Minutes1966FIRST MEETING Council Chamber, January 3rd, 1966. EEGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 3rd, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Coun- cil were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. NEighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. M~cBain, seconded by Ald. Scott that the minutes of the meeting of December 2Oth, 1965 be adopted as printed. It w~s ordered on the motion of Ald. Bearss, seconded by Ald. MacBain that the adoption of the MAnutes of the Meeting of December 28th, 1965 be tabled in view of the fact that all members of Council have not received same. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Comm. 458 - Planning Board - Amendment Application AM-1B1, Gizzi Apartment proposal. Report 1142 - Property Cnmmittee - Consideration re: AM-i~i. ~. ~ Report 1 - Property C~ittee - Rec_nmmending that Amendment ApplicationAM-iS1, Gizzi & Lombardi, be approved subject to the applicants entering into a site plan agreem-nt containing the recn~,nendetions of the Site Plan Technical Group as out- lined in their report dated December 17th, 1965. OBws~D on the motion of Ald. johns and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. C(IW~NICATIONS No. 1 - Mayor R. P. NEighan - Appointing Vincent KErrio as representative on the Court of Revision for the City of Niagara Falls for the year 1966. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. MacBain, seconded by Ald. F. Maxtin that the Report. be received and filed. No. 2 - Ontario ~ Roads Assoc. - O.G.R.A. Seminar for Councillors - Feb. Slat. O~ram~El) on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson, seconded byAld. Rearss that the ccm- muni~ation be received and filed, and Membership in the Association be t~ken out; andregistration of those who willbeattenat-gbe forwarded hyFebruary 1Oth; and attendance be in accordance with past policy. of Council in respect to atten.dance at Conventions. No. 3 = African Student Scholarship Trust - Requesting consideration of request of f~nds to assist in bringing an African student to Brock University. OBrx.~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that the Ccemunication be received 'and referred to ~he Finance Ccmmittee for considerationandrepoxt. No, 4 - Hunt's Greater Niagara Ambulance Service - Advising of Deficit in Operation and neces~ity of increase in rates. 0RI~i~ED on the motion of Ald. M~.c:?-.ain and Ald. Nltchelson that the co~unication be received and referred to the Finance C~-.~ittee · for consideration andreport to Council, ar~ermeetingwithMr. Hunt, andMr. Hunt be asked to provide the required Auditor's Statement. No. ~ -MuscUlarDystrophyAssoc. of Canade -l~e~.uesting suppor~ of Council. 0R- E on the motion Of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. F. MArtin that the communication be received and referred to the 1~ Budget C~ittee for consideration. leo. 6 - Niagara Public Relations Bureau - Request to erect banner on Victoria Ave- nue, and signs on lamp standards in connection with Western Ontario Drama League Festival, March ~nd to 2~h. 01~2BE on the motion of Aid. Johns and AId. Gregory that the ccemunication be received and permission granted for the requests, sub= Sect to the approval of the H~dro Ccsaissica. No. 7 - City of Woodstook - Resolution advocating restriction of speed limits in school sones to 1~ miles per hour, etc. OIUID~D on the motion of AId. Svayse and Aid. 2sort that the emmmnication be received and referred to the Recreation and . Pro~eotion Ccsalttee for consideration and. report. No. 8 - C~mber of C-~-n~-rce - Invitation to Members of Council to attend Board Meet- ings, from January to June, 1~66. 0R~ on the motion of Ald. ~wayze and Ald. F. Martin that the cc~aunic~tion he received and filed, and the Chamber be notified of the names of the members of Council selected to attend the meetings, as agreed upon in Council. No. 9 - Chamber of Ccam~erce - Ynvitatton to Annual Meeting of Chamber, Jan. 26th. ORE~EED on the motion of Aid. Bearss and Ald. Scott that the cnmmxmtcatlon be recelved and filed, and as many members of Council as possible attend. No. t0 - Cdn. Sro~dcasting Corporation - Expression of appreciation re: Letter of Council concerning presentation of Television fill on Queen Street Restoration. OR- I~ED on the motlon of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Swayze that the c~muniontlon be received and filed. No. 11 - Mrs. Mary Giampolo - ReqUesting extension of time- in moving from Huron Street property to be used for downtown parking. OP~D on the motion of Aid. Rearss and Aid. F. Merlin that the c~,..unication be received and referred to the Recreation & Protection C,--,~tttee for consideration. No. 12 - Robert H. Reach - Submitting resignation from position of Senior AssesSor. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and AId. Swayze that the resignation be received and accepted with regret, and that a letter expressing Council's best wishes for succ- ess in his new position, and gratitude for his services' over the years, be forwarded to Mr. Beach. No. 13 - F. Dean ~hriner - Submitting resi~ation from position of ~enior Assessor. 01~ on the motion of AId. MacBain and Ald. Gregory that the resi~ation be ncei~d ~d acceded with ~gmt, and that a letter e~ssing Co~cil's ~st wishes for succ- ess ~ his new ~sition, and gmtitu~ for his sexless o~r the years, be fon~d to ~. Sheer. ff~,. 2 - Public Works Committee - Reckriding that three tenders of ~ore Bros. Ltd. for construction of storm sewermains on Ferry Street, Victoria Avenue, and Huggins Street, and for Watex~nain on Crvvp Street and Pettit Avenue, be accepted, at the prices tendered. 01~ on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Repor~ be received and adopted and Tenders awarded to Damore Bros. Ltd. ~ ' Resolution N0. 16 During discussion of the above matter, it was suggested by Aldersran MecBain, that the Public Works Cmnittee give consideration, in respect to future Tenders, to deleting the ~ngineer's Estimate figure frca the Report, but that this figure be shown on the Stmaary of Tender form, and be presented to Members of Council only. This sug- gestion was presented in v!~-'of the effect the est. t~tes would have in respect to any possible Court cases that ml~,t arise. No. 3 - City Treasurer - Advice'as to discounts allowed on Taxes, and penalties charged on current taxes in other Municil~lities. 01~ on the motion of Ald. ~itchelson, seconded' by Ald. MecBain, that the Report be received and filed, It was further ordered, on the motion of AId. Mitchelson, seconded by Aid. MaeBain that this =~tter be referred to the Finance Committee for full report at the ~ext meeting of Council. No. ~ - Property Cmitt~e - Reccmaendin~ that ~-law ~3~ be amended, as reccemended by the Planning Director, to provide for the deleti~fi of double duplex dwellings, board- ing ho~ses an~ rocain~ houses and apertments of not acre than 18 dwellin~ units free those uses. pemitted in an R-2 area. C~ on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. 8wayas that the Report be received, and reccessndation adol~ed. No. 5 - Publie'Works Gaittee - Adwisin~ tha~ all items on Ccamtttee A~nda have been handled. 01~ o~ the so~icn of.Ald.~O.. Martin and AId. Bearss-that the. Bepox~ be received and filed, , No. 6 - Public Works Committee - Proposed one-way traffic on Stanley and Buchanan Avenues. ORI~BED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and tabled for one week for the perusal of Council, and the Engineer have the plans of the proposal available for the next meeting of Council. During discussion of the Report, it was indicated that the Recreation & Protection C~lttee would study the applicable sections of the Report dealing with their Committee. No. 7 - Finance Committee - Recommending passage of Borrowing By-law to provide for the temporary borrowing of funds up to an amount of $B,O00,000.00. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Dowaie that the Report, as amendad, be re- ceived and filed. No.'8 - Finance Cmittee - Recammending approval of accounts for the period ending January 3rd, 1966. Ol~on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and AId. F. Mar~in that the Report be received and filed. c 5 i of Ald. johns and Ald. Swayze that the :- Report be received and filed. BESOL~TIONS No. 1 - GBEGORY - SCOTT - EESOLVED that Aldermen E. E. Mitchelson, F. Martin, A. A. MecBain and P. Downle be and are hereby appointed to the Finance C~m~ittee of the City Council for the year 1966; and the Real of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 2 - MITCHEI~ON - F. MARTIN - I~OLVED that Aldermen A. A. MacBain, C. Gregory, P. Downie and E. E. Mitchelson be and are hereby appointed to the Personnel Com- mittee of the City Council for the year 1966; and the Seal of the Corporation he ' hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously 'No. ~ - GRE3OEY - MecBAIN - BESOLVED that Aldermen W. Scott, V. Johns, C. Suayze and G. Martin be and are hereby appointed to the Proper~y Committee Of the City Council for the year 1966; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously "No. 4 - ~AYZ~'- MITeNELSON - I~SOLVED that Aldex~en F. Mertin, C. Swayze~ E. Beares and C. Gregory be and are hereby appointed to the Recreation & Protection Ccmnittee of the City Council for the year 1~o6; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. · . Carried Unanimousl~ No. ~ - F. MAEEIN - SWAYZE - BESOLVED that Aldermen G. Martin, W. Scott, E. Bearss and V. johns be and are hereby appointed to the Public Works C~tttee of the City Council fOr the year 1~o6; and the Real of the Cor. p0rmt~on be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimous]y No~ 6 - I~ - JOHNS - BISOLVE that Aldermen W. Seo~t and ~. Rearss be and are hereby appointed to the Advisory Ccamittee,Greater Niagara Winter w-ployment Cam- paiWa for the year 1~; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl~ No. 7 ' ~R'f - gC~A'A' - ~OX~F~D that Alderman Downie be, and he is hereby appointed as the representative of the City Council to the Welland County Histor- ical 2ociet~ for the ~ear 1~6; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. CaFriedUnanimouslI No. 8 - ~AI~ - 8COA~A~ - F~SOLVE that Aldermen P. Dewhie, F. Martin, A. A. MacBain, and ~. ~. Mitcheleun ha and tbs~ are hereby appointed to the Achieveant Award Ccssittee for the City of NiaSam Falls for the ~ear 1~; and the Seal of the Corporation .be hereto affixed, Carried unanimously. No. 9 ° F. MARTIN - SCOTT - I~OLVED that Aldermen Dewhie, Mitchelson, G. Martin, along with the City Manager and City Engineer, be and they are hereby appointed to the Co~munity College Ccemittee of the City of Niagara Falls, for the year 1966; and the ~eal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 10 - SCO~ - BK~J~B - F~SOLVED that Alderm~n ~wayze be and he is hereby appointed to the ~elect C~tttee for REgional Control of Air PoLlution, to represent the City of Niagara Falls, for the year 1966; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 11 - ~WAYZE - BEARSS - EESOLVED that Aldermen Johns, Mitchelson, Scott and F. Martin, along with the City Solicitor, be and they are hereby appointed to the His- torical Site C~'nmtttee of the Clt~ Council for the year 1966; and the ~eal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 12 - F. MARTIN -BEARSS - EESOLVED that Alderman Gregory be and he is hereby appointed as the representative of the City Council to the Niagara Develo!~ent. C~n- mAttee for the year 1~66; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously He. 1S - DO~NIE - 8WA~E - I~80LVED that Aldermen 0regory, MacBain, Mitchelson, an~ Bearas and His Worship Mayor KeiSh-n, along with the SEnior Officials of the City, be and they are hereby appointed to the Centennial C~nmittee of the City for' the year 1966; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimous.ly No. 14 - GI~GgRY - MacBAIN - ~E~0LV~D that Alderman F. ~artin is hereby appointed ~o the Centennial Train Cattree of the City Council for the year 1.~66;. and the Seal of the Corporation be. hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 15 - SCOTT - SWAYZ~ - RE~0LVED that Aldermen F. Mar~in and Rearss be appoi.nted as the representatives of the City Council to the Social Planning Council for the year 1966; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ,, Carried Unanimously No. 16 - O. MARTIN - SCOI~ - I~SOLVED that the Tenders of Damore Bros. Ltd. be accep- ted for' the construction of S~or2 Sewermains on Ferry Street, Victoria Avenue; an8 Hu~ins Street, at the prices tendered; and the Seal of the Corporation'be hereto affixed. Carried Un..tmonsly SE~ REport NO. 2 Meeting re: Beauttftcetton Committee MlSC'XX,XA'~O~ Aldersan Oregory advised that the meeting of the REautification Ccemitbee would be held on Janu.a. x7 20th at 7:30 p.a. in the Druanond Branch ,Library, Lund~!s Grea~er N~a~ara Christian Cce~itsent Service Aldersan Scott advised of the excellent Service, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, which had been held on S,mda~, January ~nd. It was ex~emd on the m~tion of Ald. ~tt and AId. barss that Council send a lat~er of ec~aendation to the Kiwanis ClUb and to Dr. Johnstone for their efforts, and on the successful program arranged. No. ~7 - A By-law to authorlxe the construction of certain works as ..... lapx~vessnts'to the sew~ Works. in the U~ban 2cryice Area ex~ensions and (Storm beenlain on Rl~m,r Rot~) ' Of th~ C.ity~ ~lrd badin2 - AId. F. Martin and AId. Mitehelson. CAxTied Unan4,uousll. e . No. 6990 - A By-law to l~rovlde for the sale of Lots 50 to 55 inclusive, Registered Plan 160, to E. S. Fox Limited. 01~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Mitchel- son be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and t~e By-law be given the first readi.n.g. Carried Unanimously. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Httchelson and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law given the second reading. Carried Unsn~nously. Third REading -Ald. Downle and Ald. Swayze. Carried Uxmnimously. No. 6991. - A Byrlaw to authorize the borrowing of $3,000,000.00- ORU. F,A.,,$D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Mitchel- son be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried ~.~lmously. e on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacEsin that Rule 36 (2) ~ of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law givens the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third REading - Aid. Swayze and Aid. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. 6992 - A By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 5335 (195~) of the City of Niagara Falls, as -mended. (DeletiOn of double duplex dwellings, boarding houses, roaming houses and apartments of not more than 18 dwelling units. ) ORIE~D on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of intruducimg the By-law and the By-law be. given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORIF~ED on the motion of Aid. Johns and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the. Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law given the second reading. Carrie.d Unanimously. Third REading - Aid. ~wayze and Aid. Mltchelson. Carried Unanimously. No. 699~ - A By-law to provide for appointments to certain Boards, C-~-tsstons and C~.mittees. OREet~D on the motion of Ald. BEarss and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. MacBeth be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law .be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. · ORI~A~j~ on the motion of Ald. MacBaln and Ald. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily sun~ended and the By-law given the second reading. Carried Un~.~mously. Thlx~ REading -Ald. D~wnle and Ald. ~earss. Carried Unanimously. Durlng consideration of the above By-law, it was indicated that Mr. V. ~errio would be sh~n as being re-appointed as the representative of His Worship Mayor Keighan on the Court of REvision, as approved by Council under C_~.~usication No. 1 - under SEction 2 of the By-law; and it .was noted that the Tourist Ccm. ittee of the Greater Niagara Chamber of C~=~_rce is now the Visitor & Convention Bureau, under Section 9 of the By-law. N.o. 699~ - A By-law to authorize the execution of a Grant of Easement. (Bydro-Elaetrie Power Ccem. of Ont. and easement for watermain,on Part of l~es 1Q, 11, 1~, F.C.Plan. ) ~ on the motion of Aid. 8~ayse and AId. F. Martin that Ald. O.Marttn be ~ranted the privilege of tntroduetn~ the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ~ on the action of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 Of the 8tandin~ Rules of Council be teaporax~Al~ suspended and the B~-law be 6ivan the second ma~in~. Carrie~ U~aniaousl~. Third REadin2 - Aid. F. Martim ind. AM. aitchelson. Carried Unanimously. No._h____________~ - A By-law to authorize the Corporation of the Municipality of the City of Niagara Falls to participate in the establishment and operation Of the Welland County-Cities Emergency Measures Organization. OI~F~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain that Ald. Gx~gory be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OFd~EI) on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law given the sec- ond reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously; No. 6~96 - A.By-law to authorlee the execution of a conveyance of lands. (Conveyance of lands to Mrs. Adoline Chevalier, Woodbine Street) ~ on the motion of Aid. Gregoly and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacRein that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Rearss. Carried. Unanimously. During consideration of the above By-law it was indicated that the phrase "Section 53 of" in the second paragraph would be deleted. It was also lndicate~ that a check would be made with Mrs. Chevalier's Solicitor to dotemAne the correct form of name to be used in the By-law. No. 6~T - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($390,873.52) ~ on the motion of Aid. Swayse and Ald. Bearss that Ald. Mitchelson he granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. Ce, I~RED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-laW be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Resdi-5 - Aid. Oregory and Aid. F. Maxtin. Carried Unanimously. At this point in the aeett-~, His Worship Bayor R. F. Keighan presented a ccza- prehensive repoxt dealing mainly with objectives .for 1966. It was then ordered on the motic~ of Aid. Do~nie and Ald. MacBain that the Comprehensive Report of His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan be received and filed and he be highly o~ended for the excellence of the Report. His Worship Mayor Keighan indicated that the surestions in the Report, as to possible seering of all Beards, C:--;tssions, etc. would be presented to Council in the near future in the form of ~ec~endations. - ' . ATI~WANCl OF MR. vaO · Els Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan walccmed Mr. John Yeo to the Council Meeting, c~nd~.~ on his interest in public affairs, and extending the congretulationo and best wishes of-Cramoil on his recent election as President of the Greater Niagara Chadbet of Cosacres for the year 19~..Mr. Yeo .expressed the hope 'that the same degree of eo-opekl~ion as in past years, would continue in 1966. - ,.; . . . Council adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Johns. READ ANDADOI'I~D, January lOth, 1966. Mayor C0MdI','A'==' OF 'A'AS WHOLE Council Chamber, January 3rd, 1966. Council assembled in C,v~..~ttee of the Whole following the regular Council Meeting held on January 3rd, 1966. All Members of Council were present. Alderm. n Mitchelson. ~resided, as, Chairmayo ...................................... Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was ordered on the motion of Mayor Keighan, seconded by Alderm~n Bearss that the Committee of the Whole arise and raport to Council in respect to Repoxtl2, Personnel Committee. BEAD ANDAD~MD, January 1Oth, 1966. ' ring Clerk COUNCIL M~ING Council Chamber, January 3rd, 1966- Following the Committee of the Whole Meeting on January 3rd, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided.. ..................... The following action ~as taken: Report No. 12 - Personnel & Negotiations C~ittee - Reckascending that Mr. A. L. Jobey be appointed to the position of Personnel Officer for the City for a proba- tionary period of one year, at a salary of $8,500-00 per annum, on condition that he obtain a driver' s licerice and purchase an automobile within a reasonable time as outlined in his letter dated l]ece~er 16th, 1~65; and subject to the applicant trans- ferring approximately 70 days of sick leave credits from his present employer to the City of Niagara Falls. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. Mecl~ain, seconded by Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. This motion w~s carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary, and all other members voting in layout. The Council meeting adjourned on the motion of Ald. Sw~yze and Ald. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOFI~D, January tOth, 1966. ·// SECOND M~srING Council Chamber, January lOth, 1~66. ' Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 1Oth, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keig~mn presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bearss, seconded by Ald. F. Mar~in that the minutes of the pre- vious meetings of Council held on December 28th, 1965 and JanUary 3rd, 1966 be adolfoed ~s printed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Co~m. 742 (1965) - City of Port Arthur - Resolution advocating the review of the Community Conires Act and the Winter Works Incentive Progr~-~e. Report 13 - Recreation & Protection C~mwittee - Reck"mending that the Resolution be endorsed with the clarification pointed out t~hat the Provincial Legislature would not be 'able to review the Winter Works Incentive Progr~-n,e since it is under the control of the Federal Government. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Rep6rt be recei,ed and adopted, as amended, and c.-.~;;unication filed. Ccmm. 801 (1965) - City of Windsor - Resolution advocating the use of reflective license plates. Repor~ 14 - Recreation '& Protection C~mtttee - Recommending that the Resolution be endorsed. 'ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Sw~yze that the l~.po.rt be received and adopted, and communication filed.- C~m=. 3 - African Student Scholarship Trust - Requesting consideration to allocation of funds to assist in bringing an African student to Brock University. Report 15 - Finance C_~.mittee - Rec~"m,e,/,nding that no action be taken on this request at the present time. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Down~e that the Report be received and adol~ed, and cc~munication filed. Ccmm. 11 - Mrs. Giampolo - Requesting extension of time re: property at 401 Huron Street required for downtown t~rking area. 0~mm· 817 (1965) - Mrs. Minnis- Requesting extension of time re: property at 635 Huron Street required for downtown l~rking area. Report 16 - Recreation & Protection C~u~lttee - Recmending that the Solicitor prepare an Agreement of Extension on the closing of the acquisition on the two prop- er~ies, until March 15, 1966, and that the Engineering Dept. be authorized to call tenders for the demolition for the buildings on all properties required for the two Huron Street Narking lots. ~ on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the .Report be receive. d and adopted, and ccamunications filed. Report 6 - Public Works Coscities - Proposed one-wa~ traffic on Stanley and Buchanan Avenues. O~I~RBD on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. F. Martin that the Repo. rt be ~abled for an additional week. CC~fl~NICATIONS No. 14 - Chamber of Ccenerce - Survey to remove debris at the base of the American Falls in the Niagara River. ORII~BD on the motion of Ald. Dewhie, seconded by Ald. Swayze ~hat the communication be received and tabled until such time as Alder- man Johns attends the public' heariu~ on January 18th on behalf of the City, and prosongs a report on the meetin~ to Council. 1~o. 15 - Evening Review - Participation of City in special Progress Edition of Newspaper to be published on February 28th. Olt~I~D on the motion of Ald. Mitch- elaon and Ald. Ore6ory that *the ccamunication be received and referred to the Finance Cmmittee for report. C0U~CIL MEETING Council Chamber, January 3rd, 1966. Following the C~mmittee of the Whole Meeting on January 3rd, 1966, Council m-convened in open session. All Members were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. The following action was taken: Report No. 12 - Personnel & Negotiations Cc~mittee - Recc~mending that Mr. A. L. Jobey be appointed to the position of Personnel Officer for the City for a proba- tio,-ry period of one year, at a salary of $8,500.00' Iar annum, on condition that he obtain a driver's licence and purchase an automobile within a reasonable time as outlined in his lettez dated December 16th, 1965; and subject to the applicant trans- ferring approximately 70 days of sick leave credits frum his present employer to the City of Niagara Falls. OREFaED on the motion of Ald. MecBain, seconded by Ald. Scott that the Repor~ be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary, and all other m~embers voting in fayour. The Council meeting adjourned on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mltchelson. READ AND AD~A'A~D, January 10th, 1966. SECOND M~urA'ING Council Chamber, January lOth, 1966. 'Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 10th, 1966,'for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan plusideal. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bearss, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that the minutes of the pre- vious meetings of Council held on December 28th, 1965 and Jantlaly 3rd, 1966 be adopted aS printed. t~TFINI~D BUSINESS C~mm. 742 (1965) - City of Por~ Arthur - Resolution advocating the review of the C--m.,mity Centres Act and the Winter Works ~ncentive Progr-.~e. Report 13 - Recreation & Protection C.-.=~ittee - Recommending that the Resolution be endorsed with the clarification pointed out ~Shat the Provincial Iagislature ' would not be 'able to review the Winter Works Incentive Programroe since it is under the control of the Federal ~overnment. O~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the RepSrt be recei*ed and adopted, as amended, and c~munication filed. C~.m. 801 (1965) - City of Windsor - Resolution advocating the use of reflective license plates. Report 14 - Recreation '& Protection C~,.mittee - Reck.mending that the Resolution be endorsed. OR~onthemotion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the l~..po.rt be received and adopted, and c~unication filed.- C~=", 3 - African Student 8cholership Trust - Requesting consideration to allocation of fttnds to assist in bringinganAfrican student to Brock University. Report 15 - Finance C.-,~.atttee - Pac.-~.r=nding that no action be taken on this request at the present ORIF~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitcbelson and~Ald. Downie that the Report be received and adopted, and c~m"unication filed. C~mm· 11 - Mrs. Giampolo - Requesting extension of time re: property at 401 Huron Street required for downtown parking area. C~mm· 817 (1965) - Mrs. Minnis - Requesting extension of time re: property at Huron Street required for downtown pa_rking area. Report 16 - Recreation & Protection Cc~mittee - Rec.---,ending that the Solicitor prepare an Agreement of Extension on the closing of the acquisition on the two prop- erties,' until March 15, 1966, and that the Engineering Dept. he authorized to call tenders for the ~molition for the buildings on all properties required for the two Huron Street ~erking lots. OR]B~D on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Aid. Swayze that the Paport be re.ceive. d and adopted, and cn.~unications filed. RepOrt 6 - Public Works C~lttee - Proposed one-way traffic on Stanley and Buchanan Avenues. 0RI=I~ED on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. F. Martin that the RePgrt be ~abled for an additional week. CO~{UNICATIONS No. 1~ - C~-mber of Ccamerce - Survey to remove debris at the base of the American Fells in the ]~iagara River. OPaBl~) on the motion of Ald. D0wnie, seconded by Aid. Bwayze ~ha~ the c~municati0n be received and tabled until such time as Alder- man ~_-s attends the public' heartn~ on January 18th on behalf of the City, and presents a report 'on the meetin~ to Council. No. 1~ - Evening Review - Participation of City in special Progress Edition of Newspaper to he published on February ~Sth. 01t~81~D on the motion of Aid. Mitch- elson and Aid. Gregory that 'the c~anieation be received and referred to the Finan.~e Ccsaittee for report. No. 16 - Niagara District Council, Bey Scouts - Requesting permission to conduct Apple Day on ~ay 13th and ~ay l~th. 01~ on the motion of Ald. ~ayze and Ald. F. ~artin that the communication be received and filed and request granted. No. 17 - Na I~ague, Ro l, Cdn. ~ea Cadets - Requesting permission to conduct Tag and Ald. Scott that the ce-.~unication he received and filed and reqUest granted. No. 18 - Niagara Falls Girls Work ~oard'- Requesting permission to hold Tag l~ys on April ~9th (evening) and all day, April' BOth. ORI~ on the motion of Aid. Rearss and Aid. Scott that the cc~mueication he received and request gr~nted. . No. 19 - Kinetic Club - Requesting permission to hold Tag l~s on April 15th (even- ing) and all day, April 16th. OI~DE~ED on the motion of Ald. Rearss end Aid. F. ~u~cin that the c~"'"unication be received and request g~-~mted. No. 20 - C-nR~lan ~edic-Alert Foundation - Requesting suppcr~ of Council for 1966 Grant. ORI~ on the motion of AId. ~ttchelson and Ald. F. ~artin that the request be received and re£erred to the 1966 Budget C~.~.ittee for consideration. No. 21 - Assco. of O~tario ~ayors & Reeves - Advising of Brief presented by Assco. to ~r~m~ ~lnister and Cabinet re: Amendment to Child Welfare Act; and ~embership for 1966; and A~nuel Conference to be held in ~arnia, June 26th to ~gth. OI~ED on the motion of AId. ~itchelson and Aid. S~ayze that the c~mmunication be received and the matter of membership in the Association and other Association memberships be referred to the Finance C~-~tttee for consideration and rec~ndation. No. ~ - Chtsrio Traffic Conference - 1966 Membership. OI~I~ED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. F. ~hrtin that the cc~munication he received and matter of Membership be referred to the Finance Ccemittee for consideration. No. 2B - ~usic Theatre 8ociety - Requestin~ permission to erect b~nner at Victoria Avenue and E~rth Place, frc~ Jan. 19th to Feb. 19th in respect to ~usical ORE2I~ on the motion of Aid. Johns and Ald. F. ~a~tin that the c~-~unication be re- ceived and filed and request granted. No. 2~ - J. J- B~d~Nski - Ccm~aents re: Ambulance ~ervice. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. S~ayze that the c,~.~-~nication be received and filed, and the City ~ana~er be raquested to prepare a Repel~c outlining a resume of rite thinking Of the Special Csittee who looked into this ~natter in No. 2~ - Department of Transpor~ - Advising that Eepax~ment ~ill conply with Council' s motion of intent for consultation between l~lcipelities and Department, prior to Heliport Licenee applications bein~ Sranted. Ol~ on the motion of Aid. F. ~ax~cin and Aid. FacBain that the cc~aunication be received and flled~and a copy of same be sent to the p]~nntn~ ~1~ for their information. No. 26 - Wtlllan S. Orr - ~xpress!,~ 'appreciation fo~ appointment to Nla~ara Falls .& Suburhn Area Planning Beard. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and AId. ~ayze that the c~nication be received and filed. leo. ~y - Ccenittee of AdjuStment - Notice Of Bearin~ re: Application of J. CaSk. No. 28 - Csittee of Adeust~ent Notice of Hearin~ re: Application of 8t. Ar h 1 - can~ Michael Serbian Orthodox Church. ~ un the motion of Aid. ~w~ze an{ Aid. Scott that the ccesmmications be received and filed. No. ~ - BoYs~ Club of Greater Niagara - Invitation to attend annual Meeting to be held ca ~anuary l~th. O~ on the ~otica of AId. ~c~ ~4 ~. F. ~in that the c~t~tl~ ~ mcei~ ~4 ftle~ ~d the ~c~a~ ~ ~he CI~ ~ t~o~ of those ~o ~11 be attendS. Xf). ~0 - De~nto~n Bueiness~en'l Assco. -.Fa:pression of app~Qia~lon for p~ f~e ~r~ t~ d~ ~s~s ~. O~ ~ the aotl~ of ~d. F. ~ ~d Ald. 2~ that the cs~l~ti~ ~ ~i~d ud filed. No. ~1 - Rest~e ~o~ 2~1 - ~o~ of I~ ~ City ~ 1~ Yearb~k. ~- ~ ~ t~ ~i~ ~ AId. Om2o~ ~ A~. ~in t~ C~ail 2era to the ~li~ establis~ in 1~ ~ ~s~ct to a~i~nts in the 2~1 Yea~ b~s~ and the~- fern, ~-~ ~ at the ~ of $~0.~ ~ ~aMd ~ the Wes~ ~J '~d tha~ ~E~O~T8 No. 17 - Finance C~vnittee - Recommending approval of accounts for period ending January lOth, 1966. ORI~D on the motion of Aid. ltitchelson and Ald. F. Nattin that the Report be received and adopted. No. 18 - Finauce Ccennittee - Recommending that Lot 29 in the Industrial Subdivision beeold to Dominion Construction Ccmpany Limited at a price of $1,865.00 provid- ing the purchaser agrees to the usual covenants applicable to the Industrial Sub- division being contained in the Reed. 0RI~I~D on the motion of Ald. ~Litchelson and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. No. 19 - Recreation &Protection C_--m~ittee - Recommending that the Engineering Department be authorized to purchase the required B60 rose bushes at an estimated Cost of $2.05 each in respect to Centennial Square and Parks Dept. requirements of .Centennial Rose~,. Ol~.On the motion of A].d~ F..~r~n.and Ald~G~egOrY.th~ ... the Repor~ be received and adopted, as amended, to provide for B60 rose bushes. No. 20 - Public Works Cc~mittee - Meeting on Water Pollution Research, and reccm- men~n~ that Chief Operator of Pollution Plant be authorized to attend at Univer- ' sity of Waterloo in Waterloo on January 27th, 1966. 0RIF~j) on the motion of-. Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and adopted. No. ~1 - Public Works Ccemittee ~ Raceamending that Design Engineer be authorized to attend O.G.R[A. ~anagement S-m~ar from ~arch ~4th to April ~nd, Hu~tsville. ORE~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Repor~ be received and adopted. No. 2~ - C~lttee of Adjustment - Final Decisions re: Camlllo, Klein and Bark- will Applications. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and filed. No. 23 - Acting City Clerk - Rec~xm~ending granting of 1966 Municipal Licences. ~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacBain that the Report be received, adopted, and Licences granted, with the exception of the Fnotographer's License to Christian Sorensen, 5~ Dorchester Road N., and this application be referred to the Finance Cemmittee for consideration. RESOLOTIOE8 No. 17 - [~ITCHELSON - SWAYZE - FaSOLVED that a message of condolence ~ fo~ed tO the f~i~ of t~ hie ~s W. B~nt, a four Ree~, ~puty-~e~ and Co~cillor of the T~ship of ~a~o~, and hi~ ~s~cted msi~nt of the Csmity; ~d the ~al of-the Co~omtion be he~to affixed. " Ca~ied ~n~ous~' No. 18 - F. ~ - ~ - ~0~ t~t a ~ssage of condolen~ ~ fo~d to the f.m~ of the hie ~s. ~r~m~ ~ CBffo~, m~her of Ray. ~thew J. Cliffo~; and the ~al of the Co~mtion be he~to affl~d. Carried Unanimousl~ ............................... ....................................... Attendance at installetian of Officers, Canadian Corps It ~s indicated that Alderman Gregory would represent His Worship Mayor Keighan at ~he Installatio~ of Officers of the Canadian Corps to be held on J~nu~x7 l~th, 19~6. BY-LAW NO. ~ - A By-law to provide monies for ~eneral purposes OR~81~D o~ the motion of Ald. G. Mar~n and Ald. Ore~ox7 that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of ~ntrc4uein~ the By-law and the l~=law be given the fir$~ x~a4in~. CaxT~ed ~nantmousl~. 0RDEBED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Aldo Downie that Rule S6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried UnanimouslY. ~hird Reading - Aid. 6regorY and Ald. F. Martin. Carried UnanimouslY. Council adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion Of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Scott. ~FAD AND ADOI'£~D, January 17th, 1966. C~alTEE 0F THE WHOxx Council Chamber, ~anuary 10~h, 1966. Council assembled in C_--=nittee of the Whole following the regular Council Meeting held on January 10th, 1966. All Members of Council were present. Alderman F. Martin presided as Chairman. Follewing consideration of the items presented to them, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacBain that the Committee of the Whole arise and repox~ to Cramoil in respect to Report 28 and Report ~9. ~ AND ADOPIll), January 17th, 1966. ' C(N~NCIL M~Ei'ING Council Chamber, January lOth, 1966. Following the Committee of the Whole Meeting on January 1Oth, 1966, Council m-convened in open session. All Members were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. following action- was taken: Report 28 - Planning Director -. Advising of motion passed by the Planning Board rec~mm~nding that Acres Research & Planning Limited be appointed as Urban Renewal Consultants, subject to the concurrence of the other two levels of Government. ORIBI~D on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report and recun- menclarion be received and adopted, Carried Unanimously. Repoxt 29 - City Treasurer - Report on changes in Discounts allowed and Penalties charged on current taxes. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. MacBain that the Repor~ be received and adopted, and a By-law be prspars~ on' the basis of the repol~. The Council meeting adjourned on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Aid. Swayze. AND ADOPTED, January 17th, 1966. Council Chamber, January 1?th, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m'. on Mond~y~ January 17th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor R. F- ~eighan presided- It w~s ordered on the motion of Aid. GregorY, seconded by AId- Swayzes that the minutes of the meeting Of Coun- cil held on January 10~hs 1~o~ he adopted as printed- L~FiN~8]~D C_~.,~ S62 (1965) planning Board - Amendment Appliontion' A-120, Gelsumini and Massotti. Repor~ 97 (1965) Froparty Committee - Reccemend!ng no action be taken previous to the ccerpletion of the l~mctional Study. Report S0 - Proper~y Ccafiittee - Reccamending that Application A-120 be rec-o-',~uded for approval subject to the applicant entering into an adequate site plan agreement ,contain- ing S provisions outlined in the Report, and that a recclmnen~ation from the Public Works Cceuittee reg~rd-!~ the extension of a watermain frc~ Stanley Avenun to l~ond Road he adopted. ORI~D on the motion of Aid. 'Sc~t and AId. Swayze that the Report of the Propexty Cc~- mittee (No. S0) be received and adoI~ed, and caumunication and repor~ ,filed. Coon. 816 (1965) - City of Windsor - Resolution advocating the amendment of the present ceiling for promotional expenses imposed by Section 411, subsection ~ of The Municipal Act · Repo~ 31 ,- Finance .Ccamittee ,- l~ec_~-~-uding no. ~ction .~a ,~ake~ .Qn !~rol~s~ ,x~s.o.~Rt, ion proposin~ an amendment to The Municipal Act. ~ on the motion of Aid. Mitchelsan and AId. Macl~in that the Report be received and adopted, and ccaaunication filed. Ccam. 15 - Niagara F~lls Evening Review - par~icipation by the City in Special Progress Edition, Feb. ~ath. Repor~ S2 - Finance Ccsaitte~e_ - Recoaae~&!n~ that the City subscribe to a hal~ pa~e advertisement. C~ o~ the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ai~. F. Martin that the Report of the Fi- nance Ccemittee be received and adopted, and c~onicatio~ filed· Goes. ~1 - Association of Ontario Nayors & Reeves - 1~ Meahership. C~--.. 22 - The Ontario Traffic Cceference - 1966 Membership. Report SS - Finance Ccamittee - Reccamendin~ that Membership be rsnewegt in both Or~an- ixati~s for the year O~ an the motion of Ald. Mitcheleon and Aid. Scott that the F~por~ be received and adopted, and c~unications filed. Report 6 - ~Public Works Ccas~tee - Proposed cae-way traffic on Stanley and Buchanan Avenues. Report ~4 - Retreatice & Pro~ectiou Ccaaittee - 0he-way system for Stanley and Buchanan Avenues, and reccmRondin2 that this matter be tabled until such tilts as the Recreation & protection C--mitts. brings in a report. ~ on the -otio~ of AId. F. Martin and AId. Gregory that the Report be received an~ adol~ted~ and mattaT be table~ fo: relYoFt from Recreation & Prot~c~ic~ Ccamittee. C~CATI~8 Io. ~2 - Ontario aousin2 Corporation -Rew. Release on Tenders received for ~ario Housing px~l. Ox~ox~ on the ao~iun of AId. Gm2ory and AId. 2wa~e that the cem- muAiontion be received and filed. b. 33 ' It~lPra Pal~ l'x~fessloual Fire Fi2htere# Local ~8 - lxpresstn~ al~reelatiun for Christmas 8upr ant ~. ~ m ~.~i~ ~ gd. ~ie a~ A~. F.~ that th. aamuuica~lun be received a~,,~ f41.~.,, , ,x . No. S4 - Steering C_~'mtttee, Social p]snning Council - Requesting permission for representatives to appear before Council on January ~4th. ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Rearss that the communication be received and request granted to meet with Council on January ~dth. In answer to a question of Ald. Gregory, Aid. Bearss advised that the Social Planning Council would have a broader scope than the United Appeal Agency, and also, that there would be a su~zission asking for consideration, of funds from Council. No. S5 - Greater Niagara Transit C_~meission ' Requesting permission to appear before Council at the meeting of FebruarY 14th for presentation of Report cover- ing 19~5 operations. Ol~r~ on the motiou of Ald. F. Martin, seconded by Ald. S~ayze that the c~mm, mication be received and request granted to the Transit C~n- mission to meet on Feb. 14th. ~EPORTS No. S5 - Trench Inspector - Annual Report re: Trench Excavators Protection Act. OR~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. Scottythat ~he Report_be received and filed. No. S6 - Finance C~amtttee - Reccamending .approval of accounts for period ending January l?th, 1~66. 01~ on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Aid. MacBain that the Report be received and adol~ced. 1~o. 3Y - Acting City Clerk - Reecanending granting of Municipal Licenoes. 01~ on the motion of AId. F. Mar~in and Aid. Swayze that the Report be received~ adopted, and licenpes granted. No. S8 - F~nce. ~fi~eittee - Offer of Dce~inion Construction .Co. re: _ Lot ~7, Plan 160. No. S9 - Finance Ccenittee - Offer of Bolus-Revelas-Bolue re: Lo~ ~8, Plan 160. O1~ on the motion of Ald. Doehie and Ald. Gregory that the Reports be referred to Cc.mittee of the Whole for consideration. This motion was carried with Ald.' Mitchelson and Aid. F. Martin voting contrary. (Note: Previous motions in respect to both ~eports had been made to adopt the l~eports, but the motion to table the Reports for C~'enittee of the Whole took precedence.).. Annual Meeting with Council and Library Board It was 'indicated that the Annual Meeting of Councll a~d the' L~brarY Board would be held on Thursday, February 10~h Fiood~n~ of ice Rinks in City Furks, Alderman Gregox~ refexTed to the natural ice rinks in City Parks, which apparentl~ were not in oporatin~ eonditdon. 'Alderman F..Martin, Chairman of the Recreation & Protection Cc~mittee indicated that a repox~c on this matter would be received from the Jr. ~n~ineer ~or consideration of the Committee# after ~hich the matter would be reported on to. Council. -. No. ~ - A By?law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2~S0, 19~0, of the ~ormer Township of 8~amford, now in the ~ity of Niagara Pulls, as amended. (Proposed Fire Hall - ldorrison ~x~t) ' 2ranted the privilege of intrnduoin~ ~he ~-~w ~d the ~-~w. ~ ~i~n ~e f~rs~ ma~. ~ m t~ ~i~ of A~ 2~ ~d ~d. ~ie that a~ S6 (2) or t~ ~a~ ~es ~ C~uil ~ ~~ .~n~d and the. ~-~w ~ ~i~ the ~c~d med4~, During cc~sideration of the above By-law~ Alderman johns reviewed his stand on this matter that he was not in fayour of the site on Morrison' Street for the location of a fire hall. Ald. Johns was also of the opinion that'-the Glenview Area would not be provided with good protection, that it would take much longer than 59 secons to trav- el free the proposed fire hall to the City Hall, and that the fire ~rucks would have to use Morrison Street as a central access· Following Aid. Johns' statement, His Worship Mayor Keighan reviewed the preparatorY work involved in arriving at a loca- t ion for a central fire hall to replace the Fire Hall on Queen Street, which property was needed in the near future for the Civic Centre project- It was indicated that the proposed locatio~ was satisfa~toi"Y to the Fire Marshal' s Office' and would not result in an increase in insurance rates to the proparty owners in the area. The matter was also discussed with the Officials of St. Andrews presbyterian Church, and Officials of the Separate School, who had indicated they were not opposed to the proposed loca- tion of the Fire Hall in this vicinity. Alderman F. Mar~in also indicated that the ; traffic signal lights would be controlled along the roubes the fire trucks would t-~-- .- ~ = A By-law to amend By-law Number 51~9, re~rding tourist establiskunents. (0.S. Scott Motel application, Ferry Street) 0it~ on the motion of Ald. F. Maxtin and Ald. 8wa3Pze that Ald. Mttchelsc~ be ~ranted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried, with Aid. Scott abstaining from voting. ~ on the motion of Ald. Mitcbelson and Aid. 8wa~ze that Rule36 the Standing Ru/es of Council be temporarily suspended' and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried, with Ald. Scott abstaining from voting. Third Reading - AId.' F. Mar~in and Aid. 8wayze. Carried, with Ald. Scott abstaining from voting. ~o. 7001. - A By-law to establish certain lands as Weaver Park. Oprl~ on the motion of Ai~I. 8wayze and Ald. Scott that Aid. F. Martin be granted the privilege of intrdductng the By-law and the l~-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously.' OREaI~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. l~.arss that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporaril~ suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. GregorY an~ Aid. Bearss. Carried Unanimously. No. ~002 - A By-law to authorir~ the execution of a EElease dated January lBth, 1966 between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Palls and A~ Franklin Limited. ~' * OafBRED ~ the mottom of Aid. GregorY and Aid. F. Martin that AId. Scott be granted the privilege of idtroductng the By-I~w and the By-law be gtve~ the ftrs~ read4ng, Carried, with Aid. MacBain abstaining from vobiug. CaE on the motion of Aid. Scott an4 Aid. Downis that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the By-law be 'given the seenrod reading. Carried, with Aid. MasSdin abstainln~ from voting. _~hird IResdin6 - Aid. Downie and Ald. 'F. Martin. Carried# with Ald, Ma~Batn abstain- ing frem voting. Dur~ consideration of the above By-law, the Cit~ Manager, Mr. A. C. Ht~s explained that.it had'been necessary fOr A. Fr~tn Ltd. to enter into a site plan a~reesent regerdin~ the construction of the apartsent bull~ing m the west side of Drusaond Road north of Dunn 8~x~et. The prinsipels had now re~ueste&-that they be raleased fred the Site Plan A~nt sinse all comdition. ha~ been eompl/ed with, and a latter confira- ln2 this fac~ had been prepaloft by the Building lnsl~or~ intti~tia~ that it wouM be in order to 'azan~ a Baldass to the principals. · No. 7003 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($PSB,312-~2) O~ra~RED on the motion of Aid. GregorY and Aid. Scott that Aid. Mitchel- son be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reas~ng. Carried Unanimously. ORDFaED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. F. Mortin that Rule 36 '(2) of the Standing' Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third REading -Ald. Downie and Ald. MacBain. Carried Unanimously. Council adaourned to C_n.wittee of the Whole On the motion of Ald. ~Lttchelson and Aid.' Scott. i~EAD AND ADOrl.~a), January 24th, 1966. Mayor C(14HITI~ OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, january 17th, 1966. Council assembled in C~-,.-ittee of the Whole following the regular Council Meeting held on January 1yth, 1966. All Members of Council were present. Alderman A. A.' MacBain presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was ordered on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Aid. johns that the Cmlttee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to REports 38 and 39, Finance Ccemittee. ~Fd~DARDADO~, January 24th, 1966. Mayor COUNCIL Council Chamber, January 17th, 1966· Following the Committee of the Whole Meeting on January 17th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. The following action was taken: lieport B8 - Finance Cammittee - Offer of Dominion Construction Company to purchase Lot ~7 in Industrial Subdivision. O~_I~ED on the motion Of Ald. Gregory and Ald.. F- Martin that the Rapor~ be received and tabled. Eeport S9 - Finance Committee - Offer of Bolus-Revelus-Bolus to purchase Lot ~8 in Industrial Subdivision. ~ on the motion of AId. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that the Report he received and tabled. The bou~cil ~A~ting adJ0~rnea' ~n' ~he' ma~ ion of' Ald. ~'.' ~artkn au~ il~[.' k~i~che~'s~n'."' BEAD AND ADOt'E~D, January 24th, 1966. FOURIHMEETING REGULAR MEETING Council Chamber, January 24th, 1966. l~Arsuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:SO p.m. on Monday, January 24th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Councilwere present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory, seconded by Ald. Swayze, that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on January 17th, 1966 be adopted as printed. DEPOTATION Cn.... 34 - Steering C~ittee for proposed Social Planning Council of Greater Niagara. Representatives of the Steering C~mmtttee were present at the Council Meeting, and were introduced by their spokesman, Magistrate J. L. Roberts. The represent~tiyes included Mrs. A. F. Sheppard, Mrs. J. W. Wagner, W. J. Merlin, Mrs. R. Oakes, R. Flagg, Father L. Rooney, Brigadier A. J. Bruce, F. A. Branscabs, N. Cheevers. It ' was explained that copies of the Constitution and By-laws for a Greater Niagara. Social Planning Council were sent to Members of City Council the previous week, for their perusal. Magistrate Roberts outlined the aims and objectives of the Planning Council in the fields of health, welfare, and recreation, including the practical applications that could be performed within the Co-~unity. It was indicated that the estimated Budget for one=half of 1966 would amount to $7,1~88.00, and that copies of the budget data would he supplied to members of Council. In answer to a question of Alderman :.' Gregory, Magistrate Roberrs explained that the Planning Councilfelt it would be wise to set a budget for at leas~ the first year of operation, from a grant from the City Council, but they did not know at this time whether the Planning Council would even- tually become a part of the United Appeal Organization. It was emphasized that the Planning Council would not be engaged in fund raising, but rather, would assist fund raising and fund allocating groups. Several questions in respect to the"proposed Constitution of the Planning Councilwere presented by Ald. Mitchelson, 'concerning: Article B, page 5, Article 2, part c, page 6; page 12 - Sections. Magistrate Roberts indicated that the queries would be taken under advisement. He also stated that the Planning Council would be composed of persons who have very little to do with any ' other agencies, in order to make it as objective a group as possible. At the conclus- ion of the discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by ~ld. Do~nie that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls endorses the action of the Steering Ccmnittee for proposed Social Planning Council of Greater Niagara; that we feel that the establishment of a Social Planning Council is overdue; that we accept the establishment in principle, and that the request for funds from Council be con- sidered by the Budget and Finance C~mi~tee~ in the preparation of the 1966 Budget. This motion was carried unanincasly. Ccmm. 519 (196~) - Board of Transport C~mwissioners - Application of the City for apprcvel of By-law to prohibit bloving of whistles on railways in the City. Report 687 (1964) - City Solicitor - Action on Application, RepOrt iOS~ (196~) - ~J~ring Supt. - Meeting with Board and Railway representatives. Ca. B6 (1966) - Board of Transport Ccmnissioners - Conditions of Board for approval '0f application in respect to certain l~ailwey Crossings. OSI~I~D on the motion of Aid. MacBain and Ald. 5w~yze that communication B6 of the Board o~ Transport C~.issioners be received and tabled for one ~eek for report and rec~ndations of the Engineering Depaxtment. hd~er Road. ' Repor~ ~2 - Proper~y Caemittee - Recommending ~hat owner be requested to detyolish building in accordance with By-law 6440. ORIII~D on the motio~ of AId. Scott Report be received and and Aid. SWse that the Sm Resolu on Report 6 ~ublic Works C~ittee - l~roPosed one-waY traffic on Stanley & Buchanan Ave nue s. Report 34 - Recreation & protection C~ittee - proposed one-waY system. Report 43 - ~'&~ea~i'o~ & 'protegtYO~'Cc~tte'~ - Recommending that necessarY by-laws be prepared to pr"~de f~ne-waY ~affic~outE on Stanley Avenue from Ferry Street to Murray Street, and one-~Y traffic north on Buchanan Ave. from Hurray St. to Ferry Street; and that a By-law be prepared eliminating parking on Stanley Avenue from the Q. E. Way to Murray Street, hffd on Buchanan Ave. from Hurray Street to FerrY Street, from June 15th to Sept. 15th inclusive each year, the by-law will not bec~ne effec- tive until the one-way system is instithted. Considerable discussion took place in respect to this proposal, during which time Ald. Gregory, who indicated he ~n~s voting against the recc~nendations, su~x~itted his reasons for doing so, which included the effect the proposal wo~ld have on property values in the area, the question of signing on the Queen Elizabeth Way, and the timing of the project- Alderman Do~nie who also indicated he vas not in fayour of the proposal, expressed his opinions. Ald. G. Hurtin ' Chairman of the Yublic Works Ccemittee, and Ald. F. Hartin, Chairman of the Recx~eation & protection Ccemittee presented explanations to the questions raised by the Aldermen. Mr. J. K. Edmonds, Design Engineer, then outlined the proposed system on a plan of the area,' for the clarification of the ~emhers of Council. It was ordered oh the motio~ of Ald. F- Hartin and Ald. Rearss that Report 6 Of the l~ublic Works Committee and Re- port 43 of the Recreation & Protection C-rm~tttee be received and adopted, and Report 34 of the Recreation & protection Ccmmittee filed. This motic~ ~as carried with Ald. Oregory and Ald. Dovnie voting contrary and all others in fayour. Report 44 -Flnance C-r~ttee - Recc~enending that all requests for membership fenovals directed to the aunicipality, be referred to the City Hanager and that periodically he submit his recommendations to CounciI. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Httchelson and Aid. HacRein that the Report be received and adopted. C0~edt~ICATIONS No. 37 - Niag~re Falls Hydro Commission - Increase in remuneration of C~issicriers and Chair[nan. ORu~m~D on the motion of Ald. Ha Ba'ln and Aid. Scott that the c~ni- cation be received and referred to the Finance 6_r.~n~ttee for report. No. 38 - Donald N. Cha!mna~ - Application for anendme~t to By-law 5149 for re-zoning of Lots 41 and 42, Plan 14 to Tourist Ccemercial, being the southwest coroer of FerrY Street and Stanley Avenue. Olt~ on the motion of Ald. 6. ~artin and Ald. ~wayze that the communication be 'received and referred to the Froperry Committee for report. No. 39 - Niagara Regional Develolmnent Association - ~e_m~ership in 1966. ~ onitlrhe~, motion of AId. altchelson, seconded by Aid. F. Hartin that the communication be rece and referred to the City HanaOer for report on the basis of the policy adopted at this :,,ring. .' No. ~O -Dept. of bicil~al Affairs - Advice by City of appointment of Acres Research and P/anninS Ltd. to pursue matter of prel~ring an Urban Renewal Schen~. Ol~l~nusD on the motion of Aid. G. Hartin and Aid. Scott that the cc~munication be received and re- ferred to the Ur~n Renewal Committee vhen it is fo~med; and that a* col~r be foz1~arded No. 41 - City of London - Resolutic~ proposing increase of grsxts for institutions seive and re,.__d to thefor report to c.tein t,ils of t.e odation for bed care patients in this area, ' ' ' . . !lo. b,~ , 0nt.S~hool Trustees~ & Ratepa~ers Assoc. - Membership for 19[~6, and Conven- th, policy ,dopt, d at thi, =.ring. . ' '. ' !lo, 1~3 - Csittee of Ad&ustaent - Notice of 'PUblic Heartq = Illiott application. · IIo. kil , Ccslittee of Adjustsent - Nottt~ of Public Rea~ing - Cerensia applieattano ' OBIIEgD on the motion of Aid. 2v~yse and AId. Scott 'that the ccsmunicati~s he received' No. 45 - Public Works Cr'"mtttee - Recommending that additional information be ob- tained before recommendation is made in respect to Tenders received for the demol- ition of 70 Dn'n~nond ROad. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Hartin and Ald. Rearss that the Report be received and adopted. No. 46 - City Manager - Roe;.,--ending two members of Fire Dept. be permitted to attend Ontario Pulp & P~parmahers Safety Association Conference, April 25th and 26th, and be allowed to use one of panel trucks. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Hartin that the Report be received and adopted and that a check be made with the Insurance Company re: the use of the truck and equipment. No. 47 - City Hanager - Rec./~mevadng that ~ir. Young be granted permission to attend the Annual Meeting of the Cr'm"unity Welfare Council of Brantford and Brant County on February 1st. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Rearss and Ald. Gregory that the Re- port be received and adopted. No. ~8 - City Manager - Reco~nending that Safety Inspector, A. Strange, be permitted to attend Seminar on the Construction Safety Act and Regulations. ORI~EED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mltchelson that the Report be received and adopted. No. 49 - City Manager - Report regmrding present ambulance service in the City. OR- E on the motion of Ald. Nitchelson and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and referred to the Finance Ccemmittee to consider along with the other information that is under advisement at the present time, and that a. copy of the Report be sent to Y~r. Badowski for his information. No. 50 - J. K. Edmonds, Design Engineer - Snow Clearing Operations, Jan. 22, 2~. ~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. HacBain that the Report be received and filed and Officials of the Engineering Dept. and employees engaged in snow clear- lng operations be c~.u-nded for their fine efforts; and that a copy of the motion accompanied by this Report be posted on the bulletin boards, and also forwarded to t~e l~resident of Local 1B3. Alderman HucBain also stated that Alderman G. Hurtin, Chairman of the Public Works C~ttee, should be c~ended for the ground work laid dovn in 196~ in preparation of such an eventunlity. His Worship Hayor Keighan ad- vised that some problems do exist in clearing snov from the Crescents, and it was indicated this matter was under consideration by the Engineering Dept. No. 51 - Recreation & Protection Cnn~"lttee - Reporting on conditions at natural ice rinks in City. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Hartin and Aid. Routes that the Report be received and filed. No. 5e - Recreat'ion & ~rotection Crmntttee - Rec_r.~mending that stop signs be erected on Gladstone Avenue at intersection with Spring Street, and necessary by-law be prepared; and stating that no further action will be taken on suggestions made in unsigned letters. O~I~gl~ on the motion of ~ld. F. Hartin and Aid. ~n~yze that the Report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. HacBain voting contrary-, in respect to the future stated policy of the C~%ttee that no action viii 'he taken on suggestions made in unsigned letters. In comlection with the above matter, it was also pointed out by Ald. F. 14artin, Chairman of the Recreation & Protection Committee, that while it ~ms not stated in the Report, a checkerbOard sign was to be posted on the north side of Spring Street. Alderman Downie requested that consideration be given by the Recreation & Protection Ccmaittee to the suggestion made, by the Father Hennepin School Author- ities for erection of a stop sign in their area. NO. 5~ - Property Committee - Reccem~nding that the o~ers of. the l~roperty at B636 galar Road be ordered to demolish sa in accordance with By-law ~. C~I~F~D on the motion of Ald. Scott and AId. ~yze that the Report be received and adopted. S~ Resolution No. ~0 Re. 5~ - Finance Cosair. tern - ReecsmendinS approval of accounts for period ending January 2~th, 1966. ~ un the motion of Ald. Kttchelson and Aid. F. Martin that ~ Report he received and adopted. ,, No. ~ - Buildin2 Inspector - SsxT of ~utldtnS Permits. O!~ on the motion of AM[. ~ohns an~ Aid. 2wa~le that the ,Report be recelved and filed. No. 56 - Acting Clerk - Recc~nending granting of licences. OP~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Johns that the REport be received, adopted, and licences EESOL~TIONS No. 19 - SC0~T - 8WAYZE - RESOLVED that the Acting Clerk be authorized to forward the necessary c_~m. unication by Registered Mail in respect to the property at B696 Badger Road, in accordance with By-law 6~40; and the 8eel of the Corporation be No. 20 - SWAYZE - JONNS - RESOLVED that the Acting Clerk be authorized to fon~rd the necessary communication by Registered Mail in respect to the property at 3636 Kalar Road in accordance with By-law 6440; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried UnanimousL/ ' SEE REport Number 53 MISCELIANE0~ HEalth Unit Offices His Worship Mayor R. F. Keigh~n expressed the c~mmendBtion of the Council to Aldermen Mitchelson and G. Martin, members on the Health Board Building Cc-..tttee, for the pert they played in relBtion to the forthc~ning construction of the new Welland &District HEalth Unit building. . . , REport on H~ne Society activities in 1965 Alderman Swayze presented a verbal report on the activities of the Humane Society during 1965, including the number of dogs picked up, summonses issued, etc. Following the presentation of the report it was ordered on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Reares that permission be granted to discuss and review in REcreation & Pro- tection Ccemittee, the Agreement With the Humane Society, and that the agreement be presented to Council for consideration, following which a meeting be arranged With the ~[,,_m~ne Society 'on the matter. ., . Boy's Club of Greater Niagara Alderman G. Mar~in reported on the attendance' of himself and Alders~n F. Martin at the annual Meeting of the Boy's Club on January 20th, 1966. He outlined the achievements of the Club over the peat year in the work they are doing with the young people of the Greater Niagara Area. It was indicated that Alderman MacBain had been appointed the Chairman for'the year 1966. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. lkNnie that a letter 'of congratulations be sent to the Boy's Club c,~m~nding them on the work they accumplished in 1965 Tor the youth of the City; and the congratulations of Council be extended to Alderman MacBain for taking on the duties of Chairman for 1966. Csmendation to public-spirited groups in the City. Alderman Mltchelson stated that all organizations in the City who are re- sponsible for providing leadership to the youth of the area should be ccennended for their endearours during the previous ~ear. It was ordered on the' motion of Aid. Mitch- sison, seconded by AId. MacBain that ~he cceaendation of Council be forwarded to all organizations within the City who have given leadership to the youth of the comaunity, for the excellent service they are carryin~ out. Attendance at Bearing in Niagara Falls, ~ew York re: proposed study on American Falls. Aideman Johus reported on his attendance in Niagara Falls, New York, at the Bearing to receive px~posals in respect to the American Falls. The purpose of the Bearing was/co enable the Cox~s: o~ En2ineere to receive ideas frees interested persons or 2Eeups as to how the proposed study should be earrind out, what it would entail, and who would pay for the wox~. len2th~ Statedents were presented b~ UniMa 8tares Senators and others. Alderman Johns indicated that the Corps will proceed with the study and it will be quite some time before a report will be brought in as to work entailed on the Falls. At the present time it is strictly a United States progr~wwe. It ~s ordered on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. MacBaln that the cOmm,micatiOn from the Chamber of Commerce re: Hearing on Study of proposal on the American Falls be received and filed. BY-LAWS No. 7004 - A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land stud the erection of a Fire Hall thereon. (MOrrison Street Fire Hall) ORES~ED on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Scott that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all others in favour. 0RIBRED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the cecond reading. Carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all others in fayour · The following questions were raised in respect to this By-law: 1) The use of the word "fire station" in the first paragraph, and paragraph numbered 1. 2) The need for inserting the est!m2ted cost of constraction at $200,000.00. B) First paragraph - to indicate "the former Township of Stamford" in the second line · No. 700~ - A By-law to amend By-law Number 3791, being a By-law designating through highways. (Stop Street - St. PEter Ave. at St. John St. O~ on the motion of AId. Mltchelson and AId. Bearss that Aid. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OI~I~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain that Rule 36 (2) of the Stand~ ng Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mitchelson. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. 8wayze that Ald. F. Martin he granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORIBI~D on the motion of Ald.-F.-Martin and Ald. Scott that Rule B6 (Z) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. No. 7007, - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between The Corpor- ........... ation' of the. City of. Niagara Fal~e~ ~nd. Canadian Union. of, Public ....... Employees, Local Union Number 13~. OREa~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. Swayze that Ald. MacBain be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be ~iven the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORESRE Ce~ the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Grogory that Rule 36 (2) Of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third l%sading - Aid. F. Max~in and Aid. 2waFze. Carried Unanimously. No. 7008 ' A By-law to lrovtde monies for general purposes ($185,87~.63) Olw~tED on the motion of Ald. Downie and Ald. MacBain that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried ~nanimouslY. 0BDEBED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried UnanimouslY- Third Reading - Alderman GregorY and Alderman F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Ald. MacB~in. BEAD AND AEOA'A'~.D, JanuarY 31st, 1966. "' .......... CO~e~I'rA'F~ OF TBE WHOLE Council Chamber, january 24th, 1.966. Council assembled in Ccenittee of the ~ole following the regular Council Meeting held on January 2~t~, 1966. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman 8wayze. Alderman Johns presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, it we~ ordered on the motion of Mayor Keighan, seconded by Ald. G. Martin that the Cammittee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to Report 58 of the Finance C~ittee. BEAIt AND ADOPlOD, Janunr~ 31st, 1966. * X'Clerk' ' ' ' 'f ' COUNCIL ~TING Council Chamber, January 24th, 1966. Following the C~mm~ttee of the Whole Meeting on January 24th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present with the exception of Alderman Swayze. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. The following action was taken: Report 58 - Finance Cnmmittee - Recommending that a tax collector be hired to col- lect tax arrears in accordance with the reca~mendations contained in a report of the City Manager and the 1965 Finance C~mittee. ORDEi~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be received and adopted, and City Manager and City Treasurer be authorized to proceed under the Agreement with Local 133. Carried Unanimously. The Council Meeting adjourned on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Aid. Johns. READAN DAD OpTED, January 31st, 1966. FIlet ~EETING Council Chamber, January 31st, 1966- Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 31st, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It w~s ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin, seconded by Ald. S~rayze that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on January 24th, 1966 be adopted as printed. UNFINIS~D BUSINESS C~w.· 790 (1965) - Vincent DiCosimn --Requesting amendment to By-law 5149 to erect motel on Lots 2 and 3, plan 8, River Road. Report 60 - Property Committee - Races, ending that By-law' 5149 be mended, providing the applicant enters into an adequate site plan agreement. OREgEED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that the MaporS be received and adopted, and communication filed~ Corns. 800 (1965) - Greater Nia6ara Safety Council - Traffic safety suggestion re: Chiplmwa Creek Road and Montrose Road. REport 61 - Recreation & Protection C~'~"ittee - Recommending that pre-cast concrete curbing be erected on the south-wast coraer of Chippa~ Creek Road and Wontrose Road intersection, 50 feet in each direction, and a By-law be prepared to prohibit parking along these sections. OR~. on- the. motion of. Ald.. F~ Martin and Ald. Swuyze. that~ the. REport. be. received and adopted, and communication filed. C~. 519 (1964) = Board of Transport C_~'"mtssioners - Application of the City for apprc-..: v~l of By-law to prohibit blowing of whistles on railways in the City. Report 687 (196/~) - City Solicitor - ActiOn O~-Application. REport 758 (1965) - City Manager - Action on Application Report 1034 (1965) -'Engineering SupS. - Meeting with Board and Railway representatives.a Ccem. 36 (1966) - Board of Transport C~,w, issioners - Conditions of Bcard for approval of application in respect to certain Railway Crossings. REport 62 - City Engineer - Reccmmending that the proposal of the Board of Transport Cc~.,issioners be approved. OPalRED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that Report 62 of the City Engineer be received and adopted, and other material filed. C-~""", 37 - Hydro-Electric Cosmission of NiaS~ra Falls - Increase in remuneration paid to Nydro C~atrman and Commissioners. REport 63 - Finance C~mtttee - REcommending that increase be approved subject to approval being received from the Hydro-Electric Power Ccenission of Ontario. OPaS~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain that the l~eport be received a.nd adop- ted, and c~unication filed. with Part A of the Urban REnewal Scheme as quickly as possible. O~ on the motion of AId. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Repoxt be received and adopted. ' REport ~5 - Public Works Ccenittee - Tabling of Tenders received for demolition of ~0 Dr-mmond Road. [- ~eport 65 - Public Works Ccaaittee - Rec._';~;~_nding that Tender be awarded to G. Wash- ingtoa. OR~2~SD on the motion of Aid. O. Mar~in and Aid. Bearss that the REport be received and adopted, and previous Sapors filed. CC~CATZO~ No. 47 - South End Retail k Professional Assoe. - Plans rearcling the Lun~W's X~ne ~istorioai lark. Mr. P. Marshall, who vas present at the Council Meeting on behalf of the Assoc- iation, was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson. Mr. Marshall stated that the Association w~s presently try- ing to work out plans for the future of the Main Street area, but this was impos- sible without knowing what to plan for. He stated that the purpose of the letter was to ask Council to urge the Federal Government to advise exactly what will be done, and when it will be done, and on that basis the Association could carry out planning in order that businesses will be re-located with as little problem as pos- sible and to the mutual advantage of everyone. In answer to a question concerning the connection betwash the Urban Renewal Study and the Historical Park in the letter from the Association, Mr. Marshall stated that the Association was concerned because at the time the Urban REnewal Report was originally set up there was nothing known about the Historical Park, and it was felt that the REport should be amended to take this into consideration, and if businesses were going to be re-located from the Main Street area, this should be one of the first priorities in any planning or Urban Renewal scheme that takes place. M~r. Marshall also stated that the basic ob- Jections to the proposed National Historic Park had been overcome by consideration of the possibility of the improvement to all concerned in the re-location scheme. In conclusion, he asked that Council take under advisement the suggestions presented,~ so that the whole area would benefit at the time the Lundy's Lane Historical Park f- becomes a reality. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Johns, seconded by Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Historical Park Com- mittee to endearour to receive an answer in the near future, and that a copy of the c~mmunication be sent to the Urban REnewal Committee and to the Consultants. Carried Unanimously. No. 48 - Ontario Good Roads Association - Seminar for Members of Council, February 2lst. It was explained by Ald. G. Martin, Chairman of the Public Works C.-~.~lttee, that this matter had previously been before Council, at which time it was ordered that the Chairman Of the Public Works Ccmmittee and His Worship Mayor Keighan attend the Convention if possible, but it had since been decided at C~mmittee level that this matter should be given further consideration, and certain members of the Com- mittee ware of the opinion that all members of Council should be granted permission to attend the One Day Seminar. It was indicated by Ald. Downie and Ald. Mitchelson that any change to the previous decision of Council would mean a deviation in Council policy. A motion was submitted by Ald. Scares, seconded by Ald. Scott that as many members of Council as are able, be permitted to attend the One Day Seminar of the Ontario Good Roads Association on February 21st. This motion was defeated with Aldermen Scott and REarss voting in fayour and all other members voting contrary. No. ~9 - Village of Chippaws - Appointment of REeve Weightman as the Chippaws member on the Planning Board. 0Pa~aED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Mltchelson that the ccmnunication be received and filed and a letter of welcome be extended to Reeve Weightm-n on his position on the Planning Board. No. 50 - Township of Willoughby - Appointment of Horace C. Mornings.tar to Planning Board. OKE~I~EI) on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the cnmm, mication be received and filed. No. ~1 - lioness Club - Requesting permission to hold annual "Broom Drive". O~ on the motion of Ald. REarss and Ald. F. Mar~in that the communication be regeived and permission granted to the request. No. 52 - Ki~nis Music Festival - Requesting permission to erect banner over Vic- toria Avenue from April llth to M~ 2nd inclusive. 01~ on th~ motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. MacBain that the communication be received and filed and permission granted to the request on condition that the usual permission be obtained from the Hydro Cqmwission. No. 53 - Matthews & Matthews - Advising of termination of an Agreement dated April 29th, 1958 with respect to a' right-of-way covering Lot 11, Plan 3~, on be- half of the Glenview Social Club. C~D on the motion of AId. G. Martin and Aid. Gregory that the coemunication be received and the legal firm be advised that a meetin8 will be arranged with them and the Public Works C_~.,.ittee to discuss this matter. This motion was carried with Aid. 8cots and Ald. Johns voting contrary. AId. Jobns indicated he was of the opinion that the matter should be considered b~ the Property C~l~tee. No. 54 - Niagara Falls Fire Dept. Volunteers - Requesting meeting with Council Ccm- mittee. ~RE~ on the motion of Ald. MacEsin and Ald. F. Martin that the cobnun'- cat,on be received and the Dept. be informed that the Personnel'cnmmittee will arrange for an early meeting. No. 55 - F. Ao Bransccmbe - Requesting meeting with the Public Works Committee. 0RRFaED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the comunication be re- ceived and Mr. Bransc~nbe be informed that the Public Works Ccnmittee will meet with him, but prior to such meeting, would like an indication of the topic to be discussed, and he forward this information to the Acting Clerk. REPOBTS No. 66 - City Manager - Recc~mending that one representative of Engineering Depart- ment be allowed to attend O.T.C. Traffic Training Course. 0EDEEED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 67 - City Manager - Recommending that Parks and Cemeteries Supt. or Assistant be permitted to attend Ymternational Shade Tree Conference. OPaFaED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Macl~in that the Report b_e received and adopted. No. 68 - Public Works Committee - Rec-"m"ending that proposed improvements at inter- section of Falls Avenue and the Reinbow Bridge Exit be carried out and that the word- ing of the directional signs he subject to the rec~ewmend~tlOns of the Recreation and Protection C~.tttee. 0R~D on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and tabled until after the meeting of the Recreation & ProtectiOn C-~"mtttee and Chairman of Public Works Cc~mittee re: signing. No. 69 - Public Works Committee . Recowe.~nding that a special n~eting of Council be arranged on February $th, 1966 at 7:00 p.m. to receive the Functional Planning Report prepared by' l~.t~s and Smith, and that the Planning Board and Technical Personnel of Engineering Department be invited to attend. OI~D on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and adopted, and special ~eting of Coun- cil be held on February 8th. No. 70 - Public Works Ccemittee - Recc~snending that Mr. A, Fairban of the Water Dept. be authorized to attend Two Week Training course on Meters. ORIBRED on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Dearss that the Report be received and adopted. No. 71 - Public Works C-mmtttee - Rec-mm~nding that the holdbeck on the No. 20 Highway[ t ORE on the motion of Ald. O. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted, subject to a favourable report of the City Solicitor re: search in Registry Office· No. 72 - Finance C-ram,tree - Rec~nd4q8 approval of accounts for the period ending January 31st, 1966 in the total of $263,819.00. 0REFaED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Dewhie that the Report be received No. 73 ' C.:A;;;;Lttee of Adjustment - F~-I Decisions on Calaguiro, A. Franklin Ltd., Aid. G. Martin voting contrary. ' , . No. 7~ - Council Centennial Ccamittee - Recon~nending the formation of a Beautificationt C~emittee, for minimum and maximps memberships, and organizations and individuals as outlined to have representation on the Ccemittee. 01~ on the motion of Aid. (}re6o17 and Aid. F. Martin that the Report be received end adopted. . . ;" . ~ on the sot,on of Aid. F. ~arti~ and Aid. Mitehelson that the lbpgrt be receive[ RESOLL'~IONS No. 21 - G. MARTIN - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls approve the location of the C.N.R. Crossing protection as shown on Plan SD3396A, revised to Jsnuary 6th, 1966, and the Mayor and Acting Clerk be authorized to sign the Plan and to affix the Corporate Seal thereto. Carried Unanimously No. 22 - GREGORY - SWAYZE - HESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late Thcm. s N. Grimster, a former Alderman of the City, and highly respected resident of the comanity; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously MISCELLANEOUS Report of E.M.O. Meeting Alderman Downie presented a verbal report on the recent E.M.O. Meeting at Allanburg. He advised that Alderman Gregory had been named as the new Chairman, having previously served a.s Vice-Chairman. He stated that the Headquarters at Allanburg are rented and inadequate, but that a plan was proposed for 1967 whereby new quarters would be erected in the Ponthill area, to be underground, and that such quarters would be subsidized to a large extent by the Provincial and Federal Governments, and the Municipalities and County would be responsible for approximately 10% of the cost. He stated that a request would be made to the participating Muni- cipalities for an additional ~Tant, and ~dvocated Coancil's support of this request. Proposal.for Ontario Mayors & Reeves Association Convention in 1967 His Worship Maycr'Keighan advised'that information had been received recently that the Ontario Mayors & Eeeves Association Convention would be held Jointly in the City of Niagnre Falls and Niagara-on-the-Lake in May of 1967. A C~.mittee had been set up to deal with matters relating to the arrangements necessary for the Convention, and a meeting had been held on January 28th at the City Hall with Mrs. Marie Curtis, the Secretary of the Association, and Officials of Niagara-on-the-Lake, at which time it has been recommended that the Cc~mittee, originally cc~prised of Mayor Keighan and Aldermen Mitchelson and G. Martin, on behalf of the City, be set up as a permanent committee. His Worship Mayor Keighan also appointed Alderman Bearss to this committee. It was indicated that Niagara-on-the-Lake have agreed to appoint two members of the Council to serve on the Cc~mittee, and that Officials of the Townwould also be on the Cu~,~ittee as the need arises. His Worship MayorKeighan also appointed the 'Acting Clerk, the City Manager and City Engineer to the Committee. It was decided that the next meeting of the C~a..ittee wouldbe held on February 18th at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hal!. Equitxnent for clearing snow off sidewa.lks. His Worship Mayor Keighan advised that concern has been expressed as to whether the present equipment for clearing snow off sidewalks was adequate, par- ticularly to enable children to use the sidewalks when going to and from school. The CityEngineer was requested to bring in a report on this matter as soon as poS- sible. Attachments for snowplows to avoid blocking of driveways during snow plowing opare- tions. Alderman MacBain requested information on equipment as used in the City of Toronto, which consists of an attachment to a regular snow plow and avoids the blocking of driveways during snow plowing operations. Alderman ~. Martin, Chairman of the Public Works C~mwittee, stated that a study had been made of the equil~nent referred to by Ald. MacBain, at which time it was determined that this equipment definitely slows down the plowing operations, and does not do a thorough Job. He stated it was also very expensive, and that only certain types of trucks can carry the equilmmnt. AidermanMertinalso referred to the problem of plowing sidewalks, and stated that both operations were strictly a matter of economy, and whether the City could afford to purchase this type of equilment which would only be used once or twice a ~ear. Matter of cars parked on roadways, hindering snow plowing o~erations. Alderman G. Martin referred to the matter of cars being left parked on the roads, hindering snow plowing operations. It was indicated by the Alderman that some type of legislation must be considered and reccmmended to Council by the Public Works C~nittee as to cars left parked on main thoroughfares during snow storms. Snow Removal on Sidewalks His Worship Mayor Keighan stated that if the public were to co-operate by clearing the snow frm in front of their homes, this would help a great deal. Alder- man Gregory suggested that possiblY the Principals of the Schools cc~ld be asked, through the Boards of Education, to urge the children to use the sidewalks instead of wa lking on the roads. Letter of congratulations to Mrs. Grieves It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Bearss that a letter of congratulations be sent to Mrs. Ruth Grieves on her appointment as the Chairman of the Women's Activities Centennial Committee for the County of Well~nd, by the Minis- ter of the Department of TourJam and Information. B~-IAWS No. 7009 - A By-law to amend By-law Number B791, being a by-law designating through "' highways. (Through Street - Spring Street at Gladstone Avenue. OREF~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Bearss that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introduci. ng the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDER on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Scott that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. ~wayze. Carried Unanimously. No. 7010 - A By-law to amend By-law B790, for the regulation of traffic. (No Parking on Stanley Avenue and Buchanan Avenue for certain periods, and provision for one-way traffic on Stanley and Buchanan Avenues) OI~RED on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried, with Ald. Downie voting contrary, and all others in fayour.. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. 8~ayze that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporerily~suspended'and the By-law be 'given the second reading. Carried, with Aid. Dewhie and Aid. Gregory5 ~oting coritl~,ry, and 'all others in fayour. Third Reading -Ald. Beards and Aid. Scott. Carried, with Ald. Downie and Ald. Greg- ory voting contrary and all others in fayour. No. 7011 - A By-law to provide for appointment of cerhain members to the Niagnre Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board. (Beers Weightman, Village of Chippan representative, and R. C. Morning- star, Township of Willoughby representative) OR~BED on the motion of AId. F. Martin and Aid. 'MacBain that Aid. Hitchel- son be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OBI~RED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. BaeBein that Rule B6 (2) of: the Standing ~ules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried t~nanimously. Third ~eading - AId. Gregory an~'Ald. F. Bax~in. Carried ~nanimous~V. 10 No. 7012 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($263,819.00) OI~ERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Mitch- elson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that ~ule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. MacBain. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to C~mnittee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. SwAkVze. READ AND ADOrA'.~D, February 7th, 1966.. C0~ll'ri'~..: OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, January 31st, 1966. Council assembled in Ccmmittee of the Whole following the regular Council Meeting held on January 31st, 1966. All Members of Council were present. Alder- man Bearss presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Keighan and Ald. Mitchelson that the Committee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to l~eport Numbers 38 and 39 of the Finance C~==ittee dated January 17th, 1966, tabled frem a previous meeting. This motion was carried with Ald. Gregory and Ald. Do~nie voting contrary and all other members voting in fayour. READ ~ ADOPTED, February 7th, 1967~ CO~C~T~G Council Chamber, January 31st, 1966. Following the Committee of the Whole Meeting on January 31st, 1966, Coun- cil M-convened in open session. All Members were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. The following action was taken in respect to Reports tabled from a previous meeting: Report 38 - Finance Committee - Recommending that the offer of Dominion Construction Company to p~rchase Lot 47, Peg. plan 160, at a price of $4,000.00 be accepted sub- Ject to the usual covenants applicable to the industrial Subdivision being included in the Deed. Report"39 - Finance Committee - Recommending that the offer of Bolus-Revelus-Bolus to purchase Lot A~8 in the Industrial Subdivision at a price of $3,800.00 be accepted subject to the usual covenants applicable to Plan 160 being contained in the Deed. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that Lots 47 And-48 in the Industrial Subdivision be sold as outlined in the recemmendations of the Finance Com- mittee dated January 17th, 1966; and that the option on the 5 acre parcel of land adjoining the Industrial Subdivision be not renewed. This motion was carried with Ald. Downie and Ald. Gregory voting contrary and all other members of Council in fayour. T~e Council Meeting adjourned on the motion of Ald. Johas and Ald. F. Martin. EEAD AND ADOPTED, February 7th, 1966. ing Clerk Mayor SIXTH MEETING Council Chamber, February 7th, 1966. MEETING WITH MR. J. A. MONTGOMERY Council met at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 7th, 1966 with Mr. J. A. Mont- gomery, Manager of the Industrial Department of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce in attendance. Mr. Montgomery reviewed some of the points contained in the Manager's Report covering the period of December 20th to January 20th. Alder- man Scott informed Mr. Montgc~ery that Council were faced with the problem of the possibility of buying land for industrial purposes, and asked if in Mr. Montgomery's opinion, there was any advantage to this, or whether it would be wiser for private individuals to purchase land for such use. In reply to this question, Mr. Montgcmery referred to the case of the Township of North York, who had, in the 1950's set up an industrial subdivision of 140 acres for light industry. The subdivision was completely developed and the municipality had gained 88 industries. The Township then felt they would assist private enterprise by setting up a subdivision, and the Municipality installed all the services in a 90 acre parcel of land close to High- way ~O1. The services were charged against the lots as local improvements. Follow- ing completion of the services, the prices of the lots increased from ($8,000. - $10,000.) to ($25,000. - $30,000.) per acre. The Municipality received some critic- ism for assisting private development with Municipal funds to develop lands, which were then increased in price. Agreements were entered into prior to the installa- tion of the services which provided for the selling prices of the lands. By passage of a Private Act, the Township set up a guaranteed assessment development policy plan. Mr. Montgomery then referred to the industrial land within the City of Niagara Falls, pointing out the remaining lots in the Industrial Subdivision and areas in the City which could be used for industrial purposes. In answer to a question from His Worship Mayor Keighan, Mr. Montgomery advised to the effect that it was a defin- ite advantage to have industrial lands under the control of the City where prices could be controlled, and he rec.-~-iended that the Corporation carry on with the policy as established by the former Township of Stamford to have serviced industrial lands available at a known price. Mr. Montgrmery's recommendation followed a query by Alderman Mitchelson. Alderman Downie asked if Mr. Montgomery had any suggestions with regard to ground rules for an industrial subdivision, and stated that before he would support the Council acquiring further lands for industrial development, he would like to know what kind of ground rules would be in force. Mr. Montgomery then briefly outlined his thinking on the matter of ground rules, covering proper type of zoning; covenants to protect purchasers of land from locating adjacent to undesirable types of industries, etc. It was agreed that Mr. Montgomery would take this matter under advisement. In answer to a question from Ald. Mltchelson, Mr. Montgomery stated .that it was important that industry be allowed to expand, if the need arises, in the same area, but stated he would also take this matter under advisement for a more detailed report. At the conclusion of the meeting with Mr. Montgomery, His Worship Mayor Keighan thanked him for attending, and requested that he attend at the Finance C~.~Ittee Meeting of February llth, 1966 for additional discussion on the entire matter. RE~ ~u~a~A'iNG Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, February 7th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the minutes of the meeting of COuncil held on January Slat, 1966 be adopted as printed. DELEGATION Corm. 58 - Canadian National Institute for the Blind - presentation to Council in respect to a Grant for the year 1966. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. Bearas that Mr. Max Knechtel, Field Secretary of the C.N.I.B. be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Enechtel's remarks covered the following categories: The use of seat belts in care, which he recommended highly in not only preventing injury and death but loss of sight as well; the prevention work the C.N.I.B. is carrying out in the field of education to prevent eye accidents; the employment of blind persons, following courses in cunputer trmining~ the work of the C.N.I.B. in transposing .L [ High School and University text books into Brailler; and the increase in "~pe talking books" available to the blind. Mr. ~nechtel then provided statistical date covering the blind in the City of l~iagara Falls and the services rendered to these persons by the C.N.I.B. At the couclusion of his remarks, Mr. Knechtel requested Council's support as in past years, to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind through the Niagara Falls and District AdvisorY Board. Alderman Mitchelson thanked Mr. Knechtel for his presentation, and cc~nended both he and Mr. Parker, the Vice- Chairman of the AdvisorY Board, for their leadership a~d-efforts in this field. Ald. Mitchelson assured Mr. Knechtel that the request would be given serious consideration as in past years. It was ordere. d on the motion of AId. Mitchelson, seconded by AId. GregorY that the c-~",mication from the C.N.I.B. be received and referred to the Bud- get Committee. UNFINISHED BUSinESS Report 80 - Recreation & protection Cc~mittee - Recmnding that the question: "Are you in fayour of the fluoriderich of the public water supply of this municipality" be submitted to the electors of the municipality on the date of the next Municipal election- Ald. F. Martin, Chairm~n of the Recreation & protection Cc~mittee, stated that it was the Co~mittee's unanimous opinion that this matter was a moral and person- al one. Re stated that large Mounts of information, for and against the matter, had been received from many qualified and professional people. Ee stated that he did not recall any Municipality recently who had n~t referred the question to a vote of the electors, and was of the opinion that the rights of the public to make their ow~ de- cision on the matter should not be infringed upon. Alderman Johns advised that he was disgusted to see such a report, and that because the C~ittee could not make up their minds on the matter, to put it to a vote of the electors was ridiculous. He stated thai the Camnittee's recnmmendation was playing cheap politics with the health of the chil- dren of the cMunity. Ald. Johns also stated that the Committee had been asked to bring in a report either for or against fluoridation, and that if the present report was accepted, everY person running for public office would be running either for or , against fluoriderich. Alderman Johns referred to the poor dental health record at the Glenview School, and then quoted from the recent report of the Director of the Welland & District Health Unit wherein the benefits of fluoriderich had been pointed out. Al- derman Rearss stated that the C~mmittee had straggled with the problem for a long while and the recommendation contained in the Report was the only One that the C~mittee coul~ support unanimously. She stated that the Council had made decisions on many things, that a policy could not be established on a personal issue, and a de~ision on this matter must come fro~ the individuals. She further stated that the members of Council were elected in a democratic system, not as dictators, and members of Council were not required to take upon themselves to decide for the citizens on such a personal matter as this. Ald. Rearas Stated it was her hope that no candidate would use this partic- ular topic for election purposes. Alderman MacBain stated he was slightly disappoin- ted with the Report, and advised that as a representative of young parents with growing ~ children he was disappointed that the C;-,~,;tttee had recommended the question go before the electorate rather than ask members-of Council to vote om the question. Ee then quoted figures on the cost of fluoriderich for a family of four at ~0~ per year, and stated that the dental bill for hie family for 1~6~ would exceed $300.O0. He 'stated that many young families were required to spend cousiderable amounts o~ money each year on dental bills. Re c~nded the local dentists in the Council Chamber for appearing at the meeting. Ald..MacBalm stated that if members of CounCil who ware not in favour of the C~ittee's recc~nendetion were to vote against ~he adoption of the report it would appear that they ware against fluoridation. Alderman Johns, in speak- ing On the matter again, stated that if the question were put t~ the voters, Council would forfeit their right to pass a By-law to establish fluoridation at a future date, and the matter would have to go to the electorate until it was adopted. Alderman Mttchelson stated that the subject was frought with emotionalism when it was f~rst brought to Council. He stated that a preponderance of scientific evidence had been suimitted, and by all scientific data it was indicated that fluoridetion was an econ- stoical way of treating dental cavities. Aid. Mitchelson referred to his own knowledge in science and the fact that he had been a teacher of science for many years. He stated that natural fluorideted water, even in parts of the former Township of Stamforl had presented proof of its effect on teeth. Ald. Mitehelson'stated that the decision of the C~ttee indicated waakneaa,,/and t~t it ~eant the robera of the Committee were not prepared to, take a stand. Aid. a~.~ehelson s~atea that.accordin~ to democratic .. ~ . ~. .. process the elected people have to give leadership and make decisions. He also stated that it was a "fond hope" that the matter would not be discussed on the Election platform, and was of the opinion that all Aldermen would have an opinion on the issue. He stated that he had hoped that rather than attempt to bring in a unanimous report, that the members of the Committee for and'against, would have said so, and the report would have been either one way or the other. In answer to a question of His Worship Mayor Keighan, Alderman Mitchelson replied that the fluoride added to water was shnilar to the natural fluoride. At this point His Worship Mayor Keighan asked Ald. Sw~yze to take the Mayor' s Chair in order that he could speak on the motion. Mayor Keighan stated that he did not agree with the recommendation that was before the Council, and that Council were elected to make decisions on all matters. He stated that the Committee who had been provided with much information for and against the proposal had been considering the matter for over a year, yet they were reconn~ending that the electors vote on something they know nothing about. He stated that duties of Council were being sherked, and that members of Council were elected to make these decisions. Mayor Keighan then pointed out tha~ fluoride is available in different forms in drug stores. He stated that the matter had been stated as a personal decision, but if the question was put to a vote and was put into effect, there would be scme who would have to go along with those in favour, and therefore, the only way would be for individuals to go to" a drug store and acquire the product, and in this way there would be an individual choice. Mayor Keighan also stated that there were m~ny other chemicals good for the human body, and other groups could conceivably ask to have these chemicals put in the water. He also stated that he was concerned ~not only with the health of the children, but that of persons who are ill, and on diets who might not be any better at all, or might be even worse, if fluoride was put in the water. Mayor Keighan stated that not many years had gone by since fluoride was first put in the water, and that anything that could have an effect on teeth must have some effect on the other organs of the body, and such effects might not show uD for two or three generations. He stated that he was not convinced that fluoride should be put in the water for the reasons given, and was of the opinion that no one on Council could honestly say they were not putting the people of the future in a very serious situa- tion as a result of the build-up of this chemical in the body system. Mayor Keighan stated that a definite recommendation should have been made by the Ccmmittee, either for or against, and that he would have to vote against the C_~f~.ittee's recommenda- tion not becaus. e he did not wish the electorate to have the right to vote, but be- cause Council was elected to make decisions. Alderman Do~nie stated that the Mayor was a member of the Committee, and yet the Report had indicated that their recom- mendation had been a unanimous one. He asked for clarification as to whether Mayor Keighan was present at the meeting. Mayor Keighan advised that he had been unable to attend the C~uittee Meeting due to another meeting, and had made known his stand to members of the Committee that he would not support a recommendation to put the matter before the electorate of the City· A motion had been moved by Ald. F. Martin, seconded by Ald. 8wayze that the Report of the Committee be received and adopted, and the question on fluoridetion be submitted to the electors at the next election. The following motion to table, however, took precedence over the earlier motion: Mowed by Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. MacRein, that the matter be referred back to the C~mittee for re-consideration of a different 'reco..uendation within two week's time. ~'nis motion was carried with the following vote: Aye: Ald. Scott, G. Martin, Mitchelson, MacBain, Johns, Mayor Keighan. Na~e:. Ald.' Rearss, F. Martin, Gregory, Do~nie Swayze. (Note: At the conclusion of Mayor Keighan's remarks, he res~ned the Mayor's Chair'VI'. COM~NICATIONS No. 5~ - Hydro-Elactric Power Ccemission of Ontario - Re: Brief about the status. of the bridges over the Bydro Canal, and meeting in Niagara Falls in the near l~ture to secume more detailed information in connection with this particular pro~ect. OI~EED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Scott that the c~uni- cation be received and referred to the Public Works Co=~At~ee, and t~ey be author- ized to meet with Officials when they cc~e to the City. No. 60 - Broderick, Burneft & Mcl~od - Cliaenhaga and Namgood Construction Co. Ltd. ORES~D on the motion of AId. Johns and AId. 8wayze that the communication be eeived and referred to the Property Cc~ittee for. consideration and the City 8oli- citor be inforsed of this ~atter in ox~er that he may have a report ready for the .r,,,,.rt, c__,.tta.wa. unrri.d, w,.th ,,ld...e. in .b.tai.- in~ fXJCa voting oner 6 · No. 61 - City of Brantford - Resolution re: establishment of a more equitable sys- tem of subsidies a~ road'and highway expenditures for the cities of the province. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. GregorY and Ald. F. ~4artin that the eGmmunication be received and referred to the Public Works Committee for a report and recommendation. No. 6~ - Town of Goderich - Resolution re: Contributions by Governments to operating maintenance of all sewage treatment projects. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald- Johns that the communication be received and referred to the Public Works Committee for consideration and report. No. 63 - City of Windsor - Resolutiomre: (a) Strike between Teamsters Local and Motor Transport Industrial Relations Bureau; (b) Unemployment Insurance Commission benefits for strikers. OREEBED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Downie that the communication be received and filed. No. 64 - Niagara District Fire Fighters' Assco. - Appreciation for attendance of Inspector Sills at Jan. 2?th meeting. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. F- Martin and Ald. Swayze that the c-""m'mication be received and filed and copy of same be forwarded to Mr. Sills. No. 65 - Mr. & Mrs. B. Mawburn - Expressing appreciation for snow plow o~erators. OBEMRED on the motion of Ald/'G. Martin, and Ald. GregorY that the ccemunication be received and filed and that the Engineer be forwarded a copy for posting, and that Council endorse the expression of appreciation to these particular employees. No. 66 - Niagara Falls Lions Club - Requesting permission to use Bridge Street Grounds for Carnival on July 13, 14, 15, 16. 0R~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that the communication be received and permission grantee to the request as in past years. No. 67 - Dept. of Municipal Affairs - Memorandum re: Safety of Public Buildings. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the c~mmunication be received and referred to the various inspectors for their consideration and report if necessary. No. 68 - Brock University - Announcement on success of Founding Fund. ORI~BED on the motion of Ald. Do~nie and Ald. Rearss that the communication be received and filed. No. 69 - Mr. C. R. Cook -Reccmmending recognition for Mr~ Robert Crone for rescue at Chippawa on August 8th, 1965. ORDEBED on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. F. Martin that the cr~m,mication be received and referred to the Joint Awards Cem- sittee for consideration. It was suggested that it might be possible through the Reeve of the Village of Chippaws, to bring this matter to the attention of the Carnegit Foundation. No. 81 - E~ecutive Assistant - (~ario Municipal Board Approval of By-law 6~62. ORED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. F. Martin that the REport be received and filed. No. 82 - Executive Assistant - DEletion of sidewalk On wast side of Portage Road from Construction By-law 6850. Ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the REport be received and filed. leo. 83 - Council Centennial Ccemittee - Observance of the Ctty's Centennial Celebra- tion. Ohmsmay On the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Bearss that the Report be re- ceived and the Centennial Ccemittee be authorized to undertake the necessary Cen- teanial Celebrations, and July lzt, 1767 be *designated for the dedication of the Cen- tennial 8quare. i leo. 8~ - Finance Ccsmittee - Eescmaending that the City accept an offer from Provin- cial · ngineering ttd. for the purchase of lands o~ned by the City at the intersection of Victoria Avenue and Buttrey Avenue, at a price of $21,120.00. O~ra~ On the mo~ic~ of AhL ~lttchelaon a~d Ald. Do~nie that the REport be received end adopted. No. 85 - Finance Ccsaittee - MEccasending approval of descants. 0BIN~ED on the mo~io~ of Ald. !dtehelson and AId. F. Martin that the Bepor~ be received and adopted. No. 86 - Property Committee - Recommending that authority be given for completion of conveyance from the Hydro to the City of alO foot strip on the Portage Road frontage near intersection of Stanley Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted, No. 87 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Report on installation of street lights in the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the Report be received and filed. No. 88 - ~bltc Works Committee - Proposed SanitarY Sewermain on Oakwood Drive, and recommending that no further action be taken on the McLeod Road Sewer, and that the application to the Board for permission to construct a sewermain on Oak- wood Drive be withdrawn, and the Board so advised. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. No. 89 - City Engineer - Snow Removal and Control, JanuarY, 1966. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and filed. No. 90 - Construction Safety Inspector - Annual Report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and filed. No. 91 - Building Inspector - Building Permits issued for week ending Feb. 5th. 0R~RED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and filed. No. 92 - Building Inspector - Sign Permits issued for week ending Feb. 5th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and filed. No. 93 - Building Inspector - Building Permits issued during JanuarY, 1966. ORD~D on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and filed. No. 9~ - Acting Clerk - Recommending Granting of Municipal Llcences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. E. Martin that the Repor~ be received, adopted and licenses granted. No. 95 - Fire Chief W. T. Wade - Presentation of Annual Report. Ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain a~d Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be ceived and tabled for one week. MISCELLANEOLPS Children holding on bumpers of cars : Alderman GregorY advised that he had received a telephone call prior to the meeting concerning the practice of children holding onto the back of car bumpers and sliding along the streets. This practice was taking place at Margaret Street and Neximer Avenue, and also on Sixth Avenue and Valley Way. It was sug- gested that if this dangerous practice was brought to the attention of the parents, and teachers through the media of the press and radio, it might be discouraged. His Worship Mayor Keighan also indicated that the Police Department would be asked to check on this matter· Attendance at Meeting of Niagara District Airport Ct~ission on February 3, 1966.. Alderman Gregory reported on the attendance of himself, Alderman Dounie and Alderman Scott at the Meeting of the Niagara District Airport Commission held on February Brd, 1966. He reported that the lelection of Officers had taken place at this meeting, and that Mr. R. Callsrider was re-elected as Chairman of the Air- port C~mmissiun, along with the re-election of most of the 1965 officers. Nego- tiations are under way, and considered satisfactory, for scheduled air service between MOntreal and the Airport for 1967 and 1968 and it is hoped if this is a successful service it will continue after 1968. The managing of the Airport has been contracted out to the St. Catharines Flying Club, and since the previous Manager has left the employ of the Flying Club there is no specific individual as Airpor~ Manager, but the CawmiSsion is considering the hiring of its own Airport Manager who will do promotional work for the Airport. This appointment is expec- ted in the near future. A copy of the Ccmmtssion's financial statement will be presented to the Acting Clerk· A point brought out at tl~ meeting by the City representatives was the small mount of profit resulting from landing fees in 1965, as compared with the fees received in 1964. The main reason for the decrease is the fact that the Airport Commission, by Agreement with the Flying Club are keeping the lights on after the regular personnel have left, which results in an extra cost not covered by the landing fees. This matter is to be looked into by the Commission. Wing Cc~mmnder Tustin of Niagara Falls was voted in to fill a vacancy on the Commis- sion which had not been filled. Floor Plan for Council Chamber Alderman Bearss referred to the possible need of a floor plan, particularly by visiting groups, in order that they may be acquainted with those in the Council Chamber. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bearss, seconded by Ald. Scott that the suggested floor plan of the Council Chamber be referred to the Property C~mmittee to discuss and bring in recommendations. BY-LAWS No, 6850 ' A By-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local ' improvements under Section 12 of The Local Improvement Act. Third Reading -Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. No. 7013 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Niagara ~alls and Suburban Area Official Plan. (Amendment 27E, Medical Arts Centre) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first readLing. Carried Unanimously. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. evayes. Carried .~ 4Yn~nimously. No. 7014 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendant to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Official Plan. (Amendment 27F, Gelsmini & Massotti). ORDSI~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Johns that Ald. Scott be granted the privileg~ of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORI~I~D on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. 8wayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily?suspended and the By-law given the second reading. Carried itanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Johns. Carried ~iuanimously. No. 70!5 - A By-law to provide for the sale of Lot 29, Rug. Plan '160 to Dominion Construction ComI~ny (Niagara) Limited. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Aid. Scott that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law a~d the By-law be given the first reading. Carried ~uauimously. ORE~Mu on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. MacEsin that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tanning Rules of Council be temporarily suspended an~ the By-law be given the second r~a~ing. Carrle~, with Ald. Dowule voting contrary and all others in fayour · Thi~! Readlug -Ald. F. Martiu and Ald. Oregory. Carried with AId. Dewhie voting con'L_ trary dud all o~hers in fayour0 9 · No. 7016 - A By-law to authorize the widening of Ferry Street and Victoria Avenue from Stanley Avenue to Clifton Hill to a road width of forty-eight feet throughout as part of the King's Highway, together with various work incidental thereto. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Bearss and Aid. Swayze that Aid. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. No. 7017 - A By-law to amend By-law 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. (No parking on Montrose Road and Chippawa Creek Road). ORIERED on the motion of AId. Bearss and Aid. MacBain that Aid. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Bearss. Carried Unanimously. No. 7018 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a Deed between the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario and The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDEHED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the 'second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Swayze and Aid. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. No. 7019 - A By-law.to provide monies for general purposes ($204,233.64) 0RI~RED on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that Aid. Mitch- elson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. : ORIF.~RED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Scott. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to C~lttee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain. READ AND AIX~rlr,~D, February 14th, 1966. Mayor SEVFaME~TING CO~It~'ZE 0F THE WHOL~. Council Chamber, February 8th, 1966. Council Chamber, February ?th, 1966. SPECIAL MEETING Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular Council Meeting held on February 7th, 1966. All Members of Council were present. Alder- man Swayze presided as C~airman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was ordered on the motion of His Worship Mayor Keighan and Ald. F. Martin that the Cnmmittee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to Report Numbers 98 - Property C~""mittee] Report 101, Recreation & Protection Committee; Report lOB, Recreation & Protection Committee. READ AND ADOPTED, February 14th, 1966. Mayor COUNCIL ~ETING_ Council Chamber, February 7th, 1966. Following the Committee of the Whole Meeting on. February 7th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. ~l~e following action was taken: Repor~ 98 - Proper~y C~mittee - Recommending that the H~dro-Electric Power Commis- sion be asked if they would notify the City of Niagara Falls of any lands to be sold by the Hydro within the Municipal limits. 0R~ on the motiou of Ald. Scott and G- Martin that the Report be received and adopted as amended. ~eport 101 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Rec-'~"~nding that the plans for the development o'f the parking lots proceed as scheduled and that the $13,250.00 offer re: 393 Huron Street property be not increased. Ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ai~. MacBain that the property be purchased for the pr.ice of $13,250.00 as now agreed to by Mr. Densun (Kachuryak). . ' ' Report 103 - Recreation & Pro~eetio~ C~lttee .- Reckmending that Mr. Wm. Overs be engaged as architect for the City of Niagere Falls to prepare the drawings, speci- fications and tender form, and to supervise the e~ction of the Morrison Street Fire Hall..0R~ on the motion of AI~, F. Martin an~.Ald..8cott that.the Hap~zt be colwed and adopted, subject to the approval of The Ontario Municipal B~ar~ bein8 firsi reeeive~. This motion was carried with Ald. =ehns voting eontzax~. The Council ~eeting ad$ourned on the motion of AId. F. ~rttn and Aid. NacBatn. R~AD AND ADO~msb, Februar~ l~th, The Council of the City of'Niagara Falls met at 7 p.m. on Thesday, February 8th to receive a special presentation of the Functional Study on the Queen Elizabeth Way fronHighway 405 to the Welland River and on the Queen EliZabeth Way extension to the east limit of the Dorchester Road traffic Circle. All Members of Councilwere present with the exception of Aideman E. E. Mitchelson. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. The Functional Study Eeport was presented by representatives from the Finn of Damas and Smith and Mr. R. Burnfield of the Department of Highways of Ontario. In addition, the following representation was present frcm the Planning Board: Mr. George Allen, Mr. E. A. Thehas, Mr. A. Greaves, Planning Director, and bir. Eric Eulsman, Assistant Planner, and Mr. I. McCallum. Representing the City Engineering Staff were the Designing Construction Engineer, the Traffic Engineer, Engineering- Superintendent, Engineering Supervisor of Construction, and the majority of the Engin- eering Field Staff. Representing the Firm of Dames and Smith were Mr. N. Dames and Mr. F. MacGregor. MAr. Burnfield of the Department of Highways introduced to those present Mr. D~-~s and Mr. MacGregor. His Worship Mayor Keighan asked Mr. Dames if he would make his presentation to those present. Mr. Dames then made the following presentation to Council under the following points: 1. This Functional Study has been prepared by the Dept. of Highways mainly for protection of property along the route of highway~ and hera Highway refers to the Queen Elizabeth Highway, to permit future land acquisition, and the orderly develop- merit of growth along the lands adjacent to the Queen Elizabeth Highway. The Depart- merit of Highweys do not like traffic lights on controlled access roads. The function of the Queen Elizabeth Way is two-fold: (1) It brings people into the City and either distributes them within the City itself or passes them through and (2) There is a considerable amount 5f inter-city movement along this road. The problem which faced Dames and Smith was to correct certain unsatisfactory conditions and to improve the road ccmpatible with growth requirements until 1985. All information acquired was taken during ~he s,;mmer of 196~ and represents summer average daily conditions. Vehicle counts north of the Niagara Traffic Circle for 196~ were 22,000 to 24,000 vehicles par day. The Q.E.Way extension appears to carry as much traffic as the Q. E.Way itself, and counts were 17,700 vehicles par day. The consultants attempted to do the following: Provide sufficient capacity that there be no delay of traffic. Provide a continuity of spped to assist drivers which are not familiar :' with local conditions, To eliminate conflicts which could cause accidents such as traffic lights at level crossings, etc. The consultants showed a plan indicating the accident experience along the. Q.E.W.. for the past 5 years, and it us notable that the three worst areas were Mountain Road, the Niagara Traffic Circle, and McLeod Road, with the Niagara Traffic Circle containing 50~ of the accidents occurring. 'There was also a fair nu~er of accidents at the ChipSawe 'Creek Road and on the Dorchester Circle. The consultants' estimates of s,"~w~r traffic movements for 1985 are as follows: 8curb of Mountain Road - 42,000 vehicles par day, south of Thorold Stone Road - ~,0OO vehicles per day; Q.E.Way extension - 47,200 vehicles par day, south of Niagara Traffic Circle - vehicles per day; south of MoLeod Road - ~5,000 vehicles per day. The consultants also estimated the following increase in traffic on auxiliary roads: Mountain Road 1964 - 2,000 vehicles ~er day, 1985-6, 700 vehicles per day. Thorold Stone Road 1964 - 9,~00 vehicles per day, 1985 - 15,500 vehicles per day. Note: This proposal takes into consideration the tunnel presently under construction under the Seaway. Lundy's Lane 196~ - 13,~00 vehicles per 'day projected 1985 - 33,000 vehicles per day. Since it would be impossible for Lundyes ~sne to handle this traffic, a special proposal _[has been prel~red in this respect. NeLeod Road 1965 - 6,200 vehicles per da~, 1985 - 15,500 vehicles per day east of the C4l.Way, 8,300 vehicles par day vest of the eeeeeeeeeee ~ayor 1dr. Dames then explained that at the present t~m~ Lund,y*s Lane was a four Lane capacity, and that although there would be no problem in increasing this capacity, to the west of Meritrose Road, it would be very difficult to do anything with that property east of Montrose Road because of intensified connneretal buildings. For this reason, they are recommending that ~20 Highway be swung to the north of a new road allowance and a new route, and that the existing Lundy's Lane be retained as an arter- ial type road and perhaps designated as a 20B road. Mr. Dames then made the following propose ls: 1. ~hat the Q.E.W requires six lanes separated by a wide median from Highway ~05 to the Niagara Traffic Circle. . That it re_quires four lanes with a 5% wide median south of the Niagara Traffic Circle. The reason for the wid~ median is to allow for future lanes and when these are placed, a median rail would be used for division. At the escarpment at the north limit of the City, that the grades be im- proved on the Q.E.Way, and that the railway structure be re-built with a widening to the west. An interchange be built at Mountain Road which would provide fo~ complete ingress and egress of traffic at the Queen Elizabeth Way and that local roads be Joined to provide for c~uplete traffic circulation on both east and west of the Q.E.Way at that extension. In addition, that a road ~xtend- ing from Montrose Road on the east side 'of the Q.E~W. be carried'through to Dorchester Road either at Russell Street or O'Neil Street in order to keep traffic away from the Town & Country Subdivision. That the grade crossing at Montrose Road crossing be closed, and traffic directed to the Mountain Road interchange. i~nat there be a rebuilt modified interchange at Thorold Stone Road which will' avoid the Town & Country Subdivision and will leave our pumping station ~ntact. That an interchange and fly-over be constructed at McLeo4 Road along with new service roads from this point through the Welland River, so that the traffic lights and all grade crossings will be el,iminated. Tlxis will in- volve a great number of road changes in this area. It was also indicated by Nr. Burnfield that this would possibly be the first proJ. ect scheduled and that it has been programmed at the present time. ' The N~agara Traffic Circle will be re-constructed in its entirety and Lundy% Lane brought in from the west to the traffic circle. After re-construction, it will be a tri level interchange and there will be a croplate egress and ingress to q.E.W. at Dorchester Road. The Q.E.W. and ~0 will be depressed so that Dorchester Road will pass over top. 'The existing southerly Q.E.W; Bridge will be used to provide an additional access into the Royal Manor Subdivision. It is proposed to re-route ~0 Highway from a point Just past Beechwood Road through to the traffic circle. This new line will run about 1100' ' ' north of the present C.N.Wabash Line, will pass over the C.N. Wabash line at approximately Hodgson Street and will tie to ~.E.W. along what is n~w a sewer easement. There will be circulation to the present hmd~'s lane via Rentrose Road. T~e Consultants advised that they had tried many locations for a re-located ~20 Eighway including NcLeod Road, but the One described wa~ the best of seventeen proposals tried, The consultants also suggested that the arterial nature of Beaver~nmB Road be eliminated, and that Beavers-me R~ be used for local road purposes# and dead-ended at the ruilwey trucks and possibly at the present No. 20. They also suggested that Morrison Street should be extended out to Beechwood Road and take over the arterial aspect ~hich Beaverdams Road presently serves. MAr. BUrnfield indicated that No. ~0 · Highway would be a controlled access road, and likely operated and maintains. 1~ D.E.O. but they would ~ermit e level interchange at all arterial roads which it crosses, such as Montrose Road, Kalar Road, Garner Road and Beechwood Road. It would appear that a considerable amount of the above work has already been programmed by the D.H.0., and the timing of the construction will depend upon funds being available. It would also appear that the estimated cost of all this work is in the vicinity of $40,000,000.00. Plans will be made available to the City within a week' s time for Council's consideration. The D.E.O. would like any remarks that Council may wish to make or suggestions, and also requested an appro- val in principle. Following the presentation of ~dr. Dames, members of Council and those present were given -~he opportunity to ask any questions they felt were pertinent to the presentation. Alderman Gregory inquired if the re-routing of Beechwood Road onto Lundy's Lane would be the responsibility of the Department of Highways or the Municipality. Mr. Burnfield indicated that this particular phase would be the re- sponsibility of the Municipality or rather that the actual connection from the pro- posed Highway 20 to the present Highway 20 would be under Municipal Jurisdiction. ~ld George Martin queried if the re-location of Montrose Road behind the present land fill area was advisable and necessary. Mr. Dames pointed out that because of an exchange, an elevated exchange, over the Queen Elizabeth Highway at this pint, the change in elevation would prohibit Meritrose Road being retained in its present position. After many proposals the suggested re-location was the' only one that appeared feasible. Alderman Johns questioned if thought was given to the possible extension of Dunn Street to and over the Queen Elizabeth Nigh~ay. Mr. Damas replied that no provision was made for this extension, but that such a project was entirely feasible in the future. Planning Dorector, Mr. A. 8reeves, questioned if the possibility of using McLeod Road as a possible entrance to the City, than the Queen Elizabeth Way extension was considered. Mr. Greaves also questioned the advisability of running the proposed highway 20 relocation adjacent to the present railroad tracks. His Worship ~ayor Keighan requested that Mr~ Bumfield might feel free to give some indication as to what steps should be taken by the Council in adopting the proposal as presented. ~r. Burnfield replied that the Council should carefully consider the proposal as submitted and pass a resolution adopting the scheme in principle. Moved by Alderman G. ~ar~in, seconded by Alderman P. Downie that the Study be tabled until the information is reviewed and that a further meeting be held at a later date to ~onsider the matter in detail. Carried. Moved by Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman F. Eartin that the meeting adjourn. Carried. EIGHTH ME~TING Council Chamber, February 14th, 1966- · ' ' REGULAR MF~ff'ING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, February 14th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It w~s ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. ScOtt that the minutes of the metlags of Council ~' held on February 7th and FebruarY 8th, 1966 be adopted as printed- j' DEPUTATION Cnmm. 35, Comm. 70 -Greater Niagara Transit Commission - presentation of operating statement for the year 1965. - 'm The following Members of the Gre~ter Niagara Transit Commission were present at the meeting in respect to the presentation of the 1965 Operating Statement: Messrs. John Meats, J.D.H. MackenZie, E. Devey and G. Mowers. Mr. Mowers was granted , permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Scott, seconded by Ald. Gregory. Mr. Mowers advised that His Worship Mayor Kelghan a~so served as a member of the Ccm- ' mission, and expressed appreciation for his conscientious and v~luable assistance. It was indicated that copies of the Statement had been sent to the Members of Council ,i for their perusal. Mr. Mowe;s reviewed other details of the C~ission's operation in 1965 including the e~tended routes covered during the year, and the purchase of two additional 53 passenger buses from reserve funds. He indicated that the operating los, of $2,900.00 was the closest the C~m~ission had come to breaking even, since the begin~ ning of its operations. A cash surplus of approxi.mately $~3,OO0-00 was on hand at the present time, which would be increased to approximately $75,000.00. Mr. Mowers pointed out the low fares charged and advised they w~re among the lowest in the Prov- ince, an.d expressed the hope that the Cce~nission could continue to offer the same rate, of service at the same low price and endea~.~ur to make bus service available to all in the Cczznusity. Alderman Johns referred to the sight-seeing service operated by the Ccemission and requested information on a breakdown of the $7,200.OO figure shown in .. the Statement. Mr. Mowers indicated that he had not anticipated this particular ques., tion 6r he would have had the requested figures available, but .stated that there was a profit of approximately $1,O00.00 on this operation. Alderman Downie asked if the Conelesion intended to operate this. service during the cuz~%nt year and Mr. Mowers sd. vised that a firm decision had not yet been made, but if such a service were continued~ it would be an improved o~e over the previous year, since 1965 had served as a year experiment. Alderman Johns referred to outside bus companies coming into the City ani, that no revenue wee being derived %y the City, and asked if the Cammission had con- sidered this matter. Mr. Mc~ers advised that the Commission could not make a rac_amner4 dation to Council on this matter until such t~m~ ~s there was a terminal for the buss~ to go to. He stated that it was the hope of the ommissiou that in the planning for "~ the future, consideration would be given to a bus terminal. His Worship Mayor Keigh~' reminded members of Council that the Transit Commission had filed with Council alett(; requesting that a bus terminal become a priority item. Alderm~-n GregorY queriedsi to whether the increase in passengers carried wee due in l~rt to charters and the gh seeing service. Mr. Mo~ers advised that the figures for passengers carried was all ~ elusive, and the chartered passengers carried was insignificant. He stated that the i. COmalesion wee definitely increasing the mn,~er of passengers oui~ried and these ware citizens ~ao were using the buses on a regular basis. At the conclusion of the die- cussion, His Worship Mayor Kei~han extended the appreciation of Council to the membe~Z~ of the Transit Cca~ission for their presentation at the meeting. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Aid. Gregory that the Financial Statementej tuscany Limited for certain lands contained in Registered Plan 226, providing that an acknowled~mwant in ~riting be obtained fremthe proposed vendor and purchaser that the consent does not in anyway prejudice the rights of the Corporation to insist in the future on the strict observances of the agreement and that no build- img permits ~ll be issued for the property until the pra-psyment for services is made. Ol~on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that'the Report be calved and adopted, as ~memded. (Ald. MacBainwas excused from voting on this matter.) SEE Resolution No. 2~ Ccmm. 61 - City of Brantford - Resolution re: Subsidies on Roads. Report 105 - Public Works C~,mittee - Recommendong the endorsing of the Resolution. 01~on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Haporb be received and adopted, and ,c~nication filed. Ca=". 62 - To~n of Goderich - Resolution re: Pollution Plants. Report 106 - Public Works C_""mittee - Recommending that Resolution be not endorsed. 0RMSUSD On the motion of Ale. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted, and resolution be not endorsed; and c ........ Anication filed. This 'a~tion was ~led.'with Ald..Scott voting contrary, and all other.~emhers in faYOurs Report 68 - Public Works C~,~tttee - Intersection of Falls Avenue and the ~ainbow Bridge Exit - Froposed improvements. Report 107 - Public Works Cczmittee - Hec-~-,uding that the Dept. of Highways be advised that touncil approves their proposed improvements at the intersection of Falls Avenue and the Rainbow Bridge exit, providing that signing is carried out as indicated on the plan. During the consideration of the matter, an explanation of the proposal was presented by the Chairman of the Public Works Committee. The City Engineer provided an explanation of the signing on the plan referred to in Report 107. ~ on the motinn of Ald. O. Martin and Ald. F. Maxtin that Report 107 be received and adopted, and Report 68 filed. Report 95 - Fire Chief W. Wade - Presentation of Annual Report. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and filed. CO~CATIONS No. 71 ' County of Welland, Sunset Haven - Superintendent's Annual Report. 01~ oxl the motiOn of AId. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. MacBain that the .Repor~ be received and tabled for One week for perusal of Council. Aid. Mitchelson ad- vised that he had asked Mr. D. RapelSe, the Superintendent of Sunset Haven to attend at the Council Meeting of Feb. 21st, at which time members of Council would have the opportunity of ~skin~ an~ questions. " No. 72 -:Welland County Social Serwices Dept. - Recc~sending that the Children's Aid 8ociety Budget for 1~6~ be not approved. OR~ on the motinn of Ald. Mitch- elson, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that the cczmunication be received and referred to the Finance Committee to -be considered along with the matter after it has been discussed with the representatives of the County and Children's Aid 8ociety. No. 7~ - N.F.jr. Chamber of C--w~rce - Requesting the publication of an to support the ~stanai~ Youn~ ~an of ~he Year A~. ~-~ ~ t~ motion of Ald. F. ~ ~d ~d. ~ t~% the c~ication be ~l~d ~d m~uest g~d ~ 1~ with C~cil's ~li~ ~ this mtter. No. 7~ - 8ocial Planning Courtoil of ~reater Niagara - He~uesting appointment of one .weber of City Council to ~he first permanent Beam of Direotore of the Plann- be received and filed, and the verbal report frc~ the members of the Cosmission be accepted, and that a sincere vote of the.ks be extended to the members of the Ccemiss~ and staff for the able and capable Job that is being done On behalf of the ~it~Zene.~ : ing Counoil. ORE c~ the motion .of Ald. Rearss and -Aid. Scott that the com- municatiOn be reseived and filed and that Aider~an F. Martin be appointed as the Counctles representative to the Social Planning Council. This motion was carried with AId. Gregory wobin~ OontXlAT, and .11 others in fayour. (Alderman Gregory was Of the opinion that Council should indicate they ware prepared to appoint two mashers on the Plsanin~ Counsil.) ~o. 7~ ' 8outh InS Retail & Profeesicaal Association - Ccssendation to City c~ . affiolen~ or snow removal operation. ~ .on the sobion of Ald. MacBain and AI~. 8wayme that the cawaml~atim be re~eived and filed and copies of letter b~. given to the Cit~ ~n~ineer for l~stinS. No. 76 - Township of Willoughby - Resolution re: protesting against the inclusion of $10,000.00 in estimates for special vocational school for works of ar~, and ad- vising that the Township would support any protest made by the City against the ex- penditures. Considerable discussion took place on this matter. Included in his remarks, Alderman Gregory stated that if Council were to sho~ by the action of appro- ving a resolution of this type that they would 1.ike the Board to put a brske on frills on the cost of constructing schools, it would .have beneficial good for the whole of the Community. AId. Dovnie stated that this approach was "barking up the wrong tree" and he was of the opinion that the Board of Education should be responsible for issu- iag their o~n Debentures, and if they, as elected representatives wished to spend a s~ of $10,000.00 .in this manner, they should also be responsible to the electors. Ald. Dewhie was of the opinion that this facet should he explored, possibly at the time the Regional Government nmtter ~as under consid,ere. tiou and that sc~e rec~m~t~_nda- tions could be made with regard to the administration of education. He indicated he would he in favour of anything that would place the responsibility of issuing deben- tures upon the shoulders of those elected. Ald. Dovnie also referred to the fact that another Board in the City, with elected representatives, issued their own deben- tures, and therefore, the City Counc. il was not the o~1~ elected body who issue Deben- tures. Aid. Witchsimon was of the opinion that the Board of Education were continu- al~ under c~iticism for what are called "frillsn. . In his remarks he indicated that it was the responsibility of those charged with educatio~ to provide facilities to create an interest in all facets of life, and that the Board was, in effect, providing facilities for children who have artistic talents, as well as providing facilities, etc. for children with athletic talents. Ald. G. Martin Indicated he would not support the resolution of the TowAship of Willoughby and did not agree that the Township should submit a resolution to the City Council. He stated that the Board of Education members were elected representatives and would have to answer to the public on the election platform. It was indicated by His Worship Mayor Keighan and also mentioned by Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Witchsimon, that the special meeting to be held with all Boards and Commissions to consider their capital budgets and to acquaint each spending Body with the requirements of the other l~es, would be the proper place to discuss such prob- lems. A Motion, submitted by Alderman Gregory and seconded by Alderman SWze that the Council endorse the Resolution frc~ the Township of Willoughby, was defeated with the follo~ vote: Aye.' Aldermen Gregory and Svayze. Nave: AldeEae~ Scott, G. Mart~n, l~mn[e,/4itchelson, F. Martin, Mackin, Jo~ns, Bearss. No. 77 - Italo Soccer Club - Hequesting permission for the use of Oakes Park for games and practices. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Scott that the communi- cation be .received and referred to the Recreation & Protection Chsaittee for consid- eration. His Worship Nayor geighan referred to the plKcing of an advertisement in the local press c~ncer~ing the use of the City Parks by sports 'organizations and-it-us indicated that the Ccmnittee have this matter under advisement. No. 78 - Welland Chamber of C~..~rce . Annual MeetinS of the Welland Chamber Of Cram- marco on Feb. 16th, 1~. 0P~ c~ the motion of Aid. Svayze and Ald. ~ott that the communication be received and flla~ and those ~her8 of Council who art able to attend advise the Acting Clerk. No. 79 - Committee of Adjustment . Application of H.E.P.C: O~tario. No. 80 ~ Committee of 'Adjustment . ApPlication of le. H. Farroe Co. Ltd. C~ on the motion of Aid. Johns and Ald. Swayze that the co~smnioations be ~e- calved a~d filed. mends and Mr. V. ~olohuk be pew-itted to-attend Canadian Bastion of America~ Water- works Association Conventio~ in Tol~xato F~ 1st to May ~ on the motion of AId. F. Mart:In and Ald. Svayze that the ~e x~ and adopted. pc ,be-received No. 111 - Finance Committee - Rec~m~nding the approval of the proposed 1966 Bud- get for the Children's Aid Society be withheld until a meeting can be held with representatives of the Society, their Auditors and Accountants in order to permit the Municipolity to.clarify certain aspects of the budget, and that the Minister of Public Welfare for the Province of Ontario be requested to grant an extension to the time period in which the budget must be approved by the Council. ORDERED- on-the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the Hapoft be received and adopted. No. 312 - Finance Committee - Rec..'~nding that a resolution be p~ssed authorizing the rental of a safety deposit box at the C~nadian Imperial Bank of C~rm. erce, re- quired because of a revision in Bank forms. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. MAtch- elson and Ald. F. M~rCin that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 2~ No. 113 - Finance Committee - Recommending approval of Accounts for period ending Feb. l~th, 196~. ORI~usD on the motion of Ald. Witchsimon and Ald. F. Martin that the Repor~be received and adopted. No. 11~ - Property C~m-tttme - Rec~-~uding that the l~-law re-designating lands owned by Greater Niagara Auto Parts be approved and given three readings. on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. ~wayze that the Hapoft he received and adopted. SEE ~/-law No. 702~ No. 11~ - Property C_~mlttee - Recc~ending that the previous owners of the Drop- erty known as 3797 Mulhern Street be notified that the buildings located thereon. shall he demolished In accordance with the provisions of By-law No.6~O. OP~ on the motlon-of Ald. Scott and Ald. SwaFze that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 2~ No. 116 - Property Cc..mtttee - Reccznending that the present seating arrangements in the Council Chanters be continued and that the proposal containing possible changes be received and filed. OI~RED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that the Hapoft he received and adopted. Alderm~n Bearas suggested that col~ies of the floor plan of the Council Chamber be made available for visitors to the Chamber. It was indicated that this suggestion would be taken under. advisement by the Prcper~y C~ittee. NO. 117 - Public Works Cr,mntttee - Recommending that an advertisement he placed in the Press advising that petitions must be received prior to April l~th, 1966, if they are to be considered for this year's construction progr~rewe. ORI~ on the motion of AId. ~. Martin and Aid. Johns that the Report be received and adol~ced. No.. 118 - Public Works Cc~mtttse - Recommending that Tenders for materials for 1966 be received until March 21st, 1~6, 1 p.m. ONu~g~gl) on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Repoxt be received and adopte~t. No. 119 -' Public Works Creaittce - Proposed connecting ]~-~ agreement on Tundyes T~ne between Main Street and Drummond Road, and recommending that a letter be for- warded to the Dept. of Highways requesting that this work be placed on their 1967 pro&A:~, and that the Committee be authorized to engage a consultant when needed. The City ZnSineer presented an explanation of the proposed re-construction progr~mme for this portion of IAtud~es lane. It yam ordered ~n the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Repozt be received and adopted. This motion was ca'fried with Aid, Scott voting contrary and all other members in fayour. (Aid. Scott stated that in aS much as there was onl~ one lane ~oing East at Dx~nmond Road into this area~ and One lane going vest from Ferry Street into this area, that if perkin~ were removed from the street it woul4 allOw the use of the road in i~s~present con- dittc~ for a 8rest man~ years. ) No. 120 - CIty Solicitor - Bredstick, Burnerr & McLeo~ and Niagara Urban ~e-develop- Sent Corporation. 01~ ca the metice Of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Hitchelson that the ccasu~'ication be received end referred to the Urba~.~ ~enewal C_m.n~ttee for consideration and repox~. ' No. 121 - Cnmmittee of AN~ustment - Final Decisions on St. Archangel Michael Serb- ian OrthodOx Church and ck Cuviello Applications. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Maxtin and Ald. Swayze that the Repoxt be received and filed. No. 122 - Acting Clerk - Recommending Granting of Municil~l Licences. OP~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report ~e received and adopted. Dur4nS the discussion of the License applications, a question was raised by. Ald. Gregory in respect to the Hawker & Pedlar Lieence for the Fuller Brush Co. Ltd., Burlington, as to whether this application covered a licence for one person, or more than one person, and as to whether there was any limit imposed by the City on the number of-lieences granted to such a cc~any. The Acting Clerk indicated that he would take this matter under advisent?nt for a repoxt. . RESOLIIir/ONS No. ~ - SCOTT - ~AYZE - RESOLVED that the proposed conveyance by J- A. Climenhage Develol~nent Limited to NAmgood Construction Conparty Limited for certain lands con- tained in Registered Plan 226, be approved, providing that an acknowledgment in writ- ing be obtained from the proposed vendor and purchaser that the consent does not in any way prejudice the rights of the Corporation to insist in the future on the strict observanees of the Agreement; and that no building permits will be issued for the proF~ .exty until the pre-pa~ment for services is made; and the Seal of the Corporation be here~o affixed. · ' No. 25 - MITCHELSC~ - MacRAIN - ~ESOLVED that the mural for ~d ~ ~half of the Cor- ~tion of. s~e~y ~it bo~es ut ~e ~72 ~1~ ~en Street, Nia~m ~lls, ~tario, Bmch of the ~a~ ~rial ~n~ of. C~rce p~ent~ ~si~ated by N~r 171 ~ and the s~e is he~by co~lmd; ~so, t~t, the City T~asmr ~d the ~puty City Tmas~r or ~ one of them ~ ~d am hereby authorized and a~o~d f~ an~ on ~ha~ of t~ Coloration fr~ t~ (a) To rant ~fety ~pnsit b~s ut t~ ~id Bm~ of the said ~ ~d to execute ~ases for the s~ ~d (b) To ha~ ac~ss to all safety ~posit bo~s ~nted by the Co~tion at the ~id B~ ~d to sumner the a, or ~ of ~h~, ~d to e~cute such decants as ~ ~ mq~md ~ the said ~ to e~nce su~ s~n~r; ~d (c) To aff~ the Co~mte ~al of t~ Co~tion to' ~ such lease or other decant; ~d also t~t all d~ants e~cuted ~ ~ha~ of the Co~ti~ as heroin ~fom autho~d shall be va~d ~d b~ng upn the CO~mtl~ ~ther or n~ the C~r- ~mte ~al ~ the Coloration ~s ~en affi~d thereto; ~d also ~t the ~ ~ ~al ~th such officers or ~rs~s as a~ ~femd to ~ this ~soluti~ ~ ms~ of the mtte~ ~d ~hi~s autho~a ~ this ~solution ~til such t~ as the ~ is n~ified of ~ ~r msol~i~ ~ such ~ ~ssed by the Cobell of the Centurion of t~ ~i~y of Nia~ ~lla; ~d the ~al ~ ~he Co~m~iob ~ hemto No. 26 - SCO~T - S~Azzi - ~IgOINID that the Acting Clerk be authorized to notify by Registered Letter, the pmvi~s ~rs of the p~y ~ as 3~7 ~ Street ~ i~om t~ t~t tM build4n~ lo~ted t~ ~t ~ ~olished ~ acc~ce with t~ ~si~s of ~-hw We. ~J ~d t~ ~al ~ the .C~o~ti~ ~ hemto O~ening of Maple Strut 8e~ool NAs Worshi~ Me~or Ket~han a4visei concerning the '0ffieiml opening of the' Maple 8tree~ School m Febx~ax~ ~nd, an~ .it was imdieated that AI~. Nitehelson would met as the Mayor's ~epresentabive on thLo occasion, Special Meeting of Emergency Measures Organization His Worship Mayor Keighan advised that an invitation had been received from the Emergency Measures Organization in con~ection with a specia~ meeting to be held on February 2~th at the Headquarters at All~nburg, and that all members of Council had .been asked to attend If possible.. Pond condiion on ~ep~rate School proper~y south of McLeod Road His Worship Mayor Keighan referred to the serious pond situation on the Separate School propoxty located south of McLeo.d Road and requested that if possible, ~mmediate action be taken to alleviate the dangerous condition. The City Engineer advised that he suspected the problem ~as partly a blocked d~ain and a low lying area, and stated that the Public Works C,~,,,~Ittee had this and an- other area in the same location under review in the Capital Works Progrannae. The City Engineer advised that his Department would try to do what they could in respect to this situation. Provincial Municipel Conference on Emergency Measures Alderman Gregory advised that he had received a cce~unication fr~n the Attorney General's Office, and that he, as Chaix~n~n of the Welland County - Cities Emergency Measures Organization was requested to be in attendance at the Provincial Municit~l Conference on Emergency Measures to be held in Allanburg. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that Aldernmn Gregory be authorized to attend at ~he Emergency Measures Organization Conference on March 29th and March 30th- Preparation of Brief rm: Regional Government His Worship'Mayor K~ighan advised that 'the previous week copies of statis- tical information concerned with Regional Government had been received, and that earlier in the ~ear the City Manager and other Officials had been authorized to prepare a ~rief to be submitted to t. he Firm doing this study. It was indicated that a C_~nittee should work along with the Officials in preparing this brief· His Worship Mayor Keighan then referred tl~is matter to the Special Cnmmittee set up ~o prepare a brief for submission to the Ontario Hydro, whose members are as follows: Alderm-n Dewhie, Chaired_n; Alderm~n G. Mex~cin; Alderman Mitchelson, Alderram- Gregory. No. 6~02 - A By-law to authorize the construction of extensions .and improvements " to the electrical .power distribution and street lighting system of the City · ~ird Reading; Ald. Scott and Ald. F. Maxtin. Carried Unanimously. No. 7020.- A By-law to authorize an agreement with Damore Bros. Limited for the construction of watern~ns on Cropp Street and Pettit Avenue. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Scott that Ald. G- Martin be ~A:~nted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried U-_entmonsly. " O1~ on the motion Of Ald. G~ Martin and Ald. Downie that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules-of Council be temporerily muslindeal an~ the By-law given the second reading. Carried LManimously. Third Reading -Ald. F. Maxtin and Aid. Mitchelson. Carried U~_a~imously. No. ~0~1 - A By-law to authorize an a~ment with T~_more Bros. ~mited for the eonstrustion Of ztox~ sewer mains On Hurries Street. ~ on the motion.of AId. Swa~e and Ald. Scott that Ald. ~. Maxtin be ~nted the privilege of introduei.n2 the ~-law and ~he By-law be given the fire~ reading. Carried Unaniaous~y. OPalBED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that Rule 36 of the Standing t~les of Council be temporarily sus~ende~ and the By-law ~iven the secona reading. Carried UnanimOusly. Third Reading 'Ald. Downte and Ald. F. Martin..Carried Unanimously. No. 70~ - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Damore Bros. Limited for the -- ' construction of storm sewermains on Ferry Street and Victoria Avenue. O~T~ED on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. ScOtt that Ald- G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OPaSEED on the motion of Ald. G. Fartim and Ald. 8wayze that R~u!e 36 (2) of the Standing gu/es of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Bearss and Ald. Swayze. Carried- Unanimously. leo. 7Q23 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Vincent Kerrio-Germano Limited for the construction of a pumping station and force main and sanitary sewermains on Lund~'s T~ne from Kalar Road to Garner Road and on Hamilton Street from Sixth Avenue to Homewood Avenue. Ortum~D on the motion of Aldo F. Martin and Ald. Scott that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. e on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Do~nie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Ru/es of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried UnanimousaS. Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Bearss. Carried Unanimously. No. 70~4 - A By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2~50, 1959 of the former Township of Stamford, no~ in the City of Niagara Falls, as ~me_nded. (Greater Niagara Auto Parbe - l(alar ORIBRED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald..GregorY that Ald. Scott be gran~ OIgS~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. ~. Martin that Ru/e 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temperaril~ suspended and the By-law be given the second reed!.~. Carried Un~nimously. Third Reading -Ald. Downie and Ald. F. Marbin. Carried Uxmnimously. leo. TO~ - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement for the demolition of a FA~ze House and Taxi Office at ?O Dnmmona Road. GBISBED on the motion Of Ald. l)ovnie and Aid. 8vsyze that Ald. 8cott be granted the privilege of intrcducin~ the By-lay .and the By-law be given the second reading. Carrfed Unanimons).v. ~ on the motion of Aid, 8oc~t en~ Aid. Bearss 'that Rule )6 (~) of the 8tending l~des of Council be temporarily s~spended and ~he By-laW 6ivan the second reading. Carried Unanimously. O~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to C_'~mittee of the Whole on the motion of. Ald. Mitchelson ~nd Ald. 8wayze.' BEAD AND ADOPTED, February Zlst, 1966- ~ird Reading - AId. Qregory and Ald. 8~fze~ Carried Unanimousl~, ~ - A By-law ~o px~vtde ionlos for ~eseral purposes CNF~E on ~be motion 0f Aid. Grma'ox"Y end AId. F, Max~cin ~hat AId. Kttohelson" be granted the privilege Of lntrnd~e~ the B~-lav an~ the )y-law be 8ivan the first ~ reading. Carried Unanimousl~. Council Chamber, February l~th, 1966. Council assembled in C---mndttee of the Whole following the regular Council Hoering held on February l~th, 1966..All Hembets of Council were present. Alder- man Scott presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, it wes ordered on the motion of His l~orship Mayor Neighan and Ald. Johns that the C-~mittee of the Whole arise and repor~ to Council in respect to Comm,mication 81, Acres Research and ~lanning Limited, and Repo. rt .127 - Personnel C~lttee. AND ADOF~D, February 21st, 1966. CObl~CIL M~INO · Council Chamber, February 14th, 1966. Following the C~mnittee of the Whole Meeting on February 14th, 1966, COun- cil m-convened in open session. All Members of Council were present.. His Wor. ship Mayor R. F. Keighsn presided. T~e following action was taken: Ccmm. 81 - Acres Research and planning Limited - Suggestions re: co~position of Urban Renewal Coa~ittee- Following discussion on the matter it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Johns, seconded by Ald. Sw~yze, that His Worship Mayor Kelghan be du- delated or added to the Committee. This motion was carried with Aid. GregorY voting contrary, and all other members in favour. (Ald. Gregory asked if the Mayor wo~ld submit the names of the proposed member~ to Council for their approval, but it was in- dicated that the M~or had been given authority to appoint the members to the C-~mmitte~ Ald. Gregory was of the opinion that this Cc'"mittee should be appointed by Council-) Report 127 - Personnel Committee - Recommending that supplementary pensions outlined in the Report be provided for Mr. Farquhar Chisholm and Mr. Carl Hunter. An explana- tion on this matter was provided by the City Manager. It was 01~ on the motion of Ald. MacBain, seconded by Ald. Downie that the Report be received and adopted- The following By-law was passed in connection with the above REport: By-law No. 7027 - A By-law to grant retirement allowances to Municipal Employees. (Farquhar Chisholm) OP~EBD on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. MacEdin .. be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 'ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacBain 'and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the~ Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. MacBain and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. The Council Maeting acl~ourned on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain. Februar~ 21st, 1966. Mayor - NINTH MEETING Council Chamber, February- 21st, 1966. REGL,'XAR M~TING Pursunnt to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monds,y, February 21st, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of COuncil were present with the exception of Alderman G. Martin who was attending the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on February 14th, 1966 be adopted as printed. UNFINISHBD BUSINESS ecrure, 71 - COunty of Helland, Sunset Haven, Superintendent's Annual RepOrt.. - Mr. D. H. Rapelie, Superintendent, was present at the Council Meeting and addressed Council on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Scott. Mr. BapelJe presented the main reco--n-udations contained in his l%eport: (a) The need for accommodation for the "Grey Area= between a Home For The Aged and' a Chronic Hospital, or Hospital, brought about by the growing number of older citizens, mad the new Legislation pending~ whic~ will allow Municipalities to establish smaller "Best Homes" under the Legislation, to be financed and operated in a similar way to Homes For The Aged. (b) The need for more consideration to the "Preventative programs",ie: Homemakers Services, Meals on Wheels, Senior Citizens Clubs, Day Centras, Sheltered Work Shops, Trans' portation Service, etc. Mr. RapelSe stated that with the growing number of older citizens, more has to be done to allow them to remain in the Community, in their own homes, if possible· In Niagara Falls, there was the start of an excellent overall progr-w~e with the introduction of the Senior Citizens Housing. Mr. RapelJe expressed the hope that funds could be budgeted to utilize auxiliary services. A meeting had been held with those in charge of the Homemakers Service in Niagara Falls and they had indicated their willingness to co-operate in this progr-mme. Alderman Johns asked when the City might expect a Branch of Sunset Haven in Niagara Falls· Mr. REpelJe replied that at the present time he was suggesting that the smaller homes be established, which would free many beds in Sunset Haven. Within the next five years he indicated that a Home similar to Sunset Haven would have to be established somewhere in this area. Alderman Scares referred 'to the "Foster Homes Progr~mme'', and requested information on this programae. Mr. Rapelie stated that carefully selected private homes were used, with a limit of six residents to each home. In answer to a question from Alderman Gregory, Mr. Rapelie advised that this was the only area taking advantage of the Legislation in respect to Foster Hoeass, and that approximately 60 persons are in such homes. The same assistance as received for The Home For The Aged under the tegislation is received in respect to the Foster H-c'~ee. At the conclusion of Mr. RapelJe's remarks, it was ordered on the n~tion of .Ald. '~!itchelson, seconded by Ald. MacBain, that the REport of the Super- intendant be received, and Mr. Mapslie he thanked for his attendance and for his presentation, and for the very able Job he and. his staff at Sunset Hav~,n are doing for the citizens of the area. Cosre. 7~ - Welland County Social Services Dept. - Recommending that the Children's Aid Society Budget for 1966 be not approved. Report 111 - Finance Coennittee - Rec~"~nding that approval of the proposed 1966 Budget be withheld. Report 128 - Finance Co~mittee - REc~nding that the 1966 proposed budget be for- really rejected at this time. Alder.m- Mttchelson, Chairman of the Finance Com- mittee, explained that the decision of the Omittee was innO way critical of the Chlldren!s Aid Society operation, but was necessitated because the deadline for acceptance or appeal of the Budget was February 28th, and the meeting with repre- sentatives of the Society and the other Municipalities to alecuss and review the matter could not be held before the deadline date. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Mar~in that the Report be received and adopted. Carried Unanimously. Report 80 - Becreation & Protection Ccemittee - REcoemending that the Question: ears you in fayour of the fluoridetion of the public water supply of this Munici- lality" be submitted to the electors of the Municipality on the date of the next Municipal Zlaction. Report, 1~ - l~ecreation & Protection Cee~ittee ' Adviein$ that the original recom- mendation has been re-considered and that no change has been made. Aldexman F. Max~in, Chairman of the Gaittee stated that the majority of the Ccsittee ware fore repeating the same recommendation, that the question go before the Electors Ald. Swayze, that the original Report be adopted and the question be submitted to the Electors at the next Election. The following motion to table, however, took preced- ence over the first motion: ORI~BED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Johns that the matter of Fluoridation be tabled for one week for a full Council. This motion was carried with the following vote: ~ Ald. Johns, MacBain, Scott, Downie,,~ Ald. Scares, F. ~artin, Gregory, Swayze- Mitchelson. Naye:~ ., No. 8e - City of port Arthur - Resolution rec~"mending legilsation concerning the O~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that the c~"munication be received and referred to the Recreation & protection Committee for study and recom- mendation. No. 83 - Greater Niagara Baseball Assoc. - Requesting permission to hold Annual Tag and Ald. Day on July 16th or July 23rd, 1966. OPENED on the motion of Aid. Swayze Scott that the communication he received and filed, and permission granted to the re quest. No. 8~ - Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen, Christ Church = Invitation to attend Pan- and Ald. F. Martin that the communication be received, filed', and invitation accepted~, and as many members of Council as possible attend· Carnival from June 15th to 1Bth, end to bring in the joyes Shows of London, this ORREEED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Aid. MacBain that the cceanunication be ceived and filed, and requests granted in respect to the Annual Carnival; and further, Fark located on Porches.tot Road North, to the citizens of Niagara Fells for winter sports facilities. No. 86 - The Railway ·Association of Canada · Adoption of Daylight Saving Time. OH- IE~ED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Aid. Scott that the communication be received the City of Niagara Fells be adopted du~ing thei and filed and Daylight Saving Time in period from 12:01 a.m., Sunday, April 24th until 12:01 a.m., Sunday, October BOth. No. B? - Ontario Nydro Pensioners' Assoc. ' Su~gestions re: Hospitals for Senior Citizens. OREI~D On the motion of Ald. NAtcheZSon and Aid. Macpain that the ecemuni..' cation be received and filed an~ ref~fTe~ t'o t~he City Manager Tot a ~ort- to'-contain Superinten~Int cg Sunset ~aven for his report on the ~atter prior to presenting a · eport to Council. No. 1B0 - City Manager - ~ecomending that personnel be permitted to attend t~ t~ Transportation Safety Association Banquet at the queenSwa~ Hotel in St. C~thar nas on March 12th at ~ p.m. ORIli~E on the mOtion of Aid. '~ohns and Aid. Swayze hat the ~eport be received and adopted. . No. 1~1 - City Manager e Eeocamending the attendance of Mr. Arthur ~trmnge at the Conference o~ Industrial Accident PreventiOn Association to be held in Toronto, April ~th end ~th. QIQIEBD on the mOtion of AId. F. MaXtin and Ald. Bastes that · RepoX~ be received and adopted. '. ' ' ' . ' Mo. 132 - City Manager - NorrisOn Street Fire Mall and recommending that immediate in.t ction. be ,iron 'to tha A o,it.et. to ,roc.d with re tien of the (trywings, soneificatiOns and tender form for the Fire Hall. ~ o~ the sotiOn of AId. F. ~artin ana AIde OreaolTl'that the Report be received and adopted. This sotiOn was eartied with AId. ~ohns vOti~2 contrary ana all Other members in fayour · " ' No. 133 - City Manager - Advising that Ontario Municipal Board has approved of capital expenditure to finance the widening of Ferry Street and Victoria Avenue fran Stanley Avenue to Clifton Hill. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Aid. Swayse that the Report be received and filed. No- 134 - Alderman C. Swayze - Report of ~eeting of the Select Camuittee for Regional Control of Air Pollution held on February 16th. ORDEi~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and filed. No. 135 - Property Committee - Rec~nnending that the former ~wner of the dwelling at 3730 Mulhern Street be notified that the buildings have been condemned by the Welland & District Health Unit and must be demolished in aCcOrdance with the pro- visions of By-law 6!~!|0. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Sco~tt and Ald. Sw~yze that the Report be received and adopted.' SEE Resolution No. ~ No. 136 - Property Cammlttee - Rec~wnending that the proposal for the erection and/or supply of a diagram indicat~ng the seating arrangements for the Council Chambers be received and filed. OHE~EED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Sw~yze that the Report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with the follo~ing vote: Aye: Ald. Swayze, Scott, Downie, MacBain, Johns. Nays: Ald. ,. ' Scares, F- Martin, Mitchelson, Gregory. (Ald. Hearse indicated she was voting against this recommendation since she could not support the view that the cost would be prohibitive in providing copies of the plan. ) No. 137 - Finance C~.mittee - Recommending approval of the accounts for the period ending Feb. ~lst, 1966. ORIE~D on the motion of Ald. l&ttchelson and Ald. Downie that the Report be received and adopted- No. 138 - Finance Coe~ittee - Reckending that Lot 6, Plan 160 be sold to Mr. O. Polegato and Mr. 8. Hanni at a sale price of $1,492.50 subject to the usuel cov- enants applicable to the Industrial Subdivision being contained in the Deed. ORI~EED on the motion of Ald.. Mitchelson end Ald. Downie that the Report be ra- ceived and adopted. No. 139 - Public Works Committee - Inspection Tour of buildings end proposed projects, to be held on April and, 1966. OIt~BBED on the motion of Aid. Rearss and Ald. Johns voting contrary and all other members voting in A cared he would not be available fo~ the April and. date.) No. 140 - Acting Clerk - Application of Fr~-~ Natale of St. Catharines for a ~awker & Pedlar Licence to sell soft drinks from door to door. ORREEED on the motion of Ald. F- Martin and Ald~ HacBain that the Report be received and filed and licehoe be' not granted. No. 1~1 - Acting Clerk - Recomend~ng granting of Manicipel Licenoes. 0RE~ED on the motion of Aid. F. Maxtin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received, adopted, and licenoes 'granted. No. 27 - SCOTT - SWAYZ~ - RF~OLVED that the Acting Clerk be authorized to forward, by registered mail, a letter to the former owner of the dwelling at ~730 aulhera Street, informing him that the buildings have been condemned by the Welland & District Health Unit, and must be ~moliShed in accordance with the provisions Of By-law No. 64~0; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried UnanimousLy. No. ~8 - MITC~LSON - ~ - I~OLVID that the massage of conaolence be forwarded to the family of the late ~ordon W. Hemroe, a former Reeve of the Township of S~unford, and highly respected resident of the community; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hemto affixed. C,.arried ~animou.sl~ At~endxnce at Y.M.C.A. Hiaht Aldersan MaeHain was authorized to represent His WorShip Hai~han at the LM.C.A. !iiht to be hel~ an Mitreit ~-~. Attendance at Boy' s Club of Greater Niagara Alderman Scott was authorized to attend at the Annual Father & Son Awards B~nquet of the Boy' s Club of Greater Niagara to be held on Thursday, .March 3rd, .1966 at 7:00 p.m. Appointment of Ilrban Renewal Cc~nittee His Worship Mayor Kei~han, in accordance with the instructions of Council, reported on the appointments to be made to the Urban Renewal Committee. Mayor Kei~han stated that the cc~uittee he was appointing might be considered as a nucleus of cc~n- sittee which ~ould ba extended at a later date. The appoingmente.are as follows: Mayor R. F. Kei~han, the Chairman of the plannin~ Bo~rd, the Chairman of the Finance C~ittee, the Chairman of the Public Works C~ittee, the Oilairman of the Property Ccemittee, the City Manager, the planning Director, the City En4ineer, and Mr. ~andar- sluye, Chairman of the fOrmAn ~rban Renewal C~mittee. Mayor Eei~hen indicated that ' there would be a representative of the public added .later on to the C~'mtttee- Report of Conservation Authority Meeting. Aldarm~n F. Martin advised that he and Alderman Swayze had aftended a Meeting of the Conservation Authority held on Februar~ 17th at Mount Hope. ](r. F. Goldring was re-elected as Chairman of the Authority. Ccsmittees were formed and Mr. Joseph Dcminski of Niagara Falls was elected Chairman of the F~sh & Wildlife AdvisorY Board. Alderman Swayze and Alderman F. Martin will be acting on this C~m~tttee. The State- sent of Affairs as of 'Decenter 31st, 19~5 indicated that 81,000 persons made use of the Long Beach Area facilities, and '1~,O~O persons had visited Ball's Falls. A Con- setration School was conducted by the Niagara Fells District ~cerd of Bducation .and approximately 1500 grade 7 and 8 students aftended. The 19[~S Budget of the Authority was presented and adopted, subject to approval of the Eepartn~nt of Energy and Resour~d Management in respect to the grant from the Province. In 1959 when the authority begs operations the first levy on the municipalities was 2~ per capital. In a period of 7 years an amount of $1.~O per capita has been contributed, Or an 'average of 17~ per ye~ for 7 years. The net worth of the Authority as of December 31st, 1~ is The total area of the Authority is 950 square miles, and the total acreage owned by the Authority is 1~30 acres. The work of the Authority has proven very popular in recreation nna .very h~lpful to farmers ~n crmatin~ water holdln~s for surroundin~ ccemunities · Report of LundYfs Lane Historical Museum Societ~ Alderm~q 8Wze presented a verbal report in respect to the o.l~rations of the Lundy~s lane H~storical Museum Society for the year 1~. ~ F~nancial Statement the Society~s operations us presented to the C~ty Treasurer. The attendance fiSures for the period of May 15th to October ~rd 4ndtcated that a total of 6~ adults and ~7 children 'had visited the Museum. In ad. dition, tours were conducted throughout tht year for many s~hool children, accompanied by their teachers. Students from ~estlene and A. E. Myer also visited the Museum, alon~ with groups fr~n Churches and other bodies. Mr. We J. Kent was elected Chairman of the Board for the year 1~6. Promotion of ~inter activities in Niagara Area Alderman Bearss referred to the. many projects of the Conseryation Authority for the N~aSare ax~a~ but pointed ou~ that in the proposed pro~ects for the future there were no plans for the City of EiaSara Falls, and in additio~, while. most of the~ pro~eots centred around activities for the s,~r months, there had been nothing done~ to promote w~nter aeitivity within the area. Alderman Bearss substed that the rep*~ resentatives of City Council on the Authority should bring this matter to their atten.~ tion with a view to exploring sees of the area alon8 the clearpent further was~ of t It was indicated b~ AId, F. Mar~n and AId. SwayBe ~he~ .this matter would be taken under advisement° Inter-~uniciEal Con~nittee on Urban and Regional Research Alderman GregorY reported on his attendance at the first meeting of the Inter-~unicipal Committee on Urban and Regional Research held in Welland on Thursday, February l?th. At the meeting, Alderman Don Walker of Welland was elected as Chairman. The Alderman advised that some discussion had taken place with respect to the function of the Committee, and it was noted that its main function, until the Consultant's recammendation and report is handed down will be one of liaison and after this, the Committee expects to be quite busy, primarily in the liaison work, and within the terms of reference of its formation. It was indicated that there ~as some concern within the Committee and from representatives of the Consultants undertaking the survey on Regional Government to the effect that briefs are not coming in as fast as they should be. A brief is to be pre- pared by the City of Niagara Falls, under a Ccmmittee to be chaired by Alderman Downie. AlthOugh the City presents 'a brief; the contents may not be in full agree- ment with every member of Council and if there are to be other briefs or reports these will be welcomed at the Hearings to be scheduled. This will not exclude members of the general public who wish to present briefs. Alderman Gregory vised that there was some misunderstanding in respect to the contents of the data book on basic information. The data in the book was reduced to the common denominator system so that comparisons could b~ made but this was not fool proof. Figures in respect to the high cost of fire protection in the City of Niagara Falls had been quoted from this book by Mr. McYaeod, a member of the Niagara Falls Dis- trict Board of Education. Alderman Gregory stated that the figures for fire pro- tection were created on a per' capita basis, and there was sees doubt as to whether this was the proper manner in which this type of information should be assessed, and if the cost of fire protection was taken against assessment, then there would be a very different figure. Alderman Gregory reviewed the figures for Assessment, Population, Acreage and Number of Firemen, for the three Cities of Welland, Niagara Falls, and St.Catharines- Re queried how an assessment of the value being received for fire protectinn for the total amount of money paid, could be made. He referred to the case of Niagara Falls when the tourist population in the s-tamer months doubles the City's normal population. It was ordered on the motion of AId.Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that a StudY in respect to Fire Protection be undertaken throngh the Recreation & Protection Co~nittee and that this report be presented to the Ccmm~ ittee charged with the preparation of the brief on Regional Government, in time for its inclusion in the Brief. This motion was carried with Ald. Johns and Ald. Mitchelson voting contrarY and all other members 'in fayour. (Ald- Mitchelson in- dicated he was not opposed to the motion, but was of the opinion that requests might be received for separate studies to be made on the aspects of all public services ..) BY-I~W~. No. 7016 - A By-law ~o authorize the widening of Ferry Street and Victoria Avenue " from Stanley Avenue to Clifton Hill to a road width of forty-eight feet throughout as part of the ~ng's HighWay, together with various works incidental thereto. Third Reading - Aid. Scott and Aid. b~e~vze. Carried Unanimously. ~o._~_._._._._._.j~ - A By-law to ~rant retirement allowance to a municipal employee'-. (Lindsay Carlton Hunter. ) 01~ on the motion of Aid. 3ohns and Aid. F. Martin that Aid. MacBain be granted the privilege of introducin~ the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanim.ousl~. 0RE~D on the motion of Aid. MacBain and Ald. Downie that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the l~-law be given the second reading. Carried U~animonsly. Third Readin~ - Aid. Gregory end Aid. 14~tchelsono Carried Unanimously. No. 70~. - A By-law to eraend Zoning By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Biasara Falls, as amended. (Property ad~Jacent to extension of Valley Way west of Drummond Road, re-zoned from Single Family Residential to Apartment Residential) O1~ on the motion of Ald, ewayze and Aid, F. Martin that Aid, Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the ~y-law and .the By-law be given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that Eule 36 (2) of the Stand- ing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swsyze and Ald. F. Martin. Carried UnanimouslY. No. 7030 - ~TBoy'law to rescind By-law Number 6834, 1965· ' include rescinding clause, not provided in By-law 6960. Application of Board of Education (Valley Way School), ORDERED on the motion of Aid, F, Martin and Ald. MacBain that Ald, Mitchelson '- be gr~nted the privilege of intxuducing the By-law and the By-law be-given the first ~ reading, Carried Unanimously, 0RI~ on the motion of Aid, Mitchelson and Ald, MacBain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the secondi~ reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading ~ld, Scott and Ald, Swayze, Carried Unanimously, No, 7031 - A By-law to approve an application from the Niagara Falls District Board ' ' of Education, (8tamford Collegiate Vocational Institute) ORI~ on the motion of Aid, F, Martin and Aid, Swayze that Ald. Mitchelson be 'I~ granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first ,. reading, Carried Unanimously, ORDEE on the motion of Aid, Mitchelson and Aid, Macl]ain that Rule 36 (2) of theli Standing Rules 'of Council be temporarilY suspended and the By-law be given the second reading, Carried Unanimously, Third Reading -Ald, F, Martin and Aid, Mitchelson, Carried t~animouslY,' !. No. 7032 - A By-law to approve an application from the Niagara Falls District Board of Education, (Maple Street Senior Public School, ) 01~ on the motion of Aid, F, Martin and Aid, Swayze that Ald- Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first raading, Carried Unanimously, ~ on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. F. Martin that Eule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second~eadin~. Carried Unanimously. ,. Third Rea,dlng - Aid. Swayze and Aid. Scott. Carried Unanimously. . Applications from the Niagara Falls District Board of F~uCatioa and preparation of Resolution in respect to delays on Grants received. Considerable discussion ensued durin~ consideration of By-laws 7030, 7031, and 7032, dealing with applications by the Niagara Falls District Board of Edu. cation. Aldersen M~tchelson~ Chairman of the Finance Cce~ittees advised that payment of interest on borro~in~s had exceeded the original amount of the By-laws and the Beard had made application to Council for increases to pay the interest char~es. AI-~ delman ]~Nnie ~ueried the procedures which subjected Council to repealing the By. lewe~ and stated that the same l~-lew. miSht have to be rapeale~ again. Be stated that this matter served to strengthen previous arguments he had presented, and them should be some way of streamlining the operation and too much red tape us attached. He stated that the delay could not be blamed on the Department Auditors, and that the Board of Education should check on their internal financial set-up. Ald. Downie also queried whether the $10,000. contingency fund was now contained in the estimates in By-law No. 7031- His Worship Mayor Keighan referred to the fact that delays at the Provincial Department level were forcing the City to pay an amount of $26,000.00 in interest charges as outlined in By-laws 7031 and 703~. Mayor Keighan sugg&sted that under atthority of a motion passed by Council that a letter be for- warded to the appropriate Department bringing this matter to their attention and advising that the City are not satisfied with the way the situation is being hand- led. The City Manager presented an explanation in respect to By-law 7030 end com- mented that the Municipal Works Assistance Progrange had been very beneficial to the City, and pointed out that one of the regulations in using this sort of financ- ing stipulated that the 'works must be completed and coated before an application can be made for grant, and in the particular case under discussion, the Board of Education was not in a position to make out their final application for the grant until the latter part of 1965- He advised that he had been informed that Depart- ment Auditors would be in the City this week. Alderman Downie stated that the Separate School Board, of which he had been a member, had been fully aware of all the ramifications of the Municipal Works Assistance Progrange, and stated he could not support a motion chastizing the Department because he felt the delay was not the responsibility of the Provincial Government. It wan Ordered on the motion of Ald· Mltcheleon, seconded by Ald. MacBain that we instruct the Officials to prepare a carefully worded resolution in respect to the matter of delays in respect to all Provincial and/or Federal Grants received, having it buttressed by fact; for con- sideration by Council; and following approval, for circ~larization to all Ontario Cities, and the Ontario Mayors & Reeves Association, and the Ontario Municipal Association for support. Carried Unanimously. N_o. 703~ - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($~17,139.98) OIMD on the motion of Aid. Gregory and AId. F. Martin that Aid. Mitchelson be granted the-privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORI]EE on the motion of Ald. Mitchetson and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Downie and Ald. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Conmittee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. F. Martin. I~EAD AI[D ADOA~A'~D, February 28th, 1966· Mayor , · * C(I~2tl'A'A'~.: OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, February 21st, 1966. Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular Council Meeting held on February 21st, 1966. All Members of Council ware present, with the exception of Alderman O. Mar~in. Ald. Downie presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them, it was ordered'on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacBain that the C~mmittee Of the Whole arise and repor~ to .Council in respect to Report 142 - City Solicitor. AND. ADOA~A'~SD, February 28th, 1966. COUNCILMEETING Council Chamber, February 21st,1966. Following the C~-m, ittee of the Whole Meeting on February 21st, 1966, Coun- cil re-convened in open session. All Members of Councilwere present with ~he excep- tion of Ald. G. Mex~cin. His Worship Mayor Kei. ghan presided. ~'ne following action was taken: Papoft 142 - City Solicitor - Reporting on meeting with Mr. J. A. Kennedy, Q.C., Cha$.r~. of.~-ne.OntarioMunicipel Board on Feb. 16t~, and.procedure to be followed re: Application for Order stating that'the provisions for "duaieelections'in't~e'' Boerd'sAnnexation Order do not apply to the election to be held in 1966. O1~ on the motion of Ald. Downie and Aid. MacBain that the Report be received, and'the City Solicitor be requested to proceedwith the instructions laid down by Mr. Kennedy. Carried Unanimously. T~e Council Meeting adjourned on the motion of AId. ~ohns and Ald. Be~ss. ~ AI~ ADOIsI~D, Februar~ 28th, 1966. -' 1. TENTH MEm'A'ING Council Chamber, February 28th, 1966. EEGULAR Ms~A'ING Pursuant to a~Journment, Council met at 7:BO p.m. on Monday, February 28th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council ware present. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Scott that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on February 21st, 1966 be adop- ted as printed. EATION Petition No. 1 - Mr. H. Voskullen - Increased rail traffic on the C.N.R. adjacent to Cherrywood Acres subdivision. Mr. H. Voskuilen was present at the Council Meeting and was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Alderman Swayze and Alderman Scott. Mr. Voskuilen then presented a petition signed by 40 .. residents in the D~,mmond Road, Doreen Drive, Burdette Drive area which indicated their objections to increased railroad traffic on the C.N.R. Railroad Crossing at Drummond Road near the Cherrywood Acres Subdivision, and also to the proposed re-routing of the Pailway tracks. The petition requested Council to take steps to eliminate the extra train movement and to do everything in their power to bring back the service to a minimum as it was during the previous 7 years. It was or- dered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin, seconded by Ald. Johns that the Petition be received andreferred to the Railroad Re-location C~,nmittee for consideration ~nd repoxt to Council. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Report 80 - Recreation & Protection C~-.mtttee - Rec~nm~nding that the question: "Are you in fayour of the fluoriderico of the public water supply of this muni- cipality?' be submitted to the electors of the municipality on the date of the next municipal election. Report 129 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Re-consideration of original rec- ~,w, endetion and advice that the original recommendation cannot be changed. During the discussion which took place on this matter, Alderman MacPain queried if the members of Council would be polled in order that the opinions of those m~mbers of Council who spoke on the matter would be so indicated. His Worship Mayor Eeighan indicated that the remarks would be recorded for the minutes. _Ma~or _Kei_gh_an_: Prior to presenting his ccmnents on the matter, Mayor Keighan stated that he was not Joining either group on the matter, and then requested Aid. 8wayze to take the Mayor's Chair in order that he could address Council. Mayor Keighan stated that in his opinion, the public water supply 'system should ne~er becc--e a vehicle for carrying fluoride or any other type of chemical or sub- stance, other than that which is necessary to deliver pure and fresh water to the citizens. He stated that legislation contained in the Fluoriderico Act, which allows 'the Council or the electors to decide by a majority vote whether or not the water be fluoridated, did, in his opinion, threaten the loss of the God-given right of every individual to the use of water in a pure a~d unadulterated form, and this legislation could be used to ease consciences if Council took the easy way out by asking people to make the decision. It was his hope that Council would not use this permissive legislation as an excuse to shark a responsibility which in his opinion was that of 0ouncil, namely, that of seeing to it that the present water supply was not tampered with. He stated that if a majority of Council support the motion to put the question to a vote of the people and by-pass what he believed to he the morai obligation of Council, then the people should be told that voluminous information available indicates clearly that for every piece of evidence that sup- ports fluoridaticn, there is an equal amount of evidence that opposes its use, and therefore, how could Council, which in itself is split down the middle on the ~uestion, expect that the people could give the answer. Me stated that it was quite natural and normal for parents to be concerned about the health and welfare of their children, but point out that thex~ had never been 'W organized campaign by the parents of the children in Niagare Falls to request Council to flusriders the public water supply, and wondered if Council should he considering the matter at all under these circcastances. Mayor Keighan advised that fluoride was available in ~ny forms, and its use at the present time is strictly by the choice of the indi- vidunl or parent, where children are concerned, and that this was as it should be since it was strictly a personal matter and decision. He stated that if fluoride should be put in the water it .would be forcing everyone to cons~e it whether they chose to or not, and this would be contrary to the a~mocratic right of the individual, especially in a matter of this nature, because it had never been satisfactorilY estab- lished that the use of fluoride results in the coe~non good of all of the citizens beinI realized. He stated that if there was no doubt in the minds of Council that fluor- idation would result in the ccennon good of all the people being served, he was sure that rather than ask the people to decide the issue by their vote, that Council would support it unanimouslY. With regard to the elderly, the ill, people on diets and special drugs, etc., the Mayor queried what the prolonged use of fluoride would do to these people. He stated that since it seems to be helpful to children up to 12 and 15 years of age, then it would seem desirable to restrict its use to these years, but this could not be done if fluoride is put into the water which all must use. He state that the ntunber of Medical, Dental and Public Health Associations which endorse fluor- idation is not sufficient reason to support its s~eady use, and pointed out that thal- ido~de must have received screwhat similar endorsem~-nt fron a number of sources or it would never have been made available to the public, and yet tragic results ware exper- ienced fr~n its use. He stated that the serious effects that can come fr~n the prolonla god use of fluoride do not appear as rapidly as they did with thalidc~ide, hut there was much evidence to show that there are bad effects fr~n its use over a long period of time, and that to flusriders the water supplY would be exposing all the people to these bad effects. Mayor Keighan expressed the hope that Council would defeat the mo- tion now before it and that a resolution to not flusriders the water supply would be put forth and supported by a majority of Council. He assured Council that there was n emotion contained in his appeal, but it was simply a request to leave the public ware supply the way it is now -~ to leave with the citizens, as individuals, the right to decide whether or not they choose to use fluoride. He stated ~hat some members of Council might feel that a vote of the people on the question was the democratic way of settling the matter, but when the nature of the question was considered in some depth it should become clear that should the vote fayour fluoridation, then those who for good and valid reasons cannot take fluoride would ~e forced to do so to the detriment of their own health. He pointed out that even with fluoride there were still dental costs involved because to neglect the usual care which we now take of our teeth would result in the loss of teeth f~om other unhealthy conditions that would develop. He stated that there would be the other cost to consider - that which results from caring for other ailments that can develop from a stead~ and prolonged consumption of fluori~ and that evidence supported the fact that the h,~m-~ body cantlot eliminate fluoride completely from its system and since it was a poison, no one could say how tragic its effects could be. Mayor ~eighan stated that since evidence would seem to support the claim that a limited amount of fluoride at certain ages can help prevent tooth decay, he would suggest that other means, in addition to existing methods, for administering in raising a family, find it difficult to pay the high cost of caring for their chil-i dren's teeth. Mayor Keighan also suggested that it might be quite possible to have fluoride made available to families with young children, through the ~ealth Unit, and when Health Nurses visit homes with new children, that instructions could ~ given for its use. (At the conclusion of his remarks~ ~or Keighan resumed the Mayor's Chair. ~ Alderman F. Martin: Aideman Martin stated that the C~=~ittee had been told they ~e~e's~e~k~n~ ~h~i~ duty in putting the question before the electorate. He stated the Fluoridetion Act of 1961 clearly indicated that Council may either vote for or .against the proposal, or maF su~ait it to a vote of the electors, and since this was a personal matter for the people to decide, the Ccemittee did not sherk their duty in arriving at the decision they did. He stated that because of the seriousness of the question, the electors, bef6re they go to the polls, could secure the information the~ need to make a decision. He stated it was not the duty of Council to sot as dic~ator~ and force the matter on the entire population of the City. Aideman Mitchelson: Aldersan Mitehelson stated that Council was expected to give Ye~d~r;h~p'o~ ~h~s'question and that no single issue should be isolated and referred to the electors, and that the electors hews elected the Cramoil to sake such decision Alderman Mitchelson referred to the statement made concerning the right to leave pure water alone, and stated that natural water is not pure, and all over the world, ions and various substances, including fluoride in its natural state, enter the water. He stated that the effective dosage of fluoride in a municipal water supplY to prevent dental cavities amounted to one part per million, and he had never heard anti-fluoridetionists ask to have water which contained more than this amount treated. He stated that fluoride is also present in some foods and fruits. AId. MitchelSon advised that in the world, one-third of the people get full dental care, one-third get partial care, and the-remaining one-third get no care at all. At this point Alderman Mitchelson referred to the Report of the Com- mission appointed'to inquire into fluoride use, stating that the'Cnmmission was appointed in 1959 and after two years of study, presented a report on January 26th, 1961. As a result of the Study, amendments to the Legislation in Ontario were made in 1963 which made it legal for Corporations to introduce fluoridation by means of a By-law, which was the point of view he supported. Alderman Mitch- elson stated that one type of evidence the residents of the community had not re- ceived was the evidence on the effect of the use of fluoride on other diseases. In reading from the Commission's report, Ald. Mitchelson stated that there was no evidence to suggest that there were any bad effects on the body, and that fluori~e in the amount of one part per million was not related to other various diseases in any parts of the body. Alderman Downie: At this point Alderman Downie stated that the remarks being made by Alderman Mitchelson had nothing to do with the raca~nendmtion of the Com- mittee, is- whether or not the question was to be put to a vote of the electors, and sta~ed that he was making an appeal to the Council on his contention. He stated that he felt the remarks Ald. Mitchelson were making were out of order in reference to question under consideration. The following vote was then taken: 'Out of Order: Aid. Scott, F. Martin, Gregory, Downie, 8way~e. ~ Order: ~l~.'~a~s~ Johns, MacEsin, Mitchelson, G. Mar~in, Mayor Keighan. As a result Of the vote, Alderman ltttchelson then proceeded with his remarks. Alderman Mitchelson: Aid. Mitchelson stated that the growing complexities of modern life required the increasing intravention of the recnmmendetions made in the C-.mission's study, and as a result of the rapid advances of science there is more evidence available now which was not available before which helps Justify the type of recoennen~ation in the report. Various sections of the Report were then read by Ald. Mitchelson, including the recc~nnendmtion that the issue should not be decided by referendum, and that municipalities should be empowered to issue fluor- idetion by by-law without the necessity of referendum. He stated he was on the side of Council making this decision and sponsoring fluoridation by by-law, with- out a referendum. Ald. Mitchelson then pointed out that the Federal Dept. of Health and Welfare, the Dept. of Defence, the Provincial Dept. of Health, the Mad- ical 8ocieties and Dental Societies were all on the side of fluoridation. He also refeXTed to the pasteurization of milk, chlorination of water, and iodine added tO salt, as factors of a comparable nature. In conclusion he appealed to all members of Council to vote against the motion to submit the matter to a vote of t~e eLectors, and at a later time to vote for fluoridetion by by-law. _The _fo_ll_owin~ m_ot_io_n_ moved by Ald. F. Martin and seconded by Ald. Swayze, that the Report of the Recreation & Protection C~mmittee dated Feb. 7th be adopted and the question: "Are you in fayour of the fluoridetion of the public water supply of this municilmlity~a be submitted to the electors of the municipality on the date of the next municipal election, was then voted.on. A~e: Aldermen Bearss, F. Martin, Gregory, Scott, Swayze. Na~e: Aldermen Johns, MacBain, Mitch- . elson, Downie, O. Martin, Mayor KeiS~n. Motion defeated. A m_ot_io_n_w_as_s_ubm_it_te_d_by Aid. Johns, 'seconded by Ald; MacBain that the water supply of the City of Niagara Fells be fluorideted'at the~earliest convenience. The following discussion ensued on this motion: Al_de_r~n__F4 _Martin_,' Aldersan Martin indicated that he was in favour of fluor- idmtion but felt that he could afford to bu~ the tablets for his children if he so wished. He stated he would vote against the motion fir the reason that he be- lieved the matter should be put ~a vote of the people. Aldersan O. Martin: Alderman Martin stated he was ~n fayour of flu~ridetion ~u~ ~o~1~ ~o~ ;u~rt the sotion for the reason that he did not think that Council received the t~pe. of report that should have been received when the ~uestion of fluoridetion ~as referred to the C-m,,lttee. He stated the ciuestiou was referred to the Committee .to' bring a ..report hack to Council as to whether we should fluor- idate the ~xter or not, and the report that came back was not strictly a question of fluoridation, but that any subject Council feel they do not wish to act on should be put before the public. He was of the opinion that Council were elected to listen to all sides of a matter and make a decision sad vote thereon. He stated that if the coenittee had studied the material available and had done the Job requested of them they would have brought in a report recanmending that fluorides be eased or not added to the water. If the C~m~ittee had made such a repdrt, Ald. Martin indicated he would have felt that they had carefully studied all the data turned over tb them and had come to a firm decision of the best way to handle the situation. He men- tioned that before the subject matter was settled, that if the c~tmuittee'were not prepared to make such a decision that the matter should be referred to another com- mittee to deal with the matter, then it could be dealt with by Council as a whole. Re stated that his vote was as important as the vote of the members of Council who under-( stood the subject. ' Alderman Hearss: Alderman Hearss stated that she took exception to the statement that t~e'C'~e;i~tee had not studied the matter to its ~,13est degree, sad advised that frc~every sagle, which resul- the C~ewwittee had done so, and had studied the matter ., ted in the length of time taken to cuaplete the report. 8he stated that in spite of the fact that she favoured fluoridation of the water, no one had convinced her that -. it has any harmful effects in any age groups. She stated that fluoridation was helpfu~ in reducing dental caries, but it was not the cure-all for all dental bills. Alder- man Bearas stated she could not support the motion because she did not feel she was elected to dictate to 50,000 people on anything as personal as this. She stated she hoped she would not be expected to legislate on this matter, sad felt that such ac- tion was not _~e~ocretic. Alderman MacBain: Alderman MacBain stated that his stand is:- in favour of the ~luoridation of the water, without the necessity of a referendum, had not been made by personal study but by referring to the studies of those learned people in the particular profession concerned with this matter, and stated he had ~o be guided by the opinions of those who have spent a lifetime in this work, and that his opinion was based on the scientific evidence in the world for fluoridation. _Mayor _Ke_i_g~an_: Mayor Ke~8~-- stated that he did not .oppose of the use of fluoride, but did oppose adding · to the Municipal water system. The motion, moved by Ald. Johas, seconded by Ald. MacBain that the water supply of the City of Niagara Falls be fluoridated at the earliest convenience, was then put to the members of Council with the following vote: Aid. ohae, Mao in, tch. le , ie. Ald. Soott, 6. Martin, ~regory, F. Mar~in, Bearss, Mayor Keighan. Notion Defeated. Ccea. 7 - Cit~. of Woodstock - REsolution concerning sped limits in scllobl zones. Report 143 - RECreation & Protection Ccemittee - Reccemending that the resolution be not endorsed. ' I~_meqD ea the notion of Ald. F. Martin and Aid. 8w~vze that the REport be received and adopted and resolution be not endorsed, and comunication filed. Cam. ~2 - Oct.School Trustees '& Retepayers Assoc. - 1966 Membership in AsS'ociation. Report l~l~ - City .Manager - Reccmending 1966 Meibership Renewals, with the excep- tion of the Oat. 8chool Trustees and Batslayers Association. 0I~2D un the notic~ of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Scott that the REport be received and adopted and coaunination filed. Coma. 7~"- Social Planning Council of Greater Iliadera - Appointment of one member of~ Council to Beard of Directors. , const- Coma. 89 Social Plannin~ Council or GRater Riagere - Advising of chaOge in itution and reqnastin~ appointsent of additiceml member of Council. · bere- ~ ca the sotion o~ Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Soot1; that the ccsmunications catred and filed and AId. Dearss be appointed as ~he second member on the Social Plan nin2 Council, ~eport 96 - leroPert~ Cmsittee- Appli~atica or LE.Im.C. of Oaterio to Aster portion of propex~y at the inbersec~ion or Allen Avenue and PortaSs Road. Cos. 90 - Cemit~ee of Adjustment - HearAN; of apl)licatica ca Feb..22nd,:land teecame ~_~_e tha~ a~be tabled for a perJolt not ex~eedia2 ~ Report 145 - City Solicitor - Attendance at Committee of Adjustment Hea~ing re: Application of Hydro. 0RREE on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Swayze that the c~mnunication and Report be received and referred to the Property C~zmuittee and authority be given to the Committee to deal with the Hydro on this matter. CO~fUNICATIONS No. 91 -Emergency Measures OrganizatiOn - Resolution re: assistance for shelter program-s from Federal and Provincial Goventments. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacBain that the communication be received and filed and resolution endorsed. No. 92 - Niagara Development Association ~ Application for Grant. 0RREREDOn the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that the c~,,m,mication be received and referred to the Budget Cnmmittee for consideration, and Auditor's Statement be requested. No. 9B - City of Windsor - Resolution re: Rental rates forpublic housing. ORDERED, on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received' and referred to the City Manager for report. No. 94 - City of Windsor - Resolution urging Provincial Government to refrain frm approving any increase in Retail Sales Tax. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and filed. No. 95 - City of Windsor - Resolution advocating increased assistance from Federal and Provincial Governments to municipal governments to expedite their programs for the construction of sewage facilities. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the comm,mication be received and the City of Windsorbe advised that Council will support their resolution if they are prepared to add to it a caluse to provide that retrouctive payments be made to Municipalities who have already carried out and completed pro- gms for the construction of ·sewage facilities for the prevention of water pol- lution, such as was the case in the City of Niagara Falls - Township of Stamford. No. 96 - Mr. Joseph A. Hood - Advising of dangerous condition at intersection of Valley Wayand Portage Road and suggesting that consideration be given to the erection of flashing lights or signals. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the co~nsaication be received and filed and Mr. Hood be advised that traffic signals are proposed for this intersection in the 1966 Budget. No. 97 - Ontario Housing Corporation - Advising of completion of Housing SUrvey and presentation on MarchTth. OR~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald, Swayze that the' cnmmunication he re- ceived and filed andMrs. Hasins, HousingAnalyst, be infomed that the date of March 7th will be suitable for the presentation of the Survey. No. 98 - Niagara Falls Suburban Roads Camission - Annual REport and 1966 Budget. OREe~ED on the motion of AId. G. Martin a~d Ald. Mitchelson that the c,~,~unication be received and referred to the Budget Ccennittee for consideration. No. 99 - Niagara District Airport C.L--.;ission - Appointment of residents of the City of Niagara Falls. 0RIfleD ,on the motion of. Al~i. Gregory and Ald. Scott that the ccemunication be received and appointments made, as requested, in an.appropriate by-law to be presented to Council. No. 100 - Canadian Cancer Society - Requesting proclamation of April as "Cancer Campalga and Education month". (~RI~I~D on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Macbin that the c~.a~unication be received and request granted. No. 101 - Cw_ittee of Adjustment - Application of W. R. Cuelet - two acre parcel. No. 102 - Ccemittee of Adjustment - Application of W. R. Cusler - four acre parcel. 0REIREen the motion of Aid. G~ Hertin and Ald. Swayse that the two applications be referred to the Public Works Comittee for consideration. ](v. A. 0. HumAns, Cl~y Manager, explained that the two applications of Mr. Cusler involving his propertyonthewest side of Career Road north of ThoroldStone Read were directly across the line wherg. t.heUrbanHervice Area is, and stated that the two applications should be submitted to the appropriate committee and the committee be given power to act to take any representation to the Committee of Adjustment they might deem necessary, it being indicated that the two applications could affect the status of the Urban Service Area. No. 10S - C~mmtttee of Adjustment - Application of Albert Calaguiro. No. 10~ - Committee of Adjustment - Application of Gustave Collee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the connnunications be re- ceived and filed. No. 105 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce - Advising of committee set up to study the needs of local industry for water transportation as it relates to the Welland Canal, and requesting appointment of Ald. MacBain to this c~nmittee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. F. Martin that the communication be received and filed and Alderman MacBain be appointed to the caromtires. No. 106 - Miss Daninion of Canada BEauty Pageant Programroe - Consideration for ad= vertisement in Programme. 01tI~I~9 on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Gregory that the crmm,mication be received and referred to the Finance C~..mittee for consideration. No. 1~6 - City Manager - Advising of resignation of J. K. Edmonds,Design and Con- struction Engineer, to take effect as of March Blst, 1966. ORI~ItED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Dewhie that the Report be received and filed and Mr. Edmonds' resignation be accepted with regret, and he be c~w.-nded for his faithful and con- scientious service with the City, and wished the best of luck in his new position; and the matter of a replacement be referred to the Personnel C~mnittee for considera- tion. No. 147 - City Manager - Advising that Ont. Municipal Board approval has been received for By-law 700~ (Fire ~11 on Norrison Street) ORESRED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and filed. This motion was carried with Aid. Johns voting contrary and all other members voting in favour. No. 1A~ - City Manager -Reccmmending that Alderman BEarss be permitted to attend the Annual Conference of the Canadian Section of The American Waterworks Association to be held in Toronto May 1st to May 4th inclusive. 01~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin ahd Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. No. 149 - 9ity Manager - Exception for 12 firemen in order that they may ~e taken off Unemployment Insurance. OP~ on the motion of Aid.. MacBain and Aid. Gregory that the Report be received and adopted~ SEE Resolution No. 29 No. 150 - Public Works C~m. tttee - Rec~mm~nding that present by-law be amended to in- crease the charge for installation of water laterals from $45.00 to $75.00 per lateral. 01~ on the motion of Aid. G. M~rtin and Aid. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 151 - Committee of Adjustment - Final decisions on Cerenzia ~nd Cask applica- tions. OREgI~ on the motion of Aid. F. Mar~in and Ald. MacBain that the Rep0~ be received and filed. Re. 152 - Finance Committee - Recommending the passin~ of the revised by-law- govern- ing the licensing and regulation of nursing has. O~ on the motion 'of Aid, Downie and AId. F. Martin that the Report be received and filed. SEE ~-law No. 70S6 'No. i~S - Finance Committee -'Recommending approval of accounts for period ending February 28th, 1~56. O]~21~D on the motion of Ald, D~wnie a.,ud Ald. F. Martin that the Ikp?rt he received'and adopted. :I No. 155 - Acting City Clerk - Recammending granting of Municipal Licences. OR- DEE on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Repor~ be received and adopted, and licences granted. RESOLUTIONS No. 29 - MacBAIN - GREGORY - RESOLVED that the Mayor and Acting Clerk be empow- ered to execute certificates specifying the employment of Robert G. Wilson, James J. Deline, John D. Collucci, Jack Blain, Alex Gauthier, David Kemp, Garnet Cannon, GerogeJ. Alderton, Jack James, NarryJ. Boutilier, Terrance Grant and James A- Nicholls, with the Niagara Falls Fire Department of the City of Niagara Falls, as permanent for the purpose of exception free the requirements of The Unemployment Insurance Act; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously SEE Report No. 149 No. 29A - GltEGORY - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the fgllowing persons be and they are hereby appointed to the Niagara District Airport Commission for the year 1966; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously MISCEEIANEOLTS Industrial Management Club of Greater Niagara His Worship Mayor Keighan advised of the Industrial Management Club of Greater Niagara Management Night to be held on March 8th at 6:30 p.m. It was in- dicated that Alderman M~cBain or someone from his CommUtes would attend. The City Manager advised that arrangements had also been made for the Personnel Officer, the City Engineer, and himself to attend this meeting.. Meeting with Carborundum Officials and Employees His Worship Mayor Keighan stated that there had been some talk about Couhcil and the Mayor having received invitations to attend the meeting between Carborundum Officials and Employees being held on March 7th, and advised that this was completely erroneous. He explained that he had offered the City's assistance to the Company, but there had never been any invitation extended to attend the special meeting. Mayor Keighan advised that he had been requested to appear at the Uar- borundum.Company in Niagara F .lls, New York o~.~h~ morning of March 1st, along with Mr. JohayeoandMr. J. A. Montgomery. ,. ~ Report on attendance at Ontario Good Roads Associatio~ Convention. Alderman G. Martin presented a verbal report on his attendance at the Ontario Good Roads Association Convention from February 21st to 2Srd. Copies of the complete Agenda containing addresses presented during the Convention were pre- sented to each member of CeuncilbyAldermanMartin. He stated that the Semimar was cOnducted under the auspices of the Ontario Good Roads Association, the ratio Municipal Association and the Department of Highways. The attendance was approximately 1SOO members of council from different municipalities. Alderman Martin reo.-;-;endmd, on the evidence of the good attendance, that members of Council in l~Smake an effort to attend the Seminar if ~ossible. Condition of pavement of streets Alderman Gregory referred to the condition of the'pavementonthe roads' and streets in the City due to the winter weather, and queried how the s~m~ge compared to that of previous years, and if it would affect the municipality money- wise to a larger extent. He also questioned when the roads would be put in shape for the travelling public. The City lengineer advised'that it was difficult to tell whether the road break-up would be better or worse than in previous years, and stated that his Department is tryin~ to patch sc~e of the areas as they appear. l/. ~O. l~ - Building Iusl~ector . Sign Permits issued during week ending Feb' 25thZ l . { a~d filed. · m ~e also advised that half-load slg~s will be posted on country roads and main travelled roads in the City not built for truck traffic, and these would he main- rained until the f.rost is out of the ~r.o~nd. , Traffic Tie-ups at the entrance to the Hainbow Bridge and to the Q.E.Way. Alderman Johns referred to t~e congested traffic situation at the weekend when cars were tied up on the main highway leading to the Rainbow Bridge and the entrance to the Queen Elizabeth Way. He stated that there were four other streets that could be used to reach the Fells, which would eliminate much Of the traffic congestion· He asked that the Recreation Ccmgnittee give consideration to temporary signs to help alleviate the traffic Jams. The City Engineer advised that one way traffic had alp read~ heen approved for Stanley Avenue and 'Buchanan Ave., with the condition that signs be placed on Buchanan Avenue to direct traffic on Stanley Avenue. Mr. Eidt ad- vised that the Department of Highways were working on this matter, and that the whole matter of signing was strictly a matter under the Jurisdictien of the Dept. of High- ways. BY-LAWS No. 7004, 1966 . A By-law to authorize the acquisition of land and the erection of a Fire Hall thereon. Third Heading -Ald. F. Hartin and Ald. Swayze. Carried, with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all other members in fayour. No. 703~ - A By-law to exPropriate certain lands for the widening of Ferry Street. OP~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that Ald. O. Hartin be granted the Privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. G. Hartin and Ald. MecBain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Hearse. Carried Unanimously. N~o. ?035 - A By-law to provide for the widening of Waterloo Drive. ORI~ on the motion of Aid. Bearss and Ald. Scott that Ald. G. Hartin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. O. Martin and. Aid. ~ohns that. ~ule 36 (~) of the 8tending Rules of C~ouncil 'be ~cempOrerily suspended and :th~'..By~aw given the s~cond read'InS- Carried Unan~n~usly, " ThirdJleading . Aid, Mltchelson and Ald, F, Hartin, Carried Unanimously, ~ - A By-lay to provide for licensing and regulating nursing homes. ORIE~D on the motion of Aid, Gregory and Aid, Downie that Aid, ~tchelson be granted the Privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-lay be given the first reading, Carried Unanimously, ~ on the motion of Ald, ~ttchelson and Aid, Johns that the By-law be tabled for two veeks to allow members of Council to Peruse it, and that copies of the By-lay be forvarded to all nursing hcees licensed in 1965, _N_o. ?057 - A By-law to provide monies for general Purposes ~ on the motion of Aid. Oregory and Aid. granted the privilege of introducing the By-la~ and the By-lay be given the first readinS. Carried Unanimously, ~ on the motion of Aid. ~fitchelson and AId. NacBain that ltule ~6 (2) of the 8ta~ing Rules of Council be temporarily s~epended and the By-law be given the .econd reading. Carried t~mnimously. Third Readin~ . AId. Dowels and AId. Johus. Carried Unanimm,sly. 9 · Council adjourned to Ccmmtttee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and AId. Jobms. READ AND ADOPTED, March 7th, 1966. CO~I'rA'~s OF THE WMOLE Council Chamber, February 28th, 1966. Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular Council Meeting held on February 28th, 1966~ A~!Mam. bers. of. Council ~r~.pre~ent. Alderm,- G. Hartin presided as Chairman. " Following consideration of the items presented to the$, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Johns and Aldo MacRain that the Committee of the Whole arise and report to Council in resPect to Report 156 - Proper~y Committee. EEADANDADOPfED, March 7th, 1966. Mayor 70. 7 1. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, February 28th, 1966. Following the Ccmmittee of the Whole Meeting on February 28th, 1966, Council re-convened is open session. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor R. 'F. Eeighan presided. · .... The following action was taken: Report 156 - Property C~a~lttee - Proposed plan of subdivision by Messrs. F. A. and P. Bransccmbe, south of Thorold Stone Road, east of Dorchester Road. No motion was passed by Council, but members of Council appeared to be agreeable to giving tentative approval for the exchange of land suggested, subject to adjustment being made prior to the registration of the Plan. The Council Meeting adjourned on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. F. Martin. READ AND ADOPTED, March 7$h, 1966. Mayor ELEVENTH ME~rING Council Chamber, March 7th, 1966. REGULAR MEETiNG Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 7th, 1966 for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Swayze that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on February 28th, 1966 be adopted as printed. DEPUTATION Petition No. 2 - Messrs. F. Harris and E. Gengenbach - on behalf of the residents of West Cherrywood, a part of CherrywoodAcres Subdivision, protesting against the re-location of the New York Central Railroad to pass adjacent to Cherrywood Acres. Mr. Cengenbach Was granted permission to address Council on behalf of the group of $petitioners, by Ald. Downle and Ald. Swayze, and read to the meeting the contents of the latter accompanying the petition. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Mar- tin, seconded by Ald. Scott that the Petition be received and referred to the Rail- roadRe-location C~ittee. In answer to a question from Mr. Cengenbach, Mayor. Keighanadvised that this C~nmittee would probablymeet to consider the matter around the end of the currant month. PEESENTATION OF SAFE DRIVING AWAPalB Report 161 - City Engineer - Presentation of Safe Driving Awards to City Machine Operators and Drivers. Awards were presented to the City Drivers and operators who had no preventable accidents during the year 1965, and previous years, by His Worship Mayor Neighan and the Members of Council. At the conclusion of the presen- tations, Mr. H. Parm, Equil~nent Supervisor, expressed appreciation on behalf of the employees, for the granting of the awards and attendance at the Safety Association banquet to which those receiving awards are entitled to attend. Mr. L. Blackburn, also expressed appreciation, on behalf of Local Union 133 and the employees, for the initiation of the Safe Driving progr. mme. Alderman G. Martin, Chairman of the Pub- lic Works Cos~nittee, indicated his pleasure in the number of men receiving awards for safe driving, and stated it was a great honour to have these employees working for the Municipality. His Worship Mayor Neighan, also extended the congratulations and aRoreciation on behalf of Council to the employees for the work they were carry- ing out on behalf of the Municipality, and indicated a special word of congratula- tions to Mr. G. Weaver, who was at present a patient in the Greater Niagara General Hospital, but who had artended the meeting to receive an award for 34 years of Safe driving. UNFINISNED BUSINEdS Co~. 72 - Welland County Social Services Dept. - Paccmmending that the Childrenms Aid Society Budget for 1966 be not approved. Report 111 - Finance Committee - Recommending that approval of the proposed 1966 Budget be withheld. --. Rapart 128 - Finance C~mmi~tee - ReCommending that the 1966 proposed budget be formally rejected at this time. Report 162 - Finance Committee - Recommending that the revised 1966 Budget of the Welland County Ohilaren'sAid SOciety be adoptedand included in the current esti- mates for the City of Niagara Falls. 0B1~n~l) on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Downie that the Report (No. 162) of the Finance C~.~mitteebe received and adopted, and other Reports and communica- tion filed. teem. 101 - Committee of Adjustment =Application of W. R. Cusler - 2 acre parcel. Corm. 102 - C~..ittee of Adjustment - Application of W. R. Cusler - ~ acre parcel, Report 163 - Public Works Ccemnitte~ - Recommending that City Solicitor be requested to attend O_-w~ittee of Adjustment Hearing and oppose both applications. O~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report of the Pub- llc,~~ Works Cesaittee be received and adopted. COe~ICATIONS No. lOT - Greater Niagara Safety Council - ~raffic Safety Recommendations: Victoria Avenue (b) Temperance Avenue. OREgRED ~n the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be re- ceived and referred to the Recreation & Protection Committee for consideration. He. 108 - City of Fort William - Resolution re: Income Plan for Senior Citizens. 0RImmED on the motion of Ald. Do~nie and Ald. Swayze that the communication be re- ceived, and resolution endorse.d He. 109 - City of ~elland - Resolution re: Change in ~elfare Act. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Aid. Swayze that the coemuniaatic~ and resolution fron the City of Welland be-received and referred to the Welfa~ Administrator for report to Council. ~ . , ,. Re. 110 - Assoc. of Ontario Mayors & Reeves . Conference in 8arnla, June 26th to June 2~h. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Mttchelson and Ald. Bearss that the ci~un cation be received and filed and His Worship Mayor Kelghan be authorized to attend the Conference. Ho, 111 - Canadaires Dru~ Corps - l~eq~sting permission to hold Tag Day on May 28th. 01~ on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. Scott that the ccmaunication be re. eelred and request for Tag Day granted. He. 112 - Niagara Penins,,1A Municipal Co~mittee on Urban & Regional Research _ Amend- ment to present agreement to allo~ for membership of the City of Port Colborne. OR- 1~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Scott that the ccz~nunication be received and filed and that the aPPrnpriaCe By-law authorisin~ the execution of the Agreement be considered at the next Council Meeting. No. 113 . Niagara Falls Skating Club - Requesting considerationto City placing 'ad in Progranne. O~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the com- mun!cation be. received and referred to the Finance Ccemittme for consideration. No. 11~ . City of Por~ Colborne . Resolutions re: (a) Issediate action on of waters in Great Lakes; and ~b) Surpluses in Centennial Assistance Fund. Pellution on the motion of AId. NAtchelson and Aid. F. Martin that Council endorse the resolu- tion of the City of Port Colborne in respect to the Pollution of the GreaC Yakas. 0~ on the motion of Ald. 0regory and Aid. Bearss that the Resolution of the City of Por~ Colborne with regard to surpluses in the Cente~ulal Assistance F~nd be ferred to the City Manager for report to Council with regard to the implications in- volved. Henry Spurek Real Estate - Offer of ur ~ aitt~ hr e~si~mti~. c~i~ti~ be ~- 0~ ~ the !oti~ or A~~~,°~Of a~~ nt ht~ W.~ ~tml ~ c;~:~ ~ ·. . No ~8 ~ AId. Scott that the c~iati~ceZt~ R~X~ ~ Aid. G. ~min ~d No. 165 - City Manager - Recommending the attendance of MAr. C. Norgate at the Ontario Shade Tree Council, in Toronto, Harch llth. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F- Mar~in and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 166 - City Manager - Reckending the attendance of the Building Inspector at the Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute Conference, Hamilton, March 9th. 0RLu~D on ~he motion of Ald. ~wayse and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be received and adopted. No. 167 - City Manager - P~c~."~ending that Mr. K. Wilson, Welfare Dept., be paid an amount of $75.00 to assist him to take Social Welfare Course at McMaster Uni- versity, and in the event he passes the Course and still an employee of the City, that he he reimbursed for the balance. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Scott and . Ald. Gregory that the l~port be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. MacBain, Johns, and D~wnie voting contrary, and all others in favour. (Ald. Dewhie indi- cated he could not sul~port the report in this fore, since the course referred to had c_~amenced in 1~65, and he had understood that the policy on these matters was to cover courses c~--~ucing in the current year. ) No. 168 - City Manager - Recc~ending that M~r. M. Russelo, Assessment Dept., be reimbursed id the amount of $37-50 for payment of enrolment fees in Appraisal Course with Niagara Appraisal Chapter at Hamilton, and he be repaid ~0~ of the balance when he has passed the course, on the understanding that he is still in the ~' employ of the City. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. ~wayze that the Beport be received and adopted. Carried with Ald. Do~nie and M~cBain voting contrary and all others in fayour. (Ald. Dewhie indicated he could not support this Report in line with his Opinion made in respect to Report 16Y-) No. 169 - City Manager - Advising that Stamford Housing Authority have completed name change to Niagara Falls Ontario mousing Authority. O~x~ on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. ~wayze that the Report he received and filed. me. 170 - ~xecutive Assistant - Advising that objection has been received to By-law 702~, being a By-law to. amend Zoning Byelaw 2~50 and to re-designate the zoning to Industrial 2 Use of the property c~ned by Greater Niagara Auto Parts, Kalar Road. OR~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. S~ayze that the Report be received and referred to the Property C~e, mittee for consideration, and Mr. Casagrande he requested to attend the C .... ittee Meeting in order that an explanation of the safe- guard prowlsions of the site plan agreement can be made ~ him. No. 171 - City ~engineer - RePox~cs on attendance at City Engineers' ~ss~ciation Meeting and Ontario ~ood Reads Association Convention. OI~F~ on~fie motion of Ald. O. Martin and Ald. Oregory that the Report he received and tab~ed for perusal of Council for one week. No. 172 - l~xbllc .Works C~ittns - Recoe~ending that subject to Department of High- ways approval, and subject to guarantee of capletion before the end of April, ~ 66 the contract for the improvement. to the culvert for storm sewer. outlet 9 .., that q.E;Vay, be awarded to Sacco Construction. 01~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Rearss that the Report he received and adopted. No. 17~ lmublic Works Ccm~.it · Q.B.WaM Functional Plans frc~ Highway ~05 to the Wellan~ Eiver. ~ on the action of Ald. O. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Maport be received and filed, and Council adopt, in principle, the. recommended 8chess for the future revisions to the Q~een Ilizabeth Way. Reaol t!ou,Wo. 3q No. 17~ = Public Works Committee_ - Agreesent between City of Niagara Falls and -H.B.P.C. of ~ntario re: storu dx~inage ditch on former Denaid Avenue. 0I~ on the motion of Ald. G. Max~in and Ald. Johnm that the Repor~ be received and adOpted, and ac~uisition of easement he proceeded with and necessary by-~aw, be prepared. No. 17~ - Public Works Committee - bcommendin~ that a special meeting of the l~xh- lie Works C~mmaittee, Cit~ Officials and Aldex~man Mttcholson be held on Max~h l~th and all residents of the City who wul~ be assessed under the proposed T~p. of l~la~ara Ccmsolldehed ~lrp~rt Ax~a Drm~-~e System be in~ihed to attend. 01~ c~ the motion of Aid. , ~ar~in and Aid. Mltehelson that the !Wport be received and adopted. No. 176 - Public Works Ccemittee - Recommending that latter received frc~ Mr. A. F. Sheppar~ in respect to proposed road changes between the Q.E.Way and Valley Way at Drummond Road and effect on parking lot at Greater Niagara Medical Arts building be placed on file and considered at a later date when plans for the area are more defini. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Reams that the Repoxt he received and adopted. Report 177 - Public Works Caittee - Pra-payment of sidewalk costs, severance appli- cation, Committee of Adjustment (Stamford Presbyterian Church, and reoceaending that Mr. Pulmer, who was present at the Council Meeting on behalf of the Stamford Presbyterian Church, was granted Permission to address Council on the motion of AId. Rearms and Aid. ~ayze. Mr. Palmet stated that the Church authorities objected to paying for the sidewalk at this time, and state . hat there are no sidewalks along St. Paul Avenue in this area. It was indicated that a copy of this ~eport with a copy of-the Solicitor's opinion attached, would be sent to Mr. T. R. Gauld of the Stamford Presbyterian Church. Report 178 - l~blic Works Committee . Rectumending that the firm of H. G. Acres & Co. ~.td. be requested to submit a proposal and estimated cost of their engineering ser- - vices to undertake a stud~ to determine what electrical work should be done to con- plate the original contract at the Niagara Fells Filtration Plant, and to determine the best method of proceeding with mechanical repairs. ~ on the motion of Ald. G. Har~in and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. It was indicated by AId. ~. Mertin, Chairman of the Public Works Ccemittee, in answer to a question from His Worship Mayor ~eighan that ]L G. Acres & Co. would also be asked for advice in respect to emergency equllment in case of electrical failure. Report 179 - Public Works Ccemittee . Recommending that Council proceed with the. ac- quisition of easement across H.~.P.C. land extension of hiltan Street, in accordance with the conditions as set out in the latter from the H.E.P.C. of Ontario dated Feb. l~th, 1~. O~Sr~D cn the motion of Aid. G. Martin and AId. Johns--that the Report be received and adopted. Report 1~0 - Recreation & Protection Cmmittee . Reccemending that Report of Assistant Parks and Cemeteries SuPerintendent in respect to 17th Annual Meeting of Canadian Chapter of International -~ha~e Tree Conference be received and filed. (~E~ED on the motion of Aid. F. Mar~in and Aid. ~wayze that the Report be received and filed and perused by members of Council. Report 181 - ~esreation & Protection Committee . Reecmmnding. that the Corporation reac~e only those trees free private property as are Provided for in quotations con- rained in the Repox~ and onl.v upon the written request of the owner on forms to be obtained frm Zngineerin~ Rept. in respect to trees afflicted with Dutch Elm Disease; and further, that the Niagara Tree ~xperts be awarded the work as set out in their quotation, ~ on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Aid. ~a~ze -that the Bopoft be received and adopted. ~E 2~'-law No. 70k3 No. 182 - Recreation & Protection Cmmittee .. llraft By-law in connection with the · .on ire anthe -o ion of .Aid. ,. Me in an exception of policy be not made in this case and that pro-payment of sidewalk costs be required before severance is granted. 01~21~D on the motion Of Ald. G. Martin and AId. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. 8Zl By-lay !o. 7Ok:) Is. 18~ - Propert7 Cmai~tee . Maommen~Ang that the a ' be aPprowed sub Jest to the a~plicant entering into a site plan a~ement containl~ the tiou and su~estic~s of the platoinS kard and the P rt rectumends- the actira of AId Scott and AId that rope y Cmmittee. ~ on · ' Port be reneive~ and adopte~. an~ l~ml Nanor ~rive f~m N.C. te ~ourist Ccm~relal be not alexwed at this tim. ~on.the/~lon of.tld. 2o~t and AId. I-G. Nax~in that..the lbport be. received .and No. 185 - Finance emittee - Recommending that Special Budget C~mnittee Meeting be held on March 9th, 1966 at 7:B0 p.m. to consider and if possible, finalize the 1966 Capital Dudget. 0~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Dc~nie that the Report be received and adopted. No. 186 - Finance Ccsmittee- Reccmmending that Municipal Officials be authorized to call for Tenders for the purchase of Municipal Debentures in the amount of $1,199,496.00; and that Officials be instructed to negotiate with the Province of Ontario for the purchase of part of the debentures covering the cost of a new addition at Westlane Secondary School in an amount of $~O0,000.00 at an interest rate yet to ~e finalized. ORI~I~D on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Downie that the Report be received and adopted- No. 187 - Finance Committee - Eeocamending approval of accounts for period ending March 7th, 196~ in the aggregate total of $B59,1~6-18. ORDF~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Downie that the Report be received and adopted. No. 188 ? Building lns c~ - Summary of Sign Permits issued for week of March ~th. 0EDGED on the motion of Ald. ~ohns and Ald. F. Martin that the Repor~ be received and filed. No. 18~ - Building Inspector - Summary of Building Permits issued during the month of February, ~ on the motion Of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Scott that the Report be received and filed. No. 190 ' Actin~ City Clerk - Reccmaondin~ Granting of Municipal Licenses. ORD~ED on the motion of Ald. 5wayze and Aid. l~mie that the Report be received and adop- ted, and licenses granted. No. 1~1 - Reilroad Re-location Ccsmittee- Proposed re-location, N.Y.C. Tracks and lkbisco Shredded Wheat, and recommending the passage of a resolution indicating that rail traffic to the Nabisco Foods Ltd, plant will be maintained if the re- location proposal is undertaken. ~ on the motion of Aid. G. Mertin and Aicl. Gregol7 that the Report be received and adopted, and resolution be passed. 8EE~Resolution No. ~1 Achievement Award Dinner AIdeman INNnie reported on the plans for an Achievement Award Dinner, and advined that advertisements had been placed in the local press requesting names of individuals or ~ronps who had obtained Provincial reco~nition in 196~, and also that the Acting Clerk had contacted SchoOl Officials req~Aesting the ~mes of Ontario Scholars and others eligible for awards. It was found, however, that only 20 per- suns so far would quali~y for reco~nition, as campared to 100 persons in 196~. Ald. Dcvnie requested that the Press ~ive covere~e to this matter in order-that thos& quaLtried to receive awards woul~ a~vise the City Officials. Follow-up re: submission to Hydro~conoerning Bridges across Cana~l Hie Worship Ma~or X~l'~n reformed to the submission made to the Hydro- electric Power Cramlesion of Ontario concerning the possibility of re-building the brides over the ]~ydro Canal, which had been made scae time previously, and that nothing had been forthcoming as to the !~lro's decision on this matter. It was or- ders4 on the motion of AId, Swayse nnd AId. Scott that the Officials be authorized to direst a ocsmaunieation to the N~ro-~lactrie Power Ccmaissian of Ontario concern- ing pro~ess on the matter of re-bttil4~n~ the brides across the By4r~ Canal within the City. ~'nis a~ion was carried wi~h Ald. ~ohns I~ting contrary, and all others in fayour. · · ~,olls on Brid~es in lia~arn Falls Aldenan ~rm~ox7 rnfsrre~ to .~he cents of a ~der at a ~cent Nia~ .bml~t Cmit~ met~ eon~m~ t~ dif~emnce in toll ~ar~s as ~t~en the ~ri~s .in Ni~m ~1~, ~tario - ~ Yo~, ~ F~ie - ~falo, with the $o~ ~ ~e l~al a~a ~ hiker t~ ~ome ~4 at the hate lri~. It h~ ~n ~a~ that this fa~ us ~t~ntal to t~ ~lvers, and others. It ~S ~cated tRt a ~tter w~ ~ Mnt to t~ Visitor a C~ntl~ ~au o~ t~ ~m~r of Cm~e ~d a~ thu to ~sti~te ~is m~ter ~d ~ hck to ~etl, * t Eeautification Ccn~ittee el Alderman Gregory referred to a meetlng of the 3eauttficatlon Committee held on ~rch ~th, 1966 end outlined the officials on this Committee, indicating that A-Greaves, the Planning Director, had been appointed as Chairman ln*a temporary cap- ecity, and that Alderman Beerss had been appointed as the temporary secretary. then asked Alderman Bearss if the Budget of the Cnmmittee had been presented to her, and the Aldersan indicated that she had not yet received the budget, hut was of the oplnlon that it wo~l~ be Presented wtthln a short time. No. 30 - G. FdARTIN . JOHN8 - B~sOLV~D that Councll adopt, in principle, the races- mended scheae for the future revisions to the Queen *~IAzabe~h Way; and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed.. Carried Unanimously · . ~ Report No. 173 No. 31 - G. KdJ~IN . OI~GORy . F~SOLV~D that C~cil go on ~co~ to the effect t~t ~tever t~ of ~-lo~tton of t~ ~tl~y takes ph~ ~ the City of NieCe ~lls, t~t the ~blsco C~ ~tll be ee~d with ~uy se~tce; ~d t~ ~al of ~e Cor- ~led hn~ous~ (~. of c~t of tnstal~ti~ of ~a~r ee~t~ co~etl~ to $7~,) 0~ on the motlon of AId. Jo~s and AId. ~e t~t A~. G. ~ln be ~nte~ the privile~ of int~uc~g the ~.~ a~ the By-~v ~ 61~n the fl~t ~adl~. ~rrie~ ~n~o~. ~ on the motion of Ald. G. Vartin ~nd Ald. Rearss that Rule 36 (~) of the 8tending Rules of Council be texporartly suspended and the B~-lav be glven the ~'~ird Reading . AId. F. Hartin end All. 8w~yse. Carried Unanlaous],y. _Rote2 It w~s Indicated that the l~y-lav vould be e~ended by deleting the 1/~" size o~ ecemectton~ in order to provide for the 3/~" connection onl3r. ~ - A B~-i~v to authorlee the execution of a ro sa and its sub~tssion to the Nlnister of Hi p po 1 and estimate of costs be gran~oR~ on the motlon of Ald. Scott a d . . ' * the By-law be given the first O1~ on the motion of AId. O. Hart ' · ' .I.. ' . . ~. ' ~ glen 'the ~nlrd Reading - AId. Nltehelson and AId. ~ohns. 'C afrAid Unan - A ~y-lav to provide for establishing a l~rking lot adjoining ' .1 and for regulating, sul~rwislsg a~ governing the Pa o~ "' thereon and eher(lng ·fee for such ~ax-kln~. ~ Bllsn Avent~e, O!m3~D on the motion of Aid. F, Martin and Aid. ~ohns that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the 3y-3aw be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Aid. 8wayze. Carried Unanimously. Note~'. It was indicated that the l~-]~w would be amended by the .deletion or the words "Hi co" in paragraph numbered ~. on page 2- No. ?0~1 ,- A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with the Hydro- Electric Power Crm~tssion of Ontario. (Construction of ditch and in- stallation of drainage pipes along property in IRangee 1, 2, ~, ~, 5, 6, F. C. p~,n, tot 1~, l~g. Plan ~1, Parts tots 160, 173.) ~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Aid. MacRain that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ~ on the motion of Ald. G. Mar~ln and Aid. Downte that Rule 36 (2) of the ~tanding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Thlrd Reading -Ald. Mltchelson and Aid. F. M~rttn. Carried Unanimously. NO. 70~2 - A By-law to provide for the sale of Lot ~6, Reg. Plan 160 to Dominion Construction COmpany (Niagara) Limited. OEEF=R~D on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. F. Martin that Aid. Mitchelscn be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law an~ the By-law be given the first rea_a!~. Carried Unanimously. ORI~I~) on the motion of AId. Mttchelson and AId. Johns that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law he given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Thir~ Readin~ -Ald. F- Max~in and Ald. ~wayze. Carried Unanimously. No. 704~ - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with William Gillimgs operating under the fins nase and style of Niagara Tree wxperts, and the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. (~emoval of certain trees afflicted with D~tch Elm Disease) ~ c~ the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mitehelaon that Ald. F. Martim he ~A:~tad the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the. first reading. , Carrle~l, Unantmcam:l,y ................................ OI~2]~D Om the motion of Aid. F- Martin and Ald, Bearms that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be teaporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second recoil8. Carried ~animousl~. Third ~eading -Ald. Johns and Ald, Hitchelson. Carried x_~auimously. No. ~0~ - A By, law to provide series for general purposes $~,1~6.18. ~ on the a~tion of AId. F. Mart~n and Ald. Gregory that Ald. Mltch- elson he g~anted t~e privilege of intro~ucing the By-law and the By-law be given the fire~ reading. Carried ~nanimously. ~ on the motion of Ald. Mitehelson and AId, ~ayae that Rule 86 (2) of the 2tandin~ ~ules of Council he teaporerily suspended and the By-law he given the eeson~ reading. Carried t~anlaoully. Third Beading - Aid. F, Martin end Aid. Swa~e. Carried Unanimously. 78 · · 79. Council adjourned to Cc~mittee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. lknmle and Aid. F. ~ar~in. READ ANDADOrx. t~, .March l~th, 1966. CO~2~.xTx= OF .rm~ ~OI~ Council C h at bet, Batch 7th, 1966. Council assembled in Cce'nlttee of the ~hole following the regular Council Beeting held on NarchTth, Z966. AllMelbers of Council were present. Alderman~teg. orYpreslaed as Chairman. Following Consideration of the items Presented to them, it vas ordered on the motion of Aid. Do~nle and AId. ~wayze ~hat the Ccem. ittee of the hraole arlse and not report to Councll. B~ADANDADOFeED, Bsrch 14th, 1966. Clerk .... Council Chamber, ~arch 7th, 1966. Following the C-r"mittee Of the Whole Feeting on March 7th, 1966, Council re-convened in open ~ession. All Bombers of Council were present. His Worship Mayor R. F- Ketghau ~residea. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. S~ayze. AND ADOX~rSi), March 14th, 1966- T~ ~TIIIG looked into. At this point His Worship Mayor Keighan referred to the proposed project for the construction of Be rental ho~es in the City, and advised that March l~th, 1~. in their tender call, and that aces of the bids were not realistic. A suggestion had then been made by Mr. Philbrook of the Housing Corporation to the effect that 1~ ME~ the City buy SO existing houses in the City. This suggestion.us presently before the Proper~y Cfnmlttee, but no rec~end~tion had been made to the Committee that they support this particular proposal. It was indicated that now that the Housing Purs~nt. to adjournment, C~unctl set at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March l~th, Survey Repor~ had been received, that Mr. Philbrook wo~ld be asked to attend a l~, For t~e purpose of considering general business and finance. All !~rs of Meeting of the property C~ittee. In the meant~m~ the PlAnning Board have been CC. AnCil were Present. It was ordered on the antion of Aid. Scott and Ald. ~wayxe tlmt the minutes of the meeting of Council held on March 7th, 1~o6 be adopted as Printed. used for residential type of development, for use by the Property Committee in requested to provide a s~aary of available land in the Municipality that could be I]~TI(~!~ considering what land isavailable and eventually enable the Housing Corporation Petition No. 3 - Mrs. ~tlfred Druce & to proceed with the construction of the 30 houses. Same discussion centred around i s of Che~~ Burde creased facilities in connection with Sunset Haven, but after consideration it was the m~tion of AId. Nltchelson, i . d on the Sunset Haven type of accommodation. It was Oltn~wED on the motion of Ald. Downie seconded by Aid. Gregory that Mrs. Druce be granted and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be received and referred to the Property Cc~mitt- pereission to address Council. Mrs. Druce stated that the re-location sight produce ee for their action and recommendation. At the conclusion of the discussion, His initf*l sawlogs, b~t. in the lc~g run it would be expensive, and detrimental to .the ~orship Mayor Keighan thanked the representatives of the Ontario Housing Corpora- high assesslent area, especially with the alount of traffic on the rellW as muggem- tion for their attendance at the meeting and presenting the Report of Survey, and ted in Press reports. Another factor would be the cost for P~wlding overpasses, that everything possible would be done as quickly as possible to enable the rec~w~enda. since it ~ould seem that traffic could not be held up on the sein roads. Mrs. Druce tions of the Report to be expedited as quickly as possible. stated that any school children cross at the main crossings, and cited the close Proximity to the area of severel Public, separeta, and high schools. She stated that the c~ildrsn also cross the tracks at the end of Burdetta Driwe going to Cherrywood Acres Bchool. At the conclusion of Mrs. Drucees Presentation, it was ordered on the His Worship Mayor Kei~h~ extended the official welcome on behalf of the antion of Aid. Mitchelson, seconded by Aid. 8regory that the Petition he received and City Council to the Boy Scout Group frca Our lady of Peace Church, and their referred to the Railread ~e-location Committee, and that the Traffic Section of the leader, Mr. M. Ke~alley, who were present. at the meeting as observers. ~gineering Department undertake a study ~ith regard to the question of w~ere the chil- dren cro~s the tracks (ie~- at the end of Burdette Drive), and have this information made available to the Reilroad Committee ~en the matter is under consideratio~. ~ATION Coma. 38 - D. N. Chalsan - Requesting amendment to By-law 51~9 to permit erection Ca. ~7 - Ontario Housing Corporation . Presentation of liepert of Survey of of motel at southwest corner of Ferry St. and Stanley Ave. Se~and for Ontario Housing. Mrs. Mar~t ~asins, ~ousing Analyst and Need and Report 1~ - Property Committee - Hac~meudation that applicatio~ be approvad, ~e ed Mrs Ms ' · ry htch- to all Meshere of the Housing Sons clarification of the points in the Committee repor~ was requested by members Corporation. Copies of ' of Council. A brief exPlanation of the details of the survey leadin to ~ ~ the motion of Ald. F. i~in and AId. ~yme t~t the ~po~ ~ ~ceived Cm. 1G7 = Greater HiaSam ~fety 'Co~cil - Recanting consi~tion ~ Siren to Clittee and the ~e. of the ~r ush establis~n~ ~ all~d to attend a a · is Cl. '~ = Mel~d C~ty-Cities ~r~n~ ~as~s Or~i~ti~ - Pr~osed cipating in the Organization, and further, that notice of acceptance of the pro- posed t.M.0. Budget by the City be forwarded to the participating municipalities. C~ on the nctic~ o1' Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Gregory that the l~eport be re- ceived and adopted. lkport 171 - City ~ngineer - ~por~ of City ~ngineers AssociatiOn Meeting and On- tario ~ood Roads Convention. 0~ On the motion or Aid. Bearss and Aid; F. Martin that the Report be received and filed. No. 121 - Visitor & Convention Bureau - Requesting paxmission to u8e Cit~ Crest on the street map which will be featured in the centre of booklet. ~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. Bearss that the communication be ceived and referred to the Visitor & Convention Bureau Committee on which four members of Council sit, for their consideratiOn; 'and if it meets with their approval, they be 'given po~er to act. No. 122 . City Centennial Wceen*s Ccsmittee - Invitation to attend Pro-Centennial Masmoth Card Party to be held at the Park Notor Hotel On April l~th, 1~ at 8:00 p.m. 0~D On the motion of Aid. GregoxT-and Aid. Rearss that the comunication be received and filed and that as aan~ members of Council as possible attend. No. 1~ - City Manager - Recommending attendance of Mr. A. Lamb at the Ontario Traffic Conference Convention, Ottawa, May 16th to 18th. 01~2~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. ~wayze that the Bopoft he received and adopted- fro- 200 - Public Works Committee - l~eccmmending acceptance of proposal in respect to Grant of Easement from H.E.P-C- part of Lots 1~8, 1~7, extension of Storm Sewer on Conch Drive. Ol~ on the motion of Ald. G. Mart~n and Ald. ~ohns that the Eapor~ be. received and adopted. fro. 201 - Public Works Committee - ~eccemending that Messrs. G. G. MacDonald, ~. J. lised, Bruce H. T-~-s~insom and N. Webb be authorized to attend Senior Course for Sewage Works Operators to be held at the O.W.R.C. Laboratory in Toronto, April 2~th to 2cJth inclusive. 0~ on the notion of Ald. G. Martin and Aid. Johns that the Repolt be received and adopted. fro. 202 - Public Works Committee - Re-cOnstruction of H.E.P.C. Cax~l Bridge on Landy's Lane, and rec~n~ that Proctor & Re,fern be authorized to proceed with the calling of tenders, to cover all the necessary repairs to this bridge, 01~ On the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted · No. 20~ ~ ~ublic Works Cosslates - Recommending that the price submitted by Sacco ConstructiOn of $1~2.00 per catchbasin and $1.~0 per foot of lateral be accepted ~i '.; for the proposed cOnstruction of catchbasins under the Winter Works Incentive Pro- ~j ! . No. 12~ - Multiple Solefoals Society of Canada . Invitation to Annual D~nner Meet- received and adopted. · :I; . ~! ing, March 29th. ~ on the motiOn of AId. Rearas and Aid grazes. 01~ On the mntio~ of Aid. G. Martin and Aid. Johns that the Report be ~ ~ ; a~txunicatiOn be received and filed and that as many members , S~xyne that the i e ~ ~e~ ~ ~ti ~i r m 0~ on ' . ; en~ng~ 11, /~ o ~l~t the ~oc~ s~s~d. iba as to 'h~- ~ the bpm ~ m~i~d aa fi~.' *- . · ~e t~t the Q~i~ti~ ~ · foll~ng It ns ~1~4 tht t~ Gl~y ~r wo~ b~ ~ a ~e~ti~ ~ t~ eaten- ~ an4 A14. ' - ~sia2 ::':' '~:~'+ ~ f;~ ~ ~ ~ '~. ~.?* ~', ~ G- . .~ ~': ~' '~ 1.8. -.~ OI~!LRED on the motion of Aid. O. Hartin and Ald. ~y~e t~at the Petltlon be rec- eived ~_nd re£erred to the l~blic Works Ccemittee for consideration. No. ~ - ILTTCHEL60N . F. ~ . ~0L~ t~t t~ ~n~r of ~11, ~1o~ ~ C~ for the ~c~se of the ~ntu~s at a fie pri~ of $9~.57 Pl~ acted ~te~st ~r one h~d dolor ~ntm, ~ acceded for t~ purc~se of City of Nla~ ~lls 6 ~rcent ~ntu~s in the princl~ ~o~t ~ $1,19~,7~.~; ~d the ~al of the Co~o~tion be he~to alfred. Carried Unanimously SEE ~eport No. 198 No. 33 - See Page No. 86 HISCELL~JqEO~ Conplaint about speed of motorcycles on Montrose Rood Alderman 8wayze advised he had received a complaint about speeding mc~rcycles on Montrose Road. It v as indicated that His WorshiP NaYorEetgban:~ouldreport this to the Police Department. No. 7036 o A By-law to provide for licensing and regulating nursing homes. - 081~RED on the motion of Ald. Nltchelson and Aid. F, Ma~cin that the By-lay be given the second reading. Carried Unan~-ously. Third Reading . AId. F. Nartin and Aid. Scott. Carried Umn~ously. l~o. 70~ - A ~y-l-w to maend By-law No, 6538, 196~ to expropriate ~ertain lands in the City of Niagara FaLls. (Lund~'s Lane Wident.~ and Muller) OI~21~D on the motion of Aid. ~yze and Aid. -Scott that Aid. O. Martin be grated the Privilege of introducing the B;~-law and the ~-~w ~ gi~n the:'first ~a~ng. ~ on the motion of Aid. G. ~tn and Ald. ~chh that ~ 36 {~) of the 8t~ng ~es of C~cil be ~rl~ s~n~ ~d the ~-~ ~ given ~e ont ~adh~. ~led hn~. Third Reading. Ald. Johns and AId. Dwnte. Carried Unanimously. No, ?0~ - A BY-law to authorize an Agreement respeotln~ The NIagara Peninsula Nunt- ~ on the motlon of Aid. F. Ikrtin and All. Bearss that Aid. Gregory be granted the privilege of lntroduoin~ 'the BY-law-and the By-lav be Siren the flret rea41ng. Cax~ied ~aninously. ~ on the motion o~ Ale. ~regory an~ AId. !lacEsin that Rmle 3(~ (~) of the * Standlng l~ules of Cormell be temporarily suspended nnd the By-law .be given the second readlng. Carried ~an~Jmously.. Third Ibading . Aid. F. Ik~tin and Aid. Bearms. Carried Unanimously. _No. 70~_y - A ~-hw to ~nd ~-hw No. 1~ ~s~t~ f~m to It Yam Oralexit that th~s By-law be tabled for anen~nt increased changes for Class II Roa~s also thereto to include N__o..704~ ' A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between The Hydro- Electric Power C~mmissiOn of Ontario and The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. (Drainage ditch - part of Lots 1~8 and 157o) OBDEBED on the motion ef Ald. ~vayse and Ald. F. ~rtin that Ald. G. ~artin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-l~w and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Hartin and Aid. Rearms that Rule B6 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Bearss and Aid. Swayze. Carried UnanimouslY. No. ?O49 - A BY-law to provide monies for general purposes ($~Ol~ll3-60) ORIentED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. ~artin that Ald. NitchaI- ses be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORI~I~ED on the motion of Aid. Nitchelson and Ald. ~acBain that Rule B6 (~) of the Standing l~les of Council be temporarily sust~nded and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading o AId. Gregory and Aid. F. )~xrtin. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Cr, m. tt'bee of the ~hole on the motion of AId. HaaBain and AId. J_~h_~. I~ADANDADO~f~ March ~lst, 1966.' GObLeT2 OF THE ~OLE Council Che,.xber, Narch l~th, 1966. Council assembled in Coldittos of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council held on ](arch l~th, 1966. All Hembets of Council yore present. Alderman F. Nattin presided as Chaircan? Follovin~ consideration of the items presented to them, it yam ordered on the motion o~ Aldeman MacEsin and Alderman Johns that the Committee arise and report to Council in respect to Neport ~}10, l~aport ~11, Report ~1~, Report ~16. I~]8AD AND AEOPTE, March 21st, 1966. CO0'I~IL MXETING Council Cham~er, March l~th, 1~6. Following the Ccamittee of the Whole Meeting on March l~th, 19~, Council reo convened in open session. All Members of Council were present. Els Worship Mayor R. Y. Keighan presided. The rollo~ing action yes taken: Report 210 - Urban Renewal Ccmmittee . Recommending that the proposal for an Urban Renewal Scheme Presented by Acres Research and Planning t~et ted be accepted in principle as a basis for an application to the higher levels of ~overnment for assistance in preparing a scheme under Parts 5 and/or ~3 of The Rational Housing Act. ORIRRED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Rearss that the Report ~e received and adopted. (Carried wdth Aid. Gregory voting contrary). SEE Resolution Report 211 - Finance Ccamittee . Recommending that lJ3ninion Construction Ccapany be advised, thronu~ the Man~er of the Industrial Del~rteent, Chamber of C~aserce, that the policy of the Finance Committee is that all sales of Industrial Lots shall be on a cash basis, and they will not be allowed to Purchase Lots ~7 and ~8 in the Xn~ustrial Subdivision with s do~n payment of $~00.00 and balance of PayRent in six to seven months. ~ on the motion of AId. Mltcheleon and Aid. Dewhie that the Report be received and adopted. Report ~1~ - Recreation & Protection Ccanittee . Recce~endAng that the preliainary design of the Architects be accepted in respect to the Morrison Street Fire Hall, subject to the approval of the Fire Marshall's Office end the C~u. Underwriter,e Association, and that the Architects be Instructed to proceed with the final design and specifications for the Fire Station on this basis. 0REBI~ED o~ the motion of Ald. Bearss and AId. F. Martin that the Report be received and adopted. (This motion was carried with AId. Johns voting contrary and all other members in fayour.) Aid. Johns reiterated his opposition in respect tO this matter, particularly in respect to the ]~all. Report 215 - Finance Cceuittee . Reccamending that RoseRent Investsants Ltd. be no- tified that the City is not PrePared to purchase lands in leiagnrs Industrial Park (Plan 228) at the present time. GRIPED on the sotion of Ald. Mltchelson and Aid. GreEory that the Report be received and adopted. '~ No, 33 - MITC~ZSON . e, MARTIN . F~SOLVED t ~ t~ ~ ~ P~t~nts of the offic~ls of t~ h P , to contact and ~$ up Y a Pr~eed ta~ f~lfsing t~ m~ ant i~er le~ls of ~at, so- ~ it onn mcef~ appr~l ~ ~h ~c o the fern ~t will'~ m~lmd alot the Co~mtA~ b haste ~ed A~i ~d ~1 JPa~mntsJ ~d the · ~ ~ne~l 8 ~ s o ~ ell v~ed ~ Carried ,o. Council adjourned on the motion of Alderman F. Martin and Alderman Mitchelson. BEAD AND ADOPTED, March 21st, 1966. .................... Mayor 88. 89. Council Cham~er, March 21st, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Nonday, M~areh 21st, 196~, for the Purpose of considering-general business-and-finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman 8wayze. Zt was ordered on the motion of Aid. F, Martin and Aldo Scott thst the minutes of the meeting of Council held on M~rch l~th, 1966 be adopted as printed. His Worship Mayor Italian welcomed to the meeting a group frc~ the Col~ahian Squires with leaders McGregor and 8awad~. The group were l~resant at the meeting as observers. Cosre. B8 - D. N. Chal~aan . liequesting amendaunt to By-law 511~9 to persit m-zoning of ~ots 1~1 and ~2, Plan 1~, to Tourist Commercial (Ferry St. and Stanley Avenue) Feport 19~ - Property Ccealttee . Reccase~dation re: request. Report 217 - Property Cceaittee . l~ecoeaending that aPPlication for amendsent to By-low 51~9 be approved subject to the propex~y owners entering into a site plan agreement which, in addition to usual conditions, would contain Provisions that the owners dedicate to the City a 10' strip of land along ~tanley Avenue and sufficient land be acquired at the intersection of Stanley A~enue and Ferry Street for construc- tion of right hand chaunel. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. Joins that the l~eport be received and adopted, and ~epor~ 19~ and cc~aunication filed. Ocean. 7~8 (1~65) MacBain & Slovak . l~equesting amendlent to By-law 51~9 on behalf of client, G. Soluri to permit erection of motel at Walnut & Victoria. lieport sui~xttted. ' ~lng the adoption of final site plan as OP~ on the notion of Aid. Scott and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted, and l~eport 1~36 and ccs~aunicaticn be filed. 2 (Alderman ~acBain abstained from voting on this setter). on the motion of AId Do~nt; a~end~,rtlng on Act and Proposed resolution. o the City Welfare Administrator for su Aid. Macbin that the matter be refe 120 . City Solicitor . tatter reca onceruing Possible use by clients of tv~,,d frca B~ek, ~t~ & Me " ~q~Sts ~ the ~1 ~ ~o~omtt~ No. 131 - Nabisco Foods - Acknowledging resolution of Council concerning assur- ance for rail service. O~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. -~cott that the communication be received and filed. ]{o. 132 - Visitor & Convention ~treau - Report on brldge toll situ~tion from a Tourist Industry polnt of view. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the c°mmunication be received and tabled for one week for peruse.1 of Cotmoil. No. 13~ - County of Lincoln - l~ecluesting representative of Council at meeting o~ Regiona'l Detention Centre Ce,'aittee in St. Catharines on March ~Oth, 1966. OI~ on the motion of Aid. Gregox7 and Ald. F. Martin that the c~nmunication ~e received and filed and Ald. Downie represent the City Council at this meeting. No. 1~ - Niagara Falls Branch, United Nations Assoe. - Requesting ~ermission to hold Tag Day on June l$th, 1966. OREglUED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Bearss that the camaunication be received and permission gra~te~ for the Tag Day. No. 1~ - Canadian Cancer Society - Requesting permission to hold ~ag Days on Sept. 22nd, 2~rd, and 2~th, 1966. ORESBED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald- Rearms that the communication be received and filed, and permission granted for the Tag Days. No, 1~6 - City of Windsor - Resolution re~unsting Provincial ~overnment to waive sales tax on all purchases by Municipal governments- .O1~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ai~. MacBain that t, he cr'nn~nicatlOn .~e received and resolution .he endorsed. No. 1~7 - Alderman E. Bearss - SUb~aitting rasi~m~-~-tion as representative of City Council on Board of Directors of the Niagara Frontier Hu~nane Society. 0t~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Aid. Johns that the communication be received and tabled for one week. This motion was carried wi~h Aid. Bearss voting contrary and all other members in fayour. During discussion tel the m~tter, Aid. Dearss asked that Council accept her resig- nation free this bod~, since she had been ,,_n~ble to c~,micate to the Board the tb~nking Of Council. At the meeting she indicated she would not re-consider her decision. No. 1~8 - Department of Municipal A~fairs - Proposed Subdivision, River Realty Ltd. 01~ on the motion of Ald. 6. Nax~in and Ald. 6ragcrY that the c~"~'mi- Icerico be received and referre~ ,to the Propex~y C~a/nittee for consideration. Ca. 1~9 - Cca~aittee of Adjustment -'Hearing re: Application .of Mrs. Jo~aughan Coal. 1~0 '- Ccslittae of A~ust~ent - Hearing re: Application of ~ena Waskowski. Ocela. l~l - Cceaaittee of A~ustment - Hearing re: Application of Francis ~c~es. (~ on the motion of Aid. Mitehelson and. Aid. F. Martin that the cca~unica,- tions be received and filed. 'No. ~1 - Chairsan of Finance - Presentation of Municipal Budget for 1966. Followin~ the reading of hie Napoft, Alderman Mitchelson asked that the members of Colmoil ~veFlook an~ solall objectinns they might haws and approve the Budge~ in its entirety. It ~s ordered on the motion of ~ld° Mitehelson, seconded by Ald. Johns that the l~eport be received, and the estimated revenues and expenditures for the City of l~ia~ars F~lls for the-year 19~ be adopted. This motion was carried unanimously with His Worship Mayor Xei~haxl also voting in fayour. His Worship Mayor ~eighan cl~ed 'Al~el Ilitchelson on the excellent Job he had .done in the presentation of the 19~ Budget Helmoft, and pointed t~xt a clarification in the Report, that AId, Mitchelson alone, ~z not responsible fox' the increase in the ~ttll Nets,end all !~ambers ef Council had coaxpiled the Budget. Ald. Gregory stated that at the B~t. Cceaittee ~ting he had indicated he wool4 be voting against the B~dget, but he wished to give credit to ~he Chairsan ~f Finance and Officiels t'or the presentation of a Soo~ bu~t, and the ob~eotions ~hich he had had nO bearing on the increase of the Kill flare, and he wonl4 speak on these objections during the year when the items are included in the disbursements. He stated he would supl~r~ No. 231 - Public Works Cce~ittee - l~econnending that Tenders be called for the the Budget as it is presented at this time. Aid. {L Wartin spoke on the pro6ramme construction of storm sewer On Murray Street, and that Tender bids be received initiated with respect to equilment purchases, in order to ensure that all Municilml until April llth, 1966. OI~n~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss equipment would not ~e older than 5 years, and that this programs which did increase that the Report be received and adopted. (This motion was carried with Ald~DOwni~ the expenditures, was resulting in the savin~ of money on relmlrs. voting contrary and all other members of Council in fayour.) No. ~'a - Public Works Ccemittee - Recomending that the Tenser received fron Ducts= No. 2S2 - Finance Coemittee ~ Rec-"nmending approval of accounts for the period Bros. Ltd. ~or %he ~6nS'~U~tlon of Ferry Street and Victoria Avenue from Stanley ending March 21st, 1966. ORDEI~D Sn the motion of Aid. Hitchsimon and Ald. Mac- Avenue to 0entre Street be approved. Bain that the Repor~ .be received and adopted. O~glC[D on the motion of Aid. G. Wartin and Aid. Job-- that the Report be received Recommending that Application for Hawker & Fedlet and adopted. C_-~mittee - No. 2SS - Finance Sgg l~sclution No. ~5 Licence from Mr. &Mrs. R. Le~er of Montreal be not approved. 0RIBRED on the be received and adop- motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Mnrtin.that the Report leo. FaS - Public Works Committee - Advising that Tenders for Materials ware opened ~. ted- at 1 p.m. ,' Ma~ch ~llt, and tabulation of same will he completed and reported on to No. 2S~ - Acting City Clerk - Application of Mr. J. Rertucci, 51]~ Mountain Rood Council on March 28tb, 1966. ~ On the motion of AId. G. Martin end Ald.JOhn~ CSIF_aED on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. that the lieport he received and filed. ' for Hawker & pedlar Licence- Gregory that the application be referred to the Finance Connittee for Report- ~ (This motion was carried with A~d..Downie voting ContraxT and all other members No. ~A - Executive Assistant . Advising that O.M.B. Approval has been received !- in fayour.). ' for By-laW ~o."[~;]~; under date of March l~th, 1966. ~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and AId. F. Martin that the Report be received and filed. ~ No. 23~ - Actin~ City Clerk . Recomnending &-ranting of Municipal Licences. OR- leo. ~5 . Centennial Committee - Reccemending the acceptance of the Report 0f H. ~ IB~ED on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Aid. Hitchsimon that the Repor~ be ~. Acres & ~l~v liii[~d dated March 8th, 1966 re: Sculpture for Centennial Square, ~ received, adopted~ and licences ~Tanted. and further that both Council Centennial Committee end the Municipal Council be ' No. 23~ - Building Inspector - Building Fermit~ issued for the week ending March informed of the progress of this lmrticulnr phase of the Centennial Square l~o~ect by representatives of Acres. 18th, 1966. 0RDEE~D on the motion Of AId. Johns and Ald. F. Martin that the ~ Report be received and file~. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. Rearms that the Report be received ~ · and adopted. (T~is motion was carried with AId. Scott and AId. lk~rnie voting con- No. 237 - Cce~ittee of A~us~-'m"nt ' Advising of final decisions on E. I{. Fartee trsry end all other ss~hers of Council in fayour.) Ald. Downie indicated he ~as Co. Ltd. and C. & A. Ellloft Applications- voting eS~lnst the motion because of hie opposition to the pro~ect fron its ln~ and heceuse of his belief that in Order to receive 6rants from the higher levels ! end filed. ORE~I~ED on the motion of Ald. GregorY and Ald. Johns that the Report be received of Ooverr~ent on the promeet, the C~ty was in reality expendi._~ large st~s of money it could not afford. Ald. Scott indicated he was opposed to "abstract" sculpture Verbal Report - property Committee - The Actin~ Clerk reported verbally on the as suggested in the Acres Report.. In answer to a question of Aid. G. Martin, it was proposal of Mr. David Re~xrty to erect an enclosure around the tourist infoYma- indicated that the list of the sculptors chosen for competition would be submitted tion machine located on Clifton Hill in the vicinity of the Fallsway Hotel. It to Council. . was indicated that because of' vandalism which had occurred during the previous leo. ~va6 . Centennial Committee . Recommending the Purchase of 200 Presentation Style .... year it was found necessary to protect the machine with an enclosure, as well as Books at a cost of $~.00 per Book, cOntaining the history of Niagara Falls, to be .; would be in operation. It was Ordered on the motion of AId. Johns, seconded by to employ a University student to be in attendance during the hours the' machine Published in connection with the Kiwanis Club of Stamford, as e Centennial Pro~eet; Aid. F. Martin that the reconnendation ~f the Property C~mm~ttee that Mr. Hagarty and that arrangements be made for the writing of the three chapters on the history be given pereission to erect a structure around the tourist information machine on of the Cltyl and the costs be charged to the City~s Centennial Funds Account. OR- (Ald. Scott abstained free discussing this matter.) IBRE on the motion of Aid. ~reSory and Aid. Rearms that the l%eport be received and Clifton Hill be approved. a~opted. This motion was carried with Jild. Johns votin~ contrary. (Aid. Johns lndi- · I~80IAJTI01eS ~ No. 3k - G. 14s~TTin - JOHN8 - RESOL~ID that Codnell authorise the Petition for · ' , arms tha~ the Relmrt he received' dadO~, on the mot~on · the Corporation be hersto effiled. ' ' N_~Z~' A By-law to expropriate certain lands for the widening of Victoria ! Avenue · MISCELLAA~EOUS ~' B.C.V.A. Meeting - April let. ~ 0~ on the motion of Ald. Bentee and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. G. Martin be 6ranted the privilege of introducin~ the By-law and the By-law be given the '~ first reading. Carried UnanffunouslY- Alderman Gregory was authorize~ to attend the B.C.V.A. Meeting to be held on ~ April 1st on behalf of His Worship M~yor Kelphen. 01~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of CounCil he temporarilY suspended and the By-law be given Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, ~8~ement Group Meeting. the second reading. Alderm~n G. Martin was authorized to attend the Management Group Meeting of'the Third Reading -Ald. Johns and Ald. Bearss. Carried UnanimouslY. Norwich Union Life Society, to be held at the Sheraton Brock Hotel on March 29th, on behalf of His Worship Mayor EelShen. No. 706.1. - A By-law to authorize the execution of an A~reement between Abraham p. Willms Limited and Annie %~illms and The Corporation of the City of BY-LAWS leia~ara Falls. (Site Plan %~illms, Barker Street, Apartment proposal) No. 70~ - A By-law to provide for the appropriations for the year 1966. 0~r~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. ~tchelson that Ald. Johns be ~rented the privile~e of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the O~ on the motion of Ald. 8cott and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. M~tchelson be first reading. Carried Unanimously. ~ranted the privilege of introducing the B~-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimous/~. ~ on the notion of Ald. aohns and Ald. MacBags that Rule 36 (2) of the · Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the By-law be given the 01~ on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald; MacB~in that Ru/e 36 (2) of second reading· (C~rr!ed. w~th .A~.d. Scott, .~.nie .and .Gr~gorx yoting .cpn~rY..and .. the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the l~y-law be 8ivan the all other members in fayour.) .... ' ........... second reading. Carried Unanimousl.v. Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss. Carried, with Ald. Scott, Downie Third Reading .Ald. l~le and Ald. Scott. Carried ~na~imOus/~. and Gregory voting contrary end all other ,~mbers in fayour. .N.o. 70~7 - Being a by-law to authorize the manner in which taxes for the year 1966 No. 706~ - A By-law to -,~nd Zoning By-law leo. 2~30, 1960 of the former Township shall become due, to provide e time far Payment and Penalties for non- of St-mford, now in the City of legagate Falls, as amended. Payment of current t~xes and tax arrears. (Willms, Barker Street) 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin ann Ald. Rearss that Ald. Mltchelson ~e 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBags that Ald. Johns be 6ranted the privilege of introducin~ the By-law and the By-law be given the first ~ranted the privilege Of introducing the By-law ~nd the l~-law be given the first reading. Carrie~ UnanimouslY. reading. Carried UnanimouslY. O~ED on the motion of Ald. H~tchelson and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (e) of the ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. MacBegs that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarll~ suSpended add the B~-law be given the sac- second reading. Carried with Ai~. Scott~ Downie an~ GregorY voting contrary and ond reading. Carried Unanimously. Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the By-law be given the Third Readin~ .Ald. Gregory and Ald. Joins. Carried Unanimously. all other ~mbers in fayour. · Carried with AId. Scott~ · . Third Readin~ -Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. F. Martin. leo. ?0~8 - To authorize the levying and collectin~ of taxes for the year 1966, and Dcwnie and Gregory votin~ contrarY end all others in .fayour. definin$ the certain duties of the Clerk, TreasUrer, and Collector of of the City of Niagara Falls. No. 706~ - A By-law to authorize the execution of an A~Teement between Gutdo · : 8OlUTi 'and Vincent Finucci and the Corporation of the City of Niagara 081~RED on the notion of Aid. Rearss end Aid. NacBein that Aid. Mitebalsam be Falls. (Site P3a- A~reesent, Mc~cel at Walnut and Victoria Avenue) $ranted the privlle$e of introducfi~ the by-law end the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORI~ESD on the motion of Aid. F. Martin an~ Ald. Joh"n that Ald. Scott be 6Tasted the privilege of intreducin~ the By-law an~ the By-law be given the first CSESF~D on the RotiOn Of Ald, Mltcheleon and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the { k~.%{~,-..C~rr.i.e~, .................... d~n$ Rules of Council be temporarily susPended end the -law SseTond rsad~. Carried Unanimously.: . . By . be given the ORESRED on the motion of Aid. Scott end Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (~) of the . ' . Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended end the By-law be given the Third ReadinS . AId. Downie and Aid. Scott. Carried t~nan~mously. · second readinS. Carrie~. ' _N_o, 7~0~ o A By-law to authorixe the executiOn of a Pi~sal and eat th. o'" Thi Re"in,- ,1,. ,. Ma '" end ,ld. o. terio .. --,re.--ted h, t....ld ..i.te,i. ri t of.ot., ,1.--.-- Mac.in abe. i..'vot on ,h. ."--. .,-law. E ' 99 Of The gigIntoF Improvesent Ac~ (re coost into under 2ecticu uoing the By-Jaw end ~he By-I~ given the first the privilege of introduoinS the By-law en& the Bar-lew be given the ~iret ~ending, Cartie{ ~nan4=ouelY· = CJ~aRBD oa the motion of Aid. ~. Nar~in and Ald. Scott tha~ Rule 36 (~) of ~he No~e~ X~ was oz4ersd on the RotJan O[ AI~. ~. Mar~in ene Ald. Doehie that the ~ Rules of Council be temporari sue · , B~-law be tablel for One weeM for comcti(m ~ the legal description. readfa~. Ca~rAed ~%antmouelT. ly pended aria ~he B~ ~aw be liven the seo~ad (A3~eraan Na~Bain abs~aine~ fra rotinS ~ the abowe By-law.) No. 70~5 . A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($302,198.99) O~iv.~e~D on the motion of Aid. NacBatn and Aid. F. Martin that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of Introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. (Carried Unanimously) O~2RED on the notion of Ald. Mttchelson and Ald. IN~nte that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-Jaw be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Beading -Ald. Orsgory and Ald. Johns. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Ccmnatttee of the Whole on the motlon of. Aid. F. Martin and Aid. MacBain. I~ANDADOI~, March 28th, 1966. AND ADOPTED, March 28th, 1966. · ....... Council Chamber, March 2int, 1966. Council assembled in Cmmmittee of the Whole following the regular Council Meeting held on Nareh 21st, 1966. All Members of Council were present with the excep- tion of Alderman ~ay~e. Aideman MacBaln Presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items Presented to them it was ordered on the motion of AId, Scott and Aid. F. Martin that the Committee arise and not report to CO'mcll. COUNCIL ~EETING Council Chamber, March 21st, 1966. Following the Ccz~aittee of the Whole Meeting on March21st, 1966, Council m-convened in open session. 'AllMeters of Council were present with the ex- ception of Alde.r.ma~. ~wayze. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided.. It was ordered on th~ motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. MacBain that the meeting adjourn. EEAD AND AD01~, March 28th, 1966. Mayor .96. council Chamber, March 28th, 1~o6. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 28th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All F~mbers of Council were present. Alderman MacBain arrived at the meeting at 8:~5 p.m. Alderman G. Martin retired free the meeting at 9:00 p.m. His Worship ~!ayor R. F. Keighan pre- sided. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. S~ayze that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on March 21st, i~o6 be adopted as printed· Ccam. 107 - Greater Niagara Safety Council - Traffic situation on Temperance Avenue. Report 196 - Recrention & Protection C.'--.jlttee - Sac~m~endation re: Temperance Ave. Report 2~ - Recreation & Protection Ca~ttee - l~eccemendin8 that parking be pro- hibited on the wast side of Temperance Ave. from Spring St. to Perry St., and that the Traffic Dept. be 'requested 'to check on the conditions resulting 'from.this 'proposal~ to determine whether any further action is required. Petition 6 -Rev. Hiebert and 32 seabets of Alliance Tabernacle - petitioning Council to consider another way of solwin8 traffic problem on Temperance Ave. other than Cem- mitreo's reccemendetion. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and AId. Scott that Rev. Hiebert be granted permission to address Council. Roy. Hiebert stated that although he and his congregation appreciated the offer from the owner of Hi-Lite Electric to permit park- lng on his property, which was immediately across the street frc~ the Church, he did not feel it would be too convenient since, legally, pedestrians ware not allowed to cross a street in the middle of the block. He stated that if the provisions of the Lord's ~ Alliance Act were adhered to, the Car Wash pr~m~ses would not be open on Sueday mornings, thus eliminating most of the traffic congestion. He also suggested that the o~ner of the Car Wash provide for the routing of the care lining up to enter his business, to the area between his building and the sidewalk. Alderman F. Martin, Chairman of the Recreation &Protection Committee stated the property referred to, twaen the Car Wash building and the sidewalk, was actually the City property, and there- fore, parking here would not be pernitted. Re also indicated that there would not be room for many cars at this suggested location. In artswar to a question, Ald. F. Mar- tin indicated that the representatives of all the other business establia~s~_nts in the area had agreed with the reccamendetion to prohibit parking on ~he wast side of Tea- pernnce Avenue. Aid. Do~nie was of the opinion that the Ccmmittee's reccemendetion did not solve the problem. Aid. 6regory stated he had voted against the reccsassnda- tion at the Ccaaittne Meeting, and suggested it should have been investigated further by the Traffic Dept. to see if there was another solution. It was moved by AId. Mertin, seconded by Aid. SwaFze that the Ibport be received and adopted and perking be prohibited on the West side of Temperance Avenue. ~'~is motion was defeated by the following vote: A~e: Aid. F. Martin, Mitehelmet, Bearss, ~wa~ze. !h~e: Aid. Jc~ns, Gregory, O. Martin, Do~nie, Scott. It was ordered on the motice of AId. Oregox7 and Aid. Scott that the Petition Bey. Hiebert and Meaberm of the Congregation of Alliance Tabernacle be received and referred to the Beerentice & Protectice Coeaittee for further stud~. Petitice 5 - ~. Mewburn an~ 19 others in Clarke Street area - l~equesting.that .m or 1 , fie will not be bloeke~ at an~ time. n b~t that traf ~ ca the motion of Aid. G. Martin and AI~. Scott that the !bport be received, adopted, and Petlttou filed. Ca. 1~ ~ Visitor &Couventiou Bureau - bport ca Bri~s Toll situation free a Tourist Industry paint of view. ~ ou the aotiou of A14. ~earss and AId. F. Mettin ~bat the a~icetian be Corm. 137 - Alderman E. Bearss - Su~nitting resignation as representative of City Council on the Board of Directors of the Niagara Frontier Humane Society. Alder- man Bearss reiterated her position on the submission of her resignation as a member of the Society, previouslY stated at the meeting of March 21st. She indi- cated that there ware members on the Board who were concerned about the welfare of the animals, but the Board as a whole left much to be desired. She stated she had been unable to perform the function which was the responsibility of any rep- resentative of Council, to act as liaison between the Board and Council and to convey the wishes of each Body to both Council and the Humane Society Board. In answer to a question from Ald. Gregory, Mayor Keighan indicated it would not be a vote of non-confidence a~ainst Ald. Bearss if members of Council voted in support of the motion- It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bearss, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that the resignation of Ald- Hearas be received and adopted and another appointment be made. This motion was carried with the following vote: ~ Ald. Bearss, F- Martin, Nitchalson, Gregory, Do~nie, G. Martin, Johns. NayS: Aid- Scott, Swayze. It was ordered on the motion of Ald- Bearss and Ald.' Swayze that Ald. G- Martin be nominated as the representative of Council to the Niagara Frontier H~ne Society Board of Directors, and the By-law be amended accordinglY. This motion was carried with Ald. G. Martin voting contrerY and all other members of Council in favour. Report 223 - Public Works C~'n~ittee ' Advising of opening of Tenders for Materials and results to be tabulated. Report 2~d+ - Public Works Committee - Recommendations re: Tenders received. 0~ on the motion of Ald- G. Martin and Ald- Johns that the Report ~e received and following rec0~endations adopted: White Clover, Niagara Flour & Peed, (c) Perennial I~, Montgonery Eros. 2. Procast concrete ~oles and steps, J- D. O~kes & Sons Ltd. Surface Treatment with Bit,Yminus material, East~nd Bros. Ltd. Tenders for ready mix concrete, E. Weightman & Sons. ~. ( ) Gasoline Grmdhs 1 and 2, Texaco Canada Ltd. (;) White Gasoline, Texaco Canada d Furnace Fuel & Kerosene, ~nning 0il Ltd. 6. Tenders for crushed stone for roads, Queenston Q~arries and Walker Eros- divided as equallY as possible. Schedule B, Qaeens$ou c~arries and Walker Bros- trucks to go to nearest b Hydrants and ~alves, Canada Valve & Hydrant. 8. Hot Mix Asphalt and Asphairdo Cold Patch, Queenston Quarries. 9. Coal, =ohn Meats Coal Company. 10. Cement and Lime, ~. Weightsan & Sons Ltd. 11.: Crushed 8tone or Gravel for roads: (a) Schedule A, F.O.B. Job ~" Screen Dry, Walker Bros., 5/8" crushed class A, ~/8" crushed class A, and 2" crusher run, Walker Bros.& Queenston Wunrries, Pit run ~ravel, Class B, St.Davids Sand & Gravel. (b) Schedule B, F.0.B. ~ob, ~k" Screen Dry, Walker Bros., 5/8" Crushed Class A, 7/8" Crushe~ Class A, ~" Crusher Run, Walker Eros.' & Q~eenston Quarries · Tenders for 2and, S~am-Falls Trucking. P 13- Manhole & Catchbasin Castings, Niagara Foundry. No. 151 - Social planning Council of Greater Niagara - Invitation to Organizational Meeting tombs ~eld on April l~th, 1966. O~DERED on the motion of Ald. Bearss and 1~. Tires, Tubes and Tire Repairs, tabled for additional information. Aid. F. Martin .that the cc~nunication be received and filed, and as many members of Council as possible attend. 15. ~ewer Pipe, rubber gasket Joints. Requesting endorsation of resolution on pro- (a) ]2,15,18" diameter, Canada Iron Foundties No. 152 - Township of North York - ! ~ (b) 21, ?2" diam. inclusive, A. Cope &Sons. posed Code of L~hics. ORIIEEED on the motion Of Ald. Bearss and .Ald. F- Martin that the communication be received and tabled for one week for perusal of Council and ~ i 16. ~ewer Pipe, Mortar Joint only, that the brief ~e referred to the Solicitor for report. (a) ~", 18" inclusive, National Sewer Pipe Ltd. REPORTS (b) 21", 72" inclusive, A. Cope & Sons. ' , 17. Eental of construction equipnent, Engineering Dept. to use Tender Page No. 24~ - Public Works Committee - Recommending that the City proceed with the !/ whenever rentals are required stax~cing with lowest price quoted for required ~ appeal to the Drainage Referee agaInst the proposed Consolidated Airport Area · , equil~nent. Drainage System on the basis that the initiating municipality (Niagara Township) did not act in conformity with the procedure outlined in the Drainage Act. Ald. COIV4UNICATIONS Mitchelson and Ald- G. Martin provided explanations concerning the decision arrived . at by the Casnittee, and it was indicated by Ald. Hitchelson that one of the things ~ No. 142 - .Expo '67 - Particil~tion of City at Expo '67. 0~D on the motion of that had a bearing on the decision of the Committee was that in the Solicitor's opinion on the matter he had indicated that the Referee should decide on the non- Ald. Gregory and Aid. Bearss that the communication be received and referred to the conformity to the Act, and it was therefore felt that the proper place for obJec- Centennial Ccemittee of Council, and the Centennial Steering Cnmm~ttee be also noti- fied of the c~Anication, for their comments. tions was before the Referee who has authority to decide on this particular aspect- Aldel~-n Downie had requested that the Public Works Cconittee meet with .the Manage- No. 1~3 - Local Council of Wce~n - Requesting appointment of representative of City ment C~mmittee of the Airport C~'nmissi°n to beckons acquainted with the ramifications involved in the delay of the proposed Drainage Scheme. It was ordered on the motion - Council. ORI~D on the motion of Aid. Bearss and Aid. Swayze that the conmunication of Aid. G. Martin, seconded by Ald. Hitchelson that the Report be received and adop- , ~./ be received, and meabership for the year 1~o6 be paid; and a representative be maw~_d ted, and the City proceed with the appeal to the drainage referee against the pro- ,l! at the Council Meeting of April ~th and M~rs. Johnn be sent a letter of appreciation out- ~-} for her conscientious services on this body. posed Consolidated Airport Area D~ainage System on the basis that the initiating ~i ; ! municipality (Hiagara TownshiP) did not act in conformity with the procedure lined in the Drainage Act. This motion was carried with Ald. Downie and Aid. GregorY ~.!' No. 1~ - Hr. S. B. Crane - Sugges~bn re: Eailway Re-location. 0P~ on the motion voting contrary and all others in favour. A motion, moved by Ald. Do~nie, seconded Works of Aid. Swayze and Aid. F. Martin that the cceuunication be received and referred .to discuss ~I. the Railway Re-location Ccemittee for consideration. by Ald. GregorY, that the Report be received and refe~A~d back and the Public ~ ! Cconnittee meet with the Management Committee of the Airport C~wmission to ~j]l No. 1~5 - Niagara Parks Commission . Proposed pedestrian access facility at Robin- all the ramifications involved, was Los~. Ald. D(mnie and Aid. GregorY voted in ~(~,~ son Street - Jolly Cut. favour, and all other members voted contrarY. ~ '~. matter. ~' Clerk at the Annual Conference of The Association of Municipal Clerks  of Cutsrio, Delawana Inn, June 20th to 22nd, incl. ; ~ No. 1~ - Frank O. Fox - Requesting permission on behalf of 6rand Black Cha ter of Z 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayse that the Report be received ~iA i pe s on ~ranted and Police Ccl, ission be so notified. he authorized to attend the 1~66 School for Road Superintendents scheduled to be I~ ~. No. 147 - War Pensic~ere of Canada Ins. - l~equesting permission to erect Club House of Guelph from lday 9th to llth. · held at the UniverSitY and Ald Bearss that the Report he received on Lot 1~, Oarner Road, adjacent to 0erean Vi31a~e 0~ on the motl' ~ AId 5wayze 01~ on the motion of · ' · · ' ~.be'received and the wrlt~ ' iiL! d i that it will be in order for the Township to proceed with this work during IIo. 1~8 - Chadbar of Carce- Inquiry as to status of Parkin Autho . of ~'~orold be advised that the aoney f~r proposed double surface treatment - Town- !~'.i ~ attend the Coemittee meeting to provide further clarification. inwi. ted to · ' -- . lic Works Clittee - Raccslendin~ that Tenders he called for certain - cit, or Windsor - Re,ol ,on re: n --nt to Cr nal.... i"i, o~ Ai~, G, liartin and Aid, Scott that the Report be received and adopted, . o~ oniassntal street trees to be p~anted on City streets, to be.received before an~ Ald. Ssott that the ccm~nlication be'received and filf AId. Ilitohelson and Aid. llearss that the Report be received and adopted. offloss ~f the ef Sewex~ains ani iatezsains within-Sections D & C, Re~. plan ~, to be received ...j: ~ local !IPPs ecncar~ed, to the ins Minister c~ O~tario c i until 1~ noun, April 2~th, 1~, · ' t ~. ~ ~ ~he sotion of Ald, g. l~rtin and ~ldo Johns that the Repor~ be received · '.'i~; and adoptel. '... (Alderman Macbin arrival at approximatel~ 8:4~ p.a.) ..:...~-, ~ '~.; · 101. No. 252 - Public Works C~ittee - Recommending that Tenders ~e called for certain equipment to be received u~til 12 noon, April 25th, 1966. 0~ED on the motion of AId. O. Martin and Aid. Bearss that the Report be received and adopted. No. 253 - Public Works Cc~nittee - Reckending that Special Rubbish Collection be held for period fron May 2rid to May 6th inclusive. O~r~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Repor~ be received and adopted, and appropriate advertisement be placed in the Press. (AId. O. Martin retired frc~ the meeting at approximately 9:00 p.m. ) No. 25~ - Finance C0~nittee - Reccemending approval of accounts. 01~ on the motion of Aid. 'Mitchelson and Ald. MacEsin that the Report be received and adopted.- No. 255 - Property Cmmittee - Reccemending procedure for implementing housing pro- gr~ by Ontario Housing Corporation. 01~ on the motion of Aid. RCott and Aid. ~wayze that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 36 No. 2~ - ActingClerk - Recommending granting of Municipal Licenoes. 0F~D on t~ m~i~ of AId. ~e ~d A~. ~le that the ~po~ ~ ~i~d~ ad~ted, ~d licenoes ~mted. No. 257 - Ruildin8 Inspector - List of Buildi,g Permits issued for Cceaercial Build- , thee. ORl~onthe motion of Aid. Swayzeand Aid. Scott that theReport be received and filed. EESOIJ~TION$ No. 36 - scott - SWAYZE - ~OL~D t~t the ~tario H~ing Co~omti~ ~ m~sted to p~i~ 75 ~its of f~ Ho~ing ~ 2~ ~its for senior citizens as in the S~my of ~ed and ~4 for ~tario ~s~g, 1~; ~ it ~her ~rsto~ t~t the City of Ni~a~ ~lls a~s to absorb 7~ of the ~mt~ loss ~ the ~se of f~i~ hosing ~d ui~ all ~alty t~s ~ excess of ~5.~ ~r ~it ~r a~ in the ~se of h~i~ for se~or citizens~ ~d the ~al of the Co~mti~ ~ hemto affixed. ~ied ~ous~ ~'~po~ ~r No. ~7 - ~S - F.~ - ~L~ that a ~ssage of condo~n~ ~ fo~d to f~ of the hte Wi~md h~, a msi~nt of the ~ici~ty, ~d t~ ~al of t~ Co~omti~ ~ hemto affiX. ~mied ~n~o~ No. 38 - O~ - ~ . ~L~ t~t a ~sM~ of cmdo~nce ~ fom~d the f~i~ or t~ hte ~d ~, a fait~ e~loyee ~ the ~ici~lity~ ~d the ~al or the Co~tl~ be heNto ~f~d. ~tail ~s Gad~ti~ Chss Alderman Beetee indicated she vc~ld represent the Mayores Office. at the · btailSales OmduatimOlass of the Jaycoos to beheldonWe~nes~,.Mareh 30th# I~ at 7:0Op.m. Cramants by Na~or Kelghan re: ~aployees at J(cl~Ln,uon Industx, iesJ and Representation at Drama League Festival. His Worship Ma~or ~e12han indicated that he had, in past, avoided dtseusstma of eeatr~weretal items, but wlzhe~ to elaril~y two sltuattoms om which there had been e~mstdereble etamonte Rude. In respect to the eeatrowersy e~oernln( residents ea- pl~{,~ at Mo.F4.,,,oa X~dustrte$, Ma~er ~e12ban stated ha w~uld like to sle~e it clear that C~notl had not criticteed a~cme vho works at Iler, innea In~uStxT, ~ any ethel. tndumtxT. In respect ,to the Drama League Festival held at the Niagara Fells Collegiate Aud- itoritnn recentlY, the ~ayor of the City of Welland had presided at the opening. Mayor Keighan explained that a letter had been sent from his office advising those in charge of the Festival that he would be attending the United Appeal Dinner on this night- The Festival authorities had not requested an alternate representative from Council. ~yor Neighan stated that in all fairness they should have at least indicated ~hy the ~ayor us not present; and also, why Miss .Ia~arsh was unable to be present. . Condltlon of Sidewalks on Herrisen Street between Erie Avenue. end River Road. Alderman Swayze requested that the Engineering Department look 1rite the con- dition of the sidewalk on Mortteen Street betveen Erie Avenue and River Rood. Soliciting of 'Tourists on Clifton Hlll Aldex_-,,_.r, Johns advised that soliciting of tourists was being carried out on Clifton Hill by sight-seeing drivers. He requested that Mayor Keighan refer this matter 'to the Police Commission. _By-IAW~_ No. 705q - A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount ' of $1~3,101.50. OI~D o~ the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. MacBain that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law he given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY. O1~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. · Carried UnanimouslY. Third Reading -Ald. Do~nie and Ald. Swayze. Carried U~_.nimouslY- No. 7051 - A By-~w to authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal mount of $9,089.71 to pay the cost of constructing certain local improvements. ~ ca the motion of Ald. ~wayze and Ald. Johns that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law he given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY- OF~2BED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of C~AnCil be temporarilY suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried UnanimouslY. Third Reading -Ald. Do~nie and Aid. F. Martin. Carried UnanimouslY. No. 70~2. - A By-law to ·authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal mount of $1B1,1~9.99 to pay the cost of constructing certain local improve- .aents. ~ ea the mottern of Ald. Oregory and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Mitchelson be ~ranted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first ~i21~ ea the motion of AId. Mitchelsoo and AId. Scott that ~ule 36 of the Standing Rules of C~uncil be temporarilY suspended and the By-law be given. the second reading. Carried UnanimouslY. Thtr& Readin~ - Aid. Dcwnie and Al~. ~e. Carried ~nanimonslY. NO. ~0~ - A By-law tO .autho~ze the issue of bbe~turea in the principal amount · of "' OR4/~m~D on the motion of Aid. F. Mxrtin and Aid. Bearss that Aid. Mitch- elson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-lay and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 01t~ on the motion Of Ald, Mitchelson and Ald. DeNnis that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott. Carried Unanimously. No. 7054 - A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of $567,173.2~ for various purposes. ORumu~ on the motion of AId. Downie and Ald. 8wayze that Ald. Hitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading· Carried Unanimously. ORIBF~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Beading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. No. ?0~ - A By-lay to authorize the issue of Debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $1,195,708.~0. O~RED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Mitchel- son be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-/aw be given the first reading. Carried lYn~-_imously. OR~ on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily.suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Beading -Ald. aregory and Aid. 8wayze. Carried Unanimously. No. 706~ - A By-law to amend By-law Number 51~9, regarding tourist establishments. ' (Soluri Amendment) O~ra~ on the motion of Aid. Scc~t and Ald. Downie that the By-law be given ~v.',.~ i the second reading. Carriod. i::~ Third Beadle8 - A14. J~s ~d. Ald. F. ~. ~i~. t-'; ,.~j~', '~J~ ~d. ~ abstai~d fra v~ ~ the ab~ ~. ;~ i;ff " ~mnts to t~ ,~wa~ Wo~ ~ the ~ ~ice ~a of the City. ~ ~ t~ m~lon of ~d. ~ ~d AId. ~t~eis~ t~t AId. 8c~t be ted the privi~ of intr~uc~ the ~-~w ~d t~ ~-~w ~ ~n the fist ...;f.-~'~ ~made. ~ ~~. . . . ]...l~ r,i~., ~ ~ ~ the ~i~ of ~4. Sc~t ~d Aid. Jo~s t~t R~ 36 (~) of the ~ ~s of c~cil ~ ~m~ s~d ~ the ~-hw ~ Sign the · :."-~,~ ;~j see~d ~. ~ed ~~. 01~ c~ the ~otion of AId. Oregod7 an~ Aid. Joims that AId. Mit~helaon be ~ ~ ~lvlle~ of imtr~uc~ t~ ~-hw ud the ~-~ ~ given .the ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tancling Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second readffang. Carried with Ald. Downie and Ald. Gregory voting contrary. Third Reading -' Ald. F... Martin and Ald. Swayze. Carried with Ald. Do~nie and Ald. GregorY voting contrary. No. 7068 - A By-law to provide for the execution of an Agreement between Silvio ' ' Gizzi, Angels Gizzi, Joseph Lcmbardi, MarY tombardi and The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. (Site plan Agreement - Apartment build- ing on Dorchester Road. OEI~I~ED on the motion of Ald. Johns and A~d. 8wayze that Ald. Scott be granted the privileg.e of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading- Carried UnanimouslY. ONESElf) on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. 8wayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standring Rules of Council be temporarilY susl~nded and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried UnanimouslY- Third Reading - Aid. Downie and Ald. FacBain. Carried UnanimOUslY· . ..... '- No' 706~_' - A By'iaV' %0' amend' zOning By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of Stamford nc~ in the City of Niagara F~lls as amended. (Be-zoning, (}izzi, Dorchester Road) ORIBEED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Mitchelson that Aid. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Un~nimouslY- C~a~RED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously- Third Reading - Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain. Carried UnanimouslY. N0. 7070 - A By-law to provide for the 1966 expenditures on Roads or Streets in the ' City of Niagara Falls, in the County of Welland. Ol~ on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Scott l~e granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY- OPa]g~ED on the motion of Ald.. Scott and Ald. 8wayze that .Rule 36 (2) of the 8tending Rules of 'Council be temporarilY suspended and the By-law given the second reading. Carried UnanimouslY. Third Beading - AId. GregorY and Aid. MacBain. Carried .Unanimously. No. 707];. - A By-law to expropriate rights and easesants over certain lands for waterworks purposes. (Watermain along.l/4}~trose Road) Olt1~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. 8wa}-ze that Aid. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY. ..... ~ 'on' ~'e' ~t~'o~ '~f' ~i~. Scott and Aid. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tending Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried UnanimouslY. Tnix~L Reaain~ 'Ald. Gregory an& AId. F. Max~in. Carried Unanimously. lo5. .N.o. 7072 - A l~r-lav to provide monies for general purposes ~ on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. Scott that Aid. Hitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanim~usly. Oit~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporari~ suspended and the .By-law given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third lteading - Aid. Dewhie and Ald. Johns. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to C_e~mittee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Scott. READ AND ADOPLOD, April ~th, 1966. Council Chamber, March 28th, 1966. Courtell asseabled In CCsaittee of the Whole following the regular Courtell Meeting held on March 28th, 19~6. All Members of Council were present with the ex- ception of A!aerman G. Martin and Alderaan 8wa~se, Alderaan Johns presided as Chair- Following conslderetion of the iteas presented to them, it was ordered on the motion of AId. Bearss en~ AId. Scott that the Cmittee of the Whole arise vlthout reportin2 to Council. AND ~, April 4th, 1966. C0~NCIL I.~TING Council Chamber, March lSth, 1966-. Following the C~=Alttee of the Whole Meeting held on March 28th, 1966, Council m-convened in open session. All ~lembers of Council were present with the exception of Alderman G. Martin and Aldex~an Swayze- His Worship Mayor R. F. Ket~mn presided. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Dewhie and Ald. F. Martin that the meeting ad~ottrn- READ AND ADOI'E~D, April 4th, 1966. ~in8 Clerk ,I 106, FIFTEENTH MEETING April 2nd, 1966 The Annual Tour was held on Saturday, April 2nd, 1966 commencing at 9100 a.m. All Members of Council and His Worship Nayor Keighan were in attendance, with the exception of Aidemen Mttchelson and Scott. Following is the Agends of the Tour: 1. Meet at Cairn Croft Hotel on Lundy~s Lane e 9:00 A.M. Reconstruction of H.E.P.C. bridge on #20 Highway (Explanation by Traffic Engineer, A. Lamb) Construction of sanitary sewernmins on Lundy's Lane from Kalar Rd. to Garner Rd. (Explanation by Construction Sup:., D. Snyder) 9:0 9110 Non:rose Rd. sanitary land fill area and 9:15 · . inspection of bull clam .................................. (Explanation by Works Supt., H. Laur) Construction of sanitary sewermains on Nontrose Rd. from Industrial St. northerly (Explanation by Construction Supt., D. Snyder) Proposed ditch imporvemmnts on Monroe ditch (Explanation by Engineering Sup:., V. Golchuk) Extension of Kent Ave. north and south, extension of Gallinger St. and Morrison (Explanation by Traffic Engineers A. Lamb) Proposed construction of watermains on Thorold Stone Rd. and Hontrose Rd. to connect up dead ends (Explanation by Waterworks Supt., G. Willick Proposed construction of pavements To~n & Country Subdivision (Explanation by Eng. Sup:., V. Golchuk) Stamford Pollution Control Plant (Chief Operator J. McNamara conduct a 10 to 15 minute tour) 9:20 9:25 9:30 9:35 9:40 9:50. Drummond and Portage Rds. turn-around- (Co,,~ntary by Traffic Engineer, A. Lamb) Drmmnond Rd. storehouse (Guided tour Equipment Supervisor, H. Parm 10 to 15 minutes) 10:10 10:15 13. Proposed Q.E.W. access road at Drunnond Rod. (Commentary by Traffic Engineer, A. Lamb) 14. C-emil.:ion of work on Prommend Rd. from Lundy's Lane to Fredtics St. (CommentAry by Construction 8up:., B, Snyder) 15. Inspection of water tank at D~ummond Rd, and Luhdy's Lane (Explanation of work proposed by Water Sup:. O. Willick) 10:30 10:35 10:40 (Construction 8upt., D. Snyder will indicate location of water line and water eas~=mnt to Lundy'e Lane) i 16. Inspection of connecting link road work on Ferry Street and Victoria Avenue. (CcamentarY by Construction Buptd., D. Snyder) 17. proposed road work on Victoria Avenue from Bridge Street to Queen Street. (Ccnmentary by Engineering Supt., V- Oolchuk) 18. proposed channelization at Bridge St. and Victoria Avenue. (C~mmentarY by Engineering Supt., V. ~olchuk) 19. proposed re.construction of Buttrey Avenue. (CommentarY by Trsfflc Engineer, A. Lamb) 20. Nechanical Garage on Broughton Avenue. (Guided Tour by Equipment Supervisor, H. Palm) 21. Niagara Falls Filtration plant, Chippaws, Ont. (Guided Tour by Waterworks Bupt., G. Willick) 22. proposed Road Work on Murray Street from Ni-n-E~ra Parks Com- mission land to portage Road (CommentarY by Traffic Engineer, A. 'Lamb) 23. proposed Watermain Construction on McLeod Road from Stanley Avenue to Donald Avenue (CommentarY by Engineering Supt., V. ~olchnk) 2~. proposed construction of storm ditch on Donald Avenue (C~mnentary By:.Construction 8upt-, D. 8nyder) 2~. proposed construction of watermains and storm sewers on Barker 8traet from Franklin Avenue to D~~"mond Road. (Commentary by Waterworks 5upt., G. Willick) 26. Return to Cairn Croft Hqtel 11:00 n.15 11:~0 11:50 12:15 p.m:, 1`9.:25 1,9-:35 1`9. 1:00 p.m. cting C~r . o. . · lo8. s/mlNG Council Chamber, April 4th, 1~6. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 4th, 1~6~, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen Scott and Johns. His Worship Mayor R. F. ~SiShAn presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Swayze that the Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on March 28th, 1~ be adopted a~ amended. I~POTATION Petition No. 7 - Elmer P. Tubbe and 211 residents of Royal Manor Subdivision - situ- ation at the entrance to the Royal ~or Subdivision at Lundy's lane. Mr. Tubbe was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in, seconded by Ald. Swayze. Mr. Tubbe explained that because there was only one entrance to the subdivision it was very difficult tO, enter and leave Royal Nanor'Drive at Lundy"s lane, partic-larly when ~*~ing left turns. A drawing of the intersection was sub- mitted to the Chairsan of the Recreation & Protection Cmmittee. Mr. Tubbe referred to the entrances into the various nearby business places and suggested that if Coun- cil had control over these ramps, they could be designated either for entrance or exit, and possibly alleviate the situation. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. F. · Martin, seconded by Ald. ~wayze that the Petiteion be received and referred to the Rec- reation & Protection Ccemittne for consideration. Ccem. 109 - City of Welland - Resolution suggesting changes in Welfare Act. Report 219 - Welfare Administrator - Reporting on Welland Resolution. Report 255) - Welfare Administrator - Sulmission of Draft Resolution proposing amend- ments to Oeneral Welfare Assistance Act with a view to expansion of subsidies in cer- tain 'arean not nov included in Oovernment legislation. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Rearms that the Report of the Welfare Administrator be received and referred to the Finance Cm~ttee for consideration and report to Council. Ccsa. 128 - Welland County Municipal Assoc. - 3~th Annual Convention on April 21st, 1~6~, County Buildings, Welland. Report 260 - City Manager - Recm~-ndin~ attendance of 2 members of Council, Acting Clerk and one other from Clerk's Dept., City Treasurer and one other from Treasurer' s Dept;; ~elfd~e'Adainidtrator'and't~O'others fr~s Department& 'city'~ngineer; 'Junior · ngineer, Works Superintendent, ~n~ineering Superintendent, Construction Superintendent, Senior Assessor and two others from Department. O!~ on the motion of AId. 8waSte and Aid, F. Martin that the Report be received and adopted, and ccsaunication filed. Deport 23~, - Actin~ Clerk - Application of ~. Rertucci for Hawker & Pedlar's Liceace. Deport 2~1 - Finance C~enittee = Reccmnending approval of Application of J. Dertucci for Hawker & Pedlar's Li~ence. OR~NR~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain that the Report be received, adopted, and Licence g~mnted. Petition 1 - N. Voskuilen and others in Drumaond-Cherrywood Area - Proposed re-location of New York Central Line. Petition 2 - Nessrs. !hrvey and Cen~enbech - Area west of Cherrywood and Burdarts. Petition ~ - F~s. W. Druse - Area of Burdette Drive and CherxTwood Acres. Petition ~ - Mrs. C. L. Manlay - Stanley Avenue, Fraser Street Area. Ca. 1~ - Mr. 8. B. Crane - Suggestion re: Ballrsed Re-location. Neport ~62 - Nailroad Re-location Ccmmaittee - Roeending that all petitioners be ad- vised that all petitions submitted will be considered by the Committee and the peti- tioners will be sonsuited before say action is taken in respect to railway re-location. O~ on the notion of Ald. O. Martin and AId. 2wayse that the Report Of the Nailroad h-location Ccami~tee be received and advised. I H.Voskutlen and others = increased traffic on CNR Wabash Line ~titiOn 1 - _ port 263 - Railroad Re-location Coamittee - Recommending that Mr. Voskuilen and petitioners he advised that the number of train movements which the C.N.R. makes on this line does not come under Jurisdiction of City Council, and suggesting that they forward a petition directly to the Canadian Natioual Railways- 0RI~EED on the motion of AId. O. Martin and Aid. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. (This motion was carried with Ald. Gregory voting contrary and all other members in fayour. ) Alderman OregorY was of the opinion that the moral support of Council should be extended to any petition submitted to the C.N.R. by the peti- tioners · petition 6 - Alliance Tabernacle - Traffic conditions on Temperance Avenue. Report 26~ - Recreation & protection Committee - Recommending that the Traffic Department be directed to ~.~_.ke a study in depth and to report on possible solutions re: Traffic conditions on Temperance Avenue from Ferry Street to Spring Street. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. GregorY that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. Corm. 143 - Local Council of Women -'Requesting appointment of representative of City Council to group. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Rearss and Ald- Swayze that the cnmm'micati°n be received and filed and the group be informed that Mrs ~ E. E. Mitchelson will be '- the representative of City Council. Coem. 152 - Township of North York - Resolution rn: proposed Code of Ethics. 01~ on the motion of Ald- GregorY and Ald. F- Martin that the ccm'nunication be received and tabled until report is received from the City Solicitor. C0~e4UNICATIONS No. 15B - Daly, Cooper, Guolle & 0'Gorman - Opinion on validity of Debenture By-law. ORI~EED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Downle that the ccumunication. be received and filed. No. 1~ - _~_~er and Swayze - Application of provincial Gas Co. -Ltd. for an Order extending the interim rates of the Company for an additional period of 12 months with no rate increases. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Martin that the ccsaunication be received and filed and in view of the fact that there will be no c~a-~e in rates it will not be necessarY to send a delegation to the meeting; and the Ontario EnergY Board be notified accordinglY. No- 155 - Centennial Cc~aission - Seminar on community improvement and Beautifica- tion program to be held in Ottawa, April 2and, 1~o6. 0t~ on the motion of Aid. GregorY and Ald. Scares that the ccemunication be received and one member of Council accemPa~Y Mr. Greaves, the planning Director, if he is authorized to attend by the p~_~,ning Board. ORI~ on the motion of Aid. GregorY and Ald. F. Me.rain that Aid. Dearss be authorized to attend the Semicar on behalf of COuncll. No. 1~6 - City of Port Arthur - Resolution re: Municipal Transportation Systems, and review of leSlsiation for purpose of providing assistance to distribute losses. O~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. 'MacBain that the c~emunication and resolution be received and referred for consideration and report to the Finance Ccmaittee, and that an opinion be requested first from the .Greater Niagara Tran~ sit Ccmaittee for perusal of the Finance Ccmaittee. No- 15~ o Town of ~spanola - Resolution su~stin~ investigation int~ inflation 0~I~ on the motion of AId. Do~nie and Aid- NacBain that the cozm.uni- of prices. cation and resolution be received and filed. ' ta~a - Resolution Su~estin~ review to.Tax Structure. OP, I~I~,.D No. 1~8 - City of Ot leon andAld Gregory that the ccamuntcation be re- dotsad on the undsretand!_n~ that the processes tndicat setwed on the in the resolution ~ underwa~', but Oounctl will support m3y move that would tend to accelerate the processes alread~ functionina; and that representation from ~unieipal Authorities be welcomed to the Co~erenze ~able also. No. 159 - City of Kitchener - ~esolution re: Increase in Retail Sales Imax REvenue be made ava'~]A%le to municipalities to be applied against coats of providing e]~n- tary and secondary education. O~ on the motion of Ald. Downie a~d Aid. Swayze that the cce~unication and resolution he received and filed. No. 160 - A. ~aapel - l~equesting advertisement of Proclamation cne,~emoreting the Warsaw Ghetto. ORIF~ on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. M-ltchelson that the ccsaunication be received and filed, and request granted in accordance with Councll's policy on Proclamations. No. 161 - Greater N~a_~ra United Appeal - APPreciation for Grant. O1~ on the motion of Ald. ~earss and Ald. F. Maxtin that the c~sm~micatlon be re- ceived and filed. leo. 162 - HYdro-Electric Power Ccam. of Ontario . Advising of approval of payment of increased re~uneretion to Chairman and Members of N.F.~ydro Cnmm~ssiOn. O~ on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Ald. ~wayze that the cc2,~ueication be re- ceived and filed. , NO. 163 . ~he Senate . Copy of REport 'of Sanate C~.,m~ttee on A~ing. O~ on the motion of Ald. MacPain and Aid. Mitchelson that the cce~ueication and REport be referred to the Superintendent of Sueset Haven and he be requested t~ m~ any suggestions he wo~ld deem advisable to the Personnel & Negotiations Cc~mittee for consideration. - No. 365 - City Manager . Reccemending that City Fire Inspectors, F. Kin~ and W. Sills be authorized to attend Annual Conference of Ontario Fire Prevention Officers Assoc- intion, Hamilton, April 25th to 27th. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. ~wayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 266 . City er Ontario Fi~ ' Recommending that Fire Chief Wade be authorized to attend re Chiefs 'Seminar in Waterloo, May 2rid to ~th, 1~66. OP~ on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Aid. Swayze that %he REport be received and adopted. that we .re A--inis =to ands to be n __ g ations Ccmntttee be authorized to attend Annual Convention of Ontario Welfare Officers Association, O~tawa, June 6th to 8th. 0r~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Max~in that the ~sport be received and ~r. Young be authorized to attend the Co Ald. MacBain voting E ions Ccmaittee. is motion was carri;d with contrary and all ot~er serebars in fayour. ) Of the opinion that the attendance of the Welfare Adsdnistrator Aldersan MacBain was was necessary. onl~ at the Convention Rec-.nd ,tan,ce of t,o --bets .Ma 6th l th incl, lOn of Asce.sin, Officers of Ont,rio the Re rt be'recei '=,l%ff te . tbe -otion t As c~ of Aldin~ hat approval eived an · wit be received and adopted. · G, ~axtin and Ald. No. 271 - Propert~ Ccsaittee . ~ecasendi ' that ' ' . eport doeussnts be approwed re. Canadian x. peZ~ Site Plan and Ette Plan A~reemnt Dorchester Read, south o~ FAmdF'. ~ane and a~ of Chaserco Application, East side of be received'and ad~ ~n the ~otion of Ald. G. Max~in ~nd AId C~adian I~ex~al lhnk ~ith re2a~d to pt d; and in addftion~ the Traffic Ccs~it ' S~xe that the Report natinS Ixrkfn~ on the ~st side of I~ tee be requested to stud~ ~ yo rehe~ter Road ~aeent to the 111. No. 272 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Recommending that Style 509 XPT Nylon Parks Coats be supplied for Fire Department personnel at a cost of $B7-50 each frc~ the E. & R. Incorp., Montreal. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. 8wayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 27B - Public Works emittee - Recommending that Tender for supply of tires and tubes and re,airs to tires for the year 1966 be awarded to Dominion Tire Stores. 0RE~RED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. REarss that the REport ~e received and adopted. SEE REsolution B9 No. 27A~ - Public Works C.--~-lttee - Recommending that Tender for supply of Traffic Paint for the year 1966 he awarded to AllemAng's Interiors at a gross price of $2.72 per gallon. ORI]EP~D on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the REpoxt be received and adopted. SEE REsolution A~O No. 275 - Public Works Cnmmittee - Recommending that City Solicitor be authorized to forward the City' s offer based on appraisals of MAr. McMlllan to affected parties of expropriated properties along Ferry Street, and offer contain cheque for one- half of appraised value. ORII~RED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the IMport be received and adopted. No. 276 - Public Works C~wnmittee - REcommending that Mr. J. D. H. Mackenzie be engaged to make appraisal for the City of water eas~,~nt to the west of Montrose Road extending toward Welland line Road. O~nE~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the REport be received and adopted. No. 277 - Public Works C.--.-lttee - REquest of St. 6eorge Serbian Orthodox Church for extension of Alem Street, and recmanending that this proposal he handled under Subdivision Policy, and that the Church authorities be advised to make an appli- cation to the P~anntng Board for a subdivision. O~n~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. REarss that the Report be received and adopted. MAr. Eli Daonovich and other Church officials were present at the meeting. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that MAr. Daonovich be g~nted permission to address Council. MAr. DJonovich presented members of Council with copies of a plan showing the proposal of the Church to extend Alem Street westerly frmm Montrose Road. He explained that if the Street was opened up it would permit another access into the Westlane Secondary School. He indicated that it was intended to build a Church on the south side of Alem Street. MAr. Daonovich also asked if Council would consider an exchange Of the park property behind Lots 2, 3 and ~, south of Alem Street, to the Church, who would in turn transfer to the City the road allowance property. It was indicated to MAr. Daonovich that the application would have to be treated in the s~"~ way as a subdivision plan, and would have to be presented' to the Plan~ing Board'. At the Planning .Board level assistance on the subdividing of the property would~e given to the Church authorities. No. 278 - Public Works C~mm~ttee - REc<~ending that Council approve a payment of $1,0~.00 to 8hell Canada Ltd. for the re-location of their pump island at the intersection of 8tanley Avenue and Ferry Street. ORl~ on the motion of Aid. G- M~cin and Aid. REarss that the Repor~ he received and adopted. No. 27~ - Eailroad Re-location C~mmittee - Advising of possible effects of proposed railread re-location alone Welland Ship Canal and its meaning to railroad lines in this area, and that the Ccemittee propose to write to the Department of Transport and Board of Transport C~mmissioners advising we are interested in the study being undart~w._~ and interest in participating in discussions which may take place later on. ~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be received and adopted. NO. 280 - Ccsmittee of Adjustment - Final Decision on Cusler and Collee Applica- tions. 01~ on the motion of AId. Bearss and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be received and filed. No. ~81 - Finance Ccsmittee - Rsccesendin2 that the Chairman of the Centennial Madellion Ccsaittee be authorized to place a purchase o~dar for 10,000 Centennial Medallions at a eost of $~,000.00. O1~ nn the motion of AId. Mitchelson and AId. Downis that the Report be received and adopted. No. 28~ ~ Finance Cm"ittee - Recrwrauendlng approval of accounts for Period ending April 4th, 1966. ORllg~D on the motion of Ald. Hitchelson and. Aid.. F. Mar~in that the Report be received and adopted. No. 283 - _Actin~ Clerk - Heccesnending Granting of Munici ~dti~ of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacSain that the Re ~Iml Licenoes. ORDEP3D on the cences granted. pc be received and adopted, RESOLUTION8 He. 39 - ~. MARTIN - BEARSS . RESOLVED that the ~ender for supply of tires and tubes and repairs to tires, for the year 1966 be awarded to Drfninion Tire Stores3 and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. Carried IYnanimousl~ No. hO . 6. MARTIN - BEARS8 . RESOLVED that the Tender for supply Of Traffic Paint for the year 1966 be awarded to Allemangss Interiors at a gross price of $2.72 per gallon; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimous_ly No. ~1 - GREGORY . DO~/~ . I~BOLVED that the next meeting of Council be held on Tuesday, April 12th, 1966 commencing at 7:30 p.m., and the Seal of the CorPoration be hereto afflxed. Carried Unanimously MISCELLANEOUS Condition of sidewalk , Stanley Avenue Alderman S~ayze advised that the sidewalk on Stanley Avenue in front ~f the motel buil&lng Under construction, located between Ferry Street and Robinson Street, was very muddy. Tt was indicated that the Engineering Department would look into this situation. Status of Historic Park Site - Lundy's lane Battleground Alderman Svayze inquired whether anything had been heard concerning the pro- posed Historic Park Site on Lundy's Lane. His Worship Ma3ror ~elghan advised that he had spoken to Miss LaMarsh's Executive Assistant and had been assured that the City would hear something dellnits on thls matter wlthln the nex~ few days. Statement of Aldermu Bearss re: Remarks concerning Niagara loreutter Humrio Society Alderman Rearss advised that she had received a registered letter from the Himgerm Frontier I{umane Society, concerning a motion Passed by the Society, to the effect that she be asked to clarify her remarks that (a) Dirty Linen not to be washed in public, and (b) the ~card leaves something to be desired, or submit an apoloSy for he 'remarks. Alderman learss the~ advised that she had ProPeered a written statement in reply to the letter of the Board, and queried whether it was the wish of Council to have ~he statement read. Following some consideration it was ruled by ]{is Worship r reply ~ould termima res indicate~ that it s . ' ' antion of cerry~g it ~Olter~n=e on queen Street out · ~ :, , take the matter up n3. Noise of Motorcycles Alderman Downie reported on the re-occurrence of the problem of noise from increased numbers of motorcycles. His Worship Mayor Keighan indicated he would refer this problem to the Police C~mmlssion also. BY-LAWS 695% - A By-law to authorize the construction of watermains as extensions to the existing waterworks system in the Urban Service Area of the City (Cropp Street, Pettit Avenue). Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. G. Martin. Carried Unanimously. No. 7073 - A By-law to provide for the execution of an Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and IDamore Bros. (Contract for re-construction of Roadway and Bidewalks on Ferry Street and Victoria Avenue.) ORI~RED on the motion of Aid. Bearss and Aid. 8wayze that Aid. G. Martin '- be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the. first reading. Carried Unanimously. CRIbRED on the motion of AId. G. Martin and Ald. Rearss that Rule 36(2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId.' Dovnie and Aid. Swayze. ' Carried [Inanimously. No. 7074 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between the Canadian Imperial Bank of C~erce andThe Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. (Site Plan Agreement, Dorchester Road, East side, south of Lundy's Lane) Oltl~EED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain that Aid. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORI~x!ED on the motion of Ald. G- Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) Of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading, as amended. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading, as amended - Aid. F. Martin and Aid. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. N_o.. 7075 - A By-law to _=~nd Zoning By-law No. 2530, 1~60 of the former Township of Stamford, no~ in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. :' (Canadian Imperial Bank ~f Cc~.,~rce re-zoning, Bast side Dorchester Rd.) ORniR~Dcuthe motiou Of Ald..Swayzeand Ald. F. Martin that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege'of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OI~21RID on the motion of Ald. O. Martin and Ald. 8wayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporaril~r suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Dewhie. Carried Unanimously. No. ?076 - A By-law to amend By_law No. 6993, 1966'providing ~or' appointments to certain Boards, Cu~hAssions ana Committees. (Ald~ G. Martin appointed as ,~reprneentative of H,-~_ne Society) ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayme that Ald. Bitch- elson be ~mnted the privilege o1' tntroducln8 the By-law and the By-law be given the firs~ .reading. Carried Uns~ousl~, O~ on the motion of Aid. M-itchelson and AId. Bearss that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By=law be given the second reading. Carried t~zmnlmously. Third Reading .Ald. DOwnie and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. N~o. ?077 - A By=law to provide monies for general purposes ($282,??6.?9) 01~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Downie that Ald. Mltchelsoxl be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried [Fnan~mously. Ol~ on the motion of Ald. MAitchelson and Ald. l~acBain that Rule 36 of the Standir~ Ru~es or Council be tenrporarily suspended and the By=law be given the second reading. Carried [~nanlmously. . Third Reading - Aid. Downie and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. 8. Martin and Aid. SWze. ~EADANDADOPTED April 12th, 1966. C~ OF THE ROLE Council Chember, April ~th, 1966. Council assembled in Ccemittee of the Whole following the regular Council Heetin~ held on M~uday, April ~th, 1966. All Members of Oouncil were Present with the exception of Aldersen Scott and Johns. AldersanBearss presided as Chairman. Foll~lng co~sideretion of the items Presented to them, it was ordered on the ~ayor sotion of Aid. MacBain and AId. Dc~nie that the Committee of the Whole arise and report to Council on Report Numbers 28~,an~ 285. 1~ AND ADOPt, April 12~h, 1~. COONCIL~TING Council Chamber, April 4th, 1966. Following the C~mnittee of the Whole Meeting held on April 4th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members of Council Were present with the exception of Aldermen Scott and Johns. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan pre- sided. The following action was taken: Report 284 - Personnel & Negotiations C~mmittee - Recon~nending the appointment of Mr. Robert W. Bo~m~,n as Design and Construction Engineer at an initial salary of $10,500 .O0. Report 285 - Personnel & Negotiations Ccmntttee - Rec~,~mending the appointment of Mr. William Norman Hobbs to the position of Works Engineer in the Public Works Depar~,--nt at an initial salary of $9,800.00 per year. OEDEEED on the motion of Aid. MacBain and Ald. Bearss that the Reports be re- ceived and adopted. - Carried ~nanimously. The meeting adjourned on the motion of Aid. C. Martin and AId. F. Martin. F~ADANDADOPTED~ April 12th, 1966. Council Chamber, April l~h, 1~66. RI~ MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 12th, 1966 for the purpose of co~sidering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen Scott,c. Johns and Mitchelson. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze, ~econded by Aid. F. Margin that the Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on April 4th, 1~66 be adopted as printed. DEP~_ATION Mr. Louis Levine was present at the meeting a~d was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Gregory. Mr. Layins referred to two problems concerning property owned by him on Queen Street: ~ Mr. ~evime advised that he was the owner of Lot 13 on Queen Street which had a frontage of and a depth of 150'. He had also acquired 10" of Lot 14, thus making a total front- age of 50'10' on Queen Street. tie advised that for sc~e years, and up to 1~9 at least, his property was assessed on the basis of this frontage. Recentl~v, when he had re- ceived notification re~arding assessment for the Downtown Parking Plan, he had noticed that he was assessed, in error, for 60 feet of frontage on Queen Street, and he had then found out that for the past 15 years he had been assessed for the 60 feet of frontage instead of for 50'10'. Mr. Heyins advised that the 10' actually was o~ned 'by the adjacent property owner, and they were also assessed for it. Following an appeal to the Court of Revision, Mr. Levl~e had been granted a refund for the Previous ycar's taxes on the 10 feet of frontage, and had been advised to consult with Council in respect to a decision on the error for the years prior to 1~65. Mr. Layins reques- ted that Council give consideration to a refund for the years 19~3 and 196~ only. OREe~ED on the motion of Ald..G. Martin, seconded by Ald. 8wayze that the matter be referred to the Property Co~nittee for lnvestigatic~ and report to Council. During discussion it was indicated that the Assessment Ccemissioner should be asked for a report on all the facts, and a ruling On the matter Should be received frc~ the City Solicitor. (b) Mr. Lovine advised that at the rear of his property, a portion Of land, measur- ing approximately 23' x ~5s, was being used by the City for the purpose of a turning lane for cars. Re requested that this matter he considered also, and was of the opinion that he should not be taxed on property the City was using. Cce~. 10~ - City of ~elland . Resolution Proposing shan~es in ~elfare Act. Report 219 . Wellere Administrator . l~eportlng On Welland Resolution. Beport ~59 - Welfare Administrator . Submission of draft resolution Propo8ing amend- ments to ~eeeral We"'~'~fare Assistance Act with a view to expansiOn of subsidies in certain areas not n~ included in ~ver~aent Le~lelaticn. Report ~8~ - Finance Cc.aittee . Reecseendin~ the endorsing of the resolution Prepared · by the Welfare Adsdnistmtor with the amendment or item ~ therein to read "special clothing allowance for rehabilitation purposess' and that the resolutiOn as amended~ be subsifted to the appropriate governmentml bodies and the Ontario Municll~al Assoc- iatiOn. ~ On the motion of Aid. Macl~in and Aid. F. Martin that the Repox~c of the FAna~ce Cc-aittee he received and adopted. C~. 152 - Township of North York - Proposed Code of Report ~87 - City Solicitor . Opinion of Code, and recommending that the Brief be endorsed. ~ c~ the motion of Aid. (~regory and Ald. ~way~e that the Report of. the City Solicitor be received and tabled for one ~eek for consideration o~ Council. C~CATI~S No. l~ - Ccesittee of Adjustment . Notice c~ hrin~ - D'Addlo Appli~ation. No. 165 -Ccessittee of Ad~ustsent - Notice of Bearing - Deanis ApplicAtiOn, .ll7. No. 166 - Cc,,mittee of Adjustment - Notice of Nearing - Crawford Fittings. No. 167 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing - Robertson application. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayme and Ald. Bearss that the c~'"municetions be received and filed. No. 168 - Frank Brown, Antaster, Ont. - Accident Prevention & Life Saving Policy. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MaeBain and Ald. Gregory that the ecmmunication be received and referred to the Recreation & Protection Cammittee for report. No. 169 - Department of Highways - City of Niagara Falls, Highway 20, Connecting Link, Ferry Street and Victoria Avenue, from Stanley Avenue to Clifton Hill - Storm Sewers. ORIEI~D on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Aid. Bearss that the c~-m.unication be received and filed. No. 170 - Department of IHghways. - City of Niagara Falls, Nighway 20 Connecting Link, Ferry Street and Victorin Avenue from Stanley Avenue to Clifton Hill - Road Re-construction. 0RDEI~D on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the c~mm,Anication be received and filed. No. 171 - Department of Highways - Subsidy to Municipalities on Group Insurance Premise. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Downie that the communi- cation be received and filed. No. 172 - George Yerich, Pane Niagara Enterprises Ltd.. - Application for amendment to By-law 5149 for purpose of erecting motor hotel on property located on the north-east coraer of Murray and Buchanan. OPJlEF~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that the communication be received and referred o the Property C;-,,,uittee for consideration. No. 173 - The Boys' Club of Greater Niagara - Invitation to Aid. Rearss to attend Mother and Daughter Night, on May 27th, 1~o6, on behalf of Council. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain that the cmunication be received and filed and AId. Rearss attend the occasion on behalf of Council. No. 174 - The Royel Canadian Legion, Branch 51 - Requesting permission to hold Annual Pilgrimage to Cenotaph, of the 40 & 8 Society, May 21st, 1966, and extend- ing invitation to Mayor Keighan to attend. Or/FeED on the motion of Ald. ~regory and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed, and invitation accepted if possible, and permission granted for the Pilgrimage, and the Police Department be so notified. No. 175 - City of St. Catharines -'Resolution re: Amendment to Circular 65-078 Of the Department of Nighways. O~ED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that the ccmmunication be received and referred to the Public Works Ccemaittee for report. No. 176 - City of Hamilton - Resolutions: (a) Amendmen~ to Child Welfare Act to :permit without consent of parent or guardian, blood transfusions to be given to a child where 2 medical doctors are of the opinion that a child's life is in Jeopardy. (b) Expropriating powers of non-elected private bodies. O1~ on the motion of Ald. Oregory and Ald. Rearss that Resolution (a) he en- dorsed. This motion was carried vlth AId. ~. Martin voting contrary and all other members in fayour. 0I~1~ on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. MacBain that Resolution (b) be referred,to the Acting Clerk to receive clarificatiOn free the City of Hamilton. No. 288 - Public Works C~ittee - Tenders received for Construction of Storm Sewermains on Murray Street, and reccemending that this Tender be awarded to V. Kerrio-~eraano Ltd. at an estimated cost of $9,716.16. 0RE~D on the motion of Aid. G. ~artin and Aid. Bearss that the Deport be received and adopted. Resolution No. 42 Public Works Coseaittee - Tenders for 1~ Tree Planting Progra~ne, and recc~aending that Tender be awarded to ~d ~se~ at t~ ten~d pri~ of ~,~.~. ~ ~ the m~i~ of ~d. O. ~ ~d Aid. ~arss t~t the m~i~d ~d a~ed. ~ ~so~ ,[ No. 2~0 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Recoe~nendtng that the "No Parking" By-Jaw on Falls Aven~e (East side) frc~ Clifton Hill to the Bus Terminal property be rescinded, and that the parking meters be reinstated. 0I~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 291 - Recreation & Protection Cce~nittee - Reccmnending that the Purchasing ~nt be authorized to invite Tenders for clothing for the FAre Department to be opened by the Recreation Cmittee at a meeting on April 25th, 1 p.m. Oi~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and adopted. No. 292 - Recreation & Protection C~mmittee . Recommending that perking be pro- hibited on the east side of Dorchester Road frm Lundy's Lane to a point 186 feet north thereof and the Parking By-law be so amended. Oi~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. 8wayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 293 - Recreation & Protection Cc~mittee . Reccmnending adoption of Schedule for useage of Athletic Fields for 1966. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 2~ - Public Works Committee - Recommending that proposal of Proctor & Redfern be approved in respect to the use of Donald Inspection Ltd. as inspectors for the re-construction of the E.E.P.C. Canal Bridge on Lundy's Lane. OI~r~RED on the motion of Ald. O. Mar~in and Ald. Bearss that the Report be received and adopted. No. 295 - Public Works C~.uittee - Recoa~nending that Firm of H. G. Acres & Co. Ltd. · be engaged to undertake study and prepare a report and proposal re: modifications at Filtration P~ant. OP~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. ~earss that the Report be received and adopted. · No. 2~ - Public Works Cc~nittee - 'Rec~nding approval of transfer to adjust Road Expenditure By-law No. 6775. 01~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Aid. Bearss that the l~eport be received and adopted. ~EE Resolution No. ~J$ No. 2~7 . Public Works C~,m=lttee - Reckending that Linnenba.~_ Leather (~s be given Permission to extend temporary line across Victoria Avenue and the Solicitor Prepare an agreement for the underground Proposal which will be all at the expense of the applicant. 0PaE~ED on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Aid. Bearss that the Re- port be received and adopted. No. 2~8 - Finance Ccemittee . Ree~.-sending execution of ~reement with the City and County of Welland and Cities of Welland Port Colborne re: sharing of debenture debt char~es, made necessary because of elevation of Por~ Colborne to City statue. OR- ~ on the motion of AId. Macbin and Aid. Downie that the Report be received-a~d adopted. Sl~ B~-law No. 7078 No. 2~ - Finance Cceeittee . Recommending approval of accounts for period ending April 12th, 1~. O~ on the motion .of Ald. MacBain and Aid. Dc~nie that the Report be received and adopted. No. ~00 - Acting City Clerk - Recandl~ granting of Municipal Licenoes. · 01~1~ on the motion of Ald. S~ay~e and AId. F. ~in ~t :~e Repo~ ~ ~cei~d, ~_ ~d, ~d licenoes ~d. No. 8 - Rosasoot Inves~nts Ltd. - Petitionin_e the construction of a sanita~ sewermain c~ Oakwood Drive fx~a MeLe~d R~ad to its northern. limit. ~ ~ the aotio~ Of Ald~ F. Martin and AId. S~ze that this petition and all other Petitions received for Local hpr~nts be referred to the Public Works Committee for con- sideration. * ng. Mr o D. Keppy, Chairman of the Performing Arts Camnittee of the Centennial Steering Cc~nittee. It was indicated that the City of Niagara Falls wocld have the oppor- tunity of bringing to the City in 1967 one or all of the following Companies who have been engaged under contract by the Covernment: 1) Los Feux-Follets - subsidized by the Governments to the extent of. $1,765. 2) Variety Show - not subsidized. 3) Don Masser - not subsidized. The locations of the three shows would be as follows: 1) Lea Feux-Follets - N.FlC.V.I. Auditorium, 2) Variety Show - N.F.C.V.I. Auditorium, 3) Don gasset - Memorial Area,n· It was indicated at the meeting that a reply as to whether the shows would be accepted, was to be received within three weeks. Alderman Gregory advised that MAr. Keppy would take the matter up with his c~,m, ittee and a report would be sub- mitted to the Centennial Steering C~'nmittee and ~o Council. It was indicated at the meeting that subsidizing required could be paid out of Municipal Funds. or possibly from public=spirited Service Clubs. A number of Folders entitled' "Festival Canada" were presented by Ald. Gregory for interested members of Council with the balance to be submitted to the Perfor~tng Arts Committee. Following a question of Ald. Mac~ain, Ald. Gregory advised that it was quite possible if other cities did not pick up the Companies the City of Niagara Falls could extend the shows beyond ,. the performances listed for the City. Alderman Gregory also advised that a Script for a Pageant which is being written by prominent Canadian writers would be pre- sented at a trial of the Pageant to be held in L~ndsay, Ontario, the first week in October. Mr. Keppy had indicated he Would attend the Fagcant and report to the Centennial Steering C(-mwittee as to his opinion on the matter. Alderman Swayze - Expression of appreciation Alderman Swayze expressed appreciation to Nis Worship Mayor Keighan and the Members of Council for the flowers which had been sent to Mrs. Swayze who was confined in the Eospital. Alderman Bearss- .'information re: Market Square Aldern~- Bearss advised that the farmers and other persons who came to the City Market were very concerned that it would be demolished and they would have no place to donduct a market business. Alderman Bearss queried whether these people could be re-assured of Council's intentions in this matter. It was indi- cated that the Market Clerk be informed of any plans that can be revealed at this t~ concerning the Market Place, in order that he can inform the holders of stalls, and others who attend the Market. No. 42 - G. MAI~IN - BEAI~S - RESOLVED that the Tender for tlz construction of Storm Sewe~mains on Murray Street be awarded to V. Kerrio-germano Ltd. at an esti- mated cost of $9,716.16; and the ~eal of the Corporation be hersto affixed. Carried Unanim?usly No. ~ - O. MAI~IN - ~1~ - I~0LV~ that the Tender for 1966 Tree Planting Free~--~e be awarded to ~auld Nursery at the Tendered price of $6,806.00; and the ~eal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. Carrie~d. Unan~im~sly No. ~ - MacBAIN - O. MARTIN - EESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls requests the Department of Nighways of the Province of Ontario to transfer $6~,O~6.~ from Road Construction to Road Maintenance, and to transfer from Road Construction to Brid~e and Culvert Maintenance; and the ~eal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carri.ed ~naninouSly BY-lAWS N~. 7078 - A l~-law to provide ~or the execution of an Agreement between The pormtion of the County of Welland the Corporation of the City of MisSare Falls, the Corporation of the City of Welland, and The Corporation the Cit~, of POrt Colborne. (To a~end ori2inal a~eaent in resPect to shePin2 of Debenture Debt Char~es, to provide for inclusion of Ci$~' of Port Colborne) O~r~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze thet Ald. Mac- Bain be gra~ted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 0RI~ on the motion of Ald. MacEsin and Ald. D~nie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing l~ules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Rea~-~ -Ald. Mac~ain and Ald. F. Martin. Carried ~nanimously. No. 7079 - A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $~2,588.~8 upon debentures to pay ~rt of the cost of road re-construction on Ellen Avenue fr~n Ferry Street to Waluut Street including road widening, re-construction of side~lk~, curbs and ~utters, and cons~ruction of storm sewers. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Do~nie and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. Ot~ on the motion of Aid. G. ~hrtin and Ald. Bearss that R~le 36 ~2) of the Standing Rules Of CoUncil' be tes~orari~v suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Ce~-ried Unanimously. ~ird ~ading -Ald. Gregory and Aid. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. No. 7080 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($217,771.78) O1~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Dc~nie that Ald. MacBain be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be ~lven the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 01~ on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third l~eading - Aid. Gregox7 and Ald. Mac~ain. Carried ~nanimously. Council adjourned to Cc~mittee of the Whole on the ,motion of Ald..F. M~xr~in and CCe~'A'A'~ OF TBE WHOLE Council Chamber, April l2th, 1966. Council assembled in Co~nnittee of the Whole following t~e regular Council Meeting held on April 12th, 1966. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen MitchqlSon, Scott and Johns. Alderman Swayze presided as Chairm~n. Following cons/deration of the items presented to them, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. MacBain that the C_c~mittee of the Whole arise without reporting to Council. BEADAN DAD OpTED, April 18th, 1966. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, April 32th, 1966. Following the Cc~snittee of the Whole Meeting held on April 12th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen Scott, Johns and Mitchelson. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. The Meeti~ adjourned on the motion of A~d. O. Mar~in and Ald. Swayze. I~EAD ~ ADOA'A'A~D, April 18th, 1966. ir~ Clerk EtG~frm~TI~ MEETIN~ Council Chamber, April 18th, 1966. Pursuant to adJounmment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 18th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Coun- cil were present with the exception of Alderf,,n Scott. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was Ordered On the motion of Ald. SWze and Ald. Bearss that the Minutes of the meeting of Council held on April 12th, 1966 be adopted as printed. DR~'AhISNED BUSINESS Cosre. 152 - Township of North York - Proposed Cools of Ethics. Report 287 - City Solicitor - Opinion of Code, and recommending that the Brief be endorsed. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Bearas and Ald. Gregory that the Report of the Soli- citor be received and recommendation adopted and the Brief of the Township of North York be endorsed. C-.--. 175 - City of St. Cathartnes - Resolution proposing mn~nam~nt to Circular 65-078 of the Department of Highways. Report 304 . Public Works Committee - Reccmx~ending that the first part of the resol- ution be endorsed, roemending the removal of retroactive features from Circular 65-078, but that no support be given to any suggested modification to the miniturin standard requirements as set out in the Circular. OPa)ERED on the motion of Ald. O. Mart~n and Ald. Bearss that the Report be received and adopted. C0~N/NICATIONS No. 177 - The Salvation Army - Extending appreciation for Municipal Grant. 0RE~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. SWze that the communication be received and filed. No. 178 - City of Chatham - Resolution re: extension of period of eligibility for assistance under the Centennial Grants program. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Ald. MacRein that the c~-mmunication be re. ceived and referred to the Centennial C(a.mlttee of Council report back to Council. No. 179 - City of Chatham - Resolution re: 1966~67 Winter Works Pro~. on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayme that the ccennunication be received and referred to the City Manager for report. No. 180 - Mr. ~eorge Seibel - Suggesting that esplash boards" be installed along sidewalks on Bridge o~er Nydro Canal, Lund~'s le~e. 01~ on the motion of Aid. 8wayze and Aid. F. M~rtin that the communication be received and forwarded directly to Proctor & Bedfern who are completing the design for the re-construction of the bridge, for their consideration. No. 181 - _Martin, Calvert, Sheppard & Clark - Requesting consent to Incorporation of 8ocial Planning CounCil of Greater Niagara. ORE on the motion of AId. Rearss and Aid. F. ~a~cin that the ecemaunication be received and 'letter 'of 'consent as ·" requested, be foxed. No. 182 - Mr. Rc~ Vanhorn - ~equesti-_S erection of fence along south side of Mulhem Park. C8~ on the motion of Ald. F. ~ar~in and Ald. 8wayne that the communica- tion be received and referred to the Recreation & Protection C~m, ittee for consider- ation. · R~PORTS No. 305 - Recreation & Protection Ccxmnittee - Tenders for Demolition of Queen Street Fire Hall, Queen Street Garage and 3 buildings on Huron Street. 0RREE on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Aid. Swayze that the Report be re- ceived and adopted, and the Tender for the demolition of the buildings be awarded to Mr. Gordon Washington who submitted the lowest tender in each case. SEE Resolution No. 45 No. 306 - City Manager - Recommending that B members of Filtration Plant staff and 3 members of the Distribution System staff be authorized to attend meeting of the South Central Ontario Waterworks Conference, St. Catharines, April 20th. ORE on the motion of Ald. Rearss and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 307 - Acting City Clerk - Receipt' of Ontario Municipal Board Order No. N.1210-61 granting permission to the City for the holding of the biennial election for the years 1967-68- ORDER on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and filed. No. 308 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Recommending that parking be pro- hibited on the north side of Ferguson Street from Rickson Avenue to Broughton Avenue and that the No ParkingBy-law be sos mended. O~n~.~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~inandAld. Swayze that the reportbe received and adopted. No. 309 - Property C~nmittee - Meeting with Ontario Housing Corporation represen- tatives, and recommending that 20~ (15) of the family housing units needed by the City as outlined in the housing survey be acquired by the Ontario Housing Corporation from existing housing units. ORDERED on the motion 'of Ald. G'. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 46 No. 310 - Property C ..... ~ttem - Recommending that objections received to By-law No. 7069 (re-zoning of lands on DOrchester Road, Oizzi-Lcmbardi) be received and for- warded to the Ontario Municipal Board for their consideration. 0RD~RED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 311 - Property C_,~mittee - Reccmnnending approval of Amendment Application A-167, R. & J. Wiketon, re-zoning of Part of Twp. Lot 125, West side DD,mmOnd Rd. from Residential to Apartment Zoning, subject to the applicant entering into a site plan agreement satisfactory to City Council. OI~D on the motion of Ald. G. MartinandAld. Zwayze tha~ the Report be received and adopted. No. ~12 - Property Coamittee - Recce~ending that the suggestion of the City En- gineer be adopted and one street number he allocated on Colborne Street and one street nusnber be a~!o~ated on Hungins Street and then individual unit numbers could be allocated to each unit in the Brenscombe Town Housing Develolm~nt located between Huggins Street and Colborne Street in the Stamford Centre area. OPa~ on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report l~e received and adopted. No. B13 - Property Ccemittee - Rec~,~nending that Application AM-16~, River Realty Develolment Ltd. to re-zone part of Beg. Plan 59 from C(~m~rcial and Single Fami/y Residential Zoning to Apartment Zoning be approwed for the 'purpose of the erection of ~ apartment buildings, with 52 units, 2-~ etoreys, on the west side of Portage Road, east of St. Peter St. and south of Colborne St., subject to the conditions that the applicant enter into a site plan agreement satisfactory to City Council, and that the unopened road allowance of the former Rose Street be closed and developed as at Single Family Residential lot, after having it offered No. 183 - Caittee of Adjustment · Hearin~ - Korten Application. No. 18~ - Gaittee of Adjustment . Rearing - Ceerpes Application. No. 185 - Ccsmittee of Adjustment . Rearin~ - Vorkapieh Application. ; he adopted. !~ No. 186 - OceaLttee of Adjustment . Hearin~ - Mcgsrraeher Application. OR~ on the motion of Ald. 8w~ end Aid. Dewhie that e,wa,~mications 18~, 18~, 186 he received and filed, and ecamuntcation 18~ be recelved and tabled, and referred 8//.~to the Functional Stud~ Cceaaittee for eo~sideretion. .i · ":i~ L ........... to the adjacent owners in accordance with accepted street closing'procedt~res. ORI~ on the motion of Aid. O. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report, as amended, a No. 314 - Finance Committee - Reco~ending approval of Accounts. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain that the Repor~ be re- ceived and adopted. No. 315 - Acting City Clerk -Application of Messrs. Essex and Collee for Public (farage 'A' and =B= Licenee to operate at ~21~ Lund~'s Fans. 0~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the RepOrt be received and referred to the Property C~amittee for consideration. No. 316 - Acting City Clerk -Rec.-.m~endingGranting of Municipal Licenoes. Oi~D on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Pad, Johns that the Report be received, adopted, and licences granted. No. 317 - Building Inspector -Report on Building Permits issued during March. OI~D on. the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be received and filed. RESOLUTIONS No. 45 - F. MAYSIN - ~WAYZE - I~SOLVED~hat t~e Tender for the demolition of the Queen Street Fire Hall, Queen S~reet Garage and 3 buildings on Huro~ Street'be. awarded to Mr. Gordon Washington who submitted the lowest tender in each case; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. See Report Number 30~ Carried Unanimously No. 46 - O..MARTIN - SWAYZE - I~0LVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls request the Ontario Housing Corporation to initiate the ~mmediate acquisition of 15 of the family housing units needed by the City as outlined in the housing survey; to be acquired by the Ontario Housing Corporation frc~ existing housing units; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Bee Report Number 309 Carried Unanimously MISCELLANEOUS Accidents arising from use of Motorcycles Alderman Gregory referred to the concern of local citizens in th~ matter of accidents resulting from increased use of motorcycles by young people, which often resulted in serious injury and death to the operators. Ee reminded Council that in A~gust of 196~ the City of Ni~raFalls had supported a resolution Prepared by the City of Fatchener to the effect that existing legislation be -,~nded to provide for the compulsory wearing of crash helmets by riders of motorcycles, and that existing laws for the licencing of drivers of motorcycles be tightened. The resolution had been submitted to the Ontario Municipal Association for consideration, and Ald. Gregory suggested that the O.M.A. be contacted to determine the disposition of the resolution. 'Ald. ~regoryalso suggested that perhaps Council could present this matter at the Ontario Trai'fie Conference to be held fx~m~ty 16th to 18th, and stated that he had been authorized to attend this Convention, to be held in 0t~awa. following Resolution was then submitted to implant Council's recommendation. No. ~7 - ~F~Ry. 8WA~wx . ~ES0LVED that w~ Petition the Legislature of ~he Prov- ince of Ontario toe mend existing legislation to provide for cmpulsorywearing of crash behests by riders of motorcycles, and that existing laws for the iiceneing of drivers of motorcycles be tightened, and'that this'resolution be presented to the Ontario Traffic Conference on behalf of the City of Niagara Falls by Aldennan Gregory who has been daleSated to attend on'behalf Of Council; and the 8eel of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried Unanimously His Worship Mayor Kei~an reported that he too, had received several calls on this matter and had learned fronthe Police Department that they had issued tickets for 1~I speeding violations for the month of April. In addition, e2 operators ~ere given tickets for craatiuSunnecessary noise. He stated that t~ematter would bebrou~ht to 125. the attention of the Police Cosn, ission at their next meeting, but added that the Commission could only act to the degree of the authority they were given under the Legislation. Mayor Keighan stated that the co-operation of the parents of the young people should be sought, in aneffort to find a solution to the problem. Condition of Canadian Flags in the City. His Worship Mayor Keighan referred to the often untidy condition of Flags being flown throughout the City by merchants and others, and also to the fact that the Flags were not being flown co~ctly, in that they were left flying 24 hours a da~. He stated it was his hope that those who do have flags keep them in good condition and see-that.they. are. flown correctly.. .......... During discussion of the above matter, Alderman Gregory ~ueried whether it was the intention of the City to fly the Union Jack on Victoria Day, designated as C~mmon- wealth Day, but it was indicated that there was only one Flag pole at the City Hail. Mr. Cecil Bradley - property on Mulhern Street Mr. Cecil Bradley was present at the Council Meeting concerning property on Mulhern Street, owned by the City, which he wishes to purchase and clean up. His Worship Mayor Keighan informed Mr. Bradley that all the properties that the City ' have that are available for sale are being compiled in a list which will be given to the Ontario Housing Corporation, in order that they nan determine whether they are interested in acquiring any of them for the rental housing project. All applications to purchase the properties have been tabled until the Ontario Housing Corporation looks over the list. BY-lAWS No. 7081 - A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $43,483.80 upon debentures to pay part of the cost Of the acquisition of land on the. west side Of Dor- chester Road and theerection of a fire hall thereon. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Mttchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OPaBRED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Dewhie and Aid. Gregory. Carried Unanimously. · ' No. 7082.- ~ By-law ~o authorize .the borrowing of $50,000.25 upon .debentures to . pay pa~t of the cost of the construction of extensions and improvements to the street lighting system by the Hydro-Electric Commission. ORlBl~on the motion of Ald. F. M~inand Ald. Johns that Ald. Mitchelson he granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. CarriedUnanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36 (2) of ~he Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Aid. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. No. ~083 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($5~3,552.2~) 01~ on the motion of Ald. Grngory and Pad. SwaFze that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 081BRED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Downie that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tending Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. F. Martln and Aid. Bearss. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Cc~nnittee of the Whole on the motion of Aid. MacBain and Aid. Sw~vze · READ AND ADOA~A'~D, April 25th, 1966. CCB~'rrms OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, April 18th, 1966. Council assembled in C.~;ittee of the Whole following the regular Council Meeting held on April 18th, 1966..All Members of Council ware present with the eXcep- tion of Alderman Scott. Alderman 'G. I~r~in presided as Chairman. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. Johns that the Com- mittee of thaW hole arise and Report to Council in respect toReport B19 - Public Works Ccnnnittee, and the ~eport of the Personnel & Negotiations Cc~mittee Chair~-n. (Aid. Swayze retired from the meeting at 8:50 p.m.) READ ANDADOPI~, April 25th# 1966. inS Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, April 18th, 1966. Following the Co~aittee of the Whole Meeting on April 18th, 1966, Council m-convened in open session. All Members of Council were present with the excep- tion of Alderm~n Scott and Alderman Swayze. His Worship Mayor Keighan presided. The following action was taken: Report B19 - Public Works Committee - Gelsumini &Masotti, re-zoning application on McLeod Road east of former Donald Avenue, and reconnnending that the rec~nmen- dation of the City Solicitor concerning payment of the watermain, and recovery free other owners along the main, be adopted, with the addition that the share of the cost fr~n the abutting owners will only be collected in cases where re- zoning applications are received fr~n the owners. 0IflIEBED on the motion of Ald. Downie and Ald. Gregory that the Repor~be received and adopted. Verbal Report - Personnel &Negotiations Committee - Alderman MacBain, Chairman of the C~mittee, advised that Mr. B. R. Prior, Assessment Commissioner, had sub-. mitted his resignation frc~ City service. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Downie and Ald. Gregory that the resignation of Mr. B. R. Prior from the position of Assessment Ccsmiesioner for the City of Niagara Falls be accepted with regret; resignation to take effect ~mmediately. Council adjourned on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Mi~chelson. READ ANDADOFA'~D, April 25th, 1966. ing Clerk Council Chamber, April 25th, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 25th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Scott. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Mitchelson that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on April 18th, 1966 be adopted as printed. DEPUTATION Petition No. 9 - M. Anderson and 16 others - representing Motel owners in the Falls View area - requesting consideration to the opening of that part of Dixon Street from Queen Victoria Park entrance to Buchanan Avenue. Mrs. Carl Anderson of 2755 Portage Road was present along with several other of the petitioners, and was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Swayze. Mrs. Anderson reques.ted Council to consider the Opening of a part of Dixon Street which the Motel O~mers felt would be a definite asset' to business in the Fails View area. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. M. itchelson that the Petition be received and referred to the Public Works Com- mittee for study and report back to Council on their reco,,mendetions, and the Cc~nnit- tee be empowered to call on any of the staff or Consultants, if necessary. Cc~n. 187 - Swift H.R.I. Service Centre, 529 Kent Avenue - Invitation to visit open- ing of Service Centre, on Thursday, April 28th, 1966. Mr. F. J. McCann, M~ulager of the Company was present at the meeting and extended an invita~ion to the Members of Council and Officials to attend the Open House on April 28th. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Bearss, seconded by Ald. F. Martin ths~ the invitation be received and accepted and as many members of Council and Officials as possible, attend the opening, and the best wishes of Council be extended to the Firm for the operation of a success- ful business in the City. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ccemn. 91 - Welland County-Cities Emergency Measures Organization - Resolution advo- cating renovation of present Federal and Provincial buildings to be used as Pallout Shelters. C_-'.m. 188 - Minister of Public Works - Advising of Government policy and progr~,w,e re: Pallout Shelters in Federal buildings. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Oregory and Ald. Dewhie that the ccmmunication from the Minister of Public Works be received and filed. C-ram· 17~ - Branch 51, Roy ~al. Cdn. legion - 29th Ann:~l Pilgrimage to Cenotaph on May 21st, 1~o6. Report 321 - Becreation & Protection C~uittee - Rec..,~-ending that request of Branch 51 re: closing of Clifton Hill, Sta~fford Street, be granted, and the Police Chief be advised of the temporary closings and the Engineering Dept. be requested to make the necessary arrangements for closing. 0KES~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and AId. Swa~ze that the Report be received and adopted and c.-~,Anication filed. Coma. 176 - City of Hamilton - Resolution re: Expropriation powers held,by non- elected bodies. Ca. 189 - City of Hamilton - Further clarification on Resolution. 0RE~RED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Rearss that the communication dated April 20th, and original cmmmication concerning the resolution on expropriation po~ers be referred to the City Solicitor for an opinion and report to Council. Coma. 178 - City of Chatham - Resolution in ~espect to extension of centennial ~rants Report 522 - Council Centennial Cceaittee - Reemndin~ that the Resolution be not supported. OR~ o~ ~he motion of Aid. Oregory and AId. Redroe that the Report be received and adopted and communication filed. Corm. 184 - Committee of Adjustment - Hearing re: Cserpes application, Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, Plan 663, north side Murray Street between Allen Ave. and Stanley Ave. Report 323 - City Engineer - Explanation re: Application. OI~D on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report and com- munication be received and filed. C0~ICATIONS No. 190 - Reautification Cc~nnittee - Newspaper Boxes located at comer of Centre Street and Victoria Avenue. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Swayze thethe cunmunication be received and referred to the Recreation & Protection Cammittee for consideration. No. 191 - Dept. of Municipal Affairs s Proposed Subdivision, Kenneth Fowler, Dorchester Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the c_,~munication be received and referred to the Property Committee and City Sol- icitor for consideration. No. 192 - Key Realty (Niagara) Ltd. - Requesting information on building permit for 1587 Fraser Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze '- that the cr,~n, mication be received and referred to the Property Cammittee for ~ cons ide rat ion. No. 193 - Niagara Region Local Government Review - Schedule of Public Hearings. ORn~ED on the motion of AId. F. Martin and AId. Swayze that the c~mnunication be received and filed· No. 19~ - Blossom Festival - Requesting the declaration of Flag Day, May 12th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that the communication be received and request for procl,m~tion granted in accordance with Council's · policy on advertisements. No. 195 - Greater Niagara Minor Soccer Assoc. - Requesting permission to hold Tag Day on June A~th, and requesting that the week of June 4th to llth be declared as Minor Soccer Week in Niagara Falls. 0RIE on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Rearss that the c~mnunication be received and request for Tag Day granted on June 4th, and the proclamation of Soccer Week be made in accordance with Council' s policy on advertisements. No. 196 - Niagara Frontier Hu,,~,e Society - Requesting permission to hold Tag Days on June lOth and llth. 01~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. G. Martin that the communication be received and request granted. NO. 197 - Lions Club of St~meord - Requesting permission to hold annual carnival on August 24th to 27th inclusive, and to erect Carnival Sign, adjacent to St. Paul Ave. - Huggins Street intersection. ORIFaED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Johns that the c~.~i~;unication be received and reques~ granted. No. 198 - Welland & District Health Unit - Advising that premises at 368 Stanley Avenue have been condemned. No. 199 - Welland & District Health Unit - Advising that premises at 1587 FRaser Street have been condemned. ORDF~ on the motion of Ald. O. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the c,,,munica- tions be received and referred to the Pk~porty C~'~mittee· No. 200 - Greater Niagara Boating Club - Requesting permission in arranging for Fireworks display on May 23rd, re: closing or control of parking on that portion of Creek Reed in the City, or north of the Welland River opposite club grounds. 0RI~ on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. Swayme that the e_--mwunication be received and request g. ranted. No. 201 - Niagara Palls Kiltis Band - Requesting consideration by City to pur- chase of crests of Niagara Palls for blazers for Band. OP~ on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. O. Martin that the ccmmunica~ tion be received and referred to the Finance Cc~mittee for consident~ion. No. 202 - ~obn G. Graaskamp - Clarification of statements made in Press on region- al Government. OI~D on the motion of Ald. Dewhie and Ald. Gregory that the c~m~unication be received and filed. During consideration of Mr. Graaskamp's letter, A~d. Downie advised that the Hearing on the Regional Government Brief would be held in the City Hall on Thurs- day, April 28th at which time an opportunity would be granted to any persons to submit comments. No. 203 - Ontario Municipal ~oard -Appotn~nent for Hearing re: Currado Appeal against the decision of the Cc, mnittee of Adjustment, on ~ llth, 1966. OR~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. SWze that the co~nn,Anication be received and filed, and a check be made to determine if the C~,nittee of Ad~Justment representative and City Solicitor will be present at the Hearing. No. 204 - Cnmmittee of Ad~ust~nent - Hearing re: Fera Application. No. 205 - C.'-.~..[ttee of Adjustment - Hearing re: Big~ Application. No. 206 - C ...... Ettee of Adjustment - Hearing re: DJonovich Application. No. 207 - C~mittee of Adjustment - Hearing re: Bertucci, Helvedere application. ~onthe motion ofAl~. G. Mar~inand Ald. Dewhie that the c~,m,mications be received and filed. REPORTS No. 32~ - Recreation & Protection .C~,=nittee - Ree<%~ending that the Tenders and clothing samples s~mitted for Fire Department clothing for .1966 be referred to the Recreation & Protection Cc~nittee for stud~ and report. No. 325 - Public Works Ccmmittee .- Rec-~.ending that Senders received for the con- struction of Sewermains and Watermains within Heg. Plan 226be referred to the Public Works C~,.mittee for study andreport. OEon the motion of Ald. Johnsand Aid. Rearss that the Repeat be received and adopted. No. ~26 - Public Works Committee - Heco~zending that Item 1 for supply of three 1966 Hefu~e Collection Packer Units and Item ~ fqr the supply of four 1966 Model Diesel Farm Tractors be referred to the Public Works C~'m"~ttee for stud~ and report; and that the Tenders for the supply of items 2, ~, ~, 6, 7, 8, 9 on the Schedule ~e awar- ded to Victoria M~tors Ltd., the lowest tender in each case. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Hearss that the Repeat be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No.'~7 No. 327 - Public Works Omittee - Hec.~_ndin~ that the Tender for the re'construc- tion of the H.~.P.C. Bridge on No. 20 Highway be awarded to A~*_n & MaeLachlan.suh- Ject to the approval of the Department of Highways. ~SESRED on the motion of Ald. johns and Aid. Bearss that the Report be. r~ceived and adopted. During discussion of the above matter, Ald. F. Martin queried if Mr. 8eibele8 re- quest of the previous week concerning splash guards on the Hydro Brid~e had been looked into. Tee City Engineer advised. that when the total lift of asphalt is placed on the bridge, the surface water problem would ~e eliminated. ' SEE Resolution. No, No, 328 - Public Works C.--.;tttee - Rec.-=.-uding that Tender for Sidewalk Repairs for 196~ be awer~ed to Recco Cons~ruction, O~ES~D on the motion of Aid, jolms and Aid, Bearss that the Heport be received and adopted, 8~E Resolution No,- ~ N~, _~29 - CIty MsnaSer - Reccemendin~ that Buildin~ Inspector be authorized to attend DesiSn Work Shop on 8reel Structures for i~ui]fdin~s in Hamilton on April 29th, 1~66, ORESR~D on the motion of Aid, M~tchelSon e~d Aid, Johns that the Report be received and adopted, 13o. No. 330 - City Manager - Recommending that Fire Chief Wade be authorized to attend Emergency Fire Service Advisory Council Meeting, April 29th, 1966. OR- ~D on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and adopted. No. 331 - City Manager - Recommending that the N.F. Hydro Commission be requested to remove the 2 existing 100W fixtures and that 5 - 300W incandescent luminaires be installed on North Street between Stanley and Slater Avenues. O~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Repor~ be received and adopted. No. 33~ - Acting Clerk - Arrangements for 7thAnnual Achievement Award Dinner to be heldat Rapids Motor Hotel on May 12th, 1966. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Downie and Ald. F. Martin that'the Report be received and filed. No. 333 - Alderman Hearss - Report on C~m~unity Improvement Seminar, Ottawa. 0R~ on the motion of Ald. Hearss and Ald. Johns that the Repels be received and filed. No. 33~ - Property C ...... lttee - Rec_a~wnendingthat temporary approval be given to River Realty Dev. Ltd. for the develolment of the Glengate Acres Subdivision subject to the 4 conditions outlined in the report. ORDERED on the motion of'A~d." O. Martin and Aid. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. ~5 - Hecreation & Protection C~,m, ittee - Moving of Fire Department Equipment fr~n the Queen Street Fireball and arrangements for temporary set-up until the c~nplation of the new Morrison Street Fire Plall. ORI]EEED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin andAid. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 336 - Recreation & Protection C,-m~ittee - Rec~nmending that E. A. Herton Sales Ltd. be engaged to supply and apply reflectorized road mn~kings at a price of $5.95 per gallon. Olden the motion of Ald- F. Martin and Ald. Gregory t~at the Report be received and adopted. No. 337 - Recreation & Protection Cnmmittee ' Recommending that Niagara Falls Hydro be instructed to place lights on both sides of Victoria Avenue and Ferry Street fr~nCentre Street throu~hto Stanley Avenue. Ol~on the motion of ~ld. F. MaxtinandAid. Swayze that theRepeat be received and adopted. No. 338 - Recreation & Proteation Committee - Reco~nnending that Ald. Gregory be authorized to offer Niagara Falls as the site for the 1967 Convention of the Ontario Traffic Conference at the forthconing Convention in May. OI~D on the motion of Aid. F. Maxtin and Ald. Rearss that the Report be received and adopted. N0. 339 - Public Works C0~mittee - 1966 Local Improvement Petitions, and recem- mendations for works to be undertaken, and for works to be referred to 1967 Cc~- mittee for consideration; and rec0nnnendation re: sewermain on Pettit Drive. Ol~on the motion of Aid. G. Martin andAid. Johns that the Report be received mad adopted. ~ No. '~0 - Public Works Committee - Rec-r'"me~dingthat 1966 chlorine supplybe pur- chased from Canadian Industries Ltd. OFaSEon the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Hearss that the Report be received and adopted. · ' SEE Resolution No. 5e No', ~1 -Public Works c~Sittee - Rec-~m'"ending that'3 ye~ra~reement be entered into with Glenview 8ocial Club in respect to the use of their parking lot, at a rental rate of $25.00 per month. ORESRED on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Aid. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 3~2 - Public Works Ccemittee - Hec-"mm'ndin6 that proposal re: tags for garbage containers be adopted, and the ~ngineerin~ Dept. be authorized to have tags pre- pared with wordin~as indinatedinRePort. 0RIBRED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald, Dearss that the Report be received and adopted. No. 343 - Committee of Adjustment - Advising of F!-al Decisions on Gomes, Waskowski, mad Cala~uiro Applications, andAppeal on Decisto~ of Vaughan application. ORE~ on the motion of Aid. F. Max~in and Aid. 5wayze that the c_~w.,mication be mceivedand filed. No. 3b~ - Finance Cnmmtttee - Recommending approval of accounts. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted: No. 345 - Acting Clerk - Recapmending Granting of Municipal Licences. 0RESl~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received, adopted, and licences granted. RESOLUEIONS No: 47A - JOHNS - BEARSS - RESOLVED that the Tenders for the supply of the follow- ing items be awarded to Victoria Motors Ltd: Three 1966 Model A Truck Cab and Chassis GVW 28,000 - $25,300.80; Four 1966 Model S/4 Ton Pidk-up Trucks - $8,988;00; Two 1966 Model Campact Two-door Sedans - $4,639.95; Two 1966 Model Four Wheel Drive Wagons - $5,970.30; Two 1966 Model Truck Cab and Chassis GVW '- 23,000 - $13,218~4~; One 1966 MOdel Dump Truck, GVW 21,000 - $5,258.40; One 1966 Model Van Type Truck - $2,175.50; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 48 - JOHNS - BEARS8 - I~OLVED that the Tender for the re-construction Of the H.E.P.C. Bridge on No. 20 Highway be awarded to Aiksn & Maclachlan 'subject to the approval of the Depaxtment of Highways; and the Seal of the CQrporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 49 - JOHNS - BEARSS - RESOLVED that the Tender for Sidewalk Repairs for 1966 be awarded to Sacco Construction; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 50 - G. MARTIN - BEAI~S - BE~OLVED that the 1966 Chlorine Supply be purchased frc~ Canadian 'Industries Ltd.; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously During discussion on the following Resolutions it ~as explained by His Wor- ship Ma,vor Keighan that the two'suggested resolutions had been prepared after con- sultation with the City Solicitor, and following his advice On the appropriate sec- tions of the Legislation which would require amendment. 8~,~ changes were made in respect to the two resolutions, following which they were adopted as Rmended. No. 51 - ~RY - O. MARTIN - WHEHEA8 the citizens of Niagara Falls are greatly co~cerued with the increasing incidence of noise from motorcycles;' AND Wna~lsAS there appears to be an urSent need for amendments to existing legisla- tion to enable local councils and police forces to exert effective control; AND WB~ in addition to an amendment to Section 42 (3) of The Highway Traffic Act (whiCh is of limited scope), an ~m~ndment should be made to the antiquated pro- visions of Paragraph 114 of Section' 379 (1) of The Municipal Act to make it appli- cable to problems encountered in 1966: N(N THEREFOBE BE XT RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of MidSara Falls petition the Provincial (}overnmsnt to take effective action at the. present session of the legislature concerning .the above reoczmendation; AND BE IT FURFaER ~SOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to The Hon- ourable John P. Robarts, Prime Minister of Ontario; the Houourable J. W. Sp. ooner, Minister of Municipal Affairs; the Honourable Irein Saskett, Minister of Transport; Mr. CeorSe Bukator, M.L.A.; Mr. Ellis Morningstar, M.L.A.; Mr. Robert Welch, M.L.A.; The Ontario Traffic Conference, the Association Of Ontario Manyore and Reeves; the Ontario Municipal Association; and to the Councils of the Cities of Ontario for their endorsation and sUppOrt; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. ~2 - F. MARTIN - aB~Ol~-~i~the citizens of Mia~araFalls are ~reatl~con- cerned about the nuisance and dan~er to llfe arid proper~y created by increasing wm~rs of motorcycles in this area; AND WH~ two deaths this month arising fronmotoroyole accidents and nus~rous com- plaints c_oncerntn6 the noise nuisance call for sca~ effective action ~o be taken; AND WHEBEAS there appears to be an urgent need for a general tightening of the Legislation particularly in the following areas: (1) 'Amendment of Section 42 (3) of Tae Highway Traffic Act which at px~sent affords very little effective control over noise. (2) Amendment of The Highway Traffic Act or regulations to make wearing of crash helmets for drivers and passengers ccmpulsory.. (3) Amendment to existing licensing provisions to require more rigid stan- derds before a person is entitled to a temporary instruction permit or an operator's licence. (4) Amendment of The Highway Treffi~ Act or regulations to m~ke crash bars on motorcycles compulsory. NOW THEi~FOBE BE IT BEaOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of . Niagara Falls petition the Provincial Government to take effective action at the present session of the Legislature, concerning the above recommendations; ANDBE IT BIJRTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable JobriP. Robarts, prime Minister of Ontario; the Honourabla Irwin Haskett, Minister of Transport; the Honourable J. W- Spooner, Minister of Muni- cipalaffairs; MAr. George B,,~tor, M.L.A.; Mr. Ellis Morningstar, M.L.A.; Mr. Robert Welch, M.L.A.; the Ontario Traffic Conference, The Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves; the Ontario Municipal Association; and to the Councils of the Cities of Ontario for their. endorsation and. support; and the Seal of the Corpora- tion be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously Visit of Lord Mayor of Belfast His Worship Mayor Keighan advised of the forthcoming visit of the Lord Mayor of Belfast to the City on MS}. 5th- He indicated that he would like to dis- cuss this matter with the Finance C~-.-!~ttee to cunplete arrangements ~or a suit- able welcome. Use of former H~lro Construction Office. buildings His Worship Mayor Neighan requested that the Property Committee look into the possible use, for living quarters for residents during the period of housing shortage, of the former Hydro construction office building located on Stanley Avenue near Churches lane. , Optimist Club Draw Alderman F. Maltin was authorized to represent the Mayor' s Office at the Optimist Club Dinner and Draw, to be held on May lOth, 1966 at the Park Hotel. Centennial Work Shop to be held at prudh_--m. es : Alde~an Gregory advised that he had received a ca~muni'cation concerning the Centennial Workshop to be held at prudhe~mes. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson, seconded by Aid. F. Martin that Alderman Gregory be authorized to attend the Centennial Workshop to be he.ld at prudhr~mes. d~ Lane. Complaints re: Golden Horse Shoe Drive-in Restaurant, Lun 's Alderman F. Bartin adyised that he ha~ received several complaints con- cerning mo[orcycles and cars using the parking lot of the Golden Horse Shoe Drive-In Restaurant during the late evening and early morning hours, ~nd that the noise fro~ screeching tires, etc., was disturbing to residents on Lund~'s Iane. The residents were also bothered by trash and waste paper being blown off the Restaurant lot onto nearby lawns. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Bartin and AId. Rearss that the matter be .referred to the En~ine. eriag Depar~nent for investigation. BY~IAW8 NO. 708~ - A By-law to provide for the executio~ of an A~reenent between The Corporation of the City of Niegara Falls and T. R. Cauld carrying on business under the Firm muie end e~le Of ~auld Nuresr~r. 133 · OPaFaED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that Ald. G. Marein be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first renal ~. Carried Unanimously · ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. T~lrd Reading -Ald. Downie and Ald. Rearss. Carried Unanimously. No. ~.085. - A By-law to amend By-law Number 3790, being a By-law for the re~,lation of traffic. (No parking provisions on Ferguson Street and Dorchester Rood, deleting no parking provision from Falls Avenue). 0RDEi~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Bearss that Ald. F. Martim be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORIFaED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried, with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all other members in fnvottr o Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Oregory. Carried, with Ald. Johns voting -contrary and all other members in favour. (AId. Johns indicated it would be premature to remove the No Parking provision on Falls Ave. at this time since construction was still being carried on at the Sheraton Foxhead Notel) No. 7086 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amenament to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Official Plan. (Amendment No. 27G - Area on the south side of Huggins Street between Marlborough Place and Portage Rood zoning charge from C,,ma-rcial to Residential to permit construction of 1 or 2 apartment buildings. ) ORESBED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. 8wayze that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law he 6ivan the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 0RESTED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Downie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second read- ln~. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson. Carried Unanimously. N.o. 7087 - A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $14,303.02 upon debentures to pay part of the cost of the construction ~f certain works as set forth ~n Schedule =B' attached hereto. (Livingstone St., Portage Rd., Him St., Falls Ave., Watermains. Lund~'s lane, Highway ~, re-construction of watermaims and road) ORE~SD on the motion of AId. Oregory and AId. MacBain that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be give, n-the first rea~ing. Carried l~aanimously. ORIBI~D on the motion of AId. Mltchelson and AId. Downie that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tanning Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Readin~ -Ald. Downie and Aid. Swa~ze. Carried Unanimously. 134' 'I No. 7088 - A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $108,759.64 upon debentures to pay part of the cost of the construction and equipment of an addition to the Maple ~reet Public School consisting of a library and general purpose room and renovations to the existing building. 0BDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Johns that Ald. Mitch- elson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first' reading. Carried Unanimously. ORIFa~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Downie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze. Carried UnanimouslY. No. 7089 - A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $131,762.27 upon debentures to pay part of the cost of the construction and equipment by the Niagara Falls District Board of Education of an addition to the St-meord Col- legiate Vocational Institute and alterations to the existing building. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacRain and Ald. G. Martin that Ald. Mitchelson be given the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORI~3ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. No. 7090 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($252,648.76) OREStUD on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Gregory that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried UnanimouslY. Third Reading - AId. Gregory and Ald. Swayze. Carried U-_-nimously. Council adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. Johns and AId. F. Mar~in. READ AND ADOPTED, May 2nd, 1966. cting Clerk ."~ ....... ""' ........ CO~4]~rl'r~ OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, April 25th, 1966. Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular Council Meeting held on April 25th, 1966. All Members of Council were present with the ex- ception of Alderman Scott· Alderman Downie presided as Chairman. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. F. Martin that the C~mmtttee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to Reports 51 and 52. READ AND ADOPTED, May 2rid, 1966. COUNCIL~A'£NG Council Chamber, ~ril eSth, 1966. Followin~ the C<,~lttee of the Whole Meeting on April 25th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Scott· His Worship Mayor Eeighanpresided. The following action was taken: ~port 346 - Recreation & Protection C<~Lttee - Recc~nendtng that COuncll accept the Tender of Mr. Gordon Wanhin~ton at $1,850.00 for the a_~wolition of the Queen Street Fire Hall, in view of the fact that Mr. Washington had made an error in submitting the tender for $8~0.00, which had been acce~ted by COuncil 'at the meeting of April' 18th, 1966. OP~on the motion of Ald. Downie, seconded by Ald. F. Mar~in that '1 Street Fire ~all be awarded to ~ordon J. Washington at the price of $1,850.00. This motion was carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all other members voting in fayour. (Ald. Johns felt the recommendation was not goodbusiness practice, and stated t~at if the Tender was not satisfactory then the pro~ect should be re-tendered.) ~OLLTION NO. 5B - DO~NIE - F. MARTIN - ~ESOLVEDthat the Tender for the Demolition of the ~en Street Fire Hall~ awarded to Mr. Gordon Washington at the tendered price of $1,8~O.00; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. (Ald.J~b_~s voted contrary and all other members voted in fayour) Carried.. Report 347 - Personnel & Negotiations Committee - Recommending the appointment of Mr. Ross Climenhage to the position of Senior Assessor for the City of Niagara Falls. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Downie that the Report be received and adopted· The meeting adjourned on the motion of Ald. O. Mar~in and Aid. Mitchelson. READ AND ADOPTED, May 2rid,. 1966. ring Clerk 138 .' Council Chamber, May 2nd, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 2nd, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen Scott and Bearss. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Macesin and Ald. Gregory that the Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on April 25th, 1966 be adopted as printed.' ...................................... IEPUTATIONS Mrs. Joyce Shortt - Safety Progr"mme, Motorcycles Mrs. Joyce Shortt was present at the meeting and was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin. Mrs. Shortt, whose husband, Paul Shortt, is the owner of Paul's Cycle Shop, spoke to Council in respect to a safety progr~_mme for motorcycles, and stated that they were both very concerned about the number of accidents to cyclists, and offered to help in any way possible in the setting up of a training progrenme for motorcycle riders. Mrs. Shortt advised that quite often persons purchasing motorcycles a~ their place of business dad not 'know how to ride, and although a training track was located on their premises for be- ginners, it we0, of course, not cc~rpulsory for persons to avail themselves of these facilities. She stated that in their business they had considered the possibility of refusing to sell motorcycles to those persons who were not qualified drivers, but had reached the conclusion that these people would only go to another dealer who would sell them the equipment. Mrs. Shortt advised that officials of the Canadaas Motor- cycle Association were preparing a booklet on Motorcycle Safety, and a copy of the booklet would be forwarded to the City Officials. Mrs. 8hortt emphasized that it was the beginners who were giving the most concern. His Worship Mayor Keighan advised that the Police Depmr~ment and various news media were or~anizing a safety rodeo for in- farested motorcycle riders, and they might walc--ae any assistance frum Mrs. Shortt and her husband. Mrs. 8hortt referred to the Resolution passed by the City which contained suggestions about limiting the noise of motorcycles. She stated that other types of motors were also noisy. In respect to whether s_~,e_ motorcycles were more noisy than others, Mrs. Shortt advised that sane owners remove the baffles or drill holes in them, ~nd was of the opinion that the Police Department should take action against persons who do this. Mrs. Shortt was also of the opinion that there should be a special lie cence for motorcycle riders, and it was pointed out that possibly am ~mendment should be made in existing legislation to provide that no one with a beginner's licence only, could drive a motorcycle. Ald. Downie indicated that he had received a number of com- plaints frc~ residents on Montrose Road in respect to the operation of Carl's Cycle Shop, concerning the number of hours the shop was open and the use of Montrose Road as a adrag stripe· Ald. Downie stated that the Covenants under which the property was sold to Mr. Carl Bastedo should be thoroughly checked, since it was his opinion that provisions against the nuisances now complained of, had been provided in the Deed. Alderman Dewnie made the suggestion that land be purchased by a Service ~lub or other interested individuals for use as a drag strip for motorcycle enthusiasts, which could be used in conjunction with the Police Department, to provide an outlet for youthful ener~. He suggested that the Recreation & Protection Committee take this su~Sestion under advisement and perhaps contact interested individuals and try and find a location suitable for such a track. At the end of the discussion it was ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin, seconded by Ald. MecBain that the matter be referred to the Hecreation & Protection Committee and Mrs. 8hortt be invited to attend the next Ccemittee Meeting. It was also suggested that a copy of the Safety programroe sl~msored by .the City of California be referred to the C~Attee for their informa- tion. Mr. John Meuser - Motorcycles Mr. John Meuser was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze. Mr. Meuser referred to a recommendation in the Resolution passed by Council at the meeting of April 25th, 1966, concerning in- stallation of crash bars on motorcycles. Mr. Meuser contended that these were unnecessary as far as safety is concerned, and might be considered as ornaments, and also, were quite expensive to install. It was indicated that this suggestion had been made by the Police Department. It was further ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. F. Martin, that the ccmplaint of noise emanating from Carl' s Cycle Shop, Montrose Road, be referred to the Finance C--mwittee for consideration of all details, in- cluding the Covenants contained in the Deed when the property was purchased by Mr. Bastedo from the City; prior to a latter being sent to the owner of the busi- ness, Mr. L. Levine (C~f~n'mication 208) Mr. L. Dayins was present at the Council Meeting. It was indicated Members of Council that Mr. Levine would be granted permission to address Council if he wished to present new information, or on a different subject, other than the matter previously dealt with by the Property Cc~ittee. The Acting Clerk then explained that .the matter of a rebate to Mr. Layins for an incorrect assessment on his property on Queen Street, and the matter of .the use by the City of a portion of Mr. ~evine's property for a turning area for the perking lot, had been under consideration by the Property C~mmittee· At the request of Ald. G. Martin, the Acting Clerk read the Repoxt of the City Solicitor on the matter, and also the Report prepared by Mr. R. Ztmmerman of the Assessment Department. Ald. G. Martin, as Acting Chairman of the Property Committee, advised that Mr. Layins had been advised at the Coe~ittee Meeting of the contents of the two reports and it was his opinion based on the contents of the Reports, that Council had no authority to take any further action in Mr. Devine's case. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that Mr. Layins present to the Clerk the letter he has, dealing with another matter, and the letter be referred to the Property C;-.~,~tttee for consideration. UNFINISHED BUSINESS C.-.~-. 126 - City of Windsor - Resolution re: Minimum Housing Standards By-law. Report 348 - City 8olicitor - Su~itting opinion that the recommendation of the City of Windsor is sound. 01~ on .the motion of Ald. MecBain and Ald. Gregory that the Report of the City Solicitor be received, and Resolution frun the City of Windsor be endorsed. C0mm. 176 - City of Hamilton - Resolution re: Expropriation powers of non-elected bodies. Ccsa. 189 - City of Hamilton - Eurther Explanation of Resolution. Report 3~9 - City 8oli&itor - Suggesting that Council wait for further developments as there will probably be more detailed rec-~m~ndations to consider. O~am~al) on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that the Report of the City Solicitor be received and suggestion adopted. C~.~A. 198 - Welland & District Health Unit - Advising of condemning of premises at 368 8tmnley Avenue. Report 350 - Propert~ C.--~ [tree - Reco~ending that the owners of the property at 3~ 8tanlay Ave. be instructed to demolish the premises located thereon in accor- dance with the provisions of By-law 6~0. 0~8~D on the motion of Ald. (L Mar~in and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted, and c~ication filed. 8w~e Resolution No. ~ Report 32~ - Recreation & Protection Ccemittee - Tenders received for Firemen's Clothing. Report 351 - Recreation & Protection C~'~ittee - Recommending that the Tender for the supply of medium blue winter shirts and e,,~,er medium shirts be awarded to · Marshall's Men's 8hOp, and that the euppl~ of light ~rey winter shirts be awarded to Gullion's Men's Wear. ,e , eelred and adopted. Report 325 - Public Works C ..... tttee - Tenders for construction of sewermains and watermains within Registered Plan 226. Report 352 - Public Works Committee - Recommending that the Tender be awarded to C & S Construction. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report of the Com- mittee be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 56 Report 326 - Public Works C~mmtttee - 1966 Equipm-nt Tenders. Report 353 - Public Works Committee - Recommending that supply of 3 Refuse Collec- tion Packer Units be awarded to Sicard Equipment Ltd., and supply of 4 Diesel Farm Tractors be awarded to Stallwoods Garage. ORIBEED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 57 Petition No. 7 - Elmer Tubbe and Residents of Royal Manor Subdivision - re: inter- section of Lundy's Lane and Royal Manor Drive. Report 354 - Recreation & Protection C--m. ittee - Recommending that approval from Dept. of Transport be sought for installation of traffic signals; that parking be eliminated from both sides of Royal Manor Drive; and median islands and curbinK be constructed in accordance with the Report; and since money is not available in the 1966 Budget, that the necessary action on these recommendations be not taken until the Finance Committee has studied the matter and repoxted to Council. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and adopted. CCe~4UNICATIONS No. 209 - Canadian Corps Association - Requesting permission to hold annual Pilgrim- age Parade on June ~th, and requesting that barricades be placed. 0RIFA~ED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that the cmunication be re- ceived and that permission be granted to the requests, subject to any rec.---.endations the Recreation & Protection C""mtttee would have, concerning Fire Equipment movement at Walnut Street; and that the Police Dept. and Engineering Dept. be advised accor- dingicy. No. 210 - Centurion Club of Greater Niaeara - Extending invitation to Members of Council and Officials to attend Italian Pioneer Settler's Night, May 14th. ~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. MacBain that the c-nmunicati~n be received and invitation accepted and as .~_.-y members of Council and Officials as possible attend the function. No. 211 - Reautification C~ittee - Endorsing Clean-up Week in the City. ORIFaED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that the c~mw,mication be received and filed and the citizens be encouraged to support this campaign. No. 212 - Mario Picco - Requesting that roadway (Piva Ave. ) in front of his garage be repaired. It was explained that Mr. Picco resided in a subdivision in which the subdivider had been required to pe~ to the Corporation monies for the construction of services, including roads. The money had never been received for the road in ques- tion, and was actually considered an unopened road allowance. It was indicated by the City Mana6er that the subdivider had recently inquired what the service costs for this street would ~e, and this information is being c~npiled by the Engineering De- pmrtment. OI~81~D on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. MacBain that the com- munication be received and referred to the Public Works C~lttee, alon~ ~ith the stat~m-nt on service costs from the Engineering Department. It was indicated that Mr. Piceo be invited to attend the Meetin~ of the C~ttee on May ~th. No. 213 - Niagara Falls & District labour Council -.l~eeolution placing the labour Council on record as realizing 2rarity of the pollution of air and water and solving to ma~ representations to the 3 levels Of Coverresents on this matter. OI~I~D on the motion of Ald. 8wa~e and AId. Mttehelson that the c~antcattan be received and filed and the labour Council be advised that the Clty has alread~r taken · stand ou this matter, and action is bein~ taken. 140. During consideration of the above matter, Alderman Swayze indicated that as the representative of the City Council on the Select Co~nnittee on Air Pollution COntrol, he had attended a meeting held in Hamilton on April 27th. He indicated he would be presenting a report to Council at the next Meeting, on this matter. No. 214 - Greater Nia~are Safety Council - Traffic Safety Recommendations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the c~mnunication be received and referred to the Recreation & Protection Onmmittee· No. 215 - British Methodist Episcopal Church - Requesting permission to hold Tag Day in August. OI~DERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Downie that the cr, nmunicatiOn be received and request granted for a Tag Day on August 6th, 1 6. No. 216 - Robert J. Hutchson - Suggesting that a group of persons be set up to consider a Youth Centre for the City. His Worship Mayor Keighan, in cr~menting on the remarks contained in the letter rem_nrked that perhaps the time had come to make a survey to determine exactly what had been done for the youth of the cr~,nunity and to determine whether or not a large c~nm,mity centre was needed. He suggested that the Social Planning Council could carry out such a survey. Alderman MacBain indicated he would like to hear Mr. Mutcheon's remarks, especially his thoughts as to why one large c~unity centre was needed. Me indicated it was the opinion of those closest to the prob- lem that the City should be divided into three areas with facilities for each "area. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain, seconded by Ald. Swayze, that Mr. Hutchson be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Hutchson stated he was trying to get a c~m~lttee set up and have a representative of Council appear before the C~mittee to determine what the best set-up would be. He stated he felt it was more economical to have one large centre rather than a number of smaller centroe. Alderman Gregory stated that the senior citizens also deserve consideration, and recreation facilities for this age group were inadequate. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that the com- munication be received and Mr. Hutchson be invited to attend a meeting of the Finance Committee, at which time the C~ittee can point out to Mr. Hutchson the portion of the tax dollar that is spent in the interest of youth activities in the City. No. 355 - Centennial C('m"ittee - Rec_~emnending to the Municipal Council the approval of the Niagara Falls Tartan in principle, subject to the conditions that (a) the tartan be approved by both the Centennial Steering C~'~mittee and the Council, and (b) that an agreement be entered into in respect to royalties, etc., and appreved by the City Solicitor. Alder._~___~ Gregory, Chaired, of the C~,mnittee, ex- plained the Cc~mittee's proposal, and indicated that if the Tartan was adopted by Council it would be ready for sale in the City in September, and would be distri- buted to certain quality stores in the City. Considerable discussion took place on the matter and Members of Council indicated their opinion on the proposal. Ald. G.' Martin was of the opinion that rather than make an immediate decision, the City 8olicitor should be asked to advise Council on the legal technalities of re- .ceiving the royalties. He also stated he would like to know what the royalties ' would be used for. Alderman Downie was of the opinion that the project was a c~mmercial venture. He stated the City might have to obtain permission from the College of Heralds to adopt a Tartan. ' Alderman Johns queried the authority under .which Council could undertake this project. A motion, moved by Ald. Gregory,' and seconded by Ald. F. Maxtin to the effect that Council adopt the Niagara Falls Tar- tan in principle subject to & report by the City 8olicitor dealing with negotia- tions ou Royalties, etc. and legal implications, was withdrawn. The following motion was then passed: 01~ on the motion of Aid. G; Martin, seconded by · Ald. Johns that the matter be referred back to the Centennial Committee and a port lqe secured from the City 8olicitor donraining information as to the legel implications on the proposal. This motion was carried with Ald. Downie voting contrary and all other __me~m~ers of Council in layout. 141. ~ No. 356 - Property C~tttee - Application AM - 145, re-zoning of property at the northeast corner of Kitchener Street and Portage Road to permit the erection of a medical clinic, and recommending the approval of the Application subject to the con- ditions outlined in the Report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and AId. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. S57 - Property C~mittee - Amendment Application 162 for re-zoning of Part of T~p. Lot 61 on the ~outh side of Huggins Street from C~mmercial to Apartment Residen- tial in order to erect one or two apartment buildings comprising a total of 120 units, and recommending the approval of the Application subject to the applicant entering into the usual site plan agreement. O~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. S58 - Property Co~mittee - Au~ndment Application AM-165 to re-zone Lots i and 2, Plan 67 at the west side of Stanley Ave. from Single F~m4 ly to T~o Family Residential, and rec-,-,u-endiag the approval of the Application. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 359 - l~Ablic Works C_~.mtttee - Reeveriding that Tenders be called for 1966 Side- walk and Pavement Construction,'to be received on June 6th, 1966. ORIF2~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin 'and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 360 - Public Works C~mtttee - Re: Proposed Installation of Sanitary Sewermain on Eyedale Street and recommending that the City agree to attempt to collect the monies when a lot is severed in the future but no guarantee can be given to Mrs. Gomes, 1521 Green Avenue. ORI~I~D on the motion 'of 'Ald. G. Martin and Aid. Johns that the RepOrt be received and adopted. NO. 361 - Finance C.-~;lttee - Rec~nding Amendment of By-law 6322 (Trailer Camps) to provide an increase in License Fee of $15.00 per month and that the new'rate be effective January, 1967. ORREEED on the motion of Ald. Mitcheleon and Ald. MacBain that the Report be received and adopted. No. 362 - Finance C~ittee - Recommending approval of the accounts. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Downie that the Report be received and adopted.. No. 363 - Recreation & Protection C('"mtttee - Recews"e-nding that the quotation from Dru~nond Sports and Cycle be accepted for the supply of five lawn mowers at a total price of $669.38. ORESRED on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Ald. Gregol7 that the Report be received and adopted. 8~E Resolution No. 58 No. 364 - Recreation & Protection C.---Lttee - Service Club Centennial Project and rec~ndin~ that the project be approved in principle and that the $1,O00. approp- riation from the 1966 Budget be used to pay for the sections of signs welccmin~ persons to the City, and an emount of $e,000. be raised by participating service clubs. ORI!2E[D on the motion of Ald. F. Max~ih and Ald. Oregox7 that the Report be received end a~opted. It wan ordered on the motion Of Aid. F. Mar~in end Aid. Mac- Bain that Mr. Lorne Retlor be ~ranted permission to address Council. Mr. Detlor ad. '. vised that the statement acccepanying the report indicating financial support from the Service Clubs li'sted max~m~ amounts from four Clubs, end three other Clubs had indicated their full support would be given to the project. The three Clubs would provide the balance of the money required. In addition, he also anticipated the per- tieipation by four other orgsnizations, and felt quire sure of their support. His Worship M~vor Eei~han assured Mr. Retlor of Council's 'approval of the Project by adoptir~ the report in principle. No. 365 - Acting City Clerk - Recommending granting of Municipal Licences. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Johns that the Report be received, adopted and licences granted. No. 366 - Building Inspector - Report of Building Permits issued during April. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be received and filed. FE~ITIONS No. lO - W. H. Peterson and 32 residents of North Street - Requesting the repair of North Street between lh~,mmond Road and Portage Road, but that the costs be not charged against the property. ORE on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Petition be re- ceived and referred to the Public Works Cawntttee for consideration, and Mr. Peterson be invited to the C~mmtttee Meeting. Welland' County Fair His Worship Mayor Keighan stated he had been told by a local farmer that the City of Welland may be discontinuing the Welland County Fair. Alderm~ Swayze advised that he had noticed in the Wellandpapar that property had been purchased in Crowland Township for the Pair. Condition of River Road Alderman Swayze advised that he had received a complaint concerning the condition of River Road in front of Michael's Inn. The City Engineer stated that re-paving operations on this section of Road would commence on May 3rd, 1966. Garage premises at Thorold Stone Road near Q.g.Way Alderman swayze requested that the untidy condition of the garage premises on Thorold Stone Road near the Queen Elizabeth Way be looked into. The City Engineer advised that the appropriate inspector would check into this matter. Centennial Pro~ect re: Recognition of House Numbers Alderman Gregory advised that a suggestion presented by Rev. Moyer, a Member of the Steering C,_=,-,,lttee, had been considered by the Centennial Steering Committee at the meeting held on April 26th. The suggestion had been to recognize those houses numbered as 1967, and that the householders be presented with new num- erels with the Centennial Design thereon, to mark the Centennial Year 1967. It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Gregory, seconded by Alder.~- Mitchelson that the Suggestion to recognize houses n~unbered as 1967 and 1867 by presenting new numerals with the Centennial design, as a Centennial Project, be referred to the Finance C~*"mittee for consideration. This motion was carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all other m~mbers in favour. Remarks of Mr. Norman Puttick in a letter to the Editor in the Evenin~ Revfe~ His Worship l~xyor Ketghan referred to remarks made by Mr. N. Puttick in a letter to the Editor which had appeared recently in the Niagara Palis Evening Review. The letter had implied that a "cliques existed. Ma~or Keighan stated that Mr. Puttick must know of something that is going ca, that he, as Mayor was not aware of. He asked Mr. Puttick, who was present in the Council Chambers, if he would care to explain his re,~.~ks. Mr. Puttick replied that he would bring in a report for the next meetin~ of C~uncil. Re2ional 0overnment Brief Presentation Alderman Downie advised that following the presentation of the City's Brief on Regional C~vermnent at the Hearing held on April 28th, Mr. J. Oraaskamnp had suggested that panels be formed end that members of Council make themselves . available for discussions on this matter. Alderman INy~nie suggested that perhaps s~ members of Council could make themselves available in this re~ard. 144. Vote of c~n~.endation to Alderman Downie re: Presentation of Brief on Regional Government Alderman G. ~artin stated that Alderman Do~nie should be congratulated on the m~n~er in which he presented the Brief on Regional Government at the Hearing. He stated that it had been expressed at the Hearing that the Clty's Brief ~as the first one to be presented in which d~finite thoughts on the matter had been expressed. It was o~dered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson that Alderman Downie, in his presentation of the Brief, end as Chair~-n of the special Cn,~ittee, be highly co,mended for his efforts. Ald. Do~nie advised that the accom- plishment had come about as a result of a teem effort, and then stated he would like to publicly ths-k all of the Committee members, and the Officials, for their support · Emergency Measures Or~nization Meeting and Exercise 'Forewarn" Alderm-n Gregory informed Members of Council of the Meeting of the Emergency Measures Organization held at Allanburg on April 28th, which had dealt in part, with an analysis of "Exercise Forewarn", which had t_-.~en place the preceding week. Al- derman Gregory explained that one of the main problems which had been noted, was the fact that in~the event of an emergency being declared in this part of Ontario, the local radio stations would be taken over by the CBC, and they would broadcast reports from the CBC and not on a local basis. For local authorities to get any time over the local radio stations, permission would have to be obtained frem the CBC through a devious route. It had been found, during the exercise, that it took a length of B5 minutes to enable the Mayor to issue a c~nmand over the local radio sta- tion, to the residents. Such a delay would be unrealistice in the event of a real ew~rgency. At the meeting on Thursds$', it was decided that this matter would be brought to the attention of the Provincial authorities in order that facilities at the local radio station could be made available to local authorities. His Worship Mayor Neighan stated that Alderm-n Gregory, as Chairman of the Committee, had done a very c.-~,nendable Job. Mayor Neighan then stressed the importance of the progr"mmes carried out by the E.M.O., and felt that the residents of the community should real- ize the importance of the work being done by the E.M.O. and support it fully. Mr. A. C. Huggins, City M~_.n-ger, informed the Council Meeting that the Plan of Survival for the area was very near completion. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Downie, seconded by Ald. MacBain that a vote of c~m.endation be extended to Alderm-n Gregory as Chairman of the Emergency Measures Organization, for the excellent work and capable manner in which he carried out his duties. ~ No. 54 - O. MARTIN - SWA~ZE - RESOLVED that the Acting Clerk be instructed to send the appropriate letter, by registered .~41, to the owner of the premises at 368 Stanley Avenue, requesting that conditions thereon be corrected, in accora_~nce with the provi~ic~s of By-law 6440; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~nanimously No. 55 - F. MARTIN - OI~RY - I~0LVED that the Tender for the supply of medium blue winter shirts and'summer medium shirts be awarded to Marshall's Men's Shop, and that the supply of light grey winter shirts be a~rded to Gullion's Men's Wear, being Tenders received for Fire_"~n'e Clothing; and the Seal of-the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl~ No. 56 - O. MARTIN - JOHN8 - ~OLVED that the Tender for construction of sewermains and watermains within Registered Plan ~6 be awarded to C & S Construction; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried UnanimousiF No. 57 - G. M~RTIN - JOMM - I~OLV~D that the Tender for the supp],V of 3 Refuse Collection Faeker Units be awsxded to Sieard E~uil~nent Ltd., end the Tender for the supply of 4 Diesel Farm Tractors be awarded to Stallwood's 0ara~e; an~ the Seal of the CorpOration be hereto affixed. C~rrled Unanimously No. 58 - F. MARTIN - GREGORY - RESOLVED that the quotation from Drummond Sports and Cycle be accepted for the supply of five lawn mowers at a total price of $669.~8; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Uneaaimously BY-LAWS No. 7091 - A By-law to provide for the execution of an Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and Vincent Kerrio-Germano Limited (Construction of Storm Sewermain on Murray Hill within the City of Nia~ra Falls). O~RED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Do,~nie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory. and Ald. Mitchelson. Carried Unanimously- No. 7092. - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($309,278.09) ORREEED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Downie that Ald. Mitch- elson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Ma~in. READ AND ADOFA']~D, May 9~h, 1966. CO{~LI'A'A'.:.: OF TPIE WHOLE Council Chamber, May 2nd, 1966. Council assembled in Committee of'the Whole following the regular Coun- cil Meeting held on May 2rid, 1966. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen Scott and Bearss. (Alderman Swayze retired frcm the meeting at approximately 10:30 p.m.) Alderman Gregory presided as Chairman. It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Johns and Alderman Mitchelson that the Committee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to Report 367 - Personnel & NegotiatiOns Ccumaittee, Co~nunication 217 - Acres Research & Planning Ltd., and Verbal Report of City Manager re: Auditor's Report. READ AND ADOPTED, May 9~h, 1966. ing Clerk COUNCIL MA~EING CounCil Chamber, M~V ad, 1966. Following the C,,mntttee of the Whole Meeting on May 2nd, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen Scott, Bearss and Swayze. His Worship Mayor Keighan presided. The following action was taken: Report 367 - Personnel & Negotiations C~lttee - Recommending appointments in Assessment Department. 0PaSI~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Gregory that Mr. Ralph Z4me~rman be appointed Acting Deputy Assessment C~.tssioner at a salary o[ $8,200.00 a year retroactive fran February let, 1966, and that Mr. Donald liughee be appointed Acting ~enior Assessor at a salary of $7,413.00 effective from May let, 1966, and that both appointments be on a probationary basis for a period of one year in accordance with usual policy. · U Cosre. 217 - Acres Research & Planning Ltd. - Progress Report on proposal for an Ur- ban Renewal Scheme submitted to the City of Niagara Falls by Acres Research and Planning Ltd. ORE~aED on the motion of Ald. e. Martin and Ald. Oregory that the can- munication be received and filed. Verbal Report - City Manager - Advertising of sections of Auditor' s Report in accor- dance with Regulations. The City Manager advised that the Auditor's Report has been presented tol Members of Council at the Meetin~ of April 2}th, 1966 for their perusal. 146. In accordance with the Regulations, the City Treasurer had proceeded with arrange- ments for the necessary advertising in the local Press, of certain sections of the Report. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the necessary advertising of the applicable sections of the Auditor's Report be carried out by the City Treasurer. The meeting adjourned on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain. READ AND ADOPM~D, May 9th, 1966. 147. TWENTY-FIRST Ms~--ING Council Chamber, May 9th, 1966. MEETING WITH MR. J. A. MONTGO~4ERY Council met at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of hearing the presentation by MAr. J. A. Montgomery, Manager, Industrial Department, Greater Niagara Chamber of Cornerco. MAr. Montgomery reviewed the contents of his report, copies of which had been forwarded to Members of Council. He stated that an important matter not covered in the Minutes was the proposal of an Industrial Survey by H. G. Acres & Company. MAr. Montgomery then reviewed the objectives and scope of such a survey, as contained in a Report from Acres. MAr. Montgomery advised that the cost of the proposal would be $20,800.00 and the study would cover a period of 6 months. ' The over-all project would be beyond the budget of the Industrial C~mnittee, but MAr. Montgomery mentioned that there was a new fund set up by the Ontario Government for Regional Studies, and it was felt by some that there could be funds available for a study of this type. A meeting of the Industrial Development Officers in the Niagara Regional Development Association Area will take place on May 28th when this subject will be taken up. MAr. Montgomery then spoke on his attendance at the Industrial Seminar. He also advised that an Official from Dow Coming Silicones would be present in the City to view available industrial lands. MAr. Montg~nery advised that he had attended a One Day Progr~-=~ in respect to Expo '67, and outlined the proposals of the Ontario Govern- ment for Industrial Development exhibition at the Fair. MAr. MOntgomery advised that Officials of Nordair had been contacted in respect to flights to Niagara Falls in 1967, and there had been a very good response. MAr. Montgomery predicted that the year 1967 would be a very big year for visitors to Niagara Falls from Overseas. Mr. Montgom- ery also reviewed developments taking place in respect to local industries. Follow- ing Mr. Montgcmery's presentation, AldeEm~n MacEsin queried if Mr. Montgomery was awere of any new development in regard to auto manufacturers and the new Agreement between C-nade and the United States. MAr. Montgomery replied that to his knowledge there was no new developments. Mr. Montgomery advised that the next visitation by Members of the Industrial C~m. ittee would be on May lOth to the American Can Company. He invited Members of Council to attend if possible, and suggested that they arrive at the Company no later than 4:15 p.m. on this day. His Worship Mayor Keighan tb.nked Mr. Montgomery for tie presentation of his Report. RE~UIAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 9th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Scott. His Worship Mayor R. F. geighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Bearss that the Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on May 2rid, 1966 he adopted as em~nded. ._ .- limiTATION C~. 218 - N. J. PUttlck - REplying to request of Mayor Keighan to explain the meaning of the word =clique" used in a letter to the Editor in the Niagara Falls Evening REview on April 29th. Prior to the reading of his explanaticm, contained in the c~..munication prepared by him, Mr. Puttick first reviewed the last paragraph of the letter which had appeared in the local press, and also, read the coverage of this pmrtiOnlar matter, as contained in the Evening Review, following the meeting of Council on May 2nd. MAr. Puttick then made several other points relal~ing to the matter. HE then read his explanation on the use of the word =cliques as contained in his letter to the Editor in the ~vening REview. Follo~in~ ~r. Puttick's pre- sentatiOn, His Worship Mayor Keighan stated he was quite satisfied that there was no clique operating in Council. Ccmm. 1~6 - City of Por~ Arthur - REsolution petitioning the Province of Ontario to review existing legislation regardin2 ~overnment taxes on licenoes and ~asoline paid by ~unicipml Txlnsit C~,.missions. REport 372 - Finance Committee - ~ec~n~ng that the resolution be not endorsed and that the Transit Coslesion be asked to prepere a proposed resolution request- ln~ the al~ination of Pr~ineial taxes on licenses, diesel fuel, and ~aeoline pur- chased by Municipal Trimsit Ccaaissions. ~ on the motion of AId. Dewhie aud AId. F. Martin that the ~eport of the Ocsaittee be adopted. Connu. 4 - Hunt' s Ambulance Service - Requesting Increase in Grant. Report 372A - Finance Committee - Recommending no Increase be granted for 1966. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Downie and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be re- ceived and adopted, and communication filed. Ca~dUNICATIONS No. 219 - Centennial Planning Branch - Meeting re: Centennial Performing Arts Programs, Park Motor Hotel, Thursday, june 9th, 10 a.m. Alderman Gregory, Chairman of the Centennial Cammittee, referred to meetings he had ettended con- cerning this matter. He advised that Mr. Keppy had reported to the Centennial Steering Cammittee that he wan not ready to give his recommendation. It was or~ dered on the motion of Alderman Gregory, seconded by Alderman Bearss that the cnm~,mication be received and filed and that His Worship Mayor Keighan, and Alderman Gregory, and MAr. D. Keppy be authorized to attend the meeting. No. 220 - I~m.s and Smith Limited - Advising of interest to provide engineering services which maybe required for future City Projects. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the con~nunication be received and re- ferred to the City Engineer for his files. No. 221 - City of Sarnia - By-laws regulating the closing of Gasoline Retail Outlets. ORI~EED on the motion of Ald. G. Marth and Ald. Swayze that ~he com- mu$.ic.ation be received and filed and the Resolution be not endorsed. No. 222 - B~_k~r and Swayze - Advising of Order from Ontario Energy Board provid= ing that the rates of the Provincial Gas Co. !~td. are extended until April 30th, 1967, with no increase in any of the rates. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitch- elson and Ald. F. Martin that the cammunication be received and filed. No.. 223 - The Ontario Pulp & Paper Makers Safety Assoc. - Expressing appreciation for fire safety demonstration presented by Captain S. ~homson and Captain T. Shapton of the Niagara Falls Fire Department. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin .and Ald. Bearss that the communication be received and filed and a copy be forwarded to the Fire Department for the attention of Captains Thomson and 5hapton. No. 224 - Greater Niagerm Softball Assoc. - Expressing appreciation for assis- tance and extending invitation to attend in opening night ceremonies at Oakes Park, May 16th, 1966. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. F. ~artin and Ald. MacBain that the cc~munieation be received, filed, and invitation accepted, and Ald. F. Martin attend. No. 225 - C~nmittee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing, Neufeld Application. No. 226 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing, River Realty Dev. Applic- No. 2~7 - C~'"mittee of Adjustment - Notice ~f Hearing, Miller Application. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Mit~chelson and Ald. Swayze that the communications be rece.ivadand filed. No. 373. - City Manager - REc;-,-,-~nding that Acting Clerk, Treasurer, and Acting Deputy Clark be, authorized to attend Spring Meeting of District No. B of The Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers, in Brantford, May 19th. O1~ on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald.~F. Martin that the Report be ceived and adopted. No. 374 - City Manager - Recommending that drivers of City be authorized to attend the'~ransportation and Safety Association Safety Meeting at the Rapids Motel On May 31st. 0RI~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelzon and Ald. Bearss that the REport be received and .adopted. No. ~7~ - City Manager - ~eccemendin~ that Mr. John Smith be authorized to attend Cdn. Purcbesin~ Conference in Winnipe~ iron June 8th to lOth inclusive. ORIIJRED on the motion of Ald. Jearss and AId. Mitchelson that the REport be .received and adopted. . . *. ' 150. No. B76 - Alderman C. Swayze = Report on meeting of Select C~.mtttee for Regional Control of Air Pollution in South Western Ontario held on April 27th. OI~EED on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. F. Mar~in that the Report be received and adopted. Im answer to a query of Alderman Downie, Aldera-n Swayze advised that the 0mittee had taken into consideration air pollution caused by exhaust system of cars. In answer to a question from Alderman Gregory, Ald. Swayze advised that New York State had an Air Pollution By-law. No. B77 - City Engineer - Recommending that the consulting engineers be authorized to re,all tenders for the bridge deck for the H.E.P.C. Bridge on No. 20 Highway, and that Tenders be received until June 6th, 1966. 0RD~EED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted, and Tenders be re-called, but the Depax~ment be advised that Council is Of the opinion that the work ~hould be c~npleted by the end of July. No. 378 - Public Works Committee - Recommending that Crosstown Paving Co. Ltd~ be paid at the rate of 50~ per square foot for work carried out in respect to side- walk construction on the connecting link project for ~0 Highway, subject'to the approval of the Department of Highways. ORDEE on the motion of A.ld. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 63 No. 379 - Public Works C~a~.lttee - Recommending that the T~nder for re-painting of City Vehicles be awarded to Victoria Motors Ltd. at the price of $1,971.25. ORREE on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Hearse that the Repor~ be re- ' eeived and adopted. SEE Resolution No. ~9 No. 380 -' Public Works C.*.~.~[ttee - Reckera.ending the purchase of a Sicard Street Plusher, with power steering, at a price of $27,698-00 from Sicard Equi~_~.e_nt Ltd., and to include spray bar at a cost of $270.00. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald.. G. Margin and Ald. Hearse that the Report be received, and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 60 No. 381 - Public Works C_~m"ittee - Rec,:-!u!~nding that the quotation of Canadian Marconi Company be accepted for the installation of a paging unit for the Ik~,mmond Road Storehouse at a cost of $301.15 plus O.8.T. 01~ on the motion of Ald. 8. Martin and Ald. Rearss that the Report be received and adopted~ SEE Resolution No. 61 No. 382 - Public Works C(~;~ittee = Recommending that Job Cost Recorder be purchased for installation at Broughton Avenue garage, from Simplex International Time Eq- ui~nt Co. Ltd., at a price of $195.00 plus O.S.T. OI~D on the motion of- Ald. G. Martin and Aid. Rearss that the Report be received and adopted. . Resolution No. 62 No. 383 - Public Works Ccmnnittee - Requesting permission to arrange for acquisition of additional property on Murray Street and Buchanan Avenue and to negotiate an a~re~m~nt which will permit encroachment, (Holiday Host Motel, Murray St. and Buchanan Ave.') O~ on the motion of Ald. (4 Martin and.-Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. BS~ - Property C,v,~ittee - Recc~snending approval of Application AM - 158, (Arlene Manor, re-zoning of ~ot 12 and Part Lot 11, south side Barker Street from Residential B zoning to Apai~ment zoning), subject to the applicant entering .into a Site plan A~reement which will include pr~isions regarding disposal of storm water, adequate fencing and paving. Oit~ on the motion of ,Ald. G. Martin and Ald. 8wa~ze that ~he Report be received and adopted. No. B85 - Property Cc~nittee - Reccmendin~ attthority be' granted to Property Ccmittee to fully investi2ete the present provisions reBardinBthe location an d establishment of Drive-in Restaurants end CaT Washes, withereport to Council. 01~21~Don the motion of Ald. O. ~artin and AId. j(~ne that the Report be .received andadopted. No. 386 - property Committee - Rec~nmending that Application of National Grocers Ltd. to re-zone '~'percel of property on the west side of Garner Road, north of Lundy's Lane from Agriculture to a use which would permit the erection of a ware- house and office, be approved subject to the provision that the applicant enter into a site plan agreement with the Municipality, and that the amendment to the Official Plan, the amendment to the Zoning By-law and the By-law authorizing the execution of a Site Plan Agreement be given three readings. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. B87 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Intersection Stanley Avenue and Q.E.Way and plan prepared by D.O.H. for improvement to the intersection, planned to coincide with improvement to Stanley Avenue between the Q.E.Way and Ferry Street to be carried out by the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. GregorY that the Report be adopted and design approved. The City Engineer explained on a dingram, the proposals for the intersection. Alderman Downie referred to dif- ficulty in making left turns off the Queen Elizabeth Way onto Stanley Avenue. The City Engineer advised that he would teXe the-matter of a possible change in timing of the signal lights up with the Department, and also stated that the proposals would help the situation to some extent.. No. B88 - Recreation & protection Cnmmittee - Recc~nnending the installation of three parking meters on Victoria Avenue and one on Clifton Hill, and recommending that the necessary by-law changes be made and that the additional meters be in- stalled. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 389 - Recreation & Protection Cc~mittee - Recammending that the Police Commis- sion consider the offer of Mrs. P. Shortt to contribute towards a Safety and Training progra~nne and that Council assist the Police Commission in arranging for a training area. Ald. F. Martin advised that the C~"mittee were looking into the possible use of two or three locations for a training area. His Worship Mayor Keighan clarified that the Police C~ission would be responsible only for instruc- tion of drivers, and acquisition of any lands, etc. would be under the Jurisdiction of the Municipality- ORDEE on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted- No. 390 - Finance Cc~mittee .Reccmmending approval of Accounts. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Downie and Ald. F. ~rtin that the Report be received, adopted, and licences granted. No. 391 - Acting City Clerk - Rec~mw.ending granting of Municipal Licences. 0RREEED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received, adopted, and licences granted. No. 392 - City Engineer - Report of Engineering Dept. operations for 1965. 0EDE~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be tabled for pexllsal of Council. PETITION No. ll - Mr. Martin Rauh and 4 others - Protesting against the City issuing a licence for a Bod~v, Paint and~epair Shop on Drummond Road near Edward Avenue. ORl~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. MacBain that the Petition be received and referred to the Acting Clerk for Report. EESOIbTIONS No. 6Q - G.MARTIN - BEARBS - RESOLVED that a Sicard Street Plusher, with power steering, be purchased from SicardEquipment Ltd., at a price of $27,698.00; and to include spray bar at a cost of $270.00; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ~Ca3~r~ted Unantmousl~ Ho. 61 - e. MAI~TIN - BEARS8 - I~F~OLVED that the quotation of Canadian Marconi Coe~penybe accepted for the installation .of a pe~ing unit for the Drummond Road Storehouse, at a cost of $301.1~ plus O.S.T., and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, Carried Unanimousl~ 151 · No. 62 - G. MARTIN - BEARSS - I~ESOLVED that a Job Cost Recorder be purchased for installation at Broughton Avenue garage, from Simplex International Time Equipment Co. Ltd., at a price of $195.00, plus O.S.T; and the Seal of the COrporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 59 - G. MARTIN - BEARSS - RESOLVED that the Tender for re-painting of City vehicles be awarded to Victoria Motors Ltd. at the price of $1,971.25; and the Seal oflthe Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously MISCELYANEOUS Suggestion of Mrs. Walker to commemorate buildings Over 100 years old Alderman Swayze advised that Mrs. Walker of Thorold Stone Road had ccmpiled a list of all buildings in the City over a hundred years old, and had advised that there wer~ 150 buildings on the list. Mrs. Walker had suggested that the Centennial Cnm~ittee consider, as a Centennial Project, the commemorating of these buildings, with suitable plaques. Aldermnn Swayze suggested that Alderman Gregory, Chair-~-. of the Centennial C~m~tttee contact Mrs. Walker and investigate the proposal. Al- derman Gregory indicated that this suggestion could possiblybe tied in with the sug- gestion submitted to Council at t~e meeting of May2nd concerning c,,..-.,emorating houses which are numbered either as "1867" or "1967", which suggestion is under considera- tion by the Finance C~mmittee. Signs for City Parks Alderman Johns referred to a request made by him, at previous Council Meetings, that the Recreation & Protection Committee look into the possibility of erecting signs to identify the various City parks. Re inquired as to the status of his quest. Alderman F. Martin advised that no monies had been available in the 1965 Budget to take care of this, but provision had been made in the current budget, and it was anticipated that in due course, signs would be erected at each of the parks. Preparation of History of City for Centennial Project.- Alderm-- Downie referred to a Centennial Project previously approved by Council in respect to the preparation of a History of the City by a local Service Club, and suggested that the list compiled by Mrs. Walker of buildings in the City, over 100 years of age, be forwarded to the Service Club for. ~nclusion in the Historical data. Meeting with Hydro Officials re: Brief concerning Bridges over Hydro Canal His Worship Mayor Keighan advised Council of ~ letter be had received from Mr. Gathercole, Chairman of the Hydro-Electric Power Cnmnission of Ontario, which suggested that a meeting be held in Toronto within two week's time, to consider the Brief prepared by the City on Brid~es over the Eydro Canal. The City Manager indi- cated that it was hoped the meetingwould beheld some time next week i~ Torontq. Telegram from ~ord Ma~ors of Eondonderry and Belfast His Worship Mayor Kei~han informed Council that he had received a telegram free the Lord Mayors of Londnnderry and Belfast, as they were enroute to Britain, while flying over Newfound]and. The telegram indicated their pleasure at the hos- pitality extended to them during their visit to Niagara Falls, and appr~.ciation .for the manner in which they were received by the City. Centennial Medallion Alderman Gregory, Chairman of the Centennial C~'wmittee, explained that one of the Bronze Centennial Medallions had been shown to the Members of Counc$1, and ad- vised that it was expected to sell for $1.30, tax4mclusive, and that response to the medallion had been enthusiastic. 152. Trucks parking in vicinity of Whirlpool Rapids Bridge on Brid~e Street Alderman GregorY referred to the matter of illegal parking of trucks on Bridge Street in the vicinity of the Whirlpool Rapids Bridge. It was indicated that the Police Department be asked to investigate this matter to ensure that the Municipal By-laws were being enforced. BY-LAWS No. 7093 - A By=law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between The Cor- poration of the City of Niagara Falls and Gordon J. Washington. (Demolition of 635 Huron Street, 692 St. lawrence Avenue, 393 Huron Street and garage, S01 Huron Street, Municipal FireHall on Queen Street and public lavatory bldg. and municipal garage on Market Place.) ORDERED on the motion of AId. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introduding the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried with Ald. Johus voting contrarY and all other members in favour. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be giveh the Second reading. Carried, with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all other members in fayour. Third Reading -Ald. Downie and Ald. F. Martin. Carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all other members in favour. (Ald. Johns advised he would like to re-state his position On the matter, in that he was of the opinion that the awarding of the tender for the demolition of the Fire Hall on Queen Street was not handled in a proper business-like manner.) No. 7094 - A By-law to provide for the sale of Lot 6, Reg. Plan 160 to Olimpio Polegato and SiroManni. ORDF~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first L reading. Carried Unanimously. ; CEDEBED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. G- Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Beading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain. Carried Unanimously. No. 709~ - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an Amendment to the Niagara 'Falls and Suburban Area Official Plan. (National Grocers Co., west side Garner ROad) ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORESBED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelsonand Ald. F. Martin.. Carried Unanimously. N~. 709~. - A By-law to amend ZoningBy-laws Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960, of the former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as ........... amended. '~National Grocers - west side 'Garner 'ROad) ........... ORIFaED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. MacBain that Aid. O. Martin be granted the privile6e of introducing the By-lawand the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 153. ORII~RED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Swayze and Aid. Bearss. Carried Unanimously. No. 7097 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($189,Oll.68) ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Downie and AId. Gregory that Aid. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDEreD on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Bearss that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily susp~.nded and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. O. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson. CO~i'A'A'~x OF T~E ~OLE Council Chamber, May 9th, 1966. Council assembled in Cc~mittee of the Whole following the regular Council Meeting held on Hay 9th, 1966. All Members of Council were present with~ ~j~e excep- tion of Alderm~, Scott. Alderman Mitchelson presided as Chairm_-.~. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain that the Com- mittee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to the 5 Year Capital Bud- ~et, and Report of the Personnel & Negotiations Committee. ~'nis motion was carried with Aid. Dewhie votin~ contrary and all other members in fayour. (Aid. Dewhie was of the Opinion that the 5 Year Capital Budget should be presented to the Chairman of The Ontario Munieil~l Board, and he should be in receipt of it, prior to it being made public.) T~ENTY-SECOND MEETING Council Chamber, May lath, 1966. REGUKAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 16th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Scott and Alderman Gregory. His Worship Mayor R. 'F. Keighan presided- It was ordered on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. Johns that the minutes of the Council Meeting of May 9th, 1966 be adopted as printed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Report 392 - Engineering Department - 1965 Operations Report. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be rec$ived and filed. Petition 10 - W. H. Peterson and 33 residents - requesting the re-paving of that.I portion of North Street between Drummond Road and Portage Road. Corm. 228 - Mr. & M~rs. F. Kiss - Re: Road condition on North Street. Alderm~n G- Martin, Chairman of the Public Works C~mmittee, advised that this matter was presently under consideration by the Con~ittee, and following receipt of a report of the Engineering Department the matter would be reported to Council. In respect to the complaint made in the letter concerning the Legion property, Ald. Martin advised that a letter had been sent to the Legion Officials asking that cer- tain conditions be complied with. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 0. Martin and Ald. Bearse that the communication be received and referred to the Public Works Committee. Petition ll = Martin Rauh and 4 others - protesting the operation of the Body, Paint, and Repair Shop on D~,,w, ond Road adjacent to Edward Avenue. Following consideration of the Report of the Commottee of Adjustment (No. 409) it was ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Jotms and Ald. Downie that the communication and report be received and filed. CO~CATIONS No. 229 -Wm. J. Reed u Expressing appreciation for granting permission to attend Ontario Water ResoUrces Senior Sewage Works Operators' Course. OI~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F.-Martin that the ccrmunication be received and filed. No. 230 - Buys' Club of Greater Niagara - Expression of appreciation for 1966 Grant. OI~D on the motion of Ald. Hitchelson and Ald. Bearss that the c~mmmication be received and filed. No. 231 - Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs - Membership in Association. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. MacMain that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for report. No. 232 - Pilot Club of Niagara Falls - Requesting permission to conduct City- wide canvass during the month of September. . O1~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze. and Ald. Rearss that the c~mmunication be received and request granted. No. 233 - Canadian Sk~lift Co. Ltd. (Mr. l{ans Mercnik) - Requesting permission to erect a sign at his premises located on Portage Road. ORn~R~D on the motion of Ald. Johas and Ald. Swayze that the conmunication be received and referred to the Building 'Insl~ctor for consideration. No. 234 - Hydro-Electric Power C~mn. of Ontario - Advising that advance paint of Grant in Lieu of ~xes will be made on June 306h. 0~nF. RED on the motion of Ald. ~tacBain and Ald. Swayze that the communication be re- ceived and filed and the City ~ianager advise the Chairman of the Hydro Cnm~ission the City is appreciative of the change in paint policy. No. 235 - City of Brantford - Resolution proposing that the Provincial Government be asked to assume the entire cost of education; and to consider replacement of Boards of Education with a re-organized Department of Education. During considera- tion of the resolution it was the consensus'of opinion that the first pert of the resolution could be supported, but that no decision could be made on the second pert. ORIFau/~ on the motion of/LId. Bearss and Ald. ltttchelson that the c~mmunication and resolution be received and tabled for the time being and it be referred to the Board of Education for their comments. No. 236 - City of Windsor- Resolution advocating increase in Per Capita Grants. OR- DEE on the motion of Ald. G. Martin emd Ald. Bearss that the c~mmunication and res- olution be referred to the City Manager and Finance C~.muittee for report as to what the Grant is to-day, what it was in 1958, and at what point the Grant would change for the City of Niagara PaRs. DEPORTS No. 396 - City Manager - Recommending the ~ction of one fluorescent street light near 'the intersection of Dorchester Road and McGill Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martim and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 397 - City Manager - Rec,=,-.ending that five fluorascent 2 tube 6 foot VE0 Luminaires be installed in the area of the Cross-over at Gellinger Street, between Drummond Road and Portage Road. ORDER on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. B98 - City Manager - Recm~ending that eleven BOO Watt Incandescent Fixtures be mounted on existing wood poles on Stanley Avenue between Thorold Stone Road and Lionits Abrasives Ltd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be received and adopted. No. B99 - City Manager - Rec~*~-ending that Three 4 foot S.H.0. Fluorescent Luminaires be installed on Caledonia Street, between Dunn Street and Margaret Street. on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 400 - Works Engineer - Report on Convention of Canadian Section of American Waterworks Association. ORI~P.~D on the motion of Ald. Rearss and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and tabled for one week. No.. ~01 - Property Committee - Request from Ontario Housing Corporation that the Municipality consider the sale of a vacant percol of land on the west side of Buchanan Avenue between 2009 and 2029 Buchanan Ave., and rec~maending that no con- sideration be given to the disposal of this piece of property; and further ing that the necessary by-law be prepared to dedicate a ~ufficient frontage of this parcel of property for road purposes in order to provide for the fulma~ widening uf Bum Avenue to an 86 foot road allowance. OREF~tED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report he received and two rec~m, endatioas adopted. No. ~02 - Prnuertv C~.-.lttee - Request of Ontario Housing Corporation for the sale of the City-owned Park on Ontario Avenue, and rec.-..,.~_nding that the property be retained by the City. ORE2~D on the 'motion of AId. G. Martin and Ald. 2wayze that the Eepor~ be received and adopted. 156. No. ~03 - Property Committee - Application of J. Vaughan for severance of lands at comer of Dunn Street and Drummond Road as approved by Committee of Adjustment providing applicant enters into suitable Site Plan Agreement with the City, and recommending that the Solicitor be instructed to prepare a site plan agreement in accordance with the decisions of the Co~ittee of Adjustment and the recommendations of the Site Plan Technical Group. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Mar~in and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 404 - Recreation & Protection Committee - =Outside Burning By-law", and recom- mending that the draft By-law be given one reading by Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. SEE By-law Number 7101 No. 405 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Fireworks By-law, and recommending that the By-law be given one reading by Council. Alderm~- F. Martin, Chairman of the Committee, indicated that this matter had been referred to the C~mnittee in 1965 for consideration. Alderman G. Martin indicated he was not in favour of the date of sale and setting off of fireworks .. as outlined in the By-law, and suggested the dates be changed to April 15th to October Blot to cover the tourist season in the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. SEE By-law No. 7102 No. 406 - Public Works C~-~iittee - Recommending that a notice be forwarded to the owners of the Valley Crest Funeral Home requesting that they comply with the terms of the ~greement made at the time the property was re-zoned, to provide for erection and proper maintenance of a chain link fence and 5 foot planter strip. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. M_ttchelson tha~ the Report be received and adopted. No. 407 - PUblic Works Committee - Reconnending that copies of Functional Planning Report be made available for sale at the City Engineer' s Office at a price of $5.00 per report, following MaY 20th, 1966. ORIE on the motion of Ald. (~. Martin and Ald. Johnsl,that the Report be received and adopted- No. 408 - Public Works Committee - Recomaending that a small building be constructed adjacent to existing building at Montrose Road Sanitary Land Fill Area, for the housing of the bullclam, and that the Engineering Department be authorized to pro- ceed with the constraction of the building. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be rece~yed and adopted. No. ~09 - C;=~ittee of Adjustment - Advising of final decisions in respect to: D'Addio Application, Dennis Application, Crawford Fittings Application and Robert- son Application. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Downie that the Report be received and filed. No. 410 - Finance Committee - Reckending approval of accounts for the period ending I~ 16th, 1966. ~D on the motion of Ald. Mitcheleon and Ald. Downie that the Report be re- eelwed and adopted. No. 411 - Actin~ City Clerk - Recommending granting of Municipal Licencee. 01tl~sx~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received, adopted, and licenoes granted.. RI~OLU~ION , No. 6~ - F. MARTIN - SWAYZE - ~E~OLVED that the next Meeting of Council be held on Tuesday, May 24th, 1966 at ?:BO p.m; and the Seal of the Corporation be heret~ affixed. Carried Unanimousl~ : i MISCELLANEOUB Mr. Robert W. Rodman Alderman Downie officially welcomed Mr. Robert W. Roam-n, newly-appointed Design and Construction Engineer for the City of Niagara Falls, to the Council Meet- ing, and wished him success in his new position. 12th Annual Puip and Paper Conference, Luncheon May 19th. Alderman Bearss was appointed to represent the Mayor' s Office at the 12th Annual P~lp and Paper Conference Luncheon to take place on May 19th at the Sheraton Brock Hotel. Rubbish Pick-up His Worship Mayor Keighan advised that he had received a number of calls con- cereing the City-wide rubbish pick-up, which had taken place the previous week. Re stated that many persons had been of the opinion that if their rubbish was put out any time during this week it would be picked up, and did not understand that the pick- up only applied to the one day on which non~al garbage pick-up was carried out. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that the matter be referred to the Public Works C,--.l,ittee for review in the light of what has happened in respect to the spring rubbish pick-up, to consider the matter of publicity, and pos- sibly the extension of the service. Condition of property at south-west comer of Lundy's Lane and Drummond Road Aldem-n G. Martin referrod to the unsightly condition of the property at the south-west comer of Lundy's Lane and DD,wmond Road. He advised that some type of construction had originally been planned for this intersection which had been cancelled, and as a result, large mounds of dirt and rubbish were piled on the lot. He requested that the Engineering Department contact the owners of the property and if further con- struction is not going to take place shortly, that the property be cleaned up ~mm-dia- rely. Reports from Dr. L. W. C. Sturgeon, Director, Welland & District Health Unit. Alderman MacBain queried whether it would be possible for Dr.~ Sturgeon to bring in reports on the following matters: 1) The use of tinfoil caps only on milk bottles delivered to hcmes, iraread of the use of tinfoil caps and cardboard covers over them. 2) The packaging of 12 or more ice cream cones loose, in cardboard boxes, with no other type of protective wrapping inside the box. Aid. G. M~*tin indicated that a meeting of the Welland & District Health Unit would take place on Wednesday, May 18th, at which time either he or Alderman Mitchelson · would bring this matter up. BY-lAWS No. 7098 - A By-law to authorize the re-construction of Murray Street from Portage Road to Ni~ra Parks Commission lands. ORESRED on the motion of Ald, Bearss and Ald. Johns that Ald. (}. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading, .Carried Unanimously, - OE~ED bn the motion of Ald. (}. Martin and Ald.-gwa~ze that Rule 36 (e) of the Standing Ruies of Council be temporaril~ suspended and the By-law be given the sec- ond reading, Carried Unanimously. No. 7099, - A By-law to authorize the execut ion of an Agreement between the Cor- poration of the City of Niagara Falls and Fred Sacco. (Construction and repair of sidewalks, curb-faced walks, curbs. ) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the Byelaw be given the firstJ reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading- Carried Unanimously. .. Third Reading -Ald. Downie and Ald. F. Martin. Carried UnanimouslY. No. 7100 - A Byelaw to authorize the execution of an Agreement between Fermino Susin, carrying on business as C & S Construction Company, and The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls- (Construction of Sewermains and Watermains in Reg. Plan 226) ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Bearss and Aid. Mitchelson that AId. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Bearss and Ald. Swayze. Carried UnanimouslY- No. 7101 - A By-law respecting fires ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Hearss and Aid. Mitchelson that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY. ORDF/~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the By-law be tabled for one week. Note: It was pointed out by the City Manager that the By-law should have a phrase ' inserted after Section 12, to provide that all previous By-laws, dealing with fires, etc. would be rescinded. No. 7102 - A By-law to regulate the sale and setting off of fireworks in the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Bearss that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the By-law be tabled for one week. No.__/j39/- A By-law to provide for monies for general purposes. ($335,530.55) ORDFaED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Bearss that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDg~ED on the motion of Ald. Mi~chelson and Ald. Downie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-~aw be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Downie and Ald. F. Mar~in. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. johns.. READ ANDADOPTED, Nay 24th, 1966. Mayor C(~,~ITA'.:.: 0F THE WHOI2E Council Chamber, May 16th, 1966. Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular Council Meeting held on May 16th, 1966. All Members of. Council were present with the excep- tion of Aldermen Scott and Gregory. Aldermm~ F. Mar~in presided as Chairman. It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Swayze and Alder, mnMacBainthat the Ccmuittee of the Whole arise to the Council Meeting, without repoxting. READ AND ADOPTED, .-. ," COUNCIL ~ETING Council Chamber, May 16th, 1966. Following the C~,mnittee of the Whole Meeting on May 16th, 1966, Council m-convened in open session.. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen Scott and Gregory. His WcrehipMayorKeighanpresided. Council adjourned on the motion of Alderman Mitchelson and Aldemn MacRain. READ AND ABOrX'f~, May 2~h, 1966j Acting Clerk ~59. TWENTY-THIRD MEETING SPECIAL MEETING Council Chamber, May 19th, 1966- A Special Meeting of Council was held on Thursday, May 19th, 1966, commenc- ing at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of receiving the Functional Traffic Report. His Worship Mayor Keighan and allMembers of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen MacBain and Scott. The following persons were also present: On behalf of the Niagara Parks Commission: Chairman, Charles Palsy; Franklin J. Miller; Herman Rodgers; J. Campbell; F. Cairns; and M. T. GraY, Chairman. On behalf of the Bridge Commission: George P. Urban Jr., Manager; A. S. Perrow; F. Hendershot. On behalf of the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board: Mr. E. A. Thomas; W. S. Orr; Reeve E. T. Weightman; Mr. A. Greaves, Planning Director. On behalf of DeLeuw Cather and Ccmpany: Mr. Ross Walker; Mr. Owen Hodgkins. On behalf of the Department of Nighways: Mr. R. Burnfield. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighsn welcomed those present and outlined the purpose of the meeting. He then introduced the members of the various Boards and CammlsSions, and then called upon Mr. Burnfield to act as Chairman for the evening. Mr. Burafield stated that sufficient printed copies of the detailed Traffic Report would be available in print following the verbal presentation of the report by DeLeuwCatherand Company. Mr. R. Walker presented the report on behalf of the Cempsny. Re stated that the exhibits used in his verbal presentation would also appear in the printed report; The following points were raised in Mr. WaLker's presentation: Study area - north of Queen Elizabeth Way to Welland River and from the Queen Elizabeth extension east of traffic circle to the RainbowBridge. btr. Walker reminded those present of the problems that exist in the study area during the summer months'and the suggestions put forth by his Company to solve the traffic congestion. By the year 1981 the traffic volume will double the present figure requiring the need for a freeway system. The proposal is to establish two freeways - Queen Elizabeth Way extension and a Niagara Freeway running north and south. The Niagara Freeway would have its northerly terminus Just north of the Q.E.Way extension at Stanley Avenue and extend southerly beyond McLeod Road connecting with the Niagara Parkway south of Dufferin Islands. Provision wouldbe made for connec- ting feeder streets to the freeway at McLeod Road. In order to facilitate move- ment of traffic, certain streets would be classified for one-way traffic. Robinson Street would become a one-way street connecting with the Niagara Parks Commission. The entrance to the Park would be made by the construction of a tunnel at the easterly end of the existing Robinson Street. Existing roads in the Niagara Parks Commission would be re-routed with very little loss of existing park lands'and would be carried out with little damage to aesthetic value of the existing facilities. Existing and proposed roads would l~ a one-way type with sufficient turn-arounds. A provision would'also be made in'the overall plan to prowide adequate parking facilities particularly in areas close to the Parks Co~miesion lands. Sug- gested location for garages were: Buchanan and Murray, Portage Road (two locations) south of McLeodRoad. Mr. Walker also submitted analteraate proposal which could be implimented · if'the' present M;C.R;R;'Rallroad'Line were to'be'reAlocated.' ...................... A sketch was tabled showing the amount of area required for the proposed re-location of roads within the Niagara Parks Cc~mission. It was also suggested that meters counting traffic flow could re~ulete traffic flow into the Park area. Estimated total cost of the proposals were: Plan 1A $54,200,000. Plan 1D $59,900,000. (aee~ming the Railroad is located) 161. , 16o. Stage 1- Stage 2 - Improvement of Q.E.Way extension with diamond traffic interchange at Stanley Avenue together with the implementation of cerhain one-way streets, together with Niagara Parks Commission improvements - . · $15,960, O00. Improvement of Q.E.Way extension, construction of Niagara Freeway to Murray Street, improvement to City streets, improvement to Custcms and Immigration facilities. Total cost $20,450,000. Stage Completion of Niagara Freeway, improvement of Ferry Street and Victoria Avenue and McLeod Road, erection of parking facilities and general ccmpletion of overall plan. Total cost $17,920,000. MAr. Burnfield Considered Plan ]])far superior to Plan 1A and suggested that the City continue its negotiations with the Railways. He suggested a resolution of Council adopting, in principle, the study as presented and that a copy of the repoxt be submitted to the Minister of Nighways for the approval of his Department. Mr. Burnfield suggested that proposed development of lands required for road purposes should be restricted as much as possible, although he did indicate that total elimination of encroachment on the needed areas would be difficult. Mr. Daly of the Parks Cormmission asked if representatives of DeLeuw, Cather and Cc~panywould be willing to present the Traffic Study to members of the Niagema +Parks Commission. Mr. Walker stated that his Companywould be pleased to make the presentation. The impor~amce of the proposed parking garages was also discussed. Mr. Walker stressed the imporhance of the parking garages to the overall project. In reply to an inquiry fromAlderman G. Martin, Mr. Walker indicated that a decision as to the possible re-location of the M.C.R.R. would be required within two or three years after the implementation of Stage l' of the proposal. Mayor Keighan inquired if the possible creation of parking facilities by bodies such as the Niagara Parks C~Llssion would affect the parking facilities proposed by the Report. Reeve Weight- man inquired if consideration had been given to the extension of Stanley Avenue, across the Welland River, connecting with the Queen Elizabeth Highway. Mr. Bumfield replied that the area in question was beyond the terms of reference and was therefore not included in the study. ~ Mayor Keighas inquired when the report should be adopted in principle. Mr. Burnfield indicated that he realized that sttl~ly of the proposalwas advantageous but re-emphasized that in order to protect the required right-of-way every effor~ should be made to finalize the matter. Mayor Keighan stated that DeLeuw Cather had completed very capably the task ~hat was given to them and thanked all those who participated in the preparation. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin, seconded by Ald. Gregory that the Functional Planning Repoxt of DeLeuw Cather-and Company be tabled for study by Council. The meeting adjourned on the motion of Ald. F. Martin, seconded by Ald. Swayze. ~EAD AND ADOr~, Mey 24th, 1966. Mayor ~4ENTY-FOURTHMEtYrlNG Council Chamber, May 24th, 1966. EEGULAR M~L~TING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 24th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Scott and His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan. Alderman MacBain arrived at the meeting at 9:30 p.m. Al- derman FahoMartln was appointed Acting Mayor, and presided at the meeting. The minutes of the Council Meeting of May 16th, and Special Meeting of May 19th, 1966 were ordered adopted as printed, on the motion of Alderman Swayze and Alderman johns. DEPLwDATIONS Mr. R. Campigotto, 1883 Keith Street .. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Rearss and Ald. Swayze that Mr. Cam-' pigotto be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Campigotto stated that in the particular section of Keith Street where he lived, the levels of the lots were low, but that each of the residents to date had conformed with a certain grade to provide uniformity. He then advised that he and his neighbours were concerned when a new owner, Mr. John Brio, had commenced construction of a residence in their area, and had graded his property 3 to ~ feet higher than the adjoining properties. Mr. Campigotto asked if same assistance could be given by Council in this matter. It was indicated that some one on behalf of the residents in this particular area of Keith Street should be present at the Comm~ittee meeting. It was also indicated that the Building Inspector Wouldlattend the Committee Meeting. Mr. John Brio It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald- Bearss that Mr. JOhn Brio be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Brio indicated that he had recently commenced the construction of a dwelling on Keith Street, but that no one had advised him of the grade to which he should conform. He advised, however, that he was willing to build a retaining wall or whatever might be needed, since he did not wish to go against his neighbours. When advised of the meeting of the Public Works Ccmraittee to consider the matter, Mr. Brio stated he would be unable to attend the meeting, but that any decision made by the Cnmmittee would be satisfactory to him. Mr. A. F. Sheppard - Fireworks By-law It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze, seconded by Ald. Bearss that Mr. Sheppardbe granted permission to address Council. It was also ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mitchelson that the various items on the Agendadealing with the FireworksBy-law be heard in the order they appear. Mr. Shoppard advised that hew as representing several merchants throughout the City who sell Fireworks., He stated that any danger that is caused by the use of fireworks is caused by the use, and not by the sale- He also asked that Council consider the importance of the tourist dollar to the City. Mr. Sheppard then read details of the various fireworks, and the standards to which they must con- form, under control of the various Government bodies. He stated that in 1959 total fireworks sales had been estimated at $125,000., and that in 1966 this figure would be four or five times as high. Mr. Shoppard stated that his clients were prepared to extend the age limit of 16 years as quoted in the By-law to the age of 18 years. His clients, did, however, feel that the dates for sale as pro- posed by the By-law ware restrictive. At this point Alderman Gregory stated that there were many States in the United States where the .sale of fireworks was banned. · z6~. Mr. E. J. Bielawski It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Gregory, seconded by Alderman Downie that Mr. Bielawski be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Bielawski stated that the statistics quoted by Mr. Sheppard in respect to the use of fire- works and accidents were ridiculous in that the basis for the statistics were not given. He also referred to the dangers involved in the use of fireworks. Mr. Reinhart It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Swayze and Alderman Gregory that Mr. Reinhart be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Reinhart advised that he was the owner of a gift shop on Clifton Bill, and that he employs 10 students per year. Without the sale of Fireworks, he would be able to hire only 5 students. Be suggested this situation could be applied throughout the City. Mr. Reinhart stated that 99~ of the fireworks sold in Canada are taken back to the United States. He also advised that many thousands of tourists are persuaded to ccme to Niagara Falls in order that they may purchase fireworks. At this point, Alderman Gregory stated that there was a definite relationship between sale and useage of fireworks, and that even though fireworks were sold to adults, they would still be used by children. Aldem-- Mitchelson then pointed out that the By-law was not for the elimination of fireworks, but for more control over the use and sale of fireworks. He stated that the portion of the year when the sale of fireworks would be prohibited by the By-law, . was the period of the year when the number of tourists was relatively small. In ans- wer to a question from Alderman Downie, Mr. Sheppard indicated that the main objec- tion of his clients was to the date of the sale of fireworks. Alderman Downie then asked how By-law 7102 differed from the previous By-law, and what the thinking of the Committee was in setting up the By-law in the manner they did. Acting Mayor Feho Martin stated that By-laws from the surrounding Municipalities were reviewed, and By-law 7102 was somewhat similar to these By-laws. Alderman Johns who was of the opinion that the discussion was out of order, moved that the matter be dealt with when the By-law is under discussion. T~ere was no seconder to this motion. It was then ordered on the motion of Alderman Bearss, seconded by Alderman Swayze, that the submissions be recorded and they be referred to under By-laws. This motion was carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all other members in favour. Mr. Feltis - Curb at Gasoline Service Station, Ferry Street and B~chanan Avenue Mr. R. Feltis was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Gregory and AId. Swayze. MAr. Feltis indicated that he operated the Shell Gaso- line Station at the comer of Bucb---- Avenue and Ferry Street, and was concerned since it appeared that curbing was to be placed around his station, eliminating access to the lot, and was especially concerned that traffic cming down Ferry Street toward Stanley Avenue would not be able to enter the station. The City Engineer explained that driveway entrances were placed in accordance with standards approved in 1963, but that each case on Ferry Street was being considered by the Jr. Engineer, Mr. Lamb. Following the query of Alderman Downie it was indicated that Mr. Feltis had become aware of the proposal on ~riday~ 'May' ~K~bh~ Mr~~ Feltis stated that the Shell Company ' proposed to move the station back frcm the road in the ~all, and the problem would therefore he a temporary one. It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Downie, sec- onded by Alderman Mitchelson that Mr. Fe~tis be allowed to-me~t with the Recreation & Protection Ccemnittee to discuss the problem. Ca. 203 - Ontario Municipal Board - Appointment for Hearing - Currado Appeal, fr~n decision of C,-,--ittee of Adjustment. Report 413 -. C~'~"tttee of Adjustment - AdVising that Appeal dismissed by Ontario Municipal ~oard. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Johns and AId. Mitchelson that the communication and report he received and filed. Coma. 231 - Canadian Assoc. of Fire Chiefs - ~esnbership in Association. Report ~1~ - City Manager - Reccemending that Sustaining Membership be not taken out. ~ oa the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Sw~ze that the ccam~nication be received and filed, and Report adopted. 163. petition lO - W. H. Peterson and 33 residents - requesting re-paving of that portion of North Street between Drunmaond Road and Portage Road. Comm. 228 - Mr. & Mrs. F. Kiss - road condition on North Street, etc. Report 415 - Public Works Committee - Recommending that construction of gutter on south side of North Street and ~ curb and gutter on the north side of North Street from Drummond Road to Portage Road be added to 1966 Local Improvement List. ORERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. Report 400 - Works Engineer - Report on attendance at Convention of Canadian Section of American Waterworks Association. ORdeRED on the motion of Ald. Bearss and .Ald. Johns that the Report be received and filed. C(I~R~NICATIONS No. 2~7 - Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. of Canada - Appreciation for Grant. ORDEEED on the motion of AId. Swayze and Ald. Bearss that the communicaion be received .and filed. No. 238 - Niagara Frontier Humane Society - Change of dates for Tag Days to Sept'. 30th and Oct. 1st. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. G. Martin that the comunication be received and request grunted. No. 239 - Welland Rose Festival - Invitation to Mayor Keighan to participate in Parade, and requesting Municipality to consider entering a Float. OP~D on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Swayze that the cc~munication be received and Mayor Keighan or his appointee participate in the Parade, and the possibility of the City entering a float be referred to the Finance Conmittee. No. 240 - Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority - Arrangements for =Meet the Council' Tour, June 15th. ORESBED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and filed and as many members of Council as possible attend. No. 241 - Boys' Club of Greater Niagara - Invitation to attend 5th Annual Volun- teers' Banquet, June 8th, 1966. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Bearss that the co~m~unication be received and invitation accepted and as many members of Council and Officials as possible a~tend. No. 242 - Niagara Frontier Youth for Christ - Invitation to attend program. OR~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that the communication be received and filed and as many. members of Council as possible attend. No. ~4B - Ladies Auxiliary, Greater Niagara Baseball Assoc: -Requesting permission to operate concession at Ker Park. O~n~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald.. Bearss that the cc~munication be received and referred to the Recreation & Protection C~i6tee for consideration. No. 24~ - Mrs. W. M. ~ohns - Condition of Ker Street. The City Engineer explained the work which had been carried out on this street, resulting in laterals and trenches,l and explained that his Department had sched- uled the surface treatment of the trenches during the current week. ORI~EEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze, seconded by Ald. johns that the communica- tion be received and Mrs. Johns be notified ~the work planned for the street. No. 245 - Vaccaro's Italian Garden - Garbage pick-up at business premises. O~DE~ED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mitchelson that the communication be received and referred to the P~blic Works C~ittee for consideration. No. 246 - Thomas Prata - Request for employment with the City. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Gregory that the c~m~unication be received and referred to the City Manager for consideration. No. 247 - Niagara Falls District Board of Education - Requesting approval of Deb- enture issue of $540,000. for construction and equipment of Lord Elgin Vocational School. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Bearss that the c~mmunication be received and request be approved for .the Debenture issue, and that the necessary By-law be processed. NO. 2~8 - _Fa_lls View Re-development C~mnittee - Requesting consideration to placing of sign at the bottom of Murray Hill directing traffic to Fells X/Jew area. A motion submitted by Ald. Johns and seconded by Aid. Swayze ordered that the matter be re- ferred to the Property Ccmmittee for consideration. An amendment to the motion, submitted by Ald. Gregory and seconded by Ald. Downie that the matter be referred to the Recreation Committee was submitted· The vote on the amendment to the motion was as follows: ~ Ald. Swayze, G. Martin, Downie, Gregory, Mitchelson, Benroe. Naye: Ald. Johns. It was ordered that the motion as amended be carried. No. 249 - Niagara Meadows Limited - Opposing any change in Fireworks By-law. No. 250 - Montgomery Brothers - Opposing any change in Fireworks By-law. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Downie and Ald. Johns that the communication be re-. ceived and c~mnents noted for consideration when By-law 7102 is considered. No. 252 - City of Woodstock - Resolution re: School Designs. A motion was submitted by Alderman Gregory, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson that the com- munication be received and referred to the Property Cc~nnittee for examination and. recommaendation to Council and if they desire, to seek the assistance of the Planning Board. This motion was Lost with the following vote: Aye_.. Ald. Bearss, Aid. Gregory, Ald. Mitchelson. Naye: Ald. Johns, Downie, G. Martin, Swayze, F. Martin. It was ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Johns, seconded by Ald. Downie that the ccemunication be received and referred to the Board of Education for their comments. This motion was carried with the following vote: ~e: AId. Swayze, G. Martin, Dowaie, Johns, F. - Martin. NaYe____!· Ald. Benroe, Gregory, Mitchelson. No. 253 -Ros. s & ~eenan - Alex Bolkoff, Part of Lot 26, erection of dwelling without building permit. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the c~munication be .re- ceived and Mr. Boikoff's solicitor be granted permission to meet with the Property Committee on this matter. ~ No. 254 - Conmitten of AdSustment - Notice of Hearing - Bosco Application. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and AId. Johns that the cc~mnaication be received and filed.. No. 255 - C~it~ee of Adtustment - Notice of Hearing - Niagara Frontier HLm~ne Soc- iety Application. ORREEED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Johns that the communication be received and referred to the Committee of the Whole Meeting for consideration. This motion was carried with Ald. G. Martin and Ald.. Swa~ze voting contrary and all other members in f. avour, REPORTS No. ~6 - City Manager - Recommending that Ald. ~. Martin and Building Inspector be authorized to attend Conference of Building Officials to be held in Toronto, May ~Oth to June 3rd. O~aED on the motion of Ald. Swayze sad Ald. Mitchslson that the ~eport he received and adopted. No. ~17 - dity Mana6er , Brief to be eubmitted by ~elee~ e~mittee for Re~ionnl trol of Air Pollution'to Minister of Health. O~ on the motion of Ald. Swayme sad Ald. Oregory that the Repor~ be received and tabled for perusal of ~ouncil. Alderman Dovnie referred to ~ c~nt he had made viously concerning pollution of the air ~rc~ automobile exha~st~ and queried whether this point wo~ld be made in the brief. Aldermen Sw~vze ~ndieated that a meeting of the ~eleot Committee would be held prior to the presentation. end he w~ld bring this matter u~ at that ~ime. ' 165. No.418 - Property Committee - Reccr~mending that final Site Plan for Town Hous- ing Development in the Stamford Centre area as proposed by Stamford Green Investments Ltd. be approved as submitted. 0E on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. Copies of tba Site Plan were perused by Members of Council and an exp!~nation of the location and services, etc. was presented by the City Engineer. No. 419 - Property Committee - Recommending that the penalty section of By-law 1688 be _-~ended to provide for the authorized maximum fine of $~O0.00 for each offonce. ORIFaED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. No. 420 - Public Works C~-mittee - Form for water survey. 0RE.BED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the RepOrt be re- ceived end adopted. No. 421 - P~blic Works C~,mm~ttee - D. H- O. Circular on subsidies for subdivision roads, and agreement by D.H.O. that it would be desirable to accept subdivision agreements covering construction of roadways to certain standards, for subsidy . purposes. 0~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the Report be re- ceived and filed. No. ~22 - Public Works C.--...lttee - Recommending that an additional rubbish collec- tion be made within the City of Niagara Falls, frcm June lot to 3rd incl., and that persons wishing to have rubbish picked up on these dates call the Storehouse. O~r~aF.D on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. It was indicated that the. dates and necessary procedure would be advertised in the press. No. 423 - Recreation & Protection C~-.-.,ittee - No Parking on Ferry Street from Buchanan Avenue to Stanley Avenue. An expl~--tion of the proposal was given by the City Engineer. Aldermen Downie queried if the C~-mittee had considered parking restrictions on the south side of Ferry Street, west of Stanley Avenue. It was indicated that this matter was still under consideration by the Cammitten. O~ on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Ald. Rearss that the Report. be received and adopted, and the "No Parking" By-law be amended to include both sides of Ferry Street from Buchanan Avenue to Stanley Avenue. No. 42~ - Recreation & Protection Co,,mtttee - City-owned property on Ontario Avenun, and recommending that these lands be desi~_n_ted as a Municipal park and the Committee will submit a further report on the proposed name for the park. (~ on the motion of Aid. Bearss and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. ~25 - Recreation & Protection Ccmmittee- Prohibition of left turn at inter- sections of Bucb--~n Ave. and Ellen Ave. with Ferry St., and reck-riding that the City's By-law be amended to permit signs to be erected prohibiting movements outlined in report. An explanation of the proposal was given by the City Engineer. O~ on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 426 - Recreation & Protection Ccemittee - Recc~mena~-g the purchase of B2 $~ngle and ~ double ~ inters fr~ J. ~. Mc~ ~ Ltd., at a cost of $1~,876.92. Ai~- ~ie ~s$iOned the re-sale of 70 inters to the D~t~ B~s~n's ~soc. as outlined in the m~E of the ~r. ~i~er attached to the C~--.~ttee ~po~, at t~ price of $10. each, plus cost for m-conditioni~. O~ on the motion of ~d. S~e ~d Ald. ~ss that the ~po~ be received ~d adored. ~Aed with ~d. ~ie vot~ cont~ ~d all others in fav~. Resolution No. 7q 'No. 427 - l~ecreation & Protection C~--~ttee - Reccsmendin~ that Council accept Tender of Crawford M~wer i Marine at $1,026.90 for purchase of Small tractor and txliler. Aid, Gx~2ory queried the tendering as 1 unit, rather than 2 unitsl 01~ on the motion of Aid. Swa~ze and Ald. Bearss that the Report be received earl adopte~. Carried with Aid. Oregox7 votin~ contraiT an~ all others in favour. .~B Re.s.o.~ution En. 68 No. 428 - Recreation & Protection Committee - parking on Lundy's vane from Main St. to Drummond Rd., and recommending that parking and ~tanding be prohibited on the south side of Lundy's lane, from the west 14nit of Main St. to a. point 100 feet west thereof at all times. OERE~ED on the motion of Ald. REarss and Ald. Swa~vze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 429 - REcreation & Protection Committee - Purchase of picnic tables for Muni- cipal Parks, and rec,---~ending that 7 tables be purchased from BEaver Lumber Co. Ltd. and 7 from the Cape Croker Indian Co-operative. O~ on the motion of Ald. REarss and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution NO.69 No. 4B0 - REcreation & Protection Committee - Locating of 28 "To Q.E-WaY~ Markers on City Streets and recommending the purchase of B dozen markers. An explanation of the proposed location of 28 markers in the City was given by the City Engineer. Alderm~n Gregory stated that some consideration should bel given to placing m~kers to direct tourists from the Queen Street area to the Q.R.Way. 0RE~ED on the motion of Ald. Swa~ze and Ald. Bearss that the REport be received and adopted. No. 431 - REcreation & Protection C~mmtttee - Reck.mending printing of suggested notice to be distributed for posting in motels that have swimming pools. S~ considera- tion took place in respect to the suggested notice and the following points were. made: (a) Ald. G. Martin - Deleting section 3 in its entirety. (b) Ald. Downie - Possibility of Council passing a resolution and submitting it for endcreation to O.M. & R. A., etc., to enable Municipalities to have some type of control over pri- vate sw4mmtng pools. (c) Ald. G. Martin - Addition of a section in the notice to the effect that depths in the pools are to be indicated. O~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Downie that the Report be received and referred back to the C~ttee to consider: the suggestion of Ald. Downie to have the Solicitor check on the possibility of preparing a resolution to enable municipalities to have some con- trol Over private pools; and the two chan~es to the notice as suggested by Ald. G. [.'~: No. 432 - R. A. T~mb, Jr. Engineer - Report on attens~nce at Ontario Traffic Con- :' ference Convention. i!il OEX~t~D on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that the P~port be received ' and tabled for one week for perusal of Council. Acting Mayor, F. Martin, extended 'i~' the congratulations of Council and Officials to Alderman Gregory in respect to his accomplishments while attending the Conference ie :- election to Board of Directors of the Ontario Traffic Conference for a three year term; and efforts in hav~,S the City of Ni~ Falls selected as the host City for the 1967 Convention. OI~D on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson, seconded by Ald. Bearss that Alderman Greg- ory be authorized to attend the meetings of the Board of Directors of the Ontario Traffic Conference. No, 4BB - Finance O~ittee - REccsaending approval of accounts. ~ on the motion of Aid, Mitchelson and Aid, Swa~ze that the REport be received and adopted, No. ~B~ - Acting City Clerk - Rec~mm~uding granting of Municipal Licenoes'. OnMzr~ on the motion of AId. Johns and Ald. REarss that the REport be received,. adopted, and licenoes ~ranted. No. ~B~ - Caittee of Adjustment - Advising of final decisions on applications of Mrs.. R. ac~erracher, S. Vorkapich, A. Cserpes. ~ on the motion of Aid, Baarss and Aid, Swa~e that the REpor~ be received and filed, 167. EESOLb~IONS No. 6~ - SWAYZE - G. MARTIN - I~ESOLVED that Alderman F. Martin be appointed Acting Mayor during the absence of His Worship Mayor R. P. Keighan; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimou~_!~[ No. 66 - DOWNrE - MITCHELSON - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late Mrs. Mary Heeney, a highly respected resident of the commaunity; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl~[ No. 67 - DOWNIE - MITCHEI~ON -EESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded to the 'family of the late Mrs. Louis Bargeson; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unaninousl~. No. 68 - SWAYZE - BEARSS - RESOLVED that the Tender of Crawf0rd Mower & Marine at $1,O26.90 be accepted for the purchase of a small tractor and trailer; and the ~al of the Corporati. on he hereto affixed. Carr_ied Unanimously. No. 69 - BEARSS - SWAYZE - I~SOLVED that seven picnic tables be purchased frcm the' BEaver Lumber Co. Ltd., and 'seven picnic tables be purchased from the Cape Croker Indian Co-operative; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 70 - BWAYZE - BEAPa8 -EESOLVED that the City purchase 32 single and 80 double park!~Z meters from J. J- McKay Cen-~de 'Ltd., at a cost of $13,876-92; and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. -- Carried Congratulations to City Engi.ne,er - . It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Gregory and Aldermen Downie that the congratulations of the City Council and Officials be .extended to Mr. C. H. Eidt, City Engineer, on his recent elec.t~on an President of the Stamford Lions Club. Intersection of Barker and Main Streets _ · Aldeman Joh~s advised that cars trying to pull out ont~ Main 'Street fr~n Barker Street were experiencing so~e difficulty in that the cars on the wes~"'Side of Main street were p~rked ton close to the comer, It was indicated that this matter would be looked into by the RE~reat. ion& ProtectiOn C.nmmitte?, North b,,-k Of Welland River Alderm-- Downie referred to the dust condition existing on the north bank of the Welland River. The City Engineer advised that this section of 'the road was scheduled, for hand patching in the next two weeks. BY-IA~S. , Alderm~_n Mac .Bain arrived at t~e meeting at approximately 9:30 p,m, - ~ - A By-law respecting FAres. Alderman Gregory requested clarification from the City Solicitor, who was present at the meeting, as to whether the provisions of the By-law would apply to a group of Scouts under the guidance of their Leader who made a fire for the purpose of a weiner roast. The City Solicitor advised that this fire would come under the provisions of the l~-law, ~ut stated that he hoped that the By-law would be administered with cce~un sense; especially in respec~ to fires in connec- tiC~ with the cookin~ of food, i168. OR]~aED on the motion of Aid. Bearss and Ald. Gregory that the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. OPaFaED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the third reading. Carried Unanimously. ~ - A By-law to regulate the sale and the setting off of fireworks in the City of Niagara Falls. A motion was submitted by Ald. 8wayze that the By-law be tabled for one week and the Cnmmtttee meet with the business man who objected to the By-law. There was 6o seconder to this motion. A motion was submitted by Ald. Johns that the By-law be referred back to the C~,m~ittee for repor~ containing information as to danger of fire- works during one part of the year only, statistics on fires started by fireworks, number of accidents caused, complaints made, etc. There was no seconder to this motion. It was explained by Ald. Swayze that the By-law had not been presented earlier because the former City Solicitor had been over worked. Alderman Downie asked Mr. Shoppard to indicate to Council what the main objections of his clients were to the By-law. Mr. Shoppard replied that the main objection was the dates for sale. Alderman Downie re- quested information as to how By-law 7102 differed from the previous By-law. The City Solicitor pointed out the main differences between the two By-laws, covering increase of age l~m~t to 16, and paragraphs B, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1B. A motion, submitted by Ald.~ohns -and seconded by Ald. Swayze was presented to the effect that Sections ~ and 5 be de- leted from the By-law. This motion was lost on the following vote: A~e: Ald. Johns and Ald. Swa~Vze. NerVe:. Ald. Dowries, Gregory, Mitcheleon, MacBeen, Bearss. Prior to this motion Aid. G. Martin had asked the City Solicitor to advise whether he should abstain from voting on the matter, since he operated a premises where fireworks are sold. The City Solicitor advised that Ald. G. Martin should abstain from voting on this 'matter. Alderman MacBeen indicated that although he would prefer to have the time 1trait for the sale of fireworks curtailed to a greater degree, he would support the By-law in its present foxre. OPa~HED on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. Mitchelson that the By-law be ~ven the second reading. Carried. ~. Aid. Bearss, MacBeen, Mitchelson, Gregory, d F. Martin. Na~e: Ald. Dowries, Joh~s; Swayze~ l'(Ald.'~.._Me4~Lu.abstaIne )- OPaEBED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Bearss that Rule 36 (2) of the Stand!~8 Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried. A~e: Ald. Bearss, MacBeen, Mitchelson, Gregory, F. Mar~in. Na~e: Ald. Bownee, Johns, Swayze. (Aid. G. Mar~in abstained). No. 7104 - A By-law to amend The Building By-law No. 1688 as re-enacted by By-law " No. 29~, (Am~mdment to penalty section, increase to $~00. ) ORDSA~D On the motion of Aid. ~ohns and Aid. Mitcheleon that Aid. G. Mar~in be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried ~nanimously. OPaBHED on the motion of Ald. O. Martin and Ald. MacBeen that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended anent. he By-law be given the second reading, Carried Unanimously, Third Beadin~ -Ald. Mitchelso~ and Aid. 8wayze, Carried Unanimously,' No, 71.0. ~. - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ORE21~D 'o~ the motion of Aid. Bea~s and Aid. Johns that Aid. Mitchelson be granted the ~rivilege of introducin~ the By-law and the By-law be given the first made. Carried Unanimously. 169. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Do~mie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Bearss. Carried UnanimouslY- Council adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze. READ AND ADOPTED~ May 30Oh, 1966. Acting Mayor / CO~i'AT~ OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, May 24th, 1966. Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular Council Meeting held on May 24th, 1966. All Members of Councilwere present with the exception of Alderman Scott and Mayor R. F~ Keighsn. Alderman MacBain presided as Chairman. It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Swayze and Alderman Johns that the Co~nnittee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to Comm. No. 255- C~maittee of Adjustment Notice of Hearing re: Niagara Frontier Humane Society. READ AND ADOFr.~;D, May 30~h, 1966. ~g ~lerk ' ' ...... 17o. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, May 24th~ 1966. Following the Committee of the Whole Meeting on May 24th, 1966, Council re- convened in open session. All Members of Council were present ~;ith the exception of Alderman Scott ~nd Mayor R. F.Keighan. Acting Mayor Faho Martin presided. The following action was taken: Corm. 255 - Ccrsnittee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing re: application of Niagara Frontier Humane Society to construct a one-storey addition onto the front of the existing building. ORI~BED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Swayze that the C~y Sgl~cttor be. inStructed to. 9ppg~e the app!~at~O~. I~_~DANDADOPTED, May 30th, 196~. Acting Mayor TWENT~-FIF~I MEETING Council Chamber, May 30th, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 30th~ 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen Scott, G. Martin and Bearss. His Worship Nayor R. F. Keigh~- presided at the meeting. The Minutes of the Council Meeting of May 21~th, 1966 were ordered adopted as printed, on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. MacBain. DEPUTATION Ccem. 256 - Mr. N. A. McKay of Martin, Calvert, Shoppard& Clark - Respecting erection of certain signs at Clifton Hill Exhibit by client, Louis'Hour. Mr. McJ~was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze. He advised that his client had opened an Exhibit on CliftonNillknownas the display of Life, end dealing with life in all forms, and the theory and evolution of life on the earth. He stated that his client had bec~ aware that there was an undercurrent of objection to the display, possibly on the grounds that it was too risque for the public. Mr. McKay advised that the main purpose in attending the CouncilMeeting was to forestall any ob- Jections that may have been raised, and to offer any explanations to Council on the display which might clarify the situation. His Worship Mayor Keighan informed Mr. McKay that no objections had been heardby Council officially on the display. Mayor Keighan then asked Mr. McEay if his client had applied for the necessary slSnpermits from the Building Inspector, and upon learning that the Mr. DuFour had not made application, advised him to mn~e application to the Building Inspec- tor who would knowwhether the signs for the disp/a~Vwere permissible or not. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Co.~. ~36 - City of Windsor - Resolution advocating increase in per capita grants. Report 439 - City Manager - Report on information relative to the payment and the method used in conputln~ the amount due to the Municipality, and advising that no chanSe in rate in per capita grant had been made since 1958. e on the motion of Alderman Mitchelson and Ald. MecBain that the Communica- tion be received and resolution endorsed, and report filed. C.-,-.. aS9 ~ Wellsad Rose Festival - Soliciting participation by the City in Wel/and's Annual Rose Festival Parade. Repox~t ~J.3 - Finance C~lttee - Recommending that the City bf NiaSBra Falls do not enter a float in the Parade. 01~ED on the motion of Ald. ~ltchelson stud AId. F. Martin that the Report be received and adopted, and c~.~mioation filed. Report ~31 - Recreation & Protection Committee - 8u~ested notice to be posted in motels havfilg sw~ p~ols. Report ~41 - ~c~ati~ ~ Protection Cmittee - ~n~d Notice to be posted ~tels ~vi~ sm~g ~ls. ~ F. ~in, ~m of the C~Ittee, ~vised that the totter of a olution to ~ ~ssed by C~cil ~d submitted to ~ious Or~lz~tions for dorsx~on, ~ been ~fer~d to the City 0fftct~s. Al~n a~ns stated that kt~ 6 (c) ~h~ld be n~be~d as it~ 7. AlUm F. ~ln ~eed that this ch~ ~ n~rl~ sh~d ~ ~. AlUm Jo~s then queried ~hether the C~- mittee ~ consided his s~stion ~e st the p~vious C~cil ~eting that ~d C~ss Life bring ~s ~ incor~ted ~ the ires In the prosed Notice. He etated he ~s o~ the option t~t se~ml of the basic mles mi~t be applic- ~le ~ this n~ice. ~d. F. ~ln in~ted t~t t~ Red Cross R~es h~ n~ ' ~en~ehec~d by the C~lttee, as they 'c~sl~d these m~s would ~ applicable on~ ~hen teachl~ ~rs~s to sw~. It w~ 0~d on the motion 'of ~d. F. ~in, second by Aid. 8w~ t~t ~ ~41 ~ ~ce~d ~d adored, with section 6 (c) to ~ ~-n~d ~ sectl~ 7. ~i~ mott~ ~e c~rried with the foll~i~ vo~: ~ Jld. ~ze, ~tehels~, F. ~, ~ln, O~So~. N~e, Aid. J2s, I A ~tt~ su~ttted by ~d. J~s, ~d sec~d by Ald. ~nle t~t the ~po~ ~ ~emd ~ek to the C~ittee ~or eheckl~ of the ~d Rules to determine if they would fit in the Notice, was defeated with the followtn~ vote: ~. Ald. Johns end Ald. Dowries. NaVe: Ald. SWByZe, Gregory, Mitchelson, F.. Martin, MacBah. Report 432 - H. A. T~mb, Jr. Engineer - Report of attendance at Ontario Traffic Conference Convention. Ol~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be received end filed. CCI,4UNICATIONS an possible atte~, and a member of Council end filed and an ma~ members of Council a member of the ~n~ineerin~ Staff be appointed by His orship MAyor Kei~han to rep- ' No. 257 - Broderick, Burnerr & McLeod - Submission on behalf of client, MAr. Sam Alfieri, the proprietor of the Capri Restaurant, concerning objections to the pro- posed traffic measure to prohibit parking on the south side of Ferry Street between Stanley Avenue and Buchanan Avenue. Mr. John Burnerr was present at the Council Meeting, end us granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory. Mr. Burnerr advised that in addition to the remarks expressed in the letter it appeared that the block of Ferry Street between Stanley Ave. and Buchanan Ave., if traffic was prohibited, would appear to be capable of accomnodating 6 lanes of traffic, end that Ferry Street east of Buchanan Avenue, it would hppear, would only have the capacity to acc~.wnodate 4 lanes of traffic. He stated that in that block only one additional 1--e of traffic would he created end if that street were capable of accommodating 5 !-~"es of traffic it would meet the demands that are going - to be placed upoh it by the proposed road pattern which would avoid the necessity of prohibiting parking on both sides of Ferry Street in that block. His client was su~es- ring that there was parking accc~nodation for ten oars on the south side of Ferry Street, end in the restaurant operation, the loss of one parking space would be a sig- nificant factor. Alderman F. Martin, Chairman of the Recreation & Protection C~mmtttee stated that his C(~mtttee had forseen that the partic,,l~ block under discussion would create a bottleneck. The City Engineer expressed the opinion that certain of the sug- gestions raised by Mr. Alfieri were good and deserving of consideration by the Com- mittee'. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain end Aid. Gregory that the com- munication be received end suggestions be referred to the Recreation & Protection Com- mittee for study, end Mr. Alfieri and his solicitor be invited to attend the Con- mettee meeting. No. 258 - The Ontario Traffic Conference - Expressing appreciation to the City for invitation to hold 18th Annual Convention in Niagara Falls in 19~7. ORESaSP on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayme that the comn,mication be received end filed. Alder~- Gregory advised that arrangements were now being made for appointees to the Convention C~.mnittee in preparation of the Convention to be held in 1967. No. 259 - Local 199, U.A.W. - Extending invitation to M-tubers of COuncil to parti- cipate in 'Clear Water Conferences, June 18th, 1966, St. Catharines. AId. MacBain end Aid. Gregory indicated that they were of the Opinion that it was c~mndable for local ~ronps to t~e an inters'st in this matter. ~ld. MacRain expressed the opinion that although the Coverresents ware now taki~ action on the matter, they had' waited until the matter was nearly hopeless. He expressed the opinion that an appoin- tee should be named from Council to attend the Conference. Aid. Johns was of the opinion that attendance at the Conference would not' influence the outcoos on water pollution:'in any way, but would be a waste Of time. He stated that many 'parsons on Coyorient staff were studyin~ this matter at the present time. It was ordered on . the motion of AId. Gregory end Aid. Hec~u that the ccmnunication be reheived and resent the City at the Conference. This mOtion was carried with Aid. Johns voting coatlaxT. A~.~4srsen Machen, Gregory and aitchelsun indioa~ed they would attend the Conference .' No. 260 - Cit~ of Hellsveils - Resolution re; ~lf Match with Ontario Councils. O~ES~ on the motion of Ald. =ohns and Ald. 2wa~ze that 'the caunication be calved and file~. ~EPORTS No. 442 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Rec-ammending that the Tender for the demolition of two houses on Morrison Street for the new Firehall be awarded to Mr. William Fehr at the total cost of $1,200.00. O~DENED on the motion of Aid. F. Martin end Aid. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 71 No. ~d~B - Recreation & protection Omittee - Quotations for Traffic Control Signals, end recommending that the Controllers, Signal Heads and Interconnect Device be purchased from Eagle Signal at the price of $4,808.69, $5,799.05 and $2,107.62 respective]~V. Mr. H; A. Lamb, Jr. Engineer, provided an explanation of the recmendations contained i~ the Report. It was ORDERED oa the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Aid. ~wa~ze that the Report be received end adopted. SEE Resolution No. 72 No. 4~4 - Public Works Ca~mtttee - Filling of back yard on Keith Street~ The City Engineer advised that the Chairman of the Public Works C~mmittee, the Building Inspector and himself had met with Mr. John Brio, the owner of the lot on Keith Street, under questions, and the owner had verbally agreed that he would provide alO foot strip at the back of his lot which would be at the same eleva- tion as adjoining lots, end that two retainer walls would be placed. These sag- gnstions bed been forwarded in letter form to Mr. Brio for his action. O~n~ED on the ~otion of Aid. F. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report of the Public Works C,--,..~ttee be received end filed~ No. 4~5 - Public Works C~mmittee - Rec~mmending that the Engineering Dept. be authorized to call tenders for purchase of new sander box for Vehicle No. 26, end a sander cab and chassis to replace vehicle No. ORI~r~D on the motion of Ald. Johns, and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. No. 446 - Public Works Ccmmnittee - Recommending that the City pass a By-law which will prohibit the use of garbage grinding disposal units within cnmmercial estab- lishments, end in residential areas except where a subdivision or area has been specifically designed to permit the use of this type of unit. ORE~RED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and tabled for Council's perusal. No. 447 - Property Committee - Recnmmendtng that the unopened portion of Rose Street be dedicated for ~ark purposes in accordance with the reco~nnendation of the Recreation & Protection C-""m~ttee. His Worship Mayor Ke~8~"n queried whether the :road allowance property would be sold to adjoining owners. The Acting Clerk, · Mr. ~. L. Collinson, advised that this particular portion was not a normal dedi- cated Municipal Road Allowance, and therefore, if the closing procedures were carried out it would necessitate the dedication of'the land in question, free of charge to the adjacent owners. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Jn_h~s and Aid. Sws~ze that the Report of the Prop- erty Co-~tttee be received end adopted. No. ~+8 - Property Committee - Recca~ending that a resolution be passed author- izing the undex~caking of the land assembly pro~A~ by the Ontario Housing Corpormtion~ in the City of Niagara Falls. OKE~E on the motion of Aid. Johns and Aid. Swayze that the Repor~ be received . and adopted. SEE Resolution No. No. ~J+9 - Finance Committee - Recmnding approval Of Accounts. ORE21~D on the motion of Aid. Nitchelson and Ald. F. Martin. that tt~e 'Report be received and adopted. No. ~0 - Ccmittee of AdjuStment - Advisin~ of final decisions on Belvedere- Bertucci, BiS~ar and Fera Applications. ~ on the motion of Ald. Macbin end Aid. Gregol7 that the Report be received and filed. No-451 - Act~n~ City Clerk - Recommending granting of Municipal Licences. ORREiF. j) on the motion of Ald. Fo Mar~in and Ald. Johns that the Report be received, adopted, and litantes granted. No. 452 - Recreation & Protection C~,mnittee - Driveways at Service Station, Stanley and Ferry Street, and rec~mnending that the proposed radius at the intersection be shortened to 15 feet and that a 25 foot driveway be constructed to the Shell Bration, as has been agreed upon by operator of station and the City. The City Engineer advised that prior to the date of June 19th, making right hand turns into the station would be difficult but this problem would be eliminated after that date when the one way 'traffic would come into being. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. 'Gregory that the Report be 'received and adopted. No. ?t - F. MARTIN - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the Tender for the demolition of two houses on ~orrison 8treat for the new Firehall be awarded to Mr. William Fehr at the total cost of $1,~00.00; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously 'No.7~ - _F. MARTIN - S~AYZE - RESOLVED that the quotation received from the Eagle Bi~_-.1 Company for Traffic COntrol Signals at the prices of $4,808.69 for Controllers, $5,799-05 for Si~nal Reads and $2,107.62 for Inter6om~ect Device be accepted; and the Real of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried Unanimousl~ No. 73 - JOHN~ - $WAY2~ - RESOLVED that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niege_.ra Falls requests the Ontario Housing Corpora~iun to acquire and service 3and IR the City of Niagara Falls under ~ection 35C of the NatiOnal Housing Act sub- Ject to the approval of this Council as to the location of any land to be_.acqui.red first being obtained; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried Unanimously ~isclm~j~ot~ ~ashrocm Facilities for persons at City Market His Worship Nayor Kei~ advised that~.there was some concern by farmers and other persons at the City Narket as to where washroom facilities might be located. It was indicated that this matter was under consideration by the Property Parking Meters on Ferry Street - length of operation His Worship Mayor Eelshen advised that sc~e 'of the businessman in the Ferx7 Street area would li~, the Recreation & Protection Cczmittee to cOnsider whether it was necessary to have parkin~ meters operative to 10 p.m. lnit~ead of 6 p.m. · ser~ncy Measures Program Aldexman Gregory reported that at the last meeting of the ~mergency Measures Organization, the matter of the relationship of Municipalities al.'the Canadian side of the International Border with ad$oinin~ Municipalities in New :York State, was cOn- sidereal. It. was determined that there was very little scope for co-operation and dialogue between the County E.M.O. Systems in Ontario and its counterpart .in New York State. The E.M.O. Ccamittee is very concerned about this matter, and the Director of the Jser~enoy Measures Branch of the Departsent of'the Attorney General has been contacted to try and elarif~ the situation and determine ~hat scope the I.M.O. will have in this reSsrd. It is the intention of the ~.~.0. to establish seas type of lationship with the Civil Defence Or~snizatl.~ns in New Xork State for the m~tual ~enefit of the two cormtries. BY-laws No. 6977 A By-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local improvements under Section 12 of the Local Improvement Act. (Sanitary Sewermains on Lundy's Lane, Garner, Pumping Station) Third Reading -Ald. Johns and Ald. Gregory. Carried Unanimously. l~e.. 7106 - A By-law to amend By=law Number 3790, being a By-law for the regu- lation of traffic as ~mended by By-law Number ~668. (No parking on Lundy's Lane at Main Street) ORE~BED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORI~ED on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Aid. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacBain. Carried Unanimously. NO. 7107 - A By-law to amend By-law Number 3790, being a By-law for the regulation of traffic. .......... (No parking on 'Ferry 'Street fran'Buchanan Avenue 'tO 'Stanley Ave. ) OREERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the By-law be tabled, pending consideration by the Recreation & Protection C~m, ittee of the suggestions submitted by MAr. Alfieri, proprietor of the Capri Restaurant. (Corn. 257). No. 7108 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes $142,~88.01. O~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. MacRein that Ald. Mitch- elson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Un~nimounly. ORIIaED on the motion of Ald. Mitcheleon and Ald. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law he given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to C;-~;Httee of the Whole on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory. READ AND ADOPI~SD, ,Tune 6th, 1966. THE WHOLE Council Chamber, Ma3v 30th, 1966. Council assembled in C~mnittee of the Whole following the re~,lAr Council Meeting held on May 30th, 1966. ~11 Members of Council ~ere present with the exception of Aldermen Scott, G. Martin and Bearss. Alderman Swa~ze ~resided as Chairman. It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Gregory and Alderman Downte that the Committee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to Report ~53 - Council Centennial Cc~nittee. This motion was carried with Mayor Eeighan voting contrary and all other members voting in fayour. Mayor KeiSh~n was of the opinion that in addition to reporting to Council on Repoxt ~53, the C_--m. tt~ee should also re- port to Council in respect. to the Verbal .RepOrt Of Aldeman John8. BEAD AND ADOPTED, June 6th, 1966. Act Clerk COUNClLM~TING Council Chambers, May 30th, 1966. Following the Co~nittee of the Whole Meeting on May 30th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members or Council were present with the excep- tion of Aldermen Scott, G. Martin and Bearss. His Worship Ma~or R. F. Keighan presided. T~e following action was t~ken: Report 3~5 - Council Centennial C~mnittee - Reckmending to .the Municipal Council - the approval of the Niagara l~l- Tartan in principle subject to certain con- ditions · Report ~3 - Council Centennial Cnmmittee - Advising that further consideration has been given to proposal for establishment of official tartan, and that report of Solicitor dated May Leth was adopted by C~nm~ttee, and recn~mending that the City Solicitor be authorize~ tO prepare an Agreement along the lines suggested in the Solicitor's Report, and that the United Appeal be designated as the official cor- poration by means of a side bar agreement, and they not be approached until the matter has first been presented to Council in Ccumittee of the Whole. OPa]Em~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ai~. MacBain that the Report of the Council Centennial Ccamittee he received and adopted concerning the establishment of an official tartan for the City of Niagara Falls, and that the Agreement to be prepared include the provision that all items before being licenced be approved by the designated organization. This motion was carried with the following vote: A~e: Aldermen Swayze, Gregory, Mitchelson, F. Martin, MacBain, Mayor l{eighan. .~.a~e: Aldermen Downie and ~ohus. Alderman Gregory, Chairman of the Council Cen- tennial C~.mittee, indicated that his Cc~nnittee felt it would be wise to desig- nate the portion of the Royalties ~hich the City would receive under agreement to the United Appeal which was a very deserving body. He stated that the C""mittee felt very happy with the adoption of the Tartan and especially the fact that it would ma~e i~s appearance on the One Hundredth Birthday of Canada. Alderm.n Johns indicated that although the Royalties would be turned over to the United Appeal it had not been established what amount of money would be realized from the pro- ~ect. He further stated his opinion expressed at a previous meeting to the effect that he doubted whether Council had the authority to become involved in a com- mercial enterprise, and that no amount of money would Justify the selling of the name of the City of Nis.~_.ra Falls. Alderman Downie stated that what he had said in C~ittee and at at the previous Council Meeting would still stand at this time and that he was opposed to the motion. Mayor Keighan stated that he had satisfied his own requirements concerning the matter, that the Niagara Falls Tam would not ~e used on che~p souvenirs, which requirement was to become paxt of the agree- ment between the City and the Cce~any, and which would provide that all requests would have to be aimproved first. Ma~or ~eighan also stated that the C~npany had the SUpport of the Departanent of Trade and Commerce in their venture in respect to the Maple Leaf Tartan and appeared to be a capable business firm. His Worship Ma~or Kei~han left the Ma~or's Chair and repoated his remarks. He then returned to the Ma~or'a Chair. RESOLUTION No.7~ - G~GORY - MacBAIN - ~SOL~D that the R~port of the Council Centennial C~ttee be mcei~d ~ ~ad, c~cemi~ the establis~ent of ~ o~icial ~ for t~ Cit~ of Ni~ ~s, ~d t~t the ~m~ent to be pm~md ~clude the provision that ~1 items, befom berg li~nced, ~ appr~ed by the ~si~ted or~ization. ~co~d V~: ~:, Ald. ~, GrogGy, ~tch- else, F. ~in, ~n, ~or ~i~. N~e: Ald. ~ie, Johns. Carried. ' ~ 179 · It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~ttchelson and Ald. MacBain that the meeting adJourR. BEAD AND ADOFA~,. June 6th, 1966. "''''$$e~'eO''''''~ TWENTY-SIXTH Council Chamber, 6th june, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:40 p.m. on Monday, June 6th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Keighan. Enacting Mayor A. A. MatSsin presided. SHE Resolution No. 75 On behalf of all the members of Council, the Acting Mayor welcomed Alder- mau B~arss and Alderman Scott back to the Council Chamber. The minutes of the Council ~eeting Of May 30th, 1966 were ordered adopted as printed, on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Scott. UNFINISHED BUSIESS Comm. 41 - City of London - Resolution proposing increase of grsats for institu~ tions which provide bed-care accommodation. Report 456 - City M~ulager - Recommending endcreation of the resolution. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. GregorY and Ald. Rearss that the Report be received, adopted, and the resolution be endorsed. Cc~m. 179 - City of Chatham - Resolution re: 1966-67 Winter Works Progr~"~e. Report 457 - City Manager - Rece~nding endcreation of the resolution. ORDERED on he motion of Ald. GregorY and A/~. Swayze that the Report be received, adopted, and the Resolutic~ be endorsed. C~m. 190 - Reautificatton C-~"~"~ittee - Newspaper boxes located at the comer of Centre Street and VictOria Avenue. Report 4~8 - Property Committee - Recc~mending preparation of a by-law by the City Solicitor in accordance with Ps/~aph 57A, Section 377 of The Municipal Act, 196~, and that a provision be included in the-By-law that the location, size, use, proposed mainten~nce and amount of liability insurance must meet the ccenplete satisfaction of the City Engineer before a permit may be issued. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received end adopted, and the Reautification Committee be advised of Council's actions. ' 'C-"~· 335 - City of Rrantford - Resolution proposing Provincial Government be "~sked to assume entire cost of education; and to consider replacement of all Boards of F~lucatiom with. a re-organized Departrant of Education. Corm. 263 - Nis~ra Falls District Board of Education - Recommending Br~ntford's Resolution be filed sine die. 0P~ on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Mitch- elson that the e_--~.unication from the Bc~ of Education be received and filed and the resolution from the City Of Brantford be received and filed. Cc2m. 252 - City of ~oodstock - Resolution re: School Designs, and specifications. Cm. 264 - Niagara Falls District Board of Education - Recommending that the resolution from the City of Woodstock be not supported. 0Rl~m~M on the motion of Ald. Downie and Aid. Mitchelson that the ccmmunication from the Board of Edu- cation be received and filed, and. the resolution fron the City of Woodstock he received and filed. Report ~A6 - Public Works C~maittee - Recommending that the City pass a By-law which will prohibit the use of garbage grindin~ disposal units within commercial establishments, and in residential areas except where a subdivision or area has been specifically designed to pe~ait the use Of this type of unit. 01~D on the motion of Ald. ~eor~e Martin and Ald. Bearas that the report be received and a By-law he prepared to prohibit the use of 'c~rcial ~ea.~bage disposal units. Carried Unanimously. It was further ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Gre2ox7 that the Public Works C~--~ttee be requested to stud~ the possibility of the use of residential ~arba~e ~rinders. 8o · CO~CATIONS No. 265 - Mount Carreel College - Invitation to Dedication of new College Library Building, Sunday, June 12th at 5 p.m. ORI1EI~ on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Swayze that the invitation be received, accepted and as many of the members of Council as find it possible, attend. No. 266 - Welland & District Health Unit - Milk Bottle Capping. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Jnhns that the c..mi~nication be received and filed. No. 267 - Campbell & Rogers - Requesting permission to appear be'fore Council to sub- mit a brief respecting the new Fireworks By-laws. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Gregory that the c-,,mmication be received and filed. Carried with Aldermen Dewhie and Gregory contrary- A motion was made by Ald. Johns that the com- munication be received and tabled for one week for further information; but there was no seconder to his motion. (Aid. ~eorge Martin was l~.rmitted. to abstain from voting on this subject. ) No. 268 - Mrs. M. J. Horth - Operation of Iron Works on Montrose Road. 0R~8~ED on the motion of Ald. George Martin and Ald. 8wayze that the o:m--unic$tion be referred to the City Engineer to check on this and repox~. back to the Finance _~,~,~ttee. No. 269 - Fails View Re-develoIment Association - Requesting mediate a%tention to existing unsightly debris littered condition of property adSscent to the Burning Spring Wax Museum. OPa~ on the motion of Ald. George Martin and Ald. Gregory that the com- monicati. on be received and referred to the Property Cn-,ntttee for a report. No. 270 - Niagara Falls Horticultural Society- Requesting donation by the City of a prize for the August Show. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Faho Martin that the c~mnunication be received and filed ~nd the prize be so donated, as there is an amount of $15.00 included in the 1966 Budget for this purpose· No. 271 - R. L. Searoy - Advising of hazardous traffic conditions on Barker Street and near fatality to two children, on the sidewalk. OA~ on the motion of Aid. Faho Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the cnwm~mication be received and referred to the Police C~lssion in connection with the matter of speeding; and the proposal of a way stop at the Barker-Fz~utklin intersection be referred to the Recreation & Protection C~m,~ttee for consiaeration and report to Counc~ and the writer be advised of Council' s action. No. 2?2 - Miss Dceinion of CAnada Beauty PaSsant - Requesting advice as to the Civic- sponsored luncheon. ORIBRED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the caunication be received and referred to His Worship the Ma~or in respect to arrange- ments to be made with the Executive Director as to the date 0f the Civic luncheon, for which prgvision has been incXuded in the 1966 Budget. No. 2?3 - Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 51 = Invitation to A~nual Memorial Rervice, ~une 12th, 8t. Stephen' s Church, 11 a.m. ORESI~ c~ the motion of Aid. Gregory a~d Aid. 8wa~ze that the lnvi~atiom be reCeived, accepted and as.'~y m-tubers as find it possible attend. No. 4~ - City Manager - Recommending attendance of Equipment Supervisor and Garage Foreman at Municipal Rqulpnent Association's Seminar, in Dundes,' ~une 1yth and l$th. trdaum~ on the motion of Aid. Swayze and AId..~regory that the Repor~ be received and adopted. No. ~0 - Becreation and Protectice Ccsmit~ee - Quotations for w~.4~e Marher and recom- mendin~ acceptance of General Supply Ccapeq at total cost of $1,062.60. ~ on the motion of Aid. Faho Martin and AId, Swa~e that the Report be received and adopted. ~ Besolutiom 76 No.461 - Recreation & protection C~mntttee_ - Recommending no change be made in time period during which meters in the Ferry Street - Victoria Avenue area are in operation. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Swayze that the .Report be received and adopted and the party concerned be .so notified. Carried, with Ald. Downie contrary. No. ~62 - Recreation & PrOtection Committee - Rec~nmending that the Municipal Swimming Poo"l at F' H. I~slie Park be improved as outlined in the report and the Purchasing Agent be instructed to obtain quotations for the painting. ORDERED on the mot. ion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Repor~ b.e received and adopted · No. 46~ - Public Works C.-,~.lttee - Recapmending that the City of Niagara Fells accept the transfer of the Service Road, Gore Lot No. 4, which runs at the north limit of the City from H~ghway No. 8 to the west limit of Twp. Lot 92, within Niagara Township. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Scott that the report be received and adopted. It was agreed that consideration as to a possible . name for this road be. referred to the Recreation & Protection Ce~n~ttee. SEE Resolution No. 79. No. 464 - Public Works Committee - Proposed Sewer Rental Part Lot 4, Reg. Plan 62: Woodbine Street, as requested by ~ohn Se~q-cek. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Johqs and Aid. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. 'SEE Resolution No. 77 No. 465 - Public Works C,-.--tttee - advising of successful candidates in the Muni- cipal Inspectors' Course. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Rearss that the Report be received and filed and the three members of the staff be con- gratulated on behalf of the Remhe~s of Council, and the Chairm~" Of the Public Works Committee make the presentation of the awards. Alden, m- George Martin then presented the certificates to Mr. Don. Snyder, Construction Superintendent, who successfully passed the Senior Asphalt Course. Mr. R. Smith, Works Inspector, wh'o successfullY passed the Senior Concrete Course~ and Mr. D. A1 la~, Engineering Supervisor, who successf-l ly passed the Municipal Surveying Course. The City En- gimeer advised that there were a good many who did not pass these Courses of the · Department of Highways, and the employees of the City had good ~a~ks, above others in the Province who had taken. the courses, and that this was a mark of achieve-ment in the field of road building inspection. N~. 466 - Public Works' C"mmittee - Rec.---~ending that t~e Members of the Public WorkS C"mwittee and four members of the Engineering Department be authorized to attend the 13th Ontario Waste Conference to be held at the Park Motor Hotel, NiaSara Falls on June 19th to e2nd. O1~ on the motion of Aid. George Martin and Aid. ~ohns that the Report be received and adopted. Carried with Aid. Downie con- trary. Ald. Downie advised that he was still of the s.m~ opinion that it was not necessary for all members of a Committee to attend a Conference, but did agree that the members of the En~iheering Department should attend. Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchelson pointed out that the Conference is being held in the City of Niagara Falls, and therefore if all m~mbers of the Public Works Committee were not in attendance, it would not create a ver~ good impression and also the expenses involved would not be as larSe an ~.u~unt as an out~of-t~b-n Conference would require. No. ~67 - Public Works Committee - Reccsnending City ~n~lseer be authorized to proceed with necessary approvals and thereafter to call tenders for the construc~ tion of watermains on Thorold Sto~e Road, Montrose Road, Belmont Avenue, McLeod Rcad. O~ on the motion of Aid. Johns and Aid. George Martin that the Report be received an~ adopted. - Aid. Johne. left the meeting - No. ~68 - City Manager - Advisin6 of approval of Ontario Municipal Beard of an -mount of $~,016,0~0. in respect to Capital BudSat for year 1966. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Faho Margin that the .Report be received and filed. · Aid. ~ohns returned to the moettn~ - No. 469 - Property C_~.~tttee - Rec~nding that approval be granted to the Amend- ment Application AM-175 to m-zone Lots B and 4, Plan 65S, Stanley Avenue, from Residential ~ to Tourist Co~nercial, SUBJECT to the provision that the applicants enter into a site plan agreement which will include dedication of a 10 foot strip for road widening purposes, a contribution for storm sewer extension based on $2,000. per acre, adequate landscaping, treatment of front yard and side lot lines, together with any other conditions deemed necessary by City Council. ORREEED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 470 - Property Committee -l~ec~nding that application of J. Rer~ucci, AM-172, to re-zone Part T~p. Lot 70, North side of Thorold Stone Road be not approved. OREF~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swa~ze that the Repo~be received and · adopted. No. 471 - Finance Ccannittee - Recc~mnending approval of accounts for period ending June 6th. ORE~ on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 472 - Acting City Clerk - Rec~m.~_nding issuance of liceaces. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Faho Nattin and Ald. Svayze that the Repor~ be received, adopted and licenoes issued accordingly. No. 47S - secretary, C~-wittee of Adjustment - Advising of action of Coe~nittee in'con- nection with application Of Niagara Frontier H;_--~_ne Society for permission to construct an addition to their existing building as an extension to a "non-conforming" use. ORE~ on the motion of Ald. George Martin and Ald. Swayze that the report be re- ceived and filed and Council' s representatives on the Humane Society advise the Society as to the C~;,;~ttee's action and steps be taken to aA:~nge a meeting between members of the Htu~ane Society and the appropriate Committee of Council. No. 474 = secretary, C_~-~ttee of Adjustment - advising of decisions in connection with the applications of Peter Neufeld and Emily Miller. OP~ on the motion of Ald. George Mar~in and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and filed. No. 47~ - Buildiag Inspector -' Report on Building Permits issued during Ma~, 1~66. ORAe~mD on the motion of Aid. Johns and Aid. Sw~ze that the Report be received and filed. No. 476 - Public Works Oaw. ittee - Recommending tender of Paxon Construction Co. Ltd. the lowest tender submitted, at a quotation of $45,~28.O0, be accepted, subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways (for re-construction of the deck on the bridge across ~ Canal on Highway leo. 20). ORE~ on the motion cg Ald. Scott and Aldo Rearss that the Report be received and adopted. The follo~in~ Resolutions were passed: SEE Resolution No. 7~ leo. 7~ ' ~ - MITCIE~X~ON - I~SOLVE that Aideman A. A. MacRein be appointed Acting Mayor, during the hbsence of His ~orship Mayor Keighan; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto a~fixed. Carried Unanimously No. 7~ - FArO ~ - 8MAzz~ - I~80LV~ that the Ten~er of Senoral Supply Cmrpe~ for the purchase of a traffic line marker, at a total cost of $1,062.~0, be accepted; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. · ' Carried Unanimouel~ leo. ~7 - JOHNS - SCOTT - I~SOLVID that the City of Nie~s~a Falls enter into a Sewer Rental A~A~esent with Mr. ~chn S.~-eek, ~S Moatrose Rcei,' for & house proposed on Part Lot No. ~, Registered Plan ~, south side of Woodbine Street, for a rental charge o~ $11.72 per ~.ar for fifteen ~ears e~d that the .4~eessent be re~istere& as cowered in the Cityes standard Sewer Rental A~reesent onder Clause ~; and the Seal Of the Cor- porttiara be heroic afi'txed. 183. No. 78 - SC0~T - BEARSS - i~ESOLVED that the Tender for the re-construction of the deck on the bridge across the HEFC Canal on Highway No. 20, be awarded to Paxon Construction Co. Ltd., Box 80~, St. Catharines, Ontario, at a quotation of $45,928.00, being the lowest tender submitted, subject to approval by the Depart- ment of Highways; and the seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried Unanimously (SEE Report ~o- 47'~) No. 79 - JOHNS - SCOTT - EESOLVED that the City of Niagara Falls accept the trans- fer, responsibility and maintenance of the Service Road, Gore Lot No. 4, which runs at the north lis~it of the City from Nighway No. 8 to the~est line of Twp. Lot 92, within Niagara Township; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously Acting Mayor Mac~ain advised Members of Council that on Wednesday, June 8th at 7 p.m. the Volunteers' Banquet of the Boys' Club would be held at the Rapids Tavern to which all Members of Council have been invited and a table will be re-.. served for the occasion. Alderman Bearss was requested by Acting Mayor MacBuin to be present at the opening of Maton's Store on Queen Street at 9 a.m. on June 9th. At lO a.m. June 9th, Alderman Gregory' is to represent the Mayor at the Meeting of the Centennial Performing Arts at the Park Hotel. At the request of Acting l~or MacEsin, Ald. Johns will represent the Ma~or at the Canadian Legion, Branch 51, MemOrial Service, June 12th at St. Stephen's Church. The Ac~ing Mayor will welcome the Electrical Contractors at 12 noon, June 9th, at the Park Hotel and will be present on June 12th at St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church's official dedication services of the first Serbian Church in Ni~a Falls. ~ .' Alderman Faho Martin, Chairera of the Recreation & Protection Committee, advised that his Committee would submit' a report on parking on Ferry Street and . Victoria Avenue, for Council'S considsra.tion a~ the next meeting. Alderman Gregory referred to the fact that he had brought up the matter at a meeting of the Recreation & Protection Committee, of suitable recognition of one of the founders of the Niagara Parks CommiSsion, namely, Sir Gaslair Gzsowski. The Alderwan stated that the Federal Government had issued a postage stamp in his henour and also that there is a statue of Sir Casimir located in an alcove at the entrance to the Administration Building in Queen Victoria Park, but there has not been any recognition of him by the City of Niag~va Falls and some consideration should be given to naming one of the City's Parks after this gentleman due to the fact that he was interested in parks. . Alderman Grego~ referred to the BF-law which had 'been in effect in the old City of Niagara Falls prohibiting the advertising of motel rates and queried whether the By-law should still be in force. He suggested that the appropriate com- mittee of 'Council look into this subSect and it was moved b~ Ald. Gregory, seconded by Aid. Scott that the matter.of motel signs be referred to the Finance Ccmaittee for consideration. * It was moved by Aid. Gregory, secoxtded by Aid. Faho Martin that the Recreation & Protection Ccsmittee be authorized to consider the possibility of nam- ing a suitable park in the City of lela~ara Palls in henour of Sir Gaslair (~s~wski. Carried with Aidemen Dewhie and ~o~ns centtexT. (Aid. Dewhie was of the opinic~l that there w~re ~ther prceinent families in Niagara Falls who also were associated with the organiZatiOn of the Nie~xra Parks Ccsission who also were entitled to such reco~nition. ) The followfng By-laws were passed: No. 710~ - A By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between J. A. Climenhnge Develolment !.~m~ted and The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls (Roy's Motor Sales - Block Aj Reg. Plan 203, Dx~mmond Rd..) ORI~A~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Johns that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 0REEleD on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Faho Marsin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing R,,l~s of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Faho Martin. Carried Unanimously. . . No. 7110 - A By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2530, 1960, of the former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Ni~ra Falls, as amended. (J.A.Climenhage Develolment Limited re: Roy' s Motor Sales - Block "A=, R.P. 203, D~;m~ond Road. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. Faho Mar~in and Ald. Johns that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 0RI~RED on the motion 0f Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing B~les of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Rearss and Aid. Johns. Carried Unanimously. No. 7111 - A By-law to 'authorize the execution of a Site plan Agreement between National Grocers Gemparty Limited and The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. (Part T~p. Lots Nos. 135 and 138, Garner Road.) 0~nRRED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Aid. Faho Martin that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OREFI~D on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. Rearss that Rule 36 (2) of the Stand_~---8 Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the ~econd reading. Carried Unanimously. ~hird Res~in8 - Aid. Gregory and Aid. Mitchelaon - Carried Unanimously. No. 7112 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between River RealtOr Revelotment Limited and ~The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. (Lots 1 to 6 incl, 23 to 26 imcl., and part of Rose Street (now closed) accordtn~ to R. P. No. ~ of the former T~dnahip. CSIB~D o~ the motion of Ald. Mttchelso~ and Aid. 8wa~e tbe~ Ald. Scott be 6ranted the privilege of Introducing the By-law and the By-law ~ given the first reading - Carried Unanimously. OREDE on the motion of Ald. Scott an~ Ald. Jobms that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin2 Rules of Council be temporarily suspended add the By-law be given the sec. ond reading. - Carried Unanimously. ~nird Readin2 - AId. Bearss and Aid. 'Mltchelscn - CaxTled Unanimously. 185' No. 7113 - A By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (River Realty Development Ltd. (Lots 1 to 6 incl, 23 to 26 incl, and part of Rose Street (now closed) according to R. P. No. 59 of the former Townsh~ ORI~EED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Faho Martin that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~EED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Rearss and Ald. Faho Martin - Carried Unanimously. No. 711~ - A By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Lot 1, Beg. Plan 67, west side of Stanley Avenue - Oscar McI~od) ORI~EED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Faho Martin that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law he given the '- first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~atED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swa~ze and Ald. Mitchelson.~ Carried Unanimously. No. 711~ - A By-law to authorize the execution of an operating agreement. (Ontario Housing Corporation - Pro3ect No. N.F. OH 1 - 75 housing units ) CRIbNED on the motion of Ald. Rearss and Ald. Faho Martin that Ald. Mitchelson he granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried t~animously. O~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Scott. Carried Unanimously. No. 7116 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an operating agreement. (Ontario Eousiag Corporation Project No. N.F. OH - 2 (25 St. Citizen Units) ORE2~ED on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Rearas that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be .... given ~he 'first 'reading.' '~ 'Carried Unanimously. ' .................. ORESBED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid~ Rearss and Ald. Downie - Carried Unanimously. include National Grocers proper~y, Pt. Twp. Lots 13~ and 138, Garner Road. ) 0RIBISD on the motion of Ald. Rearss and Ald. Johns that AId. George Martin be e~anted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORES~sM on the motion of Aid- George Martin and Aid. SwaFze that Rule 36 (2) of the Branding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Readin6 - AId. Downie and Ald. Eaho Mazttn - Carried Unanimously. 187. The following By-law~ was presented: No. 7118 - A By-law to authorize the construction of certain works as Local Improve- ments under Section 12 of The Loca~ Improvements under Section 12 of The Local Improvement Act. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Bearss that Aid. George Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 0REERED on the motion of Ald. George Martin and Ald. johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. The following By-laws were passed: No. 7119 - A By-law to amend By-law Number 6887, 1965, being a by-law to regulate parking on Robert Street. 0RESRED on the motion of Ald. GregorY and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Faho Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the by=law and the byelaw be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that Aldo Faho Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Johns - Carried Unanimously. No. 7120 - A By-law to l~rovide monies for general purposes. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. GregorY and Ald. ~eorge Martin that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the priyilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law he given the first reading. Carried UnanimouSly. OR~81~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Downie that Rule 36 (2) of 'the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. ~ Third Reading - Aid. Qregory and Aid. 8cott. Council ad~ourne~ to Cnm~ittee of the Whole on the motion of Al'd. George Mar~in and AId. Mitch. elson. F~ AND ADOFA~D, June 13th,' 1966. . - Acting Mayor C(B~4I'AT~, OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, Jun~ 6th, 1966. Council assambled in Committee of the Whole, following the regular meet- ing of Council held on June 6th, 1966. AllMembers of Council were present with the exception of His Worshi~ the Mayor. Aldex~n~n Johns presided. Following consideration of the items presented to the, the Cou~nittee of the Whole arose, without reporting, on the motion of Ald. Macedin and Ald. Swayze. READ ANDADOFEED, June 13th: 1966. Acting' Mayor COUNCIL MEETING Council Chsfnber, June 6th, 1966. Following the Meeting of the C~=~Ittee of the Whole, on Monday, June 6th,. 1966, Council reconvened'in open session. AllMembers of Councilwere present, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Keighan and Alderm"n Scott. Enacting Mayor MacBain presided. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Downie and Ald. F. Martin that Cou~.cil adjourn. READ ANDADOFI~D, June 13th, 1966. Council C~amber, .. June. 13th, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council mat at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 13th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. Nis Worship Mayor R. F. KeiS~ presided. The Minutes of the previous' meeting were adopted as printed. E~IrdTATION Petition No. 12 - Mr. R. Conlon on behalf of certain residents of ~arvard Avenue, MeGill Street,. and inm~diately adjacent streets. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Rearss, seconded by Ald. ~wayze, that Mr. Conlon be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Conlon read a petition to Council'whiC~i~equestedthe '~mmediate 'terminationof'the eXt~nsi6n of the 'No~ '7'b~s route recently established by the Oreafar Niagara Transit Commission on Mc(Dill Street and Harvard Avenue. Be basic objections to the operation of the bus route, as ent~nerated in the, Petition presented to Council were then outlined by D[r. ConIon, and which included the following points: (a) the bun causes noise, fumes and dust, - (b) the bus and passengers encroach on the privacy of the area, (c)the possibility that the property value could be reduced, partic-]Arl~ for those persons with a bus stop in front of their residences, (d) residents wfio have a bus stop located in front of their homes no longer have the privilege of parking their cars in front of their homes, (e) that none of the residents in the area requested the sex.?ice, but the re- quest came frm the cleaning ladies, (f) the buses present a traffic hazard to safety of children, on the narrow streets, (g) that the scheduled route lowers the prestige of this particular residential area. Mr. Conion also advised that a survey for the bus route was only taken approx~m_~.tely 1 to 2 days prior to the initiation of the ser- vice. Ha requested that Council act on behalf of the petitioners to have the route eliminated, because they were not in a position to deal ~?lth the Greater Niagara Tran- sit Commission. His Worship Mayor ~eighan stated that the petitioners had the priv- ilege of consulting with the Greater Niagara Transit C~mwission on this totter. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. J_n~s, seconded by Aid. Mltchelson that the petition be received and referred to the Greater Niagara Transit C~.issi6n, since the City Council has no Jurisdiction over the matter of bus routes. It was indicated that a complete repox~0 ,would be received fro~ the ~,nsit Co~.ission on this matter. t~"xNLSI~D BU~iRSSS Coma. ~ - ladies AuxiliarF, Greater Niagara Baseball Association - Re~ue. stJng tl,e use of the Concession at Ker Fark. Report ~1 - Recreation & Protection Ccemittee - Rec~endin~ that the tadice Auxiliary be ~ranted persdssion to use the concession at Ker Park provided no expenditures are requested of the City. O1~ on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Aid. ~earss that the Eeport be received and adopted, and c_~_~unieation filed. C0$eQUNICATIONB ~" No. 27~ - Falls View Re-develolaaent Association - 8uS~estAons in respect to pro- petals in F~nettomal Plannin~ Report, and eoncernin~ larkin~ ~arage between Robinson Street and Nurra~ Will. OREN~D on the motion of AId. G. Martin and Ald. Rearss that the ccem~nication be received and referred to the Public Works C-m. ittee who will be mtin~ with the Assosiation'on ~u~e l~th at 10:00 a.m. No. 27~ - Greater Niagara Chamber of Commmex~e - ~nvltatton to Members of Council an4 Officials to attend m~eting on ~une 2~nd to discuss recant traffic proposals of Delsuw Cather & Company, and INpar~nt of Nighwa~. O~ on the motion o~ Ald. G. Martin and AId. Bwm~se that the c_~m,mication be receives and file~ and as m~ n~rs of Council and Officials a~ pc~sible attend. O~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the conununication be received and referred to the "Recreation & Protection Committee for consideration. It was indicated by Ald. F. Martin, Chairman of the Comuntttee, that a meeting could be held with representatives of the Association on June 15th at 7:30 p.m. No. 277 - City of Galt- Resolution advocating the repeal of the reference to the latest provincial equalizing factor in Section 71 of the Nighway ImprOvement Act · ORIERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mitchelson that the ccmununication and resolution be received and referred to the City-Manager for repoxt to Council. No. 278 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Nearing - Hodgson Application. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. ~. Martin and Aid. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. REPOF~S No. 482 - Public Works Cc~nnittee - Recommending that the Tender for the construc- tion of asphalt pavements be awarded to Drops Paving & Construction Limited. O~D on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 81 No. 483 - Public Works Committee - Recommending that the Tender for Sidewalk Construction for 1966 be awarded to V. Kerrio-Germano Ltd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Rearas and Ald. MacRain that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 82 During consideration of the above matter, Alderman MacRain queried whether there was any requirement in the Tender Forms concerning the use of local labour and materials. Ald. G. Martin indicated that the Public Works C~mntttee would be bringing in a Report to Council on the matter. No. 1~8~ . City Manager - Recc~nnending that Plumbing Inspector be authorized to attend Annual Ontario Plumbing Inspectors' Convention in London, Sept. 20th to 23rd- ORIF~ED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Aid. Mitchelson that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. No. ~85 - Finance Ccmmittee - Recommending approval Of accounts for the period ending June 13th, 1966. OREEEED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Dewhie that the Report be re- calved ,and adopted. No. 4~ - Recreation & Protection Committee - Reconnnending that Yield SiBn be erected at Stanley Avenue and Ferry Street, right turn channel, and the necessary OI~RED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swa~ze that the Report be .re- ceived and adopted. No. 487 - Public Works Committee - Use'of ~arbage grinders in residential areas, and four recc..~ndetions. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald..~cott that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. No. 488 - Public Works Committee - Recc~mmending that the City purchase a Cater- pillar 977 traxeavator Series W, at an F.O.R. price of $49,887.00, F.T.S. incl., O.S.T. excl, 'with a 2~ discount for .cash. O~D on the motion of Ald. ~. Martin and Ald. Bearse that the Report be ceived and adopted. It was indicated by Ald. 0. Martin that the COmmittee would report to Council as to whether they recommended that the present machine be traded in~ or kept for use b:~ the City. B~E Resolution No. 8~ 19o · No. 489 - Public Works Cammittee - Reconnnending that the City Manager and City En- gineer be authorized to apply lawn watering restrictions when ~he volume of water useage m~kes this procedure necessary. ORIIEBED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Jobms ttlat .the Report be received and adopted. No. 490 - Public Works Cc~nmittee - Recommending that Alderman V. Johns, the Chief Operator of the Pollution Plant, and three members of the Engineering Department, be authorized to attend the Canadian Institute on Pollution Control Convention, in Windsor, Oct. 2Brd to 26th. Otfl~BED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the report he received and adopted. No. 491 - Acting City Clerk - Reccmmending granting of Municipal Licences. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that the. Report be received~ adopted, and licences granted.. MISCELIANEOUS Mr. Ted Frail, 2080 Cadhem Street, Mosquitoes in Cadhem Street area. Mr. Frail, who was present in the Council Chambers, was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and AId. Mitchelson. Mr. Frail ad- vised that there was an area of brush at the end of Cadhem Street which was infested 'with mosquitoes, and asked whether the City could_take action to have this area ~preyed. The City Engineer advised. that this property was not owned by the City, but stated that the Parks Department would be spraying. the area, during the current week, which would provide some measure of relief. Mr. Eidt also stated that the area would be inspected to determine if weeds exist, in which case the appropriate action would be taken to have the weeds cut. Expression of appreciation to Alderman MacBain His Worship Mayor Keighan expressed appreciation to Alderman' MacBain who had acted in the capacity of Acting Nayor during the week of June 6th. , Material received in respect to City Resolution on Motorcycles. His Worship Mayor Keighan advised that a considerable emount of material had been received frcm various Government sources, and others, pertaining to the Resolu- tion circulated by the City dealing with motorcycles. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the material be received and referred to the Rec- reation & Protection C~mwittee for, study and presentation of a report to Council. No. 81 - BEAKSS - SCO~ - RESOLVED that the Tender for the construction of asphalt pavements be awarded to Drope Paving & Construction Limited at the tendered price of . $50,017.~0; and the Real of the Corporation be here,to affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 82 - I~ARSS - MacBAIN -EESOLVED that the Tender for sidewalk construction for 1~o~ be awarded to V. Kerrio-~ermano Ltd. at the T~ndered price of and the Real of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 83 - O. MARTIN -. BFARSS - I~SOLVE that a Caterpillar 977 traxcavator, Series N, be purchased, at an F.0.B. price of $49,887.00, F.S.T. incl, O.8.T. excl, ,wi~h a. ~ discount for cash~ and the Seal ,of the Corporation .be hereto affixed. · _Carried Unanimously No. 8~ - O. MAETIN- S~AY~ - ~SOLVE that a message of condolence be sent to the family of the late Miss ~ane Boyle, a dedicated citisen and servant of the Niagara Frontier Humane Society for · n~aber of ~earS; and the Seal of the Corporation he hemto affixed. BY- laws No. 7121 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between W. Orland Vaughan and Joan Freidia Vaughan and The Corporation of the City of Niagara Palls. (Property near south-east intersection of Dunn Street and Drummond Ro~d. ) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Johns that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. G. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried with Ald. Downie voting contrary and all other members in fayour. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin. Carried, with Ald. Downie voting contrary and all other members in favour. (Alderm~n Downie indicated his objection to the By-law on the grounds that Council would be making an exception to previous policy in that the 10 foot road widening strip requirement would be on the portion of the property Mr. Vaughan is severing, instead of from the whole frontage. ) No. 7122 - A By-law to provide monies for general purPoses($348,760.59)· ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacBain that Ald. Mitch- elson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried ~nanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried U~animously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Johns. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Cofm, tttee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. Nac~ain and Ald. F. Martin. BEAD AND ADOPIED, June 20th, 1966 C(l~l,rrw.~ OF Tm~ WHOLE Council Chamber, June 13th, 1966. Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council held on June 13th, 1966. All keepers of Council were present. AldermAn Bearss presided. It was ordered on. the motion of Alde~mn Mitchelson and Alderman Gregory that the Committee of the Whole arise and repor~ to Council in respect to Report 494 - Council Centennial C~mmittee, Verbal Report -.National Grocers Lid, Report 497 - Personnel & Negotiations C~m"ittee, Report 498 - Personnel & Negotiations C~m"~ttee, Report 499 - Personnel & Negotiations Committee. BEAD AND ADOPTED, ;une 2Oth, 1966. A Clerk COUNCIL ME~TING Council Chamber, June 13th, 1966- ~ollowin~ the C~ttee of the Hhole Meeting on June 13th, 1966, Council m-convened in open session. All Members of Council ware present. His Worship Nayor R. F. Keighan presided. ~ The following action was taken: No. 1~91~ - C~ncil Centennial Ccsaittee - Rec-~m"ending that Tenders for the construc- tion of the Centennial Square be received by the Actin~ City Clerk to 12 noon, local time, Monday, July llth, 1966, and opened at 1 p.m. of the same day. Oh~e~AD on the motinn of Ald. Gregox7 and Ald. Mitchelson th~at~ the rec;""~'udation of the Ccsittee be adopted. Carried UnanimouSlY. Verbal Report - National Grocers Ltd. Site Plan OR~2~D on the motion of Al~. G. Martin and Aid. Rearss that the following points suggeste~ by the Engineering Department and the Building Inspector in connection with the National Grocers Ltd. Site Pla~ for the proposed building construction on ~aroer Road be approved, and negotiations between the Ccal~ny and the City Manager be ZearrAed out 'as:soon as possible for the completion of the Site Plan: ~nat the 10' road widening strip be shown on the Plan. Fencing, le~dscaping and other related matters, to be reviewed. Satisfactory arrangements to be made in connection with surface run-off water. Satisfactory arran~ments to be made in connectinn with roof run-off water. Change in perkins spaces along south side of property. Access drive-w~vs to be revi~ed.. No. 497 - Personnel & Negotiations C~=.ittee - Recommending the appointment of: J. L. Collinson as City Clerk effective July 13th, 1966; M. J. Johnston as Build- ing Inspector effective July 1st, 1966, A. C. Huggins as City Manager effective July l~t, 1966. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. MacBale and Ald. Dewhie that the Report be received and adopted. No. 498 - Personnel & Negotiations Cc~mmittee - Rec~nmending the appointment of Mr. Ralph Zimmennan as Acting Deputy Assessment Co~maissioner be rescinded and he be appointed Acting Assessment Commissioner Pro Tempore to be retroactive and effec- tive from February 1st, 1966. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBale that the Report be received and adopted as amended. This motion was carried with Ald. Dewhie voting contrary and all other members in fayour. (Ald. Downie indicated he was in fayour of Mr. Zimmerman's appointment as Acting Assessment Com- missioner Pro Tempore, but did not believe his appointment as Ac. ti~g Deputy .Assess- ment C~mnissioner should be rescinded. ) No. 499 - Personnel & Negotiations Committee - Recommending that salary levels shown on Table "A= and Table "B~ be approved and the classification and salaries for 1966 for the various non-union positions be in accordance with the schedules attached to the two tables. OEIEBED on the motion of Ald. MacBale and Ald. Gregory that the Report be adopted with three amendments made. This motion was carried With Aid. Swayze, Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns voting contrary, and all other members of COuncil in fayour. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the Meeting 'ad~ouro. READ AND ADOPA'SD, June 20th, 1966. """"""" ......... '194. TWENTY-EIGHTH ~m~A'ING Council Chamber, "June 20~h, 1966. EEGULAR ~i'ING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 20th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were 'present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided: The minutes of the nrevious meeting were adopted as printed. DEBTIONS Corm. No. 279 - E. J. Bielawski - requesting permission to address Council re: Murray Street re-construction of the road surface. Mr. Bielawski was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Swayze, seconded by Ald. Gregory. Mr. Bielawski referred to By-law No. 7098, being a By-law to authorize the re-construction of Murray Street from Portage Road to Niagara Parks Co~unission lands, which was given two readings by 'Council on May 16th. On June llth a Notice appeared in the Evening Review requesting the Ontario Municipal Board to dispense with the assent of the Electors concerning this project. ~Ir. Bielawski stated that fr~n the time the By-law was first read to the present date he 'had requested reasons why Council deemed it expedient to carry out the re-construction of Murray Street. He stated he was objecting to the proposed re-construction of the Murray Street road surface, especially with an application to dispense with a vote of the Electors. Mr. Bielawski then stated that the Notice as advertised did not correctly describe the work to be carried out. He then asked if the citizens of Niagara Falls ~re ac- tually aware that the proposed work was less than 1800 feet in total length. He also stated that the notice would inciate that the re-construction of the road surface would entail breaking up of the road and re-surfacing of the road surface, and that such was not ~he case. Mr. Bielawski stated that the citizens should have answers to the fol- lowing questions: (a) When was the first consideration given to the re-construction of Murray Street at this point. (b) Who made the recc~nnendation to re-construct the road'surface 'and'what were the reasons given. '(c) 'Why'were the-reports 'as 'requested not made available to Mr. Bielawski. ~d) What are the total monies being spent on the re-construction, to include storm sewers, and other related works. (e) _ How much of total cost is to be paid by the land owners abutting Murray Street. (f) How much would the Niagara International Centre pay- (g) In respect to the chw~lges to be made in the traffic pattern on Murray Street, on what days, and what times 1 the traffic flow be improved, and what efficiency has been created by the change in traffic lanes. (h) Assuming there is a traffic problem created, is it not a fact that channeling into one lane will create a more serious traffic problem. (i) Who will benefit directly. Mr. Bielawski referred to the discrepancy in the ratio of payment for the develol~nent of an apartment, etc., as conpared to the building of a residential hone, which was a disadvantage to the hcme owner. MAr. Bielawzki queried why the costs for the Street project ware not to be assessed, part to the owner, and pert to the City, as is the case with other works undertaken. l~r. Bielawski also asked where the subsidy to be applied on the costs of the work would cc~e from. Mr. Bielawski then advised that he had sought answers to the questions raised, and had called at the office of the ACt- ing Clerk, who had tried to be most co-operative, but he could not locate the items requested, ie:- the Report requested could not be found. The Acting Clerk had then directed that he proceed to the Engineering Department to secure the information. At the En~ineerin~ Department he was not able to receive the information he 'was seeking, and as late as Thursda~ afternoo~ {-June 16th) he was told to approach Council on these matters. His Worship Ma~or geighan advised Mr. Bielawski that one of the main reasons why the matters go before the Ontario Municipal Bcax~l, and are advertised, is to - afford the residents of the Municipality the opportunity to present any objections or raise an~ questions and these objections can be submitted to the Ontario Municipal Board. He stated that Mr. Bielawski could submit his objections to the .Board since the legal time limit had not expired. In respect to different ratios used for pe~ment of costs of services on a business develolm~nt as compared to a residential one, Mayor Keighan pointed out that commercial enterprises ~ a hi~her Mill ~ate and also busi- ness taxes. 8cme expression of concern ~va indicated by Aldermen D~wnie, Gregory and Mitchelson re~arding Mr. Bielawskies remarks that he had not been able to secure the infation he was seeking, fron the Acting City Clerk, which was contrary to the provisions of T~e Municipal 195' 0R~EED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin, seconded by Ald. Johns that Mr. Bielawski's presentation be received and referred to the Pablic Works C~nmittee and the City Solicitor, to procure the info~nat'ion he has requested and report back to Council. Mr. Robert Gold - Opening of White Cross Offices. Mr. Gold was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Aid. Rearss, seconded by Ald. Scott. Mr. Gold advised that the Canadian Mental Health Association, Welland County Branch, was about to open a White Cross Centre for the pttrpo'se of rehabilitation of ex-mental patients to normal life. The building was located at Glenholme Avenue and Cook Street. Mr. Gold presented an Architect' s drawing showing the completed structure. He advised that as a Centennial Project, the Niagara Falls Horticultural Society would be undertaking the landscaping on the property. Mr. Gold then advised that in order to fully publicize the work of the Mental Health Association in the area, a Civic Reception was being planned, and Premier Robarts would be invited to address the gathering. The date so6 for the Function is October 1st, 1966. Alderman Mltchelson stated that every member of Council was Completely in accord wi~h the work of the Canadian Mental Health Assoc- iation. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. Gregory that the Finance C~nmittee consider the matter of providing assistance for a Civic Reception for the Canadian Mental Health Association White Cross Centre. Presentation of Awards re: Motorcycle Rodeo Constables Carson Ford and Robert 'Orr of the Niagara Falls Police Department were present at the Council Meeting along with O.P.P. Constable D. Watson and O.P.P. Inspector Anderson to make_ the presentation of Motorcycle Achievement Awards. Constable 0rr explained that the permanent trophy had been donated in memory of the late Constable Dennis Winstanley, and would be presented annually to the young man Judged to be most proficient in the handling of motorcycles and securing the highest m-~k on a written exam. Appreciation was expressed to Mr. T. Stevenson, President of the 'Greater Niagara Safety Council, and Officers and Officials for their efforts in respect to the Rodeo. Awards were then presented by t~or Keighan to: Randy Burke, Glen Roach and Robert Mallias. C(~ICATION8 No. 280 - Kinsmen Club of Nia~ Falls - Requesting assistance from City re: Hosting Kinsmen District ~1 Fall Convention, Oct. 29th and BOth, 1966. OEE on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson end Ald. F. Martin that the cc~munication be receiyed.and refe. rred to the Finance Committee for consideration. No. 281 - The Street Meven~ Toronto - Request for financial assistance. 01~ on'the motion of Ald. M~ttchelson and Aid. Scott that the , c~xnm,mication~be rese~ed and referred to the Finance C~"wn~ttee for consideration. No. 282 - Mr. Nick M~nov - Reqt~esting explanation re: non-payment of grant, to Ni~8~_~a Falls ~iltie Band (now Niagara Falls Concert Band). 0I~ on the motion of Ald. Do~nie and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and filed, and in answer to Mr. Minov's query, a copy of Report No. 505 of the Finance ~,-~mittee be forwa~ded, dealing with this matter. No. 28B - Mr. ~oseph Lokodi - Cceuplaints concerning neighbou~ on east side of property, adjacent to B827 IAundYes ~ane. OI~RED On the motion of Aid. F. Martin and AId. ~wayze that Mr. Lokodi be granted permission to address Council. Mr. ~okodi stated that the electrical wire to the sign was apparentl~ not inspected by the Hydro Inspector. He also stated he did not like the type of fence his meighbour had erected. OI~ Ca the motion of Ald. ~wayze and Ald. MacBain that the communication be . received and referred tothe Building Inspector for inspection a~.d report. ! L96; No.28~ - Mr. Philip T. Barnes - Requesting action taken in respect to high hedges at 'intersections in the City. During consideration of this matter His Worship Mayor Keighan pointed out that there was no authority in the Provincial Legislation to make owners cut down hedges at intersections, but on previous occasions most citizens had co-operated fully with the City in having the hedges lowered. Alderman F. Martin suggested that Mr. Barnes be contacted to determine the exact location of t~e inter- sections he has reference to, and these areas can then be referred to the Engineering Department to take any remedial action permitted. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze' that the communication be received, and filed, and the sugges- tion of Ald~ F. Martin be carried out. No. 285 - The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority - Expropriation of City lands in the vic- inity of the Welland Canal, for future navigational improvements. It was suggested by the City M~mager, Mr. A. C. Huggins, that the Public Works Committee and the Engineer- ing Department should consider the matter of streets and road allowances in the area, and advise Council as to what degree this Municipality 'will be affected. 0RIND on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. G. Martin that the c~unication be re~ ceived .and referred to the Public Works Co.~tttee. No. 286 - C,.,~,~lttee of Adjustment - Hearing - June 28th, Rigg Application. No. 287 - C(~-lttee of Adjustment - Hearing - June 28th, Bertucci Application. No. 288 - C,,~;~ttee of Adjustment - Hearing - June 28th, Pietrangelo Application. 0RI~I~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the cca~unications be received and filed. No. 289 - Double Deck Tours Limited - Eequesting direction as to procedure required to obtain permission to park in front of offices on Clifton Hill for the purpose of unloading and loading of passengers. ORDERED on the mOtion Of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. Swayze that the ccennunication be re- ceived and referred to the Recreation & Protection C.'=.~.~ttee and Mr. Fartell of the company be requested to meet with the Cc~nittee at their next meeting~ No. 500 - Recreation & Protection C~m. ittee - Parking on Ferry Street and Victoria Avenue fr~n Stanley IAvenus to Clifton Hill,' and reenmmendation of Traffic Scheme out- lined as Scheme_ 4; Police Dept. to be authorized to bag parking m~ers to prohibit parking in peak periods; and parking be eliminated at ll locations listed; and Parking spaces be lengthened to 25 feet; 'and Bus Stop eliminated in proposal 9. be re-located to a point 100' north-eaeterl~ frcm intersection of Clifton Hill. Mr. H. A. Lamb, Jr. Engineer, provided a detailed explanation of the Cc~mittee's recommendations on a diagram posted on the mp board. ConSiderable discussion took place in respect to the matter. Alderman F. Martin indicated that the Ccmmittee had done a great deal of stud~ on the matter, and stated that the recommenderich was the best solution the Cem- mattee could make. Alderman Do~nie stated it was unfair that Council Members would be asked to vote on the matter without knowing the reaction of the business people to the acheme proposed. Alde~.~- (~regory outlined the reasons for the traffic changes, and suggested that the business people in the Centre area' should give scme study for park- ing which will have to be provided. scme t~m~' in the future. It was indicated that the recommendations were a compromise solution to allow as much parking as possible and yet provide an improved flow of traffic. At this point itI was ordered~ on the mo- tion of Aid. Dennis, seconded hy Ald. MacBean that Mr. 8. -De~orenzo be granted permis- sion to adzes Council. Mr. DeLorenzo stated that'th'e~e'w~s'nS ~raffie, problem on Victoria Avenue and Ferry Street, but there was a pSr. king problem. He advised that the Council C~a,~ittee had decided, without conferring with the business people, that perk- ing meters were going to be taken out to relieve the· situation which is caused by the lack of pe~king. ~e stated that the reccmsnendation presented would take awa~ business fr~a all of the businessmen.of the area, by the .removal of several parking meters. Mr. DeLorenzo suresteal t~at an alternative would be to erect signs on ~llen Avenue at Ferry Street readtn~ maltsmate route to the Falls', and pointing the way to the Parking Lot on ~lle. Avenue. ~e City Engineer advised that directtonal signs to the ~king 1~ would be thetailed on Wednesday, ~une 2~nd. At this t~, Mrs. Rose Watts addressed the Council. Mrs. waits asked cramnil ~ la~Min~ could not'b~ ~r~vT~'o~ the north side of Ferx.y Street free Stanley Avenue to Gladstone Avenue, and etated that she operated two pieces of business in thee location, and would like to see 5 parking spaces here. The CIty _an_cancer explainedthat there was no recommendation to el~m~.ate parking in this area. Alderman F. Martin indicated it was the intention of the C~m. ittee to provide parking meters in this particular area. Alderman MacBean re- quested the Jr. Engineer to clarify the remarks of Mr. DeLorenzo in respect to the loss of parking spaces, and whether the flow of traffic would be improved by the removal of meters. Mr. Lamb advised that the proposal would not be of much advan- tage on the very busy days, but would be a distinct advantage for the balance of the year. He also outlined the areas where parking meters would be removed. Mayor Keighan advised that it appeared that other persons in the Council Chamber wished to address Council and asked Council what action they wished to take, since he was bound by the provisions of the Procedural By-law. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson that Mr. E. Herwood be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Herwood stated that as long as Niagara Falls continued to be a popular place for people to come to, the City~ould continue 'to have traffic problems. He stated that such traffic problems did not seem to stop people from ccming to the City, and referred to such places 'as Washington, D.C., Quebec City, etc., where the traffic problems and street conditions are very bad, and yet these places r~main popular with visitors, year after year. Herwend felt that the City should not be torn up for temporary schemes, and that the current 'proposal would only hurt the businesses in the Centre area. The City Engineer stated that the proposal was not a temporary expedient, but was based on recommendations in the Acres Report, and was an attempt to allow easier and better traffic movement. He stated that considerable amounts of money had been spent on Lundy's Lane west of Dorchester Road to improve traffic and this procedure was being followed on the re_~inder of the cnnnecting link. Alderman G. Martin raised the following points: ~'l) How many parking places are in the total area now and how .tony will there be when the new system goes into effect. (2) Did the Committee have meetings with the Centre Business group similar to the meetings held with the Downtown Businessmen's Association concerning parking problems in the Queen Street area. Ald. Martin felt that the creation of off-street parking facilities should be worked out between the Businessman and the C:=,',.~ttee and some report brought hack to Council, as was done in the C~Aeen Street case. Aldermen F. Martin replied that the number of spaces could be worked out by the Engineering Department. He advised that his Committee had met with scme of the business people in the Centre area and had referred to them the action the businessmen .on Queen Street had taken, and they had indicated to the C~...Ittee that the property was too expensive and it was not possible for them to buy any suitable areas. It was suggested to the group that they look to the future to provide for off-street parking. Aiderm_-~ MacBean suggested that .possibly the Committee might hold off their suggested programme for one year, and ma~e a study of the area to see whether the suggestions of Mr. De- Lorenzo or the City suggestions were the best. Alderman F. Martin indicated that the suggestion of Alder.~- MacBean was impossible in view of the fact that channel- ization was already in. Alderm~n Mitchelson stated that the proposals were part of the overall traffic progrange to improve the City, and that the rec~m~ndations 'could not be delayed for one year. The following motion was then voted on: Moved by Alderman Dewhie, seconded by Alderma- ScOtt, that the matter be tabled for one week and the Businessmen concerned be given a chance to meet with the Recreation & Protection Committee; and in view of the fact that sages to the parking lot will be in place and their value can be est~.~ted; and Members of Council would then be prepared to make a'decision. A~e:. Aldermen MacBean, Scott, ~. Martin, Do~mie. Na~e: Aldermen Bearss, Johne, F. Martin, Hitchelson, 'Gregory, Sw~yze. Motion Defeated. It was moved by Aid. F. Martin, seconded by Aid. Bearss that the Report be received and rec~endations outlined theran be adopted. A~e~ Aldermen Rearss, ~ohas, F. Martin, Mltchelson, Gregory, ~wayze. ~ Aidemen Macl~tn, Scott,' G. Hartin, Dewhie. Carried. "Be. 501 - City Mana~r - Eeccmmending that Side Bar Agreement between Ca. radish Union of Fublic Bnployees, Local 1BB and the City be approved. OREJ~ED on the motion of Aid. M~cBain and Ald. GreGory that the Report be received and ad~p~ed. No. 50~ - City ldfmager - Reccmaendin2 appointment of Mr. C. Areadie as Trailer Camp Inspector and Campin~ Bstablishment Inspector. ORE~BD on the mOtion O~ Aid. Johns and Aid. Mltchelson that the Report be re- ceived and adopted: -~ Resolution Nos._~L 86 No. 50S - Mayor R. F. Kei~han - Presentation re: attensance of news media reporters at C~nittee-of-the-Whole Meetings, and coverage of meetings of other elected bodies. His Worship Mayor Keighan, in c~enting on the Report, stated that it did not seem fair that Council was singled out by the Press in respect to C_~m~ittee Meetings, when another elected group had never had a reporter at any of its meeti~8s. Alderm~n Dewhie 'indicated that he had, for s_~ne time, been opposed to the set up of Council Cf~.~ittees, and suggested that many items of business could be resolved by Council, and other difficult matters could be referred to C_~.mnittee of the Whole, thus doing away with m~ny C~mmtttee meetings. Ald. Dewhie stated that there was much validity in the article by Mr. Fredo of the Evening Review which appeared in the Press on Saturday, June 18th. He did, however, disagree with the statement that newer members of Council would not speak out in open Council the same way..they do in C~mm~ttee of the Whole. At this point, Mr. E. J. Bielawski indicated he wished to 'address Council on this matter. He action was taken on his request. It was ordered on the motion of ~ld. Johns,. seconded by Ald. Swayze that the Mayor' s Report he received and filed. No. 504 - Property C_~.tttee - Reeo~wnending that Application AM-168, J. Klein, to m-zone Block =B=, Plan 194, on the east side of 8~nnicks Avenue from C_~m.~rcial to Apartment Zoning ~e approved, subject to the applicant entering into a Site P]~n Agree- mont. Alderman Scott indicated that he was contrary to the rec.-~.,endation of the Com- mittee in that the plan shows one wall of the building to be 6 feet from the .property line, which is contrary to the Building Regulations. Ald. G. Martin advised that it was suggested that the building be mowed, to prowide for a better site plan, with more 'adequate parking and more green areas. Re stated that only part of one wall would be involved. The City Engineer explained the effect of the proposal on the storm and san- itary sewer systems. The City Manager explained that the original zoning of C~m"~rcial was the result of a decision made by the Former Township of Stamford Council, that Block B of Rag. Plan 1~4 should be zoned as Commercial. OI~D on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Aldermen Scott and Gregory voting contrary and all others in favour. No. ~O~ - Finance Ccemittee - Reccsnending the adoption of policy in respect to Rends. ~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. F. Martin that the Repeat be re- ceived and policy rec~mnendatione adopted, as amended with Section (e) to include that authorization to engage bands for Municipal functions be granted to the City Clerk on Resolution of Council. Alderman Mitchelson stated that copies of~the Report would go to the Musician's Union. Aldem_~n Gregory made the following points: (a) Did the C~mwittee meet with representatives of Bande who are not ~e~bers of the Union. '(b) Would any bands ended be paid at Union rates. (c) Would the numher of members of the Band he controlled. Aldex~an Mitchelson advised of the answers to the questions in the following manner. (a) No. (b) Yes. (c) It is the understanding that ~2 members are required to m-~e a balanced band. ' It was Ordered on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson, seconded hy Ald. F. Ma~x~ that the Report ~e received and adopted, as amended. No. ~0~ - Finance C.:.~;;tttee - Reccemending approval of accounts. (~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchels.on and Ald. MacBain that the Repor~ he received and adopted. ' , ", No. ~07 - Centennial Steering Comittee - Requesting that authority be granted to the Chairman of the Centennial Cultural Committee to act on be~_nJ~ of the 'Steering Group and be authorized to enter into a Contract in reserving three spec. ial Centennial Shows during 1~7. Alderman Gregory explained that it was the intent of the Centen- nial Committee to try and obtain sponsors within the Municipality to sponsor the sho~s. Aldersan Rearss indicated that it was necessary to select the shows prior to June 2Brd, t~t there was no financial obligation on the part of the City at this point. If the Cosaittae wars not successful in securing sponsors for the shows, the applications could ~e cancelled. Alderman Johns was of the opinion that the Centennial Steering Cceaittee should have reported th~ matter to the Council Centennial Committee, who in turn, should have reported to Cotmoil, and s~ated that the discussion was out of order. ~ on the sotion of Ald. OrsXory and Aid. Bearss that the Report and rscceaenda- tion be received and adopted. This.motion was carried with Ald; ~ohns ~voting contrary andS all other members in fewour. No. 508 - Public Works Committee - Water easement across H.E.P.C. Right-of-way, Township Lots 186 and 19~, and rec~.nmending agreement be completed. ORdeRED on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the RepOrt be received and adopted. No. 509 - Public Works C.~mnittee - Bridges across H.E.P.C. Canal, and rec~nm~nding that Mayor ~eighan, Ald. G. Martin, A. C. Huggins, and C. H. Eidt be authorized to attend meeting with Hydro Officials in Toronto on June 21st ~ ORatED on the motion of Ald. G- Martin and Ald. Rearss that the Report he re- ceived and adopted. No. 510 - Recreation & Protection Ct,~mittee - Recommending that the San Diego Charger Professional Football Team be allowed to use Oakes Park for practice sessions from Oct. lOth to Oct. l~th incll, and Oct. 18th to Oct. 21st incl., and on Oct. 15th at the rate of $25.00 per day. OREEkED on the motion of Aid. F- Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. ~ll - Recreation & Protection Con~nittee - Recon"nending that right turas be prohibited fron Victoria Ave. to Clifton Hill at all t~,--s and that a Yield Sign be erected on the right turn channel from Victoria Avenue to Clifton Hill. ORESRED on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Ald. Sws,Vze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 512 - Recreation & Protection Cc~nnittee - Intersection of Victoria Avenue and Clifton Hill and recktam'uSing that left turns fro~ Victoria Avenue to Clifton Hill be prohibited and that signs be erected on Victoria Avenue directing tourist traffic to Clifton Hill and Queen Victoria Park up Walnut Avenue, along Ellen Avenue to Centre Street and down Centre Street to Clifton Hill. ~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 513 - Acting City Clerk - Recmw,ending granting of Municipal Licenoes. OREgI~D on the motion of Aid. G. Maxtin and Ald. johns that the Report be received, adopted, and licenoes granted. No. 514 - Recreation & Protection C.:-:~.ittee - Morrison Street Fire Hall, and recom- mending th[t architects be granted permission to call Tenders, to close 12 noon, Monday, July 18th, 1966. eRICRED on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and adopted- This motion was carried with Ald. Johas and O. Martin voting con- trafy and all other members in favour. In answer to a question of Ald. G. Martin, Aid. F. Martin indicated that Glass doors had been suggested by the Architect for the 'front of the Fire Hall, up to the height of 6 feet. No. 515 - Recreation & Protection Ccs~ittee - Recommending that the quotation of Judd and ~,nn at $~6.00 he accepted for the painting of the Municipal Swimming Pool · OREgBED on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Aid. Gregory that the Report he received and adopted. Carried with Aid. Johns VOting contrary and all other members in fayour. (Ald. Jo~-s indicated that for the minor difference in price, consideration should have been given to the local Firm.) ~.~E Resolution No. 87~ ~SOL~TIOI~ No. 85 - GI~gOORY - MacBAZN - RZ$OLVED that Mr. C. Areadie be designated a Trailer Camp Inspector to inspect Trailer Camps in accordance with the provisions of By-law No. ~2~, 1~; and the Real of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ' : Carrl_ed UnXnimoun.l~,, No. 86 - G~OORY - F. MARTIN - I~gSOLV~D that Mr. C. Assdie be designated the Caapin~ ~stablis~ment Znspector to ins~ c~p~ establis~nts in accor~ce vi~h the p~vlst~s of ~-hw No. ~, 1~3; ~d t~ ~al of the Co~o~tl~ be he~to ~ft~d. ~r~d. ,s No. 87 - F. MARTIN - GREGORY - RESOLVED that the quotation of Judd & Munn at $826.00 be accepted for the painting of the Munlcip~l Swimming pool; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 88 - MITCHELgON - MaeBAIN - RESOLVED that a message of congratulations be for- warded to Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Caswell on the occasion of the Celebration of their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary; and the Seal of the Corporation he hemto affixed. Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS Cmplaint of Rainbow ledge Softball Teams Alderman Bowhie advised that a delegation of players from the Rainbow League Softball Teams had spoken to him concerning the conditions of the playing fields they use, being the Bridge Street Softball grounds and the Softhall Field at Prince Edward Park. The team members had stated that the Oakes Park grounds used by the other League is maintained daily, while their grounds are looked after only once per week. It was indicated that this matter would be referred to the City Engineer to check out the facts and report to the Recreation & Protection Cmittee. Intersection of Stanley Avenue and McLeod Road Alderm~ Downie referred to the dangerous intersection at Stanley Avenue and McLeod Road, and it was indicated that the Recreation & Protection C,em~ttee would look into this matter. Fireworks - Hiram and John Street. Aldernmn Downie advised that he had received a call from a resident in the vicinity of Hiram and John Streets who advised that young children and others were setting off fireworks, and that this was taking place at .11 hours of the day and night. It was indicated that this ccml~laint would be referred to the proper author- ities after the By-law is checked. ~ ~.lderman Rearss - Report on Conservation Authority Tour Aldex~-- Bearss advised of the attendance of herself and three o~her members of Council on the Conservation Authority Tour recently. At this time she indicated she had an opportunity of askin~ .the Authority members if a stud~ would be made con- cerning winter spor~s activities alcmg the Niagara Excax-A~ment. 8he had been assured that the Authority C_~e,~lttee would look into this suggestion to date~nnine If this. type of development along the EscaiL~a~nt could be provided. Alderman Mitchelson - Attendance at Conference. Alderman Mltchelson reported on his attendance at the United Aqtion for Clear Water Conference held on Jane 18th, and advised that the speakers and panels were outstanding. He c,---~uded the City Engineer for his able presentation of a Repoxt at the Conference. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Mltchelson, seconded by Aid. MaeBain 'that the principles outlined at the Conference be rafexTed to the Pub- lic Works Committee and the Technical Staff investi~ate the possibility of submission Of a suitable resolution on behalf of the City of Nta~re F~lls. This motion was carried with AId. Johns votin~ aontxW. and all other tubers in fayour. Information 'to City hlewners and taxiWets. Alderman =o~ns advised that free certain ~ueries he had received it would seem hat the taal~Wers in the City were not knowleaSable c~ the matter of taxable hess iaproveaents, He suggested that ,eovex~ be 2ivan by ~the Press to enllahten the 'cit- izens that such work an painting, repairing, pavin~, etc. would not increase the taxes om a h,~-· He also e~ated that the residents shottld he made aware Of the City*~ fayore-able tax positiem in ecapartson with other M~nictpaltttes? Bux~ Of materials px~htbited by Burning By-law advised that be ha~ received a call f,"e~ nn Ileotz4,.~kl, Coal- 201 · tractor in the City who had requested permission to burn copper wire at the City Disposal Area, but was not allowed to do so. He suggested that in view of the fact that burning of material was prohibited by. the Burning By-law, that an in- cinerator be provided at the Disposal Area for this purpose. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze, seconded by Ald. Downie, that the 'City Engineer check into this matter to determine the cost to provide an incinerator at the Disposal area. Committee set up to consider Resolutions passed by City of Niagara Palls. Alderman Gregory stated that at a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Ontario Traffic Conference, a special c_r~mittee had been set up to consider the Resolutions recently passed by the City Council dealing with Motorcycles. He indicated that he and Staff Sgt. D. Catherwood be on this C.-..,.~ittee. BY-lAWS No. 706~ - A By-law to authorize the construction of certain works as extensions and improvements to the Sewage Works in the Urban Service Area of the City. (Storm Sewermain on Murray Street.) ~ Third Reading -Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson. Carried Unanimously. No. 7125 - A By-law to-_'_mend By-law Number 3790, being a By-law for the regulation of traffic. (Right turns) 01~ on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Swayze that Ald. F. Mar~in be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORE81~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading..Carried Unanimously. Third Reading.- Ald. Downie and Ald. Rearss. Carried Unanimously. No. 7124 - A By-law to amend By-law Number 6340 providing for the erection of Yield RightAof-Way Signs at certain intersections, in the Municipality. (Ferry Street 'and Stanley Avenue, and Victoria Ave. & Clifton Hill.) OREM~ on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Swayze that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 01~ on the-motion of Ald. F. Martin and AId. Mitchelson that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Gregory and Ald. Sw~e. Carried Unanimously. No. 712~ - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between The Corpor- ation Of the City of Niagara Falls and William Fehr. ........... (Demolition, of .buildings -at 181~ and. 183~ Marrisen. Street. ) ............. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and AId. F. Martin that Ald. Scott be ~ranted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried with AId. Joh~s voting contrary and all others in favour. OREaRED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. Rearss that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all others in favour. Third Readin~ -Ald. Mitchels0n and AId. F. ~artim. Carried with Ald. Jobas votin~ cc~trax7 and all others in favour. Np. 712~__ - A By-law to appoint an Acting ~ses~.~nt Ccemissioner and Assessors. 202. 203. 0RIBI~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Johns that Ald. MacBain be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried with Ald. Downie voting contrary and all others in favour. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Mar~in. Carried with Ald. Downie voting contrary and all other members in layout. Ald. Downie indicated his previous stand in respect to Mr g.~,m--Tman's appointment, and felt that it was not fair to Mr. Z~m~erman that his appointment as Acting Deputy Assessment C~mmt ssioner should be deleted, in order to appoint him as Acting Assessment Commissioner Pro Tenpore. He indicated that the Report of the Personnel & Negotiations Committee on this matter considered at the meeting of Council on June 13th had been changed from the way in which the matter was approved in Committee. The City M~--8er read an expl-n-tion prepared by the City Solicitor in this respect, dated June 20th, 1966. No. 7127 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an amendment to the a~reement be- tween the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and the Ca~a~ Union of Public Employees, Local Union Ntnnber 133. 0RD~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. MacBain be granted the privilege- of introducing the By-law and the By-law - ~e given the first reading. Carried Unanimousa.V. ORRFaED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Nearss that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. 8wa~ze and Ald. F. Mar~in. Carried Unanimously. 7128 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($232,985.18) 01~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Mltchelson be granted the privilege of introduc~-_~ the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 0RESRED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Downie that~Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading.. Carried U-~imously. Third Eee~ng - Aid. Swayze and Ald. F. Maxtin. Carried t~=nimously. Council adjourned to Conmtttee of the Whole-on the .motion of Ald. G. Mar~in, seconded by Aid. GregoxT~ I~EAD AND AIM)E, June 27th, 1966. Act Clerk C(I~4I',T~ OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, Jun~ 20th, 1966. Council assembled in Cammittee of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council held on June 20th, 1966. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman G. Martin. Alderman Swayze presided. It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Nearss and Alderm~- MacBain that the Committee of-the Whole arise and repoxt to Council in respect to the Report of the Recreation &- Protection Committee - proposed centre for Y.M.C.A., and the R~port of the Public Works C~mmittee re: Lundy's Lane widening expropriation of drainage ditch from Alexander and Alama Kemp. READ AND ADOPTED, June 27th, 1966. ~ing Cle~ .............. ~ Mayor COUNCIL M~ING . Council Chamber, June 20th, 19~6. Following the Co,,,itt.ee of the Whole Meeting on June 20th, 1966, Council convened in open session. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman G. Martin. His Worship Mayor R. F..Eeighan presided. The following action was taken: Neport 516 - Recreation & Protection C~ttee - Proposed centre for Y.M.C.A. Nec~enending that the proposed establishment of a Y.M.C.A. Building be referred to the Urban Renewal Consultants for their consideration in developing an Urban ReneWal Scheme. ORESFSD on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the Report of the Ccemittee be received and adopted~ Ald. Nearss stated that the Directors and Members of the Y.M C.A. were to be com- mended for their proposal which was a step in the right direction~ especially in view of the criticism concerning youth centres, etc., and it was to be hoped that their plans are carried through to completion. Report ~17 - Public Works Ccmnittee - Lund~'s Lane widening, expropriation of drainage ditch from Alexander and A~*m Eemp, and rec~,m~ending that the solicitor be authorized to cce~plete pa,vment in accordance with the award made. 0RE~RED on the motion of Aid. Downie and Aid. MacBain that the Eeport be received and adopted It was ordered on the mo~lo~ of AId. MacBain, seconded by Ald. F. Mar~in that the Meetin~ adaoum. AND ADOPTE, ,Tune 27th, 1966. 04 · Council Chamber~ June 27th, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 27th, 1966, for the purpose of consider4n8 general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Mayor R. F. Eeighan. Acting Mayor F. Philip Downie presided. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. G. Martin that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on June 20th, 1966 ~e adopted. as printed. U~rNISHED BUBIm~SS Verbal presentation - MAr. Robert Gold - Requesting Municipal assistance for ceremonies to mark opening of White Cross Centre (Canadian Mental Health Association). Report 518 - Finance C~mm4ttee - Rec~Av~ending that the Municipality participate in the opening ceremonies to be held in condunction with the establishment of a White Cross Centre, and an amount not exceeding $500;00 be set aside for this purpose. ORl~RBD.On the motion..of..A.l. de..rm.a.n...MltCh~.son and Alde.~.~ 14ac.~.,.th~ t.he R~p~Ft be received and adopted. Ccem. 280 - ~inamen Club of Niagara Falls - Requesting assistance to offset expense of a Fall Convention at the Sheraton Brock Hotel. Ccmn. 281 - The Street Haven, Toronto - Requesting assistance to Organization. Report 519 - Finance C~.m.4ttee - Rec~.m-uding that no financial assistance be granted to either association since no allowance was n~tde in the current budget. O~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. F. Mar~in that the Report be received and adopted, and c~mxmications filed. C~. 285 - St. Lawrence seawa~ Authority - Expropriation of lands within the City of Niagara Falls · Report 520 - Public Works C_~.tttee - Rec_~.w. ending that the Seaway Authority be ad- vised that the City has no objection to the expropriation. 0I~ on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Aid. Bearss that the R~port he received and adopted, and communication filed.- Coma. 289 - Double Deck Tours Ltd. - Requesting permission to park in front of offices on Clifton Hill for the purpose of unloading and loading of passengers. Report ~21 - Recreation & Protection Ccmnittee - Hacczmending that no special parking areas be established in the City, other than those required by the Greater Niagara Transit C~ission and those taxi stands allyNed by the present traffic by-law. ~ on the motion of Aid. F. ~ax~in and Aid. Gregox7 that the Report be received, adopted, and ccemunication filed~ This m~ion was carried with the following vote: A~e: Ald. Swa~ze,-Scott~ 'O. Martin, OregoxT, Mitchelson, F. Martin, HacBain, Rearss.. Naye: AId. ~Tnhns. CCle4UNZCATIONS No. 2~1 - R. 'Peter CalaSuiro - Cars parkin~ c~ boulevard in front of 19~ Valley ORIBi~D on the notion of Aid. F. )(artin and Aid. Jc~ns that the c~-nunicatioa be re- ceived sad referred to the Haerentioa &. Protectloft Camittee for consideration, and the ParkinS By-law be checked to deteru~n_e if such parkinS is prohibited~ No. ~ - Ulu, Fatrick ivaniellmttc Coalstins - RequestinS permission to erect Gospel Tent on Ball ~rounds on Brid2e Street from ~u~ let through ~uly ~th. ORCLqID on the action Of Ald. G. Martin and Ald..Swayze that the communication be re- ceived and referred to the Reoreatic~ & Protection Committee and the City )Inhaler with power to act, takinl into consideration consents of Aldermen MacBain ag j_n~, is:- will tooflay he !aid for the use of the ~rounds; an~ the fact that the reques~ would cover a lario4 Of nearl~ one month. 205. No.29B - W.B.E.N. Inc. - Advising that "0 Canada" will be aired on July 1st, Dominion Day. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacBain and Aid. Johns that the communication be received and filed and letter of appreciation be sent to the Radio Station. No. 294 - Rotex Limited - Date of July 6th, 1966 suggested for Niagara Falls Tartan Press Reception. It was indicated that this matter would he considered along with the Report of the Centennial Cnm~tttee. (No. 529) SEE By-law No. 7129 No. 295 - The Ontario Ma~istrates' Association - Appreciation for contribution towards Convention Luncheon. O~ on the motion of Ald. Johns and Aid. Mltchelson that the camm,mication he received and filed.. No. ~96 - C~ittee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing - Stemford Green Investments Ltd. ApplicatiOn. No. 297 - C~'"mittee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing - Frank BoJdak Application. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. G. Maxtin and Aid. Swayze that the ccmmunications be received and filed. No. 522 - Recreation & Protection C~.m. ittee - Recn~:~ending that letter from Boy Scouts of Canada (Niagara District CounciL) be read and filed. (The letter from the Boy Scouts Association indicated appreciation for the use of Badsn-Powell Park) o 01~ on the motion of Aid. 'F. Martin and Aid. Rearss that the Report and cem- munication be received and filed and copy of c~"",Anication sent to Farks Depament. No. 523 - City Manager - Rec_~m.ending that four 4 font, 2 tube, HO Fluorascent fixtures be installed on Freeman Street at Dorchester Road. O~r~ on the motion of Aid. ~wa~e and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. No. 524 - a. A. Mcl~ra, Chief Operator, Pollution Control Plant - Report on Ontario Ymdustrial Waste Conference. O1~ on the motion of Aid. Rearss and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and tabled for one week for perusal of Council. No. 52~ - Fin~mce Ccs~ittee - Reccmzending that City. Solicitor be authorized to revise the E. S. Fox Deed in accordance with the request of Fox Holding Ltd. and the By-law authorizing the transaction be amended accordingly. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Nitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be ra- ceived and adopted. No. 5~6 - Ftn_a-ce C_~en4ttee - Meeting with Officials of Greater Niagara General Hospital; and rec~m.~'nding that the mount of $~O0,000.00 remain in the 1967 Capital Budget for hospital purposes and that the Board of Directors of the Hospital be notified of Council's intention, but they be adwised not to interpret this as absolute assurance that funds will he available since the approval of both the 1967 Council and The Ontario ~,nteipal Board must be obtained. ~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson sa4 Aid. F. Martin that the Report be received' and adopted. No. 5~ - Finance Ccsmtttee - Reccemending approval of accounts for period ending · one 27th, 1~. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. F. MArtin that .the Repor~ be received and adopted. No. ~8 - Property Ccami~tee - Reecaaendin~ that Mr. L. Levine he notified that the City is not pral~AQd to pay any rent in respect of any use made of his property by the public and that he is at liberty to take such steps as he ma~ see fit to prevent users of the parking let from drivin~ over his property. OI~EF~D on the aOti~n Of Aid. Scott and AId. G. Mar~in that the Report be received and adopted, No. 529 - Centennial Ccannittee - Recomm&nding the adoption of the Agre~-ment between Rotex Limited and the City, and by-law to authorize execution of Agreement, and second By-law to adopt Official Niagara Falls Tartan. ORESRED on the motion of Ald.Johns and ~/d. Swayze that Come. 29~ and Report 529 be considered with By-law No. 7/29. By-law No. 7129 No. 530 - Centennial C.-~.~tttee - Letter frc~ H. G. Acres & Co. Ltd. as progress report on obtaining a Sculptor for the Centennial Square. Mr. R. Peganni of Acres was present at the meeting. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. ~earss and Ald. F. Martin that Mr. Pegannt be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Pe~--I advised that a maximum ~,nount of $20,000.00 had been set up to cover the cost of the sculpture, and included all expenses pertaining thereto. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Aid. Mltchelson that the Report be 'received and filed and Mr. Pe~annt be thanked for his attendance at the meeting. No. 531 - Ccemittee of Adjustment - Decisions on Applications of H.E.P.C. of Ontario, E. Bosco; B. & S. Korean; B. & M. DJonovich. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be received and filed and Mr. Peganni be tb--ked for his attendance at the meeting. No. 531 - Ccmnittee of Adjustment - Decisions on Applications of H.E.P.C. of Ontario, E. Bosco; B. & S. Korten; B. & M. DJonovtch. OREg~ED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Aid. Scott that the Report be received and filed. No. 532 - Public Works C-wm~ttee - Recoemending that the proposal of the Canadian Marconl Ccfipany be accepted for the updating of City radio equtl~aent, at a monthly rental purchase agreement of $9e7.00, on a 5 year betels. OREg~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the 'Report be received - and adopted. No. 553 - Public Works C~tttee - Recommending that original tender for new equip- ment be extended to include the additional purchase of a compact car from Victoria Motors, at a unit cost of $2,338.35. OPag~ED on the motion of Aid. G. Mar~in and Aid. Bearss that the Report he received and adopted. SE~ Resolution No. 91 No. 534 - Public Works C,~,,ittee - Disposal of International TD 20 I~,11 clam and recom- mending that this equil~nent be advertised for sale, and that sealed tenders 'be re- ceived by Council until 12 noc~, JulW 18th, 1966. ~ on the motion of Ald. O. Martin and Aid. Bearss that the Repor~ be received and adopted. No. ~35 - Acting City CLerk - Reccemending ~ranting of Municipal Licenoes. OREgR~D on the motion of Aid. ~Vze and AI~. ~ohns that .the Report ~e received, adopted, and licences ~-~nted. ~- ~SOL~TION8 No. 89 - GF~RY - F. MARTIN - ~gOLV~D that Alderman F. Philip Downie be appointed Acting Ma~vor during the baserice Of His Worship Ma~or Rei~han; and. the SeAl of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimonal,v No. 90 - G~EGORY - F. MAI~IN - ~20LVE that . message of condolence be forwarded the family of the late ,~oseph Samuel R.osiena; an~ the Seal of the. Corpox~tion be hex%to affixed. CXrrled UasnisousLy No. 91 - G..MA~TIN - 18Mt888 - It~8OL~D that the oriSinal tender for mew equipsent ~e extended to include the additional purchase ~f. ccalm~t ear frca Victoria Motors, at t uni~ cost of $2,3~8,~ an4 the~ 2eel ,of the, Corpom~.i~ be hereto affixed. One Way System on Stanley Avenue and Buchanan Avenue Aid. G. Martin requested the Recreation & Protection Ccmnnittee to check the one-way system now in existence on Stanley and Buchanan Avenues, and the traffic control system on Victoria Avenue and Ferry Street, and to report to Council as to their findings on whether the C,-;-~Lttee feel the system is working satis- factorily. Railway Crossing at Dorchester Road near entrance to Firemanms Park. Alderman Scott requested the Recreation & Protection Cnmmittee to consider the hazards that exist at the Railway Crossing on Dorchester Road near the entrance to the Firem-~'s Park. It was indicated that Members of the Firemen's Association did direct traffic at this location at certain times. Transformer Station at Rainbow Dairies Aldermen Johns stated that the Transformer Station to the south of the Rainbow Dairies parking lot was very low ~,a constituted a hazard to children. He asked that this matter be referred to the Niagara Falls Hydro Cnmmission for their consideration. Discount Date for Payment of Hydro Bills Alderm,n ~ohns referred to the discount date for l~vdro accounts of June 29th, 'and stated that since the majority of residents are lmid at the end of June, that the Bydro Cc~nission should have taken this matter into consideration. Remission granted to Alderm~- Downie to be absent from 3 Council Meetints It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Gregory and Alderman F. Martin that Alderman F. Philip Downie be granted permission to be absent for the next three Council Meetings. progr~ww-~ to combat destructive action of Europeal Chalet Alderman Gregory advised he had received phone calls for residents con- carried with the condition of lawns, and queried what action could be taken to com- bat this problem. It was indicated that the Federal Department of Agriculture had made a study of the situation and had made recc~mendations concerning the control of this insect. If'was noted that copies of the booklet prepared by the Department wee available from the local office in the City. : Use of Corps volunteers re: parking restrictions on Victoria Avenue. Acting Mayor F. P. Downte advised that with regard to parking restrictions on Victoria Avenun, it had been determined that the Police Department are short of Staff, and it had been s;,~_..~ested that Corps Members could undertake the Job of issuin~ tickets for parking violations. It was indicated that the Recreation & Protection Ccemittee could take this suggestion under advisement and investigate the advisability of hiring personnel for this particular work, .Niagara Teen Town Group Acting Mayor F. P. 'Downie advised that Ian Gre&ves and Lee Kirkby had visited the Mayor's Office in respect to the formation of the Niagara Teen Town. This new ~roup had been formed to provide entert.4nm~ut for the teena~ers of the City, and any profits realized free functions would be donated to local charities; The first dance of the group would he held at the ~nion Centre on Thursday, June 30th, 1966~ Any teenager who is a student would be granted free admission upon pro- ducing a studantes card. The youths had advised the Acting M~Wor that an adver- tisement in the local p~ess concerning the June 30~h Dance would he published. Acting Mayor EoWnie had advised the youths that he would pay the cost of the ad in the amount of $7.~0, if no other sponsors could be found. Members of Council indicated that such · venture should be given every encouragement ~ Council, and it was sugared thN the Acting M~Vor and his wife represent the City It the first function, ,+ i ~o~, ~o8, M-lAWS No. 7129 - A By-law to authorize an Agreement with Rotex Limited. City Solicitor H. R. Young was present at the Council Meetira9 to present any explanations to Council in respect to the provisions in the Agreement. The following suggestions for amendments to the Agreement were presented: (a) Page 2, Section 2 (d) (ii) - Grant any sub-licences to others to apply The Ta~can to any artic.le, unless and until THE ML~rICIPALITY has given its approval =in writing" to the application of The Tartan to such article, provided that such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. (b) That · provision be made in the agreement to stipulate that the royalty for Rotex shall not exceed 5%. (c_~ That section 8 he divided into two parts: (a) Default; (b) Bankruptcy. The City 8olicitor stated that an additional provision could also be added to the effect that Rotex agrees to incorporate · provision in each sub-license that in the event of Rotex becnming bankrupt that the royalties payable under each sub licence would then be paid to the City and not to Rotex or its assignees. (d) The possibility of having copies of all agreements between Rotex and their sub- licencees co~e to the City is to be looked into. It was indicated that the suggested changes to the Agreement would be referred to the Rotex I princil~ls, and in the Case they Were not prepared to accept the changes, the . Agreement would, of necessity, have to he referred back to Council. By-law No. 7129 - A By-law to authorize an Agreement with Rotex T.~mited. OHE~ on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Bearss that Ald. Gregory be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. This motion was carried with the following vote: A~: Aldermen Swayze, Scott, Gregory, Mitchelson, F. Mar~in, MacBain, Rearss. Nays: Aldermen G. Martin and OR~ on the motion of Aldersan Gregory and Alderman MacBain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tem!~rerily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading, ~ith the proposed amendments as substed, and if Rotex Limited do not a~ree to the amendments, the By-law would not be effective and will be referred This motion was carried with the follows__·_8 vote: Aye: ~.ldermen Scott, Gregory, ltchelson, F. Martin, MacBain, Bearss. Nays: Aldexlnen ~wa~ze, G- Martin, Johns. ?hird Rea~n~ - Alderman F. Martin.~nd Alderman Bearss. This motion was Carried with the followin~ vote: ~ve: Alderaden Scott, Gregory, )(itchelson, F. Martin, MacBain, Bearss. ...~eS Aldermen 5wa~ze, 'G. Martin, Johns. O~ on the motion of Ald. Oregory and Ald. Merlin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law given the second reading. This motion was carried with the following vote: Aye: Aldermen Scott, Gregory, Mitchelson, MacEsin, F. Martin, Dearss. Nays: Aldermen Swayze, O. Martin, Johns. Third Reading - Alderman F. Martin and Alderman Bearss. This motion was carried with the following vote: Aye: Aldermen Scott, Gregory, Mitchelson, Macl~ain, F. Martin, Rearss. Na~e: Aldermen Swayze, O. Martin, Johns. No. 7131 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Niagara Falls and Su~a~rban Area Official Plan. (Amendment No. 27 I - Klein property, Sinnicks Ave. ) OHI]ERED on the motion of Aid. SwaFze and Ald. MacBain that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law he given the first reading.- Carried Unanimously. 01QIERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Aid. Jchns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council ha temporarily suspended and the By-law given the second readix~. This motion was carried with the fOllO~Hn8 vote: ~ve: Aldermen Swayze, G- Martin, Mitchelson, F. Martin, MacRein, Bearss, Johns. Na~e: Aldermen Scott and Gregory. Third Reading - Alderman O. Martin and Aldem Swayze. This motion Was carried with the following vote: Ave: Aldexmman 8wayze, O. Martim, )ditchelson, F. Martin, ~acBain, Rearss, Johns. Na~e: Aldex~w~n Scott and Gregory. No. 71~2 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between Drops Paving & Constr~ction Limited and The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. (Asl~alt pavement on streets in the City. ) 01~ on the motion of Ald. Rearss and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. O. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OP~ on the motion of Ald. O. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule -'-36 (2)-of .the .Standing Rules of Council be .temporarily .suspended.and .the .By-law given the second readi~. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. 1{o. 713~ - A By-law to amend By-law No. 6~90, 19~6 ~ich authorized the sale Of Lots Nos. 50 to ~ inclusive, Registered Plan No. 160 to E. S. Fox Llwdted. OP~ on the motion of Ald. Johas and Ald. MacRein that Ald. M~itchelson he granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law ~e given the first reading. Ca~i~Aed Unanimously. Cosms. No. ~ - Rotex Limited - Date of Jul~ ~th, l~d6 suggested for Niagara Falls ~rtan Press Reception. ORE~ on the motion of Aideman Oregory 8~d Alderman MadBain that the communiCation ' be veeeived and His Worship )~or ieighan be asked to sake the necessary arren(e- rants after the J~reement has been signed. This motion was carried with the follow- ~ : ORENI{D on the motion of Aid. MAtchelson and Ald. ){acBain that Rule i~ vote: A~: Aldemn Scott, Gre2oxT, )dito-h-*_!son,- F. Martin, )decBalm, Rearss. ~6 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be ten~porer~ly suspended and .the By-law between ~otex I~tmited and the City, and By-laws to authorize execution Of Agreement, . and second b~-law to adopt ~fLolal-llia~ l~alls ~rtan. No. 713~ - A By-law to appoint Jack Leroy Coll! on, City Clerk. ~is Report ~ms filed. ~ ' ' ' ~ : motion fAId MacBa sand Aid Scott th t Rule '~' ONE on the ~tion of ~d. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that Aid. No. 71~0. - A .By-law to adopt the Offielal Hia~are Falls ~A~an. MacBain be 2ranted the privilege of introducin~ the By-law and the By-law be given · the first read~-~. Carried Unanimously. Ol~ on ~he mao~ion Of AId. MaoBain an4 AId. F. liartin t~t Aid. Gregory a 6 Iranted the lrrivileSm of lntroduc ne the By-law and the By-law be Riven the first 01~ on the o · . 3 ( ) 210 · No. 713} - A By-law to amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. (Ferry Street and Victoria Avenue. OA~mu~D on the motion of Ald. aitchelson and Ald. Johns that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law ~e given the first reading. Carried UnanimOUSly. OI~I~I~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that Rul4 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law as ~w~nded be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading as amended. - Alderman Bearss and Alde~mn F. Martin.- Carried Unan- imously. Note: It was indicated that the By-law would be Rm~uded by changing "west" side to north-westerly" in respect to the last .section outlined in the By-law. No. 7136 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($117,141-.~7.) 0P~D on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Aid. Gregory that Alderm~n Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law ha given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. MitchelsoU and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Stand~,E Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Alderman Gregory and Alderman F. MaxT~in. Council adjourned to C_~="ittee of the Whole on the motion-of Ald. G. Martin and. Aid. Swayze. AND ADOPTED, July .~th, 1966. :.: , :i CClII1TIIE OF THE WHOII ;{; ',: .'; '!': , ' J.=e 27th, ~ ~ ~ C~eil ass~le{ ~ C2t~e of t~ ~o~ follwq the m~hr S ~:~[~- of Co~jl ~ on ~ 27th, 1~. AH k~rs of C~cil ~m present ~th the ~{ ~ . ex~i~ of ~s ~orship ~or R. F. bi~. AI~ 8c~t pmsi~d as · . , . It ~s o~md ~ t~ m~i~ of Ai~m G. ~ and AI~x ~chin that ; .;'" ~ C tree of t~ ~o~ a~se ~d mpo~ .to Co~ail in ms~at to the ~po~ " ~e hrs~el & ~2~iations C2tt~. :~ ~ ~ ~, July ~th, 1966. Acting Ma~or 211 · COb~ClL ~TING Council Chamber, June 27th, 1966. Following the Committee of the Whole Meeting on June 27th, 1966, Council convened in open session. All Members of Council were present with the excep- tion of His Worship Mayor R.. F. Keighan. Acting Mayor F. P. Do~nie presided. The following action was taken: Report 538 - Personnel & Negotiations C~mittee - Recommending that the weekly Stand-by pay of $10.00 for Duty Foremen he increased to $20.00 per week effective July ~th, 1~6. ORI~EED on the motion of Ald. ~. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report of the C~fmwittee be received and adopted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. MacBain that flowers be forwarded to the home of His Worship Mayor Keighan during ,his illness. At this point, it wes indicated that Mayor Keighan had been unable to attend the Ontario Mayors & Reeves Conference scheduled to ha held in Sarnia, but he had sent telegrams with regard to cex~ain of the resolutions which would be under dis- cussion, and had also contacted certain persons, one being Mayor Johnston of Catharines, to speak on his behalf on certain matters. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. F. Martin that the meeting adjourn. EEADANDADOPTED, July 4th, 1966. '~t~ Clef . Acting Mayor i . S]2. El3. Council Chamber, July 4th, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Jul~ 4th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Coun- cil ware present with the exception of Aldermen Scott and Dewnie. His Worship Mayor H. F. Heighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Gregory and Alder- men Swayze that the Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on June 27th, 1966, be adopted as printed. ." DEEJTATIONS Mr. S. ~ahn, 2578 M~ntrose Road Mr. S. (~ah. was present at the Council Meeting and was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. 8wa3me. MAr. C~h- advised that the operator of waed cutting equipment, when cutting weeds in front of his residence at 2578 Montrose Bond had ccee onto his property, causing some a-m~ge to it. He re- quested that operators be advised not to drive their equipment on his property. A second matter Mr. ~ referred to was the condition of the ditch on the East side of Montrose Bond, immediately in front of his residence. He stated that the ditch was very deep at this particular-location, and requested that it be cleaned out to elim- inate the waed growth that existed. It was indicated that the matters referred to by Mr. ~ahn would be checked into by the City Engineer, who indicated that certain monies had been set aside in the 1966 Budget for improvements to the ditch on the East side of Montrose Road. UNFINISHED BUSINNS8 Report 524. -- Chief Operator, · P~llution Control. Plant -Hepor~ on attena~-ce- at. On .- tario Industrial Waste Conference, June 20th, Pa~k Motor Hotel. 0I~ on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. jnhns that the Report be received and filed. Coma. 145 - Niagara Parks Commission - Pedestrian access facilit~ to be located on Robinson Street - ~olly Cut. C~mm. 298 - Nia6ara Perks Commission - Querying conclusions machad by Council in respect to Functio--i Report. O~e~ED on the motion of Ald. J~ns and Aid. Mitchelson that a special ~raffic Report Meeting be held on ~aesdey, Jul~ 12th~ 1~66 at 7:00 p.m., and the communication from the Niagara Perks Caission be referred to this meeting. CC~e~N~CATIONS No. 299 - Mrs. Bathlean M. Elliott - 8u~stions re: Youth activities. ~ ~n the motion of Ald. Eaarss and Ald. MacBain that the communication be re- ceived and referred to the 8ocial,Plannin~ Council for their comments. Ea. - retto Aca h:use of akes Perk un2 th, October ~th or October O~E~ on the motion of Ald. F. M~rtin and Ald. Swa~ze that the c~.~nication be received an~ request ~x~nted. No. 301 - Niagara T~en Town - Expressin~ appreciation for Council support of Teen 0~ on the motion of AId. MacBain and Ald. F. Martin that the oaunication be received and filed, and letters of appreola~lon he sent to the Union Centre ~xecutive and persons involved in the venture. No. ~02 - Canadian Mental ~ealth Assoe. . ~xpx~s~_e appreolation for Council support on plane for reception for c~enin2 of ~hite Cress Centre. O~ on the motion of Aid. Gre2ox~ and AId. Bearss that the ccssaunieatic~ be onive~ and filed, an4 a C~ Offiolal he na~d b~ Ma~or Hei2han to work ou~ the necas- sax~ arx~nts in xespa~ to the Reception.. No. 303 - Greater Niagara Association for Mentally Retarded - Advising of future plans for C~,mity Residence to be built in City for Mentally Retarded. ORESi~I) on the motion of Ald. Rearas and Ald. Gregory that the cnmm,mication be received and referred to the Finance C~"m~ttee. No. 304 - Greater Niagara United Appeal - Advising of vote of acceptance of offer of City for portion of royalties on the sale of the Niagara Falls Tartan to be given to the United Appeal. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Rearss that the communication be received and filed. No. 305 - Board of ~ransport Cammissioners - Order advising of arrangements for improvements to Railway Crossing at Clifton Hill. ORIBI~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. No. 539 - City Manager - Advising that Rotex Limited has agreed to all areenChants to the Agreement bet~en their Capany and the Corporation, but that for clari- fication purposes, Schedule 'A" is to be attached to the Agreement to clarify the wares to which the Tartan might apply. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Rearss that the Report be received and filed. This motion was carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all other Members voting in favonr. No. 540 - City Manager - Recommending the attendance of the City Engineer, the Works Engineer and the Personnel Officer at the City Engineer' s Association Work- shop in Windsor, Dec. 1st and 2nd, 1966. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. MacBain and Ald. Dearss that the Report be received and adopted. No. 541 - Executive Assistant - Advising of Ontario Municipal Board Hearing re: Restricte~ Area By-law 7069. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Sway~-e and Ald. F. Martin that the Repox~, be received and filed. No. 542 - Alderman C. Swayze - Reporting on presentation of Brief by Select Com- mittee for Regional Control of Air POllution to Honourable Matthew B. Dymond, Minister of Health at Toronto. ORE~RED on the motion of Ald. 8waFze and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and filed. No. 543 - Finance Committee - Rec~w~nding approval of accounts. ~D on the motion of Ald. Mltchelsun and Ald. MacEnin that the Report be received and adopted. No. ~d+ _ Property Committee - Heccsaending that authority be granted t~ the neCes- sary Municipal O~ficials to proceed with the disposal of properties acquired through tax registration procedures, included in proposed advertisement. 01~ on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Aid. Bwayze that the Repor~ be re- ceived and adopted. · No. 5~5 - Propert~ Committee - Rec;--~nding that Amendment No. 27~ IPiscioneri) west side Stanley Avenue, be approved and necessary By-law passed. O~I~D on the motion of AId. G. Martin and Aid. -~wayze that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. No. 5~6 - Property Cceaittee - Hecaending that approval be granted to Neon Products of Canada Limited to erect a sign advertising Your Nost Motor Inn, in accordance with plans and speciri~ations submitted. O.R~ on the sotion of Aid. G. Max~in and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 547 - l~roper~Y Ccessittee - Hee~mending, that the application fron Neon · r~ducts of Canada Limited to place a sign advertisin2 the R.C.M.P. ~ibit at ~ ~ei~ T~T C~x ~ a~ ~ acco~nae with ~e p~ns ~d s~eifi~- ~ions s~tted. ~ ~ ~ a~i~ of Aid. G. ~ ~d Ald. J~s tha~ ~e ~po~ ~ mcel~d ~d No. 51~8 - l~Ablic Works C~mittee - Recc~nnending that a Registered letter be for- warded to Mr. Brao, the owner of property described as Lot 30, Registered plan 102, and that he be ordered to undertake the work previously agreed to on his property, and have it completed by August let, or action will be taken by the Municipality. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Q. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report, as amended, be adopted. No. 549 - Public Works C~x~aittee - Rec~wnending that a co~u~nication be forwarded to the Planning Board, suggesting that dovelol~ent of a proposed subdivision within Part T~p. Lots 178 and 187, south of McLeod Road, wast of Dorchester Road, is pre- mature at this ttm~. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Report be ceived and adopted. No. 550 - Pnblic Works Ccmmittee- Rect, m~ending that a Registered letter be forwar- ded to Mr. Brao, the owner of property described as Lot 30, Registered P!~ 102, and t~t he ~ o~d to ~e ~e work pmvi~s~ ag~ed to on his pro~y ~d M~ it c~pleted by A~st let, or action will ~ ~n by the ~ici~lity. 0~ on the m~ion of Ald. O. ~in and Ald. J~s t~t the ~po~, as ~n~d, ~ adored. No. 5~-9 - Public Works Ccsaittee - Rec~,~ending that a ccemunication be forwarded to the Planning Board, suggesting that develoI,,~nt of a proposed subdivision within .Fc. T~p. Lots 178 and 187, south of McLeod Road, west of Dorchester Road~ is pre- mature at this time. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Report he received and adol~ed. No. 550 - Public Works C~ittee - Rec~,~ending that the contract of Damore Bros. Ltd. for construction of watermains on Pettit Avenue and Cropp Street be extended to cover extension of 6" diameter water~ainm Dorchester Road for a distance of approx. 772 feet, and for extension of an 8" diameter watermain on ~arner Road noxth of Lund~'s Lane for a distance of approximately 600'feet. ORD~ on the motion of Aid. O.. Martin and Aid. Johns 'that the Repoxt be 'received and adopted. SEE Resolution 'No. 92 No. 551 - Bui]atng Inspector - Report of Permits issued during mon~th of June, 1966. 0I~E~ED on the motion of Aid. Johns and Aid. ~wayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 552 - Actin~ City Clark - Rec~nding the granting of Municipal Licenoes. ORE~D on the motion of Ald. SWayze and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be received, adopted, and licenoes ~ranted. ~0L~TION No. ~2 - G. MAEEIN - J0~NS - R~SOLW~D that the contract of n~more Bros. Ltd. for c~st~i~ of ~te~s on ~ttit A~n~ and C~ Steer ~ e~en~d to co~r e~ension of ~' dl~ter ~te~in on ~r~ester R~d for a ~stance of a~r~te~ ~ W2 feet, ~d for e~nsion of ~ 8" ~ater ~te~ on ~mer R~d noah of L~'s ~e for a ~stuce of a~rox4mte~ ~ feet; and the ~al of 'the Co~tion ~ he~$o ~d. ~rried ~ous~. sczn sous Meettn~ to consider Acres Civic Ccaplex Report. His Worship Ma~or ~ei2han advised that Members of Council had previousl~ been supplied with copies of the Acres Rel~rt on the proposed Civic Ccaplex, and that it had been indicated that this matter wo~ld be considered at a special meeting. It was ordered Ca the mo~iCa of Aid. F. Mar~in and AId. SwaFae that the Civic Ccaplax Repox~ prepared by Acres ha oCasidered b~ Council at a special meetin2 to be held Ca Complaints received re: Noise fr~n Helicopters Alderman F. Martin advised that he had received several ccmplaints from residents in the Rosedale Drive area concerning the noise from low flying helicopters. The City Manager advised, at this time, that he had also received several cells concerning this matter, and stated he was making a study of the situation and would be making a report to Council on the matter in the near future. Speeding on one-way streets, Drummond Road and Portage, Road. Alderman F. Martin advised that he received complaints concerning the speeding of motorcyclas on the one-way sections of D~,mmond Road and Portage Road. It was indicated that this matter would be referred to the Police Department. Parking ~f Tractor Trailars on Bridge Street and Clifton Avenue. Aidam F. Martin stated that he had noticed that many tractor trailers were parked along Bridge Street and Clifton Avenue. It was indicated that this matter would be referred to. the Recreation & Protection C~mmittee for investi- gation. Painting of streets in vicinity of Valley Way and Fourth Avenue. Aldemsn Swayze referred to the need for painting of streets in the vicinity of Valley Way and Fourth Avenue, perticularly for children travelling to the Municipal sw~mm~pg pool. It was. indicated that this work was scheduled for the current week. Regulations prohibiting picketing within the City limits. Alderman Gregory referred to a group of persons who had contemplated picketing in Queen Victorin Park, but who ware discouraged from doing so by the . regulations contained in a ByOlaw of the Niagara Parks Commission, which would be tested in the Court by the group. Aldeman Gregory queried if some type of leg- islation existed in the City in the event of picketing by a similar. group. It was indicated that a check would be made to determine the existence of any such restrictions. Complaint froa Officials of Church on Temperance Avenue Alderman ~ohns advised that he had received a complaint from Officials of the Church ~n Temperance Avenue concerning the Car Wash premises, and complain- ing about the water i~rom this business running down the street. It was indicated that this matter had been previously under consideration by the Recreation & Pro- tection C~w~lttee a~d had been finalized. The City Engineer advised that an spe'ctor from the Engineering Repertment would be requested to check into the sit- uation and a report would be made to the Recreation & Protection C~mittee. Civic Beautifioatioa Ccsaittee Project. Alderman Bearss reported on a project of the Civic Beautification Corn- ' airtee, to have stickers affixed to all Borden Ccmpany milk bottles urging residents in the City ~o support Project Trillion by keeping the City beautiful. Approximately 10,000 stickers will be used, and in addition to the City of Niagara Falls, they will also be applied to milk bottles for Thorold and St. Ca~harines. Noise from Seagram Tower amusement facilities His Worship Ma~or Kei~han remarked On the increase of noise emanating fr~a the Seagram T~er amusesent facilities. Xt was indicated that the Recreation and Pro~eotion Coeaittee would check into the matter and review the. agreement with the Sea~Tam T~r Officials. Alderman SwaFze also indicated that he had notice~ a Band pla~in~ in the same vicinity, and the music emanatin~ therefree was also vex7 loud. Reception re: Press Release on Niagara Falls Tartan His Worship Mayor Keighan stated that since the City Officials and princilmls of Rotex TAmited would now he signing the Agreement in respect to the Niagara Fails Tartan, arrangements could be ccmpleted for the Official Reception at which time the News release would be made. Re stated that a tentative date of July 6bh had been mentioned, but this would be confirmed by Tuesday, July 5th. No. 7137 - A By-law to provide for the 1966 Suppl;.~utary Expenditures on Roads or Streets in the City of Niagara Falls, in the County of Wellend. ORDEI~ on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. MacBain that Aid. O- Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-lew and the By-lew be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OR~RED on the motion of Ald. O. Martin and Ald. Johns that Rule B6 (a) of the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the l~-lew be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Bearss and Ald. Mttchelson. Carried Unanimously. No. 7138 - A By-lew to provide for the adoption of an ~m~ndment to the Nlagare Falls and Suburban Area Official Plen. (Amendment No. 27J - Piscioneri, West side Stanley Ave. ) ORDEtu~ on the motion of Ald. Rearss and Ald. Mttchelson that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-lew and the I~-law be given the first reading. Curried Unanimously. ~ on the motion of Ald. O. Martin and Ald. MaeBain that Rule 36 (2) o~ the Standing Rules of Council be temporerily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. F. Martin and Aid. Mttehelson. Carried Unanimously. No. 7139 - A By-lew to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between Stam- ford Orean Investments tdm~ted and the Corporaticm of the City of Niagara Falls. (Pt. Twp. Lot 61, south side HugEIns Street). 0RE~rd~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Aid. 0. Martin he granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-lew be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. : ~ on the motion of Ald. O. Martin and Aid. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the 5~;anding Rules of Council be tem1~orarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unan~xouslF. Third Reading -Ald. 8wayze and Ald. johns. Carried Unantmous3,W. No. 71~0 - A By-law to provide monies for general Imxposes($713,9~2.18) O!$BI~D an the motion of Aid. Oregor~ and AId. MacBain that Ald. I~ttchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ~ on the motion of Ald. NAtehelson and Ald. F. Martin that Rule 36 of the Standtrig lbAles of Council be teapomril~ suspended and the By-law be given the second readAng. Carried Unantaousl~. t'nlrd !badtng - AId. gregory and Ale. Madsin. Carried UnanJaously. 217. Council adjourned to Cnmmittee of the Whole on the motion of Aid. MacBain and Ald. Mitchelson. AND ADOPTED, July llth, 1966. , . er . . ~'ff~"~ Mayor CC~Ar,~ OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, July 4th, 1966. Council assembled in C<=~tttee of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council held on July 4th, 1966. All Hemhers of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen Scott and Downle. Alderman Gregory presided as Chair- It was ordered on the motion of Alderman MacRein and Alderman Swayze that the C_~tttee of the Whole arise without reporting to Council. I~EAD AND ADOrA'~, July llth, 1966. COUNCIL I~mA~,,ING Council Chamber, July 4th, 1966. Following the C,:~;;;tttee of the Whole Meeting on July 4th, 1966, Council convened. in- open session.. All Members of Council, were- present- with. the. exception. - of Aldermen Scott and Downie. His Worship Mayor R. F. Eeighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Swayze that the Meeting adjourn. READ AND ADOF.'Es, July llth, 1966. 19 · THIRTY-FIRST ~e~TING Council Chamber, July llth, 1966· Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, July llth, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Downie. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacBain that the Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on July 4th, 1966, be adopted as printed. DEPUTATION MAr. L. Levine Mr. L. Levine was present at the CouncilMeetingandwas granted pennis-:,- sionto address Council on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze. Mr.- Eevine referred to a lane at the rear of his property on Queen Street, which was being used by the Public. MAr. Iavine stated he felt he was entitled to receive l~rking acc~m. odation, or a reduction in his assessment to compensate for the use being made of his property. MAr. Levine stated that he did not wish to fence the property in question. He also stated that he had never given any permission for anyperson to travel over the propelty. The Report of the Property Cc~mittee, which was adopted by Council at the meeting of June 27th, was then read. The Report rec- ~mn~nded that Mr. Iavine be notified that the City is not prepared to pay any rent in respect of anyuse made of his property bythe public and that he is at liberty to take such steps as he may see fit to prevent users of the parking lot from driving over his property. Mr. Levine was advised that he was free to take what. ever action he deemed necessary in connection with his property. C0~CATIONS No. 306 - Royal Canadian Legion, Gen. Sikorski Branch - Cammemoration of Warrior's Day - August 7th, and requesting permission to fly Polish flag at the City Hall on August 6th. ORESPeD on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Bearss that the comnunisatlon be received and filed and request granted. No. 307 - Downtown Businessmen's Association - Requesting permission to hold Sidewalk Sale on .August 13th, 1966. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Gregory that the ccmnunication be received and permission Embed. No. 308 - City of Welland - Resolutio~ peltaining to citizens coming to aid of law enforcement officers. OEIBEgD on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Gregory that the c3mnunisation be received and referTed to the City Solicitor for Report. No. 309 - Welland & District Health Unit - Condemning of premises at 1965 Main St. leo. 310 - Welland & District Health Unit - Cons~mning of premises at 835 Erie Ave. O~I~D on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Ald. Johns that the cc~muntcetton be received and referred to the Property Commnittee for consideration. No. 311 - Department of Transport - Establishment of pexmanent Traffic Count ~tations in Niagara Falls. O~21~D on the sotion of Aid. G. Nartin and Aid. ~wayze that the c""munication be received and the City Manager meet with the Officials of the Department on August ~h, and report to the Recreation & Protection Committee for their consideration. !o. 312 - Ccemaittee of Ad~untaent - Notice of Reax~ - Detlor Application. No. 313 ' Ccmmaittee of Adjustment - lotice of Rearin~ - 2wart Application. No. 31~ - Ccmaittee of Adjustment - Notice c~ HearinS - Fedox~cz Application° ' No. 315 - ~m~ttee of AdJustment - Notice of Hearing - Haigb Application, OF~N~2D on ~he motion of Ald. 2wa~ze an~ Aid. ,8co$t ,that the cmunlcatiom be received. an~ filed. ~20 · No. 554 - Centennial C,-,-. Lttee - RecP~m~nding awardt~ of Tender for Centennial Square to Tureskt Construction Company. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Bearss that the Repox~ be received and the base tender of Tureskt Construction Co., St. Catharines, in the amount of $117,350.00 be accepted for the construction of the Centennial Square. (Aid. MacEsin was excused from voting on thls matter). SEE Resolution No., 93. No. 555 - Desi6n & Construction Engineer - Supply of two pumps and motors for Lundy's Lane Pumping Statics, and reccemending that the quotation of Worthington (Canada) Ltd. in the amount of $6,52~.00 be accepted, and that an order be placed with this company as soon as possible; and that Tel-Con Controls Ltd. be requested to supply the necessary control equilment for the bubbler system, motors, etc,. in a central control panel at the quoted price of $4,500.00; and that the Orders will' stipulate a guaranteed delivery date of 1~ weeks. ORnR~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Mar~in and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adol~ed; SEE Resolution No. 9~ No. 556 - City Manager - Rec~m.~nding attendance of Fire Chief Wade at Conference of Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs in St. jahn, New Brunswick, August 29th to September 1st. ORDEreD on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all other members in fa your. No. 557 - City Manager - Recremending the installation of five, 4 font, 2 tube, H. O. Flucrescent fixtures on portion of Robinson ~eet from Clark Street to the easterly ]4m~t of the street. OB~u~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Aid. ~wayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 558 - C.=~attee of Adjustment - Ontario Municipal Board Rearin8 on appeal of' Mrs. Lena ~askowski from a decision of the C,~-,,- Lttee of Adjustment. ORI~A~E~ on the motion of Ald. Mltchelsnn and Ald. Scott that the ~Report be received and filed. No. 559 - C.-;-;;lttee of Adjustment - Final decisions on Applications of O. L. Hodgson and River Realty Development Ltd. OREgRED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. SCOtt that the Repoxt be received and filed. No. 560 - "Property' Cczmtttee - Rec~A~ending the adoption of a policy requiring a mintmu~ of lO0 feet street frontage for all proposed motel sites and a minimum n~mber of t~lve mo~el units per establishment. ORI~RED on the motion of Aid. Scott an~ Aid. 8wayze that the Repor~ he received and adopted. [ No. ~61 - ~ rty Coattree - Recommending that Application AM-iT6, M. RUta, to re-zone Lots ~7 and 42, Plan 653, Perry and Spring Streets, be not approved. ' ~ on the motion of Ald. Scott a~d Aid. ~ that the Report be received and adopted. No. 5~2 - Px'~rty Committee - Reocemending the approval of Amendment Application AM~lS0, Victoria Notors Limited, Pert of Twp. Lot 90, East side of Drmlaond Road, south side Perkins Street, sub~eot ' to applicant entering into an additional site plan a~reemnt including a site plan. (Eg~D on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 5~ - Reeree, tlon & ProteCtion 0mittee - ReCommendations - interseutt~ of Clt~ton Mill' and Falls Avenue. OR~I~D o~ "~he motion of AId. G. Martin and AId.' ~ns ~hat the ~epor~ be referred back to the Recreation · Protection CosmiCtee for.further ounstdemtion. ~is action ~as ear~ted with the following vote: Aye: Aldemen Scott, G. Martin~ idms, Scares, MaeBain. ~ Aidemen ~syse, Gregory, Mitehelsun, F. Martin: No. 564 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Recommending that stop sign be erected facing traffic on Peer I~e at its intersection with Stanley Avenue. OI~)EEED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 565 - Recreation & Protection C~ittee - Recommending the supply and erection Of fencing, running strip and backstop be awarded to Frost Steel & Wire Ltd. for Valour Park, O~kes Park and Ontario Avenue Park, at the prices quoted. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 95 No. 566 - Recreation & Protection Cnm~tttee - Reco~uending that the quotation of Atlas Copco "Cobre" Model DBM45L at $856.80 be accepted for Rock Drill and Breaker. ORDER on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 96 ' No. 567 - Recreation & Protection C~,m.4ttee - Recnmmending that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to invite quotations for supply of traffic control st~.-l equipment for intersection of Royal Manor Drive and Lundy's Lane. O~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report he re- ceived and adopted. No. 568 - Recreation & Protection Ccmxnittee - Recommending that the Committee be authorized to meet with representatives of the Niagara Falls Bridge and the Niagara Parks C ....... ~ssion to discuss possibility of having tractor trailer trucks which require the transfer of goods, routed to the Queenston Bridge, to eliminate parking on Bridge Street - River Road area. O~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Rearss that the Report be received and adopted. No. 569 - Centennial Ca~wnittee (on behalf of Public Works Ccmmnittee} - Recommend- ing that Tender for Truck Chassis for a sander be awarded to Victoria Motors for the supply of an F 800 truck chassis, being the lowest tender that meet~ the specifications. ORRERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 97 No..570 - Public Works Committee - Proposed re-construction Lundy's Lane from lY~m..ond Road to Main Street as connecting link agreement, and reccemending that the firm of H. G. Acres & CemlmnY Ltd. be enSaged as Consultants for the project. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. ~. Martin and Ald. Rearss that the Report be received and adopted. No. 571 - Railroad Re-location Ccemittee - Advising that reply is being prepared to submission made to the Board of Transport Cc~issioners by New York Central, which will be presented in draft to the members of Council. OB/~BED on the mOtion of Ald. Raarss and Aid. Johns that the Report he .received. and filed. : No. 572 - Finnnee Ccmntttee - Recommending approval of accounts. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and AId. F. Martin that the Report be received and adopted. No. ~73 - Butldin~ Inspector - Building l~rmits issued for Cfmm~rcial Buildings during week endin~ Jul~ 9th, 1966. 0B/~E on the mOtion of Ald. J~ns and Ald. 8m~vze that the Report be received and filed. No. 57k' - Aching City 01erk - Raocesendin~ g~antlng of Municipal Licenoes. ~ on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and AId. Swayze ~hat ~he ~po~ ~ ~l~d, ado~a, ~d lt~naes ~esti~onial ~inner His Worship Mayor Keighan advised that a Testimonial Dinner would be held by the Police Association on ~ursday, July 14th at 6:30 p.m. at the Oakes ])rive Restaurant in honour of the retirement of Chaplain, Pather Reynolds. Stud}, of different types of signs in the City directing traffic to the Falls. Alderman Johns referAed to the variety of signs in different locations of the City, directing traffic to the Falls. It was indicated by Ald. F. Martin that a study on such signs was being made by the Recreation & l~rotection C~"m~ttee. Loitering problem at Centre Area Alder~-~ Swayze stated he had received complaints frcm businessmen in the centre area in respect to the loitering problem. His Worship Mayor Yaighan indicated that he would inform the Police Commission of these complaints. Visit to City of Clerk-Treasurer of Aukland, New Zealand Alderman Mitchelson advised that the Clerk-TTeasurer of the City of Aukland, New Zealand, had visited 'the City on the previous week end. He had been conducted on a tour of the City by the Acting Clerk, Mr. Collinson. His Worship Mayor Keighan, on behalf of the City, expressed appreciation to M~. Collinson for the hospitality he extended on behalf of the City of Niagara Falls to the visiting official. BESOLDTIONS No. 93 - GBE~ORY -BEARSS -RESOLVED that the Base Tender of Tureski Construction Co., St. Catharines, in the emount of $117,3~0.00 be accelfoed for the construction of the Centennial Square; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. (Ald. MacBaiawas excused frc~voting on this matter.) Carried No. 94 - O. MaRTIN - JOHNS - I~ESOLVED that the quotation of Wo.rphington (Canada) Ltd. in t~e amount of $6,524.00 be accepted for the supply of two 40 h.p. motors and two, five inch by eight inch pumps, including the. required shafting; and that Tel-Con Controls Ltd. be requested to supply the necessary control equi?.~nt for the bubbler system, motors, etc., in a cantml contreltanel at the quoted price of $4,200.00; and the Seal of the orporetionbe.hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 9~ - F. MA~N - BEARSS - I~SOLVED that the supply and erection of fencing, running strip and beckstop be a~arded to Frost Steel & Wire Ltd. at Valour Park, 0akes Fark and Ontario Avenue Park, at the prices of $2,7~3.72, $1,133..40 and $~8.0~, respectively; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carrled~Y~imously No. ~ - F. MAI~TIN - GLORY - t~SOLVED that the quotation of Atlas Copco be accep- ted for the stxpply of a Rock Drill and Breaker, Model I~L, Cobra, at 8896.80; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. ~7 - G; MAR~ - GI~..~.- l~0LVEthat the Tender for~aek Chassis for Sander be awarded to Victoria Motors for the supply of an F S00 ~ruck Chassis, at a pri~e Of $~,236.3~; and the Seal Of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. · 223. BY-LAWS No. 71~1 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($293,199.11) ORDEI~ED on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. Johns that Aid. Mltchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OREENED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. F. Martin and AId. Gregory. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Committee of the Whole on the motion of Aid. Johns and Ald. Scott. I~EAD ~ ADO~I'~), July 18th, 1966. · : Clerk .. - Mayor C~.'r,'~m OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, July llth, 1966. /Council assembled in C~mnittee of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council held on Ju/,V llth, 1966. AllMembers of Councilware present with the exception of Aldemn Downie and Scott. Aldem_- G. Martin presided as Chairman. It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Gregory and Alderman Swayze that the C-m, tttee of the WhOle arise and report to Council in respect to the matter referred to the Procedural By-law C.cmmittee, dealing with C~mmtttee of the Whole. I~DANDADO~, July 18th, 1966. T 225. THIRTY-SECOND MFa~rlNG Council Chamber, July leth, 1966, 7LO0 p.m. SEC~L MEET~G A Special Meeting of COuncil was held on Tuesday, July 12th, 1966, c~mnencing at 7:00 p.m. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Downie. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan p~esided. Mayor KeiSb-n advised that the meeting had been called to further consider the FunctiOnal Plannin~ Report of DeLeuw Cather and C~npany on proposed roadways. Mayor Keighan called upon Mr. C. H. Eidt, the City Engineer, to refresh the memories of those present on the proposals made by DeLeuw Cather and Company. The following explanation w~s then presented by the City Engineer in relation to the Charts contained in the Functional Planning Repoxt: Chart I - Stud~ Area - The second of this nature. The first stuc~ was undertP-k.~.n by H. G. Acres. The Acres repor~ indicated a very serious traffic problem in the area adjacent, and in Queen Victoria Park. The Report of DeLeuw Cather incorporates the H. G. Acres Report. The boundaries of the present Report are: The Village of Chipl~wa on the South, Niagara River on the Bast, St-m~ord Street area on the North, and the pro- posed Niagara FreawBy 'on 'the WeSt. .............................. Chart II - Basic proposals of study assuming Reilrond Undisturbed. The improvements to existing City streets marked in brown. The Niagara Freeway and Q.E.Way Extension marked in orange. Mr. Eidt explained the proposed Niagara Freeway together with en- trance and exit facilities from and to existing City streets. Chart III- Proposed ~arking facilities is:- Parkin~ Lots, Parkin6 Ramps, etc., and design of feeder roads to parking facilities. Chart IV - Overall plan showin~ feeder facilities to Q.V.Park and parking facilities Chart V - Proposal ass,,m4ng railroad re-located - showing the us% of the old railway right-of-way for roadway purposes. Use of old railroad right-of-way would postpone construction of Freeway for about ten years. The handling of traffic would be far easier if the rialroad was to be re-located. Item VI - Proposal for one-way traffic to provide adequate flow of traffic - Access fr~n freeways to study area. Item VII - Further access frc~ Free~ays to stud~ area. MAr. Eidt explained the pro- posed changes at the exit facilities at the Reinbow Bridge. I~em VIII - Access frem Study Area to Free~ays. Item IX - Access frc~ Study Area to Freeways Item X - Proposed ranovations to existing road patterns in Q.V.Park. AlSo outlined was the addition%l land (1.3 acres) required tO implement the proposed new road pattern in the Park area. Item XI' - EStimated costs' Of' Individual stages, together' With' total' overell. costs'. Mr. Eidt outlined the su~8~sted sts~ng Of the various ohan~es. Aldenan O. Martin reminded Council Members of the request frc~ the Department of Highways in 1962 that a ccaprahensiva traffic study be undertaken. He suggested that the City of Nia2ara Falls is not in a~ positic~ to proceed with an~ proposal until a ecamt~ment is received frca the Departsant of Hi2hwa~s, the Itagera Parks Cem- missiou, the New York Central Reilroed and the NiaSare Palls Bridge Cceissio~, and that rax~her action is restricted until a definite opinio~ has been received fr~a the aforessntioned bodies. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain, seconded by Aid. Mitchel- son that any member of the public wishing to speak be given the opportunity. Carried. Mr. Toth - U.SA Motel Mar. Toth outlined the problems created by one-way traffic on Stanley Avenue, and the loss of customers to his place of business during a recent period. He attributed the loss of business to partial one-way proposal now in effect. Alderman F. Martin advised that the Recreation & Protection Cnmmtttee is presently studying Mar. Toth's complaint. Mar. Toth asked that the directional sign at the intersection of Stanley Avenue and Murray Street pointing to the Falls be removed. Mar. T. Sacco Mr. Sacco requested information regarding the publicity given to the public meeting to discuss the proposed traffic proposal. His Worship l~yor Keighan informed Mar. Sacco of the notice given to the public via the Press. ,. ~ Mar. Eric Gengenbach Mr. Gengenbach appeared on behalf of residents in the Cherrywood Acres Subdivision. He congratulated Council on the energetic proposal but requested that the reilrnad re-location not be placed adjacent to the Cherrywood Acres Subdivision. In addition, the site for the proposed re-location of the railroad would be within several hundred yards of the addition to the new school. Mar. Burland - Honeymoon Motel Mar. Burand advised that the City of San Fransisco rejected ~ million dolars State aid for Freeways. He suggested that he be allowed to submit infor- mation that will be forthccming from San Fransisco regarding implenentation of freeway systems in that area. Mayor KeiEh~n suggested that Mar. Burland submit a cow of information frcm San Fransisco to the City Manager. Mar. E. J. Bielawski Mar. Bielawski stated that the basic problems were handling traffic Con- ditions on weekends and three months of the year. He queried the use to be made of the freeways for the balance of the year. He also questioned the design of the freeway for a 70 m.p.h. speed limit, and stated that entrance and exit facil- ities would prohibit such speed. Mar. Bielawski asked if the proposal took into consideration the increase in population of the City and the City Engineer replied that it did. Mr. Bielawski asked if expropriations were included in the overall costs, and Mr. Eidt replied that they were. Re also asked if many h~nes would be re-located for the proposal and Mar. Eidt advised that not too great a number of hcmes would be involved. Mr. Bielawski aslo asked if a study had ever been under- taken on the possibility of restricting traffic to the Park area, and whether final report was a s,,w~ry, or the c.~,plete report. Mar. R. English Mar. English expressed concern over the possible effect on his property on Hiram Street. The City Engineer outlined the proposal to re-route traffic froa the exit of the Rainbow Bridge under a scheme present3~. being considered by the Department of Highways. Alderman MacBain stated that the City of Niagara Falls must investigate · .thoroughly..the. implications of the Report,. t~rior to inp!~m~utation.. He- advised .. that the City, as well as the owners, has a great deal at stake and will do nothing to endanger the livelihood of property owners and business operators in the City. The inconvenience caused to visitors could vexy well result in a decline Of business. 226. '~' 227. Alderman Mttchelson stated that the fact that Acres and DeLeuw Cather were instructed to prepare a reporb was concrete evidence of the acknowledgemerit by Council that a definite problem exists. The problem facing the City was to now seek a solution to the problems verified by the Reports received. He stated that Council should adopt the Report in principle as step number one, and then proceed with Obtaining the views of those bodies involved. It was Ordered on the motion of Aid. G. Martin, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson that the Council of the City of Niagara Fells adopt in principle the Functional Planning Report as prepared by DeLeuw Cather and Company, and that the adoption will not preclude consideration'~ of requested changes from interested parties, and further, that the Niagara Parks C_~..mission, the Niagara Palls Bridge C-m. lssion, the New York Central Railroad, the Board of Railroad C,-.-~issioners, the Department of Highways, and the Provincial and Federal Governments be contacted regars~ng suit- able mutual financial arrangements being reached. Carried Unanimously. RESOL~TION No. 98 - G. MARTIN - MITOHEI~ON - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Fells adopt in principle the Functional Planning Report as prepared by DeLeuw Cather:and C~npany, and that the adoption will not preclude consideration of reques- ted changes from interested parties, and further, that the Niagara Parks Commission, the Niagara Falls Bridge C~mmission, the New York Central Railroad, the Board of Railroad C~mnissioners, the Department of Highways, and the Provincial and Federal Governments be contacted regarding suitable mutual financial arrangements being reached. Carried Unanimously. It was Ordered on the motion of AId. MacBain, seconded by Aid-. Johns that the Mayor be asked to appoint a special cosmittee to be known as the Traffic Report Co~.ittee consisting of the Mayor,'three members of Council, the City Manager, and the Engineer, and that this C~m. tttee be authorized to meet with the Department of High- ways of Ontario, the Bridge Ccemmission, the Niagara Parks C¢.mnission, the Beard of Railroad C~mmissioners, the Federal and Provincial ~overnments, the New York Central Railway, and any other agencies and bodies concerned, to determine how the costs of the implementation of the reccemendetions of the Traffic Report could be provided, and to ascertain if any such agencies have any objections to the present traffic-Report. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain, seconded byAld. G. Martin that the communication frumthe Niagara Parks Ccemission re: location of incline railway at Robinson Street, be referred to the special Traffic Repor~ C~!~ittee for their consideration. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. O. Martin, seconded by Ald. Gregory that Mr. M. T. Gray of the Niagara Parks C~=.Assion be notified of the. adolf~ion of the Report in principle, and that a special. committee has been set up to. deal.with the matter. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. 4. Martin, secoaded by .Ald. 8wayze that - a vote of thanks be extended to the City Engineer for his excellent presentation of the report. .. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. ~ayze and Ald.,~F. Martin that the meet- adjourn. ,. RFADANDADOPTED, Jul~ 25th, 1~66. THIRTY-THIRD MEETING Council Chamber, 18th July, 1966. EEOIfI_AR Mze~A'iNG Pursuant to adJourament, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, July 18th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Councilwere present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was or- dered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that the minutes of the meet- iD~ of Council held on ~uly llth, 1966, be adopted as printed. DEPUTATION Mr. Howard Mewburn of the Royal Coachman Motel, acting as spokesman for a group of businessmen in the Victoria Avenue-Ferry Street Area, was permitted to address Council, on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Faho Martin. ~ His Worship Mayor Keighan explained toM r. Mawburn that the rules of.pro-' eedure would allow him 15 minutes for his presentation. Mr. Mewburn proceeded to advise Council that the sign erected at Stanley Avenue and Ferry Street which directs traffic to the Falls View Area was causing much concern to the business people in the Stanley-Ferry area. He explained that the sign was diver~ing visitors to Falls View, thus resulting in a loss of business; that there are three outlets carrying traffic o~t of the City and one street bring- ing traffic into the City. Ald. FahoMartin, Chairman of the Recreation & Protection Committee, stated that it was not the intentntion to divert traffic up Stanley, but to show tourists that they could use either Stanley or Ferry Street to get to the Falls. Mr. Mew- burn was of the opinion that there should be equal diversion of traffic if the sign were taken off entirely, but, if two arrows were pieced there would net be equal distribution and that they would prefer the sign to be removed entirely. Mr. Mewburn queried whether there had been any indication that the white line would be moved hack to the centre of the road on FerryStreet and Ald. FahoMartin advised that it was considered inadvisable to do this, and if the white line was so moved, then parking Would definitely have to be eliminated on both sides of the street. His Worship Mayor Keighan advised that the same problem had been presented by a group of businessmen from the Falls View area, who had cempiained about the diversion of traffic away from their area bye sign which showed tourists the route to get to the Fells, and that the C.-,--itteewara preparing to make some changes in the signs in that area which will help to serve both businessmen and action would be taken to morrow. Ald. FahoMartin concluded that the sign aboutwhich the group represented by Mr. Mawburnwere objecting tow as not correct and would ha removed although consideration would have to be given to facilitate the moment of tourist traf- fic to the Fells. Mr. Bruce ~eaupit was then permitted to address Council on the motion of Ald. Dcwnie and Ald. 8wayze. He advised that hew as representing his own business -the WedgewoodMotelTours. 'He queried whether one would be allowed to erect a sign on a vacant lot without a building and advertise your business - exhibiting prices on the sign; and also whether a bus couldbe used as an office in connection with the sign. The City~ngineer advised that the only place where prices are forbidden to be displayed is on a tourist establishment sign. Most billboards are on vacant lots for which a permit can be obtained. Ald. Downie queried whether anyone could erect a sign on a vacant lot by Just making an application for such erection and referred to the fact that com- mercial enterprises must c~ly with the regulations of the By-law in order to erect a sign. ~e posed three questions - are the people required to get a permit; did they apply, and was the permit granted~ Mr. Beaupit asked how the public was to know about the permit when an application is made. When an application for a permit is made, is it advertised to the public. His Worship the Mayor advised that if the application did not con- form to theby-law, a permit would not be issued. Council directed that Mr. Heaupi~Ss ennuities be referred to the appro- priate Munioilml 0ffielals for repels. C0~CATIONS Laid over from a previous meeting: No. 277 - City of Galt - Resolution to petition Minister of Highways to repeal the reference to the latest Provincial equalizing factor in Section 71 of The Highway . Improvement Act. Repor~ Number 575 - City Manager - Rec.-,.i-endation that resolution be endorsed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. 6eorge Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be received and adopted and the resolution of the City of Galt be endorsed. The following C~m.,mications were presented: No. S16 - Lund$"s Lane Historical Society - Invitation to attend annual cnmmemora- rive services re: Battle of Lund~'s Lane, Sunday, July 24th at Drummond Hill. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Baarss that the invitation be received, addopted and as many as possible attend. Ald. Scott expressed the desire that as many members of the Historic Park Ca. wnittee m~e an effort to be present. - Alderman MacBain arrived at the meeting - No. S17 - Niagara Parks C~ission - opposed to changes proposed in Fonctional Report of DeLeuw, Cather & Company. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Mitch- elson that the c,'~anication be received and referred to the special c~tttee to be appointed to deal with this Report. Later in the evening, His Worehip Mayor Ketghan named members. of Council to the Special C~ittee to deal with the DeLeuw Cather Traffic Study Report along with other various c~lssions, boards and levels of govex-,~ent, who will determine their attitudes, participation f~nAncially and any other matters pertaining thereto. He also authorized the Special Committee to call in any Officials who they feel will be helpful in this matter. SPECYAL CO~lI'A-~- Alderre-- Faho Martin, Chairman. Alderman ~eorge Martin Alderman E. E. Mitchelson Mayor R. F. City Manager, A. C. Huggins, City Engineer, C. H. Eidt. No. 318 - William J. McDonald - requesting meeting with proper committee re: proposed menemil to operate on Welland ~ecurities property between Clifton Hill and Skylon Tc~er. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayme that the ccmmaunioation be referred to the Recreation and Protection Ccemittee, to meet with Mr. McDonald at 5:15 p.m., Wednesday, July 20th. Carried, with Aldermen Dewhie and MacEsin contrary. No. 319 - Agricultural & Conservation C~wittee of Welland County Council -. Request- in~ 'support re: obtaining a Provincial Park. OKE~RE on the motion of Ald. Mitchel- son and AId. Downie that the ccsaunioation be' received and referred to the Recreation & Protection C~ittee to meet with the Agricultural & Conse~v_a_tion C~m.~t. tee of Welland County Council. The following Reports were presented: No. '~76 - Finance Cmmittee - Rec~endin~ adoption of a policy re: Aldersen attend- ing Conferences or Conventions held in the City be laid an allminnie at the rate of $~5.00 per full day of attendance together with registration fees or $15.00 for one- half day of attendance together with registration fee. ORE~D on the motion of Aid. Mltchelson and AId. Faho Martin that the Report be raeeived and adopted; Carried, with Alderman Do~nie contrary. The Aidsman indicated that he ~as still opposed because he was ~ral~ sonvinced that not more than one Alderman should attend any eouvantion no matter where it ~ms held. Aideman Mit~helson advised that this reecasendation was intended to be a further clarifiesflea of the policy already in afre~t; that the Chair- san of a Ccssaittee and ~msed O~fielals attend eonwentic~s unless polic~ is ehan~ed b~ Council. as9. No. 577 - Finance Ccmnittee - Recommending approval of accounts for period ending July 18th, in aggregate total of $49B,1B0.04. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. MacBain that the Report be received and adopted. SEE By-law No. 71h8 No. 578 - City Clerk - Advising draft anti-whistling by-law meets requirements of Board of Transport Ccsmissioners. ORDEE on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Swayzc that the Report be received and filed. SEE By-law No. 7142 No. 579 - Public Works Ccm~nittee - Advising of names of Pollution Plant personnel who have successfully passed Senior Sewage Works Operetor's Course, with Grade X classification; and also presentation of a special certificate of qualification to Mr. Win. Reed, during Sewage Works Operetor's Banquet on April 27th, for achiev- ing high marks during this and preceding courses. ORRE~ED on the motion of Ald. George Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and filed. His Worship, Mayor Keighnn, then proceeded to present, on behalf of Council, certificates to Messrs. Win. Reed, G. G. MacDonald, B. H. Tomllnson and N. Webb and congratulated them upon their achievement. The Mayor also congratu- lated the Chief Operator, Mr. John McNamara, and members of his staff, for the excellent manner in which the Pollution Control Plant is operated. Mr. N. Webb then expressed appreciation to the Mayor and Council on behalf of the recipients of the awards, for making it possible for them to attend the Courses and pointed out that the high marks attained were due to the Chief Operator, who allocated a great deal of his 'time during evening hours to teach the employees. Mr. Leslie Blackburn, Secretary of LOcal 1B3, C.U.P.E., was also present and on behalf of Local 13S, congratulated the employees on their success and noted that they were members of the Union and Council were making it possible for men such as these to attend Courses. His Worship Mayor Keighan expressed appreciation also to Adennan George Martin, Chairman of the P~blic Works C~mnittee and the Members of his C~muittee. No. 580 - Public Works Cnmmittee - Recommending that Council approve proposed improvement to illumination in Rainbow Bridge Area, at a capital cost to the City of $20,000. 01~ on the motion of Ald. George Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 99 No. 581 - Public Works Ccmmxittee - recommending report of Feb. 4th, 1966 be rescinded and that application be made to O.M.B. for approval of construction of a e.anitary sewermain on Oakwood Drive. OI~D on the motion of'Ald. George Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 582 - Public Works Cc~nittee - Reo~,!ending that a copy of this report re: Proposed road Construction on Murray Street, be forwarded to Mr. Bielawski in answer to certain questions asked at June 20th Council Meeting. O~D on the motion of Ald. George Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be re- ceived and tabled for one week for the perusal of Council and a copy of the Repor~ be foxwarded to Mr. Bielawski. Ald. D~rnie advised that it had been suggested to him by a citizen that minutes of COuncil and reports of this kind should be made avaiLable in ~ublis Library buildings. Ald. ~eorge Martin expressed the opinion that since the Press carried full details of Mr. Bielawski's ~uestions that they would be interested in the answers to his questions and would give the report press coverage. SEE ReSolution No. 100 No. 583 - Property Committee - Recc~mending City Solicitor be instructed to pre- pare necessary legislation to enable Municipality ~o declare triangular piece of proparty located to the immediate south of Burning Springs building on Portage Road a part of the Portage Road, road allowance, and that the tenants of Burning Springs building be advised of City's claim of ownership and their intention of moving old fence and improving area in question. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. SEE By-law No. 7144 No. 584 - Property Ccmmittee - Hec~,mn-nding that final site plan submitted by Gospel Hall, Ad.ms Ave. and Hawkins Street. (AM-103) be approved. ORDERED on .the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. Carried, with Aldermen Johns and MacBain contrary) No. 585 - Proparty Cnmmittee - Recommending Ontario Housing Corporation be 'reques- ted to give priority to location of low rental housing complex in the 35.65 acres east of Portage Road and North of Churches Lane. O~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayse that the Report be received and adopted~ SEE Resolution No. lO1 A general discussion ensued with reference to the urgency of the situation in suppRyi,g much needed low rental housing accommodation, during which Ald. Gregory queried as to the provision of bus service for such 'location. The City Clerk advised that Mr. Kaye indicated that Ontario Housing did take transpor- tation facilities into consideration. Mayor Keighan stated that the Transit sion will conduct a survey and if the demand exists, transportation facilities will be provided. Alderman Downie pointed out that there would be more educational facilities on Montrose Road than in the vicinity of Churches Lane. Ald. Scott ad- vised that consideration was given to Separate School and Public School Facilities. The Clerk advised that the appraiser of the Ontario Housing Corporation did point out that the Corporation felt it was not advisable to have school children crossing a busy highway. Alderman MacBain queried the ntunber of housing units t. entativeRy approved on the first survey and was advised that the figure was 100. He then re- ferred to the calls received'from the Welfare Administrator with reference to the desperate need of housing acc~mnodation and queried whether anything could be done to increase the number of housing units to 140, for the area recommended. His Worship Mayor Keighan advised that Council had been assured by the Ontario Housing Corporation that 'while our ~...ediate needs are for_ 100-housing units, this dues not indicate that we will 'not get more. Alderman Gregory referred to a policy in effect where the Housing Cor- poration could obtain properties and renovate them and queried whether ~ueh pr~per- ties could beccee available and be rejuvenated and pot into shape. The City ~lerk advised that the appraiser for the Ontario Housing Corporation had visited various _sections of the City and found that it would be ~ar more expensive to acquire old properties and renovate them than to build new unitS. The City Clerk also advised that the Housing Authority will not build single family dwellings. They-will build s-m~-detached units on each lot and would therefore derive mo~e use out of the land. In addition, they have embarked upon a land assembly pregra.~me. l~ Council choose site "Bm (in the vicinity of Portage Road north of Churches Lane) they will keep in mind acquiring site "A" (west of Montrose Road, south of L~mdy's lane adjacent to the Rerbian Picnic Area) for future expansion and will have the lend available pos- sibRy at pr~se.nt-day prices. Alderman MacBain agein stressed the need for low rental housing acccmnodati~n and pointed out the fact that there are eases where parents, because housin~ accommodation is not available, are unable to look after their children and have found it necessary to send them to the Children's Aid Society and that all effox~s should be made to increase the housin~ units from 100 to 1~0, His Worship the Mayor advised that this will certainly be drawn to the attention of the Ontario Housing Corporation, because of the urgency of the situation. In answer to a query fr~n Aid. Bearss as to the possible date when hous- ing accommodation would become available, Mayor Keighan was of the opinion that it would not be feasible of fair to set a date, which may not be met, but let the · public know that action is being taken as fast as possible and the press would cover this quite thoroughly. No. 586 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Recommending that left turns from Clifton Hill westbound to Falls Avenue southbound be prohibited, and the neces- sary sign be erected. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Swayze that the report be received and adopted. Carried, with Ald. Bearss contrary. No. 587 - Recreation and Protection Committee - Recommending that the Engineering Department add the word =Accommodation" to the already proposed sign at the inter- section of Murray Hill with River Road. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. FahoMarti~. and Ald. Gregorythat the Report be received and adopted. No. 588 - Recreation and Protection Committee - Requesting parmission to meet with Niagara Parks Co~mission to discuss recommendations made in H. G. Acres Traffic Report which includes interim reccemendations for improvement of traffic flow in Q.V.Park. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. FahoMartin and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and referred to the Special C~mnittee of Council to be appointed by His Worship theMayor. No. 589 - Recreation and Protection Committee - Recommending amendments to TrafficBy-law to prohibit parking on both sides of Montrose Road from intersec- tion of Welland Line Road 2S0 feet southerly at all times; and on both sides of Chippaws Creek Road from 150 feet west of intersection with Montrose Road to the intersection of Welland Line Road with the Q.E.Way at all times. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. FahoMartin and Ald. Swayze that the Reportbe received, adopted, and a copy of same be forwarded to Mr. Walker of the Ford Motor Company ofCanada, with correction noted thereon. : No. 590 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Recommending prohibition of parking on the east side of Victoria Avenue from the intersection of Bridge Street to 142 feet southerly at all t~m~s in order to allow for proper channelization of traffic at this intersection. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. FahoMartin and Ald. Bearss that the report be received and adopted. No. 591 - Building Inspector - Permits issued for Commercial Buildings during week ending july 16th, 1966. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and filed. No. 592 - City ~lark - Ree_~m.ending issuance of licences. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. ~eorge Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received, adopted, and licences issued accordingly. No. 593 - City Manager - Operation of helicopters. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Faho[~artinand Ald. Johns ~hat the Report be received and filed. No. 594 - Public Works C;-i--~ttee - Reccamending that the TD-20 Crewler Tractor be sold to Baldasaro & MacGregor Ltd. at their tendered price of $9,750.00; ORESRED on the motion of Ald. ~eor~ge Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. SE~ Resolution No. 102 No. 595 - Recreation and Protection C~mmittee - Advising that Architect, Mr. Overs, recessends acceptance of the bid of ~ohn Tries Construction Ltd., the lowest tender submitted, at a unit price of $1~B,757.00 for construction of proposed new Morrison Street Fire Station. OI~D on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted, -subject to the City Manager being able to obtain approval of the additional $20,000. from the Ontario Muni- cipal Board. Carried, with Aldersan ~o~ns contrary. .Re .olut on .o. loi 232. Previous to this action, the City Manager gave a verbal explanation of the main reason for asking O.M.B. approval of an increase of $20,000° was because the City's original estimated cost was $1S5,000. and after calling for tenders, the actual lowest tender received was $153,757.00 and if approval is received fr~n the O.M.B. it will not in fact be necessary to issue debentures for more than $200,000. The City Manager pointed out that when the Central Fire Station (Morrison Street) is completed and re-organization takes place, the City will have three Fire Halls, namely, Morrison Street, Dorchester Road and Duma Street; and the two Fire Halls at Walnut Street and Glenholm~ Avenue will become surplus buildings and the $20,000. extra cost over and above the .original estimate for the Morrison Street Fire Hall would be taken care of, in dispensing with the two surplus halls. In answer to a query of Ald. MacBain, the City Engineer advised that there ware no provisions in the Contract for 'penalty' or 'bonus' in connection with the tin~e ]~m~t specified by the tenderere. Ald. George Martin queried whether all of the contingencies were included in the contract, as he would be opposed to extras later on. Mr. Overs explained that everything was included; that there is a contingency fund included as far as paving, landscaping, etc. are concerned, and that the ArCh- itect's Standard Form of Contract is being used. The City Manager advised that if Council passed the resolution which would include authority to apply to the O.M.B. for approval of the additional $20,000.00 he would write to the Board and explain the urgency of the matter and a reply should be forthcoming frcm the Board within tan days. In the meantime, the contract could be prepared and preliminary material supplied by the Contractor. The following Petition was presented: No. 6 - Mr. and Mrs. N. Gillard, 111 Epworth Circle and 5 others - requesting the cleaning of catchbasins in the section of EINorth Circle at St. Lawrence Avenue. OI~BED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. MacBain that the petition be received and referred to the City Engineer fo~ submission of a report. ~ESOLbv~ONS The following Resolutions were pas~ed: No. ~ - GEORGE MARTIN - W. G. SCOTT - RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls approve the proposed improvement of lighting in the area adjacent to the Rainbo~ Bridge, at a capital cost to the City of $20,000.00; and the ~eal of the Corporation be herato affixed. Carried Unanimously 5E~ Report N~nber 580 No. 100 - F.P.D(~NIE - W. Go SCOi~ - I~SOLVED that a copy of the minutes of the meetings of the City Council, Auditor' s Reports and Hapotis of similar nature be made available at each Public Library Building in the City for the perusal of ~he general public; and the ~eal of the Corporation be hemto affixed. Carried UnanimouSly No. 101 - W. G. SCOTT - C.G.S~AIZE - ~80LVED that Ontario Housing Corporation be requested to give priority to the location of the low rental housin~ o~Flex in the S~.65 acre area east of Forta~e Road and north of Churches lane; and the Seal of the Corporation ~e hereto affixed. Carried UnanimouSly S~ ~eport Number 58~ No. 102 - C~OEIE M~TIN - V.~Ce~S - EgSOLVE that the TD-20 Crewler TraotO~ be sold to Baldasaro & MacGregory L~d., 187 Hill~ard ~reet, Hamilton, Ontario, 'at their ~mendered price or $~,7~0.00; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried t~nan~aously S~ ~eport hber ~ 233' No. 103 - FAHOMARTIN - C.G.SWAYZE - RESOLVED that the Tender of John Tries Construction Ltd., 3111 Roger Crescent, Niagara Falls, Ontario, at a quotation of $15B,757.00, the lowest tender, be accepted for construction of proposed new Morrison Street Fire Station, subject to the City Manager obtaining the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board of an additional $20,000.00; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. (Alderman Johns contrary) Carried SEE__Report Number 592 No. lO~ - GEORGE MAR~IN - C.G.SWAYZE - RESOLVED that His Worship Mayor Keighan be authorized to issue a proclmmation declaring Monday, August 1st, 1966, as Civic Holiday in the City of Niagara Falls; that all Civic Buildings remain closed on that date; that the regular meeting of Council scheduled for that date be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 2rid, 1966; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously MISCELLANEOUS His Worship the Mayor reminded Members of the Urban Renewal Committee about the meeting scheduled for Tues_d~y, July 19th at 2 p.m. Erection of crosses in cemetery at Humane Society, Montrose Road. Mayor Keighan referred to an unusual complaint he had received from a Veteran of the Korean War concerning the misuse of the cross, to provide a marker for pets buried in the N,~ne Society Cemetery. Ald. George Martin, one of Council's representatives on the ~mmne Society, was of the opinion that such practice was not in any way to conflict with the form of burial of veterans of the Korean, World War I or II and that the representatives of Council on the Society should have authority to ascertain from the H, mmne Society the background for the use of wooden crosses prior to the matter being referred to the Ministerial Association, as had been suggested during discussion on this subject. Ald. Rearss pointed out that this part of Humane Society work is not financed by the City's grant; but rather is financed through another source or revenue of the Society and Council are not really concerned with this particular aspect of the Humane Societies activities. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Do~nie and Ald. MacEsin that the ccmpiaint be referred to the Ministerial Assodiation for an opinion, and at the same time Council's representatives are to obtain information frcm the H~nane Society as to the background for t~ use of such markers. Carried, with Aldermen Mitchelson, George Martin and FahoMartin. contrary. Noise in vicinity of Tower View Development. His Worship the Mayor queried whether a report had been prepared on the complaints received about the noise emanating from the Tower View Amusement Park. Ald. PahoMartin, Chairman of the Finance Ca~mittee, advised that this item will be considered at the next meeting of his C~ittee, due to the fact · that only twoMambers of the C ...... ~ttee were present at their last meeting. Cureplaints from Motels re: Garbage Pick-ups. Mayor Keighan referred to a number of complaints from motels with re- gord to existing by-law regulating the coilection of ~arbage, which have been investigated by Mr. A. Strenge; one motel operator in particular asked for some consideration to the possibility of having three pick-ups per reek rather than two. Ald. George Mar~in, Chairman of the Public Works Committee, referred to a letter prepared by Mr. Hobbs o~ the Engineering Department which was cmsidered by the Public Works C~mnittee at their last meeting. This letter is to be forwar- ded to all cnmsrcial establishments, suS~esting the procedure to be used. The Aldersan pointed out that rather than an~ chan~es being made, his C~ittee wanted to make sure if there is scmethin~ definitely wrong and not Just the way the matter is bein~ handled. J 234 · ~35. Noise of Motorcycles in vicinity of Union Centre following dances. Alderman Gregory referred to complaints he has received about the distur- bance to older residents residing in the vicinity of the Union Centre on Dnmunond Road, being awakened by noisy motorcycles following~the Teen-Age Dances being held. He queried whether some kind of control could be placed to prevent parsons making unnecessary noises at 2 a.m. disturbing people who are trying to sleep. He was of the opinion that the Highway Traffic Act could be enforced in this respect. Reference was made to the wording in the Anti-Noise By-law and it was ordered on the motion of Alderman Mitchelson and Alderman Johns that the City Solicitor be requested to review By-law Number 6600 and ascertain if there is s~ne phrase which would be more effective then "calculated to disturb" as contained therein, in order that the by-law could be amended accordingly. Alderman Gregory advised that there are two cities in Ontario who have enacted Anti-Noise By-law~, one of which it was felt would stand up in Court and as soon as he receives a copy, he will pass it along to the Recreation and Pro- tection Committee for. consideration. Newspaper Dispansers at Centre Mayor Keighan queried whether the Proparty Cammittee had considered the · reccmnendation with reference to the possibility of same type of structure to house newspepar boxes located at Centre Street and Victoria Avenue. Ald. Scott advised that this matter has not been on his Ccennittee's Agende as yet, but that serious consideration will be given at the earliest opportunity. Ald. Scott stated that his Cc~nittee desires information from the City Solicitor in this matter, on account of the City's liability if someone sustained injury through such installation. Civic Reautification Contest Ald. Rearss advised Council that the Civic Reautification Ccenittee has extended the date from July 15th to July25th of the Niagera-FallsBeautification Contest, and that the vehicles of t~e Municipality are advertising this project. Loudspeakers in Council Chamber It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. MacBain that the City Engineer be authorized to consider the possibility of moving the loudspaakers now located near the ceiling of the Council Chamber on the east wall, in ord~.r to pre- vent "feed-back" while the Aldermen are spaakinginto the microphones. BY-LAWS The following By-laws were passed: No. 7142 - A By-law to prohibit the sounding of any railway engine whistle in reapact to certain highway crossings within the limits of the City of Nlagera Falls. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain that Ald. Faho Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the B~-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. MacBain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspand, ed end the By-law be given the second reading. Carried ~aanimously. Third Reading * A!d. Orogox7 and Ald. Mitchelson - Carried ,Unanimously.' No. 7143 - To amend By-law Number 3791, being a By-law designating through high= ways (Stanley Avenue and through street at Peer Lane.) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Johns that Ald. Faho Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Bearss that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Bearss and Ald. FahoMartin. Carried Unanimously. No. 7144 - A By-law to declare certain land to he a part of Porbage Road. (Adjacent to Burning Springs Bldg.) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Gregory. Carried Unanimously. No. 7145 - A By-law to authorize the acquiBition of land from Crown Assets Disposal Corporation. (To extend MunicipalParking Lot at Main and Ferry Streets) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. George Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 0RDEE~D on the motion of AId. George Martin and Aid. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Paho Martin. Carried Unanimously. .No. 7146 - A By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2530 (1960) of the former Twp. of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara )halls, as amended. (StamfOrd Green Investments Ltd. Apt. Bldg. on Huggins St. Pt. Twp. Lob 61.) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OREMRED on the motion of A!d. Scott and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspanded and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. ,Third Reading -· Ald..Swayze and-Ald. FahoMartin.. Carried Unanimous],v ........... No. 7147 - A By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2530, 1960 of the former Twp. of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Klein proposed Apt. Bldg. on Blk. mB", R.P. 194, Sinnicks Avenue) ORbitED on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Aid. Swayze that Ald. George Martin be granted the privile~e of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. ~eorge Martin and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law ~e given the second reading, Carried, with Aldermen Scott and Gregox7 contrary. Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and AId. ~m~ze. Carried, with Aldermen Scott and Oregot7 eontrer~. No. 7148 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORIEHED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacBain that Alderman Mitch= elson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORI~EED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. MacBain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Gregory and Ald. Faho Mar~in. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to 0~it~cee of the Whole on the motion of Aid. Groege Martin and Ald. Bearss. READ AND ADOPTED, July 2~th, 1966. Mayor CO~MI.i.~.: OF ~ WHOLE Council Chamber Ju v lsth, l S. Following consideration of the matters presented to the C-.mittee, it was orbed on the m~ion arise without ~ to C~cil. ................................... ; ............ ~yor Z37. COUNCIL MEETING COuncil Chamber, 18th July, 1966. Following the Coa~ittee of the Whole Meeting on Monday, July 18th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members of Cotmcil were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Scott that the meeting adjourn. READ AND ADOFIb:n, July 25th, 1966. erk L e38. Council Chamber, 20th July, 1966. SPECIAL ~A'ING All Members were present at the Special Meeting of Council held on Wednesday, july 20th, 1966 at 7:30 p.m. His Worship Mayor Keighan, presided. Alo present rep. resenting H. G. Acres and Company, t~m~ted were Mr. R. D. Peganni and Mr. B. Meredith. Mayor Eeighan briefly outlined to those present the purpose Of the meeting was to m~ke an official and public presentation of the proposed Civic Complex. He then asked Mr. Peganni to outline the proposal. With the assistance of charts, Mr. Pegaani outlined the seven steps or phases involved in the over-all Civic Complex. Phase I - Creation of Centennial Square to be located completely on existing Municilmlly-owned property. Actual construction of the Square to commence in about two weeks' time. "Phase II = Construction of a new City Hall ~t the southerly end of the Centen- nial Square. The present City Hall could be used for severel years as temporary accommodation for other depertments. The proposed new City Hall would contain approx- imately 30,000 square feet in two storeys. Phase III- Construction of a Police Building and Magistrete's Court. Total area approximately 32,000 square feet, containing two storeys. The construction at this stage would require the acquisition of additional property and would be the begin- ning of the Civic Complex. Additional perking area would be acquired on Huron Street. Phase IV - Construction of a Board of Education building on the south side of Huron Street. This building will be pieced on the south side of Huron Street due to the fact that in the Eesigner's opinion its use was not compatible with those in the main Civic Complex. It was also indicated that a possibility would exist that the Board may not wish to locate in this area and the necessary deletion could be made easily. Phase V - Construction of a new Public Library on the north side of Queen Srreet opposite the Centennial Square. At this stage the portion of Queen Street between Ontario Avenue and Erie Avenue would be closed and the present City Hall will be re- moved, Phase VI - Construction of an Art Centre and an Art Gallery on the axis of Queen Street between the Centennial Square and proposed Library Site. The site of the present City Hall at this stage will become a landscaped area. Phase VII - Final building to be erected will include a Civic Auditorium, specialty shops and restaurant. These buildings would then complete the CiVic Complex. Ontario Avenue x.,nning north and south would be depressed under Queen Street with a pedestrian walk above. Mr. Fegenai pointed out that before finalization is made on various phases, full considerstics would be given to the action contemplated under the Urban Renewal Scheme. Mr. Peganni exhibited several perspective views and ~ave an ex- pienation of their contents. " Mr. E. Bieiawski indicated his desire to address Council. It was moved by Al- derman Downie, seconded by Alderman Mitebelson, that Mr. Bielawski be ~Aunted peruis- sion to address Council. Carried Unanimously. MAr. Bielawski questioned if,-.the Si~e chosen is the most desired and efficient location for such a Complex. Mr. PeSenni replied that this matter was outside the aur- isdietion of Acres and Ccmlmny. However, he did indicate that the Potwin Urban Renewal Report indicated that a Civic Complex should be located in a downtown area, that it should assist the control and business district, and that reports received to date in- dicated a Civic Ccsnplex in the proposed location. ' His Worship Hater Keighan sta~ed that the location of the Civic Conplex was not within Acres' Jurisdictiou. The Official P3an and Po~viv~ Urban He~ewal 8t~I~V bc~h in- dicated that all municilml administrative buildings should be in the eentrel business district. In addition, the cost of land in the areas surrounding the Civic CcNplex was included in the Urban l%enewul 8eheme and the possibility did exist that part of the cost of aeq~airin~ ~he property miSht be subsidized as part or the Urban Renewal 8chene.' 239. Mr. Bielawski then enquired if the drawings for the proposed City Hall had been undertaken or if a contest for the design of the Hall would be held in a manner similar to that undertaken by the City of Toronto. Mayor Keighan replied that this matter had not as yet been decided. Mr. Pegenni explained various photos of the Complex models. AId. MacBain enquired if the Police Building was to be erected in the initial stage rather than the City Hall, and whether such a procedure would upset the planning of the over-all-scheme. Mr. Peganni replied that it would not. Aid. MacBain then asked if the sites of the proposed City Hall and Police Building were interchangeable. Mr. Peganni replied that such a proposal would def- initely be not as desirable as the present Scheme. Ald. MacHain asked if due to limited financing the City Hall could be built first and the present City Hall used as a Police Building. Mr. Peganni replied that this would be quite acceptable. Ald. Scott noted that the Board of Education building was located on the perimeter of the Complex and asked if it would be possible to re-locate the Board of Education within the Ccm~plex and the site of the present City Hall. Mr. Peganni re- plied that this would not be desirable. Aid. Scott also asked if the Board of Education building would be one or two storeys. Mr. Pegenni stated that',the building would be both one and two storey con- struction. · Aid. FahoMartin pointed out that the Separate School Board had not been included in the proposal. Aid. Gregory questioned the importance of the depression of Ontario Avenue. Mr. Pegenni replied that the Urban Renewal Planner might arrive at a definite;recom- mendation in this respect, and that a definite decision will depend entirely on the proposed future use of Ontario Avenue by evhicular traffic. Ald. Swayze questioned if the Board of Education had indicated approval of the proposed site. Mayor Keighan replied that a definite indication had not been received from the Board as yet. It was then moved by Aid. MacBain, seconded by Aid. FahOMartin that members of the audience be allowed to direct questions to Mr. Phganni and to Council. Carried Unanimously. Mr. Robert Durdan, Chairman of the Public LibraryBoard, questioned the possibility of interchanging the location of the proposed Library building and Audi- torium. He stated that studies indicated that a Library should be as close as pos- sible to the centre of pedestrian traffic. Mr. Peganni replied that this matter had been considered and it was finally found that the proposed Library would be more compatible and econc~ical in the area now shown. Mayor Eeighan pointed out that included in the Terms of Reference given to Acres was a stud~ of the cost of adding to the existing City Hall and the comparison of this cost with the cost of the entire Civic Complex. Mr. Peganni then outlined the comparisons of the two proposals, showing a difference of approximately $122,145. He also pointed out distinct disadvantages of constructing an addition to the present City Hall. Ald. Faho Martin questioned the possible relocation o~ the Market Square. Mr. Peganni stated that the Market could be relocated on any of the proposed parking areas. Mr. Edd Masters enquired as to ~hich stage Queen Street would become a mall. Mr. Peganni replied that this deeision would be lef~ to the Planners implementing ' the Po~vin Report. 2~0. At this point, Mayor Keighan turned the Chairmanship over to Aid. Swayze. Mayor Keighan emphasized to Council the need for taking immediate action in this respect. He stated that the need for additional Municipal administrative facilities was recognized sometime ago and it was very important to consolidate present facilities. In his opinion, the Municipality was operating far too many centres and this represen- ted a very high dollar avlue in the increased cost and delay. The need for a Civic Complex is very apparent, however~ the cost must be spread over a number Of years. Aid. Mitchelson than spoke in support of his proposed resolution. Ald. F. P. Downie informed Council that he had certain questions requiring an- swers and that he wanted to make sure of all the implications involved'in:the pro- posed resolution. He agreed that the present demand was primarily for a City Mall, Magistrate's Court and a Police Building. In the presentation and the ensuing discus- sion, no mention had been made regarding the study presently underway on Regional Gov- ernment. The creation of a Regional Government could compound the existing problems and might shed an entirely different aspect on the possible location of a Civic Com- plex. The proposed new centre would not be geographically centred and this would cer- tainly be compounded if a regional form of government was to be implemented. Although he recognized the need of additional acc~mmodation he stated that he had serious reser- vations about the location. Until the Mayo report is received there appeared to be too many uncertainties that cannot be answered. He stated that, in his opinion, a better geographical location for the Complex could be found. Mayor Keighan replied regarding the doubt in the choice of location and stated that the location as such will provide a stimulus to an area presently subject to de- pression. He could foresee further depression of this area if the CompleX ~as+ not situated. on Queen Street and a resulting loss of taxable c~mmercial assessment. Re- development plans could resolve around the location of the Complex on Queen street and in addition, senior citizens' accommodation could be located' on the periphery of the Cc~.plex. Such a location would certainly be advantageous to senior citizens. He also stated that the regional study would not, in his opinion, effect the Complex to the degree mentioned. He also emphasized the need to undertake~ the project immediately. Ald. Gregory reminded the Council that Phase I had been decided on a year ago when the location of the Centennial Square was finalized. He felt that the Complex would enhance Queen Street and reminded Council that it was impossi.ble to relocate the Centennial Square. I In reply to an enquiry from Ald. Swayze, the City Manager stated that the approxi- nmte cost of the City Hall would. be $1,200,000. and the Police Building $1,625,000. Ald. Swayze stated that, in his opinion, the matter should be dec.ideal by a vote of the Electorate. Ald. Groege Martin stated that he supported, without reservation, the project from a planning aspect. He remarked that great strides had been made in pluuning, although little planning had been used in the original establishment of the Queen Street area. To remove the present City Hall from Queen Street would compound the problems now ex- ' isting. He further stated that the area surrounding Queen Street presented cancerous sores which must be and can be eliminated through the establishment of a civic complex. He concluded his remarks by saying he would heartily endorse the proposed program. Ald. Johne made note that it was advisable to examine the procedure being followed in other cities on both the North American Contenent and in Europe. He stated that in most cases, cities were trying to re-develop their down town areas. Ald. Downie replied that the Urban Renal Report indicated many areas required renewal and rem- inded Council of the difficulties that migh~be involved through having different. busi- ness areas in the City. Ald. Bea~es congratulated Acres for the preparation of a marvellous. and fantastic plan and c~..ended them for the foresight involved. AId. Faho Martin indicated that he was f~,11F in accord with the proposal. Aid. Scott also indicated tha~ he would support the resolution as prolmoaed by Ald. aitehelscn. EEBOLUTIONS The following Resolutions were passed: No. 105 - E. E. MITCNELSON - C. GEEGORY - RESOLVED that WHEREAS the studies, reports and decisiomof the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board, working with Council and other Boards, Cn~missions and Authorities, have adopted an amendment to the Official Plan that includes a Civic Centre in the Central Business District; ANDWHEREAS the Urban Renewal Report includes as p~rt of its recc,nmendations the establishment of a Civic Centre in the Central Business District; WHEREAS the Urban Renewal Scheme Study nowunderway will bring forward additional and factual information regarding properties throughout the City; AND WHEREAS the Railway Relocation Study has a bearing on future decisions of Council that affect the Civic Centre Complex; THEEFOE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Proposed Civic Centre and New City Hall Report be adopted in principle, subject to amendments made necessary by: (1) Capital Financing for this purpose as approved in its five-year capital budget programto be reviewed annually; (2) Rec~mnendmtions that will be forthc~ning in the Urban Renewal Scheme~ and !- (3) Recommendations and financial implications that will develop as additional data comes forward from the Hallway Relocation Study; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. (Ald. Downie opposed) Garried No. 106 - A.A.MacBAIN - V.JOHNS - RESOLVED that the Mayor appoint a special com- mittee to be made up of himself, three members of Council, CityManager, City Engineer and the City Clerk, to be known as the Civic Centre Complex C~mnittee, and that this C~ittee be Charged with the duty of proceeding with all due dis- patch to (a) Decide upon and recommend the phasing of the Complex having full regard to . need and financing; (b) Consider and rec.-.~i~end as to Architectural Firm for the preparation of working drawings and supervision for Phase II and III; (c) Deliverate upon and make recc~mmendations as to financing; (d) ConsideratiOn .of timingfor the cfe~encement'and ~construction 'of;certain phases and the interim use of the present City Hall; (e) Meet with the LibraryBoard and the two Boards of Education to determine their attitude as the future phases may affect them; (f) Be our liaison with the Police Conmdssion; (g) Meet, if necessary, the Chairman of the Ontario Municipal Board and other Government Officials; (g) Consider and do such things as are required to give effect to the above so as to lay the groundwork for action on this matter by Council; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously His Worship Mayor Keighan expressed his appreciation to those present for their patience and interest in attending the meeting.- It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. George Martinand Ald. Swayze that the Meettn~ adjourn. HEAD AND ADOPA'S]~, Jul~ 25th, 1966. ....... ................. THIRT~-FIFi"~ MEETING Council Chamber, July 25th, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, July e5th, 1966, for the purpose of considering ~eneral business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Gregory. His Worship Mayor Robert F. Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the minutes of the meetings of Council held on Jtdy l~th, 18th and 20~h be adol~ed as printed. UNFINISHED BUBINES8 Report Number 582 - l~blic Works Cc, mdttee - Re: proposed road construction on Murray Street, in answer to questions posed by Mr. Bielawski. ORDEI~D on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. Petition No. 6 - Mr. & Mrs. N. Gillard and 5 others - re: possible cleaning of catchbasins, Epwor~h Circle at St~ Lawrence Avenue. Report Number 600 - City Engineer - Arrangements to be made to clean these catch- basins after every severe rainstorm. ORDE~V on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Swayze that the cc,,nunication and report be received and fired, and a copy of the Repgrt be forwarded to the petitioners for their information. C(IMMUNICATIONS The following communications were presented: No. 320 - Lundy's Lane Historical Society - Appreciation for Mayor and Members of Council artexUding Cnn~,emoretion Service of Battle of Lundy's Lane, July 24th. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Rearss that the communication be received and filed. No. 321 - Resident at. 2521 Drt~mond Road - Complaint re: barking dog and ponies. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. Bearss that the communication be received and referred to the H,~n~ne Society for investigation. ~ No. 322 - James D. McGuire - Centennial Youth Trevellers - Proposed visit to Niagara Falls. OE on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Mitchelson that the ccmmumication be received a. nd referred to the Centennial Committee. No. 323 - Canadian Mental Health Association - Invitation to Opening of new White Cross Centre, Sept. 25th, and requesting appointment of delegate to meet and formulate plans for a civic recel~ion in the evening. 0RE~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Rearss that the invitation be received and accepted and as many of the members of Council as possible attend. Nis Worship the Mayor indicated that he would appoint a delegate at the nex~ Council Meeting. -Ald. ~eorge Martin arrived at the meeting - No. 324 - Town of Orillia - Resolution requesting Federal Dept. of Transport to re- view policies respecting licensing of c~-mnercial and private aircrai%. OBllgl~El) on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the resolution be received and referred to the Manager of the Niagara District Airport Commission. ,,o. - NiaS, ra X, slle Union eentre r.i.ited - and Aid. Faho Martin re: noises made by motorcycles leaving Union Centre and disturb- ing area residents in the early hours. OBDE!~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Faho Martin that the communication be received and tabled until return of Ald. Gregory; and representatives of the Union Centre be given opportunity to speak at this time. Mr. C. Teal, President of Union Centre, expressed great comeere at such criti- cism being levelled at the Teen-A~e Dances being held and advised that the attendants 243. were adhering strictly to the laws laid down in connection with the operation of these Dances, reiterating his remarks contained in his cc~m~mication, to the effect that two Police Officers are on duty and do not leave the Centre until all teen-agers with the exception of the Clean-up Committee have left the premises Those ~remaining do not drive motorcycles but have other means of transportation~ such as parents to take them home. The Union Centre is locked up by 12:30 a .m. He expressed the opinion that people from other sources are trying to break up these D~nces but it is hoped that this element does not succeed. Mr. Teal stated that after the Dance ceases he drives all around the Union Centre Building and finds no cars in the area. He stated that these Teen Agers should not be blamed for something they are not doing. Mr. Teal stated that there is a motorcycle club holding meetings at Union Centre but they finish at l0 o'clock. Ald Faho Martin refuted the reference that he had singled out the Teen Agers attending these Dances but stated that he referred to "smart alecs" who are creating noises on motorcycles generally annoying the citizens of Niagara Falls. Ald. Bearss was of the opinion that the trouble may be caused by people not eligible to attend these dances and who try to cause trouble after the Dance closes up, similar to t~e trouble which occurred at the "I~ Centre. His Worship Mayor Keighan stated that " it was unfortunate that reference had to be made to motorcycles, ss this coul~ apply to any of the other areas in the City. We should be trying to encourage the Teen Agers at the Union Centre. No. 326 - Niagara Frontier Humane Society - Requesting permission for a delegation to appear before Council. ORDERED on the motion of AId. PahoMartin and Ald. Swayze that the ccmmunication be received, filed and the City Clerk notify the writer that the first draft of the Dog Control Contract will be ready in the near future, and discussions can then be held with the representatives of the Humane Society. 'REPORTS The following Reports were presented: No. 601 - Finance Cemnittee - Recommending approval of accounts in aggregate total of $334,761.22. 0RDEHED on the motion 'of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Paho Martin that the Report be received and adopted. ~EE By-law No. 7158 No. 602 - Finance Con~ittee - Recommending the purchase of a quarter page adver- tisement to be published in the Millenium Issue of the Polish Alliance Press Ltd. ORDERED on the motion Of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Dewhie that the Repor~ be. received and adopted. No. 603 - Property C~ittee - Recommending approval of final site 'plan as sub- mitted by National Grocers in reapact to their application for re-zoning of lands .located on Garner Road north of Lundy's Lane. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted, contingent upon all ~reinage west of the building being directed to the north-west of the property. No. 604 - Proparty Ccmnittee -Reccmmending approval of final site plan covering the applfoation of Fallsway Motors for re-zoning of property at corner of Portage Road and Morrison Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Repor~ be received and adopted. No. 60~ - Property Ccmmittee- Recommending proposed subdivision of Part of Lot 88, J. Mitchell Block, formerly in Twp. of Stamford, now City, be approved in ~principle. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 606 - Property Committee - Recommending approval be granted to Mayor and Clerk to enter into agreements with Minister of National Defence for installation of warning sirens in 3 locations. ORESNEPenthe motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. SWze that the Report be received and.adopted. a By-law Number 71}4 244. ' ' ; 245. No. 60? - Property Committee - recommending approval of a by-law amending By-law 2530 changing certain requirements pertaining to cul-de=sacs and lots where side lot lines are not parallel. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the report be referred for consideration when the draft by=law is read. (See By-law No. 7156). After a detailed discussion of the report and by-law, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. George Martin and Ald. MacBain that the matter be tabled and Mr. Greaves, the Planning Director, be requested to attend the next Council Meeting. No. 608 - Welfare Administrator - Submission as follow-up to discussion On Housing. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the Deport be received and referred to the Protection to Persons & Property Cnmmittee and the Welfare Ad- ministrator be advised when the Ccemittee meets to consider his report. Mr. Young, Welfare Administrator, stated that as of to-day the total had been increased by two additional families and lO children who are urgently in need of acco~maodation and that this situation is the purpose of his report at this time; in order to bring to the attention of the public; possibly people who are living in large homes would be willing to share their acc~odation in this emergency. Ald. Downie queried what procedure must now be followed, since the Council has passed the resolution approv- ing the location of the low rental housing units; how much time would be necessary before the 100 or more houses became a reality. The City Clerk advised that since it depends upon so many things, it would not be possible to give any approximate date, but during a recent conversation with Mr. Kaye of the Ontario Housing Authority, it was indicated that the units would ha roughed in before the inclement weather cemnen- ces. The City Manager advised that the Housing Authority have been advised that the City prefers the site at the north end of the City near the corner of Portage Road and Churches Lane and it is assumed that the Housing Authority is finalizing the acquisition of the land and then the matter of services would be taken up with the City. The City Manager indicated that the services have been designed by the Engin- eering Staff, but they are not in final detail and as soon as the land is acquired by the Housing Authority it would seem negotiations could e~mm-nce with the Housing Authority for the installation of services. His Worship Mayor Keighan stressed the fact that no time has been lost since the City requested the Ontario Housing Authority to conduct a survey last year and the matter is being pursued Just as ~uickly as pos- sible. He expressed the hope that citizens would take heed of Mr. Young's appeal because the Welfare Administrator is in a position to know the problems being created and the costs involved. No. 609 - Public Works Coamdttee - recommending Engineering Department be granted per- mission to' call Tenders for the construction of all sanitary sewermains, storm sewer- mains and watermains within Monroe Subdivision. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. (]eorge Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. No. 610 - Public Works C~.lttee - Recc~mending Engineering Dept. be granted permis- sion ~o call tenders for the ~)nstruction of all sanitary sewermains, storm sewer- mains and watermains within the Monroe Subdivision. ORE~t~ on the motion of Ald. GeOrge Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. Carried by a vote of 7 to S; the vote being Aye - Aldermen George Martin, Johns, Swayze, Scott, Faho Martin, Dearss, and Mitchelson. Na~e - Aldermen lkNnie and MacEsin. His Worship the Mayor asked to be recorded as contrary to the motion. Previous to this action, a full discussion was held on the advisability of calling for tenders before the agreement is signed with the Developer of the Subdivision. Ald. Gree ge Martin etatad that the Subdivider has co-operated in all matters with respect to the proposed subdivision and the calling of tendors should be do~e now in order that the work will be readS, to be proceeded with when the time comes. The City M~nager advised that a discussion had been held with the Developer the latter part of last week and certain provisions are to be included in the agreement which will be prepared by the City Solicitor when he returned next week. The City Manager indicated that this ~11 be a cmprehensive agreement and will take time to drew up and then it will be carefully reviewed by the City Officials and should be read~ to submit to Council a week from next Monday. Aid. MacBain indicated that it might be better not to set a precedent by tenderin~ before the Subdivider's Agreement is signed. The City Engineer pointed out that contracts contain a p~ovieion that the Municilmlity will ~not be bound if payment for services is not received free the suBdivider. No. 611 - Recreation and Protection Ct~mittee - Recommending necessary by-law changes to allow for erection of a "yieldm sign on the right turn channel from Adsms Avenue northbound to Caledonia Street north-easterly bound. ORERED on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 612 - Recreation and Protection Committee - Recommending further action on the use of commissionaires for issuing tickets for violations where a regular riolice officer is not required, be taken by the Police Commission rather than the'Com- mittee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Downie that the Report be received and adopted. No. 613 - Recreation and Protection Con~nittee - recommending by-law to authorize the purchase of an aerial ladder truck for the Fire Department be prepared and that the Fire Chief be authorized to call tenders for this vehicle. During discussion on this report it was agreed that the City Manager will assume the responsibility oF calling for tenders rather than the Fire Chief. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Sweyze that the Report be received and adopted, as amended. No. 61~ - Recreation and Protection Con~nittee - Recommending by-law to authorize the erection of stop signs, be prepared in connection with the intersection at WinSton Street and Weaver Avenue and on Churchill Street at Dell Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. MacBain that the Report be received and adopted. No. 615 - Building Inspector - Permits for Commercial Buildings for period ending July22nd. ORDE1]EDon the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Johns that the Reportbe received and filed. No. 616 - Ccsmittee of Adjustment - Results in respect to four applications recently heard by the Committee of Adjustment. ORI~ERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Johns that the Depor~ be received and filed. No. 617 - City Clerk - Recommending issuance of licences. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. FahoMartin and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be received, adopted and licences issued accordingly. No. 618 - Alderman C. G. Gregory- E.M.O. Report - for period April 19th to July 15th. ORE~RED on the motion of Ald. George Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and tabled for one week for the perusal of Council. RESOL~TION The following Resolution was passed: No. 107 - SWAYZE - GEORGE MARTIN - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His:Worship the Mayor, Members of Council,:.and citizens at largebe forwarded to the family of the late Miss Maud J. Henderson, former Collector of Taxes and retired faithful City Employee of the Corporation for a great number of years; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried UnanimousLy CIVIC CENTRE C~4PLEX His Worship MayorKeighan named to the Civic Centre COmplex Cc~unittee: Alderman MacBain, Chairman, Alderman Johns, Alderman Scott, Mayor Keighan, City Manager, City Engineer, City Clerk. The C,'~,,lttee will have authority to call in any Supervisory Personnel necessary; and the Mayor stated that the Terms of Eeference will -be as set dmm and adopted by Council on June 20th, 1966. It is expected that the C~mittee would meet in the near future and special con- sideration would be given to the requirements of The Municipal Act and The Ontario Municipal Board, to determine if a referendum is required or not. The City Manager advised that in conversation with the consultants, H. G. Acres suggested that it would be desirable to have display models of the proposed civic centre in various locations throughout the City for public viewing. Right hand turns on Red Lights. Mayor Keighan referred to the fact that many tourists are not in the habit of making a right hand turn on a Red Traffic Light in their own cities and therefore cause delays at many of the intersections in Niagara Falls, and requested the Recreation & Protection C~mnittee to look into this aspect of erecting sc~e indi- cation to existing traffic signals to indicate right-hand turns are allowed when Traffic Light is red. Proper Directional signs to indicate location of parking lots. Mayor Keighan referred to the difTicultybeing experienced by motorists unable to locate perking lots and requested the Recreation and Protection Committee to investigate the possibility of properl~l~utification of parking lots whether municipally- owned or privately owned. Questions re: erection of signs on vacant lots Ald. Dewhie queriedaboutthe submission of a report which was requested at the last council maeting~concerning the erection of a sign at Ferry Street and Victoria Avenue. He queried whether the signfor which an application had been made and the sign which was eventually erectedy as appeared in the local press, were the same. The City Clerk advised that the questions posed by Ald. Downie at the previous Council meeting, had been referred to the Building. Inspector. However, the Building Inspector had been ill, and will submit a report at the ne~t meeting. Speeding traffic on Him Street Ald. GroegeMartin referred to ccmplaints received from HiramStraet reSi- dents about the cars speeding on the street and he indicated that ~hese cars were apparently being shuttled beck and forth from the Brock Hotel and requested that the Chairman of the Recreation and Protection Committee contact the Manager of the Hotel with a view to having him instruct the young men who are shuttling the automobiles of patrons of the Sheraton Foxhead Hotel, to a parking lot, to proceed with more caution and less speed, as the residents of Hiram Street are quite concerned about the safety of children playing on the street. BY- LAWS ~, The following By-laws were passed: No. 7149 - A By-law to authorize the issue of a Debenture in the principal amount of $254,000.00 for Secondary School Purposes (A.N.Myer S.S. ) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze ~nd Ald. Bearss that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORI~HED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. FahoMar~in that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and t,he-l~'-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Beading -Ald. Dewhie and Ald. MacBain. Carried Unanimously. ~o. 7150 - A By-law to authorize! an agreement with Tureski Construction Ccsnpan~ Limited for the construction of the Centennial Square. ORIF~ED on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. lkarss that Ald. Nitehelson be granted the rivilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be read the first t!__~s_. Carried. ~Ild. Dewhie contrary) (Ald. MacBain abstained from voting) 247. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Bearss that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried. (Ald. Downie contrary) (Ald. MacBain abstained from voting). Third Reading -Ald. Bearss and Ald. Scott. Carried. (Ald. Downie contrary~) (Ald. MacBale abstained from voting). No. 7151 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with John Tries Construction Limited for the constrnction of a Central Fire Station, on Morrison Street, in the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Swnyze that Ald. FahoMartin be granted the privilege of intrcducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried. (Ald. Johns contrary). ORDERED on the motion of AId. Faho Martin and Aid. MacBain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried. (Ald. Johns contrary). (The City Manager advised Council that the Contractor will not be asked to sign this agreement until approval is received from The Ontario Municipal Board.) Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Bearss. Carried (Ald. Johns contrary) No. 7152 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between Julius Klein and his wife Lydia Klein and the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Faho Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. Johns be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORdErED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. MacBain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. - Carried. (Ald. Scott - contrary). Third Reading - Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. ~ahoMartin. Carried. (Ald. Scott contrary) No. 7153 - A Bywlaw to amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. MacBain thatAld. FshoMartin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. FahoMartin and Ald. Bearss that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading, as amended. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Johns and Aid. Mitchelson. Carried Unanimously, as amended. - A By-law to authorize the execution of Agreements with the Minister of National Defence for the location of certain warning sirens. (3 locations in Niagara Falls) OB~'~ED on the motion of Aid Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that Aid. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the by-law and the By-law be given the first reading. - Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayzethat Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. - Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Faho Martin. Carried Unanimously. 249. The following By-laws were presented: No. 7155 - A By-law to authorize the purchase of lands for Municipal purposes. (Pt. Twp. Lots 42 and 57, East side of Stanley Avenue, H.E.P.C. Lands) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Faho Martin and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the'first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacEain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. The City Manager advised that at the Public Works Committee meeting it had been suggested that the land in question might be used for a service centre, industrial site or other municipal purposes, and that the Toronto Solicitor suggested that the O.M.B. would require some indication as to what purpose the land would be used. He indicated that unless Council instructed otherwise, it would be indicated that the land will be used for industrial or other municipal purposes, municipal service centre. Ald. George Martin was of the opinion that it should also be indicated that the land is adjacent to the existing Stamford-Niagara Pollution Control Plant. Mayor Keighan suggested that it should also be indicated that the land is being purchased at its assessed value. Ald. MacBain referred to the sketch of the subject lands attached to the By-law; and questioned if the 15 foot for future road widening purposes was in fact part and parcel of the lands to be acquired from Bydro. The City Engineer replied that to his knowledge the 15 foot strip was not pare of the 8.025 acres. No. 7!56 - A By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 2530, 1960, of the former T~p. of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Mitchelson that AId. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously, SEE Report No. 607 Ald. MacBain questioned the advisability of amending the By-law in such a manner. That it would lessen the amount of street frontage presently required under By-law 2530. He suggested that this was a backward step in his opinion. The Alderman also queried whether the proposed by-law would cover those lots with the apex at the rear of the lot. The City Engineer questioned the fact that the measurement of 40 feet referred to in the proposed By-law did not indicate if the measurement was to be taken on a chord or arc. The City Clerk pointed out that the arc or chord was not referred to in the By-law ~but rather all lots whose side lot lines were not parallel were to be included. Ald. Downie requested an explanation from the City Engineer of the terms: arc and chord. AId. Mitchelson stated that he was prepared to vote in fayour of the By-law if assurance could be received frcm the City Manager, City Engineer and the City Clerk that the 50 foot minimum width would be required at the building line. The City Manager and the City Engineer reassured Alderman Mitchelson that; in their opinion, the intent of the By-law was to assure a 40 foot minimare width at the lot line and a 50 foot width at the building line. Aid. George Martin stated that a great deal of time and study had gone into this matter by the City Manager, the Public Works C~klttee, the Property C~,dttee, and the Planning Board. Aid. NacBain emphasized the fact that the adoption of the By-law would.set a precedence in this matter. IT WAS THEN ORDERED on the motion of Aid. George Martin and Aid. MacBsin that the By-law Nu~nhar 7156 be laid on the table and Mr. Greaves, the Planning Director, be requested to attend the next meeting of Council. ,I 1 N_~o. 71p7 - A By-la:~ to authorize the constn~ction of watennains as extensions to the existing waterworks system in the Urban Service Area of the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Beards ~nd Ald. Johns that Ald. George Martin be granted the nrivilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. George Martin and Ald. Bearss that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. The following By-law ~s passed: No. 7158 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Faho Martin and Ald. S~zayze that Ald. Mitchelson be grunted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Johns that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be ' given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Downie and AId. MacBain. Carried Unanimously. On the motion of Aid, George Martin and Aid. Scott, Council adjourned to Committee of the Whole. READ AND ADOPIED, August 2rid, 1966. Mayor ~51. C0~41TrEE OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, July 25th, 1966. Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council on Monday, ju$y 25th, 1966. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Alderman Gregory. Alderman Mitchelson presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the matters presented to the Con~nittee, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the Committee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to the Report of the City Manager - Report 620; and Reports 621 and 622 of the Personnel and Negotiations Committee. READ AND ADOPTED, Au~st 2rid, 1966. C rk Mayor COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, Jul~ 25th, 1966. Following the Committee of the Whole Meeting on Monday, July 25th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members of Council were~ present, with the exception of Alderman Gregory. His Worship, Mayor Keighan, presided. The following action w~s taken: Report No. 620 - City Manager - List of applications for position of Inspector in the Building Department; and proposing appointment of Mr. Lorne parlor, 2664 Dorchester Road S. to this position· ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacBainand Ald. ~ownie that the Report be received and adopted. Report No. 621 - Personnel & Negotiations Cu,.aittee - Reef.mending applications be invited f~r position of Internal Auditor for Treasury Department from qualified Char- tered Accountants. ORE on the motion of Ald. MacBain ~nd Ald. George Martin that the Report be received and the recommendations contained therein be adopted. Report No. 622 - Personnel & Negotiations Committee -Reccmmending salary adjustments for Non-union positions of Secretary to the Mayor, Tax Supervisor, Welfare Adminis- trator and former Deputy City Clerk. ORE~P~D on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. George Martin that the report and recommendations be received and adopted. Council adjourned on the motion of AId. Bearas and AId. Faho Martin. READ AND ADOrA'~.D, August end, 1966. Mayor THIRTY-SIXTH MEETING Council Chamber, August 2nd, 1966. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council Met at 7:30 p.m. onTuesday, August 2nd, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Alderman MecBain. His Worship Mayor Robert F. Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on July 25th, 1966, be adopted as printed. DEPUTATION Father Michetti of St. Ann's Church, Buchanan Avenue, was present at the Council Maetiug in respect to the matter of directional signs in the area of the Church. Alderman F. Martin indicated that the matter of signing, and the sugges- tion that a left hand turn be permitted at the intersection of Ferry Street and Buchanan Avenue which would necessitate cutting down the existing island, had been considered by the Recreation & Protection Commnittee. Alderman Merlin stated that it had also been suggested that signs directing traffic to St. Ann's Church couldbe erected at the island at Stanley Avenue, at Spring, and at Buchanan. There was one directtonal sign going west on Buchanan Avenue· At the conclusion of the discussion it was indicated that the matter was still before the Committee and the Traffic Engineer would contact 'Father Mlchetti again, in order that some decision couldbe reached. UN1FiNISHED BUSINESS Comma. 325 - Niagara Falls Union Centre Ltd. - Replying to remarks made concerning noises made by motorcycles leaving the Union Centre, disturbing area residents, following teenage dances. This communication had been tabled from the previous meeting until the return of Alderman Gergoryto the Council meeting. Alderman Gregory then proceed to answer the questions raised in the letter frcm the Union Centre, advising that the complaint he had received had come from area residents. He also stated that the problem of noise had nothing to do with the operation of the teenage dance at the Union Centre, and commended the Union Centre for the action they had taken to assist the teenagers. At this time Mr. H. Teal, President of the Union Centre, was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mitchelson. M~. Teal referred to the statements made at the Council Maetlng Of July 18th, as reported in the local press, concerning the hour the noise nuisance took place, and stated that the teenage dances were always com- pleted byl2:30 p.m. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that the ccmmunication be received and filed. Report 618 - Welland County-Cities Emergency Measures Ccmmittee- Quarterly Report of Chairman, for the period April 19th to July 15th, 19"6"67. ORE~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory, seconded by Ald. Downie that the Repor~ be received and filed. CCea4UNICATIONS No. 327 - Committee of AdJustment - Hearing re: Application of V. & C. Menechella. No. 328 - Ccemittee of AdJustment - Hearing re: Application of Stamford Green Inv. No. 329 - Committee of AdJustment - Hearing re: Application of H.E.P.C.Untario. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the communications be filed. No. 330 - Pilot Club of Niagara Falls - Canvass for sale of chocolate bars in City during week of September 19th. OR~ on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Scott that the ccmmanication be received, and the Club be advised that 8everel days du~in8 the week choAen have alreadybeen allocated, and they be requested to chose an alternate week. ~53. No. 331 - Welland & District Health Unit - Condemning of premises at 2681 Dunn St. No. 332 - Welland & District Health Unit - Condemning of premises at 459 Buttrey Street. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the c~m~nications be re- ceived and referred to the Property Committee for consideration. No. 333 - Planning Board - Proposed Official Plans and Joint Meeting with Board and City Council. O~DERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the c(~nmunication be received and filed and date f~ the meeting be set at Tuesday, August 16th at - 7:30 p.m. No. 334 - Chamber of Co~unerce - Recommending that a Parking Authority, separate from the City Council, be set up for the City at the earliest opportunity. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be re- ceived and tabled until the Recreation & Protection Committee has an opportunity to review the Parking Study with the Planning Director. No. 335 - Traffic Committee, Chamber of C.:~.~rce - Endorsing recommendation of Chamber, that a Parking Authority be set up. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that the c~um~nication be received and tabled, along with C_~m. 334. Verbal Report - Mayor Keighan - Fiftieth Anniversary Celebrations of City of Sherrill, New York. His Worship Mayor Keighnn advised that he and Mrs. Keighan had attended the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebrations of the City of Sherrill, New York, on July 29th and 30th, at the invitation of Oneida Limited. He explained that the City, with a popula- tion of 3,000 people, was the smallest City in the United States, and depended almost entirely on the Oneida develo~uents in the c~mmunity for its existence. Mayor Keighan stated that it was interesting to note that this small community was able to attract 35,000 people to the celebrations. The Key to the City which had been presented to Mayor Keighan ~y the City of Sherrill was then sho~m to the Members of Council. Mayor Keighan stated that he had presented the City of Sherrlll with a picture of Niagara Falls, and had also give a short resume on the 1967 Centennial Celebrations. ~ Several ideas used by the City of Shetrill during their progroins of Celebrations were outlined for the benefit of the Centennial Committee. Mr. H. Perkins, Vice-President of Oneida, then addressed the Council and indicated that the City of Sherrill had been very impressed with His Worship the Mayor, and he had been a fine representative of the City of Niagara · alls. His Worship Mayor Keighan expressed appreciation to Mr. Perkins who had acted as chauffeur and host during the occasion. No. 623 - City Manager - Recommending the installation of five, 2 tube, 4 foot, H.O. Flucrescent Fixtures Immediately south of the two existing lighting fixtures on Mootrose Road south of McLeod Road. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. No. 624 - City Manager - Advising of O.M.B. approval of additional capital expenditure of $20,000. in respect to cost expected to be incurred in connection with the acqui- sition of land and erection of Fire Nell on Morrison Street site. ORDEF~I) on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be received and filed. 'This ~aotion was carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all other members in favour. No. 625 - Prg~rty C~ittee - Eec~,mending the al0proval of the application of S. J. Benyo (AM-17 to re-zone Part T~p. Lot 73, south-east coreer Sinnicks Street and St. ~ohn Street from Residential to Apartment Residential zoning subject to the applicant entering into a site plan agreement with the Oity, and that in addition to the usual conditions contained in the site plan agreement, that provision for a contribution to the storm sewer fund and the pre-lmyment of aidewaRs be made. OEDE~1) on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. 8wayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 626 - Property Cc~mnittee - Recommending the approval of Application AM-J83 (N.A.Vescio) to re-zone Lot '773 on the east side of Lombard Avenue from Tourist Commercial to Singl~ Family Residential. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 627 - Property Committee - Reconunending approval of application of Pane Niagara Enterprises Ltd. (AM-187) for the re-zoning of proper~y at the corner of Murray Street and Buchanan Avenue to a Tourist Commercial category, subject to the appli- No. 628 - Property Committee - Recommending approval of necessary amending by-law to ~enact Official Plan Amendment in respect to Application AM-187, Pane Niagara Enterprises Ltd. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 629 - Recreation & Protection Cca~nittee - Two Recommendations relating to . Signing of Public Parking Areas. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 6~9 - Public Works Committee - Recommending the undertaking of a Storm Sewer Survey for the City of Niagara Falls prior to too many new areas being developed. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and Council endorse the ideas contained in the Report and permission be given to the Public Works Committee to bring in a detailed report as to which Consultants the Com~nittee would suggest to carry out this survey, and the costs involved. No. 640 - Public Works Committee - Report on water pressures within the City, and the reasons for maintaining ~ater pressures during 1966, making it unnecessary to institute water restrictions in the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and filed. No. 641 - Public Works Committee - Bridges across H.E.P.C. Canal, and recommending that the C~ty of Niagara Falls acce~t the proposal of the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and that arrangements be made with the Hydro C~nmission and Department of Highways for the engaging of consulting engineers for the first phase. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be received and adopted. Prior to the passage of the above motion, Members of Council expressed their merits on the proposal. His Worship Mayor Keighan requested Alderman SwRyze to take the Mayor's Chair in arder that he could also express his views, and to inform Council of the events leading u~ to the presentation of the Repozt. Following his remarks, Mayor Keighan returned to the Mayor's Chair. No. 6~2 - Finance Committee - Recommending that in the case of all contracts awarded, the contractor shall be required to have all relevant documents in the hands of the City Clerk not later than two weeks after the awarding of the contract, and failing this, Council shall have the right to cancel such contract and award it to the next low tender; and also, that the specifications outlined in the tender form be worded accordingly. A motion was submitted by Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that the Report be received and adopted, as amended, with the addition of the words: 'or re-tender" at the end of the second sentence in'the second paragraph. No action was taken on this motion, since the following motion was then submitted: ORDErEd) on the motion of Ald. Scott, seconded by Ald. Johns that the Re~ort be tabled for consideration in Committee of the Whole. This motion was carried with Ald. 0regory voting contrary and all others in fayour. No. 643 - Finance Cemnittee - Recap.ending that the City Manager be authorized to contact various consulting firms specializing in this type of work to secure prices for carrying out the insurance survey for the City, which would include an appraisal of all City buildings and~uld indicate the amount of fire insurance which should be carried in respect to each building. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that the Repor~ be re- ceived and adopted as amended by the insertion of the words: ~agents' association", following the word mInsurence" in the second paragraph. No. 6h/4 - Finance C~ittee - Recommending approval of accounts for period ending August 2nd, 1966. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Dewhie that the Report be received and adopted. No. 645 - Acting Deputy Clerk - Recursending granting of Municipal Licenoes. ORDERED on the motion of. Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the Report be received, adopted, and licenoes granted. No. 646 - Acting Deputy Clerk - Application of Ronald J. Robertson for Hawker & Pedlar Licenee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be re- ferred to the Finance Committee for consideration. - No. 647 - Building Inspector - Monthly Report on Building Permits issued during July, 1966. ' CREditeD on the motion of Aid. Johns and Aid. Swayze that the Report be received and filed. RESOLUTIONS No. 108 - SWAYZE - G. MARTIN - RESOLVED that a message of sympathy on behalf of His Worship the Mayor, Members of Council and the Citizens of Niagara Falls, be forwarded to the family of the late Mrs. Ernest J. Farebrother, highly respected resident of this community for a number of years; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 109 - DOWNIE - GREGORY - RESOLVED that the Recreation & Protection Committee be charged with the task of bringing in a feasibility report with regard to the bringing about of a Recreation Cummittee for the City of Niagara Falls. In bringing in the report, the C~iiitteemeet with Messrs. R. Condlrston, D. Austin, and representatives from the Social Planning Eouncil. Carried Unanimously No. 110 - MITeNELSON - SCOTT - RESOLVEDthat a message of sympathy be forwarded to the family of the late William Recchia, an employee of the former Township of Stamford; and the Seal ellthe Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried UnanimouSly White Cross Centre Dedication His worship Mayor Keighan advised that the City Clerk, Mac. J. L. Collinson, had been appointed as the City Official to work with representatives of the Mental Health Association in connection with the dedication of the White Cross Centre. Demolition of'building on Main Street His Worship Mayor Eeighan referred to the length of time being taken for the demolition of a structure on Main Street, and queried whether there was any t~me limit specified in the Demolition Contract for the lmilding to be removed. The Building I~spactor indicated that the only provision in the Tender Contract for demolition of buildings ~ms to the effect that the Contract could be terminated if no demolition work w~atever was carried on for a certain period, and therefore, if the eontrmetor Wished to ~o the work on a ~er~ time basis over a long perled of time, this would be in order, It was moved by Ald. F. Mar~in, seconded by Ald. Swayme that the matter of a provision for time limit for demolition of buildings be referred to the Property Committee and BuildinH Ymspeotor for eonsideretic~. Use of abandoned Hydro Office building for housing. His Worship Mayor Keighan advised that the We]fare Administrator, Mr. Grant Young, who was concerned over the lack of housing in the City, had asked whether it would be possible for Council or a Committee of Council, to approach the Ontario Hydro to determine if some use could be made of the abandoned Hydro Office Building which was designed to be turned into apartments, and to request the Hydro to make the building available for temporary housing. It was indicated that this suggestion would be referred to the Recreation & Protection Committee with the City Manager and City Welfare Administrator, and the City Manager would make arrangements to contact the Ontario Hydro. Complaint re: Speeding on McLeod Road. His Worship MayorKeighan stated that he had received a complaint from Mr. B. Duckworth concerning speeding on McLeod Road. It was indicated that this matter would be referred to the Recreation & Protection Committee for investigation. Boom Tax Proposal His Worship Mayor Keighan advised that the City Manager had written to the Secretary of the Provincial Committee on Taxation requesting information as to what action the Committee had taken in respect to the City brief on Room Tax. A reply received recently indicated that the Committee had reviewed and studied in detail the City's submission made in 1965, but the report of the Con~ittee had not yet been submitted to the Government, and thus no external action has been taken on the City brief. It was further indicated that the final repoxt of the Cemnittee would deal with the subject matter raised by the City. Ceremony re: commencement el' construction of Centennial Square It was indicated that a short ceremony would be held in respect to the com- mencement of the construction of the Centennial Square. The City Manager was authorized to make arrangements for the ceremony, which would have in attendance His Worship Mayor Keighan, the Chairman of the Centennial Committee, and any other Aldermen able to attend, along with City Officials. Local Motels charging rates specified in American funds. Alderman Johns advised that he had contacted a local motel toreserve acc- Ommodation for guests, and the price quoted to him had been $18.00 in American funds. He requested that this matter be referred to the City Solicitor to determine whether the request for the rates in American funds was legal. Attendance at 0.M.A. Convention - August 21st to 24th. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that as in the past, members of Council be authorized to attend the annual O.M.A. Convention, along with City Officials. Alderman Downie indicated he would support this motion, but this did not indicate he would be in fayour of changing the policy concerning attendance at other Conventions. BY- IAWS Laid over from the previous meeting: pc. 71~ - A By-law to amend Zoning By-law No, 2530, 1960, of the former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as amended. (Proposed Subdivision of River Realty Develol~nent Ltd. - Monroe) In accordance with the directions of Council at the meeting of July 25th, 1966, Mr. A. Greaves, Planning Director of the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Plann- ingboard, was present at the meeting in order to clarify the provisions of By-law 7156. Included in Mr. Greavee' remarks were the following points: The problem of the apex at the rear of the lot had been discussed by Mr. Greaves with the City Solicitor and they were bo~h of the opinion that the By-law fits this particular situation satisfactorily, and that as this by-lawwas written with this proposed drm~ registered plan in mind, then the question of whether there would be an apex a56. 257' at the back of the lot did not enter into the problem. If a "general" by-law were ~rritten, the "apex problem' would be covered. In respect to whether arc or chord measurements were to be used, Mr. Gradyes advised that the difference in distance between arc and chord in this particular situation ~as not very much. He indicated he ~ould prefer the use of the chord. Mr. Graaves then stated that he and the City Solicitor were of the opinion that the by-law covered the situation. It was queried by Alde~vnen Mitchelson and G. Martin, and Mayor Keighan, whether the By-law would cover the whole City. At this time Aldermen Mitchelson and G. Martin expressed opposition to the proposed By-law on the grounds that it ~ras not a general amendment to By-law 2530, but only covered one specific subdivision. The City Manager in answer to the query, stated that it ~nas generally agreed that this particular am- endment whould be general, and it ~as hoped to achieve this when the Comprehensive. Zoning By-law ~ras brought in later in the year. In the meantime, because time vas of the essence, it ~as thought to localize the amendment to assist in the development of the subdivision. If a general amendment ~as made at this time it would take a much longer time to process, in view of the fact that Hearings might have to be held. Ald- erman Do~nie then asked for clarification as to whether the point where the front of the building would be built would be at least 50 feet wide. The City Manager then ad- vised that according to By-law a350 the requirements for the particular area under con- sideration called for a frontage of 50 feet, with corner lots 60 feet. At this point, it ~as ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Mar~in, seconded by Ald. S~ayze that Mr. F. A. Branscombe be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Branscombe stated that his campany did not try to cut comers on the registration of subdivisions. He stated that there were few lots available in the City with 60 foot frontages. Aldermen Mitchelson and G. Martin then advised that they would sapport the By-law in its form no~ if they ~ere given assurance that a future By-law would be pre- pared to make the same provisions on all cul-de-sacs uniform. The City Manager then assured the members of Council that this provision would be incorporated in the Campre- hensire By-law to be brought before Council later this year. ORDEEED on the motion of Aid. Scott, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried with Ald. Dewhie and Ald. Gregory voting contrary and all other members in fayour. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Johns. Carried with Ald. Do~nle and Ald. Gregory voting contrary and all other members in favour. t It ~as Ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. G. Martin that the principles involved in the discussions of cul-de-sacs at the Planning Board and at Counci.1 level, be incorporated in the all-embracing amendments to the Official Plan, so that these principles apply to all cul-de-sacs. This motion ~as carried with Ald. Downie and Ald. Gregory voting contrary and all other members in favour. No. 7159 '- A By-law to appoint Paul J. B~ennan, Acting City Clerk, pro tempore. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. S~ayze and Ald. Scott that Aid. Gregory be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. " ORDEE on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Aid. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Scott and Aid. Mitchelson. Carried Unanimously.. 7160 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with Paxon Construction Campany Limited in connection with rapairs to Nydro-Electric Power Canmis- sion Canal Bridge on Highw~yNo. 20 in the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario. O~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that AId. O. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. CarTied Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. No. 7161 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with Kerrio- Gemno Limited for the constlmetion of sidewalks, curb-faced sidewalks, curbs and gutters, in the City of Niagara Falls. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Bearss and Aid. Swayze that Aid. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Aid. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. - Alderman G. Martin retired frcm the meeting at approximately 9:45 p.m. - No. 716~- A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Official Plan. (No. 27K - Pane Niagara Enterprises) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. S~.myze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. F. Margin and Ald. Gregory. Carried Unanimously. No.716B - A By-law to amend By-law Number 6B40, providing for the erection of Yield Right-of-Way Signs at certain intersections in the Municipality. (Adsms Avenue and Caledonia Street) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Bearss 'and Ald. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. No. 716~ - A By-law to amend By-law Number 3791, being a by-law designating through highways. (Weaver Ave. at Winston, Dell Ave, at Churchill) ORDERED on the motion of Aid.: Gregory and Aid. Bearss that AId. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-la~ be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F, Martin and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given .the .second .reading, .Carried Unanimously ..... . ................ ~hird Reading -Ald, Mitchelson and Ald, Bearss, Carried Unanimously, 258, 259. No. 716~ - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($329,236.71) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and AId. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the sec- ond reading. Carried Unanimously. ~ird Reading - Aid. Downie and Aid. F. MarSin. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Committee of thaW hole on the motion of Ald. Scott, seconded by Ald. Swayze. READ ANDADOpi~D, August 8th, 1966. Clerk . . Mayor C0~MITTRE OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, August 2nd, 1966. Council assembled in Cc~nittee of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council on Tuesday, August 2rid, 1966. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aldermen MacBain, Gregory and G. Martin. Alderman F. Martin presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to the Committee, it wae or- dered on the motion of Ald. MitchelSon, seconded by Ald. Bearss that the Committee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to the Report of the Finance Ccennittee, No. 642. READ AND ADOPTED, AU~AS~ 8~h, 1966. COUNCIL MEETING .Council Chamber, August 2nd, 1966. Following the Committee of the Whole Meeting on Tuesday, August 2nd, 1966~ Council re-convened in open session. A13 Members of Council were present, with the exception of Aldermen MacBain~ Gregory and G. Martin. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. .'The following action was taken: Report No. 642 - Finance Committee - Reccemending that in the case of all con- tracts awarded, the contractor shall be required to have aS 1 relevant documents in the hands of the City Clerk not later than two weeks after the avsrding of the contract, and failing this, Council shall have the right to cancel such contract and award it to the next low tender; and also, that the spedifications outlined in the tender form be worded accordingly. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. Bearss that the Report of the Finance Committee be received and adopted, as amended, with the addition of the words: 'or re-tender" at the end of the second sentence in the second paragraph; and that the City Engineer increase the mount of the certified cheques required when Tenders are submitted. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Johns that the meeting adjourn. RFAD AND ADOtTED, August 8th, 1966. · · ' .': Cl. erk Mayor ':f'2':" -_ THIRTY-SEVENTH Council Chamber, August 8th, 1966. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, August 8th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Alderman MacBain. His Worship Mayor Robert F. Keighen presided. It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Gregory, seconded by Alderman Scott that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on August 2rid, 1966, be adopted as printed. DEPUTATIONS MAr. Keith Thompson, 2724 Cherryhill Drive, was present at the meeting, represen.' tins a delegation of residents of Cherryhill Drive and Pinedale Drive. Mr. Thompson queried why the roads and sidewalks had not been completed on these two streets, and stated that the Engineering Department had informed them that tenders for the work were awarded in June. He cited the inconveniences caused by the work not being completed, which included continuous dust nuisance, and inability to complete landscaping and lawas until the level of the sidewalk was known. Mr. Thompson advised that calcium chloride was only put on the road once during the smer. The City Manager, Mr. A. C. Huggins, then explained that all m-mbers of Council were conversant with the problem. He advised that the subdlvider, MAr. J. A. Cl~m~nhage, was required to pay the cost of services for the entire subdivision and as each section of the subdivision was completed~ he was required to pay any deficit. In the first three sections, all services have been constructed, but there was a deficit owing of $6,600.00. A demand had been made on the subdivider for payment of this amount scme time ago but no payment had been ceived and the matter had been submitted to the City Solicitor for action. It had been decided that the services in S~ction 4 of the subdivision, which 1ms the area under discussion, would not be completed until the deficit in respect to the first three sec- tions. had been paid.. It. was pointed out that although the. subdivider had collected the money from the lot owners for the services, he had not made the required payment to the City, and if the City ~ent ahead with the work, and legal action resulted in the future, the Municipality would be in a very weak position becaus~ Of their action in completing the work without the required funds. It was also explained that the sub- division under discussion was registered at a time when the subdivision policy did not demand pre-payment for services, and such a situation could not occur under the new policy. Mr. Thompson then asked if part of the work could be completed at this time. The City Manager then advised that some money had been received for sidewalks and some for roads, but not sufficient to pay for the completion of both services. Mr. Thompso~ queried if the sidewalks could be put in at this time to enable the residents to put in their lawsn. The City Manager advised that an emination would be made of the funds on hand to determine if the sidewalks could be constructed, and that he would report on this aspect to the Public Works Committee who could make a reccmmendation to Council on the action to be taken. It was further indicated that in the meantime, calci~u, chloride would be placed on the roads to eliminate the dust nuisance. During the dis- cussionwhich ensued, Members of Council expressed their views on the situation. Father Michetti of St. Ann's Parish, Lombard Avenue was present at the Council Meet- ing in respect to the prohibition of left turns on Parry Street at Buchanan Avenue· Alderman F. Martin, Chairman of the Recreation & Protection Cu~-aittee, and the Traf- fic Engineer, MAr. N. A. Lamb, reviewed the reccmmendation made by the Comaittee, w~ich had been explained to Father Michetti. The C~ittee had recommended that it would not be wise to eliminate the traffic island at this intersection, or change it anyway, but that directional signs to the 0hutch would be erected at Stanley and Parry and at Spring and Lincoln. It had been explained to Father Michetti that if a left hand turn was permitted onto Buchanan Avenue, parking would have to be eliminated from Stanley to Buchanan Avenue, and 150 feet further from Buchanan towards Clark Street. At this point it was Ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. 8wayze that Father Mich- etti be granted permission to address Council. Father Michetti stated that he had been informed of the Committee rec~ndation, and that it was completely unsatisfactoryto the Parish and its 1B00parishionera, manForesaw ere experiencing difficulty'in reaching the Church. He stated that there were many other intersections in the City e~uall~as dangerous, but leftturns had been permittedat these place,.. Fat~er Michetti suggested that an advsnced green light, or ]eft tu~nn arro~.~ could he erected to eliminated the problem. He stated that he was convinced that the problem could be solved, and was prepared, in the name of the Parish, to take the matter to a higher authority, if necessary. He also advised that he wo,,ld being in a petition signed by 1,O00 persons on this matter. A suggestion ~as also adv~nced that ]eft turns be permitted on Sunday mornings, when traffic is not as congeared. Father Michetti suggested that Buchanan Avenue be opened and Clark Street be made one-~y. It was also suggested that left turns be permitted at certain hours sad days of the week, byway of a passage through the island. During the ensuing discussion on this matter, His Worship Mayor Keighan requested Alderman ~ayze to take the Mayor's Chair in order that he could express his views on the matter. Following his remarks, the Mayor resumed his Chair. Members of Council also indicated their thinking on this matter. At the conclusion of the discussion, it was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Johns, seconded by Ald. Scott that the aspect of the one way system on Stanley and Buchanan Avenues, and the matter of the island at Buchanan Avenue and Parry Street be referredback to the Recreation & Protection Committee for re-consideration, and that Father Michetti be invited to attend the meeting of the Committee. Mr. Peter St. Angelo, 1943 Stanley Avenue, was present at the Council Meeting in respect to conditions at the Universal Motel, Stanley Avenue. It ~s ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Scott that Mr. St. Angelo be granted permission to address Council. Mr. St. Angeloreferred to the problems outlined in his letter of August 8th, 1966, which appeared on the Council Ageads, and the letter he had received from the City Menager and City Engineer dated July 29th. Mr. St. Angelo indicated that the owners of the Motel appeared to be receiving certain concessions not granted to other persons. The B~ilding Inspector, Mr. M. J. Johnston, outlined action taken in respect to MAr. St-Angelo's complaint concerning the overhanging Motel sign, and ex- plained that the onus for having the sign removed rested with the Sign Company and the Motel owners w~re taking legal action to have the Company place the sign in the correct location. Mr. Johnston also advised that the motel owners had been directed tohave the weeds on their proparty cut, and to place the soil along the side yard at virgin level, so that there wouldbe ~o increase in water run-off to the adjoin- ins property. It was indicated to Mr. St. Angelo, that all the conditions complained of by him concerning the Motel property, were being looked into. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Johns, seconded by Ald. Gregory that the matter be referred to the Property Committee for consideration. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Report 6~6 - Acting Deputy Clerk - Application for Hawker & Pedlar Licence from Ronald J. Robertson. Report 648 - Finance Committee - Recommending the granting of a Hawker & Pedlar Licenee to MAr. RonaldJ. Robertson, St. Catharines, for the sale of World Book Encyclopaedia. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded byAld. F. Martin that the Repor~ be received and adopted. C0~CATIONS No. 336 - Walter Dawson - Requesting that parking be restricted on the lower half of Hunter Street from Union Street to Victoria Avenue. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze, seconded by Ald. F. Hertin that the communi- cation be received and referred to the Recreation & Pro~ection Committee for con- sideration. No. 337 ' Premier John P. Robarts - Letter from Canadian Amateur Sports Padsration concerning proposed Canadian Summer Games in 1969. 0RDE~EDon the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the cc~munication be received and referred to the Recreation &Protection Con~ittee for consideration and possible recommendation. . No. 338 = City of Welland - Requesting data concerning merger of City of Niagara Falls and Township of Stamford. The City Menag~r indicated, that as previously directedby Council, hew as endeavour- ins to make a contact to secure information. He expected that this would be accom- plished shortly. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that the ~m~nunica- ticabe received and tabled, 26~. No. 339 - Mount Camel College - Request for usual benefaction. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Finance C~mmittee for consideration. No. 340 - H. G. Acres & Co. Ltd. - Re-construction of Hydro Canal Bridges, Consult- ing Engineering Services. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Mar~in and Ald. Johns that the communication be received and referred to the Public Works Ccemaittee for consideration. No. 341 - Denis Hinchliffe - Billboards around City Centennial Project. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the communication be re- ceived and referred to the Centennial Ou~i~ittee for consideration. REPORTS No. 64.9 - City Manager - Report on question raised concerning Tourist Operator requesting payment of room rates in U.S. funds. The City Manager advised that if Alderman Johns would supply himwith the name of'the Operator he had previously referred to, appropriate action couldbe taken. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be re- ceived and filed, and the Corporation place an advertisement in the Niagara Falls Even- ing Review indicating that Council looks with disfavour on this type of action, and are prepared to inform the Department of Tourism and Information of any operator who -is violating theAct. No. 650 - Civic Centre Complex 0mittee - Recommending that City Officials be auth- orized to have a by-law prepared, to authorize the construction of a new City Hall est~msted to cost $1,200,000.00; the Hall to be located south of the Centennial Square location and front to the north. During the discussion which ensued on this matter, it was explained by the City Manager that according to the procedure laid down by the Ontario Municipal Board, once a By-law is passed by the Council, an advertisement must be placed in the local press advising of Oouncil's intention to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval to construct the new City Hall and financing. In the same ad there wouldbe a section which would indicate that the City would be app]~Ving to thelO.M.B. for dispensing with a vote of the electors. If any ratepayer objects to the proposal he could submit his objection in writing, whereupon the Board could etermine that a Hearing sho~ldbe held. At the Hearing,the Board could decide that the matter should go before the electorate. Mr. Huggins advised that the Directions from the O.M.B. indicated this was the way in which applications ware to be handled, however, there was nothing to preclude placing this matter before a vote of the electors. Some discussion took place on this matter by Members of Council concerning the factor of placing the matter before a vote of the electors, and other points. A motion was submitted by Ald. G. Martin, seconded by Ald. Swayze that the matter be referred back to the Civic Centre Comp3ex Cum,ittee to settle the question that has come up (whether the matter should be placed !~efore the vote of the electors, or application made in accordance with the O.M.B. Procedures), and the Committee recommend to Oouncil what procedures they wish 0ouncil to adopt. This motion was defeated with the following vote: A~e: Aldermen Dewhie, G. Martin, jSwayze. Naye: Aldemen Scott, Gregory, Mitchel- son, F. Martin, Johns, Bearss. It Ms Ordered on the motion of Ald. Johns, secondedby'Aid. Scott that the Report be received and adol~ced. This motion was passed with the following vote: .A~e: Aldermen Scott, Gregory, Mitchelson, F. Martin, Joh~s, Bearss. . ' Naye: Aldermen Dewhies G. Martin, Swayze. No. 651 - Recreation & Protection 0~=~ittee - Recommending the adoption of the Plan- ning Board recommendation to call s~r~ice road adjoining ~8 Highway as "Steele Road'. An explanation of the location of the road in ~uestion was given by the Traffic Engineer. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the Report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Aldermen Scott and Johns voting Contra~-J and all other members in fayour. I 263. No. 652 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Advising of satisfactory completion of Traffic Training Course by City Employee, Leo Comeau, and recommending that Council join with the Committee in congratulating Mr. Comeau on this accomplishment. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Reoor~ be ~eceived and adopted. Alderman F. Martin, Chairman of the Recreation & Protection Committee, presented Mr. Comeau with his Certificate marking the completion of the Course, and extended congratulations on behalf of the Council and Officials to him for his achievement. No. 653 - Recreation & Protection Committee - RecoFmending that parking be removed from the westerly side of Victoria Avenue from Magdalcn Street to 129 feet northerly at all times, and that the necessaryby-law be prepared. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and adopted. No. 654 - Finance Committee - Recommending approval of accounts for the period ending August 8th, 1966. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Downie that the Report be received and adopted. Following consideration of an item in the accounts it was indicated by the Design Engiheer, Mr. R. W. Rodman, that he would submit a report on the use of tow trucks by the City, in view of the fact that the City owns a tow truck. No. 655 - Acting City Clerk - Recommending granting of Municipal Licenoes. 0RIEMED on the motion of Ald. Swayze'and Ald. Johns that the Report be received, adopted, and licenoes granted RESOLUTIONS No. 111 - G. MARTIN - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late Major Harry P. Hanan, a highly respected resident of the Municipality; and son 'of the first Mayor of the City of Niagara Falls~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. ll2 - SCOTT - SWAI"ZE - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late Sir Sidney 0akes~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously MISCELIANEOUS Obse_~mtion of Pol.ish Mlllenium His Worship Mayor Keighan conveyed the appreciation of the Polish Canadian LegiOn, Branch 590~ to the Members of Council and Officials, for their supRort of their recent Celebration of the Millenium of Christianity in Poland. _Celebration of One Hundredth Birthday of Mrs. Manson. His Worship Mayor Keighan advised that a Celebration would be held at the Nurses' Residence on Wednesday, August 1Oth between 2:30 and 3:00 p.m. to henour Mrs. Maneon on the occasion of her One Hundredth Birthday. Members of Council and Officials were invited to attend on this occasion. Welcome to Mr. E. J. Pennington His Worship Mayor Keighan officiallywelcomed Mr. E. J. Pennington, newly- appointed Executive Director of the Social Planning Council to the meeting. Mr. Pennington expressed his appreciation of the interest and foresight shown by the City Oouncil in supporting the formation of the Social Planning Council. Complaint re: removal of lids from garbage containers Alderman Mitchelson advised that he had received a complaint that lids were being removed from garbage containers during the collection period. The complain- ant had also advised Ald. Mitchelson that the cans were not being returned to the rear of the homes. It was indicated that this matter wouldbe looked into by the Engineering Department. Taxiing of cars from Foxhead Hotel t? parking lot on Hiram Street. Alderman G. Martin referred to the above matter which he had brought to the attention of Council previously. It was indicated that the matter had been looked into and that for a t~ the problem had ceased. However, it was noted that the same situation had again risen. It was indicated that the Recreation & Protection Cn"~ittee would check into the matter again and endedyour to have the matter finally concluded. ' - Use of bus stop on Clifton Hill by Greater Niagara Transit C~.mtssion. Alderman Johns advised that the Greater Niagara Transit Cmw.~ssio~ were using the bus stop on Clifton HiLl as a loading zoae to tx~nsport people to the Cansdis Exhibit on Dorchester Road. Alderman Johns requested that this matter be looked into since Council had been advised that the Transit C._'-,~,.ission no longer required the bus stop on Clifton Hill. He disc suggested that the Transit CommissiOn be asked if they ware prepared to make the same type of arrangement for other tourist operators. It was explained that the buses ware chartered by owners of the Cansdis Exhibit. The bus in the parking area on Clifton Hill was not loaded at that location, but was waiti-Z there until another bus at the Fallmy was filled. It was indicated that the bus parked on Clifton Hill had an advertisement on the side which indicated that there was free transportation available to the Canadia Exhibit. It was ordered on the motion of 'Ald. Jchns and Ald. Dommie that the matter be referred to the Greater Niagara Transit Corn- 'mission for report. Prior to the passage of this motion, Alderre-. F. Martin advised that the Recreation & Protection C~"..tttee was waiting for a repor~ frcm the City Solicitor on the use of the Clifton Hill bus stop. Speed v.~mit on Mountain Road Aldem.~n G. Martin referred to the existing 50 mile per hour speed limit on Mountain Road, and stated that the road was being used extensively as a route to Stamford Centre, from the Queen Elizabeth Way to No. 8 Highway. It was suggested that the Recreation & Protection Ccmnittee take this matter under advisement with the pos- sibility of lo~erlng the speed limit in this section. It was reported by the Traffic · ngineer that this matter was before the C~dmittee and arrangements were being made with the Police Department to have a sl~ed stud~ carried out. A speed ptud~r would also be carried out on McLeod Rood. ' Department of Highways - Rainbow Bridge proposal. Alderman Johns referred to the fact that scme time previousl,lr the Representa- tives of the Depaxtmnt of Highways had met with Council concerning proposals at the Rainbow Brid~e. This ma~ter had been referred to the Traffic 8tud,lr .Consultants. Alderman j~hne queried if any decision had been reached on this matter. The City Managar indicated that he believed a reply had been received and a repo[t would be made to the next meettn~ of Council. - No. 6900, 1969 - A By-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local improvements under 8action 12 of The local Improvement Act'. (ee~woo~ Drive, M~taed acad) Third Readtn~ -Ald. G. Martim and AId. Swam. Carried Unanimous3,1r. .No. 71~ - A l~-law to authorize the pur~_-hase of an aerial ladder truck for the Fire Department. 01~8~D on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. Gregory that Aid. Mttcheleoo be Fanted the prtvllaSe of introdueln2 the I~-law and the By-law be (Ivan the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORE~t~2) on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. By~lew NO. '7167 - A By-law to eraend Zoning By-law No. 2~30, 1960, of the former Township of St-m~ord, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as -m~nded. (Howell, 1~. Twp. Lot 99, Portage Rd. S.) ORREEED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORE~A~j~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Dewhie. Carried Unanimously. ~No. 7168 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. ORE~EED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin thatAld. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reaS~,g. Carried Unanimously. ORI~I~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second readi-g. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Downie and Ald. Scott. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to C~-,.ittee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. G. Maxtin and Ald. Scott. READ AND ADOPIED, August 19th, 1966. Clerk ' [ · COBg,'LL'.L",",':.: OF T~E WHOLE T~IRTY-EIGHT~ MEETING Council Chamber, August 8th, 1966. Council assembled in C~.m. ittee of the Whole following the tee, Jar meeting of Council on August 8th, 1966. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman MacEsin. Alderman Joins presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to the Committee, it was or- dered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. M~ttchelson that the Camnittee of the Whole arise, without reporting, to Council. BEAD AND ADOrA'SD, August 15th, 1966. Mayor COUNCIL CoUncil Chamber, ........... August-8th,- 1966 .- Followin~ the Committee of the Whole Meeting on August 8th, 1966, Council re- convened in open session. All Members of Council were present, with the excelfcion of Alderman MacBain. His Worship Mayor R. F. Kei~h~n presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. johns that the meeting adjourn. ~EAD AND ADOPteD, August 15th, 1966. Council Chamber, August 15th, 1966. REGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, August 15th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of COuncil were present. His Worship Mayor Robert F. Keighan presided. It was or- dered on the motion of Ald. Swayze, seconded by Ald. Scott that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on August 8th, 1966 be adopted as printed. EELEGATION Mr. J. A. Ol~m~_nhage was present at the Council Meeting, and was granted pemission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Gregory. M~. Climenhage, , the developer of the Cherrywood Acres Subdivision, referred to comments made at the Meeting of August 8th, 1966, when a delegation f ran the Pinedale Drive - Cherryhill Drive section of the subdivision had addressed Council, asking why roads and side- walks had not been cempleted on these two streets. Mr. Climenhage stated he had been very upset when he had read the account of the matter in the Evening Review which stated that the delegation had been advised that the reason the sezvices in the Pinedale Drive - Cherryhill Drive area had not been cempleted was because there ware deficiencies in money that he had supplied to the Municipality. Mr. Cl~menhage then read Article 13 of the Subdivider's Agreement dated October, 1962, which stated that when the services are ca~pleted, any deficiencies are to be paid forthwith. He con- tended that the servicing in Section 3 should not have been stopped, but should have been completed, and then any problems concerning deficiencies should have been brought to his attention. He stated that he could understand why the delegation had appeared before Council, because they had paid for their lots and built houses, and were therefore entitled to services. Mr. Climenhage referred to a statement of s,,mm~ry of costs for Reg. Plan 230, outlining deficiencies in the various stages. He also pointed out overages that existed in Stage 3. Re stated that according to a state- merit he had received fran the City, there was on deposit for completion of services, within stage 3, an amount of $12,318.23. Mr. Climenhage then suggested that Council direct the appropriate Department to commence the completion of services, and at such time as the services were cempleted, if there were deficiencies, then he would look to the matter at that time. Mr. C3~m~nhage stated that since the article had appeared in the Evening Review he had received calls frem many citizens suggesting that he pay the service costs so that the items will not bec~me a e~-rge to the Municipality. Also, sales- men for his organization had encountered hesitation from prospective purchasers because of the unfavoureble publicity. Be advised that ccamuents had been made at a public ~athering in Artcaster during the presence of himself and his family. Mr. Cltm~-~=ge then requested that the services be installed i~mmdiately, and stated he erpected a lmblic statement. of apology in the Press from Council. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson, that Report 6~7 of the Public Works Cnmmittee be considered at this t~me. Report 657 - Public Works C~ittee - Cherrywood Acres Subdivision, R. P. 2BO - rec~ending that curb-faced sidewalks required on Cherryhill Drive and Pinedale Drive be constructed as soon as possible, and rec-~,~nding that the City Solicitor be advised of the actual final costs for this work when completed, and that legal action be taken if necessary; and that this problem ~e further investigated after the actual costs of the reccmaended construction w~re determined. Prior to the passsee of a motion on the Report, members of Council expressed their views on the matter to Mr. Cli~nha~e. Speaking again, Mr. Climenhage stated he ~as mainly concerned with the losses his or2anization had suffered as a result Of what the ganerel public interpreted fx~ the Evenin2 Review article, ~e then stated he had not replied to a letter sent from the City because he had been endearcuring to secure cefeain figures from the City, but had been ,,nable to do so because certain ,~mbers of the Engineering Staff were on vacation. He stated he did not see how the City could disregard the Con- tract that had been entered into. Members of Council aSain expressed c...~-ents on the matter. The City Manager explained that surpluses resulting fr~n construction of services in former phases of the subdivision had been retained by the Municipality, knowing that certain def- · icite had occurred and would occur in the future. It was pointe~ out that when a request was made for additional funds to Mr. Climenhage, the request was for the dif- ference of the bale.nee on deposit, and construction rates of to-day. The City Manager stated that the letter forwarded to Mr. C] ~ra~nhage showed deficits of actual construc- tion costs for phases 1, 2, and 4. Mr. Cl ~m~nhage had not chosen to call at the City Hall to discuss the matter. At the conclusion of the discussion, it was ordered on the motion of Ald.' G. Martin, seconded by Ald. Bearss that the Repor~ be received and recommendations adol~ed. Carried Unanimously. UN~ISHED BUSINESS C-~'"· 339 - Mount Carsel College - Request for annual grant. Report 658 - Finance Ccemittee - Reo.',~..ending payment of Grant as set up in Budget. .ORRERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. F. Martin thatLthe Repon~ he received and adopted, and communi.ca~ion fried. Verbal Request - Father Michetti, St. Ann's Parish - Requesting that left turns be permitted on Ferry Street at Buchanan Avenue. RepoSe 659 - Recreation & Protection C-m, ittee - Advise-8 that elimination if island cannot be rec~-m,ended, but the possibility of cmstructing a left turn ~han-el through the island and left turns allowed on Sunday moraines will be studied and reported to Council a~cer information has been collected. 0F~SEED on the motion of Aid. F. Mar~im .and Aid. Gregory that the Repor~ be received and filed. C(!~4UNICATIONS No. 342 - C~unity Planning Brench~ Dept. of Municipal Affairs - Proposed .~ubdivision, Gellinger property, west side of Dnumond Rood. ORESBED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. Swayze that the c_~munication be re. ceived and plan .and questionnaire be referred to the Proper~y C-,mtttee for considera- tion. No. 660 - City Treasurer - Statement of Expenditures and Revenues to Aug. 8, 1966. OPa~ED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelscu, seconded by Aid. F. Mar~in that the Report be tabled for perusal of Members of Council until the nex~ regular meeting. No. 661 - City Manager - Proposed thanSea in Reinbow Bridge area, and rec~ndation of DeLeuw,Cather & Coalany. CSE~D on the motion of Ald. J~hn_a and Ald. Dearss that the Report be reCeived and filed. . . No. ~2 - City Solicitor - Enelosin~ pietux~ of Niagara Palls Taxtan, and direction for execution by the Co~mtion a~horiz~ ~nt of solicitor' s acc~t for a~li~ti~ for m~istmti~ of t~ ~, etc. ~ ~ t~ m~ion of Aid. Om2o~ a~ AId. ~arss t~ the ~ ~ mcel~d ~d the ~yor ~d C~rk ~ authorized to si~ the Direction. ~is No. 663 - Public Works Ccamittee - Proposed Sanitary Sewersaim on Montrose Road north of Industrial Street, and recessending that Tenders be re-called for the project. ~ on the motion of Aid. G. Max~in and Ai~. Beerss that the Report be received and adopted. No. 664 - Proper~y Committee - Rec...t-~nding approval of Amendment Application AM-191, L. N. Martin, to re-zone Lot 5, P/an 128, located on the southeast comer of Beaverdams Road and Kimbark Avenue, subject to the applicant entering into a site plan agreement including a site plan. ORES~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 665 - Property Committee - Reckmending that Application AM-190, J. Drotos be not approved (re-zoning North side McLeod Road, Pt. Twp. Lot 170). ORA~a~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 666 - Property 0mittee - Recommending that Application AM-181 of the R.C.M.P. be not approved (re-zoning Lots 29, ~0, Sl, ~2, Plan 101, Douglas Street and Dorchester Road. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 667 - Property Cammittee . Recammending that the owner of the vacant dwelling located at 2B50 Ash Street be ordered to ~e~olish it in accordance with By-law No. OPa)E~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. G. Martin that the Repor~ be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. ll3 No. 668 - Property Ccmmittee- Reccemending that the owner of the property known as 2081 Main Street be ordered to have the premises cleaned and cleared in accor- dance with By-law 6318. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 114 No. 669 - Finance C~ittee - Rec~,~ending approval of the accounts fo~ the period ending August 15th, 1966. ORESReD on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be received and adopted. At this point the City Engineer gave a verbal report in answer to a question submlbted at the previous Council Meeting concerning a payment being made to North End Towing. The Engineer explained that this account had been for battery replace- merit in the sweeper, and had occurred between midnight and 8 a.m. No. 670 - Finance Committee - Finance Cunmittee - Advising that effective Sept. 5th, 1966, the Bank Service charge for payment of water accounts will be increased from 10~ to 1~. 0RESPaD on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and filed. No. 671 - Ccemmittee of Adjustment - Advising of final decisions on: Eaigh, Fedorowcyz and Swart Applications. 01tESRED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. johns that the Report be received and filed. No. 672 - City Clerk - Reccs~ndin~ that Lioonces be granted. ORESI~D on the motion of AId. F. Martim, seconded by Aid. Swa~ze that the Report be received, adopted, and licenoes granted. I~80LUTIONS No. 113 - 8COTT - G. MARTIN -RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized' to forward, by Registered Mail, a letter to the owner of the premises located at e3~0 Ash Street, with instructions to have the premises thereon demolished in accordance with the provisio~ls of l~-imw No. 6~g); and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimousl~ No. lla~ - SCOTT - 8WAYZ~ - R~8OLV~D that the City Clerk be authorized to forward, i~ ReSistered Mail, a letter to the owner of the premises at 2081 Maim Street, with iresfruitions to have the property cleaned and cleared in. accordance with the p~isions of B~-law No. 6~18; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. CarrXed Unant~oual,y' e ~o. 115 - F. MARTIN - BWAYZE - RESOLVED ~hat the ne~ ~hr meeting o~ ~ity Co~eil ~ bela on ~i~y, A~t l~h, ~6, ~n~ a~-7:~ ~.m; an~ the ~al o~ ~he Co~ion ~ h~o ~. Ca~ied U~ous~ MISCIff~IAI~O0'S C.---.ents of Mayor Keighan re: Hydro Cnmmission matters His Worship Mayor Neighan advised that he had never been too clear of exactly ~aat was expected of him as the Council representativ~ on the various Boards and Com- missions, and whether he should repor~ to Council on the meetings he artended. Re- cently, the lest two meetings of the Hydro C~,~[ssion had been covered by the Press. Prior to Press coverage, the Mayor stated he had acted in the manner he thought he should have, as the representative of Council. He stated that the records would sup- port the actions he had taken. Mayor Keighan stated he hoped he had been responsible for the Press attending the C,---itssion meetings, because he felt it was time that pub- licity was given to the manner in which the City Hydro is operated. He advised that he had no intention of spending a considerable time at meetings on matters that were really personality problems. Mayor Neighan advised that he had asked for a complete repor~ on the financial picture, and had requested the Manager of the Hydro C~,.mission to study the capital works progrange to determine whether anything could be done to off-set the deficit that was getting too far out of line. He stated that he did not want to alarm anyone at this time, and would wait for the reports requested. If no -satisfaction was received he would refer the matter to-the Ontario l~dro. Heavy Truck Traffic on Valley Way Aldexvmn Gregory advised that he had received several complaints about heavy truck traffic on VaLley Way, in the early morning hours, causing disturbance to the residents, and d~w~e to the pavement. He advised that this section of Valley Way had been in the former City of Niagara Falls, and a controlling by-law had been in force in the City. He suggested that in view of the fact that there was a By-law'for this particular area of the City that it be :enforced to e14m~-ate the nuisance com- plained of. It was indicated that ~he City i~lneer wodld check into this matter. Fences around buildings being .demolished In answer to a query of Alderman Swayze, the Building Inspector advised that the erection of boarding around buildings being demolished was sometimes called for if the build~nSs were more than One storey, and it was thought that fencing would pro- tact pedestrians fr3n falling debris. If a building was only one storey, fenc~n8 was usuall~ not re~uired, since it was easier for the contractor if there was nO fenc~ in the way. Alderman Swayze had referred to the buildings being demolished on Ferry Street and q~een Street. Joint Heet~n_e with Council and Planning Board It was indicated that the Joint Meeting wit~ the City Council and Planning ' Board to consider the proposed Official Plan which is scheduled for Tuesday, August l~th, 1~66 at 7:~0 p.m. would be open t~ the public. Provincial Inspector Of Del~xrtment of TourJam It was ordered on the' motion of Ald. Johns, seconded by Ald. Downie that the Department of Tourism be asked to conside~ having a full time Inspector in the City of Niagara Falls in view of the number of tourist es~ablishments here. Carried Visitor & Con~ention Bureau Minutes Aldsrssn Bearss indicated that she would ask the Mana2er of the Visitor & Con- vention Bureau to send copies of the monthl~ x~por~e to all Members of Council for their infomation. I BY-LAWS By-law No. 7118 - A By-law to authorize the construction of .certain works as local improvements (Centre St., Fourth Ave., Montrose Rd., Buchanan Ave., Caledonia St., McGrail Ave., Centre St., Oxford St., Harvard Ave., McGill St., Varsity Ave., North St.) Third Reading -Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. No. 7169 - A By-law to amend By-law Number 3790, being a By-law for the regulation Of traffic. (No parking, Victoria Ave. ) OFjF~ED on the motion of ~ld. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that Ald. F. Martin be gretated the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OR~F~RED on the motion 'of Aid. F. ~artin and Aid. Bearss that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules Of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading ~ Aid. Gregory and AId.' Swayze. ' Carried Unanimdusly. By-law to authorize the sale of land to Provincial Engineering Ltd. OR~A~ on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Aid. Gregory that Aid. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 0R~R~D on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried ~nanimously. Third Read~-8 -Ald. Downie and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. No. 7171 - A By-law to provide for establishing parking lots adjoining Huron Street, and for regulating, supervising and governing the parking of vehicles · thereon and charging a fee for such parking. ORESF~) on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Gregory that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading o A length~ discussion period ensued in respect to the provisions of the By-law. The following points were raised: 1) Ald. Dennis queried whether the expenditures incurred for City employees collecting the money from the meters, and for maintaining the lots, would be charged to the Downtown Businessmen's Assoc. The City Manager indicated that maintenance costs which would include employees' time to make collections frc~ meters, would be charged to a special account to be set up. This matter would be covered in the Debenture By-law to he passed later in the year. ~) Ald. Scott 'raised the point that there seemad to be no provision in the By-law to prevent overnight parking in the two lots. Ald. MacEsin indicated that this feature was impox~ant because of snow plowing of the lots at night. Ald. G. Martin ~ueried whether there should be a provision in the By-law to the effect that the City would not be liable for ~--~es to cars in the parking lots. Ald. Hearse queried the payment for duties of Police Officers in policing the lot, and whether this pa~sent would ~e deducted from the i~mds, similar to the maintenance of the lots. 6) Mayor Kei~an queried the polic~-~ of the private parking lots by the Police Dept. in view of the fact that the Police Onemission had recently turned down requests from metal owners to have police officers police private parking lots. "7) Aid; O. 'Martin 'Wa~ 'Of '~e 'opinion that the $I;00 'fin~ '~ 'no~ '~ffi~len~, .... It was ordered on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Ald. C. Martin that the By-law be tabled and the points mentioned be looked into by the City Solicitor. l~-law 7172 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated August 15th, 1966, between River Realty Develol~ent t4m!ted, ~ne Corporation of the City of Nia~ra Falls and Wilfred A. Potter and Carlton John ORDEI~D on the motion of Aid. ScoOt and Aid. Swayze that the By-law be tabled for dis- cussion in C~A~ittee of the Whole. By-law 717B - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Aid. MacBain that Aid. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law hnd the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDEE on the moOion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Bird Reading - ~dd. F. Martin and Aid. Gregory. Carried Unanimo. usly. Council adjourned to C~ttee of the Whole on the moOion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. ' Scott. AND ADOA-f~, August 19th, 1~66. ' Mayor CC~-'A'A~S OF THE WHOXX Council Chamber, August l~th, 1966. Council 'assembled in C~mittee of the Whole followin~ the regular meetin~ of CounCil on August 15th, 1966. All Members of Council were present. Alderrosa Mac- ~ai~ presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to the Ccsnittee, it was or- dered on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson, seconded by AId. F. Martin that the Ccmxittee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to C~iemtion 34~ - Minister 'of DepartSent of Nunioilal Affairs# and Deport 67A~, Decfashion & Protection C~aittee. AND ADOPTE, August l~th, 1~6~. · ;....,...,..... xt: - - Mayor COUNCIL council chamber, August 15th, 1966. ~73' Following the C~nmittee of the Whole Meeting on August 15th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present with the exception of Alder- men Downie and G. Mar~in. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. The following action was taken: C-~"~· B4S - Minister, Dept. of Monicilml Affairs - Opinion of letter received from City of Welland for information as to m~terial subn~ltted at the tim of the merger application. C~"m, 338 - City of Welland - Requesting data regarding the merger of the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford. ORE on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Gregory that we inform the Ci~ty of Welland that the information that they require frem the City of Niagara Falls is not available. Carried Unanimously. Report 674 - Recreation & Protection Cn.~.. Double Deck Tours Limited and Bus Stops on Clifton Hill. OBBERED on the motion of Ald. MacRein and Ald. Gregory that the two bus stops on Clifton Hill be discontinued and the Greater Niagara TranSit Cmmission.be infomed of this action, and meters be established here by By-law; and the Report of the Com- mittee be received and filed. Carried Unanimously. Note: Alderman Scott was originally excused from participating in the discussion on this matter. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Aid. Johns that the Meeting adjourn. READ AND ADOPA'~D, August 19th, 1966. a75. Council Chamber, August 16th, 1966. SEC~LMEET~G A Special Meetln8 of Council was held on Tuesday, August 16th, t966, at 7:30 p.m. with representatives of the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board in attendance, for the purpose of considering the proposed new Official pl.n. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighau presided. Mayor Keighan opened the meeting by welcoming those present and ex~lained that the purpose of the meet~n~ ~as to consider the adoption of a proposed new Official Plan. At this point the meeting was turned over to Mr. A. Greaves, Planning Director, in order that an explanation could be given on the plan as submitted. The Plannin~ Director explained to those present the importance of an adequate and workable Official Plan. He also outlined the history behind the 'preparation of the Plan, and the fact that the first draft of the now To~n Plan had been presented to a previous Council Just prior to the completion of their term. Ee stressed the fact that the Minister of M-n~cipal Affairs was responsible for granting f~nal approval on any Pla~ and that the submission to be made to those present represented the work and co-operation of both the local Pl-n~ers and those of the Community Platsing Branch of the Department of Municipal Affairs. Tn the opinion of Mr. Greaves, the document as prepared would be acceptable to the Minister. At this point Mr. Greaves distributed the m~morandum containing the changes in the new draft as compared to the draft originally submitted. After this explm~tion he then explained the proposed zoning area by means of colcured maps. Assisted by colcured char~s, Mr. Greaves also explained the modifi- cations made to the original submission. The Planner stressed that an accurate inter- pretation of the By-law should be maintained by all and that the Official Plan not be ccnsiderad a sacred doc,~nt that us not subject to Following Mr. Greaves' presentation, Mayor FaiEh-~ asked those present to direct questions to the Planner. Aldersan Mitchelson noted that the Planner made reference in his verbal presentation to various percentages of population increase, but noted that similar reference had not been made in the Official Plan docu~nts. The Planner raplied that these percentages had purposely been deleted to prevent the chance that the Municipality could be tied down by the Province to specific figures. Alderman Bearss ~ue~tioned the Industrial classifications in the proposal and asked if the Tourist Com- mercial' designation' would' be. made :. - -The P3~mner assured- her. that the- Tourist- C~mer- cial designation would be continued. Alderman Ms~R~in questioned the reality of the 'Purpose" heading, as it applied to hosing (page 23). He felt that thepurpose was aimed at the adequate income group and that reference should be made to provide hous- ing for senior citizens and low income groups. Mr. Greaves pointed o~t that this matter would perhaps ha more c~patible to the studies involved in the Urban Renewal Scheme. However, he did feel that Mr. MacBain's suggestion could be included in the s,~ry of . objectives. Alderman Gregory pointed out that since the Second World War, housing acccemodation had been a~m~d primarily at one particular group, ie: Middle income bracket. He suggested that subsidized housing is needed to ceber to a se~aent of the population that has been over-looked, and referred to this ee~ment as the 'gray" area. Aldexlmn Dennis, making reference to pegs 1~ regardin~ the Central Business District, pointed out that accordin~ to the Sopoft, more than one district could have been ~-hosen for this designation. He also pointed out that the Report indicated that 'a shopping mall on ~.~_en Street was a foregone eonelusiou, and that such thinkd~ l~ae more than proastute. He felt *-hat the mall, the civic centre, the improvement of perk facilities, and the ingress and efress facilities s stad b~ the Report would result in raising capital expenditures, and substed t~tu~eil undertake a ecsnplste re-exaaination of the financial implications which say be involved in the suggestions contained in the proposed Official Plan. Alderman Mitchelson suggested that in order to provide, as a purpose, housin~ for the aged and low rental ~roups as su~sted b~ Aldersan Macbin and Alderman Gregory, that the ~ara~ralt ocats~d on page 25 under Nousin~ be moved ~op~age 2 under the S,me~x7 of Objectives. Aidean Mitchelson also substed that a stud~ or the histor~ behind the desi~natica of the Central BusinessDistrict would indi- cate that only one such district is possible. Ik eaphasized that 7~ of the retail floor slmce in the Cit~ ~s within the Central B~siness District. ~his, together with the proxiait~ of M~nioilal Orficas~ financial institu~ioos, etc., warranted the loatic~ o~ ~he O~D in ~he ~ Strut - ~lctoria Ave. area. !k s~atad that the endersesen.~ of the Official Plan submission would be a matter and did not obligate the Council to an irrevocable obligation to its contents. Alderman Gregory made reference to the prestige t3npe of industry that all municipalities were trying to attract and questioned if Stanley Avenue would present a location which. would attract this type of industry. He questioned the removal of such an Industrial area from an area adjacent to the Queen Elizabeth Way, to a secondary street. Alderman Johns questioned the legality of the Municipality Serumriding a site plan agreement if the new Official Plan were to be adopted and approved. The Planner pointed out that through the use of a holding category, lands could be held until such time as they are required and could then be re-zoned. The use of this holding category would permit the use of site plan ~greaments. At this point Mayor Keighan invited comments from members of the public present. Mr. Norman Puttick referred to the possible saving of two million dollars resulting from the Nydro's contribution for the erection of new bridges over the Nydro Canal, and questioned if the money so saved could be used in the development of the Civic · Centre. Complex ~nd ~he. Central BuSiness Distr~ct., Mayor Kei~mn replied that the . money would be a definite economic help to the City. Alderman MacBain suggested ~ that the paragraph titled "purpose= on page 2~ (2) be moved to page 2, and that the words "to establish such policies and close co-operation with other levels of ~overn- merit and agencies so as to provide and maintain suitable housing for persons of all incczms and age groups in an efficient and pleasant environment for living" be in- serted. The Planner suggested the possibility of including such a provision in both pages. Alderman Mitchelson stated that it was significant to state that both this Council and previous Councils ware extremely concerned about the narrow bridges and the widening roads, but this item had been repeatedly kept in mind in the preparation of five year capital budgets. Ee also stated that Mr. Puttick's remarks had no bearing on the items under discussion. Mr. E. J. Pennin~ton, w-~cutive Director of the Social Planning Council, pointed out that speaking as an individual, he was very pleased to see that the Planning Board and the City Council were planning for people. Mr. Greaves pointed out that he had worked with the Social Planning Council in Nmmilton and his stgff walcnmed any c,-~,,~nts and suggestions that the local Planning Council might have. Mayor EeiZh-n spoke highly of the capable employees of the Planning Board and the fact that the citizens of the City were very fortunate to have such a calmble Planner and Planning Board staff. He expressed appreciation of the Council for the excellent presentation and the co-operation that bad been received from the Commun- ity Plansing Branch of the Department of Municipal Affairs. He emphasized that a great-number of reports had been finalized during the current year and the import- ance of the inter-dependence which exists between these various plans, and the neces- sity to move all progr-m.~s ahead as a unit. He also emphasized that a great deal of confidence would be required by the taxl~yers due to the complex nature of the reports. He x~-ded those present that the Provincial and Federal Government had, in authorizing substantial ~rants, recognized the need to renew older areas, and the importance of the availability of services in such areas. He felt that it would be unwise to abandon the area forming the historic centre of the City. He pointed out that at present no spot in the City was more th-n 10 to 15 minutes from the Central Business District. He ateted that it was idiotic to suggest that the Civic Complex should be in the geographical centre Of the Municil~xlity, as such a sugges- tion would i~nore the rec~ndations contained in the reports as prepared by ex- perts in their individual fields. He also cautioned that the Council must under- take any re-develolment plans in stages. He also felt that any change in Council's plan due to political pressure would be tragic for the Municipality as a whole. Aldex~nan G. Martin pointed out that the meeting had been interesting and in~ormative and that being a member of the Planning Board he was familiar with the submission made b~ Mr. Greaves. He outlined the problems that had, and would be, created by the absence of an adequate Official pl... These probl-me, he stated, ware quite evident at the weekly meetings of the Proper~y and Public Works Committees. He briefly traced the histexT of the formulation of a proper Official Plan and added that this Council was on record for supportin~ the different studies that have been undertaken. He further substed that the studies now c~pleted would be undone if the present Council ware not to approve the Official p!a~ as presented. ~76 · a77. It w~s ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin, seconded by Ald. MacBain that the Council of the City of Nia6ara Falls adopt in principle the proposed Amendment Num- ber 28 to the Official Plan of the City of Nia~ra Falls as prepared and rectumended by the Nta~ra Falls & Suburban Area PIA-ning Board. Carried t~--niaously. Meeting adjourned. ~ RFAD AND ADOPTED, August 19~h, 1966. .Mayor Council Chamber, August 19~h, .1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at approxt.mtely 7:00 p.m. on Friday, August 19th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Scott. His Worship Mayor R. F. Neighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Alderman MacBain, seconded by Alderman Dewhie that the minutes of the meeting of Council held t 1 on August 1_~ ~l~,.& L~[~, be adopted as printed. UNFINISHED BUSYNESS Report 660 - City Treasurer - Statement of Expenditures and Revenues. 0RIF_aED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that the Report be tabled for the August 29th meeting of Council. CCe~IUNICATIONS No. S~/~ - R. D. Pa6ani, Acres -Re~u_estingapproval of City Council to speak on Centennial Square and Civic Centre at Industrial Management Meeting. ORIBPu~v on the mothon of Ald. MacBaln and Ald. Johns that the c~unication be received and filed and Mr. Pageni be informed that Council has no objection to the topie-Centeunial Square and Civic Centre being chosen for the speech. No. S45 - Nia~ar~ District Dump Truck. Operator's Assoc. - Advising of formation of. Association. OR~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Sw~yze that the communication be received and the City Engineer be. authorized to contact the Association and obtain the necessary information, le: - whether the Association represents 100% of the operators in the 3 Counties, etc., and report to the Public Works C~.m~ttee, who will report to Councll. No. 676 - Property Ccemittee - Ree.~i~nding that the o~ner of the vacant dwelling located at 8S~ Erie Avenue be ordered to a~molish s-me in accordance with the provisions of By-lawNo. 6b~O. OR~D on the motion of Aid. John~ and Ald. Swayze that th~ Report be received and adopted. · ~ Resolution No. 116 NO. 677 - PrF~elrty Crmmittee - Rec~mn~nding that the owner of the vacant dwelling located at Durm Street be ordered to aemoltsh the condemned dwelling located therein in accordance with the provisions of By-law 6440. 01~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 117 No. 678 - Public Works Ccemittee- Rec--~,~ding that a resolution be passed accep- ting the transfer of Highway leo. 8 to the Municipality, from the H.E.P.C. Canal to a point approx~r~tely ~00 feet north of Mountain Road. OREe~ED on the motion of Ald. (}. Merlin and Ald. Rearss that the Report be received and adopted. SEX Resolution No. 118 No. 679 - Public Works Committee - Rec,~ending the construction of sanitary sewers ca NcEeod Road end Oakwood Drive. ORESl~ on the motion~of Aid. O. Martin and AlgL Johns that the Report be received, ;and a~opted. 27e. No. 680 - Public Works C~..m!ttee . Recn"~end~8 that repairs on Montrese Road Ericlge over the Wellend River be undertaken as soon as possible, and that a request be made through Mr. G. B,~k-tor, M.L.A. to arrange a meeting with the Minister of Highways to determine if it might be possible to have the re-construction advanced; and suggesting that the Chairman of the Pcblic Works C~ittee, Chairman of the Sub- urban Roads C~""ission, County Engineer, and City Engineer attend this meeting. 0P~ on the ,motion of Ald. G. Mar~in and Ald. Bearss that the Repor~ he received and adopted, and City Officials meet as suggested. It was further suggested that temporary signs could he pieced at the bridge warning the public of the condition of the bridge. ' No. 681 - .Recreation & Protection C~lttee - Recmnding that the recommendations of the School ~raffic Safety C.~.~,!ttee be adopted and that an advertisement be pieced in the Niagara Falls Evening Review previous to the first week of school indicating the location of crossing to be provided with guards. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. aregory-that the Report be received and adopted. No. 682 - Finance C~mnittee - Recommending approval of accounts for the period ending August l~th, 1966. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that the Beport be received and adopted. No. 683 - City Clerk - Rec,-,~.,ending approval of Municipal Licences. Of~ on the motion of Ald. Gregox7 and Ald. SWze that the Report be received, adopted and licenoes granted. , No. 684 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Recemending that the second and third reading of By-lew No. 7171 (establishing parking lots adjoining Huron Street and for regulating, supervising and governing the parking of vehicles thereon and charging a fee for such parking), be amended to allo~ the penalty of $3.00 instead of $1.00 in paragraph 21 Of the By-law, and that all Municipal l~laws concerning violations at parking meters be -.~nded in a s~miler runner. ' ORE~t~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Oregory that the Report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Aidemen D~nie and Johns voting contrary, and all other members in fayour. No. 685 - City Manager - Cherrywood Acres Subdivision, Reg. Plen Not. 230, written . statement of the facts. ORDEP~ on the motion of Aid. O. Martin and Aid. Swayze that the RepOrt he considered in C~m"~ttee of the Whole. Verbal Report - Alderman Johns - City-mined property at the north-west corner of Erie Avenue and Park Street. Ald. Johns indicated that it was the feeling of the ~l~roperty Ccmaittee that the City-o~ned property located at the north-west comer of Erie Avenue and Park Street ~nich had been condemedAshould be removed at this time. ' ORE2~D on the sotion of Ald. j~h~e and ld. ~ze that Tenders he called for the deaolition of the City-mined 'property '~ocated at the north-west corner of Erie Avenue and Park Street. ' Housin~ Conference attendance His Worship Nayor Mei~ban appointed the City Manager, Mr. A. C. Hu~ins and Aldersan V. Johns to attend the l~th Annual HOusing C~f~rence, at Fort William, from September 7th. to ~th, as the representatives of the City. Washrote Facilities for City Market Worship Me~or Meltban requested t~at ~he m~tter of prowidin~ scae ~eilities for the City ~r~t ~ l~d ~t6, for ~he ~op~ ~o sell p~uce ~r~ ~d the ~op~ ~o stand the ~t. ~ ~,,~sted t~t the ~y 1~ into t~ at~r ~ p~ld~ at ~st sm t~ of t~m~ faoi~ties. ~.r s~d he w~ adam the ~mF C~e ~ ~his m~r. 279' Removal of barrier equipment at rear of City Hall. His Worship Mayor Keighan requested the City Engineer to have the cement pillar to which the barrier chain had been affixed, removed at the rear of the Cit. y Mall. Meeting with MAr. Laing re: PIistorioal Park Site. Alderman Johns gave a verbal report on the meeting with the Hon. A. Laing, Minister of Northern Affairs and National Resources, on Thursday, A~gust 18th. Mr. Laing had advised that the Government would be prepared to make a statement on the Park devalotment within two weeks. In the meantime the Historic Sites Branch are en~maging appraisers to appraise all of the property to help them arrive at a decision. One appraiser would be local. It was indicated by Ald. Johns and Mayor Keighan that a telephone call had been received at the Mayor's Office from the - Executive Assistant of Miss LaMarsh, advising that Mr. Laing would arrive in the City on Thursday evening, and stating that no publicity was wanted. When the Mayor and Ald. Johns arrived at the Presbyterian Church on Lundy's Lane the Officials were alread~ present along with a photographer from the Evening Review. It was l~dicated that a reporter from the Evening Review received an interview with Mr. Laing at the Airport. Alderman MitcheLaon, a member of the Historical Park Site Coa- mittee, c~nted on the meeting, and stated that he had not been notified of the meeting, and was very upset to learn of the meeting by the account in the Press. He stated he and other members of the C~mm~ttee were at least entitled to he informed that the Mayor and Chairman of the Ccmnittee had been advised that the Minister would be in the City and he wanted no publicity, and had requested a meeting with the Mayor and Chairman. Alderman Mitchelson disagreed with the coverage of the matter by a reporter and photographer when the Minister had requested no lmublicity, and when other Members of the C~m.'~tee hsd not been informed of the meeting. Ald. Faho Martin also expressed displeasure ~lth the way in which the matter had been handled, since it had been the Ccmnittee as a whole who had travelled to Ottawa, and had been instrumental in having the Minister change his mind on the proposal. Alder- man MacBain then submitted his position on the proposal as it stood at the present time, and stated that he ~elt it was completely improper that a modern Church be in the midst of a Historimcl Park Site. He indicated he wo~ld be against the Gov- ernment taking a small parcel of land and,spending a Large sum of money on it in an attempt to turn it into a Historical Site. He stated that such a proposal would be a freud and could be constituted as improper use of public funds. Alderman Johns stated that it was pr~mture at this point to discuss the size or'the scope of the Park develotment since the Government had ~ot submitted a definite proposal. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Downie, seconded by Ald. Johns that the verbal report of Ald. Johns, Chairman of the Historical Park C~mmittee, be received and referred to that C,'~,~.,lttee. Verbal Report -Ald. Downie - Emergency Measures Organization expenditures Alderma~ Downie presented a verbal report of the above matter which had been cmsidered at the Finance C~mm~ttee Meeting of Friday, August 19th, 1966. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Downie, seconded by Ald. Hitchelson that two · chequns be issued to the ~nergency Maasures Organization, one for the normal account for current expenditures in the amount of $1,~25.15, and the second for the building fund account in the amount of $1,077.12, and that a letter be sent to the E.M.0. stating that if the building is not constructed that ~he money for the building fund ~ould be returned ~o the City .of Niagara Palls, p~ Bank interest. Carried l~eaoval of Bell Telel~none poles fron Third Avenue Alde~m~ Jnhns advised t~at scme t~.~ ago he had requested, through the City ~n~ineer, that the Bell Telephone Ccml~ny move old unused poles from Third Avenue. To date, this matter had no~ been taken care of. It was indicated that the Bell Telephone should be requested to take ~=-~diate action on the matter. It l~s indicated that the City ~ngAneer wuld take the matter under advisement. 80 · Paintlng of City street signs__._ Ald. F. Martin indicated that the Engineering Department is now undertaking the painting of City street signs, and work along Lund,v's lane has been cmp/eted. · This is part of an over-all beautification project for the City. Appointm?n~ of Alderman Swayze as Acting Mayor 'His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan appointed Alderman Swayze as Acting Mayor during his absence, for the period from Augrest 20th to the end of the month. It was indicated that the Acting Mayor would represent Mayor Keighan at the St-m~ord Hort- Icultural Society Show on August 20th, and the opening of the Earper Method plant On August 21st. Beautification Committee Alderman Bearss briefly reported on the work done by the Beautification Com- mittee, and stated that in the residential competition held, for front lawns, 30 · Trilllure Awards had been presented, out of 70 total entrants. I~SOLUTIONS No. 116 - JONNS-SWAYZE - EESOLVE~ that the City Clark be authorized to forward by registered mail, a cummunication to the owner of the vacant dwelling located at 835 Erie Avenue, directing that the building be demolished in accordance ~ith the provie- ions of By-law No. 64~O; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 117 - G. MARTIN - JONN8 - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to forward by registered mail, a c~-m-Anication to the owner of the vacant dwelling located at 2681 Duxm Street, directing that the Bulla4ng be a~molished in accora--ce with the provisions of By-law No. (9+40; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 118 - (t. MARTIN - BEARSS - F~OLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls accept the transfer of Nighway No. 8 to the Municipality, from the; Hydro-Electric Power Cc~mission of Oathrio Canal, to a point approx~-mtely 400 feet north of Mountain Road; and the Seal of the Corporetion be hereto affixed. ' Carried -Unanimously · BY-lAWS No. 7171 - A By-law to provide f~r establishing parking lots adjoining Huron Street, and for re~ulatin6, supervising and governing the parking of vehicles thereon and, charSing a fee for such iarkin~. OII]321~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that By-law No. 7171 as. amended re: penalty increased from $1.00 to $3.00, be given ~he second read~S. · Carried t~u~nimously. T~trd Readin~ as amended. Ald. Oregory and Aid. 8wayze. Carried Una-~m~msly. No. 717e - A By-law to authorize the exesution of an A~reement dated August l~th, 1966 le~ween River Realty Develolment Idatired, The Corporation of the City of Niaeare Falls, and Wilfred A. Potter and Carlton ~ohn Monroe. (Propozed Subdivisica, Part T~p. Lot 78) :' 0EI~D on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. 8wayze that Ald. G. Martin be ~mnted the privllale of introducin~ the By-law .and the By-law be Siren the first reading. Carried U~animousl~. 0RES~gD on the motion of AId. G. Martin and Aid. Bearss tha~ Rule 36 (2) of the 8tamcling Rules of Cramell be ~mri~ eus~n~d ~d the ~-~w ~ ~n ~e ~lJlrd RoadAnll - AId. F. Martin and AI~. .281. N.o... 7174 - A By-law to authorize the construction of a new City Hall. ORREt~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Johns that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried with Ald. Swayze, G. Martin and Downie voting contrary and all other members in fayour. 01~ES~EI) on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried with Ald. Swayze, G. Martin and Downie voting contrary and all other members in favour. No. 7175 - To provide for the adeption of am amendment to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Official P/an. (Amendment No. 28 - Official Plan) ORIE~ED on the motion of Aid.. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that Aid. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORE on the motion of Aid. G. Martin and Aid. Mitchelson that Rule 36 · (2) of the Standing Rules-of Council be temporarily suspended-and the By-law be . given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. No. 7176 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($236,965.99) 0~Fa) on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Johas that Ald.Mitchelson- be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. Ordered on the motion of Aid. Mltchelson and Aid. MacBain that Rule 36 '(2) of the Standins Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Downie and Ald. Gregory. Carried. Unanimously. Council adjourned to C,-,-~lttee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Johns. AND ADOrn, August 29th, 1966. C(Be41.rn~ OF THE WHOLE Council Ch.~ber, August 19th, 1966. Council assembled in C.-.--!ttee of the Whole followlD~ the regular meeting of Council on August 19bh, 1966. All Members of Council ware present with the exception of Alderman Scott. Alderman Bearss presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the it~mm presented to the C~mmtttee, it was or- dered on the motion of Ald. Downie and Ald. Mitchelson that the Cusnittee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to Report 675 - Railway Re-location C,_'-,,,,lttee; Report 687 - Proper~y C~tttee; Report 68~ - City Manager. - READ AND ADOPTED, August 29~h,. 1966. Mayor COUNCIL Council Chamber, August 19th, 1966. Folloving the C--mittee of the Whole Meeting on August 19~h, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present with the exception of Alderman G. Martin and Alderman Scott. His Worship Mayor Ketghan presided. The following action was taken: Report 675 - Railway Re-location Cam-ittee - Rec~wm-ndtn6 that letter of reply to the Board of Transport Commissioners be approved re: Railway Re-location Study. ORDEBED on the motion of Aid. Rearss and Ald. Downie that the Report be received and su~mis- sion be approved by Council, and the City Manager be authorized to send the su~mission to the various authorities that require same. Carried Unanimously. Report 687 - Property Ccumtttee - Application of R. Stacey to m-zone Lot 20, P]~- 27, and Lots -1. an~ 2.,, Paa~ ~-72,. f~m existing R-3 c3as~lficati.c~. ~.q ~. ~.m.~g.... (~ver Rind ~t~en ~ne~ Street ~d ~ield 8t~t) O~ ~ the m~i~ of Ald. ~ss, second by Ald. ~ie that the ~po~ be m- ~l~d ~d filed ~d the a~li~tim ~ processed ~th t~ ~rs~ that t~ sl~ ~s wi~ ~ 33'6" at the no~ si~, and 33' at the s~th si~, and the nec- es~ site p~ ~ant ~ entered ~to. ~rried ~-~m~s~. Xt ~s also ~di- ~ted t~t n~r "~?" ~ the ~c~d ~ph of t~ m~ would be raphoed by the na~r "~2", ~d ~t .the wo~ =znn~-8 by-~ws~ w~d ~ mph~d by the word e~Ecy" · Report 685 - City Manager - Che~ood Acres Subdivision - Beg. Plan 230, written statement of the facts. ~SEI~iD on the motto~ of Ald. Bastes, seconded by Aid. Downte that the Report be cotred, and filed, and eol~ of statement be sent to Mr. Citroenhags and the spokeman for the delegation of the Pinedale Drive _--ghe~_rryhill Drive residents. The Council Neetin6 adaourned, on the mc~ton of Aid. Downte and AId. Nltchelscn. BFAD &led ~, Au&~st ~gth, 196~' ' e/~~Se~ · % · lerk 283. FORTY-FIRST MEETING Council Chamber, 'August 29th, 1966. _REGULAR I%~EA'ING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:BO p.m. on Monday, August 29th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Councilwere present with the exception of His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan. Al- derman C. G. Swayze was the Presiding Officer. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain, seconded byAld. Scott that the Minutes of theMeeting of Council held on August 19th, 1966 he adopted as printed. KSFdTATIONS C.-~a. 346 - Downtown Business Association - Brief protesting the change in fine for perking meter violations, and suggesting that ill,,m~nated signs be erected on Queen Street to indicate the location of the newly completed parking lots.. Mr. H. A. Logan was present at the Council Meeting as the spokesman for the Assoc- iation. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. F. Martin that Mr. Logan be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Logan then read the Brief of the Association, copies of which were included in the Council Agendas. Mr. Logan also advised that it was the wish of the Association, as soon as possible, to im- plement attendant Iarking lots, and the merchants then, in effect, would subsidize parking so that it bec-.~ free for their custrm--rs. Mpm~ers of Council expressed their opinions on the matter. Yt was then ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin, seconded by Ald. Gregory that the Recreation & Protection Ccnmtttee meet with the crem. ittee of the Downtown Business Association on August 31st at 4:45 p.m., and By-law No. 7179, being a By-law to amend By-laws Nos. 4134, 5786 and 7040 respect- ing parking meters and l~rking iota, ~hich appears on the Council Agerids, be tabled for a future meeting. l~eport 660 - City TreasUrer - Statement of Expenditures & Revenues to August 8th, 1966. 0RIBI%ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain that the State- ment be approved as presented. CO~IUNICATIONS No. 347 - RaxTtln,Calvert,Sheppard & Clerk - Peterson, etal, re:. parking meters on Ferry Street between Stanley and Allen Avenue. Xn answer to the query contained in the crm.nunicatiom, Ald. F. Martin, Chairman of the Recreation & Protection C-m. ittee stated that the 'no parking" restriction on the south side of Ferry Street was implemented when the one way system want into effect for channelization of traffic going up Stanley Avenue. In respect to the two bus stops, there was' in reality, only one stop marked, and any buses stopping on Allen Avenue were doing so illegally. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin, seconded by Ald. Gregory that the communication he received and Mr. Peter- son be informed that the Racreatiom & Protection Cu.mittee will meet with him on this matter on August 31st at 5:15 p.m. NO. 3~8 - Greater Ntagere Chamber of C--.--eros - Requesting that bus stop on Victoria Avenue in front of Chamber offices be reviewed, and possibly eliminated. CSEiRED on the motion of Aid. F. MaT~in, seconded by Ald. Gregory that the oamuunt- cation be received and referred to the Greater Niagara Transit Cam~lssion for ex- planation. No. 3~9 - Chamber of Comeroe -Attendance of Members of Council at meetings of* Board of Directors for months of September, October and November. Ol~E21~DontbemotionofAld. Rearss and Ald. Scott that the c~unicettonhe received and ,the appropriate Aldermen attend the meettngsandtheChamberbe so advised. No. 350 - Edward Paulo - Objecting to operations at Fiore's Salvage Yard. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Scott that the communication be re- ceived and referred to the Police C~ ~sion for consideration. No. 351 - Greater Niagara United AI~eal - Requesting ~ermission to erect banner at the intersection of Victoria,Ayenue and Epworth Circle for 8 weeks commencing Sept- ember 15th, OBI~D on the motion of Ald. Hearse and Ald. Johns that the c~mm,mication be re- ceived and request granted subject to, the approval of the Niagara Palls. H~.dro Com- mission. No. 352 - T~p. of Willoughby - Requesting approval of Amendment No. 31 to the Of- ficinl Plan as it applies to Willoughby To~nship. O1~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Aid. Scott that the cn--w,Anication be tabled, and members of Council he supplied with a copy of the Amendment for their perusa. l, and the City Manager report on the matter to Council. No. 353 - C~*"mittee of Adjustment - Application of Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Graham., No. 354 - C~tttee Of AdJustment - Application of A. & L. Wurster. No. 355 ' Ccmnlttee of Adjustment - .Application of Mrs. Ann~ Bragg No. 356 r C~"~ttee of Adjustment - Application of E. J. Macklein. No. 357 - Ccemittee of Adjustment - Application of Great Palls Lumber Co. Ltd. leo. 358 - Committee of Adjuster - Application of Mr. J. Prest. CRIBBED on the motlon of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the c,~-~ntcattons be received. an,d filed, and the Clty Solicitor attend on behalf of the Clty at the applicable Heartnee. No. 359 -' W~lland & DiStrict Health Unit - Cona~m~ing pr~_miees at aa6 Bridge Street. No. 360 - Welland & District Health Unit - Condemning premises at ~30 Bridge Street. No. 361 - We~and~'-& District Health Unit - Cona~m-in~ premises. at ZJ~ Bridge Street. No. 36~ - Welland & District Health Unit - Condenming premises at e36 Bridge Street. No. 363 - Wel~-d & District Health Unit - Cc~a~ing premises at 3481 Oarner Road. OI~RmD on the motion of Aid. Scott, seconded by AId. MacBain that the cc~mauniontions be received and referred to the Proper~y C---attee for. consideration.. No. 688 - Public Works Committee - Heccemending that Tender for construction of water- mains on ~horold Stone R~ad, Montrese Road, Belmont Ave., McLeod Road, be awarded to C & S Construction. OPTED on the motion of Ald. G. Mar~u and Aid. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. , SE~ Resolution leo. 11~ No. 68~ .- Public Works. Committee - Rec~.~ending that Tender for construction of a store sewermain on Murx~ Street extended, be aWarded to ~. Kerrio-Oe~mano Construc- tiOn ~aited. 01~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and' Ald. Johns that. the l~port be received and adol~ced.,. ~s Resolution leo. 120 No. 6~0 - l~blic Works Omittee - Reccsm~nding that the Tender for tks coneffuSion of. a sanitary sewermain on Moatrosa Road be awex~ed to liraore Bros. Ltd. · 0~ on ~he .action of Ald. G: Mar~in and AId. ~cbns that the Report be received and adopted. .. : · 8~ Resolutio~ leo., leo. ~1 - ~xeeutive Assistan~ - Advising Of reoei~ of Order from Ontario Munieilml Beard approvinS of. B~-law No. 70~ (Gizzi-Lcmberdi m-zoning, Rest side Dorchester Road. ) 01~ on the ao~ion of Ald. Sects ,a~'d A14. G, Max~tin that ~w~e :Repox~ be reeeive. d and filed. No. 692 - Executive Assistant - Advising of objection received in respect to By-law No. 7156, to provide for ninimum frontage of ~0 feet on all lots within cul-de-sacs for proposed River Realty Develot~nent SubdiVision, and requesting confirmation of Council's position. OFDEI~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and Council go on record as being in fayour of By-law No. 7156, notwithstanding the objection received fr~n Mr. & Mrs. Win. Robinson. (~is motion was carried with Ald. Downie voting contrary. and all other members in favour. ) SEE Resolution No. 122 No. 693 - Property C<-,~iittee - Re: Offers received on nine l~rcels of property acquired by the City through tax registration procedureS, and rec~nm~nding that the offers received on parcels 1 to 8 inclusive be not accel~ed and they be placed in the hands of a Realtor for disposal, and that l~rcel No. 9 be sold to Mr. V. Cant at a price of $300.00, and that R. C. Young be asked to list percels 1 to 8 incl-' usive under the Multiple Listings Service. O~'MEA~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that the Repor~ be receive~ and adopted. No. 69~ - Propexty C~mittee - ~aaendment Application AM-191, L. Martin, m-zoning, corner Heavera.~. Road and ICtmberk Avenue, and recomnending that Site Plan as submitted be approved. OPa~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 695 - Property Ccmnittee - Recommending that washroom facilities be construc- ted in Meat Stalls No. 8 and 9 on Huron Street at a total est~-mted cost of $8~5.00. O1~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Joh~s that the Repo~c be received and adopted. No. 696 - Property C~mm~ttee - Recommending that the' proposed plan of subdivision of Part. of Twp. Lot 36 located at the east end of Wil/ineer Street be approved in principle subject to the five conditions outlined in the Report. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that the HepOrt be received and adopted. No. 69"/- Public Works 'Ccmnittee - Monicipel Report Maintenance Management Project. 0I~ on the motion of Ald. G- Martin, seconded by Ald. Bearss that the Report be received and filed. No. 6.~8 - Recreation & Protection C--m. ittee - Niagara Falls Parking Stud~. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. ~regory that the Report be re- ceived and tabled for perusal of Council. No. 6~ - Recreation & Protection Ccesnittee - Hec~m-~nding that the Department of Transport be ~lven permission to place permanent counting stations on Victoria Avenue between Sirocco S~reet and Morrison ~reet; and on Morrison Street between' First Avenue and Second Avenue. ~ on the motion of Ald. F. 'Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Report be re- Calved and adopted. No. 700 - Hecreation & Protection Committee - Hec~m~nding that the quotation of Canadian C~io Brass Co. L~d. be accepted, and they be instructed to supply and mount a new aerial ladder for the Traffic Dept. Truck at the price of Sales Tax Extra. (Aid. Gregory'was excused from voting on this matter) 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Hearse that the Repor~ be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 12~ leo. 701 - Recreation & Protection Cmmittee - Hecommending that the atop no~ be on Brookfield Avenue at intersection with Clare Crescent, and the necessary by-law amendments he made. 01~ O~ the mc~ic~ of ~d. F. Martin and Aid. Hearse tha,~ the Repor~ be x~oeived and adopted. No. 702 - l~--nce C~lttee - Recommending that the City not participate In host~ the ~le~tes to t~ ~1 C~ntlon of t~ In~u~l~l Aes~latlon o~ Assess~ ~ ~t~rs d~ thelr one ~ vlslt ~ NIa~ ~s. ' - ~ ~ the ~ion o~ AId. ~t~elson ~d A~. ~ie t~t the '~po~be ~-" : ~ived ~d ~do~ed. No. 703 - Finance C.---ittee'- Rec~m-~nding approval of accounts for period ending August 29th, 1~/~. OhMr~ o~ the moti6n of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. F. ~tartin that the Report'be received and adopted. No. 704 - City Clerk - Rec~m~n~S the granting of Municilml Licenoes. OP~u c~the ~otion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received, adopted, and licenoes granted. No..705 ~ Building Inspector - Building Permits issued for C..-.~_rcial Ruildings dur- ing week ending August 26th, 1966. 0REEE~ On the motion of Ald. ~ohns and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and filed. ' · RESOIJJTIONS.. No. 119 - G.MARTIN - SCOTT - RESOLVED that the Tender for construction of watermains o~, ~norold Atone Road, Montrose Rood, Belmont Avenue , McLeod Rood, be awarded to C.& S Construction Coopany at the price Of $28,200.50; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 320 - G.MARTIN - JOHNS - ~ESOLVED that the Tender for construction of a storm sewermain on Murray Street extended, be awarded to V. Kerrio-~emano Construction X.~m~+~d at the price of $23,777.~0; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 121 - G. MARTIN - J0~S - I~SOLVED that the Tender for the cOnstruction ara: Sanitary Sewermain on Montrose Road be awarded to Damore Bros. Ltd., at the price of ,$~6~0.00; and the Seal of the CorporatiOn be hereto affixed. z Carried Unanimousl~ No. 122 - G. MAJ~TIR - JOHNS - I~0LVED that Council go oo record as be~-~ in fayour of By-law 'No. 71~, notwithstandin~ the objectiOn received frca Mr. & Mrs. Win. Robinson; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto 'affixed. (Ald. Downie voted cootmxT, and all other members voted in fayour.) -. ~ · Carried No. 32~ - F.MARTIN - B~ARSS - I~SOLVE that tbe. quotation of Canadian Ohio Brass Co. Ltd. be accel~ed, and they be instructed to suppl~ and mount a new aerial ladder for the Traffic Dept. Truck at the prioo of $~,Ll2.51, sales tax extra; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed, (AId. Oregory ~as excused frca voting. ) Carried No. 12~ - _O. MASTIN.- SCOTT - I~SOLVED that the next re,tier'meeting of Council be held On Tuesday, Sel~eaber ~th~ l~6'a~ 7:30 p.m, and the Seal of the Corporation be here.to affixed. "! ..... " · Carried Unanimously for lmesentetton of Report On ltlrJ. olael GovernS. Aldsrsa~_ Orepx7 reported that he had artended a'meetin2 in the office of Dr. L. R. Cuatn2 in Toroato on Au2u~t 2~h in mspee~ ~o the presentatiOn of the ~epox~ ca Re2imal ~vernmnt. ~ae ImrpoM of the seetin~ was' tO 'finaltze arma2e- ants for the lmssentatlCa of ~bs ~sl~rt of the surve~ ads by the Ccsmtttae headed I1 287. by Professor MAyo. This repoxt is now in the hands of the Minister of Municipal Affairs who received it on August 25th. It was suggested that the Report be pre- sented to representatives of the Municipalities and other interested persons on September 7th, or possibly September 8th, at Welhnd, at a D~nner Meeting. No copies of the Report will be given to the Press, News Media representatives, or Members of Municipal Councils until the d~te of the meeting. The City MAnager will be informed of the exact date decided upon for the meeting. The Co~nittee Members of the Niagara Peninsula Municipal Co~nittee on Urban and Regional Research will be present, along with two members fran each participating Municipality, with the exception of Cities, who will have 3 representatives in attendance. There will be two representatives present fran each of the Counties, and one representative from each School Board. An invitation will also be extended to the three M.L.A. 's representing Niagara, Welland and Lincoln Counties. Representatives from the Press and Madio in the area, including Hamilton and Toronto will also be invited to attend. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory, seconded by Ald. Mttchelson that His Worship Mayor KeiSb~n attend this special meeting, along with the City Manager or the City Engineer if he is unable to attend, and Alderman Downie, Chairman of the Camwittee which fomulated the brief on Regional Government, presented on behalf Oi~ the City of Nineare Falls. It was indicated that Ald. Gregory would attend.the special meeting in his capacity as a representative of the City on the Niagara Pen- insuia C~m~ttee on Urban and Regional Research. Invitation to CAnadian Tourist Association to hold Conference in City of Nt~gare Falls. Alder.~an Searss advised that Mr. Kenzie, MAnager of the Visitor & Convention Bureau, had informed her of the Canadian Tourist Association Conference being held in Vancouver in October, at which he will be in attendance. It was 'ordered on the motion of Ald. Bearas, seconded by Ald. MacEsin that an invitation be extended to the Association on behalf of the City, to hold their Convention in Niagara Falls in 19~. It was indicated that Mr. Manzie. would de.liver the lette.r. from.the City to the. Association Officials. Authorization to .Weed Inspector The City Clerk advised that under the provisions of the Weed ContrOl Act if the Municipelity inserts anfadvertisement in the paper, then upon the direction of the.Council, the geed Inspector my go in and have ~eeds cut, and charge the costs upon the property owner involved. It ~as ordered on the motion of Ald. G. MArtin, cecondad by Ald. Mitchelson that the Weed Inspector be authorized to proceed with the destruction of weeds in accordance with Section 13 of The Weed Control Act as amended. reave of absence - Alderman Bearss It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Downie, seconded by. Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. Scares be granted permission to be absent fron Council Meetings and Com- mittee MeetS,Be for the. period September ~th to September 2~h inclusive while on the 1966 Local ~ovex-~ent 8tud~ Tour of England and Europe. Alderman Searss re- ~erred to. the recent visit. to the City of Mrs.. L. Bang of GRadsaxe, Demsark, Official Hostess for the Stud~v Tour. She stated that on behalf Of the Ontario Municipal AssociatiOn, she would be preeentin~ an offici.al plaque with the Maple Leaf Emblem on it, to the Mayor of Gledsaxe. Intersection of Stanley Avenue and McLeod Road Alderman Downie referred to the intersection of Stanley Avenue and McLeod Rood, and the Apparent den~erous conditions existing there. It was indicated that this matter was under stud~ by the Recreation & Protection Carattree, who were awattin~ a report frem the Traffic Engineer. Parktn~ opposite Mtcheel's Inn, River Rood. Aidsnan !k~mie queried what actiOn, if an~, had been taken in respect to a reference he had made to the Recreation & Protection Ccsmittee 8one time ago, · *eoncernin2-the.parkiRgof-vehicles on River. Rcad,.opp~$1~e Mlclmel'e L'm. It was indicated that this matter was under cOnsideratiOn by th~'~eerea~i~h & l~'O- teatiOn Ccsmittee, who were awaitin~ a repor~ frem the City 8olicitor as to the ownership of this portion of !tryst Road. , I BY-LAWS No. 7177 - A By-law to authorize the issue of a Debenture in the princitB1 amount · of $275,000.00 for secondary school purposes. (Lord Elgin Vocational School) OI~E~I~D on the motion of Aid. Johns and Aid. F. ~artin that Aid. Mltchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. ~tttchelson and Ald. ~acBain that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the. By-law be given the second read4ng. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. P. ~ar~in and Ald. Gregory.. Carried Unanimously. .o. ?n§ - A By-law to authorize the issue of a Debenture in the aggregate princi- 1~1 amount of $5~9,000.00 for various school purposes. (Consolidated By-law - A.N.N~er and Lord E:l~.in Schools) OB,x-sD on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Scott that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first ORDerED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. NacBain that Rule 36 (2) of ~he Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Readin~ -Ald. F. Martin and Aid. Gregory. Carried Unanimously. No. 717~ - A By=law to a~-ud By-laws Nos. ~13~, .9786 and 7040 respectin~ l~rk~ meters and l~rking lots. The above By-law was tabled for consideration at a future meeting. (See Deputation) .Np. 7180 - A By-law to appoint Alderman C. G. Swayze, Presidin~ Officer. ORE~ on the m~tion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. ~ltchelson ~that Ald. Scott be ~anted permission to introduc~ the By-law and the By-law be given the first readlng. Carried Unanimously. OE21~D ca the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. MacBatn that Rule 36 (2) of, the Standin6 B~]~s of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law ~e i~Lven the sec- ond reading. Carried ~ously. Third Readin~ -' Aid. -MacBain and AId. Gregory. Carried Unanimously. No. 7181 - A By-law to provide monies for ~eneral purposes. ($178,076.9~) O~rx~D on the motion of Ald., Gregory and Ald. F. Mar~tn that Ald. Mitehal- son he ~mnted the privilege of introducin~ the By-law and the By-law be given the first read~S. Carried Unanimousl~. ' . OE2EE on the motion of AId. ~ltchelson and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tamd~n~ Rules of Council be tesporer~ly suspended and the By-law be ~tven the second reading, Carried Unanimously. ~htrd ~eadin~ -Ald. Fj Martin and Ald. Scott. Carried U~niscusly. Camoil addembed to Coattree of the Whola on the motion of Aid. MaeBain, seconded by AId. O. Martin. I'I 289. CO~I'r£.~z~ OF TH~ WHOLE Council Chamber, ' August 29th, 1966. Council assembled in C~mmtttee of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council on Aug. ist 29th, 1966. All Members of Council were present with the exception! of His Worship Ma~or Keighan. Alderman Scott presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to the Co~mlttee, it was -ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Bearss that the COmmittee arise and report to Council in respect to Report No. 677, Personnel & Negotiations C~m4ttee. READ AND ADOr,'~-, September 6th, 1966- Clerk COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, August 29th, 1966. Following the Committee of the ~lole Meeting on August 29th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present with the exception of His Worship Mayor Keighan. Alderman Seayze was the Presiding Officer. The follo~img action was taken: Papor~ 707 - Personnel & Negotiations Ce~a~Attee - Rec~nm~nding that appointanent of Mr. Grant Young, as Welfare Administrator, be made permanent as of August 16th, 1966, and his salary category be Level 10, Step B, as from that ante. r~KES~ED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. The Meeting adaourned on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns. ~ A~D ADOFEA~, September 6th, 1966. | I FOR~-SECOND ME~A'ING Council Chamber, September 6th, 1966. Purs,mnt :to adaotu-,,.~nt, Council met at ~:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 6th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Mem- bers of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Bearss. His Worship Mayor R. F. Kelghan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory, secon- ded by Ald. MacBain that the Minutes .of the Meeting of Council held on August 29th, 1966, be adopted as printed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Corm. 337 -Hon. John P. Robaxts - Canadian Amateur Spor~s Federation and proposed Canadian S,m.~r Games in 1969. Repor~ 708 - Recreation & Protection C._-.-~lttee - Rec~r~me~d~.8 that no bid be made for the 1969 Canadian S,mm~r ~ames. OR~EED on the.motion of Ald..F..Martin and Al~[,.Gregory.$ha$.the received and filed and Repor~ adopted. Ca~"· 3~6 - Downtown Business Association - Protesting increase in parking meter fin. s on Huron Street parking lots from $1.00 to $3.00. Hepor~ 709 - Recreation & Protection C-m~ittee - Rec~*~nding that the previous recom- mendation to increase parkin~ meter fines be tabled until the Police C~w~ission Re- pox~c on )%eter Maids or Cc~missionaires is received, and reccEneDstng that the By-law covering the Huron Street parking lots include a $1.00 fine and not a $3.00 fine. OI~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. Swayze that the Repoxt be received and adolfced, and cnmmunication filed. ~EE By-law No. 7182 Ccem. 347 - Martin, Calvert, Shoppard & Clark - ~rs~ et al ~: ~r~g ~ ~r~ Street. RepoE 710 - ~c~ation ~ ~e~i~ C~ittee - ~c.~,~nd~ the ~s~l~ti~ of one ho~ ~rk~ ~ters ~ the 4~ a~i~b~ ~rk~g s~ces on ~ ~met bergen S~y A~. and Sylv~ ~ce, ~d t~t the appropMa~ ~-~w ~n~nt ~ appr~d . to eEend the peri~ of o~mtion f~ 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. ~E ~ the m~ion of Ald. F. ~ and Ald. Omgo~ that ~e ~po~ ~ m~i~d ~d adored, ~d ca~i~tion filed. C"~· 352 - Township of Willou~h~ - Requesting approval of Amendment No. 31' to the Official Plan for the Will0u~hb~ Section. Report 711 - City Manager - Rec~n'ding that Amendment He. 31 be adolfced by Council. ORESI~D on the motion of AId. G. Martin and Aid. Mitchelson that the Repor~ be re- ceived and adopted, and ooemunication filed. szS By-law ~o. 7187 Ccesm. Nos. 359-362 - Welland & District Health Unit - Advisin~ of condemnation of buildings at 22~, 2p, 232 and 236 Bridge Street. Report 712 - Property CceaLtttee -Rec.~endin~ that the demolition orders be re- ceived and filed in view of the fact that a oontreot has been finalized by .the o~ners of the property for the ~olition of the buildings. CSIS~D on the motion of AId. Scott and Aid. ~wa~ze that the Report be received and No. 36~ - First Presbyterian Church; N.F.,N.~. - invitation to attend preview show- in~ of Billy Glmhaa Fil~, The Restless 01~ ca the motl~ of Aid. Scott and AId.. Swayze that the eonaunication be onived and filed, and as aan~ members of Council as possible attend. % 291. No. 365 - Norman Puttick - Requesting information as to whether 39 callers who phoned the Evening Review in respect to offering accommodation to a family without housin8 acc~mnodation, could be referred to the local HouSing Authority for con- sideration. OPa~D on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson, seconded by Ald. Johns that the canmuni- cation be received and filed and the appropriate officials determine if this in- formation is available, and the findings be made known to Mr. Puttick. No. 366 - Canedaires Drum Corps - Requesting financial assistance from the City to compete in Championship contest to be held in Montreal, September 17th. 0Pa~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that the communication ha received and referred to the Finance C ....... ~ttee for consideration within the policy ~hat has been adopted by Council. No. 713 - C~'~ttee of Adjustment - Advising of final decisions on Applications of Stamford Green Investments Ltd., V. & C. Menechella, Grsgotski & Detlor, and Joseph Bertucci. 0RE~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Repor~ be received and filed. No. 714 - City Manager - Reccsm~nding the attendance of Mr. George Cowlishaw and H. A. Parm at the Third Canadian Fleet Seminar to be held in Toronto, Oct. 3rd to 5th inclusive. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBale that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. No. 715 - City Manager. - Reccznnending that permission be granted for City employees enrolled in the Transpor~ation Safety Association to attend the luncheon meeting at the Repide Hotel on Monday, September 19th. 0RESEED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report be 'received and adopted. No. 716 - City Manager - Recammending that the City Clerk and City Treasurer be permitted to attend the Fall Meeting of Zone 3, Municipal Clerks and Treasurers' Association, in Welland, Sept. 15th. ORE on the motion of Ald. Svayze and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and ad~pted. No. 717 - Public Works C,---,lttee - Recommending that a Brantford Model 23B Rotary Sand Spreader, be purchased at a quoted net price of $2,700.00 installed. 0PEERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adol~ad. .. NO. 718 - Public Works C,~.-~tttee - Ree,-,,-~_nding that rubbish pick-up be held from Oct. 3rd to 7th, inclusive, and from Oct. 31st to Nov. 4th inclusive. 0P~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. MacBain that the Re~ort be received and adopted. NO. 719 - Propert C,~w~ttee - Recommending that notwithstanding Resolution No. 36 Imss~d on March 2~th~ 1966, the City of Niagara Falls request the Ontario Housing Corporation to provide a total of 48 units for Senior Citizen Housing. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Report be .received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 125 NO. 7~0 - Property C-~m~ttee - Rec_,,.mena~ng the approval of Application AM-18~ (Muller's Meats Ltd.} to re-zone Lot 13~, Plan 35 on the East side of Centre Street frc~ the existing C-1 to C-2 use, subject to conditions outlined. OR~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. 8wayze that the Report be received. and adopted. No. 721 - PrOperty Committee - RecOmmending that the Agreement'with 'the Department of National Dalenee for the installation and location of five sirens be renewed for an a~diticaal period of five years. ~ Ald Swam that the Repor~ be received 0R~ on the motion of Ald. Stott and · and adol~ed.· No. 722 - Finance Cem. ittee - R~er, m~mdinS that the application of H. R. ~ohnson for a food shop license be not approved at 927 st. Paul Avenue since the property on which the applicant proposes to carry out the business is not in conformity with existing zoning regulations. · ORdErED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Downie that the Report be re- ceived and adoIrked. No. 723 - ~nMnce emittee - Recommending approval of accounts for the period ending September 6th, 1966. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. F. M~r~in that the Repoxt he re- ceived and adopted. No. 724 - Buildin8 ~ns~ector - Re~ort of Building Permits issued during the month of August, 1~66. 0t~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and filed. No. 725 - City Clerk - Eeccmmending granting of Municipal Licendes. ~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze end Ald. Johns that the Report be received, adopted, and lice,cos granted. MISCELIAHEOUS Appreciation to Presiding Officer His Worship Mayor Keighan expressed appreciation to Alderman SWze who acted as Presidin~ Officer during his absence frc~ the City on vacation. Urban Renewal Ccsatttee Maetin~ A tentative date of Thursday,' September 8th at 7' p.m. was set for a meeting of the Urban Renewal Ccennittee. Meeting re: Regional C~vernment Report It was indicated that His Worship Mayor [eighan, along with the City M~er, and Aldermen Downie and Gregory would attend at the Beacon Motor Ho~el for the meeting in respect to the Regional Government Report, on ~eptember 7th, 1~o6. Meeting of. Canadian Association and American Association, Industrial Editors It ~as indicated that Aldenna~ Johns would represent His Worship Mayor Keighan at a Dinm~,r Meeting of the Industrial ~ditors Association, to be held on September 15th in Buffalo, N.Y. - No. 125 - MITCna.~0N - SCO~ - ~E~OLVED that the O~tario Housing Corporation be re- ques. ted to provide a further 23 senior citizens units in the City of Niagara Falls in addition to the 25 units previously requested by the City by Resolution No. 36 laszed on th~ 28th da~ of Mar~h, 1~, brix~ln~ the total nunbet, of senior Citizens units to ~8. Be it further understood that the City of Nta2ara Falls waive all realty taxes in excess of $2~.00 l~r u~lt; and the Seal of 'the Corporation ,be hereto affixed.. Carried Unanimously No._~_~A~'- A ~-'law to authorize the l~..r~haze of 'an aerial ladder truck for the Fire Delax~aent. Third ~eadin2 - AId. F. Max~in and Aid. Ore2ox~. Car~led Unanimously. (Add. ~. Martin retired frca ~he scotia_* at approximately 8:20 p.a.) I'I 293' No. 7182 - A By-law to ,mend By-law No. 7171, 1966, respecting the establishing and regulating Of the parking of vehicles on parking lots adjoining Huron Street. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. MacBain that Ald. F. ~affoin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried U~animously. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. ~hird Reading .Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. No.. 718~ - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Vincent Kerrio-Germano Limite~ for the 'construction of a storm sewer outfall for Murray Street. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the · first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried U~enimously. ~hird Reading - Aid. Gregory and Aid. Mitchelson. Carried Unanimously. No. 7184 - A By-la~ to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Niagara Palls and Suburban Area Official Plan. (~me~dment No. 27L - Vescio property- East side Lcmbard Avenue) 0RI~ED on the motion of Ald. F. MarCin and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unan~nously. ..... ~ on the motion of 'Ald. 'scott and Ald. 'sval~ '~llat Rul& '36 '(2)'01a "~h~ .... 8~smding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. MaaBain and Aid. Johns. Carried Unanimousl~r. No. 718~ - A By-law to sinend Zoning By-law No. 2530, 1960, of the former Township · of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Palls, as amended. (Vescio properCy, east side L~nbard Avenue). :. 0RE2~s~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reea~-g. Carried ~nanimously. Ol~e~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. 8wayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the seecud reddenS. Carried Unanimously. Third Re~din~ -Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. No. 718~ .- A By-law to e_mend Zoning By-law No. 2530 (1~o0) of the former Township of St,m~ord, now in the City of Niagara Falls, as ~m~uded. (L. Martin property, Elmbark Avenue and ~eaver_4e~s Road) 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. ~wayze that Ald. Scott be ~x~nted the privile~e of introducin~ the ~-~w and the ~-~w be gi~n t~ firs~ ma~. ~ied ~s~. 0~E~D on the motion of AId. Scott and Ald. ~ayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standiu~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended an~ the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Onaniaously. Third Readin~ - Aid. Mitehelsou and Ald. Gregory. Carried t~animously. 94. ~ - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Official Plan (Amendment 31 - Willoughby) ORESRED c~ the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Johns that Ald. Scott be granted the Privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimousl~. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and' Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules 'of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried [Inanimously. Third Reading '. Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain. Carried Unanimously~ No. 7188 - A By-law to provide monies for general Purposes ($2S8,297..56) ORE~D on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the Privilege of introducing the By-law 'and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OP~D on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Downie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suslmended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. ~'nird Beading .Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacBain. Carried Unanimously. Council ac~Journed to Committee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. 8wayze, seconded by Ald. MacBain. READ AND ADOPTED, September 12th, 1966 Mayor 295. COMMITrE OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, September 6th, 1966. Council assembled in Ce~mittee of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council on September 6th, 1966. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Bearss and Alderman G. Martin. Ald. Downie presided as Chairman. · Following consideration of the items presented to the Committee, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacBain that the Committee arise and not report to Council, READ AND ADOP~F~J, Septamber 12th, 1966. Mayor COUNCIL ME~rANG Council Chamber, Septamber 6th, 1~66. FollCNin8 the CommAtree of the Whole Meeting on September 6th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present with the exception of Alderman Bearas and Alderman G. Martin. His Worship Mayor Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. F. Martin that the meeting adjourn. I~ADANDANDADOrA. su, September 12th, 1966- Mayor a96. Council Chamber, September 12th, 1966. ~EGUIAR MEETII~G l~Arsuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September ]2th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were Present with the exception of Alderman Bearss. Nls Worship Mayor R. 1~. Keighan Presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze, seconded by Ald. Scott that the minutes of the Meeting of Council held on September 6th, 1966 be adopted as printed. DEPUTATIONS Cc~n. No. 367 - Mr. R. Young, Broderick,Burnett & Mcleod . Representing Petitioners opposed to the Muller APPlication, Centre Street. It was indicated by the City Clerk that an error bad been made in not no~ifying MAr. Young that Council would deal with the-Muller,aPPlication.at.the.meeting of · September. 6th ... It. was. ordered on. the. motion of Ald. Scott, seconded by Ald. Gregory that Mr. Young be granted permission to ad- dress Council. At the beginning of his presentation, Mr. Young stated tbat he accep- ted the exPlanation of the Clerk tbat an oversight had occurred and he had not re- ceived notice of the September 6th meeting. Me advised tbat his request to be present at the meeting bad been verbal and not in writing. Mr. Young then outlined the main objections of the Petitioners in respect to the proposed Mullet APplication for amend- merit of the Zoning By-law to permit the expansion of a non-conforming use of proPerty on Centre Street. The main points of objection were: (a) T~at the proposal was not an ideal solution, but rather a third rate solution to the problem. (b) That the zoning would not conform to the new Official Plan. (c) That the proposal would ben- efit one piece of proPer~y at the expense of the neightouring ProPerties. (d) That the basic idea behind a non-conforming use was being overlooked, in that when build- ings were no longer suitable, the non-conforming use should run out. Mr. Young also outlined the problems created by the present operation of the business which included traffic congestion, lack of perking, hazardous conditions for motorSetA'and pedestrians, iraadequate garbage facilities, and unsanitary. conditions. Mr. Young queried whether a 0-2 Zone was the proper zone for this type of business, or whether it belonged in an I-1 Zone. Re stated that in 1962 there, bad been a Cceanittee of Adjustment Report containing certain rec~i~_ndations in connection with the Mullet property, and his clients bad advised him that these conditions had never been carried out. Mr. Young advised he could not find the ~eport in question. Mr. Young suggested that the matter be turned back to the Property Ccemittee for investigetion of the ZODin~ question, and consideration of the other points mentioned. It was ind~cated to Mr. Yo,,-~ that the approval of the Council bad been given subject to Mr. Mullet meeting certain conditions to be contained in a Site Plan Agreement. If the matter proceeds to the ending of the Zoning By-law it would go to the Ontario Municipal Board, and the petitioners would have an. opportunity. to- Present. their. case to the Board.. Mr.. ~,~er,. who. was, presen~ at the Council Meeting was granted Permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. M~xrtin. Mr. Mullet stated that his business had been in op- eration before 19~8. In 19~8 Permission was granted by Council f~r expansion of the business. In 1~60 a Federal Inspector was permanent]~W stationed on the premises to provide fUll time inspection.' Mr. M~er advised that the property would not be suitable for Tourist Ccenercial Purposes since it only had a del~h of 89 feet, He did not agree that ~1 individual persons bad si~ned the petition. He also etated that the petitioners ~ere not f,,]~y awere of his proposed plans for the business. Mention was made ~hat a Report of a Council Omittee had been adopted in 1960 per- teininS to the Mullet property. It was OR~el~ on the motion of Aid. ~. Martin, sec- onded by Ald. Swa~ze that when the Site l~lan A~reement is prepared and c~lsidered by the Property Ccsmittee that Nr. Youn~ be supplied with a sol~ for his pex~sal. It was also indicated that the City Solicitor would be asked for a legal opinio~ as to whether the Zcain~ of the property in questica sho~ld be C-S, or l-l. ' ' 297. Mr. V. Lutz, 2358 Burdette Drive - Requesting installation of local improvements on Pettit Avenue. The City Engineer explained that Mr. Lutz is the owner of a lot on the East side of Pettlt Avenue south of Burdette Drive, being within Reg. Plan 108. At the time of the registration of the Plan there was only a requirement for the payment of the watermain by the subdivider. No watermain or sewermain was constructed on that portion of Pettit Avenue between Burdette Drive and Cropp Street. Earlier in 1966 Mr. Lutz and the other owners put in a petition for the construction of a sewermaln on Pettit Avenue. 7sis was considered by the Public Works Ca~,ittee and Council, and Mr. Lutz was advised he would have to pay cash for the construction of the sewermain. The Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Plant, adjacent owners of Mr. Lutz, wore contacted to determine if they wished to participate in the cost of providing a sewermain on this street, but they indicated they were not interested. The cost, therefore, would have tob~ borne by Mr. Lutz and two other owners and would amount to approximately $1,000.00 per lot. Mr. Lutz had also indicated to the City Engineer that he felt the construction cost was too high and suggested he could secure the services of a contractor at a lower cost. , It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. 'G. 'Martin and Ald. Scott that the application of Mr. Lutz be received and filed since Council cannot take any other action'than what was previously decided upon, but Mr. Lutz he advised he is free to try and secure a contractor who would submit a lower price for the work. This motion was carried with Ald. Gregory voting contrary. UNFINISHED BUSINESS teem. 348 - Greater Niagara Cbsmber of C~-m~rce - Requesting removal of bus stop in front of Chamber of Ca~m~rce building on Victoria Avenue. Report 726 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Recommending that the bus stop be removed, that parking meters be installed in its, place and that copies of the Repor~ be sent to the Greater Niagara Transit Cc~.n~ssion and to the Chamber of Cnmm~rce. 0FAMineS) on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. Mltchelson that the Report be re- ceived and adopted, and c.~m~i.Anication filed. Cc~m. 366 - Canadaires Drum Corps - Requesting financial assistance to participate in Ontario .n~-mpionship at Montreal, September 17th. Report 727 - Finance 'C~.~ttee - Recommensin~ that the Canadai~es Drum Corps be engaged by the City of Niagara Falls for one performance in accordance with the policy respect~-g bands adopted by Council on January 20th, 1966. 01MD on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Dewhie that the Report be re- ceived and adopted, and cnmm'mication filed. Ce~mICATIONS No. 368 - Town of Elmira - Requesting endorsation of Resolution concerning payment of'80 percent grants by the Provincial Government for education purposes. ORE on the motion of Ald. Dewhie and Ald. Mitchelson that the c--,~!.!.mication be received and filed and resolution be not supported. No. 369 - Ont. Minister of Tottrim and Information - Intention of opening a 'district office in the Niagara Falls area. ORESRED ca the motion of Ald. Jchns and Ald. Scott tbat the cctmanication be re- ceived and filed. No. 370 - Ontario Motor LEague - Driver Trai~4~ Display. 0~n~ on the motion of Ald. 0. Martin and Ald. F. Martin that the c~'m"unicatton be received and referred to the ~ecreation & Protection Cenmittee for consideration of the possibility of participating in the ~emonstration. This motion was carried with Ald. Jn~ne votin~ contrary and all other members in fayour. No. ~71 - John O. Grsaskamp - Comments on M~yo C~ission Brief. 0RE2RED on the motion of Ald. Dewhie and Ald. MaoBain that the ccmnunication be received and tabled until such time as-Council deals with the ~ayo.~' Report. No. 728 - City Mana2er - Reporting on seetinS held on September 7th, 1~6 for the presentation of the Report of the C~ssiun on Niagara ReSion Local Government ~eview. A motion was subsifted by Aid. GreSory, seconded b~ Ald. F. Merlin ~hat ~he prewious 996. 98, A] bu P~ Me. Cc~ttee on Regional Government be re-constituted to coGeider the .Nays Reporb~ and ~tth the asstsf~nce of the Officials of the Clty~ brtn~ In~ re~or~ conl~lnlng recam~ndsttons to Council, ~nts motion ~as defeated vith the following ~Ote: ~ISCELI~NEO~S Reception for Archbishop of Canterbury His W0rship~t~yor R. F. Keighan advised that he had represented the City A~e: Aldermen Bowale, Gregory, F. ]4artin. .N~ye.:. Aldermen ]4acBain, Joins, Nitch- elson, Scott, Svayze, G. rCar~ln. ' It w~s Ordered on the motion of AId. G. }4artin, at a reception honouring the occasion of the visit to the City of the Archbishop seconded by Ald. 14itchelson that the ~eport of the City ~a41ager be received and j of Canterbttry, on Saturday, September 1Oth. A sincere expression of appreciation filed and a data be set for a Ct~m~ttee of the Nhole ~eeting to discuss the Nayo . ~s extended by the ~lost Rev. ~iichael Ramsay for the hospitality sho~n to him on Report in fuJd. Carried Unanimously. !, behalf of the City of Niagara Falls. . . It ~as Ordered on the motion of Aid. l~itchelson and ld. F. ]4ar~in that the te of September 24th, 1966 at 9 a.m. be set for a ~4~eting of Committee of the Whole for Project of Welland County Wanen's Centennial Cmtttee discussion of the li~Vo Report. Carried Unanimousl~ft ' t~. d j' ' ' 'n ~irs. Greaves of the Welland County Wanen's Centennial Committee had advised No. 799 - City ~anager - Reefing with representatives of the Ontario Housing Corp- the ~tayor's Office that her group were raising funds, as a Centennial Project, oration, City Officials, and ContraCtors, and Ikvelopers re: construction ~nd sup- for the purchase of a new organ in the Chapel at Sunset Haven. It ~as ordered on the motion of Ald. l~itchelson, seconded by Ald. MacBain that Council c,--mend the plying 75 family rental units for lo~ income ~amilies. Wellend County Wamen s Cantenniel C~ittee for their leadership in sponsoring O~nx~ED on the motion of Ald. J~h~e and Ald..F..Nattin that the Report he received this excellent pro~ect. No. 7B0 - Recreation & Protaotion Cct~nittae - Recommending that the two ]~rktng I ~ ' spots On the southerly side of Cliftou Hill !-Be~tately westerly frc~ the Park Hotel ....... Aideran jonnS' pre~e~tea'& concise' ve~bai' ~e~0~' 0n' his attendance at the ' driveway be established by l~-lew, as taxi parking only, and this taxi zone to be 14th Annual Ontario Housing Conference held in Fort William recently. He indi- el~m~r~ted ~hen the tampomry bus tarminal is abandoned. 0~ on the motion of Ald. F. l~ar~in and Ald. Gregory that the Report be race ve cared that the Provincial and Federal Governments appeared to be extremely in- ,-' terested in housing frm the number of Cabinet ~Inisters and ~embers in attendance and adol~ed. ' · ,! He etatad that he expected the City would receive the utmost co-operation from the No. 7~1 - Recreation & Protection Cc~mittee - Rec;-;~nding the prohibition of parking i. Ontario Housing Corporation in respect to the matter of securing housing for the on the west side of Drummond Rood from North Street intersection to Lundy s Lane a~ I City of Niagara l~]]s. all times, and on the ~st side of Drunmoud Road frnm Prospect Street to the ~een ~ . By-IAWS Elizabeth Way, at all times. . i OFua~mu ~ the motiou of Aid. F. ~rtin and Aid. Gregory that the Report be received ' No. 7189 - A By-law to authorize an Agreement with Fermino Susin, carrying on and adopted. ' ' ~ business under the name of C & B Construction Gempony, for the con- No. 732 - Finance C~m'ittee - Rec~-,~..'~dlng that the city of Niagara Palls participate struction of watermains on ~t~orold Stone Rood, Mostrose Road, Belmont in a hal~ page or an adver~ls~nt not exceeding & ¢~st of $50.00 in the ~dluual Avenue and ~lcLeod Rood. ,ccade by A d. t on the m, of Ald. S tt Al . eBein that Ald. be received and adopted. . be granted the privilege of introducing the By-le~ and the By-law be given the -. · . ' first reading. Carried Unanimously. No. ?B3 - F~mnce Ccesnittee - Rec~.u~endieg that the application for a Reirdresserss ' 0RI~ on the motion of Ald. G. Nar~in and Ald. Johns that Rule Licenee from I(rs. Vera ~. Mimtzke at hgl Portaga Rood N. be not approved. : the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the ~r-iaw be given OI~ED Ca the motion of Aid. 141tp_helsCa, secouded'by Aid. F. Nattin that the l~e,ort ~ the second reading. Carried UnanimOuslY.' ' be received and adol~ed. ' ' t ' ~ird Reading -Ald. F- ~artim and Ald. ~iacBaln. Carried Unanimously. No. ~4 - Finance Cnmittee - l~eocmmen~n_g that the Cit, y of Niagara Palls continue ' ' its subsoriptiCa of a one page advertiS~nt in the Yro~ books sold by t~e Lions Club at the Junior ~" Hockey Games, and the cost of the advertisement be No..719Q. - A By-lay to authorize an agreement with Earnore Bros. Limited for the  " ' construction of a zanitax7 se~fermain on Mostrose Road° be received and adopted. ' · ' be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the ' ' " ' first reaa~ng. Carried Unanimously. No. 735 - Finance Cmittee - Bscrmn~nding approval of the account~ for the period eng~ Rep~esbe~ l~h~ 19(~. · · - . O~ on the mobion of Ald. G. NarCin and Ald. Johns that Rule ~6 (2) of ORI~ Ca the lotion of Aid. Nitchaises, seoCaded by AId, F. Nattin t the "the '~a~d~n'g R~s' '~f ~ou~l ~e `t'emporari'l~ ~pe~ed and 'the No. 7~ - City Clerk - Bscmn~tng the &Tanring o~ )eu~iai~l Licenses. (~ on the mobion or Ald,V~itahelsCa~ seeonde~ by AId, ~obns tha~ the R~pox~ be ~Imird Reading -Ald. ~4itchelsCa and Ald. F. Y~rtin. Carried Unanimously. received and a~opted,, and licenoes ~ranted. , ..... ' No. ~191 - A By-laY to amend By-law Number 4R6~, being a ..... N~ber ~15~, being a by-law to provide for the installation a d ' . . E~O~.0N ' ' . regulatiou of parking meters in the City of Niagara Falls. No. 1~ - Go ~4~Ile - )iI~ - I~LIFID ~AT s mss~ge of oCadolence~e fozqfarded (Ferx~ Street, both sides~ from Buchanan Avenue to Hain Street.) to the family of the late Lorne *Pe~er~ & faitht%d employee of the Corpora ion of F. Nar~in be granted the privilege of Introducing the By-le~ and the By-le~ be ~he .Oity. O~ lim~.., F~11s~and the goal or .the Co.11~rstioa be hereto affixed, 01~ on the motion of AId. ~ttehelson, seconded by Aid. Smxyze that Aid. '~ ' ' Csrriod UnanimOusly ~tven ,~hs first reading. Carried Unanimously. v - ~ on the motion of AId. F. )iar~in and Aldo FaeBatn tba~ RUle of the Standin2 l~tles or Council be teaPorerll~r suspended and Ald. Ores ' sad No. 7192 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($199,753.~8> OFaS~b on the motion of Ald-. F. Mar~in, seconded by Ald. Gregory that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanhsously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of · t~he Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Gregory and Aid. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to C~mm~ttee of the Who/e on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~ln, sec- onded by Ald. ~ohns. READ AND ADOPA'F~, September 19~h, 1966. Mayor C(I~4I'A'EEa~ OF THE' WHOLE Council Chamber, 8el~ember 12th, 1966. Council assembled in Committee 'of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council on 8eptember/2th, 1966. AllMembers Of Councilwere present with the ex- celf~ion of Ald. G' Martin and Ald. Bearss. Ald. Gregorypresided as Chairaan. Following consideration of the items presented to the C~m!ttee, it us ordered on the motion~ of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded J~yAld. Scott that the C~.~mtttee of the Whole arise andreport to Council. READ AND A~Or£~), Sep~emhar 19th, 1966. 301. COUNCIL ~'A'ING Council Chamber, September 12th, 1966. Following the Cormnittee of the Whole Meeting on September 12~h, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. AllMembers were present with the exception of Alderman Bearss and Alderman G. Mar~in. MeyorKeighen presided. Mr. N. H. Richardson, M.A., Dip. C.D., M-T.P-T.'-C., A.M.T.P.I. of Acres was also present. The following action was taken: Report 737 - H. G. Acres - Application for Assistance for an Urban Renewal Scheme · RESOLb~IONS No. 127 -MITCHE~ON - G~EGORY - RESOLVED that Councilrescind Resolution No. 33 passed on the 14th day of March, 1966, concerning application for approval of the Urban Renewal Scheme; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixedJ C_arried UnanimouslY.. No. 128 - GRFAJORY - SCOTT - WHEREAS there is an urgent need for the preparation of an urban renewal scheme for the area in the City of Niagara Falls outlined on the attached map, in order to determine the detailed urban renewal proposals for the area; WEEREA§aection 21 of The planning Act enables a munici~ality, with the approval of th~Mlnister of Municipal Affairs, to enter into an agreement with any govern- men~/authorlty for carrying out studies relating to the physical condition of the Municipality or part thereof; and WHEREAS it is required under the provisions of Section 23A of The National Housing Act, 195~# that anapplication to Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation for financial aid for such a scheme be a formal resolution of Council defining the objectives of the study, and supported by an itemized estimate of cost, particulars of the technical and other staff required, 'and written proof of provincial approval; and W~EI~AS it is providedby Section 23A of the National Rousing Act, 195~, that C~Cma.v, with the approval of the Governor in Council, enter into anagreement .witkanyProvince or Municipality whereby the Corporation will contribute one~ half of the cost of the preparation of an urban renewal 'scheme/inclU~in~ ~he cost of all economic, social and engineering research and p/arming necessary therefore; and '%8~$JA8 the Government of Ontario my, under Section 22 of The p!.nning Act, contribute up to 50Per cent of the Manicil~litY's share of the cost of the preparation of detailed urban renewal schemes; and W~EEEA8 it is estimated that the cost of preparing such a scheme will be $78,228. of whichamount Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation woUld contribute $39,11~. and the Government of Ontario $19,~7. N~WTBFaEFOI~ the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls resolves as follows: (a) - That Acres Research and Planning L~mited of Toronto and Niagara Falls, Ontario, be authorize~ to prel~re a detailed submission containing an itemized estimate of the cost of preparing the scheme together with lmr- tioulars of the necessarywork pro~rem an~ that these be submitted, through the Cit~Manager, to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and to Central Mor~- 8Jge and Housing Corporation; (~) - That the scheme be prepared by Acres Research and planning Limited in cc~sul~ationwith officials of the City and of the Niagara Falls and Sub- Urban plAm~ia~ Beard and under the ~eneral policy supervision of the Urban Renewal Ccemittee of the City, and in accordance wi~hthe Official P]~n of the City; (~) -T~a$ an application bamedeto the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval to ~he prelBration of euch a ache; 302. 303. Resolution No. 12.8 (continued): (d) - That an application be made to the Minister of Municipal Affairs, pursuant to Section 22 of The Planning Act, for financial aid in the amount of $19,557 for the purpose of preparing a detailed urban renewal scheme in the City of Niagara Falls. Tae foregoing -mount represents 2.5 par cent of the cost of this.stUdy, the total cost to he $78,828. (e) - That the Minister of Municil~l AffaSrs ~e. adViSed of.the City' .s intention to make application to Central Mortgage and Rousing Corporation for financial aid to prepare an urban renewal scheme, and of the nature of this scheme, and that he he requested to arrange approval to the m-king of such an appli- cation and the preparation of such a scheme; and (f) - That an application be made to Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, pur- suant to Section 23A of The National Housing Act, 1954, for financial aid in the amount of $39,114- for the purpose of preparing an urban renewal scheme in the City of Niagara Falls. The foregoing amount represents 50 per cent of .the costs of this scheme, the total cost to be $78,228. (g) - That the following schedules be considered as integral parts of this Resolu- tion and be submitted in support of the aforesaid applications: Schedule A: The basis of the al~lications and the conduct of the preparation Of the scheme. Schedule B: A detailed description of the work to be carried out in preparing the scheme_. Schedule C: The estimated costs of preparing the scheme~ AND The seal of the Corporation be hereto aftAxed. Carried Unanimously It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that the Meeting adjourn. 'I~AD AND ADOr£~, September ~gth, 1966. FORTY-FOE MEETING Council Chamber, September .19th, 1966. REGUIAR~fiNG Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at '7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 19th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council ware present with the exception of Alderman Bearss. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that the minutes of the Council Meeting of September 12th, 1966 be adopted as printed. DEPDTATIONS C ..... 372 - Special Report by Committee of Management of Sunset Haven - Expanding Program, for construction of Two Rest Homes in Wellend area, and in Niagara area. Mr. D. R. RapalJe, Superintendent of Sunset Raven, and Alderman P. Tenszoo, ChairmAn of the Committee of Management, were present at the CouncilMeeting. it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, secondedby Ald. Scott that Mr. Eal~lJe be granted permission to address Council and present the Special Report on the proposed Expanding Program. Mr. Rapelie then proceeded to read the report in its entirety and offered explanations of certain sactiona applicable to the City of Niagara Falls. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. Gregory that Alderman Tenszoo be granted permission to address Council. Al- derman Tenszoo thanked Council for the opportunity of appearing at the meeting to present the Report, andwas of the opinion that the four Councils would look favour- ably upon the recommendation of the Committee. In answer to a question, Mr. Rapelie stated that if all the necessary approvals were received that construction of the ree~.~nded two Rest H~mes could co. wnence in 1967, and would be completed within 16mOnths. ~tr. Rapslie also stated that there has been no suggestion of any in- crease in grants from the Provincial Government. At the conclusion of the discus- sion, Ris Worship Mayor Keighan thanked Mr. Rapelie and Ald. Tenszoo for their attendance, and assured them of Ccuncll's interest in the proposal. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. MacBain that the Special Report 'of the Management C,~miittee of Sunset Haven re: Expanding Program, be referred to the Finance Ccenittee for consideration and report to Council, 373 - Welland County Rome for Senior Citizens - Quarterly Report. OR~D on the motion of Ald. MacBain, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that the com- munisation he received and tabled for one week for Council' s consideration. · Mr. A. Antonio - Verbal Request to meet with Council C-~"mittee to discuss a build- ing he wishes to build on his property facing a City-owned proportY. Mr. A. F. Shoppard of the Legal Firm of Martin, Calvert, Shoppard & Clark, was present at the Council Meeting on behalf of Mr. Antonio add was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Swayze. Mr. Shoppard requested that the matter MAr. Antonio wishes to discuss be referred to Council Committee to enable 'him to become acquainted with all the facts of the matter. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain, seconded by Ald. Swayze that the matter be referred to the Recreation & Protection Committee and the Propexty Com- mittee for consideration and Joint . retort to Council. t~FFINISHED B~SI/IEBS Cca~. 370 - Ontario Motor Iea~ue - Driver Tra, ining Display. Beport 738 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Recommending that the Ontario Motor League be asked to consider the brin~iag of the Driver Training Display to the City of Niagara Falls. ORI~B~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin, seconded hy Ald. Oregory that the Report be received and adopted, and the O.M.L. be requested to bring the Training Display to Niagara Falls, and the dates of April 24th to 26th, 1967 be suggested, when ~he Ontario Traffic Conference Convention will be held in the City. 304 · CO~(4UNICATIONS No. 374 = N.F.Jro Chamber of C_-mnerce - Issues and Answers 1967, to be held November BOth, 1966 at the N.F.C.V.I- Auditori~. OB]F~EED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. 8wayze that the communication be received and invitation to participate in Forum be accepted, and an appropriate official of the City be authorized to meet with the Jr. Chamber of Commerce to work out the details of the meeting. (Ald. Johns had requested permission to abstain from voting on this matter, but such permission was not granted. ) No. 375 - Notre Dame College School - Invitation to attend Eacture Course sponsored by Departm~ent of X~nicilml Affairs on affairs and problems of Municipal Government. CRIbRED on the motion of AId. Dowaie and Ald. Scott that the Communication be received and filed and the School be advised that the dates of the lectures, all being on Hoe- day evenings, conflict with Meetings of City Council. No. 376 - BrOck University - Conference to emine the Report of the Niagara Region Local Government Review C~=~ittee, October 15th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. MacBale that the e~unic~tiOn be received and tabled for one week in order that Officials may determine from the ttn- iversity Officials the reason for restricting the number of elected members and offic- ials who may attend, and report to Council. No. 377 - Ontario Housing Corporation - Proposal Call for 75 Fam~l~ Housing Units, closing date - Friday, October 14th, 1966, 2:00 p.m. O1~ on the motion of Ald. S~ayze, seconded by Ald. Mltchelaon that the c.-.~nica- tion he received and filed. No. 378 +- ~Linister of Northern Affairs & National Resources - advising that two inde- pendent real estate appraisers have been engaged to secure accurate assessment of the costs of land acquisition for the various proposals put forward in connection with the creation of a national historic park at Lund~'s !see. ORESRED On the motion of Ald. Johaa, seconded by Ald, Scott that the 'o~unication be received and referred to the ~istorisal Site C_~lttee. No. 379 - Oreate~ Niagara Chamber .of Commerce - Offering a~sistanoe to encourage implementation of certain aspects of the Urban Renewal Program through private agen- cies · OBDERED on the mobion of Ald. Scott and Ald. F. Martin that the cnmmunlcation he re- ceived and referred to the Urban Renewal C~n~ttee for consideration. No. 380 - Welland & District Health Unit - Advising of condemning of premises at 1365 Ferry Street. ORI~EED on the motion of Aid. Johns and Aid. Swayze that the eoemuntcetton ~ received and referred to the Property Committee for consideration. No. 381 - Welland & District Health Unit - Advising of condemning of premises 'at '1574 Welland Line Road, ORI~ED on the mobion of Aid. ~ohns and Ald~ S~ayze that the ~_f~wmmication be re~ ceivad and referred to the Property Committee for Consideration, No. 3~2 -Departsent of High~x~s - Advising that until such time as re-decking is completed that the Bridge over the Welland River at Montrose Road is in such con- dition that no traffic should be allowed over l~eport of City Solicitor - Advising that in order to avoid liability for any damages which might be sustained as a result of the non-repair of the bridge, that there would appear to be no alternative to closing the bridge to all traffic as recommended b~ ~he Department of Highways. OPPOSED on the motion o~ Ald. ~. Mertin and AId. Johna that the City ~ngineering Department be instructed to place detour si~n8 around the Mentress Road Bridge and, the Brid~e be closed until such t~me as repairs are carried out; and an advertise- meet be placed in the Evenin~ l~view advising Of $h~ reason for the olosin~ of the Bridge.. 305. No. 383 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing re: Marra Application. No- 38~ - Ccmnmittee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing re: H.E.P.C.Ont.Application. No. 385 - Ccmumittee of.Adjustment - Notice of Hearing re: Morton Application. No. ~86 - Ccnmittee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing re: Lavender Application. 0RIMRED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald, Swayze that the communication be received and filed. REPORTS No. 739 - Recreation & Protection Co~mittee - Revised Contract between Niagara Falls Flyere Hockey Club and the City. ORIEEED on the motion of Aldo Downie andAldo MacBale that the Report be received and referred to Committee of the Whole for consideration. No. 740 - C_i~y Manage~ - Application to O.M.B. for approval o~ construction of a new City Eall. OREMI~ED on the motion of Ald. Downie and Ald. S~ayze that the Report be received and referred for consideration to the Oommittee of the Whole Meeting to be held on September 24th, 1966. (This motion was carried with Alderman Gregory and Alderman Mitchelson voting contrary and all other members in favour. ) No. 741 - City Mana~er - Recommendation that Fire Chief Wade be authorized to attend Emergency Fire Service Planning Officers Course at Gravenhurst, Oct. 24th to Oct. 28th. ORRERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. No. 742 - City Manager - Recommending that Mr. George Cowlishaw be authorized to attend Executive Meeting of Municipal Equipment Association in Dundes, Sept.23rd and 24th, 1966- 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. G. Martin that the Report he ceived and adopted. No. 7~3 - City Clerk - Advising that title of a parcel of property formerly owned by the Crown Assets Disposal Corporation adjacent to the southerly boundary of the Municipal perking lot at the South end of the City, was transferred to the City of Niagara Falls. Ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report he received and filed. No. 741~ - Property Committee - Agreement with Mr. A. Pasco St., 1650 Peer Street, to provide a guarantee to the City that the building at 1652 Peer Street would be demolished and the two parcels of property considered as one° · ORDE~D on the motion of Ald- Scott and Ald. 6wayze that the Deport be received and filed. SEE NO. 745 - FroDertY C,_=~,lttee - Recommending that Tenders be called for the installa- tion of an adequate boiler at S~amford Hall at an est!~m~ted cost of $2,100. and that every effort be made to have the installation completed as soon as possible. OP~e~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Repor~ be received and adopted. No. 7~6 - Finance C~ittee - Recnmn~nding approval of accounts for the period ending September 19th, 1966. O~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Downie lthat the Deport be ceived and adopted. No, 747 - Coamittee of Adjustment - Decision of Ontario Municipal Board Appeal of ~ Waskowski from a decision of the C~,mittee. ORE~ on the motion of Ald, Johns and Ald. Scott that the Repor~ be received and filed. No. 748 - PUblic Works C~ittee - Advising that John MoNamars, Chief Operator of the Pollution Control Plant has been selected as the recipient of the Hatfield Award presented by the Canadian Institute on pollution Control, and rec~nendtng that Council congratulate Mr. MoNasara and the staff at the Plant on being se- lected to receive this award. ~ ou the sotion of AId. G, Max~ln and Ald. Johns that the Eepor~ be received and adopted. No. 749 - Public Works Committee . Rec.-....~uding that a c~mmunication be forwarded- to Niagara Falls Hydro requesting that they consider the placing of Hydro lines underground along the section of Stanley Avenue from the Q.E.Way to Ferry Street ~en road and sidewalk re-construction takes place. ORDIE on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 750 - Public Works C~m~ttee - Recommending that the Tender for the demolition of building at north-west comer Erie Avenue and Park Street be referred to the Proper~y Committee for study and retM)rt. ORDEE on the motion of Ald, Scott and-Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted · No. 751 - City Clerk - Bec~'mmending the granting of Municipal Licences. 0RDEEED on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. Swa~ze that the Report be received and adol~ed# and licences granted No. 752 - Building Inspector - Building Permits issued for C~mmerciat Buildings during the week ending September 16th, 1966. ORDEHED on the motlea of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be received and filed. RESOLUTION No. 129 - MacBAIN - SCOTT - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late Sidaey Raven, a former faithful employee of the City of Niagara Falls; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ffnanimously xs ummo _ Expansion of Crewfor~ Fittings and Eastland Bros. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. 8wayze that letters of progr~ne~e, and the confidence they have shown i ty d assistance of the City be offered in any wa$, possible.. Opening of White Cross Centre Members of Council ware reminded of the Ceremonies scheduled for the oNening of the White Cross Centre at Glenholme Avenue on Wednesday, September 21st. Condition of Florentino Premises Alderman ~ayze indicated he had received severel ccmpleints about deplorable ~onditions at the Fiorentino Chicken processing plant 'on Ottawa Avenue. He queried When the 'Site Plan Agreement with the Fiorentino principals and the City would be finalized rela~ln_e to the proposal to move the operation to a location on Stanley Avenue. It was indicated by the City Clerk that the Site Plan 'Agreement was in the hands of the Fiorentino Solicitor for ccesideret~on on behal~ of hie clients. The Cit~ Clerk stated that'the cce~plaints about the unsanitax~ conditions would be re- ferred to the proper Department for investi~xtiou. ~venlng Heytow article on Council deltveratio~e re: Mullet Application Alderman G. Martin cemented on the article written by Mr. T. Fredo in the September 17th edition of the Review concerninS the Mullet application, Cen~re Street. Aidsman Martin disa~eed with Mr. Frodoes e~saent as to wb~ ~ members of Council had voted a~ainst the application at the pl~ming Board level and all members of Cou~ail had voted in support of the application when the matter came before the Council. l~e reviewed the incidents Whioh had taken place on the application which had resulted in the deoision reached by onx~ain members of Ccunci4 and explained that the Ccm- sAttee had been aware of the petitic~ers who o~ected to the application# but that seat Of the oemplain~s were new incorporated as various sections in ~he Site Plan A~eeaent to be entered into with Mr. MtdleF. 307, Letter to the Editor of the Evening Review from Mr. J. Gmaskamp Alderman Gregory referred to the Letter to the Editor in the Evening Review written by Mr. J. Grasskemp which criticized the S~ecial Committee who had prepared a Brief on Regional Government, and its recammendations. Alderman Greg- Ory stated that it was not within the terms of reference of the Special Cc~mittee to advocate annexation of neighbouring municipalities as Mr. Grasskemp had sugges- ted should have been done, nor did Mr. Graaskamp take into consideration the fact that a moratorium had been placed on annexation procedures. Alderman Gregory stated that Mr, Graask-mp had unfairly attached the Chairman of the Council Committee, and also stated that the errors contained in Mr. Greaskamp's letter should be cor- rected. Opening of new Vocational and Technical Training_School_. His Worship Mayor ~eighan cc~mended the Board of.EducatiOn on their wis- domand farSightedness in the establishment of the new vocational and technical training school on Valley Way. The new school Would offer opportunities to many young people, not able to attend universities, to further their education, and enable them to lear useful trades. BY-LAWS No. 715.~. - A By-law to authorize the purchase of lands for municipal purposes. ' (Purchase of property from H.E.P.C. Ontario, E.S. Stanley Avenue) Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain. Carried Unanimously. No. 7193 - A By-law to authorize an Agreement with Angelo Pasco and Anne Pasco. (Construction of addition to existing ~welling on Peer Street) 0RX~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Johns that Ald. Scott be · granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of' the Standing Rules o.f Council be temporarilY suspende.d and the By-law be give~ the second reading. Carried UnanimouslY. Third Reading -Ald. Dewale and Ald. Swayze. Carried UnanimouslY. ~ - A By-law to amend By-law Number 3790, being a Dy-law for the regulation of traffic. (Taxi Stands on Clil~on Hill) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that Aid. F- Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY. X~' ~a's~ 0~'de~ ~' ~he~ ~t~n'~f Ale', MacBain and Ald. Johhs' 'that the By-law be tabled for one week in order that consideration might be given to wording being added in the By-law to ensure that the locations will not be used by sightseeing vehicles. He. 719~ - A By-law to authorlee an Agreement with Flyera Hockey Association Ltd. for the use of the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena. 0RIND on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Ald. Scott that the By-law be tabled for consideration i~ Committee of the Whole. No. 719~.. - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($B47,841.0~) OP~ on the motion of AId. F. Mar~in and Ald. 5wayze that Ald. Mitch- elson be granted the ~rivilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first rea~ing. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Downie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. ~arried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Mar~in. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to C~m. tttee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. F. ~r~ln and Ald. Jo~s. READ AND ADOrr~, September 26th, 1966. Mayor :4 CC$1~l'rr~ OF T~S WHOLE Council Chamber, September 19th, 1966. Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council on September 19th, 1966.` All Members of Council were present with the exception of Ald. Bearss. Ald. Mitcheleon presided as C~aixmm. Following consideration of the items lyr~sented to the Committee, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. 8waFze, seconded by Ald. Sco~t, that the Committee of the Whole arise, withou$ reporting, to Council. READ AND ADOA~A~a, September 26th, 1966. 09 · COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, September 19th, 1966. Following the Conmittee of the Whole Meeting on September 19~h, 1966, Councilre-convened in open session· All Members were present with the exception of AldermanBearss. His WorshipMayorKeighanpresided. It ms Ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Meeting adjourn. READ ANDADOrA'~D, September 26th, 1966. Maydr 311. FORT~_WIFT~b4T~A'ING Council Chamber, September 26th, 1966. REGULAR p~rsuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 26th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Bearss- His Worship Nayor R. F. ~eighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Scott that the minutes of the meeting of September 19t~, 1966 be adopted as printed. His Worship Nayor Keighan extended a welcome to a Grade 10 Class of Students from N.F.C.V.I. who were present at the meeting as observers. The Class was under the supervision of Mr. Peter Kisssen- ......... DE~y~AT~~N C0mm. No. 387 - Representatives of the Greater Niagara Softbell Association, Greater Niagara BasebaLl Association, Rainb~ Sofaball League, Minor and Senior Soccer Leagues. Requesting a lighted ~ark for Softball use in the City. Following the presentation of a Brief by the representatives, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Dewhie, seconded by Ald. Swayze that Mr. Leo Burger, the representative on behalf of the Associations, be granted permission to address Council- Mr. Burger indicated that the information referred to on page 2 of the Brief would be supplied to the Council Comnittee. In an- swer to a question he stated it was the feeling of the Associations that ~ossiblY the funds for the lighting could be included in the Centennial Budget. He stated that if the City erected the requested lighting system, that the Association would probablY be able to maintain the lights from the attendance funds received for games. Mr. Burger many members of the present Council would be in also asked for an indication as to ho~ the 1967 Council, and it was indicated to him fayour of recommending this project to that this question could not be answered at this time. It was indicated that the re- quest would be referred to the Recreation & protection Comnittee for consideration and that Mr. Burger and other representatives of the various Associations would be present at the meeting to be held on Tuesday, September 27th, 1966 at 5:30 p.m. It was also indicated that Mr. D. Austin, Chairman of the C~ntennial Sports C~==lttee, would be invited to attend the meeting. UN~NXS~d~D Bb~INESS Comm. No. 350 - E. Paulo and others - regarding the condition and operation of Fiore's ~alvage yard. Cc~n. No. 388 - Board of Police Cc~missioners - Advising that charges are being laid against Mr. Fiere in connection with violations of By-law No. 2~, and referring hack to Council: 1. dust blowing from driveway and m~dholes on the street, 2. t~ans- letting Junk from one tmCk to the other on the street. 3. the prlblem of rats com- ing frem the yard, 01~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze, seconded by Ald. Scott that the c~,~uunication be received, and items 1. and 2. be referred to the Engineering Department for con- sideration and item 3. he referred to the Department of Health for consideration. C~. Ho. 372 - C~xs~ittee of Management of Sunset Haven - proI~sal for addition of two rest hcees to meet the needs of aged residents o[ Welland County, Report No. 7~3 ' Finance Committee - Reccmaending that the recommendation of the Committee of ~naSeuent of Sunset Haven be adopted. 01~D on the motion of Ald. Mitehelson and kld. MaoBain that the ccznunication received and ~iled, and Roper~ adopted. This motion was carried ~ith AI~. ~ohns voting · cc~trax7 and all other members in fayour. Ccem. No. ~ ' Sunset Haven, Welland County Hem ~or ~enior Citizens - Qu~rterl~ ~ on She motion o~ Ald. Mitchelson, neeonded by Aid. F. Martin that the munice~ion be received and Report No. 750 - P~blic Works Committee - Tenders for demolition of building at north-west corner'~r~e~ue ~x~n~'~a'~Street. Public Works COnnutttee - Recommending that Engineering Department Report No. 75~ ' ~in~ll~~ demolit$on of building. be filed be authorized to OR~EED on the motion of Ald. G. ~rtin and Ald.~Scott that Repor~ 750 and Report No. 794 be received end adopted- This motio~ was carried with Ald. GregorY voting contrarY and all other members of Council in favour. C~4UNICATtONS advising that City of Niagara Falls Resolu- · 8 - City of London - Resolution amend~mnts for motorcycle on warded to the provincial Government re: Legislative that the communication licenods · 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. GregorY and Ald. Mitchelson be received and filed. It was indicated that Ald- Gregory would bring to the ~. · attention of the Ontario Traffic Conference the action the City of London is taking. Ontario Housin Corporation ° Advising that e studY will be made to used for familY housing accommodation · . . No. ~90 - that the com- determine ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin, seconded by Ald. Swayze munication be received and filed. No. 391 - Chamber of Cc~merce - Requesting information re: parking .Authority ~ ~ ' ~ that the communication be stu~ · OBE~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Scott received and filed and the Chamber be notified that the Recreation & protection Cc~mittee have the Report under study.' Advising of disappointment . outh End Retail & Profesei°e His ' in lack o p ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Scott that received and referred to the Historical Park Committee and an endearour will be made to secure an answer from the Hon. H. A. Laing; and a copy of the communication from the South Bad Association be forwarded to the Minister; and that the Assoc- iation be assared of Council's co'operation in this matter; and advised that a letter has been recentlY forwarded to the Minister asking for a decision as sOon as possible. Advising of three resolutions No · 39~ '. ~Conven forwarded by As o tion on August 30th and 31st' Dewhie that the communication be ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mit chelson and Ald. received and referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and rederr, and Mr. po~ell, ~ecretarY of the Association be informed of Council's action. itute ' Awards ~ade to Students. No. ~9~ ' Ni~ and Ald. for conside~tion and Mr. Long , Requesting psrmission~ hold No. B95 ' Hi m Falls Minor Hocks Ass°ciatiT that the communication be Tag Day o~ 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald- Swayze and Ald. Scott received and permission be granted for the Tag Day on Octobe~ l~th or October 22rid, whichever date is preferred bY the Assoc~ation. · of Col'~bus Day, Oct. 12~h. , f ~reater Nia~_ ' Observance that the communication 0RD~D on;and permission ~Tanted for the 1~ FToclea~tion to be peid for by be receive Hall on October 32th, end the advertisement of the Dinner be aeceP- the Centurion Club~ and the invitation to attend the Columbus ted and es man~ members of Council and 0fficiale as l~Seible will e~tend. No. 397 - City of St.Catharines - Requesting endorsation by City of Niagax~ Falls of Resolution making.applica~'ion for extension of time for stud~ of the Report of the Commission on Niagara Region Local Government Review. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the St~cial C~ittee set up to study all aspects of the Mayo Report. ~Tais motion was carried with Ald- Johns voti~ contrary and all other M~mbers of Council in fayour. No. 398 - Chamber of C~rce - Advising of c.,~.,~nication sent to Minister of Muni- ci~al Affairs re: Report of the Mayo C-e~m~tssion on Regional Government. OBI~RED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Gregory that the c~unlcation be received and referred to the Special Committee Of Council set up to study all aspects of the Mayo Report. No. 755 - City Manager - Reckriding attendance of personnel Officer at Fall Work Shop of Ontario Municipal Personnel Association, in O~tawa, October 13th and 14th. OBl~ on the motion of Ald. Maclain and Ald. Downie that the Report ~e received and adopted. 6 Pro rty C~,,fttee - Reccmmene~ing that EnAin~ring BeDarrant be requested No. 75 - pe ' of 6 6 Badger Road in accordance with the provisions to complete tbe demolition 3 9 contained ia By-law No. 6~40. OP~ on the motion of Ai~. Scott and Ald. 8wayze that the Report be received and adot~ed. lio. 757 - Recreation & protection C~ittee -.Speed Limit on McKeod Road and Moun- tain Road, and rec~e~m~.nding that the ~im~a speed on McLeod Road between the H.E.P.C. Canal and the ~st City limits be decreased to 40 m.p.h., and that t~m . taximum speed on Mountain Road from the Q.E.Way to'Portage Rca& be decreased to 40 m.p.h. and that the necessarY By-laws be prel~red. ORgD on the motion of Aid. F. Retain and Ald. S~ayze that the Report be received and adot~ed. with the No. 758 - Recreation & protection C-e~mtttee - Requesting permission to meet prol~t~y o~ners abutting the Sylvia place Farking Lot on Wednead~Y, October 5th- OPtRED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. 8waY~-e that the Report.be received and adol~ed. No. 759 - Recreation & p~oteotion C~tbee - l~c~ending that mo~ies for work on players' benches at Niagara Falls Memorial Arena ~e considered in the 1967 Budget. OBi~ on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in an~ Ald. aweline that the Report be received and adopted. ' No- 760 - hblic Works C0~mittee - Rec-~e-*~m~'nding that Council approve of proposal' for installation of automatic -flashing light signals with electric short am gates at the N.Y.C. Crossing at Eastwoot Street; and that funds. be set aside in the 1967 Bu~t to cover the cost of this installation. OR~ on the m~ion of Ald. (~. Martin and Ald. j_~ns tha~ the Repor~ be received and adopted, . ~o, ~61 o Finance Committee - Rescesendin~ that the City Solicitor be requested to lmrepare & resolu~ion petitionin6 the provincial 6overnment for an increase in the ~fants pa~abla on eonstructic~ costs o~ H(~ses for the Age~ at least to the amount i~able for opera~in~ and raai~tenanca expenditures and fu~her that endorsation of this request be solioitea.~ fred all Cities and Counties in Ontario and fred the local .Mashers of Farliassnt, ~ ca the motion of Aid, Downis and Aid, Mitohelaon that the Bopoft be received and adopted, l~- 76~ - F~~a-ce C~saittae - Reecsaendin2 lappx~m~l of Accounts, -:- 0Bl~ on the aoticxl of Aid, Mitehelson .and .Ald, 'F, Max~ln that .the.. Report ~e received and ad~o~, 313. Application 'Lt~ber Company anP F. Martin that the Report be received OBDEBED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. and filed. ORI~BED on t~e ceived, adopted, and licenoes granted- RESOLb'TION · MARTIN - RESOLVED that Whereas the Agreement between leo - out w The Corporation of the City o'F'~iagare Falls and Central Mortgage & Housing Cor- poration dated August 8th, 1961, provided for a Study to be carried Georges Potvin relating to the condition of urban areas in the City of Niagara Falls, Township of Strumford and the Village of Chippaws, at a total cost not to exceed $26,000.00 of which Central Mortgage & Housing CorPoration would not become liable for an amount in excess of $19,500.00; ~ AND WBEBEAS the Agreement entered into with Mr. Georges potvin dated June .BOth, 1961, provided for a total payment of $23,500.00 to complete the Stady; AND ~IF_J~FAS $2,500.00 was allowed in the $26,000.00 estimate for publishing the final Report and Reccmnendation of the Study in printed form; AND WHEt~AS the actual cost of publishing the final Report and Recommendation of the Study, in printed form, is $~,~50'36 attributable to the fact that the orig- inal report and printing thereof was based on a 48 page production, whereas the final report required 71 pages plus maps; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the City Manager be authorized to apply to the Central Mortgage & Housing CorPoration for an amendment to the Agreement in respect to the total .cost of the Study by revising the cost from $26,000.00 to $26,950.~6 to be borne 75 per cent by the Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation and 25 l~r cent by the City of Niagara Falls; And the Seal of the CorPoration be hereto affixed. Carried UnanimouslY x~an~Lie referred t~~°°the~nger°us condition existing at the inter- ' s sted that possiblY a flashing e P · light could be placed on ths indicated that the matter would the stop street here. It wa Engineering Department for consideration. Appointment of S~eciai Council Committee to consider all aspects of Mayo Re__port. His Worship Mayor Keighan advised that as a result of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on September 2~th, it was agreed that the Mayor would appoint a Ccs~ittee, and Terms of Reference, in respect to the Mayo Report. His Worship Bayor Kei~han then appointed the following as a Special Council C-n~aittee to con° eider all aspects of the Mayo Report, and stated that the Ccs~nittee would have the ~ower to call in and consult with the various Boards and Commissions and any other individual officials who may be helpful to the Cceanittee in preparing the. recom- mendations they will sutmit to Council at a later datei Alderman Downie, Chairman; Alderman Gregory, Alderman G. Martin, Alderman Bitshelson; Mayor Keig~an; City Manager, A. C. Huggins; City Engineer, C. H. Ei~t; City Clerk, ~. t. Collinson, Cit~ Sol- icitor, 1~. I~. young. It was agreed on clarification of the terms of reference, that t~e Committee would be authorized to hire any help needed, and. Alderman Downis, the Chairman, stated that ~afora any large expenditures would be made along ~hese lines, the Cc~mittee would first seek the almgvoval of Council, United Nations Association Dinner Meeting Alderman l)ownie was appointed to represent the Office of the Mayor at the United Nations Association Dinner Meeting to be held on September BOth, 1966 at 6:S0 p.m., at the Park Motor Ho~el. Tagging of Garbage Containers His Worship Mayor Keighan referred to the fact that City employees had recently been tagging garbage containers not meeting the By-law requirements, and it was indicated by the City Engineer that perhaps some of the taggers had been . over-zealous in their work, and they would be requested to use more discretion in the future in this respect. Special Traffic Cnmmittee Meettn~ - September 28th. It was indicated that a Special Traffic C-H.~..lttee meeting With Department of Highways' representatives would be held at the Downsview Building on September 28~h at 2:30 p.m. Preperetion of City Manager By-laW His Worship Mayor Keighan queried the stage of preparation of the City Manager By-law. It was indicated by Alderman MacBain, Chairman of the Personnel & Negotiations C~lttee that work on the By-law is under way by the Cnmmtttee. Meeting of Select emittee on Regional Control of Air Pollution It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott, seconded by Aid. MacBain that Alderman 8wayze be granted permission to attend the Special Meeting of the Select C ...... Ittee on Regional Control of Air Pollution to be held in Hamilton on Wednesday, September 28th. Construction of Bcar~ of Health Building. Alderman G. Martin advised that plans had proceedled in respect to the con- struction of a new Beard of Health Building to the stage that Tenders had been awarded for the construction of the building on Be_ptemhar 22nd. It is expected that the construction will be ccmpleted in February, 1967 and the total cost of the project will amount to $1~2 - $1~5,000.00. It was explained that a grant of 80~ will be received from the Provincial Government and the balance of the costs will ccme frcm the Health Unit and each member Municipality. The City's cost will c~me frcm the regular grant which goes to the Board, and there will not be an extra charge to the Municipality to cover the construction. His Worship Mayor Keighan commended Alderman G- Martin. and Alderman Mitchelson, Memher~ of the Board, for their efforts in this matter. Hydro Poles at the end of Victoria Avenue Alderman F. Martin advised that in ~uly the Niagara Falls Hydro Cc~nnission had erected 7 tO 8 poles at the end of Victoria AVenue for the purpose of street lighting. To date, howeVer, the poles had not been connected to the electrical system. His Worship Mayor Keighan advised that this matter had been bro~ht to the attention of the Nydro Ccmission and it had been indicated that the work would be taken care of when materials were available. C~nferenee to be held at Bro~k University to examine the ~eport of the N~x~ara Region local 3overnment ~eview Ccsnissiono (Ca. No. S76) Aideman Mitchelaon advised that as a result. of the action taken by Council at the meetin~ of September l~h concerning the Conference to be held at Brock Uni- Versity to examine the Repor~ of the Niagara Re~ion Local ~verment Seview Cmmis- sion, it had no~ be~n indicated by Prof. jackso. of the ~nivarsity that restrictions 315. Congratulations to G- Cowlishaw It was ordered on the motion of Ald. C. Gregory, seconded by Ald. MacBsin that a message of congratulations be forwarded to Mr. G. Cowlishaw, Garage Superintendent, on the Occasion of his election as President of the Municipal Equipment Association. Meeting of the Emergency Measures Organization Alderman Gregory reported on a meeting of the Emergency Measures Organiza- tion which he and Alderman Ik~nie had artended on September 22nd, 1966. Ald. GregorY advised that a stage of co-operation had now been reached between Canadian Officials and United States Officials connected with Emergency Measures, in respect to the field of communications. It is expected that this same co-operation would soon be extended in the fields of Fire Police and Welfare. Alderman Downle advised that onfor~unately, at the meeting, information had been received that Provincial and Federal Governments had decided to cut back the budgets. BY- LAWNS No. 7157 - A By-law to authorize the construction of watermains as extensions to the existing waterworks system in the Urban Service Area of the City. (McLeod Read, Belmont Avenue, Meritrose Read, Thorold Stone Rd.) Third Resting -Ald. G. Martin and Aid. Johns. Carried Unanimously. No. 7197 - ~GB.Y'law to grant Retirement Allowances to Municipal Employees. ' ' Watt, L. Eidt, J. Bell, S.B. Crane) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Ald. MacBain · be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading- ~arried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Dewhie that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously- Third Reading -Ald. GregorY and Ald. Mitchelson. Carried Unanimously. No. 7198 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($80,212.O1) OI~ED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that Aid. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Dewhie that R~le S6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the By-law be given 'the second reading. Carried UnanimouslY. Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Johns. Carried UnanimouslY. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott, seconded by Ald. F. M~rtin that the Meeting adjourn. READ AND ADOP1ED, October 3rd, 196~' FORTY-SIYFHM~'A'ING Council Chamber, October 3rd, 1966. REGUIAR M~T[NG Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 3rd, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. AllMembers of Councilware present with the exception of Aldermen Joinas and MacBain. His Worship Mayor R. F. KeiSh"n presided. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Swayze, secon- ded by Ald. F. Martin that the minutes of the meeting of ~eptember 26th, 1966, be adopted as printed. DEPUEATIONS Petition No. 7 - Mrs. Joyce Shetit and 70 petitioners in the Glenview District - Requesting: (a) Stop Signs at Dyson, Muir and Welland Avenue facing Leader Lane, (b) Erection of "Dead End" sign at the end of Welland Avenue. (c) Erection of fences to ensure safety of children and hall players. (d) Restriction of 20 mile an hour speed limit on Leader Lane. Mrs. Shortt, who was present at the Council Meeting, was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Alderman Swayze and Alderman G. Martin. Following the presentation of the petition, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald- S~ayze that the Petition be received and referred to the Recreation & Protection C-~wntttee for consideration. UNFINISHED BUSINESS C;-~!~. 376 ' Brock University - Conference to be held at Brock University on Oct. 15th to examine the Report of the Niagara Region Local Government Review Ce'~nission. C.~~'~- 399 - Brock University - Advising that no 3~m~tations will be placed on the ntzmber of persons wishing to attend the Conference. It w~s indicated that the Con- ference would ccmnence at 9:30 a.m. and adjourn at 5:30 p.m. 0~ on the motion of Ald. Dewhie and Ald. Gregox7 that the communications be received and filed. C~mm. 394 - Niagara Falls Collegi~.te Vocational Institute - Possible. increase in Proficiency Awards granted by the City. Report 76~ - Finance C~-.~attee - Rec~w~nding that the City allocate an amount of $60.00 for the purpose of Proficiency Awards in each of the secondary schools w~thin the City. - OPa~E~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Dewhie that the Report be received and adopted as ~-~uded and c~.mwunication filed.. Ocean. 371 - John G. GraasMamp - C~ents re: Mayo C~ission Report on Niagara Region Local Government Review. Report 766 - Special Committee reviewin~ Mayo Report - Rec~endin~ that Mr~ Grsas- ~.mn be notified that hie cceu~nts will be duly considered by the C_~'mnittee and that he ~eminded of.h,is opportunity. to su~mit his c-~"w~nts direct. ly.to the Minister if he so desires. OPa~R~ED on the motion of Ald. Downie and Ald. ~. Martin that the Report be received and adopted, and c~unication filed. C~. 397 - City of St.Catharines - ResOlution requesting the extension of the dead- line time for submissions on the Mayo Report on Regional Govermaent. Ca. 398 - Chamber of Ccsaerce - Re~uesting extension of deadline time for sub- missions on the Mayo Report on Regional ~overmnent. · Report 767' -' Special Cceatttee. reviewin~ ~o. ~epoJ~ - Reccesendi.n~ that the request er~he City of St .Ca~harines to extend the time of t~e' ~e~ai~' ~ ~cembe~' ~ibt',' 1966 for making submissions on the NiaSare ReSional Local Government Review, to the Minister, be endorsed, and that the City of 8t.Catharines and Chamber of Ccsaerce be notified of Coumeil's decision in this respect. ~ on the motio~ of Aid. Dewhie and Ald. Gre~ry that the o~.-r. unicatione be received and file~, and ~eport adopted. 317. COMMUNICATIONS No. 400 - Eiagara Regional Development Council - One Day Seminar, State of the Region, Nov, 8th, 19 6, 1:30 p.m. - Prudhom~j's. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the Communication be received and filed. No. 401 - Greater Niagara Chamber of Cc~uner~ - Reactions of Public Affairs Ccm- mittee on Mayo C~mmission's Repor~ on Regional Government. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Downie and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received and referred to the Special Committee reviewing the Mayo Report. No. 402 - Department of Health - The Ambulance Services Act, 1966, Grants for the provision of Ambulance service. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. F. Mar~in that the ce~munication be received and referred to the Finance C~mnittee for consideration. No. 403 - The Lundy's Lane Historical Museum Society - Invitation to Members of Council and Officials to attend Open House on October 16th. -~ ORDEF~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and invitation accepted, and as many Members of Council and Officials as possible, attend. No. 404 - Greater Niagara Safety Council - Safety Recommendations re: (a) Painting of new traffic islands with reflective paint. (b) Clean-up of Croppbuildings on DOrchester ROad N. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. Scott that the cenmunication be received and item (a) be referred to the Recreation & Protection C~mnittee for consideration, and the Safety Council be advised of Council's recn~mendation in respect to the CrePP buildings outlined in the Repor~ of the. Property Committee (N,..ber 777). No. ~0~ - Baker and Swayze - provincialGas CempenyLtd. Interim large volume in- dustrial processing rate. 0RRE~D on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the eenmunication be received and referred to the Solicitor and CityManager for consideration and representation on behalf of the City be made at the Hearing. No. 406 - Dept. of Municipal Affairs - City of Niagara Falls Central Area Urban Renewal Scheme. ORXBM~u on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the communication be received an~ referred to the Urban Renewal C~"mittee. No. 407 - City of Sarnia - Resolution advocating the increase of Old Age pensions to $1OO.00 per month. ORBFail) on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchelson that the ccenunicationbe received and resolution endorsed- ~o. 408 - Union of Hungarian Canadian Churches and Societies in the Niagara Peninsula.. Requesting c~moration of lOth AnniversarY of 1956 ~garianReVolutlon, October 23rdto October 30th. ORIBPagDon the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and the invitation to attendMemorial 8errice on October 2~rd, 1966, be accepted and as many members of Council and Officials as possible attend; and that the Hungarian Flag be flown at the City Mall; and the suggested advertisement be inserted in the Evening Review in accordance with Council's policy. No. ~09 - Co~anittee of Adjustment - Hearing for T. Dane Application. No. ~10 - Ccemittee of Adjustment - Hearing for Nykuiak Application. ORD~ on the motion of Ald. 8wa~ze and Ald. Scott that the ecmmmnications be received and filed. 318. R~POI~S No. 768 - City Manager - Rec~-.,,.~nding that Mr. V. Golchuk be granted permission to enroll in the Municipal Clerks' and Treasurers' Correspondence Course with pay- ment of enrolment fees in accordance with policy previously adopted by Council. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Repor~ be received ani adopted. This motion was carried with Aldermen Gregory and Downie voting contrary and all other members in fayour. No. 769 - City Manager - Ree,i.,~iiending the attendance of Alderman George Martin and the Building Inspector at the Conference of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Planning Association in Toronto on October 6th and 7th- 0RE~D on the motion of .Ald. Bearss and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be .received and adopted. No. 770 -'Executive Assistant - Advising of 0.M.B. Approval of By-law No. 7098. ORESBED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the c~.m,mication be received and filed. No. 771 - Personnel & Negotiations C;-.-,!Lttee - Recommending that Mr. Paul J.Brennan be appointed Deputy City Clerk, such appointment to be retroactive to August 6th, 1966. ORRE~ on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and adopted. No. 772 - Personnel & Negotiations C,,,.,~ittee - Recnmm~nding that First Class Fireman Patrick Murphy be transferred to the. Fire Prevention. Office with the rank of Assistant Inspector and his salary be increased at the rate of $200.00 per anntun as from Nov. 1st, 1966; and that an additional Fireman be hired to replace Mr. Murphy as a firefighter. O~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be received and adopted. No. 773 - Property C~mnittee - Disposal of certain properties acquired by the Muni- cipalities through tax registration procedures, and recnmmending that the offer of p. Damore for parcels 1 to 5 incl. be accepted in an amount of $3,900.00 and that the offer of M. Jasnich and R. Stacey be accepted for parcel no. $500.O0~'.and the'-offel~.c~f A. Itolowacz! be accepted for ~0arcel No. 7' in the amount -~of $3,600.00; and that the above offers be accepted on the understanding that approval of the sale of these lands must be received from the Department of Municipal Affairs and that the purchaser be required to meet any conditic~s originally imposed by the Mamicipality. ORDE~u~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 774 - lmroparty C~,=.~ittee - Recommending that Application A~-186 of Gorge' Con- struction Company Limited to re-zone Part of T~D. Lot 96 on the east side of Dor- chester Rood from the existing Single Family Residential to C,--,~_rcial Zoning be approved subject to the applicant entering into a site plan agreement with the City. 0RRE~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 775 - Property Ccsmittee - Ree~'w"~nding that the application of the Stamford Lion's Club to re-zone Part of T~D, Lot 45 on the west side of Dorchester Road to permit the creation of a recreational park be approved, upon the condition that the applicants enter-into a site plan agreement acceptable to the Council. ORDerED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 776 - Property Cczmittee - Recc~nding that the Tender of Tower Plumbing an~ Heatin~ be accepted for the installation of a new boiler at the ~t-meord Hall, -in an amount of $2,000.00. (~rs~D on the ao~ion of Ald. Sco~t and Ald. Swayze ~hat the 'Report be received and adol~ed., 319. No. 777 - Property Canmittee - Recanmendlng that the City proceed in the demolition of buildings on the east side of Dorchester Road immediately south of Reg. Plan 230 (Cropp) and the clearifig of the debris on the property, in accordance with the provisions contained in By-law No. 6440. ORDEBED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 778 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Safety Notices posted in Motel Units re: Swimming Pools. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. S~ayze that the Report be received and filed. No. 779 - Finance Ccmmtttee- Recnmmending approval of accounts. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that the Report be .received and adopted. No. 780 - Traffic Report Committee - Functional Planning Report on proposed road- ways in the City, as prepared by DeLeuw, Cather & Company. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the .Report be - ~ received and filed. No. 781 - Public Works Committee - Recommending that the Tender for the constr~ction of Sanitary Sewermains, Storm Sewermains, and watermains, within Reg. Plan 2BB be awarded to Nabco Construction Company, at the price of $123,554.O5. ORDERED on the motion of Ald- G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the Repor~ be received and adopted, and that in connection with the receiving of Tenders, that a letter be sent by the City to all tendeters advising that unless all the restrictions outlined in the Tender Form are complied with, that in the future, the Committee will not accept any of the tenders. SEE Resolution No. l~ No. 782 - Public Works Omittee - Re: Proposed widening of Stanley Avenue from Queen Elizabeth Way to Ferry Street, and rec,~m~ending that Council approve the pro- posed 80' rood allowance and a building set-back for new buildings to provide for the acquisition of additional 20' road allowance in the future; and that an appraiser be engaged to make an appraisal ropor~ for the acquisition of the required property. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that the Repor~ be tabled for one week to allow the Recreation & Protection C~'m"ittee to stud~V the matter of parking on Stanley Avenue. No. 783 - Public Works Ccmnittee - 1966 Budget for Road Construction, and recom- mending that the work proposed on Garner Rood and Victoria Avenue be proceeded within thel966 construction budget and that resolutions be adopted to pannit the necessary applications to be made to the Depart~nent of Highways for subsidy approvals. ORDerED on the motion of AId. G. Martin and Aid. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolutions 1~2,133,134~ No. 784 - Public Works Ccmmittee - Re-construction of pavement on Murray Street, and recommending that the construction of the storm sewers on Murray Street be proceeded with immediately and that Tenders be called for rood construction. ORE~ on the motion of Ald- G. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be received and adopted. No. 785 - Public Works C~lttee - 1966-67 Winter Works Program, Capital Projects, and recce..ending that applications be made to the Department of Municipal Affairs to have the protects in the Report approved, as part of the 1966-67 Winter Works Program · ORatED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Rearss that the Report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Scent voting contrary and all other members in layout. No. 786 - Public Works Ccmnittee - Recommending that the necessary steps tO proceed with the painting of the interior and exterior of the Stamford Water Tank be implemented and tenders be called. ORE21~D on the motion of Ald. G. Har~in and Ald. Scott-that the Report be received and adopted. No. 787 - Public Works Committee - Proposed Sewer Rental Agreement for Spanish Aero Car and Shady Rest Motel, and recommending that the City Solicitor be auth- orized to prepare a sewer rental agreement for both parties and that the frontage figure to be used in this Agreement be the actual frontage that the Shady Rest Motel has on River Road, and that it be set at 100 feet for the Sl~nish Aero Car Building. ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. No. 787A - City Clerk - Ree~mmending granting of Municipal Licence. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 788 - Building Inspector - Report on Building Permits issued during September. ORDEEED on the motion of Aid. O. Martin and Aid. Scott that the Report be received and .filed. ', , No. 789 - Mr. C- Norgate, Superintendent, Parks & Cemeteries - Report on Annual Con- vention of the Ontario Cemeteries Association. OPaSRED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the. Report be received and tab3e d for one ~aek for perusal of Council. -. PaSOLUTIONS No. 131 - O. MARTIN - BEARSS - RKSOLVED that the Tender for the construction of Sani- tary Sewermains, Storm Sewedmains, and Watermains, within Rag. Plan 233 be awarded to Mabco Construction Cc~pany, at the price of $123,554.05; and the Seal of the Cor- poration be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 132 - O. MARTIN - 8C0~ - RESOLVED that the Department of Highways of Ontario be requested to make the following changes to =Item 1 - Construction - Roads or Streets~ of By-law No. 7137 being a Supplementary By-law to provide subsidy for the 1966 Ex- penditures on roads or streets in the City of Niagara Palls in the County of Welland: Street From To Description Corporation's Share De let e: Victoria Ave. Bridge St. Queen St. Road Widening and re- 70,500.00 construction ant! replace with: Garner Road C.N.R. Lundy's · lane Total ~ $70,500.00 Roed re-construction for widening, including enclosing ditches Victoria 'Ave · Brtd6e St. Maple St: Widening '*roa. dway on west side in prepara- tion for camplate re- const.ruction and the Real of the Corporation be hereto affixed. 8,300.00 $ 36,700.00 Carried Una_nimously No. 133 -,G. ~ - SCOTT - ~ESOLV~D that Council authorize an addition to the Fred 2aceo Cc~. sidewalk construction contract, dated the 21st of April, 19~6, being the l~eet sidewalk tender submitted during 1~, for the construction of curb face side- walk and ~Attera on the west side of Victoria Aven~e from BT~ Street to Maple St; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed., ~arried Unanimousl~ 321. No. 134 - O. MARTIN - SCOTT - RESOLVED that Council authorize an addition to the Fred Sacco Con. sidewalk construction contract, dated 21st of April, 1966, being the lowest sidewalk tender submitted during 1966, for the construction of curb- face sidewalks, curbs and gutters, necessary to complete the channelJzation at the north-west comer of the intersection at Bridge St. and Victoria Ave; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 135 - DOWNIE = MITCRELSON = WHEREAS the maximum subsidy payable by the Province Of Ontario on capital expenditures for Homes for the Aged is 50 per cent of the cost thereof; and WHEREAS because of the increased a~mand for additional acc~n~o- detion in homes for the aged, many municipalities are faced with substantial cap- ital expenditures for construction of new homes or additions to existing homes; and WHEREAS it would greatly assist municipalities in meeting the urgent need for additional accommodation if the Provincial subsidy on capital expenditures ware increased to the s""~ rate as the subsidy on operating and maintenance costs; NOW THFEORE be it resolved that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Niagara Palls petition the Provincial Government to introduce Legislation at the ' next session of the Legislature to amend Section 23 of The Homes for the Aged Act by increasing the maximum amounts of the Provincial subsidy on capital expenditures from 50 per cent to 70 par cent; AND BE IT FJRTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to The Honourable John P. Robarts, Prime Minister of Ontario; ~ae Honoux~ble Louis P. Cecile, Minister of Public Welfare; The Honourable J. W. Spooner, Minister of Municipal Affairs; Mr. George Bukator, M.L.A.; Mr. Ellis Morn- ingstar, M.L.A.; MAr. Robert Welch, M.L.A.; and to the Councils of the Cities and Counties of Ontario, for their endorsation and support; and the Seal of the Cor- hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously MISCELLANEOUS , Ontario Traffic Conference Alderman Gregory advised of his attendance at the Director' s Meeting of the Ontario Traffic Conference, at which time the question of the recommendation of the Special Motorcycle Committee was brought up. The recommendations which are presently before the Ontario Traffic Conference and which have been referred to the different Municipalities who have representation on the directorate on the Conference were then read by Alderman Gregory. Following the presentation of the summary of recommendations, it was ordered on the motion of Ald, Gregory, seconded by Ald. Swayze that the recommendations be referred to the Recreation & Protection Committee for consideration and reccmmendations arising therefrom; and the Committee also look into the matter of Legislation relating to motorcycles crossing the border into Canada from the United States. Washroom Facilities near City Market His Worship Mayor Keighan referred to the newly-constructed washroom fac= illties provided for persons attending City Market, etc., and queried whether the washrooms would remain open to the public for the same hours as the previous facil- ities had been. Ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that this matter be referred to the Property Coa~ittee with power to act. Next Meeting of Council. In answer to a query, it was indicated by His Worship Mayor Keighan that the next Meeting of Council would be held on ~xesdey,' October llth, 1966 at 7:30 p.m. in view of Thanksgiving Holiday on October lOth. Report on Seminar on Cu,m~nit~ Improvement : Alderman Rearss indicated that she had received a copy of the Report of the Seminar on C~..,~unity Improvement which would be available for perusal by Member~ of Council. Presentation of Civic Beauttfication Committee Awards Aldex~nan Bearss informed Members of Council that the Civic Reauttftcation Awards would be presented on October lath at 8 p.m. at the Park Motor Hotel. BY- law s No. 7194 - A By-law to amend By-law Nt~ber B7~90, being a By-law for the regulation of traffic. (Taxi Stands on Clifton Avenue ) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the By-law be tabled for one ~eek for the return of Aldermen Johns and ~acBain. This motion was carried with Aldermen F. Martin and Gregory voting contrary and all other Members in fayour. No. 7195 - A By-law to authorize an Agreement with Flyera Hockey Association Ltd. for the use of the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Ald. F- Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried with Ald. Dewhie voting contrary and all other members in favour. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried with Ald. Domaie voting contrary and all other members in fayour. Third Reading - Aid. Swayze and Ald. Kttchelson. Carried with Ald. Downie voting contrary and all other members in fayour. No. 7199. - A By-law to authorize an easement agreement with the Niagara ~Parks Com- mission for the Murray Street storm sewer outfall. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Scott that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Swayze. Carried Unanimously~ ~ - a No. 7200 - A By-law to amend By-la~ Np. 3794 being a By i w designating through Highways. (Intersection of King's Highway ,or traffic control location) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. S~ayze that Ald. F. ~artin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Mttchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily cuspended and t_he By-la~ be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. 8wayze and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. No. 7201 - A By-law to amend By-la~ Nmber 1874, !954 of the former Township of St.m~ord, and By-law N~nber 3791, of the City of Niagara Falls, being by-law designating through highways in ~he City of Niagara Falls. (Stop signs - Brookfield Avenue and Clara Crescent) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and A3~d. Scott that Aid. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first .reading. ~ar~ied Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that Rule B6 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the ascend reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Sway,-e and Aid. Scott. Carried Unanimously. 323. No. 7202 - A By-law to amend By-law Number 6334~ being a by-law to increase the rate of speed on certain highways in the City of Niagara Falls to ~0 miles per hour. (Adding sections of McLeod Road and Mountain Road) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and A],d. Scott that AId. F. Mar~in be granted the privilege of introSucing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and AId. Swayze that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. No. 7~03 - A By-law to amend By-law N~ber 6~76, to increase the rate of speed on certain high~rays in the City of Niagara Falls to 50 miles per hour. (Deleting Sections of McLeod Road and Mo~rntain Road, and adding section of Mountain Road. ) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitcheison and Ald. Swayze that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously, Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory. Carried Unanimously. No. 7204 - A By-law to &mend By-law Number 3790, being a By-law for the regulation of traffic. (Parking prohibitions on east and west sides of Dnimmond Road) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Gregory that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, F. Martin and Ald, Gregory that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Mitchelson. Carried Unanimously. NO. 7205 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($682,388,64) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Dennis and Ald. F, Martin that Ald. Mitch- elson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously- ORDERED on the motion of AId. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the ~ond reading. Carried Unanimously. ~hird Reading -Ald. Swayze and Aid. Gregory. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Co~mittee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. Svmyze and Ald. Scott. READ AND ADOFI'ED, October llth, 1966. i,----j ........ C(Iv~ITTEE OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber~ October 3rd, 1966. Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting of Cobu~cil on October 3rd, 1966. All Members of Council x~ere present with the excep- tion of Aldermen Johns and MacBain. Ald. Bearss presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to the Ccmmittee, it x~as ordered on the motion of Ald. ~iitcbelson and ~ld. Sx.myze that ~he Committee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to Report No. 790 of the Public Works Committee · REAd and Adopted, October llth, 1966. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, .October 3rd, 1966. Following the Cammittee of the Whole Meeting on October 3rd, 1966, Council m-convened in open session. All Members were present with the exception of Aldermen Johns and MacBaln. His Worship Mayor Keighan presided. Report 790 - Public Works C~m~ittee - Registered Plan 230, Cherrywood Acres. ORREE on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the City Solicitor 'be instructed to proceed to take legal action against Mr. J. A. Climenhage immed- iately; and the Report of the Public Works C~nmittee, as amended with the addition of a finalparagraph reading: =We do not intend to carry on this work untilMr. Cllmenhage has settled the amount of $7,581.63 for the work already completed', be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Downie voting contrary and all other members of Council in fayour. A motion was submitted by Ald. Downie to the effect that a discussion be held in respect to such Committee of the Whole items, for the purpose of establishing a policy. There was no seconder to this motion. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the meeting adJoura. EFAD AND ADOPTED, October llth, 1966- Council ~b~r, October llth~ 1~ ~ 19~, for the ~ose of consi~ring ~neml bus~ess and f~ce. A~ ~mbers of , ~ :.. · Co~cil ~ p~sent. His Worship ~yor R. F. ~i~. p~si~d. It ~s o~d on the ~ ': ~ motion of Al~n Sc~t ~d AlUm ~e that the ~n~es of t~ m~thg of Oct- ober S~, 19~, be adored as prhted. i ' ~TION : · ; ... Edu~tion ~d R.C.M.P. ;' C~. ~ - Mia6am ~lls District B~ of Edu~tion - Appl~tion for m-zon~ of '= ' ' :'' pro~y ~ the ~st si~ of ~r~ester R~d~ noah of Mc~ R~d, to ~mit the : constm~ion of R.C.M.P. office buildi~. ~ ' :~ ': - It ~s o~md on the m~i~ of Ald. Jo~s ~d Ald. ~a~e t~t ~. A. F- 'She~ ~ .;"' '~; ~ ~ted ~ssion to ad~ss Co~cil, on ~ of his clients, the Nia~m Fa~s = ': .~' District B~ of Edu~tion and the R.C.M.P~ ~. Shep~ stated t~t he ~d not ~en ~ · ~' :. :a~, when he had sent the letter mquesti~ ~mission to ad~ss Co~cil on the ~ ~ ~'. ][ fore p~t~ ~ ~k~g his p~sentation to Co~cil. He then introduced ~ssrs. R. ~ ;;iLl:~ A. Mc~ and C- J. M~r~ who were pms~t on ~ of the S~ool B~, ~d ~. ,~:~[; ;'; ~jlSte~nson, of the ~mnt of hblic Works, present on ~ of t~ R.C.M.P. ~. ~[~' [i ~ ~e~rd t~n outlined the propel for an ex~ of ~nds ~t~en the R.C.M.P. and ;.~; ~ ;, the ~, ~l~ ~d necessitated the appli~tion for ~-zon~g of the ~n~ on ~r- ~;., j~ ~et~, along ~th mp~sen~ti~s on beM~'Sf theB~rd'andR;C~M;P; t6'Sd~it'their appli~tion mquest~ Co~cil to a~r~e t~ a~tion for ~-zon~ of the prop- ~// ' ~:,:.~j~:~ Co~cil to appr~e of the a~li~tion, ~d ~clud~ submissions in this ~s~ct. ,~: ~ ;: i: :,~ ~Fon~ ~sc~sion by ~bers of Co~cil, it ~s o~d on the m~i~ of Aid. Sc~t, ~ ~ ' ~ ~.;: secon~d by Ald. S~e tMt the c.-~,mi~tion ~e m~i~d and referred to the ~op- L:~ .:'~i..., e~y C~ttee for consi~mti~, and ~. S~ ~d the ~p~sen~tives of the ~:~ ',;;~~ B~ ~d R.C.N.P. ~ ~vited to attend the ~et~ on 0cto~r l~th, 1~6.  i.s~ ~.:., ~ worn fen~ sumsdin8 City's Ce~e~l ~o~ect. ,~ ~l~ sp~so~d. '. ,' ';q1.i,;O~ on the m~i~ of Aid. G~o~ and Aid. ~ss ~t the Repo~ ~ ~cei~d ~:~~; C~. ~ - O~ater Nta~m ~fety Co~ctl - Rec~n~g t~t traffic is~n~ ~ ~'~[~ ~ted ~th ~flectt~ ~fety C~eil ~tl~ the a~ion ~ten~d to ~ ~n ~ this s~sti~ ". :j, ~ O~ on the s~ion of Ald. F. ~ and Ald. ~ze that the ~po~ ~ mcei~d and adopod, ~d csi~ti~ find. Ca. ~ - ~r ~ ~e - A~li~ti~ of ~e~l ~s C~. ~ ~po~ ?~ - Cit~ C~rk - ~c~n~ ~at ~ v~w of 2olicitor's c~nts on the .3a7. Report 782 - Public Works Committee - Proposed widening of Stanley Avenue from Queen Elizabeth Way to Ferry Street. Report 794 - Recreation & Protection C~mnittee - Intention to recommend that Parking be prohibited on both sides of Stanley Avenue fr~n Roberrs Street to Ferry Street at all times. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that Report 794 be received and adopted, as -mended, and that the Clerk inform the property owners of the Com- mittso's proposal, and if they have any suggestions, they make them to the Clerk who will turn them over to the Recreation & Protection C~m. tttee- Report 790 - Mr. C. Nor~ate, Superintendent, Parks & Cemeteries - Report on Annual Convention of the Ontario Cemeteries Association, and reecmmendimg that cemetery prices for opening, closing and maintenance, be reviewed and adjusted. Ordered on themotion Of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and filed, and Mr. Norgate be commended for his report, and the reconnnendatton concerning review of cemetery prices he referred to the Recreation & Protection Gambittee for consideration. ' C0~INICATIONS , No. ~13 - Ketth MacLeod - Weeds on property at 4477 Thorold Stone Road. ~ on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. Scott that the comm, mication be received and-referred to the Public Works Committee for consideration. No. 414 - Stamford Minor Hockey Assco. - Requesting date-for Tag Day to coincide with City Minor Hockey Association Tag Day. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Rearas and Ald. Mitchelson that the c;.,!,~nicatlon be received and request for Tag Day-granted for October 15th. NO. ~15 - N.F. jr. Chamber of C;-~erce - Expressing appreciation to Fire Delmrt~ent for fire prevention display. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F- Martin and Ald. Swayze that the ccannunication be received and filed and a copy of the letter be sent to the Fire Depament. NO. 416 - Niagara Regional Science Fair. - Financial aid for Fifth Annual Science Fair at Brock University, Feb. 23, 24, and 25. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Finance C-~m"ittee for consideration. No. 795 - Recreation & Protection Cc~mittee - Recommending that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign Agreement with Niagara Frontier Humane Society. OREg~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be forfed to By-law No. 7207 for consideration. ~o. ~J6 - Recreation · Protection C~ittee - Recommending that master. interconnect devices and 15 local respondera be purchased from Davis Automatic Controls ?.~mtted at a total cost of $4,866.23; and that the other necessary equtl~neat be purchased from this Conpany at an estimated ~ost of $400.00 ra: Morrison Street traffic control. No. 797 - Proper~y Ccemittee - Recommending that Application AM-170, M. Soroka, - to re-zone Lot 1,' pl~ 13, on the south side of Culp Street. from Residential S to Apartment Zonin~ be approved, providing the applicant enters, into a Site Plan Agree- ment satisfactory to the City of Niagara Falls, and that the proposed addition to the existing dwelling be limited to one dwelli~Z unit and that h~ comply with all other existin~ by-laws of the Municipality. ORIF~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Repor~ be received and adopted. · No. 798 - property C-_~s~ttee - ~noroac~nent existing at the property known as 97S Welland Avenue, and reccemending that the Cit~ Solicitor be instructed to prepera an ~ncrsaclment A~reement cowering ~he prolert~W 'known as 973 Welland Avenue, and that the A~reement contain a provision that the existin~ encroachment be not increased at an~ time. ORES~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Repor~ -be received ~nd adopted. (Alderman MaeBain was excused from vo~in~ on the above matter) [ir No. 800 - Property Cn"""ittee - Proposed Plan of Subdivision of Part Lot 89, Block B, and Part of Lots 8 and 9, Rag. Plan 876 and 113, "Gellinger" property, east of Drunmond Road and south of the old N.S. & T. right-of-way, and recommending that the proposed plan of subdivision be not disapproved. ORES~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. ~ohns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 801 - Frope~y Cc, mtttee - Application of Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Graham to sever four lots from their holdings on the south side of Riall Street. 0RDEE on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and referred to C;--.iiittee of the Whole for consideration. No. 802 - Public Works Cr~.w~ttee - Basic Sewage Works Operators' Course, and reccm- mane!hE that Mr. H. Davies, Mr. H. Duggan, Mr. C. Patterson, and Mr. W. Sheldon be authorized to attend Course duri-8 w~ek of Dec. 5th to 9th, 1966, in Toronto. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. SCares that the Report be received and adopted. No. 803 - Finance Committee - Reccmmend!~8 that the Canadaires Drum Corps be .permitted to hold a Parade on October 13th, 1966, to c-.~nce from the Evening Review building, and proceed to the City Hall, to receive congratulations of the Mayor, acknowledg- ing the work the Corps is carrying out with the youth of the c~mm'mity. 0m~ on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Al~. Downie that the Report be receives and adopted. No. 804 - Finance Committee -- Recommending that fold-up beds, furniture, and lockers be p haced ,or the new =iecn Fire at. est ted eo.t o, and further, that this cost be charged to the fund established from .the .~le _of th~ Main Street Fire Hall. OPaF. aED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Mar~ that the Report be re- ceived and.adopted. No. 80~ - Finance Ccenittee - Recce~nen8~-~ approval of accounts-for the period endi. ng October llth, 1966. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. MacBeth that the Fapor~ be received No. 806 - City Clerk - Rec~ew.~nding the grantin~ Of Municipal Licenoes. adopted, and. licenoes ~ranted. ' No..807 - Council Centennial C~-,,.~,'ttee - Reccemendin6 to .the Municipal Council the acceptance of the rec.j~,;;~udetion of the Selection Crew.~ttee of Ac.~s and~CcmI~nY as to their choice of sculpture for the Centennial Square. No. 808 - H. G. Acres & Ccsl~u~V I/sited - Selection and Reckemendations for Scul~ure . for the NiaSara Falls' Centennial S~uare and reccemendin~ that the proposal o~ Au~-' ustin Filipovie to design, co~struot, deliver and install a. specific sculpture for · the Centennial Square be accepted; at the tender price of.$20,600. Canadian Funds, with Federal t~__xe_s included and Provincial taxes extra, if applicable. Alderman GreSory, Chairman of the Council Centennial C_--m. ittee, following a brief presents-. tion, introduced Mr. E. D. F~Z=~i, who in turn, introduced Mr. W. G. Hollenback, s. Allison, z. Mere th, and Mr. A.'an __hers of the Selection Committee cceposed of Acres potscanal, who were assi;ned to the task of the selec- tion of a sculpture for the CitFes Centennial S~uara,' as authorized b~ the City Council. It was ordered on the motion of. Aid. MacBain, seconded b~ Aid. F. Martin that the requirements of .the Procedural B~-law be dispen~ed with in raspeat to this presentation, in Order to allow a full report on the resttar. Mr. 8zarvis then pro- needed to Give a e~mpzehensive stresssTy of the Acres Report which included the chronoo logical series of events, biographical nOtes, and the finelreecesendetion of. the Firm, Followin8 the presentation of the ,Report, the ma~uatte of the Filipovic proposal was then placed in position on a model of the refleOtin~ pool which will form par~ ~f the 'Centennial 8~uarm. At this point,' Xt was ordered an the motion of Ald. Grm~oz7 and Aid. MaaBain that a five minute Teases be held for the purpose of viewin~ the sonlptu~: Follow~n2 the re-~onvenin~ of Council, Mr. 8zaxw~s presented additional facts on the sculpture, indicatiu2 that in the finished state it would be appx~udaatel~ 9 .feet hiSh by 10 feet across. Be also advized that ~he sonlpture had been nsmed~ b~ the Acres Ccesdttee, as "Nia~arm Nalo2ue 196~e. At this point, Meabersof Council ex- pssed their ingLtvidual opinions on the seulpttul. His Worship Ns~or Kei2han 329. requested Ald. Swayze to take the Mayor's Chair in order that he could also ex~ press his opinion and remarks to Council. At the conclusion of his remarks, Mayor Keighen resumed the Mayor' s Chair. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin, seconded by Ald. Downie, that the matter be tabled until such time as the Council Centennial Conmittee brings in a Financial Report on the Centennial Project. This motion was carried with Ald. Bearss voting contrary and all other members in favour. (Prior to the passage of this motion, a motion had been sub- mitted by Ald. Gregory, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson that the Report of the Council Centennial Committee be received and rec~mnendation adopted. No action was taken on this motion in view of the motion to table the matter. ) Following the passage of the motion, Mr. Szanms requested that photographs of the maquette which had been given out to all Members of Council and Press representatives, be not released at this time, and following consideration of this request, the pho. togrephs were re-collected. MISCELLANEOUS Attendance at Functions It was indicated that Alderman Swayze would represent th~ Mayor' s' O~fice at the Convention of the Canadian Council of Electrical Maintenance Employees to be held on October 21st, 1966, and at the Greater Niagara Baseball Association Award of Champions D~nner to be held on October 18th, ·1966. B.marks of Aid. Downie in rebuttal to c~,mnents of Press and Radio representatives and MAr. L. ~m.S re: Arena Rental. Alderman Dewhie referred to the stand he had taken at the previous Council Maetin~ during discussion of the renewal of the Agreement with the Niagara Falls Flyera Hockey Club, at which time he had opposed the financial arrangement of an 80-20~ split for the rental of the Arena. He stated that since his remarks had been printed in the Press he had been subject to much criticism frsm certain Press and Radio representatives. Mr. R. Jeanneret, Sports Broadcaster of CJRN Radio Station, had made unfavOurable ccmnents directed to him, during broadcasts on the air, which comments had not been Justified in view of the fact that Jeanneret was possibly receiving some benefit froa the Flyer Hockey Club and was therefore not objective in his approach. Alderman Do~nie stated that Mr. D. Austin, Sports Editor of the Niagara Palls Evening Review, had written an article on the matter, in which he had presented only half of the picture. In an article Which had appeared in the October 8th edition of the Evening Review, Mr. L. ~%m.s, owner of the F/yet Hockey Club, had been quoted as saying he was tired of the yearly argument between the City and himself over the rental of the Arena. Alderman Downie advised that Mr. ~m~' stated. eat had been ingorrect, in that Agreements were not negotiated yearly, and the previous Agreement had been entered into in 1960 and had mined in force until the ra-neggtiation of the A~re-m-~t recently approved by Council. Alderman Downie then referred to the article in' the Evening Review pralmred by Mr. Tony Fredo which had contained information secured from other area Arenas as to rental pertenCaSes in effect, and which had differed from the information presented by the .Recreation & Protection Ccemittee to Council. Alderman F. Martin advised that the information pertaining to area Arenas had been secured through. the local Arena .Manager. Alderman Downie also referred to the fact of the reported deficit of $26,000. resultLu~ from Arena opera~ions, and queried this fact in relation to the statement that the Arena, financial/y, was in much better chaps since the Flyer Hockey Club had ~cee to the City. Alderman Mitckelson - Remarks of' Mr. R. Condirst~n ~n articles in Evenin~ ReJiew. Alderman Mitchelson referred to a letter to' the Editor of the Nia;are Palls Evenin~ Review written by Mr. B. Condirston concerning attendance at Committee Meetings and Council Meetings in oc~flict w~th ~orking hours of the Aldermen. Ald. Mltchelson stated that in the case of the Finance Ccsmittee, the hours of the Meetings were adjusted to enable Alderman Dewhie, for one, to attend the meetings after School hours. Use of Cc~nisstonaires by Police Department' His Worship Mayor Keighan advised that at the last meeting of the Board of Police Ccemisstoners it had been indicated that by January 1st, 1967, the use of C~"mis- sionaires would be in effect, and the Chief of Police, in the meantime, has been directed to repor~ on the details of this proposal. No. 8 - W. Oyenes and 8 others - Construction of concrete sidewalk, curb-faced five feet wide, -~outh side of Glen~ary Street frcm GeinsborougJa to Arlington. F. J. Cupolo and 11 others - Construction of concrete sidewalk, curb-faced, five feet wide, North side of Glengary Street, from GainsborouOh to Arlin~on. S. Howlerr and ~ others - Construction of Concrete sidewalk, curb-faced, five feet vide, East side of Gainsborough, from Huggins Street to Glengary Street. D. C. Elsley and 4 others - Construction of Concrete sidewalk, curb-faced, five feet wide, East side of Gainsborough from Glendoone Street to Hu~gins Street. N. D. %~ilsher end 6 others - Construction of concrete sidewalk, curb-faced, five feet wide, West side of Geinsborough from Glendoone Street to Olengar~ Street. ORESI~ED on the motion of Ald. MaaBain and Ald. Scott that the Petition be .received and referred to the Public Works C.--.;;~ttee for consideration. BY-IAWS No. 7.098 - A By-lew to authorize the re~construotion of Murray. Street frcm Portage Road to Niagara Parks Ccemission lands. Third Readin6 - Alderm~ G. Martin and Aldernt-D Johns. Carried Unanimously. No. 7194 - To amend By-law N~ber 3790, being a By-law for the regulation of traffic. (Taxi stands on Clil~on OR~SFaS~ on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. Swayze that the By-law be given the second reading. Carried ~A~imoualy. OPaSRED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Gregory that Rule $6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be taml~rerily suspended and the By. law he given the third reading. Carried L~animousl,v. No. 7206 - A By-low to authorize an a~reement With Mabco Construction C~mlMu~ Limited, for the construction of watermaine and sewermains in Part of ~ownship Lot 78, City of Niagare Falls. ~ oa the motion of Ale. Swa~ze and Aid. F. Martin that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of intreducin~ the B~-lew and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimousl~. OPa~a~D on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearas that Rule B6 (2) of the 8tending Rules of Council he temporeril,V suspeaded and the By-law be give~ the second rea&in~. Carried ~nanimousl~. Thi:~ .Reaain~ - Ai~. Bearss an~ Aid. F. MarCia. Carries ~nanimouel~. 331. ~No. 72QI - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Cor- poretion of the City of Niagara Falls and Niagara Frontier Humane Society. OPj3ERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first rea. d~g.. Carried Uneninously. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading: Ald. Downie and Ald. MacBain. Carried Unanimously. Report 79~ - Recreation & Protection Committee - Humane Society Agreement. ORE on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and filed. No. 7208 - A By-law to appoint a Deputy City Clerk. (Paul J. Brennan) .. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Gregory that Ald. MauBain be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be ~iven the . ................. O~ on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Downie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Thix~l Reading: Ald. MacBain and Ald. Gregory. Carried Unanimously. No. 7209 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($384,979.24) ORIEEED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Dewhie and Ald. Gregory. Carried Unanimously. · Council adjourned to C-r'mnittee of the Whole on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott. BEAD A~D ADOPTED, ' . October 17th, 1966. · 33~ · C0a~I'r,'-.~ OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, October llth, 1966. Council assembled in CC. mn4ttee of the Whole 'following the regular meeting of Council on October llth, 1966. All Members of Council were present. Ald. Swayze presided As Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to the C~..tttee, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. F. Martin that the Cr.~tttee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to Report No. 801 of the Property C ...... Lttee. AND ADOPTED, October 17th, 1966. / Council Chamber, October llth, 1966. ~llowing the' Cczmittee of the Whole Maetin~ on October llth, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present. His Worship Mayor Keighan presided. Report 801 - Property C~--.ittee - Application of Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Grabnm to sever four lots from their holdings on the south side of Rial l Street. OEIE~D on the motion of Aid. Scott and Aid. 8wa~ze that the Reporb he no__t adopted It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacEsin, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that the 'meeting 'adj6~n~ ........................................................... I~ AND ,ADOr£sD, October 17th, 1966. rk Mayor · q, 333' FORTY-EIGHTH MEETING Council Chamber, October 17th, 1966. REGULAR .MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Mondey, October 17th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Councilwere present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Swayze and Alderman Scott that the minutes of the meeting of October llth, 1966 be' adopted as printed. DEPUTATION C.-~m. 417 - N. E. Weaver on behalf of petitioners - Re: Amendment Application AM-189, Stamford Lions Club, re-zoning of property within Pt. Twp. Lot 45, West side Dorchester Road North. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. G. Martin, .' seconded by Ald. Swayze that Mr. Weaver be granted permission to address Co~uncil. Mr. Weaver read a submission on behalf of residents in opposition to the Stamford Lions Club proposal, ~i~ich proposal had been approved by Council on October 3rd and which would include the establishment of a recreational perk containing a c~m,unity hall, swooning and wading pools, and sports field facilities. The sub- mission contained severel objections by the residents to the location of this scheme in their area. Mr. Weaver also stated that he had not received notice of the Prop- erty C~,m~ittee Meeting at which the application had been considered. It was indic- ated that in accordance with C~mmittee policy, notice had been forwarded to the first signee of the petition. At this time, Mr. A. Strange, who was present in the Council Chambers, was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Scott, seconded by Ald. F. Martin, in order that he might clarify certain r~m, rks contained in Mr. Weaver's submission. Mr. Strange advised that a former Chaixm~ of the Lions Club, Mr. George Ealby, had approached the St-m~ord Township Council, in respect to a proposal of the Club to erect a building and swimming pool at the E. E. Mitcheleon Park, but this suggestion had not received approval. The City Clerk advised Mr. Weaver that the Lions Club would be required to enter into a Si~e 'Plan Agreement satisfactory to the City Council. Following the passage of a re-zoning By-law, notices would be sent to all owners of property within ~00 feet of the proposal, and they would have the opportunity of submitting objections. The Ontario Municipal Board could also order that a Hearing be held in respect to the application for 'approval b~ the re-zoning By-law. It was suggested that some of the 'objections raised by the petitioners might be covered in the form of provisions included in the Site Plan Agreement, and the City Clerk, as authorized by the Property C~m-tttee, 'was instructed to inform Mr. Weaver of the contents of the Agreement. UNFLNI8MED BUSINESS Verbal ~uery - Korean War Veteran re: Use of Cross by Humane Society in Pet Cemetery. C---. 326 - Oreater Niagara Ministerial Association - Matter to be consideret at next session of Association. C~. ~18 - Greater Niagara Ministeriel Association - Opinions as to use of cross. It was indicated that the Humane 8ociety had under consideration, 'the use of a differant s~mhol for the Pet Cemetery. OIMD on the modeion of Ald. ~. Martin and Ald. 8wayze that the cnmnunicatione be received and file~. Ccem. 37~+ - Niagara Falls Jaycees - Public Forum - Issues and Answers '67, to be held Nov. P, 1966 at the N.F.C.V.I. Auditori,-.- R~port 811 - City Clerk - Advising that the Niagara Falls Jaycees solicit the endorsation of the progr-~ by the City Council, and would appreciate the assis- tance of Council in meeting the financial obligations that will be incurred. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson that Wayne Pretty, Sensial Chalimmn of the Ja~cees, be allowed to address Council. Mr. P~etty reviewed the format of the proposed pro~ramne, and advised that the proposed budget for the Forum wes $980.00, and therefore, it was suggested that Council consider the ~ranting of financial assistance. Re also advised that whether or not assistance ns forthcoming, the Jaycees would ~o ahead with the prograe.~. OBB~ED on the motion of Ald. Downie, seconded by Ald. Scott that the ccmmunlcation and report be received and filed, and Council endorse the holding of the public forum and as many candidates as possible attend. (AId. Jolms was excused from voting on this matter). ORE~a~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that the Finance C~mm~ttee consider the matter of financial consideration in respect to costs of holding of the Public Forum by ~he Niagara Falls ~aycees, and a representative be invited to attend the C~-m~ttee Meeting on Oct. 21st at 4:45 p.m. It was indicated that the Finance C~mnittee would look into the possibility o[ asking the Board of Education to donate the rental of the Collegiate Auditorium. Report 782 - Public Works C~mmtttee ' Proposed widening of Stanley Avenue from Q.E.Way to Ferry Street. Report 812 - Public Works C~mmlttee - Recnmmending that David D. McMillaa Ltd. be retained to m.~ an appraisal Report on the property required for the proposed ' widening. 01~D on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that Report 812 be received and adopted. Report 790 - Public Works C~mittee - Registered plan 230, Cherrywood Acres. Report 813 - Finance C ..... ittee - Rec~m"~uding that the City Engineer be instructed to proceed with the completion o[ the roads in Stages 2 and 3 of peg. Plan 230 and further, that all costs incurred as a result of the completion of the work be charged to the subdivider and be set up as an account receivable for accounting purposes. 01~D on the motion of Ald. Mltcheleon, seconded by Ald. G. Martin that the Report of the Finance C_~wm~ttee be received and adopted, and Public Works C~mittee Repor~ be filed. ~nis motion was carried with Ald. Scott rotfag contrary and all other m~mbers in fayour. C~,m~· 411 - Martin, Calvert, Sheptard ~ Clark - N.F.Dlstrigt Board of Education and R.C.M.P. Conch. 412 - Niagara Falls District Board of Education - Requesting Council to approve application of R.C.M.P. for re-zoning of property on Dorchester Road. Repor~ 814 - Property Ccemittee - Reccemnending that the appll~ation of the R.C.M.P. to re-zone Lots 29, 30, 31 and 32 at the intersection of Dorchester Road and Douglas Street be approved, subject to the applicants entering into a site plan agreement. M~. A~ F. 8hoppard was present at the Council Macring on behalf of his clients, the Board of Education and the R.C.M.P. Also present were Messrs. R. A. McLecd and C. J. Monroe on behalf of the School Board, and representatives on behalf of the R.C.M.P. and Depaxtment of Public Works. Following a query pertaining to legalities in the matter, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Kitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that the matter be referred for considerationto Ccemittee of the Whole. It was indicated that the principals and other involved in the application would be in attendance at the Camnittee of the Whole Meeting. The motion to refer the matter to the C~tttee of the Whole was carried with AId. Scott voting contrary and all other members in fayour..' Report 807 - Council Centennial C~m-.ittee - Rec.--~uding to the Municipal Council the acceptance of the rec~-.~ndation of the Selection Cce~ittee of Acres and Company as to their choice of the AuguStin Filipovic Sculpture ~or the Centennial Square. R~port 808 - H. ~. Acres & Co. Ltd. - Selection and Recommendations for Sculpt~tre for the Hia~ara Fells Centennial S~uare and rec.--.~uding that the proposal of Au~ustin Filipovic to design, construct, deliver and instell a specific sculpture for the Centennial Square be accepted, at the tende~ price of $20,600. Canadian Funds, with Federal Taxes included and Provincial Taxes extra, if applicable. Report 815 -.Finance Report in respect to cost of Centennial Pro~ect - It was explained that a Financial Report in respect to the cost of the Centennial Project Mad-been prepared on the instructions of CoUnCil issued at the mating of October llth. An explanation of the details of the Repor~ was then presented. ~rs o~ Couzxeil and. His Worship Ma~or ~ei~man then expressed their opinions and sulmitted ~uestions in respa~ to certain aspacts of the ~n~neial Report, A motlongs subaitted by Aid. G. Martin, Seconded b~ Aid. GreSory that the Financial Report in respe~ to the cost of the Centennial ProScot be re~erred to the FAunanee Ccssaittee ~or a sore detailed rel. mr~ as to what is included in the $$,000,00 Consul- tantes fees. This action wa.s da~eated with;the follov~n~ vote: Aye: Aldersen Jchns~ G. Martin, Gre2.r~, 2wa~e. ~a~e: Aldexssn l~nie~ 2cctt# Mitchelson# F. ' 335' A motion was submitted by Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Aid. Bearss that the Finan- cial Report in respect to the cost of the Centennial Project be received and adopted. This motion was defeated with the following vote: Aye: Aldermen Johns, Rearss, Mitchelson, F. Martin, Gregory. Na_~: Aldermen MacBain, Downie, ~wayze, Scott, G. Martin, Mayor Keighan. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Downie, seconded by Ald. MacBain that the Financial Report in respect to cost of the Centennial Project be received and filed. This motion was carried with the following vote: A_~: Aldermen Mac- Bain, Dewhie, Swayze, Scott, G. Martin, Mayor Keighan. Naye: Aldermen Gregory, Mitchelson, F. Martin, Johns, Rearss. It was then ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory, seconded by Ald. Downie that C~mm, mications 419 - Niagara District ArtLAssociation, and 420 - Mrs. Lucie Dempsey, be considered at this time. A motion was submitted by Ald. Gregory, seconded by Ald. Johns that the rec~,enda- tion of the Council Centennial C~mmittee recommending to the Municipal CounSil the acceptance of the suggestion of the Selection Committee of Acres and C~npeny as to their choice of the Filipovic Sculpture of the Centennial Square, be tabled, and that the maquette of the sculpture be placed on exhibit at some prominent place within the City, to be so designated by Council, for a period of 2 weeks, and the matter be publicized. This motion was defeated 'with the following vote: Aye: Aldermen Rearss, ~ohns, G. Martin, Gregory, Mitchelson. Na_~: Aldermen Swayze, Scott, Downie, F. Martin, MacBain, Mayor Keighan. A motion was submitted by Ald. Gregory, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson that the Report of the 'Council Centennial Cammittee rec-~m"-endiag to the Municipal Council the accelY~ance of the recommendation of the selection C_~.~.ittee of Acres and Company as to their choice of the Filipovic Sculpture for the Centennial Square be adopted. This motion was def___eated. with the following vote: Aye..:. Aldermen Gregory, Mitchelson, Johns, G. Martin. Na~e: Aldermen Rearss, F. Martin, Scott, Downie, Swayze, MacBain, Mayor Keighan.. Prior to the vote on the above motion, ~-mbers of Council expressed their indiv- idual opinions in respect to the matte~. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin, seconded by Ald. Scott that the matter of the sculpture for the Centennial Square be referred hack to the Cen- tennial C~="lttee. This motion was carried with AId. MacBain voting contrary . and all other members in favour. Comma. ~19 - Niagara District Art Associ~tion - Requesting that the model of the Filipovic Sculpture be displayed for public viewing prior to a decision by COuncil. Cornre. ~20 - Mrs. Lucie Dempsey - Advising of disapproval of suggested Filipovic Sculpture for the Centennial Square. OP~ on the motion of A~d. Gregory and Ald. Johas that the c_~wm,mications be received and filed. Petition No. 8 - W. Gyeses and 8. others, F. J. Cupolo and 11 others, 8. Howlerr and 5 others; D. C. Elsley and ~ others, N. D. Wilsher and 6 others requesting construction of Sidewalks on Glen~ary Street and Gainsborough Avenue. Report 816 - Public Works C~Attee - Recc~nending that the petitions be referred to the 1~67 Public Works C~mnittee for consideration in their 1967 Construction. Pro6ramme, and that the top name on the petitions be. so. notified.. 0I~ on the. motion of Ald. G. Martin an~ Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. C0~CATIONS No. ~1 - Peter, St. Angelo - Complaint conceraln~ 'signs on City proparty and tree down on property on Stanley Avenue.. Ol~ on the motion or Aid. Scot~ and Aid. 5Wze ~h~t the ocemunicati. on be received and referred to the Property Ccs~aittee for consideration. No. 422 - Greater Niagara Church Basketball Assoc. - Requesttn8 permission to hold ~ Day on Nov. 19th, 1966. OPrm~El? on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the ccmmunication be re- ceived and request granted. No. 423 - Branch 51, Royal Cdn. Le~ion - Requestt~8 permission to hold Canvass on Nov. 4th and Nov. 5th, and ProclmmmtiOn designating week of Nov. 4th to llth as Poppy Week. ORI~EED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze that the Communication be reueivad and requests granted, and Branch 479 be contacted and granted stmilar. approvals. No. 424 - United Bations Association - Requesting Proclamation of October 24th as ~nited Nations Day, and the flying of the United Nations Flag at City Hall on this OREFARED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by by Ald. Scott that the com- munication he received and requests granted. No. 425 - Welland & District Health Unit - Advising of con~em~_ation of pr~mtses at 1763 Msin Street. ORESRED. on the motion of Ald. Swayze, seconded by Ald. Johns that the cOmm,mication be received and referred to the Prol~rty C~tttee for consideration. No. 426 - Mr. H. S. Lundy - Craft Workshop for Niagara Area. OREF~v on the m~tion of Aid. snares, seconded by Aid. Gregory that the c~munica- tion be received and referred to the former "Cc~munity College C;-.--ittee" for can-. sideration. No. 427 - Chamber of Commerce - City of Niagara Falls Traffic Accident Report. ' OR~EED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Dewhie that the c~.munication he received and filed. REPORTS No. 817 ~ City Manager - Rec~endin~ the atten~nnce of Building Inspector at the Ontario Building Officials Conference, Toronto, Ooto~er 19th to 21st. OP~ on the motion of Ald. HacBain and Ald. johns that the Report ha received and adopted. ~ · No. 818 - City M~xnager - Rec.-~-suding that Hr. L. Blackburn, ]dr. F. Ferro and G. Co~lishaw, ~ara~e Supervisor, be authorized to attend Transport .Safety Association Course, St. Catharines, October 18th and 19th· OP~A~ on the rueSion of Ald. Swa~rze and Aid. Scott that the Repoxt be received and adopted. ' No. 81~ - Finance C~n~ittee - Reckending that the Firm of Cooper Appraisals Ltd. be e~_eed to carry out an appraisal Of Municipal buildings, building services,. and structures for insurance purposes at a fee of 01~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Aid. Downie that. the Rep0.rt be received and &dopted. No. 820 -'Finance C~e~ittee - 8eccamendin6 !approval of accounts. 'OBE an the motion of Aid. Hitchelson and' Ald. F. Hartin that the-Repozt be' re- ceived and adopted. No. 821 - Public Works Cceedttee - Recommending that Tender for Demolition of build- in~ at the northwest comer of Erie Avenue and Park Street ~e awarded to Mr. Fahr · O~ on the motion of Aid. G. Hartin and Aid. ~ohns that the Report be ~eceived and adopted, and that the work not coononce before November 'let, SB Resolution No. 1~7 No. 822 - Public Works Ccenittee - Haeomaendin~ that Watexworks By-law ~1~9 be amended in respect to provisions for default of payment,- and penalty. Ci~ on the motion of Ald. G. Hartin and Ald. ~earss that the Report be re~eived and adopted. 337' No- 823 - Recreation & Protection Cammittee - Recommending elimination of parking on west side of Victoria Avenue from intersection with Bridge Street, 19~' southerlY at all times; and that l~rking be eliminated from east side of Victoria Avenue from intersection with Bridge Street, 150 feet northerlY and from the south side of Bridge Street fro~ intersection with Victoria Avenue 120 feet easterly, at all times. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. F. Maxtim and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 824 - Recreation & Protection Cr'm~ittee - Recommending that an Ontario Land Surveyor be engaged to make the necessary survey of City o~ned property and adjoin- ing properties for the Sylvia Place Parking Lot; and that a copy of this Report be forwarded to the South End Businessmen's Association. 01~I~RED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and. adopted. ....................... No. 82~ - Building Inspector - Report of Building Permits. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and filed. No. 826 - City Clerk - Recommending granting of Municipal Licences. 0RlX~u~u on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be received, adol~ed, and licences granted. F~A'iTION Petition No. ~ - W. Strohback and 63 residents requesting the construction of a sidewalk on the East side of Dorchester Road fronMcLeod Road to Cooper Drive. 0RIBBED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. F. Martim that the Petition be received and referred to the Recreation & Protection C.-,,,,,ittee for consideration. RESOLDTIONS No. 1B7 - G. MAEI~N - JOHNS - RESOLVED that the Tender for Demolition of building at NorthweSt corner of Erie Avenue and Perk Street be awarded to Mr. W. Fehr, and that the work not commence before November let, 1966; and the Seal of the Corporation hahereto affixed. Carried Unanimously. No. 138 - GREGORY - 8WAYZE - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late Charles Powers, a hi~hlYrespectedresident of the con- munity for many years; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 139 - MITCHF~ON - DO~NI~ - RESOLVED that Council convene a meeting of two manicipel representatives from each of the cities, toyns, villages and townships within Welland ~nd Lincoln Counties, and the Niagara Peninsula Ccsnittee on Urban and Regional Research (C~m~ttee of 6), to be held in the City Hall, Niagara Falls, Saturday, October 22nd, 1~66 at 10:00 a.m., or another suitable date, for the pur- pose of considerin~ the c~on problems (Grants, Assessment, Debentures) of all municipalities relating to the Mayo Report and rec-~-nding a course of action to be taken in placin~ the problems before the Minister of Municil~l Affairs for clarification; and the Real of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Ca .rried gnanimously MXSCI~tAt~dS BridKe across River at Stanley Avenun Aldersan johns advised that he had received information that an amount of $20,000.00 has been set up in the Budget of the County of Welland for the purpose of carrying out soil investigations for a bridge across the River at Stanley Avenue. It was indicated that this utter would be referred to the Public Works Ccgmittee for consideration. 338 · It ~as ordered on the motion of Aid. Do~nie, seconded by Aid. F. ~ar~in that Council adjourn to C~ttee of the Whole to consider Property C~nittee Report 814 dealing with the R.C.M.P. and Bo~rd of Education matter. AND ADOFE~D, October 24th, 1966. 339. COM~'rr~IE OF THE WI{OLE Council Chamber, October 17th, 1966. Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council on October 17th, 1966. All Members of Council were present. Alderman Downie presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to the Coentttee, it was or- dered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. G. Maff~in that the Ccemittee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to Report 814 of the Property CC~nittee · READ AND ADOF.r~n, October 24th, 1966. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, October 17th, 1966. Foll~ing'the C0...~ttee of the Whole Neering on October 17th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All M~mbers were pr~.sent. His Worship ~yor Keighan presided. C~-~. 411 - ~artin,Calvert,Sheppard & Clark - N.F.District Board of Education and R.C.M.P. C~e,.. 41~ - Niagara Falls District Board of Education - Requesting Council to approve application of R.C.M.P. for re-zoning of property on Dorchester Road. Report 814 - Property Committee - l~eccmmen~ing that the application of the R.C.M.P. to re-zone Lotus 29, 30, 31 and B2 at the intersection of Dorchester Road and Dories Street be appreved, subject to the applicants enterin~ into a Site Plan Agreement · A motion was submitted by AId. ScOtt, seconded by Ald. ~ayze that the Report he received and rec.l'~ndation adopted. This motion was defeated with the following vote: A~ Aldex~en Johns, Scott, ~ayze. _Na~.: Aldermen G. ~artin, Gre6ory, ~itCheleon, F. ~ax~in? ~acBain, Bearss, ~yor Keighan. It ~s Ordered on the motion of Ald. ~acBain, seconded by Ald. Johns that the ~eetin~ adjourn, to re-convene on Tuesday', October 18th at 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of ccmpleti~ the balance of the A~en~a. ~EAD AND AD0tTED,. October 2~th, 1966. 'i '1 Council Chamber, October 18th, 1966. Fursuant to adjournment, Council met at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 18th, 1966, for the purpose of c~npleting the balance of the Council Agenda of October 17th, 1966. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Aid. Mitch- elsun. 'His Worship Mayor R. F. Keig~han presided. BY-lAWS No. 7210 - A By-law to authorize improvements to the existing Waterworks System in the Urban Service Area of the City. ~Painting interior and exterior surfaces of water storage ta,k and installing valve and piping, at a cost of $17,000.) OPr~mED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege Of 'intrOducing the By-law and the By-law be' given the first. ~eading. Carried Unanimously, OI~D on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. ~ohns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarll~F suspended and the By-law be given the sec- ond reading. Carried tXnanimously. During discussion of the above By-law it was indicated that when By-laws Of a similar nature are presented to Council, a ,~morand~ should be printed on the Agende following the listing of the By-law, pointing out the Ccsmnittee Reports approved by Council which works ware now being incorporated in the By-law. No. 7211 - A By-law to amend By-law No. 2159, respecting the Waterworks Dept. ' (Amending sections dealing with default of payment, and penalty) ORESI~gD On the motion Of Ald. Bearss and Aid. Scott that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law ~and the By-law be given the first raading. Carried UnanimOuslY. ORESt~) on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporeril,v suspended and the By-law be given the seo- ond reading. Carried Unanimously. ' ' ' ' Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and AId. F. Martin. · Carried Unanimously. No. 7212 - A By-law to provide monies for ~eneral purposes $688,5~1.93. OKESF~D on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Aid. MaeBain that Aid. Downie be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. , Carried Unanimously. ORIB~) on the ~otion of Ald. Downie and Ald. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tandix~ Rules of Council be temporeril~ suspended and the By-law be given the second reading.. ' ' Carried Ohanimously. Third l~adin~ - Aid. Gregory and AId. Bearss. Carried Unanimously. Council adjourned to Cceaittee ~f the Whole c~ the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. MacBain. Ma~or 341. CO~tlTTEE OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, October 18th, 1966. Council assembled in Camm~ttee of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council on October 18th, 1966. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Mitchelson. Alderman Downie presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to the Cnmmittee, it was 'ordered on the motion of Mayor Keighan, seconded by Ald. Johns that the Committee of the Whole arise, withgut reporting, to Council. READ AND ADOrA'sD, October 24th, 1966. Mayor COUNCIL M~z~-A'ING / Council Chamber, October 18th, 1966. Following the Oavmnittee of the Whole Meeting on October 18. th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present with the exception of Alderman Mitchelson. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keig~a.n presided. It was qrdered on the mob. ion of Ald. Johns and Ald. MacBain that the meeting adjourn. BEADAN DAD OpTED, October 24th, 1966. / lrr_Fr.u~.t. lt ~A'IN(] Council Chamber, October 24th, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council mat at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 24th, 1966, for the purpose of considering ~eneral business and finance. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman Scott. His Worship Mayor R. ~l~hRn presided. It was 'ordered on the motion of Alde~n MecBain and Alderman Swayze that the minutes of the Meetings of October 17th and 18th, 1966, be adopted as printed. I~Irtr~ATIONS United Appeal Campaign - M~r. Lloyd Young was present at the Council Meeting on behalf of the United Appeal Ore~_ntzation- He introduced Mr. H. A. lamb, ~r. Engineer, Vice-Chairman of the Public Services Section of the United Appeal Or~-lzation. MAr. f~mb rode 'the 'official 'presentation 'of 'United Appeal 'Pled~ 'cards ~o 'His 'Worship'" Mayor Keighan and Members off Council. Petition No. 10 - MArs. James Chalmers - On behalf of petitioners supporting the pro- posed v.~ons Perk Pro~eet, West side Dorchester Road N. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Bearss that MAr. C. Wills be granted permission to address Council on behalf of the petitioners. Mr. Wills re- quested ~oun~ll~to give favourable consideration to the petition presented. At this time the qcestion of the procedure to be followed by those in fayour and those opposed to the application was outlined, and it was explained that when the Zoning By-law is circulated to owners within 400 feet of the subject area, those wishing to oppose or support the application must submit written remarks at that time. If objections are received the Ontario Nunicipal Board are so advised, and they may then order a Hearing to be held on the matter. In answer to a question concerning the Boy's Club facil- ities, MAr. Wills stated that while bus service was in.effect from Stamford Centre, the facilities themselves were over-crowded, and pointed out the need for recreational facilities in the area proposed by the Lions Club. It ~as Ordered on the motion of Aid. G. Mertin and Aid. ~wayze that the Petition be received and .filed. Verbal presentation - MAr. J. Cote on 'behalf of the Knights of Columbus re: possible Centennial Project. R was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. MacBain that MAr. Cote be granted permission to address Council. MAr. Cote advised he was representing the State Council of the Knights of Columbus, a Provineial bod~, and was also a local rmpresen- tative of the Knights of Columbus. He advised that the Ontario Membership of the Knights of Columbus had unanimously adopted the proposal of a Centennial Project and it had been determined that this would take the form of a monument. In view of the: fact that the th~ of the monument was ~l~aee' the association had endearcured to seek its erection at the C~n~dian end of the Peace Bridge and more veQently, in the ~ueen Victoria l~rk. Permission to erect the montu~en~ in the Queen Victoria Perk had' been' turned down' by thr Niagara' Perks C~mission~· · 'MAr.' Cote' also' advised' that the City of ~indsor had expressed interest in having the montm~nt located in their City. 'MAr. Cote su~ested that the City consider the placing of the mon~nt in the Centennial lark. He indicated that the mon~mment would cost approx~,~tely $40,000. and would be lmid for b~ the Ontario Eni~hts of Columbus, but that their main problem was to secure a site for its location. He also stated that a donation might possibl~ be rm~ussted. MAr. Cote advised that the next meeting of the Ontario State Council of the Knights of Coltn~bus would he held the cc~ng week-end, and requested t~t the Council Centennial Ccsmittee consider the matter as soon as possible in order that s~ report could be made to the ~et inS. R was indicated by Aldersan C. OregorY~ Chaix~an of the Council Centennial Ccsmittee, that the nex~ meeting of the Committee would be held on ~xesdey, COtchef 2~th~ 1966 at ?:$0 p.m. at the City Hall, at which ~ae the proposal and drawings presented by MAr. Cote would be considered. UNFINISHED BUSINESS C~'mn. 374 - Nia~re Falls Jaycoos - Public Forum "Issues and Answers', Nov. 30, 1966, at N.F.C.V.I. Auditorium. Report 811 - City Clark - Requesting endcreation Of Council on Forum, and consid- eration of request for assistance in meeting financial obligations. Repor~ 830 - Finance C~,m~tttee ~ Recommending that the City not participate in the cost of the pro-election meeting to be,sponsored by the Niagara Falls Jaycees. It was also indicated that there was no authority contained in The Municipal Act for such an expenditure. O~RED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin, seconded by Ald. MacBain that the Report of the Finance Ca"nnittee be received and adopted, and Report and cc~municatlon filed. (Ald. Johas was excused from voting on this matter) It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin that Mr. Wayne Pretty be granted permission to address Council. Mr. Pretty thanked Council for their consideration of the request, and assured the Members that the Public Forun would be held as s~heduled. Petition No. 9 - W. Strohback - Requesting installation of sidewalks on the east side of Dorchester Road fr~n Cooper Drive to McLeod Road. Report 83l - Recreation & Protection C~nm~ttee - Rec~mmending that M~. Strohback, on behalf of the petitioners, be notified that a sidewalk cannot be installed during 1966, but that a policy for this tyl~ of request is being studied and a rec.~d~-endetion will he forthcoming.at .a later date. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted, and petition filed. (Alderman Mltchelson arrived at the maeting) C(BSUF/CATIONS No. 429 - Minister, Dept. of Municilml Affairs - Extension of deadline for sub- missions with respect to Report of.Niagara Region Local Government Review Cun- mission, to December let, 1966. ~ on the-motion of Ald. Dewhie, seconded by Ald. C. Mertin that the ccemuni- cations he received and referred to the Special Mayo Report Committee. At this time, Alderman Downie, Chairm~ efthe Special Meyo Report C-...tttee, presented a verbal report in respect to t~e Meeting held on Saturday, October 22nd, 1966, with representatives of the various Municipelities in the Counties of Lincoln and Welland to consider c~mmon problems concerning the Mayo Report on Regional Government. Re indicated that while no motions had been passed at the meeting, tacit approval was ~iven to all the items on the Agenda, and it was the. hope that the C~m"tttee of 6 would'he able to present these matters to Dr. C~'mm~"~, the Special Consultant for the Regional Government 8tud~. Alderman Oregory, a mareher of the C~mmittee of 6 indicated that the original date for meeting With Dr. Cureruing had been changed, and the meetin~ would now be held on Thursday, November 3rd, 1966 at 2 p.m. at the Cour~ House in Wel~--d. It was indicated that the minutes of the special macring would be sent to MAr. C. R. Thompson, Secretary of the C.-~,..lttee of 6 'for processing to. Dr. Cunming. No. ~BO - Ontario Housing Corporetion - Advisiug that proposed use of Hydro build- tng at Churches w.-e and Stanley Avenue would be unsuitable. ~ on the motion Of Ald.. ~ohns and Ald. F. Mertin that the c~"~uniontion be received and filed. No. ~B1 - Miss Zileen MeJor - C~nts re: Centennial Sculpture. OP~ on the motion of Aid. ~rmgory and Ald. MecBain that the communication be received and filed. No. ~32 - RiShiand Dance Group ~ Pe~uesting permission to use the name 'Niagara Falls" in connection with wNia~are Falls Highland Dance Association'; and requesting permission to canvass parts of City to seli chocolate bars to reise money to spon- sor an indoor Highland Dancin~ Conpetition. MAr. Peter Xavrie who was present at the Council Meeting, was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. F. Mertin. Mr. imwrie indicated that the Association were not seeking finances from the City but wished to sell chocolate bars to raise their own funds ~o sponsor the Dance Ccl~ettttan in the City. · No. 433 - Stamford Presbyterian Church - Invitation to Members of Council and Offic- ials to attend Anniversary Services on January 29th, 1967 at 7:00 p.m. O~ on the mot~lon of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Gregory .that the cu~uunisation be rec- elved and invitation accepted, and foxwarded to the various Departments, and to the Centennial Steering C~m~4ttee for inclusion in the Centennial Calendar. No. 434 - Holland & District Health Unit - Condamning of premises at 611 Morrison Street. NO. 435 - Welland & District Health Unit - Con4emntn~ Of pre.m4~es'at 508 Bridge Street. ORDEHED on the motion of Aid. ~wayze and Ald. J~h.~ that the cc~amunications be re- ceived and referred to the Proper~y C~mmlttee. Res~lution re: use of salt on roods, and advocating No. 436 - City of Cornwall - trest. m~nt of metal used in motor vehicles 'to prevent corr~sion. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. G- Mar~in that the c~mmunication be received and resolution endorsed. 'This motion was carried with Ald. johns voting contrary and an other members in fayour. No. ~37 - City. ~f Sarnia - Resolution nd_.voootl~. a study of ~ection 1~8 ,of the High- wa~ Traffic Act to create legisiation designed to reduce high sl~ed chases on Streets of the municipalities. ~ on the motion of Aid. MacBain and Aid. F. Martin that t~e communication be 'received and referred to the POlice .C~ission for RePox~c. No~ 438 - City'of'Windsor - ResolUtion advocating a study of housin~ construction in respect to housing shortage in the Province. :;; i .h; 3 be received and resolution be endsrseds with the inclusion of the phrase: sincl~ding research on mess production of pre-fabrlcated h~en~s" to the fifth paragraph. No; 439 - Ccemittee of Adjustment - Hearing of F. Primeran~ Application. No. ~O - Committee of Adjustment - Hearin~ of J. DelVecchio Application., No. ~41 - Ccnmittee of Adjustment - Hearing of F. !~oe Application. No. ~J~ - Ccnmittee of Adjustment - Hearin~ of Redekop Builders Ltd. Application. :No. ~J+3 - Ccnnittee of Adjustment - Hearia~ of Redekop Builders Ltd. Application. ORI~ED on the motion of Aid. G. Mailin and Ald./~m,Z~ze that the communications be received and filed. No. t:~:l: _ Local ~8; Nia~ax~ Falls Fire Fi~htars - Appointment of Fatrick Murphy to the Fire Inspection Del~rtment. OP~grds~ On the motion of Aid. MacBains. seconded by Aid. GrogniT that the e~c~- cation be received and referred to the Personnel & He~otiat.i.ons C~-mittee. No. 8~2 - City Manager - Hepor~ on Appointment of Fireman Fatri.ek ~ to Fire In- spection Department, and reecsmendin~ that Mr. MUIW be advised that w~.ile his 'em- ployment will take effect as of November 1st, 1966, his salary will remain the same as that for · first class fireman until. suel~time as the salary for. the ne~ posi.tion has been neSotiated between Lo~al ~8 and th~ Personnel · Negotiations C~ittee. Olt~ on the motiOn of AId. Ma~Bains secOnded by Ald~ Gregor~ that the Report be raceived and adopted, and referred to the Personnel & Negottati~us Committee. ~ On the motion of Aid. Mae~ain and AId. Gregory that the Hepor~ be received and adopteds and referred to the Personnel & HeSotiations Ccnmittee. No. 833 ' City Manager - Advising of data for Ontario ~unicipal ~oard Hearin~ On Nov. 17th, 1966, at 11 a.m. at the Council Chsahars for Hearing persons who file4 ob- ~ec~iOns in resl~t to the proposad. construction of-.a new Cit~ Hell, ~i~ cox 1;ha motion Of A1A4 F. I~in and Ald, Nao~ain that the ~epOr~ be ree- ., . , ... ~ -. 345 · No. 834 - Personnel & Negotiations C~mmttte_e - Advice re: Harry Parre, and reconm- ending that applications be in~ited for new position to be called Assistant Superintendent - Equ/~nt, and that there be no c~-~e in classification. ~ on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and adopted. No. 835 - Personnel & Negotiations C-.-~;;~ttee - Recnmm~nding that Mrs. Charles NorSate be peid an amount of $1,000.00 in appreciation of clerical services she provided for the Cemeteries and Parks Department since merger in 1963. ORE~qED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and adopted. No. 836 - Personnel & Regotiations C~amlttee - Recoemending that the position of Foreman with Class "B~ Refrigeration Papers be created for the Niagara Falls Memorial Arena and that applications be invited for such position. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be received and adopted. No. 837 - Finance C_~--ittee - Rec,-~i-ending that notwithstanding any public meetings to he held by other or~anizations, the City of Niagara Falls sponsor a pubiic pre-elaction meeting on Friday, December 2rid, 1966 and that radio time be purchased for this meeting if it is available. OI~2~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Bearss that the Report be re- ceived and adopted as n~uded. This motion was carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all other members in - fayour. No. 838 - Finance Ccnmittee_ - Ree.~;;;;ending approval of accounts. ORE~D on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. F. M~rtin that the Report be received and adopted. No. 839 - Finance Committee - Reco~mmenatng that the Municipal Rate for Polling Places he increased from $15.00 to $20.00 per day. ORE~E~D on the motion of Ald. Hitchsiena and Ald. Dewhie that the Report be received and adopted. No. 8~O - Finance Ccsnttttee - Re: Applisatiun of James Essex for Public Garage sam mad uBqe Licenee, and rec~ewm~uding that ~n~e ~d with ~min provisions outl~ed ~ Repo~. O~ ~ the m~ion of Ald. ~t~elson and Ald. ~ that the ~po~ be m~l~d ~d adored, ~d co~ ~ fo~d to ~. Essex. No. ~i - ~cmati~ & ~e~i~ Cgt~e - ~cand~ t~t c~i~tion f~ G~ter. Ni~ ~ Associati~ e~mss~S a~c~tion for co-o~mtion ' emn~d by City eplo~es, ~ ~l~d ~d filed. O~ on the m~ion of Ald. F. ~in ~d Ald. ~ ~t ~e Re~ be mcei~d ~d a~d. No. 8~ - Proper~ Committee - ~eecnmendin~ hours for newly constructed washrooms. ~ on the motion of Aid. O. Martin and Ald. Swayse that the Report be received and adopted. /~Ho. 8~e.3 - Propall~ C~ttee - Rec~nding that the ovaors of the premises known as 1~74 Wellend Line Road be ordered.to deaolishl the building located thereon in aceor- *'danes with the provisions of By-law leO. ~ on the motion of Aid. G. Mallin and Aid. Johns that the Report be received and adopted..: ' ' ' · ' ' ' 81g Resolution No. 1~0 ' No. 8~ - Propert~ Ccaaxittee - ApplicatiC~ AM-i~i-3, Victoria Motors, Poll of Twp. Lot ~O, Fast side of Drunnond Road, ![ollh side Perkins 8treet, and .rec~ndin~ the ~ approval of Application AM-180 to permit ~ 8peelfie Exception the open storage of cars in conjunction with · new and treed car sales establishment subSset to the 'condition that the lands to be so ra-zoned be covered by a site plan agreement or ineorlx)rated in a revised site plan a~x~ement n~w being prepared for the adjoining ropetry. No. 8~5 - Public Works Cmmittee - Rec-.w~nd~n~g that the City employ the answering ser- vice for Telephone B54-3622 during off.wet}tin5 hours and that this line be trans- ferred from the Drummond Road Service Cantre to the Engineering Depa~nt at Stamford Hall, in order to have all calls handled at one location. 0RIBBED on the motion of Ald. G. Mar~in and Aid. Joh_-~ that the Repox~ be received and adopted. No. 8~6 - Public Works C~wittee - Reco~nenatn~ approval of Agreement with Niagara Auto Electric (Niagara Falls) L~mtted and Canadian Petrefine T.~mited. ORESRED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report he received and adopted. No. 847 - C~ittee of Adaustment - Advising of decisions on Applioa$ions of Max?a, Morton, lavender, Graham. ORE~ED on the motion of Aid. Johns and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and filed. No. 8~8 - Bu/la~-~ Inspector - Building Permits issued for commercial buildings during the week ending October 22nd, 1966. 0RESRED on the motion of Ald. johns and Ald. Swayze that the Repor~ be r~celved and No. 8~ - City Clerk - Reccexaendin6 granting of Municipal Linencos. OR~SRED on the motion of Aid. Mitcheleon and ~Lld. F. Martin that the Report be re- ceived and adolfced. RESOLUTIONS No. 1~O - G. MAETIN - JOHNS - RESOLVED that the City Clerk be authorized to forward by Registered Mail, a letter to the owners of the premises known as 157~ Wel~-~d · Line Road instructing them to have the building located,thereon demolished in accor- dance with the provisions of l~-la~.No. (9+~O; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 1~1 - O. MARTIN - MIT~_x~0~ . [~SOLVED that the Council of the City of Niagara Falls petition the Department of Highways of O~tario for the Interim Payment of Subsidy under ~e Highway Improvement Act on expenditures made in the year 196~ in a total amount of $6~,371.06, which.expenditures were made under authority of By-/aws Nee. 7070 and 7137; and the Seal of the Corlmmtion be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously Attendance at United Hations Ceremonies Alderman Mitehelson reported on his attendance, on behalf of His Worship the Ma~or and M*m~ere of Council, at the United Nations Or~ntzation Cex~M~nies, mark- in6 the ,~lst Anniversary of the formation of the Or~anisation. City By-law Re: OverniSht Farking on City Streets. Nis Worship Nayor KeiShan referred to the prohibition of overniS~t par~in_.e on City streets. lle dited an emple in which a visitor to the City had no~ been aware of this fact and had received a parkin~ ticket for perkin~ beyond the legal time limit. Be suggested that the Recreation & Protection Committee take under eon- e~deration the possibili$~ of outlinin~ this City rulin~ on the siSns welcoming vis- itors to the City. ~reakinl of betflee e~ City streets Alderman OregoaT referre4 to a disouesion he had ha4 reg~arding the popular- lty of aces wm~ 2laws bo~les (bottles on whioh no deposit is laid for r~$um), and t~e fact that these b2tles am bein~ fre~uentl~ bro~en ~ the sidewalks by ~hil- dren, followi~ the disposal of ~heir ocer~en~e. Be referred to possible which oould resul~ ~ the broken glass on %he sidewalks, an~ i~ wee indicated that this matter would be referre~ to the Cit~ Solicitor for a leSa'l opinion. ~pening Ceremonies for new Cemetery Buili ing. 347. Alderman F. Martin reported that the new Cemetery building would be offic- iallydedic.a. ted at Ceremonies to be held on Saturday, October ~9th, 1966 at 2:30 p.m. LAWS No. 72~ - A By-law to amend By-law Number 3790, being a by-law for the regulation of traffic. (No parking on certain sections of Victoria Avenue and Bridge St.) oPaFa~j on the motion of AId. Gregory and Aid. Swayze that Aid. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OP~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that Rule B6 (2).'. of the gtanding Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-lawbe given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. ~ Third Reading - Aid. Snares and Aid. F- Mar~in. Carried Unanimously. Nq. 721~ - A By-law to authorize a licence agreement with Niagara Auto Elect.ric -. "'(Niagara Falls) ~imited and Canadian Petrefine Limited. Use of sign on lands at south-westerly comer of Lundy's lane and Montrose Read. O~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. ~wayze that Ald. G. Maxtin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimousff~V. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. G. Maxtin and Aid. Beards that Rule 36 (2) of the Stana~n_g Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading .- Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimous/y. No. 721~ - A By-law to authorize a licenee agreement with Texaco Canada Limited. Use of sign at south-easterly comer Lundy's lane & Dx.,n~.ond Road. ~. on the motion of Ald. Snares and Ai~. Swayze that Ald. G. Maxtin be 6ranted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORESRED on the motion of AId.' O-' Maxtin and Aid. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing= Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. Rearms and AId. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. No. 7216 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Official Plan..(No,.. e.TM.,..~.o,r~e Const...,l~.rchester O~onthe motion of Ald. Swayzeand Aid. F. Martin that Ald. Johns be ~ranted the privileSe of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORIBRED on the motion of Ald. johns and Ald. O. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law he given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. 3~8 · No. 7217 - A Byelaw to provide monies for general purposes ($231,689.08) Ol~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacBain that Ald. Mitchel- son be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OP~Nf~D on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Do~nie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By. law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Read!,g -Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Mar~in. Carried b~animously. Council adjourned to C.-..,~tttee of the ~rnole on the motion of Ald. e. M~r~tn and Aid. Johns. I~EAD A~D AD0r~u, October 31st, 1966. C : ........... ' ' :'-" Mayor Council Chamber, October 24th, 1966. Council assembled in Committee of the Whola following the regular meeting of Council on October 24th~ 1~6. ALl Members of Council were present with the exception of Alder-~ Scott. Alderman Gregox7 presided as _~iman. Following consideration of the items presented to the C~a~lttee, it ~as or- dered on the motion of Mayor Keighan and Ald. G. Maltin that '-the C~tttee of the Whole arise, without repoltin~, to Council. AND ADOPTED, October 31st, 1~66. 349. CO_UNCILM~A~rING. Council Chamber, October 24th, 1966. Following the Cc~mnittee of the Whole Meeting on October 24th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Memberswere present with the exception of Alderman Scott. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion Of Ald. Johns and Ald. F. Martin that the Meeting adjourn. ~EADANDADOPTED, October 31st, 1966. e ·s ! Council Chnm~er, October 31st, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, .October 31st, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. · His Worship Mayor R. F. KeiS~n presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Aid. Swayze that the Minutes of the Meeting of October 24th, 1~66 be adopted as printed. I~PUTATIONS C~s.. ~d+5 - Rev. A. Davies and Mr. L. Jdwards - ~he Aberfan Disaster Fund. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald, Scott that the raprasentetives be ~A'anted permission to address Council. It was indicated that the response to the appeal for donations to the iberian Disaster l~md frc~ Niagara Falls and dis- tract residents 'had been .very'gratify~'to date...-Mr, .F~wards stated that they. had sent a letter to the Official in charge of the Disaster Fund in Wales ahkinS in what ways assistance could be given. Mr. Edwards requested that Council con- eider this worthw~_ile cause and if possible make a donation on behalf of the City to the fund. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott, seconded ~y Ald. ~itchelson that the c~'mication be received and referred to the Finance 0.-...~lttee for consid- eration, and that Council endorse, in principle, the appeal for donations to the Abetfan Fund, to the citizens of the City. Nepor~ 853 - Recreation & Protection C;-.;z.;ittee - Intersection of Buchanan A~enue and Ferry Street. Follo~ing the reading of the C_~ttee Report, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. Gregor~ that Father Michetti of St. Ann' s Parish and a represantetive of the Congregation be heard. Father atchetti indicated that the persons present in the Council Chambers included M~mbers of the Congrega- tion, and representatives of the warions Church Organizations. He requested Council to give further consideration to their previous decision to prohibit left hand turns frm Ferry Street to Buchanan Avenue, and asked that the restriction be lifted to allo~ left turns through a cut in the island, on Sunday mornings only, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., in order to avoid forcing the Church to take further steps to solve the problem. He stated among other reasons,. that~ the detour was a serious inconvenience to parishioners and visitors wishing to attend the Church, and that there were many other intersections in the City equall~ as dangaroue, at which left turns ware per- sitted. He advised that he had talked to no one in the Parish or elsewhere in the City ~ho had advocated the traffic ehmn~e. ~ne President of the St. Ann *s Cath- olic Woeso's ~eague stated that all the parishioners ware against the traffic island Which prohibited the lef~ hand turn. Aldersan F. Mar~in, Chairsan of the Recrea- tion & Froteotion Ccemittee, then explained the various reasons for the Committee reccmnendation. Me also indicated that other interemotions were under consider- ation by the Ccmnittee for possible resedlal action, but t~t only one intersection at a tl~e could be dealt with. The Traffic ~ngineer, outlined by the use of maps, the traffic scheme in the area under discussion, including traffic vohme data. Father Michatti a~ain addressed Council, x~plyin~ to ~everal points reisad by the Chairman!of the Ccsaittee, statin~ ~hat the responsibility of people being injured at other ccalarable intersactions should be considered~ an~ also referred to the effect the future widening of Stanle~ Avenue Would have on the detour route. He suggested that if good will existed, some solution could he found to solwe the prob- lem. Members of Council expressed their thinkin~ on the matter. A motion, mowed by Ald. F. Martin, seconded by AId. Swa~e to the effect that Mr. N. PutticE he heard, was withdrawn when it was indiestel that Mr. Puttick was not a ~ember of the co~regation of St. Anne s. It was Ordsx~d o~ the motion of Ald. F. M~rtin, secofided by Aid. Ore~or~ that the Report of .the Resreation & Protection Cceedttee be tooaired and ad~, an~ that adequate si~ntng be erected in suitable locations aesox~ to nox~al City policy, ~ the signs are px~vided by the Church, to over° aces an~ lu~bleas that might be ena~un~ered. This Jution was ~arried wi~h AId. Dc~nie vo~n~ e~n~mx~ and all o~her_mbe_rs in fawou~. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 0~. 43~ - Nighland Dance ,G~ - Requesting pemtssion to sell chocolate bars~ and to use the designation 'Niagara Falls= in the name of their association. Report 854 - Finance Committee - Rec~mmending that no action be taken on the request to use the designation of Niagara Falls, and as the request to sell choc- olate bars is in line with policy presently adopted by other organizations, recom- mending that the camm,mication be received and filed. O~F~tED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be received and adopted, and camnunicatlon filed. Coma. ~37 - City of Sarnia - Resolution advocating amendment to Highway Traffic -Act to reduce high speed chases through streets. C~-, 4~6 - Board of Police Commissioners - Not endorsing Resolution. OP~ on the motion of Ald. ltttchelson and Ald. Johns that the cc~nunication fr~n the City of Sarnia be received and filed. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. MacEsin and Ald. F. Mar~in that the communication .. '. frnm the l~oard of Police Cc~missioners be received and filed. C0M~CATIONS No. ~J~7 - Michael J. Russelo - Tendering resignation fr~ the Assessment Depart-. ment Staff. ORI~ on the motion of Ald..Scott and Ald. Swayze that the ccnmunication be received and referred to the Personnel Officer. This motion was carried with the following vote: A_~ Aldermen Swayze, Scott, Mitchelson, MecBain, F. Mar~in, Gregory, Rearss. ~aye! Aldermen G. Martin, Donate, Johns. No. 448 - Mrs. Marie Retlly - C~m,~ts re: Sculpture for Centennial Square. 01~) on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Council Centennial C_a~m~ittee. No. 449 - City of Windsor - Resolution advocating amendment to Highway-Traffic Act to provide for lnspectio~ of Used cars. 0R~EF~D on the motion of Aid. Gregory and Ald. Sco~t that the cc~nuaication he received and resolution endorsed. · No. 450 - Mrs. C. Noraate - Expression of appreciation for recognition from City. 0i~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Merlin that the ca~mnueication received and filed. leo. 4,~1 - David D. McMillan - Advising of inability to accept appointment as appraisor for acquisition of verions properties required for proposed widening of Stanley Avenue between Q.E.Way and Ferry Street. 0P~ on the motion of Ald. G. Mar~in and Ald. ~ayze that the communication be received and the matter be referred hack to the Public Works Connittee for consideration and report to Council. -leo. 452 - ~e Optimist Club of Niagara Palls - Proclamation of Youth Appreciation Week, Now. 14th to 20th. 0Rl~q~D on the action of Ald. Rearis and Aid. Swayze that the ~c~unication be received and proclasation published in accordance with Council's policy. · o. ~3 - lelaaara Distri~ Funeral Service Association - Requesting increase ~ · in~nt b~l all~. ~ ~ the noti~ of AId. O. ~ and Ald. J~s that the c~i~tion · ~ mcel~d ~d mfemd to the F~ance C~tttee for consi~mtt~, ~clud~ ~ion of t~ p~sen~ tn~nC costs. No. ~5~ - City ~M~napr - Heccsaendin~ attendance of Alderman S~aFze at Select Committee for ~io~l Cm~l of Air ~ll~ion ~in2, N~. let, kilts. ~ ~ the m~i~ ~ A~. G. ~ ~ Aid. ScOtt t~t t~ Repo~ ,~ ~- ~i~d and ado~d. No. 856 - City Manager - p1R. for Survival as reccemended by the Welland County Em~r~ Measures Organization. ORE~ on the mobion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Scott that the P~por~ be received and tabled for one week for perusal of Council. Major J. E. Rhodes, Co-ordtnator, Emergency Measures Organization, was present at the Council Meeting in order to answer any questions that might be raised. He indicated that there was no .great urgency in having the Plan passed at the meeting. Prior to the passage .of the motion, Ald. aregory explained that it was the intention to circ. l.rize two Immphlets to each b-~ in the City to inform the residents about the P/an, and the action to be followed. Commendation was ex- pressed to the Council representatives an the Emergency Measures Organization, .and Major Rhodes and his staff for their work on the Plan, and to His Worship Mayor Kei- 8h,-~ for providing the leadership which resulted in the finalization of the Plano No. 857 - City Manager - Rec.-.-~nalng attendance of Mr. John Sm~h at the Fall Workshop Meett-~ of the Ontario Chapter of Municipal Purchasing Agents, Hamilton, November 3rd and 4th. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MecBain and Ald. aregory that the Report ha received and adol~ed. No. 858 - City Treasurer - Staten~nt of Expenditures and Revenues to Oct. 17, 1966. 01~_n~RED On the motion of Ald. MitchelsOn and Ald. P. M~rtin that the PapOrS be re- ceived and tabled for one week for perusal of Council.. No. 859 - City Clerk - Recommending that Council take no action on the acquisition of proI~rties ,known as 731 Market P~ace and 3~3-337 Huron Street. OR~ On the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the Eepo~ he received and adopted. No. 860 - Finance Cce~ittee - Paceremanding that authority be granted for the puroh~ee of one N.C.R. M~del 31 ,Aeeountins Machine at a price of $~00.00. O1~ On the motiOn of Ald. Hitchclson and Ald. Dcwnie that the Report be received and adopted. No. 861 - Finance Ccsmittee - ~ecc~mendir~ a~provel of accounts. ~ on the mobion of Ald. MitchelsOn and Ald. F- Martin that the Report be ceived and adopted. No. 862 - Public Works Conmittee - Rec_~wmendinS that Tender for lasting of water to~er at the intersectiOn o~ Lundy's lane and Dx-~ond Road be awarded to McNaulty's Steepl~aeks Ltd. 0I~ On the motiOn of Ald. J_~h~s and Aid. Rearss that the l~por~ he received and adopted. · .~S~ Resolution No. 1~ No. 863 - Public Works Cmaittee - Rec~m-ndin~ that Mr. A. Calaguiro be granted parmission to use the north roadside of Mountain Road to move fill with earth scrapers aloa~ the north side of Mountain Road to construction area, extension of ~8 Hi~y, prov!din~ that 'he enters into an agrea~_-___nt with the City cOnteinin~ Cer- tain provisions outlined. ~ On the mobiOn of Ald. G. Mar~in and~ld. Scott. that.' the report be'received and adopted. No. 8~ - Public Works C~aaittee - Request fma HisSam Falls Paparate School Bc~.rd for cOnstructiOn of sidewalks On uex~ain s~reets, and reoW~endinS that the works outli_n_e~ in the report be referred $o the 1~7 l~bl$o Works Ccemittee for oonsidere- tiOn under the 1~7 and subsequent Local Iaproveaent SideWalk Conobruotion Programs. Ordered oa the mob~on of AId. G. Merlin.and AId. ~hns that the Paport be received and adol~ado No. 8~ - Public Works Ccasit~ee - Reo~sesnding that the Tender for the supply of ~ ~ the m~i~ ~ A14. Go- ~ ~d AId.. J~s ~at She b~ ~ m~i~d No. 866 - City Clerk - Recammending granting of Municipal Licences. O~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted, and licenoes granted. No. 867 - Buildin~ Inspector - Building Permits issued for Commercial Buildings. OR/BRED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and filed. No. 868 - Recreation & Protection Committee - Feasibility of a Recreation Com- mission for the City, and advising that the Committee will require more infor- mation before making a rec~.mpndation. OR[~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the Report be received and filed. No. 869 - Recreation & Protection C~mittee - Recommending that 9 Controllers be purchased from the Eagle Signal Company and that 72 traffic ~ntrol signal heads, · be purchased from Canadian General Electric· ORE~F~D on the motion of Aid. F. Merlin and Aid. Swayze that the Report be're- ceived and adopted. SEE Resolution No. No. 870 - Recreation & Protection Cm. wlttee - Recommending that the LaFrance Aerial Ladder Truck be purchased at a totai cost of $49,430. ORIFaED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted, as -m~nded, and that the LaFrance Aerial ladder Truck be pur~h-sed at a total cost of $49,430. and that the necessary by-laws authorizing this purchase be prel~red. : ~EE Resolution No. 144 I~80LUTIONS No. 142 - JOHNS - REAlmS - I~ESOLVED that the Tender for painting of water tower at the intersection of Luridyes lane and D~,~mmond Road be awarded to McNaultys · Steepl~acks Ltd. ~ and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 1~B - F. Martin - SWze - RESOLVED ths~ 9 Controllers be purchased fram the Eagle Signal Company at a price of $6,067.95 and 72 traffic control 'signal heads ~e purchased fran (~-_edian General Electric at the price of $4, 158.00; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. l~J~ - F. MARTIN - S~AIZ~ - RESOLVED that the LaPrance Aerial ladder Truck he purchased at a total cost Of $49#430; and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. Carried Una, n, imousl~' No. 14~ - O. MARTIN - MITCHEL~On - RESOLVED that a message of onndolence be for- warded to the fami~W of the late Earl A. Thnm. 8; a highly respected leader of the c~,Anity; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. ., Carried U~animonsl~ ............. No. 1~6 - MITCHELSON - D(FgNIE - ~F~OLVED that an application he made to The Ontario Municipal Board f~ authority to exceed the borrowing restrictions im- posed by Section 329 (E) of ~e Municipal Act; and the Seal of the Corporation be hemto affixed, Carried Unanimousl~ Ntmter of Aoeidents Aldersan F. Martin referred to previous discussiOn conoernln~ tMe IMxehanan- Ferx7 intersection, and advised that the actual number of aocidants which had occurred at Buchanan Avenue and 8tanlay Avenue had been 23. This fi~re was firmad by the City ~nginsar. Aldersan D~nle requested that infomttan ha supplied as to the n~aber of aociden~s at Stanley and ~urra¥, and Buchanan and Murray. Civic Beautification c~4ttee Alderman Rearss repoz~ced that the Supex~cest Service Station had received a Civic ~eautiflcation C~ittee Award, and this Award will be covered in a story to ~e contained in the December issue of their national magazine. BY-lAWS No. 7218 - A By-law to adopt a Plan for Survival for the City of Niagara F~lls. (This By-law was tabled pens4ng the. perusal of the Plan by ldemhers of Council.) No. 7219 - A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between The Corpora- tion of the City of Niagara Palls and William Fehr. (Demolition of buildinE at the north-west corner of Erie Avenue and Park Street) OREF~ED on the motion of Aid. Swa~ze and Ald. Johns that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the .By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. CREditED on the. motion of Ald. 6. Martin and Ald. Bearss that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be, temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unan4m~usly. Third Reading -Ald. Rearss and Ald. F. Mar~in. Carried Unanimously. No. 7Z~aO - A By-law to provide monies for eeneral purposes ($612,678.28) ORI~ED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacEsin that Ald. MAtchel- son be granted the privilege of introducing the l~law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Uuanimounly. OI~rmNED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Ru/es of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. johns and Ald. Gregory. Carried Unanimously. Prior to ad~our~nent to Ccemittee of the Whole, His Worship Ma~or Keigfian stated that because of the extreme importance attached to the two items for consideration of the Cc~ttee, it was requested that the usual procedure for attendance be ohenged. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Jnh-~ and Ald. Scott that. Council ~d~ourn to Ccaaittee of the Whole, with the Ciby Manroger, City ~ngineer, City Clerk, City Treas- urer and Members of Council in attendsrace only. NFAD AND AEOPI~D, November 7th, 1~o6. M2~or C0~ffi'rEg OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, October 31st, 1966. Council assembled in Committee of the WHole following the regular meeting of Council on October 3lst, 1966. ARMembers of Councilwere present. Alderman Mitchelson presided as Chairmen. 355' Following consideration of the items presented to the Committee it was ordered on the motion of Ald.-Swayze and Ald. Scott that the C~mmittee of the Whole arise, Without reporting, to Council. EEADANDADOpfr~), November 7th, 1966. COUNCIL MEETING Council .Chamber, October 31st, 1966. Following the C~mittee of the Whole Meeting on October 31st, 1966, Council re-convaned in open session. All Members were present. , Nis Worship Mayor R. F. EelSban presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin end Ald. Swayze that the Meeting ad~oorn. · November 7th, 1966, !: :356 · FIFT~-SECOND ~8~ETING Council Chamber, November 7th, 1966. REGULAR MEETING . Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 7th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. K~ighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ai~. 8co~t and Ald. Gregory t~at the Minutes of the Meeting of Octob- er 31st, 1966 be adopted as printed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Cornre. 387 - Mr. Leo Burger, Representative of Baseball Associations and Soccer Leagues - Lighted Ball Bark in the City of Niagera Falls- ~rt 871 - Recreation & Protection Cc~$nittee - Rec-r~mendtng that the inclusion of $11,000,.00 for/tghting the. fiel& at, Oakes Park be, considers& bY..the 1967. Council in setting the 1967 Budget. ORIE~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. SWze that the c-r~mmmication be re- ceived and filed, and Report adopted- Ccem. ~5 - Rev. A. Davies, Mr. L. Edwards -- Aberfan Disaster Fund. Report 872 ~ Finance Committee - Recommending that the Citizens of Niaaara Falls be called upon to assist in this worthwhile appeal, and that a donation by the munici- pality be not made but rather that the citizens of Niagara Falls he asked to give according to their individual concern for those in need of help. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. Scott that the crfm~unica- tion be received and filed and Report adopted. C-ram, 451 - David D. McMillan - Advising of inability to accept appointment as apprai- sor for acquisition of various properties required for proposed widening of Stanley Avenun between q.l.Way and Ferry Street- Report 873 - Public Works C~-~lttee - Rec"m"ending that Mr. J. D. H. Mackenzie be retained to _-~ke an appraisal report on the property required for this proposed widening · . 01~ on the motion of Ald..G- Martin and Ald. Rearss that the co~munication he received and filed and Report adopted. This motion was carried. with Ald. Scott voting contrary and all other members in layout. C~$a. 45S - Niagara District Funeral Service Assoc- - Request ~cr an .increase in the indigent bullel allowance to $200.00. Report 874 - Finance Ccemittee - Recr~.~ndlng that Council approve of an increase in the indigent bulial allowance from the present $160.00 to $200.00 and that the new rate heccme effective ~ancary let, 1967. ~ on the motion of Ald. Mitehelson and Ald. MacBain that the c;~.,munication be received and filed and Report adopted. Report .8~6,..City.Manager.- Recessending adoption. Of ~he.P..1A~..-f°-.r.s, . .u~--,va-l.f.0r-'t'h-e'-' City of Nia~are Falls byemctment of By-law No. 7218. Ccem. 4~4 - Ma~or =. E. Reodes - Ccesents on prelmration of Survival Plan. OI~D on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. ~wayze that the. ccemunica~ion be re- calved and filed, and the Repor~ of the City Manager adopted. Report 8~8 - City Treasurer - Statement of Expenditures and Revenues to Oct. 17/66. ORE~ on ~he metion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MaeBain that the Report -be .received and filed. be reeeived and neeessary b~- . the Debenture Issue. 357. No. 456 ' Niagara International Centre Ltd. - Incline Railway on Robinson Street. 01~ on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Special Traffic Cnmmtttee. No. 457 - Ontario Department of Education - Advising t~mt the City Brief on loca- tion of COllege Site in Niagara Falls has been referred to the Board of Governors, and an ...ouncement will be made by the Board before the end of the year. OBIFaED on the motion of Ald. Downie and Ald. MacBain that the communication be received and filed. No. 458 - Greater Niagara Safety Council - Recnmmendation suggesting that 'No Parking" signs he erected on the 'North-east side of Fourth Avenue for a distance of 200 feet from Bridge Street. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. GregorY that the c,.,~unication be received and referred to the Recreation & Protection Committee for consideration. No. 459 - Y's Men's Club - Requesting consideration of placing advertisement in Programme for 'Concerto for Funs. .. ORIF_aED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Gregory that the cc~muaicatton ' , be received and referred to the Finance Ccemittee for consideration. ' No. ~60 - To~n of Wiarton - Resolution advocating change in legislation in respect to assesanent of Order Offices, Liquor Control Board of Ontario and Brewers' Retail Stores. ORA~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. GregorY that the cem- manicatian be received and referred to the Finance Committee for consideration. No. 461 - J~A. Climen~ge Development Ltd. - Advising of appreciation for com- pletion of sidewalks and asphalt roads in the last stage of Cherrywood Acres sub- ' division, and advising that recording of final figures will be made when an account- ing is received by the City. Ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the cc~m,mication be received and filed. No. ~6~ - Loretto Academy - Expression of appreciation for use of Parks for Field Dens and Oames. 0FramED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. ~wayze that the communication he received and filed and col~ be forwarded to the Parks Department. No. 463 - David Scmerville- Expressing appreciation of Scholastic Award presented by City of Nia~are Falls. No. ~4 - Ph~_llis Menck - Expressing appreciation of Scholastic Award presented by City of Niagara Fells. Ho. ~65 - Kathy Bavan - Expressing appreciation of Scholastic Award presented by City of NiaSare Falls. 'No. ~66 - John Paterson - Expressing appreciation of Scholastic Award presented by City of Niagere Falls. No. ~67 - Gall Jamieson - Expressing appreciation Of Scholastic Award presented by City of Niagere Falls. ORESHE on the metion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that the oc'wnnmica- ttons be received an~ filed. No. 87~ - Council Centeanlel Committee - Recommending the instal3ation 'of three 20 foot high tapered bronze-coloured al,~inom poles and six lights installed flush with the pevin~, to ill~inate the said flag poles, at a cost of $2,667.00 as an extra cost to the Centennial 8~uara; and the poles be erected at the south=west corner of the podlure. 01~2~D on the motion of Ald. Grego~7 and Aid. Rearss that the Report be received and adopted. This metion was Carried with the following vote: Aye: Alder- men 8cott, Gregory, Mitchelson~ F. Martin, JoMs~ .Bearss. Naye: Aldermen Swayze, G. Martin~ Downie, MacBain. No. 876 - F~a~ce C~m~Attee - ~ec.~.--ending Approval of Accounts. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Mitcheleon and Ald. MacBalm that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. No. 877 - l~mauce C~ittee - Rec~m, ena~-g that the Municipelity not sponsor radio time for candidates during the forthcoming elections. ORE~ on the motion of Ald. MAitchelson and Ald. Johns that the ,Report be received and adopted. No. 878 - Property Committee - Recomm~nding that By-law 4929 be Rw~ndad to pemit ' the extension of the present holdt-gs of Sun Oil Company at the intersection of Sirocco Street and Victoria Avenue in order to allow the .Coml~ny to provide better access facilities to the existing service station and further, that this approval be granted on the condition that the applicants enter into a site plan agreement satisfactory to the City of Niagara Falls. ORE~ED on the motion of Aid. Scott and Ald. Swa~ze .that the Repor~ be received and adopted. No. 879 - l~blic Works C,---.lttee - Rec.----nding that property be acquired from Cyan-m~d of Canada Ltd. at the north-~st intersection of Fourth Avenue and Bridge Street, at an estimated cost of $200.00 and necessary steps be taken for the con- struction of a right turn channel this Fall. OP~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 880 - Public Works Ccmmittee- Rec~ndiag that the City Engineer be authorized to forward the necessary application form~ to the Dept. of Highways i~ o~ler that the employees recommended for enrolment in Courses may be enrolled for the Spring of 1967. ORn~ED on the motion Of Aid. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report .be received and adopted. No. 881 - Public Works Ca~mittee - P~c,~ending that the Report of the Weed Inspector on 1966 Operations be received and rec-.moudations concerning: e(1) use of chemical control on City boulevards in the spring ~lich would result ~n arresting the spread Of wee~s, and (2) that areas Of north-east corne~ of Dunn and Drummond; Bus stop at Morrison & Portage; and south-*es~ comer of Portage and O'Neil be maintained in prSper condition by the use of a small power ~r at least every second week," be adopted, and referred to the 1~67 Public Works C~tttee. ~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and AId. Rearss that the Report be received and adopted. No. ~82 - City Re_e_4r~er - Report on attendance Of Canadian ins_titute on Pollution. Control Cc~ferance. O~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. G. Martin that .~h~ Report be .re~eived. and filed. - ~ No. 883 - Ccsmittee or A~ustaent - Advisin~ of final decisions. on Applications o~ Peter Ny~k and A. & L. Wurster. 01~ on the 'motion o~ Aid. SWze and Ald. F. Martin 'that the Report be received and filed, ;'~ No. 884 - Buildin~ Inspector - Report on Buildin~ POxmalts issued during month of October, 1966. ~ on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Swayze that .~the Repox~- be received and filed. No. ~85 - City Clerk - Recceme~aing 8rant~q~ of Municipal Licenoes. O~ on the motion of AId. Mltehelson and AId. GreEo.ry that ~he Report he ~e_ive~, adopte~, and licenoes ~mnted. ' No. 88~ - Macroaries & Prol~etion Ccsnittee - Recc~sendix~ that the reccsasndation of ~he ~ of ~lioe C~issi~rs ~ a~d, ~d O~ssi~ims ~ appo~d ins~l~d, to ~ hired ~r ~ a~n~ ~t~en the 0it~ of Nia~m ~Hs and the Canadian Corps Of Ccsaissic~aires; and ~he l~lice Department act in a supervisory and d i.. be to the an ry 1st, ~71 and the neeessaxT by-laws and al~eemento be prelared; and that the (hna- dlau Oorps o~ Ccmalsstmiree be no~Lfie4~ Of ~hls ac~lm, an~ a~opted. This a~ti~ was earrie~ with Aideran 2wa~ and ~c~n. votin2 con- ~:ax~ and all ~her mrs in favmxr. I No. 887 - Recreation & Protection Cmittee - Previous recommendation of Ccennittee concerning erection of traffic control signals, construction of median islands and curbing; and elimination of lmrking, at intersection of Lundy's lane and Royal Manor Drive; and advising of objection received by owners of Lundy's lane Motel and Restaurant Ltd. Rr. A. F. SheDpard of Martin, Calvert, Shoppard & Clark, was present at the Council Meeting, and ~s granted Remission to address Council on the motion of Alderman MacBain and Alderman Swayze. Mr. Shoppard advised that he represented the owners of the Lundy's lane Motel & Restaurant Ltd., and voiced objection to the fact that the traffic island, presently under construction would prohibit left Turns by ~est bound traffic into the middle driveway of his client's property. He suggested that his client was being discriminated against in view of the fact that left turn access was available to a Motel on the opposite side of the street. Ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the Report be received and filed, and there be no change in the recommendations for this intersectionas submitted in Reports approved by Council on May 2nd and July llth, 1966. This motion was carried with Aldermen Gregory and Swayze voting contrary and all other members in favour- MISCELLANEOUS Receipt of New Street Flusher Equilment Aldersen G. Martin, Chairman of the l~blic Works Con~nittee, advised of the receipt of+the new Street Flusher Equipment by the City, and extended an invitation tO all Members of Council and Officials to view this unique piece of equi!ment, aloag with the Marebets of the Public Works C~mittee, at the Storehouse, Drummond Road, on Tuesday, November 8th at 9 a.m. Meeting of Committee of Six Aldarmnn Gregory advised that the Cammfttee of Six had met on Thursday, November 3rd, at which time answers to some of the questions asked by the Council in respect to the Mayo Report on Regional Government had been received. He stated that the sole function of the Committee of Six would be solely the apportioning of the cost of the Mayo Commission Report in the mount of $71,490.O1, of which will he paid by:the Municipalities. An additional cost in the amount of $~,530.00 for additional printing of the Mayo Report will be borne entirely by the Department of Munici!~l Affairs. In respect to the amount. of Unconditional Grant, Alderman Gregory advised that under the Regional Plan if the whole Region had been consider- ed for Grants in 1966, the totel amount would have been $1,362,924,O0, while actually the amount received by the various Municipalities was $1, 1~4,147. The Unconditional Grant will be $4.~0 per person, and at present it varies from between $B.iO to a maximtin of $~.25. Ald. Gregox7 indicated answers to other questions were also · dealt with by the C~mmittee. Meeting on December 6th, 1966, In order to facilitate the setting of the date for the next meeting of the genial Planning Coancil, it ~aa confirmed to Alderman Bearss that the City Council woul~ meet on Tuesday December 6th, 196 .. Niagara. Falls Horticultural Society ' ' ' ' ' It was indicated that Alderman Swayze would represent the Office of the · F~or at the Ann~al Dinner of the Niagara Falls Horticultural Society to be held on N~,ember lOth, 1966. ' Visit of Moscow representatives. · It was indice~ed that Ald. Johns would represent the Office of the Mayor in welccain~ to the City a group of representatives from Moscow, at a reception to be held at the Sk~lon Tower, on November 8th, 1966. Meeting of Ma~ors' and Reeves' Convention Cosmittee Nis Worship or KeiShan rasinded the. Meabers of Council on the Mayors' and POeyes' ConwentionMs~Ccmairtee of the meetin~ of the Cm~ittee to he held on Wednesday, Novsaber ~h, 1~. Grants applicable. for music in the Centennial Year Alderman Gregory advised that a letter had been received from the Performing Arts Officer, Paul Harris, advising that there was no eha,~e in their position, and there would be no grants for Music for the Centennial Year. Stamford Kiwanis Club Centennial Project - Publication of Book "Niagara" Alderman Oregory referred to copies of a pamphlet in respect to the Stamford Kiwanis Club Centennial Project of the Publication of the Book =Niagara", and recom- mended its purchase hy the citizens of the c~w~,mity, at the advanced sale price of $5.00 per copy. Full support in advance of the publication would relieve the financial anxiety of the sponsors of the Project. Armistice 1~ Services - November llth, 1~66. His Worship Mayor Keighan r*mtnded Members of Council and Officials of the Arm- istice Ray Services which would be held On Friday, November llth, 1966 at the CenOtaph On Clifton Hill. Person selling grapes at N.Y.C. Freight ~led. Aldenan 8wayze queried whether the perso~ selling grapes at the N.Y.C. Freight Yards had procured a licence. It was indicated by the City Clerk that this matter was under study at the present time. BY- lAWS NO. 7218 - A By-law to adopt a Plan for Survival for the City of Niagara Falls OBIBau~ on the motiOn of Aid. Mitehelson and Ald. Scott that Ald. Gregory he granted the privilege of introducin~ the By-law and the By-law he given the first reading. Carried Ucanimousl~. .ORE~A~e~ on the motiOn of Ald. Gregory and Ald. l~arss that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporartl~ suspended and the By-law he given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Tuird Seadin~ -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Scott.. Carried Unanimously. ' No. 7221..- $ By-law'to provide for the extensiOn of Dorchester Road, ORIBEE On the motion of Aid. 8wa~e and Ald. Scott. that Ald. Johns be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried ~nanimously. OEI~SD On the motiOn of Ald. Johns and AId. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the secOnd madinS. Carried ~nanimmmly., Third Readin~ -Ald. Mltehelson and Aid, F, Martin. Carried'Unanimously,' No, 7~a.___~2 - A By-law ~o provide for the remuneratiOn of Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Consteblas and for the x~ntal of Pollin~ Places; end to repeal By-law Nmber 62~3, 1962. 0BI!S!SD On the motiOn of AId. Ors&cry and Ald, F, MarSin that Aid. NAtehelsOn be &rtn~ed the privile$e of introduein~ the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading, CaxTied ~animcusly, . . 0B~S~D On the motiota of Ald. Ml~helsOn and AId, =chns that Rule 36 (~) of the Standing l~les of C~mcil be teeporarAly suspended and the l~-lav be ~Aven the secOnd reading. Carried ~antmously, - , Cax~ied t~animousl~, Third Readi~ -Ald.. Readaim and AId., Rearms. 361. No. 722,~ - A By-law to authorize an agreement for the purchase of an aerial ladder truck for the Niagara Palls Fire Department. 0RDEI~ED on the motion of Aid. Bearss and Aid. Scott that Aid. F. Martin he granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OR~E~a) on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Aid. Svayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Aid. Mitchelson. Carried Unanimously. No. 722~ - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($273,621.79) ORDFaED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald- Johns that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Downie that Rule 36 (2) _ .of the Standing Rules. 9f, COuncil ~e temporarily .suspended ~and the By~l~,w ~be given -. the secOnd reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - AId. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory° Carried Unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mltd~elson, seconded by Ald. Swayze that Council adJoura to Cn,~ittee of the Whole. READ AND ADOPTED, November 14~h, 1966. Mayor + C(letl.r~.aE OF THE WHOLE Council Chamber, November 7th, 1966. Council assembled in C--m-tires of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council onNovemberYth, 1966. AllMembers of Council were present. Alder- man F. Max~cinPresided as ChairmAn. Following consideration of the items presented to the C~'mm"ittee it was or- dered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelsonand Ald. Dewhie that the C,~m~ttee of theWhole arise, without reporting, to Council. READ AND ADOPTED, November 14th, 1966. .................................... COUNCIL ME~TI'N~ .............................. Council Chamber, November 7th, 1966· Following the Ccemittee of the Whole Meeting on November ?th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members w~re present. His Worship Mayor R. F. ~eiShan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald, Scott that the meeting READ AND ADOr£sD, November 14th, 1966. · rk 363. FIFTY-THIRDMEETING Council Chamber, November 14, 1966. REGULAR MEETIN~ Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 14th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. 8wayze and Ald. Scott that the Minutes of the Meeting of Nov- ember 7th, 1966 be adopted as printed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ccmm. ~7 - Michael Ruesolo - Resignation from position of Assessor, effective December 31st, 1966. Report 889 - City Manager - Advice re: reasons for resignation. 01~ on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Scott that the c~nmunic~tion be .re- ceived and resignation accepted with regret, and report filed. C_c~mo 459 - Y's Men's Club - Soliciting advertisement in progra~me for ~Concerto For fun" · Report 890 - Finance Committee - Recommending that the municipality not partici~ete in any advertisement for this progr"mine. OR~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Dewhie that the cnmm'mication be received and filed, and Report adopted. CO~CATIONS No. 472 - Niagara? Peninsula Conservation Authority - Expressing appreciation for Grant from City. ORD~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the communication be received and filed. No. 473 - Westlane Secona"rY School ' Expressing appreciation to the City for the donation of Scholastic Awards. 0REeFeD on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Dewhie that the communication be received and filed. No. 474 - A. N. M~er Secondary School - Expressing appreciation to the City for the domerich of Scholastic Awards. ORD~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the communication be . received and filed. No. ~75 - Paul Brighty - Expressing appreciation to the City for donating Scholastic Award. ORbSEND on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Dennis that the communication be received and filed. No. 476 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Nearing - Seidersberger application. on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received and filed. · No. 477 - Ontario ~ood Roads Association ' Request f~or Resolutions and proposal of seines for recognition of long service in the cause of good roads. (~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. 8wayze that the communication be .received and referred to the PUblic Works C~"~ittee for consideration. No. ~78 - WiaSara International Centre Limited_ - proposed Agreement for Victoria Avenue property · OR~SF~8~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that the c~maunication be re- ceived and the WiaSara Xnternaticmal Centre Officials be advised to meet with the Property Caittee c~ this matter. ., No. 479 - Town and Township of Niagara - Sug~esting that all Municipalities request a maetin~ ~ith the Ktnister in respect to financial aspects of Mayo Report. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. Downie and Ald. Mitchelson that the cc~nunication be received and referred to the Special Mayo Report C_-m~ttee. No. 480 - ~nemployment Insurance CrexmisslOn ' Advice re: c~osing of several area offices. ORESBED on the motion of Ald; Rearss and Ald. ~h~ayze that the cr~m,mication be ceived and filed. No. ~81 - County of Wel!~n~ - Requesting assistance from the Clt~ in enter~aining delegates at the Annual Convention of the Association of Ontario Counties which will be held in Niagara Falls in 1~67. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that the c~munication be received and referred to the 1967 Budget C:=~ittee for consideration. No. ~82 - Ontario Cotmoil of Regents for Colleges of Applied Arts'and Technology Requestin~ al~ointee f~c~ City of Niagara Falls 'to Board o~ ~overnors. ORD~ED on the motion of Aid. 8. Margin'and Aid. 8wayze that the cnnm"mication be received and Alderman INNnie be ~m~d as the appointee on the Board of Governors ~or the new College of Applied Ar~s and Te~olo~ in the area. No. 891 - Special Committee to consider National Buildin~ Code - Explanation of-Build- in~ Code By-law, and recommending enactment of By-law. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. =ohns that the Report be received and adopted. : By-law No. 722~ No. 892 - City Clerk - Advice in accordance with Section 58{5) of ~ne Municipal Ac~c that Poll N~ber 4-15 exceeds the .--ximua nunher of ele~ors. O~ on ~e moti~ of Ald. ~t~elsm and Ald. F. '~g~ that the Rep~ ~ m- ~ive~ ~d t~ C~rk ~ authori~ to ~a~ the bounties ~ Poll No. ~-15. : No. ~3 - Cit~ C~rk - Ad~s~g of ~cei~ of ~rio ~ici~l ~ ~r a~ing of City appli~tion to ex~ed bom~ mstri~ions ~se~ ~ ~ion ~ (2) of ~e ~ici~l Act. O~ on ~ m~ion of Ald. ~tchelson ~d Ald. ~ie ,that the '~ ~ ~ceived ~d find. - No. 8~ -Public Works Ccemtttee - Froposed C~rcial' Develol~ent, Part Lot No. ~6, ~orge Construction. The su~ested provisions to be contained in the Agreew~t to be entered into with She developer, as ~utlined in the Ccmnittee Report, were detailed on a Plan of the subdivision by the City ~n~neer. ORD~ED on the motion of AId. G. Martin and AId. Sco~t that the Report be received and that the re-zoning of the propert~ be conditional upon the developer entering into an a~eement with tl~e Municipality, to provide for the services delineated in the Report. -. leo 8~ - Property C~"~ttee - Reccsen{Ltn~ that the request of Sun Oil Capany Lim- i~d (A~li~tion ~'1~) to m-z~ ~ of ~. ~ 78 f~ the' existinS ~i~- b~ C~rcial to ~ist C~ial ~ a~r~, s~e~' to t~e a~li~t ente~g ~to a site phn a~ent acce~ble to ~he Cit~. ~ on t~ m~i~ of Ald. 8c~t ~d Aid. ~ ~t the ~po~ be ~i~d ~d a d. leo. 8~ - Finance 0sittee - Reccmaendin~ approval of accounts. O~D~E on the motion of Ald. Mit~helson and Ald. Dewhie that the Re.pOrt be received an4 adopted.. No. 8~ - Centennial Train ~xhi~i$ - Bu~2et for Osntennial Train ~xhibit. Ordered on the motion of AId. F, F~l~in an~:Ald. gre~ox7 ~ha$ the Report be received and referred to the 1~7 C~ncil. ' "~ - ': i 365 · No. 898 ' Special Report - Services for the Aged re: Niagara Regional Local Government Review. 0RI)ENED on the motion of Ald. Dowale and Ald. MacBain that the Report be received and referred to the Special Mayo Report Cnmmtttee. NO. 899 - City Clerk - Ree~fmnending granting of Municipal Licences. 0I~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swa~ze that the Report be received, adopted, and licences granted. The following Resolutions were submitted for Council's consideration: No. 147 WHEREAS the most pressing problems which faced this administration when it took office in 1965 have been dealt with; AND WHEEEAS the senior officers of the Corporation have caupleted their probation- ary periods and have demonstrated their ability to parform the duties for which they were engaged to the satisfaction of all members of Council arid as a conse- quence have been placed on permanent staff2 AND WI~8 your Committee is of the opinion the suggested system will permit the more efficient use of the time and talents of our senior officials; AND WHEREAS the multitude of matters being dealt with by Committees and Council~ many of which are administrative only, do not leave adequate time for consideration and developnent of matters of policy; AND Wn~j~,=AS your Committee feels, after due consideration, that it has reached a point in its deliberations where it can make certain recomendations to Council pertaining to the general operation of the City; ~EEEFOI~ the Personnel and Negotiations C~mmtttee recc~nends as follows: 1. That our procedural By-law be amended if and where necessarY to allow for the carrying out of our rec-~m~.ndations' 2. ~hat a new City Manager's By-law be prepared as per the draft by-law tabled by this Cc~mittee, subject only to any minor amendments deemed advisable by Council. B. That our five Standing C~m~ittees be abolished-to ~ermit the introduction of a City Manager - Council form of government where the research and the propererich of reports and recc-.nendations woulf fall upon the City Manager with the advice of his Deportment Reads rather than by the use of Standing Cc~mittees. ~. ~nat Council continua to met once each week as at present. (An extra meeting or mactinge could be called by the Mayor or a majority of Council to deal with ~m~rgencies or'to allow Council to deal fully and adequatelY with any important matter such as budget or to dispose of an accumulation of matters on any agend~. ) 5. ~at we go on record as rec-~emnending to the 1967 Council that remuneration for future Council Members be on the basis of $2,000.00 per annum and not on the basis of the ntnaber of Council and Committee meetings artended as at present, and that there be a $10.00 deduction for each Council Macring missed except for illness or City business. 6. ~nat we recommend to the new Council that the Committees, which are not Com- mittees of Council, be divided equitably among the Council members since no mittee time will be allowed for attendance at such meetings. 7. That the ~uestion of an~ possible reduction in the number of members of Council the City Council shall be c~nposed of a Mayor and ten Aldermen and that this c0m- position of Council shall remain in effect until altered under the powers given by general or special legislation; and the ~eal of the Corporation ba hereto affixed. ' N~.' 14~ '-' I~SOLWED t~at the' Ferz~nnel and Negotiations Ccsaittee recc~nends, with the FAYor abstaining, that the Mayor' s Salary remain as established by the Council in 1~6~; and the Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Followin~ the reading of Resolution No. 147, Alderman MacBain, Chairman of the Personnel & Negotiations Ccemittee, presented a rapart containing the backs 2roun4 for the reecmasndations outlined in the Resolution, advising that all recon- mendations had mot with the unaniaous approval of the C-~nmittee Members, with the exseption Of Aldeman GragolT. Members of Council e~pressed their opinions in respe~ to the Resolution. It was ordered on the motion of Aid. C. Martin and AId. 2cott that Resolutt~ms No. 147 and 1~8 he tabled for Council's perusal for one week. It was also indicated that the dx~f~ by-law pex~ainin~ to the duties Of the City Nana2er be prepared in the usual form for su~aission to Council at the 366. Condition of Third Avenue Alderman Swayze .requested the Engineering Departmen~ to look into the condition of a section of Third Avenue between Kitchener Street .and the Queen Elizabeth Way, which was in need of repair. BY-roWS. No. 7229 - A By-law respact~-8 buildings and structures. OR~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ~ 01~ on the motion of Ald. G. Mar~in and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tanatng Rules Of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried ~nanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Do~nie and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. No. 7226 - A By-law to approve an application fran the Niagara Falls District 3oard of Education. (Ereoting and equipping an a~a~tion to the Cherr~ood Acres l~blic School) OREF~D c~ the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Johns that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing ~he By-law and the l~y-law be given the first reading. CarrAed Unanimously. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitch~lson and Ald. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tana~-~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-l~w be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. No. 722.7_ - A 'By-law.to provide monies for 8eneral purposes ($16~,019.78) ~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Eow~ie that Ald. Mitehelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. ~chelson and AId. Downie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the By-law be,given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading- Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory. Carried ~nanimously. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Scott, seconded by Ald. ~wayze that CoUnCil adjourn to Ccemittee of t~e k'hola. RFAD AND AE01~, ,November 2let, 1966. C0~I'A'~ OF THE WHOLE Cotmcil Chamber, November 14th, 1966. 367. Council assembled in C,~i~ittee of the Whole following ~he regular meeting of Council on November l~th, 1966. All Members of Council were present. Alder- man MacEsin presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to the Canmlttee it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that the Canmittee of theWhole arise, without re~orting, to Council. READ A~DADOrx~D, November 21st, 1966. COUNCILMEEA'ING Council Chamber, NOvember 14th, 1966. lerk Following the Cam"ittee of the Whole Meeting on November l~th, 1966, . Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present. His Worship Mayor E. F. 'Kei~han presided. It was ordered on the motion of'Ald. MecBain and Ald. F. Martin that the meeting adjourn. AND ADOP,'~D, November 21St, 1966. Council Chamber# November 21st, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council mat at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, November 21st, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council wen present. His Worship l~or R. F. Keighan presided. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. ScOtt that the Minutes'of the Meetin~ of November 14th, 19~6, be adopted as printed. I~P~PATI0~S Rr. Roy Wikston was present at the Council Meeting in respect to the re-zoning of ~art ~1~. Lot 125, West side Drummond Road (Amendment Al0plication It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. ~wayze and Ald. Scott that ~r. W~knton be granted l~Emi~siOn to address Council. It was indicated.that this application was under con- sideratio~'by'~he'prO~y'C~n~ttee~"~. wlkston'~ef~r~ed ~6'a site'Plan A~r~_~_nt for the use of the property, and stated he would be opposed to any provision in the Agreement which would require a contribution to the storm sewer fund based on his en- tire holdin~s~ but did not have objections to the storm sewer contribution, providing it was based solely on the area to be re-zoned. Mr. Wikston advised Council that he had installed surface drainage facilities inclua~ng a retainin~ wall, in an effolt to r~n~_d~ the drainage problem in the area adjacent to his proper~y. It was indicated that Mr. Wikston's solicitor, Mr. D. J. Thomas, had been advised at a meeting of the Proper~y Committee that the stormssewer ~bar~e would only be made on the piece of land he re-zoned, but Mr. Wikston indicated that he had been further advised b~ City Offic- ials that this contribution would be required for the balance of the property he owns when future buildings are erected on the site. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Sc~t, seconded by Aid. Swayze that in view of the conflicting opinions which exist consernin~ the c~arge for storm sewer fund, that Mr. Wikston be asked to appear before the Property Ccmmittee for clarification of this and other matters, and Mr. Wikston be advised of the date of the meeting. t0 C~. ~8~ - Martin, Calvert, Shoppard & Clark - ~st~ t~t ~e ~$er of traffic le~ds on ~'s ~e at Roll ~or ~ ~ m-o~d for f~her c~nsi~mti~ by C~cil m: clieat - ~'s ~e Motel ~d ~s~t L~ted. ~. B. N. Sinc~ir of the ~1 Fire ~e p~nt at the ~et~, ~d us ~n~d ~ssion to a~ss C~cil on the m~ion of Ald. Sc~t ~d Ald. ~e. It ~s ~ted that the obJecti~ to the t~ffic is~ ~s t~t it wo~d ~e the ~d~ entice t~ ~s ~ Mo~l · ~s~t to ~ bled off~ thus ~ it ~ssib~ for t~fic tmvell~ ~ster~ to t~ ~to the ~s~t. It ~s bo~d t~fic c~d ma~ ac~ss to the ~s~t by tm~ ~to the ~1 entice CO~fi~UNICATIONS No. ~84 - firs. ~eraldine Tripp, Beatrice Hudson, Evelyn Brown - Conditions at the rear of the Jade ~arden Restaurant at the corner of Victoria A~enue and Eastwood Cre scent. ORI~EED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the cmunication be received and referred to the Welland & District Health Unit for report. No. 485 - The ~ecretaly of State - Advising that the Postmaster General feels that the situation in-the South End does not yet warrant action to establish a Postel S~tion here. 01~ on the motion of Aid. Johns and Ald. MacBain that the c~unication be received and filed and copy sent to the South End Businessmen's Association. This motion Was carried with Ald. Scott voting contrary and all other members in favou~e, No. 486 - Niagara Falls District Board of Education - Applications for approval of Debenture Issue in the amount of $10,00 for the purpose of extending the . · l)P~mmond Road School Site; and a Debenture Issued in the amount of $60,000 for , the purpose of extending the Lord Elgin School site, etc. O~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that the cc~m~uication he received and .filed. SEE By-laws 7229 and 7230 No. ~87 = Linda ~ab~ielli - Expressing appreciation for Scholastic Award. O~rR~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Aid. Scott that the cc~un~nication-be received and filed. No. ~88 - ~e Boys' Club of Greater Niagara .- Reporc on services provided. OP~EED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. F. Marcin that the communication be received and the Boys' Club be commended for their fine work and the extension Of services. NO. ~9 - Downtown Businessmen's Association - Requesting free perking during Christm~__s ~eason, Dec_~mBer l~th to ~4th. No. 490 - South End Retail & Professional Association - Requesting free parking during Chris+~w~a Season, December 15th to 24th. OREF~ on the motion of Ald. F. Marcin and Ald. Swayze that the communications be received and filed and permission granted to the requests. No. 491 -.Niagara Youth ~tudio Theatre - Requesting permission to erect banner aoross Victoria Avenue at EINorth Circle in connection with the production "Wise-:dj. of Oz", for the period December 16th to December BOth. 01~ on the motion Of Aid. ~wayze and AId. Rearss that the c~mm'mication be received and filed and permission granted to the request. and driving across the front of the Motel property to the Restaurant, bu~ this situs- < No. ~ - Hans Mercnik - Requesting Council to review his case to permit him to tion would no~ be advisable if the M~tel and Restaux~nt were to beccee two sepermte {,~ submit an appeal to the Cour~ of Revision in respect to 1966 Assessment Notice. ' ORI~ on the mc~ion of Ald.,Mitchelson and AId. F. Martin that the communication address Council on the motion of Aid, Sw~vze and Aid. (]re~oxT, This motion vas be reemived and filed and Mr. Mercni~ be advised of the relevant sections of the carrie4.with. Al~ersea. F, .Martin. an~.Mitchelson veti~. eontrxxT,. · Mr.. ~alle. referred Assessment. Act ~overeing Council' s actions in such matters · ' to congestion in the area of Roll Manor Drive and laxnd~'s lane.' lk indicated he was in fayour of traffic lights at this intersection# but felt that the islands were not No. ~9~ ~ Greater Niagara Transit Cc~missioJ - Requesti~g approval of Council to Drive and Lunoy's lane, addressed Council, an~ referred to the lack of larking i~ Centre.. · . · fron~ of the ~ S~ore on Lund~'s lane. _ °,red on, motion of Ald. and Al . eott t.rt' ______ "for cam week to $ive ~sabers of Council an oppor~unit~ to vew · - m~tiou was earrio4 with Aldex~aen Na~ain an4 F1. ~ar~in rotinS ~oax~ral7 and all c~her. No. ~O3 - Personnel .& NeSotiations C'~tttee ' ~eccsmending the appointment of ~sabers in fayorgY. ' Nr. Robert I~wis to the position of ~nternal Auditor for the Treasurer Depart~e OR~ on the motion of Ai~. MacRain and Aid. NitChelson that the Report be re- ~eived and e~d. No. 90~ - Public Works C~mnittee - Re-construction of Stanley Avenue, and rec~nd- ing that a letter be forwarded to the Bell Telephone Ccmpan~ requesting that they. place underground cable on the east side of Stemlay Avenue from NotCh Street to the Q.E.Way to permit the placing of Niagara Falls H~dro lines underground. 0I~ on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the Report be received and adopted. No. 905 - Public Works Ccamittee - Proposed ru-construotion of Taylor Road, and recommending that this matter be referred to the 196? Council. ORES~ED on the motion of Ald. ~. Martin and Aid. Bearss that the Repoxt be received and adol~ced. · No. 906 - Public Works Ccmnittee - Rec.-~ending that Works Engineer, Purchasing Agent, and Equl!w~nt Asst. 8upt. be authorized to attend Equilmment Sh~ in Toronto, for one day, during DeCember 5th to December 8th, ORESRED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the Repozt be-received and adopted. No. 907 - Public Works Committee - Rec_-mnending that Tender ef Classic Construction for installation of Concrete Monuments and tablets to establish topographical control survey points and elevations be aceaped, at t~e price of $3,106.50. O~ on the motion of Aid. a. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. SEE Resolution No. 151 No. 908 - Property C-.~;;lttee - Recommending that approval be granted for the re- zoning of Part of Lot 4, Beg. Plan 653 (Todd and Crone) frc~ Residential B to C~w- ercial I (AM-201), subject to the applicants entering into a Site Plan Agreement acceptable to the City of Niagara Falls. ORESI~ on the motion of Ald. 8eott and Ald. Jolms that the Repor~ ~e received and adolfued. No. 909 - Property Committee - Advising that a submission acceptable to the Ontario Housing Corporation has now been received for the erection of 96 units at a unit. cost of $13,61~.00 each, and reccsmendin~ that a resolution be passed requesting the Ontario Housing Corporation to increase the number of family housing units fron to 96, and that the Housing Corporation be asked to proneed with their proposal as quickl~ as possible. ORESI~D on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swa~e that the Report be received and adopted. No. 910 - Property Csmaittee - Bec'~na~ng that a policy be adopted whereby the.' installation of incinerators in apartment or o~m~ercial buildings be prohi~ited and that this policy, if adopted, be ratified by subsequent by-laws. ORl~ on the .motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that the Eepor~ be received and adopted. No. 911 - Finance Ccemit~ee - Re: .Concert by St. Ann's 8yml~onic Band for Senior Citizens, and recommending that the proposal be appx~i~d and the City ma~e papsent to the 8t.Ann's Symphonic Band in accordance wi~h ~he policy adolinked b~ Council in June, 196~, and that the City underwrite the cost of ~two appropriate advertiseaents to be inserted in the Press. " Ol~ on the m~tion of Aid. Mittheleon and Ald. Downie ~hat faxe.Report be received and 'adopted. ~o. 9~9 - Finance C~saittee - 'Recceeendin2 appx~val of accounts. ~ on tbs motion of Aid. Mitehelson and AId. F. Martin that the Repox~ be ~rec- eivwd and adopted. No. 91~ - l%ecreation & ~,-~teetion Ccsaittee - Reocssendin~ the pessa~ of appropri- ate B~-law to allow the exle$1on. of Yield Siena at fAgOt turn channels from rio: toria Avenue and Fourth Avenue Onto Brides C812 on the motion of Aldo Fo Mar~tn ~d,Ald.,, ~e ~hat the Rep~r~ be veea~ved ana a~pted. S~ B~-law No. 723~ ' 371. No. 914 - Recreation & Protection Cammittee - Recc~unending that parking on the east side of Leonard Avenue be restricted frc~ 50 feet from the intersection of Lundy's Lane to a point lOO feet northerly, to a maximum of I hour, between the hours of 8 a~m. and 6 p.m., and that the necessary by-law be prepared. 0Pa~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and adopted. No. 915 - Building Inspector - Building Permits for week ending Nov, 18th. ORE~ on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and filed. No. 916 - City Clerk - Reckending the granting of Municipal Licences. ORDER on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report be received adol~ted, and licences granted. Verbal Report - Alaerman Gregory - Survival Plan. Alderman Gregory advised that a Press Release would be made in respect to the ~tmergencies Measures Survival Plan recently passed by Council for the City of Niagara Falls. The Press Release will advise of the mailing of condensed pamphlets on the Survival Plan to all househglds in the City, and. ~wge that such pamphlets be kept available if their need should ever arise. Verbal Report - Alderman Gregory_ - Disp]~.y of Fili~oyi_c_Ma__~uette in Library., Alderman Gregory advised that the Council Centennial Cc~maittee had considered a request by the Librarian of the City Library on Victoria Avenue, that the Fllipovic Maquette be placed on display at the Public Library. The City Library had received _m_.ny requests fr~n the public to have the maquette displayed. Al- derman Oregory explained that the Ccmmittee, with the exception of His Worship Mayor Keigban, felt that the request should be endorsed. In answer to a question, tile City Manager indicated that MAr. Szarvas of Acres had advised that the maquette is owned by the City, and therefore, it could be displayed by the City. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson that the verbal recnmmendation of the Council Centennial Cc~mittee to allow the Filipovic Maquette to be displayed at the Public Library be adopted. This motion was carried with the vollowing vote: Aye: Aldermen G. Martin, Gregory, Mitchelson, F. Martin, MacBain, Johns, Bearss. Naye: Aldermen Downie, Swayze, Scott, Mayor R.. F. Keighan. RESOLUTIONS No. 147 - MacBain - Downie - RESOLVED that whereas the most pressing problems which faced this AdminiStra~i6~ When it took office in 1965 have been dealt with; ~ %PAEHEA8 the senior officers of the Corporation have completed their probation- ary ~eriods and have d~monstrated their ability to perform the duties for which _the~ Were en~agad to the satisfaction of all members of Council and as a cones-. queries, have been placed on permanent staff; AND WHE~ your C.cs~nittee is of the opinion the suggested system will ~ermit the more efficient use of the time and talents of our senior officials; AND WHEI~8 the multitude of matters being dealt with by Camnittees and Council, many of which are administrative only, do nut leave adequate time for considera- tion and development of matters of policy; AND WdEI~8 your Ccamittee feels, after due consideration, that it has reached a point in its deliberations where it can make certain rec-~m~endeCions to Council pertain~,_~ to the ~enerel operation of the City; THE~ the Personnel and Negotiations Committee recanmends as follows: 1. That our Procedural By-law be e~m-nded if and where necessary to allow for the carr~in~ out of our recosmendetions. ~. That a new City M~um~er's By-law be prepared as per the draft by-law tabled by this Ccsmittee, subject only to any minor amen~nents deemed advisable by _Council. 3. ~hat our five Standing Camnittees be abolished to permit the introduction of a Council - City Mana~r form of ~oveA:~ent where the research and the prepara- tion of x~ports and recommendations ~ould fall upon the City Manager with the edviee of his Departsent Heads rather than by the USe of 8tandinS Cc~nittees. ~. That Council continue to met once each week as at present. (An extra meeting meetings could be eelled by the M~vor or a majority of Council to deal wAth ~rgaaeles or ~o allow Council to deal fully and adequatei with any important · hat has r~. That We 2o on record as raa~ndin~ to the 1967 Count 1 t ,ter. be on , . sis of per '.tan =trJ 'thaJ' of the a~r of Co~uell an~ C~ittee meetings ateended a x~= for'illness or them be a $10.00 deduction for each Council meetin6 misse pt 6. That we rec.',.m~nd to the new Council that the Committees, which are not mittees of Council, be divided equitably annDng the Council members, since no c~mm~ttee t~m~ will be allowed for attendance at such m~tfngs. ' 7. ~at the question of any possible reduction in 'the' number of m~mbers of Council be allowed to stand over until a decision in respect to regional govex-.ment is made. ~ne Ontario Municipal Board Order of October 16th, 1962, provides +.h~t the City Council shall be canposed of a Mayor and ten Aldermen and +.hat this canposi- tion of Council shell remain in effect 'until altered under the powers given by gen- eral or special legislation; and the Seal of the Corporation be herato affixed. Carrled Considerable dlscusslun took place in respect to the above resolution, and Members W of Councll expressed thelr oplnlons in respect to the proposals. His orship Mayor R. F. Kelgban requested Alderman 8wayze to take the F~or's Chalr in order thet he could make his remarks on the totter. Following his r-m. rks~ l~or Eelghan raced the Mayor's Chalr. The Resolution was adopted, as Amended; by the PhAnEe In Section 3. to read "Courtell -Clty ~4anag~r form of gov~x-j~ente, with the following vote: A~e: Aldermen Mitchelson, MacBatn, Downie, Fo Martin, Scott, Mayor Keteh~n. Nays: ,Aldermen Gregory~ Johns, Bearss, O. Martin, Seayze. No. l~TA - MacBeth - Do~nte - I~ESOLVED thet Resolution Nun~er 1, dated the l~th day of ~anuary, 1965, be and the ~-~ ls hereby repealed, and that all 1terns presently on the Agenda of any Standing Cr~mittee he and the same are hereby referred to the City Manager for stud~ and report and his rec~.m,~detions if an~, in due course; and the Seal of the Corporation be herato affixed. Carried The above Resolution was carried with the following vote: A~e: Aldermen Scott, Downie, Ritchelson, F. Martin, MacRain, M~Vor Keighan. Na~e: Aldermen Swayze, G. Maxtin,. ~re6ory, Joinms, Rearss. leo. 1~8 - MacRain - Do~nie - RESOLVED that the Personnel and Negotiations C.--;;lttee recommends, with the Mayor abstai~i-E, that the Mayor' s Salary r--mln as established by the Council in 196~; and the Seal of the Corporation he hereto affixed. Carried. The above Resolution was carried with Alderm-n Johns voting contrary and all other members in fayour. No. 1~ - SCOTT - SWAkz~s - I~OLY~D thet The Ontario Housing Corporation be reques- ted to provide a further ~1 family housing units in the Cit~ of Nie~ara Falls in addition to the 7~ units previously re~luested by Resolution No. B~ passed on the 28th day of ]4areh, 1966, brin~ the total number of famil~ units to c)6~ 'and he it further understood that the City of Niagara Falls a~rees to absorb ?~ of the operating losses in the ease of the entire 96 fa-ttly housing units; and the Seal .of the Corporation he heroic affixed. ' ' Carried Unanimously No. 1~0 - O. MARTIN = JO~ - I~OLtF2D that the nex~ Meetin~ of City Council be hel~ on SeturdaF~ Noveahar ~th~ 1966 at 10 a-m.~ and the Seal of:the Corpom~te~ be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously leo. 1)1 - G. i~iN - 8COIT - I~LVE thet the Tender of Classic Construction Ccm- 1~ for installation of Conerata No~mnts and tableti to establish topoSral~ieal control m~y ~ts '~d s~i~l, ~ ae~ed the ~1 ~ ~e Co~i~ ~ hemto ' :: ? 373' No. 15~ -/~I~HELSON - DO WNIE - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be for- warded to the family of the late Z. S. Phimister; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 15~ - GERRy - MacRAIN - ~ESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late James D. Woolhough; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 154 - (]F~RY - F. ~RTIN - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be sent to the f.m~ly of the late Th~.~s Blackburn; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Un,animously MIS~LIAN~OU8 United Appeal Fund ~ His 'Worship Mayor Keig~an issued a general appeal to those citizens who had not already contributed to the United Appeal Fund, to make their contribu- tions to the Fund as soon as possible. He stated that if the Budget of the United Appeal is not reached it would mean that agencies who are receiving funds through the United Appeal would have their Budgets cut, and the resulting loss of service to certain citizens of the cr'mmmity would have very serious effects. BY-IAWS No. 7228 - A By-law to define, limit and determine the duties and responsibilities of the City Manager. 01~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Scott that Ald. MacRain be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried with Ald. Johne voting contrary. OREF~ED on the motion of Ald. MacRain and Ald. Downie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily'suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried with Aldermen G. Martim and Swayze voting contrary. Third Reading - Alderman F. Martin and Ald. MacRain. Carried with Aldermen G. Martin and Swa~ze voting contrary. A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Niagara Falls and Subu,r, ban Area Official Plan. (Amendment No. S9, Chippewa) OP~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Downie that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. O~ on the motion 6f Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law he given the second reading. Carried t~nanimously. Third Read:h~ .Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. ~ - A By-law to approve an application fran the Niagara Falls DiStrict Beard of Education (Debenture Yssue of $10,000. for the purpose of extending the Drummond Read School Site. ) ORE~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacRain that Ald. Mitch- elson be ~ranted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORE on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. Do~nie that Rule B6 of the 8tan4in~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the seoon~ reading. Carried Unanimously. -37~- No. 7231 - A By-law to approve an application from the Niagara Falls District Board of Education. (Debenture Issue of $60,000. for the purpose of extend- ing the Lord Elgin School Site together wit_h the facilities for,,Pro- eRI~ED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Mitchel- son be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. on the motion of Aid. mtche s and Ald. Ma in that Rule SS Of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. No. 7232 - A By-law to amend By-law N,n,ber 6340 providing for the erection ,' of Yield Right-of-Way Signs at certain intersectimms, in the Municipality. (vl oria Ave. and Zri andAvanus and reet) granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the ~y-law be given thae first reading. Carried Unanimously. 0RE~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain that Rule 36 (~) of the 8tar~ing Rules of Council he temporarily suspended and the By-law ~e given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Alderman Oz~gory and Alderman Bearss. Carried Unanimously. No. 723~ - A By-law to appoint Polling Places, Deputy Returning Officers and Poli Clerks for the City of Niagara Palls and to unite certain adjoining Polling Subdivisions and to establish one Polling Place for the purpose 'of the 1~66 Municipal Election. 0 OBn~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Mltchelson that Ald. Mac- Bain he granted the privilege of introducing the By-law, and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORE~ED on the motion of Aid. MacBain and Ald. Do~n~e tha~ Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporar, ily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanim~usl~r. Third Reading -Ald. Oratory and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously.' No. 7234 - A By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between Roy Stacey and The Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls (Proparty described as Lot 20, Reg. Plan ~, River Road, and Lot 1 and Part ~c~ 2, Reg. Plan 172, River Road) 01~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Dewhie that Ald. Scott be ~ranted the privilege of intrOduoin~ the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Cax-~-led U,n, aniaonsly. OI~2RED on the motion of Ald. Scott and AId. MacBain that Rul~ 36 (2) of the Standin~ Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be ~iven the see- end reading. Carried Unanimous~V. Third Readin~ -Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. 375' ~o. 7235 - A By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 5335, 1955, as amended. Lot 20, Reg. Plan 5, Lot l, Part Lot 2, Plan 172, River Road. R. Stacey. OREME on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. CarriedUnanimously. ORRERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. Nq. y236 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes. ($480,878.97) ORIIF~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. · 'Ot~RED' on'the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Aid. SwaFze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Oregory and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that Council adjourn to Cnmm4ttee of the Whole. I~AD AND ADOPA'ZD, November 26th, 1966. rk ~ · ~76 · a(l~.a.'A'~'~S OF THE W~OLE Council Chamber, November 21, 1966. Council assembled in Committee of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council on November 21st, 1966. All ~A~mbers of Council were present. Alderman John8 presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to the C~.,.~ttee it was or- dered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ai&. MacBain that the C_--m, lttee of the Whole arise, wit.hOur reporting, to Cou~.cil. ~EAD AND ADOr,'~, November 26th, 1966. Mayor COUNCIL I~ETINO November 21, 1966. Following the C_""m{ttee of the Whole Meeting on November 21st, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present. Nis Worship Mayor R. F. EelSban preside&. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain an& Ald. Scott that the meeting ReAD AND ADOPIE, Novaher 26th, 1966. 377. FIFEY-FIFEHMEETING Council Chamber, November 26th, 1966. REGUIARME~A'ING P~rsuant to adjournment, Council met at 10:O0 a.m. on Saturday, November 26th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. 8wayze that Alderman Gregory be appointed as Ac~ing M~Vor until the arr- ival of His Worship Mayor Keighan. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. F. Martin that the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on November 21st, 1966, be adol~ed as printed. DEPUTATION C.,,,i~. 494 - ~ans Hercnik - Requesting permission to address Council concerning 17 foot strip of property adjacent to his holdings on Stanley Avenue. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Johns that Mr. Mercnik be , granted permission to address Council. Mr. Mercnik requested that he be granted a Quit Claim Deed for a strip of property, measuring 17 feet x 100 feet, 'adjacent to his property on Stanley Avenue. He advised that when he had originally pur- chased his holdings on Stanley Avenue that he had gone by blueprints and the iron stakes on the ~roperty, and was very disappointed to now find that the property he <~med did not include this 17 foot strip of land. He also added that houses once located in the area, had actually been situated on the strip in question. He stated that if granted a Quit Claim Deed for the 17 foot strip he would agree to convey the property to the City at no cost when the City required the property in the future, for widening of Stanley Avenue. The location of the property under discussion was outlined by the City Engineer on a plan of the area. It Was ex- plained that a By-law had been passed by the former Township of Stamford in 1887, which provided for closing up of a 17 foot strip along Stanley Avenue from Murray Rtreet to Portage Road and to convey the land to the adjacent o~ners. A search of the property by the City Solicitor had revealed that at least one pertion of the allowance had been conveyed to an owner. At a previous Council Meeting a Report of the Public Works Committee rec~"m~nding that the City not release their interest in the lands had been adopted by Council. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Bearss, seconded by Ald. Hitchelson that the matter be tabled at this time. This motion was carried with the following vote: _A~e: Aldermen Bearss, Mitchelson, F. Martin, G. Martin, Swayze, Jchns. Nays:_ Aldermen Scott, Dewhie, MacBain. - At this t~ae His Worship Mayor Keig~an arrived at the meeting and ass~ned the Ma~or's Ohair. - LrNFINISMED BUSINESS Re-zoning Application, Mr. Roy Wikston - Part TwO. L~ 12~, West side DDjmmond Road, Amendment Application AM-167. Report 919 - Executive Ccmmittee- Rec~mnending that the storm sewer contribution Limited e~Jo~ Mrs. C. J. Bakker, c~ner of the Drug Store property at and Ro~al Manor Dr ve. . Sheppard stated requested free Mr. Wikston he based onl~ on the property to ha re-zoned. 0Rl~ on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be re- ceived an& reccemendattons adopted. At this time Alder-m- MacBein stated that in future, Reports should be presented over the signature of the City Manager, and it Was anted that this rtin Calvert, SheFFard ~ Clark - Re: Client, Lundy's Lane Motel th it ~eer e (~mis matter ~aa been table& fram the meeting of November 218t, 1966, to MeIIMtrS Of COUnCil to view the situation. ) T~e traffic proposal for the area was outlined on a p_ _~n by e C ~ Eng . ~be %~raffie ~ineer indicate& that he Was satisfies with the design of t · t~lffie pz~o~al as s~13mit~ to Council Members of Council ou~li~ed their o~inioas ~ the matter. Zt was then o~rea o~ the motiun of Ald. Mitchelson :an& AI~. ~earse that Mr. A. ~. Faeppard be ~ranted permission to address Council. lie i~ieate& that he ha& bse~ informed th 378. 379' No. 49? - City of Windsor - Resolution re: Provision of dental care for families with marginal incomes and for welfare recipients. ORI~D on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. MacBain that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for report. No. 498 - County of Welland - Agreement between the Counties of Lincoln and Welland for the $olnt establishmenT, maintenance and operation of a Regional Detention Centre o 01~ on the motion of Ald. Dewhie and Ald. MacBain that the communication and Agreement be referred to the City Manager for full repor~. REPORTS his client had agreed that traffic lights were needed at this interseetions but the orig~--I proposal had been aaaed to by additional traffic provisions. He ad- vised that there was discr4m4-ation by the erection of the extended traffic island in front of his client's property, which made it Lml~ssible for entrance to be gained to the centre entrance and the westerly entrance, by wast-bound traffic. He stated that his client was being..penalized for what us. an -nnecessary interference with traffic. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Hearse and Al~. Mitchelson that Mr. F. Galls be ~uated permission to address Council. M~. Gelle advised that he had been located at th& comer of Ro3ml Manor Drive and Lundy's Lane for sane time. He stated that the isl--ds would hinder cars turning into the businesses on Royal Manor Drive, and considered that they ware dangerous and unnecessary, and their am. get would be increased during the winter months when snow was piled up on them. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson that the c.'~u.,~nicetion iron Martin, Calvert, 8heplmrd & Clark be received and filed and the previous motion of Council adopting the traffic sch~.~ for this intersection, be upheld. This motion was carried with ~hldermen Johns and Gregory voting contrary. Report on Traffic Islands. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the Trsf- fic Engineer, along with the City Msnager's Canmittee, be asked to bring in some type of r~por~ to Council rearcling the different types of island separations for highway construction that are suggested by the Depar~nent of Highways, and that each member of Council receive this report in order that a decision may be m~de as to the type of separations available ~nd their use in such cases. C;-,-i~. 460 - Town of Wlarton - Resolution requesting amenare.ant to Assessment Act to l~rmit Municipalities in Ontario to levy an Assessment on Order Offices, the Liquor Control Board and Brewers Retail Stores in the same manner as presently used against telephone and telegraph companies. Report 920 - Executive Cc~nittee - Re~0-m~nding that the Resolution of the Town of Wisa~on be endorsed with an -.~n~ment that it include Comichies and imrsons dis-. t~ibut.ing natural and manufactured ages ~y pipeline. · hts m~!on was carried with Ald~ Oregory voting contrary 'and all othert4smbers in re;your. ~ Proposed Plan of Subdivision - Mikulcic and Welters - Easterly end of Willinger Street, Par~ of Lot Heport 9~1 - Executive C~m. ittee - Ree.~.--~nd~-8 revision in proposed plans and that Lots 5 and 6 be dedicated to the Municipality for temporary access purposes and will be returned to the developers if and when WilliuCer Street is extended and a permanent acsess to Rinll 8treat has been provided. ~ on the motion of Ald. Saott and AId. l~ie that 'the Report be received and reca"m'ndations adopted. This motion was e2rrie~d with Aldermen Jehns and Gregox7 · votin~ contrary, CCte4~NICATI0~8 No. ~9~ - NiaSara Falls Public Mbrar~ Board - Requestin~ that the City give con- sideration to ~lvin_e the Board a Deed of the land On which the Library on Victorin Avenue no~ stands. Ordered On the motion of Ald. MauBain and Ai4. 8cott that the mattsT be referred to the Ci~V ManeSet for 8tud~, repert~ and reomndations, if any. No. 922 - Committee of Adjustment - Final Decisions on Redekop, DelVecchio and Macklein Applications. ORDERED on the motion of 'Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received end filed. ~ No. 923 - Executive C.'-i~,,!ittee - Request of Mr. Guide Soluri for further amendment to By-law 5149 in order that a revised proposal for motel erection on both properties may be proceeded with, and recap.ending that By-law No. 5149 be amended to include Lot 450, Rag. Plan 3~. 0R~E~ED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be received and reccemendation adopted. ~This motion was carried with Alderman Gregory voting contrary. No. 92~ - City Clerk - Rec~m~nding granting of Municipal Licences. ORE~F~D on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mac~ain that the Report of the City Clerk he received, adopted, and licences granted. No. 925 - City Manager - Reeo~mending that the cost of Night Courses for Derrick Costello and Dennis Sayriga at the N.F.C.V.I., amounting to $B0.00 be underwritten by the City. ORES~ED on the motion of Aid. Downie and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. No. 926 - Cit~ Manager - Re: Extension Course at McMaster University on industrial Management, Mr. Dave Allan, Engineering Supervisor, and recommending that one-half of the cost of the first year Course be paid by the City, and if MAr. Allan passes the Course, that'the rem-ining pert of the cost be refunded to Mr. Allan. ORI~ on the motion of Ald. MacRein and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Downie voting contrary and all other members in fayour. :No. 927 - Council Centennial Committee - Advising that Niagara Falls Police Assoc- iation have informed th~ Council Cca~fttee they are proceeding to schedule the World Congress of Police Officers for May 8th to 13th inclusive, 1967. A letter· from the NiaSars Falls Police Association was read by Ald. Gregory, Chairman of the Council Centennial S,.~.4ttee which accepted responsibility for any deficit which might result ~rom the project.' It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Aid. Bearss that the Report be received and filed. No. 928 - Executive C<a;;;~ittee - ReC~mne. nding approval of accounts. 0~IX~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. MaaBain that the Report Of the C~ittee be received and adopted. Clerk - Conveyance of properties acquired throngh tax registration Victoria Avenue, B27 Simcce Street, Lot 27, Buttrey Street. ORCS~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and AId. Scott that the Report of the City Clerk he received and filed. HagiOn Loeai Gaveant Ibview. '' Procedure at O~ On the motion of Ald. Mitahelson and Aid. Bearss that the emaunication he ORCS~ o, t le m refer thee ~o ~ Casaittee in the final No. 930 - Public 8errices Committee - Minutes of Meeting held Nov. 10th, 1966. OPa~ on the'motion of Ald. MacBain, seconded by Ald. Swayse that the Report be RESOLUTION No. 1~ - F. MARTIN - SWAYZE - I~OLVED that the next meeting of City Council be held on Tuesday, December 6th, '1966 at 7:30 p.m.; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried Unanimously Full Time Employment of Safety Inspector Alderman Dewhie suggested that a study be undex~aken of the employment of a full time safety inspector and the City Manager submit a report thereon. ~'ne City Mana- ger advised that this matter was presently under consideration and considerable Study had been made. He indicated that the ~afety Inspector, Mr. Strange, had been bur- dened with certain other duties, which duties now had been taken away, and his efforts will now be directed full time to safety work. No. 7230 - A By-law to approve an application fr(m the Nlagax~. Falls District Board of Education. (Extending the Drummond Ro~d School Site - amount of $10,000) Third Beading -Ald. Mae3ain and Ald. Mltchelson. Carried Unanimously.' No. 7231 - A By-law to approve an application from the .Niagara Falls District Board of Education. (Extending Lord Elgin School Site - ~m~ount of $60,000.) Third Reading -Ald, Mltchelson and Ald. Scott. Carried Unanimously. No. 7257 . A By-law to authorize the sale of land to Alexander Holowacz. (Proper~y at 603 Sirecos S~r~et) OREFaED on the motion of Ald. Swe~ze and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the l~-law and the B~-la~ be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. 0RI~RED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Ma~Bain that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and'the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Downie and Aid. F. Mar~in. Carried Unanimom No, 7298 - A .By-law to authorize the sale of la, d to Victor John Cant and Betty Murlel Cant. (Lot 27, North side Buttrey 5~reet) ORE2~ on the motion of Ald, F, Martin and Ald, 8wayze that Ald, Scott be 8ranted the privilege of introducing the l~-law and .the By-law be given the first reading, Carried Unanimously. . OMsme~ on the motion of Ald, Scott stud Ald. 8wayze that l~,ls 36 (2) of the Standing !~tles of Council be temporarily suspended a~d the By-law be given the second reading, Carrie~ tFnanimously. Third Beadi.e. - A!d, Mitohelson and Aid, F, Mar~in, Carried .tFnanimously, NO. 7239 - A By-law to authorize the sale of land to Michael Jasnich and Roy Stacey. (Par~ Lot 15, Plan 32, west of Terrace Avenue (Victoria Avenue ) 381. 0RDE~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege' of introducing the By-la~- and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. Ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. No. 7240 - A By-law to authorize the recenstruction of Lundy,' ~ Iane from Main Street to Drummond Road. OI~DFaED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Bearss that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ..... ORDERED on ~he motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Bearss that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimous],V. No. 7241 - A By-law to authorize the widening of Stanley Avenue from the Queen Elizabeth Way Extension (Roberts Street) to Ferry Street. OPtDEE on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Johns that Ald. G. Mar~in be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. OPa~I~D on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Mitchelson that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading, as amended, to indicate "a travelled width of 57 feet" in paragraph 1 and section 1. and the correction of the word "town" to the word "City" in Beetion 4. Carried with Aldermen Scott and Gregory voting con- trary and all other members in fayour. N~, 7242 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($176,208.~7) ORIFaED on the motion of Ald. F. Maffein and Ald. MacBain that Ald. Mitchelson be gAunted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. CRESTED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of ~the SteaddAng Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. ' Carried Unanimously. Third ~eading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Swa~ze. Carried Unanimously. It vas ordered on the motion of Ald. Sw~vZe and Ald. F. Martin that Council adjourn to C.-~,,~ttee of the Whole. 383 · C0~41',-,.m~ OF THE WHOLE FIFI"f-SIXTH MEETING Council Chamber, November 26, 1966. Council assembled in C_~mittee Of the Whole following the regular meeting on November 26th, 1966. All Members of Council were present at the c.-,m~enCement of the meeting. Alderman Bearss presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitcheleon and Ald. Johns that the C.:~;i~;ittee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to Nomination Meeting procedur~ and Re ~poxt of the City Clerk re: Observance of Chris+~s Day '- 1966. READ AND ADOFA'A~D, December 6th, 1966. Mayor m COb~CIL MS~A'JI~ CounCil 0hamb~r, · November 26, 1~966. Following the C.~.~.s4ttee of the ~hole Meeting held on November 26th, 1966, Council re-c6nvened in open session. All Members were present with the excelSion of Aldermen G. Mar~in, Mec~ain and Gregory. ~is Worshil~ Ma~or R. F. KeiF,~- presided. ~e followin~ action was taken: Nomination M~eting Procedure It ~as ordered on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Ald. Jo~s that the format for Ncmi. ation Ni~t ~e that the Clerk will handle the meeting in accordance with the Act and following the close of the time alloted for receipt of nominations will Council Chamber, November 28th, 1966. Pursuant to adJourRment, Council met at 7 p.m. on' Monday, November 28th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business. All Members of Council were present, with the exception of Alderman Mitchelson. His Worship, Mayor Keighan, presided. ' CHAIP$4AN, PUBLIC ELECTION MEETING Consideration was given to the matter of securing a Chairman for the Public Election ~eting scheduled for Friday, December 2nd at the Valley Way School. Several persons were suggested and the City Manager was authorized to contact the individuals ,~med and secure sineone to act as Chairman. The following Report was presented: No. 936A - _City Manager - In respect to leasing the City Building located at the comer of Lund~'s Lane and Montrose Read now partly occupied as an Engineering Field Office and partly as a Police Substation; and also on Thursdays for Magis- troto's Court. The City Manager advised that the Magistrate had informed him that arrange- merits could be made to hold Court elsewhere, if he was given thirty days notice and that the Engineer had indicated that his staff ~uld use the basement section of the buildins until such time as other facilities might be available. The report reCk. mended that the first floor of 'the building be rented to the Niagara Falls and ~Suhurban Area Planning Board, at a rental of $2,400.00 par year, as from January let, 1967 and that alterations and repairs be made, at an estimated cost of $2,400. This figure includes repairs and painting of the interior but does not include ~ainting of the exterior of the building. OR~EED on the motion of Alderman MacBain and Alderman Scott that the recc~mendetion of the City Manager to lease the first floor of the City Building at the comer of Lund~'s Lane and Montrose Road to the Planning Board, at a rental Of $2,400. per year from January 1st, 1967 be approved, and that arrangements be made to have the necesna~ alterations and painting of the interior of the building carried oct. read oct a list 'of those nominated and the various positions ncainated for; and will It was ordered on the motion of Alderman Faho Martin and Alderman MacEsin that Way 2~ho~l on Friday, Eecemher'2nd, 1~66, and then adjourn the meeting. It would n~ he up to the City to make arrangements to allow ~andidates to make a 81~ech on ~EAD AND ADOFA~D, December ~th, 1966. their ncaination. '* ' . ~eport No. 9B1 - City Clerk - Observance of Christmas Da~ - 19~6. ' . Meeting of Dacem~er 6~h for cemsidera~ien bF a full Council. ' ~ Xt was orderea om ~ mo~i~'a of AI~. Sway~e a~ Ala. Mits~elson that the meetin~ Mayor ~ AND ADOI~ID, Deeember 6th, 1~66. ~ . - ' ' - FIi~Y-SEVENNt M~rING Council Chamber, DeCember 6th, 1966. ~EGUI~ M~,~ ~NG Pcrs--nt to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on T~esday, December 6th, 1966, for the purpose of cons~qering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze, seconded by Ald. Scott that the Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on November 26tN, 1966, be adopted as printed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS No. 499 - Lundy's Lane Association - Referring to letter of June 8th concerning directional signs on Lund~ls Lane, elimination of Park~n8 on Ferry Street, etc. OR]~F~D on the motion of Ald. F. Mar~in and Ald. MacBain that the cc'"munication he received and filed. It us indicated that the City Manager would report on item 3 in the cam~unication, and it was indicated that a letter would be ~ing out from the Traffic Engineer to the Association providing a ~rritten explanation of the matters discussed verbally with the'Association by the Recreation & Protection C,--,-lttee. C ...... 493 - Greater Niagara Transit C.-;~,.lssion - Changes in bus Service, including locating bus stop at arm. cord Centre. Repor~ 937 - City Manager - Recummending that the suggestion of the Traffic E~ineer be adopted,to provide a bus stop on the south side of ~orold ROad between the two driveways of the B.A. Service Station located at the south-east corner of the inter- section. O~ on the motion of Ald. F. Mar%in and Ald. MacEsin that the c~mm,AnicatiOn he received and filed, and Purport of City Manager adopted. It was substed that consideration should be given by the City Manager to the prep- aration of a suitable resolution to legally establish the .new bus routes proposed by the Transit C~ssion. Petition No. 13 - D. M. Carroll and 69 porsons - objecting to proposed bus routing down Rolling Acres Drfve and along Waterloo Drive to Dorchester Road. ORE on the motion of Ald. Dewhie, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson that the Petition be referred to the Greater Niagara Transit C.-,~.~ssion for .re~rt as soon ~s possible. Petition No. 12 - Residents of Harvard Avenue, McGill Street -Requesting tercELnation of extension of No. 7 Bus Route. (June lOth). was inaugurated in ~une, that no complaints have been received. O~MD o~ the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacMain that the cnm~unication from the Transit Ca~mission be received and filed. It was indicated that His Worship Mayor ~iS~a~ would suggest, at the next meeting of the Transit C.--~;~esion that the C~ission send a letter to the petitioners ex- plaining whet has ~evelo~ed in respect to the route, in answer to their ~etition.. Report 931 - City Clerk - 0bsezvance of Christmas Day and Boxing Day. 0RILE on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that Council authorize His Worship Mayor Keighan to declare Boxing Day on ~Aes~ay, December 27th, 1966, in view of the fact that December 26th will be observed as 0hrie+.mae Day Holiday.. ~_~esolution NO. 1~6 501 - County of Welland - Agricultural and Conservation Ccamtttee Meetingat Welland on Reee~ber l~th, 19(~at 8:00p.m. OR~ID~Dem the motlon of Ald. Bearas and Ai~. 8ws,yse that the cusaunication be re- ceivedand AI~. ~. Mar~tnbeauthorlsedtoa~tendtheNaettn~on December l~th. No. ~O2 - Central Nortgege & Housing Cbrporetton - Preparation of Urban Renewal Scheme, C~ o~ the motion of AId. Sw~ze and Aid. 8~t that the ccsauntca~lon be rec- eived and the matter be rafexTed to the City Reli~itor. 385. No. 503 - Greater Niagara Safety Council - Traffic Recon~nendations. ORD~F~D on the motion of~i'~. Gregory and Ald. MacBain that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for report. No. 504 - City of Belleville - Resolution advocating amendment to Municipal Act to permit municipalities to p~ss byelaws for entering into agreements in respect to cable television systems. ME on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that the communication be received and referred to the Public Services Ccmmittee for study and report. No. ~05 - To~n of Lindsay - Resolution advocating change in Legislature re: increasing costs of elementary and secondary education. OR~D on the motion of Ald. Do~nie, seconded by Ald. Gregory that the communi- cation be received and filed. No. 506 - Broderick, Burnett & McLaod - Registering objection on behalf of Mrs. Helen Bakker of 3279 Lundyls 'Lan~ re: island at the intersection of Lundy's Lane and Royal Manor Drive. · ORE on the motion of Ald. Downie and Ald. MacBain that the cceununication be -' received and filed. No. 507 - Welland & District Health Unit - Condemning of premises at 280 Beechwood Road. No. 508 - Welland & District Health Unit - Condemning of premises at 1286 St. Paul Avenue ( rear cottage ). 0P~ND on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. MarCin that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for consideration of any necessary action to be taken under *the By-laws. No. 509 - Waterloo County Mutual Aid Fire Service Assoc. - Expressing appreciation for attendance of Captain Thcmson at Meeting. Ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the communication be received and filed and a copy be forwarded to the Fire Department and to Captain Thomson. No. 510 - Cnmmittee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing.- Cupolo Application. No. 511 - C~,mtttee of Ad~ustmnnt - Notice of Hearing - Gimzi Application. No. ~12 - Caamittee of Ad~ustmen~ - Notice of Hearing -Barnett Application. OEDERED on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and A]~. Scott that the ccmmunications be received and referred to the City Manager for any necessary action. REPORTS No. 938 - City Manager - Recommending that arrangements be made to have Municipal employees clea~ and clear the property at 2081 Main Street, and the costs thereof .to recnevered'tn the same manner as Municipal Taxes. '0P~ on the motion of Ald. 8wayze and Ald. Scott that the ~port be adopted. See Resolution No. 157 -No. 939 - City Manager - Preparation of Agreement and By-law re: Canadian Corps of C""misSiOnaires Incorporated. 0P~ on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain that the Report be re- salved and filed. SEE By-law No. 7245 No. 940 - City Manager - Preparation of Agreement and By-law re: Valley Way l~velo.rsaente T.~m~t~ed. O~ ~ ~e moti~ of Ald. ~t~elaon ~d Ald. Gmgo~ t~t the ~ ~ m~l~d ~d fA~d. - No. 9~1 - Cit~ M~m~er - Rec_~.-ending that appraisal of equilment at the Water Filtration Plant be carried out at a cost of $550.00 by the Firm of Cooper APPraisals Limited. 01~ on the motion Of Ald. Scott and Ald. S~yze that the Napore ,be received and adopted. No. 942 - City Manager - Recommending that the application of Charles H. Williams be accepted for the position of Assistant Superintendent- Equl.~ment. OREgEED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald, Scott .that the Report be received~ and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald·. Swayze voting contrary and all other members in favour. No. 9~3 - City Manager - Recommending the adoption of the Traffic Engineer's rec- ~ndation and arrangements be made to have crossing guard at the intersection of ~orchester and McLeod Roads On duty from 8:15 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.; from 11:45 a.m~ to 1:15 p.m.; and from 3:30 ,;.m. to 4:45 p.m., and that the pay be increased pro- portionally. Oliu~ on the motion of Ald~ F. Martin and Aid. Bears, s that the Report be received and recrrnm~ndations adopted. No. 944 - City Manager o Advising of receipt of O.M.B. Order approving of the City' s application in respect to the construction of a new Cl. ty Hall. ORIEEE~) on the motion of Ald. F. Marti, n and Ald. 8waF~.e that the Report be received and filed. No. 9~5 - City Manager - Rec,~nding that arrangements be made to purchase watches for three employees who retired during 1966, and that they be presented at a Council Meeting. OREEHr~ on the motion of Ald· MacBain and Ald. Scott that the Repor~ be received and adopted. No. 9~6 - City Manager - preparation of Agreement.and B~-law re: Arlene Manor Co. Limited. ORI~RED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. This motion was carried .with Ald~ Gregory voting contrary and all other members in fayour. SEE By-law No- 7246 No. 9~7 - Bulldin6 Inspector - Report of Building Permits issued during NOvember. OI~FJ~ED.on the motion of AiR. Jolms and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received.and filed. No. 9~8 - City Mana6er - Suggesting that policies in respect to store sewer contri- butions and dedication of lend for road widening required in connection with amend- meats to zoning by-laws and other City- by-laws, be used as a basis for establishing Council policy. It was mOved by Ald. MacBain, seconded by Ald. Swayze that the matter be referred back to the Site Plan Technical ~roup for further stud~ and in particular, with- regard to sane relationship between the storm sewer problem and ~hat a l~r~on would be called upon to pay. This motion was Los~. with the following vote: A~e: Aldermen 8wayze, G. Martin, MacBain, johns, Scares. ~ Aldermen Scott, Dennis, Gregory, Mitchelson, F. MarSin. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. Scott that the Repor~ of the City Manager with respect to the policies associated with read widen- ing and storm sewers, be adopted. This motion was .c~arried with the following vote: Aye~ Aldermen Scott, Downie, Gregory, MitehalseY, F. Martin, Mayor Keighan. ~Naye~. Aldermen Swa~ze, G. MarSin, MaeBain, johns, Bearas. No. 949 ~ City Manager - Seconding approval of accounts. ORE2~ED on the motio~ of Ald. Miteheleon and Ald. F. MarSin that the Repor~ he caived and adopted. No. ~0 - Cit~ Clerk - Reecmaending that Municipal Licenoes be ~ranted. ~ on the motion of AId. F. Martin and Ald. Sw~Fze that the Report be received, adopad, and licenoes ~rantea. 387. RESOLDTIONS No. 156 - MITCHELSON , SCOIT - RESOLVED that His Worship M~yor Meighan be author- ized tO declare lhlesday, DeCember 27th, 1966 as Boxing Day, in view of the fact that Monday, Dec. 26th, 1966 will be observed ,as Christmas D~y Holiday; and the ' Seal of the Corporation be heroic affixed. Carried Unanimously No. 157 - SWAYZE - SCGIT - RESOLVED that Municipal Employees be authorized to clean and clear the property at 2081 Main Street, and the costs thereof be re- covered in the same manner as Municipal taxes; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carried ~nanimously MISCELIANEOUS Traffic using Crawford Street Ald. Gregory referred to the amount of heavy traffic using Crawford Street, predominantly a residential area, emd the fact that there were no stop signs on this street. It was indicated that the City Manager would investigate this situation. letter of c~.mendation to Ray. K. A. Mayer It was ordered on the motion of Aid. Scott, seconded by Ald. Gregory that a letter of commendation be forwarded to Rev. ~. A. Moyer on his achievement of composing the hymn selected as Canada's Centennial Hymn. .N.o. 7243 . A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Official Plan (Willoughby Section) No. 32 0FE on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORE~RED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. Bearss that RUle 36 (2) of · the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the Second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading =Ald. SwaFze and Ald. Mitchelson. Carried ~nanimously. · No. 72~4 - A By-law to authorize an Agreement with Valley Way DeveloIments Limited with respect to a proposed apartment building. OR~U~D on the motion of AId. Gregory and Aid. F. Martin that AId. Scott be g~anted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORE on the motion of Ald. Scott and Aid. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of *Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading, Carried Unanimously. Third Reading .Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. _No. 7~4_5 - A By-law to authorize an agreement with Canadian Corps of .0missionaires, Incorporated. ORI~I~D on the motion of AId. Gregory and Aid. Scott that Ald. F. Margin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried with Alderman Johns voting contrary and all ether members in fayour. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Gregory that Rule 36 Of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary and all other members in favour. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Aid. Scott. Carried with Ald. Johns voting con- trary and all other members in fayour. It was indicated that Section 5. of the Agreement would be corrected to provide that the training proMA-_~mme for each of the meter marshals would take place at the City of Niagara Falls, and not at the Corps' Hamilton office. Prior to the passage of the above By-law, it was moved by Ald. Mac. Main, seconded by Ald. Swayze that the matter be referred to the 1967 Council. This motion was defeated with the following vote: ~ Aldermen 8~yze and Mactrain. NayS: Aldermen Scott, G, Martin, Gregory, Downie, Mltchelson, F. Martin, Johns, Bearss. Ne· 72~. - A By-law to authorize the execution of a Site plan Agreement with Arlene Manor Limited. OREMRE~ on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Mar~in that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried With Ald. Gregory voting contrary and all other members in favour. ORIMEED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald, Johns that Rule 36 (e) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the sec- ond reading. Carried with Ald. Gregory voting contrary and all other members in fayour. Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze. ~arried with Ald. Gregory voting contrary and .all other. -me~bers in fayour. No. 724~. - A By-law to amend By-law No. 5335, 1955, as amended. t (Lot 12, Rag. Plan 6~3, sou h side Barker Street, Arlane Manor) CRIMPED on the motion of Ald. Bearss an~ Ald, F. M~rtin that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried-with Ald. Gregory voting contrary and'all other members in fayour. O~ on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily susl~nd~d and the By-law be given the sec- ond reading. Carried with Ald. Gregory voting contrary and all other m~mbers in fayour · Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze. Carried with Ald. Gregory voting contrary and all other-members in faycur. No. y.2~.. - A By-law to authorize an amendment agreement with Marold Richard Young. OREM~ED on the motion of Aid- F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that Ald. MacBain be granted the privile~e of introducing the By-law and the By-i~W %e given the -first reading. Carried UnanimousiF. .. OPd~EED on the motion of Ald, MacBain and Ald. Dcwnie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporerliF suspended and the By-law be given the · second reading. Carried UnanimousiF. · hird Readin~ -Ald, MacEsin and Ald. =ohns. Carried Unanimously, 389' No. 724~ - A By-law to provide monies for ~eneral purposes. ($211,693.11) ORBERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Mltch- elson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given t~e first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) Of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Downie. Carried Unanimously. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. S~myze and Ald. Scott that Council adjourn to C~muittee of the Whole and that Alderman-elect John Graaskamp be permitted to r~m~ln in the Council Chambers. EEAD ANDAIM)FA'~D, December 12th, 1966. CO~4YTA'F~ OF THE W~OLE Council Chamber, December 6th, 1966. Council assembled in Cammittee of the Whole following the regular meeting of Council on December 6th, 1966. All Members of Council were present with the · exception of Alderman Johns. Alderman Swayze presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. F. Martin that the Committee of the Whole arise and report to Council in respect to Report 9~1, City Manager. IFAD AND ADOA'A'~, December 12~h, 1966. COLqqCXL MEE,'ING Council Chamber, December 6th, 1966- Following the C~mmittee of the Whole Meeting held on December 6th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present with the exception of Aldermen johns and Gregory. His Worship .Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. The following action was taken: Report 951 ~ City Manager - Application of Niagara International Centre Limited for a licenee and permit for the installation of pumps and equi!mmnt for the sale of ccm 's fronting Victoria Avenue and Ferry 5~reet. gasoline on the party property ORD~HED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain that the instructions given at the Meeting of june 6th, 1966 in C""mttbee-°f'the'Wh°le' Report 479, be carried out, and the Solicitor be instructed to prepare a By-law amending By-law Nos. 4929 and 5300 to include a provision that all gasoline dispensing facilities be not allo~ed in the areas contained in the By-law- Such ~m~ndment to eliminate the technicality of whether a gasoline bar could be construed to be a service station. It was further ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin, seconded by Ald. MacBain that no action be taken on Report No. 951 of the City Manager. The 'above+metiens'~ere°carriea'with'Ald' G. Martin.veting,eontrmry.and,all'ebher .... _-~__mbers in layout. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald- MecBain that the Meeting adjourn. READ AND ADOPTED, December 12th, 1966. - :f 391. FIF~Y-EIGHTHMEETING Council Chamber, December 12th, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, December 12th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Members of Council were present. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Swayze, seconded by Ald. Scott that the ~inutes of the ~eetings of Council held on Nov- ember 28th and December 6th, he adopted as printed. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Ccmun. 498 - County of Welland - Agreement between the Counties of Lincoln and .. Welland for the Joint establishment, maintenance and operation of a Regional , Detention Centre. Report 955 - City Manager - Report on Agreement; and statement of policy in RePort of C~mn"ittee on the Niagere Region Local Government Review. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Downie, seconded by Ald. MacBain that the Report be tabled for c.cnsideretion at the time Report No. 973 of the Special C~n- mittee on the Niagara Region Local Government Report is considered. Following consideration of Report No. 973, further consideration was given to Report 955 of the City Manager on the Regional Detention Centre Agreement. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. Downie, seconded by Ald. MacBain that this mtter be referred to the 1967 Council for consideration. It was further indi- cated that the City Solicitor would submit a report on the matter in relation the terms of ~le Municipal Act+ and the Regional Detention Centre Act. C~m~n. 494 - Hans Mercnik - Requesting the conveyance of a 17 foot strip of land on Stanley Avenue. Report 956 - City Manager - Recc~mending the granting of a Cmlt Claim Conveyance of 17 foot strip on condition that Mr. Mercnik agrees to have certain covenants included in such Deed on behalf of himself and his successors in title, to the effect that he will re0convey so much of the strip of land as may be required for street widening to the City without cost if the land should be required and also that a covenant be expressed that no buildings or structures will be erected on the strip of land in question. MAr. Hans Nercnik, who was present at the meeting, was granted permission to address · Council on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott. Mr. Marcnik was requested to supply information as to why the strip of land was required. He explained his prelcesal to sell his propertY, and the Ccmpany who wished to purchase the land had ' searched the title by a legal firm in Toronto and it had been discovered that Mr. Meronik did not have title to the area in question. It was then Ordered on the motion of Ald. MaeBain, seconded by Ald. G. Martin that the matter be tabled for a period of two weeks, in order to allow Mr. Marcnik's Solicitor to provide an explanation on why the 17 foot strip of land is required. This motion was carried with Ald. Dewhie voting contra~, and all other members in favour. ,'~ a"~m· 507 - Welland & District ~ealth Unit - Cond_emning of premises at 280 Beechwood Road. be tabled until further Report 9~7 - Cty Manager Reccmmmnding that the matter action is taken by the owner. OPj~HE1) on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Downie voting contrary and all other members in favour. Calms. ~08 - Welland & District Health Unit - Condemning of premises at 1286 St. Paul Avenue (rear cottage). Re~ort 958 - City Manager - Reco..m~-nding that the owner of the premises at 3286 St. Paul Avenue be given an order to demolish the small cottage and two muall storage sheds at the rear of his property. 0I~]MSD on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Mitchelson uhat the cammunication be m~eived and filed, and Repor~ adol~ed. · 392. CCS~UNICATION8 No. 513 - Niagara Falls Retarded Children' s Education Authority - Appointment of Members on Authority. ORESI~ED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Mitchelson that the matter be referred to the 1967 Council, but the present appointees of the Municipality, Mrs. F. J. Fleming and Dr. W. J. Martin,. continue to act until such time as the Appointment By-law is passed in 1967; and this Council reccennend to the 1967 Council that these members be re-appointed. No. 514 - Township of Etobicoke - · Resolution petitioning to have Legislation of planning Act ORDERED on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Jobms that the c~"unication be re' caived and referred to the Planning Board for studS' and report, including an ex- placerice of Section 15 of The planning Act; and that if the City Manager deems it necessarY, he request the City Solicitor to also submit a report on the matter. No- 515 - Twp. of Thorold, C-"m"ittee of Adjustment - Application of. B. J. Grosse, to he held on December 14th, 1966, Allanburg, Ontario. ORIBRED on the motion of Ald. MacBade and Ald. Johns that the c~munication be re- ceived and referred to the City Manager, and if the City interests are affected, that the City Solicitor he requested ~o appear at the Hearing. No. 516 - Oentrel Martga~e & Housing Cor~oration - preparation of Urban Renewal Sc_he_me. . ORESRED On the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Agreement be received and referred to the Ur];an Renewal Cc~nittee for their meeting on December 15th, 1966. No. 517 - Planning Board - Par~ Lot Control By-law. ORDFaED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Jobms that the c~rmuunioation .frc~ the planning Board be received and the principle of a Part Lo~ Control Policy be approved, and the necessarY By-law be introduced at the next meeting of Council, and the matter Of notification be looked into. No. 518 - Ontario Housing Corporation - Survey of Land Assembly in the City of Nia~are Falls to c;--,.~nce in December, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Rearss and Ald. F. Martin that the c~nmunioation be received and filed and co-operation be extended where necesoarY. No. 519 - Board of Education - Application for Debenture Issue of $709,000. for con- struction and equipping of an addition to Princess Margaret Senior l~blic School. OREF~N) on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Aid. ~tttehelson that the communication be received and tabled until the City Mamx~er receives information from the Board on the difference between the original estfin~te of $410,000. and the actual cost of $709s~00. No. 5~0 - Board of Education - Five Year Capital Construction Program. O1~ on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. 8wayze that the Five Year Capital Budget be received and referred to the1967 Council, and copy of same be sent .to the Aldermen-elec~ · No. ~21 - Niagara Falls ~ Cuemission - Capital Works Estimate~ for 196~ to 1971, ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. Mltehelecn and Ald. =ohns that the Five Year Budget he roesired and referred to the 1967 Council for consideration, and copy of 'same be cent to the Aldermen-elect. No. 5~a - Mrs. Ellsen Herbert - ecements re: Sculpture for 0entennial 8quare. 0t~ on the motion of Ald. ~regory and Ald. Mitcheleon that the suggestion of Mrs. ,Re=ber~ ~e re~erred to the Centennial ~csmittee for consideration. leo. ~23 ' O. A. ~all - Cces~nts re: ~o-Ele~rio ~c~er-Ccs~ission. and Niagara Falls · ~ on the motion of Ald. jobns 4nd AId. Mltchelson that the c~m~n~~ation he received and filed, but · col~ he fox~ded to the Internati~l Niagara Board Ccfi~rol to suppl~ i~fox~ation on the sthtesen~s sade'. b~ Mr. Hall. 393. REPORTS No. 959 - City Clerk - Recunmending the granting of Mtmictpal Licenee. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report be received, adopted, and licenee granted. No. 960 - City Manager - Recommendation of Centennial Committee that two lighting modulars with the Centennial Symbol and dates be purchased from the firm of Niagara Vallance Brown, St.Catharines at a price of $215.27 each, including taxes, for erection in front of the City Hall and Stamford Hall. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Bearss that the Report be received and adopted. This motion was carried with Aldermen G. Martin, S~ayze and Johns voting contrary and all other members in favour. Prior to the passage of the motion the City Manager indicated that he would determine if this lighting could be purchased from local dealers at the same price. No. 961 - City Manager - Recommendation of Centennial Ccmmfttee concerning appointment of Mr. Wyn Thomas as Centennial Co-ordinator for the City of Niagara Falls · CRESTED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacBain that the Repor~ be received and adopted. N~. 962 - City Manager - Recommending the adoption of the Report of the City Engineer and Traffic Engineer to the effect that no changes be made at this time in the parking prohibitions on Stanley Avenue between the Queen Elizabeth Way and Ferry Street. O~D on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that the Report be re- delved and adopted. This motion ~as carried with Ald. Scott voting contrary and all other members in fayour. No. 963 - City Manager - Letter from Department of Highways advising that parking signs on assumed highways will not be permitted. ORE~I~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayse that the Report and com- munication be received and filed. No. 96~. - City Manager - Latter from Board of Transport C~nmissioners in respect to proposed improvement of crossing of New York Central Railway at Clifton Hill and recommending that the City asstree hg~ of the Capital cost of improving the protection at this crossing and 50~ of the cost of the annual Naintenance and op- eration. ORES~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayse that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. No. 965 - City Manager - Recommending that By-laws be passed to: (1) change the name of Canboro Road to Lundy's Lane(for the portion of the road from the westerly limit Of the City to Montrose Road); and (e) to designate the lands acquired for the extension of Morrison Street between Montrose Road and Dorchester Road, ex- cluding the Q.E.%fay right-of-waY, as Morrisca Street. ORDER on the motion of Ald.' Downie and Ald. MacRein that item (1) of the City Managar's Report dealing with the change of name of Canboro Rood, be adopted. This motion was carried with Ald. Johns and Ald. Mitohelson voting contrary and all other members in fayour. Prior to the passage of the above motion, an amendment to the motion was submitted by Ald. Mitcheleon, seconded by Ald. Johns, to the effect that Lundy' s Lane be extended from the city limits to the beginning of Victoria Avenue. This motion was defeated with Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns voting in fayoar and all other members contrarY. ORESF~D on the motion of Ald. MacBade and Ald. Downie that item (~) of the Peport dealing with Mo~l=Ison Street, be referred to the City Manager for further stud~ and rec~ndetion. NO. 966 - Cit~ Manager - Latter from Broderick, Burnerr & McLaod requesting that clients, Niegax~' Univ~rsal Motor Lodge Ltd. be granted permission to re-locate 'sign whieh proSects out over City property, in March of 1967. A motich was submitted by AId. Scott and seconded by Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be received and filed and the Nia~ra Universal Motor ~ be requested to move the sign at ones, was defeated with the following vote: Aye.'~ Aldermen Seott~ ~tehelson, Scares. ~ Aldex~en 5w~1~, G. Ma in~ Dewhie, F. Hattie, Ha~Bain, johns. It 1ms Ordered on the motion of Ald. Johns, seconded by Aid. GregorY that the Hapor~ be received ~nd filed and the request of Broderick, Burnerr & Mslaod on be If their ient rmnt~Z~. s m iOnie~. Oregory# }. ~n, ~ i No. 967 - City Manager - Extension of Garage by A. Antonio, at property located at a suitable agreement which i 1874 Man Street, and reccmmending that Mr. Antonio sign would provide for the termination o.f access to the .City's parking area on 30 day's notice · CRIbRED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Johns that the Report be received and adopted. No. 968 - City Manager - Recommending that Great. Fells Lumber Co. Ltd. be requested to convey ~ot 39, Plan 160 to the City upon the payment of 90~ of the purchase price. ORE~EED on the motion of Ald. MitchelSon and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. This motion was carri.ed with Ald. Jolms voting contrary and all other members in fayour. No. 969 - City Manager - Recommending that an order be sent to Mr. DiCosimo to clean up the litter and materials on the front yard of his premises at 745 MontrOse Road South, in accordance with By-law No. 6318; and also that he be directed to comply with the covenant in respect to the front Wall of the building as expressed in the Deed dated April 2nd, 1964; and that it be suggested to Mr. DiCosimo that all ~ construction materials be placed in the rear yard of his property and t~at a proper fence be erected to enclose the yard. ORRE~ED on the motion of Ald. S~ayze and Ald. Scott that the Report be received end adopted- No. 970 - City Manager - Recomm"nding approval of accounts. ORRE~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F? Martin that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. No. 971 - Executive Assistant - Advising of objections received to By-law No. 7235, 1966, being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 53B5, to permit the erection of an apartment building on the west side of River Road; and requesting that Council l~ss a motion outlining its position in respect to the objections received. OEI~EED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson, seconded by Ald. MacBain that the Report be received and filed and the objections be forwarded to The Ontario Municipal Board for their records. ~ No. 972 - C~m"lttee of Adjustment - Ontario Municipal Board Hearing on February 28th, 1967 re: Graham Application. Ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and the Solicitor be instructed to atte.nd t~e Hearing a~d put forth objections on behalf of the City. No. 973 - City Manager - Report of th~ Special Ccmmittee on the N~a~ara Region Local Government Report, and reccz~"ending that the letter to the Minister be appro- ved and forwarded immediate]~V, and that all local groups who provided suggestions or rec~-ndations to the Committee be thanked for their efforts, and a coFy of- the City' s letter to the Minister be forwarded to them. OP~F~D on the motion of Ald. Downie, seconded by Ald. Gregory that the Report be received and adol~ed, as amended, with the addition of underlining of the first sen- tence in the second paragraph and the last 4~ lines of the paragraph, on page 1. At the conclusion of the discussion on the Brief, Alderman Doehie, the Chairman of the Special Mayo Report Co~nittee, cc'"~nded the Member~ of the C. cmmittee and the Officials for their help and assistance in the preparation of the Brief. It Was then Ordered on the motion of Aid. Johns, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that a vote of thanks be extended to the Special Cc~mi~t.ee for their excella.nt work in the prep- aretiun of the Brief, Report of Centennial Ccemittee on proposals received for focal point for Centenn- ial S%uare. _ Alders~n Gregox7 presented · verbal' rapox~ On the proposals before the Centeun- ial Ccsaittee for consideration as ~he focal point of the Centennial 8~uara. These endor~ti~ ~ ~e Ni~m ~strl~ A~ Ass~tim. 5) The idea of Mrs. Eileen Herbert of St. Thomas, considered by Cornnell at the present meeting. 6) The proposal submitted by Niagara Falls residents to have a clear plastic cube, with dimensions of 8 feet, mounted on the base, and that works of art or items of technical and scientific achievements could be placed in the cube for viewing by the public. The items would be interchangeable at intervals at the discretion of the Council or some body appointed by Council. RESOLUTION No. 158 - SCOTT - MITCHELSON - RESOLVED that the Clerk be authorized to forward by registered mail, a notice to the owner of the premises described as 1286 St. Paul Avenue (rear cottage), with instructions to demolish the small cottage and two small storage sheds at the rear of the property, in accordance with the provisions of By-law No. 6440; and the Seal c~ the Corporation be herato affixe~. Carried UnantmouslX At this time, it was ordered on the motion of Ald. Downie, seconded by Ald. MacBain that the Council adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, December 13th, 1966, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of completing the balance of the Council Agenda. READ AND ADOFA'ED, December 19th, 1966. Clef Mayor Council Chamber, December 13th, 1966. REG~IAR Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 13th, 1966, for the purpose of completing the balance of the Ageride of the December 12th Meeting. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman G- Martin. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided- By-~AWS No. 725~B_ - A By-law to amend By-law N~mber 3790, being a By-law for the regulation of traffic. (No parking East side of Leonard Avenue for a certain distance.) OR~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Johns that Ald. F. Martin be granted ~he privilege of introducLn~ the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried UnanimoUslY- ' ORYE~ED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Bearss that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried UnanimouslY- (Ald. Do~nie arrived at the meeting. ) Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Scott. Carried UnanimouslY. (Ald. Mitchelson arrived at the meeting) ~ - A By-law to amend By-law No. ~929 with regard to service stations and public garages. (Prohibiting the use of land abutting on Victoria Avenue between Bridge Street and ~erry S~reet for the purposes of cer~lce stations and pub- lic garages). ORE~ on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that Ald. Downie be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first ORI:E~D on the motlon of Ald, Do~mle and Ald, S'~s.y~-e that Rule 36 (~) of the ~nding ~es of Council be tempore=llY suspended and the By-law be given the see- oncl. reacl.~',g, Carried IJnanimous~', Thircl Reading -Ald, ~, Max-l~t~u and Ald, Scott, Carried Unanimoue].Y, No, T~ - A By-law t,o amend. By-law No, ~300 vtth ragarc1. to sezwtce starlone and public geregee, (Prohibiting the use o~ land abutting on etthe~ side of/arty 8treat, :between Victoria Avenue and Metn 8~reet ancl on either . elcl. e o~ Luncl~r~s Lane between Main 8tract sncl l)z,-mond Raea fo= t, he purposes of eervlee etatlons and public garages. ) ORIIItlB on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald, I~my~-e tibet Alcl.. Da~nle be B"eanted the prlrl~ele of lnt, rodueing t, he BY-~ e~xa the By-~s~ be ~iven the flret reading, Caz~tecl. IJnan~mousLy, ORIIRI3) ae~ the motion of ald, Demte and ald, 1, Martin thut Rule 36 (~) of the 8f. emding Rulem o~ Counei3. be tempox~rt]~r eu,pen~Lea and the By-~v be 81yen the seoon~ ~emdin~. Cartled Unanimoue3,Y, By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($286,941.99) OR~EEED on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Ald. Johns that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Mitchelson and Aid. Do~nie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading - Aid. Gregory and Aid. Johns. Carried Unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS Civic Beautification C~nmittee Alderman Bearss presented a verbal report on activities of the Civic Beautification Committee, and in particular, with respect to the sponsorship of a 0hristmas outdoor lighting contest on a competetire basis, which will be pro- moted by one of the local Service Clubs. It was also indicated that the Beauti- fication Committee would request the householders to continue the Christmas lighting throughout the year, to commemorate the Centennial Year. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that Council adjourn to meet in Cammittee of thaW hole. READ AND ADOF'~D, December 19in, 1966. Mayor CO~rA'~E OF THE WHOLE Council Meeting, December 1Bth, 1966. Council assembled in Cc~mittee of the Whole following the regular meeting on December 1Sth, 1966. All Members of Council were present with the exception of Alderman G. Martin. Alderman Scott presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them it was ordered on the mo~ioa of Alderman Mitchelson and Alderman MecBain that the Committee of the Whole arise and repor~ to Council in respect to Report 974, City Solicitor. ~FAD AND ADOPTED, December 19~h, 1~66. Clerk COUNCIL MEEA'ING Council Meeting, December 13th, 1966. Following the C_~m"ittee of the Whole Meeting held on December 13th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present with the exception of Alderman G. Merlin. His Worship Mayor. R. F. Keighan presided· Report 974 - City Solicitor - Previous action of Council rec.-nmending an exchange between the City and Eden Roc Investments Ltd. of lands on the' south side of Lundy's Lane at the A & P plaza; and the lowering of the City's watermain which has insufficient cover to protect it from freezing; and recommending that the City Engineer proceed with the work of lowering the watermain now on the understanding that a claim will be made ageinst the C~npany for the cost of the work. OREF~D on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. S~ayze that the recc~nnendation adopted by Council in 196~ be approved, and the exchange of properties be arranged, and the City Engineer proceed immediatelY with the lowering of the watennain at the expense of Eden Roc Investments. This motion was carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary a~d all other -~mbers in fayour. Preparation of Brief in respect to taxation. The City Manager advised that the Brief to be submitted to the Government in respect to taxation had now been ccmpieted and copies would be forwarded to prime Minister John P. Robarts, and a request for an appointment for meeting with Premier Rotarts and Members ofhis Cabinet would be made. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MecBain and Ald. F. Martin that the Meeting adjourn. AND ADO~, December 19th, 1966. Mayor 399' Council Chamber, December 19th, 1966. EGULAR MEETING Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, December 19th, 1966, for the purpose of considering genera]. business and finance. All Members of Council were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It Was ordered on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Scott that the Minutes of the Meetings of Council held on December 12th and 13th be adopted as printed. DEFGTATION Petition 14 - Alan Brig~s and 200 resident__s - Petitioning the Council to do away with the use of Commissionaires for enforcement of local parking meter restric- tions. Mr. Alan Briggs was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. MacBain. Mr. Briggs indicated it was his own personal opinion that the parking meters in the City should be removed. He also outlined his proposal to provide adequate off-street parking first, and then remove the meters from the streets, and to change the Perking By-law to provide a maximum parking time of two hours and heavy fine for violations. Members of Council ex- pressed their opinions on the subject. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Downie, seconded by AId. Bearss that the Petition be received and. filed. ~is motion was carried with Ald. Johns voting contrary. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Cc~m~. 519 - Board of Education - Application for Debenture Issue of $709,000. for the construction and equipping of an addition to Princess Margaret Senior Public School. 0~mm. 525 - Board of Education - Memorandum outlining reasons for increase in cost of the school over the original estimate. Mr. R. A. McLeod, Director of Education, and Mr. C. J. Monrca, Chairman of the Board of Education, ~re present at the Council Meeting. Mr. Mcinod Eeriewed the various items contained in the Memorandum, and also stressed the urgency for processing the By-law immediately. It was indicated that Mr. McLeod would provide a breakdown of the figures contributing to the increased cost, resulting from the recem~endatiors of the Fire Inspector, and the Board of Health recommendation in regard to increased lighting, and that this information would be made available to the Council prior to the third and final reading of the By-law. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. MacBain that the communi. cations from the Board of Education be received and filed. SEE By-law No. 72~2. Petition of F. Peulo and others - Concerning the condition of Fiore's Salvage yard at 17~1 Stanley Avenue. Report 975 - City Manager - ~eport of the Solicitor Concerning Fiore's Salvage Yard. O~]~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the Heport and Petition be received and filed, and Council request the Health Unit to serve a Notice requring the abatement of the nuisance at Fiore's Salvage Yard; and also request the Board of Police Commissionaires to w'ithhold renewing the Salvage yard Lfcence Until the nuisance has been abated. This motion ~as carried with Ald. Johns VOting contrary and all other members in fayour. Ccem. 484 - Mrs. G. Trij~ ' Complaint re: Sanitary conditions at Jade Garden Restaurant, 1B~i'~~ia Avenue. Report 976 - City Manager - Advising that Orders have been issued on the sanitary co~ditiUns existing at the Restaurant to clear up the problems. OR~s~ nn the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald, Swayze that the Repor~ and munica$ion be received and filed, 401. Ccmm. 497 - City of Windsor - Resolution advocating the obtaining of Provincial authority for provision of dental cam for families with marginal incomes and welfare recipients- Report 977 - City Manager - Reccumending that the Resolution of the City of Win- dsor be endorsed. ORD~D on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Bearss that the c-~m'mication be received, and Report adopted. C(~CATIONS No. 526 ' Board of Education - Requesting approval of Debenture Issue of $410,000. for the construction and equipping of the addition to Westlane Secondary School. ORDEEED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin that the communication be received and filed. SEE By-law No. 7255 No. 527 - City of Kitchener - Resolution re: ReduCtion or Elimination of Sales Taxes as they apply to building materials. ORE~P~2) on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin that the communication be received and resolution endorsed- This motion was carried with Ald. Bearss voting contrary and all other members in favour. No. 528 - Stamford Plumbing & Heating Co. Ltd.- Purchase of Lot 39, Plan 160, Kent Avenue · ORDEH~D on the motion' of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the c~xamo~ication be re- ceived and referred to the City ~anager'for consideration. No. 529 - Centennial Planning Branch - Advising that authority has been granted for 57th Field Artillery Regiment RCA to fire a 100 round Centennial Salute at Niagara Falls on July let, 1967. ORIF~ED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Rearss that the co""~,mication be received and Council officially request the 100 Gun Artillery Centennial Salute to be carried out on July let, 1967. No. 978 - City Manager - Re-zoning Amendment AM-202, Part T~p. Lot 79, Frank D. Monroe, East side Mostrose Road, and recesssending adoption of report of the City Clerk, and that Amendment Application AN-202 be approved and the applicant be required to submit a preliminary site plan covering the proposed future develop- mast of the property. ORE~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Rearss that the Report be received and adopted. No. 979 - City Manager - Re-zoning Application AM-19B, Fo. T~P. Lots 178 and 187, Dorchester Road, Langendcen Investments Limited, and recommending adoption of ' Report of City Clerk to the effect that Amendment Application AM-19B be approved) and the applicants will be required to enter into a subdivideres agreement as a condition of ~pprovel of the registered plan; and the passage of a By-law to amend the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law. o OR~D cn the motion of Aid, 8eo~t and Ale, Swayze that.the Report ~e. received and filed. .~E B~-lews Nos. 7256 & 7257 No. 980 - City Manager - Application AM-199, Shell Oil Canada Ltd., Part Lot 1,. plan 623, East side Stanley Avenue, and recce~ending adoption of RQort of City Clerk that' Amendment Application AM-199 be approve~ subject to the applicant enter- ing ir~o a 8its Plan Agreement including a site plan acceptable to the City, and that an amendment to By-law 5S00 be prelared. OI~EgI~D on the motion of Ald. Sco~t and Ald. Slm~ze that the Report be--received and adopted. No. 981 - City Mana~r - Lot 10, Rag. Plan 113, F~cklem propertY, and ree-~nending approval of Report of City Solicitor and ratification of Agreement. OI~2~D ~n the motion of Ald. Mitchelsc~ and 'Ald. !~aeBain that the Report be eelred and adopted. m By-law 7261 No. 982 - City Manager_ - Query from Village of Chippaws in respect to utility ser- vices for the proposed Oaklands Golf and Country Club to be located within the City, on the boundary of the Village of Chippaws, st the extension of Chippaws Street, and suggesting that the Village be advised that the City has no objection to the extension of sewer and water services to the Golf Clubhouse but it be carried out on the understanding that arrangements for such extension be made directly between Welland Securities Limited and the Vii]age. ORDEI~ED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. 98S - City Manager - Recc~mending that application be made to the Department of Highways to have the widening and re-construction of Stanley Avenue between the Q.E.Way and Ferry Street considered as a connecting link and that an agreement include connecting link subsidies for both the road re-construction and land acq- uisitions; and that arrangements be made for a small delegation of Council to meet with the Minister of Highways and the District Engineer to submit such an appli- ", cation with the necessary details. , ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. johns that the Report be received and adopted. This motion~as carried with Ald. Scott voting contrary and all other members in favour. No. 984 - City Manager - Proposed Construction of Interchange, Q.E.Way and Stanley Avenue, Dept. of Highways, and recommending adoption of Re~ort of the City Engineer to the effect that the City request the Department of Highways to re-consider their decision in respect to the acquisition of property on the south side of Kitebeset Street (east), 146~ Stanley Avenue, by the Department, in order to provide for a better intersection. ORDEE onethe motion of Ald. G- Martin and Ald. F. Martin that the Report be re- ceived and adopted and attempt be made to meet with the Department o~ Highways at the same time as a meeting is arranged to deal with matter contained in Report No. 98B. No. 985 - City Manager - Recommending the approval of accounts. ORIE~ED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Downie that the Report.be re- calved and adopted- No. 986 - Building Inspector - Building Permits issued for Commercial Buildings during the week ending December 17th, 1966- OI~RED on the motion of. Ald. Johns and Ald. Sw~yze that the Report be received and filed. No. 987 - Committee of Adjustment - Final Decisions on Applications. OREF~ED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be received .and filed. No. 988 - Council Centennial Committee - Progrange of Band Concerts at various locations within the City and indication by Musicians Union that an amount of approximately $3,500.00 is required to fulfill all the requests of the forthcoming ; year, 1967. ; O~ on the motion of Ald. GregorY and Ald. MacBain that Council approve of the Programme of band concerts for 1967 and request financial assistance in the ~ form of grants, in the amount of approximately $B, 500.00 from the Government, and Council's thanks be extended to the Musician~s Union for their efforts. Mr. Hazen Drury, President of the Masicians Association, Local 298, was present at the Coun- cil Meeting and was granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. Raarss and Ald. Mitchelson. Mr. Drury requested that Council approve of the sub- mission of the Programme with the request that grants be made available to assist with the Programme. Mr. Drury provided an explanation of the total cost of the Pro~eots, and indicated that the only contribution from the City of Niagara Falls from the Total Cost of $9,000.00 would be an mount of $450.00, which was for the Rend re~luirements for the Centennial Train C~mmittee. Mr. Drury thanked Council for the support given to the Union in 1966. EESOLUTION8 No. 159 - O~3OR[- NacBAIN - BESOLVED that the next regular Meeting of City Council be held on Wednesday, December 28~h, 1966 at 7.:BO.P.m'; and the 8eel of the Corporation be hereto affixed. Carri?__~dUnanimous~ No. 160 - GREGORY - SWAYZE - RESOLVED that a message of condolence be forwarded to the family of the late Mrs. James Manson; and the Seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed. - t Carried Unanimously M~SCELLANEOUS Welland Agricultural and Conservation Meeting Alderman F. Martin presented a verbal report on his attendance at the Welland Agriculture and Conservation Committee Meeting held in Welland on December l~th, 1966. Four areas were discussed with the possibility of acquisition. These included: (1) St. John's area north of Fonthill. (2) Welland Canal System after alignment of Welland Canal from the point approximatelY from Allanburg to Ramy's Road. (B) and (4) Sites located on Lake Erie Beach. The Cenmittee are to pursue the acquisition of the properties through the Niagara Parks Commission and the Provincial Government for the establishment of parks for the area. Intersection of Montrose Road and the Queen Elizabeth Way. Alderman Bearss advised of the increased occurrence of accidents at Mon- trose Road North and the Queen Elizabeth Nighway. The City Manager indicated that he wished to review the matter and possibly bring in a recommendation to Council. Alderman Johns - Position in respect to waterline across A & P parking lot. Alderman Johns indicated that he wished to make his position ~clear in respect to the waterline from the Water Tower across the A & P Plaza which matter had been finalized by the Council at the meeting of December 1Bth. He indicated that the miter had not been buried in Committee for two years as described in the Press, but many discussions had taken place on many occasions. He stated he had been definitelY opposed to the City paying an amount in excess of $2,000.00 to have the 'watermain lowered, when it was the responsibility of someone else to move it. During a further discussion on the matter, the City Manager reviewed the change that had taken place within the Company involved, and the fact th t when certain land trans~er~ were completed between the City and the Company, tee cheque to cover the lowering Of the watermain would be submitted. It was indicated that the property transfers might possibly be completed in January, 1967· The 0ity Engineer advised that the work had now been completed. Civic Beautification C-~mwittee Lighting Contest' Aldermen Bearss advised that plans had been finalized by the Civic Beauti- fication Committee for the residential lighting contest. Souses to be considered in the Contest must be entered by entry fore only, and applications submitted to either Mr. Paul Branscombe or Alderman Bearss. Christmas Tree Pick-up The City Engineer advised that Christmas Trees would be picked up in the e~m~ mariner as in past years 'in the week after New Years, and that tentative plans had been made for the holding of a bombire on Januax-y 14th on Vict'oria .Avenue North. BY-lAWS No. 7226. - A By-law to approve an application from the Niagara Falls District Beard of Education · (l~incess Margaret Senior Public School - $709,000. ) ORIOn) on the motion of Ald. Sco~t and Ald. ~acBain that Ald. ~tttehelson be granted the privilege of introducing'the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanfiuously. O~I~D on the motion of Aid. Mit~helson and Ald. F. ~artin that Rule (2) of the g~andin~ Rules of Council be temporarilY .stxspended and the By-law given the second raadin~. Carried UnanimonslY. No. 72~5 - A By-law to approve an application from the Niagara Falls District Board of Education. (Westlane Secondary School - $410,000.) 403. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Gregory that Ru]e 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be tes~orari]~ suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. No. 7256 - A By-law to provide for the adoption of an amendment to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Official Plan. (Amendment No. 27N - Langendoan Investments) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Johns that Ald. Scott be , granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. F. Msrbin that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given . the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. Mitchelson. Carried Unanimously. No. 7257 - A By-law to amend ZoningBy-laws Nos. 2350, 1959 and 2530, 1960 of "' the former Township of Stamford, now in the City of Niagara Fslls, as amended. (Langendoen Investments, West side Dorchester Road) ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Swayze that Aid. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Swayze that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. No. 725.8 - A By-law to authorize ~he borrowing of $~50,000.00. ORDER on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Scott that Ald. Mitchelson 'be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mltchelson and Ald. Downie that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the secqnd.reading. Carried UnanimouslY,. "' ' Third Reading -Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze. Carried Unanimously. ~ - A By-law to provide for part Lot control. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Johns that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. It was Ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Downie that the By-law be tabled pending receipt of additional information in respect to forwarding of notices. Ald. MacBain also suggested that information be secured to determine if the ~ar~iculer section of the Act applies to certain areas only. ' - _ - " 405. 404. No. 7~e)._ - A ~y-la~ to ~nd By-law No. 63~ 1963~ respecting the licensing of trailer camps. ORDerED on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Aid. MacBain that Aid. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be .given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Scott that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading- Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. Downie. Carried UnanimouslY- No. 7261 - A By-law to authorize an Agreement with Evelyn J. Macklein with respect ' ' to ~ot 10, Registered Plan No. 113. ORDE~'I) on the motion of Ald. Bowhie and Ald. Scott that Ald. G. ~artin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading- Carried UnanimouslY. OREEF~I) on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried UnanimouslY- Third Reading -Ald. Bearss and Ald. Dennis. Carried UnanimouslY. No. 7262 - A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($691,168.59) ORESSED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. Scott that Ald. Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and AId. F. Martin that Rule 36 (2) of the 8tending Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading-- AId. Gregory and Ald. 8wayze. Carried UnanimouslY. ' It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBalm, seconded by Ald. Scott that Council adjourn to meet in Committee of the Whole. ~EAD AND AD0rAU~D, ~ecember ~8~h, 1966. "' Mayor COMMItfEE OF THE NHOL~ Council Meeting~ December 19th, ],966. Council assembled in Committee of the Whole fo]].owing the regu]ar meeting on December 19th, 1966. All Members of Council were present. Alderman G. Martin presided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them it ~as ordered · on the motion of Ald. Johns, seconded by Ald. Grego~r that the Committee of the Whole arise~ without repor~ing~ to Council. READ AND ADOPTED, December 28th, 1966- ....... Mayor COUNCIL MEETING Council Meeting, December 19th, 1966. Following the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on December 19th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. F. Martin that 'the meeting adjourn. READ ANDADOPTED, December 28th, 1966. lerk Mayor 405, SIXTY-FIRST MEETING Council Chamber, December R8th, 1966. Pursuant to adjournment, Council met at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 28th, 1966, for the purpose of considering general business and finance. All Mem- bers of Council were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighafi presided. It was ordered on the motion of Ald. GregorY and Ald. Swayze that thB Minutes of the Meet- ing of Council held on December 19th~ 1966 be adopted as p~inteS~ ~and the reference to the intersection of Montrose Road and the Queen Elizabeth Way in the Miscellan- eous section be changed to Montrose Road North. DEPUTATION Mr. F. Flora, proprietor of Fiore's Salvage yard, 1731 Stanley Avenue, was grante~ permission to address Council on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Ald. Scott. ' Nr. Flora was present at the Meeting in 'respect to the recommendations of Council made at the meeting of December 19th, pertaining to the abatement of the nuisance condition at the Salvage Yard. Mr. Fiore advised that unjust criticism had been directed to him and the Salvage Yard operation, and attributed a portion of the complaints to ill-feeling which existed between two neighhours and himself. also indicated that the yard had been in operation long before the schools in the area were built. Mr. Reg. Girden, a representative of Pest Control Services Ltd., was then granted permission to address Council on the motion of Ald. GregorY, seconded by Ald. Mitchelson. Mr. Girden, at the request of Mr. Fiore, referred to the com- plaint concerning infestation of rats at the Salvage Yard, and advised that Mr. Fiore had been using the services of his Firm for the past 10 years, and that he himself had been making inspections for the past 4 or 5 months, and at the most recent insp= ection of the yard, at which time he had been accompanied by an Inspector from the Welland & District Health Unit, no trace of rats could be found. Me ~dvi~ed that the inspections by his Firm ware carried out monthly. Mr. Fiore then stated that his main reason in attending the Meeting was to defend himself, and to offer clarifica- tion to Council on the matter. At the conclusion of the disc6ssion, Mr. Flora requested to call at the City Hall and review the matter with the City Manager. UNFINISHED BUBINESS Cemn. 393 - Ontario Hydro Pensioner's Association - Resolutions submitted to Council dealing with activities Of a Senior Citizents group in the City. Report 990 - City Manager - Recommending the adoption of the Report of the Oity Clerk in respect to the extension of hospital coverage to chronic patients, and the Pen- sioners Association be provided with copies of the letters received from Mr. Carr- uthers of the Greater Niagara General Hospital and Mr. Rapelie of Sunset Haven. ORDM~SD on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and, Ald. F. Martin that the communication be received and filed and Report adopted. C~mm. 528 - Stamford p~nbing & Heating Co. Ltd..- purchasing of Lo~ 39, Plan 160, Industrial Subdivision- .Report .991 -City Manager .- Reccmmen~ing that Council do not consider any offers to purchase ~ot 39 until such time as re.possession Of the property has been ccm- plated and that the St-m~ord pl~bing & Heating Co. Ltd. be advised accordingly.' ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott, seconded by Ai~. Swayze that the communication ~e receive~ an~ filed, and Repor~ adopte~. COMdUNICATION~. No. 531 "Niagara Falls District Boar~ of Education - Application for Debenture Issue of $180,000. for construction and e~uipping o~ an addition to ~amee Motden P~blic School. Mr. R. A. McLeod, Director of Education, and Mr. C. J. Monroe, Chairman of the Board were present at the Council Meeting. The representatives of the Board answered several questions in respect to the application. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Macgain and Ald. Johns that the communication be received and Council approve the Debenture request of .$180,000. for the addition to the James Morden Public School. See By-law No. 7263 At the conclusion of the above discussion, Mr. Monroe~ on behalf of the Bonrd Of Education, expressed appreciation to the Members of Council for the co-operation extended to the Board during the year. No. 532 - Honourab]e Arthur Laing - Comments - Lundy's Iane Historical Park Site. ORDEED on the motion of Ald. MacBain, seconded by Ald. Downie that the matter be referred to the 1967 Council. No. 5BB - City of Windsor - Resolution re: Associations for Retarded Children. ORIERED on the rodion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Bearss that the communication be received and resolution endorsed, and copy be forwarded to the Loca] M.P.P., the Ontario Municipal Association, and the Ontario Mayors & Reeve's Association. No. 5B4 - City of Windsor - Resolution re: School Tax Rebate to taxpayers 65 years of age or over, on application, in respect of owner-occupied property. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Gregory that the communication be received and referred to the City Manager for Report. No. 535 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing - Massnovich Application. No. 536 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing - Dekker application. No. 537 - Committee of Adjustment - Notice of Hearing - Phemister application. ORRERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that the communications be received and filed. EEPORTS No. 992 -Council Centennial Committee - Burning of Christmas Trees as part of Centennial Celebrations. ORDERED on the motion of Ald..Gregory and Ald. MacBain that the Report be received and adopted, and the annual burning of Christmas trees be held on January 14th, 1967 under the supervision of Municipal employees and the City Engineer be auth- orized to advertise in the local press in respect to the collection of Christmas trees. No. 993 - Council Centennial Cammittee - Focal point for Centennial Square. ORIERED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacBsin that the Report and other material - drawing, sculpture, memorandum of Ald. MacBain, be received and farred to the 1967 Council. No. 994 - City Solicitor - Appointment of C~mnissionaires as By-law Enforcement Officers to be made by By-law. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Maxtin and Ald. Bearss that the Report be calved and filed. SEEBy-law No. y26~ No. 995 - City Mana ee~ - Re.construction of Lundy's Lane from Main gte~Xtt~~ Drummond Road g~ ~ "Connecting Link, and agreement to be executed betw City of Niagara Falls and H. G. Acres & Co. Ltd. OREME on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Swayze that the Report be re- ceived and as indicated, that the form of agreement be checked by the City Sol- icitor, and when a report is received, the agreement be referred to Council for consideration and execution. No. 996 - City Manager - Recommending payment of accounts. ORE~JD on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. Bearss that the Report be received and adopted, SEE~By-law_Not72~6~ o8. No. 997 - City Manager - Recommending approval of By-law to name a portion of lands as Morrison Street. ORDERED onthe motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report be re- ceived and adopted. BEEBy-law No. 7265 No. 998 - City Manager - Amendment Application AM-184, Mullera ~eats Limited, and recommending that no further action be taken in respect to the application at this time. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Martin and Ald. Scott that the Report be received and adopted. No. 999 - City M~nager - proposed Subdivision of Part ~h~p. Mot 178, West side Dor- chester Road south of McLeod Road, and recommending that the proposed plan of sub- division be approved in principle subject to the conditions set out in the Clerk's Report and the owner entering into a satisfactorY subdivider's agreement, which would include all normal requirements such as assuming the cost of services, etc. ORDERED on the motion of Ald, Scott and Ald. Swayze that the Report be received and adopted. No. lO00 - City Manager - Inaugural M~eting of Council. OPtRED on the motion of Ald.~[ttchelson and Ald. Swayze that the Raporb be received and filed. SEE By-law No. 7268 No. 1001 - City Manager - Recommending approval of suggestion of Traffic Engineer to establish Crawford Street a Through Street at its intersection with Elberta Avenue, ~onghurst Avenue and St. James Avenue; and to establish Margaret Street a Through Street at the intersection of Eeximer Avenue. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. GregorY that the Report be received and adopted, and that an appropriate By-law be prepared for presentation to Council. No. 1002 - City Manager - Report of Traffic Engineer on establishment of truck routes within the City. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Swayze that thee Report be received and referred to the 1967 Council. No. 10OB - City Manager - Recommending the granting of Municipal Liceaces. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Johns and Ald. Mitchelson that the Report be calved, adopted and licences granted. ~ISGELIANEOUS Remarks by Mayor Keighan and Members of Council. At this point in the meeting, Nis Worship Mayor Keighan .expressed to Co~tncil and Officials his appreciation for the co-operation extended during his term of office, which had enabled the carrying out of many worthwhile projects in 1965-66. Me then extended his best wishes to the Incoming Administration for success in their deliberations · Several other Members of Council commented at this time, extending congratu- lations to the 1967-68 Council, ,and expressing appreciation to the Members of the 1965.66 Council and Officials. · ,BY-LAWS ~- A By-law to approve an a~plication from the Niagara Falls District Board of Education. (James Mcrden School) ORDENED on the motion of Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. 8wayze that Ald. MacBain be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY. 01~ on the motion of Ald. MacBain and Ald. Scott that Rule ~6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarilY suspended and the By-law be giv~.n the second raadin~. Carried Unanimously. I: By-law to appoint By-law enforcement officers. ORDEFaD on the motion of Ald. Bearss and Aid. Scott that Ald. F. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried with Ald. Johns voting contra~r. and all other members in fayour. ORDEFdED on the motion of Ald. F. Mart~n and Ald. Stork that Mule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried, with Ald. Johns voting contralV and all other members in fayour. Third Reading - Aid. GregorY and AId. Bearss. Carried, vith Aid. Johns voting contrary and all other members in fayour. No. 7265 = A By-law to establish certain lands as parts of Morrison Street, ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Scott that ild. F. Mar~in be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. F. Martin and Ald. Johns that Rule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. ~aird Reading - Aid. Bearss and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. No. 7266 - A By-law to change the name of Canboro Road to Lundy's Lane. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. F. Martin and Ald. MacBain that Ald. G. Martin be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. G. Mar~in and AId. Swayze that Mule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the ~y-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. No. 7267 - A By-law to authorize a license agreement with Anthony J. Antonio and inez Antonio. ORDERED on the motion of Aid. Swayze and Aid. Johns that A].d. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. F. Martin that Mule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. ~ird Reading -Ald. Swayze and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. No. 7268 - A By-law to fix the hour 'of the InauguralMeeting of the Council for the year 1967. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Swayze and Ald. Johns that Ald. Scott be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried Unanimously. ORDERED on the motion of Ald. Scott and Ald. Bearss that Rule B6 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended and the By-law be given the second reading. Carried Unanimously. Third Reading -Ald. Mitchelson and Ald. F. Martin. Carried UnanimouslY. 4~9 · No. 7269 .- A By-law to provide monies for general purposes ($440,529.48) OREED on the motion of Ald. Gregory and Ald. MacBain that Ald.Mitchelson be granted the privilege of introducing the By-law and the By-law be given the first reading. Carried UnanimouslY. ORDERED on the motion of A!d. Mitchelson and Ald. Johns thatRule 36 (2) of the Standing Rules of Council be temporarily suspended sad the By-law be given the second reading. Carried UnanimouslY. Third Reading -Ald. Gregory and Ald. F. Martin. Carried Unanimously. It was ordered on the motion of AId. Mitchelson~ seconded by Ald. Johns that Council adjourn to meet in Committee of the Whole. RFAD AND ADOF,'mD, ,lanuary 3rd, 1967· C(R4~I'rrra OF THE WHOLE Council ~hamber, December 28th, 1966. Council assembled in Ccemittee of the Whole following the regular meeting on December 28th, 1966. All Me~.,bers of Council were present. Alderman Downie pre- sided as Chairman. Following consideration of the items presented to them it was o~dered on the motion of Ald. G. Mar~in, seconded by Ald. MacBain that the Cnmm~ttee 'o~ theWhole arise, without reporting, to Council. RFADANDADOFA~D, Januar~3r~, 1967. COUNCIL MEETING Council Chamber, December 28th, 1966. 410. Following the Committee of the ~.~ole Meeting held on December 28th, 1966, Council re-convened in open session. All Members were present. His Worship Mayor R. F. Keighan presided. It was Ordered on the m~ion of Ald. MacBain, seconded by Ald. F. Martin that the meeting adjourn. READ AND ADOPteD, Jsauary 3rd, 1967 .'~/.~'~... , ........... Mayor /