Minutes1958(A)Inaugural Meeting of the Stamford Township Council held in the Council Chambers on Monday, ~anuary 6th, 1958 at ll a.m. All the members of the Council and the member of the Public Utilities Commission took the Declar~tion of Office before the Clerk, A. C. Huggins. Reverend W. D. Stenlake, Minister of Southminster United Church, gave the pr~yer of Invocation for the 1958 Council. Reeve Arthur George Bridge gave the Inaugural Address as follows: ~embers of the 1958 Council, Officials and Radio Audience. Once again I am privileged to speak to you as Reeve for the eighth consecutive term and I welcome you all here this morning. It seems rather significant that after the criticism that has been levelled against the 1957 Council, that we should all be returned to office, even though there was a contest for all seats. The electors made their choice at the polls and it is up to us to see that we give them the best government possible, but I would llSe to see a bigger vote out at the elections. Before proceeding with my principal remarks as it concerns last year, it is with deepest regret that we had two of our principal Officials taken away by that authority, which we cannot ignore, death. I refer to the late Township Engineer, Merle F. Esr, M. I. C. E. who for over 30 years directed the Engineering work with the highest commendable ability and exactness of design in all the construction work that there was to be done. Re was, in my opinion, as well as that of many others, the best Engineer amy Municipality could wish for, and the last municipal work he did was to have the Council inspect and tell what his plans were for the completion of the A. G. Bridge Park at. the foot of Carleton and Culp Street and now he is not here to .formulate them. In the paseingaway of W. Clayton LaMarsh, Q. C., we lost the services of an outstanding M, mt cipal Solicitor and he saved many members of Council .from making mistakes in their decisions, tending to the wording of by-laws and agreements. I am afraid that. the old saying 'the good die young' has been very much exemplified in both instances. However, we were in a fortunate position that we did not have to advertise for replacements. We had and have two officials, whom I believe, are fully capable of carrying on the work of those who I have Just mentioned. First, in the person of Miss Judith V. LaMsrsh, Township Solicitor, who has been able to pickup all the threads of Municipal law necessary in the proper conduct of b~siness, and ln Mr. Conrad Eldt, who will be the Townshlp l~ngLl~eer. I already know from what has transpired, he will prove to be a valuable aide to the Township and Officials In the Eng~eeri~g Department. I must say from every branch_of administration I received all the assistance and co-operation possible and that there has been a complete accord between all branches, C~erk, Treasurer, E~gineer, Assessment Department, Building and Plumbing Departments and to each head, Clerk A. C. Huggina, Treasurer R. W. Dews, Engineer Conrad Eidt, Assessor B. R' Prior, Buildia~ Inspector A. J. Bradley Page 2 shown by all is one to be very much appreciated. Co-operation must and will be continued between all branches as well as the Council, who in return should make no effort to interfere but discussions on policy will be inevitable. To the staff in all the offices my sincere thanks for a Job well done in 1957. I would be remiss if'I did not hand out a special measure of praise to Deputy Reeve W. R. Sootheran for he so ably filled the chair as Reeve during my enforced holiday in M~y, June and July and from all accounts he did a good Job and he was also ably assisted by his colleagues. I must also. mete out a word of praise to the work accomplished by our Police Force, by our Arena Commission, Housing Commission, Welland & District Health Unit, whose work in detail will come later, and especially the Victorian Order of Nurses whose work has greatly increased in the past year. It is noticed that Building permits issued this year amounts to nearly five million dollars, mostly residential, but it is industrial development we most desire. Now for what has been accomplished in 1957. I think that the Council can look back with some feeling of pride on the work that has been done. We have a population of nearly 28,000 who are looked after by a Council of only 5 members while other municipalities with a much smaller p~pulation, assessment and acreage have ? members. It speaks well of the diligence and time given by the present Council. During this year, several new subdivisions have been serviced with water, sewer, roads and sidewalks. The 42" trunk sewer on Dorchester Road. will soon be completed and will mark the finish of a 3 million dollar sewer expansion started by the late Mr. Ker in 1955. Sewer and watermains were constructed on the following streets: Douglas Crescent, RollingAcres Drive, Rolling Acres Crescent, Oxford Street, McGill Street, Sherwood Road, Nancy Drive, Eton Crescent,~Varslty Avenue, Cherrywood Road, Waters Avenue, Richmond Crescent and Huggins Avenue. Individual subdividers paid a total~ cost in excess of $57,000.00 for these services. In addltion to these, sewerwork started late in 1956 on the following streets were completed by Aprll, 1957: Churches Lane, Gail Avenue, Theresa Street and Portage Road. Also completed early in the year were two trunk sewers, Montrose Road and a 36" trurnk servicing the Churches Zaue area. An extensive sidewalk program with costs totalling $110,000.00 was also completed this year. Four foot walks were laid on Cherrywood Road, Doreen Drive, Fern Avenue, Russell Street, Marion Avenue, Linden Avenue, Elm~ood Road, Maplewood Road, Sherwood Road, Sinnicks Avenue, Harold Street, Cartier Drive, Stevens Street, David Avenue, 'Dorchester Road, O'Neil Street, Plva Avenue and Wills Street. Five foot curbfaced walks on Sheppard Crescent, Janet Crescent, Roseland ~rescent and Huggins Avenue. 6~ curbs were also laid on Marlborough Place, Huggins Avenue, Gainsborough Avenue, Windermere Road, Glandale Place and on Glenwood Place. ~ew roads were constructed in subdivisions on Fern Avenue, ~heppard Crescent. Oordon Crescent, Roger Crescent, Maureen Crescent, Wendy Drive, Stevens Street, Doreen Drive, Cherrywood Road, Sherwood Road, Elmwood Road, Naplewood Road, Jill Drive, Wills Street, riva Avenue, Wim~ermere Road, Huggins ~enue, Gainsborough Avenue, Marlboro;~gh Place, Olenwood Place, Glendale.Place, Janet Crescent, Douglas ~treet, ~ar~en Avenue,, ~artier Drive, Shirley Avenue and David Avenue. Page 3 · Several older roads were rebuilt or widened. They are Beechwood Road, Belmont Avenue, Booth S.treet, Brook Street, Ohurchill Street~ Dorchester Road, Green Avenue, Harvey Street, High Street, Hodgson Avenue, Vine Street, Brooks Avenue, Judith Street, Carman Street, Atlas Street, Leonard Avenue, Maitland Street, McMicking Street, Portage Road, Rysdale Ave~nu_e., St. Andrew Avenue, Sinn~cks Avenue, Watson Street and Stamford Thorold Town Line Roads. Total length of the older roads was. in excess of 7 miles, while subdivision roads totalled nearly 4 miles. This is brought to-your attention to indicate that the o~der roads were not neglected for the sake of the new roads. During the year, a fitting Memorial was erected and dedicated to those of Stamford who lost their lives in World War 1 and 2. This stands in· front of our Memorial Arena on Frederica Street and is a credit to the Municipality and we were greatly honoured by having Lt. General Guy G. Simonds, C.B., O.B.E., D.S.O., O.D. as the principal speaker. I must give a word of commendation to Alex McCallum of Branch 479 of the Canadian Legion for the work he did in this connection and also to all who ine~ery way participated in this event. The newly created A. G. Bridge Pa~k at Oarleton Avenue and Culp Street has Just recently been graded and seeded. 22,967 cubic yards of earth fill had to be removed and regraded to make the various terraces for the ball field, parking lot and future bleacher sites, and this year it is hoped that suitable fences will be erected and other work done but the Chairman of Parks will determine that. The Assessment Department of four Assessors and two Office Clerks do considerably more work than in other municipalities in the County due to the numerous changes of ownership and the fact that our assessment increased in 1957 to the sum of $46,928,742. and even · after the roll was returned, there was pickedup nearly $1,500,000. more, known ~s Section 51, which brought in a considerable amount more in taxes, showed that they were on the Job. We have, without a shadow:of a doubt, the best Assessment Department in the County of Welland. As for the Treasurer's Office there has been collected $2,220,786.66 or 93.43 per cent of the tax roll. The arrears from previous years have received great atttntion from the Treasurer and no effort, will be left undone to try to bring this item down to a minimum, and this is evidenced.by the very small tax sale we will.be conducting. X would like, at this time, to pay a word of tribute to the work done by the three fire brigades. True I have commented on several of the expenditures, which I think is the right of any member of Council to question certain items. I have noticed in the papers that the Stamford ~entre Volunteer Fire Association are contemplating the purch, ase of what is .~own as the Bell property the northern end of Dorchester Road. I Would respectfully suggest that before they make.any arrangement, they consult .the Council as .to the cost of a road leading to this property, unless they intend to 'construct and maintain same, which I think will be very expe~slve and I doubt very much if the Department of Hlg~.~ways will pay.any subsidy on the' building of a road for this °Purpose of creating a ·park, However,. this questi6n of the stamford Volu~.teer Pir~emen's Association will no doubt come to the Council in the near future. Their action is ,very commendable but X do not see how the Council can undertake any more parks .until the completion of the A. G. Bridge Park, and which is far from being Qompleted nOW.~ Councillor Rober~ Keighan ha~ done a o. onsiderable amount of work in oo~neotion with Ou~ Parks system,! .aha whilst we have too many small parks, the larSer ones~ will b,$ · kept -U~. :in. f~st :Class :shape fgr s.p. ort~s. · Page 4 I would like to deal now with the work of the Stamford Public Utilities Commission and again thsre is no change in the personnel. During the year we have installed nearly 600 new house services for light and nearly 550 water services. We have added over 100 300 Watt and 25 Mercury vapour lamps and I believe it is the intention of this Council that no more 110 Watt lamps shall be erected and eventually, it is hoped, that all lamps of that capacity will be changed. I must heartily commend Councillor j. N. Allan who was Chairman of the Committee on Street Lighting was very very energetic and the credit for the better lighting system must go to him. The one thing the waterworks Department did this year was to construct on No. 8 Highway from Stamford Centre to Stamford Green Drive a 12" watermain. This main was about 4000' long and will cost approximately $61,000.00 and it must be pleasurable to note that this work has been paid for out of surplus accrued over the last 9 years. This has obviated the necessity of issuing debentures and will tend to give a much better service to the Orchard Park Subdivision and all the streets and houses on the East side of Portage Road clean down to the halfway. The services that formerly served this latter portion have been disconnected from the 8" main on the west side and coupled up to t~e 12" main. It is quite evident that the increased in new house services due to new subdivisions necessitated this work and it will be necessary for permission to be obtained to issue more debentures for the purchase of new equipment and supplies. In dealing with the work of 1957 as I said before that the Job has been well done. Coming now to 1958. We did institute a program early in 1957 of issuing no more debentures but I am afraid that we are in for an increase of practically one and a quarter million dollars this year, of which the Stamford District Board of Education will take $500,000.00, the local improvement charges of the uncompleted Dorchester Road sewer will also have to be dealt with this year and the Stamford Public Utilitie s Commission 'will be applying for at least $250,000.00 but I will call for a meeting of both bodies and Council early this year. In regard to the Stamford Public Utilities Commission I would like to point out that the payments on the debentures do not appear on the tax roll, they are taken care of in the charges made for electrical and water service and again I emphasize that the local cmm~_eslon .does not set the rate for lights on houses. With respect to the Board of Education, I do sincerely hope that. they will in their building program consider the ratepayers in the apportionments and in the construction and equipment of the proposed additions. Surley the elected members of Council should have at least some say in these ~expenditures as the Council staff have to do all the Clerical work in connection with the. issuing of debentures. am also suggesting to the incoming Chairman of the Finance Committee that some consideration be given to the District Board of Education to insert in their budget an amount to take care of the interest charges that accrue in borrowing the money necessary for rumning all the various schools before taxes begin to come.in in June. This is a big item and in my mind should be charged to that body though there would be no Provincial subsidy. X have advocated for years past that some effort must be made to memorialize the Dominion Government towards alleviating the heavy taxation for e&uoational purposes as they are the sole body concerned With immigration. In reading the papers a day or two ago I noticed . Page 5 that a Teachers' Federation is advocating an~increase, in some instances, in the sum of $1,100 a year and it does seem to me and this is my own opinion, that salaries for the teaching staff are getting far too high when many qualified graduate engineers in various branches of science, of which we have heard so much lately, would only be too glad to start work at a lower salary now being paid teachers. I do sincerely hope that these remarks regarding the Education costs will bear fruit. There is a limit to what rat~epayers can pay in taxes. I do not anticipate very much construction work this year. What may have to be done should be on a cash basis and not ask for the issuing of debexltures. I am asking the Council to consider an extension to be made to the Township storehouse and in this connection I ask the Council aisc to consider the setting up of a maintenance shop to work on our trucks for the repair charges are very high on that class of work. I do express the hope that very serious consideration be given to this and taken out of current revenue. Durt~ the year considerable discussion took place regarding an increase in the Hydro Grant. I can safely say ~hat the brief the Council presented to the Hydro-Electric Power Commission in Toronto apparently has borne fruit and I have been given to understand that their recommendations regarding all grants all over Ontario have been ref.erred to the Cabinet and we have been told that Stamford Township may receive the greatest increase of any munici- 'pality in Ontario. However, this matter will have-to come before the legislature when they meet early in this year. I am also happy to say that I have been given a promise that business tax will be paid by the Niagara Falls Parks Commission even for 1957 on certain buildings which are on a competitive basis as soon as the details are properly worked out. It may not be as high as I hoped it would be, but it is a concession that I have long advocated. During the year we will be receiving the report of that Special firm of Consultants, who have been engaged to bring in a report re~arding amalgamation cf Niagara Falls, ~wnippawa and Stamford. What will be revealed is not knows but I want to assure the ratepayers of the Township of Sta. mford that whatever is done, will be done to the satisfaction of Stamford ratepayers and we are not going to be a chopping block for the City of Niagara Falls when one considerS that our population is greater, our assessment is higher, and our management of municipal affairs is comparable to any municipality in this district, then we must stand up for our rights. I feel, as your Reeve, it is necessary for me to say something in regard to County Council affairs. When one considers that we paid to the County in taxes nearly $236,000 last year for which we certainly did not receive adequate return. It is quite true we have the smallest number of County roads and in Suburban road~, perhaps a little btt more th-n Welland has. For years it was noticeable that the half mill which can be collected on the assessment of both Niagara Falls and Welland was never done, but last year due to the insistence of my deputy and myself, there was an increase of about $6,000.00 paid by Niagara Falls to the-local Suburban Area Road Commission, r~te Po~rtage Road South. X promise, as far as in my power, that we will ~ry to get the full one half mill for the suburban roads. In the .County Road system an effort will be made this year to have Montrose Road from the Creek Road to the Queen Elizabeth placed in A-1 condition and then we will assume it as a Township road providing that the County will take over Thorold · ownship Line Road, ~ou can be assured that your representatives on the County ~ouncil will do all they possibly can to .keep the mill rate.on the, County down-but X-am.afraid tha~ue to oer~aLu Page 6 events that occurred the early part of 1957 that we are goi~ to carry over an overdraft of quite a considerable sum. The County has paid the second $50,000.00 to the Creater Niagara General Hospital and'they received it this week. An application is going to be made by the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce for an increased grant for Tourist expansion and also for Industrial advertising, well we paid $7,000.00 for these two items, and though I may be out-voted, I do not think we are even getting value for the money expended in the past .years. It is quite true that it takes time to get new factories and Nia&Rra Falls is known all over the world and if it is only to become a tourist centre, we might as well drop all ideas of seeking industries, which are absolutely essential to keeping down the tax rate. The more residential we become the more our tax rate will increase. It costs about' $180 a year to educate children, yet on a normal house we possible get about ~' ~%00.00 in taxes, so one can see why with a family of three, all educational costs are so high. Before concluding I have a few words to say about Planning. It seems to me that Council is being slowly regimented by Governments, and we have very little control of planning. It does seem that even though a Council have been elected by the electors, they cannot do this or that unless some bureauc~Rtic organization has to have their say first. In the matter of the so called "Master Plan" we are not allowed to make any minor zonal change unless Somebody in Toronto, who perhaps have no knowledge of local affairs, and in many cases never see the property, gives their opinion of the proposed change and then it takes about six months before any decision is reached. We have had several instances of what I think can be ~escribed as governmental lassitude and I hope representation will be made to expedite requests of this nature or let the elected representatives of the people make their own decision. I am very keen on this matter. It has been a source of great pleasure, not only for the Council but for ~he ratepayers of Stamford and the surrounding area, that our proceedings have been carried out over the air through the facilities of Radio Station C. H. V. C. This broadcast used to be sponsored but of late it has been carried on as a sustaining feature of the Radio Station. Consideration must be given to see that this broadcast is carried on during the coming year, as I know very well it has been listened to by many people., not only in Stamford but throughout Welland County. In conclusion, I am sorry that this is so long and if there is any remark that I have made which does not meet with your approval I shall only be too glad and willing to discuss them with you. I do wish you gentlemen of the Council and all present and those . listening in a very Happy Ne~ Year and that we shall have a very harmonlus year. ~hank you one and all for being present and listening in. ARTHUR GEORGE BRIDGE, REEVE. DEPUI~ REEVE Deputy Reeve W. R. Sootheran gave the following remarks: I would like to congratulate the~Reeve on the completeness of the Inaugural Address. He has dealt with matters pertaining to 19%? in detail and must agree with him that it has been an arduous year and all commitments have been fulfilled End 'Council has had a successful term of office. I note that the assessment is going up, and it is mostly residential, but we do need more industrial expansion in the Township of Stamford and the only way we are going to get it is by planned programs,; with the Chamber of Commerce. I hope you will give the Chamber of Commerce increased revenue to help them with their program. You cannot expect an organization to carry on-without funds. As he mentioned in his remarks, the biggest share of the proposed tax increase will probably come in the request from the Board of · ducation which will be in excess of $%00,000.00. I think that there is very little we can do about it but I like ~is idea of meetlngwlth the Board of Education, as they owe us that considera- tion since raising that money is the responsibility of Council. We cannot sacrifice the education of our children, but would ~ike to k~ow Just what they have planned for that amount of money, I am pleaSe~to hear that the Reeve has information in re~p~c~to the Hydro grant, along wlth the proposed grant from the Niagara Parks Commission. I am on the Committee on Amalgamation, along with Councillor Mitchelson and certainly nothing will be done to the detriment of the ratepayers. It is a big Job and the final decision is not going to be with .the members of Council who act on that Committee but is going to be with this Council whether they are going to pursue the matter further and then it will be referred to the people for their decision. In eon~luding I had pleasure in working with the Reeve in County Council last year and I hope our Reeve will be the next Warden of 0ounty Council. We have not had a Reeve as Warden since the.late Roland Booth some 20-25 years ago. The Reeve has the best wishes of the other members of Council and the best wishes of the ratepayers of Stamford ~owl~shlp. I will do all in my power to see that Mr. Bridge will be the next Warden of County Council. COUNCILLOR ~QHN Nt AZ~AN Councillor John N..Allan gave the following remarks: I wish to congratulate the R~eve on his address. I also regret the absence of two of our valued Officials who were present for. somanyyears at the Inaugural Meetings of the Township Council, the late M. F. Esr and W. C. LaMarsh. We not only lost t~o. valued officials but two personal friends. I would like to thank the staff for their co-operation during 1957 and hDpe we will have it again in 1958. I wish one and all'a peaceful and prosperous year. in 1958. Page 8 COUNCII~LOR EDWARD E. MITCHELSON It is my privilege at this time to compliment the Reeve on his Izmugural Address. It covers very thoroughly the work done in 1957 and made a numbeE of recommendations for 1958. If we hope to increase our in~strial assessment, we must do some industrial promotion and we will have to keep the welfare of the municipality as a whole in mind. I extend my sincere thanks to the staff and Council fo~TM their co-operation and wish t~e Reeve the best of success for his contest for the wardenship. I would like to see him Warden for 1958 and as the Deputy Reeve stated, it. will be a close battle, and wish him success. May 1958 be a prosperous and peaceful year. COUNCII~R ROBERT F~ KEIG~N I wish to congratulate the Reeve on the complete report on the progress done in 1957 and the recommendations for 1958 are very good and some will be debated, but that is the proper procedure anyway. Some of his remarks regarding financing this year may be premature~ I notice that ~ have been appointed Chairman of Finance. and 1 accept the Chairmanship with a great deal of pride and i certainly feel the responsibility which falls on the Chairman of F&nance and with the support of Council and our Officials we will successfully come through our trying tim~, which is budget ~ime, and we will do the best Job possible for the ratepayers of Stamford To~nship. The Board of Education have announced a $500,000 program, which is a considerable amount of money to spend, even though it is necessary. I do believe, without taking anything away from the Board, I feel that Council should be represented on the Board. This is done in other instances, even though the Public Utilities Commission is elected, we hav~ a representative on the Commission. Any body which spends a great amount of money should have a representative from Council on it. ' I hope that we are going to~ get business tax we are certainly entitled to and the Commission should not hide behind the fact that thBy are exempt and should assist the municipalities. Instead of a $15.00 scholarship I do not see why they could not increase it to ~. thousand dollars. There are many ways of helping the munici- pality outside of. direct taxation. I am looking forward to 1958 and learning a great deal more as Chairman of Finance. I would, like very much to thank our Clerk, Assessors, Treasurer and all the department heads, because without them I do not think 0ouncil could make too many intelligent decisions on their own and depend on them for their guidance on all Township matters. P~/BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONER ~IOHAHD JONES. The ~ollowi~g remarks were made by Hlchard Jones: I~ speaking to you as Chairman of you~ Public Utilities Commission for 1957 I want to thank the Members of the Commission, A. G. Bridge and James Wlnoott, for their support during my term as Chairman. .~tilit2 ~{anager Harold Brcwnhill, 0ffiee, Manager, J. R. Wear$, Line Superintendent Stan Cosby and Water Works sUPerintendent Dave Pringle for the splendid Job that they and their staff have done during the year. The new subdivision work tapered off during1957 allowing our crews to do a lot cf repair work on our lines and equipment. The Utility connected 435 new Customers by the end of November, bringing our total to 7.862. On Street Lighting we changed 176 old style 100 Watt lights to the new type 300 watt and installed 100 additional lights. The Commission went along witk the Council's austerity programme and we withdrew our request for $146,000 and by watching our work programme closely, we were able to make capital expenditures on Hydro of $123,000 and on the Water works. The new 12 inch watermain from Stamford Centre to Stamford Green Drive at an estimated cost of $6~,000, we are carrying out of current revenue. With the completion of this 12 inch main in Stamford Centre and the City complstln$ their new installations at the filtration plant,a lo$ of our water pressure problems should be solved. Our tree trimml~gprogramme has been quite extensive in 1957 and it should be continued in 1958 as tree limbs are our major cause of service interruption. In clgsing there is one project the Commlssion. shouldundertake in 1958~ and that is another sub-station. It has become a necessity if we are to maintain efficient service to our Customers. Inaugural 1. Sootheran ~ Allan "THAT the excellent inaugural address of ~eeve A. G. Bridge be printed in the minutes of today's meeting." Carried.' Keighan ~otheran .THAT a hearty vote of thanks be extended to Reverend W~ D. Stenlake~ Mlr~teter of Southml~ster United Church, for the prayer of invocation given at this, the I~a.~g~ral Meeting O~ CoUnCil.~ Carried. Sootheralt ".THAT a sincere, vote of thanks be extended to Mr. H. A. Haighwho has served continuously as a member of the Beard of Health for Stamfor~ Township since Allan ~ Nttohelson Carried. ~HAT the Clerk express Council's _~appreciaticn for the beautiful ~lants placed on the Council table y the Ferry Flower Shop on the occasion of the ~uaugural Meeting.w Carried, ~ommitt ees of ;'i one Keighan Sootheran Mitchelson Sootheran Allan Keighan Allan Keighan "THAT a letter of condolence be fo~varded to the family of the late Calvin R. Johnson on his recent demise." Carried· "THAT the following members of Council be designated as chairmen of the Undermentioned committees for the year 1958. All members of Council to be on the various committees: Reeve A. O. Bridge: Roads, Sewers~ Welfare. Deputy-Reeve W. R. Sootheran: Fire and Traffic. Councillor J. N. Allan: Cemeteries~ Property & lights. Councillor H. F. Keighan: Finance, - Sidewalks, Traffic. Councillor E. E. Mitchelson: Parks." Carried. '~I*~T Deputy Reeve W. ii. Sootheran and ~ouncillor E. E. Mitchelson be re- appointed to the Greater Niagara Survey Committee authorized by the Councils of the City of Niagara Falls, Village of Chippewa and the Town, ship of Stamford during the year 1957." Carried. "THAT the following members of Council be appointed as Stamford Council's representatives to the organizations named hereunder, A.rep~. Bo.a~ R. F. ~eighan, E. E. Mitchelson Canc~E Society · o N. Allan ~mber qf. ~me..rce · N. Allan, E'. E.' Mitchelson Chamber of Commerce Industrial W. R. Sootheran, H* F. Keigha~ Chamber of Commerce Tourist Committ~e J. N. Allan, R.F. Keighan Chamber of Commerce Traffic Cgmm~tt.ee ~. F. Keighan ClvitianDefence Committee J. N. Allan Court of Revision A. G. Bridge Fir~ Committee W. H. Sootheran ~osoitai Commit~.e E. E. FAtchelson E~ Mitchelson .carriede Sooth, ran Kelghan .THAT we do now adjourn to meet at *~the call of the Reeve at 4:30 Tuesday afternoon." Carried. Meeting AdJourned Hour 12:00 P.M. Jan. 6, .1958 No, 2 Npon adjournment members of Council, guests, Department Heads and others proceeded to the Red Casque Inn to participate in the formal Inaugural Dinner. The StamfORd ~ubl~c Utilities Commission acted as host. Reeve A Regula~ M~eting of Council was held.in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, January ?th, 1958 at 4:30 p.m. Ac G. Bridge W. R. Soother~ J. N. Allan _ R. F. Kelgh~n E. E. Mitehelson ,Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Soothers~ Allan "THAT the request of the Stamford Minor Hockey Club be referred to the Budget Committee." ~arried. 2. Alla~ Sooth. ran ; "THAT the request from.the Niagara Falls Girls Work Board to hold a Tag Day on May 3rd be granted." Carriede Sooth.ran Keighan u~HA~ we accept the invitation of She. Kiwanis Club to attend the Civis Luncheon at the Sheraton-Brock ~otel with the understanding that the problem of amalgamation_will not. be discussed." Carried. Soothern~ Kei~g~an ,THA~ we authorize memberships to the .following municipal organizations for ~-~/-':'the year 1955 at the fees indicated: ~"~' ~l ,Ontario Muxzieipal Association - $50.0 ., ',~ ~ Association of Assessing Officers of .Ontario - $50.00. ~ ~O) Ontario Good Roads Association - $25.( ~ (~).Ontario Traffic Conference - $10.00. (e) Welfare Officers Association - ~ee .included in O.M.A. fee. (f)"Ontario Nayors & Reeve~ Association .fee ~o be levied. (g)"Ur~a~-Rural Muniei~al Association - ~'fee--to be levied.~ Ontario Good Roads 5. vs. 8. of 10. 2232 11. $cothera~ Keighan Allan Keighan Keighan Sooth, ran Sootheran Keighan Mitohelson Keighan Sooth,ran Keigharl Allan Eeighan "T~'~T Council & Officials be authorized to attend the Ontario Good RoadS Convention in Toronto." Carried. "TItAT we accept the invitation of the Niagara Falls Junior Chamber of Cormmerce to participate in the am~ual Civic Night to be held on January 15th at the Park Hotel." Carried. "THAT the Clerk be authorized to contact our Syndicate which have been handling bur. debentm~es for the last few years ~nd invite them to submit an offer to purohase Township of Stamford debentures ~vallable for sale at an estimated ~mo.unt of $421,748.87." · Carried. "T~T the Solicitor be notified that Council contemplates no appeal in the case of Hegina vs. HolJak." Carried~ "THAT the Building & Plumbing Inspectors be asked to bring in a complete report on the Trailer situation in Stamford To~ship and that the Clerk and Solicitor be asked to bring in a report on ~xistlng~ legislatur~ pertaining to 'the licensing of trailers." Carried. "THAT the salary of Conrad R. Eidt~ Engineer be established on the following basis effective as of January let to be charged to Roads Department, as Road Superintendent re: By-law 2232 - $5500.00. chargeable to Public Works for Engineering services - $2,000.00." Carried. "BY-IAW No. 2232, 1958. A By-law ~o appoint a Road Superintendent in td%e Township of Stamford in the County of Welland." Read a first, seoon~and third time and passed.. Ad.tourn Mitchelson ~. , Sootheran ~HAT we now. adjourn to meet, again on Monday, January 13th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Jan. ?, 1958 No. 3 ReeFs Hour 6:15 P.M. A Regular Meeging of Council was held in the Council Chamber on Monday, January 13th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. Present A. O. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Kelghan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor CoUncillor Minutes 1o Allan Mitohelson "THAT the minutes of the meetings held on December 30th, 1957, January~ 6th, 1958, and January ?th, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried. Finance 2. Keighan Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pasoaccounts." Carried. Roads 5 · Kelghan ~Allan ' "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated Jan. 10th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $5,126~04." Plumbin~ Permits Soothera~ Ketghan .Carried, 5. Eelghan ~ttohelson "THAT the Committee on Fiance do now arise and resume the business of Cotmcll." Carrlede "THAT we accept the report of the Plumbing Inspector respecting Plumbing Permits and Lloenseaissued 'during the ~.'~-'- ye.as'. 1957., Carried. 6.. Mitchelson 3ootheran "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector for Building Permits issued during the month of December, 195?'amounting to $56,200.00." CarriSde lervioe Station~ 7. ~e re: Mewburn MarJ erie Sootheran Allan 8. Sootheran Keighan 9. Mitchelson Allan 10. Allan · , ~tchelson 11. Mitohelson Keighan 12. Alla~ Keighan 13. Ketghe. n Mitohelson "THAT the following applications for Service Station Licenses be approved: Shell Oil Co. of Can. Ltd., 2331 Thorold Road, Shell 0~1 Co. of Can. Ltd., Road N., Shell Oil Co. of Can. Ltd.~ Way & Mobultain Road." 355 Portage Cot. Q. E. Carri ed. "THAT the following applications for Public Garage Licenses be approved: Herbert Bro~,n~, 2532 Bellevue Street, A. Jacobi & Son, 2225 Lundy,s Lane, John Serotiuk, 3227 Dorchester Road, Shell Oil Co. of Can. Ltd., Corner Kalar Rd. & Lundy's Lane." Carried. "THAT the application for a Driving School Instructor's License from Wm. E. Galliford of 2248 Dunn Street be approved and license granted." Carried° "THAT Deputy Reeve Sootheran and Coca, oilier R. ~. Keighan be appointed for the year 1958 as Council's representatives on the Special Greater Niagara Area Committee being set up to deal with unemployment conditions.,, Carried. "T}~T the application for a Driving School Operator's License from ~m. E. Galliford of 2248 Dunn Street be approved and license granted." Carried° "THET the following applications for Victualling Licenses be approved: Glno Capitano & Sons, 3122 Drummond Road, A & P Food Store, Portage Road N. Mrs. Mary Klym, 3227 Dorchester ~oad Emery Szabo, 3663 Woodbine Street~ Frank Betik, 2442 Portage Road S. Carried. "THAT. we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board of a transfer of part To~nship Lot 53, bmving an acreage of 2 acres located on the west side of Montrose Road as shown on blue print prepared by N. J. $unstrum, O.L.S. dated December 31st, Mswburn to Rand - Hodgson YMGA Weak ~suranoe Cq,mmisslons Wilson Tr~$ 13. 14. Mitohelson Allan 15. Ml$chelson Sootheran 1957 from Mrs. Olive Mewburn to her ~au~hter, MarJorie Mewburn. The .~parcel being conveyed has a frontage of 270 feet on Montrose Head by a depth of 322.67 feet." This transfer is approved on condition that ~rs. Mewburn convey a l0 foot strip running along the frontage of the portion to be cohveyed, to the Township of Stamford for road widening purposes, also that the taxes be paid in full to December 31st, 1957." · Carried. ,THAT we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Plaguing Board of the following transfers of property located near the south-east corner of Kalar and Beaverdams Roads: (1) A transfer of a triangular portion of land within part Township Lot 123 comprised of approximately 0.05 acres as shovm on sketch prepared by R. Blake Erwin, 0.L.S. dated December 2nd, 1957 from Robert Douglas Rand to Frederick N. B. Hodgson. (2) A transfer of a triangular portion of land within part Township Lot 123 comprised of approximately 0.02 acres as shown on sketch prepared by R. Blake Erwln, O.L.S. dated December 2nd, 1957 from Frederick N. B. Hodgson to Robert Douglas Rand Both transfers are conditional that taxes be paid in full to December 31st~ 1957 on the two properties involved." ~,~- Carried. 16. Mltehelson Allan. "THAT the Reeve be authorized to issue a proclamation declaring ~he Week of January 19th to January 26th as Y.M.C.A. .Week." Carried. 17. Sootharan~ Keighan "THAT we approve of the report of the Clerk dated January 9th concerning the distribution of insurance commissions for the year 1957.~ Carried. "THAT Wilson Tree Service Ltd. be again hired to do the tree trimming work in the Township at a cost not to exceed $2,000.00." Carried. 13, 1958 4 18. Sootheran Mitchelson "TI~T we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, Januury 20th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hour 8:48 P.M. Reeve ~ ' ' I Hegular Meeting of ~unctl was held in the Cohncil Chamber on Monday, January 20th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve - Deputy Reeve Count illo r Jouncillor Councillor Council met in Committee prior to 7:30 for the purpose of discussing certain aspects of the Dorchester Road sewermain with the Contractor, Wm. Lorenzo. The main issue in dispute between the Contractor and the Engineering Department mentred around the necessity of carrying out the work by providing suitable piling on the sides of the trench~o~ if open cut construction,without piling would be approved. The To~hip Engineer and the Inspector of Trench Excavations recommended that the construction be carried on with suitable piling on the sides of the excavation. The Council agreed with the Officials and Mr. Lorenzo stated he would accept the decision of Council. l. Soothersn . Keighan "THAT the minutes of the meeting held on January 13th, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried. Mr. James Pratt of Equitable Securities Limited attended the meeting on behalf of the Fiscal Agents that had been taking care of our debenture,sales during the past several years and submitted a proposal in connection with the Township debentures ready for sale in the amount of $~21,000.00. Before Council considered the proposal from the Fiscal Agents a discussion took place on the advisability of inviting tenders for the purchase of this issue on the open market. As a result of the discussion the following resolution was passed: 2. Eeighan Allan "THAT Counoll do not consider the bid of the fiscal agent at this time, rather that the Clerk be instructed to call for a firm tender for Stamford $~21,000, debenture issue in the open market; bids to be in the hands of the Clerk by January 30th at 4 p.m." Group mail Mr. Harold ~I~ and Duncan Graham addnessed Council in respect to the, recent ,installation of group mail ,.~,boxes located in the vicinity of Kalar and Thorold .%one roads. They stated that the change did not provide the convenience that the individual boxes located in front of each premises provided formerly and requested that the new system be cancelled and the old system be rever~ed to. 3* Mitohelson Sootheran "THAT Council use its good offices to discuss the mail problem on rural routes as a result of the .complaints of Mr. MacLeod and D~mcan Graham and that the Postmaster be asked for a report." Carrie d. 4.~ Sootheran Mitchelson "THAT we do now adjourn t° go into ~in~.nee Committee and pass accounts." carried. 5- ~ Keighan Mlto~els0n ,THAT the statement of Relief (1957) Accounts dstedJanuary 17th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amotmtlng to $762.33." carried, 6,~' £eighan ~ltohetson "THAT the statement of General (1957) Accounts dated January 17th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $115,614.36." Carried. ?o* Keighan Allan "THAT the statement of Relief 1958 Accounts dated January l?th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts bepaid ~4nount~-,',~ to $2,883.81." Carried. 8o~Eeighan Hitohelson 9,~Xeighan ..... -~ $cotAeran "THAT ~he ~tatement of Roads 1958 Accounts dated January l?th, 1958 as presented, be accepted~nd the accounts be paidamount~ng to$~,896.~4." .~arried, "THAT the statement of Oeneral 1958 Accounts dated January l?th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be~id amounting to ~arried. ~eolal Survey 11. Close ,ened Road 10.~ Allan Mltchelson "TIL~T the Committee on Finance do now arise and res~m~e the business~of Cot~lo 11 o" Allan M%tchelson Carried. "THAT C. H. Eldt, Township Engineer and. A. C. Htkgglns, Township Clerk be appointed to work with Deputy Reeve W. R. Sootheran and Councillor E. E. Mitohelson on the Special Survey Committee set up to determine if the merger of the three mUnicioalities in the Greater Niagara Are~ is in the public interest... 12.J~Mitchelson Sootheran Carried. "THAT the application for a H~ker & Pedlar's License from Earl M. Murchie of 2472 McLeod Road be granted." Carried. By invitation the representatives of the various Taxi Companies of the Greater Niagara area along with Mr. John Cu~r~ham, Deputy Chief Constable attended the meeting at 9 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the reasons for the violations of By-law No. 2193 being a by-law to license and regulate owners and drivers of .taxi cabs, sight-seeing cabs and other vehicles for hire in the Township of Stamford. Each representative Taxi Company spoke on the license by-law and practically all indicated that the by-law was cumbersome to operate and in practically all oases admitted that some of the vehicles had not been licensed to operate in Stamford Township in 1957. The Deputy Chief and the Clerk submitted.certain recommendations to facilitate the operatinn for securing licenses under the by-law. The Taxi owners were requested to appoint representatives to sit in with a Committee of Council to discuss the entire~matter. The Committee from Council will be determined after the Taxi Companies appoint their r~presentatives. 13.V~Mltoheleon Keighan "THAT the Council approve of the appli- cation of Logan & Scott to close up certain unopened road allowances running through the Calagulro property on the followlngconditions: 1. That the unopened'road allowances be closed up through and beyond the Calaguiro property according to the following descriptions: (a) The unopened road allowance running north and south between Township Lots 16 & 17 be closed from Mountal~ Road north to the southerly limit of the Gore Lots. (b) That the unopened road allowance running east ~J~d west be closed from the westerly limit of the Canadian National Railway property between Township Lots 17 & 24 To close ~p Unopened Rqad ~ Elliott La~d 13, ContId ~.. 14/Mltchelson Sootheran westerly to Do.chester Road, '' excluding therefrom that portion which intersects Kings Highway NO. 8. (c) T~t portion of a road allowance described as Maitland or Ravine Road be closed from Mountain Road northerly to the ~ Highway No. 8. That the applicant pay the entire cost of preparing the required number of blue prints, the surveyor's descriptions of the road allowances to be closed, legal costs, cost of registration, by-law advertising and all other costs involved in the closing of these road allowances, and that the applicant pay a deposit in the amount of $500.00 to the Township to defray our estimated e OCt. That a by-law be prepared to close up these streets when the Township is supplied with the required number of blue prints and descriptions of the road allowances to be closed." Carried. ,WHEREAS. Oounoil approve~of a transfer of two 60 foot parcels in part Lot ?~ Plan · 1791 fronting on the north side of Green Drive from Clyde E. Elliott to * purchasers unnamed byresolutlon No. ? passed at a Council meeting held on September 19th, 1955 on condition that the vendor takes care of the cost of sidewalks In front of the property being conveyed; AND WHEwwAS Mr. Elliott now desires to transfer one 65 foot parcel at the westerly side of his property to Don Murchie and a second ~5 foot parcel to a purchaser unnamed; 'THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED as follows~ (1) That resolutionNo. ? passed by Council on September 19th, 1955 be rescinded. (2) .That we recommend approval to the -Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Pla~-~ngBoard of a transfer of the followlmg transfers of property within part Eot ?, Plan 1791 from Clyde E. EllXott: -.~a)..~A parcel havim~a frontage of 65 feet on Stamford Green Drive located on the westerly part of his property and having a depth of 212.79 feet to Don (b) A parcel immediately east of the proper~y being transferred to ~urohie hav~nga frontage of 65 feet on ;tamfomXGraen Drive by a depth of ~e~ fee~. '' ,tt Land Hockey Club ~tlmates for 14. Cont'd (3) That both transfers be conditional on the vendor payir~ our estimated sidewalk costs in cash for both .parcels being transferred and the ~taxes on the property be paid in · ftull to December 31st, 1957." 157 Mitchelson Sootheran Carried. "Tt~T the Heeve be authorized to declare the week January 25th to February 1st as Minor Hockey Week as per suggested Declaration in their letter." 16j~ Sootheran Allan Carried. "THAT we approve of the easterly 150~ of Block "F" shown on Hegistered Plan 203 being dedicated for road pUrposes on condition that the Imperial Oil Limited be required to pay the costs representing 1/2 the cost of services paid by the ~ubdivider on that portion of Cherrywood Road fronting the Imperial Oil property: (a) 1/2 sewermain costs. (b) 1/2 watermain'cos;s. (c) 1/2 road costs . . . SUB TOTAL. (d) st . ate @ $3.00 lin. ft... . $924.72 · 358.?1 l?.~Allan Mitchelson Carried. "THAT the Kinette Club of Niagara Falls, Canada, be granted permission to hold a tag day on May 9th and~10th, 1958." · * 1~. 'Sootheran Mltohelson Carried. "BY-I~W No. 2233, 1958. A By-law to amend By-law No. 2031 (1955) as amended." Read a first, second and third time ard passed. 19. Mltchelson Allan "THAT the Engineer be instructed to prepare drawings and estimated cost for setting up of a maintenance shop." 20.. All$~ Sootheran Carried. "THAT we do new adJourn to meet on ~onday, January 2?th at ?:30 p.m." · ' Carried, MeetingAdJourned . - Reeves No. 5 Mlnutes Di~.alo to Regular Meeting of Council was 0hamber on Monday., · · "A'. G. Bridge ~ ~W. R. Soothera~ ' ' J. ~. Allan R. F. Kelgha~ E. Eo Mitchelson 1. Mltohelson · Allan held in the coUncil January 27th, 1958 at ?:30 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meeting held on January 20th, 1958 be adopted as printed., Carried. Mr. Harry Jordan of the C & J Development Limited, subdividers of Registered Plan 209, addressed Council .and requested a change in our zoning by-taw No. 2031 to permit Row Housing on lots 1, 2 & 3 and 15 to 24 inclusive shown on this plan and being located on the east side of Dorchester Road. Council considered the request but no definite action was' taken until such time as the members have nn opportunity of examining row housing in other municipalities. 2. Mltohelson Allan "THAT Council do not disapprove of the ..... proposed subdivision of Part of To~mship :~ ,? · Lot No. 43 and that the u~ual conditions ....... apply and that an assignment be arranged ........ with the Baldln interests." ........ Carried. Kelgha~ "THAT Mr. George Allen be appointed to the Greater Niagara Planning Board." ' Carried. Mitohelson Sootheran tTHAT J. A. Book be appointed to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board to replace Mr. A. W. F. MoQueen who does not:wish to be.reappointed.. ' ~'- - .' . Motionnot voted on. Sootheran Esighan "THAT we recommend approval to the , Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Plan~lng ~ard of a transfer of the followix~ parcels of property: · (a) Part of Park Lot ?, Plan 1791, having a frontage of 50 feet on the north side of ~tamford Green Drive by a depth of 215.9 feet on the west side ~frcm Mr. & Mrs. Louis DIRisio to Gorge .~.-" Construction Co. Ltd.. (b) Part of Park Lots ?and 12~ Plan , 17~1, hawings frontage of 50 feet on the north slde of ~tamford G~eenDrive by a depth on the east side of 215.~ feet from Louis DIRislo to Gorge Construction Co. The approval of both transfers Be made on oondAtlom that the taxes ars paid in full .on the properties bei~ frans'farted to December 31st,.l~? a~the estima~ed cost · ~for si4ewalke frontL~g the~ Drope~ties on 'Stamford Oreen.~rive b~,.paxa..' . , . Unempl_o ~Yment Sanitary & General report Assessment Re~or~ ~ocal Imnrbvements · ~treet LigHt g : Mitchelson Sootheran "THAT Council request the City Council to fo~vard their resolution referred to in their letter of January 21st to the local Unemployment Committee and that the content of their resolution be discussed Jointly with this Council." Carried. ty request of the Council at a previous meeting a survey was submitted showing the number of trailers located in Stamford Township. It naicated 61 trailers with 195 i ' people living therein. Of this n~aber ll7 were adults, 36 were children of school age and 42 were under school .age. These figures included 26 Trailers located in the Hydro Trailer Camp and for which the hydro pays for the cost of educating the children living in these trailers in our schools. The Solicitor reoorted orally that the presenp by-laws did not permit th~ licensing of trailers in Stamford Township. She advised that permissive legislation is available in The Municipal Act to license each trailer at a fee of $10.00 per month. After consideration of the Survey and the Solicitor's report the following resolution was passed: 7. Mltchelson Keigh~n "TI~T Council request the Department of Health for a report on sanitary and other conditions in all trailers in the Township except the camp on the H.E.P.C. property and that the Chief of Police be asked to report on general conditions where trailers are located.,' Carried. Mr. Ben R. P4ior, Chief Assessor, submitted his Annual report covering the operations of his Department for the year 1957. The report indicated the total taxable assessment on which taxes will be levied in 1958 of $48,102,488.00. This assessment represented an increase over 1~55 assessment of $2,535,446.00. The report showed the population of the Township to be 27,156. Mr. Prior indicated that his staff was in the process of completing the assessment of the Sir Adam Beck No. 2 Project, which includes g~nerating stations, tunnels and other projects. When this work is completed, the Department will have a complete assessment of all Hydro properties and buildings. 8. Mitchelson 'Kelghan "THAT Council publicize and advertise the fact that April 1 will be the deadline for local improvement petitions.. 9. Alla~ Mltchelson Carrie d. "~HA~ we request the Public Utilities .Commission to install street lights ~it~in Registered Plan 199 in the built- ~p ~ections as funds are received from ~he .subdivider." Carried° .Advertise for ald ~ letter from L~Marsh & LaMarsh dated December 30th, 1957 was required l~.respect to the expropriation of property required to exteDd Belmont Avenue. The letter stated that by-law 203? authorizl~gthe expropriation : ~ had been passed and registered and that the owners had been advised ~y Registered Mal~ but only one owner had arranged to deed the property to the Township. The letter asked if Council had any further instructions in respect to the other owners. It was decided that since the owners had been legally notified of the expropriation, it was up to them to take the next action and as a result no action was taken. BO 10. Sootheran Eeighan "THAT the Engineer be instructed to advertise for a girl for office duties in his department., Carried. The Reeve appointed Councillors R. F. Keighan and E. E. Mltchelson as a Committee to work with the representatives to be appointed from the Taxi Companies for the purpose of considering our present taxi by-law and to bring in recommendations in respect to any changes they deem necessary. 11. Sootheran Mltchelson "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Thursday, January 30th at 4:30 p.m." .... Carried. After Council a~Journed, Mr. James Cli~erah~ge requested and was granted an interview to discuss the Declaration of Policy respecting a new subdivision which~ requires'~. that the owner pay cash for sewer and watermains and make a deposit of roughly $700.00 for the payment of the other serv,lces before a lot is sold or before a building permit is issued. He stated that the deposit was causing him considerable concern in the development of the third section of his plan in view of the fact that he proposes to b-lld a number o~ houses, on speculation, which, will qualify for extremely iow down payments. No · action was taken in connection with his request but it was decided to reconsider the matter at the next meeting of Coux~cil to be held on Thursday, Jant~ry 30th. , Meeting Adjourned  ~e; '% ''~ ,llldur 9:30 P.M. No. 6 . A 3peclal Meeting of 0ouncil was held in the Council Ohamber on Thursday,s_ January 30th, 1958 at 4:30 p.m. ~ ,~...'" ' A.G. Bridge Reeve - W.R. Sootheran Deputy Reeve ~. N. Allan Councillor R. F. Xeighan Councillor . E. E. ~itchelson CouncLllo~ ~The following representatives of the Department of ~ '~ Highways were present to discuss 'that port,on of the J'~ ~'' . ~:' unopened road _a_llowan~_e betwee~ Demnis Lane ,and Mountain '.~ · . ~Road that the Highway ~epartment requires for road ~. widen~g ~p/wposes: ' ' ,. ,: Mr. Humphrey Jones ~r. W. B. ~lelland Highways unopened road Dennis & Motmtaln cai Improvement The particular road allowance ~s closed up by the Township by passage of its by-lm~ No. 2184 which was subsequently confirmed by the Council of the County of Welland. Council ~dv-ised the representatives of the Department that we were concerned ~bout the lengthy delay in securing the descriptions of the portion of the Unopened ro~d allowance that the Highway Department requires for road wideni~ pUrposes and asked the representatives what action they were t~king to Speed this matter up. Mr. Jones replied that his DepH~'tment was arranging to make a settlement with the adjacent o~ers who had possession of this street allowance on the basis of a payment of appro×imately 15~ per sqU~re foot for the land plus any loss result Lug from deterioration in v~lue for buildings that will be involved by the Highway bei~ widened. He stated that representatives of the Department were presently enga~ed in Securing releases from these o~vners and he expected that all such releases would be secured in the near future. He promised that the Department would have full descriptions of the property required along with the necessary blue prints in a period of three weeks and that the Department would give the To~nship a waiver on the balance of the half of the road allowance that they are not interested in. The following tenders for the purchase of Township of Stamford debentures in the amount of $421,169.12 for local improvement purposes and having a term of 1 to 15 years were opened~ .FIRM BIDS ~Bell,Goulnlock & Co. Ltd.) ~Deacon Findley Coyne Limited ~Equitable Securities Canada Ltd. ~ Gairdner, Son & Company Limited ~J. L. Graham and Co. Ltd. VMldland Securities Cor'p~, Limited QPTION BID INTEREST RATE ~ / 98.10 5 99.~5 55~ 100.07 98.13 98.57 ~ H~rrison & Company Limited 1. Keighan 98.90 Mltchelson "THAT we accept the firm tender bid of Gairdner, Son & Company Limited on behalf of the S~ndicate, dated January 30th at a Dries of $98.13 per hundred for ~21,1~.12 Township of Stamford Debentures to bear an interest rate of 5%." 2. Mltohelson Sootheran Carried° "THAT 0ouneil ex~end its sincere sympathy to the family of the late F. C. Marsh Sr., a former Councillor.' Carried. A letter from J, A. Climenhage Znvestment and Construction Limited dated January 30th was presented wherein this firm requested a cha~ge in respect to our requirements for subdivision costs and the manner in which these costs are required ~o be paid. The firm suggested that they ~ Jan. 30, 1958 Pressnt M_~ Y be required to,~Eovide~funds for roads, sidewalks, public, pu_~oses, street ligkts and street signs at the time a lot iS sold rather than at the time a permit is applied for. Council gave careful considera- tion to this request but decided that no change could be made in our Declaration of Policy governing subdivisions and as a result no action was taken and the letter was ordered filed. Sootheran Keighan "THAT' we do now adjourn to meet Monday, February 3rd at 7:30 p.m." Carrlede MeetlngAdJourned Hour 6:00 P.M.  Reev~ rk Regular ~eeting of Council I the~ouncil Chamber on Monday, February 3rd, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. Allan Mltchelson Mitchelson Allan A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Kelghan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor '"THA~ the minutes of' the meetings held on January 27th and January 30th, 1958 be adopted as printed." ~, Mltchel~on .' All~n Carried. "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector for Building Permits~issued during the month of January, 1958 amounting to $565,45o.oo." Carried. "THAT the application for a Hawker & Pedlar License from F. L. Brown of 2571 Cleveland Avenue be approved and license granted.m Carried. Kelghan ~- Ml~o~elSon ' "THAT the application f~r a Barber Shop License from Ivart FJelfort *f 1078 St. Paul Street be approved and license granted.. Carried. Council of ~10, 12. Allan Mitohelson Koighan Mltohelson Sootheran Keighan Mitchelson Sootheran Sootheran Kelghan Mltchelson Allan Mltchelson Sootheran Sootheran Keighan "THAT the following a~pllcations for Victualli]~ Licenses be approved and licenses be granted: .H.R. & E. Johnson, 927 St. Pa~ Street, Norman Biederman, 221B Cuip Street~ F. Bogdanowicz, 2434 Bellevue Street, Loblaws, 2175 Dunn Street." Carried. "T~T the application for a Hairdressing Establishment License from Jacques Dueharme of 2239 Thorold Stone Road be approved and license granted." Carried. "T}~T as many members of Council as . possible, the Solicitor, Clerk and Engineer be empowered to attend the meeting of the Urban. Rural Municipalities.. Carried. "T}~T the Reeve be authorized to proclaim the week February 16th to February 23rd "Brotherhood Week" Jointly with the City of Niagara Falls and the Village of Chippawa." Carried. "THAT the Reeve be empowered to publish a proclamation respecting the Ju~ior Chamber of Commeroe's "Outstanding you~.g Man of The Year" award." Carried. "THA~ Council endorse the work of the Local Council of Women and take out a membership in the Council as requested in their letter of January 28th and that the Welfare Worker be appointed to attend the meetings., ~carried. "BY-IAW No. 2234, 1958. A By-law to appoint members to the Stamford Public Library Board for the year 1958." Read a first, second and third time and passed. -"BY-LAW Mo. 2235, 1958~ A By-law to appoint persons to various committees.,, Read a first, second and third time and passed. Adjourn Ge Peb. 3, 1958. No. '8 Present .. Pcb. 7, 1955 Mr. Leonard D~moulin of 3641 Rysdale Straet attended the meeting an'd ~iseugsed the possibility of a sewermain on his street between Montrbse Road and Hodgson Street. He stated there was some misunderstanding With the Association in the .V. ~. A. Subdivision at the time the petitions were presented and as a result his name did not appear on the petition. Council suggested that he contact the Engineer and have a petition he~ded up which he could circulate among the owners of property on this street. When this is carried out, the Engineer could b~rlng in a report on the possibility of oonstruoting a sewer. The Engineer reported on the following letters he had received from the Union: (1) The Union suggested that the gate at the storehouse be opened at 7:30 a.m. to permit the employees access to the Parking area. (2) The Union requested consideration of up-grading for certain staff in the Engineer's Department. It was decided to request the Engineer to prepare a ~eport on both questions. _ 13.: Sootheran Mltahelson "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Friday, February ?th at 4:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hour 8:50 P.M. A Special Meeting of Council was held in the Council Chamber on Friday, February 7th, 1958 at 4:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge W. R. 8ootheran J. N. Allan R. P. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Oounoil assembled in Committee and considered the Road estimates for the 1958 Municipal Budget as well as certain features of theproposed Parks and Cemetery u get . 1. Sootheran Keighan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet Monday, February 10th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hour 6:25 P.M. 9 Lief A Regular Meeting of Cot~ucil was held in the Cotu~cil Chamber on Monday, February 10th, 1958 ~t 7:30 p.m. 1. Sootheran .Mitohelson ~ 2. Keighan Sootheran ~ 3. Allan Keighan ~ 4. Kelghan Allan ~ 5. Keighan Sootheran ~ 6. . Sootheran Keighan A. O. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan k. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson ~{e eve Deputy Reeve Co~ulo ilior Co u/lc illor Cobulc illor "THAT the minutes of the meetings held on ~eb~ uary 3rd and February 7th, 1958 be udopted as printed." Car~ i ed. "T!¼T we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass AccoUnts." Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Acco~n%ts dated February 7th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $813.95." Carried. "THAT the :~tatement of Roads Accounts dated February 7th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amo~lting to $9825.79." .Carried. "T[~T the statement of General Accounts dated February 7th, 1958 as presented, he accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $224,434.58.,, Carried. "Tt~tT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. Mr. Wm. Barratt submitted a letter to Council requesting ~ermisslon to lease Lot No. 9, Plan 160 a~ a rental of 165.00 for a period of one year with an option to purchase the land within 13 months for a price of $1650.00. He explained that he and his father propose to start a new industry to be called Barratt Spun Concrete Poles. The manufactured concrete poles would be used for hydro purposes to mount light standards, equipment etc. on. He indicated that because it was a new $o~pa~y, it preferred to lease the land for a period-of one 'year ~efore ~uying it outright in order that they would have a trial period of operation to determine how their woul~ sell. 7. Sootheran Mltohelson "THAT the Barratt Spun Concrete Poles Ltd. be granted a one Year lease o~ No., Co~cre.t,e P. oles iRepresentatives ,' of ,Tr~.~l,e,r, Owners Lot ~9 in our Industrial property fronting on Montrose Road under provisions and fee as set out in their letter dated Feb. 10th." Carried Representatives of ~railer owners from the vicinity of the Queen Elizabeth. Wag and Mountain ~oad attended the meeting and stated they understood that Council would be conSidering a by-law to license trailers in the Township. The spokesman for the group, Mr. Jim Hart, Box 91, St. Davids, Ontario, stated that one owner of a trailer camp in Stamford To~nship had commenced charging trailer owners $10.00 a month to cover the license fee of the Township. It was explained that the Township had not passed a by-law to license trailer camps or trailers up to this date and that any trailers located in Stamford on premises other than the hydro trailer camp were located illegally. The Reeve advised that the question of trailers located in the Township was being studied and members of Council considered that the occupants of such trailers should be required to pay a license fee to the Township to cover the cost of Township service~ rendered. It was finally decided to advise Mr. Hart concerning the date when a proposed by-law to license trailers will be considered. ~ ~ 8. M~tohelson Sootheran "THAT the' following applications for Victualling Licenses be approved and licenses granted:- L. A. Anderson, 4166 Woodbine Street~ Isobel Gould, 4870 Lundy's Lane." Carnival ~ 9. Sootheran June 18-21 Kelghan ~ ~ 10. Sootheran ~ Mltchelson Iady of Peace ~ il. Sootheran Mltehelson Carried. "THAT Stamford Volunteer Firemen be granted permission to hold their annual carnival from June 18th to June 21st and be permitted to bring in the Joyes Shows." Carried. "THATthe application for a Public 'Hall License from Stamford Woments -Institute to operate the Public Hall at 154 Portage Road N. be approwd and Lioense granted." Carried. "THAT the Lady of Peace ~nurch be . granted permission to hold a parade -on June 1st in celebration of their 100thAnniversary., Mee~ with ~ 12. Eeigb~n $ootheran Carriede ~TNAT Council meet with the Township -Employees Union to discuss the 1958 agreement on,Friday, February 21st at 7 p,m." · Carr~ede ' )~a~expendi- ¢~14. to ~ 15. 16. ~ 19. Keighan Mitchelson "THAT Cooncit !~sue a Joint proclamation in conJm~otion ~','lth I~lag~ara F~!ls and Chippau~ encouragi~ the Public to have as much :.~ork done as possible durl~ the ~':inter months..' Mitchelso~ Allan Carried. "T~iT an application be made to the Ontario Municipal Boa~d for tentative approvals,, ~ for an additional expenditure of ~2.~,719.26 as requested in the Enginaer's letter of February 10th re: Dorchester Road Sewer.,, Mitehelson Keighan Carri ed. "TMJ{T we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Pla~uuing Board of a tranSfer of uart of Lot 123 from Frederick ~. B, Hodgson to Brm~o Casagf~nde. The portion being transferred has a frontage on Beaverdams Road of 72 feet by a depth of 117.03 on the East Side. This approval is granted on condition that taxes are paid in full to December 31st, 1957." Keighan Allan Kelghan Sootheran. Allan Mitchelson Mltchelson Allan Carried, "BY, lAW No. 2241, 1958~ A By-law to dedicate as a highway certain lands contained in Township Lots 133 and 123 and part of the unopened road allowance between said Lots 123 and 133, and to name the said highway Green Avenue.., Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-IAW No. 2236, 1958. A By-law to provide for the 1958 expenditures on roads in the Township of Stamford in the County of Welland. Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-lAW No. 2237, 1958, A By-law to ~uthorlze the execution of a conveyance fro~ the Corporation of the TownShip of Stamford to Oakes Drive Mctel Limited ~at~d the 7th day of February~ 1958., Head a first, second and third time and passed. "BX-IAW No. 2242, 1958. A By-law to · appoint members of a Committee of ~ AdJustmemt~ and to provide for their remuneration.. Read a first~ second and third time and passed. Tenders for ~ Letter deposit boxe,~ , Feb. 10, 1958 No. 10' Pttr~oos e 20. Mitchelson Allan 21. Allan Mitchelson "BY-LAW No. 2243, 1955. A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement dated the 10th February, 1958 between J. A. Climenhage DevelOpment 'Limited' ...... .. and the Corporation of the TownShip of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "THAT the tender of the Apex Painters be accepted at price quoted, $1472.50, for painting interior of Township Hall, this being the lowest tender." 22. Sootheran Keighan Carried. "THAT the Engineer be empowered to call tenders for all materials used by the Township, tenders to close March 10th." 23. Eelghan Soothera~ Carried. "THAT the Postal Department be asked to conduct a survey and report on the possibilities of providing letter deposit boxes in new subdivisions that are built up." 24. Keighan Sootheran. ~arriede "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, February l?thunless called sooner by the Reeve." ~arried. Meeting Adjourned ~ ,Hq~u~ 9:52 P.M. -., aeeve -' ' A ~pecial Meeting of Co~nc£1 ~as held in the Cotu~cil A.-O. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Alla~ R. F. Keighan E. wE. Mitchelson Reeve Deputy Heeve Councillor Councillor Councillor This meeting was called for the purpose of conSidering the Public Works estimates for Budget purposes for 1958. Estimates for the following branches of 9he Public Works Department were considered and finally approved as revised by ~ounoll~ Ashes & Carbage Cemeteries ' Sewers Sidewalks (6) 'Streeta ~ 1% 195 ll Meeting Adjourned Reeve- Hour 6:15 P. /t' ~ !/ ' A RegtUtar Meeting of Council was held in the Council Chamber on Monday, February 17th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. A. O. Bridge Reeve ~//. H. Sootheran Depdty Reeve R. F. Keighan Coumcillor E. E. Mitchelson . Co~u~cillor 1. Mltchelson Kslghan "T~{AT the minutes of the meeting held on February 10th, 1958 be adopted as printed." .Carried. Mr. Ross Cashmere of Cashmere & Sons addressed the meeting and suggested that the Township Council consider changing their mode of calli~ for tenders to provide for the use of bid bonds instead of Marked Cheques for 10% of the estimated cost of local improvement works. He also s,;u~gested that arrangements be made to provide that Contiactors could bid on all the local improvement construction or part. He advised that if his suggestions were carried out, it would provide more interest among contractors for To,]ship work. Eo action was taken in respect to the matters raised by Mr. Cashmere but it was agrged that both points raised would be considered further at the time we call for tenders on the 1958 construction. 2. Soothera. n Mltche%son "THAT the following applications for Victualling Licenses be approved: Steve Krizsen, 2535 Thorold Stone Road, Welland Plat (N.A.Cyanm. Ltd.) Garner Road, ~m. M~lodynla, 2871 O'Neil Street, Andrew Kiesz, 1473 Highland Avenue." Mltohelson Sootheran Carried, "T~T the application for a Service Station License from Louis Bolus of Q. E. ~ay and Mountain Road be approved and license granted.. Kelghan Sootheran · Carried. "TI~T the application for a Hawker & Pedla~ License from Michael Andrecyk of 1327 Dorchester Road be approved and 'license grated." Carried. ._Hairdres sln~ Soothe ran Kelghan Hawker & Pedlar ~ 6. Sooth,ran Kelghan mtohelson ';!! Elsley & Eie~ele ~ 8. Kelghan ~! ~ Mltohelson Bal Ed~catio~ We~k ~' 9. . Sooth,ran ' Keigha~ ~ J 10. Mitchelson E~eighan "THAT the following applications for Hairdressing Establls. hment Licenses be approved: Madeleine Pridham, 2870 Stamford Green Drive, Mrs. Janina Scibik, 2247 Lundy~s Lane, Carried. "THAT the application for 1957 and 1958 Hawker & Pedlar Licenses from Marie Riganetll of Thorold~ Ontario be approved and licenses gr~mted." Carried. "THAT a letter of condolence be forwarded to J. N. Allan for the loss of his sister, Mrs. George Pew." Carried. "THAT we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Plant, lng Board of the following property transfem (1) PAECEL#~- A Transfer of that part of ToWnsHip Lot No. 43 as shown on blue print prepared by R. Blake Erwln, O.L.S. dated February 14th~ 1958 from D. C. Elsley to River ~Realty Development Limited. (2)~PARCE~ ~2.- A transfer of that part of Township Lot 43 as shown on blue print prepared by R. Blake Erwin, O.L.S. dated February 14th, 1958 containing by admeasurement 1.64 ao~es more or less from Vic. Klemele to River Realty Development Limited. Our approval to both transfers is conditional on the taxes being paid in f~tll to December 31st, 1957 on the property these parcels are being transferred from." Carried~ "THAT the Reeve be empowered to proclaim the Week of March 2nd to 8th Education Week in the Township of Stamford., Carried. "THAT Council l~form Mr. Keays that they are not prepared to accept his offer as made to the Township Solicitor and outlined in her letter of ~ebruary 12th and that he be advised as to what p~ocedure he may take in Law." ~arried~ .wland Twp.. -~'~ 11. 12. 13.- 14. 15. Sooth,ran Mltchelson "Ti!AT we endorse the resolutions of ~ro'v~].and Townshio in regard to subsidy on .. ol~are ~dminiStpators salaries 16. Mltchelson Keighan Sootheran Keighan Keighan Sooth,ran Keighan Mitchelson Keighan Sooth,ran "BY-Ld.! No. 2239, 1958. A By-law to provide for the issue of Debentures in the princi].~al amotmt of ~3,617.53 to pay the cost of construetirk~ certain sidewalks as local improvements., Head a first, seco'nd and third time and passed. "BY-~W No. 2239, 1958. A By-law to provide for the issue of Debentures in the princioal amount of $417,551.%9 to pay the~cost of constructing certain sewermains as local improvements., ~ead a first, second and third time an~ passed. "BY-~W No. 2240, 1958. A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentm. es in ~ge aggregate principal amount of 9~21,169.12 to pay the cost of constructing certain local improvements.,, Read a first, second and third time and passed~ "BY-IAW No. 2244, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of a Lease and Option to purchase dated the 17th day of February, 1958, between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and Alexander C. Barrett." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "THAT Council approve of the recor~endations of the Engineer in his letter of February 14th affecting the change in working hours of the Storehouse keeper in order that the gate to the warehouse might be opened before 8 a.m. in the morning." 17. Sootheran Keighan Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to meet with the. Stamford Township Employees Union on February 21st at ? p.m." Carried. Meeting AdJoqrned ,,. , Hour 10:.00 P. N. No. 12 present "' ~lArDOS e Ad~uz~ Feb. ~21, 1958 No. 13 ~reeent A Special Meeting of Council was held in the Council .,Chamber on ~riday, '~ebruary 21st, ~958 aD 7 p.m.. A. G. Bridge W. H. Sootheran Jo No Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The meeting was called for the purpose of meeting with the negotiating Committee of Stamford Township Employees Local Union No. 425 but by letter from the Union dated February 19th they advised that they would be unable to meet with the Council since they were not prepared at this time to discuss their proposed contract for next year. In the circumstances Council studied the following items for the 195~ Municipal Budget: (1) Requests. fo~ 1958 Mu~lcipal GraFts,. The requests for grants were considered and certain decisions made. In the case of grants requested by the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce for Tourist and Industry purposes it was decided to request the representatives of the Chamber to attend a meeting of Council to be held on February 22nd in order that their requests for increases might be explained. It was also decided to request the representatives of the Niagara Frontier Humane Society toattend a, future meeting of the Council to explain in more detail the reasons they were' asking for 100%~ increase in their grant. (2) Sala~lee of Township Officia~. Certain conclusions were reached in~espect to salaries and allowances but inca n~ber of oases the matter was tabled for future study, 1. Mitchelson Keithan "THAT Council now adjourn to meet again at 1~00 p~m. Saturday, February 22nd." Carried. MeetlngAdJourned ~eev6 1. -' Mltohelson Sootheran~ Clerk A Regular Meeting of Council was held in Chamber on Satur~day, February 22nd, 1958 A. Go Bridge W. R. Sootheran Jo N. Allan .... ~R. F. Keighan E. E. Mltehelson the Counc 11 at 1:00 p.m. ~ee~e Deputy Bseve ~ounoillor Councillor Cou~oillo~ "THAT the minutes of the meetings held on February 14th and February l?~h, 1958 be adopted as printed., 9arried. of of Town ~ 2. Keighan Mltchelson "THAT we do no~? adjourn to ;4'o into Flnal~ee Co.'~;r.,.ittee a~ld pass aeeou:lts., 3. Kelgt{an Mitchelson ~trrted. "T;hlT the statement of Roads Accounts dated February 21st, 19~8 as presented be accepted and the accounts be paid amounti~g to g7,394.87., 4.. Keighan Mitchelson Carried. "T~U~T the statement of Relief Accounts dated February 21st, 1958 as presented, be ~ccepted and the accounts be paid amounting to ~3,655.t4., 5 · Sootheran Keighan Carriodo "THi~T the Statement of General Accounts dated February 21st, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to ~122,327.33., 6. Sootheran Mltchelson Carried. "T;AT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Co~ncilo" C~urried. By. invitation Mr. M. F. Jones, President and Mr. Don Murie, Manager of the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce attended the meeting and spoke in support of the grant increases requested by the Chamber for Tourist and Industrial purposes. After a complete discussion of the matter with the representatives of the Chamber the following resolution was passed: Keighan Mitchelson 8. Allan Sootheran 9, Mitchelson -Allan "THAT Council increase the Chamber of Commerce Tourist Committee grant for 1958 to $8,000.00 and the Industrial Committee of the Chamber of Commerce receive a grant of ~,500.00 for 1958..- Carried. "~Y-~W No. 2245, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 2gud day of February, 1958, between Mary Realty Limited and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford., Head a first, second and third time. and p~ssed. "TI~T the Solicitor be authorized to attend the hearing of the Thorold Town private bill Thursday, February 27 and represent the Corporation and protect its interests." Carried, Water Rental · C. H. Barrett Use of Twp.Ha~l for Cottrt of Revision Adjourn Feb. No. 1~ 10. Mitchelson Keighan,. "TI~T we authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign a water rental agreement between Cecil Herbert Barrett and the Township of Stamford. The annual .charge of $11.94 to be entered on the 1959 Tax Roll for.a period of 15 years., il. Soo'theran Keighan Carried. "THAT the Lioness Club be granted · permission to hold their "Broom Drive" in Sta~ford Industry.~ ~ ~2.. Soo~heran Keighan Carried. "THAT the returning officer for the Federal Election be granted permission to use the To~rnship Hall for the Court of Revision on March 13, 14~ 15 & 18th., ~'13~ K~i~han. Allan Carrie "T~T Councillor Mltchelson be appointed Acting Reeve for that portion of the week of-February 23rd that the Heave is absent.? · ~ 14. Sootheran Mltchelson Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to meet at the call of the Reeve." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hour 3~10 P.M. _. ~ Regular Meeting of Council was held in the ~ounoil · Chamber ~n Monday, March 3rd, 1958 at ?:30 p.m. * 1o ~itohelson A!~an Reeve · Deputy ~aeve Councillor Cousolllor- ~ounolllor "THAT the minutes of the meetings held on February 21st and February 22nd, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried. ~alters & Miller Sub~lvision Humane Socl.et[ The following persons addressed the Council in respect to the matters indicated herein: (1) Ray Matthews, 0.L.S. presented a plan of a proposed subdivision Comprised of 17 lots owned by Walters & Miller on McMicklng Street East of Dorchester Ro~d and requested the approwl of Council of the plan. The Engineer reported that the lots were laid out in accordance with the To~ship,s requirements but advised that he would like ~o have the stu~veyor show the grades and levels of ~he land. It was decided to table the matter until the next meeting of Cotmcil to be held on Wectuesday. (2) M~. W. F. Mepham, President of the Niagara Frontier Humane Society attended the meeting in respect to the Society's request for an increase of a grant they requested for 1958. He stated that if Council could not see their way clear to grant the request for additional f~mds that the Society would have to ~urtail their services and pointed out the reasons why the additional funds are required. It was decided to consider the matter further on the next Budget Meeting. Sootheran Mltohelson "THAT the application for a Hawker & Pedlar's License from E. Selway of St. Davids be approved and license granted.,' Vc~ ~ 3. Kelghan Sootheran Refreshment * 4. Allan ~ Kelghan ~ ~ 5. Kelghan ', Mitchelson ~ ~ 6. Allan '~" ' ' Nltohelson Carried. "T~T the following applications for Victualling Licenses be approved: R. DJonovich, 1672 Portage Road, H. Manson, 3~ll Lundy's Lane, J. Krzyzanowski, 2901 Drummond Road, Wm. RaosavlJevich, 2384 Portage Road S." Carried. "THAT the application from John Chotka of 456 Welland Avenue, St. Catharlnes, Ontario to operate 4 refreshment vehicles in Stamford be approved and license granted." Carried. "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector respecting Building Permits issued during the month of February, 1958 amounting to $361,850.00." Carried. "THAT the application from J. Sembay & Steve Kiss to operate a Salvage Yard 'on the west side of Kalar Road~ south of Beaverdams Road be approved a~d license granted." Carried. Stam.SchoBd. to Brusutti & Mitchelscn ~ 8. Sootheran Mirth. leon "THAT the application from Morris, Samuel, Abraham & Emma Greenspan . to operate a Salvage Yard on Beaverdams Road be approved and license granted." Carried. "THAT pursuant to a letter from i~tthews & Matthews dated March 3rd, 1958 we cancel resolution No. 8 passed by Council on November 23rd, 1957 and in lieu thereof recommend to the Planning Board the following 'transfers of part Township Lot 113: (1) From Stamford Union Separate School Board Nos. 4, 5 & 6 to Angelo & Ines Brusutti of a parcel having a frontage of 70~ on the north side of Valley Way by a depth of 125'. (2) From Stamford Union Separate School Board Nos. 4, 5 & 6 to Mr. & Mrs. . Narclsio Toffolo a parcel having a of 70~ on the north side of Valley Way by a depth of 125'. Both transfers are recommended on condition that the estimated cost of sidewalks for the frontage being sold is paid." Eeighan Bootheran ~~ lO, Mitchelson .. Sootheran · Meeting with r 11. Mltohelson P$1ioe Oommiss~ ~ 12. Mitohelson (~arried. 'THAT the application for a Hawker & Pedlar's License from Russell Cornell of 3174 Drummond Road be granted." Oarried. "THAT the Building Inspector be author] to attend the 1958 Conference of Canadian Bulldl~ Officials at Ottawa, April 14, 15 & rudder the auspices of the National Research Council." Carried. "TNAT the Clerk be instructed to arrange an informal dinner meeting with the members of the Stamford Police through the Secretary of the Commission at a time mutually acceptable to both groups for the purpose.of discussing ~u_~al-problems." Carpi.de #THAT ~ordonBates be the Township of Stamford's second appointment to the 3 Committee of the Niagara Regional ~DeYelopmentAsaoolation.. ~arPiede Mitchelson Allan T~T Mr. j. R. Myers At 2542 Barker Street be granted permission_to remove the tree referred to in his letter of February 27 at his expense and his o~ risk." & Reeves e 14. Sooth,ran MltehelsoD Carried. "T~T we again take membership in the Association of Mayors & Reeves and our Reeve be empowered to attend their annual conference in StratEord ~n June.,, 15. Keighan Mitchelson Carried. "THAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to petition the Provincial Government for the Statutory grant Under the provisions of The Highway Improvement Act on eXpenditures made durdng the year 1957 amo~mting to a total of $3Ol, o13 Act to Amend Power )test Pro- Sions of of ~ Carried. The ~l~rk reported that he had received a copy of Bill No. 110 being enbitled "An Act to Amend the Power CommiSsion Act" which had received two readings. This Bill will authorize the Hydro Commission to pay grants in lieu of taxes at a rate based on 60% of the Assessment land values instead of the present rate, which is based on 25% of such land values. He estimated that the change would provide additional ~_ants to the Tg~nship for the year 1958 of between$33,O00~00'-hnd~.$3~000.00 depending on the mill rate levied for the current year. The Council considered this report in the light of the brief ~ presented to the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario in 1957 and generally agreed that the amendment to the Act fell far short of the relief we expected to secure in the way of an amendment to the Act. In this connection the following resolution was passed~ 16.- Mitchelson Kelghan "THA~ the Reeve be instructed to make .an tppointment with the Prmaisr at his earliest convenience so that we may protest the provisions of Bill No. 110 and the regulations included therein., Carried° 17, ~ootheran Kel han "THAT tee proposed resolution submitted by the Chamber of Commerce in regard ~o "Chamber of Commerce Week" be published over the signature of the Reeve; cost of same to be borne.by theCAamber.# ~ar~led, Projects for ~crch 3, No. 15 Allan Eeighan Sootheran Mltohelson * 20. Mltchelson Eeighan "BY-LAW No. 2247, 19581 A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated March 3rd, 1958 · between M. Proclukand the Corporation 'of the Township of Stamford. Read a first, second and third time and passed. ~ "BY-LAWNo. 2246, 1958. A by-law to exempt certain lands from taxes imposed by special assessment in respect to sewers in Stamford sewer area., Read a first, second and third time and passed. "THAT the Engineer's report of projects to stimulate employment be approved and a further breakdown for presentation to the appropriate department be prepared and submitted for approval." 22. Sootheran Keighan Carried. "THAT we do lxow adJourn to meet on Sednesday, 4:00 p.m. to discuss the ire Budget.' Carried. Meeting Adjourned -~ ~our 10:~40 p. M. A Special Meeting__ of Council was held in the Council Chamber.on Wednesday, March 5th, 1958 at 4:00 p.m. Reeve A. O, Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mltohelson The proposed plan of subdivision owned by Walters & Miller comprised of 17 lots being an extension of McMlcking Street.was comsidered and the followl~ resoluti6n was passed: · 1. Sootheran Raeve Deputy Reeve ' Councillor Councillor Councillor - Ketgh~n~ ,THAT we do not disapprove of a plan J '~':~ o~ subdivision ~omprlsed~of 17 lots · <' ' ,,~ ~AAe~ mel~ xooa~ed o~ ~he ~S$ :~ ~,stde of ~hester ~a~ south of ~X~Xede B_ud~et'Estimates Ad.lourn ~ Council considered the followim~ Budget estimates for the year 1958: (1) Requests for certain Municipal Grants including · Stamford Public Library Board. (2) Street light estimates. (3) Fire Budget from the Stamford Fire Committee. (4) Police Budget from the Stamford Police Certain alterations were made in respect to the above items and finally all four items were approved for the overall budget. In respect to a request from the Stamford Union it was decided to meet with their bargaining Committee on Saturday, March 8th at 2:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the 1958 agreement. 2. Eelgh~n Sootheran "T~T we do now adjourn to meet on Saturday, March 8th at 12 noon." Carried. Narch 5, 1958 No. 16 Meeting Adjourned Reeve Hour 5:50 P.M. .... A Special Meeting of Council was held in the Council Chamber on Satu~day~ March 8th~ 1958 at 12~00 a.m. A. G. Bridge Reeve W. R. Sootheran Deputy Reeve ~. N. Allan Councillor R. F. Eelghan Councillor E. E. Mltchelson Councillor The meeting was called for the purpose of reviewing ~ertain estimates for the 19%8 Budget~ and meeting the Negotiating Committee of the Stamford Employees Union. The first item considered was the 19~8 Salary By-law for Department Heads and employees not in the Union. Certain revisions in the schedule were made and the Clerk was authorized to have an appropriate By-law prepared. The Engineer and Cl~r'k advised that Mr. ~. A. Climenhage and. Mr. F. A. Branscombe have requested the ~mmediate : construction of sewer and water mains within certain subdivisions controlled by thea, Xt was agreed to ,proceed with this construction in view of the fact that the subdividers must pay the entire cost~ and the follow- lng resolution was passed pertaining thereto~ 1, Nitchelson "THAT Couneil authorize the ~ngtneer to ,call for sewer and water tenders for Cherrywo~d Aores~ Nerrltt,Av$,~ C & Development and Baldin Subdivision to be in by l~aroh 31st at ~!~00 Ca~ied Road ~ro~ram DeptoRighways The Engineer 19~8 Supplementary Road Construction pro~raml %. Permaneht'Road Construction 1. Norrison St. from Drummond Rd. to. submitted the following su~gestions for- Traffic Counts (Daily Ave. for ~ weeks) Near David Ave. - 2280 Near Law Ave. - 51+38 Condition of existing road - GOOD $~0,00o.0 2. DunnSt. from Dr,,mmond Rd.'to Stnnley Ave. Traffic counts (Daily Ave. for $ weeks) Near ~ocus Ave. - 1~O6 Near Cleveland Av.-133~ Condition of ~xisting road - BAD B. Rural Roads. Stanley Ave. from 1000~ south oR ~'elland Line Rd. to Welland River Blvd. Welland Line Rd. from Dr,,mmond Rd. to Dorchester Rd. Dorchester Rd. from McLeod Rd. to Welland Line Rd. ~-- Beechwo~ Rd. from Lundy~s L~e to McLeed Ealar Rd. from l~cLeod 'Rd. ':to. Welland Line Road Ealar Rd. from Welland Line Rd. to Chippawa Cree~ Road - Weiland Line Rd. from Garner Rd. to QEW 13 lO 8, 19,, 12, 12. Sooth.ran Allan TEAT the Department of Highways he petitioned for the acceptance of our supplementary. R.oad Construction for Items A 2, B 1,~,%,6s?~ as outline6 in the Engineer ~ s reoommendations.. A Regular Meeting of Council ;.Jas held in the Council Ch~.mber on Monday, March 10th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. 1.~ Mi~chelson Sootheran A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meetings held on M~,rch 3rd and March 5th, 1958 be adopted as printed." 2. ~ Sootheran Mitchelson Carried. "T~T we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass Accounts.,, 3. ~ Keighan Nltchelson Carried. "Tlff~T the statement of General Accounts dated March 7th, 1958 as presented~ be accepted and the accounts be paid amotmting to $276,649.64.~ 4.~ Eeighan Sootheran Carried. "THAT the statement o[ Roads Accounts dated March 7th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $14,156.77.,~ 5.Y~Eeighan Mitchelson Carried. "THAT the statement of Hellef Accounts dated March ?th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to.$678.73." 6.~ Sootheran MitohBlson Carried. "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council.# Negotia~mg Ca, tied. ~he ~egotiat~n~ Committee of the Stamford Township · Employees Union No. 42~ met with the Co~cil at 2~ p.m. ~d s~b~tted ~ expla~ed the~ proposed ~en~ents to 19~8 U~eem~t. Co,oil asked 'fo~ f~er ela~if~ .:tigon ~respeet ~ c~ of ~e proposals from but no deft-ste aeti~ ~ ~ req~sts ~s t~en~ It deeid~ ~deal ~th ~e ~tt~ at a CoOtie ~eet~ hel~ ~n,~esday, ~oh Carried. At~ the invitation of Council, the following representatives of ~heSt~mford District Board of Education attended the -meeting for the purpose of discussing their application for a debenture issue ~f $314,500.00 to pro~ld~, additional · p~blio~,sohool accom~odation in the Township. . Fred Rutland, Chairman, . ~ M.F. Jones, Member. R. A. McLeod, Secretary-Treasurer. ~our :- ~' ~' ' ~: -~ "~' · · ~ Ca, ri,de .,~ .. program this year'was large as the Board did not ~ve .~ .-. . '~'~- ,~ - ' ~ new Glass rooms oonst~t~ ~ 19~7. The assisted '* "z S., Mitehelaon ,~'Y:-. .,Mr.. Rutland submitted and explained a memorandum in respect · .._ on ~' '< ; ; to the proposed school additions at the James Norden and ~ ':A~i.~.,.~ ;,~" .''' ~'~,TNATI~ now adjourn to ~eet No~day~ .~ ' ~,~ ,-.; :Pz~noess Margaret Schools as well as the proposed ~ah~lO~.~.Tt~O ~.m." - '~'~ ~ , school on,rob.stet Ro~d. Ne in~oated that the b~ld~ Bdo of Education ~ont [hued Dorchester. Stamford Lions Club award to Hequest Postal cost of the schools together with the amount approved for grant purposes is se~ out hereunder~ ~ ,. Approved for James Norden Addition. ~ ~~ Princess Margaret ~ . 80,000.00 ' 80,000.00 Dorchester Rd. N. ~cho01 6.~ 4_~ At the conclusion of the discussion, the Clerk was directed to prepare the necessary by-laws and submit same .to the next regular meeting of .Council. A representative of a Company building houses in the Dorchester.Heights Subdivision attended the meeting and complained about certain conditions in connection with the house building that the Building Inspector had lr~lSted on. In the case of several of the houses, the Building Zuspeotorhad directed that the fill be not placed back around the foundation until the spring in order that he might determine if frost conditions had affected the 'foundation walls. There appeared to be some confusion in .the representative*s mind in respect to the authority of the Township Building Inspector and the Inspector for the Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation. The Council · informed him that all buildings in ~tamford must be constructed in conformity with our Building Code and that it is the duty of our BUilding Inspector to see that there are no violations. Mr. Ben R. Prior, President of the Stamford Lions Club a~tende~ the meeting and on behalf Of the Club presented Reeve Bridge with an achievement award plaque. He indicated ·hat the plaque was awarded in recognition of the out- standing service that the Reeve had rendered to this Community during his term of office as Reeve of Stamfor~ Township and Warden of Well~nd County. ?.* Sootheran Mitchelson "THAT we request the Postmaster to have a survey taken to determine if postal delivery service could be arranged for t~h? ar~a bounded by Lu~dy's L~ne, &ar Head, Beaverdams Road, the CanadianNational Rallway and the Queen Elizabeth Way." Tenders for Mltohelson Allan "THAT the following tenders be awarded: -Walker Rros for stonee -Calaguiro Bros for Gravel, Sand & ~ill~ -Eastland eros-- etwfaoe treatment .... ~..; penetration~ · ' ~ .H.. E. Law ) for cold patch & · warren Rltumiaoue) hot mix~ '-Ounnin~'s for ~as~tLne & ke~sane~ , ,.-~y~ ~-::, ~Champion - diesel & furnace oil~ ~'~.~- ~ ~'~·~ -'/~,~ ' -Cit~ea Service , for oils & greases, :~-.'-/ be~ the lowest tendere~ subject to ~', :. · ~ '.-the appro~val.,of .theDepartment of for Allan Mitchelson "T~T Co,moil a~ard the following tenders to: ~Weightman _ small Vitrified pipe & cement~ -Nia. Concrete Pipe - for sewer pipe, Ca~ada Iron Foundries - water ? Valve .bSxes - & Sp'ecials, pipe, ~Valves ~ hydrants . Canada ~Valve 6nd Hydrate. 10.~ Sootheran Allan Carried. ~T}~T we do now adjourn'to meet Wednesday, March 12th at 4 p.m.~ Carried. Meeting Adjourned ~rch 10, 1958 No. 18 A. O. Bridge ~eeve W. ~. Sootheran Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor R. F. Eeighan Councillor E. E. Mitchelson Councillor~ A dlscussionwas held in respect to the following special works program designed to stimulate employment for which the Provincial Government will reimburse the Municipality for 70% of the Direct labour cost incurred up to May 31st, 1958: (5) Drainage system for the Lundy's Lane Cemetery. Construction of a. storehouse and lavatories for the Lundy's Lane Cemetery. Clearing and burning stumps and brush from Industrial property, Registered Plan 160. Painting of the interior of the Police Station and to make some repairs to existing offices. Storehouse alterations. Tree and shrub moving and planting (Cemetery & P~rks) Br~shingonTownship Roads. · ~e. Clerk advised that the above projects had been approve~ by the Department of Municipal Affairs and he expected to · receive the formal approval in writing in the near futures In the meantime the Engineer was authorized to proceed ' with the works and the follow~ resolution was passed~ .. /' Rate for Unskilled Iabour " 1. ~ Sootheran Kelghan Mechanical Maintenance Short March 12, 1958 NO. 19 ~ ' Swansea "THAT the rate of pay for unskilled labour that will be used in our projects to alleviate unemployment be set at $1~45 per hot~r,u Carrl ed. C~uncil conSidered a detailed report of the Engineer regarding the enlargement of the present maintenance shop to provide for limited mechanical work on the trucks and equipment. 2.~ Mltchelson Kelghan "THAT Council approve the recommendation of the Engineer regarding the ernlarge- ment of the present maintenance shop and the hiring of a mechanic to · supervise a programme of Upreventative maintenanceS. Sootheran Keighan Carried° ,THAT we do now adjourn to meet Friday, March t4th at 4:30 ~arriede MeetingAdJourned · peolal Meeting of .Chambe~ on Friday, Hour 5:00 P. M. Clerk the ~otmcil was held i ~oil ~h 14th, 19~8 ~at- 4:30 p.m. A. O. Bridge : We Re ~ootheran J. N. Allan Re F° Keighan E° E. ~.ttohelson Heeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor speaking on the matter suggested that' the unit prices expressed l~ the Contract should have provided adequate payment. After considerable discussion, the Swansea Construction Company w~s requested to make its request in writing and pointing out the specific re~sons why they considered an adjustment of costs should be made. When the submission is made, Council will consider the matter f~rther. Council met ~ith the~ following To~ship foremen: G. Warden, G. Weaver, Ac Adams. The foremen expressed dissatisfaction in the 1958 salary offered by Council at $4,500 and suggested that the salary should be $5,000. They pointed out that a straight salary of $4,500 would only provide approximately the same income they received in 1957, since the proposal in respect to the 1958 salary specified that overtime would not be paid. No decision was made in respect to the question of Salaries but Cotmeil advised the foremen that the matter would be considered at a future meeting. 1o ~ Sootheran Mltshelson "THAT the suggestions of the foremen that their salaries be raised to $5,000.00 be referred to the Budget Committee for further discussion., Sootheran Keighan Carried. "Tt~T we do now adjourn to meet Monday, March 17th at ?:30 p.m.' Carried. MeetingAdJourned Hour 6:20 P. M, request of the Swansea Construction Coml~n.v regard, tug ReeVe ' e~xtra c. oets_this CO.ml~.... inc_urred as a result of cha~ging '' ox greae asa speoifioatxons ~or the trunk sewer on .20? : A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in e ~ouncil ~ontrose Road from Watson Street to' Industrial Street. Chamber on Mend,ay, Mar0h l?th, 1958 at ?:30 p.m. Hr. ~. Lyons attended the meeting on behalf of the Company " ~ ~,- A.O. Bridge Reeve and st.ate~.that.the'Township lowered the depth of this .W.R. Sootheran Deputy Reeve aewe.r ~.y 5' over an apprexi~ate distance of ~850'- This ' o~ea~e= extra expense for the ComDan~ since it re~-~ J.N. Allan Councillor a tXgh.t sho. r_i~..and _doUble eheetE, g.' The Company'a~- R. ~. Xe~ghan ~' Counslllor em?oun~ere=.quxe~sana oon~itions which resulted Xn E.E. Mltohelson , Councillor ex~ra expenditures. He estimated that hie Company was ~, · 1.~b Mitchelson . .e.ntltled to.~a~_ adjustment of $17.714.06. Hr. Lyons baaed Allan o~s..a__rgumen~,_ror, anextra payment of the amount imdAcated on March 8th, March 10th and ~areh .___ua.e..g~__o_u~.m? t.h~..t ..the s.peo.ifieati, o.na for 'the ~ob had -, 12th, 1958 be adopted as printed., 'THAT the minutes of the meete~s held D~ the-,~t GOat of-"t~e :~ontraet. ,Heabers .pr Cou~oil in ,, . .-'', ," ' - ' ': , '- '~-' o~ Hr. George German, Hr. Page~ an~ ~. H. Koll · -- ~ - ~. Tr~tee, :-.. ~ -,-' : '~ of the ~lllage of St. ~vl~ atten~e~ the meeti~ ~'~ - ~ ' protested a~lnst the proposed race. trusties of the " :~ ' -~ '~ ~' '~ra-~$a~o~ ~. ~e ~ad from ~e. Be~ Second Hand Good~ to No. 8 Highway. They explained that if the road was ~oeCOnStructed, the pol. ice village would be oalle'd upon pay appr~xtm~tely. $1,244.00. ' Council explained tha,t Stamford Township had considered the reconstruction of the Town r-ins Road and had decided to pay their share of the cost for reconstructing the road between Stanley Avenue and Bevan,l~bl~hts. It was explained that Stamford Township would ~ot participate in the reconstruction of the balance of the road to No. 8 Highway in 1958. was indicated by members of Stamford Council, as well as the Trustees for St. Davids, that the reconstruction of the balance of the road might be undertaken in some future year. , ' , 2. ~ Keighan Sootheran 'THAT the application from John · Mignelli &Mike Carlucoi of 2299 ~ Murray Street to deal in Second Hand ~ods be approved and license granted, with the understanding that no Junk or debris be stored on the premises, or the license shall be cancelled., 3e ~L Allan Mltohelson ~arried. 'THAT the application from Mrs. Margaret Mace, of 2259 Ross Crescent for a Driving I~tructor~s License be~ approved and license granted.' 4. ~ Mitchelson ~arried. "THAT the following applications for Public Garage Licenses be approved and licenses granted: · . G. ~ztth, Montrose at Lun~v~s Lane ~ames Nicholls, 1014 Drummon~oad, ' Michael R. Melymu~, 28?5 Thorold Stone Road, _P. O. Smith, Montrose at Lundy~s Lane, A'eter White, 1590 Stanley AvenUe.. ." %. ~ Sootheran : , Weigham Carrie~. "THAT applications for Victualling' Licenses from the following be apProved a~d licenses granted: ~. Taz~o, 1723 Dunn Street, eter Georgieff, 25~3 Portage Rd. OXiver S. Scott, 2314 Thorold S~one Ben. R. Prior, ~1 Portage Rd. S. Deputy Reeve W. R. Sootheran stated that ~e Understood · that the City of Niagara Falls only provided a Grant of $3,500.00.1n the current budget for the Greater Niagara Ohamber of Commerce Tourist Committee, but had provided an amount of $5,000 for the Humane Society. .He suggested that Tourist promotion work was important to both mttuicipalities and regretted that Niagara Falls had failed to increase the grant and accept responsibility to promote this district while Stamford Township increased their Grant for Tourist promotion work to $8,000.00. ?*~ Mltchelson Allan "T~T the tree spraying service for 1958 be awarded to the Wilson Tree Services. 8. ~ Kelghan Mitchelson Carried. "~HA~ we do now adjourn to meet ~h~u-sday, March 2?th at 3 o'clock." )$ 17, 1958 21 Carried. Me'ting Adjourned Hour 9:15 P.M. A Special ~eetlng of the Council ~as held in th~ Council ,Chamber on Thursday, March 20th, 1~58 at 3 p.m. A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan · E. E. MltChelson lieeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The special meeting was called for the purpose of finalizing the Municipal Budget for the current year in order that a by-la~ could be passed for levying the rates required to raise the necessary funds. Councillor R. 'F. Keighan reviewed the proposed consolidated Budget with Council and finally after a full discussion of all items and after a few changes were made the ,Council gave approval to Councillor Kelghan's proposal and directed, t~at a by-law be prepared to levy the required mill rates. 1,. Sootheran Keighan "THAT Cala~ro Brothers be granted : . - Carried~ : p. ermission to break up the former Site for New' ~.4~ [eig~a~ i ~8 Highway on the property which is Sta ord o. .hip. o il request omo anx.o o . - ;' '~ : · ~ f ....... :~,~' :: ~ a meeti~ with re~reaentatives of the ' , ~rr~ed. . ~ . ~ne p~se of o~o~ZX~ the fact : :. ~, ',:~ ;' , ~t~ered In the choice of a lite for Time -'~ ,~ ,: .'"' :~ ,~ ' ,~ ': · request be for~ded ~ ~. D. 26th.' ' : ". t~' ~. '::-:' ~;~ ':: : :: .~P~lia Vor~38~ Xo~e ~treet, ~e~ - Ad.loRrn March 20, 1~58 P~esent Nia~ara--~amfor~ 3, Keighan Alla~ "THAT Co,emil do now adJour~ to meet on Monday 24th March at 7 p.m. and also on ~ums~my, March, 2?th-at 3:30 p.m." ~arried. Meetimg Adjourned Reeve ' '' Cle_~k A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Cham~er on Monday, March 24th, 1958 at A. G. Bridge Reeve W. R, Sooth, ran · Deputy Reeve J, N. Alla~ Counell.'lor ~ .R, F, Keighan Councillor E, E, Mltohelson Councillor 1, Mitohelson . - Allan "THAT the minutes of the meetings held on March 14th, March l?th~ 1958 be adopted as prated, Carried, Reeve Natty Lawson, Cottnol~lor George Fart and other Councillors of the Township of Niagara addressed the Council in respect to the reconstruction of the Town Line ~ad between Btamford and Niagara Township f~om No, 8 Hlgl~ay to a point approximately 8~0~ easterly from the New York Oentral Railway line, The representatives from Niagara stated that certain a~Tangements had been made with the T~s~ee& of the Village of -~t, Davids .and that it was their ·wish to improve this portion of the Tow~ Line in 1958, They were not interested in any proposal to repair the ~oad to Stanley Avenue, · After some discusslgn~ 15 was finally agr. eed that the 'members of both Cot[nolle together with t~e of the Village of St, Davids should ~,peot the road . ~ the followt_~ resolht.ion was passed: 2, : Sootheran Ke.~ghan ~TH~_T the Councils of Niagara To~mhip an~ the Village of St, I~vids be asked~ to ~ieet with Stanford Cotuloll at 11 a,m, o~ ~ednesday~ April 2nd , to d~seuss and view the Niagara. ~tamford Town Line,, · ~o~ of ratepayers representing the parents of children attendin~the Princess ~argaret · m ~on ~o ~ve She s~e~l~ oo~t~uote~ om the west side of~ohelte~ Roa~ f~om lts'p~esent .telethon point south as fa~ as ~ Street, ~aZ ~l~te~,~he approx~te foot,ere ~ 1~0 feet. Rd. Council was sympathetic to the petition and it was ordered that the matter be referred to th~ meeting called for the purpose of considering the 1958 Local Improvements. ' St, Anthony's Church Mr. John Hall of 2539 Dunn Street presented a petition to Council in respect to a dangerous condition which resulted from an accumulation of water in a pond caused by stopping up a natural ~.~terway. The petition . stated that the water condition was dangerous for the children in the area and requested that the To~nship have the water pumped out to the sewer system. It ~,ras agreed that the Township would endeavour to have the water pumped out of the pond and the question of blockLug b~p a ~atural watercourse would be referred to the Town~hip Solicitor. Mr. Ernest Arsenault addressed the Council on behalf of St. Anthony's Church and requested permission to erect directional signs pointing out the location of this church on the following road allowances: Portage R~ad, Morrison Street and Stanley Avenue. It was suggested that in view of the fact that Portage Road is under the control of the Suburban Road Commission that the Church first seek permission from this authority th?ough .their ~ngineer, Mr. W. Smith. 3. Allan Mitchelson "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass Accounts., 4. Kelghan ' Allan ~arrled. "THAT the statement of. ~oads Accounts dated March 21st, 1958 as presented. be accepted and the accounts he paid . amounting to $3,314.60." Keighan Mitchelson 'Carried. "THAT the statement of C~neral Accounts dated March 21st~ 1958 as presented~ be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $92,132.63." Keighan Mit~helso~ Allan Hit~helso$ Oarried. "THAT the statement of' Relief Accounts dated March 21st, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $3,6~5,99,' Carried° "THAT the Committee on Finance ~ ~w arise and resume the bus~ess of Council." '} ?u~k Wendsre /~8o SOothsran Mltohels0n. Hotel & Restaurant .Hltchelson Allen '~ 10. Xeighan ~ootheran ~a~_~W lle Alla~ FA~ohelson ~ ~t "THAT the tenders of Motorville Car Sales for the 5 ton dump truck ,~ Nordic Truck Equipme~t'Ltd. for the catch basin cleaner~~ Motorvllle Car sales for the 5 ton dump truck, 'Allen Truck Equipment for both 3 ton dump trucks, the Spratt Equipment Company for the sewer cleaning machine and Pierson BuildingvLtd. for the Steel Machinery Shed~be accepted, all beimgthe lowest offered.'0ur of the tender from Motorvitle Car Sales · the 5 ton ~ump t~uck and,,Ngrdic Truck ment Ltd. zor catchbasin cmean'eT be acce~ subJegt to the approval of Dept.of aTHAT Council refuse the application '"for a Motel and Restaurant on~ot 18~ Plan144at this time as the report from the Health DePartment is unsatisfactory." Carried. ^ 15. 16. 17. Mitchetson Allan Sootheran Allan Sootheran Keighan #BI-LAWNo. 2251, 1958. A By-law fixing the rate to be levied and collected on the rateable property of the To~rnship of S~amford to pay the current expenditures of the M,~Icipality for the year 1958.' Read a first~ second and third time a~d passed. 18. Mltche~son Sootheran "BY-I~ No. 2254, 1958. A By-law to dedicate as a portion of Cherrywood Head th~ most easterly 150 feet of Block "F" as ehman upon Registered Plan 203 for the To~*nship of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 'THAT the following tender be awarded for the supply of stone in 1958~ P.0.B. Job - Walker Bros. F.O.B. Pit - Walker Bros. or Queenston Quarries depending uponthe location of the Job, eubJ$$t to the approval of the Department of Highways. and that the part of Resolution ~o. 8 passe, N arch 10th 'awardimg the contract to Walker Bros. be resoinded., Carriede ~tohelson Allan. · BY-LAW No. 2249, 1958. A By-law to -iorovide for the 1958 5upplementary 'Expe~lituree on Roads in the Towllship 'of Stamford in the County of Welland°' Read a firsts second and third time and paeeede 3ootheran ~elgha~-~:-~'BZ-IAW No. 2250, 1958. t. By-law to ~ ...-c~ -" approve an application from ~he Stamford 'District ~a~ of Education,~ R~ a flrat~ aeo~ ~ t~r~ t~e ~ ~saed. Soother~ ~1~ ,B~ No. "BY-LAWNo. 2252, 1958. A By-law to establish perpetual care funds for cemeteries by the Murulcipalltye" Read a first, second and third time and passed. 1958 ry "BY-I~W No. 2253, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement dated the 24th day of March, 1958 between ~ver Realty Development Limited and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford., Read a first, second and third time and passed. "~T we do now adjourn to meet on Thursday, March 27th, 1958 at 3:30 p.m. re: Union Agreement and classification of employees in Engineering Office." Carried. Meeting Adjourned Hour 9:40 P.M. · , ~eeve C~erk ~ Speolal Meeting of the Counoll was held in the Council ~hamber on Thursday~ March 2?th, 1958 at 3:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keigha~ E. E. Mltchelson Deputy Reeve · Councillor Councillor Councillor The Engineer advised that the tender accepted March 24th from the Pierson Building Limited for a mteel machinery shed dldnot conform with our specifications in view of the fact that part of the building was of frame construction. He stated that St was desirable to have such a building constructed from steel material and recommended that our acceptance of the Pierson tender be rescinded. Council a~reed with the'E~gineer's recommendation and the following resolution was passed~ ~ 1~ Eeighan ~ Iiitehelson "THAT-the tender of Pierson Buildings, 22~8, 19%8. A By-law ~o . "~. ~-.,.. ·..' .' ,' Ltd. re rigid frame steel machinery shed establish a plan of sick leave credit ,~.~,. I be disqualified s~e it does ~ot fulfill .gratttttiee for ~erle Fra~kXin Ker~ .j;,. - the requirements of the tender form; R~gimeere· Rea~ a.fire,t~r'Seoond ~d and that omly other tender submitted by : thi~..-ti~e and pa~se~, : '. ' ., ,~' , , Weloon Ltd. for $1~,~J$2.00 be aooeptede'. :" ~' ~' , ',~ : '""' ' :- · :~ subject to the approval of the Dept, of , Highways." .hours for ~ ~3o Mltehelson Kelghan Sootheran "THAT all Township employees be granted three consecutive hours for voting commencing at 3 p.m. March 31st as required by federal statute., '- Carried. "THAT the Engineer be authorized to call for tenders for unit prices for building water-bound macadam roads within subdivisions; tenders to be called not later than the 5th of May, 1958 at 4 p.m." Road & Sidewalk ~ 4.' Eeighan ~ Allan Carried. "THAT Council conduct the annual road and sidewalk inspection tour on Saturday,.-April 12th at 10 a.m. in the company of the Engineer, to determine Shat repairs will be done in 1958." Carried. Council oonside~d a letter from the Engineer dated February 14th, 1958 wherein he recommended certain classifications of positions in respect to the personnel required in his department. After some discussion in respect to the suggestions made by the Engineer, the following resolution was passed: Engine .eri.ng Mltoheleon Sootheran #THAT the recommendations of the Engineer in his letter of February 14th be approved in principle and that he be authorized to work out, the details ~f implementing them in his department be proceeded with."' : , Carried. The proposals for amenaments to the collective agreement submitted by Stamford Township Employees' ~ocal Union No. 425 were considere~ by Council and decisions in respect to all requests were made. ~e Clerk was authorized to inform the Union what Council is prepared to enter into an agreement on the basis of the decisions made. :~ ~. ~oothera~ Keighan "~AT we do now adJour~to meet with officials of Niagara Township Council at 11 am, on April 2~dand the _regular Council meeting be held at ?:30-:p.~. the same day.u ~arrXedo' Meeti~gAdJourae~ 2~d, 1958 A Special Meeting of the Council held ~ednesday April 2nd, 1958 at 11 a.m. A. O. Bridge Heeve W. H. Sootheran Deputy Reeve J. N. ~ll~n Councillor R. F. Keighan Councillor The meeting was called for the put, ese of discussing the reconstruction of the Niagara-Stamford ~own Line Road with the members of the Niagara Township Co,moil and the Trustees of the Police Village of St. Davids. The representatives of the th~ee municipalities met at the boundary road at Stanley Avenue and inspected the road fret Stanley Avenue to Highway No. 8. After the inspection, members of the Stamford Council were guests of the iagara Council at dimmer. During the dirmer a representative from Queenston Quarries indicated that their firm would supply all the fill necessary in the reconstruction of the road, the only cost to the municipalities being the chef-ge for trucking. He also indicated that their Company wo~d consider supplying a portion of the stone required in the reconstruction. Definite action ~ms not taken at this meeting, although it was generally agreed that the road should be reconstructed from Melrose Drive to No. 8 High~y and the Engineer~ for Niagara Township and Stamford Toe,ship were instructed to prepare revised estimates and determine what arrangements could be made with Queenston Quarries for the supply of stone. Meeting Adjourned Reeve .\ ~o A Special Meeting of tim Cot~mll was held in the Council Chamber on ~dneSd~y, April 2nd, 1958 at ~:30 p.m. 1. Sootheran Keighan A. G. Bri~e W. R. Sootheran J. H. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson ~eeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "THAT the minutes of the on March 24th and March be adopted as printed." meetings held 27th, 1958 2e Mitchelson Allan Carried. "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector for Building Permits issued during the month of March, 1958 amounting to $582,600.00." Mltohelson Sootheran Carried. "THAT Co,moil authorize the attendance of the members of the Assessors Institute of the Stamford Assessing staff to attend the Annual Convention of the Association of Assessing Officers of Ontario at Peterborough May 19-21." Carried. Mr. H. Carmen Wright from 9 Royal Manor Drive attended the meeting and spoke in respect to a petition that residents in the vicinity of the Royal Subdivision had submitted in respect to the traffic condition-~ that exists as a result of the Brewers' Retail Store being located at the corner 'of Royal Manor Drive and Lundy's Lane. No action was taken on the petition but it was referred to the traffic committee of the Council and it is expected that a report will be forthcoming from this committee on April · 145h, 4. Sootheran Allan "THAT we reoo~aend approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board of a transfer of Part Lot ?, Plan 1791 from Clyde E. Elliott to Mr. Donald Murchie. The property to be conveyed has a frontage of 5 feet on the North side of Stamford Green Drive and has a depth of 212.79 feet~ and is immediately to the East of the 65 foot parcel Mr. Elliott transferre~ to Mr. Murchie earlier in 1958. This approval is gra~te~ on condition that the taxes on the property be paid in full to December 31st, 1958 and the sidewalk costs be paid in cash.* Carriede , New Oar fqr-_ - Bldg. DePt. Keigha~ . Sootheran "THAT She Engineer be authorized to call for tenders for a new car for the. Building Inspeotor's l~.~.partment and that the present one be turned &n,-tenders to be called in by Apr&l 21st at 4 p.m.# Land Transfers re~ Extension of Martha Cullimore 6. Allan Sootheran · Carried, "THAT we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls & S~fourban Area Piazza_lng Board of the following property transfers in accordance with the conditions stated: (1) ~ansfer of part Lot 12, Plan l?gl as shown on blue print prepared by R. J. Matthews. O.L.S. dated Jan~ry 24th, 1958 having a frontage on Stamford ~reen Drive of 50 feet from Mr. & Mrs. John Collee to the Stamford District Board of Education. Our approval on this transfer is conditional u~on our estimated cost of sidewalk in the amount of $150.00 belz~paid before Final approval is granted by the Plax~nlngBoard. Part Township Lot No. ~ show-non blue print prepared by R. J. Matt! O.L.S. and dated January 24th, from Sylvanus-Lavender to the. District Board of Education. (3) Part Township Lot 44 as shown on bl print prepared by R. Blake Erwin dated January l?th, 1958 from the Director of the Veterans Land Act to the Stamford District Board of Education. Part Township Lot ~ shown on blue print prepared b~ R. J. Matthews, O.L.S. dated January 2~th, 1958 from N_rs. Maud Travers to the District Board of Education. Ou~approval of the above transfers is conditional on taxes being paid in full December 31st, 1958 on the properties parcels are being conveyed from.e Carried. Investment of Mr. A'. ~. Ta~lor of ~a~r~ner & Company Limited attended the Funds for meet~ an~submitted a proposal for lnveatmen~ of funds Perpetual set mp for perpetual care of Cemeteries. He recommended  --~u~.ohase of the following securities: ~untF of Peel 4~ .~epen~ures ma~ur,ng ~pril XSth, '19~-. 88~ T~w~ of Een~r~ · ~n~n~ures.~urxnga~.ce~be~.~st,.1958.62; the ~ioipality · or me~r~poAx~an Toronto ~-3/~% denentmres due April 1st, 1978~ Ontario Hydro-E~eotric Power CommissXon~bonds maturing ~aroh 1st, ' .Na~Ch.lst. 1~78.. of ?. Keighan : Mltchelson "THAT Council approve in principle the investment of the fttrlds for perpetual care and that the detail Df .the investment be left in the hands of the Chairman of Finance., Carried. Council examined tenders for sewer and watermain ~onstruction and after consider~tion, resolutions and 9 were passed. 8. Mitchelson Sootheran "T~/~T Damore Bros. be awarded the watermaln conStruction, tender at ~10,168.14. The tender is ~263.02 higher than the lowest tender but the Damore plant is in the Township." 9. Allan Keighan Carried, "T~T the tender of Lorenzo Co. be accepted for Sewermain construction at the price quoted $23,464.?5., Sootheran Allan 11. Sootheran Mitchelson 12. Sootheram ~tchelson Carried. "BY-LAW NO. 2255, 1958. Being a By-law to shrike ~mcollectible taxes from the t~x roll." ~ead a first, second and t~l~d time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2257, 1958. A By-law to authorize the executio~ of a Lease and Option to Purchase dated the 13th day of March, 1958, between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and Barratt Spun Concrete Poles Limited." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2256, 1958.- A By-law to dedicate as a portion of Slmxtlcks Avenue a part of Township I~t No. 60~ and to dedicate as a portion of Nayfair Drive a part of Township Lot No~ 43." Read a first~ second ~nd third time and passed. 13. Sootheran Mltchelson "THAT we do adjourn to meet Tuesday, April 8th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned No. 2~ ~ Regular Meeting of the Council was hel& in the Council Chamber on ~esday,.~Aprtl ~th, 1958 at ?:30 p.m. -. A.G. Bridge Reeve W. R. Sootheran Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan 'Councillor R. I~. Eeighan Councillor Soothe ran Allan We~han Sooth,ran "THAT the minutes of the two meetings held on April 2nd~ 1958 be adopted as prilzted." .. -Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Flnamoe Committee and pass accou~ts.' Roads 3. Eeighan 8ootheran Carried. eTHAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated April 3rd, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $10,022.797 4. Xeighan All~u Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts d~ted April 3rd, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid -amounting to $~64.21." .6, Sootheran Carried. ,:~THAT the statement of General Accounts dated April 3rd, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts he paid amountix~ t;o $118,932.07.' ' ' Carried. "THAT the Committee on Finance do mow arise and resume the business of Carried, ~r. John Strange attended the meeting and spoke in respect to a letter he submitted under date of April 3rd making an application to operate a s~ghtseeing cab business !within the Tow~ship. It was explained that before a -." ' "de~intte license could be issued he would have to have hie cabs inspected by the Police Department and the persons employed to-drive them would have to be approved. "Council asa~re& Hr, Strange that a license would be : granted' if all oomditioma of our by-law can be observed. ~a~..~i~, ~;'~Hr. Fermimo Sumin of the C & S Construction Company ' ~ :"~"~ ~.. ~:~: ': ~ad~essed ~otl In ~speot to the award of a sewe~ ::" -.' :.[contact at the last meeti~ of Co,oil. He l~erred ~ :-~ : t~t ~s ~p~tation ~ bee~ ~ged as a reset of the . : .~ ?"~.}.', . ~. L,:~ress reports of -the,meetly. ~eeve Bri~e and · ~. ;~:~ ;~. :~.~c~lO~ ~ei~:,advtsed ~. 8~tn that the~ regretted- :~ :-' .; %': :'( ..~:' ~' .<:' ~ l~ve~e.)o~e~ b~ :?the repor~ o~.~lasO Week, s ' .ermine Susln meeti~ and since it was not intended that any of the remarks made was a reflection on the ability of Mr. Susin, as a contractor. Mr. Susin presented two letters from Engineers he had carried out work under and both letters indicated that his services and work was satisfactory. Mr. B'Arcy Cropp addressed Council in respect to making an arrar~gement to provide sewer services to the building formerly lmown ~s the Cropp Canning Factory now rented by Inter-Provincial Co-operative Ltd. The Engineer advised that there were certain complications in respect to giving permanent services through the Burdette Drive sewer and Council suggested that an agreement be prepared covering the wewer rental to be presented to Co~ncil. 7. Sooth,ran Allan "THAT the following application for Public Garage License· be approved and license granted: Kenneth Niven, Thorold Stone Road." Sootheran Eelghan Carried. "THAT the following applications for Mictualling Licenses be approved and licenses granted: P. G. Smith, 3572 Lundy's Lane, Louis Bol~m, Q.E.Way & Mountain Road." ~ 9. Allan Kelghan Carried. "THAT the following applications for Barber Shop Licenses be approved~ Nick Curl,lit, 2689 Drummond Road, Chas. H. Ellah, 402 Portage Head 10. Allan ' Keighan 11. Sootheran . Eeighan 12. Allan ' Keighan Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2258, 1958. A By-law to dedicate Block "A", Plan 194 and Block "B", Plan 109, both plans registered for the Township of Stamford as part of Slnnicks Avenue." Head a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2259, 1958, A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 8th day of April, 1958 between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and~more Bros. Limited., Read a first, second and third time ~d passed. "BY-Law No. 2260, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 8th day of April~ 195~ between the Corporation of the Township' of Stamford and Lorenzo Contracting ,Co. Limited,# Read a f~rst~:s~$o~ thir~ time. and passed. ' AX~dltor, s ReD0r~ ~urchase of 13. Kelc~n ""THAT we accept the auditor's annual report for the year ending Deoember ' 31st, 1957, and that the Clerk be authorized to have printed 100 extra copies." 14. F~ighan Sooth, ran Carried. ,THAT weapprove sale by the Clerk and Treasurer of the following Govern- ment of Canada Bonds, now.held in Cemetery Reserve Accounts. I .ooo P~O00 due 1960 =,00o 31,100 due 1966- 15. Keighan Sooth,ran Carried. '"THAT we approve the purchase of the following Securities for Cemetery Perpetual Care Account as recommended by the Chairman of Finance: $20,000._.County of Peel, Ontario, Due April 15, 1964-68 $4,000 each year @ 100.00 - $20,500. Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission, 4~% Bonds, - Due March let, 1978 @ 100,25 and interest to April 15th - $2o $20,000. Mmxioipality of Metro Toronto Bonds, Due April 1,-1978 O 9B,75 amd Interest to April 15th $6o,5oo. $6o,4 ' Scot.eraS. Allan Carried. "THAT we do mow adJour~to meet on Saturday, April 12th at 10 a.m. for the spring road i~speotion,a ~'~;~'-~ Carried. NeetingAdJourned A Joint Meeting of Council ~vas held with the Stamford Police Commission at the Refectory in Queen Victoria Park on Friday, April llth, 1958 at 6 p.m. Council Stamford PQlice Co.mmiss~on . .C~Ae.s ts A. O. Bridge W. R. Soother;:n J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson ~eeve Deputy He,ye Councillor Councillor Councillor Judge H. E. Fuller I'~glstrate Johnstone L. ~berts Judge Franklin Griffiths Hon. Charles Daly, Minister of Labour Geo. Ir~lis, Member Niagara Parks Commissiom Maxi~ T. Gray, General Manager, Nlag~ra Parks Commission Ex-Chlef Constable R. W. Worm, Stamford Township Chief Constable J. L. Cunnlngham, Stamford Township Chief E. R. Hehfeld, Niagara Parks Police Township Department Heads Councillor E. E. Mltchelson chaired the meeting. The meeting was called for the discussion of the taxi by-law between the two authorities. The by-law was reviewed at some length. While it was agreed that a certain amount of confusion ~xists in respect to duplication of licenses from Niagara Falls and Stamford, it was agreed that Council was the licensing authority and any by-laws passed by Council shotuld be observed by the taxi owners and operators. It was agreed that the special committee set up by Council to study the by-law should have a further meeting and make definite recommendations to Council in respect to the operation of our by-law in 1959. During the meeting, Reeve Bridge presented Ex-Chief R. W. Worm with a set of golf clubs from the Town, ship of Stamford as a tribute for the excellent service he rendered during his tenure of office. Mr. Worm sincerely tharflced the Council for the gift and for the considera- tions he had received from the Commission ahd Council during the time he served the Municipality. :! Honourable Charles Daly addressed the meeting and extended greetings from the Commission. He indicated that arrangements were being completed to make certain grants in lieu of taxes to the Towr~hip for properties o~med by the Commission located in Stamford. There being no further business, the meetin~adJourned. .\ No. 28 Road & Sidewalk Insnecti0n April 12, i958 Prese~$ Minutes A Special Meeting of the Council held on Saturday~ April 12th, 1958 at 10 a.m. A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mltchelson Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The meeting was called for the express purpose of conducting the annual road and sidewalk construction throughout the Township. The Councillors met at the To~mship Hall and proceeded on a tour of inspection by the Township Engineer. The Engineer referred many sidewalk and road matters on which we will be required to undertake repairs and re- construction. During the During the tour the Council also met with the Building Inspector at the corner of Portage Road and Stanley Avenue and discussed the application in respect to" the establishment of a hotel and deluxe tourist establishment in this vicinity. Inspection Adjourned Reeve A Chamber on Monday, Epril 14th, 1958 at Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the 7:30 p.mo 2:0,0 P. '/!I/~/'~!~/~ Clerk Council A. Go Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan Re ~. Eeighan E. E. Mitohelson Heeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Mitehelson .Allan "THAT th~ minutes of the meeting held on April 8th, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried. ¸2. Sootheran Keighan "THAT Rev. D. J. Emmerson be granted permission to hold church services on the farm of Harry Barrahart on Montrose Road as outlined in his letter to Council dated April 14th, 1958 with the understanding that all parking will be off the road allowance." Carrie d° .. Mr. Boleslaw K~rcimo£:'692-~el~and~AVe~e,:atte$d~d the ~ meetimg a~d spoke in respect to an ~pplication he ~d ~de for a bulldl~, permit on'pa~ To--hip ~t 158. , : Ho'stated that the bu~di~ ~peet~d not grated ~.~ ~?~the permi~ since h~ w~ concerned t~t the applicant < , might hav,e some difficulty in building on this location · , ~ '--: ~'.because a' nagural watercourse in this area causes ': floo~ed conditions '$g certain times of the year. Mr, :Kur~im ~cont'd A property owner from this district as well as the ' Township Engineer .spoke on the matter and advised that the ~atural watercourse has been obstructed by Mr. Porubensky and/~e has refused to grant the -,. Tow~hip per.zission to construct a ditch through the property owned by him .to relieve the water condition. It was decided that the matter be referred to the Solicitor to determine what action, if any, we csu~ take against Mr. Porubensky. ~ 3. Mitchelson Kelghmn .THAT the application for a Public Garage License to sell used Cars from Kenneth L. Cook to operate on property deworibed as part Twp. Lot 114, Drummond Road be refused." Carried.. Tenders for New pumper chassis & uime t 4. Sootheran Mltchelson "T}~T the Clerk be authorized tO call for tenders for the purchase of a ~ew pumper chassis and equ&p- merit to be used by the Lundy~s Lane Fire Department as set up in the budget. Tenders to be in by 4 p.m. April 28th and opened at ?:30 p.m. by the Council." Carried. Slght-seel~g 5. Sootheran ~c.ense Eeighan "THAT John Strange be advised that his application for a sight-seeing license will be looked upon favourably by Council and a license granted when th~ cars and operators to be used in ~he operation meet all require- ments of the by-law." Carried. Ootomist ClUb Mitchelson Sootheran ~j .' ?. : ~Lttohelson Keighan "THAT the Clerk be instructed to write the Secretary of the Optimist Club and extend ~aiee to them for their sponSorship of minor hockey teams and congratulations ,to the coaches of their midget team Which won en Ontario Hockey Championship and the bantam team which won the Essex Packers trophy." "Tt~T the following applications for Victualling Licenses be approved and licexmSs granted: ~4E. Nickel. 29 Portage ~ad N., Pr~k Pos~l, 2854 L~dy's R. T. Stewart,' 2636 ~rker Street, ~. ~n. 2611 L~'S ~e, Meet with 8. ,U,n~on , Sootheran Allan "THAT the Township Employees Unlon ~e ~ottfied that Council will meet ~ith them at 5 p.m. Thursday, &pmil 17th." Urban-Rural Municipal Sootheran Keighan Carried. "THAT Officials and members of Council be empowered to attend the meeting of Urban-~ural Municipal Association to be held April 25that London.. Mental Health 10. ~ek Mitchelson Sootheran Carried. "T]LaT the Reeve be authorized to issue a Joint proclamation with the City of Niagara Falls~ Chippewa & Stamford Township for Mental Health Week Aprll 27 to May 3." Keighan Sootheran Allan Mltchelson Mltchelson Allan Carried. "B~-LAWNo. 2261, 1958. A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of ~i314,500. for the purposes herein mentioned." Read a first, and second time. "BY-LA~No. 2262, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 14th day of April, 1958, between River Realty Development Limited and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford." Head a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. ~263, 1958. A By-law to stop up parts of unopened road allowances between Township Lots 16 and 25, 17 and 24, 16 and l?, 4 and 5, 24 and 25 and part of Maitland or Ravine Road. Read a ,first and second time. Council received an unsigned letter protesting the sale of fire crackers in Stamford TownShip. No aBtionwas taken on the matter since it is Understood that the City Council are suppesed to arrange a Joint meetl~ of the three Councils in this area for the purpose of discussing this problem. 1~. Sootheran ~r :'-~',,.~Mitchelso~ April 15,'~958. -. ~ ' - -" ~ -- "Reeve "THAT we do mow adjourn to meet on Thursday, APril 17th at 5 p.m." Meeting Adjourned Present A Special Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber OXt ThU_eS~dty, April 17th, 1958 at 3 p.m. A. Go Bridge W. E. Sootheran J. N. Allan Rs F. Kelghan E. E. Mltchelson Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The meeting~as called for the purpose o£ meeting with the BargalnlngOo~m~ttee of the Stamford TownshipLocal Union No. 425 in respect to the 1958 contract. .Members of Bargaining ~mmittee Present John Smyth A. McKinnon Albert W. McBain Cecil ~oring Richard Nicholso~ The Bargaining Committee raised the following points in connection with our letter of March 28th dealing with the proposed amendments to the agreement to be effective as of April 1st, 1958: Differential of increase between the Ohaluman and P~dman. They noted that truck drivers had bpen changed from the salary basis to an hourly basis and asked if 2he hourly rate of $1.76 would apply during holidays and sickness. Council agreed that this would be correct. It was'suggested that a tow grader operator should be paid a higher rate while operating this machine. Council advisedthat the use of this machine w~uld be discontinued in 1959. (4) The:0o~mmittee suggested that a greater differential rate should be applied for garbage employees and tractor operators. (5) M~lidays. They requested information in respect to mot granting 3 weeks holidays after. 10 years of service. ~ouncil advised that most industries and ~.~ com~ercia~ places require 15 years of service · ~ before an employee is given three weeks in holidays. The chairman of the Bargaining Commit-tee suggested that a 2 we~k'periodmight be considered on the basis of one extra day for each year of servio~ ' from 10 to 15 years. (6)~ The Committee suggested that Council appoint 3 members of Co--il which would include the o~airma~ · ~' 6f Finale to deal with the Unloosed make recomme~da- . ti,ms to Council. They were. advised that such a :. proposal would require fua~her consideration. The spokesman for the Committee advised ~hat they agreed to .the ge~e~al,8$a~hour i~rease. : The Reeve advised the Comaittee that Council would -'appreciate if they would make all recommendations in '' .writi~ghereaft~r i~ order that each member of ~ou~oil · ::-~ could have a copy. Ne also requested a letter ia writing · , 'from the U~ion outli~ the requests made today. !~. :( ~p. the ~mion 8pokesma~ agreed ~o 'oomply:~a respeo~ Tenders for Park, ~enoe. April 17, 1.958 No. 31 2. Sootheran ~litchelson "T}~T the Engineer be asked to call for tenders for the fencing of the Parks as set up in our Budget with the exception of the Culp Street Side of the A. G. Bridge Park which will be given to Frost. Fencing at thc suggested price listed on their sketch submitted in 1957." 3. Sootheran Allan Cal~'l edo "THAT we do now adjourn to meet Monday, April 21st at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Mee~lngAdJourned Reeve A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Chamber on Monday, April 21st, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. ,~ $gu.r 6:15 P.M. Council Ac G. Bridge Reeve W. R. Sootheran Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor R. F. Keighan Councillor E. E. Mltchelson Councillor Sootheran Allan "THAT the mlnutewof the meetings held on April 12th, April 14th and April 175h, be adopted as printed." ~arrled. 2, Sootheran Keighan "THAT we do now adjourn to go into -Finance Committee and pass Accounts., C~rried. 3. Keighan Sootheran "THAT. the statement of Relief Accounts dated April 18th, 1958 as presented. be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $2,9?8.30." 4.. Kelghan Sootheran Carrled. "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated April 18th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amountingto Carrled. 5. Kelghan Allan STH~T the statement of Oeneral Accounts dated April 18th, 1958 as presented~ be accepted and the accounts be pal4 amouut~m~to $264,816.56." ~arrted. '.! ![ , 6;. Sooth, ran "THAT the Committee on l~inance do now arise and resume the business of Council.. Second ~and ?. So~t~sran Kelghan Sooth,ran Keighan Carried. "THAT the application for a Dealer in Second Hand Goods License from Mrs. Alice Coughlin of 1764 Kister Road be approved with the understanding that the usual requirements be fulfilled and that the salvage muterlals will not be stored on the property," Carri ed. "THAT the tender of Galloway & Griffiths for the purchase of a Plymouth Sedan be accepted at a net tender price of $1,997.00 being the lowest offered." Sewer Rental 9. Sooth,ran A~reemen$ Allan Carried. "THAT the Clerk and Reeve be authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation· a sewer rental agreement dated 21April, 1956, a draft copy of which is attached hereto between D'Arcy Cropp and the Corporation respecting draining part Block "H", Plan 108 and the Burdette Drive sewer." . Carried. The fgllowing items were discussed by Cottncll$ (1) ~e matter of'high hedges and shrubs being located on private property on street intersections was discussed when a general appeal of the rat,payers was made to have such hedges or shrubs cut down · in order that clear visibility may be obtained at intersections and hazardous conditions rectified. (2) Mr. Boleslaw Kurcim of 692 Welland Avenue again appeared before Council in respect to his application for a building permit for part Township Lot No. 158 on Drum Street. It was pointed out by Counc'll that , ,~.he water cottdition in that area has resulted ~m , .,"-'an owner blocking u~ ~n unregistered watercourse. ~"~. : .~n 9rder that the adjacent o~ners can secure relief 'it would be required to take out an inJunctio~ :,, against the owner creating the obstruction. Such · action would be the responsibXlity of the adjacent ~:~ owners. ~t ~as decided fha2~ if ~..Euroim wants ~ '- to proceed with his buildir~, he will do so at his: . Ow~. risk ~owing the danger that exists beoamse (, of the ~loc~ge of the watercourse~ sta e Avenue north, :~'~'i,~:~ ;.WhiCh is located Just north of Thorold Stone RoAd, · ,: . addressed Council in respect to the poor road '/' iconditions which exist in front of the property ~ ;".?rented by him. The Engineer was requested to . :' ~ look into the situation and determine if the :' maintenance of this road is the res onslbll t Deputy Reeve Sooth,ran requested the Building InSpector to investigate and report on property being used to raise turkeys on McLeod Ro~d and property o~Barker Street where it is alleged that pigeons are being z~ised for co~mmercial purposes. Alpha Psi Chapter Our Engineer was instructed to determine the ,terminus of Portage Road at the location of Mount Carmel College." lO. Sooth,ran Eeighan 11, Mitchelson Kelghan "THAT the followlngapplications for Victualling Licenses be approved and licenses gr~nted: James Briand, 1286 St. PatulAvenue, Robert Milinkovich, 1~42 Stanley Ave. N. Alice DeMarsh, 2309 Drummond ~oad." Carried. "THAT Council does not disapprove of the request of Alpha Psi Chapter for the use of the land ~hd building on Lot~73, Plan 32 as outlined in their letter of April 14~ 1958." 12. Sootheran Kelghan 13. Mltchelson Allan Carried. "THAT the request for permission to hold a tag day by Alpha Psi fraternity be not granted." Carried. "THAT the Clerk be instructed to communicate with all the Salvage Companies and inform them that .ratepayers have complained about sc:ap paper alor~g the routes to their warehouse and request them to have their truckers to have a tarpaulin on the truck as requiredby by-law." : 14. Mitchelson Allan ~Sootheran Carried. "BY-LAWNo. 2265, 1958. A By-law to strike ouncolleetible taxes from the tax roll." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BT-LAW No. 2265, 1958. A By-law to fix the salary of the Public Utilities Commissioners. of the TownShip of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. i,6. Xeighan . : 'Soon.ran : "B~-LAW No. 2266, 1958. A By-law to ~;dedicate as a portion of Hodgson ~,, ,.~ ~, ~,~ · venue a part of Block "A" according · - "~' , ' ~ .~:i .;,.to Registered Plan 1~?." Read: a ~ '~,', ~ ,~' · · first~ second and third time and,~assed. 17. Keighan Sootheran "TILT the Engineer and Clerk be authorized to apply to the Department of Municipal Affairs for permission to proceed with the repair of sidewalks and cleanup of various etreets. U 18. Sootheran Mitohelson Carried. "THAT W. K. Partisan, Plumbing Inspeetor, have his duties enlarged to supervise the inspection of premises whose o~mers have made applloations ~or Public Garage Licenses., ' Retirement date Retirement 19; 'Mltchelson Allan 20. Keighan Allan Carried. "THAT the retirement date for Rober~ W. Daws be deferred until September 1st, 1959." Carried. "THAT the retirement date for George J. Warden be extended for another year from September lstv 1958 to September lst~ 1959." Retirement 21. Mitchelson Allan Carried. ~"THAT the retirement date for ArthUr J. Bradley be deferred until December 1St, 1959.n Ad~°~r~_ 22. Sootheran Hltchelson Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, April 28th at ? p.m? Carried° Meeting AdJourne&. · , , Reeve ~ ~""" ~'Clerk No. 32 A Special HeetinS o£ the Council vas hel~ ]Prssenc A. O. Bridge #. R. 8ooCheran J. ~. Allan R. r. hLshn 'E. u. litCchaleon Reeve Deputy Reeve Counolllor Councillor Cotm~:l, llog ~ . ,, - Th~e ueRius was coaled 'at tee request o~ Hr. ~bt, ~r~ o~ ~ -. / ::.:.~.~c~ ~7 u ~ ~r looses ~Aned as Lorenzo ~ontraoting co. Time Township Engineer submitted a state~ent sho~ng the actual amount paid to the Lorenzo Con,ratting Company in connection · r~th this Job andan estinM_te o£ the amounts s~ill to be paid. He stated that all papmeuts to the Company had been made in strict conformityvtth the con,=act entered into by the Compauy ~th the Township. A£tar considerable discussion, Reeve Bridge appointed the Engineer and Chairman sE Finance a cor~ntttee to consider the entire matter and bring in a report to Council a week from today. He requested the Conn~ttee to bring in comparative statements as between the prices submitted by Swanson Construction Company as well as the Lorenzo Contracting Compaty. Adjourn l. Sootheran Keighan "THAT the meeting adjourn." Carried, HeatingAdJourned Feb. 22, 1958. No, 33 Present Hou~ 6:00 P. H, Regular lteetiu8 o~ the Council was held in the Couhcil Chamber on ltonday, April 28th, 1958 at 7:00 p.m. A. O. Bridge N, R. Sootheren J. N. Allan ~. F. Xeishan E, E. Rttcheleon ~L. nutes 1. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Kttcheloou *KeJEh-- "THAT the minutes o~ the meetings held on April llth, April 21et and April 22nd, 1958 be adopted aa printed." Carried. Optl~Let Club Six members o~ the Optin~st Club headed by Hr. Ray Orl~£in, Youth Centre . acted as ope. kamen, attended the meeting. Hr. Orifiin ~niormed the Council that the Niagara Falls Optimist Club proposed to erect a $100,000.00 Youth Centre to assist in the development o£ children and tee~qgers towards the makin~ of good citizens. The Club was looktn~ ~or a location to erect a butldin8 in some area adjacent to a Fdmicipal Park end requested the co-operation o£ Council in £tndins a suitable district. Hr. Grl££1n stated that the Club proposed to erect one building to provide co-ordinated progr~mes ~or teaching physical training, 8~w~aotico, · lifesaving, basketball and other g~m sports, handicrafts, photography, public speski~, choral ei~i~ and allied skills end opor~o. The buildin8 vould provide club rooms, kitchen hcllitieo and v~ll £estura a meimainS pool 60 x 2~ equipped vith proper ~ to £11trare end hear the Water. The capacity of the pool viii be ~0 person per hour. 1~.eas 's~ated Chat the club required a lend area of aperoELwatoly LO0* z ~00' to accemod.a, te tho buildLus. . Uhen erected the bulidiu$ vill require a ~ull tine Director of Ac~lv$ties.' Hesd~oro of Counuii endoro6d the project and co~manda,d , ~ho Club for the ~hoir Youth Centre be retsrrad ~o a ,,, ,~ ~ : ., , rare Chaiman Counotllor a, EelShon and the Poremn lit. Maurice For-~-- of 4123 Lundy% Lane addressed the Council and stated chat the To~mshtp had re~ovad certain Elm trees from his property~thout per, salon. He,as advised that the Township is endeavourins to eli~leate the dutch Elm disease and trees a£fected are bein~ cut dove and res~ved. The Ensinear stated that he was of the opinion that the trees re~ved were located on a street allewanCeo After 8o~e discussion it vas asreed that the Engineer be requested co investigate then attar and brin~ in a complete report to Council for the nant~eettnS. Sidney Levy Hr. Sidney Levy of the Hollywood Outdoor theatre was present and complained about the eppe~rance of ieid~% salvage yard on Kalarltoad adjacent to hie theatre. He stated that .considerable salvage de, rio was strewn in front o£ the pr~ see providins a very unsightly appearance. Council agreed that the Salvage yard vould be inspected during a road inspection, which ~Lll be held some t~ne in the near ~uture. Hawker & Pedlar 3. Sootheran liitchelson "~AT ~he application for a Hawker & -- Pedlart8 License from H~. R. B. Harper of 1999 ltontroee Road be Brunted." Carried. Louella Cueler to ~rs. Harry Jackson Sootheran Kelghau "I~AT we recommend approval to the Nia~ra Falls & Suburban Aran~l---tn8 Board of a transfer of Part T~p. Lot 32 from FL toe Louella Cusler ~o liT. &Hrs. Harry Jackson. The property to be conveyed has a ~ron~nBe o£ 120 feet approxtnately on Gannet Road by approx. 726 feet and Is shown edged · in red on sketch attached to letter from l~ss Cusler dated April 28th, 1958. This approval is Sranted on condition chat taxes on the property this parcel is beins transferred from are paid in full to · December 31st, 19~8o Size of lot to be verified by a surveyor's certl£1cate." Carried. .llockey Clubs Piserne '.. '. 6. ' 5. Keishan Mitcheleon. Tenders - Fire - Soo~haran. · 7. ~ Kttchelson "THAT Council honour the t-do 8f~L~ord Hoekey Clubs sponsored by ~he Optimist Club by contributing to half the cost of the purchantn~ of Jackets for the two cha~lonohip tem~ with ps,lion 'of the teac not to exceed Car,/ed ~,'THAT ~heo~ner o~ the proper~you 2620 Barker Street ~h~.coucanplaCee raisins piseans in an~stabllshed ~-2 at, be a~tsed thc euch noperaCtou to~C tn · c?nfomtry vtth .our by. laW." "~' : - - ' Cart/ed. . .-'" Allan [/ : :' "TIIAT cke opened landers for the fire · ,', -~ :;: :' equtpannt be referred to the fire emmittan .' ~d C~C ~y be aok~ Co br~ tn a =~orC , Proposed Public School capital expe~diCures F. Spiotti Cattle Owners" PettCion~ P.U.C. Debenture ~esue ,,, ..Fraser to. Olean Rental Asree~e~C The Clerk advised that the Ontario Huntcipal Board had given .tentative approval to the proposed capital expenditures of $314,500.00 for public school purposes. The approval ia granted on the understanding that no contract is to be accepted, no construction co~enced, no by-law passed or any moneys disbursed until the final approval of the Ontario Hunic~pal Board had been obtained. The approval will permit the Stint, etd District Board of Education to prepare final plans and specifications for the works and to call tenders £or firmbids. The Engineer reported in connectton~th a request from Hr. F. Sptotti to pv~chase fill /rom the Township disposal area. He rem~nded Council that Stone and fill had been sold in the past at the rate of 1Z¢ per ton or 1~¢ per cu. yd. and au~ested that the same rate apply for Hr. Spiotti. He stated that he vas of the opinion that this rate was not acceptable co Hr. Spiotti and as a result he is not prepared to enter into a contracts The Clerk advised that he had received a petition si~ued by cattle owners of the Huntcipal£ty requesting that the Township be.designated as a supervised area under the Brucellosis Act 1956 and the regulations. He explained that Chis particular Act was passed by the Provincial Legislature in 1956 aa a means of controllint Brucellosis which is a~disease which infects cattle. The Act provides that if such petition bears the si~eaturee of at least C~o-thirds oi the cattle ovaera of the Tounehip that the Clerk shall make a certificate in the focm prescribed by resulations and shall send it, together with the petition, to the Provincial Livestock Comntseioner. He stated that he was antiefiodvith tbs petition sl~ned by at lanai Cvs-thirds of the cattle owners of $~amiord Township and that the petition and certi£icat~vill be fe~varded to the Co~a~tseioner. Hitcheleon Allan '"THAT the Clerk have a by-law prepared for the authorization of an $85,000.00 debenture issue on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission after the Ontario Hydro has approved the prosr~- planned." Carried. Allan Ktcchelaon *'THAT we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Plannin8 Board of a transfer of Parc Township Lot No. 78 ~rom W. J. Frazer to Carl Olean. The property ._ to bo conveyed has a grontage of ~0 feet by a depth o£ I~0 feet on the south aide of ThoroldRoad. This approval is granted on condition that ~he taxes on the property be paid in ~ll Co Decewber 31aC, L958." Carried. 10. Allan FAcc~elson ._ "THAT the Clerk be auCharized to prepare a ._ aewar andntar rental agrae~entwlCh T. Kaxinas requested in his letter of April .... Carried, Tau. ABra-Buy How ~ee.k 11. Soothewan . Nitchelson "THAT we endorse the eu~estion of the ,Automobile Dealers Association ~or their , pro~ot$on of '!You Auto-Buy ~lm~' ~e~ as ou~l~n~ ~n th~ ~Cte: o~ April 28th.' Carried. By-law 22~7 ltitchelson Allan 13. Allan Xelehan "BY-IA~ No. 2268, 1958. A By-law to · ppoint Assessors for the Tmmship of SteWard." Reads first, eecon~an~ third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2267, 1958. A By-law to authorise the boz~oviu~ of $600,000.00." Read e f~L~tl~ second and third time and passed. ~"~- By-~avNo. 2269 14. Allan $oot~eran . "BY-LAW Ho. 226g, 1958. A By-law to fix the salaXies and allowances of the Statutory O£~lcials of the Township of Stamford-and to fix the salaries an~ allowances of ocher ~loyeea not bein~ members o£ The National Union ag Public Employees - Local Ho. &2§." Read a g/rat, second and ~-hird time and passed. B--la~ Ho. 227~ Jiitchelaon "BY-L~HO. 2270, 1958. A By-law to appoint an lnspect~r ~un~r the Act to proVide :. protection to persons worhinS In t~es." ~ead a ~irst, s~dnd z~rd passed. By-lawHO. 227~ 16. -qootherm~ Hitchelaon ~'BY-LA# HO. 2271, 19~8. A By-law to ~ix the ealacy and transportation allowance o£ the Reeve and to set C~e auoong sllo~ed Councillors for ~hoir attendance at Council ~eeC~n~s and ~Aleaee allowance." Read a ~lrsc, second and. chir~l~e and passed. .,,"BY-I~ No. 2272, 1958. A By-law · · De~utyHun~cipel Clerk." Head .sedge·d third cbnaan~paeaed. Allan ·&ttchalson. · :. ;~H~-I~No. 2273. 1958. AB y-law to appoint a ~elhre Adm~n~eCwatorand 9e~uCyWel~are ~rd C~..~panead. Balmoral & Sinnicka Ave. Cotmcillor Xeighon re: Contractors' requests ~or ~dditional payments ~djo~rn Co~tCee~eecins Co consider Union ~equescs 20. Sootheran HiCchelaon "THAT the Se~er and water construction on : Balmoral Avenue '~:=warJer 'cdnsgructiofion Sin·Acks Ave.be added to the list o£ work presently bein~ . done by D~mo_re Bros. and Loreuzo ContracCin~ Co.'! Caztled. Cee·cAller Xei;hau subml~te~ a prepared statement iu respect to tbs Comr~;tCae ~ewas n*med on to report on t~e re,nest o£ a contracts; ~or add~tio~a'l ~ds to cover losses He sustained ou cartaim sewer co~st~uctio~. He stated that ~e~d asked ~e comt;aeCot to submit a letter, statiu$ t~ereim ~e exac~ ~.~_um~ heim; asked ~or. The Coutractor submitted a' letter to heia$ requested ~a4~ot heea ~ncluded in the letter. Councillo; EeLSt~a advised Couacil t~at ba was absolutely opposed to t~e primeipla o~ Srantius additiomal payments ~o coutractors who have been pni~ iu acco=deuce w£tb contracts entered into w~ the To, ship. He ~tt~er advised Council t~at ~e would aec patt~cipate iu a~7 ~uture discussious sa paymeate to cou~rac~ors w~o pleaAa4 Losses on particular jobs ualees ~a¥ were considered £~ open Cou~cA1 and euhsta~tiated i~w~itia; makin; applLcat~oa for a specific amoen~. It was generally asreed ~bat iu such eases. Contractors will he re~u~rnd to submit a letter ~aw~£t~u$ w~ereia t~eymaEe a definite appl~catioa for en amouat t~ey consider t~ey have lost om any one particular job o~ project. 21. Soothers· Keishan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet at the call oi the Reeve." Carried. lieetins Adjourned Hour 10:13 ~. ~. AC the conclusion o£ the ~etins, Council mt in Co. ieee to consider the ~ollovinsmaCCer8 submitted by the Stamford Tcvnahip Employees Local Un~on No. 423~ 0.) Tractor drawn 8radar. The Union is of the opinion that the operator o~ this machine should receive a hlsher rate than 3~ extra perhour nov in e£iect. (2) Garbase labourers. ~e Union requested an increase in the per hour theoe vorlmen received over the standard '.houclyvase. (3). Tractor Operators. The Union requeaCed chat these operators receive an increase of 3~ per hour over the standard rates receivedvhile opernCinS tractors. They susseaCed the follovins cleanse in respect Co holidays: An 'annual vacation with pay shall be ~rante~ all employses upon the £olIo~=S scale: Pirst ye~,r - one half day per month o£ sea-;ice i~ employee is retained ~or a period o; less than one year. Two veeks~' holidaya with pay viii be- Sranted onployeee a£ter one ;full-yanr, o£ '0ervice; a£cer can yanks and £our mouths' ..... service the employee shall bs Ara·Ced nlAve~ daysT, vacation "and ~0r ane~ additional year oE service therea£cer be $.ranCed one more da~ until Cbs employes reaches fourteen · .years aud four mo·the service ~gaan said employee viii be era·Ced · ~hrea weeks vacation, vhan au mployee reaches 23 ff lan~S '~.,e;~e.hall ba srant~4'a ~.of one n~nCh. ..~:~ -.y, . ,.- .. .~ . ,. _ Unian requests (5) ~he Union advLsed that they felt that shop stewards should be eppointed to settle smll grievances w~thout the necessity of teferrin$ thefts the Grievance Conm~ttee. If t~La procedure is agreeable to Council, they sub, tied the £ollo~Lngueubers to Act as Shop Stewards; Road Department -Hr. E. Aucoin, Sewer DepartuenC- !~. J. Surla, ~arbage Department -Hr. S. Klipich, Bngineeriu~ Dep~r~ment o Hr. J. Bradley. After consideration of the 5 requests, Council instructed the Clerk that they d~d not approve of the £irst four requests. Approval for. item (5) was siren. . Heetin~AdJou~ned April 28, 1955. No. ~ ~ Hour 10:45 P. ~. .l Roller Heating o£ the Council ~as held in the Council Ch~e~ · on Hondjry, Bay 5th, !938 et 7:30p.m, -. . . ~. ~. Sod~eran Deputy Reeve J. H. Allan Counnillo~ ~o P. K~Lghan . ..~ ... Councillor Es ~o ~Ltcheleon: . ~otmclllor Reeve 1. ll~tchelson Allan "~HAT Deputy Reeve Sootheran be appointed AcCin~ Reeve until the Reeve is able ~o nssu~e h~e duties again." Carrind. ~nuteS . Allan :."THAT the Uinute~of the me~ting held on April 28th, 1958 be adop~eda$ vrin~ed." Carried. KeL~hAn Hl~¢hAlson "THAT we donewadJourato go into Finance Coun~LZteeand pa~e &ecountsot! Carried. Roads Allan ~ccheleon '!THA~ the etatemnt o~Roads Acco~ts dated Hay 2nd, 1958 as presented, be accepted and · he accounts be pa~d.~untLnS to ..... Carried. "THAT the 8Cacenenc of itelieE Acco'mCa dated ~py'2nd, 1958 es presented, be accepted and the '.acc~.Unts..be paAd..amunCinS Co ~2~o27 ." Carried. ,.THAT the sCaCenanC o£ General Acco'mCa dated Hay hd, 1058 es presented, be accepted and the Finance H~. 'J,..Ha~ward Hr. A. Baxter 'Januette ~ienchA 7. Keighau Hlt~h~laon "T~AT the Co--!tree on Finance do now arise and resume the business o£ Council." Carried. Hr. W. Ha~vardand a group of 5 persons representing the Creater Niagara Racing Pigeon Club attended the meeting and protested the action of Council/i= restricting th~s hobby in ce:rain sections of the Tovesh~p. They subo~Ltted a letter to the effect tlmt racin~ pigeons were ~mch different from the connon variety which are considered a nuisance. They subn~Ltted that racing pigeons were a useful bird and were in great demand during the last C~o wars to carry messages for the a~med £orcea. The group aleo stressed that racing pigeons wire only per~Ltted outside of their peus when participatin§ in races or for a short e~cercise period. They are under the control of the o~mers at all t~nes. They in&Lasted chat several ~micipaltttee, including the Township of East York, ~he cities of ~indeor, Toronto and ~ellend, had passed by-laws to petln~t the keeping of racin~ pigeons in a Residential Area. Council agreed that a check~ould bamadevith these other municipalities to ascertsinv~t type of control or re~l~ation they have set up to govern th~s type si hobby. Hr. A. Baxter of 2~ Lundy'sI~ne addressed the Council and suggested that the Tra~£ic Committee should r, ske steps to restrict parkin~ on one side of L~ndy*s T~e, Ba~ker Street, ~rle~on~d Fra~lin Argues. He 8~ed t~C traffic conditions were pa~tcula~ly ~ero~ ~n ~he lo~l[C~where he resides ~d urged Co~cil ~o ~ke action ~o el~!~e traffic Co~c[~ a8reed Co refer ~he m~Cer Co =he ~ad C~ee ~d ~hey ~11 ~nves~i~Ce the con~ons c~la~ned of on ~he sCreeCs refe~ ~o bye. B~er.~r~ =he road ~nepac=~on Co ~e place on Sa~ur~y, ~ 10Ch. 8. l~ttchelson Keighan g. Allan Kel~au 10, Mltchelson Allan "THAT we accept the report of the DuLld~n~ Inspector respectin~ Btt~ldin~ Pez~Lt8 issued during the ~onth of April amountin~ to $469,6 0.00." carried. "THAT we approve o£ the employment of Je&nette Vancha on a probationary period, as a st~n_flgrapher in the Clerkte Department a~ a salary orS41.00 per week.t' Carried. "THAT this Go~acil e~press its sincere re$~ete 6var Cbc passing o~Roen Kchy, Administrator of the Greater Nta~ar& General Co~s. ~y~d relatives." . ,THAT C~e tender o'~ R. t. Idly £or the construction o£ vacevbound hcadam ROads viclfl, a .ubaiviolane be accepted since cld, a Compauy quali£Les ~n every respect and have submitted chA loweac bad of 93.20 per lineal Carrie~i.. . Hr. Don Walker Elmer Ssfet Homth SCan. Sep.Sch. Bd & RAver Realt Regional Develo · t Asset: O.M.A. Conventio~ Hr. Don ~alke~ of Walker Brothers quarries attended the meeting and requested Council co prevail on che. ContrecCo~ employed to.carry out subdivision ~oadvork to purchase stone £rom the quarries located in the Tovaahip. He stated that hi8 fLznhad a lacgeztock. 12. llitchelson Keishan. "T~AT the tender of S~-m[ord plumbin~ & Heating amountt~ Co $1,580 be accepted for the plu~bin~and heattu~ fbr ~he c~e~:~use,~s be~ the Cat, led. 13. Keisban ltttchelson this council prohlainthemonch of l i ay as "Elmer SsfetyMont~' as requested by ~heCo~aitteeinthei~ lette~ of ltay2nd." ~ Carried. 14. Keighan Kttchelson "THAT Council ~ant the requesz of the" : - $C~a~ord Separate School Board and the . RAver Realty as outlined in their letCe~ : . of 1 lay §th, 1958 and presented by llacchews &.llatthavs; chair golicl~o~s." Carr£ed. Allan · Mitchelson .THAT the repor~ of the Chairman of be accepted as presented and that meeC£ng be arran~edkiCh the public UC~lLC~ea C~o~on co ~scuas ~a pro~c~d ocher buo~eea." Ca ied. 16. 17. 16. HLtchelson littchelson Allan Nicchelson Xeighen "THAT the assessment for th~Hia~ara Reglo~al Development Association amounCiu~ co $815.~be p~d as ~ueoCed~ cheLc letCe~ o~Ap~L1 29th, 1958." Carried. "T~AT mashers of Council and officials be authorized Co around the O. M. A. Dla~n_~d Jubilee Cenvuncionac Ottawa, Avaunt 31sC to September 3rd."-~:-~, - ~" "THAT we cecon~endapp~oval to the lia~ara Falls & guburbanAreaFlanuAn~Board of-eke foll~tr~shre: 1. ~ee parcels e~ed lu~ed o~ ~ blue pwtnt aC~ed ~,lecc~ ~Joa~ & ~sL~RAeele ~t~y 5th ~ the RAnelea ~Land Transfers 18. Cent ' d Sc.CaCharines AirporC ltn~emenC ~oard HeetinS 19. Keighau Allan R. E. Law 20. ltitchelson Allan S~er Rentals 21. Allan Keighan 1 stone Cabl&t & 2 b~ouze tablets 22. ltitchelson Allan 23. Allan 2. Transfer of parcel "A~ shown on blueprint daCed Apr£1 21st from River Realty Develop- men~ Limited to Grace Gospel Church. 3. Transfer of parcel "B" from River Realty Development Ltd. to Stamford District Board of Education. This approval is granted on cond£Cion tha~ taxes on the property the trausfers are being made from, are paid in full to December 31st, 1958." Carried. "THAT the Clerk be authorized to attend and represent Stam£ord at the joint meeting of the St. Catharines Airport liana§amana Board to be held in $C. Cathartnee, Saturday mornin~liay 10th at 10 a.m." Carried. "THAT the successful teuderer for the water bound macadam roads in Stamford Tovuship, R. E. Law, be asked to use stone from Stamford Township Quarries wherever possible.,I Carried. "TifAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sl~u the followin$ sewer rental a~reements on behalf of the Township with the persons indicated at the rates shown: Julius Klein, rental of ~16.9g for period of 15 years re: Lot ~1, Plan Falls Const. Go., rental of $20.82 for period of 15 years re: Lot 12, Plan 1§0, Angelo~uerin, rental of $17.~0 for period 15 years re: Lot 7, Plan 1677' Carried. "THAT Council approve of the purchaein~ of one stone t~b~c at a cost of $50.00 to be ~ns~alled iW~e~tery s~orehouse and 2 bronze tablets a~ ~ appro~Celcos~ of $~0.00 to be installed on ~ ~tc~ce p~llar aC the A. ~. B~L~e Park. ~e tablets ~obe in ~ryof our la~e E~tneer, H. F, Ks=." Ca~Aed. "nV-lAW No. 2276, 1938. A By-law Co authorize the edacuCion o£ .an A~reenant dated tho - day of Nay, 1958, between The Corporation of the TownslLtp of Stmnford Imad Lloyd Bernard Fowell ~aetland, Rodaey Claude gastland, and Arthur Idrae BasCland." Read a first, second- and~ third ~lna and passed. B -lov No. 2275 Swansea Const. Adtourn_ Kelshau Allan "BY-I~W RS- 2274, 1958. A By-law to aut~Orize the execution of an Asreement dated th8 5th day of ltay, 1958 between Ti~othyBaXt~nand the Co~poration of the ........... To~mship o£ Stamford.' Read a first, -second ami third time and passed. ,I~nd Transfer Allan liitchelson "Dy-IAW~o. 2275, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution o£ a consent of .allortgese of Lease by way of sub-lease between Barrett Spun Concrete Poles Limited and Industrial Develolment Bank dated the 16th 3anuary, 1958 respecting Lot 9, plan 160, for the Township of Stamford. Read a £irst, second and third timeandpaased. lilac I~llarsh, Township Solicitor, advised that she had receSved e brie£ £rom the Swansea Construction Company wherein they requested a specific a~ount for losaes their Company had sua~ained ~drin~ the~OSe~: Road se~er construction. It vas agreed that the brief be studied b~ the me~bers of Council and Officials and considered at the next regular meetin~ of Council. ~e~lth P,U.C. 26. ltitchelson ALlan "T~AT we do nov adjourn to meet on l~ednesda~ · .May 7ch at 8 p.m." I~cal Improvement P~titions Adjourned Nay 5, 1958 ~o. 35 preaen~ Derision, Elv~ ~e~lt~ &Sep. Sch. A Special lieetin~ of the Council was held in the Co;'~cil chamber on ~edneed~y, Ha~ 7th, 1958 at 8 p.m. l~; R. Sootheran - J. lq. Allan ~. F. lqelshan E. E. l~Ltchelson Deputy Reeve Counc~lLo~ Councillor Councillor · he ~ecLuS~s called,for the express purpose of considarin$ petit~ons £or local ~.rove~ent construction and the construction .of eervices~thin subdivisions _.d~i~ the y~r 1958. Befoze d~l~t~ theoemtCerathe foll~ ~asolut/ona were passed: Local Improvement Tenders -- Adjourn ~ay 7, 1958 (1) Trans£nr of part Township ~ot 60 edsed in Srean on sketch attached to letter dated No. 36 May 7the 1958 fro~ l(atCh~Ws & l~tthe~s ~<r~m -·' ~ ·' ~.,Gutseppe & Au~anta Bores!on co River Realty .... - .,. ' ': ~ ,' /S~race ScSI for Utted JettinGs no, ~, lttt chelaon Allau "THAT Council approve the sale by metes and bounds description of the three lots indicated on plan dated 1/ay 1, 1958~ part of Lot ~ll3 provided th. aC the following service costs are paid: s~er, sidewalk, water (unexpired portion), public purpose charge. and thaCa letter is secured from the o~ner stating the fill reqt~tred by the Engineer be placed and that these lots be included in the proposed registered plan." Carried. Keighan Allan "THAT Council meet~rlch the Stamford Public Utilities Con--lesion on Thursday, May 15th, 1958 ac 9 p,m. for the purpose of viewing the light ai~Cion in the To. ship Co deCe~ne Che extent of our street l~ghc~ng Carried. The Engineer submitted a statement showing estimated costs in respect to all local improvement pet~tions and cash service cons~ruction~thin subdivisions requested up to Apr£1 let, 19~8. ~-~hers of Council reviened the stat~eent and after considering the petitions presented ~or the work deleted some o~ the requests and authorized the Clerk and ~n~ineer Co proceed u~th arra~ements £or the construction of the works agreed on. 4. Kttchelson · Keighan "TRAT the 2n$1neer be authorized to prepare to call for tenders for the 1958 local improvements as approved. Tenders to close at 4 p.m. ltonday, llay 26thD. S. T." Carried. ILtcchelson Allan 'TI~T va nov adjourn to meet again at 10:30 a.m. Saturday CO co. lets the Road Inspection." Carried. l~eeCin~ Adjourned ,, N.R. Se6Ckeran ·Deputy Reeve .... - .,',~: - · . J.H. Allan Councillor .... ',", : R.F. Keilha~ Councillor .... K, R. ~LtcbllOn Councillor The members nssenbled ac the Tounsh~p Hal]. at lO: ~0 a.m. and in ebnpany,~.v~a ch a~ueer proc~e~ ~ a CO~ of inspection of Road & Sidewalk Fmy 10, 19§8 No. 37 . F~osen~ During the tour~ tho Ensineer pointed out the con~Ltions .of several of the Township roads and discussed remedial constructiou plans £or improvement, The sidevalk conditions .in various sections of the Tovaship wore also inspected and instructions given for many repairs. .The inspection and business of the day vas completed about 2 p.m.. Acting Reev~ A Regular lieetin$ of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on N~nday, ltay 12th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. Reeve Deputy Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor A. O. Bridge W. R. Sootheran j. B. Allan . B. B. ltttchnlson liinutes l. Allan Koisban "THAT the minutes of the meetings held On l~ay 5th and ltay 7th, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried. Taxi LicenSes 2. S~theran "THAT the follovin~ Taxi Licenses be granted: Joh~ Stresses, 1560 Levis Avenue, (2 Taxi Ornate' Licenses), Peter Stran~es, 1560 Lewis Avenue, Driver's License) ." Carried. Allan ltitchelson "T~AT tbs £ollo~lng ~pplLcat~on8 for Vlctuellins Licensee be approved: john D. Scott, 1706 Dmm Street, E. DeVi~o, 1497 Portage ~ad, . S~n ~bLus, 2673 D~nd ~d, Caz~ed. Fence Tenders Kttcheleon Allan "THAT the application for a Barber Shop License from l~Llan Rao~vlJevLch of 2395 ~o~Sa ~ad S. be applied ~d licuoe -- Ca~ied. chin lt~ t~ceO oread Chn A. O. Brt~e ~d ~a S~v~ol~ ~arkJ. D..elca Subd.. Roads ,Roads ~ueenston quarries Ne~ Poet Office ,S.e, ll Farm Produce Shedler & Sons C_onet. Co. Opctn~aC Club Trn~£tc Condition Douglas Crescent were deplorable and requested chat the roads be made more passable. ~t was explained to the group that the subdivider is responsible for road maintenance until such ti~e as ~he roads ars taken over and constructed by the Township. NOmkers of Council agreed that some relief should be granted and the subdivider should be requested Co re-grade the roads to provide better service and the follo~ng resolution was passed: 6. l~tchelaon Keighan "THAT F. A. Branscombe be asked to make Ann Street and Douglas Crescent as passable as possible as required by agreement so that the purchasers who reside there may have access until the roads are constructed." Carried. Hr. J. C. Burd of the queenston Quarries Limited attended the meetin~ and infor~ed Council that his Company is willing to provide 20% of tEe stone requirements for the proposed reconstruction of the road baleen Niagara and Thorold Toumshtps. He indicated that this ~mount of stone represents a coat to the company of approxim~.tely ~1500.00 He also advised Chat his Company vas prepared to provide all the fill required ~or the reconstruction of the road. The only charge in tkis connection vould bo transportation costa. The Clerk vas directed to invite representatives of the Post Office Depar~nent~ attend a meeting of Council for the purpose of discussing their proposal to establish a ne~Post Office in this area. Hr. Bill lialatro~ of St. Catharines requested permission to construct a buildiu~ for the purpose o£ selling farm produce near the cotmer o£Hontrose and ltounCain Road. He was informed that if his butldin8 meets ~rich the To~nahip~s requirenents thai'the Bu~ldin~ Inspector vould issue a A representative of Shedler b Sons Construction Company advised that theyhad applied for a buildin~ pet~tt to erect a 6 suite apartment building on Valley Way but had experienced some difficulty in securin~ e permit. The Buildin~ Inspector reported Cbt he had requested a change in the plans and had received the revised plans and ~ould discuss it Pith the Company tomorrow. ~f they vets satisfactory, a pern~C vould be issued, 7. Sootheran .)ittchelaon '"TI~T we endorse the thinking of the Optimist Club in regards Co the operation of the Soap Box Derby and authori--e the cleo/n8 o£ D~nd Road and entering streets for a four hour period on Septenber 6th or 13ch," 8. S~ther~ Carried. "THAT the report o~ the traffic committee in ra~ard to con~Ltione at the Brm~sr*s ReCaLL SCore be approved and the op~atOrs~ o~ the esc~l/s~c ie ,asked ,- ~ t~l~t the i~ately," Carrte~,., B -law No. 2278 Allan Soo~heran Construct Sidewalks 10. ~tchelson Allan r~ "BY-IA~ Hi. 2278, 19~8. A By-law authorize the execution of an A§reement dated ~he 8~h ~y o~ ~y, 1958, be~we~ The Co.oral,on o[ the ~sh~p o[ L~ed." ~d a E~rsC, se~n~ ~d t~rd t~e ~d passed. ' 'tT~AT the CLerk and the Solicitor be instructed to make a de~and on l~Lra Const~uc~ion Company ~d ~c Construction Co~y and the ~ers o~ PI~s 189 ~d 210 for to consC~uc~ ~he sid~alka as ou~l~ed in the Enginee~ ~8 report on the Ca~ied. Keighan Sootheran "T~AT an add~tional sum of[ $5,000.00 be provided EoF necessary sidewalk repairs." .. Carried. Sootheran Allan ~T~AT ~e~=esen~ative8 of Loreazo Contractin~ Company an6 svansea Const~Gction Co. any be invited to attend our maet~u~ofF~y Z0th to ch~scuss their requests for adc~t/onal' com~ensation from the .Township." Carr£ed, County RQad 13. Soot2a=an ~ Xei~han "T~AT Couacil contact the ~ellandCouaty aoadCoa--'Lttee su~estin~that the ~equesC the ~956 Co--il ~or ~e~e ~ntroae~d ~or the~Cain~d be ~esc~nded~d t~t the ~e be~n~ose ~ ~o~ che Cre~hd be~e~C~pp~a ~d the ~, ~. ~Y. ~ ~scusSi~s Chis Meter ~ke place on hy 20chat a t~ to be Caz~led. ~Ad~ou~ 15. ~AtchelsGu No. 38 P. resent_ Purnqse Ins ection tour May 1958 NO. 39 p~esent A Joint Meeting of the Municipal Council and the Stamford Public Utilities Commission was held in the Council Chamber on Thursday evening May l~th, 1958 at 9 p.m. J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Councillor Councillor Councillor Public Utilities ~ommlssion James Wincott Richard Jones H, E. Brownhill Chairman Commissioner Manager The meeting was called for the purpose of revising the Township's proposal for improv~i~.g the street lighting system during the year 1958. - ~ An inspection tour was made of the Tovmship and the various styles and types of street lighting were examined. The concensus of opinion favoured the in- stallation of 200 - HO Fluorescent lights for this year's program. The annual cost for ~he operation of This particular type of unit will be $26.80. Meeting Adjourned l~eeve Hour 11:OO P. M. A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday~ May 2Otb, 1918 at 7:30 p.m. · 1. Mttchelson Allan A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meetings held on May lOth, May 12th, and May 15th, 1958 he adoDted as printed." Roads a.,~ ~ootheran ,Mltchelson Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee amd pass accounts." Allan Nttc~elson Carried, ' "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts ''dated May l$th, 1958 as presented, ~be accepted and the accounts be paid./~'~.~ Carried. 5. Allan Mitchels0n ,,THAT the statement of General Accounts dated May 16th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the be paid amounting to $61,$%6.33." Carried. ~inanc~ Pigeons at 2620 B rker St Public Hall License 6. Mitchelson Sootheran "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business Council." Carried. 7. .Mitchelson Sootheran ,'THAT the following applications Victual~ing Licenses be approved: Lindon ~lowers, 270~ Dorchester R Steve Chanady~ 2891 Drummond Road." Carried Mrs. A. C. Weaver of 2612 Barker Street addressed the Council in respect to a petition that she and the resi dents of Barker Street had submitted concerning the of the building located at the rear of 2620 Barker Street~ which had been renovated for the keeping of pigeons. She stated that contrary to the direction of Council that pigeons had been brought into this over the weekend and she assumed it was the intention of the occupant of this property to continue to keep pigeons. 8. Mitchelson Keighan "THAT the owner or tenant, or both, of the property at 2620 Barker Stre, be informed that contrary to instructions to them they have pigeons to the above address. are now given $8 hours to remove them and if not; the solicitor is instructed to prosecute under the zoning by-lSWo" 9. Mitchelson Allan "THAT the application for a Public Hall License from the Niagara . Canadian Club on Garner Road be approved and license ~r_~a~ed." Mr. R. T. Lyons~ Chief Englneer~ and Mr. Walkenshaw the Swansea Construction Company attended the meeting and addressed the Council in respee~ to a brief their · company had submitted on certain claims made on the Township in connection with the 19~5 Sewer Contract. '~'~Members of Council were provided with a copy of an opinion concerning the company's claim from the Township solicitor, Miss J. V. LaMarsh. A co~y of Miss LaMarah's letter containing the opinion ls after the minutes of this,meeting, The main argument ?of the Swansea Construction Company centered around Swansea Claim main. The representatives of the company sta~ed that the change in specifications in lowering the sewer main by five feet had added a considerable cost to the job and as a consequence the company had not been properly compensated by payments made under the unit prices specified in the contract. As a result of a question, the engineer declared that the Swansea Construction Company received payment for the Montrose Road sewer main in strict accordance with the provisions and unit prices specified in the contract entered into with the Township. After considerable discussion between Members of Council and the representatives of the Contractor, the Engineer and the Solicitor, the following resolution was submitted and carried: 10. Sootheran Bridge "THAT the municipality settle with the Swansea Construction Company for ~13,%00 in complete settlement for their contract with the Township.,, Ayes: Sootheran, Allan, Bridge. Nayes: Keighan, Mitchelson. Fuel Dealers Carried. After the above resolution was submitted, the movers of the above resolution indicated that the amount of settlement quoted in the resolution represented %0% of the claims being made by the Swansea Construction Company. .~ ll. Allan Mitchelson "THAT the following applications for Fuel Dealer's Licenses be granted: Michael R. Melymuka, 287% Thorold Road, W. J. Ball Coal Co., %~1 Victoria Avenue, A. Zimmerman~ ~7~ First Avenue, Booth Petroleum Ltd.~ 19~3 Victoria Avenue~ W. L. Houck Coal Co., 1893 Main Street, Sauder Oil, 179~ Thorold Road, 12. Mitchelson Sootheran Carried, "THAT the following applications for Public ~nar~ge Licenses b~ approved: a~ol Sapieha~ 2~10 Drummond Road, Hubert Bateman, 2820 Drummond Road, Wm. Wozniak~ 125~+ St. Paul Street, Jack MacKenzie, 2391Mountain Road." Carried. 13. Mitc~elson Allan "THAT the following applications for Service Station Licenses be approved~ ~Ross Cain~ 11 Drummond Read~ · ,. ~Cha_rles E. P.lummer, 318~ DrummondRoad, · ...~.~m. ~eVlto, 1%97 Portage Road, Sauder Oll~ 179~' Thorold Road." Carried. fA!l~., ."T~T ~e application for a Barber Shop '~ ,~Liee~e from O. L. Ca,hill of 1~ Po~tage Taxi Drivers Devlin& Maloney W~iden Town Line Rd Prepare by-law on discharg ~of air 1~. ~'Mitchelson Allan "THAT the following applications Taxi Drlvef,s Licenses be approved: Wm. Richard Cresswell, 883 Buckley Gary Torgeson, 1682 Buchanan Ave., 16. Sootheran Kelghan Carried. "THAT we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Board of a transfer of Part ~¢p. Lot 61 from Patrick & Katherine Devlin, Frank and Mary Devlin, Jack Cecile Devlin and Hugh Maloney to Leslie Construction & Investments Ltd. The parcel being conveyed an approximate width ~075 feet and approximate depth of feet and being located immediately to the of Lots ~ and 5 shown on Registered Plan 20~.. This approval is granted on condition that the taxes be paid in full to December 31st, 1958 on the property this parcel is being conveyed from." 17. Mitchelson Allan Carried. "THAT the Solicitor be asked to prepare the required by-law at the request of the Niagara Township to expropriate 1.003 acres from the .Canadian Canners to widen the Town Line Road.,, 18. Mitchelson Allan Carried. "THAT the Solicitor and Clerk be authorized to prepare a draft by- law to prohibit the discharge of air guns and spring guns or any class or type thereof, within the limits.of the Town~hip.,, 19. Sootheran Allan ~20. Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2279~ 1958. A by-law to declare the desirability of tulder- taking certain works as a local improvement Under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act.,, Read a first,.Tse%ond and third time'and .passed. Nltchelson_: Keighan '' ~BY-LAW No. 2280, 1958. A by-law ,~,,~o authorize the construction of ~:~certain works as loca! improvements :/ under the provlsio~s of The Local ~d journ 21. Mitchelson Sootheran "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, May 26th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Report of Miss J. V. LaMarsh dated May 12, in respect to $~e claim ~.d~ by the Swansea Constr.uction Companz. General: This constract was let to Swansea on acceptance of its bid by tender. Payments under the contract to ~ate as indicated by a proEress payment report signed by the late Merle *-er, dated September ~rd, 1957, were $1,O27,782.68. All of this amount has been paid to Swansea. Upon that final payment it was indicated b~ the late Mr. Kef that this was the final ~ayment insofar as the Engineering Department was concerned. The progress sheet was signed by Mr. Lyons~ representating Swansea Construction, which indicated that he approved of everything save the outstanding claim respecting Montrose Road. Swansea now makes a claim going beyond Montrose Road, which I will deal with in detail hereafter. ~Otlon: The points in issue respecting the Montrose Road section of the work are, I think, clear to members of the Council. Apparently, in or about the month of December~ 19~%, Mr. Ker and ~. Lyons of Swansea had a conversation in which it was indicated to Swansea that the sewer would be deepened approximately 5 feet from Watson Street to Industrial Street, and the size of pipe enlarged. The late Mr. Ker wrote to Swansea under date of ~nuary 6th, 1956, ("D" in Swansea's brief) settin~ out t~is cha~ Swansea ~nereupon advised Mr. Ker by its letter dated December 19th, 19~~' !~Piii!~.ii!~i~a~h~h~°~~n~d~i~r~o~'w~Sb~e~e~x~e~C'' No agreement appears to have been reached either at this stage or subsequently between Swansea and the Corporation as to exactly how this work would be paid for. ~ or a~spense w~tn any ~orti0n thereo~ ~,,.~' ~+~ ~.~ -'-" . __ ~ .. . . one, act: and ~0 compensation shall be d ~ trgctor ~cept for ~he ~or~ actually done. such com~ens~ ~2~e~ Rr~ces suomitted in his ro oss] ',, · ~ ...... ~ .... ~ ~ .h~.j~ ~ ...... P..P ~. The contract also rovides "In ca any . .... C___ :____= ~r ...... x~. ~ame aha Shall be aid the actua 1 bo~ and ~ur~men cosE ant the cost of all materia 1 a contractor shall f~sh Engineer with satisfactory ~ouchers, certifzcates~ e~c.~ for all labo~ and material expended or used on such WOrk.,, Both the late ~. Kef and ~e present Engineer take the position ~at this work is an extension~ increase ~d variation ~der the first noted paragraph~ ~d that the work ts to be paid for on a ~it price !~c~l~$ ~o~s a~ t~el). On this computation Sw~sea was paid In order to ascertain w~t Swansea shoed be paid If ~elr claim were ~n faet based upon "a different class o~ work. It shoed be noted that ~e total cost of labo~ and material left on the premises~ plus a 15 per Cent profit, la ~e o~y amo~t involved. There is no provision for a charge :for equipment rental. ~ls is diffic~t to estimate as it will be seen ~9~.atiacie~;$Ched~e'.that:~labc~ prices hav~ been quoted at ~ee :dl~f~ren~ ~figures, although the hours ·Submitted remain constant. It will be note~ ,,'that the highest figure quoted for foreman lab .highest figure quoted for labour is ~ ~ ~- ~..u~ i~.$~.50 an hour, and the ~-.~v ~ ~ur. using these figures to- gether with812 hours shown for foreman labour, and 5,859 hours shown for 'Unskilled labour~ plus the material charged listed, we arrive at a total labour charge of $10.818.50. This added to the material charge of $1~,16%.81 totals $23,98~.31. The 15 per cent overhead comes to an additional $3~97.65 totalling a payment due to Swansea overpaid~wanse~ $2~,374;~+~ I do°f $27,~81.9~. On~thls'basiS-we hav~ not'b~lleve'-that Swansea seriously contends that they wish to Be paid on this basis. It therefore appears, according to the strict interpretation of the contract, that insofar as Montrose Road is concerned~ Swansea has.been paid in full or overpaid almost double. If they wish to establish any clal~ I would assume therefore that they would be claiming completely out- side ~the contract. So much of Swansea,s brief is given over to,what is alleged to be its actual costs that it appears that twansea is attempting to~establish a' contract aside from that for which it tendered and to establish that it - is entitled to money on the.basis of actual cost to them plus a profit. .Although we have had produced to us t February. S, 1957, (about 1 month _ we statements, one dated dat=d 3~n of Anr _ o~2 3 s afte~ the cgnclB~lon of the work = il, l~, (dated 27 months after ~ne eo~,~-~-- _~.and one ...... ~v~ 0£ ~ne contract), it is difficult .to place reli~nce on either statement as they differ so markedly. The statement shown as S-5 in their brief shows a different actual labour charge to that shown S-5 LaMarsh. There is a strikingly great difference in what is called '.equipment rental charge' in these two statements, variations amounting to as much as $10.O0 per hour on one piece of equipment. The S-5 statement adds in to the actual cost of labo . ~ it?~ entitled "Board,, and totals 1~,. ...... . ur an over -~-~ A~ eoY~o*o.75. .... ~ uverneac ~e total alleged The later statement dated 3Otb of April shows~ as indicated, different labour charges, and adds a 10 per cent overhead charge Before' adding 15 per cent on the whole total. The materials here are the same as those shown on the earlier statement. In this case there is no attempt to take even a 15 per cent overhead on the equipment rentals~'but it will be noted that although the equipment hours used are identical that there is a vast difference in what is alleged to Be the cost of this equipment, and this accom~ts for the fact that the total cost of the work as alleged by twansea in this statement comes close to the. first statement~ namely, $68,975.01. Report of Miss J. V. L~Marsh con~. Swansea arrives at the amount claimed, namely $17,71~.O5 with respect to this item of Montrose Road by deducting from the alleged total cost of work of $69~656.75 the payment which the To~mship made. In order to buttress their position they have set out at considerable detail on page ~ of their brief their alleged extra costs and have pointed out at the top of that page that these extra costs are required by (1) extra excavation and (2) extra shoring costs. It should be pointed out that the Township has paid for an extra five feet of excavation and that the Township never pays for shoring unless left in place. Swansea's figures show that a one-yard clam, (their charge being $170.00 a day), was used for 20 days. The day-to-day inspection reports to the Township indicate that a three- quarter yard clam (which the~ have shown at a rental charge of $10.OO a day) was used for a total of 4 days. Swansea's brief indicates that there was double sheeting for 1OOO feet and has set in a charge of $11,100.OO for this. The day-to-day inspection report of the Township, buttressed by the photographs taken by the Township Engineer indicate that there exactly ~ feet of double sheeting and that none was left in place. Their own statement (S-5) shows this clam was used only for 26½ hours. It therefore appears that little reliance can be placed on the allegations set out on page ~ as to Swansea's costs. twansea's brief indicates that there should be excluded from all considerations of Montrose Road the question of manholes and the tunnel. This may be because the late Township Engineer authorized for the purpose of compensating Swansea an additional payment on these two items. As shown by the Corporation's Engineers Swansea received approximately $300.00 more on .manholes and $1~O0.OO more on the tunnel. From my perusal of the figures submitted in this brief it does not appear that there has been any loss at all in the Montrose Road unless it be in the figure of equipment rental and'overhead. On a total contract running in excess of one million dollars this appears to be negligible~ and well compensated for by profit in the major portion of the work. . 'There appears to be no possible re s g..ive us a set of figures ,~_uw.o,~., .... .a.o.n why Swansea is unable to .s~illed labour to t~o~ ~-'ifi~y~::§--~ne actual cost of foremen sho~ ~ --T-~w~ ~ ~Femena°us variance ~ ~+ -~ - r~~ "Y~ =pp~a~ to Page 2 of the Swansea brief deals with ~ invoice for extra ~s no~ rent this equipment f.~-.~y~mcuua~+y "?oat" ~ 'that'Swanse~ concrete allegedly installed b~ Swa~ea~ ~d appears ~at 8wansea is ~nls eq~pment ~d s~ ~ ma' '~ ~uu.er con~ractor or dealer, but o s clai~i~ for ~is c P y ~es a book-kee ontracts. In ~ event no rea~ ~--~ ~_..,~i~ charg~.b~ck against various - Sw~sea has not acc~ately quoted the terms of the contract~ respect to eq~pment. Accordln~ ii'[=Y~c°nc~iv~e~Y_~e sustained in to us ~dar date of Febr~ry ~t~ ~[n~d~a~emen~ ox' alleged costs presented wh%ch are.fo~d o~ page 27 in segtion (f), "meas~ement of concrete ~der~ Af these ho~ly charges are used''~--= - g-~bg~' material a~ eq~ ment~ ~a aro~ pxpes -~ _ o : -:~n ~- ' a - _ ,e - to be placed by ~._~:= ,eric-s. P~ent for concrete p~ce~ ~er this ~al ~ t9 _S~sea appears ~ be $~1 ~-=~o~ ~ ~ overnead the ' neadl~ will be made at the price stated In the con~act for concrete vorpora~ion $51-932.70 a ..... - ....,_~Z?-.~ ~ ~ne~ were aid by the · ~dicate, their.'coSt w~s.~a~T2k~$,~Fu.9o less_t~. ~eir ~ fig~es . ~er ~d arced pipes ~d ~ accordance wi~ the followin~ tab~$ of nor~l operatl~ overheat' but It sho~d .be remembered ~at 'the eq~pment/ ~"~ ~ere follows a ske%ch showi~ the mlnim~ ~o~t of cubic , ~m~.~azs uoes ncc lncl~e ~ing fo~ ' ~ '" yards of concrete to be ~s~lled per lineal foot. I am l~ormed by renal la based on a profit basis ~d It is , To, ship Engineer that the late Engineer considered it a waste to provide ~abg~ nor ~tarial fig~es ar- ~------- -~- ~ possible ~at' ~l~er. ~eon~a~tom~as ,their~e__ ~4,.,._I -~vg~ ~ose wnxcn ~e of c ~ ~ more concrete ~an that called by the sketch~ ~d, therefore~ it was ~ . ..... .- s ., ~e ~aried on ~ ,. reg~ar ,practic~ that if~ lets~conc=ete was ;~s~lled ~h~ that"called for ~th respect to the other item, namely stone resu~.facing, which is set out at some length at the bottom of page 5 of the brmef and the top of page 6 where even Swansea admits that this is a debatable claim~ I note that the contract on page 2% thereof provides as follows: "The restoring of such roads, rlght-of-ways,'rallway crossi~gs, ~asements or private property, etc.~ must be completed at the contr=.ctor s expense and to the complete satisfaction of those having Jurisdiction". I am instructed By the Engineer that it is always the contractor's responsibility to replace the road surface at their own cost. I therefore do net recommend that this be paid. the actual amount would be paid for. but if more was installed it would be done upon the basis of the amoun~ called for by the sketch. On this basis Swansea has been paid in full for the concrete~installed. I~ ~herefore~ beg to s,,m~arize by advising that~ on the figures produced to me from the daily inspection reports and photographs of the Engineering Department, together with a perusal of the contract~ it appears that there is no llabllityby the Corporation to Swansea. ' I have received in this morning another letter from Mr. Lyons setting out the explanation of the 10 per cent figure charge.to "The Board" covering Vacation Pay~ Unemployment Insurance, Workmen's Compensation, Public Litbllity, and Property Insurance. EQUIPMENT "RENTAL" PRICES Per Hour SUBMITTED BY SWANSEA CONSTRUCTION LIMITED · 'August 16, 195% February 4, 1957 2 Yard Loader. $12.00 $12.00 i~Yard Back Hoe . 2~.00 25.00 TL-iO Motor Crane ..... 12.00 1-PDBack Hoe 18.00 13.00 D-? ~ulldozer ..... 10.00 ~YD Clam 15.00 10.00 Compressor 12~ ..... . 4.00 3" Pump ..... 1.00 Dump Truck 3.50 4.00 April 30, 1958 (S-5 LaMarsh) $19.00 30.00 2O.O0 23.00 14.50 17o00 2.00 ~.00 ~oreman LABOUR PRICES QUOTED per hour $ 2.5o $ 2.5o !.37 1.50 $ 2.00 Meeting Ad ~ourned No. ~0 Present Purpose ~roposit~on A Road Committee Meeting held at the Red Casque Inn on Tuesday, May 20th, 1958. A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor. The Council of the Township of Stamford met with the County Road Committee. During the morning they made investigation of certain roads in the Township that are designated as County Roads. Particular attention was paid to the proposition made by Stamford Council to the County Road Committee that that portion known as the Creek Road running from Chippawa to the QueenElizabeth Highway should be taken over by the County~ in return for which Stamford would assume the whole of Montrose Road from the Creek Road to the Queen Elizabeth Way after it was placed in an A-1 shape. If this was done the County would then assume what is known as the Thorold-Stamford Township Line running from the Creek Road to the Queen Elizabeth Way. The amount of work to be done by the County in Stamford this year will be principally on Suburban Area roads and would consist of widening and stoning McLeod Road from Dorchester Road to the Queen Elizabeth Way. Stamford Township has also agreed to take back the Mountain Road from the Queen Elizabeth Way to Dorchester Road from the Suburban Area Commission. It is expected that between the County and Suburban Area Commission a little over $90,000.00 will be spent in Stamford this year. This, of course, does not mean that the County will spend all that money, but on the suburban roads the Province will pay 50%, the City of Niagara Falls approximately 25%~ and the balance will be divided between the various municipalities in the County Road system. The question of the Creek Road which was to have been brought up at a road meeting on May 23rd will be further discussed at a full meeting of the Road Committee which is expected to be on May 30th. This is the first time that Stamford Township would be receiving anything like the amount they paid in County taxes for road work. Meeting Adjourned. May 20, 1958. Reeve Hour P .M. Clerk A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Monday, May. 26th, 19~8 at ?~30 p.m. Mltohelscn~ A. G. Bridge ~".W.R. Sootheran ~ N. Allan E. Keighan E. E. Mitohelson ~eeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor · "TBAT the adoption of the m~nutee of ,Hay 20th, 19~ meeting be held over · until the return of the Clerk .: ~t~heWelfare 0fficera* Oonvention.a Carried Sewe~-Riall St. Cas~mQ~ Tender Mr. Garth Moore, representin~ the Canadian Racing · Pigeon Union appeared before Ceuncil and questioned the reason why racing pigeons could not be kept at 2620 Barker Street. The Council informed ~im that they were not prohibiting the hobby of 'keeping racing pigeons in Stamford but only in the restricted residential areas. Mr. A. J. Bradley, Building Inspector, advised that the pigeons had been removed from the building at 2620 Barker Street. Mr. Moore stated that there is a pro- vision in the Municipal Act whereby municipalities may pass a by-law to set up regulations respecting racing pig- eons and the Pigeon Union is desirous of having such a By-law passed in Stamford. Mr. Moore advised Council he would like to have a full discussion in the future con- cerning this by-law. Councillor E. E. Mitchelson read a report re: selection of a suitable site for the proposed Optimist Youth Centre. The Council agreed that the area across from the A. G. Bridge Park could be leased to the Optimist Club under certain conditions. Mr. Raymond Griffin appeared before Council and stated that this location would be ideal for their Youth Centre and they would not interfere with the use of the Township Park. Mr. Leonard Dumoulin of 36~1 Rysdale Street inquired if a sewermain on Rysdale Street was included in the 1958 Local Improvement programme. The Council a'dvised that the sewer petition was not signed sufficiently and that the Corporation cost was prohibitive for the use of one home only. The Engineer advised Mr. Dumoulin that he could install a private sewermain if his septic tank was not operating properly. 2. 'Mitchelson Keighan "THAT Council approve the report of the Committee and that the Solicitor be instructed to prepare a suitable suggested private bill to be acceptabl to both parties for the leasing of the Culp Street site to the Optimist Club for the conducting of Youth Work.~ Carried. 3. Sootheran Keighan "THAT the Tender of Cashmore & Sons for the watermain construction for $2,382.60 be accepted being the lowest offer." Carried. .Mitchelson Allan "THAT the Tender of Charles Kerrio for 1958 Sidewalk Construction amounting to $79,621.26 be accepted as it~lecthe lower tender." Carried. · 5. Keighan Mitchelson '~HAT the decision of Council regard- ing tender "B" Sewermain construction for 1958 be withheld until Monday, June 2nd and that Mr. DeRose. the low bidder be requested to submit letters of reference before that time, pref- erably these ~ters to be from Cot- porations where he has successfully ,CC~.~pleted sewermain contracts." Carried. C & S Const. Tender ,,, Rudolph Electric 7. Tender Lorenzp Claim zabgr Bld~.PeFmit Valiquette 6. Mitchelson Allan Sootheran K~ighan "THAT Council accept the tender of C & S Construction Company for tender "A" 1958 Sewermain Construction for $10,187.72 being the lowest of five tenders." Carried. "THAT the Tender of Rudolph Electric for the wiring of Cemetery storehouse at a tender price of $3~0.00 be accepted." Carried. Mr. Wm. Thompson of Lorenzo Contracting Company presented a brief to Council wherein he requested an additional payment of $56,280.$1 in payment of the Dorchester Road sewer job as a result of extra cost for sheet piling on this project. Mr. Eidt stated that the Lorenzo Contract- ing Company had been paid for this sewermain in accordance with the terms of the contract. After considerable dis- cussion and inasmuch as the brief had only been presented to Council that evening, the matter was tabled for one week in order that the Solicitor and Engineer may bring in a complete report. Mr. Ralph Zabor of Portage Road North stated that he had been refused a building permit from the Building Inspec- tor to move a building from St. John Street to Portage Road and add an addition to it to make a home for himself. Council decided to meet at the Township Hall at 6:$5 p.m. Monday, June 2nd to make an inspection of the building. Mr. Bernard Valiquette of 602 Frances Avenue appeared before Council and stated that he was unable to pay $30.00 for the sewer permit and road deposit since he has had excessive medical expenses recently. Council agreed to take up this matter in committee. ~ 8. Keighan Allan "THAT the following applications for Public Garage Licenses be approved: W. V. Minor, 1877 Morrison Street, A. E. Fisher, 1788 Glenholme Avenue." Keighan Sootheran Carried. "THAT the following applications for Fuel Dealer's Licenses be approved: Donald Fehrman, Welland, Ont. Champion 0il Co., 2?2 Victoria Avenue, Moore-McCleary Ltd., Thorold, Gunning 0il Ltd., 1~?0 Drummond Rd." ~ ..... · 10. Sootheran -* Ketghan ~ .... 11. Sootheran Carried. "THAT the application for a Hairdressing Establishment License from Mfs.Margaret Connolly of.2379 Lundy's Lane be approved and license granted." Carried. "THAT the following applications for ' . Hawker & Pedlar's Licenses be approved~ Wonder Bakeries Ltd., Welland, Ontario~ I ' ' l~ammy'S Bread Company~St. Catharines'~ Canada.. Bread Companys Toronto." Carried. !! ~ 12. Keighan "THAT the following appIicatio~ Allan for service station £~censes o approved: James D. Jones, 1796 Valley Way, H.C.Manson, 3611 Lundy's Lane, Messrs.Lococo &Repa, 1201 Dx,,mmona Road~ George Green, McLeod Road at Drummond Hoed, Gunning Oil Ltd., 1~70 Dr,~mmond Rd. Gunning Oil Ltd., Cor.Portage & Stanle~l1 Gunning Ltd., Cot. McLeod Garner Road, Emil Kalcic~ 1105 St.Paul Street, W. Leach, 278? Dorchester Road." Carried. ~ 13. Allan Keighan "THAT we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Plar~uing Board of a transfer of Part Twp. Lot 152 from David Walte~ to a purchaser unnamed. The prop- erty to be transferred to be either a 2 acre parcel with a frontage of 160 feet by a depth of ~50 feet~ or a parcel consisting of * acres. This approval is granted on conditi that the taxes on the property this transfer is being taken from are paid in full to December 31st,1958. Carried. Fore~ to Thomas 1W. Sootheran Allan E.Crosswell to 15. Allan Keighan .,[ 16. Allan Sootheran "THAT the Stamford Public Utilities Commission be requested to replace and renovate the street lights on the streets indicated on the attached statement with fluorescent 200 HO type of unit, the cost for which has been estimated at $26.80 per unit. It is understood that the alterations authorized Herein represents this year's schedule for the improvements and modernization of our street lighting programme: "THAT we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Plan~-ing Board of a transfer of Twp. Lot 133 from Mrs. Maurice For( man to Mr. WyrauThomas. The to be conveyed has a frontage of 150 feet on Lundy's Lane by a of 200 feet and is shown on sketch attached to letter from McBur~ey, McBurney & Durdan dated May 2~th~ 1958. This approval is granted on condition that taxes on the proper' are paid in full to December 31st 1958, and that this be the last p of small property to ~e allowed fr this property." ..%arried. "THAT we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board of a transfer of Part Twp, Lot 133 from Mrs, E, Crc well to l~rs, Alice Crosswell, property to be conveyed has a age of 175,9 feet on Beaverdams and is shown edged in red on attached to letter dated Schedule SAST TO WEST. STREETS ~treet From To Number. Barker Street Drummond Road Brookfield Ave. 22 High Street Leonard Avenue Brookfield Ave. 18 Garden Street Dorchester Road Brookfield Ave. Frederica St. Drummond Road Dorchester Road Riall Street No. 8 Highway Dorchester Rd. Russell St. Balance 9 St.John St. No. 8 Highway West Limit of St. 9 Caswell St. St. Marks Ave. St.James Ave. 3 Stamford Green · Drive No.8 Highway Dorchester Rd. 13 Leeming St. Dorchester Rd. Brookfield Ave. Spence Street Dorchester Rd. Carlton Ave. NORTH TO SOUTH STREETS Mouland Avenue Lundy's'Lane Leeming Street 8 Brookfield Ave. Lundy's Lane Garden Street 7 Dorchester Rd. Barker St. · McLeod Road 20 Corwin Avenue Lundy's Lane Stokes Street ll Carlton Ave. Lundy's Lane Culp Street 9 Franklin Ave. Lundy's Lane Murray Street 12 Orchard Ave. Dunn Street Murray Street 9 St.James Ave. Thorold St.Rd. Colborne Street l0 St.Peter Ave. Thorold St.R~. Colborne Street ~St.Marks Ave. 'St.John St. Caswell Street Sinnicks Ave. Thorold St.Rd. Atlas Avenue 1 Stanley Ave. Dunn Street McLeod Road 12 No.8 Highway Stamf.Green Dr. Riall Street Depew Avenue Lundy's Lane High Street ~ 1~. Sootheran Allan "BY-LAW No. 2263, 1958. A By-law to stop up parts of unopened road allowances between Township Lots 16 and 25, 17 and 25, 16 and 17, 4 and 5, 2~ and 25, and .~ part of Maitland or Ravine Road." Read a third time and passed. ~ 1~.' Mitchelson Allan "BY-LAW No. 2286, 1958. A By-law to dedicate as a portion of Frances Avenue ..... , ~Block "A" according to Registered Plan 109 and Block "C" according to Regi- stered Plan 122." Read a first~ second and third time and-passed. ~ 19,..Allan ·, "%[ .'.,8°°theran. . · ... "BY-LAW No. 2281, 1958. A By-law to ~ ~ ~.. · ~- - -.- authorize the execution of an agreement ~' - between the Corporation of the Township .from Mrs, Crosswell, This ' · ~ ~' of Stamford and The National Union of ~is granted'on condition that the · Public Employees - Local No. 425." Read taxes on this property are paid i~ · ·', . ~' a first~ second and third time and passed, · Carried. ~ -~ ' : ~, · -, 20. Allan .~ Mitchelson '' "BY-LAW No. 228~, 19~8. Sootheran Kelghan 22. Keighan Allan Suburban Road Mitchelson Allan A By-law to expropriate certain lands for high- way purposes." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "~Y-LAW No. 2282, 1958. A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of $8~,000.00 for extensions and improvements to the Electrical Power Distribution System of the Township of Stamford.', Read a first and second time. "BY-LAW No. 2283, 19~8. A By-law to prohibit or regulate discharge of guns or other firearms, air guns and spring- guns, or any class or type thereof.', Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 228%, 19~8. A By-law to authorize the execution of a con- veyance dated the 26th May,'lg~8 from the Corporation of the Township of Stamford to John DalCin., Read a first, second and third time and passed. Mr. Eidt advised that a meeting of the Suburban County Road Committee and the City of Niagara Falls will take place on Thursday, May 29th at 2 p.m. in front of the new General Hospital respecting the widening of Portage Road, Mr. Eidt also advised that the special projects progrsmme :will be completed on May 30th. The Township is going to retain 8 men for s,,maer temporary help on the Roads and Public works Departmenis. Housing Authority Reeve A. G. Bridge· advised that Mr. Donald Zlmmerman and Annointmen~s Mrs. C. A. Cowan have r~signed from the Stamford Housi Authority and Mr. Keith L&u~heed an~ ~ ~ · .... ng being appointed to the Authority. Proposed'Federal Reeve A. G. Bridge announced that he had a meetin with ~ A.C. Jolley and Mrs. E. H. Winnres ec g p ting the new proposed federal building to be constructed in the near ~, future. He suggested that a meeting be held with the South End Business Men's Association on Wednesday, May 28th at 8 p.m. to discuss the location of. this Building. ~alicuette Permi~ ~The Council instructed the Engineer to accept a post dated cheque and a Statementl-r~specting the condition of · ,the road in order that a sewer permit may be issued to ,Mr., Bernard Valiquette of 602 Frances Avenue. 2%. Sootharan Keighan "THAT we do now ~$Journ to meet .Wednesday, May 28th at 8 P.m. to discuss plana-Xor aFederal Building.,,- ~' . Carried. Meeting AdJ ~' ''' ournedo lO.~30 P.M. No. ~+2. Present A Special Joint Meeting between The Township Council and representatives of the South End Business Men's Association was held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday, May 28th, 19~8 at 8 p.m. Stamford Council South End Business Mens' Association A. G. Bridge W. R. Sooth,ran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan Mr. Peter Marshall, Mr. John Park, Mr. Charles Oodsell, Mr. Anthony Mingle, Mr. Ralph McAlpine, Mr. Fred Swain, Dr. R. F. Eager, Mr. Frank Reid, Mr. Cecil Johnson~ Mr. Robert Saks, Mr. Henry Bickle. Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Reeve Bridge advised that plans were being made to have the present post office building changed into an Unemployment Insurance office and the members of the North End Business Men's Association have objected to this plan. He stated that Mrs. E. H. Winn has correspondence from Senator Brunt respect- ing the construction of a new federal building to be construc- ted at the corner of Jepson Street and Victoria Avenue and that if we had any objection~to this location we should for- ward resolutions immediately protesting this location. He suggested that the new federal building be constructed at the corner of Lundy's Lane and Drummond Road in the Township of Stamford. This building could provide a sub post office and offices for the various Federal departments~ and the present post office could be enlarged for post office use only. Another location was suggested at the corner of Main Street and Peer Street in the City of Niagara Falls. He stated that he did not think the Federal Government will agree to two'-Federal buildings in one city. Mr. Marshall, Spokesman for the South End Business Men's Association, stated that their group has recognized this · situation for several months. In December, 19~7 they com- menced sending letters to Ottawa respecting this matter and they felt one reason why the post office site has been delayed is because of their letters requesting that a central location would be more desirable. Representatives of the S.E.B.M. Association attended the City Council meeting on May ~th and Mr. Friesz and Mr. Pearson were in attendance at the same meeting and it was stated that they could not have two post offices in the City of Niagara Falls. They presented a brief to Mr. Freisz including a map of Niagara Falls indi- cating Main Street as the central location of this area. He .also stated that he was of the opinion that the S.E.B.M. Group are not going to argue about the location but feel that Main Street is more advantageous but if another location close to .our area is shown to be better they would be happy to start the movement to have,that site chosen. He stated that the purchase price for the Matthews property was very high. Mr. Allan stated that the Department has looked at the ~eer Street location and feel that this area has sufficient area. 'Mr. Reid advised that 3 homes would have to be moved, one on ,-Main Street and two on Peer Street. It is possible that %00 'cars could be parked in an area south of the Township Hall. - The'parking area is an important feature to be considered. Mr. Marshall stated that Mr. Pearson made a statement that they could not move.~the Post 0fl%ge 3~+ of a.mlle from the present location. Mr. ~ridze Mr. Bridge asked if the S.E.B.M. Assoc. were in favour of recommending to the Minister of Public Works that the Federal building be erected in this district on either the Lundy's Lane or Peer Streetlocation. Mr. Marshall stated that the Association would agree with this suggestion. Mr. Sootheran stated he thought the Peer Street site would be the better location. Mr. Marshall stated that the present post office is not large enough and they require three times as much space. He suggested tDmt the resolution should use the word "federal building" not "post office". Mr. Allan stated that the location at the corner of Peer & Main Streets was a very good idea since it is near a shopping district. Reeve Brid~e Reeve Bridge suggested that the Unemployment Insurance · Office should have two buildings, the present one, and a branch in the new Federal building, rather than making all the people go down to the Erie Avenue location. Mr. Soothe~an Mr. Sootheran suggested that we should contact the Dept. of Public Works and they be invited to meet Council and the S.E.B.M. Assoc. rather than trying to cover all points in a letter or resolution. We should al~o contact~irs. Wlnnwho has some influence in this matter. Mr. Keizhan Federal Bld. Mr. Keighan stated that the Post Office Department did not meet with the Township Council. He suggested that another meeting should be held and we should secure a definite answer from the Postmaster General. He feels that the Department is not aware of Stamford's large population and we should select 3 or $ possible sites and then have a dis- cussion with the Department. Mr. Marshall advi.a~d that the S.E.B.M. Assoc. have a meeting. with the group fr~m Toronto but they ignored them the same as they did .to the Township Council. Mr. Keighan sugsested that two separate resolutions Should be prepared, one from the Council and ~the ~other from the -S.E.B.M. Assoc. 1.:' Sootheran Keighan "THAT this Council go on record as strongly advocating the location of the proposed new Federal Building at the South End of the City in view of the tremendous growth of our municipality south and west of Dr,~mmond Road.,- The Clerk be instructed to write the Minister of Public Works and the Post Master General requesting a meeting with the proper authorities to discuss the matter." · Carried. -Soother,an, Alla~:/i~: -"THAT we do ~ow adJot~rn to mset ~onday~ · Meeting Adjourned. WS P~esent MinuSes 1. Bldg.Permits 2. Pr.Elizabeth Sqhool Grounds Lorenzo ~ntr.Co. A regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on Monday, June 2nd, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor. Mitchelson Allan "THAT the minutes of the meetings held on May 20th (Road Committee Meeting), and May 26th, be adopted as printed." Carried. Keighan Allan "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector for Building Permits issued during the month of May in the amount of $~70,2%0.00." Carried. Mr. Robert Connom addressed the meeting in respect to the condition of the Princess Elizabeth School grounds for hardball. He stated that teams from the Minor Baseball Association could not use the field because of the poor infield condition. It was agreed that the matter would be referred to the Chairman of Parks and the Engineer for remedial action. Mr. D. E. Calvert of the legal firm of Martin, Calvert, Bates & Sheppard attended the meeting on behalf of the Lorenzo Coitracting Co. Ltd. and addressed the Council in respect to a brief submitted to the Council by the Company requesting additional funds in respect to the Dorchester Road sewer contract. In his address to the Council Mr. Calvert suggested · ~ that Council should be fair with the Lorenzo Contracting Company in view of the fact that this Company had sustained a large loss on the sewer project. He advised that the Engineer had given oral instructions to use steel pilings although it appeared wood piling was called for in the specifications. He stated that he did not believe Section 19 of the Contract was so radical that it could mean steel piling. He also mentioned that Item 32 in the Contract mentioned that the Township would reimburse the contractor for any sheeting, lumber, piling, or braces, left in the ground and the particular section indicated the price to be paid on a board foot basis. He stressed that Mr. Lorenzo had insisted that the Job could have been completed with the use of wood piling but had changed to steel piling at a considerable extra cost at the request of the Engineer. In concluding his remarks Mr. Calvert submitted that the claim of Lorenzo should -be ~llowed by Council. He stated that his Firm had engaged Mr. J. Rohinette to assist them in this case and it was the opinion of this solicitor that the phraseology of the contract indicates the use of wood piling and not steel piling and as a result, it '' ~as h~s opinion that .the contract falls in the category of a · , ~isputed claim. Mr. Calvert also stated that if satisfactory . : arrangements were not reached between the Council and the Contractor that his Firm expected to take the matter to Court. , Councillor Kelghan suggested that the Contractor should have · ' ~' :'taken testings to determine the type of soil at the location of -the work .and considered the type of sho[ing, sheeting, or piling . /-~' ~ necessary to carry out construction. He considered that the ~-. :,. ':!.':phraseology in the contract included wood or steel. Councillor '. : ~Mitchelson mentioned that Lorenzo Contracting Company had ' ~. · carried out sub-contracting work for the Swansea Company and.. i'suggested that this work must have provided information to · : 'Mr. Lorenzo as to the soil conditions on the road where the ~. sewer was~ ,~o be con~structed. He 'also mentioned that all pavments .to the Contractor had been made'in accordance with the .unit prices specified in the Contract and it was the duty of the Municipal Council to 'see that the Contract was adhered to in all respects. He reminded Council that the Contractor had stated at a previous meeting with Council that the Municipality did not have any moral or legal obligation to pay further funds in respect to the Dorchester Road contract. Deputy-Reeve W. R. Sootheran in discussing the matter mentioned that he would like to have additional information concerning the matter of sheeting. He suggested that Council should not make a decision until the matter was studied in more detail. Councillor Allan stated he.would like to discuss the matter with the Engineer before making a decision. He suggested that Mr. Lorenzo took a gamble that the soil conditions on Dorchester Road would improve as the project was extended northerly. During the discussion members of Council were ~ supplied with a copy of a legal opinion from our Solicitor. The report indicated that Mr. Lorenzo's claims were com- pletely covered by the Contract on which they tendered and that they have been paid in full under the terms of the contract, save for $750.00 owing to them for certain work. It was decided to take no action in respect to the Lorenzo Claim until Council had an opportunity to dis6uss the entire matter with the Municipal Engineer who was absent at this meeting. ~2~ 3. Kelghan Mitchelson. $. Keighan Sootheran 6. Mitehelson ~lan e~ 7. Sootheran Keighan Service ,star.ns 8. Mitchelson Allan Retail Meat Allan M~tchelson "THAT the following applications for Tourist Camp Licenses be approved: Maurice & Velma Foreman, $123 Canboro Rd.~ H. Forde, 1~81 Dunn Street, Ernest Grant, 3939 ~undy's Lane, Wm.M.VanAlstine, 1~42 Dixon Street, S.Modrzynski, ~45 Lundy's Lane~ _. ~ Komaromt & Gould Ltd., 2755 Portage na.o., Komaromi & Gould Ltd., 2361 Buchanan Ave., Alex Dominik, ~40% Lundy's Lane,RR1, Louis Ferencz, S280 Lundy's Lane." Carried. ~r. Brooks 11. Sootheran Keighan ' Mitchelson Sootheran Milk Vendors 12. Sootheran Allan "THAT the following applications for 'Victualling Licenses be approved: George Janzen, 70~ Niagara St.,St. 'Schankula Ltd., 3~O5 Lundy's Lane, 'Ted Stelmazynski, 3273 Montrose Road, Biamonte Bros. & M. Swec, 3906 Lundy~s Mrs. Helen Hedden. ~77 Portage Rd. N., Earl Sweezey, 2~46 Crawford Street, Jo~nWiley, 2237 Lundy's Lane, F. Gallo, 1 Royal Manor Drive, Dominion Stores Ltd., 2~60 Lundy's Lane, Dominion Stores Ltd.. 2560 Lundy's Lane, J. W. Meadows, 5 Portage Rd. N., Louis Fore,cz, 3280 Lundy's Lane. . . Misses Ashcroft,Coaley & Price, 9 Portage Road N., New Yorker Motel. 2755 Portage Rd.S., Blue Top Motel, 2~6~ Buchanan Avenue, Mrs.Geo.Lavallee, ~197 Stanley Ave." Stamford Ouards, 13. Mitehelson 1~. Keighan Sootheran ,Allan M~c~el.son "THAT the following application for Public Garage License be ~pproved~ ~"'.'" George~Ansell, 18~6 Highlan~ Avenue." Carried. "THAT the following ~lication for Bowling Alley License be approved: Biamonte Bros. & M. Swec, 3906 Lundy's Lane." Carried. St., St. Catharines." Carried. "THAT the following applicationa for Service Station Licenses be granted: Nell Malloch, Q.E. Way, Erle Cotton, 16Portage Rd. S." Carried. "THAT the following application for Retail Meat License be approved: Thomas Haley, 11 Portage Rd. N." Carried. "THAT the following application for Slaughterhouse License be not approved: E. Gustaw" Wetting, 1~90 Ferry St.# Carried. "THAT Council extend its ~ncere regrets to Mrs. Hugh Brooks 8n her recent bereavement." Carried. "THAT the following applications for Milk Vendors Licenses be approved: Borden Co. Ltd 9~195 Magdalen St. Doll's Dairy, ~ Orchard A~e." 'Carried. "THAT the Clerk be authorized to write letters of congratulations to the Stamford Guards and the Memorial Militaires for their successes at North Bay." Carried. "THAT the Tender bid of Mr. A. DeRose for Section B of our sewermain pro- ~hramme for 1~8 be accepted, being · lowest tender submitted, and sines refereneeletters received by our Engineer on h~s behalf are satisfactory.. Car~led. "THAT we approve of the location of two telephone booths as described in their ,letter.of~u~e2 from the Bell Telephone Sale off 16o Sootheran 17.' Mltehelson Sootheran 18. ,THAT we concur in the recommenda~ of the Board of Education as to dispensation of $3,876.62 net pro, of the sale of S,S. ~2 as o' their letter of May 23/ff8." Carried. "THAT the opinion of the Building Inspector be upheld and that no be issued for the moving of the standard'building from St. $ohn S Carried. Council agreed that appointments to bring our Board of Appeal up to s~rength, This Board deals ~th appeals from the Building in a position %o aea~ Reeve. No. 44 councillor E.E. Mitchelson requested the Traffic Committee to re-consider the stop -~rner of Dm,mmond Road ami signs at the -- b Valley ~ay. He suggested that it might · ~hOSS[ble to eliminate the traffic sion on · centre of Valley Way. council agreed that the Traffic Co~ittee should study the matter and brine ~n a report. · Sootheran ,THAT we ~o now adjourn to meet £elghan on Monday, gune 9th at ?~30 Carried° Present. Minutes .... _Finance. % Meeting a~Journed, Hour A regular meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on June 9th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Brid~e Reeve W. R. Scot,eras J. H. Allan Mi~chalson ,Deputy-Reeve Council[or Counci~[or C~unc£1~or 1. Sootheran -Allan "THAT the minutes of the meeting held suM ay 28th, and May 20th, 1958 be adgpted as printed." -'Carried. 2. Soo~heTan Relief 3. Keighan Mitchelson "THAT the Statement of Relief Accounts dated June 6th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amoun~in§ to $641.35." Carried. General 4. Keighan Sootheran "THAT the Statement of General~Accounts dated June 6th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $117,559.94." Carried. Roads 5. Finance 6. .Taxi Drivers 7. O~ner s 8. Meat 9. Allan Sootheran Sootheran Allan Allan Keighau Keighan Allan Allan Nitchelson "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated June 6th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $16,381.32.Y Carried. "THAT the Co~nittee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. "~THA. T the following applications for Taxi-Cab Drzver's Licenses be granted: . Heinz Lordz, 2364 Collins Dr.,Niagara Falls, Lawrence Hoyt, 3047 Dell Ave., Niagara Falls, Earl M. Ross, 658 Second Ave., Niagara Falls, Robert Morris, 1785 Victoria ~ve.,Niagara Falls." Carried. "T~AT the following applications for Taxi Meat License be granted: 6[ E. Gustav Wetting, 141 Victoria Ave.,Niag. Falls, [~ sub]ec: to the conditions of approval.of the Health Inspector that no meat processxng be done on the premises.? Carried. )tn. !O.'Allan Mitchelson Dealer 11, Mitchel~on<. '.,'THAT we do now adjourn to go into ~' Allan , "THAT the following, application for Fuel Dealer . , License be granted. Fldance Committee and pass '~a':- 'Al~9 ~,Muratori L~d., 1200 Montrose Rd. RR1Y .T~AT the following application for a Se=vice Station License be granted: Aubrey H. Ba,.tTfl!ar~, 516 Portage Road N." Carried. Ca~led, ' Carried. Owner's Licenses be approved:: Hamilton B. Morris, 63 Portage ~d.S. (1956 Hamilton B. Morris, 63 Fortage Rd.S. (1957 Rambler"~,~ Hamilton B. Morris, 63 Portage Rd.S. (1958 g-mhler'~i Raymond S. Log.an, 3973 Beaverdams Rd.(1954 Monarch~i~ Carried. "THAT the following application for a Retail .I- ~,i, vict,uallin8 Graham - St-mford Or.een Patriquin Water. main Tourist Camps 9oran Transfer 12. Sootheran Mitchelson "TNAT the fsi%owing ~plication for Pub- lic Garage Lxcense granted: A.Metler & R. Beggar, 2717 Orun~nond Rd." Carried. 13. Mitchelson Sootheran "THAT the following applications for Vic- tualling Licenses be granted: Falls Pharmacy, 2671 Drun~nond Road, Wayside Motels Ltd., 1384 Kitchener St., Ken Bush, Portage Road N., John Fedor, 3350 McLeod Road, Frank Mottola, 1202 Roberts Street, Henry Reinhart, 1551 Valley Way, Lorne Eastward, 3069 Lundy's Lane." Carried. Mr. & Mrs. John Graham addressed the Council in reppect to property they own on Stnmford Green Drive. They indicated that the cost of services would eventually be prohibitive and asked the Council for advice. It was agreed that the matter be referred to the Engineering Department in order that estimates of the total cost be prepared and ~9~er con- sidered by Council. 14. Mitchelson Allan "THAT Council feels that Mr. Lorne Patriquin's request is not in the public interest and we feel that all residents should be approached and asked to supporta petition for a standard water main." Carried. 15. Mitchelson Allan 16,. Mitchelson Xeishen "THAT the following applications for Tourist Camp Licenses be granted: Mike Poczos Jr., 2247 McLeod Road, Wayside Motels Ltd., 1450 Kitchener St., Wayside Motels Ltd., 1384 Kitchener St., · D.L.Webster, 1300 Montrose Road, John Fedor, 3350 McLeod Road, Frank Mottola, 1202 Roberts Street, Rennie Langelle, 129 Stanley Ave. S., Henry Reinhart, 1551 Valley Way, Mrs. Ethel C. Wilson, 2090 Thorold Rd., K. Brine, 4625 Lundy's Lane, E. Robins, 2432 Kef Street, J. M. Leskiw, 20~6 Allen Avenue, Mrs.C,M.Craig, 3034 Lundy's Lane, Louis Bolus, q.E.Way $ Mountain ~oad, ~,:St.Martin, 1544 Mc~e~d Road." Carried. '%T'~T the Clerk infomD.W.Doran that Lorenzo Claim Mr. Wm. Lorenzo and Mr. W. J. Thompson of the Lorenzo Contracting Company Ltd., along with their Solicitor, Mr. D. E. Calvert attended the meeting in respect to their claim for additional compensation in respect to the Dorchester Road sewer job. Their claim w~s considered by Council at a meeting on June 2nd but a deczsion was reserved since the Engineer was not in attendance at that meeting and the members of Council desired to discuss the matter with him before a decision was made. Deputy Reeve W. R. Sootheran opened up the debate on the question and requested information in respect to the use of steel piling used by Lorenzo. The Engineer replied that the Contractor had been asked for a price on steel piling if such would be left in the ground. He mentioned that the price submitted by Lorenzo in their brief was approximately $2,000. more than the actual cost of steel. He said that the Trench Inspector requested that piling be used for the protection of the workmen. Mr. Lorenzo endeavoured to use wood piling but it proved in- adequate and ~teel had to be resorted to. In response to a question raised by Councillor Ke~ghan ~he Engineer advised that Council ~ted that adequate piling be used. He reque~ pointed out that his predecessor was of the opinion that single wood piling would not be adequate, and as a result he had asked that steel piling be used. Reeve Bridge remarked that it was obvious that the cost of steel piling would be greater ~han if wood had been used. At this point the Solicitor read the sections of the contract dealing with the required examinations of the streets where constru~tio~ was to take place before submitting tenders. She mentionea that the final section of the Tender states that the Contractor had examined the ground and considered all conditions applying to the construction of the main. In a reply to a quef raised by Reeve Bridg? the Engineer stated that the following tenders had been received for the construction of the Dor- chester main: Lorenzo Contracting Co. Ltd. $29,755.37, Swansea Constructing to.Ltd. - $135,~64.22. He advised that the Engineering Department had estimated the qua job to cost $21,190.781 but Ll£fied this figure by stating that the estimate had been made up before the ground conditions of Dorchester Road were known. Councillor Keighan stated that the Contractor had gambled and lost and that the Town- ship was not obligated to pay the losses he sustained. He was sorry thatLorenzo had lost money on the Job but suggested that making payee, nC fo~ losses.in respe?~ dangerous precedent. Keeve ~r~age quest~onea cne r~n~ the Trench Inspector to request the use of steel pilings. At this point the Engineer read a letter from the Company which 'stated that they were agreeable to a Price of $256.00 per ton for steel left in the ground. Mr. Calvert, the solicitor for the Lorenzo Contracting Company then made the follo~ing obser- vations: , - 1. He mentioned that at the last meeting a member of Council had stated that Mr. Lorenzo had made a statement to the effect that the Township had no legal obligation to pay him additional ~unds. Mr. Calvert stated that such a .statement would have no stand!ngin a Court of Law and it was given without prejudice. 2.~ Steel pilinghad, been used before ~anuary 16th, 1958. ~before the transfer ~f Part of Gore '.'i' 3. He stated that the term"Board Feet" when piling was Lot ~ Part Lot.5 in ~ta~ord Township '";'"' mentioned in the Contract referred to wood piling and can ua approved the encroachment on , ' 'elt~tnated steel, He also mentioned that the late Engineer ithe road allowance must be straightened _'.~' · -had agreed with Lorenzo to pay extra for the use of steel out and that Council feels it is ha- ] -,, ,, ',; "piling, The $56,~00. amo~_nt 91a,i~,ddb, Y Lorenzo. represents a "possible for 'them to, construct a con- · ':, ."-~ ' straight 1088 with no pro,it lncAuae , necting road to No.8 Highway. Hence an ' · ' eas~pnt ~ust be provided over ~r, ,~-~"j ~-. ,~. He claimed that the use of stee1 piling was an . . . so,ord ,sly. Doran's retai~ed property." ' ' ,[,:~Yi':',.:'.~ ;~ OU$~ide, the'2on~zact,,and shouldbo settled, · Carried. , ' ~ ':'": "~'~ "~ .... ~ ~-'""~'~' '" ;'~ ','~' '*:" "" ' ' ' Remarks: Mr-Ke!ghan' Mr.Mitchelson ~r. Allan Reeve Brid~e Lorenzo Claim Hr. William Lorenzo stated at'this point that the $56,000. represents the cost of driving steel in the'ground and the use of the special machinery required. Miss La~arsh made the following con,ants: 1. That the Contract means a piling of whatever type is necessary to carry out the work. 2. The Contractor is required under the terms of the Con- tract to examine the soil conditions and submit his tender accordingly. 3. It is up to the Contractor to submit a price after careful consideration of ali factors and she intimated that this was not carried out and as a result Lorenzo had ~uessed wrong. Deputy-Reeve W.R. Sootheran said he always thought the Town- ~hip had a moral responsibility for the steel piling used on the job and suggested that it might be good business.to arrange a settlement with the Contractor rather~thangozng to Court. Councillor Keighan mentioned that he would not support any r~solution to grant Lorenzo additional funds over and above t~at called for the Contract. by Councillor Mitchelson stated he doubted that the Engineer made a verbal agreement with Lorenzo to pay additional funds over that called for by the Contract. He submitted that all previous contracts entered into with Mr. Lorenzo were on the same basis as the one in question and that no difficulty had been experienced. He concluded by saying that he did not propose to negotiate for any settlement to cover the loss since he was of the opinion the Contractor had been paid in accordance with the Contract. Councillor Allan mentioned that a considerable difference of legal opinion resulted in ~he er~Unents heard and in all probabll£ty the matter would have to go to Court to be settled. · Reeve Bridge definitely stated that he did not agree with the $56,000. claim submitted by Lorenzo but mentioned that the Engineer had ruled that wood piling was inadequate and that steel piling would have to be used. He asked Miss · L~Mareh if she would win the case in a Court of Law if the ~atter was referred thereto. The Solicitor replied that no one can predict the outcome of a law suit and that she could only express her personal opinion. The followin~ resolution was then voted on: 17. Mitchelson Kc!than "THAT Whereas it is the opinion of this Council that the Lorenzo Con~t~ucting Co. has been paid according Contract between the Company and Stamford Toe-ship-and for that reason this Council will not consider any additional payment ? ~he ~o~anzo Contractl~ Co. in this ~yes: Mitchelson, Allan, Keighan, ayes: Sootheran, Brid~e. Carried. Machine ~ewriters By- law 229.0 By-law 228~ By-law 2288 By-law 2289 By-law 22~1 19. Allan Mitchelson "THAT we avprove of the nurcha~e of a Verifax Slgnet Copier a~ a prate of $165.00 from the Cormnercial Photo Copy Services, St.Catharines." Carried. 20. Allan Mitchelson 'THAT we approve the purch.ase_of a 2..0 IBM Standard Model Electric '~-ypewrz~er at a cost of $565.00 less allowance of $40.00 on a Smith-Corona ~5" typewriter to be traded in and that we further authorize the purchase of a 15" Kemington Standard typewriter at a price of $270.00 less a trade in value on an Under-wood Typewriter 'of $60.00 leaving a net price of $210.00 to be paid." Carried. 21. Mitchelson Allan "BY-LAW No. 2290, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 9th day of June, 1958, between the Corporation of the Township of . Sta~ord and Charles Kerr~o Construction Ltd." Read a first, second and third time and dpassed. 22. Allan Mitchelson "By-LAw No. 2287, 195~. A By-law to authorize the executson of an A~reement dated the 9th day of June, 1958, between Walters & Miller Construction Limited and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 23. Keighan Mitchelson "BY-LAW No. 2288, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation of the Township of St-m~ord and John DalCin." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 24. Sootheran Keighan "BY-LAW No. 2289, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an A~reement between the Corporation of the Township of St-m~ord and Cashmore & Sons, dated 9th day of June, 1958." ~ead a first, second and third time and passed. 25. Sootheran Xeighan "BY-LAW No. 2291, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an.Agreement )8 between. dated the 5th da of June, 191 Y the Corporation of the Township of Stsmford and C &.S Construction Co," Read a first, second and third time and passed. 26. 'Sootheran ~ 'Allan "~ "BY-LAW No. 2292, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an'~ree~nt Stop Sign- [18, Sootheran~) between the Corporation of the Township to Yield. ~.- ,of Sta~ord and Anthony DeRose L,,imtted. Kei~h~ "T~AT the Engineer t~e the necessary . f Valley Way n~a~ -D~nd~ad wt~h~a "Yteld"-Slsn.". ,lit. William Lorenzo stated at this point that the $56,000. represents the cost of driving Steel in the ground and the use of the special machinery required. Miss Laltarsh made the following torments: 1. That the Contract means a piling of whatever type is necessary to carry out the work. 2. The Contractor is required under the terms of the Con- tract to examine the soil conditions and submit his tender accordingly. Remarks: S os theran 3. It is up to the Contractor to submit a price after careful consideration of all factors and she intimated that this was not carried out and as a.result Lorenzo had ~uessed wrong. Deputy-Reeve W.R.Sootheran said he always thought the Town- ship had a moral responsibility for the steel piling used on the job and suggested that it might be good business to arrange a settlement with the Contractor rather-than going to Court. Nr. Kei2han Mr.Mitch~ls0n Councillor Keighan mentioned that.he would not support any resolution to grant Lorenzo addit~onal funds over and above that called for by the Contract. .~ Councillor Mitchelson stated he doubted that the Engineer made a verbal agreement with Lorenzo to pay additional funds over that called forby the Contract. He submitted that all previous contracts entered into with Mr. Lorenzo were on the same basis as the one in question and that no difficulty had been experienced. He concluded by saying Chat he did not propose to negotiate for any settlement to cover the loss since he was of the opinion the Contractor had been paid in accordance with the Contract. Mt.Allan Councillor Allan mentioned that a considerable difference of legal opinion resulted in the arguments heard and in all probability the matter would have to go to Court .to be settled. ~eeve Bridse Lorenzo Claim Stop Sign- to Yield. Reeve Bridge definitely stated that he did not agree with the $56,000. claim submitted by Lorenzo but mentioned that the Engineer had ruled that wood piling was inadequate and that steel pilinEwould have to be.used. He asked Miss LaHarsh if she would win the case zn a Court of Law if the matter was referred thereto. The Solicitor replied that no one can predict the outcome of a law suit and that she could only express her personal opinion. ?~ ''~.--~. The following resolution was then voted on= 17. 'Mitchelson Keishan 18. Sootheran. Keighan "THAT Whereas it is the opinion of this Council that the Lorenzo Constructing Co. has been paid according to,'the Contract between the Company and StAmford Township and for that reason this Council will not consider any additional payment to the Lorenzo Contracting Co. in this Contract." Ayes:. Mitchelson, Alla~, Keishan, · Hayes. Sootheran, Brid~e. Carried. "THAT the Engineer take the necessary ~tep~ to rep~ac~.~he "Stop" sign on the aor~nowest snoutaer of Valley Way near D~ndRoad wl~h a "YielW' Ce~ried. Copy Machine T~pewriters B~-law 2290 By-law 2287 ~y-law 2288 ~y-law 2289 B ,-law 2 91 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25. 26. Allan Mitchelson Allan Mitchelson Mitchelson Allan Allan Mitchelson Keighan Mitchelson Sootheran Keighan Sootheran Keighan Sootheran Allan "THAT we a?prove of the purchase of.a Verifax S~gnet Copier a~ a price o~ $165.00 from the Commercial Photo Copy Services, St.Catharines." Carried. "THAT we approve the purchase of a 20" IBM Standard Model Electric Typewriter at a cost of $565.00 less allowance of $40.00 on a Smith-Corona 15" typewriter to be traded in and that we further authorize the purchase of a 15" Remington Standard typewriter at a price of $270.00 less a trade in value on an Underwood Typewriter of $60.00 leaving a net price of $210.00 to be paid." Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2290, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 9th day of June, 1958, between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and Charles Kerrio Construction Ltd." Read a first, second and third time and dpassed. "BY-LAW No. 2287, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 9th day of June, 1958, between Walters & Miller Construction Limited and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford." Kead a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2288, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and John DalCin." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2289, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation of the Toumship of Stamford and Cashmore & Sons, dated 9th day of June, 1958." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2291, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 5th day of June, 1958 between. the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and C & S Construction Co." Kead a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2292, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an'A~reemant between the Corporation of the Township ,,of Stamford and AnChony DeRose Limited dated the 9th day of June, 19587 Read ' a first, second and third timaand By?la~ 2293. Discharge of Employee Lorenzo Hydro Sewer On No.8 Hi~h~a¥~ Ore-ford FittinKs, Adjoucn June 9, 1958. No. 45 ,~resent . nutea ? 27. Sootheran "BY-LAW No~'2293, 1958, A By-law to authorize settlement of disputed cla~mwith iwansea Construction Limited.*' Read a first,time, Read :a second time - Votes recorded hereunder were taken on the Second Reading: Ayes: Sootheran, Allan, Bridge, Nayes: Keighan, H£tchelson, Read a third time and passed. The Engineer informed the Council that he proposed to dis- charge an employee because Of unsatisfactory behaviour. ~ictualli~ The Engineer advised Council that he understood that Lorenzo owe an amount of approxtm-tely $700.00 to the Stamford Hydro Commission and asked if they would like to take this into consideration when making final payment to the Contractor. Council decided that the account was not their responsibility and no deduction should be made from the amount-paid to Lorenzo. Tourist 'The Engineer als~ advised that the Department of Highways had advised that the proposed sewer the Township intended to constnict on Highway No. 8 this year is r~}uired to be built at a distance of 31 feet from the centre the Highway. Since the Highway Department did not secure releases from two of the owners involved it will be necessary to secure easement rights from the two owners. Serv. Stations Councillor Keighan advised that Cra~ford Fittings were seeking a n~ location for their Industry and mentioned that-they were interested in the Canada Stainless Steel building on Valleyway but as a result of the zoning on Valleyway it might prevent them from locating there. He said the Company might Hairdressin~ be forced to move to Toronto if a suitable place could not be - - found in this District. It was agreed that Councillor Keighan should invite the representatives of the Crawford Fittings to a meeting of ~he Council in order Shat the entire matter could be discussed, ,, ;~lm~ · 28. Sootheran Kei.~han "THAT we do now adJourn to meet on jMonday, June 16th at 7:30 p.m." Second Hand License Reeve ,. Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Hour 10:55 P.H. A Resula=Heetin~ of the Council was held in the Council -Chamber on June 16th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. Hall.. Subd. ~tion 2. Mitchelson Allan "THAT the followin~ applications for Victualling LicenSes-Se approved: - .Earl Hope, 2191 Thorold Road, John Nagy, 3104 Lundy's Lane · { Mrs.Katharzne Karpinski, 31 otanley Ave., P. Yerich, 1410 Buchanan Avenue, S. A. Levy, Kalar Road, G. C. DeMol, 243 Drummond Road, Mrs. E. Daniels, 4278 Thorold Road, Fry's Pharmacy, 2303 Lundy's Lane, R.P.Montgomery, 315 Portage Road N., Simpson's Pharmacy, 3279 Lundy's Lane, Blgnucolo Bros., 2663 Stanley Ave. Y 3. Sootheran Keighan Carried. "THAT the following applications for Tourist Camp Licenses be approved: J. Fowler, 187 Stanley Avenue, Joseph Benvenuti, 1679 Kitchener Street, Z. Bogdanovich & D. Konoplic~1554 Murray St., P. Yerich, 14~0 Buchanan Avenue." 4. Allan Mitchelson Carried. "THAT the following applications for Service Station Licenses be approved: E.S.Daniels, 4278 Thorold Road, G.G.Welstead, 2555 Lundy's Lane." 5. Mitchelson Allan Carried. "THAT the application for a Hairdressing Establishment License from Mrs. Caner Cottom of 2095 Dunn Street be approved and license granted." 6. Ketghan Mitchelson Carried. '.'THAT the application from Warren Racey of 2390 McLeod Road for a License to deal in Second Hand Goods be approved:" 7. Sootheran Mitchelson Carried "THAT the application for a Public Hall License from Falls View Fire Dept. at 1786 Dunn Street be approved and license ~ranted." Carried, A delegation-.from the Delta Subdivision attended the meeting :~and Mr, Hick. Ross addressed the Council on'their behalf:in .... , , respect to the roads in their section of the To~nship. He ~..'G. Brid~e Reeve ~" '" . i ~' stated that a large part of this subdivision was no~.cc~pletely ~'.'~-,/R, Sootheran.~-..., Deputy-Reeve "- ' '.-..~ developed and that the roads were entirely inadequate and the .$.,.N: Allan .. .' Councillor r ' const~uction of all'r0ads East of Sharon Avenue should be 'tR. F. Kei~han ' '. Councillor ; ' ,. ~ . completed. He ~n=lomed Chat condi~lons on the road all~ances · E. E. Hitchelson C~ncil!o~ ';~ · . .~ were particularly objectionable afte~ heavy rains, ~e Council' ' ........... ' ~ inst~cted the Clerk and Engineer to demand funds front, F. A, Bransc~e to complete all reads and s~dewa '~"~T the minutes of the meetings held on '' Sha~on ' ............. ' lks East of .." June /nd and June 9Ch,!958 be adopt!d "~ Carc~ed.. ,v ...,..:,;. ~~ ,..?r..Jul?8 C~u addressed the C~ncil and ind~cate~ he was '~; .... ... ,,:,;~vz~ d~f~lCy in ~ecurins a bulldi~ pem~C ~o consC~cC a . . -~ '. ,.' ' ' ~ :."'~[. ~~L~n~s pr~erc~ac the co~e~ of ~ndy's Lane, 1, Sootheran Jules 'Cou~u Cont~ d. Lorne Patriquin Patrtquin Watermain Councilquestioned if he had sufficient land area to permit such construction. It was decided that members of Council would examine the location and consider the matter at the next resular meeting. Mr. Lorne Patriquin addressed the Council in respect to the request he submitted to Council on June 9th for per- mission to construct a private watermain to his property Freeman Street. He stated that the other owners on Free- man Street secured their water from water wells on their own property and as a result they are not interested ~9 signing a petition to have a watermain installea on this Road. As a result of the discussion the following resolu- tion was passed: 8. Sootheran Migchelson "THAT Mr. L. Patriquin be permitted to install a pr%v~te watermatn on Freeman Street, provzdlng he signs the usual .agreement." Carried. James Grab ,am 9. Sootheran Allan "THAT the sympathy of the Council and the Corporation go to the family of Mr. Jim Graham a former employee of the Twp. Hall." Carried. Niag.District Firemens Convention Preliminary Merger Report. ~djourn 14. ~ootheran ~eighan "THAT Lundy's Lane Fire Dept. be granted permission to act as hosts for the Niagara District Firemen's AssociaCion Convention July il - 12." Carried. The Clerk advised that all members of Council had been supplied with copies of the Preliminary Merger Report prepared by Deacon, Arnett & Murray and that a joint meeting of the three Councils is proposed for Tuesday, ~ June 24th at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall. Members of Council were requested to study the report and partici- pate in discussion that will take place at this meeting. The Clerk asked Council if they were favourable to inviting the Press to attend the joint meeting and the members of Council indicated they were in favour of , ? having the Press attend the joint meeting but objected to the date proposed for the meeting since certain members could not be in attendance. After some discussion and ~' after contacting Alderman Mowers at the City Hall it was " agreed that the joint meeting should take place on Monday, June 23rd at 8:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers at the City Hall. 15. Keighan Sootheran "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, June 30th at 7:00 p.m." Zlmmerman Goner. to K. Rudolph. 10. Mitchelson Keighan "THAT we reco~end approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board of a transfer of Part Twp. Lot 141 from Zimmerman Construction Ltd. to Karl Rudolph. The property to be conveyed has a frontage of 50 feet on Montrose Road by a depth of 239.13 feet. June 16,1958. and is shown shaded in blue on sketch attached to letter from Martin,Calvert Bates & Sheppard dated June 13th, 1958. No. 46 This approval is granted on condition that taxes on the property the transfer ,is being taken from are paid in full =o Decend~er 31st, 1958." Carried. Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Hour 9: 10 P.M. ,, Reeve ..... ~{9 ~ 'Clerk A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on June 23rd, 1958. A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Lundy's Lane 11. Mitchels~n Fire Dept. Allan "THAT as many members of Council as Luncheon possible accept the invi~ation of the 1. Lund¥'s Lane ¥olunteer Fire Departmen~ . to l~ncheon at the Serbian Picnic : · Grounds July 12th_at.ir:30 p.m." · . /" ' Carried. 2. St.mford Hockey 12. Keighan :' ~' Team Grant., 'Sootheran "T~AT the Clerk be authorized to make ~<~ : >~.. · ' · ia payment of $200.00 to Zhe Stamford ~ L -.~,- ' -' ~ ' ~ ~,Senior Hockey Team, being the balagce ' . ' ' ': ~iof,:the grant ee~ up in our 1958 Buret. ~lief " . 'Carried. - ' Paving of .13.'Keighan ,:'~' ' '"'~ n~_~¥._':'- ,l ~ Allan":: :- "THAT Council authorize the Engineer Co call tenders for the asphal~ paving · · .... , ~'~ofDunn Street, also for eOnGCntcCion ~ .~ ~ · :. ~.-~'' .' "::::';'', ~ "' ' of CUrbS Sootheran Allan Sootheran Mitchelson Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor. "THAT the minutes of the meeting held on June 16th, 19~8 be adopted as printed." Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Commit~ee and pass Accounts." Carried. 3. ,:: Keighan · LS o heran "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts .: · dated June 20Ch, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be ~.-~ · p~id, ,amOunting. ,Co $3,225.91." ',, ' ,'~ Carried,. ' : · Keighan .., ~on ~i 'IT~AT the statement of Roads Accounts '~' '~ ': dated Juno 20Ch 1958 as presented~ General J~les Coutu Keighau ~ll~,an "THAT the statement of General Account~ dated June 20th, 1958 as presented, be acceptgd and the accounts be paid amounting to $337,133.62." Carried. Finance 6. Keighan Hitchelson "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council."' Taxi Licenses Fuel Dealer 8. 7. Keighan Hitchelson Mitchelson Allan Nitchelson Allan Allan Mitchelson 11. Mitchelson Allan Carried. "THAT the ~llowing. applications for Taxi-cab ~zcenses De approved: David O. Bicknell, 572 Simcoe Street, Alex Eged, 1422 Hamilton Street, (Both Drivers) Harry Lawson, 836 Ontario Avenue,Owner Carried. "THAT the following application for Fuel Dealer License be approved: Fred Eastland Coal Co.,. 249 Park St." Carried. "THAT the following apPlications for Victualling Licenses be approved: Joseph Biasucci, Thorold Rd.& Montrose Mrs. Lillian Hamilton,Thorold Stone Rd. Carried. "THAT the following apPlications for Public Garage Licenses be approved: Carman.& Wm. Nagy, 3600 Lundy's Lane, J°s-Biasucci,Cor. Thorold & MonCrose Rd Graham Property -Traffic Committee ~eport. Mr. Jules Coutu attended the meeting in respect to his application for a building permit to construct a storage building on his property at the corner of Lundy's Lane and Beechwood Road. This matter had been referred to Council at a previous meeting and in the interim the members of Council had examined his property. It was decided that no action could be taken on his request for a building permit until such time as a plot plan of all his property is submitted showing thereon all buildings or other structures. In addition to this requirement Council requested a report from the Sanitary Inspector with regard to a test of the well water on the property. The Engineer submitted a statement of the service costs in respect to the J. H. Graham property located at the corner of Riall Street and SC.Andrew Avenue. The statement indicated that the Grahams would have to assume the cost of $6,831.02 for services for their property so subdivided. No action was taken on this matter but it was agreed that members of Council would examine the property and discuss the problem at another meeting. The Traffic Co~m~ittee comprised of Deputy-Reeve W.R. Sootheran and Councillor R. F. Keighan reported that they had investigated complaints from ToWnship residents in respect to the following intersections: 1. The intersection of Frederica St. and Dorchester Rd. 2. The intersection of Vine Street and Portage Road, 3. The intersection of Coholan Street and Portage Rd., 4. The intersection of Keith Street and Portage Road, 5. The intersection of No.8 Highway and Thorold Stone Rd. The Committee recommended the following action to Council apropos the items listed above: 1. That the one soft maple on the North side of Frederica Street and the East side of Dorchester Road be cut down and that the lower branches of the second soft maple be removed. This change will provide better vision for the traffic proceeding from Dorchester Road to the Queen Elizabeth Way. 2. Items 2, 3, and 4. Complaints received referred to large trees along Portage Road. In.view of the fact that the Department of Highways is planning to widen No. 8 in the near future these trees will in all probabil- Septic Tanks - ~ Carried. Plan 2 a report from B. F. Miller, Sanitar I ' ' ~la~ 212,~ ' "'::~nd.~trict Health Unit was rec----Y~ ~8pector ?~ the Welland Traffic Committee 12,,Sootheran " · : j' ::.j ,:;.~nstaiiation of septic tanks o- ~[~n ~o~neotion with the '~ ,?:'~' :. ' ;. ~permit'~;~ ~a[i~:~.'oula -nd.r no ei~::t~:'~ed that .:' : .: ' ' :. :.'' Traffic Committee be approved and ; : ' &sCion of ~ssue a ' . . [ - · the Engineer be instructed ~o pro- ,..~' .; It was decided to e~-~--- ~- ..s~ptic tanks on th o- ~-- ' cead with their suggestions as to e ......... " lined-in the- · or ." .,. .~ ,.>... Kp C - :: .'," ,~' zn ~,vin~ sewer and w, ter serv[~s:h;::- ..o~n.e~s are interested ~ighwaY Carried. icy be removed and this should provide a solution to the ~roblem complained of. · Item 5. It was the opinion of the Traffic Committee "ToT~u~i:~%~f~o~l~l~s:~Pbl~i~el~r .... tha~ the thre~ trees which are almost dead on the north- ecsc corner oI this intersection should be taken out. The Traffic Co=mitres was ac Mfs.Elizabeth Lorenzo, , Lorne St. this intersection at 11:45 a.m. Stanley Lessey, 37~7 Lundy s Lane, , and were surprised by the volume of traffic which was coming S.Hoch, 3514 Lundy s Lane, - from the east along Thorold Stone Road. This traffic was ~i~:dK~;~, 38~ Lundy's Lane, ..causing, even at chis tithe of da,, a traffic tie-up at the '' stop light. The Committee suggested that the Department ar, 3701 Canboro Road. of Highways be requested to put in another lane on that A.Bignucolo, 2663 Stanley Ave;,' portion of Thorold Stone Road which is east of the inter- P.Schwart'i & S.Breitenbach,3895 L~Lane, section, shntlar to whac the County has done to Thorold Mrs;S.Rybalko, 1~28 Buchanan Ave. Stone Road ac the west of this intersection, and £t is the belief that this extra lane might help to relieve someof this traffic problem.. Meeting with postal' Dept. Additional Carrier Service Fort Erie Resolution. Adjourn June 23, 1958. 13. Mitchelson Keighan "THAT Public Works Minister Green's letter be,acknowledged and that we again request a meeting with his Officials and the Officials of the Postal Department to present to them 'personally the facts outlined in the Clerk's letter of May 29." 14. Sootheran Allan Carried. "T~AT we write Postmaster Lang tom- Tending hi~ for the initiative he as shown zn arranging better letter carrier and additional mail box ser- vices within the Township." 15. Sootheran Keighan 16. Mitchelson Keighan Carried. "BY-LAW NO. 2294, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agree- ment dated the 23rd day of June, 1958 between Lorne Patriquin and the Cor- poration of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "THAT Council endorse the Resolution as outlined in letter from the Town of Fort Erie dated June 18, 1958." Carried. The Township Solicitor discussed certain phases of the pro- posed Taxi By-law being revised, and in particular, the matter of reciprocal agreements between adjacent municipali- ties. It was generally agreed that the revised by-law would provide that~licenses issued by the CAtv of and the V. ~[age il. of Chippewa would be honoured by Stamford Township xf the other two municipalities agreed to a similar reciprocal arrangement for taxi licenses issued by Stamford. 17. Sootheran Mitchelson "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Moqday, June 30th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m." Carried, Present Cont'd City of.Niagara Falls, Cont'd F. Miller W. S, Orr D. C. Patten H. Price Alderman City Manager City Clerk City Engineer. ~epresentation from the Township of Stamford A. G. Bridge W,R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E.E.Mitchelson C. H. Eidt R. W. Daws Miss LaMarsh A. C. Huggins Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Twp. Engineer Twp. Treasurer Twp. Solicitor Twp. Clerk. ReRresentation from the Village of Chippewa G. Bukator Reeve J. Cartier Deputy-Reeve J. Ives Councillor R.T.N.Callan · Clerk. OpeninR Mayor Hawkins opened the Meeting and welcomed the municipal representatives from Chippawa and Stamford and then turned the meeting over to Alderman George Mowers the Chairman of the Merger Committee. Purpose Summrt Alderman Mowers explained that the meeting had been called for the purpose of considering the Preliminary Merger Report prepared by Deacon, Arnett & Murray and to determine if the Consultants will be engaged to carry out the second and final phase of the Study, He gave a brief outline of the activities of the Co~m~ittee since it was set up by the three Councils in 1957. He then introduced Mr. P. Allan Deacon and Mr. Wm. McAdams of the Firm of Deacon, Arnett & Murray, and Mr. Douglas D. Irwin of the Accounting Firm of Fred Page Hi§§ins and Company. After the introductions he called on Mr. Deacon to summarize the report leaving the financial aspects to be su~m~arized by Mr. Irwin. In summarizing, Mr. Deacon stressed the regional aspect of our district and mentioned that the Preliminary Report con- cerned itself solely with a merger of the City, Township, and Village. He indicated that our area is located in such a way to be in direct conflict with the St.Catharines, Thorold, and Welland District. He su~mmarized the data analysis included in Part 1 of the report and then called on Mt. Irwin to review Part 2 which included the financial considerations. Summarizing the financial part of the report Mr. Irwin said he had excluded all surpluses, deficits, reserves, and other extraneohs revenues, etc. from the analysis of the three municipalities in order to work cut'-costs, etc. on a com- parable accounting basis. In referring to page 49 of ~he report he stressed that financial statements includes (a) Equalization of Services, and (b).Change in Costs and Revenues peculiar to the possible creation of a larger urban Municipal corporation. He indicated that the varied ~ After ~d~ournment of the above Council meeting all me~bers classifications of revenue and expendi~ure were amended to proceeeed, meeting of tOthethecouncilsCity Hallof attheNiagaracity ofFallSN~agaraf°r a~otnt those levels which,in his opinion, ~ould apply after an ' amalgamation,!.and the resul~[ns~ayi~fs would apply Fsi. s, the "Year X". He also referred ~o p~es 74,75 and 76 which shows Villase of Chippawa and the Township of SC~ord ~e meet- ins co~enced ac 8:30 p.m. ~ - ,-- ~ the various m~ll rates derived fr~his calculations. 'Con-) ~- . clusLons ~d obse~aCtons ~de by Mr. I~in appeartnS on Presenc Represen~acion from the City of NiaAara Falls: p~es 83 - 89 Inclusive were s~a=ized. E. N. Hawkins G. Mowers O. Martin H, Morton · J. White C. A. concluded hie remarks Mr. Deacon pointed.,out the 'info~mation Mayor . . .. Aldeman ' .~ appearin~ on pa~es 90 - 102 inclusive of the report which Aldeman .;...:.deals.~ .wiChobsarVi~ions, ~c~n~s,/~nd rec~enda~iqna, .I iSpmmarizin$ Cont'd speaking of his three recommendations W~c~-~ppear on ppge 102 he said that amalgamation of the three muni- czpalities might dt~olve some problems and that a lar§er~unicipality would be a greater magnet to encoura§e industrial development. He stated that the second phase of the Study would definitely recommend boundaries for a larger u~unicipality and suggest the degree that development could take place to keep the ~u~nicipality solvent. He expressed his appreciation for the co-operation shown by all members of Council, the Committee~ and Officials. ,.~,estion PeK%od At the conclusion of Mr. Deacon's remarks Chairman Mowers invited questions from the.Municipal representatives. Several members requested znformation on certain phases of the report. Questions raised by the representatives were answered by Mr. Deacon and Mr. Irwin. After the question period was over the Chefs,nan suggested that a resolution he submitted to adopt the preliminary report and that the Firm be authorized to garry out the second and final phase of the Study. Adopt Preliminary ~pport. Mayor Hawkins Reeve Bridge "THAT the meeting adopt the Preliminary Merger Report and recommend that the second and final phase of the Study be undertaken by Deacon, Ar~ett & Murray at a cost not to exceed $4,000.00." The recommendation to he referred to the three Municipal Councilscforltheir endorsation." Carried. ¢o~.ittee Thahke~ Mayor Hawkins on behalf of the meeting thanked the Merger Committee and the Firms of Deacon, Arnett, &Murray and Fred Page Higgins & Company for the work involved in presenting.the Preliminary Report. Adjourn. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Meeting Adjourned. Victualling Touri~ Camps Homes Keighan Mitchel son Mitchelson Allan Keighan Mitchelson "THAT the following applications for Victualling Licenses be approved: Margaret Dewberry, 1286 St. Paul Ave., Russell Miller, 2536 Thorold Road, Helen & Ernest Lowe, 3230 Lundy's Lane, S. Kovacs, 2277 Lundy~s Lane." Carried. "THAT the following applications for Tourist Camp Licenses be approved: D.Georgief$ & Son, 2463 Portage Rd.S., Mrs.John G~llis, 4727 Lundy's Lane, Mrs.F. Maraldo, 2374 Lundy's Lane, John Nagy, 3104 Lundy's Lane, S. Kovacs, 2277 Lundy's Lane, Biamonte Bros., 3802 Lundy's Lane, Mike Glavcic, 4674 Lundy'~ Lane, F. H. Clement, 1521 Dorchester Road, Mrs. Mary Benyo, 1947 Thorold Stone 5arried. "THAT the following applications for Tourist Home Licenses be approved: James Tiller, 2843 Lundy's Lane, Mrs. F. Coleman, 2542 Culp Street, Mrs.F.Kennin§ton, 2021 Prospect St., Mrs. George Laslo, 2780 Lundy's Lane, Peter Warlo, 2502 Lundy's Lane, Mrs. J.M.Stewart, 2624 Lundy's Lane, Mrs. A. Solos,, 3989 Lundy's Lane, Mrs.Edna Baxter, 2644 Lundy's Lane, Mrs.Angeline DeVito, 2791Lundy's Ln., John Paulo, 3029 Lundy's Lane, Ann Rienzo, 1248 Roberts Street., Mrs. Emma Everett, 4003 Lundy's Lane, Mfs.Jennie Cupolo, 1352 Stanley Ave., Mrs.J.Binschedler, 1540 Buchanan Ave·, Walter Peace, 2319 Lundy's Lane, Mrs. A. Damato, 2101 Prospect Street, Mrs.H, Lamb, 2768 Lundy's Lane, Mrs. M. Sloggett, 3014 Lundy's Lane." June 23, 1958. No. 47 Present .M. inutes Hour P.M. A Regular Meeting of the Counc~tl was 'held in the Council Chamber on June 30th, 1958. ~ Taxi %%tenses - Delegation rid . R. eve. Plsn 210 Sootheran Deputy Reeve J. N. Allan Councillo.r R. F. Keighan Councillor E. E. Mitchelson Councillor 1. 'Mitchelson. "' Allan '~THAT the minutes of the meeting held on June 23r.~,z1958 ~e adopted as printed." Carried. Carried. Keighan Mitchelson "THAT the following applications for Taxi Licenses be approved: Erhard Marks, 2371 Margaret St.(Owne~ Leo J. DeMarsh, 1813 Leonard Ave~ Leo J. DeMarsh, 1813 Leonard Ave Carried. A group of owners of property on the West side of Dot- cheerer Road within Registered Plah 210 developed by the Namac Construction Go. Ltd. attended the meeting and made a request to Council to have sewer laterals extended from the main on Dorchester Road to their homes· They pointed out that such installation was the responsibility of the subdivider, it being covered in the agreement with the Township. Th~ agreement was examined and i~ indicated the subdivider~as responsible for the constmction of sewer laterals from the trunk line to the lot line. Members of Council agreed that the services should be provided and the following resolution was: passed. Namac Subdiytsion Graham Property ~p.Hall roof. ,Jasnich Garden Sewer Rental - Louis Bolus 6. Keighan ~: 3ewer Rental Sootheran- "THAT the Clerk be authorized to Thomas. demand payment for the installation cost of se~er laterals to the lot line for those residents who have built in the N~mac Subdivision." Carried. Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Graham of 2482 Riall Street addressed Counc in respect to service charges they might be required to pay if and when their property fronting on Riall Street, St. Andrew Avenue and Gore Street was registered as a plan. The Engineer submitted a blueprint indicating the total service charges still to be paid in respect to their property would be $5,709.97. In addition tO this amount, he reminded Council of an A~reement the Grahams entered into with the Township in respect to the cost of services for a lot sold to Mr. L. More. The cost of services for Mr. Mori's lot would amount to $1,121.05. He stated that all charges had been prepared in strict accordance with the present Declara- tion of Policy governing the development of subdivisions. Council advised the Grahams that the watermain on Riall Street is proposed to be constructed under the local improve- ment plan and the charges therefore extended over a period of 15 years. It was also suggested that the Grahams would be Adopt Survey permitted to sell one more lot without the benefit of a Report. subdivision plan. of Lots 34,35,36,13,14,15, 16, Plan !60. The Eh§inter reported that the roof of the Township Hall was in poor condition and required some repairs. It was agreed that the matter be rezerred to the Chairman of Proper~ and the Engineer for a report· When this matter was being discussed Deputy-Reeve W. R. Sootheran reminded Council that the Township Hall was a very old building and that suitable arrangements did not exist in the present building for meetings of Council. He suggested that arrangements might be made to hold future meetings of Council in the Court Room of the Police Administrative Building. It was agreed that this suggestion would be taken under advisement. V.L.A. Property A letter from Mr. M. Jasnich of 1722 Dunn Street was re- ceived wherein he alleged that his garden, along with the gardens of neighbours had been damaged as the result of weed spraying operations being carried out ~edirection of the Weed Inspector. Council directed that Weed Inspec- tor make a full report on this complaint. 7. Mitchelson Allan "~MAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to enter into a Sewer Rental Agreement on behalf of the Corporation with Mr. Louis Bolus respecting sewer services to his property on Portage Road. The rental for such service to be $28.54 per year ~p~.:.a-period of 15 years." 10. 11. 12. Cancer Society 13. Ta~ Day. Mitchelson Sootheran Sootheran Mitchelson Mitchelson Sootheran Mitchelson Keighan. Allan Mitchelson Street .Lights. 14. Allan Keighan "THAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to enter into a Sewer Rental Agree- merit on behalf of the Township with Mr. W. Thomas respecting Sewer services to his property on Lundy's Lane, mediately west of Booth Street. The rental to be $62.03 per year for a period of 15 years." Carried. "THAT we accept the offer to purchase Lots 34, 35 and 36, and Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16 within our Industrial Sub- division at a price of $2,000. per lot for lots fronting on Kent Avenue, and $1,650. per lot for lots fronting on Montrose Road, in accordance with the submission of Martin, Calvert, Bates & Sheppard on behalf of their client." Carried. "THAT we adopt the preliminary survey report prepared by Deacon, Arnett and Murray and authorize this Firm to .continue with the second and final .phase of the report at a cost not to exceed $4000.00 which is to be pro- portionately divided between the par- ticipating Municipalities." Carried. "THAT Council consider V.L.A.'s sug- gestions for the Pitton property and that a r~presentative from the Depart- ment be znvited to attend a future Council meeting at their convenience," Carried. "THAT the Greater Niagara Unit of the Cancer Society be granted permission to hold a Tag Da~ in the Township on Sept? 26 and Sept. 27 as requested." Carried, "THAT the P.U.C. be asked to install new street lights as follows: .~ Carried. 2 lights on Bellevue Street in ~ont Sewer Rental .of the Bellhaven School, ~?,~ 8. Ketghans T~ATthe 1 light ou Alex Ave. just off McLeod ~ ~Thie sene Mitchel~on 'totterReevndClrkbeauthorizedintoeaasewereRental.A~;~;~ 1 or2 lights on Garner Road at the. .... Road, ~ . ,. "'' ~n behalf of the Co~poration with : German Canadian Club." , ' , 'Messrs. Ken Thiesen and B. ~.. Thiesen · .... respecting sewer services co Lot 11, :,:-Carried. '~ ~ .... '"Plan 160 ohM on,rose Road. The charge for such service to be $27.71 per year ' Subdivision . 15. Sootheran for a,'period 'of"15 years." Mon$!s Keighan "TMAT the Clerk write all subdividers ,, who have monies outstanding for the - ;"' .,: ~ -' Carrted~., , ' ~' cons~miction of services demanding the .~ , ..' ' funds to enable our contractors to. " ,proceed with the work. If this money ls no~ forthcoming i~aediaCely, the :-. offendin~ parties be asked Co appear before Council." Carried. Bell Telephone Rates ~ 16. 17. Mitchelson Keighan Sootheran Mitchelson Advertisement re: New Hoe itel 18. Mttohelson Allan Main & Ferry 19. Sootheran Allan Unopened portion Df Si.James Ave. 20. Sootheran Keighan Resolution to OMA re: Education ~osts. 21. Keighan ~ Mitchelson ".THAT this ~ouncil oppose the general ~ncrease o~ the Bell Telephone rates and that Stamford add its voice to ~ose ~p?osing this increase, and nat tacit application be opposed bei the Board of Transport Commissioners.,, Carried. "THAT Council agree to underwrite the cost of special correspondence courses i =ne Clerk s Office. The cost to be $60.00 each." Carried. 2295. 1od Machine. 22. 23. Sootheran Keighan Keighan Mitchelson "BYILAW No. 2295, 1958. A By-law to amend By-law No. 2193, 1957, which is a by-law to license & regulate the owners and drivers of taxicabs, sight- seeing cabs and all other vehicles driven for hire." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "THAT the Engineer be authorized to purchase a Power Driven'Rod Machine to be used in the cleaning of our sewermains, as provided for in the 1958 Budget, at a price of $390.00 as quoted in Spratt Equipment Company,s letter of June 20th, 1958." "THAT Council approve of the suggested ~dvertisement for the Special Edition in connection with opening of the New Greater Niagara General Hospitat.~ one-half page at $100.00,~- Carried. "THAT the Traffic Co~ittee of the C~ty of Niagara Falls be asked to invests- gate the working of the traffic lights at the corner of Main & Ferry Streets. The Clerk to point out that after the rush hours there is considerable tie- in east and west bound traffic, whileup there is little vehicular traffic north and south, which holds up Stamford residents and tourists staying in Stamford mo~els." Carried. "TMAT the Engineer be asked to bring in a report as to the feasibility of closing the unopened Road allowance of that portion of Si.James Avenue whit ~s. be}ween Burdette n~ ..... ~ ~. ' h waoas~ tracks." ----= ~.u one ?roposed Cemeter, Ln on St.Patrick Ave. OU rn · 24. Mitchelson Sootheran Carried. "THAT the Reeve, Chairman of Finance, and the Clerk and Engineer be appointed a Co,~tttee to bring in a recommenda- tion to Council re: the purchase of the proposed cemetery property under consideration at the present time." Carried. The Engineer advised that the Stamford Public Utilities Com~nission had requested that the watermain the Township proposes to construct in the local improvement progran~ne on Si.Patrick Avenue from Stamford Green Drive to Riall Street be increased from a 6" diameter to a 12" diameter, this increase being necessary since the main would be used as a main feeder and the increased size was necessary to provide better pressure and circulation. The Public Utilities Cormuission is .willing to pay the difference in the cost of the larger pzpe and installation charges. Council agreed to this proposal. 25. Mitchelson Sootheran "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, July 7th, 1958 a~ 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Ad3ourned. Carried. Hour p.~. resolution to the Ontario Municipal ' Reeve Association for 1958. ' '<10 v Clerk i~i~:"t~:o:~:lh~:V::s~dI~ni' No. 48 ARe~ularMeeting of CheCouncilwasheld in theCouncil e~yy influx of f~ilies -- . .a Pal},ies, alons with an i~.~i~? Ch~ber on July 7th, 1958. f~ .... ,_..--~-=,,, P~aczn8 a hear V=ezent · -,,---za~ ouraen on ~nicipal t~ y '- ' A. ~. Brid~e Reeve . W. R. Soother~ Depu=y ~eeve payers for educa=ion costs, that th J. ~[ Allan ~ario ~nicipal Association Conve~- Councillor a larger portion of the cost of , edu.caCion.- , . ~] Keighan Councillor 'tion lend its support to a request .. E. Mitchelson Councillor to the Federal Government to assume Minutes ° 1, Mitchelson Ke!ghan "THAT the minutes of the meeting held on June .30th,,1958 be adopted as.printed, Carried Finance Roads. Keighan Mttchelson 3. Keighan Sootheran "THAT we ~o'now adjourn to go into · Finance Committee and ~ass accounts." Carried.. "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated July 4th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $53,275.27." Relief 4. Allan Keighan Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated July 4th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $797.71." General Finance Delta Subdivision Delta Subd. Jules Coutu 5.; Keighan Sootheran 6. Sootheran Mitchelson Carried. "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated July 4th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $192,182.15." Carried. "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. Mr. Nick Ross and a group of ratepayers from the Delta Sub7 division attended the meeting and extended thanks to Counczl for making arrangements to have the roads constructed within their subdivision. He stated that the residents were anxious to have a sidewalk constructed as soon as the roads are com- pleted. He stated that this was a reasonable request in view of the fact that the service costs had been paid at the time their property was purchased. 7. Sootheran Mitchelson "THAT the subdivider of the Delta Sub- division be notified that Council demands the money for sidewalk con- struction be available as soon as the roads are completed." Carried. Mr. Jules Coutu asked Council if any conclusion had been reached in respect to his application to erect a storage building on property owned by him fronting on Beechwood Road near Highway No. 20. In this connection a letter was read from the Sanitary Officer~of the Welland & District Health Unit stating that .the water on Chis b property had eon analysed and found to be Grade 1, and that the sewage ~disposal on the proparty was found to be satisfactor . The Engineer provided a sketch showing the location of .several buildings located on the property. After consider.,. able discussion of this matter,the following resolution was ' passed by a divided Vote: ro err ~' 8. , Sootheran ,%~. /" '~ ~' "'. ,: ', "j?~ ,-, ' .~$Keighan ,," ~ "THAT Mr. J. Coutu be iranted permission ....... : "' ~,' ' · '. ~,- to erect a storage bu{lding on his ~,, , l,~ ?rop.e?ty_on .Beechwood Road." · ayes.' - SooCheren, Keighan, Allen, · . ,,_ Nayes': ~,Nitchelson, Bridge. · ' ' ',Carried.. son . - Bld8. Permits Taxi Owner Tourist Camps ~Rrber Shops Tourist Homes ~enders Mr. William Mitchinson addressed Council in respect to the construction of sewer and water mains on St.George Street from Brock Street to McMicking Street. He was informed that this matter had been taken up with the other owners of property on this street but they had not advised to date if they were interested in having these services provided. 9. Allan Mitchelson "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector respecting Build- ing Permits issued during the month of June, 1958 amounting to $522,985.00." Carried. 10. Mitchelson Sootheran "THAT the application for a Taxi Owner's License from John W. Lambier of 1786 Peer Street be approved and license granted." Carried. 11. Keighan Mitchelson "THAT the following applications for Victualling Licenses be approved: Emil Kalcic, 1105 St. Paul Street, J. A. DeForge, 1981 Dunn Street." 12. Mitchelson Allan 13. Mitchelson Keighan 14. Sootheran Mitchelson 15. Mitchelson Allan Carried. "THAT the following applications for Tourist Camp Licenses be approved: Mrs. Velma Misener, 2000 Murray Street, Mrs. H. Scheu, 4158 Lundy's Lane, Robert Carson, 4691 Lundy's Lane, Terrace Hotel Court Ltd., 2585 Lundy's Lane." Carried. "THAT the following applications for Barber Shop Licenses be approved: Ralph Augosto, 3174 D~ummond Road, Sam Anzovino, 2178 Dunn Street, Wm. Abbott,.2245 Lundy's Lane." Carried. "THAT the following applications for Tourist Home Licenses be approved: -Mrs. Velma Misener, 2000 Murray Street, Mrs. Margaret Bowyer, 233 Portage Rd. N. Mrs. Jennie Misik, 1241 Kitchener St., Mrs. H. Scheu, 4158 Lundy's Lane, Harry E. Carter, 2674 Lundy's Lane, J. Okinczyc, 3838 Montrose Road, ~!Mrs. Ross Dell, 2553 Orchard Avenue, Mrs. Alma Williams, 2634 Lundy's Lane, Mrs. Maude Warden, 3130 Montrose Rd., Mrs. MarthaMarquis, 2942 Lundy's Lane." Carried. "THAT the following Tenders be accepted: ~Tender "A" - g. E. Law - $40,345.88 ~ .. Tender t'B" ' Co. 844.76 were in-' case Meeting with Dept.Higbways. Equipment on Lot. Kerrio Lot Additions to Schools. Dedication of [lag & Pole. Subdividers Payments. T~. Hall repairs. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Sootheran Keighan "THAT al~ ~embersof Council meet with the Traffic Committe9 Wednesday 11 a.m. to meet with Officials of the Dept. of Highways to discuss certain matters p~rtatning to the welfare of the municipality." Carried. 22, Mitchelson Allan "THAT the Building Inspector be instruc ted to investigate the complaint of Mr. Len Meanly of Dorchester Road that construction equipment is being stored on the lot next to his, contrary to the residential restrictions on this property." Carried. Mitchelson Allan "THAT we accept the offer of Kerrio's Welding and Machinery Limited to purchase Lot 25, Plan 160 fronting on Kent Avenue within our Industrial Subdivision at a price of $2,000.00." Carried. ''- Sootheran Kei§han "THAT the letter dated July 4th from the StamFord District Board of Education be received and Council approve of their dispensations in the matter. That the necessary steps be taken to complete the construction of the schools in question." Carried. Mitchelso~ Kefghan "THAT Mrs. G. Glassbrook of the Lundy's Lane Chapter I.O.D.E. be informed that as many members as possible will be present at presentation and dedi- cation of the flag pole and flag at the Greater Niagara General Hospital at 1:45 p.m., Wednesday, July 16th, 1958." Carried. Keighan Mitchelson "THAT those subdividers who did not conform wtth the request of the Clerk to submit immediately the necessary monies to install the services in their subdivisions, be requested to attend the next meeting o~ Council and..expl~tn why they have not complied.' Carried. Sootheran ~Keighan- "THAT we approve the report of the Property Committee in regard to the repairs on the Township Hall - chat roof repairs be left in abeyance '.until 1959 but concrete work on the retai~ing wall and sidewalk on Sylvia Place be proceeded with at oncg." - Carried. in Orchard Park Subdivision. 23. Mitchelson Keighan "THAT River Realty Co. be requested to deposit the necessary funds to erect the lights in the western section of Orchard Park Subdivision as requested in E. D. Porter's letter dated July 4th, a copy of which the subdivider has received." Carried. McLeod & Q.E.W. Intersection. 24. Sootheran Keighan "THAT the Dept. of Highways be asked to consider the erection of traffic lights or an overpass at McLeod Road and the Q.E.Highway in view of the heavy traffic and the number of accidents that have occurred at that intersection." Carried. 25. Mitchelson $ootheran "THAT the Clerk be authorized to extend Council's congratulations to D.Hughes on the successful completion of the senior Assessing Course." 2297. By-law 2298. ~ratler By-law. By?law2296. 26. Sootheran Mitchelson 27. Allan Sootheran The Clerk submitted a Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2297, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of a conveyance dated the 7th day of July, 1958 from the Corporation of the Township of Stamford to Crawford Fittings (Canada) Limited." Read a first, second and third time and P~ssed. "BY-LAW No. 2298, 1958. A By-law to approve an application from the Stamford District Board of Education." Read a first, second and third time and passed. draft by-law to license, regulate and govern trailer camps in the Township. It was agreed to table this matter to provide members of Council an o~portunity to study the by law and that it be considered when the Solicitor returns. 28. Sootheran Allan "THAT the Trailer By-law No. 2296 be ,tabled until the return of the Solicitor." Carried. Montroee Brtd2e · 29. Mitchelaon Allan "THAT Stamford Township Council endorse the request of the Reeve and Deputy- Reeve before the Road Committee of the County Council re: the re-construction of the Montro'se Bridge over the Welland. River," Carried. H.C.R.R. Councillor Keighan reported that the Michigan Central Rail- waterlines. .way had abandoned its pump house on the Creek Road and , · ~ ·sugges~sted that their waterlines ~unning from the Creek Road to the Welland Line Road migh~ be acquired by the Township · ' "'~' " 'to supplemen~ our services i~that d/strict. The Engineer - . ,;j.~*,, ,reported that the watermatnSwere very old, but it was : .~, possible Cha~ they might be used to advantase' in developins., · It was agreed,thatChe M.C .R.R· Waterlines Cont'd ' consider the matter and brtng~in, a re,p,ort at a later · ~ace · ~ Adjourn. 30. Sootheran ", Mitchelson "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, July 14th at 6:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. July 7, 1958. Hour P.M. No. 49 Present Purpos~ Five Cor.,n, ers, A Special Meeting of the Council was held on Wednesday, July 9th, 1958 at 11:00 a.m. A. G. Bridge W.R.Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Kef§hah Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Members of Council met at Stamford Centre to consider certain traffic problems at this location. Consideration was given to the removal of trees in front of Hope's Restaurant and the widening of the pavement to permit a 'better flow of traffic. Council then proceeded to the intersection of No. 8 Highway and O'Neil Street and met with Mr. Richardson of the Highways Department, and Mr. W. J. Smith, the County Engineer, and Mr. Leslie Weisz of the Leslie Construction & InveStment Limited. Mr.l~ei~z'expla~ned,that arrangements being completed to construct a super market and plaza on · the south-west corner and requested permission to remove certain trees on the road allowance of 0'Neil Street and .Highway No. 8. Mr. Richardson suggested that the Council write his Office a letter asking permission to remove the trees on the Highway road allowance. Members of Council then had lunch with the Engineers and Mr. Robert Dtckson, President of National Grocers. Mr. Dickson explained that his Company were interested in a super market to be erected on the plaza area and requested the co-operation of Council in facilitating arrangements to have the trees referred to removed. , After lunch, members of Council convened at a Council Meeting at the Township Hall at 2 p.m. and the followin§ resolutions were passed: 1. Sootheran 'Allan "THAT we recommend the following improvements to the Department of 3Highways in respect to the five cor- ners at Stamford Centre: 1. That the three trees on the North- ease corner be removed, fronting the ~roperty occupied by Hope's Restaurant. · That an extra lane be constructed 'on the North side of the existing p~ve- ment at the North-east intersection of Portage Road and No. 8 in order to facilitate traffic a~:l, ane for- left .hand turns." Remove Trees. Sootheran Allan "THAT Mr. Leslie Weisz be given per- mission to remove one large cherry tree and one maple tree located at the South-west intersection of 0'Nell Street and No. 8 Highway on the following conditions: 1. That pe~nission is obtained from the affected owners; 2. That Mr. Weisz assume all responsi- bility for the removal of the trees, plus the cost incurred, 3. That approval be obtained from the Department of ttighways." Carried. Remove Trees Keighan Allan "THAT permission be granted to blr. Leslie Weisz to remove four maple trees on the South side of O'Neil Street~ and one maple tree and one stun~ on the North side of O'Neil Street, being adjacent to Registered P]an No. 204: an the follow- ing conditions: t. That Mr. Neisz secure the written pe~nission from the owners of property which the trees are in front of - Plan 204. 2. That Mr. Weisz accept all liability and responsibility in connection with the removal of such trees, and all cost incurred." Mr. Bradley,. A~iourn July 9, 1958. No. 50 Present Minutes Carried. Mr. A. J. Bradley, Building Inspector, discussed certain aspects of the plaza area proposed at the corner of O'Neil Street and No. 8 Highway and mentioned, among other features, that he was not satisfied with the type of chimneys indicated for the buildings, and the roof construction and rear yard space. After considerable discussion of this matter, Council suggested tha~ the Building Inspector and Mr. Weisz should further study the problems referred to and endeavour to iron out their difficulties. 4. Sootheran Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet Monday, July lith at 6:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned· · Reeve Hour 3:45 P.M. Clerk · A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council . Chamber:on July 14th, 1958 at 6:30 p,m. A. G. Brid~e Reeve .W.R. Sootheran Deputy-Reeve Sootheran ,,J. N. Allan R. F. Kef§hen · ~ E.g.Mitchelson Councillor Councillor Councillor. ' :Keighan ::' :~ ' .~':THAT the minutes of the meetings held : ~ 'r ' on July 7th and July 9th, 1958 be,, ' ' ~ ' ' a-op-e~ I; a as p ~. ~: ar-n-e'." '' , Reg. Plan 135 Mr. Brian Doherty of Martin,.Calve~t, Bates & Sheppard ~ I ~'~ represented Mr. John Demetre'and d~scussed the develop- , ~ ment of Registered Plan 135 wi~h Council.-He indicated that Mr. Demetre was interested in proceeding with the development of this plan, the agreement for which had · been entered into originally with.Mr. Herbert E. Weaver. ~" He was concerned about the costs of a trunk sewermain which is necessary to serve the balance of the property owned by him extending east of this subdivision. The Engineer pointed out that the trunk sewer should be extended from Warden Avenhe through Plan 135 to provide service for this plan and the property to the East. No action was taken but it was agreed that Council would consider the matter further in Committee. .S. alvage Yard -i 2. Sootheran Mitchelson "THAT the application for a Salvage Yard License from F. W. Reid of 1207 Kalar Road be approved and license granted." Tourist Home 3. Keighan Allan Carried. "THAT the application for a Tourist Home License from Mrs. Rose Putz of 2859 Spence Street be approved and license granted." ~ Carried. Victuallin~ 4. Allan Keighan "THAT the application for a Vic~ual- ling License from Mrs. M. W. Fisher of 4627 Lundy's Lane be approved and license granted." Carried. Tourist Camps. 5. Allan Mitchelson "THAT the following applications for Tourist Camp Licenses be approved: Mrs. M. W. Fisher, 4627 Lundy's Lane, A. Toth, 4661Lundy's Lane, Garnet A. May, 3765 Lundy's Lane, Emil Kalcic, 1105 St. Paul Ave." Carried. Taxi License. Allan Keighan "THAT the application for a Taxi ~Owner's License from Marry White of 189 River Road be approved and license granted." Carried. Writ of Summons ,T_Lorenzo. The Clerk advised that he had~eceived a Writ of Summons issued on the Township by Lorenzo Comtracting Company Ltd. in respect to a claim alleged to be owing the Company in the amount of $59,222.81 in connection with the construc- tion of the trunk sewer on Dorchester Road. Council agreed that arrangements should be made to provide a defence to this claim and the Solicitor was instructed to cause an to be end, red in this connection within 10 days appearance after, July 14th. :Mitche 1 son Keighan ' '~'THAT Council construct 6 covered tables with benches to be used in the summer playgrounds operated by the Hermes Club at $35.00,apiece for a total amount of ..o0. - - Carried. and Weeds 8. Keighan Mitchel son "THAT the Chief of Police be authorized to investigate the complaint of Mr. A. Stevenson regarding the breeding of dogs and the operation of a dog kennel by Mr. L. McCracken, 2411Carleton Avenue, and report back to Council; and that the Weed Inspector investigate the weed situation on the same premises." Carried. The Clerk made the following report in respect to payments owing by subdividers for construction of sidewalks: (a) Mr. D'Arcy Cropp completed payment of an mnount of '$448.23 to construct sidewalks on the North side of Burdette Drive from Pettit Avenue to the East Limit of Lot 29A, Plan 183. (b) Mr. Daniel Monson. This subdivider has indicated by letter that funds for sidewalks in the amount of $4928.40 would be p~ovided at the end of the month in respect to Roger Crescent in Plan 172. (c) Ethel ~chweitzer. The balance of funds for sidewalks on St.Andrew Avenue, Plan 176 in the amount of $622~62 has not been paid, nor has our request been responded to. (d) Namac Construction Co. Ltd. Mr. I~qin Nassau, one of the partners in this Company is arranging for the sewer laterals to be constructed from the trunk line to all lots fronting on Dorchester Road sewer within Plan 210. After this work is completed and sufficient time has elapsed for the soil to settle he will endeavour to arrange payment for sidewalks. (e) River Realty Development Ltd. The President of this Company has advised that funds for the construction of side- walks for the Scott, Orchard Park, and Rose-Gauld Subdivisions will be supplied 24 hours after demand on the understanding that the roads are first completed. The funds to construct the sidewalks in the Delta Subdivision have been received. (f) Mira Construction Company. A demand has been made on Mr. Ralph Weber the Secretary of this Company for funds in the amount of. $2539.21 required to construct the sidewalks in the developed portion of Plan 189. Our Solicitor has also written to Mr. Weber indicating that if the funds have not been received by July 21st next that she will institute action against the Company and the two partners who signed as guarantors. 9. Mitchelson Sootheran "THAT D. Monson of St.Catharines be informed that his letter of July llth does not meet Council's requests and Council expects his cheque to be in its hands by July 21st or he rmast appear .in person. Mrs. Ethel Schweitzer also be informed to submit a cheque or appear Monday~ July 21st.'! Carried. CL.A. Pro Mr. Hugh Lamb, Mr. R. W. Pauling, and Mr. Milt. Grief of the Veterans Land Act Authority addressed the Council in respect _ :''f:'~., to their proposed application to subdivide the Pitton property . i ~ in two acre parcels for the benefit of veterans. The repres- '; i' ''.i' entatives stated that they had approximately 35 anm!tcations 'i ' /:~'i ,J 'from veterans for lots in this property' and-indicated they · ,' i~ , would like to proceed with a plan of subdivision which would -~ .'" [be acceptable to the Township. They suggested that if the . ~' -::. 'J'Township insists on the construction of sewermains and side . walks throughout their subdivision that the cost would be . (' ~i~!.-u'',prohtbitive and they would not be prepared to proceed with .'the plan of subdivision. Council agreed to study the plan :"~::' ' ,ifurther and, Passed the following resolution Pertaining thereto f Pitton Pronerty 10. Keighan ' ~ ~ .'~ ' Mztchelson ."THAT the ~elland & Di~strict Health Unit be r~quested to check the soil condition on the Pitton Property to ascertain whether or not it would be suitable for'Septic tanks in the pro- posed 2 acre subdivision of the Veteran Land Act under the Dept. of Veterans Affairs before further negotiations are entered into by Council with the Distri¢ Superintendent of the V.L.A." Carried. Bell Telephone .Rate Increase. 11. Mitchelson Allan "THAT WHEREAS the Bell Telephone Company of Canada, under date of June 25th, 195~ has applied to the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada for an order under Section 380 of The Railway Act to approve of a general rate increase of tariffs and long distance services and equipment; AND WHEREAS it is the opinion of this Council that costs for all services should be curbed and the price line hel¢ as far as possible during the present recessive period we are experiencing in our national economy; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the appli- cation of the Bell Telephone Company dated June 25th, 1958 applying for gen- eral rate increase of tariffs, etc. be opposed and we request that this.matter be referred to the Ontario Municzpal Association's Convention being held September 1, 2 and 3~d, 1958 with the view of having the Association present a brief to the Board of Transport Com- missioners outlining the objections of the municipalities to the application." By-law 2296. 12. Sootheran Keighan By-law 2299. 13. Mitchelson Allan By-law 2300. 14. Allan .~' :Sgotheran Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2296, 1958. A By-law.to authorize the execution of a conveyance from the Corporation of the Township of Stamford to Kerrio's Welding & Machin- ing Limited." Read a first, second and ~thtrd time and ~ssed. "BY-LAW No. 2299, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agree- ment dated the 14th day of July, 1958 between the Corporation of the T~wnship of Stam~ford and Webster Construction." Read~ first, second and third time ,.'~nd passed. "BY-LAW No. 2300, 1958. A By-law to. authorize the execution of an Agree ment dated the 14th day of July, 1958 between the Cor~oration of the Township ~ of Stamford and R. g. Law Crushed Stone Limited."' Read a first, second an~ t~trd time and passed. ~y-law 2302._ , 15..Sootheran , ~ ',: ' ~' ~ .second and third pas By-law 2301 Adjourn July 14, 1958. No. 51 Present Minutes Finance General Roads Relief Finance 16. Allan Mitchelson 17. Sootheran Keighan "BY-L~ No. 2301, 1958. A By-law to amend By-lm~ 1803, 1954: as amended by By-lm~ 2188, ]957." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, J.qly 21st at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Reeve A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in Chamber on July 21st, 1. Sootheran Mitchelson 2. Allan Mitchelson 3. Keighan Sootheran 1958 at 7:30 p.m. Clerk the Council 4. Keighan Sootheran Keighan Sootheran A. G. Bridge Reeve W. R. Sootberan Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor R. F. Keighan Councillor E. E. Mitchelson Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meeting held on July 14th, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass Accounts." 6. Sootheran .Ke!ghan Carried. "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated July 18th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $167,158.71." Carried. "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated July 18th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid 'amounting to $20,401.41." Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated July 18th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to ~3,818.52." Carried, "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. Stamford Rod'& Gun Club. i%, Allen Property A group of members of the Stamford Rod and Gun Club attended the meeting and their spokesman, Mr. Barney Ogilvie, requested clarification of the recent By-law No. 2283, which is a b?law to prohibit or regulate discharge of guns or other fzrearms, which vas passed by Council at a meeting on May 26th, 1958. Mr. Ogilvie stated that their Club was particularly concerned about Section 5 of the By-law which stated that nothing in the by-law would pro- hibit a person from discharging firearms under a valid license to hunt issued by the Township of Stamford and the Province of Ontario. Miss LaMarsh, the Township Solicitor, explained that this section required hunters to have appropriate Provincial and Municipal hunting licenses before they could hunt in Stamford. She stated that zn the summer season the Township did not issue licenses, and that hunters could hunt such things as rodents with the benefit of a Provincial Hunting license. In the fall and winter, hunters would require both a Provincial and a Township license to hunt pheasant, rabbits, or fox. The group was satisfied with the explanation and.no further action was taken. Mr. A. J. Bradley, the Building Inspector, reported on the Allen propert~ on the West side of Dorchester Road north of Bright's Wznery being used for commercial purposes. He stated that Mr. Allen recently sold this property to Cashmore & Son and at various times the new purchasers had one or two trucks on the property. He advised that the land sold was used for farm purposes prior to the sale, although it is located in an R(2) Area. He stated that there was no violation as far as the Township by-laws were concerned. Provincial Gas.Co. Ltd. ~ 7. Mitchelson Allan "THAT we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board of a transfer of Part Twp. Lot 28 from an unnamed owner to Provincial Gas Company Limited. The property to be conveyed has a frontage of 135.0' on Mguntain Road by a depth of 150.0' and zs shown edged in red on Plan of Survey dated June 25th, 1958 attached to letter from Brooks, Cromarty, Baker & Swayze. This approval is granted on condition that taxes on the properCI be paid in full to December 31st, Carried. Welland Area ~lannin~ Board ~ 8. Mitchelson Keighan i'THAT Council endorse the resolution of the Welland Area Planning Board as a result of the opinion expressed by the Solicitor." Carried.. Safety Piscuss,%ons., Dalby to Iseppon ~ 9, Sootheran Keighan ~ 10. MiCchelson Allan "TMAT'~6~e Engineer be asked Co parti- cipate in discussions relevant to Traffic & Safety as set up by the Chamber of Commerce as an additional ~epresentattve of this municipality." Carried. '!T~AT we recoumtend approval to the ~j,-..Niagara Falls & Sub{~rban Area Plan-" ning Board of a transfer of Part Lot 54~ Plan 876 from Mr. & Mrs. George 'D. Dalby ~o Mr. & Mrs. Ateo Isep~on. The _ property ~o be conveyed has a frontage of 51.33 feet o~ Si.John $~ee~ by a :d~h of 297 fact. ,This Dalby to %seppon Cont'd Car Lot at 106~. Pqrta~e .S. By-law 2303 By-law 2304 Plumbing Contract. Service Monies Plan~ 1~6~1,89. Civic Holiday Defence of ,Lorenzo qlaim Curbs at _Intersections. 10, (Continued) ~ 11. Sootheran Mitchelson 12. Mitchelson Allan 13. Sootheran Keighan 14. Sootheran Keighan 15. Keighan Mitchelson 16. Sootheran Allan 17. Mitchelson Sootheran 18. Mitchelson Keighan approval is granted on condition that taxes are paid in full to December 31st, 1958 on the property this transfer is being taken from." Carried. "THAT the Police Dept. be asked to investigate the apparent contraven- tion of our by-law in respect to the operation of a Used Car Lot at 1065 Portage Road South." Carried. "BY-L~ No. 2303~ 1958. A By-law to provide for the sale of Lot 25, Plan 160 for the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-l.~f No. 2304, 1958. A By-law to provide for the sale of I.ots 34, 35, 36, 13~ t4, 15 and 16, Plan 160 for the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "THAT Stamford Plumbing & Heating be awarded the contract for the installa- tion for Plumbing & Heating in the Township Storehouse at a price of $1,755.00, being lowest price offered." Carried. "THAT the Solicitor be authorized to proceed with the necessary legal action to procure the required money for the installation of the necessary municipal services for Plan 176, 189, from the respective owners." Carried. "THAT Monday, August 4th, 1958 be observed as Civic Holiday in the Township of Stamford and the Reeve be authorized to proclaim the day accordingly." Carried. "THAT the Township Solicitor be retained to defend the litigation instituted by Lorenzo Contr, ~o. against the Township and that the Solicitor he authorized to retain counsel if necessary." Carried. ~ "THAT in the future at all intersec- tions, the Engineer be instructed to construct a curb on the radius of intersectionewhere sidewalks are being constructed." Carried p~U.C.~lOtS 'in Industr. .Subdtvisioq. Purchase Camera. The Clerk advised that the Public Utilities Commission ~was int?rested in taking a loh[g ~term option on six lots located zn the Industrial Subdmviston owned by the Town- ship of Stamford. During the discussion of this matter it was reported that the Commissidn was considering locat- ing their Offices, Hydro sub-station, and other works, on this property, and Council decided that before action could be taken that a joint meeting with the Commission would be desirable. The Clerk was instructed to endeavour to arrange such a meeting at 7 p.m. prior to the .next regular meeting of Council. Council agreed to a request made by the Engineer that a Polaroid Camera be purchased for the use of the Engineering Department for the purpose of taking pictures of public works projects in the course of construction. Ad,ourq v- 19. July 21, 1958. No. 52 Presen~ Purpo s,e. Trunk Sewe~ · ~Voposal. Sootheran Keighan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, July 22nd at 2:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned A Special Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on July 22nd, 1958 at 2:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitehelson Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor. The meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the proposed installation of services within Registered Plan 135 owned by Mr. John Demetre. The Engineer advised that the proposed trunk sewer from Warden Avenue through this subdivision would also be used to serve the farm lands to the east of Plan 135 and the Corwin Crescent area. After considerable discussion the following resolutions were passed: Clerk 1. Mitchelson Keighan "THAT Council meet with Mr. John Demetre at 7:00 p.m. Monday, July 28th to present the proposal that Council arrived at ak the special Jmeeting Tuesday, July 22nd, 1958 -including a change to present declara- tion of policy, payment of sewer, water, roads, sidewalks, street signs, street light brackets, and the dif- ference between what has been paid and must be paid for public purposes, providing the Corporation install ~he trunk sewer from Warden Avenue to Weaver Avenue."' - -~ Carried. ~djourn July 22, 1958. Sootheram Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet Monday, August 28th at 7 p.m. with Mr. Pemetre." Carried. Meeting _kdj ourned. t~eeve Hour 3:30 P .M. No. 53 A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on July 28th~ 1958 at 7:00 p.m. ?resent A. G. Bridge Reeve W. R. Sootheran Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor R. F. Keighan Councillor E. E. Mitchelson Councillor v 1. Keighan Sootheran "THAT the minutes of the meetings held on July 21st and July Z2nd, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried. Pemetre Mr. John Demetre attended the Council meeting and stated that it was impossible for him to accept the suggestion made ~y Stamford Township Council on Tuesqay, July 22nd, 1958 mn connection with the services withzn Registered Plan Number 135. He advised that he would be willing to pay $5,000.00 towards the cost of a 48' trunk sewer. He sug- gested that an amendment should he made to the agreement entered into with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Weaver, dated February 18th, 1952, respecting restrictions on certain lots within this plan. After considerable discussion, Miss LaMarsh advised Council that the Agreement dated February 18th, 1952 did not apply to a new purchaser of Registered Plan 135.. The Council decided tha~ they were unable to give a deczsion about the installatmon of ser- vices in this Plan until such time as the legality of the agreement was determined by the Township Solicitor and the solicitor for Mr. Demetre. Ler Mr. Harry Dayman addressed Council on behalf of Mrs. Prest, the owner of the trailer camp at the corner of the Queen Elizabeth Way and Mountain Road. He requested clarification on several sections of the proposed trailer camp by-law in respect to the length o~ time before the by-law would be enforced, separate septic tanks, construction of roads within trailer camps, etc. Mr. L. Giammattola, the owner of the trailer camp on Mewburn Road, also addressed Council and inquired why special rooms, etc. would be required when his trailer camp ha~ independent trailers with their own facilities inside the trailer. Council decided to table 'the trailer camp by-law for a week in order that theF can make an inspectlon of the trailer camps in operation at the present time. The Council advised the camp operators that they would be notifiedj~hen the~by-law..would be conszdcred further. "" Public Carage. Mitchelson ~Allan Garner Rd.House v 3. Sootheran Mitchelson Sewer Rental z 4. Soo theran Ke igh an Sale...of Bonds. ¢5. geighan Sootheran Sidewalks on ~oger Crescent ¢6. Sootheran Mitchelson White Cane' Sale v 7. Allan Mitehelson Debenture Issue of 9164,000 ¥8, $ootheran Allan "THAT ~ Public Garage License be issued to Wesley B. Styles as requested in their application of July 23rd, 1958." Carried. "THAT the Building Inspector be asked to investigate the building of obsolete tourist cabins into a house for occupancy on Garner Road at No. 20 Highway, to ascertain whether or not it conforms to our buildingrestrictions." Carried. "THAT we authorize the Reeve and Deputy Clerk to sign a sewer rental agreement of JoWiebe on Stanley venue South, dated June 28th, 1958. The annual charge to be $13.07 for a period of 15 years cormnencing June, 1959." Carried. "THAT the Treasurer be authorized to sell $54,000.00 Dominion of Canada Bonds; 3% due 1960:& 19~6,.'~ i~diately,.these Bonds are now-hel War Roads ~eserve Investment Account." Carried. "THAT Mr. Monson be informed that Council prefers curb-faced side- walks 6n Roger Crescent. That the post-dated cheque in the amount of $4,928.40 which provides such construction be deposited August 1st, and that Mr. Monson be notified a certified cheque will not be necessary at this time." Carried. "THAT the Stamford Lions Club be granted permission to hold a I~hite Cane Sale in the Township - August 28th, 29th, and 30th, as requested~ ~. .~ ....... .~_.~._ - : Carried. "THAT we approve of the debenture issue of $164,000. for the con- struction of a new school on Dorchester Road as outlined in -the letter of July 25th from the Stamford District Board of Educa- tion. Tha~ the necessary per- mission he requested ~rom The Ontario Municipal Board," Carried. Kennel on ~arlCon~venue ~ 9. Keighan Sootheran Group Insurance - G. W~rd~n. ¢10. Mitchelson Allan C..N.R.Crossing. ~11. Sootheran Allan Meeting re: New ~12. Post Office Keighan Sootheran Fee for Trailer Camps. ~13. Mitchelson Keighan "THAT since the report of the Police; Dept. would suggest that Mr.McCraclcen of 241]. Carlton Street is operating a dog kennel at this address, that Mr. McCracken be notified that this practice is contrary to a Township by-law, and that he discontinue this operation at once." Carried. "THAT Council authorize the pa~nent of the Corporation's share of the premiu~ of George Warden's Croup Insurance for the duration of his employee exten- sion." Carried. "THAT S. R. Trapnell, representing the C.N.~. be notified that Council approve of their request to cross the Road Allowance between Lot 39 ~ of the ~¢p. of Stamford and Lot 20 of the ~vp. of Thorold, as outlined in their letter of July 25th." Carried. "THAT Mr. D. G. Creba, District Architect, Dept, of Public Works be notified that Council will meet with representatives of his Dept. regard- ing the location of the proposed new Post Office Site on August 12th at 11 a.m., and that the South-End Business Men's Association be asked to send two representatives to this meeting." Carried, "WHEREAS the Municipal Act provides that municipal corporations may license owners of trailer camps, on a fee per individual trailer lot, but limits the license fee which may be charged to a maximum of $10.00 per trailer lot per month, AND WHEREAS this license fee con- stitutes the only additional revenue chargeable back to the ~esidents of such mobile homes an~ is inadequate to compensate the municipality for the provision of necessary additional servzces to these residents, such as water, sewer, police, fire and garbage disposal facilities, and in particular,~ 'school facilities, NOW THEREFORE, this Convention duly assembled resolves: THAT the Provincial Government be petitioned to amend the Municipal Act,. Section 413 (12) (b) (iii), to pro- vide for an increase in the maximum monthly license f~e chargeable against a trailer lot to $15.00 per month, in order to provide additional revenue ~to compensate for services provided "~ by the municipality." Carried. A.G.B. rid, He Park. Road to Our Lady of Peace Church .~ Water Pressure. Mira Houses.' By-law 2307 Construct Lionite Sedi- mentation Tank. Mr. Harvey Haid of 2746 Culp'Street appeared an the Council meeting and stated that the location of home plate at the A. G. Bridge Park could result in foul balls going on his property and possibly some windows being broken. He ad- vised that the location of the bleachers would be too close to his home and suggested that the bleacbers and home plate be situated on the south-west corner of the Park near Stokes Street. The Engineer advised that the bleachers were designed to be on an elevation and if they were moved to the location suggested by Mr. Haid it would mean additional ex- pense for elevation. Mr. Mitchelson, Chairman of Parks Com- mittee, stated that they intend to construct a large back- stop in this park to prevent foul balls entering private property and that the park had been laid out in the best interest of the people using the park. He suggested that the matter be tabled for one week and he would bring in a report to Council. Deputy Reeve Sootheran read a report of the Traffic Committee respecting the possibility of constructing a road to service the Our Lady of Peace Church. He advised that it would be necessary to acquire lands from the Loretta Academy in order to construct a roadway. He suggested that no further action be taken on this matter until we are contacted by the solicitors representing the Church and Academy. Councillor Mitchelson reported that he had received a com- plaint about water pressure in the Stamford Centre area. He requested that the Assistant Fire Chief check, the pres- sure on the line and only three pounds ~ressure was regi- stered. He stated that the 12" watermazn constructed on Portage Road over a year ago eliminated part of the problem of water pressure but the side streets have small mains and consequently no pressure. Mr. Mitchelson suggested that water restrictions would partially relieve this problem. Mr. Eidt, Township Engineer, stated that the Stamford Public Utilities Commission was installing another pump at the Morrison Street pumping station in order to pump more water into the trunk main to the Stamford Centre area. He suggested that the Public Utilities Commission should construct another trunk watermain on Dorchester Road to service this expanding area. Reeve Bridge stated that it is a problem for the Public Utilities not the Township, and that the restrictions on watering will be considered at the next meeting of the. Utilities. 14. Keighan Sootheran "THAT the Building Inspector be asked to report on why it is that new houses being built in the Mira Subdivision by ~the present contractors are being . built so myth higher t~an existing buildings zn that particular area." ~15. Sootheran Keighan 16. Sootheran Allan Carried. "BY-LAW-No. 2307, 1958. A B~-law to provide for the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of $~5,000 for extensions and improvements to the Sewage System in Stamford Sewer Area." Read a first, and~'.second c~ne~and,~: '!TRAT the Engineer be authorized to call for Tenders for the construction of the addition to the Lionite Sedi- mentation Tank. Tenders to close . Augus~ lSth at 4 p.m., D.S.T." Carried. By-l. aw.2309. Adjourn. July 28, 1958. t~o. 54 Present Minutes Finance Roads ~e~eral Relie~ 17. Mitchelson Allan 18. Keighan Allan "BY-l.~f No. 2309~ 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the 28th day of July: 1958, between George Andrew Allen and the Corporation of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, July 29th at 5:30 p.m. with the P.U.C.~ and on Saturday morning, August 2nd at 10:30 a.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Reeve Hour 10:15 P.M. Deput~-Cl~rk. A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on August 2nd, 1958 at 10:30 a,m, 1. Sootheran Allan 2. Keighan SooCheran A. G. Bridge Reeve W. R. Soocheran Deputy-Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor R. F. Keighan Councillor B. E. Mitchelson Councillor "T~AT the minutes of the meeting held on July 28th, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried. "T~AT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Com~LtCee and pass accounts.) 3. Keighan MtCchelson 4. Sootheran Keighan 5. Keighan SooCheran_ Carried. "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts daCedAugust let, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to ~22,305.00." Carried. "T~AT the statement of Veneral Accounts dated Ausust lsC, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the 9ccoun=s be paidamounCins to ~63,037~24." i, Carried. "T~AT the statement of Relief Accounts dated August let, 1958 'as presented, be accepted and .acceunCe be paid aaounC:Lns Co' · Finance 6. Sootheran Keighan, "THAT the Comitcee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. Hrs. J. 0kinczyc si 3838 MonCrose Road appeared before Council and requested"approval to build a chicken coop at the rear of her property. The Building Inspector advised that sh applied for a bulldina -ermit ~ ........... e had se~l ~_ -- t ? F ~ ~vu~rucc a ChicKen GOOD ..... · .,.,,,,,,~ ~go ouc ~e was unable the loc is resZr~-*~ ~ ...... - ... o issue a permit since ~- ~-~cnc co cna ay-law would be sued ~ --~- -=~;e a ouzzalng f, . anner permit could be is; for this purpose. Mr. Bradley advised Chat Mrs. Okinczyc had co.;-.~nced construction of a c~tcken coop without a building permit. The Council decided they would in- spect this chicken coop during their road inspection tour. Sootheran Hitchelson "THAT J. A. Climenhage be granted per- mission Co erect a banner across Drummond Road from Au~ust 18th to September 15th," Engineer's Report Bids. Inspector Bid. Permits Derail to Andrews. 8. Sootheran Kei~han 9. Allan Sootheran Carried. "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector for Building Peru~Lts issued during the month of July, 1958 amounting to ~739,~00.00." Carried. Adjourn · T we reconaend approval to the Nzagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board of a transfer of Parc of Gore Lot and Part Lot 5 fronD. W. Doran Co I. Andrews, comprised of sev~ acres, since Council's ~,,,,~ con~tions have no. bean comp[[~ with,'respecting a grant of easement over the lands to obtain access to an August 2,1958. established road constructed fez traffic, and by not including in ~he_~rans~er the .small trian~ular No. 55 section snown projected on the unopened rosa allowance. This approval is &ranted on the condition that taxes ~are paid in full to December 31sC, Presene 1958 on the property the parcel is being taken from." Bldg,lnsp. Carried. .lit. A. J. Bradley reported to Council on the following matters: (a) He stated thac he had vri~Cen a letter Co ~. ~l._yl_l~.advi~n~ h_i~ thaC the obsolete tourist _~ovich in ,-~ aoaa cou~a not be ,,0-~ ~-- ~--- ..... ceding on that Mr. Bradley send ano;~ ~[.~a~on. council recommended '(b) He advised Council that the original contractors o~ homes in the Hire Subdivision did usc conform to the grades 8et up by ~e En~iu~er and the hones were built beLo~level, He .stated chat the n~mea presently under construction proper 8rnaa, · : · were but'lC at the ,Engineer EldC advised Chat the complaint concerning the overflow ~,~of water aC the tanks wa8 a probXem for the Stamford Public Utilities Coamioelon. He ~tated ChaC the City had raised the water pree,e~rn and as arn~ulc of h~her pressure 'the~Cankever. Minutes Mr. Eidt advised that the Township has many streets with curbs and this creates a problem when a new house is under construction. Usually the owners of the new homes want the driveways in another location than the driveways originally planned for. He stated Chat it cost approximately $25.00 to make a new entrance into the curb· Council requested that the Engineer bring in a report at a later date on this matter. Mr. Eidt informed Council that he had prepared a report on approximately seventy intersections in the Township concernin§ hedges on corner lots. Council requested that this ma~ter be tabled until the next meeting. Mr. A. J. Bradley submitted a plot plan of the proposed medical centre at the corner of Valley Way and Biamonte Parkway. He stated that the restrictive by-law was changed to a C-1 area in order to permit such a building. He advised that the dis- tance CO the lot line at the rear of the building would be 22 feet and that ample parking space had been provided on the property. Council agreed ~hat a building permit be issued. Mr. A. J. Bradley informed Council that Leslie Weisz, the contractor of the supermarket at the corner of O'Neil Street and Portage Road, intends Co use gas heaters and vents in this building. He advised that an amendment to the Provincial Code may be made in connection with the use of gas heaters and vents. The Fire Chief of Stamford Centre Fire Departmen2 and Mr. Bradley will work together in connection with the construction of the gas heaters by Mr. Weisz in the proposed supermarket. 10. Keighan Sootheran "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, August llth ac 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Hour A Regular Meetin~ of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on August llCh, 1958. 1. SooCheran Keighan A. G. Bridge W, R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Kei~han Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Codncillor "THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Augus~ 2nd, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried, Sootheran Allan ?THAT the 'followin~ application for Hair- dressin~ Establishment License be approved: Mrs. L~llian. Tho~son, 400 Portage Road." "Carried, Allan SQot~eran Sootheran Allan -"T~AT the'following a~plications for Tourist Camp Licenses be gFanced: Mrs. Blanche, McGibbon, 87 Stanley Ave., Mrs. Anna Konkos, 1703 Thorold Stone Road, Wm. Romanowich, 1300 Montrose Road, Fred J. Podhorn, 2434 Stanley Ave., W. J. Frazer, 2754 Thorold Road, Ivan Popovich, 4870 Lundy's Lane, J. Bomans, 3770 Lundy's Lane." Carried. "THAT the followin~ applications for Victualling Licenses be approved: · :Mrs. Norma Cornell, 3174 Drmmaond Road,· Gordon Welstead, 2555 Lundy's Lane." Brookfield Area Conc'd N.F.Rugby Football Club. Tourist Homes. 5. Sootheran Keighan Carried. "THAT the followin~ applications for Tourist Home Licenses be approved: Chas. Pearson, 2526 Portage Road, Mrs. M. Garrett, 1810 Dorchester Road, Mrs. Alice Misener, 1795 B~ng Avenue, Mrs. Barbara Mihalovits, 1735 Lundy% Ln." Cox to Reddick. 6. Carried. Sootheran Kei~han , Subdivision & anted on condition that taxes are al paid in full to Dec. 31st, 1958 on the property this transfer is bein~ taken Carried. Keighan ~ Sootheran *'THAT we recommend approval to the - Niagara Fall8 a Suburban Area Plannin~ Board of a transfer of Part Twp. Lot 141 from Mrs. Cora M. Craig to Mr. ~enryMuller havins a frontage of 75 rest-onBrookfield Avenue by a depth on the North aide of 143.08 feet. This approval is &ranted on condition Chat taxes are paid in £ull to December 31st, 1958 on t~e parcel beanS transferred.., Subdivision. Carried, Brook£ield Mr. Harold Lo&an and a Stoup of residents' in the B ~"'~"~' ' 'A~.eau~.and.Waters Street'district floueh ~ , . , ~ookfield "~ ~'~ 'actende~ the meett-- in r ....... -rz--_--_-unoy s Lane i;, :Wl jo ,h. ___. o, ,-,u.. Hat., I ' . .uzare street to ar~ok£1eld,O~asoanc. : ' 2. Petition to stop up Waters Street at its presently southerly terminus adjacen~ ~o Brookfield Avenue. Mr. Logan spoke for the ratepayers and pointed out chat a great deal of confusion arose in mailing addresses in their area since Waters Street was named in two other sub- divisions south of theirs. He also advised that the resi- dents were concerned that Waters Street mi§bt become a Through Street some time in the future and if such came abou= it would affect their fine residential area and provide a hazard for children and ochers. Council ~abled the m~tter and requested the Traffic Committee to bring in a report which would include the necessity of extending sewer and watermatn$ on Waters Street ac some future date. Mr. Phil Downie of the Niagara Falls Rugby Football Club clarified the request of their Club for a Municipal grant. He advised if the Township would take out an advertisement in the programme they were preparing it would help the Club materially. He also advised that the sale of the progra~es was being turned over co the representatives of Bellhaven School and revenue from the sale of progrmmmes could be re- tained for school purposes. 8. Keighan Sootheran "THAT the Clerk be authorized to subscribe to a full page ad hn the Niagara Falls Football Club programme on behalf of Stamford Township at a cost of $160.00." Carried. Mr. F. A. Branscombe attended the meeting and submitted a proposed plan of subdivision of 10 lots within Township Lot No. 72. The plan provides for a street running northerly from Windermere Road shown on Registered Plan 199 to Lapp Street extended from Dorchester Road. It showed Windermere Road allowance as being 45.20 feet wide. Mr. Branscombe explained that suf£icien: property could not be acquired Co provide a standard road allowance of 66 feet and suggested that a one foot reserve be placed alon§ the Easterly side of Windermere Road and when the property to the East was being developed the owners could dedicate sufficient land to widen the road allowance to 66 feet. Council agreed with the Su~eotion. 9. Keighan Allan Second Hand License . 10. f Sootheran Allan ~ ," 11. Kei~han r ~ . . $ootheran: ' '"THAT preliminary approval be given to a proposed plan of subdivision submitted by F. A. Branscombe and consistin~ of of 10 1oCs within Township Lot 72 pro- vidin~ the subdivider enter into a satis- factory .a~reement regarding se~vices." : .. Ca&tied. , - .... Ca,tied "THAT the Lions Club be granted Hays t '~HAT Mr. J. Boroczi be granted permission ~to operate a second hand license business providing no,binS is held overnight a~ ..his addr. eaq a~ 2042Hurray Street."./: ~,::~' to ' The Clerk asked for instructions in' regard to the construct' ~of curb-faced side~alks or ordinary side~alk. ~. ~ u .... son ~resceng subdivision. This reoues; ..... .~_-.,__-- :..- ..v_~.~ zact that the owner- -~ -~ .... ~. : .-,-,o .~.~ an v~e~ o~ the o v. ~.~ auoo~vxsx~ ~ad ~ly fo~arded sufficient money to take care o~ ordinary sidewalk construction 12. Sootheran Keighan Lights on 13. Allan Fern Ave. & Kel~han Jill S2reet. 14. Sootheran Kei§han "THAT Mr. Monson be asked to meet with Council at 10 a.m. Saturday to discuss the construction of curb-faced walks on Ro~er Cresc," Carr£ed. "THAT the P.U.C. be asked to complete the street lightin~ on the south side of Fern Ave. where built up, also install street lights on Jill Street, when the money is received from Cbc subdivider for Jill Street." Carried. "THAT the report of the Engineer in respect ~o the cuttin~ of drivevays in curse and curb-faced sidewalks be received and that the costs stated for such work be assessed a~ainst the owner." A.C.Brid~e 15. Kei§han ~ark. Sootheran Pl-~ln~ 16. Sootheran Allan Carried, "THAT the report of Councillor E.E. Mitchelson, Chairman of Parks, be approved; and the rec_o~endations con- rained therein be adhered to, and that Mr. Harvey H aid who requested certain changes in the layout of the A. G. Brid~e Park be notified of Councile8 decision." Carried. *'THAT our Plumbir~ Inspector be author- ized to a=~end the Annual meetin~ of Plumbin~ Inspectors to be held at the Chateau-Laurier atartins Sept. 23-18,,' i~elfare Dept. Tank on D.rt~nmond Rd. Do~s. By-law 2277. 17. Sootheran Allan 18. Sootheran Allan 19. Keighan Sootheran 20. Allan Keighan "THAT the Clerk be authorized to employ part-time assistance starting Sept.lst for the Welfare Dept." Carried. "THAT the Engineer investigate and remedy the unhealthy odour that is emanating from the tank on Drummond Road near Burdetge Drive." Carried. "THAT the Police Dept. be requested to investigate the claim of certain resi- dents in the vicinity of the Erwin Park, that dogs are being allowed to run loose in the Park and report go Council at a lager date." Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2277, 1958. A By-law for the dividing of the municipality of the Township of Stamford into Polling Sub- divisions as provided by Section 81 of The Municipal Act, ~.S.O., 1950." Read a first, second and ~hird time and passed. }y-law 2310. ,Skeet .Shootin~ 21. Sootheran Allan "BY-LAW No. 2310, 1958. A By-law to dedi- cate Block "C", Plan 171 and Block "B" Plan 138, both Plans being registered for the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Miss LaMarsh reported on the quesgion raised by Mr. D. R. Allan in respect to a skeet shootin~ club being operated near his property. She pointed oug that this operation is heine carried out in an area zoned as A~ricul=ure (1) which permi2s uses such as §olf courses, racin~ tracks, and open recreational spaces, and similar uses. In her opinion the operation of a skeet shootin§ club is a use similar =o those outlined in parasraph 17 of By-law 2031 as amended. It was asreed that ghis informagion should be forwarded to Mt.Allan. Carried. Demetre Subd= Miss LaHarsh reported that she had discussed the Demetre V,Antonio~ Mr. Vita Antonio addressed Ch~ Council and requested an amend- Mr. Demetre would pay the cost of the trunk sever from Subdivision with his solicitor and thac he had agreed that ment to the Bulldins Code to permit Prefabricated chimneys for ' ' oil and Sas use. The Reeve appointed a Cu~ucLttee of - Dorchester Road to Weaver Avenue, providing that the other ~.nsi~_eer, A.J.Bradley, Bulldi-~ r-.-~-. .... ~ - _ C.H.Eidt, conditions in the orisinal asreement with Mr. Weaver were raumbing Insuecto~ - .... ~ .? --y--¥--I--vL, enu WU. ~attision, · and report b;ck ,~,~,~.~uy ~e or,er 8u~miCted by Mr.Antonio., , adhered to. MiSs LaHarsh was requested to secure . letter w_ould~e Chaiman2 ~2~2; J/ Y!~-a-~reed ~h. at Mr. Partisan ' .from the solicitor to include, such asreement. · ,of the Connittee. ..... -.-. an~on~o WOU~d also be a member Property.- Councillor Keishan requested a repor~ from the Buildins corner Dunn & Inspector in resard to the use of land on property occupied ~'~ -The Reeve and Clerk advised Council that welfare costs were Dorchencer. by Kenneth Warden and located at the corner of Dunn Street .... '~['. ''~'' increasin8 rapidly as the result of a hisher number of resi- '<,~'":'2 ' .dents requSrinS welfare assistant and Dorchester .Road. . '~'. , 'the les~ 3 years ~..,.~-,.~-~ ~ .C?para~ive costa for ~=~ ~.._ ~ .... o--~--~=u wn~cn snowed that mar...~.-~, ' ~ '~ ,, for 1937 and 1956. .~-i_~'_--'~, ~o cain the entire year .. ~ ~. wee sUiSeaCed thaC our eeCimaCe for ' r ' ' yellers casco would be ii{ Ad 1 sum_. 22. Ke~ghan ,Sootheran "THAT w~ do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, August 12th at 10:30 a.m. for discussions with Post Office Officials." Carried. Meetin~ Adjourned. HOUr %ugust 11, No.56 'Present ~urpose 1958. Reeve A Special Meetin~was held on August 12th at 11:00 a.m. · C1 A. G. Bridge Reeve W.R.Sootheran Deputy-Reeve J.N.Allan Councillor R.F.Kmighan Councillor The meetin~was called to discuss the p~oposed new Post Office for this area with Mr. D. G. Creba of the Federal Department of Public Works. By invitation, Mr. P. Marshall and Mr. A. Mingle of the South-End Business Men's Association were also present. Reeve Bridge advised Mr. Creba that the Council,of the Town- ship of Stamford and the South End Business Men s Association held strongly to the opinion that a new Federal buildtn~ for Post Office purposes should be erected at the South end of the City or in Stamford, inview of the fact that 62% of the population of the Niagara area is West of Stanley Avenue. He pointed ouC that the Post Office should be erected in a cen- tral location to properly serve the inhabitants and this could not be achieved by havin~ the buildin~ erected in the North end of the City. ~ Mr. Creba in addressin~ the Group explained that the Post Office site had received a great deal of consideration ore ~h~ pa~t yea~. , He me~tioned that the Post Of~-~ uecerm~nes the location for the sit- ' ...... stand'Department--si Public Works. He sta~e~"t~"~Pera~m°nt £t was hisWLtaunder-the · n8 that it had been decided to locate the Post Office at the North end of the City and considerable thought was betn~ given to the enlargement of the present Post Office on Queen Street. .- ~ouncil Members of Council and the representatives of the Business Men's Association e.,,re..~ ~-. ..... South End this proposal and poin, ed ou7~°7~"''' oojec,lons to y sons why this proposal i:Srv~ ~It~i._ Mr. Creba.expl~ined that he was'a public Y P st Office Department,_ ~' Adjourn. Meet!-n~AdJourned.at 12:00 'A.M, AuS..~ 12Ch, 1958. o. 57. A Special Meeting was held in the Council Chambers on Saturday morning, August 16uh, 1958. Present A. G. Bridg~ W.R.Sootheran J.N.Allan R. F. Keighan E.E.Mitchelson Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor. Ro~er Cres. It was intended Co meet with Mr. Daniel Monson in respect to the payment of curb faced sidewalks within Registered Plan No. 172. The Clerk advised Mr. Monson had now agreed to the construction of curb faced sidewalks and he had for- warded sufficient additional funds to take care of this type of construction. In this connection, a letter from Mr..Monson, dated August 14th, was read, which indicated that the Roger Crescent Realty accepted no liability what- soever for the construction of curb faced sidewalks and it is only consenting thereto on the understanding that the costs for such type of construction will not exceed $4,653.59. Council indicated it was satisfied with this arrangement and advised the Engineer to proceed with the construction of curb faced sidewalks. ~d.Education Fred Rutland, Chairman, and J. Monroe and Wm. Scott, members of the Stamford District Board of Education attended the meeting and asked for permission to speak on the matter of the proposed addition to Princess Margaret School encroaching on Lot No. 30, Plan 49, owned by'the Township. The Reeve granted permission, and Mr. Rutland advised that through an error on the part of the Board and their Architect, the addition to Princess Margaret School encroaches on Lot No.30, Plan 49, and asked Council if any arrangements could be made to have Lot 30 conveyed to their Board. The title of the property was checked and it was noted that the Township had secured a quit claim deed from Mr. C. E. Rudd from whom the property was originally donated, and chat the land in Lot 30 could be used for park, playground, or school purposes only. In view of this quit claim, and the fact that the Board require the lot to extend their school, ~he following resolu- tion was passed: Lot No. 30 1.. Sootheran Kei§han "THAT the Board of Education be offered Lot No. 30 adjacent to Princess Margaret School aC a price to be determined by the average price of two £ndependent appraisals." Carried. Trailer By-law Council reviewed the proposed trailer camp by-law and noted the remarks made by Dr. L. W. C. Sturgeon, M.O.H., and the comments made by the Department of Travel and Publicity, ,Adjourn :'Au~. 16, 1958. The meetin~ was then adjou~ed and the m~.hers visited three t~ailer ca~ps located in the Township. It was dete~mined that .... ~.' moat of the camps cater to independent trailers and chac the >owners did not approve of leasing space Co dependent trailers. .In view of this~info~mation, Council decided to revise the by-law to prohibit dependent tra£1ers bein~ located in ~raller~. camps licensed by the Xo~nship,, The inspection Tour was No. 58 =~resent Hinutes Tenders ,Tender Brookfield !rea Request A Regular Meeting of Council was held in the Council Chamber on August. 18th, 1958. ' A. G. Bridge W, R. Sootheran :J. N. Allan R. F. Kei~han Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Sootheran Keighan "THAT the minutes of the meetings held on August llth and August 16th, 1958 be adoPted as printed." . Carried. The following tenders were opened for the construction of the addition Co the Lionite Settling tank: 1. Chas. Kerrio Construction Company, 2. Dominion Construction, 3, Web, tar Construction. - 2. Sootheran Keighan "THAT the Tender of Webster Construction Company for the addition to the Lionite Settling Tank at a price of $21,611.00 be accepted, bein~ the lowest tender submitted." Carried. A group of residents from the Brookfield Avenue and Waters Street subdivision, south of Lundy's Lane were present, and Mr. Harold Logan presented a petition on their behalf Co re- zone their area south of Barker Street to Residentia~ (1) 'classification. Mr. Lo, an pointed out that the majority of the homes in their section comply with Residential (1) requirements and the owners desire to protect their invest- ments bY upgFadins the zonin~ and prohibit apartments and other types of structures that would not. be comparable to their development, 3. Sootheran Ke/~han "THAT the request from the residents of Brookfield Avenue. Waters Street, and the adjacent area be considered favourably and we ask the Ontario Municipal Board .~o re-classify it Co Residential (1). The Clerk to take the necessary steps for its 'implementation." Carried. oft Cont,d Chan~e Names Oommittee of ustment. Mr.Harovics. ~ort · Street out Co Dorchester Road it would prevent through traffic from McLeod Road. This reco~nendation could be carried out at the time the Kochanoff and Harovics property were subdivided. The report recommended that the names of Waters Street and Clare Street as shown on Registered Plans 154, 149 and 191 be changed to Clare Crescent. 4. Sootheran Keighan "THAT the recommendations Of the Traffic Cu,m,ittee relative to the changing of the names of Waters Street as outlined in their Report to Council as of J .... this date be approved." Carried. Mr. M. Ricci attended the meeting and asked if Council was in a position to grant his request to build a restaurant in accordance with the application he submitted to the Building Inspector. 5. Keighan Sootheran "THAT the request of Mr. Ricci re: his application to construct a restaurant adjacent to his present office be referred to the Committee of Adjustment, with Council's recommendation that it be given approval." Carried. Mr. Steve Harovics of 2653 Dorchester Road addressed the Council and complained about the sidewalk construction proposed for Dorchester Road which would pass his property. He stated that if the sidewalk is proceeded with it would COSt him between $350. and $~0. per year frontage taxes for 10 years in respect to the 1100 feet of frontage he has. Council decided that the Solicitor and Clerk should check the Local Improvement Act and bring in a report as to whether any relief can be granted to Mr. Harovics. 6. Keighan Sootheran "THAT the Health Inspector and the Engineer be authorized to investigate and report back Co Council on the con- dition referred to in the letter of Mr. A. A. McBain of August 18th, 1958." Carried. 7. Sootheran ~eport. Deputy-Reeve Sootheran, Chairman of the Traffic Co~ittee Allan ' "BY-LAW No. 2306, 1958. A By-law to presented a report in.respect to the two petitions submitted ' license, regulate and govern Trailer 'tO Council by ~he residents of Brookfield Avenue and Waters " Camps and to designate areas of land Street at the iasc meetinA, wherein they requested Chat Water8 to be used as Trailer Camps', and to Street be closed up, aC its southerly terminus on Reg. Plan No. ' prohibit the use of ocher lands for .... ,' .154 and ~henames of Waters Street and Brookfield Avenue be ~. such purpose." Read a first, second '' · thanKed co Brookfield Crescent, Mr. Soocheran indicated in .~ ' ' and third time and passed. · his Report chaC ic was necessary co extend sewer and water 'maine once Waters Street in Plan 154 from the South Co give Before the above By, law was passed, a large group of trailer :'more adequate service. This fact toAether with the problem f residents and trailer camp operators were present and addressed? , of providin8 fire services lead his commitce to the conclus- ~ Council in respect co the proposed by-law co license and - 'ion chac scoppinS up Wa~ers S,Creec aC ice Southerly terminus ~esulate ccailer'c,~a~,a. The Stoup of trailer ceeidents would nec be in the public ~inCe~eaC. In lieu of this, ic objected co the By law and su~asted thac the license fee w~s ~ec~ended Chac Waters Street be extended ouC Co Der- ' o~ $10.00per,monCh,w~s Coo.,hi~h. Members of Council p. oin~ed cgeacer aoad by m~an.s o£~C~escenc, By excendins~acera, , I~ailer$ cont'd, out that they considered such a fe~'very fair in view of all the serVices that the Township provides. After considerable discussion the By-~law was passed. Inspector .. ~ 8. Sootheran Allan "THAT Bill Pattison be named Trailer Camp Inspector in addition Co his job as . . Carried. Uaycee Week. ~ 9. Sootheran - Allan "THAT the week of October 5th to llth be designated as "Jaycee Week" and the Reeve so procla~n." Carried. Appointment with Post Office Officials. z 10. Sootheran Ke~han "THAT the Clerk arrange an appointment with the Post Master G~neral and Minister of Public Works during the early part of September to allow Council to state their vi~s on why the proposed new Federal Building should be located at the South End of the City or in Stamford Township." Carried. Bonds. ~ 11. Keighan Sootheran "THAT the Treasurer, R. W. Daws, be in- structed to exchange $8500.00 Dominion of Canada Bonds, 3% due Sept. 1, 1966 for $8500.00 par value Dominion of Canada Bonds, 3% due Feb. let, 1962 and to convert the latter Bonds into Dominion of Canada Bonds, par value $8500.00, 3~3/4%,due September 1st, 19657 Carried. Police Ne~.s. *' 12. Sootheran Allan "THAT ~he Clerk be asked to complete arrar~emencs with the Police News for the purchase of a half pa~e ad in their publication at a cost of $60.00." By-law 2305. Carried. Inspectors. Tenders Adjourn. Aug. 18, 1958. No. 59 Present  B¥-l.aw 2280. * 13. Allan Ket~han "BY-LAW No. 2280, 1958. A By-law to ~uth~ize 1958 Construction now approved Minutes ~"by the Ontario Municipal Board." Read ~ 1~. SooCheran ~Keighan a third time and passed. "BY-LAW ~o. 2308, 1958. A By-law to license ~nd ~e~ulaCe premises where food ia sold and reception, refreshment, or entertai~ment of the public provided."' R~ad a first, second an,dr third c~e ~" and passed. By-law 230,8. -%¸ ~ 15 · ,'::Allan Sootheran · 16. Sootheran Allan 17. Keighan Sootheran 18. Keighan Allan "BY-LAW No. 2305, 1958. A By-law to license, regulate and govern Tourist Camps and Motels and to designate areas of land to be used therefore." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "THAT Sanitary Officerof the Health Unit be named Inspector of Tourist Camps, Motels and Lodging Houses for the Municipality." Carried. "THAT the Clerk be authorized to call Tenders for the sale of approximately $424,500.00 of Stamford Township Debentures on the open market, tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Sept. 8th, 1958 at 4 p.m., D.S.T." Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to meet Monday, August 25th at 7:30 p.m. unless called earlier by the Reeve." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Hour P.M. Reeve Clerk~ A Regular Meeting of the Council.was held in the Council Chamber on August 25th, 1958. A. G. Bridge Reeve W. R. Sootheran Deputy-Reeve ~. N. Allan Councillor R. F. Keighan Councillor E. E. Mitchelaon Councillor 1. Allan Keighan "THAT the minutes of the meeting held on August I~th:and 18th, 1958 be adopted as printed." 2,. Allan - Keighan Carried. · "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Con.lites and pass accounts." ~ .~...- Carried,. General Roads Relief F~inance T. Mc~ahon E. O'Brien E. O~Brien Keighan Allan "THAT"the sca~emen~ of General Accounts dated August /2nd, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amountin~.to $156,650.78.,, S. Harovics Cinder Path 4. Keighan Allan Carried. "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated August 22nd, 1958 as presented, [.be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $68,678.71." 5. Keighan Allan Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated August 22nd, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid ~amounting to $3,775.97." Cinder Path- Dorchester Rd. z 6. Allan Keighan Carried. "THAT the Committee on Finance do now arise a~d resume the business of Council." re: Carried. Mr. Thomas Mc.M~.hon addressed Council in respect co~a building permit he applzed for to house buggies on nronert o by him on McLeod Road west of Stanley Aven~e.= y wned that the Bui d He stated 1 ing Inspector had informed him that his rs ere ~as zoned R2which prohibited the t--A -~ - -. P. p Y ~= v~ cons=ruction ne aesires. It was agreed that Members of Council would visit the premises, and the matter will be considered at the next meetin~invited, of Council co which the Building Inspector will be Mr. William Booth, a solicitor, represented Mr. & Mrs. Steve Harovics and addressed Council in respect to the proposed construction of a concrete sidewalk in front of his client's property on the west side of Dorchester Road just north of Duns Street. He indicated that his client had a frontage of some 1100 feet and a sidewalk constructed in front of his property would provide costs that would be prohibitive for farm lands. The Engineer and Clerk submitted three alternatives:, in connection with the proposed sidewalk, included in which was a suggestion that the concrete sidewalk not be constructed but in lieu thereof that a stone or cinder path be constructed at Township expense to provide facilities for children attending...' the schools on Dorchester Road. 8. Sootheran Mitchelson ~purist Camp ,~ 9. Mitchelson Allan Victuallin~ ~ 10. ~ Ax, ~lan 1Ol. He stated that when . this lot in ~ ~, .......... he purchased 1 ..... -~ ~xempc zromany restrictions and he bought it with the view in mind of building a store in front of his house ln which he proposed to establish a hairdressing e~tablishment. Since the time of h By-law 2031 had been -a ,~ ...~ _ .is_purchase, · ,~ ~o~ as KZ and such zonin r of a hairdressin= es,,~;.~_~_~ oh~hited the establishment Public Hall ~[ 12. amend the by-la;; in';~;~°[~="'--ne requested Council.~o a way cant two rooms of his house could be used as a hairdressing e~ablishment. ~' 7. Kei~han Sootheran ~,.."~THAT the application of Mr. E. -~, ~es~uence on Lot 11, Plan 101 for .. . [ a hairdressing establishment be approved, W.L. Houck '~:and chat the Solicit6r and Clerk be ' , a hor}zed to prepare neceesar ~ "by law, this approval is'stunted because of the unusual situation existing where ,-' this'particular property is concernedl regarding the property use as outlined · .-. by .ghe Clerk."" Carried. "THAT Council instruct the Engineer to construct a stone or cinder path on the west side of Dorchester Road from Dunn Street north to the existing sidewalk." Carried. "THAT the application for a Tourist Camp License from Sam Covelti & Carl Graco of 34~9 Lundy's Lane be approved." Carried. Sootheran Mitchelson "THAT the following applications for Victualling licenses be approved and granted: Earl Murchie, 2754 Thorold Stone Road~ Mr. W. Thomas, Lundy's Lane." Carried. Mitchelson Keighan "THAT the following application for a Public Hall License be approved and granted: Stamford District ~Board of Education, 1773 Drummond Road." Carried. Allan Mitchelson "T~AT the application for a Public Hall License from St. John the Evangelist Church to operate the Hall at 580 Portage Road N. be approved and license granted." Carried. . -' Conv~nt£on. Council receLved a letter fr.omW.L. Houck, M.P. advising that he was endeavouring to make an apppintment with the Hon. H. Green, Minister of Public Works and the Hon. Wm. Hamilton, .Postmaster General in order tha~ Members.'of=.Counc~l~can meet:'~c wi.th th~ ~o~discuss..che-.pos=:of£icematter durin8 the~time ,theyare in Ott&wa, aSZending .the Ontario Municipal Association Presc residence Stamford Gr. Sootheran Mitchelson '"THAT the Solicitor be asked to take pro, ceedings against the owner of the old Prest home on Stamford Green Drive as its present dilapidated condition is a hazard to the s&fety bf children of the area and its appearance a 'detriment. Co the ' neighbourhood. It should he repaired or or removed immediately.,, Fire Chiefs 14. 'MiCchelson Allan Carried. "THAT we designate the three fire chiefs in Stamford Township Co carry out the duties of such office required under By- law 2306 being a by-law to license, regulate and govern Trailer Camps. In designating the fire chiefs it is understood Chat each fire chief Will only be responsibl~ for ,carryin~ out the duties under this by-law in theparclcular areas they have jurisdiction in." Soocheran Keighan Carried. "THAT immediate steps be Caken to stop, the operation of a salvage business on Garner Road near Lundy's La~e on Property which this Council has previously instructed the buildin~ inspector Co investigate.,, Niagara Boating flub ,-.16. Micchelson Allan Carried. "THAT the Clerk be instructed to respond to A. E. Schmid's letter from the Niagara Boating Club and express the commenda~xon of the Csuncil for their work in con- servaCion and the raising of pheasants.,, ret'Lot 30, Plan 49 17. Carried. Sootheran Keighan "THAT in view of the appraisals submitted '[:oL.°~__3?~,_P~lan 4? for she Tmmship by ~v~enc realtors:~we ask Che Board of Education for the sum of $1,750.00 for the property in question.,, By-law 2312 By-law 2313 Bleachers Adj ou, rn Aug. 25Ch, 1958. No. 60 Present 19. Sootheran Keighan "BY-LAW NO. 2312. A by-law to change the name of a part of Waters Avenue as shown on Plan 154, Clare Street as shown on Plans 191 & 149, Block "A" as shown on Plan 149 and a part of Twp. Lot 148 dedicated as Clare Street to Clare Crescent. Read a first, second and third time and passed." Carried. 20. Mitchelson Allan "BY-LAW NO. 2313. A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement dated the 25th day of August, 1958 between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and Arthur H. Webster. Read a first, second and third time and passed." Carried. 21. MiCchelson Sootheran 22. Mitchelson Allan "THAT the Engineer be authorized to purchase one section of fabricated, erected and painted bleachers at $2,531.73 from Knight & Bolton and the back stop for the ball diamond at approximately $400.00." Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to meet.on Saturday, August 30th ac 10:30 a. m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Hour 10:40 P.M. A Regular MeetinE of the Council was held i Ch c Chamber on August 30th,'1958 at 10:30 a.m. A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Cartied~ ~inuces * 1. Soocheran ~ :'*...18. Allan Keighan "THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Soo~h~ran mBY-LAW NO. 2311. A by-law ~o dedicate as August 25ch, 1958 be adopted aa printed." · ~i' 'a portion of Clare S~reet, Block mA,, ~ Keighan- ."THAT the application for a Dairy license ...~ - ,,~ . Dairy A"2. SooCheran Carried. ' according Co Re~. Plan-149. Read a fleet, second and ~bird time and passed.,, ~ ~ .- <~' J · · ~rumRussell ~lller, 2536 Thorold Road be ~" ~' " ' ' o appxoved and license granted." '' · Carried. '"' '"' ':" ~ '; : ' ~/ "' "~ ' ' '; !~' " ' /;'; Carried.' T. McMahon Mr. T. McMahon of McEeod Road attended the meeting in respect to his application for a permit to erect a building for the purpose of storing buggies. Mr. Bradley the building inspector advised that the land owned by Mr. McMahon is classified as R (2) Which permitted the con- struction of a private garage but not sheds. After discussion the following resolution was passed: T. McMahon 3. R. Dwyer $ootheran Allan "THAT T. McMahon be granted permission for the erection of a garage suitable to house his sight-seeing bug§ies on his property on McLeod Road." Carried. Mr. Raymond Dwyer of 3848 Montrose Road addressed Council and advised that he had been refused a permit to build a chicken coop on his property some time ago and now a neighbour of his had erected a large barn and was raising about 100 chickens. The Clerk advised that the restrictions on the subdivision where Mr. Dwyer lives prohibited the erection of barns or raising chickens. He mentioned that the lots were very large and the area was included in an Industrial (2) area of the official plan of the Township. In view of the fact that other owners in this subdivision had expressed dissatisfaction concerning restrictions to Council, Mr. Dwyer was requested =o take the:problem up with the Clerk next Thursday. Tourist Camp * 4. Anthony & V~ncent Rocco ; 5. ~airdressin~ '~ 6. Salvage Business Sootheran Keighan "THAT the application for a Tourist Camp license from Mr. Archie Anderson & Miss Ida Hulbert, 3742 Lundy's Lane be approved and license granted." Carried. Allan Sootheran Sootheran Reighan Sootheran Allan, "T~AT the proposed plan of subdivision · .comprised of 12 lots within Part Twp. Lot 173 located at the north=east comer of Dr--,,ond and McLeod Roads and owned b~ Anthony and Vincent Rocco be nsc .dissapproved'? Carried. "THAT the application for a Hairdressing license from Mrs. Pauline Ecker, 1461 Lombard Ave. be approved and license granted." Carried. !!T~AT Mr. L. Poirier, Garner Road be informed that he must immediately stop the operation of a salvase business or legal proceedin~s will be instituted,~ Carried. Lundy's Lane Residents P. U. C. Purchsing Agents Asso~.iation 10. Ad,ioum Aug. 30th, 1958. No. 61 P_~esent Minutes ~ 1. Finance 2. Keighan Sootheran $ooCheran KeiEhan "THAT the complaint of Lundy's Lane residents located between Highland Avenue and Glenholme Avenue be referred to the Police Dept. for investigations; for a report back to Council." Carried. "THAT the P.U.C. be given an option for one year on Logs 17-22 on Montrose Road within an option payment of $600.00. That an agreement mutually acceptable to both parties be entered into." Carried. $ootheran Allan "THAT the Engineer be empowered to join the Purchasing Agents Association of the Niagara District at a fee of $35.00." Allan Sootheran Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday~ September 8th at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Reeve. Hour 11:45 A.M. A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber. on September 8th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R, F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Keishan Allan Allan -Keighan "THAT the minutgs of the meetin~ held on August 30~h, 1955. be adopted as printed." Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." Carried. Roads General Relief Finance Fish & Game ~psociation Civil Defence Tenders for ~ebenCurea. vt 4. Keighan "TNAT tha statement of Roads Accounts dated September 5th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amountin~ t5 $89,314.86." Carried. Keighan Allan "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated September 5th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $262,779.36." Carried. Allan Keighan "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated September 5th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $985.09." Keighan Allan Carried. "T~T the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. Hr. Ron Hudson, President of the Greater Niagara Fish and Game Protective Association addressed the meeting and reported on the Association's progre-~e of pheasant re- stocking for the year 1958. He submitted a statement showing receipts in the amount of $1760.39, with disbursements in the amount ~f $1749.99. The report indicated that 1350 pheasants had been released durin~ the p~st year. The pur- chase ~Fice of the pheasants was $1620.00. 7. Mitchelson- Keighan "THAT Council publish the proclamation as requested by Co-ordinator Inglis and rec~.aended by Councillor Allan, a member of the C~mnittee, for-Civil Der,ncc Bay, Sept. 15th." Carried. Principal Amo,m~t. $314,500. ~ 85,000. 23,500. $~23,~000. The Township Council received the followins tenders to pur- chase Township of Stamford Debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $423,00~1., dated September 15th, 1958, required for the foll~winS purposes: Purpose Public School Hydro Extensions Sewage System Extensions ~ ,Tern 1-20 years 1-20 years STATEMENT OF. TENDERS RECE.IVED enders Received From ~t.Rate Amount Bid Gairdner,Son & Company Limited (Firm Bid) 5 3/4 $99.46 Z. Equitable Securities Can. Ltd. (Firm Bid) 5 1/2 96.77 Equitable Securities Can. Ltd. (Firm Bid) 5 3/4 98.70 ~. Bell,Gouinlock & Company Ltd. (Firm Bid) 5 1/2 96.50 Bell,Gouinlock & Company Ltd. (Firm Bid) 5 3/4 97.50 %. J.L.Graham & Company Limited (30 Day Option To Sell) 5 1/2 97.27 Tender e' 8. Keighan Mitchelson "THAT we accept the firm bid of Gairdner, Son.and Co. Ltd. to purchase 5 3/4 Township of Stamford Debentures in the principal amount of $423,000 at a price of $99.46 per $100." Carried. to ~ 9. Mitchelson Keighan "THAT we reco~nend approval to the Niagara Falls &'Suburban Area Planning Board of a transfer of Part Twp. Lot 133 from Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Mashford to Mr. & Mrs. S. Toth. The parcel being conveyed having a frontage of 206.81~ by a depth of 412' as shown~on a sketch from Martin, Calvert, Bates & Sheppard, dated September Sth, 1958. This approval is granted on condition that taxes are paid to Decem- ber 31st, 1958 on the property this par- cel is being conveyed from and the cabins or tourist establishment on the property being sold are at least 6 feet from the boundary of the parcel being conveyed." Carried. ,Permits ~ 10. Mitchelson Allan "THAT we approve of the Building Inspec- tor's report for the month of August, 1958." Carried. Taxi ~ 11. Sooth,ran Mitchelson "THAT the application for Taxi-cab Driver's License submitted by Leslie Johnson be ; granted." LOST. with Council received a letter from the Department of Highways, Hamilton, requestins that arrangements be mdc for a mc.tins [..'.' i ' for members of their Department to meet the Council and . ,, Ensineer at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, October 16th, called for · ;the,~u=peae of discusoi~ pressed lo~a~i~ of 8e~ice F~d~ Meeting ~ont'd construction standards, and .location of grade separations and inter-changes. ~ Adjourn Cont'd Meeting Adjourned. Meetin~ R.W.Worm. Acquisition of Property Interview %n Ottawa. ,Salvage Yard. Adjourn 12. Sootheran Allan "T~AT the Clerk be authorized to confirm a meeting of the Dept. of Highways with Council on October 16th to discuss service roads alon~ the Q.E.Way." Carried. Sept.8, 1958. Hour 9:06 / Reeve ~ 13, Sootheran Kei~han "THAT R. W. Worm be appointed a part time investigator for the Welfare Dept." Carried. 14. Keighan Allan "T~AT the Engineer be authorized to negotiate with Mrs. Holman of Portage Road and Mr. John B. Hopkins of Niagara Falls, regarding the possible acquisition of certain properties owned by them, and report back to Council at a later date." Carried. The Reeve and members of Council verbally reported that they had interviewed Mr. Wm. Hamilton, Post Master General for Canada, and Honourable Howard Green, Minister of Public Works in Ottawa on September 2nd, in respect to the location of the proposed new Post Office for the Greater Niagara area. Mr. W. L. Houck arranged the conference for the Stamford delegation. During the interviewwith the two Ministers~ members of Council pointed out that it was their desire to have the Post Office at the south end of the City of Niagara Falls in an area which would be more the geographical centre of the Greater Niagara district. The Ministers were under the impression that members of our Council had been invited to a meetin~ at the City Hall when the Post Office Site was first discussed. The Reeve pointed out that We didnot receive an invitation to attend the first meeting. The problems and reasons for re-locating the Post Office were discussed at ~onsiderable length and at the conclusion of the conference the Ministers agreed to send senior men to this area to make another survey. When this survey is under- taken the Department representatives will contact our Council. At Mr. Houck's suggestion it was agreed Chat when the senior men from the Department make the survey it might be possible for the Councils.of-the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Sta~ford'to reach aome asreenent relative to location. Deputy-Reeve W. R. Sootheran requested that action be taken · o have the operation of the salvage yard on property near Uncle Sam's Hotel discontinued. It was agreed that if this .operation is not ceased by the next Council meetijtS that legal actionwould be taken against the operator. NO. 62 Present Minutes P.M. A Regular Meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber on September 15th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meeting held on September 8th, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried. Hawker & Pedlar License 1. Keighan Mitchelson License Mr. Lloyd Kirkby addressed the Council in respect to an application for a Hawker & Pedlar's License made by Lloyd Wallaces Ltd. of 481 Queen Street, Niagara Falls. He explained that the Company proposed to arrange for a trailer to carry their merchandise, and have it spotted in various locations in Stamford to make their merchandise more accessible to the residents of the Township. After some discussion of the application, the followin~ resolu- tion was passed: "THAT the application for Hawker & Pedlar's License from Lloyd Wallace's~ be not granted." Carried. MF. Morris 2. Keighan Mitchelson Mr. Morris, the owner of the Stamford-Cataract Cab Company addressed Council in respect to application for Taxi-cab Driver's License from S. G. Thompson. He stated that the City authorities would not permit the operation of his cabs in the City with Stamford licenses alone. In order to operate both in Stamford and the City he requires licenses from both authorities. The Solicitor explained that arrange- ments had been worked out to provide for a reciprocal agreement in respect to taxi licenses and She could see no reason why he could not operate in the City with a Stamford license~ although he might experience some difficulty in parkin~his taxies at taxi stands allocated for City use. It was agreed that a check would be made with the Niagara Falls Police Co~mission to determine if their By-laws now provide for a reciprocal taxi arrangement. Taxi LiCense ~ 3. · Mitchelson ~- Ket~han "THAT the application for a Taxi-cab ~ Driver's License from Stanley Geo. ' . . Thompson be granted as reco--.~nded by ~'?l$...,Soocheran .~: ' '"' '-'?' Stamford Police Chief Cunninsham." "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on "' "· Carried,~ Conservation Co~nittee. Mr. Francis GOldring, Deputy-Reeve of Pelham Township and Chairman of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Committee addressed the Council in respect to the pro- posed organization of a Conser~ation Authority for this area. He mentioned that such authorities were originally organized to control flood conditions but were ultimately enlarged to include the followin~ progran~nes: Proper land use practices, Preservation and care of existilt~ woodlands~ Reforestration of land not suitable for cultivation, Increase in su~er stream flow, The buildi~ of farm ponds and small dams,, The preservation and increase of wildlife, The establishment of Recreational areas, Education in the use of Renewable Natural Resourceg, The preservation of Historical Sites. The movement in this area was originally sponsored by a Committee of Welland County Council~ but after studying the matter for a short time it was decided that the pro- posal should cover the entire Niagara Peninsula. The com- mittee now has representatives from Lincoln,and Welland Counties. He mentioned in his address that the control of Riversin ~ny area'was most important and. ~tated that the followin~river'valleys'existed in the Niagara Peninsula: 20 Mile Creek, 12 Mile Creek, Welland River. Me stated that if sufficient interest is provided from the Municipalities in the Niagara Peninsula that action could be taken to request the Minister of the Department of Plannin~ & Development to call a meeting for the purpose of organizir~ an authority. If such an authority is or- ganized the Province provides substantial grants to assist in its operation and activ~ties. Niagara Pen. v, 4. Mitchelson ~ons. Com. Allan "T~AT this Council approve and support the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Committee in requestin~ the Minister of Plannin~ and Development tO con- vene the statutory meetin~ of a proposed Niagara Peninsula Conserva- ,tion Authority." Carried. Warden - Damore Continued. Ont.Building Officials ~Sociation,- Cdn. Canners ~ 8. Property. Industrial Development Conference. ~~' 5. Allan Meetin~with 6 10. Com~cil & Bd. Education 6. Mitchelson Allan "THAT we authorize the Reeve and Clerk to petition the Provincial Govern- ment forinterimpayment of the statutory grant under the Highway Improvement Act 6n expenditures made durins: the period January 1st, 1958 to Ausust 31st, 1958 in a total amount of $310,407.22." Carried. ¢ 7. Mitchelson Allan Mitchelson .:. Keighan v~ 9. Mitchelson Allan 'Mitchelson Warden -'Da more ~ 6.: Mitchelson Transfer Allan ' ",TIL~T we recommend approval to the Niagara' Falls & Suburban Area Plannin~ Board of a transfer of Parc Twp. Lot 87 from George Warden co Peter Damore, The property bein8 of Keighan Allan Sewaae conditi, on%~ll. Mitchelson Allan feet on the West side of Montrose Road by a depth of 175 feet, and being numbered 4 according to a draft plan submittad by Mr. Warden and dated September 4th, 1958. This approval is granted on condition that the following provisions apply: 1. That taxes are paid in full on the property this conveyance is being sold from to December 31st, 1958, 2. That the lot be included and regi- stered on any future plan of subdivision of the adjacent property, 3. That the extension of the sewer northerly to Lot No. 4 cannot be con- sidered until the 1959 Local Improve- ment programme is considered." Carried. "THAT the Building Inspector be authorized to attend the Ontario Building Officials Association at Maple, Ontario on Oct. 1st, 1958." Carried. "THAT Council feels the $1000 price requested by the Canadian Canners is reasonable and is prepared to accept its responsibility for 50% of the cost if the Township of Niagara' accepts its 50% share." Carried. "THAT the members of the Industrial Committee be authorized to attend the Industrial Development Conference in Toronto, October 2 and 3." Carried. "THAT the Clerk be authorized to arrange a meetin~ between the Board of Education and Council to discuss with the Board the suggested programme for the capital financin~ of schools in the area for the next five.years." Ca'tied. "THAT Council':ask the Director of the Welland & District Health Unit if there ia any legal action that can be ~aken to force the Cwo people conceJme4~I .with unsatisfactory sewage condition.~[/ at the co,nor of Lundy's Lane and ~ Ga~ner Road to correct it in ~he ~interest of public health." Carried. Debentures - '~ 12. ,Keighan $23,500. Allan By-law ~307 "BY-LAW No. 2307, 1958. A By-law to provide for the issue of Debentures in the p~incipal amount of $23,500 for extensions and improvements to the Sewa§e System in Stamford Sewer Area." Read a ~hlrd. t..i~_e and passed. · -. '.. By, law 2261. ,, 13. Keighan Mitchelson "BYaLAW No. 2261, 1958. A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of $314,500 for the purposes herein mentioned." Read a third.time and passed. By-law 2282 ~ 14. Keighan Allan "BY-LAW No. 2282, 1958. A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in the principal amount of $85,000 for extensions and imp. rovements to the Electrical Power Distribution System of the Township of Stamford." Read a third time and passed. By-law 2315 15. Kei§han Mitchelson "BY-LAW No. 2315, 1958. A By-law to authorize the issue of Debentures in ~ggr~ga~e'.pr%nc~pal-amoun~ 9f $923,000. for various purposes." Read a first, second and third trine and passed. Treasurers Report · 16. Kei~han Allan "THAT the report of the Treasurer dated September 15th, 1958 of Lands liable to be sold for tax arrears be received and the Treasurer be instructed to advertise for sale such of the lands as are not.paidup by November lst., 1958." Carried. Diamond Jubilee Nome & School ASSO~ · A letter from the Diamond Jubilee Home and School Association was received'requestin~ a traffic suide at the corner of Dorchester Road and Barker Street for the protection of school childran. It was decided to refer this letter to the Police Commission for a r~port. Extension to ~on ¥~lla Hotel Mr. A. J. Bradley, Buildins Inspector, presented a blueprint in connection with an application for a buildins permit for an extension to the Bon ¥illa Hotel on Lundy~s Lane. He ,pointed out that the addition had the appearance of a motel which would not be permitted in that area of Lundy's Lane. He added, however, that the application was made on ~he basis that the addition w6ul~'~actually be part of the Hotel proper. M~mhers of Council asreed tha~ the permit be sranted providin~ the addition is strictly an 'in~esral par~ of Che Notel:proper 'and conf.o, cmsf to .all by-laws of 17. Allan Mitchelson "THAT we do now adjourn to meet September 18th at 2 p.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned )t.15, NO. 63. 1958. Hour 10:30 P.M. . Clerk A Special Co~mittee Meeting of Council was held on Thursday, September 18th, 1958 at 2 p.m, in the Township Hall. A. G. Bridge J. N. Allan R, F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor The following representatives of the Departments of Public Works and Post Master General, were present: W. E. Pearson, Regional Director, Postal Services in Ontario, R. N. Reive, District Director of Postal Services - Toronto, D. G. Crabs, District Architect, Department of Public Works, D. A. Freeze, Director of Property, Department of Public Works, Dr. g. P. Weeks, Director,' Economics Branch, Dept.Puhlic Works. By invitation, the following representatives of the South End Business Men's Association attended: C. Cassady, President, Henry Bickle Sr., P. Marshall, Frank C. Reid, , Wm. Saks, · A. Mingle. Reeve BridEe opened the meetin~ and explained that the Government representatives were here for the purpose of discussin~ the proposed new Post Office for the Greater Hissers Area. He mentioned that this meetin~ was a result of representation our Council had made to the authorities .in Ottawa to have the proposed new Post Office established in the ~eo~raphical centre of the Creater Niagara Area. Ne pointed out reasons why a Post Office should be established in a central location of the Con,unity and requested the 'To~nship Engineer to explain Stamford's development by the use of prepared maps. Mr. Eidt presented plans which showed the areas of Stamford T~wnship developed as Residential, Con~ercial, and Industrial. At the conclusion of this e~lanationMr. Pearson of the Post Office Department stated :::that. in his opinion the Post Office should be retained in :the old commercial area of:~Nia8ara~Falls, He felt that if it was m~ved elsewhere it would have a .distinct effec~ on the economy of the Queen Street area, Mr. D. A, Freeze of the Public Works Department mnncioned that hfs Department .~'~'~ .. . :vii interested in housinS the followim~ Federal qenciel · : located in the ~reaCer HisSers Area in propag Oove~enc :'- ~ Purpose Cg~tinued Declaration oi Policy South End Poet Of fi. ce Adioum. Unemployment Insuranc e ,.Commission, ' Fisheries Department, Department of A~riculture, Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He stated that the Postal Authorities were insist- in~ that the Post Office be retained at the North end o£ the City of Niagara Falls. He asked if Council would be satisfied if a Federal Buildin~ was located at the South end of the City for the purpose of housing.some of the other Departments of the Govermaent possibly ineludin~ the Unemployment Insurance Co-~iesion, and arrangements made to erect a postal station on the property at a later date. Mr. Pearson of the Postal Department mentioned that the new Post Office could nsc be considered any further south than Jepson Street at Victoria Avenue. After further discussion of the matter the Reeve requested the Federal representatives to retire and the entire questionwas considered in Co~,~ttee by the Council and the South End Business Men's Association. The discussions of the F~deral representatives appeared to indicate that no possibility existed to have the new Poet Office located in the South end of the City or in StamfordT~wnship, and as a consequence the follewin~ declaration of policy was agreed to by the m~bere of the~hmicipal Council and the group represent- in~ the South end Business Men's Asso~iation: "The ~unicipal Council of the Township of Stamford and the Group representin~ the South End Business Mens" Association of Niagara Falls are agreeable to a com- promise on the Post Office buildin~ by leavin~ the Post Office in its present location on Queen Street in the City of Niagara Falls, on the understanding that we are given assurance that a new Federal build- in~ will be erected in the South end of the City or in the To~nship~of SCamford with sufficient land to accommodate a postal station at a later datewhen the need arises. A18o, we reluctantly express our objec- tions to the facilities and services bei~ rendered by the present South-end Sub Poet When the ~overnaent repreoentativea returned, a copy of the above declaration of policy was provided for them and a short diecuseionwas held v iCh Mr. Pearson and ~r. aeive concerniu~ the Poet Office facilities exist- in, at the South ,end of the City. Members of Council expressed dieoatiefac~jL~nw£th the facilities and ser- vices belu~ rendered. It was pointed out that this was no reflection on the present operator in particular, but it was felt that some arrangement should be made · -co provide ~aciliCies vhichvould be better than a -,Sub PoeC Office, buc pechape lees than a Postal Station. No. 64 Present Pu, rpose Reeve Erid~e 'A Joint Public Meeting of the Councils of the City of Niagara Falls and the Township of Stamford was held at the City Hall on Thursday, September 18th at 7:30 p.m. Representation from the Township of Stamford: Reeve A. G. Bridge, Councillors: J. N. Allan, R. F. Keighan & E. E. Engineer, C. ~. Eidt, Clerk, A. C. Huggins. Mitchelson, Representation from the City of Niagara Falls: Mayor E. M. Hawkins, Aldermen: C. Gregory, A. J. McKinley, F. Miller, & H. Morton, City Clerk, D. C. Patten,, Assistant Engineer, S. Price. The following representatives of the Post Master General and Public Works Departments were in attendance: W. E. Pearson, Regional Director, Postal Services in Ontario, R. H. Retve, District Director, Postal Services, Toronto, Do D.A. Dr.E. A.G. Creba, District Architect, Department of Public Works, Freeze, Director of Property, Department of Publ.Works, P. Weeks, Director, Economics Branch,Dept.of Publ.Works, Morris, District Postal Inspector. Mayor E. M. Hawkins opened the meetin~ and explained that · Mr. Creba of the Department of Public Works had requested a joint meeting of the two Councils for the purpose of dis- cussing the location of the proposed new Post Office for the Greater Niagara Area and then called on Reeve Bridge. Reeve Bridge advised that the meeting was the result of represents[ions made by Stamford Council to the Post Mae~er General and the Minister of Public Works in Ottawa on September 2nd. He stated that a petition bearing approxi- mately 2500 names was presented at that time requesting that the Post Office be built at the South end of the City of Niagara Falls or in Stamford Township. The request was made since the petitioners together with the Council of S~amford Town8hip felt that the best interests of the Com- munity would be 8erred if the new Post Office was erected in the appDximate centre of the C~ity. He stressed that S~amford Council had advocated the 19cation for the new Post Office at the South end of the City of Niagara Fall8 rather than S~a~ford Township..He also had Er~ineer ' Eidt present plans showing'the built-up section8 of Stamford and Niagara Falls. Mr. W. E. Pearson was then called on and 'he stated that one Postal outlet in the Greater Niagara Area -'wonldbe sufficient. He felt that the Poet Office should re~ain onQueen Street or move to Vicgoria Avenue not further south than Jopeon Street. Mayor liavkins then called on,embers of both Councils to ,;The Poet Office officials agreed that this think~ was e~ure an expression of their thinkin~. -Cworthy,~au~o~lt/e8Oi c~oide~atl~in and ~eed Co discuss it with, · Ot~a eta c~fer~ce bei held .in - ~ Alde~n Mort~ asked if the preset Post Office would .the n~r ~tu=e. · )" ~ 'adeq~te 'for Niagara Falls erected at' -S~ch End."" There bein~ no ~rCher business Ch~ meeting adjourned, Alderman GreKory .Alde~man Miller Councillor ~itchelson Councillor Allen Councillor ~ei~b~n MayoF Hawkins Sr. D. Potter Declaration of Policy of Alderman Gregory.favoured Q~een Street for the location of the Post Office with an alternative bein~ on Victoria Avenue north of Jepson Street. · Alderman Miller was opposed to movin~ the Post Office from Queen Street or building a new one on Victoria Avenue. He recommended the construction of a new Federal building at the South end for Unemployment Insurance Co-~ssion and other Departments. He understood that a second Post Office could be entertainedwhen the population exceeds 50,000. Councillor E. E. Mitchelson suggested thaC preliminary dis- cussions should have been on an area basis. As a result of the discussions in Ottawa the authorities had asked for 'an objective re-assessment of facilities in this area. Stamford had thought of the Community as a whole and in view of the fact that 62%of the population in the Greater Niagara Community is West of Stanley Avenue, had teton--ended the location for the new Post Office at the South end of the City which was:approximately the geographic centre of the 'Councillor 3. N. Allan questioned the money required to renovate the old Post Office in its present location. Councillor R. F. Keighan stated thai'Stamford had been reasonable in their approach in asking for the main Post Office to be located in the centre of population in some 'area at the South end of N~agara Falls. 'At this point, Mayor Hawkins advised the meeting that ,ori~inally in his report of March 3rd, hah ad informed Council that Post Office Officials had called at hie Office and discussed the proposed new Post Office with sen~or Officials of the City and himself. The Deputy Minister of Public Works preferred the location for the 'Post Office at VictoriaAvenue and Jepsen Street, but the 'City Council felt that the Post Office should remain on :Q~.~en~treet and at the City*s request they had a meeting with the Postal Officials on MaY. Sth. He stated that hie Council had not taken a selfish view on the matter since the present Post Office was located in their City 'and the.proposed change was also located in their con- fines. The,Mayor,then asked for qther persons in '~he.Cfuncil 'Chamber ,to eXpFees their ~hinktng: ,Mr. Dexter Potter expressed his objection to the Vic- tor,.ia & Jepeon gite because of ch.e, lack of facilities. Mr. C. Cassady, President og~he Sou~h End Business Men's iAssociation stated chat his group were in ·ccord with the 'decis£onarrived,~ac by Stamford Council. AC this point, Mr. B=id~e read a copy of the declaration · of policy decided on by S~amfo~d Council at the afternoon §,Cam~ord; meecinSwiCh Che-.offic.ial8 of the CwodeparCmenCs, ? ." .Councillor Kei han disasreed with the re ulacionvhich ' ' 'Wonld nsc pemic aovin the Post Office more Chart one- . .. · ;.:: .,,~ ?.,' 'quarter mile. He mentioned Chat the sub Post Office ' ~ .: ,, .: .aC the South end of the City-is tmadequate and while he · :, .... :, "; ,was nsc happy with the declaration of policy of Stamford, .. he had a reed Co LC" feelin&: there was no alCemaCive. ' : - ' H e~p_ reseed the hope that · :Foetal Station would be . : - ? dried CO & ~W bull, din~ aC the South ~m.d 'in:,Che ." MFs.McCutcheon Mr.C. Masters .Mr.J.Vandersluys Mr. Freeze TwD.Resolution ~ld.McKinley Adjourn Sept. 18, 1958. Ho. 65. Mrs. McCutcheon of the South End Business Men's Associa- tion asked what guarantee we would have for a new Federal building at the Sou~h end of the City. Mr. Cecil Masters pointed out that a Post Office on Queen Street is central for all transportation facilities, and serves part of Stamford Can=re. Mr. John Vandersluys representin$ the Victoria Avenue Business Men's Association mentioned that the Bell Telephone and Hydro facilities were located on Victoria Avenue and that Victoria Avenue would make an ideal loca- tion for a new Post Office. Mr. Freeze of the Department of Public Works advised that the Federal Government has a housing problem in Niagara Falls. It is the policy of the Government to house all branches and departments of the Government in their own buildi~s and he felt it was possible that some of the Departments of the Government located in this district could be located in a new building that might be erected at the South end of the City or in Stamford Township. Such a proposal could be proposed to ~he authorities. If approved, a start could be made on the Postal problem. The Mayor then asked if any in the Hall disagreed with the Township resolution and George White and John Vandersluys expressed dissatisfaction and stated that it was their desire that the Post Office be located on Victoria Avenue. It was finally decided to delete the last sentence of the resolution dealing with facilities and service being rendered by the present South end Sub Post Office. The members of the City Council decided not =o vote on any resolution at this meeting and on motion of Aldermen Morton and Miller it was ordered that the resolution With thalast sentence deleted, be referred to a full meeting of the City Council on Monday, September 22nd. Mr. McKinley suggested that off-street parking should be considered for a new Federal buildinE when erected. The Mayor expressed the appreciation of the meeting to the Federal representatives and Mr. W. L. Houck, M.P,, for their interest in this matter, meeting. Reeve and then adjourned the )Clerk A Regular Meeting of the C. ouncil was held on Monday, S, epCeaber /2nd, 1958'ac 7.30 p..m. " A.O. Brid~e Reeve · rW' R. Sootheran Deputy-~eeve : J.N. Allan Councillor R. F. Keighan Councillor ._ E.E. ~ttchelson Councillor Minutes ~ccount~ ~elief Road~ ~ 1. · Keighan - Allan ."'THAT the minutes of the meetings held on Sept-~n-her 15th and September 18th, 1955 be adopted as printed." Carried. 2. Allan ....... Mitchelson ,~'TMAT we do new adjourn to go into Finance C~mmittee and pass Accounts." Carried. 3 · Keighan Allan "TMAT the statememt of Relief Accommts ~ated September 19th, 1958 as presemted, be accepted and the accounts be paid amountin~ to $~,80~.38." . Carried. Allan ,Kei~han '"THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated September 19th, 1958, as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $50,91~.6~." Carried. 5 · Keisban Allan "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated September 19th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $179,723.57." Carried. Greater Niagara United Appeal Payroll ~eductions. Gas Vents. Council received a letter from the Greater Niagara United Appeal in connection wigh their forthcoming campaign. The communication advised that the Community Chest Agencies had joined with the Canadian Red Cross Society in the forma- tion of the United Appeal and it was expected that other Health and Welfare agencies operating in the area would join later on. They requested Council for their co-operation in arranging payroll deductions to assist the Township employees in their contributions. 8. Mitchelson Sootheran "THAT Council give serious considera- tion to the implementing of a payroll deduction plan for the employees on a voluntary basis and that this be the only welfare appeal that a payroll deducgion be allowed for. If the contribution should be less than $5.00 the deduction limit be 3 months and if $5.00 or more, the deduction may be spread over 12 months." Carried. Financ ,e, ~ 6. Allan Keighan "THAT the Committee on Financ.e do ~ Spears ~ 9. now arise and resume the bus,ness ' - i of Council." " ! Carried · Mary Tench'to Dorothy Beatrice Spears. dedicate Block ~ 7. -Mitchelson · B on Plan 183.. Allan ,'_T~_~! a By-law be prepared to dedi- The portion being transferred having ~ Bl~k "B" shown on Registered :' a frontage of 62 feet un the west ~i~;' No. ~$3 as a public road and ~ side of Montrose Road by a depth of ~ to be ~ame~ "Carolyn Avenue". This , ' 211.27 feet as shown on a survey Sc.James Ave... ,~ ~. The name o£ Sc.James Avenue shown mx 71a~__1.83 was c_o~8 red ; and it ~aS detemined ~haC the v~ of the ·fact thc it .~be ~t~ d~cly-th=~h to c~ecc wLth t~t portL~ "~f Sc. Jmo Argue uo~h o~ the H,S, & T. ~hCoof-Hay,~or ch~o ':~ It vas d~d~ C~C the Miter C and ~ of a authority is given On the under- -~'~andin~ that the purchaser of Lot Ho~ 9 will be responsible for the payment of any road costs required co extend the road surface from Burdette D~iVe Sonth." Ca=rind. dated September 8th, 1958 prepared by R. J. Matthews, O.L.S." ~. ~ A letter from Mr. John Demetre was received reque8ting· Council Co take the necessary action to initiate the construction of sewer and water services within Registered Plan 135. Included in such action would be an application Co the Ontario l~nicipal Board for their ': ' ' approval Co issue Debentures for the Townahip's share of ,:~- -' the works amount~ Co an escha~Ced cost of $31.318.00. Allan Ke£ghan "THAT we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board of a transfer of Part Township Lot No. 210 from Alice The Committee comprised of Wm. Pattison, C. H. Eidt, and A. J. Bradley, brought in a report in connection with the use of gas vents in the Township of Stamford. Mr. Viis Antonio attended the meeting and stated that although he was a member of the Committee he had not been given an opportunity to study the report brought in by the Committee. In view of this fact, and the length of the report, it was decided to table the matter for a future meeting after the Committee had reviewed their report with Mr. Antonio. Due to the absence of the Plumbing Inspector from his Office this week, it was decided that the report should be submitted to Council on October 6th. Plan 135 Con, i'd Services in Plan 135. there were considerable tax, arrears against the lots contained in this subdiviaion and it wa8 agreed that the by-law could not be passed until such time as the taxes are paid in full to December 31at, 1958. 10. Mitchelson Allan "THAT Council authorize the prepara- tion of a by-law for the construc- tion of sewer and water mains within Registered Plan No. 135 in accordance with the agreemen= reached by Council with the owner, provided the taxes on this subdivision are paid in full until December 31st, 1958." Carried. with Officials. 'ireworks Apple Day a 11. Sootheran Kei~han "THAT the Boy Scout Assoc. be granted permission to hold their Annual Apple Day on October 18th." Carried. ostal Service A.G.Brid~e Park ~ack Stop 12. Sootheran Keighan "THAT the report of the Park Com- mittee in relationship to the ins~al- lation of a back-stop at the A.G. Bridge Park be adopted and the firm ofKnisht & Bolton be given the contract at a price of $650.38." C~lttee of Adjustment Cdn.Canners Property Acquisition Of Land. Carried. The Clerk advisedCouncil that the Cou~u£ctee of AdJus~nent had been officially established and had commenced to function in connection with their duties. He su~ested that a resolution should be passed seCtin~ the rate of reualneration to be paid to the members in accordance with the provisions incorporated in By-law NO. 2242 which .established the Coum£Ctee. It was decided Co Cable Chis matter for consideration. A coununicaCion was ,received from the Township of Niagara wherein it was orated their Council wa8 'in agreement with payin~ the Canadian Canners Ltd. an amount of $1000 for approxhnately one acre of land required to widen the Town Line Road between Stamford and Niagara ~gh}~.S. - · . ~. 13,. MiCchelson ~. Ke~han .~THAT the Solicitor be instructed to · proceed with the acqu£sition of a Parcel of land fr~ the Canadian Traffic at Itamford Centre &dt ouru A letter was received from Mr. Hugh Lamb of the Soldier Settlement and Veterans Land Act Authorities in London advisin§ that the meeting as scheduled with representatives of his Department for 4:30, September 22nd, was not acceptable, and requestin~ a meeting on Monday, October Z0th at 4:30 p.m. The alternate date was accepted as satisfactory by Council. Council received a resolution from the Local Council of Women suggestin~ control of the use and sale of Fireworks within the Greater Niagara area. It was decided that effective control could not be instituted by one Munici- pality within the area and it was directed to brin~ this resolution to the attention of the three Councils of the municipalities i~ the area, the first ~ime a joint meeting is held. 14. Mitchelson Allan ',~ 15. "THAT the Clerk be instructed tO write the Postmaster-General and request his consideration of a gradin~ of a postal service between a Sub Post Office and a Postal Station for the South End of Niagara Falls. This situation must apply in many munici- palities throughout Canada." Keighan Mitchelson Carried. "TNAT the Clerk be authorized to send a letter of condolence to the family of the late Robert Dawson on behalf of Council and Municipal Officials." Carried. Councillor E. E. Mitchelson requested the Traffic Co~!tcee to consider the con[us·on that exists tn North bound. traffic from Drummond and Port·se Roads proceeding through the traffic lights at Stamford Centre. He sC·ted that the controls governing the flew of traffic from Drummond Road and Portage Road are not placed in the best location to. effectively direct the traffic. The Traffic Committee. agreed to consider this matter and brin~ ~n a report. 16. Allan MiCchelson ~ ,[' ~,.,:: :.Canners Ltd. for the reconscEuctton ,. i 'Carried. ~ '~- { a~m~ a p~u ~or Chi re-l~act~ of railways in '~?~?' ~ ' '~ ,"GroCer Nia~ra Ar~ ~ s~ha way C~C the "THAT we do now adjourn co meet on Monday, September 29Ch, 1958 aC 7:30 p.m." Carried. ~eecins Adjourned, Hour 9:30 P.M. aeeve.,. ,. · ,%' · pres ,est Minutes 1. Hawker & Pedlar ^ 2. License Theresa Street Road Construe- t ion, Tourist Camps * 4. A Regular Meetin~ of the CoCci1 was held on Monday, September 29th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. Keighan Mitchelson Mitchelson Kei~han A. ¢. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E, Mitchelson Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meeting held on September 12nd, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried. "T~AT the application for a Hawker & Pedlar's License from Valentino Zattera of 3913 Th,told Stone Road be refused." Carried. Messrs. Mort,la and Mucicko, owners of property ac the inter- section of Theresa Street and Portage Road, addressed Council and requested that the road be constructed on Theresa Street in accordance with the agreement entered ~nto with the Township by the subdivider. 3. Sootheran Keighan Fuel Dealers 5. Allan- Kei8han "THAT the subdivider of Theresa Street be asked to provide the funds for the road construction." Carried. Keighan Mitchelson "THAT the followir~ applications for Tourist Camp Licenses be approved: Frank Bores, 3225 Lundy'sLane, Stamford Motel Ltd., 1334 Kitchener St., Roland Doucet, 4511 Lundy's Lane, Vic tuallir~ Licenses Mitchelson Keighan "THAT the following applications for Victualling Licenses be approved: Marie & Dee Manella, O'Neil Street (2), R. G. Ireton, 248 Portage Road N., Roland Doucet, 4511Lundy's Lane." Slaughterhouse, ,' 8, Retail Meat %icenses. Allan Keighan Carried. "THAT the following applications for Licenses be approved: R. W. Glintz, Kalar Rd. (Slaughterhouse), R. W. Glintz, Kalar Rd. (Retail Meat), Albert Emslie, 2116 Dunn St.(Retail Meat)! Civil Defence Equi~ment Kei~han Allan Carried. "THAT we endorse the resolution rela- tive to Civil Defence forwarded by the Realtors Association of Greater Niagara and authorize the Clerk to contact the proper Provincial and Federal authorities with a request that proper Civil Defence equipment be made available to Area "A" since we are considered the fifth target area of importance in the Province of Ontario, that we request senior governments to provide more information in respect to Civil Defence and accept more respon- sibility and leadership in organizin~ an adequate Civil Defence organization throughout the country." Public Garages. -,~.6.~'- Keishan St.Catharinee Fuel Otis, - .~: · St,Catharines Growers Co-op.Ltd,,-'.~ Carried. Sst.Bldg. ~ 10. Allan Conference. Mitchelson "THAT the En~ineer, Buildin~ Inspector, and Plumbin~ Inspector be authorized Ted Stelmazynski, 3273 Montrose Rd., to attend the Ontario Buildin~ Official8 S. Vorkapich, 3611 Lundy'8 Lane, 'Association Conference to be held at '..Albert Furs, 2537 Stanley Avenue, -Maple on Wednesday, October let, and George A. Fischer, 1743 Th.told Stone Rd they be asked to obtain all available Paul Savrl~a, 3558 Lundy's Lane." information possible in respect to gas " vent chimneys." ; .... Carried. Carried. '/- . ~ ~t 11. Sootheran -"THAT the follo~in~ applications for .. Allan "THAT the Stamford Lions Club b~ sranted.: andFUelllcenses~ealer'Sgranted=esLicens be approved pe~mission to sell Tulip bulbs frou door to door durin8 the evenir~ o~ .'.John Nears Coal Co,, 601 Erie Ave,, ' .' Octubei 2nd, 1958," . Carried. Osborne to '~ 1~. Sootheran C,o,~_rn~t~.. '"".,.." ' --Kelshan' "THAT we reco~nend approval to the . -Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Plannt~S ~... ...... . ~. .~.- . ..... Board of a transfer of a.parcel con. 'j]ichJaPublic~ry olal·P D~yCarkO, ' 2033 ~arn~a _~_.ha.cLtnenSal k, 1181 Th, told Dnu~md be approved: SCone Road,, Rd. ~ 'ff ~~ '~ ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' P:' ' '" ''~ ' ~ ' ' rw' ' '': '''' ...... ~' r ' d' ' p ~ ;~ " ' ~ ' , ;" '"' +''''?''~ ~ ,i ":' ~'' '· ':":~' '"''.,, ,'~' pr.petty .:sketch Osborne attached to to Ern~esC be conveyed to R, letter Corneil. te fro~ choys The John on g. D. Rand, :~236 BelVa~dmSl Read, -/, ''" ::" , , '- . . Broderick da~ed Sept. 26th, 1958,.' Th 12. (Continued) Jones to Hope- ~ 13. Mitchelson Gill Transfer. Allan taxes on the property this parcel is bein~ transferred from are paid in full t~ December 31st, 19582' Carried. "THAT we race,need approval to the H£agara Palls & Suburban Area Plannin~ Board of a transfer of Part Twp. Lot 87 from Wilfred T. Jones to Donald Hope-Gill. The property being' tran- sferred is comprised of 17.66 acres located on the East side of Kalar Road as shown on blueprint dated August 26th, 1958 prepared by R. J. Matthews, eLS. The approval is granted on con- .. dition that taxes are paid in full to Dec~ber 31et, 1958'on the property this transfer is bein~made from°" Carried. 14..(Continued) Tothfaluse Subdivision Council's action in making the deletion from the resolution and thinking in i, terms of City boundaries rather than '~ providing the best facilities for the !% residents of the Greater Niagara Area and ,i that we request the City Council to re- 'Il consider their action on the basis of an area matter rather than a local City prob- lem by endorsing the resolution in its original form without a deletion." Carried. A petition was received from the owners of the Tothfaluse Subdivision registered as Plan No. 157, requesting the con- struction of roads and sidewalks within their subdivision. The Engineer advised that funds have been secured for road construction and he proposed to commence this construction at an early date. He considered it was late in the year to construct all the sidewalks, but thought there might be a possibility to construct the sidewalks on one side of each street. ...... = .... lutionwas received from the City Clerk of Resolution of A £eccer emu ~==~- . Construction Niagara Falls advising_that the ~o.u~.czl had_~__~_~r~ecord. ~f Sidewalks. ~ as bein~ in accord with our res?~t~on c_o~_~_.~_~,~..~'~l.. with the deletion of the words or ~n tee ~ownm,~p ~- S~mford" in the sixth line. Township > 14. Mitchelson REsolution. ~el~han -T~ATWII~REAS the ~ou~ci~ of the City of Niagara Falls ac its meeti~ Intersection Q.E.Wa~ & Money, S~t~er 22nd deleted th~ -,, McLeo4 R~d. word8 "or in the T~ship of St~m=~ra f=~ che a~reed c~r~tse resolu=~ d=afted after the meeti~ with the Federal pos=al and Public Works Offtcials. ~9~S ~his resolution asrced ~o hav~ =he pos~ office ' north ~d of the City and the estab- lis~t of a n~ federal bu~ldi~ ~ Zhe South ~d or ~ Zhe T~ship of - So,ford. ~D ~S a= no s~a~e duri~ the dis- cussi~s ~a che S~ford Co~c~l asked ~ the po~.Office be-1sca=ed In che Township · AND ~tiERF..AS after our discussions with the Federal Officials, a 8ec~d Federal build~ applied to be a possibility, ~he S~o~d ~ail us of the opini~ -~ht I suitible site v~ld be located the S~th ~d of the 2ity o= in St~- 'io~d Tsfhip with ici li~Se and e~and- '"i~ .p~uiati~. Site this app~ro to be a r~s~ble and loSictl soluti~ to .; >the p=obl~ it is difficult to under- stand the City C~ciltf decifi~. ...[ ~0~, be it resolved th~ ~e _.. ,rOsS ~ di~ppolu~} ~ $~e..'City ., ~ By- law Se~er & Water 15. Sootheran Kei~han "THAT the subdivider be asked to provide the funds for the construction of side- walks on Green, Hodgson and Wayne Street as soon as possible." Carried. A letter dated September 19th, 1958 was received from the Minister of Highways advising that in response to our request for traffic lights at the intersection of McLeod Road and the Queen Elizabeth Way a study had been carried out by the Traffic En~ineers. The study pointed out that considerin~ the warrants used as standards throughout the Continent to determinethe need of traffic lights, this location does not qualify, and consequently the conditions as they now exist do not recommend the erection of traffic lights. He remarked that the situation on the Queen Elizabeth Way in es far as traffic.li~ht8 are concerned, cause so many accidents that the Department had been forced to rehabilitate the stretch of highway between Toronto and Hamilton, removing the traffic lights and building service roads and installing grade eepara- ,tione. 'He indicated that this problem was being experienced all over the Continent, and all studies are directed toward ~ eltm~nating traffic lights, unless they are absolutely necessary. Council received a copy of By-law.No. 3026 passed by the Council of,the County of Welland and being a By-law to license nure~n~ homes in thb County. Me. ers expressed their appreciation of this legislation since all municipalities will be entitled to a Provincial grant to assist in the main- · tenants cos~s for patients residing in licensed nursing homes. 16. Mltcheleon Allen , :, · - "THAT the E~ineer be instructed to '" · - proceed with sewer and water instell&- tion on SC.George Street between '~ ~' ' ..... .... ~'" : ~ &' McMickins Street vhen tho · 1~'~ Trailer Camp A letter from Mr. Ambros~ Severey, the occupant of a trailer at Luigi Giammattolo's Trailer Park, advised he objected the trailer license fee, and'he was havin~ it checked by some authority in Toronto. Council directed =hat he be advised that we do not object to his right to live in the manner of his choice, but we do insist that the owner of a trailer camp pay $10.00 for each and every trailer lo- cated in a licensed trailer Adjourn. ,~ 17. Sootheran Keighan ~'THAT we do now adjourn to neet on Monday, October 6th at 7:30 p.a." Carried. (After adjournment, members of the Council and Officials, alon~with their wives proceeded to the home of Hr. and Mrs. A. C. $olley on SC.Marks Avenue, where the Member and his wife entertained.) Meetinig Adjourned. i Sept.29, '1958. No. 6Z. Present. Reeve Hour 9:35 P.M. Clerk At the request of the Stamford District Board of Education a Joint Meetin~ of the Municipal Councils of the Village of Chippawa and the Townships of Willou~hby and Stamford was held in the Court Room of the Stamford Police Administration Buildin~ on Tuesday, September 30th, 1958 at 8 p.m. · }tamford Township ChiDDawa Deputy-Reeve W. R. Sootheran,' Councillor J. N. Allan, Councillor B. E. Mitchelson, En~ineer, C. H. Eidt, Clerk, A. C. Hudgins. i;. 'S~iord Board of Deputy-Reeve J. Cartier, Councillor J. Ives, Councillor G. Watson, Councillor J. MacKenzie, Clerk, R. T. N, ~allan. .Reeve H. Mo~n!n~star, " Councillor C. Sounerville, C°UnCkllor RJ'Hextner, '~ouncillor A. Douslas,~ ,Clerk, C. H. Orr. : Chairman, F. Rutland., ~ ~:~ * ..... Board Members: ::', :~ ...... ' ~' - -- · 'Mrs, A, W, F. MeQu..e~e~, . " ":M~. J. Ms,roe, : ,. : ' , ...Mr. W. O,'R~ley, ..... ~ : ~:~, W,'A, Scott, ' ~.'" '" ..... Secre~ry, R. A. ~L~d. . :~:~:<'. pepuCy-aeeve Soochoran opened the meetin~ and ~la~ed ~ ~d be~ 'sailed co pr~tdo '~ .-~ , ~ ~po~C~iCy for the :~,' ' a~rd of ~act~' Co ~eC Cost Co discuss proposed capital financing required for new schools during the next five years. He then called on Mr. Rutland, Chairman of the Board to act as spokesman for the Board and opened up the discussion. Brief Mr. Rutland read a prepared brief to the meeting, copies of which were distributed to all present. The brief mentioned that a survey of accon~odation needs for both Public and Separate Schools had been made for the years 1959 to 1963. It indicated that acconwodation must be provided for approxi- mately 900 Secondary School students that were §raduatin~ from Public schools, and that 39 additional class rooms would be required by 1963 for the accommodation of Public School students. To provide this accommodation the followin~ proposed building schedule was su§§ested: Project 1...1959 .... new secondary school ..... $1,300,000 Project 2... 1960 .... public schools .............. 390,000 Project 3 ·.. 1961 .... Stamford Collegiate ......... 700,000 Project 4...196~ .... Public schools .............. 195,000 Pro~ ect 5. · .1963 ·.. ,Public schools.. '. .......... · 195,000 TOTAL ........................................ $ 2,780. 000 When Mr. Rutland completed the reading of the brief, a question period followed, durin~ which the following questions were raised~ 1. Reeve Morningstar requested information on what impact a merger of the municipalities in the. area might have on schools. The Beard Chairman replied to the question and indicated that the proposed schools would all be required since the population would possibly be on the perimeter of an Urban Area. 2. Deputy-Reeve Sootheran asked if consideration had been given to the possibility that the Separate School authorities might construct a high school for Separate School supporters in this area. The Board Chairman replied Chat this possibility had been considered and the Board was of the opinion that such a school would not affect the Board's need for acconwo- dation durin~ the next five years. He added that Provincial grants would only be paid to Grade lO for such a school. 3. In answer to a question, Mrs. HcQueen stated that the Board lmd nsc purchased land for Che new Secondary school up Co the present time although some study had been given the matter. It was proposed to locate the new school in Stamford Township. ~e In response Co another question, Mr. McLeod advised that Secondary school was only supplyin~ education for students livins outside the boundaries of Stamford, ~and Willoughby. He advised that the grants ~or the ne~ would be on the same basis as the A. N. Nye~ School. · :5. In response to another question raised, Mrs. HcQueen ..advised that 1000 pupils es a school is usually considered an optimum enrolmenC in hish schools. This could be raised ~Co 1200 if the school Il equipped vi,ch shops. She indicated ·:'chac the Board was desirous of eonscructin8 a third school and that all three schools would probably be :tat the ~uCure Co the ~uestions Cont'd Formal request for first phase of Bld~.Schedule Adtourn. 6. A representati~e of Stamford requested information in r~spect to the Debenture amounts each Hunicipality will nave to arrange for during the next five years. The.B.oard.a.dv. ised that this information would be for- Z~e~i~.~uld s~.o~, the estimated amount that ..... t ~x~y wouia nave to raise during each of ~ =Lye years. 7. Hemb~rs of the Board stressed that the pr.o~.ision for public school development ~ncludes the ant~cipated gro~h of the area in consideration, but in the case of h~h school, the report only takes the present elementary school population (both Public & Separate) into account. Mr. Rutland, on behalf of the Board thanked the members ,of Council for the opportunity of discussin~ school accommodation with them and advised that formal request for the first phase of the proposed building schedule would be fo~arded to the Councils in the near ~uture. Deputy-Reeve Sootheran expressed the thanks of the meeting to the Board for presenting the brief and giving explanations to the various matters brought up. 1. Reeve H. Morningstar, '- Deputy-Reeve Cartier. "THAT the meeting do now adj sum," ' Finance Bld~.Pe~mits. Taxi License 5. Keighan SooCheran Sootheran Allan Mitchelson Allan Allan Mitchelson "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated October 3rd, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $158,664.23." Carried. "THAT the Co~nittee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. "THAT we accept the report of the Building Inspector for Building Permits issued during the month of September amounting to $453,650.00." Carried. "THAT the app~ication for a Taxi Driver's License from Ralph Lownes of 2055 Grey Avenue be approved and license granted." Carried. Sept. 30,1958. No. 68 Present .1.1.~, nut eS. Finance _ A Reg~la~ Meeti~ of the Council was held on Monday, October 6th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. (All Present]. 1. Sootheran Allan ."TItAT the minutes of the meetings held on Sept. 29th and Sept~30th, .1958~be adop~ed as printed. ~ 2. Keighan Sootheran ,'~ 3. Kei~l'mn Sootheran 4.; Ke:i, shan ~iCehels.o~~ Carried. "T~AT we do now adJ sum to ga into Finance Con~t~.~C.~ee and pass Accounts." -/ Carried. "T~AT.the statement of Roads Accounts dated October 3rd, 1958 as presented be accepted and the accounts.be paid amounti~.to $26,943.60.,, ' .'-' Carried. "T~T · the statmmmnt of Relief Accounts 'f.. datmd October 3rd, 1958 as presented bm, accepted and. tho accounts be p~id aaounctns. Car~ted.. M_ove Building. Mr. D. L. Webster addressed the Council and requested per- mission to move a residence now located at 2179 Lundy's Lane in the City of Niagara Falls to a location on Monroe Street in Stamford Township. The Building Inspector was present and stated that in his opinion the residence would not con- form to our Municipal Building Code. After some discussion it was agreed that the Building Inspector should make an appointment and arrange with the members of Council to inspect the house before the next meeting. Mr. Webster stated that he lived at this address and would be home any morning up to 11 a.m. A Committee comprised of Councillor J. N. Allan, Chairman, and Councillors R. F. Keighan, and E. E. Mitchelson reported on the matter of license'-i~suers to be appointed to issue licenses on behalf of the Tmmship for the huntinS of pheasants, rabbits and fox in the Municipality during the open season. The Co~ittee reco~raended that the follo~ing be named license issuers: A. B. Ogilvie, ~100 Beaverdams Road, Stamford Township, H. Davidson, 121 Portage Road N., Stamford Township, S. Chanady, 2891 Dru~ondRoad, Stamford To~nship, ~. A. Brigg8, 1936 Nain Street, Neagara Falls. A condition of their appointment is that they be bonded in the amount of $1,000., at $7.50. the prelims for ~hich is estimated "" · ', e 9., Mitchelson . Allan . , "T~T the report of the Co.nitres ChaC considered the matter of license issuers, be accepted and that the four issuers ,'be bonded and that the $7.50 ducced £ ' "de. rom Che cash reCu~nsJ ~ ' · , Carried. / ~': .; Belmont Ave. Property. Jo,i! Vent Committee Mr. '~ussell C. :Rosborougb~ of 1746 Belmont Avenue was present and addressed the meetin~ in respect to a petition residents of Belmont Avenue had submitted to the meettn~ in respect to the sign advertisin~ a portion of Lot 15, 'Plan 97 for sale. The petition pointed out that By-law 1253 provides that only one thralling may be constructed on 'any one lot in Registered Plan 97, and if a sale of a portion of Lot 15 is permitted the purchaser would not be able to secure, a building permit. Members of Council assurred Mr. IRos§orOUEh~ that a building permit would not - be issued by the Building Inspector in vie~ of the applicable by-law and suggested that the Realty firm be ' advised accordi~ly. The Committee on Vents for Heatir~ Purposes submitted a ler~thy report dated October 6th recormnendin~ that the Council adopt Codes B139 and B149 as set up by the Cap. dian Standards Association and that the necessary by-laws be 'prepared for adoption of these Codes, alon~ with a By-law to appoint a Heatin~ Inspector. Re~i Report. Realtors Assoc. Dance. ~ 10. Mitchelson .Allan "TIL~T the report of the Vent C~ittee be accepted and chat the Solicitor be instructed to prepare the necessary By-law? Carried. An invi~ation~as exte~ded to the members of Council and Officials alor~ with their wives from the Realtors Associa- - tion of Creater Niagara Area to attend their second annual.. ': Civic Night progra-w.e to be held at the Norton Dormitory '-. on Friday, October 24th. .Invitatio~,. * 11. Sootheran ~ttchelson Foundation on 12. Keighan. McLeod Rd. Allan Stamford Ottards Tag Da~, "TRAT as many members of Council, Officials and their wives accept the invitation of the Realtors Assoc. to attend their annual.Civic Carried, ~ 13. Nicchelson Sootheran /"THAT the Buildin~ Inspector be authorized co order the ovner of property known as 1675 McLeod Road to demolish an existin~ .un~afe block foundation no~on the Carried. "T~AT Council grgmC permission Co the S~a~ford Guards Band to hold a tag day 'Saturday, October 25Ch." Hosp.Assoc. gabbers of Council and their rives ~ecatved an invitation fro~ .Dance. ~ : the ~hatman of the Way8 and M~ns C~LcCee of the Crater , , · Nhgara O~eral Hoap~l As8oc~c~ t~ acted the · "-, Ci~ ~nce Co b~-held i~ Sc.Pac~o Hall W~ueo~ Occ.2~d. S Lctions · The Solicitor submitted a re-drafting of the restrictions to apply in the case of a property transfer of seven lots in our Industrial Subdivision to the Crawford Fittings (Canada) Limited. She mentioned that some of our standard restrictions were not satisfactory to the Company and as a result the solicitor for the Company and herself had drafted an amended form. i 15. Sootheran Keighan "THAT Council accept the recommendations of the Solicitor in regard to the restrictions of the land acquired by Crawford Fittings with the set-back being 25 feat." Carried. Crescent. 16. Keighan Sootheran "THAT Mr. John Tries & the people of Roger Crescent be authorized to build a curb around the island on Roger Crescent under the supervision of the Engineer." Carried, rau~e. 17. Mitchelson Allan "THAT Council request a possible 5 year capital programme from: (1) The. Engineer, (2) The Public Utilities Commission, for the consideration of Council." Carried. hts. 18. Allan Mitchelson "T~AT the P.U.C. be asked to replace and renovate the street lights with ne~ lights on Thorold Road from existing new lights westerly to the Queen E. Highway, also on Taylor Street, and lights be installed on McLeod Road from Dorchester Road to the Hydro Canal." Carried. ee of lt. MiCchelson Allan "T~AT remuneration for the members of the Con~nittee of Adjustment be the same as that for the members of Council." Carried. 20. Sootheran Ket~han · !21..MiCchelson Allan "BY-LA~No. 2318, 1958. A By-law to dedicate as a portio~ of Carolyn Avenue Block B, according Co Registered Plan 183." Read a: first, second and third` trine and pAsse~ Railway C~auy.' Read a first ~:chird tine and passed. · "BY-L~W No. 2319, 1958. A By-law Co authorise" the execution o£ an~reement,daCed the 6th day of October, 1958 between the Corporation ~.of the T~fhip of S~ford and the Wabash' ,~lr~d C~auy and t~e Ca.dian 1: -law 2320. 22. Allan Keighan "BY-LAW No. ,2320, 1958. A By-law to author- ize the execution of an A~reement dated the 30th day of September, 1958 between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and Her Majesty The Queen in right of Ontario represented by the Minister of Planning & Development, and Central Mor~Cgage & Housing Corp." Read a first, seco'nd and third time and' passed. Cdn. Institute 23. 'on Sewage & ~}~anitation. Mitchelson Keighan "THAT the Engineer and a member of Council be authorized to attend the Canadian Institute % on Sewage & Sanitation at Quebec City, Oct. lg, 20, 21 & 22." Carried. Armistice Day Services. The Clerk =eminded Council Chat the Councils of Niagara Falls and Stamford Township had agreed Co alternate .the Armistice Day Services bet'ween the Clifton Hill Cenotaph and the Cenotaph in front of the Memorial Arena. In view of Chis agreement arrange. merits were bein~ tmdertaken with the co-operation of the Central Veterans Association co prepare a suitable programme for the services to be held at the Cenotaph in front of the Arena on Frederica Street on November llch-at 11 a.m. The Reeve and Clerk were authorized to work out the details of the in co-operationwith the representatives of the Central Veterans Association. Adjourn. 24. Keighan Allan "THAT we do now adjourn Co meet on Tuesday, October 14th at 7:30 ter Cont'd ~ter · eslte ohnson. ;ervice Itation. house and found it to be approximately 29 feet wide and of sound construction, and the following resolution was passed: Sootheran Keighan "THAT the owner of the house at 2179 Lundy's Lane be permitted to move it to Monroe Street providing its measurements allow it to be placed on the lot in question." Carried. Mr. Leslie Johnson addressed the meeting in respect to securin~ a Taxi Driver's License. He was asked if he had secured a letter from the Insurance Company respecting coverage that he had previously been asked to secure. He stated that ~he Taxi Company had phoned the Insurance Company and they had been advised that it would he in order for Mr. Johnson to drive. Council advised that it would be necessary to have this verifica- tion in writir~. 3. Allan Keighan "THAT the following applications for Public Garage Licenses be approved: John Newman, Portage Rd.S.(Corner Perkins St.) Nelson Lake, 2300 Lundy's Lane, Ken Wllite, Corner Druu~nondKd. & Dixon St." Carried. 4. Sootheran Allan "T~AT the application for a Service Station License from Ron Losier of 2053 Thorold Road be approved," Carried. Oct. 6, 1958. No. 69 present Carried. Meetin~ Adjourned. Reeve Dealer. 5. Allan Keighan : 1. Clerk Sootheran Allan A Regular Meetins of the Council was held on Tuesday, October l~th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Brid~e W. R.'Sootheran J. N. Allan Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor "THAT the application for a Fuel Dealer's License from Niagara Fuel Oils Ltd. of Thorold be approved and license granted." 'Allan Carried. "THAT the followin~ applications for Victua- ling Licenses be approved: Michael Ricci, 2546 Buchanan Avenue, Wm. Holjak, 4988 Lundy's Lane, A. Betz, 2383 Dnmnond Road." Carried. R. F. Ket~an Councillor Heat '7. Allan E, B. ~t. Cchelson Councillor. ". , '~ Sootheran ;"THAT the ap~lication for a Retail Meat " ' 'License fremWm. A. Zola of 141 Victoria ~. .... Avenue be approved and license granted," "T~AT the m~nutes of the meetin~ held on October 6th, 1958 be adopted as.p~luted.!t ~.~../~. D. h., Webster, 2179 l~undy'l Lane appeared be£ore C~uncil , ..? ,~ .~?/.L~d~o L~ Co ~roe 8~eet, S~e ho aCCeded ~he la8~ . -- Carried. 8. Sootheran. ; ?'~- -:' ,: Allan ' , "THAT the application for a ': License fr~ Alex Dawson o£ Dorchester : and license R~ad be approved :a~ .' ,..,:,' ,: ' :~ ' ' ' 'Carried 12. '%ou~isc C~mps. Report on .T. r,a. iler Camps. Trailer ~icenses,, District Airport Committee. County .Park. 9.' ~Allan Sootheran "T~AT the,followtn~ applications for Tourist Camp Licenses be approved: Kaspar $chankula, 2471 Stanley Ave., Bill Holjak. Corner Lundy's Ln & Garner Rd. Michael Ricci, 2546 Buchahan Avenue." Carried. Mr. Wm. Pattison made a report on the trailer camps in the · Township. He advised that the camp operated by Mrs. Mary Patrtquin on Stanley Avenue was in good orde~ and about 90% of the required work had been completed. The camps operated by Miss Ruth Prest and Luigi Giammattola were being renovated to comply with Township By-law 2306. While it would take some time for this work to be cu,,-,pleted he indicated that they were attempting to comply with our By-law and recommended a temporary trailer camp license until November 30th. He advised that there was a possibility that the camp operated by Miss Ruth Prest was about to be sold. 10. Sootheran Allan "THAT Mrs. M. Patriquin be granted a Trailer Camp License and L. Giammattola and Miss R. Prest be granted temporary permits until Nov. 30th to provide additional time to complete alterations to their camps," Carried. Councillor Allan reported that he had attended the last mee! of the Niagara District Airport Develepment Co~mittee and that representatives of the Committee would meet with Council bnMonday,,October 20ch and explain their proposal in detail. 11. Sootheran Ketghan '~dHEREAS the Council of the County of has passed a by-law to purchase 100 acres of land in the Township of Pelham for park purposes at a price of approximately $27,500 ANDWtlER~AS this land is located at one end of the County and not adjacent to a lake; AND WHEP. EAS the Township of Stamford and other municipalities within the County are required to develop their own parks; AND WHEREAS it is questionable if residents of the'County will use this park in pref- erence to lakeside parksl THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Council of the Township of Stamford vigorously in takin~ steps to purchase 100 acres of 'land in the Township of Pelham for park purposes, since we do not consider that 'the purchase or the location of. the park is ~in the public interest and also for the 'reason that we believe the proposed pu~. chase pr$ce t~..e.X~.orbiCanC."' Carried e of 12. Sootheran Allan "THAT the Clerk be authorized to write the County Road Committee suggesting that now that Montrose Road has been resurfaced, that the official exchange of that road be con- summated with the Township assuming Montrose Road and the County Road Committee take over the Creek Road from Chippawa to ~the Q. E. Highway." Carried. ,.emmenda- of Com. front of existing -existing 2. That Deputy-Reeve W. R. Sootheran, Chairman of the Traffic Committee submitted the following reco~nendations to Council: 1. That the ditch in front of 2541 Portage Road be filled in the house and from this point taper down to the catchbasin which is approximately 50' south of the house. at the corner of Spence Street and Co,win Avenue, "caution blind intersection", signs be placed on Spence Street to warn traffic of the intersection which is a little difficult to see. 3. That the stop light at the north-east corner of Thorold Stone Road and Portage Road which directs traffic from Drummond Road be rotated so that it will not be quite as visible as it is at the present time to people coming up Portage Road. We are also investigating the cost of placing a screen on this light in order to screen its rays from Portage Road. 4. In the case of railway crossings across roads in the Town- ship of Stamford~.since the Cou~uittee has not inspected all of the crossings we would like to report on this phase at a later date when we have had the opportunity of making a much more complete inspection, In connection with Item 4~ Mr. Sootheran recommended that Council ask the County Road Committee to consider the placing of flashing signals at the CNR - Wabash Railway Crossing at Beaverdams Road. This recongaendation was made in view of the poor visibility at this crossing and the danger which results from the tracks crossing the road at an obtuse angle. ,ed · Oil 13. Sootheran Keighan 14. Mitchelson Allan 15. ~Sootheran' · -- .Keighan "THAT the report of the Traffic.Committee be . approved and the Engineer be lnst?ucted.J.tOc implement the suggestions."- Carried. "THAT Council approve of a public announce- ment and grant permission for Stamford Branch 479, Canadian Legion, to hold Poppy~/ Day:on Saturday, November 8th, 1958." ~ .Carried. , . "T~AT Imperial Oil Ltd, be advised that they will be permitted to remove the three trees ~,at their location on DD~ond .Road~ at .,.their mat expense, The Engineer advise tho/ Company of our policy resardip~ & hydrant re~ovol."f . 1: .~ 16. M£tchelson ~ ,-,Allan '- Carlesso 17. Mitchelsun Subdivision. Allan P.U.C. 18. Sootheran ~ Allan 19. Mitchelson Allan 20. Keighan Sootheran .21. Sootheran Httchelson -22. 8ootheran 2322. "BY-LAW No. 2322, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of a conveyance dated let October, 1958 from the Corporation of the Township of Stamford to Amelia Ann Podhorn, Federick John Podhorn, and Ethel Kathleen Crober, Executors of the Estate of Saffron Frank Podhorn." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2325, 1958. A By-law to change the name of Si.James Avenue as shown upon Registered Plan 183 to LaMarsh Drive." Read a first, second and third time and passed. 25. T the Clerk be instructed to forward copies of correspondence between thy City of Niagara and Stamford Townshzp re: the Post Office and a possible new Federal building "at the south end or in Stamford Township" and inform them that we wish to stand by our original compromise resolution.,, Carried. "THAT Council does not disapprove the application of Albert Carlesso to sub- divide Lot 44, Part of Park Lots 4 & 5, Reg. Plan 1791." Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2314, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Option Agreement dated the 22nd day of Sept. 1958 between the Corporation of the Twp. of Stamford and the Stamford Public Utilities Co.-.ission." Read a first, second .and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2321, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of a conveyance dated the let day of October, 1958, from the Corporation of the Tmmship of Stamford to WilliamMorley Va~Aletine and OliveMary Va~Aletine.,, Read a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 23~3, 1958. A By-law Co authorize the execution of a conveyance dated the let of October, 1958 from the Corporation of the Tmmship of Stamford to Vary Alic/a Hazelton." Read a first, second and third time and passed. '~Y-LAW No. 2327, 1958. A By-law to authorize the ~e_~_ecutlon of a conveyance dated the let uay of October, 1958 from the Corporation of the Tmenship of S~un~ord to Komarom$ & Gould Limited." Read a £i~.~t,/Seoond and third time and passed. 23. o Keighan MtCchelspp . ~ ? ..: ' ¥-LAw-So. 2326, !058, A By-lev Co provide for the borrowius pud sale of d~ucures.~, R~d a first, .8ee~d ~d ~ Law 2325. :dm. Institute Sewage & ;anitation. ]ervice Costs Subdivisions Sootheran Mitchelson Allan Mitchelson At the request of the Engineer, Council agreed Chat the Engineer and one other member of his Department should be per- mitted to attend the Canadian Institute on Sewage & Sanitation at Quebec City, Oct. 19, 20, 21 & 22. Miss LaMarsh, the Township Solicitor, verbally gave the follow- ing report in respect to service costs for subdivisions which she had been instructed to collect: 1. Mira Subdivision. Not successful in collecti~ sidewalk costs in respect to Reg. Plan 189. 2. Reg. Plan 176. Miss LaMarsh reported that the solicitors for the subdividerfhad agreed to make arrangements to provide the Township with funds, but to date only a portion of the amount required had been paid. 3. Theresa Street. Mr. Strohan and Mr. Hlewka had been contacted for the funds to construct the road on this street. It appears they are financially embarrassed and not in a position to pay the required funds, although there is a pos81- bility that the property might be sold. 4. Prest Home on Stamford Green Drive. Letters have been written to the owner of this house in respect to its dangerous condition, but no action has been secured. 26. Keigh~n Mitchelson "TBAT the Solicitor be authorized to proceed with the necessary legal action to collect outstanding accounts for municipal services in the subdivisions of delinquent subdividers mentioned in her report to Council as of to-day, and also the cleanin8 up of the property on S~amford Green Drive owned by ~rs, Prest." Carried. Ket~han "BY-LAW No. 2324, 1958. A By-law Co a ncrea..d, 27. Sooth.ran 'i.~'~ ~.e xq~n ~ay Of October, 1958. from G~ants fr,em Ket, ghan : "~T the Cle~k~ite ~he Pr~i~ off.rio ~dro. ' requesCi~ any ~om~t~ ~ich m~h~ be ~o Cal~ulro B~os. L~tCed." R~d a first, a~allable ~ the pressed fo~ ~esC~ : l~d and Child Z~e and passed. ' -'" in the sprl~ for tncr~sed Sz~s ~ of ~axes froa Ontario Hydro Carried. Cc~m~ttee of Council requested that £C be advised in reepecC to all applic, ations submStted to the Committee o£ Adjustment. Meetin~ with A. Robertson~ Deputy-Reeve W. R. Sootheran reported that his Committee had met with Mr. A. Robertson in connection with his sug- §estion to re-locate Railway lines in the Greater Niagara Area. He stated that a further meeting would be called by the Council of the City of Niagara Falls since most of the proposed work would be within the City limits. 28. Keighan Soothe=an ."THAT we do now adjourn Co meet on Thursday, October 16th at 10 a.m. to meet with representatives of the Dept. of Highways." Carried. MeeCin~ Adjourned. Oct. 14, 1958. Reeve Hour 10:30 P.M. No. 70. A Special Me!tin~ of the Council was held on October 16th, 1958 aC 10 a.m. PresellCo Oept.of High- ways. A. C. Bridge Reeve W. R. Soothe=an Deputy-Reeve · J. N. Allan Councillor R. F. Kei~han Councillor At the request of the 'Department of Highways, Council met with the followin~ representatives of the Department, to consider proposed service roads adjacent to the QueenElizabeth Way within qur Township: Wm. Kinnear, & M. Ernesaks - Plannin~Brahch, Dept. Highways, R. C. Richardson, Dept.Highways, District Engineer, at Hamilton, P. Patters°n, Dept'. Highways, District Engineer, Alex Kelly, Dept. Highways, Assis~ant to District Municipal Er~ineer, ' Robert Draper, Dept. Highways, Assistant to Welland County En~. Plan of Chan~es Mr, Kinnear submitted a plan showin~ proposed service roads, ' an inter-chen~e would have an overpass. inter-chan~e8, and over-passes, for the queen Elizabeth Way ~runnin~ through the-Township of Stamford. The plan indicated a service road on the East side of the Queen Elizabeth Way between Mountain Road and Tho=old Stone Road. Mountain Road will not have acc'ess to 'the Queen Elisabeth Way but they ,propose to have an over-pass ~n the Queen Elizabeth Way from Monsrose, Roa~;.-, Certain other, service roads were show~ on the plan and the represen~atives indicated chat 'it might be possible to provide an inter-change at either the Chippawa Creek Road or McLeod Road. The road not' be!v~ provided~w£th Adjourn. The representatives of the Department agreed to fo~ard a copy of the plan to the Council and requested that their suggestions be considered and after consideration they would be pleased to have any suggestions the Council would care to make. The meeting was then adjourned. Oct. 16,1958. Reeve Hour 5:50 P.M. Clerk No. 71 A Special Meeting of the Council was held on October 20th 1958 at 4:30 p.m. Present W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Ketghan E. E. Mitchelson Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Absence of Reeve · L. Keighan Allan "THAT Deputy-Reeve Sootheran be appointed to act as Reeve in the hbsence of Reeve Bridge.", Carried. Purpose The meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the proposed subdivision of the former Pitton property comprised of approximately 80 acres located at the south-east corner of Kalar. Road and Lundy's Lane as submitted by the Veterans Land Act Authority. Mr. Hugh Lamb, District Construction Supervisor was present and represented the Veterans Land Act Authority. In dealing with the p~oposal a letter was read from Dr. L.W.C. ~Sturgeon, M.0.H. dated August 6th, 1958 which stated that the sanitary sewage disposal should not be too great in respect ko two acre lots proposed, but a very real problem would be presented if the two acre lotswere subdivided and septic tanks permitted. pitton Prop.erty 2. Mitchelson Kei~hen "THAT the V.L.A. proposed subdivision on the Pitton property be approved in principle subject to the followin~ conditions: (1) V.L.A. to assume entire cost of Kalar Road wate~main subject to reimbursement, if :and when the lands opposite the V.L.A. Sub- ~,.~":'~ division in the west side of Kalar Road .are developed. ~,.'-(2) The Township acceptin~ the Park Area shown on the proposed plan as satisfactory · ' ·" for the 5% for park purposes, (3) That a mutually satisfactory agreement ,- , ,,.,, ',~,, . -,, ~'_ . ,, be drawn up between the Corporation and the . .: ,-~:,:~ ; , '. ~,, Director of the V.L.A. to include (a) ., ,,,.~., ., ..~., :,,,.:,-, ,.., .~',.'sur~eced roads, {b) water, ins {c) street · .... '- , lights, (d) street signs and prepayment of · , .... .. · . s~pr,&, sidewalk charses by the owners before V.L.A. Subdivision Conrad Adjourn. Oct. 20, 1958. lqo. 72 Minutes. 1o Finance 2. Relief. ~eneral . i- · 4. the 2 acre lots ca, be further subdivided. It is expected that steps will be taken immediately to register the plan & if not done so within 6months negotiations for an extension can be under~akeno" Carried'. Allan · Mitchelson "THAT we do now adjourn to meet at 7:30 p.m. tonight." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. Reeve Hour 5: 50 P .M. A Regular Meetin~ of the Council was held on October 20th. at 7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Mitchelso~ Sootheran "TBAT the minutes of the meetings held on Oct. 14th and Oct. 16th, 1958 be adopted . aa printed." Carried. Clerk. 1958 Sootheran Mitchelson "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance C_o.~tttee and pass Accounts." Carried. Keighan Sootheran "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated October 17th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amount- ing to $5,775.65~" Carried. Keighan :.·:,~.~Ltchelson !'T~AT the statement of General Accounts dated Oc~obe~ctTth, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accopnto be paid.ar~un%ln~ to $173,103.49." ~ ~.. ~. . 'C~rried, ., t~HAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated Finance. 6. Mitchelson Keighan "TBAT the Committee on Finance do now arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. Airport Board._ Airport., The following representatives of the St.Catharines Airport Management Board were present at the meeting and discussed the proposal to organize the St.Catharines Airport as a Regional Airport of the adjacent Municipalities: D. J. Forgte, Chairman, · J. R. Leach, Treasurer, H. W. Edmondston, Secretary, · W. C. Mcbride.' The r~presentatives stpp1ied:members of Council with litera- ture concernin~ the establishment of the p_roposed Regional Airport. In submitting this material, Mr. Forgie stated that if they are successful in establishin~ the Regional Airport, runways will be extended to 4-5,000 feet and the improved facilities would permit jet planes to use the Airport. The Airport would provide services to connect with Malton Airport at Toronto with the possibility of Buffalo being added later. It would also provide arrangements for chartered flights. He indicated that the capital expenditures required to modernize the Airport would cost approximately $750,000. This cost would be provided by the Federal Department of Transport if an a~reement could be reached between the area Municipalities in respect to operation. He advised that the present maintenance budget was approximately $10,000. per year and that this amount would probably be adequate to operate the Airport for a few years. The Airport was originally taken over by the City of St.Catharines after the last War and since taking 'it over the City has borne the operational costs. He suggested that the establishment of a Regional Airport would be in the public interests of the District, and requested that the Council pass a suggested resolution agreeing and undertaking to ne~otiate with municipal~ties concerning a joint agreement to operate and manas~ the ALrport, if satisfactory arrangements could be completed wxth the Federal Government. After some discussion of the proposal the followin~ resolution was passed: Allan Mitchelson '%~AEREAS this Council recognizes the ne~d ~ :. for and the ~mportance of the establishment ° of adequate airport facilities to serve the municipalities of the Niagara District, and, Whereas it is necessary and desirable ~or the municipalities affected to act Jointly in order to achieve this result and to operate and.maintain such airport facilities, Nme, therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Stamford subject to satis£actory arrar~aments with the Federal C~ven~nent, agrees and undertakes to negotiate with the mun~cipalities con= concerned, a Joint asreoment to operate and menase as a re$innal airport the airport now ..... ' .known as, :the, Sc.Catharines ~, ':': ~"' ,. and ~peraCed ': .... "'~ ~. '>, (.:ti(Ayes and Hayes, called by Reeve 'i ~ . ~ i · · ' ' '~:":' '/' :::Airport." Used Car Lot Reports on L,q~. Amendment. Electricians A petition from the residents of the Portage. Road - Perkins Street area was received requesti~ the Council to cancel the Public Garage License granted to John Newman to operate a used car establishment at the North-west intersection of .Portage Road and Perkins Street. In presentin§ the petition, Mr. J. R. Watson acted as spokesman for the petitioners, and pointed out that the establishment of a used car lot was not in the public interest at this location in view of the fact that Perkins Street is very na~row, t~ith only one way traffic permitted. In addition to this factor, he mentioned that Portage Road was a main artery and traffic is made more difficult because of the overpass over the C.N.R. Railway. He mentioned that the establishment of such ~ business would deteriorate the entire area. Council pointed out that the district was zoned for Commercial (2) development which in- cluded used car lots. The delegation replied that it appeared that the lot would not be operated too satisfactorily and as a result the entire area would be affected. After considerable discussion, the followin~ resolutionwas passed: 8. ' Keighan Allan In Amendment. Mitchelson Bridge. "T~AT the Chief of Police, the Trailer Inspector, and the Health Inspector be authorized to investi§ate the condition of the used car lot on the corner of Perkins Street and Portage Road, and report on the hazardous condition existin~ there; the apparent lack of sanitary facilities; and the illegal location of a trailer on the lot; if the report~supports the com- plaints outlined in ~he petition of the residents in the area that the license be rescinded at'once." Carried. "TItAT the Public Garage License issued to · John Newman on Oct. 14th be cancelled, and that the operator be required to ,remove all cars, trucks and trailers be ~'emovea,~f~om.,~he;, pr~ps~Z~. ~t once." Ricci Cont'd Co~ittee had refused to allow the proposal* After dis- cussion, it was decided that no action could be taken and it was ordered that the application be filed. Bowlin~ Alleys. 9. Tourist ~ome. 10. Victuallin~. 11. Mitchelson Keighan "THAT the application for a Bowling Alley License from Biamonte Bros. & M. Swec, 3906 Lundy's Lane be approved and license granted." Carried. Dairy License 12.· Sootheran Mitchelson "THAT the application from Mrs. Leys, 2371 Lundy's Lane for a Tourist Home License be approved and license granted." Carried. Hairdressinx 13. Mitchelson Sootheran "T~AT the applications for Victualling Licenses from the followin§ be approved and licenses granted: Clan Coffee Shop, 3138 Drua~uond Road, Rainbow Dairies Ltd., 414 Portage Road." Carried. Lost. Sootheran Allan "T~AT the application for a Dairy License from Rainbow Dairies Ltd., 414 Portage Rd. be approved and license granted." Carried. · Mr. J. Liefl, Mr. Gordon Wright and other representatives of Allan Mitchelson "T~AT the application for a Hairdressin~ License from Leona Roy, 2274 Lundy's Lane be approved and license granted." Carried. Speedin~ 14. Sootheran Allan By-law. ,... the Local Branch of the Electrical Contractors Association of 8i~na on the 'above street." 'r~; ~ . . Ontario were present and on their behalf. Mr. Lief1 requested '' . Council to pass a by-law to license and control master elec- ,. Carried. · tricians and Journe~nen electricians en~aged in electrical Norsk to 15. Keighan 'i ~ ~: ~ - ins~allation and se=vice work in the Township of S~amford. Apostolic ' .' , Soothera~ , "TliAT we rec6~end approval to the Niagara ~-; :.:) ' , ;[' effective unless the City of Nia~gara Falls Council passed ~ r :' ., ;[' i.' [".; Falls & Suburban Area Plarmin~ Board of a : ~' ;,.~,~. ~a similar by-law, and it was decided to refer ~he matter to transfer of Part'Township Lot 43 from .~ :-.' ~ the Joint meetin~ of the c~o Councils vhich the City of Stanley No,ak ~o the Trustees of the New . :: ,; N.t~gara Falls had requested for Tuesday, Oc$ober 28th at . Apostolic Church. The property bein~ -' ~ ~ ,,:',~.30 p.m. .: . ~., . , transferred havin~ a frontage of 150'feet ..... ...... -". "on the south side of Churches Lane by a "TtL~T the Chief of Police investigate the allpged speedin~ on Ailanthus Ave. and the Engineer be instructed to posc "30 Mile" John Broderick made application for an amendment to By-ia~ to pec~tt his client,, :Michael Ricci~ to eonstcuct a /(.~'restanrant on his, prenises on Buchanan Avenue. witha set- !?.i~back~of 7 feet from,the, Easterly boundary of this Avenue.' vas pointed out that an applicatiOn:had been made to the depth of approximately 290 feet. This approval is granted on condition that the . . .. ,.- ,, - taxes are paid in full to Dec. 318% 1958 . ' ~' , is bein~ made : '~ Icom and the Tounship be sranCed sufficient .': ~ . ~ ',, ~ ~ ,: !~ [i ,'i ? /. ~-,land frontim$ Churches Lane to w~d~ this -:' ~ '~ ,'¥' ~ ~;' :¥'" :/'"~}- ' ":~ 'c~d co the requited, width." : ~ - carr~ea. Wallace to ~, Mitchelson Carleaso · Allan "T~AT we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board of a transfer of part Park Lots 4 & 5, Reg. Plan 1791, from Mrs. Wilb,a Wa.llace to Albert Carlesso. The property bein~ trans- ferred havin~ a frontage of approximately '421 feet on the west side of St.Andrew Avenue in accordance with draft plan of Subdivision prepared by N. J. Suns,rum dated September 2/58. The approval is granted on condition tha.~ the ,,axes are paid in full to Dec.31/58 on the property this transfer is bein~ made from." Is. 73 esent ,es A. Re~ular Meeting of the Council was held on Monday, October 27th, 1958 at .7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. H. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Mitchelson Allan "T~AT the minutes of the Regular Meetin~ of Council and the Special Meeting held on October 20th, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried. Trailer Cam~ '17. Mitchelson Sootheran Carried. "THAT the Trailer Camp Inspector be informed that residents %~ho are contravenin~ the Trailer Crimp By-law 2306 be informed that Council wants the By-law enforced and that they be required to move within 30 days." er~ice 2. Mitchelson tation , Allan Dealers 3. Keighan Carried. Sootheran Street Lighting '18. Chris,mas Sootheran Keighan "THAT the payment of $50.00 be authorized for Christmas Street~Lightin~." Carried. Vic Kiemele 19. Sootheran - Keighan "THAT the application of Vic Kiemele be referred to the Committe9 of Adjustment." ~' 4, Sootheran Kei~han "THAT the application for a Service Station License from Chester Kowal, 1796 Valley Way be approved and license granted." By-law 2327. 20. Allan Hitchelsen Carried. 'L "THAT the followin~ applications for Fuel Dealers Licenses be appreved and licenses '~or granted: Interlake Fuel Oils Ltd., Wellin~tonSt.,Thoroli. I. O. Mu~dock, St. Davids." Carried. "THAT the application for a Victuallin~ License from Peter Struk, 4911 Lundy's Lane be.approved and license granted." Carried. Carried. isC 5 .. Allan Mitchelson "BY-LAW No. 2328, 1958. A By-law to ': authorize the execution of certain con- veyances from the Corpor~tion of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. The Clerk advised Council concerning the request of the Council - -~o£ the City of Niagara Falls for a Joint meeting on Tuesday,. · ;'-- October 28th at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall. The Council 'agreed to this snggestion and will attend the meeting. Items ~iv_er 6. Ke~han to be considered at the meetingwlll be by-laws to license -' ,~'. Mitchelson . "T~AT the applications for Tourist Camp Licenses from the followingbe approved and licenses granted: Peter St~uk, 4911 Lundy's Lane, George Cocksedge, Cor.Montrose & Moun~ainRds." Joint MeetinK ...... ~.; .Carried. "THAT the application for Taxi-cab Driver's License from Basil Flowers, 2490 Bellevue Street be approved and license granted." .~electrical contractors and the sale of fireworks, as well as the consideration of the proposal of Mr. A. Robertson. ~" - '" concerning the reolpc.at!o~ of. Rai!.way'lines in the Greater Carried. · ';':f%- ' ~. N~n~s As requea~ed by Council, reports were received from the Health · ~*, ar Lot. . Inspector, the Chief Constable, and the Plumb~ Inspector, in /~;-'~ ....... :..~' 'Keighan~ .: THAT we do now adjourn to meet'en Monday, ~ re,pect ,o ~he 9peration of. the U,ed Car Lot operated by John ~.'-' ...... ' . - /~ ~:' ' ', ~--~-. ,..,aa .... a ".;"~'~i:~ './:~'./~ Car Lot Cont' d ~sed Car Lot Weaver Property Subdivision. the establishment in such a way that further objections would not be expressed. After a full discussion of the, matter, the followin~ resolution was passed: 7. Keighan, Sootheran "THAT. Mr.. Newman who operates a Used Car Lot on the corner of Perkins Street and Por~age Road be advised to place stone on the lot to the satisfaction of the En~ineer, install proper sanitary facili- ties, includin~ water and sewer and lights, within 30 days, or his license shall be rescinded." Carried. A co--unication from the Office of.R..B:.E.rwi, n, requested the approval of a plan o~ SUPervision cz cue former Weaver Farm owned by John Demetre. The plan showed a subdivision of 323 lots and Mr. Erwin~s letter indicated that the property was in the process of bein~ sold to the Cabot Investments Ltd. of Oakville. After hearin~ a report of the Engineer on the proposal, resolutions 8 and 9 hereunder, were passed: 8. Sootheran Kei~han '"1!.'THAT in view of the Public service offered by Arthur Jolley as a m~her of the Legislature that Mr. De~etre be asked to rename a portion of existing Churchill Street to Jolley Crescent." Carried. Plan. _ Sootheran Mitchelson "TILa. T the plan for Part of Township Lots 158, 161 and 172 as presented by R. Blake Erwinbe not disapproved, provid- in~ that all corner lots are 60 feet wide and rounded." Carried.. Mike Roli An,applicationwas received on behalf of Mike Roli reques- 'in~ an amendment' to By-law 2306 to provide that his lands be included in the schedule at~ached to the by-law in order that he can establish a trailer camp. It was decided to defer action on.this application until such time as the Counc£1~ould"inepect ~he premises. Hawker & ~edlar. Ke~S _h~. n 10. Mitchelson -'~HAT the a~plicatien for a Hawker and Pedla~ License from John poEubensky '" Carried,. · P.U.C, co. erisa- ll ,' Mitcheleon~ · &loan "THAT Councilapprove the request of /':::ffSCamJord publin,UCilicies ComJtssion ~£or lose of C:l,.~e coq~eacio~ for one, Peninsula ~erv.Authorit ~entatives A letter from the Chief Conservation Engineer of the Department of Plannir~ & Development advised that a meeting will be held on Thursday, November 20th, 1958 at 2 p.m. in Prudhomme's ~arden Centre Botel, Queen Elizabeth Way, for the purpose of considerin~ the establishment o£ a ~ia§ara Peninsula Conservation Authority. 12. Sootheran Keighan "THAT CouncillomE. E. Mitchelson & J. N. Allan be named Stamford representatives to the proposed Conservation Authority." Carried. ;er - Waltman ~fer. 13 · Allan Mitchelson "THAT we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Plannin~ Board of a transfer of Part Block "B", Plan 876 from Harold Gallinger to Mr. Waltman. The property being transferred having a frontage of 51 feet on the west side ~ DD,mmond Road by a depth of 110 feet. This :approval is granted on condition that the taxes are paid in full to December 31st, 1958 on the property this transfer is bein~made from." Carried. i ~:or listrict Councillor Allan reported that the Niagara District Airport Committee were makin~ arrangements to send delegates to Ottawa to discuss the proposal to establish a district Airport near St.Catharines. He mentioned that delegates should he selected by the participating municipalities and their expenses should be paid by the Municipality. they represented. t of Dept. 14. Sootheran Kei~han "THAT Councillor John Allan be authorized to attend the proposed meeting with the Dept. of Transport to discuss Airport construction at St.Catharines." ,Carried. of =illor Councillor Keishan advised Council that too many restric- tions on Conuerclal and Industrial development were turnin~ business enterprises away from the Township and discoura$ing expansion of existins business e~tablishments. He reconnon= ded that. Council review the restrictive by-laws governin~ such development and ~tth the view of makin~ amendments which would have a tendency to promote such developments. Counci~ considered his proposal at some lensth and decided that~hematter shOUld be.tabled for further consideration. ' . ,A Comd. tcee of the Reeve and Councillor Ke:i.&han reported ': ,: that ue$otlaCions had been carried out with Mrs. Alma Bad, er ' :~ :"' to purchase approximately 50 acres of her laud frontin~ on · ? ~Gamer Road. Three.proposals were advanced by the ~ : ,.~. ~. 'marl.tied A, B, & C, and appraisals had been secured from t~.,e three parc -..r ............. : .................... The 1slat meetin~ was called by the Council of the City of Mia§ara Falls ' ~.~ 4~en£ed that Parcel C was t~e best pa~el for__~ to discuss the [oll~i~ it.s on th~ a~en~, of ~t~l interest to the C°nt~d appraisal for t~s Fa~ce~ vas ~ , tobe~ 20th fr~ ~s. Bad~e~, she o~Ee~ed the T~ship · 1. ~tter of possible control off sale and use of Firewo~ks and c~un~cat~ons '?~-.oc vee---o't~it~_ . ..... to pu.c~se._~Fa, cel~enci~C at octo~e. ~ f~gu.e.u.o. ~ _-he f.~ H~e and School Co~cil and Local Co~cil of Women[ e~s of Co~cil were of the ~n~s opinion t~t the m~ ' resolution 2. Consideration of possible by-law to provide for registration of aski~ price was Coo ~ch and the foll~ and joule,s electricians and co~,.~nic~=ion 2hereon. ~ was passed per~i~ thereto: . ~ - ' ~ ~" ' ..... " 3. ~==er of ~rades Co be established on disposal ar~ ac Valley Way. . . . - -~cchelson -"~T ~he Clerk notify ~s. Ba~er ChaC Cocci1 will purc~se Plan C of her ~. Question of pr~idi~ ro~ for SC. John's Trainin~ Courses and coca,ca=ion ....... pr~erCy as s~cced for the price of thereon. $18,000. and C~C Co~cil .e~e~c~ a ision fr~ Mrs. 'BadSer nsc ~a=er ~. Considers=ion of propo~l fr~ Alonzo RoberCson as ~o possible relocation dec This is Co~cil~s of railr~ds and c~nication =hereon. than Nov. 15th, 1958. final offer for this property." Mayor Hawkins opened the meetin~ and welcomed the representatives from Stamford Carried ..... as well as the representatives from various organizations interested in the to be discussed. 16. Sootheran '" -' ~'' Kei~han ~-'"THAT we do now adjouclt.-to meet Saturday, Item 1 - Fireworks ----mornin~ at 10:30 a.m. to proceed with :-our Aut-""~ Road Inspection." · Carried. Heetin~ AdJ our,.ed- Oct. 27,19.58 · No. 7~ Fresenc G. Martin,~ -- ...... "' .... C · ' Gre$ory, ....... H. MorCon, J. of the'City Hall on October 28ch, 1958 aC 7:30 p.m. Cit~ of ~iaKara Falls.: E. M. Hawkins, Mayor, Aldecmen~ G. Ms. ers, F. Miller, _ A.J. McKinley, ..;. Don Calvert of the Lesal Firm of Martin, Calvert, Bates & Sheppard represented the retail merchants sellin~ fireworks in the district and submitted a petition si~ned by 34 merchants in Niasara Falls opposin~ the passage of the By-law that misht restrict the sale of fireworks. In presentin~ the petition, Mr. stated that the gross sale of fireworks, in this Area was considerable the merchants earned a sizeable profit from the sale. He estimated that 95% of the sales were m-de to tourists visitin~ the area. He advised that few accidents resulted from the discharse of fireworks accordin~ to the Explosives Division of the Federal Department of Mines. He drew attention between curtail- of sale and curtailment of use. The City Clerk then read letters of ,forest from the Greater Niasara Home & School Association and The Local Council Women proposin~ a restriction on the sale and use of fireworks in the Area.,: .......... Martin, Gregory. ~:or "THAT a repreaenCative of the Local Council. of Women be heard." Carried. Mayor then invited Mrs. Lessick of the Local Council of Women to speak. speakinS to the Stoup, Mrs. Lessick reminded the meetins, that the merchants not make their livin~ solely from the sale of fireworks. She mentioned that ?ol'ice & Fire Chiefs throughout Ontario would like to see le$£slation to restrict the use of fireworks. She advised that fireworks were reaponsible for a )10.000 fire on Lundyeo Lane and that municipalities at Crystal Beach, Fort Erie, -~ ' ' & BranCford~ad passed byolaws Co restrict their use. I~. Harwood, local merchant, asked if statistics were available ~n respect to the number ' f accidents that had occurred from the use of fireworks. He was advised that statistics were not available. Mr. Wm. HooFer, ~he operator of a retail .,~ '.~'-: su&$eatad.that restrictive control of the sale and.use of fireworks m~ht the business out of the area, Alderman Morton su~ested thaC the sala ~f firew~ks be. lin~ted to. the weeks~"~edlately before May 24Ch and July 1st, /' :Lllor Ke~shan susseaced,chac,leslllac~on'should.be, passed to.provLde mar- ' Co take & ~reaCar ~eapunsibilicywhen sales a~emade Co youn~ children. '~," '' .. ~..~ tSA~acad - w~arm : £~r~e~...~k~,eould~be ,' aec:off.' ' " L~r~ Harwood suEsested that the merchants would agree to restrict sale to youn~er chiXdren and the question arose as to what age a child should be to handle fireworks. It was finally agreed that if restrictions were to be set up, parallel legislation should be passed by all three Councils. The ~hyor requested the Local Council of Women and the Home & School Association to pro- vide all available statistics in respect to accidents in this area attribu~able to fireworks. When this information is received Mayor Hawkins on behalf si the meetin~ s~ated that the matter required a great deal of study and stated -that Chippawa would be invited to participate in further discussions on this matter. .. Alderman Martin, Councillor Allan. "THAT the matter of passin~parallel by-laws to restrict the sole of fireworks. in the Greater Niagara Area be referred to the 1959 Councils for early con- sideratiou." Carried. Item 2 - By-law for licens~ electricians. The City Clerk read the correspondence that the two Municipal Councils received from the Local Branch of the Electrical Contractors Association of On,aris requestin~ the passage of a by-law for licensin~ master electricians and journeymen electricians. Mr. Glen N,il represented the Local Association and spoke of the benefits that would be derived iff both Councils pass a pro- posed by-law. He s~ated that all of the electrical contractors in the Greater Niagara Area includin~ large and small operators were favourable to a proposed by-law. After considerable discussion it mas moved by Alderman Martin and seconded by Alde~manWhite that a committee of the three Councils be established alon~ with their solicitors to study the pr-posed by-laws w~th the Association and report back to the three Councils.. ltom3 - Establishment of Grades for Valley Way Disposal Area. The Engineers of Niagara Falls and S~amford reported that complete agreement had been reached co~cernin~ the grade to be es~ablished for the disposal area. As a result of this report, no acCion was taken in respect co this Item. ~ Item4 - Provision for Accommodation for St.Johns Trainin~ courses. It was noted that the Cataract Nursing Division of the SC.Johns Ambulance Corps had appealed to the ~wo Councils for a heated room to keep. their equip- ment and hold regular drills, Members of both Councils 8~ated Chat a survey had been made but neither Municip-ality had space av&i!~b_bl~_~ele~o~.accounodace~the St,Johns Organization. Alderman Mowers, Alderman WhiCe, "THAT we advis.e the SC.Johns Ambulance Branch chat we do not have any space .avaLl&b!m, Co acco~mo, dace ~heir Org~nizaCion,. C·rried. (Aldomn Miller voted con~raryto'thie,resoluCion, but ~Cwas carried.) At Chis Junction of Ch, ne·c~us, Mr. M. F. Jones, President, &nd~ seV·ral dizec- could be carried out to the conclusion that the entire Greater Area would be improved. Included in Mr. Robertson's plan would ~e a new bridge to be constructed just north of theW hit}pool Rapids Brid§e. New York Central and C.N.R. Lines would arrange for joint service of .ines over the new Bridge with truck traffic also usin~ the top deck. ~edestrians and motorists could use the lower deck and th, Whirlpool Rapids the N.Y.C. Railroad Bridge would be eliminated. The re-location proEra~ne railroads Would eliminate many ~rade crossings and divert truck traffic busy streets in the City and Township. He su~§ested that arrangements. could be made with the Ontario Hydro Commission to cover the Open pit canal If this plan could be carried out it would improve the district and make property available. Mr. Robertson appreciated that taxpayers of Nia§ara .la and Stamford were not in a position to pay any of the costs involved su§§es=ed that possible arrangements could be made with the ~ppropriate Gove~ent authorities to under,ak, this work as a lon~ t~rmproject in a similar to that bein~ carried out in the City of Nxa§ara Falls, New York. In talkin~ on this project, Mr. Robertson illustrated various parts of the ~ro~ranme by means of lar§e blueprints and aerial photo§raphs. Mr. M. F. Jones, of the Chamber of Coma,rcs and Mr. Alec Yule, Director, both stated that the C,hamber were interested in the su~estion and f~t ~t a~ra.n~_~e_e~_~e should be made to approach the appropriate Government AucnorLc~es c~ a~c ~ if they would underwrite the costs. The Mayor expressed the apprec~at£on oz all present to Mr. Robertson for his proposal and the work that he had carried in connection with the matter. Martin, Councillor M itch,leon. "THAT the two Councils endorse the proposals submitted by Mr. A. B. Robertson and __~_-p_.ower the Conmittee to continue their studies alon~ with represen- tatives from the Chamber of Co~nerce. The Comnittee to be enlarged to include representation from the Village of Chippawa." Carried. There b,ins no further business, th, Mayor adjourned the Meeting. ' .... ~ Reeve ' lerk Ho. ?5 Aut?,~Road..inspection = Saturday, November let, 1958 at 10:30 a.m. W. R. Sooth,ran Deputy-Reeve Presen~ ' ' J. ~. Allan Councillor ~. F. Keishan Councillor E. E. ~itchelson Councillor u~ A special me,tinS was called for the purpose of conducting an Aut,--" ~oad Inspection and co e--~tne public buildings - and consider matters pertaining co parks, trailer c~mps, ~nd oth·r m~tC·rs. Th· Council =et at Ch, Township Hall. ac 10.30 a.m. and Cos,the= with the Engineer proceeded on a tour of the Township durt~S " 'wh~h the pi·cee opposic· ~he, t~oms on the agenda hereunder A~enda Cant' d 2. Inspection of[ road and curb construction on Dunn Street from Stanley Avenue Co D~--;-~nd Road. 3. Inspection of the A. G. Bricl~e 'Park to show work com- .pleted in 1958 includin~ iencir~, parkir~ area, tree 'plantin~. One section of the bleachers will be up so that Council can. see what they are goin~ to look like. 4. Inspection of Lundy's Lane Cemetery and of the cemetery. buildi~ which was built as a project under the F. mergency Labour 5. Inspection of rural roads which were built in 1958 under the regular and supplementary road .... (a) Kalar Road from HcLeod Road to Welland Line Road, (b) Kalar Road from Welland Line Road to Chippawa Creek Rd., (c) Welland Line Rd. £rom the Queen Elizabeth Way to Garner Rea d, (d) Beechvood Road £rom ~cLeod Road to Lundy's Lane, '(e) Beechvood Road from Beaverdams Road to Mountain Road, · '(5) Nountain Road from Beechwood Road to Thorold Toun Line Road, (g) Thorold To~n Line Road from Thorold SCone Road to Beaverdams Road, (h) Ga~ner Road from Boaver~m~ Road to Lundy's Lane. 6. Inspection of road repairs and re-construction on Woodbine Avenue from Kalar Road to Montrose ..Road, Be!fa·t 'Avenue, Ulster Avenue and Kent Avenue. 7. In·pectio~ of ney lunChroom at the storehouse. 8. Inspection of the new Lionite Tank which has been con- ~etructed in 1958. 9. Inspection of trailer lecations on Dorchester Road near Mountain Road. 10. In·pection-of the gels property on Mountain Road where Mr. Mike Rola is propo·in~ a new trailer site. Mr.Patti·on Trailer Camp Inspector, to acc~apany Council for thi· inspection. 11. In·pectinn of trailer· on Dept. of'H~hw~y· property 2. Keighan Mitchelson "T~AT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 27th, 1958 and the Special Meetin~ of October 28th, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried. 81dK.Pemit~ Taxi Drivers H~.irdres·i~ 3. Mitchelson Allan "THAT we accept ~the report of the Buildin~ Inspector for Buildin~ Pe~nits issued during the month of October, 1958 amountin~ to $805,088.00." Carried. Applications for Taxi-cab Driver's Licenses from Duncan Elliott and Lo,ne Albers were tabled until such t/me as a report is available from the Reeve in respect to the operations of the Cataract Taxi Company. 4. Hitchelson Kei~han "T~AT the application for a Hairdressin~ License from Lena Girardo, O'Neil Street be approved and license granted." Carried. ~ra~e 5.. Allan Mitchel·on "THAT the application for a Public Carage License from C. E. Merritt, Corner ~ontrose & ~cLeod Roads be approved and license granted." Carried. pre-election Broadca·t Cabot Inve·tment · 6. Mitchelson Allan "THAT the Clerk be instructed to reserve Friday evening, Nov. 28th co~nencin~ at 9 p.m. for the u·ual pre-election broad- cast by the candidates." Carried. A letter was received from Mr. Allan Gooa-~nonbehalf of the Cabot Inve·tments Limitedadvisin~ that thi· C~any propo·e to register all the lots 8houn on the draft plan of subdivision of the Weaver property at this t~me. Mr. Goodman requested at the north limit of the. Town·hip_on the'q.E.#ay. ':or Chat Council proceed with the preparation of an appropriate . subdivider'· a~reement in respect to the approval of this kub- divi·ion. Council directed that the Clerk and So~icitor arrange for the preparation of a dra£t ·ubdivider'· agreement in re·pact to the property bein~ ·ubdivided. Council a~so ' . vi·ion· incorporated in the eri~inal asreement with Hr. Herbert A Re~lar MeeCin~ of Council n· held. on Hovmber 3~d, 1958 Weaver aud' ~t i· requited in vier of the fact chat .Mr. Weaver aC~ 7.=30. p.m.' c~, ,~-, . ha· no further incere·C in the property.  directed Chat a new subdivider'· a~reement be prepared in Nov.1, 1958.~ -' ~ ~ Clerk re·pact to Ra$i·tered Plan 135 with. the Cabot Inve·tmenta Ltd. '" who have acquired the property fro~JohnDe?e~re.. It wa· . · ' ausse·Ced thac the nev asreemeat ·hould inc~uae the ·ane pro .%.~.M.R.. 8ootherau / ' · ;'-~"" , · Deputy-Reeve, '. · . ' ' ;:,'-A letter v~· received iron the SCanferd Public - - · J.H. Allan,, C~tllor . ~ ' ' No. 76 the Hatch lint~ 0£ To~.ohi~ Lot 10.7 .co S_.ta~. erd St ord PUC Co ilhe understood.t : it was_the w,.h of ,,h;__ Laws. bas~s of ~o or ~h=ee y~=s. He a~sed t~t appr~a~ ~ould ~ve ~o be secured f~ the Ontario ~c~pal Boa~d ~d t~ ~C ~h~ be possible after the app=~al ~s secured to a~a~e fo= ~he ff~nc~ cE Chis ~ . thresh the I~erhl Ba~ of Ca~ ~hout the necess2cy j~ o~ ~ssu~ Deb~u~es. C~c~l agreed ~ th~s p~ocedu~e' Adjou~. -~ .~sh~ld be ~k~f.a~~Cs could be worked ou~. prepare 7 · Allan By- law: Mitchelson "T~AT the Clerk be inst~ucted to prepare a by-law authorizin~ the expenditure o[ $60,000 [or a 12" main ~ Dorchester R~d fr~ north l~it of T~ship Lot 107 to St~fo~d G~e~ D~ive." Carried. Get-out-the 8. Nitchelaon Vote. Allan "~L~T the Clerk be instructed to contact the proper officia~'of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and infers them of the proposed meetings in the comin~ electiun so that the info,marion may be of use to them ii they should be con- siderin~ a "Get-Out-The-VOt~t campai~n." Carried. Nov.3, 1958. 77, 11. Ket~han Mitchelson "TBAT a reco~nendation by this Council be passed alon~ to the 1959 Council to review our restrictive by-laws gevernin~ Co,~,eroial & Industrial development." 12. Mitchelson Keighan Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, Nov~nher 10th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meetin~ Adjourned. Hour: 9:00 P.M. d Reeve - ' - Clerk ~r, A Resular Meetin~ of Council was held on November 10th, at 7:30 p.m. 'esent W.R. Sootheran Actin~ Reeve J. N. Allan Councillor ~ R.F. Keighan Councillor E. E. Mitchelson Councillor 1958 st, 9 · Ketches Mitchelsou 10. l~ttchelsou "BY-LAW No. 2329, 1958. ,..A By-law to authorize the execution of a conveyance frem the Co~poration of the Township of ?Stamford t6 the .Hyd~o~gle~tri,c,.~-. ..... ' Pouer Conm~ssiun of Ontario dated the 30th day of October, 1958." Read a first, ascend and third time and passed. "T~T Council authorize the cunstmctiou of a sl~n of suitable size at Industrial Street leadiu~ to S~ord's Industrial subdivision to a~e~tise ~d '!~ate the l ated the e," taxied. 1. Keishan Mltchels0n 2. Ketches 3 · Keishan Allan "TBAT the minutes of the meetin~ held on November 3rd, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried. "TBAT we do no, adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass Accounts." Carried. "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated Nov~nher 7th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amountin~ to $33,939.2~ ." Carried. i'councillor Ee~han presented a lengthy-report $ivin~ reasons ,why coumeccial and industrial developuent ~ the Tolmship of 4. Kei$1mn · Stamford is betn~ hindered by restrictive by la~s, He Save , Allan, -. ,:, "THAT the statement of General Accounts :"-several iascances where the restrictions included in our ' r: .... thy-lava prohibited new development and extensions co exiscin~ :~:en , "'Should bo uatncained and suggested Cl~t the. pERsOnS caloric= ., :' 5,. ;'; Keishau Finance 6. Hitchelson Keighan . "T~AT the Co~tttee on Finance do .no~ arise and resume the business o£ Council." Carried. Hontrose Rd. Mr. George Auld of 3818 Montrose Rood addressed the Council in ~ respect to the followin~ matters pertainin~ to that portion · - ' , of Montrose Rood lyin~ East of the~ueenElizabeth Way: Street Lights. 1. He requested additional streetlightin~ for Nontrose Road Horth of the Welland Line. 2. He advised that the rood was in poor condition and requested clarification as to responsibility between the .Township and County for this Road. 3. He mentioned that Nontrose Road was a dead end and for this reason the Rood should be placed in better condition. 7. Allan ~Ltchelson "THAT we request the public Utilities Com- mission to locate ch, new street lights on th, Easterly portion of Russell Street in such a way as co provide illumination at all street intersections, and also that ye request a new modern light unit on D~Yn%s Lane between Ho, 8 Highway and Portage Rood for the purpose of providin~better illumination, also cwo additional street lights be installed on Hontrooe Road north of the Welland Line Road." Carried. Hawker & 8. Pedlar. Allan Mltchels.on "TBAT the application for a Hawker & , ~ediar~s License from Alex Tamme, 253 Herr£tt St., Met~itton be approved and licease grance~." Carried. Mitchelson Al~Sn "THAT the application for a Victualling .- ,,License from J. S. Hobson, 1681 Thorold Roa~.beapprovedaud license granted." - Catwied. - Advisory . .10. ., MiCcheiaon rich the Unemplol~enC, lusuran~e ~'~ Taxi Driver. Taxi Driver. Electrical Assoc, By-law. Conservation Seminar. 12. 13. 14. 15. Mitchelson Allan Keighan Mttchelson Keighan Sooth,ran Keighan Allan "THAT the application for a Taxi-cab Driver's License from Lorne W. Albers, 1285 Ottawa St. be approved and license granted." Carried. "THAT the application for a Taxi-cab Driver's License from Duncan M. Elliott 1290 Stanley Ave. be approved." Carried. "T~AT the followin~ be appointed to the Committee to consider the by-law requested by the local Electrical Association of Contractors:- Councillors Mitchelson & Allan, Solicitor J. V. LaNarsh, Township ~, Clerk, A. C. H~ins, and Township Engineer, ~" Conrad Eidt.'" ,~ Carried. ~;: · . . '!THAT Councillor Nitchelson and the Solicitor be appointed to attend as many sessions as possible at the Seminar on land use which is bein~ planned ~y the Conservation .Council of Ontario at Vineland from Nov. 26th to 28th." Carried. Sign at Industrial Subdivision 16. Mitcheleon Allan "T~AT the EnAineer be instructed to proceed with the erection of a double sided sign to be placed at the Industrial Subdivision as'per sugsestionas presented to Council." 17. Mitchelson Kei~han Carried. ,"THAT we dd new adjourn to meet on Monday, Nov~nh~r 17th, 1958 at 7:30 p.m." Cat~ied. Meetin~ Adjourned. How' 10,19~8. / ' ' ' Reeve Clerk 1'8 ' Special Road Committee Meetin~ was held on ThUrsday,November :;.a ~'. i ,).,~73c~,,:!~:~.,~,~C 4.',30p.m. ,ac Ch. Court, House, #$liand. '~'":' ,"' A.G. Bridge Reeve' F} ~ The follo~in8 representatives of ,the County Road Committee Rose St. (Coned) '- were preset: ~ ~eorge B~cor C~n, I W.J. Smith, County Ensineer, Roads in I - ~ · Plan 196. letter should state that the applicant will .take care of the Township's expenses incurred in closing the Road. A d~legation addressed Council and requested construction of roads within Registered Plan 196. They pointed out that " five houses had been constructed in this subdivision and the ~ ~ The purpose of the meeting was to meet with the Welland County urDose road conditions were such that it was impossible to gain i '- Road Committee to clarify the responsibility for that ortton access to their properties ~long Wilson Crescent from Wendy . .of Montrose Road East of the Q~een Elizabeth Way. P Drive. The Clerk and Engineer advised that at their request the 'subdivider had Just completed the construction of ·sewer laterals to all the vacant lots remaining in this subdivison Ownership of The Township representatives explained that considerable con- ' .... and that Mr. Livingstone, the owner, had been requested to Montrose Road fusion existed in respect to the ownership and responsibility supply funds in the amount of $1200.00 to take car~ of the ~ for that portion of Montrose Road Fast of the Queen Elizabeth costs of the co~ruction of a road base. The Engineer pointed Way and located in the Township of Stamford.. After some dis- out that it was/too desirable to construct a base on these cussion it was determined that the County was responsible for roads at ~he present time because of the recent sewer lateral · that portion of Montrose Road between the Chippawa Creek Road installation, but suggested that part of the fill cove~ing the ~?_the Well~y~ L~n. ~oad and ~hat the Township of Stamford laterals might be removed and ~eplaced by stone and this . ~:~re~s~.~or tha~port£on of Montrose Road East of the would facilitate the const~uctLon of the road base. ~ouncll ~ .~ar~ecn way and ~orth of the Welland Line Road. a§reed to this suggestion and the Engineer was authorized to ,During the discussion of this matter, the proposed exchange ~%~r~s:fR~ ~_a~__fo~rd T.o~_sh~p_ and the County assumim~ proceed with the work when the ,funds are received. v ~ppawa vreeK Koaa ~rom Chippawa to a point Frank Foster. Mr. Frank Foster addressed the Council in respect to damages where the ~ailway crosses in Township Lot 212 was mentioned, sustained to a bicycle owned by his son which resulted from It was suggested that some time in the future a bridKe will beir~ run over by the Dept. of Highways truck. At the time be constructed across the H.E.P.C. Canal and the Cre~k Road the bicycle was parked in fron~ of the "Half Way" store. He Counc~.u~_~._~_Ltt~e Ln£ormed the members of Stamford the TownshLp Police Department had not taken any action when _ ~ ~.au. ~ne excoan~e would be taken up with the County the matter was referred to them. He was informed that the ~ouncil at.the next meeting. Police had investi~ated the matter and if he wished to make ~ The meet~n~ then adjourned., any formal complaints about the Department they should be directed to the SCamford Police Commission. Nov. 13, 'i958. ~/ ' : Reeve No. 7~ Clerk A Regular Meettn~ of Council was held on November 17Ch, 1958, at 7:30 p.m. · Present ..' "' ' "A. G. Brid~e ~ Reeve .... W. R. SooCheran DopuCy-aeeve J. N. Allan ~-'~ouncillor R.F.~.K~lghan Councillor .E~/~. *~tLtchelson Councillor ~[31uCes ~ I. .~LCchelsun ~" ,: ' ooCheran, . "THAT the mLnuCes Of Che'meeCins held on ~, : ~ , November 10~h,.19$She adopted as printed." Carried " ' · isCered :Plan $9.:' He si:aCed ChaC his Coepau had ae iProper~y lyin~ on both 'sides of C Y __ quired ;r Allan ~---,, ;-= ...._ ,his road allovanee frme ,;~ se '-- ~.__=TT_'_'" .u,, --~; :_an/q~em~nC could be reaehed co '( :::: :: Mike Rolo TrAiler Camp. Rola Ca~. Roport of An application of Mike Rola for an amendment to By-law No. 2306 to include his property on the schedule in order that it could be used as a Trailer Camp was further considered. Reports were received from the Trailer Camp Inspector and the Sanitary Officer in respect to the suitability of the location. After some discussion of the applicati~n the followtn~ resoluti~n~ was passed: 2. Keighan Bridge "THAT the application of Mr. Rola for permissb~n to set up a trailer camp on his property be filed and considered at a la=er date, and then if one of.the existin~ -. trailer camps approved by Council should 80 out of business, 8thcs the ordinal passed by this Council l/mired the number o£. such camps.to four." Carried. Councillor Ke~han, Chairman of Finance, recc~nended chat the request for au addit~onal sranc received fron the Un£ced 'Appeal, bm de~erred and considered.by the 1959 Council, the roporc of the chit. man of Allan 'Mitchelson "T~AT the P.U.C. be requested to install new street li§htin~ on McMickin~ Street between St. Andrew Ave. and St. Paul Street.!' Carried. Mii By-law 2316. 5. Allan _E i Kei~han "BY-LAW No. 2316, 1958. A By-law to declare the desirability of undertaking certain works as a local improvement under the provisions of The Local Imgrove- ment Act." Read a first, secdnd~cand third time and passed.- Mitchelson Allan "BY-LAW No. 2330, 1958. A By-law to appoint Pollin~ Places, Deputy Returnin~ Officers and Poll Clerks for the Township of Stamford and to unite certain adjoinin~ Polli~ Subdivisions and to establish one Pollin~Place for ~he purpose of the 1958 Municipal Election." 'Kead a first, second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW NO. 2317, 1958. A By-law to authorize the construction of certain works as local improvements under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act." Read a first and second time. By-law 2330. ,By-law./317. Mirth,leon Allan The Council perused a proposed asreement to be entered into by the purchasers of Registered Plan 135 concerning service costs. After consideration and Cwo amendments, it-was directed that the asreement be referred to the purchaser for $1Snature. 8. Mitchelson Allan ~'PTHAT the Engineer be authorized Co pur- chase a secondhand V-~ow from Sawyer- ~aseey ac a price of $400." Ad!sum. Carried. 9. Keighan ~.~ MiCchelson ~!THAT we do ney adjourn Co meeC on Saturday, November 22nd, 1958 at 10~00 Carried. HeecinSAdJou~ned. Nov.17, 1958. No. 80. Minutes F inanc e A Regular Meeting of Council was held on November 22nd, 1958 at 10:00 a.m. A. G. Bridge W. R. Sooth,ran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Mitchelson Ketghan "THAT the minutes of the Special Road Com- mittee Meeting held on November 13th and the Regular MeeCing on November 17th be adopted as printed." Carried. Keighan Mitchelson "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass Accounts." Carried. General Relief 3. Keighan Allan 4. Keighan .Mitchelson "T~AT the statement of General Accounts dated November 21st, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $48,635;93? Carried. "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated November 21st, 1958 as presented, be accepted a~d the accounts be paid amounting Co $7,520.49." · Carried. ~oada .Finance Allan Kei~han .Allan Mitchelson "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated November 21st, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $9,597.23." . ~.' .~., : : Carried. "THAT the Cc~maittee on Finance arise and resume the business of Council." Carried. ~Mr. & Mrs. John Graham of 2482 Riall Street addressed the Council in respect to the property they own on Riall Street. They men- Cioned Chat their.property fronts on three streets, and being small in area, the cost of se~vicea for subdtv~dtn8 the land ,,would be prohibitive. , They advised Cha~ this problem had been , referred to Council before and the only solution suggested was .. ChaC Council would sranC permission Co ch~m co sell one loc o£f · the property without the necessity of subdividinG, They requested :'* chac Council re-consider the problem of eexwices in respect co , Choir property Co.d~Cecm~tne :if a mare equitable estimate could ,be ,,worked cut co Cake car· of such costs. They alee asked ChaC previous asreenenc 'entered into w~Ch the Tounehip reepseCin~ ~,,a portion of chal~ property told, be raeoindnd, lc ne decided .,~ ChaC Cha ,pr.,ob~en ,e . Id be .Cone~dered-.end the ~eeve a oinced '~ ~' .:% Cont * d "Hawker Lic~se. Morris Taxi Licenses. Taxi Licenses. a Co~mittee of Councillors Mitchelson & Allan; alon~ with the ~.nsineer, to study the matter and brins in a report for Council on December 8th. 7. Mitchelson Sootheran "T~AT the .application for a Hawker Pedlar License from Ernest Hasti~s, Baldwin Ave. be not approved." 610 Carried.. 8. Keighan Mitchelson "THAT the 1958 Taxi Licenses held by Hamilton Blair Morris fo= the Township of Stamford be cancelled, as recommendddby the Chief of Police, John L. Cunninsham." Carried. Sootheran Mitchelson "THAT the application for a Taxi-cab Owner's License from Alex Eged, 1422 Hamilton St., Niagara Falls be approved~ as well as that of Charles Hall, Dunn Street, subject to livin~up to the By-law." Carried. Pitton Plan. An amended subdiviaionplan of the PittonPropertyowned by the Veterans Land Act Authorities showins a proposed h~Eh school site was considered, and the followins.resolution was passed: ~lan. 10. Sootheran Allan "THAT ~he amended plan submitted by the V.L.A. of the Pitton Property dated Nov. 13th, 1958, be approved." .Carried. Union Grant, 11. Keighan ~li~d Request. Mitcheiaen "T~AT ~he Stamford Township E~ployees Local Union No. 425 be given the $250.00 grant to help defray the expenses incurred for their annual Christmas. party, as provided for in the 1958 Budget, and that a request .from the Canadian Federation of the Blind be filed since we contribute to the local Association of the Blind, and no pro- vision has been made/in the 1958Budset fGr ~h~8~p.Urpose." ,, -, Carried. Zoia 12. Mitchels.~n. Lic_en_ .e. -,Allen .~'T~AT the application for a VictuallinS License from W~,~,A. Zoia, 141 Victoria Ave. be approved and Xic~lse sranted, .:providius that it be used for'the proces- sin~ of sausases..only, -~no ~iaughCerinS~ Carried. 2331. 2332. 15. 2512 Stamford 16. Drive. ;ice, 13. Sootheran Allan "THAT Council express their congratulations to the Thunderbird Football Team composed of many Stamford boys, for their effort in winnin~ the Ontario Intermediate Title in their first year of competition." Carried. ~4. Keighan Mitchelson Mitchelson Allan "BY-LAW No. 2331, 1958. A By-law to authorize the construction of a watermain on Dorchester Road from the North Limit of Township Lot 107 to Stamford Green Drive as an extension to the waterworks system of the Township at an estimated cost of $60,000.00." Read a first and second time. Keighan Allan "BY-LAW No. 2332, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement dated 22nd day of November, 1958 between Kleincap Con- 8truction Limited of the first part, John Demetre of the second part,rand the Corporation of the Township of Stamford of the Third Part." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "THAT the Solicitor be authorized to take the necessary steps to prosecute Mrs. Louisa Prest, regarding the property known as 2512 Stamford Ggeen Drive." Carried, · Atetter from the Department of Municipal Affairs dated November 20th was received which provided informati°n on a winter works .employment stimulationPlan. The information pointed out that the Federal Government would pay for 50% of the labour costs and the Provincial Government would ~ay 25% of the cost of approved works carried out durin~ the period December 31st, 1958 to April 30th, 1959. It was agreed that Stamford Township should take advantage of this offer and the Engineer was requested to brins in a proposed programme of works that could be undertaken inaccordance with the-plan outlined. Councillor Allan advised that he had attended a hearinS in Toronto on November 19th in respect to the application of the N.S. & T. R.R. Co. for permission to extend their bus service on Kalar Road from Woodbine Street to Thorold Road. He stated that the application of the Railway Company had been approved by the Board and that arransementshave now been made to provide the extended sezvice as requested by ~h~ residents in the vicinity of Kalar Road and Tho~old Stone 17. Hitchelson Allan "T~AT we do now adjourn Co meet on Tuesday, December 2nd, 1958 at 7:30 p.m." Carried. Meetin8 Adjourned, Z,1958. REEVE ": RESULTS OF NOMINATION MEETING HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1958 AT THE TOWNSHIP HAI,L~ NIA~,ARA F~T.~..~ ONTARIO. · 'NOHINATED " 'MOVED BY Edward E. Mitchelson J.D.H.MacKenzie WilliamR. Sootheran Arthur George Bridge I. Feldman A* Smith DEPUTY- REEVE Robert F. Keighan W. Kandracs .C, OUNC ILLORS John N. Allan Gordon H. Bates Arthur George Bridge Simeon Corfield Ruth Grieves C. Bessey A. -Smith R. Millar Mrs. E.H.Winn Robert C. Hunt Sydney A. Levy N. Wall W. Abbott A.A-11isterMacBain .' J. Clement A.Barnett Ogilvie M. Lessick . BOARD OF EDUCATION PUBLIC UTILITIES CO~ISSION Murdock N. Ross Lily McQueen Earl~aham James gincotc F. Duquette Mrs. M. Lessick G. Welstead G. H. Bates .~ECONDED BY J.E.McBurney J. Wincott J. Wincott F. Shrtner · . Clement J. Clement J.'Wincott C. Bessey Mrs.F.Fields · ~. Shriner M. BOhajski G. Welstead W. R. Sootheran S. A. DeLorenzo Mrs.E.H.Winn Essex C. Bessey OFFICE For Reeve QUALIFIED AND COING TO THE POLLS DECEMBER lst~ 1958 NAME Edward E. Mitchelson William R. Sootheran Arthur George Bridge 10 a.m. to 7 p.m, · ': ADDRESS 2509 St. John Street 1677 Dorchester Road 189 Drummond Road For Deputy- Reeve Robert F. Keighan (ACCLAMATION) 2760 Dorchester Rd. For Council 3' to be Elected John N. Allan Gordon H. Bates Simeon Corfteld Ruth Grieves Robert C. Hunt Sydney A. Levy A.Allister MacBain A.Barnett Ogilvie Murdock N. Ross 1624 Dunn Street 1610 Brookfield Ave. 1633 Prince Edw.Ave. 362 Dorchester Road 1847 Vine Street 1805 B.yn~ Avenue 818 Shirley Avenue 4100 Beaverdams Rd. 2983 Ann Street For Board of Educa- tion 2 to be Elected. Lily McQueen Earl ~aham (ACCLAMATION) 2077 Co,win Avenue 2546 Corwin Crescent For Public ~tilities. 1 to be elected. James Wincott (ACCL~4~TION) ;1691 Arthur Street OCCUPATION High School Teacher Advertising Mgr. Bookkeeper Salesman Retired Lawyer Retired Housewife Stationary Eng. Theatre Manager Lawyer Bell Telephone Co. Police Officer Housewife Accountant Eleatr~Contractor. TABUI~A, TION OF ELECTION RESULTS B~Y PO~.~.S - DEC. 1stt 1958. C GU NC ILL,ORS 2A, 2B 41 30 26 21 I 19 11 10 33~3A 64 46 39 46 1 47 32 24 2 108 111 48 63 18 68 ~ 21 L 27 22 14 20 ~ 28 49 35 19 25 1 43 13 21 IB 49 49 20 36 ~ 41 20 19 ~ 9 56 46 36 47 3~ 2~ 18 ~ 10, 10~ 9 49 39 34 29 ~ 32 18 10A 10, 10B 36 44 20 40 36 16 22 ~ 11 10A 42 47 15 22 15 5~ 13 19 12 11 54 47 49 34 12 74 68 35 35 1~ 65 35 13A 13 33 32 27 14 18 11 ~ ~ 13B, 13C 17 77 79 52 39 31 18 71 68 61 4~ 12 57 21 16 20 71 46 25 12 t8 * 2019 8866 '1~ 58 ~7 15 85 40 31 21 ~22~', . 62 21 30 10 41 16 28 71 41 45 51 19 50 21 19 ~B ........ 68584946 1:43 ~ 22 ~ ~A, 24 ~B ~ 56 43 27 20 26 ~A,24 38 22 28 ,28 07 94 65 57 49 31 33 ~ 29 52 56 39 ~7 ' 15 31 30 ~ 71 51 ~ 26 41 22 14 I 32 31 45 38 27 ~ 10 13 33 32 ~ '. 50 61 30 35 12 22 2 34 33 ' 106 83~ ~47 49 57 26 27 ., 35 34 .'.~ 63 49 31 22 27 35'' '- ~ 41~ 22 39 36- 36 - '* ' 56 -26 25 ~ ~- 25 26 38~38B 37 39 3~ 26 40 ~ 3832 2536 · 32. 13' 17 3 45. .27 i2 16 12 40 20 21 5 T~. ' TABULATION OF ELECTION RESULTS BY POLLS - DEC. It 1958. REEVE BRIDGE HITCHI~SON SOOTHERAN REJECTS 20 29 12 22 24 21 30 26 12 43 48 31 56 66 42 22 22 18 47 115 20 33 81 36 52 79 24 14 23 16 33 44 27 30 49 23 34 45 24 46 29 ' 17 28 32 37 27 31 26 52 45 26 56 39 43 35 17 17 21 64 21 38 54 76 39 16 28 47 26 26 60 58 40 35 60 42 39 78 18 31 52 39 52 97 42 36 39 24 61 37 34 43 65 29 ..... 23 39 27 19 32 28 48 29 -23 27 61 42 28 43 41 46 82 46 37 62 23 28 ' 65 24 49 47 25 22 36 19 30 38 29 47 63 49 27 46 31 21 34 28 29 41 30' 36 32 ,25 27 39 50 12 38 18 32 27 33 37 30 18 22 28 26 1829 2402 !526 76 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 3 4 1 2 1 2 6 2 1 5 1 1 2 3 2 1, 2 2 3 1 2 6 SUMMARY OF T/K/NSHIP OF STAMFORD ~ ,,ELECTION RESULTS - DECEHBER 1stt 1958. REEVE DEPUTY-REEVE COUNCILLORS BOARD OF EDUCATION Arthur George Brid~e 1829 Edward E. Mitchelson 2402 William R. Sootheran 1526 Robert F. Keighan John N. Allan 3003 Gordon H. Bates 2816 Simeon Corfield 1763 R~th Grieves 1694 Robert Hunt 1101 Sydney Levy 600 A. A. MacBain 2160 A. B. Ogilvie 1046 Murdock N. Ross 1158 Lily Mcqueen Earl Raham Elected for I Year. Elected by Acclamation For 1 Year. Elected for 1 Year. 'Elected for 1 Year. Elected for i Year.. Elected by Acclamation For 2 Years. Elected by Acclamation For 2 Years. PUBLIC UTILITIES ,~O~ISSlON James Wincott Elected by Acclamation For 2 Years. · Total Number of Eligible Electors on Voters' List...,.............14,113. Percentage of Eligible Electors who voted at 1958 Election.......41.302% Percentage of Eligible Eleotors who voted at 1957 Election.......35.188% Percentage of .Eligible Electors who voted at 1956 Election.......42.505% 8',1 :sont Station Trader A Regular Meetin~ of Council was held on December 2nd, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. 1. Sootheran Keighan A. G. Bridge W. R. SooCheran J. N. Allan R. F. Kei§han E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Deputy Reeve " Councillor Councillor Councillor "THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Saturday, November 22nd, 1958 be adopted as printed." 2. Sootheran Keighan 3. Mitchelson Allan Carried, "THAT the application for a Barber shop License from Dominic Falvo & Douglas Taylor, 248 Portage Rd. North be approved and license granted." Carried. "THAT the application for a Service Station License from T,W. & W.R. Sauder, 4375 Lundy's Lane be approved and license granted." Carried. Mrs. E. Molnar addressed the Council in respect to the necessity ' of 'takir~ out a Transient Trader's License to sell Christmas trees at 2842 Lundy's Lane. It was pointed out that Mrs. Molnar was a resident of the City of Toronto and does not own any property in the Township. Durzng the past few years she has been purchasing trees and brin~in~ them over to Stamford at the Christmas period and sellin~ them retail. Complaints have been registered by merchants in the same type of business and it was decided that she would require a Transient Trader's License, the fee for which is $100.00. It was also pointed out that a business tax would be levied against her and deducted each year from theamount paid for the Transient Trader's License. 4.' Mitchelson Allan "THAT the application for a Transient Trader's License from Mrs. E. Molnar, '2842 Lundy's lane be ~ranted." Carried. .-, Mrs. Ralph Hurd addressed the Council in respect to an amount of $5.25 which was added to he.r 1958 taxes to cover the cost of cuCCin~ weeds on her ,v. acant p~opmr~y located on the East 'side of ' 'Byn~ Avenue. She stated that th~ Weed Inspector had info,ned her : ~haC.she would have three days to cbt the Weeds and as a result she had made arransements to have them cut, 'durin~ the three day period, however, Mr. Mitchell, the Weed Inspector, arranged to have the weeds cut .and the cost for havin~ Chis work carried out was added. , /~o her 1958 taxes. The £olloWlnS ~oluCion was/Passed,in ii, :. 'i Mrs. R. iturd Conrad Mi=chelson Sooth.ran "THAT ch. $~.25 for weed cuttin~ charges assessed to the Hurd Property on Byn~Avenu, be deleted'bec.use the three full days by the Weed Act had not been allowed." Carried. The followin~ ~epresen~atives of the V.O.N. were in attendance at the meeting. ' Mr. A. A. MacBain, President, Hr. Menzie HcMurray, Member, · Hiss Theresa Kelly, Nurse-in-charge. Mr. MacBainwas the spokesman for the Organization and on their behalf offered to provide the services of their'Organization in ~°__nn__e~_~°nwi~k. facili~ies, that could be arran~edunder the ?vm.e~.~ers aha Nurses 3erv~ces Ac= passed by the Provincial Legislature in 1958. Mr. M~cBain ex~lained that the Act provid that nursin~ services could be provided to homes requirin~ such services under certain considerations. If the family or ~ili~eUalb:r~: ~:hM%~h~ r~la~ion? of the ACt, the Governme c~pall~y;-:~o =ne extent of 50~ of the nursin~ service. He ientzoned that the V·O.N. has set a rate of $2.25'per ~isit. The representatives of the V.O.N. were thanked f~r their explanation and=he followinE resolution was pass.a: V. O. N. Cont'd 6. Sooth.ran Mitchel.son "THAT the request from the V.O.N. be referred to the 1959 Council with a rec~-mend~tion for approval." 7, Sooth,ran Allan Carried. aTHAT the applications for a Taxi-cab Owner.s License from the followin8 be approved and licenses granted: Robert Horris, 16~9 McGrail~venue, ~o~ert Frechette, 777 St. Lawrence Avenue." Chris~nas Allowances '8, Sootheran Keighan Carried.. "THAT ChrisUnas allowances for relief families b~ set at }5.00 each vith $30.~00 per family." · a maximum of Carrle.d. request fro~ Hr. R.C. Be=keri to rent a build~n8 in the ~lndustrtal SubdiviSion for the purposes of a ~ bus.eom '~ao c~lidered, lC was ~re~ t~C ch5 z~ by*~ w~ld be e~ed Co pe~tC Che'em~blimhuC of 8~h a bus.ems'in Ch, Xndumcrhl Subdivioi~ Ch, first Ch, ~n ~C yam -~r~ared co ~r by-lay. Xn Ch, m~nC~e, Ch, Ch~hC vas ']e~reeaed ChaC if Hr. B~kecc va~Ced Co proce~ with ch, er . m~h a ~e~eoe ~ tho ' ~ a' -_ . ..... I~oCrhl 8ubdivie~ he ~ld do os n~8 ~ r~fA. ~c m~a..o~C~ctI ~4~ch~y~ld usc to Low. Scales A request for a transfer of property from Redlin to Low. as submitted from the Office of McBurney, McBurney & Durdan was tabled for more information in view of the fact that the parcel not being conveyed could no= conform to our zoning by-law. When further information is secured~ the ma==er will be considered again. 9. Sooth.ran Mitchelson "THAT the Engineer be instructed =o have the scales at =he storehouse repaired by Kni§ht- Bolton at a cost of $740.00." Carried. :ab DriVer 10. )ector 11. Allan Mitchelson Mitchels~n Sooth.ran "THAT the application for a Taxi-cab Driver's License from Marcel DesBiens, 1632 Ellen Avenue be approved and license §ranted." Carried. "THAT we accept the report of the BuildinE Inspector for Buildin~ Permits issued durin~ the month of November in the amoun~ of $553,200.00." Carried. 12. Sooth.ran Allan "THAT the Reeve be authorized =o proclaim Dec. 26th as BoxinE Day in the Township of Stamford." ~ector Carried. Council received a report from the Trailer Camp Inspector indicatin~ that four trailers were still bein~ inhabited in locations within the Township outside of l£conse trailer camps. ~iler 13. 'Mitchelson Allan Allan -15. Sootheran ? ,:., . · ,, ~eishan '"T~AT Council instruct the Trailer Camp Inspector to take the necessary action with cases 1, 3 & 4, as stated in his letter and take the necessary action to enforce the regulations.of By-law.,2306." ......... .Carried. "THAT the amended plan for the former Weaver property comprised of 318 lots be nsc disapproved on condition Chat the pedestrian walk runnins from Adams Avenue ~o Jolley Ct.sc. be widened Co 15 feet." Carried· "THAT Mr. Branscoube be advised that we are in favour of closins Rose Street as outlined in his let=er of Nov. 18Zh and 'Ch. Clerk and Solicitor be asked to prepare ~he necessary by- law. All expenses in resard' to the c!.osinS bo.~ · paid by '.. ~ , · ,.% Am6~dmenC No. 4 Stamford Kerrio , Hockey Club Employment .. 16. Keighan Mitchelson "TI~T SCmaford, T~ship Council appr~e of Am~dmentNo. 4 to the Official Plan as su~,~CCed by the Villa§e of Chippewa." 17. Sootheran "THAT Mr. Ralph BiamonCe be advised that the Township will once more take a $100.00 · ad in the SCa~ford Kerrio Hockey Club programme." - Carried. The Engineer submitted a report in respect to projects that could be considered~mder the C~e~e~t's plan to stt~late a winter works employm~t proir-n~me. The report listed It dealin~wiCh road, sower, water,~and park items ~hich could be tmderCaken. _~mployment 18 P_~9§~e~.e.~.cont..' d Keighan Allan "THAT the Engineer be authorized to proceed with 8eCCin8 the necessary approval from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs, Provincial & Federal, to the followt~g'~roJects, at once: EP1, EPt, EP3, EP4, EPS, EPS, EPg, EPL0, EPll, EP14, and tentative approval of the entire proiramme, in accord with the provincial prosramme to assistMunicipal to sthnulaCe employment during the winter ~enCh8."' AdJ sues 19. Sootheran Allan Carried. 'THAT?.we do now adjourn to ~eet Monday, December 8th aC 7~30 p,m,' Carried, Lorenzo Conscr. AC a co~mitCee meetin8 held ac the conclusion of the above Con, any meeCin8 the Tc~mship'SolictCor, Miss J.¥. LaMarsh, submitted a proposal ~n confidence from the Solicitors for the Lorenzo ConsCrnctien Company to compromise ~hetr clahn which was ort~inally made at $59,222.81 to the figure of $24,109.25j · hie offer was made vithout prejudice by the Solicitors ~or the Firm. After due censtderaCien it. ~s d~cided to t~ble the matter for one week andre would be 81Yen consideration ~at the. Council meet:~.~:o~';B~cemboer 8ch. '"' MeeCtnA &dj ourned ~ 11~00 82 A Regular Meeting of Council was held on December 8th, 1958 at_'7:30 p.m. A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. K~i~han E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor 1. Mitchelson Allan "THAT the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, Dec.bet 2nd, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried, 2. Allan Mitchelson "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass accounts." Carried. ief 3. Keighan Mitchelson "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated December 5th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be p~id amounting Co $1,243.65." Carried. Ketghan Allan "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated December 5th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and ~he~:accou~ts:'b~-~paid,,am~u~ttng:'to~$16~362'~lT.,, Carried. 5. Keighan Allan "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated December 5th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and ~he'~accouhts:i~b~ ~pa/d':a~buncing ~0 ~ $36i 7~.0';92." Carried. 6. Allan ~ Mitchelson "THAT the Com~tCCee on Finance arise and resume ~he business of Council." Carried. 'He stated that the s~e sit~tion applied in the case of his Mr. Wm. Connell of 751Montrose Road addressed Council in respect Co an account he had received for $21.25 from the Weed Inspector for weeds apparently cut on his property. He sta~e~ Chat.the ~eedshad nsc been cut on Chis property during the year 1958 and · ~Complatned that the Weed Inspector had billed him fn:'error. ~sisCer-in-law, Mrs. Mary Haneywho secured a bill for $17.50. Mr. Fred Mitchell, the ~eed Inspector, was present ac the m~etin8 L[i'..i~and explained that he hadmade a mistake inthe ownership of the ':'~Preperty vhere the weed cutCin8 had been Carried out. He advised ~. ~, ch~t' the accounts were fo~arded Co.M~. Connell and Mrs. Haney "~,,] i .: ~[~' ' err.o.r since the property where the weed cuctin~ occurred is r "jj" '., :"~['(;/~, ,factUally owned by the Hyd~o-ElecCric Ps,er Cemmitsien. 'As a ~ >~. ~Fes~lt of chis e~la~Cl~, X~, C~oI1 ua a~lsed c~c 'the ,,~ '~' · acc~c~ w~ld be eaneelle nd~ ~. ~i cheil a ,Co re-e~,~ MT. R. Durdan Sed~in to Lo~e Mr. Robert Durdan of the firm of M~Burney, McBurney & Durdan intervie~ed Council in respect to a transfer of the westerly 70' of Lot 39, Plan 1791 from Mr. & Mrs. Redlin to Mr. & Mrs. Lo~e.' He advised that the o~ner had been acquainted with the fact that the adjacent 70' of property he o~ns in Lot 38, Plan 1791 would not meet the Township's zoning requirements in the event that an application would be made for a buildin~ permit. Mr. Durdan suggested such a matter might properly be referred to the Committee of Adjustment. 7. Keighan Mitchelson "T~AT we reco~endapproval to the Niagara Falls and Suburban Area Planning Board of ~ transfer of the westerly 70' of Lot 39, Plan 1791 from Mr. & Mrs. Norbert J. Redlin to Mr. & Mrs. A.G. EdwinL~we on condition that the assessed taxes he paid in full to December 31st,-1958." Carried. Mr. John Porubensky of 2222 Skinner Street addressed the i~i~.%~e:~:~dt~his application fora Hawker& Pedlar's that he had been unemployed for several months and if his application was granted it would assist him to support himself. Council pointed OuC that it had a ~eneral policy of not granting such licenses and in consequence the~ follo~in~ resolution was passed: Mitchelson Allan 9. Keighan MiCchelson Hawker'& Pedlar 8. Taxi-cabO~ner! ~10~, ~Sootheran Nitchelson "THAT the application for a Hawker & Pedlar License from John Porubensky, 2222 Skinner Street be not ~ranted." Carried. Guide No. 2333 rental 11. Allan Keighan "THAT the P.U.C. be asked to install two additional street lights on Balmoral Street, Registered Plan 216, subdivider, M. Prociuk with the same type of lights as on the east end of the street and charged to the subdivider~ Carried. A letter from the secretary of the Board of Police Co~missioners for the Township advised that the request of the Diamond Jubilee Home & School Association for a traffic guide at the intersection of Dorchester Road and Barker Street had been considered but the Board finds that it is impossible to have a traffic guide stationed on this location at all times. The letter stated that Township Police would be on hand periodically and checks will he made concer~ing the hazards resulting from traffic. This information has been forwarded directly to the Association by the Board. 12. Allan Keighan "BY-LAW NO. 2333. A By-LAw TO stop up Rose Street as shown on Registered Plan 59 from Portage Road to the easterly limits of Lots 8 and 9, as shown on the said Plan. Read a first and second time." Carried. 13. Mitchelson Allan "THAT the following sewer rental agreement be approved: 1. Julius Klein- for Lot 40, Plan 107, Warden Avenue- Rate $15251 for 15 years." Carried. "THAT the followir~ applications for Taxi- cab O~ner's Licenses from the follovin~ be approved as recommended by Chief Cunnin~ham: Rolland Brouaseau, 1711 Stanley Avenue, Richard Friesman, Badser Road, Douslas',"J. Milne, 378 Fifth Avenue, Pdllph Lohnes, 2055 Grey Avenue." Cat-tied. · "THAT Ch~'~ppli~aCion for a Taxi-cab Driver's License from g,.~nest~Bortmton, Nia~lra Falls be approved." .... 14. Sootheran K~ighan '"T~AT we do now ad],ourn to meet on Saturday, December 13th at 10:30 a.m. Carried. Constr. After adjournment of the above meeting, Council met in committee Co consider a proposal submit~ed without prejudice by~artin, Calvert, Bates & Sheppard on behalf of the Lorenzo Construction Company to settle their claim ts: sewer contr*ct for $24,109.25. The matter was carefully considered and finally the following resolution was passed: ~ 15. Sootheran :, '- All~a,n ""THAT the solicitors for the Wm. Lorenzo ~i:'~. ~- Carried. '~-" - Consc~uccion Co. be informed chac their request M. P eiuk ':~/-; ('?} "_" . for $2~,109;25 as a settlement of their ' ~..;, ... ,~.The .~. l~,eer presented a plan Of subdivision mmea b Mr. M. ' ~ L~,~ '~ .'-" : , '"' ,,-~,~:,,~-' ..' , . orisinal claim of $59,222.81 is in our . , ~:~' _, :i,.-, .~.'~rroczu~ l?at. ad_l?,T?mlhip LoC 114. The proposed s~dtvision -?::' !~''' '' , ' ': ' ' .estimation still Coo high; ChaC we ~urther .... f , '' " , ;jins co~pr~eeu oz z~ loci and is an extenlion of t~o subdivisL "i' 7"" · - o far a sum of $~0,000.00 for payment in ~ull, ~: · "~ ], ~:,, . ,"!: formerly replicated as Plan .Nos. 205 and 216. The Engineer ' '~'" "-" ~ ' ' '" ' ' ' including the f~ure of $29~2.00 which was · ;; :' ?" . stated chat he was concerned ChaC some difficulty ~ould be ,.,~,. ,,~ . · .. , ~ " - claimed for extra dl~in~." ' - ~,... ~ e~erionoed in providing, an adequate depth st ameer main Co ..... '~ -' ~,'-', ,~ ,, . , ' ,(Deputy-Reave $ooCheran called for a recorded ~' ,,~ ' ,.~[;!~ ,~ ' .C drainasa of ballmonCl, lC nl d~tded 'chic the ~ine~ ' ' /: ":" '/ '" '" i · ~'~ j ': 'vote and the =alolucion carried with:' "· ,- .,:, ;! ,l,.eu:, ch; --cce with end hi. "'"., ' ':' ,': :t ,. ;~- ...: ~, : ,; ' .,., ~ ' , :.,:., ~_~;". ,.:/ . .;/.~:.," .. :.,~;.'" ~,, & Lorenzo Cont'd * ,The Solicitor was authorized to submit the above offer to the lawyers, representin~ the Lorenzo Construction Co., the offer to be considered without prejudice. The meetin~ then adjourned. Meeting Adjourned. Prepare 2. Keighan B_y-law. Allan "THAT Council authorize the Solicitor to prepare the necessary by-law to proceed with the following projects under the Emergency Works Programne as outlined in the report of the Engineer as of November 26th, 1958: E.P. 6 - Carlton St. Relief Sewer." Dec.8th~!~5~8 NO. 83 Present Purpose, Hour 10:15 P .M. Reeve A Special Meetin~ of Council was held on December 13th, at 10:30 a.m. Clerk 1958, W. R. Soo~heran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor. The meeting was called for the purpose of reviewin~ the emergency works programme proposed by the Engineer to relieve the unemployment situation. Actin~ Reeve. 1. Prolects. Mitchelsen Allan "THAT Deputy=Reeve Sootheran be appointed .Actin~ Reeve in the absence of Reeve Bridge Carried. The Clerk advised the Council that all of the projects sub- · mitted to the Provincial-Federal authorities had been approved with the exception of the installation of watermains in the proposed V.L.A. Subdivision. After consideration of all the projects it was decided not to take any action in respect to the follo~in~ works; (a) E.P.12 - Right-of-way from Bellevue Street to Frederica Street (Storm se~er project). (b) E.P.13 - Dorchester Road from B~l!nchard Lane North to the South Limit of Tmmship~ot ;25.'(Trunk Se~er Project). RRCrossir~ 3. Keighan Allan Carried. Can. 4. Keighan Bonds. Mitchelson "THAT the Engineer be authorized to request the C.N.R. Wabash to cut down the shoulders on the North & South sides of the Railway crossing at Drummond Road j~ust south of Cherrywood ~oad, to make visibility of the Railway tracks possible to the motoring public." Carried. Adjourn. ~ 5. Mitchelson Allan "THAT the Treasurer be instructed to dis- pose of the 1965 Dom. of Canada Bonds amounting to $8500.00 from Post War & Roads Accounts to be used for the Winter Works Employment project." Carried. "THAT we now adjourn to meet on Monday, Dec. 15th at 7:30 p.m." Dec.13,1958. ~ Actin~ Reeve Carried. Meeting Adjourned. No. 84 Present. Hour 1: 30. P .M. Clerk A Regular Meeting of,Council was held on December 15th, 1958 a~t 7:30, p.m.. W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan Deputy-Reeve Councillor (c) E.P.16 - Dorchester Road from Dianne Street to Thorold R.F. Keighan Councillor ,~tone Road. (Censt~uction of trunk sever). E. Mitchelson ~Counc~llor ':,j'The action not to proceed with the three projects above ~as ~ '1, Mitchelson taken in view of the fact that the three vroJects would have .. ~,'~', - ' ' i, -. ,. ', . Actin~ Reeve in the absence of Reeve · /" to be financed by the issue of debentures and ,that fact, · together with the thinkim~ that the services were not ../'~Immed!ately required, were factors in the decision no~ to ' pFoceed. It was decided to proceed E,P.6, being the Carlton ' ;~* 2. / Mitchelaon ii. Avenue storm ~,,,ever project from Duma Street to Culp Street, and the follo~ .Xeso!ut!on W~S,;Dasg!d/'in ,this connac, ti~n: Taxi Driver 3.. 85 A Regular Meeting of Council was held on December 22nd, 1958 at 7:30 p.m. 1959 Council Matters. By-law 2334. By-law 2335. 5. By-law 2336.. 6. Roy Stewart. 7. Ad.loutm. Allan Keighan "THAT the application for a Taxi-cab Driver's License from James H. Kelly, Thorold Stone Road, be approved and license §ranted." Carried. The following items were presented to Council and after con- sideration it was directed that both matters be referred to the 1959 Council: 1. Letter from the Dept. of Highways in respect to the control access to the Queen Elizabeth Way and elaboration on the information relayed by representatives of the Department to Council at a special meeting held October 9th. 2. Draft by-law to provide for licensing of Mmster; Journey- men Electricians. 4. Keighan Mitchelsen "BY-LAW No. 2334, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement dated the let day of October, 1958, between the Corporation of the Township of Stamford and VidoMasanovich, Yoke (Joyce) Masanovich, Bosko Robert Masano- vich, and Mary Masanovich." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Mitchelson Allan "BY-LAW No. 2335, 1958. A By-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement .dated the 15th day of December, 1958 between Albert Carlesso and the Corpora- tion of the Township of Stamford." Read a first, second and third time and passed. Keighan Mitchels~ "BY-LAW No. 2336, 1958. A By-law to rescind B~-laws 1516 (1952) and 1542 (1952).~' Read a first, second and third. time and passed. Mitchelson Allan "THAT the Clerk be instructed tow rite a letter of sympathy to the family of - the late Roy St/~art :on behalf of Council." · , Carried. 8. - Keighan Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, December 22nd at 7:30 p.m." Carried. ,MEETING ADJOURNED ent · A. G. Bridge W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Reeve Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor. 2ounts. V~ 1. Mitchelson Allan "THAT we do now adjourn to go into Finance Committee and pass Accounts." Carried. ief v~ 2. .Keighan Mitchelson "THAT the statement of Relief Accounts dated December 19th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting to $12,062.72." Carried. 3 · Keighan Sootheran "THAT the statement of Roads Accounts dated December 19th, 1958 as presented, and the accounts be paid amounting to $13,350.69." Carried. b 4. Keighan Allan "THAT the statement of General Accounts dated December 19th, 1958 as presented, be accepted and the accounts be paid amounting tO $257,820.55." Carried. * 5. Keighan Bridge "THAT the Committee on Finance arise and resume the business of Council." Cqrried. ~ 6. Sootheran Mitchelson "THAT the report of the Engineer and Clerk in respect to the severance pay and allow- ance for the late Roy Stewart be adopted." ,sen Klein ~"7. Carried. Sootheran Keighan "THAT we reco~end approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board of a transfer of Part Twp. Log No. 162 from B.O.ThiesenConstrgctionCo. Ltd. to Mr. & Mrs. Julius Klein. The property Co be conveyed has a frontage of 10.37 feet on Warden Ave. and is shown edged in blue on sketch attached to letter from Martin, / Hour: 8:35 P.M. , , ~' ., Calvert,Bates & ~heppard dated Dec. lSth --_______Doe~IS,lq~S. ~- ' ........ Lot 24, Plan 217. Stand-by Fire Service. Sale of SS1 and SS4. Sidewalks Damaged. County Engineer. Elsley to Base, is. Disposal of Xmas Trees, 11. 12. 13. 14. Mitchelson Keighan "THAT Council does not, propose to take any action with respect to the slight infraction on Lot 24, Plan 217." Carried. Mitchelson Keighan "THAT Council acknowledge the H.E.P.C. letter dated Dec.15th, 1958 re: the ter- mination of the stand-by fire service and that they be informed that they will be charged for any fire service required at the usual mtes until such time as a new agreement is drawn up." Carried. Sootheran Keighan "THAT we approve the request of the Board of Education for the use of $2,515.71 derived from the sale of S.S.~i and~' S.S.~4 in Willou§hbyTwp."' Carried. Sootheran Allan "THAT the Engineer's report on damages to sidewalks on Cherry~ood Road and Drummond Road be approved and the parties mentioned be instructed as to their responsibility in the matter." Carried. Mitchelson Keighan "THAT the suggested changes outlined in the County Engineer's letter dated Dec. 18th be approved." Carried. Sootheran Mitchelson "THAT Council recommend to the Niagara Palls and Suburban Area Plannim~ Board the transfer of a parcel of property, part of Twp. Lot No. 43, from D. C. Elsley to John and Dena Basegio in accordance with'~he application dated Dec. 18th, 1958." Carried. Kei~han 'Sootheran Keishan Sootheran, "T~AT Council approve the request of the Creater Niagara Safety Council -regardin~ the disposal of Christ~as trees as outlined in their letter of December 1?th, 1958." Carried. /"T~AT the Clerk be authorized to pay the :Hospital for SickChlldren the $200,00 sra~c assaC~:'ouc in the 1958 Budget." Drainage ~ 16. Keighan Ditch. Sootheran By-law 2337._ 17. Sootheran Mitchelson By-law 2338~ 18. Allan Keighan Xmas Bonus 19. Keighan Mitchelson Parking at 20. Keighan School. Sootheran 21. Sootheran ,-: Allan 1958 22. Sootheran ? Allan "THAT the complaint of Mrs. C. J. Smith regarding the blocking of a drainage ditch at the rear of her property be referred to the Health Uept.for investi- gation and report back to Council." Carried. "BY-LAW No. 233'7, 1958. A By-law to establish a reserve fund for the purpose of erecting an addition to the Falls View Fire Hall as provided in the estimate~ and levied in the year 1958." Read a first,~second and third time and passed. "BY-LAW No. 2338, 1958. A By-law to authorize the Corporation to pay half of the cost of hospitalization and medical, surgical and obstetrical service coverage for Township employees." Read a first, second and third time and passed. "THAT Council approve a Christmas bonus to the Township Dept. Heads, etc. on the same basis as former years." Carried. "THAT the Board of Education be requested to provide off-street parking for teachers who drive automobiles to school, since parking on the street in school areas creates traffic hazards to the children and ~o the motoring public; and that the 1959 traffic committee investigate the possibility of prohibiting parking on the streets adjacent to school property." Carried. "BY-LAW No. 2339, 1958. A By-law to com- promise a claim for payment for the installation of a sewermatn on Dorchester,~ Road, a work heretofore approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, performed by ' Lorenzo Contracting Company Limited." Read a first,and second .time. :!i~'~'i Ayes and Nayes cal~ed by Councillor ~; Mitchelson: Ayes: Sootheran, Allan, Bridge, " ~ Nayes: Keighan, Mitchelson. Read a third time and passed. ' .; "THAT we do no~ adjourn to meet on Monday, December 29th aC 4:00 p.m. or earlier aC ourned. P.M. No. 86 · A Regular Meeting of.Council was held on December 29th,1958 at 4:30 p.m. ' Present W. R. Sootheran J. N. Allan R. F. Keighan E. E. Mitchelson Deputy-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor. I:: Actin~ Reeve. 1. Ketghan Mitchelson ."THAT Deputy-Reeve Sootheran be appointed Reeve in the. absence of Reeve Bridge." Carried. .._Minutes BldR.Report. ~ 3. 2. Allan Mitchelson Keighan Allan "THAT the minutes of the Special Meeting held on Dec.13th and the Regular Council Meetings on Dec.15th and 22nd, 1958 be adopted as printed." Carried. "THAT Council approve the report of the Building Inspector for the month of December." Carried. Winter Works Programme. The Engineer requested permission to .apply for approval of the following items under the special winter works programme designed to relieve unemployment: Approval of F .W, orks. 1. Additional amount of $7,032.00 to complete the project commenced of improving visibility at bends by grading and removing trees on'the Welland Line Road from the Queen Elizabeth Way to Garner Road. It was indicated that the previous amount approved for this work would not be adequate because of the difficult conditions being encountered and the further amount of $7,032.00 would be necessary to complete the Job. $33,330.00. 4. Keighan' Mitchelson 2. Preparing embankment and cutting for future road on Garner Road allowance from Mountain Road to Warner Road. This would be a new project and would include the clearing of brush and trees on the road allowance and earth and rock cut to lower the grade for a distance of approximately 560 feet. The totaluesttmated.-eost of this project to be. "THAT the Engineer be authorized to apply ,for approval of his 8usgested additional work in coniunction with the Emergency Winter Work Programme, from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs and the Federal Govt. as outlined in his report of Dec.29',1958." Carried. Mltchelson .Kel$.~b~n ~}T~I_T DeputylReeve W. R. Sootheran be ,. ' .//~ .':- ~'~ /au~horized to sign all cheques and promis- '"*~ '< ? sozTnotea t°Setherwith the Treasurer ...until the 1959 Council t's 'inaugurated, in Cheabs~..~..!e ~A, G, Bridse," ~er Realty Stamford d. Education. Keighan Allan "THAT we recommend approval to the Niagara Falls & Suburban Area Planning Board of a transfer of approximately 3.81 acres of property within Township Lot 113 from River Realty Development Ltd. to the Stamford District Board of Education, the approval being subject to taxes on the property being transferred being paid in full to December 31st, 1958, that the transfer include a 10 foot walking path on Portage Rd. as shown on blueprint accompanying the letter dated December 18th from River Realty Development Ltd. In approving of this transfer, it is understood that if Sidney St. is extended easterly from its present terminus, that arrangements be made for a 10 foot lane for a foot path to enter the school grounds; and that the sewer easement from the extension of Sidney St. through to Valley Way be broadened to include use as a foot path." OU%'11, 7. Sootheran Keighan Carried. "THAT we do now adjourn to meet on Monday, January 5th for the Inaugural Meeting of the 1959 Council at 11 a.m." Carried. Meeting Adjourned. ,ec.29, 1958. Hour 5:05 P.M. ,/llt, 'I