Minutes1963FIRST MEETING N.F.C.V,I. Auditorium 7th. January, 1963. INAUGURAL MEETING In accordance with the provisions of The Municipal Act, the Council met at 7 p.m. o*c].ock in the Niagara Falls Collegiate-Vocational Institute Auditorium, on Monday, January 7th, 1963. The Council included His Worship, Mayor Franklin Miller and Aldermen Simeon Corfield, Robert F. Keighan, George Martin, Ian McCallum, Arthur J, McKinley, Ldwerd E. Mitchelson, Harold C. Morton, Hatland C. Potter, Walter G. Scott and Church G. Sw~yze. The Statutory Declarations of Office and Qualification~ were filed with the Clerk when the Oaths of Office had been taken by Magistrate Johnstone L. Roberrs, It was then ordered on the motion of Alderman Swayze and Alderman Scott that a vote of thanks be extended to Magistrate Roberts by His Worship Mayor Miller. After this, the Council was duly organized and open for the transaction of general business. Following the Invocation, it was ordered on the motion of Alderman Martin and Alderman Keighan that the Reverend M. C. WeiSShahn, the Officiating Clergyman be thanked for his service at the meeting. Carried Unanimously. His Worship, Mayor Miller, then delivered his Inaugural Address. Following the Mayor~s Inaugural Address, it was ordered on the motion of Alderma~ McKinley and Alderman Mitchelson that the Mayor's Inaugural Address be spread on the minutes. Carried UnanimousLyz M_ayor~s Inaugural Address To the citizens of the enlarged City of Niagara Falls. As I begin this, my fifth inaugural address and the first inaugural address for the enlarged city of Niagara Falls, I would like to take this opportunity to express to you, the citizens of Niagara Falls, on behalf of my family and myself, our sincere thanks for the honour you have given me in electing me, not only as your Mayor, but also as the first Mayor of the enlarged City for the year 1963 and 1964; for this, I am most grateful. I viII continue to respect the Mayoris office and carry on the duties, as your Nayor, ~ith all the dignity expected of this high office, as I have tried to do during the past four years. I will continue to serve you to the best of my ability, irrespective of your race, colour, creed, or poli~ieal party affiliations and will continue to share the honours with my fellow members o£ Council ae much as possible. The year 1963 begins as a history making year in the lives of all of us. It is history making because of the joining together of these two great municipalities, namely the City of Niagara Falls and the Tow.ship of Stamford, into one great city. It is also history making due to the fact that representatives of these two municipalities sat down and discussed the problems of the two municipalities with the best of co-operation and understanding, with the net result that we were in unity when the application was made to the Ontario Municipal Board for the annexation of the Township of Stamford. I understand that this is the first time in the history of the Province of Ontario where two municipalities have willingly asked to be united. The year 1963 is also history making due to the fact that the City Council will now consist of ten members instead of seven. Although we are all.new in one sense, each of us has had municipal experience which will be of benefit in the administration of the affairs of the enlarged city. No disrespect to the name Stamford, But I personally feel that with the name "Niagara Falls', which is the worldss best known address, and the large area for industrial expansion which Stamford has to offer, we should become a very important city, both for tourist and industrial promotion. This can only be accomplished by hard work, co-operation and the unity of all, I would like to mention at this time that one of the members of the former City Council, Alderman White, has seen fit to retire after'twenty-three years' service to the City Council and to the citizens of Niagara Falls. To you, Mr. White, our best wishes. I would, at this time, like to extend to Miss Judy LaMatab, M.P., and Mr. George Bukator, M.L.A. our best wishes for continued good health, with the sincere hope that co-operation, as has been given in the past, will continue in the best interests of the enlarged city of Niagara Falls. It is my pleasure at this time to welcome representatives of the Board of Education, Separate School Board, Local Hydro Commission, Board of Health, Welland County Health Unit, Chamber of Conmares, any Board I may have overlooked, all publlc officials, appofhLed representatives, guests, and citizens gathered here this evening a~ our 1963 Inaugural Meeting and to extend to all churches, the Library Board, Poliee Commission, Board of Health, Hospital Board, Hospital Auxiliaries, Hydro Commissio~, Chamber of Commerce, Niagara Development Association, members of the United Appeal, Hockey and Baseball Absociations, V~teran~ Croups, and to any other group I may have missed, my best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year, with the request for continuance of the co-operation which has bean given to this Council, in past years. Thanks should also be extended to Mr. W. S. Orr,.City Manager, the Clerks, Engineers, Treasurers, Assessors, Tax Collectors, the ~eads of departments, and all other employees of the two former municipalities for their co-operation in the past and I feel confident that the friendly relationship will continue. I would like to extend my thanks to Chief Pay, Chief Cunningham, and the personnel of the two previous Police Departments for the splendid work they did in 1962 in solving many crimes and apprehending undesirable people. Ny thanks also to Sergeant D, Cathen~ood and the many men of the Police Department who ~re giving hours of free time to the Traffic Clinic and other endearours for the benefit of the public. I would like to thank Chiefs Wade, Embleton, Dyer and Allan and the personnel of the Fire Departments for the splendid work done during 1962. To the many men of the Department, my thanks for again g~ving of their time in the teaching of fire prevention to the public and for giving lectures at th~ Public and Separate Schools. My thanks to Local 133 and Stamford Local 425 and to any other branch of the two municipalities, which I may have emitted, for the protection and services the citizens have received in the past and it is my hope that all citizens and places of business will continue to support and place their confidence in ~he now enlarged City of Niagara Falls, The current year would create the impression that the name Stamford has been lost to all intents and purposes, but in actual fact, it has not been and never will be insolaf as historical and sentimental value is concerned, Witness the fact that Stamford Green is said to be the only village in Canada. It was originally part of the farm of Captain R, H. Dee, a retired British Officer who had been Aide-De-Camp to Sir Peregraine Maltland, who was Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada in the 1820's. From 1824, through the kindness of Captain Dee, the Green was left open as a playground for the people of the Viiiage of Stamford. In the year 1908, Dr. John Dee, who inherited the land, sold it to the Village for $1,000.00 wlch the condition that it should always be used as a public park, and that it should be deeded in trust to five trustees and be under their control. It is not known by me, at this time, if the name Stamford Green is registered. It is my hope that this Coulcil would pass a by-law - if protection has not already been provided - to perpetuate the name Stamford at this historic spot. It would also be a gracious gesture, I think, to place a plaque, with the name inscribed, somewhere on the Green. During the fall of 1960, a Commission, comprising four members appointed by the Joint Councils, Reeve Mitchelson, from the then Township of Stamford, and myself, as elected officials, was set up to operate the Greater Niagara Transit System~ The personnel of the Commission appointed by Councils remains the same, with the Mayor being the elected official, which now makes it a five-man commission instead of the previous six. I would say that these men deserve a lot of credit for the very able and efficient manner in which they operate the Transit Commission, Passengers carried - January lst.to November 30/61 - 1,141,619 Passengers carried - January lst.to November 30/62 - 1,191,843 Exclusive of passengers carried on the Queen Victoria Park Run Increase of passengers - 50,224 or 4.4 percent. Commencing May 7th, 1962, we put on a new route, at the request of many citizens, to serve the Rainbow Bridge and Queen Victoria Park Area. This proved very costly and was discontinued on September 15th. The cost, less depreciation and overhead, was $7,272.00. We received revenue ~ $3,133.00 which left an operating deficit of $4,139,00. The estimated increase in the 1962 deficit of $4,840.00 less the amount los= oL the park rut of $4,140,00, makes a net increase, compared to our 1961 operation of $700.00. This, I believe, is a very favourable figure when you consider our expenses were higher in 1962 because of increased wages, increased benefits and the granting of two weeksw vacation to each employee. Among many problems that must be solved by the 1963 Council are several affecting our relations with the County of Welland. The matters to be resolved include grants to relieve the county of undue burden by reason of the loss of assessment, the use of the facilities at Sunset Haven and an adjustment of assets and liabilities between the former Township of Stamford and the County of Wellamd. Sub-s~otion 10(1) of Section 14, Chapter 249, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, reads as follows: "(i) Where by reason of any annexation or amalgamation order ~made under this section a county will be deprived of not less than 15 percent of its equalized assessment, the Ontario Municipal Board may authorize and direct the payment to such county by the annexing or amalgamated municipality, to relieve such county from any undue burden by reason of the loss of such assessment, of compensating grants during a period of not more than five years after the effective date of the annexation or amalgamation in such amounts and manner as may be agreed upon between the county.and the annexing or amalgamated municipality and approved by the Board or, failing agreement, as the Board may deem equitable". The Township of Stamford in 1962, was assessed for 28.6 percent of the equalized assessment for Welland County. Therefore, an agreement respecting the amount payable to the county must be agreed upon at a very early date so that this amount can be included as an expenditure in the 1962 budget. In the year 1962, the City of Niagara Falls, by the payment of $19,356.03, obtained a 13,85 percent equity in the present net value of Sunset Haven and by Agreement commencing in 1963, ~ill pay 13.85 percent of the annual amount required to meet the annual payment of the debentures issued by the County to pay for the additions to the home. By this a~rangement, when the addition Just recently undertaken has been templeted, the City of Niagara Falls will be allocated 48 beds out of the total of 350 beds. However, the Township of Stamford, on the basis of 1962 contributions, would have the use of 60 beds. This means that upon the completion of the addition now underway, the City of Niagara Falls, as of January lst~ 1963, will have the use of 110 beds out of a total of 350 beds, Members of Council will k. To reach an agreement with the County respecting assets and liabilities, it ~.~11 be necessary to have strong representation from Council, together with officials, solicitors and auditors, study all phases of the subject with representatives of the County of Welland. It is respectfully suggested that nothing should be done to affect the equity of the enlarged city in Sunset Haven. As you are m~are, two reports are under preparation that will tend to affect the development of the new municipality. The first report deals with urban renewal and will indicate what the experts feel should be the development in the many divergent areas of the cormnunity and what should be done to halt the blight in certain areas and to rehabilitate areas already in an undesirable condition. This report will entail intensive study by members of Council. The second report deals with a study of present traffic problems and forecasts the probably traffic problems of the future. It is estimated that the present population of Niagara Falls and Chippaws is approximately 56,000 and that by 1981, this will increase to about 100,000. The external traffic passing through the area in 1961, on an average summer day, was 15,535 vehicles while it is estimated that this will increase to 37,650 vehicles in 1981. The number of visitors entering Queen Victoria Park, by vehicle, in 1961 was approximately 58,100, but in 1981, this number will probaby increase to 140,000. In order to provide for this tremendous increase in vehicular traffic, it will be necessary to provide for an orderly development of arterial roads that can acconmnodate such an increase in traffic. As the tourist industry is such e major item in the economy of this area, every reasonable effort must be made to encourage the tourists to visit this Histriet. Members of Council are familiar with the measures that had to be employed by the Township of Stamford to provide for the orderly development of the Township. The Tm~nship declaration of policy should be reviewed at a very early date and revised to meet the needs of the new city and to provide for adquate supervision control. This is a vital matter and must be dealt with almost i~enediately. Members are familiar with the several large construction projects that are underway at the present time. These include: '(a) (b). (C) (d) (e) The construction of a new bridge over the C.N.R.tracks on Victoria Avenue. It is expected that this work will be completed by June 30th, 1963. The construction of the Pollution Control Plant, located east of Stanley Avenue and north of the Hydro Canal. Construction work on this undertaking should be completed about June 30th. and the Plant should be in operation some time toward the end of July. Construction of the Stamford Intercepting Sewers. This work was practically completed at the end of December, 1962. Construction of Niagara Falls Intercepting Sewers. These sewers should be completed about February 2Sth, 1963. Stamford Pumping Stations which should be completed by the end of May, 1963. Niagara Falls Pumping Stations, five in all, should be completed by the end of May, 1963. Upon the completion of the Pollution Control Plant, the interscepting sewers and the pumping stations, the pollution of the Niagara River by this community should be eliminated for many years to come, .. Before the completion of the new Bridge on Victoria Avenue, every effort should be made to complete the rebuilding of the road on Victoria Avenue between Bridge Street and River Road. It is proposed .to widen the roadway on this section of Victoria Avenue from 26 feet to 48 feet, There are a considerable number of projects that are required to further the development of the City, but each and every project must be carefully studied to determine if the City is 'able financially to proceed with its develop- ment. Among the many projects required are: (a) .~0~Ds (1) The reconstruction and widening of Ferry Street from 40 feet to 48 feet with new 9-foot sidewalks on either side, (2) Acquisition and construction of the Hydro Road on the south side of the Carborundum Plant between Portage Road and Stanley Avenue. (3) Proposed extension of stone on Kalar Road as a county road between Thorold Stone Road and Mountain Road. Most of the construction of this roadway was done in 1962 and only a small portion remains to be stoned. This road will provide an additional means of access from the Mountain Road and the Queen Elizabeth Area. (4) Acquisition from time to time of wider rights-of-way along future arterial roads. (5) Again I would like to bring to the attention of Council the desirability of doing something at the intersection of Queen Street and River Road to entice the many tourists who travel on River Road to come into the Business Section at this location. (b) WATERMAINS (1) Proposed extension of watermain along Thorold Stone Road from Kalar Road to Garner Road and along Garner Road to the north limit of the housing development. This watermain would be outside the proposed urban service area, so that special arrangements would have to be made for its construction. There is opposition to this project from the farmers living on Thorold Stone Road and also considerable opposition from residents living along Garner Road. This project must therefore be given careful study and serious consideration, (2) Extension of an 8-inch watermain ac~oss the H.E.P.C. Canal to connect up with the 8-inch watermain ~presently existing on Oakwood Drive. This watermain is tc service the Niagara Industrial Park within which a small industry has been established. This is the first industrial subdivision developed in this area by private individuals and this connection would give two sources of water to provide for lower insurance rates for the industries locating in the subdivision. (3) New watermains to serve the proposed Niagara International Centre project located east of the New York Central tracks from Murray Street north. (c) SEWERS (1) Proposed relief sewers to be constructed on Victoria Avenue between Walnut Street and Centre Street and on Centre Street from Victoria Avenue to Lorne Avenue. (2) A sewer in Queen Victoria Park to service the proposed International Centre Project and facilities of the Niagara Parks Conunission. (3) A further study of sewers along Mentress Road from McLeod Road to Lundy's Lane. A further report on the possible construction of sewers along this road and the method of handling the sewage will be presented to Council at an early date. (4) Completion of storm sewers along Rolling Acres Crescent and Rolling Acres Drive which will eliminate open ditches. (5) Lower culvert across the Queen Eltzabuuh Way to provide an outlet for the storm sewers for the Town and Country Subdivision by way of the ditch recently constructed to connectat Katar Road, Members of Council are aware of the development to data respecting Highway No. 8 and Highway No. 20. However~ the most recent information respecting these projects is as follows: (a) HIGHWAY NO, 8. The Department of Highways is planning the reconstruction of No. 8 Highway as follows; From the north city limits to the tunnel under the C.N.R.tracks, the road will be rebuilt to a width of 24 feet; from the CoN,R, tracks to MountainRoad~ the roadway will be widened to 24 feet with a climbing lane for trucks; from Mountain Road to O'Neil Street, the pavement will be widened to 24 feet with an 8-foot parking lane on the west side; from O'Neil Street to the H.E.P.C. Canal, the pavement will be widened to 40 feet with combined gutters on each side. Provision has been made for storm water outlets on the project. It is expected that the Department of Highways will call for tenders for the work early in the year and construe- will probably commence in April, 1963. As soon as this construction work is completed, this portion of No. 8 Highway will be turned over to the City as a "Connecting Link". (b) HIGHWAY No. 20 NO detailed plans fop for the reconstruction of No. 20 Highway have been prepared by the Department of Highways, although preliminary studies have been carried out. Our information is that the Department of tlighways plans to turn No.20. over to the City as a "connecting link" on April 1st. 1963. After this date, it has been sugSested that special arrangements will be made with the City for the recon- struction of this Road, a portion of which will probably be developed as a four-lane highway. One of the most pressing matters to be considered by Council concerns assessment. In 1962, the To~mship of Stamford completed a re-assessment, but no complete .p-to-date assessment has been made of the City of Niagara Falls for many years. There are discrepancies in the assessment. of residential, commercial, and industrial properties and it is only fair that the entire city be assessed on the same basis. Work on this re-assessment should commence immediately upon completion of the 1963 Business Assessment, and will, in all probability, require t he employment of three additional qualified assessors for about nine months, While discussing assessment, it is interesting to note that in 1962~ retail business assessment in the Toysship of Stamford was based on 35 percent of the assessed value of real property and in the City of Niagara Fails on 30 percent of the assessed value. In 1963, retail business assessment will be based on 25 percent of the assessed value of real property. This means a loss of assessment of $100,000.00 for former Township properties and $165,000.00 for former city properties, or a total of $265,000.00. Although th~ City loses assessment, the taxpayers liable for retail business tax will receive a slight saving. The Council will again have to consider the grants paid in lieu of taxes by the Hydra-Electric Power Commission and Niagara Parks Con~nission. The Honourable R.W.Macaulay, Minister of Economics and Development~ indicated to StamfQrd Council, in a letter dated November 21st. that he would like to go into the matter of Hydra Grants after the completion of th~ Annexation. As soon as convenient, a further meeting should be arranged with the Honqurable Mr. Macaulay to discuss the problem. As members of Council are aware, there are-two different systems employed respecting the collection of garbage. In the former City area containers were carried from the rear of houses to the curb and the empty containers were returned by City employees. In the former Township of Stamford, householders carried containers to the curb and were responsible for returning the empty containers. It is obvious that Council will have to determine the policy to be adopted respecting this community service, ,. - At the present time, a land-fill method of garbage disposal is employed on the dump on the west side of Victoria Avenue, north of Ferguson Street. The area is practically filled and it is anticipated that the area can be levelled and seeded in the spring of .1963. Upon completion of filling the above area, it will be necessary to move to the Hydra property north of Mountain Road at Montrose Road. This property is under leaxe and can accommodate the City for a n~mber of years. The area presently in use west of Montrose Road and north of McLeod Road is not operated as a land-fill area. It is proposed that as soon as possible, a suitable bull clam be acquired and a modern land-fill operation inaugurated. It will be necessary fat Council to consider the advisability of employing consultants to study and report on the Croup Insurance and Pension Sahemes presently in force so that a uniform schedule can be installed for all employees o£ the City, In the settlement with Local No, 133 of Civic Employees made by the City in 1962, one of the conditions was that a study. of Job and salary classifications would be cemmenced. in 1963, Council should give this matter consideration as soon as convenient, . . In the Election in December, 1962, a fairly large number ofpersons were eligible to vote under the Municipal Franchise Extension Act. This did not apply to residents of the City of Niagara Falls. At an early date, Council should consider the advisability of extending the Franchise to residents of the City of Niagara Falls and the best method of dealing with this matter so that there will be equal franchise for the election of December, lq64. At a very early date, a capital budget should be prepared to cover the expenditures for capital works for at least a period of five years. This budget must be realistic and based upon the ability of taxpayers to pay Jar the same. As Members of Council are aware, it is necessary to adopt immeaiate]y a new rate for charges for water services. In 1962, there was a decided difference in the rate structures ~nd a new equitable schedule is imperative. In preparing the new schedules, it must be borne in mind that it ]s probably that about the end of July, the cost of operation of the Pollution Control Plant will be paid for by a levy on water users. Tentative schedules will be presented to Council for consideration. There are a great many other subjects that must be considered by Coupell. I do not think it necessary to go into details of these subjects at present, but I suggest tbat the following items must be studied. (1) Align the Zoning By-laws of the former municipalities of Niagara Falls and Stamford, (2) Revise the By-laws respecting speed limits on City streets and }roads. (3) Development of a program designed to provide for the orderly replacement of city-owned vehicles and mechanical equipment. (4) Revision of the licensing by-laws so that all charges will be on an even basis. (5) Revision of the Building By-law, with every consideration given to the possibility of adopting the National Building Code. (6) Adoption of a new Plumbing Code which will conform with the Ontario Water Resources Commission draft by-law and the provisions of The Municipal Act. (7) Preparation of a by-law respecting the keeping of animals and fowl. (s) Preparation and adoption of a by-law to license and regulate travel trailer camps. (9) Prepare a schedule for the orderly development of parks. This might entail the purchase of sites 'in advance of the actual development. Although it is early to suggest the possibility od developing a civic centre, there is no doubt that eventually it will be necessary to consider this as well as a consolidation of work centtea. A preliminary study might reveal that certain desirable locations are available, if the necessary steps are taken to have such sites available when required. Both the Council of the Township of Stamford and of the City of Niagara Falls have co*operated in the past to encourage the development of the industrial and tourist activities in the area. With the enlarged city, it would appear that ~he opportunity exists to enlarge these activities and every encouragement should be extended by Council to aid, wherever possible, a further extension of such activities. The possibilities of increased tourist accommodation and artactions appear greater than ever before and the area adjacent to the Falls seems headed for a phenomenal development, Members of Council are, of course, aware that an early decision must be arrived at respecting the report of the Fire Marshal~s Office dealing with the re-organization of the Fire Department, Council must also resolve the constitution of health services for the new city, Every effort must be made to integrate the staff of the two municipalities, having in mind the necessity of building an efficient and economical organization to administer the affairs of the City of Niagara Falls. A very careful study must be made of all expenditures proposed for the year 1963 so that all frills are eliminated and ansdequate municipal service provided. Expenditures for 1963 and succeeding years must be based on the ability of the taxpayers to finance the same. Ladies and Gentlemen, in closing I would like to extend my thanks for yosr attendance at this history making inaugural meeting of the two full grown municipalities. I would also like to extend thanks, on behalf of the members of Council and myself, to Reverend Weissbach and Magistrate Johnstone Roberrs for the important part each has played in this inaugural meeting. To our two Members of Parliament, Miss Judy LaMarsh, M.P., and Mr. George Bukator, M.L.A. our thanks for taking of your valuable time to be with us this evening. To the Niagara FaIL Evening Review, the Niagara Falls Gazette and Radio Station C. H. V, C. our thanks for the coverage you have given the 1962 Council. May I extend to everyone the wish that the year 1963 will bring health, happiness and prosperity. Adoption of Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting, having been received and read, were adopted on the motion of Alderman McCallum and Alderman Potter. Carried Unanimously. CERTIFICATE The City Clerk certified as to the result of the poll on the 3rd. day of December, 1962, and on the motion of Alderman Morton and Alderman Swayze it was ordered that the conmmnication be received and filed. Carried Unanimously, APPOINTMENTS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 1 .- SWAYZE - SCOTT - RESOLVED that Alderman George Martin be and is hereby appointed as the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the City Council for the year 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, Carried Unanimously. No. 2 - }~RTIN - KEIGHAN - RESOLVED that Mr. R. I. Prior be and is hereby appointed Weed Inspector for the City of Niagara Falls from May 1st. to October 31st. 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried. Unanimously, No. 6 - POTTER - SWAYZE - RE,qOI,VED that Aldermen Ian McCallurn, c-nrSc ,v, artin, Robert Keighan and Edward Mitchelson be and are hereby appointed a~ M~mbers of the Negotiations and Equipment Committee for the year 1963; and the qoa] nf the Corpnr- alton be hereto affixed. No, 7 - McCALLL~I - MITCHELSON - RESOLVED that Aldermen ~. J. McKinley, Walter Scott, Simeon Colfield and Church Swayze be and are hereby appointed as Members of the Christmas Party Committee for the year 1963; and the Seal If the Corporation he hereto affixed. No. 8 - SCOTT - CORFIELD - RESOLVED that Aldermen Robert Keighan, Narland PetLer, Church Swayze and Harold Morton be and are hereby appointed as Members of the Achievement Award Committee for the year 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimo~s_~_ No, 9 - KEIGHAN - MORTON - RESOLVED that Aldermen George Martin, Walter Scott, Hatland potter and Simeon Corfield be and are hereby appointed as Members of thc~ Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee for the year 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 10 - POTTER - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Miller, Alderman Ian McCallum, C.H.Eidt,City Engineer, Messrs. S. R. Price Assistant to the City Manager, Engineering; M. Perkins, Construction Superintendent, E. J. Farebrother, Water Works Superintendent, be and are hereby appointed to the Utilities Co-ordinating Committee for the year 1963, to be augmented by representatives from the Hydro Commission, Bell Telephone Company and Provincial Gas Company; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl~ COMMUNICATIONS The following Communications were presented; No. 1 - Prime Minister of Canada - Congratulatory Message. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the communicazion be received and filed. No. 2 - Prime Minister of Ontario - Congratulatory Message.(~RDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Gotfield that the communication be received and filed. No. 3 - Mayor of Port Colborne - Congratulatory Message. ORDERED on the motion of A}dl Morton and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and filed. No. 4 - Local 133, Civic Employees' Union - Congratulatory message on behalf of "newly-elected officers of Locals 133 & 425. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the communication'be received and filed. BY-lAWS The following By-laws were passed; No. 3 - MCKINLEY - MITCHEESON - RESOLVED that Aldermen Robt. Keighan, Hatland Potter, Harold Morton and Church Swayze be and are hereby appointed as Members of the Property and Buildings Committee for tile year ~963; and the .Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 4 - MORTON - CORFIELD - RESOLVED that Aldermen' Arthur J. McKinley, Ian McCallum, Walter Scott and liarland Potter be and are hereby appointed as Members of the Arena~ Parks and Recreation Committee for the year 19631 and the Seal of the Corporation be bereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 5 - MARTIN - KEICHAN - RESOLVED that Aldermen Church Swayze, Walter Scott, liarland Potter and Ian McCallum be and are hereby appointed as Members of the Traffic Committee for the year 1963~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 6256 - A by-law to provide for the appointment of Municipal Officials. ORDERED on the motion of AId.Martin and Ald. Swayze that Ald.McCallum be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading, - Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald, Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time, - Carried Unanimously, Third Reading -Ald. Scott and Ald. Martin - Carried Unanimously. N_o... 6257 - A by-law to provide for appointments to certain BoardS, Commissions and Con~ittees, ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time, - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McCallum, seconded by Ald. potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald, McKinley, READ AND ADOPTED, 14th. January, 1963. Clerk ' M y ADJOURNED MEETING Council Chamber, 8th.January,1963. Council reconvened in general session on Tuesday afternoon, conmnencin~ at 2 p.m. January 8th, 1963.1 All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller., presided. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 312 (1962 Pile) - I|unt's Ambulance Service - requesting increase in present grant. ORDERED on the notion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Con~itt~e for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. -Ald. McCallum arrived at the meeting at 2.05 p;m. - No. 334 - (L962 File) - Ontario Traffic Conference - deadline for submission of resolutions, ORDERED on the notion of Ald, Morton and Ald, 8wayze that the conmmntcation be received and .filed, ' No. 363 - Niagara Falls Minor Hockey Association - requesting permission to hold a Tag Day on January 26th, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the communication be r.eoeived, filed and permission granted as requested. No. 386 - Niagara Falls Professional Fire Pigh~erst Local 528 - submissions for 1963 Agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Negotiations Committee, No. 326B - (Council Elect File) - Chairman, Joint Pollution Control Committee - recommendations re appointment of a Chief Operator for the Stamford-Niagara Pollution Control Plant No. 1. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and ~ld. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed. The City Clerk advised that Mr. John McNamara, of BuF}in~ton, Ontario, will be available to ~ake up his duties on February 4th.1963. No. 326E - (Council Elect File) - Niagar_a_F__rp.nt~e~ ~9_~ance~A~ppt~,~92~j~c!p9 _ requesting meeting with Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ahl. McCallum that this communication be referred for consideration with communication Number 9. Following this consideration, it was ordered on the motion of Ald.Geo. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be tabled and the Insurance iAgents notified that Council will meet with them at the next regular Council ~Meeting on January 14th. SEE Communication No.9. ~No. 326K -(Council Elect File) - Chairman~ Committe~ N_o_._ ~ - proposed roadway lsouth of Carborundum Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received~ filed and the matter be referred to management and the Property Committee for a furtber report. No. 326M - (Council Elect File) - Townskip Enlineer - Transportation Safety ,ssoctation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Geo. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and the recommendation contained therein be adopted. 9OMMUNICATIONS ' ~The following Communications were presented; ;No. 5 - Mayor Miller - appointing A. F. Sheppard as representative on Court of 'Revision. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. George Martin and Ald. Potter that the !communication be received and adopted. No. 6 - Mr. George Bukator, M.P.P., - congratulations and comments, ORDERED on the notion of Ald, Geo. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication herecalved and filed and Mr. Bukator thanked for his assistance which will be accepted with ~ppreciation any time it is required. 'No. 7 - Township Engineer - 1962-63 Winter Works Program. ORDERED on the motion of ld. Mitchelson and AId. Corfield that the communication be received and referred ~o the Property Committee for consideration and report. j~o. 8 - Township Clerk - referral of items to i963 Council. ORDERED on the motion ~ f Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to ouncil as a whole at a future meeting. ~o. 9 - Township Clerk - Insurance Report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. George notified that Council will meet with them at the next regular Council Meeting :~n January 14th. SEE Communication 326K, o. 10 - Township Clerk - attaching blueprint of lands on'which Twp,warehouses and ~rtain buildings are located and recommending purchase of ||ydro property. ORDERED · n the motion 'of Ald. Mttchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received d referred to the Proper~y Committee and Mr, |tuggins, for consideration and report. ~m 4 o. 11 - Y.M,C.A - requesting issuance of a proclamatio~ of Physical Fitness Week. anuary 14th, to'lPth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId, Potter that the ~3mmunication be received and filed and proclamation published as requested, at the · ~.'ty expense. Carried, with Ald. Keighan-contrary. ' ~was further ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan that a study ~, 12 - W, R, Sootheran - Secretary Chief Pay Testimonial - Testimonial Stag Party to ~ held at Rapidts Tavern~ January 30th, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Geo, Martin [d Ald, Cotfield that the invitation be vetaired and accepted and the Clerk poll % Council to ascertain the number of tickets required for this event; senior !fic~als to be tncouded in this invitation, 13 - Niagara Falls Girlst Work Board -'requesting permisston to hold a tag dny ~Hay 4th. 0tIDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze'that the communication received and filed and permission gradted as requested.' No, 14 - Ralph Biamonte - application re operation of Cakes Park concession. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for consideration and a report. It was suggested that since there are minor baseball associations actively interested in supporting the work of these associations, some consideration be given by the Parks and Recreation Committee to considering allowing ~hese associations to take over these concessions and use the proceeds to promote sports in the area, No. 15 -Detriment of Health of Ontario - Local Board of Health Operation. No. 16 - Ontario Municipal Board - enclosing Board's Order concerning continuance of operation of Welland District Uealth Unit and the Niagara Falls Board of Health in their respective areas until further notice. ORDERED ON the motion of Ald. George Martin and Ald, Morton that the communications be received sad tabled until such time as Council have the opportunity to take up the matters dealing with the health situation for the new City of Niagara Falls in order that a final decision may be made before February 15th. No. 17 - Canadian Mental Health Association - Welland County Branch - request.grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 18 - Rotary Club of Niagara Falls,Canada - requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared, No, 19 - Canadian Cancer Society - Greater Niagara Unit - designation of April as Cancer Month and requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and the request granted for designation of April as Cancer Month, and the request for a grant be referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 20 - Founders' Committee, Brock University - requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the City ManegeL and Chairman of Finance for consideration and advice. No. 21 - Welland CoUnty Council - resolution. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Mitchelson and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and tabled and Reeve Swart be given the opportunity to address the City Council and two alternate dates be suggested sometime in February. No. 22 - Minister of Highways - Municipal Inspectors' CourSes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be redsired and referred to the City Manager for a report. No, 23 - pi~y~ ~ni__!n~l}_Fruit & Vegetable Growers' Association - resolution. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mttchelson and Ald. Corfield that the resolution be received and endorsed and the organization notified to this effect. No. 24 - Can,Fed, of Mayors and Municipalities - Membership. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the 'communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a repnrt, No. 25 - Greater Niagara Fish & Game Protective Assoc. - requesting meeting with Council, ORDERED on the m~tion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Potter that the communi- cation be received and filed and the Association be a~vised that the Council will meet with them at the next regular Council Meeting; the Stamford Rod and Gun Club and the Game Warden to be requested to attend also. ' No. 26 - Martin, Calvert, Sheppard and Clark - requesting permission for A.F. Sheppard ~'~appear on behalf of parties interested in repealing the early'closing gasoline retail ou~lets By-law Number 4391. No. 27 - Ronald J. North, Mgr. of North's Fina Service Station - satisfied with existing by-law 4391. No. 28 - pr. W. H. Atnslie - pointing out inconvenience caused by by-law 4391. ORDERED on the motion o£ AId, Martin and AId, Keighan that the three communications be considered together, ORDERED on the motion of AId, McKinley and Ald~ S~ay~e tha~ Mr, Sheppard be heard, Mr. Sheppard spoke on behalf of Petition Number ], si~ned by 40 persons and requested that this be treated as an urgent matter. He referre~ to the difference in laws between the City and To~.mship prior to the Annexation and that The Nunicioal Act provides that one-third of the occupiers may submit a petltien requesting tha~ such a by-law be terminated and that Council has power to repeal or terminate the same, and requested early consideration.ORDERED on the n~ot~.on of Ald, Martin and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received, tabled for consideration at the next Council Meeting. SEE Petition Number 1, No. 29 - Can.Nat. Institute for the Blind - requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared, No. 30 - Pearce Signs and Advertisi~ - application for renewal of agreement re- garding waste containers, as permitted by Stamford ~.~p, by-law 2776. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager and the Property Committee for a report. REPORTS Laid over from previous meetins~ No. 288 - (1962 File) - C. G. GregorX - report on attendance at Ontario Conference of Mayors, Reeves and Wardens and making Certain suggestions re E.M.O. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and tabled for consideration at a future meeting. No. 330 - (1962 File) - Parks and Recreation Committee - re proposed parking area on Kitchener Street School Grounds for patrons of Mem;rial Arena, ORDERED on the motion of Ald.. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and referred to the 1963 Parks and Recreation Committee for action. ~he following Reports were presented; No. 1 - City Manager - requesting permission to attend meeting of Ontario Municipal Administrators Association in Toronto, Saturday, January 19th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed and permission granted as requested. No. 2 ~ City Manager - Water Rate Schedule - ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and tabled for one week for the perusal of Council. PETITION The following Petition was presented; No. 1 - S,T.Dennett and 39 others - petittoning to have the present early closing by-law, number 4391, revoked. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the petition be received and the Clerk be instructed to check the validity of the same, and if found in order, referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report for submission to the next regular Council Meeting on January 14th. and the press be requested to make Council~s action known so that any one wlshing to appear at the next council meetin~ may have the opportunity. Ald. Swayze, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, requested His Worship Mayor Miller to sit in with the Traffic Committee on this matter. SEE COMMUNICATIONS 26-7-28. BY-IAWS The following By-laws were passed; No..~6258 - A by-law to authortat the borrowing of Three Million Dollars ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald, Swayze that AId,Martin be granted the privilege of introducing tile by-law and the by-law be given the let, reading, . Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on the ~o~ien of Ald. }!artin and Aid. Morton tkat Ku!e ]6 [2~ of t~e $~andin~ Rules of Ceunci? be ~-~rarilv suspended and the bZ.'-!aw be read the ~econd ti~e. - Carried Unani?ouslY. Third Readin~ - A!d. FcCa!luu and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously. .., ,-,,-i,",~ for ~° ade~tien of an amendment to the %fagare Falls and Suburban Area Official Plan. C~RDER, ED¢n the ?el!on of AId. YcKin!ey and A!d. Svayze that AId. v~"altu- ~e ~ranteA the privi!eTe ef intr?d':ci~% the b}--lair and the by-law be ~i,.-en the ls[. readi~Z. - Carried Unanimeuc~v ~D~ED 0n the rotion ~{ AId. McCal!ur and AId. Mitchetson that Rule 36(2) ef the Standin% R~les of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried with A18. Martin-contrarY. Third Beading - AId. kor~on and kld. $wayze - Carried,~th AId.Martin-contrary. No. 6260 - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traf[ic. ORDERED en the ~etion of AId, Morton and AId. McCallum that Ald.Swayze be ~ranted th2 privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the ls't. reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. McKinley and AId. Corfield - Carried Unanimously.' The Council adjourned .,o ~he Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Mor~on. READ A}~ ADOPTED, 14th. January, 1963. MEETING Council Cb_f~nher, 8th.January,1963. lhe Finance Meeting yes held on January 8th, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passin~ the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Hembets of the Co{nmit~ee yore present. &1do Martin~ Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of ;108,578.~4vere app~oved by Committee. The Accounts submitted, bein~ ?a~sed ~r 2t~eT.:i=~ dealt ','it>. '.'ere ordered placed in the Money ~y-law for presentalien to ,_he Ceu~cil, cn the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Potter. The City Manager's repor~ on the aF?!icatiPn of the Swiss and Gifts of 1711 Centre Street, for a pen-it tc erect a plaszit, ili'zTinat~d facet sign, at an estiTated cost of S750. ~as presented for cJnsiderati:n, O~DERED on the ~otion of Ald. }tcKin!ey and Ald. Motten that the reDerr be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Mana~er's re~ort on the request cf Slcan's Wocd?crki~ Shop, 405 Sincon Street, for a oe.~.it tO rove a sza!! buildin~ tc their and at a later da.,e construct a building on the southerly !i-it ~f th~ existing carport to connect with the small building to be moved, ~as oresanted far consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze thal report be received and referred to the Property Co~-~t, ittee for considera.,i~n and a report. The City Manager's report on quotations received for the re=oval cf wall between the Council and the Conference Reom, was presented for ~enslderati?n.~ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott tha~ the report be received and referred to the Property Con-mitten for consideration and a report. Carried UnaniT. ously. Prior to this action, AId. Morton moved that the report be tabled for one month; there was no seconder to this ~otion. A!d. }[i~chelson r. oved that the work be proceeded with and the door costing ~533. be purchased; there was no seconder. A cot~nunication fro~ Dr. G. E. Fur=~v. an concerning a building proposed on part of Block 130, Plan 653, Lowell and lundy's lan~. 'ras presented, along with a report of the City Manager who recor~n. ended that the request be referred te the Property Co,mmlttee for consideration. ORDERED cn the rotion of AId. MzKin!ey an~ AId. Morton that the co.z-muni cation and report be referred to the Property for consideration and a report. The comm. unication from Gould-LeFlie Lid, for pe~ission to erect one standard poster display, il!u~inated, o. the Jns. Malzone property at the corner of Stanley and Kitcharier Streets, was presented, ORDERED on the rotion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Morton that the cor~zunication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration. The Co~nittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. McCallum, READ AND ADOPTED, 14th. January, 1963. Clerk COUNCIL }~ETING Chairman of Finance. Council Chamber, 8th. January, 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on January Bib, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were Present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. 6261 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley nnd Ald. Swayze that Ald. Martis be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley READ AND ADOPTED, 14th. January, 1963. Clerk CONFERENCE Conncil Chamber, 8th.January,1963. Council re-assembled in Conference following the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, January 8th, 1963, His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. After consideration of the items presented to them, the Con~ntttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ AN~ ADOPTED 14th. January, 1963. SECOND ~ETI~ Council Chamber, ]4th .Jannary, 1963, REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, January 14th. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Memberq of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Mitcbelson. The Council, havin? received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum. TRIBUTE Prior to the openin~ of the meeting, His Worship Mayor Miller requested the Members of Council and citizens to stand and observe one minute's silence in memory of the late Ernest M. Hawkins, former Mayor of the City of Niagara Falls. SEE Resolution Number 11. PRESENTATION Mr. Arthur W. Blakety, Manager of Radio Station C H V C, on behalf of Mr. B. It. Bedford, President, presented the tape recording of the Inaugural Ceremonies which took place on January 7th, 1963, to His Worship Mayor'Miller for the City archives. On behalf of the City of Niagara Falls, His jWorship, Mayor Miller accepted the {:ape recording and expressed thanks and appreciation to the Radio Station for their kindness. DEPUTATIONS In connection with the communication from Mr. Roy Muma, Conservation Officer, · Mayor Miller advised that Mr. Muma was present in the Council Chamber and on motion ~ of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze, it was ordered that he be permitted to address Council, Mr. Muma stated that perhaps the Officers of the Greater Niagara Fish and Game : Protective Association would like to submit their views and then if there were any ~ questions, he would be pleased to answer them. Mr. Robert Pretty, Secretary of the Greater Niagara Fish and Game Protective ~ association then addressed Council and said they would respectfully suggest that the i area on the west side of the Hydro Canal to the Welland-Lincoln County Line at .: Queenston Quarries running south to McLeod Road and the area south of McLeod and west :; of Portage Road to the Welland River be opened for hunting. This is the area which had been a regulated area in the former Township of Stamford and had been used for many years by the sportsman. AId. Martin queried if the Council of a City had the authority to issue licenets or whether special legislation would be required. Mr. Muma then stated that Hunting Licerites were issued Under the authority of the Department of Lands and Forests, but the problem seemed lobe whether ~ouncil could repeal their By-law dealing with the discharge of firearms to allow hunting in certain areas of the City. If they could, then permission would have to be obtained from the Minister of Lands and Forests for the issuance of licenets. SEE Communications 25 and 31. ' Representatives of Gasoline Service Stations were present in connection with I. the petition requesting that the Early Closing By-law be left in force and on motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Swayze, Mr. Kenneth Lengdon, Executive Secretary of the Ontario Retail Gasoline Association was permitted to addtabs Council. Mr. Langdon said he was speaking on behalf of those Service Station Operators who were in fayour of the early ~ closing by-laws and had been for many years. Ue stated that since one-third of the igasoline service station operators must be in favour of the repeal of the by-la~ and inasmuch as the original petition did not now represent this number, repeal of the by-law could not lawfully be considered by Council. He stated that when a new petldon containing the names of one-third of the service station operators is presented to Council requesting repeal of the by-law, those operators opposed would like an opportunity to submit their reasons to Council for wishing the by-law to continue in force, which, in their opinion, was for the benefit of all concerned. Aid. McKinley requested the Committee to check with the Solicitor concerning the validity of repealing the by-law on a petition from one-third of the operators of the enlarged City, whereas the by-law was originally passed following the'receipt of a petition signed by three-quarters of the operators in the former City. Mr, Langdon then suggested that possibly a compromise could be worked out by the Gasoline Station operators themselves which would be satisfactory to all and His Worship the Mayor requested that if they had suggestions for arriving at an amicable solution to this problem, they should submit them to the Con~nitt. ee for consideration, gEE-Petition No. 2 Messrs. Carl Young, Don Elsley and Robert Putt were present representing the Niagara Frontier Insurance Operators Association and on motion of Ald.MoCallum and Ald. Swayze, Mr. Young was permitted to address Council. Mr. Young stated that the plan they |tad in mind was that the insurance would be handled by much the same offices, but the benefits- commission-wise - would be shared by all members of the Insurance Operators Association. Under this system, they felt the best and most economical plan could be devised for the enlarged City. in the past, Mr. Elsley had handled all the insurance of the former Township of Stamford and the City of Niagara Falls' insurance was handled by what was conunonly known as the "Insurance Pool". In reply to a question from Ald. Keighan, Mr. Elsley stated that no Insurance firm would lose anything under the new plan - that all agents who had participated previously would participate to at least the same'extent. Ald. Keighan also questioned the advisability of compelling Insurance Agents to belong to the Insurance Operators Association h, order to obtain a share of the City Insurance business, to which Mr. Young replied that only three or four agents did not belong to the Association, that they were not excluded, and member- ship in this Association automatically made the Agent a member of the Ontario and National Associations. Ald. Scott advised that in the former Township, it was not compulsory to be a member of this Association, but that the Company had to pay business tax. SEE Co~rmunications 326E'& 9. TENDERS Tenders had been called for the painting of the interior of the Annex Building next to the Police Station, and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze, it was ordered that the tenders received be opened, initialled by ]{is Worship the Mayor and tabulated. SEE ADJOURNED MEETING COb~iUNIDATIONS Laid over from the_,previOus ~eetinR[ No. 326K - (Council-Elect File) - Chairman, Committee No. 4 - proposed r~adway south of the Carborundum Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Curfield that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Property Committee'be adopted. · SEE Report Number 3. No. 326E - (Council-Elect File) - Niagara Frontier Insurance Agents Association - requesting meeting with Council, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Scott and AId. Morton that the communication be received and the matter be referred to the Property Committee to work with members of the Insurance Agents Association and submit a complete report to Council, . No. 7 - Township Engineer . 1962-63 Winter Works Program, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. gwayze and Ald, Potter that the cofamunieation be received and the report of the Property Committee be adopted, SEE Report Number 4.. No. 9 - Township Cler~ - Insurance Report. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Scott aqd Ald. Morton that the com~unication be received and the mattor be referred to the Property Committee to work with members of the Instrance Agents Associatirm and submit a complete report to Council. No. 10 - Township Clerk - attachinp_' blueprint! of ]andc up t.~bich 'Cown~hjD Ware- houses and certain buildings are located and recommending purchase of !{Vdro property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morto9 and Ald. qcott ,'ha~ the cation be received and filed and the report of the Property Committee b~ NO. 14 - Ralph Bidmonte - application re operalion ~f Cakes Parh ORDERED on the motfungi Ald, Co~[ie]d and Ald. Po[ter that the cornreunite[ion be received and the report of the Parks and Recreation Cubittee be adopted. SEE Reoort Numb,~r 6. No. 22 - Min~ister of Highway~ - Municipal Inspectors' CourFes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. S~.~ayze and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and f~led and the report of the City Manager be adopted. SEE Report Number 7. No. 24 - Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities - Memhersh|p, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. C6rfie]d that ~be commm~icatlon be r~ce~ved and filed and the report of the City Manager bc adopte~. SEE Report Nu~her 8, No, 25 - Greater Niagara Fish & Game Protective Assnciation - reqnestiD~ meetinF with Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. biertin and A]d. ~wayze that the commuDi- cation be received apd filed and the matter be re~erre~ to the Parks and Recreation Committee to consult with the City Manager and City Solicitor te ascertain what powers Council had in this regard and suhmit a report to Council. No. 26 - Martin, Calvert, Sheppard and Clark - reque~tinF permfsq]on for A, F. Sheppard to appear on behalf of parties interested in repea]in~ the early closing gasoline by-law number ~391. Mr. Sheppard was present in the Council Chamher, hut following receipt of the second petition and the request of ten operators to remove their names from the original petition, Mr. Sheppard advised that he had no cormcents at this time, but was interested in |tearing those opposed to the repeal of the by-law. No. 27 - Ronald J. North, MRr. of North's Find Service Statio~ - satisfied with existing By-law N9. 4391. No, 28 - Dr. W. H..Ainslie - pointing out inconvenience caused by By-law 4391. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the communications, two petitions and report of the City Clerk be tabled for one week, the second petiti6n be checked as to its validity, and the whole matter referred ~o the Traffic Conm~ittee for a report to Council. SEE Petitions NoS~l and 2. SEE Communications 32 & 33, SEE Repor~ Number9_9_,, No. 30 - Peatee Signs and Advertisin~ - application for renewal of agreement regarding waste contai~ers., as permitted by Stamford Township By-law 2776. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Curfield that the conanunication be tabled and the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted, SEE Report Number 10 The following C.ommunicatton8 were presented; No. ~1 - A, R, Muma, Conservation Officer - re issuance of hunting licerites, etc,' ORDERED on the motion of AId, Martin and AId. Swayze'that the communication be received and the matter be referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee to consult with the City Manager and City Solicitor, t~ ascertain what powers Council has in this regard and submit e reRort to Council, No. 32 - United Steelworkers of America, Local 4151. No. 33 - International Chemical Workers Union, Local 655 * requesting repeal of By-law No. 4391. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. Morton that the. cotT-unications be received end tabled for one week, the second petition be checked as to its validity, and the whole matter referred to the Traffic Co~ttee for e report to Council. No. 34 - United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America, Locals 505 and 536. protesting increase in water rates. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed, that Locals 505 and 536 be assured that their comments will be kept in mind by m~.bers of Council when the report is being considered and they be advised that Council appreciate their interest in this m~tter. SEE Report .Number 2. !:o. 35 - Minister of Municipal Affairs - ack. endorsation of Resolution from the County of Peel, re inclusion of premiums paid by n~unicipalities as part of the cost of Indigent Hospitalization° ORDERED on the notion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the corr~Tanication be received and filed. No. 36 - Niagara Falls Sunfor Chamber of Commerce - invitation to Civic Night. ORDERED on the motion of AId. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed, the invitation accepts, and as many members of Council, as- find it possible, attend. r~. 37 - Royal Canadian Legion, Stamford Branch No. 479 - invitation to Installation of Officers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and A!d. Scott that the conm~uni- cation be received and filed, the invitation accepted, and as many members of Council, as find it possible, attend. No. 38 - Creator NiaFara Chamber of Commerce - invitation to Annual Meeting. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and A!d. McCallum that the communication be received and filed, the invitation accepted, and as many members of Council, as find it possible, attend. No. 39 - ~ Scouts of Canada. NiaRara District Council - requesting permission to hold Apple Day on May 3rd. and 4th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Potter that the con~nunication be received and filed, the Association be advised that these dates are not available, but that permission will be granted for Friday and Saturday, May 10th. and llth. No. 40 - Niagara Falls Minor Hockey League - requesting proclamation. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and the proclamation issued. No. 41 - Martin, Calvert, Sheppard and Clark - re encroachment'on City property of. building known as 481-5 Queen Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager, City Solicitor and Property Committee for a report to Council next week.. No. 42 - Village of Chippaws - objecting to CouncilIs decision not to allow County member on Board of Education. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Morton that the communication be received and filed and the Village of Chippaws be advised that the City Council will dictate what is to be contained in the N~agara Falls Act. No. 43 '- Robert A. Green - re extension of wate~nains along Thorold Stone Road from Kalar to Garner Roads. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and referred to. the City Manager, the City Engineer and the Property Cotmnittee to submit a further report next week. SEE Report Number 17. No. 44 - Welland County Solicitor - advising Mr. Howard Clarke of Ohippawa to be appointed to Suburban Roads Commission. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Swayze that the communication be received and tabled for one week to give Couffcil an opportunity to name a second member to the Suburban Roads Co~mi.ssion. No. 45 - ~iagara Falls Professional Fire Fighters, Local 528. - advising of Negotiations Committee for the year 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. 8wayze that the communication be received and filedo Yo. 46 - 5ia~ara Fall= Profe=sicDal Fire F"~bt,~r=. !cca', ='? - req'-~r!- ~=-~ to present brief v.,he~ Fire Deva~tre~t Or-~ar~i~atf-w :~ di~:',~ef ~v -- .... :'. "RDiRED on the ~ti~n ~f AId. Marti-' a-d A~d. Cor~ie!d that ~ke -o--'u-i,'ari-- ~e re:c~ve~ a~d Fire Fighters, local ~28, be n~tif!ed that ~hen ~T'--c:] o--alder< the Fir=~ Department Orqanizatipn, ~hev '.-~!1 ~e ci,.-e- a~ -D~r~u"~tv ~ ~re~ ..... - ' ' ' this connection, Ald. Keigban queried as te whether -embers ~f ~be fe~-~r Fire Departmort ~'ov!d be Riven the same considerati;n, t~ "hick w~s replied that if tile}' wished to submit a brief, it we':ld a!~e be g;ven cc:'=idera~=~--. No. 47 - Y~s Men~s Clrb - re operation ef Arena Caro's'ion. CRSERED AId. Marten and Ald. Potter that the conEunitarian be received and rcfe--rc~ Parks and Recreation CoT~ittee. Xo. 48 - Create~ Niagara Baseball A~'ciat!on - re o~era,.~-!- -~ ,'a'-'-' Park ~?"'3= ~--- ORDERED on the ~?~'ion cf Ale'. Sx.:ayz~ and A!~. 'C~r~e~d tha~ the co7-Tu--i2at!~-n ko re~eived and referred to the Parks and Rt~reati~n Co~ lttee. ~To. 40 - Co..nmittee of Ad~t:s~mJp__t - ~tar-f.~rd Town=hiD - advi--;.': -f dec: : i.':-s tw.~ applications (Traver~ al'd l.aTs li-~ted~. ORDERED -~ T~.2 -~t!cp :f AId. vc'<!-'cv and AId. Corfield that the cor-p. unication be rece~:'ed a'~d filed· :{o. 50 - ~tamford Horticultural Society - requesti?g crant L,r tree plar~;r~e ORDERED on the motion of AId. MgKip]ey and AId. Kei~han that t~e city Ma'-a'er -b~ai'' all the information required and then, if nece<sary, h-ld a--eeti:-9 cf The Parks and Recreation Committee with representath, e of both the NiaFara Falls Hottic-lintel Society and Stamford Horticultural Society and submit a report to Council. No. 51 - Ontario Good Roads Association - re membership fee and 1063 Ponvention. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and tabled and the membership fee be paid. REPORTS Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 330 - (1962 File) - Parks and Recreation Committee - re proposed parking area on Kitchener Street School Grounds for patrons of Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed. SEE Report No. 11. No. 2 - City blanager - Water Rate Schedule. In this connection, a lengthy discussion was held in which the concensus of opinion of the members of Council was that the citizens were not acquainted with all aspects of the report and that if the matter were fully explained and understood, much of the opposition would disappear. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Potter that the report be further tabled for one week and the' City Manager prepare a detailed report for submission to Council at its next meeting and that the complete report be published in the local press for the information of the citizens. The following Reports were presented; No. 3 - Property Committee - recommending negotiations be carried out to obtain right-of-way south of the Carborundum Plant. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. 'Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 4 - Property Committee - advising 1962-63 Winter Works Prograln of Township of Stamford will be considered at a later date. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report he received and filed. No. 5 - Property Co.~ittee - recommending offer of $3,630.00 be made to H.E.P.C. for parcel of land running parallel with the south limit of the Canal right-of-way and west od Drummond Road. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morto~ and AId. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 6 - Parks and Recreation Committee - recommending application for concession at Oakes Park from R, Btamonte be tabled. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfteld and AId, Potter that the report be received and adopted. No, 7 - City Manager - recommending H. Priestlay, R. Smith and M. Perkins attend Department of Highways Courses for Municipal Personnel, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report he received and adopted, No. 8 - ~ ' recom:ending ~ember~h~p in Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipal~t~e'. C~RDERED on the rotion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. ::o. 9 - CitjClerk - advlsing petition received in connection with repeal of by-low no. &391 ha~ the required number of ~gnature~. ORDERED on the =orion of A!d. Swayze end Ald. Morton that the report be tebled for one week, the second petit!oz ch~cked as to its validity, and the whole m~tter referred to the Traffic Con~nittee for a report to Council, Yo. 10 - Prjper~ Cormittee - reco-mendin~ corrT~n!cation from, Pear~e Signs and Advertising be laid on the table DendinE submission of a co,:.plete report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald~ Corfield that the report be received and adopted. Uo. 11 - Parks and Recreation Committee - rec_orm. ending proposed parkin~ on Kitchener School Groun ~ be tabled a~d expenditure considered when the 1963 budget is under consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Ald. Fetter that the report be received end adopted. No. 12 - City Manager - recor~n, ending purchase of nine heat housers for tractors. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Fetter that the report be received and adopted, No. 13 - City Manager - recova~,endations re Auditors. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and jAld. Corfield that the report as amended to read, "recentmend that the firm of Crawford, Smith and Swallow, Chartered Accountants, be appointed Auditors for the City of Niagara Falls", be received ~nd adopted. Carried -Ald. McKinley and A~d. Potter,contrary. An amendment to this motion by Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the original report be received and adopted was lost, the vote being - Aye -Ald. McKinley and Potter; Nay~ -Ald. Cotfield, Keighan, Martin, McCallum, Morton, Scott and Swayze. No. 14 - Arena Committee - recon~nending one member of Arena Committee be permitted to attend meetings of Arena Managers' Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Potter that the report be received and adopted and Ald. Scott be named to attend the January meeting. No. 15 - C~ty Manager - proposed alterations to municipal offices. ORDI~ED on the mellon of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 16 - City Engineer - recommending sign at former Township Hall be replaced, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and )ld. Fetter that th~ report be received ' and adopted, No. 17 - City E~Rineer - extension of watermains on Thorold Stone Road· ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and referred to the City Manager, City Engineer and Property Con~nittee for a further report, PETITIONS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 1 - S. ~. DenneLL and 39 others - requesting that Early Closing By-law No.4391 be repealed. ORDERED on the'motion of Ald. Swayze, and Ald. Morton that the position he tabled for one week, the second petition be checked as to its validity, and the whole matter referred to the Traffic Cor~ntttee for a report to 'Council. The following Petition was presehted; No. 2; ~e~d6zvous Restaurant and Service Station and 51 others - requesting that Early Closing By-law No. 4391 remain in force. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Morto~ that the petition be tabled for one week, thht it be checked as to its validity~ and the whole matter referred to the Traffic Committee for a report to Council, RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were pasted; No. 11 - SW&YZE - MARTIN - RESOLVED that a message of. s~nrpathy, on behalf of His Worship the Mayor ~nd Members of the City Council and citizens of ~ia~ara Falls be' forwarded to the family of the late'Ernest M, Hawkins, former Mayor of the City of ~:iagara Falls and hi_~h!y e.=~eered resi~e~; of 'inumber of years; and the Seal of the Corporatie~ bc hereto arrive,~. In seconding the resc!utien, AId, ~arti~ =Tated that t~'e -e'--5Qr: -: ~ferner City Council and those frn-~ the for'~er Tc~:nshi9 Ceu-cil. all cf "%-- --n:-w ~Yr. Hawkins personally, felt they had lost a real friend and a tan ~,'~-~ =ida tre-endous job for the City and citizeps of Niagara Falls. =is Wcr~b~?. MaT ~r "added that every member of Council, whether he served with Mr. Hawkins or not, c~n,'urrcd in AId. Martin's remarks, ~:7o. 12 - SWAYZE - }~TIX - RESOLVED that a message of s~.vathv, en behalf ~f His ~orship t~e Mayor and Members of Council, be forwarded ~o The' far, ilv c= the !a~e ~rs. H. T. Tav~nder,, highiv-esteemed resident of this ~unicimalitv' for agreat ~number of years; and the Se~l of the Corporation be hereto affixed'. Carried UnaJ!T~p~y :~17o. 13 - KEIGHAN - SCOTT - RESOLVED that AId. H. R. Potter and Ald. C.G.Swayze be appointed as CourtcliPs representatives to the Niagara Frontier Humane Society for ]the year 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Una:~in:ovs!y, ~fISCELIANEOI'S His Worship Mayor Miller requested all members of Council, if at all ,~ossible, .to meet on Wednesday, January 16th. at 1.45 p.m. across from Christ Church, attend the services for the late Ernest M. Hawkins, in a body. His Worship the Mayor also reminded members of Council of the Civic Church ~Service to be held in St. Paulus English Lutheran Church on Sunday, January 20th. - 11.00 A.M. His Worship the Mayor advised Council that no appointments had been :made the Niagara,Frontier Humane Society for the year 1963. ORDERED on the motion of ~ld. Keighan and Ald. Scott that Ald. H. R. Fetter and Ald, C.G.Swayze be appointed Council~s representatives for the year 1963. SEE Resolution No.13 ,~he o adjourned to the FinanCe Meeting on the motion of AId. bierton and Ald. ! C uncil cCal hm EAD ~ND ADOPTED, 21st. January, 1963. blayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 14th.January, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on January 14th, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All' Members of the Committee, wit~ the exception of Ald. Mitchelson, were present. Ald, Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts, in the amount of $553,257,44 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze. The Property Cornnittee~s report recommending the installation of a door between th~ Cohference Room and City Council Chamber be proceeded with and that W. Benson and Son Ltd. be employed, at a cost of $533.00, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted. (Carried - Mayor Miller, Aid. Scott and McCallum,contrary) o The Property CommitteeIs report on the application of Sloan's Woodworking Shop, 405 Simcoe Street, to move a frame building was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted and the permit be not issued. The Property Cor~mittee's report on the application of Dr. G.E.Burgman to construct a one-storey building on the west side of ltanan Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. The Property Committee's report on the application of Gonld-Leslie Ltd. to tract a standard, illuminated poster display on the north-west corner of Stanley Avenue and Kitchener Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted, The City Manager's report~ advising that Imperial Oil Limited had applied for an extension to Building Permit No. 230, issued by the Township of Stamford, for the erection of a service station on the north side of Lundy's Lane on part of Lot 133, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corficld and Ald. Potter that the report be received and aD extension be granted for six months. (Carried, -Ald. McCallum and Morton-contrary).. Motions by Ald. Morton that the matter be referred to the Property Committee and by Ald. McCallum that the permit be cancelled and they be notified that when they are prepared to building, a new application be made for a permit~ were not seconded, The City Managerls report on the application of Mr. Armando Leo to erect a building on part of Lot 14, on the south side of Ferry Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze, that the report be received and adopted. " 'The'City'Hanager~s report on the appt{cat&on. of Mr...L.. Siedersberger.,.. for a permit to construct an addition to his building now under construction on Lot 2 on the south side of Ferry Street, at an estimated cost of $6,000.00, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion'of Mayor Mirler and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. (Carried, with Ald. Morton-contrary). The City Manager's report on the application of Ceorge [ollack Investments, for a permit for alterations to the roof of the Plaza Motel, on the north side df ~undy~s ~ane, between Kalar and Garner Roads, at an estimated cost of $10,000.00, was presented for consideration. ORDEIED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. AId. Mckinley was of the opinion that a large map of the new City should be before Council at all times and the City Manager was requested to take this matter under advisement. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the !::otlon of AId. McKinley and Ald .Morton. READ AND ADOFrED, 21st. January, 1963, Clerk · - Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 14th.January, 1963. The Conrmittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance NeetinEs on January 14th, 1963, for tbe purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council, with the exception of Ald. Mitchelson, were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. 6262 - A by-lmq to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Swayze that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st. reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Swayze and AId. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. TENDERS FOR PAINTING INTERIOR OF ANNEX BUILDING NEXT TO POLICE STATION The City Manager reported verbally on his tabulation of the tenders received for the painting of the interior of the annex building next to the Police Station~ and advised that lowest bid submitted was that of Uenry Stewart, at a quotation of $395.00. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayze that the tender of Mr. Stewart, at a quotation of $395.00 be accepted. A motion by Ald. Potter and Ald. Cotfield that the contract be given to the lowest Union tenderer was withdrawn as Mr. Stewarras tender specified that only Union labour would be utilized. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald, G. Martin and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 21st, January,1963. Clerk *"°"~ayor, CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 14 Janeary,1963. Council re-asse~}led in Conference following the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, January 14~h, 1963. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. 'After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton. EEAD AND ADOPTED, 21st. January, 1963. THIRD MEETING REGULAR MEETI.~G ?lst.January, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p,m. on Monday, Ja~uary 2]st. }963, for the perpose of considering general bnsiness and fi,~ance, All Member,: of ~ouncfl were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of t'be yrevious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. gwayze and AId. McCallum. f' DEPUTATION I Mr. Robert Pretty, Secretary, of the Greater Mia~ara Fish and Came 'rotecttve Association, was present in the Council Chamber and on the motion of AId. ~cKinley and Ald, Morton, he was permitted to address Council, Mr. C, H, Eidt, :ity Engineer, outlined on the map the area in ~hich tbe Committee was recommendjaR :hat bunting be allowed, Mr. Pretty advised that since these boundaries were diffFrent ~rom those proposed by his organization, he did not have the authority to speak for :hem, but realized that they could only make suggestions and that 'the final decision ~ested with Council. At the request of His Worship, Mayor Miller, Mr, Eidt outlined ~he area proposed'by the Greater Niagara Fish and Game Protective Association on the ap, but several members of Council were of the opinion that the area outlined was co close to urban development. Ald. Mitchelson was of the opinion that the Committee 'md struck a very Rood compromise and recommended that the proposal of the Committee ,TDe adopted. SEE ~e_.port Number 18. CO~4UNICATIONS ~aid over from the previous meetinf~i SEE Re~ort Number 18. 1 ng knwon as 481-5 Queen street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. ~Corfield that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Property ~Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 19, ~No. 43 -,Robert A, Green - re extension of watermains along Thorold Stone Road from ~alar Road' to Garner Roads. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keigban and Ald. Swayze tha~ the communication be farther tabled. SEE Report Number 20. No. 44 - Welland County Solicitor - advisinR Mr. Howard Clarke of Chippawn to be appointed to the Suburban Roads Commission. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. gwayze that the communi~ation be received and filed and Mr. Hugh Hart be named ,as Council~s second representative to this Committee. SEE Resolution No.15. :No. 47 ~ Y'S Manes Club - re operation of Arena Concession. ORDERED on the motion ,of Ald. McOallum and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and ithe report of the Arena, Parks and Recreation Committee be adopted. S.E~ RapoFt Number 21. No. 48 - Greater Niagara Baseball Association - re operation of Oaken Park Concession. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that the communication he ,further tabled and the report of the Parks and Recreation Committee be adopted, ~E~ Report Number .~.'o. SO - ~Stamford Horticultural Society - requestin~ grant for tree plantin~ programme. ORDERED on the mot{on of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cor~ie]d that the communication be further tabled and the report of the Parks and Recreation Committee be adopted. SEE Report No. 23. The following Communications were presehje~d; No. 59 - Martin, Calvert, Shoppard and Clark - enclosing supplementary petition to Early Closing By~law No. 4~q~. O~DERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId.Scott that the communication be received and tabled and the report of the Traffic Com- mitte~ be received and adopted.. SEE Report No.26. No. 53 - A~sociatio~ of Ontario Mayors and Reeves - re 1963 Membership. ORDERED on the ~otion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed and the membership fee for the year 1963 be paid. No. 54 - Robert' S. Durd~n - appreciation for appointment to library ~oard. ORDERED on the ~otion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Potter that the conununication be received and filed. No. 55 - ~oy Scouts of Canada - Nia%ara District Council - invitation to Annual Meeting on January 26th. at 8.00 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. ~orton that the communication be received and filed, the invitation accepted and as many members of Council, as find it pepsihie, attend. ~o. 56 - Greater NiaFara Chamber of Commerce - invitation to attend Direct?r's meetings on a rotation basis. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and filed, the invitation accepted and the Board Meetings be artended as follows; February 2Oth -Ald. Swayze; March 20th. - AId. Scott; April 17th. -Ald. Martin; May 15th.-Atd. Keighan; and June 19th. -Ald, McKinley. No. 57 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Ptannin~ Board - re proposed permanent trailer camp - 300 Montrose Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin ~nd Ald Mitchelson that the communication be received and filed and the recor~nendation of the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board be endorsed by Council. SEE Communication No.58. No. 58 ~ Welland and District Health Unit - attaching report .on proposed trailer camp at 300 Montrose Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald.Keighan that the communication be received and filed and the recommendat.~on be endorsed. ~o. 59 - Lions Club - requesting permission to use Bridge Street Grounds from July lOth. to 13th. inclusive. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communicatipn be received and filed and pe.tmission granted. No. 60 - Superintendent, Sunset Haven - enclosing copies of Report Number 5. ~RDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the commuhication be received and filed. No. 61 - Stamford Memorial Arena ~ enclosing cop~es of minutes of Board Meeting held on January 15th. 1963. ORD.ERED on the motion of Ald. M6rton and Ald. Potter· that. the cor~nunication be received and filed. No. 62 - Ontario Municipal Association - re membership. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. ~orton that the conwnunieation be receive4 and filed apd the membership fee. for the year 1963 be paid. No. 63 - Clerk, Township of Stamford - re proposed closing of King Avenue. In this connection, Mr. C. H. gidt, City Engineer, explained to Council in detail the reasons for recommending that King Avenue be closed. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. .Mitchelson andAid, Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Property Cor~mittaa for a report. No. 64'- LaMatab and LaMafeb - requesting that building permit be issued to Messrs. Serotiuk and Zukbo for the erection of an auto sales room and office at 2860 Dunn Street. No, 65 - Secretary,Stamford Committee of Adjustment - Notice of decision re Seretick and Zukbo hearing, ORDERED on the motion of AId, McKinley'& AId, Potter that Communications Nee. 6& and 65 be received and referred to the Property Committee for a further report. SE~E_~_e~t.~..?~.~a~d - No. 66 - Niagara Falls and Suburban Roads Com~ij~o~n_- Annual Report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin apd Ald. McCallum that the report be received am~ ; referred to the City Manager and City Engineer to ~nbmit e report to Council as to · whether the roads mentioned should be adopted as Suburbav Roa~ bv this mnP~c~pa~i+y ~ and that a. communicatton be forwarded to Mr. Silverlock commending him on the very detailed report submitted. No. 67 - ~ecretary. Falls V~ew. Lundy's La~e and Stamford Conire Fire p~p~_e.j~y: - re future organization. ORDERED 6n the motion of Aldo Mit~helson and Ald. Kei!~han · that the commuDication be received and tabled until such time as Council ; considering the organization of the Fire Department and the Secretary bc advised that they will be ~iven permission, as was previously granted to Local 5281 to i present a brief to Council. No. 68 - Welland County and District Health Unit - ADnua] R~port. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. Swayze that the report be received and tabled for perusal of Council. REPORTS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 2 - City Manager - Water Rate Schedule. SEE Reports 24 & 25. ~ The following Reports were presented; · No. 18 - Arena, Parks and Recreation Committe~ - recommendations re hunting ]icences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Potter that the report be received ~ and adopted and the changes be implemented as soon as possible. No. 19 - Property Committee - recommending by-law be prepardd to provide for encroachment of 481-485 Queen Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 20 - Property Committee - recommending extension of watermains along Thorold Stone Road from Kalar to Ga~aer Road and on Garner Road be held in abeyance pending approval of the Private Bill. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and AId. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 21 - Arena, Parks and Recreation Committee - recommendation re concession at Stamford e~d Niagara Falls Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 22 * Parks and Recreation Committee - recommendation re concessions at Ball Parks. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 23 - Parks and Recreation Committee - re request from Stamford Horticultural Society r~ tree planting programme. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and AId. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 24 - City Manager - Water Rate Schedule No. 25 - City Manager ~ recommending surcharge be added to water bills to cover the operation and maintenance charges of the Pollution Control Plant. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Mitchelson that the reports be received and tabled for one week; that the complete report dealing with the Water Rate Schedule be published in the press; either at the expense of the newspaper, or if this is not possible, at the expense of the City of Niagara Falls; and that the report regayding the Sewage Disposal Plant' be referred to the Pollution Control Committee for consideration and a further report to Council. (Carried - AId. Keighan,contrary). In this connection, Ald. Keighan was of the opinion that some publicity should be given to the fact that an extra surcharge would be placed on the water bills in July so that the citizens would not be misled again. However, Ald. Martin felt that this would only confuse the public once again. No. 26 - Traffic Committee - Re Early Closing By-law No. 4391. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 27 - Assist. to City Manager, Engineering - re application of John Serotiuk {or permission to construct an auto sales room building at Lots 41,42,43, Plan 101, Dorchester Road, ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Potter that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for a further report. No. 28 - City Engineer - re request for removal of trees and abandonment of water course near 3227 Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received and r~ferred to the Property Committee for a further report. No. 29 - City Manager - re re-assessment programms. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and'AId. Keighan that tl~e report be received and referred to the Property Corms|tree for a report at the next meeting of Council. ~o. 30 - City Manager - re attendance at meeting of the Ontario Municipal Admlnlstrators~ Association on Saturday, January 19tb, ]q63. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. KeiBban and Ald, Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 31 - City ManaRer - recommending Mr. Charles Norgate attend First Symposium on Shade Trees - January 28th, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Carfield that the report be received and adopted and Mr. Norgate be authorized to attend. No. 32 - City Manager - recantending study of licenee fees be made. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted and Ald. G. Martin, Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. McKinley be appointed a Coxmnittee to deal with this matter. No. 33 - Property Cormnit|me - advising meeting will he held with Insurance Agentst Association on Wednesday~ January 23rd. at 1.30 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 34 - Parks and Recreation Committee - re auxiliary lights at both Arenas. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 15 - MARTIN - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that Mr. Hugh Hart he appointed as ~ Councilts representative to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Roads Conn, ission .~ for the period expiring July 2~nd, 1964; and the Sea~ of the Corporation be : hereto affixed, ~y~ i i No. 16 - MITCHELSON - SCOTT - RESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Miller be empowered ~ to appoint a Coramittee of two to work with Mayor Wooll of ~iagara-on-the-~ake ' in regards to arrangements for the 1967 Convention of the Ontario Mayors and IReeves Association; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, _C_ar_v_i2_d' ~Unan MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Swayze referred to complaints he had received regarding the intersection of Carwin Avenue and Spence Street and also regarding parking on Portage Road opposite the Greater Niagara General Hospital. He also felt that parking for the Centre Businessmen should be considered at an early date. His Worship Mayor Miller asked the Traffic Committee to take these matters under advisement. Ald. McKinley referred to calls he had received for the Sewer Department and felt that some policy should be set by Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the City Manager submit for consideration of Council, a suggested policy regarding the service to be provided for citizens when they have sewer blockages on week-ends. Ald. NcKinley referred to the Department of Highways signs still in existence leading into the City which are not now correct; ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the City Engineer contact the Department of tlighways requesting that these signs be remove~ or corrected. Ald. Mitchelson requested that the matter of the stop sign now in place at the intersection of McLeod Road and the Park Boulevard be referred to the Traffic Committee with a view to having the Park Bon]evard made a through street and McLeod Road a stop street. Ald. Mitchelson referred to discussions which had been made w~th Mayor No. 35 - Assistant,to City Manager, Engineering - re Construction Safety Inspections.' Wooll of Niagara-on-the-Lake regarding the 1967 Convention of the Ontario Mayors ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Carfield that the report be received .t and Reeves Association. ORDERED on the ~otion of AId. Mitchelson and AId. Scots and filed. ~ that His Worship the Mayor appoint a Committee of two to work with Mayor Woo]l No. 36 - City Engineer -' reconstruction of No. 8 and No. 20 Highways within the City of Niagara Falls, ORDERED on the' motion of Aid. Mitchelson and AId. Morton that the report be received and tabled until such time as letters regarding same are received from the Department of Highways. No. 37 - Assistant to City M~naRer, Administration - re trade of property adjacent to park area near intersection of Duns Street and Carlton Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and referred the Parks and Recreation Carlunit|me for further consideration. No. 38 - City Engineer - Montrose Road Sewer Report. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Carfield that the report be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee for cohsider~tion and a report. The following R~solutions were passed; RESOLUTIONS No, 14 - MORTON - POTTER - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy, on behalf of Ills Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council, be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. Stanley Priors brother of Mr. Ben R. Prior, Assessment Commissioner of the City of Niagara Palls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. in regards to arrangements for the 1967 Convention of the Ontario Mayors and Reeves Association. SEE Resolution Number 16, ~t, this point, His Worship Mayor Miller appointed Ald. Martin and Ahh Mitchelson to act on this Cowmittee. Ald. Martin queried as to when the stop light at the corner of North Street and Portage Road would he in operation and the City Manager advised that it would probably be within the next ten days. Mayor Miller referred to the problems which had been encountered in connection with.the heating system in the City Hall and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze tha~ the matter be referred to the Equipment Committee for a report to Council. A previous motion that the matter be referred to the Property Committee, by Ald. Morton, was not seconded, Ris Worship Mayor Miller showed the Members of Council a sticker which it is proposed to issue to all Honeymoon Couples to the City,. for their approval. This matter was left under advisement, His Worship Mayor Miller referred to a request he had received from Mr. Blakelay of Radio Station CHVC regarding the broadcasting of some of ehe Council meetings, This would be a live broadcast. This matter was also ~eft under advisement. BY-LAWS The following By-law was presented; No. 6263 -'To appoint Auditors for the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that Ald.. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of tt~e Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.- Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on tire motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan that the by-law be referred to Conference before the third reading is given. SEE Adjourned Meeting The following By-laws were passed; No. 6264 - To appoint Solicitors for the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried UnanimousIy. Third Reading - Aid. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. No. 6265 - To amend Zoning By-law 2530 (1960) of the Township of Stamford as amended. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald, Swayze that. Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald..Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of ~he Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suhpended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously, Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. No. 6266 - To amend Zoning By-law 2530(1960) of the Township of Stamford as amended. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mttchelson and Ald. Potter that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be g~ven the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. - ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Corfleld that Rule 36 (2) of tire Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried. (Ald. Morton and-lid. McOallum contrary). ~hird Reading - AId. Mitchelson and AId. Potter - Carried, (AId.Morton and AId. McCallum,contrary). In this connection, Mr. Mercnik. was present in the Council Chamber and on motion of AId. Mitchelson and AId, Scott, he was permitted to address Council. 0pon being questioned, Mr. Mercnik assured the members of Council that he had purchased sufficient land to provide the off-street parking designated in . the by-law, ~'he Council adjnurned to t'be FiDanr-e Meeti~,g on the :'-ol:ion nf Ald..McKinley and Aid, Swayze, READ AND ADOPTED. 28tb. Jasuary~ 1063. Clerk May~r, FITA~,'CE MEETI~;C Count| 1 Chamber, 2|st.January, 1963, The Finance Meeting was held on Januar~ 21st, 1963, for the ,~urpose of avproving and slq~ passing the various acconntF which had been previously certified sn~I placed befd~e them. All Members of the Committee were Dresent. Ald..~'artin~ Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts, in the amount of $73,599,43, were approved by the Commit t e e. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, ~.~ere ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AId, .':orion and Ald. McCallurn. The Property Committee's report on the application of Mr, Armando Leo, to erect a braiding on part of Lot l&, on the south side of Ferry Street, wesi- of Grey Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald~ Morton that the report be received and adopted, The City Menagerie report on the application of Pyramid Piping Company, Ltd. to erect an addition to their premises at 564 Moutrose Road, at an estimated cost of $1,500.00 was presented for consideration, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald, S~,myze that the report be rece.ived and adopted. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. Edward Waiters to erect a neon, plastic roof sign at 1553 Ferry Street, at an estimated cost of $800. was presented for consideration. ORDERED onthe motion of Ald. ~rton and Ald.Swayze .that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager's report on the application of Court Industries Limited a buildin~ p~t'mit to construct a space museum o~ the nor.~h side of Clifton Rill, at an estimated cost of $50,000.00 was presented for consideration, · A motion by Cotfield and AId, Scott that the report be received and adopted, was lost, An amendment to the motion by Mayor Miller and Ald. McCallum that the report be and referred to the Property Committee,was carried Unanimously. RE~D AND ADOPTED, 28th. January, 1963. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 21st.January,1963. Council re-assembled in Conference following the regular Council and ~iirma~ of Finance. ~fter consideration of the items presented to theln, the Committee adjourued on the hotion of AId. Martin and AId. Corfield. ......... ~EAD AND ADOPTED, 28th. January, 1963. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 21st.January,1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on January 21st, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law and which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY -LAW The following By-law was passed; No. 6267 - To provide monies for General Furposes. ORDERED on the motio'n of AId. Swayze and Ald. Potter that Ald.. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that. Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second ~eading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. Mart~n and Ald. McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, 28th. January, D63. Clerk :lerk Chairman COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 21st.January, 1963. Council reconvened following the Conference held on Monday, January ~lst. 1963. All Members of Council were present. llis Worship, Mayor Miller, }resided, BY-LAW .aid over from the previous meeting; ~o.____626__j3 -To appoint Auditors for the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls Third. Reading - (as amended - with amount set at a maximum of $10,000.00). Ald. McKinley ~nd Aid. Pptter - Carried Unanimously. :ouncil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallurn. !{EAD AND ADOPTED, 28th. January, 1963. Mayor, ~lerk Mayor. FOURTH MEETING SPECIAL ~ETING Council Chamber, 24th.January, 1963. A special meeting of Council was held in the Counci.1 Chamber on Thursday, January 24th. at 7.15 p.m. to discuss the organization of the Health Department for the enlarged City. All Members of Council were present. Prior to discussion of the Health Department, His Worship Mayor Miller polled the members of Council to ascertain the number who would be attending the Testimonial Dinner for Chief Cecil R. Pay, which is being held at the Rapids Hotel on January 30th. All Members of Council indicated that they would be present, with the exception of Ald. Scott. His Worship, Mayor Miller, referred to the stickers it was proposed to issue to Honeymoon Couples and on motion of Ald. Cotfield and AId. Potter, he was authorized to present different ideas to Council for approval. Ald. McCallum arrived at the meeting. His Worship, Mayor Miller also asked Council's opinion on the request of Radio Station C H V C to broadcast Council meetings and on motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield, it was ordered that Council meetings be not broadcast, Carried, with Ald. Keighan contrary. The members of Council were advised that reservations had been made for the Ontario Good Roads Convention to be held on February 25th. 26th. and 27th. All members of Council, with the exception of Ald. Mitchelson, signified that they would probably attend. Ald. McCallum presented a verbal report on the heating problem in the City Hall, advising that new controls had been ordered and installed and the furnace was not operating satisfactorily. COMMBNICATION T_he following Communication was presented; No. 69 - Canadian Chapter, International Shade Tree Conference'- re course. ORDERED on the motion ~f Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and Mr.'~orgate be authorized to attend. ORGANIZATION OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT At the request of His Worship Mayor Miller, Mr. A. C. Huggins, Assistant to the City Manager - Administrative, read a summry of the first report submitted by the Welland and District Health Unit, the report submitted by Dr. J. H. Davidson and a further report by Dr. Sturgeon. Aid. Mitchelson stated that he had no intention of getting involved in personalities, that he was interested only in obtaining the best service available for the citizens of the enlarged City at the most reasonable 'cost. He £elt that inasmuch as the services supplied by the Welland and District Health Unit to the citizens of the former Township of Stamford and those supplied by the Niagara Falls Board of Health to the residents of the former City of Niagara Falls were completely satisfactory, the economic factor would be the deciding one and for that reason, he would support the enlarged City enterinS the Welland and District Health Unit, from Dr. Sturgeon, in writing, answers to oeveral important questions, including whether the full-time M.O.H. would have residence in the City of Niagara Falls, whether he would have to have a D.P.H. degree, grants, etc. Ald. McCallum queried as to whether we have the facilities available to accommodate the Health Department, to which Ald. Martin replied that it would probably be necessary to arrange for additional accommodation. All Members of Council were unanimously agreed that full-time Medical Officer of Health, resident in the City of Niagara Falls, was essential. In reply to a question by His Worship Mayor Miller, Mr. McBurney, City Solicitor, felt that possibly this requirement could be incorporated in the by-law. Be also felt that any questions or requirements would have to be settled prior to the passing of the By-law, since Council would have no jurisdiction over the Health Department once it entered the Health Unit. His Worship Mayor Miller also stated that he was not interested in _ personalities, but was interested in' the bes~ health services which could be. obtained for the new City and that cost, in his opinion, was secondary, Ald. Martin was of the opinion that there was merit in both reports, but that inasmuch as a great deal of the information was of a contradictory nature, a Committee should be appointed to meet with the Minister of Health, and .to. obtain Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion of AId.Martin and Ald. Keighan that a Committee be appointed which would be empowered to meet with Dr. Sturgeon, Dr. Davidson and the Minister of Health and his Assistants, to delve into all phases of this problem and submit a complete report to Council before February 15th. 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. McCallum that Ald. Martin, Ald. Mitchelson, Ald. Keighan, His Worship Mayor Miller, the City Manager, the Assistant to the City Manager - Administrative, and the City Solicitor comprise the Committee to consider this matter. The City Manager was requested to contact the Minister of Health to arrange for a meeting as soon as possible. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 28th. January, 1963. Deputy Clerk Mayor · FIFTH MEETING · REGULAR MERTING Council Chamber, 281h. January,1963. pEtE §omm_u_B_~Fa~Li~o_ns~ 7,0-7_1 No, 63 - Township Clerk - proposed closing of King Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and the property Committee's report be adopted. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, January 28th, 1963,' for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes ~ of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. " Swayze and Ald. Morton. ~ No. 64 - LaMarsh & LaMarsh - requesting that building permit be issued to Messrs. Serotiuk and Zubko for the erection of an auto sales room and office on Lots 41,42, 43, Plan 101, Dorchester Road. No. 65 - Former Secretary, Committee. of Adjustment~ Township~9~_ ~y~for~d - Notice of decision re Serotiuk Hearing. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan ~hat the communications be received and filed and the report of the Property Contmittee be adopted. SEE~epo~ts DEPUTATION Mr. A. F. Sheppard of Martin, Calvert, Sheppard and Clark was permitted to address Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. Mr. Sheppard advised that he was speaking on behalf of the petitioners representing mor~ than one-third of the gasoline station outlets and strongly urged 'that the provisions of The Municipal Act permitting the repeal of the early closing by-law be considered and outlined the reasons why the by-law should be repealed. On the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter, Mr. C. Durward, Secretary of the Retail Gasoline Dealer's' Association was permitted to speak. Mr. Durward requested that Mr. R. Lampkin, representative of the Ontario Retai.l Dealers Association be permitted to speak, and this was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson. He advised concerning the meeting held last Thursday, and stated that 24 operators were in attendance, 22 of whom voted for the rotation procedure, whereby one station in four would observe extended hours of operation between the 15th. of October and May 15th. of each year. Following a full discussion during which Mr. McBurney, the City Solicitor pointed out that Council have no jurisdiction to change the existing by-law, which was passed on a three-quarter ~ote of the gasoline outlets in the City of Niagara Falls, unless there is a petition signed by at least one-third to revoke the by-law. His Worship Mayor Miller requested that another proper petition be submitted and suggested that the factions get together and arrive at a happy solution, and was of the opinion that this c~n be done if the co-operation of all concerned is given. SEE Couununications 26,27,28,32,34,52~70~ 71. SEE Reports Number 9,40. SEE ~etitions Numbers 1 & 2. On the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield, Mrs A. Hicks was permitted to address ~ouncil, in connection with'the 'reqUest 6f Berre~a~en SchOOl for Retarded Children, for Council to consider the making of a yearly grant on a per pupil basis, similar to the grant paid for public school pupils in this area. He outlined the operating costs of the School. Ald. Gee. Martin requested that Council should be provided with a full audited detailed statement and queried the number from the Township of Niagara, Chippawa and Willoughby attending the School. SEE Communication:No.72. CO~NICATIONS " Laid over from previous meetings; No.326E- (Council Elect File) - Niagara Frontier Insurance Agents' Association - re possibility of combining all present insurance of the City & former Township of Stamford. No. 9 - Township Clerk - Insurance Report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. K"~ighan that the comunications be received~ filed and the repor~ of the Property C~ithee be adopted, SEE Report No. 39. No. 26 - A', F. Sheppard - appearing on behalf of Petitioners. No. 27 - R. J. North - opposing any change in by-law 4391o No. 28 - Dr. W. H. Ainslte - pointing out disadvantages of by-law 4391. No. 32 - Local 4151~ United Steelworkers . protesting by-law 4391. No. 34 - Local 655, internat,Chemical Workers - protesting by-law 4391. No. 52 - A. F. Sheppard - enclosing supplementary petition~ containing signature o~ Herbert Brown, requesting rescinding of by-law 4391, SEE Reports Re. 9 & 40. SEt Petitions No. 1 & 2. The following Communications were ~presented; No. 70 - A. F. Sheppard - enclosing two names re by-law Number 4391. No. 71 - Secretary, Retail Gasoline Dealers' Association - report of meeting of Service Station Operators on January 2~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the con~nunications be tabled and a new petition be submitted, properly signed, to repeal the by-law. Carried Unanimously. SEE Reports 9 and 40. No. 72 -Retarded Children's Association - requesting permission for representative to speak to Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed, permission granted as requested; and report submitted by Mr. Hicks be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, requested that Council be provided with a full audited detailed statement and queried the number of pupils resident in Niagara Township, Chippaws and,Willoughby who are attending Bellehaven School. No. 73 - Central Mortage & llousing Corporation · advising that the Corporation would be prepared to consider a request from Niagara Falls for increased payments in lieu of Taxes equal to rngular taxes on the remaining 29 units in the 1948 Niagara Falls Rental Project 8/48. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee and the City Manager for submission of a report and it was suggested that the Committee might consider obtaining information as to what is contemplated with reference to the former Tuwnship Housing Authority. No. 74 - Ontario Municipal Board - re Capital Expenditure Quota Procedure. ORDERED ON THE motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the communication be received, and the City Manager prepare a five-year capital budget statement as soon as possible for submission to Council, and the O.M.B. be so advised. No. 75 - City Eqgtneer - Speed Limits, City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and AId. Swayze that the communication be received, the first section dealing with the increasing of speed from 30 to 50 m.p.h. be approved at this time and the necessary by-law be prepared, and that the balance of the communications' recommendations be referred to the Traffic Commit~ee along with ~e City Engineer to submit a complete report at a later date. SEE By-law No. 6276 No. 76 - Matthews & Matthews - requesting Council to consider the assignment of The Optimist Club'of Niagara Falls to the Boys' Club of Greater Niagara, of the lease of the lands at the corner of Culp and Carlton Streets on which the Boys' Club is erected. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Ketghan and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the City Solicitor for consideration. No. 77 - Greater Niagara Hospital Association - requesting proclamation (Joint) in support"of Membership Campaign, at no expense to the municipality. ORDERED on the motion of AId. gcott and ~ld, Potter that the communication be received and filed and request granted. No. 78 -Ktnette Club - requesting permission to hold Tag Day, Friday evening, April 26t~. and Saturday, April 27th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and permission granted as requested. No. 79 - Niagara Falls Horticultural Society - requesting grant for 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 80 - Boys' Club of Greater Niagara - requesting grant for 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the conununication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared, and the Club be requested to supply a copy of their Auditotis report. No. 81 - Local 713, United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America - re appointment of a Safety Inspector. ORDERED on the motion bf Ald. McKinley and AId. Potter that the communication be received and tabled until such time as a report is submitted following Negotiations Committee's consideration to such an appointment. No. 82 - Thomas N. Prate - application for employment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for consideration and to ascertain whether may position in the line of light duty could be found. No. 83 - Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps - requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mttchelson and AId. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared and the Corps be requested to fontard a copy of their financial statement of operations for 1962.  b f - namin W Bruce Leslie as Chamber's {~. ld. McKinley that the conununication be received and referred to His Worship the :;~ayor and other City Officials to consider possible activity in connection with 1967 Centennial Committee and a report be submitted to Council; and Mr. Murie be so notified. No. 94 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning_~Qajd - composition of 1963 Urban Renewal Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and filed and that Aldermen McKinley and Swayze be Council's representative on the said Committee. REPORTS Laid over from previous meetingsk No. 84 - Niagara Peninsula Sanatorium Association - requesting a grant in the amount of 3 cents per capita. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Corfield that the cormnunication be received and referred to the Budget Commiftee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 85 - Local 468, Board of Education, Caretakers & Maintenance Union - invitation to concert, Collegiate Auditorium, January 30th. ORDERED ~n the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the invitation be received and accepted and the Union be notified as to those Members of Council anticipating attendance. (Ald. Scott, Mitchelson and Morton so indicated). It was pointed out that January 30th. was the evening also of Retired Chief Constable Payss testimonial, to which all members of Council and official~ had been invited. No. 86 - Alpha Psi Chapter of Gamma Sigma Fraternity - application for permission to place a show case in Niagara Falls Memorial Arena to display the Rookie of the Year trophy. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Mftchelson that the communf= cation be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Comm, ttee with power to act. No. 87 - Village of Sutton - resolution requesting Provincial Government to amend all related Acts to provide for grant~ bff behalf of extra "householders·. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Scott that the resolution be received, and referred to the City SoliCitor to determine correct interpretation. No. 88 - County of Welland - copy of resolution of Village of Markham to amend Legislation & Regulations affecting Members of Volunteer Fire Brigades, in order to give full protection under Workmen's Compensation from accidents or illness sustained in the line of duty. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Nitchelsoh that the resoldrich be received and referred to the City Manager for a report. No. 89 - A. Greenspan - application for motel erection on Lqts 798, 799,. 800 and 801 Stanley and Lot 810 on Buchanan Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId, Potter and AId. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for submission of a report.' ; No. 90 - Oreater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - enclosing tickets for Chamber Dinner scheduled for February 7th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton' that the tickets be received and the communication filed. No. 91 - Chateau-Gai,:Wines - re discharge of winery waste and outlining proposals to correct situation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the City Engineer for consideration and a report. No. 92 - Local 1716, Brotherhood of Painters, etc. - list of Union Contractors. ORDERED on the motion of AId, NcCallum and Ald0 P~tter that the communication be received and filed, No. 2 - City Manager - report of January 8th. on water rate schedule for City. No.24 - City Manager - further report (January 21st.) on water rate schedule. His Worship the Mayor advised Council that the City Manager's report, number 24, had been inserted in the local press for the information of the citizens. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the reports be received and the report of January 21st. be adopted. Carried Unanimously. No. 9 - City Clerk - report of check made as to the validity of Petition Number 1. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. !EElReport Number 40. No. 27 - Assistant to City Manager-Engineering - advising of City Solicitor's opinion that an agreement can be prepared and that the several conditions registered on tltle, as recommended be the Committee of Adjustment, be included therein. No. 28 - City Engineer - request for removal of trees & abandonment of water course near 3227 Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of JAld. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the communications be received and filed and the report of the Property Committee be adopted. S__EE Report Number 42. No. 29 - City Manager - enclosing report of B. Prior, Assessment Commissioner, re- specting re-assessment suggested. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Gorfield that the report be received and filed. SEE Report Number 43. The following Reports were presented; No. 39 - Property Committee - recommendations re qualifications as submitted by Niagara Frontier Insurance Agents~ Association. ORDERED on the motion of AId.Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 326E and Communication No.9 No. 40 - Traffic Committee - re petitions in connection with By-law 4391 and recom- mending a proper petition for repeal of By-law 4391 will receive consideration and a recommendation made to Council as soon as Committee is convinced. ORDERED on the motion.of AId. gwayze and Ald, Gorfield that the report be received and tabled. SEE Communications and Petitions on this matter. No. 41 - Property Committee - recommending arrangements be made with H.E.P.C. for right-of-way from Valley Way to Kerrio property and that King Avenue be clo~ed by by-law. ORDERED on the motion of AI~. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. gEE Communication No.63. No. 42.- Property Committee - recommendations re application of Messrs. Serotiuk & Zubko for building permit to erect an auto sales room, office and service show room on Lots 41,42,43, Plan 101, Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of AId.Norton and AId. Ketghan that the report be received and adopted, SEE Communications.64 & 65 & Reports NO.S.' 27. and 28. No. 43 .~Con~nittee - recommending that the re-assessment of properties in the old City of Niagara Falls be undertaken in the year 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Norton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 29, No. 44 - ~egot~atiJg Committee - report on meeting held January 22nd. ORDERED on the motion o£ Ald. Martin and Ald. Ketghan that the report be received and filed. No. 45 - N~eggtiati_ng Cjmmittee - report on meeting held on January 23rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Norton and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 46 - Traffic Committee - suggesting Police Dept. be asked to check parking on west side' of Portage Road, opposite the Greater Niagara General Hospital, to prevent driveways to private property being blocked. ORDERED on the motinn of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted and the matter be brought to the attention of the Police Department. No, 47 - Traffic Committee - suggesting erection of Caution Signs at intersection of Corwnn Avenue and Spence Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 48 - Traffic Committee - requesting authority to proceed with a study of be given bird Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. 6270 - A by-law to provide for appointment of certain members of the Niagara Falls ' and Suburban Area Planning Board. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that Ald. Corfield granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first eading.- Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Potter that Rule 36 (2) ~f'the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the ~econd reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~hird Reading -Ald. McCallum and AId. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. ~o. 6271 - To amend By-law Number 5335(1955), as amended, which is a by-law to regulars the use of land and the use~ location~ spacing, height and area of buildings ~ and structures within the City of Niagara Falls. parking conditions in the vicinity of Victoria Avenue and Centre Street. ORDERED ~ on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted,~; ~ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Martin that AId. McKinley No. 49 - Traffic Committee - re stop sign at intersection of McLeod Road, Cakes Drive and Portage Road, and recommending by-law be prepared. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE By-law 6281. No. 50 - NiJara Falls Fire Department - Annual Report, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. )~rtin and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and tabled for the perusal of Council. PETITIONS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 1 - S. T. Dennett and 39 others - requesting that Early Closing By-law No.4391 be repealed, No. 2 - Rendezvous Restaurant & Service Station & 51 others - requesting that Early Closing By-law No. 4391 remain in ForCe. ORDERED on the motion of Ald: Swayze an~ Ald. Cotfield that the petitions be tabled. i ~e granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first t~eading. - Carried Unanimously. I~ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) ~ef the Standing RUles of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given i~he second reading. - Carried, with Ald. Martin,contrary. ]~hird Reading -Ald. McKinley and AId. Cotfield - Carried, with Ald. Martin,contrary. ~o. 6272 - A by-law to prohibit or regulate the discharge of firearms in a defined area of the Corporation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Ald. Martin re granted the privilege of in troducing the by-law and the'by-law be given the 1st. ending. - Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of :he Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the 3econd reading. - Carried Unanimously. BY-lAWS Reading - AId. Morton and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. The following By-laws were passed;_ No__!.6268 - To allowan encroachment on Queen Street and St. Clair Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-l~;, be $~ven the 1st. reading. - Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on the motion of AId, Keighan and AId, Morton that Rule 36 (2) of ~he Standing Rules of Council be temporarily snapended and the by-law be given. the second reading. - Carried Unanimously, Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and AId. McCallum - Carried Unanimo~sly. No. 626?_ - To.appoint a member of the Niagara Falls Suburban Roads Connnission. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Potter and AId. Swayze that AId.Martin be 8ranted the privilege of.introducing the by-law and the by-law be given t~e let. reading, - Carried Unanimously, DEADLINE FOR ITEMS FOR COUNCIL AGENEA His Worship, Mayor Miller, suggested that a deadline be set for the acceptance of cormnunications, etc. for the Council agendas and it was ordered on the of Ald. Mttchelso. and Ald. Cotfield that all material for the uganda be received at the Clerk's Office not later than 12 noon on the day of the Council Meeting, 3arried Unanimously. His Worship Mayor Miller requested the City Engineer to make a verbal report as to the action taken during the recent snow storm to clear the snow, as telephone calls received about the condition of the roads in the former {o~dship of Stamford indicated dissatisfaction and the Mayor was of the Opinion that such comments from City Engineer would enable people to realize that they were receiving same service as previous to annexation. Mr. Eidt, City Engineer, advised that the service is essentially the same and he proceeded to explain the method being used? that the original Township crews were assigned to their regular routes, as were the original crews from the City, and that equipment was being exchanged. He explained the basic problems confronting the Department~ namely the parking of cars on the side of roads; people throwing their snow from driveway on to the road and the necessity o[ the mu~lcipal ploughs having to clear it back; and also breakdown of equipment. He stated that the very bes~ efforts were being made and this was an unusally heavy snow fall and some of the crews had worked 20 hours without rest and that, in his opinion, roads were not unduly blocked for any length of time. His Worship the Mayor expressed the desire that the Press would take note of this explanation. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield. READ AND ADOPTED, 4th. February, 1963, Clerk Mayor, FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 28th.January, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on January 28th, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Committee. Sundry Accounts, in the amount of $144,087.98 were approved by the The Accounts submitted, being pas~ed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan. The application of Gould-Leslie Ltd. for permissio~ to erect a new standard illuminated poster display on the Malzone property, at the ~orner of Stanley Avenue and Kitchener Street, which had been considered by Council at the meeting of January 14th. was again considered, along with a further communication indicating the attitude of the Highways Department concerning'such erections. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and AId. Morton that the communications be laid on the table and the Property Committee be authorized to meet with a representafire of Gould- Leslie Ltd. at the site in order to determine the type of sign, location of same,etc. The Property Committee's report on the application of Court Industries Ltd. for a building permit to construct a building to be used for a Space'Museum on the north side of Clifton Hill, on property of the Sheraton-Brock Motel Corporation, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId.Morton that the report be received and adopted and a permit be not issued until such time as s communication has been received from the Sheraton-B~ock advisin~ that the space for paring of twelve cars will be made available for the use of Court Industries Ltd, The City Manager*s report on the application of Paul Nagy, 2364 Portage Road, for a building permit to erect an addition to the Twentieth Century Motel, at an estimated cost of $ 37,500. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Potter and Aid. Morton that the report be received and referred to the Propert~ Committee for consideration and e report, ~'~'The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid.Morton and Ald. ~ McCallum. i READ AND ADOPTED~ 4th. February, 1963. Clerk rman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 28th.January, 1963, The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on January 28th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-hw which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY - LAW The following By-law was passed; No. 6273 - To provide monies for General Purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st. reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId.McKinley and AId. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 4th. February, 1963. Clerk Mayor. SIXTH MEETING CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 28th. January, 1963. Council assembled in Conference, following the regular Council and Finan: Meetings on Monday, 3anuary 28th, 1963. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor ~ller, presided as Chairman. After consideration of the' items presented to them, the ~ommittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield. READ AND ADOPTED, 4th. February, 1963. Clerk Chairman. REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 4th.February, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, February 4th. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of ~Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the ~previous regular meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald.Corfield, COMMUNICATIONS ~Laid over from previous meeting; No. 50 - Stamford Horticultural Society - re public street tree planting programme. ~ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Potter that the communication be ~-received and the Society be advised that the City will co-operate in their program ~and thanks them for service rendered to community up to date. SEE Report Number 51. No. 66 - Niagara Falls Suburban Roads Commission - Annual Report. ORDERED that the comnunication be received and the report of the Traffic Committee be adopted and ,~Sodom Road from the Q.E, to Gore Road be eliminated and in its place, that Thorold ~Town Line be included as a Suburban Road from the Welland Line Road to the Thorold ~'6tone Road. (Motion made by Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson)'. _ SEE Rep/rt Number 52. ~No. 73 - Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation - Niagara Falls Project 8/48. '.~o~DERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report of the property ! ommittee be adopted, and the communication be again tabled pending the obtaining ~ f the Committee of additional information before making a recommendation to Council. i.~ ' SEE R__~port Number 53. ~I~o. 75 - City Engineer - Speed Limits on City Roads. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~ Potter and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and the report of the :-~Traffic Committee be adopted and the Committee submit a detailed report to Council at a later date. 'i SEE Report Number 54. · , · - AId. Keighan arrived at the meeting - o. 76 - ~4ntthews and Matthews - Niagara Falls Optimist Club & Boys' Club of to e ~and Council authorize the assignment of the lease of lands as requested. SEE_Report Number 55. ~o, 86 - Alpha Psi Chapter of Gamma Sigma Fraternity - Show case in Memorial Arena. ~RDERED on the motion of AId. Mttchelson and AId. Morton that the communication be ~eceived, filed and permission granted, subject to approval of location by Arena ~anager and suitable agreement by the Solicitor saving City harmless SEE Report Number 56. ...................... ~No. 87 - Village of Sutton - resolution, requesting Provincial Government to amend all related Acts to provide for grants on behalf of extra "householders". ORDERED Dn the motion of AId. McCallum and Ald. Gotfield that the resolution be received and endorsed. SEE Report Number 57. No. 89 ~ A. Greenspan - application for motel erection. ORDERED on the motionof ~ld. Morton aud Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and report Property Counittee be adopted, the By-law 5149 be amended, with the understanding ;hat Lot 810 on Buchanan Avenue will be utilized for parking purposes in connection ~ith the mo~el project. SEE Report Number 58. The followinK Communications were presented; No. 95 -~ ' referring to further petition re early closing By-law No. 4391, and institution of a rotation system. No. 96 - E_~_._N_. B~eland - requesting his name be deleted from petition. No. 97 - Hamilton~B_. Mortise - in fayour of repeal of by-law 4391 and referring to 24-hour ~eration of his service station, which he wishes to maintain. ~EE petition No.3. No. 98 - Ra__ilwaX As____sociati__on of Can~dJ - Daylight Saving Time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the communication be ~eceived, filed and Daylight Saving Time'be observed from 12.01 a.m. Sunday, April 28th. until 12.01 a.m. Sunday, October 27th, 1963. No. 99 - Onta___rio Fire Marshal - 1962 Fire Prevention Week Contest. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. potter that the communication be received, filed and the Niagara Falls Fire Department be commended on their achievement for Honourable Mention for Ontario. No.lO0 - Downtown Businessmen~s Association - appreciation for co-operation in 1962. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the con~nuni- cation be received and filed. No. 101 - ~felland County Council - N.F. Suburban Roads Commission 1962 Report and requirements for 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Ketgban that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for conaid~ eration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 102 - probation Officer - Annual Report for 1962. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Potter that the r~port be received,'noted and filed. No. 103 - ~reater Niagara Transit Conmission - requesting meeting with Council on February 18th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, filed and the Commission be notified that February 18th. is satisfactory for meeting with Council. No. 104 ~ Greater Niagara Minor Soccer Association - requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being pre. pared. No. 105 - Greater Niagara ~nited Appeal - requesting grant. ORDERED on'the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communication be received ~nd referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 106 - Niagara Palls & Suburban Area Planning Board - referring to Sec~ on 31, Paragraph 23 of The Planning Act, 1962. ORDERED on the moeion of AId.McKinley and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received, filed and the City Manager be instructed to advise the Planning Director according to his explanation to Council' on this subject. No. 107 - Gre~ter Niagara Minor Soccer Association - requesting use of Oakes Park for games, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan end Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for consideration, and s report, and, consideration be gives to the possibility of inserting an ad in the local press setting a deadline for requests by organization8 for use of parks for such purposes, bimilar to the ad in~erted by .the former Township of Stamford, No. 108 - Welland County Emergency Measures Committee - setting out amount of fihancial contribution payable by the three municipalities forming the Organization. ORDERED on the motion of AId, Cotfield and AId. Mitchelson that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. T~' REPORTS Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 37 - Assistant to Ci~y_ Manager,Administration - re trade of property adjacent to park area near intersection of Dunn and Carlton Streets. SEE Repo!tJu_mb__e!59. The following Reports were presented; No. 51 - Parks and Recreation Conunittee - recommending Stamford Horticultural Society be advised that City will co-operate in their program of tree planting and thanks them for past services to community. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Conununication 50, No. 52 - Traffic Committee - recommending Sodom Road from Q.E. to Gore Road be eliminated and replaced by Thorold To~vn Line as a Suburban Road from Welland Line Road to Thorold Stone Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 66. No. 53 - Property Committee - advising additional information required before submitting a recommendation to Council on letter from C .M.H.C. with reference to Project 8/48. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received add filed. SEE Communication 73. No. 54 - Traffic Committee - a detailed report will be presented at a later date with reference to City Engineers~ report on streets not included in 50 m.p,h. range. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. SEE Communication 75. Bo S! No. 55 ~ City SoliCitor - comments on Optimist Club and y Club. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. SEE Communication 76. No. 56 - Parks and Recreation Committee - recommending permission be granted to Alpha Psi Chapter of Gamma Sigma Fraternity. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and permission granted as :equested, subject to the location for the show case being approved by the Arena Manager and a suitable agreement entered into saving the City harmless. SEE Communication 86. No. 57 - City Solicitor - comments on resolution of Village of Sutton. ORDERED on the motlob of Ald. McC'~llum and Ald. Corfieid that the report be received and filed. SEE Communication 87. No. 58 - Property Committee - recommending amendment to By-law 5149 to permit erection of motel by A. Greenspan, subject to Lot 810, Buchanan Avenue, being utilized for parking purposes in connection with motel project. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. M~ ton and ~ld. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 89. No. 59 - Parks and Recreation Committee - recommending report of Committee No. 5 of the former Township of Stamford, dated November 23rd, 1962, be approved. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that Reports 37 and 59 be received and adopted. SEE R~port Number 37. No. 60 - ~i~Manager - requesting authority to discuss with representative of Wm. M. Mercer Limited, the cost of preparation of a report on pension & group insurance schemes presently in force for employees of the Corporation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. blcKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed and the City Manager be authorized, to comnunicate with Mr. Smart of Wm.M. Mercer Lid No. 61 - Traffic Conunities - further report will be submitted on traffic conditions at intersection of Cotwin Ave and Spence St. following receipt of report from Police files on number of accidents occurring at this intersection. ORDEREDon the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. No. 62 - Parks and Recreation Committee - recommending April 5th. & 6th. be nmde available to Niagara Falls Skating Clu~ for their Ice Carnival at Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Potter'and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 63 - Parks and Recreation Committe~ - re recommendation of Arena Manager that City purchase supplies from Wm. Springerr for Memorial Arena Concession in the amount of $568.60. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the report be received and approval granted for purchase as indicated. No. 64 - Parks and Recreation Committee - suggesting Committee be authorized by Council to consider acquisition of property for park purposes in the north-west area of City. ORDERED on the motion of AId.McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed and Committee granted authority as requested. No. 65 - Committee established to consider License By-laws, Fees, etc..- recommendations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and laid on the table for one week for the perusal of Council.~' FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the Committee authorized at this time to study the Building Code and Plumbing By-law; and for any other matters they wish to study later on, that the Committee make a similar request. No. 66 - City Engineer - Pumping Station, Lot A.Reg.Plan 214, west limit of Rolling Acres Crescent. ORDERED on the motion o~Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 67 - City Engineer, Ontario Traffic Conference Training Courses. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted and permission granted as requested. No. 68 - City Manager - recommending City Treasurer, be appointed Tax Collector for the City of Niagara Palls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald.. Potter that[[ the report be received and adopted. SEE By-law 6277. No. 69 - Assistant to Citv ManaRer, En~ineerin~ - report on building permits issued for January, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. gwayze that the report be'reeeived, noted and filed. PETITION The following Petition was presented; No, 3 - Gary Groves & 51 others - requesting for repeal of by-law 4391 and instituting ~otatfon system for gasoline outlets.. Ills Worship the Mayor suggested that, in order to'facilitate matters, the petition be referred to the City Clerk for checking and if the p~tition was found to be in order, that a by-law be prepared for submission to Council at the next meeting, to provide for the repeal of the existing by-law, number 4391, and to establish the hours as suggested in the petition if this meets with the approval of Counc'll and that the operators be requested to provide Council with suggestions as to how the rotation system would be set up and tha~ they el'so be requested for an opinion as to the request from the Cloverleaf Service Station operator for 24- hour operation. Following further discussion, in which reference was made to 24-hour operation and the fact that some outlets were simply accessories to the main type of business, and also during which remarks were made by Mr. Lampkin of the Retail Gasoline Dealers' Association, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and AId. Norton that the City Solicitor be requested to prepare a draft by-law dealing with the closing hours of gasoline outlets which would provide for the repeal of the existing by-law and, take into consideration the various comments made by members of Council concerning this problem} in the meantime, the petition and. ~ommunica~ions vere ordered tabled. SEE Communications 95-96-97. MISCELLANEOUS Following Ald. Keighan's remarks concerning a phone call from a business establishment, querying the policy of snow removal and referring to the fact that the snow was not removed from the front of business establishments in the former Township of Stmmford, the City Manager advised that, in consultation with the City Engineer, it had been agreed to commence snow removal from in front of business establishments to-day and the work commenced on Drummond Road and removal would be extended to other areas in the former Township from this date on. His Worship the Mayor referred to the seriousness of the situation of the public comfort stations, and the conditions which have resulted from outright vandalism and was of the opinion that the Property Committee should investigate and submit a report to Council next week. Ald. Corfield referred to the problem of fog conditions arising out of the stream of water running from the Welland Plant out on to Garner Road, thus making it hazardous for motorists and the City Engineer was requested to take under advisement the possibility of laying pipe a certain distance from either side of the roadway to eliminate the steam conditions which makes visibility bad for motorists. BY-lAWS The following By-laws were p~sed; No. 6274 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with the H.E.P.C. of Ontario. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Mitch~lson that Ald. Potter be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Potter and AId. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. McCallum and AId. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6275 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. McKinley that Ald.Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson andAid. Corfield that Rule 36)2) of the Standing R~ies of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Swayze and AId. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. ~. 6276 - A by-law to increase the rate of speed on certain highways, in the City of Niagara Falls to 50 miles per hour. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Potter that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Ru.les of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and AId. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. N_9. 6277 - To appoin~ a Collector of Taxes for the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of AId, Mitchelson and AId. Potter that AId. Cotfield be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given ~he first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOFrED, llth. February, 1963. FINANCE MEETING he Con~ittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. wayze. F EAD AND ADOPTED; llth. February, 1963. - Council Chamber, 4th.February,1963. The Finance Meeting was held on February 4th. 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $394,601.84 were approved by the Committee. The Aceounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Keighan. The Property CommitteeIs report on their reconsideration of the application of Geuld-Leslie Ltd. for permission to erect a new standard illuminiated poster display on the Halzone property at the north-west corner of Stanley Avenue and Kitchener Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted and a permit be not issued, due to the fact that this property is located in the residential area, and a permit for the proposed erection of a panel board cannot be approved. The Property Committee's further report on the application of Court Industries Limited for a permit to construct a space museum on the north side of Clifton Hill, on property of the Sheraton-Brock Corpseration, located up hill from Tussaud's Wax Museum, was presented for consideration. The Cor~nit~ee recommended that a building permit be issued when the lease providing additional parking spaces up to fifteen in number for additional parking accor~nodation fo~ the Space Museum, has been produced for inspection by City Officials. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and AId. Swayse that the report be received and adopted. The Property Con~nittea's report on the application of the Twentieth Century Motel, 2364 Portage Road, for a building permit to construct an addition, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted and permit be issued subject to the conditions set down by the Stamford Committee of Adjustment in October ~1961, and the confirmation that the land mentioned in the decision of the Committee of Adjustment has been acquired by the o~mer of the property. Chairman of Finance. s COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 4th.February, 1963. The Cox~nittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance !~ieetings on February 4th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the'by-law Which covered All Members of Council were present. His the accounts approved by the Committee. i~orship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW ~he following By-law was passed; No. 6278 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. '~ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the ading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. rhird Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Conference on the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. Morton. READ AND ADOFTED: llth. February, 1963. CONFERENCE SEVE~HMEETING ~ REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 4th.February, 1963. Council assembled in Conference, following the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, February 4th, 1963. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor b~ller, presided. as Chairman. After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, llth. February, 1963. Council Chamber, llth,February, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, February llth !1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of ~ Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, ad?p~ed these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 73 -Central Mortgage & Housingjorporation ~ Project 8/48. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Carfield that the communication be received and laid in abeyance and the report of the City Manager be received and adopted. SEE Report No. 70, No. 107 - Greater Niagara Minor Soccer Association ~ use of Oakes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and A17. Swa~t~e communication be again tabled and the report of the Par~s and Recreation Conm~ittee be adopted. SEE Report No. 71. T~he following Communications were presented; No. 109 - Boy Scouts of Canada ~ City Parks for Wolf Cub Field Days. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and 'referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for consideration and a report. The next three communications were ordered considered at the same time, on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Carfield. No. 110 - March of Dimes - requesting contribution. No. 111 - Kinsmen Club - requesting contribution. No. 112 - Salvation Army - requesting contribution. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Keighan that the communications be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 113 - Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Commerce - proclamation. It was moved by Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and Proclamation issued as requested. This motion was lost by a vote of 7 to 3. An amendment made by Ald. McCallum, seconded by AId. Scott that the proclamation be issued at the expense of the organization, was carried by a vote of 7 to 3, the vote being - ~ye -Ald. McCallum, Scott, Carfield, Potter, Mitchelson, McKinley, Keighan; Naye - AId. Morton, Martin and Swayze. No. 114 - Ontario School Trustees & Ratepayers~ Association - membership and Easter Oonvention. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitohelson that the communication be received and filed. No. 115 - Niagara District Airport Commission - appointments for year 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Potter that the communication be received, filed and appointments approved. SEE Res~olut{.on No. No. 116 - Kiwanis Club - requesting use of Memorial Arena during forthcoming Convention. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the cow~uni- cation be received and filed and permission granted as requested, SEE Report No. 72. ~EPORTS Leid over from the previous meeting; No. 65 - Co~anittee re Licence Fe~ etc. - recommendations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. G. Martin that the report be received and adopted with the exception of Item (e) of Section 2, which is to be referred back to the Committee for further consideration and a report. ThJ following Reports were presented;_ No.70 - C~i~X Mj_nager - reconunending matter of Project 8/48 C.M.H.C. be left in abeyance for one month, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 73. No. 71 - Parks and Recreation Committee - recommending complete survey of fields available for soccer fields and baseball and softball diamonds. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 107,. No. 72 -' Parks and Recreation Committee - recommending Memorial Arena be made available to Kiwanis Club on September 22rid. 23rd. 24th. 1963, with the understanding that details so far as rental and service to be supplied, will be discussed with Kiwanis representatives at an early date, SEE Communication 116. No. 73 - Parks and Recreation Committee - recommending proper schedule be drawn up for use of fields for various athletic events & advertisement be placed in Evening Review setting deadline for receiving appIications. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and JAld.Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 74 - Parks and Recreation Committee - three recommendations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 75 - Negotiations Committee - report on meeting of February 7th. with Local 133. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Cotfield and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted. No. 76 - City Manager - recommending D.H.O. be requested to submit an appraisal on property considered necessary for improvement of No. 20 Highway. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be ~eceived and' adopted, No. 77 - City Manager- recommending Ald. Mitchelson be requested t6 attend Inter- university seminar Sponsored by University of Western Ontario and Ontario Regional Development Council, on February 27th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and ' Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted.' No. 78 - City Manager - recommending City become Member of Ontario Cemeteries Association, at an annual fee of approx. $25. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be r~ceived and adopted. No. 79 - City Manager - recommending AId. Mitchelson be requested to attend the Executive Meeting of Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves at King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Saturday, February 16th. ORDERED off the motion of AId, McKinley and Ald, Swayze that the report be received and adopted. ; No. 80 - City Manager - enclosing letter from Real Estate Dept. ~f C.N.R. on price of land necessary for City to purchase in connection with new Victoria Avenue Bridge over C.N.R, tracks. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Corfieh that the report be received aud referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. No. 81 - City Clerk '- copy of letter from Chief of N.F.N.Y. Fire Dept. expressing appreciation for stand-by duty of City Fire Dept. on Jan, 28th, 1963. ORDERED on tbe motion of AId. O, Hartin and AId. Potter that the ~eport be reeeived~ noted and filed. No. 82 - Assist. to City Mgr. Administration - copy o{ letter from C.N.R. re old N,S.& T. right-of-way and possible acquiring of same, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. McKinley that the report be received and referred to the V~operty Committee for consideration and a report, No. 83 - City Engineer - proposed name for Pumping Station on Lot A. Reg. Plan 214. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted and Council approve of the name "Rolling Acres Pumping Station" · No. 84 - City Engineer - re construction of No. 8 Highway. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted end permission as requested be granted. No. 85 - City Engineer - 1962-1963 Winter Works Program. ORDERED oa the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 86 - City Engineer - Fire Hydrants. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. Ald. Martin requested that the City Engineer set out material and labour costs on any reports presented in connection with Winter Works projects. No. 87 - City Engineer - recommendations in connection with fog problem at the inter- section of Garner Road and Miller's Creek. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and AId. Swayze that the report be received and tabled for submission of a further report containing estimated costs involved. No. 88 - Assist. to City Mgr. Administration - Trailer camps and possibility of a by-law. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed and City Manager be requested to submit a report. RESOLUTION the following Resolution was passed; No. 17 - MORTON - POTTER - RESOLVED that Mr. George McQueen and Mr. Joseph Montgomery, be and are hereby appointed to the Niagara District Airport Commission for the year 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. BY-LAW The following By-law was presented; No. 6279 - A by-law for dividing the City of Niagara Falls into polling subdivisions. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MCKinley and Ald. Swayze that AId. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading, - Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Corfield that the by-law be tabled for one week for the perusal of Council. Carried Unanimously, The following By-law was presented; No. 628______~0 - For the early closing of retail gasoline service stations. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by*law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - This motion was lo~t by a vote of 6 to 4, the vote being - Aye -Ald. S~ayze, Corfteld~ Horton~ McKinley; 'Naye- Ald. Scott, Hartin, KeiShanp Hitchelson~ McCallum and Potter. Previous to this~ Aid, Keighan moved that the by-law be tabled for one week; there was no seeonder. PETITION Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 3 - ~Fy Groves and 51 others - requesting repeal of by-law 4391 and institutisg rotation system for gasoline outlets. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott - Carried Unanimously. The City Clerk's Certificate that the petition was signed by not less than one-third of the number of occupiers of shops within the municipality, belonging to the class of retail gasoline service stations, was read by the Clerk. ~he following Petition was presented; No. 4 - Ross Cain and 2 others - requesting ~epeal of by-law 4391 and instituting rotation system for gasoline outleGs. COmmUNICATIONS The following Communications were presented; No. 117 - F. Hartwicke~Shell Service Station. q.E.WL - requesting exemption from Early Closing By-law. No. 118 - Jim & Ed's Cities Service Station~hg~.E.W. _ requesting exemption from Early Closing By-law. No. 119 - C. Durward~ Secretar~ Niagara Falls Branch~ Retail Gasoline Dealers' Associatio~ - suggesting no consideration be given to requests of operators wishing to remain open 24 hours a day for purpose of selling gasoline. No. 120 - C. Durwar_~d Secretary, Niagara Falls Branch, Retail Gasoline Dealers' Association . presenting proposed system of rotation plan. The whole matter of the operation of gasoline outlets and proposed by-laws, was discussed at considerable length and a great deal of the discussion seemed to centre around the possible interpretation of its application to places of business that engage largaly in some type of automotive repair or servicing other than retail sale of gasoline. The suggestions from the Dealtera' Association as to what might be a schedule for 25 percent rotation, was discussed with reference to the possibiT- lty of it being appended to the by-law and also as to whether the suggested operators had been contacted as to their willingness to carry on under the suggested arrange- ment. The provision in the draft by-law for exclusion of Q.E.W. operators was queried and the suggestion was advanced that this exclusion should also apply to other main highways, such as Number 8 highway. The representatives of the Association, specifically Mr. LanEdon, indicated that, in his opinion, the Association and its operators had gone as far as they . could go to help the situation and were prepared to co-operate 100 percent. Tl!ere was also a suggestion that Council might consider the simple repeal of the existing early dosing by-law and deal with an alternative by-law at a later date. The motion to then give the by-law its second reading was considered and was defeated, leaving the situation in the same position as that which existed prior to the submission of the draft by-law. His Worship the Mayor on being queried as to who would enforce the present by-law, indicated that this would be the duty of the Police Department. BY-IAWS The followingB-l~re pass_~ N.~o.6281 - To amend By-law No. 3791, being a by-law designating through highways. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Scott and Ald. Martin that Ald.'Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by;law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald, Morton that Rule 36 .(2) of ~he Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspen4ed and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid, Morton and AId, NcCallum - Carrie~ Unanimously, No.~,_6~28~ . To authorize the execution of an agreement, ORDBRED on the motion of Aid, Martin and Ald, Potter that AId, Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by.*law and the by-law be 81yen the [ttst reading ' Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. February, 1963. F~NANCE MEETING Council Chamber, llth.February, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on February llth. 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee Were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $105,787.63 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation'to the Council, on the motion of Ald, McCallum and Aid. Potter. The City Mapager's report on the sketch of F. Boychuk for alterations to his premises on the north-east corner of Morrison Street and Victoria Avenue, was presented~for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.Corfield that the report be received and Mr. Boychuk be advised that the City approves his proposal for renovations to the building, that a building permit will be issued as soon as the proper sketches and detailed information have been supplied. The City Manager's report on the application of the Fallsway Hotel, 946 Clifton Hill, for a buildlngpermtt for an addition to their premises, at an estimated cost of $200,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.McCallum and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit be issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the National 8istorical Wax Museum (Capada.)' Limit.e.d, to replace the front of the existing building, was presented for consideration.' ~RDERED on the motibn df Mayo'r' Mi'ller an~ AId.' Morton that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee, City Manager, and City Engineer, for consideration and a report. The City ManaSer's report on the quotations received for the supply of a new typewriter, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted and a new Smith-Corona Manual Typewriter be purchased from Frontier Typewriter Company~ at a price of $270,00, The Committee arose and reported to Council, on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayzc. READ AND ADOPTED, 18tb. February, 1963. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, llth.February, 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on February llth. 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Conmaittee. All Members of the Council were present. Ills Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-lAW the following By-law was passed; No. 6283 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED oh the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that AId. Martin be ~ granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first : reading. - Carried Unanimously. ' ORDERED on the motion of AId. blartin and AId. McCallUm that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law,be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conferenos on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. MeGallum READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. February, 1963. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, llth.February,1963, Council assembled in Conference, following the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, February llth, 1963. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. After consideration of the items presented to them, the Committee arose and reported to Council, on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Potter. READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. February, 1963. COUNCILMEETING Council Chamber, llth.February, 1963. The Council reconvened following the Conference on Monday, February llth. 1963, All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. RESOLUTION The follQwing pesolution waspassed; 'No. 18 --MARTIN - KEIGtlAN - RESOLVED that the Clerk be authorized to make immediate applicat~on to have the City of Niagara Falls admitted to membership in the' Welland and District Realth Unit for Public Health purposes and that the necessary by-law and agreement in this connection be prepared and submitted to the next regular meeting of Council for ratification; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. It was further moved, on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Keighan that a letter be attached to Resolution No. 18, suggesting that the full time staff of the Niagara Falls Board of Health be retained as much as possible in the new set up for public health. Council adjourned on the motion o£ Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. February, 1963s Mayor Council Chamber, 18~h.FObruary, i963. REGUI2~ !~BTING :: '- ~ .g- P , The Council, having received and read the minutes of the V -p~Vious meeting, adopted these on the'motion of Ald~NortO~ and AId,' ~. L ':'. ' · : Presentations of Safe Briving Awards of Transportation Safety Association .were rode by His ~orship ~hs ~yor and Hembets of ~he City Council ~o ~hir~y-seven · "city ~loyees, ~eh appropriate ~ords of c~en~ion t~ each ~loyee His ~orship~ r~ ~ ~yor ~ller~ on be~lf of the ~l~y of Niagara Falls~ extended ~o all 37 men ~-~ appreela~ion fo= ~he vonder~l recordand nprSss~d hope foz con~in~nce of'the sine. , .....~E Rebor~:~er, 96. "'~" ....................... ; .... · · · {~"' ·; · · ~f;';::~; .' .....,:;'~[i .~ ;~-;.~'.. "': f'~ ' DE~TION - Reeve Swart of the Welland County Council was ~re§ent at' the'ieetin8 :ion Of AId, Norton and:AId, Mitchei~on was given pe~ssion to'ddd~ess~ Reeve S~art advised~ he was iio~ ~q~ouncil. and NS · Laid,-.o~{rom previous meetinBs; .I ,..! No, ~i.- W~!l~nd County Council - resolution requesting C~nadian Council on Urban a~d~i~i K~earch to undertake or to assist in formulatinS dnd carrying out a comp~6~nSi~e reSear~¢hprogram in the Niagara Peninsula, .ORDERED on the motion of Ald,u~Fc~'e~son a~ ~id,. Nor[on that t~ ~onmmnication be received, filed, and ' the~'l~ti0n~e e~dor~ed i~ principle and the City CounCil do everything possible to have the Can~aian Council ~ive serious consideration to proceed with such a research. in the. N,lagara Pe.n~nsula, Carried Unanimously, No, b~[~C'ler~-Treasure~', ~elland County - resolution of Village o[Narkhamwith respect to Workmenss Comp. ensation Board'coverage for volunteer firemen, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Norton and Ald, C0rfiald that the resolution be again tabled and the report ofthe City lianaget be =eceived and adopted, · ' SEE Report No.'9~.. No, 9'i' Chate~u~Cai wines Ltd, ~ requesting extension to sanitary sewer system to prov~' Service 'f~r ~inery, ORDERED on the motion o£ Aid, Hartin and AId, Swayze tha~. the csni~tion be again ~abled, for consideration ac the Budget 'NeetinS or s~'ion bf'a 'Capital budget, ' : ]. . . . : : SEE Repor~ Nu~er 95, he, f ! i ,Cs i a{i0ns were presented; No, .IX'7 - LeZiSla~ive Ass~lX - notice ~f hearin~ of Bill No, R~3 - An Act res~i ~9~%.~i~ of Niagara Falls, ~o be held on Tuesday,' February 19~h, 1963 year ~2...~ .~D~D'OB. ~h~ ~ion o~ AId.', ~r~!n and AId. ~chelson ~ha~ the c~- · uni~', b~~ ~a~e{~a~ and r~i~tred ~o the B~dSe~ ~tee for consideration whed No. -[l!~ '~i loa~'i0ns 0f p0s~ers adve~lsinS NiaBara ~n ~he ~ipn. of AId. ~r~in and Ibuld-Lesl[e be ~ia'~za. Dis~icL Safe~ Rescue. Association - ~eques~in~ Oi lid. ~[and Aid, 'Hitchel. Son B~dSet C,~Cee-for.,- Ms. )26 - J/~ca) Co'J,Ici] of Women - Membership. ORDERED on the motion of AId. l~$~d.e]~on arid A]d. McKinley that the c~nication be received and filed, the 14,-~ui~er~hJp Fee ,,~ Thr~e Do]jars be paid and ]~s. Franklin 3. Miller be re-appointed ~ CQuncil'~ repref~entative. SEE Resolution 18. No. ]2j - 'Asz~ford WrE~e~IB Institute - requesting grant. ORDERED on the ~tion of A)~. M,~rLon and AId. Potter that the c~.i~tion be received and referred [o the budget Committee f,~r consideration when the Budget is being prepared. ~o. ]2~ - glaDare Park:~ Coexist;ion - requesting disconnection of water line in cofmecLif~n with be]ipor[ location, at Victoria Avenue near Niagara Parlay. O~EP~D on the ~[]on of A~d. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that ~he co~unication be received and referred to the City I~nager for submission of a report. go. )29 - Department of HighweTs - re agreement respecting Highway Number 20. O~EREr on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Martin that the co~unication be received ;~nd agreement be referred to City Solicitor and City Engineer for perusal, and if $ou,d to be In satisfactory form, a by-law be prepared for submission at the n~t C~uncll MeeL~n~. SEE Repor~ No. 97. No. ]30 - HieEars Falls & Su~urba~ Area Flajning Board - enclosing Financial Statement and recoM, e~ded budgeL for ]963. ORDER~ on ~he motion of Ald. Po~ter and Ald. Motto:: LbaL Lhe col~!mjnIca~lon be received and referred to the Budge~ Co~Ctee for consider- sL~on who. the Es~l~tes are being prepared. I{~. ]'~l - 'fran~porLa.~ion Sa.f~j.5 A~;soc~a ion - Safe Driver Award Banquet~ Queensway B,,Le], ~,t,Catharines, Narch 9Lh. at 6 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson .nd Aid. Curfield that the co~unication be received, filed and those drivers with f~w~ years or ~re of safe driving, including the City Engineer, and Mr. H. A. Parre, and Ills Worship Mayor Nillet or his representssire, be permitted ~o attend. No. 132 - Stamford Centre Volunteer Firemen's Associatioj - requesting penissloe ~o hold A.nua] Carnival~ 3un~'/9'~h':'~ ~DERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ahh Curfield that tile co~unication be received and referred to the Parks and Eecreation CoM. ittee for consideration and a report. Ms. ~33 - St. A.n'B S~npho.ic Band - requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of ' Aid. Motto. and Aid~ s~a~Z~ ~a~he c~unication be received and referred ~o the Budge~ Co,m~lttee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. REPORTS ].aid over. from previous meetings; No. 80 - .Ci.ty Nasaget - at~aching letter from C.N.R. Real Estate Dept. setting price which (;lty has to'~Ur~hase i. connection with new bridge over C.N.R. tracks on Victoria Avonue. SEE Report Number 89. No. 82 - Assist, to City Manager, Administrative _ attaching letter from C.N.R,-re oh| N.S. &~llt~-f~~dihg Pos~urchase. SEE Report Number 90 No, 86 - C_iCy EnBinoer - Fire Hydrants SEE Report Number 91. NU. g7 ~ City Engineer - fog problem at Garner Road and MillerIs Creek. SEE Report Number 92. No. 88 - Assist, to City Nana8er~ Adminis~rative , Trailer Camps. SEE Report Number 93. I~f°ll~--!P]L~e_QR. orts wets preecn~ed~ No. 89 - P~_~mrt~_Con~i~tce . recommending appraisal ' estate offic~u Ci~nection with C.N,R, land be obtained from qualified real necessary in construction of'new VIctoria Ave, Bridge, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Potter and Ald, Keighan that the report be received and'adopted, SEE Repor~ Number 80. ~eport be received and adopted. SgE~_~ppor~ N~mber ~2. No. 91 - propert~ Committee - reconu~ending Report No. 86 be tabled until further information is supplied. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. ~EE.~eJor,t Number. 8j. No. 92 - City Engineer - Estimate of costs covering proposals contained in Report Number 87] to eliminate fog conditions at Garner Road and Miller's Creek. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Curfield that the report be received aud adopted, and Items 1, 2, 3 be referred to Budget Committee. ~ort Number 87. No. 93 - Cit~ ManaFar - recommending City Solicitor review By-law 2306 of the Twp. of Stamford an'~Vepare a new by-law for the City of Niagara Falls respecting trailer camps, for the consideration of Council. ORDERED on ;the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 88. No. 94 - City Manager - recommending resolution of Markham be tabled, until meeting in Grimsby at which a representative of the Workraen's Compensation Board, will speak to the Grimshy Fire Department on compensation coverage for firemen. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Curfield that the report be received and adopted. ~E__E Communication Number 88. No. 95 - City Engineer - re request of Chateau Get Wines Ltd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and tabled, for consideration at a Budget Meeting or submission of a capital budget. SEE Conm~unication Number 91. No. 96 - City Engineer - Safe driving awards, Transportation Safety Association to 37 municipal employees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and filed. SEE presentations. No. 101 ~ City Manager $5,000. ORDERED on the received and adopted. No. 97 - City Manager - recommending agreement respecting Highway 20, of the Department of Highways be referred to City Solicitor and City Engineer for perusal. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication Number 129. No. 98 - prope~ty'Conmittee - recommendations re hours of operation of Comfort Stations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. potter that the report be received andaadgpted. No. 99 - City Manager - requesting permission to negotiate with C.N.R. to secure land for right-hand turning lane off Victoria Avenue leading to Bridge Street, at the north-west corner. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed and permission granted as requested. No. 100 - City Manager - attaching communication from I~. M. Mercer Ltd. re pension and group insurance schemes and recommending they be retained to prepare a report thereon. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. - recommending coverage for volunteer firemen be set at motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report be No. 102 - City Engineer - 1962 Budget and Expenditures for 1962. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. 8wayze that the report be received and filed. No. 103 = Chairman, Twp. Committee No. 4 - roadside conditions west side of Royal Manor Drive, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mttchelson and Ald, McCallum that the report be received and referred to ~he Tour of Inspection. No. 104 - titZ C!~rk . recommending issuance of parking meter licerites. ORDERED on the ~tion of Ald./4orton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received,adopted and lieantes issued accordingly. RESOLUTIONS The followtn~ Resolutions were passed; No. 1CA - MITCI{EJ~SQN .- MCKINLEY - resolved that Mrs. Franklin J. Miller, wife of His Worship, Mayor Miller]'b~ppointed as Council's representative on the Local Councl] of Women, for the year 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affized. Carried UnanimousIv. No. 19 - I~KRTIN ~ SC~iif . RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be' held on Saturday morning, February 23rd. commencing at 9.30 A.M. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried UnanimouslJ> MISCELLANEOUS Following remarks of Ald. McKinley regarding the habit of the Township of Stamford to send a representative to Arena Managers' Meetings, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald. W. G. Scott be authorized. to attend the forthcoming Arena Managers' Meeting to be held on February 24th. as Council's representative. Carried Unanimously. Following remarks of Aldermen Morton, Mitchelson and Keighan concerning the policy to be set with reference to garbage collections in the new City of Niagara Falls, the City Manager advised that the Sanitation and Pollution Control Conmltttee will be holding a meeting this week in order to discuss this subject. Ald. Keighan referred to the fact that up to the present, he has not been notified by the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority to attend any meetings of that body, but that material dealing with Executive Meetings has been supplied. AId. Norton, a former representative of Council on the Authority, advised as to the normal procedure in connection with such meetings, to the effect that their election of officers is held about the end of March and appointees from the City will then be asked to attend that meeting. He advised that normally the representatives from the City do not attend meetings unless they are elected to that body toward the end of the month of March, Ald. Keighan then stated that the public are entitled to know why the' City has made aPPlication to Join the Welland and District Health Unit, a~d he was advised that the by-law to enter into a contract with the Health Unit will be presented later during titis meeting, at which time discussion will be held thereon. AId. McCallum referred to road conditions in two locations which had been brought to his attention~ namely, Hiram Street just east of Falls Avenue where two-way traffic is almost impossible due to accumulation of snoW; also at the west end of Stamford Street from Stanley Avenue about four blocks east, the residents are of the opinion that they are being neglected; the Alderman requested submissign of a report on this. AId. Swayze was of the opinion that space should b~ left In front of the General Hospital on Portage Road, for the convenience of discharging passengers from automobiles visiting the Hospital. The Alderman suggested nno parking" sign8 be erected to provide this space. liis Worship Mayor Miller referred to a 4-page anonymous letter containing criticism and comments on the operation of the Memorial Arena and advised that he was turning this over to the Arena Committee for attention. Ills Worship Mayor Miller then referred to a quotation he had received concerning the printing of Ilone~noon Stickers and that a sample sticker will be made available for Council~s perusal at the next meeting of Council, I BY -LAWS ~aid over from the previous meeting; .-~o. 6279 - A by-law for dividing the City of Niagara Falls into polling subdivisions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 -~2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be ~iven the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ,~hird Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. the followin~ By-laws were passed; ~o. 6284 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin that Ald. Mitchelson , be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first i . d~ - Carried Unanimously. ~rea ng. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the ! second time. - Carried Unanimously. · Third Reading -Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. , No. 6285 - A by-law for entering into a Contract with the Welland and District Health Unit. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Morton that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the. second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Martin and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously. Prior to the above action, Ald. Keighan queried whether the Agreement includes the reasons why the City have made application to join the Welland and District Health Unit and suggested that possibly Ald. Martin, who was Chairman of the Committee, and had introduced the By-law would like the privilege of explaining why gaid application,~as made. Ald. Martin was of the opinion that the Committee should be instructed to prepare a statement for submission to Council for approval and then the same could be made available to the press at the next meeting. His Worship Mayor Miller was concerned about the Medical Officer of Health being a resident of the municipality, and Mr. McBurney, Q.C., City Solicitor advised that we have assurance of the Director that there will be a permanent M.O.H. here in Niagara Falls. The City Clerk advised that the by-law only gives authority to the Mayor and Clerk to sign an agreement. Alderman Mitchelson stated that commitments have been made and will be h0noured and will b~ spelled out in the Agreement. By-law No. 6286 - A by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2530(1960) of the Township of Stamford, as amended. (Senior Citizens' Low Rental Housing Development). ORDERED on the motion of AId, McKinley and AId. Potter that AId. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-l~w be given the first reading, - Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on the motion of AId, Keighan and AId, Corfield that Rule 36 (2) the Standing Rules of Council be ~emporarily suspended and the ~y-law be given the second reading, - Carried Unanimously. Third ReadinS . AId, Swayae and AId, MeCallum - Carried Unanimously, No. 6287 - A by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2530(1960) of the Township of Stamford, as amended. (Apartment Buildings on Drummond Road). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Martin that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36)2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Beading -Ald. Corfield and Ald. Potter - Carried Unanimously. No. 6288 - A by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2530 (1960) of the Township of Stamford, as amended. (Day Nursery School site), ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald, Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously, Third Beading - Aid. Morton and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to tile Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson. REAO AND ADOFrED, 23rd. February, 1963. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 18it.February, 1963. 'rile Fitlance Meeting was held on February 18th, 1963/for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members-of the Conunities were present. Aid. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. ' Sundry Accounts in the amount of $340,530.18 were approved by the. Committee. Tile Accouets submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed In tile Money By-law for Presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid. Nqrton and Ald. Potter. TIle Property Conefetters report on tile aPPlication of the National Historical Wax NUgOLIIB tO make Road, was Presented. ORDERED alterations to the front of the building on Portage oil tile motion of AId. Norton and AId. Cotfield (hat the reports be recsived and adopted and a building pealit be issued, subject to the restrictions mentioned in tile submission by the City Nanager oil February 11th,1963. The City Manager's report on the plan submitted by Provincial Engineering for the construction of an addition to the crane assembly shop on Victoria Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. potter that the report be received and adopted and application be forwarded to the Committee of Adjustment for consideration. The Conunities arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd. February,1963. Clerk COUNCIL MEETING = Council Chamber, 18th.February,1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on February 18th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW The' following By-law'was passed; No. 6289 - A :by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd. February, 1963. Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 18th.February, 1963. Council assembled in Conference, following the regular Council and Finance Meetings oe blonday, February 18th, 1963. All Members of Council were present. Itis Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. After consideration of the items presented to them, tile Comittee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Potter. READ AND ADOPTED, 23rd. February, 1963. NINTH NEETIN__G Council Chamber, 23rd. February, 1963, REGULAR MEETING pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 9.30 A.M. on Saturday morning, February 23rd. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes · of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton. COMMUNICATION~ Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 123 - Greater Niagara Minor Soccer Association - requesting use of soccer fields. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication be tabled and the report of the Parks & Recreation Committee be adopted. SE__E__R_epor~t__N_u,_n_bSr' 10~. No. 129 - Department of HighwaX~ - re agreement respecting Highway Number 20. The City Clerk advised that assurance has now been received from the City Engineer and the City Solicitor that the agreement is in order. The City Manager referred to the second paragraph of the communication wherein the Department has agreed to reconstruct the portion of Highway No. 8 now within the City and retain it as a King's Highway until the construction has been completed and the City Manager recommended that the Department be advised that the City agrees to accept the tranofer of this portion when the work has been completed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald, Swayze that the communication be received and filed and the verbal recommendation of tile City Manager be adopted. SEE By-law Number 6291. T~e following Communications were presentedL No. 134 - John C. J. Bruno - re Miss Dominion of Canada Beauty Pageant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and tabled pending receipt of a financial and auditor's statement from this organization and the writer be requested to be more specific as to the amount of financial contribution expected; following receipt of information requested, the communication be then referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared,. No. 135 - Ontario Association Urban Rural Munici_ealities. Membership. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and filed and the City of Niagara Falls take out a Membership in this Association. No. 136 - King Edward Hotel - appreciation for Fire Department's assistance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keigfi~n and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Fire Chief and his Department. N0. 137 - Board of Education - possibility of Board's Committee meeting with Council or its Conmaittee when retirement allowances are being studied. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and AId. gwayze that the con~nunication be received and referred to the Negotiations Committee for a report. No. 138 - Niagara Frontier Humane Society - requesting permission to hold a tag day on May lOth. and llth. or on alternative dates of May 3rd. & 4th. The City Clerk advised that the dates requested are not available, having been allotted to other organizations, but that May 17th. & 18th. and May 24th. & 25th. are available. ORDERED on the motion o£ AId. Swayze and AId. Potter that the communication be received and the information supplied by the City Clerk be relayed to the Society. No. 139 - Softball League~ WellandPlgnt, ~y~na~mid - requesting use of parks. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for inclusion when the schedule is drawn up, concerning the operation of all parks. No. 140 -Town of Oakrills - resolution re air pollution control. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Morton that the resolution be received and referred to the City Manager for a report. No. 141 - Sunset Haven - enclosing copies of special report on allocation of Liability and Beds between County of Welland and former Township of Stamford and recolmnendlng percentage for City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Kelghan that the communication be received and tabled for the perusal of Council, City Manager, City Solicitor and Auditors; and the Supt. be invited to appear before Council at the next meeting in connection with this matter. No. 142 - Niagara Falls Prqfesgtong~ ~i_r~_ Fighter~ Local 528 - requesting City pay |is abate of pension costs for nine employees from Sept. 1st, 1962. ORDERED on the motlos of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the conununication be received, filed and the amount of $162.50 be paid. SEE Beport No. 10~. No. 143 - St.~atbayjncs Bo~rd of Edug~tion - offer to purchase nine outside remote control fire alarm boxes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the conmunlcation be received and filed and the same sold to the St.Catharines Board of Education at a price of $50. each. SEE Report NumberlOT. REPORTS · .I'he follow|)iS Repprts were presente~d; No. 105 - Parks aBd' _Re_cr~cp~tton - a thorough study to be made of fields & facilities and n schedule prepared at a fater date. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson asd Ald, Carfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 123. No. 106 '- Cl,t~_Ma_n. age_r . recommending approval of the payment of $162.50 for nine msployees of Fire Department, as City's share of pension costs, from Sept. lst,1962 ORDERED oil tile .motion of Ald. Martin aad Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 142 No. 107 - ~tt_'y Map~a89.r . recommending acceptance of offer of St.Catharines Board of Education of $50. each for nine master remote control fire alarm boxes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received and adopted. S,_EE Connnunication 143. No. 108 - C_iLy }l_ap_a~Le~r _ reporting on liearisE at Private Bills Committee on Feb.9th. ORDEI{ED on tile motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Carfield that the repor. t be received and filed. No. 109 - _Sp,s_c_~l Committee re Ilealth Services - Summary of items considered by Conm~lttec re lienlib Services for enlarged City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Ketghan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, filed and copies Innde available to the various news agencies. AId. Martin suggested that with the co- operettas of the press, the report should be printed in i~s entirety,due to it~ importance the public should be fully informed regarding the change-over,of ~his Department and also the saviog ~nvolved. Ald. Mitchelson concurred with Ald.Hart~n and was of the opinion that if the press d~d not publish the report in l~s entirety, then a paid ad should be inserted. AId. Keighan also concurred and then complimented AId. Martin for the fine way ha had handled this whole affair. His Worship Mayor Htller rolefred to the services rendered by the Niagara Falls Board of liesigh and felt that some recognition ehould be given to them. Aid. Nar~in concurred with the ~yor~s remakrs. AId. N~tchelsou, a Township of S~amford Member of the Welland and District Ilealth Unit, advised of his a~teudance at the meeting last Wedne8day, and ~he~ a recomoada~lon was goin~ forward ~o ~he Departmen~ of Health In Toronto, ~o ~ucrease membership from two to three. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Ke~han and Ald.Corf~eld that Aid. Mitchelson be authorized ~o a~end ~he meetings of ~he Welland and District Realth Unit until che Bill haB been passed and the ne~ se~ up has been approved. Carried Unanimously, i,,..::". "'; :.:: .......' ,': · ... '__... N0. 110 - Sanitation & Pollution Control CoL~i~t,t~ ' report of February 20th. meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. potter and Ald. Martin that the report be received and filed. No. 111 - Parks and Recreation Con~ittee - report of meeting of February 22nd. meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and filed. No. 112 - City Man~a~er - recommending draft Plumbing By-law be referred to the Sanitation~Pollution Control Committee for study and recommendation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Carfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 113 - Ci~!~Clerk ' report on Conference held on February 18th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Carfield that the report be received and adopted, No. 114 - City Clerk - List of Uncollectible Taxes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Kcighan an~Xld. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted as recommended. It was suggested that the Treasurer keep close check on these matters in future. No. 115 - City Engineer - posting of half-load signs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and~ld. Carfield that the report be received and adopted and permission granted as requested. ~ETITION The following petition, received too late for inclusion on this agenda, was ordered read, on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan. No. 5 - E. James Essex and 38 others - requesting names to be included in the petition advocating the repeal of the early closing by-law 4391. notwithstanding retraction. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the petition bereceived and the City Clerk be instructed to present a report as to the validity of the names thereon. MISCELLKNEOUS Ald. Morton referred to the operation of the Police Department and of concern over the same, due to the fact that it is understood that certain men were retiring after 8, 10, 12 and 13 years of service and queried whether the reason was because they had better Jobs in view or whether this was a result of the change in~nagement and the Alderman thought that His Worship the Mayor could report. Mayor M~ller, as one member, stated that he would not presume to speak on behalf of the Co~iss~on, Ald..Ke~ghau was of the opinion that any questions in that regard should be directed'to the police Co~iss~ou by the person making the enquiry~ with which Ald. M~chelson concurred; Ald. M~tchelsou was of the opinion that most of the innuendoes and questions being created ~n the public m~ud are being created by rumour and not necessarily by fact and if responsible people want responsible answers they should go to the body responsible and he felt that Members of Council who are respouslble men are not expected to carry w~ves tales and ask explanation of a responsible body. Ald. Morton advised that in no way was he ~utend~ng to interfere w~th the Police Com~ss~ou but Council are asked for reasons and ~f the Police Co~ss~on were ou f~rm ground ~n what they have done, ~t was only reasonable that the public are entitled to know. Ald. Corf~eld stated that as elected representative of the people, he was of the opiu~on that ~t was not asking too much to ask any co~ssion to report ~o Bouncll; that Council had a r~ght to kno~ whether these rumours are r~Bht or not. Ald. Mart~u queried whether the press and radio were permitted to attend Police C~ssion meetings and whether on Feb. 19th. the public had been present w~th any complaints. The Alderman stated that at no t~me had he heard that the Police Co~ss~ou meetings were open to the public. ~D~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the Police Co~ss~on be requested to present a report to Council as to the reasons men of the Police Department are leavens and whether there ~s any d~ssens~on ~u the ranks, Carried by a vote of ? [o 2~ the vote being Aye - Aldermen Swayze, Mortou~ Martin~ McCallum, 6orf~eld, McKinley, Po~ter; Nays - Aldermen Kei~han and Mitchelson. Alder~n Sco~ asked to be excused from Voting. AId. Mitchelson advised that meetings were open when he had attended Stamford Police Commission meetings, where the public was present. AId. Keighan moved that the matter be tabled until a definite answer was obtained as to whether meetings were open to the public or not. There was no seconder. RESOLUTION ~he followin~ Resoluti9~ ~as passed; No. 20 - ~TIN - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that tbe Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls petition time Department of Highways for the Province of Ontario for the Statutory Grant under The Highway improvement Act on expenditures made during the year 1962; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousljb AId. Ketgban stated that he would not be attending tbe Ontario Good Roads Convention in Toronto, February 25th. to 27th. pY-IAW__SS The followin~ B~-laws were passed; N__o. 6~pp - A by-law to amend By-law Number 5149, regarding tourist establishments. ORDERED on time motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Swayze that Ald.Keighan be grauted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given tile second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Swayze and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. No. 6291 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement. ORDERED on tbe motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Potter that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st. reading.. Carried Dnanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Skandtng Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and AId. Morton - Bartied Onanimously. The City Manager advised that an appointment had been arranged with the ILE.P.C. of Ontario for Tuesday morning at 10.30 A.M. Feb. 26th. to discuss the question of grants in lieu of taxes and requested that a Committee of Council be appointed to represent ~he City at that meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mltchelson and Ald. Potter that a committee be appointed to meet with Hydro Officials iu Toronto on Tuesday morning, February 26th. 1963 at.10.30 A.M, SEjA~]ourned Meeting Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley.and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOF~'ED~lst, March~ 1963, FIK~NCE MEETINQ Council Chamber, 23rd.February,1963. The Finance Meeting was held on February 23rd. 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. }~rtin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $123,317,10 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter. Ald. Morton questioned the amount in the Money By-law with reference to travelling expenses for the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention and suggested that a policy should be set, and Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, advised that the matter would be considered when discussing finances for the current year. The City Manager's report on the application of Ashbury Motel, 3800 Lundy's Lane for permission to erect a second storey on the motel, to be used for living accommodation, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and the matter be referred to the Property Conmlittee for consideration, and report. The City Manager's report on the application of Fred Sacco, 1522 Lombard Avenue, for a bui{ding permit to construct a warehouse on Lots 7, 8 and 9, on the east side of Fourth Avenue, between Hamilton Street and the N.S. & T. tracks, at an estimated cost of $6,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and the application be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and report. The City Manager's report on the application of M. Rrynoruchko, 1544 McLcod Road, to construct an addition to the Starlight Motel, at the intersection of Stanley Avenue and McLeod Road, at an estimated cost of $25,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keigham and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted and permit issued accordingly. The City Manager's report on the application of John Nagy, 3104 Lundy's Lane, for a building permit to make alterations to the Falls Manor Restaurant, at an estimated cost of $1,500. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton ~nd Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted and a permit be isshed, subject to a thorough inspection by the Fire Department. Council'arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, 1st. March, 1963. Clerk Chairman of Finance, Clerk COUNCIL MEETIr~ Council Chamber, 23rd. February, 1963. The Conunittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on February 23rd. 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were preach:.: His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-lAW T~he fol low~n/~ ,By-.la_w _waft paj_se_~; N~9_°,+929~22 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Ald. Martin bc granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given .the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Curfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading, - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and hld, Curfield - Carried Unanimously, APPOINTMENt OF COmfiTTEE TO MEET HYDRO OFFICIALS O_N TUEJ~ F~EB. 26~H~at 10,30A.M. His Worship Mayor Miller named Aldermen Martin and Keighan, Mr. W. S. Orr, Mr. A. C. |tuggins, Mr. W. J. McBurney, q.C., and Mayor Miller to the Committee to meet with Hydro Officials in Toronto on Tuesday, February 26th. 1963, commencing at 10,30 A,N. to discuss grants in lieu of taxes. On the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter, Mr. Nagy, one of the signatories on Petition No. 5, presented to Council at this meeting~ was Permitted to speak. |[e queried as to when the Petitioners would be advised concerning the petition, alld was advised that this would be acted upon at the next meeting of Council, follqwlng ~he City Clerk's check as to its validity, RESOLUTION The followin~Resolu~lon ~sse~; No. 21 - MITCItELSON - MORTON - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council o' Ya Wy%VaaW a h ~a. 1963, co~encing a~ 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the COrporation be here~o affixed. Carried Unanimously. This action was tkane following the request of Nts Worship Mayor Miller that another date be chosen for March 4th. Council Meeting, due to the fact that he would be in Toronto. Council adjourned on the motion of AId. McCallurn and Ald. Potter. READ AI~D ADOPTED, lUt, March, 1963, TENTH METING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, lst.March, 1963. ~ Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 on Friday, March 1St. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council |were present, The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous -~meeting, adopted these, as amended, on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze. DEPUTATION On the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Swayze that Mr. J, MacKenzie, of the Kiwanis Club was permitted to speak to Council. Mr. MacKenzie outlined a proposed fund-raising project which the Kiwanis Club wished to try out, in the form of bottled water from the Niagara River, to be sold during the month of May, and that 2,000 bottles would be put on sale, at 50 cents each during the month of May as a trial run for the product. Me suggested that this would certainly be an authentic souvenir of Niagara Falls and requested permission to Cit's use the y crest on a small brochure to be tied around the neck of each bottle, which would contain statistics about Niagara Falls. Following discussion, it was ordered on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that Council grant permission to the Kiwanis Club of Niagara Falls to use the City Crest for this project. Carried Unanimously. On the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze it was ordered that Mr. A. Hicks of the Greater Niagaaa Retarded Children's Association be permitted to address Council. Mr. Hicks referred to the road allowance at the end of Bellevue Street joining the Q.E,W. and queried the possibility of haviug the same closed in order that the Association could apply to the City for permission to build 'an over-18th workshop" on the site. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Ald. Curfield that the request be referred to the Property Committee along with the City Engineer for consideration and submission of a report. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; N0.30 - Pearce'Si~ - application for renewal of agreement re waste containers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Curfield and Ald. Swayze that the conmmnication be again tabled ~nd the matter referred to the Tour of Inspection for consideration of all MembOrs of Council. SEERSoft Number 116, No. 43 - Robt. A. Green - on behalf of petitioners for extension of water mains along Thorold Stone Road, from Kalar Road to Garner Road, and then north on Garner Road. .SEE Conmunication Nun~cr 144. SEE_Report Number 117. No. 140 - Town of oakvilla - resolution re air pollution control. ORDERED on the motion of AI~. Swayze and AId. Mitchelson that the resolution be received and endorsed. SEE Report Number 118. No, 141 = Sunset Haven - reports re allocation of liability and beds between the County of Nelland and the former Township OrSrumford, In connection with this subject, Mr. D. ~. Rapelie, Supt. was permitted to speak to Council, on the motion of Ald.Swayze and AId. Keighan. He referred to the most important step that has been taken with reference to Sunset Haven with the City of Niagara Falls becoming part of Sunset Haven and referred to the fact that the Rome will be one of the largest and most modern in Ontario~ and expressed the hope that this accommodation will benefit the citizens of Niagara Yallsl and in answer to Ald. Keighan~s query~ he advised that the additions to the Home would be completed by June, 1964. ORDERED on' the motion of Ald. McKinley andAid. Hitchclash that the communication be received and filed and the ~ity Manager's report be adopted. SEE B~port Number 119. r7 The fol lowiAg_Commu. nicatious were presented; No, 144 - Robt. A. Grce~n - requesting Council's consideration to immediate action previous request re watermains. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter that the communications 43 and 144, be again tabled and the report of the Property Committee be adopted. SE__E Report No._,ll7. No. 145 - Martin, Calvert, Sl~pard and Clark - requesting repeal of early closing gasoline by-law ~l~rn'~r 4'3~1. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald, McCallurn and Ald. Potter that tile communication be received, filed and the by-law be repealed. Carried, wi th Aldermen' 8wayze and bierton-contrary. SEE Petitions 5 and SEE R__eport Number 120. Th__e.foll_owin~n_g_C__ommunications were_presente_d; No. 146 - Committee _.9.f A~dju. jstment _ Notice of Rearing re 2200 Thorold Road. No. 147 - ComiCtee of Adj~_stmen[' - Notice of Bearing re 770 Portage Road, North. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the communications be received and filed. No. 148 - Sunset Baven~~ SupS. - copies of proposed 1963 Operating and Current Capital Bu~/g~n~'1963 Special Dome Care Budget. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Norton that the communication be received and tabled for perusal of Council, and to be dealt with at the next meeting, No. 149 - ~iagara RSgional Development Association - invitation to Annual Meeting on March 20th. It was moved by AId. Swayze that ~he invitation be received and filed; there was no seconder to this motion. Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott then moved that tile commuhication be received and representatives on the Association be authorized to attend, and any other member of council who so desired; this motion was defeated by unanimous vote; tile amendment by Ald. Keighan and Ald. McCallum that tile invitation be received and only Council's representatives on this Association be authorized to attend, was carried Unanimously. No. 150 - Greater Niagara Visi~o__r and Convention Bureau - establishment of standards cormnittee. ORDERED on the motion o~Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the eommuni- cation be received, tabled and the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Manager, to request him to appear before Council to further acquaint Council with what is desired, No. 151 - Locals 505 and 536, U.E.W. - copies of resoIutions and brief. ORDERED on the motion of~d. Keigimn and AId. Potter that Mr. gnyder, Chairman, of Local 536, be heard. b~. Snyder explained the'second paragraph of the communication following Aid. Keighan~s query for qualification end advised that the people were concerned about the suggestion that water rates would be increased; that it was never made known before the last election and he felt quite certain that had the amount of increase been mentioned, there probably would have been change in Council. He suggested that reduction in other municipal departments to compensate.a~ increase in water rates. Ald. Keighan stated that Council have to have time to figure things out and that he would not be pressured by any group. Ald. Martin referred to the fact that Mr. 8nyder had stated his platform concerning tile merger before Election and there had been no change in Council, 'and he could'see no reason why this was being brought up now the Election was over with. Ald. Mitchelson advised that an increase in water rates had been forecast in the Pre-merger reports. and tile citizens had been informed through press and said candidates in the last two elections were asked radio coverage. Ald.Mltchelson if they were for or against merger and ~hose in faYour were elected, while those opposed were not and in effect, this was a referendum. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Scott that the communication be received and filed and that if there are any questions on the brief submitted~ that these be brought to Council at the next meeting. No. 152 - Lions Club - invitation to Civic Night on Narch 19th. at Sheraton-Brock at 6.15 p,m, ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Ald. Swayze ~hat the invitation be received, accepted and as many of the members of Council as find it possible, attend. All Members of Council indicated they ~ould be preach% along with tile five city officials, No. 153 - St. Andrew's Cub Pack ~6 - requesting use of Baden-Powell Park, on June 7, 8 and 9th. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton thac ~he core.untcation be received and referred Co Cite Parks and RearssCion Committee for consideration and a report. No. 154 - Stamford Horticultural Societj - requesting grant. ORDERED De the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Scott that the conununication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. D. 155 - Welland and District Health U_ni_t - resolution recentheading three repre- sentatives from City of Niagara Falls be permitted On Health Unit. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. CorEield that the co~nunication be received and filed · No. 156 - Nja~ara Frontier Insurance ~_~ Ajsoci~ - accep[ing Council's recom- mendations re period of time as 8 instead of 10 years and same reduction re Agency operation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the conunuui- cation be received and filed. No. 157 - ~ara Frontier Insurance ~geuts Association - audit and survey of City's insurance to be undertaken. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the comuuication be received and ~iled aed policies be made available to ~he Association. No. 158 - Nia%ara Falls professional Fire ~ers' Local t~528 - requesting Certification of permanency for four employees.~kDE~RE~ 6h"t~(e motion of Ald.Corfield and Ald, McKinley that the comunication be received, filed and the request granted. SEE Resolution No. 22. No. 159 - Local ~dro Commission - account payable. 0ROERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that tile communication be received and filed and the account be not paid. REPORTS TIle following Reports were presented; No. 116 - pr__operty Committee - recommending request of Peatee Signs be referred to the Tour of Inspection. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Cotfield and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 30. N0. 117 - P__r~erty Committee - suggesting request of Robt. A. Green & petitioners re watermain on Barner Road, be laid in abeyance pending action by provincial Legis- lature on Private Bill of Niagara Falls, and report on water grid system. ORDERED on the motion ~f Ald, Keighan and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. N0. 118 - City Manager - recommending endorsation of resolution of Town of Oakville re control of air pollution. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald.biitchelson that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 140. No. 119 - City Manager - report on meeting of March 1st. re reports of Sunset Waven. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that tile report be received and adapted. SEE Conmmnication 141. No. 120 - City Clerk - report on petition number 5, and petition number 6, ORDERED on tile motion of Ald0 Martin and AId. Scott that the report be received and filed. SEE Communication 145. SEE Petitions Nos,5 & 6. No. 121 - Negotiations Committee - recommending four permanent employees of Fire Department, Local 528~ be certified permanent us required by Unemployment Insurance Commission. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield Iand, Ald0 McKinley that the report be received and adopted, SEE Con~unication 158. SEE Resolution No. 22. No. 122 - ~ bianaJ~er - re Local Hydro Commission's letter on account payable. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted and account be not paid. SEE Communication 159. No. 123 - Negotiatin~uCommittee . letter of Local 528, Niagara Falls Professional Fire Figbiers. ORDERED on tbe motion of Aid, Hartin and Ald. Morton that tbe report be received and tabled until His Worsbip Mayor Miller calls a council meeting to discuss the situation of tbe Fire Department as a whole. No. 124 - Negotiatioms Co~ittee - appointments to various positions. ORDERED on motion of Potter that the report 'be received and adopted. No. 125 - Cit~ . report on meeting with H.E.P.C. officials in Toronto on February 26th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. 24 - SWAYZE - MORTON - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of Ills the Mayor and Members of the Municipal Council be forwarded to the family the late Mr. Roy Criger, wife of Mr. Roy Criger, retired City employee; and the of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carr_ied UnaoimoUsly. 25 - MITCHELSON - POTTER - RESOLVED that Mr. Arthur Strangc be and he is hereby rlapp0inted as Safety Inspector for the City of Niagara Falls under The Construction ?!Safety Act, 1961-1962; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C_a__rrj_e.d_ UJ_a_p_im__o_uslJl? MISCELLANEOUS : ~ Ald. Martin queried as to the progress on the installation of a traffic ,!light which he had brought to Council nearly a year ago, and was of the opinion that No. 126 lithe people in that area had waited long enough. Following the City Nanager's remarks - Assist. to ~r. Administrative . report on O.M.B, hearings on Feb.27th. as to the busy schedule of the Electrical Department, and their not having had the ORDERED on the motion of Ald Mitchelso~!a~d Ald Corfleld that the report be received ~ opportunity to do tbe work, Ald. Martin was of the opinion that the Electrical Dept. and filed. · " ' ~ should drop their present work and instal the light i~ediately, at the intersection 0f Portage Road and North Street. · - . s' . · · . Aid. Mitchelson referred to the Inter-University Seminar which had taken nt f F - report on building permits issued during RE ' · 'D on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed. No. 128 - C~ _ recon~nending issuance of licences. ORD - Ald. Martin+and Ald. Cotfield that the re oft be · ERED on the motion of issued accordingly. P received.and adopted and licenets No. 129 - _C~ _ recommending issuance of Transient Trader's Licence. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and licenee be issued. PETITIONS L_ai__d_over from Previous meetings;_ No. 5 - E_._ james Essex and 38 ot~ers . ' advocating tile r~~ requesting names to be included in P f early closing by-law 4391; notwithstandin re Petition g traction. The followin Peti__t~; gEE Petiti. on No. 6. No. 6 - C. G_. Merritt and 2 others - . ' advocating ~~ requesting names to be included in Petition early closing by-law 4391 notwithstanding retraction. SEE Communication 145. ~umber_l.20, RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were~p_a~ssed; ec e a P ying the employment of Harry Sorlerk be empowered to Claude Huntington and Gilbert Neufeld with the Niagara Falls Fire Department of Y, James'Konkle, the City of Niagara Falls as Permanent for the purpose of exception from the require- ments of The Unemployment Insurance Act; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. s p t~ ' RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His · of Council be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. Joseph quaranta, brother of Mr. Rocco Quaranta; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~nanimously, place at Western University and that the papers prepared by the various representatives are being printed and will be made available for Council's perusal. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aido Morton and AldoMcKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, llth. March, 1963. Clerk Mayor. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 1st. March, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on March let. 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $232,264.03 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Mc- Callum and AId. Mitchelson. The Property Committee's report on the Ashbury Motel, 3800 Lundyls Lane, for permission to construct a second storey on the front of the Motel~ to be used for living accommodation, was presented for consideration; the Committee recommended that the owners be advised that they should apply to the Committee of Adjustment for consideration of their request. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Keighan that the'report be received and adopted. The Property Covranitteels report on the request of the Ashbury Motel, 3800 Lundy~s Lane, for permission to remove wooden cabins and to erect 31 motel units on the property, was presented for consideration; the Committee recoramended the issuance of a permit, subject to all sewer Sccommodation being connected to ti~c trunk sewer on Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. 8wayze and Aid. Corfielci thai the report be received and adopted. The Property Connittee,s a permit to erect a warehouse os Lots report on the appllc~tion of Fred SateD, for ' Hamilton Street and the N.S, & T. tracks, was presented for consideration. TIle _7, 8 and 9, east side of Fourth Avenue, betwcc..~ Committee recommended that a building permit be issued subject to the condition tbaL the building is 12 feet from the south property line and set back 25 feet from the east property line of Fourth Avenue, ORDERED on the motiou of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager's report on the application of Saunders'Confectionery 1054 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of $300. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and AI~. Morton that the report be received and adopted, and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Niagara Parks Conmission for a building permit for additions and alterations to the Prlncess Elizabeth Building, at the foot of Clifton Hill on River Road, at an estimated cost of $100,000. was Presented. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be r'eceived and adopted and permit issued. Co~mlttc~ arose and repor'ted to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ Ab,~ ADOPTED, llth. March, 1963. Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Coqncil Chamber, 1st. March, 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regula~ Council and Finance Meetings on March 1st. 1963; for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present. His WoFsi~ip' Mayor Miller, Presided. BY-LAW The followin B law was assed, No. 6293 - A .... by-law co Provide Isonies for general Purposes. ORDgRgD on the be granted the Privilege of motion of Ald. McKinley aud Ald, McCallurn that reading, . Carried Unanimously, Ald. Martin introducing the by-~aw and the bY-iaw be ~ven the 1st, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. blartin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be l;iven the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. READ AND ADOPTED, llth. March, 1963. Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 1st. March, 1963. Council assembled in Conference, following the regular Couocil and Finance Meetings on Friday, March 1st. 1963. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. After consideration of the items presented to them, the Connnittee. adjourned on the motion of AId. McCallurn and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, llth. March, 1963. Clerk Chairman, ELEVENTH MEETING Council Chamber, llth.March, 1963. CONFERENCE All Neroberg of Council were present at the Conference held prior to the regular meeting of Council on Monday, Harch llth, 1963. His Worship, Mayor bliller, presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the item presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. bierton. READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. March, 1963. Clerk Chairman. REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, llth.March, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, March llth. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Gotfield. CO~4UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 109 - Boy SCouts - requesting use of City Farks. 'ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and filed and permission granted for June 1st. SEE Report No. 130. No. 124 ~ Ontario Traffic Conference - Membership. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and'~Yd. McCallum th~Fthe communication be received, filed end the member- ship fee in the muount of $100. be paid. SEE Report No. 131. No. 132 - Stamford Centre Volunteer Firemen's Association .. requesting permission to hold a Carnival. ORDERED on the motion o{ Aid. KeiEhan and AId. Potter that the communication be reseived, filed and Permission granted as requeated. SEE Report No. 132. No. 148 - Sunset Haven - 1963 Operating and Current Capital Budget and 1963 Special Home Care Budget. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received, filed and approval granted. ~p R~yy_~o_. 133, communication be received, filed and permission be granted. The following Connnunications were presented; No. 160 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing, March 19th. (Rocco). No. 161 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing, March 19th. (Leo) N0. 162 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing, March 19th. (Coombe) No. 163 - Committee o~'~djustment - Notice of Hearing, March 21st. (Prov. Engineering) N0. 164 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing, March 21st. (Marquis) ORDERED. on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the communications be received and filed. , No. 165 - Welland East District Women's Institute - requesting grant. ~o. 166 - Niagara Falls Minor Hockey Association - requesting grant. No. 167 - Niagara Falls llistorical Museum Society ~ requesting grant. No. 168 - Kiwanis Club of Niagara Falls - reqaV~'Fing grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morto~'~d Ald. Swayze that the communications be received and referred to the Budget Conmffttee for considerutica when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 169 - Mrs. Dorothy MacLean, Reg. N. - tendering resignatio.~, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze~at the communication be received and filed and resignation accepted with regret. S~E~_~PoLt NumbeLOPe' No. 170 - Prince Philip Senior Public School - requesting use of Cakes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. N orion that the conununication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for consideration and a report, No. 171 - Greater Niagara Softball Association - requesting use of Cakes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for consideration and a report. No. 172 - Tommy Bishop - rental of portable bleachers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Conunittee for consideration and.a report. No..173 - City of Bellevilla - resolution to petition provincial Legislature to establish provincial law enforcing a uniform standard, of both retail & wholesale shop closing hours. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitehelson that the resolution be received and filed. No. 174 - City of Sarnia - resolution to petition Minister of Public Welfare to devise equitable policy of assistance to those with fixed incomes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the resolution be received and endorsed. No. 175 - Niagara Falls District Board of Education - invitation to Annual Budget Meeting. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Potter that the invitation be received and accepted and as many as find it possible, attend. No. 176 - Dept. of Municipal Affairs - notice of extension of 1962-63 Winter Works Incentive Program from April 30th. to May 31st. 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hitchaises and AId. Cotfield that the communication be received and contents noted by proper officials. No.'177 - Multiple Sclerosis gociety of Canada, Niagara Chapter - requesting contri- bution. (11DERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Swayze t~at the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being p~epared. + REPORTS Laid over from a previous meetinJ~; No. 80 - Ci{X~M~a~r - attaching letter from C.N.R. Real Estate Dept. setting price on land City has to purchase in connection with new bridge over C.N.R. tracks.on Victoria Avenue. No. 89 - Pjloj~Ejy__C.ommittee - raceamending an appraisal be obtained from a qualified real estate office regarding a purchase price,for C.N.R. lands. SEE Report No.13~ The follow+ixj/~__ReRqrt__s_~jerejy_esJ~j_t~ No. 130 - P~ar_ks. ~a~n_d ~R~e~F.ea~ti~o~] Cp_m~_i~t_t_e_e~ ~ recommending June 1st. be set aside for use of Boy Scout Wolf Cubs at various parks. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mc- Kinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Conmmnication .1U9 No. 131 - ~City ManaJe~r - recommending payment of $100. fee for Membership in Ontario Traffic Conference. ORDERED on tbe motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. McCallum tbat the report be received and adopted. SEE Cormnunication _124. No, 132 - Parks and Recreation Conm~ittee - recommending Stamford Volunteer Firemen.'s Association be permitted to hold Annual Carnival on Stamford Green, June 19th. to June 22nd. inclusive. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keigban and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. · SEE Con~nunication 132, No. 133 - ~C_iiX Man+a~ - recommending approval of estimates submitted by Sunset Ha~cn Supt. for Operating and Current Capital Budget and 1963 Special Home Care Budget. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted. SEE Conmaunication__l~48 No, 134 - Parks and Recreation Committee - recommending permission be granted to St. Andrew's United Churcb Wolf Cub Pack to use Baden-Powell Park, June 7, 8 and 9tb, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. SEE CenLmunication 153_. No. 135 - p~ro~_e~r_tZ Committee - attaching letter from Real Estate Agent containing ~pinion witb reference to purchase price of lands by City from C.N.R. in connectio.n with new bridge over C.N.R. tracks on Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton aud Ald. Swayze that tile reports be received and filed and tile report of the Property Conm~ittee No. 135 be adopted. SEE Reports 80 & 89 No. 136 - Ci~ty_Ma_j~a,ei~ . recommendLag resignation of Mrs. D. MacLean, Rag. N. from Dept. of Health staff be accepted with regret. .ORDERED on the motion of ~Aid.Martin and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 169 No. 137 - City Manager - recommending approval of Agreement between City of Niagara Falls and Welland County re Administration of Justice. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald, Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report ~e received and adopted. SEE By-law No,6296 No. 138 - propey~tC~tee = Suggesting tentativ~ approval to request of Greater Niagara As~cia~ion for ~tarded Children for the closing of a portion of Bellerue Avenue~ with the understanding that before any definite steps are taken, represen- tatives of the Association will meet with the Property Committee for discussion on easement requirements of the City. ORDERED on the motion of AId, Swayze and AId, McKinley that the report be received and adopte4, . N0. 139 - Parks and Recreation Committee - re meeting witb Kiwanis representa[ ivcs on charge to be made to the Club for use of Memorial Arena, Sept. 22nd.23rd. and 24t~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. No. 140 - Parks and Recreation Con~n_i~t~e~cc - report on meeting of March 6th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, McCallurn that the report be received and filed. No, 141 - City Manager - reconm~ending attendance of W, Sills and F. King, Fire Inspectors, at Conference of Municipal Fire prevention Officers' Association in Kitcharier, April 3rd. 4th. and 5tb, ORDERED ou tile motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 142 - City Manager - reconm~ending atteodance of Waterworks Superintendent at Waterworks Convention ~n Quebec City, March 31st. to April 3rd. In connection with this report, tile City Manager recommended verbally that Mr. David Priugle, also be included to attend said Convention. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. Potter that the City Manager~s recommendations be adopted, No. 143 - City Manager - recommending attendance of S. R. Price, Assistant to City Nanager, Engineering and A. Bradley, Building Inspector, at Canadian Building 0fficials~ Conference in Windsor, on April 3rd. 4th. and 5th, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 144 - City Manager - recommending J. McNamara, Chief Operator, pollution Control Plant, be permitted to attend Senior Course for Sewage Work~ Operators, in Toronto, April 22nd. to 26th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton .and Ald. Corfield that time report be received and adopted. N~. 145 - Sanitation and pollution Control Committee - recommending special meeting of Council'~n March 13th. at 7 p,m~ to discuss details on report presented re estimated cost of garbage collection. ORDERED on the motion o£ Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and council meet on Wednesday, March 13th. at 7 p.m. SEE Resolntion Number 26. No. 146 -Assistant to City Manager, Engineering - report on attendamce at Ontario City Engi~+ Association Annual Meeting in Toronto, Feb.25th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed and Mr. Price who was elected President of the Association, and Mr. Eidt, City Engineer, who was appointed as a Panel Member, be congratulated. No. 147 - City Engineer - report on attendance at 1963 Ontario Good Road Association Convention in Toronto, Feb. 26th. and 27th. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. McKinley aud Ald. S'c~tt that tile report be received and filed and Mr. gidt be commended ou his excellent report. No. 148 - City Engineer - Improvements to Court Room and other offices in Police Bldg. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and referredto the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 149 - City Engineer - Estimate of cost for alterations to Health Unit quarters in Stamford Hall. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.. Mttehelson and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report; and work be authorized when approval for Winter Works project has been received. No. 150 - City Engineer - Traffic Speeds on outlying city roads. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consultation with the City Engineer. No. 151 - City Engineer - Extension of services, Registered Plan 230. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and when cost for work is paid, the City Engineer be authorized to proceed with the wet k. No. 152 - City Clerk - retcHunending issuance ~f licenoes, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze .and Ald, Potter that the report be roceived~ adopted and liceaces issued accordingly. No. 153 - Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Director - copies of brief on site proposal of the City of Niagara Falls for Brock University. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted and forwarded to the Brock University Founders~ Committee for their consideration. Carried Unanimously. Prior to this action, Mr. Conroy Dewson, Planning Director, read the proposals and referred to the salient points contained therein, with the assistance of pictures and maps and Ald, Keighan enquired as to the availability of the necessary services in the even the proposed site was accepted and was assured by the City Engineer that this posed no insurmountable problem. Following Mr. Dowson's presentation, His Worship Mayor Miller expressed his appreciation for the excellently prepared proposal and for the hours of work entailed t~erein and referred to the fact that Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter were the other. members serving with him on the Conm, ittee established to go into the selection of a proposed site and Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter expressed very strong views as to what benefit would be derived by the municipality academically, economically and socially. Ald. Mitchelson requested permission to refrain participating in any discussions on this matter, because of-his position of Secretary-Treasurer of the Founders' Committee. RESOLUTIONS The followjnJ, R__esolotions were p~.sed; No. 26 - MORTON - MITCHELSON - RESOLVED that a special meeting of the City Council be held on Wednesday evening, March 13th. 1963, commencing at 7 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried UnanimouslJ_: No. 27 - MARTIN - MORTON - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls petitf&on the Department of Highways of the Province of Ontario for the.Statutory Grant under The Nigbway Improvement Act on expenditures made by the former Township of Stamford during tile year 1962; and the Seal of the Corpo~abion be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS Following remarks by Aid. Swayze concerning complaints received about parking on Epwortb Circle, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the Traffic Committee investigate the condition referred to, and submit a report to Council. Following Ald. Scott's remarks about complaints concerning the Junk Yard on Beaverdams Road which is creating an untidy condition because of paper blowing from that source, it was agreed that Mr. Price and Mr. Eidt would investig~te, Ald. Swayze reported verbally on the attendance of Ald. Keigha~ and h'tm- self, representatives on the Niagara Peninsula Conversation Authority, at the meeting last Friday, and advised that he had placed tile financial statement and also the 1963 Budget in the hands of the City Clerk. lie also advised that he and Ald.Keighan had been appointed to two con~ittees,. Aid. Curfield reported on the function at the QueenswayHotel in St. Cathartnes on Saturday, which had been given for the truck drivers who had received safe driving awards and stated that tile affair had been well aCtended. AId. Nitchelson advised that a week ago Saturday be had been privileged to attend the Executive Meeting of the Ontario Association of Urban and Rural Municipalities and that tbeir Annual Convention is to be in October and was of the. opinion that such e Convention would be worthwhile for tile City of Niagara Falls. Thc Alderman advised that be had checked with the hotel and found that it would be available on October 17th. and 18th. and that ell that would be expected of the Oity would be the dinner on Thursday evening. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Aid. Scott that the City of Niagara Falls act as Host for tile Annual Convention of the Ontario Association of Urban and Rural Municipalities October 17ti,. and 18~h. Carried Unanimously, Ald. Mitchelson clarified his statement that candidates in the recent Municipal Election who were in favour of amalgamation |lad been successful and tbosc opposed, defeated, by stating that at no time had he stated that all defeated candidates were opposed to merger. The Alderman was replying to a letter in tile press from a defeated candidate. His Worship Mayor Miller named Aldermen Martin, blurton and Keighan to the c0auaittee to meet with the Niagara Parks Commission on the subject of grants, His Worship Mayor Miller named Aldermen Mitchelson, McKinley and Cur field to the Conuuittee to deal with the subject of ambulance service. BY -LAWS The following Bj,-laws were p~ssed;. N0. 6294 - A by-law to repeal By-law Number 4391, being a by-law for the early closing of retail gasoline service stations, gasoline pumps, and gasoline outlets in the retail gasoline service industry. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Scott that Ald. Potter. be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the 'by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried, with Aldermen Morton and Swayze, contrary. Third Reading -Ald. McCallum and Ald. Curfield - Carried, with Aldermeu Morton and Swayze, contrary. previous to the second reading of By-law 6294, Mr. John Matthews was permitted to address Council, on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton. Mr. Matthews appeared on behalf of occupiers of gasoline retail outlets who wished to retain some form of control on tile hours of business and indicated that it was the wish of his clients that Council revive the by-law previously prepared a~d 'presented, designed to establish a 25 percent rotation method of handling the sale of gasoline which would be the most satisfactory. ~ With the permission of Council, remarks were made by several individuals In tbe audience ~oncerning the hours of sale and Mr. Watson stated that he had been informed by his parent company that he must at all times be competitive and bit. Ourward, advised that, in his opinion, the lack of any control would militate against all stations with reference to the quantity of business. Ald. Keighan replying to the suggestion that there would be loss of business in certain instances, stated that in the To~ship's experience, where no control had existed, this had not been their experience. No. 6295 - A by-law to amend By-law No. 2159, being a by-law providing for Rules and Regulations, maintenance and operation of the Waterworks Department of the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Curfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading, - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Morton and AId. MeCallum - Carried Unanimously, No. 6296 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation of |be City of Niagara Falls and the Corporation of the Couaty of Welland, in connection with the Administration of Justice and other matters. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given |be ffrst reading. - Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on |be motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unauimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Mortoa - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. blarch, 1963. Mayor. FI~NCE MEETING Council Chamber, l~th. March, 1963. TIle Finance Meeting was held on March lltb. 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing |be various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before tlleln. All Members.of tile Conreal|tee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Conunit|st. Sundry Accounts iu. the amount of $342,323.16 were approved by the The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for Presentation to the Council, on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Mitcbelson. . The City Manager's report on the aPPlication of Pyramid Piping Co. Ltd. 564 Mostrose Road, for a permit to construct an addition to tbeir premises, at an estimated cost of $1,200. was Presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cobfield that the report be received.and adopted and permit issued. TIle City Manager's report on the application of R. J. Rutcheon, 1765 Montrose Road, for a building permit to construct an addition to the Stamford Nursery, at an estimated cost of $5,000. was Presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald, Morton that tim report be received and adopted, and permit issued/ The Ci~y Manager~s report on the aPPlication of Niagara Parks Commission for a buildin8 permit to construct a building to be used as a laundry at the rear of the Refectory building, at an estimated cost of $2L000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId, Morton and AId. Swayse that the report be received and adopted and permit issued, ,_ _ The City Manager's report on the application of St, paul's English Lutheran Church, on the west side of Victoria Avenue between Hunter Street and Kitchener Street, for a building permit ~o construct an addition to tile Church property, at an estimated cost of $128,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Thos. Serrao for permission to construct a building on the space occupied by the garage at 1759 Ferry Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.Swayzc that the report be received and referred to tile property Conunit|st for consideration and a report. The City Manager's report on the application of B. F. Goodrich, 728 Valley Way, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated racer sign, at an estimated cost of $1,200. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The Cit) Manager's report on the application of T. Fiorentino, 1321 Ottawa Avenue, for a permit to demolish the existing building at 1285 Ottawa Street, and permission to move a house from 1299 Ottawa Avenue to 1285 Ottawa Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. potter and Ald, Morton that the report be received and referred to |be Property Cosmittec for considers|ion and a report. Tile Committee arose and reported to Couacil, on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallurn. RD\D AND ADOPTEl), 18th, March, 1963. Clerk Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, !lth..March 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on March llth, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Gouncil were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-I~W The following By-law was passed; N_p. 6297 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motlos of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Swayze that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing tile by-law and the by-law be given the first reading, = Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. blorton that Rule 36 (2) of tbc Standing Rules of CoSncil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Corfield and Ald. l.lcCallum -- Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. March, 1963. Clerk blayor, CONFERENCE Council Chamber, llth.Marcb, 1963. Council assembled in Conference, following tile regular Council and Finance 'Meetings on Monday, March lltb, 1963. All MembeFs of. Council were present. }tis Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairnlau. After consideration of the items presented to them, the Conmlittee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 18th. March, 1963. Chairman. TWELFTH MEETING Gouncil Cbamber, 13th. Marcb, 1963. SPECIAL b~ETING A special meeting of Council was held on Wednesday, March 13tb. at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber, for the purpose of discussing the siLuation concerning sanitation and refuse. All Members of Council were present, and His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. His Worship advised Council as to the purpose of the meeting and since the subject to be discussed was one whicb was handled by the Sanitation and pollution Control Conmittee, the conduct of the meeting, was turned over to Alderman George Martin, the Chairman of the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee. Alderman Martin advised the Mayor and Council that he thought matters would be simplified if the report before them would be handled as it was ill committee, and requested the City Engineer, Mr. Conrad Eidt, to explain the report. Mr. Eidt explained in detail the mass of figures contained in the report and after the report had been explained, Alderman Martin, Chairman of the Committee, stated that the Committee were not recommending any action with reference to the subject by Council but were furnishing complete information and the decision of Council, of course, was to rest with them, with the hope that Council would be able to select the method of bandling which would provide the best service and be the most economical. Discussion then ensued as to whether refuse pick-spa were included in the figures as made available to Council, and the need for daily pick-up in the commercial areas was also discussed. The question was asked as to whether the Committee had any information as to failure incidents on the part of Contractors in this type of work, and Mr. Eidt suggested that the Committee would be pleased to try and obtain some information in this regard and also, as to whether such Contractors were attempting to operate on below par wage rates. Alderman Cotfield stated that be was not in fayour of contracting out this type of service and His Worship suggested that that type of discussion could come at a later date if warranted. The various points concerning the handling of garbage and refuse having been considered at some length, it was ordered on the motion of Alderman Mitchelson and Alderman Scott, that the report as prepared by the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee and sub- milled to Council with reference to sanitation and waste removal for the year 1963, and estimated costs, be received and tabled, in order that all members might familiarize themselves with its contents and that the matter be finalized at the next meeting,o~ the City Council. Carried Unanimodsly. ~ His Worship, Mayor Miller, advised Council that for some time he had been considering the possibility of some form of room tax that might be applied to tourist accommodation in the City of Niagara Fails, advised that he had recently had his thinking confirmed by a gentleman in this type of business, He pointed out that in round figures, there were 11,500 tourist accommodation rooms available in Niagara Falls and that if only $6.00 per room was obtained by the operator a day, that means $69,000.00 and that if a 5% tax was applied to this figure, it would result in a very sizeable sum to the municipality in the term of a year. He also pointed out the other forms of advantage to the municipality that would occur from this type of levy and suggested to Oouncil that they give the matter some thought and that possibly having considered the matter, action might be taken to request Provincial empowering legislation. Alderman Keighan referred to the queries that he had received concerning fire protection in the municipality in view of the fact that fire matters have not as yet been finalized~ and the Alerman was assured that regardless of whether the matter had been finalized by Council, fire protection would be provided at the same efficient level as it has been up until this time. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned ou the motion of Alderman Morton and Alderman Scot:t. READ Ah~ ADOPTED, 18tb. March, 1963. TItIRTEEFTFH b~ETING Council Chamber, 18th. March, 1963. REGULAR MEETING pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, biarch t8th. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 70 - Prince Philip Senior Public School - requesting permission to use Oakes Park for Field Day for Stamford District Senior Public Schools Field Day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that the conm~unication be received and filed and permission granted as requested. S__EE~po~_~umber 154. No. 171 - Greater NiagaraSoftball Association - requesting permission to use Oakes Park. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId, Mitchelson that the communi- cation be received, filed and permission granted as requested. SEE Report Number 155. No. 172 - Torm~y Bishop - requesting permission to rent portable bleachers. ORDERED 0n the motion of Ald,'~orton and Aid. Cotfield that the con~nunicatiou be received, filed and permission be not granted. SEE Report Number 156. Tile following Commu.ntcations were presented; No. 178 - Local 133, Civic Employees - remarks re garbage collection. No. 179 - Locals 505, 536, U.E.W. - opposition to contracting out of garbage pick up. ORDERED ~n the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. Mitcbelson that the communications be reee~ved 'and tabled for furtber study. SEE Report Number 157. No. 180 - James ~rden Home & School Association - requesting filling of open ditch, south side of McLeod Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morto,1 that the report be. received and referred to the Traffic Conunittee and the City Engineer for consideration and report. No. 181 - Mrs. Muriel Allen - request on behalf of Randall Crescent home owners re curb-facing on centre island, etc. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Engineering Department for submission of a report. No. 182 - B.M.B. Ghurch - requesting financial assistance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Oommittee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 183 - Stamford Skating Club - requesting grant. No. 184 - Greater Niagara Safety Council - requesting grant, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. OorEield that the communications be received and referred to the Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 185 - Niagara Falls Ratepayers~ Association - requesting copy of Council*s ageride be made available to Association representatives. In Connection with this cos~unication, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and AId. Morton that Mr. Frank Swan be heard. Mr. Swan stated that their request was for the material the same as Council has before them and that they couldn't hear the Clerk. Adjustment was then made to the ~. system, and it was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Sway~e and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received, filed and two copies of the agenda be made available as requested verbally by Mr. Swan. , No. 186 - Niagara Falls Ratepa).er~s' Associatio__n - requesting explanation concerninL: attcndance~of ~b~l~lci~ ~lc~b%~;a~Ontario Good Roads Convention, and allowance of $90. per person. His Worship Mayor Miller gave a verbal explanation, namely, to allow'C30. per individual per day to take care of registration fee, accommodation aad incidentals that are part of tile Convention artended. GRDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Carfield that the communication be received, filed and explanation as to policy be forwarded to tile Association accordingly. No. 18.7 - Niagar_a g_all~s R_aL~-epjq~egs~_A. ss_oS~iation_ _ requesting information as ,.neces.slty of employing It. G. Acres in view of available munici alen i . to c rile City Manager submitted a verbal explanation advisin tl P g neering staff. , g ~at the report is absolutel. essential, in order to arrive at a solution for increasiag pressure in outlying areas and we can only get tile information by making a complete study of the Grid System' in tile area, and as this is a special job, it was not possible to put tile municipal engineering staff on and have the report in by the end of March. ORDERED oil tile motion of AId. Scott and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and filed. No. 188 - lJ.G.j~ Lowe ~ requesting refund on local improvement payments. ORDERED on tile motion of AhI. Carfield and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for submission of a report. No. 189 ~ bfary g. Sharpe, P.It.N. - re accumulated sick leave time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to Conference. No. 190 - Niag~r__aFalls Kiltie Brass Band - requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter aud Ahl. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for considersrich when tile Estimates are being prepared. No. 191 - Gr~ep, t_e_r_ N_i~agara Church B~asketball Association - requesting grant. ORDERED oil tile motion of Ald. Mitcbelsoa and Ald. Keighan that tile communication be received and referrdd to tbe Budget Committee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. hro. 192 - Militaires D~ _ requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the cantounitarian be received and referred to the Budget Calftree for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. yze and Ald. Scott that the coi~mnication b2' received and referred to tile Budget Calf tree for consideration when tbe Estimates are being prepared. No. 194 - ~.cat~~Visitor & onvent' - _ . on the motion of hld. McKinle~~co~n Bureau requesting grant. ORDERED th and referred to the Budget Calftree for consideration when the Estimates are being · ' at tile co~unfcation be received prepared. No. 195 - Chamber of Comnerce Industrial Conmittee . requesting grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the co~unication be received and referred to the Budget Co~ittee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. No. 196 - 9nta~io Water Resources Co~ission . copy of letter to Canadian Niagara Power Company re Sewa~l D~. ~b o~ tbe motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the co~unication be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Comnittee', the City Manager and the City EnSineer for' ~onsiderat'ion and submission of a report. No. 197 -Win. G. Booth - on behalf of his clients Mr. & Mrs. Joe. Zarra and requesting a recorde~ vote o~pression of o~inion of Council. ORDERED on the motion Swayze and Ald. Morton that Mr. Booth be heard. Re Proceeded to outline in of Ald. the contents of his camunitarian and explained his views Particularly with detail reference to the Planning Board and its staff reconm~endation~ wbicb was forwarded to the Co~ittee of Adjustment, indicating tha~ he thought thl~ action on the part of the NIagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board was out of order ~in~e had not received tbe approval of Gouh~t apparentl~ proJ$~ts which seems to r~eetVe approva~'fo~evref~fred speciall~ to three other ariations from th~ ZoninS. By-law without similar difficulty. His Worship biayor Miller pointed out it would not be feasible for members of Council to voice an opinion until they were completely cognizant of all factors and also it would be undesirable since an appeal is being carried co the Ontario Municipal Board against the Committee's decision. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Carfield that the communication be received and referred to the Property Connsittee and the City Solicitor for consideration and submission of a report to Council. FURTHER ORDERED on tile motiou of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that a communication be forwarded to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board to ascertain reason for lengthy delay in submitting to Council their recom- mendation with reference to their study of the area on the north side of Lundy's Lane from Dorchester Road to Dru~mnond Road. No. 198 -Ralph F. Zimmerman, M__..!~M.__A. - Requesting financial assistance with reference to Spring MeetinF of Association of Assessing Officers, District 6, scheduled for Friday, April 5th. at Park Hotel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Mar~in and Aid. Potter that the con~unication be received and referred to the Budget Com- mittee for consideration when the Estimates are being prepare~. REPORTS Laid over from previous meeting; No. 148 - City Engineer - Estimate re improvements to Court Room, etc. ~E R~p~o~t~N~j~e~_158~., No. 149 - City Engineer - Estimate of cost for alterations to ltealth Unit Quarters. SEE Report Number 159. ThJfollowing Reports were presented; No. 154 - Parks & Recreation Committee - reconm~ending permission be granted to Prince Pbilip Senior Public School for use of Cakes Park, as requested. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.McCallum that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No.170. No. 155 - Parks & Recreation Committee - recommending permission .be granted to  Greater Niagara Softball Aesociation~or use of Cakes Park, as requested. ORDERED · on the motio~ of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. SEE Con~unicatiou No.171. No, 156 - Parks & Recreation Committee - recapsending Mr. Bishop be advised bleachers requested for rental are not available. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Garfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 172. No. 157 - sanitation & Waste Removal - 1963 Estimated Cos~s. At the request of the City Manager, the City Engineer proceeded to outline details concerning the report and referred to the fact that in 1962 no new equipment had been purchased and it was proposed to purchase a new Packer Unit in 1963 and although in 1962 there was very little capital improvements, these will be necessary in 1963. Following full discussion, it was ordered on tile motion of Ald..Swayze and AId. Mitchelson that, in view of the £act that additional figures have been requested from the Engineering Staff, that the matter be tabled for further study. SEE Conununications 178 & 179. No. 158 - Property Committee - recommending work suggested in City Engineer's Report re alterations at Police Building~ be proceeded with. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Potter and Ald. Morton that the reports be teetired and filed and the recommendation contained in Report No. 158 be adopted. SEE Report Number 148. No. 159 - Property Committee - recommending work suggested in City Engineer~s report re alterations at Stamford Hall. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton ~hat the reports be received and filed and the recommendation contained in Report No, 159 be adopted., :. SEE ~eport Number 149. No. 160 - Assist. to City_j'~t.~-Administrative - advising of O.M.B. approval of By-law 6286. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Martin and Aid. Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 161 - Cj_tff__E_x!ainccr - re-construction of No, 20 Highway. It was moved by Ald. McKinley and seconded by Ald. Carfield that the report be received and adopted. This motion was lost by a vote of 7 to 3, the vote being - Aye - Aid. McKinley, Carl|old and Morton; Naye --Aid. Martin, Scott, Potter, McCallurn, Swayze~ Keighan and Mitchelsou. Ti~e amendment by Aid. Martin and Aid. Scott that the report be tabled and the City Engineer submit a further report on costs involved and the amount of property necessary to carry out this programme, was carried by a vote of 7 to 3, No. 162 - ~_i_tJl_E~n~i_n_e_e..r - Littering complaints, 0RSERED on the motion of Ald. Carfield and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. On the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchelson, Mr. R~ Gallardi was permitted to speak to Council. He referred to the length of time the littering had been going oa, and the two salvage finns and pcrssus driving to these locations with paper, etc. which creates the littering of the area, aod ~ueried whether laws could be eoacted to prevent t his nuisance. His Worship Mayor Miller advised that the Health UniC could inspect the situation. No. 163 - C~_E~i~n~2_r~ - parking stud), on Leonard Avenue from Lundy's Lane to Looming Street. ORDERED on |be motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and referred to the Traffic Colranittee. No. 164 = Civet)2 Clerk - reconmtending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald, Morton that the report be received and adopted and licences issued accordingly. No. 155 - Assessment Corsnissioner - 1962 Annual Report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that tile report be received and tabled for the perusal of Council. MISCELLANEOUS Following Ald. Martinis query concerning the advertising of the deadline for the receipt of applications for local improvements, the City Clerk advised that tile Council had agreed upon the date of Jun~ is|. for such petitions. Ald. Martin was of the opinion that an insertion of an ad should b~ taken care of as soon as possible. , His Worship Mayor Miller advised that some weeks ago he had circulated a sample of a l~one)m~oon sticker which the Chamber of Commerce had uoder consideration and queried Council~s reaction to such a suggestion. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin end Ald. Morton that the stickers be approved providing the cost is less than $100. Carried Unanimously. On the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Swayze, Mr. AllanEarley Of 183 Sineicks Avenue was permitted to speak. He referred to the flooding of cellars on the street and suggested the installation of new catch basins to prevent the water going into basements. The City Engineer was requested to take note of this complaint and investigate. Mr. Cook was also permitted to speak to Council on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze. He referred to an incident six weeks ago which he experienced while crossing the N.Y.0. crossing at Ontario and Siretoe St. and the fact that the signals were not working during a blinding snow storm, and ho was not aware that an engine was travail|hE in reverse across the intersection uatil he was practically on the tracks; that the blinker lighes were not ~orking until tim train was approximately 15 to 20 feet from the crossing. liis Worship the Mayor advised tha~ the City Manager will ~alce this up with the New York Central System, BY-LAWS ~he following By-law was pa.ssed; ~o, 6298 = A by-law to restrict the weight of loads.to be carried by motor vehicles. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKialey and Aid, Carfield ~hat Ald. Swayza be 8ranted tile privilege of introducing tile by-law and the by-_la~ be given ~he firs~ reading. , Carried Unanimouely, ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Mortoi~ that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing R~des of Count] 1 be temporarily suspended and tile by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Swayzc and Aid, McCatlmu - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meetlog on the motion at Aid. Swayze and Aid, Mitchelson. READ A~) ADOPTED, 25th. March, 1963. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 18th. March, 1963, The Finance Meeting was held on March 18th, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairmaa of Finance, presided, 'Sundry Accounts in the amount of $278,791,93 were approved by the Conmlittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton. The report of the Property Committee on the application of T. Fierent|no, 1321 Ottawa Street, for permission to demolish existing building at 1285 Ottawa and to remove the building at 1299 Ottawa Street to the site at 1285 Ottawa Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.Keighan that the report and reconnendations be received and adopted. Carried, with Alderman McGallum-contrary. The property Gommittee~s report on the application of T. Serrao to demolish tile garage on the west side of the residence at 1759 Ferry Street, and to erect a 'garage; was presented for considerakion. ORDERED On the motion 'of Ald. potter and Ald. Carfield that the report and recommendation be received and adopted and permit be not issued, The City ManagerIs report on the application of T. G. Bright & Co. l,td. for a building permit to erect a new building on Dorchester Road, at all estimated cost of $385.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the met|on of Ald. Mo~ton and Ald, Sway~e that the report be received, adopted and permit isseed. The City Manager's report on tile application of Messrs. M. Ricci and Gee. Chanady, for a building permit to erect additions to the Oaken Drive Motel, 2546 Buchanan Avenue, at au estimated cost of $40,0OO. was presented for consideration. 'OROERED on the motion of Ald. Carfield and Ald. Swayze that the r sport be received an~ adopted and permit issued. The City blauager's report on the application of Kimberly Cldrk of Canada, Limited, for a building permit to erect a storage building on Victoria Ave,. north of Eridge St. at an estimated cost of $3,500. was presented for consider- ation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. TIle City blanager~s report on the application of Pierre Balletto, for a permit to alter the building at 102~ Centre Street, for use as a restaurant, at an estimated cost of $1~000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Corfleld that the report be received~ adopted and permit issued. The City Mauager's report on the application of Steve TotIt, for a permit to erect au addition to the Park Lane Motel, 3797 Lundy's Lane, at an estimated cost of $66~000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motioll of AId, Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Nanager's report on the application of W, Van Alstyne, 1442 Dixon Street, for a permit to move a two-storey frame and tnsul brick dwelling to Block 40, Falls Co, Plan, located on the soutit side of Dunn Street, at an estimated cost of $2,700. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Potter and Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Sauer Drug Store for permission to erect two signs to be erected at the store ae 1755 Victoria Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Keigban that tile report be received, adopted and permit issued, The City Manager's report on the application of Cyanamid of Canada for a building p~rmit to make alterations to the Liquid. Air Building interior, at an estimated cost of $384,000. was presented. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit' issued. The report of the Equipment Committee recommending the purchase of certain equipment from Pitney-Bowes of Canada for handling mail at the City Hall~ at a totel net cost of $2,020.86, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. McKinley that 'the r~port he received and adopted. The Committee arose end reported to Council on the motion o£ Ald. McKinley and Aid. Scott. . READ AND ADOPTED, 25tho March, 1963. Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chahd~er, 18th. March, 1963. The Con~nittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings, ou March 18th, 1963, ~or the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Corms|tree. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW ~he followin~BJ~-law was passedi No. 6299 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Martin be granted the permission to introduce the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st. reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion o£ Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Aldo Mitchelson - Cjrried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Mitcbelson and Ald. Potter. READ AND ADOPTED, 25th. March, 1963. Clerk Mayor. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 18th.March, 1963. Council assembled in Conference, following the regular meeting of Council and Finance ou Monday, March 18th, 1963. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. After consideration of CIte items presented to them, the Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McCallum and AId. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOPTED, 25th, March~ 1963, Olerk Chairman/ F~OURTEENTH MEETING Council Chamber, 21st.March, 1963. REGULAR NEETING Council assembled in the Council Chamber on the afternoon of Thursda) March 21st, 196~, for the purpose of considering the draft budgct estimates. members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor bliller~ presided. His Worship, the Mayor, opened the meeting and since the topice was to be Fitlances, it was ordered on tire motion of Alderman Morton and Alderman Potter that Council adjourn to Finauce Conanittee. Carried Unanimously° READ AND ADOPTED~ 1st. April, 1963. Clerk FI~IANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 21st,March, 1963. The Com~ittee haylug aasembled~ Alderman George Martin, Chairman of the Finance, took the chair and in cordnesting consideration of the Estimates, the Chairman explained the difference in the proposed Mill Rates as contained in the Draft Estimates and that the figures as shown do not include garbage, either for carrying out or returning of containers. He advised that consideralien would be given to f~ general increase when negotiaLions are entered into, with cexCain adjnstments for Officials and members of the Staff. He also advised the Co~tttcc as to what was contemplated with reference to Council remuneration as to Council meetings and ComiCtee meetings, indicating that 1~ was proposed to increase the remuneration for Council meetings ~o $20.00 and establish a limit that could be paid Co a member of Council in osy one day, of $25.00 and chat the present rate of remuueratton for ComiCtee time would remain the same~ but there would be a possibility under this set-up to pay for as much as 3 comitCee meetings if held in the one day. After some discussion it was also agreed that where a member of Council had to attend a Co~nittee out of the municipality and involving eraveiling, the rate of remuneration would be $10,00. The remuneration of the Mayor was thee d~scussed and it was agreed tlta~ the ~6,000, shown in ~he Estimates.should be ~ncreased to $7~500. or a ma~Cer of $1,500. The members of Council were then suppiLed w~th additional sheets entitled "Proposed Salary Schedule for 1963" and this was discussed sheet by sheet. TIle fIrs~ and second sheets were considered as satisfactory, but ~n connection ~eh the third sheet, ~C was agreed that the salary of Mr. p. Brmman be ~ncveased from ,4,800. Co $4,900. as propo~ed, and the salary still be subject to any over-all adJ us ~men~, With reference to sheet 4, it was agreed that the proposed salaries of Mr. D. Hughes and Mr. D. Shriner, be increased from $5,000. to ~5,100. and that the designation "Jr". be removed with reference to Mr. Hughes. With reference co the 5th. sheet, it was agreed that the proposed salary of Mr, C. g. Stock be increased from $5,315.O0 to $5,500. and that of Mr. D. Allan be increased from $3,967.20 to $4,200. The sixth, seventh and eighth sheets were considered as satisfactory. At this poi~t, the Chairman of Finance suggest'ed that thd members of tile' Cormnittee consider the proposed Grants for 1963 as shown on pages 43, 44 and 4 The only changes suggested in the Grants as listed, were (a) that an item of $450. be added for the Niagara Development Committee, (b) that $100. be added for the Uelsh Festival of Song, and (c) that an item of $200. be added for the British- 1.~thodist Episcopal Church. During the perusal of the suggested Grant Items, His Worship the Mayor suggested that with reference to tire Niagara District Safety and Rescue Association, that the Clerk might check with the Niagara Parks Coumission as to what request they had received with reference to supply of equipment. The Grants having been considered, the Chairman suggested that the Conmtittee ow go back to Page I and continue their perusal of the Estimates. In connection with the section dealing with Administration Expenses and with particular reference to what was included in other years for research on proposed Amalgamation, Mr. Ruggins advised chat there was a credit standing in the hooks for the former Township, of $7,200.00 which could be utilized for budgeting purchases. ~ When tile Section of the Budget was reached dealing with Sanitation and Waste Removal, the Chairman pointed out to the Conunittee chat in the Estimates as submittdd, no provision had been made for handling of garbage and waste, except by the curb service method and warned the Conm~ittee that any consideration of ~ethods other than curb service could quite definitely affect the suggested Mill rates. Lengthy discussion was held on this subject and it was ordered oe the motion'of Aid. McCallum and AId. Swayze, that sanitation and waste removal be rear yard pick-up for the total area but with no return of the empty containers, An' mneudment by Ald. Potter and Ald. Scott ordered that curb service only~ be established for the total area, and an amendment to the amendment by Ald. Carfield and Aid. Morton ordered that sanitation and waste removal be handled over the total area as had been done in the old City of Niagara Falls. Discussion was then held with reference to the motion and the two amendments and it was decided to leave the voting on the motion and the amendments until the balance of the Budget had been perused. The perusal was then continued, and in connection with the Sewer Department item, a number of questious wets asked concerning the mounts provld~d for ~rivatc sewer cl~ning and repairs, and following the questions, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Scott that the municipality establish a nominal charge of $j.00 for sewer calls (day) and $15.00 for nights, weekends or holidays. Following further discussion on this topic it was decided to leave the voting also in abeyance until they had completed perusal of the other items. Continuing the perusal, am reaching the item dealing with dog control, it was agreed that the amount for this purpose be increased from $16,882.38 to $18,500. or an increase of $1,617.62. The perusal of the Expenditure side of the Budget and the Revenue side having been completed, the Chairman suggested that they should consider ways and means of, if possible, making some cuts in the submitted estimates with a view to reducing the amount of money which would be involved in the event of full garbage service being provtded~ and the Chairman indicated that he would only favour the complete service for the whole municipality providing several items, namely, the requested grader being eliminated, representing $20,000.00 sewer cleaning operations being reduced, in the amount of $10,000.00 and the building renovations for the old PUC being sllmtnated, at a cost of $8,800.00, resulting in a reduction of, in round figures, $40,000.00. The matter of sanitation and refuse disposal was again considered at some length and since there seemed to be indications that the matter could not be settled, without interfering with a unanimous vote of the Council on the proposed budget~ it was moved by AId. Nitchaises and AId. Keighan that the Committee arise and report to Council. ,.L iI, READ AND ADOPTED, 1st. April, 1963. Clerk Chairnmn of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING CounCil Chamber, 21st. March, 1963. The Comnittee re-assembled at the close of the Finance Meeting on Narch 21st, 1963. All Members of Council were present, His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. It was then ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. McCallum that Council adjounL READ AND ADOPTED, 1st. April,1963. Clerk FIFTEE~¢EIt blEETING Council Chamber, 2~ch. March, 1963. SPECIAL ~.~,ETING All Members of Council assembled on Monday, March 25th, 1963 in special session. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. On the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Scott it was ordered that Council adjourn to the Budget Committee. READ AND ADOPTED, 1st. April, 1963. BUDGET MEETING Council Chamber, 25th. March, 1963. The Committee having assembled, Alderman George Martin, Chairman of Finance, took the chair and explained the corrected figures with reference to the contemplated mill rate and how these figures had been arrived at, and the City Manager indicated to the Committee that he felt there was a definite possibility of maintaining last year's City of ~iagara Falls' ~ates for the enlarged municipality even although the full garbage service is provided and that it would necessitate the paring of some $23,000.00 £rom the Estismtes, but he did not consider this an insurmountable task. Following some considerable discussioa on the subject of the mill rate, the Committee, on motion of Ald. MeGallure and Ald, Morton arose to report to Council. READ AND ADOPTED, 1st. April, 1963. ~le~k Chairman of Finance. SIXTEENFH blEETING Council Chamber, 25th. blarch,1963. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjourement, Couecil met at 7.30 p.m. oe Honday, March 25th. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. 'Fhe Council, having received and read the minutes of the. previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on tile motion of AId. Potter AId. Morton. CO~IUNICATIONS Laid over from the jLr_evjpt!s_ _mc.e_t_ipJ~; No. 178 - l~oc:~l__IA~ Ci_ v_i__c En,~_lgle.e_~_~' Up_i_o~n - remarks re garbage collectjoe. No. 179 - L_oc_a_ls59.5 &~53_6J._U_jLJ.~_. - opposition to contracting out of garbage pick up. ORDERED on Lhe m~tion of Aid. McCallurn and Aid. Morton that the conmmnications be received, filed and rear yard pick-up for all areas within the City be inauguratud, Carried by a vote of 6 to 4, the vote being, Aye - Aldermen blcCallum~ Morton, Corficld, Swayze, hicKLaity, Martin; and IlLs Worship Flayor Miller wished to be recorded in fayour.; Nays -Ald. Keighan, SQott~ Potter~ Mitchelson. SEE _Report No. 166. No. 181 - M_rsL. M_u_r_iel_J.Lle__n - request oe behalf of Rendall Crescent home owners re curb-facing on centre island. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and AId. Morton that ti~e colmnunication be received, filed and the writer be advised of the cost and that tbe work will be proceeded with accordingly if applicants are willing. SEE Report No, 170 DEPUTATION On the motion of AId, Potter and Ald. Morton, Mr, J. W. Dominski was permitted to speak to Council. Re outlined tbe attempts made by residents to bave sewers installed on Moatrose Road and referred to the bad situation on ~ntrose Road where there is a drainage problem, Ald. Martin, Chairman of the Sanitation and Pollution Control ColmBittee, assured the speaker that the Committee were working on the report which had been suhmitted by the City Engineer on the Montrose Road Sewer and His Worship Mayor Miller advised that Ald. Martin would take under advisement the problems out- lined by Mr. Domieski. The following Communications were presented; No, 199 - Cbairma__na Police Commission - concerning Police Department rumours, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Ald, Morton that the cormnunication be received and filed, No, 200 - Co__.~ittee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing on April 9th, re Stamford Oreen Investments Ltd, ORDERED on the r~otion of Aid, Mitchelson and Ald, Corfield that th.e conmmnication be received and filed, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Aid, Meeallum that the next two commanLcattons be considered together, - rc Amendment APPticati°n Ni_!q~qra Falls and ~uburban Area plannin~l Board Cor£icld that the consanitation be received and tabled. . ~ . ~ .. _ ~ossible 4 cent rate between Cit~ ~ _ ter Nxa~'~l!~.~~f '~0!~9!~ --[ and AId, potLet that t~l? sectsgarY appl requesting removal of bus stop at ~ , . _ - Lhat L bc N0. 206 ' G~~Ka C~e'~' .of ~.on~erC~ . i433 Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Bwavze c0nmueication he received and rsferrcd ~o the Traffic CoB~ittce for ~onsidcratLon and a report, _ congratulations [or effort5 on Nia~ Falls ~unior Chamber of Conlnerce and Aid. t;cott tl~at the co~unication be received and filed. _ ioviEation, ORDERED on the motion of Multiple Sclerosis SOcicD~ of Canada accepted and as many as find it possible, attend. ORDERED on th~~°~l~n of~ld, Mitchetson and Aid. Swayze that received and referred to the City Engineor for a report oe estimated cost for this work, No, 210 - Lioness Club - requesting permission to conduct a Broom Drive. ORDF~ED on be received~ filed the motloB of A~d, Sw~;yze and AId, Morton that the comnnnigati°n and permission granted as requested, . · _. . requesting grant, ORDERED on the motion No, 211 - On~j~'~'~L communication be received aod referred to 0f ~ld, potter and Aid. Mitchelson that the Budget Cogitate for consideratiou when Estimates are being prepared, ORDERED on the No, 212 - WelJa~j~O~j~~~ ' requesting grant, motion of Aid, MiEchelson aud AId, Scott that tl~e communication be received nod referred ~o d~e Budget Co~ittee ~or consideration when the Estimates are being prepared. N0, 213 - ~-~ ' on behalf of owners of Holiday Inn Mo~el, In connection with this co~unication~ it was ordered that ~r, II. A. Logan be permitted to address Council, He advised that his letter was self-e~planatorY and then produced a aleetch for the information oE Council indicating the property his clients were concerned with, ae referr~ 'to the long delay of the planning Board in dealing with aa application for the re-zoning of lots adjoining the Holiday %nn Mote~ and the r~ason whLch had beeff given~ n~elY~ the completion of the Traffic Surve~ report, ORDERED on the motion oE ~ld, Mitchelson and fi~d, McCallurn chat the co~unication be received~ tabled and referred eo the planniug Board for some indication at their meeting of March 27th, us to a decision on this matter, on the motion oE N0,214 - Semi,at on C~~ ' Stratford Seminar~ 1963, ORDERED they be notified AId, Martin and AId, McCallurn that the co~unication be received ~n~ that the City oE Niagara Falls are ~n agreeuxent with tho continuation of such Seminar part in the same, No, 215 - ~tin and A1 , · ration when the ~t~mates funds ORDERED on the mot e Bud et Gonmittee for ¢ong~.d9 be received and referred ' ' arc being prepared, REPORTS No, 201 - Township of Thorol_____jd - Notice of Application to O,M,B, re By-lm~ 672, No, 202 - T__ownship of Thorold - Notice of Application to O,M,B, re By-law 673, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mttchclson and AId, Morton that the communications be received and filed, Laid over from the~ Sanitation and Waste R~moval No, 157 - ""' - 1963 Estimated Costs, ~No. 16_ 6 No, 203 - Betty Bond - Beauty Shop Operation, ORDERED on the motion of AId, Corfield and Ald, McKinley th~t ~he ~ommunicatton be received and referred to. the. Property ~on~nittse for conBtderation and a report. The City Clerk advised that the next meeting of the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board will be held bn March No, 161 - ~" reconstruction of No, 20 Highway SEERtort No, 167 REPORTS The following R_c_p~rts were presented; No, 166 - ~,__E~ificer - Estimated cost for various proposals for collection of garbage for the year 1963. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McCallrim and Ald, Morton that the report be received and filed and rear yard pick-up for all areas within the City bc inaugurated. This motion was carried by a vote of 6 to 4, the vote being. AYe - Lid. McCallurn, Morton, Corficld, Swayze, McKinlcy~ Martin; u[ 7 ta 3; khc vole being, Aye - Aid Stoke. Po~tcr. MiCchLlson; Naye - AId. Keigha., {:orfield~ McCaltunb 1.lotion; Swayze. McKinley and Her[in. An amendment to the amendx: made by Aid. Kci~han was not seconded. The amendment to khe amendmen[ was as "Thak khe City Managcr and City Engineer and other Department O~[icials be au~korh;...i ku prepare a drafk copy of a tender form iamediately for submission to Council for consideration add the tender loft,, [.i [p,-I ,c~C~ among ocher Deccssary items, tile followi,~g requirements: (1) 'Type of service to be provided~ once a week rear yard pick-up and carry-back for nine months and twice a week rear yard pick-up during june~ july and Angust; also rubbistt pick-up; (2) Contractor to be required to bite all local tabour; (3) fair wage clause be inserted in ~he tender and agreemenk; (~) performance bond be provided by Contractor to be for the usual ~hree to five year period; (6) Contractor purchase all present equipment; and all other requLrcp,c which our Depart.,cn~ lieads deem secessary. If Council approved the form of tender, then feudera be called wikhout delay. No. 167 - _C!Spg_ineer - Estimate of costs £or reconstroctiou of Lundy's Lane iron, Drunmlond Road to City Limits. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Swayzc that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report Number l~i. No. 168 - Ci~_~]eetl - Drainage problem, Sinnicks Avenue. ORDERED on the motion Ald. Kcighan a~d Ald. Corfield that the }report be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Conmaittee for submission of a report to Council. No. 169 -Ci.~_~ngi~eer - survey of intersection of Chippaws Creek Road and Garner Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and referred to the Traffic Co~nittee for consideration and'a report. Ald. Martin referred tO aumerous complaints about corners bidden to traffic by hedges and other growth and was of the opinion that Council should institute some form of regulation and enforce same. No. 170 - Cit~ EngineeE - Curb on Rendall Crescent. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. ~rton that the report be received and adopted and the petitioner be advised of the costs involved and that the work will be pIoceeded with accordingly if applicauts are willing, SEE Communication 181. No. 171 - Cit~ Clerk - reconnnending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald. McGallum chat the report be received and adopted and licenoes issued accordingly. No. 172 - H. G. Acres & Co. Ltd. ~ report on preliminary survey of existing water distribution system. This report received too lace for inclusion on this agenda, was ordered read by the Clerk. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.Corfield that the report be received and referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for submission of a further report. PETITION The following Petition was presented; No, 7 - R. Warcup and 31 others, requesting sewer installation on Thorold Stone Road west of Q.E.W. ORDERED on the motlea of Ald. Keighan and AId. Swayze that the petition be received nnd referred to the O~ty Engineer for ~ubmission o[ a report, RESOLUTIONS ~e followin Resolutions w~e_r.e_ pa~sp_e~; 0f 0ntari~e~e~iiio~li~ to consider for subsidizatipn' expenditures Victoria Avenue bridge in the years 1959, 1960 and 1961, prior to the passing of By-law No. 6174. authorizing general Subsidy; and tbe Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. [lumber 6174; and the Seal Carried ~nanimousl~. VERBAL REPORT The City Clerk, on behal£ of the Chairman of the Achievement Award Conm}ittec~ ~vised Council that all arrangements have been made for the Dinner at the prospect {0tel at 6 p.m. FridaY, March 29th. and all who are eligible to attend have beea supplied with tickets for this affair. RESOLUTION · ED that a message of congratulations from 30 - MCKINLEY - MrFCU_EL~SO_~ ' RESOLV cil be fo Collegiate-Vocational Institute "Red Raiders" Baskethall 'ream upon their achievemen~ in einning their ~ifth All-Ontario ChamplonshiP and the Coach, ExccuEive and players be co~mnded for such honours~ and a copy of the conm~unication be forwarded to the Board of Education; and the Seal of th~ Corporation be he~eto affixed. Carried Unanimously. .MIBCBLLANBOUS AId, Martin referred to the cou~unication from H. A. Logan which iudidated tile long delay experienced by his client for a decision ou the rezoning of lands, and was of the opinion that the planning Board and the City Council are taking the trust of the criticism for such delays which have been attributed to the delayed preparatiop of the Traffic Study and the Urban Renewal StudY. The Alderman was o[ the opinion that such proceedings were not fair to hold up private enterprise and that the delay had been long enough and now that we are an enlarged city it is important that we have the results of these studies. ORDERED on the motion of Ald- ~artin and Ald. gwayze that the City Manager be instructed to contact the responsible authorities for submission of the Traffic Study and Urban Renewal Study without furt. her.delaY. The followin.g B~laws were passed; No. 6300 - A by-law to license pawn Brokers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~lcKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the bY=l'aw be read the first time. Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. Third Reading - ~ld. Sway~e and Ald. 8~ott - Carried UnanimouslY. ~., 6301 - A by'law to license, febulate and Severn transient traders and other persons. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfteld that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of Introducing the by-law and ~he by-law be read tl~e first time. ~arrie~ Unanimously, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallurn that Rule 36 (2) of time Standing Rules of Couocil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given tile second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Readiog -Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. No. 6302 - A by-law to license, regulate and govern trailer camps and to designate areas of land to be used as trailer camps and to prohibit the use of other lands for such purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Corfield and Ald. Morton that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried' Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council.bu temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Morton and AId. Swayze - Carried Unanimoosly. DEPUTATION On time motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Swayze, Mr. Earl Vernon, 1286 Buchanae Avenue, was permitted to speak to Council. Mr. Vernon outlined the unsatisfactory conditions existing at the Florentine premises on Ottawa Avenue, a portion of which is in proximity to his place of residence and queried as to the building permi~ issued for such erections. Following a discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mc~allum and Ald. Keighan that the City Manager submit a report on all permits issued for construction and the purposes for which such buildings were to be used; such report to be prepare~ before the Property Con~nittoe inspects these premises. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, McCallurn. READ AND ADOPTED, 1st. April, 1963. FINANCE ~BETING Council Chamberl 25th.March, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on March 25th, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Oonmdttee were present. Ald, Martin, Chairman of Finance~ presided, Sundry Accounts in the areoust of $92,616,O2 were approvu~d by the C0~nittee. The Accounts subn~ittcd, being passed or oLbcrw] j.c du, alt with, were ordered placed ie the Money By-law for presentation to ~he Council, on the ~0tion of AId. McKinley and ',ld. potter. I~ was then ordered ili~ ~.~ornhip Mayor Miller and .~ld, iU, tche],son, that the Arena and park5 C,~mmittcc submit a report regarding the supplies purchased for Lhc Femorial Arena and i;~cluding a comparison o[ costs for supplie~ p~rchased local]>, or out of town. The City tansget s report on the application of Cyanamid o[ Canada Ltd. for a building permit to make alterations to the Wella, d plant, ].ocaLed Garner Road, at an estimate6 cost of $55,000. was presented. ORDERED o~ the motion 0~ AId. Morton and Ald. Corfield that tbc report be received and adopted and permit be issued, , . Ber' report on the applicatlou of The City liana s operator of the 1-1outrose Motel, on the west side of McLcod Road, (3273 1,1o~trosc Road) for a building porto'it to erect a 20-unit addition to his motcl~ at an estimated cost o~ $53,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. blotton and AId. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted and permit/ssucd. er's report on the application of Mr, T, s;ccln~aszynski, The City Manag ' 3273 Moatrose Road, for $3 500. was'orejented for consideration, ORDEREb on the permit issued. ,a cr~ report on the application oC iqr, T. ~telma~zynski, 3273 The City Msr g M0atrose Road~ for a building permit to erect ~ swimxnin~ pool~ ac aa cstimaLed of $5,0D(). Rt the Moatrose Motel, was presented 3~or cony~idcraLion. OP, DERED on the motion of Ald. ~icKimley and Ald. Cotfield that the report bc received and adopted and permit The City Man3gcr~s report on the applicatioe of Messrs. Auto~lio and joseph Angotti, for a building permi~ to erect a new buLlcling ou part of Lo~ ~, plan 653, west side of Main between LundY~s Lane and Su~mncr St. the buildin~ to be used for '~ beauty salon, apartments and office and s~orc, a~ an c~timatcd cost of $46~O00. ,, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on ~hc motion of Ald. Monaco and Ald.Swayzc ~hat tho report be received and referred to the proper~Y Comsxi~ce for consideration Th~ City Ma~ager~s report on the application of the Cascade Motel Ltd, ou the north side of Murray St. between Buchanan and the boundary of the Niagar~ parks Co~ssion, for ~ building permit to construct six additional units to time existing motel+ at an estimated cost of $18,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Aid.' ~iorton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager~s report on the application of Mrs. R,B~gnucolo and Sons, 2863 Stanley Avenue+ for a building permit to constreet an additional twelve units to ~he Modern-Afre Motel, at Hn estimated cost of $36~000. was presented for consideration. The City M~nager reco~l~nded that the applicants be advised to apply to the Co~ittee of Adjustment~ because of the fact ther~ will only be 7 feet distance from the north property line. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. McOallum that the repoYt be received and adopted. Carried UnanimouslY, Ifi connection with this application, Mr. Bignu~olo~ son of Mrs. R. B~gnu~olo was permitted to spea~ to the C0~ittee at this time. Be queried whether they would be deprived of building the proposed addition under the preseBt by-law and referred to the fact that the establish- meat was a first-class motel and Constructed at a very high cost In 1953 in accord with the by-law in effect at that t~me. The City Manager~s report on the application o[ Mr. Tony Mersich, 3800 Lundy's Lane~ operator of the Ashbury Motel, for alterations to the front o[ the existlag motel, etc. at an estimated cost o~ $6,000. instead of proceeding i~ediatelY with construction of 31 units tot which a building permit was issued recently, was presented for consideration. 0RDBR~D on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Morton that the. repo~t be re~eived and adopted and permit issued, The City Manager's report ou tile application of G. Colautto, 852 Portage Road, North, for a building permit to construct a new building on Lot 45, west side of Kent Avenue, to be used for ornamental concrete work manufacture, at an estimated cost of $10,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City bianager's report oe the application of John Nagy, 3104 Lundy's Lane for a building permit to erect a facet plastic illuminated sign at the Falls Mauor Restaura.t, at an estimated cost of $750. was presented. ORDERED on the of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Potter that the report be received and adopted and permi~ issued. Tbe City Manager's report on tile application of Park Motor Hotel, south side of Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a neon aud plastic double faced sign on the east limit of their property, at an estimated cost of $8,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's Feport on the application of Dr. M. T. Jeremias, operator of the Niagara Motel and Trailer Park, for permission to erect two signs, one at 2579 Lundy's Lane and a second sign ~t 3827 Lundy's Lane, advertising his Motel and Trailer Park at another location, was presented. ORDERED on the motion Aid.McKinley and Ald. Corficld that the application be received and referred to tbv Property Committee for c~nsidcration and a report. Ald. McKinley referred to "reduced rate, off-season" signs appearing at various motel locations', and was of tILe opinion that the Property Committee sbould consider some form of regulation with reference to such signs. The City Manager's report on the applicatiou of Herbert's Gift Shop, for a permit to erect an illhminated plastic sign at the Imperial Motel, 1845 Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $900. was presented. ORDERED on tbe motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. Morton that time report be received, adopted and permi~ issued. TIle Cormnittee arose and reported to Couucil on the motion of Aid. McCallurn aud Ald. McKi n 1 ey; READ AND ADOFlED, 1st. April, 1963. Clerk ' Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 25th.March, 1963. The Conmtittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on March 25th. 1963, for ~lle purpose of passing tile by-law which covered the accounts ap~roved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller~presided. I BY-LAW N0, 6303 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes, ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Cotfield that AId. Marti~ be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st, reading. ' Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be givcu the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Martin - Carried Unanimously. C0uucil adjourned to Confercute on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, lot, April, 1963. Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 251h. March, 1963. The Conm~ittee assembled in Conference following the regular meeting of Council on Monday, March 25th. 1963. All Members of Council were present. ltis Worship, M,ayDr Miller, presided as Chairman, Following consideration of items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motiGn of Ald. Morton and Ald, McCallurn. READ AND ADOPTED, lot. April, 1963. Clerk COUNCIL ~ZETING Council Chambci, 25th.blarch,196j. Council reconvened follo~.:ing the Conference on Honday, Marcb 25th, 191. with all Hembers present. His Worship, blayor bliller, presided. ' ORDERED oa the motion of Aid. McCallurn and AId. Keighan that the anloi: .. be placed in the Budget for the Indu:strial Committee of the Greater Niagara Chan,b, ,- of Conm~erce be set at $22,000.00, Carried by a vote of 6 to 4; the vote being, A'~ - AId. McCallurn, Keighan, Scott, Potter, blitchelson, Swayze; Naye - Aid. 1.1artin, McKi::h Morton and Corfield. An amendment to the motion made by AId. Morton and Aid. McKinley that for both the Tourist and Industrial Conm~ittees of tile Chamber of Conmmrce the amount in the 1963 Estimates be fixed at $20,000. each, was defeated, the vote bcS:: -Aye - Aid. Morton, HcKinley, Martin, Corfield; Naye - Aid. McCallurn, Keighan, Potter, Mitchelson and Swayze'. Council adjourned on tile motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. HcCallum. READ AND ADOPTgD, 1st. April, 1963. !i SEVE~rfEE~YIH ~UEETING Council Chanlber, 2gth. March, 1963. SPECIAl, MEETING All Members of Council were present at the special meeting of Council held on Thursday, March 28tb, 1963, to receive and consider the 1963 Budget. His |.:orship, Mayor Miller, presided o REPORT The followinB~R_e~port was presented;_ N0. 173 - Chairman of Finance - Estimated Revenues and Expenditures for the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Morton that the report be received, and adopted and Council endorse tile Budgct for tile year 1963 and the mill rate be set as follows: Urban Service Area - 61,30 mills; Outside Urban Service Area - 54.37 mills; Commercial Urban Service Area - 68.5~ mills and Industrial Outside Urban Service Area - 61.63 mills. Carried, with Ald.Keighan- contrary. Previous to tile above section, Aid. Martin, Chairman of Finance, advised that he was prepared to submit his report suggesting expenditures and sumnary of Departments of the new City and the suggested mill rates, and he |loped that after Council had asked questions they wished to, would adopted,the Budget for 1963. Be expressed appreciation to the Mayor, Members of Council for the privilege of the position of Chairman of Finance for 1963 and tile opportunity of bringing in the first Budget for the enlarged municipality. He also thanked members of the staff for their work in the preparation of the Budget. Aid. Mitchelson commended the Chairman of Finance, Committee Hemberg and staff for their work on the budget and the other members of Council concurred. AId. Keighan also commended Aid. Martin, Department Heads and staff for their work on the budget, but stated that at the Council Meeting on Monday night he had voted against the two motions concerning garbage collections; and although realizing the majority is the rule in a democracy, he now expressed the desire to vote in fayour of tile Budget but wished to be recorded as opposed to the Estimates concerning garbage collections, and he was not in agreement with the figures presented w&fh reference to the mill rate, because in his opinion, it conld have been one mill lower. ~ AId. Scott, although of the opinion that the Budget was not entirely as it should have been, advised that he must bow to the majority of the Council's wishes and accept their reconm~endation and would support the Budget. Ald. Potter stated that although be was not too happy about the decision on garbage collections, the democratic process of majority rule must be upheld. His Worship the Mayor stated that it was his understandlag that although the vote was not unanimous on the contents of the Budget, that when adoption of the Budget was voted on, it would be unanimous. Ald. Martin was of the opinion that Ald. Keighan would be in error if he voted against the Budget, and he is satisfied with the figures therein, and as far as tile Garbage Collection of the nmnicipality was concerned, tile costs were dictated to the Committee by Council and that tile Budget Consnittee was not recommending that any type of garbage collection should be carried out in the municipality, but that tile figures had to be inserted in the Budget because the majority of the Council Voted ~o have's~h'figure~ inserted. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. McKinley requested that a report be submitted concerning a possible change in the amount of pension being received by seven civic employees, which Pensions are below standard. The City Manager advised that the matter would be considered by the Committee of Council that will be dealing with this subject. BY-LAWS The follow_i)!g}_~L~laws were pa~.?se~d; No. 6304 - To provide for the appropriations for the ),ear 1963. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Mitchelson that Ald. Martin be granted the privileges of introducing the by-law and the by-law be give the first reading. - Carried, with Aid. Keighan-con~rary, ORDERED .n tile hiDEion of Aid. Martin and AId. Potter timer Rule 36 (2) of tile Standing Rules of Couecil he temporarily suspended and tile by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, with AId. Keighan-contrary, ' Third Reading - AId. Swayze and Aid. Morton - Carrie~, with AId. Keighan-contrarS. No. 6305 - To authorize Ehe levying and collecting of taxes for the year 1963, al~d defining the certain duties of the Clerk, Treasurer and Collector of the City of Niagara. Fails. ORDERED on the .,~otion of Aid. Corfield and Ald. Swayze that Aid. MarIll be granted the privilege of introducing the b -law and the by-law be given the flr:L reading. -Carried, with Aid. Keighan-contrary. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martiu and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, mith Aid. Keighan-contrary. Third Reading - Aid. Swayze and Aid. McCallurn - Carried, with Ald.Keigban-contrary. No. 6306 - To authorize the manner in wbich taxes for the year 1963, shall become due, to provide a time for payment and penalties for non-payment. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Cotfield that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st. reading. - Carried, with AId. Keighan,contrary. ORDERED on tlme motion of Aid. Fllrtin and AId. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standi'ng Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and ~he by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimoesly. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallurn - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned ou the motion of Ald, McKinley and AId. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOFI'ED, lst0 April, 1963. $! EIGHTEENTI{ MEETING 1st. April, 196~. REGULAR ~IETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7,30 p.nh on Flonday, April 1st, 19~3, for time purpose of considering general business and finance. All Flcnlilcrs of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of AId. Fottcr and Aid. Swayze. WELCOblE His Worship Flayor Nillet welcomed a group of young men from time Alpha- Omega Chapter of time Y.M.C.A. to the meeting. COb~IUNICATIONS Laid over froin tile previous meeting; No. 180 - Jam_Jes~Mo_r~d_ep Home & School Associatiou - condition of ditch on soutim side of McLeod Road and lack of~p~p&r'~'~kin~ ~r ~hildren crossing the street. ORDERED on the motiou of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the comnunication be received, filed and report of Traffic Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 174. No. 197 - l._/.___G_.__B_.o_ot_l~- on behalf of Mr. & FIrs. Jos. Zarra. ORDERED on the motion of !i AId. Swayze and AId. Keighan that the communication be received and the report of .1 the Property Committee be adopted. SEE Communication 216. ~.E '~6port ~NuinBer "1 No. 198 - Mrs, BeltX Bond - re desire to establish business on north side of Luudy's Lane. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Corfield timat the conmmnication be received, tabled and report of Property Cormnittee be adopted. SEE Report Number 176. No, 206 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - requesting removal of bus stop in front of 143~'Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion ofAld. Swayze and Aid,Potter that the communication be received, filed and report of tile Traffic Conmittee be adopted, SEE Report Number 177. No. 213 - Logaim and Knight - on behalf of owners of tloliday Inn Motel. On the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Corfield, Mr. H. A. Logan was permitted to speak. lle stated that it was not bis intention to go into tile various details again whicb |mad been explained to Council at the last meeting, and then proceeded to explain the attitude of tile Planning Board that it would be desirable to have a complete interchange at the intersection of the Q.E.W. and Stanley Ave. but he was of the opinion that the Department of Highways have no intention of constructing such interchange, duc to permits which have been issued by the Highways Department to adjacent properties in the area. He referred to the financial benefits time municipality would receive through additional assessment on such proposal, and also referred to the date of July 15th. or 16th. when option on the lands in question expire and for this reason his client was anxious to get a decision. Aid. Kei~an queried the reason for the Ilighways Dept. issuing permits if an interchange was planned and also the reason why the Planning Board was not recoe~ending to the City Council approval of the application of Messrs. Yerich for the rezoning of the property in question froin Residential to Tourist Commercial. Ald. Martin proceeded to explain the reasons of tile Planning Board for tile decision made, and advised that the Planning Board had requested tile indulgence of Mr. Logan's client until the 19th. of April, when the Traffic Study would be available, and Mr. Logan had requested some type of definite answer, Re advised that tile Planning Board feel that this is a very important intersection to the conmmnity ned due to the fact that tile Department of Highways are paying a big portion towards the Traffic Study~ the results of the Study will be important to any decision made by Council. AId. Martin was of the opinion that it was not unreasonable to ask Mr, Logan to wait until April 19th. and that the decision made by the Planning Board could be changed and the application could still be left in abeyance until Council have an opportunity to consider the Traffic Study and did not agree that it is a13 up to the Department of Highways whether an interchange is constructed at that intersection; and was of the opinion that it was the responsibility of Council and tile Planning Board to look to tile future. Ald. blitchelson concurred in the remarks of Ald. bla~'tin and referred to the importance of thin intersection and Ih~ care that will have to be takcu in the development of the land in that area, and was of tile opinion thees Mr. Logau was requested to be indulgent for about two weeks Council would be placed in an awkward position to approve of an application for fezcuing when tile traffic study had taken homer|me to prepare. Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Scott that the communication be received and the recommendation of tile Planning Board be adopted. Carried, with Ald. McKinley-coutrary. SEE Conenun|cat|on 217. TIle following Connnuaications were preseated; No. 216 - Niagara Falls & Subueban Area Planning Board - re 'Jo'seph Zarra. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayzc and Ald. Keighan that the conmlunication be received and filed and tile report of the Property Conrad|tree be adopted. SEE _Rejort No. 175. SEE Conrnuuication 197. No. 217 - _Niagara_ _Fal__ls_ & Suburban Area Planning Board - decision of the Board re Yerich application for fezcuing of land from Residential to Tour~st-Couunercial,bc not reconnnended to City Council. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Aid. Scott that the communication be received and the Board's recormnendation be adopted. SEE Cormnunication 213. No. 218 - _Gr__e_at_cr__Ni~aJ~ara Safety Council - suggesting study of fi~e hydrants in hedge lines. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin ahd Ald. Keighan that the communi- cation bo received a.d referred to the Traffic Committee to iuclude in their stud)' on hedges at intersections. No. 219 - Gr__qa__ter Niagar~ Safety Council - Welland River Bridge, Montrose Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Mitchelson that tile communication be received and referred to the Traffic Conunittee for consideration an.d a report. The following Con~nunications were ordered considered together, on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Corfield. ' No. 220 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Rearing re Messrs. Bignucolo. No. 221 - Co__~ittee of Adjustheir - Notice of ||earing re A. Maraldo. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MeCallum that the co,~nunication be received, noted and filed. No. 222 - D~t.__jof Health of Ontario - advice and regulation rc number of Niagara Fal}q Members to be appointed on Welland and District Health Unit. ORDERED on the m6tion of Ald. Martin and jAld. Morton that the communication be received and filed and two Members of Council be so appointed to the Board. ,~ SEE Resolutions 31 & 32. The following Conununtcattons were ordered cons'tdered together~ on the mottoe of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson. No. 223 - L._~. B. Cockland - protesting Count|Ins action in voting for extension in garbage pick-up service. No. 224 - R. J. Matthews - protesting extension of garbage pick-up service. le conuser|on with these conm~unications various Members of Council includiug Ald.Morto,, Cotfield, Kefghan, Martin, Mitchelson and Potter and Scott reiterated previous stand on this subject. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McGallum that cotton|curious be received and filed. Carried Unanimously, It was then order,d ou the motion of Ald. Mitcbelson, seconded by Ald. Scott that the sum of $77~233.91 placed in the Budget for rear-yard-pick-up servide for tile remaining nine months be placed In the Reserve Fund to be applied toward reduction of the 1964 mill rate. This motion was defeated by a vote of 8 to 2. Ald. Keighan then moved Chat some form. of card be prepared for circulation'to the ratepayers of the municipality .asking for their opinion as to which of ~he various types of garbage collections ~hich have been discussed would be mont favourable to them; ~his motion ~ no~ seconded, N0. 225 -. L. A. Beal - protest|uS service charge for plivatc sewer calls. Oi~I)ERED on the motion of AId, McKieley and AId. Morton that tile conm~uoication be received and referred to the Sanitation and pollution Co~tro] Committk~e for submission of a report, previous to a reply heiug forwarded to tile writer. No. 226 - Ontario Fire Colle3SJ - Memo re training Course. ORDERED on the motion 0f .',ld Mitchelson and Aid. Morton that tile cornmuD|cat|on he received, ||leo and tile Fire Chiefs be authorized to attend~as in former years. Me. 227 - lJoJla~l Canadian Sea Cadets - requesting pcrmissioo to hold a tag day 0n May 17th. and May 18th. ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. Mortou and AId. ,~;cott, that tile communication be received, filed aud as these dates arc not available, the writer be advised tbat permission will be granted for any other dates not already allotted to other organizations. N0. 228 - _NiaJa. ra Falls Industrial Leagq~e, - requesting nsc nf Gleovicw Park and Nulhern Park. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Mor~on that the communication be received and referred to tile Parks and Recreation Cones|tree for . a report. No..229 -Greater Niagarj Minor Soccer Association - referring to their application for reservatiou of soccer grounds this stunner. ORDERED on tile motiou of AId. Nc- Kinley and AId. Potter that tile conmlunication be received and referred to the parks and Recreation Committee. N0. 230 - Welland Coun.tJ<yederation of A.grj.~u~ltuj~ - requesting grants, on the inotion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Curfield it was ordered 'that Mr. Keitb MacLeod or his representative be heard at this time, Mr, Leonard Neale stated that their request should have been submitted prior to the Budget heine set, but tilere had been a question as to bow much the County was going to contribute. Re stated that the Local Federation would like to receive the sum of approximately $1,300. less the amount already allotted to the Women~s Institute by the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED oo the motion of AId. Martill and Aid. Mitchelsoo that the communication be received and referred to the Budget Committee for submission of a report at the _ next meeting. No. 231 - NiaBara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application re Niagara Fal'Xs Canadian Polish Home. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId, Nitchelson that the communication be received and filed and the Board~s recommen- dation that this application be not recommended to the City Council, be adopted. No. 232 - H. G. Acres & Co. - advising Technical Co-oral|hating Committee of the date when the Traffic Study Draft Report will be available, namely, April 19th. 1963. ORDERED on.'t~e motion of AId. Martin and AId. Curfield tbat the cosmmnication he received, filed and the City Engineer be instructed to estimate the nnmber of reports that {~ill be required and see that they will be available on April 19th. N0. 233 - W. G. Booth - on behalf of Mr. Armundo Leo's application for construction of an Italian Grocery Store on part of Lot 14, south side of Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton tbat the conmlunication be received and referred to the Property Committee and the City Solicitor for a report. REPORTS Laid over from the previous meeting; N0. 163 - City Enginee~ - parking study on Leonard Avenue from Lundyis Lane to teeming Street. SEE Report Number 178. No. 169 - City Engineer - intersection of Chippawa Creek Road and Garner Road. ~EE Re_p_ort Number 179. No, 172 - H, G. Acres & Go, Ltd. - preliminary survey 9f existlug water distribution system. peg Report Number 180 REPORTS Tbe foltowing._R.c?j~rts were presente~d; · No, 174 - ~l_'~aj~fi!_C_omn. Zitt~c_e_'. request of James Marden l{ome & School Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Ald. Carfield that the report be race;v,, and adopted, SEE Calmnun;cat;on No. No. 175 - Property Canto;tree - no action be taken on Mr. Booth's letter re Mr, & Mrs, Jos, Zarra. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayzc and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted, SEE Con~unication No.ll.7. No. 176 - Property Committee - re Mrs. Betty Bond, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and '~ih','~{-~l~la~f{~t the report be received and adopted, SEE Conununication No.lZ; No, 177 - Traffic Committee - request of Chamber of Commerce for bus stop re_locat- ion. ORDERE~n }]~b~;k~'f Aid, Swayzc and Ald. Potter that tile report be received and adopted, No. 178 - Traffic Cormnittee - two reconunendations re parking on Leonard Avenue from Lundycs~hl~'lb- ~[mlhg Street. ORDERED on tile motion of Aid, Morton and Ald, Potter that the report be received and adopted, SEE Report Number 163.. No, 179 -fyaffic Co~nittec - suggesting. purchase of piece of land to improve tbc visibility at'l~i~h~f Cbippawa Creek Road and Garner Road, It was moved b.. Ald. McCallurn, seconded by AId, Swayze that the report be received and adopted; tbis motion was defeated by a vote of 8 to 2; an amendment made by Ald, Martin, secoaded by Aid, Carfield that the report be referred back co Traffic Coaittee for more details regarding the piece of property and suggested price of the sames was carried by a vote of 8 to 2; SEE Report Number 169, No, 180 - ~i~y~gine~- - report on H, G, Acres' submission of t ' survey of existxng. water distribution system ORDERED on the h~xr preliminary . ' t~ou of Alderman mo Keigban and Alderman Carfield that the reports be tabled pending submission of a further report, SEE Report Number 172, No, 181 - Property Conmillet - suggesting clause of sign by-law 5245 referring to prices cbarged, F~IT ORDERED on. the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald, Potter that the report be received and adopted, portion of tee - reco~mndations re closing and conveyance of a ~e Street t ' -o Retarded Childreu's Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Carfield and Ald, Morton that the report be received and adopted, No, 183 - Traffic Co~ittec - recommending caution signs be erected on Marden Drive between Stanley and Portage Road, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayse and Ald, Mor~on that the report be received an~ adopted, · No, 184 - Traffic Con~ittee - recapending Police Dept, enforce all traffic by-laws regarding ~~b Circle, ORDERED on the motion of AId, Swayze and AId. McCallum that the report be received and adopted, No, 185 - Traffic Co~ittee . recommending contact with Village of Chippaws to tnauguratc'~ff°l'~'~ speed on portion of Portage Road in City & in Chippaws, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Ald, McCallurn Chat the report be ~ecetved and adopted, No. 186 - qit~K . recommnding attendance of Welfare Administrator and Assistant, at 13th, Annual Convention in Oshawa on June lO~h, lleh, & 12th, o~ Out, Welfare Officers' Association, ORDERED on ch~ motion.of Ald, Martin and Ald,Po~ter that ~he report be received and adopted, No, 187 - Assist, to CIty Manag~r-Engine~ . report on Building P~naits lssue.d during Marclb 1963, ORDERED on eh~ motion of AId. Martin and AId, Swa~ze chac the I:o. 188- _Cit}i ~__l_erk - rcconmlendin~. ;souante of licenoel:. ORDERED on the inotiou o£ :.ld.McKinle>' and .\ld. Mitchelson chat the report be received and adopted aud licenoes issued accordingly. iqo. 189 . ~i~2~)ij~Ajcer - proposed connecting link coustruciio:~ 1963. ORDERED 0a the mociou of AId. Hi~chelson and Ald. Swayze [bac khc rcpork bc received and adopted. llo. 190 - Cit}LI~ZpB~j~/r - proposed cons gruction of scvmrmain on Viccorla Avenue and Conere Street. ORDERED on khe motion of Ald, Margin and 'kid. Corl'icl<l H~aC the report be received and re[erred uo cbe Sanikacion and Pollunion Control Co~gittee for consideration. ~:0. 191 Conmlitk,2e of Adjustrl,'nV -" .... ' ~t, llearing:'. ORD!';RED on the. a:;,~ ion Of Ald. MiLcbelson and Aid. Gorf~eld khat ~he repork be received and filed. RESOLUTIONS T~he followinJ~ Resolutions we_reJ2a__s_s.e_dI N0, 31 - KEIGHAN - SCOTT - RESOLVED that Alderman Mitchelson be named as a men~ber of the Welland and District llcalth U~it for the City of hiagara Falls; and tile seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, ~a r ~L~ ~'!an ~o. 32 - POTTER - MI'fCIIELSON - REgaINED that Alderman 1.1artin' he named as a member of the Welland and District Health Unit for the City of Niagara Falls; and Lhc Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C'_a}Sriyyt~U!~anj__m~.u.s~y~.. No. 33 - bIORTON - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on bebalf of IlLs I;orsblp Hayor Miller and Members of the City Council be forwarded to the family of the late Mrs. Susan Crane, a highly esteemed resident of this community for a great Number of ~ears; and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed, N0, 34 - MCKINLEY - McCALLUM - RESOLVED that the Mayor andClerk be empowered to execute the Certificate specifying the employment of C. Barber and L, Ellenton with tile Board of Health of the City of Niagara Falls as permanent, for the purpose of exception from the requirements of the Unemployment Insurance Act; and the Sea]. of the Corporation be hereto affixed, Carried Unanimous_l~f& BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed; No,~6307 - A by-lm~ to provide for tile 1963 gxpendftures on Roads and Streets in the City of Niagara Falls, ORDERED on the motiou of AId, McKinley and Ald, Potter that Ald, Martin be granted ~he privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given tile 1st, reading, - Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on tile motion of Ald, Martin and Aid, Mttchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading, - Oartied Unanimously, Third Reading -Ald, gway~-e and Ald, McCallran - Carried Unanimously, N0_2_.6398 - A by~law to amend By-law Number 2649, being a by-law to provide for the licensing and regulating of plumbers and fo~ the appointment of an E~amtntng Board, ORDERED on the morton of Aid, Swayze and AId, Carfield that Aid, Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and bite by-law be given tile first reading, - Car~1ed Unanimously, ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given tile second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Aid. S~.:ayze - Carried Unanimously. No~6309 - A by~law to appoint two members oi tile Examining Board of Plumbers for the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that Ald. biertin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of tile Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given tile second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading ~Ald. McKinley add Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. His '~':orship blayor Miller reminded the Members of Council about tile forthcoming noon luncheon of tile Assessing Officers Association on April 5th. at tile Park Hotel, and requested Ald. McKinley to represent him. Council adjourned to the Finance l.leeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 8th. April, 1963. Clerk Mayor. ' FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 1st. April~ 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on April 1st. 1963, for tile purpose of approving .and also passi ~g .tile various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of tile Committee were present, Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Co~ittee. Sundry Accounts in the amoun~ of ~541,138.67 were approved by the The Accounts submi~ted, bcieg passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed h~ the Money By-law for Presentation to the Gouncil~ on tile motion of Ald. Mitchclson and Ald. Potter. The Proper~y Co~ittee~8 report on ~he application of Antonio and . Josepit AugsUet, for a building permit ~o erect a new building on part of Lot 5, Plan 653, west side of Main betwenu Lundy~u Lane and SUnm~er Street was presented. The Com~itcee suggested Chat the owner~ of the property be approached to secure title co a .trip of land approx. 5 feet in width so time in the future the sidewalk on the we~t Mde of Main St. can be constructed aPProximately 10 feet ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. 8wayze thaC the report in width.' and 'adopted. be received The Property Committee's report on the applieatj. on of Dr. hi. Y. Jeremia::, operator of the Niagara Motel and Trailer Park, to erect ewe signs, we;; pre!:t.ntcd for consideration. ORDERED on tile motion of Aid. 1.1cKipley and AId. Herton that tile report be received and adopted and the applicant bc advised that B)-law 52-',.~ provides ~hat a perulit canno~ be issued for the erecries of a :;ign if it purports to advertise a tourist establishment at all)' OtbCF location. Tile City Manager Is report on preliminary sketches prcse,ted for the ::ew Yorker Motel, located on Portage Road between Livingstone and I)unn Strcck~ was presented. The Architect was permitted to explain to Council what is propo:;ed and he presented plans of the same~ and requested Council's approval,in principle. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Keighan that the report of tile City Manager be received and filed apd the project be approvcd, in principle, and that any detailed plans and specifications presented to Council for their approval must meet with all requirements of existing by-laws of tile City of Niagara Falls. Carried, with AId. Morton-contrary. Aid. Ke~gban requested that there be a qualification of what is required, so that a heliport is not included, as this is not the intent 9f the ~potion made. The City Manager's report on the application of A. Iannuzzelli for a building permit to.erect a neon sign at tile Hilltop Motel, 967 Clifton llill, at an estimated cost of $1,200. was presented. ORDERED on the roeties of AId.Morton sad Aid. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and permit be issued. TIle City blanagcr's report on the application of E.Vonmmro for a permit to erect an 18,unit motel and apartment on Lot 195, Park StEeet, at an estimated cost of $75,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. Corfield titat the report be received and adopted and permit issued. Carried, with Aid.Morton-contrary. The City Mariagerms report on the application of Canada Dry Limited, 735 Kent Avenue, for a building permit to erect an addition to their warchoose at an estimated cost of $13,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Potter that tile report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of St. Thomas More's Parish, 2765 Dorchester Road, for a building permit to construct an addition to the Church to be used as a Rectory~ at an estimated cost of $68,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Potter that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Niagara Falls Union Centre, 2365 Drunmond Road, for a building permit for alterations to the interior of the buildbig to provide space and accon~odation for a lounge, at an estimated cost of $9,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId.Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Mariagerms report on the application of Mr. Frank Pinkhey, 2620 Barker Street, for a building permit to alter the building at the rear of his dwelling used as a p~geon loft, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the notion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that the report bc received and adopted and the application be referred to the Property Conwaittee for consideration and a report. The City Manager~s report on t~e application of Gunning Gasoline Markets, for a building.permit to make alterations to their station on ~he north side of Bridge Street, Just east of Victoria Avesue, at an estimated cost of $5,000. was Presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Potter and Ald. ~Drton that the report be received a~d adopted and permit issued. The City Manegerms report on the application of the Antique Auto Museum located on Falls Avenue, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign on tile Falls Avenue wall of the Pox tlead tietel, advertising the Auto Museum, at an estimated cost of $1,300. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and AId. Morton that the report be received aud adopted and permit issued. Ilia Worship Mayor Miller then advised that he had received a request front Michael Whetlet, regarding cite municipality purchasing space ill the Westlane 8.ecpn.d.ary ~c. hp.o.1. yea.r. Boo.~.,. an~ .inserting a mes.s.age .fX.o~ .~lXe. May~r ~nd .G.ouRcil of the sew City. ORI)ERED on Ctle nlotiou of AId. NcKinle:.- and AId. Swayze that chc request bc referred to His t':orship tile Mayor and tile Chairnlm~ of Finance with power Co act. The Conm!ittc. c arose and reported to Council ou the motion of AId. l'lcKinley anti Aid. Kcighan. READ AN]) ADOPTED, 8til. April, 1903. Clerk Chairman of Finan ..:. COUNCil. MEETING Counci 1 Chamber, lst.April, 1965. The Cormnittee re-ass,:mblcd at the close of the regular Couucil aud Finance Meetings on April 1st. 1953~ for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered tile accounts approved by the Comnlittee. All bittubers of Council were presemt. His Worship, Mayor Miller~ presided. _BX - No, 631_.___~U - A by-law to ppovide monies for general purposes. ORDEREl) on tile motion of Ald. Swayzc and Ald. Corficld that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing tile by~law and tile by-law be given tile first reading, .. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED ou the motion of Aid. blarein and AId. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Couucil be temporarily suspended .and tile by-law be giveu tile second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading .Ald. Swayze and Ald. blcCallnm - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference ou the moeion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, 8Clh April, 1963, Mayor. CONFERENCE l:;c. April, 196j. Council on Monday, April 1st. 1963. All Members of Council wcrc present. llis Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. oil tile motion of AId. Martin and AId. Morton, READ AND ADOPTED, 8th. April, 1963. NINETEENTII MEETING CouP. cil C ~amber, 8th.April, 1963. REGULAR HEE'EING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Henday, April 8th. 1903, for the purposc of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council wcre present. The Councii, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular meeting, adopted these.on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald.Morto,. CO~FJNICATIONS ].aid over Zrom previous meetings; .No. 4~ - Robt. A. Green - ell behalf of petitioners for extension of watermains along i'ho~o'~Sk~lej~hd, front Kalar Roacl to Garter Road, and tlleu north on Garner Road. ORDEREl) on the motion of Aid. Potter and Aid. Swayze that the co~unication be again tabled aud the.report.of the Sanitation and.Pollution Control.COn~Ctee adopted and referred back to the Conunittee. SEj~Report No. 192. No. 196 - Ontario Water Resources Commission - letter to Canadian Niagara Power Co. re Sewage Bi~pO~i~'~DERED on the motion of AId. Cotfield and Aid. Scott that the co~unication he tabled and the report of the Sanitation & Pollution Control Com- mittee, be adopted. SEE Report No. 193. -Ald. Hartin arrived at tile meeting - No. 225 - L. A. Beal- protest against service charge planned for calls involving private sew~r~%'~k~ERED on the motion of Aid. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report of the Sanitation and Pollution Coutrol Committee be adopted and the conmluni~ cation be received and filed. SEE Report No. 194 No. 233 - W. G. Booth - on behalf of Hr. Armsride Leo. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Norton and~k~.,~y that the conmunication be received, filed and the report of the Property Con~nittee be adopted. S~EE Report No, 195. No. 230.- !<eJl~a.n~d. County Federation of Agriculture - requesting grant. ORDERED on tile - - . - motxon of Ald, NcK~nley and Ald. 'eorfield that the conmmnication be received and filed and the report of the Chairman of Finance and City Manager be adopted. SEE Report No. 196. The following Conmmnications were pre~ent~e_d; No, 234 - Y,M.C.A, - reqnesting use of Cakes Park for Junior Olympic Program, ORDERED on ~[e' ~'tion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Corfield that the communication be reoeived~ filed and the report of the Parks and Recreation Con~ittee be adopted, Rep_oL N.._o.jpT.. · No. 235 - ~20~ Group, Niagars~ Our Saviour Lutheraa Church - reqnesting Baden-Powe~rk ~or w~ ~'~a~ ORDERED on t~ocion o~ Ald. use o~ Lord Morton and AId. Mitchelson that the comnunication be received, filed and the report of the Parks and Recreation Gom~ittee be adopted, S~EE Report No,198, No. 236 - Y's Mun~s Club - requesting permissieu to conduct a canvass, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Norton and Ald, MeCallum that ~he communication be received,. filed and permission granted as requested, N0. 237 - Youd~-in-Government Co!,~li~,~ee~o~f Y.)h~C.A. - requesting proclamal iun, use of Council Chambers on/,lay 9th. for Hock Council 14toting and the use of the City llall steps on April 27th. for campaigning purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. HcKinley and Aid. Swayze that con~nunication be received, filed, proclamation issued and permission granted as requested. :~o. 238 - ~oca_l ~j__3,_ CiXic _E_ml!!oXqqs!_ ~Uniom~- expressing appreciation fur stand taken by certain Aldermen on Garbage Removal issue. N0. 239 -Local 133, Civic Employees' Union - expressing disappointment for stae0 taken by one Alderman for the contracting out of Garbage Disposal. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. HcCallum that the conm~unications be received and filed. Previous to this actice, AId. Keighan made reference to the two connnunications and reiterated his previous stand in connection with the Garbage Service. No. 240 -_L_oq_a_l~13_3~_C_iyi~c_EmRl~o~Iqe_s' Un~io~! - invitation to Celebration on April 19th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the conmmnicatlon be received, filed and the invitation accepted and as many of the members of Council as find it possible, artcod. Me. 241 - !~iaJ~ara Falls Junior Chamber o~f~_Cp~m~,e_Lc~e - requesting permission to col/duct various methods of advertisement in connection with forthcoming ~nuslcal comedy. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Aid. McCallum that the conm~unication be received, filed and permission granted as requested. No. 242 - ~__~._M~a. tt_J!cj¢j - re salvagiog for scrap material. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Conm~ittee for submission of a report. No. 243 - C__itj~o_f~O_ttjwj - resolution for the adequate control of cutting up of civic streets by gas utilities, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hitchelson and Aid. Swayze t|~at the resolution he received and filed, N0. 244 - Stem-Falls Trucking Ltd. - requesting Council's support in their request to the Niagara Parks Cobrasissies to lift "truck restrictions" on portion of River Road. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKialey and Aid. Gorfield that the commnnication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for submissioa of a report. N0. 245 - Greater Niagara Con~nittee~ Ontario Odd Fellows and Rebekahs - requesting permission to hold a tag day, June 8th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and permission granted as requested. .He. 246 - Canadian Police Bulletin - requesting purchase of space in next Police Bulletin. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighao that the conm~uni- cation be' received and referred to the Chairman of Finance for investigation and with power to act, REPORTS ~aid over from previous meetings; No, 38 - City Engineer - report on Montrose Road Sewer, SEE R_ep_ort_. N~ube_r~_.l_._99. No, 91 - PrOperty Cormnittee - additional hydrauts in certain areas of the City, SEE Report Number 200, No, 168 - City Engineer - Drainage problem ou Siunicks Avenue, SE_EJeport Number 201, No, 190 - City Engineer - proposed construction of sewermains on Victoria Avenue and Centre Street, SEE..B.eport Number 202, The followiug Reports were presented; No, 192 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Conmittee - reco~mmndations re installation of watermains on Thorold Stone Road and on Garner Road, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and referred back to the Committee, SEE Conmmnication No,43. i;o. 193 - San_it_at|on and Pollution Control Connnittce - suggesting Can.Niagara Po~cr Co. aud Niagara Parks Commission bc approached to discuss [he matter of souage, after Gin) Engineer has revised ~-eport for service~; in the area. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Ceriield and Aid, Scott that the report be received and adop k ed. SEE Con~unication 196. 1;o. 194 - ~l~nt~_tio~ ~%. pojj~)j2>~ Co~y~pj C~,,_~jjt~ - recounendinq cleaning of sewers be paid for by owners if blockade is on private property,and if blockade in sewer requires e:Scavation and is ou street allowance the cost be borne by the C5 ty.ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Potter and Swayze that the report be .received and adopted. SEE Conm{unication 225. No. ]95 ' PJ"~I{i'j_i "l '~=t~c,c - rccglmncnding decision of Conradtree of Adjusvment on Armando Lco~n application be ophcld. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Scott tha~ the report be received and adopted. SEE Colmnunication 233 No. 196 - ~{~.Jlanar~e_lI - reconunendation of Chairman of FinallOt e City Manager re grant of ~1,000. to Welland County Federation of Agriculture. ORDERED on the motion of AId. l.]cKinley and Aid. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Con~nuaication 230. No. 197 ' ParJ~s~&gec/~_t_io~ C~o~nitte. q - rcconmmndin~ pernlission be granted to Y.M.C.A. for use of Oakas Park on Saturday, May 25th. from 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Corficld that the report be received and adopted. SEE Comnunication 23i, No. 198 ' Pj!j!s ~ Recreation Corn|tree - reconmmnding permission be granted to No. 20 Niagara, Our Savionr Lutheran Church for use of Lord Baden-Powell Park for a week end camp~ July 5th. to July 7th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. SEE Coxmunication 235. ~o. , 199 - Sanitation & Pollutiou Control Comma|tree - re Montrose sewers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. ~gg Repor[ Number 38. No. 200 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Co.nittce - suggesting matter of additiona3 fire hydrants be laid over. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Corfield and Ald,Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report No, 91.. No, 201 - S~J~it~j~nj Pollution Control Corn|tree - suggesting easement be secured for construction of catchbasins located on privatd property to relieve flobding conditions on Sinnlcks Avenue, north of Thorold Stoue Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report'No. 168. No. 202 - Sanitation & Pollution Coatrol Committee - recommending definite decision be held in abeyance until Capital Budget presented and work of sewer construction on Victoria Avenne and Centre Street be proceeded with at a time when there will b~ no interference with tourist traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze aud Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 190. Ng. 203 - Parks & Recreation Committee - recommending negotiatious be completed re exchange of land with reference t~mbers aad the Stewart Eatate. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and AId. McKinley that the report be received and adopted. No. 204 - Pa__r.ks &__Rejr__e.ation Committee - advising complete schedule for the use of various parks of the City will be pre~ented to Com)cil at a later date. ORDERED o~ the motion of Ald, Swayze and Ald, McKinley that the report be received and filed. No. 205 - Parks & Recreation Oommi~tee - recommending work on Lord Baden-Pow~ll Park, W, L. ||ouck Park, Ker Park and Mitchelson Park, be undertake, n immediately, ORDERED on the motJ. on of Ald, McKinley and AId. Cotfield that the report hu,~eceived ,an~.| adopted, parks & Recreat{on Committee - suggostin~ ne~otiations ~:ith H.E.P,C. re 206 f r '\i lley W y. of A a.Mor ,,n road to s and Ald. Potter the report be received and adopted. No 207 - Parks & Recreation Connnittcc - re appraisal by Realtor Chcrr>~.~ood Acres Subdivision. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. l' oK|rileY and >~ld.Morton ~hat the report be received and adopted. x~ . 208 Parks & Recreation Committee - re minor alterations ~.e press box at ..o - Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of Ahl, McKinley and AId, Mitchelson chat the report be received and adopted. Dio. 209 - Parks & Recreation Conunictec - re alterations to lronc of Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKi]~fdy and Aid. potter that the report be received and adopted. N0. 210 - Sanitation & pollution Control Co~ji~t~c - suggesting tritons|on proposed b) H. G. ,~cres & Co, Ltd. ~or Bohna-Litwin to complete pump houses for the Sewage Control Plant~ be approved. ORDERED on the moCiou of Ah]. McKinley and Aid.CorE|old that the report be received and adopted. No. 211 - Sanitation & Pollution CoutrpJ - advising roecuing has been arranged for April 16th. to consider plumbing By-law prepared for the new City. ORDERED on the notion of AId. Morton and Aht. Swayze that the report bc received and filed. Fhc City Clerk augtested that the Licensing Fees Con~ittee he given authority to deal with several other ~tt~s concerning by-laws and other forms of activity aud was so ordered on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. McCallurn that the request the City Clerk be granted. N0. 212 - Prjpert}~jo~|tree ' Fiorentino operations on Ottawa Avenue. On the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Swayze it was ordered that Mr. Earl Vernon be permitted to address Council. Mr. Vernon referred to conditions at the Fiorentino buildings and queried the legality of such erections a~ whether by-laws were being enforced. Following a full discussion, it was ordere~ on the motion of Ald.Mitchelson and Aid. Scott that the report be received and tabled, and all members of Council be completely informed with all details with respect to all building permits issued and the site be inspeqted. Carried Unanimously. No. 213 - ~uipment Committee - rcconm~ending contract he entered into with the Canadian Marcon| Company for the installation of remote stations and mobile unita as contained in the Committee~s report. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Corfield and Aid. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No, 214 - Negotiations Go~ittee - further meeting arranged for April 9th. with Local 1~3, Employees~ Union, to discuss staff necessary for operation of Carry-out, Carry-back service of the Garbage Department. ORDERED on the motion o~ Ald,Swayze and Aid, Gotfield that the report be received and filed. No. 215 - Git}' M~nager ' correcting erroneous statements contained in letter from W. C. Anderson dealing with garbage question. ORDERED on .the motion of Aid.Morton and Aid. Cotfield [hat the report be received and made available to the press for public| ty. No. 216 - Cj~JanaM - recomnending attendance of ~. ~, Laur, Sup. t. at Ontario Good Roads Association's T. J. Mahony Road School, in Toronto, May 13th. & 14th. ORDERED on the m~tion of Ald. Potter and Aid. Swayze that the r~port be received and adopted. N0. 217 - City Manager - reco~mnding J. Smyth be permitted to attend Municipal Purchasing Agents~ one-day Workshop in Waterloo, April 26th, and Canadian Purchasing Conference in Toronto, May 26th. to 28th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Gorfield and AId. MsKinley that the report be received and adopted, No. 218 - City Clerk - reso~ending issuance of licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. 8wayze. that the report be ~ecetved and adopted and likencos Issued a~cordingly. No. 219 - Gomaittee of Adjustment - advising of ~ectston of Con~nittce re applications 0f Anthony Ro~co and ~ordon D~ll-Rob~rt Goombe. ORDERED on the motion of Ald,Bway~c m~d Ald. ~orfteld that ~lm ~cpo~t be ~etved and No. 220 - Assistant to Ci~i _M. ana~J_cK-/~dmiuisl:rative - re agreements for Lhe develo:l lncnL of 'Fondan HoldinEs Limited. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and AId'. Kcigban that the report be rcc3ivcd, adopted and the by-law of ratificatiou in connection viLh the ~FecuLion of a Developer ~s Agreement and a Site Plan Agrcemc,~, be presented. qEE ~,-!~.~63~3. No. 221 - 5an~j~qtion ~,po!lp~m~flontrol ~onmittee - reeD,unending request of PctiCim~ers for in.;tal]ation of sewers on Thorold Stone Road, west of Monkrose Rd. be laid over tot detailed repork of City Coginset. ORDERED on tbe motion of Ald. Mitchclsou and A1j. ~?-'ai,::..~ 'bat ch~ report be received and adopted. SEE Petitiou Number 7. PETITION Laid over from a l~'e,.Iious meetinJi~ Xo. 7 - R. ~,.:arcup~aljd~31 o~tjkc~is - requcstin~ se~:er installation on Thorold Stone Road, ~:est of Q.E.L. ORDfZRE]) ou the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the peti~ ion be again tabled peadinE submission of a detailed report by the City Engineer. SEE ReFort No.22| RESOLUTIONS The follo~:ing R~esolutions were passe, d_; '.':o. 35 - 5WAYZE - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that a n:cssage of sympathy on behalf of Ills Worship the l.layor and l.lentbcrs of the City Council be forwarded to Sgt. John Tustin and Mr. Norman Tustin, upon the death of their Mother, tile lake Mrs. Katie Tusk|n; and the Sea. 1 of tile Corporation be bereto affixed. Carried UnauimousJ~,. .No. 36 - MORTON - CORFIELD - RESOLVED that tile next regular meeting of the City Council be held on Wednesday, April 17tb. 1963, coImnencing at 8 'p.m. and tbe Seal the Corporation be bereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl: BY -LAWS TIle followings, By-laws were passed; }'o 6311 d A by-law to provide for remundration of members of Council. ORDERED on tile motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Corfield that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tile by-law be read the 1st. time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. biertin and AId. blitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the gtanding Rules of Council be temporarily suspeuded and the b~-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Read|n8 -Ald. McKinley and Ald. HcGallum - Carried Unanimously. .No. 6312 - A by-law to graut retirement allowa.nces to municipal employees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Ald. Gotfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tile by-law be given the first reading, - Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId, Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading, - Carried Unanimously, Third ReadlaB - AId. Scott and Ald. Potter - Carried Unanimously, vo. 6313 - A by-law to authorize tbc e:~ecution of a Dcveloper's Agreement nod a .... Site Plan Agreement with Tondan Holdings Limited. ORDERED on the motion of AId. blcKiuley and Aid. Mitchclson dlat Ald. Keigban be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the hy-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and AId. Corfield [:hat Rule 3~ (?) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. third Reading - AId. Morton and Ald. blcCallum - Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and jAtd. Swayze that the City Manager be authorized to issue a building permit in connection widl this proposed development, with tile understanding that the money has been paid and the Agreements have been registered. Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS AId. Scott requested an explanation concern|u5 double water rate bills which he has received complaiuts about from residents, of tile former 'township of Stamford, and the City Manager proceeded to explain the procedure taken to prepare the water bills and tbc reason for the lateness in issuiug water bills, and suggested that if there were any questions regarding the amount of the bills, tile person complaining should get in touch with the clerk of the Water Department who will explain the reason for such amounts. AId. Martin queried whether citizens were receiving discount on watcr bills, and referred to Account Number 25-409 who claimed no discount was allowed.. Aid. Keighan referred to the system that water rates must be paid in advance and queried why this had not been publicized for tile bellefit of residents of the former Township who had not been accustomed to paying water bills in advance. The Alderman queried the possibility of having the City Uall open on Saturday mornings to accommodate citizens who are down down paying bills and pointed out that most people get off work at the same time the office closes duriug tile week and therefore are not able to pay accounts at the City Hall. His Worship the Mayor requested the City Manager to take this under advisement and submit a report thereon. AId. 'K~ighan referred to the problem of littering of properties of citizens around Beaverdmns Road~ Garner Road, etc. and queried as to tile submission of a rep'ort on this, and pointed out that the residents are concerned and he felt that this was a serious matter and should be dealt with. The City Engineer proceeded to outline the steps taken to meet this problem in frout of the Greenspan property and advised that because of tile amount of work with which tile staff is now involved, it has not been possible to deal with the littering at the side of tile roads. AId. Keighan referred to the reference made by the biayor to the possibility of a room tax a few weeks ago, which had not met with much response from Council or the public, and was of the opinion that a meeting should be held to discuss this and ether possible sources of revenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Scott that a meeting be arranged so that Conncil may discuss this topic along with o~her possibilities to establish sources of revenue for the municipality. Council adJourued to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. McCallum, READ AND ADOPTED, 17th, April, 1963. ~lerk Mayor, FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 8tb. April, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on April 8th, 1903, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which lied bccn previously ccrtifi. and placed before them. All 1.lembers of the ConmHttce were present. Aid. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $284,523.84 were approved by tile Commit tee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise deal~ with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for preseutation to tile Council, on tile motion! of Aldemnan Morton and Alderman Potter. 'FIle Property Committee's report on the application of Mr, Frank Pinknc. 2620 Barker Street, for a building permit to construct a building at the rear of his premises, to be used as a pigeon loft, at aa estimated cost of $300. was pre- sented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. Potter tile report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Managcr's report on the application of Mr. A. A. MacBain, for a building permit to construct a new Law Office huilding on the north side of Queen Street, between Buckley Avenue and Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $18,500. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Corfield that tile repox-t be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Marine Wonderland and Animal. Park, 3657 Portage Road, to erect a rectangular aluminum panelling on tilt premises of Loretie Academy, at an estimated cost of $800. was presented for consid- eration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Potter and Aid. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. TIle City Manager's report on the application of Mr. G. tlyska, 2188 Scott Street, for a permit to erect a plastic sign at an estimated ~ost of $225. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on tile motion of Aid, Corfield and AId. Morton that tile report be received and adopted and permit issued. TIle City Manager's report on tile application of Racey Bros. Tile~ 2475 Lundy~s Lane, for a permit to erect an overhanging illuminated and aluminum sign, at an estimated cost of $600. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. Potter that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. TIle City Manager's report on tile application of Mr. L. Siedersberger, proprietor of tile House of Niagara, 1274 Ferry Street, for a permit to erect an over- hanging neon sign, at an estimated cost of $1,200. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, Corfield that tile report 'be received, adopted and permit issued. TIle City Manegerms report on tile application of Mr. L. Siedersberger, proprietor o[ tile/louse of Niagara, 1274 Ferry Street, for permission to erect five signs, was presented for ronsideration. The City Manager suggested in his report that tile owaer of the premises should be contacted because of tile fact that a total of six signs on one building seemed to be excessive and would tend to depreciate properties in tile area. ORDEREl) on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Corfield titat tile report be received and referred to the Property Comnittee for consideration and submission of a report. AId. Hartin was of tile opinion that thc first sign applied for, at an estimated cost of $1,200. which would advertise among other timings - "Exhibitions", should be taken under advisements to ascertain the meaning of the word "exhibitions".. the Conueittce arose and rcportcdto Council on the i.!o; ion of AI<i. Mort.ot~ and Aid. 3cCal lure. READ A-~D ADOFlED, 17th. April, 1963, C 1 e r k Chairman of Finance. COUNCIl, MEETING Council Chainher, Sth. April, 1963. TIle Cotmdttee re-assembled at the closq of tile regular Council and Finance !.icetints, on April 8tb. 1963, for tile purpose of passing the by-law which covered I.he accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Cotu~cil were present. llis Worship, Hayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passedL No, 6314 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERE6 on tile motion of Ald. HcKinlcy and Ald. Mitchclson that Ald. Martin be grant.cd the privilege of introducing the by-law and tile by-law be read the first time. - 'Earrind Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cor£ield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Gouncil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Genrefence on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald, Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 17th. April, 1963. Clerk ' i! TWENTIETH MEETING COr~ERENCE . Council Chamber, 8th. April, 1963. The Colmnittee asseulblcd ill Confersace, following the regular meeting Council on Motiday, April Sth, 1963. All. Members of Council were present. His Worship, [~yor Miller, presided as Chairman. Following consideratiou of.the items prestoted to tbcm, the Conference adjouroed oil the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. McCallurn, READ AND ADOPTED, 17th. April, ~963. Council Chamber, 17th. April, 1963. REGULAR MEETING pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 8.00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17th. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield. DEPUTATION On the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton, it was ordered that a Mr. Anderson be given permission to speak. He apologized for the statement that had been made in his letter due to the fact that Council had not received his first letter and he questioned from what source the press reports emanated and was advised that the minutes were taken by the press representatives at the Council Meeting. He also queried why there was no mention in the press reports about a by-law establishing certain retirement allowances. On the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley, Mr. A. Gampel was permitted to address the Council. He requested Council to proclaim the week of April 21st. in coranemoration of 21st. Anniversary of the Jewlsh Massacre in the Warsaw Ghetto , ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the proclamation be Lssued as requested. ~EE Resolutio~ No..37t Mr. C. R. Cook was permitted to speak to Council on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. McCallum. He proceeded to outline his proposed operation for the garbage collection which, in his opinion, would save the City thousands of dollars and stated that he had the'details of what service he was prepared to give. SEE Communicat. _ io~n No~2_5~ CO~R~UNICATIONS Laid over from.a previous meeting; No. 73 - Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation - re Project 8/48. ORDERED on the motion ~f AId. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the comnunication be again tabled for one week'and the City Manager ascertain what rental tenants are paying as of now. SEE___~qrt Number 222. T__he following Conm~unications were presented; N0. 247 - Niagara Peninsula Sanatorium - invitation to Annual Meeting. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Corfteld that the communication be received, filed and a htter be forwarded containing the reason ~or Council~s inability to attend. No. 248 - Cossnittee of Adjustment - notice of hearing of hearing on application of T. Pedoriw for permission to construct an extension of 8 motel Units to existing motel. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed, No. 249 - Committee of Adjustment - notice of hearing on application ~f T. Fiorentino and Sons. Ltd. for permission to construct a two-storey extension to existing slaughter house building to be used as a coldroom and of£ices. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Swayse that the communication be received and the City Manager and City Solicitor be instructed to appear before the hearing to register objection to any further extensions. No. 250 - Lundy's Lane Volunteer Fire Department - requesting permission to use Prince Edward Ball Park on Tuesday nights. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. Corfield that the conmunication be referred to the Parks and Recreation Conm~ittee with power to act. No. 251 - Ontario Teen-Age Safe Driving Championships - requesting permission to hold a parade on June 15th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId.Morton that the conmaunication be received and filed and permission granted and the City Clerk be instructed to contact the Chief of Police regarding the possibility of changing the location of the fornmtion of the parade. No, 252 - Welland County Branch, Can. Mental Health Association - Annual Fund-Raising Campaign. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communi- cation be received and filed and a proclamation be issued, at the City's expense. No. 253 - Downtown Businessmen - requesting permission to erect three directional signs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the ~raffic Committee for consideration and a report. No. 254 - Park Hotel - requesting establishment of a crosswalk. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report. No. 255 - George. Burke - expressing opposition to carry out - carry back garbage pick up. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and AId. Morton that the communication be received and filed. No. 256 - C. R. Cook - submitting application to Council for permission to submit a tender for placing out of garbage cans. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, tabled and the writer be requested to discuss his proposition with the City Manager, and if'he still desires, to prexent something more concrete for Councll's consideration. No. 257'- Niagara Falls & District Labour Council - resolution calling On She Govern- ment of the Province of Ontario to reduce the work week to 40'hours. On'the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield it was ordered that Mr. W. E. Cooper, President of the Labour Council, or anyone else, be permitted to speak to Council. Mr. Cooper referred to the seriousness of the employment situation and asked Council to hear from 6he of his representatives, and Mr. Hague proceeded to elaborate on the resolution before Council and the advantages which would result from the 40 hour work week. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the resolution be received and endorsed. No. 258 - Domenic Chiarella ( LaRiviera Motel) - requesting change in bus stop. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. Potter that the connunication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report. No. 259 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application MarineIll, and advising that the request to fezone fromAgricultural to Tourist- Commercial be not recommended to City Council for approval. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the communication be received~ filed and the recommendation of the Planning Board be approved. Carried~ with Ald. Martin-contrary; Ald. Martin, one of Council's representatives on the Planning Board, was of the opinion that there had been insufficient information whe~ the matter was'dealt with by the Planning Board. No. 260 - City of Owen Sound - resolution to amend clauses of The Secondary Schools' Act, pertaining to the power of Boards of Education, to demand two mills in the current tax levy for capital projects. ORDERED on She motion of AId. Martin and AId. scott that the resolution be received and referred to the City MAnager and the Gity Solicitor for consideration and a report. REPORT___~S The following Reports were presented; No. 222 - City Manager - reconmnending that C.M.H.C. be asked to increase tax payments on houses by $60. per annum, resultin8 in the rent paid by occupants being increased $5. par month. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. $wayze that the'report be received and tabled for one week and the CityManager be instrusted to ascertain what rental tenants are paying as of now. 8..EE. Communication No.73 N0. 223 - CitX_ManaM ' recommending that the proposals contained in the City Engineer's'rePort regarding planting of ornamental trees be approved and trees be obtained immediately from the Gauld Nursery. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. potter and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 224 - till Manager ' recommending approval of report of City Engineer regarding reCOnstruction of Victoria Avenue from Bridge Street to Niagara Parks Commission boulevard. ORDERED on the motion of AId.McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted and work proceeded with as soon as possible. No. 225 - Ci~_Manager - explanation re water bills forwarded to City residents. It was moved b~Ald.'~artin, seconded by Ald. Scott that the report be received, filed and the discount which was not allowed be made available to the water rate payers on the next billing. This motion was lost by a vote o£ 8 to 2, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott; Nays - Aid. Swayze, Keighan, McKinley, Mitchelson, McCallum, Potter, Morton and Corfield. An amendment that the report be received and filed, made by Ald. McCallum and Ald. McKinley, was carried, with Alder- man Martin and Alderman Scott-contrary. N0. 226 - City Man_a~er - advising that copies of schedule for holidays is being forwarded to all paid men of the four Fire Departments and the nmtter is to be discussed by the Executive of Local 528, with its members and a report brought back at a later date. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and filed. No. 227 - Negotiations Committee - City Manager to prepare certain schedules for consideration of Committee re hiring of permanent employees to fill 12 positions in Sanitation Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and filed. No. 228 - City Manager - advising that Mr. Czerewaty has filed a plan for proposed motel on Lots 728 and 729, east side of Stanley Avenue between North Street and Kltchener Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. No. 229 - Assistant to City Manager, Administrative - report on appraisals made for 1.09 acres of land in Block C. R.P. 230, for park purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and AId. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 230 - AssiStant to City Manager, Engineering - attendance at Canadian Building Officials ~nference. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed and his recommendation regarding immediate study of possible revision of permi~ fees be adopted. No. 231 - Committee of Adjustment - reporting on decisions made on three applications heard.recently. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 232 - Propert~ Committee - recommending portion of Staff Report of Planning Board dated December 4th~ 1962~ entitled Supplement No. 1, under Staff Recom~,endations~ be approved in respect to Items 1 to 5 and necessary Site Plan and Developer's Service A~reement, be prepared prior to O.M.B. hearing, in connection with Kobald property. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and AId. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 233 -. property Committee - re Tri-party agreement with Kiwanis Village and recommending that requested changes be adopted with exception of residence limit and that agreement as amnnded be approved in principle, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mttchelson and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 234 * City Clerk - reco~nendin~ that licences be granted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. $wayze that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were pass__e~; No. 37 - CORFIELD - MITCHELSON - RESOLVED that His Worship the Mayor proclaim the week of April 21st. in con~aemoration of the struggle of the Jewish Peoples against attempted extermination by. the Nazis, in the Warsaw Ghetto, during World War and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously, No. 38 - MITCMELSON - SCOTT - RESOLVED that we authorize the purchase of approximately 1.09 acres of land in Block C, Registered Plan 230, at a price of $2,616.00 for the purpose of increasing the area of park land in this plan and that the cost of the land be charged to the special 5 percent for Public Purposes account subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs; and the Seal of the Corpor- ation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 39 - MCKINLEY - SWAYZE - resolved that a special meeting of Council be held on Wednesday, April 24th. 1963, cormnesting at 6 p.m. when Council will assemble in a body and proceed to view the premises of T. Fiorentino & Sons on Ottawa Avenue, following which they will return to the Council Chambers for discussion on this and matters pertaining to the Fire Department; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl1. BY-I~WS The followinR By-laws were passed; No. 6315 - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Scott that Aid. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the 1st. time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading.- Aid. Morton and AId. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6316 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that AId.McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st. reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and j AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the byelaw be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald, Cotfield and Aid, Morton - Carried Unanimously. No. 6317 * A by-law regulating the installation of entrance culverts, ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Potter that AId. Scott. be 8ranted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the 1st. time. - Carried Unanimously. O~DERED on the motion of AId. Scott and AId. Mort~n that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of. Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given , the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third reading * AId, Morton and AId. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6318 - A by-law for requiring and regulating the filling up, cleaning up, and " clearing of any grounds, yards or vacant lots within the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aldo Swayze that Alderman Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mitchelson and Ald. McCallum that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Potter and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS His Worship Mayor Miller and Members of Council expressed their deep concern over the decision of the International Silver Company, located at the corner of River Road and Buttrey Street, to close their plant and move to Perth, resulting in the unemployment of the silverworks employees. The opinion was expressed that the Industrial Con~nissioner, whenever he has any knowledge of such possibility of a firm transferring from this area to another, should immediately release this information to Council in Conference in order that action might be instituted to at least try to influence the firm to stay in this area. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald, Swayze that any one present in the Council Chamber from the Internscions1 Silver Company, wishing to be heard be granted permission. Mr. John Landry stated that all were concerned over the Company~s announcement to move out of this area; the employees had received a generous severance pay hut that any action would have to come from either the Federal Government or the municipal government in finding jobs for those laid off. AId. Morton referred to the situation the other evening at the Area during the hockey game when debris was thrown on the ice and small boys , not over 12 years of age, were sent out to clean up the same and that none of the regular Arena employees had appeared to do this job. The City Manager advised that instructions have been issued to the regular employees about performing such duties. The Council then returned to the subject of the lay-off of International Silver Company employees and Ald. Keighan saggeared that it might be helpful to some of the men laid off to, while they have this severance allowance, to check with the Employment Office about the possibility of enrolling in some of these vocational courses that are paid for by ~ederal and provincial Government; that certain courses last from six months to a year and remuneration is paid while a person is being trained. His Worship Mayor ~iller suggested that any one interested, might contact Mr. Jos. Broderick on Armoury Street, who would give all information available. Ald. Swayze referred to the revised schedule of garbage pick-up and the City Engineer outlined what the operation would be and that it is hoped that the sew routes Would be in operation about the end of A~ril and residents will be notified by handbill about their pick-ups and refuse collection days. He stated that insolaf as possible, refuse will be picked up the same time as garbage collection. His Worship Mayor Miller referred to a report of the last Council meeting and the statement when he had first suggested the possibility of a room tax. ~e advise that he had introduced the subject that night to get public re-action, and that he did not want the impression to go abroad that he did not have the support o[ Council~ because he was aware that Council had not had the opportunity to consider His Worship Mayor Mtller then clarified an erroneous statement that had been made in the press, concerning a letter which was said to have been addressed to the Mayor. He stated that any communication addressed to ht~ as Mayor is not given to the City Council, only those addressed to the Mayor and Council, and that the letter in question was addressed to theMayor and Council and not to himselL His Worship the Mayow expressed the desire to hold a special meeting of Council on Wednesday, April 24'th. at 6 p.m. to consider two requests on hand, and then go up to view the Fiorentino property in a body and return to the Council Chamber to consider this matter and then to discuss the items concerning the Fire Department. Sg~ ReSolution, Number ~9,~. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton, READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd. April, 1963, Clerk Mayor - Alderman Mttchelson left the meeting - The City Manager's report on the application of Canadian Carborundum Co. Ltd. for a building permit to make alterations to the interior of one of their buildings, on Stanley Avenue, at an estimated cost of $23,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. Aid. Mitchelson returned to the meeting. The City Managerls report on the application of F. Primerano, for a building permit to erect a one-storey building on his premises at 3549 Kalar Road, at an estimated cost of $6,000. was presented for consideration, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, The report of the Assistant to the City Manager, Engineering, advising of the issuance of a building permit to Tendan Holdings, for the construction of a 45-unit apartment building at the south-west corner of Drummond Road and Valley Way, at an estimated cost of $250,000.00. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd. April, 1963. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 17th.April, 1963, The Finance Meeting was held on April 17th. 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were.present, ~ldarmhn Martin, Chairman of Finance~ presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $458,809.75 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton. The City Manager's report on the application of Dr. T, A. ~amieson, owner of the New Yorker Motel, located on Portage Road, between Livings{one Street and Dunn Street, for a building permit to erect four buildings, at an es'timated cost of $50,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AXd. McKinley and AId. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The CityManager's report on the application of Louis Abramowicz, 59 Summit Avenue, Welland, for a bulldinE pentit to erect a 14-unit'apartment building on Lot 113, on the north side of Valley Way, between Portage Road and Drummond Road, at an estimated cost of $98,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Sw~ze that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City ManaEer's report on the application of Mrs. Elizabeth Rasi, operator of the Palace Restaurant~ Stamford Centre Shopping Centre, for a permit to erect a neon roof sign, at an estimated cost of $500. wa~ presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. Th~ Ctty Managerss report on the application of Ray James Appliances, 493 Portage Road, for a permit to erect a plaetic~ illuminated facet sign~ at an estimated cost o~ $650. was presented ~or consideration. ORDERED On the motion of AId. Morton and AId, Cor[ield that the repo~t' be rece'lved~ adopted and permit issued. Clerk Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 17th. April, 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Wednesday, April 17th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, prestded~ BY -LaW The following By-law was passed; No. 6319 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. .... ORDEREd' 6fi' the mo~i0n' o~ Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze tha~ Ald. Martin be g~anted the privilege of introduoinS the by-law and the by-law be Eiven the first reading, - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the StandfeE Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~hird Reading - AId. gway--e and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously, At the request of AId. Mitd:elson, a copy of the communication from Dr. L.W.C, Sturgeon, Director of the Welland and District Health Unit, is to be made available to all Members of Council and also tb the press. The City Clerk advised that the Annual Welland County Municipal Association meeting is to be held in Welland on April 24th. 1963, commencing at 10.O0 A.M. and a dinner will be served at the Rose Villa at 6 p.m. Due to the inability of members of Council to attend, it was ordered on the motion of Alderman Mitchelson and Alderman Morton that the officials who find it convenient be authorized to attend. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Ald.Mitchelson. READ AR~) ADOPTED, 22nd. April, 1963. Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 17th.April, 1963, The Committee assembled in Conference following the regular meeting of Council on Wednesday, April 17th, 1963. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motiou of Aid. Potter and Aid, Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, 22rid. April, 1963; TWENTY-FIRST MEETING Council Chamber, 22nd. April, 1963. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, April 22nd, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. Tbe Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, welcomed to the meeting the Alpha Zeta Chapter of the Y.M.C.A. TENDERS Tenders received for supplies for the year 1963 were ordered opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and referred for tabulation, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings;_ N0, 312 - (1962 File) - Greater Niagara Ambulance Service - requesting an increase in grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aldo Cotfield that the communication be received, filed and an increase o£ 2¢ per capita in the subsidy payable to the Ambulance Service be paid for the balance of the year 1963 and that, well before the end of the current year, the whole matter be again reviewed. SEE___Report Number 235. N0.73 - Central Mortgage & Housing Corjoration - re Project 8/48. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and C,M.H.C. be requested to increase tax payments approximately $60. per annum ~EE. Rejprt Number 236. SEE Revised Recommendjtio-n~LReP°rt N°'247-~' No. 254 - Park Hotel - requesting installation of a crosswalk on Clifton Hill. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the couar~nication be received, filed and request be granted, but location of same be deferred until the construction work at the Park Hotel has progressed further so that the most suitable location can be adopted, SE~ Report Number 238. No. 255 - Domenit Chiarella (LaRiviera Motel) ~ requesting removal of a bus stop. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Scott and Ald. Morton that the communication be received~ filed and no change be made in the location of the bus stop at the present time, S~Report Number 239. No. 256 - Oven Sound - resolution re expenditures for educational purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, McCallum that the resolution be received and endorsed, SEE Report Number 240. The following Communications were presented; No. 257 - Lady Drummond 842, LOBA - invitation to display on April 22rid. at 8 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Corfield that the invitation be rsoeived~ filed and a letter of thanks be forwarded, with explanation .of Council*s inability to attend due to Council Meeting the same night. No. 253 - Downto~m Business - requesting permission to erect three directional signs. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. McCallum that the cou~nunication be received, filed and request granted. SEE Report ~umber 237. No. 258 - Br~ooks, Cromarty, Baker and Swayze - application for Order for extension of interim rates, Provincial Gas Company. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan that the cormuunication be received and filed. No, 259 - Alderman Robt. F. Keighan - in answer to two letters from Recording Secretary of Local 133, Niagara Palls Civic Employees' Union, concerning contract- ing out of City's garbage service, and advising of contact made with Ottawa, Cornwall, Hull, and Kitchener and information received did not support statements made in the letters received by Council from the Union Secretary. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Scott that the con~aunication be received and Council explore immediately the possibility of contracting out of the garbage service. This motion was lost by a vote of 8 to 2, the vote being - Aye -Ald, Keighan, Scott; Nays - AId. Swayze, Martin, McKinley, Mitchelson, M~Callum, Potter, Morton and Corfield. Prior to this action, Ald. Keighan stated that he thought with the additional information.he had obtained, that it might ~e sufficient to at least have Council look into the matter a little bit further and that it was his understanding that some of the other municipalities which he had not contacted, had even better service than those he had heard from. He stated that he had not been shown by anyone where he was wrong in his recommendation and it ~a~ his opinim~ that the suggested savings are considerable enough to warrant further investigation, and that the men who have been placed on the present garbage service are temporary men. Ald. Morton referred to the Ottawa set up and stated that it was his under- standing that the City of Niagara Palls gives a different service as restaurants and hotels are serviced every day. At this point, on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan, Mr. w. Snyder was given permission to speak on this communication. He queried the definition of a pressure group and stated that the Merger was set up to improve the service and that any contracting out of garbage services would reduce the salaries of the men employed on this work or reduce the services. AId. Corfield was of the opinion that there was absolutely no comparison in the services given by the City of Niagara Fails and these other municipalities since our population doubles in the tourist season. Ald. Martin was of the opinion that the garbage service in the old City of Niagara Palls for the past 25 years has been adequate and that any change would be a step back"wards. The Aid erman stated that 1963,which was to be a trial year, Council should assess the Budget and if it was found that expenses were rising higher than the taxpayer could cope with, the garbage collection would be one way of making a study at that time; it was his feeling that there have be~n a lot of controversial discussions about the garbage pick-up and if it were carried on much longer, it would create a problem between the residents of the former Township and those of the City and that Council should get on with other items before them and'if ~o~e study is made to cut down on expenditures, this should be made at the end of 1963. Ald. Mitchelson advised that although his stand was not with the majority on the garbage pick-up issue, he would not support the motion of Ald. Keighan, and in reference to Alderman Martin's statement concerning the setting of a weight maximum for garbage cans, and the possibility of regulating the number of feet, collectors would have to go to pick up garbage cans, Ale. Mitchelson was of the opinion that this would create a hardship on residents of the former Township, but would not affect City residents. The Alderman stated that Merger meant unification of services end that he had talked to hundreds o~ people and that the consensus of opinion was that there would be no real hardship to garry the garbage to the curb, AId, Keighan was still of the opinion, after communtc~ting with the four municipali° ties, that the contracting out is the only answer to t~e City's costs situation insolaf as garbage service is concerned, On the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton, Mr. C. R. Cook was perntitted to speak, and he referred to the inferior service which had been indicated if contracting out of garbage was inaugurated, and the trouble that AId. Keighan had gone to in order to obtain proof from these muu. icipalitiea to pFove that the contracting out service was efficient, No. 260 - Niagara Falls Professional Fire Fighters, Local 528 - advising of concern over lateness of posting schedule for vacations of fireman. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McCallum and AId. Hitchclass that the communication be received and referred to the Special Council Meeting~ scheduled for Wednesday, April 24th, In connection with this communication, Mr. T. Shap~on was permitted to address Council, on the' motion of AId. Potter and Ald, Morton. He referred to 'the clause in the Agreement with the Clty of Niagara F~lls concerning sys~mm of picking vacations and ~hat the new members from the £ormer 1~p. Departments coming into the Niagara Falls Local 528 .does not change the situa~l on and the maJority of these men are in favou~, N0, 261 - Allan'Baxter, - requesting revision of By-laws 2049 and 4033. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.~cCallum and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the property Committee for consideration and a report. No. 262 - ~s. As__soc. Unit 104 - requesting permission to hold annual Canadian Corps pilgrimage parade on June 8th. and requesting barricading of certain streets. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the eonu~unication be received, filed and permission granted as requested. REPORTS Th_/efollowin~ R~ports were presented; No. 235 - Joint Ambulance Committee - recommending increase of 2¢ per capita in ~ubsidy payable to Ambulance Service. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No.312,, N0. 236 - Ci~~ ' recommending C .M.H.C. be requested to increase tax payments approximately $60. per annum. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No.73. SEE Resolution Number 40. SEE Revised Recommendati~g_eport No.247 No. 237 - Traffic Committe~ - recommending that directional, signs be permitted to be erected by Downtown Businessmen's Association at intersections of Bender and Ontario; Simcoe and Ontario; palmer and Jepson St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. McCallum that the report be received and adopted. SEE Conmlunication No.253. No. 238 - Traffic Committee - recommending installation of crosswalk for park Hotel on Clifton Hill but location be eelerred until construction work at Hotel has progressed further so that the most suitable location can be used. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 254. No. 239 - Traffic Cojittee - recommending no change in location of bus stop on north side'of Ferry Street, just west of Buchanan Avenue at the LaRiviera Motel, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted.' SE_jEConm!unication No.255. No. 240 - City Solicitor - comments on resolution from ~en Sound. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted. S~E. Communication No~256.1 No. 241 - property Committee - suggesting that Mr. Czerewaty, applicant for a motel on Lots 728 and 729, east side of Stanley Avenue.between North Street and Kitchener Street, be advised to consult with Officials of the City to determine type of structure which would be permitted on lots in question. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 242 - City Manager - recommending attendance of Welfare Administrator and his Assistant,~t~i'Officers' Association meeting on May 7'th. in Port Colborne. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and AId, Keighan that the report be received and adopted, No. 243 - City Enginee~ - D,M,O, Municipal. Employees' Inspection Courses. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Aid. Cotfield that the request be received~ filed and communications forwarded to the three employees receiving successful marks at these courses, congratulating ~hem on their fine work and standings obtained, No, 24~ - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion o£ AId, Morton and AId, Swayze that the report be received, adopted and licences issued accordingly. At this point, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that Mr. Pietro Gagliardi of Garner Road be permitted to speak to Council. He referred to the letter written to His Worship Mayor Miller concerning the littering problem and queried whether this would be answered and His Worship the Mayor stated that Mr. Gagliardi had already been advised that the Manager and Engineer have been working on this problem; the one individual carrying on salvage operations adjacent to the property is endeavouring to clean the place up while the other person has refuse4 and he will be prosecuted. In answer to Mr. Gagliardi~s query as to who would pick up the papers in his yard, the Mayor advised that there is a possibility that the Court might direct the party responsible to go and do it. The City Engineer proceeded to outline the action taken to date on this problem and advised that Mr. Greenspan had advised that as soon as weather conditions permitted, he would pick up the paper from his building, and the paper has been picked up. The City Engineer advised that there is quite a problem due to litter blowing off trucks travelling on the road. He further advised that as soon as the City trucks were finished with brush pick up, they will be put into service to help here. Ald. Mltchelson stated that this problem had come up repeatedly in the Council of the former Township of Stamford and admitting that it was a problem he indicated that, according te advice received that there was provincial legis- lation which could be made applicable to provincial highways compelling the covering of vehicles to prevent littering and suggested that the matter be considered by the City Solicitor to ascertain whether similar privileges could be obtained by the municipality. On the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton, Mr. Grandoni was also permitted to speak to Council. He advised that most of the paper comes from Greenspan's operations and pointed out that plastic litter is also a nuisance. He requested Council take action to eliminate this problem. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald, Scott that this matter be referred to the Property Committee for investigation and possibility of remedial measures. to overcome this problem. BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed; No. 6320 - A by-law to provide for borrowing $19,818.32 upon debentures to pay for the construction of concrete sidewalks on Bender Hill, Centre Street, and Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Swayze that AId.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st. reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Pother and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously. No. 6321 - A.by-law to authorize the execution of a supplementary Subdivision Agreement with J. A, Climenhage Development Limited. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and AId. Scott that AId.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing. the by-law and the by-law be given the lot. reading. - Carried Unanimously. · ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. McCallum that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId, Swayze and AId. Martin - Carried Unanimously. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was_.passe_ d; No. 40 - MARTIN - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls make application to the Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation for payment of an amount in lieu of taxes equal to the regular municipal taxes on approximately 29 units in the Niagara Falls 8/48 project. The Council is aware that an increase in taxes will also result in an increase in the rental rates; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimouslye, Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield. READ AND ADOPTED, Z9th. April, 1963. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 22nd. April, 1963. The'Finance Meeting was held on April 22nd. 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $168,011.03 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Potter. The Property Committests report on the application of Mr. Siedersberger, for the erection of signs at the House of Niagara, located at 1274 Ferry Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. CorEfeEd that the report be received and adopted and permission granted as requested. The Property Committee's report on the suggestion of Mr. C. Amadio to purchase the vacant property aC 1434 Maple Street, if he were permitted to erect a house on the property similar to the one he constructed on the lot purchased from the City on the west side of Homewood Avenue, south of Elm Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion Of AId. McCallum and AId. Swayze that the report be received and the suggestion be made to Mr, Amadio that either he present a revised Plan to meet the requirements of the City's by-laws or he has the prerogative to make application to the Conduittee of Adjustment for minor variances. ~he Property Comtaittee's report on the application of Mr. Hans Mercnik to close in the front of the building known as the Falls View Grocery Store at 2442 Stanley Avenue at Portage Road, to make accommodation for an Ice Cream and Milk Bar was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. Carried, with Ald. Morton-contrary. The City Manager's report on the application of M. Illes, 2944 Douglas Street, for a building permit to erect a building on part of Twp. Lot 160, east side of Drunmaond Road between Church Street and Collins Drive, to be used for retail stores, at an estimated cost of $16,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallum that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. April, 1963. Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL I~ETING Council Chamber, 22nd.April, 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, April 22nd. 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. 6322 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Sway~e and Ald. Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and. the by-law be given the let. reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law ba given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId,McKinley and AId, Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. At this point, the CityManager advised that at the request of the Chairman of the Traffic Comittee, he had gone up and checked the parking conditions on the north side o£ Ferry Street, at the corner of Temperance Avenue where the new 'Mr. Quick" Car Wash was now located and was now recommending that parking be prohibited on the north side of Ferry Street from the west curb line of Temperance Avenue to a point 80 feet west of the west curb line of Temperance Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the verbal report of the City Manager be referred to the Traffic Committee for consider- ation and a report. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Scott R~D ANDADOPTED, 29~h. April, 1963, Clerk CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 22nd. April, 1963. The Committee assembled in Conference following the regular meeting of Council, on Monday, April 22nd, 1963. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented tothem, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. April, 1963. T~ENTY-SECOND MEETING SPECIAL MEETING Council Chamber, 24th.April, 1963. All Members of Council were present at the special meeting of Council held on Wednesday, April 24th. 1963, to consider Fire Department matters, and the proposal of T. Fiorentino & Sons to extend their'business premises on Ottawa Ave. Council assembled at 6.00 p.m. to view the Fiorentino property and then reconvened in the Council Chamber at approximately 6.40 p.m. FIRE DEPARTMENT MATTERS His Worship Mayor Miller advised that the first item of business would be a discussion of matters pertaining to Fire Department operation. In this connection, the following items were read; 1. Recommendation of the Ontario Fire Marshal, conmencing at page 6, in the report from this Office dated December 7th, 1962. 2. Letter from Stanford Fire Department Executives, dated September 19th, 1962. 3. Letter from the Niagara Falls Fire Department, dated January 14th, 1963. Letter from Chief W. T. Wade, dated August 30th, 1962. 5. Letter from the three Stamford Fire Departments, dated January 21st, 1963. 6. Extracts from the current Contract with the Niagara Falls Professional Fire Fighters! Union, Local 528. 7. Letter from the Niagara Falls Fire Fighters,Union, dated April 22nd, 1963. 8. Section 5 of the Fire Department Act setting out the period of 120 days after a request has been received, for entering into Contract negotiationsincluding Vacation Schedules, etc. Following the reading of the above items, some discussion took place in respect to the basic principles desired in the set-up of a Fire Department for the enlarged municipality. Discussion then centred around the proposed Vacation Schedule which had not yet been posted because of disagreement over vacation times among certain of the fireman. It was noted that the City Manager had suggested to the men that flexibility existed in the proposed schedule to some degree. Following the discussion it was ordered on the motion of Alderman McCallum, seconded by Alderman Corfield, that the City MAnager be instructed to advise the Union representatives that the Union Contract will be followed as far as the posting of the Vacation Schedule is concerned. Carried Unanimously. It was also ordered on the motion of AId e rman Martin, 'seconded by Alderman Mitchelson that the City of Niagara Falls go on record as passing a By-law to set up one Department.and that the Municipal Council appoint.a Chief and two Deputy~ Chiefs and that a Committee of Council be set up to meet with the executive part of the Firs Department to iron out details as to permanant smployees, volunteers, and bring a full report back to Council. Carried Unanimously. Hayor Miller then appointed the members of the Negotiating Committee to act as the Committee named in the resolution. aldarmsn Nartin then asked for a clarification as to how the appointment of the Chief and of the two Deputy Chiefs would be made and it was decided that the appointments would be made by City Council, on recommendation of the Negoation Committee, and that because of the nature of these appointments, this would be one of the first items of business for the Committee. The City Manager then reported on the moving of the Stamford Fire Alarm system presently located at the Police Building on Montrose Road and Lundy's Lane, to the Walnut Street Fire Hall, where there would be one fire number with six lines to be connected directly with all the Fire Halls. It was decided that the City Manager should discuss the matter in detail with the Bell Telephone Company and bring in a report for Council on Monday night. Alderman Martin was excused from the balance of the meeting, at the end of the discussion on Fire matters. FIORENTINO MATTER The City Manager reviewed the various stages of building construction at the Fiorentino property, including the dates various permits were issued for new buildings, and the renovations required after the fire in 1961. It was explained chat due to sympathy for the family in 1961 no complaint had been received from the neighbouts about the rebuilding of the business. It was pointed out that a building permit had been issued for the construction of a garage in 1957 and in reality this building had been used as part of the business. At this time, Alderman McCallum was excused from the balance of the meeting. During discussion of the matter it was pointed out that an application had been made to the Committee of Adjustment in respect to an extension to the business. The Hearing in this respect had taken place on April 23rd, but the Board had not given a decision. It is expected that if the application is not approved that the Solicitor for the Fiorentino interests will refer the matter to The Ontario Municipal Board. A further discussion of the entire matter took place, but no conclusion was reached and the matter was tabled. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Scott that the meeting adjourn. READ AND ADOPTED, 29th. April, 1963. Clerk TWENTY-~HIRD MEETING Council Chamber, 29th.April, 1963. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, April 29th. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted the minutes of the regular meeting, and the minutes of the special meeting (as amended) on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze. CO~4UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 14 - Ralph Biamonte- requesting ~ermission to continue operation of concessions at Oakes Stadium for 1963, at same terms and conditions as all previous years. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that the cormnunication be received, filed and permis~ion granted as requested. Carried, with Ald, Keighan - contrary. SEE Report Number 245__. No. 48 - Gre__ater Niagara Baseball Association - req. operation of concession at Oakes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and filed. Carried, with Ald. Keighan-contrary. No. 107 - Greater Niagara Minor Soccer Associati6n - req. use of Sakes Park three nights a week; and also for two Saturdays in August, and one Saturday in May: No. 123 -' Greater Niagara Minor Soccer Association - req. use of socce~ fields at Kerr Park and Robinson Park. No. 229 - Greater Niagara Minor Soccer Association - reiterating requests contained in Communications 107 and 123. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the communications be received and filed and:report of Parks and Recreation Committee be adopted. SEE Report No;246 & Schedule No. 139 - Softball L?agu~,W~%~ed Plant, Cyanamid - req. use of Prince Edward Park on Monday and Wednesday nights, and also Prince'CharleS Pa~k on the~'sa~e nights. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the com.- munication be received and filed and permission granted as requested. SEE Report No. 246 & Schedule No. 228 - Niagara Falls Industrial Softball League - requesting use of Glenview Park and Mulhern Park for whole week from May 1st. until August 31st. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and report of the Parks and Recreation Committee be adopted. SEE Report N9. 246 & Schedule No. 250 - Lundy~s lane Fire Department Softball League - requesting use of Prince Edward Bali Park on Tuesday nights. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Cotfield that the communication be received~ filed and permission granted as requested. SEE Report No. 246 & Schedule. No. 73 - Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation - Niagara Palls Project 8/48. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Norton and Ald.McCallum that the communication be received, filed and a request be made to C,N.H.C, for an increase of $45. per house for year 1963, and that the extra payment of ~22,50 be made dating from the first of July, 1963. SBB Report No, 247. No. 261 - Allan Baxter - requesting revision of By-law 2049 and 4033. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and again tabled and a study be made, as recommended by the Property C0n~nittee. SEE Report Number 248, The following Communications were present~; No. 263 - Teleg~ram from Local 536, U.E.W. (Cyanamid) - req. Council take positive and in~ediate action re fellow workers laid off at International Silver Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and Council go on record as being prepared to do anything they can to assist. No. 264 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Public Hearing - D. McCallion N0. 265 - Committee 6'[Adjustment - Notice of Public Hearing - Boy Scouts. No. 266 - Connnittee of Adjustment - Notice of public Hearing - Logs Limited. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Scott that the communication be received, noted and filed. N0. 267 - Ontario Municipal Board - Notice of Hearing re Jos. Zarra. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. potter that the communication be received, noted and filed, No. 268 - Manager - Bank of Nova Scotia - application for permission to encroach on City property to allow installation ~ new wall finish for property at corner of Victoria Ave. and Morrison St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received, filed and permission granted as requested, and-the necessary by-law be prepared. SEE By-law Number 6329. No. 269 - C. R. Cook - withdrawing tender for back yard garbage pick-up. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the cormnunication be received and filed. No. 270 - Chairman for 1963, Engineers Section of Ontario Hosp,ital Association - appreciation for informative presentation at recent Engineering Institute on April 9th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communi- cation be received and filed. No. 271 - Finance Chairman, Brock University Founders' Committee - appreciation for 8ity's contribution towards funds required during University's planning & development stages. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and Ald. potter that the communication be received and filed. N0. 272 - Royal C.~nadian Air Cadets, Squadron 126 - requesting permission to hold a tag day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and permission granted for Saturday, May 25th. due to the fact that Saturday, June 1st. has already been allocated to anotherorganization. No. 273 - Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps - invitation to Annual Inspection of RCSCC Niagara on Tuesday, May 1~. Rosberg~s Parking Lord. CO~4ENCING at 8 P.M. ORDERED On the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the communication be received, filed and as many of the Members of Council as find it possible, attend. No. 274 - Chairman, County Re-organization and Annexation Committee - requesting appointment of delegate to serve on Committee to meet The Canadian Council on Urban and Regional Research to further explore a research project for the Niagara peninsula. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and His Worship the Mayor so appoint a delegate as requested. SEE Report Number 292~_t No. 2~5 - Post Office Department~ Director of Postal Rates & Classification - ack. request re establishment of local rate of postage for letters passing between City and Village of Chippaws. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed. , No. 276 - Township of ThOrold - requesting advice as to responsibility for maintenance of former County Road No. 18A, which is now a boundary road between Niagara Falls and Thorold Township. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Potter chat the communication be received and referred to the City Engineer for submission of e report. No. 277 - D. R. Mill.er - complaining about condition of access road leading into 758 Portage Road South, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. 8wayzc that the communication be received and referred to the City Engineer for submission of a report. No. 278 - N~la~ara Tower Company, _Lkmtted - sidewalk, south side of Dunn Street between Portage Road and Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the City Engineer for submission of a report. No. 279 - Gould-Leslie Led. - Plan for Poster Panel Improvement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for. consideration and. a report to Council. No. 280 - Secretary for Merger Committee, Falls View Fire Department, Lundy's Lane Fire Department and Stamford Centre Fire Department - operation of Fire Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Micchelson that the communication be received, filed and the writer be advised that a Committee meeting is to be held, Tuesday,morning. to endeavour to make progress on the unification of the Fire Departments of the City of Niagara Falls. No. 281 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - roadwidening - Lundy's Lane, No. 282 - Ni~ara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Boar~ - Study of north side of Lundy's Lane from Drummond Road to Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter that the conu~unications be received and referred to the Property Committee for study and the Planning Director be requested to attend and make available copies of material relevant to these matters. No. 283 '- Coach, German Village Soccer Team - requesting use of Oa~es Park on Saturday afternoons and also Wednesday evenings for training purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, filed and permission granted for Saturday afternoon leagu~ games but writer be advised that Oakes Park will not be available for practice sessions on Wednesday evenings. SEE Re~ort Number 249. No, 284 - Niagara Falls Flyera - Coach-Owner - requesting authorization u[ City Council for Mayor and Mrs, Miller to make trip to Edmonton for Memorial Cup Series. emblematic of Junior '~" hockey supremacy in Canada. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received, filed and His Worship Mayor Miller be so authorized. REPORTS The following Reports were presented; No. 245 - Parks & Recreation Committee - recommend, M~,.Biamonte's' application be accepted for continuation oI operations at Oakes Stadium Concession for year 1963. ORDERED on the motion of AId, McKinley and AId, NcCallum ~hat the report be received and adopted, Carriedswith Ald,Keighan-contrary, SEE Connunication Number 14.. No, 246 - Parks & Recreation Committee - Draft Schedule of Reservations for City Parks for year 1963, ORDERED on the motion of AId, McKinley and AId. Cotfield that the report and Schedule be received, and adopted, with inclusion of Martoni Lodges ~herever they can be accounodated, SEE Communications Nos,10?-123. No. 247 - City Manager - change in recoweaendation submitted to Council as contained in Report No. 236, regarding increase in tax payments on Houses in Project 8/48. ORDERED on.the motion of AId. Norton and AId, HcCallum that ~he report be received and adopted, ~EE Communication Number N0. 248 - prope_rtJCommittee - suggesting study be made of Standard Tourist Sign as referred to by A. Baxter's conmunication. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No.26~. No. 249 - ~arks & Recreation Committee - reconm~ending Cakes Park be made available to German Village Soccer Team for League Games on Saturday afternoons but that they be advised Park will not be available for Wednesday evenings for practice sessions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Corfield that the report be received and adopted. ~ C~o~nnup~q~iop_283.. N0. 250 - Property Committee - suggesting owners of McGlashan-Clark building be advised that premises at corner of Palmer Avenue and Jepson Street must be cleaned up immediately. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. N0. 251 - P~rope~rty~Committee - recommendations to remedy littering problem. No. 252 - City Solicitor - Littering of Highways. IC was moved by AId. Swayze and seconded by Ald. Morton that the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted and the report of the City Solicitor be received and filed, Carried by a vote of 7 to 2, the vote being - Aye ~Ald. Swayze, Morton, McCallum, Keighan,Potter, ~rtin,and Scott; Naye - Aldermen McKinley and ~Lttchelson. (Ald. Corfield did not vote on the motion. An amendment made by Ald. McKinley, seconded by AId. Cotfield that the report of the Property Committee be adopted, with the exception of Clause 4, was lost, the vote being - Aye -Ald. McKinley, Corfield and Mitchelson; Naye -Ald. Swayze, Eorton, McCallum, Keighan, Potter, Scott and Martin, SEE Resolution No. 41. No. 253 ~ Parks & Recreation Committee - requesting authority to obtain prices on two tracts of land for possible utilization for development of one park, with the understanding that no commitment will be made to the owners of property regarding the purchase of the land. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed and permission granted. No. 254 - Assist. to City ManaRer,Administrative - report on Committee appointed to consider certain licensing by-laws. ORDERED on the motion of Ald0 Cotfield and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No, 255 - Committee of Adjustment - report on two applications recently heard. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed. No. 256 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenets. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and licenets issued accordingly. PETITIONS !he following Petitions were presented; No. 8 - Mr. A. F. Sheppard - on behalf of 60 petitioners representing 32 properties requesting hot mix asphalt road on Rolling Acres Drive, between Oxford Street and the Thorold Stone Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson ~hat the petition be received andreferred to the City Engineer for submission of a report, No. 9 - James A. Tooke and 37 ocher~ - requesting repair of sidewalk or replacement on east side of Portage Road North, between Stanley Ave, and Mayfair Drive, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McCallum and AId, Cotfield that the petition be received and referred to the City Engineer for submission of a report. No. IO - N. Glavcic, AmericanaMotel 6 26 others - requesting sanitary sewers on Lundy's Lane between Kalar Road and Garner Road. ORDERED on the motion of AId. NcCallum and Ald, Mitchelson that the petition be received and referred to the City EnSineer.for.submission.of.arepor~, ..................... RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were pas.ge~i No. 41 - MITCHELSON - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the City Solicitor be requested to prepare a report, with a draft resolution, for forwarding to the Ontario Municipal Association. the Ontario Mayors and Reeves Association, requesting that legislation be established which would give authority to municipalities for making it mandatory that tarpaulins be used on any vehicle or vehicles transporting material which might be scattered on the highways; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Uqanimously. No. 42 - MARTIN - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into and execute an agreement, dated the 29th. day of April, 1963, between Louis Abramowicz and the City of Niagara Falls, authorizing a connection for sewer purposes with the existing sewer on Valley Way; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously, BY-lAW The following By-law was passed~i No. 6323 - A by-law to license, regulate and govern hawkers and pedlars. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. MISCELh~NEOUS Ald~ McCallum advised that the quota for blood donors was low and he requested that signs be posted bringing attention to the City Employees who might wish to donate. AId. McCallum then referred to those pensioners who are required to put in a certain amount of time on City work, and queried whether these men could be used in picking up paper littering the streets, etC. and the City Manager advised that he would check into the list and ascertain who would be available tot such tasks, Ald. Swayze, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, requesting permission to call a meeting to go into the matter of speed limits in the former Township and also referred to complaint received about the traffic sign at the corner of Spence and Corwin. The City Manager advised that he had a report on hand from the City Engineer about the traffic sign referred to, and will bring it to the attention of the Traffic Committee when they meet. ~. ,. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOFrED, ~6th. May, 1963. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 29th. April, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on April 29th. 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $441,864.00 were approved by the Committee, The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Potter. The Summary of Tenders for the supply of Grass Seed for the year 1963 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and AId.Morton that the Summary of Tenders be received and filed and the tender of Niagara Flour and Feed, at a quotation of $533.75, be accepted. The Summary of Tenders for Supplies for the year 1963 was then considered and the following action taken; GASOLINE DIESEL OIL FURNACE OIL KEROSENE OXYGEN ACETYLENE ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the lowest tender in each case be accepted. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the tender of Niagara Welders be accepted. Carried Unanimously. VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE C-76-57 T CLASS III MORTAR JOINT C-14, STANDARD STRENOTH MORTAR JOINT In view of the statement that where prices are equivalent, that the volume of purchasing is distributed among the dealers, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId.Potter that this policy be adopted for this year and the three lowest bidders, Eastland Fuels, Zimmerman Bldrs. Supplies and Weightman & Sons Ltd, be accepted and in the case where all quotations are the same, the business be split. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Cotfield that the lowest tender, A. Cope & Sons Ltd. be accepted. Carried by a vote of 6 to 4, the vote being, Aye- Ald. Scott, Martin, Kaighan, McKinley, Morton & Cotfield; Naye -Ald. Swayze, Mitchelson, McCallum and Potter. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and AId. Morton that the lowest tender, from Canadian Marietta (Ont.) be accepted. Carried Unanimously, 0'14 EXTRA STRENGTH MORTAR JOINT ORDERED on the motion of AId. Corfield and AId. Keighan that the lowest tender, Canadian Marietta (Ont.) be accepted. Carried Unanimously. C-76-57 T CLASS IV .MORTAR JOINT ORDERED on the motion of AId, Morton and AId. Mitchelson that the lowest tenders be accepted. Carried with Ald. McCallum- ~ontrary. C-76-57-T CLASS V MORTAR JOIN~ C-14-STANDARD STRENGTH, RUBBER GASKET. C-76-57T, CLASS III, RUBBER GASKRT C-14 - EX~A STRENGTtl, RUBBER GASKET. C-76-57T, CLASS IV, RUBBER GASKET. C-76-57T, CLASS V, RUBBER GASKET. PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLES (STEPS INCL.) CONCRETE SAb~) CONCRETE CRUSHED STONE FOR ROADS ORDERED on the motion of His Worship the Mayor and Ald. Swayze that the tender of Canadian Marietta (ant.) for the supply of 30-inch to 72-inch be accepted. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Mitchelson and Ald. McKlnley that the tender of A. Cope & Son, the lowest tender, for 21-inch to 27-inch be accepted. Carried, with Ald.McCallum-contrary. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that new tenders be called for the supply of Rubber Gasket Pipe. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Carfield and AId. Swayze that the tender of J.D. Oakes & Son. Ltd. the lowest tender, be accepted. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and AId. Morton that the City Engineer be authorized to call for new tenders on Item 1 (Clean Sand), Schedules A and B. with proper specifications. Carried, with His Worship Mayor Miller-contrary. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. Scott that Items 2,3,4,5 and 6, Schedules A and ~. low tenders be accepted and where two low tendeta exist, that the business be split. Carried Unanimously. It was moved by Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the tender for crushed stone for roads be awarded to Walker Bros. Quarries and Queenston Quarries and that where there is equality in the bid price that the business be equally divided. This motion was lost by a vote of 9 to 1; (Ald. Morton voting in fayour). · An amendment made by Ald. Keighan, seconded by Ald. McCallum that the tender for crushed ston~"for roads be awarded to Walker Bros. Quarries and Queenston Quarries, to be evenly divided, except where Fonthill Sand and Gravel Ltd. tender is low, and that in those cases the tender be awarded to Fonthill Sand and Gravel Ltd. The amendment carried by a vote of 7 to 3~ the vote being - Aye - Ald. Keighan, McCallum, Potter,HcKinley, Martin, Scott, and Swayze; (Mayor Miller voted in fayour); Naye- AId. Morton, Mitchelson & Carfield. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that if, after haulaSe charSes are arrived at for crushed stone for roads, it is found that the delivered price exceeds the bids of Walker Bros. and Queenston Quarries that the whole tender for crushed stone be awarded to Walker Bros. and Queenston Quarries for e4ta_l division. Oartied Unanimbusly, COAL ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and AId. Swayze that the tender for Fred Eastland Fuels, the lowest tender, for the supply of ANTHRACITE, and that the tender of Valley Camp Co. (Can.) Ltd. the lowest tender, for the supply of STOKER COAL, be accepted. Carried Unanimously. HOT MIX ASPHALT ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. Morton that the lowest tender, Queenston Quarries Ltd. be accepted. Carried Unanimously. ASPHALTIC COLD PATCH ORDERED on the motion of AId.Morton and Ald. Swayze that the tender of Queenston Quarries be accepted. Carried Unanimously. READY MIX CONCRETE ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the lowest tender, E.Weightman and Sons Ltd. be accepted. Carried Unanimously. SURFACE TREATMENT AND PENETRATION WITH BITUMINOUS.MATERIAL. TIRES AND TUBES ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the tender of Eastland Bros. (Niagara) Ltd. be accepted. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.MCCallum and Ald. Swayze that the tenders received be referred to the Equipment Committee for consideration and submission of a report to Council. RENTAL OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Mitchelson that the tenders received be referred to the Equipment Committee for consideration and submission of a report to Council. -Ald. McCallum left the'meeting - The City Mariagerms report on the revised plan submitted by Mr. Czerewaty for the erection of a 16-unit motel on Lot 728 and 729, east side of Stanley Ave. between North. St. and Kitchener St. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion ~f Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted and tke revised plan be referred to the Property Conmittee for consideration. -Ald. McCallum returned to the meeting - The City Manager~s report on the application of Nicola Armando for a building permit for alterations to the premises at 1759 Ferry Street, to be used for a Tailor Shop, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corf~eld that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The Cit~ Manager's report on the application of K. Brine, 4625 Lundy's Lane for a building permit to erect two motel units at the rear of his premises, at an estimated cost of $13,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Mariagerms report on the application of Mrs. R. Bignucolo and Sons, 2863 Stanley Avenue, for a building permit for the addition of twelve nnits to the existing motel at an estimated cost of ,36,000. was presented, The City Manager advised that the matter had been considered by the Committee of Adjustment and is now in order for the building permit to be issued. ORDERED on the motion of AId. KeiShan and JAld. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City blanagcr's report on the application of Mr. Jules Juliani, for a permit to erect a neon sign at the Bridal Suite Motel, 1815 Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $425. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Holiday Inn (N.F.). Limited, east side of Buchanan Avenue, between Stamford Street and Robert Street, for permission to erect a neon roof sign, at an estimated cost of $1,800. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. Eliz. Rasi, of the Palace Restaurant, 507 Portage Road, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign at the above address, at an estimated cost of $525. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. Fred Boychuk, for a permit to erect an illuminated plastic overhanging sign, at his premises on the north side of Morrison Street, east of Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $250. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The Comraittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, 6th. May, 1963. COUNCIL MEETIN~ Council Chamber, 29th. April, 1963. The Con~nittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, April 29th. 1963, for the purposeof passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council .were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW The£ollowing By-law was passed; No. 6324 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. Potter that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let. Feading. - Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald, Scott and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, 6~h. May, 1963. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 29th. April, 1963. The Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular meeting of Council on Monday, April 29th. 1963, All Members of Council were present, His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion'of AId. Martin and Ald. Morton. READ AN6 ADOPTED, 6th. May, 1963. I: TWENTY-FOURTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 6th. May, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, May 6th. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of His Worship Mayor Miller and Alderman Mitchelson. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular meeting, adopted these on the motion of Alderman Swayze and Alderman Morton. Enacting Mayor, Walter G. Scott, presided. SEE Resolution No. 43. DEPUTATIONS A delegation was present from Local 505, U.E.W. and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Carfield and Ald. McKinley that Mr. John Landry be heard. Mr. Landry requested permission to distribute a Statement prepared for presentation at this time, which requested Council's support in their fight to prevent the Internat- ional Silver Company from closing its plant in Niagara Falls and moving to Perth. The Ctty Council were requested to meet with Officials of the Intarnational Silver Company to see if anything could be done in this situation and also to meet with the Federal and Provincial Governments to find ways and means of keeping the plant in Niagara Falls. Local 505 indicated that they would be pleased to accompany City Officials on any delegation. Following a full discussion it was moved by Ald. Martoe and Ald. Swayze that the Council support in any way that it can the effort to keep this Industry in Niagara Falls. It was suggested by AId. Carfield that any steps taken might include His Worship the Mayor, the Industrial Committee, and possibly the Manager of the Industrial Committee of the Chamber. This motion was defeated by a tie vote, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Keighan, McKinley, Martin, Potter; Naye - Ald. McCal~lum, Morton, Carfield, Swayze. On an amendment made by Alderman Keighan and Alderman McKinley it was ordered that arrangements be made for Council to meet with the Management of the International Silver Company in an attempt to solve the .. current. difficulty with reference to the employees of International Silver. This motion was carried by a vote of 5 to 4. (Enacting Mayor W. ~. Scott voted in fayour). SEE Communication No.2J~. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 188 - H.G.E.Lowe - requesting refund of commuted payments re; watermain on St. Patrick Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Potter that the com- munication be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control for study and report back to Council. SEE Report No. 257. No. 219-~reater Niagara Safety Council - requesting improvements to Welland River Bridge at Moatrose Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~orton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and report of the Traffic'Committee be'adopted. SEE Report No. 258. No. 278 - Niagara Tower Co. Ltd. - requesting replacement of the sidewalk on the south side of Dunn Street between Portage Road and Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Carfield and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and report of the City Engineer be adopted, and work to commence as soon as possible. SEE Report No. 259. No. 281 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board * roadwidening - Lundy's Lane. No. 282 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Study of zoning - north side Lundys8 Lane, Drummond Road to Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. Carfield that the communications be received and report of the Property Committee be adopted. age Repprt No. 260. COMMUNICATIONS The fo_ llowing Conmunications were presented; N0. 285 - Local 505, U.~.~W. - Delegation at meeting re closing down of International Silver Company. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald, Swayze that the communication be received and filed and delegation heard. SEE.p_e~p,~at_ip_n_. N0. 286 - Local 536~ U.E.W. - supporting Local 505, U.E.W. re International Silver C0. shut down. N0. 287 - Local 345,. I.C.~.U. - official protest re closing down of International Silver Company. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Morton that the com- munications be Keceived and filed. ~. 288 - Dept. of Agriculture - appointment on Agricultural Advisory Board. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potjar and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed, and Mr. Keith MacLead be so appointed. SEE Resolution No.44_t No. 289 - Greater Niagara Transit Commiss~iqn. - revision of bus schedule. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager to meet with the subdivider of the area of Piva Avenue from Wills Street to Riall Street, and bring in a report. No. 290 - Eunt's Ambulance Service - comments about adjustment of Grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Carfield that the communication be received and filed.' N0. 291 - #6 Niagara Wolf Cub Pack - advising that the use of Baden-Powell Park, previously granted, was now not required by this group. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and filed and the hrks & Recreation Committee take note of this change. N0. 292 - St. John Ambulance Association - requesting, the proclamation of the week of May 13th. to May 18th as "Save a Life Week". ORDERED on the motion of AId.Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and the proclamation be issued at the expense of the City. This motion was carried with Ald. Keighan-contrary. No. 293 - United Nations Assoc. Niagara Falls Branch - requesting permission to hold a Tag Day on June 22nd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze'and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and that permission be granted to hold the Tag Day on June 22rid. 1963. No. 294 - Mis~ ;ominion of Canada Pageant - Requesting City to sponsor Luncheon to be heldin conjunction with Beauty Pageant to be held in Niagara Falls from June 9th. to 15th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the request be received and tabled until the return of Ris Worship Mayor Miller. No. 295 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - requesting the proclamation of the Week of May 13th. to May 18th. as Chamber of Commerce Week. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and the proclamation requested be issued, at the expense of the Chamber. No. 296 - Branch 51, Royal Canadian Legion - requesting closing of certain streets in connection with the 26th. Annual Pilgrimage. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Potter that the communication be received and the usual permission be granted for this request. No. 297 - Ontario Teen-Age Safe Driving Championships - revising reoute of parade to be held on June 15th. and a~king permission for use of sound truck, and extending Invitation to Members of Council to attend Award~s Banquet. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and permission 8ranted. to the requests of the Group. No. 298 - MenIs Club, Southminster United Church - requesting permission to'have Weaver Street between north side of Weaver and Margaret Streets; and to near Dunn St. blocked off in connection with Church Auction Sale. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager and his staff with power to act, to ~rant the request if there is no objection. No. 299 - B~y Bond - requesting information on the decision made in respect to zoning on the north side of Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of AId,Martin and Ald. Corfield that the conmunication be received and Mrs, Bond be advised what steps have been taken with reference to the area she is interested in, REPORTS Laid over from previous meeting; No, 150 - Cit~__En~ineer - report on speed limits for certain outlying roads, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Potter and Ald, Swayze that the'report be received and adopted, · SEE Report No. 2~8. The following reports were presented;. No, 257 - City Manager - reconmending Mr. Lowe's request for a refund of payments made for watermain in front of his premises be accepted, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald, Potter that the report be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee for study and report back to Council. SEE Communication No.188~ No. 258 - Ci~ Manager - recommending safety cables be installed on east side and on the west side of the Montrose Road bridge over the Welland River, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald, Swayze that the report be received and adopted, SEE Communication No.2_~9. No. 259 - City EnRineer - recommending the acceptance of the proposal of the Niagara Tower Co. in respect to the construction of sidewalk on the south side of Dunn St. between Portage Road and Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted, and work to'commence as soon as possible. SEE Communication No.27.~_. No. 260 - P~roperty Committee - recommending that a meeting be arranged b~tween the Planning Board and City Council to discuss the matter of setback lines on the north side of Lundy's Lane between Drummond Road and Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report of~ the ProperLy Committee be received and.adopted. SEE Communication 281 & 28~. No. 261 - Property Committee - recommendation that permission begrant~d to Mr.D. Czerewaty to construct a motel on Lots 728 and 729, east side of Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted, No, 262 - Property Conceittee - recommending that the permit fees for the City be revised and that an amendment be made to the Building By-law, ORDERED on the motion of AId, Morton and Ald, Cotfield that the report be received and. adopted, SEE By-Iaw No, 632L No, 263 - N. egotiations Committee - reporting on meeting of Negotiations Committee held on April 30th, with representatives of Local 133, ORDERED on the motion of AId. McCallum and AId. Swayze that th~ report of the NeEdilations Committee be received and filed. No. 264 - Negotiations Committee - reporting on meeting of Negotiations Committee held on April 30th. with representatives of Local 528. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McCallum and Ald. Martin that tile report be received and filed. No. 265 - Negotiations & Equipment Committee - recommending t~e appointment of Arthur Brown as Driver-Watchman and F. Cerminara as Assistant Janitor at the'Police Building. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Cotfield and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. · No, 266 - Equipment Committee - recommending the purchase of four IBM typewriters to replace .four units now in service. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McCallum and Ald, Keighan that the report be received and adopted, No, 267 - ~_fLuipme_n~t__Co__mmjtLe~ - reconunendlng the purchase of one Underwood Typewriter to replace a machine now in service, ORDERED on the ml>t]on Cerfjeld and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted, N0, 268 - TrJfj_i.9_~Cgmmitj~_e - recommending tile scbedule of 40 M,P,B. roads as prepared by the City Engineer, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. potter that the report be received and filed. S~_R~e~o[~ ~N9~ 150. No, 269 - Traffic Committee - reporting that it is inadvisable to erect a stop sign at the intersection of Spence Street and Cotwin Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and AId, Corfield that the report be received and filed, No. 270 - Traffic Committee - reporting the recommendations outlined for tile intersection of McLeod Road and Portage Road, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Ald, Morton that the report be received and adopted, No, 271 - Traffic Committee - reporting on the study of traffic conditions on Huron Street, between Erie Avenue and Clifton Avenue, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald, McCallum that the report be received and adopted, No, 272 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending the installation of Fire Hydrants, especially in the Falls View Area, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald, Cotfield that the report bbe received and adopted, N0, 273 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending the amendment of the "Plumbing By-law", ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald, Swayze that the report be received and adopted, No, 274 - City Manager - recommending that Mr, H. Dickson be permitted to attend the Annual Municipal}"inance Officers' Association Conference in Detroit, June 2nd, to 6th, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald, Potter that the report be received and adopted, No, 275 - City Manager - recommending that Mr, M, Bennett of the Assessment Dept. be permitted to take out membership in the National Office Managers' Association, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald, Potter that the report be received and adopted, No. 276 - Gi~y'Engineer - recommending that the owner of littered premises described as 2532 Bellerue Street, be advised to clean up his premises. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald, Morton that the report be received and adopted. No, 277 - City Engineer - recommending that negotiations be re-opened with the owners of Part Twp, Lot 95, (HEPC access right-of-way), to see if the City could acquire the 52 foot right-of-way in return for providing a roadway, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Corfield and Ald, Keighan that the report be received and adopted, No. 278 - City Engineer - reporting on the matter of maintaining the Niagara Falls- Thorold Townline Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 279 - Assistant to City Manager, Engineering - reporting on Building Permits issued during the month of April, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. McOallum that the report be received and filed. NO. 280 - Assistant to City Manager~ Administrative - reporting on tile meeting of the Special License Committee to consider the draft by-law to regulate and license travel trailers and tent sites. ORDERED on the motion of AId.Martin and AId. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. No. 281 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received~ adopted and licenses issued accordingly. No. 282 - City Mana~ - recommending the appointment of a delegate to the meeting of the Welland Coenty Re-organization & Annexation Committee on May lOth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and Alderman McKinley be appointed as the representative from the City. No. 283 -Clty Clerk - recommending the approval of the draft site plan agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the report be laid over for one week for further perusal. No. 284 - City En~iq~ - reporting on the study of the possibility of providing sanitary sewer service for the area along Thorold Stone Road between Mostrose Road and Kalar Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Potter that the report be received and referred to tile Sanitation & Pollution Control for investigation. SEE Petition No. 7. PETITIONS Laid over from previous m~eting; No. 7 - Mr. R. Warcup and 31 others - requesting the installation of sewermains on the Thorold Stone Road west of the Queen Elizabeth Highway. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Potter that the petition be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Comnittee for investigation. SEE Report Number 284. Thee following Petition was presentJdj. No. 11 - Niagara Falls Ratepayers Association - signatures of 4,716 persons reques,:ing Council to institute a curb side pick-up instead of the present back yard pick-up. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the petition be tabled for one week for a full Council. RESOLUTIONS !he following Resolutions were passed; No. 43 - MORTON - POTTER - RESOLVED that Alderman Walter G. Scott be appointed Enacting Mayor during the absence of His Worship, Mayor Miller from the City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. _ Carried Unanimously. No. 44 - POTTER - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that Mr. Keigh MacLeod, be and he is hereby appointed as the representative of the City of Niagara Falls on the Agricultural Advisory Board for the County of Welland; and tile Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried Unanimousl×, No. 45 - MCKINLEY - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that Messrs. Park Whistler and HughlDetlor be and they are hereby appointed to the Plumbers' Examining Board of the City of Niagara Fails for the period ending December 31st, 1964; and tile Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. · SEE By-law No.6328. No. 46 - MARTIN - POTTER - RESOLVED that Mr. W. J. Pattison be and he is hereby appointed as Inspector of Trailer Camps, for the City of Niagara Palls; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried Unanimousix. SEE By-law No.6325. The followin~ By-laws were passed; BY-LAWS No. 6325 - A by-law to license, regulate and 8overn trailer camps and to designate areas of land to be used as trailer camps~ and to prohibl~ the use of- other lands for such purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.~ with the deletion of Section4, Schedule A, - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. No. 6326 - A by-law to amend By-law No. 6121, being a by-law to provide for the licensing and regulating of Public Halls, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Morton and AId. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Alderman Morton was excused from the meeting atP.15 p.m. N0. 6327 - A by-law to amend By-law No. 5055, being a By-law to amend Building By-law Number 1688. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum that AId.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be give~ the firstreading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on'the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aldermen McCallum and Cotfield - Carried Unanih,ously. ~EE R~port No.262 No. 6328 - A by-law to license, regulate and control plumbing contractors, master plumbers, journeyman plumbers, and to set the fee for such licence, and to establish a Board of Examiners to examine the applicants for such lic~ces, and to provide a fee for the inspection of plumbing installations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. .{ ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Corfteld that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given ,i ,Np, 6329 - A by-law to permit the encroachment of an existing building on Morrison S~reet adjoining Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that AId. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tile by-law be given tile first reading. - Carried Unanimousl~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tempora~ily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McCallum and Ald. Corfiel~ - Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS Alderman McCallum stated that the International Silver Company matter should be dealt with by Council as soon as possible, and it was the ~oncensus of opinion that Council should not await the return of His Worship the Mayor before meeting with the Company Officials. It wasldecided that the Clerk should arrange a meeting if possible for Tuesday, May 7th. at 4 p.m. or in any event, at the e~rlie! possible date. Alderman McCal~um then referred to the proposed motel erection at tile corner of Stanley Avenue and Robert Street by Mr. Yerich, which application could not be dealt with until receipt of the Traffic Survey. He reminded Council that Mr. Yerich had been advised that the report would be received on April 18th. but to date no action had been taken on Mr. Yerich's application. The City Manager advised that the report was presently being studied by the Committee, and because of the reason that Stanley Avenue would be one of the main arteries of the City in coming years, that no decision could be made until the report had been studied. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Potter. READ AND ADOPTED, 13th. May, 1963. Mayor FINANCE METING council chamber, 6th. May, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on May 6th, 1963, for. the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were prepent, with the exception of His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Mitchelson and Morton. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Committee. gundry Accounts in the amount of $89,694.0~were approved by the The Accounts submitted, bring passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered. placed in the Money By*law ~or pr~sentation to the Council~ on the motion of AId0 Potter and Ald. Eway~-e0 The Equipment Committee's report in connection with the tenders submitted for tires was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted and the Tender of Firestone be accepted. The Equipment Committee's report in connection with the tenders submitted for Rental of Construction Equipment was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and the recommendation that the lowest tender for each item be called first and that, if the equipment is not available, then the purchasing Agent will proceed to the next tender in line and carry on until such time as the equipment has been obtained, be adopted. The City Manager's report on the application of Jos. Chiarella, 924 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of $255. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mc- Kinley and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Toronto-Dominion Bank at 362 Queen Street, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign, at a cost of $1,100. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permi~ issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Chester Siewek of the White Eagle Hall, 1681 Thorold Stone Road, for a permit to construct an addition, repair the roof and make alterations to the premises, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that'the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Anthony Maraldo for a permit to construct additions to a general service garage at the north-east corner of McLeod Road and Garner Road, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Foo~ Facilities lnc. operators at the Seagram Towe~, 2732 Portage Road, for a permit to make interior alterations to the basement of the Tower, was presented for consideration, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald, McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, 13th. May, 1963. Chairman of Finance, i, COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 6th. May, 1963. The Connnittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, May 6th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-la~7 which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of His Worship the Mayor and Aldermen Morton and Mitchelson. His Worship, Enacting Mayor, Walter G. Scott, presided. BY -LAW Thee .fojl~cwjB By-law was passe_d_; No. 6330 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. PottAr that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum, READ AND ADOPTED, 13th May, 1963 Clerk Mayor. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 6th. May, 1963. The Committee assembled in Conference following the regular meeting of.Council on Monday, May 6th, 1963. All Members of Council were present, .with the exception of His Worship Mayor Mill, Aldermen Mitchelsoa and MOrton, His Worship, Enacting Mayor W. G. Scott, presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of AId. Potter and Ald. Cotfield. READ AND ADOPTED, 13th Ma~, 1963. Clerk TWENTY-FIFTH b~ETING_ REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 13th May, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 13th, D63, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman H. Morton. The Council having received and read the minutes of the previous regular meeting adopted these on the motion of AId. Corfield and Potter. Tenders had been called for the following: Concrete Sewer Pipe, Packer Unit, Snow Loader, Motor Grader, 3 Compact Sedans, and Heavy Duty Chassis and Cab. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Swayze the tenders received were ordered opened and initialled by His Worship the Mayor, and tabulated. COFR4UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: N0. 294 - Miss Dominion of Canada Pageant - requesting City to sponsor Luncheon to be held in conjunction with Beauty Pageant to be held in Niagara Falls from June 9th to 15th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayze that the City provide the ~ucheon for the Beauty Pageant Contestants on the final day. At this point in the meeting the City Clerk reported on progress made in trying to arrange a meeting between Management of International Silver Company and members of Council. After discussion of certain dates suggested by the Company, it was ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelsonand Ald. Corfield that the Clerk try to arrange such a meeting on Friday, May 17th at 10 a.m. at the International Silver Co. offices. The following Conununieations were presented: No. 300 - Minister of Municipal Affairs - advising of approval of expenditure in respect to Part Block C, Reg. Plan 230 (Climenhage Subdivision). ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Keighan that the communication be received and filed, and the purchas~ of Block C be prbceeded with. SEE Rejort Number 302 No. 301 - Director of Housing Branch - in respect to re-appointment of Mr. A. C. HugSins to Mousing Authority. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId.McKinley that the communication be received and filed and Mr. HugSins be appointed to the lionsinS Authority for another term of 3 years. SEE Resolution Number 47 N0. 302 - City of Hamilto~n - in respect to the adoption by the City of a resolution pertaining to re-organization and personnel of public health in the Province. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Keighan that the conu~unication be received and tabled and referred to Dr. Sturgeon, Director of the Welland & District ~ealth Unit, for his comments. No. 303 - Duty Free Shoppes of Canada - advising of proposed change in U.S. Customs Laws. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the communica- tion be received and filed and that we contact the Minister of Trade & Commerce advis- ing of our support of protests against the proposed change in U,S. Customs Laws, and asking that they pass this protest along to the appropriate Body, and also, that a copy of our letter be sent to our Federal member, No. 304 - Southminster United Church - requesting installation of "no parking" signs on the south side of Margaret Stress between Dorchester Rd. and Weaver Ave, ORDERED on the motion of AId, Scott and AId. Potter that the communication be received and ' tabled and rderred to the Traffic Committee for consideration, No. 305 - Niagara Tower Co. Ltd. - advising of sugg~Stions to control traffic in the vicinity of the Seagram Tower. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid.McKinley that the connunication be received and referred to the Traffic Conmittee to meet with the General Mgr., Mr. LanEs to discuss the matter, and bring in a report to Council. No. 306 - Twin dity_R~estaurant & Gordon's Cigar Store - requesting that the bus stop in their vicinity be moved to a new location. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the coummnication be received and referred to the Traffic Connnittee, to meet with the Manager of the Transit Commission to discuss the prob- lem, and bring in a report to Council. No. 307 - Civic Employees Union, Local 133 - protesting the move to Perth of the Inter- national Silver Co. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Corfield that the con~nunication be received and tabled until such time as the meeting between Council and International Silver. No. 308 - British Methodist Episcopal Church - requesting Tag Day. ORDERED on the motion of Al"d. Swayze and Potter that the communication be received and filed and per- mission granted to hold a Tag Day on Saturday, August 10th. No. 309 - Montreal Trust Company'- advising of condition of Schulze property, Montrose Rd. north of Thorold Stone Rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Keighan that the communication be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Con- trol Conmittee for consideration. SEE Report Number 288 No. 310 - Milan Miles - complaint about establishment of wood yard at 1729 McLeod Rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Corfield that the communication be re- ceived and referred to the Property Committee for investigation and report. SEE Report Number 289 No. 311 - Canada Coach Lines - requesting opportunity to submit an offer to purchase property on Park Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and'AId. Sway~e that the co~mnunication be received and filed add referred to the City Manager to k~pt On file until such time as the. property might be offered for sale. No. 312 - Royal Cdn. Sea Cadet Corps'- requesting permission for parade on May 14th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Keighan that permission be granteH to the request of the Sea Cadets. No. 313 - Greater Niagara Boating Club - requesting permission to hold annual Fire- works Display on Club Grounds, Lyons Creek Road, Chippaws, on May 20th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayae that the communication be received and per- mission be granted to the request of the Boating Club. REPORTS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 90 - Property Conm~ttee - Canadian National Railway right-of-way property for sale. SEE Report Number 285. No. 283 - City Clerk - reconnending approval of a draft site plan agreement. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Mttehalson that the Report be received and adapted. The following reports were present,dr No. 285 - Property Con~ittee - Acquisition of Canadian National Railway (old N,S, & T,) right-of-way property. ORDERED on motion of AId. Potter and Ald,Corfis.ld that the report be received and adopted, gEE Report Number 90 No. 286 - City Engineer - Reporting on the request of certain residents on Rolling Acres Drive to have the street paved, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Nitoh,leon and. Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopt,de and referred to the Sanita- tion and Pollution Control Conelit,e. Previous to this antion, on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aide Swayze, Mr. A. F. 8heppards representing the petitioners, was granted permission to speak. Mr. Sheppard stated that the ~ld be very glad to go along with the contained in as to the distribution of costs for such york. SEE Hnmb~ 8 No. 287 ' City Engineer - Reporting on the petition received for sidewalk replacement on portage Rd. between Mayfair Drive and the C.N.R. right-of-way. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petitip~_NJ~p~_ 9 No. 288 - City Manae~ - in respect to the letter received from the Montreal Trust Company concerning the condition of the Schulze property on Moatrose Rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. S._EE_ C~o_n~,~_n_i~_at~iop_ _N_u__mb_er _309 No, 289 - City Manager - In respect to the communication received front Mr. Miles con- cerning the woodyard at 1745 McLeod Rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the reportbe received and adopted. SEE Communication Number 310 No. 290 - Property Committee - recommending that authority be granted to meet with Mr. Rose of H. G. Acres to discuss recommendations made in respect to the request for an extra received from Figerr Structures. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 291 - Property Conlnittee - in respect to the proposal to establish sightseeing booths on motel properties. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Martin that this matter be referred back to the Committee for further study and detailed taper t. N0. 292 - Property Committee - recommending that the City offar to purchase 10 foot strip of land on the east side of Victoria Ave. between Thorold Rd. and N.P.C. prop- erty. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received .and adopted. N0. 293 - Property Committee - recommending that the City approach Mr. Angotti to sell the property on the west side of Main St. north of Lundy~s Lane (Pt. Lot 5, Plan 653). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Sway~e and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 294 - City Manager - reporting on meetings aCtended at H.E.P.C. Hydraulic Lab- oratory in Toronto on May 7th and International Joint Cormnission in Niagara Falls,N.Y., on May 8th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. N0. 295 - City Manager - in respect to watercourse affecting property of Mr. Sontin at 4018 Thorold Stone Rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Mitchelson that the report.be received and adopted and the matter be referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee, No. 296 - City Engineer - recon~aendlng installation of catchbasin at back of property omned by A. Albers on Sinnicks Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 297 - City Manager - recounending that Mr. A. C. Huggins be requested to attend the 11th Annual On~. Rousing Conference in Windsor, September 11, 12~ and 13. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Sways, and Ald. Nitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 298 - City Manager - requesting permission to attend Annual Meeting of Oat. Muni- cipal Administrators~ Asset. on Nay 25th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and permission granted to the request. No. 299 - City Manager - reco~mending that representation be sent to the Oat.Municipal Personnel Asset. Conference in Kitchener on June 7th and 8th. ORDERED on the motion o~ AId. McKinley and Ald. Mitehelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 300 - Negotiations & Equipment Committee - recommending that 3 census takers be employed in the Assessment Dept. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McCallum .and Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 301 - Assistant to City Mgr,, Admin, - reporting on O,M,B, Hearing of May 7th, (Kobald Property, Drummond Road). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitehelson and AId. Cotfield that the report be received and filed, No. 302 - Assistant to City b~r.,Admin. - advising of completion in respect to matter of public park (Block C, R.P. 230, Climenhage Subd). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and filed and proceedings started ih respect to the park, and also that the matter of an appropriate name be referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for consideration. SEE Communication No. 300 No. 303 - Assistant to City bfgr.,Admin. - progress report on meetings of special License Committee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and filed. No. 304 - City Clerk - reporting on O.M.B. Hearing of May 7th in respect to the appli- cation for approval of By-law 6271 (Briand property, south-east corner Clark Ave. & Ferry St.). ORDERED on the motion .of AId. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 305 - CitX Clerk - Draft resolution and submission re: littering problem. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. cott that the report be received and adopted, and the resolution be referred to the Ont. Municipal Association and the Out. Mayors & Reeves Assoc. for their endorsatioh, and also to all Cities in the Province. SEE Resolution Number 48 No. 306 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted, and licenses issued accordingly. No. 307 -Ald. A. J. McKinley - reporting on his attendance at meeting held on May lOth, and requesting permission to attend meeting at Allanburg on May 22nd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and AId. Mitchelson that the report be received and filed and permission granted to Ald. McKinley to attend the meeting on May 22nd. No. 308 - Committee of Adjustment - reporting that application of T. Fedoriw was Granted, and that of T. Fiorentino & Son~, Not Granted, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be .received and filed. PETITIONS Laid over from previous meeting: No. 8 - Residents of Rolling Acres Drive.- requesting the installatio~ of hot mix asphalt surface on this Road. SEE Report Number 286 No. 9 - Residents on Portage Rd. North - requesting installation of sidewalk on the East side of Portage Rd, between Stanley Ave. and Mayfair Drive. SEE Report Number.287 No. ll - Niagara Fails Ratepayers Assoc. - method of garbage collection. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the petition from the Ratepayers Assoc. he laid over for one week for a full Council. Previous t~this action, on the motion of Ald. Nitchelson and AId. Potter, Mr. Roy Shapr, a representative of the Association, was granted permission to speak. Mr. Sharp was of the opinion that because the matter was of some importance, that Council should deliberate the matter at this meeting, de- spite the absence of one Alderman. RESOLUTIONS The folllwinS Resolutions were passed: No. 47 - M~R. TIN- MCKINLEY = RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Palls advise the Dept. of Economics and Development that they would like Mr. A. C. RugSins to be designated for further 3 year term on the local Rousing Authoritys and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously gee Communication No; 30__1 48 - b~TCHELSON - SCOTT - WHEREAS notwithstanding the provisions of Section 56 and Section 98 of The Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O., 1960, Chapter 172, the littering continues from the operators of the commercial vehicles and trailers failing to exercise proper care to ensure that the portions of the load are not blown off by the wind during transit; AND WHEREAS it is often difficult to prove an offante under the said Sections of The Highway Traffic Act; N~q THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City of Niagara Falls request the Honourable Minister of Municipal Affairs to amend The Municipal Act to provide that the Councils of local municipalities hall have authority to pass by-laws to provide that commercial motor vehicles and trailers shall at all times when carrying loads such as waste paper, paper cartons, straw and other materials which might be disturbed by the wind, be covered by tarpaulins 0r otherwise enclosed in such a manner that no portion of the load may be blown off or fall from the commercial vehicle or trailer during transit; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED T~T this resolution be sent to the Ontario Mayors and Reeves Association, The Ontario ~nicipal Association, and to all cities in the Province; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried. Up{nimq~sly' lgranted reading. N0. 49 - MCKINLEY - MITCHELSON - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be held on May 21st. 1963; comme~cing at 7.30 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. BY-LAWS iThe following By-laws were pass.~; N0. 6331 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that Ald. Martin be the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Cor£ield and AId. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. N0_..6332 - A by-law to provide for remuneration of the members of the Committee of Adjustment and the Board of Plumbing Examiners for the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Corfield that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Keighan that Rule 36 (2) 0[ the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ' Third Reading -Ald, Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. N__0..6333 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Keighan that Ald. Swayze be ~anted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. * Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. * Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId, Potter and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously, No. 6334 - A by-law to increase the rate of speed on certain highways in the City of Niagara Falls to 40 miles per hour. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Mitchelson that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading as amended - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously, ~o, 6335 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 6276, to increase the rate of speed on certain highways in the City of Niagara Falls to 50 miles per hour. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald, potter that Ald.Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the firsK reading. - Carried Unanimously.' ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayzj and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. ~ffSCELLANEOUS liis Worship, Mayor Miller, advised of the invitation he had received to attend the opening ceremonies qf the Niagara Hi.storical Museum at Niagara-on-the-Lake on Saturday, May 18th. at 3 p.m. and Stated that, unfortunately, he would be unable to attend due to the Blossom Week Festivities. Ne passed along the invitation .to the other members of Council. His Worship the Mayor, then suggested that a conmunication be forwarded to the newspapers, and the radio station on behalf of the City of Niagara Falls for the wonderful coverage given residents of the area during the Memorial Cup Play-oils in Edmonton. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and AI~. Martin that a letter be forwarded to the two newspapers and the radio station expressing these sentiments. Ald. McKinley also expressed appreciation to the local sponsors who'se generosity had made possible the broadcasting of the games to the area. Ald. Scott expressed his appreciation to the City Manager and City Clerk and to all the officials and staff for their c~-operation to him during the week h~ had been appointed as Enacting Mayor. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId.Martin, READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. May, 1963. FINANCE ~ETING Council Chamber, 13th. May, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on ~y 13th, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Morton. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $318,569.46 were approved by the Conm~ittee, The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald..Potter. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. John MacLeod, 2000 Murray Street, for a permit to erect a neon sign at his premises, at the above address, at an estimated cost of $650. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion 0fAld. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application ot Mr. George Butt, for a permit to erect a sign at his premises at 5 Portage Road, North, located betweeo Thorold Stone Road and St. John Street, at an estimated cost of $50. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. IT WAS FURTHER ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallum that the Property Committee consider or study the matter of sign erections with particular reference to colours, location, etc. and report back to Council. The City Manager's report on the application of Wyllie Real Estate, 797 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a pl~4ood racer sign on the premises located at the north-west corner of Morrison S~reet dud Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $45. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager~s report on the application of Cataract Bow1, 3906 Lundy's Lane, for a building permit to erect an addition on the east side of the building to be used for storage and a coffee bar, at an estimated cost of $20,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Bissell Ltd. 2934 Montrose Road, for a pprmit to construct an addition to their plant, at an estimated cost of $85,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager~s report on the application of Louis ManEoff, 539-541 Erie Avenue, for permission to erect a masonite sign, to be placed between the building at 539 Erie Avenue and 541 Erie Avenue, sign to be fastened to each building and to have a door in the centre to provide entrance to the alley between the buildings, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Miller and AId. Cotfield that the report and application be received and referred to the Property Committee for investigation and a report. The City Manageras report on the application of C. Thiel, 582 Queen street, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign, at the above address, at an estimated cost of $200. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Sway~e and AId. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Managerss report on the application of the Park Hotel~ 960 Cli~ton Hill, for a permit to erect a neon, roof sign at the above premises, at an estimated cost of $2~500. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid, Mitchelson that the report be received~ adopted and permit issued, The City Managerag report on the application of Empey*8 Meats for a permit to erect a sign at 3156 Drummond Road, at an estimated cost of $250. was presented for consideration,- ORDERBD onthe,motion of AId. Eot~er.and.Ald,.8co~ ~ha~ tb~ .. report be rec~ived, adopted and permit issued, The City Manager's report on the application of the Victoria Gift Shop, 1763 Victoria Avenue, for permission to erect a sign, at an estimated cost of $850. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. }~tchelson that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Keighan. READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. May, 1963. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 13th. May, 1963. The Cormnittee assembled in Conference, following the regular meeting of Council on Monday, May 13th. 1963. All Members of Council were present, ~itb the exception of Ald. Morton. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided, Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum. R~D AND ADOPTED, 2late May, 1963, COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 13th. May, 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, May 13th. 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Morton. His Worship,~Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; .No. 6336 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. McCallum that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and theby-law be given the second reading. · Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. McCallum. READ AI~) ADOPTED, 21st. May, 1963. Clerk , Mayor. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 13th. May, 1963. Council reconvened following the Conference on Monday, May 13th. 1963, with all members present, with the exception of Ald. Morton. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. REPORT The following Report was presented; No. 309 - Negotiations Committee - recommendations as to the Fire Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and approved in principle and that Wm. T. Wade be appointed Fire Chief for the City of Niagara Falls and Messrs. Robt. Thomas and Major Dyer be appointed Deputy Chiefs of the Fire. Department. Carried Unanimously. At this point, the City Manager referred to the communication he had received concerning the intention of Local 133, Civic Employees' Union, to inaugurate conciliation proceedings and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that the City Manager be given authority to file a reply to the application of Local 133, Niagara Falls Civic Employees to the Labour Relations Board for conciliation, Carried Unanimously. Ald. Keighan referred to an enquiry received from Mrs. A. J. Holman concerning the possibility of the erection of a fence at the rear of her property adjacent to Rouck Park and the Alderman suggested that. the Parks & Recreation' Conmittee when they have the opportunity, might give some consideration to Mrs. Holman*s request and at the same time the Committee might consider as to whether the City would have any interest in the acquisition of the llolmau greenhouse. Council adjourned on tile motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan. READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. May, 1963. ~ M ayor. TWENTY-SIXTH MEETING Council Chamber, 14th, May, 1963. SPECIAL ~ETING Pursuant to adjournment, Committee of the Whole Council met in special session at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesday, blay 14th, 1963. All Members were present, with the exception of Alderman Morton. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. REPORT The following Report was presentedl No. 310 - CitZManage~r - repor~ dealing with changes in respect to the telephone alarm system for the Fire Department to integrate the several Fire Halls; also automatic fire alarm system. ORdEReD on the motion of AId. blartin and Ald, Keighan that the City Manager's report be received, adopted and he be authorized to have tile necessary arrangements made with the Bell Telephone Company to change the System. PROPOSED DEVELOPMEN~ OF PROPERTY BETWEEN [~RRAY STREET AND R~OBINSON S~(SAINOVICM PROPERTY) __ His Worship Mayor Miller advised that representatives of Niagara International Centre Limited, had discussed the matter of developing the Sainovich property on which the Company hold a lease. Me indicated that the proposal contemplated in the ultimate development is estimated between Seven and Ei~lt Million Dollars, including a tower which is estimated to cost approximately Three Million Dollars. The representatives asked for a letter similar to a letter the City Manager had written under date of August 15th. 1961 to Schmoyer, Hosler, Kiley, 2600 Main Street, Niagara Palls, New York. The letter referred to was read and discussion took place in respect to the matter of services, including the provision of roads. Following the discussion, the following resolution was passed; SEE Resolution No. 50. BESOLUTION No, 50 - R.~.~IGHAN - H.R.POTTER - RESOLVED that this Council do go formally on record as recognizing the advisability for a major revision of the road pattern in the'area leased,by Niagara International Centre Limited and surrounding areas ~ncluding the neighbourtng vicinity above and below the Escarpment; F~RTHER that it is the intention and desire of this Council to investigate and revise the road pattern in sueh areas so as to create proper traffic flow as determined by the City Council; ALSO to the extent that it is within the Council~s power so to do to help to provide ingress and egress to and from the lower and upper levels in such areas; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousli BROCK UNIVERSITY SITE O01.MINIC_,ATION ~he following Communication was presented; No. 314 - Chairman, Brock University Founders' Committee - indicating that the Site Commtttee~ the Campus Design Consultants aud the Founders* Committee~ had selected the Decew Falls Site after care£ul consideration of all sites proposed by the various municipali~ies, Mr. Wm. Gunning and Mr, Earl Dayyes of the Founders' Gormnittee of Brock University were in attendance, and Mr. Gunning presented a statement of the Chairman of the Founders' Committee respecting the site selected as the Home of Brock University. The statement indicated that the choice of a site had narrowed down to the site suggested by the City of St.Catharfnes and the one suggested by the City of Niagara Falls. The St.Catharines' site was finally selected after Consultants |lad determined that a 20-inch gas main with a 60-foot right-of-way ran diagonally across the most strategic part of the site suggested by Niagara Falls. Representatives of the Committee thanked the City Council for its interest in the matter of securing a site for the Oniversity and for the presentation of an excellent brief in this connection. His Worship Mayor Miller thanked the representatives of the Committee for their presentation and indicated that although Council was disappointed that the University would not be located in Niagara F.11s, he was satisfied that the representatives on the Committee from Niagara Falls had dealt with the matter in a fair manner, keeping thm interests of the City in mind. TIle Mayor then declared tile meeting adjourned and the Members of Council proceeded to the CNR Station to welcome the Niagara Falls Flyers~ Junior A Hockey Team upou their return from Edmonton, Alberta. READ AND ADOPTED, 21st. May, 1963. TWENTY-SEVENTH ~ETING Council Chamber, 21st.May, 1963. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournmemt, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21st. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Hembers of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of tbe previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield. WE~C_O~ His Worship, the Mayor welcomed Mr. Sah, the City Manager of Nainital,Ip India who is visiting the area on the Colombo Plan. Mr. Sah, in turn, expressed his appreciation for the warm welcome given to him. TENDERS Tenders had been called for sidewalk construction. On the motion of Aid. Martin and AId. Swayze the tenders received were ordered opened, initialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. CO~tUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 279 - Gould-Leslie Ltd, - Plan for Poster Panel Improvement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the two conmunications be received and tabled until such time as the report is brought in by the Property Committee. SEE Communication Number }~5_. SEE Report Number 311. No. 302 - City pf Hamilton - in respect to adoption of a resolution pertaining to re-organization and personnel of public health in the Province. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the communication be received, filed and Council go on record as supporting the proposal of the City of Hamilton. SEE Communication Number 316. No. 304 - Southminster United Church - requesting installation of "no parking~ signs on the south side of Margaret Street between Dorchester Road and Weaver Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and the report of the Traffic Committee in this connection be adopted. SEE Report Number 312. No. 305 - Niagara Tower Co. Ltd. - recommending certain suggestions to control traffic in the area of the Seagram Tower. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Potter that the communication be received and the report of the Traffic Committee be adopted. pet Report Number 313. No. 306 - Twin City Restaurant & Gordon~s Cigar Store - requesting that the location of the bus stop on Ferry Street be changed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and the report of the Traffic Committee in this' connection be adopted. SEE Report Number 314. ThJ following Communications were presented] No. 315 - Gould-Lsslie Ltd. - application for permits for 5 poster panels at certain locations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the two communications be received, and tabled until such time as the report is brought in by the Property Committee. 8E,E Communication Number 279. SEE Report Number 311, No. 3.6 - Dy. L.W.C, Stp~SeSn - in respect to tbe letter from the City of Hamilton concerning re-orgaeization of public health in the Province. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Potter that the communication be received, filed and Council go on record as supporting the proposal of the City of Hamilton. SEE Communication Number 302. No. 317 - Gre_at,cr Niagara Water Sa~etj C.o_nmn_itte~ - requesting the proclamation of Water Safety Week. ORDERED ~n 'the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Curfield that the communication be re~eived and ~he request be granted, and the proclamation be is!reed and paid for by the municipality as has been done in preyious years. This roelieu was carried with AId. Keighan and Mitchelson voting contrary. No. 318 - St. |'au_l~ CJ~ippaw_a__US_~_t_ed Chur_ch - requesting the use of John All~n Park om 3use 15th. at 3.30 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Swayze that the conmmmtcation be received and referred to the Parks & Recreation Committee and if the date requested is available that permission be granted. No, 319 - G~at~r ~agay~_ Baseball Association - requesting financial assistance to carry out an adequate summer sports program. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Parks & Recreation Coma|tree to meet with Mr. Sunstrum of the Association and report back to Council, amd also that the request for the Tag Day on June 15th, be granted. No. 320 - St.C_a_th_ayi_n_e_s__Fj_y_i_ng_Club - invitation to attend Aerial Display on Saturday, May 25th. from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Niagara District Airport. ORDERED on the roelieu of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the communication be received dud filed and as stony members of Council as possible, attend. No. 321 - Proctor. & Rqd(gr9 - specifications for connecting link - Highway #20, Drn,mtoud Road to west City Limits. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. blitchelson and Potter that the conuuunication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and report back to Council. No. 322 - N.lagar_a. Faj_l_s__F_i_re-peJartment - advising of satisfaction of new Fire Dept. peYsonnel and offering services of Volunteers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Morton that the communication be received and Council express their apprt:clation to tile group for volunteering their services. No. 323 - NiagaF~_ F_a,l.ls V_o_lu_n.t_eer Fire_Dept. - advising tMat representatives of their Department had not been notified about the meeting when the new Fire Department personnel was selected. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Curfield that the conuuunication be received and the apologies of AId. McCallum be extended to the Velumleers. No. 324 - Me~&e-r ~o,m~.~it~_ee of 3 Stamford Fire Depts. - advising tha. Council had not met with representatives of this group before new Fire Dept, personnel were appoluted. During the discussion of the matter by members of Council, Atd.Micch els0n outlined the steps taken by the Merger Conrad|tree and others leading up to the appointments, dud deplored the contmplated action on the par~ of the Volunteers who bad issued an ultiumtum that their blanket resignation would take effect on Mny 31s%. t9~3, unless a hearlug was granted to their group prior to that date. Oe ~he motion of AId. Mitchelson and Scott, J. T. Allan, Jr, was granted pemission to address Conn~iI. lie stated ~hat only after decisions pertainin~ to Fire Dept. ma~tors had be~n arrived at, had his group been imvited to attend meetings and asked If they had amy questions. After discussion it was ordered on the motion of AId. Koighau and Cox'field that the Fire Coumtl~ec as established, mee~ with Vohmtcor group a~ a mee~h~g to be arranged at the convenience of the two bodies, and that ~ho loiter from the group be referred to ~he ~. 325 - p.~%_n_iu_~__Boar,~! - advising of Schedule of Films to be presented on the CSC Network, dealing with urban problems. ~D~ED on the motion o[ AId. Mor~on and Swayze tha~ ~he c~a~nn~lca~lon be received and filed, 32~ - Pl_~,n,n,i,t~i__B_~_.rS~ - guMBosthug dates for the Joint meeting of Council and Planntn~ Board, ~ED on tho mot~on of A~d, McCallurn and Sco~t ~hat ~he meeting set fo~ Woduesday, Nay 29t~. at 327 - ,t~rJ_o. ~arbo~at_,,ed Beverage Assocj - requestinS meeting with Council coucet~h~ the chrome in sign prices. ~0~ oxx ~he ~tio~ of AId. ~ttiu ~d Sco~c ~ha~ the c~mica~lou b~ receive~l dud filed. No. 328 - Retail Merchants_ ;!ss_oc_. - requesting meeting with Couucil concerning changes in'sign prices. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Curfield that the communication be received and filed. No. 329 - Civil Aviation Branch - concerning proposed helicopter operations at the New Yorker Motel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Swayzc that the communication be received and filed and the City Manager be authorized to discuss the matter thoroughly with representatives of the Air Transport Board when he is here to make his inspection. During the discussion of this matter it was suggested by Ald. McKinley that the matter of heliport zoning should be placed on the Agenda for the joint meeting of Council and the Planning Board, on May 29th. No. 330 - Housing Branch,_DepA.__E~RPomi__c~_&-P~v--elSPmen--t ' meeting with Council to discuss a housing programme in the enlarged City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Swayze that the communication be received aed Council arrange a meeting with the representatives in the Fall when we have time to arrnnge for it. No. 331 - Dept. of High_waJ_s - advising of advance payment made on the subsidy to be paid to the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Curfield and Swayze that the communication be received and filed. No. 332 - Edd Masters - requesting financial assistance from the City to defray expenses incurred as a result of homecoming arrangements for the Flyer Roekey Team. ORDERED On the motion of Ald. Swayze and Mitchelson that the communication be received and that the City pay an amount of $277. as requested. During the discussion of this matter it was suggested by Ald. Scott that a vote of thanks be extended to Mr. Masters for his work in this connection. REPORTS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 290 - Property Committee - re meeting with Mr. Rose of H.G.Acres & Co. to discuss the claim made by Pigoft Structures for an extra in connection with the Victoria Avenue Bridge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mortnn and Ald. Mitchelson that the property Committee's report in this connection be received and adopted. SEE Re/qr__tNumber 315. The following Reports were presented; N0. 311 - Property Committee - re Plan for poster panel improvement submitted by Could-Leslie Ltd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Curfield that the two communications received be tabled until such time as the report is brought in by the Property Guam|tree. SEE Communications 279-315. No. 312 - Traffic Committee - re request of Southminster United Church for "no parking signs' on the south side of Margaret Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Potter that the conmnunication be received and the report of the Traffic Con~nittee be adopted. S~E~_ Cjmmj_n~catj~on_ ~PJ~39~t No. 313 - Traffic Committee - recommending suggestions in respect to traffic conditions in the vicinity of the Seagram Tower. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Potter that the communication be received and the report of the Traffic ~ommittee be adopted. SEE Communication No..~05.. N0. 314 - Traffic Committee - recommending that no change be made in the location of the bus stop on Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Potter and McCallum that.the report of the Traffic Co~nittee be adopted. SEE Communication No,306. No. 315 - Property Committee - recommending that the matter of tile claim of Pigoft Structures be referCad to the City Solicitor to discuss the matter with the Committee and Mr, Rose of H,G, Acres & Co, Ltd, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Mitchelson that the Property C~nmitteee8 report be received and adopted. 8_B_~B Rep, or___~, N.um,ber 2___~90._ ji No. 316 - Equipment Connnittee - outlining certain reconnnendations in respect to Tenders received. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Martin that the report of the Equipment Conmitten be adopted. No. 317 - Equipment Commit|e,, - recommending purchase of certain materials and equipment for various municipal departments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Potter tits| the report of the Equipment Conch|tree be adopted. No. 318 - City Manager - reporting on meeting with Mr. Christopher, General Manager of International Silver Company. On the motion of Ald. Morton and McKinley, Mr. John MeNally, President of Local 505, was permitted to address the Council. Mr. MeNally disagreed with certain statements made by the Management, and advised that the Company had never stated they were having financial difficulties. On the motion of Ald. Morton and Swayze, Mr. John Landry was permitted to address the Council. He stated that his Negotiations Committee had always forwarded any material that came up at meetings to the membership. On the motion of Ald.Mitchelson and Swayze, Mrs. Baikie was also granted permission to speak and she questioned how the Company were able to build a new plant if they were operating at a deficit. After considerable discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Morton that the report of the C~ty Manager be received and that the standing offer of this Council with respect to being of assistance still stands; and also that an appointee of Council be authorized to meet with Miss LaMarsh and two Ministers from the Federal and Provincial Cabinets, and anything else that Council can do to be helpful. In discussing the proposed meeting to be arrnnged by Hen. J. V. LaMarsh, it was agreed that the City Manager should telephone Miss LaMarsh to find out the details concerning the meeting, No. 319 - Property Committee - advising of recommendations made by Mr. Rose of H.G. Acres & Co. in respect to additional excavation and granular mate ial on the access road to the Kimberly Clark Plant. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Corfield that the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted. No. 320 - Property Committee - advising of specifications for sodding the banks at the Victoria Avenue Bridge. ORDERED on the motion 6f Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted. No. 321 -' Special License Committee.- recommending that Tourist Gon~nercial zoning uses be referred to the Planning ~oard for study. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Martin that the report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald, Keighan voting contrary. ~ No. 322 - Special License Conmnittee - advising of provisions of ByTlaw 5149. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted, No. 323 - Assistant to City Manager-EnRineering - advising that Mr. John McNamara, Chief Operator at the Pollution Genttel Plant had received a Grade A rating at the Operator's Course in Toronto. ORDERE~ on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Morton that the report be received and filed and the congratulations of Council be extended to Mr. McNamara. No. 324 - H.G.Acres & Co. Ltd. - Report on Water distribution problems. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Mitchelson that the report be received and referred to the Sewage and Sanitation Committee for a report. No. 325 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and McKinley that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued ae¢ord£ngly. No. 326 - Negotiations Committee - reporting on meeting with new Fire Pep|.personnel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald. Martin that the report be received and filed. PETITIONS Laid ovey from previous meetings; No. 11 - Niagara Falls Ratepayers Association - re method of garbage collection. A delegation was present from the Ratepayer8~ Association during the discussion of this matter. After members of Council had spoken on the issue, it was moved by AId. Mitchnlson and Scott that we re-institute uhe curb side service and that the actual money that is saved as a result of this change in the present practice~ be earmarked for the reduction of the Mill Rate during next year. This motion was defeated by the following vote; Aye -Ald. Mitchelson, Aid. Scott; Naye- AId. Swayze, Martin, Keighan, McKinley, McCallum, Potter, Morton, Cotfield; At this point, on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Mitchelson, Mr. Roy Sharp,a representative of the Association, was permitted to address Council. Mr. Sharp confirmed that the 4,662 signatures on the petition did not represent a majority of the total population of 53,500, but suggested that if his Association had worked on the project longer that they could have obtained many more signatures, It was then ordered on the motion of Aid,Martin and McCallum that the petition be received and filed. This motion was carried unanimously. At this point in the meeting, on the motion of Ald, Swayzc and Ald. Martin, Mr. S. Tooke addressed the Council in respect to the petition he had headed for sidewalk repair or replacement on Portage Road between b~yfair Drive and the Railway tracks. Mr. Tooke advised that the petitioners had felt that the cost for the new sidewalk should come out of the general levy and net be charged as a local improvement, and advised that some of the sections of sidewalk particularly in front of new homes had been broken by building contractors. It was explained that if a sidewalk was older than 20 years the cost of replacement was charged as a local improvement, however, it was decided that the Committee would take Mr. Tooke~s remarks under advisement when dealing further with the matter. MISCELLANEOUS *AId. McKinley advised of a letter he had received from the Greater Niagara Baseball Association regarding park use. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the Parks Committee be authorized to check into the matter. Ald. Keighan spoke on the matter of school crossing zones and the possible use of red flashing lights on signal signs in school zone areas. It was decided that the Traffic Committee would look into this matter. Ald. Swayze requested permission of Council to attend the Traffic Conference being held in Port Arthur on June 17th. 18th. and 19th, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the Chairman of the Traffic Committee and the City Engineer be empowered to attend the Conference, BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed; No. 6337 - ~ ~y-law to appoint valuers of sheep for the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Swayze that AId. Mitchelson be gr~nted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mitchelson and McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. ~ Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Potter - Carried Unanimously. No. 6338 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated May 2nd.1963, between Confederation Life Association and the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls, (formerly Township of Stamford). ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Scott that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing tile by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and AId. Corfield - Carried Unanimously, No. 6339 - A by-law to amend Zoning By-law 2530 (1960) of the Township of Stamford (now in the City of Niagara Falls), as amended. ORDERED on the motion 'of Ald. Corfield 'and Potter that Ald,Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the.second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Potter and McKinley - Carried Unanimously. Moa, 6340 - A by-law to provide for the erection of Yield Right-of-Way signs at certain intersections in the Municipality. ORDEBED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Scott that Aid. Svayze be granted the privilege of intro~Ucing the by-law and the by-law he given the lat reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. ~vayze and AId. Keighan that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. lwnird reading - Aid. Morton and Aid. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. MitchelsOn. EEADAND ADOPTED, 27th May, 1963. Clerk Mayor. FINANCE !assriNG Council Chamber, 21st May, ~963. The Finance MaetinSvas held on May ~st, 19~, for the purpose of approvinS and also passing the various accounts which had been previously ~ertified and placed before them. AllMembers of the Committee were present. Alderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundr~ Account~ in the amount of $84~,~91.10 were approvedby the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed ~r otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the MoneyBy-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Potter and Aid. Morton. The City Mana~er's report on the application of Mr. Matt Calzonetti of Rambler Sales and Service, 1~7~ Ferx7 8treat, for a permit to erect a neon facet display si2n, at an estimated cost of $~00. was presented'for consideration. ORI~D on the motion o~ Ald. McCallu~ and Ald. Corfie'ld that the report be received, adopted and permit issue~. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. Matt Calzonetti, 1375 FerrY Street, for a permit to erect a neon overhanging sign, at an estimated cost of $780.was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of ~ayor Miller and Aid. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the A & W Drive-in at ~189 Lundy's Lane, for a permit to erect a neon roof pylon sign, at an estimated cost of $900. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the A & W Drive-in at 4189 Lundy's x~, for a permit to erect a neon racer display sign, at an estimated cost of $900. was presented for consideration. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City P~nager's report on the application of the Old Dutch Mill Shop, Clifton Rill, for a permit to erect a metal roof sign, at an estimated cost of ~0. was presented for consideration. ORREEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager'e report on the application of Texaco Canada Limited for a permit to erect a sign at their premises at 1869 Main Street, at an estimated cost of $1,250. ~as presented for consideration. ORDEBED on the motion of Aid. 5~ayze and AId. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Edunrd Waiters for a permit to erect a neon sign at the Impale Motel at 1916 Allen Avenue, at an estimated cost of $500. was presented for consideration. 0RDEBED on ~he motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Norton that the report be received, adopted andpermit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Carousel Motel, 4511 Lundy's lane, for a permit to erect two plywood signs, at an estimated cost of $80. for each sign, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and AId. Kelpsan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City P~nager's report on the application of Mr. Atila Toth for a permit to erect a neon sign at the U.S.A. Motel, 2541 Portage Road, at an estimated cost of $975. ~s presented for consideration. ORDEBED on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and Aid. Mitchelson that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Mana~er's report on the application of Niagara Imperial Motel Limited, 1845 Victoria Avenue, for apermit to erects decorated landscaping structure and signs for the restaurant operated by V. DeLorenzo, at an estimated cost of $1,0OO. was pre- sented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. 8wayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the revised plan submitted by Mr. Armando Leo, 1678 Ferry Street, for the construction of a store on Par~ of Lot 14, at the comer of Grey Avenue and Ferry Street, yes presented for consideration. OI~)ENED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. McCallurn' that the report be received and the application be ferred to the Property C~tttee for consideration. The City Mana~er's report on the application of Niagara Tover Company Limited, ~760Porta~e Road, for a building permit to construct a building on the west side of Portage Road between Dunn ~t. and LivingStone St., at an estimated cost of $23,000. was presentedfor consideration. OI~!~D on the motion of Aid. Potter and Aid. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. At this time the CityManager presented a verbal report on an application made by ~r. Steve Demko, operator of Holiday Pleasure Tours, for the use of the lot at the cor- ner o~atrra~ Hill and Buchanan Avenue, on which he desires to erect a building to be used as an office for enquiries received from tourists. ORE~F~D on the motion of Aid. ~cCallum and Ald. Mitehelson that the verbal report be received and the application be re~exTed to the Property Committee for eonsidermtion and report. ~lae Ccsmittee arose and reported to Council on the mo$ion of AId. McKinley and Aid. ~itehelson. ~F~DA~AD01'~D, 27th ~a~, 1963. Clerk L !D]IEt, COUNCIL ~,~ING Council Chamber, 21st May, 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance meetings on Tuesday, May 21st, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which cov- ered the accounts approved by the C~ittee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY- LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 6~1 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let read- ing. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallurn. EEAD AND ADOPTED, 27th May, 1963. TWENTY-EIGHTH ME~-A'iNG REGUIAR Ie~'~ING Council Chamber, 27th May, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 27th, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council having received and read the minutes of the previous regu- lar meeting adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. S~ayze. TENDERS Tenders had been called for Sand, and for plumbing requirements at the M.F.Ker Park, and plumbing alterations at the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena. On the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Morton it was ordered that the Tenders received be opened and initialled by His Worship the Mayor, and tabulated. COM~dNICATIONS [aid over from previous meetings: No. 279 - Gould-Leslie Ltd. - Plan for Poster Panel Improvement. No. 315 - Gould-Leslie Ltd. - Application for permits for poster panels at certain locations. OPaFaED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Potter that the coununica- tions be received and filed and that the report of the Property Committee be received and filed and that the report of the Property Connittee be received and adopted, but that Item No. 1 be deleted for approval at this time and referred back to the Property Ccmmittee for further study. SEE Report No. 327. No. 310 ~ Milan Milos - complaint about woodyard at 1729 McLeod Rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the c~unication be received and filed and the report of the Property Committee in this connection be received and adopted. SEE Report No. ~28. No. 318 - St. Paul's Chippaws United Church - requesting permission to use John Allan Park. OI~DEEED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the co~- unication he received and filed and the report of the Parks & Recreation Committee be adopted. SEE Report No. 329. No. 319 - ereate~ Niag. Baseball Assoc. - requesting consideration of financial assis- tance to conduct summer sports progrooms. ORI~I~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. McKinley that 'the communication be received and filed and the report of the Parks &Recreation Caittee be received and adopted. SEE Report No. No. 321 - Proctor &Redfern - specifications for connecting link - HighwayS20 - Drummond Road to west City limit. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and AId. Morton that the communication be received and table~,and the report of the Property Co~nitteebe received. S~E Report No. 331. At this point in the meeting, on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. 8wayze, Mr. J. Mahlstedtwas~,rantedpermission to address the Council. He advised that his Compm~vhadunoption on a piece of property at the comer of Dunn Street and Portage Road, and it was their intention to erect thereon a building suitable for a retail sales outlet for high qualitF merchandise. He requested that his Ccmpan~ ha allowed to put their plans before the Building Coamittee this week in order that action might be taken bF Council the following week. After discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. 8w~yze that Mr. Mahlstedt be given permission to present his Plans to the Buildin~ Committee this week so that the Ccmuittee can report to Council at the nex~ meeting. The following communications were presented: No, 333 - Dept. Municipal Affairs - respecting City of Niagara Falls resolution con- cerning loading of con~ercial vehicles. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Corfield and Ald. Keighan that the communication he received and filed. No. 334 - Niagara Palls Lions' Club - supervision of playgrounds. OI~E~RED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the cnmm,mication be received and filed and Mr. Wallace Playground Chairman be advised that his request for'help has been approved. No. 335 - St. Paul's Lutheran church - requesting permission to use Baden-Powell Park. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Norton that the communication be received and filed and referred to the Parks & Recreation Committee with power to act. No. 336 - Mrs. June Doan - concerning the keeping of bees at 2166 Scott Street. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Cc~mittee and they be empowered to wait on the Agricultural Dept. to try and get results ~mmediately on this complaint. No. 337 - Committee of Adjustment - advising of Public Hearing on June 13th at 4:15 p.m. at the City Ball concerning the application of Mrs. L. Friesz. OldRED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Scott that the communication be received and filed. No. 338 - Main St. Baptist Church - requesting the use of John Allan Park for a pic- nic on June 8th. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Corfield that the communication be received and filed, and the report of the Parks Committee be adopted. BEE Report No.334 No. 339 - Greater Niag. Basehall Assco. - requesting a pedestrian gate be installed at the Arthur St. entrance to 0ekes Park. ORI1EEED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Corfield that the e~unioation be received and filed and the report of the Parks Coeaittee be adopted. SEE Report No. 335 No. 3~0 - Dcmenic Chicrelic - requesting permission top ave, at their own expense, a strip of land in front of the Motel. Ott~ on the motion of A1R. Keighan and Aid. Mitchelson that the eosaunieation be received and referred to the Proparty Coemittee for consideration. No. 3~1 - Greater Nla~. Water Safety Cceait~ee - requesting permission to stencil water safety signs at intersections. OR~ on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Corfield that the communication be received and filed and permission granted, under the. supervision of the En~lneerin~ Dept. No. 3~2 - Niagara Falls ~r. Football Club - requesting installation of flood lights for the 1963 season. OI~ED on the motion of Aid. Morton and McCalltma that the flood lights be installed for Oakes Athletic' Field for the 1~3 season and that tenders for installation be called with the understandi~g that the lowest tender be accepted. Carried Unaninousl~. 'SEE Report No. 336 laid over froa previous meetings: No. ~ - Property Ccsmittee - concerning request of Pigoft Structures for an extra in connection with pile driving on Victoria Ave. Brid~e. No. 31~ - PrOperty Ccealttee,- conceruin~ meeting with H. T. Rose of H. G, Ac~es in respect to the request of Pigoft ~tructures. Ol~on the motion of Ald. Potter andAld, Morton that the report of the Prop- ex~y Ccaedttea be received and adopted. sEE.bport No. 3]~ The following Reports were presented: No. 332 - Property Conmittee - recommending that the request of Pigott Structures for an extra be considered by the Committee upon completion of the Contract. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Repgrt Nos.290 & ~1~ No. 327 ' Property Committee - recommending the granting of permits for erection of several advertising signs by Gould-Leslie. OI~ED on the motion of Aid.Morton and Aid. Potter that the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted, but that item No. 1 be deleted for approval at this time and referred back to the Property Committee for further study. SEE Co~unication 279 s~. Communication ~1~ No. ~28 - Property Committee - recommending that the owner of the wood yard at 1729McEeod Rd. be asked for information concerning his plans for moving the wood- ~rd. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted. SEE Communication 310 No. 329 - Parks Committee - ree~wn~nding that permission be granted to St.Paul's ChippawaUnitedChurch to ~se JohnAllan Park on June 15. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the report of the Parks Connnittee be adopted. SEE Communication Bi~ No. 330 - Parks & Recreation Committee - recommending that the Greater Niag. Base- ball Assco. be advised that no payment in excess of the amount in the budget can be made. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. McKinley that the report of the Parks & Recreation Committee be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 331 - Property Cc~nittee - recommending that the Committee be given further time to study the request of Proctor & Redfern respecting engineering on the re- building of Highway No. 20. ORESRED on the motion of AId. 8wayze and Aid. Morton that the report of the Property Co~nittee be received. SEE Communication 321. No. 33aA - Stn~tation & Pollution Control Committee - recoamending that a report be prepared for the construction of a parsanent pavement on Rolling Acres Drive. 0P~REI~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Ccrfield that the report of the ~anitation & Pollution Control Comwtttee be received and adopted. SEE Petition No. 8 No. 333 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - reporting on the petition for a new sidewalk on-Portage Rd. between Mayfair Drive and the. C.N.R. tracks, an~ recommending that Mr. Tooke be requested to advise whether the persons si~ning the Petition are in fayour of the sidewalk being constructed as a local improvement. 0RI~ on the motion of Ald. Potter~and Aid. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition No. 9 No. 33~ - ~arks Ccaenitt~e - recoemending that the Main St. Baptist Church be granted Permission to use the John Allan Park on June 8. ORE~D on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted, SE~ Coesnunication No. 33~ - Parks Cceaittee - reccemending that a pedestrian gate be installed in the south fence on Oakes Park adjacent to Arthur St. ORI~I~D on the motion of Aid.Morton and Ald. Cotfield. that the repor~ be received and adopted. 8~ Cce~unication 339 NO. 33~ - Parks & Recreation Consittee - reccmaending that flood lights be installed ~orthe 1~ season. ORI~F~D on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. MeCallua that the fl~ li~ts ~ installed for~kes Athletic Field ~or the 1~ season andShat tenders for lnstalhtion ~ called wl~h the ~derstandl~t~t the l~s~ tender be aa~ed. Oarried~s~, ~ C~ieation ~b~ No. 337 - E~uipment & Negotiations Committee - reporting on the meeting to be held with representatives of the Volunteer Fire Dept. on May 28th. OI~I~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and filed. No. 338 - Equipment Co~mittee - recc~ending that tenders be called for certain items of equipment required at the Filtration Plant, and the proceeding of the work in connection with Filters o to 16. ORE~D on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Mltchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 339 - ~anitation & Pollution Control Committee - recc~mending that deposits made for construction of water services in excess of 3/~ inch he returned to owne~ or contractor. O~n~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 3~O - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recoaaending that a by-law be pre. pared in respect to deposit for ~ldewalk a~mAge. OI~ED on the motion of Aid. Potter and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted and that the neces- sary by-law be prepared. No. 3~1 - Sanitation & Pollution Control C~ittee - recommending that a by-law be passed setting rates for sewer service charges. ORD~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. 8wayze that the report be received and adopted and the necessary by-law be prepared. No. 3~2 - City Clerk - reporting on the forthcoming Convention of the Ontario Muni- cipal Assoc., scheduled for Kingston, Aug. 25 to Aug. 28. ORl~ on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. ~wayze that the report be received and filed and that the members of Council who will be attending the Convention, so indicate to the Clerk, in order that appropriate reservations can be made. No. 3~3 - City Clerk - reporting on c~anication received 'fro~ the Director of the Emergency Measures Organization. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Cor~ield that the report be received and filed, and we point out to the Director that the City is part of the Emergency Measures Organization, and that the neces- sary requirements of subsection 2. have been provided in the By-law passed by the Council. ' No. 3~ - ~arks & Eracreation Co~aittee - reporting on the equipment used in the con- cession at the Memorial Arena, and recomaending that a detailed report be pres- ented on the revenue and expenditures of the concession. 0I~ED on the motion of Aid. Mckinley and Aid. 8wayze that the report of the Parks and Recreation mittee ha received and filed. No. 3~ - Parks Committee - recce~ending that the Holy Name Society be granted per- mission to use Clanview Park on Thursday evenings for Softball. ORE~ED on the motion of AId. Potter and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 3~ - City Manager - reporting on attendance at the City Administrator's Assoc- iation meeting on May eSth in Toronto. ORE2~ED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Keighan that the report be received and filed. No. 3~ - City Clerk - recoasaending issuance of licenses. ORI~F~Don the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Keighanthet the report be received, ndopted~ and licen- ses issued accordingly. -- No. 3~8 - Assistant to C~ty M~r., Admin~ - recoe~aendin~ that a policy be established in respect to the registration of subdivision plans, and a further policy enacted to deal with l~ent of cost of services for lands separated free land holdings. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 3~0 - City ~ngineer - Reporting on Tenders received for sidewalk construction 0RI~ED on the.motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that since the Tender re- ceived frca Vincent Kerrio-~er~ano Ltd. is within the estimates as outlined by the l~n$ineer~ that we accept the Tender for the amount 'sho~ in the report. P~TITIONS hid Over fron previous meetings.. · leo. 8 - Petition of residents on Rolli Acres Drive, - re~t~esting installation of permanent' laV~e~'~ hollin~ AOre. ~vv~~~n 'the 2io'n of Ald~ Mitehal- son and AId. Cor~ield that the report of the 2anitation~Pollution C~n~rel Cca- sittee be reQeived and adopted. r. .S~2. Re~ No. 3~A No- ~ - Petition of J. Tooke and others - requesting replacement of sidewalk on Portage Rd. north between Mayfair Drive and C.N.R. Tracks. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Scott that the report of the Sanitation & Pollution Con- trol Committee be received and adopted. SEE Report No. 333 MISCELLANEOUS The City Manager, on behalf of the Negotiations Committee, requested the permission of Council to interview several Management Firms in order that the Com- mittee could reckend to Council the employment of such a Firm to carry out a re- evaluation of City Jobs, salaries and wage schedules. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McCallam and Ald. Keighan that the Manager contact three or four Firms as known to him and that they interview the Negotiations Committee and bring in a re- port as to the selection of the Firm. The City Manager reported that he had arranged through the Hen. Miss J. V. Le/~arsh, a meeting of the representatives of the City Council and numerous Cabinet Ministers, for Thursday, May 3Oth at 11 a.m. in Ottawa. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the Chairman of the Property Com- mittee, the Chairman of the Finance Committee, the City Manager and Nis Worship Mayor Miller, be a committee to wait on the Hen. Miss LaMarsh and other members of the Cabinet in Ottawa on May BOth. Alderann S~yze advised of speeding which occurs on Peer Street. On motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Morton it was ordered that the Traffic Committee be authorized to look into the matter of speeding on Peer Street. Alderman Cotfield spoke about the condition of certain hedges on Prince Edward and Byng Avenues, which he believed was causedby too much salt used during thewinter months on the sidewalk. It was directed that the City Engineer take up the mat, tot with the Perks Department. The following By-laws were passed: No. 63~2 -.To establish an extension of Valley Way and a widening of Dn.~mmond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Swayze that Aid. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the reading - Carried Unanimously. ORdErED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third reading - Alderman Morton and Alderman Potter - Carried Unanimously. ~ - To regulate drainage of lands and buildings and the connection thereof to the common sewer systems of the City of Niagara Falls° OR~I~D on the motion of Aid. Mltchelson and Ald. ~wayze that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st reading - CarriedUna. nimously. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Corfield that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third reading - AId, Mltchelson and AId. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. ~ - To amend Restrictive Area By-law No, ~287, 1~ passed the l$th day of ~ebruax~, 1~, and which naidby-law As a by-law to amend R~strictive Area By-law No. ~5~0# 1~0 of the Township of Stamford. OI~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Corfield that Aid. Keighan be ~rantad the privile~e of introduein~ the by-law and the by-law be ~iven the lst-.reading -Carx~edUnantmousl~, ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Morton that RuIe 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Co~mcil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Mor~on and Ald. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. No- 63~_- Reing a by-lay to license and regulate the owner or operators of l~Ab- lic Garages, and to license, regulate and govern the owners or keepers of cel~ain automobile service stations. OFFERED on the motion of Aid. S~yze and Ald. Cor~ield that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Keighan that Rule 36 the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law as ~mended, be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. T~ird Reading - AId. MaI~cin and Aid. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. ~ - Being a by-law to enter into, execute and deliver a deed to Charles and Evely~ Chambers. ORDEP~D on the motion of Aid. Swayze amd Aid. Scott that AId. ~ighan be granted the privilege of introducing the b -law and the by-law be given the 1st reading - Carried Unanimously. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Coancil be temporarily suspended and the by=law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Mox~on and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Alder~l Martin and Alexmean Swayze. ~EAD AND ADOI~D, 3rd June, 1~3. Clerk Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council C~ber, 27th MaY, ~'ne Finance Meeting was held on May 2?th, 1963, for the purpose of approv- ing and also passing the various accounts which had bean previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Aldexman Max~in, Chain~an or FInance, presided. SundA7 Accounts in the amount of $118,~88.00 were approved by the Com- mittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid. Swa~ze and Ald. Potter. The City Manager' s Report on the application of Steve Demko, operator of the Molida~ Pleasure Tours, for a persit to erect a all building at the comer of Buchanan Ave. and Murray Street from which he proposed to serve tours' alread~ contracted for and to receive inquiries free tourists respecting tours, was pre- sented rot consideration. Olt~l~D on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. 'Cotfield that the report be received and adopted and the matter be discussed with the Police Cosmission before a~y persission is ~ranted The report of the Property Committee on the application of Mr. Amendo Leo for a building permit to constract a store on a portion of Lot 1~ at the corner of Gray Ave. and Ferry St. was presented for consideration. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. 7he rapor~ of the Property Committee on the application of Mr. Louis Mangoff for a permit to erect a masonite sign between 539 and 541 Erie Avenue was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and that a permit be not issued. The report of the City Manager on the application of imperial Oil Limited for the reneul of a building permit for a service station on the north side of Thorold Stone Rd. on Pt. Lots 1 and 2, Registered Plan 147, was presented for con- sideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and AId. Scott that the repoxt be received, adopted, and that Imperial Oil be advised that this one renewal will be granted but that there will be no further renewals for these premises. ~he report of the City Manager on the application of Mr. Peter Lee for a permit to erect a neon sign at the premises at 1033 Centre Street at a cost of $650.00 was presented for consideration. OPtRED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The C~lttee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McCallom and Aid. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED June, 1963. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCIL ~ETIN6 Council Chamber, 27th May, 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regnlar Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, May 27th, 1~3, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the account~ approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor Miller, presided. following B~-law was passed: BY-lAW - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORI~D on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing'the b~-law and the by-law be given the 1st reading - Carried Unanimously, O~D on the motion of Aid, Martin and ~ld. Morton that Rule ~6(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the Second reading . Carried Unanimously. ~irdReading - Aid. Swayze and Aid. Cotfield - CarriedUnanimously. Council ad~ouroed to Conference on the motion of ~d. Martin and Aid. RF~I) ANDADOPTED, 3rd. June, 1963. Clerk Ma~ox CONFERENCE Council themher, 27th May, 1963. The C~ittee assembled in Conference following the regular meeting of Council on Monday, May 27th, 1963. All members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor F. J. Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield. READAN DAD OpTED, 3rd. June, 1963. Clerk Mayor TWENTY-NINTH MEETING REGUIAR ~TING Council Chamber, 3rd June, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 3rd, 1963 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All members of Council were present. The Council having received and read the minutes of the previous regular meeting adopted these on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Potter.' TENDERS Tenders bad been called for painting the interior of the Police Building. On the'motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Swayze it was ordered that the tenders received, be opened and initialled by His Worship the Mayor, and tabulated. SEE FINANCE MEETING COFR~UNICATIONS Laid over from previog~_m. eet~nE.sj. No. 279 - Go__uld-Leslie Ltd. - Plan for Poster Panel improvement. No. 315 - Gould-Leslie Ltd· - Application for permits for'poster panels at certain locations. In this connection, the City Manager submitted a verbal report on behalf of the Property Connittee which recommended that approval be not granted for the two panels on the Branscombe property on the south side of Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of jAld. Martin and Ald. Scott that the verbal report of the Property Committee be received ehd adopted. No. 340 - D. Chiarella - request to pave in front of the LaRiviera Motel. In this connection, the City Manager submitted a verbal report on behalfof the Property Committee which recommended that permission be granted to Mr. Chiarella to place asphalt inside the sidewalk on the west side of Buchanan Avenue, provided that pre-cast concrete curbs be placed and that a public liability bond be provided to protect the City at E o Swayze that the report ope t i d adopted. The following Communications were presented; No. 343 - A.. C. Pratt - requesting estimate fore curb around the island in the centre of 4ueensway Crescent. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton that ,the communication be received and referred to the City Engineer to bring in a report. No. 344 - Wm. G. Booth - in respect to the application of J. Zarra. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton Mr. Booth was granted permission to address Council in this matter. Mr. Booth stated he was present at the meeting to clarify certain things in respect to this application and subsequent O.M.B. hearing.'He advised that, in his opinion, the Board had formed a decision due to the advice of the Planning Board, and felt that the policy of the Planning Board was autocratic. He pointed out that the only requirement his client could not meet was the side yard set-back, and compared this to the Queen Street area where ~here were no such side yward requirements. He also stated that he felt two policies existed, one for small businesses and another more lenient one, for the lar~er enterprises. In summin~ up he stated that he would like an expression from the members of Council and would be prepared to arrange an application to change the side yard requirements in this particular area. After some discussion, it was moved by Ald. McKinley and AId. Cotfield that Mr. Bboth be requested to submit his' remarks in letter form, and that when received, it be referred to the Property Committee, the City Manager, the City Solicitor and any other members of the staff, for consideration and report to Council. This motion was carried with the followin~ vote: Aye - AId. Cotfield Potter, McKinley, KelEhan, Swayze, Morton; Nays -Ald. McCallu~, Mitchelson, Martin and Scott, No. 345 - Alpha Chapter, Theta Kappa Si~ma Sorority * requestin8 permission to hold a car parade on June 17th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and AId.Potter that the communication be received and permission granted to hold the parade, under the usual conditions. No. 346 - W. Len Lawrence - expressing appreciation for the henour bestowed upon him. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed. 354 -City Man~ - reporting on applications received for position of assistant cashier. It was moved by Ald. Keighan and Ald, Scott that the matter No. 347 -Lou Harris, Regency Motel - requesting street lighting on Mountain Road, ~ be referred to Committee for consideration. This motion was carried with the following vote: Aye ~Ald. Martin, McCallum, Scott, Kcighan, Potter, Mayor Miller; west of the Queen Elizabeth Way. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.Corfich Naye- Corfield, Morton, Mitchelson, Swayze, McKinley. An amendment was moved that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for a report. ~ by Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that the m~tter be referred to Committee of During discussion of this matter, the request of two business establishments on Portage [ the whole in conference at the conclusion of the Council Meeting. This amendment Road for one or two street lights was considered, and it was decided to consider this i was lost by the following vote: Aye -Ald. Corfield, Morton, Mitchelson, Swayze, request along with the other request. ~ McKinley; Naye- Ald. Martin, McCallum, Scott, Keighan, Potter, Mayor Miller No. 348 - T. L. Williamson - asking that parking meter regulations should coincide N0. 355 - City Ma3ager ~ recommending that Mr. Huggins be permitted to attend the with business hours. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the connnunication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration. Municipal Clerks & Finance Officers' Convention at Delawana Inn. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 349 - Planning Board - Amendment Application A-69, Briand. ORDERED on the motion N0. 356 - Negoti_atinR Committe~ - reporting on meeting with the Merger Committee of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. ~f the Stamford Volunteer Firemen and Niagara Falls Volunteer Fire Dept.representativcs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the report be received and No. 350 -'Planning Board - Amendment Application A-71, Dietz. ORDERED on the motion adopted. of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and filed and the recommendation of the Planning Board be adopted and the necessary By-law be pre- N0. 357 - Negotiations Committee - reporting on meeting with Mr. Sharman Learie to pared. discuss details of Contract with Local 133. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Corfield and Ald. McCallum that the report be rec6ived and filed. No. 351 - Planning Board - Joint Meeting of May 29th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed. N0. 358 - CitX Manager - reporting on meeting held on May 31st. with Hydro represen- · tatires, Ontario Water Resources Commission, and Dr. Sturgeon. ORDERED on the motion No. 352 - Minister of Trade & Commerce - in respect to U.~.Legislation concerning of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. duty-free purchases. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed. N0. 359 - Assist. City Manager,_ E_~ngineer~aV~- reporting on building permits issued during the month of May. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter No. ~53 - Branscombe Investments Ltd. - requesting extension of water line to run that the report be received and filed. 475' south from Thorold Stone Road on Montrose Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that Council consider the installation of the required N0, 360 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of watermain if a definite commitment can be assured for an industry. Prior to the Ald, Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received, adopted and licenqes passage of this motion, a verbal report as to the cost of such work, was'given by issued accordingly. the City Manager. Mr. err reported that the cost to extend the main the distance requested would be$2,850.00 but recommended that a definite commitment be secured No, 361 - City Manager - reporting on position of Operator and Mechanic at the from Mr. Branscombe as to the location of an industry, before the work is proceeded Filtration Plant. On a motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum, it was moved that with. ~ the report be received and adopted. This motion was lost by ~ vote of 8 to 2, the vote being REPORTS Mitchelson, McKinley, Keighan, Scott and Swayze; An amendment made by Ald, McKinley Mitchelson, Mckinley', Keighan, Corfield, Potter, S~ayze, Scott and'Martin; Naye No. 348 - Assist, City Manager, Administrative - reconunending that a pblfcy be AId. Morton a~d McCallum. established' in respect to 'the registration of subdivisidn plans, and a further policy SEE Report No.460-July 8th. enacted to deal with payments of services for lands separated from holdings. In this connection, the City Manager presented a verbal report of the Property Committee PETITIONS the one dealing with land' separations. ORDERED on the motion of AId.' Mo~tOn andA'ld, Scott that the verbal report be received and adop'ted. No. 8 on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report of the City Engineer The following Repo~t~ Were presented; , be received and adopted and the necessary by-law be prepared. SEE Report No. 351, No. 351 - City Engineer - proposed asphalt pavement on Rolling Acres Drive. ORDERED ' on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that tile report be received and adopted RESOLUTIONS' and the necessary by-law be prepared. SEE Petition No. 8. ~he following Resolutions were passed; No. 51 - SWAYZE - POTTER - RESOLVED that a letter of sympathy on behalf of llis No. 352 - Assist,Building Inspector - placement of benches containing advertising iu Worship tile Mayor and Members of the City Council be forwarded to the family of the the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar'tin and Ald. Morton that late Mrs. M~rtin StevensonI and the Seal of the Co~poratlon be 'hereto afflxed. the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. During the discussion of this matter~ Ald. McKinley requested information as to when the two 8artLed UnanimouslX~ benches would be placed at the foot of Bridge Streets and this matter was to be looked into by the C~ty Manager, " No. 52 - MARTIN - MITOHELSON - RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into~ execute and deliver an agreement between the Corporation and Vincent- No. 353 - Assist.to City HEr.Administrative - Title of one foot reserves in'Plan 226. Kettle*Germane Limited providing for the repair and construction of sidewalks for the ORDERED on the motion of AId, McKinley and AId, Mitchelson that the report be received C._raried Una~imou and adopted, year 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto a££ixed, ........................................ Carried Unanimously, - MISCELLANEOUS Ald. McKinley advised that there seemed to be a heavy use of Bell 'Telephone cormnunications between Niagara Falls and Chippaws, and at times the existing circuits were not able to provide adequate service. It was +ordered on the motion of Ald. McKfilley and Ald. Mitchelson 'that the City ~nager take this matter up with the Engineering Department of the Bell Telephone Company and if necessary, install additional circuits for the Village. This motion was passed by a vote of 7 to 3, the vote being - Aye -Ald. McKinley, Mitchelson, Corfield, Morton, McCallum, Potter and Scott; Nay~ -Ald. Martin, Swayze and Keighan. Ald. Morton reported on tile traffic lines painted on the road leading on to the Queen Elizabeth Way off Victoria Avenue, at Newman Hill. tle stated that the lines appeared to be painted too far bacR. Ald. Morton also remarked about the hei3ht of the hedges at Rober~ Street and Victoria Avenue. It was decided that these matters should b~ referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration. His Worship, Mayor Miller, advised that Mr. Warren Kent, who had been a member of the ~ousing Authority for ten years, was retiring, and suggested that a motion authorizing a letter of appreciation would be in order. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. ~itchelson that a letter of appreciation be forwarded to Mr. Kent for his service on the Housing Authority and other municipal bodies over the years. During the'discussion on this resolution it was decided that a letter of appreciation should also be sent to Mrs. E.'H. Winn for her services on the Housing Commission. AId. Corfield reported that he bad attended at the opening of the new building of the Chamber of Commerce on Victoria Avenue, BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed; FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 3rd. June, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held oil June 3rd. 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Conmittee were present. Alderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $110,812o60 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter. The City Manager reported on the application of Steve Demko to erect a temporary building at the corner of Buchanan Avenue and Murray Street, for the purpose of sight- seeing tours, and also his application for a sign permit. He advised that Mr. Dcmko had since made two recent applications, one to erect a building, and another to move a building to the site. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald.Swayze |hat a permit be issued subject to the approval of the Building Inspector of the building which is to be either moved or erected. The City Manager~s report on the application of Mr. Armando Leo for a building permit to erect a store on Part of Lot 14, on the south side of Ferry Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayzc and Ald. Morton ~hat the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City permit for the Manager's report on the application of J. Mahlstcdt for a building erection of a building om part of Range 8 at the north-west corner No. 6348 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement (Niagara Senior Citizens of Dunn Street and Portage Road, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the Village Limited.) motion of Ald. Potter and Mayor Miller that the report be received, adopted and perslit issued. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the The City Manager's report on the application of Ripley's Believe-It-Or-Not first reading. - Carried Unanimously. i Museum for a permit to erect two signs at 960 Clifton Hill, was presented for , · consideration. ORDERED ou the motion of Ald. Morton and Aldo Keighan that the ! report be received, adopted and permit issue~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and' Ald. Cdrfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the b.y-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~ The City Managerws report on the application of Robert McKay for a permit to ~ erect a twO-sided plywood sign at 1435 Bridge Street, was pre sented for consideration. Third R~ading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter - Carried Unanimously. , ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and pe, rmit issued. Ng. 6349 - To authorize the execution of a deed. (GreaterNiagara Association for Retarded Children). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Curfield that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading, - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on th~ motion of Ald. Martin and Ald~ Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the St'anding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Morton & Ald.Keighan. READ AN~. ADOFlED, lOth. June, 1963o . 'Clerk Th~ City Manager~s report on the application of Dr. T. A. Jamieson for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated sign at the Mall of the Mist Motel, 2755 Portage Road, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Managerss report on prices obtained for traffic cofitrol signs and posts was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. The City ManagerIs reporton the prices received for the steel change room enclosures at the swimming pool was presented for cdnsideration~ ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager's report on prices obtained for the supply and installation of quarry tile flooring, quarry tile base, marble threshold and ceramic tile flooring in the shower area of the men's quarters at the Clubhouse at the swimming pool, was Presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, Swayze that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager*s report on the application of Lionits Abrasives Ltd. for a building permit for an extension to their plant was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, The City Manager's report on the application of N. C. Joseph Aluminum Ltd. for a building permit to erect a small storage building on their premises, was presented for consideration, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald.Corfield that the 'report be rdceived, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of St. Anthony~s Parish for a permit to erect an addition and make alterations to the Parish School, on the easL side of Portage Road, between Morrison St. and Virginia St. was p~esented 'for consid- eration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit be issued. The City Msnager~s report in respect to the tenders for plumbing at the Memorial Arena and at the M.F. Ker Park was presented for sonsideration. ORDERED on~h~ motioh of Ald. Scott and Ald. McCallum that the lowest tender for plumbing at the Memorial Arena from Amadio Plumbing be accepted, and the lowest' tender ~or plumbing at the M.F. Ker Park from E. S. Fox, be accepted. The City Manager's veKbal report in respect to tenders received for Concrete', Washed & Lake Sand, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayse that the Tender of Calaguiro Bros. be accepted. At this point, in the meeting, the City Manager reported verbally on the Tenders received for painting at the Pglise Building which had been received earlier in the evenlng. It was noted that the lowest tender submitted was from H. Stewar~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Keighsn that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted, and the tender be awarded to H. Stewart. SEE Tenders During discussion of the above matter, it was noted bj AId. McCallum that the City did not have a paint thickness gauge. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald~ Swayze that quotations be received on a paint thickness gauge and referred to the Equipment Conmittee for consideration. ~be City Manager reported verbally on the request of Mr. Franklin in connection with the erdction of an Apartment Building at a site on the south side of Murray Street, and advised that detailed plans would be pre sented to Council at a later date. It was ordered on the motion'of AId. Swayze a~d Ald. Morton'that the Property Commit|eels reconunendation be a~roved and that he be authorized to erect a 46-unit apartment on the s~uth side of Murray St. west of the Liada apartments. The City Hansgerms verbal report on the request of Mr. R. Kobald to erect a small building at the Ameri-Cana Motel At 444 Lundy~s Lane to be used for scenic tours. He advised that the Property Committee desired to recommend that permiss~on be granted for the erection of the building provided the building is kept back in line with the existing building, or is constructed at the set-back distance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the verbal report of the City Manager bs r~eeived and adopted. This resolution was oarried by a vote of 7 to 3; the vote being - Aye'- Ald. Morton, Swayze, Keighan, McCallum, Potter', Cotfield, McKinley; Nays - AId. Martin, Scott and Mitchelson. TBe Committee arose and reported to Council on tile motion of Ald, McKinley and AId. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 10th. June, 1963, Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 3rd. June, 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, June 3rd. 1963, for tile purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by tile Committee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Mlllcr, presided. BY -LAW The following By-law was passedj No. 6350 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Scott that AId. Martin be granted thc privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald, Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended asd the by-law be given tile 2nd. reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Potter and Aid. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. Prior to adjourning to Conference the following motion' was submitted on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McCallum. ORDERED that the property committee be given authority to look into the matter of allowing sightseeing offices in certain sections of our municipality with a view to possibly tightening up the by-law. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Keighan, READ AND ADOPTED, 10tb. june, 1963. Clerk Mayor. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 3rd. June, 1963. The Committee assembled in Conference following the regular meeting of Council onM onday, June 3rd. 1963. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, lOth. june, 1963. Mayor. TIIIRTIETH I~ETING SPEUIAL }~ETI~ Council Chamber, 5th. June, 1963. A special meeting of the City Council was held in the Council Chamber at the City Hall on Wednesday, June 5th. at 4 p.m. for the puxpose of discussing wid representatives of Pigerr Construction Company the possible development of Niagara International Centres Limited, All Members_of Council were present, with the exception of Alderman Mitchelson. At the request of His Worship the Mayor, the Clerk read a conmunication which was directed to Schmoyer, Mosler, Riley in Niagara Falls, New York, dated August 15th. 1961, with reference to what the City. migh~ consider in the event of this project~s development and referring to the Traffic Survey which was under way in the municipalities of Niagara Falls, Stamford and Chtppawa. Also at the request of His Worship the Mayor, the draft resolution which was submitted to Council under date of June 3rd. 1963, was read so that the membcr~ of Council and the representatives of Pigerr Construction Company would be familiar with the subject to date. At this time, His Worship introduced Mr. Wm. Pigerr of Pigott Construction Company, and Mr. Evans, Solicitor for Pigerr Construction Company, and Mr. Evans was requested to give a somewhat detailed analysis of their request for provision of a one-way loop from Stanley and Buchanan Avenues, which would have access to the Queen Elizabeth Way. Mr. Evans then proceeded to explain why his client wished to have this development take place and reiterated the request that Council now give approval. A rather lengthy discussion then ensued during which Alderman Martin suggested to Mr. Evans that he might consider that the resolution now in his possession passed by Council earlier this year (1963) and indicating Council would assist insofar as it was within their power, should be sufficient at least until such time as the forthcoming Traffic Study has been received and processed by Council, The Alderman felt it was essential that Council should be aware of the implications of the Traffic Study before any definite commitments are ~ade to Pigott Construction Company. There seemed to be general concurrence with the suggestions of Alderman Martin by both the members of Council and Mr. Evans and following some further discussion it was agreed that Mr. Evans as Solicitor for Pigott Construction Company should formulate another draft resolution embodying the requests contained in the first resolution and that with reference to Section (a) of the resolution, it should provide for establishing one-way traffic on Stanley Avenue southerly, between Ferry St. and Murray St, and one-way traffic north on Buchanan Ave. between Ferry St. and Murray St. and that Section (b) of the first resolution as submitted be approvcd and Section (2) of the first resolution also be ~pproved with the exception that in the second line the word (Parkway) be changed to read "Park Boundary". With reference to tile above agreement, Alderman McOallum was not in accord with the suggested change to Section (a) and Alderman Scott was not in accord with tile adoption of Section (b), It is understood by both parties that this re-drafted resolution would be prepared and made available to Council for its decision at the next meeting scheduled for Monday, June lOth. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Cotfield that the meeting adjourn, READ AI~) ADOPTED, lOth. June~ 1963, · Clerk THIRTY-FIRST ~ETING Council Chamber, lOth, June, 1963. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, june 1Oth. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous ~egular and special meetings,, adopted these on the motion of Ald.Corfield and Ald. Swayze. Carried, with Ald. Keighan-contrary. Ald. Potter arrived at the meeting. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; N0. 309 - Montreal Trust Company - condition of Schulze property, Montrose Road. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the cobnun|cat|on be received, filed and the r~port of the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee be adopted. SE~_ R~e~o~r~_ Number__ 36~. No. 310 - Milan Miles - complaint re weedyard at 1729 McLcod Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communication be received, filed and Mr. Miles be supplied with a copy of the letter received from Broderick, Burnerr and McLeod. SEE Conmunication 354. No. 336 - Mrs. June Dean - re bees at 2166 Scott Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, filed and the writbr be advised as to action contemplated. SEE Report Number 364. No. 343 - A. C. Pratt - requesting estimate for a curb around island in centre of Queensway Crescent. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott ~hat the communication be received, filed and a copy of report of City Engineer be forwarded to the writer, indicating that as the request was received too late for inclusion in this year's progrange, it could be included in 1964 work. Ald. Mitchelson suggested that, the writer be also advised as to costs involved on cash basis, SEE Report Number 365, No. 348 - T. L. Williamson - asking that parking meter regulations coincide with business hours. ORDERED on the met|on of Ald. Potter and AId. McCallum that the co~sunieation be received, filed and no action be taken at the present time. SEE Report Number 366. ~he followins Communications were presented; N0. 354 - Broderick, Burnerr & McLeod - re Weedyard at 1729 McLeod Read. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and filed. SEE Gommunicatton 310. N0. 355 - Post Office Department - advising there can be no extension of local letter rate between Niagara Falls and Chippawa. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, filed and a copy forwarded to the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce and the Village of Ghippawa for their information. No. 356 - Department of Transport - advising that si~e proposed for hellport at New Yorke~ Motel was found unsuitable for development as a licensad heliport, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be reee~ved~ filed and co~y forwarded to the Mother Superior of Loretto Academy. No. 357 - Muscular pl~trophy Assoc. of Canada - requesting permission to hold a Tag Day on Sept. 6th. and 7th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the communication be received, filed and permission granted as requested. No. 358 - Lorerio Academ~ - requesting use of Oakes Park, Sept. 17th. or 24th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the conununication be received and referFed to the Parks and Recreation Committee for consideration and a report. No. 359 - C. H. Thompson - submitting resolution of Inter-~nicipal Committee on research into urban and regional development in the Niagara Peninsula. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received, filed and the Council of the City of Niagara Falls concur with the resolution as presented. No. 360 - Logan and Knight - application on behalf of Mr. Max Pasetto to operate a Drive-in Restaurant at 1210 Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 361 - Niag~r~a_Frontier Hur~ane Society - requesting enforcement of Dog Tag By-law. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Special Licensing Committee for submission of a report. Ald. Martin requested that information as to number of dogs recorded on Assessment Rolls and number of licences sold in 196'2 be made available. No. 362 - Our Saviour Lutheran Church - requesting permission to use Baden-Powell Park for Annual Picnic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the conmmnication be received and referred to the Parks & Recreation Con~ittee for consideration and a report. REPORTS Laid over from previous meetings. No. 295 - City Manager - requesting matter of water course which runs through Mr. Nivens' property and which is affecting the property of Mr. Sontit at 4018 Thorold Stone Road, be referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Conmittee for consider- ation. SEE Report No. 367., No. 38 ~ City Engineer - Montrose Road Sewer Report. No.199 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Conmittee - proposing temporary relief from storm water on Montrose Road in the vicinity of Badger Street. SEE Report Number No. 324 * H. G. Acres & Co. Ltd.- report on Water Distribution Problems. SEB Report No. 369, No. 348 - Assistant to City Managers Administration - recommending establisl~ment of a policy regarding registration of plans for residential purposes, etc. SEE Report No.370 No. 354 - City Manager - Summary of application for position of Assistant Cashier and reconeendtng appointment of Frank John Wagner. Ald. McCallum, Chairman of the Negotiations Committee, reported verbally on a m~eting held by his Committee prior to the Council Meeting when the eleven applications for the position of Assistaht Cahhier were considered and he advised that it was agreed that the recommendation made by the City Manager at the Council Meeting of June 3rd. met with their approval. It was therefore ordered on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the report bf the City Manager be received'and his recommendation be adopted. The following Reports were presented; No. 362 = Property Committee - recommend. employment of Mr, Jack Mackenzie as City'~ appraiser re property necessary for widening & straiShtentn8 of Number20th, liighwsy between Drummond Road and Thorold Town Line. ORDERED on the nmtion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mttchelson that the report be rhceived and adopted, 0artled with AId, Hartin~contrary, No. 363 - Sanitation & PolLu_c_~ojl_C~o~lL~ol~.onm~[[ee - reconmendatioes re Schulze property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted and copy of same be forwarded to Mrs. 5chulze and the Montreal Trust Company. SEE Con~unication 309. N0. 364 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Cunmittee - advising that the bee hives placed at the present time on Scott Crescent arc in contravention of The Bee Act. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received, filed and complainant notified. SEE Conm~unication 336 No. 365 - Cj3L~D~jneer - Estimate of construction of a curb on Queensway Cres. ORDERED on the moticn of Aid. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received, filed and copy forwarded to Mr. A. C. Pratt. SEE Conm~unication 343 N0. 366 - Traffic Committee - recommending no change in hours of parking meters at present time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald.McCallum that tbe report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 348.. No. 367 -Banitation & Pollution Control Committee - suggesting'e:;tension of tile at an estimated cost of $1,168.50 to alleviate conditions at 4018 Thorold Stone Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Curfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Rep~r~ Nu_n~r _2~5. No. 368 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - suggesting Council consider construction of a sanitary sewer on Montrose Road, when Capital Budget is under study. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. No, 369 - Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee - suggesting tests on high' lift pumps at Filtration Plant, following which details of report will be studied by Committee on June 13th. SEE Re~or~ Number 324. No. 370 - Property Conmittee - recommending that the Declaration of Policy formerly in effect for the Township of Stamford be applied. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 348. No. 371 - Cft~ Engineer - proposed sanitary sewermains on Lundy's Lane, between Kalar Road and Garner Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Potter that the report be received, and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee. SEE Petition Number 10. No. 372 - ~ity Manager - recommending attendance of City Treasurer at Convention of Ontario Finance Officers' Association, Honey'Harbour, June l~th. 18th. & 19th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinlpy and AId. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 373 - City Manager - reaommendinB attendance of Assistant to City Manager - Engineering~ at Tenth Ontario Industrial Waste Conference, at Honey Herbour on June 23rd. 24th. 25th. & 26th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and jald. C0r~ield that the report be received and adopted. No. 374 - Traffic Committee - recommending flashing lights over school signs similar to light on top of stop sign at corner of Huron St. and Ontario Ave. be installed at Number 6 School signs on Lundy~s Lane for a trial period. ORDERED on ~hemotion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No, 375 = Traffic Committee - suggesting Peer Street speedin8 matter be referred to the Police Department, ORDERED on the motion of AId, Sway~e and AId, McCallum that Lhe report be received and adopted, No. 376 - Traffic Committee - recommending Peer St. be made a through street at extension of Sylvia Place. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId, Mc- Kinley that the report be received and adopted, No. 377 - Traffic Committee - recommending Highway Dept. be approached to suggest extra turning lane be painted on Stanley Avenue, each side of Q.E.W. and also installation of "Advance Green" for traffic from the west making a left-hand turn' on to Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 378 - Traffic Committee -suggesting Provincial Traffic Engineer bc requested to come to City to discuss speed at intersection of Bender and Falls Avenue, and condition of stone walls on Newman Hill. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Swayze and Ald, Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 379 - Traffic Conm~ittee - recommending Slater Avenue be made through street at North Street. ORDERED gn the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 380 - P~roperty Conmittee -' suggesting Council study matter re hearing by OMB'of Briand application re property at corner of Clark and Ferry Streets. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed and the O.M.B. be requested to postpone the hearing at this time in order that it may be ascertained what affect the Traffic Survey Report will have on the area in question. No.381 - EJuiJment Committee - report on inspections made in various cities on sewer tile and mechanical e~uipment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed. No. 382 - NeKotiations Committee - report on meeting with Local 133, June 6th.' ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallum that the report be received a~d filed. No. 383 F Property Committe_e - service costs for proposed severance of land owned by Namac Construction Co. Ltd. to Free Methodist Church. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 384 - Vice-Chairman, Stamford Housin~ Authority - Federal-Provincial Housing Study. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. tScott that the report be received and filed and the recommendation that amember of the ~oUsing Authority and a Member of Council, be appointed by His Worship the Mayor, be authorized to attend the meeting in London, July 9th. be adopted. No. 385 - City Engineer - recommending tender of V.Kerrio-Germano Ltd. presently constructing sewers and watermains within the Cherrywood Acres, be extended to take care Of installation of service on Valley Way for apartment building - Tondan Holdings. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 386 - City EnRineer - proposed extension of watermain on Keith Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and'matter ~eferrhd to the Sewage & Sanitation Committee for consideration as a Local Improvement in 1963 Capital Works Program. ' ' No. 387 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. ORDERBD on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and licenoes issued accordingly, Ro, 388 - City Clerk - application for a lieonce for a Public Garage "A" and "B". at 2004 Stanley Avenue, Maple Leaf Garage. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Morton that the application be referred to the Special Licensing Committee, PETITIONS La__id over from a previous meetinS; No, 10 - M,alavcic (Ameri-Cana~Motel)- and 26 others - requesting installation of sanitary sewers on Lundyls Lane betweon Kalar Road and Garner Road, ORDERED on the motion of AId, Keighan and Ald, Pottot that the petition be again tabled .pending submission o£ a report by the Pollution and Sanitation Control Committee, SEE RepOrt Number 371.~ The following Petition was pr_es~eJ~tg_d_j_ N0, 12 -M~r2_~&_~p_.__W. Lm3_Grov~e~&j4 ~h~cr~ - requesting remedial steps be taken to improve condition of field at rear of their properties. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Mitchelson that the petition be received and referred to the property Conunittee along with the City Engineer to make an inspection of this property and submit a report. M~ S_G,Eb.L~_NEp_US Ald. Swayze referred to the low flying of helicopters over the Gleeview Area and the complaints he had received and His Worship the Mayor advised of the action taken before when this complaint was received and the Helicopter Company were supposed to follow a flight plan and requested the City Manager to take this further complaint under advisement. Ald.McCallum referred to complaints received about the operations at Fiorentino~s ~,a Ottawa and advised that trucks are now being parked on the lot from where a house was recently moved and was of the opinion that it was not fair to re:sidents in the neighbourhood to put up with the odours emanating from this source during the hot weatl,er, due to the depositing of fresh manure, Ald. Kcigban atso referred to complaints he had received about this property and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald~ McCallurn that the Building Inspector be requested to check into certain work which was to have been done; and the Welland and District Health Unit to check the sanitary aspects and also the Police Department with a request to enforce the law concerning parking situation. Ald. Swayze referred to the Konkos property and tile parking on City streets, and His Worship the Mayor was of the opinion that the Traffic Conunittee should inspect this location and that he would bring to the attention of the Police Conunission tbe untidy conditions existing there. Following the remarks of Ald. Corfield concerning the dust problem on John Allan Park and the complaints he had received, the City Engineer advised that the Chippawa Greek Road was oiled last Tuesday and the dust problem had beau resolved. Following remarks of Ald. Corfie'ld concerning tile possibility of providing more tables and chairs at the John Allan Park, His Worship tl~ Mayor requested the Parks and Recreation Conm~ittee to give consideration to this request. Following a query of Ald. Keighan concerning by-laws prohibiting the playing of golf in the municipally-owned parks and his opinion that signs should be posted to discourage this practice, it was agreed'that the Parks & Recreation Committee ~o~ld consider this also. BY-LAWS TIle following By-law was passed; 6351 - A by-law to declare the desirability of undertaking certain works as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitch~lson that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be eemporarily suspended and the by-law be read the secon.d time - Carried U, nanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Morton * Carried Unanimously. - AId. McKinley was excused at ~his time - ~he following By-law was presented; N_~o. 635~ - A by-law tom nend the former Township of Stamford By-law 2530. , + ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tile by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. -Ald, McKinley returned to the meeting - ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that tile by-law be tabled until plan is attached to the by-law for Council~s clarification. Carried Unanimously. The following By-laws were passed; No, 6353 - A by-law to designate certain blocks of land which have been conveyed to the former Township of Stamford as reserve strips at the dead end of certain streets to restrict further development, and which reserve strips are no longer required. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. Scott that AId. Keigban be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st. reading. - Carried Unanimousfy. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Keighan and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading~ - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallurn - Carried Unanimously. No. 6354 - A by-law to amend Building By-law No. 1688, as re-enacted, ratified, approved and confirmed by By-law No. 2953, 1940 and By-law No. 5055,1954. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum - Carried ~nanimously. The following By-laws were presented; No. 6355 - A by-law to provide for the purchase from Canad'ian National Railways of an abandoned right-of-way formerly'used by The Niagara, St.Catharines & Toronto Railway Company. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Potter that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be ~iven the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. Cotfield that Rule 36 )2) of t~e Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously, No. 6356 - A by-law to authorize the widening and reconstruction of Victoria Avenue from Thorold Stone Road to Niagara Parks Commission Blvd. at an estimated net cost of $71,537,00 to file City. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and AId. Potter that AId. Martin be granted the rivilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading, - Carr~ed Unanimously, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading, - Carried Unanimously, The followin~ BJ.-laws were_ ]~_a_s~_c.d; No.J357 - A by-law respecting tile issue of liceaces. ORDERED on tile motion of Aid, Swayze and Ald. blitchelson that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tile by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. MCCallum that the by-law be read in preamble form only. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Corfield and Aid. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. No. 6358 - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. blartin and Aid. Morton that AId. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing tile by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given tile second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. McCallum and Aid. McKinley - Carried Uu~nimously. -Ald. McCallum was excused from the meeting - Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. hicKinlay and Aid, Mitchelson. READ AND ADOPTED, 17th. June, 1963. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 10th. June, 1963, The Finance Meeting was held on June 10th, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them, All Members of the Committee were present~ with the exception of AId. McCallum. Ald. Martin~ Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $89,290.05 were approved by tile Committee, The Accounts submitted, being passed or oth'endse dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Aid, ~otter and AId, Mitchelson, The City Manager~s report on the application of Louis Ferenz, for a permit to erect a small building, to be used for operating sightseeing tours, at an estimated cost of $400, to be erected on 3280 Lundy~s Lane at the Lundy's Lane Motel, was presented for consideration, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and the appli- cation be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. The City Manager's report on the application of Duty Free Shoppes, 915 Clifton ||ill, for a permit to erect a metal racer sign, at an estimated cost of $125. was presented for consideration, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Kei~man that the report be received and adopted and the operators of the same be contacted to ascertain if the sign is illuminated, as an illuminated sign should be 9 feet above the ground. The City Manager's report on the application of Duty Free Shoppea, 915 Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated, overhanging sign, ~t an estimated cost of $194. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and.Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Managcr's report on the application of T. Gordon Wyll~e, 1005 Victoria Avenue, to erect two pl~ood signs, at an estimated cost of $25. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald, Potter that the report be received, adopted and the applicant contacted due to the fact that the height of the signs above the ground of 3 and 1/2 feet is not in line with normal requirements of 9 feet, and if proposed signs are to be illuminated t]xen the height above ground is not considered satisfactory. The City Manager's report on ;ihe application of G. Capitano & Sons, 3122 Dru~nond Road, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of $275. was presented for consideration, ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Scott that the report be received, adopted and permit isshed. The City Manager's report on the application of Moretta~s Grocery, 1429 MacDonald Avenue, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of $275. was presented for consideration. bRDERED on the motjoe of Aid. MOrton and Aid. Scott that the report be receiv~ed, adopted and permit issued, The CityManager~s report on the application of the ~lue Jay. Grocery, 343 Ferguson Street, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of $275. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~orton and Ald.' B~ott |hat the report be ~cei~ed',' ~dopteH and p~rmit" issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. W. Thomas of the A. & W. Drive-in, located at the corner of Victoria Avenue and River Road, for a permit to erect a canopy at an estimated cost of $350. was pre~ented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manageris report on the application of the Park Motor tlotel, 960 Clifton Hill, for alterations consisting enclosure of the existing swimming pool, etc. at an estimated cost of $7,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Sway~e and AId. Morton that the reportbe received, adopted and permit issued. The city Manager's report on the application of Mrs. Tina Fedoriw, 3939 Lundy's Lane, for a permit to construct an addition to the Laurel Motel, at an estimated cost of $12,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Cor£ield and AId, Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, The City Manager's report on the application of Gienvie~ Hardware, 514 FerSuson Street, for a permit to erect an addition on the east side of the existing garage~ at an estimate~ cost of $1,500. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motiou of AId, Morton and AId, Potter that the report be received~ adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the revised application of Steve Demko for a permit to'erect a sign for the Holiday Pleasure Tours at the premises at the corner of Buchanan Avenue and ~rray Street, at an estimated cost of ~500. The sign to be placed on the roof of the building. ORDERED on the motion of Alderman Mitchelson and AId. Swayze that the report be received aud referred to the Property Conmittee for consideration and a report. The City Manager's report on the application of Supertest petroleum Corporation, Limited, for renewal of a building permit for a service station at the south-east coruer of Moatrose Road and Thorold Stone Road, was presented, ORDERED on the motioe of AId. Morton and Ald.Mitchelson that the report be received, adopted and permit be renewed, and the Company be advised that this is the last renewal and that the permit will expire six months from the date of issue, The City Manager's report on the application of Dell's Dairy, 2495 Orchard Avenue, for a building permit for an addition to the existing Dairy, at an estimated cost of $10,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report,(verbal) on an application received for erection of directional signs in certain areas of the City in connection with the forthcoming Medical Society's Educational Program at the Sheraton-Brock Hotel, scheduled to open on June 17th. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Aid.McKinley that the verbal report be referred to the Property Committee. The City Manager requested that the Property Committee be given power to act in this matter, The City Manager presented a verbal report on the Marconi Service for City Equipment, and requested authority to sign the necessary contract with the Firm to carry on their services. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Potter that the verbal report be received, adopted and authority be granted. Carried Unanimously. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and AId. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, 17th. June, 1963. Chairman of Finance. COUNCIL ~ETING Council Chamber, lOth. June, 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, June 10th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present~ with the exception of AId, McCallum. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided, BY-LAW ~h~ foliowinE By-law was passed; Na~_C~9. - To provide monies for general purposes, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald, Cotfield that AId.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing byloaw and the by-law be Biven the first reading - Carried Unanimously, . ORDERED on the motion of Ald.blartin and AId. Corficld that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given |be second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading ~Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.Mitchelson READ AND ADOPTED, 17th. June, 1963. Mayor. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 1Oth. June, 1963. The Cohen|tree assembled in Conference following the'regular meeting of Council, on Monday, June 10th, 1963. All Members of Council were present, with ~he axe. apt|on of Ald. MeCallum. His Worship,. Mayor Franklin J. Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED 17th. June, 1963. Council Chaulbcr, 17th. June, 1903. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, June 17th. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Membcrs of Council were present, with the exception of Aid. Swayze. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion 0f Ald. Morton and Aid. Potter. CO~UNICATIONS Laid over from p}~X~pps mee~_knf=s.;. N0, 188 - H.G.Edwin Lowc - requesting refund on local improvements payments. ORDERED on the motion ~f'A~l~rtin and Aid. Scott that the colmnunication be received, filed and a refund o£ $118.88 be made to Mr. Lows. S~ R~p.ort ~!~ 3~? N0. 335 - St. Paul's__E_ngl_i_sJL L_u_tbe__r_an_ C__hu__r. ql~ - requesting usq of Baden-Powcll Park, for Sunday School picnic on July 23rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the conmlunication be received, filed and permission be granted as requested. SEE _R.e.l~pr__t_N_umber No. 344 - Wm. G. Booth - re Joseph Zarra. _S_E~o__~,nn_i_c_atipn 363_. N0. 347 -Lou Harris - requesting street lighting on Mountain Road, west of Q.E.W, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, filed and the recommendation of the City Manager concerning ins|alia|foe of lights be adopted. _SE_E_ r__eRor t_ ppm__be~_ 3_9. N0. 358 - Lore|to Academy - requesting use of Oakes Park for Field Day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the con~unication be received,filed and permission,granted for the use of the Oakes Pa~k facilities on September 17th. S__EE~Report Number 392. N0. 360 - H. A. Logan - applying on behalf of Max Pasetto for licenee to operate a Drive-in Restaurant at 1210 Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received, filed and permit be not issued for premises in present condition, SEE Report Number 393. No. 362 - Our Saviour Lutheran Church - requesting use of Baden-Powell Park for Annual Pien'i~ on July 21st. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received, filed and permission be granted as requested. SEE Report Number 394. !he following Gommunications were presented; No. 363 - Wm. G. Booth - brief summary of remarks before Council re Jos. Zarra.ORDBRED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitehelson that the conmunication be rmceived and referred to the Property Con~ittee along with the City Manager and City Solicitor. SEE Communication 344. No. 364 - Mr. Frank King - advising of willingness to pay share of cost of work to be done to remedy conditions at rear of premises on Herrit| Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McCallum and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and tabled Pending submission of a further report of the Sanitation & pollution Control Con~ittee. SEE Petition Number 12. SEE Report Number 399. No, 365 - W. J. Namilton & Co. - metered parking. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the conmmunication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report. No. 366 - Greater Niagara Baseball Association - requesting permission to hold a 'ra~; Day on July 20th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and permission granted as requested. No. 367 - Visitor and Convention Bureau - requesting meeting with Traffic Conm~ittee to discuss traffic irregularities in Rainbow Bridge Area. ORDERED on the motion Ald. Corfield and Ald. Potter that the communication be received, filed and the Traffic Committee be authorizedto attend meeting for this purpose. No. 368 - Greater Niagp!a Minor Soccer Association - complaining about restricted use of football field at Oakes Park, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and referred LO the. Parks and Recreation Committee for discussion With representatives of Minor Soccer Association · SEE Report No. 395. No. 369 - Minister of Trade and Commerc_~e - re Bill, affecting U.S. residents' shipmc,t of tourist purchases. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Gorfield that the cormnunication be received and filed. No. 370 - Ralph Delrae - re premises at 612 Erie Avenue, On the motion of AId.Morton and Ald. McCallum, Mr. H. A. Logan was permitted to speak on this communication and he proceeded to outline the intentions of his client, regarding the leasing. of 612 Erie Avenue, and the possibility of using the premises for the processing and selling of candy products. Ne referred to the Zoning of Erie Avenue as Commercial 1 Area and certain restrictions thereto and questioned the interpretation of whether candy making would be considered as industrial. Ne requested Council to give the Zoning By-law as liberal an interpretation as possible when considering this application. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan. that the communication be received, filed and pern~ssion granted in view of the fact that there is only minor variation to the by-law. Carried by a vote of 5 to 4, the vote being - Aye -Ald. McKinley, Keighan, Potter, Cotfield and Martin; Naye- Ald. Mitchelson, Morton, McCallum and Scott. No. 371 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Apglicatton C-159, NYC to Bolus. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitehelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and Council attend proposed joint meeting. No. 372 - R. Blake Erwin, Niagara Township Engineer - Niagara Falls City Boundary Line with Niagara Township, (formerly Grantham Township). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee with power to act, and Council to be advised as to action taken. No. 373 - S. R. Price, P.Eng., Assistant to City Manager-Engineering - resignation, effective August 3rd. 1963, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the conm,untcatton be received, filed and Council go on record as receiving his resignation with regret and wishing Mr. Price everF success in his new position as City Manager of St. John's, New Brunswick, Prior to this action, His Worship, Mayor Miller, Aldermen Martin, Morton and Scott expressed appreciation to Mr. Price for his services, not only to the municipality, but to ~is Church, and his active participation in a number of Service Organizations of the Conmuntty, and these remarks were concurred in by all Members of Council. REPORTS Laid over from previous meetinRs; No. 324 - lhG,Acres & Oo, Ltd, - report on Water Distribution Problems, No, 369 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Gommittee - certain tests to be run on high lift pumps at Filtration Plant while peak load is being handled during warm weather and de~ails of same to be studied by Co~ittee on June 13th, SEE Report No. 396. N0, 371 - _C_i_ty Engine~e~r - proposed sanitary sewermains on Lundy's Laou bctwccu Kalar Road and Garner Road, SE.E R. cport No., J97, No. 386 - City Engineer - proposed extension of watermain on Keith Street. S_E_E_RJpg_r,L,.!<o. 398.. T1Lejollowin~_R__e99_rt~s w~c_r_e_pr_es_e_n_~9_d; No, 389 - Sanitation & Pollut~i~on. Col!~._rp~l+ ~C_o_mm_itte.c - rcconmlcndil:g owucrs listed on attached statement with exception of five properties, be paid a refund of c0muted watcrmain frontage charges, ORDERED on the motion or Ahl. Martin and AId, Scott that the report be received and adopted, ~E~ Coguu3xnicati.on 188. ::0. 390 - Parks Conmittee - reconm~end. permission be granted to St. Paul',~ English Lutheran Church for use of Baden-Powell Park on June 23rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Corfield that the report be received sad adopted. SEE~_Cpn~nu_nicatiqn' _33~_. N0. 391 - City Manage~r - reconunending installation of five street lights directly west of tile Q,E.W. on Mountain Road. ORDERED on the motion of AI~L Potter and Ald. C0rfield that the report be received and adopted. SE~_ _C~oF~upicatipn _39.7 · N0. 392 - Parks Committee - recommend. Sept. 17th. bc set aside for the use of Oakes Park by Loretto Academy for Annual Field Day. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Morton and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received and adopted, SEE~Q.r~n_uniqa~t_ig~ R0. 394 - Parks Conm~ittec - recommending permission be granted to Our Saviour Lutheran Church to use Baden-Powell Park for Annual Picnic ou July 21st. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted, SEE Communication 362, N0. 393 - Prop.e.r.t,y Committe~ - reconuueuding tbat licence be not issued to Max Pasetto for operation of a drive-in restaurant at 1210 Ferry Street, in its present condition. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, Mitchelson that the report be received and .adopted. S._FLE¢ C__o_m!n~+u}!igaji9~! 3jO, ~, 395 - Parks Committee - Committee to meet with representatives of Minor Soccer Association re'complaints about restricted use of football field at Oakes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 368. No. 396 - Pollution & Sanitation Control Committe! - recommendations re report of H. G. Acres & Co. Ltd. on Water Distribution System. ORDERED'ou the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald, Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Reports 324-369. No, 397 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Commfttee - recommending any consideration of report re sanitary sewers on Lundyls Lane between Kalar Road and Garner Road, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gotfield and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 371. No. 398 - Sanitation & Pollution Genttel Committee - requesting Gapital Expenditures Program for at least two years be available for consideration of Council by June 24th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received mid filed, SBE..R__eEort NUmber 386~ No.'399 - Sanitation & Pollution Genttel Coimnittee - re Petition No. 12 & communication No. 364~ re drainage problem at rear of premises on Merritt Avenue. ORDERED on tile m~ ion of AId. McCallum and AId. Potter that the report be received, adopted and further study be made of situation by Committee and further report be presented to Council, SEE Conmmnication 364. SEE Petition Number 12. No. 400 - NeJqt_iations Committee - further detaile~ re!pot: to be submitted pending receipt of information from three firms concerning job evaluation.ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and filed. No. 401 - City Engineer - Arenas at Lindsay and Peterborough - ORDERED on the mot|ca of Ald, Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and matter be referred to Parks & Arena Committee and Engineering Dept, for further study respect- ing proposed addition to Niagara Falls Memorial Arena. No. 402 - Parks Committee - survey to be made of small park at Amelia Crescent anti Shirley Avenue for possible provision of a softball diamond. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. No. 403 - Parks Committee- John Allan Park tables and benches. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 404 - Parks and Recreation Committee - recommending posting at all city parks advising that golf is prohibited. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keigban that the report be received and adopted. No. 405 - City Manager - reconm~ending erection of signs at locations removed from place of business be referred to Property Committee & City Solicitor for study, with a view to amending sign by-law. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.~rton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 406 - ERuipment Committee - report on inspection of grader at Goderich. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton that the report be received & filed. No. 407 -~ Nanager - reqdesting change in by-law to set maximum fine at $300. for violation of Sign by-law, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitehelson that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Aldermen Keighan and Gorfield-contrary. No. 408 - Property Committee - recommending steps be taken to a~quire necessary' land fro~ Kimberly-Clark, Nm~ York Central and C.N.R.for provision of a traffic lane for southhound traffic on Victoria Avenue to Bridge Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. No. 409 - City Manager - report on discussion with Mgr. of Bell Telephone Co. re nnmber of [[un'n~ lines servicing Niagara Falls'and Chippawa. ORDERED 9n the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed. No. 410 - City Clerk - report on hearing of O.M.B. on June 14th. in connection with Restricted Area By-law No. 6271. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martiu and Ald. HitchelSon that the report be received and adopted. No. 411 - Con~ittee of Adjustment - enclosing letter from W. G. BOoth, returning cheque being remuneration for serving on Committee of Adjustment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Scott that the report be received, filed and the cheque be returned to Mr. Booth. No. 412 - Conm~ittee of'Adjustment - advising that Fox Plumbing & Heating is not providing adequate off-street parking, in line with resent decision of the Committee of Adjustment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for a report. No. 413 - City~ Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald. McKinley that the ~eport be received~ adopted and licences issued accordingly. PETITION baid over front a previous meeting; No. 12 - Mr. & Nrs. Nm, Groves and 44 other residents of Merritt Avenue. ORDERED on'the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Potter that the petition be again tabled pending ~ubmission of a further report by Sanitation & Pollution Control Cormnittee. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolut__ions J!e~re_j~_a_s__se_d; N0. 53 - blcKINLEY - McCALLUI.I - RESOLVED that tile Mayor and Clerk bc authorized to ester into and execute a sewer rental agreeslent betweell tile Corporutiou of the City of Niagara Falls and Regis Woodward, providing for a connection on Woodbine Street; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. N0, 54 - MDD~-j~Q'E"'I~- RESOLVED that tile Mayor and Clerk be authorized co enter into, execute and deliver an-.agreement betweeu the Corporation of Lhe Cit) of Niagara Falls and Henry Stewart, providing for the painting of thc interior of the first and second floors of the Police Building, ~82 Clifton Avenucl and the ~ca]. 0f the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS Aid. Keighan referred to a garage operating on Maitland Avennc and it was ordered on tbc motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Mitcbclson that die complaint referred t0, bc referred to the City Manager to check the opcrat~o,~. ,_.L L[]L ~aL'a~e in question, due to the fact that the location is in the Residential Area. BY -LAWS Laid over from the previous mcetin~;~ N0. 6352 - Being a by-law to ameud the former Township of Stam£ord By-law No. 2530, as amended. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and AId. McKinley d~at the by-law be tabled for further study before any action is taken. Carried Unanimously, Prior to the above action, a full discussion was held during which Aid. Keighan referred to the discussion which had takeu place at tile joint meeting of the Planning Board and Council, and the resolution passed that recommendations made at that time be included in the proposed by-law. lie pointed out that he had supported the recommendation at the joint meeting but wished to give a few reasons why he did not intend to support the by-law. Ald. Keighan advised that he bad considered the impact on property owners in that area and also on the development which will be curtailed if the by-law is passed and was of the opinion that tile by-lm~ was designed to make it necessary for everyone on Lundy's ~ane who owns property to ~ave to tear down his house if he wished to build a conmercial establish- moat, except where there is at least a 60-foot frontage; and he was of the opinion that a~section of Lundy's Lane is needed to allow development by small business operators, and that more consideration should be given to the rights of individual pr0pertyowners, and that this by-law eliminates the possibility of anybody of average means putting a business on the north side of Lundy~s Lane, between Dorchester Road and Drummond Road, Several property owners on Lundy's Lane were permitted to speak, namely, Mr. Murray, 2801 Lundy~s Lane, ~. Dixon, Mr. Pfieffer, Mr. Lee, Mr, Bessey and they all voiced opposition to the passing of the proposed by-law. Mr. Wm. Booth, speaking on behalf of Mr. J. Zarra, also opposed the by-law and was of the opinion ~hat all persons from Lundy~s Lane attending the Council meeting were in agreement ~hat this portion of Lundy's Lane is suited ,only for commercial use. Mr. Booth stated that, in his opinion, this proposal was another example of the autocratic p01iey of the Planning Board regarding the rights of average property owners. AId. Mitchelson proceeded to outline the complete history of the Zoning By-law or by-laws, affecting Lundyls Lane and the manner in which these were placed in effect, pointing out that ample opportunity was given for individuals who were opposed to this control to express their views. Aid. Mitchelson referred to the criticisms which had been levelled at the Planning Board during discussion this evening, which, in his opinion, were unjust|fled, pointi.ng out that the Members of ~he Board gave very freely of their time and talents and that results of activities of the Board speak for themselves, BY-LAWS The followin~_BJ_-lawm wer_e passe_d; No. 6360 - A by-law to amend By-law No. 5245, regarding signs or advertising devicc:s for tourist establishments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Scott that Ald. Marti~: be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the ls:. reading, - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, with Ald. Keighan-contrary. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Cor£ield - Carried, with Ald.Keighan-contrary. No, 6361 - A by-law to authorize the execution of a proposal and estimate of cost for construction o~ a connecting link on King's Highway Number 20, (Ferry Street). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that Aid.Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given tile first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given tile secoud reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Re~ding - Aid. Mitchelson and Ald.McCallum - Carried Unanimously. No. 6362 - A by-law to provide for the 1963 expenditures on roads or streets in the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Ald. blartin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tire by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the byTlaw be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Cotfield and Ald. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. ~o. 6363 - A by-law regarding Cemeteries. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Matchsimon and Ald, Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tire by-law be given the 1st. reading, - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. McCallum that by-law be read in preamble ~orm only. ORDERED o~ the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given tbe second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Re,dang - AId, Morton and Aid, Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. He.. 636~ - To mnend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating through highways. ORDh~IED on the motion .of AId. Martin and AId. Cotfield tits| AId. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and cite by-law be given the ~irst reading - Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on |be motion of AId. Scott and AId. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be Siren the second reading, - Carried Unanimously, Third Reading - Aid. Corfield and Ald. McCallurn - Carried Unanimously. The Council adjourned re the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOFrED,24th. June, 1963. Clerk FINANCE b~ETING Council Chamber, 17th. June, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on June 17th, 1963, for tile purpose of approving and also passing tile various accounts which [tad been previously certified and placed before them, All |.|embers of the Corms|tree were present, with the exception of Ald. Swayze, Ald. biartin, Chairman el Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $750,810,05 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Corfield. The Property Committee's report on the application of Louis Ferenz, for a permit to erect a small building at the Lundy's Lane Motel, at 3280 Lundy's Lane, at an estimated cost of $400. was presented. ORDERED on tile motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted and permission be granted, always provided that neither. any portion of the sign nor of the building extend beyond the face of the existing buildings on the lot. The Property Committee's report on the application of Steve Demko of Holiday Pleasure Tours to erect a sign on his property at tile corner of Buchanan Avenue and Murray Street, was presented. The report advised that the applicant be requested to move the building to the location provided for in Building Permit 13255 and tits|: the sign would not be approved until provision is adbered to. A further report of the City Manager advising that the building had since been moved from the location on which It was originally erected, and recommending issuance of the sign petm~it, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Potter that tl~e reports be received, filed, recommendation of the City Manager that the permit be issued, be adopted. Carried, with Aldermen Morton and MeCallum-contrary. The City Manager~s report on the application of Albert Ianunzzelli, of the Hilltop Motel, 967 Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a neon facet sign on the canopy 0n his own property, at an estimated cost of $425. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and AId. Scott tits| the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Frank Senuse, of the Your Host Motel, 1551 Murray Street, for a permit co erect a neon sign, at an estimated cost of $385. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cor~teld and AId. Morton that the report be recelVedl adopted and permit issue~. The Property Committee~s report on the application of Bruce Beaupit, to erect a small building on the parking area of the Wedgewood Motel, 1234 Ferr> Street, at an estimated cost of $100. was presented. ORDERED on the motion oi Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit issued, in view of the fact that the building conforms with the City's by-laws, The City Manager's report on the application of Wm. and Doris Saks, for a permit for alterations to the w~sterly portion of the existing store at 1863 FerryStreet, to provide temporary office accormnodauion for the Canadian Imperial Bank of Con~erce, at an estimated cost of $10,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Carfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Rapids Tavern Motel, at the corner of River Road and Ferguson Street, for a permit to construct a small addition at the rear of the Hotel, to enlarge the kitchen, at an estimated cost of $4,000. was presented, OBDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Monagerms report on the application of Your Host Restaurant, 1551 Murray Street, for a permit to erect a plywood sign, at an estimated cost of $25. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, providing that no lightin~ is installed on the sign. The City Manager's report of the Pa~k Motor Motel, 960 Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a billboard type sign on the vacant land at the intersection of Buchanan Avenue and Portage Road, at an estimated cost of $400. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration. The City Manager's report on the application of Edward and Mary Walters, 1553 F~rry Street, for a permit to erect a metal with wooden frame facer sign, was pre sested fo~ consideration. ORDERED on the motion of. Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted and a permit be not granted for the erection of the sign reqeested due to the fact that the City By-law provides that no sign shall be erected for a tourist establishment away from the actual place of business, ~ The City Manager's report of Edward and Mary Walters' ~pplication for a second sign on the east side of Allen Avenue, at 1916 Allen Avenue, at an estimated cost of $70. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Carfield that the report be received, adopted and permit be issued, always provided .that the sign is not illuminated. If it is proposed to use illumination in connection with this sign, the bottom of the sign must be 9 feet above tke ground, A commnnication from Mr. H. A. Logan in connection with the application for a building permit to place a swimming pool upon the lands immediately adjoining the new Impale Motel, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Welters, at 1916 Allen Avenue, was presented, along with a report of the City Manager. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Potter that the communication and report be received end referred to the Property Committee and the City Solicitor. The Property Consnittee's report on the application of the Medical Association for permission to erect dtrectional signs in connection with their forthcoming International Medical Exhibit to be held at the Sheraton-Brock Hotel, from June 20th, to Sept, 10th. wns presented for consideration. ORDERED on ~he motlon of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and referred to tile Property Conmittee. A commnnicatlon from the Niagara Falls LaCrosse Club requesting the City to purchase space in their forthcoming proBrain, was presented. ORDERED on the moilart of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the conununication be received and referred to thu Chairman of Finants and the City Manager with power to act. Due to the Urgency of tile matter and the desire of the Club to conmmnce printing the proBrain almost inunodiately, Ald. Martin. Chairman of Finance and the City Manager, approvod the purchase of space in the amount of. ~75. ORDERED on ~ho mo~ton of Ald. Potter and Ald. MoKinley ~ha~ ~he verbal reconmendaCion of the Chairman at Finance and CIte City Manager be adopted and the 8pace be purchased. Aid. Mitchelson. READ A~D ADOFrED, 24th, June, 19o3. COUNCIL I!EETING 17th. june, 1963. :fhe Committee re-assembled at tile close of the regular Coul:c]l and Finauto Meetings on Monday, June 17th. 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-[aw which covered the accounts approved by the Conmittee, All Members of Council were present, with the exception of AId. Swayze. Hls Norship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY -LAW TIle following By-law was passed; No. 6365 - ,A .by-law to provide mosies for geseral purposes. OIlDERED on' the motion of AId. Morton and AId. McKinley that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and tile by-law be given tile first reading, - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the n{otion of Aid. Martin and AId.' Potter' that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and time by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Martin and Ald. McKinley - Carried Usanimously. At this time, His Worsbip Mayor Miller advised Council about request received from the Shriners for a possible contribution from the City of Niagara Falls towards expenses in transporting the Maid of the Mist float to Chicago for a parade on July 7th. and it was ordered on tile motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelaon that the request be referred to the Chairman of Finance and the City Manager with power to act. ilia Worship Mayor Miller appointed AId. Swayze to attend the lieusing Authority Study to be held tu London, Ontario, on July 9~ll. Looneli asjourneo t~ Confete:tee on the motion of Ald. McKinley anc Alo.Mitcheisc.:. READ AND IDOF'ED: k~tin Juhe, 1963, CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 17th. June, 1963. The .Cotton|tree assembled in Conference following tile regular meet|rib of Council on Monday, June 17th. 1963. All Members were present, with tile except|e:. of Ald. Swayze. ltis Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Following cousideration of the items presented to them, tthe Conference adjourned on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Morton. RI~AD AND AI)OFIq~,D, 24th. June, 1963, REGULAR FLEETING 1963, for the purpose of considering general business aud finance. All Metal, ors ot Council were present. The Council, having received and read ~hc previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Potter c~ Ahl. Corticld. COb~IUNICATIONS Laid over from the R_reviou_s_ _m_e_e_~j~B; No. 372 - N.i_aJlara Township__E_n_&i_xle_e_[ - re Niagara Falls City Boundary Line v;ith Niagara Township (formerly Grantham Township). ORDERED ell the motion of Aht. M,:- Kinley and Aid. Morton that the cormnun|ca,ion be received, filed and the report bf the Property Committee be adopted. SE_E _R_et!or~ N~un~er/~!-~! ._ The follow|nil Communications were presented; No, 374 - Director of Titles - Dept. of llighways - Notice of liearisE op Ju]> 2rid. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, SWayze and A]d. Corfield that tile conmmnication be received and filed. No. 375 - Mrs. Elizabeth Mottola - requesting consideration re price sign displayed at Hi-Way Motel, 1345 Slater Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the cormnun|ca,ion be received and referred to the Special 1,icessing Corms|,tee for study and submission of a report as soon as possible with respect to any changes they may see fit to make. Carried by a vote of 6 to 4; the vote being - Aye -Ald. Morton, Martin, McKinley, Keighan, Swayze and Potter; Naye - Ald.McCallunl, Corfield, Scott, Mitchelson. Ald. McKinley then moved a motion that Council rescind their action adopting report number 407 at the last meeting of Council and the matter be tabled pending the action of Council following receipt of tile report of the Special Licensing Conunittee; there was no secouder to this motion. Previous ~o this, a lengthy discussion was held during which the City Solicitor advised that a Private Act was passed in 1954 which authorized the City to deal with sigus for tourist estqblishments and pursuant to this Act, a hy-law was passed the, signs were not to be allowed if they purported to advertise or call attention to prices charged withixl tourist establishments. SE_F~ Repp_rt N_umber, 426. .~{o. 376 - Greater Niagara United Appeal - requesting permission to erect a basner at the intersection of Victoria Avenue and Epworth Circle for a period of approximately six weeks, con~nencing Sept. 16th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze aed Ald. Keighan that the con~nunication be received, filed and permission granted, as requested, subject to approval of the Hydro Electric Commission of Niagara Falls. No. 377 -Wm. G. Booth - returning cheque for services on Planning Board. ORDEI{ED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and AId. Scott that tile conm~unfcation be received and filed. Me. 378 - P. Guarasci - requesting Due-hour parking sigu in front of 783 Sirecoo St. 0~DERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the conmlunicatio, be received and referred to the Traffic Cmmeittee for cousideration, and a report. No. 379 - CouptJ Council - Welland3 Ontario - resolution re unfairness of present legislatio~"TThe'~/s't~C'ti~,i;S~'f~t~' Ac't &' Regulations of 1961-1962). ORDERF~D on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid, Morton ':list the resolution be received and endorsed. No. 380 - St.Anthon)~/~__.l~F,.e)~.C-_T.ea~c~p+'._A~pp.c_~,.a~t.~_03~ - req. construction of a sidewalk on Portage Road. ORDERED on the motion of Al.d. Mttchelson and Aid. Swayze that the communication he roceived~ f/led and the toporE OE tile City Engineer be referred to the SewaBe and SEE Report Number 615. No. 381 - Director of Welland & District Health Unit - report on inspection of T. Florentine & Sons premises at 1299 Ottawa Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and the reconunendations contained in the report of the Assistant to the City Manager- Engineering, be forwarded to Mr. Fiorentino and he be eucouraged to carry them out by the 13th.'of July, 1963. Carried Unanimously. Following a query by Ald. McCallum about the legal aspects involved in the violation of the Zouing By-law through the parking of vehicles ou the lot where Hr. Florentine had recently moved a |louse from, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallum that the City Solicitor prepare a letter with the legal interpretation set out regarding this matter and after submission for C~uncil's perusal? the ~o~mmnication was then forwarded to Mr. Florentine. Carricl% Unanimously. SEE Report No. 41~,. No. 382 - H~i~g~ra Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - suggesting joint meetleE of three agencies be dispensed with and that a small committee from Council, the Planning Board & Niagara Parks Cmmnission meet at 11 A.M. on Friday, July 12th, ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, filed and His Worship Mayor Miller appoint the three members of Council to attend the meeting on July 12th. No. 383 - Niagara Falls District Board of Educatio~ - enclosing application formh for teutative approval of debenture issues for the construction of an addition tc Orchard Park Public School and the construction of a new school in Cherrywood Acre.;. 'OROERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the conununication be received and referred to the City Manager, Engineer & Solicitor for submission of a report thereon. No. 384 - Niagara Falls District Board of Education - calling Council's attentio;i and consideration re closing of MartliA Street; entrance to Stamford C.V.I.and Ontario Avenue property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the conm~unication be received and referred to the Property Conm~ittee for consideration aud a report. REPORTS The following Reports were presented; i No. 414 - ErepertX Conmittee - recosmending Niagara Township Engineer determine boundary bctweeu T~.~. of Niagara and City of Niagara Falls and Be be requested to establish boundary of Taylor Road between Q.E.W. and Town Line. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Conmnuni ca tion No · 37 · No. 415 - City Engineer - proposed sidewalk on Portag~ Road between Morrison St, and the C.N.R. bridge~ east side. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and referred to tile Sewage & ,Sanitation Conm~ittee for consideration as a Local Improvement .Capit~l Works Expenditure, for 1963. SE__E Communication No. 389 No. 416 - Assistact to City Mgr.-Engineering - inspection of premises of T.Fiorcn~!n and Sons, 1299 Ottawa St. ORDER|']D on tile motion of AId, bieGallum and Ald.Swayze that the report be received and copy forwarded ~o Mr. Fietontine dnd he be encour- aged to carry out recommendations b} 13th. of July~ 1963. SEE Gonmunicatio, n No. 381.. No. 417 - Git~ Mana~e~. ' report ou att~udanee of Chairman of Negotiations Conunittec and ~tty Manager at meeting of Municipal Personnel Association in Kitehonor. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and AId, Mitohelson that the report be received and filed, No. 418 - City Manager - advising of toformatlon ~ecetved from Workmen's Co. mpen- sation Board, that as of Juuo 30th. coverage for Volunteer Fireman can be increased to $6,000. per man. ORDERED on CIte mo~ton of Ald, Morton am! Ald.Swayz. e that the report be received 'and adopted, purchasers should approach Committee of Adjustment to determine exact amount of land that can be utilized for the motel. Following a lengthy discussion with reference to the property in question, and its possible eventual use, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that the repor~ be received and adopted. Carried UnanimouslY. It was further ordered on the motion of Ald. Kelghan and Ald. Swayze that a site plan be requested from the vendor and/or the purchaser indicating the proposed layout oa the lands and that it be understood that any s~ch site plan shall meet with the approval of both the Planning Board and the Municipal Council, No- ~0 - Chairman of Traffic Committee - report on attendance at 196~ Meeting of Ontario Traffic Conference at Port Arthur, June 16th to l~th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfteld that the report be received and filed. No. ~1 - Welfare Administrator - report on attendance at Welfare Officers' Asset. 13th Annual Convention, Oshawa~ June lOth. OBDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. ~22 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted and licenses issued accordingly. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; Eo. ~5 - MORTON - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Council be held on JulY 2rid, 1963 c~mmencing at 7:~0 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS Following Aid. KeiKhan's remarks on water pressure and the calls he had received about this matter, the City Manager advised that restrictions are to be placed at 10 a.m. Tuesday morning, and the press and radio will be making announce- ments. Ald. Morton referred to complaints he had received about heavy trucks travel- ling on Fourth Avenue between Bridge Street and Cyanamid Company end the noise which disbrubs residents in that area commencing at ~ a.m. The Alderman queried if the Cyanamid could be contacted with a view to having heavy equipment use the west gate as an entrance to their plant instead of Fourth Avenue. The City Manager advised that he would check into this. BY-IAWS The following By-laws were passed: No. 6~66 - A by-law to authorize the purchase by The Corporation of the City of Niagara Palls from The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario of Part of Township Lot Numbers 107 and 11~ of the former Township of Stamford; now in the City of Niagara Falls, for the purposes of the Corporation. ORl~on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDEESD on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallam that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Corfield and Ald. 8wayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~6_~ - A by-law to designate certain blocks of land which have been conveyed to ' the former Township of Stemcord as reserve strips and which reserve strips are no longer required as public highways in the City of Niagara Falls. first readinS - Carried Unanimously. IT WAS THEN ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan that the by-law be read in preamble form only. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Aid. Mitchelson that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third ~eading -Ald. Mitchelgon and Aid. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. At this point, Mrs. Thelma Hurd who was present in the Council Chamber was permitted to address Council, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan. She appealed for asgietsnce in obtaining a supplementary allowance in order to be able to carry on and explained that the total income was $125. per month, which was insuf- ficient to keep up with payments on her house, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Corfield that due to the personal aspects of her request that this be referred tb the City Manager and City Solicitor to enquire into the matter and fo] 10- wing receipt of the details, e report be submitted to Council. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Finance on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOPTED, 2nd July, 1963. Clerk Chairman of Finance FINANCE M~.~ING ~ Council Chamber, 2~th June, 19~3 · The Finance Meeting was held on June 2~th, 196S, for the purpose of approv- ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Aid. Martin, Chair- man of Finance, presided. Sundry Acecants in the amount of $758,762.~O were approved by the Co~aittee, The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the C~uncil, on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Potter. The Property Co~ittee's report on the application of the Park Motor Hotel to erect a sign at the intersection of Portage Road and~uchunan Avenue, was pres- ented. OBI~RED on the motion of Ald. Cor~leld and AId. Potter that the report be received end adopted and permit issued. The Property Ccemittee's report on the application of Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Welters, of the Impale Mo~el, for a permit to construct a swimming pool at 1916 Allen Avenue, was presented. 0RE~I~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and the applicant be advised to make applica- tion to the Coeaittee of Adjustment for permission to erect a pool on property which is in the residential area. The City Manager's report on the application of the Carousal Motel, 4511 hmdy's Lane, who have applied for a permit to erect a metal sign, at an estimated cost of $60. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Potter and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Park Motor Hotel, 960 Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of $390. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of D. G. Hurley for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated sign at the Park Motor Hotel, 960 Clifton Hill, at an estimated cost of $390. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan that the report be received. adopted and permit issued. The City Menager's report on the application of Mrs. Ida Thumpson of Terry Lea Ltd. for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated sign at the Park Motor Hotel, 960 Clifton Hill, at an estimated cost of $390- was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. ~e City ~anager's report on the application of Brown's Gift Shop, ~27 River River Road, for a permit to construct an addition to their stand at the above address at an estimated cost of $250. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. Steve Nagy, 7h7 Queen Street, for a building permit to construct an addition to the front of his building, to be used as a tailor shop, at an estimated cost of $3,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the Ritz Motel, 1657 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated overhanging sign, at an estimated cost of $250. was pre- sented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. ~le City Menagnr's report on the application of M. Rlcci, for a building permit to construct a drive-in restaurant and arcade on part of Range 12, on the west side of Buchanan Avenue between Dixon Street and Portage Road, at an estimated cost of $]0,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of The Antique Auto Museum Ltd. located at 1871 Falls Avenue, for a permit to erect an advertising device at their premises; the balloon to be in the form of an antique auto, upon each side of which will be a s~g~ 10 feet by 30 feet reading "Auto Museum", sign to be of the net type. On the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. McKinley, Mr. J. Burnerr, representing the Auto Museus. was permitted to speak. He requested Council to deal with the application this evening, due to the fact that the busy week-end is approaching and the balloon would be a great asset and pointed out that the proposed balloon would not detract from the surrounding environment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, and a temporary permit be issued and the matter referred ~o the Property C~mmtttee to view the balloon in order to submit a full report to Council as to whether it should be allowed to remain or not. Carried, by a vote of 5 to 4, the vote being -Ald. Morton, Keighan, McKinley, Potter, Corfield, in favour; and Aid. Scott, McCallum, Mitchelson and Swayze opposed. The City Maunger's report on the application of Niagara Miniature Golf Company for permission to erect a small clubhouse at the proposed miniature golf course on the west side of Portage Road directly north of Dunn Street, at an estimated cost of $2,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. Carried, with AId. Morton voting contrary. The Revenue and Expenditures Statement for the period ending May Slut, was presented. 0RDE~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Morton that the statement be received and tabled for one week for study, The Property Ccesittee's report on the application of the International Medical Exhibit to erect directional signs at five locations was presented for con- sideration. 01~2~ED on the motion or AId. 5wayze and AId. Norton that the report be received and adopted and permission ~ranted, subject to the oondition that the location of the signs shall be oa private property and that the location viii be approved by the City and that the signs will be removed within one month a~ter the i of the Medical Exhibit. (The signs are x~uired fx~a june ~N~h to tereinat on 8 pt. X h.) The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. THIRTY-FOURTH M~TING · ! , Scott. BEAD AND ADOPTED, 2nd July, 1963. ~hairnmn of Finance COUNCIL Council Chamber, 2~th June, 1963. The Ccennittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, June 24th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Ccemittee. All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Maygr Miller, presided. BY-lAW The following By-law was passed; No. 6~6~. - A I~y-law to provide monies for general purposes. OBI~EBED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. CRIbRED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tanding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law ~e given the second reading.- Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Morton and AId. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. Council adaourned on the motion of Aid. Mar~in and Aid. McCallurn. BEAD AND ADOPTED, 2nd July, 1963. Council Chamber, 2nd July, 1963. BEGULAR~ING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2nd, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen McCallum and Mitchelson. Previous to consideration of general business and finance, Council received a verbal report from Mr. Sham Leatie, Q.C. concerning negotiations which have been held with Local 1SS, Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Union, concerning the working con- tract. ~r. Leatie explained in some detail to the Members of Council what negotiations had been carried on with Local 1SS up to the present time, stressing Certain points and advising that an offer of a percentage settlement as agreed to by the City Council had been made and it was Mr. Learie's understanding that a meeting of the Union would be ~ held this evening to consider the offer and it was expected a decision would be known very shortly, and requested that the action of the Negotiating Committee in this re- ~ard be approved. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the report of ~Lr. Leatie with reference to negotiations on the contract for Lecal ISS, be approved. Carried Unanimously. Council then proceeded with regular business and having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Aid. Morton. C(Be~UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 321 - Proctor & Redfern - possible utilization of their services in connection with Connecting Link - Highway ~20, Drummond Road to West City Limited. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, filed and the Firm be retained by the City as consulting engineers on the project, with the under- standing that the cost of engineering will be borne by the Department of Highways. SEE Report No. 423 No. 36~ - W. J. Hamilton & Co, - possible installation of Parking Meters on Clifton Avenue. O,RDEBED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the communication be received, filed and parking meters be installed on the east side of Clifton Avenue from~he north limit of the Police Office to Bridge Street. SEE Report No. 424 No. 368 - Greater Niagara Minor Soccer Assco. - deploring restricted use of 0ekes Park Football Field insolaf as minor soccer is concerned. OBI]EBED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. McKinley that the communication be received, filed and report of Parks & Recreation Committee be filed, as the Committee have the authority to meet with Mr. Hinchliffe on this matter. SEE Report No. 425. No. S75 - Mrs. Elizabeth Mottola - re: motel price sign at 1S4~ Slater Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received, filed and the report of the Special Licensing Committee be adopted. This motion was defeated by a vote of 5 to B, the vote being - Aye: -Ald. Martin, McKinley and Morton; Na~e: -Ald. Keighan, Cotfield, Potter, Swayze and Scott. SEE R~i~ort No. ~6. No. 378 - P. 0uarasoi - req. establishment of l-hour parking sign in front of his grocery store at 783 8imcoe St. OBIBBED ca the motion of Ald. Potter and AId. Cot- field that the coemunieation be received, filed and two parking meters be installed on north side of street frog Victoria Avenue to the eas~ of Mr. Ouarasci's propcraM. Sn. Rep~r~ ~o. ~a~. No. 3~ - BiaSarm Fells District Board of Education - disposition of certain prop- er~y owned by the Board and of City owned lands adjacent to Board holdings. OP~RED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. 8wayze that the communication be received, filed and the reconmaendatlons of the Property Conntttee he adopted. SEE Report No. ~28 No. ~12 - Co~mittee of Adjustment - re: E. S. Fox Plumbing & Heating and lack of off=street parking of this firm. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the co~aunication be received, filed, and the firm be advised that they must provide for off-Street parking by July 15th at their premises and that the rear of the premises must cease to be used for the storage of stock and equip- ment. ~g Report No. No. 3~ - Frank King - re: lands at rear of premises on Marrift Avenue and dealing with petition received by Council concerning this area. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the c~unioation be received, filed and further report of Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee be adopted. SEE Repox~c No. SEE Petition No. The following Coe~unications were presented: No. B85 - Local 528, N.F. Professional Fire Fighters - comments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that Captain Stan Thomson be paraitted to read this communication to Council. OBDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the conmumioation be received, and laid on the table for consideration of a full Council at a Special Meeting on Wednesday, July 3rd at 3:30 p.m. SEE Report No. ~32. No. 386 - Coemittee of Adjustment - Notice of hearing re: Czerewaty application. No. 387 - Cosnnittee of Adjustment - Notice of hearing re: Hein application. OBDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. Swayze that the communications be received and filed. No. 388 - T. G. Bright & Co. Ltd. - req. permission to install concrete sidewalk on road allowance on west side of Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for considaration and a report. No. J89 - Village of Chippaws - application for renewal of agreement for purchase of water, ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the commani- cation be received and referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for submiss- ion of a report to Council. No. 3~0 - Our Saviour Lutheran Church - req. use of John Allan Park, July 28th. OBI~HED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager with power to act, ~f the d~te is available · No. 391 - Win. (]. Booth - request of Ralph 6irozan, Mgr., Twin City Restaurant, 1856 Ferry 8t. for re-location of bus stop. OBligED on ~h~e motion of. Aid. 8wayze and AId. Scott that the coemunication be received, filed and the writer be advised of the Traffic Ccemittee's report in this connection. SEE Report No. ~31 No. 392 - 8reater Niagara Unit Can. Cancer Society.- requesting permission to hold a tag day, Sept. 26th, 27th and Sept~. 28th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the ~o~aunication be received, filed and request granted. No. 393 ' Robt. A. Oreen - further to previous request regarding extension of watermain from Thorold Stone Road at Kalar Road, along Thorold Stone Road to 0areer Road. ORI~I~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the munioation be tabled until Report of Sanitation & Pollution Control Ccemittee is sonsidered. Following presentation of Tentative Lis~ & Preliminax7 .Estiatss for 1~3 Local Improvement Proposals and method of priority, it was ordered on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be tabled for one week, until receipt of the Cossitteees report. SEE Report No. ~7 REPORTS The following Reports were presented; No. 42B - Property Committee - recommending Proctor & Redfern be retained by the City as consulting engineers on engineering project on Number 20 Highway from Drummond Road to Thorold Town Line, having in mind that the cost of engineering will be borne by the Dept. of Highways. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Hotton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 321. No. ~2~ - Traffic Committee - recommend. installation of parking meters on east side of Clifton Ave. from north limit of Police Office to Bridge Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the repo~ be received and adopted. SEE Communication .~5. No, 425 - Parks & Recreation Committee - meeting to be held this week to provide additional accommodation for Minor Soccer Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and filed. SEE Communication 368. No. ~26 - Special Licensing Con~ittee - re: advertisement of prices for tourist estab- lishments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted. This motion was defeated by a vote of 5 to 3, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Martin~ McKinley and Morton; Nays -Ald. Keighan, Corfield, Potter, Swayze and Scott. SEE Communication 375. No, 427 - Traffic Committee - recommend. installation of two parking meters on north side of Simcoe from Victoria Avenue to east of Mr. Guarasci's premises, 783 Simcce St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 378 No. 428 - Property Committee - recommendations re: properties of Board of Education and City-owned property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the repor~ be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 429 - Traffic Committee - recommend. E. S. Fox Plumbing & Heating be advised they must provide for off-street parking at their premises by July 15th and that the rear of the premises must cease to be used for the storage of stock & equipment. ORDERED on th~ motion of AId. Swayze and AId. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication ~12. No, 4SO - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending immediate action to divert water to catchbasin on westerly limit of Merritt Avenue to remedy flooding conditions on west side of the street. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication ~64. SEE Petition No. 12. No. ~31 - Traffic Committee - report on inspection of location at 1856 Ferry Street where Mgr. of T~in-City Restaurant desired re-location of bus stop. ORDERED on the notion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted and no chan~e beads.. SEE Co~auntcation 391. No. 432 - Special Committee of Council dealing with Fire Deptl - report on meetings held June 27th. ORDF~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received, tabled for consideration of a full Council, and a special meeting of Council be called for Wednesday, july 3rd to discuss this mutter. SEE Communication 38~ No. ~33 - CltX Manager - applieation by B. gstabrooks, 2361 Buchanan Avenue for per- mission to operate a cart track at Shell ~asoline 8~ation at intersection of ~alar Read &lA~nd~'s Lane. On the motion of Ald. Morton and 5wa~ze, Mr. Estabrooks was per- mitted to to He outlined the and to favourable consideration to his request. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the application be received & referred to the Traffic Committee, to inspect the proposed operation and then submit a report to Council. No. 434 - Equipment Ccemittee - quotations for Air Conditioner, Police Court. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and the quotation of Blankhorn and Sawle Limited, at a quotation of $1,120. be accepted and the units installed in the Court Room of the Police Bldg. It was also suggested that the Firm be requested to inspect the City Hall Bldg. and submit a report. No. 435 - Equi~ment Committee - reccemend. purchase of a Sicard Snow Blower at a quotation of $ ,154.25, from the Sicard Equipment Ltd., Weston, 0nt. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 1+36 - Equipment Committee - reeve,mend. purchase of a Champion Grader from the Dominion Road Machinery Sales Company at Goderich, Ontario, at a net cost of $24,514.00. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. No. 437 - City Manager - recnmmend. Could Nursery be employed to spray all shade & ornamental trees planted on City streets over past 4 years, twice during the season at a service charge of $1.00 per tree. ORI]ERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 438 - City Manager - advising of proposal to place ave shifts on duty immed- iately for spraying and weed cutting. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 439 - Property C:,mdttee - suggesting that the subject of restrictions on the north side of Lundy's lane from Dn,mmond Road to Dorchester Road is a matter for discussion by Council as a whole. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and referred to a Special Conference Meeting with all Members of Council present. No. 4hO - Property Committee - recommend. account of D.C.Elsley Ltd. for an appraisal of a 10 foot strip of land on east side of Victoria Ave. extending from Thorold Stone Road to Niagara River Parkway, be paid. ORDI~ED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 441 - Assistant to City Manager - Administration - ~eporting on attendance of City Treasurer and himself at Conference of Municipal Clerk' s and 'Finance Officers' Association on June 17, 18, and 19th. ORDERED on the motion of 'Ald. Martin and Aid. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 442 - Assistant to City Manager - Administration - advising of O.M.B. approval of By-law No. 6339. ORESRED on the motion of Aid. CoTfield and Aid. Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 443 - City Clerk - advising of results of survey taken on municipalities' use of tarpaulins on vehicles transporting waste paper, litter, etc. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Swayze that the report be received and filed and support be given to the resolution at Convention of the Ontario Municipal Asses. No. 1~ . City Clerk - racesmending issuance of licenses. ORESRED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Mox~on that the report be received and adopted and issued accordingly. No. 445 - City Manager - report on supplementary allowance requested by Mrs.Thelma Hurd. ORDERED on the motion of AId. ~artin and AId. Morton that the report be received and adopted and no action be taken by the City of Ni2gara Falls. No. ~46 - City Clerk = ra: possible acquisition of lands now under License of Occupation to the City, re: Part Eot 13, Main 8~. south of Ferry St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. 8wayze that the repor~ be received and adopted and the matter be referred to the Property Cueelates, No. ~a~7 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Ceemittee - Tentative List and PreliminarY ~stimated for l~eal improvements end Capital Expenditures end recommending priorities thereon. ORESF~eD on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be reoeivedand tabled for pe~usel of Council for one week. 8~Ccemunication No, 393 No. A~8 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - re: official opening of the new pollution Control Plant. ORDEP~D on the motion o~ Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and the Committee he authorized to make the necessary arrangements for Official Opening and report hack to Council. No. 1~9 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - requesting authority to adver- tise for staff for new Pollution Control Plant. 5RDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 450 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committe~ - equipment necessary for operation of new Pollution Control Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 451 - Assist. to City Manager - Engineering. - report on building permits issued during month of June, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 452 - City Engineer - Rainstorm of June 27th, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. PETITIONS Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 12 - Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Groves & 44 other residents, requesting remedial measures to eliminate conditions in field in back of properties on Merritt Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the petition be received, filed and the report of the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 430. The following Petitions were presented: No. 13 - Mr. & Mrs. C. P. Palmar and 3 others, requesting erection of a "No parking octhis side" sign, Drummond Road, from corner of Valley Way to Sidney Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the petition be received and re- ferred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a report. No. 14 - ~trs. Nurray Dice & 5 others, advising no objections to operation of a beauty salon at 3274 Merritt Avenue, operated by Mrs. Jeanne Labonto. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the petition be received and filed and the writer be notified concerning the existing by-law. MISCELLANEOUS On th~ motion of Aid. Potter and Aid. Morton, Mr. Vaslo, 994Maple Street was permitted to speak to Council. ~e referred to problems confronting his premises and law as ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the matter be re- ferred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. 8wayze, Mr. Newman of 1696 Drummond Road was permitted to speak to Council. He referred to the serious flooding conditions due to the rainstorm last Thursday, June 27th, and the investigation he carried out to ascertain the source of the trouble and also the steps taken by Mr. 8. R. Price follow- ing his investigation. Mr. Newman suggested that the faulty check valve be replaced immediately; that covers be replaced on catch basins on the east and west side of the street and the City Engineering Dept. make a survey of existing sewer conditions on Drummond Road and install a storm sewer large enough, O~ divert existing catchbasins from sanitary sewers. OEDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Corfield that the matter be referred to the Engineering Department for report so that some type of relief will be obtained and that the necessary action be taken inmmediately. Following remarks of Ald. McKinley concerning the possible blacktopping of Crescent Road at the Circle, the Cry Engineer was requested to submit a report. At the request of AId. Cotfield, the Traffic Committee was authorized to look into the possibility of trimming the hedge at the corner of Frederica St. and the School, in order to improve visibility. At the request of AId. Kei~han, the City Manager outlined the procedures used in recordins the name, address etc. of applicants for work, including students looking for employment during summer vacation. At the request of Ald. Swayze, the Traffic Co~nnittee were authorized to check into the stop signs at McMicking, St.George, St. Patrick and Brock Streets. Following the ramarks of His Worship Mayor Miller concerning the recent ments of Ricky McGarry and Carl McGarry, sons of Dr. Howard McGarry, in winning top honours in Trapshooting contests in Vancouver, B.C., it was ORDERED on the mo- tion of Ald. ~artin and Ald. Potter that the congratulations of Council be to Ricky and Carl McGarry for their success. By-LAWS The following By-law was presented; No. 656~ - A by-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local improve. merits under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Ald. ~ar~in be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~artin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. The following By-law was passed: No. 6570 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with The Niagara Parks Commission. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Potter that Ald. Mal~in be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mar~in and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Kei~an. P~AD AND ADOPTED, 8th July, FINANCE ~ETINO Coma0il Chamber, The Finshoe Nsetinlwas held on Jul~ ~nd, 19~.3, for the pux~ose of approving and also l~ssinnthe various aoeo~s which ~d been p~vious~ ee~ified and ~laeed'~fo~ them. All ~mbers of the Gilttee ~ p~sent, with the exeep= ~i~ of Al~n Ma~ll~ sn~ ~ohelson. AId. ~in~ ~aimn .of ~i~ee, ~i~d. Sundry Accounts in the Mount of $301,469.99 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or .otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Potter. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of May 31st, 1963. presented at the previous meeting and tabled, was again presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald, Morton that the Statement be received and filed. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. G. Mahlstedt of the Duty Free Store located on the west side of Portage Road, for a permit to erect two plywood signs, at an estimated cost of $200. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permits be issued. Carried, with Ald. Morton, Corfield and Swayze voting contrary. The City ~anager's report on the application of Tower View Beauty Lounge at ~O75 Dunn Street, for a permit to erect a plastic sign, at an estimated cost of $50. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be mceived, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Stanley Budd, of the Coronet Snack Bar, 2~63 Portage Road, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign. at an estimated cost of $735. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Marmger's report on the application of T. Stelmanszynski, of the Montrose Motel and Restaurant, 3273 Montrose Road, for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated sign at an estimated cost of $375. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Potter · nd Ald. Morton that the report he received, adopted and permit be issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Antonio Pellegrino of the Roman Restaurant, 1717 Lewis Avenue, for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated overhanging sign, at an estimated cost of $375. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. 8wayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Niagara Miniature Golf Course on the west side of Portage Road, at the intersection of Portage Road and Dunn Street, for a permit to erect a metal sign, at an estimated cost of $50. was presented. 0RIPPED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Park Motor Hotel, 9~O Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of $950. was pre~ented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter that the report be r~ceived, adopted and permit issued, The City Manager's report on the application of the Park Motor Hotel, 9~O Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated revolving sign, at an estimated cost of $1,2OO. was presented. ORDEHED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City ~anager's report on the application of Mrs. M. ~urafsky, for a building permit to nmke alterations to the front of her building at 3~3-~9 Queen Street, at an estimated cost of $2,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. READ AND ADOFA'~D, 8th July, 1963. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 2rid July, 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the clost of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, July 2nd, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covers the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Mitchelson and McCallurn. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. 6~71 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tancling Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. At this point, the City Manager advised that the Civic Employees' Union, Local 13B, had accepted the ter~ for the new contract. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley. ~EAD AND ADOPTED, 8th July, 1963. Mayor CONFERENCE Council Chamber, ~nd July, ~e Committee assembled in Conference following the regular Council meeting on Tuesday, July ~nd, 1~3. All Members were present, with the excep- tion of AI~, MltQhelaon .and AId.. MoOallua. His .WOr. e~lp Mayo. r, .M!l.~e.~,,..pres.~ded.. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. 8wayze. AND ADOPTED, 8th July, 1963. THIRTY-FIBTH M~A'ING Council Chamber, 3rd July, 1963. SPECIAL MEETING Council met at 3:3° p.m. on Wednesday, July 3rd, 1963, for the purpose of dis- cussingmatters pertaining to operation of the Fire Departments. AllMembers of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. COMMUNICATION The f~ollowing communication was presented: No. 38~ ' Local 528, Niagara Falls Professional Fire Fighters - Operation of Fire Department. As requested by His Worship, the Clerk then read the communication received from the Secretary of Local 528, Niagara Falls Professional Fire Fighters, which had been referred to this meeting from the meeting held on July 2nd, and which indicated some dissatisfaction with reference to events ~ich have transpired to date, and then read Report No. ~32 which was submitted to the Council meeting of July 2nd and referred to this meeting from the Bpacial Fire Committee which pointed out that it was the intention to hold a meeting of the enlarged Committee on Wednesday, July Brd at 7:30 p.m. in an attempt to arrive at an amicable re-adjustment of the duties of both the permanent and volunteer fire fighters for the future. Some extensive dis- cussion was held with reference to the coe~untcation and report, during which it was pointed out by Alderman Martin that the report of the Coemittee which was submitted to Council on May 13th and~ieh reC~nded the appointment of the Chief and two Deputy-Chiefs, did not say certain things that were purported to have been said in that report according to the coeaaunication from Local T~e various items referred to in the communication from Local ~8 were discussed and His Worship su~ested that the Committee should, when their meeting is held this evening with the Fire Fighters, clear up each of the items referred to in the letter as the~ have been clarified here for the members of Council. It was then Ordered on the motion of Ald. 8w~yze and Ald. Cotfield that the communication from Fire Fighters ~oeal ~8 dated July ~nd, 1~ be received and filed. Carried Unanimously. 7ne following Report was presented: No. ~32 - Special Conmittee to deal with Fire Dept. matters - making suggestions as to personnel of the Committee and advising of the next forth coming meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that the report be adopted as read. Carried Unanimously. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the meeting adjourn. AND ADOPTED, 8th JUly, 1963. Clerk Mayor THIRTY-SIXTH MMETXNG Council Chamber, 5th July, 1963. SPECIAL ~A'ING Council met in special session on the afternoon of Friday, July 5th,1963 at 1:30 p.m. for the purpose of receiving the Traffic Survey Report which has been in the course of preparation by H. G. Acres & Company Limited for some periQd. All members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman McCallurn. In addition to the members 'of Council, there were representatives of the Niagara Bridge Commission, the Niagara Parks Commission, the Planning Board, and the Engineer from the Department of Highways. His WorShiP Mayor F. J. Miller presided. His Worship the Mayor advised as to the purpose of the meeting and then asked Mr. McCaig of H. G. Acres & Company to make the presentation. Mr. McCaig advised those present that copies of Volumes 1 & 2 would be now presented to the parties interested, together with a briSf summary and that since he himself had not been too intimately connected with the preparation of the report that he would be calling upon Mr. Burton for details of the report, and Mr. McKechnie for explana- tion of slides, Mr. Burton then proceeded to outline the highlights and principals covered in the Stud~ and then briefly referred to the objectives of the Stud~, indicating that they were desiMned to meet the needs of the area for the next 20 years. These objectives being contained in Section of the Stud~ entitled "Purpose and Scope". Mr. Burton visualized that eventunll~ it would be essential to prbhibit parking in the Niagara Parks durinK the peak suemet months and indicated what changes would result frum this action if implemented. He sugge2ted provision of concentrated business sections and inferred that in their opinion Queen Street should be estab- lished as a"mmll'~ and also detailed other suggestions of a reaedial hature. Mr, MeJCeahnie, also of K. O. Acres, then pr..oceeded to show illuminated slides of the various ~raphs and charts as centmined in the repor~ (approximating 40) end ~ave explanations in detail, . . . Mr. Burton then again addressed those present referring to the implementation 0f the plan as submitted and pointed out that there would be a number of bodies affected ~d that this would of necessity require extensive negotiations and hearings. He also explained the necessity, in his opinion, Of having organization to get this matter under ~y and in addition, referred to the local Transit System and the need for examination of its operation in order to encourage ful~her public use and tend to reduce the drastic mad for parking, and that in this latter connection, parking areas in the Park should be increased. At this time His Worship the Mayor suggested that possibly some of the members of the Bodies represented at this meeting would care to ask some questions, but as none were forthcoming, the meeting was adjourned. READAND ADOPTED, 8th July, 1963 Clerk · ~-~.~ ........... ............ >" Mayor THIRTY-SEVENTH b~A'ING REGULAR MF~TING Council Chamber, 8th July, 1963. Purs-nnt to adjournment, Council met at 7:3Op.m. on Monday, July 8th, 1963, for · e purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were P~sent, with the exception of Aldermen Morton and Mitchelson. The Council, having ~ceived and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these 0n the motion of Aid. Potter and Aid. Serflaid. CC~4~NICATIONS ~ld over from theprevious meeting; No. 388 - T. G. Bright & Co. Ltd. - req. permission to install concrete sidewalk on road allowance, west side of Dorchester Road. ORMD on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Cotfield that th~ c~unication be received, filed .and permission be granted, providing the same is erected to grades supplied by City Engineering Dept. and the work conforms to ~l~y standards, SEE Report Number ~e following Cceanunications were presented: ~o. ~91~ - Can Section, A.W.W.A. - Safety A~ard Certificate to Management and Employees of Niagara Falls Water Department. 0RE~ on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Swayze ~bat the sceaunication be received, filed and Council record our congratulations to Mr. '.. J. Farebrother, Superintendent and his Department on this award, ~. ~95 -Ontario Assco. of Plumbinglnspeotors &Affiliates = l~3Annunl Conference, ~ be held in Seult Ste. Marie, free Sept. 2~th to ~Tth. 0RI~D on the motion of AId. hrtinandAld. Potter that the ccsaunieationbe received, filed, and Mr. W. J.Pattison, 'lumbin-_ Inspector, be authorized ~o attend. No. 396 - Chamber of C~erce - Directors' Meetings. ORIB~r~ on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. norfield that the communication be received, filed and the balance of the Alderre-his Board be so delegated to attend these meetings. His Worship Mayor Miller n~med Alderman Mitchelson to attend the meeting of Ju~y 17th; Alderman McCallurn August 21st; Alderman Potter, September 18th; Alderman Morton, October 16th; and Ald- erman Cotfield, November ~Oth. No. 397 - Chamber of Cu~merce - offering assistance to Council in any further discus- sions concerning tour ~uide situation in this area. ORI)E~ED on the motion of Aid. Eei~han and Ald. Scott that the communication be received, filed and the President of the Chamber of Commerce, be notified as to the action taken at the Police Commis- sion ~eeting and that Council awaits any meeting to be held. No. 398 - Committee of Adjustment - notice of hearing - Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Waltera. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mar~in and AId. Swayze that the communication be re- ceived and filed. No. 3~ - Can. Legion, B.E.S.L. - Stamford Br. No. 479 - Memorial Service, Sept.Sth. OBDEI~9 on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be re- ceived, filed and permission granted and they be advised to notify the Dept. of High- ways regarding the proposed parade. No. ~00 - Chateau-Gai Wines - req. inclusion in 19~3 Capital Works program of proposed sewer line along Stanley st. north. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the c~mmunication be received, tabled until such time as approval of the Capital Works Program. No. ~O1 - Cooper Appraisals Ltd. - quotations for use of services in connection with insurance appraisal. CEDEBED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. ~wayze that the communication be received and referred to the Property Cammittee for consideration and a report. No. ~O2 - Dept. of T~nds & Forests. - enclosing letter from Mrs. Win. Hindle re: sewer and drainsde problems. O~ on the motion of Aid. Kei~han and Ald. Potter that the conmunication be received and referred ~ the Engineering Dept. for study and report back to Council. Laid ever from the previous meeting; No. ~33 - City Manager - application of B. Entahrooks, for permis'sion to operate a cart track at Shell aasoline station, at intersection of Kalar Road and tundy's Lane. SEE Report No. ~ The following Reports were presented; No. ~53 - Traffic Committee - recommend. permission be ~ranted to T. G. BriSht and Co. Ltd. to construct a concrete sidewalk, providing same is erected tO grades supplied by City En~ineering Dept. and work conforms to City Standards. OI~)ERED on the motion AId. Swa~ze and AId. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SSE Ccaauatcatton 388 No. ~54 - Traffic Ccsmittee - reccsaendin~ operation of car track be permitted as applied for by B. Bstabrooka, subject to condition that all units used are supplied with proper m~fflere and ~ovemors and that the ~operetion cease at 11 p.m. OREE~ED on the motion of AId. Swm~ze and Aid. Scott that the repor~ be received and adopted. 8S~ Report Number No. ~55 - Traffic Ccmaittee - recommend. request of Petitioners that parking be prohibited on east side of Drummond Road frca Valley Way north to Sidney Street, be granted. OI~E~ZD on the morton of Ald. Swayze and AId. Scott that the.report be receive4 and adopted. ' ' Petition No. 13 No. 4~6 - Traffic Committee - further report to be presented re: recommendation to remedy traffic situation at intersection of McMicking Street. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Corfield and Aid. McCallum that the report be received and filed. No. 4~7 - Traffic Co~nnittee - small section of hedge to be removed from 1~7~ Drummond Road to improve visibility at that corner. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. No. ~58 - Traffic Committee - reconnnending stop signs be erected at four corners of intersection of St.Patrick Avenue and Stamford Green Drive. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Potter and Aid. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 459 - Traffic Committee - recommending flashing red lights be placed above stop signs at Robinson ~nd Buchanan; and Robinson and Stanley. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Scott and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. ~O - Negotiations Committee - reco~ending appointment of George Bell as Operator- ~echanic Grade II, at the Water Filtration Plant at Chippaws. ORDERED on the motion 0fAld. Keighan and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted. No. ~61 - Negotiations Committee - report on meeting on July 3rd with Negotiations C~mm~ttee of N.F.Professional Fire Fighters, Local 5~8. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. NcCsllumand Aid. norfield that the report be received and filed. No. 462 - City Engineer - Paving of Crescent Road - ORIERED on the motion of Ald. ~cKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee. No. 463 - City Engineer - recommending notice be forwarded to owner of 327 Simcoe Street to clean up littered condition in accordance with By-law 6318. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. norfield that the report be received and adopted. No. ~4 - City Manager - attaching report of Mgr. of N.F.Hydro Electric Commission re: light standards. ORDEN~I) on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and tabled for study. No. ~5 - C~ittee of Adjustment - results of recent hearings on applications of Loga Ltd. and~rs. Lena Friez. O~ on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed. N0. ~66 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald, McKinley that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. PETITIONS Laid Over from the previous meeting: No. 13 - Mr. &Mrs. C. P. Palmer and ~ others - requesting erection of "No Parking on this side" sign on Dnnm~ond Eoad from corner of Valley Way to Sidney Street. ORDEBED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Scott that the petition be received, filed and Parking be prohibited on east side of D~m~ond Road fromValley Way north to Sidney Street, SEE Report No. 455- The following Petitions were presentedl No. 15 - Miss Pauline E. Francis and ~O others - requesting remedial action to sewer situation along Ontario Avenue. ORl~on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the petition be received and referred to the City EnSineer for submission of a report to Council, No. 16 = Mrs. Edward Parten and ~7 others - protesting use of O'Neil Street by trucks. 0RI~D on the motion of Ald, Martin and Aid. Cotfield that the petition be received and referred to the Traffic Coemittee with power to act, and the Police Department be requested to check on the repox~ed sxeessive speed. ~xe following Resolution was passedJ No~ 56 = McKINLZY - SWAY~ - I~OLV~D that the Couneil of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls request the approval of the Department of Highways for the construction of · storm sever on Victoria Avenue between Fer~uson Street and Niagara Farks Commission Boulevard et an estimated cost of $18~8~0.00~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed; No. 6572 - A by-law to require the erection and maintenance of fences and gates around privately-owned outdoor swimming pools, and to prescribe the height and description thereto. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6575 - To amend By-law Number 4134, being a by-law to provide for the installa- tion of parking meters on certain streets in the City of Niagara Falls and to provide regulations relative to the parking of vehicles in the areas or zones where parking meters are installed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Corfield and Ald. 8wayze - Carried Unanimously. Aid. Martin referred to the playground equipment at Coronation Park and queried the reason why this equipment was not put out until this week and why the equipment is locked up at 4 p.m. in the afternoon when the Lions Club Playground Supervisor leaves. The Alderman was of the opinion that this equipment should be available for the children during daylight hours, whether they belong to the group supervised or not but stated that he did not have anything against the Lions Club Supervisor or any other organization. Following discussion, th~ matter Was referred to the Parks and Recreation Ccemittee. Ald. Keighun referred to his request of a couple of weeks ago, when he asked for a report fram the City Manager and City Solicitor regarding the costs involved for school additions requested by the Board of Education. The City Mana- ger advised that avreport will be ready for the next meeting of Council. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and- Aid. Swa~ze. I~EAD AND ADOPTED, l~th July, 196B. FINANCE Council Chamber, 8th July, 1963. ~'ae Finance Meeting was held on July 8th, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Alderman Morton and Alderm-n Mitchelson. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided, Sundry Accounts in the mount of $282,329-00 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter. The City Manager's report on the application of Canadian Ohio Brass Ltd., 1881 Thorold Stone Road, for a building permit to erect a new storage building at an esti- mated cost of $25,000. was presented. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald., Swayze that the report be received, filed and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Grace Abbey Ltd., 2114 Culp St. for a building permit to erect an addition to the second storey, at an estimated cost of $22,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. McCallam that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Nick Mazzone for a permit to erect a masonite racer sign at 1005 Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $20. was presented. 0RE~RED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallurn that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the A & P Food Store, 865 Vic- toria Avenue, for permission to erect a wooden sign at the entrance to their parking lot frcm Valley Way, at an est~mnted cost of $~5. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of The Bank of Montreal, for per- mission to erect a metal, plastic, illuminated sign at the Park Motor Hotel, 960 Clifton Hill, at an estimated cost of $1,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. ~ae Comaittee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott. F~AD AND ADOPTED 15th July, 1963. COUNCIL ~a~A~ING Council Chamber, 8th July, 1963. The C~mmittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings, on Monday, July 8th, 1963 for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were pres- ent, with the exception of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; No. 6~7~ - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. 0RIBRED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Aid. McCallum that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. 8wayze and AId. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOI~D, 15th July, 1963. Clerk ..... ' 8:~0 p.m. - CON~SNCE Council Chamber, 8th July, 1963. The Committee assembled in Conference following the regular Council meet- in~ on Monday, July 8th, 196S. All Members were present, with the excap~ion of AId. Morton. His Worship, Ma~or MAIler, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum. READAND ADOPTED, 15th July, 1963. Chairman ~gIR~-EIG~TN MEETING Council Chsmber, 15th July, 1963. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, July 15th, 1963 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield. TENDERS Tenders had been called for body rapairs for mobile equipment. On the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Swayze it was ordered that the Tenders received be opened and initialled by His Worship the Mayor, and tabulated. C0~r~NICATIONS Mid over frc~ previous meetings: No. 38S - N. F. District Bd. Education - applying for approval of debenture issues for addition to Orchard Park Public School and a new school in CherrywoodAcres. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report of the City Manager be adopted and the approval be given to the Board of Education. This motion was carried with Ald. Keighan voting contrary. SEE Reports Numbers 466~67 No. 393 - Rober~ A. Green - requesting that the ~rner Rd. - Thorold Rd. watermain be given priority in 1963. On the motion of Ald. McCallum and AId. McKinley Mr. Green was granted pemission to address Council, Mr. Green emphasized that the water supply and quality had not changed since the residents had first applied to the Stem- ford Council2~years ago. He also produced a sample of the water showing the heavy iron content, and two pieces of material showing the effect of the iron in washing clothes, and also a piece of substance fron one of the wells indicating the amount of deposit created by the water. Mr. Green requested Council to give this watermain Priority in 1963 instead of 196a~ as per the proposed capital budget report. Following Mr, Oreen's remarks, sc~ae discussion took place by members of Council. It was then ordered on the sotion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Scott that the repor~ on the proposed capital budget be adopted, and the letter from Mr. Green be received and filed. This motion was carried with the following vote: Aye: Ald. Martin, Scott, Mitch- elson, McKinley, McCallum, Morton and Corfield. Nays: Ald. Swayze, Keighan and Potter. SEE Report Norabet 447 No. 401 - Cooper Appraisals Limited - Appraisal for insurance purposes on building and services of the City. CRIbRED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report of the Property Cnmmittee in this respect be adopted. SEE Report Number ~68 At this point in the meeting His Worship, Mayor Miller welcomed Mr. G. Rukator, M.L.A. as an observer at the meeting. The following Communications were presented: No. 434 - Ont. Assoc. of Superannuated Women Teachers - requesting consideration at the time of their Convention in Niagara Falls in May of 196~. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Aid. Scott that the communication be received and re- ferred to the Chairm-n of the Budget Committee for 1964 with power to act. No. 435 - ~nomas Ramilton - re: Proposed "No Parking" on D~,mmond Road. No. 436 - Ivan Armstrong - re: Proposed "No Parking" on Drummond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that these two comications be moved to item 4 under By.laws for discussion. SEE By-law No. 6~78 No. 437 - Chamber of Commerce - advising of Joint meeting on July 24th. OREERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallam that the communication be received and filed and the invitation to attend the meeting on July 24th be accepted. No. 438 - John Gruyich - applying for a re-zoning of certain land at the corner of Hiram St. and River Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee to bring in a report to Council. This motion was carried with Ald. MeCallum voting contrary. No. 439 Z Becker's T.V. & Appliance - concerning rubbish pick-up at his premises at 914 Victoria Ave. OPteD on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager.and City Engineer to bring in a repoxt. D~ring discussion of the above matter Ald. McKinley referred to a complaint he had received concerning lids of garbage cans not being replaced after the can has been emptied. The Engineer advised that his Department were aware of this problem and expected that instructions would be issued shortly rob ave lids re- placed on garbage cans after emptying. No. 4~O - Department of Highways - Transfer of Highway No. 20. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the ~ffic Coemittee's report in this connection be adopted. SEE Reper~ Number 469 REmuS Iaid over from previous meetings: leo. 4~6 - City Clerk - reporting on possible acquisition of lands comprising Lot 13, Main S~. south of Ferx7 Street ~rom ~he Dept. of PUblic Works. SEE Report Number ~70 No. 4~7 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - report on proposed capital works budget covering 1963 and 1~ local improvements and capital expenditures. 01~!~ on the motion or Ald. Martin and Aid. Scott that the report on the proposed capital budget be adopted, (AId. 8wayze, Keighan and Potter voted contrary ) · · 8E~ Cossunieat~ion No. 39~ N0. 464 - City Manager - report on suImnaryof light standards submitted by the Manager of the Hydro Cmission. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted. At this point in the meeting Aid. McKinley inquired about street lighting for the section of Portage Road in the vicinity of the old Red Casque Inn. The City ~nager advised that he would look into the matter of possibly providing some type of temporary lighting for this area to improve the conditions. ~he following reports were presented: No. 466 - City Manager - advising of school costs for previous schools constructed. N0. ~67 - City Solicitor - con~nents on the application of the Bd. of Education. 0R~ERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the repor~ of the City M~ager be adopted. (Ald. Keighan voted contrary). SEE Communication No. 383 N0. 468 - Propex~y Committee - reporting on the proposal of Cooper Appraisals Ltd. in connection with an appraisal of City buildings, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report of the Property Committee be adopted. SEE Communication No. 401 N0. 469 - Traffic Committee - reporting on the transfer of a portion of Nighway No. 20 from the Dept. of Highways. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 4~O N0. 470 - Property Committee - reporting on the proposal to purchase the small parcel of land from the Dept. of Public Works for parking purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 446 No. 471 - Assistant City Mgr., Engineering - reporting on the petition received from Mrs. Pauline Francis in connection with the Ontario Ave. sewermain. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition Number 15 No. 472 - Traffic Committee - repox~ing on the petition of Mrs. Parten and others con- cerning heavy truck use and speeding on O'Neil Street. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition No. 16 N0. ~3 - Farks & Recreation Committee - concerning use of equipment in playgrounds, 0P~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that this item be withdrawn from the Agenda for discussion at this time and referred back to the Committee. No. 474 - Parks & Recreation Conmuittee - concerning use of fields for Minor Soccer ~quirements. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 475 - Traffic Committee - consideration of certain roads for improvement of traffic conditions. ORI~'BED on the motion of'Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be ~ceived and adopted. N0. 476 - City Manager - arrangements for demonstration of the Load-N-Pack side loading refuse packer on July 17th, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallu~ t~at the City Manager arrange for this demonstration' at a specific time and that members of the staff be present to explain any details to members of Council. No. 477 - City Manager - recommending that Chief Wade be permitted to attend the 55th Annual Conference of the Cdn. Assoc. of Fire Chiefs at Winnipeg. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallam that the repor~ be received and adopted. No. 478 - Deputy City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion o~ Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted, and licenses issued accordingly. PETITIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 15 - Miss Pauline K. Francis and ~O others - re: sewer on Ontario Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan that the report of the Assistant City Mgr., Engineering, in this connection be received and adopted. SEE Report Number ~71 No. 16 - Mrs. Edward Parten and 47 others - protesting use of O'Neil Street by heavy trucks, and speeding. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and AId.Morton that the report of the Traffic Committee in this connection be received and adopted. SEE Report Number ~72 The following petition was presented: No. 17 - Mr. James E. McGuire and 8 others - concerning the condition and noise at the Municipal Service Centre on Dm,mmond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the petition be received and referred to the Property Committee and City Manager for a report, and with power to act, if applicable, where there is no expenditure of money involved. At this point in the meeting, Alderman McCallum was excused. MISCELLANEOUS Ald. Swayze remarked about the condition of the Fiere Junk yard on Stan- ley Avenue. It was decided that the City Manager would bring in a 'report on this matter. Aid. Swayze also spoke about the parking area at the Centre and am old car parked there. It was requested that the parking lot be cleaned up and a sign advising of the parking area be posted. Ald. Swayze advised that the pavement sign for the old bus stop across from the Foxhead Hotel on Falls Avenue had not been removed and a sightseeing bus had been parking there. It was decided that the pdrking sign would be removed from' the pavement. Alderman Mitchelson advised of a telephone call he had received from a Pitton Road resident about the condition of the pavement there. The'Engineer advised that the necessary remedial action had been arranged for. Alderamn Morton advised of a Car constantly parking in front of the Inter- national Silver Company creating a hazard. It was decided that the Traffic Com- mittee would.:16ok into this matter. Alderman Keighan asked about the construction of sidewalks on Heximer Avenue and advised that the bane owners had paid for this work, but the sidewalks had not been construCted. The Engineer advised that in this Plan, the subdivider was not required to pay for sidewalk costs where tlf~ lots are vacant. He advised that a recent request for the monies had been made by the Asst. City Manager, Administrative. Mr. Eidt advised that he would check into the matter and report thereon to the next meeting of Council. Alderman McKinley reported on the work done at the comer of Palmer Ave. and Victoria Ave. where the traffic lines had been removed, and which was now causing confusion. The Alderman also advised that 'the lights at the parking sign at the Can. Corps parking lot were bo~h out. His Worship Mayor Miller advised of the appointment with the Minister of Highws4ts for Thuredey, July l6that2:30p.m. for a discussion ofHiShwaylt05 and Stanley Avenue turn-off. His Worship appointed the following members of Council and Officials to attnnd: Engineer, C. H. Bidt City Manager, W. 8o err, Aldermen Cotfield, Keighan, 8wa~ze, and Ms~WorMiller. His Worship also reported on the ball pla~ting activities at the Corona- tion Park whereb~ hardbells are being hit in the direrion of the houses in that area. R we directed that the Parks & Recreation Committee would look into this zatter. BY-lAWS The following By-laws were passed: No. 6375 - A By-law to amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating through highways. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first mading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Keighan that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the secosd time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Corfield and Ald. Scott. - Carried Unanimously. N0. 6976 - A By-law to approve an application from the Niagara Falls District Board of Education. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first ~ading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the secosd time. - Carried, with Ald. Keighan voting contrary. Third Reading. -Ald. Scott and Ald. Potter. - Carried, with Ald. Keighan voting contrary. No. 6377 - Being a by-law to approve an application from the Niagara Falls District Board of Education. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Corfield and Aid. Morton that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first ~ading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried, with Ald. Keighan voting contrary. Third reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley - Carried, with Ald. Keighan voting contrary. No.~378 - P~ior to the reading of By-law 6378, some discussion took place in respect to · C0~mication 435 - Thomas Hamilton, and Co~_~___unication 436 - Ivan E. Armstrong, where- : in both persons had requested that the proposed "No Parking" By-law to prohibit park- ing on Dx~,mmond Road north of Valley Way, be not passed, and further consideration given to the matter. After consideration it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the two communications be received and filed. This motion was carried with Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield voting contrary. No~2 6378 - To amend By-law Number 37~O, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. Mitchelson that AId. 8wayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORESI~D on the motion of Aid. 8wayze and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tending Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time . - Carried, ~th Ald. Corrield and Ald. Martin voting contrary. ~nirdReading .Ald. Morton and Ald, Potter - Carried, with Ald. norfield and Ald. Martin voting contrary. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOF,~ED, 2~nd July, 1963. Deputy-Clerk Council Chamber, l~th July, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on July 15th, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certi- fied and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $471,2~3.32 were approved by the Committee ~ ~ The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Potter. The City Manager's report on the application of Hilltop Motel Ltd. 967 Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect two plastic, illuminated racer signs at an estimated cost of $746.00 was presented. OPtBED on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and Ald. Mitehelson that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Toronto-Dominion Bank at the south-east comer of Q~een 8t. and Ontario Ave. for a building permit to cover alterations and a emil addition at an estimated cost of $18,000. was presented. ORE~HED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. 8wayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Mena~er's report on the application of Dunlop Canada Ltd., 332 Drummond Road, for a pemit to erect a plywood sign at their premises at an estimated cost of $7~.00 was presented. ORDEI~ on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Corfield that the repor~ be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Memager's report on the application of Dr. T. A. Jamleech owner of the Mall of the Mist, 27~ Fortage Rd., for a permit to erect a swimming pool at an estimated cost of $10,000. was presented. O~D on the motion of Ald. Potter and Aid. Cotfield that the repor~ be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Menager's report on the application of A. Franklin Ltd., 79~ Vau~han Rd., Toronto, for a building permit to erect an apartment building on part of Block ~, Plan 33 on the south side of Murray St. between Orehard. Ave. and Edward Ave. at an estimated cost or $300,000. was presented. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Swa~ze that ~he report be received, .adopted and perai~ issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Court Industries Ltd. for a building permit to erect a building for the accon~nodation of s space museum on the north side of CliFton Hill between Falls Avenue and Victoria Ave., st an estimated cost of $70,O00. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted end permit issued. The City ~anager's report on the application of the Niagara Falls Badmin- ton Club, 1S00 Willmort St. for a building permit for alterations to a portion of the first floor of the building at an estimated cost of $7,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. George LeBlanc, 2674 Lundy's Lane, proprietor of the Country Motel, for a permit to erect a wooden sign at an est~mnted cost of $B0.00, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted, and that no permit be issued for the erection of this sign. The City Manager's report on the application of Messrs. LaRose and Carrle, 17~7 Stanley Ave. for an application to construct a portable building to be used as a sightseeing stand on the Briand property at the south-west corner of Clark Ave. and Ferry Street at an estimated cost of $600. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. C~rfield that the report be received, adopted, and that the application be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. The City Manager's report on the application of the Kiwanis Club of Niagara Falls for a building permit for the construction or a building to provide homes for senior citizens on Part Twp. Lot 158 on the north side oF Dunn Street be- tween Dorchester Rd. and Drummond Rd. at an estimated cost of $105,O00. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted and permit issued subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board for the provision of services to be supplied by the municipality. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Potter. READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd July, 1963. Deputy-Clerk, Chairman of Finance · COUNClL~m~A'ING Council Chamber, 15th July, 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings, on Monday, July 15th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present. BY-lAW following By-law was passed: ~ - A b~-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Cotfield that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and AId. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Swayze and Aid. Morton - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield. READ AND ADOPTED, 22nd July, 1963. Deputy-Clerk Mayor CONFERENCE Counhil Chamber, 15th July, 1963. The Committee assembled in Conference following the regular Council meeting on Monday, July 15th, 1963. AllMembers were presented. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Following considemtion of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Aid. McFdnley. I~I) ~J)O?A'SD,. 2~nd July, 1963. THIRTY-NINTH MEETING Council Chamber, 22nd July, 1963. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, July 22nd, 1963 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman E. E. Mitchelson. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield. CONMUNICATIONS Mid over from previous meetings: No. 438 - John Gruyich - request for re-zoning of property at corner of Hiram Street and River Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayme that the report of the Property Committee in this connection be adopted and the petition received in this connection be tabled until such time as the report is received. SEE Report Number 479 SEE Petition Number 18 The following Communications were presented: N0. 441 - Dept. National Defence - requesting use of John Allan Park for July 24th. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report of the Parks Ccmmittee in this respect be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 481 No. 442 - Edmund Collee - requesting use of Gus Manre Park for September 8th, 1963. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. McCallumand Ald. Potter that the communication be re- ceived and filed and permission granted for the use of the Park. No. 443 - Lundy's Lane Historical Society - Invitation to attend the observation of the 149th Anniversary of the Battle of Lundy's Lane on July 28th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and as many members of Council as possible attend on this occasion. No. ~44 - T: ~alaelos, California Curies - requesting use of 0akes Park on August 30th for a 8oftball Game with a local team. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report of the Parks Committee in this connection be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 482 N0. A~45 . Chamber of Commerce - Use of rear door at Chamber for July 24th meeting. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the co~manication be re- ceived and filed.' No. 4J~6 . Visitor & Convention Bureau - requesting representative to be named for the Winter Festival Cmmittee. ORDE~D on the motion of Aid. McCalltun and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and the Mayor be authorized to appoint representation on the Coaltree. No. ~7 - Mrs. C. Stanion - advising of traffic conditions on Peer Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Aid. Cotfield that the ccennnnication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee to bri~ in a report. No. ~ . Bill HolJak - concerning his property at (]arner Rd. and Lnndy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Max~in and Aid. McKinley tlmt Mr. HolJak be given l~rmission to address Cotmoil. Mr. HolJnk advised that he wished to sell a portion of his property on whieh a house was located, but could not meet the requirements of the Planning BOard as the propex~y to be divided was less than the minimum size of 2 acres required. The Planning Board had also advised Mr. Hol]ak that other factors relating to septic tank operation and enlar~en% entered into their reprisal to grant his request for the requested transfer of property. After discussion with members of Co~neil it was OI~ED on the action of Ald. Morton and Md. Keighan that the communication and verbal diseussion withMr. Sol]nk~ received and referred to the Property Committee to bring in a report. No. 449 - Mrs. 7helms Hurd - advising of amount of income received. In this connan. tion it was ORE~RED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. 8wayze that the report of the City Manager and the Welfare Administrator received on July 2nd be re-read for the information of Council. It was then ORDERED on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. McKinley that Mrs. Hurd be given permission to address Council. Mrs. Hurd, in explaining the difference in the amount of income as reported by the Welfare Department at $363.00 and the figure of $281.00 which she stated was received, informed Council that an amount of $72.00 representing War Veterans Allowance payments had not been received by her son for the past five months. In answer to a question, she advised that the Department were instead paying for pest taxes on the property and had also paid an amount of $1~OO.00 to furnish a special bedroom to take care of the needs of her invalid son. After some discussion it was ORDEP~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and tabled and that a letter be sent to District Office No. 3 of the Welfare Depart- ment asking for a complete explanation of the reasons why Mrs. Hurd could not be granted a supplementary allowance for medicine, and that a copy of same be sent to the Welfare Department. No. 450 - Thomas Prata - seeking employment with the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and filed until such time as the Committee has some type of work in which Mr. Prata's services might be useful to Council. No. 451 - New York Central - acquiring parcel of land at the northwest corner of Bridge Street and Victoria Avenue. ORE on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report of the Property Committee received in this respect be adop- ted. This motion was carried with Ald. McCallum voting contrary. ~EE Report Number 485 No. 452 - New York Central - signal protection at Stanley Ave. crossing. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and the plan for automatic signals at the Stanley Ave. crossing be approved. No. 453 - A. R. Macklem Real Estate Ltd. - requesting permission on behalf of Gorge Constr. Co. Ltd. to pave over a City easement located on the south side of Lundy's Lane west of Drummond Road. ORDEE~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the report of the Property Committee received in this respect be adopted. SEE Report Number 484 No. 454 - Bissell Ltd. - requesting watermain extension to theit plant on Montrose Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and tabled for the next meeting of Council pending a report from the City Engineer on the matter. No. 455 - Leonard Neal - requesting street light on Mountain Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager and Manager of the City Hydro for a report. No. 456 - Greater Niagara Transit Cosmission - requesting that parking meters at 1850 Ferry Street and on Queen Street in front of the Post Office be moved to facilitate bus loading and unloading. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Com- mittee for report. ~. No. 457 - Oneida Limited - asking that the "no parking" on the east side of Oneida Lane be changed to no parking on the west side. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald.I' McCallum and Aid. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for report. Mo. ~58 - Department of Highways - Victoria Avenue-Storm Sewer construction. Ol~l~l~Donthemotion of Aid. gei~hanand Aid. Cotfield that the co~munication be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee for con- sideration 'and report. No. ~59 - Niagara Falls ~dro - repox~lng on street lighting on .Cadham 8tract and surrounding areas. OI~I~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that we instruct the City ~Wdro to use the existing poles and install ~ foot flucrescent lights as s~gested in their ~eport, and also, on .the verbal raeo~aendatlon of the City Manager, that 13 lights be placed on St. Paul Avenue froa Churches lane to Mountain Road as a temporary measure. No. 460 - Hydro-Electric Power Commission - re: sale of settling bed property in Lot 56 and the Haulage Road between Stanley Avenue and St, Paul Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. The following Reports were presented: No. 479 - Property Committee - reporting on application of John Gruyich for a change In zoning of property at the comer of River Hd. and Hiram Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report of the Property Committee be adopted and the petition received in this connection be tabled until such time as the ~por~ is received. SEE Communication No. 438 SEE Petition No. 1~'~ No. ~0 - Property Committee - reporting on the condition of the City Yard on Drummond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be re- ceived and adopted. SEE Petition Numbe~L_~y N0. 481 - Parks Committee - reporting on the request of the Dept. of National Defence for the use of John Allan Park on July 24th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report of the Parks Committee be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 441 N0. 482 - Parks Committee - reporting on the request of the California Cuties to use Cakes Park for a Softball Game on the night of August 30th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report of the Parks Committee be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 444 N0. 483 - Property Committee - reporting on acquisition of parcel of land at the north- west comer of Bridge Street and Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Morton and Ald. Potter that the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. McCallum voting contrary. SEE Communication No. 4_~ No. 48~ - Property Committee - reporting on request of A. R. Macklem Ltd. on behalf of their clients Gorge Const. Co. to pave over a City easement at the comer of Lundy's Lane and Dru~mmond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. McCallam that the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. ~ No. 485 - Parks Committee - reporting on use of equipment at Coronation Park after the conducted classes close at ~ p.m. ORDEP~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mor~on that the report of the Parks Committee be received and adopted. Also, in connection with Coronation Park, His Worship reported that he was still receiving complaints about windows being broken in the vicinity of the Park, and the Traffic Coeanittee were requested to check further into the matter. No. 486 . Parks Ccemittee - reporting on use of Oakes Park by the G. N. Baseball Assoc- iation and the request of the Minor Soccer Assco. to use Cakes Park for a Donkey Base- ball Game. ORE~I~ED on the motion of Aid. McXinley and AId. norfield that the report of the Parks Committee be received and adopted. No. ~87 . City Manager - reporting on the meeting with the Minister of Highways in ra- spact to a proposed interchange at Highwa~ ~0~ and Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the action of AId. Martin and Ald. Potter that the report of the City Manager be received and filed. No. 488 . City E~ineer - reporting on payments received fro~ the subdivider of Plan 18~ (Heximer and proposed construction of sidewalks. OPJ~ED on the motion of Ald. Cor~ield and Ald. Swayze that the report of the City Engineer be re'calved and riled. No. 489 - Deputy. Cit_~l~erj - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. No. 490 - City Manager - reporting on applications for the position of Apprentice Mechanic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted and as reconxnended, Mr. P. Scordino be hired. This motion was carried with Ald. Morton, Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield voting contrary. No. 491 - City Manager - reporting on applications for the position of Motor Mech- anic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and as recoenended, Mr. D. Dunkley be hired. SEE Resolution No. 57 PETITIONS laid over from previous meetings: No. 17 - Mr. James E. McGuire and 8 others - concerning the condition and noise at the Municipal Service Centre on Drun~ond Road. ORFEBED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report of the Property Committee received in this conn- ation be adopted. SEE Report Number ~80 The following petitions were presented: No. 18 - J. H. Fordham and 20 others - favouring change in zoning at corner of River'Road and Hiram Street. ORIBBED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report of the Property Committee be adopted and the petition be tabled until such time as a further report is received. SEE Communication SEE Repor~ No. ~79 No. 19 ~ Mr. & Mrs. C. Mclnnis and 23 others - requesting parking restrictions on MeGrail Avenue between Centre Street and Walnut Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the petition be received and referred to the Traffic Committee to bring in a report. ~ No. 20 - Lloyd Schoenhals and 12 others - objecting to parking restrictions on the East side of DD~mmond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the petition be received and referred to the Traffic C~ittee for report. This motion was carried with Ald. Scott voting contrary. No. 21 - Louis Earrod and 1~ others - regarding flooding conditions on Millsdale Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Kei~hanthat the petition be receivedandreferred to the Engineer for report and that any temporary relief measures that can be made be don~ immediately, and that the petitioner~ be so. notified. In connection with flooding conditions, Ald. Cotfield brought to the attention of the City Engineer the flooding which takes place on Prince Edward Avenue after heavy rainfalls. ~' On the motion of Ald. Keighan and AId. Morton, Mr. Nealwas granted per- mission to address Council. Mr. Neal advised that he resided on Dell Avenue and rainfalls. He stated that he thought be something wrong with the sewermain on Margaret to cause these conditions, as it had pre- viously collapsed. He asked that whatever was necessary to alleviate the flood- ing conditions in this area be done, and that if a storm sewer~as necessary he would be prepared to take around a petition. The City Engineer advised that the Sewer Department would be asked to investigate the condition of the sewermain, and that he would prepare a petition for the residents to sign for a storm sewer. Ald. McKinley reported on the fact that he had artended meetings of the Inter-Municipal Committee on Basearch into Urban & Regional Development in the Niagara PeninsUla, as a temporary appointee only, and requested information as to whether he should continue to attend meetings or if another appointment would be made. Mis Worship Mayor Miller appointed Ald.-'Meginley as the official representative of Council to a~tnnd future meetings. Ald. McCallum reported verbally on costs received for a storage building to be erected at the Montrose Rd. disposal area to store equipment. He advised that after study it was recommended that a "Romney" building be purchased at a cost of ~,146.00. It was ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCal]umand Ald. ~dartin that the ~co~nendation be adopted and a Romney building be purchased at a price of $6.146.00 for storage pux~ooses at the Montrose Disposal Area. Ald. Swayze requested that the following matters be looked into: (a) Parking on Roberrs St. on the boulevard on the Q.E.Way in front of 10~O Roberrs Street. (b) Stop lights which were out at Bridge Street and Victoria Avenue, and also at ~th Street and Bridge Street, (c) That permission be received from the Government to paint lines on Stanley Ave. at the Q.E.Way. Ald. Morton reported on complaints he had received about flooding on Roger Crescent. The Engineer advised that this matter would be included in the overall report on flooding conditions which he was preparing. Aid. McKinley asked that the matter of paint used for the swimming pool and ~ding pool be kept in mind when paint was purchased in future years. AId. KetChart referred to a call he had received with reference to the number of accidents which had occurred at McLeod Road and the Q.E.Way (~ in 10 days) and queried whether the Traffic Committee might consider this intersection, with reference to the adequacy of proper signs. His Worship Mayor Miller then advised Council concerning the forthcoming visit to Niagara Falls of the Lord Mayor of London, his lady and a party of twelve who are to be met at the Floral Clock at 3 p.m., Sunday, August 18th, by the Chairman of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, the Chairman of the Niagara Parks Commission and the Mayor. Mayor Miller advised that he had been asked if Council wouldpay a third of the cost of the reception and dinner; that Members of Council and their wives were also to be invited. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Hie Worship Mayor Miller be authorized to proceed with any arrangements considered necessary to perform his duties in this matter for the proper reception of the dignitaries to the City of Niagara Falls. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 57 - McCALLUM - EEIGNAN - RESOLVED that the City Manager be instructed to prepare proper application forms for individuals to complete when making application for employment whether on a temporary or permanent basis; such form to record routine data on the front of the form and space provided to record information obtained during interview of applicant on the reverse side of the form; and the Seal of the Corpora- tion be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl~ BY- LAW .The following By-law was passed; No__L. 6380 - A By-law to amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating through highways. OBI~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. CRICKED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tending Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second readinS. - Carried Unanimously. Thix~l Readlug - AId. Scott and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimous3~v. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, ~)~h July, 1963· Deputy-Clerk Council Chamber, 22rid July, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on July 22nd, 1963, for the purpose of approv- ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Mitchelson. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $~65,513.00 w~re approved by the C~mmittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. McCallusa and AId. Morton. A s"~mm-ry of tenders received for body repairs of mobile equipment of the City of Niagara Falls was presented, along with the City Manager's recommendation that the tender of the Dorchester Car Sales & Service Limited, be accepted. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Potter, that the report be received and recc~mendation adopted. The City Menager's report on the application of Messrs. LaRosa and Cartie, 1737 Stanley Ave. to erect a portable building to be used as a sightseeing stand on the Briand property at the south-west coreer of Clark Avenue and Ferry Street was presented. ORESRED on the motion of Aid. Mor~on and Aid. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. This motion was carried with AId. McCallurn and Ald. Martin voting contrary. The City Manager' s report on the application of Mr. Fred Boychuk, 777 Morrison Street, for a building permit to erect a store on the north side of Morrison Street between Victoria Avenue and Buckley Avenue at an est~m_nted cost of $20,000. was presented. ORIBRED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. ~'nis motion was carried with His Worship Mayor Miller voting contraXT. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. M. Illes for a permit to erect a second storey to his building on the east side of Drummond Road tween Du~n 8treet and Churchill Street at an estimated cost of $8,000. was pre- sented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and AId. Kei6han that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Areando Leo, for a building permit to construct an addition at the rear of his store now under construction on Lot 14 on the south side of Ferry Street between Grey Avenue and Sylvia Place was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and no permit be issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. V. DeLorenzo for a per- mit to erect a neon sign on the roof of his premises st Msma Mia's at 1719 Victoria Avenue at an estimated cost of $500.00 was presented. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the report be received adopted and permit issued. The City Monager's report on the application of Niagara Miniature Golf Company for a permit to erect a sign on part of Range 8 on the west side of Portage Road between Dunn Street and Dixon Street at an estimated cost of $50.00 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received adopted and referred to the Property Committee as recommended. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott. PaADANDADOPTED, 29th Ju],V, 1963. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETiNG Council Chamber, 22nd July, 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meetings, on Monday, July 22nd, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Alderman Mitchelson. BY-lAW The following By-law was passed: No._z~.6381 - A by-law' to provide monies for general purposes. ORIEBED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing l~Alee of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Cotfield and Aid. Mar~in - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. McCalltun and Aid. Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, 29th July, 1963. Deputy-Clerk CONFEBENOE Council Chamber, 22rid July, 1963. The Comittee assembled in Conference following the regular Council meeting on Monday, July 22nd, 1963. All Members were present, with the excep- tion of Ald. E. E. Mitchelson. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum. BEAD AND ADOPED, 29~h July, 1963. Deputy-Olerk FORTIETH MEETING Council Chamber, 29th July, 1963. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, July 29th. 1963 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. The Council having received and read the minutes of the pre- vious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Cotfield. WELCOME His Worship Mayor Miller extended the official welcome of Council to Mr. We. MacCreadie a member of the Council of the Burgh of Barrhead, England, and also Treasurer of that Municipality who was visiting relatives in Niagara Falls, and had artended the meeting as an observer. TENDERS Tenders had been called for supply of clothing for the Niagara Falls Fire Department. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallam it was ordered that the Tenders received be opened and initialled by His Worship the Mayor, and tabulated. C(M4UNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 402 - Mrs. Wm. Nindle - problem of flooding conditions, Portage Road North. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report of the City Engin- eer received in this connection be received and tabled until the following report is received. SEE Report Number 492 N0. 438 , John Gruyich - request for re-zoning of certain property at the corner of River Road and Hiram Street. SEE Report Number 492 SEE Con~nunication No. 461 No. 447 - MrS. C. Stanion - advising of traffic Conditions on Peer Street. ORDEBED on the motibn of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the Traffic Committee's report is th,s connection be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 494 No. ~49 - Mrs. Thelma Hurd - in respect to application for supplementary allowance. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that Mrs. Hurd be granted per- mission to address Council. Mrs. Hurd reiterated certain statements made in her letter and also Contained in the letter from Alex Thompson. After discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the communications of Mrs. ~urd and Mr. Alex Thompson, and the reports of the Welfare Department be received and filed. This motion was carried with Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter voting contrary. SEE CommunicatiomNo. SEE Report Number 497 No. 4~4 - Biasell Ltd. - requesting watermain extension to their plant on Montroae Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Corfield that the recommendations outlined in the report of the City Engineer in this connection be received and adopted. SEE Reporb Number 496 No. 456 - Greater Niagara Transit Comm. - requesting removal of parking meters in bus atop locations. OB~gBED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the report of the Traffic Coamittee received in this connection he received and adopted. SEE Report Numb. er ~gy No. 457 - Oneida Ltd. - requesting change of parking zone on Oneida Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Sweyze that the repor~ of the Tr~ffic Com- mittee in this connection he received and adopted. SEE Repor~ Number 498 T~e following communications were presented: No. 461 - John Gruylch - requesting that the lots owned and under option be consid- ered for re-zoning. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and tabled until a further meeting of the Property Committee. SEE Communication SEE Report Number No. 462 - Mrs. Thelma Hurd, Mr. Alex Thompson - advising of income received in re- spect to Mrs. Hurd's request for supplementary allowance. SEE Communication I~9 SEE Report Number 495 No. 463 - N.F. Minor Hockey Assoc. - requesting change in hours for use of Memor- ial Arena for the 1963-64 Hockey Season. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for report. No. 464 - N.F.Public Library Bd. - expression of appreciation to the Fire Dept.for the service rendered during the fire at the Library. ORIFARED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the communication from the Library Board be received and filed and a letter of appreciation be sent to the Fire Department. No. 465 - J. Woodfine - advising of damage resulting from flooding conditions on Merritt Ave. 0RDEBED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the com- munication be received and referred to the Engineer to bring in a report. No. 466 - Broderick, Burnerr & McLeod - advising of a--~ge sustained by their client, A. Bignucolo & Sons Ltd. during flooding at 2663 Stanley St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for report. i No. 467 - Russell Warcup - inquiring as to action taken by Counc.il on a petition for the installation of sewers on Thorold Stone Rd. west of the Q.E.Way. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and filed and Mr. Warcup and other petitioners be advised of the action taken by Council in the adopted Local Improvement Programme. SEE Petition No. 7 The following l~eports were presented: No. 492 - City Engineer - reporting on complaint of Mrs. Wm. Hindle and flooding on Portage Road N. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. 8wayze that the report of the City Engineer be received and tabled until the following report is received. SEE Co~munication 402 No. 493 - IProperty Coemittee - reporting on application of John Oruyich for re- zoning. ORDERED once motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed and the communication received from Mr. ~ru~lch be received and tabled until a further meeting of the c_~,ttee. SEE Comunication No. 49~ - Traffic Comittee - reporting on traffic conditions on Peer Street. OR- EF~ED on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId, Col'field that the TraffioCc~mittee report be received and adopted. ~a~ Co~euni~ation 447 No. ~95 - Welfare Administrator - advising of income, etc. re: Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Hurd. 674 Ryerson Crescent. SEE Communications No. 462 SEE Communication No.~9' No. ~96 - City Engineer - reporting on request of Biasell Ltd. re: watermain extension on McLeod Rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the recom- mendations outlined in the report of the City Engineer be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 454 No.497 - Traffic Committee - reporting on request of Greater Niagara Transit Commis- sion for removal of parking meters in bus stop locations. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the report of the Traffic Committee be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 456 No. 498 - Traffic Committee - reporting on request of Oneida Ltd. for a change in parking zone on Oneida Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report of the Traffic Committee be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 457 No. ~99 - Traffic Committee - reporting on petition requesting parking on McGrail Ave. between Centre St. and Walnut St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition Number 19 No. 500 - Traffic Committee - reporting on petition received objecting to parking re- striction on the Fast side of Drummond Road. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield voting contrary. SEE Petition Number 20 No. 501 - City Engineer - reporting on petition received from residents of Hillsdale Avenue concerning flooding conditions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition Number 21 No. 502 - Traffic Committee - reporting on inspection of intersection of McLeod Rd. and the Q.E.Way. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the Dept. of Highways be requested to investigate this intersection, and that the matter be placed on the Agenda for the forthcoming meeting of the Traffic Conunittee and DePt.~of Highways. it was also ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report of the Traffic Committee be received and adopted. No. 503 - Traffic Committee - reporting on traffic conditions st the intersection of Lundy's Lane and Drummond Road. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. NO. 504 - Traffic Committee - reporting on traffic conditions at the intersection of Ferry Street and Main Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 505 - Negotiations Conmlittee ~ reporting on grievance presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Martin that the report be received and filed. No. 506 - Negotiations Committee - reporting on meeting with representatives of Fire Fighters Local 528. ORI~I~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the repor~be received and filed. No. 507 - Property Committee - reporting on HolJak matter. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. ~08 - Property Committee - reporting on Insurance schedule and coverage. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald, Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. ~09 - City Manager - advising of report on heating system for the Filtration Plant. OI~2RED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. McCallum that the repor~ be received and adopted. No. 510 - Cit Engineer - advising of proposed construction of sidewalks and curbs in Rag. Plan ~27 and extension of sidewalk contract. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald, Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 511 - Deputy City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted, and licenses issued accordingly. PETITIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 7 - Russell Warcup and 31 others - requesting installation of sewermain on Thor01d Stone Rd. west of the Q.E.Way. SEE Communication No. 467 No. 19 - Mr. &Mrs. C. McIrmis & 22 others - requesting change in parking on McGrail AvenUe. SEE Report Number 499 No. 20 - L. Schoenhals and 12 others - objecting to parking restrictions on the East side of Dn.wmond Road. SEE Report Number 500 No. 21 - L. Enrrod and 14 others - respecting flooding conditions on Hillsdale Ave, SEE Report Number 501 RESOLOTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 58 - MORTON - McCALLUM - RESOLVED that His Wor~ip, Mayor Miller, be requested to issue a proclem~tion declaring Monday, August 5th, 1963, as Civic Holiday, in the Cit~ of Niagara Malls; that all civic buildings remain closed on that date; that'the regular meeting of Council scheduled for that date be held at 7:30 p.m- on Wednesday, A~gust 7th 1963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously MISCELIANEOU8 His Worship Mayor Miller reported verbally on the Joint Meeting of the Councils of the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario and the City of Niagara Falls, New York, held on the afternoon of July 29th, 1963, with representatives of the Dept. of Transport and the operators of the Helicopter Firms of Niagara Falls, Ont. and Niagara Falls, New York. He reported that the Managers of both Cities will be meeting to bring in some kind of a programme in respect to the operatiOns of the two firms which will be enforced. It had also been suggested that the two firms adopt colours for their helicopters so that they my be distinguished. His Worship advised that another meeting will be held in a month's time to see if the situation has cleared up, and if it has not, iaediate action ~ohld be taken to have both operations discontinued. His Worship pointed out the excellent cO*operation exist- ing between the two Councils in this matter. In connection with this matter, Mr. Faho Martin was permitted to address Council on the motion of Aid. Potter and Aid. Swayse. Mr. Martin co~snended Council for holding the Joint meeting on this problem, and spoke of the conditions, par- ticularly in the Glenview district, resulting from the noise, etc. of the helicopter Operations. Aid. 8wayze remarked about the fact that a young lady from out of town had been hired in the Visitor ~ Convention Bureau office, instead of a local resident. Other members of Council advised that they had received a lette~ from the Bureau advising of this appointment. Ald. Corfield req.~ested information on the fog condition which exists on Garner Road in the vicinity of the Welland Chemical Plant, caused by water from the Plant flowing across the road. The Engineer was requested to check into this matter. Ald. Corfield asked what action was being taken on the acquisition of the roadway south of the Carborundum Company. The City Manager replied that a report would be made on this matter to Council. On the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Morton it was ordered that the congratulations of Counci] be extended to the sponsors, coaches and players of the ~lls View Firemen Baseball Juniors in winning the First Annual Beaches Kiwanis Club Jr. Baseball Tournament held in Toronto. BY-LAWS ~e following By-laws were passed: No. 6382 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement with Niagara Palls Profession- al Fire Fighters, Local 528, of the International Association of Fire Fighters. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Martin that Ald. McCallum be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first mading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and'the byZlaw as amended be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third reading - Aid. Morton and Aid. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. No. 6383 - A By-law to close and sell that portion of Martlin Street sho~nm on Plan Number 1~8 registered for the Township of Stamford. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Mitchelson that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. 8wayze. READ ~ ADOPTED, 7th August, 1963, I~puty-Clerk Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 29th July, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on July 29th, 1963, for the purpose of approv- ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Mar~in, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the mount of $271 873.09 were approved by the Committee, The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. Potter. The report of the Proper~y Committee on the application of Niagara Miniature Golf Club on Portage Road for a permit to erect a sign, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be received. adopted, and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Old Dutch Mill Shop, 967 Clifton Mill, for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated sign at an estimated cost of $250. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Messrs. [aRose and Cartie for a permit to erect a wooden sign on the roof of the building they propose to erect at the south-east comer of Ferry Street and Clark Ave. at an estimated cost of $200. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Pan-o-rama Motel for a per- mit to erect a plastic and neon sign at the premises at 2365 Buchanan Avenue at an estimated cost of $1,~O0. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. POtter that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Scott. ~ READAND ADOPTED, 7th August, 1963. Chaiman of Finance COUNCIL~e~A. ING Council Chamber, egth July, 1963. The Co~mxittee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, July 29th 1963, for the purpose of passing the b~-lawwhich covered the acootmts approved by ~he Ccemittee. All Members of Cotmail were present. ~ BY - IAW The following By-law was passed: by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Potter that Aid. Martin be gmnted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first mading - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. ~trd Reading - Aid. Swayze and Aid. McCallum. - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. McCallurn. READ AND ADOPTED, 7th August. 1963. Deputy-Clerk · / / Mayor Council Chamber, 29th July, 1963. ~e Connnittee assembled in Conference following the regular Council meeting 0sMonday, July 29th, 1963. All Mambers were present. His Worship Mayor Miller, Presided, Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald; Morton and Ald. Potter. AND ADOPTED, 7th AUgUst, 1963. Deputy-Clerk Mayor FOI~Y-FTi~ MEETING Council Chamber, 7th August, 1963. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 7th. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. The Council, having re- ceived and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield. DEP~ATION Mrs. Peter Cerantola of 2060 Keith Street was present at the Council Meeting and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze was permitted to speak. Mrs. Cerantola complained about the property at the rear of her lot and the accumulation of weeds and the fact that her child is allergic to these and requested that the same be removed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the matter be referred to the City Manager for mediate action. - Aid. Keighan arrived at the meeting - Former Alderman, Faho Martin, was also present and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin was permitted to speak. He referred to the recent meeting of the City Manager of Niagara Fells, Ontario and the City Manager of Niagara Falls, New York, concerning regulations to be followed by the Helicopter operators and ad- vised that the helicopters were still cutting across Leader Lane and flying lower than 1,000 feet during lands and less than 2,000 feet during flights. The City Manager was requested to take this complaint under advisement and see that it is rectified. Mr. Ralph Girozan, proprietor of the T~in-City Restaurant was present and on the' motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton was permitted to speak. He referred to By-law Number 6385, which will be given two readings at this meeting, and which authorizes the widening of Ferry Street frnmMain St. to Stanley Ave. He advised that he had made a survey of business establishments in this area and all objected to the City cc~amencing work on sidewalks on August 15th/which would interfere with traffic, parking facilities and the entrance and exit of p~tr0ns to the vari- ous places of business on the street. He recommended that the work be delayed until the end of September. The City Manager advised that it was never the inten- tion to tear up the sidewalk in front of Mr. Girozan's restaurant starting August 15th, which would interfere with traffic, parking facilities and the entrance and exit of patrons to the various places of business on the street. He recnmmended that the work be delayed until the end of September. The City Manager advised that it was never the intention to tear up the sidewalk in front of Mr. Girozan's rest- aurant star~ing August 15th. The reason August 15th was mentioned was that there are certain areas on Ferry St. nor particularly affected by tourist b~siness'and if work is not c~nced until the end of September, not enough work wo~ld be completed before the weather changes. The City Manager assured Council that there would be very little interference with the tourist business on Ferry Street. CO~4~ICATIONS laid over from previous meetings; No. 438 - John Oruyich - application for re-zoning of lands known as Lots 5,6,7,8, and part of Lot 9, No, 461 - John Oruyich - advising that in addition to application of re-zoning lots in coamunication of July l~th, he wishes Lots 103, 104 and 107 at the comer of Hiram and River Road (now under option) also re-zoned. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the eonmunications be again tabled and the report of the Property Committee be adopted. Carried by a vote of 6 to S, the vote being - Aye: AId. Mor~on, Cotfield, McKinley, Keighan, Margin, 8wayze; Naye- Aid. Scott, Mitchelson and McCall,... Report Number No. 454 - BissellLtd. - re: additional watermain service. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Swayze that the communication be tabled and the matter laid 0vetuntil September, following check by Insurance Adjusters. SEE Re___ep~__~_Numbe__r_~Sl_3' No. 455 - Leonard Neal- requssting street light. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received, filed and one street light be installed. Carried, with Ald. Morton contrary. SEE Report Number 51h. No. 460 - H.E.P.C. of Ontario - availability of surplus lands for sale to City (Part Let 56 &Haulage Road between C.N.R. and St.Paul St.) ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, filed and report of Property Committee be adopted. Carried, with Ald. Scott and MaRin contrary. SEE_.~_~_port Number 51~5 The following communications were presented: No. 468 - Welland County Agricultural Society - Welland County Fair and requesting dec- laration of half holiday, Sept. llth so that school children may attend. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and referred to the Board of Education for consideration. No. 469 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - suggesting August 13th at 8 p.m. for adjourned meeting of Executive Committee of the Chamber, City Council and Police Com- mission members. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the com- munication be received, filed and they be advised that August 13th is not suitable and the date of Wednesday, August 21st be suggested. No. 470 - Myer Delduca - requesting approval of construction of motel, swimming pool and paved parking on Stanley Ave. as per enclosed sketch. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. Ald. McKinley suggested that the Committee at the same time consider the possibility of a "binder" when permission is granted for motel erection, and the erection is never completed, and referred to the unfinished con- struction at Park and Queen Street. REPORTS Mid over from the previous meeting; No. 507 - Prpperty Committee - suggesting to Council that request of John Gruyich for ~-zoning of property be referred to the Planning Board for consideration. ORDERED on the-motion of Ald, Morton and AId. Corfield that the report be received and adopted; Carrie~, with Ald. Scott, Mitchelson and McCallum - contrary. SEE Communications 458 and ~61 No. 513 . Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - suggesting request of Biasell ~d. be laid over until September, after check has been made by Insurance Adjusters. 0~DERED on the motion of AId. Cotfield and Ald. Swayze that the repor~ be received and adopted. SEE Communication ~54 No. 51~ - City Manager - recommending installation of one incandescent street light to ec~plywith request of Leonard Meal. OBDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Morton - contrary. SEE Communication ~ N0. 515 - Property Co~aittee - recommending offer of N.E.P.C. of 0nt~rio be accepted and also Council give consideration to advisability of acquiring that portion of ~aulage Road between St Paul Ave. and Mountain Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Co~ield that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Scott, Martin contrary. SE~...C.ommu~.lCatlon No. 516 - Property Committee - cannot recommend any change from decision of the Planning Board re: NolJak property, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 507 No. 517 - Special Fire Committee - report of meeting he]d on July 30th. 0RDEREI'/,n the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and flied. No. 518 - Special Fire Committee - report of meeting held on August let. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 519 - Special Fire Committee - report of meeting held on August 7th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallumthat the report be received and filed. No. 520 - Equipment Committee - recommendations re: repairs necessary for Unit No. 42, used for cleaning of catchbasins and sewage disposal from septic tanks. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton that the report be re- ceived and adopted. No. 521 - Equipment Committee - recommendations re: heating requirements at Nisg- are Falls Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald.Keighan that the report be received and adopted, and equipment be purchased as outlined in Proposal Number One. No. 522 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - report on meeting held on August 6th to interview applicants for position of Chief Maintenance Mechanic for Pollution Control Plant. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cot- field that the report be received and filed. No. 523 - Property Committee - suggesting representative of Property Dept. of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce be requested to come over to discuss plans and location of proposed building on site with City's representatives. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 524 - Property Committee - re: Pigott Structures Estimate re: Victoria Ave. Bridge. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and recommendations adopted. ~ No. 525 - City Manager - recommending execution of contract witch Canadian InduS- tries Ltd. for supply of liquid chlorine to Niagara Falls Filtration Plant, at quotation quoted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. 8wayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 526 - City Manager - satisfied with repor~ for re-assessment of land values of CommercialAreas. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and filed. No. 527 - City Manager - recommending reports submitted by Wm. M. Mercer Ltd. on Group Life Insurance and on Pension Plan arrangements be referred to Negotiations Committee for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. ~ No. 528 - Assistant to City M~r. - Administration - N.E.P.C. of Ontario deed now in City's hands, for Part of Twp. Lots 107 and 114. ORDERED On the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Aid. Octfield that the report he received and filed. No. 5e9 - Assistant to City Mgr. - Administration - O.M.B. approval re: construc- tion of asphalt pavement and concrete gutters on Rolling Acres Drive from Ox- ford Street to Thorold Stone Road. ORES~ED on the motion of AId. Scott and Aid. Sweyze that the report be received and filed. No. ~30 - Assistant to City M~r. - Administration - O.M.B. tentative approval or construction and equipment of an addition to Orchard Park Public School and new ,public school in Cherr~wood Acres Subdivision. ORIBaED on the motion of Ald. ~ayze and Aid, Corfield that the report he received and filed, No. 531 - City Engineer - Marrift Avenue flooding. ORESMED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and AId. Mox~on that the repox~ be received and recoemendation. adopted. No. 5~ - City~n~ineer - floodin~ conditions Dunn St. and Stanley Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mttchelson and Ald. 8wayze that the rapor~ be received and reccesendations for iemediate improvements to the'ditch, be adopted, and rapsort referred to the 8enitation and Pollution Coatrel C(mml~tee fo~ consid- ercriers as a capital expenditure. N0. 533 - City Engineer - Iaspection of garbage packers, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mttchelson that the report be received, adopted and the matter be referred to a full Committee of Council for further consideration. N0. 534 - City Engineer - suggestions for improvement of fog conditions, Garner Rd. at Mlller's Creek. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Corfield that the report be received. adopted, and work be done providing the cost does not exceed the amount included in the 1963 Budget. His Worship Mayor Miller requested the City Engineer to approach the Welland Chemical Plant to ascertain whether they would par- ticipate in the cost of remedying this problem. N0, 535 - Committee of AdJustment - advising of decisions on three applications re- cently heard - (Czerewaty - Hein - Waiters). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchel- son and Ald. Martin that the report be received and filed. No. 536 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly, N0. 537 - Assistant to City Mgr. - Engineering - report on Building Permits issued during month of July, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and filed. RESOLUTION ~e following Resolution was passed: No. 59 - MOR~N - SWAyz~. - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy be forwarded to Alderman S. Corfield upon the death of his sister, the late Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Knott, highly respected resident of this community for a number of years; and the ~al of the Corporation be hereto~fixed. Carried Unanimously/ MISCELLANEOUS Following the remarks of His Worship Mayor Miller concerning the throwing of grass c~ttings into the gutter, which are later carried to catchbasins during reinstorms, thus plugging up the drains, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the City Solicitor give some consideration to the possibility of a by-law which would make it mandatory that this type of thing be not placed on the travelled Pcrtion of the street. BY-LAWS The fo~lowingBy-lawwas prasentedJ ~ - A By-law to authorize the widening of Ferry Street between Main Street and Stanley Avenue to 48 feet as part of a connecting link of the King's Nighway No. 20. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Ald. Martin be granted the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 0RIBRED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading . ~ Carried Unanimously. _Trio following By-law~ms passed: ~ - To mend By-law Number 3790. being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mltchelson and Aid. McKinley that AId. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimousit,. 0P~8~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the ~a~ding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law he given the second ding. - Carried ~mmimouslF. ~lMReading - Ala. CorfieldandAld. Morton - Carried ~animousl~. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. EEADANDADOPTED, 12th August, 1963. Mayor FINANCE ~TING Council Chamber, 7th August, 1963. The Finance Meetingus held on August 7th, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certi- fied and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $223,459.90 were approved by the Com- mittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- dered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallam. The Summary of Tenders for clothing for the Niagara Falls Fire Department was presented, along with a report of the City Manager. ORDEI~D on the motion uf AId. McKinley and Aid. Swayze that the s~mmary be received- filed, the report and reccmmendations of the City Manager, as amended in connection with the awarding of the tenders for ties roBend's, be adopted and the reincoats be purchased from the merchant getting the least amount of requirements in the clothing tenders as awarded. ~'~e City Manager's report on the applicat~n of Clifton Hotel, N.F.Ltd., feet, at the Clifton Hotel, at an e presented for con- sideration. QRDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Scott that the re- por~ be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Clifton Hotel, N.F.Ltd., 95~ Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated overhanging sign, at the Clifton Hotel, at an estimated cost of $100. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit~ be issued. The City Menager's report on the application of Maples Motor Court, ~2~ Lun~V's I~ne for a pemit to erect a pl~wood sign, at an estimated cost of $75. was presented for consideration. The City Manager verbally recommended the issuance of a permit, and it was therefore ordered on the motion of AId.Morton and Aid. McKinley that the report be received, and adopted subject to the neces- sar~ change in the wording on the, sign. The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. Sonja Kobald, ]099 Centre St. for a permit to erect n ll-unit apartment on Lot 6, Plan 180. on the west side of Drummond Road, between Lundy's lane and Frederice Street, at an esti- mated cost of $65,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted and the building permit be withheld at the present time until the plans are revised to pro- vide two independent means of egress; and if the revised plans are satisfactory to the Fire Inspector's Office, then the permit will be in order. The City Manager's report on the application of the Boy Scouts of Canada for a permit to erect a training centre on the lot at the north-west corner of Fourth Avenue and Hamilton Street,at an estimated cost of $13,OOO. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. Ordered on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton that the City Man- ager and the City Solicitor obtain information regarding the use of the wording "Niagara Falls Information", which has been used in signs advertising tourist busi- nesses, in order that Members of Council will have knowledge of legislation in this connection. Ald. McKinley requested the City Manager to check the sign "Drive Way" at Your Host Motel, which is a definite hazard as it blocks the vision of motorists coming down Murray Hill. The Alderman desired to know whether a permit has been issued for the same. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Swayze. READ ANDADOPTED, 12th August, 1963. Clerk Chairman of Finance COUNCILMEETING Council Chamber, 7th Augnet, 1963. The Committee re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings, on Wednesday, August 7th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Ccmmittee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of AId. Potter. BY-LAW The follo~ing By-law was passed: ~ - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. OI~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. 8wayne-that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. 0REE~D on the motion of Ald. Merlin and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. ~nird Aid. and AId. Carried WINTER FESTIVAL COMMI'rA'EE His Worship Mayor Miller, appointed Alderman Swayze and Alderman Corfield as members of the Winter Festival Committee. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.Mitchelson. READ AND ADOPTED, 12th August, 1963. CONFERENCE Council Chamber, 7th August, 1963. The Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular meeting of Council, on Wednesday, August 7th, 1963. All Members were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley. READ AND ADOPTED, l~th AUgust, 1963. Clef ~* ' * * ' ' Chairm~n FORTY-SECOND MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 12th August, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 12th, ~63 for the purpose of Considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception Of Ald. Potter. The Council, having re- vived and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Swayze. COMMUNICATIONS following Communications were presented: step in Grievance d S rt connection with the grievance of James Beattie, because he was not appointed to the position of Operator- Mechanic at the Filtration Plant. At the request of His Worship Mayor Miller, Ald. MeCallum, Chairman of the Negotiations Committee, gave details of the grievance con- cerning the appointment at the Filtration Plant involving Messrs. Beattie and G. Bell, and Mr. Littlewood, President of Local 133, advised that they were appealing the de- cision of the Committee of the City Council and questioned whether ability or senior- ity should be the prime consideration. Following a full discussion the matter was ~ft for Council's consideration and decision. SEE Committee of the Whole N0, 472 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - confirming Wednesday, August 21st at 8 p.m. for meeting to discuss tour guide situation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed. N0. 473 - Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No, 590 - requesting permittion to hold a par- ade on Sunday, August 18th. OF~DERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and permission granted as requested and the Police Department be so notified. No. 47k - Committee of Adjustment - notice of hearing re: application of A. Mingle and J. Degonese. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Scott that the con~un- lcation be received and filed. T~NDERS Tenders had been called for the asphalt paving and the construction of curbs and getters on Rolling Acres Drive, and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield it was' ordered that the tenders received, be opened initialled by ~is Worship Mayor Miller, and tabulated. SEE Adjourned MeetinCa REPORTS _~e following Reports were presented: N0. 538 - Special Fire Commuittee - Meeting of August 9th with Executives of the Fire DePartment. OP/SRED on the motion of Ald. McCallam and Ald. Mitchelson that the re- Por~ be received and adopted. No. 539 - Special Fire Committee - Meeting of August 9th with Volunteers. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallumand Ald. Mor~on that the report be received and Filed. No. ~0 - Special Fire Co~mnittee - recommendations re: Niagara Falls Fire Department. 0RDEPaD on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton that the repor~ be received, adopted and recommendations implemented as of September let, 1963. ~ ' No. 541 - Parks & Recreation Committee - suggesting that Engineering Dept, revise clans for alterations to front of Memorial Arena, so as to keep construction scats i ! ~ithin the Budget Estimate. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mc- Callum that the report be received and adopted. No. 542 - Assistant to City Mgr.-Administration - advising of O.M.B. approval re: purchase from C.N.R. of abandoned right-of-way, abutting Twp. Lots 77 to 90 incl. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 543 - City Solicitor - advisingBy-law No. 54, Section 22, is still in force. dealing with the throwing of grass or leaves, etc. on road surfaces which might clog catch basins; such action contravenes the by-law. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, filed and a paid notice inserted in the local newspaper to this effect; and a copy be forwarded to the Police Dept. No. 544 - City Solicitor - legislation provided in Dept. of Travel and Publicity Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 103, Section 8 and advising that no licenses should be issued for signs which indicate that information for tourists is available unless in the cases excepted in Section 8. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Scott that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee. AId. McKinley again referred to the sign at Your Host Motel at the corner of Mur- ray Hill and Stanley Avenue, which interferes with the visibility of motorists atthis intersection. No. 545 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. 0RD~RED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and li- censes issued accordingly. PETITION The following Petition was presented: No. 22 - Siro and Lita Manni and 9 others - protesting conditions at foot of Keith Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the peti- tion be received and referred to the City Engineer for a report and inmediate action. MISCELLANEOUS Aid. McCallum referred to the traffic problem created at the exit from the Rainbow Bridge where 12 lanes of traffic converge .and reiterated a sugges- tion made some time ago, that the City Manager contact the Department of High- ways. Aid. McCallum repeated another suggestion, that the City Manager pre- pare application forms in triplicate for use in grievance procedures. Aid. Keighan referred to the residents in the vicinity of the Drummond Road Warehouse and their recent petition and queried whether the estimate had been prepared for erection of a fence and was advised by the City Engineer that the estimate is being prepared and will be ready sh~ortly and also that most of the complaints on the petition are being taken care of. AId. Keighan referred to persons going from door to doer canvassing without a license and that he would submit the names of those involved, to the City Clerk. Aid. Morton referred to cceplaints received concerning the hiring of outside equilMnent on contract Sobs and was of the opinion that this should not be allowed. The City Engineer proceeded to explain that the equipment required, was scrapers, and Damore Bros. in Niagara Falls apparently sublet from another Coneere and ranted themto the City. He pointed out that with respect to other equipment, there is strict adherence to tender forms; that the lowest tendsrat is contacted and if he does not have the equil~aent required by the City, then the next lowest tendsrat is called. The City E~gineer advised that he had not been aware that anyone else in Nia~arm Falls had scrapers, along with the neceso sar~ pushers. Ald. Morton referred to hea~ny truck traffic on Fourth Avenue and referred to the road off Bridge at Victoria And suggested the possible extension to divert trucks from Fourth Avenue and the City Manager was requested to check into this pos- sibility. The following By-law was presented; BY-LAWS No. 6388 - A by-law to authorize the improvement of the sewage works in the Urban Service Area. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and A].d. Morton that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. - (His Worship Mayor Miller also voted in fayour). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously - (His Worship Mayor Miller also voted in fayour). The following By-law was passed: N0. 6389 - A by-law to provide for the appointment of Municipal Officials. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan that Ald. Martin be grunted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Morton and AId. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. McKinley. READ ANDADOPTED, 19th August, 1963. Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, l~th August, 1963. T~e Finance Meeting was held on August 12th, 1963, for the purpose of approv- ~ ins and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and - Placed before them. ·Ald. 'Potter. Aid. Na~ein, Chairman of Finance, presided. 'k '\ All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of ~~ Sundry Accounts in the amount of $362,226.23 were approved by the Com- mittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- dered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan. The City Manager's report on the application of S. [aRose and J. Carrie, for a permit to erect a sign at the south-east comer of Ferry and Clark Avenue, at an estimated cost of $50. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Cot- field and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and the application he referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, 19th August, 1963. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 12th August, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance mcct- ings, on Monday, August 12th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Comittee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter BY- LAW The following By-law was passed: No. 6~2_ - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORI~BED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Aid. Corfield that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Morton and AId. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. TABULATION OF TRNDERS RECEIVED FOR ASPHALT PAVING AN]) CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURBS & GUTTERS ON ROLLING ACRES DRIVE The City Manager presented a verbal report on the tenders received and recommended that Drops Paving and Construction Ltd. at a quotation of $13,413.00 be accepted. SEE Resolution No. 60 RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; N0.60 - McCALLUM - KEIGH~hN - RESOLVED that the tender of Drops Paving & Construction ' Ltd. at a quotation of $13,413. for the asphalt paving and construction of concrete curbs and gutters on Rolling Acres Drive, as submitted to Council at their meeting held on August 12th, 1963 be accepted; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously DEPUTATION Mr. R. A. LoEan, was present at the meetinE and on the motion of AId. McCallum and AId. Mitchelson was permitted to address Council. Mr. Logan advised that he was present in connection with the Kiwanis Club's Senior Citizens' Rousing Project, on the north side of Dunn Street in the former Township of S£amford. Re proceeded to give a resume on what had transpired from the beginning of this project; the consent of the former Township and City to provide services and tax relief to a degree; the changes as required by the Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation with which Council has aEreed and for which the Kiwanis Club had been grateful; the forwarding of the Agreement to the Ontario Municipal Board, who in turn requested that the same be referred to the Ontario Water Resources Commission and the Commission's indication that they would be prepared to approve providing a storm water sewer was also provided. Mr. Logan then referred to the very substantial increase over original estimates and that the estimates for sewers had increased another $1,236. because of the O.W.R.C.'s require- ments and respectfully requested that Council give consideration to this matter. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Ketghan and Ald. Mitchelson that the request be referred to' the Con~ittee of Finance for further study with the possibility of assisting the Kiwanis Club. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Committee of theWhole on the motion of AId. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson. RE~AI~AD0~TE~, 19th. August, 1963. Mayor COt~4ITTEE OF THE WItOLE Council Chamber, 12th. August, 1963. Council assembled as a Committee of the 14hole on Nonday, August 12th to consider the grievance as eubn~ttted by Local 133, Civic En~>loyees' Union in connecti with the appointment of George Bell to the position of Operator-Mechanic at the Niagara Falls Pillration Plant. His worship, Mayor ~Ltller, presided. The Chairman of the Negotiations Conxnittee was of the opinion that the applicants involved had equal ability for this position and it was thewish of the Conduittee to keep the position within the confines of municipal staff. It was then ordered on the motinn of Ald. Mrrtin and Ald. NcKinley that communication number 471 be received and filed and Report Number 460, presented to Council on July 8th. and adopted, be adhered to. Carried Unanimously. AId. Martin referred to the work of sewer installation at the Kiwanis Senior Citizens' Housing Project and was of the opinion that tenders should be called OFJ)EP~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Norton that tenders be called for the said sewer installation, with a view to ascertaininS whether the work could be carried out and still renmin within the former maximum of $8,000. Carried Unanimously. Committee of the Whole arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald.Mitchelsos and Ald. Norton. READ AI~ADOPTED, 19th. August, 1963. Clerk Nayor COUNCIL MEETING Council ~namber, 12th ,AuSus t, 1963 · Council re-assembled following C~-.tttee o£ the Whole, to consider the actions taken by Committee of thaW hole, on Honday, August 12th, 1963, All Hembars were present, with the exception of AId. Potter, It was then o~dered on the motion of Atd. NcKinley and AId. Norton chat Council confixes the actions of the C~-.~ttee of the Whole. Carried Unanimously, Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. MarCia and AId, HcCall~n, READ~NDADO~TMD, lgth. AuGust, 1963, FORTY-THIRD MEETING Council Chamber. ]9tn Auf~st, 1963. REGUIAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council reel at 7:30 p.m. ol~ Mond~qy. A,~nlst 19th, 1963, for the purpose of ~onsidering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of AId. McCal!um and AId. ~¥ayTe. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting. adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Cotfield. Mid over from a previous meeti~ N0. 470 - Myer Delduca - requesting approval of proposed motel '~;.,nstructien on Stan]ey Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Ke~ghan and Ald. Morton that the c~.lm~unication be received and filed and recommendations of Property Committee be adopted. Tee following Communications were presented! No. 475 - Y. W. C. A. - requesting permission to erect directional YWCA signs. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and filed and permission granted under supervision of the City Manager and City Engineer. No. 476 - Township of Crowland - Hunting Licenses. ORDEREl) on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, tabled and City 0ffflcials consider whet action might be taken after consultation with the Fish and Game Clubs. No. 477 - N.F.junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting pelvaission to conduct a Light Bulb Blitz, Sept. 26th and 27th. 0RDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, filed end permission granted as requested. N0. ~78 - Niagara Falls Skating Club - follow-up report on activities. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the comm~mication be received and referred to the Arena, Parks & Recreation Committee for a further report to Council. N0. 479 - DiCosimo & DiLibero -requesting use of 408-414 Bridge Street for proposed motel location. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 480 - Greater Niagara Baseball Association - requesting permission to hold a Tag Day on August Z4th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, filed and permission granted as requested. No. 481 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees Local Union 133 - Arbitration proceedings in connection with the grievance of James Beattie. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and filed. N0. 48S - B.C.V.A. - Invitation to Council and wives to ride in third annual "Kick Off" Parade in connection with Greater Niagara United Appeal, October 5th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton that the invitation be received, accepted, and as ma~ of the Members of Council and their wives as find it possible, attend. No. 483 . Alpine Motel - requesting change in by-law concerning rate signs. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. Cotfield that the communication be received and referred to the Special Committee to give further consideration to this request. No. 484 - Joseph Leitch - requesting change in zoning of lot on Dorchester Road. It was moved by AId. Morton and Aid. Potter that the conununication be received and ferred to the Property Committee. This motion was defeated by a vote of 6 to ~; the vote being - Aye - Aid. Mor~on and Ald. Potter; Naye- Aid. Scott, Martin, Keighan, McKinley, Mitchelson and CoPfield, Art amendment made by AId. Mitchelson and Scott that the communication be referred to the .Planning Board for a report was carried, with AId. Morton and Aid. Potter - contrary, REPORTS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 544 - City Solicitor - legislation to the effect that no licenses should be issued for signs indicating information for tourists is available unless in cases excepted in Section 8 of Chapter 103, Dept. of Travel & Publicity Act, R.S,O. ].960. SEE Report Number 547 The following Reports were presented: No. 546 - Property Committee - recommendations in connection with request of Myer Delduca. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 547 - Property Committee - suggesting standard wording for signs advertising Scenic Drives, etc. be prepared by City Officials and the use of the same be man- datory for the year 196~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Report Number No. 548 - Equipment Committee - reconunending purchase of compressor and filter for Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MArtin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. No. 549 - City Manager -reccmmending employment of one additional person in Water Dept. Office Staff. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Martin that the reportbe received and adopted. No. 550 - Negotiations Committee - recommending three Insurance Companies be asked to quote on a Group Insurance policy for civic employees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 55f - Negotiations Committee - recommending acceptance of quotation of Wm. M. Mercer Limited for Job Evaluation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 552 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the repor~ be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. No. 553 - City Engineer - Inspection of Ketth Street and recommendations to remedy complaints. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted and copy be forwarded to the lO signatories on the petition. SEE Petition No, 22 PETITION .Laid over from the previous meeting~ No. 22 - Siro and Lira MAnni and 9 Others - protesting conditions at foot of Keith Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the petition be received, filed and copy of Report Number ~5S submitted by the City Engil~er be forwarded to the 10 signatories. SEE Report Number 553~ RESOLUTIONS · he following Resolutions were passed; No. 61 - MITCMELSON - C0RFIELD - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Coun- cil be held on %~Aesday, September 3rd, 1963, coemmencing at 7:30 p.m, and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~arried Unanimously No. 62 - MARTIN - POlaR - RESOLVED that Whereas Sangstar Lumber Comoany, Limited being the owner of sll lands on both sides of Hamilton Street, east ~i' the rear limits of Lots 1] and 10, Range 2, north of Chestnut Street, Plan 63~, produced northerly across the said Hamilton Street, has petitioned the CouncS] to permit the said Company to erect a fence across the said Hamilton Street on the line of the said east limits of Lots ll and 10, produced northerly across Hamilton Street and to use snd occupy the lands east of the said fence lines together with other lands of the Company at a nominal rental of $1.OO per year for the period of five years providing that no building or other erection than the said fence should be pJaced upon the said portion of Hamilton Street, add that the servants or agents of nhe Corporation of the City of Niagara Fall s should be permitted to enter thereon at any time for the purposes of the Corporation; And Whereas the said portion of Hsmi3ton Street ~s not at present required for public use as a highway and'the said Comnany has netitioned the Council to permit the Company to erect the said fence and tc permit the s~id occu- pation; Therefore Be It Resolved That f~nngster Lumber Company. Limited, be permitted to erect the sa~ d fence and to use and occupy the ssi~ ].ands east Of the said fence line with other lands of the Comnsny, at a nominal rents] of $1.00 per year for the period of ~ive years ending AuguSt 3]st. ]96~- subject to the provisions that no building or other erection than the said fence shall be placed the said portion of Hamilton Street, and that the servants or agents of the Co~rstion of the City of Niagara Falls shall be permitted to enter thereon at any t~me for the purposes of the Corporation and that the said Permission may be revoked by the Council of the Corporation at any time upon one month'~ notice of the intention of the Council to revoke the same; and the Seal of the Corporation be herpro sffixed. Carried Unanimously. BY-LAWS T~e following By-laws were passed; No.__69~ - Being a by-law authorizing an application to the Department of Municipa] Affairs to extend the time for the return of the Assessment Roll. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Corfie]d that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. ~ - Being a by-law to enter into an Agreement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Drope Paving and Construction Limited. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Potter that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading . Aid. McKinley -Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law 2530 (1960) of the Township of Stamford as amended. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Aid. Potter that Aid. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36(~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. ~lrd Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter. - Carried . MISCELLANEOUS FINANCE MEETING Ald. Keighan referred to complaints he had received concerning the accumula. tioa of water at the northerly limit of Warden Avenue and queried as to the procedure intended by the City Engineer to correct the situation, and the City Engineer Proceeded to outline the reasons for such conditions, and the action taken to check it and re- ferred to grass plugging the pipe which occurs every winter and the freezing of the pi0! and was of the opinion that a ditch which could solve the problem, but this would be on private property. The City Engineer advised that work has been commenced to remedy thi~ problem. Aid. Keighan referred to complaints still being received about the manner in which garbage is being picked up, although he was aware that the matter has been dis- cussed and orders given but these do not seem to be effective and the taxpayers feel they are paying for this service but are not receiving it. The City Engineer advised that the collections were being watched and it has been decided to change the policy slightly and some disciplinary action has been taken. He pointed out that their big- gest problem was trying to do the work with temporary employees and was of the opinion that until permanent employees were appointed, there would be trouble. A Full discus- sion ensued regarding the employees necessary for this work and it was moved by Ald. Morton that a recommendation concerning appointment of permanent employees be consin~ ered at the next Council Meeting; there was no seconder to this motion. Ald. Martin referred to his recommendation at the beginning of the year as to the type of garbage collection for 1963 and that before 1964 a complete study should be made on the situs- tion and was of the opinion that Council should make a definite decision on the type of service and the equipment to be used. The Alderman was of the opinion that Council should set aside time for a meeting to discuss this matter and make a definite recom- mendation. The City Engineer advised that action has been taken within the last two weeks and there will be improvement in the garbage collection. Aid. McKinleywas of the opinion that there should be a listing in the new Telephone Directory for the benefit of emergency calls for water and sewer complaints and he was advised by the City Manager that there will be such listing in the new publication. His Worship Mayor Miller referred to a communication he has received from the Attorney General's Office notifying him about the forthcoming Civilian Defence Conference for Ontario Mayors, Reeves, etc. at Arnprior, September 23rd to 26th, and he suggested that Council's representative on the Emergency Measures Organization should attend this Conference in his place. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that Alderman Corfield be authorized to attend the Civilian Defence Conference on September 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 26th at Ampriot. Aid. Potter advised that Andrew Palls and Son have complained about water in their grapery on Dorchester Road South of Thorold Stone Road, due to the instal- lation of sewer last fall, leaving shoulders too high for drainage purposes. The City Engineer advised that steps have already been taken to remedy this situation. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley. READAN DAD OPTED, 3rd September, 1963. Council Chamber. 19th August, 3963. The Finance Meeting was held on August 12th, 1963, for the purpose of anprov- ing und also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified end placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Aldermen McCallum and Swayze. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $290,729.75 were approved by the Co~Nnittee. The Accounts submitted, Oeing passed or otherwise dealt with; were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter. The Property Committee's report on the application of Messrs. LaRose and J. Carrio to erect a 4 by 8 illuminated sign on their premises at the south-east corner of Ferry Street and Clark Avenue, was presented. The Committee recommended that the double-sided 8 by 16 signs for which permission had previously been granted. is suf- ficient for these premises and that a permit be not issued for the 4 by 8 signs. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Corfield that the repor~ be received, adopted, and permit be not issued. The Property Committee's report on their consideration that some steps be taken to control construction of motels after work has co~nenced. was presented for consjd- emtion. The Committee suggested the matter be referred to the City Zo]icttor for a report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be re- ceived and adopted. The City Manager's report on the application of the Bank of Montreal. 960 Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a plastic, racer illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of $300. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Bank of Montreal, 960 Clifton Hill, for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated sign, at an estimated cost of $500. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan that the repor~ be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Falls Pharmacy, 2671 Drummond Road, for a permit to erect a fluorescent corner sign, at an estimated cost of $1,200. ~as Presented. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The ~i~y Manager's report on the application of Our Saviour Lutheran Church, MeLeod Road, for a permit to erect a sign, at an estimated cost of $150. was presented. 0RDEBED' on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. ~e Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. M0r~on. READ ANDADOFpED, 3rd September, 1963. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 19th August, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meet- ings, on Monday, August 19th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which cov- ered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen McCallum and Swayze. His Worship, Mayor Miller, pre- sided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Aldermen Morton and Ald. Martin, READ AND ADOPPED, 3rd, September, 1963. 23rd, 1963. sided. FORTY-FOURTH NE~A'ING SPECIAL MEETING Counci~ Chamber, 23rd August, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 11 a.m. on Friday, August All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, pre- C(N~4UNICATIONS The following Communication was passed: No. 485 - Gasbarrini General Contractor - re~ Tondan Holdings Ltd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and referred to the Committee of Adjustment. REPORTS The following Reports were presented; No. 554 - Negotiations Committee - Carpenters' rates of pay per hour. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mortonand AId. Potter that the repor~be received and adopted. No. 555 - City Manager - requesting authority to open and tabulate tenders for equip- ment. 0REEleD on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received, filed and permission granted as requested. No. 556 - 'City Manager - recoweending issuance of sign permit to Armando Leo. 0R- '~I~D on the mobion of Ald. Carfield and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 557 - city Manager - recommending issuance of sign permit to Pro-Putt ~olf Land. 0RDNR~D on the mo~ion of Ald. Po~ter that the report be received and adol~d. No. 558 - Special Fire Committee - recommendations re: operation of Fire Department. Following consideration and discussion of the ll ems contained in the reoert. it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. CarField that the repo~: be re- ceived and adopted, and the City Clerk to supply an exn].anatj an to the press with reference to the promotions recommended in Item 1 of t~e report. TOUR GUIDE SITUATION It was ordered on the mobion of Aid. kitthe]son and A]d. Ke~ghan tnnT; the matter Of sightseeing stands - horse drawn vehicles stands On CliFton ~{il]. and also ~he matter of congestion on %he Q.E.Way at the exiD From the Rainbow Bridge be ferred to the Traffic Committee for preparation of a reDart and discussion a~ a reFn~- lar meeting of Council. ' - BRAWLEY; CALIFORNIA In connection with an invitation which His Worship Mayor Mi]].er had r~ceived to visit the City of Brewley, California to join in their ~estiviti~s dur_~ng The Brawley Cattle Call & Imperial Valley Rodeo during the week of November 4th. it was ordered on the motion of AId. Swayze and Aid. Scott that His Warshin Mayer Mt]ler be authorized to attend this celebration along with Mrs. Miller, to tenresent the City of Niagara Falls at the City of Brawley, California. Carried, with A]~. Mitehe]son and Ald. Morton - contrary. During the d]scussion on the above matter~ Jt was indi- cated that the amount of Funds available should not exceed Com~cil adjourned on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Aid. Mitchelson. READ ANDADOpTED, 3rd September, 1963. PORTY-FIFEH MEETING Council Chamber~ 3rd September, 1963. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 3rd, 1963, for the purpose of considering genera] business and finance. All Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the PreviOus meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton. TENDERS Tenders had been called for the construction of watermains for the Senior Citizens Village, and, on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott it was ordered ~hat ~e tenders received, be opened, .. ~id over from previous meetings: initialled by His Worship the Mayor, and tabulated. ~. h63 - Niagara Falls Minor Hockey Associationr- requesting allocation of Monday ght from 7 to 10 p.m. as Minor He key Night fo coming Ho~ No. 468 - Welland County Agricultural Society - requesting declaration of half-he]lear for pupils attending Welland County Fair on September llth. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the connnanication be received, filed, and the writer be advised of the reply received from the Director of Education of the Niagara Falls District Board of Education to the effect that there is no authority on which to base the granting of the half-holiday for pupils to attend a Fair. SEE Communication 1~6 No. 476 - Teamship of Crowland - suggesting termination of any agreement with partjoll- ier reference to former Township of Stamford, now City of Niagara Falls, concerning hunting licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the manication be again tabled and the Assistant to the City Mgr.- Administrative be em- powered to contact Crowland Twp. to see if there is any possibility of their changing their attitude with reference to the issuance of hunting licenses. SEE Renort Number 560. No.478 - Niagara Falls Skating Club - follow-up report on letter of Dec. 5th, 1962. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and filed and same arrangements be placed in effect as for season of 1962- 63. SEE Report Number 561 _~'he following Communications were presented[ No. 486 - Niagara Falls District Board of Education - No authority to grant half- holiday for pupils attending a Fair. ORI]ERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and the Secretary of the Welland County Agricultural Society be so advised, SEE Communication No. 487 - H.E.P.C. of Ontario - advising of sale price of 3C-foot strip of land - Part Lot ll3, north of Valley Way. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Martin that the communication be received and referred to the Property Commit- tee. No. 488 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - recommending that only 'par5 of block bounded by Hiram, John, Falls Ave. and River Road~should be re-zoned and put into a Commercial area. (re: J. Gruyich application). ORRERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and filed. This motion was lost by a vote of 7 to 3; (Aldermen Keighan, Morton, McKinley, Cot- field, Martin, Potter and Swayze - contrary; Aldermen McCallum, Mitchelson and Scott in favour. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the communication be referred to the Property Committee; this motion was passed by a vote of 7 to 3; (Aldermen McCallum, Mitchelson and Scott - contrary). No. 489 - N.F. Professional Fire Fighters, Local 528 - req. support in preventing extension of existing provisions of Unemployment Insurance Act relating to coverage of fire fighters. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Special Fire Con~nittee. No. 490 - Optimist Club - req, use of Drummond Road hill for Soap Box Derby, Sept. 21. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the dommunication be received, filed and permission granted as requested. No, 491 - Welland County Plowmen's Association - req. contribution to Welland Co. Plowmen's Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Mitehelson that the communication be received, filed and as the Mount of $35. is already in- eluded in this year's budget, the contribution be forwarded, No. ~92 - Mr. Dlllou laronde - req. permission to establish a tourist trailer tent camp site. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the communi- cation be received and tabled pending receipt of draft by-law which is now under con- sideration by the Special Licensing Committee. NO. ~93 ' John B. Hopkins - calling attention to condition of sidewalk in front of 673 Ontario Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. 8tort that the communication be received, filed and the writer be advised that repairs are contem- plated at this location. No. 494 - E. S. FOx - parking problem at 2103 Valley Way. In connection with bhis c0mmunication, l'~..Ted Fox was permitted to speak on the motion of A!d. f~rtin and Aid. Mitchelson. He outlined the difficulty and suggested that the removal of posts on Sidney Street would alleviate the problem. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Property Com- mittee, to meet with M~r. Fox or Associates to determine a solution. Me. 495 - MAr. 0. C. Smi].ey - Interested in applying for Arena Concessions. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the communication be received. filed and writer be advised that concessions are not open for tender or discussion at this time. No. 496 - Bredcrick, Burnett & McIeod Notice to City to vacate premises of Ritz Motel, 1659 Victoria Avenue, now used for parking purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee to take necessary action and report back to Council. Carried, with Ald. McKinley and Keighan - contrary. Aid. Ma~in was of the opinion that the parking situation at the Centre should be referred to the T~ffic Conmdttee for close inspection and that some recommendation should come b~fore Council prier to the 1964 tourist season. His Worship Mayor Miller asked the Traffic Committee to take under advisement the remarks of Ald. Martin. N0. 497 - Brock University Founders' Committee - req. that Brock University be kept in mind when plans to observe the Canadian Centennial in 1967 are made. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin, and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Centennial Committee. No. 498 - W. J. Hamilton & Co. - appreciation for installation of parking meters. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Aid. Corfield that the commu~fication be received and filed. No. 499 - Norman G. Brown - suggesting protestation at Oakes Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the commtmication be received and re- ferred to the Parks and Recreation Committee for consideration and report. N0. ~00 . Michael Pucci - Drainage problem. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the City Solicitor for areport. REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 559 - Parks and Arena Committee - request of Minor Hockey Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. SEE Communicatio_n 463 No. 560 - Assist. to City Mgr. - Administrative - re: communication from Crowland Twp. re: hunting licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the repor~ be received and referred to the Special Licensing Committee and Mr. Huggins be empowered to contact Crowland Twp. to ascertain if there is any possibility of their changing their attitude with reference to the issuance of hunting licenses. No. 561 - Parks and Arena Committee - recommending similar arrangements for Skating Club be put into effect for 1963-1964 as in the 1962-63 season. ORDERED on the motion 0f Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 478 No. 562 - Special Committee on Insuranee& Pensions - meeting of August ~Snd. NO. 5~$ . Special Committee on ~nsurence & Pensions - meeting of August 23rd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallam and Ald. Hltchelson that the reports be received and filed. N0. 564 - Special Fire Con~nittee - recommending appointment of five permanent firemen. 0RDEBED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted. No. ~65 - Special Fire Committee - recommendations re: Stamford Fire Sell. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MoCallumand Ald. Mitehanson that the report he received and adopted. No. 566 - Special Fire Committee - recommending appraisal be obtained re: value of P/~in St. Fire Hall. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 567 - Parks and Arena Committee - recommending installation of tile floor in visit. ing team's dressing room and also in hall leading to ice surface at Arena. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adoptea. No. 568 - Parks and Arena Committee - proposed alterations to front of Arena. ORDE~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 569 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - salary ranges for new employees at Stamford-N~agara Pollution Control Plant No. 1. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 570 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - ~alvern & Bohna-Litwin extras. ORDEFjED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 571 - Equipment Committee - six recommendations re: new equipment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted. No. 572 - City Manager - ra: Armsado Leo's application for sign permit which was pre- sented to Council at meeting of August 23rd. (Report No. 556). ORDERED on the mo- tion of AId. Morton and Aid. Martin that the report be received and adopted. No. 573 - Assist. to City Mgr., Administrative _ advising of 0.M.B. approval of By-]s,~ Number 6356. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 574 - Assist. to CityMgr., Administrative - advising of O.M.B. approval of By- law 6388. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report he received and filed. No. 575 - City Engineer - Sewer repair - Drummond Road and Bellevue St. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 576 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 62 - MITCHELSON - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His Worship, Mayor Miller, members of Council and citizens at large be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. A. N. Myer, former principal of Stemford Nigh School, teacher, civic leader and great humanitarian; and the Seal of the Corporation be herato affixed. ' BY-lAWS Carried Unanimously Laid over from previous meetings; ~ - A by-law to authorize the widening and re-construction of Victoria Avenue from Thorold Stone Road to Niagara Parks Commission Boulevard at an esti- mated net cost to the City of $71,537.00. Brd Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald, McCallum - Carried Unanimously. ~ - A by-law to close and sell that portion of Martlie Street., shown on Plan Number 138, registered for the Township of Stamford. 3rd Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald, 8wayze - Carried Unanimously. ~ - A by-law to authorize the improvement of the sewage works in the Urban 8errice Area, Srd Reading -Ald, McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously, ~ne following By-law was presenoed~ No. 6395 - A By-Jaw to close and sell Portions cf Sister Avenile sad L,~cOr~ according to Plan 653, registered for the Village of Niagara ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitc~e]scn and Ald. Mort~ln that ~ be granted · · · tne privilege of introducing the by-law and t~e bv-]a~ be ~' ~'~ '~.~ .... reading - Carried Unanimously. " ~ .?yen _ x ~ '_ ~rsb ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan sad ~]d. McKini~:/tLa~: ~-]e 36 0f the Standing Rules of Council De temporarily sunneeded and the by-Jaw be second reading. , Carried Unanimously. ' Tee followffng_~By-Daw was passe~': N0.j396 - A By-~sw to declar6 the desiraoi] Ry of mderoak;ng certain ~rks as a improvement under the orevisions of The ix~cal Improveme~t Ac~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Pouter ~hnt !kid. Mart~n Oe granted the privilege of introducing tee by-la~: and tee by-jaw be given the Jet reading.' Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of A].d. Martin and ~kld. Corfieio that ~u].e 36 (i) of ~he Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. _ Carried Unanimously. ~ird Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald, Mor~on - Carried Unanimously. 'Fae,_following By-law was ~resented; ~ - A by-law to authorize the construction of certain works as lees] imorovements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. ' ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield tha~ AId. Margin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the Jet reading, ~rried Unanimously, _ , ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. McCalh~ that Hule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. _ Carried Unanimously. Exe following By-laws were passed: ~ - A by-law to amend By-law Number 5149, regarding tourist establishments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald. Keighan be granted the ~rivilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. 3rd Reading _Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson - Carried ~mnimously. ~- A by-law to designate certain blocks of land which have been conveyed to the former Township of Stamford and to the City of Niagara Falls for widening certain arterial roads as public highways in the City of Niagara ~lls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be granted the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first ~ading.. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield tha~ Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. ~lrdReading .Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. ~ A by-law to exempt certain farm lands fi~m local improvement frontage taxes imposed by special assessment in respect to sewers constructed in former 8tamford sewer area, now in the urban service area of the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1963, 0RDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Aid. Keighan be privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the let reading, Unanimously.' ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid, McKinley and Aid. Swayze. READ AND ADOFED, 9th September, 1963. (Ald. Morton left the meeting at this time) FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, ~ 3rd September, 1963. The Finance Meeting Was held on September 3rd, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Mar~in, Chairman of Finance, presided. mittee. Sundry Accounts in the Mount of $308,170.89 were approved by the Com- The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were or- dered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter. The City Manager's report on the application of D. Czerewaty, 1534 Stan- ley Avenue, for a building permit to erect a 20-unit mote~ on Lots 728 and 729, east side of Stanley Ave. Was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted and the issuance of a permit be laid in abeyance until details of construction have been determined and in- formation that the Dept. of Travel and Publicity have approved the proposed construc- tion is received. The City Manager's report on the application of the Roman Restaurant, 1717 Dewis Avenue, for a permit to erect a directAerial sign at an estimated cost of $30. which would be erected on the Nabisco perking lot, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchelson that the repor~ be received, adopted, and permit be not issued. The City Manager's repor~ on the application of the Starlight Motel, 1544 MeLeod ROad, for a permit to erect a neon sign, to replace existing sign, at an estimated cost of $1,700. was presented. 0BIF/~ED on the motion of Ald, Potter and Ald. McCallum that the repor~ be received, adopted and permit issued. (Alderman Mox~on returned to the meeting) The City Manager's report on the application of the Roman Tailor Shop, 1755 Ferry Street, for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated two-sided sign, at an estimated cost of $225. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received~ adopted and permit issued. The revenue and expenditure statements as of August 19th, ]-963, were presented for perusal, and it was ordered on the motiou of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallam that the same be tabled for one week for study of Council. At this time, the City Clerk advised Council of the invitation e×tended by the Catholic Women's Lea~e of St. Fatrick's Parish, to attend the sandal C.W.L. Tea on September 92nd, 1963, from 2:BO to 5:00 p.m. It was agreed that the invitation be accepted and as many of the members of Council and their wives as find it possible, s~tend. Ald. McKinley advised that he will be absent from the next Council Meeting dRe to the fact that he will be attending the Convention of the Homes for the Aged. Following a discussion on the charges for the cutting of weeds by uhe Municipality, following the Weed Inspector's inspection of lands where weeds are prev- alent and the owners of such lands have not complied with the municipality's direction to have them cut, it was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Miller and Ald. McCallurn that the Weed Inspector be requested to prepare and subsnit an itemized state- ment concerning the hours consumed, rate per hour, equipment used and name of netson performing work, in connection with the cutting of weeds. ' ~e Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan. READ ANDADOPTED, 9th September, 1963, Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEEPINO Council Chamber, 3rd September, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, September 3rd, 1963, ~hieh co~ered the accounts approvedby the for the purpose of passing the by-law were Present. Committee. All Members of the Committee BY- LAW ~ following By-law was passed; ~- A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. 0RIFaED on the motion of Ald~ Swayze and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Mar~in be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law.be given the let reading . Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. McCallum that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald, McKinley. Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. McCallum. PJEADANDADOPI~D, 9th September, 1963. FORTY-SIXTHMEETING Council Chamber, ~th September, 1963. SPECIAL MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met in special session at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 4th, 1963. All Members of Council were present~ His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. ASHES AND GARBAGE DEPARTI~NT The following Report was presented; No. 577 - City Engineer . setting out in some detail the present mode of operation in the Garbage and Ashes Department and arriving at conclusions and recommendations as t0 betterlug the service. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and tabled, and that the backyard ser~&ce as originally agreed upon be continued at least until the end of the current year, 'hut that prior to that time, Council make a decision as to any proposed change; the items of equipment referred to in the report of the Engineer to be referred to the Equipment Committee for considera- tion and recommendation as to whether or what equipment should be acquired. That an advertisement be inserted in the press and that a.circular be prepared, to be forwar- ded with the Water Bills explaining to the ratepayers how the service is conducted. That Management continue the tightening up process so as to achieve the most desired result. Prior to this motion, a lengthy discussion was held as to the various phases of the Engineer's report, Particularly the bumping phase, and the Chairman of Finance stated that this policy had never been recognized bF the Management of the old City. Ald. Keighan suggested again that consideration be given to possibly con- treating out the service and advocated a "go slow" policy on permanent appointments in view of the possibility of a 9hangs in method~ Mayor Miller suggested the pos:;ible use of our Chopper where brush is con- c.rsed to facilitate operations. Ald. McCalltun advocated a by-law or an amendment to the present by-3aw which would provide for the method of putting out material for collection. This ]attar item ~s agreed to by the City Engineer. Ald. McCallum suggested that it was necessary for the mun~ c~oa]ity to con- sider the retaining of a Junior Engineer on staff in order to assist t~e City Engineer in some of these problems and following some discussion, it was ardered sn the motion' of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the City Manager and City Engineer draw up ~at they consider the qualifications for an Engineering Staff Assistant, and that the Negotiations and Equipment Committee be empowered to, at a later date. submit a detailed report and recommendations as to certain personnel changes Carried. with Alderman Morton - contrary. · POLICy AS TO NORTH SIDE OF LUNDY'S LANE DRUb~4OND RD. TO DORCHESTER RD, At the request of His Worship the Mayor, the City Clerk read the minutes of the joint meeting of Council with the Planning Board for the Purposes of discussing the situation on the north side of Lundy's Lane is the area b~tween Drummond Road and ~rchester Road, and following the reading of the minutes, Ald. Keighan proceeded to a~in refer to the items in connection with the proposed change to which he objected or considered undesirable , namely~ the side yard requirements. set-back. end the provia- ion for conversions. Ald. Morton suggested that serious conslderaticn should be given to a lane in the area for backyard service. which precipated a lengthy d~scussien in which both Aldermen Morton and Mitehe]son, who are the municiDality's representatives on the Planning Board, pointed out that in the Planner's opinion such a]s. ne was not considered feasible. - Ald. McCallum referred to the provisions of the suggested change which would enable the Committee of Adjustment to deal with various possible minor Problems and Ald. Mitchelson referred to the fact that, admittedly the former Township Authorities had over-zoned this area and other phases of what is the existing condition. Ald. Keighan reiterated his previous stand to the effect that the sma]]er serchants in this area should certainly receive consideration and the City Manager advocated a policy similar to that in existence in the old City concerning Victoria Avenue, Particularly with reference to the block of Lundy's Lane from Dnunmond Read to Leonard Avenue, as this particular block is rather solidly built up and is adjacent to what is and will eventually be more so a very busy corner. lrne Manager also suggcst..<] that Council should arran,Ze to nleet w~til the P]annir,~ Director to obta~s his personal views on the subject in question before any official action is considered and following fuRher discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that arrangements be made for all Members of Council to meet with Mr, C. G. Dewson, Planning Director, to obtain his ideas before a final decision is made. Carried Unanimously. ROOM TAX His Worship Mayor Miller, having been the one to originate this suggestion, Proceeded to outline what he proposed with reference to a possible room tax and cited background and his reasons for so doing. He quoted examples of benefits derived by m'~iciPahlities and expressed the view that there should be ermissiv Provincial legis- ch would allow any municipality which so desired, Pro invokS g es that he had compiled and the potential revenue to the M~niclpality in our case, on the basis of his computations, could be in the vicinity of one- on dollars. Me also, in support of his statement, referred to the fact that s~ch revenue could be utilized in connection with future capital costs and following his ,re~rks, the various members of Council expressed their views, either in support of or In oPPosition to the Mayor's suggestion.' It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott Keighan that the Provincial Authorities be asked to consider enactment of legis- which would give permissive powers to municipalities ~o provide for a room tax s source of revenue. Carried, the vote being - Aye: Ald. Swayze, Scott, Keighan, Morton, Potter and McCallum; Nays, Ald. Mitchelson, Martin and McKinley. Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Morton and AId. Corfield. RF~ AND ADOPTED, 9th September, 196S . FORTY-BEy MEETING Council Chamber, 9th September, 1963. REGULAR Mm~r£NG Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 9th, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen McCalltun, McKinley and Mitch- elson. The 'Council having received and read the minutes of the previous regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze. PRESENTATION His Worship, Mayor Miller, presented to Mr. T. Brent and Mr. Dean Shriner of the Assessment Department, their certificates for successfully passing the Senior Course of Assessment Practice; and also to Mr. Cecil Lundy for successfully completing a Correspondence Training Course for Municipal Clerks and Treasurers, commmending them upon their initiative and achievement and offered congratulations on behalf of the City Council. CO~UJNICATION8 Laid over from the previous meetings; No. 476 - Township of Crowland - suggesting termination of any agreement with particu- lar reference to former Township, concerning hunting licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the communication b~ received, filed and the report of the Assistant to City Manager - Administrative be adopted. SEE Report Number 578 SEE By-law NUmber The following Conwnunications were presented: No. 901 - Civis Employees Union, Local 133 - appreciation for co-operation of Mayor and City Offie~als during Annual Labour Day Parade. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communication be reseived and filed. No. ~02 - Magistrate J. L. Robarts - appresiation~br improvements in Court Room. OI~I)EI~ED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and AId. Potter that the soannunioation be received and filed. No. ~03 - T. N. Prate - application for employment. 0ED~I~D on the motion of Aid. Ketghan and AId. 8wayze that the communication be received and referred to theNego- fiattons Committee for consideration and report. No. 504 - Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application - A-76, Martin, Pt. Lot 2 and 91, R.P. 1791, Stamford G*~ Drive. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. C~field that the communication be received and re- ferred to the Property Committee for consideration and report. REPORTS The following Reports were presented; No. 578 - Assistant to City Mgr.- Administrative - report of Special License Committee on consideration of communication from Crowlan[Twp. re: hunting licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE By-law Nmmber 6~O3 N0. 579 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee ~ Malvern Construction "extra". ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martina'~A~[~'S'~er that the report be received and filed. No. 580 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - Bohna-Litwin "extras". ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the report be received end filed. No. ~81 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending approval of payment of ext~ engineering costs re: Pollution Controi~lant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 582 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending C.M.H.C. be advised final compYetion date for Pollution Control Plant will be November let 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. N0. 583 - Special Fire Committee - re: meeting of Sept. 6th, Alderman Martin referred to recent prices obtained on equipment necessary for the Fire Halls and then moved, seconded by Ald. Swayze that the equipment referred to be purchased from the lowest bidder and that the report as submitted be adopted. N0. 584 - City Manager - re: attendance of Senior Consultant of Wm. M. Mercer Co. Ltd. at 4 meetings on September 6th re: Job evaluation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Scott that the report be 'received and filed. No. 585 - City Manager - reconnnending membership in Canadian Standards Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. N0. 586 - City Manager - report on meeting with Planning Board, Sept. 4th re: Bolus. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. . N0. 987 - City Manager - Building Permits for August, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Sw~yze and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed. N0. 588 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mortca1 and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. No. 589 - City Engineer - Estimate of cost of fence for Drummond Road Service Centre. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and work be proceeded with. No. 590 - Assistant to City Mgr.-Administretive - Diets re-zoning application. In con- nection with this matter, Mr. A. Murrell, 2292 Frederica Street, who had registered 0b~ection to re-zoning, due to drainage problem, was permitted to speak to Council. Mr. Murrell referred to inadequacy of sewers and the flooding problem whibh he is con- fronted with. The City Engineer outlined the attempts to be made to alleviate the con- ditions referred to, but advised that there will be flooding until such time as storm sewers are installed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the repor~ he received and filed. SEE Resolution No. 6~ No. 591 - Committee of Adjustment - report on application of Anthony Mingle and Joseph Dagonese to construct a co.mercial building at 2520IAmdy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. Following the remarks of Ald. Swayze it was ordered on the motion of Aid, Morton and Ald. Potter that the Traffic Cc~nnittee he authorized to meet with certsin principals at the Centre nrea. At the request of Aid. Morton, the City Manager took under advisement the possibility of repairing the steps in front of St. Patrick's Church on Victoria Avenue, with an application of asphalt. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Morton that the re- strictions on water use put into effect on June 25th be rescinded effective September 1Oth, 1963. The City Manager advised that an advertisement to this effect would be placed in the local press. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 63 - MARTIN - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the City Engineer be instructed to proceed as soon as convenient with the alterations or changes which he suggested verbally at the Council Meeting of September 9th, 1963, to correct flooding conditions on property owned by Mr. Murrell, adjacent to the Dietz holdings; it being understood that part of these changes would be made in the catchbasin connection which is presently on Mr. Murrell's property; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously It was the consensus of opinion by the Members of Council that with the adoption of the foregoing resolution, Mr. Mnxrrell would withdraw his objection to the application to the Ontario Municipal Board on the Dietz property. BY-lAWS The following By-lawwaspaased; No. 6~O2 - To authorize the execution of an Agreement with the Niagara Falls Civic Employees Local Union 133, of the National Union of Public Employees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze an~ Ald. Scott that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tempomrily suspended and the by-law be. given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. The following By-law was presented; No, 6.40~ - A By-law to provide for the issuing of licenses and percent of fees there- for for the hunting of pheasants, rabbits and foxes within a part of the CitM of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing .the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried.. Comacil adjourned to the Finance M~etlng on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott. ~ADANDADOF~ED, 16th September 1963. Clerk ~ayor FINANCE ME&TING COuncil Chamber, 9th September, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on September 9th, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the excep- tion of Aldermen McCalltun, McKinley and Mitchelson. Ald. Mar~in, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $140,798.35 were approved by the Committee. T~e Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered Placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. M0~onand Ald. Potter. The Se?enue and Expenditure Statement of August 19th, 1963 was tabled for one further week for submission of a further report, on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Sway~e. The Sunmary of Tenders received for the installation of a watermain for the Niagara Senior Citizens Village was presented, along with a report of the City Manager, reoomending that the tender of Kerrio-~ermano at an approximate amount of $430.25, be accepted. O~ on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. l~]e Summary of Tenders received for the construction of sewers for the Niagara Senior Citizens Village, was presented for consideration, along with the report of the City Manager recommending that the tender of Kerrio-Cermano at an approximate amount of $2,B44.80be accepted. ORD~tmD on the motion of Mayor Miller and Ald. Swayze that the repor~be received and adopted. The City Manager's report on the application of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Codasroe for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated overhanging sign at 190 Bridge Street, at an estimated cost of $BO0.SO was presented for consideration. OR- D~Don the motion of Ald. Potter and AId. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, The City Manager's report on the application of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated sign at 2889 Lundy's lane at an estimated cost of $BO0.OOwas presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Po~ter and AId, 5waFze that thor sport be received, adopted and permit issued. The City ~anager's report on the application of The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce for a permit to erect a wooden racer sign at 2889 Lundy's Lane, at an estimated cost of $250.00, was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of D. Czerewaty for a permit to erect an 18 unit motel on Lots 728 and 729, east side of Stanley, between North St. and Kitcharier St. at an estimated cost of $45,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Potter that the repor~ be received, adopted and permit issued as soon as approval is received fro~ the Department of Travel and Publicity. The City Manager then advised that approval has now been so received from the Travel and P~bli- city Dept. The City Manager's report on the application of Messrs. P. Schwartz and S. Breitenbach for a permit to erect an addition to the A-1 Motel, north side of Eundy's Lane between Beaverdams Road and Kalar Road, at 3895 Lund~'s Lane, at an estimated cost of $20,000. was presented for consideration. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted, and permit be issued, subject to compliance with the Fire Inspector's report. The City Manager's report on the application of Mrs. SonJa Kobald, for a building permit to erect a second ll-unit apartment building on Lot Number 6, Plan 180, west side of Drummond Road between Lund~'s Lane and Fraderica Street, at an estimated cost of $65,000. was presented. OI~I~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the repor~ be received, adopted and the application be referred to the Property Committee for inspection and discussion. ~ne City Manager's report on the application of Mr. Mark Solomon for a build- ing pannit to erect an addition at the rear of the premises at 839 Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $2,100. was presented. OREERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and permit be issued. Aid. Mor~on referred back to the tenders received for construction of sewers and installation of watermain for the Niagara Senior Citizens Village and suggested that there was quite a spread between the municipality's figures and those submitted by the Contractor and moved thab a check should be made to find out what rates Con- tractors are paying their employees; there was no seconder. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. Swayze. .. ! READ AND ADOFA'mu, 16th September, 1963. Chairman of Finance .COUNCIL MEEtING Council Chamber, ~th September, 1~3. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meet- in2s, c~Monda~, Septamber ~h, I~S, for the purpose 0f passi~ the by-lavwhich covered the accounts aimproved by the Ccsmittee. All Members or the Committee were present, with ~he exception of Aldex~en M~allu~, Mar. inlay a~d Mi~ohelson. BY-LAW The followingBy-law was passed; No. 6~04 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first mading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the ~anding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second ~ading. - Carried Unanimously. ~ird Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Swayze. READ ANDADOpA.sD, 16th September, 1963. Clerk Mayor FORTY-EIGHTH Mm~'A'ING I~EGt~_AR ME~A'ING Council Chamber, 16th September, 1963. Pursuant to ad~ourmnent, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 16th, 1~63, for the Purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the pre- vieus meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze. CO~i~NIOATIONS la__id over from previous meetings; 38 - .John Gru~ich - application for re-zoning of Lots 5,6,7,8 and part of Lot 9, N0 ~ i ram Street and River Road. N0' - ohn Oruytc~ - application for the re-zoning of Lots 103, 10~ and 107, also · - lagare Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - reco~zending that only par~ of the block bounded by Hiram St., John St., Falls Ave., and River Road should be re-zoned for high class commercial development. O~I~ED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and AId. Cotfield that ~he oo,~aunications be received, filed, and the recommendation of the Property C~ittee that the entire block bounded by Him St., John, River Road and Falls Avenue, be changed from an R-B to a C-lA area, be adopted. Carried by a vote of 8 to 3, the vote being - Aye:- Ald. SwByze, Martin, Keighan, McKinley, Potter, Morton, Corfield, Mayor Miller. Naye:- Ald. ~[itchelson, McCallurn and Scott. Reports 512 & 592 Petition No. No. 479 - V. DiCosimo & N. DiLibero - requesting permission to use portion of 408- 414 Bridge Street for motel construction. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter that the communication be received, filed and permission be not granted, SEE Report No. 593 No. 487- H.E.P.C. of Ontario - sale price of 30 foot strip of land off Valley Way parallel to easterly boundary of Houck Park. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the c~-.~unication be received, filed and the offer be accepted. Carried, witbAld. Scott - contrary. SEE Report No. 594 No. 494 - E. S. Fox Plumbing & Heating - parking problem. ORRERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mttchelson that the ccmmunication be received and filed and the report of the Property Committee be adopted; this motion was lost by a tie vote, the vote being - Aye -Ald. Sw~yze, Mitchelson, Morton, Potter and McCallum; Naye- Ald. Martin, Cotfield, Scott, McKinley and Kei~han. An amendment by Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Cotfield that the communication be tabled and the Property Committee meet with Mr. Fox on the premises to ascertain some solution to the problem. This amendment carried by a vote of 6 to 5; the vote being - Aye -Ald. Martin, Corfield, Scott, McKinley, Keighan end Mayor Miller; Naye- Ald. Mitchelson, Swayze, McCallum, Morton md Potter. SEE Report No. 595 No. 496 - Bredcrick, Burnett & McLeod - requesl~ng City of Niagara Falls to vacate premises presently used by the City for parking purposes on Ritz Motel property, 1659 Victoria Avenue, or or before 1st day of October, 1963. Ol~a~u on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received, filed and the o~ners or their Solicitors be advised that the City will vacate the premises on Sep- tember B0, 1963. SEE Report No. 596 No. 504 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - recommending Amendment application of Mr. Leo Mar~in. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the cmunication be received, filed and the Manning Board's reco~nendmtion be adopted. Carried, with Ald. Scott - Contrary. Report No. 597 No. 505 - T. Eaton & Co. - coomending actions of Fire and Police Dept. during recent fire. ORl~l~Don the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. McCalltun that the communication be received, filed and copies forwarded to the Fire Department and Police Department. No. 506 - Mrs. Thelmn Hurd- applying for Supplementary allowance for Mr. Hurd and self, for medicine. On the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald.-Swa~ze, Mrs. Hurd was granted permission to address Council. Mrs. Hurd proeeeded to outline her difficul- ties in trying to purchase medicine for her husband which is needed to prolong his life. Following a full discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitehelson and AId. Swayze that the matter be referred to the Welfare Dept. for a complete re- port. No. 507 - Township of Crowland - resolution withdrawing from Agreement between Twps. of Crowland, Thorold, and former St-mPord T~p. re: Hunting Lieenses. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitehelson and AId. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed. No. ~08 - Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps.- enquiring as to availability of Main 8treat Fireball. OR~snsU on the motion of'Aid. Sco~t and Ald. Potter that the ec~muniea- tion be received and referred to the Proparty Committee for a repelS. N0. 509 - Greater Niagara United Appeal - requesting Council's approval of erection of a torch at the Junction of Valley Way, Queen St., and Bucklay Ave. in connection with 1963 United Appeal Campaign. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mor~on that the communication be received, filed and approval be granted as requested. No. 510 - Kinsmen Club - requestingpermission to conduct Annual Peanut Drive, commenc- ing November 1st. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Swayze that the communication be received, filed, and permission granted as requested. N0. 511 - William W. Hamilton - enquiring as to result of Petition for sewer installa- tion on Thorold Stone Road west of Q.E.W. The City Clerk advised that Mr. Warcup, first signatory on Petition Number 7, had been notified on August 2nd that this par- ticular project ~as ordered deferred for the present time and requested to advise the other petitioners accordingly. At this time, Mr. Wareup who us present at to-night's meeting advised that he had not received such notification; (although the letter for- warded to him had not been returned to City Hall by Post Office). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, filed, and copy of letter of August 2rid be forvarded to Mr.Hamilton for his information, and also to Mr. Warcup. With reference to this area, Ald. Potter advised that he had occasion to inspect some of this property and the petitioners would like some idea when they may expect some action. The City Engineer referred to the report which he had submitted some ~eeks ago on the estinmted cost of sewer installation, which was considered by the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee, and this particular area was listed as Sched- ule D, the deferred category. Ald. Morton queried the possibility of the Committee leaking into this area again and possibly moving the item up on the Agenda. The following items, received too late for inclusion on this evening's agenda, were ordered read, on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley. N0, 512 - Wm. Follett - requesting further consideration re: application for building ~rmit to make alterations to front verandah, 994 Fourth Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. SwByze that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. N0. 513 . Niagara Falls Civic ~nployees' Local Union, Num~er_13$ - withdrawing grievance re: James Beattie. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the com- manication be received and filed. N0. 514 - Department of Highways - Survey plans re: section of Highway 20, from Kalar Road westerly to new City Limits. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the communicationbe received and referred to the Property Committee. ~ Mid over from a. previous meeting; N0. 512 - Proparty Committee - suggesting application of John Gruyich be referred to ~ Planning'Board for consideration; and advising Council of opinion of Property Committee ' that entire block bounded by Hiram, John, Falls Ave. and River Road should be re-zoned : and put into a Commercial Area with some of the more objectionable uses allowed in · C-IA removed so that the proper~y in question could only be used for high class commer- cial development. SEE Report Number 592 ~EE Petition No. 18 ~e following Reports were presented; ~' 592 - Pro~perty Committee - suresting Co~cil adopt their recomen~tion as out- ned in ~po~ Nmber 512, A~st 7th, 196B, that the entire block bo~ded by Him Steer, Jo~ Street, River R~d, ud ~lls Avenue, be changed fr~ an M-3 to a C-~ a~a. ~rried by a vote of 8 to 3, the vote being - ~e: -Ald. ~ze, ~in, Kei~n, M~fnleF, Po~ter, Mo~on, Coffield, ~yor Miller; NayeJ- Ald. Mi$chelson, McCallJ ~d 8eot~. s~ Report_Number 512 No. 593 - ProPertF Committee - reec~mending that Messrs. DiCosimo and N. DiLlbare be ~dvfsed that m permit cannot be issued for motel construction at ~O8-414 Bridge St. 0~EDon the motion of AId. Kei~han and Aid. Potter that the repor~ be received and ad0~ted. SEE Co~aunication No- 59~ - Proper~y Committee - recommending that offer of H.E.P.C. of Ontario be accep. ted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Scott -contrary. SEE Communication. 487. No. 595 - Proper~y Committee - recommending no change be made and posts be left in pros- ent location on Sidney Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchel- son that the repor~ be received and adopted. This motion was defeated by a 5-5 vote, the vote being - Aye: Ald. Swayze, Mitchelson, Mor~on, Potter and McCallum; Nays -Ald. Mar~in, Corfield, Scott, McKinley and Keighan. An amendment made by Ald. Martin, sec- onded by Ald. Corfield that the report be tabled and the Property Committee meet with Mr. Fox on the premises to ascertain some solution to the problem, was carried by a vote of 6 to 5 - the vote being, Aye:- Ald. Martin, Corfield, Scott, McKinley, Keighan and Mayor MillerJ Nays -Ald. Swayze, Mitchelson, McCallum, Morton and Potter. SEE Communication No. 596 - Property Committee - suggesting that Ritz Motel owners or their Solicitors be advised that the City will vacate the premises used by the City for parking purposes, on September 3Oth, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 496 No. 597 - Property Committee - recommending Council adopt recommendation of the Plan- ning Board and permit erection of the two-family dwelling by Mr. Leo Martin. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and ~Id. Corfield that the reportbe received and adop- ted. Carried, with Ald. Scott - contrary. SEE Communication 504 No. 598 - City Manager - sketch submittedby J. Rocco, for construction of a motel north-west comer of Buttrey Street and River Road. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and referred to the Property Cos~ittee for consideration and a report. No. 599 - Property Committee - estimated expenditure for alterations to former Stam- ford Police building, too high, in order to provide facilities for Planning Board. OREMED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received, and that alterations to the Police Building on Lundy's Lane be made in accordance with Scheme B ($9,100.) and that the building be turn~ over to the Planning Board for their use. It was understood that before definite action is ~e~;~ that the City Man- ager and City Solicitor ascertain the situation re: current and possible re- lease therefrom. No. 600 - Property Committee - permission granted to K. B. RiEE for moving of a house on to Part of Lot 51, east side of Beechwood Road. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report he received and filed. No. 601 - Sanitation and Pollution Control Co~ittee - two-inch water service be car- ried to each of the Pumping Stations. OREMI~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and the recommendation of the City Engineer be adopted. No. 602 - ~raffic Committee - Committee to investigate possibility of securing land f'for pa~ing purposes in Centre Street vicinity. ORESRED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. ~ No. ~03 - City Manager - requesting authority for 8anitati6n & Pollution Control Comittee Members~ City Engineer, Supt. of Pollution Control Plant and the City Mana- ger to attend AnnualMeeting of Canadian Institute on Pollution Control in Quebec on October 27th, 28th, and 29~h. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Mitehelson and Aid. McCallum that the report be received, filed and permission granted for officials named, to attend. Carried, with Aid. Keighan - ContraxT. No. 60~ - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ~ on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued aecordin~ly. No. ~0~ - City Clerk - application for Bill Distributor's License..0RDEI~D on the motion of Aid. Max~in and Aid. Scott that the report be received, filed and license be not ~ranted. NO. 606 - Assistant to City Mgr. - Administration . advising of O.M.B. approval of By-law 6~48. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and filed. No. 607 - City Engineer - demonstration of Garbage Packer Unit on September 18th. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton that the report be received, filed and as many of the Council as find it possible. attend. No. 608 - City Engineer - 1963_6~ Winter Works Incentive Program. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 609 - City Engineer - repair of N.S. & T. Railroad tracks, Stanley Avenue. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report and adopted. No. 610 = City Engineer - report on Development of ~uture Storm Sewers and existing ditches. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Martin that the repor~ be re- ceived and laid on the table for perusal of Council. PETITIONS ~id over from a previous meeting; No. 18 - J. N. Fordhamand 20 others - favouring change in zoning at the corner of River Road and Hiram Street as requested by John Gruyich. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the petition be received, filed and the report of the Property Committee be adopted. SEE Reports 512 & 592 ~e following Petition was presented; No. 2~ - Mrs. Isabel Nurst and 2 others - protesting condition of sidewalk on Ellen A~enue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton that the petition be ~ceived and filed and the City Engineer be authorized to place asphalt as a tempor- ary measure, until some further decision is made concerning Ellen Avenue. Ald. McCallumwas excused from the Council meeting at 9:30 p.m. MISCELYANEOUS Ald. McKinley called attention to the very bumpy condition of two railroad crossings on McLeod Road near Portage Road and was of the opinion that a sign indicat- ing "Bump" should be erected. The City Engineer advised that he would l~ke !he oppor- tunity of inspecting these locations before submitting his report. Ald. Mitchelson referred to a manhole located on Victoria Avenue, near B~ttrey Street, that needs lowering and the City Engineer advised that this section of road is under' construction and it is anticipated that asphalting will be done this week, which will alLeviate this condition. In answer to Ald. Corfield's query concerning a hold-up on construction of road connecting Portage Road with Stanley Avenue, the City Engineer advised the road referred to by the Alderman is a Nydro road which runs between Stanley and Portage Just south of the Carborundum and that there is an allowance in the Budget for pos- sible acquisition hut no approach has been made in respect to acquiring it yet. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid.Scott. READ AND ADOPTED 23rd Septamber, 1963.. Clerk t,' '. .... FINANCE .~ETIN6 Council Chamber, 16th September, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on September 16th, 1963, for the purpose of approv. ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Conmittee were present, with the exception of Alderman McCallurn. Ald. Mar~in, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $198,507.45 were approved by the Committee, The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for Presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Mitch- elson and Ald. Potter. The Property Committee's report on the application of Mrs. Sonja Kobald, for a permit to erect an eleven unit apartment building on Lot No. 6, west side of Drummond Road, between Lundy's Lane and Frederica Street, at an estimated cost of $65,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of His Worship Mayor Miller and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted and permit issued, subject to a satisfac- tory agreement respecting location of the structure, the provision of the necessary roads, provision of drainage and the grading of the lot to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. Fred 6alle, for a build- ing permit to erect a new structure to be used as a drug store, on Lot 14, and part of Lot 15, Plan 83, on the north side of Lundy's Lane, between Royal Manor Drive and the Q.E.Way at an estimated cost of $18,000. was presented for consideration. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and the applicant be advised to take up with the Committee of Adjustment the matter of the location of the building. The City Manager's report on the application of Richard Dicianzo, operator of the Niagara Lunch, 1709 Victoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a sign, at an esti- mated cost of $~)0.00 was presented for consideration. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aldj Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Hamilton B. Morris, operator of the Cloverleaf Service Station, 3537 Thorold Stone Road, for 2 permit to build an addition to the east side 6f his station, at an estimated co~t of $8,000. to b.~ used as a repair shop, Was presented for consideration. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and the application be tabled one week for submission of a further report by the City Manager. ' The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. Morton and AId. Potter. ~EADANDADOI~D, 23rd September, 19~3. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 16th September, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings 0s Monday, September 16th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Alderman McCallum. BY- LAW The following By-Law was passed; N0. 6~O5-A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORIY'EEED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Swayze that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first ~ading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the ~anding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second ~ading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Corfield and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Swayze. P~ADANDADOPTED, 23rd September, 1963. CONFF~ENCE Council Chamber, 16th September, 1963. The Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular meeting of Council on Monday, September 16th, 1963. All Members of the Committee were present with the excelf~ion of Alderman McCallum. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Morton. READ ~/~D ADO FA'mD, 23rd September, 1963. ....... ' ......... Chairman / FORTY-NINT~ ~F~ETING Council Chamber, 23rd September, 1963· BEGUI~A'iNG No. 483 - Chris. Huber, Alpine Motel - requesting change in by-law regulating price signs. 0RIlEBED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. !tLtchelson that the communica- tion be again tabled, until such time as a decision has been reached in this n~tter. Carried, with Aldermen McCallam, Scott and Swayze - contrary. It was fu/~her ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. SWze that the Special Licensing COmmittee be appointed as the Co~mnittee to conduct a thorough otudy of the tourist px~btems and suhn~tt recommendations to Council before January let, 196~. Carried Unanimously. l~Arsuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 23rd, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldemn Corfield. ~e Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. SWze. C0te4UNICATIONS . laid over from previous meetings; Report Number 611 No. ~06 - Mrs. TheTM Hurd- Supplementary Allowance. O~n~.~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the communication be received,:~filedand nothing further done. SEE Report Number 612 No. ~12 - Mr. Wm. Pollerr - requesting review of application for building Wrmit. 0RIBBED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the cn...unication be received, filed as the applicant was advised to app],V to the Committee of Adjustment. The City Manager then advised that the applicant has now applied for a pemit to construct the verandah in its original location and therefore application to Ccem~ittee of Adjustment will not now be required. 8~ Rep6rt Nuanber 613 No. ~1~ - Dell. of Highways - re: City's acquisition of land re: widenin~ of Highway No. ~0 frc~ Kalar Road westerly to new City Limits. CREStED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. 8waMze that the cc.-aunica$ion be received, filed and report of PropertF Gaittee be adopted. ~sa~Repol~ NUmber 61~ The following Communications were presented; 515 - Committee Of Adjustment - Notice of Public Hearing re: application of Jose. &DAcy Zarra, for permission to convert existing dwelling to a barber shop. No. 516 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Public Hearing re: application of Tondan Holdings Ltd. for permission to increase height of two proposed apartment buildings. 0RDEF~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the communications be re- ceived and filed. No. 517 - Christian Reformed Church - invitation to special Church Service on Septem- ber 25th at 8 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the in- vitation be received, accepted, and as many of the members of Council as find it pos- sible, attend. N0. 518 - Local 1927 International Association of Machinists - Enquiring as to Coun- cil's plans to deter future displacement of industries. O~'ERED on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to Council's ~presentatives on the Chamber's Industrial Committee to take up with the Chamber's Industrial Committee and bring hack a further report. Alderman Mitchelson was of the opinion that the following points should be brought to the attention of Local 1927: viz; (1) This Council allocates grants to the Industrial and Tourist Committees~ and that the grant to the Industrial Committee is larger than that to the Tourist Committee. (2) The Council of the City of Niagara Falls is on record as to their interest in indus- trial development and that Council have done all that they could do. (3) The City Coun- cil will always continue to do all that they can to retain local industries and to en- courage new industries. His Worship Mayor Miller also pointed to the fact that al- though Council can set up industrial area, they have no authority to give land away or grant any fixed assessments for taxation purposes. Alderman Scott commended Local 1927 for their foresight in bringing this matter up to their membership; that Council will c0-operate with them and with any industry in this area or encourage any other industry to cme to this area. No. 519 - Martin, Calvert, Sheppard and Clark - application for motel constPuction. Lots 35, 36, 37 and part of Lot 38, Plan 64. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication and plans be received and referred to the Prop- arty Committee for consideration and a report. It was suggested that in future, when applications of this nature are placed before Council, that e sketch be made available ~r each member of Council, in order that they might have a better idea of the location of such construction- rather than Lot Numbers only. No. 520 - Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board - amendment Application. Glavcic, for change in zoning for commercial purposes - motel addition. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received. filed and the Planning Board' s action be approved. N0. 521 - Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application, Willms, for epeUific exception to By-law 2530. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the con~anication be received and referred to the Property Com- mittee for consideration and a report. No. 522 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Consent Application. Canada Southern Railway Co. to Bolus, and enclosing copy of letter to New York Central System 0f September 2Srd. It was moved by Ald. Martin, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson that the c~munication be received and action of the Planning Board be approved; this motion was 10st by a vote of 5 to ~; an amendment made by Ald. McKinley and Ald. Moron that the communication be tabled and the City Manager prepare and submit to Council at their next meeting, a detailed report explaining exactly what is involved, was carried by a vote of 5 to ~, the vote being.,/ktre - Aldermen McKinley, Morton, Scott, McCallam and Potter; Nays . Aldermen Swayze, Martin, Keighan and Mitchelson. N0. 523 . Drunanond Cycle & Sports - application for a permit for sale of hunting licenses. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Morton that the communication be received, filed and the writer be advised that it is not the intention as of the Present time to have the licenses handled by any one but the Municipal authority at the City Hall and the 8tamford Hall. Carried, with Ald. Keighan - contrary. H0. 524 - Welland County Clerk-Treasurer - resolution adopted by Inter- Municipal C~ittee on Urban and Regional Research and draft agreement. ORDERED on the motion 0[ Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and referred to the CitF Solicitor for submission of a report to Council, No. 525 - Zacko ~oldings Ltd. - requesting advice as to sale price of lots in an Indus- trial Site. OR~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the communica- tion be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 598 - City Manager - sketch of proposed motel construction, north-west comer of Buttrey Street and River Road. SEE Report Number 615 No. 610 - City Engineer - report on Development of Future Storm Sewers and Existing Ditches. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be again tabled for a further two weeks to give Council Members an opportunity to stud~v the same~ before referring to a Committee. The following Reports were presented; No. 611 - Special Licensing Connnittee - recommending to Council that a thorough study of tourist problems be conducted by a Committee of Council, and that definite decisions be recommended to Council before January 1st, 196~. ORDEF~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. Carried with Ald- erman McCallum, Scott and Swayze - contrary. SEE Communication No. 483 No. 612 - Welfare Administrator - re: Mrs. Thelma Nurd. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed, and nothing further done. No. 613 - Property Committee - re: application of Wm. Follett. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 512 No. 614 - Property Committee - suggesting Mr. J. MacKenzie and City Solicitor proceed with necessary steps for acquisition of required property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan ahd Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No.514 No. 615 - Property Committee - recemmending land be made available for motel proposed by J. Rocco at the north-west comer of Buttrey St. and River Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 616 - Property Ccemnittee - re: use of vacant room on third floor of Police Bldg. by Parole Officer. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. 8wayze that the report be received and adopted. It was understood that the room only was being sup- plied. No. 617 - City Manager - re: meeting with Imperial Bank of Commerce representatives on September 17th. ORBitED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinle~ that the report be received and adopted. No. 618 - Traffic Ccennittee - intersection at Render Avenue and Falls Avenue. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report.be received and filed. No. 619 - Traffic Committee - re: poor visibility where access road for Victoria Ave. meets connecting road in vicinity of M.C.R. bridge. ORl~u on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Seayze that the repor~ be received and adopted. No. 620 - Traffic Committee - intersection of McLeod Road and Q.E.W. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the repor~ be received and adopted. 'No. 621 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORE on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mor~on that the repoxt he received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly, No. 622 - Special License Ccemittee - meeting of September 17th. OREMMED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. SWze that the repor~ be received and filed, No. 6aJ - City Engineer - New York Central oressing MeLeod Road. 01~ on the mo- tion. of Ald. Morton ana Ald. McKinley, that the repor~ be received and adol~ed. ' RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 64 - MORIK)N - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His Worship Mayor Miller and Members of the City Council, be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. Alfred Massi, retired Civic Employee~ and s faithful and vslued employee of the Corporation for a number of years; and the Seal of the Cox~poration be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously MISCELI~hNEOUS Following remarks by Ald. McKinley concerning parking at the foot of Bridge Street, in taxi stands along the island, it was agreed that the Traffic Committee would investigate the possibility of using portion of these taxi stands for public parking. Ald. Keighan referred to the one-way streets on either side of the Q.E.Way at Robert Street, and queried the reason for signs indicating this, not being p~aced for the guidance of vehicular traffic. ~id over from a previous meeting; N0. 640__~3 - A By-law to provide for the issuing of licenses and payment of fees therefor for the hunting of pheasants, rabbits and foxes within a part of the City of Niagara F~lls. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried Unanimously. ~lrd Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. The following By-law was passed; N0. 640_~6 _ A By-law to authorize the execution by Officers of the Corporation of the City of Niagara F~lls, of an Agreement with the Minister of Highways pursuant to Section ~2 of The Nighway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1960,Chapter 171. 0RDF~RED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that Ald. Martin be Fasted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. OREMRED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. McCallum that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. ~lrd Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Martin - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. READ ANDADOpI~D, 30th September, 1963. Mayor FINANCE M~TING Council Chamber, 23rd September, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on September 23rd, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Alderman Corfield. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $543,572.87 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton. The Revenue and Expenditure Statement as of August 19th, 1963, laid over from the previous meeting, was ordered received and filed, on the motion of Ald.Mitch- elson and Ald. Morton. The City Manager's report on the application of Hamilton B. Morris, opera- tor of the Cloverleaf Service Station, 3537Thorold Road, was presented for considera- tion. The City Manager recommended that the applicant be advised that the permit as applied for cannot be issued. ORDEFdED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the repor~ be received and adopted. The City Manager's repor~ on the application of the Niagara Falls Separate School Board for a building permit to erect a new school on the south side of Magdalen Street, at an estimated cost of $221, B36. was presented for consideration. The City Manager recommended that a building permit be issued, subject to alterations sugges- ted by the Fire Inspectors and in accordance with the letter from the Fire Marshal's Office, dated July 24th, 1963. CREmERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted, and permit issued accordingly. The City Manager's report on the submission of Mrs. R. Bignucolo & Sons, Modern-Airs Motel, 2663 Stanley Avenue, of a plan for an alternative development, replacing th~ proposed addition applied for in April, 196B, was presented for con- sideration. The new proposal was estimated at a cost of $66,000. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued accordingly. The City Manager's report on the application of the Fallsway Hotel, 946 Clifton Mill, for a permit to erect a metal plastic sign, at an estimKted cost of $6,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, for permission to erect a racer sign at their premises at the south- east corner of Bridge Street and Clifton Avenue, at an estimated cost of $300. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. At this point, Ald. McKinley referred to a recent request of the Football Club for the use of Oakes Park, with lights, on ~lanksgiving Day and their request for a flat rate at that time, and following an explanatio~ by the City'Manager, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the Club be advised that the field will be made available to them on T~anksgiving Day for a fee of $50. which will include the lights, but that the municipality will not be responsible for the provision of any gate keepers, ~icke~ takers or any such e~R~oMe.e.,. 0a~ri~d Unanimously, The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Alderman Morton and Alderman McKinley. ~EADANDADOPI~MD, 30th September, 1963. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 23rd September, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings, On Monday, September 23rd, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Ald. Corfield. His Worship, Mayor Miller, pre- sided. BY-LAW The following By-lawwas passed; No. 6407 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the 1st readisg. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading r Aid. Morton and Aid. McCallum - Carried Unanimously. Aid. Mitchelson at this time reminded members of Council about the dates, October 17th and 18th for the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Association of Urban Rural Municipalities, and that as soon as the program is available, it will be distributed. Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. McCallurn. READ ANDADOFpED. '30th September, 1963. FIFTIETH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 30th September, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 30th, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the pre- vious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton. COmmUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 494 - E. S. Fox Plumbing & Heating - parking problem at 2103 Valley Way. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Carfield that the communication be received and filed and report of the Property Committee adopted. SEE Report Number 624 No. 519 - Martin,Calvert,Sheppard & Clark - application for building permit on behalf of unnamed client for peaparty on Lundys Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald.Keighan and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and tabled, and the report of the Property Committee adopted· SEE Report NUmber 6Z5 No. 521 - N.F. & Suburban Area Planning Bd. - re: Amendment application A-77, Willms, 358 Portage Rd. S. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Property Committee be adop- ted. SEE Repor~ Number 626 No. 522 - N.F] & Suburban Area Planning Bd. - re: Consent Application C-159, NiY.C. to Bolus, Fast of Portage Rd. In connection with this matter, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that Mr. Gordon be permitted to address Council. Mr. Gordon stated' that the citizens of Niagara Falls were not ~ware of the proposal of Messrs. Bolus, Revalas &Bolus to construct a platform over property acquired from the N.Y.C. Railroad, and suggested that if such a platform was constructed that the public would be charged to enter thereon. He also stated that any air rights granted would mean the height of buildings couldbe unlimited, and felt that additional build- ings at this location would only serve to block out the Falls. Upon the completion of Mr. Gordon's remarks, and on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson, Mr. W. C. Booth was granted permission to address Council. Mr. Booth advised that he was speak- ing on the subject as a taxpayer of the Municipality only. Mr. Booth stated that at the time of construction of the Seagram Tower, the principals were granted relief from the provisions of the Township By-laws because it was stated that they were never going to use the rear of the property over the Railway lands. Mr. Booth felt that there was an obligation to the taxpayers and public at large in preserving the view of the Falls from this area. He stated that the right to view the Falls was a vested interest, or right, to the ratepayers of the Municipality, and in particular, the adjacent owners. After the completion of Mr. Booth's remarks it was degided that sev- eral of his statements would be taken under advisement by the Solicitor. The question of the high fence erected near the Burning Spring property was also mentioned, and also the suggestion that the condition that the proposed platform be free of charge to the public be inserted in any site plan agreement with the principals. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. SwayZe that the matter be referred to the 8olicitor for a report and that members of a eommittee appointed, be authorized to work with the Solicitor, and that such report include the question of how binding a site plan agree- · meet is and for what period of years it would be binding; also, that the interested principals be notified when the presentation is to be made to Council; and that the communication of the Planning Board, the report of the City Manager, and communication of Martin,C~lvert,Sheppard & Clark be received and tabled. SE~ Communication No. 525 - ~acko Holdings Ltd. - price of lots in Industrial Subdivi. ion. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Swsyze that the communication be received and filed and the Report of the Asst. to the City Manager. Administrative, be adopted. .~E Report Number 628 The following Conmaunications were presented; No. 526 - Martin, Calvert, Sheppard & Clark - on behalf of the I~retto Academy. in respect to the proposed observation tower over N.Y.C, property, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and tabled. ~o~rt~Nu~n~er~627 SEE Communication 5~ No. 527 - Greater Niagara Transit Commission - Statement of passengers carried. On the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter Mr. George Mowers of the Commission was permitted to address Council. Mr. Mowers explained the statement submitted which indicated an increase in the number of passengers carried. He advised that in order to provide a better service to the citizens his Commission would like to acquire two- 51 passenger diesel buses, and were therefore requesting the approval of Counci] for a Debenture issue in the mount of $70,000.00, being the purchase price of the two buses. In concluding his remarks, Mr. Mowers stated that the financial situation of the Commission had improved over the previous year. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. · tchelson and Ald. Swayze that the request of the Greater Niagara Transit Commission be received and referred to the Budget Committee for report, and the statement presented be filed. No. 528 - A. G. Fayward - requesting hearing for financial assistance re: work with teenage youths. 0RDEBED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Carfield that the com- munication be received and filed and Mr. Hayward advised that' Council will hear his ~quest. No. ~29 - Greater Niagara Softball Assoc.- invitation to attend annual banquet. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Carfield that the communication be received and filed and the Mayor and Aid. McKinnon and their wives be authorized to attend along with any other members of Council. N0, 530 = Optimist Club - requesting use of Main Street Fire Hall for Trumpet Band practice. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the communica- tion be received and referred to the Fire Committee for consideration. N0. 531 - Clifton Hill Business Assoc. - requesting meeting on Traffic Survey report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and tabled and Mr. Chambers and his Association be notified that Council have taken no action in regard to the report, and that a summary of same is due in the near future after which a discussion is to be held thereon, and that after that time his Association will be furSher .contacted. N0. 532 - Oneida Limited - requesting amendment of City by-law to permit motel construc- tl0n on their property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Carfield that the communication be received and referred to the Property Conuittee for a report. No. 533 - Twp. of Thorold - requesting the designation of the Townline Road as a Class B road. ORIIE~ED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Aid. McCallum that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee and the City Engineer for a report, N0. 534 - Twp. of Thorold - re: Pheasant Hunting Licenses. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Carfield that the communication be received and filed. No. 535 - City of St. Thomas - requesting endorsation of resolution pertaining to N.Y.C. Railroad Company. 0RDEE on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Carfield that the communication be received and filed and the resolution be endorsed. N0. 536 - N.F. Minor Hockey Assoc. - requesting permission to hold Tag Day on Nov.23rd, 1963. 0RD~D on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Morton that the communication be received and filed and the request granted. · 537 - B.~.V.A. Parede Committee - advising of United Appeal "Kick Off" Parade on tober ~th. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Potter that the commun- ication be received and filed, contents noted, and those affected act accordingly. ~ 5aS - W. A. Snyder - protesting the construction of the building of an observation het~°ca~uuioatie. h. received and filed. ~ at Falls View. ORDEI~D on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. McCalltun that No. 539 - Niagara Falls Hydro Commission - requesting increase in remuneration of Com- missioners and Chairman. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and filed and the request approved. No. 540 - Twp. of Willoughby - requesting support to the Black Creek project. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed and that the members of Council who represent Council on the Conservation Authority be instructed to suppor~ the matter when it is discussed at the next meeting. This motion was carried with Ald. Keighan voting contrary. No. 541 - Frank Sandlac - requesting information about garage license for premises at Thorold Stone Road. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Corfield that the communication be received and tabled and the Clerk prepare a report as to the type of operation permitted at this location. No. 542 - William G. Booth - re-zoning of property at Drummond Rd. and Lundy's Lane to Tourist Commercial. On the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Potter, Mr. Booth was granted permission to address Council. Mr. Booth requested that this matter be referred to the Planning Board for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Planning Board for report and that Mr. Booth appear before the Board at that time. No. 543 - William G. Booth - proposed construction of motel on Corby property, Ferry Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the communi- cation be received and referred to the Property Committee. No. 544 - William G. Booth - application of Joseph Zarra to construct a barbershop at 2871 IAmdy's Lane. On the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield Mr. Booth was granted permission to address Council. Mr. Booth asked if the report on planning for the North side of Lundy's Lane had been finalized as it was possible that any recom- mendations might affect the property of his clients. ORDEt~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and tabled until such time as a complete report is brought in by Council as a whole and some definite recommen- dation is made for the North side of Lundy's Lane. No. 545 - William M. Mercer Limited - September progress report - Job evaluation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the co~nunication be re- ceived and filed. The following Repqrts were presented; No. 624 - Property Committee - report on parking situation at the premises of Fox Plumbing & Heating. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corf~eld that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 494 No. 625 - Property Committee - reporting on request for building permit by Martin, Calvert, Shepperd & Clark on behalf of unnamed clients for property on Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. SE~ Communication 519 No. 626 - Property Committee - reporting on Amendment appli~ation A-77, Wi~lms, 358 Portage Road S. O~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potte~ that the repor~ be received and adopted. SEE Communication 521 No. 627 - City Manager - reporting on Consent application 0-159, N.Y.C. to Bolus, East of Portage Road. 0RDm~gDon the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. 8wayne that .the report be received and tabled. SEE Communication 522 ~EEC~mmunication 526 No. 628 - Asst. to City Mgr., Admin~ - reporting on request of Zacko Holdings Ltd. for prices in Industrial Subdivision. ORl~v on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Swa~ze that the repox~e be received and adopted. ~Comunieation.52~ No. 629 - Traffic Committee - reporting on parking st Victoria Ave. and Centre St. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and filed. No. 630 - Traffic Committee - reporting on traffic conditions at Margaret Street and Heximer Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report of the Traffic Committee be received and filed. No. 631 - Traffic Committee - reporting on installation of signs at Robert Street service roads. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 632 - Traffic Committee - reporting on carking at intersection of Bridge St. and River Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~wayze and Ald. Corfield that the repor~ of the Traffic Committee be received and adopted. No. 633 - City Manager - reporting on re-building of bullclam. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted. No. 634 - City Manager - reporting on Tenders received for boilers st the Water Fil- tration Plant at Chippaws. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Martin that the reportbe received and adopted. SEResolution No. 65 No. 635 _ City Clerk - reporting on application of John Gruyich for re-zoning on River Road between Hiram Street and John Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter that the report be received and referred to the Property Committee. No. 636 - Alderman Corfield - reporting on EmercengyMeasureS Organization Conference in Aimprior on September 2~nd. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 637 . City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted, and the licenses issued~ and that item 3 be tabled for a check of the zoning. RESOIA~PIONS The foll6wing Resolutions were passed; N0. 65 - McCALLUM - MARTIN - RESOLVED that the Tender of Pyramid Piping Company Limited for the installation of boilers at the Water Filtration Plant at Chinpaws he accepted, at a cost of $~1,000. for Alternate B; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. ~ SEERe__R.e_p_o__rt_ Number 634 No. 66 - MCKINLEY - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls request the Department of Nighways of the Province of Ontario, to change the provis- ions in 196B Road Expendlture By-law Number 6B07, as follows; (a) Add to the construction figure $6,12B. for McLeod Road at Michigan Central Railway crossing; (b) Delete from the construction figures, $6,12B. comprising - Stamford Street from Stanley Avenue toW eat Limit $2,000.00 Land Purchase Arterial Roads $1,000.00 Leeming Street from Mouland Avenue to Brookfield Avenue Garden Street from Dorchester Road to Brookfield Avenue Nigh Street from Youland Avenue to Brookfield Avenue Brookfield Avenue from Nigh Street to Garden Street and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. $~,123.00 $6,!23.00 Carried ~nanimously. MISCELLANEOUS Aldern~n Swayze advised of the condition of the sidewalk in front of the Domin- ion Store Plaza and the Stamford Centre Shopping Plaza and this was referred to the Engineer for investigation. Alderman Morton advised of the parking condition at the intersection of Stanley Avenue sad Ferry Street and suggested that 2 or 3 meters be removed. This matter was referred to the Traffic Committee. Aldermen Martin inquired whether the water contract with the Village of Chip- paws had been finalized. This matter will be referred to the City M~nager. Alderman Morton reported on the condition of the sidewalk on the North side of Bridge Street from Homewood Avenue down, which was in very poor shape. This matter was referred to the City Engineer for investigation. Alderman Keighan advised that the Niagara District Airport had requested the balance of their budget allotment. BY-LAWS Laid over from a previous meeting; No. 6395 - A by-law to close and sell portions of Sister Avenue and MeGrail Avenue according to Plan 653 registered for the Village of Niagara Falls; Third Reading - Aid. Morton and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6397 - Being a by-law to authorize the constraction of certain works as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. No. 6408 - To amendBy-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. ORI~BED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time - Carried Unanimously. Third reading - Aid. Corfield and Aid. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Potter. BEAD ANDADOPA~ND, 7th October, 1963. FINANCE MEETING Co,lnci]. Chamber, 30th September, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on September 30th, ]963. for the nunsnee nf nnnrov- ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $217,237.7] were spproved by the Comm~ tree. The Accounts submitted, being passed or ~therwise dealt with. were ordered n]aced in the Money By-law for presentation to the Cormell, on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald, Morton. The City M~nager's resort on tools. equinment and fure~ture to be purchased for the Pollution Control Plant at a total of $8,353.17 was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. The City Manager's report on the application of Ace Neon Signs for a permit to move a sign from 1026 Centre Street to the building now occunled by them at 859 Hunter Street w~s presented for consideration. The City Manager recommended that the matter be referred to the Cit~ Solicitor for action, and that no permit be issued. ORDERED 0n the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adonted. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. H. Manna for a hermit to cover additions and alterations to the building on the noah side of Bender Eil] between Newman Hill and Ontario Ave. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopte~ and per- mit issued accordingly. The City Msnager's repor~ on the application of Ripley's Believe-It-Or-Not Museum, 960 Clifton Hill for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated facer sign at their premises at an estimated cost of $~,000. was presented for consideration. OR- DEED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted~ and permit issued accordingly. The City Manager's report on the application of Rip]ey's Believe-It-Or-Not Museum, 960 Clifton Hill for a permit to erect a wooden sign at the Welland Securities property on the south side of Clifton Hill, was presented for consideration. ORDERED 0s the motion of Ald. McCallbun and Aid. Potter that the report be received and re- ferred to the Property Committee for consideration, The City Manager's report on the application of Swalm's Electric Ltd. of 559 ~een Street 'for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated facer sign at 559 Queen Street at an estimated cost of $600.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted and Pemit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Swalm's Electric Ltd., 559 Queen Street for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated overhanging sign st ~59 Queen Street at an estimated cost of $~15.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED 0nthe motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued. The City Engineer's report on the application of Mr, John Karl for a building Permit to erect an addition to the Michigan Motel at 3865 Lundy's Lane at an estimated cost of $2~,000.00 was presented for consideration. The Engineer recommended that this application be referred to the Property Committee for consideration, ~ne Engin- eer recommended that this application be referred to the Property Committee for con- sideration and a report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. C~field that the report be received and adopted. The City Engineer's repoxt on the application of the Palace Restaurant of 1~21 Victoria Avenue for a permit to replace a neon sign at this address, at an estimated cost of $1,500.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 0c~field and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and Permit issued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Mitohelson. I~AD AND ADOFI'ED, 7th October, 1963. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL ~METING Council Chamber, 30th September, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, September 30th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of the Committee were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY- IAW The followtng By-lawwaspassed; No. 6409 - A by-law to provide monies for general ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0RI)EI~D on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Keighan that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McO~l_lum. READ ANDADO~A'~D, 7th October, 1963. FIFTY-FIRST MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber. 7th October, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m., on Monday. October 7th, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman McCallurn. The Council having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting~ adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton. DEPUTATIONS On the motion of Aid. Mltchelson and Aid. Morton, Mr. A. G. Mayward was granted permission to address Council. Mr. Hayward explained that he was the Provincial Pro- bation Officer for the County of Welland, but that he was present in the capacity of aptlyate citizen and outlined his interest in the welfare of teenage boys and rec- reational facilities available to them. He then advised of the formation of the "Niagara Classics Car Club" as a means of providing an outlet for these boys. He requested a grant of $500.00 to assist in the operation of this Club. Mr. Hayward then explained his proposal to use the old Stamford Race Trmck as a drag strip for the Club Members, and that conditional approval had been received from the Ontario Jockey Club for this use. Upon completion of Mr. Rayward's remarks it was ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that Mr. Hayward submit his request in writing, with any additional information required, and that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee for consideration for the year 1964. C0~fONICATIONS Lid over from previous meetings; N0. 532 - Oneida Ltd. - requesting amendment of City By-law to permit Motel construc- tion. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the communication be ~ceived and filed and the Report of the Proper~y Committee adopted. SEE Report Number 638 No. 541 - Frank gandlac - requesting use of Service Station premises on Thorold Stone Road for garage purposes. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the commmmtcation be received and filed; the report of the City Clerk filed; and that since Council caunot condone the breaking of a by-law that the Clerk be instracted to write to Mr. Sandisc and advise him that the property is zoned as Single Family Residen- tial and application will have to be made to the Planning Board to re-zone the property for the use proposed by him. SEE Report Number 639 No. 543 . W. G. Booth - re: use of Corby proper~y for Motel purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and filed and the Report of the Proper~y Committee be adopted. SEE Report Number 640 ~ne following Communications were presentedJ No. 546 - South End Business Assoc. - requesting improvement of bus situation. ORDERED °nthe motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and ~ferred to the Greater Niagara Transit C~ission for consideration. N0. ~47 - Children's Aid Society - Invitation to Luncheon. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfieldand Ald. 8wayze that the communication be received and filed and as man~ ' ~mbers of Council as find it possible, attend. ~' 548 - Minor Soccer Assoc. - expressing appreciation of workmen. 0REEEED on the motion of kld. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the cc~nunication be received and filed. No. 549 - John Gogul - premises at 561-563 Erie Avenue. ORDEBED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 550 - United Nations Assoc.- Invitation to attend Anniversary Dinner. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the co~nunication be received and filed and as many members of Council as find it possible, attend. No. 551 - United Rations Assoc. - Support and proclamation re: United Rations l~y. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be re- ceived and filed and Council extend their support; and the issuance and paying of a Proclamation. No. 552 -Ont. Assoc. of Urban Rural Municipalities - Convention - Oct. 17 & 18. ORDER- ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed and as many members of Council and their wives as find it possible, attend. No. 553 - Committee of Adjustment - Hearing on Oct. 15th re: Galle. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the conmunication be received and filed. No. 554 - Committee of Adjustment - Hearing on Oct. 15th re: Huber. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and filed. Laid over from previous meetings; No. 635 - City Clerk - re: John Gruyich application for re-zoning. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed; the fur- ther report of the Property Committee be received, adopted, and the appropriate by-law be drawn to carry out the recommendations. This motion was carried with Ald. Mitchelson~ McKinley and Scott voting contrary. SEE Report Number 641 The following Reports were presented; No. 638 - Property Committee - reporting on request of Oneida Ltd. for amendment to City By-law to permit Motel construction. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the reportbe received and adopted. SEE Communication 532 No. 639 - City Clerk - reporting on request of F. Sandisc as to use of Service Station premises on Thorold Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed, and that since Council cannot condone the breaking of a by-law, that the Clerk be instructed to write to Mr. 8andlac and advise him that the property is zoned as Single Family Residential and application will have to be made to the Piecuing Board to re-zone the property for the use proposed by him. SEE Communicatiom541 No. 640 - Property Committee - reporting on request of W. G. Booth to have the Corby property re-zoned for Motel purposes. ORDERED on the motion-of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the repor~ be'received and adopted. >. SEE Commun$cation 543 No. 641 - Property Committee - reporting on application of John Gruyich. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the repor~ be received and adopted and the appropriate by-law be drawn to oarr~ out the recommendations. Carried, with Ald. Mitchelson, McKinley and Scott voting contrary. ~ SEE Repor~ Nmber 635 No. 6~2 - City E~gineer - condition of sidewalks at two Plazas. OPtRED on ~he motion of Ald. ~ze and Ald. Moron tha~ the ~ be received and adored. At this point, Alderman Corfield reported on the traffic curbs at the Stamford Centre Shopping Plaza and the fact that they were not visible at night. This matter was referred to the Engineer for consideration. No. 643 - City Engineer - repo~cing on property acquisitions on Highway 20. OPa)EMED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted and recommendations carried out. N0. 644 - City Engineer - reporting on extension of work in Peg. Plan 230. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 645 - Assistant City Mgr., Admin. - advising of O.M.B. approval of By-law 6385. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed. No. 646 - City Engineer - reporting on tenders received for electrical additions and alterations for boilers at Filtration Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 68 No. 647 - City Engineer - reporting on tenders received for the supply of salt. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed and the firm of John Mears Coa~ Ltd. be awarded the Tender. SEE Resolution No. 69 No. 648 - Assistant City Mgr., Admin. - advising of O.M.B. approval of By-law 6393. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 649 - City Manager - reporting on Building Permits issued during the month of September. OREMRED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 650 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted, and the licenses issued. PETITION The following Petition was presented; No. 24 - Charles & Rhoda Cox and 16 others - requesting that the speed limit on Dorchester Road N. be reduced to 30 miles per hour. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the petition be received and referred to the Traffic Committee ion eonsideretion. RESOLdIONS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 67 - MARTIN - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of Council be held on October 15th, 1963, commencing at 7:30 p.m.and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 68 . MITCI~LSON - COPFIELD - RESOLVED that the Tender of Pyremid Piping Co. Ltd. for electrical additions and alterations to the gas fired steam boiler and electrical fired steam boiler at the Niagara Falls Water Filtration Plant be accepted at the Price of $23,149.00; and the Seal of the 0orporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously ~rt Number 646 No. 69 - MARTIN - MORTON - RESOLVED that the Tender of John Mears Coal Ltd. for the supply of salt for 1963-64 be accepted at a price of $12.04 per Ton; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Io. 70 * MARTXN - MCE~NL~ - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His orshi Ma P yor Miller and M~mbers of the City Council be forwarded to the family of the late Mrs. Sills; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS Alderman Swayze referred to a repor~ on Industries in the area, and it was ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mar~in that the report of the Traffic Committee be tabled for one week for study. Ald. Scott referred to the matter of pensioners riding City buses at no charge and inquired whether a report on this matter had been received from the Tran- sit Con~nission. It was indicated that such a report had been received some time ago butthat a copy would be secured for Ald. Scott. Aid. Mor~on referred to the heavy truck traffic on Fourth Avenue leading to the Cyanamid and asked if a report on an access road from the W.K.Warehousing through to Fourth Avenue had been prepared. This matter was referred to the Traffic Committee. BY-LAWS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 6385 - A by-law to authorize the widening of Ferry Street between Main Street and Stanley Avenue to 48 feet as pert of a connecting link of the King's Highway No. 20. Third Reading -Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan - Carried Unanimously. The following By-laws were presented; No. 6410 - Being a by-law to amend Zoning Byelaw No.2530 (1960) of the Township of Stamford (now in the City of Niagara Falls), as amended. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that Ald. KeighaD be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6411 - Being a by-law to enter into an Agreement between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Pyramid Piping Company Limited. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Aid. Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~ ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid, Corfield that R~le 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Keighan and AId. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~12 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a Deed to the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Potter that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mor~on that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. 8wayze. - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze. READAND ADOPTED, 15th October. 1963. Msy~r FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 7th October, ]963. The Finance Meeting was held on October 7th, 1963. for the purpose of aperov- ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were oresent with the exception of Alderman McCallum. Alderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sandry Accounts in the amount of $158,763.63 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council. on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Potter. The report of the City Engineer on the application of Mr. John Karai for a building permit to erect an addition to the Michigan Motel at 3865 Lundy's Lanc at an estimated cost of $24,000.00 was presented, along with a further report of the Property Committee recommending that this application be not approved, but the appli- cant make application to the Committee of Adjustment for relief in respect to the By-law's requirements. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Keighan that the report be, ~eceived and adopted. ~The report of the City Manager on the application of Ripley's Relieve-It- Or-Not Museum for a permit to erect a sign on the Welland Securities property on the south side of Clifton Hill at an estimated cost of $700.00 was presented, along with a further report of the Property Committee recommending that this permit be issued. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City ]~gineer's repor~ on the application of Mr. Albert Addabbo for a Permit to erect a sign at 1767 Stanley Avenue at a cost of $15.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Engineer's report on the application of St. Paul's English Lutheran Church, for a permit to erect an ornamental sign at 1485 Victoria Avenue at an esti- mated cost of $60.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Oorfield and Ald. Potter that the repor~ be received, adopted, and permit issued. The City Engineer's repor~ on the application of Lundy's lane Restaurant, 3280 Lund~'s Lane for a permit to erect a sign at this address at an estimated cost of $750.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Aid. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City En~ineer's report on the application of E. E. McIntosh Ltd. for a Permit ~o erect a 3 unit motel at 9~5 Clifton Hill was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mi$chelson that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued. The City Engineer's repor~ on the application of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce for a permit to erect a sign at 1433 Victoria Avenue at an estimated cost of $100.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Corfield and Ald. Potter that the repor~be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Engineer's report on the application of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce for a permit to erect a sign at 514 Queen Street at an estimated cost of $900.00mas presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued· The City Engineer's report on the application of Industrial Acceptance Cor~. Ltd., 546 Queen Street, for a permit to replace a sign, at an estimated cost of $250.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued. The City Engineer's report on the application of Mr. N. Armando, 1759 Ferry Street, for a permit to erect a sign at an estimated cost of $225.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted~ and permit issued. The City Engineeris report on the application of Mr. David L. Webster for a building permit to construct an addition to the Scotsman Motel on Lundy's Lane at an estimated cost of $10,000.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan. READ ANDADOPTED, 15th October, 1963. · .~ .%~?i ...~rrr~..... Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 7th October, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meet- ings, on Monday, October 7th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which cov- ered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of the Committee were present with the exception of Alderman McCallum. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. '-' The following By-law was ~assed; No. ~41~ - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. McKinley that Ald. Maltin be granted the.privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ' ' ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter. - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Scott. NF~ID AND ADOPTED, 15th October, 1963. ... ~ ......... /; ../yo-~,~.~ ......... Mayor FIFTY-SECOND MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 15th October, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15th, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were. present. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the pre- vious meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze. COMAMUNICATIONS Laid over frcm~previous meetings; No. 489 - Local 528, Niagara Falls Professional Fire Fighters - re: proposed changes in the Unemployment insurance Act and requesting City protest inclusion of permanent firemen in scheme. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald, Swayze that the communication be again tabled, pending the receipt of more information in order that the SPecial Fire Committee may make a definite recommendation to Council. ~ES Report Number 651 No. 518 - Local 1927, International Assoc, of Machinists - enquiring as to Council's Plans to deter future displacement of industries. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 3wayze and AId. Keighan that the communication be received, filed and a copy of the Chamber's Industrial Oommittee's comments be forwarded to the organization. SEE._~Repolt Number 6~2 No. 508 - Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps - re: availability of Main Street Fireball. No. 5~0 - Optimist Club - requesting possibility of renting Main Street Fireball. 0RE~ on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Keighan that the communications be received, filed and organizations be advised that the propelty is to be sold at auction, subject to reserve bid. SEI~....R. e92.o.r~. Number 653. No. 519 - Martin, Calvert, Sheppard & Clark - application re: motel construction. Mr. A. F. Sheppard was permitted to address Council on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Aid. Swayze. He advised that his client was not too happy with the Property Committee's recommendation and queried whether the Chairman of the Comittee would be prepared to consider the linking of Block "C" with the other two Blocks, "A" and "B" . Ald.Keighan advised that consideration could be given to another design which would eliminate the straight motel effect which is associated with Block "C" . Mr. Sheppard referred to the impossibility of defining a hotel and requested guidance from the Committee, and following further discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the matter be referred back to the Property Committee for a further report, and contact be made with the Attorney Oeneral's Solicitor to ascertain the legal definit- ion of a hotel so that members of Council would have this information available to assist them in their decision when the Propexty Committee's report is brought in. Carried, with Alderman McCalltun contrary. SEE Report Number 654. No. 524 - Inter-Municipal Committee on Urban & Regional Research - resolution and dr~ft memorandum of Agreement. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the communication be received, filed and by-law be prepared. SEE Report Number 655 ~E By-law Number 6416 No. 533 - Township of Thorold - proposal to establish Townline ROad between Highway 20 and railroad entrance into Welland Chemical Co. as Class "B" rOad. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received, filed and no change in classification be made at the present time. SEE Report Number 656 No. 549 - John J. Gogul - condition of premises at 561-563 Erie Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mor~on that the communication be received, filed and report of Property Committee be adopted. Carried, with Ald. Martin contrary. Ald. Martin was of the opinion that special Legislation should be obtained to permit a municipality to protect such individuals and that the owner of the property should be made to repair property concerned or demolish the same. The following Communications were presented; No. 555 - Visitor & Convention Bureau - Can. Tourist Assco. Convention in Montreal November 3,~,5,6. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Aid. Scott that the communication be received, filed and His Worship the Mayor be requested.to attend, or appoint his representative. Carried, with Ald. Potter and Morton contrary. Prior to this motion, Ald. Morton moved that there be no representation at this Convention. There was no seconder to his motion. No. 566 - Kingsway Transports Ltd. - re: 1952 Agreement with Twp. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. ~orfield that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. No. 557 - Martha Cullimore Home & School Safety Committee - recommendations to improve safety of six intersections in vicinity of School. On the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze, Mr. W. Peckham of the School Safety Committee was permitted to speak. Me referred to the number of accidents which have occurred and requested action to eliminate these hazards. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald? Swayze that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration and a reporb. No. 558 - Greater Niagara District Credit Union Chapter - requesting permission to In- sert proclamation ra: Credit Union Day, October 17th, and extending an invitation to Mayor and Mrs. Miller. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the eo~nunication be received, invitation accepted and proclamation issued. No. 559 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application A-78, ~ampel & Co. and recommending same. 01fl)EE on the motion of Ald, Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and recommendation as contained in communication be adopted. Carried, with AId, Scott - contrary. No. 560 - Niagara Falls & Suhu.ban Area Flaming BOard - Amendment Application - A-79 - Kobald, On the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton, Mr. Kobald was per- mitted to speak, Following his remarks, it was ordered on the motion of Aid.Martin andAld. Morton that the cmmaunication be received and referred to the Property'Com- mittee for consideration and a report. No. 561 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Planning Bcard premises. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Ma~i~a~"a~nhe]~cn that the cormnuni cati~n be received flied and the moving of the Planning Board to former Stamford Police ing on Lundy's Lane be abandoned and the lease be renewe~t for their oresent site at 2383 Drummond Road for the next three years. Carried, with Ald. Scott and McCeT]~un contrary. No. 562 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Ares Planning Board - "A Town Pla~ for NiaFsra Falls". ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keig~an and AId. Mitche]son that ~he commun~- cation be received, f~]ed and the meeting requested be arl~nged for Wednesday aFter- noon, October 23rd commencing at 2 p.m. ' REPORTS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 610 - City Engineer - report on Development of Future Storm Sewers and Existin~ Ditches. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the ranoft be referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Con~ittee. The following Reports were presented; No. 651 - Special Fire Committee - more information required before definite recommen- dation to Council can be made re: oreposed changes in Unemoloyment Insurance Act, re: request of Local 528, Fire Fighters. that Council protest inclusion of permanent firemen in scheme. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McCallumand Aid. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 489 No. 652 - Chamber's Industrial Dept.- explanation re: action taken to secure or maintain industries for this area, with specific reference to Dominion Chain Co. 0RDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and filed and copy of same be forwarded to Local 19~7- International Association of Machinists. SEE Communication 518 No. 653 - Special Fire Committee - recommending Main Street Firehall be sold at auction, subject to a reserve bid. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Aid. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communications Number 508 & 530 No. 654 - Property Committee - re: proposed mote] construction on Luady's Lane, Lots 35, 36, 37 a~d'pt. of 38, Plan 64. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Potter that the report be received sad referred back to the Property Committee for submission of a further report, and contact be made with the Attorney Oeneral's Soli- citor to ascertain the legal definition of a "hotel" so that Council would have t}m~s information available to assist them in their decision when the Property Conm~ittee's repor~ is brought in. Carried, with Alderman McCsllum - contrary. SEE Communication 519. No. 655 . City Solicitor - advising that drain, agreement in regard to Cnnsdian Council on Urban and Regional Research appears to be satisfactory as to form. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley end Ald, Scott that the report be received end filed end bY'law be prepared to authorize execution of agreement. SEE Communication 524. bEE By-law Number 6416 No. 656 - Traffic Committee - recommending no change in classification re: Townline Road between Highway 20 and railroad entrance. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Mitchelaon that the report be received and adopted. SEE Commuaicatfoa .533 No. 657 - Property Committee - recommended remedial action to reduce fire hazard re: 561~563 Erie Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the repor~ be received and adopted. Carried, with A].d. Martin - contrary. Ald. Martin ~as of the opinion that Special Legislation should be sought to pen~it a municipality to Protect individuals in similar circumstances as Mr. Gogal on Erie Avenue and that the ovner of properties in such condition, should be compelled to either repair prop- e~y concerned or demolish the same, SEE 0ommnnication 5~9. No. 658 - Traffic Committee - reconunending that speed limit on Dorchester Road be re- duced from 40 m.p.h. to BO m.p.h. 0RDEREDon the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Petition Number 24 No. 659 - Traffic Committee - Two communications from Dept. of Highways re: sketches being prepared to improve conditions where service road from Victoria Ave. meets Q.E. connecting Road, at a point approx. under Palmar Ave. also conditions at intersection of Falls Ave,, Bender Hill, sad Q.E.W.. referred to Trsffie Section of Dept. for study and a scheme for provision of dace]cretins lanes st Method Road intersection under con- sideration. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Moxton that the report be received and filed. No. 660 - Traffic Committee -progress report on possible lands to establish off-street parking area at the Centre. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 66] - Traffic Committee - alternative route to divert heavy truck traffic off Fourth Ave. north of Bridge St. as suggested, not feasib]e. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed. No. 662 - Traffic Committee - recommending both meters removed and parking prohibited on west side of Stanley Ave. from face of north walk on Ferry St. to a point 120 feet north. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 663 - Property Committee - recommending demolition of Kenney premises on north side of Park St. west of Erie Ave; ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 664 - Negotiations Committee - report on meeting with Local 133. Civic Employees on Oct. llth and recommendations in connection with reference to Civic Employees' app- lications for positions at Pollution Control Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitehelena that the report be received and adopted and the Union representative, Mr. Melvin Littlewood present at this meeting, be given permission to address Council. Mr. Littlewood expressed strenuous objection to the actions of the Negotiat- ing Committee in not granting a trial period to those civic employees who had applied for positions at the Pollution Control Plant. i No. 665 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - report on meeting held on October 9th and number of applicants selected to appear for an interview ~ith re~erence to positions at Pollution Control Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. A motion us then made by Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that Mr. Melvin Littlewood, President of Local 133, Civic Employees' Union be given permission to address Council before Reports 666 and 667 are dealt with. This motion was withdrawn. No. 666 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending the appointment of Mr. Sam Cristelli, to the position of Assistant Maintenance Man at the Pollution Con- trol Plant. ORI~F~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Morton - contrary. On the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitthelena, Mr. Littlewood, was granted .permission to address Council, Mr. Littlewood requested that any decision be tabled until the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee had a chance to meet with the Union's Committee. He ad- vised that at the meeting with the Negotiating Committee on Oct. llth, the Union's Committee had been advised that the Negotiating Committee did not make appointments to the Pollution Control Plant, He advised that the Union desired the opportunity to voice their opinion and present their views as to why certain employees of the Corporation should be granted a trial period. He then requested a motion to table the matter until the thoughts of the Union on this matter have been considered.at a meeting between the Union's Com- mittee and Counctl's Negotiating Committee. Ald. Keighan referred to the nrocedure thjnh had been fo?]c,!,rr, d ;n th~ 3o~t- ing of these positions. and requirements which had been set: that assliter!one r~om civic employees did not have the necessa~ qua?Jfjentions. the nosit~ans were then advertised outside the confines of City emo]oyep~. The ~,ldeman ~ss o~ the ~ninion that in view of what has gone on before, if action was now to be delayed the rights of ~nagement and Council to make decisions because of the request of reoresehtat~ves of the Union, that management's and Co~cil's rights were being infringed uPOn. Ald. ~in proceeded to explain how the meeting ~s arranged between the Union and Negotiating Co~lttees on Oct. llth. ~e Alde~an then advised that the ~nitstion and Pollution Control Co~lttee were unanimous about agoointments before Council this evening and stated he cou]d not see ~here any Further'meetings would do any good as far as the Sanitation and Pollution Control CoEittee were concerned. Ald. Cotfield also referred to the amount of time spent by the Co~ittee on the applications received and that it was the endearour of the Committee to take care of married men with families. Ald. Scott stated that the Committee had arrived at the conclusion that this applicant was best man for the position of Assistance Maintenance Man. No. 667 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending the annointment off eight applicants to the position of Operator at the Pollution Contro~ Piant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Martin that the report be received and adopted and appointments be made. Tats motion was carried by a vote of 6 to ~. ~he vote being - Aye: Ald. McCalltun, Martin, Mitchelson, Scott, Potter, and Corfield; Naye;- Aid. M0r~on, McKinley, Swayze and Keighan. An amendment by Ald. Morton and Aid. McKinley that the report be tabled for one week and in the meantime ~he appropriate Committee of Council meet with the Union to discuss this matter and bring back a report to Commcil at the next meeting, was lost by a vote of 6 to 4; the vote being - Aye -Ald. MoRon, McKinley, Swayze and Keighan; Naye- Ald. Scott, Martin, Mitthelena, McCallmm. Potter and Corfield. Previous to putting the question on the above motion and amendment. it x~as ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that Mr. Littlewood be heard. Mr. Littlewood again stated that there were men available on the City staff whom the Union feel should be given a trial period and the Union wished the opportunity of meeting Council's Committee to hear the Union's arguments. If a meeting is not granted then the Union are of the opinion they have the right to go to Arbitration, because a clause in the Agreement is being by-passed. AId. Mitchelson clarified the statements referred to by Mr. Littlewood which were made by Aid. Martin at the meeting of Oct. llth, advising that the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee had been charged with making recommendations to Council on the basis of qualifications that were set down and approved by Council. Ald. Mltchelson advised that the Committee were not in a ansitics to reoort to the Union's representatives before such information went before Council. He advised that it was impossible for Ald. Martin to report on who they were recommending to Council at that time. The question of whether the app] icants recommended had complied with qua3 i- fications as set up by the municipality was raised and it was reiterated by the Chair- man Of the Committee that in the opinion of the Committee. the persons recommended had the desired qualifications. The City Manager advised that the operators were required by October ~dth and that some of the appointees must give notice to their Present employers. No. 668 - Special Fire Committee - recommending purchase by City of Stamford Centre Fire Nell. ORMD on the motion of Ald. McKinley end Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. 669 - Special Fire Committee - report on items considered st meeting of Oct. 9th. 0RDE~D on the motion of Ald. MeCallum and Ald. Potter that the report be received and filed and recommendations contained therein be adopted. No. 670 . City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. CEDEBED o. the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. No. 671 - City Engineer - Proposed Storm Sewer on Lundy's Lal]e between H.E.F.C. Canal end Drtm~ond Road. 0RDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the repor~ be received, adopted and tenders be called. No. 672 - City Engineer - recommending name Kiwanis Crescent for the street which leads into the Kiwanis Village. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. VERBAL HEPORTS Ald. McKinley, Chairnmn of the Christmas Party Committee, reported ver- bally on the arrangements made with reference to the forthcoming Christmas Party and advised that the Children's Party would be held on Thursday, December 5th, 1963 at the Union Hall, Drummond Road~ commencing at 2 p.m, and that the Adult Party would be held on Thursday. December 12th at the Sheraton-Brock Hotel at 6:30 p.m. and requested the co-operation of everyone in making these parties a success. AId. McCallum, Chairman ot the Equipment Committee, referred to the failure of one of the packers in the Garbage Department and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McCsllum and Ald. Swayze that the question of purchasing a garbage packer for the City be referred to the Equipment Committee for discussion. PETITION Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 24 - Charles and Rhoda Cox and 16 others - re: speed limits on Dorchester Road. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the petition be received. filed and the speed limit on Dorchester Road be reduced from 40 m.p.h. to 30 m.p.h. SEE Report Number 658 MISCELIANEOUS Ald. Swayze referred to the accumulation of blocks on Gladstone Avenue impeding the pedestrian traffic and the City Manager advised that he would look into this matter. His Worship Mayor Miller referred to the Pledge Cards which had been placed before. each Member of Council for the United Appeal Campaign and requested co-operation in reaching the Campaign's objective. Mayor Miller also referred to complaints from the Scott Subdivision concern- ing the lawns which have been infested by the European Chafer and he proceeded to de- scribe the damage caused by these insects. He advised that it was understood that the Department of Agriculture were spraying around the City of Niagara'Falls in order to confine this nuisance, and he was of the opinion that the City of Niagara Falls should do something to alleviate this problem, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Corfield that contact be made with the local authorities of the Department of Agriculture to assist the City by suggesting proper action to com- bat this problem. AId. McCa.llum left the meeting. BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed; No. 6414 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 5335 (1955) as amended, which is a by-law to regulate the use of land and the use, location, spacing, height and area of buildings and structures within the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Aid. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously, by members preseut. Aid. McCallum returned to the meeting. ORDEEMD on the motion of Ald. Ketghan and Aid. gwayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Corfield and Ald. Mor~on - Carried, with Aldermen' McCallum and Mitchelson - contrary. No. 6415 - A by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2530 (1960) of the Township of Stamford (now in the City of Niagara FallsL as amended. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitche]son and A]d. Swayze that Aid Keif~an be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid, Keighan and AId. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously, Third Reading - AId. Swsyze and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. N0. 6416 - A by-law to enter into an Agreement with the Corporation of the County Lincoln, the Corporation of the County of Welland. the Cornoration of the City of St. Catharines and the Corporation of the City of We]land to be known as the Niagara Peninsula Municipal Committee on Urbsn and Regional Research. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId. Morton thst A]~]. McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKia]ey and/,]d. Corfield th,~t Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-]8w be Kiven the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Potter and Aid. Keighan - Carried Unanimously No. 6417 - To provide for the adoration of an smend~nent to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Official Plan. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and AId. Swayze that Ald. Keighsn be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and AId. Corfle]d thst R,,]e 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Swayze and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. No. 641______~8 - A by-law to prohibit and regulate the operation of pits and quarries and for regulating the operation of pits and quarries within the City of Niagara Falls. O~DERED on the motion of AId. gwayze and AId, Morton tbst AId. KeiFhan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the First reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighsn and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mor~on and Aid. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. ~he following By-laws were presented; N0~.6417 . A by-law to authorize the constriction of a storm sewer on ;~ndy's Lane from Drummond Road to the H.E.P.C. Canal~ which is part of a connecting link of the King's Highway No. 20. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfie]d that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. N0. 6420 . A by-law to approve the expenditure by Greater Niagara Transit Commission of the sum of $70,000. for the purchase of two new buses for its public bus transportation system. OR]~RM) on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that Ald. Mar%in be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first Carried ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. The following By-law was passed; No. 6~21 - A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corpora- tion of the County of Welland, the City of Welland, and the City of Niag- ara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that Ald. McKinley be granted the privilege of introducing the by-]aw and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and A]d. Mltchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. McKinley READ AND ADOPTED, 21st October, 1963. FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 15th October, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on October 15: 1963, ~or the purpose of approv- ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. AId. Martin, Chair- man of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $485,239.25 were approved by the Committee, The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, Were ordered .placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. The Oity Manager's report on the application of the Bank of Nova Scotia for a building permit to make alterations to the ground floor of the building owned by Mr. F. Boychuk, at the north-east comer of Victoria Avenue and Morrison Street, at an estimated cost of $18,000. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Po~ter that the. repor~ be received and adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the aPP]~cat_~on of The Inn On The H~]]. Sylvia Place, for a permit to erect a motel on the north side of Ferry Erreat Temperance Avenue and Main Street. ].783 Fer~ Street. at an estimated cos~. ~. ~]oO.OOO. ~s presented. ORDE~D on the motion of Mayor Miller an~] AId. Scott that nhe be received and the application be referred back to the arcnatty Committee to ~sc~rt ~n from the o~ers when they plan on comn]et~ng the second stage off con~tr,~c~;ion. Carried ~th Ald. Mitchelson and McCs] ] um contrary ~e City Manager's reDoft on the ~Dnliq~tion OF ~r. [~, Nester~,,~k,~. Lundy's ~ne, for a pemit t~ erect an addition to his mote] (~D]e }I~ven) I,m~'s ~e. at an estimated cost of $25,~O. was presented. ORDERED on v, he mot{on of Ald. Moron and Ald. Corf]eld that the report be received and adopted and soD]ion. tion be referred to the Prope~y C~ittee f~r consideration and rep<u't. ~e City Maneger'n report on the application of M~s~ara Block Ttd.. Fer~ Street~ for a building pem]t to erect 8 Plant and Wsrehcuse on cart east side of Montrose Road, betw~eD Industrial ~Itreet and Wanless F:tr~Dt. ,~4-. mted cost of $30,0~. was presented. Ip c~nnection with this ennl!cation Mr. John Grimo was petitted to speak, on the moOion of Mayor Mi],]er and ~d. ~eKin]ev. advised that the cement blocks will be neatly stored on the Drem~e2 ~nd {t '{,s the ho~ sometime in the future to hev~ an orifice and ~l} splay room at the fror~; nr ~;he proposed structure. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and b.!d. Scott that the repo~ be received and adopted and pemit issued. The City Manager's report on the spplicatio~ of the 0akes D-ivy, Motor Hotel for a building permit to erect an additional 5 units ~n ~he third storey of the e×~t- ing motel, at an estimated cost of $~0.000. was n~esented. ORDERED on the l~ot~on ~f Ald. Morton and AId. Potter that the ranoft be rgceived. 2donted. and ne~-m~t be ~ssued. sl~ject to the condition that the p]ans'submitted are soproved by s registered architect or a Professional engineer. The City Mendgerms report on ~he ann]~cstion of the Canadjnn Carborundxun Co. for a permit to construct an addition to [heir Plant on the east side of Stanley Avenue~ between McLeod Road and Welland River BIrd. st an estimated cos!: of $30.650. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swsyze and AId. Morton that the ranoft be received and adopted and building permit be issued. subject to cnnfinnation with alterations suggested by the Fire Inspectors' Department. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McCa]]um and Ald. Mor~on. READ AND ADOPTED, 21st October, 1963. Clerk &AAAA Chairman of Finance COUNCIL ME~TING Council Chamber, l~th October, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the reS~xlar Council and Finance Meetings, on Tuesday, October l~th, ].963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members of the Committee were Present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-LAW Council Chamber, 15th October, ]963. The following By-law was passed; No. 6492 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Ald. Mar~in be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) nf the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McCallum and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Aid. Martin. READ AND ADOFFED, 21st October, 1963. Mayor FIFTY-THIRD MEETING REGUIAR MEETING Council Chamber, 21st October, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:38 p.m. on Monday, 21st October, 1963, for the purpose of considering genera]. business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. The Council, having reeeived and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze. COMMUNICATIONS · Laid over from the previous meetingi No. 519 - Martin Calvert, Sheppard & Clark - application re: motor hotel construc- tion, Lots 35, 3~, 37 and part of Lot 38, Plan 6~, Lund~ s Lane. ORDERED on the , motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Morton that the conmlunication be received, filed, and the report of the Property Committee be adopted. Carried by a vote of 5 to 4; the vote being: - Aye -Ald. Swayze,.Mor~on, Martin, Keighan,.MsCallum: Nays - Aid. Scott McKinley. Mitchelson and Cotfield. An amendmart I~nde by/.]~. ,~,itche~son Scott that the Property Ceamittee's report be tabled unai] such tffme ~s lost by a vote of 5 to I~: the vote beingS; Aye - Qd. ~Titche3son. q"ott, P.~cKin]~y and Cotfield; Nays -Ald. ~;~yze, Morton, ~rt~n. M~ea]]. ~m an:~ Keighan. SEE Re!tort No, 529 - Niagara Falls & f]ub'vrban Area P]annj. n/,~ B~ard - AnIfii~s! Southern ~ilway Co. to Bo]us. ORDE~D on the mo+inD of AId, Morton upd %]d.K~i~h:~n that the ~tter be referred tc the .~sint meeting of Plsnnin~ Board and Counc~] s~hed- uled for Wednesday, October 23rd. SEE ReDer~ rYumbe~- 6~'!~. Previous to this action, jt was ordered ~n the mot~on of AId. Morton and ~!]d. that Mr. Peter GoMon be heard. Mr. Gordian voi.~ strenu~us ~b~ecti~r ar:j ~ss of the opinion that what was Proposed woo].~ be s~mo]y a methc'~ af cortro]]~n;= the wor]d's finest view of Niagara Falhs, and that Council has the oow~- t~, stcn tb{s from obscuring the finest vantage ~o]nt tn view th~ F~]js, by m~t ]ssuin~ a ~' Demit Aid. Morton concurred with the speaker. Mr. John Broder~ck wa~ n~tte~ soeak on the motion of AId. Moron ar,d 2wayze. He ~dvjse8 tha~ he wa~ 8Dr~ear~n~ behalf of the ~kes Drive Motel. stat~n~ that his client was o~oosed to the c,,ns~ tion of an~hing to the east of his oreraises that would ~n s~v '~v obstruct th~ view of ~he ~1] His Wo. ship ~yor Miller noonted out that Council ,,mr~ not ~es]ing th~s evening with the issuance of a bui]~ing ~rmit but w~re ~ea]~g with the resort of the City Solicitor and the Planning Bosrd's report and that it was s q'~sti~,n wh~ther Council wanted to approve of th~ Area Planning Board's ~ction as ~',t]{De,7 ~n their letter of Sept. 23. It was then ordered on the motior oF AId, ~.~ayze and A~d.McCal].um that Mr. Wm. Booth be heard. Mr. Booth advised that he wss in como3ete accord the remarks of Ald. Mor~on end once aDoroyal was g~ven it w~uTd be oxtremeFv hard control. ~e City Clerk then advised Council that when it was knnwn thst ~e cltor's repo~ was to be submitted st this meeting, the individuals interested in this mtter were notified, and be was now speaking for Mr. W. 2, MuM;in who was not able to be present at this meeting, and that Mr. Martin has asked him to te~] Co,moil he reite~tes his previous stand as contained in the last oaragrsoh of his letter to Co~cil of Sept. 27th. Ald. Martin indicated that he was quite satisifed with the repo~ of the City Solicitor and that with reference tn the ranoft of the P]ann~nK Board, he was still oF the opinion that if the o~ers wished ~o ~o to the trouble oC draving up a site plan agreement for Council's observation be cou]8 see Do hs~ ~f o~ers wanted to pre~re plans to oresent to Council for observation. AId. M~tche]son concurred with AId. Ma~ln and ~ms of the nninion that if the Company concamped is not Prepred to pre~re a site plan then the Drob]em w~]d end the~ and that the Soltcitor's repo~ answers the legality of a site clan; that acceDtlng the Solicitor's report and approving of the Planning B~rd'$ reco~endation does not indicate the issuance of a ,building penft. Ald. Keighan queried whether the City Solicitor was familiar with the Board's reco~endation and was of the opinion that if Comet] aPproved.. of the Pla~ing Board's reco~endatton as contained fin their letter and the aPPlicants then came along and agreed with ever~hing Council requested in the site Plan, that Co~cil has admitted themselves to selling of sir rights to the proposed Purchaser. He us of the opinion that this was an i~o~;ant enou~ decision for the entire Planning Board and the entire Co~ctl to meet and discuss. The City Solicitor agreed that the plans would necessarily have to be sPproved before the Planning Board give their consent to the subdivision, because this is the control that Council has over them at the present time, but that when the consent is given that the property is rezoned for certain purposea then it is very difficult to refuse to issue a building permit if it meets all the requirements of the building by-laws of the municipality. He advised that the time for getting the site plan approved is before consent is given to subdivide the property. The Site plan should be a complete plan at that stage rather than leaving it to be nego- tiated at a later date when application is made for a building permit. He submitted that the complete site plan should be made available before the Planning Board gives their permission to subdivide the property rather than leaving it until application for a permit temade] that the site plan agreement should be completed before permis- side is given by Planning Board to subdivide the property. No. 556 - Kingsway Transports Limited - re: watermain agreement between them and former TwO. of Stamford and requesting reimbursement for coastmotion of same on Monarose Road. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Corfie].d that the oo~ntmication be re?eived, filed and the amount outstanding be paid immediately. SEE ~e.~oEt Number 67~ No. 560 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application~ Kobald~ ~. ~p. Lot BS, Drummond Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Corfield that the matter be tabled until Council obtains a full report, accom- panied by plans, for their perusal. Carried Unanimously. Previous to this action, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McKinley that Mr. Booth be heard. Me advised that he was present on behalf of the adjoining propolicy owner to the south, Mr. & Mrs. Dietz. He outlined the action taken by the O.M.B. when his clients had applied for approval of construction of three apartment units and as it appeared that the applicants could not furnish a 66 foot roadway, the application was changes so there could only be two apertment units, both frontlog on Do/minced Road and there would be no roadway. He urged Council that before any conclusion is reached on the Kobald application, that plans be supplied to check where the proposed build- ings are going to be located and some clarification be given in connection with the read. Mr. Kobald was also permitted to speak to Council on the motion of Ald.Keighan and Moxton and he advised that he had two sketches and was agreeable to either build- ing two or three apartment buildings. SE~ Report Number 676 The following Communications were presented: No. 563 - Jennes Briand - requesting amendment to By-law 51~9. OF~DEHED on the motion of Aid. Martin and A].d. Mitchelson that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 564 - Wm. G. Booth - confirming that Agreement of ~rchase and Sale re: Corby Property specifies 60 days' notice before buildings are demolished on this property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin emd Ald, Swayze that the communication be re- ceived and filed. SEE Finance Meeting. No. 565 - H.E.P.C. of Ontario - Power Canal, Sir Adam Beck, G.S. No. 1. The City Manager suggested that Council authorize officials to arrange a meeting of the Sani- tation & Pollution Control Committee with the Nydro Officials to discuss the possi- bili~ies involved and at a later date employ Consulting Engineers to work on the de- tails of what must be done, advising that whatever is done must be started before the first of the year so that things will be in readiness before the spring of 196~. ORDEP~D on th~ motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Swayze that the cormmunication be received and that the action as recommended by the City Manager be adopted. No. 566 - Dept. of Nighways - enclosing tentative layout of pay merit widenings in connection with the intersection of Q.E.Way and McLeod Road. O~BERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and. referred to the Traffic Conmaittee for immediate action. No. 567 - Committee of Adjustment - notice of hearing of application of J. Katona. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and filed. No. 568 - Milan Miles - complaining about wood yard adjacent to his property. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Mitchelson that the co~m~unication be received and filed. Carried, with Ald. Morton - contrary. Ald. Keighan pointed out that the wood yard was in existence before the passing of the Zoning By-law and is s non-conforming use. No. 569 o Town of Trenton - resolution to petition LegislatUre of Oatari'o to rescind Section 35 (3) (a) of Chapter 249, RSO 1960, and amendments thereto. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the resolution be received and referred to the City Solicitor for a report. No. 570 - Board of Poliqe Commissioners - enclosing letter from Visitor and Conven- tion Bureau of Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce re: complaints received about Niagara Tours Association. ORDEBED on the motion of Aid. McCallumand Ald. Motben .that the cammunications be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for a report. EEPORTg The following Reports were presented; No. 6~B - Property Committee - recommendations re: Issuance of a building permit for proposed Motor Hotel on Lots BS, B6, ~7 and B8, Plan 6~, Lundy'e ~ane0 ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adop- ted. This motion was carried by a vote of 5 to 4, the vote being - Aye:- Ald. Swayze, Morton, Martin, Keighan, McOallum; Naye -AId. ~ott'~MeKinley~' Mltehelson hnd Corfield. An amendment msSe by A]d. Mitehe!son sod ^]d. Scott t~h~t the r~.~t be tebled until such t~me sss c~mmnn~c~t~on is received ~rom the At.~,~- ~F..~e~.~,~ ~ment defining the vn~d ] was l~,t by n v~e ~ ~ tc 4: ~e ~ot~ ~-~=.-~ . "h~t~" " Aye: - AId. ~itche~son. Sco~t. McKinley end CordialS: ~ye - ~]d. ~'Hv~. v~-t~. ~.~in, ~cCall~ and Keig~an. ~ No. 67~ - City Solicitor - on~nion re~ Bol'~F. Reveln.~ & Re]us ltd. O~{DMR?~ rr, "h~ motion of Ald. Mo~on ~nd ~]r]. ~e!~hsn th~+, ~h~ reDo~. be received the ~oint meeting of the Pl~qn~ng Bqerd sod ~o~:nci~ q~heSu]ea For We,!~, C,.~. o~. No. 675 - Property Committee - r~eo~en~ing ~ent K~ngsway T~nspo~ Ltd. ORDE~D on the motion of Ald. P4~r~on and Ald'~ Cor~e]~ that the repo~ be received and adopted. xIEE Ccmm~mic~lti~n q56. No. 676 - Proper~y Committee - recommendations re: K~b~id snn]icati~n. ORDERED motion of AId. Scott an8 Ald. Corfield that the mett~r be tS~led until Councl~ obtains full report accompanied by p]ans, for their perusal. SEE Communication 560 Re. 677 - Negotiations Committee - re: meetinK of Oct. 16th ~th r~resentat~ve Win. M. Mercer Ltd. re: pension scheme for civic emn]oyee.c. ORDERED on the Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. ~o. 678 - City Manager - repo~% of meeting of City 0fficials and Malvern Conetry, erich representatives, etc. re: payment due to Ma]v~rn for construqt~on of sewers for Pollution Control Plant. ORDERED on the motion o[ ~.]d, S~myze and AId. Corfield that the report be received end Oiled. No. 679 - Special License Committee - renort on meeting of Oct. ]~th %0 conardor final draft of by-law to regulate and ]iconse cslnoing establishments. 0EDEF~D on the. motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Martin thst the report be received and ~i]ed. SEE B~sw No. 6~25. No. 680 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. OBDEHED on the motion of AId. Ma~ci~end~.Morton that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. RESOLbTIONS The following Resolutions were presented; No. 71 - MCKINLEY - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls petition the Depsrtment of Highways of the Province of Ontario for an interim grant under The Highway Improvement Act on exnenditures made during the Period January ],st, 1963 to September 30th, ]963; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 7~ - MITCHELSON - MORTON - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be instructed ~o fe~ard a communication to Alderman ~. R. Potter expressing Councll's wishes for his speedy ~covery and that flowers be forwarded; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. C_arried Unanimously BY-IAWS following By-laws were passed: N0._~. To amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. .i ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Mottop that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Co~mcil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Swayze and Ald. Corfield. Carried Unanimously. No. 6424 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 6334 being a by-law to increase the rate of speed on certain highways in the City of Niagara Falls to 40 m.p.h. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Keighan that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. McCalltun that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. McKinley and Aid. Morton - Carried Una~imously. The following By-law was presented; No. 6425 - A by-law to regulate and license Camping Establishments. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the. by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. MISCELIANEOUS At the request of Ald. McKinley the Property Committee agreed to consider the possibility of re-opening comfort stations on week-ends. Following remarks of Aid. Keighan querying the existence of a by-law prohibiting the burning of leaves on owners' property end whether leaves .piled on boulevards are supposed to be picked up by garbage tracks, the City Manager advised as to the procedure used to pick leaves up. The City Engineer also enlarged on the method of handling leaves. His Worship Mayor Miller congratulated Alderman E. E. Mitchelson upon his election as President of the Ontario Association of Urban Rural Municipalities. during their recent Convention. His Worship, Mayor Miller, advised of a report which he had received from Mr. Montgomery, Manager of the Industrial Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and referred particularly to the paragraph that suggested that this Council take action similar to that taken by certain other municipalities byway of protest against the Government action in declaring the City of Bractford as a "d~stressed area~. Discus- sion ensued during which the pros and cons of such a declaration were considered and following the discussion, it was moved by AId. McCallam and seconded by.Ald. Swayze that Council go on record protesting the declaration of Bractford as a distressed area." This motion was lost by a vote of 7 to 2, the vote being - Aye: Ald. McCallum & Swayze; Naye;- Ald. Martin, Morton, Scott, McKinley, Corfield, Keighan and Mitchelson. An amendment made by Aid. Martin, seconded by Alderman Morton that, a full and detailed report be obtained from Mr. Montgomery in connection with what he is suggesting that Council do, such report to be supported with the details of the legislation which permitted the declaration of distressed area, was carried, with Alderman MeCallum and Swayze opposed. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Morton and A]d, Keighan. READ ANDADOPTED, 28th October, 1963. Mayor FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 21st October, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on October 21st, 1963, for the purpose of spproving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the excep- tion of Ald. Potter. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Flnance~ presided. Committee. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $96,102.79 were approved by the The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze. The Property Committee's report on the proposed construction of a 32 unit mo~el on the C6rby property, 1783 Ferry Street, at an estimated cost of $120,000.00 was Presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCalltun ~hat the report be received and adopted and permit be issued to proceed with the construction of the motel units and that the owners be requested to file plans for the development of the front of the property as soon as possible. Mr. Wm. Booth, s~eaking on behalf of Miss Corby, assured Council that all of the existing buildings ' will be demolished before the motel is constracted and open for business and if Council are concerned with this particular aspect it should be included in the site plan agree- ment. The Property Committee's report on their inspection of the premises at the Maple Haven Motel, 3770 Lundy's Lane, and the advice given to the proprietors that no new construction could be undertaken within 110 feet of centre ]ine of Lundy's ~ne, was presented for consideration, along with a report of the CityManager recom- mending that a building permit be issued. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the reports be received and adopted. The City Manager's report on the application of Oneida Ltd. for a building Permit to erect a commercial observation tower on the premises on Falls Avenue, be- tween the Sheraton Brock Hotel and Clifton Hill, at an estimated cost of $310,000. was Presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit be issued, subject to the ?oning B 1 ~- aw being amended to provide for heights over 35 feet on the entire property and that the plans for the construction of the tower are checked by another Finn of Con- suiting Engineers employed by Oneida Ltd. Carried, with Mayor Miller, Aid. Morton and AId. Scott - contrary. Previous to this action, the City Manager had advised that the Consulting Engineers to be employed by Oneida were located in Syracuse and l~ was the opinion of those who voted contrary to the adoption of the report, that a Canadian Firm would be Just as capable of doing this work. .} The City Manager's report on the application of Ritz Motel Ltd., 1657 Victoria Avenue, for a building permit to erect an addition of 23 motel units. rest- aurant~ and souvenir store. on their premises. at an estimsted cost of ~150.000. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted, and permit issued, The City Nanager's report on the application of Mr. K. Herdy, 15 River Road, for a building permit to make alterations to his motel and restaurant on the west side of River Road, between Leader Lane and the northerly City limits, at sn estimated cost of ~26,000. was presented for consideration. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and the application be referred back to the Contractor for oreparation of proper plans which must meet the requirements of the National Building Code. The City Manager's report on the concern of Mr. Kobald for the issuance of a building permit for second apartment building, west side of Drummond Road, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and tabled. SEE Repor~ Number 676 The City Manager's report on the preliminary sketch presented for the constraction of a building by Becker's T.V. on the east side of Victoria, north of Simcoe Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitch- elson and Ald. Scott that the report be received, tabled and the City Solicitor be requested to submit a report outlining the legal implications, before Council deals with the matter of approving of this applicstion in its present form. The Property Committee's report on the application of Ambassador Rest- aurant, 2805 Lumdy's Lane, for permission to construct a 16 unit mote] on the west- erly side of the premises, at an estimated cost of $48,000. was presented. ORDEB~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit issued subject to the condition that detailed plans are filed before con- stn~ction work commences. The City Manager's report on the application of Niagara Plumbing Supply Co. Ltd. for a building permit to erect a new office and warehouse on the north side of Stamford St~ between Stanley Avenue and Portage Road, at an estimated cost of $120,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Mor~on and Aid. McCallum. READ AND ADOPTED, ~8th October, 1963. Chairman of ~inance COUNCIL ?.~ETING 2]st October. ]063. Meetings On Monday, October ~]st. ]063, for the burncan ~f ~q.qs~ng the by-~av oresent, with the extent!on o~ AId. Potter. His Worship. .~ayor ~$,iller. Dres:de~. BY-lAW The following By-law was passedl No. 6426 - A by-law to provide monies for general n~rpoaes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swsyz~ ~'~,e ~d. McCall m that be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-lay be given the ~rst reading. - Carried Unsnimous].y. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mnrtin ~nd A!d. Ke~.gh~ the,; q,!]e R6 (o) 0f the Standing R-lea of Council be temporarily susDemded and the by-law be the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId, Morton and AId, Corfie]d - Carried [FDantmou~]y. Colmoil adjourned on the motion ~[ ~]d. Martin and AId..McCallurn, RK~D AND ADOPTED, 28th October, ]963. Mayor FIFTY-FOURTH MFZTING On.nell Chamber, 23rd October, 1963. SPECIAL ~ETING A Special meeting of the City Council ]n Joint session with the Ares PlanninE Board ~as held on Wednesday, October 93rd commencing at P p,m. ~n the City Hall for the purpose of discussing with the Planning Board the proposed To~m P]an for the City of Niagara Falls. Present were all members of the City Council with the exception of Alderman H. R. Potter, and all members of ~he Planning Board with the exception of Messrs. E]s],ey and Weightman end representatives from the local }~dro Commission, the Board of Education, the Separate School Boanl, and II. G. Acres & Company Limited. C(I~dUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meeting; No. 562 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - "A Town Plan for Niagara Falls. His Worship Mayor Miller called the meeting to order and then turned procedure over to Mr. Earl Thomas, Chairman of the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board, who briefly explained what the Board is trying to do with reference to a Town Plan, and asked Mr. John Philip, Secretary-T~easurer, to read the condensed version of the Official Plan Studies. Mr. Philip read the first 16 pages and the City Clerk took over from that point. Following the complete reading of the Plan Studies, Mr. C. G. Dowson, Planning Director, was requested to explain the several maps of the Planning Area de- picting districts and proposed use areas, and answered various questions directed to him. The discussion was very extensive and at one point dealt specifically with the matter of hotels and otherwise with the various factors of the Plan as it may be fin- ally expected to come into being. Alderman George Martin queried how this matter would be handled from this point assuming that the Town Plan was approved in principle. and Mr. Dowson explained the various steps which then would be implemented, in the first instance by the Planning Board and eventually by the City Council, with, df course, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. His Worship Mayor Miller had several queries to make which were all replied to by Mr. Dowson and some discussion was held concerning the future of the south side of Lundy's Lane frc~ Drummond Road to Dorchester Road. It now having reached 5 p.m., it was agreed that the meeting adjourn for supper at the Rapids Tavern and that the meeting would re-convene at 6:30 p.m. The Council and Planning Board re-convened in Joint session at 6:50 p.m. and further discussion was held concerning the Lundy's Lane area, particularly side yards, and following a lengthy discussion on the several aspects of the proposed plar~ and its implementation it was ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. Scott that the report of the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board with reference to the proposed Town Plan for the City of Niagara Ealls be adopted in principle subject to qualification, and that the Planning Board be authorized to proceed with arranging for the necessary public meetings. Carried with His Worship ~yor Miller opposed. Prior to the putting of the above motion His Worship Mayor Miller advised that he too approved in principle the report of the Planning Board, but was voting against its adoption since he Objected to the definition of "hotel" as contained in the report- No. 522 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Consent Application C-159, Canada Southern Railway Co. to Bolus. As a result of the action of the .City Council at their meeting held on October 21st, the matter of the Consent Application of Can- ada Southern Railway (N.Y.C.) to Bolus, Part Range 22 through to Range lO, east of Portage Road, was now put before the meeting for discussion and to obtain the views of the Planning Board, together with an explanation of what was entailed in the event that the consent is given. Mr. Dowson, Planning Director, on request, explained what the application involves on the part of Bolus, Revelas and Bolus Limited, namely; (a) To protect the frontal portion of their property, (b) To have an observation platform erected which would improve the view, (c) To reduce the noise and dirt which now emanate from the N.Y.C. Railroad tracks. Mr. Dowson also reviewed the stipulations requested by his-Board prior to considera- tion of a Consent Application (see letter to Mr. Dibble of N.Y.C. System), and stated that it was his impression that the Plaza which might come into being. later would be available for public use free of charge. In this latter connection it was agreed that it would be well to have this factor of free use spelled out. In general discussion which ensued, Alderman Keighan expressed the view that he would like some form of commitment from the Railway that they would · not consider any further sale of air rights over their right-of-way extending south from Livingstone Street to McLaod Road. Alderman Mitchelson was of the opinion that with the controls which are now vested in the City Council, that the Municipality+ seemed to be adequately protected in the event the necessary site plan agreement· is entered into... Following further discussion it was ORDERED on the motion of Airierman }{ei ~han s~d M~tchelson that the resort of the City .c~]~c~t. or ~nd the co~u~c~t~ Frc~ the Niagara Fa]]s & Suburban ~res P~ann~nW Board be re~e~ve.q and F~]ea. ~o~~ that Planning Board be requested to cnnsjder a further ~tiou~t~o~ w~tb rpU~r,-~ :., t~ ~.h~ consent eDD]icetion, thet the R~i]~yay be esked t~ r~f~n from Curther .~' the land at this ].ocation ~s he]4 by the orese~t e~mers. odd t~ ~]r~ sF~ tk~ the proposed obse~ation deck. ~is motion wa~ carr]ed w~t'.b A]de~en ~cF~nl~v. and Moron contra~. SF~ Ropnrt Numb,~ 674 REPORTS Laid over from previous meetir, g: No. 674 - City Solicitor - noin~nn ~: motion of A]~. Ke~ghan and Alde~en Mitch~l~on that the r~porl-. b~ r~e;~d ~.~ f~!ed. ~is motion was carried with Aldermen McKinley McCal]~ sad Morton cont~ry. A~O~N On the motion of Alderman M~rtin and A]de~naD Mitchelson ~t' u,s ~rdered that the meeting adjourn. READ ANDADOPTED, 28th October. ]963. Clerk ............ Mayor FIFtY-FIFtH MEETING Council Chamber, 28th October, 1963. PEGUL~R ME~rI'ING Pursuant to adJourmnent, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday. 28th October, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. ~]1 Members of Council were present, with the exception of Alderman Corf~e]d. ~artin. Potter and Scott. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the pre- vious regular and special meetings, adopted these on the motion of hld. Swayze and Ald. Morton. C0~4UNICATIONS .Laid over from previous meetinga; No. 560 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Plannin Board - Amendment Application, Eobald, P~. Twp. Lot 35, ~rummond Road. ORDEBE~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the matter be laid over for one week. SEE N,~,ber 681 No. 563 - James Briand - requesting amendment to By-law 5149. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald, McKinley that the communication be received, filed and the by-law be amended accordingly. SEE Report Number 692 SEE By-law Number 6428 No. 566 - Dept. of Highways - tentative layout of pavement widesings, Q.E.W. and McI~od Road. OHDEEED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McCal!um that the communication be received, filed and changes suggested by the Dept. be approved. SEE Report N~nber 683 No. 570 - Board of Police Commissioners - enclosing copy of letters from Visitor an~ Convention Bureau of Chamber of Commerce re: complaints received about Niagara Tours Association, 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Aid. Morton that the communl- catfen be received and matter be laid over for one week for consideration of a full Council. SEE Report Number 684 The following Communications were presented; No. 57] - Wm. G. Booth - Be: Joseph and Lucy Zarra's application re: 2871 Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallum that the communica- tion be received, and tabled for one week for consideration by a full Council. Pre- vious to this action, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McCalltun and Ald. Mitehal- son that Mr. Booth be heard. Mr. Booth proceeded to reiterate his previous request that Council take a stand and establish a policy for now and the future with refer- ence to the lands on the north side of Lundy's Lane between Drummond Road and Dor- chester Road, which includes the lands of his clients Joseph and Lucy ?arra. He elaborated to a great extent and advised that he would prefer the matter discussed in open Council so that a recorded vote could be noted, rather than having it re- ferred to the Property Committee or the Planning Board. No. 572 - Wm. G. Booth - re: Seagram Tower Air Rights. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan a~d Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and filed. Previous to this action, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton that Mr. Booth be heard. Mr. Booth deplored what he considered the failure of the City Council to protect the rights of the taxpayers and their apparent agreement with the action of the Planning Board with reference to the consent appl~cation applied to the Seagram Tower, and particularly the proposed sale of air rights over the railway right-of-way. During the discussion which ensued, it was pointed out to Mr. Booth that the Planning Board was dealing only with the consent application and authority for their so doing is contained in the Planning Act. but that in the final analysis, the matter would have to be brought back to the City Council Tot final decision. Mr. Boot~also deplored what he termed the lack of publicity with reference to con- sideration to matters of this nature and advocated that the Planning Boardbe re- quested to publicize hearings of this type so that interested parties could avail themselves of the opportunity to be present during the discussions and went so far as to say that if this type of publicity were not utilized, that he would take the stand that the Planning Board Members should resign. He also accused the Planning Board of being harsh, autocratic and oppressive and challenged the Planning Board to hold their hearings in front of the public and to come to a recorded vote. Ald. Mttchelson, one of Council's representatives on the Plannin~ Board defended the ac- tion of the Board and their integrity and character and indicated that the criticisms voiced by Mr. Booth were unjusttried and possibly without foundation and fact. No. 573 - Wm. G. Booth - opposition to Motor Hotel construction. No. 574 - Mar~in, Calvert,Shep~ard and Clark - re: proposed Lundy's Lane Motor Hotel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. 8wayze that the communications be received and filed. Previous to this action, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that Messrs. Booth and 8heppard be given the opportunity 'to address Council. Mr. Booth indicated his dissatisfaction with the recent action of Council, in what he referred to as approval in principle of an application for a pen. it to erect a motor hotel on the southerly side of Lundy's Lane, west of Drumm- ond Road and stated that he represented a number or persons in that vicihity who were opposed to this type of erection. Mr. SheDnard stated that the approva~ by Co,LqC~! of the recommendation of the Property Committee ~s not "in princip~e" but in fact, subject to certain stipulations regarding drainage and also reference if necessary Committee of Adjustment. ]~ring the lengthy discussion which ensued. ~,]d. Keighan pointed out to the Members of Council and Mr. Booth that as long as the apo]ication was in conformity with the by-laws of the Municloa]ity affecting that ares and the construction proposed, Counci] had no alten~ative but to grant the Detroit or face the possibility of a mandamus, No. 575 - Niagara Falls Music Theatre Society - requesting oermission to erect a banner across Victoria Avenue at Epworth CirS].e on or about January 29th for a three week period, advertising "Carousal", ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received, filed and permission granted as requested, subject to approval of the Local Hydro Commission, No. 576 - Community Planning Association - Questionnaire. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the Communication be received and referred to the City Solicitor and City Manager for preparation of a report for submission when the matter is discussed by full Cormell, No. 577 - Y.W.C.A. - requesting proclamation of Nov. 26th as TgCA Day. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and filed and proclamation issued by His Worship the Mayor. No. 578 - Optimist Club - requesting proclamation of Youth Appreciation Week. Nov. lOth to 16th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the communi- cation be received, filed, and proclamation issued by }{is Worship the Mayor. No. 579 - Myer Delduca - request inclusion of Lot 806, ~n motel develonmen~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallurn that the cot~mm~cstlon ~e received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. No. 580 - Alpine Motel - proposed office space. ORDERED on the motinn nf Aid. Mitch- elson and Ald. McCallum that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for considel~tion and a resort. No. 581 - Allan Diamond - comments on ash and garbage collections. ORDERED on th~ motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the comm~micatlon be received and filed, No. 582 - Z~cko Holdings Ltd. - possible oation of n~rt of Lot ~7. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. McCallum that the cnn~mmicatlon be received and referred to the Property Committee for considex~tion and a resort. No. 583 - Town of Riverside - Resolution re: mnendment to Highway Traffic Act to reduce speed.tO 15 MPH in school zones. ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the resolution be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for a report and consultation with City Solicitor. No. 584 - City of Sarnia - Resolatton for Legislation re: demolition or removal of abandoned or dilapidated buildings. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCalh~ and Ald. Morton that the resolution be received and referred to the City Manager aad City Solicitor for consideration and a report. REPORTS The following Reports were presented; No. 681 - Property Committee - recommending the tabling of Kobs]d application for one week. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted, SHE Comm~micstion 560 No. 682 - Property Committee - recommending amendment of By-law 5]49 to permit motel erection by Messrs. Briand on vacant land, at south-east corner of Clark & Ferry. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Moxton and Ald. McKinley that the report be received and adopted. No. 683 - Traffic Committee - recomending approval of changes suggested by Department of Highways re: intersection of Q.E.W and McLeod Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Keighan and Ald. McCalltun that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 566 No. 684 - Traffic Committee - recommendations re: taxi stands on Falls Avenue and Clifton Rill. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton that the re- port be received and tabled for one week for consideration by a full Council, SEE Communication 570 No. 685 - Traffic Committee - Progress report re: Centre Area off-street parking. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. · No. 686 - Traffic Committee - recommending installation of two parking meters on east side of Victoria, directly south of Queen Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swsyze and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted. No. 687 - Traffic Committee - recommending that the tree be not removed at 689 Welland Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MeCallum and Ald. Mltchelson that the report be received and adopted. No. 688 - Traffic Committee - recommending installation of parking meters on west side of Main Street, in front of Main Street Fire Hell, now out of use. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. gwayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted. No. 689 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - Progress report on Pollution Control Plsnt staff. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mor~on that the report be received end filed. No. 690 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - Progress report on check of edu- cational qualifications of applicants for positions at Pollution Control Plant. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and filed. Ray. Rolls, was permitted to speak on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Swayze. He queried the length of time permitted for a candidate to obtain the infor- mation required, 'advising that the person for whom he vas enquiring, has to obtain the same from England and that his home and records were blitzed during the War. His Worship Mayor Miller, requested that Rev. Rolls contact the CityManager on Thursday. No. 691 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - Recommending purchase of power mower for Pollution Control Plant. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received, tabled until Con~ittee is present at the next Council meeting. · No. 692 - Negotiations Committee - progress report on pension scheme. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and flied,. No. 693 - Equipment Committee - recommendations concerning purchase of equipment. ORDERED on the motion .of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. · No. 694 - Property Committee - recommending no change in operation of public toilets on week-ends. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be reeeived and adopted. Carried, with Ald. McKinley - contrary. No. 695 - Property Committee - Appointment of ExPropriation Agent for the City. OR- DEED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. ~ Resolution No. 73 No.. 696 - Co.snittee of Adjustment - Decisions on two applications heard by the Com- mittee of Adjustment - Tondan Holdings & ?arts. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitch- elsnn and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and filed. No. 697 - City Olerk- List of Uncollectible Taxes to be struck off Tax Roll. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be.received and adopted. No. 698 - City Clerk - r~commending is.~..mpc~ AId. McKinYey an~V~Yd. Keighsn thst the renor~ he issued accordingly. ' ..... NO. 699.- Assist.to City Mgr.-Aaministrstiv~- _ L':: ;in/. connection with By-law Number 64]07 ~ ~n the m~,;ic~ of ~]d. Ke~han Swayze that the report be ~"~ce~ved and filed nnd the by-3aw be ~'ubmitted t. L~e ~t- ario M~icipal Board along with the two complaints recejve~. Carr~. wYtb McCatll~ - ODposed. --- _ . RESOLUTI0;q:i The following Resolutions were ~sssed: No. 73 - KEIGHAN - MORgON - RE.qOI.VED that Mr. Jack D. ~. Mn.2kenzSo be ~:~rm~nte4 Estate Agent for the City of I'iis~ara FH]]s ~n c~rnect~,D with %he acy.~i~tF~ lands necessary for widening an8 re-]ocatirg C'~nbora ~G-,] (also ~nowD Bs LundV's Iane) and that he be authorize4 to obtain op~;ions of the -~rc ~,w~ ies to be acq ~ red for such purpose up to the ~o~t of the value submitted by the sajd Jack D. ~ckenzie as a preliminary expropriation aDoraisal report: and to Day Up to ]0 peFcent O[ the eo~t of the option to the Vendor upon receiving a sctisfactory option within the limits above-mentioned; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. SEE Reo2rt N~nbsr 695. NO. 74 - McCALLUM - MORTON - RESOLVED that Alderman i]weyze beapOointed Acting Chair- man of Finance during the absence of Ald. Martin; and the Seal of time Cornoration be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 75 - McCALLUM - MCKINLEY - RESOLVED that Ald. ~ayze be appointed Acting Mayor during the absence of His Worship Mayor Miller from the City, attending the Rodeo in Brawley, California; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously BY-lAWS The following By-laws were passed; in the City of Niagara Falls), as amended. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be grante~ the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Coundtl be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. N°__!6428 - A by-law to amend By-law Number 51~9, regarding tourist estab3ishments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Swayze that A]d.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (e) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUB Ald. Keighan referred to the problem of insufficient parking facilities in the vicinity of the High School on Leonard Avenue and requested the Traffic Committee to consider this matter. The Alderman also referred to the flashing light at the Iamd~,s Lane School and the possibility of having a switch installed to enable the , +* ,i School Guide to turn the light on or off as it is the opinion of the School Guide that effectiveness of the light is lost when it is on continually day and night. Traffic Committee indicated this would also be considered. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, 4th November, 1963. Clerk FINANCE MEETING Council Chamber, 28th October, 1963. The The Finance Meeting was held on October 28th, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Comittee were present, with the excep- tion of Aldermen Corfield, Martin, Potter and Scott. Acting Chairman of Finance, Ald. Swayze,presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $118,426.61 were approved b~ the Com- mittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law, for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley. The City Solicitor's report on the proposed construction at Becker's T.V. on Victoria Avenue, eas~ side, Just north of Simcoe Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted and the applicant be advised to apply to the Comittee of Adjustment for authorization of a variance from provisions of the by-law. The Oity Menager'e report on the application of James and Donald Briand, for a building permit to erect a 34 unit motel at ~he south-east corner of Clark Avenue and Ferry Street, at an estimated cost of $80,000. was presented for consid- eration. 0RDEF~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted and permit issued in compliance with City Manager's suggested change in location of one section of the proposed motel. The City Menager's report on the application of Mrs. Ethel Hart]man for ~ building permit to construct an addition at the rear of the Renown Printing Co. building at 144 Bridge Street, at an estimated cost of $1,200. was presented. OR- DEED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan. that the report be received and tabled until the return of the City Manager and the question of contravention of the By-law is clarified. The City Manager's report on the application of Charles E. Steele for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign at 854 Bridge Street, at an estimated cost of $200. was presented. ORDERED on ~he motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald,. McCallum tha~ ~he. repor~ be received, adopted and permit issued, cost of $250. ws~ preserted ~or consideration. OI~,DERED on the motion of ~]d. and Ald. McCall~ that the report be received. sdooted and hermit ~s~ued. ~e City Manager's report on the aD~]~cst~,.n of the Niagar~ Fnl].; Evening building at ~] Valley Way, at an estimated c~st ,-~f $~ ?OO. w~s ~.~'esenZed for sideration. ORDEED on the mot~o~ c.f AId. Keighan and A!d. Mitchelscn r. nat the resort be received, adopted and Dennit ~ssue~. The City Manager's retort on bhe anD] ic,~t;i~n o~ the !ffiq{~.ara Falls Review for a Permit tO erect a ~ostff c il]u~minated clack st °O~ Va]]ey estimated cost of $~,800. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKin3ey and Ald. Morton that the report be r~e~ve~. a~ont~~ stud m~t The City Msnager's resort c,n the ray]set] sketch mlbmitt~d bv K, ]!erPv. 15 River Road, for alterations go the mote~ and ~sta-r~r,. Ionstea .~m' the wee: :;i.<~.e of River Road, between Leader Lane and Thorold Stone Road, at an estimated cost $26,000. was presented. ORGY;RED on th~ motion oe ~]d. McK~n]ey and AId. ,~q~r';ou the report be received~ adooted and oe~nit The Committee arose and mnoTfi;ed to Council on the motion of A].d. ~ort.~a a~ld Ald. Keighan. READ ANDADOFPED, 4th November, ]963. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 22th October, ]963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, October 28th, ]963, for the purpose of nass~ng the by-].w which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were 0resent with the exception of Aldermen Cotfield, Mar~in, Potter and Scott. His Worship, Mayor Miller, Presided. BY - LAW The following By-law was passed; 6429 . A by-law to provide monies for genera] purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton tha> Ald. S~ayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the ]st reading, . ~arriedUnanimouely. 0Pa)gl~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallt~ that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on ~the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton. READ AND ADOPTED, 4th November, 1963. FIfTY-SIXTH MEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, 4th November, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, 4th November. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present., with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Miller. Enacting Mayor Swayze presided. The Council, having received and read thelminutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Pgtter. TENDERS Tenders had been called for the second phase in changing the heating and piping equipment at the Niagara Falls Filtration Plant, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that the tender received, be opened, init- ialled by the Enacting Mayor and tabulated. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 560 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application - Kobsld. Pt. Twp. Lot aS, Drummond Road. 0RDEt~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan arid AId. Morton that the communication be received, and the report of the Property Committee be adop- ted. Carried, with AId. Scott - contrary. SEE Re_port Number 700 At this point, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. McKinley that Mr. Wm. Booth be heard, Carried, with Ald. McCalh~m - contrary. Mr. Booth queried whether the proposed p3an of the applicant is in accor- dance with the conditions set down by the O.M.B. on their Order or whether there has been come change in that Order. The City Manager referred to Mr. Booth's contention only two buildings could be built on original lot and the CityManager advised there front on Drusmond Road. ' SEE Relic rt No. 571 - Win. O. Booth - re: No. 579 - Myer Delduca - -eq. ame, cbne.~t t., By-3~u ~140 t~ ~nc~.lde ~t °~6 ~u motel develonment. ORDE~D on th~ .'ot~,n ~e ?d. Hort~n ~n6 ~']d. K ~ha~, th~ co~mication be received, fi?'~'` a~d ffhe ', ~e~t be i-'snt,~. s,jbject t~ the that the use conforms to the building by-lays ~f M]~ Cjty. No. 580 - Alnine Mntel - req"est r.~: cfeice ,=nc]~u'~. ORDERED o~: the m 'ti, n ,~f nl4. Morton and Aid. Cotfield that the c.)~m,!nic'afflon be re~ej,~ed. fije~. ~fp¢] tb~ 5~q. 'rnL alders it advisable. " No. 522 - ~ncko H~]d~n~s Ltd. - reT~esti'~{r oDt~.r] ~f '~r~ o~ Y~e-strie] bt 47. ORDE~D on the motff>n ef Ald. Miteh~b:r~n ~r6 Aid. P,~t':~r th~, the tion be received. f~]ed and the r'T~tja~ b,, grr{pted. q-bj~ct to rnnrnva] by th~ Dew:rt- ment of M~icioal Affairs before transaction is complete h SEE Report D!,a~bcr ]'03. The following Communications were presented; No. 585 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - expressin~ the des]re I;hat C!~..~nc~ ] will accept the recommendation of the Traffi c Committee recommen,~i. ng th,~ ~Ttminsti rn of taxi stands on Fails Aven,e & Clifton Hi]l. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. and Aid. McCallum that the report be tabled lmtil the raturn of His Wor~xim Ma~or Miller, SEE Connmuni cat~ on 570 ~EE Report; Number 6,~ · No. 586 - Win. g.' Booth - requesting Cmmci] to cone to s conclusion on the ~arra application. In conn'~ction with th~s matter, Aid. Ke~h;-m, Chairman or the Property Committee proceeded to outline in detail the steps which had been taken with regard to this application, having been submitted to the Committee of Adjustment twice and tunled down; bad been before the Planning Board for considersb]e period of t~me sad never actually ftna]ized: then returned to Council for Further r;~nsidera~ion by Proc- arry Committee and in the neantime, Mr. Booth~s client w:~s anxle,,~ to h~ve ~he ,~atter settled. Ald. Ketghan advised that he had had the City MsnaKer obta{n $ elan or the Proposed road widening at the intersection of Dorchester Road and Lundy's Lane for Counetl's perusal tonight and that the plan indicates five ]aad highway startinK at Depew Avenue and widening out until it cones to Dorchester Road and that th~s would mean that considerable road widening would have to take niece at that partic. Jar soot (~arra property), and this would nean a tremendous flow of traffic st that intersec- tion, and that insofar as he was concerned and also the Proper~y Conmittee. that it is imperative that Mr. 7arts COmPly with zoning restrictions regard]n~ rear and side Yard, and that therefore in his opinion, the application of Mr. ~'arra would have to be turned down. The Aldermen pointed out that this was a decision on this particular aPPlication. Ald. Keighan moved therefore, in view of the application of Mr. ~arra having been turned down twice by the Committee of Adjustment and because of the pro- Posed. road widening that the zoning by-law be adhered to and the communications, numbers 571 and 586 be received and filed. This motion was seconded by Ald.McCallum. Carried Unanimously. At this point, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Ald.Mitch- elson that Mr. Booth be heard. ]{e queried whether Council would be prepared to uphold any other application in accordance with the by-law, similar to the manner in which this particular application was handled and Ald. Keighan advised that Coun* ell would uphold any by-lawpassed unless the application goes through the usual ehannels for relief from such by-law. No. 587 - Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Amendment Application, Oneida Ltd. In connection with this commlunication, Ald. Mitchelson advised that the Planning Board unanimously recommended to Council approval of this request for exemption from the Restricted Area By-law to permit the erection of an observation tower to a height of 350 feet above grade at the tower site on Falls Avenue. Aid. Mitchelson referred to the large area of ground which is one of the most expensive and desirable real estate areas in the City and that the Oneida Company has been es- tablished in this area for a good many years, and that in view of the reputation and policies of the Firm in the past it is the feeling that the application merits the support of this Council and is so recommended on that basis. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Martin that the communication be received and filed and the recommendation of the Planning Board be approved. Carried Unanimously. SEE Co~m~unication 588 No. 588 - Wm. G. Booth - proposed Oneida Tower structure in contravention of present zoning by-law; and request clarification of reasons for granting a building permit. Ald. Keighan advised that this matter was considered by the Property Committee some time ago and the Coz~nittee were aware of the fact that the by-law would be contravened; he referred to the provisions by which a building permit would be issued. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Martin that the communication be received and filed. Mr. Booth reiterated his query as contained in his communication as to whether a building permit had been issued or not and whether it would be issued until by-law is approved by O.M.B. No. 589 - Kiwanis Club - appreciation for the naming of street leading into the Kiwanis Village "Kiwanis Crescent". ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and filed. No. 590 - Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 51 - requesting permission to hold a house to house canvass for sale of poppies on Friday evening, Nov. 8th and for street sale of poppies on Saturday, Nov. 9th. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Martin that the communication be received, filed and permission granted. No. 591 - Stamford Horticultural Society - invitation to Memorial Service on Novem- ber lOth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the invita- tion be received, accepted and as many of the members of Council as find it possible, attend. No. 592 - Canada Dept. of Agriculture - European Chalet. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mltchelson and Ald. Potter that the comm~unication be received, filed and His Worship the Mayor be authorized to appoint someone to attend the ~eeting to be arranged by the Department between Federal, Provincial, and Municipal Off~cials. No. 593 - Chamber of Commerce - recommending Planning Board be retained as a separ- ate entity. 0RDEHED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the commun- ication be received and referred for consideration to the report which is to be pre- pared by the City Manager and City Solicitor in connection with communication from the Community Planning Branch. No. 594 - War Pensioners of Canada Inc. - re: Lot on Belmont Avenue, ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. No. 595 - Canadian National Railways - Sale price of land to be used as traffic lane to accommodate vehicular traffic moving southerly on Victoria ~venue and turning on to Bridge Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Max~in and Ald. McCallumthat the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee for a report. No. 596 - Dept. of Municipal Affairs - attaching plan and questionnaire in connection with proposed subdivision, Pt. of ~p. Lot 71. OR~D on the motion of Ald.Mitch- elson and Ald. Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the Prop- arty Committee for study and a report. No; 597 - Wm. G. Booth - John Katona Application and conflict of interest. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keigban and AId. Corfield that tha communication be received and referred to the City Solicitor for an opinion. No. 598 - .Wm. ~. Booth - Planning Board premises. Aid. Martin, one of Council's representatives on the Planning Board, proceeded to outline in detail what had tran- that this matter had first bcco bron~t Im at tnc BcarG'~ meeting in iTnl,~ ~,.d intended to renew the lease at the end of this year for the Premises o~ed building and that the City had such a bn~]:]ffnq or, L, tndv'~ Tore ~'. '.:~ ..... Mootrose R~d, ~e A]de~sn a~--]~ed t,h~,t binding on the Board, that thpy '.;~,u]d mov~ t~ ~;be 2Gl~er of Lun,~y's v~sed that this matter ha~ been thoro~Khly d~sc,m~;ed by Council apd and reported by Co~cl~. Mr. B~th stated that he ~mF t~fin~ t~, nchi~w~ for Co~ci]. at this time. A ooint of order was req,~,ested at th~ time. ~nd Ald. MarfLu of the P]anning Board, that he fe]t' that there ~ sn ' t sDytbiMg go~ nK o~ bah; Dd C]csed ORDERED on the motion of A].d. Fatten add AId. Corfie]d that the co~nm~cation be re- ceived and filed. Mo. 599 - Win. G. BoOth - Closed Sessions of Planning Board. In aDen kinE t~, t;he com- munication, Mr, Booth was of the o~nion that the P]anninR Bo~rd to have all hearings in public ~nd tn c~me tn n recorded vote on McKinley stated that it was undprstonc~ fr,~m the P]annfn~ Bo~-.~ th~,t thP~r were open to the Dublie. IF. in the Future, Mr. B~th c,~D mept~ P an8 the date of the meeting when the rub]~c was e~cludsa. ~t co,~38 be br~,~f;h~ to and ~velo~ent for clarification ~ to the duties of the P]anpin~ Unanimously, It we~ ~raered ~n th~ motion ~,f a14. McCn]]~ and A]a, Cnr['N, ld that Mr. Pierre Pasquet, Member of the Plannin~ Board ~nd nr the Committee of Aaj~,stmont be Adjustment, that the Coaltree be tncl~nded ~n the req,,eHt to be fo~,,orded later of Planning and ~velopment Pot nonfi~at~n of their duties. to by Council. No. 600 - .Wm. O. Booth - suggesting ony sit~ p]sn s~;roem{mt re condition between M.Y.C, and City be made available to Press and m~bl]c prior to ~ts ~re,~ut~on. ~,vr/~ afarcement to include a perromance ob]jgation bond or gus~tntee. i~e City So]icitor no:lured that the proposed site clan is only with the purchasers nf the ?Ponetry nnd nqt the New York Central Railway. Aid. Keighan ~dvised ~hat what Mr. Booth Prooozed Was the exact reco~endation contained ~n the renorg of ~he City Ss]ie~tor which quested the Solicitor to prepare, to tell Co,~nei] how ]efSa] an~ b~Dd~n[{ s~t,~ plan a~ree- meats were. A lengthy discussion ensued with reference to Lhe pros and cons of the site plan agreement and what should or shou]d not be contained the~in, w~th comments being offered by Mr. Peter Gordon~ Mr. BroOer]ck. Mr. Booth St.. sod the audience, following which it was ordered on the motion of AId. McCallurn Scott that in viev of the fact that whaB Mr. Booth proposed had alreudy been considered. that the eo~mieation be received and Mr. John Broderlck was then permitted to address Commi], on tho motion nf Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton and he advised that he wa,'; reoresenMn[; his client, Mr. M. Ricci, of the Cakes Drive Motel, expressing his concern wtth reference ~;o the future disposal of air ri~ts over the New York Central rfF~t-of-way north of the Oakes Drive Bridge and was of the opinion that if any monies are nnnnt a~ Lhat location by f~uPe developers it would not be for the benefit of his client. Ire sureshed that there might be a further request to the Planning Board to have an additional stipula- tion or cca~ent put in the site plan agreement to the effect that any development of air rights north of the Oakes Drive Bridge he eliminated from consideration and sug- gested that a motion be passed that would protect his client's interests in the sit- uatiou referred to, and following discussion on the matter it was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Keighan that a conanunication be forwarded to the Planning Board requesting that the lands to the north of Cakes Drive Bridge and adjacent to the Oakes Drive motel concerning the deck over the tracks be not included in the application. This motion was defeated by a vote of 6 to 3, the vote being - Aye: Alderman McKinley, Keighan and Cotfield; Nays:- Aldermen Mitchelson, McCallurn, Scott, Mor~on, Martin and Potter. No. 601 - Win. G. Booth - requesting Council to obtain written legal opinion from City Solicitor and if necessary, a written opinion from Dept. of Municipal Affairs' Soli- citors re: proposed Motor-Hotel on Lundy's Lane. Mr. Booth advised that he had been requested to withdraw the opposition of the Dominion Store Plaza to the proposed Motor-Hotel but that he was still acting on behalf of property owners of the former Stamford Lumber Company and they were still objecting to proposed develolment. Ald. Keighan referred to the fact that the interest with reference to the former Stamford Lumber Company property on the south side of IAmdy's Lane west of Drummond Road, ware inconsistent in that they ware asking for permission to carry out erection, and protesting the possible deterioration of that section of Lundy's Lane. He also de- plored the statements made by Mr. Booth with reference to his possible conflict of interest, protesting vehemently that there was no such thing in existence and as long as he was a Member of Council, there would never be. Mr. l~ooth stated that he was quite prepared to retract any statements which created that opinion. Following fur- ther discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and filed. No. 602 - Martin, Calvert, Sheppard & Clark - requesting a hearing in order to answer any valid criticisms submitted by Mr. Booth. OffeRED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Mitchelson that the communication be received and filed and permissiox~ granted as requested. laid over from th.e previous meeting: No. ~ - Traffic C~ittee - reccemaending elimination of taxi stands on Falls Avenue and Clifton Hill. ORI~I~D on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. McCallurn that the report be tabled until return of Mayor .Miller. ~ SEE Communication 570 SEX Communication 585 · ne following Reports were presented; No. 700 - Property Camittee - recon~aending that rescmaendation of Planning ~sard be approved and Cotmoil pass necessary by-law to re-zone strip of land 60 feet by approx. 300 feet, re: Kobald development. ORI~ED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Aid. Morton that the report be received and adopted. SEE Ccasaunication 5~0 the repor~ be received and adopted. 2~ Ccmauntcation ~79. No, 70~ - Property Comettree - reoosmendtngproprletor of Alplne Hotel be requested to make further application to Committee of Adjustment. ORDBI~D on the mottoh of Ald0 Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the reportbe re~etvedand adopted. S]~ Ccmaustcation 580 ~anted t Ltd. OI~D on the ~ao~ion of AId. Mi~ohelson and Aid. Po~ter that the ~po~ ~ ~eeived ~d adored. ' S~ Cossaunieatlon No. 704 - City Manager - requesting Permission for Chairman of Negotiations Com- mittee and the City Manager to attend the Ontario Municipal Personnel Officers' Association Conference to be held in Sudbury on Nov. 15th and 16th. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, filed and per- mission granted. No. 705 - ~ _ advising of meeting on Nov. 6th at Hydro Laboratory in Toronto. 0R~EI~D on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. Scott that the report be received, filed and permission granted. No. 706 - City Manager - report on Building Permits issued during October, 1963. 0R- DE~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report be received and filed. No. 707 - Pollution Control Committee - reconmending appointment of three applicants for the position of Operator at Pollution Control Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. Ald. Mar~in advised that with reference to the applicant referred to by the Rev. Rolls at the previous Coun- cil Meeting, that consideration would be given as soon as his educational qualifications are available for inspection. No. 708 - City Clerk - List of objections received re: amendment to Zoning By-law 5335 re: Gru~ich property. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that in view of the number of citizens who have written in opposition to this particu- lar amending by-law, that cognizance be taken of these and Council not proceed with the processing of the by-law and avoid the necessity of an 0MB hearing. This motion was lost by a vote of 6 to 3~ the vote being - Aye -Ald. Mitchelson, Scott and McCallua; Nays; -Ald. Martin, Marton, McKinley, Potter,. Corfield, Keighan. An amendment by Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the matter be laid over for consideration of a full Council, was carried by a vote of 6 to 3; the vote being;- Aye -Ald. Martin, Morton, Keighan, .McKinley, Potter, Cotfield; Naye- Ald. Mitchelson, McCallum and Scott. No. 70~ - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accor- dingly. No. 710 - C0zzatttee of Adjustment - DeciSion of Committee re: Christian Huber. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. No. 711 - Ccannittee of Adjustment - refund received from Mr. Booth of remuneration received for years 19~9 to 1962 inclusive as Member of Committee of Adjustment for for- mar Township of ~tanford. 0RI~RED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and referred to the City Solicitor to establish Council's Position in this matter. " No. 7~2'- Chairsan, Pollution Control Committee - report on attendance at 30th Annual Meeting in Quebec,City of Canadian Institute on Pollution Control. ORI~HED on the motion of Ald. ~ax~ln and Aid. Corfield that the report be received and tabled for one week f~r the perusal of Council. RESOn 0HS The following Resolutions were pessed~ No. 7~ - MCKINLEY - MORTON - Resolved that the next regular meeting of Council be held on Tuesda~ evening, November 12~h, 1~3 sonanencing at 7:~0 p.m. and the Seal of the Corporation be heroto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 77 - MORTON . I~XGHAN - 'RESOLVED that the condolences of His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council be fox~arded to Mr. Sydney Raven, upon the death of his son, Mr. Albert Raven~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. .Carried Unanimous~y DAY ~I~ l~Acting Mayor Swayze reminded members of Council of the Remembrance Day Service, scheduled for Monday morning, November llth at the Cenotaph, on Clifton Hill and expx~ssed the desire that as many members of Council as possible plan to attend and be present at Branch 51, Clubhouse, Victoria Avenue at iO:BO a.m. to participate in the parade to the Cenotaph. Following the remarks of Aid. Keighan concerning the marked increase in the price of sugar, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Ald. Mor~on that Council forward a communication to the Minister of Trade and Commerce at Ottawa reques- ting an investigation as to the reason for such increase in price of sugar; copy of communication be forwarded to our Local Member of the Legislative Assembly, Mr. George Bukator. Carried Unanimously. Aid. Eeighan referred to the good work which our Local Member of the Pro- vincial Parliament is doing in trying to have legislation introduced that will without doubt show what interest rates persons have to pay before they sign mortgage papers in connection with real estate transaction, and pginted out that tremendous interest rates and bonuses are being charged to such applicants for second mox~gages. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Eei~hmn and Aid. Mitchelson that a communication be fonmrded to the .Prime Minister and also to Mr. Geo. Bukator, M.P.P. concerning this matter. BY-lAWS The following By-laws were passed; A by-law to amend By-lay Number ~B35 (1955) as amended, which is a by-law to regulate the use of land and the use, location, spacing, height and area of buildings and structures within the City of Niagara Falls. ~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Corfield that Ald. Kei~han be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. 0BD~ED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of CounCil be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given' the second reading. - Carried ~nanimously. Third Reading - Aid. McKinley - AId. MoCallum - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~4~1. - A by-law to amend By-law Number ~149, re~arding tourist establishments. ORI)~ on ~ha motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Ald.~ei~han be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried ~Ynanimously. ' · 0B~ED on the motion of Ald. Kei.~an and Aid. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given .the 2nd reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Mitchelson and AId. Morton - Carried Unanimously. N.o. ~$2 - To n-~_ud B~-law Number ~13~, bein~ a by-lay to prc~td~ 'for ~he installation' of parking meters 'on certain streets in ~he City of NIagara Falls and to provide regulations relative to the parking of vehicles in ~he areas or zones where parking meters are installed. O~m~SD on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that AId. Kei~han be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and 'the by-la~ be ~iven the first readinS. - Carried ~nanimously. ,' ~ on the motion of AI~. Eeighan and Ald. Potter ~hat Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be 8iven the second reading. - taxTied ~Ynanimously. Third Reading - A14. MolCtnle~ and Aid, Mitehelaon - Carried Unanlaously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. McKinley. BEAD AND AEOP£~, 1Rth November, 1963. FINANCE ~'A'iNG Council Chamber, ~th November, 1963. The Finance ~eeting was held on November ~th, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and.placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the except-. ion of His Worchip, Mayor Miller. Aid. Mor~in, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $549,261.88 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law, for presentation to the Council, on the motion of Ald. Scott and. Ald, Mitchelson. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. Hans Nercnik, 2~O5 ~anley Avenue, ,f~r permission to erect a masonite and wood racer sign, at an esti- mated cost of $20. was presented for consideration. 0RE~RED on the motion of Aid. Mitche. lson.,and Ald. Pot~er that the report be received, adopted and permit issued~ The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. Hans Mercnik, Stanley Avenue, for a building permit to cover alterations and additions to the buildin~ located at the Junction of Portage Road and Stanley Avenue, at an estimated cost of $40,000. was presented. ORIentED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Scott that the report be received and adopted and the applicant be advised to make an appli- cation to the Cosmitten of Adjustment. .... The city .Manager~e .repor~ .on the application .of .Mr. F..Reber, 1313 Vic- toria Avenue, for a permit to erect a plastic~ illuminated overhanging sign, at an estimated cost of $300. was presented. ORI)E~D on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted~ and permit issued. · ns 0ity Manager' s report on the application of Stamford Centre Community Credit U~ion Ltd., ~1 Portage Road for a erait to erect a plastic, illuminated, overhanging sign, at an estimated ~ost of ~BgO. was presented, 0P~e~ED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Aid. Mitchelson that the report be received, adopted and permit issued providin~ that the outside of the sign is not beyond t1~ feet from the inside of the faoe of the walk. .l !. The City Manager' s report on the application of Stamford Centre C~unity Credit UniOn Ltd., 61 Portage Road, for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated sign at- an estimated cost of $390. was presented for consideration. O~IR~ED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be .received, adopted, and permit is- sued, previd~d that the outside of the sign is within ~4 feet of the face of the build- lng. The City Maneger's report on the plans of Michael Glavcic of the Ameri- C~.~ Motel, 4444 Lundy's x~-e, for the construction of motel units on either side of the Restaurant and Motel presently located on his premises, was presented for consid- eretion, 0Pa~ on the.motion of.Ald..Keighan and Aid. Scott that the,report .be received, adopted and applicant be advised to apply to the C~ittee of Adjustment to determine whether there is sufficient side yard on the west side of the pr~m~ ees of the proposed construction; and that reference be made to Dr. Sturgeon, Director of the Welland and District Health Unit to determine whether the motel development is capable of accomodating ~6 more units as far as sewer requirements are necessary. In connection with the application of Mrs. Ethel Herr~me, for a build- ing permit to construct an addition at the rear of the Renown Printing Company building at 1~ Bridge Street, which was referred to the City Manager at the last meeting, the City N~_n-ger reported verbally and suggested that the applicant be advised to .~ke application to the C~ttee of Adjustment, because of space required for parking of vehicles. 0I~B~%1) on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Aid. Morton that the verbal re- port and recommendation of the City P~--~er be adopted. The City Manager reported verbally on the application made to-day for a building permit for the excavation and foundation for the proposed motor hotel on the south side of Lund~'s w~ne, stating that he had not prepared a report nor recom- mendation, except to now state that there is an application before the C~ittee of Adjustment with regard to the side yard requirements on the west side of the property end which might have some bearing on the actual location of the foundation on that side. The. remainder of the proposed motor-hotel meets all requirements with refer- ence to side lines. The City Manager referred to the fact that the season is getting late and ~ueried whether Council would consider authorizing iss,=nce of a permit for the excavation end foundation. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald.-Mitchelson that Mr. A. F. ~eppard, Solicitor for the applicants, be heard. Mr. Sheppard referred to the approval by Council two weeks ago of a permit when the appli- cant filed p~anS, ~nd further advised, that at that time the Coemnittee of Adaustment application was made because of an.infraction of the side yard requirements. He stated that at the moment his clients were not in a position t~ say whether there would be an infraction or not, aa it depends on the construction of a sec?nd storey. Mr. Sheppard advised that they were applying for a building permit for excavation, and concrete work on the sections that are not before the Committee of Adjustment. FolIo- w~n~ a discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald~ Morton that a building permit he not issued until it has been decided whether an applica- tion is necessax7 to the Committee of Adjustment or not and 'furthermore, that all plans-.be campleted before building permit is~-issued. Carried Unanimously. The Conmittee arose and reported to Council on ~he motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mltchelson. READ AND ADOr~ra, 12th November, 1963. Chair.~ of Flnance COUNCIL M~TiNG Council Chamber, ~th November, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Men~ay, 4th November, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Ccamnittee. AllMembers were present, with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Miller. Acting Mayor Swayze presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed_A No. 6433 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. 0RESRF~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that Ald. Martin be granted permission to introduce the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. Carried U.~-imou~ly. Third Readins -Ald. Potter and Ald. Morton - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton. AND ADOPTED, 12th November, 1963. FX~'-BE'VE~L~ Council Chamber, 12th November, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council mat at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, 12th Novem- ber, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance, AllMembers of Council were present, with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Miller, and Aid. Scott. Enacting Mayor Swayze presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on .the motion of AId. Potter and AId. Cotfield. O~VNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 583 - Town of Riverside - advocating that municipalities be given the right to duce speed limits in school zones to 15 M.P.N. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the cc~munication be received and filed and th~resol~tion be not endorsed. _SEE Repor~ Number 713 No. 584 - City of Sarnia - resolution for the demolition of dilapidated dwellings, etc. which contribute to neighbourhood problems and reduce value of real estate in such areas. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Moxton and Ald. Cotfield that the comuni- cation be received and filed and Sarnia be advised that City of Niagara Falls consider the authority provided in the Planning Authority is satisfactory. SEE Repor~ Number 714 No. 592 - Canada De~partment of Agr~iculture - re: l~cal infestation by .European Chafer. SEE Co~nuntcatton 603 No. 594 - War Pensioners of Canada Inc. - re: Part of Lot 15, Belmont Avenue. ORDER- ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed and the report of the Proper~y Committee 'he adopted. SEE ReportNumber 715 No. 576 - Community Planning Association of Canada - Q~estionnaire re: Planning Boards. O~I~ED on the motion of Aid. McCallum~nd Ald. Corfield that the c~unication be received and filed and the report of the City Solicitor and City Manager be adopted. SEE Report Number 716 ~ Cc~mumication 5~ No. 595 ' Chamber of Commerce - advocating retention of a Planning Board. ORDEI~D on the motion of Aid. McOallum and'Ald;'C0rfield that the'~o~u~icatiSn'b~'~i~d'a~d' filed. SEE Co=~"mication 576 ~EE"~por~Number 716 No. 5~5 - Can___adian National Railways - sale price of small piece of land at the cor- ner of Brid~e St. and Victoria Ave. ~on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the coasaunication be received, filed and the ]a~d in question be purchased from the C.N,R. at the price quoted, namely, $~OO. SEE Re~ort Number 717 No. 5~ - Dept. of ~nicipal Affairs - proposed Subdivision, ~t. of T~. Lot 71, lo- cated near north-west intersection offerold Road and Dorchester Road. 0~DE~ on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Cotfield that the communication be received, filed, and report of Property Gaittee be adopted. S!~ Report Number 718 No. 597 -~n. G. ~ooth - re: John i C atone. ORl~l~Don the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Kei~ that the communication be received and filed and the report of the City Solici~or~e filed. ' ' S~ERepor~ Number 71~ The following Ccsaunications were presented; Falls to discuss ~uropean Chalet infestation. ORE~d~Don the motion of AId. Potter and Ald. McKinley that the cceaumiea~ionbe ~eceived, filed and the Writer be advised that the date is assailable. Sl~ Ccesaunication ~ No. 604 - Wm. G. Booth - re: Oneida ccmplex. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Aid. McCallum and Ald. Martin that the communication be received and filed. Previous to this action, a discussion was held, and it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald.Keighan that Mr. Booth be beaM. Ne queried whether he was correct in assuming that no foun dation could be commenced until such time as the amending by-law receives approval of the O.M.B. under the provisions of The Planning Act, and the City Manager advised that the excavation and foundation could be carried up to ground level but no higher; the City Solicitor concurred and advised that anything up to the height of 35 feet could be spproved at this time. No. 605 - City of Sarnia - Resolution on subject ofDutch Elm Disease and the removal from private property of dead and diseased Elm trees. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the resolution be received and endorsed. This motion was lost by a vote of 5 to 2, the vote being - Aye: - Aldermen Morton and Potter; Naye:- Aldermen Martin, Keighan, McKinley, McCalltun and Corfield. No. 606 - City of Woodstock - resolution re: discontinuance of designation of depressed areas. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum that the comunication be referred to Communication No. 611 for consideration. Following such consideration, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and Ald. McCallum that the communication be tabled and the City Clerk be authorized to obtain copies of legislation dealing with this subject. SEE Communication 611 No. 607 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Nearing, Nov. 19th re: Wm. Becker appli- cation. No. 608 - Co~nittee of Adjustment - Notice of Nearing, Nov. 19th re: Dalecombe Develop- ment Ltd. application. Mr. J. Cairns, member of D~lecombe Development Ltd. was per- mitted to speak to Council on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfleld. He requested that as their Solicitor was late in arriving at this meeting, that communication 608 be held in abeyance, as he understood the City Manager had a revised application for a building permit for the motor-hotel construction on Lundy's Lane and if approval could be obtained from the City, their application before the Committee of Adjustment could be withdrawn. The City Clerk was of the opinion that Mr. Cairns should take the matter up with the Committee of Adjustment. No. ~0~ - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing, Nov. 19~h re: Nilomit Glavcic application. OP~ on the motion of Ald. Martin and-Ald. Keighan that the communi- cations he received and filed. No. 610 - Prime Minister's Office - acknowledging query on mortgage interest rates and advising letter referred to Attorney-General for consideration. 0RDE~ on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Cotfield that the communication be received and filed. N~. 611 - Industrial Dept. of Chamber of Commerce - information re: designation of Brantford a~ a depressed area. ORDENED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. McKinley that the coemunioation be received, tabled and the City Clerk be authorized to obtain copies of the legislation dealing with this subject. SEE Cc~manication 606 No. 612 - Multiple Sclerosis Society, Niagara Chapter - requesting financial assistance in Christmas Party, scheduled for Dec. 13th. 0P~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the 0ommunication be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance and the City Manager for consideration and report. No. ~13 ' N.F.Jr. Chamber of Commerce - requesting use of streets for Santa Clause Parade, Dec. 7th. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Potter that the muni~ation be received and filed and permission granted as requested and the Police Dept. be so notified. No. ~14 - Robt. A. Green - re: possibility of applying for Prey. ~ovt. loan for ~ater main extension in Carrier Road area. OP~D on the motion of AId. Martin and Aid. Cotfield tha~ the Communication be received and referred to the City ManeSet for a report. No. 615 - South-End Business & Profession~l Men's Association -~ expressing appreciation for in~rovements in p~rking lot area. OBE~F~D on the motion o£Ald. Mor~on and Ald, Cotfield that the conmunication be received and filed. No. 616 - H.E.P.C. of Ontario - enclosing interim payment, in lieu of te~es for 1963. ORBKItED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald, Keighan that the communication be re- ceived and filed. Alderman Kttchelson arrived at the meeting - REPO~TS laid over frcm the previous meeting; No. 711 - Committee of Adjustment - advising of refund received from Wm. G. Booth of remuneration received for years 1959 to 196~ inclusive as a member of the Committee of former Township of Stamford. ORl~l~1) on the motion of Ald. McCallumand Ald. McKinley that the report be received, filed and the cheque be not accepted. 1'nis motion ~as carried by a vote of ~ to 3, the vote ~eing: - Aye o Aid. McCallum, McKinley, Keighan and Kttchelson; Nays - Aldermen Potter, Morton and Corfield. SI~ Repor~ Number 720 No. 71~ - Chairman, ~anitation & Pollution Control Committee - report on attendance at 30thAnnualMeetin~of C~n. Institute on Pollution Control, Quebec City. ORDsI~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McKinley that the rapor~ be received and filed.. The following Reports were presented; No. 713 - Traf~l.c Ccemittee - reefs.mending resolution from Riverside, advocating munio cipalities be given right to reduce speed limits in school zones to 15 M.P.H. be not endorsed. OFd~i~ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and AId. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Commlnication 58 No. 71~ - Property Committee - resolution of City of Baraim re: demolition of dilap- idated dwellings, etc. O~l~l~B on the motion of AId. Morton and Aid. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Commumication-~4 No. 715 - Property Co~nittee - reccemendations re: communication frumWarPensioners of Canada, Nia~armFalls Branch re: Part of Lot 15, Plan97, Belmont Avenue. Eon the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. ~EE Ccemuntcation No. 716 - City golicl~or & City Manager - not in a~reement with dissolving Planning Beards me presently constituted. 0BIlleD on the motion of AId. McCsllum and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE~Co~nunication 576 ~EECc~munteatton 593 No. 717 - P~y Celttee - rec~n~ng accedes of sale price set by C.R.R. for ~d at comer or Brl~e & Victoria Avenue. O~emd on the m~ion o~ A~.M~tnley ~d Aid. ~on t~ t~e ~po~ be ~eetved ~d ad~e~, ~13 Cs~nicatton 592 No. 71.8 - Propex~It C.os~tttee - rec~saending approval of proposed subdivision located near north-west intersection of Thorold Road and Dorchester Road~ OI~2R~D on the motion of AId. Mox~on and Aid, Co~field that the repox~ be received and adopted. _SIS C~unicatton.,~' t No. 719 - City Solicitor - re: t4r. Booth's letter on John Katona application. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~artin and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and filed. SEE Communication 597 No. 720 - City Solicitor - comments on cheque returned by Wm. G. Booth, being refund of remuneration for years 1959 to 1962 inclusive, as a Member of the Conmaittee of Adjust- ment Of former Township. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, filed and the cheque be not accepted. This motion was carried by a vote of ~ to 3, the vote being: - Aye - Aldermen McCallum, McKinley, Keighan and McKinley; N~ye - Aldermen Potter, Morton and Corfield. SEE Report Number 71_~1_ In connection with this subject, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Potter that Mr. Booth be heard. He advised that he had served on the Committee of Adjustment free of charge since the first of January, 196B and intended tO ser~e out the r~mainder of his period on the Committee without remuneration; and since there are certain questions of law involved, preferred as a citizen to return the funds received from the former Township of Stamford through the years 1959 to 1962, to the City. Mr. Booth stated that he was in complete accord with the City Solicitor's report that this did not have any bearing as to whether there has been any conflict of interest in the past. No. 721 - ~ions Committee - progress report on meeting held with Civic Employees' gnlon, Local 133, and Local 52"~of Fire Fighters, on Nov. 7th re: pension scheme. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and filed. No. 722 - Equijpment Committee - recomxendlng purchase of Brentford Anthony Sander and truck, for the sum of $1,500. from Calaguiro Bros. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. NcCallum and Ald. Bartin that the report be received and adopted. No. 723 - ~nltation & Pollution Control Committee - report on meeting with Hydro ,Officials in Toronto, Nov. 6th to study fIydro mod~l of Niagara River, and possibility of Hydro Canal being closed for repairs. No. 724 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending Consulting Engineers be employed to study problems to be faced by City if Hydro Canal is closed for repairs. Reports Numbers 72B and 724, having been considered together, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bartin, seeended by Ald. Potter that report number 723 be received and filed and report number 724 be received and adopted. This motion was carried by a vote of 5 to 3, the vote being - Aye - Aldemen ~artin, Potter, Kitchelson, McCallumand Cor~,ield; Nays o Aldermen McKinley, Morton and Keighan. No. 72~ - Sanitation & Pollution Control Co~mittee - suggesting matter of appointments to Operating Staff of Pollution Control Plant be left in abeyance before further recom- mendation is made to Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bartin and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 726 - Traffic Committee - roccmnending installation of switches on School Signs on Lund~'s lane west of D~m~Ond Road. 0RBERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Kei~han that the report be received and adopted. No, 727 - Tl~ffic' Committee - su~e~ting prices be obtained for installation of a ~atehm~_~-opemted signal at pedestrian crossing at Cellucotton Plant, Victoria Ave. 01~[1~ on ~he motion of Aid. Po~ter ~d Aid. Mo~on that the repo~ ~ mceived and adopted. 7R8 - ~o~y C~i$$ee - ~comending ~. Holt of Holt &Mc~ld be employed as Real Estate A~nt for City to deal with ~ers of two profiles concamed with new r~d bergen Po~a6e R~d~d St~ley Avenue. 0~Eon the motion of Ald. Mo~on ~d AId. F~ter t~t the mpo~ ~ ~ceived nd adored. No. ~ - ~ffie O~ittee - ~caending no ~n~ at intersection of Nex~er and ~r~mt Stmets. 0~on the motion of Ald. Potter andAid. Cotfield that the n~be meeived and adopted. No. 7~0 a~P~y C~i~$ee - s~s~ing applican~ for buildi~ ~mi~ ~o cons$~e~ a ~ B~e 8t~t a~ to C~t~ee of A~ust~nt. 0~ on ~he motion of Ald. ~t~ ~4 Aid, Ni~ehelson t~t the ~po~ ~ ~eeived and adopted. No. 7Jl - City ~hnager - advising of submission of a sketch by ~yer Bruck~ for construc- tion of a motel in the vicinity of McGrail and EllenAvenue. ORE~E9 on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted, and applica- tion be referred to the Property Cc~nnittee for study and a report. No. 7J2 - Assist. to City r~r. Administrative - recommending capital works for certain eewer projects be referred to the Pollution Control C~ittee. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 733 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORE~RED on the motion of Aid. ~artin and AId. ~eighan that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accor- dingly. I~SOIA~i~ON The following Resolution was passed; No. 79 - MCKINLEY - COBFIELD - RESOLVED that the tender submitted by Pyramid Piping Co. Ltd., ~6~ Montrose Road, for Phase II in the changing of the heating and piping equip- ment at the Niagara Falls Filtration Plant, at a quotation of $7,7~8.00 be accepted; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. Alderman Mitchelson referred to the Remembrance Day Services and the fact that there is a Cenotaph also in front of the Stamford Memorial Arena containing a lengthy list of names of people formerly citizens of Stamford, whose relatives and friends are now citizens of the new City of Niagara Falls, and the Aldermanias of the opinion that it would indeed be satisfying if the Cenotaph were moved down to Queen 'Victoria Park beside the Cenotaph there, and suggested that the Mayor or City Manager look into the feasibility of his suggestion and requested the members of Council to give some thought to it also. Enacting Mayor referred to the Cenotaph now in place in Queen Victoria Park and the fact that on the one side of the same the list of names ~s not too leg- ible and suggested that remedial action should be taken. The followinSBy-laws were passed; BY-LAWS by-law to amend By. law Number 51~9, regarding tourist establishments. ClOgRED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Ald. ~eighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the firs~ reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the~by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. McCallurn and Aid. Mitchelson - Carried Unanimously. A by-law to expropriate certain lands in the City of Niagara Falls. (Re: widening of Canbore Road, known ae Lund~'s Lane) free Oaraer Road to Beechwood Road) ~ on the motion of Ald. Cox~ield and Aid. Mitchelson that Ald.Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the b~-law be given the first reading, -CarriedUnanimously. ~ on the motion of Aid. Zeighan and AId. Potter that Rule 36 (.2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the b~-law be given the second reading. - Oartied'Unanimously. ~hix~ badinS - AId.. Po~er and AId. M,0Callu~ - Carried UnaniaouSl~v. No. ~ - A By-law to expropriate certain lands in the City of Niagara Falls (Re: widening of Canboro Road, known as Lundy's Lane from Beechwood Road to the west limit of the City). ORIentED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Potter that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and AId. Mor~on that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Mor~on and Aid. Potter - Carried Unanimously. ~ - A by-law to expropriate certain lands in the City of Niagara Falls (re: widening of Canboro Road, known as Lundy's lane, from Kalar Road to Garner ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. McKinley that Aid. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum. READAN DAD OPTED, 18th November, 1963. FINANCE ~ETINO Council Chamber, l~h November, 1963. · ne Finance Meeting was held on November 12th, 1963, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Comnittee were present, with the excep- tiou of His Worship, Mayor Miller and Alderman Scott. Alderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundx7 Accounts in the amount of $112,~1.91 were approved by the Coemittee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Mone~By-law, for presentation to the Council, on ~he motion of AId. Mor~ou and Aldo Cotfield. The offer of Niagara Sheet Metal to purchase Lot 18 in the Industrial Sub- division facing Mentress Road, was presented for consideration. ORE~I~D on the motion of Aid. Mltohelson and AId. Potter that the offer be received and referred ~0 ~he Propex~ Cosreferee for a repor~. The City Manager's report on the application of the Niagara Clifton-Notel, on the north side of Clifton Hill, between Oneida Lane and Falls Avenue, for a build-' ing permit for alteration at .an estimated cost or $16,000. was presented for consid- ererich. O~ on the motion of Aid. Swayse and Aid. Potter that the report be re- ceived, adopted, and permit issued upon receipt of detailed plans. The City Manager's report on the application of Anthony and Joseph Rocco, for a building permit to erect a motel at the north-west comer of River Road and Buttrey Street, at an estimated cost of $~0,000. was presented. ORI~RED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit i. ssued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Cloverleaf Moteli 3514 Lundy's Lane, for a building permit to construct an addition to the motel at an esti- mated cost of $65,000. was presented. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Mitchelson that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. At this time, Mr. A. F. Sheppard was permitted to speak on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Corfield. Mr. Cotfield advised that the City Manager had floor, structural and excavation plans setting forth in detail as was indicated Council re- quired last week, sufficient to comply with Coancil's decision scme three or four weeks ago, at which time application was made on behalf of his clients for a building permit to construct a motor-hotel on Lundy's lane, adjoining the Shopping Plaza. He advised that the plans indicate that there is no breach whatever of the side yard requirements and that there will be no need to proceed with original application which was made to the Committee of Adjustment; and therefore requested that a permit be issued. The City Manager advised that the plans as now submitted showed that the proposed construction would be 10 feet from the east property line and 10 feet from the west property line and had enough information on the plans to issue permit to pro- ceed with excavation and foundation wells. Mr. SheDpard stated that if a building permit is granted, application to the Committee of Adjustment would be abandoned. In answer to a query by Ald. McCallram as to what action Mr. Booth could pos- sibly take to stop the issuance of this building permit, the City SOlicitor stated. that if litigation is threatened, Council should not discuss legal merits of the question. OI~E~I~ED on the motion of Ald. McCalltun and Aid. McKinley t~Aat Mr. Booth be heard. Mr. Booth advised that he represented property owaers and also himself as owner of the property, as trustee, on the corset of Lundy's Lane and Drummond Road, and strongly objected tO the application and stated that further action is contem- plated if the building permit is issued. A len~hy discussion was held, during which interpretation of former Tramship l~-law 2530 was questioned by Mr. Booth, and he also stated that, in his opinion, final action On this matter should be delayed until there was a full Council present and until the City Solicitor had presented a report as to the application's compliance with ZoninS By-law Following further discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. McCallurn and Ald. Mitchelson that the building pexlnit be issued, subject to the conditions adopted in the Property C~ittee's report Number 673, dated 0cto~er elst. Carried, with Aldersan Swayze and Alderman Morton - contrary. The 01ty Manager advlsed that a building permit covering excavation onl~ at the present ~e will be issued and then when detailed plans are completed, the balance of the permit will be issued and that the provisions upon which the buildin~ permit is to be issued, will appear on the excavation permit, and the foundation-up-to-ground- level permit. ' The Ccsalttee arose and reported ~o Council on the motion of AI~. Morton and AId, McCallurn. · READAN DAD OPTED, 18th November, 1963. C~airman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 12th November, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Tuesday, 12th November, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present, with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Miller and Alderman Scott. Enacting Mayor Swayze presided. BY-LAW The following By-law was passed; ~o. 6~ . A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. 01%DEIiED'o~ the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-Law be given the first reading = Carried Unanimously. OHIB~ED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mox~con that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading.. Carried ttnanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MCCallum and Ald. Hitchelson - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallum. ~EAD AND ADOPteD, 18th November, 1963. REGULAR Nr*,~rANG Council Chamber, 18th November, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 18th, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Mem- bers or Council were present, with the exception of His Worship, Mayor Miller, Alder- men Morton and Scott. ~n_~cttng Mayor Swayze presided. ~ne Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Aid. Potter and Aid. Corfield. ~'ae City Clerk announced that the meeting to be called for the consideration of the European Chalet nuisance in this particular area, has been changed from November 28th to November 26th at 10 a.m. hera in the Council Chamber. CO~ICATIONS L~td over from the previous meeting; No. 612 - Multiple Solereels Society, Niagara Chapter - requesting £1nanctal assistance towards proposed supper meeting and entertainment on Dec. 13th, 1963. Ald. Martin, Chairman of Finance, to whom this request for consideration had been referred to,along with the City Manager, reported verbally and recommended that a contribution of $50.00 be donated for this purpose, and it was orb. red on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Potter that the sum of $50, be donated accordingly. * No. 614 - Robt. A. Green - requesting City to utilize most recent provisions for muni- cipalities to make loans for certain type of projects. ORI~I~D on the motion of Aid. Cotfield and AId. Mitchelson that the coumuntcatton be received, filed, and copy of City Manager's report in this connection be forwarded to the writer. SEE Report Number 734 The following C~unlcattOns were presented: No. 617 - Niagara Falls Ktltte Band - enclosing statement for Band's ~ervloes on Nov. llth. In connection with this communication, it was' ~dered on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and AId. McCallurn that Mr. Miles Thompson, M~eger, be permitted to speak to Council. Mr. ~umpson referred to the annual grant from the City in the amount of $500. which was increased to $600. following ~.ml_m,m~tlon of the City and Township and named several municipalities, namely, Chtppawa, Thorold, Fort Erie, St.Catharlnes, who make ~rants to their IMmds exceedin~ that of the City of Niagara Falls. He item- ized the four engagements par~lcipeted in by the Band, three of which ware requested by Mayor Miller and the City Manager. Mr. Thompson concluded his r~_.rks by request- ing Council to consider his Presentation, pointlng out that the Kidtie' Band is the oldest in the district. ORI~I~/) on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. MaChilum that the ecemunlcation be received and referred to the Chairman of Finance for stud~ and a report to Council. ' - No. 618 - .Visitor and Convention Bureau - InvitatiOn to Council, civic offlctmls and citizens to participate in a "welcome h~ae" to Mayor'Miller from publicity trip to Brewlay, Cal. ORI~I~I) on the. motion of AId. Kei~han and Aid. McCallurn that the invit- ation be received, accepted and as many Members of Cramoil, Officials, and citizens as find, it possible, attend. No. g19 - N.F. Junior Chamber of Commerce - requesting use of Main Street Flrehall for construction of some of the floats to be used in Santa Claus Parade. 01~2B~D on the ... motion OrAld, *NeCallma'a~d'Ald~ '~i~h~l~n that the e~i~&tl~'~ rebelled'and" referred to the Special Fire Ccemi~tee for consideration and submission of 'a repox~ to Cotmoil, No. 620 - City of Kltchener - Resolution to urge Government of Canada to delay enact- ment of proposed legislation re: pension plan and to appoint Royal Commission to make economic study thereon. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the resolution be received, filed and no action taken by Council. No. 621 - S~. Gabriel Seper~te School - commencing Capt. Thomson and his crew, Niagara Falls Fire Department for demonst~on at the school. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallurn and Ald. Potter that this communication be read. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallurn that the communication be received, filed and a copy forwarded to the Fire Chief. Laid over from previous meetingsA No. 691 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending purchase of a National Triplex Mower, at a price of $1,927.00, for the Pollution Control Plant. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 731 - City Manager - submission of a sketch by Myer Bruck, 1599 HcGrail Ave. for pro- posed motel at Centre and Ellen Avenue. SEE Report Number 735. The following Reports were presented; No. 734 - City Manager - suggesting R, Green be advised that installation of watermain to serve properties on Garner Road cannot be undertaken before the spring of 1964. 0~ on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication No. 614 ~o. 735 - Property Committee - recmendlng amendment to By-law 5149 to permit construc- tion of motel proposed by Mr. Myer Brack, and indicating necessity of fence erection to protect motel units from rear yard view of surrounding residences. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Potter that the report be received end adopted and By-law 5149 be amended to permit the erection of the proposed structure, to be limited to 26 units instead of 35 units and that protection satisfactory to the City Council he constructed with reference to the residences in the immediate area. No. 736 - H.G.Acres & Co. Ltd. - Summarized Traffic Survey Report. ORDERED on the motion ofAld. Mar~in and Ald. Potter that the report be received and tabled for per- usal of Council, and until such time as a special meeting is called by the Mayor to consider this and other matters. No. 737 ~ City Manager - report on attendance of Ald. McCallum and City Manager at meeting of Municipal Personnel Association at Sudbury, Nov. 15th and 16th. ORDERED On the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and filed. No. 738 - City Manager - reco~w~ending attendance of City Engineer and Design Engineer at City Engineers' Association Fall Worship in Windsor, Nov. 28th and 29~h. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 739 - Assistant to City Manager - Administration - advising of O.M.B. approval of By-law ~15. 0RIt~RED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and filed. No. 740 - City Engineer - QuOtations received for Chain Link Fence. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 80 No. 7~1 - Cce~tttee of AdJustment - Result of hearing of John Matone application. 0RZgBED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid, Corfield that the raporb be received and filed. No. 742 - Ctt~ Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. OP~g~ED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. RESOLU~ION~ The following Resolutions were passed; No. 80 - CORFIELD - POI~ER - RESOLVED that the tender for the supply and erection of a 4 foot chain link fence, along the pedestrian path Registered Plan 230, Cherrywood Acres, be awarded to Montgomery Bros., 2120 DunnStreet~ at a quotation of $1,433.50; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 81 - MARTIN - POTTER - I~ESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His Wor- ship the Mayor, and Members of the City Council, be forwarded to Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Slemon, upon the ~ntimely death of their daughter, the late Miss Marine Slemon, grand-daughter of the late W. L. Houck. M.P.P., former Mayor of the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 82 - ~glG~AN - McCALIA~ - RESOLVE9 that Mr. Edgar Holt be appointed Real Estate Agent for the City of Niagara Falls in connection with the acquisition of the lands necessary to construct the new road between Portage Road and Stanley Avenue and that he be authorized to obtain options on two properties to be acquired for such purposes; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 83 - MI~ON- McCAI~A~- RESOLVED that Ris Worship Mayor Miller be requested to appoint a Committee to meet and work with members of the Planning Board for the purpose of establishing a definition of a 'hotel' for zoning by-law purposes and to establish satisfactory standards for motels; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. '(Contrary -Ald. McKinley and Ald. Keighan) Carried.- Ca the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitcheleon, Mr. D. McCauley present in the audience, was permitted to speak. He spoke in opposition to the above resolution, andwas of the opinion that such a resolution would be detrimental to ~he small owner, who would be unable to compete with the Deluxe Motel Operator. Ald. Mitchelson re- ferred to past performances of this and former Councils and pointed out that this resolution was not intended to prevent any operatorfromestablishinga motel and conducting business. +. No. 8~ - McCALL~ - MI~CHEL~ON - RE~OLVED since the money is provided in the 1963 ~' ]; Budget that the purchase of a back-hoe at a price of $6,500. as recommended by the ~; Chairman of the Eq~xipsent Co~ittee be approved; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously MISC~LLAI~OUS Ald. Meginlay referred to conditions with reference to the low water level in the Niagara River and suggested that the matter be referred to His Worship. the Mayor for consideration and possible steps to arrange a meeting to discuss this 'sub- ~eet, if necessarF, an international meeting,' AId. McCall,-. referred to ~arbage pick-up in the CitF and moved a motion, seconded by AId. Corfield that the matter be referred to the E~uilaaent Coaaittee to stu~ the possibility of collection of"garbege, ashes and rubbish s~aultaneously, if the same met with required standards. This motion was lost by a vote of ~ to 2, the vote being - A~e: - Alderman ~cCall~a and Cox~iald~ Na~e:- Aldermen Max~in, Meighan, McKinley, Mltchelson, Po~ter0 Aldersan Max~in stated' tha~ a system o~ ~arba~e nnllection was adel~ed for 1~ and that this subject has to be dealt with by a f~All Council at a special' meeting prior to the submission of the 1~ B~dget and a decision made so that a. ll vi, ll know what t~me of ~arbaae collection' will be in operation in 1~. BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed: ~ - To amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating through highways. OREEta9 on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mar~in and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be read the second time. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Martin and AId. Potter - Carried Unanimously. No. ~440 - A by-law to provide for the pulling down or repairing or renewing of build- ings or other erections that are in an unsafe condition. ORDEBED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Potter that Aid. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. O~D on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Mitchelson. READ A~D ADOFA'~, 25th November, 1963, Clerk · FINANCE Council Chamber, 18th November, 1~63. The Finance Meeting was held on November 18th, 1963, for the purpose of approvin~and also passing the various accounts which had bees previously cer~ified and placed before them. All Members of the Coa~ittee were present, with the exception of His Hership Mayor Miller, and Aidemen Mor~on and Scott. Alderman Martin, Chair° man of Finance, presided. 8undr~Accounts in the amount of $1~0,801j7 were approved by the Cem- aidtee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt ~ith, were ordered pieced in the Mone~B~-law, for presentation ~o the Coun011, on the motion of Aid, N~Kinle¥ and AId. Potter. JJ The Property Coa~ittee's repor~ on the offer of M~er Delduca to purchase Lot 18, on the east side of Montrose Road, in tb~ Industrial Subdivision, was presented for consideration. O~D on the motion of Akl. Corfield and Ald. Potter that the report be received and adopted and the applicant - be contacted with the idea of purchasing Lot 19 instead of Lot 18, as the continuity of industrial development in the area would be better served. 7he City Manager' s report on the application of Mrs. H. M. Sauer for a per- mit to erect a plastic racer sign, at 1755 Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $1,200. was presented. 0REME on the motion of Ald. Potter and Aid. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager's repox~c on the application of Mrs. H.M. 8auer, for a permit to erect a double-faced plastic sign, at 1755 Victoria Avenue, at an estimated cost of $~O0.00 to replace an existing sign, was presented for consideration. ORE~I~D on the motion of Aid. Potter and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. John tank, 2353 Carlton Avenue, for a permit to erect a directional sign on the propcity of the AFL-CIO, at the north-west corner of Drtmmond Road and Murray Street, at an estimated cost of $50. was presented. ORI~EED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and AId. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted and application be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report.. The City Manager's report on the sketch of the Cliffcon Hotel, on the north side of Cliffcon Hill, east of Oneida lane, for remodelling of their premises, was presented for consideration. OREM~EI) on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and the sketch be referred to the Property Co~mittee for consideration. The City Manager's repoxt on the application of Myer Delduca for a build- ing permit to construct a 24-unit motel on Lots 803, 80~, 805, and 806 on the east side of Stanley Ave. between North Street and Lincoln Street at an estimated cost of $80,000. was presented for consideration. 01~DE~D on the motion of Ald. Keighan and AId. Mitchelson that the report be received, adopted and the applicant be advised to apply to the Cnmm~ttee of Adjustment eliminating rear yard depth of 2~ feet required by by-law. The City Manager's report on the plans of Mr. Biagio Caroil, '2931jDorchester Road, for the construction of a 16 unit motel on the west side of his premises occu- pied by the Ambassador Restaurant, at an. estimated cost of $50,000. was presented for consideration. O~rmwED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Ald. Potter that the re- port be received, adopted and the applicant be advised to apply to the Committee Of Adjustment for relief from rear yard requirements. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Sway ze. I~EADANDADO~A'~v, ~Sth November, 1963. C~airman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council C~amber, 18th November, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, 18th November, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Miller and Aldermen Morton and Scott. Enacting Mayor Swayze presided. LAW The following By-lawwas passed; No. 6441 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. OP~D on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. Potter that Aid. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and AId, Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Corfield and Ald. Potter - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Alderman Martin and Alderman Mitchelson. I~EADANDADOFFgl), 25th November, 1963. Council ChaSer, 2~th November, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at ?:30 p.m. on Monday, November 25th, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance.' All Members of Council were present. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Swayze. - Alderman Scott arrived at the meeting - Tenders had been called for ~he purchase and removal of a 1 and 1/2. yd. concrete batchinS plant, on Lewis Avenue; and for the construction of a storm water sewer main end on the motion of Aid. McKinley and AId. Morton that the tenders re- ceived, be opened, inltialled by His Worship the Mayor and tabulated. COMCATIONS laid over from previous meetings~ No. 570 - Board of Police Commissioners - re: complaints received about the Niagara Tours Association. 0REMIdED on the motion of AId. 8wayze and Aid. McCallum that the communication be received and filed and report of the Traffic Committee be adop- ted, with the understanding that the elimination take effect as of January 1st, 196~. Carried by a vote of 6 to ~, the vote being - A~e: Ald. 8vayze, McCallmn, Mitchelson, Scott, Potter nnd Mayor Miller~ Nays:- Aid. Cotfield, Morton, McKinley, ~rtin and Keighan. ~ SEE Deport Number 68~ SEE C_rms~unicatio~ .~8~ .. No. ~8~ - Chamber of Commerce - endorsing recommendation of Traffic Committee. OPd~on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. McCallumthat the c~unication be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Ccemmittee be adopted. Carried by a vote of 6 to ~. The following Communications were presented; No. 6~ - Dept. of Attorney General - Cit¥'s letter enquiring about interest rates on mortgages being referred to Chairsran of Select Committee on Cost of Constreet Credit. Olu~su on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Swayze that the communication be re- ceived and filed. No, 6~3 - Minister of Trade and Commerce - cmnts re: high level of price of sugar. ORMD on the motion of Ald. 8w~yze and AId. Morton that ~he communication be re- ceived and filed. No. 62~ - Donald C. xa.e . requesting to speak to Council on subject of proposed drag strip on property known as the old 8tamford Race Track. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Po~ter that Mr. Tans be heard. He advised t~lat he was present to speak on behalf of landowners bordering this race strip and queried the wisdom of locating such a strip in an area surrounded on three sides bF residential proper- ties, and that such a proposal would decrease the value of their propex~ies. ~e re- ferred to his sentact with the Chief of Police of Cay~ where a d~ strip is in operation and the reckless drivin8 charies ~hich hairs been hid a~lnst drivers travel- lin~ there. b pointed out tha~ no% all were dra2 strips ~uilt~ of violations on city present in connection with this subject, be heard. He referred to the tx~ffic hazards involved and was of the opinion that the proper location for such a strip was outside the City Limits and not in a built-up area. He referred to the frequency of drag strip shows and under these conditions he would be definitely against such strip in the City. OREERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitehelson that the commun- ication be received, filed, and the matter be referred to the 196~ Council for con- sideration. No. 625 - B.C.V.A. - poor turnout of civic heads at Monday's Remembrance Day Parade to Cenotaph. ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Potter that the communica- tion be received and filed. No. 626 - Local 536, U.E.W. - requesting Niagara Falls take action similar to that taken by City of Wellend and petition Minister of Labour to enact legislation to pro- tect Workers in event a plant moves from one location to another in Ontario. It was moved by Ald. Morton, seconded by Ald. Corfield that the communication be received, filed, and a similar resolution be proposed. This motion was lost by a vote of 6 to ~, the vote being:- Aye: -Ald. Morton, Cotfield, McKinley, Mitchelson; Nays:- Alder- men Martin, McCallum, Potter, Scott, Swayze and Keighan. An amendment by Ald. Mar~in and Ald. McCallmn that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager to obtain information concerning the Wellend resolution and a report be submitted to Council before Council prepares a resolution, was carried by a vote of 6 to ~, the vote being: - Aye: Aldermen Martin, McCallum, Potter, Scott, Swayze and Keighan; Nays:- Aldermen Morton, Cotfield, McKinley and Mitchelson. No. 627 - Downtown Business Men - requesting free parking for Christmas shoppers. No. 628 - 8curb End Business Men - requesting free parking for Christmas shoppers. In connection with this subject, Mr. Ernest Hatwood of the Centre Business Area was permitted to speak, on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson. He requested the Centre Business Area be included in this request. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. 8wayze that the communications and Mr. Harwood's verbal request be referred to the Traffic Connuittee for consideration and a report. No. 629 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing re: S. Anzovino's application. No. 630 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing re: M. Delduca's application. No. 631 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of HeaTing re: H. Mercnik's application. ORDI~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the communications be received, noted and filed. No. 6~2 - Town of Richmond Hill - resolution for amendment of code in respect to fund raising methods of accredited Service Clubs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keigban and Ald. Morton that the resolution be received and referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor for consideration and a report. Carried, with Aldermen Mortin and Miteh~lson - contrary. laid over from a previous meeting: No. 68~ - Traffic Committee - recommendation re: elimination of parking areas, one on Falls Avenue in front of the Oneida and the other on the south side of Clifton Hill direct].Wwest of River Parkway. ORDEMEDon the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. MCCall,-- that the report be received and adopted, with the understanding that the elimination take effect as of January 1st, 19~. Carried by a vote of 6 to ~, the vote being: - Aye: Aldermen Swayze, McCallum, Mitchelson, Scott, Potter and Mayor Miller} NaMe:- Aldermen Cotfield, Morton, McKinley, Martin and Keighan, gEE Communications ~70 and ~82 Prior to this action taken by Council on the Traffic Co~ittee's report concerning taxi and cab stands on Falls Avenue and Clifton Hill, Ald. McKinley arose to make commeDts with reference to this topic, and what he considered interference on the part of the Chamber of Commerce in connection with the disposition of taxi and cab stands and certain other matters. During his remarks the Aldermen referred to the fact that the amount of money which has been made available to the Chamber for both Tourist and Industrial Co~enittees of the Chamber for the current year was in excess of that which is allowed under the terms of The Municipal Act, indicati~g that this Council had extended itself to 8o along with the activities of the Chamber. The topic of taxi and cab stands was then discussed in some detail with comments from streets in GayuSa but those in attendance seed prone to drive their vehicles at faster rates of speed .fter wi~nessini~hese exhibitions at dz~g S~rips. l It was then ordered on ~he motion 9f AId. Mi~ohelsou an4 AId. Mor~on tha~ Nr. Robez~; who was also Aldermen Keighan, ~ar~in and Mox~on, and also frcm persons in the audience, namely, Messrs. D. Murchie, S. Teal and R. Healey, and during the discussion it was indi- cated that even in the ranks of the drivers themselves there is scme dissatisfaction and that, in their opinion, there are too many licenses being issued and suffiqient areas being provided from which to work and same trafficking in licenses. No. 708 - City Clerk - report on objections received re: By-law 6~14. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Swayze that the report be received and the O.M.B. be advised that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls does not consider the objections sufficient to warrant withdrawal and that the application be proceeded with. Carried, by a vote of 8 to 3, the vote being:- A~e: Aldermen Keighan, S~ayze, MelVin, McKinley, Potter, Morton, Corfield and Na~or ~4iller. Nays:- Aldermen Mitchelson, McCall~m and Scott. The following Reports were presented; No. 743 - Negotiations Committee - report on meeting with representative of Wm. M. Mercer Co. Ltd. re: group insurance for civic employees. ORr~ED on the motion of Aid. Corfield and Aid. McCallomthat the repor~be received and filed. No. 7~4 - Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee - recommending inspection by Coun- cil of Pollution Control PlAnt on Friday, November 29th at 2 p.m. ORDER on the mo- tion of Aid. Corfieldand Ald. McCalltnn that the rapor~ be received and adopted and all Members of Council as find it possible be present at that time. No. 74~ - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommendations re: installation of watermains. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. ~artin and Aid. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 746 - Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - recommending preparation of an industrial Waste By-law. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. No. ?~7 - ~a~ltation & Pollution Control Cc~mittee - recc~mending purchase of Re, in Trains and Mover. OI~D on the motion of Ai~. Potter and Aid. Martin that the report he received and adopted. No. 748 - Sanitation &Pollution Control Committee - recommending pul~chase of radio equipment for Pollution Control Plant. CRIED on the motion of Ald. ~artin and Aid. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 749 - Sanitation & Pollution Contrgl Committee - recommending deduction on the basis of rec~ndation of H. G. Acres & Co. Ltd. re: final estimate of ~hlvern Construction Co. Ltd. 01~ on the motion of Ald. ~artin and Aid. Potter that the report be received and adopted. No. 750 - Assistant to City ~r., Administration - advising of O.M.B. approval of By-law6~27. 0RIBBED on the motion of Aid. ~artin and Aid. Cotfield that the rapor~ be received and filed. No. 751 - City Clerk - rec~m,ending issuance of licenses. OBEYED on the motion of. Aid. Morton andAid. Potter that the repor~be received,'t~dopted~nd licensesissued accordingl~. VE~BAx. F~T The City Clerk reported verbally, on behalf of the Chairman of the Christmas l~rty Cce~ittee, that the Christmas parties, namely, the Children's Farty on DeCember ~th at 2:S0 p.m. at the Union Centre, has been arranged and evexTthinS is in order end that the Adults' Fatty scheduled for the ~eraton-Bro~k eceeenein~ ' ' at ? p.m. on the l~h of December has also been arranged and it is felt that all arrangements are ~uite satisfactory and the Cit~ Clerk further advised that this was to remind Council of these two dates so that the~ may arrange ~heir time accordingly, The followin2 i~solution ~as paesed~ No. 8~ - K~IC~AN - ~Ae'AX~Je - 1~250L~ that the Ci~ C~rk ~ authorized ~o aeee~ ~be o~ions to ~ase ~ioh ~ve been o~ed b~ ~. J. H. ieUnzi[ in oo~eotion as ~*: u~ ~ bl of ~he go~om~ion ~ he.~o ~fixed. Carried ~nant~ously. BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed; No. 6442 - To provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Niagara Falls and Sub- urban Area Official Plan. (Amendment Number 2~). ORDF~D on the motion of AId. S~myze and AId. Morton that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald. McKinley that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law he given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and AId. Mor~on - Carried Unanimously. No. 6443 A by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement Contract between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Pyramid Piping Company, Limited. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. McKinley and Ald. Corfield - Carried Unanimously. No. 6444 - A by-law to regulate the storing of Christmas trees. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Potter that Aid. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDEI~D on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading (as amended). Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -,Ald. McKinley and Aid. Mitchelson (as amended) Carried Unanimousl~. At this time, Alderman Swayze thanked His Worship the Mayor for the privilege of representing him while Mayor Miller was in Brewlay, California, represent- ing him while Mayor Miller was in Brawley, California, representing the City of Niagara Falls and also extended appreciation for the assistance rendered by the other Members of Council. Council adJquraed to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid. P~ADANDADOPTED, 2nd December, 1963. Mayor .i Council Chamber, 25th November, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on November 25th, 1963, for the purpose of approv- ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present. Alderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $239,576.78 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCalltun. The report of the Property Committee on their meeting with Mr. ~yer Delduca concerning his offer to purchase Lot 8, in the Industrial Subdivision on the east side of Montrose Road, pointing out the problem created by a letter from an adjacent owner indicating interest in purchasing, and the feeling that there was an obligation in this case; a communication from Mr. Delduca setting out his reasons for wishing to pur- chase Lot 18, instead of Lot 19, as suggested in the Property Committee's report con- sidered at the last meeting of Council, were presented for consideration. O~ on. the motion of Ald. Ritchelson and Ald. Morton that the report and conmunication be tabled and referred back to the Conmittee, as requested by the C1~airman of the Property Ccmmittee, for further discussion and submission of a further report. This motion was carried by a vote of 8 to 2, the vote being - A~e: Aidemen Mitchelson, Morton, Swayze, Keighan, Potter, Corfield, Scott and McCallom. Naye:- Aldermen McKinley and ~yor Killer. A motion made by Ald. McKinley, seconded by Mayor Killer that the report be received and filed and the offer be accepted, was lost by a vote of 8 to 2; the vote being - Aye: - Aid. McKinley emdMayor Miller. Nays: - Aidemen Mitchelson, Morton, ~ayze, Keighan, Potter, Cotfield, McCallum and Scott. The Property Ccmnittee's report on the application of John C~nM for a permit to erect a wooden directional sign on the property of the AFL-ClO, at the north-west corner of D~,mmond Road and Murray Street, advertising the Rainbow ~ardens at the westerly end of Ash Street, ~as presented for consideration. ORI~ED~on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Corfieldthat the repor~ be received, adopted, and applicant be advised that a permit cannot be issued for a sign having a larger area than 2'square feet. The Property Ccmmittee's report on the plans presented for alterations to the Clifton Hotel, on the north side of Clifton Hill'between Oneida lane and Falls Avenue, ~as presented for consideration. At this time, Mr. Knight representing the Clifton Motel, was permitted to speak, on the motion of Ald. Potter and Aid. Rltchelson. He made two further requests on be~lf of the Clifton Motel, that permission be granted to c~,.mence excavation ~.,.ediately pending final approval of detailed plans and issu- ance of a permit and that permission also be granted for the installation no~ of the footings in the rear of the property on which the Swimming POOl will be constructed later. Me advised that it is proposed to apply to the Committee of Adjustment for relief for rear yard requirements in connection with proposed swf,~ming pOOl. O~ED on the motion of Aid. ~myze and AId. Morton that the report be received, adopted, and excavation for the motel section, be permitted to ccsmence immediately and foot- ings for the proposed swiming pool he permitted at the risk of the applicant, sub- Ject to the deeision of the Cmmnittee o~Ad~ustment. The City ~anager's report on the application of Jos. Angotti, owner of the new building being erected on the west side of Morth~ain Street, between Lund~s Lane and North Street, ~or a building permit to make alterations to the new buildinM to acec'~odatn 'his lessee, 'the '~aranty'Trust Ccspany,-at 'an'estimated .cost.o~.$10~00~,., ~as presented ~or conside~a~ion. OI~El~EDont~emo~omo~Ald. 2wayne and AI~. at~ch- sison that the report be received, adopted and perart be issued, subject to the altera- t~tons suggested by the Fire Inspector. The City Ranager's report on the applica~ion of 5walm's Electric Ltd. at the north-east corner o~leen Street and~slland Avenue ~or a permit to cover alterations to the ~nterior of the building, at an estimated eost o~ $~,000. vas presented. E2~ZDon the motion of Ald. Mox~onand AId. Cotfield that the repor~be received, adopted~ and pemit be issued, subject to the directire issued b~the Fire Iuspe~or's 0~ice# dated No~enbe~ ~le City Manager's report on the application of Fred ingham, for a building permit to erect a ~arehouse on LOt 21, in the Industrial Subdivision, on the east side of Montrose Road, between Industrial Street and Wanless Street, at an estimated cost of $2,O00. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the repor~ be received, adopted and permit be issued. ~1~e City Msnager's report on the application of Oneida Limited for a permit to erect a metal sign, on the west side of Falls Avenue, on their premises. between ;' Bender Hill and Clifton Hill, at an estimated cost of $210. was presented. ORDERED " on the motion of Ald. Sw~yze and Ald. Morton that the report be received, adopted and permit issued, with the stipulation that if the sign is to be illuminated, the City will insist that the bottom of the sign be sufficiently high to afford full protection against any electrical installation. The City Manager's report on the application of Peterson's Pharmacy, 1509 Ferry Street, for a permit to erect a flucrescent plastic sign, at an estimated cost of $~50.O0 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The CityManager's repor~ on the application of the Park Motor Hotel, for a permit to erect a neon facer sign at 960 Clifton Hill, at an estimated cost of $1,500. was presented for considersrich. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid.Morton that the report be received and referred to the City Solicitor and City Manager for submission of a further report. The City Manager's report on the application of Nick Mazzone, 1005 Victoria Avenue for a permit to erect a wooden sign, at an estimated cost of $30.00 was pre- sented. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Corfieldand Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallera. READ AND ADOFEED, 2nd December , 1963. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL M~PING Council Chamber, 25th November, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, November 25th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present. Mayor Miller presided. BY-LAW ..~he following By-lawwaa passed[ No. 6a~ . A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. 0RI~BED on the motion of Ald. Svayze and Ald. Mor~on that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. OR]BRED on the motion of Ald. Mar~in and AId. Cotfield that RuleI36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze - Carried Unanimously. SIXTIETH MEETING REGUIAR MEETING Council Chamber, 2nd December, 1963. Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Corfield. MAD AND ADOPTED, 2rid December, 1963. Clerk Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, December 2nd. 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance, All Members of Co~mcil were present. His Worship Mayor Miller presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. Cotfield. COMMUNICATIONS Laid over from previous meetings; No. 626 - Local 536 UE - re: runaway plants, and proposed resolution to Minister of Labour. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallem and Ald. Corfield that the report of ' the City Manager in this connection be received and adopted. CONFEEENCE Council Chamber, 25th November, 1963. The Committee assembled in Conference, following the regular meeting of. Council on Monday, November 25th, 1963. AllMembers of the Committee were present. His Worship, Mmyor Miller, presided. Following consideration of the items presented to them, the Conference adjourned on the motion of Aid. McCallamandAld. Potter. BEAD AND ADOPTED, ~nd December,: 1963. er Chairman SEE Report Number 752 No. 606 - City of Woodstock - resolution pertaining to designation of depressed areas. No. 611 - Chamber Industrial Dept. - regulations pertaining to depressed areas. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Morton that the communications be received and tabled, and the information referred to in the letter from the Dept. of Industrybe made available to members of Council for study. SEE Communication No. 633 No. 627 - Downtown Businessmen's Assco. - parking meters during Christmas period. No. 628 - South End Business & Professional Men's Assoc. - parking meters during Christmas period. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the com- munications be received and filed and the report of the Traffic Committee in this connection be adopted. SEE Report Number 753 No. 569 - Town of Trenton - re: conflict of interest of members of Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the c~mnunication be received and filed and the resolution of the Town of Trenton be not endorsed. SEE Report Number 754 The follo*ing Communications were presented; No. 633 -Dept. of Industry - information on program to stimulate industrial develop- ment in designated areas. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. Morton that the communication be received and tabled, and the information referred to in the letter be made available to members of Council for study. SEE Communication No. 606 ~ Communication No. 611 No. 6B4 - Biagio Caroli - requesting permission to continue construction of motel foundation at B805 Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McCallumthat the communication be received and filed and that the City Manager be authorized to issue a building permit for the construction of the portion of the motel which is on property conforming to the Zoning By-laws, but the balance of the motel construction will be pending the decision of the Co~nnittee of Adjustment. No. 639 - Yes Men'~ Club - requesting permission for Christmas tree project. O~n~RED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the communication be received and filed and p emission be granted as in previous years. .,.. ,- No. 6~6 - ~amber of Commerce - preparation of statement relative to relations of City Council and the Chamber of Commerce. 0RESBED on the motion of Ald. Morton and ' ' 'vv. w~.~'' . AId. Octfield that the communication be received and filed. No. 637 . Tea Council of Canada - Campaign of public safety during holiday season. .. '. .. 01~ on the motion of AId. Mar~in and Ald. Swayze that the communication be re- ' eelwed and ~lled and that Council support this campaign and that copies of their · letter be sent to ~he Orea~er Niagara S~fety Council and other groups. No. 638 - Flora Tiegs - Offer to sell Pt. Lot 112, Plan 75, Arthur Street. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Proper~y Committee for report. No. 639 - A. R. Macklem Real Estate Ltd. - obtaining option on lands at the coraer of McLeod Rood and the Queen Elizabeth Way. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the connnunication be received and referred to the Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee for report. No. 6~0 - Greater Niagara Safety Council - traffic recommendations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the communication be received and referred to the Traffic Committee for report. No. 641 - Niagara Clifton Motel - Sight-seeing drivers and 0hamher of Commerce. OR- DEED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed. No. 642 - Hant's Greater Niagara Ambulance Service - Ambulance Grant for 1964. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and referred to the Ambulance Committee for consideration. No. 6~3 - Planning Board - Amendment Application - Blanchin, 400 Leader Lane. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. McKinley that the communication be received and referred to the Property Coamxittee for report to Council. No. 644 - Committee of Adjustment - Off-street parking for Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Martin and Aid. Mitchelson that the cmuniootion be received and referred to the Traffic C~mnittee to ma~e a complete study and bring in a full detailed report to the 1964 Council. BEPORTS Laid Over from a previous meeting; No. 736 - Snmm~ry Report of Traffic Survey - OR~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report of the Traffic Committee in this connection be received and adopted. SEE Report NUmber 755 The following Reports were presented: No. 752 - City Manager - reporting on communication of Local 536 ~E concerning runaway plants. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallUm and Ald. Cox'field that the report be received and adopted. Communication No.626 No. 753 - Traffic C~a~ittee - reporting on request of Businessmen's Associations that parking meters be not enforced during Christmas. ORE~AU~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Morton that the report of the Traffic Committee be adopted. SEE CommunicatiOn No. 75~ - W. J. McBurney - reporting on resolution of Town of Trenton re: conflict of · interest of members of Council. 01~ on the motion of AId. Martin and Ald.Mitchel- son that the report be received and adopted and the resolution of the Town of Trenton be not endorsed. Sx~ Communication No.569 No. 7~ - Traffic Committee - sondensed text of Traffic Report. CRIED on the motion of Aid, Morton and Aid. Po~Cer ~hat the report be received and adopted.' Report Number No. 7~6 - Traffio C~ittee -perking lot to serve tenure area. 01~DE~ED on the motion of AId. 8wa~ze and Aid. Sc~t t~t the ~ be. Neeived and tabl~ for one week for e~rifi~tion of ~ues~ion ~: · Ur~ ~ne~l No. 757 - Negotiations Committee - Pension scheme for Civic Employees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 758 - Property Committee - Side Yard and Rear Yard requirements for motels. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the repor~ be received and adopted. No. 759 - City Manager - recommending that M. Johnston be authorized to attend the Meeting of the 0nt. Bldg. Officials Association in Cooksville, Dec. 14th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mox~on and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 760 - City Engineer - Verbal report on Tenders received for sal and removal of concrete batch plant and dUmp truck mixer. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that the report be adopted and item no. i be awarded to V. Kerrio- Gemno Limited, and that no offer be accepted for item no. 2 as the City will carry out this work themselves. SEE Resolution Number 86 No. 761 - City Engineer - Verbal report on Tenders received for construction o~ Lundy's Lane Storm Sewer. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the Contract of Damore Bros. be accepted. SEE Resolution Number 87 No. 762 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted and licenses issued accordingly. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed; No. 86 - MORTON - COPFIELD - RESOLVED that the Tender of V. Kerrio-Germano Ltd. for the sale a~d removal of a Concrete Batch Plant be accepted at a cost of $200.00, and that no bid be accepted for the removal and sale of the Dump Truck Mixer as the City will carry o~t this work themselves; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. SEE Report Number 760 No. 87 - E~IGNAN~ MORTON - RESOLVED that the Tender of Damore Bros. for the construc- tion of ~he Lunay*s Lane Storm Sewer be accepted, at a cost of $56,505.75 with the understanding that the City of Niagara F~lls will absorb the difference tp the amount of Tender"as between the lowest bid and that which was accepted. SEE Report Number 761 MISC~.LIANEOUS Alderman McKinley reported on the article of the City Engineer which appeared in the November issue of The Municipal World concerning snow removal, and remarked that the article in addition to being educational was written in language understand- able by the layman. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the article of Mr. Eidt on snow removal which appeared in The Municipal World be given recognition, and commendation expressed to him, Alderman Swayze reported on the condition of the Flora Salvage Yard on Stanley Avenue, and the continual fire hazards existing there. In this connection, Mr. Charles Cupolo was granted permission to address Council, on the motion of Ald. Potter and Ald. 8wayze, and he advised of the several fires which had started in recent weeks, and also o£ the smoke nuisance wktich existed. It was decided that this matter be referred to the City Manager to take up with the Health Unit and Fire Inspector, and bring back a report thereon to Council. Alderman Keighan queried as to the policy of the City in allowing a person to accu~aulate a Water bill for a whole year without having the water shut off. The City Manager advised that there were special circumstances in the case in question and that it had been impossible to collect the unpaid account. Alderman Keighan also referred to the matter of dogs running at large. The City Manager advised that it was permissible for some dogs to run at large at this time of the year, but stated that serious consideration should be given to having all dogs tied up for 12 months of the year. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Aid., Mor~on. BEAD ANDADOPTED, 9th December, 1963. Clerk · Mayor FINANCE I~;rlNG Council Chamber, 2nd December, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on December 2nd, 196B, for the purpose of approving and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. 'AllMembers of the Committee were present. &lderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $270,412.81 were approved by the Connnittee The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered · placed in the Money By.law for presentation to the Council on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott. The report of the Property Co~ittee on the offer of Mr. MyerDelducato purchase Lot 18 in the Industrial Subdivision, and the option of this same lot by ~eorge Rickwood, was presented to Council. After sc~ne discussion on this matter it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Keighanand AId. gwayze that the report be tabled for One week and that the Co~nittee meet with Mr. Delduca to see if a surestion that fill would be supplied for Lot 19 would be satisfactory, and repo~ back to Council. ~ne report of the City Bana6er on the application of Tmperial Oil Limited for a revised building permit for the erection of a service station at the north- east corner of Thorold Stone Road and Mentress Road at an estimated cost of $25,000.00 was presented for consideration. OI~E~BED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald.Oorfield that the report be received, adopted and permit be issued. The report of the CityManager on the application of Mr. M. DeBiasi of938 Walnut'Street for a permit to cover an addition to the rear of his residence of four apar~mentunitswas presented. The report recc~nendedthata permit be not issued in view of the fact that ~he. lo~ oovex~e wi~h ~ha addition would ~e excessive. 0rralso advised that this proposed construction also provided for an entranee way off a laneway, and this was not considered satlsfaetoxT. 0RE~EDonthemo~lon of AId. Keighan and Aid. Mitehelson that the report be feeaired, adopted, and a permit be not gran~ed. ~e repex~ of the CitFMana~er on the applieation of Niagara Office Supplies,. 10~Vietoria Avenue, for a permit to erect a facet sign at these premises at an estimated cost of$7~.00 was presented for consideration. 0NEeD on the motion of AId. PeSter and Aid. Cotfield that the repex~ be received, adopted,.~ndpermit issued. The report of the City Manager on the application of Thomas and Audrey Hewitson of 1069 Bridge Street for a permit to erect a sign at this address at an estimated cost of $150.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit be issued. The report of the CityManager on the application of Mrs. Jean Fordham for a permit to erect a plywood overhanging sign st 575 Queen Street at an estimated cost of $74.50 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Potter and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted, and permit be issued. The report of the City Manager on the application of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce for a permit to erect two plastic illuminated racer signs at their premises at the intersection of Portage Road and Drummond Road, at a cost of $300. for each sign was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued. The report of the City Manager on the application of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Connnerce for a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated facet sign on the Bank's premises at the intersection of Portage Road and Drammend Road at an estimated cost of $350.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Keighan that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce for a permit to erect a plastic illuminated roof sign at the Bank's prem- ises at the intersection of Portage Road and Drummond Road, at an estimated cost of $800.00 was presented for consideration. 0RDE~ED on the motion 'of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Potter that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued, The verbal report of the City Manager on the application of Oakes Drive Motel, 2546 Buchanan Avenue, for a permit to erect an addition consisting of a cir- cular dividing wall at their premises, at an estimated cost of $1,000. was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mltchelson that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued. The verbal report of the City Manager on the application of the Motor Hotel on Lundy's x~ne for a permit for excavation and foundations only at an estimated cost of $~3,500.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallam and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, adopted, and permit for excavation and foundation on~y, be issued. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Aid. Morton and Aid. Keighan. BEAD AND ADOPA'Ek~, 9th December, 1963. Chairman of Finance C0~NCIL~n~£NG Council Chamber, 2nd December, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, December 2nd, 196~, for the purpose of passing 'the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Ccemittee. All Members were present. Mayor Miller .presided. BY-lAW The following By-law was passed: No. 6446 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDEI~'D on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McCallurn and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOFA'~.D, 9th December, 1963. Cer SIXTY-FIE$T~ING REGUI~ MEETING Council Chamber, 9th December, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, December 9th, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Potter. His Worship Mayor Miller presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of AId. Corfieldand Ald. Swayze. - Alderman Keighan arrived at the meeting - CO~4UNICATIONS laid over from previous meeting: No. 633 - Dept. of Inducts7 - information on program to stimulate industrial develop- ment in designated areas. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. 8wayze and Ald. Mitehelson that the information eonve~ed with the letter from the Dept. in respect to the program be tabled for one week for stud~bF members of Council. No. 638 ' Flora Tiegs - offer to sell Lot at corner of Ax~hur 8treat and King 8treet~ OmahaaMen the motion of AId. Mor~on and Ald. Cotfield that the rep0r~'of the Prop- er~M Coselites in ~his eoune~ion be ransired and adoI~ed. 8EEReport Number76~ No. 643 - Planning Board - Amendment Application, Bianchin, 400 Leader Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report of the Property Committee in this connection be received and adopted. This motion was carried with AId. Mitch- elson voting contrary. SEE Report Number 764 No. 644 - Committee of Adjustment - parking req:lirements for Victoria Avenue and Queen Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfie]d that the report of the Property Committe in this connection be received end filed. SEE Re_ orp2F~_N_um__b_e_r 76_5 No. 599 - W. G. Booth - querying as to procedures of Planning Board. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that a copy of the letter from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs be forwarded to the Planning Board and to Mr. Booth. SEE Communication 658 The following Communications were presented; No. 6~5 - Committee of AdJustmen__t - Notice of Hearing on application of Clifton Hotel on Dec. 17, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and filed. No. 646 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Nearing on application of B~agio Careli on Dec. 17, 1963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Morton that the communication be received and filed. No. 647 - Maud J. Henderson - Resignation from City employment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that Miss Nenderson's resignation be accepted with regret, and that a letter of appreciation be sent to her for her splendid service to the Corporation over her years of employment. No. 648 - City of Cornwall - Resolution pertaining to increase of funds for Tourist promotion. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Aid. Morton that the communi- Cation be received and referred to the City Manager to bring in a report to Counci]. No. 649 - City Fire Dept. and Health Unit - reporting on condition of premises at 1653 Stanley Ave. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and hld. Swayze that the communications be received and filed and the necessary action be taken under By-law NO. 6440 in respect to these premises. ' No. 650 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - Statement of Comments in reply to remarks of Ald. McKinley. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the ccemOnication be received and filed. No. 651 - Niagara Regional Development Association - Invitation to attend meeting on December 19th. OREMRED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the comm- unication be received and filed and as many members of Council as possible attend. No. 652 - Ont. MuniCipal Association - Delegates on Cabinet Delegation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Corfield that the communication be received and filed and Nis Worship Mayor Miller be authorized to name two representatives on the Cabinet Delegation. No. 653 - Welland Chamber of Commerce - Brief on St. Lawrence Seaway Tolls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MSrton and Ald. Corfield that the comm,miCation be received and tabled for one week to permit members of Council to study the brief, and also tO determine what action, if any, has been taken by other Municipalities along the Welland Canal in connection with the matter of tolls. No. 6~ - Mrs. C. R. Rtenzo - C0~rplaint about dogs running at large. ORDEPJ~D on ~he motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Licensing Committee to take into consideration at the time this matter is studied. NO. 655 - M~er Delduca - requesting permission to build motel on Lots 803 to 806, with a four foot rear yard set-back. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. 8wayze that this Council in replying to the Committee of Adjustment advise that we have no objection to the 4 foot side and rear yard set-back in Mr. Delduca~s ease. This motion was carried with Ald. Mitchelson voting contrary. No. 656 - Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority - Appreciation of City grant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scot~ that the communication be received and filed. No. 657 - Ontario Human Rights Commission - H~n Rights Day - Dec. lOth. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the communication be ·received and filed and December lOth be officially declared as H,~-n Rights Day. No. 658 - Department of Municipal Affairs - replying to question of procedure of Plan- ning Board. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that the communica- tion be received and filed and a copy of same be forwarded to the Planning Board and Mr. W. O. Booth. SEE Communication 599 No. 659 - P'~anning Board - Amendment Application, Drs. Dickinson, LaMastars and Elling- ham, Dorchester Road. ORESBED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee to bring in a detailed report. No. 660 - Planning Board - Amendment Application - Spironello & Iseppon. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be received and referred to the Property Committee to bring in a detailed report. No. 661 - Planning Board - Amendment Application, Canada Southern Railway. ORIE~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Mr. Bredcrick be permitted to address Council. Mr. Broderick, on behalf of his client, the 0akes Drive Motel, requested per- mission to make representation to the appropriate Council body respecting certain con- ditions of the draft by-law, including the proposed maximum height of the level of the platform. Mr. M. Morrow, representing Mr. Bolus, was also permitted to address Council, on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield. Mr. Morrow stated that his clients had no intention of developing anything above the level of Mr. Ricci's property (Dakes Drive Motel). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton dud Ald. Corfieldthat the c~mnunication from the Planning Board be received and referred to the Property Committee, and the two solicitors and Planning Director be permitted to attend this meeting, and that a report be submitted to Council on this matter for the next meeting of Council. ~nis motion was carried with Ald. McCallumvoting contrary. No. 662 - Planning Board'- Amendment Application, A. Franklin Ltd., D~-m,ond Road. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the communication be re- ceived and referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report.. ~P0~TS Laid over fromprevious meeting: Verbal Repor~ - City Manager - advisability of having dogs tied up for 12 months of the year. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that the report of the City Manager be received and referred to the Licensing Committee for recomm-ndation and report to Council. This motion was carTied with Ald. Martin voting contrary. Report Numb. er 766 The following Reports were presented: No. 763 - Property Conmittee - reporting on offer of Flora Tiegs to sell property at comer of Arthur St. and King 'St. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted.. Communication 638 No. 764 - Property Committee - reporting on Amendment ApplicatiOn - Blancbin, ~00 Leader ~ane. 01~ on the motion of AId. Kei~aan and Ald. Swayze. that the report · be received and adopted. This motion was carried with AId. Mitehelson voting contrary. 8E~ Communication g]~ ~o. 76~ - Propert~ Ccemit~ee - repox~tn8 on p~r~in~ requirements for Victoria Avenue. and Queen ~reet. ~on the motion of Ald. gei~man'and Ald. Cotfield that the report be rre,ceivedand filed. .... SM~ ~cemu~icat~on ~ No. 766 - City Manager - Reporting on advisability of having dogs tied up for 12 months of the year. OPd)F~D on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Cotfield that the repor~ be received and referred to the Licensing Committee for recommendation and report. This motion was carried with Ald. Martin voting contrary. SEE Verbal. Report, No. 767 - Asst. City Mgr., Admin. - Hearing of By-law 6~10 on Dec. 23rd, ]963. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. No. 768 - City Engineer - requesting permission to take part in panel discussion at O.G.R.A. Convention. ORDERED on the motion of A]d. Morton and Ald. Swsyze that the report be received and the Engineer be given permission to participate in the panel discussion. No. 769 - J. K. Edmonds - Reporting on attendance at City Engineers' Association Workshop. I ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and A].d. Swayze that the report be received and filed and Mr. Edmonds be congratulated on his report. No. 770 - Special Fire Committee - Discussion of certain features of Fire Dept. opera- tion. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and A].d. Morton that in respect to item (c) of the report, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for the hiring of the 7 additional firemen required; and that items (a), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) be carried out as recommended in the report; and that item (b) be referred back to the Committee for further study. No. 771 - City Manager - reporting on Federal and Provincial Legislation dealing with commemoration of Canada Centennial. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and AId. Swayze that the report of the City Manager be received, and as recommended, the Legis- lation referred to, be referred to the Negotiations Committee for study and report, No. 772 - City Manager - Reporting on Building Permits issued during November. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Morton that the report be received and filed, subject to the checking of the amount of the ~h item. No. 773 - ~ity Cler~ - reporting on issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McKinley that the repor~ be received, adopted and licenses issued. RESOLUTIONS The following Resolution was passed: N0.88 - SWAYZE ~ ~ORFIELD - RESOLVED that Thursday, December 26th, 1963 be declared Boxing Dab.in the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously MISCELLAL~OUS Alderman Martin reported on the matter of re-assessment and the apparent con- fusion existing as to the manner in which it was being carried out. In this connection it was decided that a full report would be made by the City Manager. Alderman Keighan reported on regalations pertaining to the sale of Christmas trees where certain lots were being inspected but not others. It was decided that the Clerk would check with the City Fire Inspectors on this matter. · His Worship Mayor Miller queried whether it had not been the belief of members of Council that street lights would he installed on both sides of Ferry Street upon the completion of the wldeni~g. lie also mentioned that street light standards in front of St. ~atriek's Church were in poor condition. Xt was decided that the Clerk would look into these matters. His Worship Mayor Miller then appointed Alderman Keighan and Alderman Scott to a committee to work with members of the Planning Bcard and to study the question of side and rear lot lines and establish standards for mo~els. His Worship Mayor Miller then rema~ked'on~etting a date for a meeting to stud~ the Traffic Report. After consideration, it was decided that a meeting would be held on December 16th, 19~3 commencing at 2:30 p.m. for the purpose of viewing the Blancbin property on Leader Lane, and returning to the City Hall at S~00 p.m. to consider the Treffin Report. BY-LAWS FINANCE MEETING The following By-laws were presented: No. 6447 - To provide for the acquisition of certain lands from the Eydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario for the purposes of the City. O~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and AId. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. .No. 6448 - To amend By-law Number 5149, regarding tourist establishments. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first read- ing. - Carried, with Ald. Martin voting contrary. ORDEEED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Aid. Mitehelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading. - Carried, with Ald. Martin voting contrary. Third Reading - Aid. Corfieldand Aid. McCallum. - Carried, with Aid. Martin voting contrary. No. 644~ - A By-law to authorize the construction of watermains as extensions to the existing waterworks system in the U~han Service Area of the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law b~ given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - C~rried1~nanimously. No. ~0 - Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement ~etween the Cor- poration of the City of Niagara l~alls and the Hydro-Electric Power. Com- mission of Ontario. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Corfield that AId. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. : ~hird Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield - CarriedUnanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald~ Corfield. ~sAD AND ADOFA'mD, 16~h December, 1963. e ~or 1 Council Chamber, 9th December, 3963. The Finance Meeting was held on December 9th, 1963, for the ourpose of approv~ ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and placed before them. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Potter. Alderman Martin, Chairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $317,761.9] were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with. were nrdered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of AId.Morton and Ald. Mitchelson. The Proper~y Committee's report on the matter of the sale of lot ]8 or ]9 to Mr. Myer Delduea was read which recommended that the matter be laid over for one week in order that Mr. Delduca could attend the meeting of the Committee. At this point, on the motion of His Worship Mayor Miller and Ald. Morton, Mr. Delduca was granted permis- sion to address Council. Mr. Delduca stated that he had made a valid offer to purchase Lot 18, and had not been informed that another person was interested ~n the same He also stated that he had concrete plans for establishing an industry on the lot, as compared to the speculative nature of the other offer received. In conclusion, he stated that he felt he should be allowed to purchase the lot. Following consideration, it was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Miller and Alden~an Corfield that the report of the Property Committee be received and filed and that the offer of Mr. Delducs be accepted to purchase Lot 18 in the Industrial Subdivision, in respect to time Iimit for development, holding of more than one lot, etc. The City Manager's repor~ on the application of Mr. H. Lang for a building permit for addition and alterations to his motel on the West side of River Road between Leader Lane and Thorold Stone Road, at an estimated cost of $70,000.00 was presented for consideration° ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the report, be received, adopted, and permit issued providing there is a ~7 foot set-back from the property line. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. A. R. Mack]am for the construction Of a building On the south side of Lundy's Lane between Drummond Road and Franklin Avenue for the Eden Roe Investments Ltd., Toronto, at an estimated cost of $150,000.00 wss presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. George Christoff, 689 Welland Avenue, fDr a permit to erect a plastic, illuminated overhanging sign at his premises at an ~stimated cost of $455.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED On the motlo~ Of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. A, DiRisio for a build- ing permit to re-build an apartmen~ destroyed by fire, located at the north-east corner of Buchanan Avenue and Lincoln Street, at an estimated cost of $12,000.00 was presented for eonsideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mor~on and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received, adopted, and permit issued. · he Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald, Mitchelson. READ AND ADOF~MD, 16th December, 1963. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 9th December, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance meet- ings on Monday, December 9th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present with the exception of Ald, Potter. Mayor Miller presided. BY-IAW The following By-law was passed: No. 6451 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Aid. Corfield that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first read- ing. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze. - Carried Unanimously. At this point in the meeting, Alderman Martin spoke on the setting up of the Ontario Hydro Museum and the location in either Toronto or Niagara Falls. It was the concensus of opinion that Niagara Falls should be the location for such a Museum and in this connection the following Resolution was passed: No. 89 - MARTIN - SWAYZE - ~ESOLVED that Council go on record as to their belief Chat the proposed Ontario Ny~ro Museum be located in the City of Niagara Falls; and that n letter be forwarded to the Ontario]{.Vdro advising them of Council's feeling, and stating that Council will do anything possible to co-operate in bringing the Museum to the City of Niagara Falls; and the. Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously Council adjourned to Conference on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOPTED, 16th December, 1963. CONFERENCE The Commlittee assembled in Conference following the regular meeting ~ f Council on Monday, December 9th, 1963. All Members of the Committee were present with the exception of Ald. PoLter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. Pollowing consideration of the items presented to them. the Conference adjourned cn the motion of Nld. MeCallum and Ald. Mitchelson. BEAD ~d~D ADOPEED, 16th December, 1963. ler Chairman SIXTY-SECOND MEETING Council Chamber, 16th December, 1963. SPECIAL MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 3 p.m. on Monday, December 16th, 1963, for the purpose of considering the ~raffic survey report and the matter of appointments tO Boards, Commissions and committees for the year 1964. All members of Council were pre~ent, with the exception of Aldermen Potter and Morton. His Worship, Mayor Miller, called the meeting to order explaining the purpose and suggested that the traffic survey report be considered first. Aldemnan Swayze, Chairman of the Traffic Committee of COULeil, then presented a brief report concerning the traffic survey repor~ submitted by H. G. Acres & Company Ltd. suggesting that since the report is technical and detailed, that the best method of handling the situation would be to set up a special committee to report on the survey following discussions and consultations with other interested bodies and he also sug- gested that the City Engineer now read the condensed version of the report and that during the reading of the traffic survey report if so desired, the members of Council be allowed to make queries or comments. His Worship, the Mayor, then requested Mr. Eidt to proceed with the reading of the report and while this was being done, the Design Engineer, Mr. Jo~n Edmonds, pointed out the various locations on the maps which were available. Following the reading of the report, a general discussion took place with various queries being advaaced and satisfactorily answered and following t~is dlsc~ssi~n. it was ordered on the motion of Aldermen Mitchelson and Swayze that the recommendation of the Chairman of the Traffic Committee be accepted and a Committee struck to bring in recc~m~endations concerning the suggestions of H. O. Acres end Company Ltd. as to s 0o-ordinating Committee, its composition, and any other pertinent matters. Carried Unanimous:ly. At this point, the City Engineer queried whether it was Council's wish that the copies of the condensed report be sold to any persons interested~ and if so, st what price, and it was ordered on the motion of Aldermen Swayze and Scott that the con- densad reports be sold to interested persons at a price of 30~ per copy. C~rried~nanimousl~ Alderman Mitchelson then referred to copies of the Regional Development Association economical survey which he had presented to each member prior to this meet- ing and advised that they had been obtained at a recent meeting of the Regional Develop- ment Association and that they would, he was sure, be of interest to the members of Council. At this point, His Worship, the Mayor, requested the members of Council to consider the lists which had been supplied detailing the present appointees to the various Boards, Commissions and Organizations whose time expires as of December 31st and the following action was taken: Public Library Board - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Martin and Swayze that Messrs. G. D. Ainslie, George Hamilton, and R. S. Durdan be re-appointed to the Public Library Board for the year 1964. Court of Revision - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Keighan and Scott'that Messrs. Albert Benson and Fred Inghambe re-appointed to the Court of Revision for the year 1964. Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen McKinley and Swayze that Aldermen G. Martin and E. Mitchelson be re-appointed to the Planning Board for the year 196~ and that Messrs. George Allen and H. B. Hen- derson be re-appointed for three years. Committee of Adjustment - Agreed that Mr. P. A. Pasquet be appointed for the years 1~4,'I965, and 1966, providing he will accept. Niagara Parks Commission - On a ballot taken, it was ordered that the Council's representative on the Niagara Parks Omission be Alderman Ian McCallum for the year 1964. Greater Niagara General Hospital Board - Ordered on the motion of Aidemen Swayze and McKinley that Mayor F, J. Miller and Alderman W. G. Scott be re-appointed to the Hospital Boar~ for the year 196~. Children's Aid Society - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Martin and McKinley that Aldermen ~. C- Morton and S. Cotfield be re-appointed to the Children's Aid Society for the year 1964. Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce, Industrial Committee - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Mitchelson and McKinley that Aldermen C. G. Swayze, I. McCallurn, R. F. ~eighan, and H. ~. Potter be re-appointed to the Chamber of Commerce Industrial Committee for the year 1964. Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce, Tourist Committee - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Martin and McCallum that Aldermen W. G. Scott, S. Corfield, H. C. Morton and A. J. McKinley be re-appointed to the Chamber of Commerce Tourist Committee for the year 1964. Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce Traffic & Safety 0ommittee - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Martin and Swayze that Aldermen E. Mitchelson and C. H. Eidt be re-appointed and Alderman S. Corfield be appointed to the Chamber of Oommerce Traf- fic & Safety Committee for the year 1964. _Emergency Measures 0rS~nization - Ordered on the motion of Aidemen Swayze and Martin that Alderman 8. Corfield be re-appointed to the Emergency Measures Organ- ization for the year 1964. Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority - Moved on the motion of Aidermen M~Kinley and Scott that Alderman Corfield be appointed, and Alderman C. G. Swayze end Mr. J.' W. Dominski be re-appointed %o the Conservation Authority for the year 1964. Niagara Eretrio% Airport Commission - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Mitchelson and Corfield that Alderman R. F. Keighan and W. ~. McBuraey, Q.C. he re-appointed and Alderman' I. McCallum be appointed to %he Niagara District Airport Commission for %he year 196~. Community Cantre Boar!l' - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Cotfield and Keighan that ~essrs. J. Bell, T. Brant, G. MeQueen, L. Petlot, Mrs. H. Lamb, Aldermen Corfield and M~Kinley be re-appointed to the Ccmmuni%F Centre Board for %he Fear 196~. 16. Niagara Regional Development Committee - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen McKinley and Swayze that Aldermen E. Mltchelson and G. ~artin be re-appointed to the Niagara Regional Development Committee for the year 1964. Greater Niagara Transit Commission - Ordered on the moulon or Aldermen Swayze and Scott that Messrs. J. B. Meats and J. ~ckenzie be re-appointed to the Transit Commission for two years. Sunset Haven Committee - Ordered on the motion of AldeRmen Swayze and Corf)eld that Aldermen E. Mitchelson and A. J. McKinley be re-appointed to the Sunset Haven Committee for the year 1964. Niagara Peninsula Municipal Committee on Urban and Regional Research - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Martin and McCallbun that Alderman A. J. McKinley be re- appointed to the Urban and Regional Research Committee for the year ].964. STANDING C01~41'rfsES Chairman of Finance - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Keighan and Swayze that Aldermen G. Martin be re-appointed as Chairman of Finance for the year ]96~. Weed Inspector - Ordered on the motion of Aidermen Mitchelson and McKinley that Mr. R. I. Pri6r be re-appointed Weed Inspector for the year 1964. Property and Building Committee - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Scott and McKinley that Aldermen R. F, Keighan, M. R. Potter, H. C. MotSon and C. G. Swsyze be re-appointed to the Property and Ballding Committee for the year 196~. Arena, Parks & Recreation - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Mitchelson and Keighan that Aldermen A. J. McKinley, I. McCallurn, W. G, Sco~t and H. R. Potter be re-appointed to Arena, Parks & Recreation for the year 196h. Traffic Committee - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Martin and McKinley that Aldermen C. G. Swayze, W. G. Scott, H. R. Potter and I. McCallum be re-appointed to the Traffic Committee for the year 1964. 6. Negotiations & Equipment - Ordered on the motion of Aidermen Scott and Keighan that Aldermen I. McCallam, G. Martin, R. F. Keighan and E. Eo Mitchelson be re- appointed to the Negotiations & Eqaipment Committee for the year 1954. 7. Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Swayze and McCallum that Aldermen G, Martin, W. G. Scott, H. R. Potter end S. Cotfield be re-appointed to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee for the year 1964. 8. Utilities ~o-ordinating Committee - Ordered on the motion of Airiermen Martin and ~cKinley that Mayor Miller, Alderman I. McCallurn, C. H. Eldt, M. Perkins, E. J. Farebrother be re-appointed and A, C. Huggins be appointed to the Utilities Co-ordinating Committee for the year 196~. 9. Christmas Party Committee - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen McCallum and Mitch- elson thatAldermen A. J. McKinley, W. G, Scott, S. Corfield and ~. G. Swayze be re-appointed to the Christmas Party Committee for the year 1964. 10. Achievement Award Committee - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Mitchelson and McCallum that Aldermen H, S. Potter, R. F. Keighan, C. G. Swayze and H. C. Morton te re-appointed tO .the Achievement Award Committee for the year 196~. 11. Traffic Survey Report Committee - Ordered on the motion of Aldermen Scott and Cotfield that Aldermen G. Martin, R. F. Keighan, E. Mitchelson and I. McCallum be appointed to the Traffic Survey Report Committee for the year 196~. ~t ~s ordered on the motion of Aldermen Martin and Swayze that the meeting adjourn. Pa~AD AND ADO 23rd December, 1963. . ........... Mayor 1 SIXTY-THIRD ME~A'ING Council Chamber, 16th December, 1963. B3~UIAR MId'rING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, December 16th, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Potter. }~is Worship Mayor Miller presided. The Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze. CO~CATIONS Laid over from previous meetings: No. 643 - Planning Board- Amendment Application, Bianchin, 400 Leader Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the communication of the Planning Board, ~nd the Report of the Property Comittee; and further verbal report be received and filed, and that Council do not disapprove of the request of Mr. Pierre Bianchin for re-zoning of the property on Leader Lane for the erection of a motel. This motion was carried with AldermanMitchelson and Alderman Scott voting qontrary. SEE R.~port. Number 764 No. 638 - Flora Tiegs - offer to sell Lot at corner of Arthur Street and King Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report of the Property C~mnittee in this connection be received and adopted. SEE Report Number 763 SEE Report Number 7~ No. 648 - City of Cornwall - Resolution pertaining to increase of funds for Tourist promotion. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that the report of the City Manager be received and adopted and CqUncil suppor~, in p~inciple, the resolution of the City of Cornwall.' ~ SEE Repor~ Number775 No. 661 - Elanning Board - Amendment Application, Canada Southern Railway, and Public Observation Deck. ORE~RED on the motion of Ald, Keighan and Aid. Mitchelson that the report of the Property Comuittee be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Morton, Ald. McCallurn, and Ald. Scott voting contrary. · ~ SEE Report Number 776 No. 662 - Planning Board -Amendment Application, A. Franklin Ltd., Drummond Road; 0Pa~ on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Martin that the Report of the Prop- erty Committee be received and adopte~.'.. . SEERepOrt Number 777 No. 659 - Planning Board - Amendment Application: Drs. Dickinson~ LeMasters and Elling- ham, DorcheSter Road. In connection with this matter, Mr; A. A. Macesin, Solicitor, wasp emitted to address Council 6n the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McCallum. He stated that his clients ware satisfied with the suggestion of the Proper~M Committee concerning certain conditions for the implementing of a small clinic in the area. (At this time, Mr. MaaBain also expressed appreciation to MemBers of Council and Officials for t~e manner in which they had carried out their work during 196~). Following con- eiderable discussion on the matter, it was ORu~D on the motion of Ald. Keig~an and Aid. 8wayze that ~he eoammmication of t~e Planning Board be received and filed, and the repor~ o~ the Property O~mmittee be received and adopted. This motion was carried with the following vote: a~_el- Alderman 8wayze, 8cott~ .Kelghan, McKinley, Cotfield. 'Nays:- Aid, Martin, Mitehelson, McOallum, and Mor~on. ' ' ' ~mmReporb Number.778 · No. ~o0 -' Plannin~ Board - Amendment Application, 8pironello & Iseppon. OR~BED on · the Properb~ C~mw tree ~he motion'~"Ald. Morton and Aid, Cotfield that the reper~ of i be received and adol~ed. e_uorb umber No. 606 - City of Woodstock - Resolution pertaining to designsilos of depressed areas. No. 611 - Chamber of Commerce Industrial Dept~ - advantages to Industrial Firms settl- ing in depressed areas. No. 633 - Department of Industry - Press Release and Appendix A and Appendix B of assis- tance in designated areas. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and A!d. Swayze that the communications be received and filed, but that Council make it known to the Depart- ment of Industry that the method of calculation of "depressed areas" makes it very dit~i- cult for the City of Niagara Falls, and Cormell believes they should re-assess the manner by which they give these concessions to Municipalities. The following Communications were presented_ : No. 663 - George F. Lavallee - Question of dogs tied all year aro~md. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the co~.unication be received and re- ferred to the Special Licensing Committee when they are dealing with this matter. No. 664 - M. Glsvic - Additions to Ameri-Cana Motel, 44~4 Lundy's Lane and sewage facilities. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchetson and Ald. Mor~on that the co.~uni- cation be received and referred to the Engineer for a report. No. 665 - City of Kitchener - Resolution pertaining to Cancer examinations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the co~n~lication be received and . filed and Council endorse the resolution from the City of Kitchener. No. 667 - Welland Big Brother Assoc. - Proclamation of Big Brother Week. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Martin and A!d. Scott that Communication No. 667 be received and filed, and Communication No. 666 be received and referred to the '1964 Budget Committee for consideration, and that information be obtained as to whether such an organization will be started within the City of Niagara Falls. No. 668 - Hydro- Electric Power Comm. of Ont. - location of Hydro Museum. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Aid. Corfield that the communication be received and ;: filed. REPORTS Iatd over from previous meetings: No. 764 - Property Committee - Amendment Application, Biaschin, ~OO Leader Lane. " ORDERED on the motion of AId. Keighan and Aid. Swayze that the communication off the Planning Board, the Report of the Property Committee and further verbs] report, he !' received and filed, and that Council do not disapprove of the request of Mr. Pietro Blanchis for re-zoning of the property on Leader Lane for the erection of a motel. SEE Commbmication No. 763 ' Property Committee - OfFer of Mrs. Flora Tiegs. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report of the Proper~y Committee be received and adopted. SEE Report N~u.ber 77~ SEE Communication 638 No. 766 - City Manager - Dogs rx~nning at large. ORDERED on the motion of Aid.Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report of the Special License Committee be adopted as amended. SEE Report Number 78__0 The followin~ Reports were presented: No. 77~ - Froper~y Committee - Suggesting appraisal be received for lob at comer Of ging and Arthur Streets. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that the report be received and adopted. S~ Communication No. 775 ' 0ity Manager - reporting on City of Cornwall resolution pertaining to increase of funds for Tourist promotion. OR~D on the motion of AId. Morton and Ald. Scott that the repor~ be received and adopted and Council support, in principle, ~he resolution of the City of Cornwall. SEE Cul~nication Nol 776 - Property Committee - Amendment Application, Canada Southern Railway, and Public Observation Deck. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mitch- elson that the report of the Property Committee be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Morton, Ald. McCalltun and Ald. Scott voting contrary. SEE Communication 661 No. 777 - Property Committee - Amendment Application, A. Franklin Ltd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Martin that the Report be received and adopted, SEE Communication 662 No. 778 - Property Committee - Amendment Application, Drs. Dickinson, LaMastars and Ellinghsm, Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with the following vote: AXe:-. Aldermen Swayze, Scott, Keighan, McKinley, Cotfield. Nayq: -Ald. Martin, Mitchelson, McCallum and Morton. SEE Communication 659 No. 779 - Property Committee - Amendment Application, Spirehello & Iseppon. ORDERED on the motion of Aldo Morton and Ald. norfield that the report be received and adopted. SEE Communication 660 No. 780 - Special License Committee - Dogs running at large. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted as amended. 5MY Report Number 766 No. 781 - Assistant to City Mgr., Admin. - Consent Application C-199, Nydro to Marg. As Securities Limited. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and referred to the Sanitation & Pollution Control Committee for consideration an~ report. No. 782 - Welfare Administrator - ~hristmas Allowances for persons on welfare. OR- DERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed and the authorization of the amount of $777.00 be granted. t No. 78B - Special License Committee - control of price signs for tourist establish- ments. ORDEAL]) on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Alderman McCallum and Alderman Scott voting contrary. No. 784 - Special License Committee - employment of License Inspector. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and filed. No. 785 - Committee of Adjustment - Application of Milomir Glavic, 4444 Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Scott that the repqrt be received 1 and filed. No. 786 - Assistant to City Mgr., Admin. - reporting on approval~y O.M.B. of By-law 6420. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. norfield and Ald. Swayze that the report' be re- ceived and filed. No. 787 - City Manager - resignation of Mrs. Jeanerrs U=brico. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received and adopted, and that Mrs. Umbrico's resignation he accepted with regret; and that a latter of appreciation be forwarded to her for the excellent services rendered to the Corporation, and a replaceu~n~ be hired. This motion was carried with Aid. McCallam voting contrary. No. 788 - City Manager - Niring of clerk for Treaeurer's Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopte~. This motion was carried with Ald. McCallumvoting contrary. No. 789 - City Manager - Claim for extras by Bohna-Litwin. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Morton that the report he received and adopted. No. 790.- City Manager - Advising of meeting with representative of Board of Transport Commissioners to go over final accounts for Victoria Avenue Bridge. ORDERED on the' motion of Ald. 8~ayze and Ald. norfield that the report be received and filed and that the City 8elicitor and Alderman Keighan, C~airman of the PrO~ex~ Committee, be present at the meeCi~6, along with other principles involved. No. 791 - City Manager - Reporting on re-assessment programme. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the reportbe received and filed. No. 792 - City Clerk - Recommending issuance of licenses, ORDERED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Ald. Mitchelson that the report be received? adopted~ and licenses issued as recommended, MISCELLAI~OUS Aidsiphon McKinley requested permission to travel to Western [~iversity. I~ndon, with Mr. Mel Swart, on behalf of the sub-committee of the Niagara Peninsula ~micipa] Committee on Urban and Regional Research, of which he is a member, for the purpose off reco~maendation of a qualified person to commence a survey. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Swayze that Alderman McKinley be granted permission to attend in London on December 2Oth for this purpose. Alderman Mitchelson brought to the attention of Council his recent visit to Sunset Haven, and spoke of the excellent manner in which the Home is operated by Mr. D. H. RapelJe~ Superintendent. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mltche]son and Ald. McKinley that a letter of thanks and commendation be sent to Mr. P~nelje and his staff for the able way in which the Home is operated and the care given to the ~atients. Alderman Martin expressed his intention to bring in a Resolution a5 the next meeting of Council suggesting the discontinuance of the collection of Poll Tax in the City of Niagara Falls. Alderman Martin stated that only approximately $2,400.00 was collected in Poll T~x in the City at a cost of $],500.00, giving net proceeds of $800.00, and he felt that the discontinuance of this tax would be a setp fQrward FOr the City. Alderman Morton rmported on his visit to the new]y-opened Kiwanis Senior Citizens Home On Dunn Street and stated that the Home was a wonderful project undertaken by the Kiwanis Club. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Morton that a letter be sent to the Kiwanis Club expressing the appreciation of Council for the low cost rental housing unit for Senior Citizens constructed under the auspices of the Club, Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 6420 - To approve the expenditure by Greater Niagara Transit Commission of the the sum of $70,000 for the purchase of two new buses For its public bus transportation system. Third Reading - Alderman McKinley and Alderman McCallum. - Carried Unanimously. The following By-laws were presented: No. 64~.~ - To provide for the sale of Lot 18, Registered Plan 160 to Myer Carnal Delduca. ORDFaED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. His Worship Mayor Miller appointed Alden.an Mitchelson and Alderman Scott ss the two delegates to the Ontario Municipal Association ResolUtions Cabinet Delegation. His Worship Mayor Miller remarked about the Resolution inaugurated by the City of Niagara Falls concerning provision for permissible roam tax, and felt that Council should contact other Municipal ities in the Province seeking their support of this res- olution. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Scott that letters be sent to other Municipalities asking for their support on the Resolution pertaining to permissible room tax; and that a copy of the Resolution be sent to the Ontario Mayors & Reeves ASsociation and th~ Ontario Municipal Association. Th~s motion was carried with Alder- man Mitche!son and Alderman Martin voting contrary. Alderman Morton requested the Traffic Committee to look into parking on McDonald Avenue north of the sen lizabeth ', ay and St fcr Street, sspecially Hockey nights. In this respect, Alderman Mitchelson requested that the Traffic Com- mittee look into the parking of cars on the Queen Elizabeth Way on hockey nights. Alderman McKinley requested the Traffic Committee to change the location of up the street. BY- LAW S ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Morton that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. Third Reading -Ald. McKinleY and Ald. Corfield. - Carried Unanimously. No. 6~53 - To enter into an Agreement between Samuel L. Glassford and Edna M.Glassford and the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. McKinley that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Keighan and Aid. Corfield that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum. - Carried Unanimously. No. 64~4. - To amend By-law 3790 being a By-law for the regulating of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield that Ald. Swayze be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield - Carried UnanimouslY. No. 64p5 - To grant retirement allowances to Municipal employees. ORDERED on.the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. McCallurn that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law l~e given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. McKinley - Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Alderman Mitchelson. READ AND ADOFrED, 23rd December, 1963. FINANCE MEETING Council Ch~mmber, !6th December, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on December ]6th. 1963, for the 9urpcse cf approv- ing and also passing the various accounts which had been previously certified and pieced before them. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Potter. Alderman Martin, Cbairman of Finance, presided. Sundry Accounts in the amount of $426,061.77 were approved by the Conunttoee. The Aceomits submitted. being passed or otherwise dealt with. were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to the Com~cil, on the motion of Aid. Morton and Ald. Corfield. The City Manager's report on the application of Mr. Philip Casucci for a refund of a building permit issued for the construction of a split lave~ dwelling on [~rt of Lot 112, Plan 75 on Arthur Street, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted, and permit fee refunded. The City Manager's report on the application of Antique Auto Muse~n. Falls Avenue, for a permit to erect a sign on the Glassbrook Property at 585 Bender Hill at an estimated cost of $60.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the report be received and referred to the Property Co~ittee for considenation and report to Council. The verbal report of the City Manager on the application of Oakes Drive Motel. 2546 Buchanan Avenue for alterations to provide an additional dining room at an esti- mated cost Of $5,000.00 was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Swayze that the verbal report of the City ~nager be received and per- mit issued, as recommended by the City Manager, subject to minor conditions to be approved by the Fire Inspector. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid. Keighan. READ ANDADOPTED, 23rd December~ 1963. Chairman of Finance Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 16th December, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, December 16th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present with the exception of Ald. Po~ter. Mayor Miller presided. By-LAW T~e following By-law was passed: No. 6456 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Ald. M~rtin be gran- ted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading.- Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Corfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading, - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallurn - Carried Unanimously. At this point in the meeting, City Engineer, C. H. Eidt proceeded to explain two large drawings set up in the Chambers indicating they were in connection with Council's request for a report on the possible widening of Ellen Avenue and its estimated cost. He explained that the two plans indicated Ellen Avenue from Ferry Street to Walnut Street. He outlined three possibilities in connection with the widening of Ellen Avenue:- (a) To provide a 600 foot right-of-way, with two 9' curb faced sidewalks and 48 feet of pavement. He stated that this proposel would do a great deal of damage to abutting houses. The estimated cost - $355,000.00. (b) To provide a 50 foot right-of-way, with five foot curb faced sidewalks and 40 feet width of pavement. He stated that some houses would be involved with this widen- ing. The estimated cost - $165,000.00. (c) To leave the right-of-way as it is, and build a road within the existing 40 foot right-of-way. A five foot curb faced sidewalk on one side, and a four foot curb faced sidewalk on the other, with a 31 foot width of pavement. This would provide for parking on otis side of the street, with two clear lanes for traffic. The Engineer indicated that at present the width of pavement is 18 feet. me estimated cost - $ 87,000.00. Upon the ccmpletion of the Engineer's presentation it was ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the data and report of the Engineer be ~received and re- ferred to the Traffic Committee for study and report back to Council. Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Martin and Ald. Corfield. READ ANDADOPTED, 23rd December, 1963. Mayor SIXTY-FOIIRTH ~NgE~ING REGULAR ~EETING 23rd DecemOer. ]963. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 6:33 p.m. ~:n Monday. Der:e!mb~r o3rd. 1963, for the purpose of considering general bg. sLness add ~inal~ce. A]] Melaber3 c:g Council were present w~th the exception of Alderman Potter. H~s Worship. M~,yor Miller, presided. ~Fne Council. having r~ceived and read the minute? rlf the previ~s spr.,?h, 3 and regular meetings, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Ccrgie]d ant] Aid. McKinley. CC~,g4U]qICATION$ Laid over from the previous meeting: No. 644 - Ameri-Cana Mote] - re: provision ~cr adeTmte san~ ~ury newuge. 0RD~RED the motion of Ald. Keighan and Aid. Scott that the matter be referred to the gewuge and Sanitation Committee. The following Communications were presente_dj No. 669 - N.F. Junior Chamber of Commerce - invitation tc "C~v]c Affsir~" N~6ht. January 29, 19~U. ORDERED on the motion of A!d. Morton and AId. Swa7ze that the in- vitation be received, accepted and as many as find it possible. attend. No. 6yO - St. Aun's 8th Company Girl Guides - apprec~ation for demonstration prevention. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfiel~ and AId. Zwayz~ that the cor~n~j ca- tion be received, filed and a copy fo~arded to the Fire ~partment. No. 671 - Sheraton-Brock Hotel - proposed new development for Foxbaud pro?arty. ~e City Manager presented a verbal report on the new development praposed~ fo] ] ~win~ ~,,hicb it was ordered on the motion of A]d. ~rtin and Ald. Swayze that the City verbal repo~ be adopted and the necessary by-law be prepred and forwarded to the ~tario M~icipal Board for their decision l~ediately. No. 672 - Niaga~ Falls District Board of Education - added!on to Orchard Park ~b]~c School. ORDMD on. the motion of Ald. Kel~an and AId. Morton ~hat the co~unication be received, filed and the necessary action be taken to obtain the approval of the ~tario M~ici~l B~rd. No. 673 - ~Y H. 8svigny - proposed stone quar~ operation. ~e City ~nager reposed verbal~ that there ~s nothing in the Zoning Reg~].ations to stop the proposed operation in the area in question as long as the q~rry is operated in aecor~nce with the Mining Act. ORDE~D on the motion of Ald. Morton and A].d. McCall~ that Mr. Savi~y be heard. He advised that the proposed operation would be relatively small as far as present quar~ operation between Gamer R~d and Beechwood Road (Wa]ker's ~arry). ORDE~D on the motion of Ald. Moron and Ald. Cotfield that the co~ieation be received, filed and pemission be g~nted, subject to obtaining the necessa~ licenses. Laid over from the previous meeting; No. 756 - ~raffic Committee - recommending purchase of two premises on Ellen Avenue for location of parking facilities. SEE Resort...Numb~r The following Reports were presented: No. 793 - Oity Engineer ' proposed private pumping station for Ameri-Cana Motel, 4444 Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighsn and Ald. Scott that the repor~ be received, and the matter be referred to the Sewage and Sanitation Committee. SEE Communication No. 794 - Traffic Committee - progress report on proposed development of Ellen Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. SEE Repor~ Number 756 No. 795 - Traffic Committee - recommending prohibition of parking on north-east side of McDonald Avenue between Q.E.Way connecting road and Stamford Street; and also that no changes be made in parking conditions on Stamford Street or on the Q.E.Way connect- ing road at present time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Keighan contrary. No- 796 - Traffic Committee - suggesting moving of bus stop on west side of Bridge St. between River Road and Cataract Avenue, so that the westerly end of the bus stop is at Cataract Avenue and provision be made for parking of at least one car adjacent to River Road. ORDEF~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. 8wayze that the report be received and adopted. No. 797 ' Traffic Committee - recommending no change in the location of the parking meter on west side of Victoria Avenue directlY south of Morrison Street. ORDERED on th? ~otion of Ald. Scott and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted. -Ald. Mitehelena arrived at the meeting - No. 798 - Traffic Committee - recommending prohibition of parking on the north side of Maltland Street between Leonard Avenue and Nighland Avenue between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted. No. 799 - Traffic Committee - recommending that the Dept. of Highways be requested to place the necessarY sand bags to improve traffic donditions at the intersection of the connecting road leading from Victoria Avenue to the Q.E.Way at approximatelY Palmer Avenue, for a trial period. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. McCallum that the report be received and adopted. No. 800 - Sanitation and pollution Control Committee - report on meeting attended on Dec. 19th re: claim of Bohna-Litwin for extras for delay in having power available at pumping stations of Pollution Control plant. 0RDEBED on the motion of Ald.Keighan and Ald. Mor~on that the report be received and filed. ~ No. 801 - Sanitation and Pollution Control Committee - Estimated cost of purchasing rubber matting for floors at pollution Control plant. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that the report be received and filed and the matting be pur- chased. No. 802 - Sanitation and pollution Control Committee - requesting authority of Council to deal with parties interested in removal of the sludge from pollution Control plant. ORDFa~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Corfield that the report be received, filed and permission granted. No. 803 - Special Committee dealing with pensions - report on meeting with Local 133, Civic Employees and Local 52S, Firefighters re: necesSitY of transferring from City Pension Scheme to Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Scheme ~s of January let, 196~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. McCallum that the rePoxt~ be re- ceived and filed. No. 80~ - City Manager - report on meeting with representatives of C.N.R. and District Engineer of Board of Transport Commissioners to go over estimates for construction of Victoria Avenue Bridge. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and filed. No. 805 - City Manager - final adjustment of accounts from Malvern Construction Co. ttd. 0Ev~D on ~he motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mitchelson that ~he repor~ be received and filed. No. 806 - NegofiatiOns Committee - reccemending that Mr. 8. Leatie, Q.C. be retained with City 0~f{cials to re-draft agreement with Civic Employees, previous to raceipt of Job Evaluation Survey. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCallumand Ald. Martin that the report be received, filed and Perm~ssi°n granted to engage Mr. Leslie. No. 807 - City Manager - advising of transfer of three permanent employees and request- ing permission to replace these with four appointments; a~so recommending that Mr. HenrY Smith be appointed to Electrical Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCa] lum and Ald. Morton that the report be received and referred to the Negotiations Committee for submission of a report. No. 808 - Alderman McKin].ey - report on meeting artended at University of Western Ontario in London. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitehelena that the report be received and filed. No. 809 - Committee of Adjustment - resu]t of hearing of H. Mercnik's aop]ication. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Cotfield that the report be received and filed. No. 810 - City Clerk - reconm~ending issuance of licenses. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the renort be received, adopted snd licenses issued accordinglY. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed; No. 90 - MARTIN - S~;AYZE - RESOLVED that By-law Number 2150, to provide Fox' the levying and collecting of Poll Tax in the City of Niagara Falls be repealed and Po]l Tax be no longer collected by this municipality; and the Sial of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously MISCELLANEOUS At the request of Alderman McCallum, the Traffic Co~.ittee were requested to consider the possibility of installation of "advance green" signals on Lundy's Lane at Dorchester Road; Drummond Road at Lundy's Lane and on Stanley at the Q.E.Way. Alderman McCallum moved that the Council Meeting scheduled For Monday, December 30th, 1963 be cancelled, but received no seconder. BY-LAWS The following By-laws were pa~se.~t No. 6~7 - To authorize participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement SysteB; ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Cotfield that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first time. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum - Carried UnanimouslY. No. 6~8 - A by-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 2~30, 1960 of the Township of Stamford, .... (now in the City of Niagara Falls) as ~nended. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. Cotfield that Ald.Keighan be 6r~n~ed ~he privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given Lhe rir~ reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. 0RDEDED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and ~he by-law be given the second reading. - Carried (Alderman McCallum and Alderman Morton - contrarY). Third Reading -Ald. Gorfield and Ald. Swayze - Carried. (Alderman McCallum and Alderman Mor~on - contrarY). No. 645~ - A by-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement. e ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald- Keighan and Ald. Swayze that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the sec- ond reading. - Carried (Alderman McCallum and Morton - contrary). Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson - Carried (Alderman McCallum and Morton _ contrary). ROOMTAX His Worship, Mayor Miller, referred to the opposition expressed by the Visitor and Convention Bureau of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce of the proposed Room Tax, which appeared in the Evening Review on December 20th, and advised that he was tak- ing this opportunity of replying. His Worship the Mayor then expressed his views stating that it was time for all to pull together in the interests of the City and the citizens of Niagara Falls, and he did not agree that the Room Tax would constitute an unfair bur- den to the Tourist Industry; that his proposal was not to harm the City but to help the City and its taxpayers. He pointed out that this type of income properly applied to the tax structure would result in lower taxes. His Worship the Mayor then referred to the 196S contribution of $20,000. to the Visitor and Convention Bureau, to promote the Tourist Industry, which he heartily endorsed, but he pointed out that private industry does not come to the taxpayers and ask for financial aid to further promote their inter- ests. He also referred to the contribution in 196B, in the amount of $22,000. to the Industrial Committee for industrial promotion and queried as to the merits of lowering industrial taxes which would be just as good as money as a selling point for the Indus- trial Committee. Ald. Corfield, one of Council's representatives on the Tourist Committee of the Chamber, referred to the garbage collection and traffic congestion brought about by tourist influx and was of the opinion that a Room T~x should not be a hardship on tourists and he advised that it was the intent of the Committee, although a vote was not taken, to appoint a Committee to appear before Council and voice their objections to a room tax. ~ Ald. Keighan, one of Council's representatives on the Industrial Committee of the Chamber, advised that he had supported the Mayor's recommendation concerni~g a room tax and would continue to do so, stating that there were not too many sources of revenue where the municipality can obtain funds and the Mayor's suggestion seemed reasonable. He was of the opinion that tourist establishment operators are in business to make money, and it was not exactly fair to refer to the amount of taxes paid into the City by these establishments. The Alderman stated that he agreed in particular that there is no other industry that gets support like the Tourist and Convention Com- mittee. Ald. Scott, one of Council's representatives on the Tourist Committee of the Chamber, also referred to the fact that Council were elected by the whole City to rep- resent and do the best that can be done for the citizens, and this was one.of the reasons why he would continue to support the proposal of a room t~. ' Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Aid.Morton. READ ANDADOPTED, BOth December,.196B. FINANCE ~k'TIi~G ~3rd Dece!nher. ]Yne Finance Meeti::~ was held or: l~cn:ber TLrd! :n63, for ~; ~ ?,'r:~:~>~ ~ arpr~v- before them. All Members :~f the Cn~r~ittee were pr,:se:nt. with the excepti7,~ "F A!de~an Potter. Aldemn Martin, Chairman of Finance, oresided. Sundry Accounts in the amount cf $~75.762.95 were aspravel by the Cn.mm~ U>qe. The Accounts submitted. seinE onesod I-.r athel~zise lea]'; ..¢1;!,. c:~ ~rl]er~d placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council. cn the motion ~f A],d. Muton and Ald. McCall~m. A communicaBion erc~m Gould-Leslie Ltd. making app][cation ?or the er~c:~l~n ~f two new standard poster Sisplays on the roof of K. E. James bui]ding st qI5 Valley Uay was oreseated for consideration. ORDERED on the moti~n of His Worship May~,r Miller and Ald/Corfield that the communication be received and referred to the Property Conmittee for consideration and a report. The City Manager's report on the sketch sl~mitte5 by Mr. Chiarc~]a f~=r propose6 alterations to his premises at 924 Victoria Avenue. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and A].d. Morton that the report and sketch be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and report. The City Manager's report on a sketch presented For construction of a 16 unit motel on the north-west corner of Main Street and Culp Street, was oreseated. 0RDEED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfie]8 that the report and sketch be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McKinley and AId. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOPTED, 30th December, 1963. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, 23rd December, ]963. Council re-assembled at the close of the reguler Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, December 93rd, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Committee. All Members were present, with the exception of Ald. Potter. His WorshiP, Mayor Miller, presided. BY-IAW The following By-law was passed; No. 64 .6Q - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Corfield that AId. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Morton and Ald. Cotfield - Carried Unanimously. His Worship Mayor Miller then extended Christmas Greetings and Wishes for the New Year to the Members of Council. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mar%in and Ald. Scott. READ AND ADOPTED, 30th December, 1963· Clerk ~ .... .... Mayor SiXTy-FIFTHME~PING Council Chamber, BOth December, 196S. REGULAR gREAsING pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, December BOth, 1963, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen Mitchelson and Potter. The Coun- ciB, having received and read the minutes of the previous regular ~eeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. Corfield and Ald. McCallum, C0~MUNICATIONS The following Conmmnications were presented: No. 674 - Visitor & Convention Bureau - requesting permission for l~gineeringDepart- ment to place collected Ct~ristmas trees on 8ainovich land, between Murray Hill and Robinson Street prior to $anuary l~th, the night of the Winter Festival Bonfire. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MeCallum and Ald. Scott that the communication be re- ceived, filed and the request granted, under supervision of the Police and Fire Depart- meritS, No. 675 - Committee of Adjustment - notice of hearing of application of Peter Samits. No. 696 - Committee of Adjustment - notice of he~ring of application of A. R.Macklem Real Estate Ltd. 0RDEI~gD on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Cotfield that the communications be received and filed. REPORTS The follo~fing Reports were presented: No. 811 - Negotiations Committee - progress reoort on meeting re: grou~> insurance for civic employees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCsllum and Ald. Swayze that the resort be received and filed. No. 812 - Negotiations Committee - progress report on forthcoming retTrement of various civic employees. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McCa]lum and Ald. Cotfield timt the report be received and adopted. No. 813 - Special Fire Committee - recommending appointment of seven oensanent fireman. subject to applicants passing required medical examination and the production of educa- tional qualifications in some instances. ORDERED on the motice of Ald. Martin and Ald. Keighan that the report be received and adopted, RESOLUTION The following Resolution was passed: No. 91 - MCKINLEY - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that congratulations on behalf of His Worshi~ the Mayor and Members of Council be forwarded to Mr. James V. Rose, Coach of Niagara ~A].]s Collegiate Senior Red Raiders Basketball Te~n u~on their achievement in winning their 45th consecutive victory; and the Seal of the Co~ooration be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. -Ald, Morton arrived at the meeting - ~4ISCELIANEOUS His Worship Mayor Miller pointed out to the Members of Council that 19® will be the Diamond Jubilee of the City of Niagara Falls and queried whether Co~mci] ,~ou]d be interested in having some sort of celebration and nsrade~ and if so. some indication might be given by service clubs, fraternal organizati~ss, industries. etc. as to their participation in such observance; such encouragement from these groups could result in the formation of a committee to take over and promote such an event. It was agreed that the matter would be left in abeyance for submission of a report on the costs of the total program involved in the City's fiftieth anniversary in 195~. BY-lAWS The followi~g By-laws were pajsed: No. 6461 - To provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Niagara Falls and Subur- ban Area Official Plan. (Amendment Number 23). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McCa] lum that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried, with Alderman Morton - contrary. Third Reading -Ald. McCalltun and Ald. McKinley - Carried, with Ald. Morton contrary. No. 6~62 - To provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Niagara Falls and Subur- """ ban Area Official Plan. (Amendment Number 2~). ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Cotfield and Ald. Swayze that Aid. Keighan be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-Jaw be given the second reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. Third Reading -Ald. McOallum and Ald. Morton - Carried UnanimouslY. No. 6~6~ - To amend By-law Number 3790, being a By-law for the regulation of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. Corfield that Ald. Bwayze be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. Third Reading -Ald. Co]field and Ald. Scott - Carried Unanimously. No. 6h64 - A by-law to repeal By-law No. 2150 dated the 5th day of June, 1963. (Re: Poll Tax) ORDEREB on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first read- ing. - Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Morton that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried UnanimouslY. Third Reading -Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum - Carried UnanimouslY. Council adjourned to the Finance Meeting on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald.Keighan. READ AND ADOFrED, 6th January, 1964. Clerk FINANCE MI~J~ING ~ Council Chamber, BOth December, 1963. The Finance Meeting was held on December BOth, 1963, for the purpose of approv- in~ and also passin~ the various accounts which ~ad been previousLY cer~ifieda~xd placed before them. All Members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Aldermen Mitchelson and Potter. Alderman Mar%in, Chainlan of Finance, presided. Nundr~Accounts in the amount of $140,635.69 were approved by the Committee. The Accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ordered placed in the Money By-law for presentation to Council, on the motioncol Aid.McKinley and Ald. McCallum. The Proper~y Committee's report on the application of the Antique Auto Mu- seum to erect a sign on .the Glassbrook proper~y at 585 Bender Hill, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Neighan that the report ' be received, adopted and permit issued with the understanding that permission is ob- tained from the Department of Highways, and subject to the provtsioss outlined in the Property Committee's report. The Property Committee's report on the applicauion of Gould-Leslie Ltd. for per- mission to erect two new standard poster displays on the roof of the K. E. James bui]d- ing at 746 Valley Way, was presented for consideration. ORDERED on the motion of A].d. McKinley and Ald. Scott that the report be received, adopted and permission be gra~]~cd providing that the construction and type of sign confoI~ to all tile requirements of the by-laws of the C~ty of Niagara Falls. The Property Committee's report on the application of Mr. Chiare]la for proposed alterations to 924 Victoria Avenue, was presented for consideration. ORDERED ~ln the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Corfield that the report be received and adopted and uhe applicant be ad¢ised that the proposed a]Lerations to the froat of the building are con- trary to By-law 4929 and therefore cannot be approved; but that the sma].! addition at the rear of the existing building appears to be satisfactory and permission in granted to proceed with this work subject to approval by the Fire and Building Inspectors. The Property Committee's report on the sketch presented for the coilstract]ca of a 16 unit motel on the north-west corner of ~]ain St. and Gulp St. was oresented for uon- sideration. The Committee advised that they do not tit jeer to the orsposed erect~ c,n of a motel, souvenir store and restaurant: the fiqa] p!ens must confonn with $]~ ~he regulations and by-laws of the City of Niagara Fo].ls an~ the owners of the motel must apply to the Committee of Adjustment to establish the side yard and rear yard clearances required. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Co]field and Ald. Morton that the report be received. adopted and by-law 5149 be amended accordingly. Carried by a vote of 5 tc ~, the vote being - Aye:- Aldermen Co]field, Morton, McKinley, Keighan and Swayze. Nays:- Mayer Miller. Aldermen McCallum and Scott. The City Manager's report on the appl. ication of Kent Drugs Ltd. for a pex~it to erect a plastic, illuminated face] sign at hi~ Queen Street, at an estimatec cost of $495. was presented. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and Ald. McKinley that the report be received, adopted and pex~it issued. The City Manager's report on the application of the Liquor Control Beard of On- tario for a permit to erect an il]laninated acry]~c face] sign at 7226 Main Street, at an estimated cost of $h75. was presented. ORDEt/ED on the motion of Ald. Morton and Ald. Swayze that the report be received, adopted and permit issued. The City Manager' s report on the sketch submitted by Mr. J. Rocco for the uons~mm- tics of a store and mote] office, and a 12 ~nit mote] at ~be south-west coraer off Ferry Street and Clark Avenue was presented. ORDERED on the motion of A].d. McCal].~n and A].d. Swayze that the repQrt be received, adopted and sketch be referred to the Property C~i:- mittee for conside?ation and a report. The City Manager then presented a verbs~ report on a sketch presented by the British-American Oil Company for remode!]~ng the service station at the corner of Valley Way and Victoria Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Keighan and A~d. McKinley tha~ the verbal report be referred to the Property Committee for consideration and a report. Carried, with Mayor Miller and Aldermen Scott and McCallum contrary. '~ose opposed disa- greed with this matter being oresshred verbal]y, as the sketch did not arrive at the City Hall until 1 p.m. and the deadline for material to be presented to Council is 17 noon on the day of a Council Meeting. The Committee arose and reported to Council on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOFPED, 6th January, 196~. Chairman of Finance COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber~ 30th December, 1963. Council re-assembled at the close of the regular Council and Finance Meetings on Monday, December 30th, 1963, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved by the Co~nittee. All Members were present, with the exception of Aldermen Mitchelson and Potter. His Worship, Mayor Miller, presided. BY- LAW The followia~gBy-law was passed: No. 6465 - A by-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Ald. McCallum that Ald. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first read- ing. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Martin and Ald. Cotfield that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the by-law be given the second reading. - Carried HnanimouslY. Third Reading -Ald. McCallum and Ald. Morton - Carried UnanimouslY. At this point, His Worship Mayor Miller wished all Members of Council, City Officials, and those in attendance at the meeting, a Happy and prosperous New Year. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McCallum and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED, 6th January, 1964. .... Mayor