request that the Board issue instructions to the public as to the most satisfact-
ory manner in which to combat these pebts.
Ald. Parm asked that the Traffic Cr~m~ttee give consideration to the
ad*isability of prohibiting parking on one side of F~lls Avenue from Newman Rill
to ~oha Street; also that parking should be prohibited on Fourth Avenue in the
vicinity of Bridge Street; and that the words "Step Street" should be painted on
the pavement on Victoria Avenue at the intersections of Maple Street and Queen
Ald. M~.g~nley expressed his appreciation for the excellent work being
done by the Traffic Committee, and especially thanked the C.-.--~ttee for their ac-
tion with regard to the signs on Epworth Circle.
~ae Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley.
l~EAD AND ADOP'L~m4 7 September, 1948.
Council Chamber,
30 August, 1948.
The Finance Co~,~ttee met ca M~nday, 30 August, 19~8, for the purpose
of approving aml also of passing the various accouats which had been properly
certified and place~ before them. All members of the Co~,~ttee were present.
Sundry accounts ~mnmt~ng to $1~,164.01 were approved by the C ...... ,ttee.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money by-law for preacatatica to the Council, on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and l~awklns. ~
A s,m.,-~y of the tenders submittal for the excavatin~ and baokfilli~
of ~e s~er tm~h ~ $~ey Aven~ was .p~sen~. It was o~em~ ~ ~e ~t-
ion ~ ~. ~i~' ~ ~ey t~t ~e s~...-.~ ~ ~cei~ ~ filed, ~ ~e
tenders of Dmom Bm~em at ~e ~io~ ~cass for ~e ae~ml sectiota of the
work, be acceR~d. (~. Pam, D~ and His Wor~ip ~or Houck
A co~aunication was presented fx~m ~eorge .Ta,,,es;~ requesting information
as to the vacant land ca Valleyway at the corset of Buckley Avenue. Upon the rec-
ommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ai~. Pare and MacKin-
ley it was ordered that the communication be received and laid ~a the table until
the next meeting to ~ermit' the Propsty C~ttee to give the matter further con-
C~hA~untcaticn~ were presented from Odeper Bota anl Stephen Newman, req-
uss~ing ~ermtts for the erection of ~8t cabi~ at i~B B~m A.n~ a~
~:S~e~ A~nue meteorite. ~ ~e ~ndati~ of ~e ~rty Co~
mittee and on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Parm it was ordered that the com-
mtunications be received and laid on the table until the next meeting, and the en-
tire committee inspect the premdses at 4.30 p.m. on 7th September. i'
The re~rt of the property Committee, upon the above nmttere, was pres- '~:
ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Parm that the report
be received and filed. ~:~
A communication was presented from the Niagara Falls C~nersl Hospital.
requesting that the Corporation absorb the cost of installing, a water l~ne to t~e
hospital building for the installation of a sprinkler system. It was ox~ered on
the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Parm-that the communication be received and
filed, and the Corporation absorb the cost. (Ald. White, McKinley and Donald
voted against this motion.)
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 7 September, 19~8.
Council Chamber,
30 August, 1948.
The Councilre-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
appreved by the Committee. All members of the Council were present.
The followl.~y_-law was ~assed:
No. 4__~2_~ - To Grant Monies for General Purposes.
Xt was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Parm that Aid. Mil-
ler be give~ the privilege of introducing the by-law 'and the by-law be read the
first tim~ . Carried unanimously.
It was axlered on the motion of Aid. ~awkins end Conald that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Ralee of Council be suspended. and the by-law be given the second
reading - ~larried unanimously.
~ird reading -Ald. McEinley and Parm - Carried unanimously.
~he-qouncil aaJommed on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald.
Council Chamber,
30 August, 1948.
At the completion of the regular council and finance racetinge, a meet-
ing of the C~dttee of the Whole was held. His Worship Mayor Houck was chairman
of the meeting and all members of the Co---~ttee were present.
The report of the City Clerk, with reference to assessments on various
major industries in the City, was considered and a discussion took place with ref-
erence to the assessment of the North American Cyanamid Company properties. On
the request of Ald. Donald, a further report is to be submitted on the assessment
of this Company, particularly with reference to the increase for 19~4. ~ld. Mil-
ler referred to the increase in assessment on the Flexo Cotton Company in the cur-
rent year and advised that he had information that an English firm is interested
on these premises, and asked if Council would consider the possibility of some
form of fixed assessment. Council agreed that they would interview the represent-
ativesof the firm at any time in Cvumdttee of the Whoa b, and it was left in the
hands of Ald. Miller to ~;x~nge for the representatives to appear at the next
meeting, if they so desire. Ald. Miller also asked if Council were prepared to
fix a price on Lots 14 and 19, Queen Street, and if a sixty-day option would be
considered. After discussion, Ald. Miller was requested to arrange for the pro-
posed purchaser to attend a conference on this subject.
With reference to the Canaan National Railway assessment, it was
reed that the assessor should use his discretion, being awarenof the opinion of
the Council. The suggested increase was to be in the i~eighbourhood of $21,000.
The matter of allocation of Waterworks Department employees, as had
been laid over from a meeting three weeks previously, was thoroughly discussed
an~ on the motion of Ald. McKinley and White it was ordered that eVerything was
to stand as at present for the time being and the 0ity Manager is to so advise
the employees concerned. This motion was carried, with Ald. Donal~ voting con-
Ald. Farm refe~;~%d to several instances which had been brought to his
attention of drunkenness on the part of members of the Garbage Department; and
it was suggested that in the future, such things should be brought to the atten-
ion of the City Manager -~mmediately for disciplinary action.
The Committee a~Jouraed on the motion of Ald. Parm and Hawkins.
I~EAD AND AD0rr.~0, 7 September, 1948.
Council Chamber,
7 September, 1948.
Pursuant to adJoua:~ent, the Council met at ~.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 7th
September, 1948, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of the Council were present. The council, havin~ received and read the
minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and
Xn connection with Conm~Anication No. 34~ and on the motion of Ald. Mc-
Kinley and Eawkins, Mr. Andrew Morhaich was permitted to sneak to Council. Mr.
Morhaich advised Council of the difficulties he was encountering in the operation
of his mobile lunch wagon and the regulation of the Police Denartment that he
park for ten minutes only in one location. '
s--lg--~C°_.n~n._uni__cc_g~%gn__N9~- 3.45.
_Th_e_f_o.,_l!~_o~_i__n~ C~-~unlcations were__~resented:-
No. 34~ - Andrew Morhaich - re operation of lunchwagon. 0RDEE on the motion of
Ald. White ami Hawkins that the co~A~nication be received and filed and' His Wor-
ship Mayor Houck be asked to request the Police Department to use discretion in
the moving of these wagons f~u~ the side streets, it being the feeling of CounCil
that the ten minute perking regulation should apply to the main thoroughfares and
when traffic is being obstructed.
No. 346 - Township of Stamford - approval of Slater Avenue opening. 0RDE~ on
the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the c~unication be received and
No. 347 - Township of Stamford - resolution re butter shortage. 01~)E~ on the
motion of ~1~' b~n~i~1 a~' ~W[ins ~at the temptation be received and laid on
~e ~bte mtil futm i~omtion is ob~ined.
No. 348 - Wade,s Motor Sales - ~eemnt re pavi~ work. 0Eb on ~e motion
of ~. Haw~ns ~ ~e~ald ~at the c~cation be received and f~ed,
~e City ~r proceed wi~ ~e work as s~ as convenient.
No. ~9 - W.W.~is, Jr. - appmciati~ of co~rat~tions. 0~E~ on ~e mr-
ion of ~~"~'~W~ that ~e co~mtcetlon be ~celved ~d filed.
No..350 - Cm Do~ni~ 011 C~a~ - ~ condlti~ of lot. 0SEE on ~e mot-
ion of ~d. ~ld ~d M~ey ~at the cm~catio~ be received and filed.
~. 3~1 - British ~lst Episcpp~ Chmh - mq~sti~ pe~ssi~ for ~ d~.
0~ ~~'i~' ~ '~ ~' ~"~wk~ t~t the com~catt~ be
ei~ ~d filed, ~ ~e pe~sslon be gmted.
No. 3~2 - Chil~,s Md 8~iety . invi~ti~ ~ lmcheon. 0EE on the rotion
of ~. D~d ~ ~w~ ~at ~e co~Icati~ be received ~d filed, ~e in-
~att~ be acceded ~d as ~ of ~e ~em of Comcll as possible stand the
'Fn.O following Rel~orts wez~ l~resente~:
No. 2~2 - Dairy Inspector - report for month of August. OEDEEED on the motion of
Ald. White and MaoDonald~that the x~port be receive& and filed, and given the
usual publicity.
No. 2k3 - Ci~tL~e~rk ' rec~-,-~nding issuance of licerice. 0EDEI~D on the motion
of Ald. MscD~on~l&'~nd Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the
recommendation be adograd.
No. 2~ - Traffic Committee - recommending no parking on streets. OEOENED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Eawkins that the report be receive& and filed, an&
the recozm~ndatlon be adopted.
2~9 - City Manager - rec.~!l,,~nding sewer on Finley Street.
2~6 - City Manager - reco..~nding sewer on E~.wood Avenue.
247 - City Manager - recommending sewer on V~l la~vay.
2~8 - Ci~Y Manager - recommending water main on VaLleyway.
2~9 - City Manager - reo~mmnding water main on Finlay Street. ORDERED on
mation of Ald. Hawkins ~ Parm that the reporSs be receive& and file&,
rec~n&ations be adopted.
~e following Resolutions were passed:
No. 169 - NV.T.~R - MacDONALD - EESOLvED that this Co~cil request ~e Liquor ~c-
e~e ~ of ~o ~ c~tin~ ~e ~ms~t ~s for ~e ~emtion of bever-
~ m~ wi~ ~e micip~ity, &~ to ~e msatisfac~ c~ti~ which
me~t when the ho~s of o~em~cn am c~ed; ~ ~e Se~ of ~e Co~omtion
~e he~to ~fixea. ~i~ ~o~ly
No. 170 - e ' ~eON~ - ~8~ that a letter of protest be fo~ed to
the Depict of ~o~ c~ini~ of ~e 1~ f~i~ of ae~pla~s over the
City, especi~ after smdo~; ~& the Se~ of ~e Coloration be he~to ~fixed-
C~ied ~an~o~
No. 171 - ~ - MacDONALD - EESOLVED that the City Manager submit information
and estimates of the' costs of erecting a comfort ststian at the south end of the
City, for which an appropriation has been made, and also a station at the centre
of the City; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
· CaJ~ip.a ananinous_l~
No. 172 - McKINLEY - DONALD - ~ESOLVED that the cor~ratulations of this Council
be extended to the di~t0rs of Oneida Ltd. upon the publication Of their book
entitled "~e First Hundred Years" an& for the fine organization they are main-
raining; ~ the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed· Carried unanimously
No. 17S - McK.t'NLE"~ - HAWKINS - I~ES0LVED that Alderman Parm be asked to represent
the City Council-at a meeting to be held by the Hydra-Electric C~m~Ission of Nia-
gara Falls with the local industrial users for the discussion of the matter of '
the shortage of power; and the Seal of the Corporatian be hereto affixed.,
unsnlma s_
No. 17~ - Mn.vY.R - HoKINYEY - ESOLV~ that the Traffic C~ttee be requested
to eonsider a=~k"~k~~''~e'~ndati°n ~po~ the suggestion that angle parking be
permitted on Ontario Avenue l~tween Hux~n and Morrisan Streets; and the Seal of
the Corporation' be .hereto affixed. · ...... .L~_I:~Oarrie& ~nanimg~u~l~~
~ne f.ollowin~ By-law was passed:
No.~..~_28J To authorize the execution of an Agreement for :Sale. a~ Deed.
It was ordered on the motion of kld. McKinley and M~lcDonald that Ald.
Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first tlms - Carried unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Parm that l~le 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-lair be ~iven the second
reading - Carried unanimously.
Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley.
Ald. Eawkins asked that additional lights be nrovided in the small hark
on V alleyway wh~re the open air band concerts are being presented; that the C~ty
Manager request the Chief of Police to provide better police protection and also
that additional seating acco~nodation be provided.
AId. Hawkins asked for information as to the regulations governin~ the
use of the names of the Royal Family on business establishments, and whether such
names as Princess Margaret Rosa Camp are in order if permission for such has not
been obtained.
His Worship Mayor Houckspoke upon the subject of the conservation of
power and the possibility that street lighting may have to be curtailed. Ald.
Hawkins also spoke in this connection and was of the opinion that the retail mer-
chants should be given special considerationwith regard to disply lighting dur-
ing the month of December.
The Com~cil adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley.
~EAD AND ADOPA's~, 13 September, 1948.
Council Chamber,
7 September, 1948.
The Finance Committee met on Tuesd~, 7th September, 19~8, for the pur-
pose of approvtng and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly
ce~tifie~ and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present.
Sundry accounts amounting to $6~,795.16 were approved by the C~mdttee.
The account~ eubmitte~, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
· ered ~laeed in the money by-law~ for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Ale..Mardnley and Hawkins.
The comnunication from George James, with regard to the purchase of
property at :the corner of Valleyway and Buckley Avenue, as laid over from the
previous meeting, was considered. Upon ~he recomendation of the Property Com-
mittee and on the metion of Ald. MacDonald and Psrm it was ordered that the of-
fer be laid on the table until next meeting to permit members of the Committee
to view the location.
The report of the Property Cu~ittee, on the above matter, was pres- .
ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald an~ Parm that the report
be received and filed.
The communications from Casper Bota and Stephen Newman, as laid over
from the previous meeting, and requesting permission to erect tourist cabins,
were again considered. At the same time, a conmaunication was presented from Mr.
N.MizibrockY requesting a permit to erect cabins at 191B Buchanan Avenue. Upon
the metion of Ald. McKinley and Pax?a, Mr. MizibrockY was permitted to address
the Committee. Mr. MizibreckY outlined his desires with regard to the erection
of tourist cabins and spoke of loca~ conditions ~ith regard. to the acccmnnodation
of the travelling public. It was ordered on the metion of AId. Parm and MacDon-
ald that the communications be received and filed, and the requests be not
A conm~mtcation was presented frcm provincial Engineering Ltd. req-
usaring ~ermission to instel a railway siding en Victoria Avenue and Acheson
Avenue. Mr. Besmer of the Company was present and answered questions by the Com-
mittee. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and Hawkins that the cu~'~-
icatiun be received and filed, that permission for the siding be granted, prov-
iding the e__~m~ is kept at the same level as the res~lway.
A c~mnunication was presented from Fails Construction Co. Ltd. stating
their desire to purchase lots on D~mmond Road in the Noree-Mieener subdivision.
It was ordered on the metion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the communication
be received and laid on the table, and the matter be referred to the property
Committee and City Manager to bring in a report thereon.
A s:~-vy of tenders for the purchase of 1602 Robinson Street was pres-
ented. At the same time, a ec~mnunieation from Paul Toth, inc~asing his offer,
was considered. In this connection, Mr. William Delaney spoke to the Cowwn~ttae
and state~ that he was opposed to the sale of the property to a veterans' organ-
ization where the sale of intoxicating beverages woul~ be permitted, his interest
in the matter being due to the fact that he is the owner of property in the vic-
inity of the building in question. On the motion Of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins,
Mr. Gill representing the Arm~, Navy and Airforce Unit ~00, was hear&. Mr. Gill
explained what were the ~lans of hie association if the property is sold to them.
It was ol~.ered on the motion of Ai~. MacDonal~ and McKinley that the s_~wm,ry and
o~ication be received and filed, and the offer of J.B.Hopkine, of $2,200.00
be acee~ted, providing an agreement for sale is antered into which will require
the converting of this building into three apar+~nts, such work to be under the
supervision of the City Manager.
A cornrumination was presented from l~rs.~ L.l~binson regarding hospital
services for Mrs. ~ean Jones. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald an~
McKinley that the cum~unication be received and referred to the Ohairman of Fin-
enos an& the Oity Clerk to investigate an~ report.
~he comparison of tax collections as at Blot August was peonted. It
was ordered on the motion of Ai~. Donald and White that the statement 1~ received
an& file~. - ' . /~
The 0ity 0lerk made a verbal report asI to the correct procedure to ~e
fo~bwed with regar~ to the exprcpriati.on of 'lan~ adjacent to 8Flvia Place. It
was ordered on the motion of ~Ald. M__~ley are D~nala tha~ the steps 'as~ :ecommend-
· e~, be taken is~alately.
for damage to his clothing while at the municipal ewimmin8 pool, for which no pro-
petty damage coverage is carried. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley
and Donald that the City Manager bring in a report upon this matter.
The City Treasurer advised that several debenture by-laws had been
passed for various works throughout the City, and asked fo~ permission to call for
tenders for the sale of such debentures. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld.
Donald and MacDonald that the debentures be advertised for sale.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley.
READ AND ADOI~, 13 September, 1948.
Council Chamber,
7 September, 1948.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin-
anne meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Co~mdttee. All members of the Council were present.
The ~ollowing By-lay was passed: '
.No.. ~290 - To Grant Monies for ~eneral Purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that Ai~.
Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time - Carried unanimously.
vt was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule B6
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the
second rea~ing - Carried unanimously.
~xird reading - Ai~. MacDonald an& Donald - Carried unanimously.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Donald.
READ AND ADOi~.',:,, 1B September, 1948.
COM41T',~:~. OF ~ W'~OLE
Council Chamber,
7 September, 1948.
At the oo~pletion of the regular council and finance meetings, a meet-
ing of the C~-~ttee of the Whole was held. His Worship Mayor Houok was chairman
of the meeting and all members of the Cc.~,tttee were present.
Ald. Miller presented Mr. Hyman Seigel who advised Council concording
the Eyalon Canpany of England, which intends to utilize his premises on Clark
Avenue and which will employ alrprox~m-tely twenty-four local people. Mr. Seigel
requested some assurance that the assessment on the property will not be increased
for at least five years, unless, of course, additions are made to the existing
buildings. Council assured Mr. Seigel that his wish would be granted and the
feeling of Council on the matter was conveyed to the Assessor.
Ald. Miller advise& that he had contacted a party interested in Lot 14
and 19, Queen Street, and had been advised that the price suggested by Council
of $7,900.00 was too high. After some discussion it was agreed that Council
would accept- $3,900.00, the same as paid by Mr. Schellenberg; and Ald. Miller was
to arrange for a meeting of Cornnil with the interested party.
The matter of travelling expanses for the Ontario Municipal Association
convention in Kingston was discussed; and it was agreed that in such instances,
the delegates should be paid $19.00 per day, plus the return fare and the regis-
tration fee.
ri"he Co-~t ttee ad3ourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald.
HEAD AND ADOPTED, 13 September, 19~8.
Council Chamber,
13 Sept~ber, 1948.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 9.00 p.m. on Monday, 13th
September, 1948, for the purpose of considering general business and finance.
All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Hawkins and ~aite, were
present. The Co~mcll, having received and read the minutes of the previous meet-
ing, adopted these on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald.
No. 393 - D_epa~.n.t of. TrapSpqrt - re low flying aircraft. ORDEE on the mot-
ion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the commlcation be received and filed.
No. 3~ - Ca_~_d!a~n. N~s~t~pDa_~_Ra__i.~lw_~y_s - re increased r~tes. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Psrm and Donald that the cc~smAnication be received and laid on the table
u~ti~ the next rosering.
No. 399 - Local Board of Health - re nuisance of rats. 0RDEA~ED on the motion of
Ald. McKinYey' ~n~ ~nald' ~ha~' ~he comunication be received and filed.
No. 396 - Ci_i~_pf North B~Ay - resolution re Police and Fire Depsr~nent Acts. OR-
DE~m~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the comunication be rec-
eived and laid on the table until the next meeting. Later in the meeting it was
0EOE~m~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the above motion be with-
drawn, tb~t the c~nnication be received and laid on the table, the Alderman
attending the executive meeting prior to the Ontario Municipal Association conven-
tion obtain an interpretation of the resolution and advise Council to permit fur-
thor consideration prior to the presentation of the resolution before the conyen'-
No. 397 - Greater Niagara Chamber of C~rce - re Greater Niagara Fire Preven-
tion C-m,.~ttee. 01~)E~ED on the motion of Ald. Miller and ~acDonald that the com-
munication be received and filed, and Ald. Donald be asked to represent the Coun-
cil at the meeting.
No. 398 - Department of Planning and Development - re proposed subdivision. ORD-
ErED on the motion of Ald. Danal~ a~d MacDonald that the c~nication be received
and laid on the table, and approval be withheld until the subdivision is satis-
factory to the Township of Stamford.
S_EE Repo~rt No. 2D_0~
The following Reports were presented:
No. 290 - City Engineer - re proposed subdivision. ORDEAc~0 on the motion of AId.
Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the reco~m~nd-
atlon be adopted.
No. 291 - ~Cijy Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. OEDE~ on the motion
of Aid. Donald and Miller that the report be received and filed, and the reocm-
menclarions be adopted.
The following Resolutions were passed:
No. 179 - MckINLEY - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the
Oity Ccunei'Y~e schedule~ ~o '~ake place ~t 9.00 p.m. on Monday, 27th September;
add the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrie~d
No. 176 - M~n'Y'ER ' DONALD - I~SOLVED that a message be forwarded to Reeve Robert
Mackenzie of the Village of Chippaws expressing the hope of His Worship Mayor
Houck, the members of Council and citizens of Niagara Fails that he will have a
speedy recovery; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroto affixed. Carried
The following By-laws were nassed:
N~o_!.._42~1~ - To authorize the execution of a Deed.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that Aid. Mil-
ler be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the
first time - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Pars and MacDonald that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading - Carried.
Third reading - Aid. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried.
No. 42~,. - To authorize the sledding of an agreement with provincial Engineering
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and McKinley that Ald. Mil-.
let be given the provilege of introducing the by-~aw and the By-law be read the
first time .- Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Psrm and Donald that Rule 36 (2)
o of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading - Carried.
Third reading -Ald. McKinley and Donald - Carried.
~ - To authorize the construction of a railway siding.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that Ald. Don-
ald be given the privilege of introducing the ,by-law and the by-law be read the
first time - Carried.
" It was ordered an the motion of Ald. McKinley and Pars that ~ B6 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading - Carried. ,
Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and McKinley - Carried.
Aid. McKinley asked t~t the motor sweeper operator be di~ected:to clean
BUttrey Street.
Ald. MacDonald s~oke about the inadequate street lighting on Fifth Ave~
hue between-Bridge S~reet and Willmort Street, due to' the overhanging trees.
Ald. MacDonald advised that the sidewalk in front of the Provincial Gas
Company office on Victoria AVenue is in need of re,air.
T~e Council ed3ourued o~ the and Pars.
Co~mcil Chamber,
13 September, 1948.
The Finance Committee met on Monday, 13th September, 1948, for the pur-
pose of approving and also of pas~ng the various accounts which had' been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the excep-
tion of Ald. Hawkins and White were present.
Sundry accounts amounting to $22,749.14 were approved by the Committee.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Ald. Donald and McKinley.
The comunication from Mr. George James, as laid over from the previous
meetings and with regard to the purchase of property at Valleyway and Buckley
Avenue, was considered. Upon the recon~endation of the Pronerty Co~ldttee and on
the motion of Ald. Pars and MacDonald ~. was ordered that th~ communication be rec-
eived and filed.
The cu~aunications from the Falls Construction Co. Ltd. with regard to
the purchase of lots on Drummond Road and as hid over from the previous meetings
was considered. Upon the reco~nendation of the Property Committee and on the
motion of Aid. MacDonald and Donald the communication was received and hid on
the table until the next meeting.
A communication was presented from Casper Beta, reouesting a permit to
enlarge his dwelling at 1993 Buchanan Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the
Property Co.~--~ttee and on the motion of Ald. Pars and MacDonald it was ordered
that the communication be received and filed, and Mr. Beta be advised that the
construction contemplated cannot be approved.
A con~unication was presented from Thos. Senese, offering $500.00 for
Lot ~0, Plan 43, Hanan Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Con~ttee
and on the motion of Ald. Donald and Psrm it was ordered that the offer be rec-
eived and laid on the table, and Mr. Senese be advised that he will have first
opportunity to purchase this lot, but inasmuch as the services will not be instal-
led on this street until 19~9, it is suggested that consideration be given to a
property on Lowell Avenue, now available.
T~e report of the Property Co~,.,~ttee on the above matters was presented.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Pars that the report be received
and filed.
The Statement of Relief for the month of August was presented. It was
ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Pars that the statement be received and
laid on the table.
T~e report was presented from the City Manager regarding the cost of
moving the clubhouse from Poplar Park to Oakes Park. It was ordered on the mot-
ion of Ald. Pars and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the
rsc~mendatlon he adopted.
The Co~ittee acl,~ourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald.
AND ADOP~, 27 September, 19~8.
Council Chamber,
13 September, 1948.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
appreved by the Committee- All members of the Council, with the exception of Ald.
Hawkins and White, were present.
The following By-law was passed:
No. ~29~ - To Grant Monies for General purpo_see.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald.
Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time - Carried-
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Parm and McKinley that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading - Carried-
~r& reading -Ai&. MacDonald and McKinley-
The Council adJouraed on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Parre.
READ AED ADOPTED, 27 September, 1948.
· Couacil C~mmber,
13 September, 19~8.
The Confersace Committee assembled at the close of the regular council
-and finance meetings On:~'~c~xtd'aY~il3th September. All membex,~ of the Committee,
with the exception of Aid. Hawkins ar~l Nhite, were present.
After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the C0~mittee adJouraea on
the motion of Ald. McKinley an& MacDonald. ~- -" ~ ':
READ AND ADOPTED, 27 September, 19~8.
Council Chs3nber,
27 September, 1948.
Pursuant to ad3ournment, the Council met at %00 p.m. on Monday, 27th
September, 1948, for the purpose of considering general business and fJnance. All
members of the Council, with the exception of ~ld. White, were present. The Coun-
cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these
on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald. ~
His Worship Mayor Houc~ extended the congratulations of Council to Ald.
Donald upon his re-apnointment to the executive of the Ontario M~aicinal Assoc-
iation, at the recent convention. At this point, Ald. Donald gave a brief res~e
of the action taken by the Convention on resolutions submitted by this Council.
His Worship M~yOr ~ouck also extended the con~rettblstions of Council
and the citizens to Mr. W.S.Orr, City Manager, Mr. J.M.Cowan, Miss Laura Hyatt
and Mrs. F. Digweed for the decorations conferred upon them by the Lieutenant-
Governor of Ontario, on behalf of His Majesty the King.
Tenders had been submitted_ for the excavation and backfillin~ of sewer
and water main trenches on various streets in the Welland Securities s~bdivision.
On the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Miller these tenders were opened, ir~hialled by
His Worship Mayor Houck,read and tabulated.
SEE Finance meeting
Laid over from Rrpvlous meeti_n8~:
No. 300 - Canadian National Railways
No. 301 - b~n~i~"Na~k~Y ~ak~Way~ - re maintenance of victoria Avenue bridge.
0RDEA~D on"t~"n~'~'0~'b~"*~lLl~."~acD~ald and Hawkins that the ccemmunications be
received and filed, and the Railway Company be advised Council feels the Company
should m, ke application to the Board of Transport Commissioners for an order as
to the responsibility for this bridge.
No. 347 - Township of Stamford - resolution re exportation of butter. 0ROERED on
the motion of Ald. Donald an~'MacDonald that the communication be received and
SEE Co~unication No. 3D~
No. 3~4-Canadian National Railwa~.s - requesting increase in bus fares. ORDERED
on the m~t~j1R~'bon~'f~'~ ~iller that the communication be received and
lai4 on the table, and the Company be asked to submit a balance sheet of the op-
eration of the busses in the City.
The following Communications were Rresented:
No. 399 - TownehiR of Stamford - explanation of resolution. ORDERED on the met-
ion of Ald?~(~lZ~l'~4~Bb~n~ld that the comunication be received and filed.
No. 360 - Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto RailwaF - Ontario Avenue service.
No. 361 - Niagara, St. Cathar~e~ and Toronto Railway - re Cyanamid plant service.
0EDEEED on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the con~unications be rec-
eived and filed, and the appreciation of~.CounOil be extended to the Company for
the services provided.
No. 362 - Central Mortgage and Houslr~ Co._rp~oration - re name for new project.
ORDERED on the motion of"Ald.' b~a~ ~d'l~1n'~ the communication be received
and referred to the Property C~ittee for a report thereon at the next meeting.
No. 363 - Department of Municipal Affairs - re schools for municipal officials.
ORDERED on the motion of Ald. parm and MacDonald that the con~nunicstion be rec-
eived and filed, and as many of the officials as possible authorized to attend
the schools.
No. 36~ - United Nations Association of Canada - re United Nations Day. ORDEI~ED
on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communication be received
and filed,' and the proclamation be issued as resuested.
No. 369 - Win. B. Gunnin~.Limited - re ambulance service. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Mckinley and MacD~h~ 'that the comnunication be received and laid on the
table, and His Worship Mayor Houck be asked to appoint a committee to consult with
Mr. Gunning upon this matter with a view to having him continue the service, at
least until the end of 1~48; and to report thereon to the Council. In this con--
nection, His Worship appointed Ald. Miller, Donald and Parm as the committee.
No. 366 - Greater Niagara Comaunity Chest - re campaign and grant. ORDEi~D on
the mation of Ald. Donald and Parm that the co~unication be received and referred
to the Chairman of Finance for a report thereon.
No. 367 - HYdro'Electric Codalesion of Niagara Falls - re power shortage and
street lighting. OI~DERED on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the
comunication be received and filed, and the recoxm~endations with regard to a
reduction in street lighting be carried out.
No. 368 - BoLS~couts' As~°o.i~a-t-19n ' requestirkg permission for apple day. ORDEE
......... ~ d MacDonald that the con~uunication be received
on the mot'ion of Aid. Haw.,ins an
and filed, and the permission be granted.
No. 369 - R.j. Sm~th - requesting construction of sidewalk on Morrison Street.
OROERMD on' ~h'e~~o~on' of AId. Donald and MacDonald that the communication be rec-
eived and filed, the request be granted, and the sidewalk be constructed from
Sixth Avenue to Hom~wood Avenue as soon as possible.
No. 370 - Department of Planni.n.~. and Develgp_~ent - re MacLeod subdivision. ORD-
ERED on th~'motio~'of'~'~V~da~o~a~'~["~wki~ that the communication be rec-
eived and filed, and the subdivision plan be approved.
SF~E Repo.rt No. ~53
The following Reported_were pre. ee~n~tp_~: ' ~
No. ~9~ - _City So=_~__lictter - re responsibility for Victoria Avenue bridge. ONDENED
on- the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed,
and the reec~nendations be adopted.
· No. RSB - CitX Man~a~ger - re MacLeod subdivision plan. ORDEi~D on the motion of
Ald. MacDo~al~['an'~ ~'kins ~hat the report be received andsfiled, and the recom-
mendation be adopted.
No. 25~ - ~i_~. Clerk - re conference held lath Beptember. Oi~DERED on the motion
of AId. Mi~ler'a'~d~cDonald that the report be received and file~.
No. R~5 - City Manager - re additional d~ing space. ORDERED on the motion of
Aid. MacD~n'~ld and McKinley that the. ~epo~t 'be. received and filed, and the recom-
men~ation be adopted. ' ' - ': ' '
No. 296 - City Manager - re junk license for Mr. Greensnan.
--,' .......-- OF~JERED on the m~t-
ion of AId. Hawkins and, Miller that the re~ort be rea~ved ~ referred for con-
sideration st the meetin~ of the Confex~nce Committee.
No. 257 - a,it~.v. ~r~ - reco~ending issuance of licenses. 0.RDEVD on the mot. los
of Ald. McKinley and, MacDonald that the report be received an4 filed, and the
recommendations be adopted. ~
~e followin~ Petition was aresanted:
~ro. 17 - ~,G~r.igoroff and.~5_othera - protesting railway sJdff~,. 0.RDE~ on the
motion of Ald. ~cDonald and Parm that the ~etftion be z'ec~ved and ~]ed, aria the
petitioners be advised that action lass been'taken by Co~mcil fin this connection at
a previous meeting.
No. 177 - DONAID - McKll~]y - RESOLIq~D that the rosdway of Ess~ood, Crescent
where it cr~s' ~h~' Mi~chk~an central Railway tracks be built ~ so there is a
level crossing, such work to be completed before winter time~ and the Seal of the
Corporation be hereto affixed.
The following By-laws were passed.:
~o. hR~ - To establish as highways the proposed. extensions of Huron Street and
Homewood Avenue.
It was ordered. on the motion of ~ld. McKinley and MacDonald that AId.
Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of/~d. H~Jkins and. Miller that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended sad the by-law be given the sec-
ond reading - Carried.
Third reading - AId. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried.
No. 4~P.~ - To establish a highway called Sixth Avenue in the City of Niagara Falls.
It was o!xlered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Aid.
Donald. be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hewklns that Rule ~6
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be sueheaded and the by-law be g~ven the sec-
ond reading - Carried. ~
Third reading -Ald. Hawkins and Miller - Carried.
No__~.,. ~[ - To establish certain highways in the City of Niagara Falls.
It'vas ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDohald that Aid.
Donald be given the privilege of intrsducin~'the by-law and the by-law be read the
first time - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule 36
(2)of the Standing Rules of Council be s~.UsPen&ed'and the by-law be given the sec-
ond reading - Carried.
Third reading - ~ld. Parm and McKinley - Carried[.
No. 4298. - To authorize the execution of an Ag_~reement for Sale and Deed.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and ]{awkins that Ald. M~!-
let be given the ~rivilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the
first time - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Parm that Rule B6 (2)
of the Standing. Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading - Carried-
Third reading - Aid. Hawkins and Miller - Carried.
N__o.__h_2_99_ - To authorize the execution of an ~,~reement for Sale and[ Deed.
It was ordered on the motion of 'Aid. Donal~ and l~awkins that Ald. M~I-
ler be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the
first time - Carried[.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDOnald that Rule B6
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suepend[ed and the by-law be given the
second* reading - Carried.
Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Kawkins - Carried.
No. ~B00 - To authorize the application to The Ontario Municipal Board for the
~ "~ validation of certain d[ebentues.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Ald. Mil-
ler be given the p~ivilege of introducing the by.law and the by-law be read the
first time - Carried[.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that Rule B6
(2) of the Standing Rules of 'Council be suspended and[ thereby-law be given the
second read[log - Carried[.
Third reading -Ald. Hawkins and DOnald - Carried.
The followi_nE_BL'-l--a-w--wa--s~P-re--sent-ed-:
~o. ~301 - To authorize the constructiOn of sewers on certain streets in the City
........ of N~agara Falls as local improvements under the provisions of The
~ Local Improvement Act.
It was. ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and ~{awkina that Ald. Mil-
let be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the
first time - Carried.
. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ]{awkins and Donal~ that Rule B6 (2)
Of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended an~[ the by-law be given the second
reading - Carried.
~t was then ordered on the motion of Ai~. MacDonal{t and McKinley t~at
the by-law be laid on the table an~ referred[ .to %he- ontario Munici_nal boar& for
approval ·
Ald. ~arm suggested that the busses On the Ontario Avenue route would
acc~oaate more persOns if scheduled to leave the Rainbow Bridge terminal at
ten:minU~es .before each ho~tr, .ins~ead of on ~he hour.
Ald. Parm advised Council of his attendance at the Nffa~ara Falls, New
York airport for the inauguration of an air service between that City and New
York City.
~tld. Donald was of the opinion that the railway crossings at Stanley
Avenue and the N.S. & T. track, and on Clark Street, shinrid be paved. with asphalt.
Ald. M~ller asked that His Worshio Mayor Houck endeavm,.~ to have ran-
lies made to con~unications from the Counci~ to the Minister of Nighways on say-
erel matters.
His,Worship anpointed Ald. McKinley, P~nn and MacDonald a~ the commit-
tee of Council to make arrangements in connection with the civic emnloyees' Christ-
ms party. ~
The Co~mci! adjourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Parm.
READ AND ADOPTED, ~ October, 1948.
Council Chamber,
~7 September, 19~8.
:, The Finance Committee met on Monday, 2?th September, 1948, for the
pose of appreving and also of passing the various accounts which had been proP-
erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Cemmittee, with the ex-
'~ ception of Ald. White, were present.
Sundry accounts amounting to $122,357.24 were appreved by the Committee.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt w~th, were ord-
ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
AId. Hawkins and McKinley.
The offer of the Falls Construction Co. Ltd. for the purchase of Lots
79-87, Drurmond Road, as laid over f~ previous meetings, wasagain considered.
Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Mac-
Donald and Parm it was ordered that the offer be received, filed and accepted,
mder similar terms and conditions as the three previous projects.
An offer was presented fromMrs. R.Whetstone of $~00.00 for Lot 27,
Plan 4~, Lowell Avenue. Upon the recomaendation of the Property Committee and on
the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Parm it was ordered that the offer be received
and accepted, subject to the condition that the plans for the proposed dwelling
meet with the approval of the Cmmmittee.
An offer was presented[ from Niagara Falls Unit 300 of the Arm~, Navy
and Airforce Veterans of Canada of ~00.00 for Lots 3B to 37, Gladstone Avenue.
Upon the reconm~endation of the Property COmmittee and on the motion of AId. Mac-
Donald and ~tawkins it was ordered that the offer be received and accepted, prov-
iding more details are submitted on the proposed erection and no agreement is to
be drama until these are satisfactorY; it also being understood that the agree-
ment shall provide for erection withln six months.
An offer was presented from G.Polegsto of $50.00 for Lot 58, Acheson
Avenue. Upon the rccon~nendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of
Ald.Parm and MacDonald it was ol~lered that the offer be received and laid on the
table to permit the Clerk to obtain further information as to what is desired.
The report of the Property Co.nm~ttee, on the above matters, was pres-
ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald that the report
be received~ and filed.
A communication was presented frc~ the Niagara Falls Civic Employees'
Federal Union, requesting a cost-of-~ing bonus for the balance of 1948. It was
ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and MacDonald that the co~unication be rec-
'eived and referred to the Chairman of Finance for a report at the next meeting.
In this connection, and on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins, a represent-
ative of the Union was permitted to speak to the Committee. Mr. George Downing
spoke briefly, enlarging upon the request.
A communication was presented from Canadian Industries Limited regard-
ing an increase in the price of chlorine. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
l&acDonald and McKinley that the communication be received ~nd filed, and the con-
tract price adjusted accordingly.
The report was presented from the City Manager, recommending that the
Property Committee recommend a site suitable for a comfort station in the vicin-
ity of Victoria Avenue and Centre Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
MacDonald and Parm that the repoxVr, be received and filed, and the rec~mnsndatton
be adopted.
A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance
of a permit for the erection of a garage and apartment st the comer of Drummond
Road and Murray Street. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~acDonald and Mc-
Kinley that the report be received and filed, and the reoonmendation be adopted.
(Ald. Donald, Parm and the Chairman voted contrary to this motion.)
The City Manager made a verbal report as to the tender prices submit-
ted for the excavation and backfilling of sewer and water trenches on streets in
the Welland Securities subdivision. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Parm
and MacDonald that the lowest tender, that of the R.F.Booth Construction Company,
be accepted for this work.
The Cov.m~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald.
HEAD AND ADOPTED, 4 October, 1948~
Council Chamber,
27 September, 1948.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance
meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which cove~ed the ~cco~mts snproved
by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exceotion of Ald. White,
were present. -
The followinH_~_~y. w~S. p~sppd:
N_o.._ 439? - To Grant Monies for General Purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. McKinley and Hawkins that AId. Mil-
ler be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the
first time - Carried.
It was ordered on the .motion of ~ld. Donald and Parm that Rule 36 (?)
of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading - Carried.
Thh~l reading -Ald. MacDonald and Parm - Carried.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins.
i~EAD AND ADOp. i.,;i4 4 October, 1948.
Council Chamber,
27 September, 1948.
The Conference C~dttee assembled at the close of the regular council
and finance meetings on Monday, 27th September, 1948. All members of the Com-
mittee, with the exception of AId. White, were present.
After discussion upon the matters presented to them, the Committee adjourned on
the.motion of AId. Miller and MacDonald.
AND ADOP'~, 4 October, 1948.
Council Chamber,
30 September, 1948.
763 Lomns, George
44 Trinidad Leaseholds
(Canada) Limited
The Court of Revision on the assessment roll was held at 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 30th
September, 1948, at which the following action was taken upon the respective appeals:
Members present: Sheriff V.L.Davidson, lit. W.A.Fraser and Fir. William Delaney.
No.,. Appellant Description Land BulldinE
4761 Brooks, H. 15 E~orth Circle 550- 900.
Decision of Court
Transfer assessment
to Fifth Avenue
Canadian National Rail- General properties
674 DeVilliers, M. & P.C. 432 Bridge Street 900. 1,250.
3328 Fleming, Gee. E. 864 Victoria Avenue 4,000. 1,200.
2613-6 Grenuk, Andrew 431 Huron Street 1,300. 5,500.
903 Lawrence, I~. & M. 1159 Bridge Street 525. 3,100.
7254 Manson, Jeanie 1581 Victoria Avenue 1,500. 2,100.
Reduced $9,100. on
'Reduced $900. on
1069 Brooks, H.
7133 Brick, Thomas
2781 Brooks, H.
3740 Boyd, Jessie
697 Bellerue, J.
1478 Bucci, Mike
9495 Carrie, J~gelo
1028 Mack Miller Candle Co.
3612 MaLeod, Nell
Mitchinson, Harry
Monteleone, Frank
Parker, Edwin
Petroczky, Leslie
Stevenson, Frances
Young, H. s~ld D.
Zenk, Frank by
W.C .~h
Brooks, H. re
Kennally, Thos.
Milne, James
0,Neill~ A.E.
Moor~, Warren
610-8 Clifton Avenue 1,600. 12,750.
672 Romewood Avenue 250. 2,000.
Lot 12, Finlay Street 329.
1478 Robinson Street 400. 2,200.
901 Jepson Street 8~0. '2,000.
1080 Second Avenue 625. 2,17~.
1699 Buchanan Avenue 300. 750.
541Welland'Avenue 500. 1,2OO.
970 Homewood Avenue 390. 1,750.
2100Main Street 1,71~. 6,900.
661 Queen street
2202-6 8~mmes Street
429 Queen Street
1267 Floraace Avenue
Reduced 9100. on
Dismissed - Change
to public school
Reduced 9100.00 on
Remission of 97.87
Remission of 923.63
Remission of 9103.49
Remission of $9.06
60 Fransolata, A.
1312 Fleming, Francis
1944 Gambarotto, Elvira
8387 .Lakatos, Mike
2661 La~a~h, Rose
930 Lesrning, Mrs. A.
4626 Lachance, Nine
f990 Lewis, Mrs. L.
~111 Lowry, Mrs. ~.
McDonald, Mrs. Anne
Newmann, Mrs. V.
Peace, Andrew
1965 Main Street
River Road
579 Erie Avenue
1078 Valleyway
300 ·
355 Morrison Street 560.
870 Mnple Street 1, OD0. 2,600.
514 Bridge Street ~00. 1,450.
1427 Menlo Street 400. 1,3OO.
1685 Robinson Street 250. 1,300.
137 Broughton Street 200. 1,000.
405 FOtu'th Avenue 200. 4100.
613 St. Clair Avenue 400. 1,500.
2020 Allen Avenue 300. 1,550.
268 Huron Street 500. 1,400.
1023 Bridge Street 250. 1,650.
724 Coo~nnen Crescent 400. 2,000.
353 Second Avenue 150. 1,500.
1631 Slater Avenue 300. 650.
579 Erie Avenue 300. 900.
337 Fifth Avenue 1~0. 1,500.
1761-3 Buchanan Avenue 200. 1,100.
200. 1,100.
Remission of $14.C6
Remlssion of ~ t .~O
To be separate school
s uppertar
Owners]liD char~,.ed and
to be sepearate school
O:',~.!el's-hi~ c'-qanCe,i and
to be m3111ic school /
To b~ s~'p~rate school
'To be ball separate end
half nvblic school ~'
To be oulllfc school
To be public school
To be ptfi~lic school
D i snnt s seal
To be public school
To be public school
To be pt~lic school
To be public school
To be public school
TO be public school
To be public school
To be public school
To be public school
To be public school
~ 63
~ 6
Poullot, M~s. B.
Pepper, Mrs. Thee.
Reberts, H.
Sacco, Vincent
Sandulac, M.
St. Angelo, Mrs. G.
Stremlaw, John
Robertson, PeSgY
121 Broughton Avenue 200. 1,500.
259 ~uronStreet 400. 800.
141 Acheson Avenue 200. 2,400.
1536 Fer~r Street 1,000. 2,500.
109 Mu/r Avenue 200. 1,300.
1943 Stanley Avenue 300. 1,400.
371 Second Avenue 190. 4500.
Pt.123,5,6, Homewood 390.
To be ~blic school
To be public school
To be hs].f sepePste
and half public
school supporter
To be public school
To be public school
To be p~lic school
To be public school
To be public school
Building assessments reduced 9,800.00
Remission of taxes 230.61
Certified correct,
Council Chamber,
4 0ctobe~, 1948.
' Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 6.30 P.m. on Monday, 4th
October, 19~8, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. White, were present. The Coun-
cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these
on the motion of.Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins.
Tenders had been called for the construction of a comfort station build-
ing on Ferry Street and for an issue of $191-,928.18 in debentures. It was ordered-
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Eawkins that the tenders submlttad be opened,
Initialled by His Worship Mayor Eouck and read. tt was then ordered on the mot-
ion of Aid. Miller and MacDonald that the tenders be tabulated and a summarybe
presented at the next meeting.
SEE Finance MeetinK
Laid over from Previous meejin~a:
eived and filed.
SEE Report No
No. 366 - Gre.a~r~a' Community Chest - re uest nt. Ot~)ERED
e s
on the motion of Ald. Donald 8[ Ma~Don~kd tha r ceived and
filed, and the Chest be advised the smount provided ia that which was set when
the 1948 Budget was prepared.
The following Communications were Presented:
No. 371 - Office of Minister of Highways - re opening of Slater Avenue. ORDE~m~
No. 372 - Office of Minister of ~ighways - re highway signs in City. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Parmand Hawkins that the cc~municatlon be received and filed.
No. 373 - Niagara Parks Co~-~ssion , acknowledging letterm dmnping'area. ORD-
KITED on the motion of Aid. Eawhina andMacDonald tb~t the comaunlcatlon be rec-
eive~ and laid on the table. "
NO. 374 - Radio Station OKTB - series of Progr~,m, es re recreation. 0RDFat~u on the
motion of Ald. Donald an~l~cDonald that the co~nunication be received and filed.
~o. 375 - CanadianMerchant Navy Veterans, Association . re petition to Government
re benefits. 01~)EI~D on the motion of Ald. McKinle~yand Donald that
ication be received and laid on the table mltil the next meeting.
No. 376 - Laurence C. Crewford - re check of cash. 0RDEmm on the motion of Ald.
MaaDonal~ and Donald that the co~-.-unication be received and filed.
fith~. Al~.-Denald and MoKinle~ ~hatthe communication be received and
No. 378 - Vincent Brooks - requesting' permission for coal chute cover. ORDEEED
on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkiff8 that the comnunication be received and
referred to the City Manager. In this connection Mr. Orr made a verbal recom-
modulation that 'permission for the installation be granted. It was then ordered
on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins that the verbal recommendation be
adopted, the necessary agreement to he entered into and the installation be per-
The following Reports were presented:
No. 258 - Prepert~ Committee - re nmm~ for subdivision. 0NDEBED on the motion of
Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recom-
mendation be adopted.
No. 259 - Chairn~_n of Finance - re request for increased grant.' ORDEE on the
motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and
the recv,~-~ndation be adopted.
No. 260 - City Clerk - re confersace held 27th Septamber. OtOE~mD on the motion
of Ald. Donald and Hawkinn that the report be received and filed.
No. 261 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licenoes. 01~0~mm on the motion
of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the rec-
c~nmendation be adopted.
The following Resolutions were passed:
No. 178 - Y~TVX~R - HAWKINS - ESSOLVED that Council approve of the action of His
Worship Mayor Houck in appointing Alderre-- Grant Donald enacting mayor on 7th and
8th October, during the absence of-His Worship; and the Seal of the Corporation
be hereto affixed.
No. 179 - MoEI~ - PAi~M - I~ESOL~ED that the next regular meeting of the City
Council be scheduled to take place at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 12th October; and
the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed.
No. 180 - MacDONALD - HAWKINS - EESOLVED that His Worehip Mayor Houck and the
City Clerk be authorized to sign the subdivision plan for fifty-one dwellings to
be constructed under an agreement with Central Mortgage an~ Nonsing Corporation,
and ]re. own a~ Project 8/48; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. '
No. 181 - DONALD - M~.v.~,R - EESOL1~D that the Counoli of the Corporation of the
City of Niagara Falls petition the Department of Nighways of the Province of Ont-
ario for an interim grant under the Highway T. TreVement Act on erpanditures made
during the period of January 1st to August 3let, 1948; and the Seal of the Corpor-
ation be .hereto affixed.
No. 182 - M~,v~,R - PAI~ - EESOLVED that the matter of presenting a ~uestton to
the taxpa.vere at the forthcomin~ election, with regard to the use of the reserve
for a new City Hall for an additional pipe line and necessary repairs at the FIl-
tration Plant, be laid on the table until Alderman White te present; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried
(AId. Donald and MacDonald voting eontraxT.) Prior to the a~ovo resolution a met-
ion was presented b~ Ald. Donal~ and MacDonald that this matter be presented to l
the. ~.ta~payers at ~helforthocming election; ~ut this motion was. defeated.
No. 183 - PAI~ -MacDONaLD - i~*~SOLVED that His Worship Mayor Houck be requested to
appoint a comn~tte"'~'~to~y~e consideration sad obtain information as to the possib-
ility of obtaining a diesel unit to Provide lighting for Oakes Park; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hemto affixed.
His Worship Mayor Houck appointed Ald. Parre, Hawkins and Miller as this committee.
No. 184 - MTLLk~R _ HA~[EMS _ I~ESOLVED that a communication be forwarded to the
Illumination Boa~d, suggesting that the Council of the the opinie~ that eer-
lo~s consideration should be given to the purchase of American power for the illun-
Ination of the Falle during the Prssent shortage~ that the Provincial H~vd~ro-Eleo_
tric Po~er Cc~on be also consu~ed in this connection~ and the Seal of the Cot-
poration be hereto affixed.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald.
READ AND ADOI~rF.,~, 12 October, 1948.
· ., .¼
Clerk ,.
Council 0hambet,
4 October, 1948.
The Finance Committee met on Monday, 4th October, 19~8, for the purpose
of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All msmbere of the Committee, with the excep-
ticnor Ald. White, were present.
Sundry accounts amounting to $64,829.79 were approved by the Committee.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
· ered placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council, on the motion of
AId. Hawkins andMcKinley.'
The comunication from the Niagara Falls Civic Employees, FederalUnion
No. iSS, as laid over from the previous meetin~ and requesting a cost-of-living
~onus for the balance of 1948, was Presented. At the ssm~ time, a report was
PreSented fi~ the 0hairman of Finance. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Man-
Donald and Hawkins that the co~unicationand report be received and filed, and
the reco~.~ndationbe adopted.
An offer was Presented fzum Albert Iaanuzzelli of $500.00 for Lot 2~,
Plan 43, Lowell Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Co~.~ttee and on
the motion of Ald~ MacDonald and Parm it was ordered that the offer be received,
filed and accepted, subSect to the condition that a dwelling of at least $9,000.00
value is erected on the prodiscs within six months.
- A co~unication was presented frcm P.M.McRae regarding building on Lot
212, McRae Street. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and thwkins,
upon the reco~nendation of the Property Cc,~ttee, that the co~v~ication be rec-
eived and file&, and M~. McRae be given an extension until 31st December, 1948 to
make a~rrangemonts end proceed with the erection.
His Worship Mayor Houck left the building.
A commmlcation was presented frcm E.P.Davidson, requestingpermission
to lease Lots 4, % Victoria Avenue for the sale of Christmas trees. Upon the
re~ommsndation of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Eawklns and
MacDonald it was ordered that the communication be received and filed, and Mr.
Davidsion be advised the proposition cannot be considered as local people are
given preference in such instances.
A co~mmication was presented from VernonDunn regarding fees for proc-
uring a deed to his lot. Upon the recoa~ndation of the Property Co.~ttee and
on the motion of Aid. Psam and MacDonald it was ordered that the communication be
received and filed.
The report of the Property CoM.4ttee, on the above matters, was Presented
was ordered on the motion of Aid. ParmandMacDonald that the report be rec-
eived and filed.
A co~.unication was presented from the Greater ~ia~ara Baseball Aseoc-
iatlonrequestinga grant towards the banquet. It was ordered on t he motion of
Ald~ McKinley end Hawkins that the commanication be received and filed, and a
grant of Fifty Do~rs be made to the Association.
The comparison of tax collections as at 30th September was presented.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Parm that the statement be rec-
eived end filed, end given the usual publicity.
Consideration was given to the debenture tenders which had been rec-
eived ~t the meeting of Council. Upon the recommendation of the City Treasurer,
and on the motion of Aid. Donald and Mnw~nley it was ordered that the tenders sub-
mitted be received and filed, and that of Harrison and 0ompany at a price of
$101.098 plus accrued interest per $100.00 debenture, beaccepted.
The C~m.~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald end Hawkins.
I~AD AND ADGP~m, 12 October, 1948.
Council Chamber,
4 October, 1948.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular cotmoil and fin-
ence meetings fo~ the Purpose of Passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of
His Worship Mayor Houck and Ald. White, were Present. AId. Miller was enacting
mayor during the meeting.
The fol~_l_aLK93_passed'
N_~o. 43_.03~ - To Grant Monks for General Purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and H~wklns that Ald.
Donald be given the Privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time . Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading _ Carried.
Third reading _ Aid. Hawkins and Parm - Carried.
~e Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and McEinley.
READ AND ADOP2ED, 12 October, 1948.
binS Meyor
.Co.-',Ysi-.cm~ OF T~E WHOI,,E
Council 0hambet,
· ~ October, 1948.
The Co~m~tttee of the Whole assembled at the close of the regular coun-
cil and finance meetings on Nonday, 4th October, 1948, for the consideration of
matters Presented to them. All members of the 0ommittee, with the
His Worship Mayor HoUck and Ald. White, were Present. Ald. Miller exception of
of the meeting.
was chairman
Mr. Cordon Dorst of the CoLlegiate-Vocational Institute was present and
exPlalned ~.n s~ns detail the re~nset for a reduction of
ethem gate receipts at Oakes Park for the remaining
xPlanation it was agreed that the matter be left the City,s percenta6e of
football gemes. Following hie
with the Ccmm~ tree to dec~del
and the 'Clerk was advise Mr. Dorst a~ to the decision. It was then ordered on
the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald that the City relinquish its percentage for
the next three g~m~s, exclusive of the Thanksgiving game, and if police are req-
ulred, ~they must be paid by the football team. ~is motion was carried with Ald.
Donald and McKinley voting contrary. An amepd~nt was made by Ald. McKinley and
· Donald that MAr. Dorst be advised this is a matter for the Board of Education, but
this was defeated.
Ald. MiLler, chairman of the c~N,~-~ttee appointed to negotiate with Mr.
Gunning concerning the ambulance operati~a, advised the Committee of what had been
done to date and quoted the revised contribution figures for the three m~micipal-
lties: $3,100.00 for the City of Niagara Fells, $1,790.00 for the Township of Stare-
for and $250.00 for the Village of Chippawa. These contributions are to be per
annum, c~.~!~t~nding on 1st October, 19~8. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Don-
ald an~ MacDonald that the commauication from Mr. Gunning be received and filed,
and the report be approved, the recommendations contained therein to be carried
T~e Committee adScursed on the motlon of Ald. Donald and Parre.
i~EAD AND AD01~D, 12 October, 1948.
Clerk Chairm~
Council Chamber,
12 October, 1948.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at
October, 1948, for the purpose of considering 9.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 12th
general business and finance. ~ll
members of 'the Council, with the exception of Ald. White, were present. The
Council, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, ad~ted
these on the motion of Ald. Hawkins an& MacDOnald.
Laid over from the ~previous maetin~:
No. ~75 - Canadian Merchant Nav~_~Veterans, Associetion - re petition to Govern-
mant re benefits. ORDEk~ on the motion of ~ld. McKinley and Hawkins that the
co~.-~-Aication be received and filed, and Council approve of the action of His
Worship the Nayor in endorsing the petition.
Ald. Parm arrived at the meeting.
The foLlowing Communications were presented:
No. ~79 - Minister of Planning and Development . defining Niagara Falls and Sub-
urban Planning Area. O~DE~ED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that
the co~m"_~m_ication be received, filed and forwarded to the Committee with the req-
uest that they organize. -
No. 380 - Department of Highways . audit report of road expenditures. Oi~DERED on
the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Miller that the ccmnm,nication be received and
referred £or consideration at the meeting of the Ccmm~ittee of the Whole.
S~ Comm~_.t~tee of the Whole
No. 381 - Honourable Minister of Highways . re Slater Avenue opening. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Miller and EmWklns that the comm~lcation be received and laid
on the table and His Worship Mayor Houck be asked to appoint a committee to meet
with the Township of Stamford Council in this regard. His Worship appointed Ald.
Miller, Hawkins and Donald as this committee.
No. 382 - Local Veterans, Organizations Central Committee _ invitation to Remem-
brance Day ceremonies. O~DE~m~ on the motion of Ald. H~wkins and Parm that the
communication be received and filed, and the invitation be accepted, as many mem-
bers of the Council as possible to attend the ceremonies.
No. 383 - ~rrison Street United Church - invitation to evening service. 0RDEA~
on the motion of Ald. Donald and Miller that the communication be received and ·
filed, the invitation be accepted, and as men~ of the members of Council attend
as Possible.
No. ~8~ - Niagara FaLls ~unior C~smher of 0o~merce - requesting proclamation re
~udustrial Exhibition. 0~A~j~ on the motion of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that
the communication be received and filed, and the Proclamation be issued.
No. ~85 - Niagara Falls, 0~tario, Police Association . requesting cinder track at
0akes Park. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Donald a~"'d Nawkins that the cmmmmic-
atica ~e received au~ referred to the City Manager for a r~ort.
No. 386 - Eouse of wand L4m4ted
No. 387 - Terminal Coffee Shop - requesting removal of no parking signs. 0EDE~
on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Miller that the cn~mmmications he received and
referred to the Traffic Co-~tttee for a report.
The following Resolutions were passed:
No. 189 - EAWKINS - MacDONALD - I~SOLVED that a message be forwarded to the fam-
ily of the late Charles Fox, expressing the sympathy of the City Council and cit-
izens of Nisgara Falls upon the death of this valued employee of the Corporation;
and the Sqal of the Corporation be hemto affixed.
, Carried
No. 186 - DONALD - MacDONALD - RESOLVED that in connection with cuts in the pave-
ment on Victoria Avenue, when the same are necessary, permission must be obtained
from the City Manager; the refill material must be tamped down and topped with
cold patch; that no such work is to be cv~menced by any persons until authority
has been obtained from the City Manager; and the Seal of the Corporation be here-
to affixed.
Carried -Ald. Miller and Parm voting contrary
An amendment to the above m~ion was made by Ald. Miller and Parm that
if openings in the pavement on Victoria Avenue are necessary, application for the
same will be mode to the City Council; and if this is not done, the offending
parties will be prosecuted. This amendment was defeated, with Ald. Hawkins, Don-
ald, McKinley and MacDonald voting contrary.
The following By-laws were passed:
No. 4~0~.. - To authorize the execution of an AsA~emont for Sale and Deeds.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that Ald. Nll-
ler be given the previlege of introducing the 'by-law and the by-law be read the
first t~me - Carried. '
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended 'au& the by-law be 8iven the '
second reading - Carried.
~lird reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried.
No. ~3(Y3 - To authorize the execution of an ~greement for Sale and Deed.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. lIawl~ins and Parm that AJzl. Miller
be given the privilege of introducing the by-law aml the by-law be read the first
time - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing l~les of Council be suspended and the by-law be Siren the
second rea~tng - Carried. - --
Third reading - AId. MacDonald aml Hawkins - Carried.
r~e Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald.
ltEAD AND AD0rA~u,. 18 October, 1948.
Council Chamber,
12 October, 1948.
The Finance Committee met on Tuesday, 12th October, 1948, for the pur-
pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop-
erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Cornm~ ttee, with the ex-
ception of Ald. White, were present.
Sundry accounts amounting to $6,523.34 were approved by the Committee.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the metion of
.AId. Hawkins and Parm.
The s,,M-~y of tenders submitted for the erection of a comfort station
was presented. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Parm that the
s,mmm~ybe received and laid on the table until the next meeting and the return
of the CityManager.
A communication was presented from the Fire Department, requesting a
cost-of-living bonus for the balance of 1948. It was ordered on the motion of
Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the request be granted and a bonus be paid to the
fire department employees on the basis of that to be paid to members of Local 13B.
An offer was presented from Paul Kokor of $900.00 for Lot 27, Lowell
Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the motion of
AId. MacDonald and Parm it wae ordered that the offer be received and accepted,
subject to the condition that a dwelllngof at least $9,000.00 value is erected
on the premises within six months.
The.report of the Property Co,~ttee, regarding the above matter and
that of a possible site for a comfort station in the vi clnity of Centre Street,
was presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that
the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted..
~e Cnm~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald.
EEAD AND ADOPtED, 18 October, 1948.
00tmcil Chamber,
12 October, 1~48.
~e Council m-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin-
ante meetings for the purgose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Oo~ttee. All members of the COuncil, with the exception of Aid.
~aite, were p,resent.
The following By-law was passed:
N0. 4306 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Parm that Ald. Miller
be given the privilege of introducing the by-law ami the by-law be read the first
time - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Parm and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading - Carried.
Third .reading -Ald. Parm and MacDonald - Carried.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. Hawkins end Miller.
I~AD AND ADOPTED, 18 October, 1948.
'.. ~, ~, ~.,... ~
OCl~li'r,~:,~ GF ~ WHOLE
Council Chamber,
12 October, 1948.
The Oo.--~ttee of the Whole assambled at the close of the regular coun-
cil and finance meetings on Tuesday, 12th October, 1948, for the consideration of
mettore presented to them. All members of the C---.~ tree, with the exception of
Aid. White, were present au~ Eis Worship Mayor Houck was chairman of the meeting.
The report of the Department of Nighways as to road exl~ndttures for
the year 19~7, as referred to the co,~ttee from the Council, was given cousid-
eratlon. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the
report be received and laid on the table u~til the retura of the City Manager,
when it will be again considered b~ the C.'..,~Jttee.
The City Clerk explained a request that His Worship Mayer Houck end
the City Clerk sign a release concernlug an accident on llth May involving a Can-
adiau National Railwa~ bus an~ a fire truck. The terms of settlement were out-
line~. It was ox~lered on the motio:x of Ai&. Dcaald and Mawkius that tie c.~!,,~.un-
learico be receivea and filed, Hie Worship Mayor Houck and the Cit~ Olerk be em-
l~were~ ~o sign the-release; au~ the City 8elicitor be asked ta sxlvise of the
possibility of sm~nding the traffic by-laws to exempt fire fighting equipment
from restr-lotions governing the entry on through streets.
Ald. Miller advised Council that the individual interested in acquir-
ing Lots 14, l~, Queen Street, would be presentat the next meeting of Council or
the following one.
Ald. Parm gave a verbal report on the meetingbetween Aid. Hawkins and
himself with Mr. Simpson of George W. Crothers L~mlted, Toronto, with reference
to the use of diesel engine for the supply of current for 0akes Park. The Alder-
men advised that a report end more detail would be forwarded by the Company short-
ly. It was agreed that the matter should be referred to the 1949 Council for con-
Ald. Parm questioned the absence of two electricians at one time and
asked under whose authority Mr. Sills was absent. The matter was lei~t with His
Worship Mayor Houck to check.
Ald. Miller advised that the Township of Stamford Engineer had stated
he was agreeable to the use of brick on the front of the proposed comfort station
instead of stone, except at the corners for trim; and that this fact should be
considered in the construction estimates.
The Con~,dttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald.
I~EAD AND ADOPTED, 18 October, 1948.
Clerk -
626 62'
Council Chamber,
18 October, 1948.
Pursuant to adjournment, the. Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 18th
October, 1948, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of the Council, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Houck and ~ld.
White, were present. On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald, Ald. F.J.Mil-
ler was enacting mayor during the meeting. The Council, having received and read
the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. McKinley
In connection with Comnunication No. 399 and on the motion of Ald. Haw-
kins and McKinley, Mr. Robert A. Wilson of the Ontario Amateur Basketball Assoc-
iation was permitted to address Council. Mr. Wilson spoke upon the request of the
Association that the Council sponsor a luncheon for the delegates attending the
BE Communication No. 39~
Laid over from p_revious meetings:
No. 386 - House of Hand Limited
No. 387 - Terminal Coffee Shop - re parking restrictions on Falls Avenue. OEO-
ERED on the motion of Aid. McKinely and MacDonald ~hat the .c~nications be rec-
eived and filed, and certain revision be made. SEE Report No. 262
The following Cv~,~nications were presented:
No. 388 - Eplre-Electric Crammission of Niagara Falls - re Epworth Circle light-
ing. Oi~DEA~ on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the c~---xnication
be received and filed.
No. 389 - Canadian Legion Branch 51 - re United Nations Day. O~,:~eA~ on the mot-
ion of ~ld. Hawkins and MacDonald that the cu---.mication be received and referred
to His Worship Mayor Houok; an& if an~ action is taken in this cormsorion, the
Legion be advised.
No. 390 - Niagara Falls Lions Club - requesting permission re Hallows,on parade.
0HD~A~ on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Donald that the communication be rec-
eived and filed, the permission be gra~ted and Hib Worship l~or Houck be asked
to issue the ~recl~m-tion as requested.
No. 391 - The Salvation ArAT - requesting assistance re salvage drive. 01~)EA~D
on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the ovm~nication be received and
fileS, the City Manager be authorized to provide whatever assistance practical;
and the suggestion be made that the drive be postponed for about-one month when
the City forces will be more readily available.
No. 392 - LundF's Lane United Church - requesting local improvements at manse.
0~,:r~a~ on the motion of Ai~. Donal~ an~ Hawkins that the comaunioation be rec-
eived ar~ filed, an~ providing the Church will undertake payment of the services
as local im~rovements, the stow. be installed as soon as convenient.
No. 393 - ~ocal Cornoil of Wornera ~ approval of comfor~ stations. Or~m~m~ on ~e
No. 394 - Gee. W. Crothers L~m~ted - re d~sel unit for 0ekes Park. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald that the communication be received and ref-
e~u~d to the 1949 Council for consideration.
No. 39~ - Ontario Amateur Basketball Association - requesting sponsored luncheon.
0RDEA, LO on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the communication be rec-
eived and referred to the Chairman of Finance for a report at the next meeting.
No. 396 - Unemployment Insurance Commission - re permanent employees. O~DE~m~ on
the motion of Aid. MacDonald and McKinley that the communication be received and
laid on the table, that the Cormmlssion be requested to send a representative to
meet with the Council and representatives of Local 13~ and the Fire Fighters,
Union for the discussion of this matter.
No. 397 - Niagara Falls Public Librar~__B_o~a~___ - re emergency exit. ORDERED on the
motion of Aid. Donald and Parm that the comnunication be received and filed.
The following 'Reports we__m presented.:
No. 262 - Traffic Con~ttee - making various recommendations. 0RD~:EED on the mot-
ion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the
reopenclarions be adopted.
No. 263 - Cit~ M~_na~eE - re Canadian Institute of Sewage and Sanitation conven-
tion. 0RDEi~2) on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the report be rec-
eived and filed, and the City Manager be authorized to attend; and His Worship
Mayor Houok be asked to appoint two members of the Council to attend also.
No. 264 - City Clerk - recomnending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the rec-
o,~-~ndations be adopted.
The following Petition was presented:
No. 18 - J.Trabucco and .~ others - requesting street light on Acheson Avenue.
0tEEi~ED on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Donald that the petition be received
and referred to the City Manager for a report as to this and the necessity of
lights on other streets in this section of the City.
The following By-laws were passed:
~No. ~$0y - To provide for the remuneration of Deputy Returning Officers, Poll
Clerks and Constables, and for the rental of Polling Places.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Parm that Ald. Donald
be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be given the first
res~lin~ - Carried.
~t was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule S6
'(~) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec-
om~ reading - Carried.
~ ree~ing -Ald. MacDonald and IIawkins - Carrie~.
~ - To authorize the execution of an ~rreement for Sale and Deed.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Ald.
Donald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley end Hawkins that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading - Carried.
Third reading -Ald. Parm and Eawki~s - Carried.
Ald. Miller suggested that the press and radio should clarify the rep-
orts made following the previous meeting of Council with regard to the suggested
importation of power from the United States for the ill,~,~nation of the Falls.
Ald. MacDonald spoke about the condition of River Lane and asked if
something could be done to improve the road surface. The City Manager advised
Council of the contemplated action for this thox~f~ghfare.
Ald. Donald spoke about the location and type of h~mlrant at the north-
east comer of Victoria Avenue and Morrison Street; and the City Manager made an
explanation as to the same and the difficulty in obtaining new h~lrants and valves.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins.
I~EAD AND ADOP',~:,J, 25 October, 19~8.
Council Chamber,
18 October, 1948.
T~e Finance C.,,.=,~ttee met on Monday, 18th October, 1948, for the put-
'pose of approving an~ also of passin~ the various accounts which had been prop-
erly certified aml placed before them. All members of the C~mm~ttee,_~With the .
exception of Sis Worship Mayor Houok end Aid. ~aite, were..~reeent.
accounts ameunttn~ to $38,918.77 were approved by the C.'-.~..lttee.
T~e accounts sa~mittod, bein~ passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money by-law for ~msentatton to the Council on the motion of
Aid. Sawki~s and McKinley.
~'he smmmry ef tenders for the erection of a comfort station on Fe~
Stm~t, as ~id o~r f~ ~e ~revio~ meti~, was ~a~ cosidem~. A
ication was also presented from Smith Bros. Construction Co. L~m~ted, submitting
a revised price of $14,03~.00 if all sawn stone is omitted from the front and
sides and brick is used for the building. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld.
MacDonald and Parm that the lowest tender, of Smith Bros. Construction Co. Limited
as revised, be accepted. (Ald. Donald voted contrary to this motion.)
The City Manager made a verbal report that a small piece of land, ap-
proximately twenty-one feet by forty-seven feet, on Clifton Hill between Victoria
Avenue and the Oneida roadway, owned by the Railway, is available for the erec-
tlan of a comfort station. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Mac-
Donald that the entire Council inspect this location before the next meeting.
A ropo~t was presented from the City Manager, recomnending that a build-
ing permit be issued for the erection of a motor court on Bender Hill. It was
ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley +~hat the report be received
and filed, and the reco~mendatlon be adopted.
A communication was presented from Gordon Harmer, making application
for a permit to convert a garage at 1197 MoRse Street into a beauty parlout and
living acc~-~mdation, the front of which is to be on Florence Avenue. A report
was also presented from the City Manager in this regard. It was ordered on the
motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the comunication and report be rec-
eived and filed, the rec~ndation be adopted, end a permit be issued.
A communication was presented from the Niagara Falls Public Library
Board, requesting a cost-of-living bonus for the balance of 1948. It was ord-
ered on the metion of Ald. MacDonald and Porto that the co~m~onlcatian be received
and filed, and a bonus be granted to the nine frill-time employees of the Board,
in lime with the bonus to ha paid to other civic employees.
The statement of relief for the month of September was presented. It
was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Parm that the statement be received
and filed, and given the usual publicity.
The City Manager made a verbal report as to an application for a build-
lag permit which had been received from the Army, Navy and Airforce Vetcrone,
ASsociation. This application is for a building, forty-four feet square instead
of seventy-five feet square, as mentioned when the Association purchased lots
from the Corporation. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins
that the matter be laid on the table and the building co.,n~ttee of the Association
be asked to meet with the Finance Comm~ tree at the next meeting for the discussion
of this matter.
The C~.~,,'~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald.
I~EAD AND ADOPTED, 25 October, 1948.
Council Chamber,
18 October, 1948.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
appreved by the Cu-.-~ttee. All members of the Council, with the exception of His
Worship Nayor Houck and Aid. White, were present. Ald. F.J.Miller was enacting
mayor during the meeting.
The following By-law was passed_:
No. 4309 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins that Ald. Parm
be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time - Cartled.
It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule
36 (2) of the Standing Rules of C.ouncll be suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading - Carried.
Third reading - Aid. Hawkins and Parm - Carried.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Parre.
HEAD AND ADOPAm~, 2~ October, 1948.
C($fi~i'iU~m OF "~": WHOLE
......... - Council Chamber,
18 October, 1948.
' The C~.~.~ttee of the Whole assamble~ at the close of the regular coun-
cil and finance meetings on Monday, 18th October, 1948, for the consideration of
matters prssente& to them. All members of the C.~'~..~ttee, with the exception of
His Worship Mayor Houck and Ald. White, were present. Ald. Miller was chairman
of the meeting.
,. The re~ort of the Department of Highways coverning the road expeMlt-
ure for the ~ear 1947, and as laid over from the previous meeting, was considered.
The City Manager explained his action wi~ reference to the su~sted -time sheets
and the possibility of the employment of a full-time timekeeper. It was agreed
that short notice had been received with reference to a form of accounting and
that revision of the present accountlngmsthods was under way. On the motion of
Aid. Donald and Hawkins the report ~as received and filed.
A report was presented from the City SoXcitor with reference to the pos-
sibility of ending our traffic by-law to permit fire equipment or emergency
v~hicles to enter through highways without ccming to a stop. In Mr. McBurney,s
opinion, it is not possible to make such an amendment without the Highway Traffic
Act itself being ended. On the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald the report
was received and filed, and the Fire Chief and Police Chief are to be supplied
with copies of the report; and the Chief of Police is to be requested to h~ve an
officer present in such instances for the direction of traffic.
Aid. Miller advised the Co~m~ ttee concerning the excessive expense in
the operation of the Sanitary InspectorAs car and asked if something could be
done in the way of assistance. The City Manager confirmed the fact that costs
do exceed the allowance provided and suggested that Council consider the purchase
of a panel truck early in 1949 for the Inspector,s use; and adopt a progressive
policy of el~mt~atlng car allowances. The matter was left with the CityManager
to disauss with Mr. Andrews and obtain full information for the use of Council.
Aid. Psrm queried the absence of Mr. gills from duty at the sams time
that Mr. Downingwas in attendance at a convention in Victoria. The City Man-
nger advised that he had authorized Mr. Sills, absence, not realizing it would
conflict with the absence of MAr. Downing. The question of training some of the
Elec~lcal Department employees in order to be available in emergencies was also
discussed and the City Manager advised that it is his intention, on the return of
l~r. Downlng, to have revised schedules drawnup and adhered to. As a result of
the discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Parm that the
Fire Chief and Mr. gills be asked to be present at a meeting of the Co~--~ttee of
the Whole following the next meeting of Council.
Aid. McKinley discussed the matter of traffic lights, particularly
overhead installations, and referred to the fact that in Cobourg and Hamilton,
such installations are in existence. ~e CityManager then stated that overhead
type has now been removed in Cobourg. It was then ordered on the motion of AId.
McKinley and Donald that a cc~,mication be folvarded to the Depar~msnt 0fNgh-
ways, asking if they would approve of an overhead inst~31~tion at the coraer of
Fourth Avenue and Morrison Street, and setting out various reasona whysuch type
would be advisable.
Aid. Miller informed the Committee that the party interested in pur-
chasing Lots 14 and l~, Queen Street would attend the meeting of the Cc~m~ttee of
the Whole on 25th October.
The CityManager brought to the attention of the Committee the fact that
the Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway have removed the transfer priv-
ileges prsvionsly in existence with reference to interurban busses and was of the
opinion that Council should go on record as objecting to any increase in fare un-
less this privilege was restored to the citizens. It was agreed, hawever, that
no action be takenuntil t he matter of fare increases is re-opened.
Aid. Hawkins spoke with reference t6 the lots owned by the City,,north
of the 0anadianTire Corporation store on Victoria Avenue, and questioned the ad-
visability of erecting a fire hall at this point because of the traffic on Vic-
teria Avenue. He su~ested the possibility of disposing of these lots and the
possible purchase of property at the coraer ofMorisanStreetandValle~way as a
substitute. No actionwas taken.
'~xe Committee adjourned on the motion of Aid. Donald and NewSins.
I~AD AND ADO1MED, 25 October, 1948.
Council Chamber,
25 October, 1948.
Pursuant to _adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 .p.m. on Monday, 29th
October, 1948, for the purpose of Considering general business and finance. All
members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. White, were present. The Coun-
cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these
on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins.
Laid over frc~ prSvious me~etin~q:
No. 381 - Hencurable Minister of Hlgh_~a~y~ - re opening of Slater Avenue. 0EDERMD
on the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald that the comunication be received and
SEE Re~O~t No. 269
No. 389 - Niagara FaLls, Ontario, Police Association - requesting cinder track at
0ekes Park. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDOnald that the commun-
ication be received and referred to the 1949 Council for consideration.
SEE Report No. 266
· No. 399 - Ontario Amateur Basketball Association - requesting sponsored luncheon.
OEDEF~u on the motion of Ald. Parm and Hawkins that the conmunication be received
and referred to the Committee of the Whole for consideration.
SEE R~portNo. 267
The Following Comumications were presented:
No. 398 -Eydro-Electrio Power C~dssion of Ontario - re power for ill,mtnation.
OEDEFED on the motion of AId. McKinley and Hawkins that the communication be rec-
eived and laid on the table until further information is received.
No. 399 - Niagara Parks Ccm~ssion - re gulley for dumping purposes. ORDER~u on
the motion of AId. Donald and 'MacDonald that the communication be received and
referred, to the. C,',,,~,~ittee of the Whole for consideration.
SEE C~,--sttee of the Whole
No. 400 - Silver Cress Mothers - re assistance in procuring flags. ORD~ on
the motion of Ald. Donald and Parm that the.communication be received and laid on
the table until prices are received from the Canadian Flag Manufacturing Cmyany.
No. 401 - Cansdiun Underwriters' Association - re electrical interruptions.
~ on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the oomm.,nioation be rec-
eived and filed, and the Association be advised that under the present arrange-
ment, there will be no interruptions in I~wer supplied to the Filtration Plant.
No. 402 - ~e Salvation Azlny - re date for paper drive~., OI~DE~D on the motion of
~ld. MiLler an& Hawkins that the c~nication be received an~ ~flled, an~ the City
Manager be authorized to assist in this activity if the date is suitable.
No. 4OB - Department of Planning and Develotment - re Bransccmbe subdivision.
No. 40~ - Depax%ment of Planning and Development - re Pt. Lot 149, Township.
No. 40~ - Depar~nent of Planning and Develolment - re Swayze subdivision. 01~-
ER~) on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communications be rec-
eived and filed, that approval of the Bransccmbe subdivision be withheld ~ending
apprOval of the Township Council, and approval of the Pt. Lot 194 and Swayze sub-
divisions be given, ~[~viding the same are .satisfactory to the Township Council.
SEE l~eports NOB. 268-9-70
No. 406 - Stewart Bi_rd_Mo~tpF_s~imited . invitation to official oneni . ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Parm and~onald that the communication ~e re~cceived and
filed, the invitation be accepted, and as many of the Council. attend, the function
as possible.
The following Reports were presented:
No. 269 - Committee of Coundil - re opening of Slater Avenue. Ot~DERED on the mot-
'ion of ild. Parm and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the rec-
~endatlon be adopted.
No. 266 - Clj. Manager - re cost of constructing cinder track. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald.'Fon~"andMacDonald that the report be received and referred to
the 1949 Council for consideration.
No. 267 - Chairman of Finance - re request for sponsored luncheon. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. Parm and Hawkins that the report be received and referred to the
Committee of the Whole for consideration.
No. 268 - City~n~r - re Branscombe subdivision.
~o. 269 - ~apa~e__~ - re Pt. Lot 149, Township.
No. 270 - City Manager - re Swayze subdivision. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald.
Hawkins and MacDonald that the reports be received and filed and the recommend-
ations be adopted.
No. 271 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the repct be received and filed, and the rec-
~Amendation be adopted.
No. 272 - City Manager - re cost of street car rail removal. ORDERED on the mot-
ion of Ald. Donald and Parm that the report be received and filed.
No. 273 - CitTMang~er - reco~"Mndlng additional street lights. 0RDEt~ED on the
motion of kld.~on'~ld'andMacDonald that the report be received and filed, and
the recommendations be adopted.
SEE Petition No. 18
AId. McKinley advised the Council of the progress which has been made
to date with regard to arrangements for the annual Chrisms party for the civic
Lal~ pver frc~_a previous meeting:
No. 18 - Joe. Trabucco and 3 ethers - requesting additional street light. OffERED
on the motion of ~1~. Donald and MacDonald that the petition be received and filed
and the request be granted.
~EE.~e~ort No.,2y_3
~e following Resolutions were passed:
No. 187 - PAI~ - MacDONALD - I~OL~ED that His Worship Mayor Houck and the City
Clerk be authorized and instructedto enter into an agreement between the Corpor-
ation and Sadth Ires. Construction Company Ltd. for 'the erection of a building on
Fex~TStraet, adjacent tot he Township of Stamford Hall, tobe used as a comfort
i6 4:
station and cub-police station, such agreement dated 22nd October, 1948; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried -Ald. Donald voting contrary.
No,. 188 - HAWKINS - PAt~I - IT. SOLVED that the Traffic Cv,,~ttee and the City Nan-
ager be asked to consider and report, upon f~e possibility of providing increased
parking facilities in the vicinity of the Collegiate-Vocational Institute; and
the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 189 - HAWKINS - MACDONALD - EESOLVED that the appreciation of this Council be
extended to Reverend Mr. C'.C .Murray and the officials of Morricon Street Church
for their invitation to the Council and civic employees to attend divine service
on 24th October; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
No. 190 - HAWKINS - MclGRII3Y - At~0LVED that the next reg.,]mr meeting of the City
Council be scheduled to take place at ~.00 p.m. on Monday, 1st November; and the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The following By-laws were passed:
No. 4310 - To appoint Deputy Returning' OffiCers, Poll Clerks and Polling Places
for the municipal election in Becember, 1948 for the year 1949.
It was ordered on the marion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that Ald. Don-
ald be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the
first time - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Miller that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading - Carried.
Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried.
To authorize the execution of a deed to His Majesty the King in the
right of C~ada represented by Central Martgage and Housing Corpor-
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and Hawkins that Aid. Miller
be given .the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
t~e - Carrind.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Hawkins that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec-
ond reading-- Carried.
reading -Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald - Carried.
Aid. Donald spoke about the letter which had appeared in the local press
with regard to the awax~ing Of the contract for the conStruction of a c~mfort
station to a local contractor, and gave his masons. for opposing the action.
Ald. Donald asked the City Manager why the garbaSe and ash collections
were behind schedule, and Mr. 0rr advised of the difficulties encoontered..
Ald. Hawkins asked if any further information was available with regard
to the ~naug,,ration of.a half-hour, bus service in the Glenview, Fourth Avenue
areas. The Chairman of the Traffic Committee advised that this matter was being
given consideration by the officials of the transportation company.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins.
READ AND ADOp'~iu, 1 November, 1948.
Council Chamber,
29 October, 19~8.
The Finance Committee met on Monday, 25th October, 1948, for the purpose
of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been properly
certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the excep-
tion of AId.-White, were present.
· Sundry accounts amounting to'$32,097.~8 were approved by the Committee.
The accounts subm~itted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the metion of
AId. Hawkins and Parm.
~ne matter of the application of the Army, Navy and Airforce Veterans
for a permit to erect a building on North Street, as laid over from the previous
meeting, was considered. MAr. Gill, representing the Association, was ~resent and
advised the Committee of the wishes of the organization in this connection. It
was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Parm that a permit be issued 'as req-
The matter of the selection of a site for the erection of a comfort
station in the vicinity of Victoria Avenue and Centre Street, as laid over from
.~he previous meeting, was given consideration. It was ordered on the motion of
Aid. Hawkins and McKinley that the co~unication be referred by the Co,~ttee to
the Property C~maittee again to meet with trustees of the Canadian Corps Assoc-
iation and to continue negotiations in this connection.
A somnunication was presented from P. Kokor regarding the time for
building on Lot 27, Lowell Avenue. Upon the rec~am.endation of the Property Com-
mittee and on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins it was ordered that the
commmicatlon be received and filed, that Mr. Kokor be advised the terms of the
agreement as suggested to him will hold, that he is expected to m~e every effort
to ~roceed pxWtly, and if at the expiration of six months, he finds it impos-
,slble to proceed, he has the privilege of returning to the C~ttee when consid-
eration may be given to a short extension of time.
. The repor~ of the Property Oomnittee on the above matter was presented.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and, HawEins that the report be
A report was presented from the City Manager with regard to an applic-
ation ~fr~n W.R.McLean for a permit to erect cabins on Lot 26, Glenview Avenue.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Parm that the report be received
and filed, the rec~ndation be adopted, sad the Property 0ommtttee be ~ked to
ms~e a rec~ndation in this connection.
A report was presented by the City Manager with regard to a claim for
d-~.ges to clothing of Robert Thehas, Jr. It was ordered On the motion of Ald.
MacDOnald sad McKinley that the report be receive& and filed, sad the recomnend-
atisa be adopted.
A report was presented from the Equipment Co~w.~ttee, recnmmending the
purchase of ~n electric Dixi adding machine at a price of $360.00. It was ord-
ered on the motion of Ald. MacDOnald and Hawkins that the report be received and'
filed, sad the recommsndation be adopted.
The Co-~.~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley.
HEAD AND ADOPTED,. 1 November, 1948.
Council C~.m~er,
29 October, 1948.
~he Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council sad fin-
ance meetings for the ~ur~ose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts ap-
proved by the Co,~,~!ttee. All members of the Council, ,with the exception Of Ald.
White, were ~resent. "t
The following By-law was passed:
No. ~.~.12 - TO Grant Monies for General Purposes.
Miller be given the privilege of :introaucing the ~y-law ana the b~-law~be read
--the.first time - Ca~-x-led. .~
~t was ordered On the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald.
· ~,;. It yea orderea
on the-motiOn of ~,AI~I. :Parm and Hawkins that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading - Carried.
Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried.
His Worship ~yor Houck welcomed to the meeting ~s. Sullivan, wife of
Mr. James Sullivan representing Radio Station CHVC, and also congratulated I~fr. and
Mrs. Sullivan upon the recent birth of their son.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Miller and Hawkins.
READ A~D ADOPTED, 1November, 1948.
Co~mcil Chamber,
29 October, 1948.
The Committee of the Whole assembled at the close of the regular coun-
cil and finance meetings on Monday, 2Dth October, 19~8, for the consideration of
matters presented to them. ~1 members of the Committee, with the exception of
Ald. White, were present. His Worship Mayor Houck was chairman of the meeting.
Fire Chief J.C.Shapton and PAr. S.Sills of the Electrical Deparlment
were present, at the request of the Committee, to answer questions concerning
the operation of the Electrical Department when fires occur end as to the need of
that Department answering all fire calls. After a lengthy discussion, on the
,'.motiOn of Ald. Miller and Parm the City Clerk was instructed to ascertain whether
.~ssent insurance covers the fire chief end ~. Sills when engaged in cutting
res at fires. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and Parm the City Manager was in-
ructed to ~repare and submit a report On the status of the Electrical Depart-
On the motion of Ald. MacDOnald end McKinley, the connnunication from
the Ontario Amateur Basketball Association was received and filed, and the Assoc-
latlOn is to be advised that there is no provision in the budget for such purpose
as s~onsoring a luncheon for the convention delegates; and inasmuch as previous
requests have been refused, this request cennot be considered.
On the motion of Ald. DOnald end Psrm, the communication from the Nia-
gara Parks Cc~mission regarding the use of the gulley at Victoria Avenue and
River Road for dumping purposes, was received and filed, and the Preperty Cem-
mittee was asked to consider# investigate and report on all phases of the acquis-
ition of d~mping sites.
His Worship Mayor Houck advised the Committee of the results of his
meeting with the Chairman of the lt3~r~-Electric Power Co~uission of Ontario, con-
ceraing the hydro grant and stated that he expected a definite reply in approx-
imately one week.
The City Manager informed the Co.-i~ttee concerning the proposed pension
scheme and it was agreed that he would supply the necessary infonmation to have
tentative alternative schemes worked out so that cost information would be avail-
able when the matter is considered by the Council.
The City Manager advised the Cv-,~-~ ttee as to his dissatisfaction with
certain portions of the pavement surface recenlty installed where rails were. rem-
oved; and suggested that Council make a point of observing this condition during
the next few months.
The Co~.t ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Donald an~ Pare.
i~EAD ~ ADOYIED, 1 November, 1948.
Cotuxcil Chamber,
1 November, 1948.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 9.00 p.m. on Monday, 1st
November, 1948, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of the Council were present. The Cotmcil, having received and read the
minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and
His Worship Mayor Houck extended the greetings of Council to Aid. ~nite
after his absence of several meetings, and exlmssed the hope that his business
Journey had been successful.
Eis Worship Mayor Houck also advised Council of the serious illness of
Ex-alderman A.W.Scott and expressed the wish of Council that he would have a
speedy recovery.
The following Communications were presented:
No. 407 - Department of Highwarm - re type of traffic signal. 0t~DEF~D on the mot-
ion of Ald. Donald and Parmthat the communlcationbe received and flied.
No. 408 - Township of Stamford - re material for comfort station. 0RDEAt~ on the
metionofAld. Miller andMacDonald that the comm~micationbe received and filed.
No. 409 - Township of Stamford - requesting representatives at Joint meeting. OR-
DEA~ on the motion Bf Ald. Hawkins 'andMacDonald that the co~mmnicationbe rec-
eived, and referred to the Traffic Cn~m~ttee and His Worship Mayor Eouck be asked
~o appoint two representatives of Council to attend the meeting, such represent-
atives to be informed as to the feelings of the Committee in this connection. His
Worehlp appointed Aid. DenaldandNdller as the Councll's representatives.
No. 410 - Ontario Municipal Association - report on Provincial~iuniclpal confer-
ence. Oi~)Ei~ED on the motion of Aid. McKinley andParmthat the communication be
mceived and filed.
No. 411 . Greater Niagara Baseball Association - acknowledging grant. 01~E~.:~:., on
.the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Mckinley that the c~mmunication be received end
· filed.
r~o. ~12 - Eydro-Electric Power C~,~-~ssion of Ontario - re illumination of Falls.
following l~l~rtwae presented:
No. 27A~ _ City Clerk - rec~ndi~ issuance of licences. 01~ on the motion
of Ald. Hawkins an& MacDonal~ that the report be received and filed, aM the rec-
upon the infora~tion received with regar~ to cornbatting the rat menace, and ad-
vised of an advertisement which had been inserted in the local press. The Clerk
also advised that further information on the subject would be forth,coming frc~
the Department of Health in the near future.
Ald. Parm spoke of the fact that the garbage and ash collections were
behind schedule, and suggested that it might be advisable to hire on extra truck
for work in each division in order to bring the services up to date.
Ald. Donald was prepared to submit a motion which would provide for
presenting a question to the ratepayers as to whether they would be in favour of
the use of the $1~O,000.00 reserve for a new City ~all for the construction of
an additional pipe line, an auxiliary power unit and other necessary repairs at
the Filtration Plant. No action was taken on the suggestion.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins.
READ AND ADOFEED, 8 November, 1948.
Council Chamber,
1 November, 19~8.
The Finance Co~mittee melon Monday, 1st November, 19~8, for the pur-
pose of approving en~ also of passing the various accounts which had been prop-
erly certified aml placed before them. All members of the Cc~Ittee were present.
Sundry accounts amounting to $38,226.0~ w~ra approved by the
The accounts su~mitted, being passed or othex~wise dealt with, were or~-
.red placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of~
Ald..Hawkins and Mc3g~ley.
>~; -,
Ald. Parm left the meeting. ~ ;~'
The repor~ of the City Mana6er, as referred from the previou~moeting,
and with re6ar~ to the application of W.l~.McLean for a permit to erect cabins on
Lot 26, Glenview Avenue, was e~nsidered. Yt was ordered on the motion of Ald.
McEtnley an~ MaoD~nal~ that the rel~ox~be lat~ on the-table unttl~e next meet-
/~ld. Parm returned to the meeting.
A connnunication was presented from the Falls Constr~ction Co. Ltd. req-
uestlng a permit for a motel on Lots 608, 609 and 610, Stamford Street. On the
motion of Ald. White and MacDonald, representatives of the Company were heard.
FAr. Phillips and Mr. Martin outlined the proposal of the Company for a permit if
the same is granted, and advised that they would endearour to submit a sketch of
the proposed building at the next meeting. It was ordered on the motion of Ald.
Hawkins and Donald that the communication be received and laid on the table until
the next meeting to permit the entire cormm~ttee to inspect the premises.
A report was presented from the City Manager, recommending the issuance
of a permit for the erection of a cabin building at 2195 Buchanan Avenue. It was
ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and McKinley that the report be received and
hid on the table until the next meeting, to permit the entire committee to
spect the premises.
A report was presented from the City Manager, recomending the issuance
of a permit to convert a garage into two single cabins at 9 River Road· It was
ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and McKinley that the report be received and
lald on the table until the next meeting, to permlt the entire committee to in-
spect the premises.
Areport was presented from the City Treasurer, advising of the receipt
of the municipal subsidy from the Province of Ontario for the year 1948. It was
ordered on t he motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received
and filed.
The statement of tax collections for the month of October was presented.
It was ordered on the metionof Ald. Hawkins and Psrmthat the statement be rec-
eived and filed, and given the usual publicity.
A communication was presented from the Dynamo Football Club, request-
ing that the Corporation relinquish its share of the proceeds of a benefit game.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that the communication be
received and filed, and the request'be granted.
A communication was presented frm the Board of Education, requesting
the granting of a cost-c~-living bonus for the last seven pays in 1948 for the
Board,s employees, in line with the bonus granted to other civic employees. It
was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Donald that the commlcation be
received and filed, the request be granted, and the necessary appropriation be
The Cnmm~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins.
~EAD AND ADOPA~, 8 November, 1948.
Council Chamber,
1 November, 1948.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Cow~ttee. All members of the Council were present.
The followin~ By-law was passed:
No. 4319 - To Grant Monies for General Purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. White and McKinley that Ald. Mil-
ler be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the
first meeting - Carried unanimously.
It was ordered on the metion of Ald. Nawkins and MacDonald that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading - Carried unanimously.
Third reading - Aid. McKinley and ]~awkins - Carried unanimously.
The Council adJouraed on the motion,of Ald. Eawkins and Miller.
EEAD AND ADOF,.:,,, 8 November, 1948.
Council 0hamher,
1 Novstaler, 1948..
The C~-..~ttee of the Whole assembled at the close of the regular coun-
cil and finance meetings an Monday, let November, 1948,-TOt the consideration of
matters presented to them. All members of the C..--..1 tree wore present. His Wor-
ship !dayor Houck was chairman of the meeting.
It was agreed that Council shoul& meet at 4.00 p.m. on Thursday, 4th
November, for the purpose of viewing various properties for which requests had
been received for petite to erect tourist oafins or motels.
' , ' Mr. Philip Z~kor was present and: lin~irod. as to whether he-could put-
chase Lots 14 and 15, ']ueen Street; and if so, what Council desires. He stated
that it was contemplated that five stores would be erected with a false second
floor front, for the full depth of the excavation; but that two-storey construc-
tion could not be considered bedcause of the cost. M~. ~ukor was advised that
Council would consider his proposition and he would be informed as to their dec-
ision by oo~anication addressed to 921 f'ueen Street.
Mr. Joseph~osberg theB appeared before Council and very briefly out-
lined a proposition concerning Lots 14 and 15, queen Street, and stated that the
project probably would run into $200,000.00 or ~00,000.O0 and be of more than
one storey at least over the front half of the property. He advised that it was
hoped to execute the deal in two months or less. After hearing ~. Rosberg's pres-
entation, it was agreed that Council would continue negotiations along this line.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. I'~ite and Donald.
READ AND ADOPTED, 8 November, 1948.
643 '
Council Chamber,
8 November, 1948.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 8th
November, 1948, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the
minutes of the previous making, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald
and Hawkins.
In connection with Communication No. 396 and on the motion of Ald. Mil-
ler and Hawkins, Mr. Whs.~ond of the Unemployment Insurance Commission, was pres-
ent to address the Council. Mr. Whmond outlined the new regulations of the Com-
mission with regard to certificates of permanency for employees and the advant-
ages of insuring all eligibile employees. Mr. George Downlng of the Niagara Falls
Civic Employees, Federal Union No. 133 .and Messrs. Graham and McRae of the Nlagr a
Falls Fire Fighters, Association asked Mr. Whan~ond about certain aspects of the
coverage and about possible cases where benefits would be claimed. Members of the
Council also requested details in the matter.
SF~ Con~unication No. 396
Laid over from the previous meeting:
No. 396 - Une-~ployment Insurance Cv,~-assion - re certificates of permanency. 0R-
D~.'~ on the motion of Aid. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communication be rec-
eived and hid on the table until the next meeting to permit the employees to con-
sider the information and advise Council of their wishes in the matter.
The following Co~m~nications were presented:
No. 413 - Niagara Falls Lions Club - appreciation of assistance. ORDEE on the
motion of AId. MacDonald and Hawkins that the cvmunication be received and filed.
No. 414 - Canadian National Telegraphs - re cancellation of agreements re poles.
01~)Es~'ou the motion of AId. Donald and MacDonald that the communication be rec-
eived and laid on the table and the City Manager be asked to submit a report upon
the matter.
No. ~1~ - City of Oven Sound - resolution re hydra supply. OEDERED on the motion
of Ald. Miller and MacDonald that the e~unication be received and filed,
the resolution be adopted. (Ald. Donald voted contrary to this marion.)
~l~e-$oliowing Reports were presented:
No. 27~ - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. +OEDEA~u on the motion
of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonal~ that the report be received and file&, and the ree-
~....endations be adopted.
No. 276 - City Clerk - re proceeds from Poppy day sale.
:Ald. McKinley and MaCDonald that the report be received
Olt)EE on the marion of
and fi~ed.
The ~ollowi~ Petition }~resonted:
No. 19 - Bruce Collins and ll0 others - protesting erection of motel, cabins, etc.
OE)EF~D on the motion of Ald. ~cDonald and Hawkins that the petition be received
and referred to the Finance Committee for consideration.
SEE Finance meet~ing
The followingBy-law was passed:
~o. 4~ - To authorize the execution of a Deed.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Ald. Mil-
ler be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the
first time - Carried unanimously.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading - Carried unanimously.
Third reading - AId. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously.
Ald. McKinley suggested that the City Managermig~ht consult with the
EYdro-Electric Commission of Niagara Fails and bring in a report as to the pos-
sibility of eliminating every second street light on Victoria Avenue, as a method
of consez~ing power. It was pointed out that Council had authorized the reduc-
tion of the wattage of the street lights on this Avenue. His Worship Mayor Houck
spoke in appreciation of the excellent co-operation by the City Council with the
Hydro Commission.
The Council adjourned on the motion of ild. Donald and Hawkins.
HEAD AND ADOP~E~, 15 November, 1948.
Council Chamber,
8 November, 19~8.
The Finance Cmm~ttee met on Monday, 8th November, 1948, for the pur-
Pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop-
e~!y ce~rtified and placed before them. All members of the Committee were present.
Sundry accounts amounting to $2~,175.6~ were approved by the Committee.
The accounts submitted, being passed or other~Ise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. Hawkins and Donald.
The reports of the City Manager, with regard to requests for permits to
construct cabins on Glenview Avenue, 219~ Buchanan Avenue and 9 River Road, and
the communication from the Falls Construction Co. requesting a permit to erect a
motel on Stamford Street, as laid over from the previous meeting, was presented.
A report from the Council as a whole, making rec~ndatious with regard to the
erection of tourist acconmodation throughout the City, was also presented. It
was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Donald that the words "as a whole"
he inserted in the first line of the report to make it read that the same is a
report from the entire Council. On the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Parre, Mr. J.P.
Matthews of Martin and Calvert, representing the Falls Construction Co. L~m~ted,
was permitted to address the meeting. Mr. Matthews, outli~ed the proposal of the
Company for the erection and gave details as to the type of building suggested.
Mrs. Bruce Collins and Mr. Wallace, petitioners protesting such permission, ad-
vised the Co,~-~ttee of their objections to the erection in the area. The petit-
ion, signed by Bruce Collins and 110 others, as presented at the Council meeting,
was also considered. It was ordered on the motion of AId. MacDonald and Parm
that the reports, commmication and petition be received and filed, and the rec-
~ndatlons of the Committee be adopted. These rec~,~ndations provide for
granting permission for the erections at 9 River Road and 219~ Buchanan Avenue
and for the tabling of other applications for the time being, it being the rec-
ommendation of the Con~ttee that consideration be given to a revision of By-law
Number B962 at an early date with a view to changing the ~eas in which tourist
buildings shall be permitted and new regulations as to the type of construction
for such purposes.
An offer was presented from James H. McIntosh of $~0.00 for Let 87, Dy-
son Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Co~,--~ttee and on the motion
of Ald. Parm and MacDonald it was ordered that the offer be received and filed,
and accepted, subject to the condition that a dwelling of at least $4,000.00
value is erected on the premises within six months.
An offer was presented from Albert Iannuzzelli of $100.00 for Lot 900,
Lembard Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee and on the
motion of AId. MacDonald and White it was ordered that the offer be received and
laid on the table to permit the Property C~ttee to inspect the house it is
proposed to move to the iot.
The report of the Property Col,-~ittee, u~on the above matters, was pres-
ented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and White that the report
bo.~ rece.ived and filed.
A report was presented from the City Manager regarding an application
fr~n Albert Iannuzzelli for a permit to move a d*elling, presently at the rear of
the Parkview Restaurant on Victoria Avenue to Lot 900, Lombard AVenue,if the same
is sold to him. In this connection, l~r. Xannuzzelli was permitted to address
the Committee, on the mation of Ald. White and l~awkins. Mr. Xannuzzelli advised
the Cenw~ttee of his intention with regard to the rsmaval and re-modelling of the
building and stated that he desired as early a decision as possible, It was ord-
ered on the motion of AId. McKinley and MacDonald that the report be received,
filed and adopted; and the Property Conn~ttee be req~eeted to inspect the prem-
ises at as early a date as possible and they be giVen the power to act in this
A communication was presented from the City Solicitor, enclosing the
deed from Mr. F.ILLeslie to the Corporation for the property purchased for the
extension of Fairview Cemetery. Yt was ordered on the marion of Ald. Donald and
Hawkins :that. the C~m,~,,nlcatlon be *received and filed, the Trea~surer ~e ins~ucted
to make payment to Mr. Leslie for the Property and the To~mshlp of SV~mford be ad-
vised of the transfer and they be asked to make the necessary tnx ~djustments.
~e Revenue and ExPenditure Statement as at 30th September, was pres-
ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and PL~cDonald that the state-
ment be received and laid on the table.
The Statement of Relief for the month of October was Presented. It
ordered on the motion of ~kld. Hawkins and Parm that the statement be received and
filed, and given the usual publicity. _
The report of the City Manager, regarding the issuance of a deed for
1602 Robinson Street, was Presented. It was ordered on the motion of ?dd. MacDon-
ald and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Parm.
READ AND ADOPTED, 15 November, 1948.
Council Chamber,
8 November, 19~8.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular co~mcil and fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of passiD~ the by-law which covered the accounts
aPproved by the Comnlttee. All members of the Council were present.
The following By-law was passed:'
No. 4~15 . To Grant Monies for General Purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. White and McKinley that Aid. MIl-
ler be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the
first time - Carried unan~mnusly.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule S6.
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading . Carried unanimously.
~ird reading . AId. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Miller.
READ AND ADOPITED, 1~ November, 1948.
Council Chamber,
8 November, 1948.
The Co~m,~ttee of the Whole assembled at the close of the regular coun-
cil and finance meetings on Monday, 8th November, 1948, for the consideration of
matters presented to them. All members of the Comm4ttee were present. His Wor-
ship Mayor Houck was chairman of the meeting.
A report was presented from the CityManager regarding the operation of
the Electrical Department. Following discussion, it was agreed that the City
Manager see that the schedule is' kept posted and also arrange, as soon as pos-
sible, for working quarters on the ground floor. On the motion of Aid. McKinley
and MacDonaldthat the repor~be raceivedund filed, and the recow~Andations be
adopted and carried out.
A reportwas presented from the CityManager with regardto payments
mode and pending for the salvaged street ear rails. It was agreal that the pres-
ent arrangement he permitted to stand but if the postdated cheques are not hen-
cured when due, action is to be taken. On the motion of Aid. Hawkins and Parm
the report was received and filed, and the rec~mendations adopted.
A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding the car allow-
anee for the Sanitary Inspector. On the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald
the report was received and filed, the recommendations adopted aml the same be
At the request of Ald. Miller, the Cit[ Clerk reported verball~ on the
results of an attempt to arrange a meeting with the Trustees of the Canadian Corps
Association concerning the possibility of obtaining a portion of their lands on
Vi0~oria Avenue for a comfort station site. Ald. Donald advised that he would
attempt to obtain .the desired meeting.
~e Co~.~ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Parm and Don~e~ld.
HEAD AND ADOPI~D, 15 November, 1948.
: · 0heirman
Fire Hall,
15 November, 1948.
A special Joint meeting was held by the City Comaoil and the Hydro-E1-
ectric Commission at ll.00 a.m. on Monday, 1Dth November, 1948. ~dl members of
the Council, with the exception of ~hld. Donald, were present, together with
S.E. Thomson, Chairman, ~. Thos. Barnes, Member andMr. J.A.Williamson, Manager
of the Commission.
The meeting was called by His Worship Mayor Houck for the purpose of ac-
qualntlng the Council with the situation with regard to the supply of power for
the City and the regulations which had been imposed on the Commission. His Wors-
ehip Mayor Eouck read a communication from the district superintendent of the
Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, with regard to the quota allocated to
the City of Niagara Falls, the need for conservation and the action to be taken
in case of cut-offs. The entire matter was discussed in detail by all members
present, and the members of the Commission gave information to Council that cut-
offs were possible from day to day, if the daily quota is exceeded. At the pres-
ent time, it is proposed to order a cut-off from 4.00 to ~.00 p.m. when necessary
and if the daily quota is not met by this, a further evening cut-off would be nec-
essary. It was pointed out that such action is necessary as it is the intention
of the Provincial Commission to impose a total blackout of the entire municipal-
ity, which would include street lights, hospitals, etc., if the local Commission
does not co-operate. '
The matter of street lighting was discussed and Council was advised of
the possible action which could be taken and the various savings which could be
effected by the same.
His Worship Mayor Houck advised that a campaign is presently under way
in the local schools in an endeavour to make the school children conscious of
the need for conservation of electricity. Mr. Williamson also advised of the act-
ivities of the various orgar~zations throughout the City who were conducting prog-
to save power.
A motion was then made by ~bld. Parm and Hawkins that a communication be
directed from this Joint meeting of Council and the Commission to the Department
Of Highways, asking that action be taken to have the street lights on Rober~s
Street and Newman Hill regulated in a more satisfactory manner in order that these
would not be turned on so early in the evening and also would not be left burning
until such a late hour in the morning. It was also suggested that it might be
possible to regulate these 'lights with the local street lights.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald that the Hydro-
Electric C(~--~ssion of Niagara Falls be asked to remove from service every alter'-
light on both sides of Vic~ria Avenue from Palmet Avenue to Morrison Street.
( ~ Miller voted contrary to this motion. )
His Worship Mayor Houck asked for an expression of opinion from the mem-
bers of Council as to the most satisfactory manner at which an evening cut-off
should be held, and it was agreed that the hours should be from 7.00 p.m. to 8.00
~e Council then adjourned until 2.00 p.m.
I~AD AlqD AD0~,,~,~,,, 22 November, 1948.
Fire Hall,
19 November, 1948.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Council met at 2.00 p.m. on Monday, 19th
November, 1948, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of the Council, with the exception of Ald. Donald, were present. The Coun-
cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these
on the motion of Ald. Hawkins andMacDonald.
In:connection with C~mmunication No. S96, 416 and 417, Mr. George Down-
ing of the Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Local Union No. 1SB and Mr. Thos. Mac-
rae of the Niagara Falls Fire Fighters, were permitted to address Council. The
speakers were present to discuss with Council the matters concerning exemption of
~ertain employees from the payment of unemployment insurance.
SEE Communications Nos~ 3%,416-7
L_aid over from the previous meeting:
No. 396 - Unemployment Insurance Co,,m~ssion - re certificates of permanency. 0R-
DEF~D on the motion of Ald. White and Parm that the communication be received and
hid on the table for two weeks, and the City Manager be asked to make a survey
and report thereon to Council as to the employees who wish certificates of perman-
SEE Comunications Nos. B96,416-7
The following C~amtmications were presented:
No. 416 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees' Federal Union No.
No. 417 - Niagara Falls Fire Fighters - re certificates!of permanency. 0EDEH~D on
the motion of Ald. White and Parm that the communications be received and laid on
the table for two weeks, and the CityManager be asked to make a survey and report
thereon to Council as to the employees who wish certificates.
No. 418 - Office of Honourable Premier of Ontario - re resolution re Hydre. 0ED-
Em~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communication be rec-
eived and filed.
No. 419 - Noncurable Premier of Ontario - re Hydro supply. ORDE~m~ on the motion
of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the cvmmtmication be received and filed.
No. 420 - Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario - re illumination of Falls.
~0A~D~A~D on the motion of Ai&. MiLler and MacDonald th&t the c~manication be rec-
eived and filed, and the same be given publicity.
No. 421 - Ontario Municipal Association - re amendment to Criminal Code. ORDERED
on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that the communication be received and
laid on the table, and an expression of opinion on the matter be obtained frp~
the Crown Attorney and the City Solicitor.
No. 422 - Veteran Te~i - requesting permission for telephone and additional taxi
,stands. 0A~EA~ ~d 12~ ~o~ ~ Ald. White and MacDonald that the communication
be received and hid on the table and referred to the Traffic Comm~tt~,e for a
No, 42~ - ~o,.T,~l. leri - ~e arm~l holiday's, 0RD~mji~ on the motion of .a..1.do P~m and
McKinley that the communication be received and filed, an~ the verbal recommend-
ation o~ the City Manager, that a holiday ~allowance 'fori,1948 onl~ be granted, be
adoptod.~'~,;( ~ i~,-.-'/~.',~,~ ~. "~ '~' -j;~ff'!'-~'.
The followi__n~ R~e~9_rt was 2resented:
No. 277 - C_i~t~L~C~ler~[ - recommending issuance of liceaces. 0RDED on the motion
of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the re~ort be received and filed, amL the rec-
ommendations be adopted. '
His Worship ~yor Houek made a verbal report as to the ~ntter of his
negotiations with the Hydro-Electric Power Co~,dssion of 0ntarion in an effort to
ob~in a grant in'lieu of t~cs for the forthcoming five years. His ~'Jorship
Mayor Houck advised that he had been ass~u'ed that the Conefission would be
able to mki~ a ~ant of $75~000.00 per year for a three-year period.
S~] Resolution No.
The following Resolutions were passed:
No. 191 - HAWKR~ - PAt~ - RESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Houck be thanked for
his efforts in connecti~ with obtaining a grant from the Hydro-Electric Power
Comission of Ontario in lieu of taxes, that the offer of the Commission of a
grant of $75,000.00 for three years, be accepted; and the Seal of the CoaToration
be hereto affixed.
No. 192 - ~HITE -MacDON~LD - RESOLVED that the matter of election meetings to be
held for the candidates at the forthcoming election be left in the hands of a com-
mittee of ~ldenaen Miller, Hawkins and Donald aud the City Clerk; and the Seal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed.
The followin~.~-law was.p!ssed:
No. 4316 - To authorize the execution of a deed of correction.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Parm that Ald. Miller
be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time - Carried. '
It was ordered on the motion of~ld. Hawkins and MacKinley that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec-
ond mding - Carried.
Third reading -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried.
His Worship Mayor Houck expressed the regrets of Council upon learning
of the sudden illness of Ald. Donald and voiced the hope that he would have a
speedy recovery and be able to attend the next meeting of Council.
Ald. McKinley asked the City Manager to check on a report that there is
a ditch, containing water between Sixth and Fifth Avenues and north of Bridge
8treet, into which a child fell a few days ago.
Ald. Hawkins thanked His Worship Mayor HoUck, on behalf of the members
of 'Council for his hospitality in entertaining the board at luncheon.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald.
READ AND ~DOP~, 22 November, 1948.
Fire Hall,
1~ November, 1948.
The Finance Committee met on Monday, 15th November, 1948, for the pur-
pose of approving and alsoof passing the various accounts which had been prop-
erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the
exception of Ald. Donald, were present.
Sundry accounts amonntlng-to $119,29B.12 were approved by the Committee.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. Hawkins and White.
A connunicatlon was presented from Paul Kokor, recalling his offer for
Lot 27, Plan 43, Lowell Avenue. Upon the recv~endation of the Property Com-
mittee and on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and White it was ordered that the com-
munication be received and filed, andMr. Kokor be released framhis agreement.
A coh~unication was presented from Peter M. McRae, requesting arefund
of the ~deposit paid on Lot 212, Plan 9, MoRse Street. Upon the recommendation of
the Property C,,,~-Ittee and on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Hawkins it was
ordered that the communication be received ar~lfile~, and the agreement be can-
celled, arefund of the deposit to be made, less any outatanding taxes.
A coh~Aunication was presented from James Wallace, requesting permis-
sion' rouse the City-owned lot on Victoria Avenue between Morrison and Huron,
Streets for the sale of Ohris~.ns trees. Upon the recommmendation of the Property
Cv-~,,~ttee and an the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley it was ordered that
the communication be received and filed, and the lot be lea~.sed ~o Mr. Wallace for
the sum of $10.00 subject to the condition that the~ot beleft in its psent
The report of the Property Co, m~tttee on the above matters was presented.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald, MacDonald and McKinley that the report be
received and filed. ·
A ccsmmmication was presented from the Great-West Life Assurance Cem-
pany~ithregard to eaemplo~ement..retiremant plan, 'It was or~],ered ca the motion
of AId. Nhite and McKinley that the communication be received and laid on the
table and the Department of Municinal ~fairs be com~unic~ted ~.Jith to ascertain
whether the Department would approve of the plan suggested by the Company.
A report was presented from the City Manager, regarding an application
of E.Pattui for a permit to convert the building at 2187 M~in Street into a hotel.
It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. MacDonald and Parm that the report be rec-
eived and filed, and the recommendation be adopted.
Areport was presented from the Equipment Committee, recommending rep-
spire for Truck Nb~aber 26. It was ordered on the motion of/~d.. M~cDonald and
McKinley that the report be received and filed, and the recommendation be adopted.
A repo~t was presented from the City Manager, regarding an application
for a permit to construct a single cabin at 9 River Road. It was ordered on the
motion of ~ld. McKinley and MacDonald that the reDoft be received and ls~d on the
table, the recommendation be adopted and the Pron~rty Co~r~ittee be asked to view
the premises and report thereon. ~
The Committee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and l~ite.
READ AND ADOPTED, 22 November, 1948.
of Finance
Fire Hall,
15 November, 1948.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin-
anne meetings, for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Committee. All members of the Council, with the exception of AId.
Donald, were present.
The following By-law was passed:
N~o. 4Sly - To Grant Monies for General Purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of ~d. White and Hewkins that Ald. Miller
be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read the first
time- Carried,
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that Rule
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the
second reading - Carried,
Third reading -Ald. McKinley an& Hawkins -"'Carried.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. White and Miller.
I~EAD AND ADOP~F~, 22 November, 1948.
Council Chamber,
22 November, 1948.
Pursuant to adJoui~nment, the Council met at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 22nd
November, 1948, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of the Council, with the exception of ~ld. White, were nresent. The Coun-
cil, having received and read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these
on the motion of Ald. MacDnnald and Hawkins.
His Worship Mayor Houck extended the welcome of Council to Ald. Donald
upon his. return to the meetings after an absence due to illness.
Laid over from a previous meeting:
No. 422 - Veteran Taxi - requesting penniesion for phone and additional stands.
.0RDEAeLu on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the communication be rec-
eived and hid on the table, that permission be granted for the telephone and the
matter of additional stands be deferred until a survey has been made.
~EE Rep~gf.t..No. 278
~he following Communications were presented:
No. 4S4 - Department of Hi~__way~
No. 42~ - Department of Hl~!Wa~s - re lights on Queen Elizabeth Highway, ORDERED
o~ the mot~H of Ald. ~ller'andMacDonald that the communications be received
and filed.
No. 426 - Township of Stamford - report of Joint meeting re signs. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald that the communication be received and
filed. the recommendations be adopted and the representatives of Council be auth-
orized to discuss with the C~f~ittee the possibility of erecting a sign, at the
' exit' from the Rainbow Bridge,informing the travelling public that they are now
in the City of Niagara Falls.
No. 427 - Niagara Falls Civic Employees, Federal Union No. 133 - re bargaining
agent for employees. OEDEA~D on the motion of Ald. Hawkins ~nd MacDonald that
the comunication be received and filed, and the procedure be adopted.
No. 428 - Department of Planni]!~ and Development - re Pfohl subdivision. ORDERED
On the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the cc~munication be received
and filed, and the plan be appreved.
SEE RepOrt No. 279
No. 429 - Hydro-Electric Co,,.~-~ssion of Niagara Falls - re Victoria Avenue street
lights. OEDEAt~u on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that the communic-
ation be received and filed, and the action taken be approved.
The following Reports were. presented:
No. 278 - Traffic Committee - re phone and additional taxi stands. 0RDEEED on
the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed,
an~ the rocormmendations he adopted.
No. 279 - City Manager - re Pfohl subdivision. OEDElt~D on the motion of Ald.
Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the reco~nend-
ation be adopted.
No. 280 - City Er~ineer - recommending extension of Sylvia Place. 0EDEEED on the
motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, the
recomm~endations be adopted, and the necessary action be taken.
No. 281 - City Clerk - recnmmending iseuance of licences. ORDERED on the motion
of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkius that the report be received and filed, and the rec-
ommendation be adopted·
The following Resolution was passed:
No. 193 - DONALD - MacDONALD - E~SOLYED that the next regular meetings of the
Council be scheduled to take place at 9.00 p.m. on Monday, 29th November and at
5.00 ~.m. on Tuesday, 7th December; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto
fixed. ~ Carried
The following By-law was passed:
No. 4B1.8.. - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale and Deed.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald.
Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule B6 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading - Carried.
Thir~l reading - A~d. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried.
Aid. McKinley asked His Worship Mayor Houck to approach the Hydro-Elec-
tric C.-,-,~,~ssion of Ontario. in an effort to ascertain what is contemplated by the
Commission with regard to the high tension lines passing through the City,
whether there is any possibility .that these might be re-located when the proposed
· development of the Ccmmls~on is completed, it being thought that such action
would make available for building, both residential and commercial, many lots in
the City; and that such a possibility should be considered by the Greater Niagara
PlaYthing Area Committee.
Aid. MacDonald asked the City Clerk to request that the M~dical Officer
of Health inspect the condition of a dwelling at the comer of Clifton Avenue and
Huron Street, where it is reported rats are creating a nuisance.
Aid. MacDonala asked that the Traffic Omittoe .study the operation of
the traffic light at Clifton Hill and Falls Avenue, where it is reported the in-
tervals between changes of the light are too lengthy for the type of traffic at
this time of the year. Aid. Parm suggested that consi~eretiom might he given to
using only the caution signal at this location during the winter months.
Ald. McKinley asked what progress was being made with regard to the in-
stallation of new street lighting on certain streets on the Glenview section; and
the ,0ity Manager advise& this- was. progressing as ,rapidly as possible.
The Council adjourned on the motion of ~ld. Hawkins and Donald.
READ AND ~DOP'I~D, 29 November, 1948.
Cou~c il Chamber,
22 November, 9948.
The Finance Committee met on Monday, 22nd November, 1948, for the pur-
pose Of approving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop-
erly certified and placed before them. All members of the Committee, with the
exception of Aid. White, were present.
Sundry accom~ts amounting to ~12,040.92 were approved by the Cc~ttee.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council, on the motion of
Aid. Hawkins and McKinley.
The report of the City Manager, regarding an application for a permit
to erect a single cabin at 9 River Road, as laid over from the previous meeting,
was again considered. Upon the recomendation of the Property Committee and on
the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins it was ordered that the report be received
and filed, and a sketch of the proposed erection be requested.
An offer was presented from Mrs. Joyce Hill on behalf of Christopher
Earridge of $900.00 for Lot 27, Plan 43, Lowell ~lvenue. ~pon the recon~uendation
of the Property Committee and on the motion of Ald. Parm and MacDonald it was
ordered that the offer be received, filed and accepted, subject to the provision
that a dwelling of at least $9,000.00 value is erected on the premises within six
menthe ·
An offer was presented from L.I.Kidd of ~900.00 for Lot 35, Plan ~,
Henan Avenue. Upon the recommendation of the Property Comunittee and on the mot-
ion of Ald. Parm and Hawkins it was ordered that the offer be received, filed and
accepted, subject to the provision that a dwelling of at least $10,000.00 value
be erected on the premises within six months.
The report of the Property Ccmmittee,,upon the above matters, was pres-
ented. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Parmend Hawkins that the report be
received and filed.
A communication was presented from the Board of Police Commissioners,
requesting a cost-of-living bonus, similar to that granted to other civic employ-
ees for the last three months of 1948. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Haw-
kins and M~.oD~o~.i~ that~ .the c~nication be received and filed, and the bonus be
The Co~m~Ittee adjourned ~a the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29 November, 1948.
Council Chamber,
22 November, 1948.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and finance
meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts approved
by the C~m,dttee. ALl members of the Council, with the exception of AId. White,
were present.
The following By-law was passed:
No. 4319 - To Grant Monies for GeneralPurposes.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. McKinley and Hawkins that AId. Mil-
ler be given the privilege of introducing the by-lawand the by-law be read the
first time - Carried.
It was ordered oathemotion of Aid. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36 (2)
of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second
reading - Carried.
Third reading -Ald. Parm and MacDonald - Carried.
PAr. Orr, the CityManager, advised 6curtail of the approximate cost of
.an auxiliaryunit to provide 25-cycle power for the City Hall, when the normal
electrical supply is Suspended. No action was taken.
READ AND ADOPTED, 29 November, 1948.
Co~mcf! Chintuber,
27 November, 1748.
Pursuant to ad-Jom~nraent, the Council met at ,~.00 p.m. on Monday, 29th
November, 1948, for the purpose of considering general business and finance.
members of the Co~cil were present. The Comic!l, having received and read the
~nutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the ~tion of Ald. McKinley and
~awkins. '
On behalf of the merabers of the Council, His Worship Mayor Houck ex-
pressed the sympathy of the Alde~meu to Ald. Miller upon the tragic death of his
brother-in-law, Mr. Ellis Holditch.
On the motion of ~d. Hawkins and Donald, Mr. P.C.Thomas was pen~itted
to address the Council. Mr. Thomas protested to COuncil against the action taken
in arranging only one meeting at which the candidates for the forthcoming elec-
tion would be permitted to present their platforms.
La~d over frc~previous meetings:
No. 396 - Unemployment Insurance Commission
No. 416 - Nigj~a Falls Civic Emplo~ees, Local Union No.
No. 417 - ~f~V~r'[Fa]~s y{~'F~Sht~_--r~---~[~[~-y~eh]--iE~rance. ORDERED on
the motion of Ald. Haw~i~s'~nd]~cc]~S~nald that t~e conmmnications be
laid on the table until the next meeting. received and
SE Re_____~oort No. 282
No. 414 - Canadian National Tel.e~_9~§ . re attachments on poles. ORDEI~D on the
motion of Ald. Donald and M~b~ald t~at the communication be received and filed,
and the Company be advised the attadments will be removed as soon as the necessary
materials have been purchased and alternativelines erected.
~EE Re~or~t_ No. 28_~3
Aid. Parm arrived at the meeting.
The following Cc~mnunications were presented:
No. ~S0 - HYdro-Electric P~er Commnission of Ontario - re grant for three years.
0RDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that the communication be rec-
eived and filed, and the grant be accepted. (Ald. Miller voted contrary to this
SEE Rej0~ut~p~ No. ~9~
No. ~1 - Department of Highways - re street lights. ORDE~E~ on the motion of
Ald. Parmend Hawkins that the communication be received and filed.
No. 4B2 - Niagara Falls Fire Fighters - requesting amendment to agreement. OND-
ERED on the motion of Ald. Parm and M~cDonsld that the communication be received
and referred to the 1949 Council for consideration.
No. ~BB . Niagara 0onoesstons Limited ~ requesting permit for changes in sewer at
Rapids. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the commun-
ication be received and filed, and permission be granted to proceed with the
work, subject to the condition that there is no restriction at any time in the
flowl of sewage in the Muddy Run trunk sewer, either during construction or in
operations after the completion of the work; that the Corporation is protected
against any claims for damages through' accidents to 'tourists or others from any
of the changes in the existing structure; and that the Corporation shall not bear
any portion of the cost of the proposed alterations.
No. 434 - Department of Plannin~ and Development - re G~llinger subdivision. OR-
DEE on the motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the communication be rec-
eived and filed, and the plan be approved.
SEE Report No. 285
The following Reports were presented:
No. 282 - City Vmnage~ - re unemployment insurance. ONDEHED on the motion of
kld. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received, laid on the table until
the next meeting, and a copy of the same be forwarded to the two employees' or-
ganizations for their consideration.
No. 283 - ~ity Manager - re attachments on poles. ORDERBID on the motion of Aid.
Donald and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and the reconmend-
ations be adopted.
No. 284 - City Manager - re changes in Muddy Run sewer outlet. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and filed, and
the reconmendatlons be adopted.
No. 28~ - City Manager - appreving C~llinger subdivision plan. ORDERED on the
motion of Ald. McKinley and Hawkins that the report be received and filed, and the
recommendation be adopted.
No. 286 - City Manager - re use of land for building materials. ORDEE on the
motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that the report be received and filed, and
the recomendation be adopted.
No. 287 - City Clerk - recommending issuance of licences. ORDEA~D on the motion
of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley that the report be received and filed, and the
recommendation be adopted.
Ald. Miller made a verbal report upon his attendance at a meeting with
the Stamford Township Council and other organizations' representatives. The Ald-
erman advised that the cox~mittee had approved of the suggestion of this Council
that a sign be erected at the exit from the Rainbow Bridge, advising that the mot-
OriSt is in the City of Niagara Falls and the Committee had agreed to make such
recommendation to the Minister of Highways or his Deputy when in this City.
The following Resqlutions were passed:
No. 194 - DONALD - PARM - RESOLVED that each member of Council be supplied with
a copy of the report of the meeting of a com~dttee of Council with represent-
atives of the ~vdro-Electrfc Power Cummissien with regard to the Hydro grant,
and which took place-in 1947; and the Seal of the CorpOration be hereto affixed.
.: Carried unanimously
No. 199 - HAWKINS - MacDONALD - .~i~ESOLlrlED that .the City Clerk be instructed to for-
ward a letter of annreciation to the trY~ro-Elcctric Pcwcr Con~.ission of On~r~o
for their action !~award_~ the City of NiaCsra F~!!~ a ~rant ~n l~cu of taxes
of $7~,000.00 per year for three yea~s; and the Seal of t~m Co~oration bc here-
to affixed. -
Carried -Ald. ~iller votin~ contrary
No. 196 - P~ _ DON~ _ ~SOL~ that the Doles on Park Str~, which are
ected clos~~V~lled' ~ort~on of the ~i~hway, and cre~te'a ha~u~ to mot-
offeta, be painted white; ~nd~the Seal of the Conpotation be hereto
Carried ~anjrnousl~
The following ~.v_law w..~
No, 4320 - To o~:roprlate certain lands in the City of Iliagate Falle.
It was oral. ere8 on the motice of/uld.. McKinley and MacDonald that .nld.
~filler be given the privilege of introduc!~ the by-law and tLe by-law be read
the first time - Carried unan~Du~!y,
It x~'as ordered on th.e motion of fad, Hawkins and Donald thab ~ale 36
(2] of the Sinedine Rules of Gemini! be suspended and the bj-law be Given the
end reading - Carried ~n~an~ously,
~ird reading . ~d, MacDonald and Donald . Car~led tman~nously,
~e Comcil adJo~,ned on the motion of jld, Hax~'kins and Donald,
READ AND ADOP','f,;D, 7 Decenfoer, 1948.
Council Chamber~
29 November, 1948.
The Finance Conmdttee mat on Monday, 29th Noventer, 1948, for the pur-
pose of approving end also of passing the vario~ acco~xts which had been prop-
erly certified and placed before them. All members of the'Committee were present.
S~ndry accounts amounting to $83,955.23 were approved by the Committee.
The accounts submitted, being passed or otherwise dealt with, were
"ered placed in the money by-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ala~McKinleF and ~wkins.
Ald. Hawkins showed the Committee blue prints of the proposed covers
.~,~- ·
booketa and pamphlets which are to be issued by the Greater Niagara C~amber of
Commerce for publicity pub.poses.
~ld, White advised the Committee that it was not his intention to seek
re-election to the Cmmcil at the forthcoming nomination meeting. His Worship
Mayor Houck expressed the regrets of the Council that Zdd. White was reitiring
from municipal service, and spoke of the fine and long services of the Alderman
on the COuncil.
The communication from the Great-West Life Assurance Company, with reg-
ard to a possible pension scheme for civic employees, as laid over from the prev-
ious meetlug, was presented. A communication from the Department of Municipal
~rfairs was also considered. It was ordered on the motion of ,kld. Donald and Haw-
kins that the communications be received and laid on the table, and_ a copy of the
con~aunication from the Department be fo~tarded to the Assurance Company for their
information and consideration.
The report of the City Manager, regarding an application for a permit
to erect a cabin at 9 River Road, which had been laid over from the previous meet-
ing, was considered. A sketch had been submitted of the proposed location of the
cabin. Upon the recommendation of the Property Committee, and on the motion of
Ald. McKinley and ~acDonald it was ordered that the report be received and filed,
the recon~endation be adopted, and a permit be issued.
An offer was presented from Louis Madia of $500.00 for Lot 89, Plan 43,
Misener Street. Upon the reconmaendatlon of the Property Committee and on the
motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins it was ordered that the offer be received
and filed, and the same be aOcepted, subject to the condition that approval of
the Property Conm~ittee must be given when the plans are submitted, it being un-
derstood that when the services are-installed, the purchaser shall proceed with
the erection within six months' time.
The report of the Property Committee, on the above matters, was pres-
ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins that the rep-
ort be received and filed.
The revenue and expenditure statement as at 31st October, 1948, was
presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Hawkins that ~he
statement.be received and laid on the table.
The Committee adjourned on the motion of.Ald. Donald and McKinley.
I~AD.A~ ADOP~ED, 6 December, 1948.
Council Chaniber,
27 I'Iovember, 194~.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the reglLlar comicit and f~nance
meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law ~;hich covered the accomats aDDroved
by the Committee. All members of the Co~xcil were p~sent.
BY - L \W
The following By-law was ~assed:
No. 432_1 - To Grant Monies for General Pro'poses.
It was ordered on the motion of/rid. Hawkins and MacDonald that
Miller be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be read
the first time - Carried unanimously.
It was ordered on time motion of ~ld. McKinley and Donald that Rule 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec-
ond reading - Carried ~nanimously.
Third readin~E -Ald. MacDonald and Hawkins - Carried unanimously.
~2d. McYinley spoke of the matter of election meetings, and asked ac-
conm~odatlon was available for additional meetings. Ald. Hawkins stated that the
decision to hold only one meeting was made as sn effort to conserve electricity.
fdd. Parm stated that Mr. Bedford of Radio Station CHVC had offered the facilit-
ies and time of the radio station for one evening when a meeting could be held.
The Council adjourned on the motion of Aid. MacDonald and Hawkins,
READ ~ ADOPI~, 7 December, 1948.
Council Cham~er,
T DeceMr, 1~8.
The following Rej~rts were
No. 288 - Crown Attorney_
No. 289 - Cl_tZ Solicitor - re amendment to Cz~4nal Code. 01~EI~D on the motion
Of Alclo Ha~[i~s~nd~'~'onald that the reports be received and laid on the table
u~ttl the next meeting.
purs~Jmt to adJourus~nt, the Council mot at ~.00 p-~. on Tuesday, 7th
Decem~or, 19~, for the ~se of considering general business an~ ft~nnce. All
members of the Council were pzesont. The Council, havin~ received and read the
minutes of ~he previous meeting, adopte~ these on the motion of AI~. MacDonald
and Parme
No. 290 - Ci__tZ_.Mn.~_~..=r_ . recumnending ann,,~l scholarships 0~EEESD on the motion
of Aid. McJ~ley a-a MacDonal~ that the report he receivei ami filed, and the
reccwnsndation he adopted.
No. 291 - Cl._t~. Clerk - rec~m~nding issuance of licences. 01~EE~D on the motion
of Ald. Ha~i~"'an[ ~4acDonald that the report be received and filed, and the
recn"~'ndatlons be adopted.
In connection with C~amam~CatiOus/IOS. S~, ~16 and ~17, and Rolx)rt
No. 282, Mr. George Downing, SeCretary of the Niagara Falls Civic Employees' As-
sociation Local 13~, was permltte4l to s~eak to Coboil. Mr. Dovnin~ s~ggeste~
+.~at Council ox~er that the employees carAT on as at present until such time as
a"l~nston is tnau&~rated. m Ccmmlnicattons Nee. 396 , ~16-7 and Re~ori Me. 282
laid over fro: previous meottngs:
· emdmsnt was defeate<l.- .once Hal~rt No. 282
No. 1~21 - The 0n+A~to !am4otlMal Association - rs sasmlasnt to Criminal Cede. OR-
~i~D on the motion of AI~. Nawkins and MacDonald that the ccmmmiontton be zeo-
elveX an& laid on the table mttl tlme nsxt mootinS.
S~ ~m~s No. 288-9
The fclloe~ Cc2_oations were ~resentea:
~o. ~3~ - Cana&tan Unierrrite:o' Association - re i, roteottun d~mlug cold yeathor.
O~6~&~D on the motion of AId. Mille~ an~ MacDonald +_._h~t the ccmmmica~lon be reo-
etve~ an~-filed, -~ .x~fezTe~ fn .~he Olty:ManaSer an~ Fire Chief.
lie. ~36 - Nio~ax~ Falls Clearing l~ouse Association - r~lussting ;~oolamation rs
Boxin8 Da~. 01~ on the motion of AI~. Hawkins and MaoDo~ +*-ha4~ the ecesmn-
ioation be rs6eivat ani filed, aui the-zg~uss~ ~be .~anted.
The following Bosolutions were
No. 1~7 - MacDONATeD - McEINLEy - t~80L~ED that Monday, 27th December, 19~8, be
declaro~ 3oxtn~ Day In the City of Niagara Falls, that His Worship Mayor Houck be
as~s~l to make a proclamation in this connectlon, ~at s] ] civic buildings r~mm~n
closed on tha_~ date; ami the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried unanimousjy
1(o. 1~ - IL~ - 1~ - I~ESOLYED ~NAT a neesage be forwarded to Mr. A.D.
Frank and ~x-el~erman A.D.Frank, expressing the s~at~ of the City Council
citizens of Niagara Falls upon the death of their wife and mother~ am1 the Seal
of the Ccrr;oration be hemto affixed.
Carried unanimoup_lZ
No. 199 - IL~ - MacD0~ALD - I~80Lv~ that a message be forwarded to the fam-
il~ of the late Mr. ~o~ TMac~h, expressing the sympathy of the City Council and
citizens of Nia6~ra Falls upon the death of this employee of the Corporationl and
the Sea~. of the Corporation be hemto offlxed.
Carried _unap/moas,1/_
No. 200 - i[A~[/z~ - MacDC~TALD - tESOL~XD that the Traffic Cunnittse he requested
to etud~ an~ rop~i;~ upon the traffic conditions at Welland Avenue between Park
8~Feet an~ Bridge Street, on Huron Street, at Fourth Avenue and Bridge Street,
on .St. Clair Avenue between Morrison Street am1 Huron Street; and the Seal of the
Cor;oration be hereto affixed.
Carried unanimouelI
No. 201 - IL~ - DONAID - t~80LVED that a report be sutmitted in couneetion
with the possibility of supplying flags for the Silver Cross Mothers, that a Nia-
~ Felle, New York, citizen ~e approached in this mettsr a.a a report thereon
be presented for the next neeflu6 of Council; and the Seal of the Corporation be
hemto affixa~.
Carried m~en~=~,AslZ
· o. 20~ - MaC3)C~ALD - EA~a~au - l~SOLv~u ~t the next re&qAlar moettn~ of the
Ci~ C~il be sehe~ule~'~xke place at ~.00 p.m. on Monday, 13th
that the kin1 iavitation of His Worship M~/or Mouck to be his ~uests at dinner on
the same evening at 6.30 pa. be aooepted~ am1 the Seal of the Corporation be
Third, readin~ - ~1~, Mc]r~m~ey anA 14~ ~ Caurled, ~zdjeoga:~T,
No. ~279 - ~ au~ortze ~ c~~ of a ~er ~ S~e~ A~e ~ ~
' *- ~ a~ ~ ~ ~t~ A~ a e~er ~ 8~y A~ f~ ~
D~ ~ ~e ~ in ~e 0t~ ~ ~t~ Y~e ~ a 1~ ~m~-
EO. ~a! ' ~ a~o~ze ~ c~ti~ of ~m On ~min e~ets in t~ City
~ m~ - ~. ~w~ ~ D~a - C~ea ~~.
~ - ~ a~ze ~e exeo~ti~ of ~ ~t for ~e ~ D~.
Xt wM o~em& ~ ~ ~i~ of ~. ~w~ ~ D~ ~-t ~. ll-
It w~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of ~. ~ey ~ ~-!a t~ ~ 36
~. ~323 - ~ au~r~e ~ emcnti~ ~ an ~t for ~e ~ D~.
~o. ~32~ - ~ a=~tze ~e emcut~ of ~ ~t for ~ ~ ~.
I~ wu ~e~ ~ ~ m~ of ~. ~ ~ ~ ~t ~. ~l-
seo~ ~q- O~ ~~.
aired and the catch basin was not put back into serviceable condition, and aske~
'f,h~t the City Manager give this mattot attention.
Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Mckinley and Hawkins.
I~AD AND ADOP.,~.,, 13 December, 19~8.
Council Ch_m~_ber,
7 December, 19~8.
~xe FSrm~_--e Cmanittce met on Tuesday, 7th December, 19~8, for the pur-
pose of approving and also of passing the various accounts whtt bad been prop-
crazy certtfte~ ami placed before them. All members of the C~-..?ttee were pres-
Sundx7 aocounts amounting to $12,162.86 were airpreyed by the Cm..4ttee.
~he accounts subzltte~, being passe~ or otherwise dealt with, were ont-
erwl placed in the money b~-law for presentation to the Council on the motion of
AId. Parm invited the members of the Cmmittse to attend the Chrtsh~-
Party to be given b~, the Children,s Aid Society at ChTAst Church on ~nu~,
At +-h~e point llte Worship Mayor Houok left the meetlng.
offer was presented fA~ F.Macrae of $~00.00 for Pt. Block A at the
b Ct~ C~ ~C~tl ~t a-~t~ w~ ~ ~ at ~ ~ ~ it w~ o~ ~t ~e offer ~ ~cetwd ~ hid on ~ ~b~ for
~o~ wl~ ~ ~s~ ~ wl~ m~ ~ ~e ~ ~za~ ~. ~ offer wu p~ f~ ~b~ M. ~e~ of $1~.~ for ~t 2~,
~. D~ ~s~ ~ it ~t ~ ~viab~ f~ ~ Wfio Cm- ~ ~ ~ ~. P~ ~ ~ it was ~ ,~t ~e offer ~ ~el~
that the oemm-rn4cation be reoeive~ ~ laid on the Sable, that the applicants be
advised it is not l~lioy of Council to perair the use of city hillwayS for such
pro-pose, amt that the suggestion be made that +.hay might Consider locating on the
islerot, between Wm11-3~ay six1 Queen Street am1 Xmckley Avenue for +.h4e Imrpose.
A ccmmn/ioation was psented fX~cm the Kinm~en 01ub of Nia6ara Falls,
requesting peralasion to sell Chx~stmas trees at the southwest corner of Bt~kley
Avenue aml Valle~ay. Upon the mocmaenaation of the Property Cumtttee an~ on
the motion of A~. MacDonald .~a Mcl~inley it was clUered that the crmm-m~cati6n
be xgceived an~ filed, am1 the request be ~ronted, su~ect to the ~rovision that
the existing so~ is not disturbed.
; A comanuLloatlon was presonte~ frc~ the ~ty Trust Company of Cansis
~"Hu8 ~n offer of $8~00.00 for ~ota ~ and 5, Plan '3~, Wictoria Avenue. ~ the
reocmaendatton of the ~roperty Ccmuittee and on the notion of Ald. MacDonal~
Donald, lit. 3rablen, representing the Ccmlmn7, was pemaittea to address the Cc~-
airtee. Mr. ~raaden advised that the client of the Company wtsh~t to purchase
the propert7 to build thereon a building of 'the value of aypzox~late~v$1~0,000.00
or $200,000.00, sattsfaotoxT to the Crem.~ttae; that acquisition of ~!tional
prc~erty woul~ be undertaken to lmorAde a parking space.; and ..+.~-~ ear3,v consider-
ation of the offer was requested as the client was also conslde~ locating
another motl~l~ty. It was o~m~ on the motion. of A/d. l~awkins azut- ~ that
the communication be receive~, an~ the rel~rt be adopte~; and the matter be given
fuv+~r consi~eration du/-An~ the meeting of the Committee of the Whole.
~we Co--4t~ee of the Who_le_
~he report of the Property Ccuadttee on the above matters was presented.
It was o~f. er~l on the motion of ~4, :}~wldns ~ :~ana that the report be rec-
eives amt filed.
~e SSateaent of Relief for the month of November was presented. It was
ordered on the motion of AIA. ~D~malA and Nawkius ~t the statesant be received
ami filed.
~ o__.~rlson of tax co3/ecttoM as at 30th Novaabet was presented.
It was ox~ered on the motion of Ald. Hawklas a~ Donald that the statement be
AIA. Do~__.~4 asked ~at the Ccmait~ee be sul~lied with a stat~msnt show-
~ a b~ea~own of the tax azTea~s ou~stan4ing at the present time.
The gcmmtttee ad~o~rne~ on the motion of- AIA, Mcl~ey ~, D~.la.
Council Chamber,
7 Decsender, 19~8.
~he Council m-assembled at the close of the regular council end fin-
arise meetings for the Purl0ose of Dessing the by-law which covezd the accounts
proved by the C~mnittee. All members of the CoUncLl, ~ith the exception of
Worsb/p Bayo~ Houck, were Present. Ald. Killer was onectin6 mayor durin6 the
On the motion of Ald. DOn.!d and Hawkins, Mr. Howard ~edford of Ra&io
Station ~ was Pez~itted to address the Council. Mr. Bedford thmal~d the Coun-
cil for the cO-operation of the city Clerk and has staff a~t for the ezcelisnt
or~antzatlon arranged for supplFlng information as to the election returns on the
ewening ~ 6th Decoder, wklch made Possible the broadcasting of the same fx~n
the City Hall. Enactlz~ Mayor Miller thanked the s~eaker ~r h~s assistance on
th..t8 :OCOasion,
The fo.llov:l. ng 3Y-law w.~__~,assed:
~ - To Grant Nondes for General PurpoSes.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Eawklns and Whlte that Ald. Parm
be given the Px'AvlleSe of Introducing the by-law ~.~ the by-law be mad the
fl~st t~m- . Carried.
It was orderea on the motion of Ald. ~a=klns and Donale that l~ule ~6
~) of the Stax~ l~des of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the
second read~ . Carried.
~he Comaoil a~ourm~d on ~ motion of Ald. DonalA and Hawkins.
~D ~3D ADGN~D, 13 Decsaber, 19~8.
matters prssente~ to thmn. All members of the C---4tteex with the exception of
His Worship Mayor Houck, were linesent. AIA. Miller w=s chairins- of the sooting.
On the aztte: of Ai~. ~y aml Eaw~--, Mr. H~ R~s~ a
f~ ~ ~ ~e p~y. ~s ~ vo~ c~etst of 8~s ~ ~
floor' ~ ~1~ ~ln~ on ~ ~r ~r. ~ s~t~ ~1~ ~ a f~-
etl~ for ~e ~z~ of ~ h~& ~ W~ty f~t ~ t~ ~I~
~ ~ ~eT $~s~.~ for ~e ~e~ ~ w~ 8i~ a ~e ~ f~sh
~cti~ In ~ ~ 1~9, e~h e~ ~ ~ c~ out by ~ i~om~a
c~ ~ ~ c~ ~s ~4 hc~es t~m~a. ~. ~ss w~ ~
~t~ for a f~ m~ In ~r ~t t~ C~e ~t c~i~r ~e p~os-
ition ~ ~ h~ a aec~s=~. ~ ~ ~t~ of ~. D~la ~ ~ It was
~4 ~t ~. ~ss ~ ~e~ ~ ~cip~t~ is p~ ~ ~oept Ms offer
~ $~.~ for ~ ~, sub$ect ~ t~ c~aiti~ ~t ~ir ~ ~t
~ ~er i~ct ~ p~s~ s~t p~ ~ satisfac~ p~
~ C~ty ~r ~S ~ w~ ~ in c6n~t wi~ h~ ~ ~ for
~) T.4m4~ for a p~t
~he Clt~ Manager discusse4 with the C~-~4tteo the l~ssibility of ent-
eri~ ~ pm~ ~tiatl~ ~ ac~m a r~t~f-W for ~e c~-
~ ~t ~ mt~r ~ ~ft ~ a~ a~ ~e City ~r su~t a mp~t
of ~ C~t~ ~t~ pm~o~ ~, for ~ c~i~emti~ of Com~ at ~e
mt ~t~.
~a CitT Manager also bm~ht to the attention of the Ca--4ttee the
necessity of an add/tic~_-l sewer to rslteve the St. Iala~noe Avenue and !lmorth
Circle areas, which are now service~ by the Seneca Street sewer, located on the
fifteen-foot x~ht-of-way fx~a Palmar AveriM to Ontario Avenue. ~he City Manager
of Lot 6~ fx~n the Bobertson C~nl[~xotion Caepan~ T.4ms4te~L
in o~der that a conte~tate~ thirty-six inch sewer coul~ be ~..t-qla4. On the
notia~ of AI~. Macrdnel7 and Donald the Ci~ Manager was ea~wex~ to obtain a
plaice for the lo~, in writing, fx~a ~he owner.
The Cmaittee &tsouese& ~he In~positlon of the g~LT~nty Tr~st C_ .mepan7
with referees to Lots ~ amX ~, Plan 3~, Victoria Avenue.- On the motion of Al.d,,
~X~nle~ and Me~D~-~d the Cit~ Clerk was es~cwex~X to a4vlse the x~presontat~ve
that the px~oe fo~ this px~lsex~7 is $1~,000.00s en~ an}, sale woul~ be subject to
Council Chamber,
13 December, 19~8.
Pursuant to a~ouA:~ent, the Council mat at D.O0 p.m. on Monday, 13th
December, 19~8, for the !~urposs of considering general business and fln~p~e. All
members of the Council, with the exception of AI~[. White, were Present. The
Council, h~ving received end read the m~nutes of the previous meeting, adopted
these On the motto~ cf Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald.
On the motion of Ald. l~wkins and McElnley, Mr. F.J. Matthewe of Martin
and Calvert was Permitted to address Council
apPeax~n~ on beh~l~ of Mr. Mark Solomon who Mr. Matt~ews advised that he was
oo, th. of p ts of ,ts
o18, W~ ~eyway between Morr~aon
and Willmort Streets. Mr. Solomon is
also owner of the house known as 8~9 Victoria Avenue, which he wishes to
move to the Valleyway property, end in order to take such action, it will be nec-
eesax7 to ave the prol~rty from the fire area and place the s~ne ~u the res-
Idential area. ~r. Matthews said that aPPlication ls ~ade to Council to apply to
the Ontario N~nic~Aal Board for authority to make such change, and ~h~_t Mr. Solo-
men would be prepared to pay all costs in connection with such action.
SEE Re_soku. tion
- ' ~ - N~ Falls F/re F tars the
"' ' Tat and flle~, an~ the r~luests be ~ranted. ~ . c~.nicattons be rec-
eive& an~ file&, an~ the agreement be signs&..
Resolution ~o,
No. ~J+l ~- Bell Telephone Cce~an~v of Canada - requesting permission to place tmder-
grc~ conAuit. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that the cc~-
nnmication be mceive~ ~ file~, an~ I~rmiesion be granted. [~Byf_law No. ~_~.6.
sired an~ ftle~.
I~o. ~d~3 - ~ia~ara District B~f~ Club - requesting use of ~ of relief dep-
ot. 0~ ~ ~e ~ of ~. D~ ~ ~w~ ~t ~e c~ti~ be
mceiv~ ~ ~fem& ~ ~ City ~r for a m~o~.
~atd ower .from a previous meeting:
No. 282 - City Manager - re ~ne~lo~ms~t ins~e exotic. 0~ on ~e
~ ~lu~ No. 2~
No. 288 - Cro~n Attorney
No. 28~ - City Solicitor - re amendments to Criminal Cede. 0Mu~ on t~a motion
of AId. M~tnley and Hawkins that the reports be receiwed an~ file~, an~ copies
of the same be fowazde~ to the Ontarlo l~mtotlal Association-
The followin~ Ibport was presented:
No. 292 - Traffic Cc~ttee - -~u~ recc~sndaticns. 0~_,.~ on the motion of
Ald. Don!~a an~ Pare that the rei~rt be received ._~a !-4d on the table, an~ the
matter of the use of land owne~ by the Miehi~an Central Bailway at Erie Avenue
an~ ~,_een Street be ngain taken ~, in on effort to obtain l~rmission for its
AI~. Pare made a verbal report as to his attendance, with Ald. Miller,
at a Joint meetin~ of ox~anizaticns with representatives of the Bel~rtment of
Nia~wa~s re~amlin~ &lrecticnal siSns, etc. an~ ma~tem ccncernin~ the ~ueen
izabeth ~i~hwa~.
~he follyins Basoluticns were ~asse4: :
No. 20~ - MellN/X - DOMA~ - I~SOL~ that for the Inn~ose of~certtfrAn~ e~loi-
~t b~ ~e
I~o. 205 - MacDONALD - DONALD - I~LV~ that His Worship Ms~vor W.L.Houck and the
City Clerk are hereby authorize& an& instructed to enter into ~nd sl~n the applic-
ation an& permit for Joint use of Doles carrying a power supply and telephone
circuits, with the Bell Telephone Com~an~ of Canada, date~ 13th December, 19~8;
end in co~__r~ction with the aut~tic traffic signals at the comer of M~in Street
and Peer Street an& at the comer of Fourth Avenue and Morrison Street; ~n~ the
Seal of the Cox~oration be hereto affixed.
No. 206 - DONALD - HAW~J~ - I~0L~ED that the am of Four Hundred Dollars be ap-
propriated as the ns,~ Comaunity Chris~m~s Fun~ for needy persons; and the Seal
of the Corporation be hereto affixe~.
No. 207 - _lZtcx~ - PAI~ - I~0L~D that the regular meeting of Council be next
scheduled to be hsl~ at ~.00 p.m. on M~mday, 20th December; an~ the Seal of the
Corporation he hereto affixed.
~o. 208 - HAW~.~_f~.M~._cD.~ON~.ALp~ - E~S0L~ED that the City Clerk be instrue~ to take
~p with the City Solicitor the matter of the p~ng of regulations which would
reqxtire the erection of buil~ings of at least Wo storeys in the main husiness
streets of the City, ~o obtain an expression of opinion as to the legality of
such possible reg-]~tions and other information; an~ the Seal of the Corporation
be hemto affixed.
~e following By-laws were passed:
To provide for l~rmisston to The Bell Telephone Cc~pany of Canada to
place ~nder~roun~ conduit in the City of Niagara Falls.
was ol~lered on the motion of Ald. Mc~_~ley and DonaM that AI~I. l~aw-
~ ~e ~rtvlle~ ~ lnt~l~ t~ by-~w ~d ~ by-~ be m~ t~
It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonald that ~ 36
(2) of the Standing Rules of Council he suspended and the by-law be ~iven the sec-
ond readin~ - Carrie~.
~d rea~in~ -Ald. Hawkins an~ MacDc~a - Carried.
No. ~,~21 - To amend By-law N~aher 37~0, bein~ a by-law for the regulation of
It was ox~exgd on the motion of Ald. Hawkins amt McKinley that AId. Don-
al~ be given the privilege of introducing the by-law amX the by-law be reed the
first time - CarrAed.
It was oralsred on the motion of AI~. Miller and ~awktns that b 36 (2)
the Standl~ Rules of Commit be snsl~nded an~ the .b~-lav he Siren the secona
madinS - AId. l~awkins *,~ MacDonald - Cartled.
~ -_ To authorize the execution of an A~ree~nt for Sale and Dee~.
Xt was ox~ on the ~tton of Ald. M~y a~ Ba, kins that
~ be given the px-lvilege of int~xtu~ng the iq*-law ~ ~ *b/-lav be read the
It wan ox. dex, ed on fAe motion of Ald. lhwkins and Do.~,~*~A that ]ble 36 (2)
AI~. Parm brought ~ the matter of the layo£f of a nm~er of men ~or-
roefly en~lo~s~ in the outisde delmrbaents of the Cor~orationt aml aske~ for
fomation in this re_m.d. llis Vox~hip Ma~or Houck a~vise~ Council of the nec-
ess~t~ for such acti~ a2A the Cit~ Manager adde~infomation in this connection.
AI~o .~[~-~eY spok~ about the continuing smoke nuisance frcmx the local
l[ospital and aske~ Kts worship Nayor Trouck to take this up vith the l[ospital
)card in. an effort to have the ool~ttion im~rovecl.
AI&. Mcl~nley spoMe of the eEellent efforts ~n the pat of Ai~. Par~
in connection v~th the Christmas party vhioh vas hel~ in the C~ty for chtl~en by
the Children's Ai& Society. Ai~. Parm thanks& Cou~cil~ the civic staffs an~
other intex~stecl persons for the as~Btance renc~erec~ in +-~e connection,
The-Council a~o~me& on the motion of AI~. DoneM and ~avkins.
~ A~D ADOI>A~u, 20 December~
- - Council Chaabe~
the premises within six months.
The offer of M.M~T~tley, as laid over from the previous meeting, of
$100.00 for Lot 212, Plan 9, Mcl~ae Street, was a~ain considered. Upon the rec-
~d-tton of the Prol~r~y Cnnwe~ttee an& on the motion of Ald. M~-w!nley ~
Pares it was ordered that the offer be received and tabled, an~ Hrs. Hartley be
a~vised the purch,,,~e price of this lot is $200.00.
An offer was presented f~m Olive L. Ha~twick of $~00.00 for Lot 92,
Misener Street. Upon the recommendation of the Property Com~ tree and on the
motion of Ald. 14acDo-Al~ end Hawkins it was ordered that the offer be receive~ and
accepted, subject to the condition that a dwellir~ of at least $9,000.00 value is
erected on the premises within six months free the time the services are instal-
An offer was presented from Provincial Engineering Ltd. of $20~.00 for
lmrt Of I~ots 78, 79, Plan 32, D~son Avenue. In this connection and on the motion
of Ald. MacDonald anal Parre, Mr. T.Marinoff, who had made a previous offer for
this property, was permitted to speak to the C~mw4ttee. Mr. Marlneff advised
that he would be willing to relinquish hie claim to the lot an~ possibly would
consider another piece of property in the ~--~ area. Mr. Neal of the Prov~Lal
Engineerin~ T.td. A!-o s~ohe end advised that his Conpa~ would be willing to
manes ~nne~iate~v on plans for the erection of an office building on this prep-
erty an~ stated that this Iarticular location is required because a building er-
ecreel on the sa~e woul~ he convenient to the boiler house an~ other buildings of
the Conparty. Upon the rac~---~x~ation of the Property C~--4ttoe an& on the motion
of Ald. 14acDo~l___~ an~ Parm it was ordered that the offer he received, filed and
adopte~, subject to the con~ition that a buildin~ of the value of approximately
$)O, 000.00 will be erected on the premises;and that the previous agreement be can-
celled sEX the deposit ~e mfumled.
A o.';.;~;,~Icatton was presented frc~ G.Polegato, requesting permission
· to move a ~welltng to ~ot ~8, Acheson Avenue. Upon the recoanendation'of the
Property C~,-ittee aml on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley it was ord-
ered +.~t the ccBnmication be received and filed, t~t permission be Granted,
providing such xeaoval and erection is under the supervision of the City Manager.
b re~ort of the Property C-'-,.,-~ttee, on the above matters, was prss-
enter. It Was ordered on the motion of AI~. MacDonald ~ Mn1~ey that the rep-
ort be received aml file~.
A ccammicatton was presented from Charles Black rsgar~tug en applic-
ation for pexaisston to convert a ~ara~e into a dwelling at 90~ S~--,'ord Street.
A m~ort of the City Manager was presented also. It was ox~ere~ on the motion of
Alde Nd~l~ at~ Par~ that the o~a'emm4oatlon ~ report he received and filed,
the reccglaen~ation he adopted and the applicant be advised a permit c~mot be
lsmaed felt alterations to the structure to convert it into a dwelling.
A rel~rt was presented f~m the City Treasurer, rs~w_-Xin~ tax arrears
at 30th November. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and l[awikns tlmt
the ~:~ be received ~a filed.
A c~.nieatlon was presented f~ the G~ATenty Trust Cc~an~ re~rd-
in~ ~ ~ ~ ~, Vio~rta A~n~. It vs o~ on t~ ~tt~ of ~. D~
A report was presented by the City Clerk re~n6 the coalition of the
cash :e6ister. It vM o~em~ ~ ~e mti~ of ~d. D~ ~ M~e~ bt ~e
~ ~ m~ei~ ~ ~ ,~ b ~b~ f~ a f~r ~ ~-~ veek'e
m~ ~'b eo~a of ~st cabtM, e~. ~t ~e Ci~. Xt ~s ~-
, ~,
summary of the a~plieattons for comsiaeratton at the next meettn~ of Co0noil,
· he Cnm~4ttee ad~ourne~ on the motion of A1Ae Hawkins and Donsld.
I~AD ~ ADOFI~D, 20 December, 1~8.
Council Cbsmber,
13 December, 1~+8.
~he Cooncll re-assemble~ at the close of the regular c~otl an~ fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of pasetn~ the by-law which covere~ the accounts
al~A~ed by the C.~.A.~4ttee. All members of the C~moil, with the exception of AI~.
White, were present.
· he follc. ing ~y-law .was ~assea:
~ - To ~ant Monies for ~eneral purposes.
It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDona3~l that
Miller ~e ~iven the privilege of tnt~o~uoin~ the by-law an~ the ~-law be
the fix~._t time - Cal~ie~.
It was ox~ere~ on the motion of AId. ?am and Hawkins that Rule ~ (2)
of the Stax~ix~ Rules' of Council be susl~mte~ and the by-law be ~iven the seoc~
x~a&t~ - Carried. ,--
~ ma&tn~ - AI~. HacDonalA ona DmalA - Carried.
~he. Cramoil eAt3o~x'ned on the motion of AIA, DonalAt and ]larkIns,
~ .A~D ADOI~D, 20 Decanter, 1~8.
Cou~cl~ Chamber,
1~ December, 19~8.
The Conference Cnmm~ttee assembled at the close of the regular council
an~ finance meetings on Monday, 13th December, 19~8, for the purpose of consider-
tn~ the matters presented to them. All members of the C0~ttee, with the excep-
tion of Ai~. White, were present.
Aafter consideration of the matters Dresente~ to them, the C~,~.~ttee adjourned on
the motion of Ai~. Hawkins and McKinley.
IF~AD A~D ADOP~D, 20 December, 19~8.
Council C~nm~er~
20 December, 1948.
December, 19~8, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All
members of the Council, with the exception of AI~. White, were present. b Coum-
oil, havin~ received .~a read the minutes of the previous meeting, adopte~ these
on the mot!on of A1A. Donald an& MacDonald.
On behalf of the Council, Ilia Worship Mayor Houck extende~ congratul-
ations to AI~. Mcr. inley an~ his daughter upon the birth of her son} an~ expressed
the hope that 14rs. l~mp,-~ and the chll~ were ?,~"~-~ 8attsfactox7 progress.
AId. Parm arrived at the mastiC, an~ His Worship left the Chair. AI~.
Miller was enactin~ ma~or durin6 his ahsance.
Iai~ over from a previous meeting:
llo. ~3 - l~tagara Dts~riot Boxin8 Club -re~uesting use of portion of relief depot.
OI~t~D on the motion o~ Ald,, Hawi~n8 and Donal~ +.hat the ccmnunication he rec-
eived an~ filed, an~ the Clu~ he advtse~ that facilities suitable for a ~.~astum
are not available at the relief depot.
S~E Report No. 29~
'lhe follo~in~ C~toatton was prssente~:
No. ?:k.. Mi..Oo Mater (C ~.a~..J. I4xtj - appreciation and 8reetinSs. OA~J~A,P.~ on
the motion of AI~. 9AcDoP_a~^ and Done3/+-~.t ~ com..micatlon be received and
~he following RelYotis were presented:
No. 2~ - Cit~T Manager - re space at relief depot. 0EY~ on the metion of AId.
Eavk~na and Donald that the rel~rt be receive~ amt file~, an~ the reccmen&ation
No. 2~ '- City Clerk - re oonfex~nce held 13th Deemher. 01~IIBD on the motion
of AI~. llawkins ..a MaoDc~-~a +-~at the repc~ be reoeive~ :'an~ filed.
His Wox~ktp Ma3~ ~ouok, zsturne& to the meetinG.
erred to the Co~.~Alttee of the ~hole for consideration.
~o. 296 - _C.i_tJ~ Solicitor - re control of erection of buildings. OI~E~u on the
motion of AId. Hawkins ami Donald that the report be received and referred to the
_Co_,w_~ttee .of the Whole for consideration.
SE~__ConmLittee of the Whole
1~o. 297 - Juvenile Court Probation Officer - annual report as at 10th December.
O~EA~.D on the motion of AI~. Donald an~&"~awkins that the report be record and
laid on the table.
The following Petition was presented:
lio. 20 - Vivian l~i6//~ti.~ale arui 21 others - protesting smoke fr~n Eospital. 0t~-
I~.EED on th~ 'moilon ~'~i~V ~l]'a~a~Donald that the petition be received and
filed, and the petitions be assured that this matter has been taken up with the
Hospital ~oard and everything ~ossible is being done to eliminate the condition.
The following l~eeolutions were passed:
No. 209 - >PAt!4 - MILLER - 1T~SOLVED that the next regular meeting of the City Coun-
cil be schedule. t to take place at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 28th December; amt the
Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
IIo. 210 - BAWLA~S - MacDONALD - I~SOLVED that a message be forwarded to the fan-
ily of the late Xx-alderman Michael C. Goodsir, expressing the s~mpathy of the
City Council and citizens of Xqiagara Falls upon the death of this long ~n~ res-
pected citizen of the Cummunity; and the Seal of the Corporation be hersto af-
fixed. ~.
following By-law was read the first and second.times:
No. ~0 - To amend By-law Nt~nber 4020, respecting fire limits in the City of kia-
gara Falls.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and McKinley that AId. Haw-
kiss be given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law be road the
first t~-~ - CarrAed.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and MacDonal~ that Rule
(2) c~ the Standin~ Rules of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the sec-
ond resting - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Donald and Hawkins that the by-law
be laid on the table and referred to The Ontario Municipal Board 'for approval.
~be follo~in~By-laws were passed:
'~._~ - TO authorize the execution of a deed of oorreo$ton.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Havk~as e?_a Donald that AId. Nll-
le~ be given the privilege of introducin6 the by-law and the b~-law be read the
first time - Cax'x, ied.
It was ordered on the motion of Atd. Hawkins an~ Donald that Ihtle 36 (2)
of ~he efan~in~ rules of Council be suspended and ~e b~-~w be ~n ~e eecon~
Thlr~ rea~tn~ - AId. Parm a~d MacDonald - Carried.
No.. }~_~ - To authorize the execution of a deed.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and Donald that Ald. Mil-
ler ~e given the privilege of introducing the by-law and the by-law ~e read the
first t~m~ - Carried.
It was ordere~ on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule
(2) of the 8tandin~ lquleS of Council be suspended end the by-law be given the
second reading - Carried.
Third tea,cling -Ald. Donald and Hawkins - Carried.
No..~ ~ - To authorize the execution of an a~rea~nt for sale and deed.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and MacDonald that Ald.
Miller ~e given the privilege of tntro~ucing the by-law an~[ the by-law be read
the first time - Carttool.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule B6
(2) of the 8tamiln~ l~/ss of Council be suspemled and the by-law be given the
saccruX reading - Carried.
AId. Miller left the meeting.
Thix~ reading - AId. MacDO~-~a A.~ Hawkins - Carried.
~o._~ - To authorize the execution of an Agreement for Sale an~ Deed.
It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Donald and Hawkins ~_at Ald. Mil-
ler be given the privilege of Introducing the by-law and the b~-law be read the
first t~me - Carried.'
It was or~ere~ on the motion of Aid. Parm and Hawkins +-~t Rule 36 (2)
of the 8tandin~ l~tles of: Council be enspende~ an~ the b~-law be Given the second
:eating - Carried.
Third readiu~ -Ald. Donal~ end Ha~ns - Ca~led.
Aid..Miller rstxtrne& to the meets-8.
AI~. Miller announced that he ha~ been advised ~*t a~A;~n~ements had
been made for the ill~nati~n of the Falls fx~ea 10.15 91~ p.m. for the per-
tod or 2~th to 31st DoGember. '
Cotmoil ad,]ouraed on ,'t, he moSton of Aid, Hawkins and, Donald.
Councll Chamber,
20 December, 19~8.
~e Finance Con~nittee met on Monday, 20th December, 19~8, for the pur-
pose of appreving and also of passing the various accounts which had been prop-
erly certified ~nd placed before them. ~ll members of the Committee, with the
exception of Ai~. White, were present.
Stm~y accounts amounting to $99,~46.22 were approved by the Committee.
The accounts submitted, being Passed or otherwise dealt with, were ord-
ered placed in the money by-law for Presentation to the Council on the motion of
Ald. Hawkins and'Donald.
The communication from Mrs, L. Robinson, as laid over from a Precious
meeting and with regard ~o lmpital maintenance for Mrs. Jean Jones, was considered.
A report of the Chairman of Finance and City Clerk upon the matter was also pres-
ented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and Parm that the co,,.~-un-
~cation and report be received and filed, the recommendation be adopted, and Mrs.
lqobinson be advised the Corporation will assume responsibility at a rate of $2.50
per day; and that all other expenses incurred or which may be incurred are to be
~orne by Mrs. l~oblnson.
l~eports of the City Clerk, one as laid over frun the previous meeting,
with regard to the condition of the cash register and the cost of a new unit,
were Presented. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins an~ Donald that the
reports be received and referred to the 19~9 Council for consideration.
A cc~auntcatlon was Presented frum Ounnlng,s Tire Liratrod regarding the
condition of the tires on the Bickle-Seagrave pum~er. A report of tile Equipment
Ccalmtttee was also planned. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacDonald and
Palm that the ccsmmntcation and report be received and filed, the recc~'"endation
be adopted, end the tires be raplaced.
A ccmnunication was presented from the Guaranty Trust Ccmpan~V regarding
Lots ~ and 5, Victoria Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Don~!d and
Hawkins that the ccmmunicatlon be received and referred for consideration by the
Calm!tree of the Whole.
A ccr~aunlcation was Presented from B.F.Hetherington and Morse and Son,
regard~n~ the m~ for ln~t b~s. It was o~emd ~ ~e ~tl~ of ~d.
~ a~ p~ ~t ~e c~cation ~ mcet~d a~ filed, the s~es~d m~
~ a~p~, ~d $1~.~ ~ now paid for ~nt b~i~e, excl~i~ ~ c~
A report was Presented from the Olt~r Manager regarding the possible pur-
chase of Lot 6~, Ontario Avenue for the construction of a relief Sewer. It was
-ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald and Mckinley that the report be received and
filed, and the lot be purchased for the purpose intended',
An Offer was presented from Also Marchildon of $200.00 for the westerly
Pax~ of Block 3~ Plan 3~ at the corner of Jepson Street and Sister Avenue. Upon
the rsoemmendatton of the Property C.-.;m!ttee and on the motion of Aid. MacDonald
and Nawk~ns It was ordered that the offer be received and filed, and accepted,
subject to the Prsv~sAon that a dwelliag of at least $7,~00.00 value is erected
On the premises within six months, time.
~e report of the Property Cmw~ttee, on the above matter, was pre~ented.
It was ox~ered on the moAon of Ai~. MacDonald and 'Hawkins that the re~ort be rec-
elVe~ e~d filed.
~e CcalLtttee adjourned on the motion of A~d. Hawkins and Parre.
Council Chamber,
20 December, 19~8.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the regular council and
ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved by the Co-w.~ttee. All members of the Council, with the exception of
White, were present.
The following By-law was passed:
N~o. ~3B~ - To Gran~ Monies for General Purposes.
It was ordered' on the motion of AId. McKinley and Pare that Aid. Miller
be given the privile6e of Introducing the by-law ami the by-law be reaxt the first
time - Carried.
It was ordered on the motion of AId. Hawkins and McKinley that Rule
(2) of the Standing Rule8 of Council be 8usl~nded a~d the by-law be given the
second re~tlng - Carried.
Third re~ltng - AId. McKinley and MacDo~_-ld - Carried.
Aid. McX~-3ny advised Council that All arrangements had been completed
for the samuel civic employees, Christhas partT, which is 8chednled for 21st Dec-
e~ber; ant asked that all l~reons 'artscling be present at 6 o'clock sharp.
The Couaotl ad~1ourned on the motion of Aid. McKinley ,amt Hawkins.
I~AD AND AD0~A~u, 28 December, 19~8.
01erk ~ io
va or
/ ouncil Chamber,
December, 1948.
The Ctt~ Council aeeamblei at the close of the regular meetings of the
Council and Finance Cosmitts. as a C~ttee of the Whole on Mon~, ~Oth December,
19~8. All mesh. re or the Cclatttee, with the exception of AXd. Whi~e, were pres-
ent end His Worship Ma~or Hauok was ohaiman of the setins.
· Messre. l.T.lh~uMen, L.H.le!lr an~ l%.S.Etoe appearat before the Council
on behalf of Loblaws Limited, with reference to the P~rchase of Lots 4 ~nd %,
Block V, Plan 3D on the east side of Victoria Aveuue. Mr. Kelly etated t~xat in
view of the encroachment which e~lsts on Lot ~, and of which they are no~ aware,
The Company feels that $15,000.00 is too high, and asked if the Con~ittee would
consider an offer of $1O,000.00 and the Company would asses the encroachment;
and if accepted, they would comenee in the near future, that is the spring of the
year, to erect a one-storey structure of well of $100,000.00 value having an in-
side height of foutreen feet and an exterior height of seventeen feet for possibly
the full depth of the property. Mr. Ielly pointed out that the taxation which the
municipality would receive would be considerably increased. Mr. Rice stated that
the removal of the encroachment, if possible would be erpensive m~d wuuld neces-
sitate drastic changes in their building plans and sPecifications. The represent-
atives were then requested to retire while 0ouncil considered their offer. ~fter
a thorough discussion, the representatives returned to the Council Chamber and
were infonmad by His Worship Mayor Houck that Cormoil were ~nanimous in their op-
irAion that the price should be ~15,000.00. Mr. Kelly asked if Council would be
prepared to pay their fees, which would amount to $7~0.00. Aid. Miller suggested
to Ms'. Rice that Council would, in all likelihood, be Prepared to help in any way
possible to have the encorachment removed. MAr. Rice then stated that he would
agree to the price of $1~,000.00, the closing date to be January 31, 1949, with
the verbal understanding that Council would help, if possible, to clear the title
and the tenant is to be notified to vacate; and he be given vacant poe.salon. He
advised ~hat Council would accept the written offer for this amount. The written
offer was then submitted to the Council and read by the Clerk; but as Council
were d~bious with reference to the provision that the title be good and free from
all encumbrances, it was decided that Mr. McBurney, the City Solicitor, should be
asked to e~end to interpret this section. A telephone cull was placed for MAr.
McBuraey, and ~ending his arrival, the C~mmittee Proceeded to deal with other
matters referred to them.
It was ordered by Ald. Donald and Miller that the City Manager lined-
lately take up with the Carm___ddan Tire Corporation and Mr. Boychuk the possibility
of having the encroachment removed.
The report of the City Solicitor, with reference to the Possibility of
a by-law establishing restrictions on the business streets, with reference to two-
storey structures, was discussed; and on the motion of A]/. MacDonald and Pare
the tel}oft was ordered received ~_._a filed, with Aid. Hawkins voting contrary.
The s~umuV of applications received for permission to erect tourist
cabins, motels and sim~]sr stxmcturee, was considered. Ald. Don~!d suggested
t~t a by-law be drawn Prol~tbtttng any further erection of such structures in the
Cit~ of Niagara Falls. Ald. Miller ~t, however, that in accordance with a rep-
ort sulmit~e~ in November by a conmitts, of the whole council, the list should be
adwrtised in order that residents in the vicinity might have the opportunity of
voicing their objections. On the motion of Aid. Miller and Mcltnley, it was ord-
sX~d that the list be published in the local press as reccmmmded in the report.
(AI~. MacD~mald, Parm arA~ Donald voted contrary to this motion.) PA*Aor to the
above motion, and ~e__ndment was presented by Aid. Donald and Parm that the matter
be x~ferred to' the 1949 Council, hut this motion wan defeated.
Aid. Millersadvised the Cczmxittee with reference to his recent trip to
Toronto concerning the lights illminatiag the falls. He also referred to the
fa~t that at the present time the members of Council are not considered members
of the Greater Nia6ara Chamber of Commgrce and sannot vote on the election of the
lk~u~. Ald. Parm also stated that althouSh he was the appointed represantstive
of %~ Council on the Chsmber, he hed not been notified of an.v meeti~gs~ lint had
beon bll/ed for dues, which he had refused to pey.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Donald ~n4 Nawkln~ that A14. Mil-
ler be reiabnmed for his expenses with reference to the Tc~mto l~p.
Mr. McBurne~ arrived and the representatives of Loblaws Lsmstad returned
to the Council Chamber; and at the request of' the Solicitor, inserted an adait-
io_-_~l clause in the agreement to purchase, to the effect that it is understood
that the encroaclnnent on the south part of Lot ~ is not to be considered an encmn-
branco. ~he agreement to purchase, with the ad~litional clause, was satisfactory
to the Council; and on the motion of Ald. Mckinley and Hawkins the c~.wnmication
frc~ the Guaranty Trust Comg~ny was received an~ filed; and the Mayor ana Clerk
were authorized to sign the agremnt to !~urchaso.
On the motion of Ald. Do~-la an~ Hawkins the C-~-sttee arose ami reported to Coun-
AND ADCe~ED, ~8 DeCember, 19~8.
20 December, 19~8.
The Council re-assemble~ at the close of the meettug of the Crm~st~ee
of the Whole on Me-say, 20th December, 19~8. All members of the Council, with
the exception of A/xl. White, were pBsent.
Consideration was given to the action taken by the Cosmitts. of the
Whole and to .the rec~ndattons ma~e.
The following Resolution was passed:
No. 211 - MoEI1F_~Y - DONALD - IESOtVA~U +-~-t the action taken an~ reocemsndattons
made by the Cnw~ttee of-~he Whole on 20th December be approveS; and the -qeal of
the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~
~h~ Cou~Otl e~l,~otlrne& on the ~ton of Aid. Do~
ISAD AND ADCel~D, 28 December,
Council Chamber,
28 December, 19~8.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Cotmcil met at ~.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 28th
December, 19~8, for the purpose of considering general business an~ finance. All
members of the Council were present. The Council, having received and read the
minutes of the previous meeting, adopted these on the motion of Ald. MacDonald
anal Hawkins.
Laid over frc~ a previous meeting:
No. B6~ - Canadian National Railways~ _ requestingpermlssion to increase bus fares.
OI~EAf~U on the '~otion of Ald. White and MacDonald that the c~unication be rec-
eived and laid on the table.
' _x_e:_
The followi.n~6 Co~munlcatloas were presented:
No. bJ~5 - Canadian..N.a~.lg.n~.~._.R.a.iAw~y+s . enclosing financial statement. 01~DEI~ED on
the motion of Ald. White and MacDonald that the co~nunication be received and hid
on the table, and a meeting be arranged between the Council an~ officials of the
Railway .Company for the discussion of this matter.
No. b~6 - ~CiJl_p~_C_~h~_~_,tl~_~ . resolution re voting at s~vence poll. 01~EAt~U on the
motion of Ald. White and Hawkins that the c~ication be received an& filed,
an~ the resolution be endorsed.
No. ~d~7 - Boar~ of Police Co~hh. testousrs - re by-law re pensions echem. 0RDEI~ED
on the motion of A3/. Hawkins ana McKinley that the c~unication be received and
1~o. ~J$8 -.F.Wllson - application for permit to erect motel.
I(o. ~J+9 - _SL~l__M__.c~..~h~.p, - applicati~ for pe~t ~ erect cabins. O~E on
~e ~tion of ~d. Don-~ ~d ~w~ns ~at ~e c~cations be mcel~ ~d mf-
em~ ~ ~e 1~9 Cornoil for could. ration. (~.
~tt~. )
1~O. ~50 - Niagara Falls J__u/~_o! .C~.._~.~.er_o.f_ C___~.o~_rcJ - invitation to civic night.
OI~8I~D on the motion of Ai~. Donald and McKinley that the cc~munication be rec-
eived and file~, the invitation ~e accepted, and as many members of the Council
as possible attend the function.
The following Petition was presented:
No. 21 - Jean McCutcheon and 28 others - protesting s6ainst cabins at 2103 Lundy's
Lane. 01~81~D on the motion of Aid. M^w~uley an& Douel~ ~mt the petition be
racelve~ and referred to the 19~9 Council.
~ followin~ By-law was passed:
~ - To authorize the construction of a railway siding.
· It was ordered on the motion of AId. M(d[inley and Miller that Aid. Don-
ald be given the privilege of intro~ucin~ ~he by-law and the by-law be read the
first time - Carried ~usly.
· It was orders& on the motion of Ald. lIawkins an~ White that Rule 36 (2)
of the Stan~tn~ l~Ales of Council be suspended and the by-law be given the second
resAin~ - Carried unanimously.
~hix~l rsadi~ -Ald. Hawkins and Donald - Carried ~manimously.
His Worship Hayor Houck advised Council of his action in for~ar~in~ a
cabte to H.H,H. ~e Princess Mar~et Rose, extending an invitation to visit
l~is~ Falls if and when she visits Canada and the United States.
His Worship Mayor Rouck expressed his regret at the retix~nent of Ald.
Miller and ~nite from the Council and spoke of the excellent services performed
by each alderm~n dgrin~ his term of office. All m~mhers of Council s~oke upon
the matter and voiced their appreciation of the fine work of each ~derman. Ald.
Miller an& White replied to Council and th~d the Boar~ for their remarks.
The Co"nctl a~Journed on the motion of AI~. Donald and Hawkins.
Council C~em~er~
" 28 ~ecember~
~he Finance C~''~4ttee met on Tues., 28th December, 1~8, for the pur-
e an~ -1=o of lmssin~ the ~t~ ~o~ts v~ch
accounts amo ntin to $30,032.07 wars aI proved by the Cmsdttee.
~e a~oo~ts su~aitted, betu6 Imsse~ or o~er~lse .dealt with, were ord-
ered ~l~ed ~n +As m~eX hi-law for ~rssenta~on to ..~Ae Coboil ~n the motion
AIA~, ~awXins am~ Donald,
A o~sa~nieatton was p~esemted f~ca Laudonce C. C~awfomX, with mfer-
~-~4 ~t ~e 02~ ~ ~oel~ ~ ~f~ ~ ~ 1~9 Coboil for
oo~t~em~~ ~ ~ 3~t is ~1~ ~.
coverage for the year 19~9. A communication from the Work~An,s Compensation
Boax~l, in this connection was also read. On the motion of Ald. Donald and Haw-
kins, Mr. R.W.Haist of Merrier, BareDfield and Company and Mr. R.C.Young of
lt.C.Youn~ and C~mpany, were premltted to address the Co.~ttee. The speakers ex-
plained to the C~mmittee the type of coverage provided by the Insurance Company
and the Compensation Boar~. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins an&
MacDonald that the report and cosnunlcation be received and filed, and the policy
with the Union Insurance Society of Canton be continued for one year from January
1, 19~9. (Ald. Donal4 and Psrm voted contrary to this motion. ) Prior to the
above motion, it was moved by Ald. Donald and Penn that the report and c~ulnic-
atton be laid on the table and dealt with at the inaugural meetiag for 19~9, and
the Company ~e asked to provide coverage for the few days until this matter is
cousidersd. ~is ~otion was defeated.
A report was presented fiu,~ the City Manager, recommending the issuance
of a permit for alterations at 1369 Ferry Street. It was ordered on the motion
of Ald. Hawkins and M~cDonald that the report be received and filed, and the rec-
~ndatton be adopted,
~he Cn.~!ttee adjourned on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and McKinley.
I~AD AlqD ADOPr~,, 3 January, 19~9.
Council Ch~m~er,
28 December, 19~8.
The Council m-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin-
ance meetings for the purpose of passing the by-law which covered the accounts
approved b~ the Crx~ttee. All members of the Council were l~rseent.
b follc~ing By-law vas passed:
~ - TO ~rant Monies for ~eneral Purposes.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. McKinley and MacDonald that Ald.
Miller he given the privilege of tntro~uotn~ the by-law and the by-law be read
the first tires - Carrie~ ~nanimo~sl~.
It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hawkins and Donald that Rule 36
(2) of the Standin~ l~les of Council be suspended an~ the by-law be 6lven the
second x'eading - CarrAed ;m~,~,,,,~USly.
688 689
The Coumoi, Z ed,.lourned on the motion of' AId.. 'Donald. and. 'Rawkins.
AND ADOi~D, 3 a'anuary~ 1~9.
CC!v!,,xJ.'.,L'..Imr~ C~' ~ WiiOI~
Council Ch~er,
28 December, 1~8.
The Co~moil re-assembled at the close of the regular council and fin-
ante meetings for the purpose of hol~tn~ a meeting of the Ccemaittee of the Whole
on Tuesday, 28th December, 1~+8. All members of the Ccemittee were present an&
His Worship Ma.vor Houok was chairman of the meeting.
Mr. jos. Blaah appeax~ am~ state& that he has an ~ client who
is interested in p~rchastng I~ts 1~ en& 1~, Queen Street, aml who woul~ like to
know the price of this prol~rty and what he would be required to buil~.
Blash was a~vised to have an offer submitted for the consideratioon of Council.
The City Clerk gave a ver~al report on the progress of negotiations
with Concrete Hoses au~ lluildin~s X~mite& ooncermSng the s~-- pxuperty.
Council Chamber,
28 December, 1948.
The Council re-assembled at the close of the meeting of the Ce,,~,.~ttee
of the Whole on Tuesday, 28th December, 1948, for the purpose of receiving the
report of the Committee. All members of the Council were present.
EES 0L UT I~0~
The following l~esolution was ~assed:
No. 212 - PAI~I - HAWIfi~S - RESOLE~) that the actions taken an& recc~mAndations
made cluring the meeting of the C~m,~ttee of the Whole on this date be approved;
and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed.
Carried unanimou~lj~
The Council a~Journed on the metion of Ald. MacDonald and McKinley.
EAD AND ADOP~ED, 3 January, 1949.
On the motion of A14. Donal~ an~ MacDonald, the C,-,~;tttee ar~se un~ rel~rte~ to
the Counoll.
I~AD-A~D AD.01~.~, 3 Ja--m~FY,- 191~9®