for a permit to erect a board racer sign, at his premises on the east side of Drummond Road between Dunn Street and McLeod Road, at an estimated cost of $55. (this sign being moved from previous location at the Queen St. Store). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the second application of Vaughan's Drug, Store, for a permit to erect a neon sign, at his premises on the east side,of Drummond Road, between l)unn Street and McLeod Road, at an estimated cost of $220. (this sign being removed from previous location at the Queen St. Store). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. 7he City Manager's report on the application of the Klondike Hotel, 356 Bridge Street, for a permit to erect a pLastic, illuminated sign, at an esti- mated cost of $800. at the north-east corset of the parking lot, was presented. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Kelghan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Niagara Clifton Motel, 945 Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a neon and painted sign, at an est~mted cost of $300. This is an existing sign presently erected at the front of the property, and which will be transferred to a new location on private prop- erty facing Oneida Eerie. ORDEi~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mol~on that the repolt be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Herbert's Gift Store, 1851 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect an illuminated, plastic facer sign, at an estimated cost of $825. was presented for consideration. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Maxte's Drive-In Restaurant, 4214 Lundy's Lane, for a permit for interior alterations, at an estimated cost of $2,000. was presented. 0~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, subject to the FAre inspectors' approval. ~ne Ccmntttee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. ~wayze. I~EAD AND AEOPJ.'~cU, 2~nd June, 1~. Clerk Chairman of Finance j CO~'NCIL ~A'ING Council Chamber, 15th June, 196~. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, June 15th, 196~, for the purpose of passing the by-law, which covered the accounts approved by the C~mnittee. All Members were present with the exception of Aldermen Corfield, Mltchelson and Potter. BY - IAW The following By-lawwas passed: No. 6 578 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. McKinley that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Keighan. READ ANDADO~D, 22nd June, 196~. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 15th June, 1964. The Co~nnittee assembled in Conference following the regular Council Meeting on June 15th, 1964. All Members of the Committee were present with the exception of Aldermen Cotfield, Mitchelson and Potter. His Worship Mayor Miller presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them~ the Conference adjourned on the motion of Alderman Morton and Alderman Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd June, 1964. Chairman TWENTY-NINTH ~;~'PING SFECIAL MEETING Council Chamber, 17th June, 1964. A special meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chamber on the afternoon of June 17th, 1964 at 2 p.m. for the purpose of discussing with the Niagara Falls District Board of Education the matter of the Board's proposed new Administration building. Present were all members of the Council with the exception of Aldermen Potter and Corfield, and for the Board of Education, the Chairman and nine members; and Mr. C. G. Dowson, Planning Director of the Niagara ~a]ls & Suburoan Area Planning Board. His Worship, Mayor Miller, in calling toe meeting to order, advised of its purpose and asked Mr. Muggins, Assistant to the City Mgr. ,Admin., to read the two reports which had been submitted to Council under dates of June 8th and June 15th respectively, informing Council as to pro- cedure and requirements concerning urban renewal and allied matters and grants for financial assistance which would be forthcoming in such cases. At the request of His Worship, Mr. Dowson then explained his view of the items involved in urban renewal, indicating that under present legislation it is not quite as involved as it first appears to be, but that an economic analysis is a must. His Worship Mayor Miller then quoted a number of reasons why, in his opinion, it would be desirable for the District Board to locate their proposed administration building in the cen- tral business district and asked the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Rutland, as to his opinion of the suggestion to locate in the central business district. Mr. Rutland expressed the view that location of their proposed administration building in the central business district area ~ld be far from satisfactory for the purposes of the Board and that they would prefer a location somewhat nearer the Queen Elizabeth Way or on an artery which would permit easy ingress and egress to the several schools under toe Board's Jurisdiction, indicating that the Board was also thinking in terms of establishing a stores department in addition to the administration phase. Mr. McLeod, a member of the District Board, queried as to whether it would be feasible for the Board to chose a site now which would fit into the civic centre when later established, and the Mayor advised that it was his understanding that this would be feasible. Following further discussion, the Chairman, Mr. Rutland, queried as to how long after receipt of the Urban Renewal report would it be before Council would be in a position to suggest a site which would qualify for grants and stated that in his opinion a meeting should be held as soon as possible after receipt of the Urban Renewal Report. His Worship, in summing up the disqussions which had taken place, asked for agreement which was received from both the Council and the Niagara Falls District Board of Education to the effect that both parties were prepared to take no further action until the Urban Renewal Report has been received, and His Worship assured the Chairman of the Board that this would be called Just as soon as possible following the receipt of the said report. At this point, the members of the Board of Education retired. His Worship Mayor Miller referred to the recent Press report concerning the matter of designated areas and deplored the use of the term "depressed' indicat- ing that it was his thought that wn~n our delegation goes to Ottawa it would go for the purpose only of trying to receive some of the concessions which are made avail- able to designated area, but not requesting a classification as such. His Worship then advised Council of recent conversation with Judge Fuller concerning the proposed recognition of the appointment of Magistrate J. L. Roberts to his ~gherposition and following his advice, the Committee which had been appointed by the Mayor to proceed along the lines that ware suggested. His Worship also advised Council of comments made by the Magistrate at a recent Police Co~,,ission meeting concerning complaints of blowing paper which seemed to be coming from the Greenspan Yard on Beavene~ms Road and it was agreed after some discussion that the resolution~ which Council intended to get a ~egis- latinn amendment authorizing mandator~ coverage by tarpaulins of vehicles engaged in this business, be re-introduced to Council for its action on this coming Monday. There being no further business Council adjourned on the motion of Aid.Martin and Ald. McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, 22rid June, 1964. Mayor THIRT]ITH M~gA'iNG REGU',_AR ~I'/NG Council Chamber, 22rid June, 196/~. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 22nd, 196~, for the punpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Miller and Aldermen Cotfield and Po~er. Enacting Mayor Mi~chelson presided. (~ee ~esolution Number 67). The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and spec- ial meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Kelghan and Ald. Morton. Aid. McCallumarrived at the meeting. DEPUTATION ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Mrs. Porter, niece of Mrs. Kennedy, a resident at the comer of Fastwood Street and Ontario Avenue, be given permission to address Couaci. She referred to the park adjacent to her aunt's home and the destriction being caused by children under the age if 14, and was of the opinion that if a fence could he erected, this might remedy the situation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the matter be referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for investigation, study, and report to Council. Tenders had been called for the construction of watermain on Garner Road and ~orold Road, and also for the construction of sidewalk within the City of Niagara Falls. OPd]ERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by the Enacting Mayor and tabulated. CC~ICATIONS laid over from previous meeting: No. 260 - Niagara Palls and Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application A-96, Timperio, Lot 54, R.P. 82, 3765 Mulhern Street.' ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the c~mmunication be received, filed, and no further action be taken to amend the By-law to permit the lands to be used for a two-family residence. SEE Report Number 542 No. 313 - Town of Newmarket - resolution re: use of school facilities for longer period of time in the year. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Morton that the resolution be received and Council go on record to the effect to the effect that the resolution as submitted is not necessarily endorsed in all of its phases, and the memorandum from the Niagara Falls and District Board of Education be forwarded to the Town of Newmarket. SEE Connnunication 433 No. 341 - Griffiths, 8harpe & Clement - on behalf of Messrs. D~nJan, operators of garage at 3209 Dnunmond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the communication be again laid on the table pending a further report by the Special Licensing Cosnnittee. SEE Report Number 543 No. 420 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Revised Amendment Applica- tion A-102, W. J. Waltere, It. Twp. Lots 21 & 22, Riall 8treat. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and filed and the suggestion of the Planning Board that the property be fezchad to permit erection of a semi-detached dwelling, be approved, in view of the fact that no objections were filed at the time of the hearing before the Planning Board. SEE Report Number No. 421 - T. A. Jamieson Mmited - application for entertainment wheel on of the Mist~p'~jp~rt:/.' '0RFE~ ~n the motion of Ald. Kei~han and AId. ~ort~r ~bst the coEmni~tion be received and filed and Pemission be not granted te onerate a ferris ~eel as requested. - - SEE Co~,mieation 4~4 ~ "eS~n'~6~'t ~ ~ '436 No. ~2 - Woodbine Jockey Club - offer to Purchase 19~7 ~per. ORDE~D on the motion of ~1~. ~c'b~il~ ~d A'id. S~yze tha~ ~he communication be received, filed ~d the reco~en~tion of the Special Fire C~ittee be adopted. ' SEE Repor~ Number 5~6 No. 42y - Duty Free Shoppes - requesting oarmission to conbinue wit.~ temporary structure Un~ff Y~,, SePtember or October, at corner of Portage Road and Dun~ St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald, Morton that the conmaun~eation be received, filed and permission be granted to operate until October 31st, 196~, with the understanding that the building will be removed from the premises at that . time. SEE Report Number 547 No. 4~9 _ Logan end Knight _ on behalf of St. Andrew's Church request for erection of a gate ~n th~ f~'e~6~ b"e~ween Church and Fairview Cemetery. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and request granted. SE~ERepor~ Number 5~8 No. 431 - Loretto Academy - requesting use of Oakes Park for Annual Fie]d Day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received, filed and Permission be granted for~nursday, September 24th or in the event of rain, Tuesday, September ~gth. SEE Report Number 549, The following Cowmaunications were presented: No. 433 - Niagara Falls & District Board of Education . memorandum on resolution from Town of Newmarket. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and a copy forwarded to the Town of Newmarket, with the advice that the City Council fayours a study of the reso] u- tion as submitted by Mewmarket but does not necessarily endorse the same in all of its phases. SEE Communicatioj 31~ No. 434 - T. A. Jamieson, President, Mall of the Mist - setting out reasons for application for enter~ainment wheel, 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and ~ermission be not granted as requested. SEE Communication 42] SEE Communication"~ No. ~35 - Allan ~erschell Co. Inc. - application for entertainment wheel. No. 436 . Canadian Skylift Co. Ltd. - also in fayour of operation of ferris wheels if permission granted to T. A. Jamleech Limited. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the communications be received and filed. SEE C(~m, unication 421 SEE Con=nunication"~ SEE P~port Namb~5'~ No. 437 - Downtown Restoration Committee . Brief on Norwich Plan. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Scott that Mr. N. A. Logan act as spokesman on behalf of the Association and he be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Logan proceeded to read the brief, copies of which had been made available for Z7C. Council. Mr. Logan advised that the reason for presenting the brief at this time w~s due to the fact that it has been apparent in the press that Council has been considering Centennial Projects and Centennial Grants and it is the thought of the Association that their proposed project would be of benefit for years to come; pointing out that whether the finanoint: is done through a Centennial Grant or from another source, it was being seriously requested that Council give this presentation their deepest consideration and keep this matter before them for the earliest poss- ible consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the appreciation of Council be expressed to the Downtown Restoration C~u.lttee for their brief, and, the brown booklet entitled "The Norwich Plan for Downtown Restoration" be laid on the table for the perusal of Council and the brief be received and re- ferred to the Centennial C~ittee for further study and consideration. No. 438 - Clifton Hill District Association - requesting hearing before Special Traffic Ce~m~ittee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that uhe communieation be received, filed and the Association be notified that the S~eeial Traffic Committee are giving the matter referred to in their camm,mication study, and that the Special Traffic Committee will be prepared to meet with their Association and other groups at the appropriate time. No. 439 ~ Mrs. Stella Milinkovich - objecting to restricted classification, which would be detrimental totheir business establishment - Lakeview Restaurant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Neighan and Ald. Scott that the c~mmunication be received and referred to the special meeting to be held with the Planning Board regarding the proposed new Town Plan. No. 440 - City of Sarnia - resolution re: minimum wages - Ambulance Employees. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the resolution be received and referred to the City Manager, City Solicit. or cud the SpecialAmbulance Committee for consideration and a report. No. hdl - Dept. of Highways - inspection report re: Mostrose Bridge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and re- ferred to the City Manager, City Engineer and the Committee which is negotiating for Joint action with the County with respect to this bridge. No. 4~2 - Mr. Gerald D. Haylor - objecting to stg~ erection, adjacent to his Dairy Queen Business, located at B230 Lundyes lane. ORDERED on the motion of A3d. McCallum and Aid. Morton that Mr. Naylor be given permission to address Council. Mr. Haylor advised that his business is being definitely affected through the erection of the sign referred to in his co~nunication. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Aid. Keighan that the communicatiod be received and referred to the Building Inspector for submission of a report. No. 443 - James E. Pay - application for motel construction on lands known as 1980- 1994 Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and tabled pending receipt of Planning Board's recom- mendation with respect to this application. No. 444 - M. Netoff - inadequate lighting on Dorchester Road frcm Bright's Winery to T~orold Stone Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the co~munication be received and referred to the CityManager for a report fr~n the Hydro Commission. No. A~5 - B. Howard Bedford - outlining nuisance created by barking dog. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar~n and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Special T~Lcensing Committee for consideration and a report. No. b~6 - Chamber of Commerce - requesting advice as to which Aldermen will be in attendance at the next five monthly board meetings. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin that the coe~aunication be received, filed, and the Chamber of Commerce be advised that the following named have been delegated: Ald. Scott, July 15th; Ald. Swayze - Aug. 19th; Ald. Mar~in - Sept. 16th; Ald. Neighan - October 21st; and Ald. McKinley - Nov. 18th. No. 447 - Robt. Sentines] Moving & Storage . requesting extension of a watermain in connection with proposed purchas~ ~'iand on Dorchester Road North. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the con~nunication be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Con~nittee for a report. No. 448 - Broderick, Burnett & McLeod - requesting on behalf of clienbs, the Lincoln Trust & Savings Company, a meeting with Property Committee re: urnDosed re-development of Capita] Theatre nro~erty. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.'Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Pronefry Con~nittee, and the writer be advised that the Committee will arrange to me~t with them. No. 449 - Moran Automated Adver~isin~ C__o. - advising ulmt automauic informauion unit now in operation on Clifton H~ l] for Council's perusal., ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and flied and as many of the members of Council as find it convenient, inspect this unit. No. 450 . Con~nittee of A_~,ustment _ notice of public hearing re: application of Anthony Manella. ORDErED'on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the . cc~nunioation be received and filed. · No. 451 . Fire Inspector, W. ~. Sills - unsatisfactory condition of 86 Victoria Ave. ORDERED on the motio~o'fAld. Martin and Ald, Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. No. 452 - E. L, ~uddy Co. - requesting defermerit of proposed by-law re: signs for at least two we~s, a~d requesting a meeting with Sign Committee to discuss the same. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. ~artin that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration when the Com- mittee gives further consideration to the sign By-law. ~EE By-law Number 6579 REPORTS ~aid over from previous meeting: No. 444 - C~i~.y Clerk - outlining two amendments specifically of interest to Council as contained in Bill No. 121, an Act to amend The Municipal Act. SE__E__R,eport Number 5~9 No. 450 . City Engineer - recommending purchase of 500 feet of 42 inch concrete pipe from Canadian Marietta Concrete Products Ltd. at a reduced price, for tiling the reminder of the ditch in the Industrial Subdivision. SEE Report Number No. 514 - City Engineer - attaching copies of letter from Provincial Gas Co. and Dept. Of H~ghwaY~','~s~ecting~s main relocation on Lundy's Lane. S_EE Report Number 552 No.514 - City Engineer - attaching copies of letter from Provincial Gas Co. and Dept. of Highways, respecting gas main re-location on Lundy's Lane. SEE Report Number 552 The following Reports were presented: No. 542 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Com~nittee - suggesting no further action should be taken to amend By-l-w to permit lands at 3765 Mulhern Street, to be used for a two-family residence. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Co.""unicatton 260 No. 54~ - Special Licensing Committee . further report to be submitted when in- formation ie secured by City Solicitor in connection with aPPlication of Messrs. Dcmjan, for a used car lot licence. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. SEE Com~nunication ~4~ 27~. No. 54~ - Property Con~nittee - recommending decision of Planning Board be approved and the property (Par~ of Twp. Lots 21 and 22, Riall Street), be re-zoned toper- mit the erection of a semi-detached dwelling. 0RDEF~D on the motion of Aid.Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. ~E Communication ~20 No. 5~5 - Property Committee - suggesting that use of a ferris wheel at corner of Livingstone Street and Portage Road is not compatible with uses for the area and the applicant be advised that a permit to operate a ferris wheel will not be con- sidered. ORDERED on themotion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communications 421, 434, 435, 436. No. 546 - Special Fire Committee - recommending 1947 International rumper and a 45 foot ladder be advertised for sale before any offer is accented. 0HDEMED on the motion of Ald. McCalltun and Ald. SwayZe that the report be received and adopted. Communication No. 547 - Property Committee - recommending Duty Free Shop.Des of Canada be granted permission to operate the small building at the intersection of Dunn Street and Portage Road until October Blst, 1964, with the understanding that the building w~ll be removed from the premises at that time. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 427 No. 5~8 - Parks and Recreation Cammittee - rec~m.ending City install the gate sug- gested by Mr. Logan, between St. Andrew's Church property and Friaview Cemetery and that the locking of the gate be subject to experience within the first weeks of operation of the gate. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mckinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 429 No. 549 - Parks and Recreation Co.~ittee - recmending request of Loretto Academy for use of 0ekes Park for Annual Field Day be granted for ~ursday, September 24th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mckinley that the report be received and adopted, as amended, so as to make the Park available on Tuesday, September 29th in the event of rain on September 24th. SEE Communication 431 No. 550 - Special Licensing Comittee - re: Bill No. 121 and advising that a further report will be made when additional information is secured by City Manager and City Solicitor. OR]~EED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report Number No. 551 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending purchase of 500 feet of 42 inch concrete pipe from Cdn. Marietta Concrete Products Company. 0R- DERED on the motion of Ald. Mckinley and AId. Scott that the repor~ be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Keighan contrary. SEE Report Number 450 No. 552 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending Provincial Gas Co. be advised that the City of Niagara Falls will not pay any monies over and above that covered by 50 percent of the labour, only in the laying of new mains, in conn- ection with services on Number 20 Highway. ORIB~u on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 514 No. 553 - Special Fire Committee - recommending Mrs. Garbutt and two others be re- quested to meet with the Special Fire Cc~nittee on Wednesday, June 24th at 7 p.m. to discuss the petition received against proposed location of new Fire Mall. OR- uFau~u on the motion of Aid. McCallumand Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. _SEE Petition Number 18 i No. 554 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - suggesting that Engineering Department be asked to prepare a report concerning a]] utility services usin~ City streets as right-of-ways. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and A]dY Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 555 - Proper~y Committee - recommendations re: nossible a]teration in ore- sentation of applications for sign and building normits. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Swayze that the report be received and tab]ed for one week for Council's perusal. Prior to this action, the renort was referred for consideration with By-law Number 6579, dealing with signsL Ald. Kelghan stated that the intent of the above ranoct was that where sign applications conformed to municipal by-laws that the oer~lt be issued by the Dept. Mead under the City Manager, rather than have the individual applications come before Council for approval and that every Monday night there wou]d be a ]ist of the sign permits that were issued during the week so that Council would know what permits have been granted, instead of Council having to review every indi- vidual permit as it does now. In the case of Building permits. rather than have the agenda filled uo with building permit applications for Council's approval, that if the applications comply with existing by-laws that the permits be issued at Department level ~mder the City Manager, but in the case of large industrial or commercial building per- mits Council should be made aware of these and the same should be brought to the attention of Council. No. 556 - Property Committee - recommendation re: type of buildings that should be provided by persons conducting tours in the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mar~in that the report be received and adopted. Ald. Martin requested that a check be made of the wor~ing appearing on the sign erected at the intersection of Portage Road and Buchanan Avenue. No. 557 - Property Committee - recammending operators of Golden Horseshoe Rest- aurant be advised by registered mail, that they will be expected to keep the premises clean at all times and that some arrangement must be made to stop vehicles using the plaza after closing hours. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adonted. No. 558 - City Engineer - recommending H.E.P.C. be given permission to niece an 8 inch dis~arge line into City's Dorchester Road tank on a temporary b~sis, and conditional upon their payment of additional costs created by this condition. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Martin that the report be received and adopted. No. 559 - Sit__y__~ngineer - reco~unending Sen]tation & Poll,~t~on Control Committee be authorized to take steps to either purchase the r~ ~ht-of-way or obtain a per- manent easement over Nawkin's Creek, and the City Solicitor be authorized to prepare an expropriation by-]g~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mckinley that the report be received and adopted. No. 560 - City Engineer - requesting permission to call for tenders for ssphalt pavement oEe treats W~hin Cherrywood Acres subdivision. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallumthat the report be received and adopted and permission granted. No. 561 - Ctt~ Engineer - recommending steps be taken to acquire a ]0 foot strip of property al~ Ellen Avenue. ORDERN. D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and laid on the table for consideration by the Special Traffic Committee when Traffic Survey Report is under consideration by Council. No. 562 - Co~nittee of Adjustment - results of hearing of three applications; re: Nialund Properties Ltd; Mrs. ~. O. Vaughan; and George Schneider Construction Company. ORBSRED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the repor~ be received and filed. No. 563 - Special Licensing Committee - re: possible allocation of hunting ]icence fees, between two conservation group~ active in the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the two groups be asked for a report in respect to the 1963 and 1964 activities and their programmes planned for 196~. 27/~- No. 56~ - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licenoes issued accordingly. PETITIONS Laid over from the previous meeting: No. 19 - Mrs. Garb~t and 30 others - opposing pronosed site for new Fire Hall, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayze that the petition be again tabled and Mrs. Garbutt and two other signatories on the petition be requested to meet with the Special Fire Coamittee on Wednesday, June 24th at 7 p.m. in the City Hall. SEE Report Number 553 The following petition was presented: No. 20 - Helen Gerai and 30 others - objecting to playground equipment to be erected on Carmen Street land. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Keighan that the petition be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Cammittee for a repor~. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 66A- SWAYZE - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Alderman E. E. Mitchelson be appointed Acting Mayor during the absence of His Worship Mayor Miller from the City, rep- resenting the municipality at the Convention of the Ontario Mayors and Reeves Association in Sudbury; and the Seal c~ the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 67 - SCOTT - MORTON - RESOLVED that Whereas notwithstanding the provisions of Section 56 (2) and Section 98 of The Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172, the littering of highways continues from the operators of the connnercial vehicles and trailers failing to exercise proper care to ensure that the portions of the load are not blown off by the wind during transit; And Whereas it is often difficult to prove an offenos under the said Sections of The Highway Act; Now i'nerefore Be It Resolved That the Council of the City of Niagara Falls request the Noncurable Minister of Municipal Affairs to amend The Municipal Act to provide that the councils of local municipalities shall have authority to pass by-laws to provide that commercial motor vehicles and trailers shall at all times when carrying loads such as waste paper, paper cartons, straw and other materials which might be disturbed by the wind, be covered by tarpaulins or otherwise enclosed in such a manner that no portion of the load may be blown off or fall from the cammercial vehicle or trailer during transit; And Be It Further Resolved That this resolution be sent to the Ontario Mayors and Reeves Association, the Ontario Municipal Association, and to all Cities in the Province; and that the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 68 - MARTIN - MaK~_NLEX - RESOLVED that tile Worship Mayor Miller, appoint a suitable Committee, to include the Mayor, in order to make contact with the Mydro Electric Power Cvm~,lssion of Ontario with regard to the possible transfer of Hydro towers fr~n the right-of-way from Murray Street to the north City limits to the Canal right-of-W, in order to release land for development in the municipality, thus creating the possibility of revenue producing lands so badly needed by the City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously Ald. Swayze referred to the right-of-way bisecting the City ~,wn~d by the H.E.P.C. of Ontario and queried the reason why the towers on the original 300' right-of-way running through the City from Murray Street to the north ]imlbs of the City could not be transferred to the Hydro Canal right-of-way, thus releasinF a great number of acres of land for develooment. Ald. Swayze suggested that such a transfer would be possible as the sale o~ land by the Hydro Commission would com- pensate for the placing of towers on the new site. and the City would receive a great amount of tax dollars for the City which are so badly needed. SS_E__R~s_qol~!o~n Number 69 No. 69 - SWAYZE - McKINLEy - RESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Miller account a suit- able Committee, to include the Mayor, in order to make contact with ti~e Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario with regard to the possible transfer of Hydro towers from the right-of-way from Murray Street to the north City limits to the Canal right-of-way, in order to release ~and for development in the municinal~ty thus creating the possibility of revenue producing ]ands so badly needed b~ the City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~arried Unanimously. BY-LAWS The following By-lawwas presented: No. 6579 - A by-law with respect to signs in the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley that hld..Kel.ghan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the second and third readings be tabled for one week. The following By-law was passed: No. 6580 - A by-law to expropriate certain lands in the City of NiaFara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Scott that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. McCallum that Rule 36 (9) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. The following By-law was presented: No. 6581 - A by-law to amend By-law No. ~O55 respecting signs, billboards, sign posts, hanging or swinging signs or any other advertising device purpor~ing to advertise lodging houses or tourist camps or prices charged for accommodation therein. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORI~.D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (P) Of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. MISCELLANEOUS Alderman Keighan queried whether the City did any spraying of areas where there is dampness or an accumulation of water causing great numbers of mesquites. The City Engineer advised that the City only sprays right-of-ways of City property 276. .~77'. but ~lere complaints about this nuisance are received, owners of premises are contacted to take some action. The City Manager advised that regulations have been changed and the municipality has been instructed that private property cannot be sprayed, unless we have a licensed individual and City will have a man trained which will not be until sometime next year. RESOLUTION The following Resolution ~as passed: No. 70 - MARTIN - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the City Officials be authorized to insert an advertisement to the effect that water restrictions are being placed on water consumers, in the same manner as in the previous year; and the Seal of The Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 29th June, 1964. C Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chember, 22nd June, 196~. The Finance ~eeting was held on June 2~nd, 1964, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts ~ich had been previously certified and placed before them. All ~embers of the Committee were present, with the ex- ception of His Worship, Mayor Miller and Aldermen Corfield and Potter. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $1~1,667.59 were approved by the Cum= mlttee. The Accounts submitted, being passed dr otherwise dealt with, were or- dered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McCallum. The Summary of Tenders for clothing for the Fire Department, which w~s referred to the Special Fire Ccmuntttee for consideration, was again presented, along with the Ccmmittee's report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the St~nary of Tenders be received and filed, and the report of the Special Fire Committee be received and adopted and the quotation of Tip Top Tailors $3,5~1.56 for the supply of suits, caps, reefer coats and burberry coats, be accep- ted, with the proviso that the caps mustmeet the standards of the Fire Depsrtment, and, if the tenderer cannot deliver the said caps, then the same be purchased from the next lowest bidder, ~arshall's Hen's Shop; And, that the quotation of Hershalls be accepted, $1,576.55; and,that the quotation of Bond's, $308.90 for the supply of ties and patches be accepted. The epplication of the Manlea Motor Court at 4625 Lundy's Tans. for a permit to move six cabins to e different position on the same ]ot~ was a~ain pre- sented for consideration, along with a report from the Welland and District Hea]th Unit. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. S~yze and Ald. Mitchelson Lhat the appli- cation and report be received and referred to the Property Committee for a furnher report. The City Manager's report on th~ application of Mr. and ~'s. Cserpes, proprietors of the Mainbow Motel, 1581 Murray Street, for a permit to erect a wooden sign, at an estimated cost of $20.00 was presented for consideration. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted, as amended, and the permit be issued, providing there is no illumination in connection with the sign, and also, that the words "moderate rates" are deleted from the sign. The City Manager's report on the application of Brewer's Warehousing Co. Ltd., 670 Bridge Street, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated si~, at an estimated cost of $1,200.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mortc~ and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted and Permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Peuer Samitz, 3720 Lundy's Lane, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of $600.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's repor~ on the application of Niagara Falls Museam Limited, 1651 River Road, for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated facet sign, at an estimted cost of $750.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and Permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of International Resort Facilities, for a permit to erect two plastic illuminated s~gns, in front of the front window of theaters, ~n the Oneida Community Development compley. walls Avenue. at an estimated cost of $~50.OO was oresanted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Kei~han and Ald. Swayze that the report be r~ceived, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's renort on the application of the Park Motor Hotel. 960 Clifton Hill, for a building' permit to cover additions and alterations, at an estimated cost of $90,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MoRon and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adoeted and oennit issued, subject to details being arranged to satisfy the Fire and Building I~snec- tore. The City Manager's report on the quotations received for the remove]. of fourteen trees, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and the quotation of Crawfords Woodyard of $715. plus $180. for the removal of stumps, be accepted. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motlon of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPrEP, egth June, 1964. Chairman of Finance 27~. ,27'1. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 22nd June, 196~. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance ~et- ings On Monday, June 22nd, 196~, for the purpose of passing the by-law which cov- ered the accounts approved by the Cca~nittee. All Members were present, with the exception ~ His Worship Mayor Miller, and Aldermen Cotfield and Potter. Acting Mayor Mitchelson presided. BY- LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 6582 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Mar~in be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given~e first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McCallum and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. McCallum. RFAD AND ADO~A'ED, 29~h June, 196~. Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 22nd June, ]9~- The Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular Council Meeting on June 22nd, 196~. All Members of the Committee were present, ~ith the exception of His Worship, Mayor Miller, and Aldermen Corfield and Potter. Acting Mayor Mitchelson presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. McCalltun and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPED, 29th June, 1964. w 2&c. '1 THIRTY-FIRST MEETING REGULAR MEETING Counci] Chamber, 29th June, 1964 · Parsuant to adjournment, Council met at 7;30 p.m. on Monday, June 29th, 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter. C0~4UNICATIONS Laid over fromprevious meetings: No. 355 - Cyanamid of Canada, Welland Plant - requesting installation of street lights on Garner Rood, north from the intersection of the Chippaws Creek Rood for a distance of approximately 2,200 feet. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received, filed and the local Mydro Conunis- sion be instructed to install 17 units at a cost of $1,100. ul~ Co~uniootion 453 - Aid. Mitchelson arrived at the meeting - No. 424 - Niagara Falls Separate School Boord - second request for installation of a stop sign on Brant Avenue at Churchill Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mc- Callum and Ald. Scott that the communication be received, filed and report of Traffic Committee be adopted. Defeated by a vote of 6 to 4, the vote being: Aye- Aldermen McCallum, Scott, Corfield and Mitchelson. Nays:- Aldermen Swayze, Martin, Keighan, McKinley, Potter, Morton. SEE Report Number 565 No. ~2 - Gerald D. Haylor - objecting to sightseeing tour sign erection adjacent to 3230 Lundy's Lane. ORA~MED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and no action taken. Carried with Ald. Cot- field contrary. SEE Report Number 566 No. ~51 - Fire Inspector - W. H. Sills - re: unsatisfactory conditions at 86 Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the ccemunica: tlon be received and filed and no action be taken. SEE Report Number 567 No. 452 - E. L. Rudd~ Co. Ltd. - requesting meeting with Committee re: proposed sign by-law. ORDER on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the oommunication be received and filed and the reports of the Committee be adopted. SEE Reports 568 & 569 The following Communications were presented: No. 4~3 - Niagara Falls tfydro - recommendations re: possibility of installation of street lights on Garner Road northerly frumChippawa Creek Rood. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cor~ield and Ald. MeCallum that the co,mmmicatlon be received, filed and the Commission be instructed to install 17 units at a cost of $1,100. SEE Co~munication 355 No. hS~ - International Joint Commission - Copy of Order of Approval of construction and operation on a test basis of a boom near outlet of Lake Erie to reduce dis- charge of ice into Niagara River. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. M~rtin and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received, filed and the City of Niagara Falls and the Niagara larks Commission study the future conditions existing in the Niagara River in the winter time following construction and operation of the boom and if the beauty of the Niagara River is disturbed in any way, shape, or form, a strop, deleg~tion proceed to Ottawa to protest. No. 455 - Canadian National Railways - Advising of reduction in sale price to the City of triangular shaped pnrt~on of Mailway land to permit the casing of Buttrey Street just east o~ Startton Ave. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitehe]son and Ald. Potter that the c~nmunication be received. ~i~ed and the Property Committee be authorized to proceed with negotiations to acquire this prop~r~y. Carried, with Aldermen Scott and Keighan contrary. No. 456 - Commodore H. A. Parm, Shriners Club - requesf~ ng ..... financial assistance to defray exp~s~'Vi~ r~f~c~4aid-of-t~e-Mist.float. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Corfield that the cfm~munication be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance for a report. No. 457 - Welland and District Health Unit - advising premises at 3'~36 Beaverdams Rood have been condemned. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze ., that the communication be received, filed and City proceed under the terms of By-law 6440. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 565 - Traffic Committee - suggesting that the volume of traffic does not warrant installation of a p sign" at intersection of Brant and Churchill Street. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Aid. Scott that the renort be received and adopted. This motion was defeated by a vote of 6 to 4, the v~te being: Aye:- Aldermen McCallum, Scott, Cotfield and Mitchelsou. Naye:-Aldermen Swayze, Martin, Keighan, McKinley, Pot~er and Morton. SEE Communication 424 No. 566 - Assist. Building Inspector - Sign at 3256 Lundy's Lane in accordance with By-law 5055. ORDERED on the m6tion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. Carried, with Ald. Corfield contrary. SEE Ccemunication 442 No. 567 - Property Committee . recommending no action at the present time in con- nection with conditions at 86 Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE qommunicattqn__L~: No. 568 . Property Committee - meeting held on June 25th with representatives E. L. Ruddy Ltd. and Gould-Leslie Ltd. to study provisions of draft sign by-~aw. No. 569 - Property Committee - meeting held on June 26th with reference to draft sign by-law studied on Thursday, June 25th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Swayze that the reports be received and adopted. SEE Communication 452 No. 570 - Special Fire Coemittee - repor~ on meeting with representatives of Petition against erection of a fire hall on west side of Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and filed. SEE Petition Number lg Aid. Martin, advised that Mr. Nester, one of the siEnatories on the Petition, was advised that if the petitioners still objected after receipt of this report, such objections could be brought to the attention of the Planning Board when application is made to the Board for the re-zoning of the property under dis- Cussion. No. 571 - Arena, Parks & Recreation Committee - reconz~ending that the City Park located on Lot i4, south side of Carman Street between Francis Avenue and Sinnicks Avenue be used for a supervised playground with the understandieg that the Lions Ciub will supply suitable supervision while the ground is used by them. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. No. 572 - Negotiations CoK~nittee - instructions to Mr. Learie, Q.C. to re-word agreement with Local 133 for year 1965 to cover particular items. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Martin that the report be received and filed. No. 573 - Negotiations Committee - re: meeting with bir. Leario, Q.C. re: unsatis- factory condition of Job Evaluation Survey. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mc- Callem and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed. No. 574 - Proper~y Committee - meeting with Veterans Groups on Jane 23rd re: altera- tions to the Cenotaph on Clifton Hill. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. It is understood that there will be no action on this report until the final report is presented, following the meeting of the Committee and the Veterans Organizations, scheduled for July 14th at 7:15 p.m. Alderman Mitchelson referred to the proposal that a concrete ramp be placed between the curb and steps at the Cenotaph and was of the opinion that the exist- ing green grass tends to enhance the beauty and reverence of this particular spot. Ald. Mitchelson requested the Chairman to draw this matter to the attention of the joint Committees at their meeting on July 14th. Alderman Keighsn referred to the near accidents which have occurred during ceremonies at the Cenotaph, after a rainfall has made the grass quite slippery and advised that the actual width of the proposed ecncrete ramp would not be known until the Engineering Dept. secures this information, which will be made available to the next joint meeting of the Committee and the Veterans on July 14th. No. 575 - S~ cial c~mmittee re: Testimonial for Magistrate Roberrs. - progress report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Carfield that the report be received and filed. No. 576 - Arena, Parks & Recreation Committee - recommending service agreement for installation of a soft drink dispenser at Municipal Swimming Pool, be entered into with Niagara Dry Beverages. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 577 - Arena, Parks and Recreation Committee - recommendations re: small park on Ontario Avenue between E~t'wood Street and Otter Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. This information is to be forwarded to Mrs. Porter, niece of Mrs. Kennedy, resident at this intersection, who recently approached Council concerning destruction at this location by children. No. 578 - Special Traffic Committee - Special Meeting scheduled for June BC/eh to study Traffic Repo~t. ORI~D on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Carfield that the repor~ be received and filed and it be understood that this will be a meeting of the Committee of the Whole Council. No. 579 - Traffic Committee - recommending installation of red flashing lights above the Stop Signs at the intersection of Centre Stree~ and Lewis Avenue. 0RaMRED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 580 - Traffic Committee - recomaending traffic count be supplied by the Engin- eering Dept. so Committee can decide whether "Stop Signs" are warranted at the intersection of Marden Drive and Duke Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 581- Traffic Committee - re: meeting held on June 25th with Jewish Sisterhood to discuss necessity of reincaring some of the benches causing trouble at bus stops. ORI~HED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. 8cart that the repor~ be received and filed. No. 582 - Welfare DeFX. Officials - report on attendance at 14th Annual Convention of Welfare ~fi'~ ssociation in London, June 8th, 9th and lath. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the repor~ be received and laid on the table for one week for Council's perusal. No. 583 - CIty _Rng~i~n,e. er - recommerd~n~ accentance of tender submitted bv Damore Bros. Ltd. for construction of watermains or. %~'-.orold Ston~ Road and Garner Rcad. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. Cotfield that the report be re- ceived and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 7] No. 584 - Ci_ty _Ep~gi~e_e? _ m~nmary of tenders received for the sua~qy of wets-r- main materials for proposed Thorold Stone Read and Garner Road watermain. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Carfield that the report be received, filed and the tender of Startton Pipes, at a total quotation of $23,244.24 be accepted. sEE~ ~es°~uti9~ Ng. 72 No. 585 - City Engineer - recommending acceptance of tender of Vincent Kerrio- Germane Co. Ltd. for the construction of sidewalks in the City of Niagara Fa]ls; ORRERED on the motion of Ald.~Martin and A!d. Swayze that the Report be received and referredto the Equipment omaittee for consideration and a report. Dis- cussion was held with reference to the materials being purchased out of town for such tender projects and the suggestion was made to the Equipment Committee that the tenser form be studied and if changes are necessary, the Committee could indicate same in their renor~ to Council. This motion was carried by a vote of 6 to 5, the vote being: Aye- Aldermen Swayze, Martin, Keighan, McCalhnn, Potter, and Mayor Miller. Nays: - Aldermen Scott, McKinley, Mitehelena, Morton and Car- field. No. 586 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and liceaces issued accordingly. PETITIONS Laid over frcm previous meetings: No. 19 - Mr. John Nester and 29 others - objecting to proposed site for new Fire Hall on Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Hitchclean that the petition be received and filed. SEE Report Number _~7__O No. 20 - Mr___s. Helen Gorai and others - objecting to use of City Park prohetty on Carman Street as a playground. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the petition be received, filed and the report of the Parks P- Recreation Committee be adopted. Carried, with Ald. Martin contrary. SEE Report Number 571 The following Petitions were presented: No. 21 - Pietro Guarasci and 7 others - complaining about parked cars on Simcoe Street between Buckley Ave. and Victoria Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hitchclean and Ald. Potter that the petition be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report. No. ~ - Mr. &bits. Robt. I~Van and 10 others - complaining a~out prevalence of mesquites - Cadham Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Hitch- clean that the petition be received and referred to the Supt. of Parks and Cemetery Dept. for action, to alleviate this nuisance. No. 23 - Frank Salfi and two others - requesting directional sign, at the island at the foot of Bender Hill or at the exit of the Rainbow Bridge indicating the route to the northcad business district. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Keighan that the petition be received and referred to the Traffic Cem- mittee for a report. No. 24 - Mrs. McRae and 20 others - requesting enactment of anti-noise ordinance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and A].d. Keighan that the petition be received and referred to the Police Department for investigation. BY- IAW ~Laid o~vFr from the previous meeting: No. 05=D - Being a By-law with respect to signs in the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading, as amended (Carried Unanimously), Third Reading - (as amended) -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mor~on - Carried Unan- imously. Previous to this action, Mr. Morris Skofac of the E. L. Ruddy Co. was per- mitted to address Council on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton, He re- ferred to the meeting heldby representatives of his Company and the Sign C~mmittee of Council and then pointed out that during the reading of the proposed sign by-law at tonight's Council Meeting no consideration had been given to a readograph type of sign and was of the opinion that consideration should be given to such type of sign, as it is an integral part of every municipal business. Mr. Frank Paznar, Chairman, Municipal Legislation, Sign Association of Canada, also spoke on behalf of his Association and advised that he had offered assistance to the City Manager when he heard the Sign Committee were going to con- sider a new sign by-law, feeling his association would be an asset to the Committee but due to the fact that he had not been notified corcerning the meeting, he requested that the by-law be deferred until the Si~ Association had the opportunity to go over the proposed by-]aw. In reply to a query from the Mayor, Mr. Paznar advised that as y~t there would be no fee involved at this time, although because of their consulting capacity, there could be one in the future. Aid. Keighan advised that he w~s in favour of getting the by-~aw passed to- night and if it was found to be too stringent, then amendments are always possible. On the motion of Ald. Mttchelson and Ald, Sw~yze, Mr. P. C. Sutton of Gould- Leslie, ~as permitted to address Council. He referred to the amicable meeting with the Sign Conmtttee, and that the Committee Members had given his Company the chance to prepare scme data to assist them in preparing regulations re: billboards. He advised that all points were discus~ed and recommendations made and they were given to understand by members of the Committee that there was a particular situation here in Niagara Falls which required immediate action so that this by-law must be made effective at once but they were also given to understand that if logical and reason- able suggestions could be made, the by-law would be amended and this arrangement was acceptable to the Sign COmpanies. The following By-laws were passed: 6p8 - A By-law to authorize the issue of a Debenture to Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation Limited in the principal amount of $2,129,O77.60 to pay part of the cost of constructing a sewage treatment project. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Una.imously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. C~field that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter - Carried U~.animously. No. 658 - A By-law to designate certain blocks of land which have been conveyed to the City of Niagara Falls for widening certain arterial roads as public highways in the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the metden of Ald. Fwavze and Ald. Morton that A!~. Keir~sn be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law he ~i. ven the first reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Kei~han and AId. Martin that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules ef Council be temeorari]y suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. _ Carried Unanimously. Third Heading -Ald. Corfield and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously. No. ~585 - Being a by-law to amend Zcning By-law No. 2530 (1960) of the Township of Stamford (Now in the City of Niagara Falls) as amended (Fire Hall. site - Dorchester Road). ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitche]son and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Kelghan and AId. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temoorarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Corfield and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. No. 658~_ - Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2530 (1960) of the T~wnship of Stamford (Now in the City of Niagara Falls) as amended. ( W. J. Waltors Riatl Street). ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. McKinley that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given ~e first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Kelghan and AId. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6587 - Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Deed between the H.E.P.C. of Ontario and the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls (.Part of Lots 190, 191 and 19~ - public high~y only). ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Svayze that AId. Ketghan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Ketghan and Ald. Cotfield that Rule 36 (9) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time - Carried, with Ald. Scott contrary. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum - Carried, with Ald. Scott contrary. ~o. 6~88 - Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Deed between the ~.E.P.C. of Ontario and the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and River Realty Development Limited (Pa~ of Lot 19~ only). - public uigfiway ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Potter that Ald.Keighan be granted the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORREF~D on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried, with Aid. Scott contrary. Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield - Carried, with Ald. Scott contrary. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolu__tions were passed: No. 71 - SCOIT - CORFIELD - RESOLVED that the City Engineer's report, number 583, recommending acceptance of the tender submitted by Demote Bros. Ltd. for the con- struction of watermains on Thorold Stone Road and Garner Road, at a quotation of $7,991.00 be received and adopted and work be proceeded with; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroin affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 72 - MORTON - CORFIELD - RESOLVED that the City Engineer's report, number 58~, concerning the tenders received for the supply of watermain materials for the pro- posed Thorold Stone Road and Garner Road watermain be received and filed, and that the tender of Stanton Pipes, at a quotation of $23,244.24 be accepted; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroin affixed. Carried Unanimously Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPED, 6th July, 1964. Clerk ' '~ ...... · Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 29~h June, 1964. The Finance Meeting was held on June 29th, 1964, for the purpose of approv- ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Co~mittee were present. Alderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. SundryAccounts in the amount of $482,545.22 were approved~y the Ccm- mittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze. The application of Maples Motor Court, 4625 Lundy's Lane for a permit to move six cabins to a different location on the same lot, which was laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration along with the Property Ccmmittee's report, which advised that after a study of the Health Department's report, and a full discussion, recoem~nded that a permit to move the cabins be not approved. O~NED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report of the Property Committee be received, adopted and permission be not granted. /2~ 't. The City Manager's reDorb on the application of Niagara Falls Muse~lm Itd.. 1651 River Road, for e permi~ to erect a yonder non-illuminated sign on their premises at the above address, advertising "~lseum Bus Parking", a[ an estimated cost of $25. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Corrie]~ that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Rin]ey's Be]ieve-It-0r-Not Museum, 960 Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a wooden sign on property o~vmed by Mr. John Oruyich at the north-west corner of River Road and Hiram Street. at an estimated cost of $25. was presented for consideration. %~]e City Manager's report advised that the sign would be tomnotary. and would remain at that location until such time as Mr. Gruyich proceeds w~th dove] opment of the oroperty. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Aid. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Mans~er's report on the application of Mr. Chris. Tsitanidis, proprietor of the Nassau Restaurant. ]717 Victoria Avenue, for s hermit %o erect a plastic non-illuminated overhanging sign, at an estimated cost of $100. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the proprietor of the Capri Restaurant, 1438 Ferry Street, for a permit to erect a metal sign, advertising "Free Parking Capri Restaurant only", at an estimated cost of $100.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ah]. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. Stanley Oprici, of the Clifton Hotel, 955 Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign, beneath the existing neon sign, advertising "Office" at an estimated cost of $100. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Keighan that the report be received,adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Woollens Unlimited, 27q5 Portage Road, for a permit to erect a 3 sided sign, on top of a trian~]a- steel tower at the Mall oC the Mist Property, at an estimated cost of $].] 50, was ore- sent~d for consideration. ORDERED on the motion oe Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The C~ty Manager's repor~ on the application of Mr. ,los. Lokodi, 3827 Landy's Lane, for a penni~ to erect a neon illuminated round metal s~, ~t an estimated cost of $50.00, advertis~n~ "Industrial Auto Body Service, 798 MontroE~ Road (Mr. Lokodi's business), was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid,Potter and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of ~e Empire Battery Company Ltd. owners of the Park Motor Hotel. Clifton Hill, for a building permit to erect a two storey addition over the two storey a~dftio~ built in 1963, at an es~f- nmted cost of $5OO,0OO. was presented for consideration, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of The Oneida Community De- veoopment Ltd., 1690 Palls Avenue, for a permit to erect a neon and plastic pylon sign, advertising "Oneida Tower Plaza and pictorial of the Tower", at an estimated cost of $7,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the report be received and re- ferred to the Proper%y Committee for consideration and a report. A communication from Gould-Leslie Limited, requesting the Permission of the City of Niagara Falls to retain one of their poster panels located on C.N.R. land, on Portage Road, south of Thorold Stone Road, recently purchased by the City of Niagara Fallp, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mttchelson and Ald. Scott that the c~unication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. Aid. Ketghan queried the whereabouts of Peporb No. 555 of the Property Committee, containing recommendations re: possible alteration in the procedure Of presentation of applications for sign and building permits, and was advised that the same will be placed again on the next Council meeting's agenda, on Monday, July 6th. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mor~on. READ AND ADOFEED, 6th july, 1964. e Chairman of Finance COUNCIL M~A'iNG Council Chamber, 29th June, 196~. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meet- ings on Monday, June 29bh, 1964, for the purpose of passing the by-law, which covered the accounts approved by the Cmittee. All Members were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY- LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 6589 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. ~11ird Reading - AId. Mitchelson and Aid. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. McCallbun. READ AND ADOP,'MU, 6th July, 1964. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 29th June, ]964. The Committee assembled in Conference, fol]owing the regular Council Meet- ing on Monday, June Pgth, ]96~. A]] Members o~ the Committee were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman, Following consideration of the items orescribed ~o them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton. READ ANDADOPTED, 6th July, 196~. M~yor 2~o. THIRTY- SECOND ~EETING SPECIAL ~A'ING Council Chamber, 3Oth June, 1964, 2:00 p.m. All Members were present at the Meeting with the exception of Aldermen Keighan and Mitchelson. Also present were Mr. C. G. Dowson, Planning Director, Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board. Mr. A. McKechnie and Mr. R. Burton of H. G. Acres & Company, Consulting Engineers for the Traffic Stud~. His Worship Mayor Miller Called the meeting to order and advised that the special session had been called to deal with the Traffic Survey Report and the report of the Special Traffic Committee. He then turned the meeting over to Alderman Martin, Chairman of the Committee. A report dated June_!l~~ ~4 of a meeting held with members of the Department of Highways was then read by %he City Manager. Alderman Martin outlined the position of his Committee, stating that some recommendations in the Traffic Survey Report had been agreed to, while others had not, and stated that a functional study as recommended by the Department should be made before the Com- mittee could ask Council to agree with the Report, and that the only way to get a functional study started would be to agree with the report in principle. In answer to a question as to possible costs of such a study it was stated that such costs were not known. Considerable discussion took place as to what Council's position would be in accepting the Repor~ in principle, and whether such acceptance would bind Council to the carrying out of 'all recommendations in the Report. Mr. Burton stated that in his opinion, Council, by accepting the Report in principle, would only be accepting the concept of the Report without accepting any specific details. Several suggested motions were put forward and the following motion as suggested by Mr. Dowson was accepted, and it was moved by Ald. Morton and seconded by Ald. Cotfield that we adopt the Report in principle with reservations regarding: 1. Detailed rood alignments and access treatment, 2. Allocation of costs. Items 1. and 2. to be resolved by further functional and financial studies. Carried. Alderman McCallum retired from the meeting at 3:10 p.m. before this motion was presented, but had previously indicated that he was in fayour. On the suggestion of Mr. Burton the following motion was then presented. Moved by Mayor Miller and seconded by Ald. Swayze that before the resolution as passed above is presented to the Department, that the Traffic Committee be authorized to meet with the Highways Department to establish the terms of reference for the functional study and the estimate of costs for same. Item ~ - Ellen Avenue between Ferry Street and Walnut Street Mr. Eidt, City Engineer, with the use of several plans, outlined the pro- posal for the widening of Ellen Avenue from Ferry Street to Walnut Street, stating that it was proposed to widen Ellen Avenue by 10 feet, to have a ~0 foot right-of-way with two five foot sidewalks and 40 feet of pavement, and to channelize the inter- sections at Walnut and Ellen, and Victoria and Walnut to ease the flow of traffic from Victoria Avenue. Mr. Burton felt that these measures would improve the immed- iate traffic conditions in that area. Mr. nowson, .who stated he was not too familiar wit~ t~e proposal, thought that Ellen Avenue should ~e closed as it was too close to Victoria Avenue. Alderman Martin advised that an amount of $6%000. had been provided in ~he capital budget for this project. At this point, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter it was ordered that the Committee arise and repo~ to Council. READ AND ADOFEED, 6th July, 1964. .... ...... ............. COt~CIL MEETRIG Ceunei] Chamber, 3Oth june, ~96~. CounCil re-assembled st the close ~f th~ Soecia] Meeting of June 3Cth. 1964, for the purpose of passage of the following motion: ORDERED on the mot]on of AId..%~ayz~ and AId. Morton that the n]ar that ha~ been suggested by the Co~F~ittee and Engineering Department be adopted and the Engineering Department be instructed to Drocure detailed costs and ranoft bs~k to Council~ on the wideninF of E]]en Avenue from Ferry Street to Walnut Street. Carried, Alderman Scott who voted contrary Go the motion felt that parking should be eliminated on Ellen Avenue and it be made a through street from Walnut Street to Ferry Street. The cc~lpllation of traffic movement data for this area was also mentioned, and it was indicated that such a study would be made. ~ The meeting adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter. READ AND ADOFTED, 6th July, 196~. Mayor THIRTY-THIRD ME~iNG Council Ch~.ber, 6th July, 1964. REGd~ ME~I'ING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 2:00 n.m. on Mondmy, July 6th, 196~, for the purpose of considering general business ~nd finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Mitchelson. Toe Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Keighan. C0~ICATIONS Iaid over from previous meetings: No. 455 - Canadian National Railways - Advising of reduction in sale price to the City of triangular-shaped portion of Railway land to permit the easihg of Buttrey Street Just east of Stanton Avenue. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Kelghan and Ald, Swayze that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Property Ccm- mittee be adopted. SEE Report Number 587 -Ald. Mitchelson arrived at the meeting st 2:08 p,m. - No. 252 - Niagara District Airport Ccmm. - Draft Agreement between area Municipalities and Conmission. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Solicitor be adopted and the necessary by-law be prepared for presentation to the O.M.B. for approval. SE Report Number 588 ~Fne following Ccmmunications were presented: No. 458 - D~i~, Harvey & Cooper - re: Debenture By-law 6583. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed. No. 459 - Niagara Falls ~ydro - re: Capita] Budget and Debenture Issue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Scott that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager to determine ~hat the programme is and report back to Council. No. 460 - Chamber of Ccmmerce- re: Junior Achievement progrannne. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. No. 461 - Modern-Airs Motel - condition of road at 2663 Stanley Ave. and sewer instal- lation. 0RIbbED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for report. On the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. MeCallum it was ordered that the following communication which had been addressed to the Chairman of the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee, be received at this $eeting. No. 462 - Edward M. Swec- re: conditions on Baldwin Ave. resulting from raw sewage being discharged into an open ditch on a neighbouring lot. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Engineer and Health Xnspector to bring in a report. REPORTS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 541 - City Solicitor - reporting on ~histling of locomotives, etc. at Railway Crossings. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Col'field that the Solicitor with the assistance of the Engineer be authorized to prepare a By-law restricting the whistling of trains in that area of the former Township of 8tamford east of Kalar Road, with the exception of two crossings where such protection is needed. SEE Report ,Number 589 No. 555 - Property Committee - reporticy on Possible alteration in dealings- applications for sign and building permits. ORDERED on the motion of AId. K and Ald. Sw~yze that the repor~ be received and filed and that anolications signs, providing they confonn with the By-law, be issued by the ~]dF. under the City ManaRer, and that building permits, nrcviding they confo~ to By-law, be also issued by the Building Deoartment under the City ~na~er. with the exception of large industrial or commercial developments which Council should be made aware of. No. 582 - Welfare D~_~t~. - reporting on attendance at Welfare Officers' Association Convention in London, Oct. on June 8th. 9th and ]Oth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. No. 585 - City Engineer - reporting on Tenders received for sidewalk construction. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Cor~ield that the tenser received from Vincent Kerrio-Germano Ltd. for sidewalk construction be accepted, and the report of the City Engineer be received and filed. SEE Resolution Number 75 The following Reports were presented: No. 587 - _Property Committee - reporting on purchase of land from C.N.R. abutting Buttrey Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 455 No. 588 - City Solicitor - reporting on draft agreement between area M~micipalities and Nia~ar~i~[~i~t'~irport Commission. 0RDERMD on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Keighan that the report be received and adopted. No. 589 - ~ity po~l~i_cit_o~ - reporting on whistling of locomot~,-~s at Railway eross- ings. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighsn and AId. Cotfield that be received and filed and the Solicitor with the assitance of the Engineer be au~h~-lzed to prepare a By-la~ restricting th~ '.,bt~t]ing of trains in that area of the former m^~mship of Stamford east of Kalar Rcad~ with the exception of two crossings where such protection is needed. SEE Report Number 5~? No. 590 = ~affic Committee - reporting on petition received about parking con- ditions on Slmcoe Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Marton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition Nt~ber 2] No. 591 - Traffic Committee - reporting on petition received regarding directlocal signs on the island at the foot of Bender Hill, Some discussion took place on the advisability of placing a sign on the island as requested, or whether the wording on the present sign should be changed to include the Niagara Fa/]s business district as well as indicating the way to Toronto and Hamilton. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Scott that the report be received and adopted and the Dept. of Highways be asked for permission to erect a si~n on the island. This motion was lost with the following vote: Aye: Ald. Swayze, Scott, Potter, and McKinley. Nays: Ald. Martin, Mitchelson, norfield, Morton, Keighan, MeCallum, S~E~Petition Number lj No. 592 - Traffic Co~wnittee- Reporting on traffic conditions at the intersection of Ellen Ave. and WalnutSfeet, ORDEMED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that t~e report be received and adopted. No. 593 - Traffic Committee - reporting on traffic conditions on Epworth Place east from Victoria Avenue. Some discussion took place on the recommendation to prohibit parking on the south side of E~orth Place from the curb face of the sidewalk on the east side of Victoria Avenue to a point 86 feet east of the curb face. ORRERED on the motion of Ald, Scott and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. McKinley, McCallum and Cotfield voting contrary. 23# No, 594 - Tmffic Committee - reporting on benches placed throughout the muni- cipality by the Jewish Sisterhood and others, and charges for advertising, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Potter that the report of the Traffic Committee be received and referred to the City Solicitor and the Ccm- mittee to bring in a further report. No. 595 - City Manager - reporting on building permits issued during the month of J,me, 196~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mitchelson that the report be received and filed. No. 596 - City Engineer - Tender Forms used by the City of Niagara Falls. OR- DEED on the motion of Ald. Kelghan and Corfield that the report be received and referred to the Negotiations & Equipment Committee for study and report. No.597 - Assist, City Mgr., Admin. - By-law No. 6526 and storm sewer construction on No. 8 Hiphway. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. No. 598 - Deputy City Clerk - recommending issuance of liceaces. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and licenoes issued accordingly. No. 599 - Deputy City Clerk - Application of Canal Cartage Ltd., Hamilton, for Auto- mobile Service Station Licenee at 3184 Drummond Road, Upon advice of the Assist. City M~r., Admin., that the zoning and service station By-law were such that this matter should be referred to the Special Licenee Committee it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and hld. Corfield that ~he rer~ of the Deputy Clerk be re- ceived and referred to the Special License Committee for consideration and report. TENDERS mend~rs had been called for the constraction of ~ -torm sewermain on Ketth Street and for mate-~als for the Moatrose Road sewermain. ORDE~D On the motion of Ald. Mitehelena and Aid. C~rfield that the Mayor~ or if he is not pre~ent. the Chairman of Finance, be authorized ~o initial the Tenders received after the ~ p.m. deadline, and they be tabulated for ~he next Cotmoil meeting. ~]is motion was carried. Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton voted contrary. - Alderman McCallurn retix~d from the meeting at 3:00 p.m.- PETITIONS Laid over from previous meetings[ No.21 - P. G,mrasei and 7 others - re: parked cars on 8imcoe Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the Petition be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Committee adopted. SEE Report Number 59° No. ~3 - Messrs. Salfi, Babcock and Raster - requesting erection of a directional sign at the island at the foot of Bender Hill at the exit of the Rainbo~ Brid~e. ORDERED on the motion of AId. S~ayze and Scott that the petition be received and filed and the repo~ of the Traffic Co~ittee be received and adopted. This motion ~as lost ~ith the following vote: Aye:- Ald. S~ayze, Scott, Potter end McKinley. Naye: Ald. MaYGin, Mitchelson, CozTield, Morton, Keighan and McCallum. SEE Report Number The following Petitions ~er~ presented: No. ~5 - James A. Ntcholls & 15 others - complaining about mosquito nuisance in the vicinity of Fern Ave. and Barbara Drive. ORDEMEv on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Potter that the petition be received and filed and the matter be referred to Mr. C.Norgate for treatment. A No. 26 - MK' A. F. Shepoard on behalf of Mrr. Anne Carr & 40 others - in faro,,-- of re-zoninIjTo~0 Droparty f~i ~'igh~zT}~-6~7~f'~6-'~,sfrist noramarcia2. 0EEED on the motion of Ald. I~tchelson and AId. Moron that the petition be received and tabled until such time as a report has been received from ~be Planning, Board to Co~cil. RESOIDIelONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 73 - McKinley - Potter - RESOLVED that s messs:e af condolence be sent t~ ~be family of the late Mrs. Thomas Keighan, a hi~~ lye steamed resident of this Muni~ cipality for a great number of years; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousiv No. 7~ - MAETIN - MITCHELSON - EESOLVED that s messare of condolence be sent to the family of the late GeorFe Warden, a faithful emo]oyee of the fo~ner Townshin of Stamford for a great number of years; and the Se~l of the Colicration be: her~to affixed. Carried No. 75 - McKINlEY - CORFIELD - RESOLVED that the Tender from Vincent Kerrin-Germans Ltd. for sidewalk construction work be accepted at the Tendered Price of $17,353.50; and the Seal or the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously SEE Report Number 585 MISCELLAREOUS Alderman Morton referred to a eomn]aint be had received alleging that the City was buying cnlshed rock through the Contractors sad paying $1.60 net ton. where it could be bought direct from the quarry at $1.35 per ton. Mr. Eldt, C~ty EnFin- ear, advised ~hat he had no knowledge of any ,Job where a contractor was buyin,~ this type of material and stated that on road construction the City b~vs the crushed stone directly at a cost of $1.20 per ton. Alderman Swayze requested that an investigation be made of the Marave premises of H. B. Morris, located at the corner of Thorold Stone Road and 14ontrose Ro~d. His Worship Mayor Miller then proceeded to outline for the clarification of Council the facts preceding the appearance of a letter in the Niagara Falls Evenin~ Review from Mr. H~vde of the Welland County Co-op Medical Se~wices which was crit- ical of a m~meographed letter bearing the Mayor's signature, which had apparently been sent to residents in Welland County. His Worship pointed out that the orig- inal letter prepared by him had only meant to be an introductory letter to be placed in a folder of the local PSI Branch, along with several other such letters, and he had no knowledge that it would be duplicated and sent out on paper which resembled City stationery. BY-LAWS The following By-law was passed: NP. 659__0 - Being a by-law to allow an encroachment on C].if~on Hill and Oneida T~ne. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Potter that Alderman Ketghan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Ketghan and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Potter. 206. READ AND ADOPTED, t3th July, Deput ity Clerk ........ ~"~' Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, - 6th July, 1964. The Finance Meeting was held on July6th, 196~, for the purpose of approv- ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present with the exception of AldermanMcCallam. Alderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $212,456.71 were approved by the Ccm- mittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter. The application of Oneida Community Development Ltd. for a permit to erect a neon and plastic pylon sign on their premises at an estimated cost of $7,000.00, which was laid over from the previous meeting, was again presented for consideration along with the Property Cammittee's report, which advised that a permit could not be issued for the sign as proposed and suggested a new applica- tion be filed in accordance with the provisions of By-law No. 6579. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Swayze that the report be received and adopted. The communication of Gould-leslie Limited requesting permission to con- tinue the use of a poster panel on lands recently purchased by the City from the C.N.R. on the old N.S. & T. Right-of-Way east of Portage Road, was presented for consideration along with a report of the Property Committee which recommended that the company be permitted to use the land subject to the signing of an agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager's repor~ on the application of Messrs. Anthony Robefro, Thomas Roberto and Agostino Strange for a permit to erect a neon sign at their premises at 939 Victoria Avenue at an est~.mted cost of $675.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton end Ald. Cotfield that the report be ~eeetved, adopted end permit issued. This motion was carried with Ald. Scott contrary. The City Menager's report on the application of E1 Rancho Ltd. for a permit to erect a neon and plastic illuminated sign at their premises at 3802 Lundy's Lane, was presented for consideration, with the reco~nendation that the company be advised that the size of the sign must conform to the provisions of By-law No. 6579. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the .report be received and adopted. L The City Manager's report on the application of Niagara Meadows Ltd, For a permit to erect three signs at their ~remises on the west side of MonLrose Road between Mcleod Road and the Q.E.W~v eta cost of 3 each ws~ -resented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. PottaP and AId, Morton that the report o~ the City Manager, amended so es ~o provide for Lhe erection of any two of the tree proposed signS, be received, adopted, and hermit ~ssued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Mitchelson. , RFADANDADOpFED, 13th July, 1964. Che'~nan o~'F~nance COUNCIl. ~;BTING Council Chamber, 6th July, 1964. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, July 6th, 1964, for the purpose of passin~ the by-law whicb covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were nresent with the exception of Alderman McCallum. His Worship Mayor Miller presided. BY-lAW ~11e following By-law was passed: N2.j591 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes, as amended. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. CotField that A].d. Martin be granted the nrivilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried Unanimously. 0RDEED ~n the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading -Csrried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mor~on and AId. Potter - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. Mitehelson. READ AND ADOPTRD, 13th July, 1964. Deputy City Clerk Mayor C~,N~ERENCE Council ~namber, 6th -T',]V, 1964. The Committee assembled in Conference, followin~ the re6nl]ar Co,in. eli Meet~ on Monday, July 6th, 1964. All Members of the Committee were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. Following con~deration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton. R~AD AND ADOFFED, 13th July, 1964. THIRTY-FOUHTH ~,~EETIN~ 13th July, ~964. REGUIAR ~.REETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met st 7:30 D.m. on Monday. j.]>, n3".h, 1964~ for the ournose of considerin~r ~-eners~ bus~ness qRd finance. A]] ~4crnberF of Counci] were p~sent with the exeei~tion of Ald. McCall~. 'Foe Council, havim- ~ceived and ~ad the minutes of t~ previous meeting, adooted these on the motion of Ald. Kei~an and Ald. Swayze. TENDERS Tenders had been called for the Mentrose Road sewennain conssruction, and for the sucoly and ~nsta]~at~nn ~ mb~mh~n~ at the ~ontrose R~ed .qnn~er,~ Iand~]~ building. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Kei~han and Ald. Bwnyze that th~ ~tenders received~ be opened, initialled by the Mayor and tabulated. - Alderman McCallum arrived at the meeting - COMMUNICATIONS Lai__d over from previous meeting: No. 395 - John J. Bak - requesting consideration to re-zonln~o of property at 770 Queen Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCal]~nn and Ald~ Scott that the communication be received and filed and the decision of the P]annin~ Board be adopted to the effect that the request of Mr. Bak be not granted. SEE No. 4~3 . J. E. P~% - requesting permission to construct mote]. on Stanley Ave. In connection with this matter, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Scott that Mr. J. T. Clement be Frranted permission to address Council on behalf of his client. Mr. Clement asked that Council grant the request of client rather than wait for the new Official Plan to be approved, as recommended by the Planning Board. It was explained to Mr. Clement that a change in zoning would require an 0nt. Municipal BOard Hearin~ and such Hear~n~ would likely not be held for some months, and the quickest procedure would be ~o wait for Counci]'s action on the Official Plan, which was expected by the Fall, it beinf noted that in the proposed Plan, Mr. Pay's property was indicated as Tourist-Commercial. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. ~rtin that the comm- unication be received and filed and the action of the Planning Beard be endorsed by this Council. This motion was carried with Ald. Morton votin~ contrary. Pre- vious to this action, Alderman Morton had moved that Council grant permission for the re-zoning as requested by Mr. Pay. There was no seconder to this motion. SEE Co.u~unication 464 No. ~59 - ~i~a. gara Palls_Hy_dro Corm. - Capital Budget and Debenture Issue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Aid. Swayze that the communications be received and filed and the report of the City Manager in this connection be adopted. SEE ReEort Number 600 No. 461 - Modern-A~re Motel - condition of road on Stanley Avenue and installation of storm sewer main. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and filed and the report of the City Manager in this connection be adopted, and the owners be made aware of what is taking place. SEE ReJ?or~ Number 601 No. ~6~ - Edward M. Swec- referring to disposal of sewage into open ditch on Baldwin Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Engineer in this connection be adopted and Mr. 8wec receive a cop~ of same for his information. SEE Report Number 602 ,... The fol]o~in~,. Cctmmtmications were presented: No. 463 - Planning Board - ~mendment Application ~-104, Bak, Valley Way & Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McCallum and Ald. Scott that the communication of the Planning Board be received and adopted. SEE Communication 395 No. 464 - Planning Board - Amendment Application A-J05, Pay, .Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Martin that the report of the Planning Board be rece~,~d and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Morton vo4ing contrary. SEE Communication 443 No. 465 = Dept. of Municipal Affairs - re: ~ederal-Provinciel Centennial q~ants Programm~. ORDERED on the ~tion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the com- munication be received and riled and contents noted. "~. 466 - [~_~is~t. iX!:~ss~e~b~l~. ~!~!i,t__qgmm__ittee ~n__Yog~h - Inquiry into r .... ~,1 needs of youth. ORDERED on the motion ~f ~ld, Mltchelson and Ald. Cotfield that th~ ~mm,mication be received and referred to ~he v.M.C.A., the Y.W.C.A.~ the Boy Scouts,n~ -~ Guides, the Optimist Boy's Club for their ~ nformation and possible suggestions. No. h67 - Police Department - qn~gefic suggestions and recommendations ~ +he Falls Avenue area. 0RDEED on the motinn of AId. Martin and AId. Cotfield that the eo~m,mication be received and referred to the Cormell Traffic Committee for con- sideration and report. No. 468 - Downtown Businessmen's Assme. - Summer Doomtown P~norsma - July 93rd, 24th and 25th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. CotField that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for report and with power to set. No. 469 - Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd. - Municipal water supply for glass fabrication operations plant - ~h~p.. of Crowland. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hitchcinch and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and the Engineer be instructed to investigate and prepare the costs as requested by the Ford Motor Company; and the matter also be referred to the Ssni~ation & Pollution Control Com- mittee for their considex~tion. No. 470 - Mr. E. C. Box, Senior Citizens G~oup - requesting consideration for some type of accommodation for Group. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee to meet with Mr. Box to determine what they have in mind in respect to their request. No. 471 - Welland and District Health Unit - Condemning of premises at 628 Simcoe Street. tion be ORDERE~ on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Corfield that the communiea- received and filed and the City proeeed under the terms of By-law No. 6~0. No. 472 - Greater Niagara United Appea_]~ - request to erect a banner at Victoria Avenue and Epworth Circle for 6 weeks commencing Sept. 16, 196/, in respect to United Appeal. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and permission be granted as requested. No. 473 - Mr. R. Condtrston - re: Council's action on seeking status as a "designated area". His Worsh4p Mayor Miller stated it had not been Counctl's intention to be classified as a "designa~ed area" but rather to seek some of ~he benefits of such an area. Ald. Keighan reported on the meeting with the Minister and stated that some strong points had been presented, due to the able presentation made by Mr. Montgomery, which possibly would lnfluenee the thinking of the Government in setting up future policies of this type and pointed out the interest of the Government offielals as evidenced bythe length of the hearing granted to the Council delega- tion. ORDEMED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Costt that the communication be received end filed. Alderman Mor~on stated that Mr. Condirston should be notified of Cou,oil's action and be made awareof Couneil's intention on their trip to O~tawa. No. 474 - Oct. Munie~F,] Association _ re: Uotice cf Conventi,,n.. ORDE:~ED motion of Aih. ~h~fn'knd ~.ld. Sjo[t that the camr.-.lnicntion be ~cei,,ed [,,~d fj ~nd and any members ~puty Clerk ~n order that arrsng.ements can be made. ' REPO~US Ho. 509 - City Clerk - Advi~in, ~ha+. qordo~ Wo~d am,~dm~t aF~]ic~iop waz ,'~2-~d by a vote of 5 ~n fayour and 3 concard, which wa~ net n "ote ~f a~ ~he m~mbern of Council as reTlired by Section ]4 of the Plsnnin~ ~.ct. ORDERFD om "he moticP of Ald. Martin and AId. Hitchclean that the RerDrt off the City Clerk be received and tabled for one week. ' ' ~ne following Reports were presented: No. 600 - g_i~y .M_an__sfFf _ reoort~n~ on the submission o~ the Hydro Cc~nissio~ ann- earning Capital Budget For the years ]96~, ]QS5 and ]966. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE, Communication h57 No. 601 - City ManaGer - Reporting on ~uery of Modern-Airs Motel am to condition of road on Stanley Avenue and ~nstellation of storm sewennain. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the repor~ be received and adopted. SEE Communication 46] No. 602 - City Engineer - Baldwin Avenue sewage comnlaint. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 462 No. 603 , City Manager - recommendation for one street ] iFht on Kent Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 604 - City Manager - recommending the installation of five ]i~hts on Portage Road south of McLeod Road. ODDRED on the motion of A].d. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 605 _ Assist. City Mgr., Admin. - purchase <.f Pt. Lot 112, Plan 75, as addition to W. L. Houck Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitehe]son and Ald. Kelghnn that the report be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for recommendation to Council. No. 606 - Assist. City Mgr., Admin. - proposed elmsing of King Avenue smith of Afrohut Street. 0RDEED on the moron of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted and the matter be referred to the Property Committee for consideration. No. 607 - Assist. City Mgr., Admin. - Advisfng of artprove] of By-]nw No. 6558. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 608 - City Engineer - requesting permission to prepare paper for ]96~ Fall Workshop. ORDEMED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed and permission be granted as requested. No. 609 - City Engineers- recommendations in respect to material tenders for force- main - Montrose Road. rdered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Se3tt that the report be received and adopted and tender awarded to Canadian Johns Manville. SEE Resolution Number 76 No. 610 - City Engineer - reconnnenda~ion in respect to Tenders received for storm sewer on Keith Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Potter that the repor~ be received, adopted, and Tender awarded to V. Kerrio-Germano Ltd. SEE Resolution Number 77 ~o2. No. 611 - C_ity Engineer - recmendations in respect to Tenders for the supply of a Factory-built sewage pumping station - Montrose Road sewermain project. ORE on the motion of Ald. Scott end Ald. Corfield that the report be re- ceived and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Cr, r~lttee for considera- tion. No. 612 - Deputy City ql_e.r~k o Issuance of licences. O~D on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted, and licences issued. No. 613 - _Deputy City el_ark - Licenee application of J. M. Cohen and N. Kotlar. ORDER on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the al~lioation be received, filed, and licence not granted. No. 614 - Pollution Control PLant - Operating data for month of June, 196~. OR- u~au~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received sad filed. At this time, Alderman Martin voted verbally on the request of the local Shrine Club for a donation from the City Council to assist in sending their "Maid of the Mist" float to New York City. ORI~v on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the application of the Shrine Club be refused and in future years, if they require a grant of this kind, they get their application in before the budget is finalized. MIS~ Alder~m McKinley referred to the growth of brush on the island in the centre of River Road at the comer of Bridge Street. This matter to be looked into by the City Manager and he is to take whatever action he deems necessary. Alderman Mitchelson referred to the connecting of septic tank drains to City sewers, as referred to in the report of the City Engineer, numbered 602. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson end Aid. Morton that the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare a by-law which would outline the details in connecting to new sewermains, once they are installed, for action of Council. Alderman 8wsyze advised members of Council of the invitation extended by the Lundy's Xa,e Historical Society for members Of Council to attend the 150th Anniversary Celebrations scheduled for Saturday, July 25th at 2:30 p.m. It was indicated that as many members of Council as possible would attend. Alderman Corfield requested that Council consider the placing of an ad in the local paper in connection with the 150 th Anniversary Celebrations of the Lundy's xa_-_e Historical Society. 01~v on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and Aid. Swayze that Council authorize the placing of an ad in the Niagara Falls Evening Review publishing the occasion of the l~6th Anniversary Celebrations. Alderman 8wayze referred to the condition of the ~,-~ yard on Stanley Avenue and a report which ~as to have been brought in on this matter from the Fire Inspector. Alderman Swayze referred to speeding..conditions on Fourth Avenue and Valley Way and suggested that a sisn should be eraoted indicating "Children Crossing", and also that the Police Dept. should be advised of the speeding. Alderman McKinley referred to the traffic conditions existing at the coraer of Stanley Avenue .and the Ci.E.Way especiall~ traffic turning left off the Q.E.Way, and queried whether Council could ask the Department if amy changes are being considered in the iraradiate future for this intersection. At this point, Aldermen Eei~han referred to the NiaSara Farks C~mmlssion and the profits made by this Body. He stated that he felt that profits made in this area by the Ccma~tssion should be spent in the area, rather than being used to develop perks in other parts of the Province, since the tourist influx to this area which causes such profits, also creates many expenses, such as traffic changes, which Council must finance. Alderman HeiShan also $mferred to the fact that the N.P.C. receives a large sum Of money from the !~Vdro for water riBhis through their lands, and he then referred to the previous proposal to prepare a breif to be Sad. be presented to the Government, seeking a higher proportion of grants from the Hydro-Electric Power Commission. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that theappropriate officials prepare a brief, contain- ing all the information possible, in relation to the Niagara Parks Commission set-up as it-is now, for Presentation to Council for consideration, and upon approval thereon, to be submitted to the Provincial Government for a change from the present system. Aldellnan McKinley suggested that the park on Cax~nan Street on which the Lions Club had proposed to operate a summer playground, might possibly be offered for sale to the public, since the Lions Club had now withdrawn their request. 0Panama on tae motion of Ald. Mcj(inleyaudAld. McCallum that authority be granted to the Arena, Parks & Recreation C~mmit~cee to discuss the possibility of the sale of this lot. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 76 - MORTON - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the Tender from Canadian Johns Manville for the supp/,v of asbestos cement pipe in connection with the Montrose Road force main project, eta quoted price of $30,068.28 be accepted; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. SEE ~ort No. 609 No. 77 - CORFIELD - PO1.n~ = RESOLVED that the Tender of V. Kerrto-Germano Limited at an estimated Tender Price of $~6,134.42 be accepted& and the Seal of the Cor- Poration be hereto affixed. S__~RJport No. 610 BY-lAWS The following By-laws were presented: N_o. 6592 - A by-law re: The Niagara District Airport Ccmmission. OI~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDER on the motion of Ald. Kei=han and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Branding hies of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unaimously. No. 6~93 - A by-law to prohibit the whistling by locomotives within the urban service area of the City of Niagara Falls. 0P~ on the motion of Aid. Ke~ ~-n and Aid. Scott that Aid. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. 0RIBRED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2} of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. In connection with the above By-law it w~s stated that if the term "whistling" as used in the by-law did not cover the blowing of air horns on diesel trains that the by-law would be amended to so provide. ~ - A by-law to authorize the construction of watermains as an extension to the existing Waterworks System.. 0RIBBED on the motion of AId. 8w~ze and AId. Morton that Aid. CoTfield be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading, - Carried tYnantmously.. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and AId. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law he given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~95 - A by-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local improvements u~der Section 12 of the Local Improvement Act. OBI~BED on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. Corfield that Ald. ~orton be granted the privilege of introducing the by-lay and the by-lay be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~ on the moldice of Aid. Morton and AZd. NcCallum ~-h=t Ru~e 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. No. 6596 - A by-law to enter into an agreement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Demote Bros. ttmtted. ORI~EED on the motion of Aid. Mcrdnley and Aid. Cotfield that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law he given the first reading. - Carried ORESBED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Third Reading - Aid. Sws~ze and Aid. Keighan. No. 6~97 - A by-law to enter into an agreement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Vincent ~errio-germano L~m~ted. ~ on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Swayze that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORESRED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law he given the second reading. Third Reading - Aid. Mckinley and Ald. Morton. 6598 - Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the City of Niagara Falls and the Niagara Falls District Board of Education. OR1F~D on the motion of Ald. Mitohelson and Ald. Potter that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~EED 'on the motion of Ald. ~eighan and Aid. 8wayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing J~ules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried ~Yn~nimously. Third Beading -Ald. M~Winley and Aid. Swa~ze - Carried I~imously. No. 6~ - A by-law to amend By-law Number 37cJ0, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. O~I~I~D on the motion or AId. MclCtnlay and AId. Scott that Aid. ~ be ~ranted the privilege of introductn~ the by-law and the b~-law be given the first raa~_-. - Carried ~Ynimously. ~ on the action of Aid. Swayze and AId. Corfield that Rule S~ (~) of the Stan~n.- Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, with Ald. NcCallum and Mttchelson contrary. Third Rea~,_- - AId. Morton and AId. 8oOtt - Carried, with Aid. M~Callu: and Mltehelson contrary, L No.~ - Being a by-law to prohibit unnecessary noises. ORi~i~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORateD on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended end the by-law be given the second reading - Carried, with Ald. Scott voting contrary. ThirdReading. Aid. McCallumand Ald. Mitchelson = Carried, with Ald. Scott contrary. No. 6601 - A by-law to exPropriate a perpetual easement to open and maintain a storm water drainage ditch along Hawkin's Creek. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Ald. Scott he granted the privilege of introduci~g the by-lawand the by-law be givensthe first reading.. Carried. ORE~I~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading .Ald. Morton and Aid. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6602 - To appoint a Sign Inspector for the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. 8wayze that Aid. Potter be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried. OP$~BED on the motion of Aid. Potter and Aid. NcKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimous]y. In respect to the By-law to provide for the Wood Amendment Application, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that the by-law be tabled to be presented at the same time as the Report of the City Clerk which ~as Previously tabled at this meeting. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. BEAD ~ ADOPA,~.,, 20th July, 196~. / Council Chamber, 13th ~uly~ 1964. The Finance Meeting was held on July 13th, 196~, for the purpose of approv- ing and also !~xssing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the C~f~mtttee were present. Ald.Maxtin, Chair- m~n of ~r~nCe~ presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of ~°64,0~O.55 were approved by the C~n- mAttee. The Accounts subaitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council on the motion of Ald. Mitch- elson and Aid. Potter. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector was presented in respect to sign permits issued for the week ending July lOth, 1961~. ORDEEED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Mox~con that the repoxt be received and filed. The report of the City Manager was presented in respect to the application of Chas. R. Reese and John Gruyich for a building permit to erect a motel,restaurant, and gif~ shop on Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 on River Road between Hiram Street and John Street and Lots 103, 104 on Falls Avenue between John Street and Hiram Street, at an estimated cost of $~6%O00. O~ua~i~m on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid.Morton that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued. Ald. Scott voted contrary. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOrA'~D, 20th July, 196~. Deputy City Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL Council Chamber, Council re-assembled at ~e close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, July 13th, 1~, for the purpose of passin~ the by-law which cgvered the accounts approved by the Cce~ittee. All Members were present. BY-EAW The following l~-lav was lmssed: ~ - A b~-law to provide monies for general purposes. ~ on the motion of Ald. 8wa~le and AId. Cotfield that Ald. liartin be ~ranted the privilege of introduein~ the by-law and the b/-lew be ~iven the first reading. - CaxTled t~antmousl~. ORDEMED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. McCallurn that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading ,Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mox~on - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Keighan. READ AND ADOr,.~D, 20T~ Ju/y, 196~. Deputy City Clerk Mayor ~e U · f~UIAR ~lsri. iNG Council Chamber, Pursuant to adaournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, July 20th, 199+, for the purpose of considering general business and f]na-ce. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Potter. The Council having received and read the m~nutes of tie previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. 8wayze and Aid. Corfield. CC~CATIONS. . laid over from previous meettn_=s: No. 341 - Griffiths, Sharpe & Clement - application of Messrs. DeeJan to sell used cars at 3209Drunnond Road. ORE~EDon the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchel- son that the e~mmnication be received and tabled, and the report of the Special Licensing Committee be received and filed. SEE Report Number 615 No. b)+5 - B. H. ~edford - problem of barkt-_= dog on Leonard Avenue. OPu=a~d~ on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Aid. Cotfield that the co~ication be received and filed and the report of the Special Licensing Committee be received and adopted. Report Number 616 No. ~7 - T. C. Sentineal - extension of watermain to Dorchester Rd. N. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. McCallurn that the c~mmunication be received and filed and the report of the Sanitation & Pollution Control C~mmittee be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 617 No. ~67 - Police Del~rtaent - Traffic suggestions in' the Falls Avenun area. ORAmU~a) on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Corfield that the c~mmunication be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Ccmmittee be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Scott voting contrary. SEE Report Number 618 No. ~68 - Downtown Businessmen's Asset. - blocking off streets for Su~er Dovntown Panorama. 0BraZen the motion of Aid. S~ayze and Aid. Scott that the cceauni- cation be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Ccemittee be received and adopted. Report Number 619 No.469 - Ford Notor Co. of Canada - requesting 2unicipel water supply for plant in Crowland Township. ORIB~El) on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. norfield that the ccmmunication be received andtabledmed the report of the Sanitation& Pollu- tion Control Committee be received and filed. SEE Report Number 6~0 No. ~70 - Mr. I. C. Box, Senior Cltlxens group -requesting aeecmm~tion for ~roup CSIB~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. ~wayze that the communication be received and tabled and the report of the Property Committee be received and the Committee be authorized to compile the necessar~ ~n~ormation. SENReport Number 6~1 No. 192 - Stamford Legion, Branch 479 - re: Clifton Hill Cenotaph Renovation. 0REERED on %~ee m~S[i~f~f~l Mo~jt'6n and Ald. Swmyze that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Property Committee be received, adopted, and the work outlined therein, proceeded with, and the letter from the Stamford Memorial.Arena be received and filed and they be advised that as of the present time, nothing is to be done about the Cenotaph at the Arena, but the Property Committee will carry on further negotiations in this respect. SEE Communication ~ Report Number 57h SEE R_eport Numbe~ The following communications were_~re~s~t_e~d~ No. 475 - Stamford Memorial Arena - Protesting move of Cenotaph from Arena site ~o Legion Hall on Nort/~ Street. OR~D on the motion of Ald. Morton ann Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and they be advised that as of the present time nothing is to be done about the Cenotaph at the Arena but the Property Committee will carry on further negotiations in this respect. SEE Communication 192 SEE Report Number~'7~ ~"~Re~"f~l~'~'~ No. ~76 - Select Committee on the Mamic~al Act and Related Acts - Hearings of Committee and submissions on dhanges i~'Acts. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Martin that the communication be received and filed, and that the matter of the amendment to the Planning Act pertaining to Consent Applications be brought to the attention of the Select Committee; and that the Officials be authorized to review the Act and bring in a report thereon, as to any other pos- sible changes that could be mede. No. 477 . Visitor & Convention Bureau - Pick-up of Christmas trees in connection with Winter Festiwal bonfire, etc. OP~on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the City Engineer for a report. No. ~78 - R. Condirston - Answer to question about "Designated Area". ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that Mr. Condirston be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Condirston referred to the wording of the news item in the Evening Review concerning this matter and stated that it differed from Council's intention, and advised that he was of the opinion that if the item had not been reported accurately that Council should demand its retraction. The co~$nunication was received and filed. No. 479 - City of Woodstock - Resolution pertaining to dentel services for welfare recipients. 01~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the com- munication be received and referred to the Amb,,ln, ce Committee for their con- sideration. No. 480 - City of Peterborough - Resolution pertaining to dentel services for welfare recipients. Ol~ma~u on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager and Welfare Admin- istrator for cc~sidenationandreport. No. 481 - NiaS~re Fromtier Humane Society - Decrease in membership on Board. 01~on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Mitchelson that the communication be received and filed and Council strongly protest the proposed resolution to decrease the membership, Particularly in v~ew of the sise of grant Paid by the City, and Coun~tl's rePresentativeS be authorized to oppose the proposed resolution at the forthcoming meeting, and that a letter be sent to the 8celery advising them of Counell's feelings. On the motion of Aid. EelShen and Ald. Swayze Mr. Green, President of the Board, was granted permission to address Council. Mr. Green ad- vised that he was in fayour of changing the membership, but not during the middle of the term, but that the matter would come up for a vote at the special meeting on August 19th, 1964. ~Stl. No. ~82 - Depar+.mput of Highways - Abandoned Railway right-of-way, south of ~'norold Stone Road. ORusu~u on the motion of Ald. Mttchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the co~nunicatlon be received and 'filed. No. ~83 - Delm~rtment oE Highways - advising that section of River Road from Clifton Hill to 150 feet cast of Bender Street has been reverted to the Niagara Parks Cammission. OI~NED on the motion of Ald. HcCallum and Ald. Swayze that the co~munication be received and filed and the Niagara Parks C~ission be contacted for permission to install parking meters as requested by the Merchants Association. No. ~84 - F. Primcrane - Remodelling of premises at 3736 Beavers=m= Rend. OH- I~D on the motion of Aid. Hartin and Aid. Mltchelson that the c~unloatlon be recelved and referred to the Property Committee for report, and MAr. Primcrane be granted pex~aissioa to address Council. Mr. Prlamrano advised that he would like to remodel the building lastcad of tearing it down for the reasons as stated in his communication. leo. ~85 - Mr. Hans Mercntk, Cdn. 8k~rlift Co. Ltd.- application for sign and change in name of premises froa Skylift Motel to Skylift Motor Hotel. ~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and filed and permission be not granted for the change in name. No. ~86 - Nydro-Electric Power Cosmission of 0nt. - Proposed storm sever Installa- tion across Ontario Hydro lands - Part Lot 59. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Nattin and Ald. Morton that the c~unication be received and Hydro advised that the teams outlined therein are satisfactory to Council. Laid over frca previous meetings: No. 509 - City Clerk - reporting on Wood Amendment Application rood approval thereof by at least two-thirds of all the members of Council. OEE~IRED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Morton that the Clerk's report be received and tabled ' and considered at the same time as By-law No. 6608 (item 6. under By-laws). The following R,:ports_y~eFe_ p~r~_sented: No. 615 - S~ctal Licensing Committee _ Consideration of DoraJan application for Used Car L~cence at 3209 l~.m6nd ~oad. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Kttchelson that the Report he received and filed. ~ C~c~n~m~__i~ca~on 341 No. 616 - S~ecial Idcensin~_ Ccmmittee_ problem of dog barking on Leonard Ave. 0RI~RED on'the motion of AldZ'~[~h~lson and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 617 - ~anitation & Pollution Control Committee - reporting on request of T. C. Sentlneal for watermain extension on Dorchester Ro~d N. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallt~n that the report be received and adopted. SEE Cc~nunication 447 No. 618 - Traffic C~'~mittee . reporting on traffic changes in Falls Avenue area. ORE~I~D on'the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report of the Committee he received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Scott voting contrary. SEE Communication 467 No. 619 - Traffic C~nmittee - reporting on request of Downtown Business Assoc. to block off streets. ~RDF~D on the motion of Ald. S~yze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Cc~mmnication 468 No. 6~0 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Comm4ttee . request of Ford ~otor Co. for watermain extension. ORI)EI~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. SEE Communication 469 No. 621 - Property Committee - reporting on request of ~r. E. C. Box, Senior Citizens Group, for accommodation. 0RREHED on the motion of Ald. ~orton and Ald. ~wayze that the report ~e received and the Committee be authorized to gEE By-law Number 6608 ~' conpile t~e necessary information. the motion of Ald. Marten and Ald. 8~ze that the report be received and filed. ~X~ORE 1; ;;pert~r Committee , re: Clifton Hill Caneta D on Aid. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted 8E~ Cc~m~ualcatton 192 ~ and the work outlined therein proceeded with. ~ Communication 47~ i BEE C~unicatton 192 SEE Re:~ort Wmn~er 622 SEE CcemmAnioation No. 599 - Deputy Cit~( Clerk - application of Canal Cartage Ltd. for Service gtation i~ ~ Finance Mee~'fng of I.lcence at 318~ lmond Road. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. ~ ~July 27th, 196~ Neighan that the report be received and tabled and the report of the Special LI- ,. censing Ccmm~ittee be received and adopted. ~. No. 623 . Special Licensing Cazmittee - application of Canal Cartage Ltd. for bss Report Number 623 Service Station Licenee at 318~ '~rammond Road. O~IJRED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Neighan that the report be received and adopted. No. 605 - Assistant Ctt~ Mgr. ,A~!nistratlonP Purchase of Lot 112, Plan 75 as addition to W. L. Houck Park. O1~ on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. Neighs- that the report be received and filed and the report of the Arena, Parks and Rea- SEE Report Number rearion Committee be received and adopted. 't No. 6~4 - Arena, Parks &Recreation Ccmmittee. Lot 112, Plan 75, as addition to 8~ Report Nunbar 62~ W.L. Houck Park. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. Keighan that the '; report be received and adopted. : No. 606 - Assistant City Mgr. ,Administration - Proposed alesing of King Avenue south of Arthur Street. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson :' SEE Report Number that the report be received and filed and the report of the Property Committee be $ No. 62~ - Property Committee . Proposed alesin6 of King Avenue south of Arthur received and adopted. ' I Street. OBl~ on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. JLttchelson that the report 8~ Report Number 625 be received and adopted. leo. 611 - City Engineer - Tenders for the supply of a factory built sewage pumping station. 0~ on the action of AId. Martin and AId. Corfield that the report No. 6~6 - Sanitation & Pollution Central Casedtree . IRec~ndation on Tenders be received and filed and the report of the Sanitation & Pollution Control Cre- received for factory built sewage pulpLug station. OP~ on the motion of ~ttee be received and adopted, and Tender awarded to C~-a41an Lootmotive at a Aid. Martin mad AId. Cotfield tha~ the report be received and adopted and Tender ~uotattan of $13,~20. awarded to Canadian Locomotive at a ~uotat~on of S~l Resolut.ion )kmber 78 .~ P~port ~ber 626 S~ Resolution Number 7~8 8JJ Report" Number .bll No. 627 - S~ecial I.tcensin6 C~tttee - recoemending revision of by-law to pro- hibit dogs fro~ running at large at any time. ORI]ERED on the motion of Ald. ~artin and Aid. McKinley t~at the report be received, filed, and a by-law be prepared. No. 628 - ~anitation & Pollution Control Coeaittee - Intermediate Water Works Operators' Course. ORD~xn on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Scott that the repoxt be received and adopted. No. 629 - ~anitation & Pollution Control Cc2~ittee - Convention of Cdn. Institute on Pollution Control in City in October and l~per on sewage treatment plant, and also tour of plant. 0RE~EED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 630 - ~anitation & Pollution Control Ccemittee - Federal ~ales Tax paid by Pigoft Construction for Pollution Control plant and amounts disallowed by the Dept. of National Revenue. ORE~I~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Kei~ban voting contrary. No. 631 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - Properties to be included in the Urban Service Area and served by proposed watermain on 7norold Stone Rd. between ~alar Road and 6arner Road, and on Garner Road to the north limit of the subdivision. ORI~D on the motion of AId. Scott and Ald. Cotfield that the repoxt be received and adopted. This motion was carried with AId. MAtt.chelson and AId. McCall,~ voting contrary. No. 632 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - Fasom-ut for betterment of Hawkin's Creek. OB~x.~D on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the report be received and a further report be brou6ht in when more informration is secured. No. 633 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - production of 5,000 brochures for the Pollution Control Plant. ~ on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and AId.. Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 634 - S~ecial Fire Committee - application for permanent fir~mn. ORI~I~ED on the motion of Aid. McCallu~ and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 635 - Special Fire Cm~ttee - Design for propOsed new firehall. ORE~EED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Aid. Scott that the repOrt be received and adopted. No. 636 - Special Fire Ccseaittee - Three objections have been received for fire hall re-zoning application. O~ on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Mitchelson that the report he received and filed. ]So. 637 - Special Fire Cc~$ittee - offer of Mrs. B. C. E. Welch to sell a plot of land to the City for proposed Firehall. ~ on the motion of Ald. McCall, n- and Ald. Scott that the c~.=~nication be received and filed and the report of the Com- mittee be filed; and Mrs. Welch be notified of Council's action. No. 638 - Special Fire Coeaittee - reccs~endatio'ns concerning Fire Department. OEE21~D on the motion of Aid. McCallu~ and AId. Mitchelson that the report be calved and adopted. No. 639 - Equt.--n~_at CCsmittee - changing of 8peed Si~s.. O~21~D on the motion of Aid. Mitchelsonand AId. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. ~AO * I~uil~ent Coesittee - Truck No. 303 he purchased back. OREg~ED on the motion of AId. McCallu~a and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. ~1 - City Engineer - proposed sidewalk on Churchill Street. Ot~2F~D on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Sw~vze that ~he repox~ be received and adopted. leo. ~ -CitF ~gineer - Tenders for the supply of plumbing - Montrese Road Sani- tar~ land FAil area. ~ on the action of Ai~. Cotfield and Ald. ~wayze that ~he report be received, adopted, and Tender awarded to Cecil Asadio at a price of $1,39~.00. S~ Resolution .Number 7~. No. 6/+3- City ~En~_ineer _ Tenders for Montrose Road Sewermain. ORDERED on the motion of]l'F.~'f~ld and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and Tender awarded to Demote Bros. Ltd. at an estimated cost of $65,599.50. S~Z_ R~es_o~l~utlp__n Number 80 No. 6~ - Assistant to Ct_t~( Mgr., Administration _ Meeting with Mr. Potvln, Council, and others ro"~U~b~'~el[e~Y'~tUd~'~Rep0rt, on Friday, July 2~th. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. McCall,n. and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, filed, and Council attend the meeting referrod to. No. 6~ . Traffic Cnm~ittee . Traffic Conditions at the intersection of Duke Street and Motden Drive. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MAtcholeos and Ald. 8wayze that the repor~ be received and adopted. No. 6~6 - ~~ _ meeting with Traffic Committee and Suburban Roads Con- mission on ~ on the motion of Ald. McMinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed and the Traffic Co~mittee be authori~.ed to hold the meeting referred to. No. 6~7 . Arena, Parks & Recreation Committee . Sale of former park on Carmen 8treat. ORDE~EI~n t~motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the report he received and filed. No. 6~8 - Deputy City Clerk - l~ecc~mending issuance of licenoes. ORRE~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and licenoes issued. PETITIONS The following Petitions were presented: No. 26 - Rober~ Smith and 14 others - Protesting manufacturing of neon signs at Ace Hi Sign Co. on Hunter StreetZ"ORE~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the Petition be received and referred to the City Manager and City Solicito for report. No. 27 - Ronald g. Potts and 12~ others - traffic problem at Royal Manor Drive. OR~ on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Swayze that Mr. Potts be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Ports Presented a large plan of the area to outline his expla~tion of the traffic difficulties encountered. ~e stated that there was only one entrance to and from the subdivision, this being Royal Manor Drive at Lundy's Lane, and stated that because of the close proximity of several stores, restaurants, motel, mail box, that there was a considerable amount of traffic around the intersection which created scee difficulty for the residents of the subdivision trying to Proceed to and from their hoses. He asked for some supervision of the traffic at the intersection, particularly during rush hour periods. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the matter be referred to the Traffic Ccemittee and City Engineer for considers- tion and report. ~ESOLSTIONS i'ne following Resolutions were passed: No. 78 - MARTIN - COI~wlELD . I~OLVED that the Tender of Canadian Locomotive for the supply of a factory built sewage pumping station for the Moatrose Road sewer Project, be accepted at a quotation of $13,220; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimous ~o. 79 - ~0PJ~ELD - SWA~ZE . ~ESOLVED that the Tender ot Cecil Amadio for Plumbing at the Montrose Road Sanitary land fill area be accepted at the price of $1,39~.00; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unan: No. 80 - CORFIELD - MCKINLEY - F~OLVED that the Tender for the Montrose Road sewermain construction be awarded to Damore Bros. Ltd. at an estimated cost of $65,599.50; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~nanimously ~ Report Number No. 81 - MCKINLEY - KEIGHAN - RESOLVED that whereas the Council of the City of Niagara Falls deems it expedient to apply for a loan under the Federal-Provincial Municipal Works Assistance Program as described in the Memorandum of the Minister of Municipal Affairs, dated the 4th day of November, 1963, in respect of the following project, namely:- (a) lnAtallation of cast iron watermains, valves & hydrants as follows: 1. ~horold Stone Road, 8" dis-., from Kalar Road to Garner Road 2. Garner Road, 8" dis., from Thorold Stone Road to Noxth Limit TWp. Lot 52. 3. Livingstone St., 6" dis. from Stanley Ave. to' Portage Road. Portage Road, 6" dis., from Livingstone Street to 130' south of Dnnn St. 5. Hiram Street, 6" dis., frc~ Ontario Avenue to River Road. 6. Falls Avenue, 6" dis., from Clifton Hill to ~50 feet northerly. ' (b) Re-location of Hydrants and certain portions of watermains due to road m-construction on the following streets: 1. Lundy's lane frum Drumnond Road to Garner Road, 2. Highway ~8 from H.E.P.C. Canal to Riall Street, hereinafter referred to as "the project"; AND WHEREAS the project is, in the opinion of the Council, a municipal project within the meaning of the Minister' s Memorandum; AND W~ the project would not, without the assistance under the program, have been included among ~ · capital works projects to be undertaken within the oalen- dar year or years in respect of which application-for assistance is made, and no other capital works project has, in consequence, been replaced or deferred until a later year; AND WHEI~S the project is one to which the t~v~dintely preceding paragraph applies AND WHEI~FA8 the other re~uirements c~ the Minister's 'Memorandum have been com- plied with; NO~ .nt~r~FOl~ be it resolved that application be made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for a caittment for a loan in the amount of $53,7~9.20 to assist in the financing of the project under the Municipal Works Assistance Act, 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unsntmounly Ald. McCallore queried as to whet progress had been made for the in- stallation of traffic lights at the intersection of Thorold Stone Road and Dor- chester Road. ~e was advised that an application for approval of this installa- tion was being processed by the Department of T~anspor~. Alderman Swa~ze referred to the condition of the Fiore Junk yard on Stanley. He was adwised by the City Manager that a repolt on this yard would be submitted. Alderman Swa~ae requested authorixation for the Traffic Ccsmittee to investigate the need for parkinH meters on the south side of Bender Hill. Aldersan Berton asked that trees be trissed where they were obscuring stop signs, and referred to the stop sign at the in~ersection of Jepson Street and 2t. Clair Avenue. Alderman Mitchelson advised that he had received a call from residents of the Judith Avenue area concerning the Proposed use of the former Hydro haulage road which runs behind Judith Avenue, in a north-westerly direction, from Stanley Avenue to Mountain Road. On the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallam, Mr. S. Shelton of 724 Judith Avenue, was granted Permission to address Council. Mr. Shelton stated that the residents of the area in the vicinity of the road had heard that the road was going to be used for a truck route, and were opposed to this proposal, since many of their homes were close to the road and many "sidents had moved to the location because they thought they would be away from heavy cczmmrcial areas, etc. Mr. Ord advised that the City had purchased a portion of the road from Stanley Avenue to Portage Road with the idea of utilizing it as a truck route to get traffic away from the Stamford centre corners. Mr. ~helton asked if there was anything t~e residents could do to stop this Proposed truck route. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that this matter be referred to the ~refFic Ccmmlttee, Engineer. ing Dept., and City Manager, for report as to how this proposal would affect the property owners, and submission of same to. Council. Alderman McKinley asked that the Traffic Cc~mittee investigate the signals at the intersection of Victoria Avenue and Clifton Hill and possibly the installation of a flashing light to direct.attention to the Railway tracks. M~yor Miller asked if the survey had been completed yet in respect to location of mail boxes, newspaper boxes, etc. on City streets. Alderman Corfield Presented copies of the Quarterly Report of the Emer- gency Measures Organization for the information of Council. Mayor Miller confirmed that the Ontario Mayors and Reeves Association Convention will be held in Niagara Falls on May 1~, 15, 16 and 17, 1967. BY- LAWS The following By-lave were passed: ~ - Being a by-law to amend Restrictive Area By-law No. 6~76, 196~, and which By-law is a by-law to amend By-law No. ~33~, (Biaschin property . Terrace Avenue and Leader .Lane). ORIMED on the motion of Ald. Kelghan and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tending Rules of Councll be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second readlng - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Ald. Cotfield - Carried ~nanimously. No.__~ . Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with the Niagara Parks Consmission (~8 inch storm sewer on Murray Hill) OPPOSED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that Alder- man Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Lrnanimously. ORE~ED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Cotfield that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. T~ird Reading - Aid. Sweyse and Aid. McCallurn . Carried Unanimously. No._____6~0.~ . Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with the Niagara Parks Commission (12 inch sewer east of Refectory). OPd~HED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Cotfield that Aid. Keighan he granted the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unaniaously. 0~EI~D on the motion of Aid. ~eighan and Aid. 8wayze that Rule (2) of the Standing ~ules of Council be teaporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading, . Carried ~nanAaously. Third ~eading - AId. Swayse and AId. Cox~ield . Carried ~nanimously. m m Niagara Parks C~mmission. (1~ inch ~atermaln . ORE~RED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Scott that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. KeiEhan and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-lay be given the second reading. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6607 - Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with River - Realty Development Limited. ORbitED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. McKinley that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously, Third Reading -Ald. Ritchelson and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Tee following l~-law was presented: No- 6608 - Being a by-law to provide for the adoption of an am-nd~ent to the Nia~are Falls and Suburban Area Official pl.n (Wood Amendment 28) ORE~D on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Swayse that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-lay be given the first reading. - Carried, with Ald. Mitchelson voting contrary. OPu~sD on the motion of Aid. Keighan and AId. Cotfield that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and By-law be given the second reading. The following vote was given on the above motion: A~e: Aldermen KetShan, 8wayze, Morton, Corfield, NcKinley, Nayor Miller. N~e:' Aldermen Scott, Martin, Mitchelson, NcCall~m. Toe above Amendment was not adopted by a vote of two-thirds of all the members of the Council (at least 8 in fayour) as required under Section 14, subsection 2 of the Planning Act, pertaining to the approval of theMinister when the planning Board does not concur with the proposal. SEE Report Number 509 Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. McCall~ua. ,. SEAD A~D ADOPTX~, aTtn July, 1~+. it k Nayor FINANCE~fi~TING Council Chamber, 20~h July, 196~. ~he Finance'Meeting was held on July 2Oth, 1964, for the Purpose of approv- log and also passing the various accounts which had been Previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the C~mnlttee were present, with the ex- ception of Alderman Potter. Alderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $~23,093.8~ were approved by the Cosnnittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, weA~ ordered placed in the MoneyBy-law for Presentation to Council on the motion of Aid.Morton and AId. McCallam. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on sign permits issued the week ending July 17th, 196~ was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. ~ne Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. McCallam. READ AND ADOPA'~.D, 27th July, 1~64. Deputy City Clerk Ch&irman of Finance ........... COUNCIL MEETING . . Council Chamber, 2Orb July, 1964. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, July 20th, 1964, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts appreved by the Committee. All Members were present with the exception of Alderman Potter. His Worship Nayor Miller presided. BY-lAW ~e following B~-law was passed: No. 6~09 - Being a by-law to provide monies for general purposes OI~I~D on the motion of Aid.Morton and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. 01~2~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. McCalh~ that Rule 36 of the Standing ~ules of Council be temporaril~v suspended and the by-law be given the seson~ reading.. Carried Unamtaously. ~hird ~eadin~ . Aid. Martin and Ald. McCallus. Carried Unanimously. Council acl~ourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. McCall,-. and Ald. Morton. READ ~ ADOPI'~;D, 2?th July, 196b,. Deputy City Clerk Council Chamber, 2Oth July, 1964. The C~ittee assembled in Conference, following the regular Council meeting on Monday, Jul.v 20th, 1964. All Members of the Committee were present ~tth the exception of Alderman Potter. His Worship Mayor Miller presides as Chair- m~n. Following consideration of the items presented to them,: the Conference addourned on the motion of Alderman Morton and Alderman 8wayze. I~EAD AND AD0~rsu, 2yth July, 1964. '~p~ty City Clerk THIRTY-SIXTH ~EETING Council Chamber, 92rid July, 1964. A Special Meeting of Council us held on July 22rid, 196~. The following members of Council ~ere present: His Worship ~ayor F. J. Miller, Aldermen Keighan, McKinley, Scott and S~ayze. His Worship Mayor Miller explained that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the possibility of having the D~,mmond Hill areaa~ kmd~'s lane developed as a . National Historic Park in a manner similar to the United States National Park at Cettysburg. Mr. J. D. Nerber~, Chief, Historic Site Division of the National Farks Branch of the DePartment of Northern Affairs and National Resources was present and introduced to the members of Council. ~r. Herbert advised that he had been delegated to attend the meeting and su~mlt a report to his DePartment in respect to the Possibilities of developing the Drummond Hill area for park purposes. He advised that there are several ~ays to undertake the establishment of land for historical or Park purposes. One approach is for the Federal Authorities to de- clare the area as a National Historic park and after development it would be op- erated by the Historic Sites Division of the Federal Government. A second approach would be similar to the arrangement made in connection with the Stoney Creek Battle area, where an agreement was made between the Federal Government and the Niagara Parks Ce~m[ssion for the development of the land. The agreement provided that certain grants would be made to the Cosmission for carying out the work. ~4ayor Miller defined the area as being between Main Street on the East, D~,mmond Road on the West, Summer S~reet on the North, and Barker Street on the South. Mr. Herbert expressed the view that it might be desirable to set up definite boundaries and indicated that the land might be expensive to acquire and con- sequently if the Government became interested, the purchase of the property might be extended over a period of years. He indicated that the zoning of the area would be important to freeze values. Ee also mentioned that the National Historic park at Quebec City was of historical comparison and that at Quebec the property was owned, administered, and maintained by the Federal Government. Mr. Herbert advised that he would like to visit the area and make a careful study of it. His Worship Mayor Miller requested Alderman Scott and Alderman 8wayze, along with the Assistant City lianaget, to acccsrpany Mr. Herbert on the inspection, and visit the Planning Board Office to discuss the proposed plan with the Bcard's Officials. ~he ~roup were also to visit the IAmdy's Xa~e Historical Museam. The meeting adjourned on the motion of AId. Keighan and Aid. Scott. 1~ AND ADOPTED, ~7th July, 1964. C pu y. lerk Council Chamber, July25th, 196~, 2:~0 p.m. A Special Meeting of Councilwas called for the purpose of receiving the Urban Renewal Report from Mr. Georges Potvan in draft form. All members of Council were present with the exception o£Alderman Potter. Present on half of the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board: Mr. E. A. Thceas, Chair- man, Mr. J. D. Vandersluys, Member, Mr. C. G- Dewson, Director. Present from the Greater Nia6ara Chamber of Ccamerce: Mr. A. A. MecBain, Mr. D. Marie, Manager. Present on behalf of Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation: Mr. Reunie, end Mr. G. R. Cook. Present from the Eevelopaent Section, C0emunity PlAnning Branch of the Department of Municipal Affairs: Mr. J. F. Brown. ~i8 Worship Mayor Mill-r called the meetingto order and introduced Mr. Potwin. In opening his r-m~rks, Mr. Potvan first apologized for his late arrival at the meeting which had been caused by an accident sustained by his secretary. He then offered his apologies for the delay in the presentation of theReport, end attributed the cause to personal factors which could not be helped. Mr. Potvia then proceeded to explain the Report, giving a brief s~ry of each Chapter, explaining that the Report was not typed, but parts were ready for typing, while other parts needed revision and more work before typing. His ex- planation covered the following chapters: Chapter 1 - "Land and its Uses=. (This Chapter is ready for typing). Chapter 2 - "C,_-_--~nity". (This Chapter is divided into four parts. Parts A, B~ and C are ccsapleted and ready for typing. Part D - the text needs revision before typing). Chapter 3 - "~'ne Economy". (This Chapter is ready for typing. ) Chapt~ .~ ~ - 'Objectives of Urban Renewal". (This Chapter is ready for typing. Chapter 5 - "Area Renewal". (~'nis Chapter is ready for typing. This Chapter contains very little text but has 32 individual maps .'which are ready for printing. Chapter 6 -"Urban Renewal Methods". (This Chapter requires further writing before typing). Chapter 7 - "Priorities & Financing". (This Chapter is not written yet). It will be written in conjunction with Mr. Potvan and Mr. Eric Hardy. Mr. Hardy has advised that all basic research has been con~leted and this Chapter can be com- pleted within a short time. ) Appendices. (These are ready for typing). At the conclusion of his presentation, Mr. Potvan stated that 25 copies of the Seport along with 25 copies of the Meps will be handed to Council within 30 days fro~ July 25th (the ulttNte date for presentation). On a query by Aldersan Martin, Mr. Potvan stated that he could sake available to Council the report Chapter by Chapter, as it is being printed, and Council would receive the first Chapter by the end of the. next week or the beginning of the following week. Another Chapter would follow in the course of the following week, and from then on it would be a matter of 5 or 6 days for each of the remaining Chapters. In answer to a q~estion froaMr. Cook of C.M,H.C., Mr. Potvan advised that he had kept abreast of changes made in ~egislation in respect to Urban l~enewal and its implications in respect to his report. A question and answer period then took place and the following matters were dis- cussed: 1. Possible use of Centennial Grant. Mr. Potvin stated that a Convention Centre publicly sponsored and publicly oper- ated, mi~ht be a possible project. Possible location of a Civic Centre. Petvia indicated that tbe central business district vould be the best lo- cation for ~he eentre, possibl~ on Vi~orl~ Avenue. 3. What industries should Council encourage7 Mr. Potwin replied that this matter was not within the realm of an urban renewal study. ~. Preparation of a Three Dimensional model. Mr. Potvan replied that this model had not been Prepared but it would be done, but not within the 30 day time limit sPecified for the completion of the report. Such model to be of the Queen Street area. 5. Mr. MAtfie advised that the Chamber of Commerce had been operating along the lines suggested by Mr. Potvia, in regard to industrial development, for 12 years. 6. ~se for the "Centre" area. Mr. Potvia replied that this was the area where he recommended the construction of a Convention Centre. He also stated that in ter~s of economic future, th~s was one area where much attention should be given. 7. MaYor Miller asked that he be not quoted by the Press, ard asked Mr. Potvia if he had any suggestions for the use of land if Hydro towers were removed. Mr. Potvia advised that he was not familiar with recent develol~neuts for this scheme. M~r. Dowson stated that such a move would be worth looking into. At the conclusion of the question and answer period, Mayor ~tller thanked Mr. Potvan for attending the meeting and for his Presentation of the report. Mr. Potvan, in turn, thanked Council for their understanding attitude in the matter, add advised that ha had too much interest in the matter not to n~e sure that the Beport was delivered within the specified time. The meeting adjourned at ~:OO p.m. READ A~ ADOrfi~D, ~th August, 196~. Mayor ~IR~Y-EIG~Nt ~NG Council Chamber, aTth Ju~ly, 1~6~. I~C4;IAR M~d~A'ING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, July 27th, 1~6~, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Potter. l'ne Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special m~.etings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum. Tenders had been called for the Stanley Avenue sanitar~ sewermain. OR- D~ED on the motion of ~ld. McKinley and AId. Swayze that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His Worship Mayor Miller, and tabulated. Laid over from previous meetings: No. 480 - City of Peterborough - resolution pertaining to increased dental care for welfare recipients. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the c~unication be received and filed and Council endorse the resolution with the reservation that the granting of assistance be left to the discretion of the local welfare e~mtnistrator.' SEE Report Number No. ~8~ - Frank Primersrio - requesting permission to remodel house at 3736 Beaver- dams Road. OP3]ERED on the motion of Ald. Morton'and Ald. 8wayze that the ccamuni- cation be received and filed and the report of the Property C~lttee adopted. SEE Report Number 650 The following Ccemunioations were presented: No. ~87 - Niagara Falls Jr. Chamber of C~erce - requesting permission to operate a political meeting prior to Municipal Election. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the c~mmunication be received and filed and the Jr. Chamber of C~=~erce be notified that Council have no objection to them hold- ing such a meeting. No. 488 - The Ont. PlUmbing Ins~uectors Assoc. - 1964 Annual Converence at Sataim, September 2~nd to 25th. 01~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the c~unioation be received and filed and the Pl,~bing Inspector be per- mitted to attend the Conference. No. ~89 - Village of Chippaws - O.M.B. Hearing of By-law 1248 on August 2Oth. O~F~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald.'~Swayze that the communication be received and filed. No. 490 - Frank Paulo - complaining about dog at Fiore's Salvage Yard. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Mortin and AId. Morton that the ccemunication be received and filed and the ms, me type of letter as sent to Mr. Redford on a similar complaint, ~e sent to Mr. Paulo. No. 491 - Assco. of Canadian Advertisers - Passage of Sign By-law No. 6~79. OR- ~ on the motion of Ald. Mortin and Ald. Corfield that the ccemuaication be received and referred to the Property Caittee for report, and that the Associa- tion representatives he advised of the date of the Committee meeting in order that they may attend. No. 492 - John B. Iorfida - Coap4aints about hoXal Conchsan Motel at the coraer of Ferry Street an~ Cla~k Avenue. ORE on th~ motion of Ald. Morton and AId. 8wayze that the communication be received and tabled for one week and a report ~e brought in by the City Solicitor as to the legal interpretation of the use of the 6 foot side ~ard. (In connection with this matter it wa~ also requested that the City ~n~ineer check on the matter of the n~er of parking spaces as compared to the n~aber of motel units). The following Reports we~_pr~es~e_nt~ed_: No. 6~9 - Welfare Administrator _ reporting on resolution of City of Peterborough pertaining to increesed dental c~re for welfare recipients. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the rep oft be received and adopted. SEE C~_~un~icat~ion ~80 No. 650 - Cit~Manager . Reporting on Primereno property on Beaverdams Road. OR~ on the motion'of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze uhat the repor~ of the Prop- erty C~mnittee be received and adopted. SEE Co~"nunicatton 484 o i 'P · on the motion of Ald. Swayze and L~udy s Lane ORDERED intersection of Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted with the addition of the words "and roadway" after the word =sidewalk" in the last paragraph. This motion was carried with Ald. Cotfield contrary. (In connection with this matter it was also understood that the City Manager would contact the DePartment of Eighways with a view to possibly obtaining another means of access to the subdivision via the Q.E.Way. The possibility of having a policeman stationed at this intersection daring rush hours was to be taken up with the Police Dept. SEE petition Number 27 No. 652 - Traffic Committee . reporting on possible tnstalla~on of parking meters on the south side of Bender Hill. ~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallam that the report be received and filed and the necessary number of meters be installed on the south side of Bender Hill. This motion was carried with Aldermen Scott, Morton and Cotfield voting contrary. No. 6~ . Traffic C~lttee - reporting on use of former Hydro haulage road. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 6~4 . Ne~atiatin~ Cceaittee . meeting with Local Union 133. ORDERED on the motion of ~Ya. Mc~ali~m ~nd RYa. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. No. 6~ . Negotiating Committee . Past service pension benefits for employees and meeting with Mr. A. Smart. OR~D on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. ~elghan that the report be received and filed. No. 656 - Committee of AdJustment . Hearings in respect to William Mitchell and Anthony Manella. 01~ on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 657 - Deputy City Clerk.. Becoemending issuance of licenoes. 01~DERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted, and licenoes issued. PETITIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. ~7 - Ronald H. Potts and others - intersection of Royal Manor Drive and I~nd~'s lane. OI~D on the a~'ion 6f~. Swayze 'and Ald. Morton that t~e petition be received a~d filed. ~ Report Number 65] _The following Petition ~ms Presented: No. 28 - Messrs. Salfi, Babcock, Bester - Appealing for sign at the foot of Bender Hill. 01~ on the notion of Ald. McCallus and Aid. Swayze that the Petition be received and referred back to the Traffic Ccemittee for consideration. 4 ~8~b, 324 · RESOLItlrlON The following Resolution was presented: No. 8e - MCKINLEY - MORTON - ~ESOLVEDthat His Worship ~a~VorMtller be requested to issue a proclamation declaring Monday, August 3rd, 196~, as Civic Holiday, in the City of Niagara FallsJ that all civic buildings remain closed on that datej that the regular meeting of Council scheduled for that date be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 4th, 196~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously Alderman SWze referred to the intersection of Stanley Avenue and Thorold Stone Road and asked permission for the Traffic Cr~uwtttee to look into this situation. He also referred to the cross walks on Victoria Avenue at Will- mort Street. Alderman Morton referred to the growth of weeds on the right-of-way of the old C.N. tracks on the south side of Fraser Street and asked that the appro- priate action be taken. Alderman McCallram advised of aceplaints he had received about the con- dttion of sidewalks on Stanley Avenue between Victoria Avenue and the Q.E.Way. He also referred to the unsightly condition of the Morris property at the corner of Thorold Stone Road and Mentress Road, and to the Kettle-Germane property on Mostrose Rcad. BY-IAWS The following By-laws ware.presented: No. 6610 - Being a by-law to authorize the resurfacin8 of certain streets. Ol~u on the motion of AId. Mol(inley and Aid. Swayze that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and.. the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. OR~D on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be tenxpormrlly suspended and the by-lay be given tame second reaa4.~.. Carried l~-tmously. No. 6611 - A by-law to authorize the acquisition of sufficient property to permit pavement widening on King's Highway No. 20 from Drummond Road to the westerly City limit. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Mltchelaon and Ald. Swayme that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unw~lmously. O~ on the motion of AId. Martin an~ Aid. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temperarlly suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. No. 661~ - A by-law to aut~horize the construction of certain works as local improvements under Section 19 of The Local Improvement Act. 0REonthe motion of Aid. MaXinlay and AId. Corfield that Ald.Eeighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the byelaw be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0~ cm the Rotion of Aid. Kei~ban and Aid. SwayBe that Ru/e 36 (2) of the 8tandin~ Rules of Council be temporerll~ suspended and the by-law be ~iven the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. No. 661] _ A by-law to authorize the acquisition of land and the erection of a Fire Hall thereon. 0RESTED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that Aid.Martin be granted the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. At this point, following a discussion on the reasons for presenting the By-law prior to the re-zoning Hearing before the 0.M.B. had been held, and also before the estimated costs had been compiled by the Engineering Dept., the following motion was submitted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the By-law be tabled. This motion was carried wl~h the following vote: ~ Aldermen Swayze, Martin, McCallum, Keighan, Corfield. Nae~ Aldermen Scott, McKinley, Mitchelson, Morton. ~ N_o. 661~ - A by-law to enter into an agreement between the Corporation of the' City of 'Niagara Falls and Vincent Kettle-Germane r.{mited. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. SWze and Ald. Cotfield that AId.Morton be granted the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading _ Aid. Morton and Ald. Swayze _ carried unanimously. No__!.6615 - A by-law to enter into an agreement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Demote Bros. Ltd. OP~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Ald. Corfield be granted the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. OPj1ERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading _ Aid. Morton and Aid. Kaighan . Carried Unanimously. No__.. 6616 . A by-law to alter the boundaries of the Urban Service Area of the City. 01~on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Corfield that Aid.McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-lay and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORI~D on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Cotfield that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Ru/es of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. ~'ne following vote was taken on the above motion: ~ Aldermen SWze, Martin, Keighan, Scott, Corfield, McKinley, MaYor Miller. ~ Aldermen Mltchelson, MeCallum, Morton. The By-law was not Passed since it required a vote of three-fourths of all the Members of the Council (nine). No-_2t6617 - A by-law to provide for the 1964 expenditures on roads or streets in the City of Niagara Falls ~ on the motion of Aid. Swayme and AId. McKinley that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-lawand the by-law be given the first reading. ,J :~26. ORD~D on the motion of Aid. Mar~in and Aid. 8wayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Third Reading - Aldermen McKinley and Swayze. - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. HcKinley and Aid. Swayze. BEAD AND ADOPTED, 4th August, 196~. Deputy City Clerk Mayor FINANCE M~r~G Council Chamber, 27th July, 19(~+. The Finance Meeting was held on Ju]~ 27th,. 196~, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously cer- tified and placed before them. All Members of the C~mmtttee were present with the exception of Alderman Potter. Alderman Martin, Chairm~n~ of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $135,5~O.79 were approved by the Crm""4 tree · The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. 14eCallua. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on sign permits issued for the week ending July 24th, 19~ was presented for consideration. Onvlr~ on the motion of Aid. Corfietd and Aid. McCall~n that the 'report be received and filed. At this point, Alderman Keighan referred to the Beport of the Property Ccanaittee ~hich was approved at the Council meeting of July 20th, pertaining to renovations to the Cenotaph on Clifton Hill, and explained that an error had been made in the price quoted for the stone to be used, and the stone that had been mcamended had been more expensive. OlqEZ~D on the motion of Aid. EelKhan and Ald. Swayze that the report of the Proparty Committee as approved b~ Council at the seetinS of Jul~ 20th be amended to provide for the purchase of Canadian Pink Stone at a price of $6,039.00 instead of a price of $5,009.00 as outlined in the report. Carried. See Report Number 622 Meetin6 o.f ~ul~ ~2. 32 ?. The Cre~_ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. MAtchelson and Ald. McCallurn. P~EAD AND ADOPIED, ~th August, 196~. Council Chamber, 27th July, Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, July 27th, 196~, for the purpose of Passing the by-law which covered the accounts aiMProved by the Cc~mittee. All Members were present with the excep- tion of Alderman Potter. HAs Worship, Mayor Miller, Presided. The following B~r-law was passed__~ No. 66_~_~18 . Being a by-law to provide monies for general Purposes. OP~D on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the byelaw and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORI~D on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading .Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallam . Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Cotfield. BFAD AND ADO PA~D, ~th August, 196~. ~put~ ............... City Clerk: ~or, THIRTY-NINTH MEETING Council Chamber, 4th August, 1964 ~EGULARMEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council mat at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, AuEust 4th 1964, for the prupose of considerin8 Sonora1 business and finance. All members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen McCallam and Potter. The Council, hevin~ received and read the minutes of the previous meetinS, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Swayze end Ald. Cotfield. C(14MUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetinSs. No. 477 - Visitor & Convention Bureau - re pick-up of Christmas trees in connec- tion with Winter Festival Bonfire* ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchedson and Ald. Cotfield that the conmuntcstion be received, and filed and a copy of the City EnSineer~s report be forwarded to Mr. Kenzie and he be requested to take care of the matters referred to by the Engineer in his report. SEE Report Number 658 No. 484 - F~ank Primersrio - application to remodel premises at 3736 Beaverdams Rd. SEE Comxnunication 493 SEE Reports 659 & 660 No. 492 - John B. Iorifida - complaints about [.Royal Coachman Motel, It was ordered on the m~tion of AId. Mit"~helson and AId. Swayze that Mr. Iorfida be ~ranted permission to address Council. He referred to the two different classifications of the properties involved in his complaint and queried the point of leaving a 6-foot zone between the properties if the motel is allo~ed to build anythinS on this space. He also referred to · the noise nhisance created to the air conditioninS units; and with reference toi; the parking facilities, queried the reason for the parkin~ of three cars on the road last ~veninS, if there were sufficient parking areas at the.motel. It was then ordered on the motion of AId McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that Mr. R. A. LoSan, be Sranted permission to address Council. tie advised that they were not the owners of the CoacFeaan Motel property at the time it was fezshed but advised that ha could see no difference between a buffer strip and a 6-foot side yard. He stated he was in sympathy with the complaints of Mr. Iorfida but pointed out that these situations happen where a co~mnercial area develops directly adjacent to a residential area. Re referred to the steps taken to try to eliminate the noise caused by the air conditionera, contacting the C~,apany who had installed them to ascertain whether silencers could be installed to alleviate the condition, but this was not possible. With reference to the SatbaSe pails, he advised that this was not Satbags in the normal sense, but waste paper from the motel units and oriSinally the Sarba~ pails were located on the 6-foot strip but it was felt not desirable without some sort of enclosure and for appearance sake, a temporary e~closure was established. He advised that he had sunsated to Mr. Iorfida that it miSht be more to his interest if af ~lWce ware canstrutted there but that he did not seem to be satisfied with this SuSSestton. FellwinS a full discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald.' Mart~n ~d Ald...CorfiaLd that the cemmunicatton .be received and the matter ' be referred to the Property Committee to view the site and submit a report as to what their findinBs are and what structure is located there, being used to house the ;2arbaSe pails. SES Reports 661 & 662 No. 493 - Prank Primersno - listin~ plans · and specifications outlinenS the repairs to be made to the premises at 3~36 Beaverdams Road. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Corfield that Mr. Primetans be granted penmission to address Council. Re was of the opinion that ha; could repair the ' building due to his carpenlarge experience and that ha has all materials to repair the same. O~DE~ZD on the motion of AId. HeiShan and AId. McKinley that the cemmmnicetion be received and the applicant lubxtt bib plans to the Buildin~ Inspector in the next weak, No. ~9~ - Cocksedgel__C~_~oe Sign _Letters - re: sign support poles, Daleo's Motel Restaurant, and requesting issuance of sign permit as originally planned. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~artin and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Property Canmittee for submission of a report. No. ~9~ - _Lund~v',~,Ia~e~Hi~s~pFi~l Society - expressing appreciation for co- operation in observance of Battle of Lundy's Lane Anniversary on July ZSth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed and a copy of the same forwarded to the Police Department. No. ~96 - Greater Nia~a_ra ~__Ca~n~.~ian Cancer Society - requesting permission to hold tag days on September 17th, 18th and 19th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. S~yze that the communication be received, filed and request granted. No. 497 - Herbert E. Bennett - extending best wishes to municipality upon his termination of employment and expressing appreciation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~itchelson and Ald. Svayze that the communication be received, filed and acknowledged. No. 498 - Institute of Municipal Assessors of Ontario - Correspondence training course. ORDERED on the motion of Al'~'~a~nd ~fd. Scott that the communica- tion be received and referred to the CityManager for any comments. No. 499 - Niagara Falls District Board of Educatio~n - requesting meeting. 0R- DERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to His Worship the Mayor to set a date and time for meeting requested, suitable to both parties. No. 500 - Department of Highways - Construction proposal - Lundy's Lane, Drummond Road to West City Limits. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the c~uaioation be received and filed. No. 501 - ~r. B. Howard Bedford - requesting Special Licensing Committee to re- consider their report with respect to his complaint about problem of dog barking and refer the matter to Director of Welland and District Health Unit themselves. Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Cnmmittee, stated that it was his understanding that if the complainant could produce a letter from his personal physician that his dog was injurious to his health then he had grounds for soma type of suit against the owner of the dog. He advised that the municipality had no by-law under which prosecution could be carried out and that he had explained to Mr. Bedford the position of Council and he seemed to be satisfied. The City Solicitor advised concerning the provision in the Public Health Act with reference to a public nuisance injurious to health which can be remedied by the Board of Health, but that one of the difficulties was that evidence is needed. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Milchslash that the communication be referred to the Special Licensing Committee and the Committee be requested to stud~ the situation, and contact the Provincial Government to ascertain whether legislation could be given to municipalities for some type of authority so that this type of nuisance could be controlled. Aid. Mitchelson suggested that this matter might be presented to the Select Ccemittee on ~'ne Municipal Act and Related Acts, who will hold hearings at Niagara-on-the-Lake, on August 18th. No. 502 - R. Condirston - comments. AId. Keighan stated that when Council and ~axnicipal representatives proceeded to 0trays, they were aware that this muni- cipality could not qualify as a depressed area, but the reason for making this trip was, due to the fact that when the survey was carried out by governmental agencies concerning the employment situation in this area, the survey was made during the months of June, July and August when employment is very high on account of all the extra facilities open for tourists. Therefore, it was felt it was not the time for an accurate survey, because it did not give a true picture of the situation in the off-season. The Alderman suggested that if the writer could submit some constructive suggestions, the Council would be happy to receive them. ORI~D on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the ccemunication be received and filed. No. 503 . County of Peel - resolution for repeal of He~uiation 450 under The Nunieipal Act, so thatJail employees, nov ~unioipal Employees, can enjoy same benefits as other municipal employees- OI~D on the motion of Ald.Mitchelscn and Ald. Scott that the resolution be received and referred to the County Council along with an indication of the feelings of the City Council that negotiations on the same basis should be employed for all employees; following which a report be submitted for Council' s perusal. No. 50~ - City of Barrio - resolution r~: tree planting on private property. ORDEKgJ) on the motion of Ald. ~litchelson and Aid. Martin that the resolution be received, filed, and not endorsed. No. 505 - Canadian National Railways - Proposed sanitary sewer crossing of CNR tracks on Stanley Avenue. OREE~D on the motion of Ald. Nitchelson and AId. Corfield that the communication be received, filed and the Corporation pro- ceed accordinglY. SEE By-law No. 6623 No. 506 - John B. Hopkins - requesting refund of deposit in connection with sidewalk construction on Kalar Road north of Woodbine Street. On the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Cotfield, Mr. Hopkins was permitted to address Council. He requested that the refund be made and the City be relieved of its obligation of the construction of a sidewalk. OI~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Norton that the comunication be referred to the City Manager and staff for a report . No. 507 - John Badowaki - coeplaining about a 'truck' sign erected near his place of business"[ 01~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mitchelson that the c~unication be received and referred to the Traffic C~lttee for a report. No. 508 - City Solicitor - re: Urban 8errice Areas. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Corfield that the conmanication be received and tabled for one week. The following Reports ware presented: 1~o. 658 - City Engineer . re: burning of Christmas trees. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Corfield that the report be received and filed and a copy of san~ be forwarded to the Manager of the Visitor & Convention Bureau and he be x~qu~sted to take care of the matters referred to by the Engineer in his report. SEE Cce~unication ~77 No. 659 - Assistant Building Inspector - recanded building known as 3736 Beaversmine Road be tom down. 1~o. 660 - Chief Inspector of District Health Unit - inspection of 3736 Beaverdams. 0i~ on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. McKinley that the reports be re- ceived and tabled and the applicant submit his plans to the Building Inspector in the next week. SEE Communications ~84, ~93 Mo. 661 - City Solicitor - re: 6 foot side yar~s.' No. 662 - City Engineer - parking at Royal Coachman Motel, Perry & Clark Avenue OI~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Corfield that the reports be calved and the matter be referred to the Froparty Cattree to view the site and submit a report as to what their findings are and what structure is located them, betnS used to house the ~arhage pails. S~E Communication leo. 663 - Traffic Committee - gumsted that the Department of Highways be approached to see if & siam can be placed on the media strip on wast side of Falls Avenue It consaction with q.l,M'ay. ~ on the motion of Ai~. Swayle an~ AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted, ~ Petition No. ~8 No. 66~ - City Solicitor - re: operation of Ace Neon Sign at 852 Hunter Street. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the report be received and the operators of the business be informed they are violating the provisions of By-law 5335 and they be requested to find new quarters in order to canplY with City by-laws. SEE Petition No. 26 No. 665 - _Pr_operty Committe~ - meeting held July 29th with representatives of Gould-Leslie and E. L. Ruddy Sign Companies. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and filed. No. 666 - Negotiations Co~nittee - meeting with Union Representatives and S.Learie, Q.C. re: Job Evaluation Survey. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and filed. The City Manager advised that the interviews referred to in the report were re- ceived by mail on Friday morning, July 31st. No. 667 - Traffic Cn~mtttee - reco~nendations re: Montrose Bridge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~way~e and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. ~ No. 668 - City Manager - report on building permits issued July, 196~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 669 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and licences issued. No. 670 - City Engineer - 8, nmn~ry of tenders for sanitary sewermain on Stanley Ave. ORL~A~ on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Scott that the report be re- ceived, adopted and the tender of Pilen Construction of Canada Ltd. at a quotation of $57,186.05, being the lowest tender, be received and adopted. Carried, with Aldermen Norton and Corfield - contrary. Mr. LaManza of Pilen Construction Co~peny was permitted to address Council on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze. He referred to the sewer contract on DOrchester Road which his Company had worked on which ~as satisfactory to the Township Engineer and advised that he was a taxpayer of Niagara Falls and employed eleven persons residing in Niagara Falls. Resolution No. 8~ PETITIONS Laid over from the previous meeting: No. 26 - R. h and 1~ others - protesting against the manufacturing of signs at ~ter 8treet. OI~RED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and neon Aid. Morton that the petition be received and the operators of the business be in- formed they are violating the provisions of By-law 5B~5 and they be requested to find new quarters in order to conply with City by-laws. SEE Report No. 66~. No. 28 - Messrs. ~alfi, Babcock &Beater - requesting erection of a directional sign. ORl~on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Morton that the petition be received and the Department of Highways be approached to see if a sign can be Placed on the media strip on the west side of Falls Avenue at the connection with the Queen Elizabeth Way. SEE Report No. 66~ 333 ._, I l~SOI,t~IONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 83 - McKInLEY - MITCHELSON - RESOLVED that ~rnereas The Council of the City of Niagara Falls deems it expedient to apply for a loan under The Federal-Provincial Municipal Works Assistance Program as described in the Memorandum of the Minister of Municipal Affairs, dated the ~th day of November, 196S, in respect of the follow- ing project namely: (a) Sanitary Sewermain construction as follows: (1) Montrose Roed 12" dis. to 18" dis. frown Lundy's T~ne to 947' south of McLeod Road. (2) Badger Road, 12" dis. fro~ Montrose Rd. to West Limit Beg. Plan 92; (S) ~tanley Ave. 15" to 21" dis., from Portage Rd., to Stnmrord Niagara Pollution Control Plant No. 1; (b) Installation of a pre-fabrioated raw sewage pumping station and a 1~" dis. asbestos-cement raw seuge force main on Montrose Rd. from Lund~'s lane to 9~7' south of McLeod Road, hereinafter referred to as "the project" A~D ~HEBEAS the project is, in the opinion of the Council, a municipal project within the meaning of the Minister' s memorandum; AND ~ the project would not, without the assistance under the program, have been included among the capital works projects to be undertaken ~ithin the calendar year or years in respect of which application for assistance is made, and no otaer capital works project, has, in consequence, been replaced or deferred until a later year; AND W~EBEAS the project is one to which the immediately preceding paragraph applies in ~hole; AND WHEREAS the other requirements of the Minister' s Memorandum have been complied with; NOW T~E B~ IT RESOLVED THAT application be made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for a co~mitment for a loan in the amount of $197,592.O0 to assist in the financing of the project under The Municipal Horks Assistance Act, 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 8~ - KEIGHAN - SCOl"f - RESOLVED that the Tender of Pilen Construction of Can- ads Ltd. at a quotation of $57,186.05, for the construction of a sanitary sewer main on Stanley Avenue from the H.E,P.C. Haulage Road to Portage Road, be accepted and the work be proceeded with; and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed. Aldermen Morton and Cotfield voted contrary to this Resolution. ; Carried BY-lAWS The following B~-lav was presented: No. 6619 - A by-law to close K~ng Avenue, south of Arthur 8traet~ and to dedicate the s~me as ~art cT the W. L. Houck Fark. OR[~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mltchelson that Ald. Ketghen be 8ranted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be ~iven the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0~E~D on the motion of Ald. Kei~han ~nd Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin6 Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be ~iven the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. The following B~-laws were passed: No. ~ - To amend By-law N~ber 3~90, being a by-law for the re~u/atton of traffic. 01~ on the action of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that Ald. 8w~se be ~ranted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~ on the motion of Ald. 8wayne and AId. 8sort that Rule 36 of the 8tandin6 Rules of C~uncil be tamperarily suspended and the By-law be given the second rea4~S. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Mitchelson and AId. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6621 - To amend By-law Number 4134 being a by-law to provide for the install- ation of parking meters on certain streets in the City of Niagara Falls and to provide regulations relative to the parking of vehicles in the areas or zones where parking meters are installed. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Corfield and Aid. Scott that Aid. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and AId McKinley that Rule 3G (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, with Aldermen Morton and Scott contrary). Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson, Carried, with Aldermen Morton, Cotfield, Scott-contrary~ No.~66~2 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 5149, regarding tourist establishments. {D. Piraino). ORDgRKD on the motion of AId. Seayze and AId. Cotfield that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducin~ the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st reading. = Carried Unanimously. ORDSRED on the motion of AId. Keighan and AId. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tam[~rarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Readln~ - AId. Morton and AId. McKinley - Carr/ed Unanimously. ~o. 6623 - A by-law to auhho~ize the execution of an agreement (C.N.R.) ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Corfield that AId. Ketghau be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the firs~ reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDEPaD on the motion of AId. Ketghan and AId. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Mttchelson and aid. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned Eo the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Norton. READAN DAD OpTED 10th August, 1964 ikAA ' &as FIHANCE MEETING C~uncil Chamber, 4th August, 1964 The Finance Heeling yes held on August 4th, 1964, for the purpose of approvir~ and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Hembars of the Coemittee were present, with the exception of Aldermen McCallum and Potter. Alderman Hartin, Chairman of Finance presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $236,636.69 were approved by the Con~ittee. The Accounts submitted, betas passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Honey By-law for presentation to Council on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and AId. Eorfield. The City Nanager's report on quotations received for 200 24n x 30"' Haxtmmn Speed Scotchlite reflectorized signs, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Swayze that the report be receivbd and adopted and the quotation of Hochanical Advertising Ltd. Oshawa,' $2,739.80, be accepted and the order placed ineediatety. The City Hanager's report on the application of Dominic Piraino, 914 Walnut Street, for a permit to construct a 24-unit motel on the ~est side of Victoria Avenue, between Kithbeast and Hunter St. at an estimated cost of $75,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on ;the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. SEE By-lee Number 6622_ The City Hansget presented a verbal report on the application of Eastland Bros. for a permit to construct a warehouse in the Industrial Subdivision, Montrose Road. The City Hanager advishd that the plans were quite in order, witb the exception of a'structure proposed for the roof, ~0:'x 36 in size, to be used in the breedin~ of-racing pigeons, and that he would issue the building permit subject to the construction of the pigeon loft being eliminated for the time being. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Scott that the verbal report the City Hanager be receivbd"and adopted. The c~lttee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Swayze. READ ANDADOPTED, lOth August, 1964 Chairman of Finatie.e¥- COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber 4th. August, 1964 Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, August 4th. 1964, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by :the Co,m. ittee. All Members were present with the exception of Aldermen McCalltun and Potter. His Worship, ~ayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was pas~e~j No. 6624 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. 6RDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Swayze tha~ Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be ~ given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Hartin and AId. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be :given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Morton and Aid. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Keighan. READ AND ADOPTED, 10 th AugUst, 1~. C1 ..... ~~ 4 ~C~ .......... Mayor · CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 4th. August, 1964. The Coeeittee assembled in Conference, following the regular. Council meeting on Tuesday, August ~th, 196~o All Hemhers of the Co~.lttee were present, with the exception of Aldermen McCallum and Potter. His ~orship Nayor Miller, presided as Chairman. FollyinS consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Alderman Mttchelson and Alderman 'Scott. READ AND ADOFT~D, lOth August, 196~. Chairman · FORTIETH HEETING Council Chamber, lOth August, 1964. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, August 10th. 1964, for the purpose of Fonsidering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Alderman Potter. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aldermen Morton and Corfield. COffi~UN~CATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 469 - Ford Motor Co. of Canada - requesting water supply for domestic use. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the conu. unica- tion be again tabled, and report of City Engineer be referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Connittee. ~o, ~84 - ~rank Primerano - application for permit ~o ramodel 3736 Beaverdams Rd, No. 493 - Frank Primerano - outlining repairs to be made. SEE Communicatlon~umje~_510 No. 492 - John B. Iorfida - complaints about Royal Coachman Motel, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Cotfield and Ald. Keighan that the; cc~m~unication be again tabled and the report of the Property Con~nittee be referred back to the Co=mittee for clarification and changes in their report. SEE Report No. 672 -Alderman McCallum arrived at 7.40 p.m.- No. 494 - G. CocksedS~ - re sign at Deleo~s Motel-Restaurant. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mor~On and Ala; Swayze that the conwaunication be received, filed and permit issued, in accordance with recommendation of the Property Coemittee. SEE Report No. 673 No. 501 - Howard Bedford - re barking dog nuisance. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and AId. Morton that the consnunication be tabled, pending further advice from the Welland and District Health Unit. Sl~ Re_port No. 674 No. 508 - City Solicitor - Urban Service Areas and outlining procedure of note in connection with any by-l~ Co alter boundaries of Urban Service Areas. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and' AId. Norton that the conwunication be received and filed and the additional properties as shown on City Engineer's report be included in the by-law to be submitted to Council. Carriea" with Alderman Mitchelson and Al,derman McCall~m - contrary. hSgE Re o 675 , p rt No. The following Coanunications were presented; No. 509 - Dept. Provincial Secretary & Citizenship - enclosing a list of applicants along with proposed objects for incorporation ~n]er the name of Niagara Festival International Parks Ltd. The City Clerk advised that this conm~.nication was in connection with the Development Project of Mr. Raymond Kobaldj on the south side of McLeod Road west of Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Curfield and AId, McKinley that the con~unication be received and referred to'the Property Co~anittee for consideration and a report. ~o. 510 - Frank Primerune o second submission - outlining plans and specifications for remodelling of 3736 Beaverdams Road. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Curfield that the communication be received, tabled and referred to the City Manager and Building Inspector for the necessary action. SEE Con~nunications 484-493 No. 511 - F. A, Branscombe - requesting meeting with cubittee to discuss sub- 'dividers agreement. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Curfield that the communication be received and referred teethe Property Committee. No 512 o Logan and Knight - application to permit construction of a motel (Season) ORDERED on the motion of'lid. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Property Cubanfetes, for a report. No. 513 - Robert Sidoff - requesting amendment to By-lay 5149 to permit motel construction. ORDERED 9n the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Morton that the coununication be received and referred to the Property Cuffmaltese for a report. Carried, with Aldermen Mitchelson and Scott - contrary. Ald. Mitchelson was of the opinion that such applications Should be dealt with simultaneously by the Planning Board. No. 514 - Department of Highways - re: Lundy*s Lane Project and detailing Depart- ment~s decision thereon. ORDERED on the motfun of AId. Mitchelson and AId. Morton that the communication be received, and the necessary action be taken, as out- lined in the last paragraph and the City ~ngineer be authorized to provide the information as requested. Carried, with Ald. Nartin - contrary. The Alderman was of the opinion that some estimate should be made available to council as to the costs involved, etc. No. 515 - M.E.P.C. of Ontario - Easement covering relocation of drainage ditch on Ontario Mydro Lands, Tep. Lot 98, between Knlar Road and Ulster Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Bartin and Ald. Curfield that the c~mmunication be received and filed and the agreement be prepared. No. 516 - Niagara Rails & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application 6-106, Baclnnis. Pt. Lots 13, 14 Pl, 14~, Huntrose Road, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Bartin and AId, Mitchelson that the c~mmunicatton be received and filed and the recmndation of the Board that the request to amend By-Law 2350 by means of s specific exception so as to permit erection of a dwelling, be approved. 51~ - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application A-lOS, Cardannie, Lot 59, P1. 210, Dorchester ~ead. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Hartin and AId. Mitchelson that the co=municatien be received and filed and the decision of the Planning Board not to recmmmnd the resorting of the lot .from Single Family Residential to Neighbourhood Commercial to allo~ erection of a grocery store with living quarters above, be adopted. No. 518 o Niagara, ~alls & Suburban Area Planning Board - &nmndmmnt Application ~-109, Optimist Club Pt. Tap. Lot 97, Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Nitchalson and AId. Hartin that the communication be received, filed and the recmmmndation of the Board that the request to razerim the entire property from Industrial and Residential to a cuteSoP/permitting a recreational area, subject to three conditions, be approved. Carried, with Aid. NcCallom-contrary. The Alderman was of the opinion that this land should be kept for industrial purposes ~nd therdore be was opposed to any razeninE. No, 519 - ~oa__r_~_9~_~T~n~F~r~ C_ .o~_isSioners , advising recommendation for approval could not be made for City's Anti-whistling by-law number 6593 ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton ~ha~ the communica- tion be received and filed and the procedure outlined in the communication be received and filed and the procedure outlined in ~he communication be acted upon in order that an inspection can be made and a by-law passed as quickly as possible. No. 520 - Proy~J_.~pS~neeri__ng_ requesting permission for company emblem (a diamond) containing the word Provincial to be painted on north & south walls of building. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Swayze that the co~nunication be received and referred to the Property Conunities for a report. REPORTS Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 599 - Deputy City Clerk - application of Canal Cartage Ltd. for an Automobile Service Station liceace at 3184 Dr,rmnond Road. SEE Report No. 676 The following Reports were presented; No. 671 - ~i_~y EnSl~_r - proposed extension of watermain along Heatrose Road. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and AId. Corffeld that the report be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Cou~ittee. S_EE Con~_u_nicatjg_n 4~69 No. 67~ - ProperJy Co~nittee - re Royal Coachman Hotel. ORDERED on 'the motion of Ald. Curfield and AId. Keighan that the report be received and referred back to the Cmmnittee for clarification and changes in this report. In connection with this matter, the City Solicitor referred to his previous report~ number 661, considered by Council at their August 4th meeting, and in respect to the keeping of garbage pails in the alley way, he had persued By-law 5335 and ascertained that *yard* loans an open, uncovered and unoccupied space with respect to a building. Mr. NcBurney pointed out that while pails can be kept there, there should not be any structure erected on that portion. He referred to the correspondence which Mr. Bredcrick had with the O.M.B. in connection with the buffer scrip, and the Board expressed their opinion tha~ they did not consider ;buffer strips were satisfactory and at that time the by-law provided, in C~mm,ercial 1A district, for a ;.rear yard limit of 20 per- cent of the property and not necessarily more than 24 feet, but since then, the City hat by by-law mode the 6-foot rear and side yard limit on motel properties. Mr. McBurney advised that, in his opinion, no structure could be put on this property but this would not stop the use of a driveway, parking or placing garbage pails, as long as no structure was erected there. In answer to a query as to whether the wooden container housing the garbage pails :at the location in question would be considered as a structure, when it is moveable and unattached, the City Solicitor was of the opinion that this would not be considered a structure unless it were attached to the building. No. 673 - Property Committee - recmnd, issuance of permit for erection of sign at Canadian Motel, on Ferry Street, between Buchanan and Stanley, (Deleo) subject to certain stipulation. ORDERED on the motion of A[g~ Norton and AId. Swayse that the report be received and adopted. ,~4c 674 - Sj!cial Licensing C~,~itte_ee- re meeting with Welland and District Health Unit representative re complaint re barking dogs. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report · be received and filed. SEE C,~unication 501 No. 675 - Ci~J_~En__g!neer - names of additional land o~mers, now requesting water service and agreeing to enter Urban Service Area, in connection with proposed watermain on Thorold Stone Road and on Garner Road. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received, filed k and the additional properties be included in the by-law to be submitted to Council. Carried, with Aldermen Mitchelson and McCallum - contrary. No. 676 -~S~ecial Licensing Connittee - further meeting to be held with Canan Cartage representatives. ORDEREDc on the motion of Ald. Norton and Ald, Keighan that the report be received and filed- SEE Report Number 599. No. 677 - City ~anager - Recommended attendance of Fire Chief Wade, st Annual Conference of Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs, to be held in Peterborough, August 23rd. to 27th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Cotfield that the report be raceivied and adopted. No. 678 - Property Connittee - Progress report on meeting with Gould-Leslie- ORDERED on'the motion of AId. Keighan and AId. Swayze that the :report be received and filed. No. 679 - City Engineer - List of names for proposed extension to Cenotaph, Queen Victoria Park OIDERED on the motion of AId. Hitchelson and ;' AId. Swayze that the report be received and adopted and the necessary action be taken · No. 680 * City Clerk - recommending issuance of litantes. ORDERED on ,~he motion of AId. McKinldy and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and licences issued accordingly. No. 681 - Supt. Pollution Control Plant - Operating Data for month of July, 1964'. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin ;and AId. Swayze ;that the report be received and adopted. .' His Worship, Mayor Miller, reported verbally on the receipt of a notice from FWD Corporation Co. regarding the forthcoming demonstration of the FWD Wagner Sanitary Landfill Compactor, MODEL SF.17, which is to take place in Township of Scarborough, Landfill site on Morningstar Avenue (sou_~h off 401) east of Toronto, and queried whether the Equipment C~uuittee would be interested in witnessing this demonstration- ORDERED on the motio~ of AId. Mitchelson and AId. Scott that the matter be referred to the Equipment Coexaittee, and ~hey be authl~ized to attend this demonstration scheduled for Wednesday, September 2rid, if it is felt to be in the interests of the City. At the request of AId. Morton, the Traffic Committee were re* quested to check and investigate the complaints concerning the large bus parking in front of the Brock Hotel on Falls Avenue, and the double parking a bus on Falls Avenue when there is space for these buses in the Union Bus Terminal parking area, iwaediately opposite .~he Hotel. AId. Norton referred to the continuance of the operation of the ice cream stand in front of the Foxhead Hotel on Clifton Rill, and was of the opinion that the type of construction, being frame, and also the odour emanating from the structure, leaves much to be desired, and that the same should be closed do~n. The City Manager advised that contact had been made with the golicitor of the operators and he had been made aware of the requirements ~or the operation of the seas, and the necessary fire-proof construction. The City NansEer advised that he would follow up this complaint. BY-LAWS The Following By-laws were passed: No. 6625 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement (H.E.P.C. of Ont.) ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. McKinley that AId. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducihg the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Aid, Morton that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Corfield - AId. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6626 - A by-law to authvrize the execution of an agreement (Pilen Construction)-- ORDERF~ kn the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. McKinley that AId. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and AId. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) pf the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. McCallu~ ind AId, Swayze - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 18th AUgust, 1961~. FINANCE MEETINC Council Chamber, 10th. August,1964 The Finance Meeting was held on August 10th. 1964 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Co~nmittee were present, with the exception of AId. Potter, Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided- Sundry Accounts in the amount $178,294.92 were approved by the Cvmmittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Meney By-law for presentation to Council on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McCalltun. The application of Gould-Leslie Ltd. to take down and re-erect two panels to the ~ack of the existing sign, situated on City property on Portage Road, previously owned by C.N.R. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallam and Ald. Scott that the application be received and referred to the Property C~m~lttee for consideration and a report. The City Menager's report on the application of Mr. Hans Mercnik for a permit to erect a neon sign, at the intersection of Fortage Road and Stanley Avenue, at an estimated cost of $1,100. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId- Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement for the period ending 3une 30, 1964 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton that the statement be received and tabled for Council's perusal. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield. READ AND ADOPTED, 18th August, 196~. Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 10th. August, 1964 Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, August 10th, 1964, for the purpose of passing by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C~mnittee. All Members were present with the exception of Ald. Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. The following B~V-law was passed3 No. 6627 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Corfield ;~hat Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the n~tion of Aid. Martin and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by- law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. S~ayze and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS On the motion of AId. Keighan and AId. Scott, Mr. Toomath of 2671 Stanley Avenue, was permitted to address Council. Re expressed concern about the dust problem created by the adjoin- ins Motel, namely the Modern-Aire Motel and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the verbal complaint be referred to the City Engineer for submission of a report to Council. His Worship Mayor Miller requested Council to consider the possib- ility of having the next regular Council Meeting on Tuesday instead of Monday, due to his inability to aCtend on the regular evening. SEE Resolution No.85 The following ResolUtion was passed; No. 85 MII%~IELSON - MOR~ON - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting o~ Council be held on Tuesday'ev'ening, August 18th, commencing at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Conference on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Corfield READ AND ADOPTED, 18th August, 196~. Mayor · CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 10th. August, 1964 The Counittee assembled in Conference, following the regular Council meeting on Monday, August 10th, 1964. All Members of the Conunittee were present,; with the ~xception of Alderman Potter. His Worship, Hayor Hiller, presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Alderman Martin and Alderman McCalltun. READ AND ADOPTED, 18th AUgUst, 196~. Chairman. =] FORTY-FIRSTNEETING Council Chaml~rs, llth August, 1964 A special meeting of the City Council was held on the morning of August llth, 1964, couuencing at 9 a.m. to meet with representatives of WilliamM. Mercer Limited and Fire Eighter's Association Local 528 and the Employees Union Local 133, for the purpose of discussing the report of William M.Mercer Limited concerning past service pension benefitS. All Members of the Council were present with the exception of Aldermen Mitchelson and Potter. His Worship Mayor F. J. Miller presided. The Unions being represented by the President and ~wo or three members of the Union proper. His Worship Mayor Miller brought the meeting to order and asked Mr. Smart of William N. Mercer Limited to explain the details of the pro- posiCion concerning past service pensions. Mr. Smart then proceeded to deal ' with a report in its various sections, the first being in connection with the formula to develop their suggested plan, the second being with the topic of surpluses and how the surplus can be used, and thirdly the estimated cost of the plan and how it could be funded stressing that the amount of cost as quoted could, of course, be amortized over e period that would alleviate this financial burden. Mr. Smart also in his discussion and during the question period after his discussion stressed the aspect of; treatment provided in the proposed plan for windows end orphans and promised an answer to a query of Alderman Martin that he would look into the matter of those who are on present- ly a form of retirement of having to report to work for two or more days a week to acquire this pension and he would report on his findings. There being no further business the Council adjourned on the motion of Aldermen Martin and Keighan. READ AND ADOPTED, 18th August, 19~. ....... / / FORTy. SECOND MEETING Council Chamber, 18th, August, 19~4. ~_~____DLARMEETING pursuant to adjournment, Councilmet at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, ~ugust 18th, 1964, for the purpose of considering leaera1 business and finance All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Alderman potter. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of AId- Morton and AId- Cotfield DEPUTATION On the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald.Oorfield, Mr. H.Wasyluk, 1583 Green Avenue, was permitted to address Council. He referr&d'to the construction of a sidewalk which was coa~nenced to-day in front of his house and those of his neighbouts and stated that they did not want a sidewalk and that other neighbouts have been approached on Cress Avenue and they are also opposed. Mr. Geo. Bell was also permitted to address Council on ;the motion of AId. Morton and AId- Scott ~nd he concurred in the remarks of Mr. WasYluk'Mr' Vandervaart was also permitted to address Council on the motion of AId. Mithhelson and Ald. Swayze on the ~sme matter. Following e ~erbal report by the City Engineer on the properties involved and the policy followed in such matters, a full discussion ensued. It was then moved by AId. McCallum that the matter be referred to the Prop- erty CImsnittee for a report. There was no seconder to this motion. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. Keighan that the policy of Council with respect to subdivisions be followed. Carried, with Aldermen Martin, McCallumand McKinley - contrary. caa~mxcJ~gs Laid ove~ j_ro~Prey~ No. 492 - John B. Iorfida -; complaints with reference to Royel Coachman Motel. O~ the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that the cmmnunication be received, filedZ the report of the property Co~m~lttee be adopted and copy of same' be forwarded to: the Proprie~oec°f!-the3RbFat Coach- man Motel, and to the complainant. SEE~or~ Number 682 SEE Co~wunication No. 521.. No. 484 - Frank primerano Application for building permit. (July 18th) - 28th) No. 493 - Fran_k'~"'~rimeran""g - outlining plans and specifications. (July No. 510 .'Fra_Jnk prime~anQ - Outlining plans and specifications. (Aug. 10th) SEgCo~snuntcation 522. ~EE~Jort ~. 683. No. 509 - ~t. of prop. Secretary & Citizenship - application for incorpora- tion re Niagara Festival International Parks Limited. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and AId. Swayze that the co~aunich~ton be received and filed & report of property Cou~lttee be adopted. SE__E Co~snuni. catl____on 68__~~ No. 512 - Logan; and Knight - application for amendment to by-laws on behalf of A. Season re construction of a motel. ORDHRED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Scott that the eom~aunich~ion bs received and tabledl and the report d the ~operty C,~ittea be adopted. gEE Report No. 685. No. 523 - Helland and District Health Unit - advising that 1683 Buchanan Ave. E.g. of BBehanan Avenue, between North~a~d Lincoln Sis. condemned. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Mitchelson that the communication be received and City proceed under terms of By-law Number 64~. No. 524 - Roht. Putt Insurance - Insured values of City properties. DRDERED on the motion of Aid. Morris and Ald. Swayze that the coununication be received andMr. Putt be requested to meet with the Property Co~=nittee of Council to give them further details sn~he properties referred to in his communication. No. 525 - Delight Bradley . application - electrolysis shop. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Scott and Aid. McCallum that the communication be received and referred to the Property Co~maittee for a report. 526 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Study File S-26, Canal Cap, and enclosing · copy of letter ~romN.k~'~.C. containing estimate of cost for studies. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Property Co,~ittee with poser to mast with tir.W~j,jsckson, Manager, Niagara Region,H.E.P.C, to ascertain whether any thought had been given to division of costs and that the Chairman of the Cmmnittee take under advisement the possibility of inviting a representative of the Planning Board to be present at this meeting. No. 513 - R,. S~dofj - application for amendment to by-laws to permit construc- tion of a motel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Nitchelson and AId. Swayza that the communication be received and tabled until such time as information is received from M~. Herbert of the Dept. of Northern Affairs, with respect to the proposed development of the area in the vicinity of Drunnnond Hill Cemetery as a National Memorial Park. SEE Report No,._~86. No. 519 - Bo~r~ ~f ~ransp~r~ of Commissioners for Canada - advising that recommendation for approval could ~ot be made for City's Anti-whistling by- law number 6593. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the conanunication be received and filed. SEENsport Number 687. SEE By~!~w Number 6629 No. 520 - provincial~nJ~n~p~n~_ ~t~z ' ~equested permission to paint emblem on building. ORDERED on the motion of Ald- Morton and~ld. Keighan that the communication be received and tabled- SEE Rep2~t Number 688 The folloving~_C~=aunications w~erJ pre~p~d~ No. 521 - I__~l~Coachman Motel - o~mnents with respect to complaints. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that the connunication be received and filed and a copy of]the Property Co.~,lttee's report be for- warded to ~he proprietors of the Motel. SE~ ~or~auni~atlpn,492 SE~ Report Number 682 No. 522 - Frank Primerano - Requested Council's approval. It was moved by lid. Morto~'s~conded by AId. Swayze that the report of the Property Committee be adopted and the co~snunications be filed. This motion was lost by a vote of 7 to 2; an amendment by AId. Martin and AId. Cotfield that the applicant be advised that until such time as he submits plans and specifications sat- isfactory to the Building Dept. to put the house in first-class condition, the matter will remain status quo. The amendment carried by a vote of 7 to 2; the vote bein~ - Aldermen Martin, Corfield, Scott. KeiEhan, Mitchelson, McCailum and McKinley; Naye - Aidemen Swayze and Morton. SEE R~epor~. Numba_r 683 SeE Cousn~aications 484,~?}~5!~' ORTj The foallob_inS R~orp_~wer__e present-~ No. 682 - pr_~.er~~ ' suBSeat. that request be ~o~arded ~o Royal ~ac~n ~e~]~ remove box fr~ side ~ard, and in future, a ~mo be a~tached to all build~ pe~[ts for mo~els, no~i~yi~ proposed builder that s~de and rear yard must be left unoccupied. O~E~D ~ on the o~ Ald. KeiB~n and Ald- Cotfield ths~ the repor~ be received and adopted and copy of s~ fo~arded to proprietors o~ Ho~el in question and also ~r* lorf~, 2~lainant- SEE C~unication ~92 bEEg~ni~ation ~21 ~o - 683 - ~n~ - Su8Ses~, to tit7 Council tha~ no buildi~ pe~i~ be issued ~oHr. pri~rano and applicant be advised that ~he ~use should be de~lished. I~ was moved b~ Ald- ~ton and Ald. SwaTze tha~ the report be received, adopted; ~ls motion was los~ b~ a vote of 7 to 2; an ~en~ent b~ Ald.~rtin and Ald. Corfield that the applicant be advised that until such ~e as he su~tts plans and spectfica~ions satisfacto~ ~o the Butldin~ ~pt. ~o pu~ the house tn first-class condt~ion, ~he ~ter will re~in status A~e - ~rtin Corfield, quo. Carried by a vote of ~ to 2, ~he vo~e bei~ - ' Sco~, ~tShan, Hi~chelson, ~cCall~ and~Kin[eY; ~a~e - Aldermen Swa~ze anderson. SEE C~unicattou ~8~ S~ C~unication ~un~ation 510 Cit~ is opposed to ~le as suSSes~ed b~ KeiShan and AId. Sco~t ~M~ the report be ~eceived and adopted. SSE C~un~tion No. 685 - Propert~ C~it~ee - SuSSes~. no decision be~de until rec~enda- lions in ~rban Renewal Report have been s~udied. O~E~D on the AId. Hort~ and AIde Sco~t Cha~ the repor~ be received and adopted, SEK ~unica~ion 512 ~o. ~Sb - Propert~ C~i~ee _ re~erri~ R. Sido~fss application to Council as a whole~ O~E~D on ~he~o~i~ of AId. ~ttchelson and Ald, S~a~ze ~ha~ ~he repor~ be received and ~abled until such C~ as in~o~ion ts received ~r~pt. of Northern ~airs, wi~h respect to proposed develop~nt of the area In ~he vicinity of ~ond Ril~ Ce~e~ as a ~ional ~orial Park. ~E C~untca~ton 513 I -] adopted SEE Communication 520 No, 687 - City Solicitor - co~mnents re proposed anti-vhtstltnS by-law. ORDERED on the motion of AId- Hltchalson and Aid, Cotfield that the report be received and filed. le, .a..il th.t the report" received en the motion o~ AId. H r' No. 689 - Traffic Comm~ttee - list of boxes & other obstacles existing on city sidewalks'. 'ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Aid. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition Number I1. Ald. ~cKinley requested that the Traffic Committee take under advisement the intersections of Clark & Ferry and also Valley Way and Fourth Ave. when the survey is made to determine which obstructions interfere with vision of motoring and pedestrian public. No. 690 - City Manajar - necessity of purchasing 4 feet of property on south side of Lu~y's Lane from Dr~n~mond Road to Manse of Drummond Hill Presbyterian Church. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. McCallum that the report be received and adopte8. No. 691 - CitLManag~ - Properties for registration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that-thb report be received and adopted and the items be referred to the Property Committee for study and a recommenda- tion to Council. No. 692 - ~itl Manager - re Eden Roc Investments representing A. & P. Shopping Plaza. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. McKinley lthat the report be received and filed. No. 693 - Property Co,~itte~ - ee meetin~ with F. A. Branscombe & Dr. Ellingham re proposed subdivision. ~ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and AId. Cotfield that the report be received and considered by Council in Co~nittee of the Whole, at the earliest possible date. No. 694 - Traffic Committee - recommendations re traffic control at inter- section of' Brant Avenue and Churchill Street- ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. McCallom that the report be received and adopted, Carried, with AId. Keighan - contrary. No. 695 - Traffic Committee - re certain improvements at intersection of; Garner Rd. and Welland Line Road. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. No. 696 - Traffic Co~nittee - reco~nendation re parkinE on north side of lincoln east of Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 697 - Traffic Committe~e - recommendation prohibition of parking west side of Ellen Ave. a distance of 50 feet fromWalnut St. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Scott and AId. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 698 - Traffic Con~ittee - reference to Policy Dept. re control of perkinS of buses on Falls Ave. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Scott and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 699 - Traffic Cv,z, tttee reconxnendation 3 spaces be reserved for Nabisco employees for emergency calls only. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and AId, Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 700 - Traffic Camnittee - re brief of Downtown Business Men's Association on a program to provide additional off-street parking for the Queen St. area, between Bucklay Ave. and Erie Ave. On the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. Corfield, Mr. Burlay was ~ranted permission to address Council. He advised that many questions were answered by the Association's representatives and that the brief had been studie~ verF ~ho~ouShly by the Traffic Committee and that he and Mr,.MacBain would endearour this evening to answer any questions of Council, In answer to Mayor Miller~s query regardinS the indication of approval of merchants as to the proposed levyinS of taxes to pay for the scheme~ Mr, Burlay advised that he understood that 50% of the assessed value of the area would be required to protest bu~ that in discussinS the plan with different property owners and merchants, the association are quite sure they have more than 50~ in fayour of the plan, Ald. Mitchelson queried item 3, concerning the proposal that land be acquired in the vicinity of Erie & Park for a new & modern market and queries the wisdom of locating the market there which would be farther from the business section than at its present location, at the rear of the City Hall; and the reason why the reverse would not be more advantageous, and have the parking area on Erie &venus. Mr. Hurley explained that the purchasing public are reluctant to walk any distance and this item may come hnder Urban Renewal Plan. Iu aumder to Ald. McCalais question with reference to the four items contained iu the report, that these are suggestions by the Association and not contingencies, Mr. Burlay explained that the main program was the area - Ontmrio and Huron; St. Clair and Huron and that it was recommended khat this may be added to if it could be accomplished with funds from Urban Renewal. Follo~ing further discussion it was ordered on the motion of AId. Keighan and AId. Swayze that the report be received and adopted and the brief be referred to the City Solicitor for consideration and submission of a report, No. 701 - S~cial Traffic Committee - ~eport on meetiu~ with Representatives of Department o'f Highway=='''~ t~ dfscu"'~s traffic survey and proposed functional study, ORDBRED - on the motion of AId. !tattle and lid. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and this Council go on record as taking the recommendation from the Special Traffic Committee and suggesting;to the Dept. of RigPmays that the C~ittee be formed and that the functional study be consheeted as soon as possible* Ald- Morton was excused from the maetir~ - Ne otislions emmatiles - progress report re meetings re new draft ,o. ,°2 - of by-laY ~ panele~'~'~ERED on the motion of AId, Swayze and Ald- McCalltun that the report be received and filaa:. , progress report re meetings re new draft He, 703 - property Co~mittee ORDERED on the motion of AId, Swayze and Ald, of by-la~ re poster panels, McCallom that the report be received and filed, No- 704 - Akbulance Committee reco~mnending an increase of two per cent per - of AId. caput in sabs"~dy'to"'~bulanc""~OPerat°r* ORDERED on the motion Cotfield and AId, Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. ; SEE Resolution No, 86 No, 705 - City Engineer - Driveway into Modern-Airs Motel on Stanley Avenue ORDERED on the motion of AId, KeiSban and AId. Corfield that the report be received and filed and copy; forwarded to Mr, Toomath 2671 Stanley Avenue, who complained to Council at the last meeting pertaining to the dust problem. No. 706 - Cit__~y_~rk - reco~nending issuance of litantes, ORDERED on ;the motion of AId, Mckinley and lid, Swayza that the report be received, adopted and litantes issued aeeordin~lY- .pETII~ION Laid over from a previous meeting No. II - Centre gusiness ~en*s Association - requesting removal of newspaper containers",O~RED on the ~t~nef Al~7, S~ayze and AId. Scott that the petition be aSsin tabled, until Traffic Committee have an opportunity ~o check and determine which obstructions interfere with the vision of the moto~in8 and pedestrian public, . gE~ Re oft Number 689 The following. Resolutions were No. 86 - COP, FIELD - MITC~ME~gN ' RESOLVED that the Greater Niagara Ambulance Service,'~p~r~at~e~' by ~r. l~oger Hunt, be granted an increase in subsidy; from 19 cents per caput to 21 cents per caput, retroactlve to January 1st, 1964; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed- C~ried Unanimously. NO 87 - Miche~s9~ -_,,M~-.Ft~n--- , RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council ~'eeld on Saturday morning, August 22nd, connnencing at 9 a.m. instead of Monday, August224th, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed* ~rr~ed ~pa~ni~mp_uply. No. 88 - MARTIN - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the Property Committee, City Manager and City Solicitor consider the; situation with reference to the right-~f- way of the New York Central System from McLeod Road to the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge, and what arrangements are in existence concerning the cribbing, maintenance and repair, in order that steps may be taken to have the necessary beautification carried out; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. On the motion of AId. Mitchelson and AId. Swayze, Hr. ~. Snyder was permitted to address Council. Mr. Snyder referred to the parking meters also in use on ~he N.Y.C. right-of-way ~nd then requested a copy of the City Solicitor*s report dealt with at the meeting of June 15th. ~o. 89 - MITCHELSON - McCALLUM - RESOLVED that the staff prepare a report as soon as possible outlinin~to the Members of Council details as to the deviation in the mathods of payment required £or extensions to the watermain system, as beL~een that used in the old City under which method, the expense was charged against the annual operating expenses of the Water Department, and in the former Township which levied the charges under the Local Improve- ment Act; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. No, 90 - MCKINLEY - COP, FIELD - RESOLVED that a special meeting of Council be held on Thursday, August 27th. c,m~encing ;at 1,30 p;m. for the purpose of meeting with the Board of Education; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, Carried Unantmousjy± BY-LA~S The FoliominE By-Laws were presented; No. 6628 - A by-law to close and sell a portion of the road allowance between Township Lot No, 129 and Broken Front Lot No. 129 of the Township of Stss~ord, ORDgP, ED on the marion of Ald, McKinley and AId, Swayze that Ald, Keighan be granted the privilege of introducihg the by-law and the By-law ba given the 1st, reading, - Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Corfield that the by-law be referred to ~he Property C~mnittee for a report, No. 6629 - A by-law to prohibit the sounding of any engine whistle on certain crossings within the Urban Service Area of the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Aid. Corfield that Aid. KeiShan be granted the privileSe of introducing the by-ls~ and the by-la~ be given the let. reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED 0fi ~ motion of AId. Keighan and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspen~ ed and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. In connection with the proposed by-law which was expected to be presented at this meeting. which~ould include a number of properties on Thorold Stone Road, in the Urban Service Area, and a watermain service,, it was 9rdered on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Swayze that Mr. Rolmes be granted permission to address Council· Mr. Holmes advised that he and another neighbout had proceeded to construct new homes, undkr 'the mistaken impression that tenders had already been called for the installation of a watermain on Thorold Stone Road, and: were nov aware that this was not the case and he queried whether there was any possibility with respect to the watermain as they were going to be faced with a decision of whether to instel a well in order to move into their new homes or whether it would be to their advantage to wait until the watermain were installed. His Worship Mayor Miller advised that the by-law would be pre- sented at the ] next Council Meeting due to the fact that one Alderman had indicated at this time that he :was not prepared to speak on the by-law and another member of Council was in Rospital. Council adjourned to l~inance Meetin~ on the Motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. READ ANDADOPTED, a2nd August, 19~. Council Chamber 18th.August, 1964 The Finance Meeting was held on August 18th, 1964 for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present with the exception of Aldermen Morton and Potter. AId. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $278,538.33 were approved by the Conmittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council on the motion of Ald. McCallum and AId. Kel~han. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of June 30th, 1964, was ordered received and filed and the staff co~mnended, on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Swayze. The Property Conmaittee's report on the application of Gould- Leslie Ltd. for permission to take dovn and re-erect two panels on property which the City owns on the east side of Portage Road, recently purchased from the C.N.R. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the ~eport be received, adopted and permission granted, subject to the size and location of the signs being in line with the provisions of By-law 6579. The report of the Assistant BuildinS Inspector, advising of the sign permits issued for the week ending August 15th. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and filed~ The Finance Meeting arose and reported to Council on-the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield. READ AND ADOPI~gD, 22rid August, 19a. C Chairman of Finance .,_N COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber 18th, August, 1964 The Council assembled at the close of the regular Council & Finance Meetings on Tuesday, August 18th, 1964, for the purpose of passing the By-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present, with the exception of Aldermen Morton and Potter. His Hotship, Mayor Miller, presided. Mr. Eldt, the City Engineer, referred to the fact that tenders were to close on Monday, August 241h, for the reconstruction of Lundy*s Lane but, due to the O.M.A. Convention and no Council meeting will now be held, he suggested that if it is possible, a committee be authorized to open and tabulate the tenders received, during the latter part of next week and then placed before Council at their meeting scheduled for Monday, August 31st. ~stated that the opening of these tenders must be in public as stipulated by khe Department of Highways and it was agreed that the bidders will be requested to be present at 1,30 p.m. on Thursday, August 271h. at the special meeting to be held, after which the Council coulc meet the Board of Education at approximately 2.15 p,m. The City Engineer advised Chat the successful tendeter should be permitted Co coupante work as soon as possible after Labour Day. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. 6630 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Corfield and AId. McKinley that AId, Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDBUU on the motion of AId. Marti, and Ald. McCen, chat Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third ReadiN AId, Cotfield and AId, Mitchelson Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of AId, McCalllm and Ald, COrfield. READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd August~ 196~, ...... ... ...Naye~r. Council Chamber, 22nd, August, 1964 Pursuentis adjournment, Council met at 9.00 a.m. on Saturday, August 22nd, 1964, for the prupose of considering general business and finance, All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Alderman Morton, Potter and McCallum. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting adopted these on the motion of Ald. Corfield and AId. Scott. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetinghl No. 503 - County of Peel - resolution to repeal Regulation 450 under The Municipal Act, so Jail employees, now Municipal employees would enjoy same benefits as other Municipal employees. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and AId. Sweyze that the resolution be received, filed and not endorsed. SEE Cgununi~tion N9.5~!. No. 525 - Delight BradIt/- requesting permission to open an electrolysis shop, at back of buildTag at 2063-2065 Main Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Cotfield that the matter be referred back to the Property Committee in order that the Committee might consider possible means of controlling this type of thing and to make a recon~nendation for Council's future policy, S~ Rep_or~_umbeK. 707. No. 524 - Robert Putt Insurance - suggest. appraisal be made of municipally- 9wned properties. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Aid. Scott that the connunicatlon be received and the report of the Property Committee be adopted and Mr. Putt be requested to secure the names of other Appraisal Firms and their price for such services. SEE Report Number 708. The following Communications were presented; ~o, 52~ - County Clerk-Treasurer - recousuendin~ that the resolution from the County of Peel be not endorsed. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and AId, Swayze Chat the communication be received and filed, SEE Coxmnunication No. 503. No. 528 - Bill Holjak - application for buildinS permit to construct living quarters, etc, at Cadillac Motel, 1342 Berry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley; and &ld, Cotfield that the communication be received and referred to .the Property Co~nittee for consideration and a report. No. 529 - Emil W. Badovinac - submitting proposed plan for a motor hotel. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and e report, No, 530 - Visitor and Con~ention Bureau - invitation to Tourist Seminar in October, OKDERED on 'the motion of AId, Scott end AId, Corfield that the communication be received end the invitation be accepted and as many Members of Council as find ic possible, attend, ~o. 531 - H,E,P,C, of Ontario- proposed temporary use of City lands in south- west corner of Ann and Waters ~traeCs. ORDERED on the motion of AId, McKinley and AId. Carfield that the con;nunication be received, filed and permission granted, providing that the conditions as outlined by the City Engineer regardin8 the condition of the land and the protection of the sewer installation, are observed. SEE Resolution No.91. No. 532 - Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada - application of City to construct Carfield Road across Niagara Branch of Michigan Central Railway (NYCR) between Portage Road and Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Ketghan and Ald. Httchelson that the cosmuunication be received and referred to 'the City Manager for submission of a report. No. 533 - Board of Transport Conxntesioners for Canada - application of City - to construct a public crossing across the Canadian National Railway between Stanley Ave. and Highway No.8. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mithhelson and Aid. Scott that the con~munication be received and referred to the City Manager for submission of a report. No. 534 - Archbishop Nicholas Moosey - conditions existing north of Margaret Rose Motel. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the conn~nication be received and referred to the Property Committee for con- sideration and a report. No. 535 - Department of Hi]brays - application for permit - Sewer Pumping Station - McLeod Road and Q~een Elizabeth Way. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Aid. Swayze that the co,u~unication be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee for consideration and a report. No. 537 John DalCln - petition again sanitary sewermains on Stanley Avenue from Portage Road to Pollution Control Plant. leRDERED on the motion of AId. Nithhelson and Ald. Carfield that the communication be received and referred to , the Sanitation and Pollution Control Canaltree for study and the obtaining of a legal opinion in this matter. REPORTS The following Reports were presented; No. 707 - Property Connittee - referring application of Mrs. D. Bradley for consideration by Council as a whole, for a decision. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald, Carfield that ~he report be received and referred back to the Property Committee in order that the C~.ltcee might consider possible means of controlling this type of thing and make a rec~.h~endaClon for Council's future policy. SEE C~unication No.52.5. No. 708 * Property Committee - reco.=,anding appraisal of municipal properties be made and a list of Firms qualified, and the costs of their services be obtained. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the re* port be received and adopted and Mr. Putt be requested to secure the names of other Appraisal Firms and their price for such services. SEE Coxx~unication No. ~2! No. 709 - Property C~,.,~lttee - progress report respecting 2019 Buchanan Avenue and 559-563 Erie Avenue as reported on by City Manager. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Keighan thee the report be received and filed. No, 210 - Property Committee - suggestir~ By-law 6628 be again tabled until City Solicitor is present to explein the matter to Hemberg of Council, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, KeiShan and AId, Swayze that the report be rec~eived end adopted, No. 711 - Prgp_e_rp~ommitt~e . Meeting to be arranged with Hydro represents_ rive re Hydro Canal capping. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No.712 - Pr~p~y_~_onunittee _ morning meeting on August 20th for discussion with Sign Company re~es~tatives re By-law 6579. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 713 - PrgRe~_C~or~n~jttJ~ - afternoon meeting on Aug. 20th re poster panels and illuminated bulletins. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be receivle d and filed. No. 714 - P~ro~__er~y Con~nittee - suggesting re-zoning by-law be drafted;to permit erection of Crossroads Motel. The City Clerk advised that a c~n~nunica- tion had been received 'by Mr. John Broderick from Imperial Oil advising that approval had been secured from their Region Office for the transfer of property at 2053 Thorold Stone Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed and the by-law be prepare~. No. 715 - City Engineer - acquisition of property for drainage purposes on Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Carfield that the report be received and filed and the recommendation be adopted. At the request of Ald. McKinley, the City Engineer indicated that the appraisal work in connection with the expropriation of properties in connection with this location, would be spread among qualified people, due to the fact that the person engaged at present for appraisal purposes has quite a volume of work on hand. No. 716 - ~tj~ Clerk - reconunendation issuance of liceaces. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. S~ayze that the report be received, adopted and liceaces issued accordingly. PETITION The Follo~zing petiti~on was presented. No. 29 - Dean W. Beyer and 13 ot~ej~ - requesting installation of asphalt paving on McCall Drive, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and AId. Swayze that the petition be received and referred to the City Engineer for inclusion when 1965 public works projects are under consideration. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 91 =~_;K_J~ . Carfield - RESOLVED that the request of the N.E.P.C. of Ontario for permission to enter upon City-owned lands st the south west corner of Ann Street sad Waters Street, formerly Lot 171, of the Township of Stamford, now City of Niagara Falls, in connection with repairs at the po~er canal adjoining City lands, be granted, with the understanding that the lands will be returned to their former status as soon as the operation ceases and that the City sewer installation be protected and that no drilling or boring will be carried out on the lands in question; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS AId. Hartin referred to a situation which had been called to his attention in connection with a call for the ambulance when a serious accident occurred at Stamford Centre and the fact that it took 15 minutes to get the telephone cell through to the Hospital as the lines were busy. AId. Hartin requested the Ambulance Cmenittee to investigate end find out if there are direct lines for the use of the Ambulence and whether there would be a possib- Ility that they could be busy for such a period of time. AId. McKinley referred to the unsatisfactory condition prevailing in the vicinity of the homes of Palmer Avenue opposite the New York Central Right-of.way~ when cattle cars are in transit, resulting in the obnoxious stench emanating from these cars, makin~ it necessary for the residents to leave their verandahs and go into their ~omes, until the cars have passed by. The City Manager indichRed that it was his intention to discuss this matter with the Health Department. Ald. Keighan referred to the speeding of Heavy trucks on O'Nell1 Street again. This matter had been previously brought to Council's atten- tion by residents of the street, and the situation had been remedied, but, heavy trucks have begun again to traverse the street. His Worship Mayor Miller advised that this will be called to the attention of the Police for action. BY-tAWS The following By-laws were passed; No. 6631 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 5149, regardin~ tourist establishments. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Swayze that AId. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducin~ the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading- Carried Unanimously· ORDERED on the mot[on of AId. Keighan and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried, with Aldermen Mltchelson and Scott - contrary. Third Reading - AId. Swayze and Ald, McKinley - Carried with Aidemen Mltchelson and Scott - contrary. No. 6632 - A by-law to Amend .By-law Number 3790, being a ky;l~ [or'C~e ~egulation of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and AId. Scott that AId. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducin~ the by-law and the by-lay be given the 1st. reading. - , Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Keighan that lule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Scott and AId. Corfield Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 3let Au~xst, 1~. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 22nd. August, 1964 The Finance Meeting was held on August 22nd, 1964, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the Exception of Aldermen Morton, McCall~m and Potter, AId. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $96,266.48 were approved by the Con~nittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-taw for presentation to Council, on the motion of Ald. McKinley' and Ald. Keighan. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector containing a stmmmry of the sign permits issued for the week ending August 21st. ~ns presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and AId. Scott that the report be receiv~dland fiIed. The Cuunnittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Mitshelson and Ald. McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 31st August, ~96~. · · '~' .... T; · Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 22nd~ August, 1964 The Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Saturday, August 22nd, 1964, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by 'the Committee. All Members were present, with the exception of Aldermen Morton, NcCallum and Potter. His Worship, Nayor Nillet, presid&d. BY-LA~ ~he ~ellOWtna By-lay was oaesed: No. 6._~633 - A by-law to provide monies-for general purposes. ORDERED, on ~be motion of AId. Corfield and AId. HcKinley that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the Ist time. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the b~-lav be given the second reading, - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Martin and AId, ~vayze Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. 8wayze READ AND ADOPTED, 31st August, 196~. Mayor. CONF~RENCTM The Con~nittee assembled in Conference. Follow~n~ the raFular Council Meeting on Saturday morninS. August 22nd, 19~L. All ~e~bers of the Ce,u,~ttee were present, w~th the exception of Atde~men t,forten, NcCal]um and Potter. His Worship, M~yor Miller, presided. FoliowinE consideration of the items presented to them, the Confevence adjourned on the motion of Alderman Keighan and Alderman McKinley. REAL AND ADOPTED, 31st August, 196~. Chairman. AD.TC~HI~ME.D ~,9~r'1'l~jQ FOR?f-FOURTH MEETING SPECIAL MEETING Council Chamber, 27th. August, 1964 Pursuant to adjournment, Council met in special session on Thursday August 27th, 1964, at 1,30 p.m. to receive and open the tenders which had been dalled for the supply and placing of asphalt on roads ~Flthin the Cherry- wood Acres subdivision; and also tenders for the reconstruction of Nighway No. 20 from Dl~umnond Road to the West Limit of the City of Niagara Falls. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Keighan, Martin, Morton, McCallum and Potter. Hie Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. TENDERS ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. Corfield that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and referred for tabulation. Following the reading of the tenders by the City Clerk, the City Engineer advised that representatives of the Consulting Engineers, of Proctor and Redfern would now take possession of the tenders received and that the tabulation of the tenders would be in readiness for the Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, August 31st. DOMINION CHAIN CO. His Worship .Mayor Miller announced he intended to call a meeting of the Councilts Industrial Committee Members with Members of the Industrial Committee of the Chamber of Conwnerce and representatives of Manufacturerst Association, to analyse the serious situation, which has developed due to the closing of industries in this municipality, the latest of which the Dominion Chain Co. has Just announced its intention of moving to Stratford, Mayor Miller also stated that following this meeting, a further meeting wonl~ be held wJtb the different Unions, to endeavour to arrive at a solution to rectify this problem. Council then adjourned until 2.15 p.m. READ AR~) ADOPTED, 31st August, 1964. 27th. Airily+. Council re-assembled at 2.q{ p.m. mhu-~day. Aummsf, 2?. fn m.~t with the Board of Education. All ~emh~r~ oe r'n.]nc,~] W~P~ Pr~sent. wi+h f.~ exception of Alde~en Ke~ghan. Mart,~n, Mortnn, ~e~allum ~r~ the ~oar~ of Educatj oU were ~r. Fred. ..c ~od, D~rector of ~ucat~nn, Mr. M. A. Mrs. Delilah ~cRae. up. W. A. Potter, M~qrs. Arnold Oleos and Alex ~acKenzie. At the request of Mayor Mj]]er. ~r. Rut.!an~ pres-nted the reports or the Board of Education. Mr. Rutland, the ehainn. an, then proceeded f.o r~a~ the fi ~t r~pert. concerm~ng the Admjnistrat_~ on Ru~]dinf. Fo] low~nc the r~ad~ng or th~ ~rnrt. His Worship M~yor ~il]er noted that the municipality was ~n no ho~.+~r position really than it was previously becaus~ the Urban ~newa] Repor~ which wa~~ expected from Mr. Potvin has not mater]al~zed. D~cussioD was then held w~th reference to the possibility of a site other than that which was ~u~Cested by the Board of F~ucation on Valley Way and it was pointed out that the proposed site would be more advantageous and ~n the lon~ run, possibly more economical. - - · Following some further d~scuss]on ~t was ordered on the mutton of Aldermen Mitchelson and Corf~eld that His Worsh~n the Mayor be empowered to name a small Committee of Officials which wml~d. alon~ w~th a ~ombep or members of Council, enquire into and obtain the ]n~or~nat~on which had b~n requested by the Chairman of the Board as to what m]Kht possibly be exnected in the way of grant assistance, etc. ~ This motion having been carried, Mr. Rut]and adv]sed that Mr. R. A. McLeod, Administrator of the Board would head up a s~m] lar committee to work with that appointed by His Worship the Mayor. The second report was then read by Mr. Rutland and ]n comneotioD with the possible disposition of hmdy~s Lane School nropert,v which detailed what could transpire in the event an offer to Durchas~ is accented, and the funds acquired thereby applied to the purchase'and the pupils ~ho bad been accommodated in the Lundyts Lane School -W~re accommodate~ at Barker Street School. In the discussion that followed, it seemed to be quite the con- sensus of opinion that the proposed move to dispose of Lundy~s IAne School was desirable and as a result, it was ordered on the motion of Alderrues Mitchelson and Alderman McMinley that the disposition of Iundy~s Lan~ School as suggested by the Board of EdBcation be approved in principle, with the understanding that the capital cost of such a project be included in the Board of Education five-year plan ~for approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, · Appreciation was then expressed by Mr. Rutland for the opportunity of presenting these matters to Council, and His Worship Mayor Miller thanked the Hoard of Education for appearing before Council and ma~ing their Proposals. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. CoPfield and AId. Scott.. READ AND ADOPTED, 3let August, 1964. FORTY-FIFTH MEETING Council Chamber ~lst. _Au~s_~t 196A REGULAR MEETINg; Pursuant ot adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, August 31st, 196A, for the pul-~xe of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen McCallum and Potter. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Aldermen Swayze and Cotfield. His Worship, Mayor Miller welcomed Ald. Morton, following his sojourn in the Hospital. C&~4UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meet__ings; No.266 - A. R.Macklem - re transfer of properties on Lundyvs I~ne. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received filed and the report of the Property Committee by adopted. S__~ ReRort Number 717. No. 506 - John B. H_o~nkins - requested refund of deposit for sidewalk construc- tion on the east side of Kalar Road north of Woodbine Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the communication be received, filed and the report of the City Manager :be adbpted. BED Report Number 718. Bradle - application ~or permission to operate an No. 525 - Mrs. Delight~ electroly~{s sh~p rea~' -2{)65 Main St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that the co~mmnication be filed and the report of the Property Committee by adopted. SEE Report Number 7191 No. 528 - Bill MolJak - application for permission to construct an addition, etc. to Cadillac Motel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communication be received,,filed and report of Property Committee ba adopted. SEE Report Number 720. No. 529 - Emil Badovinac - application for permission to construct a motor hotel, east side of Victoria-Avenue, between Eastwood Crescent and McDougall Crescent. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and the report of the Proper~y Committee be adopted. SEE Report, Number 721. Previous to this action, Mr. H. A. Logan was granted permission to address Council, on the motion of Ald. MortOn and Ald. Swa~ze. Me advised that the proposed motor hotel is to be constructed on the section of the prop- er~y designated as commercial under existing by-laws and the rear portion of the land is to be used for parking only and requested that subject to satisfy- ing Council that the building itself is in comnercial area, Council parsue the matter as quickly as possible. Discussion followed during which the matte~ oF narP~n~ ~n the r~sid~nt]a] area in conjunction with a proposed business wa~ considered and the city Solicitor advised, that in his onirion, the lots in question could -of. be used for parking unless the p~operty was rescued for that purpose. No. 532 - B?rd of ~r~nsport of Commissioners - application of City to construct Cotfield Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Keighan that the cormnunication be received, filed and report of City Manager by adopted. SEE Report No. 722. No. 533 - Board pf Transport commissioners - application of city to con- struct a p~blic crossing across C.N.R. between Stanley Ave. & Highway No. 8. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, filed and the report of the City Manager ~v adopted. .. S~E Report No. ~23_,~ No. 534 - Archbishop N. Moosey - re :condition of Konkos property. ORDERED on~he motion ~f Ai~. Morton and Ald. Corfietd that the communica- tion be again tabled, pending submission of reports by F~ re, Building and Health Inspectors. SEE RepOrt No_. 7_24. No. 535 - p3p~Ftment of Highw~_ys - re Citv's application for permit re Sewer Pumping Stat~on~ McI~od Road and Q. k. W. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the con~nunication be received and filed and contact be made with the Highways Department to determine most satisfactory. location for pump house; and the report of the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee by adopted. S~ME_ Report Nq. 725. No. 536 - Balla~h~, & Moore - objection on behalf of Messrs. Eovacs & Montgomery~ ~poSe~'~er on Montrose Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Corffeld that the communication be again tabled, Deriding a further report; and the report of the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee by adopted. S~ Repqrt No. 726. No. 537 - Jo~hn__D~a~Cin - obJectin~ to constmmtion of sewer on Stanley Avenue. ORDERED 6~ ~he ~otion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the conmmnication be again tabled, pending a further report; and the report of the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee by adopted. The folluwin&Conmunications were Rre~en~%dj_ No. 538 - John P. Matthews --requesting permission to speak to Council on behalf of the Optimist Club and the conditions of the Planning Board respect- ing part of Twp. bt 97, being purchased from George Allen. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that Mr. Matthew, be granted permission to address Council. He advised that he -was ro a the Optimist Club in connection with a pending trane- a i between Dorchester Road and the Q.E.W. which the Club Proposes to utilize for recreational centre and referred specifically to the several items which were stipulated in the Planning Boardvs c~n~,iunication of August 6th, with reference to the site and its possible development. He advised among other things that contact is being made with the H,E.P.C. of Oatario to acquire the necessary access over the DO-foot right-of-way which bisects the property in a north and south direction, and queried as to whether Council would be prepared to possibly define ~ny requirements which they migh~ demand in the future in connection with an extension of Morrison SSreet. Following completion of Mr. Matthewst presentation on behalf of the Optimist Club, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the matter be referred to the Property Committee so that the Committee, in conjunction with officials, might discuss the matter with a view to having it resolved and the manner in which it could be resolved, following which a report is to be submitted to Council. No. 539 - Committee of AdJup~m~eD~ - notice of hearing re Gerber Products'. ORDERED:~n the Me~ton of Aid. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed No. 530 - Border Pon~i~:Buic~ - objecting to erection of signs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Property Coi,u,,ittee for consideration and a report. No. 5A1 - County_pf Welland - re possible revision of tri-party agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and referred to the City~s representatives on Sunset Haven Committee (Ald. McKinley &Ald. Mitchelson) and the City Manager and City Solicitor for consideration and submission of a report. No. 542 - Con~e_n~_iion ~ Touri~s~_Biur~au,N.F.N-Y. - re possibility of City of Niagara Falls, Ontario entering a float in the Annual Mail of Mist Festival Parade, scheduled for Sept. 19th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the conununication be received and filed and the Bureau thanked for their invitation to participate, but that due to shortness of time, preparation of a float will not be possible, but City of Niagara Falls, Ontario might be interested another year if ample notice is received. No. 5&3 - _Lot~_ a~d~nigbt - advising client, A. Sanson, would like to meet with Property Con~nittee. ORDERED on the m~ton of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and tbe Property Committee meet with Mr. Sanson: and that the City Solicitor be instr.,cted to take immediate steps to procure a refund of the money paid to Georges Potrio, Land Use Consultant of Toronto, who by agreement with the City o~ Niagara Falls, was to prepare and submit the Urban Renewal Report, which report has not been received although it had been indicated by Mr. Potvin at a special meeting of Council held on July 25th, that 25 copies of the Report would be in Council's hands within thirty days. No. 5~A - Wm. Bodnlai - complaining about Ameri-Cana Motel. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Ks]Khan that the co~nication be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollmtion Control Committee. SEE Report No~ 728. No. ~&5 - A. Larsen - unsatisfactory conditions in vicinity of Cherrywood Acres a~d Dorchester Road South. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the City Engineer for action and submission of a report. No. 5~6 - Messrs. Holmes &M arson - requesting action on proposed watermain~arner Road and Thorold Stone Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald Scott that the c~,,~.unication be received and referred to the City Solicitor, Manager and City Clerk for submission of a report at the next Council meeting. Carried, with Ald. Mitchelaon and Ald. Mort~n - contrary. Previous to this action, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that Mr. Holmes be granted permission to address the Council. Mr. Holmes referfad to the earnest desire of he and Mr. Matson and all the other householders in the area in question, for completion of the watermain, He referred to the fact that the By-law could not be dealt with previously due to the fact that one Alderman was in Hospital and queried as to the possibility of action at this meeting, as 9 votes are needed in the affirmative and there were 9 members of Council present this evening. Discussion was then held as to the interpretation of the m~linK of 3/Aths of the Members of Council, whether this ~hould be of a full Council or Just those members or Council oresent. It was then ordered on the motion of Ai~. Swayze and A1N. ~cott that Mr. Green be granted permission to addr~s~ Council. Be quer~e~ whether or not the procedure by-law of Council could be susD~nde~ by majority vote or repealed. Referring to the Mayorls advice that he had contacted i~r. Bell the Solicitor C~neral of Ontario and that his (the Mayor~s) internrota- tion was that the vote necessary is 3/Aths. of a full Council present Was necessary, ~lderman Martin indicated ~hey should have the oDin]on of the Solicitor General. · No. 547 - Qriffiths~ Sharpe ~ Clement - aDnlication on behalf of ?~jke Hrynkiw to fezone No.1525 and 1531 Ferry stL for motel construction. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. Carried, with Ald. Mitchelson - contrary. An amendment made by Ald. Mitchelson that the matter be also referred to the Planning Board for an opinion, was not 'seconded. ' ~EPORTS Th__e~f_oll~?i~nM.R~pp~ts wer~ pr~sent~edj No. 717 - ~Proper~y Committee - recon~nended exchanKe of properties with the understandinK that ar~v buildings erected on the property must comply with Building & ZoninK By-laws of the City and be subject to inspection of Building Fire & Health Departments; and if anF application must be made to Committee of Adjustment, such application must be made by F~en Roc Investments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SE~ Commpnication No. 266. No. 718 - City~Ma_nage? - suggested deposit made by J. B. Hopkins be retained for at least another year. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE C~mmunica%ion No.50~. No. 719 - P__rop. er~Z Committee - advising that Mr. Bradley could approach Committee of Adjustme~{t i~ ~he desires permission to cordnonce business operations previous to time a general policy can be recommended ~V Property Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that: the report be received and adopted. SF/~ Communication No.525. No. 720 - Pro~ey_tY committee - recommended W. Holjak be advised he must submit satisfactory plane for proposed addition to Cadillac Motel before his application can be considered. ORDERED on the motion of A1 . Swayze and AId. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE p.omm~_nication No~28. No. 721 - ~_~q~e~M~_y ~oym~ittee ~ suggested Fmil Badovinac will have to apply fop~ a~d obtain pe~ssion to fezone portion of property in residential area before a~ peM]ssion can be granted by Council for constmctlon of a motor hotel on Victoria Avenue. ORD~ED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No.~29:. No. 722 - .C. itF~_Manag_e_~ _ recommending Board of Transport Commissioners be advised that the C~ty accepts the conditions laid down for installation of the proposed creasing (Corfield Road). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Keighan that the report he received and adopted. Communication No.532__. 3tg. No. 723 - City Mapage_r_ - recommending Board of Transport Commissioners be advised that the City Accepts the conditions laid down for installation of the proposed public crossing across C.N.R. between Stanley Ave. & Highway No.8. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. s_E~ commu_ni c~t_i_oA N__o. 5~33. No. 72A - FEo~prty C_ommit~ge - suggesting detailed report on properties in question be prepared by Fire, Building & Health Inspectors re complaint of Archbishop Moosey. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. CoPfield, that the report be received and adopted. SE__E_Cymmunication No.5~A. No. 725 - S~t~io_n~ ~o3~jgn_ppn~r3~_~_o_~_'t~eg -~uggesting contact with Highways Department to determine most satisfactory location for pump house and recorrmending construction of sewer from a point 12OO feet north of McLeod Road to LundyTs Lane be approved and work conm,enced as soon as possible. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No.~35. No. 726 - Sa__nita_t~p~.~_Pollution Control Committee - suggesting information be obtained %o ascertain if ~t~M~lha~'~a~' ~e dealt with in a manner satisfactory to Messrs. Kovacs and Montgomery. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Conununication No.536. No. 727 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - Committee to submit a further report following investigation of request of Mr. DalCin. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the report be received :and filed. SEE Conmmnication No.~3]· No. 728 - Assistant Building ~p}~ector - report~on inspection of conditions complained of at Ameri-Cana Motel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Keighan that the report be received and tabled pending report from Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee. ~EE Con~unication No. 729 - Broperty Committee - advising of City Solicitor~s comments with respect by By-law Number 6628. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE By-law No. 6628. No. 730 - Property. Cvnmdttee - recentending offer of Kingsway Transports Ltd. to conv~y to City a strip of land, being easterly portion of property adjacent to west limit of Q.E.W. for an extension of Kent Ave. be accepted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 731 - Property Committee - report to be submitted to Council at a later date concerning New York Central right-of-way from McLeod Road to Whirlpool Rapids Bridge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 732 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - presentation to be pre- pared for Convention of Canadian Institute on Pollution Control scheduled for Oct, 26 to Oct. 28. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. No, 733 - Sanitation & Pollution Control C.,~ttee - recon~gndtng Evening Review be paid an additional $1~35. toward cost of preparation of brochure, oll uon co.t ol Pla.t. onnn on the' that the repo~t be received and adopted. .( I No. 73A - Traffl c COF~ittep _ nroFrpss ~pno~t ro nnl.m~o,,~ proposal. ORDER=O on th~ motio~ o~ Ald. Fhi=han and Aid. qwnvzo that report be received and filed and th- rnvisod'~p~. or tho Rusinessmenls Association OfP-street PaPkjng ppo~ram. be P=P-rPed to th~ Traffic Committee for further study. No. 735 - City Engineer - reeo~endin~ acceptance oe tends,. ^r nr~p~ Paving and Construction I~d. for cong~,,~n~ oe asphalt Oav~n~ w~th~n Cherrywood Acres Subdivision. ORDERFD on the motion of Aid. gejghan ana Ald. Swayze that the report be rece]v~d and adopted. S~ Pe~o].ution No. 92. No. 736 - ~PrgStoy~ H~dfern - reeoF~nending t~nde- nf Crosst~ Pavin? Company l~mited, for reconstmlction of Highway No. 20 be accepted' subject to approval 6f the Department of Highways. Keighan and Ald. Swa3-ze that the report be received and adopted. Resolution ~o.93~ No. 737 -_C_ity_Engi~ff2r _ recommending tenders be called for wate~ains in five locations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~cFin]ey and Ald. t~rt~n that the report be received and adopted. No. 738 - City ~anag~r - recommendleg attendance or Garage qup~rvjsor at Annual Canadlan Fleet Superintendentst Seminar, to b~ held in Toronto. Sept. 15th & 16th. ORDERFD on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mart~n that the report be received and adopted. No. 739 - Assista~.CitXManage~ A_~nin]stration _ suggesting matter of side- walk on east side of Portage Road which was inch,ded jn r~y-]aw 6~]2 be referred to appropriate committee due to objections received against oreposed sidewalk construction. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. KeiKhan and Ald~ Mitcheleon that the report be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee for consideration and recommendation as to action. No. 7AO - Cj~F_;l~/~ _ submitting reports from Fire and Building inspectors re the condition of premises at 1683 Buchanan Avenue. ORDERED on th~ motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed and the recommendations of the City Clerk be carried out. SEE ~esolution No.9A. No~ 7A1 - City_plJrk _ recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED en th~ motion of Ald. Mol~6n and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and licenoes issued accordingly. RFSOLUTIONS !h~ f~ollo~ng Resolutions were ~_~sed; No. 92 - KEIOHAN - SWAYZE - RF~0I~ED that the tender of Drops Paving and Constmzction Limited, at a quotation of $7,393.80 for the construction of asphalt paving within Cher~ywood Acres Subdivision, in the City of Niagara Falls, be accepted; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~arr~p~ U~_i/npgsly~. No. 93 - KEIGHAN - SWAYZE - RF~OI,VED that the tender of Crosstown Paving Company, Limited, At a quotation of ~1,125,OOO.23 for the reconstruction of Highway No. 20, in the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario, be accepted, subject to the approval of the Department of Highways of Ontario; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimouslyz No. 9& - _MI_T~.~E_,.I~O_N - SWA~YZ_EL- RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to forward the necessary conununieation, bF registered mail, to the assessed owner of the property at 1683 Buchanan Avenue, with instructions to have the condition thereon corrected in accordance with By-law }hnnber 6hJ40: and ~he seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 95 - MARTIN - MORTON - RKS.~OI,VED that the next regular meeting be held on Tuesday, September 8th. commencing at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 96 - MARTIN - CORFYELD- RFSOLFED that the necessary steps be taken to have a Question submitted at the forthcoming Election with reference to the Municipal FranchiSe EXtension Act; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimous]..v. ~UECET LANEC~IS Ald. M~tchelson referred to a letter h~ had received from a rate payor complaining about the prevalence of noxious weeds in the area east of Rolling Acres Drive, between there and Dorchester Road and south of Orchard Park School, extending southerly to Thorold Stone Read. He stated that this had already been drawn to the attention of the staff and the Weed Inspector has inspected the site and ordered some of the weeds cut down, but further attention i~ required and Ald. Mitchelson requested that the staff reconsider the matter and see if additional weeds can be destroyed as a complete Job was not carried out. The matter was left in the hands of the City Manager and the City Engineer. Laid over from previous meetings; No. 6611 - a by-law to authorize the acquisition of sufficient property to permit pavement widening on King~s Highway No. 20 from Drummond Road to the westerly City Limit. Third Reading - AId. McKinley- and Aid. Swayze. - Carried Unanimously. No. 6628 - A by-law to close and sell a portion of the road allowance between Township Lot No. 129 and Broken Front Lot No.129 of the T6wnship of Stamford. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. The Following By-laws were passed; .No., 66~ - A' by-law to establish a certain lane. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~rr~nld and rdd. ~":~,'~7'~ +hat Keighan be granted the privilege of intrnJ,~cir~ f.h~ by-law an~ the by-law be g~ven the first reading. ~arrSed 'nan!mous]v ' nEDFRED on the motion oe ~]d. Y~han an~ ;,ld. '.'~rtoD that 36 (2) of the Stand~n~ Rules o~ Council b~ t-mF~r~p]].y ~ sp~n.tn~ and ~he by-law be given the second reading.. _ earpied Unanimously ThiM Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfi~]d _ Carrie~ Unanimously No. 6635 - A kv-law to authorize the execution of a deed and a grant of Easement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mortnn and Ald. McW]n!Pv that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducin~ th~ by-law and t~e by-law be given the ls~ reading. _ Carried Hnanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Ye~ ~han and Aid. onrriold that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Fu]es of CounciY b~ temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield Carried Unanimously The follo~rlnE By-la~ war prepented; ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Morton that By-law Number 6636 be introduced at this meeting. No. 6636 _ A by-law to alter the boundaries of the Urban Service Area of the City. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. },~crton end Aid, Swayz~ that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~%rtin and AId, Morton that ~ulo 3~ (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temrnrari]y susp~ndod and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried by a vote of ~ to 2, the vote being: ~Y3 - Aldermen Martin, Morton, Swayze, Keighan, McKinley and Cotfield. ~ - Aldermen ~tehelson and Scott. Although the second reading was carried by a ma.lor~tv vote. the percentage was insufficient to pass the by-law under' the t~rms ~f the' Urban Service Area legislation, Previous to action on the above-noted by-law Aid. Mitehe]son expressed his views of the proposed by-law, stating that to b~ consistent he would be opposing it and referred to the conditions as they existed ]n 19~2 when the subdivision was approved, and indicated that if the main installation is proceeded with that this would result in a division of the present 2-acre and larger lots into smaller parcels. Me also stated that he felt that the expenditure involved in this particular instance, if proceeded vdth, could, in his opinion, be better spent on other areas. Aid. Scott advised Council that because of the points which had been brought mlt by Ald. Mitchelson, of which he was net previously aware, he was changing his attitude and would be voting against the by-law. Aid. Keighan was of the opinion that the subdivision is an actua]ity and therefore the use of one of the prime services of the municipality should not be denied. AId. Martin stated his disagreement with some of the statements made by Aid. Miteholson and detailed the history of the estimated capital cost of ;.work in ,u.stion. pointing out that up until the preeent time thera had no dissenting votes with reference to the proposed capital expenditure and stated that he was of the opinion that the consent applications necessary would deter ar~ ill-advised subdivisions of property. Ald. Cotfield stated that, in his opinion, there was no question but that the water requested by the citizens in the Garner Road area should be made available, with which Ald. Morton concurred.' His Worship Mayor Miller enquired as to whether the acceptance of the tender for the proposed work created any Iegal liability and the Clty Engineer stated that the tender form is quite specific to the effect that the work will not be proceeded with unless the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board is obtained. Messrs. Green and Holmes were quite vehement in their remarks advocating that the work be proceeded w~th and indicated that, in their opinion~ there was a definite obligation on the part of the municipality to proceed. Aldennam Morton was excused f~om the meeting. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, 14th September, 1964. FINANCe. f.,fF,~'TTNC Po,!n~i ] ~hamb~r 21st. Au..-ust. 19gL. The Finance Meeting was held on August qlst. 194A, for tbo nurnos~ of approving and also passln~ the various accounts which had be~n nrev~ou~lv certified and placed before them. All Members of th~ Committe~ wer~ w~th the exception of Aldermen Morton, McCallum and Potter. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $282,1l, A.26 were apnroved b~, the Committee. , , The Accounts subndtted, bein~ Passed or otherw}s~ d~alt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law'for presentat]on to Council, on %he motion of Mayor Miller and Ald. Swayze. The report of the City Manager in connection wi th a communicat~ on from MaeBain and Slovak on behalf of Mr. ~ozidar Jovanovich. for a permit to construct an addition to 1AAO Ferry Street, was nresented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ai~. Cor~ield that the report bo received and referred to the Proper~v Committee for consideration' and a report. The report of the City Manager with reference to the application of Ray Bozanich for a building permit to build an addition to his prendses at 1970 Lundy~s Iane~ at an estimated cost of $%000. was Dresentod. ORnERED on the motion of Ald. MFKihleF and Ald. Swayze that the'report be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector summarizing the sign permits issued during the week ending August 28th. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be receiv~d~and filed. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan. ~ READ AND ADOPTED, l~th September, 19~4. Chairman of Finance. m t 3 COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber 31st. August, 1964. The Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, August 31st, 1964, for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present, with the exception of Aldermen Morton, McCallum and Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW The Following_By-law was passed; No. 66j - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st. reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield - Cartled Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOPTED, l~th September, 1964. Mayor. Following consideration oF th~ jt~rv- pr.o~n~tncl tn fh~m. adjourned on the motion oF Alderman ~4art~n and qdcrman READ AMD ADOFI~.-D, 14th September, 1964. 37~ FOF~TY-STXTH ..~EETINC, Council Chamber, September 2, 196A SPECIAL ~.[E, ETIMC A'closed meeting to discuss the industrial problems of Niagara Falls was held in the Council Chamber, on Wednesday, Sectember 2nd, 196A at 2:00 P.m. Present were the following: Aldermen Sweyze, ~artin, Kei~han, McKinley and Corfield: Messrs. D. ~lrie, W. ~. Sootheran and J. Montgomery of the Chamber of Commerce: Messrs. Bongard, and Paker of the C.M.A.: Messrs. ~urley & Henderson, Downtown Businessments Assco.: W.S. Orr, City Fngineer and C. Eidt, City Engineer. His Worship, Mayor F. J. Miller presided. Mayor Miller stated that several of the industries in this area seem to be moving out and that this meeting, was called to analyse the situation and find out what, if anything, is wrong ~dth Niagara Falls, and how to ~emedy these nroblems and also how Niagara Falls can attract more new industry. He stated that the City Council has been criticized for not doing anything about this. The Mayor then asked for a~v suggestions that might help ease this situation. He then asked Mr. Baker, that if his business was movin~ out of Niagara Falls, what could the City do that would possibly change their plans. Mr. ~aker replied that a company re-locates for reasons such as high cost of raw material and transportation, high cost of local power and being too far away from market. If a~y industry found a place that would ease these problems, there would be nothing the City could offer to change his mind. He stated that as far as he could see, these were things that the City had no control over. He stated that if any of the above factors affected ~ran~s profits, then it must make a few changes or ~o broke. He stated that another reason for moving are high salaries sometimes promoted by labour unions, etc. ?~ey Miller then questioned why an industry such as Dominion Chain would leave Niagara Falls to re-locate ~n the City of qtratford. He stated that their raw material comes from Ham~]ton, and. then during the summer is shipped here via the Welland Ship Canal. Th~s would make them ve~~ close to their source of supply. Mr. Baker then stated that Niagara Falls is not a barbour on the Welland Ship Canal. The barbour facilities are in Hamilton and Toronto The Mayor then questioned whether qtratford wnuld be any ~re close to the harbour facilities than Niagara Falls, and further explained that this was one of the reasons that the meeting was called, to see if this matter could be straightened out. Mr. ~aker then explained that perhaps Stratford was closer to th~ sales market for Dominion Chain. Some d~scusa~on then ensued as t~ the reasons why Dominion Chain left Niagara Falls to go to Stratford. Mr. Montgomery. explained that ~n his discussions with Dominion Chain, he was told that they hired a consultant firm ~rom New York, who studied their business as of to-day, 10 and 2C years hence. They picked the part of the country that they thought best and then this was nanrowed down to a commpnity. The Chain did not know where they would go or even if they would be going at all. When they were given the report, that profits would increase in a new area, they decided to move. Mayor Miller than stated thst. h~ e~]t. that position, should come to the City an~ discuss thai- c~ndin~s. the courtesy of trying to better conditions For them. Mr. ~rie exnlain~d hnw the chamh~ d~c~ed ~ b,~,~ .... t~v would try, to attract to the area. The Chamhor ~ec~v~s a s+ot~t ~r~m th Government. A business in this area has its b~st mar[~t in %~e~t~-~ '=m~ v~r~.. The Chamber then selects businesses that can F~t f.h~ir raw mate~ia]~ crom close by, and who are on the route to thojr markets and th~n t. ri~? to them to come to Niagara. He stated that h~ tbink~ that th~ day ~ industries in Niagara is a thinq of th~ Past. Wi~h th~ cnst of qaF and so high, he feels that we will attract mostlF small businesses with a sta'rf of 10-25. ~ut he feels that they will Crow, as d~d Cyanamid a~d w~Fb~rly- Clark. He feels also that the Hydrn discourages b~F busi~q~s. mh~y rather sell to small concerns at a r-tail bas~. Ifa larF~ ~mnanv wanted to move in here, they would not say no, but the large CnmDany cannc~ ~et a very satisfactory rate. Alderman Martin then stated that h~ dir! not fee] that this was t,h~ reason for Dominion Chaints move, He said that with the high va]u~ o~ tour~?t property in Niagara Falls, a company could not r~a]]~ onerate on land w~th such a high tourist value, If they had been in a more industrial area :perhaps a move may not have been necessary. Mr. Nurie pointed out that if an average indust~, had a municinal problem then they would come to Council and try to get it straightened out~ Mr. Montgomery then mentionod a few industries in tho area and stated what a few of their complaints were and why they would leave the area. these were summarized below: C_~vanamid: The high cost of gas an~ electricity. C~rbers: They are not making a profit at th- present location. There is no room for exransion of present facilities. Kerrio-Germano: Are ang~, with Council for stating in on- o~ their meetings that they use scab labour and inferior materials. Nabisco: They are not close enough to source of supnly for wheat and Grains. There ~11 be no further expansion in Miagara. Thoy will not move, however, because of the prestige that Niagara adds to their company. Wire Weaving: They are in much the sam~ position as Dominion chain. They are in a tourist area and their property w~ll become too valuable. _Oneida: They will be moving. It will more than likely be in the area somewhere, ~zt not in Niagara Falls and no one knows when. Strategic Udy: They are in preduotion again now. but only employ a few men and their only customers are in South America. mh~ir formula was stolen and is being produced in Austria. No royalties are being received from this. ~entleF Sporting Goods: They are angry. with C~ty for cuttln~ weeds and not notifying them first. They were charged $10.OO H. O. Acres: They need air transportation for their staff. They have even bought a plane Just to fly personnel to Montreal and Toronto. Mr. Montgomery explained that firms come here because we can offer water in large quantities. This is good for cooling and processing. The Chamber also trys to attract Industries that will sell firm customer items. Items that will not have a higher cost ratio than 5~. They also try to attract tourist trade industry. He feels that this is the gateway to Ontario and he would like to get firms that could operate out of Ontario or Niagara Falls, New York and sews both markets. He also stated that 60~ of all business coming into Ontario goes to Toronto. We th'n have to vie for th~ other Mr. Montgome~3, added that since there are no docking facilities, no new unloading equipment or modern facilities, it is hard to get raw materials here via the canal. Mr. Rongard then stated that he feels the most successful approach to the canal would be to try to develop it down river. He also feels that to encourage industry to stay, the Municipality must distribute taxes equitably between manufacturing indus my, and tourist industry. He feels that one of the most important factors is also the high cost of power. When we have the power facilities here, some other cities have cheaper rates. The Mayor stated that nothing about manufacturing industry ever comes to Council. There are numerous items on Tourist business, but never any- thing on industry. A discussion then ensued comparing the hydro and P.U.C. rates in Hamilton and Niagara Falls. Alderman Keighan then posed the question - that sims, we are developing trememdously in the tourist industry - should we discourage tourism and encourage manufacturing industry. He feels that by ignoring the tourists, wow ill not helpmanufacturing at all. Mr. Murie then stated that tourist development is a cycle. We have almost reached ou~ peak. He feels that the high value of land had nothing to do with the Chain*s move. Mr. Murie stated that at one time a local attraction was the cheapness of HFdro, but those days are gone. Mr. Sootheran said that he feels a small conference, with a small committee meeting w~ith an industry that is planning on'leaving the area is necessary to find all the reasons that they are leaving for. He feels that in a small group discussion, they will open up and give their reasons. Mr. Baker stated that one factor that can nmke a company move from any area are labour unions, too high wages and too many fringe benefits, that will cut profits. Mr. Keighan then stated that the Committee should find out w~V hydPo rates are higher here than in some other places. A discussion then ensued on the cost of Hydro at Cyanamid and other cities in Ontario. Mr. Keighan complained that although the Industrial Committee meets once a month, nothing ever seems to be settled. He feels when a motion is finally made, there is seldom an~ action on it. He then asked Mr. Montgomery where he got the informa- tion on the companies that he had mentioned. Mr. Montgomery replied that he received information in this light at the C.M.S. meetings and through personal contact with these companies. Mr. Henderson stated that to attract manufacturers, we should have factories for them to work in. He noticed that there are very few vacant premises that can be rented or leased as factories. He feels that if we would get investors to invest in buildings suitable for factories instead of the fast mcney-making tourist industry , we would be better off. A discussion then ensued on our Municipal taxation. Mr. Huggins reviewed the history of the area with regard to Nydro, pointing out that at one time this was an ideal area for industry because of the low cost of Mydro. He stated that the City is of the opinion that Hydro should pay taxes in line with other industrieS. He feels that it is unfortunate that our "birthright" of low hydro cost, should have been taken away. A discussion was held re barbour facilities on the Welland Canal and facilities for factories along the canal. Mr. Orr stated that the old International Silver building is available for rental. Mr. Sootheran stated that there was a prospect to rent this building but the rent was so high, that the party involved couldaft rent it. Mr..~urley questioned th~ matter of ret:lrninc to th~ federal government and having Niagara Falls claimed as a depressed area. ~he ~'ayer stated that the word "depressed" mizht have an adverse affect on the touri~ industry. People might think that this is a poor place to come and not want to come here at all. Alderman ~rtin stated that he was disturbed by the fact that most industries Mr. Montgomery. had named were not satisfied w~th rJiagara Falls. Ire thinks that meetings should be set UD w~th these companies to see ~f there i-~Rything that can be done for them~ ond if nothinK else, w~ll cre~,te Kood- will. Mr. Sootheran stated that the Industrial ~oF~ittee should be in chafes of this action. Mr. hurley added that the complaints to do with the city e.g. cutting the weeds at Bentley*s should be explained and cleared ur. Mr. Eidt stated that his staff is trained in public relations and each complaint that is received is always carefully explained. Hi~ office tries to clear up all the complaints. Mr. Orr added that not all complaints are made to City Hall. The Mayor then asked for a~v concrete actions that might be listed and taken. The following were given: 1. It was suggested that the Industrial Committee make a visit to all the industries in the Municipality and t~, to find out if they have any complaints that we can help them with. 2. It was suggested that the city contact and set un meetings ~ith the Ontario Hydro re their rates. ' 3. A suggestion was made that an enquiry be made to the Cas Co. to see why rates are higher here than in other communities. ~. It was suggested that the ~hamber of ~ommerce find out about any public docking facilities in this area. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. READ AND ADOPTED, 14th September, 1964. Yayor. FORTY-SF~.rE.~H !.~ETI.~ SPECTAI. :4EETI,~E Connci] Chamber September 2nd, 196A The Special Meeting commenced at 8:20 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall on ceptember 2nd~ 196A. Those present were as His Worship Mayor F. J. !~!ler Aldeman C. Swayze Alderman W. ~cott Alderman C. Martin Alderman R. Keighan Alderman A. McKinley Alderman E. Mitchels~n Alderman S. Cotfield .wFrj W.R.?ootheran,Pres. Chamber of Commerce Mr. T. ~!te, l~cal 133 Mr. J. PeaFee Mr. F. Ferro " Mr. C. ~cDonald " Mr. G. Gray " Mr. C. Young " KP. A. McK]nnon " Mr. L. Blackburn " Mr. J. Beattie " Mr. J. White, Local 152 Mr. M. Wilson, Local ].65 Mr. F. Comes, Local 3A5 Mr. J. Dovmes " Mr. F. Spidail " Mr. P. Collucci " Mr. A. Peters Local Mr. R. Steinberg " Mr. A. Warkentin Local 655 Mr. A. Rosenberger " Mr. W. Hague Iocal 713 Mr. R.P.Paige I~cal 8h6 Mr. F. Mills Local 910 Mr. J. Thomas I~cal 1031 Mr. W. Pewell " Mr. G. Manuel " Mr. C. Walton Y~cal 1OSA Mr. J. Iaurence Local 1909 Mr. D. Patterson " Mr. D. Sprlni~el " Mr. G. Auld Loca~A151 Mr. M. Luseombe Local hlS1 Mr. E. Turcotte " Mr. B. Davis " Mr. E. Shrtner " Mr. L. Russell " Mr. C. Marazzo I~cal A528 Mr. A. Ironside Local A886 His Worship Mayor Miller opened the meeting and explained that the purpose of the various unions in the city meeting, was to consider the ].o~ of indust~F and determine what is wrong with Niagara Falls, if anything. the event that there is anything wrong, what steps can be taken to correct tb~ situation. His Worship explained that he had no previous knowledge that the Dominion Chain Co. had contemplated moving from the city until the day of the announcement in the press. He expressed his regret that the City was losing this Company and others since the loss would affect the economy of the Municipality, Me fu~bher stated that he would welcome any suggest]one from the union members to correct the situation. He then invited those in attendance to speak. P. ~il],s~ local 9!0, ~po~ an~ ~a~,at~4 H~af b .... %nn~lv was ~. a~ to reasons why indust~. was mov~n~ o~+ ~ +~ oit7- an': }'~ ~n~d +~at suggested that the tourist ]n4ust~., ai! nnf ~nA as ~ucb D"~motinn the Chamber of Co~erco ~hould r~no~ntrat~ ~n r~tain]-c ~h~ ox~stiDg and securing new indust~, rot th~ ejtv ue advecat~-~ ~,hat n~'v in'~u~r~e~ should not be required to nay tax~s For a c-~rt~jn number o~ v-are. mentioned that StratCnrd mi~h~ have nrf~r~a ~om~ coneesqinn to ~omjnien ~hain. He also su~sted that living co=t~ add ,,.,a~o~ ~bou!~ b~ lov~ll~a ~f. Tn reply Mayor Miller explained that mun~cina~it~ ~ann0t nr~vi~ tax exomptions be in the centre of their d}stricution area. ~x- also thought that freight rates were a factor. j. Mc~innon, Ideal 133, monf.}on~d that it was hSs undorstandin~ that uydro had invited industries to locat~ in th~ City in 1900. Pe s~:~Fest~d that existin~ industries be approached an~ ask~d'wher~ they would !i~ to r~-locat~ '- in Niagara Falls. He thought that if the City could nrov~de land at no cost, it might be some incentive. , ?- Collucgi~ Loca~ 1A5, m~ntion~d that he could not a~r~e that som~ munici- palities are not offer]nw concessions to industry to locat~ in thojr ar~as. Me stated that he had heard that ~lorentjno and qons had be~n offered certain inducements from another municipality to r~]ocato. W. Ha=gut Loc~l?la~ mentioned that when an industry moved From the city and took some of their employees, ]t creates a hardship in'movin~ and unrootin~ families from the City. He suggested that in some cases it would mean that the employe~s in industry will have to go on welfare. He thought somethin~ could be worked out by having meetings w~ th industry, and advised that he bad heard rumours that other City industries might move out. H~ was of th~ opinion that all industries in the area ar~ makin~ money, At th~s point Aldlerman ~e]~han explained how industry. selects a sit- for location. He advised that the usual custom is to hire a consultant e×Derienced in locating industry and that consultant considers all aspects of the industries operation and economy before recommending a location. ~'-F-'--SPjd-e~,_._II°c~ 3/~53 suggested that we should enmdre From other ~nicipalit~es some distance from Niagara ~alls as to the reasons why industry is attracted to their district. He was of the o,~nion that some incentive be offered to new industries to locate at a~v ar~a. ~. R. Soothera~ Chamber of Commerc% advised that the Industrial Commi tree of~ '~h~er ~'b~rce 'is ~om~ised of A members of council, h members of industry and one representative of labour. He stated that representatives of the committee would shortly visit all j ndustr~es ~, the area for Purpose of discussing' their problems, if any, and to determine ~f either the Chamber or the City could be of any help. [!e mentioned that the Chamber had no previous knowledge that the Dominion Chain was goinE to move from the city. He thought that it would be a good idea to have publicity on the fact that Municipalities were prevented from offering an incentive to industry to locate within their confines. ~ Patte_ rg0n,_ Local 19__O_9, suggested some of the Municipalities have lower tax rates and hydro rates than Niagara Falls and asked if it was possible to reduce tax and Hydro rates, or if some other concession could be made for industry. F. Mil_~als~ Local 910 advised that a Review reporter had informed him that there was a possibility that two more industries were to move from the city. It is suggested that an appropriate petition be submitted to the Provincial Government to curb industries from moving from one municipality to another. Mayor Miller suggested the Federal Government might make some changes in regulations concerning depressed areas some time this fall, when regulations are to be revised. ~ld~rm~n Keighan asked if the Unions would support the Council by contacting the Federal authorities in assisting to secure some of the advantages granted to depressed areas. He mentioned that one industry which had secured land within the city was giving some thought to taking their operation to the City of Brantford. L~ ~a.c~bur~ L°ca~_~.!~, suggested representative members from the local unions attend the labour conference scheduled to be held shortly and exert pressure on the Ontario Federation of Labour to assist the City in securing permissive legislation in respect to the levy of room tax. At the same time Council could tak~ the matter up through the appropriate government departments. ~,yQ~M~!~e~, suggested that unions might support three points advanced by the City representatives when they attended in Ottawa recently to endearour to get some of the advantages of a depressed area. ~. HagU~,_Lo__cal 713m advocated that firms intending to move from one municipality to another should give 12 months notice. He stated that industry has a moral obligation to their employees and the City suggested Council pass a resolution requesting that legislation be enacted which would provide that industries must give 12 months notice if they propose to move out of a Municipality. Support of such a resolution could be obtained from other municipalities. ~. McKinno~ Loca!_~lB_, expressed the thought that federal and provincial governments control freight rates. The Mayor indicated that the control of freight rates comes under the Board of Transport. On this point he also explained that at the time Kimberly Clark decided to move from Niagara Falls there were only two men in the company who had knowledge of it. The local manager of the company did not know that the company would move until the announcement was made. B.~._PaigS__Local 846,_ requested information in respect to comments made at the meeting held this afternoon with the Industrial and commercial group. The Mayor advised that the information would be provided at another meeting. ~.~. ~oqthqr~n~_h_amber of Commerce. reiterated that representatives on the Industrial Committee would meet with Management of all local industries to determine if the Chamber o~ the City could be of any assistance in solving Any problems they might be experiencing. Thgre was some question at this point as to a labour representation on the industrial committee and F. Mills sta~ed that Mr. Cooper is labour representative on the Industrial Committee. P_z.~a~_~,_ Lo_~al 713, asked whatresult might be expected when industry shows no expression of good faith with the Chamber and the Council. J. Beattie, Local 133~ stated that he had heard the Boyardee had thought of moving because of the cost of water rates. Alderman Mitchelson explained that prior to merger there was a differential in water rates in the township and City, but after merger, became equalized. l,._R~!, Local A151, expressed the thought that local industrial companies were mostly subsidiary plants to American Companies and in consequence local management are not in too good a position to express good faith. He advocated that legislation be passed making it difficult for industry to move from one municipality to another. At this point Alderman ~tchelson explained that considerable discussion had taken place at the recent O.M.A. regarding compulsory arbitration and section 89 of the Labour Relations Act. He stated that he was opposed to compulsory arbitration of any kind. 8. Au_ld_ALocal A151, asked what the Chamber can offer industries to come to Niagara Falls. Mr. Sootheran advised that they could offer the name of Niagara Falls, that the City is a friendly place to live and that the city government is in good hands. He expressed the thought that any industry that is looking for concessions might not be the most desireable type to encourage. i Mayor Miller stated thst indnstr~l pr~mnfiq~ ~he'~'hamber or Council. He thought that ev~,on~ sbn,,]4 ~a~ a~4 boost Niagara Falls more. " _L_._ Bl.a~kbllrn~ Local ].~. suC~tod l~irqat;on .to curb ffn~u~,tr~e~ from mc,.,~- from one municimlity to anothe,. Alderman Corfield, stated that ]_o-~!nt~'~r t ~es~'~abie." He tho~lffht that Dominion Ch~n was ~rant~ ]and or~al~v w~n they located here. ' .... · ' ~4a~vo~r_ Mj_l]_e.r, ~xpressed th~ thonffht that ~o1!~] skn,,]d start. sct~- b-- passing appropriate resolution concernlpF in!u~tr~s ~vin- f-nm on~ ]n~af~n to another and forward to oth~r municipalities F~r ~Pdnr~a[~op. T~ fhn!l-h~ that unions could submit the s~e resolution b~for~ o~.her Unions thro~:gh~ut Ontario. ,j. He_a~ti% Local 133.., suggested loss prcmotjan of t.e,!rj~m and mor~ promotion for 'industry.. lJ.. R._~?_o_th~e_rap pointed out the va]u~ of tou.i~m t~ .~'_'.a~ra Fall~ an.! ~ndicated that the tourist industrT.. provided mar,y tax dollars for tb~ After some discussion a member pointed out that b~ though+ som~ or Co~itte~ had made r~coEe~datjop to th~ ~ov~rhm~pt conce-n~nE tb~ of plants from one location to another. ~;r. Ha~e aEreed to cbec~ on this ~tter and secure any infomat~on possible. B. Davis, Loca! AlJl~ stated that buman b~n~s should be rncoEn~ze indust~ and also stated that the criteria lo~l]y s~ems to b~ tn Dramote tourist indust~. He feels that this type of promotion tended to cans~ industrial plants to move out. '~='.. Uj_lsOn,_I~De~l 16_~ asked if it would be possibl~ to curb construction for the motels and hotels. At Wayke~ip,. L~pa~ 65__5, suggested that if the r~s~]ution -ererr~d to previously was pressed ky Council and the labour unions it m}ght have some SUCCESS, Aljp__r~n_a~ Mj~tS~_e. lJfin replied to the r~mark mad~ by Nr. navi~ and sai~ that industry which is moving out of Niagara Falls eamo in at th~ turn or the centu~. Some of the plants are new obsolet~ and because off th~ tourist development, land on which the plant is located has increased in value. F~ stated that the tourist industn, ~s valuable and ~t was nnt correct to say that indust~ was moving becaus~ of the tourist development. D, Patterson~_.%,oca___l~l~p9 advised that plants mov~n~ From the city are ~ayfng liveable wages compared to wa~es be~nf paid ~ the tourist industry. Mayor Miller expressed his appreciation for the attendance of the representatives of the various unions and indicated that thei- s,,~est~on~ would be taken into consideration an~ that another meeting or m~etYnFs m~ght be held. Mr. Hague thanked the Mayor and Council for their invitation extended to the unions to attend the meeting and express their opinions. READ AND ADOFrED, 14th 8eptember, 1964. Clerk. ~ ..... / FORTY-EIGHTH MEETING 1 Council Chamber, 8th September, 196A. REGULAR MEETIk~ Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 8th, 196&, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, ~dth the exception of Aldermen Potter, McFinley and McCalltun. The Council having received and read the minutes of the previous regular meeting, adopted these on the motion of Alderman Swayze and Alderman Cotfield. COMMUNICATIONS laid over from previous meetinf~q: N~. 5]2 & 5h3 - LoJlan & Kn]Fht - re: Sanson applioation for Mote]. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton end Ald. Swayze that the communications be received an~ filed, and the Report of the Prnperty committee be adopted . This motion was lost ~ th Ald. Swayze, scott, Martin$Ke~ghan, Mitchelson and Cotfield voting contramy. An amendment to the motio~ moved by Ald. M]tchel~on an~ Ald. Scott ordered that the report be adopted with the condition that the m~rwill agree to develop the property in a satisfactory w~v a~nng with the City as it develops the lower end of queen Street. This motion Was carried ~dth Ald. Morton voting contraq,. SEE ~eport Number 742. No. 5&O - Border-Pontiac Buick i~Ad.) re: right-of-way on Portage Road S. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. ~wayze that the communication be received and filed and the Report of the Property Committee adopted. SEE Report Number No. 547 Griff~ths, Sharp~ & Clement - application of M. Hrynkiw to erect motel. ORDE.rLED on tb~ r~tion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the conlm~n]cation be received 'and filed and the report of the P~operty Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number No. 528 - Bill HolJak - application for permit to build living quarters at the Cadillac Motel. ORDERF~ on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Property Committee by adopted. SEE Re_p_ort Number 720 SEE Report Number 745 No, 538 - Matthews & Matthews - purchase of lands by the Optimist Club, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mitchelson and Ald, Corfleld that the communica- tion be received and filed and the report of the Property Committee by adopted. Report Ntmber 746 No. 5&4 -~. Bodolae - comptaimJng about conditions at Ame~ -Cane Motel, 4AAA Lundyms Lane. ORDERED on the mot]on of Ald. Scott and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee be received and SEE Report Number 728 SEE, Report Number 747 Pollution Control Compitt~ ~o. 536 - Pallachy an~ '.'~or~ - nr~=~f.~. ~ ~'q~ ',~ ,;l ~- :'~,q~-. and Aid. ~orr]~ld f, bat t,b~ con~u~icat!~ bo r,,~iv~ an-' f~l~-~ an-' +.h.~ Report of the Sanitation & PollutSon Cn~fr~] nor~,~St.f.~ h.~ r~x,~i an~ adopted, ' ~'o. 5l=5 - A. Tartan ~ ~nmn]aiDj. np abe,+ w~d'~ ana ~+.h~ ~n~if..~ of the Engineer be received an~ reco~endat~ops tb~r,,~ a~p~. ' ~he followi ni Commun~ cationq :.:*r~ Dres~nte4: Appeal ~onth. nRnvn~ on the m,-f. ion that the eo~un~cat~on be poc.~v~d. be nuh]ished. with th~ condition that children ho -o~p,i+.t~ f.o ean,m~ Fop "MICEF during this month, i~ satisPaetnD, to f.h~ Appeal. ' Jo. 549 - Y.W.C,A. - req ,~st~n~ nroelamstion nr rati~ra1 x~,,r,, ,.,~ qept. 20 - 26. ORBPREP on the motinn of A]4. uitehol~nn an4 A1~' qwavze that the comnication he r~eeived and filed and r~quns+ Pranted. Mo. 550 -_On~tfiri Officials Conference _ Re!]ovjlle. net. ]~th and l~th. ~Dh,,m'n nn the mot] on of Ald. ?~tcbelson an~ Ald. qwayze that th~ ~emr, m~t~on be received and referred to the city Manager for recnF~nendat~en. No. 551 - A. Marsillo - sidewalk construction in frnnt of ~nt ]2, ~alodnnia St. ORDFRED on the motion of Ald. Ee~ban an~ Ais. Ewavz~ that t~o communication be received and fj led and the PnEin~r bo authorizo~ t~ direct an explanation to Mr. ~rsil]_o as to ~y the sj~ewalk cannot be constructed at this time. R~PORTS laid over from Previo__us_mp~t~n~s_: No. 720- Property Committee - re: application of Wm. Holjak SEp enmmunieatlnn 52~ q.~F ~=~n~-~_ Number ~74~ No, 728 - Assistant Duildi_~Inspector _ complMnt of )ks. nodolai. S~~ _Comm,,nipatlon qvE _Report Number 7A7 No. 727 - Sanitation &, Pollution Control Co~tttee - Comnlaint of John Dalci~ r~/~mai'n ~'6n~'~c~ion ~ ~%hhiey 'Ave. SFE PommDnication ~17 g__F,E_~Report Mumbet No. ~2~ - R_ani.ta_tion & Pol]utjon Con}~ol_ Con~__i_t_te_e -- complaint of Ballachey and Moore. on behalf of Alex Kovacs re: sewer on Montrose ~EE _Co?uniga_tig_n_ 5.~ SEE Report Number 7A9 T~h_e, f_ollo!~inZ _R_e~n_o?_t_s_ were pr~gen~t_ej} f-~" ~+~n ~f Ald. ~'e-f.~n ~pa A1H. Sway~ that tb~ re~rt of tb~ ~rty n~ttp~ b~ adopted. Th~s motion was lcr~. An am=hamlet to +ho motion mm,~ by A]~. N~t~he]snn and A]~. ~cnt. t ord-red that +he repo-+. be ~dopted w~th the condSt~~" that the o~.mer w~ll aEree to d~ve].op th~ property in a sat~cto~,, way alone ~th tb~ City as )t ~ove]np~ the lower ena nf ~een 2treet. Th~s motion was carried ~dth Ald. Morton voting cont~a~,. e~m,, Communications No. ?h3 - Pr?Ee~%_~q,.n~-:i~tZ~ - r"~oerty o~med by C~+7' on east side of Portage Rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Melgban and Ald. Swayze that the report be adopted. SEE Communication 540 No. ~!,~ - ?yoD~t~: 9oL~n.i}~ee H. Hrynkiw application to erect m~te]. ORDEP~P 6h ~he me%ion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Eeighan that the report be adopted. S~ ,. Communication 5h7 No. 7A6 -.~Eog~ty Cprrn, i}}_e_-~ - purchase of lands by Cpt]mist Club on Porcheste- Rd. ORDERED on tb~ motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfie!d that %he report be adopted. SEE Communication ~To. 7A7 - S~an~ta~ti~ ~ Pol~h,~!on Control Conmittee comFlaint of !'~. Bodola~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Co!field that the report be q==t~E., C__o_mm~uni_c;a_tj cn._57, !{ S~ R_egort khrnber 72R No. 7A~ - S_a~itJ_tJ~n_~&_P__o]13ttiJ~ 99~tro__].2J~mi__t~f_e - objection of John DalCln to sewermain on Stanley Ave. ORDERFD on the motion of Ald. CoPfield and ~ld. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. o~F. Communicat4on 537 SEE ~e_qport Number 727 No. 7AO - 9anit~tion ~ Pollution Control Committee - objection of Pallsthey & Moore on behalf of Alex Keyace re~ Mootrose Rd. sewermain. ORDERED on the mot~ on of Ald. Morton and Ald. Co!field that the report be received and adopted. "' SEE Communication 5~ SEE Report }~mber 726 No. 750 - .Cj}y._En_Ei__neer - reporting on weed and other complaints. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and recon~nendation adopted. SEE Communication 545 No. 751 - Sa__nitat~on & Polh~tion Control Committee - requesting preparation of report on construction of section of sewermain on Lundy~s Lane E. of Dorchester. d No. 752 - City EnP~nopr - roe, eft on on T~undyts Iane, ORD~FO on th~ r~f4cn ~r Aid. "'?'+~ ~'~ that the r~ort of the City Yn~ine~,- b~ t'eceived add adopt~a. No. 753 - ~anjtat~_on & Pollu+icn ~e~t. rn! ~c~++ ..... ~_,=~.~_ against constmmtlon of local improvements. OD~rnvn ~ +ko ~,~ .... - Ald. KieFhan and AI~. Norton that tb,~ r~ror~ he r-~i~.4 Item 1. be proceeded ~dth in ~p~te o~ ~ ~b~ection< re~{v~. feeemendation outlined in item 2. be adopt~. acres of land from the Hawkins ~stato. °~D~PTM ~n ~.~ -~Ucn oC Ald. uor~n and Ald. Martin that the report be receiv~ a~d adeFt~d. No. 7~5 - Sanitation ~ Pollution Cont~o! co~m~tt~ - c~r,vr~n] be char~ed~KCh~p~wa to ~ortom Corn!any. ODnvRPn ~n lh~ r,r~ ~f A]~. Co!field and Ald. Martin that th~ report be recehm~ and ado~+~ No. 7~6 - ~an!tation ~ PotD~tioD Control Com~fft~ - r~o,~st~ to negotiate on' tbr~e matters. bRD=REO ~m ~-b~ mct~n ~ ']~ ~ ~'" .~ ' ........ > ~n n..~ ~ld. Swayze that the report be r~ceive~ and tb~ C~mr~t~ b- jrant~ pen]salon to negotiate '~th restcot tc items 2. aD~ ~.. b, ff ~b~-t ~-~ res~ct to ~tem 1, this matter b~ dealt with by a Fu!~ ~e~M'.ee of ~ound] with the Vil]aEe of Cblppswa. No. 757 -- City ~n~pger _ Proposed watermain enn~+mwt]on on P~rr,- ofr~t. and Victoria Eve~ ORDERED on the motion or A]d. Morton and Ald. n~-r~e]d that the report be adopted and permission ~rant. ed to call tenders for this construction. No. 758 - gjJ~, ~9gineer _ Improvement oe Fl!en Avenee. nPDE.!eD nn tho Pof~r,n of Ald. ~eighan an~ ~id. Morton that. the r~Dort be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for f~rst consideration. No. 759 - CitXFdDEineer _ Uaterma~n construction and charges. nDn~pmn on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed.' ' No. 760 - ~Reclal License Commjttee -_ Appointment of license r.pq tn local Conservation ~U~Sl~'0~6ERFT6 ~n ~h~ motion o~ Ald. Martin and AId. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. 761 . Cit~ Clerk - Service Station oporatea by =..Y. Fss~ Rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. M]tche]son and Ald. Swayze khat report be received and the matter be referred to the Special ldcense Committee for consideration. 762 Con~nittee of A_~JUstment _ Receipt of O.M.B. Order in respect to Vorkapich application, ~jrn~r Montrose Rd. and Lundyss Tans. ODnPPED on the motion of AId. Corfield and Aid. Scott that the report be received and the matter he referred to the Property Comm, ittee. No. 763 - C_!~y..Clerk _ R~dommendtng issuance o~ licenses. ORDF~ED on th~ motion of Ald. Martin and Ald, Morton that the report be received, adopted, and licenoes issued accordingly. 7~ _ Ci~IMan~f~f _ Building Permits issued durln~ the month or Au~mt. ORDERED ~'~t~'e {6tton of Aldl Martin and Ald. Swayze 'that the report be received and filed. No. 76~ - Pollution Control Plant - Operating Data !or month o! Aul%ust, 19A4 0RDERED on the motion of Ald.'~yze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. RESOLUTIONS The Collok~ n~_ Rp:~olu~ti~o_n yaip~Jse~dd: No. 97 - MARTIN - CORFIFI~ -RESOLVE, D that $1.OO of each license fee collected f~r the calenS~r ~ears i~3~nd 1964 for hunting licenoes, be apportioned on a 50/50 basis between the Greater Niagara ~isb & Gam~ P~otective Assco. and the 2tanfford Rod & G~m Club, with the recorm~emdation that both organizations be requested to submit complete reports early in 1965 outlining their activities for that year and proposals for the future. Carrj_e~_~an~mou_s~X SEE Report No. 7~ MISCELLAME~OUS At this point in the meetlug, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Aid. Morton that M~, N. ~odnar~ 770 Bridge Street, be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Podnat spoke about an elm tree which is situated on the boundar7 line between his and h]s nelghbour~s property, and cnntended that the tree was suffering from ~tch elm disease and should be removed by the City. He stated that flowers and plants near the tree w~re dying because of the condition of the tree. The City Manager advised that Mr. Norgate had ~nspected the tree on two occasions and had reported that it was not diseased, and stated that the matter of the tree was a bone of contention between the two f~eiEbbours and Mr. Bodnar was t~ing to get the City to remove the tree from the property, After consideration it was decided that Mr. MorEate would once again investigate the tree and report on its condition to the City Manager. Ald. Kelghan advised of a call he had received from a resident c[ Welland Line - Garner Road, querying if anything had been done to limit the speed in that area, or other precautions taken, as recormnended by a recent CoronerIs Puling. The City Engineer advised that plans are being prepared to eliminate th~ ditch adjacent to the road which would require the entering into of an agreement with C~anamid Co. He further stated that the Conmittee did not feel it advisable to lower speeds in a rural area. Aid. Morton queries when a report would be received in respect to the Konkos property on Stanley Avenue as ordered at a previous Council meeting. He was advised that Council were awaiting reports from three .Municipal Officials and as soon as these were rea{v the matter would be presented to Council. BY-LAWS laid over from previous meeting: No. 6619 - A by-law to close King Avenue, south of Arthur Street, and to dedicate the same as part ~f the W. L. Houch Park. Thin Reading -- Ald. Morton and Aid. Scott - Carried Unanimously In respect to the BT-law listed as item 2... on the Agenda to authorize the extension of the sewage works in the Urban Service Area of the City of Niagara Falls, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that this By-law be tabled for a full Council. The following .F~-laws were Dassed No. 6638 - A by-law to amend BF-law Number 5149, regarding tourist establiehments. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introd~eing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. nPD~PED on tb~ motion off A1a. ve~k=!n an l ,%!~' "~rt. on tk-s.t Pule 36 (2) of the StandinF Pules ~6 ~ouncil b~ t~moorar~]j.. qu~n~n~ ~n-~ the by-law be ~iven tbo second r~ad~n~. _ narr~ed ~.,n~o~ ].. Third Readjn~ __ Ald. Corfi~ld No. ~639 - A by-law to exDroDr~ato a D~rootna] ~as~moni. to onep, nlter and maintain a sto~ water dPaina~ Iota 118, 151, 152 oF tb~ foyer TOk~SBjD OC StaMford, now in The City of Niagara Falls. " ' ORDERED on th- motion or A1~' '~itchp]son and !'ld. oWaFZ~ *bat Ald. Kei~han be granted the nrivjle~e oP iptrcdncin~ tb~ r~,-law and t,h~ by-law be given the f]rst reading. _ Carried Unanimol,s]y. OrDErED on the motion of Ald. ~e~han an~ A1~' Morton that Rule ~6 (2) of th~ Standin~ Rules or Counci] be temporarily susnended,and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Dnan~mously. Third Reading Ald. Norton and Ald. Swayze. _ Carried Unanimously No. 66AO -A ~v-law to expropriate certain lands in the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~orton end Aid. CoPfield that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introdncins the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. weiRban and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. ' Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield -_ Carried ?}o. 664] - Bp~ng a By-~a~,, f~ r-~v~4~ f~r ~+~-~~ ~t~ ar .... ~r,~ -..~+~ l';oodbln~ Ave. drainag~ ~itoh pr&je-t, Ec~han be firanted th~ privilege nf lntrod,cin.i tb~ by-law an~ f.~ by-law be g~ven the first reading, Carried Unan~me'.~s!- ORDERED on the m~flon af Ald, K~i~han and Jld. Rule 36 (2) or the Standing Rules of Ccnnci7 he t~mr .... il2' s':~-pepded and the by-law be read the second time. -- Carried Third Reading - Ald. CoPfield and Ald. go-ton - Carried Unandm^nsly. Council adjourned to the Finance ~eeting on the motion ~f Ald. qwa',ze and Ald. Cotfield. READ AND ADOPTED, l~th September, 1964. .... .......... Mayor. ,I · ~qo FINANCE %"mV'PT~'TC~ Connzil Chamber, ~th Serf.~mber~ l°~/: The Finance Meeting was held or/~ept. ~th, ]O6h , for the purpose of approv]ng and a]~o passing the various accm~nts which had beer ~r~viously eert~e]ed and D]aeed before them. All Mombers ~e the Com~m. ittee were ~resent wSth the excertioh nf Aldermen ~cKinley~ McCa].ltnm and Potter. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount $].32, A~9.90 were approved by the Committee. The Accourt? subm~tte~ being pas~d or othem{~e dealt with, were ordered placed ~n the Money F~/-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald, Swayze. The report of the City Manager in cennect~onx~th a communica- t4on from MaceAir and Sinyak on behalf of ~r. Bozidar Jevenov~ch for a permit to construct an addition to 1h/,O Ferry Street, was aKajn presented fur considera- tion, along w~th a Report of the Property Committee. Alderman Ks]Khan advised th~ report should be ~ended to read that the Co~]ttee d]d not recessed approval of th~ appljeatlon for the reasons outlined therein. ORDEeED on the motion of Ald Ke]ghan and Ald. Mortbn that the report, as ~ended, be received, adopted~ and a petit be not issued. The report of the City Manager w~th re~erenc~ to the appl]ca- t~on of Mr. Ray ~ozanich for a bul]d~ng petit to build an addition to h~s premises at 1970 I~ndY~s ~ne, at an estimated cost of ~5,~. was again presented for consideration, along ~h a report of the Property Co~ittee containing certain rec~endations- O~ERED on the motion of Ald. Kejghan and Ald. ~ayze that the report of the ~operty Coattee be tabled pend~ ng receipt of a report from the Special Licensing Co~ittee a~ to ,~ether a billlard room operation would be petitted on these presses. The co~un]eation of Mr. ~rray Shannon, ~Oh I~ndy~s Iane applying ~or a building petit to make alterations to the residence at that address to alternate the present apartments and garage~ to provide for 8 rooms ~th baths for tourist acco~odatjon, wa~ presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the application be received and referred to the Property Coaltree for repel. ~ report of the C~ty Manager was received ~n cnnneetjon the application or A. Franklin Limited for a building remit to erect an apartment building on the west side of Dm~ond Road between~nn Street and Co~n Crescent at an estimated cost of $5~,~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corf]eld and Ald. Scott %ha% the report be received, adopted, and peM]t be ~ssued. The report of the City Manager was received in connect]on vdth the application of Niagara Tnternat]onal Centre, ll,~ Robinson Btreet; for a petit to erect the shaft at their premises, at an estimated cost of $1~O,~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Ke]ghan and Ald. Sway~e that the report be received and filed. ~e City Manager advised that Council should indicate their approval of the application. Alde~n Keighan stated that Council should not be re- ~u]red to give approval for the issuance of building peaits, and that such approval should be left up to City Officials after assuring themselves that eve~thing was in order. The repo~ of the Assistant ~i].d]ng Inspector s~arizing the s~En pem~ts ~ssued durinE the week ending September hth, 196&, was presented, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. CoPfield tha~ the pepoPt be re- ceived and filed. The Coattee arose and reposed to Countil~~on of ~d. Morton and Ai~ j Cotfield. Clerk ' "' _ j~i~n of Finance.,. ~b "~'pfemb.=--r. 19~. passing the by-law which All Memb~r~ w~r~ press-t, with th~ ~vn~yf¢o~ ~n :~l~,~' "~al l-z~. McKinley and Potter. H~s 1'[~r~hip. '%yet Vi]!~r, pr~s~,!~a. ' The follow] n~.,-lm~ was Fass~d: No. 6642 - A by-law to provide OPDFRFD on the m~f~o~ o~ AI~. ~cs~]d AId' %'avs~ that :;]-~. Martin be granted the p~v~!eg~ oF 5nt~mduc~ tb~ by-law an~ tho by-law be given the f~rst reading. -- carried t~nanimous]:.,. ORDERED on Rule 36 (2) of the StaD~]~g the by-law be g~ven the second reading. ~arri~d unan{Fous]y. Third Reading _ Ald. Morton and Ald. Ewayze -- Carr]ed Unan]mmm]v Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Nattin and Ald. ~!ortnn. READ AND ADOPTED, l~th September, 196~. Mayor. I' Sqz FORTY~N'TNTH f~EETI:!C RKGUT.AR M~ETING Pounci] Chamber, lath September, 196h Pursuant to adjournment. Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Sentember lath. 196/,. For the purpose Of considering ~eneral business and finance. All Members ~?'Connnil wer~ prison+. ~th the ~e~rtion n? A]d~rmon D~ft~r, Yoqa]h~, ~nn~t a~d ~.'iteh-!s~n. T~ Council ~avin~ r~ceiv~d en~ r°ad ~h~ ~irut~s or th~ ~--~vimls re~,lnr an~ special me-rings adopted thes~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Cc-~ie]d. CO,~-,~NICATIO,NS over r-.~m ~revious meetings: Nc. 550 - r~ntario ~,ildin~ Officials Association. - I~v~+.ation to 196A Core~"ence at P~]]evill. e. ORDERED on t>~ ~otion of AId. Morf.~n and AId. Keighan that the communication he received and filed and the report. of the City Manager be adopted. 2P~ Re oft 76~ . p ~'~mber No. 53A - Archbishop N. MooseX- complaining about conditions dr 9tanley Garage. OR D~PD on ~he motion or A!d. Keighan ~nd Aid. Morton that the c~mmunication be reck!red and filed and the }~eport of the Property Coxnmittee he adopted. e,t~r. reDoft Mumbar ?2!. -a. lderman Mitchelson arrived at 7:50 p.m.- The Fell owi ng cem~unicati ons wer~ presented: No. 552 - Hans ~rcnik - Permission to erect sign at ?~75 Stanley ~vc. oRDERED on the motion or Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Mr. Mercnik be granted perm~szi~ t~ address rouncil. Mr. ?~ercnik asked that Council ~ive further consideration tn his previous request for permission to erect a sign in front of his ~tel, ~tatin~ that he wo~ suffering from loss of business because of the lack of appropriate signs. purring Countills discussion on the matter it wa~ ~nd]cated that ]n view or ~he unusual frontage ef the property some cnmpromise should be effected so that Mr. Mercnik would be able to erect a sign somewhere at the front of h~s b~Hlding. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the matter be referred to the Property Committee for report. -Alderman Scott arrived at 7:55 p.m.- No. 553 - Industrial Department Chamber of Commerj! - recommending acquisitl on of new municipally-ovmed industrial park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be referred to the Property Committee to meet with Mr. Montgomery and secure further details and report back to Council. No. 55A - Canadian National RailwAys - Sewer Crossing on Keith Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mttehelson and Ald. Copfield that the communication be received and Filed and the f~yor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreements c.~ behalf of the Corporation. No. 555 - elivet S. Scott - Requesting amendment by By-law 51&9 to permit Fezcuing of property on Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the rfiatter be received and referred to the Property Committee for report. No. 556 - ~rincent McGuire - Mee of property at 18AA Temperance Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and 'hld. Swayze that the matter be received and referred to the Special Licensing Cor~nittee for consideration. ,i that the matter be referred to the. PEP~FTS Y~id over From nrevi~tl~ No. 724 -ProDsr. ty' Com~tt~ - re~-t.~py ~ c~rm,~at~.~ ~e Ar~hb~,4~ N~. Vl.] _ Pronertv Committe~ - recom_mendat. ion~ ~: nitZ'-n~n]~ "~'~+-~ w',,' . PortaBe Rd. S. . ~ ..... .. No. 761 - aitZ__C~/~ _ ~eFation ~f S~rvice Station at 2?RV n~reh~t~r No. ?62 - Co~ittoe or Adlustment - ADDeel b,., St~v~ Vcrkaplcb and Q.,.,.D. yhe fg_ll_of~'inZ~ _ReD.oPts were presented Yo. 76~ - ~?,y_yanaff~r' _ r~c~endi n~ at R~j lding OFFicials Conference. nP'~EPr~P o~ +~ m~t~cn or Ald.' Morton and Ald. Feighan that the report be received an~ ~'o. 767 - PrOperty Co~tt~ _ Receipt or r~p~rt,~ Inspection Departments on p~emises at 2]5R qtaql~v Av~ml~. Ounr-pf.,~ e~ fh~ mot. ion nr AId. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report or the Property Con,mit. tp~ by received and adopted. Sre-' ~.eport MU~bPr 72/:. No. 7~R - F__rro~e~y Committee - Advising that nou]d-l.o~]~o ha~ agreed to lnrat.~ advertising panels on C~t~-ovmed right-co-way nn Pn-t.~ ~d. q. qp ~at~scacLory position. ORDERED on the motion of hld. qwayz- and Ald. Copfield that the Report be received and filed. cvR Report ~Zumber No. 769 - ~p!cial Licensing qommittee - rec~mm, endat~on re: npnrat~on of qorv~c~ Station at 2?RV ~j~jhjster Road' ~- ~r. ~. J. F~-x. ~,mp,,~n o~ the motion oC Ald. Swayze and hld. f-~rtin that the report be received and adroted. q!"'z Pqport Number 741., No. 770 - P__rpp~r}X Committee - recommendation re: conveyanna or In root strip of land from Mr. Vo~apich.' ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Xorton and Aid. Ketghan that the report be r~ceived and adopted. qFv Report Number 762. At this point in the meeting Mr. W. S. err, Pity f~nager, presonto~ a verbal report in connection w~th the tree located on privat~ property at 770 Bridge Street which Mr. N. Rodnap of that address claimed was $,fferinF from Thatch Elm disease. The City Manager advised that the tree had a~ain be~n inspected by Mr. Norgate who reported that the tree was not suffering from hutch elm disease. Mr. Podoar wag ~rant-d nerm, issjon to address Council on th- motion of Aid. Mortnn and Aid. CoPfield. He ~tated that hp had had the tre~ checked by someone familiar with the~e matters, and this person had told him the tree was suffering from Dutch Elm disease. M~. ~odnar also produced a d~seas~d sample From the treo, which w~s ~dentified by Alt. mitchelson ~s bein~ ~'common type nf fU~lSe and not related t^Duteh elm disease. C~PEP~P on tb- motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. M}tcbelson that the verbal r-p~rt of the City ~nager on this matter be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously. No. 771 - Cit~ Manager - recommending that Ald. Martin be requested tn attend N~tional Planning Conference of Community Plannin~ Assoc. at ~ ondon. oRDEReD 6n the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. CoPfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 772 _CitF"ana~er - recommendin~ attendance of Messrs. Morgat~an~ Adams at ~onvention of ontario Pemeteries ~ssociation. ORDUREn on the motion of Ald. Mitcheleon and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 773 - P_r?p~rty Convnittee - recommendinC that right-of-way For storm drain to serve Iundy~s !ace west 'o~arner Road be acquired by purchase rather than easem~nL. O~DERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald, Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. ?Th - Snecial Licensing qommittee - Reporting on meet]n~ with representatives cet. '~RDERED the motion of Aid. Kei~han and Ald. of Humane ]ociety on p llth. on Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 775 - City EDgjpe~r - Tenders for watermain & sewermain construction Cherrl~ood Acres. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Porton that the report be received and the Engineer be authorized to call for Tenders as requested. No. 776 - Kssistant Ci~FM~RaEer, Admin. - reportin~ on O.M.P. Hearing held on Sent. llth ~n t~e matter of Restricted Area By-law 6~85. ORDERED on the motion of' Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Martin that th~ reDoPt be received and recommendations made therein as to purchase of site and plans and specifications for fireball, be proceeded with. No. 777 - qitF ~e_~ - recommending issuance of licences. ORDRRED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Sw~Vze that the report be~received, adopted, and licences issued accordingly. PETITIONS The following Petitions_we_r~presented: No. 30 - H. H. Karachi, ~re~iqent E~!rguar9 Coatings ]._td~ - r~questing constn~cti.~ of ~mhdn~d Sanita~ and Storm Sewer on OakSnod DPive from MeTend Road to l,ot ~ , ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Y~}~ban and Ald, Scott that the Petition be received and referred to the City Engineer for Report, No. 3l M_r, ~ McCp]=]o~gh a__nd_ V nth__eZ~ - objecting to proposed construction of sidewalk on east side of Portage Poa4 from Morrison Street, ORDE}~D on the motion of Ald, Kei~han and Ald, Mitchelson that the Petition be received and filed, RESOLUTION The rol, lwoing Resolution was passed: No, 9~, - .M_A..R_TI_N_ r_,~JA_Y~__E - RESOLVED that a letter of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late Henry MoneF; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto' affixed. Carried Unanimously lights here. Tt was ^r~.~a that the T~arr~~ Cormi~ w~,-l: 1,-nb=~t-- +~4_ matter and bring in a r-port. brnnEht ~n on the /o~:~r canadian ~Hnja-a of McLeod Road, and t,h~ ccc,:rr~n .... "'~lZ era,,,-;--: :~-.-~ .... '] '.~:t .... ~ %n ~-- ~.b~ tb~ present, cwne~ of the prnpertZ,, ~ n connecti ~n wi tk dra ~ nn~ ..... i ~ t ~ nps nn '~ k4 '- property. The City Engineer rernrted that the c~ncrete approaches t~ commence later th~ week, and Poad *,7~1l bp blocked fz'~r d]verted along ~th-r Traffic Co~ittee sbm~ld ser~ousl widening of the Aldm~an Fe~ghan ~,r~k~ ~r havo to mak~ decisions o~ v~ Ofr~dal Plan and a~f, iop on the Official Plan ]t was d&c}d~ t. ha Roard would check to d~f. errin~ was holding up cons}depation The follmdn~Fk,-laws w,~po nr,'spnt~,d for c~nsiderat,~on: Mo. 661~ - A by-law to amend ~y-law Number 51/,9. rugartHur fnl!r~st. establis;,~-.-t q. ORDERED on the motion or AId..cKinl~S an4 AId. nn-rd~!~ +.bat A]', be granted th- privilege or introducing the by-law and th~ by-law b. ~iven first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDFRED on the mo+.ion of A],d. Fqi~han an-1 A].4. CWayz~ +-hat. olil~ of the Standing ~lPS Of Council b- t,o~pnraril7., sesnqn4~d and the by-]aw h~ given the second reading. - Carried Usahiram Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson. Carri ed Hnanimously. No. 66.'J, - to enter into an a?r~ment bet:-/~en the CnPpnra~jon oF the Cjt2., o? Niagara Falls and Drope Pav~ng and Censtructjon Limited. OPD.~R.r'D on the motion of A14. Mitchelson an4.Ald. Swayz~ that AId. ~'art~n gp~nt~4 th~ D~dV~]o~-~ of intPo~uc~Pg the by-law and the by-law be ~ven the readfinE. - Carried Unanimously. CRDFoFD on the motion oPAld. Naptin and Ald. Morton that ~1~ ?A (2) ~f the qtand~ng ~ges of Council be temporarily susnended and the by-law be Given the second readring. - Carried Unanimously. Thrird Redtiring - Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfleld - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~L5 - Being a by-law to amen~ ~oning By-law ~!o. 2~]0 (19AO) oF the Termship of 9temPoral, no:¢ pin the City of Niagara Falls as 8znended. QPDER~D on the motion of Aid. Swayze a~d Aid. qcott that Ald. ~e~ghan be granted the privilege o~ ]ntrcd,.ming the by-law aBd the by-law be given the first reading. Carried unanimously. ~n=~ nn the motinn ~r Ald, re-4Ehsn and Ald. Corf~eld that ~,le ~A (2_) of the Stand-irE ~]es or Council be temporarily susoended and the by-law he given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Read-dug - Ald. MeYinley and Ald. Corf~e]d -- Carried Unanimously. Pr~or to the second reading oF the ~-].aw some d~scussion areso as to wh~ther all the legal aspects had h~en taken care of CertaininS to the exchange of property with Imperial Di] Company, and closing or ~rland Avemm, and it was agreed that these matters would be processed and brought before Council for their approval as soon as possible. C~ncil adjourned to the Finance F%et!ng on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. READ A~ ADOPTED, ~lst ~eptember, 196~. I 597 Martin, Chnirma~ e~ P4n~-~. rr~o4~,,.4. and Aid. 1.'cFinle~, READ A}D ADOPTED, ~lst September, 196~. Chai,~rran ~o ~inanc- s ,4 lath ~ept~mhar~ ]q~/. Tb- C~'!nPjl Elnanco N~et~ng~ on uonday, qeptep~h~ lath. ]q~l~. fhe hZ'-lm.~ which covere~ th~ w~re pr~s-pt with th- exception of Alderm~n ]TcCa].l,~r and Potter. H~s t'~or~hip ~.'ay~r Miller preside~. T_be_ .fgllm~'inl:T~/-!a?z :./as ~s~,f-d.· No. 66L6 - A ~J-],aw to provide monies for senoral purpo'-es. ORDFP~D np the m~t~en er Al4. !~orton and AId. e.,rie]4 that Ald. N~rtin be ~rant-4 the pr]-51~Z" ~r intreduclnff the by-law and the by-law be ~iv-- the Nrst regalloG. - Parried Unanimously. QEn~n. ED on the motion or Ald. Martfin and Ald. qwe:.-?~ that Pn!- ~, (2) of th- qtan~ing Rules or Pouneil be temporarily mmnpn~ed and the by-law be ~iven the secnnd reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Readier - Aid. Morton and Aid. Coretold -- Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ai~. )hrtin and Ald. Scott. READ AKD ADOPTED, ~lst September, 19~. T.fayor. CONFE~RENTCE Cmmcll Chamb.r, l~fjh September, 19Al, The Committee assembled in Conference, following the r~gular Council meeting on Monday, September l~th, 19~&. All Members of the Committee were present, with the excepU nn of Aldermen McCalltun and Potter. His Worship )(ayor Miller presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conferone. adjourned to Council on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOPTED, ~lst September, 19(~. ' ": ' - Chairman. (~ qq The followin~ F~,-law ;.m.'- N~o_. ~6A7 - ~n-~ a h---!aw +~ a.~n4 ~f.~+~ 'r,~ D-- ( ) ' Ke~han be ~Pant~d ~h- pP~vjl~- ~e jnt.-~d,le~n- C~-, be ~iven the first reason?. na--~ nn~n~.,on~! ,. Rule 36 (2) or th~ ntan~in~ ~,~l~ or P~un-il be t~r~nra-~]: ...... ~ ......~,~ and the by-law he ~iven the s~cond P"ad~n~. Carried rmnanl m~ Third Readin8 -Ald. Mm'fo~ and Ald. Por~i.~]d -- ~ar,i~d "nanimm::]y. Alde~sn Fe~ghan r~r~r,-ed +a a csmn]aint mr~v~a,,~qx- r~r,~-+...~-~ b:- Mr. Toomath concernj D~ d~' ~t c~n H ?.~ o~ adja~D+ ta tho and advishd that accord~m~{ to ]ncomat~an he has -oco~v~d. has not been too much im~rove~. and ~a]]a~n~ som~ ~x~]annti~ by tb Engineer it was agreed that tbore ar~ c~,+.aim other nlac~n that attention Cot the see r~ason a~ th~se Council adjourned on the motion of A].~. f.'orton and A1a. norfield. READ AND ADOPTRD, 21st September, 19~. I! Fiftieth Meeting Gouncil Chamber, 21st September, 1964. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 21st, 196h, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Alderman Mitchelson. ~ The Council having received and read the minutes of the previous regular meeting adopted these on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton. At this point, His Worship Mayor Miller, welcomed Alderman Potter and McCallum to the meeting, following their absence due to illness. Alderman Mitchelson arrived at 7:32 p.m. C0~0NICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 552 - Hans Mercnik - request to erect sign in front of motel. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the comunication be tabled and the report of the Property Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 778 No. 555 - Oliver S. Scott - requesting amendment to by-law 5149 to permit erection of motel on Ferry Street property. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Keighan that the conmmnication be received and filed and the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted. This motion was carried with AId. Mitchelson voting contrary. SEE Report Number 779 The following co~amanications_w.e~r~_presented; No. 559 - British American Oil Co. Ltd~ - re-building premises at Victoria Ave. and Valley Way. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the co~m~u~ication be received and referred to the Property Cowm~ttee for a report. No. 560 - Mrs. Moire Cooper - Proposed purchase of Lots 2 & 3 in Reg. Plan 214. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the c~maunication be received and referred to the Property C~.~ttee for report. No. 561 - Greater Niagara Softball Association - Lighting for 1965 Softball Season. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swa~ze that the co~mmnication be received and referred to the Parks & Recreation Committee for report. No. 562 - Mrs. Coherence Kitney - Parking problem on west Culp Street at Princess Margaret School. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for report. No. 563 - Mario Morellato - Road conditions a~ 1506 Arthur Street. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Nitchelson and Ald. Morton that the co~mAnication be received and referred to the Traffic Co.~ttee for report. No. ~6h - Niagara Falls Civic ~ployees Union - Appreciation for co-operation extended during~abour Da~ parade. ORDERE~on the motion of Ald. NcCallumandAld. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. No. 565 - Joseph Moretta - changing 2 hour parking meters on McDonald Avenue ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for report. No. 566 - City of _Qwen Sound - Resolution pertaining to sale of obnoxious mineral base detergents. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and ~ld. Morton that the comunication be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee for report. No. 567 - ~am9r~ Brgs. Ltd.- Installation of clean-outs, Montrose Rd. sewer. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee for consideration and report. No. 568 - Niagara Froprier Power Squadron - requesting permission to park boats in shopping areas on Queen St. and Main St. to publicize boating courses. ~RDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and permission granted, as requested. No. ~69 - Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce - Proclamation of Jaycee Week Sept. 20 to Sept. 26, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Swayze that the communication be received, filed, and proclamation issued as requested. No. ~70 - Nia~a F_al!s & Suburban Area Planning Board - Board Policy - Zoning. By-law Amendments, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. ~orfield that the communication be received and filed. No. 571 - Niag§raF~l~s & Suburban Area Planning Board - Outline of Official Plan progress. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed and a meeting be set up of Council to consider and make a decision with respect to the Official Plan and amendments that have been submitted to Council by the Planning Board, and that the meeting be held as soon as possible. In reference to this matter, it was agreed that those persons who had registered objections to the proposed plan should be notified of the date of the proposed meeting in order that they would have an opportunity to attend. REPORTS Laid over from previous meetings~ No. 768 - City Engineer ~ Improvements to Ellen Ave. SEE Report Number 782 The following Reports were presented: No. 778 - Prop_e?~y Committee - reporting on request of Hans Mercnik to erect sign at motel at 2375 Stanley Avenue. ORDERED' on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the Report of the Property Committee be adopted. SEE Communication No. No. 779 -~o~y Committee - reporting on request of Mr.O.S.Scott for amendment to By-law 51~9. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Keighan that the report of the ~roperty Committee be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Mitchelson voting contrary. SEE Communication No. Jii No. 780 - City Solicitor - reporting on Obstructions of Highways. No. 781 - Traffic CoMmittee - recommendations re: Obstructiona at street intersections. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report of the Solicitor be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Committee be received and adopted. SEE Petition Number 11 No. 782 - Traffic Committee - Improvements to Ellen Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SE~ Report Number 7~8 No. 783 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Conw~ttee - City watermain in new A & P Plaza in Lundyes Lane[ ORDERED on the m0H'~n of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Corfield that this matter be referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Conb-~ttee for consideration. , k No. 783 - continued. In respect to this matter it was agreed that something in writing should be obtained from either the owners or the contractors guaranteeing that the watermain would be sufficiently covered before the winter. No. 784 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - Meeting with International Centre representatives regarding service costs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. SCott that the report be received and filed. No. 785 - NeEotiations Committee - Grievance filed by Local 133. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the report of the Committee be received and adopted. No. 786 - EAui~ent Committee - recomending purchase of A.B.Dick Off-set Dupli- cator. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. No. 787 - Equipment Com~4ttee - reconnnending purchase of Photo Copier Machine. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 788 - Equipment Committee ~ recommending arrangements be proceeded with in respect to Canadian Marcord Co. Mobile Radio Units. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 789 - Special Fire Committee - Final plans and specifications for Fire Hall on Dorchester Road site. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 790 - Special Fire Committee - Promotion of K. Jamieson to Captain. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and ~dopted. No. 791 - City Clerk - Premises at 1050 Ontario Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the report he received and adopted and Council approve of the work being proceeded with. No. 792 - Property_Cm~ttee - Study of new sign by-law. ORDERED on the motion; of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and filed. No. 793 - Property Committee - Arrangements made with respect to alterations at 'Cenotaph. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze And Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 79~ - Property Committee - Widening of bridges over Hydro Canal. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 795 - Traffic Committee - Recommendations for intersection of Bridge Street and Stanley Avenue. ~RDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 796 - TrafficsCommittee - D~splay of merchandise on City Streets. ORO~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 7?7 - City Engineer - Meeting of Niagara' Falls Functional Study Technical Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Neighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 798 - City Engineer - Runtrose Road sewer project and rubber gasket concrete SeWWR pipe. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 799 - City Engineer - Proposed Angle picket fence. Fairview Cemetery. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Sw~ze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. I No. 800 - ~!ty Solicitor - Recommending passage of By-law to regulate and Licenee owners or operators of broadcasting equipment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and a By-law prepared in accordance with Section 379 (1) ll5 of the Municipal Act. This motion was carried with Ald. Scott voting contrary. During the discussion of this matter the City Solicitor advised that this By-law would be passed under a different section of the Act from the Anti-noise By-law, and would be to regulate and lieonce owners and/or operators of sound equipment, etc. PETITIONS Laid over from~_r_evipus meet.ing: No. 11 - C~lif~op_Hill & District Association - removal of newspaper containers at intersection of Victoria Avenue and Centre Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the Petition be received and filed. SEE Report Numbqr 780 S~E~ R_epor~t__Nu~n_b~r y~ The following Petition_.wa_s~ presented: No. 32 - Mrs. L. ~qpcFaJt an~d~OO others - protesting the removal of the elm tree adjacent to Stamford Green, on St. Paul Avenue. On the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze, Mr. H. R. johnston was granted permission to address Council. Mr. Johnson stated that he and the citizens of the area strongly opposed the cutting down of the tree and requested that City Council give the petition their consideration. The City Engineer pointed out that the tree was located on No. 8 Highway and was under the Jurisdiction of the Department of Highways. He also stated that while the tree was not diseased at the present time, Dutch elm disease was moving into the area. It was agreed that the Engineer would look into the minutes of the meeting referred to in respect to the assurance apparently given that no trees in the area would be removed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the petition received from Mrs. Hopcraft and 300 other persons objecting to the removal of the old elm tree on St. Paul Avenue adjacent to Stamford Green be referred to the Minister of Highways, the Regional Office of the Department of Highways, and to Mr. Bedell of the Department of Highways for their consideration of having something done to preserve the tree, and the alternative suggestions, ie;-moving the highway at this point, the tree could project into the parking land, be drawn to their attention for consideration. Carried Unanimously. RESOLUTIONS The followiqg Resolutions were passed: No. 99 - MORTON - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be sent to the family of the late Amos Storey, a former employee of the Corporation; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously_ No. 100 - MORTON - CORFIELD - RESOLVED that whereas the Council of the City of Niagara Falls deems it expedient to apply for a loan under the Federal-Provincial- Municipal ~orks Assistance Progr~]. as described in the Memorandum of the Minister of Municipal Affatrs~ dated the ~th day of November, 1963, in respect of the follo~ing project namely the acquisition of land and the erection of Municipal fireball thereon having approximate area of ~200 square feet~ hereinafter referred to as "the project"; AND WHEREAS the project is, in the opinion of the Council~ a municipal project within the meaning of the Ministorts Memorandum; AND WHEREAS %~ project would not, without the assistance under the program, have been included among the capital works projects to be undertaken within the calendar year or years in respect of which application for assistance is made, and no other capital works project has, in consequence, been replaced or deferred until a later year; ANDWHEREAS:the project is one to which the immediately preceding paragraph applies in whole; AND WHEREAS the other requirements of the Ministores Memorandum have been camplied with; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that application be made to the Minister of ~unlcipal Affairs for a commitment for a loan in the amount of ~O,0CO. to ass st in the fimanci_ng of the pro oct under the Munici.Dal Works Ass stance Act, 19~ be e and the Seal of the Corpora~ affix ~. ion hereto Carried Unanimously It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the following Resolution be placed on the Ageode; No. 101 - MORTON - CORFIELD - RESOLVED that we authorize the City Officials to su~mit an application to the Department of Municipal Affairs in respect to providing a detailed description including an estimate of the gross cost of the sanitary sewer- main, storm sewermain and the watermains which are proposed for Murray Street and Robinson Street and through Niagara Parks Commission lands which the Council wish to have qualifiedunder The Municipal Works Assistance Program, and that arrangements be made to have the actual application filed prior to November 3Oth, 1964, the deadline for such applications; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 102 - M_cCALLUM - MITCHELSON - RESOLVED that whereas certain residents on Thorold Stone Road between Kalar and Garner Roads and all owners on Garner Road from Thorold Stone Road to the north limit of Township Lot 52 are experiencing extreme difficulty in securing pure water from wells; AND WNEREAS the Council is desirous of supplying the residents with a potable water supply; AND WHEREAS it is the intention of supplying the potable water only to the owners of property described in a proposed by-law to extend the Urban Service Area; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED that the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board and/or the Co,~ttee of Adjustment be advised that it is the desire of Council that Consent Applications be not considered or approved for any parcel of land having less than five acres in area on Thorold Stone Road from Kalar Road to Garner Road and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. See remarks under "Miscellaneous" in respect to this matter. MISCELLANEOUS On the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze it was ordered that Mr. E. Toomath be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Toomath referred to the fact that he had received a copy of a letter written by the City Engineer to Mr. Bignucolo of the Modern-Aire Motel, 2663 Stanley Avenue, and referred to the contents of the letter pertaining to the removal of a fence on the Rignucolo property and the removal of the hedge on his property, and to the use of calcium chloride on the B .gnucolo laneway to alleviate dust conditions on the property, which he stated; had been his original complaint. Mr. Toomath stated that he would be prepared to remove his hedge if certain conditions on the Bignucolo property were taken care of. An explanation of the letter was then given by the City Engineer. During the discussion on the matter it was stated that a check should be made to see that the fence on ~he Bignucolo property was taken down as directed. Ald. Swayze referred to the need for curbs on the east side of Stanley Avenue near the Cyanamid Pool. The City Engineer replied that a report on this matter would be brought in to Council next year with the hope that provision could be.made to have something done in this matter. At this point in the meeting Alderman McOallum referred to By-law No. 6636 which was scheduled for third reading, and which is the by-law to alter the boundaries of the Urban Service Area of the City, to provide for the extension of water services in the Garner Road - Thorold Road area. Alderman McCallum stated that he wished to introduce a Resolution pertaining to this matter, and if such resolution ware passed, that he would vote for the passage of the By-law. Ald. McCallum stated that such a resolution would indicate Council*s desire to discourage other and further development in this area, and would be for the guidance of the body dealing with Consent Applications. Alderman Mitchelson indicated that he would support the resolution and if it was passed, would then vote in favour of the By-law. Ald. Mitchelson also corrected certain statements he had made previously on the matter, dealing with the permitted square foot area of lots in this area, and the fact that this area came within the scope of By-law 2350 instead of By-law 2530. In reference to the possibility of legal implications arising as a result of the difference between the resolution and the By-law, Mr. McBurney replied that appeals could be made from decisions in respect to Consent Applications, and the resolution was not actually a hard and fast rule. Resolution No. 102 was then submitted and Carried unanimously. SEE Re~olution Number BY-yAWS hid over from pr~evigus meg.tioga: No. 6636 ~ A By-law to alter the boundaries of the Urban Service Area of the City. -Ald. McCallum retired from the meeting at 10:OO p.m. - N_o~. 6595 - A by-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local 8 improvements under Section 12 of The Local Improvement Act. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze. - Carried Unanimously. : No. 6610 - A by-law to a~thorize the resurfacing of certain streets. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. No. 6613 _ A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land and the erection of a Fire Hall thereon. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. SwaFze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. N_o. 6648 _ A by-law to authorize the extension of the sewage works in the Urban Service Area of the City of Niagara Palls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading, - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. In respect to By-law No. 66~8, Mr. Huggins advised that the By-law would have to be amended in respect to Section 3 thereof. ~o. 6649 - A By-law to close and sell the road allowance now known as Marland Avenue according to Plan No. 88 registered for the Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. _ Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Ketghan and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. N_~o. 6650 - Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Deed with Eden Roc Investments Limited. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Kieghan and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of CoUncil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously, Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley. - Carried Unanimously. Prior to the passage of the By-law Alderman Scott advised that he has previously voted against the By-law but was now satisfied with respect to certain factors which had caused him to oppose the By-law, and would now vote in fayour of the By-law. No. 66~1 - To expropriate certain lands in the City of Niagara F~lls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and ~ld. Corfield that Aid. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on hhe motion of Aid. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Aid. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. No. 66~2 - Being a By-law to amend By-law Number 2350 (1959) of the former Township of Stamford being a by-law to regulate the use of land and the use, location, spacing, height and area of buildings and structures within the former Township of Stamford. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. McKinley that Ald. Ketghan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 28th September, 196~. Council Chamber, 21st September, 196~. The Finance Meeting was held on September 21st, 196~, for the purpose of~proving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously ce ~ted and placed before them. All Members of the Committee ware present with the exception of Aid. McCnllum. Aid. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sund~y accounts in the amount of $151,601.O~were approved by the Comm4ttee. The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, ware ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Scott. The application of Murray Shannon for a building permit to make alterations to the residence at 2103 Lundyts Lane to alternate the present apart- ments and garages to 8 rooms with private baths for tourist accomodation was again presented, along with a report of the Property Cc.wa4ttee. In connection with this matter, the City Clerk advised that Mr. Shannon has now submitted further details as tow hat he proposes, and suggested the matter be referred back to the Property C~m4ttee. O~AED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Cotfield that the matter be referred back to the Property C~-~ttee for further consideration. The report of the City Manager was presented with respect to certain plans submitted by Mr. Raymond Kobald in respect to a new structure being one portion of the development he proposes on the south side of McLeod Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Swayze that the report be referred to the Property Committee for consideration· The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton· READ AND ADOPlIED, 28th September, 1964. C1 ~~ .... Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 21st September, 1964. The Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, September 21st, 196A, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Conunittee. All Members were present with th~ exception of Aid. McCallum. His Worship Mayor Miller presided· T__he fol_lowingBy-law was~sspd~ N~o. 6653 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Ald. Swayze and Aid. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOPTED, 28th September, 196~. Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 21st September, 1964 The Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular Council Meeting on Monday, September 21st, 1964. All Members of the Committee ware present, with the exception of Alderman McCallumand Alderman Potter. His Worship Mayor Miller presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOPTED, 28th September, 196~. Chairman. FIFTY-FIRST MEETING Council Chamber 24th September, SPECIAL MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met in special session on Thursday, September 24th, 1964, at 1:45 p.m. to consider with the Chairman and Planning Director of the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board, some sixteen or more objections which had been received by the Planning Board and the action of the Board thereupon, in connection with the proposed Official Town Plan. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Alderman McCallum, Morton and Potter. Mr. E. A. Thomas, Chairman, Mr. Convoy Dowson, Planning Director of the Planning Board were present. Mayor Miller welcomed the interested public and also the Chairman and Planning Director to the meeting and asked Mr. Dowson, Planning Director, to go over the sixteen amendments for the information of Council and the spectators in the audience, following which an opportunity would be given to those in attendance to present their queries. Mr. Dowson then proceeded to go over the items referred to above and following this consideration, interested parties present were premitted to address Council. Mr. Matthews appearing on behalf of the Biamonte B~others referred to the property owned by these gentlemen in the vicinity of Dufferin Islands and elaborated on his clientst intentions with reference to the property if allowed so to do. Following discussion and extensive consideration, it was ordered on the motion of Alderman Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the recon~nendation of the Planning Board in this connection be approved and the "Open Space" designation be retained. Carried Unanimously. M~. Grandoni, one of the sons, of the owner of the acreage adjacent to the north-east corner of Garner Road and Beaverdams Road, was permitted to speak on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald, Swayze and he stated that the desire of his fanLily was to have the lands in question retained in the agricultural category rather than residential and explanation was given to the gentleman that although the classification might be changed in the Plan, implementation by zoning by-law does not necessarily follow. On the motion of Aid. Keighan and Ald. Swayze, Mr. George Ellis and Mrs. Milinkovich were permitted to address Council. Their queries were in connection with their lands which lie adjacent to the northerly end of Stanley Avenue and Highway 405 and they requested that their holdings be not considered for the classification of Transportation and Utilities (TU), which would have a ~endency to reduce the number of permitted uses. Mr. Ellis and Mrs. Milincovich were assured that although the Plan classifications would be (TU), nevertheless it would seem to provide sufficient diversifications of use and was not confined strictly to the transportational aspect. Mrs. Milincovich was advised that when the action which she suggested concerning a motel or something of this nature materialized, this would be dealt with in light of the situation of that time. In connection with the property at the end of Stanley Avenue, Aid. Keighan suggested a broader category of uses and he also suggested that reverting to the matter of "Open Space" in the Lundyts Lane, Drununond Road area that some indication be given as to elapsed time for this to come into being. Aid. Scott stated that, in his opinion, the preservation of the historical site at the brow of the Lundyts Lane Rill was of extreme importance and discussion then took place with reference to what progress is being made on developing this area as an historical site, at which time Mr. Huggins advised of present progress and what is anticipated. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. Cotfield that the boundaries as recon~nended by the Planning Board be retained in the Lundyts Lane-Drummond Road Area, which motion was 1,Oa~, the vote being - Aye - Aldermen Scott, Cotfield and Ketghan: Nays - Aldermen Mar~.in, Swayze, McKinley and Mayor Miller. 41o In connection with the matter of a policy on motels and/or hotels, it was agreed that for the guidance of the Plarming Board in altering and re-editing the proposed Town Plan for acceptance by Council, with reference to the amendments as suggested by the Planning Board that; Section (a) "There be no differentiation between a hotel and a motel." be struck out; and that, Section (b) "Hotels and Motels be permitted in all Tourist Commercial Areas on the new Official Plan". be retained; and that, Section (c) be amended to provide that "Hotels will be permitted in areas designated Conmercial (C) on the new Official Plan", and that exceptions as suggested by struck out: and that the draft definition for "Hotel" be amended by altering Section ~b) under Services, so as to read - ,,Dining room and banquet facilities equal to or in excell of the minimum requirements of the L.C.B.O. and by amending the recomendations as to Physical Design Characteristics, so that Section (c) shall read - "not less than three storeys in height, with passenger service" and that otherwise the draft definition be retained. Some further general discussion was held and the following resolution was then passed: RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 103 KMIORAN - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the proposed new Town Plan be adopted and accepted by the City Council with amendments, subject to alterations made this date; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. The meeting adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Keighan. Ald. Mitchelson arrived at this meeting 3:10 p.m. Ald. Martin was excused from the meeting at 3:45 p.m. READ AND ADOPTED, 5th October, 1964. /+.Ii FIFTY-SECOND MEETING Council Chamber 28th, September, 1964. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 28th, 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen Martin and Potter. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield. SEE Resolution No.lOS TENDERS Tenders had been called for wetennain construction and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the tender~ received be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. CONMU_N_I~A~TIp_N~_ Laid over fr_o_m ]~r~evioj~s meeting~j No.553 - I_nd~ria~ Department Chamber of Commerce - necessity of providing serviced land for new industries. 'ORDERED o~ ~he motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be again tabled pending further report from the Property Committee. SEE Repor~_NumbeF 801 No. 556 - V_i~nce_nt~McOuir~e - proposed use of 18A~Temperance Avenue as a general auto repair shop, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the con~unication be received, filed and the report of the Special Licensing Committee he adopted. SEE_ _ReRqrt Nu~_bpF_802' No. 561 - Gr_eat_e~_Ni~gaEa Sof~ba!l Association - Requesting consideration to the installation of lighting for night sortSall games. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be again tabled and the Parks Committee be authorized to meet with representatives of the Softball Association. No. 562 - Mrs. Constance KitneI - parking problems on West Culp St. at Princess Margaret School. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communication he received and filed and no action taken. ~EE R__ep__ort Number 804 No. 563 - Mario Morellato - conditions of road near 1506 Arthur St. and problem of sign in front of premises. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Sweyze and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and filed. ~EE~port Numb!~O~ No. ~6~ ~ JosephMoretta - requesting change in two-hour parking on McDonald Ave. between Robert St. and Eitchener St. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Scott that the conmmnication be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Committee be adopted. SEE Relmrt Number 806 No. 566 - (}wen Sound - resolution re pollution of :'ivers and lakes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the resolution be received and endorsed. SEE Report Number 80~ No. 567 - Demote Bros. Ltd. - Charge for installation of cleanouts. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Corfield and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. SEE Report Nu~+ber 808 SEE Resolution No.lO6 ~e following Comnications wereJresented: No. 572 - Kins~en'Clu_b...reqdesting permission to conduct Peanut Drive, November 2nd. ORDERED ~n the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed and permission granted as requested. No. 573 - Mr. Axel Larsen - appreciation for work performed by City adjacent to his property at 113 Cherrywood Acres. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the connnunication be received and filed. No. 57& - United Nations - proclamation. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Scott that the communication be received, filed, proclamation published as requested and a United Nations flag be procured, to be flown on October 24th. No. 575 - B~_~rd of Transport Commissioners - Notice re Bell Telephone Company ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. No. 576 - Niagara Falls District Board of Education - re road signs on Dorchester Road to indicate school crossing. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee. No. 577 - Broderick, Burnett & McLeod - Sidoff application re amendment to By-law 5149. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchelson that the application be tabled until a report has been received from the Federal Government as to what is proposed in the way of an historical site. This motion, was lost by a vote of 5 to 4, ~he vote being - Aye - Aldermen Scott, Mitchelson, Neighan and Cotfield; Nays - Aldermen McKinley, McCallum, Morton, Swayze and Mayor Miller. After a full discussion and legal opinion of the City Solicitor on procedural by-law, it was moved by Ald. Morton and seconded by Aid. McKinley that an amendment to by-law number 5149 be prepared for the next Council Meeting. This motion was carried by a vote of 5 to 4, the vote being; - Aye - Aldermen McKinley, Morton, McCallum, Swayze andMayor MAiler; Nays - Aldermen Mitchelson Scott, Kieghan and Corfield. The connnunication from Borderick, Burnerr & McLeod was then ordered received and filed on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Swa~vze. No. 578 ~ Marty,s Man's Wear - parking problem in vicinity of' 1645 Ferry St. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. Neighan that the communication bs received and filed. *(Report 231 of the Traffic Committee which recommended two-hour parking at this location, was adopted by Council March 16th.). Net 579 - Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wurster - Line fence problem. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Corfield that the communication be received and ::l " referred to the Assistant City Manager-Administrative and to the City Engineer ~ ~ ~:' ~ 'l ' for consideration and submission of a report and the matter of the possibility of . :;!, .: 9 :: appointing fence vi.ware be incl dsd in th.ir report. ' i, .i .o. 580. -w. Dolie: - closi un.pa.od r.d all ce re Part ll. (.:t !. ~t~ i! L!:}: Gore St. T~. ORDERE'~) on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Norton that the i ~-::i: "[ :' `} comunication be recelved and referred to the City Manager and the Property ;/:.:, 't,:'lC__.,ttee for cu eeion e a report. [,[ !. I J ' in Industrial Subdivision. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and Aid. Swayze - : [. that the conmmnication be received and referred to the Property Committee and the ! !; City Manager for submission of a report. Laid over from ~pvique m3e~in~s. No.783 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Con~nittee _ lowering watermain at SEE Report Number 809 No. 795 - TriaSSic ~ommittee _ submitting two recommendations for improving traffic conditions at intersection of Bridge St. and Stanley Ave. The following Reports were prospered: No. 801 - Pro[er__ty,C~o~n~md'_'~te~ _ progress report on consideration of Industrial Dept. of Chamberts conu~unication re necessity of providing additional serviced land for new industries. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ai~. Swayze that the report be received and filed. SE_E~ ~o~nunun~ii~atjpp 553 No. 802 - S~_e~c~al ~}.n~g co_m~..'t}ce.- reasons for not recommending premises at 18/~ Temperance as a general auto repair shop, including body work and sale of used cars. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Corfield that the report be received a~d adopted. SEE Co_mmpnic~atio~n .~6 No. 803 - Parks Committee - requesting permission to meet representative of Softball Association and Minor Baseball Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed and permission granted as requested. SEE Communication_2~! No. 804 - Traffic Committee - advising that parking conditions are satisfactory on West Culp"~e~V. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. SEE Communication_~62 No. 805 - Traffic Committee - road adjacent to 1506 Arthur St. private proparty and sign does not create any particular hazard. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. SEE CommunicationJej No. 806 - Traffic Co~,ittee - advising solution to parking problem on McDonald Ave. is strict enforcement of by-law respecting 2-hour parRing. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Scott that the report he received and adopted. No. 807 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending that the suggestion of the Director of the Welland and District Health Unit re the resolution of the City of Owen Sound on pollution of rivers end lakes, be approved. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Corfield and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication ~66._ No. 808 - Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee - recommending that Demote Bres.'~i;!Fzed to t'n~ll~e necessary cleanouts at a cost of $25. each. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Aid. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication f6~ SEE Resolution No. 106 No. 80~ . Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee - recommending that arrangement as outlined by Eden Roc and Petal Moldings re the relocation of the watermain on A. & P. parking lot, south side of Lundy*s Lane be considered satisfactory by Council. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 78j. { !,.- , . No. 810 - Traffic C_ommitte~ - suggesting Engineering Department stake proposed channelization of intersection at Bridge and Stanley, for Councilvs study and possible action in 1965. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 79~ No. 811 - City Manag~ - meeting with Board of Education re possible sites for erection of an Aam~nistration Building. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Kieghan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 812 - Traffic Committee - parking conditions on North St. west of North Main St. considered satisfactory at present time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. No. 813 - Arena, Parks & Recreation Cummittee - re Coca Cola service at Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. Following remarks of Ald. Scott, it was understood that Mr. Dales of the Coca Cola Co. will be requested to attend the meeting of the Committee when this matter is under further discussion. No. 81~ - Arena, Parks & Recreation Conw,~ttee - reconnendations with reference to equipmen'~ to be purchased for Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and the additional money required for items (b) and (c) be provided. No. 815 - Arena Committee - recomending expenditure of $8~1. be approved with reference to alterations'at the parking lot of the American Can Co. on Lewis Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted. No. 816 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Cow~ttee - advising that Civil Engineer of the Ford Motor Co. has requested City to prepare certain information in connection with their request for supply of water to their plant in Crowland Twp. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 817 - City Clerk - recomending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and licences issued accordingly. No. 818 - C~ty Engineer Names for prop6sed new streets. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration. No. 819 - City Engineer - requesting permission ot call for tenders for the construction of stem sewer on Drummond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the report be received, filed and permission granted as requested. No. 820 - Committee of Adjustment t decision of Comittee on application of Gerber Products of Canada. ORDERED:on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passe__d: No. 105 - MORTON - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that Alderman Mitchelson be appointed as Acting Chairman of Finance due to the absence of Alderman Nartin; and the seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 106 - gORFIELD - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the report of the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee, Number 808, ree~mnending the quotation of Damore Eros. of $25. for each installation of cleanouts, be adopted~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 107 - ~MITCHELSON - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that a letter of appreciation be forwarded on behalf of the City Council and the residents of Thorold Stone Road, to the H.E.P.C. of Ontario for their action in establishing two 2-12 shifts in order to speed up the repair work underway on the Canal Bridge; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie~ Uganimously. Laid over from p~ev!qus meetingS: No. 6581 - A by-law to amend By-law No. 2055 respecting signs, billboards, sign posts, hanging or swinging signs or any other advertising device purporting to advertise lodging houses or tourist camps or price charged for accommnodation therein. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Aid. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6628 - A ~V-law to close and sell a portion of the road allowance between Twp. Lot 129 and Broken Front Lot No. 129 of the Twp. of Stamford. Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. The foliowinE By-law was passed: No. 6654 - A by-law to establish Oneida Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. McKinley that Aid. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Rule 3S (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Aid. Scott - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 5th October, 1964. FINANCEMEq~TIB~G Council Chamber 28th, September, 196A The Finance Meeting was held on September 28th, 196&, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Cc. mnittee were present, with the exception of Aldermen Martin and Potter. Ald. Mitchelson, Acting Chairman of Finance presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $1~,787.11 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield. A further report of the Property Committee in connection with an application of Mr. ~urray Shannon, to alter his premises at 2103 Lundy*s Lane, was presented for consideration. Mr. Shannon advised the Committee that he desired to withdraw the substitute plan presented showing the eight roams served by interior corridors and still desired to proceed with the alterations as outlined in his original plan. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton, Mr. Wm. Booth, Solicitor for Mr. Shannon, was granted permission to address Council. Mr. Booth referred to the fact that this is merely an addition to an existing tourist home located in a Comercial 1 Area, but if the application is going to be treated as a tourist establishment under By-law 51~9, he would of course amend the application to have this property included under By-law Some considerable discussion ensued as to whether a permit for what is proposed by Mr. Shannon should be ~ranted, and arguments pro and con were expressed as %o the advantage of delaying until receipt of a report or inforn~tion from Ottawa is received concerning the future historically of the area in the vicinity of D~,mmond Road and Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mcqslltun and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed and permission be not granted. Carried by a vote of 6 to 2, the vote being - Aye - Aldermen McCallum, Scott, Morton, Corfield, Keighan, Mayor Miller; Nays - Aldermen Sw~yze and McKinley. Aldernmn McCallumwas excused from the meetin~ at 9L50 p.m. T~e report of the Property Committee on the meeting held with Mr. R. Kob~ld in connection with a plot plan of the proposed lay-out for the land on the south side of McLeod Road between Stanley Ave. and Drmmmond Road, was presented. ORDERED on th~ motion of tld. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. The report of the Assistant Building Inspestor on the sign permits issued for the week ending Sept. 25th, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Sweyze and Ald. Morton that the "report be received and filed. The report of the City Manager requesting permission to purchase four 10-ply grader tires for Oalion Grader #12A, at a oost of $832.2~ plus Provincial tax was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and hld. Scott that %he report be received and adopted. ~he report of the City Manager reco~mendin~ %hat the Assessment Commissioner and one of the Senior Assessors be requested to take the appraisal classes of the Canadian Institute of Appraisers, to be held at St. Catharinee, commencing Oct. 7th,.and carrying on for 20 weeks (a 3-year course), w~8 presented. On the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald. Corfield, Mr. Jack MacKenzie Chairman of the Local Chapter or the Appraisal Institute was permitted to address Council · (cored) He advised that he heartily urged that those named in the City Manager*s report be granted permission to take this Course and that not only the tuition fee be paid but an amount of $25. be included for the Appraisal Manual, which would be of advantage to the Assessors in the future. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted, with the inclusion of the purchase of the text book referred to by Mr. MacKenzie. The report of the City Manager on the request of Mr. E.J.Bielawski, for a refund of $5A. paid for building permit number l&200, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted and a refund of $27. be granted to the applicant. ~he Committee arose and reported to Counci~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, 5th October, 1964. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 2_+St~,_SeRte~ber, 196A The Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, September 28th, 196A, for the purpose of passing the by-lawwhich covered the accounts approved b~ the Committee. All Members were present, with the exception of Aldermen Martin, McCallumand Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW The following By-lawwas passed: No. 665~ - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st. reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 2nd. reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Sweyze and Ald. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOFrED, ~th October, 196~. Clerk. Mayor. CONFERENCE Council C~amber 28th, September, 196~. The Con~ttee assembled in Conference, following the regular Council Meeting on Monday, September 28th, 1964. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Aldermen Martin, McCallumand Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference Committee adjourned to a Council Meeting. READ AND ADOPTED, 5th October, 1964. Chairman. E_~RG~NCY MEASURES ORGANIZATI.ON His Worship Mayor Miller referred to a request from the Emergency Measures Organization to the effect that we app¢int at least two persons to function in the E.M.O. personnel and acquire the training that is being made available to such persons and after some discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Corfield that the mattor be left in the hands of the City Manager to check into the subject and report as to what he feels should be done. Council adjourned on the motion of/LId. Morton and Ald. Corfield. READ AND ADOPTED, 5th October, 1964. ADJOURNED MEETING Council Chamber, 28th, September, 196~ All Members of Council reconvened following a Conference on Monday, September 28th, 196~, with the exception of Aldermen Martin, McCallumand Potter. RESOLUTIO~ The following Resolution was passed: No. 104 - SWAYZE -MORTON - RESOLVED that the Expropriation Appraisal Report prepared by Mr. J. D. H. MacKenzie, of D. C. Elsley L~m~ted, in respect to properties required for road widening on Lundyvs Lane between D~m~mond Road and "-t the H.E.P.C. Canal, be accepted; THAT the City Solicitor be instructed to prepare the necessary Release Forms on the basis of the Appraisal Report made by Mr. MacKenzie; THAT the City Treasurer be authorized to prepare cheques to the owners of property involved to an aggregate maximum amount of $22,97A.00 being the amount of the recomnended settlements as contained in the Report; THAT Mr. J.D.H. MacKenzie of D. C. Elsley TAm, ted be authorized to make offers in accordance with the recemnended settlements contained in the Report for the various properties and that he be appointed the Ci~yts representative to, in conjunction with the City Solicitor and the City Treasurer, finaAize all transactions with reference to the rec~n~m,ended settlements; and the Seal of the Corporation be ',~ hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. FIFTY-THIRD MEETING Council Chamber, 5th October, 1964 Pursuant to adJourmnent, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday October 5th, 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen Martin and Potter. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aldermen Cotfield and McKinley. SEE Resol,u_t!on_ ~108~-~ PRESENTATION At, the request of His Worship the Mayor, the City Clerk re~ a conununication received from the President of the Municipal Clerkst and Finance Officerat Association advising that Mr. Paul J. Brennan of the Payroll Depart- ment had recently passed his final examination in the three year municipal Training Course conducted under the auspices of Queents University, sponsored by the Municipal Clerks~ and Finance Officers~ Association of Ontario. Mayor Miller then presented Mr. Brennan with the Certificate of the Association and congratulated h~m upon this achievement reflecting credit upon the administration of this municipality. It was then ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that a resolution of congratulations be spread upon the minutes. SJ~__ ResoJut~ioJ~l_O~_. It was then ordered on the motion of Alderman Scott and Alderman McCallam that Items 2 and 6 under By-laws on this eveningts agenda, be deferred until the presence of Alderman Martin at the next Council meeting. 4Zo Tenders had been called for the construction of sewermains and watermains and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. Laid over from~previous meeting! No.559 - British - American Oil Co. - rebuilding service station, Victoria Avenue and Valleywayl ~0RDE~E~h~'m0t'~on of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the co~mmnication be received and again tabled, and the report of the Property Committee be adopted. SEE ~epor~_ _N~mher 821 No. 579 -Mr. &MrS_t Aub_r. ey.~Wure. t~r - re line fence problem. ORDERED on the motion of kld.'~}ii~chelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Assistant City Manager - Administration be adopted and Council act under the authority of the Statues, at the beginning of the next fiscal year. The City Engineer advised verbally that the problem to which Mr. and Mrs. Wureter referred, had now been resolved. S~Re~qrt Number 822 No. 560 -Mrs. Moire Co~ope? - requesting information re Lots 2 and 3, Rolling Subdivision. ORDEP~ ~n the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the conmunication be received and the report of the Property Co.~ttee be adopted. S_EE~eport Number 823 No. 580 - B. W. Doliszny - closing of unopened road allowance re Part lot 11, Gore St. Twp. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the commmnication be again tabled pending report of the Property Cc~mmittee. SEE Report Number 8~ No. 581 - Industrial_ Department of Chamber of Commerce - extension of road to Lot 10, in Industrial Subdivision. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Keighan that the communication be received, filed and the report of Property Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 825 The following Comnunications were presented: 582 - Lions Club of Stamford - Proposed Centennial Project. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the conmunication be received and referred to the Centennial Committee, for consideration. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that Mr. Lorne T. Dotlot, Chairman of Proposed Centennial Project Co~.4ttee of the Stamford Lions Club be gra~ted permission to address Council. Mr. Detlor presented the new proposal of the Stnmeord Lions Club and advised that the first proposal in connection with the proposed recreation l~ilding for different teenage groups was ~eing withdrawn and he then outlined the concern of the Club over the lack of recreational facilities for senior citizens in Niagara Falls and solicited Councilts support in promoting a senior citizens recreational building for the City of Niagara Falls as a Centennial Project. Ne advised that the Stamford Lions Club was prepared to help back such a project financially to the amount of $10,000. Mayor Miller thanked the speaker for his presentation and advised that their suggestions will be taken under consideration. No. 583 - Greater Niagar~IS~ety ~_ouneil - querying whether Council are in fayour of using senior grade students from ea~ school in a Safety Patrol System. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. NcCallumand Ald. Norton that the ccemunication be received amd referred to the. Traffic Commitjoe for submission of a report at the nat council meeting. No. 58~ - Y.M.C.A. - ~outh-in-~ove~ent program. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Norton and Ald. Aco~t that the co~mmteation be received and filed and ~hey be advised of a date possible for such program. No. 585 - Board of Trapsport Commissioners - ORDER re construction of a highway at grade across right of way and track of C.N.R. in Part of Lot 56, (Swayze Drive). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Corfield that the communication be received and accepted and officials be instFucted to proceed with the necessaFF work. No. 586 - Department of Public Works - proposed schedule of rates for ferry service, and requesting Council~s confiFmation as to satisfaction. ORDFRED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton that the cormmunication be received and filed and the Department be notified that the same is approved. SEE Resolution ~110 No. 587 - Greater Niagara District Safety Rescue Association - requesting official representation from Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Sway~e that the communication be received, filed and His Worshin Mayor T~ller be authorized to appoint a representative to this Association. No. 588 - Or~ea~e~ Niagara Association for Retarded Children -Education Authority. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and filed and His Worship Mayor MillFr take this matter under advisement and at the appropriate time name the four representatives as required by the Act. Previous to this action, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and AId.Morton that Mr. W. Atkinson, President of the Association, be granted permission to address Council. He advised that the purpose of the letter was to acquaint Councilwith the existence of Bill 131 and advised that the Education Authority is now established and it now remains for Council to appoint its representatives. No. 589 - Co~_mmi~tep~gf~A,~J~s~men~ - notice of hearing re R. Barelli applica- tion No. 590 - C~onuni_ttJe__ofJ~Justment - notice of hearing re W. & R. Cupolo application No. 591 Cq~ni~ee_of AdJ~s.tment - notice of hearing re W. HolJak application. ORDERED 6~ ~ M6tioh 5f Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. No. 592 - [~ed M. Darker - lowering of curb and removal of tree. ORDERED on the motion of Ald~gei~han and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report. No. 593 - H. G. Acres & Co. Ltd. - Niagara International Centre Access Road. ORDERED on the m6tion of Ale. ~orfield and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report. No. 59~ - Departm_en~t.o[ Nat!on~l_Defence~- requesting use of large building on Sanitary Land. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that the co~.unication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. No. 595 - Industrial Accident Prevention Association of Ontario -Membership' ORDERED on~h~m'ot~on'o~'Ald. McCallum and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report. No. 596 - M. ~._+s~7d~_r - requesting action on application for new motel on Lundy~s Lane be deferred. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received, filed and contents noted. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that Mr, Snyder be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Snyder expressed his desire that Council would have his communication under consideration when the by-law is placed before Council next week. 597 - Wm. O. Booth - requesting permission to address Council, on behalf of Murray D. Shannon, re addition to tourist home at 210~ LundYIs Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that ~h-. Booth be granted permission as requested. Mr. Booth advised that his only reason for being present was to clarify certain aspects regarding the previous application which was filed by Rr. Shannon, and requested that his cllent receive equality under the hw and that he understood at the previous meeting the Sidoff application was moved to be included in an amendment to By-law 51&9 and he therefore urged that Mr. Shannon be also included, or that both applicants be rejected. Various aspects of what Mr. Shannon had proposed from time to time were discussed and in the final analysis, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Scott that the co~nunication be received and filed. Carried - with Aldermen Morton and McKinley -- contrary. With reference to the above motion, the question was asked whether this would prevent a further application on the part of Mr. Booth on behalf of his client and Council were advised bythe Solicitor that this did not prevent such a further application. No. 598 - J. B. Auto Electric - John Badowsky - traffic at Stamford Centre inter- section. ~RDE~D o~ ~he motion of Ald. Nitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the co~mmnication be received and filed and the writer be advised concerning the remarks of the City Engineer. Mr. Eidt, City Engineer, had advised Council that when the Department of Nighways concluded their work on Number 8 Highway, channelization of traffic would take place, thus remedying the situation referred to by Mr. Badowski. No. 599 - Welland and District Health Unit I_ns~c_t~or - advising that premises at 1050 Ontar~'o AVe~e hav~ ~e~n~c~nae'm~edV 'ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the coemmnication be received and filed and Council carry out the terms of By-law 6~0. No. 600 - Niagara District Airport Com~ssion - re appointment of Mr. Norman Simpson, ~DERE~D'o~ thee ~ot~'o~ ~ld.' Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and the appointment be so made. S~EE~Re_Solu~ion N~o._lll No. 601 - i_oCa~ 536~ U.E.W. - protesting Bell Telephone Company's attempt to raise telephone rates. in~ormectionwith this matter, the City Clerk proceeded to read the O~der which had been placed on the Ageride at the previous Council Meeting, from the Board of Transport Commissionem, in which it was stated that the Transport Co~ssioners would hold a public hearing to consider capital investment, revenues, expenses, debt charges, dividers payments, etc. The Board of Transport Cc~mnissioners also advised that it was not intended at this time to enquire into the propriety of existing rates. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayme that the com~gunication be received and filed and the~Local be advised as to the Clerk~s remarks. No. 602 - ~Lo~l ~36 - U.E.W. - protesting increase in P.S.I. rates, and requesting Council to pressure the ~ents, Provincial and Federal, to enact such legis- lation ~thout further delay. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the co~dmAnication be received, filed and a protest be forwarded to the Provincial Goverment and to the Federal Goverment ~ith reference to increased P.S.I. rates and patitioning both Goretruants for enactment of legislation for some type of medical health care plan. REPORTS Laid over from pre_yipu~s mee~in~S: No. 700 - Traffic Committee - program towprovide additional off-street parking for the Queen Steer Area, between Bukcley A~enue and Erie A~enue. " S~EE Repo_~_No. 826. No. 818 - City Engineer - Names for proposed new streets. .SEE Report No. 827. !1 ! The following Reportp were presented: No. 821 - Property ~ommittee - suggested Council consider an amendment to By-laws Nos. &929, 5196 and 5300 to permit replacement and extension of existing service stations covered in the various by-laws. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Con~nunica~ion No. 559- No. 822 - ~sistant City Manager - Administration - The Line Fences Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 579- No. 823 - pr_opertXCommittee - re communication from Mrs. Moire Cooper. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 82A - property. Committee - report on communication from B. W. Doli~zny will be presented to Council at a subsequent meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. SEE Communication No. 580 No. 825 - Property Committee - re extension from Lot 6 to Lot 10 in Industrial Subdivision. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 581 No. 826 - Traffic Committee - recommending request of Downtown Business be considered favourably and necessary action taken to proceed with the development of the two parking areas suggested. No. 827 property committee - recommendations re names of streets. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report of the Committee be received and adopted, with an amendment that the proposed name "Swayze Roade be changed to "S~myze Drive". SEE Resolution Number 112 No. 828 - Trj;y~_~p_mm~_~}e~ - recommending permission be granted to South End Businessman for erection of a directional sign re parking lot. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted, Carried with Alderman Mitchelson and McCallum -- contrary. No. 82~ - Traffic Com~Jtt~ee - Jay walking. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and the City Solicitores advice be obtained. No. 830 - Prop~e~_.rt_~yfio._nuAi. tte_e recommending By-law 6359 re signs be repealed and a new by-law passed by Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Aid. McCallum that the report be received and filed and permission be granted to the Conm-dttee to meet with representatives of the Sign Companies and Council given the opportunity to peruse the draft by-lawwhich has been distributed to them. No. 831 - ~!tZ Mana~r - suggesting Council discuss the matter of locations for a new administrations building for the Board of F~ucation, with the Board at a~ early a date as possible. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 832 - ~itZ_Manag~r - recon~endtng attendance of Chief Wm. T. Wade, County Fire Co-ordinator, at County Mutual Fire Aid Forum, Ontario Fire College, Cravenburst, Oct. 26th to 30th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Nitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 833 - City~Manager - reconmnending appointment of Derek Cosrelic, Second Avenue, to the position of Engineering Technician Trainee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted. No. 83& City Man. ag_e! - advising that Messrs. Erennan and Spreitzer, will be attendingAbe E.M.O. Training Course. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield, that the report be received and filed. No. 835 - City Manager - report on Building permits issued during September, 196A ORDERED on'the motions'of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 836 - City Engineer - recommending tender of Demote Eros. Ltd. be accepted for watermain ~ons~ruct~on- ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Resolutign _N9_._~11~5. No. 836 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and licences issued accordingly. RESOLUTIONS The fg~l_owi~ R_eso~lu_tio~% ~ere~uasped; No. 108 - SWAYZE - MORTON - RESOLVED that Alderman Scott be appointed Acting Chairman of'~nance d~e To the absence of Alderman Martin; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~arri~d Un~animous~ No. 108 - MCKINLEY- M~_TC_~HELS9~ - RESOLVED that congratulations be forwarded to Mr. Paul B~enn~n, o~ ~he Payroll Department, upon his success in attaining the certificate of the three-year municipal training Course, conducted under the auspices of Queen's University, sponsored by the Municipal Clerkse and Finance Officers~ Association of Ontario; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~arr__ie~ Unanimously. No. 110. -CORFIELD - MORTON - RESOLVED that the Council of the Municipal Corporation"Of the Cit~ 6f'Niagara Falls approves the renewal of the Ferry Licence, granted under Forties Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1952, Chapter llA, to the Maid of the Mist Steamboat Company L~m~ted, for the operation of a Ferry between the Port of Niagara Falls, Ontario ~nd the Port of Niagara Jails , New York, at the rates as set out herein~ From Niagara Falls, Ontario to Niagara Falls, New York - $1.15; from Niagara Fulls, New York to Niagara Falls, Ontario - $1.15 plus transportation tax; Round trip from Niagara Falls, Ontario (without leaving boat) - $1.15 Round trip from Niagara Falls, New York (without leaving boat) - $1.15 plus transportation tax; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 111 - KE__I_C~AN - ~AX~[- RESOLVED that Mr. Norman Simpson of H. G. Acres and Company Limited, be appointed to the Niagara District Airport Commission for the balance of the,-year 196~ in accordance with the terms of the agreement between the municipalities; and the Seal of the CorpOration be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously... No. 112 - MAQRTDN - S~oit~ - RESOLVED that Report Number 827 of the Property Committee, as amended, be adopted and the streets recently acquired by the City of Niagara Falls be named as follows - N.E.P.C. Raulage Road between Stanley Avenue a~d Portage Road, in the vicinity of Dufferin Islands be named Cotfield Street| N.E.P.C. ~aulage Road between Stanley Avenue and St. Paul Avenue be named Swayze Drive; the right-of-way acquired from the N.S. and T. Railway Cc~pany conveyed to the City by the C,N.R. be named Gallingot S~reet; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried Uhanimously. i! No. 113 - MORTON - McCALLUM - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be held on Tuesday evening, October 13th, 196&. commencing at ?:30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. - Alderman McCallomwas excused from the meeting at 9:&O p.m. - No. llA - MCKINLEY - MORTON - RESOLVED that a special meeting of Council be held on Thursday afternoon, October 8th, 196A, commonsing at 1:30 p.m. when Members of Council wil~ meet at the corner of Ellen Avenue and Ferry Street: proceeding to Bridge Street and Stanley Avenue and then assembling in the Council Chamber to discuss centennial projects: and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 115 - KEIGHAN - SWAYZE - R~0LVED that the tender of Damore Bros, for the construction of watermains on Portage Road, Livingston Street, Falls Avenue, Hiram Street and River Road, at a quotation of $12,2A0. be accepted and the work proceeded with; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixeS. ~aprie~ Un~ni~quply. MISCELLANEOUS His Worship Mayor Miller referred to the erroneous opinions which have spread due to the stories going around that the City Council did not have the best interests of the City in mind when Warren Avenue land was leased for 99 years at a rental fee of $500. a year. He requested Council to clarify the action that had been taken. The Mayor pointed out that Warren Avenue is a right-of-way that started nowhere and didn't go anywhere; that the land is 66 foot right-of-way, 976.50 feet in length, which consists of 1.~8 acres and not 2 and ~ acres. That Warren Ave. was of no value to anyone other than the abutting owners, ~he International Centre and the New York Central Railway. That it had no access either to Murray St. or Robinson St. That the City of Niagara Falls had closed other streets in the interests of industries and that in this case, a new industry, a 6 million dollar project: and described Council~s actions as a good investment for the City. Ald. Keighan referred to the fact that the taxes in addition to the annual leasing fee, will be a considerable asset to the municipality. The Alderman also referred to criticism concerning the construction of a new bridge over the C.N.R. tracks and was of the opinion that it should be.~mde clear that until a year is up and the functional study is completed, no one knows what will be done about a bridge or how much it will cost: and Mayor Miller stated that any costs involved in the construction of a bridge, will be divided among the International Centre, the Railway Company, the Department of Highways. BY-LAWS ~Laid o~v_er~_frpm a pre__vious_meeti_nEl No. 6612 - A by-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local improvements under Section 12 of The Local Improvement Act. Third Reading -Ald. Morton -Ald. Swayze - Carried Uaanimously. The following~y-l_aws_Mer_e~presented~ No. 66~6 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation or the City of Niagara Falls and the R.E.P.C. of Ontario. ORDERED on th~otion of Ald. Mttchelson and Ald. McKinley that Ald.. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Lid. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously,. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6657,- A by-law to authorize the execution of a Contract Agreement between Crosstown Paving Co. Ltd. and the Corporation- ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and ~ld. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6658 - A by-law to authori~e the execution of an Agreement · (Optimist Club) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that tld. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let reading. - Carried Unanimously- ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Me 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and theby-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6659 - A by-law to amend By-laws ~929 (1953, 5196 (1955), and 5300 (1955) in regard to service stations, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let. reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimous~. Third Reading- Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 13th October, 196~. ............ ' · Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 5th October, 196A The Finance Meeting was held on September 28th, 196A for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, w~th the exception of Aldermen Martin, McCallum and Potter. Ald. Scott, Acting Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $266,353.49 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, bei ng passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector cn the request of the Stamford Centre Volunteer Firements Association to place a s~gn a~ the intersection of Mountain Road and Dorchester Road, indicating the locatdon of Firemarts Park, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed and permission granted. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on sign permits issued for the week ending October 2nd, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on building perknits issued for Commercial Buildings for the week ending October 2nd, was presented ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swsyze. READ AND ADOPTED, 13th October, 1964. C1 Acting Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 5th, October, 196A. The Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, October 5th, 196~, for the purpose of passing the by- law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present with the exception of Aldermen Martin, McCallumand Potter. His Worship, Mayor Nillet presided. ~he Followi~g_BY-!awwa~P~Pa~sPed; No. 6660 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Swayze that Aid. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading- Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Aid. Corfield Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, 13th October, 1~64. Clef Mayor. t! FIF~f-FOURTH MEFTINC Council Chamber. 8th, October. 196h SPECTAI. ME. ETThFJ Pursuant to adjournment, Council met in sn~c~a] session at 2:AO p.m. on Thursday, afternoon, October Rth, 196&. All Members of Cou~c~l were present, with the exception of Aldermen Martin, McCalltun, Mitchelson and Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. His Worship the Mayor advised the Members of Council oF the Gist of the contents of letters he had received or which had been referred to him, concerning possible Centennial Projects. After the Mayor bad brought Members of Council up to date on suggestions ~dlich had been made, he queried as to whether the Clerk had received or w~e in possession of a~v additional coYenunications and was advised that the-. only one that could be thought of ~-as the request of the Brock University to be considered in any projected program of this nature and be permitted participate in such expenditures if feasible. His Worship the Mayor made reference to the fact that in a~v project that may be looked upon with favour, the amount of monies which would be available approximates $150,0OO. to $160,OOO. Discussion followed as to possibly the most advantageous project that could be advanced by the municipality and during this discussion, Aidennan Keighan suggested that he would like to have the benefit of the Planning Director~s thinking and maps which have been prepared in order to consider possible Centennial Project Sites, having particular reference to a civic centre which might include a school administration building a~d things of .this type. Mr. B. L. Dotlot who was present in the audience and whose Club (Steford Lions), have advanced a suggestion for a project, at the request of His Worship the Mayor indicated the area of land which would be required and the type of building which would be required in the event the project for recreational activities for senior citizens, was proceeded with and later, at the request of the Mayor undertook to acquire information from the City of Kitchener as to how the project in that municipality which is utilized for this purpose .was financed. At this time, Mr. Conroy O. Dowson, Planning Director, who had been asked to appear, arrived and when requested, proceeded to give information as to possible locations for civic centre which had been given some thought by the Planning Board and also, when requested, explained the Boardis reasons for thinking in terms of the Civic Business District being located at the northerly end of the municipality. At one point in discussions, His Worship queried as to =procedure in the event a satisfactory location was obtained and it was pointed out that in the regulations which have been issued concerning applications for approval of Centennial projects, this involved a by-law to authorize and such by-law would have to receive the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board before the project could be finalized and it was also suggested that a query be made to the Department as to the possibility of being able to file an open or general application that could be dealt with later. Th~s suF~estion was to be implemented by the City Manager and/or the Assistant City Manager. Some further discussion was held but since four Members of Council were absent and there was not much possibility of reaching a satisfactory agreement, His Worship suggested that an additional meeting would be essential very shortly, but that in the meantime the matter would have to lay in abeyance. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Council adjourn. READ AND ADOPTED, 19 October, l~. Clerk MayOrA FIFTY-FIFTH MEETIN_G_ Council Chamber, 13 October, 1964, SPECIAL MEETING A Special Meeting of Council was called for 2:00 p.m. on 8ctober 13th to meet with representatives of the Niagara District Board of Education for discussion of a possible Ad~tinistrat~on Building site. Present for the B~ard were the Chairman, Mr. Rutland, four members of %he Board, Messrs. R. A. McLeod and M. A. MacLeod, A. Olsen and C. G. Dowaon, Planning Director, Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Plannin~ Board. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen Mttchelson and Potter. The Following Communjca~ion wa~_ Rres~ntedj No. 61&A - Niagara Falls District Board of Education - setting out their suggestions~'~owhy~t d~eS ~ot 9ee~ feasible ~o'i~cate the proposed erection in the north end of the Municipality and within the proposed Central Business District. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and tabled and that the Board give further considera- tion to the possible Administration building site and that officials of the Municipality make all information in their possession available to the Board of Education representatives as soon as possible. Prior to the above action, considerable discussion was held on the matter during which Mr. R. A. McLeod outlined in some detail the various possible sites which have been considered and analysed, namely Jepson Street, Stmcoe Street, and the St. lawrence-Park Street area. His Worship Mayor Miller deplored the sugges- tion that the George Allen property was being considered on Drummond Road, referring to wh~t' could be its pronounced effect on plans for development of a Civic Centre. The Chairman of the Board, Mr. Rutland, stated that he and his Board were not opposed to being part of the Civic Centre but that since time is of the essence, they felt that none of the sites suggested would be feasible, and the use of such other locations could conceivable involve an additional expense to the Board. Alderman Martin queried as towbother the Board would conalderman addition to the Barker Street school and the using of present #6 School on the lane for an Administration building, and was advised by the Chairman of the Board that this was simply not feasible. Alderman Keighan queried why the Board*s representative at meetings held previously concerning the proposed new Plan, had not registered opposition so that the matter would not necessarily have been carried to its present point without being aware of the Board's objection. Alderman Cotfield queried as to the acreage held by the Board on the Valley Way site and was advised that some 9 acres were presently owned at this point, but that additional purchases would be necessary to provide ingress and egress from Valley Way. Alderman Cotfield then suggested that the Board might consider again building on Valley Way. At this point, His Worship queried the several members of Council as to their opinions and these were unanimously in fayour of any such project being located in the Central Business District, His Worship, the Mayor, als~ being in accord with this thought. At this point, the Chairman and Members of the Board and their Administrative Officials left the Chamber. 2. F~xpropriation - Lundy?s lane. Alderman Martin queried as to what progress has been made or will be made with reference to the settlement of expropriation monies where lands have been taken along Highway No. 20 for widening and re-surfacing, and was advised that this was now well in hand but had been previously delayed because of assessment appeals ~hich had necessitated the services of an Appraisal expert. Alderman Martin also referred to the fact that it had come to his attention that the Assessment Department were not making any allowtncee for reduction in assess- ment where these parcels have been expropriated, and the City Manager stated that he would enquire into this matter and advise as to what is being done or comtemplated. 3, Ge._n. te__~ial Projects, At this point, Hie Worship the Mayor suggested that Council might utilize the time at its disposal for further consideration of a possible Centen- nial project and called uponMr. Dowsonwho presented a report on possibilities. Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. McCallam and Ald. Keighan. READ AND ADOFrED, 19th October, 1904. · Mayor. FIFTY-SIXTH MEETING Council Chamber 13th October, 196&. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to AdJourmnent, Counci] met at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday October 13th, 196&, for the purpose of considering general business and f~nance. All Members of Councilwere present, ~th the exception or Aldermen Mitchelson and Potter. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aldermen Swayze and Morton. CC~ff4UNICATIONS Laj_d _Ove~ from previous ~eetingsj No. 595 - ~ndus~rial ~cCident PreventiOn Association - Associate membership for Mr. A. Strange. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed and the report of the City Manager be adopted. ~EE Report Numbe~838 No.59h - ~72__F~_e~_d___Ba.~ery,__R2~_.~. - requesting use of building in City owned Sanitary Landfill area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be ;received and filed and the report of the Property Committee be adopted. SEE ~ort Number _8~3,9_ Th_e following C~_~,'.,ntcatiSns were presen~_e_d: No. 603 Dep~_r~en_~pf Mupicipal Affairs - Allocation balance - Municipal Works Assistance Program. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the conmunication be received and filed and the required application for the two works be submitted by the Officials. Frevious to the passage of this motion, it was decided that a report would be prepared by the Assistant City Manager Administrative, as to the allocation of the unused balance of funds for use by the Separate School Board and the Board of Education. No. 849A - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Centennial projects. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report of the Planning Director be received and tabled pending further discussion and consideration. With reference to the above Report, Mr. Dowson read the document in detail and explained as to his suggestions contained therein, and following this, queries were advanced, one being with reference to an application for a Centennial Project and Council were advised by Mr. Huggins, Assistant City Manager, Administrative, that as requested by Council previously, he had been in contact with the De~rtment and was assured that it would be in order to make an application, not necessarily in complete detail, but to preserve the right of application and he also advised that indicat]on had been given that there ~as a definite possibility that the closing date for applications may be extended. ~MI~CEL~LJ~_N~_Pg~ At this point in the meeting, M~. N. Filet was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Swayze. Mr. Filet re- ferred to a piece of property owned by his mother-in-law, Mrs. O. Lorenzo, and which is situated on Buchanan Avenue between Stamford Street and MeRae Street. Mr. Filet advised that be was in the process of submitting an application to the Committee of AdJustment in order to use the premises for a wood-working shop, but had been advised that a detailed plan showing distances from property lines and other buildings in the area would have to be submitted along w~th the applica- tion. Mr. Filet advised that he had been unable to locate the property stakes, and also felt that it would be quite expensive to have the required plan prepared. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Engineering Department be authorized to assist Mr. Filet in locating the property stakes and in the preparation of the plan that the Committee requires. Aldernmn McKinley requested permission to attend the Annual Convention of the Ontario Arenas Association in Ingersoll on October 18th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that permission as requested be ~ranted. Alderman McCallum requested that consideration be given to the installa- tion of street lights on Swayze Drive near the Lionits Abrasive Company. Alderman Keighan mentioned the forthcoming Memorial Services to be held on November llth and arrangements to be made, including advertising of the new monuments and unveiling of same. Alderman McKinley referred to the fact that the Service should mention veterans from the South African Rebellion. BY-LAWS ;~id over from a No. 6613 - A by-law to authorize the acquisition of land and the erection of a Fire Mall thereon. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. The following By-laws wer~Rresented: No. 6661 - Being a By-'Law with respect to s~gns in the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading - - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of 'Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCalltun - Carried Unanimously. Ro. 6662 - Being a by-law for regulating and prohibiting dogs running at large, seizing, impounding and killing the same, and for imposing license fees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. McCallam that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. At this point it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the By-law be tabled until such time as a meeting is held with the Humane Society- Such meeting to be held as soon as possible. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum. ,,~&aa== READ AND ADOPTED, 19 Octo~er,19~.' ' .. Clerk. _ FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 13th October, 1964. The Finance Meeting was held on October 13th, 1964 for the PUrpOSe Of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were oresent. with the exdeption of Alderman Mitchelson and Alderman Potter. Alderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $28A,3A9.A9 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Alderman McCalltun and Alderman Morton. The Cormmunication of Provincial Engineering Ltd. requesting permission' to have a sign painted on the north and south walls of their build]oK frontin~ on Victoria Avenue was again presented for consideration, along with a report of the Property Committee recon~nending approval of the proposed sign. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted. The report of the City Manager was presented concerning quotations received for the delivery of rock salt to various stock piles, and reconunending that the Tender of John Meats Coal Ltd: be accepted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Cotfield voting contrary. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on building permits issued for connnercial buildings for the week ending October 9th was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on sign permits issued for the week ending October 9th was presented for consideration. ORDF~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCalltun. READ AND ADOPTED, 19th October, 196A~ Chairman of Finance m Council Chamber, 13th October, 1964. The Cofincil assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, October 13th, 1964, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present ~dth the exception of Alderman Mitchelson and Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller presided. BY-LAW The fpllgwli_'ngBYr~_§w wa~pas.se~: ~o.__6~63_ - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that Rule 36 (23 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McCallum and Ald. Martin - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mceallumand Ald. Cotfield. READ AND ADOFrED, 19th October, 196~. k Mayor. Council Chamber, 13th October, 196&. The Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 13th, 196&. All Members of the Committee were present with the exception of Aldermen Mitchelson and Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference Co...4ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Norton. READ AND ADOFrED, 19th October, 19~. Clerk -1 '1 't FIFTY-SEVENtH ~ETING council Chamber, 19th October, 1964. REGULAR ME.,ETINC Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:~O n.m. on Monday, October 19th, 1964, for the purPOSe Of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the excention of Alderman Potter. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Menton. His Worship, Mayor Miller, welcomed Mr. George Bukator, M.L.A to the meeting. TFNDERS Tenders had been called for the Painting of the exterior of Stamford Hall and Lundy~s Iane Building, and it'was ordered on tho motfen of Ald. McEinley and Ald. Swayze that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. Tenders had been called for debenture issues totall~ne $2,168,990.10 and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McMinley and Ald. Swayze that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. COMMUNICATIONS ~Laid over from previous meetings: No. 560 - Mrs. Moira Cooper - requesting information re Lots 2 and 3, Rolling Subdivision. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Corfield and Ald. Scott that the conmunication be received, filed and the report of the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee by adopted. SEE Report Number 850. No. 580 - B. W. Dollszn0r - re the closing or unopened road allowance between Twp. Lot 9 and Gore Lot No. ll. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Norton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and again tabled, pending submission of a report. SEE, ~eport Number 851. No. 583 -Ofeater Niagara Safety Council - suggesting safety patrol system. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Committee be adopted. SEE ~epq~t _N3Am~er 852. No. 592 - Ffe~ M. D~yker - requesting arrangements be made to provide parking facilities on his front lawn at 2986 Lundyes Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. McCallurn that the communication be received and filed and request be not granted. ~EE ~eport_Number 853- No. 606 - G~gnview Social Club !Pq. - complaining of damage to wall of s~uth- east corner of bU{iding by City trucks. ORDERED ON the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Ketghan that the communication be received and the repor~ of the P~operty Com~ttttee by adopted. _S_E~_, Re!qoJt Num_ber 8j4. No. 607 - ~g~r~ Fa%l~i~p_b_uX~p.Are_a pl_anp%pg Board - Amendment Application l-l12, Kobald. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and the request to rezone the property in question from residential and industrial to tourist commercial, be approved, No. 607 conttd- subject to conditions outlined in the Board*s Staff report of Oct. 7, 196A and also subject to the conditions contained in the Property Committests report of Oct. 19th, and that Mr. Kobald be responsible for all the roads within the sub- division and all other services: and in the event of ar~ road name change, such contemplated change be approved by Council. No. 608 - Nfiag~aFa Falls and Suburban Area Planning Bo~r~d. - Access from Ker St. to A. & P. Store. No. 609 - Mrs. P. Shoehen - Ker St. and entrance to new A. & P. Store. ORDERED on the mot'ion'~ ~ld.~eighan and Ald. Swayze that the coxmnunications be received, filed and the Property Committeews report be adopted and a copy of the report be forwarded toM re. Shoehen, advising her of Councills decision. SEE Rep_qf~t Rumber .~5~6... No. 613 - C~typf ._Londo~ - resolution advocation amendment to Section 82 (1) of The Assessment Act. ORDERED on the m6tion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the resolution be received, filed and not endorsed. Re o_r_ p_am_b 8_5y. No. 61& - Oscar A. Bignucolo - Guardrail at Motel property, Stanley Ave. ORDERED on ~he motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the con~nunication be received and filed and the report of the Property Committee be adopted, as amended. _SEE__Repo_rJ Number 858. _Th_e~o~llo_w~i~~tions were ~resen~e__d~ No. 615 - _LoK~pd K~gh~ - prints of proposed Motel of A. V. Sanson. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and the plans be referred to the Property Committee and permission be granted for the Solicitors to appear on ~ehalf of their client when the Property Committee meets. No. 616 - Minister of Health - Acknowledging co~ of letter from Local 536, U.E.W. protesting raise in premiums for P.S.I. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and a copy of the first portion of the ~nister of Health~s letter be forwarded to Mr. Salfi of Local 536, U.E.W. No. 617 - Branch A79~_~a~n~p_.L~_A~o_n_ - requesting proclamation of week of Nov. 5th t~ov.'~Y. as Remembrance and requesting permission to hold annual Poppy Sale on Nov. 6th and Nov. ?th. ORDE~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald..Corfield that the cormnunicatinn be received, filed, the proclamation issued and permission granted as requested. No. 618 - Y.M.C.A. ,You~h-in-C~vernment" Week, Nov. 2nd. to Vth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the cormmnication be received filed and Council endorse the week of Nov."2nd. to 7th. as ,~ou~h-in-Covernment" Week. No. 619 - Cit_~of Kitchener - resolution re school safety patrols. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitcheleon and Ald. Sweyze that the resolution be received tabled and the City Manager be instructed to obtain the information from the Departments concerned and submit a report for Council~s consideration at the next meeting. No. 620 - Criffiths, Sharp~_ & Clement - unopened road allowance, between former T~p~'to~(.'2~'and 1~; b'~E~'~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the con~unication be received and referred to the Property Committee and the Sity Solicitor for submission of a report. No. 621 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Hoard - CFeicial Plan Amendment No. 28 to Town Plan for Mienera Falls. ORDERED on the motSon of Aid. Mitchelson and ~ld. Cotfield that th~ communication be received and filed and the amending By-law be dealt xd. th at the appropriate t~me. SFE. fry-law ~6?~ No, 622 - MaFtin, Calvert, Shoppard & Clark - requ~st~n~ advice as t~ whether A. Frankl~ n I~mited have complied '~th all terms of agreement, etc. OPmEPE~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the cnnunun~cat~on be received and filed and the site plan for the construction of Part of Township Lot 158 be approved. SEE Resolution No. 117. No. 623 - ~epartmeqt of Highways - re petition of W. B~de]l and others con- cerning removal of elm tree between 725 ~ 719 St. Paul Avqnue. ORDPiRED on the motion of Ald. Sw~vze and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and a copy of the same forwarded to the petitioners for their information. ~ SEE. Petition Number 32. No. 624 - H.. O. ~cres & Co. Ltd. - enclosing revised drawings re Niagara International Centre Site Services. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee for a report. REPORTS The following_.Repor__ts~efe' presented: No. 850 - S~ni~t.ion & Pollution Control Committee - reconmending Mrs. Cooper be advised it is not the intention to instal a sanitary sewer on Thorold Stone Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication #560. No. 851 - ~_Prpper~y Comm%tt~e - as soon as information available a report will be submitted to Council concerning the closing of unopened road allowance between Twp. I~t 9 and Gore LOt No. 11. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. SFJ~, Commun_icati_o_n No. 852 - _T_raffic Committee suggesting adult guards should not be replaced by senior students in the primary schools. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid.Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE_~ Cg_mmun_iga~%pp No. 853 - .T.r~f__f~9_~p__n~%~pe - suggesting Mr. Darker be advised his request for provision of parking facilities cannot be granted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and ~ld. McCnllum that the report be resolved and adopted. SEE_~Cp_mAn_up_ic_a_ti_opj~_9?: No. 854 - _Pro_p, pp~y_p_,o~__~tpJ - recommendations w~th reference to complaint received from Oleoview Social Club - ORDERED' on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. No. 855 - Property Committee -recommendations conditions to be included in site plan in coW~eC%~[6~'~i~h'A~lication of R. ~obald to fezone Mcleod Road lots. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and ~ld. Sweyze that the report be received and adopted and that Mr. Kobald be responsible for all the roads within the sub- division and all other services; and in the event of spy road name change, such contemplated change be approved by Council. SEE Communication #607~__ No. 856 - Property Committee - re access road from Ker Street and conununications from Plannihg Board'and }~rs. Shoehart. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted and copy of same be forwarded to Mrs. Shoehen. SEE Congnunication #608. SEE ~ommuniCation #~09. No. 857 - Assessment Cemmission~ City M_apag_ey _& C_i_ty_ Clerk - expressing opinion on resolut~ {ro'm'bi~y'of ~o'nden.' "ORDERED on the mo~on of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Comm_un~_cat__ipp_ #__613~ No. 858 - Prpp~ty Committee - recommendations re letter from O. Bignucolo. ORDERED on the motio~ ~'~ih. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted, as amended, with the words "at once" added at the end of the sentence of Clause. 1. SEE Communication #61A. No. 859 - Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee - re meeting with repre- sentatives~{[~[ra ~ht;rn~nal b~re ~ dc~.' Y6th, in connection with outside services. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and/LId. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. No. 860 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Conunittee - progress report on plan of interse~t~oE~f Se~vic~ ~oad ~ein~ ~o~s~ructe~ by Niagara International Centre. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and tabled for one week and referred to the Functional Study Cousnittee for a report as soon as pobsible. No. 861 -_E~tui~p~__ent Committee - requesting tenders be called for heating units for h loca~Yon~L'~d~Dk'~E~'the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the repoFe be received and permission granted as r~quested. No. 862 - Traffic Committee - suggesting Engineering Dept. determine number of cars parked'i~n~f ~Ic'hool yams, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 863 _ prpp~_rt_X~pmmittee - recon~nendingD. McMillan be employed to negotiate propeFeies ~equired for rebuilding of Ellen Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 86~ - Parks & Arena ~o_Mui_t~e_e.. - re Jackets for ushers at Memorial Arena. ORDERED on'~u~t~o'n~f Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 865 - Parks & Arena Committee - requesting permission to interview the suppliers of soft drink dispensers. ORDERED on the motion of tld. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed and request granted. No. 866 - ~l~cial Fire Committee - recomending by-law and regulations respecting Niagara Falls Fire Dept. be dealt'with by Council at their earliest convenience. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald~ Cotfield that the repor~ be received and adopted. No. 867 - ~ecial Fire Committee - recommending Dom. Protective be advised that City will not waive annual fee for any particular class of commercial enterprise. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted. No. 868 - Special Fire Committee - recow~nendations reproposed construction of new Fire Ball on Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallumand Ald, Martin that the repor~ be received and adopted. "1 No. 869 - City Manager - advising of plan submitted bv c] ro Costs for construct_ ion of a motel at south-east corner of Ferm, St. and ~rev Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton tba~ the report ~e received, adopted and application be referred to the Property Committee for consideration. No. 870 - City Manager - recommendin~ attendance of John ~vth, as ~ntario Municipal Purchasing Agents~ Association Fall Workshop, at Etobicoke Twp. Nov. 12th. and 13th. No. 871 - City Clerk - recommendin~ issuance of licences. ORn~RED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayz~ that the repnr+ b~ ~c~ive~ adopted and ]~nces issued accordingly. + No. 872 - Ci}y Clerk - d=tails of Memo ~] - "/Snt~.torP~ v-o~ram. ~PPvvrD on the motion of Ald. Mitche]son and Ald. Cotfield that the r~rort be r~ceiv~ and referred to the C~ty Engineer. No. 873 - Cj~F Engineer - proposed sanitam, sewermains, storm sew~nains an~ watermalns for International Centre. ORD~RFD on tb~ m~tion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed and netmission Eranted for the calling of tenders, as requested. No. 8?A - City Engineer - Proposed A-inch diameter watermain Carlton Ave. frnm Comdn Cres. to Dunn Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitch~]son and Ald. McCa]lum that the report be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee for a report. No. 875 -._City~Epgineer - Stamford-Niagara Pollution Control Plant No. ]. ORDERED on the motio~ ~f Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Cotfield that the tonoft b~ received and filed and the oneratin~ staff of the Plant and also th~ C~nsu]t~ng Engineers be advised as to C~unci]~s appreciation for th~ ~nod manaK~m~vt. and good design, resulting in such excellent report of the Poliution Control Plant. No. 876 - Suptt Pollution Control Plant - report on Plant. ODDFRFD on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Scot~that the report be received and tabled for perusal. No. 877 - City Engineer - New York Central Sour Line, Victoria at Centre ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and A~d. Morton that the fenoft be received and filed and permission ~ranted to nroceed with this work, w~th the understanding that there will be no cost to the C~ty of Niagara Fails. No. 878 - ~itX Engineer - Minutes o~ Niagara Falls Functional Study Technical Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and filed. Carried, with Aldermen Swayze and Keighan - cootrat.Z. VERBAL PJ~,PORT Ald. McKinley presented a verbal report on his attendance on October 18th. at the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Arena Association, held ]n Ingersoll. He advised that the membership of the Association totals 130 arenas with 75 associate members, and referred to the benefit and economy derived by those participating in such membership. Following a detailed report, Alderman McKinley moved that letters of congratulations be forwarded to Mr. Clare Dahmer, Manager of the Stamford Memorial Arena, who was re-elected as Secretary-Treasurer of the Association and to Mr. Norman ~Pustin, Manager of the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena who was re-elected Zone Director; this motion was seconded by Ald. Morton. Carried Unanimously. PETITION Laid over from ~a~pr_e_v~iou~s mJe~t_i.n_g;. No. 32 - Mrs. L. Hoperaft and 300 others - objecting to cutting down of the elm tree opposite Stamford Green. 'ORDERF,~n the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Morton that the petition be received, filed and a copy of the communication received from the Department of Highways be forwarded to the petitioners for their information. SEE Co~nunication #62~.L ZI~-Z RESOLUTIONS _The fg_llg_wi_n_g R_~p_o_l_ut~o_n__s were pa_SSe~: No.l17 - MITCHELSON - CORFIELD - RESOI,VED that the site plan as submitted ~v A. Franklin Limited for erection of an apartment building on Part To~mship Lot 158, as required by the site plan agreement dated the lath, of April, 196A, is hereby approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carr~ied _Un_a_nimgusl~. No. 118 - McKINLeY - MORTON - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls'does approve for Cemetery Purposes that portion of Lot No. 17& in the Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls as more particularly described by B. A. Tart, O.L.S. of the office of R. Blake Emfin, O.L.S. in description dated March 12th, 1964: and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 119 - MARTIN- MORTON - RESOIArFD that the quotation of McI~od, Young, Weir & Compare, Limited of $99.03 plus accrued interest be accepted for the City of Niagara Falls 5-1/2 per cent Debentures maturing, October 15th, 1965-1984 in the principal amount of $2,168,990.10 as described in the Cityvs call for tenders dated October 8th. 196A and pursuant to Schedule of Maturities attached theretoq and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. CprFip~ Una~m~ou~_lY. No. 120 - MORTON - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that Mr. D. D. McMillan be employed by the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls to negotiate w~th reference to the acquisition of properties for the widening and/or rebuilding of F~len Avenue: and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. -Ald. MeCallumwas excused from the meeting - Council recessed for five minutes. DEBENTURF~° The City Manager presented a verbal report on the tenders received for the issue of debentures in a total amount of $2,168,990.10 and recommended that the quotation of McLeod, Young, Weir & Company Limited, of $99.03 plus accrued interest, be accepted. SEE Resolution Nu. 119~ MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Swayze referred to a call he had received concerning the hazardous traffic conditions at the corner of High St. and Dorchester Road, which has resulted in two accidents. He recommended that His Worship the Mayor to ask the Police Dept. to have a Police Officer there at 4 o~clock because of children crossing this intersection. Ald. Sw~yze referred to the speeding on Stamford Green Drive and requested permission for the Traffic Committee to inspect this location. Foilwing the remarks of Ald. Swayze, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze, seconded by Ald. Martin that the Policy Commission be requested to look owwr the intersection of High St. and Dorchester Road and deter- mine the advisability of placing an officer there on duty for the protection of ch~aren crossing this intersection during school hours. Hie Worship Mayor Miller reminded CoUncil that there Will be a special council meeting on Thursday, October 22rid. cosmaencing at 1:30 p.m. to discuss the centennial program. li NATIONAL HISTORIC PA~{K In compliance with Couneil~s request at the Drev}ol}s remllar Council Meeting, that His WorehiD Mayor Miller contact Miss J. V. LaMafeb, in Ottawa to ask for immediate i~formation as to whether the neDartmont wnu]~ be establishing a historical site ]n the Lundv~s Lane area, and'to ascqrta~n which properties would be used for that purpose. ~ayor Miller advised that tho National Historical Board had advised h~ it was to meet during the f~na] w~ek of October and that the Board would hear a submission and prepare a report to the Minister of Northern Affairs. The significance of the Dr{~mmond Hiil Area and its historical value is well known to the Government and Th~ Mayor stated that Miss IaMarsh had advised him that the Federal department was giving the projected progral very. serious consideration and the ~stablishment oF a 'national shrine and park would be of ~reat benefit to the city an~ nation and would also mean a tremendous benefit to the City in terms of federal funds bein~ made available to Niagara Falls. Mayor Miller then suggested that Council await the final report of the Minister of Northern Affairs, of which the National Historical B~ard is an agency; such report is expected for release in late autumn. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that no action to taken on Lundy,s Lane property until a report is received from the Minister of Northern Affairs and/or his Cormmittee. Carried Unanimously. BY-LAWS The fO_l_lo~ing _BF_la~s were passed: No. 666~A_ - A by-law to provide for taking the votes of the electors. (Municipal Franchise Extension Act). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the ~v-law and the by-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Cotfield -Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No._~665 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation and Demote Bros. Ltd. in respect to construction of watermains on Portage Road, Livingston Street, Falls Avenue, Hiram Street and River Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Kei~han and Ald. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Cotfield and Ald. McKinley Carried Unanimously. N__o, 6666~.- A by-law to authorize the exec~'tion of an Agreement between the C.N.R. and the Corporation in respect to a AS-inch concrete sewer pipe under the tracks at Keith Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. Swayze that Aid, Keighan he granted the privilege of introducin~ the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and AId. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Cotfield - Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. So. 6667 - A by-law to authorize the issue of Debentures In the principal amount oF ~81,282.00 to pay for the cost oF widenin~ & reconstruction of Victoria Ave. from Thorold Stone Road to Niagara Parks Commission Boulevard as a road improvement pursuant to The Highway Improvement Act: and for the resurfacing of Victoria Ave. from Hunter to Centre St. and of Centre St. from Victoria Ave. to Ellen Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. CoPfield that .Rlfie 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Morton - Carried Unanimously. No. 66fi8 - A by-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of $176,92&.O2 to pay for construction of a storm sewer on Lundyts Lane from Dm/mmond Road to R.E.P.C. Can~; the installation of larger combined storm & sanitary sewermains on Victoria Ave. from Walnut St. to Centre St.; and on Centre St. from Victoria Ave. to Lorne Street; and for the extension to the waterworks system on Murray St. from Drtmunond Road to Orchard Ave; Carroll Ave. from Thorold Road to Elizabeth Street; on Booth St. from Beaverdams Road to the south limit of Reg. Plan 87: and on Drummond Road from centre line of Thorold Stone Road to 300 feet southerly and for the relocation of existing watermains at intersection of Thorold Stone Road, Drununond Road,.; Portage Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Corfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Corfield and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. No. 6669 - A by-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of $111,380.65 to pay for the cost of construction of the Victoria Ave. Bridge over the C.N.R. tracks and for the acquisition of land on the west side of Dorchester Road and the erection of a Fire Hall. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that Ald. Martin be g~aated the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Lid. Martin and Ald. Keighan that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law b.e given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Scott and Aid. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. No. 6670 - A by-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of $1,~YA, A23.~3 to pay part of the cost of constructing a dewage treatment project and the acquisition of land thereof. ORDERED on 'the m~tion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Corfield that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mitohelson and Ald. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. NqL.~Y! - A by-law to authorize the issue oe Debentures in th~ nr~ne~na] amount of $245,OOO.OO for the const_mJction and e~uiDment of Cherrywood Acres Public School. ' -' ~ ORDERED on the motion o~ Ald. Mckinley and Aid. %'avze that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducin~ the ~-law and ~he by-law be ~iven the first reading. _ Carried Dnanimouslv ' ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that ~ule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Coun~l be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. No. 667~2 - A by-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the princjna] amount of $80,000.00 to pay part of the cost of constructing a watermain on" Drummond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducjng the by-law and the ~v-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that Yule q6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law'be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~ Third Reading - Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~_67~3- A by-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the a~gre~ate principal amount of $2,168,990.10 for various purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Lid. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privl]ege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that ~ule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading LId. Morton and LId. Cotfield Carried Unanimously. No. 66~7~ - A by-law to provide for the adoption of Amendment No. 28 to the Official plan of the Niagara Falls and Suburban Planning Area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Lid. Keighan and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2~ of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading _ Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. Previous to the second reading of the by-law, it was o~dered on the motion of Lid. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Mr. Carl Young be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Young expressed his objection to the official plan designation for his property on the east s~de of the Queen Elizabeth Nighway south of Thorold Stone Road, and stated that such designation places a "finger of industrial status" in a primarily residential area: that his property is now separated from industrial lands to the south by the develo~ent of the Opt/mist Club Park, but that along the Dorchester and on the north side of Thorold Stone Road, his property was bordered by residential developsent Following the remarks of Mr. Young, Council advised that when the necessary implementing Zoning By-law is presented to the Ontario Municipal Board, Mr. Young, will then have an opportunity to express his opinion. No. 6675 - A by-law to fix the date of nominations and elections. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 26th October, 196~. '1 Clerk Mayor. FINANCEMEETING Council Chamber, 19th. October, 196A. The Finance Meeting was held on October 19th, 1964 for the purpose of approving and alsopassing the various accounts~which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the Exception of Alderman McCallumand Alderman Potter. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $330,668.96 were approv~d by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Alderman Nitchelson and Alderman Morton. The Co~u~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott. REAL AND ADOPTED, 26th October, 1964. Clerk. Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL ~9'ETING ~ouneil Chamber. 19th. october. 196l,. The Council assembled at the close of the re,.~ular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, October 19th. 196!.. For the PutDos9 Of the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the ~onmiLtee. i'll] M~mbers were present, with the e~ception of Alderman McCall~m and Alderman Po~ter. Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW ~The .following BF_law was passed~ ~o~7~ - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORBERED on the motion of Ald. McMinley and Ald. 5wayze that Ald. Martin be granted the privileRe of introducin~ the ~v-law and the bv-la~ be given the first reading. _ Carried Unan~mm, s]v. ' n~DERPD on the mnt~nn of Ald~ ~art-~n ana Ald. T.'~rtnn that 36 (2) Of the Standln~ R. lPs of Council h~ temnnrari]y suspended and the by-law be given the second r~ad~nK Carried Unanimously. Third Reading _Ald. Mitcbels~n and Ald. Kei~han - Carried Unanim~ss]y. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Scott. READ A)~ ADOPTED, 26th October, 1964. Nayor. / CONFEPuENCE Council Chamber, 19th. October, 1964. The Committee assembled in Conference, Following the re~fiar Council Meeting on Monday, October 19th, ]9~A. All Members of the Conm~ttee were present w~th the except]on of Aldermen McCallinn and Potter. His Worship Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them the Conference Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. M~tchelson and A!d. Nelghan. READ AND ADOPTED, 26th October, 1~. FIFTY-EIGHTH MEETING Council Chamber 22nd, October, 196~. SPECIAL ~rsuant ot adjournment, Council met in special session at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday~ October 22rid, 19~A. and His Worship Mayor Miller indicated that all of the members of Council w~re familiar xdth the suggestions that had been received UD to the present time in connection with proposed Centennial Projects and which had been referred to at a previous meetinn and that the only new one which had been to-day received ,~as a cormmunication From the Police Commission. All Members of Council were present w~th the exception of Ald. Potter. The Communication was then read. which requested Council~s consideration to a possible new Policy Administration Building as a Centennial Project, and failing this, that a meeting be arranged by City Council ~dth the Police Commission for discussion in this matter. Following the reading of the conmmn~cation from Magistrate Roberts. His Worship the Mayor advised that the meeUng was now open for dis- cussion and queried as to an~ one in the audience wishing to speak. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. McCalltun that Mr. MacBain, representing the Queen Street Restorat] on Committee, be permitted to address Council. In his remarks, he referred to the proposed park-like entrance to Queen Street from River Road and enlarged to some degree on this project, indicating that it was felt to be sufficiently important For the serious consideration of Council. Mr. MacBa]n also stated for public advice that costs of the necessary parking in this case, if proceeded ~dth, would be met by the merchants and not by the ratepayers. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Corfie]d and Ald. Morton that Mr. A1 Dotlot he permitted to address Council and he advised of letters that~e had received expressing support of the project for Senior Citizens as conceived by the Stamford Lions Club (at least moral support), and the idea was advanced during his remarks that it might be conceivable to call on those interested other organizations for a pooling of resources in this type of nroJect, and a query with reference to the amount the Club was prepared to pay ~owards the project was answered in the affirma6ive, indicating that the Club was quite prepared to advance at least $10,0OO. Mr. Dotlot then called upon Mr. Nick Thompson to enlarge on the outdoor activities which would be considered for a senior citizens project and Mr. Thompson indicated that this was certainly feasible and would require from 3 to 3 and 1/2acres of land. At this point, Ald. Martin queried as to whether there was a list of projects which had been suggested and if there was also any information as to the cost of such projects, in order that Council would be in a position to act on the suggestions, and was advised that there was no list as such and certainly no worked up 'figuses as to costs. At this point, for the infommat~on of the Members of Council, His Worship the Mayor read the several comanunications which he had received, as follows: Dourtown Restoration Con~nittee - implementing the Nor~ch Plan. Roy C. Essex - advocating the use of the Iundyts Lane Public School for an Administration Building. Alderman Keighan - re Board of Education Administration Building Site and Civic Centre. Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - acquisition of Drun~ond Hill land for future historical site. Y.M.C.A. - share in the Centennial Grant to expandjY facilities. Aideman McCallum - suggestions re Historical Museum and Centennial Park. 44't ~Dtjm~st nluh_ reQ'~stinF nArt~on development of a r~crnationa1 ar~a. B~ock Hniversity _ Centennial ~lrnOs~S. tm assist nniv~r~ity ostablibhmont' R. 0. Ne!snn - Athletic an! ="f-~rfain~n~n+. cobtry. Mrs. C. ~taley - Community nentr~ Mrs. ~a Rearss - Historical Park and Mun~pi~a] Pentr~. Sandra Tenute - Recreational P~ntre. Boy qcouts - indjcat~n~ their willin~nnss to ~art~c~t~ a~v project United Church of Canada _ indi~aUn~ their willinPnoss t~ assist in plennirg and Participation in any Centennial Pr~KraFLme. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert - recommending outdoor rink a- playground. Mrs. Russell - Community Ce~tre. I,ione] Peaudoin - Display Models of points of interest and nmin local industries. tt was indicated that the nossib].~ total amount to be available for any such project would be in the vicinity of $1OO,0OO. AId. geiRhan suedested that the Possibility be canvassod of acquiring the Kimberly-Clark bu~]din~ for at >ast some oC'th~ municipalityms various departments, tn relieve the congestion which exists to-day and he indicate~ that ~t did not seem feasibl~ that a Drojpct would he ~e]ect~d to-day but that a general application should be placed on file so as to be on record before the deadline. Aid. Mitchelson cointed out that under th~ terms of the legislation, it requires that tho munjcinality retain ownership of Cho Dro.q~ct and carry out its maintenance practically in perpetuity and h~ also se~ested that of the numerous proDositions submitted, that this could be utilized as a yard stick to eliminate those that did not come under the classification of municipal ownership. His worship the Mayor suggested that what should be don- i~ that these various projects be boiled down to approximately two or three so that a decision could be made. Aid. Morton was of the on5 nion that the property which, of course will be necessary should be acquired in a~v case, and following some further general discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that a general apnlication be made to the Department for the use of all funds which may be available for the City of Niagara Falls in this matter and details of the project as decided upon be forwarded later. Carried Unanimously. It was understood that Mr. Huggins would make contact with the Department as to Vhether this was acceptable. Aid. Martin queried Mr. Detlor as to whether it would not be feasible for the Lions Club, together with other organizations, locating their project on one property providing such a property was larks enough, suggestin~ that of course the various projects could be in separate buildings. Mr. DotloP advised, that, in his opinion, this was quite feasible. Aid. Mttchelson called att6ntion to the fact that it had been frequently said that nothing is now being done for senAor citizens anti to refute this statement, he referred to the programs of Sunset Haven, and in fact, ~entide Home. He was of the opinion it is not correct to say that nothing is being done. 45o ri Z: Mr. Huggins having completed the phone call to the Depart- ment, returned to the Chamber and advised to the reply he had received verbally, to the effect that they were of the opinion that a blanket applica- tion would not be looked upon with too much favour but it was agreed that, in accordance with the motion previously passed, that the application be carried out. The City Manager was requested. as suggested by Ald. Keighan to check on the availability of the Kimberly-Clark building. There being no further action possible, it was ordered on the motion of lld. Mitchelson and Ald. Carfield that the Council adjourn. READ AND ADOFrED, a6th October, 196~. ...... Mayor. FIFTY-NTNTH Zr=T , 26th. [Ictob~r, Rr'GItT.AR ,t!FETiN2 Pursuant to ad}ourr~nent, Council · ,, ' ........ , ... on Dateher 26th, lc4/ re~].ar and spec~s] meetings, a~ont~d and Ald. Carfield. "' on .-~nn Street sad nn th~ mnfi^n nr Ald. Y~'~I~v and ~]-~. 'i've ...... ~F ~...a~ ordered that the t~ders received, Mayor and tabulated. ' nn~"~TCATTONq Taid over f~qm previous mee!~gs: ~!0.5 0 - R. nnl j~Zny - request! ~ ~:rerened road all owanc~ h- ~os~d up +o ~ W, the Corporation O°n~m~D on the motion ~r that tb~ no~unjcatjon be receivpd, fi]~d and Qnestion be proceeded w~th, ~n exchange far an ]R foot strip or -rnp~rt~. along the frontage of Warnor Read, ' ' No.615 - Logan & Knight - requestjoe me~tir~ ~.'~th Prnno~fv nor~itt~ r~ A. Sanson for nroposed mc~e], O~DEPFD on th~ metion of Aid. Heirban ~n,i Morton that th~ communiaatinn be received, filed and th~ re~ort off th~ Pronefry Committee be received and filed. ' ' ' q~.r poperr Mumbe- ~. No.620 _ Grtffitbs~ Sherpe & Clnm-nt - ~e unopened r~ad nl]ewapc~ Lots 25 and 16 closed by Township By-law. OPDt~R~D on th~ motion of Aid. Sw~ze and Ald. KeJghan that the communication be received, filed and report of Property Co~ittee be adopted. ' SEE RepOrt. Number The f_ollo_wipg Comm3nicattpns were presented: No.625 - Niagara Public Relations ~rean - rem,csting closing or elifitch !fill for period not exceeding ]o minutes on PehruaW/27th, 19~h, in cnnnection with Canadian Pancake Pace. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Swa , y~e that the communication be received, filed and permission granted as requested. No.~26 _ Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting permission to hold 2nd Annual ~anta Claus ~1rade ~n Saturday, Dec. 5tb. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and ~1~. Scott that the communication be received, filed and permission granted, as requested. No.627 - ~p~la~_~ Di~rictHpalth Unit - resolution re pollution or surface and ground waters of streams, rivers and lakes in and around County o~ We]land. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and/Ltd. Carfield that resolution be received, endorsed and forwarded to the Federal and Provincial Governments. No. 628 - Township of Willoughby - resolution re intersection or Chippawa Creek Road'~n~.~]~.'~bER~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that the resolution be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for a repo~. No.629 - Branch 590,_ ROyal C~p~dian Legigp - requesting permission to hold Poppy Tag Day on Nov. 6th and 7th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and permission granted as requested. No.630 - Niagara Fallp Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting meeting x~th Committee of Council to discuss a political rally on Dec. 2nd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCal]~m that the conmun]catjon be received, filed and the meeting be arranged as requested, but Council go on record as intending to carry out the Elect]on Meetings on the same basis as in the past. His Worship Mayor Miller then indicated that he was referring this matter to the Arena, Parks & Recreation to meet with a delegation of the Junior Chamber to d~scuss this matter. No.63l. - Chamber of Commerce - reminder re forthcoming tourist Seminar. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallumthat the communication be received, filed and as ma~t of the Members of Council as find it convenient, be authorized to attend. No.632 - Fire Inspector - re condition of build]ng at 1587McI~od Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the communication be received, tabled and the City Clerk be instructed to obtain the necessary r~ports from the interested parties. No.633 - A_~gelo Boocore - requesting removal of a parking meter. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the cormnunication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report. No.eBb - Robert Green - submitting two suggestions for proposed Dog Control By-law ORDERED on the m~ti0n of Ald. Martin and ~ld. Swayze that the con~nunicat]on be received and referred to the Licensing Committee for consideration at their meeting arranged for Wednesday, October 27th. No.635 - Bqard of Foli~fip_m~_~$~_qn~fs - enclosing two communications requestin~ additional School Crossing Guards. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee, with power to act. No.636 - Bp_aXd pf~y~i~c~?~mmi~sione_r~ - requesting Council's approval to the installation and maintenance of a standard Telex Machine. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, f~led and Council go on record as endorsing the proposal and the Commission be so notified. SEE Resolution No.121 No.637 - Dominion Constructlon C9.]Niagaral Ltd. - offer to purchase Lot 25, Plan 160. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Meighan that the conu~uni- cation be referred to Report No. 885. Following consideration of the Property Committee~e report, it was ordered that the cormnunlcation be received, filed and the proposal of Dominion Construction-be approved. SEE Rep~__Number 885. No.638 - H.E.P.C. of Ontario - Draft Fasementt ORDERED on the motion of Ald. CoPfield and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee. No.639 - Ontario Municip~l_Boar~ - Restricted Area By-law 6659. The City Clerk explained that this by-law was designed to amend by-laws so as to provide per- mission for the renovation, reconstruction and repair of existing service stations and was brought about by the application of the British-American Oil Co. and the Supertest Station. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the c~,mc~nicaUon be received, filed and we do not proceed any further with By-law $659, in view of the comments of the Ontario Municipal Board, but that the City Solicitor be requested to prepare a new by-law dealing only with the two specific locations. No.6~O - Ontario Municipal_Board ~ Memo re forecast of capital expenditt~res. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the conu~unication be received, filed and officials be instructed to prepare the Capital FA~penditure Programme for 1965-1969 inclusive, so that it will be in readiness for the new Council to approve of early in 1965. 't-5.: PFPoPTS La.i~. ov_er _from the previous m~ti n~: NO.869 ~ C_i_tZ M§pager _ advis~n~ oc plan submitted b- '~'o ~o~ta f~r The [ollo~ng Commueieations were presented No.~79 - Property Committee _ recommpnd~n~ ad~nt~o~ report to proceed '~tb the c]osin~ Township Lot 9, in exchange ~or a~ 1R-foot 5t.r~D ~/arne Road. ORDERED o~ tb~ mot]on of Ald. ~{orton an~ Ai~. ~'~t. ,~lsoP that the report be received and adopted. cb No.~80 - Property Committee - report nr m~t~n~ h~ld w~th Mr. ,. A. ~o~an~ on behalf of A. Sanon, re motel eonstmlction. ~pn~pr~n on tbo motion of AI~. Meighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. ~E¢ Comnunicat]on No.881 - Property Committee _ recommendations re unooened road allowance between Lots 25 and 16. ORDERED on th~ motion of Aid. qwayze and ,lid. Ke~ghan that the 'report be received and adopted, ~ ' flEE Com~unicstion 620. No.8~2 _ property Co'~ittee - recommend~n~ cosstruction of motel prooo~ed by Ciro Costs, south~east Corner of Ferry St. and Crey ~v~. be not approved. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the renort be received and adopted. ' qEE ;~enort Number 869. No.883 _ _Property Committee - report on meet]n~ held with representatives oF Eden Roc, concerning the condition existing at new A. ~ P. q~ore on ~ndy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Kei~han and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. No.884 - Property Committee - suggesting R. gobaid be advised calculation sheets for steel COnstruction must be submitted before Permit can be issued f~P building in deve]nnment n~no~o~ s~.th n~ McLe~d Dried. ~DnPPED on ~,h~ of Ald. SwaFze and*~ld. KeiKhan that th~ r~nort be r~ce]ved and adnptm~. SEE Co~muni cati nn 437. Previnns to this action, i+ ,.'as ordered ~n the m~t-lnn ~f Ald. Fefghan and Aid. Morto~ that Yr. Jos. Monf~e~,,, uann~er, Industrial Popart- ment of th~ Chamber of Commerce, be ~rante~ rermissinn to addrnss Col, ceil. He advised that it 'would be appreeiated"]f C~unc~] would artprove of the down- payment arrangement reqnested by ~. ~nirone]le, due to tb~ ~act that he was absorbing most of the f~nancial aspectof this nrnJect and also tho s-w~r extension required, would be appreciated. ~h~ City FnKinoer s'lgKested th~ sewer extension to the north limit of the Demote property. No.88~ . Ne_~p~,~t~o_n_s Cormmtttee - report of meeting with I.ooal ~9R, Firefiqbters to discuss heeds of separation ~]lowanees pryable te members ~f Union rp~r]ng with sick leave credits. ORDERED on the mot]on of Ald. McCalh~ and Ald. Mitcbelson that the report be received and filed. No.8~7 _ Negotiations Committee - report of meetinK with Local ]3t Ci vie ~ l°Yeeef~ni~,'~O~i"~z~ropoe~d chsn~es 'of stiaff at W~ter F~trat]on Plant. OR~ER~6 on the motion of AI~. McCallum and 'Ald. CoPfield that the report be received and filed. recomme,d ng issuance of eencen. ORDERED on the mot, on iesu d.acoordi ;Td Aid. Morton that the re ort he received, adoprod a.d 1,ce..es No.adO - qi=tX FoE]near - recommending tender of A. Kok, 3701 Badger Road be accepted for the exterior painting of the Stamford Hall and [a]ndyvs lane .Nunloire~ Bui] d~ngs. ORDERED on the mot]on of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that the re- port be received and ddopted. SEE Resolution No.122. No. ~90 - City Engineer - Proposed 1965-1966 Winter Works. ORDERED on the mot~or of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and applications b~ made to the Department of Municipal Affairs under the lfinter Works Program in th~ amounts as suggested by the City Manager. No. gSl - C~t]_ ~pE~peey - placement of Transformer Station on P~w Street. ORDEEEP on the Fatleo of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mdtchelson that the report be received and adopted, and matter be referred to the Property Comndttee for consideration and report. PE~TITIONS 7he fo_l_l. gw:ipZ__Pe_ti~tioJ~,% w~e_r&presented: No.33 -.Mr_. and Mrs.._ ~_pu_~n_jngha~ and_ 2}R~her~ - requesMng School Crossin~ Guard at Dorchester Road and McLeod Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Copfield that the petition be received and filed, due to the action taken with reference to the con~nunication from the Police Commission, which was referred to the Traffic Committee w~th power to act. SEE Communication 635. Previous to the above action, Mrs. Robt. L. Robins, 2997 Water Street, President of the James Mopden Home and School Association, was granted permission to speak, and also ar~one from either James Morden Home and School Association and St. Thomas More Home and School Association, on the mot~o~ of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton, Mrs. Robins referred to previous attempts by their Association to have action taken to remedy the hazardous conditions existing at this intersection and requested Council to act immediately. His Worship Mayor Miller advised that the petitioners in tho audience were aware of the action taken on a communication from the Police Commission, that this matter be referred to the Traffic Committee, ~th power to act: and Ald. Swayze, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, assured Mrs. Robins that his Committee would be meeting on Wednesday or Thursday afternoon. Ald. Mttehelson queried whether Council would have assurance to-night if a traffic guard is appointed, that the parents will insist that their children cross at thts intersection: and Mr. Robins stated that the children w]l! be instructed, not only by their parents, but by their teachers and both principals. No. 3A - A. Kahten and l& others - petitioning for the removal of the Stanley Oarage and Auto Wreckers. - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Ke]ghan and Ald. Morton that the petition be received and the City Clerk be requested to check the validity of the names on the petition, and assemble all other correspondence relating to the cleaning up of these premises: and the petition be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and.l.a report. RESOLUTIONS ~he followin_g Resolutions were passed/ No.121 - M~TCHELSON- MORTON - RESOLVED that approval be granted to the Niagara Falls Police Department to be connected to the Ontario Police Forces Teletype System to provide for the minimum coverage of a standard telex Machine, at a cost of $A5. per month: and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary contract covering the installation costs and maintenance charges in connection with the samel and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. .} .! Road for the exterior palDrinK Buildings, be accepted and th~ work be oreneeded w~th: an4 thn "ca1 o~ th~ Corporation be hereto affixed. natrind No.123 - McKI~LEY - NTTC~EISO~Y _ p~.SOTy~n '.hat a oF His Worship the Mayor and ~.'ombers or th~ Pit,.r rally of the lat~ Mr. John Wray, ~o~ep }~e~}-~,. oC Authority a highly esteemed r~sid~nt. or this m,:nioipa]jtv fop a humidor or years: and the Seal of the Corporation be her~to Parried !lnan~mouq]v. V~RBAL REPORT At the request or His Wetsbin !,'aver ~illor, th~ proceeded to Dresenta detailed account of th~ cirm:mstan~ m!rround~n- tho recent publlcitF in the loca] Dress as t~ the lj~htin~ ~o]~ erection on High~ny No. 20 where the reconstruction and widen]hE is beinE carried out. VOnTI{-TN-GC~_~,h~NT WEFY Tn connection with Youth-in-qovernment We-k, UiF l'rnrshin Mayor Miller advised that the 'Mock Counci] Meeting" is scheduled to be held on November 6th, commencing at ~:30 p.m. His Worship ~yor Nil]or also advised that at 10:00 A.M, on Thursday, October 29th. the representatives of the nepartment of Fconomics and Development will be presen~ to meet with Council.' ~Y-LAWS _laid pve~ fFo_m pyevio~s mee}ing. ~9_' 6~_64~ - A by-law to close and sell the read allowance now known as Marland Avenue, according to Plan No. 88, registered for the Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott - Carried Unanimously. The followin~ By-laws were presented: No. 66__~_ - A by-law to authorize the reconstruction of Ellen Avenue from Ferry Street to Walnut Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introdncin~ the by-law and the I~-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) or the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~. 667__8 - A by-law to authorize the constm,ction or a watermain on Ferry Street from Stanley Avenue to Victoria Avenue, and on Victoria Avenue from Ferry Street to Centre Street as an extension to the existing waterworks system in the Urban Service A~eao ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducin~ the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED On the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. The foll~ipE' BFflaw-_~ ~el~e pi~__a_s,_e,d_: No. 6679 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between The City of Niagara Falls and Vincent Kerrio-Oenmano Limited ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6680 - To authorize the execution of an agreement between the City of Niagara Falls and Arnold Smith. GRDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law b~ given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson -- Carried Unanimously. No. 6~8] - A by-law to appoint Polling Places, D~puty Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for the City of Niagara Falls and to unite certain adjoining Polling Subdivisions and to establish one Polling Place for the purpose of the 19~A Mun~clpal Election. 6RDEPFD on the motl on of Ald. Mckinley and Ald. Cotfield that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDEREn on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, il previously certif~gd and pla~e,~ present, ~dth the exception ~ Aid. Potter. ' w-~r~- the Committee. ' ...... were ordered p]aced in the men~-, r.~,_]~:.: go- p"~senfnt,~nn t~, rmmcil, ,~-I +~ motion of Ald. l~.tcbe]son and Ald. Mortnn. summary of the siam perk!t? issu~ Cur tb~ ~,e~k ~nd~ ~r~or ?~_-~. wa~ presented for consideration. O~PERED o~ *.b~ motion of f,]d. ~n~e?- and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. The Com3nittee arose and rqrorted to Couci] on the motion of Aid. and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, ~nd November, 1964. CbaiFmnn off F~nance. Ccunci] Chambor 26th of October, 19AA The Council assembled at th~ dose of the re~nl]ar oounc]] and Finance Meetings on Monday, October 2~th, ]o4A, for the purpose of passing th~ by-law which covered the accounts apDroved by the eomm]tte~. AI] ~.~mbers w~rc present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. His Worship, ~ayor Miller, presided. ~e followina~L~law was~assed: Mo-_i. 668__!2- A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORD~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cor~i~ld that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducfn~ the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mart~n and Ald.Swayze that Rule D6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law b~ given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze, READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd November, 1964. C0~PFERENCE Council Chamber 26th, 01tober, 1964. The Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular Council Meeting on Monday, October 26th, 1964. All Members of the Cormelites wer~ present, w~th the exception of Ald. Potter. Hie Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference Cor~nittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton. READ IN]) ADOPTED, 2nd November, 19~. SIXTIETH ME~TING SPECIAL MEgrING Council Chamber, 29th October, 1964. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 29th, 196~, for the purpose of discussing with representatives of the Ontario Department of Economics and Development and certain others, the Niagara Falls industrial situation. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen Martin, Mitchelson and Potter. The following were present: Department of Economics and Develo~xnent and Ontario_Hydro: P. A. York, Trade and Industry Branch, Dept. Economics and Development Alan Etchen, Director, Ontario Development Agency, H. J. B. Nevitt, Mgr., Research & Surveys Branch, D. B. Ireland, Director of Consumer Services, Ontario Hydro, W. S. Taylor, Consumer Services Department, Ontario Hydro J. R. Delaney, Trade & Industry Branch, Dept. Economics & Development ' Donald E. Holland, Trade & Industry Branch, Dept. Economics & Development Gordon New, Trade & Industry Branch, Dept. Economics & Development, Orville M. Schnick, Director, Special Research & Surveys Branch. On behalf of the Chsmber of Commerce: D. Murie, Manager, Wm. Cooper, H. A. Logan, J. Montgomery. On behalf of the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board: Alex Oreayes, Assistant Planner, Conroy 6. Doveon, Planning Director. His Worship Mayor Miller opened the meeting, explaining briefly its purpose and turned it over toM r. York. Mr. York: Brought greetings from the Minister and indicated that he had brought several experts prepsred to give Council as complete a picture of the industrial situation and prospects in the Niagara Falls Area. Re indicated that he had no inttmnte knowledge of what had been discussed with the Minister by the MaYor add His Worship Mayor Miller then proceeded to give a resume of his conversa- tion. Alderman KetEbsn: Reviewed the unsatisfactory situation which has developed in the M~nicipality due to firms moving and highlighted the points of a meeting held with industry and labour concerning this matter. ~. York: 8bated that it must be realized that to attempt to tell indus- try as to whether it can move or not is a rather difficult thing and expressed the view that the men fact that three industries have moved did not paint the picture toO dark and advocated the develollnent of more new business to replace those which have left. Mr. Holland: Stated that he was of the opinion that the moves which had been made did not indicate a trend and pointed to the fact that a number of industries have expanded in our Municipality and that within a period of ten to fifteen years, approximately nineteen to twenty new companies had moved in. Nr. Bannin~ Stated byway of explanation as to apparently high transpor- tation costs that armas are blocked out and resulting rates are then established, so that distance could have a very substantial effect on ccemodity rates, but with regular, substantial shil~aents could bring about a reduction in such rates. Re also pointed out that international shipping could be more expansive due to Ousteros and export-import duties. _~. Logan Was of the opinion that new industries which had been acquired Were toO small to replace the larger ones which have left or are leaving and su6~ested the Depax~mant consider a survey for Industrial C~,mittee useage. Mr. New: Admitted that austensiblY labour rates in the Municipality are high, in scme cases, 35 to 75~ par hour higher than Toronto, but that this is not necessarily a bad thing if value is received where the money is expended. Mr. Ireland Gave a clear explanation as to the two types of Hydro rates, ~ointing out that in effect, rates in Niagara Falls are less than ~ per kilowet hour, which is lower than other industrial rates in the Niagara peninsula. Mr. Schnick Referred to industrial land values in Niagara Falls, being of the opinion that taxation locally is at a reasonable rate and that the Debenture debt of the MunicipalitY, although province wide had risen, the local debt had de- scended · Mr. Delane[ Referred to the several favourable services we can offer, such as three airports, water and sewer services, definite zoning by-laws and the fact that we have a favourable tax position. Mr. Cooper Queried the Department officials as to what could be done to stop any additional industries from moving and was advised by Mr. New that employment in this area at the time is excellent. Alderman Keighan Enquired as to whether the Department of Economics and Develop- ment might be able to get some of the advantages of a Depressed Area and was ad- vised by Mr. York that although there is close liaison between the provincial and Federal Governments, the Federal Government was the only body ~th the power to do this. His Worship Mayor Miller reported on results obtained from Ottawa in this ra~ard, stating particularly that they were after 3 year Corporation Tax exemption. Mr. Nevitt Gave a complete outline of the services his Department offers for industry that is in financial or managerial difficulties, providing it meets the Department' s requirements, and indicated that the Ontario Development Agency would provide a team for as long as required, to help straighten out a business in diffi- culty and also take some action as to capit~l for the continuance of business and offered the services of his Department to any industrY in the Municipality of Niagara Falls. Council adjourned for lunch at 12:30 p.m. and re-convened at 2:30 p.m. Mr. Murie Expressed his pleasure at hearing t~e Department confirm most of %he information that the Chamber of C~emerce had given as to why industries would leave and stated that with the exception of transportation and labour costs, the overall situation locally is favourable. Mr. Marie and Mr. MontgomerY deplored the excessive rubours bred in this area. Mr. Dewson Gave his views on the economic situation and felt that there should be a grouping to preserve local autoncmy and that such grouping would place the Municipality or Municipalities in better har~aining situation with Hydro and other departments, referring at different times to Metro Toronto. Mr. Hu~gias: Referred to the availability of industrial lands in the Munici- pality which, although at present are not serviced, would prohahly be serviced by the City if required and Mr. Delaney then listed all the things that new industry looks for in a City when it proposes to locate ~nd was of the opinion that figures of the past and present in Niagara Fells are good. Mr. Eidt: Explained the reason why employment was presently high and what could de*elop when these projects presently operating, cease. At this point, Mr. York advised the Department of Icontales and Development does not have the staff or funds with which to eke a survey for Niagara Falls, but that they would make available all their information to be utilized by a consultant which the City migh~'wish to hire, The Mayor thanked the Department officials for spending their time and efforts here at this meeting and it was then ordered on the motion of Aldermen Keighan and McCallumthat the meeting be adjourned. READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd November, 196~. SIXTY".-FIRST MEETING Council Chamber, 2nd, November, 1964. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 2rid, 196~, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallnm. T~NDERS Tenders h~ been called for the supply and installation of gas heaters at four locations, and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCalltun it was ordered that the tenders received, be opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. COMMUNICATIONS La_i_d over from previous meetinEs:_ No. 606 - Gj_enview Social Club - re damage caused by city vehicles passing Club at south-west corner of property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Corfield that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Property Committee be adopted; it was understood that the Insurance Adjuster would be requested to submit an opinion. SEE ~eprt Number 892. No. 628 - Township of Willoughby - resolution re intersection of Chippaws Creek Road and Q.E.W. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Traffic Committee be adopted, and amended. No. 633 - Angelo Rencore - requesting removal of a parking meter. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. S'~ott and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received filed, and request granted. SEE Report Number No. 63A - Robt. Green - submitting two suggestions for proposed Dog Control By-law. ORDERED on the motion of All. Martin and All. Morton that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Special Licensing Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 895. SEE By-law Numb_or 6662. No. 635 - Board of Police Commissioners - re School Crossing Guards. ORDERED on the motion of All. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the comunication be received, filed and the report of the Traffic Committee be adopted. See Report Number 896. No. 638 - N.E.P.C. of Ontario. - re occupation and crossing by Ontario Hydro of N.S. and T. Railway right-of-way recently purchased by the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott Ald. Morton that the communication be re- ceived, tabled and the Property Committee granted authority to negotiate with Nydro regarding location of proposed pole line and conditions to be incorporated in an agreement. S~ Repgrt Number 897. The following Co~unic_a_tions were~p_r~esented: No. 6~1 - _Dep_a~ment of Munici_Ral Affairs - Restricted Area By-law 6652. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Nitchelson'and All. Morton that the communication be re- ceived and referred to the City Solicitor and the planning Director for considera- tion and a report. No. 6&2 - Board of TransRort Co,,,~ssioners - re Crossing of Highway No. 20. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, filed and the terms as suggested be accepted. No. 6A3 - D~.artment of Hig~hwa~y_s - Tentative Construction Programine on Nighways under Connect~n~ Link Agreements. ORDERED on the motion of All. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee, the City Manager and City Engineer. No. 6~A - Cyanamid of Canada - appreciation for assistance of City Departments in demonstrations re Fire Prevention Week. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. (The City Clerk advised that the Departments referred to are aware of this communication). No. 6A5 - Hollywood Drive-In Theatre - requesting return of sign. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Kei'ghan and All. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the City Engineering and Building Inspection Departments for a com- plete report. No. 6~6 - Town of TrentoJ - resolution re assistance in defraying Educational Costs. ORDERED on the motion of All. Keighan and Ald. Norton that the resolution be received and tabled, and referred to the Board of Education for Clarification of paragraph 3. No. 6~7 - Canadian Oil Company - proposed Gasoline Island Marketer. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. laid over fro. m the Rrevi. oue. meeting: No. 891 - City Engineer . placement of transformer station 0n Pew Street. SEE Report Number The followi~g_Report_s~ere presgnted: No. 892 - _Pr~y Committee - re Glenview Social Club. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted; it was understood that the Insurance Adjuster would be requested to subnUt an opinion. SEE Communication 606. No. 893 - Traffic Committee - re resolution from Township of Willoughby. ORDERED ON THE motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted, with the inclusion of the words "at the present time", after the words 'Traffic control lights" in the third line of the third paragraph. SEE Con~nunication 628 No. 89A - Traffic Committee - suggesting request for remova~ of parking meter be grunted~A~o~c~. ~RDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. ' McCallumthat the report be received and adopted. ~%E. Cgm~_Pnication 633. No. 895 - ~pp_c~l._~L%cenping Co~mmi~tee - recommendations in connection with Dog Control By-law. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communicatio~ 634~ ~EE_By-l~.Nu~__h~r ~6~2 No. 896 - Traffic Committee - report on meeting re School Crossing Guards. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be re- ceived and adopted. ~EE_._Co.n~__u~_i~ca~tiqn ~635~. No. 897 - PropertZ Committee - advising Agreement submitted by H.E.P.C. of Ontario not acceptable in present form. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted, and the Committee be authorized to negotiate with Hydro re location of proposed pole line and conditions to be incorporated in an agreement. SEE~Co~mm~un~c~ti0_n6~8_ No. 898 - ProRerty_Committee - recommendations in connection with request of Niagara Falls Hydro Commission to place transformer station on Pew Street between Brookfield Ave. and Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. _SEE Re~o~r__t Numbe_r_89~l No. 899 - Proper~_y Co__m~tee - report on petition of A. Kahlen and 1A others, re Stanley Garage and Auto Wreckers, Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of All. Mitchelson and Aid. Keighan that the petition be received and the petitioners advised concerning the contents of the Property Commtttee's report. SEE Petition No. No. 900 - Property Committee - recommendations re Eden Roc and A. & P. Store. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. Aid. Keighan advised that any such projects should be covered by a site plan agreement before any construction takes place. No. 901 - Ci~ Manager - recommending attendance of Assistant City Manager_ Administration, at Municipal Management Seminar in Toronto, Nov.15th. to 18th. ORDE~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. McCalltnnthatthe reportbe received and adopted. .IL. No. 902 - ~ Engineer - recommending acceptance of tender of Damore Bros. Ltd. for constructio~of ~e'~ermain on Dz--.mond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted. SEE Resolution No.12& No. 903 - City__Engineer - Minutes of Niagara Falls Functional Study Technical Committee M~eting held on Oct. 21st, 196&. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 90~ - Committee of Adjustment - results of hearing of two applications. ~olJak and' ~a~il~). ORD~ ~' the motion of Ald. Keighen and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 905 - Ci_t3 Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mo~t~n and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and licences issued according. No. 906 - City ___Ms~a_ger - report on Building permits issued during October, 196~ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. RESOLUTIONS ~Thp followi~jg Resolutions werej~assed: No. 12~ - SCOTT_- CORFIELD - RESOLVED that the tender of Damore Bros. Ltd. for the construction'~f storm sewermain on Drubrend Road from Dunn Street to 810 feet north, at a quotation of $6,653.25 be accepted end the work be proceeded with; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 125 - MCKINLEY - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls petition the Department of Nighways of the Province of Ontario for an interim grant under The Highway Improvement Act on expenditures made during the. period January let, 196~ to Sept-mber 3Oth, 196~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimouslye. No. 126 - MARTR~ - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into, execute a~d deliver, under the Corporate Seal of the'Municipality, an agreement between Amplitrol Electronics Limited, the Company, and the City of Niagara Falls, the City, providing for the installation of Alarm Receiving Equipment in Central PoLice Meadquarters and connections thereto, as referred to in the agreement; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unenimously~._ No. 127 - HARTIN - CO~FIELD - RESOLVED that whereas the Council of the City of Niagara Fails deem~ it expedient to apply for a loan under The Federal-Provincial Municipal ~brks Assistance Program as described in the Memorandum of the Ninister of Municipal Affairs, dated the ~th, day of November, 1963, in respect of the following project, namely, the road recunstruetion on Ellen Avenue from Ferry Street to Walnut Street, heroinafter referre~ to as "the project"; and whereas the project is, in the opinion of the Council a municipal project within the meaning of the Hinisterts Memorandum; and whereas the project would not, without the assistance under the program, have been included among the capital works projects to be undertaken within the calendar year or years. in respect of which applicatiion for assistance is made, and no other capital works project has, in consequence, been replaced or deferred until a later year; and whereas the prlJeet is one. to which the immediately. preceding paragraph applies in whole; and whereas the other requir~nents of the ~inisteres Homerendure have been complied with; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That application be made to the nAnlater of Municipal Affairs for a commitment for a loan in the amount of $51,733.33 to assist in the financing of the project under The Municipal ~orks Assistance Act, 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously 'i No. 128 - McCALLUM- McKINL~y - RF~SOLVED that whereas the Council of the City of Niagara~F~fl~'de~mS it expedient to apply for a loan under The Federal- Provincial-Municipal Works Assistance Program as described in the ~4emorand~m~ of the Minister of Municipal Affairs, dated the Ath day of November, 1963, in respect of the following project, namely, watermain construction on (i) Ferry Street to Centre Street, hereinafter referred to as "the project"; and whereas the project is, in the opinion of the Council a municipal project within the meaning of the Minister,s Memorandum; and wherea~ the project would not, without the assistance under the program, have been included among the capital works projects to be undertaken within the calendar year or years in respect of which application for assistance is made, and no ether capital works project has, in consequence, been replaced or deferred until a later year; and whereas the project is one to which the immediately preceding para- graph applies in whole; and whereas the other requirements of the Minister~s Memorandum have been complied with; Now Therefore Be It Resolved that application be made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for a commitment for a loan in the amount of $24,666.66 to assist in the financing of the project under The Municipal Works Assistance Act, 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 129 - MI~TCHE__LS~ON_- S~OTT - RESOLVED that in connection with the forth- coming Municipal Election, a radio broadcast be conducted on Wednesday night, December 2nd, end a public meeting be held on Friday, December ~th, 196&; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C_arr~i~e~d_ Un~'_~_ou~s_l~y. Laid over from a Rre~vi~ous mee~._in~ No. 6662 - A by-law for regulating and prohibiting dogs running at large, seizing ]mpouading and killing the same, and for imposing licence fees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law (as amended) be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - (As amended) -Ald. Mitchelson -Ald. Scott - Carried Unanimously. The following By-la_~ws~wer~e passeLi; No. 6683~- A by-law to establish a Fire Department. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallumthat Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law, as amended, be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - (As amended) -Ald. McCalltun& Ald. Mitchelson - Carrie~. Un~a~imously. ~o. 668~ - A by-law to provide for the sale of Lot 25, Plan 160, to Dominion Construction Co. (Niagara) n~m~ted. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Morton that Aid. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-lawand the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Ald, Corfield that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Cotfield - AId. Swayze -- Carried Unanimously. No. 6687 _- A by-law to authorize the execution of an aEreement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Crossroads Hotel Ltd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that Ald. Keighan be granted the provilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be t~mporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. The_~fo_l~_owing ~y:laws were presented~ No. 6686 - A by-law to authorize the construction of a storm sewer and sewer- mains to serve the MUrray Hill - Robinson St. Area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hitchelson and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. No. 668~ - A by-law to authorize the construction of a watermain in the Murray Hill-Robinson Street Area. ~RDEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. PETITIO~ Laid over from previous meeting: No. 3A - A. Kahlen and 1A others - petitioning for the removal of the Stanley Garage an~ Auto Wreckers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan that the petition be received and the petitioners advised concerning the contents of Property Co.~ittee Report Number 899. SEE Report No. 899.. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cot field · READ AND ADOPTED, ~th November, 19~. Mayor° F.IN_ANpE _MEETING Council Chamber, 2nd.November, 1964. The Finance Meeting was held on November 2nd, 196A, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter, Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $386,336.19 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with were ordered placed in the m~ney by-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze. The Statement of Revenues and Expenditures as of September 3Oth. 196A, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Mayor Miller that the statement be received and tabled for one week for the perusal of Council. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on the building permits issued for commercial buildings for the week ending October 3Oth was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on sign permits issued for the week ending October 3Oth, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley end Ald. Corfield that the report be received ;and filed. The report of the City Manager on the plans submitted by Mr. Frank Postl, for a building permit to construct a two-storey concrete building on the westerly side of Victoria Avenue, on the vacant lot between the Ritz Motel and the Canadian Corps building, at an estimated cost of $20,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and the plans be forwarded to the Building and Fire Inspection Departments for a report and recommendation. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McEinley and Ald. McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, 9th November, 1964. Chairman of Finance. .t COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 2rid November, 196~. The Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, November 2rid, 196~ for the purpose of passing the By-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. His Worship, May~r Miller presided. BY-lAW The following~By~-l_aw was.~assed: No. 6688 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallam. ~EAD AND ADOPTED, 9th November, 1964. Mayor. Council Chamber, 2nd, November, 196A. The Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular Council Meeting on ~bnday, November ~nd, 196A. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. ' Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Martin, READ AND ADOPTED, 9th November, 196~. SIXTY-SECOND MEETING Council Chamber, 9th November, 196A. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to Adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 9th, 196A, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen Potter, Martin and Keighan. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. McCalltun and AId.Morton. T~DERS Tenders h~ been called for the sale of the Main Street Fire Hall. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallumthat the Tenders be received, opened and tabulated. After the Tenders had bean opened it was further ordered on the motion of Ald, McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the two Tenders received from Messrs. Ford. and Maxim be referred to the Fire Committee for consideration and report. CO~4UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings.' No. 599 - Health Inspector - Reporting on condition of 1050 Ontario Avenue. SEE Con~nunication 6&8 SEE Conmunication 6~9 SEE Report Number 907 SEE Resolution No, 131 No. 630 - N.F. Jr. Chamber of Commerce- Holding Political rally on Dec. 2nd. SEE Report Number 4-7~ No. 6~5 - J. Stopka. - Remova~ of sign for Hollywood Drive-in Theatre. SEE Report Number 90_9_ No. 6~7 - Canadian Oil Company - Proposed Gasoline Island Marketer at 1772 Main St. SEE Report Number 910 The Following Conmmmications weri presented: No. 6~8 - Fire Inspector - reporting on premises at 1050 Ontario Ave. No. 6~9 - Assistant Building Inspector - reporting on premises at 1050 Ontario Ave. SEE Report Number 907 SEE Resolution No. 131 No. 650 - D~partment Municipal Affairs - Extension of Deadline for submission of applications for Centennial progrange. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and Mr. Huggins be requested to ask the Department if a letter submitted earlier in the year signifying Council's intention to file an application will suffice for the letter requested on or before March 31st, 1965. No. 651 - Planning Board" 'Amendment Application A-51, Stamford Green Investments ORDERED on t~e motion of Ald. Mitchelson an~ Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, filed, and Council recommend approval of the application. No. 652 - United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners - Protesting only local contractors called to bid on building of fire bnll. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Negotiations Committee for report, such report to advise of any difference existing between the Federal & provincial Work Acts as to Fair Wage and Hours of work, etc. No. 653 - Rich Hudson, Kappa Delta Hy-Y. - Appreciation to City Council for co-operation extended during Youth in Government week. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Scott that the conzmnication be received and filed. No. 65~ - Niagara Falls Civic Employees Union - Official Notification re: re-opening c! Contract Negotiat~- ORDEP~D on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Morton that the communication be received and referred to ~he Negotiations Committee. No. 655 - Diamond Jubilee Home & School - request for .Walk" and Don't Walk" lights at intersection Lundy's Lane and Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. McCallurn that the conmmnication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for report. NO. 656 - City of Chatham - Resolution re: extension of voting privileges for persons in nursing homes, etc. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Aid. Morton that the comunication be received and filed and Council endorse the resolution. No. 657 - Fire Inspector - reporting on premises at ?38 Eastwood Crescent. No. 658 - Assistant Building inspector - reporting on pr~m~se8 at 738 Eastwood Crescent. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. McCallurn that the reports be received and filed and Council authorize the necessary steps taken to have the conditions corrected. SEE Resolution No. 139~ No. 659 - France-America Stop Chute Ltd. - Demonstration of Safety device at Oneida Tower on Friday, Nov. 13th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid Scott that the eonmunication be received and filed and the report of the City Nanager in this connection be adopted. SEE Report Number 911~ No. 660 - ~een Street Restor. a.tion~Lo!tonitree - Reporting on programme for Queen street are~. ORDERED on the sotion of Aid. Swa~ze and AId. Morton that the Planning Board be requested to nll~w Mr. Dewson to prepare a report on parking as outlined in the oommanioation, and also, that the Architect be asked to meet with the Cit7 Nanager to discuss colour soheae, etc., rot painting of Queen S~ree~ Fire ~33. ~Po~ The follo~wi~_g~eports_ ~e_r_e_ presen~.~i~: No, 907 - pity_ Clerk - Reporting on unsatisfactory reports received from Officials re: 1050 Ontario Avenue, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted and Council authorize the carrying out of the usual procedures to have the conditions at these premises taken cure of. SEE Communications 599, 6~8 and 6~9 SF~ ResClution No.131 No. 908 - Are~_ Parks~ Rec_r_eation Commission - Political Rally of Junior Chamber and Council Election meetings, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the matter be referred back to the Committee for further consideration, with power to act. . ~S_EE_ _qo_n~.m3ic_~tion No. 63~ No. 909 - CityEaginee~r - Reporting on sign belonging to Hollywood nrive-I~ Theatre. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the report he received and filed. S~E_E ._Co~mm~n~ic_a_ti_0n' N.o. 645 No. 910 - Property Committ_e_e - reporting on request of Canadian Oil Company to inst~l 1 gasoline island marketer at 1772 Main Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Conmunication No.6&7 No. 911 - City Manager - reporting on request of France American Stop-Chute Ltd. to hold demonstration on Nov. 13th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 912 - City Manager - Applications for position of Clerk in Water Dept. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and ~dopted and Mr. Larry Pepper be appointed to the position. No. 913 - City Manager - appointment of Thomas ~ucicko as Senior Operator- Mechanic at 'Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McCallumand AId. Scott tha~ the report be received and adopted. No. ~1~ - Property Committee - reporting on request of ~rs. Johns to purchase brass pole at Main Street Fire Hall. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. NcC~]]um that the report be received and adopted. No. 915 - City Manager - Schedules for proposed lighting fixtures to be installed on Highway Number 20 and Highway Number 8. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 916 - City Clerk - List of ancollectible taxes to be struck from Roll. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted, and the Taxes on the list be struck from the Roll. No. 917 - Deputy City Clerk - Recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Scott that the report be received, adopted and licenoes issued. No. 918 - City Engineer - reporting on tenders received for supply and installation of heati~ units at various locations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Aid. HcKinley that the report be received, adopted and Tender awarded to Amadio~s Plumbing and ~eating. In connection with this matter, ~r. Eidt reported that another Tender had been r~ceived from ~ilson Plumbing & Heating, which although mailed on Oct. 30th had not been received at the City ~11 until Nov. kth, a~ter the date set for receipt of Tenders. This Tender had been included in the Tenders opened at this meeting for the pur~ae of the Main St. Fire ~all. However, this Tender was found to be higher than the Tender of Amadioes Plumbing & Heating, SEE Resolution No. 13~ I: No. 919 - pollution Control Plant - Operating data for month of October. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the report be received and filed. No. 920 - p~e__rty Committee - reporting on conditions at Konkos property - 2168- 218~ Stanley Avenue. QRDERED on the motion of Aid. Norton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition Number t4 pETITIaqS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 3~ - A. Kahlen and 1~ others - petitioning for the removal of Stanley Garage and Auto Wreckers. SEE Report No. 920 RESOLUTIONS The follow!n_E _Resolutions were passed: No. 130 - MCKINLEY - McCALLUM - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to forward the necesear~ communication by registered .~1 to the assessed owner of the property at 738 Eastwood Crescent, with instructions to have the condition thereon corrected in accordance with By-law Number 6AAO; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously_ SEE Report Numbers 657 and 768 No. 131 - ~0RTO~ - MITCHELSON - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to forward the"ne~essary comnunication by registered ,m~l to the assessed owner of the property at 1050 Ontario Avenue, with instructions to have the condition ~hereon corrected in accordance with By-law Number 6~/+O; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously SEE Co~mmications 599, 648 & 6~9 Report No. 907 No. 132 MORTO~ - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that a message of s~athy on behalf of' His Worship the Mayor and Memh_ers of Council, be forwarded to the family of the late Thomas J. KeiMhan, highly esteemed resident of the City of Niagara Falls, for many years; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 133 - McKINIEY - MORTC6 - RESOLVED that Aid. Cotfield be appointed Acting Chairman of Finance daring the absence'of Aided'man Martin;. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 13~ - COBFIELD - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the Tender for supply and installation of heating m~tis at various City buildings be awarded to Amadio's plumbing and Heating at the tandoted price of $1,A90.00; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously Alderman McKinley requested that the fencing at the Royal Manor Park be checked as there appeared to be some repairs needed. Alderman Corfield advised that he attended a meeting of the Greater Niagara Rescue Association, and stated that there seemed to be some minunder- standing between th[~ group and the Fire Department as to where their duties begin and end. It was suggested that a meeting should be held with the Fire Con~nittee, Fire Chief and representatives of the group to attempt to straighten out the situation. Alderman Corfield also reported that he had received a call from a resident of Mentress Road between the Chippaws Creed Road and the Welland River who stated that the street lighting was inadequate in this section. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the City Hydro be authorized to look into the situation here and if possible, have existing lights replaced by more powerful units to give better illumination. Alderman Corfield also referred to the fact that there were no sidewalks in this area and asked if the west side of the road could be graded to provide a footpath, for residents. The City Engineer advised he would look into this matter. Alderman McCalium referred to a complaint he had received about trailer transports using Frederica Street ~ust east of Dorchester Road for over-night parking. The City Engineer advised that he would look into this matter. In answer to a query from Ald. McKinley, the City Manager informed members of CoUncil of the work being undertaken at present at the Cemetery, near the intersection of Stanley Ave. and Morrison Street, where roadways are being constructed and planting areas located for the new section of the Cemetery which, of necessity, is being developed. His Worship Mayor Miller reminded members of Council of the Remembrance Day Service on November llth at the Cenotaph to be preceded by the dedication and unveiling ceremony at 10;~5 a.m. for the enlarged Cenotaph. BY-LAWS The follqwing By-laws were presented: No. 668~ - A By-law to amend By-law A929 (1953) in regard to service stations· ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that Ald. Morton be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallemthat Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton. READ ANDADOPTED, 16th November, 1964. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 9th November, 196~ The Finance Meeting was held on November 9th, 196~, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Alderman Potter, Keighan and Martin. Ald. Corfield, Acting Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $32A,755-19 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of His Worship Mayor M~ 11 er and Ald. Scott. The Statement of Revenues and Expenditures as of September 3Oth 196~ was again presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship Mayor Miller and Alderman Mitchelson that this item be tabled until the return of The Chairman of Finance, Alderman Martin. The repo~ of the City Manager on the application of Mr. N. Buzdygan to construct a motel on part Block B, Reg. Plan 223 on the south side of Lundy's Lane in front of the Westlane School, was presented for the information of Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on building per- mits issued for the week ending November 6th, 196~ for commercial buildings, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. The report of the Assistant ~,~]ding Inspector on sign permits issued for the week ending November 6th, 196A, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and His Worship Mayor Miller that the report be received and filed. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, 16th November, 1964. Finance · COUNCIL MEETING .C~uncil Chamber, 9th November, 196~. The Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Hoetinge ~n Monday, November 9th, 196~, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present with the exception of Aldermen Potter, Keighan and Martin. Hie Worship Mayor Miller, presided. 475 The follo~ingBy-l~aw was passed: No. 6690 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald. Cotfield be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. McCallum that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. At This point in the meeting, Mr. Elderkin of 2336 Taylor Street, was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. ~{itchelson and Ald. Morton. Mr. Elderkin advised that a fir~ had caused considerable dmmAge to his home, and he asked what steps he should take to either repair the building or to demolish it. The City Manager advised that there was a dispute between the Insurance Company and Mr. Elderkin regarding payments, and Mr. Elderkin was seeking an order from the City to tear the building down. Mr. Orr advised that the City would not step in to intervene in a private matter. In conclusion, Mr. Elderkin was asked to supply the n~r,e of his Insurance Company and Agent to the City Manager who ~ill take up the matter with the Company to determine if a solution can be reached. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. b~tchelson and Ald. Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, 16th November, 1964. Deputy Clerk Council Chamber, 9th November, 196~ The Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular Council Meeting on Monday, November 9th, 196~. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Aldermen Potter, Keighan and Martin. His Worship, Mayor MAiler, presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. MAtchelson and Ald. McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, 16th November, 1964. SIXTY-THIRD MEETING Council Chs~nber. 16th November, 196~. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday. November 16th 196A for the purpose of considering g~neral business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen Potter and Martin. The Council having received and read the minutes of the previous regular meeting adopted these on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield. COMMUNICATIONS hid over from pr~v~)~u~e_t~: No. 606 - Glenview Social Club - Damage to corner of Glenview Social Club. S__~_ Report Number 892 SEE Report Number 921 !h_e_ f~o. llowing communications were presented: No. 661 - NilEars Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce - Requesting attendance of Council an~'election c'~i]at'es at political Rally to be held at Collegiate Auditorium on Wednesday Dec. 2nd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that Mr. R. F. Twolan be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Twolan advised that the Junior Chamber wished to sponsor a ,Political Rally' on Dec. 2nd to be broadcast over the Radio Station and asked that Council members attend the Rally. He stated that the period from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. would be allocated for speeches for the various candidates such time to be divided equally among those candidates present. Following this. a question and answer period would be held. Mr. Twolan also stated that his group would provide a Chairman and set up the policy for the conducting of the meeting. Some discu:~ion then snarled pertaining to a previous resolution passed by Council providing for a public meeting to be held on Friday, Dec. ~th at the Valley Way School and a Radio Broadcast on Wednesday, Dec. 2rid. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that in view of the fact that Council wishes to hold a radio broadcast on Dec. 2rid, the same evening as the Junior Chamber meeting. that this be combined, and Council attend the Political Rally which is to be broadcast over the Radio; on the understanding that candidates are informed ahead of time how long they will be required to speak. This motion was lost with the following vote: NaMe: Aldermen Scott. McKinley, Mitchelson, McCallum Morton and Corfield. Aye: Aldermen Swayze and Keighan. An amendment to this motion by Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MoCallum ordered that Council carry on with the meeting and broadcast as originally approved, and that if members of Council wish to attend the Junior Chamber of Commerce Rally that they do so. This motion was carried with Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan voting contrary. A Further motion was then submitted by Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley which ordered that the invitation of the Junior Chamber of Connnerce to attend the Political Rally on Wednesday, Dec. 2rid be accepted and members of Council attend if possible. and that the original motion previously passed by Council setting up dates for a Radio broadcast on Wednesday. Dec. 2nd and a public meeting on Friday Dec. ~th. be amended to provide 'for a ~adio broadcast on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd. This motion was carried unanimously. No. 662 - 10th St. Cetharines Field Battery R.C.A. - requesting participation in Anniversary Book in connection with erection of Cenotaph. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton that the commnication be received and referred to the Acting Chairman of Finance and Nis WorshipMayorMillerwith power to act. No. 663 - Burlington Gazette - Ad in paper re: Burlington Municipal Building. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCellum that the comnunication be received and referred to the Acting Chairman of Finance and His Worship Mayor Miller with power to act. No. 66~ - J. Stopka - Return of NollM Drive-in Sign. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed. No. 665 - N~i~gar~ Dve~elopment Committee - Activities in 196A and orogramme for 196~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayze that'the communication be received and filed. No. 666 - Niagara Regipnal Development Assoc. Hembership fee and appointments ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed. and the matter of appointments for 1965 be referred to the 1965 Council. No. 667 - H~v~__ro ~s_~tF~c COmmission of Niagara Falls - Street Lighting Dorchester Road~ ORDERED on the motion of Aldo Mitchelson and Ald. ~Torton that the communication be received and recommendations as to street lighting on Dorchester Road be approved. No. 668-H_i~dro Electric Commi_ss~ion____o_f Niagara Falls - Street lighting - Highways 8 and 20, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Horton and Ald. Hitchelson that the communication be received and filed and a ~v-law be prepared to authorize a debenture issue of $1OO.000.00 to cover the estimated cost for lighting on No. 20 Highway project and that further arrangements be made to apply for a portion of this borrowing through the Municipal Works Assistance Programme. ' SEE Rpsolution No. 134 No. 669 - ~__.__Condirston - Tendering for new Fire Hall. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the negotiations Committee for consideration and report No. 670 - PlanninE~__Bo_a~r_d _ Official Plan. Twp. of Willoughby. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication b~eceived and filed and approval granted. SEE Byflaw N~mber 669A No. 671 - Bell Teleph_op~__Cppp~py - location of telephone plant on Highway #20. Lundy's Lane, Between Kalar Road and Garner Road. In This connection Mr. C.H. Eidt the City Engineer explained that the Hydro would place buried cable in this area, but would like the sanitary sewermains to go in first. such sewer- mains to be recommended to his Department for construction in 1965. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the con~unication be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee for report and the City Engineer to sit in with the Committee during discussions on this matter. REPORTS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 892 - Property Committee - damage to Glenview Social Club. SEE Communication 606 ~EE re~ort Number 921 The_f~ollowinlR~eports were p_r_esented: No. 921 - property Committee - recon~nending repairs for Social Club. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and tabled until such time as a report is received from the Adjuster. SEE Comnunication 606 SEE_Repor_t_Nnmber___8_9_2 No. 922 - City Manager - Receipt of Order from Board of Transport Commission re: Cotfield Road crossing. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Swayze that the report he-received and filed. No. 923 - City Manager - Erection of motel at corner of Centre St. & McGrail Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Aldo Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received ~and referred to the Property Cog{tree for consideration. No. 92& - Parks & Recreation Committee - Recommendation8 for alterations at Niagara Falls Arena, ORDERED on the motisn of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted but before work in connection to con~ 8truction of panels below seating in Arena is carried out, that estimates be obtained for Council's information. No. 925 - Pro~e~r_t] Committee - Properties at 232, 238 and 252 Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayse and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and properties offered for sale when appraisal has been received. No. 926 - pr~e~_,Con~nittee - Property at 559-563 Erie Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and the building be demolished and lot held by the City for the present. No. 9~7 - Prope~ Committee - Property at 2019 Buchanan Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received. adopted and the building be demolished and lot held by the City for the present. NC. 928 - P_r_opert3~ Committee - property at 327 Simcoe Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and an appraisal be obtained on the property. No. 929 - _Ci~ EnEineer - Minutes of Niagara Falls Functional Study Technical Committee Meeting of Oct. 21. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. No. 930 - Deputy ClePk - Recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted, and licences issued as reco~nended. PETITI0~ No. 35 - Mrs. D. R. Lindsley and 29 others - requesting school guard for children crossing highway at Dorchester Road at Dianne Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayze that the petition be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration. RESOLUTIONS No. lqA - McKINLET - CORFIELD - RESOLVED that whereas the Council of the City of Niagara Falls deems it expedient to apply for a loan under the Federal-Provincial- Municipal Works Assistance Program as described in the Memorandum of the Minister of Municipal Affairs, dated the ~th day of November, 1963 in respect of the following project, namely, to provide street lighting for Provincial Highway ~20 in the City of Niagara Falls, heroinafter referrodeo as "the Project"; AND WHEREAS the project is, in the opinion of the Council, a Municipal project within the meaning of the Minister's Memorandum; AND WHEREAS the project would not, without the assistance under the program have been included among the capital works projects to be undertaken within the calendar year or years in respect of which application for assistance is made, and no other capitalworks project has. in consequence been replaced or deferred until a later year; AND WHEREAS the project is one to which the immediately preceding paragraph applies in whole; AND~EREAS the other requirements of the Minister's Memorandum have been compli~ with; NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that application be made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for a co~m~ttment for a loan in the amount of $66,666.67 to assist in the financing of the project under the Municipal Works Assistance Act. 1963. Carried L~amim~usly SEE Co~unication 668 No. 135 - MITCHELSON - SWATZE - RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into and execute a sewer rental agreement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Julius Klein Construction Limited, providing for a commection on Waters Avenue; and the Seal of the corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously '~ of Finance during the ab'~nce of Alderman Martin; and the Seal of the Corporation be hera o arf ,d. "i i,1 Carried Unanimously MISCELI~NEOUS Alderman Sway~e advised that he had received a call from a '~r, Weib on Stanley Avenue south of Welland Iane Road, for more street lighting in this area. Following a query of Alderman ~cCall~m in respect to school crossing guards and their appointments to different locations. His ~-ship Mayor Miller advised that a joint meeting will be held with the Poli~ Commis- s'ion. Council. and the Beard of Education regarding this matter, Alderman McCallum referred to a meeting of the Clifton }{ill Business Association at which the possible construction of an underground walk for pedestrians- at Victoria Avenue and Clifton Hill. was considered. The Engineering Department will take this matter under advisement for a report in the future. Alderman Keighan queried the increase of the price of ice time for children from 25~ an hour to 35~ an hour, Mr, Orr advised that this was a fee charged by the Fanor Hockey Association which had been increased as the number of players decreased durinE the elimination period, and as soon as the ' schedule starts there will be no charge, His ~brship Mayor F. J. ~ller thanked members of Council who turned out for the Armistice Day Service on November llth, and for all those who participated in the Service. BY-LAWS Laid over from R~evious ~eeting: No. 6687- A By-law to authorize the construction of watermains on Robinson Street and Murray Street as extensions to the existing waterworks system in the Urban Service Area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallbun and Ald. Mitchelson that the By-law be given the third reading, and that the monies be received before proceeding with the work. This motion which required a vote of three-fourths of all the members of Council, was lost, with the following vote: Aye: Aldermen Swayze, Mitchelson, McKinley, Morton, McCallum, Corfield. Naye: Aldermen Scott and Eeighan. The followin~y-laws were p[esente~_ fqrc~cq~sider~%iR~:. No. 6691 - Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2530 (1960) of the Town- ship of Stamford- now in the City of Niegara Falls. as amended. (Pt.Twp. Lot 61 between Muggins & Colborne Streets) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-lawand the by-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. Following an explanation by the Assistant City Manager, Administrative, it was ordered by Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the by-law be tabled until such time as a site plan agreement and other provisions are taken care of. No. 6~92 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Damere Bros. Limited. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading -- Carried Unanimously. ORDEHE0 onethe motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be~temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Thir~ Reading - Aldo McKinley and Ald. Cotfield -- Carrxed Unanimously° No. 6693 - A By-law to authorize execution of a pipe crossing agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald. Keigghan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald, Morton and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 669A - To provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Official Plan. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. McKinley that Aid. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be ~iven the first reading. - Carried unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield -- Carried Una~mnusly. ~_o._669~ - To expropriate certain lands in the City of Niagara Falls ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Morton that Ald. Keighan be granted the provilege of introducing the by-lawand the by-law be given the first reading. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton - Carried Unan~mnusly. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd November, 196~. F A_NC,E_ Council Chamber 16th November. 1964. The Finance Meeting was held on November 16th. 19~A for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had keen previously certified and placed before them. All Members of Council were present.. with the exception of Aldermen Potter and Martin. Ald. Scott, Acting Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $557 708.72 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or othervAse dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to Council. on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield. The report of the Property Con~nittee on the application of F~, N. Buzdygan to construct a motel on part Block B, Reg. Plan 223 on the south , side of Lundyts Lane was presented, which recommended that the Board of Education be requested to indicate whether they are interested in purchasing the land, before a permit is issued by the Corporation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. A communication was received from the Yearbook Committee of A. N. Myer 'Secondary School requesting the City to place an Ad in the Book. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that the conmunication be received and referred to the acting Chairman of Finance and His Worship the Mayor and the City Manager, for consideration and ~th power to act, and to report back to Council as to what action is taken. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on building permits issued for the week ending November 13th. 196A for commercial buildings, was Presented, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Aldo McKinley that the report be received and filed, The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on building permits issued for the week ending November 13th 196A for commercial buildings. was presented, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Ald, McKinley that the report te received and filed, The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on sign permits issued for the week ending November l~th, 1964 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald, Mitchelson, READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd November, 1964. Acting Chairman or Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 16th November, 196A The Council assembled at the close of the regular Counciland Finance Meetings on Monday, November 16th, for the purpose of pas~ ng the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present with the exception of Aldermen Potter and Martin. His Worship Mayor Miller, presided. BY-lAW The following ~Ymlaw was pA~{ed: No. 6696 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducinE the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott-and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Corfield. READ AND ADOPTED, ~3rt November, 196~ e~tyzCler'q~_'~ ....... , .... CONFERI~CE Council Chamber, 16th November, 196A. The Conmittee assembled in Conference following the regular Council Meeting on Monday, November 16th, 196h. All Members of the Con~ttttee were present with the exception of Aldermen Potter andMartin. Hie Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented tO them, the Cpnference Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McC~llum. READ AND ADOPTED, a3rd November, 19~. ~IXTY-FOURT~MEETING Coxmoil Chamber. 23rd November, 196A. REGULAR MFETING Pursuant to adjournment Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday. November 23rd, 196A, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, ~th the exception of Aldermen Potter and Martin. The Council, having received and read the'minutes of the previous regular meeting adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott. TENDERS Tenders had been called for the following work: 1. Demolition of buildings at 2019 Buchanan Avenue and 559-~63 Erie Avenue. 2. Construction of Storm Sewermain on Murray Hill. 3. Construction of Sanitary Sewermain in Queen Victoria Park. h. Construction of Watermains on Robinson and Murray. 5. Construction of Watermain on Ferry St. and Victoria Avenue. 0n the motion of Alderman McKinley and Alderman Swayze it was ordered that the Tenders received, be opened, initialled by His Worship Mayor Miller, and tabulated. - COmmUNICATIONS Laid over from pf_evious meetingsJ No. 643 - D_ep_~_rtm_ep~ off High_w~ys - Construction programme on highways under Connecting Link Agreements. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Cotfield that the report of the Traffic Committee be received and adopted. SEE ,~epo, r~ Number 93~ No. 655 - Diamond Jubilee Home & School Assoc. - requesting installation of "Walk" and "Do~Y~Wak~,~ ¥~s ~t L~ndy~s Lane & Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report of the Traffic Committee be received and adopted. __SSS__R_eport__N.u~_b_e_r_ The following ~mmunications were presented: No. 672 - pepar~ment of Municipal ~fair~s - Centennial Grants Program. and advice that applications with necessary material must be submitted by August 5th, 1965. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Centennial Project Committee. No. 673 - George Bukator. M.P.P. receipt of City letter & enclosed Chatham resolution re: voting privileges for persons confined to hospital. etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed. No. 67h - Queen Street Restoration Committee - Meeting on Nov. 2hth. 196A. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and Council note the date and time of the meeting. No. 675 - Planning Board - Amendment Application A-113. Climenhage. Caledonia St. ORDERED on the mo~'~on of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the co~nunication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration. No. 676 - Planning Board - Amendment Application A-11h. Lindstrom. Dorchester ~d. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration. No. 677 - CoMity Pl.anning Association of Canada - Joint ASPO-OPAC conference in April 2~ - 29, 196~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Sw~vze that the communication be received and referred to the 1965 Council for Consideration. No. 678 - Downtown Businessmen's Assoc. request for free parking meters for period Dec. 18,19,21,22,23,2~ . ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the conuuunication be received and filed and permission be granted to the request of the Downtown Businessmerits Assoc.. and conununications be sent to the other area Associations to determine if they wish to have the same privilege in respect to their areas. In connection with this matter, Ald. McKinley stated that steps should be taken to see that the free parking spaces are net used by employees of the stores as had been done in the previous year. No. 679 - Y's Men's Club - Requesting to sell Christmas Trees at Harrison's Dry Cleaners at 176h Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and the request granted on the understanding that all regulations are complied with. No. 680 - Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario Easement covering re- location of drainage ditch on Hydro lands between Kalar Road & Ulster Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Cotfield that the conmunication be received and filed and the necessary by-law be prepared to authorize the execution of the agreement and the consideration of $50.00 be approved for remittance. No. 681 - Greater Niagara District Safety Rescue Assco. requesting for represents- tive from Fire Committee appointed to Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCalltun and Ald. Morton that the conn~unication be received and referred to the 1965 Council for consideration. No. 682 - _Department of Education - Departmentts position respecting school safety patrols and appointing crossing guards. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the joint meeting of Councils the School Boards and the Police Conun~ssion. REPORTS SEE _Re_port Number 93~ hid over from a previous meeting: No. 923 - Ci_~y~ager - reporting on application of Henry Muller and Vincent doLorcrime for a permit to erect a motel at the comer of Centre Street & McGrail Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted. SEE Report Number The ~ollowinE Reports were presented: No. 931 - T__raffic Committee - Construction program on highways under connecting link agreements. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report of the Traffic Committee be received and adopted and this matter be referred to the 1965 Council for consideration. SEE Communication 6h3 No. 932 - Traffic Committee - reporting on request of Diamond Jubilee Home & School Association re: "WAR" lights at intersection of Dorchester Road & hmdy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton an~ Ald. Scott that the report of the Committee be received and adopted and the matter be referred to the 196~ Traffic Committee for consideration. SEE Communication 655 No. 933 - P__roperty Committee - application of Messrs. Mullor and deLorenzo to construct motel at comer of Centre Street'& MeGrail Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayme that the report be received and adopted and By-law 51h9 be amended to permit the erection of the motel. In respect to this matter Alderman ~eighan pointed ou~ that the matter of t~e closing of the laneway would be included in a further report from the Co.,.~ttee. SEE Report Number 923~ No. 93A - T_r_~f_f_!q C9_.m~i_'_tt~e - reporting on petition received from ;~'s. D. Lindsley for school guam for children crossing Dorchester ~. at Dianne Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted, and this matter be considered at the joint meeting of the Police Commission, School Boards and City Council. SEE Petition N~nber 3~ No. 935 - Tr__a_f_f~c _Co._n~i_'~t~ee _ reporting on communication from Department of Education re: school safety patrols and school crossing guards. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed and the matter be referred to the joint meeting of the Police C~mmission, Boards of Education and Council. SF Communication 682 No. 936 - Traffic Committee - reporting on parking in the vicinity of schools in the old 'p~rtY~n~'~ity. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swavze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adented and the matter be' discussed with the Board of Edncation and the Separate~ School Board. No. 937 - ~e_~gotiations Committee - grievance filed by employees at the Filtration'Pl~°.~'O~n~he motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and filed. No. 938 - Negotiations Committee - Separation pay of ~. James ~allov ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallam and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and filed. No. 9~9 - Special Fire Committee - requesting authority to call for tenders for new fire h~l~'~ '~o~'~st~ Road. Some ~iscussion' took place in respect to the fact that it had been the intention of the Committee that local contractors be given the work, and also the fact that two letters had been received by Council, criticizing the decision to call for local tenders only.-- (such letters having been referred to the Committee for report). It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McCalltun, seconded by Ald. Corfield that the re- port be received and adopted. This motion was lost with Aldermen Swayze. Scott Keighan, McKinley, Mitchelson, Morton and Cotfield voting contrary. An amendment to the motion by Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan ordered that the report be received and adopted with an amendment in the last paragraph to provide that tneders be called "on an open basis". This amendment was carried with Ald. McCallumvoting contrary. No. 9he - ~ui~__ent Committee - Maintenance contract for elevator & dumb waiter at Poll~'f6n'~ir~i'Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the rppcrt be received and adopted and the City do not enter into a contract for this service. No. 9hl - C__it~__En. gineer - Minutes of N.F. Functional Study Technical Committee Meeting on Nov. 18th.. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 9~2_D_~uty_Ci_t_X~r~ _ recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received. adopted and licences issued as recommended. No. 9h3 - Deputy Cit_~y. Clerk - Confirmation from Radio Station CJRN concerning broadcast to b~'~ld~'E'~ember let. 196h. emanating from the Council Chambers commencing at 8:00 p.m. During discussion of this matter it was indicated that copies of the report would be prepared for the candidates, to be dis- tributed on N~mination evening. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. SCott, that the report be received and filed. No. 9hh- Assistant C~i, ty~_~_~n~ger~_~p__mi~_+.stJ_a_ti_v~, - Municipal Works Assistance Program set ~ by Federal and Provincial Governments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. RESOLUTIONS No. 137 - Mc__K~IN__L~3'__-_~P_RT_-~. ' RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be held on Friday, November 27th at 4:30 p.m.: and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl~y: No. 138 - SWAYZE - MORTO~ - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His W~rship the Mayor and Members of the Municipal Council be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. Norman Laur, a highly respected resident of this comity for a great number of years; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried 6nanimously No. 139 - Mc~I/JLE% - CORFIELD - RESOLVED that whereas the Council of the City of Niagara Falls deems it expedient to ap~ly for a loan under the Federal- provincial-Municipal Works Assistance Program as described in the Memorandum of the Minister of Municipal Affairs. dated the &th day of November, 1963, in respect of the following project namely: Construction of sanitary sewermains in Queen Victoria Park from 300 feet south of Murray Street to Clifton Hill and construction of a concrete storm sewer on Murray Hill from a point 370 feet east of Buchanan Avenue to the H.E.P.C. surge tank No.2, heroinafter referred to as "the Project"; AND WHEREAS the project is, in the opinion of the Council, a municipal project ~ithin the meaning of the Minister's Memorandum; AND WHEREAS the project would not without the assistance under the program, have been included among the capital works projects to be undertaken within the calendar year or years in respect of which application for assistance is made, and no other capital works project has, in consequence, been replaced or deferred until a later year: AND WHEREAS the project is one to which the inmediately pre- ceding paragraph applies in whole; AND WHEREAS the other requirements of the Minister's Memorandum have been complied with; NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that application be made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for a comm4tment for a loan in the amount of $89.860.00 to assist in the financing of the project under the Municipal Works Assistance Act, 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unan4mously No. 140 - CORFIELD - SCOTT - RESOLVED that whereas the Council of the City of Niagara Falls deems it expedient to apply for a loan.,under the Federal-Provincial Municipal Works Assistance Program as described in the Memorandum of the Minister of Municipal Affairs dated the 4th day of November, 1963, in respect of the following project, namely: Construction of watermains on Robinson Street and Murray Street, heroinafter referred to as "the project"; AND WHE[~S the project is, in the opinion of the Council a municipal project within the meaning of the Minister's Memorandum; AND WHEREAS the project (or part of it) would not, withouL the assistance under the program, have been included among the capital works projects to be undertaken within the calendar year or years in respect of which application for assistance is made, and no other capital works project has, in consequence, been replaced or deferred until a later year; AND WHEREAS the project is one to which the imediately preceding paragraph applies in whole; AND WHEREAS T~EREFOEE be it resolved that application be made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for a commitment for a loan in the amount of $19,816.67 to assist in the financing of the project under the Municipal Works Assistance Act, 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be herato affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 141 - MITCHELSON - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED ~L~T Alderman McCallum be appointed Acting Chairman of Finance during the absence of Alderman Mar~in; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 142 - McCALLUM - MITCHEI~0N - RESOLVED that the Tender for the construction of Watermain on Ferry Street and Victoria Avenue be awarded to Mien Construction Company at the tendered price of $9,529.20; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. This motion was carriedwith Aid. Morton voting contrary. SEE "Tenders" - A~J. Meeting. No. 143 - SCOIT - CORFIELD - RESOLVED thac the Tender of De-,no,.~ Bros. ie azecobed for the construction of the ~tennain on Robinson and .~'lr~mj, r "'treet.t at the tendered price of $14,737.50; and the Seal of the Corporation be ,heroic affi:.ed. Carried Unanim,?:lsLV ~.~Ef'~n~ers" -, Ad.j .Meeti_qg No. 144 - SC(71T - SWAYZE - ESOLX~D that the Tender For the de,?~ R~c.n .~e Buchanan Avenue be a~rded to W. Fehr at the tendered nr!ce ~;f ~250.0~: and Tender for the demolition of 559-563 Erie Avenue be awhrded to Un~u ~¢~]iti. n at the price of $1,270.00; and the Seal of the Cor~o~tion be hereto affixed. Carried Unan imous!-I EE Ael~clel An r + ___ _ 's - O. 4ee ~ lng MISCELIANEOUS Alderman Swayze advised of a complaint he had received concernin~ narkin[~ on Murray Street and Drummond Road in the vicinity of the Planning Boa~ldl which apparently was hazardous. Alderman Cotfield stated that he had receive<~ a request from a Woodbine area resident asking for better street lighting in this area. It was suggested that this matter be referred to the Connnittee for consideration. PETITIONS Iaid over from previous meeting: No. 35 - Mrs. D. R. Lindsley and 29 others - requesting crossing guard for children crossing Dorchester Road at Dianne Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. g~yze and Ald. Corfield that the report of the Traffic Committee in this connection be received and adopted. SEE Report Number BY-IAWS Laid over from previous meeting: N~o. 6648 - To authorize the extension of the sewage works in the Urban Service Area of the City of Niagara Falls. Third Reading - Aid. McCallum and Aid. Morton - Carried Unanimously. The following By-laws were presented: N~o. 66~y - A By-law to authorize the construction of extensions and improvements to the street lighting system of the City. ORIJRED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Corfield that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Kei~mn and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. N~o. 66~8 . A By-law to amend By-law 4929 (1953) as amended in regard to service stations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. McKinley that AId. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by- law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORdErED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Swayze that RUle 36 (2) or the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. By-law to authorize the execution of a Deed. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 4Ss ' ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOPTED, 27th November, 1964 Mayor FINANCE ~','ING Council Chamber, November 23rd, 196~, The Finance Meeting was held on November 23rd, 1964, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Martin and Alderman Potter. Ald. McCallum, Acting Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the ~mount of $353,130.37 w~re approvedby the Ccemittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the money by-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Alderman McKinley and Alderman Mitchelson. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on building permits issued for the week ending November 20th, 1964 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Corfield and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan. BEAD AND ADOPTED, 27th November, 196~. ,~ ~hairman o ce c! cz2r:_z Tr,c, Cc ulci] Chamber~ 23rd rle,.,ex~ber, lo64. The Council assembled at the close of the :.eg~2ar Co.~mi] and F:na::se ~etings on Nonday, November 23rd, !96h~ for bhe ~mr'~s,, C :~ss:nC ::',e which covered the accom~ts approve~ by the Co~r~i~cee. A~2 L:embers were with the exception of AlOemen Potter and Ma~in. His Worshio ~,~ayor Mi!ler presided. BY-L~,W The following By-law was passed~: No. 6700 - A By-law to provide monies for geoeral p~u'poses. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchel?-n a!ld Aid. Ccrfield that Aid. McCalltun be granted the privilege of introduaing the by-law and the by-law be , given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion cf Aid. McCallurn and Aid. 2wayze that Rule 36 C:') of the Standing Rules of Council be temoorarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - CarOied Unanimousky. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. Council recessed at approximately 9:3© p.m. to await the tabulation summaries of the various tenders opened earlier. TENDERS At approximately 10:00 p.m, Council re-convened to consider the tab:fiasion summaries compiled by the Engineering Dep~rtment of the various tenders receil/ed and the following action was taken: 1. Sanitary Sewermain in Queen Victoria Park. ORDERED on the motLon or AId. McCallurn and Ald. Keighan that th?ff,,~aY'~'[I[g~f this Tender be tabled until the meeting scheduled for Friday afternoon in order that the Engineer may determine if adequate letters of qualification have been received, and also t~ check with the Village of Chippawa on the quality of work perfsrmed by the lowest bidder. Mabco Construction. This motion was carried with Ald. Morton voting contrary. 2. Storm Sewermain on Murray Hill. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McCall,~ and Ald. Scott that the awarding of this Tender be tabled ./ntil the meeting scheduled for Friday al~ernoon to allow for checking of the low tender as submitted by the Mabeo Construction. This motion was carried with Ald. Morton voting contra~V. 3. Watermain on Ferry Street and Victoria Avenne. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the Tender for the cons6ruction of this work be awarded to Pilen Cons~ruction Ccmpany. This motion was carried wl~h Ald. Morton voting contrary. SEE Resolution No. 142 h. Watermains on Robinson and Murray. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Scott and Ald. Cotfield that the Tender of Demote Bros. be accepted for this work. SEE Resolution No. 143 5. Demolition of 2109 Buchanan Avenue and 559-563 Erie Avenue. A motion sub- mittedbyAld. Mitehelson and Ald. McKinley ordered that the low tender for the two Jobs as submitted by Unreu Demolition be accepted. This motion was lost with the following vo~e: Aye: Mitchelson, McKinley, McCallum and Morton. Naye: 8wa~ze, Scott, Keighan, Corfield, Mayor Miller. An amendment to the motion by Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze ordered that the Tender for the demolition of 2019 Buchanan Avenue be awarded to W. Fehr at the tendered price of $250.00, and the Tender for the demolition of 559.563 Erie Avenue be awarded to Unreu Demolition at the tendered price of $1,270.00. This motion was carried Unanimously. SEE Resolution No. 1.44 At this point in the meeting, His Worship Mayor Miller advised of an invitation received from Zone 3 of the Niagara Regional Development Association for all members of Council and their wives to attend the Christmas dinner meeting to be held on December 3rd, 196h at 6:00 p.m., Barclay Hotel, Welland. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCalltun and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and as many members of Council as find it possible, attend. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Ald. Corfield. READ AND ADOPTED, 27th November, 1964. Council Chamber, 2Srd November, 1964. The Committee assembled in Conference following the regular Council Meeting on Monday, November 23rd, 196h. All Members of the C(munittee were present, with the exception of Aldermen Potter and Mar~in. His Worship, Mayor Miller pre- sided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented t6 them, the Conference Committee adjourned on the motion of Alderman MoCallum and Alderman Morton. BEAD AND ADOPTED, Deputy-Clerk t SIXTY-FIFI~{ ~ETING 2'/:.h November, Pursuant to adjournment. Council met at 4:3,9 :,.m. ~n Fri,}ay, H!-.'enbc!r pvth' 1964, for the purpose of censiaering genera] business and finance. A]] Members of Council were present, with the exception nf A]8e~en Ootter. NarLin and Mi~ch- elson~e Co~cil, having ~ceived and read the minutes of =jm m'ev!ous regular meeti~, adopted these on the motion of AId. Cotfield aad Aid. Scct~. C~{CATIONS hid over fr~ p~vious meetings! No. 67~ - Pleing B~rd - ~en~ent Application A-1!3~ Ctimenhage, Caleaonia St. O~D on the motion of AId. Moron and Ald. McCall~ t~t ~he report oe the Pro~y C~ittee be received and adopted. ' No. 676 - Pla~ing B~rd - ~en~ent Application A-]I~, Lindstrom, Dorchester Rd. ORD~D on the motion of Ald. Moron and Ald. Corfield that the reDcr~ of the Pro~Ey C~ittee be received and adopted. SE Report N~ber 946 ~e foll~ing CoE~ications were presented: No. 683 - ~bco Constmction Co. Ltd. - Contracts for Sanita~ ~wers, ~een Victoria ~rk, Murmy Hill to Se~ge ~nk. ORDEED on the motion off AId. Corfield and Ald. Sc~t that Mr. M. Hendrichs, the ~nager of ~hbco Constrnctton Co. be gmnted ~mtsston to add~ss Co~cil. Mr. Hendrichs advised that his Fi~. aurded the tenders for this work, would follow any method that the City Engineer su~ested in car~ing out the work, and that his Fim wished to de a good job. He also stated that he had brou~t with him letters of reco~endation from R. B. E~tn, 0~, and from Proctor & Re&ern. In concluding his ~msrks he stated that their equi~ent was rea~ to sta~ work st any time and that his Flm would bc able to c~plete the work in the t~e s~cified by the Engineer. 'fine City Manager advised that a letter of reco~en~tion on behalf of the Mabco C~ny woul~ be forthc~ing from the Bridge C~ission. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Scott that the Tenders for the constmction of sanitary sewemains within ~een Victoria ~rk from Clifton Hill to Murmy Street and for the construction of' a Proposed sewemtn on Murray Steer from the H.E.P.C. surge tank to 370 feet east of Bucknan Avenue be awarded to ~bco Construction Co. Ltd. as the lowest tenderer at the tendered prices of $29,6~.~5 and $19,9B7.05 res~ctive~. ~is motion us carried with Ald. Moron and Ald. Corfleld voting contrary. SEE Resolution No. 11;9 SEE Report Number 9117 No. 684 - Planning Board - Copies of Official Plan as adopted by Counci] on Oct. 19th, 1964. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed. No. 685 - Visitor & Convention Bureau - Use of 0akes Park for motorcycle race in connection with Winter Festival in 1965, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCall~n and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Arena, Parks & Recreation Committee for consideration. No. 686 . Marion J. Hudson - protesting possible sale of laneway at rear of MeGrail Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that this matter be referred to the Property Committee for considel~tion with the Muller- DeLorenzo Motel application matter. No. 687 - Brotherhood of Anglican Churches - re,test to sell Christmas trees on Church property at the comer of Ross Street north of Robinson Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and permission granted on the understanding that the appropriate regu- lations are complied with. No. 688 - St. Joseph's C.P.T.A. - Supporting maintenance of adult guards at school erossings. ORDEP~ED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Swayze that the ccf~nunication be received and referred to the joint meeting of the Police Com- mission, Boalxl of Education and Council. No. 689 - Assco. of Oat. Mayors & Reeves - ~11 Telephone Rearing and presenting case for the public against possible rate increases. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the cc~nuntcation from the Association be received and they be advised that Council approves of their action as taken. No. 690 - Twp. of %~norold - Resolution pertaining to amendment to Traffic Act concerning school buses and vehicles overtaking same. ORj)ERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and filed and Council endorse the resolution of i'norold To~raship, and Mat B~tor, M.P.P. be informed of Council's action. No. 691 - Town of Thorold - Resolution pertaining to amendment to Highway Traffic Act in respect to school buses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the con~nunication be received ~d filed and Council endorse the resolu- tion of the Town of Thorold and Mr. Bukatgr, M.P.P. be informed of Council's action. No. 692 - McBurney, McBurney & Durdan - Restricted Area By-law 6652 (McInnes). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed and the recommendations as to rescinding of stop work order and repealing of the By-law be approved. SEE By-law No. 6704 At this point in the meeting, the Members and Officials of the Board of Education arrived at the meeting in connection with the two comsnunications of the Board, listed heraunder. Mr. R. A. McLeod, Director of Education and Mr. F. Rutland, Chairman of the Board, answered several queries relating to the two projects, as directedby members of Council. No. 693 - Board of Education - requesting final approval of debenture issue of $240,000. in respect to an addition to Maple Street Public School. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed. SEE Resolution 147 SEEBy-law No. 6702 No. 694 - Board of Education - requesting final approval of debenture issue of $318,728.00 in respect to an addition to Stamford Collegiate Vocational Institute. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be re- ceived and filed. SEE Resolution 148 SEE By-law No. 6703 The following Reports were presented: No. 945 - Property Cc~nnittee - Planning Board & Amendment Application A-113, Climenhage. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mdi"ton and Ald. McCallurn that the repor~ be received and adopted. SEE Communication 675_ No. 946 - Property Committee - Planning Board&Amendment Application A-114, Lindstrom. OI~]~RED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted, ~.,,R C~,--iunication 676 No. 947 - City Engineer - Tenders for storm and sanitary sewermains and Mabco Construction Co. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald, Keighan and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed and the Tenders for the construction of sanitary sewermains within Queen Victoria Park and on Murray Street be awarded to Mabco Construction Co, This motion was carried with Ald, Mor~on and Ald, norfield voting contrary, s~.' Resolution 149 SEE Communication 683 No. 948 - City Manager - Meeting w~th It~dz'o side of centre li~ transmissic~ liDe OR~ a.~:d and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adonted. ~-~f A]d. C~u'ff'chl No. 949 - ~o~Ry C~ittee . Exprooriation :~eO~rt n F['ghva.: Tic. 9~. ORDE~ ' on the mot~ff~Y~S~j[~ and A ~d adopted, and ~. ~ckenzie be authorized ~o pr:.ceed wlta i'ur~hc:- arrande'.ncnts on this mtter. :"EE *'~ccZu',ff-n rio. No.9~O - City Manager - ~eeting of Chris%mas Party Ccmm!~bee, ORDEP~'~ c:' motion of Ald. M~inley and AId. Corffield that thZ report be received and No. 951 - Asst. City Mgr., A~inistraticn _/-d"~s~n- . ~ ~ce~ if- ~ ~ ,, ~ in connect~K ~iFfi'Vg[~]Z~'KiZ~ ' ' ' ~ ............. · .....c:'aet- Yh~rjld .ltcne R~ ad an;; - e ;~arn~r ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scot~ that the reprn-a be and adopted. No. 952 - Deputy City Clerk - Recommending issuance c'F ]iceLC~s. motion Of Xld. McK~Ye~ Ald. Swayze that the report be reZeive~ [dc~[,t[X the and licenoes issued. - ~'ITIONS No. 36 - Roy Kennedy and eight~othir_~ _ reqaesting the eo:~stnL:ti~:~ cf a so. ~m_,n on Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of A!d. jwayze and AJ~. Coc~icht that the petition be received and referred to Lhe ]96~ Council for conside~a~ic:h RESOLUrlONS No. 145 - SC(TIT - MOETON - RESOLVED that Alderman Swajze be appointed Actisg Chalnr~n of Finance in the absence of Alde~an Martin. C~Ericd _UrA~r!i~:~{~ ] y No. 146 - M~ - ~AY~ - ESOLVED that the Expreoriation Appl~isa] Re:K. rb prepared by J. D. H. ~.Mc~'~zie of D. C. E]s]ey Limlte~l ~n ~soect t~ the f~naU section of pro~ies required for road widening on bmdy's hme, t ,~et~cr v[tn the lands requi~d iD connection with the drainage 0reject to sew[c~ L,m~y's hne, be accepted; T~T the City Solicitor be lastrutted t~ prorare the ~eces.mry Release Foms on the basis of the Appraisal Report made by Hr. M~ckenzie: T~MT the City T~asu~r be authorized to prepare cheques tz, the o;mers o~' m-o~,~'~,y involved to an aggregate amour of $27,331.O0 for the lands required ~! ng Lmdy's Mne and an aggregate amount of $5,972.~ for the lands requi~Bd in c~,nnection with the drainage ditch; ~T Mr. J. D. H. Mackenzie o~ D. C. Els]ey Limited be authorized to rake offers in accordnee with the recc~nended settlements ~on- tained in the Repo~ for the various properties and that he be appointed the City's representative to, in conj~met[on with the City Solloiter and the City Treas~r, finalize all transactions with reference to the recon~ended settlements] and the Seal of the Corporation be he~to affixed. Carried Unantmousjy No. 147 . SWAYZE - McCALLUM - RESOLVED that whereas the Council of the City of Niagara Palls deems it expedient to apply for a loan under the Fedex~l-Provincia]- Municipal Works Assistance Program as described in the Memorandum of the Minister of Municipal Affairs, dated the 4th day of November, 1963, in respect of the follow- ing Project, name]~y: Maple Street hblic Sd~ool Addition, heroinafter rafterred to as "the project"; AND 'WHEREAS the project is, in the opinion of the Council, a municipal project within the meaning of the Minister's Memo~nnd;~n; AND W]FgRFAS ~e Project would not, without the assistance under the programme have been included among the capital works projects to be undertaken within the calendar year er years in respect of which application for assistance is made, and so other capital works pro~ect, has, in consequence, been replaced or deferred until a later year; AND WHERFAS the project is one to ~ich the immediately preceding paragraph applies in whole; ~ WBERFAS the other requirements of the Minister's Memorandum have been complied with; N0W ~{ERE~)RE be it resolved that application be made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for a commitment for a loan in the amount of $145,562.00 to assist in the financing of the project under the Mu~icipal Works Assistance Ant, 1963. Carried Unanimousl~ 4q4. No. 148 - MCKINLEY - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that whereas the Council of the City of Niagara Falls deems it expedient to apply for a loan under the Federal-Provincial Municipal Works Assistance Program as described in the Memorandum of the Min- ister of Municipal Affairs, dated the 4th day of November, 1963, in respect of the following project, namely; Stamford Collegiate Vocational Institute Addition, heroinafter referred to as "the project"; AND WHENEAS the project is, in the opinion of the Council, a municipal project within the meaning of the Minister's Memorandum; AND WHEreAS the project would not, without the assis- tance under the programs have been included among the capital works projects to be undertaken within the calendar year or years in respect of which applic- ation for assistance is made, and no other capital works project has, in consequence, been replaced or deferred until a later year; ~ WHEREAS the project is one to which the immediately preceding paragraph applies in whole; AND WHEREAS the other requirements of the Minister' s Memorandum have been com- plied with; N(N THEREFORE be it resolved that application be made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for a cnmmittment for a 1can in the amount of $186,106.00 to assist in the f4n-ncing of the project under the Municipal Works Assistance Act, 1963. SEE By-law No. 6703 No. 149 - KEIGNAN - SCOTT - EESOLVED that the Tenders for the construction of sanitary sewermains within Queen Victoria Park from Clifton Bill to Murray Street and for the construction of a proposed sewermain on Murray Street from the B.E.P.C. surge tank to 370 feet east of Buchanan Avenue be awarded to Mebco Construction Co. Ltd. as the lowest tenderer at the tendared prices of $29,688.25 and $19,937.0~ respectively. Alderre-- Morton and Alderman Cotfield voted con- trary. SEE Caunination 683 SEE Report Number 947 The following By-laws were p~esent_e.d.: No. 6702 - To approve an application from the Niagara Falls District Bnard of Education. ORBitED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Corfield that AId. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. McCallurn that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tandang Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6703 - To approve an application from the Niagara Falls District Board of Education. ORTmRED on the motion of Aid. 'Scott and Aid. Morton that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. OREBleED on the motion of Ald. 8wa~,-e and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Aid. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. No. 670~ - To repeal By=law Number 6652. 0]~8~ED an the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. CoTfield that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing ~he by, law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0RES~D on the motion of AId. Kel~han and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tandin~ Rules of Council'be t.emporarlly suspended and the b~-law be given the second reading. J CarOled Unanimously. Thin% Reading - AId. 'Morton and AId. 8wl.vae - .Carried Unanimously. No. 6TO~ - To authorize the execution of a grant of easement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Keighsn be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield . Carried Unanimously. No. 6706 - To authorize the execution of a Quit Claim Deed. OREERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley snd Ald. Morton that Ald. Kelghan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that Rule 3g (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott - Carried ~nanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. MoCallum. Mayor FINANCE ME~'A'ING Council Chamber, 27th Nowember, 1964. The finance Meeting was held on November 27th, 196~, for the purpose of aPproving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously cer- tified and placed before them. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aidemen Potter, Martin and Mitchelson. Ald. Swayze, Acting Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $86,742.30 were approved by the Co~nittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered Placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. McCaLlurn. The Cceeaunication of Mr. Dawson N. Benson to purchase a lot owned by the City at R092 Carman Street, known as Lot 14, Plan 111, was considered by the Com- mittee. OR~ ou the motion of Aid. McCallum and Ald. Scott that the communi- cation be received and referred to the Arena, Parks & Recreation Committee for considera~ion and report. The City Nanager's report on the application of Linnenbank's Leather Goods for an addition to their premises on the west side of Victoria Avenue between Maple Street and Bridge Street was submitted for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. McCallum that the report ~e received and referred to the Property C~m~tttee for consideration. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on building permits issued for the week ending November 27th, 19~for commercial buildings, was pre- sented. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Mor~on that the report be received and filed. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McCall~mand Ald. Scott. AND ADOPTED, 8th December, 1964. CO~NCILME~TING Council Chamber, 27th November, 1964. The Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Friday, November 27th, 196~, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the C,~.~Attee. All )(embers were present with the exception of Aldermen Potter, }(artin and Mitchelson. His Worship Mayor Miller, presided. BY-IAW The follow~-_~ B~-lev was lxxssed: NO. 6707 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. C~I~RED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. McCall~m that Ald. ~wayse be glinted the privilege of lntr0ducin~.~he by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ON~F~D on the motion of Ald. ~ayte end AId. ~o~on that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tmaporarlly suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Beading - AId. Cotfield and Aid. Ms~allma - Carried Unanimously. ~At this point, AId. Ktt.ohelson arrived at the acering, at approximatelY 6:1~ p.m. I The following By-laws we~rp_pa~s~d: No. 65j~ - A By-law to authorize the construction of watermains as an extension to the existing Waterworks System. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. No. 6678 - To authorize the construction of a watermain ou Ferry Street from Stanley Avenue to Victoria Avenue and on Victoria Avenue from Ferry Street to Centre Street as an extension to the existing waterworks system in the Urban Service Area. Third Reading ,Ald. Scott and Ald. McKinley _ Carried ~nanimously. No. 6701 - To authorize the construction of storm sewermains as extensions to the sewage works in the Urban Service Area of the City of Niagara Falls and the installation of automatic traffic control signals in connec- - tion with the widening of Highway No. 20 by the Ontario Department of Nighways. ORREI~D on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. MoRon that Aid. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. , Carried Unanimously. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. , Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayze. READ AItDADOpA.~D, Deput~e~l~ ..................... ~ayor CONFF,,.I~ENCE Council Chamber, 27th November, 1964. ~ C~mmittee assembled in Conference following the regular Council ~eeting on Friday, November 27th, 196~. All Members of the Cnmmtttee were present, with the exception of Aldermen Potter and ~hrtin. His Worship Mayor Miller presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference mittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McCall~ and Ald. Morton. BEAD ~ ADO~£zv, 8th December, 1964 Deputy-Clerk I 4qq. SIXTY-SIXTN MEETING Council Chamber, 8th December, 1964-. REGUIAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 8th, 1964, for the purpose of considering general business and Members of Council ~ere present, with the exce tion off finance. All elson and McCallum~ The Council, hayin r ° ldermen Potter, Mitch- g ecelvPed an d read the minutes of the previous regular meeting, adopted these on the motion of Alderman Cotfield and Alderman Morton. C0~$dUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 68~ - Marion J. Hudson - public laneway rmuning along rear of property at McGrail Avenue. ORDEreD on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report of the Proper~y Committee in this connection be received and adopted and Council do not consider the closing of the lane at the present time. ~;_~EE_ R__e__port Number~9~53 The following Coamaunications~w.e~r~e~p__re~s_en~tp~: No. 695 - South End Business & Professional Men's Assoc. - request for free parking at South End from De~V]B'~;~'j' ~R~ERE~ 6n ~h~e motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. ~lor~on that the communication be received, filed and approval granted. No. 696 - Alpha Delta Ni-Y. - requesting permission to sell potato chips from door to door between Dec. 7 and Jan. 3. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and the group be asked if they can reduce the requested period to a shorter time. No. 697 - M~rs. W. H. Morgan_ - Appreciation for paving Sirecos Court. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and filed. No. 698 - United Nations Association - appreciation for co-operation in observance of ~nited ~ations Day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. No. 699 - Fire Chief, Kakabeka Falls - purchasing City-owned 19~9 GMC Fire Pureper. 01~D on the motion of Aid. Ma~t]~ and Aid. Corfield that the con~nunication be received and referred to the Fire Committee for consideration and report. No. 700 - Lo~al 528, Fire Fighters - Advising of new officers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~wayze and Ald. Keighan that the communication he received and filed. No. 701 - Local 528, Fire Fi~ters - opening negotiations for new contract. OR- ESBED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and referred to the 1965 Council Fire Committee for consideration. ~' Alderman McCallurn arrived at the meeting at 7:45 p.m. - No. 702 - Niagara Regional Develo!~nent Assoc. - Report presented to Assoc. by Dr. H. B. Mayo. OI~2BED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. McKinley that the ecaaunication be received and referred to the 1965 Council. Prior to the adop- tion of this motion, Alderman McKinley advised that reference in the Evening Review coneernin~ the Association had indicated that certain costs were paid by the Muni- cipality, ~hen in reality, participation in the Association does not cost the City anythin~. He asked that this matter be corrected. The follo~n~ Reports ~ere presented: No. 9~3 - Property C<i~.-ittee - Closing of !a~euy at rear of MeGrail Avenue. 0RDm~D on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Scott that the report of the Proper~y C~tttee be received and adopted. SF~ Communication 686 No. 954 - Property Committee - Sign at 3104 Lundy's Lane. ORE~I~ on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and the sign be removed at the earliest possible date. No. 955 - Property C~"--ittee - Proposed Motel by N. Buzdygan on IAmd~'s Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Ald. Mol'con that the report Of the Property Cce~ittee be received, adopted and building permit be issued to Buzdyg~n, providing that the plans are satisfactory. No. 956 - Property Committee _ Repairs to Glenview Social Club. Ok~s~l~ on the motion of Aid. Norton and Aid. S~ayze that this matter be t~bled until the Adjus- ter submits a report and that such report be requested ~--ediately. No. 95? - City ~ana~er - Lighting installations on Stanley Avenue near Welland Line Road. ORI~ on the motion of Aid. M~[tnley and Aid. S~s~vze that the report be received, adopted, and ~he lightin~ be installed as recommended. No. 958 - City Mater - Building Penxtts issued during the month of November. OKI~ERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Corfield that the report be re- ceived and filed. No. 959 - City Engineer - Proposed sanitary sewermain construction on Lund~'s Lane from !Calar Road to ~arner Road. 01~ on the motion or Ald. Corfield and Aid. !(ei~hRn that the report be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollu- tion Control Committee for consideration. No. 960 - City Engineer - Proposed storm ee~er on Leader lane, Acheson Avenue and Fergnson Street. ORE2RED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Aid. S~a~le that the report be received and referred to the ~anitatio$ & Pollution Control C~smxittee for consideration. No. 961 - City Engineer - 1964-65 Winter Works Pro~m~e. ORESRED on the motion of AId. Corfield and Aid. S~ayze that the report be received, adopted and a winter works crow of six men be set up for the Ellen Ave. storm sewermain con- struction. leo. 9~2 - City Engineer = Proposed no parking on Lundy's Lane. OI~D on the motion of Aid. M~J~tnley and AId. ~orton that the report be received and referred to the Trellis Committee for stud~. No. 9~3 - Deputy City Clerk - Reece~ending issuance of liceaces. O~RED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. ~wayze that the report be reoei~ed, adopted and licenoes issued. -. I~80LI]'~O~S No. 120 - SWAI~ = ~0RT01e = I~SOLVED that a ms~ of s~t~ on ~lf of His Worship the ~or ~d ~rs of the City Cmcil ~ fo~d to t~ ~i~ of the hte ~. ~ve ~ir, fo~r C~rk o~ ~he T~ship o~ S~o~ ~d hilly es- te~d ~si~ of ~i$ e~i~y for a n~r or ~rs~ ~d the ~al or'the Cor- poration be hemto'~rixe~. ~ ~n~ous~ Aldex~an M~rdnley reminded members or Council and tubers of Council=elect -or the Christmas parttea for children or employees to be held on December l~th a~ the Union Centra, ~nd the l~-_-_er Danes for CIty Employees to be held on Decem- ber 10th a~ the Sheraton Bro~. i Alderman ~artin stated he had received several complaints about the snow ploughing on Lttudy's Lane, in that sno~ had been piled on the islands creating obstructions for vehicles making lef~ turns. ~e Engineer '~as asked to look into this matter. AldermanMartin stated that in previous years, snow fences had been erected at the rear of the Queensway Gardens Subdivision on Dorchester Road to protect the area from snow being swept off the Queen Elizabeth Way, and to date these fences had not been erected. This matter us referred to the Engineer to check into. Alderman 8wayze stated he had received a phone call frown Mrs. Litdaisy conoerr,- ing children crossing Dorchester Road at Dianne Street, a matter which had been previously considered by Council and which had bees referred to a joint meeting of the Board of Education, Police Commission and Council. His Worshio Mayor Miller advised that he would check with Judge Fuller at the forthcoming CommissiOn Meeting to see when this matter could be dealt with. BY-lAWS Laid over from previous mee__tin~:_ ~o. ~77 - To authorize the reconstruction of Ellen Avenue from Ferry Street to Walnut Street. Third Reading ,Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley , Carried Unanimously. N_o. 6708 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement. 0P~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the byelaw be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0RE~RED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Norton and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. CounCil adjourned to the Finance ~eeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. S~ayze. Mayor FINANCE NS~PING Council Chamber, 8th December, 19~. The Finance Neering ~as held on December 8th, 1964, for the purpose of approving and also pxssing the various accounts ~hich had been previously cer- tified and placed before them. All Bernbets of Council were present with the ex- ception of Alderman Potter and Alderman Kttchelson. Aid. ~rtin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sun&x7 Accounts in the amount of $399,900.00 were approved by the Com- mittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- dered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. McCall~. The repor~ of the Property C~tttee on the application of Mr. Linnenbank for the construction of an addition to his premises on the west side of Victoria Avenue, between Baple Street and Brid~e Street, ~as presented for consideration. OBIF~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. McCall~ that the report be received and filed and as rec~nended, ~r. Ltnnenbank be requested to take this matter up with the C~ttee of Adjustment. The report of the Assistant Building Inspector on building permits issued for cc~mereial buildings for the ~eek ending December 4th, ~as presented. DE~ED on the motion of Aid. ~wayze and Aid. McKinley that the report be received and filed. The Coemittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. M~Kinley and Ald. McCallurn. Deputy-Clerk .... · Chairman of F}nsal~e COt~OXL I~INO Counoil Chxaber, 8th December, 196~. The Oounoil assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance BeetinSs on Tuesday, December 8th, 1~, for the purpose of passin~ the by-law ~hieh contained the aeoounts approved by the O~=ittee. All Bombers were present with the exoeption of Aldersen Po~ter and ~i~ehelson. His Worship Ba~or Miller presided. The followin~ By-law was ~assed: No. 6~09 - A ~-lav to provide monies for ~snex~l parposes. -ffOS. 0REEBED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Corfield that Ald. ?~rtin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. 0RDEBED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading .Ald. Cotfield and Ald. MoRon _ Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. ~artin and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPteD, ~hyor CONFEBENCE Council Chamber, 8th December, 19~h. The Ccemittee assembled in Conference followln~ the regular Council Meeting on ~uesday, December 8th, 196~. All ~embers of the Con~ittee were present, with the exception of Aldermen Potter and Kttchelson. His Worship ~ayor Miller pre- sided as Chairsan. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference Connnittee adjourned on the motion of AId. Margin and Aid. McCallv~. DePuty-Clerk Mayor S'rXT~-SSVHm'a ~3m'x~e Council Chamber, l~th December, 1~64. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7: BO p.m. on Monday, December l~th, 196~, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen POtter and ~rtin. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular meeting, adopted these on the motion of Alderman ScOtt and Alderman McCall~. Tenders had been called for the purpose of the Main Street Firm Hall. OR- I~ on the motion of Aid. ScOtt and Ald. C~field that the tenders received, be opened, initiallid by His WorShip the Mayor and tabulated. ' It was then ~rdered on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton that the two tenders received from Messrs. A. Vivaldo and R. Fords be received and referred to the Special Firm Com- mittee for consideration- COm~mlCATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 6~6 - Town of Trenton - Resolution pertaining to increased Education costs and request for assistance from Province. O~DEI~D on the action of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Council receive and endorse the resolution from the Town of Trenton and the communication from the Board of Education be received and filed. SEE Cesvmunication 703 , Alderman Mitchelson arrived at 7:50 p.m. - No. ~85 - Visitor & Convention Bureau - Use of Oakes Park field for motorcycle race on ice. ORD~ ca the motion of Aid. McKinliy and Aid. McCallam that the cauni- cation be received and filid and the report of the Arena, Parks C~saittee be adop- ted and the Bureau be advised that the City could only undertake to provide an ice surface here if the hosts are underwritten by them. ~r~ Report ~uaber ~3 No. ~ - [.~abeka Falls Vol. Fire Dept ~ - request to imrchase City-owned 1~9 GNC Fire l~per. Oi~ on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Cotfield that the report of the F4uilmsent Committee be received and adopted and the puppet offered for sale for a pries of $1,~00.00 and a list of equil~aent available with the unit be supplied by Chief Wade. ~ Report N~mber ~o~ The following Ccssmninatious ware presented: ......... No. 703 - Board of Education - reporting on resolution of Town of Trenton per- raining to education costs. ~ss Ccsausication No. 70~ - James E. Pay - application to construct motel at 1980-1~ Stanley Ave. ConsidersbYe discussion took place in respect to this matter. The following mo- tion was submitted by Alderman Morton and seconded by Alderman Corfield. T~AT Council grant approval to Mr. Pay's request, subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. This motion was lost with the following vOte: A~e:- Aldermen Mortca, Corfield, Swa~ze. Nays: Aldensen Scott, Kei~han, MAtchsimon, NcKinley, Nc~all~$ · No. 705 - Sidoff's Cleaners & Tailors o requesting amendment to B~-liw ~1~9 to ..or.1 co ctiou onon the motion sad Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and turned over to the Council for cmsideration. No. 706 - Cot. Ce~nte~n_n.ial Committee - Meeting on Dec. lath. ORDERED on the motion Of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that AId. Kel~han and a Senior Official be authorized to attend the meeting on Friday, Dec. 18th on behalf of the City No. 707 - Flj~nnj.n~g.~o~.rd - Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law. ORDEP~ED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed and action on the by-law be deferred until such time as it is filed wl~h the Clerk. No. 708 - Planning Board - Amendment Application A-110, B~rillsro, Buchanan Ave. OR~EEED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Al.i. Scott that the comm~mication be received and the matter tabled until Council has dealt with the new Zoning By-law. No. 70~ - Mrs. L. Wa~u_c. ho_p~.. - parking problem on Park Street. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration. No. 710 - Kimberly-Clar_k_gf_~a_nad_a' - Proposed Flashing amber lights at pedestrian crosswalk on Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the matter be referred back to the Traffic Committee for consideration. No. 711 - Visitor & Convention B~rea~ - Requesting Council to purchase Honeymoon Stickers. ORDX~ED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received end referred to the 196~ Council for consideration. No. 712 - City of St._~_o~._~ - Resolution pertaining to granting supplementary aid for pensioners in meeting costs of ex~raordinary needs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and referred to the Welfare Department for consideration and report. No. 713 - Town of Genanoque - Signs on streets and highways. ORDERED on the motion Of Ald. Norton and Ald. Keighan that the camnunication be received and filed and a copy of the new City Sign By-law be forwarded to Gananoque for their information. NO. 71~ - Board of Transport C~lssioners for Canada - Order No. 116082 for auth- ority to relocate Highway No. 20 where it crosses the CNR tracks. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that Council approve of the crossing m-location under the terms of the Board's Order and 0fficialsbeauthorized to conclude this matter. No. 715 - Swift C~diun Co. Ltd. - proposed use of property at 1264 Stamford Street. ORDERED on the motion of A~'d]'~field and Ald. MortOn that the communication be received and referred to the Property Conmittee and City Solicitor for considera- tion and report. No. 716 - Clifton Hill District Assco. - Accepting Council offer for free parking during Christmas week. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and AId. Scott that the communication be received and filed and arrangements ordered for the granting of free parking. ~o. 717 - George Campbell Co. Ltd. - request to purchase stone from rock dump on NcLeod Romd. ORI~ on the motion of Aid. McCallu~ and Ald. Swayze that the offer to purchase approx. ~500 cu. yds. of stone at 15~ per cu. yd. be accepted, subject to the entering into of an appropriate agreement. REPORTS laid over from previous meetings: ~o. ~5~ - City Engineer - proposed sanitary sewermain construction on Lundy's Lane from Kalar Road to Garner Road. S~ Repo_rt~ .~b~er~ ~_~ No. ~O - City ~n~ineer - Proposed storm sewer on Leader Lane, Acheson Avenue and Ferguson 8treat. SEE Report NUmber ~_ No. ~62 - City Enaineer - Proposed No Parking on Lund~'s Lane. S_~ Re.~ert Number The folloving Reports vere presented: No. 963 - Parks & Recreation Ccemtttee - reporting on request of Visitor & Conven- tion Bureau for use of Oakes Park field for motorcycle race on ice. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received and adopted. SEE Coemunlcation 685 Ho. 96~ - Equipment Committee - reporting on request of Kakabeka Palls Fire Dept. to purchase surplus 19~9 C44C Fire Pdmper. ORDMMED on the motion of Ald.Mor~on and AId. Corfteld that the report be received and adopted. SEE Cnmmuntcation 699 No. 965 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Cceaittee - Construction of sewermain on Lundy's x~ne from Kalar Road to Garner Road. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Morton and Aid. Col*field that the report ~e received and adopted and this work be carried out as a local improvement and the Engineering Department be requested to prepare a acheduld of costs to be levied against abutting properties- SEE Report Number 959 No. 966 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - Construction of storm severs on Leader [~, Acheson Ave. and Ferguson Street. ~D on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and Aid. McCallurn that the report be received, adopted and the Engineer- img Department be requested to prepare necessary costs, etc. No. 9~7 - Traffic Committee - proposed no parking on LundY~s Lane. ORIMD on the motlon of AId. Swayze and Aid. Scott that the report be received, adopted, and recommendations for parking restrictions on LundY~s Lane~ Drummond Road, Dorchester Hoad and Montrose Road be approved and implemented by By-~.v. No. 96~ - Sanitation & Pollution Control Ccemittee - consideration of petition re- ceived for sanitary sewer on Portage l~sad from Stanley Avenue to easterly limit. OP~D on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted, and the matter referred to the 1965 Council for consideration. Sn Refitton No. No. 9~9 - City Manager - Advising of Symposium on p~n--tng Renewal and Housing to be held at King Edward Hotel, Toronto on December 16th and Decoaber 17th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Scott that the report be received, adopted, and Mr. Huggins and Mr. Eldt be aothortxed to attend the meetings. It ~as forther ORMD on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Mttehelson that Alderman Kelghan he authorized to accompany the Officials to the Planning Conference in Toronto. No. 970 - City Manager - Application submitted by Sheraton Foxhead Hotel for erection of new hotel, and proposed agreement covering parkin6 requirements. ORE~ on the motion of Ald. Entghan and AId. Morton that the raporb be received and referred to the Proparty C~satttee and City Solicitor for consideration and with prder to act to authorize the issuance of a building peralt~ providing they are satisfied with the agreement · No. 971 - City Managar - recelaendin~ lnstalletton of street lights on St. George Avenue. OIUMD on the motion of Aid. 8wayxe,.and Aid. Cotfield that the report be recelwed, adopted and lights be installed as reccsmended. No. 972 - 81~ecial Fire C~lttee - ~enders for new Fire wall. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MeGallure and Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted and Tenders* be called fo~ the erection of the new fire hall isle&rarely. No. 9q3 ' Tx~fftc Committee - .new from private properties pushed onto stree~.. O]~D on the motion of AId. 8wayae and AId. Morton that the report be received and this matter be referred to the City SolIcitor for action to'force the discon- ttnuance of this practice. No. 9~k - I~uipemnt C__ittee - recommending Imrohase of t~ ~it at a p~ce of $3,8~.~. ~D ~ ~he ~ti~ of A14. Mo~ ~d AId. Co~ield that tM ~ ~tved ~d ad~d and ~hls m~ter ~ ~fe~d to the 1~ C~otl for erattono No. 975 - _~t_ut~_nt Committee - purchase of two new snow piouSbinS tractors. 0R- ItEBED on tBe'mOt~'~fd.'Morton and Ald. McCallum that the report be received, adopted, and prices be obtained for two new sidewalk snow ptoughs. No. 976 - Parks & Recreation Con~ittee - operation of open air rinks. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Aid. H~Kf~e~ ~nd ~ldl Cotfield that the report be received, adooted and the rinks in the report be operated by the City. ' No. 977 - Parks & Recreation Committee - Installation of panels at Arena. ORDERED On the mot~'o'~';~l*~.' ]4~Kinley ~]d Ald. McCalltun that the repor~ be received and adopted and the work proceeded with as recommended. No. 978 - _Clt. y___~gtneer - sanitary sewermain on stanley Avenue from existing 60" trunk seversrain to Portage Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and AId. Cot- field that the report be received and application be made to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the over-expenditure. No. 979 - Meetin~ o..f___l~mcttg_nal St~_dy Technical Committee - Dec. 9. - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. McCaiium ~hat the repor~ be received and filed. " PETITIONS laid over frem previous meeting: No. 36 - Roy Kennedy and eight others - requesting construction of sanitsry sewer on Stanley Avenue from Porta'g'~ 'R~a~d ~o easterly limit. ~__F~ Rep_oj~__.N_u~_b_e,r__~o~_ RESOLUTIONS No. 1~1 - MCKINLEY - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on harmif of His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council, be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. John Win. MacKenzie, Deputy-Reeve elect of the Village of Chippaws; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. _qa_rrl_e__d ~Una_nimous_l_y No. 152 - McCALL~ - KEIG~AN - BESOLVED that Alderman Swayze be appointed Acting Chairman of Finance during the absence of Alde~m~n Martin; ani the seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. .C_a~rrJe_~ Mr. H. J. Toomath of Stanley Avenue was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Kelghan and AId. Swayze. Mr. Toomath, the owner of property addoining the Modern Airs Motel at 2663 Stanley Avenue, referred to a direction of the City requesting that a fence owned by the Motel which was located on City property, be removed. Mr. Toomath advised that only a portion of the fence had been removed and 1~ feet still remain. He asked that this matter be looked into and taken care of. Aldermen Swayze referred to the property at the corner of Stanley Avenue and Lincoln Street where a house had been removed and asked that action be taken to ensure that the premises were cleaned up and the cellar filled in. Alderman Morton requested that the Deputy Clerk write to the Department of Health to secure the latest legislation pertaining to air pollution, which could be submitted to Council for their consideration at an early meeting. His Worship Mayor Miller advised that the ,)oint meeting for discussion Of schOOl ~uards, etc. , with the Board of Education, Police Commission, and Council, would have to be laid over until 196~. RJ-.mWS. laid over from previous meet~ No. ~87 - A By-law to authorize the constr~tion of vate~ins on Robinson Street and M Street as extensions to the existing waterworks system in theu~r~xn Serwice Area. Third Reading ' Aid. McCallurn and Aid. Mox~on. ~'nis lotion, vhich req~tired a vote o2 three.fottrths of all the members of Council, was lost ~ith the follo~ vote; ~ye: Aldermen 8wayze, Mltchelson, Mox~con, McCall~n, Cotfield, Mayor Miller. Haye: Aid. Sco~t, Keighsn- In connection with this By-law it was further ordered on the motion of Alderman Mitchelson and Alderman Morton that By-law No. 6887 be placed on the Agerids for the next meeting of Council on I~comber 21st. NoJ~69~ - A By-law to amend By-law ~929 (1955) as amended, in regard to service stations. Third Reading -Ald. McCall~ end Ald. Swayze - Carried ~3animouslY. OldRED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Cotfield that placed on the Council Agend~. No. 6710. - A B~-law to authorize the execution of an agreement. {~bco Co. ) OI~HED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducinK the by-law and the byolaw be Klven the first reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. ORDEEED on the lotion of AId. Keighan and Alderman McCall~ that Rule S6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council ~ te~rarilY suspended and t~ by-law ~ given the second reading. - Carried ~nanimous]~Y. (On the advice of City Solicitor, Mr. W. J. M~Burney, the third reading of the By-law was withheld)- Council adJour~ to the Fi-~ance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mc[~inley and Aid. Mit che 1 s on · F~AD AND ADOPTED, Depute-Clerk F_~N~_~_CE_,MEETZNG Council Chamber, 14th December, 1964. ~'ne Finance Meeting was held on ~cember 14th, ]964, for tae purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of Council were present with the excelSion of Alderman Potter and Alderman Martin. Ald. Swsyze,Actin~ Chsinnan of Finance, ~re~ided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $313,395.~8 were approved by the Com- mittee. ~e ACcOunts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of AId. KeiE~An and Ald. McCallum. The application of Mr. Dawson N. Benson to purchase Lot 14, Plan 111 on Carmen Street was considered along with a report of the Parks &Rec~ation Committee rec~-,-oending that Mr. Benson be advised that the property is not ~or sale at the present time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. dorfield that the report be received and adopted. The report of the City Manager was presented in respect to the appli- cation of Messrs. Carman and William Nagy for permission to move 9 cabins at their property at 3600 IAmdy's Lane in order that they can proceed with the erection of motel unite. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Moffoon and Ald. McKinley that this matter be referred to the Property Comittee for consideration. The C~mnittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Scott. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, l~th December, 196~. The Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance ~etings on Monday, Deceiber l~th, 196~, for the purpose of passing the by-law ~hich covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present with the excelSion of Aideraen Potter and Martin. His Worship Mayor Miller presided. BY-IAW T~e following By-law was passed: IJo. 6711 . A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. 5~0. OP~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Cotfield that Aid. 8w~yze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. 8wmyze and Aid. Kei~han that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ l~xles of Council be temporarilY suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. Third Reading - Aldermint Cotfield and Alderman McCalltram. - Carried UnanimouslY. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Alderman McCallurn and Alderman Mltchelson · Deputy-Clerk REGUIAR MEETING Council CnamOer, 21st December, 196~. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday. December 2ist, 196~, for the purpose of considering genera] business and finance. A]] Members of COunCil were present with the exception of Alderman Potter. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular meeting adopted these on the motion of Alderman Morton and Alderman Corfield. CO~4UNICATIONS laid over frcm previous _m~e~t_i_n_g_s.: No. 709 - Mrs. L. Wauchope - Parking problem on P~rk Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Svayze and Ald. Scott that the ~eport of the Traffic Committee in this connection be received and adopted, and the Engineering Dept. be requested tG pre- pare a report showin8 similar areas. SEE Report Number 980 No. 710 - KimberlY-Clark of Canada - signals at pedestrian crosswalk. ORDERED on the moti]~ ofYl'~['~ayze h~dAld. Morton that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Committee adopted, and the Engineering Department be authorized to secure prices on equipment. SEE Repor~ Number 981 No. 715 - Swift Canadian Co. Ltd. - use of property at 126~ Stamford Street for CONFERENCE wholesale meat distr~u'~i"o~"tmit. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Council Chamber, Keighan that the Report of the Property Committee be received and filed and the l~th December, 196~. matter be left in abeyance for a further meeting. The Cc~it~ee assembled in Conference following the regular Council Meet- S_EE_R~port Numb~,~ 982 ing on Monday, December l~th, 19~. All Members of the Ccmmittee were present, with the exception of Aldermen Potter and Martin.~ His Worship Mayor M~ller presided The following Communications were presented: as Chairman. No. 718 - planning Board - presenting Comprehensive Zoning By-law. ORDERED on the Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference Committee motion of AId. Morton ~d Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed. adjourned on the motion of Ald. MCallmmand Aid. Scott. No. 719 - Board of Police C~issionere - Advising that the liceace of Mrs. Konkos I~D AND ADOPTED, to operate the salvage yard at ~1~8 ~t~nley Avenue was cancelled. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the co~mnunication and reports be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration. ~ - SEE Reports 98~,985,986. " No. 7~O - George ~kator, M.P.P. - Acknowledgement of endorsement of Thorold T~p. Deputy-Cle .... resolution concerning amendment to Highway Traffic Act re: school buses. ORDERED ,~ ~ on the sotion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the communication be re- ceived and filed. No. 7~1 - Visitor & Convention Bureau - Use of Cakes ~ark for motorcycle race on .aa~a ice. ORIMD on the motion of'~f~.'McKinley and Aid. Cotfield that the communi- cation be received and filed. No. 7~ - latiomal Film Board - Film - "Helicopter Canada" in conjunction with Centennial Commission. OBE~RED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and A]d.Corrield I that the communication be received and the City Manager be appointed as the Liaison e!!..Z ~ ~ Officer between the City and the National Film Board. ~ ~' ~ No. 7~B - Nunt's Ambulance Service - Option to purchase property at 8OS Drummond ~ Road and use of ~armge for storag~ of vehicles. ORDER~D on the motion of AId. ~ !'~ ;! .'-~ .-. ~ - '' SWIe and AId. KalMhan that the communication be received and referred to the ., l~pe~t~ C~mmittee for consideration. 5 12. No. 7~4 - McBurney, McBurney & Durdan - Pushing snow on highways. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Scott and AId. McCallurn that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Co~mittee for consideration- In connection with this matter it was suggested by Ald. Mitchelson that the Traffic Ccamittee take up with the City Solicitor the possibility of .m~nding the present by-law to have the word "snow" included in the wording. No. 725 - New York Central System - Installation of watermain in steel casing pipe across and under track within the limits of Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. McCallurn that the co~munication be received and referred to the-City Engineer and City Solicitor for consideration and report. No. 726 - Welland Securities Limited - ~arking on roadway between bridge and Jolley Cut on l~obinson Street. ORDERED on the notion of Ald. Corfield and AId. Keighan that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic C~lttee for consideration. No. 727 - Vincent Sinone, Luigi Siriaani - Requesting that perking be allowed in front of Ontario Plzzeria at ~OB LundY'e lane. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Keighan that the e~mnunication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration. No. 728 - Doral Holdings Limited - Water line at A & P 81to, Lundy's Lane. OR- DERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Mitchelson that a strong letter be sent froa Management to this Cce~pany, with an explRnetion of the position of the Municipality and the responsibility of their C'ePanY, as clearly explained and agreed to in previous correspondence, and stating that if there is any cost involved to the City in connection with this water line, that the City will col- lect the costs from the Company; and that a copy of the letter also be sent to other interested parties, and that the report; of the Property Co~aittee on this matter be received and filed. SEE Report Nonbar 987 REPORTS laid over from previous meetings: No. 970 - City Manager - Agreement with 8heraton Foxhead re: perking for new hotel- / 8RE Report Number 983 The following Reports were presented: No. 980 - Traffic C_-~mittee - Parking on Park Street. SEE Cosmunication 7~ No.. 981 - Traffic Cosaittee - Signal lights at pedestrian walk at Klmberly-Clark. SEE Coamunication 710 No. 982 - Property C~ittee - Use of property at 1264 Stamford Street by 8wif~ Canadian Co. SEE Coaaunication No. 983 - Property Cceaittee - Agreement between Clt~ of HisSara .Falls and Sheraton Foxhead Ltd. re: parking requireaents. ORES~D on the notion of Aid. 8wayBe and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted, and the Mayor and Deputy Clerk be authorized to s~gn ~he agreement. SEE Report Number 970 Io. 98~ - Property Ccsaittee - Konkos property at 21~8 Stanley Avenue. No. 98~ - Asst. BI~. Inspector - Insl~ctinn of Konkos propert~ & recom~ndations. No. 986 - Health Inspector - Inspection of Konkos propex~y. 8~ Ccseunication 719 A No. 988 - City Manager - proposal for treatment of intersection of Falls Avenue and Bender 'N£~i 'anR ~it frcm Rainbow Bridge. ORDERED on the motion oi' Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and the report Of the Functional Study Comittee be referred to the Soecial Truffle Committee for consideration. - No. 989 - Special F_i_re q_o~_ittee - Tenders received for fire hall on Main Street. ORI]ERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received and adopted and the Tender awarded to Robert Forde at the sum of $15,500.00. SE~_ Resolution No. 153 NO. 990 - City Engineer - Tenders received for 2 sideulk snow plows. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallt~n that the report be received, adopted, and an order for the units be placed subject to the approFal of the 196~ Council. No. 991 - City Engineer - Watermain and hydrant re-location, Highway No. 8. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Sw~yze that the report be re- ceived and adopted and Tenders called for the work early in 1965. ~ No. 992 - City Engin~t~ - improvements to watermains on Highway #nO between Nontrose Road and Garner Road. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Cosmittee of the 1965 Council to determine the method of financing the york recoamended. No. 993 - City Engtnee~ - Montrose Road sanitary severmain. ORDERED on the motion Of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 994 - City Engineer - Encroachment on Stanley Avenue south of Dunn Street. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Keighan that thereportbe received and referred to the Property C~mnittee for consideration. No. 995 - Deputy City Clerk - Recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and licenoes issued as recnmmended. RESOL~TIONS No. 153 - MORTON - McCALL~ - RESOLVED that the Tender for the Main Street Fire Bell be awarded to Robert Forde at the tendered price of $15,500.00; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C~a~rrj~d ~na~_Lmousl~ No. 15~ - MITCHEESON - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that the signing officers of the Cor- poration be authorized to e'~e'c~te the Agreement between Michael S. Friedman and 8are Friedman and Alfred Botyanski and Katherine Botyanski and the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls, following the signing of the said agreement by these parties; such Agreement being in respect to erection of certain buildings and payment of service costs, and other conditions; and the Seal of the Corpora- tion be hereto affixed. C~rri__ed~_U~a~n_~n_gusly Prior to the passage of the above Resolution, it was ordered on the motion of Aldersan Scott and Alderman Cotfield that Mr. Galloway be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Galloway advised that he represented Mr. A]fred Botyanski and following discussion, clarification was given that Mr. Botyanski was to advise the Corporation by phone or telegram on January ~th as to the signing of the Agreesent referred to in the Resolution, and that the executed agreement was to be in the hands of the City Officials by January lO~h. BY-I~WS .Laid over frnn previous meetings: ~o. 6~87 - To authorize the construction of watermains on Robinson Stx~et and Murray Street as extensions to the existing waterworks system in the ~rban Service Area. Third Readin~ - Aldensan McCallua and Alderman Morton. Carried UnanimouslY, with Nis Worship Mayor Miller also voting in fayour. Tae following By-laws were presented: No. 6712 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement (DeLeuw,Cather ORI~I~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallus that Alderman Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, with Ald. S~ayze and Ald. Keighan Voting contrary · Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Aid. McCallus. Carried, with Aid. Swayze and Ald. Keighan voting contrary. No. 6713. - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement (Pilen Construc- tion Campany). OREM~ED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Cotfield that Ald.Keighan he granted the privilege of introducing the by-law .and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried tw"Animously. Third Reading -Ald. McCallurn and Alderman Swayze. - Carried Unanimously. No~ 671~. - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement (Sheraton Foxhead) OREMRED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-lAw and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. OREMI~D on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law he given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously- Third Reading - AldeA~an Morton and Alderman McKinley - Carried Unanimously. No. 6715 - To grant a ratirament allowance to a municipal employee. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Corfield that Ald.Mar~in be granted the privilege of introducing the by-lAw and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Alderman Morton - Carried ~-Rnimously. No. 6716 - A By-lAw to amend By-lAw Nusber 51~9, re~xrding tourist establishments- ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. Morton that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~I~D on the action of Ald. Keighan and Aid. 8wayze that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-lAw be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aldersan Corfield and Alderman Mitohelson. - Carried Unanimously. leo. 6717 - To amend By-lAw N~aber 1592 (19~3) of the former T~wnship of 8tabford ' ' and By-lAw Nusber 3790 of the City of Nia~ ~lls, ~in~ b~-~ws ~ for t~ ~tton of ~ffte. ~ ~e ~ the p~vile~ of intr~ucing ~he by-hw ~d the by-hw be ~ven : the firs~ mad~. - ~e4 ~ous~. ~ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. ~tcKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the third reading of this By-law be tabled subject to the receipt of the report from the Traffic Committee. SEE Cammunication 727 No. 6718 - A By-law to establish The Niagara Falls RetHrdcd Children's Education Authority. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mor~on that Aid. Ma~in be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDEED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. CorPleld that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Alderman Corfield and Alderman Morton - Carried Unanimously. At this point, Alderman-elect P. Downie us granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Ke~Ehan. Mr. Downie referred to the meeting which had been held to appoint the members to the Retarded Children's Authority as provided for under the above By-law, and mentioned that while an Inspector of the Board of Education had been present, the Separate School Board Inspector had not been invited to attend the meeting. His WorshinMayor Miller advised that the Inspector had not been invited to attend the meeting, and it ~as not his intention to invite any Inspectors to the meeting, but the person in ques- tion had been informed of the time the meeting was to be held because of his in- terest in the matter. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mox~on. Mayor FIHANCE ~ri~O Council Chamber, 21st December, 196~. The Finance MEeting was held on December 21st, 196~, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of Council were present ~th the exception of Alderman Potter. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $210,199-50 were approved by the C~ittee · The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Alder,ran McKinley and Alderman NcCallun- The report of the Property Coaxnittee was presented in respect to the application of MEssrs. Carman and William Nagy to move 9 cabins at their premises at 3600 Lundy's Lane in order that they can proceed with the erection of motel units. ORDI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Corfield that the report be received, adopted, and persLtssion granted- be report of the Assistant Bldg. Inspector was presented concerning Sign Permits issued for the week ending December 18th, 196~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Aid. Morton that the report be received and filed. The Ccsmittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. R~AD ~ ADOF,'sD, Deputy~ rk. Chain~a~ of Finance COUMCILMMETIM Council Chamber, 21st December, 19~. The Council assembled at the close of the regular Council and Fi--nce Meetings on Monday, Deccabar 21st, 196~, for the purpose of passing the by-lay which covered the accounts approved by the C----lttee. All Members were present with the exception of Alderman Potter. His Worship V/~yor Miller presided. ,] BY- IAW The followi~n6 By-law y_as pa~s_ed: No. 6719 - A By-law to provide monies for general nu~moses ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. OP~ERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Alderman Morton and Alderman Swayze. - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Alderman Scott. BEAD AND ABOFI~ZB, Deputy-Clerk "~>r]'l ?- ...... . : 7-./. ...... .......... Mayor CONFERENCE Council ~hamber, 21st December, 1964. The Cemmittee assembled in Conference following the regular Cott~cil Meeting on Monday, December 21st, 1964. All Members of the Committee were present with the exception of Alderman Potter. His Worship Mayor Miller presided as Chairman. Followin~ consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference Committee adjourned on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. McCallurn. AND ADOPTED, De.ty- ler I' 8IXTY - NINTH MEETING Council Chember, 28th December, 1964. REGUIAR I~EEING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, December 28th, 196~, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Potter. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular meeting, adopted these on the motion of Alderman Swayzeand Alderman Corfield. CO~ICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 719 - Police Commission - advising that Salvage Yard Licence of Mrs. Anna Konkoshad been cancelled. ORDE~XD on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mc- Callumthat the communication be received and filed and the report of the Property Coemittee be adopted, and a notice be forwarded to Mrs. Konkos to have her property cleaned up, in accordance with the By-law. SEE Resolution No.155 SEE Report Nt~mber 996 No. 723 ' Hunt' s Ambulance Service - request to erect garage at 802 Drummond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Morton that the c~m~unication ~e received and filed and the report of the Property C~ittee adopted, and Mr. Hunt be advised he must follow the usual procedure in applying for re-zoning of the property to erect the garage. SEE Report Number 997 No. 724 - City Solicitor - Pushing snow on highways from private properties. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Keighan that the communication be re- ceived and filed and the report of the Traffic Committee be received and adopted and a by-law covering the matter be prepared by the Solicitor. SEE Report Number998 SEE By-law No. 6723 No. 7~6 - Welland Securities Limited - parking cars on Robinson Street. ORDERED on the motion'of Ald. 8Wze and AId. Cotfield that the c~unication be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Committee adopted, and that perking in the area be eliminated and the Police Dept. be requested to erect sigus i~nediately. SEE Report l~ber 999. No. 727 - V. 8imone, L. 8irianni - requesting that parking be allowed in front of 203 Lundy's Lane. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. Swayse that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Committee be re- ceived and adopted and parking continue to be prohibited in this area. SEE ~eport Number 1000 No. 715 - Swift Canadian Co. - request to use "property at ]2(~ St~ord Street for wholesale meat distribution unit. ORIBI~D on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. McCallurn that the reports of the Asst. Bldg. Inspector and the Health Inspec- tor ~e received and filed and the report of the Property Ccemittee adopted, and the matter he hid over until the City Solicitor has been able to obtain the status of the non-conforming use of the property. 8~E Reports 1001, 1002, and 100~. No. 72~ - Hew York Central Ss~ - proposed installation of 8" waremain under New York Central railway track on Victoria Aven~e. OIMD on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Corfield that the ccemunication be received and filed and the port of the Cit~ ~n~ineer be received and adopted and the cunditiuns as re~uired by N.Y.C. be accepted and that the duplicate letter be si~ned and returned to as requested. I The following. Communications ~ere oresanted: No. 729 - Stamford Green Merchants Assoc, - requestin~ nearin~ at Council meeting for better ~pjYiCe ~r0tec~io~ in area, 'In connection wilt this matter. it was ordered on the motion of Alderman MiLchelson and Aldenran Cotfield that Mr. James Pallow be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Peil~w. soeakinR on behalf Of the Sts/~ford Centre Area Businessman, advised that they were Mreat]y concerned with the high incidence of break-ins which had occurran lately. and stated that the Association felt that the present Police Protection for their area ,~as in- adequate and requested additional Police survei!ance for the area. at ]east equal tO that established for other business a~eas in the City. Mr. R. Judge who was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Alderman Morton and Alder- man Scott, also spoke on the apparent lack of Police protection for the area. Following the presentation of the Businessman, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the contmunication be received and that the constants of the two speakers be noted and that they be referred LC the Police Co~nission for consideration at their next meeting, and in the meantlye, His Wor- ship Mayor Miller be authorize8 to contact Chief I, W. Wilson Lo see if some tem- porary measures can be taken to ensure better Police protection in this area, until such time as this matter can be considered by the Commission. , No. 730 - Martin, Calvert, Shedpard & Clark - application for amendment to By-law 5149 to pe~i~ ~e ~cnst'x~c~i'o~"6{~e~, etc.'at the comer of Stanley, Murray and Buchanan Avenues. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Scott that the connnunication be received and referred to the 1965 Council for consideration. No. 731 - Ore_ at__ee~i~a.._ga?a_ A~o~..for. Retarded C~ildren - Expression of thanks for co-operation in establishing Education Authority. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~Litchelson and Ald. Morton that the comunication be received and filed and the appreciation of Council expressed to His Worship Mayor Miller and Officials. No. 732 - Ci__ty of London - Resolution concerning exemption from payment of Provin- cial taxes on motor fuels, etc. for Transportation Systems. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and re- ferred to the Greater Niagara Transit Commission for their consideration. No. 733 - New York Central System - proposed installation of 15' storm sewer in 2~" steel casing pipe across a~ under track at Ellen Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mc~allt~n and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and the conditions outlined therein accepted as satisfactory and the City Engineer be authorized to indicate acceptance on behalf of the Corporation to the N.Y.C. No. 7B4 - Texaco Canada Limited - re-installation of Banjo pole at service station, Lund~'s ~ne and Dn,mmond R~[ ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and the City Solicitor be requested to prepare an agreement containing conditions relating to the construc- tion of the pole as recommended by the City Engineer. No. 735 - Ma~thews & Matthews - Stamford Centre Volunteer Firemen's Association and Doren and Steele. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McCallum and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the 1965 Council for consider- ation. REPORTS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 99~ - City Engineer - Encrcachments on Stanley Avenue south of Dunn Street. SEE Report Number 1005 ~"ne following Reports were presented: NO. ~ - Property Committee - Cleaning up of KonXos property, 2158 Stanley Ave. SEE Communication 719 SEE ~esolution No.'i~5 NO. 997 ' Proper~y Coe~ittee - Reporting on request of Mr. Roger Hunt to erect garage at 802 D~.m. ond Road. SEE Communication 998 - Traffic Committee - Depositing of snow on highways of the City. SEE Cnmm~mication 72~, SEE By-law N~nber 6723 No. 999 - Traffic C~mnittee - Parking situation on Robinson Street. SEE Communication 726 No. 1000 - Traffic Cce~ittee - reporting on request of Messrs. Sireone and Siri- anni to permit parking on Lundy's v_s~e and Drummond Road. SEE Communication 727 No. 1OO1 - Property Committee - application of Swift Canadian Company. No. 1002 - Asst. Bldg. Inspector - reporting on premises at 126~ Stamford Street No. 1003 - Health Inspector - reporting on premises at 126]+ Stamford Street. SEE Ccemunication 715 No. 1004 - City Engineer - installation of 8" watermain under N.Y.C. tracks on Victoria Avenue. SEE Communication 725 No. 1OO5 - Proparty Committee - Encroachments on Stanley Avenue south of Dunn St. ORI~EED on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the report of the Property C~ittee be received and adopted, and instructions issued for the removal of the guard rail on any portion of the street allowance. SEE Report Number ~94 No. 1006 - Traffic C~ittee - parking conditions at 2042 and 2060 Murray Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ai'~. Swayme and Ald. McCallurn that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted, and "no parking" signs he erected to clear the driveways in front of both houses. Ho. 1007 - Traffic C~mmittee - Reccemending erection of certain stop signs on Epworth Circle. ORIE~ED on the motion of Aid. Corfield and Aid. Scott that the report be received and adopted, and the matter be referred to the 1965 Council. No. 1008 - Christmas Party Committee - Accounts for 1964 party, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adop- ted, and referred to the 1965 Council for consideration. No. 1009 - City Solicitor - Niagara lnternatiounl Centre and fire protection. OR- EMBED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted, and the contractor be notified of the danger involved from fire. connection with the inspection by the Dept. of Labour representative, the City Engineer advised that two ree~n~aendations had been made: (a) clean-up of materials around the base of the tower, (b)-protection fren sparks where welding is taking place. NISCELLANEOUS Alderman Scott referred to the fact that Alderman Potter had been unable to, for some time, carry out his duties on Council due to ill health, and it ~as ordered on the motion of AId. Scott and Ald. Swayze that Council extend to Dr. Po~ter sincere best wishes for good health in 1965. Following the remarks of Aldersan Martin, it was ordered on the motion of Alderins- Martin and Alderman Mitchelson that the best wishes of the ra~aining seabets of Council and the new Council be extended to His Worship Mayor Miller, Aldeman S. Cotfield, Aldersan ~. R. Potter, Aldensan lan Neeallure, Alderman Mor~on and Alderman Ao ~. MoKinley, for the year At this point, members o~ Council indiv[dls3~y e~?ressec -heir best wishes to the retiring members ~f Co,mci] who in tuz'rL so he 'f the pLeastire t~mey had received in serving on Council, and extended their anDreciaL~n t Yne City Officials for their assistance, and to the members cf Council Lney had serveu ~iLn. BY-LAWS Laid over from previo_u~s~ mee~tings: No. 6691 - To amend Zoning By-law No. 2530 (1960) of the Township! :f ~:tami'ord now in the City of Niagara Falls, as s-mended. (R. Two. k.t 6!. HugEins Street ). ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and A!d. ,~ayze t!/st Rule ~o (?) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson. Carried Unanimously, No. 6710 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement. (Msbco Const. C~.) Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. No. 6717 - To amend By-law Number 1592 (1953) of the former Township of Stamford and By-law Number 3790 of the City of Niagara Falls, being by-laws for the regulation of traffic. Third Reading -Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson. Carried Unanimously. The following By-laws_wer__e~pr?s_e._n_ted~: No. 6720 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement. (George Campbell Co. Limited) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Corfle]d that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Morton and Ald. McCallum. - Carried Unanimously. No. 6721 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement. (Damore Bros.) OREMRED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. 5~ayze that AId. McCallum be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. OREBRED on the motion of Aid. McCallumand Ald. Corfleld that Rule 36 (2) Of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley. Carried Unanimously. No. 67F'2 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement. (Mabco Const.Co.) ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Scott that A]d.McCa]]um be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Sweyze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. ~nird Reading -Ald. Corfieldand AId. Keighan. Carried gnanimously.