The City of Niagara Falls, Ontario
Council Chambers
February 20, 2006
Moved by Alderman Campbell
Seconded by Alderman Morocco
WHEREAS the Downtown Community Improvement Plan (CIP) was approved by Niagara Falls
City Council (Council) on December 6,2004 and by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
on March II, 2005; and
WHEREAS the CIP stands on its own merits but also contains a synthesis of three previous reports:
background and vision report (November 2003), land use and urban design framework (April 2004)
and financial incentive programs (April 2004); and
WHEREAS Council reaffirms the finding set forth in the CIP that "downtowns are the functional
and symbolic heart of the community." (pg. I); and
WHEREAS Council also reaffirms the finding set forth in the CIP that" a healthy, viable downtown
is important to the economic health, civic pride and history ofa community." (pg. I); and
WHEREAS Council reaffirms the finding of the CIP that "a strong downtown increases the options
and opportunities for residents to obtain goods and services." (pg. I); and
WHEREAS Council reaffirms the finding of the CIP that "a strong and vibrant downtown is also
a symbol of a city which is earing and concerned about its health and its desire to create a high
quality oflife." (pg. I); and
WHEREAS Council reaffirms the finding of the CIP that "the need to revitalize downtown Niagara
Falls is clear and desirable." (pg. I); and
WHEREAS Council reaffirms the finding of the CIP that "the City will have a significant role to
play in designing and building the public realm to support this urban lifestyle and in attracting
private sector investment to achieve the transformation of Downtown Niagara Falls." (pg.35); and
WHEREAS Council reaffirms the commitment set forth in the CIP that "the City will undertake a
variety of public realm improvements to serve as a catalyst for redevelopment and to make
Downtown a livable neighbourhood." (pg. 45); and
WHEREAS Council reaffirms the goal set forth in the CIP "to look beyond Downtown for new
redevelopment partners and investors." (pg. 76)
THEREFORE BE IT RESOL YED that Staff should develop a protocol to enter into negotiations
with potential redevelopment partners and investors who have or may present themselves; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that City Staffis encouraged to get input from Council throughout
the process so that Staff is aware of Council's concerns; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED no negotiation by Staff, on behalf of the City, shall be final or
binding unless and until approved by Council.
AND The Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
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